_COD E My owne goode mastyr Secretary goyng this day owt of my pue to sey masse , your lettres datyd yesternygth at London wer delyveryd unto me , by the contynue wherof I undyrstand that the Kyngs Hyhnes of hys excellent goodnes and cheryte ys contentyd that I shal inyoy and have the admynistracon of Yorke merly , with the gyftts of the promocyons spiritual and temporall of the same ; reservyd onely onto hys nobyll Grace the gyft of v or vj of the best promocons and that hys pleasure ys I shal leve Wynchester and Saynt Albons . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,10.3) As hereonto Master Secretary I can nat expresse howe moche I am bowndyn to the Kyngs Royal Maieste for thys hys gret and bowntawse liberalyte , reputyng the same to be moche more than I schal evyr be abyl to deserve . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,10.4) Howbeyt yf hys Maieste , consyderyng the short and lytyl tyme that I shal lyve here in thys world , by the reason of suche hevynes as I have conceyved in my hert , with the minyuose of the olde howsys , and the decay of the seyd archbyshoprych at the lest to the summe of viij C marcke yeerly , by the reason of the Act passyd for fynys of testaments ; with also min long peynful servys and poore degre ; and for the declaration of hys Graces excellent cheryte , yf hys hyhnes be myndyd I shal leve Wynchester and Saynt Albons wych I supposyd when I made my Submyssyan , not offendyng in my treweth towards hys royal parson , dygnyti , or majeste royal , I shuld not now have deservyd to have left ; (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,11.5) and moche the more knowyng hys Graces excellent propensyon to pyte and mercy , and rememberyng of the francke departyng with of all that I had in thys world ; that I may have summe convenyent pencion reservyd unto me , suche as the Kyngs hyhnes of hys nobyl charite shal thynke mete ; so orderyng hys that shal succede and my lyvyng , that the same may be of lyck value yeerly and exstent . Wherat my trust ys (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,11.6) and my herte so gevyth me , that hys Majeste wole make no dyfficultie yf yt may lycke yow frendly to propone the same ; assuryng yow that I desyre nat thys for any mynde , God ys my jugge , that I have to accumulat good , or desyre that I have to the muke of the world ; sen God be thankyd , at this ower , I set no more by the ryches and promocyons of the world than by the roshe undyr my fote ; but onely for the declaration of the Kyngs honor and hyhe charyte , and to have wherewith , to do good dedys , and to helpe my poore servants and kynnysfolks . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,11.7) And furthermore that yt wold please the Kyngs excellent goodnes by your freindly medyacion , consyderyng how slendyrly I am furnyshyd in my Howse , nowe specially that the apparell of Wynchester and Saynt Albons $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} takyn from me , to geve and appoynt on to me a convenyent fernyture for the same , non ad pompam sed necessariam honestatem : (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,12.8) and yf I may have the free gyft and dyssposycion of the benefyces , yt $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} gretly to my comfort . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,12.9) And yet when any of the v or vj princypall shal fortune to be voyd , the Kyngs Grace beyng myndyd to have any of them , hys hyhnes $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} as sure of the same as thougth they wer reservyd . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,12.10) And thus by hys nobyl and mercyful goodnes delyveryd owt of extreme calamyte , and restoryd to a newe fredome , I shall , with Gods mercy and help , so ordyr my lyff , that I trust hys Majeste shal take special comfort theran , and be pleasyd with the same . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,12.11) Spero quod haec quae peto non videbuntur magna . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,12.12) Howbeyt I moste humbly submyt and refferre all my petycions , immo ipsam vitam , to hys gracyous ordynance and pleasure , prayng yow to declare and sygnyfye the same , supplying myn indyssposcycon and lack of wyt conceyvyd by reason of my extreme sorowe and hevynes , that the same may be to the Kyngs contentacion ; whom I had lever be ded than to ofende in worde , thowgth , or dede . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,12.13) And as towchyng the grantyng of the fee of one $C $=li= {TEXT:C=li=} for M=r= Nores duryng hys lyff for hys good servys done unto the Kyng's hyhnes , for the wych I have alweyes lovyd hym , and for the singler good hert and mynde that I knowe he hath allweys borne unto me , I am content to make owt my graunte opon the same , ye and yt wol please the Kyng to inlarge yt to one $C $=li= {TEXT:C=li=} more : (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,13.14) and semblably , cause M. Thesauror hath the kepyng of the Kyngs game nygth to Fernam , I wold gladly yf yt may stand with the Kyngs pleasure grawnte onto hym the revercion of such thinges as the lorde Sands hath ther , with the ampliacion of the fee , above that wych ys oldely accustomyd , to the summe of xl=li= by the yeer : (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,13.15) and also I wold gladly geve to M=r= Comptroller a lycke fee : and to M=r= Russell anothyr of xx=li= by the yeere : remyttyng thys and all other my suts to the Kyng's Hyhnes pleasure , mercy , pity , and compassyon moste holly . Besechyng hys Hyhnes so nowe gracyously to ordyr me that I may from hens forth serve God quyetly and with reposse of mynd , and pray as I am moste bowndyn for the conservacion and increase of hys most nobyll and royal astat . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,13.16) And thus with my dayly prayer I byd yow farewell . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,13.17) From Asher hastely , with the rude hand and moste hevy hert of yowr assuryd frend and bedysman T. Car=lis= Ebor . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,13.18) To the rygth honorable Mr Secretary , in hast . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,1.2,13.19) {COM:insert_helsinki_sample} {COM:editorial_material_omitted} {COM:editorial_material_omitted} The ferteryng and puttyng ovyr of your commyng hyther hath so increasyd my sorowe and put me in such anxyete of mynd , that thys nygth my brethe and wynde by sythyng was so short that I was by the space of thre owers as one that shuld have dyd . Wherfor , yf ye love my lyf , breke awey thys e'nyng and come hyther , to the'yntent I may open my mynde unto yow and instruct yow of the same , wych I $can $not {TEXT:cannat} commyt to wryttyng ; (WOLSEY-E1-P2,2.2,27.26) but yt ys necessary that the same be done by mutual conferens with yow by mowth , and that I may have your Cownsell opon the same . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,2.2,27.27) Yf thys tyme be put ovyr yt shall not lye in your poore to provyde the remedye . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,2.2,27.28) Yf I mygth I wold nat fayle . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,2.2,27.29) Rather then thys my spekyng with yow $shul $be put ovyr and delayd I wold com on my fote to yow . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,2.2,27.30) At the reverens of God take summe payne now for me , (WOLSEY-E1-P2,2.2,27.31) and forsake me nat in thys myn extreme nede ; (WOLSEY-E1-P2,2.2,27.32) and $wheras {TEXT:wher_as} I can nat , God shall rewarde yow . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,2.2,28.33) Now ys the tyme to shewe whether ye love me or not . (WOLSEY-E1-P2,2.2,28.34) {COM:remainder_of_letter_too_fragmentary_to_parse}