Informacio Alredi , abbatis monasterij de Rieualle , ad sororem suam inclusam , translata de latino in anglicum per Thomam N . (CMAELR3,26.3) Nou let heere here and vnderstonde ententyflyche myne wordes , what euere heo be +tat ha+t fursake +tis wordle and ychose solytarye lyf , desyryngge to ben yhud and not yseye , and wyllyngge , as a deed body to +tis wordle , wy+t Crist to be buryed in a caue . (CMAELR3,26.5) And in +te bygynnyng , why +tu schalt preferre solitarye lyf beforn lyvynge in felaschepe of men , bysilyche tak hede . (CMAELR3,26.6) +Te apostel sei+t : Virgo prudens cogitat que domini sunt , etcetera - (CMAELR3,26.7) ' A wys mayden stude+t and +tenke+t on +tynges +tat be+t to Godward , hou +tat heo may plese God , +tat heo be holi in body and in soule . ' (CMAELR3,26.8) +Tys vertu , +tat is to seye of maydenhood or chastite , hit is a wylful sacryfyse and an offryngge to God vre and liberal , to +te whyche no lawe dryf+t , no nyede constreyne+t , non heste bynt ; (CMAELR3,26.9) and +terfore Crist sei+t in +te gospel : Qui potest capere , capiat - (CMAELR3,26.10) ' Who +tat may take +tys vertu ' , he sei+t , ' let hym take . ' (CMAELR3,26.11) Lord , who may ? (CMAELR3,26.12) Certayn , he alone to whom $he ha+t inspired schuch a wil and y+gyue power to performe . (CMAELR3,26.13) +Terfore +tu , mayde , toforn alle +tyng wy+t alle +te deuocioun of +tyn herte comende +ty gode purpos to hym +tat ha+t enspired hit to +te , wyt most tenty preyere besechyngge +tat +tat whuche is inpossible to +te be kynde , be maad ly+gt to $+te +torou his grace . (CMAELR3,26.14) Be-+tenk +te hou precious a tresoor in hou freel a vessel +tu berst aboute , and what mede , what blysse , what coroune chastyte , duelyche ikept , ministre+t ; and also vur+termore , what peyne , what confusioun , what dampnacioun hit brenk+t +gif hit be lost . (CMAELR3,26.15) And what may be moor precious +tanne +tis tresoor , wi+t +te whuche heuene is ibou+gt , angeles be+t delyted , of +te whuche Crist is coueytous , and by +te whyche God is idrawe to loue - and also forto +geue : (CMAELR3,26.16) what +gyfte ? (CMAELR3,26.17) I dar seye baldeliche : hym-self , and al +tat euere is his . Wherfore +te swetnesse of +ty maydenhood , al vp to heuene smytyngge is swete sauour , mak+t +tat vre verrey kyng ha+t coueytise of +ty fayrnesse : (CMAELR3,26.18) and +tat is +tyn owne Lord , almyti God . (CMAELR3,26.19) Behold now whuche a spouse +tu hast ychose , whyche a vrend +tu hast ygete . (CMAELR3,26.20) Iwys , he is fair in schap before alle +tat euere were born , fayrere +ten +te sunne , and passyngge wit-outen mesure al fayrnesse of +te sterres . (CMAELR3,26.21) His bre+t is swettere +tan eny hony , (CMAELR3,26.22) and his heritage is aboue hony and al swetnesse . (CMAELR3,26.23) Longitudo dierum in dextera eius , et in sinistra eius diuicie et gloria - (CMAELR3,27.24) ' Leng+te of euere-lastyngge dayes in his ry+gt hand , and in his left hand al rychesse and blisse . ' (CMAELR3,27.25) He ha+t ichose +te to his wyf , (CMAELR3,27.26) but he nel not corounne +te er +tu be asaid . (CMAELR3,27.27) +Te boc sey+t : Qui non est temptatus , non est probatus - (CMAELR3,27.28) ' He +tat is not itempted , he nys not asaid . ' (CMAELR3,27.29) Now maydenhood is gold , (CMAELR3,27.30) +ty celle is a furnays , (CMAELR3,27.31) +te blowere to melte +tys gold is +te deuel , (CMAELR3,27.32) fuyr is temptacioun ; (CMAELR3,27.33) a maydenes flesche is as hit where a vessel off ir+te , wherin gold is iput to ben asayd ; wherfore , +gif +tis vessel to-berste +torou gret fuyr of temptacioun , +te gold is ischad out , and schal neuere +tis vessel of no crafty man be maad a+geyn as hit was . (CMAELR3,27.34) Capitulum secundum (CMAELR3,27.36) +Tyse be+tenkyngge , an holy womman loke hy kepe wit al diligence and drede +tilke precious tresour of maydenhood , which so profitable is ihad , and ilost wit-oute recouerer . (CMAELR3,27.38) Be-+tenke heo heore continuelly to whos chaumbre heo is imaad | gay , to whos cleppyngge heo is agrey+ted ; (CMAELR3,27.39) pote heo toforn heore e+gen +te lomb +tat heo scholde folwen whydur euere he walke - +tat is Crist . (CMAELR3,27.40) Loke +tat sche be-hoolde blessede Marie wit +te tympane of chastete , ledyng as hit were +te daunce of holy virgynys , and syngyngge +tat swete song +tat noon may synge bote clene maydenes , as wel men as wymmen , off whom hit is iwryte : Hii sunt qui cum mulieribus non sunt coinquinati , et secuntur agnum quocumque ierit - (CMAELR3,27.41) ' +Tise hit be+t +tat be+t not defoyled wit wymmen ; (CMAELR3,27.42) +tyse be+t clene maydenes . ' (CMAELR3,27.43) Bote I say not +tis +tat +tu schuldest wene +tat a man may not be defoyled wit-owte a wymman , ne a wumman wit-oute a man ; (CMAELR3,27.44) vor in o+ter wyse , moor cursed and abhominable , which schal not be sayd now ne ynemned , bo+te-3 in man and womman ofte chastete is lost . (CMAELR3,27.45) And ofte witowte flehslich doingge maydenhood is corupt , (CMAELR3,27.46) and chastete is defoyled , whan hit so is +tat greet brennyngge temptacioun drawe+t to hym fuul wyl , ant rauesce+t menbres to vuel asent . Wherfore hit behoue+t gretliche +tat an holy mayde be-+tenke heore +tat alle heore menbres be+t halwed to God , incorporat to Crist and dedyed to +te Holy Gost . (CMAELR3,27.47) And ywys , hit is vnsemly , +tat +tat is Cristes , to taken hit to +te deuel ; wherfore heo schulde haue greet schame to graunte forto defoyle heore maydenlych body in eny maner wyse . (CMAELR3,27.48) So +terfore let heore strecche al heore herte to saue clennesse and chastete , (CMAELR3,27.49) and +ter-aboute spende al here +tou+gt , +tat sche , as it were beyngge anhungred aftur +te parfeccioun of +tis vertu , take hunger as gret delys , and pouerte as most rychesse . (CMAELR3,27.50) In mete and drynk , in slep , in spekyngge , eueremoor sche moot drede apeyrryngge of here chastete , an-aunter +tat +gyf sche +gyue moor +tan is due to heore flehs , sche +gyue streng+te to heore aduersarie , and nursche here enemy pryuely in here bosum . (CMAELR3,27.51) Syttyngge at +te mete , loke sche turne aboute in here herte +te clennesse of here chastete , (CMAELR3,28.53) and inwardliche si+g+gyngge to +te parfeccioun of +tat vertu , let here saade here mete , and o+tur-while haue scorn of here drynke ; (CMAELR3,28.54) ant +tat +tat neode dryf+t forto take , loke sche take hit now wit sorwe , now wit schame , and o+ter-wyle wit bitter terys . (CMAELR3,28.55) In caas sche schulle speke wit eny man , +tat sche be alwey in drede to here eny-+ting or to speke +tat my+gte make derke +te brytnesse of here clennesse . (CMAELR3,28.56) For sche may drede +tat here may be benomen special grace , +gif sche put for+t a word +tat be a+gens clennesse and honestete . (CMAELR3,28.57) Capitulum tercium (CMAELR3,28.59) Whan +tu lyst doun in +ty bed , commende and bytak +ty clennesse to +ty God , (CMAELR3,28.61) and +tanne , y-armed wit +te signe of +te cros , be+tenk +te hertyliche how +tu hast ileued +tat day . (CMAELR3,28.62) And +gif in word or dede or +tou+gt +tu hast offended +te si+gte of +ty God , cry mercy , (CMAELR3,28.63) si+g+ge (CMAELR3,28.64) and smyt +ty brest . (CMAELR3,28.65) +Gif +tu hast be moor idel , mor necligent +tan +tu shuldest be , +gif also in mete or drynke +tu hast ipassed +te boundes of due neode : +gif +tu art gulty in eny of +tis , +tu most preye mercy of +ty God ; (CMAELR3,28.66) and soo wit +tis euen-sacrifise let slep fynde +te reconsiled to +ty spouse . (CMAELR3,28.67) And in caas +tat whan +tu wakest sodeynliche , whe+tur it be of to muche slep , or elles of queyntyse of +te temptour , +te hete of +ty flehs be styred , and +tyn cruel enemy | wolde drawe +te in-to nyce fantacye , to asayle +te reste of +ty chastete and clennesse ; +gif he styre +te to delites , and wolde make +te agast of hardere lyf : anon let come in-to +ty +tou+gt +te blessede vyrgines +tat sum-tyme where . (CMAELR3,28.68) +Tenk how +tilke blessede Agnete gold and seluer , precious closes and vertuous stones , and al +te pompe off wordliche blisse despysede as styngynge dunge . (CMAELR3,28.69) Whan sche was cleped to doom , sche voydede not ; (CMAELR3,28.70) +te tyraunt glosede here , (CMAELR3,28.71) sche defyede hit ; (CMAELR3,28.72) he +tretnede here , (CMAELR3,28.73) sche low hym to skorn , more dredyngge +tat he wolde sparen here , +tan +tat he wolde slen here for here loues sake . (CMAELR3,28.74) A blessed mayden , +tat turnde an hoore-hows in-to an oratorie , wit wham an angel , entryngge in-to prysoun , turnede derknesse in-to li+gt , and slow wit sodeyn de+t here pursuour of here maydenhood . (CMAELR3,28.75) And +terfore , and +tu wyl preye and lefte vp +te armes of bitere terys a+gens +te temptour of lecherie , wit-owte doute holy angeles nole nou+gt be fer fro +ty chaste bed , which +tat entrede wit Agnete in-to an hoore-hows . (CMAELR3,28.76) And for-so+te , it was ful skylful +tat material fuir my+gte not brenne +tis holy mayde , in wham +te leem of lecherie was iqueynt , and +te fuir of charite hadde iset afuyre . (CMAELR3,28.77) As ofte as eny brennyngge temptacioun come+t vp-on +te , as ofte as +te wyckede spyryt put to +te vnlifful lustes , wite it wel +tat he is present +tat ascherche+t entrayles of +tyn herte , (CMAELR3,29.78) and what so euere +tu do or +tenke , hit is open biforn his e+gen . (CMAELR3,29.79) Haue also reuerence of +te gode angel , whic +tu schalt not doute +tat is iput to +te , (CMAELR3,29.80) and to +ty temptour answere in +tis wyse : (CMAELR3,29.81) ' I haue to my louyere +te angel of God , +tat wit gret ielouste kept my body . ' (CMAELR3,29.82) And +gif such temptacioun dure , let helpe +ty partye streytere abstinence ; (CMAELR3,29.83) for +ter +tat is muche abstinence idoo to +te flehs , noon or lyte may be flehsliche delectacioun . (CMAELR3,29.84) Capitulum quartum (CMAELR3,29.86) Noman glose hym-selfe , (CMAELR3,29.88) no man ne womman chape hym-self (CMAELR3,29.89) ne by-gyle hymself ; (CMAELR3,29.90) for trewely , wit-oute gret contricioun of herte and penaunce bodily ne may not chastete be gete ne kept , and namely in +gungge , which +tat ofte in syke and oolde is greuously iperisched . (CMAELR3,29.91) For al+tou+g castete be a special +gift of God , and no-body may be continent of his owne merytis , bote onlyche of +te liberal +gyft of +te grace of God , na+teles almyty God halt hem vnwor+ty +tis +gifte +tat nulle not bysylyche trauayle to come +ter-to , willyngge and wenyngge forto be chast among delices , continent among delauey festes , to dwellen among nyce wommen and nou+gt be tempted , in glotonye and drunkeschipe be ful of stynkynde humours and nou+gt be defoyled , to bere leyt of fuir in here bosum and nou+gt be brend . (CMAELR3,29.92) Suster , +tis is ryth hard ; (CMAELR3,29.93) who+ter it be inpossible or noon , avise +te ! (CMAELR3,29.94) Narracio valde deuota contra $temptacionem (CMAELR3,29.96) I knew sum-tyme a monke , whic in +te bygynnyngge of his conuersioun , what +torou+g steryngge of naturel complexioun , what for violence of vicious vs and custum , what also +torou+g suggestioun of +te wyckede temptour , he , dredyngge his clennesse be persced and spild , areysede hym-self a+gens hym-self , and , $conceyuyngge a wondur gret hate a+gens his owne flehs , he coueytede no-+tyng more +tan +tat +tat my+gte do his body turment and disese . (CMAELR3,29.98) And +terfore wit mysese he made his body lene , in so muche +tat forto refreyne vnlyfful mociouns of | flehs , swyche +tynges as were ry+gtful and lyfful to +te body , o+ter-wyle he witdrow hem . (CMAELR3,29.99) But afterward , whan gret feblenesse compellede hym to take more hede of his body , anoon +te flehs gan wexe proud , (CMAELR3,29.100) and gan to fi+gte a+gens +te reste +tat he hadde had a whyle in clannesse . (CMAELR3,29.101) And what dude he +tanne bote sum-tyme caste hym-self in cold fresyngge water , (CMAELR3,29.102) and so cheueryngge he cryde and preyde a+gens his temptaciouns ; (CMAELR3,29.103) and o+terwyle he frotede his nakede body wit brymme brennyngge netlys , for +tat he wolde wit on maner bren-nyngge haue ouer-come +te brennyngge off flehslich mocioun to vnclennesse . (CMAELR3,30.104) But whan al +tis no suffiscede not , and neuere +te lattere +te spirit of lecherie asaylede hym - certes , +to cowde he noon o+tur refut , bote ful doun longstrei+gt by-fore +te feet of Ihesu Crist , preyingge , wepyngge , sy+g+gyngge , coniuryngge , besechyngge +tat he wolde hele hym , or elles slen hym . (CMAELR3,30.105) Pitously and ofte he cryde , as +te booc seyd : Non te dimittam nisi benedixeris michi - (CMAELR3,30.106) ' I nel neuere go hennys , (CMAELR3,30.107) I nel neuere haue reste , (CMAELR3,30.108) I nel neuere lete +te er +tu haue i+geue me +ty $blessyngge . ' (CMAELR3,30.109) And +tanne o+ter-wyle as for a tyme he hadde lysse ; (CMAELR3,30.110) bote soerte was deveyed hym . (CMAELR3,30.111) A , swete God , what sorwe suffrede +tylke wrecche , (CMAELR3,30.112) what turment hadde he , alwhat +ter was igraunted hym so gret delytyngge in chastete +tat alle +te lustes +tat mowe be +tou+gt or spoken ne scholde not haue moved hym . (CMAELR3,30.113) Bote +git whanne +tys wrecche hadde so gret temptacioun , he was bo+te syk and hoold ; (CMAELR3,30.114) and na+teles he was vynsyker . (CMAELR3,30.115) Capitulum sextum (CMAELR3,30.117) +Terfore hit is gret schame of manye mannes woodschype , $whyce +tat whanne +tey haue lyued al here lyf in $stynkynde ful+te , +git in here oolde age +tey nulle+t not wit-drawe hem fro +te companye of suspekt persones , bote seyn +tat +tey ben siker ynow of hem-self , for +tat +tey vele+t here body sumdel akeled ; (CMAELR3,30.119) ant +terfore +tey spare not to taken hem ny+gt and day to occasiones of sunne . (CMAELR3,30.120) Bote among alle resonable creatures +tise be+t foles and acursed wrecches , in +te whyche , al+tou+g +tat my+gt lacke , +git wyl and lust dure+t in hem of stench of synne ; (CMAELR3,30.121) and so fowl desir ne reste+t not in hem , +tey feblenesse of age denye power of dede , as +tey seyn . (CMAELR3,30.122) Bote auyse hem , what so +tey euere be , whe+ter +tey seye soo+t , or elles here falsnesse lye openly in here face . (CMAELR3,30.123) For trywely o+terwyle , +to +tat be+t ycome in-to here laste age , in so muche +tat here bodyes be+t half ded and half alyue , +git swhiche men sumtyme be+t yskorned in here slep of +te deuel by fantasies of fowl lust , and bodyly disesed . (CMAELR3,30.124) And +terfore , suster , I nel neuere be no wey +tat +tu be to siker of +ty-self , (CMAELR3,30.125) bote euere be in drede , (CMAELR3,30.126) and hold +ty freelte suspekt , (CMAELR3,30.127) and , as a dredful douve , haunte ryueres of cler water , wher +tu mi+gt isee +te ymage of +te raueynous hauke +tat flikt aboue +te , (CMAELR3,30.128) and be war . (CMAELR3,30.129) +Tyse ryueres be+t holy scriptures , +tat welle+t out fro +te welle of wysdom , +tat is Crist , +te whyche wyl schewe +te +te schadue of +te deueles suggestioun , (CMAELR3,30.130) and wyt and consayl to eschewen hem . (CMAELR3,30.131) For +ter is no+tyng +tat so put awey wyckede and vnclene +tou+gtes as doo+t good ocupa-cioun in holy scripture , to +te whyche a good womman , and specially a mayde , schulde so vse al here herte and wit +tat , +tei+g sche wolde , sche mowe | not +tenke bote on Godes lawe . (CMAELR3,31.132) Let slep fynden here +tenkynde on holi scripture ; (CMAELR3,31.133) whan sche awake+t of here slep , let renne to here mende sum clause of holy techyngge ; (CMAELR3,31.134) and whil +te slep is on here , let cleue to here ribbes sum sentence of holy wrytyngges , (CMAELR3,31.135) +tat mowe moor surliche kepe here menbrys , and also bo+te body and soule in here slep . (CMAELR3,31.136) Capitulum vij (CMAELR3,31.138) Bote +te more sorwe is , +ter be+t manye +tat be+t refreyned fro gostly ocupacioun bi a maner fals drede - +tat is to seyn , +tat +tey falle not in-to gret syknesse for gret wakyngge in Godes seruise , or for gret abstinence ; (CMAELR3,31.140) for +tanne +tey drede+t +tat +tey scholde be in charge to o+tere men , and hem-self in sorwe . (CMAELR3,31.141) Bote certes , +tis is oure synful excusacioun ; (CMAELR3,31.142) for Lord , how fewe be+t +ter now-aday +tat habbe+t +to gret feruour of holynesse . (CMAELR3,31.143) We halde+t vs alle wyse , alle discret , alle auyse ; (CMAELR3,31.144) we smelle+t aver a faynt batayle , (CMAELR3,31.145) and certes , we drede+t so muche syknesse of body +tat we drede+t to-comyngge , (CMAELR3,31.146) +tat siknesse of soule +tat we fele+t present we take noon hede of ; as +tey it were more bettere to suffre brennyngge of lecherie +tan a litul grucchynge of stomac ; as +tey+g it nere not bettere be syknesse of +te body eschewe vnclene wildenesse of +te flehs , +tan be hool in body , and ouercome , as a +tral , of flehsliche lustes . (CMAELR3,31.147) Lord , what fors is it who+ter be abstinence o+ter be syknesse +te proude carayne be halde a-doun and chastete be kept ? (CMAELR3,31.148) Bute vp-an ap +tu seist +tat a man mot be war +tat he take not to litel hede of his body , an-aunter +tat after chier and delicat kepyngge in syknesse which he my+gte falle into of to muche abstinence , he be take wit foule lustes . (CMAELR3,31.149) I answere +tat certeynly , +gif +te flesh be mornyngge , syk and feble , +gif +te stomac be vnsauery and drye , alle +te delites +tat +tu my+gt schewen hym be+t ra+tere to heuynesse of hym +tan to fowl lustes . (CMAELR3,31.150) Narracio bona Capitulum viij (CMAELR3,31.152) I saw ones a man which +tat by euel roted custum $ibounden and ouercomen in his +gou+te , myte not conteyne and be chaast ; (CMAELR3,31.154) na+teles at +te laste he took hede of his owne perilous stat , (CMAELR3,31.155) and wax al rebuked and aschamed of hym-self , in so muche +tat in +tenkyngge of his foule synful lyf , his herte gan brenne wyt-ynne hym as eny fuyr . (CMAELR3,31.156) And aftur-ward , beyngge ynlyche wro+t wit hym-self , he ful on to smyte most greuous batayl a+gens his owne body ; so greuous +tat +te +tyng +tat semede necessarie to +te body , he witdrow hem . (CMAELR3,32.157) +Ter +tat he hadde be toforhand ly+gt and nyce , he wax sad ; (CMAELR3,32.158) +ter he hadde ibe blaberynge and chaterynge , he took hym to silence . (CMAELR3,32.159) Noman say hym after chape ne le+g+ge , (CMAELR3,32.160) no-man saw hym pleye , (CMAELR3,32.161) noman herde eny ydel or nyce word of his mou+t ; (CMAELR3,32.162) of alle wordliche solaces and delites in sleep , in mete , in drynke , +tat my+gte seme swete to +te flehs , he hadde skorn and dispyt . (CMAELR3,32.163) Of +te +tou+gtes of his herte , to refreyne hem , he was so busy and so curious +tat it wolde haue semed to manye +tat he hadde ipassed mesure . (CMAELR3,32.164) Wy+t so euy chiere , wi+t +te e+gen icast adoun , he saat , he wente and stood , +tat tremlyngge and quakyngge hit semede +tat he stood to-forn his dredful domesman at +te day of dome . (CMAELR3,32.165) And what ? (CMAELR3,32.166) Certes , wit swyche armes he gat hym glorious victorie of his enemys gostliche , and of his wickede tiraunt , his flehs . (CMAELR3,32.167) For witinne a while he ful in a gret and greuous siknesse of his stomac , (CMAELR3,32.168) and after long siknesse , whan +te houre cam of his laste slep , +tat he schulde be deed , wit gret spirit he sayde +teose wordes : (CMAELR3,32.169) ' Suffre a while , (CMAELR3,32.170) suffre ; (CMAELR3,32.171) loo wher Ihesus come+t ' - Sine , inquid , ecce Ihesus venit . (CMAELR3,32.172) Na+teles , I say not +tis to wit-seie good discrecioun , whic is moder and nursche of vertus , bote +tat we schulde resteyne or elles doon awey +te matyres of synne ; +tat is to seyn , glotonye , slep , to muche reste , to muche communyngge wit wommen or nyce men of here body ; (CMAELR3,32.173) for wel ofte by a fals name of discrecioun we coloure+t to excuse owre foule lustes . (CMAELR3,32.174) Hit is a noble and a verrey discrecioun to putte +te soule tofore +te body ; (CMAELR3,32.175) and +ter +tat +tey be+t bo+te in peril , and wit-oute greuaunce of +tat on , +tat o+ter may not be saued , hit is ful skilful +tat for profit of +te soule , +te body be put by-hynde . (CMAELR3,32.176) +Tyse +tynges I sey to +te , suster , +tat +tu schuldest take ententyly heede how gret bysynesse +tu most haue to kepe +te chast and clene ; +te whic vertu of chastete maydenly , al+tou+g it be ornament and flour of vertues , +git witowte meknesse it wext al faad . (CMAELR3,32.177) CAPITULUM NONUM (CMAELR3,32.179) +Tis vertu of meknesse is a sur fundement of alle maner vertues , whit-oute which fundement , what so euere +tu wylt gostly reyse vp , hit falle+t doun . (CMAELR3,32.181) Inicium omnis peccati superbia : (CMAELR3,32.182) ' Bygynnyngge of alle synne is proude ' , which cast owt an angel out of heuene , and man out of paradys . (CMAELR3,32.183) And of +tis cursede rote , al+tou+g +ter spryngge out manye venenous braunches , alle na+teles ben departed in-to two spices : in-to gostly , and bodyly . (CMAELR3,32.184) Bodyly pruyde is to be proud of bodyly +gynges ; (CMAELR3,32.185) gostly pruyde is to be pruyd of gostly +gyftes . (CMAELR3,32.186) And fur+termor , bodyly pruyde is departed in tweyen ; +tat is to sayn , in-to bost , and vanite . (CMAELR3,32.187) Vanite is as ofte as +te hand-mayden of Crist ha+t a veyn-glorie in here herte +tat sche is ycomen of gret blood and noble , and +terwit ha+t a flehsly delytyngge +tat sche ha+t forsake richesse of +te wordle and nobleye and take here to pouerte , or elles +tat sche holde here-self wondurliche holy and to be commende+t +tat sche ha+t forsake grete and ryche mariages off wor+ty mennes sones +tat sche my+gte han be maried to - (CMAELR3,33.188) al +tis is vanite . (CMAELR3,33.189) Also hit is a spice of vanite +gif +tu coueyte to muche bodyly fairnesse , or +tat +tu delite +te to muche in gaynesse of +ty celle , in diuerse peyntyngges or celures , or swyche o+tere tryfles ; (CMAELR3,33.190) alle +tyse iapes +tu most flen as contrarie to +ty professioun . (CMAELR3,33.191) Whit what vorheed my+gt +tu haue veyn-glorie of rychesse or of noble blood , +tat coueytest to be iseye his spouse +tat for vs was mad ri+gt pouere , al+tou+g he were verreyly ryche - +tat is Crist . (CMAELR3,33.192) A pore moder , a pouere $mayne , a pouere hows he chees hym ; +te streytnesse of an oxe-stalle . (CMAELR3,33.193) And Lord , whe+ter it seme a gret woundour to +te , in +te whiche +tu schuldest haue a veyn-glorie , +tat +tu hast forsake to wedde a monnes sone for +te loue +tat +tu hast to be Cristes spouse ? (CMAELR3,33.194) Is hit a gret woundour +tat +tu hast forsake styngyngge lust of body for +te swete sauour of maydenhood ? (CMAELR3,33.195) Seme+t hit a wundur +tat +tu hast ychaunged matere of stench and of corupcioun for euer-lastynge delices and rychesse of heuene ? (CMAELR3,33.196) Schuldest +tu haue a veyn-glorie , al-+tey +tu haue idoo +tus ? (CMAELR3,33.197) Holy scripture seyt : Si gloriaris , in domino glorieris - (CMAELR3,33.198) Suster , +gif +tu be glad for +tise +tyngges , loke +ty ioye be in God , (CMAELR3,33.199) and serue hym in parfit drede . (CMAELR3,33.200) And vur+termor , I nel not be no wey +tat , as it where vndur colour of deuocioun and holynesse , $+tu delite +te in veyne peyntyngges , kyttyngges and in grauyngges in +ty celle , no+ter in clo+tys gaylyche yweue , ne steyned wit bryddes or bestes , or diuerse trees or floures , to o+ter babounrye . (CMAELR3,33.201) Let hem haue swych aray +tat , noon or litul ioye hauyngge wit-ynne , sechy+t al here ioye wit-oute . (CMAELR3,33.202) CAPITULUM DECIMUM (CMAELR3,33.204) Omnis gloria filie Regis abintus . (CMAELR3,33.206) As holy wryt sei+t , alle +te ioie of a kynges douter schulde be wit-ynne . (CMAELR3,33.207) +Terfore , +gif +tu be +te kynges douter of heuene , for as muche as +tu hast ywedded his sone Criste , loke +tu hiere +te veys of +ty Fader , which sei+t to +te +tat al +ty ioye schulde be wyt-ynne +te . (CMAELR3,33.208) Loke +terfore +tat al +ty gladnesse come of clene wytnesse of a good conscience wit-ynne . (CMAELR3,33.209) Let +ter be fair peynture and grauyngge of diuerse vertues ; (CMAELR3,33.210) let +ter fressche coloures of goode +tewes wit curious knottes be knet to-gydere , +tat +te fayrnesse of o vertu , and o+ter {TEXT:and-o+ter} wel icoupled to hym , mowe make +te mor brit in schynyngge . (CMAELR3,33.211) Let meknesse be ioyned to chastete , (CMAELR3,33.212) and no+tyng schal be bry+gtere ; (CMAELR3,33.213) let also simplenesse be associod to good inward wysdom , (CMAELR3,33.214) and no+tyng schal be clierere ; (CMAELR3,34.215) let mercy be coupled wit ry+gtwisnesse , (CMAELR3,34.216) and no+tyng is mor swete ; (CMAELR3,34.217) and to alle +tyse +tanne put good temprure and good discrecioun , (CMAELR3,34.218) and mor profitable peynture schalt +tu noon fynde . (CMAELR3,34.219) In swich curiosite ocupye +tyn e+gen of +tyn herte , (CMAELR3,34.220) swich vertuous diuersete fourme in +ty soule wit al +ty wit , (CMAELR3,34.221) and +terwit let enbroude +ty spiritual clo+tynge . (CMAELR3,34.222) In fimbrijs aureis etcetera . (CMAELR3,34.223) +Gif +tu wylt , as +te book sei+t , adden goldene hemmys , certes , +tenne +tu hast a garnement wel iweue adoun to +ti foot , in whiche +tyn husbounde Crist wil haue gret lykyngge to fynde +te iclo+ted in . (CMAELR3,34.224) An hemme , as +tu wost wel , is +te laste ende of a clo+t ; (CMAELR3,34.225) and +te ende wherto drawe+t al +te parfeccioun of Godes lawe is charyte , as +te apostel sei+t : (CMAELR3,34.226) Finis precepti est caritas . (CMAELR3,34.227) +Tis charyte most +tu nyede haue , louyngge God and +tyn euene-cristene of clene herte , wit good conscience , and wit fey not feyned ne fayllynge . (CMAELR3,34.228) CAPITULUM XJ (CMAELR3,34.230) In swich ray , suster , haue likyngge and gladnesse , wit-ynne , and not wit-oute ; (CMAELR3,34.232) in verrey vertus and in verrey peyntures put +ty lust . (CMAELR3,34.233) Let faire lynnene towayles ligge vppon +tyn awter , +gif +tu hast eny ; +te whiche for here whitnesse and clennesse mowe signefie and schewe to +te +te whitnesse of chastete and simplenesse . (CMAELR3,34.234) Be+tenk +te wit ow muche trauayl and betyngge lynne or flex is ibrou+gt out of +te ir+tene colour +tat it grew in , er hit were so wyth as hit is whan it make+t fair +tyn awter , and Cristes body is wrapped +ter-in . (CMAELR3,34.235) Ferst flex is brou+gt for+t wit ir+tene colour ; (CMAELR3,34.236) and so be $we ybrout for+t wit wickednesse and synne : (CMAELR3,34.237) Quoniam ego in iniquitatibus conceptus sum , et in peccatis concepit me mater mea . (CMAELR3,34.238) Afterward , whan flew is itake out of +te ir+te , hit is icast in-to water ; (CMAELR3,34.239) and ry+gt so , whan we ben take out of owre oune moder wombe , we be+t icast in-to +te water of bapteme , (CMAELR3,34.240) and +ter we be+t ibyryed wit Crist . (CMAELR3,34.241) And +ter , al+tou+g synne be put awey , +git syknesse of synne dure+t . (CMAELR3,34.242) +Ter we take+t sumwhat off whitnesse in +te wasschyngge awey of +te viel+te of synne , (CMAELR3,34.243) bote , certes , al parfytly clene and whith be we not imaad , for +te enclinaunce +tat we habbe+t , as longe as we be+t in +tis wordle , to synne and to wrecchednesse . (CMAELR3,34.244) Vur+termor flex , after water , it is dryed ; (CMAELR3,34.245) and so we , after +tat we be+t icristned , it be-houe+t +tat oure body by abstinence be ymaad drye fro stynkynde humores of vnclennesse . (CMAELR3,34.246) And ri+gt as after-ward flew is ibete wit a betyl , to be +te mor suple to werk ; rith so oure flehs is ibete and bouyd wit temptacioun many and diuers , to be +te more obedient to +te spirit . (CMAELR3,34.247) +Git ouermor , +tat lynne of flex is ipurged wit grete yrene kombes , to putte awey +te grete superfluites ; (CMAELR3,34.248) and so mote we wit +te scharpe +gerd of discipline putte awey alle superfluites , and holde +tat is streyt nyede to vs . (CMAELR3,34.249) And ry+gt as afterward +tis is iput to flex : a comb of smallere pryckes , to clense it more curiously - ry+gt so we , whan we haue ouercome , wit gret trauayle , grete and wickede temptaciouns and passiouns of +te flehs , we schul be aboute to make vs clene of cotidian defautes by meke schryfte and due satisfaccioun . (CMAELR3,35.250) Ouermor , after +tis flex is ispunne a-long ; (CMAELR3,35.251) and