{COM:editorial_material_omitted} Honored Cosen , I must returne you many thanks for the great payns and care , you have bene pleased to take in my sonne's bisnes . (ZOUCH-E3-P2,158.4) You will now continue with the seame sealle {COM:zeal} or greter in his behalfe , by reason of that neerre relacond which you mention in youer letter , wherin hee hath ioyned himsellfe on to you : (ZOUCH-E3-P2,158.5) the first intellegenc therof I did reseve from youeresellfe ; whereof I confes somewhat strange and onexpected to mee ; (ZOUCH-E3-P2,158.6) butt now , though I $can $not {TEXT:canot} bee unsensible that hee hath furgotten mee his mother in not takeng my advise in a meatter of that weight , yet I am $glad that hee heath not furgutten himsellfe in his Choyce , haveing matched with a daughter of youers whose worth and abilityes I knowe so well , as that you are able with ease to assiste him and goe thorwgh in the recovery of his esteate which I confes was a taske somewhat to heard and very inproper for a weake woman ; wherin I shall still doo the outmost that shall ley in my power . (ZOUCH-E3-P2,159.7) But good Cosin I am confident you are so ingenuous and of so much iudgement as theat you will not conceive I can soppose my husband shulld expend his esteat for a sonne in Leaw , having one of his owen , which I doubt not you will take into so serious consideracon as to afforde all faitherly care and affection towards him who is now made $your $sonne by a decre , as you write very truely , not to be prevented : (ZOUCH-E3-P2,159.8) and for my sellfe I shall never be wanting as fare as I am able to performe the part of a mother , (ZOUCH-E3-P2,159.9) and for the present shall conclude , by youer owen good exampele , with my prayers that all blessings meay bee multyplyed opon thim both , which shall allways bee the fervent desier of her that is , worthy Cosin , Youer afacnat kinwomen and sister Zowch (ZOUCH-E3-P2,159.10) {COM:postscript_omitted} Setember this 28 1649 (ZOUCH-E3-P2,159.12)