so we by long perseueraunce mote dure in oure goode purpos . (CMAELR3,35.252) And at +te laste , schortly , ri+gt as to lynnene , er it be parfytly fair and whit , is iput bo+te water and fuir ; ri+gt so we mote +torou+g vier of tribulacioun and water of scharp contricioun , er we come fully to +te refreschyngge of chastete and clennesse . (CMAELR3,35.253) Swyche +tynges let brynge to +tyn myende +te ornamentes of +tyn oratorye , and not fulfylle +tyn e+gen wit vnlyfsum iaperyes $and vanites . (CMAELR3,35.254) DE YMAGINIBUS . (CMAELR3,35.256) And as touchyngge holy ymages , haue in +tyn awter +te ymage of +te crucifix hangynge on +te cros , which represente to +te +te passioun of Crist , which +tu schalt folwe . (CMAELR3,35.258) Al-to-gydere he is ysprad abrood to bykleppe +te in his armes , in which +tu schalt haue gret delectacioun ; (CMAELR3,35.259) and hys tetys be+t al naked ischewd to +te to +gyue +te melk of spiritual delectacioun and confortacioun . (CMAELR3,35.260) And , +gif it be lykynde to +te , to commende +te grete excellence of virginite , let +tilke blessede mayden and moder in o syde , and +tilke diere deciple Ihon , a mayde also , in +tat o+ter syde of +te cros be ihad in here ymages , +tat +tu mowe +tenke her-by hou plesaunt to God is chastete bo+te-5 of man and womman , which he halewode so preciously in his moder and his lieue deciple , seynt Ihon ; (CMAELR3,35.261) and +terfore he couplede hem so tendrely to-gydere , hangynge on +te roode , whan he bytook to his moder +te deciple to kepe , and a+genward +te maydenly deciple to haue warde of +te moder and mayde . (CMAELR3,35.262) And a blessed testament was +tis to seynt Ihon , to whom +te fayrnesse of alle mankynde , hope of al +te wordle , ioye of heuene , refut of wrecchen , solas of +to +tat be+t in sorwe , cumfort of pouere , and at +te laste , lady of al +te wordle , queen of heuene wit so gret auctorite was take to kepe . (CMAELR3,35.263) Suster , let +tyse +tynges styre +te to feruour of parfit charite , and to noo spectacle of vanite ; (CMAELR3,35.264) for +torou+g +tyse alle it is necessarie +tat +tu stee vp oon , alone - (CMAELR3,35.265) for +tilke on is only necessarie : (CMAELR3,35.266) Porro vnum est necessarium . (CMAELR3,35.267) +Tis is +tilke on +tat is not yfounde bote in oon , at oon and wit oon , in whom is noon vnstabilite ne chaungyngge ; (CMAELR3,35.268) and +tat cleue+t to +tylke oon , he is oon in spirit wit hym . alwey goynge in-to +tilke oon +tat is eueremoore oon wit-outen eny mutacioun , and whos +geres ne tyme neuere ne fayle+t - (CMAELR3,35.269) Tu semper idem ipse es , et anni non deficient . (CMAELR3,35.270) +Tis cleuyngge to +tis oon is charite , whic , as I seyde , is as it were a goldene hem , finally to make fair +ty weddyng-coote . (CMAELR3,35.271) DE CARITATE . CAPITULUM DUODECIMUM (CMAELR3,36.274) +Tis weddyng-garnement , suttylly yveue wit diuers vertus , it bihoue+t +tat it be be-goon aboute wit swiche goldene hemmes +tat is to seyn wit +te bri+gtnesse of charite , +te wyche mowen conteyne and bynde alle vertus in oon and make oon of manye , departyngge to alle here clernesse , and so cleuyngge to alle vertus +tat as it were +tey alle bete not manye , bote oon . (CMAELR3,36.276) DIUISIO CARITATIS . (CMAELR3,36.278) +Tis charite is departyd in two : in-to +te loue of God , and in-to +te loue of +tyn emcristene . (CMAELR3,36.280) And vur+termor , +te loue of +tyn emcristene is departyd in two : in-to innocence and beneficience . +Tat is to seyn , +tat +tu greue ne harme noman , bote do good and profyt to as manye as +tu my+gt - (CMAELR3,36.281) for +tis is lawe of kynde . (CMAELR3,36.282) Quod tibi non vis fieri , alij ne feceris - (CMAELR3,36.283) and +tis is innocence . (CMAELR3,36.284) And God seyd in +te gospel : Omnia quecumque vultis vt faciant vobis etcetera - alle +tynges +tat +ge woolde +tat men dede to +gou+g , do +ge to hem a+genward : (CMAELR3,36.285) and +tis is benificience . (CMAELR3,36.286) Now tak good heede , suster , how +tise two parteyne+t to +te . (CMAELR3,36.287) +Te ferste is +tat +tu schost greue no-man ; (CMAELR3,36.288) and certayn , +tat howte be li+gt inou+g to +te , (CMAELR3,36.289) for +tu my+gt greue no-body , +tey +te woldest , bote +gif +tu smyte hym wit +ty tounge . (CMAELR3,36.290) And for-so+te , +te secunde scal be li+gt inou+g to +te , +gif +tu take good heede to +ti purpos , and loue +te nakede and bare pouerte +tat +tu hast take +te to . (CMAELR3,36.291) For +ter may be no matere of euel wil a+gens no-man wher reigne+t no coueytyse , (CMAELR3,36.292) ne no+tyng is iloued +tat may be doon awey . (CMAELR3,36.293) +Terfore wylne wel to alle men , (CMAELR3,36.294) and do good to as manye as +tu mi+gt . (CMAELR3,36.295) Bote hier +tu askest of me in what +tyng +tu mi+gt do good to eny mon , so+t+te +tu hast forsake alle wordliche godys , and hast no maner +tynge to +gyue to +te neody . (CMAELR3,36.296) CAPITULUM XIIJ (CMAELR3,36.298) Suster , know wel +te condicioun of +ty lyf . (CMAELR3,36.300) +Ter were two sustren , Marthe and Marye : (CMAELR3,36.301) +tat oon trauaylede , (CMAELR3,36.302) +tat o+ter restyde ; (CMAELR3,36.303) +tat oon +gaf , (CMAELR3,36.304) +tat o+ter askede and baad ; (CMAELR3,36.305) Marthe +gaf outward seruise , (CMAELR3,36.306) Marie nurschede ynward loue . (CMAELR3,36.307) Marie ne ran not hyder and +tyder , bisy to vnderfonge gystes ; (CMAELR3,36.308) Marie was not distracte aboute husbondrye ; (CMAELR3,36.309) Maria was not entendaunt to pore mennes cryyngge ; (CMAELR3,36.310) bote sche saat meekely at Ihesu feet (CMAELR3,36.311) and herde deuoutly his word and his lore . (CMAELR3,36.312) My diere sister , +tis is +ty party : (CMAELR3,36.313) +tu +tat art deed to +te wordle and ybyried , +tu schalt be deef to hiere eny-+tyng of +te wordle , and dump forto speke it ; (CMAELR3,36.314) ne +tu schalt not be bysy ne distract aboute wordly ocupaciouns . (CMAELR3,36.315) Let Marthe alone wit +tat partye , whos partye , al+tou+g it be nou+gt deneyed good , Maries partye na+teles is yseyd +te bettere . (CMAELR3,36.316) Lord , whe+ter Marie hadde eny enuye of Marthe ? (CMAELR3,36.317) Nay , dredeles ; (CMAELR3,36.318) bote ra+ter Marthe hadde enuye as it were of Maryes deel . (CMAELR3,37.320) And in +te same manere let hem +tat be+t beste wommen i +te wordle , let hem , I seie , haue a spiritual enuye to folwe +ty lyuyngge ; bote not so +tu to hemward . (CMAELR3,37.321) To hem +tat be+t in +te wordle longe+t to +gyuen almesse , wiche +tat haue+t wordliche possessioun , and also to men of holy churche to whom is itake +te dispensacioun of +te godys of holy churche . (CMAELR3,37.322) For +teo +tynges +tat be+t y+giue to holy chirche bysschopes , prestes and clerkes , after +tat +tey haue itake +trof here nyede +tey scholde parte to +te pore ; (CMAELR3,37.323) for here godys be+t pouere menne godys , and wydue godes , and faderles and moderles children godes , and also minystres of holy churche goodis - (CMAELR3,37.324) for +tey +tat ministre+t +te awter , it is skyleful +tat +tey lyue of +te awter . (CMAELR3,37.325) To +tyse , +too +tat be+t benefysed in holi churche schulde in tyme of nyede dele here godes , and not coueytously close hem $vp in here cofres . (CMAELR3,37.326) And also +too goodes +tat be+t y+gyue to holy monasteries in-to +te vs of Cristes seruauns , hit is resoun +tat +tey $be ministred by certayn persones +tat be+t y-ordeyned +ter-to , so +tat +tat +tat is more +tan here bre+tryn han nyede to , be goodly y+giue to gystes , to pilgrymes and pore men , and not auarously iput vp in here purses . (CMAELR3,37.327) Bote suster , +tis partyne+t to hem to whom is itake Marthes office , not to hem +tat reste+t hem in holynesse of contemplacioun , as +tu art . (CMAELR3,37.328) For +too +tat be+t in cloystre schulde not bysi hem to vnderfonge gystes , (CMAELR3,37.329) ne +tey schulde not be distract to ministre to +te pouere men ; (CMAELR3,37.330) for +tey be+t +tilke +tat schulde make no purvyaunce fro o day to ano+ter , ne haue no +tou+gt ne care of mete ne of drynke ; (CMAELR3,37.331) certayn , +tey schulle be okepied in swettere +tyngges , and be fulfeld more profitably of spiritual delices . (CMAELR3,37.332) Let hem +tat be+t more contemptible and rude to spiritualte , let hem bysie hem wit +te wordle , (CMAELR3,37.333) let hem cleppe to hem carayne and dung ; (CMAELR3,37.334) for +tey be+t +tilke oxen +tat +te book speke+t of : Quorum piger stercoribus lapidetur - Among +te whiche he +tat is slow schal be stened to de+te wit stynkynde dung . (CMAELR3,37.335) Bote +ter be+t manye +tat be+t slow and vnlusty aboute spiritual +tyngges , as were +tilke slow+g and synneful poeple in desert +tat hadde skorn and abhominacioun of angeles mete : (CMAELR3,37.336) Anima nostra nauseat super cibo etcetera . (CMAELR3,37.337) For swyche nyce foolys , whan +tey be+t ydulled in here life , and +tey see o+tere y-ocupied in +te wordle aboute temperal godys , anoon +tey haue+t envye , (CMAELR3,37.338) and grucche+t , (CMAELR3,37.339) and bagbyte+t here bre+teryn ; (CMAELR3,37.340) and so for a lytul stynkynde viel+te , in +te whiche o+tre be+t defoyled in +te wordle , +tey hem-self be+t ismyte wit pryckes of enuye and biternesse ; of +te whiche , in caas +tey falle a+gen to +te wordle , to antermete of wordly +tyngges , certes , it may be sayd : Qui nutriebantur in croceis , amplexati sunt stercora . (CMAELR3,37.341) And +terfor , suster , se+t+te +tat +tey +tat be+t in holy monasteries ne schulle not ocupien hem wit +te wordle , bote +tilke +tat be+t assigned +ter-to , and to whom is itaken Marthes bisynesse , muche more +tu , +tat hast forsake +te wordle , ne+ter schalt haue worldly goodes in dispensacioun , ne+ter see ne hiere matires of +te wordle . (CMAELR3,38.342) +Tu +tat hast al forsake , wher-of schuldest +tu +gyue almesse ? (CMAELR3,38.343) $Na+teles {TEXT:napeles} , +gif +tu hast a wy+gt of +tyn owne trauayle more +tan +tu dispendist +ty-self , +gif almesse a Godes alf , and +git not by +tyn owne hand , bote by sum o+ter . (CMAELR3,38.344) So+t+te +ty lifnoode come+t bote of o+tere folk , wherto schalt +tu care to +gyue almesse of o+tere menne godes , a namely se+t+te +tu schalt not vsurpe to +te bote +ty neode ? (CMAELR3,38.345) What +tanne almesse or good schalt +tu doo to +tyn emcristen , as I sayde byforn , whan I spake of beneficience ? (CMAELR3,38.346) Suster , an holy seynt sei+t : ' +Ter is no+tynge rychere +tan a good wyl ' - (CMAELR3,38.347) +tat +gif ! (CMAELR3,38.348) What is more profitable +tan deuout preyere ? (CMAELR3,38.349) +Tat +gif ! (CMAELR3,38.350) What is more ful of manhoode +tan pite ? (CMAELR3,38.351) +Tat spreed aboute ! (CMAELR3,38.352) And in +tis wise , suster , bynd al +tis wordle to-gydere in +ty bosum wit o bond of pyte and of loue ; (CMAELR3,38.353) and +ter by-hald alle +teo +tat ben goode , (CMAELR3,38.354) and +tanke God +ter-of (CMAELR3,38.355) and be glaad ; (CMAELR3,38.356) behald o +tat o+ter side alle +too +tat ben wickede and in dedly synne , (CMAELR3,38.357) and wyep vp-on hem (CMAELR3,38.358) and be sory ! (CMAELR3,38.359) +Ter tak heede of hem +tat be+t oppressed +toru+g greet meschyef , (CMAELR3,38.360) and haue conpassioun of hem ; (CMAELR3,38.361) let renne +ter in +ty myende +te misese of +te pouere , +te whepyngge of fadurles and modurles children , +te desolacions of wydues , +te bitere si+g+gyngge and weylyngge of $+to +tat be+t ouercome by greet sorwe , +te niede of pilgrymes , +te periles of hem +tat be+t in +te see , +te he+ge vowes of holy virgynes , +te temptacions of holy men , +te bysynesse of prelatys , +te trauayle of hem +tat be+t in wherre , o+ter in o+ter maner ry+gtful trauayle . (CMAELR3,38.362) To alle +tyse opene +ty brest , (CMAELR3,38.363) to +tyse +gif +tyn almesse , (CMAELR3,38.364) to +tyse departe +ty bitere terys , (CMAELR3,38.365) for +tyse sched out +ty clene preyeres . (CMAELR3,38.366) For-so+te , suster , +tis almesse is more plesaunt to God , more acceptyd of Crist , more competent to +ty professioun , more fructuous to hem +tat +tu +gifst hit to , +tan eny o+ter bodyly +gifte . (CMAELR3,38.367) Swych maner +gifte , +tat is to seye gostly almesse , spiritual beneficience , helpe+t +ty purpoos (CMAELR3,38.368) and not hyndre+t it , (CMAELR3,38.369) also hit encrese+t +te loue of +tyn emcristene (CMAELR3,38.370) and not amenuse+t it . (CMAELR3,38.371) Hit kept +te quite of +tyn herte , (CMAELR3,38.372) and let hit nouth . (CMAELR3,38.373) And what schal I say more ? (CMAELR3,38.374) Certayn , as seynt Gregory say+gt : ' Summetyme holy men , for +te more parfeccioun , for +te loue of God and of here emcristene +te wolde no-+tyng of wordly richesse haue in +te wordle , ne no+tyng coueyte forte haue . ' (CMAELR3,38.375) Bote manye and to manye +ter be+t +tat do+t euen +te contrarie , (CMAELR3,38.376) for +tey trauayled ny+gt and day to haue wordly good , (CMAELR3,38.377) and +tey seyn to doo charite and almesse , (CMAELR3,38.378) for +tey wolde haue what for-to +gyue . (CMAELR3,39.379) Bote certayn , +tyse wel ofte fayled of +te he+ge parfeccioun off charite . (CMAELR3,39.380) Capitulum quartumdecimum (CMAELR3,39.382) After +tat I haue itold sumwhat of +te loue of +tyn emcristene , now schortly I wyl telle +te sum party of +te loue of $God . (CMAELR3,39.384) For al+tou+gt +too sustren +tat I haue spoken of louede , bo+te hem , God and here emcristene , +git more specially Marthe was okepyed aboute +te seruyse of here emcristene +tan Marie , which +tat halyde to here continually holy affeccioun of +te euerlastyngge welle of loue . (CMAELR3,39.385) To +tyse loue of God parteyne+t two +tyngges : clene affeccioun of herte , and effecte of good deede . (CMAELR3,39.386) +Te affeccioun moot be in taste of gostly swetnesse , (CMAELR3,39.387) ant +te effecte of good deede moot be in excercise of vertus - +te which excercise of vertus is in a certayn god maner of lyuyngge , in fastyngge , in wakyngge , in trauayl , in redyngge , in preyeris , in pouerte , and swych o+tere . (CMAELR3,39.388) And as to speken of affeccioun , gostly and bodyly , +tu most nursche hit wit holy and hoolsum meditacioun . (CMAELR3,39.389) De meditacione . (CMAELR3,39.391) Wherfore , dire suster , +tat +te swete affeccioun of loue of swete Ihesu mowe wexe in +tyn herte , +tu most haue +tre maner meditacioun : +tat is to seyn of +tyngges +tat ben apassed , of +tingges +tat be+t present , of +tyngges +tat be+t comyngge . (CMAELR3,39.393) And +terfore , suster , when +tyn herte is iclensed fro al viel+te and $stenc of foule +gou+gtes by +te excercise of holy vertus , cast +ti cliere e+gen abake to +tyngges +tat be+t apassyd , of +te whiche is imaad miende in +te trewe gospel . (CMAELR3,39.394) And ferst goo in-to +ty pryue chaumbre wit oure lady Marie , wher schee abood +te angel message , (CMAELR3,39.395) and +ter , suster , abyd +te angel comyngge , +tat +tu mowe isee whanne he come+t in , and hou graciously he grette +tilke gracious mayde ; (CMAELR3,39.396) and soo +tu , as it were irauesched of al +ty wittes , whanne +te angel begyn+t is salutacioun $to +tilke blessede mayde and modur , cry +tu as lowde | as +tu my+gt grede to +ty lady (CMAELR3,39.397) and sey : Aue maria , gratia plena , dominus tecum ; benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Ihesus , amen . (CMAELR3,39.398) And +tis rehersyngge ofte and many tyme be-+tenke +te how muche was +tilke fulsumnesse of grace in Marie , of whom al +tis wordle borwede and beggede grace , whanne Godys sone was maad man , ful of grace and soo+tfastnesse . (CMAELR3,39.399) +Tanne , suster , wundre gretly in +tyn herte how +tilke lord , +tat fulfel+t bo+te euene and er+te , was iclosed wit-ynne +te bowelys of a smal gentil mayden , whom God +te Fader halwede , God +te Sone brou+gte wit childe , God +te Holy Gost fulfelde of grace . (CMAELR3,39.400) A , swete blessyd lady , wit how muche swetnesse were +tu ivisited , (CMAELR3,40.401) wit how hoot brennyngge vier of loue were +tu iset aviere , whanne +tu vieledest in +tyn herte and in +ty wombe +te presence of so greet a maieste , whanne +tat Crist took flehs of +ty flehs , whanne of +ty clene maydenly blood he made hym blood , whanne of +ty menbres he made hym menbres , in +te whyche was +te fulle godhede bodyly . (CMAELR3,40.402) And certayn , suster , al +tis for +te , +tat art a mayde , be-cause +tat +tu schuldest take good heede of +tis mayde +tat +tu scholdest folwe , and of +tis maydenes sone Crist , to whom +tu art iweddid . (CMAELR3,40.403) Now after +tis stee vp wit +ty lady to +te hul wher +tat Eli+gabeth and blessede Marye wit $swete kleppyngge and kissyngge mette togydere ; (CMAELR3,40.404) and hir take heede , suster , of +te maner of gretyngge in +te whiche Ihon Baptiste in his moder wombe , hoppyngge for ioye , knew and saluede as a seruaunt his lord , as a criour his verray iustyse , as a kni+gt is verrey kynge . (CMAELR3,40.405) And blessyd were and be+t +too wombes to-fore alle o+tre , of +te wiche sprang oute hele of alle +te wordle , and was iprofecyed mer+te and ioye , a+gens derknesse of wo and sorwe +tat longe to-fore hadde reygned . (CMAELR3,40.406) What dost +tu , suster ? (CMAELR3,40.407) I prey +te , (CMAELR3,40.408) ren forth wit alle hast , (CMAELR3,40.409) and among so muche ioye antermete +te sumwhat , (CMAELR3,40.410) val adoun by-foore +te feet of +tyse blessyd wymmen , (CMAELR3,40.411) and in +tat onys wombe honoure +tyn husbonde Criste , (CMAELR3,40.412) and in +tat o+trys wirschipe his frend , sein Ihon . (CMAELR3,40.413) And after +tis , wayte whan Marie go+t to Bethleem , (CMAELR3,40.414) and ren after wit meek deuocioun ; (CMAELR3,40.415) and whan sche turned in-to +tilke pouere ostage to bern here child , pote +te for+t (CMAELR3,40.416) and doo what seruise +tat +tu canst ; (CMAELR3,40.417) and whanne +tilke faire baby is ilappyd in an oxe-stalle , berst out in-to a voys of gladnesse wit Ysaie (CMAELR3,40.418) and sey : Paruulus natus est nobis , filius datus est nobis . (CMAELR3,40.419) And +tanne wit alle reuerence beklep sum party of +tilke swete stalle +ter +ty +gunge husbonde ly+t in , (CMAELR3,40.420) and after let loue ouercome schame and driwe awey drede , (CMAELR3,40.421) and baldely go for+t (CMAELR3,40.422) and +trast +ti lippen to +tilke tendre feet of Crist , kissyngge hem wit al +tyn herte ofte-tyme er +tu reste . (CMAELR3,40.423) And whan +tis is doon , taak heede enterly in +ty sowle +te walkyngge of +te scherperdys , (CMAELR3,40.424) behold +te oostes of angeles syngynge and wurschepynge , (CMAELR3,40.425) and to here melodye auntre +te to pote for+t +ti voys (CMAELR3,40.426) and sey : Gloria in excelsis Deo , et in terra pax hominibus bone voluntatis . (CMAELR3,40.427) Capitulum quintumdecimum (CMAELR3,40.429) And in +ty meditacioun +tu schalt nou+gt for+gite +te offryngge of +tre kynges ; (CMAELR3,40.431) and also whan vre lady for drede of Herowd fle+t in-to Egypte wit here child in here lappe , let here not goon alone , (CMAELR3,41.432) bot go for+t wit here , (CMAELR3,41.433) and haue on opinion +tat +tis is so+t +tat I schal now telle to +te . (CMAELR3,41.434) Narracio bona . (CMAELR3,41.436) Whanne hure lady wente to Egiptewarde , she was $itake of +teues . (CMAELR3,41.438) And among hem +te maister-+tef hadde a sone , whic sterte to vre lady and vndyde here lappe , (CMAELR3,41.439) and +ter he fand here swete child liggynge . (CMAELR3,41.440) And +ter come swhiche lemes of li+gt and britnesse out of his blessede fas , +tat +tis +tef wyste wel in his herte +tat +tis child was of grettere mageste +tan an-o+tur pur man ; (CMAELR3,41.441) and for greet loue he kleppede hym in his armes (CMAELR3,41.442) and kyst hym , seyinge deuoutly in +tis wyse : (CMAELR3,41.443) ' O +tu most blessede babe among alle +tat euere were ; heraftur whanne +tu cumst to +ty grete lordschipe , in caas +tu see me euere at eny myscheef , help me (CMAELR3,41.444) and haue myende of +tis tyme , (CMAELR3,41.445) for I wyl kepe +te and +ty moder harmles . ' (CMAELR3,41.446) Suster , it is iseyd +tat +tis was +tilke +tef +tat hynge on Cristes ri+gt syde , wiche vndernam +tat o+ter +tat hynge on his left syde , seyingge to hym , as it is iwryten in +te gospel , in +tis wyse : (CMAELR3,41.447) Neque tu times Deum , quad in eadem dampnacione es ? Et nos quidem iuste , nam digna factis recepimus ; hic vero nichil mali gessit etcetera . (CMAELR3,41.448) And +too wit gret meknesse and contricioun he $turnyde hym to Criste , (CMAELR3,41.449) and seingge +te same schynyngge and bri+gtnesse +tat he hadde longe by-fore iseye in his face in his moder lappe , wit alle +te veynes of his herte he cryede : Memento mei , Domine , dum veneris in regnum tuum - +tat is to seyn : ' Lord , haue myende of me whan +tu comest in-to +ty kyndom ! ' (CMAELR3,41.450) And forso+te , Crist for+gat not is couenaunt , (CMAELR3,41.451) for he answerede anoon (CMAELR3,41.452) and seyde : Amen dice tibi , hodie mecum eris in paradyso . (CMAELR3,41.453) Suster , to stire +te to more tendrenesse of loue , haue an opinioun +tat +tis tale is so+t . (CMAELR3,41.454) And hit schal be non harm to +te al+tou+g +tu be-+tenke +te how +ty +gunge husbonde Crist , while he was child , childly and myryli pleyde hym among o+ter children at Nazareth , and o+ter-whyle hou seruisable he was to his moder , and ano+ter tyme how swete and gracious he was to his nursche . (CMAELR3,41.455) Capitulum sextumdecimum (CMAELR3,41.457) And , suster , wanne after +tat he is twelf +ger old , and go+t to Ierusalem in-to +te temple wit his fadur and his moder and , hem vnwytyngge , leue+t in +te citee +tre dayes be-hynde , as +te gospel sey+t ; +gif +tu wilt bysyly seke hym +tyse +tre dayes , gode suster , what sorwe schalt +tu haue ? (CMAELR3,41.459) How manye bitere teres schulle renne out of +tyn e+gen , whanne +tu $by+genkest $te {TEXT:by+genkeste} of +te sorwe of his moder Marie , whanne sche hadde iloste so dire a child ? (CMAELR3,41.460) And after , whan she hadde ifounde hym syttyngge among +te doctoures in +te temple , how pytously sche smot hym , as hit were , wit +tis mornful vndernymyngge : Fili , quid fecisti nobis sic ? Ecce pater tuus et ego dolentes querebamus te . (CMAELR3,42.461) And $vur+termore , +gif +tu folwe +tis blessed mayde whider +tat euer sche go+t , +tu mi+gth ascherche mor hey+gere priuitees ; (CMAELR3,42.462) and +tanne in flem Iordan +tu mi+gt hiere +te Fadur in voys , +te Sone in verray flehs , and see +te Holy Goste in liknesse of a douve . (CMAELR3,42.463) And +ter , suster , at +tylke gostly breedale +tu mi+gt $vnderfonge +tyn husbounde i+gyue of +te Fader , purgacioun of +te Sone , and receyue +te bond of loue of +te Holy Goste . (CMAELR3,42.464) Aftur +tis many day +ty spouse Crist go+t in-to desert , +gyuyngge +te ensaumple to fle blast and bost of +te wordle ; (CMAELR3,42.465) +ter he fastyde fourty dayes , (CMAELR3,42.466) and was tempted of +te deuel , techyngge vs wrecchen what conflit we mote haue and batayle a+gens vre gostly enemy . (CMAELR3,42.467) How +tat +tyse +tyngges were ido to +te and for +te I prey +te tak good heede , +tat +tu mowe do +ter-after . (CMAELR3,42.468) Let renne also to +ty myende +tilke wrecchede $wymman +tat was itake in avoutrye , as +te gospel telle+t , (CMAELR3,42.469) and be+tenk +te | entierly what Ihesus dude and wat he seyde whanne he was prey+gid to +gyue +to doom a+gens here . (CMAELR3,42.470) Furst he wroot in +te ir+te - (CMAELR3,42.471) and in +tat he schewede +tat +tey where ir+tely +tat hadde acused heore ; (CMAELR3,42.472) and +tanne he seyde : Qui sine peccato est vestrum , primus in illam lapidem mittat . (CMAELR3,42.473) Whan +tis sentence hadde agast hem alle , and dryuen hem out of +te temple , be+tenke +te how pytous and how godly e+gen Crist cast vpon here , wit how softe and swete voys he asoylede here . (CMAELR3,42.474) Trowst +tu not +tat he si+g+gyde , (CMAELR3,42.475) trowst +tu not +tat he wiep wit is blessede e+gen whan he seyde : Nemo te condempnauit , mulier ? Nec ego te condempnabo . (CMAELR3,42.476) And +gif I schal seye hit , iblessyd was +tis wumman +tat was +tus founden in swhich avoutrye , +te which was asoyled of Crist of sennes +tat where apassed , and ymaad syker of tyme to-comyngge . (CMAELR3,42.477) Gode Ihesu , whanne +tu seyst ' I nel not dampne ' , ho is it +tat may dampne ? (CMAELR3,42.478) Whan God iustefye+t , ho may acuse ? (CMAELR3,42.479) Bote na+teles , +tat noman be to bold herfore , let +te voys of Crist be herd , +tat come+t after - (CMAELR3,42.480) what is +tat ? (CMAELR3,42.481) Vade , et iam amplius noli peccare - (CMAELR3,42.482) ' Go , (CMAELR3,42.483) and loke +tu neuere haue wyl to doo no synne . ' (CMAELR3,42.484) +Tanne after +tis go for+t in-to Symons hows +te pharise , (CMAELR3,42.485) and auyse +te wel how godly Crist syt +ter ate mete ; (CMAELR3,42.486) and pryuely stele for+t wit +tilke blessede synnere , Marie Magdeleyn , (CMAELR3,42.487) and whasch Cristes feet wit hote terys , (CMAELR3,42.488) wype hem wit +te herys of +tyn heed , (CMAELR3,42.489) ley to softly +tyn e+gen , (CMAELR3,42.490) and at +te laste anoynte hem wit spiritual oynement . (CMAELR3,42.491) Lord , suster , who+ter +tu haue no gostly smel in +ty sowle of +tis precious liquour ? (CMAELR3,42.492) Bote in caas for +tyn vnwur+tynesse +tyn husbonde Crist traw+t awey his feet , and fouche+t not saaf +tat +tu kysse hem ; stand stille , na+teles , stedefastly (CMAELR3,42.493) and pray mekly , (CMAELR3,42.494) sete +tyn e+gen on hym al for-smoteryd wyt terys , (CMAELR3,43.495) and wit depe si+g+gyngges and pytous cryingge cacche of hym +tat +tu coueytest . (CMAELR3,43.496) Wrastle irnestly wit +ty God as Iacob dede , (CMAELR3,43.497) for fey+tfully he wil be glaad +tat +tu ouercome hym . (CMAELR3,43.498) For happyly it schal seme +te at sum tyme +tat he cast awey is e+gen fro +te , +tat he close+t is heren and wil not hiere +te , +tat he hedi+t his feet for +tu schuldest not kysse hem ; (CMAELR3,43.499) bote for al +tis loke +tu abyde stille , (CMAELR3,43.500) and gredyly cry to hym wit-owte cessyngge : Vsquequo auertis faciem tuam a me ? Vsquequo clamabo , et non exaudies ? Redde michi , bone Ihesu , leticiam salutaris tui , quia tibi dixit cor meum : Quesiui faciem tuam , faciem tuam , Domine , requiram . (CMAELR3,43.501) And hardely I dar boldely seyn +tat he wyl not denye his feet to +te , +tat art a mayde , wan he grauntede hem to be kyst of a synful womman . (CMAELR3,43.502) Loke also +tat +tu for+gyte not +tilke hows +ter +tilke man ysmete wit +te palsye was lete adoun +torou+g +te teylys to-fore +te feet of Ihesu , where pyte and power mette to-gydere . (CMAELR3,43.503) Fili , inquid , remittuntur tibi peccata . (CMAELR3,43.504) ' Sone ' , sey+t Crist , ' +ty synnes be+t for+gyue +te . (CMAELR3,43.505) ' A , Ihesu , +ty wundurful pyte , +ty mercy +tat may not be told ! (CMAELR3,43.506) +Tis synful wrecche hadde remissioun of his synnes , +te whiche outwardly he ne askede nou+gt , ne duely ne hadde not deseruyd ; (CMAELR3,43.507) he askede hele of body , (CMAELR3,43.508) and mercyful Criste grauntede hym hele bo+te-1 of body and sowle . (CMAELR3,43.509) Now iwis , good God , lyf $and de+t is in +ty hondes ; (CMAELR3,43.510) +gif +ty wil be to saue me , may no-man forbede hit ; (CMAELR3,43.511) +gif +tu wilt fynally dampne me , no-man may be so bold to aske +te : ' Why dust +tu so ? ' (CMAELR3,43.512) +Gif +te envyous pharyse grucche+t +tat Crist is so merciable to for+gyue a synful man his synnes , | anoon Crist hym-self smyt hym in +te face (CMAELR3,43.513) and sey+t : An oculus tuus nequam est , quia ego bonus sum ? (CMAELR3,43.514) For certes , Crist wyl haue mercy of whom +tat is wille is , maugre +te pharises face . (CMAELR3,43.515) And +terfore , +tat Cristes wyl be forto save vs and haue mercy vppon vs , let vs wepen , cryen and preyen . (CMAELR3,43.516) And +tat oure preyere mowe be +te vattere , let it be vnderset wy+t gode dedys , (CMAELR3,43.517) and in +tat wyse let oure deuocioun be acresyd , and brennyngge loue isteryd to Godwarde . (CMAELR3,43.518) In oure preyeres let vs lefte vp vre clene handys , +te wyche no blood of synne haad defoyled , noon vnclene touchyngge haad a-steynt , noon auarice haad wit-drawe . (CMAELR3,43.519) Let also vre herte be left vp wit-oute wra+t+te , wit-oute stryf , +tat tranquillite ha+t put in reste , pees haad imaad fair , clennesse of conscience haad yquyked . (CMAELR3,43.520) Bote noon of alle +tyse rede we +tat +tis man hadde +tat was in +te palsye , +tat I spak of byfore ; (CMAELR3,43.521) and neuere +te lattere he gaat pleyn remissioun of his synnes . (CMAELR3,43.522) And certes , +tis is +te wondurful vertu of +te grete mercy of God ; to +te whiche mercy , as it is a biter blasphemye to wi+t-seyn , so it is a woodschipe to haue to gret $hope +terof . (CMAELR3,43.523) For it is no doute , (CMAELR3,43.524) God may seye to whom hym euere lest +te same +tat he seyde to +tis paltyk man : (CMAELR3,43.525) ' Sone , +ty synnes be+t for+gyue +te . ' (CMAELR3,43.526) Bote who +tat euere abyde+t +tat +tis be iseyd to hym , wit-outen his grete trauayle , wit-oute verrey contricioun , wit-oute open confessioun and clene preyere - wit-oute fayle his synnes schulle neuere be for+gyue hym . (CMAELR3,44.527) Capitulum xvij (CMAELR3,44.529) Bote , suster , let vs now gon hennys and gawe to Bethanye , to +tilke blessyde feste of Ihesu and Marthe , Marie and La+gar , wher blessyde bondes of loue and frendschipe be +te auctorite of Crist were ysacryd . (CMAELR3,44.531) +Te gospel sey+t : Diligebat Ihesus Martham , etcetera - (CMAELR3,44.532) ' Ihesus louede Marthe , Marie and La+gar ' ; (CMAELR3,44.533) and +tat +tis ne was iseyd for a greet priuilegie of special loue , noman is +tat doute+t . (CMAELR3,44.534) For ywis , Ihesu louede hem feruently ; (CMAELR3,44.535) +tat witnessede wel +tilke swete and tendre terys +tat he wepte wit hem for La+gar , whanne +tat he was deed - +te wyche terys al +te poeple vnderstood wel +tat it was a gret signe of gret loue , whanne +tey seyde : Ecce quomodo amabat eum , etcetera . (CMAELR3,44.536) Bote now , forto speke of +tis feste +tat +tyse +tre , as +te gospel sei+t , made to Ihesu : Marthe seruyde , (CMAELR3,44.537) La+gar was oon of hem +tat saat , (CMAELR3,44.538) Marie Magdeleyne tooke an alabaustre box of precious oynement (CMAELR3,44.539) and alto-barst +te box (CMAELR3,44.540) and helde +te oynement on Ihesu heed . (CMAELR3,44.541) Suster , be glad wit al +tyn herte to be at +tis feste , (CMAELR3,44.542) and tak good hied , I preye +te , of euery mannes offys ; (CMAELR3,44.543) for Marthe ministre+t , (CMAELR3,44.544) La+gar syt , (CMAELR3,44.545) Marie anoynte+t . (CMAELR3,44.546) Suster , +tis laste is +tyn offys ; (CMAELR3,44.547) and +terfore brek +te alabastre box of +tyn herte , and al +tat euere +tu hast or my+gt haue of deuocioun , of loue , off affeccioun , of gostly desir , of eny maner spiritual swetnesse , (CMAELR3,44.548) al-to-gydere scheed hit on +ty spouses heed , wurschepyngge verrey man in God , and verrey God in man . (CMAELR3,44.549) And +tey+g Iudas +te treytour grynte wit his te+t and al+tou+g he grucche , +tou+g he be enuyous and skorne +te and seye +tat +tis oynement of spiritual deuocioun is not bote ilost , haue +tu neuere fors . (CMAELR3,44.550) Vt quid , ait Iudas , perdicio hec ? Posset hoc vnguentum venumdari multo , et dari pauperibus . (CMAELR3,44.551) And +tis is +te voys of manye men now-aday . (CMAELR3,44.552) Bote what ? (CMAELR3,44.553) +Te pharyse grucchede , hauynge enuye of Marye , verrey penaunt ; (CMAELR3,44.554) Iudas grucche+t , | hauyngge enuye of +te precious oynement ; (CMAELR3,44.555) na+teles , trewely , he +tat was ry+gtful and mercyful iugge , he acceptede not +tis accusacioun ; (CMAELR3,44.556) bote here +tat was accused , +tat was Marie Magdeleyne , he asoylede and excusyde . (CMAELR3,44.557) Sine , inquit , illam ; opus enim bonum operata est in me - (CMAELR3,44.558) ' Suffre here doo ' , sey+t Crist , (CMAELR3,44.559) ' for sche had ydoo a good dede in me ' . (CMAELR3,44.560) Let Marthe +terfore trauayle owtwardly and mynystre in owtward ocupacioun , (CMAELR3,44.561) let here receuye pilgrymes , +gyue +te hungry meete , +te +tursty drynke , clo+tyngge to +te nakede , and so for+t of o+tre ; (CMAELR3,44.562) bote let Maryes partye suffise to me , (CMAELR3,44.563) and I wil be entendaunt to here . (CMAELR3,44.564) Who+ter eny man woolde conseyle me forsake +tilke feet of Ihesu , +tat Marie so swetly kyssede ; or +tat I schulde turne awey myn e+gen fro +tat blessyde face so fair and frehs , +tat Marye so entierly be-halde+t ; or elles +tat I schulde turne awey myn erys fro +tylke sauery talkyngge of Criste , of +te whiche so fulsumly Marie is ived ? (CMAELR3,45.565) I suppose , nay . (CMAELR3,45.566) Bote now , suster , let vs aryse and walke ennys . (CMAELR3,45.567) ' Whidur ? ' , seyst +tu ? (CMAELR3,45.568) Certes , +tat +tu mowe folwe +ty meke husbonde , hym +tat is Lord of heuene and ir+te , sittyngge so homly vp an asse ; (CMAELR3,45.569) and beyngge as hit were astonyed of +te grete honour and reuerence +tat is idoo to hym in which aray , amang +te worschipyngge of +tilke deuoute children of Ebru pote for+t +tat +tu canst doo , and cry : Osanna filio Dauid , benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini . (CMAELR3,45.570) And +tanne walke for+t in-to +tat faire large halle $frehsly istrowed and adi+gt for Cristes soper a Schere+tursday , (CMAELR3,45.571) ant +tonke +ty God +tat +tu mowe come to swych a feste . (CMAELR3,45.572) Let loue ouercome schome , (CMAELR3,45.573) let stedefast affeccioun exclude al drede (CMAELR3,45.574) and preye +tat +tu mowe sum almesse of +too crummes +tat ben o +tat blessyde boord . (CMAELR3,45.575) Or elles , suster , stond avier , (CMAELR3,45.576) and as a pore wrecche poryngge on a gret lord , pote for+t +tyn hand , +tat +tu mowe sumwhat gete , (CMAELR3,45.577) and let biter terys move +tilke pytous lord to haue pyte of +tyn hungur . (CMAELR3,45.578) And whanne Crist aryst fro +te soper , gurdyngge hymself aboute wit a lynnene clo+t , and put water into a basyn , be+tenk how wondurful was +tat mageste of God , +tat wyste and also wypede so ententily synneful mennes feet , and how gret a benignyte it was to handlen wit his holy handys +te feet of Iudas , his cursede traytour . (CMAELR3,45.579) Abid hirvpon , suster , (CMAELR3,45.580) and be+tenk +te wel , (CMAELR3,45.581) and ate laste of alle pote for+t deuoutly +tyn oune feet , to be whasschen as o+tre ben - (CMAELR3,45.582) for , certes , he +tat is not iwhasschen and ymaad clene of hym , he schal haue no partye wit hym in blisse . (CMAELR3,45.583) Suster , hast +tu eny haste to hye hens-ward ? (CMAELR3,45.584) Abid a while , I prey +te , (CMAELR3,45.585) and taak good kep ho it is +tat lene+t hym so boldely to Cristes brest and slep+t so sauerly in his lappe . (CMAELR3,45.586) Iblessyd is +tat man , what euere he bee . (CMAELR3,45.587) A , now I haue aspyed ; (CMAELR3,45.588) certayn and wit-owte doute , Ihon is is name . (CMAELR3,45.589) Now , goode seynt Ihon , what swetnesse , what grace , what li+gt , what deuocion , what goodnesse +tu drawst vp of +tat euere-wellyngge welle Criste , I prey +te tel me , +gif hit be +ty wylle . (CMAELR3,45.590) Certayn , +ter be+t alle +te tresores off whit and of wysdom , (CMAELR3,45.591) +ter is welle of mercy , hows of pyte , hony of euere-lastyngge swetnesse . (CMAELR3,45.592) A , a , swete and diere disciple , wher hast +tu geten al +tis ? (CMAELR3,45.593) Art +tu he+g+gere +tan Petre ; holiere +tan Andrew ; more accepted +tan alle +te apostles ? (CMAELR3,45.594) Trewely , +te grete pryuylegie of +ty chastete ha+t | igete al +tis dignite , (CMAELR3,45.595) for +tu were ichose a mayde of God , (CMAELR3,45.596) and +terfore among alle o+tre +tu art most iloued . (CMAELR3,45.597) Now , suster , +tu art clene mayde , (CMAELR3,45.598) be glad (CMAELR3,45.599) and reuerently go nyer (CMAELR3,45.600) and chalange sum partye of alle +tis swete wur+tynesse . (CMAELR3,45.601) And +gif +tu darst auntre +te no fur+tere , let +tilke pryue disciple Ihon slepe stille at Cristes brest , (CMAELR3,46.602) and let hym drynke +te precious wyn of ioye in knowyngge of +te grete godheede ; (CMAELR3,46.603) and ren +tu , suster , to +te pappys of his manhede , (CMAELR3,46.604) and +terof suk out melke , +tat +tu mowe gostly be fed in +tenkyngge what he dude for vs in vre flehs . (CMAELR3,46.605) And amang al +tis , whan Crist by-fore his passioun commendede his disciples to +te fader in +tat holy orisoun , whan he sey+t : Pater , serua eos in nomine tuo ; mekely enclyne +tyn heed , +tat +tu mowe hiere +te same oryson yseyd to +te fader for +te . (CMAELR3,46.606) I trowe hit were ryth myrye for +te to abyde hir stille ; (CMAELR3,46.607) bote certayn , suster , +gith +tu most for+tere . (CMAELR3,46.608) And +terfore , whan Crist go+t to-fore to +te mount of Olyuet in blody anguyssche , to maken his preyere , folwe after , (CMAELR3,46.609) and +tou+g he take no mo wit hym bote Petre , Iames and Ihon , and wit hem go+t in-to a pryue place , +git at +te hardeste behald aver how goode God took vp-on hym vre wrecchidnesse ; (CMAELR3,46.610) tak heede how he +tat is Lord of alle bygyn+t , after +te manhoode , to be agast , and sey+t : Tristis est anima mea vsque ad mortem . (CMAELR3,46.611) My goode lord God , what is +tis ? (CMAELR3,46.612) Hit seme+t +tat +tu hast so greet conpassioun of me , +tat +tu louest me so muche , by-comyngge man for me , +tat as hit were +tu hast for+gyte +tat +tu art verrey God . (CMAELR3,46.613) +Tu falst adoun long-streyt in +ty face (CMAELR3,46.614) and preyest for me , (CMAELR3,46.615) and also for anguyssche +tu swast so grevously +tat it seme+t dropes of blood rennyngge doun on +te ir+te . (CMAELR3,46.616) Wher-aboute standest +tu , suster ? (CMAELR3,46.617) Ren to , for Godys sake , (CMAELR3,46.618) and suk of +te swete blessyde dropes , +tat +tey be not spild , (CMAELR3,46.619) and wy+t +ty tounge likke awey +te dust of hijs feet . (CMAELR3,46.620) +Gif +tu canst do nomore , loke +tu slepe not , as Petre dede , anaunter +tat +tu hiere +tilke mornful vndernymyngge +tat Crist putte to Petre : (CMAELR3,46.621) Sic non potuisti vna hora vigilare mecum ? - (CMAELR3,46.622) ' Mi+gtest +tu not wake on houre wit me ? ' , sei+t Criste . (CMAELR3,46.623) And anoon after +tis behald how Iudas +te traytour ge+t before , and which acursyd compaynye of Iewes come+t after ; (CMAELR3,46.624) and +ter at +te gylous cus of +tis treccherous traytour tak heede how +tey sette+t handes on +ty Lord , and how fersly +tey to-tery+t hym and drawy+t hym for+t as a +tef , how cruelly +tey streyne+t and bynde+t wit coordes +too swete tendre handes . (CMAELR3,46.625) Alas , ho may suffre +tis ? (CMAELR3,46.626) Suster , I whot wel +tat pyte okepyed now al +tyn herte , (CMAELR3,46.627) sorwe and conpassioun ha+t set alle +ty boweles aviere . (CMAELR3,46.628) Bote na+teles , suster , +git suffre a while , (CMAELR3,46.629) and let hym dey+ge for +te , +tat +tus wyl deye . (CMAELR3,46.630) Draw ne+ter staf ne swerd , (CMAELR3,46.631) haue noon vnwys indignacioun . (CMAELR3,46.632) For al+tou+g +tu woldest , as Petre dede , kitte of eny mannes hiere , +tou+g +tu smyte of arm or lege , certes , Crist wil restore al +tise , as he dede Malkes were ; (CMAELR3,46.633) +ge , and +tou+g +tu woldest , forto avenge +tyn husbonde , slen eny man , wit-oute dou+gte he wil areyse hym fro de+t to lyf . (CMAELR3,46.634) Let be al +tis +terfore , suster , (CMAELR3,47.636) and folwe hym for+t to +te prince of prestys halle +tat he was ydemed in ; (CMAELR3,47.637) and +tat fayrest face +tat euere was , +te whiche +te cursede Iewes defoyle+t wit here foule spatelyngge , +tu whash hit wit terys of +tyn e+gen . (CMAELR3,47.638) Be-+tenk +te wit how pytous e+gen and how goodly , how mercyfully he lokede vp-on | Petre whanne he hadde forsaken hym ; (CMAELR3,47.639) and anon turnede a+gen to hym-self (CMAELR3,47.640) and wepte biterly for his sunne . (CMAELR3,47.641) Oracio conpilatoris . (CMAELR3,47.643) Gode Ihesu , fowche saaf +tat +ty swete e+ge moote ones loke mercifully on me , +tat ofte in a maner haue forsake +te +torou+g my cursyde +towtys and wickede dedys ate cryingge of +te wickede seruaunt , my flehs . (CMAELR3,47.645) Bote now , suster , for+termore on +te morwe +ty spouse Crist is itake tretourusly to Pilat . (CMAELR3,47.646) +Ter he is accuseed , (CMAELR3,47.647) and he halt his pees , (CMAELR3,47.648) and as a schep +tat is ilad to his de+t , or as a $lomb +tat is on scheryngge , ri+gt so he ne openede not is mou+t . (CMAELR3,47.649) Avyse +te inwardly (CMAELR3,47.650) and tak tent how bonerly he stant by-fore +te jugge , wit is heed enclined , wit his e+gen icast adoun , wit good chiere and fiewe wurdes , al redy for +ti sake to dispysyngge , al redy to harde betyngge . (CMAELR3,47.651) I am siker , suster , (CMAELR3,47.652) +tu mi+gt not longe suffre +tis , (CMAELR3,47.653) +tu mi+gt not suffre his comely ryg be so to-torn wit schurges , his gracious face to be bouyd wit bofattes , his wurschipful heed to be corouned wit scharpe thornes to +te brayn , his ri+gt hand , +tat made heuen and ir+te , be $dishonested wit a ryed ; (CMAELR3,47.654) I wot wel +tu mi+gt not longe dure to see +tis wit +tyn e+gen . (CMAELR3,47.655) Bote +git na+teles behald , (CMAELR3,47.656) after al +tis he is ibrout out al forbled and beten , beryngge a coroune of +tornes on his heed , and a purpre garnement on his body ; (CMAELR3,47.657) and +tanne seyt Pilat to +te Iewes : Ecce homo - (CMAELR3,47.658) ' Lo , hir is +te man . ' (CMAELR3,47.659) Iwis , wrecche , a man he is ; (CMAELR3,47.660) who doute+t hit ? (CMAELR3,47.661) +Te harde betyngge of +gou+gre scharpe +gerdes , +te wannesse of +te woundes , +te fel+te of +gou+gre stynkynde spatelynge witnesse+t wel +tat he is a man . (CMAELR3,47.662) Bote par caas +tu seist to me : (CMAELR3,47.663) ' I am syker he is a man ; (CMAELR3,47.664) how may it be , na+teles , +tat in alle his injuries he nis not wro+t as a man , he tak+t not vengaunce of his turmentours as a man ? ' (CMAELR3,47.665) Wit-oute fayle , he is more +tanne a man ; (CMAELR3,47.666) he is iproued now a man , suffryngge fals dom of curside schrewes , (CMAELR3,47.667) bote whanne he schal come hym-self to +gyue ri+gtful dom ate day of dome , +tanne he schal be knowe a verrey my+gtful God . (CMAELR3,47.668) Now , na+teles , +te false iugge Pilat sit sollennely in +te jugge-sege , (CMAELR3,47.669) Ihesu stant pouerly to-fore hym , (CMAELR3,47.670) and +te sentence of de+t is +gyue a+gens hym ; (CMAELR3,47.671) and so , beryngge pitously his owne galewes , he is ilad to +te de+t . (CMAELR3,47.672) A wundurful spectacle ! (CMAELR3,47.673) Sykst +tu not ? (CMAELR3,47.674) By-hold , suster , wat a signe of princehood and wurschipe +tyn husbounde Crist ber+t vp his schuldre - as +te book seyt : (CMAELR3,47.675) Ecce principatus super humerum eius . (CMAELR3,47.676) And certeyn , +tat was +te +gerd off +ty ri+gtwisnesse and +te sceptre of his kyngdom , as holy scripture also speke+t of : (CMAELR3,48.677) Virga equitatis , virga regni tui . (CMAELR3,48.678) +Tey caste+t hym out of his garnemens , (CMAELR3,48.679) and among knytes +tey be+t departyd , saue his precious cote +tat vre lady hadde iwrou+gt wit-oute seem - (CMAELR3,48.680) +tat was nou+gt to-kit , (CMAELR3,48.681) bote by lot it fel to oon al hool . (CMAELR3,48.682) +Tanne among +tieves he was sprad abrood on +te cros , (CMAELR3,48.683) and his swete handes and feet were +tirlyd +tou+gr wit nayles ; (CMAELR3,48.684) +ter profri+t hym drynke corrupt wyn ymedlyd wit galle , (CMAELR3,48.685) and manye o+tre dispite+g do+t hym . (CMAELR3,48.686) And so he , +tat mediatour bytwyxe God and man , hyng in +te myddul bytwene heuene and ir+te , bryngyngge as hit were heuene and ir+te to-gydere . (CMAELR3,48.687) Heuene is agast , (CMAELR3,48.688) +te ir+te wundry+t - (CMAELR3,48.689) and what +tu , suster ? (CMAELR3,48.690) Certayn , it is no wunder +gif +tu be sory , se+t+te | +te sunne +tat is vnresonable is sory . (CMAELR3,48.691) +Gif +te ir+te tremble and quake , what wundur +tey +tu tremble ? (CMAELR3,48.692) +Gyf harde flyntes alto-cleue+t , wat woundur +tou+g +tyn herte to-burste ? (CMAELR3,48.693) Se+t+te straunge wummen stonde+t bysyde +te cras and wepe+t , what merueyl +tey +tu wepe for sorwe of so pytous de+t ? (CMAELR3,48.694) Bote among alle +tyse +tyngges haue good consideracioun of +tilke mylde herte of Crist - what pacience , what benignite , what pyte it kepte alwey in his torment . (CMAELR3,48.695) He tak+t non heede of his iniurie , (CMAELR3,48.696) he mak+t no fors of his bitere peynes , (CMAELR3,48.697) he ne charge+t not +te vilanyes and +te dispyt +tat be+t doo to hym . (CMAELR3,48.698) He tak+t no reward of al +tis , (CMAELR3,48.699) bote he ha+t pite and conpassioun of hem +tat do+t hym to hys passioun , (CMAELR3,48.700) he agrey+te+t salue for hem +tat +gyuen hym smarte woundes , (CMAELR3,48.701) and had procured hem lyfe +tat be+t abou+gte to revyn hym +te lyf and putte hym to +te de+t . (CMAELR3,48.702) Wit how swetnesse of herte , trowest +tu , wy+t wat mildenesse of alle his spirit , wit how gret fulsumnesse of charyte crie+t he to +te fadur and sei+t : Pater , ignosce illis - (CMAELR3,48.703) ' Fader , for+gif hem . ' (CMAELR3,48.704) Oratio conpilatoris . (CMAELR3,48.706) Benigne Ihesu , lo me hir , a symple and deuout wurschipere of +ty maieste and not sleere of +ty body , adorour of +ti spytous de+t and not skornere of +ty passioun , a stedefast knowelechere of +ty grete mercy and not despisere of +tyn infirmite +tat +tu hast itake of mankynde ; (CMAELR3,48.708) and +terfore I prey +te +tat +ty swete blessyd manhoode mote preye for me , and +tat +ty wunderful pite mote commende me to +ty fader . (CMAELR3,48.709) Swete Ihesu , sey for me , +tat wy+t mek herte wurschipe +ty passioun and +ty de+t , +tat +tu seydest for hem +tat putte +te to +ty de+t . (CMAELR3,48.710) Merciful Lord , sey ones for me to +ty fader : Pater , ignosce illi . (CMAELR3,48.711) And +tu , mayde , +tat schuldest haue mor ful trest on +tis maydenes sone Crist , wy+tdraw +te fro +too wummen +tat stonde+t aver , as +te gospel say+t , and wit Marie , moder and mayde , and seynt Jhon , also a clene mayde , so sadlyche to Cristes cros (CMAELR3,48.712) and byhold avysily how +tilke face , +tat angeles haue+t delyt to loke in , is bycome al dym and paal . (CMAELR3,48.713) Cast also +tyn e+ge asyde to Maries cher , (CMAELR3,48.714) and loke how here fresche maydenly visage is al to-bollen and forsmoteryd wit terys . (CMAELR3,49.715) Lord , suster , who+ter +tu schulle stonde by-syde wit drie e+gen , whanne +tu sikst so manye salte teris lassche adoun so vnmesurably ouer here rodye chekes ? (CMAELR3,49.716) Mi+gt +tu be wit-owte sobbyngge and whepyngge , whanne +tu sikst a swerd of so scharp sorwe renne +torou+g here tendre herte ? (CMAELR3,49.717) Mi+gt +tu heere wit-oute gret pite how straungely Crist $sei+t of seynt Jhon to his moder : ' Wumman , lo +ter +ty sone ' - Mulier , ecce filius tuus ; as hoo seyt : ' Tak to +te ano+ter sone , (CMAELR3,49.718) for I go fro +te ' ? (CMAELR3,49.719) And +tanne he seyde to seynt Jhon : Ecce mater tua . (CMAELR3,49.720) Was not +tis a mornful +tyng to Marie , whan he bitooke so passauntly here +tat was his moder to +te disciple , and beheet a +tyef +te blisse of paradys , +tat he schulde be wit hym +tryn +te same day . (CMAELR3,49.721) After al +tis , oon of +te knytes wit a spere persyde his syde to his tendre herte ; (CMAELR3,49.722) and +tanne , as +te gospel sey+t , +ter cam out blood and water . (CMAELR3,49.723) Hye +te , suster , (CMAELR3,49.724) hye +te (CMAELR3,49.725) and tarye +te not , (CMAELR3,49.726) foonde forto gete +te sum of +tyse precious liquours , (CMAELR3,49.727) for blood is yturned to +te in-to wyn , to do +te confort , and water in-to melke , to nursche +te gostly . (CMAELR3,49.728) +Ter be+t ymaad to +te fayre fressche rennyngge ryueres in a stoon , (CMAELR3,49.729) and +tat be+t Cristes reede woundes in his bodyly menbris ; (CMAELR3,49.730) and ri+gt as in culverhows be+t ymaad holys in +te wal forto warsche +te culvren in , ry+gt so in +te wal of Cristes flehs be+t ymaad nestes al hoot of blood , +tat +tu schuldest lotye in and bryngge for+t gostly bryddes . | (CMAELR3,49.731) Of +tis blood , suster , +tu scholdest +tenke and speke so muche +tat +ty lippen schulde be as blood reed , as hit were a reed liste , (CMAELR3,49.732) and +tanne schulde +ty talkyngge be sauery and swete to euery man +tat spake wit +te , as +te book sey+t : (CMAELR3,49.733) Eloquium tuum dulce . (CMAELR3,49.734) Bote now abid what +tilke noble kny+gt come , Ioseph ab-Arimathie , and vnlace+t Cristes handes and feet , softly drawyngge out +te nayles . (CMAELR3,49.735) Byhald hou he byklippe+t wi+t his blessyde armes +te swete body of Crist , and hou faste he streyne+t it to is breste . (CMAELR3,49.736) For-so+te , +to mi+gte +tis blessid man wel seye +tat +tat is iwryte in holy wryt : Fasciculus mirre dilectus mea michi inter vbera mea commorabitur . (CMAELR3,49.737) Go for+t after +tis holy man , suster , (CMAELR3,49.738) and folewe +tilke precious tresour of heuene and ir+te , (CMAELR3,49.739) and ber vp hand , leg or foot , +tat +tey hange not doun so pitously , (CMAELR3,49.740) or elles gadere to-gydere wit al suttilte +tilke holsum dropys of blood +tat droppe+t doun of his wondes , (CMAELR3,49.741) and suke +te dust of his blessyd feet . (CMAELR3,49.742) Behald fur+teremor how swetly and diligently +tilke holy man Nichodeme treti+t wit his gentil fyngres +te sacrede menbres of Crist and anoynte+t hem wit swete oynemens , and wit holy Ioseph how he lappe+t Cristes body in a clene clo+t and lei+t hit in +te sepulcre . (CMAELR3,49.743) And after +tis , loke +tu forsake not +te felaschipe of Marie Magdeleyn , (CMAELR3,49.744) bote whan sche go+t to Cristes sepulcre wit here swete smyllyngge baaumes to anoynte Cristes menbrys , loke +tu go after . (CMAELR3,49.745) A Lord , suster , +gif +tu my+gtest be wur+ty to see wit +ty gostly e+ge +tat Marie sey+g wy+g here bodyly - (CMAELR3,50.746) now +te stoon yturned awey fro +te dore of +tat blessyd sepulcre , (CMAELR3,50.747) and +ter-vppon an angel sittyngge ; (CMAELR3,50.748) now wi+t-inne +te sepulcre oon angel at +te heed , ano+ter ate feet , syngyngge and wurschippyngge +te joye and blisse of Cristes resurrexioun , (CMAELR3,50.749) now Ihesu lokyngge wit a gladly e+ge vp-on Marye Magdeleyne , +tat was sory and wepyngge for Cristes de+t , (CMAELR3,50.750) and how swete a uoys it was to Marie Magdeleyne whanne he clepede here wit here name , as +te gospel seyt , and seyde to here : ' Maria . ' (CMAELR3,50.751) A , what was swettere +tan +tis voys ? (CMAELR3,50.752) What was mor ioyeful or mor blisful ? (CMAELR3,50.753) ' Maria . ' (CMAELR3,50.754) Now , Marie , let +ty water-veynes of +tyn heed altoberste and terys renne a-doun , (CMAELR3,50.755) draw+g vp sobbyngge and si+g+gyngge fro +te deppeste ende of +ty bowelys , whanne Crist clepi+t : ' Maria . ' (CMAELR3,50.756) O blessyde Marie , what herte haddest +tu , what spirit , what strenk+te , whanne +tu vylle adoun longstreit to-fore Crist and grettest hym wepynggely and seydest : ' Raby ! ' I pray +te , (CMAELR3,50.757) wit wat affeccioun , wit what desir , wit what brennyngge of +tyn herte , wit hou gret deuocioun of al +ti soule crydest +tu whan +tu answeredest +ty Lord , and seydest : ' Rabi , Maister ! ' (CMAELR3,50.758) For mor my+gtest +tu not speke for sobbyngge and for wepyngge ; (CMAELR3,50.759) +ty grete loue +tat +tu haddest to Ihesu hadde raueschid alle +ty wittes , bo+te of body and of soule . (CMAELR3,50.760) Bote +tu , derewurthe lord , why puttest +tu awey fro +te $swhich on as louede +te so muche and so brennyngly , +tat sche most not come so ney+g +te to kisse +tyn holy and blisful feet ? (CMAELR3,50.761) Noli , inquit , me tangere - (CMAELR3,50.762) ' Touche me not , (CMAELR3,50.763) com not nei+g me ! ' , sei+t Crist . (CMAELR3,50.764) A , an hard word , an vnsuffrable word , a word +tat wolde to-breke +tey it were a stony herte : (CMAELR3,50.765) Noli me tangere - (CMAELR3,50.766) ' Touche not ! ' (CMAELR3,50.767) Why so , blisful lord ? (CMAELR3,50.768) Whi schal I not ney+g+ge +te ? (CMAELR3,50.769) Why may I not touche +tilke desiderable feet +tat where i+tirled for me wit nayles on +te cros , +tat where al by-schad for me wit blood ? (CMAELR3,50.770) Why mot I not handle hem , (CMAELR3,50.771) whi mot I not kysse hem ? (CMAELR3,50.772) Gode Ihesu , art +tu bycome straunge and mor enemy , for +ti body is mor glorious ? (CMAELR3,50.773) Now for-so+te , I nel not lete +te , (CMAELR3,50.774) I nel not | go fro +te , (CMAELR3,50.775) I schal neuere cesse fro wepyngge , (CMAELR3,50.776) my brest and herte schulle alto-breke for sobbyngge and sikyngge , (CMAELR3,50.777) bote I mote onys touche +ty swete feet . (CMAELR3,50.778) And +tanne sey+t merciful Ihesu : Noli timere - (CMAELR3,50.779) ' Ne be +tu not agast (CMAELR3,50.780) ne disconforte +te nou+gt , (CMAELR3,50.781) for +tat +tat +tu askest is not bynome +te , (CMAELR3,50.782) bote it is iput in delay . (CMAELR3,50.783) Only doo as I say +te : (CMAELR3,50.784) goo (CMAELR3,50.785) and tel my bre+tryn +tat I ham ryse fro de+t to lyve . ' (CMAELR3,50.786) +Tanne ren+t Marie for+t , (CMAELR3,50.787) and certeyn , sche ren+t wel +te fastere for +tat sche wolde sone come a+geyn . (CMAELR3,50.788) And whanne sche come+t a+gen , sche com+t not alone , bote wy+t o+tre wummen , a+gens +te whyche Ihesus hym-self ge+t (CMAELR3,50.789) and wit benigne and glad gretyngge he conforte+t hem , +tat where ouercome wi+t so biter sorwe of his dee+t . (CMAELR3,50.790) Suster , I pray +te tak good heede ; (CMAELR3,51.791) for +too it was fully igraunted to Marie Magdeleyn and here felawes +tat arst was put in delacioun . (CMAELR3,51.792) Accesserunt namque et tenuerunt pedes eius . (CMAELR3,51.793) As +te gospel sey+t , +to +tey wente to (CMAELR3,51.794) and klepte Ihesu aboute his feet . (CMAELR3,51.795) In +tyse and swyche o+tere , suster , abid , (CMAELR3,51.796) and of +tyse haue studefast meditacioun ; (CMAELR3,51.797) in swyche +tyngges haue +ty delyt , +te whyche no sleep ne smyte of noon outward boostes ne ocupacioun lette . (CMAELR3,51.798) Bote for as muche as in +tis wrecchede lyf is no+tyng stable , no+tyng certaynly is abydyngge , (CMAELR3,51.799) and a man dwelle+t not ne dure+t noon whyle in oon stat ; (CMAELR3,51.800) +terfore it is nyedful +tat oure soule be ved wit a maner diuersyte of chaungyngge . Wherfore we schulle goo fro +tyngges +tat be+t apassed , to be+tenke vs on +tyngges +tat be+t present , of +te whiche we mowe be steryd +te mor parfytly to louen vre God . (CMAELR3,51.801) De presencium meditacione . Capitulum xviij (CMAELR3,51.803) I ne halde it not a litel +gyfte of God +gif +tu vse wel and take good consideracioun of men +tat haue+t ibe tofore vs , and hou we be+t ikept of manye myscheues +tat +tey were in ; how God made vs of +te same matere +tat he maade hem , (CMAELR3,51.805) and +git he ha+t departid vs fro hem ; (CMAELR3,51.806) somme +tat were ycast out of here moder wombe al deed , and somme +tat in here moder wombe were astrangled , +te whiche , as it seme+t , were ra+ter ybore to peyne +tanne to lyf . (CMAELR3,51.807) And what +gif we be+tenke vs hou God had ymad vs hole menbres and sounde , and not ysuffred vs be bore in meselrye or palsye or elles croked or lame , or so for+t of o+tre , +tat we schulde haue ibe in sorwe to vs-self , and to o+tre to dispyt and schame . (CMAELR3,51.808) Bote of hou gret goodnesse of God was it , and is , +tat he ordeynede so for vs +tat we be+t ibore among swyche folk , be +te whiche we mowe come to +te knowyngge of God and to vre byleue . (CMAELR3,51.809) For +tis +gifte to many a +tousand he+t be denyed , which +tat rytfully be+t ydampned for euere ; (CMAELR3,51.810) and +tis +gifte is frely y+geue to vs , +tat only of his goodnesse be+t ichose +torou+g his grace ; (CMAELR3,51.811) and +git na+teles alle we were of on condicioun and of on mankende . (CMAELR3,51.812) Gowe fur+tere , (CMAELR3,51.813) and let vs behoolde what a benefys it is of God +tat we were ynursched , whanne whe cowde no mor good +tan a best , of oure fader and moder , and ikept so +tat whe nere not ybrend in +te fuyr , as many ano+ter ha+t ibe , not idreynt in water , not wood and trauayled of +te deuel , not ysmyte ne venymed of no foul wurm , not yfalle and broke vre necke ; +tat we be+t to couenable age itau+gt in hool fey , and in sacramens of holy churche . (CMAELR3,51.814) Suster , of +tyse let vs be+tenke vs ry+gt wel , (CMAELR3,51.815) for in alle +tis benefys we be+t parteners ilyke , as we be+t of oon condicioun , of oon fader begete and oon moder wombe cast out in-to +tis wordle ; (CMAELR3,52.816) and +tyse benefis God ha+t doo to vs as to +te body . | (CMAELR3,52.817) Bote auyse +te inwardly what God ha+t ido to +te graciously to +ty soule - (CMAELR3,52.818) for in +tat partye ha+t departyd betwixe +te and me as muche as is bytwyxe li+gt and derknesse ; (CMAELR3,52.819) +te ha+t ikept to hym euere in clennesse , (CMAELR3,52.820) bote me ha+t ilete alone to my-self . (CMAELR3,52.821) My mercyful God , wher am I bycome ? (CMAELR3,52.822) Whider am I went ? (CMAELR3,52.823) Whider was I aschaped ? (CMAELR3,52.824) Wyder was I runne awey fro +ty face ? (CMAELR3,52.825) I was icast out fro +ty blessede chiere as Caym was ; (CMAELR3,52.826) I made my dwellyngge vppon +te ir+te , +tat is to seyn , caste myn vnclene loue on ir+tely +tyngges ; (CMAELR3,52.827) I was wandryngge aboute wit Caym acursed : (CMAELR3,52.828) Et quicumque inuenerit me , occidet me - (CMAELR3,52.829) And who +tat euere mete wit me , haad power to sle me . (CMAELR3,52.830) And no wonder ; (CMAELR3,52.831) for what scholde a wrecche creature doo , forsaken of his creatour ? (CMAELR3,52.832) Whedur schulde an erraunt scheep gon , (CMAELR3,52.833) or were scholde he lotye , whan he is destitut of his scheperde ? (CMAELR3,52.834) A , suster , haue pite of me , (CMAELR3,52.835) for : Fera pessima deuorauit fratrem tuum - +te most wickede best of alle +tat is +te deuel ha+t deuoured +ty bro+ter . (CMAELR3,52.836) And +terfore , suster , in me behald how muche +ty God ha+t do for +te , +tat ha+t kept and saued +te fro +tat wickede best . (CMAELR3,52.837) How wrecched was I +too , whanne I foylede me-self and loste my clennesse ! How blessyd were +tu , whos clennesse and chastete only +te grace of God defendede and kepte ! (CMAELR3,52.838) How ofte asayled , itempted and steryd was +ty maydenhood and clennesse kept and saued of God , whan I wilfully fil in-to many and greuous synnes , and gadryde to me on an heep matere of fuyr $by +te whiche I scholde be brend , matyre of stench +torou+g +te wyche I scholde be deed , matere of wormes of +te wyche I scholde be $gnawen in helle , nere +te mercy of God . (CMAELR3,52.839) Gode suster , by+tenk +te of +te viel+tys for +te whiche +tu weptest vppon me sumtyme and vndernome me whan +tu were bote a +gung mayde ; (CMAELR3,52.840) bote certes , holy wryt fayle+t not +tat seyt : Nemo potest corrigere quem Deus despexit - (CMAELR3,52.841) No-man may $amende +tat God ha+t despised - +tat is to seye , wit-owte gret repentaunce of man and special grace of God . (CMAELR3,52.842) A , how muche outest +tu loue +ty gode God , +te wyche , whan he despisede me , a-drow +te to hym ; (CMAELR3,52.843) and a+gens we were of on fader and moder ybore , +git me he hatede (CMAELR3,52.844) and +te he louede . (CMAELR3,52.845) Be-+tenk +te , as I seyde , of my foule corupcions , whanne +te cloudes of vnclennesse smokede vp in me of +te ir+ti and stynkynde concupiscence of flehs and of owtrage styrynge of childhood , (CMAELR3,52.846) and no-man was to defende me ne saue me of suche myscheues . (CMAELR3,52.847) Spekyngge and styryngge of wycked companye hadde hard ywrout vppon me , +te wyche in swete drynke of flehsly loue +gaue me puysoun of fowl vnclennesse ; (CMAELR3,52.848) and so metyngge to-gydere biter swetnesse of charnel affeccioun and vnclennesse of flehsly concupiscence , +tey rauysschede me syke and feble age of childhood in-to manye foule vices , (CMAELR3,53.849) and dreynte my wrecchede soule in +te stynkynde flood of synne . (CMAELR3,53.850) My mercyable God , +tyn indignacioun and +ty wra+t+te was fallen vppon me (CMAELR3,53.851) and I felyd it nou+gt ; (CMAELR3,53.852) I was flowe fer awey fro +te and al +tu suffredest ; (CMAELR3,53.853) I was cast and possyd in-to alle maner ful+te , (CMAELR3,53.854) ant +tu lete me alone . (CMAELR3,53.855) Lo , suster , lo , diligently I prey +te tak heede ; (CMAELR3,53.856) for in-to alle suche ful+tes and $abhominaciouns +tat my cursede wyl caste me in , wite it wel +tat +tu mi+gtest haue falle in +te same , nadde +te mercy of Crist ikepte . (CMAELR3,53.857) Bote I seye nat +tis grucchynge a+gens God , as +tey he nadde do me no gret goodnesse - (CMAELR3,53.858) for wit-oute alle +te benefis +tat I rehersede beforn whiche were i+geue to vs in commune , as wel to me as to +te , +te pacience and +te benignite of God | was wundurfully yschewed to me in +tat , +tat whil I was in dedly synnes , +te eor+te openede not and swolewode me in . (CMAELR3,53.859) I am $bounde hugely to my God +tat +te heuene smot me not adoun wit +tounder or wit lytnyngge , +tat I was not dreynt in +te water , or deed sodeynly on o+ter orrible dee+t ; (CMAELR3,53.860) for ow scholde eny creature suffre +te hydouse wrong +tat I hadde doon to here creatour , bote he hadde refreyned hem +tat made hem alle of nou+gt , +te wyche whyle ne coueyty+t not +te dee+t or dampnacioun of a synneful wrecche , bote +tat he turne hym fro his wickednesse and liue in lyf of grace . (CMAELR3,53.861) And of ow gret grace , mercy and goodnesse of my God was it +tat wan I ran awey fro hym , he pursuede after to drawe me a+gen ; (CMAELR3,53.862) +ter +tat I was agast of euere-lastyng dampnacioun , he confortede me (CMAELR3,53.863) and byheet me lyf ; (CMAELR3,53.864) whan I was cast adoun in-to dispeyr , he areysede me vp a+gen in-to parfyt hoope ; (CMAELR3,53.865) whanne I was most vnkynde , he auaunsede me wit his gret benefys to styre me to turne a+gen to hym ; (CMAELR3,53.866) and +ter I was custummablely alto-gydere y-vsed to vnclennesse , he drow me awey +tens +torou+g sauour and tast of inwarde gostly swetnesse , (CMAELR3,53.867) and to-barst +te harde chaynes and bondes of cursede custum . (CMAELR3,53.868) And also after , whan I was drawen out of +te wordl , benignely he receyuede me to his grace . (CMAELR3,53.869) I halde my pees of many wundurful and grete benefys of his mercy , an-aunter +tat eny partye of wurschipe +tat is alto-gydere his , I were yseye take to me-ward . (CMAELR3,53.870) For after mannes estimacioun ful ofte +te grace and +te goodnesse of +te +gyvere and +te prosperite of +te receyuour cleve+t so ney+g to-gydere , +tat he is not only worschiped +tat only ou+gte to be worschiped and preysed , not only to hym +tat +gift al is i+goue blisse and +tank , bote to hym +tat receyve+t ; (CMAELR3,53.871) and +tat is wronge . (CMAELR3,53.872) What ha+t eny wrecche of eny goodnesse bote +tat +tat he ha+t receyued of God ? (CMAELR3,53.873) +Gif he ha+t freoly , he ha+t it of Godes +gifte ; (CMAELR3,53.874) why +tanne scholde he be wurschiped as +tei+g it were of his owne merytes ? (CMAELR3,53.875) And +terfore , my deoreworthe lord , my blisful lord , to +te alone be blisse , (CMAELR3,54.876) to +te be ioye , (CMAELR3,54.877) to +te be worschipe , (CMAELR3,54.878) to +te be +tankyngge of al oure herte ; to me , synful wrecche , no+tyng bote confusioun of my face , which +tat haue idoo wyckenesses , and so manye goodnesses haue receyued . (CMAELR3,54.879) Bote +tu askest me , par caas , what I haue lasse +tan +tu of Godes +giftes . (CMAELR3,54.880) A , suster , where is he mor fortunat +tat wit esy and softe wedur brynkt his schip saaf and sound to +te hauene , ful of marchaundise and of richesse , or elles he +tat in wylde wawes and in greet tempest alto-breket his vessel , and vnne+te naked and quakynge asschape+t to lond alyve ? (CMAELR3,54.881) Suster , +tu my+gt be glad and bli+te for +te grete gostly rychesses +tat +te grace of God ha+t ikept to +te wy+t-oute tempest of dedly temptacioun ; (CMAELR3,54.882) bote certes , to me byhoue+t gret bysynesse and eke trauayle forto make hool +tat was to-broke , forto gete a+gen +tat I hadde ilost , forto cloute a+gen +tat was in tempest of temptacioun al-to-rend . (CMAELR3,54.883) And na+teles , soo+tly , suster , wite it wel +tat hit ou+gte be a maner schame to +te +gif +tat I , after so manye abhominable vnclennesses , be yfounde euene wit +te in lyf +tat is to comen ! (CMAELR3,54.884) And +git wel ofte hit falle+t so +tat manye diuerse vices benemy+t +te meryt and +te blysse of maydenhood ; (CMAELR3,54.885) and on +tat o+ter syde , +tat chaungynge of euele maneres , and vertues comyngge in after vices , wipe+t awey +te vilanows schame of oold vnclene conuersacioun . (CMAELR3,54.886) Bote now , suster , behald entierly +te grete +gyftes of +te goodnesse of God , +tat +tu wost wel +tu hast receyued ; (CMAELR3,54.887) wi+t how murye chiere he +gyde a+gens +te , as it were , whanne +tu forsoke +te wordl and | come to hym ; (CMAELR3,54.888) wit how delices he vedde +te whanne +tu were anhungred aftur hym ; (CMAELR3,54.889) what richesse of his mercy he profrede , (CMAELR3,54.890) what holy desires he inspirede , of how swete drynke of charyte he +gaf +te drynke . (CMAELR3,54.891) For +gif God , only of his gret mercyful benignite , ha+t not ylete me al wy+touten experience of his wundurful and gostly confortes , wych ne am bote a fugitif and a rebel wrecche , what swetnesse may $I trowe +tat he +gyue to +te +tat art and euere were a clene mayde . (CMAELR3,54.892) For +gif +tu hast be in temptacioun , he ha+t defended +te ; (CMAELR3,54.893) +gif +tu hast be in peryl , he ha+t kept $+te saaf ; (CMAELR3,54.894) +gif +tu hast be in sorwe , he ha+t conforted +te ; (CMAELR3,54.895) +gif +tu were dowtyngge or flecchyngge , he ha+t confermed +te in good purpos . (CMAELR3,54.896) How ofte , suster , whan +tu hast be asadded and dul or wery of +ty lyfe , ha+t he be a pytous confortour to +te ; +gif +tu $were longynge in brennyngge loue after hym , ha+t ilept in-to +tyn herte ; +gif +tu hast yrad or ystotid on holy scripture , ha+t yli+gted +ty soule wit li+gt of spiritual vnderstondynge ? (CMAELR3,54.897) How ofte , whanne +tu hast be in +ty preyeres , ha+t he yrauyssched +te in-to so hei+g desir +tat +tu canst not telle hit ? (CMAELR3,54.898) How ofte ha+t he wit-drawe +tyn herte fro wordly +tynges to delices of heuene and to +te mur+tes of paradys ? (CMAELR3,54.899) Alle +tyse be+tenk +te of inwardly in +tyn herte , +tat al +tyn affeccioun and al +ty loue mowe be turned to hym alone . (CMAELR3,55.900) Haue bote skorn of al +te wordl , (CMAELR3,55.901) let al flehsly loue seme $stynkynde to +te ; (CMAELR3,55.902) and +tu +tat hast iset al +ty purpos on God and on +too +tat be+t in euene and lyue+t +tere wit God , +tenk as +tei+g +tu nere not in +te wordle . (CMAELR3,55.903) Vbi est thesaurus tuus , ibi et cor tuum erit - (CMAELR3,55.904) ' +Ter +tat is +ty tresour , let +ter be +tyn herte ' . (CMAELR3,55.905) And loke +tat +tu schette not +ty soule in no fowl bagge or purs ful of seluer or gold or wordliche rychesse , (CMAELR3,55.906) for trewely +ty soule may neuere , wi+t +te heuy peys of +te peny , flen vp li+gt to +te blisse of heuene . (CMAELR3,55.907) Suppose euery day +tat +tu scholdest be deed , (CMAELR3,55.908) and certayn , +tu schalt not care ne bysye +te for +te morwen . (CMAELR3,55.909) Let no wordly aduersite of tyme +tat is to comene make +te agast ; (CMAELR3,55.910) let no drede of hungour +tat is to comene disese +tyn herte , (CMAELR3,55.911) bote on hym let al +ty trust and al +ty stedefaste hope hangen , +tat fede+t +te bryddes on +te eyr and clo+te+t +te lylyes and floures in +te feld fayrere +tan euere was Salomon in al his blisse . (CMAELR3,55.912) Let hym be +ty stoorhous , (CMAELR3,55.913) let hym be +ty tresour-hows , (CMAELR3,55.914) let hym be +ty gold purs , (CMAELR3,55.915) let hym $be +ty rychesse and al +ty delys , (CMAELR3,55.916) let hym be to +te alle +tyng in alle maner nyede , (CMAELR3,55.917) qui sit benedictus in secula seculorum . Amen . Et hec de meditacione presencium ad presens sufficiant . (CMAELR3,55.918) De meditacione futurorum . Capitulum xix (CMAELR3,55.920) He +tat graunte+t so gret benefys to his seruauns in wordle +tat now is , hou grete +giftes kep+t he for hem in lyf +tat is to comene . (CMAELR3,55.922) +Te principle and +te bykynnyng of +tynges +tat be+t to comene , and +te final ende of +tynges +tat now be+t present , +tat is deed . Of +te whyche deed , wat nature is hit +tat ha+t not horrour +trof ? What herte is hit +tat drede+t hit nou+gt ? (CMAELR3,55.923) For bestes and bryddes wit rennyngge and lotyngge and many an-o+ter +tousand maner slek+te eschewe+t dee+t (CMAELR3,55.924) and defende+t here lyf . (CMAELR3,55.925) Bote +git , suster , ententyfly auyse +te in +tyn owne herte wat +tyn owne conscience answer+t to +te in +tis matere ; what +ty feyt is bold on , and what +ty parfyt hope byhoot +te and +ty desyr coueyte+t . (CMAELR3,55.926) For certayn , and +ty lyf be to heuynesse ; and +tu be saad and haue despyt of +te wordle ; and +tyn owne flehs be to +te to sorwe - certes , +tanne coueytest +tu dee+t wit gret desyr . | (CMAELR3,55.927) For dee+t put awey heuynesse of +tys lyf , (CMAELR3,55.928) and make+t an ende of saadnesse of +tis wordle , (CMAELR3,55.929) and deliuere+t +te body out of muche sorwe . (CMAELR3,55.930) And fey+tfully , I schal sey +te on +tyng +tat is mor worthy +tan alle +te delis , al +te rychesse and al +to wurschipe of +tis wordle - (CMAELR3,55.931) and +tat +tyng is , +gif +tat +tu for gret clennesse of conscience , for parfyt stedefastnesse of feyt and for clier sourtee of verrey hope , ne drede not bodyly dee+t . (CMAELR3,55.932) And +tis poynt +torow +te +giftes of God he may at sum tyme haue experience of , +tat after sykyngge and mornynge for wrecched seruitute of +tis wordle , is so ileft vp in-to hei+g clennesse of conscience and holy contemplacioun +tat he ha+t in a maner for+gyten al +tis wordle . (CMAELR3,56.934) And iwis , suster , +tise be+t +te holsum erris and +te ioyeful begynnyngges of euerelastynge blisse +tat is to comene , (CMAELR3,56.935) whanne at +te comyngge and at +te asaylyngge of dee+t , parfyt feyt ouercome his natural horrour , hope tempre hit , (CMAELR3,56.936) and surtee of clene conscience put awey al drede . (CMAELR3,56.937) Loke now , suster , how dee+t is bygynnyngge of reste and of blisse , ende of trauayl , and sleere of vices and of wrecchidnesse ; as +te book sey+t : (CMAELR3,56.938) Beati mortui qui in domino moriuntur ; amodo iam dicit spiritus ut requiescant a laboribus suis . (CMAELR3,56.939) Wherfore +te prophete , discryvyngge +te dee+t of Godes derlyngges fro +te dee+t of +too +tat be+t acursed and schulle be dampned , sei+t on +tis wyse : (CMAELR3,56.940) Omnes reges dormierunt in gloria - (CMAELR3,56.941) ' Alle ' , he sey+t , ' gloriouse kyngges haue+t be deed in ioye . ' (CMAELR3,56.942) For +tey deye+t in gret ioye and gladnesse , whos dee+t commende+t parfyt and clene conscience ; +te whiche dee+t is ful precious i +te si+gte of God , as +te book sey+t : (CMAELR3,56.943) Preciosa est in conspectu domini mors sanctorum eius . (CMAELR3,56.944) And certes , he is a glorious kyng and deye+t in ioye , what so euere he be , to whos dee+t be+t angeles present , to whos laste slep holy halwen hi+get+t to and , +gyvyngge help as to here cyteseyn of heuene and mynystryngge hertly confort , fi+gte+t for hym a+gens his enemys , caste+t adoun his wi+tstonderes and scharply conuicte+t his accousours , bryngyngge his soule euene to Abrahames bosum and to +te si+gt of God , +ter +tat he schal abyden in reste , pees and li+gt . (CMAELR3,56.945) Bote non sic impij , non sic - No+tyng so of Godys curslynges ; (CMAELR3,56.946) for of ech of hem sei+t +te same prophete in +te same place +tat I seyde nekst : (CMAELR3,56.947) Tu autem proiectus es de sepulcro tuo quasi stirps inutilis pollutus , etcetera - (CMAELR3,56.948) ' +Tu ' , he sei+t , ' art icast out of +ty sepulcre - +tat is +ty foule body - (CMAELR3,56.949) +tu art icast out , I seye , as a foul and vn+tryfty drye stycke +tat is not wur+t bote to +te fuyr . ' (CMAELR3,56.950) Fur iwis , Godys curslyngges in heere dee+t bee+t idrawe of wickede spirites out of here body as out of a stynkynde put , al defoyled wit lecherye , al iwrapped aboute wy+t cursede coueytise , (CMAELR3,56.951) and so wi+t instrumens of helle +tey be+t idrawe to be brend in fuyr , itake to be gnawe of wurmes and iput to be astrangled of euerlastyngge stench . (CMAELR3,56.952) Now so+tly and trewely it is seyd : Expectacio iustorum leticia , spes autem impiorum peribit - (CMAELR3,56.953) ' +Te abydynge and +te hope of rytful men is ioye and blisse , (CMAELR3,56.954) +te hope of wickede men schal perysche and fayle . ' (CMAELR3,56.955) Bote for-so+te , what reste , what pees , what mur+te and li+gt is be-hoote and is abide of +te blessede spirites +tat now reste+t in Abrahames bosum , (CMAELR3,56.956) for experience ha+t not +git itau+gt vs , (CMAELR3,56.957) +terfore noon of vre penne or poyntel may owtly wryten it as it is . (CMAELR3,57.958) Bote +tey abide+t in blisse , alwhat +te noumbre of here bre+tryn be fulfeld ; (CMAELR3,57.959) and +tat schal ben at +te day of +te laste resurrexioun , at +te day of dome , whanne | +tey be+t clo+ted in duble stole , +tat is to seyn in ioye of body and soule to-gydere in euere-lastyng blisse . (CMAELR3,57.960) Of +tis day of dome , suster , I preye +te +tat +tu byholde +te horrour and +te drede , whanne +te angelles of heuene schulle ben as it were a-stonyed , (CMAELR3,57.961) +te elemens schul ben dissolued for heete of fuyr , (CMAELR3,57.962) helle+gates schulle ben al open , (CMAELR3,57.963) and al +tat is now priue and hud schal ben openly knowen . (CMAELR3,57.964) From aboue schal come +te jugge fers and wro+t ; (CMAELR3,57.965) his wra+t+te schal brenne as eny fuyr , his chaar +tat be terrible as eny tempest forto take veniaunce in gret ire , and to destruye his enemys in leytyngge fuyr . (CMAELR3,57.966) Now certes , Beatus qui paratus est occurrere illi (CMAELR3,57.967) ' Yblessed is he +tat is redy to meete wit hym at +tat our . ' (CMAELR3,57.968) What sorwe schal be +tanne to cursede wrecchen whom now lecherye defoyled , cursede coueytise al disturbe+t , Luciferes pruyde areyse+t an hei+g . Angeles schulle gon and departe +te wickede fro +te goode , puttyngge ri+gtful men on Godes ri+gt syde , and on his left syde +too +tat schulle be dampned . (CMAELR3,57.969) Suster , by+tenk +te now in +tyn owne herte as +tey +tu were euene by-twyx +tyse tweye companyes to-fore +te jugge-sege of God , and not iputte outerly to on party no to o+ter ; (CMAELR3,57.970) cast +tanne +tyn e+gen asyde to +te left syde of +tis ri+gtful jugge Crist , (CMAELR3,57.971) and byhald +tat cursed , wrecchid and weepful companye . (CMAELR3,57.972) A , suster , wat stench is $ter +ter , (CMAELR3,57.973) what horrour , what drede , what sorwe ! (CMAELR3,57.974) A-cursede coniones stande+t +ter gryntyngge wit tee+t , al naked to here bare brest orrible in si+gt , deformed in face , al irebuked in confusioun and schame for nakednesse and fowlnesse of here body . (CMAELR3,57.975) +Tey wolde fayn lotye and huyden hem , (CMAELR3,57.976) bote +tey schul not mowe ; (CMAELR3,57.977) +tey wolde renne a-way , (CMAELR3,57.978) bote +tey schulle not be suffred . (CMAELR3,57.979) +Gif +tey lyfte vp here e+gen , +te wra+t+te of here domesman is above here heed ; (CMAELR3,57.980) +gif +tey loke+t dounward , +te orrour of +te put of helle is a+gens here face . (CMAELR3,57.981) +Tey schulle fynde noon excusacioun of her synne , (CMAELR3,57.982) ne +tey schulle not apele fro eny vnrytful dom ; (CMAELR3,57.983) for what euere schal +tanne be demyd , here owne conscience schal knowen it and deme it so+t . (CMAELR3,57.984) Be+tenk +te now , suster , how muche +tu owest to louen hym of al +ty my+gt , +tat ha+t departyd +te fro +tilke grete vnsauery multitude +tat schal be dampned , and yclepyd +te to his grace and ipurgyd +te and iustefyed +te to his blisse . (CMAELR3,57.985) And +terfore cast +tyn e+gen to +te ry+gt syde , (CMAELR3,57.986) and byhold to how blisful a cumpanye $he ha+t coupled +te . (CMAELR3,57.987) A , Ihesu , what fayrnesse is in hem , (CMAELR3,57.988) what honour , what felicite , what ioye , what surtee ! (CMAELR3,57.989) Summe be+t put an hei+g to be domesmen wit Crist , (CMAELR3,57.990) summe be+t al bri+gt schynynge wit coroune of martirdom , (CMAELR3,57.991) summe be+t whyt as +te lylye of virginite , (CMAELR3,57.992) summe ben fructuous +torou+g +gyuyngge of almesse , (CMAELR3,58.993) summe ben clier and excellent +torou+g holsum doctrine of Godes lawe ; (CMAELR3,58.994) and alle +tyse be+t knet and coupled to-gydere in o bond of blisful loue and euere-lastyngge charyte . (CMAELR3,58.995) +Te swete face of Ihesu schyne+t to hem , not terrible and gastly as it do+t to Cristes curslynges , but ful amyable and blisful , not biter bote ful swete , not gastyngge bate gladyngge and confortyngge . (CMAELR3,58.996) Now , suster , +gif +tu woldest stonde in +te myddul of +tyse two companyes , not wetyngge as it were to wyche partye +te sentence of +te domesman wyle put +te too , lord , how hard schulde +tis abydyng be to +te ! (CMAELR3,58.997) +Tanne forso+te my+gtest +tu wel say : Timor et tremor venerunt super me et contexerunt me tenebre . (CMAELR3,58.998) For +gyf he putte +te on +te lyft syde , +tu schalt not mowe | seye +tat he is vnri+gtful ; (CMAELR3,58.999) +gif he ha ordeyne+t +te o +te ri+gt syde , it is only of his grace , and not to be put to +tyn owne merytes . (CMAELR3,58.1000) Now iwis , lord God , lif and dee+t is in +ty wyl and in +ty power alone . (CMAELR3,58.1001) Sykst +tu now , suster , how muche al +tyn herte and +ty soule schulde be set only in his loue , +te wyche , al+tou+g ha my+gte ry+gtfully turne +te same sentence of dee+t to +te +tat he smyt on hem +tat schulle be dampned , $+git of his goodnesse ha+t leuere to putte +te on his ri+gt syde and associe +te to his blisful derlyng . (CMAELR3,58.1002) And +terfore now a Godes half ymagyne as +tey +tu were ioyned to +tat ioyful and holy felauschip , heryngge +tilke precious decree of his swete voys : (CMAELR3,58.1003) Venite benedicti patris mei , percipite regnum quod vobis paratum est ab origine mundi - (CMAELR3,58.1004) ' Come+t +ge , iblessid of my fadur , (CMAELR3,58.1005) receyue+t +te kyngdoom +tat was agrey+ted to +gow er +te bygynnyngge of +te world . ' (CMAELR3,58.1006) And +tanne schulle +tilke wyepful wrecchyn heere +tilke harde and vnsuffrable word ful of wra+t+te , ful of sorwe , ful of indignacioun : (CMAELR3,58.1007) Discedite a me , maledicti , in ignem eternuum - (CMAELR3,58.1008) ' Departe+t fro me , +ge curslyngges , in-to euerlastyngge fuyr . ' (CMAELR3,58.1009) And +tanne schul +te goon into perpetual turment , and ri+gtwyse men into blisse $wi+touten eende . (CMAELR3,58.1010) A , a , an hard departyngge , a wrecchyd and wiepful condicioun to +tilke acursede caytyfs ! (CMAELR3,58.1011) And whan +tey be+t itake awey and departid otterlyche fro +te blisse of God , and ri+gtwyse men after heere degree and heere meryt be+t iput in among +te ordres of holy angeles ; +tanne +tannys let +tilke gloriouse processioun go for+t in-to +te he+ge Ierusalem , +te cite euerlastyngge of heuene , Crist hym-self as oure verrey heed goynge to-fore , and alle his blisful menbres folwynge after . (CMAELR3,58.1012) +Tanne schal +tilke glorious kyng regne in hem , and +tey in hym , vndurfonggyngge to here heritage +tilke real kyngdom of blisse +tat was ordeyned for hem er +te wordle were . (CMAELR3,58.1013) +Te staat of +tat realme may not hiere be fully +tou+gt , and muche more no+ter seyd ne wryten in book . (CMAELR3,58.1014) Bote +tis wot I wel , (CMAELR3,58.1015) and daar booldely sayn , +tat +tu schalt lakke no+tynge +tat +tu woldest haue , (CMAELR3,58.1016) ne +tu schalt haue no+tyng +tat +tu woldest lacke . (CMAELR3,59.1017) +Ter schal be no wepynge ne weylyngge , no sorwe , no drede , no discord , noon envye , no tribulacioun ne temptacioun , no chaungynge of +te eyr , no corrupcioun ne wicked suspecioun , non ambicioun , non adulacioun , no detraccioun , no siknesse of old age , no de+t , no pouerte , no derknesse , noon hungur ne +turste , no nyede ne werynesse ne no maner faylyngge . (CMAELR3,59.1018) +Ter +tat noon of alle +tyse +tynges be+t , what may +ter be bote parfyt ioye , parfit mur+te , parfit tranquillite , parfit surtee , most parfit loue and charite , parfit rychesse , parfit fayrnesse , parfit reste , parfit strencthe , parfit hele , and parfit si+gt of +te face of God ; and in +tyse , euere-lastyngge , abydyngge and euere-durynge lyf . (CMAELR3,59.1019) What wolde +ge more , whanne oure creatour God $schal be clierly yseyen , iknowen and iloued ? (CMAELR3,59.1020) He schal be seyen in hym-self blisful , (CMAELR3,59.1021) he schal be seyen in his creatures , gouernyngge alle +tyng wit-oute trauayl or bisynesse , susteynyngge alle +tyng $wit-outen eny werynesse , +gyuynge hym-self to alle creatures after here capacite wit-oute eny laskyngge or diuisioun of his godhede . (CMAELR3,59.1022) +Tanne schal be seyn +tilke swete , amyable and desiderable face of God +tat angeles coueyten to loke in ; of whos fayrnasse , of whos cliernesse , of whos swetnesse hoo may au+gt seyn worthyly ? (CMAELR3,59.1023) +Ter schal be seye +tanne +te Fader in +te Sone , +te Sone in +te Fader , and +te Holy Gost in hem bo+te . (CMAELR3,59.1024) +Ter God vre creatour schal be seye not in a myrour or in derknesse , bote face to face , as +te | gospel sey+t . (CMAELR3,59.1025) +Ter God schal be seye as he is , whanne +tat byheste schal be fulfeld +tat hym-self sai+t in +te gospel : (CMAELR3,59.1026) Qui diligit me , diligetur a patre mea , et ego diligam eum , et manifestabo ei meipsum - (CMAELR3,59.1027) ' Who +tat loue+t me ' , sei+t Crist , ' he schal be loued of my Fader , (CMAELR3,59.1028) and I schal louen hym and schewen hym myn owne self . ' (CMAELR3,59.1029) Of +tis cliere si+gt come+t +tat blisful knowynge +tat Crist hym-self spek+t of in +te gospel : (CMAELR3,59.1030) Hec est vita eterna vt cognoscant te vnum et verum Deum , et quem misisti Ihesum Cristum . (CMAELR3,59.1031) Of +tyse sprynkt out so muche loue , is igendred so greet feruour of blisful desir , so muche plentevousnesse of lykyngge , so muche swetnesse of charite +tat non o+ter fulsumnesse of blisse byneme+t +te blisful desir and appetit , (CMAELR3,59.1032) no+ter +tat blisful desir fayle+t of parfit and plentevous fulsumnesse . (CMAELR3,59.1033) And wat is al +tis , forto seyn hit in fiewe wordes ? (CMAELR3,59.1034) Certes , suster : Quod oculus non vidit , nec auris audiuit , que preparauit Deus diligentibus se . (CMAELR3,59.1035) Recapitulacio . (CMAELR3,59.1037) Now , suster , I haue wryte to +te in schorte wordes of +te $moynde of Cristes benefices +tat ben apassed , of +te experience of +to +tat be+t present , and of +te abydyngge hope of $+to +tat be+t to comene - of +te whiche mor plentevous fruyt of +te loue of God mowe sprynge out of +tyn herte - so +tat +tis +tre maner meditacioun mowe styrye +ty gostly affeccioun , (CMAELR3,60.1039) and +tyn affeccioun mowe gendre brennyngge desir , (CMAELR3,60.1040) and +ty desir mowe brynge +te in-to mornyngge and eke in-to wepyngge after +te loue of +ti husbounde Crist , alwhat +tu be brou+gt in-to his owne si+gt and be iklept in his blessede armes ; so +tat +tu mowe seye to +ty singuler loue , +tat +tu hast ichose byfore alle o+tre , +tat +tat is iwryte in +te book of loue in holy wryt : (CMAELR3,60.1041) Dilectus meus michi et ego illi . (CMAELR3,60.1042) And now hast +tu , suster , +tat +tu coueytist and +tat +tu askedist ; (CMAELR3,60.1043) for +tu hast bodyly informaciouns , after +te whiche +tu schalt rule and gouerne +te owtward man ; (CMAELR3,60.1044) and also I haue itake +te a maner forme by +te whiche +tu mi+gt purge +te inward man fro vices , and maken hym fayr in vertu . (CMAELR3,60.1045) +Tu hast in +tre maner of meditacioun how +tu schalt nursche +te , and feruently excite +te in-to +te loue of God . (CMAELR3,60.1046) And in caas +tat eny deuout creature profite in +te redynge of +tis litul booke in eny gostly profit , I preye hym +tat he wyl +gyue me +tis to my meede : +tat to my savyour +tat I abide , and to my domesman +tat I drede , (CMAELR3,60.1047) he wylle deuoutly preye for my mysdedes , +tat he and I mowe come to +tat blisse +tat I vnwor+tyly haue spoken of . (CMAELR3,60.1048) Quod nobis misericorditer concedat , qui viuit et regnat in secula seculorum . (CMAELR3,60.1049) Amen . (CMAELR3,60.1050)