Schrift $schal $beo {TEXT:schalbeo} dredful . +tt +tu segge wi+d seint Ierome . Quociens confessus sum videor michi non esse confessus . (CMANCRIW-2,.1) As ofte as ich am ischriuen eauer me +tunche+d me unschriuen . (CMANCRIW-2,.2) for eauer is sum for +geten of +te to tagges . (CMANCRIW-2,.3) for +ti sei+d seint austin . Ve lau dabili Hominum uite . si remota misericordia discuci as eam . +tt is +te beste mon of +tis world +gef ure lauerd demde him al . efter richt wisnesse . & naut efter merci wa schulde him wur+den . (CMANCRIW-2,.4) Sed misericordia super exaltat iudicium (CMANCRIW-2,.5) ach his merci towart us ; wei+ged eauer mare +tenne +te narewe richte . (CMANCRIW-2,.6) Schrift schal beon hopeful . (CMANCRIW-2,.7) for+ti beo hopeful . (CMANCRIW-2,.8) Hwase seid {TEXT:+tt_subpuncted} $as he con . & de+d al +tt he mei . god ne bit namare . (CMANCRIW-2,.9) Ach hope & dred schulen A ; $beon {beon_omitted_from_A} iment togederes . (CMANCRIW-2,.10) +tis forto bitacnen . $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} alde la+ge wes ihaten +tt +te twa grindelstanes ne schulde namon twimmen (CMANCRIW-2,.11) +Te neodere $+te li+d stille & bere+d heui charge . bi tacne+d ferlac +te tei+ge+d mon from sunne . & is iheueged her wi+d hart for to beo cwite of hardere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.13) +Te uuere stan bitachne+d hope +te eorne+d & sture+d hire $in $gode {TEXT:ingode} werkes eauer wi+d trust of muche mede . (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.14) +Teos twa nan mon ne parti from o+der . (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.15) for as seint gregori sei+d . Spes sine timore . luxuriat inpresumpcionem . timor sine spe degenerat indesperacionem (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.16) dred wi+d uten hope Make+d mon untrusten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.17) & hope wi+d ute dred Make+d ouer trusten (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.18) +Teos twa un+deawes untrist & ouer trust . beo+d +te deofles tristen ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.19) +ter +te wrecche best selden ed stertet . (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.20) triste is +ter me sit mid +te greahundes for to kepe +te hare . o+der tilde+d +te nettes a+gein him . (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.21) towart an of +teos twa is al +tt he sleate+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.22) for $+ter $beo+d {TEXT:+terbeo+d} hise greahundes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.247.23) +ter beo+d hise nettes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.25) Vntrust & ouertrust beo+d of alle sunnen nest +te +gete ofhelle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.26) Wi+d dred wi+d uten hope +tt is wi+d untrust wes caymes schrift & iudasen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.27) For +ti ha for ferden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.28) Wi+d hope wi+d uten dred . +tt is wi+d ouer trust . is +te vnselies sa+ge . +te sei+d $in $+te {TEXT:in+te} sauter . Secundum mulititudinem ire sue non queret (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.29) Nis naut quod he god se grim as +ge him make+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.30) Noa he sei+d Dauid (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.31) $+gei $he {TEXT:geihe} (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.32) & sei +tenne Propter quid irritauit {TEXT:deus_impium_subpuncted} impius deum ; dixit enim in corde suo non require+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.33) on alre earst he cleope+d +te ouertrusti unbileued . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.34) +te unbileuet wi+d hwon greme+d he god almichti . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.35) wi+d +ton he sei+d +tt he sei+d Nule he naut se narewliche demen as +ge segge+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.36) $Gei {TEXT:Sei} siker ach he wule . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.37) +Tus +teos twa vn+teawes beo+d $ieuenet {TEXT:ieuenet_omitted} to grimme robberes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.38) for +te an +tt is ouertrust reaue+d god his richte dom . & his richtwisnesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.39) +te o+der +tt is untrust reaue+d him his Milce . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.40) & swa ha beo+d umben to fordo god seolf . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.41) for god ne muchte neauer beo wi+d uten richtwisnesse . ne wi+d ute milce . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.42) Nu +tenne hwiche un+teawes beo+d euening to +teose . +te wulle+d god acwellen $on {TEXT:wi+d_underlined_for_deletion} hare fule wise . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.43) +gef +tu art to trusti & haldest god to nech +te . for to Wreke sunne . Sunne like+d him bi +tin tale . (CMANCRIW-2,II.248.44) ach bihalt hu he wrec on his hech engel . +te +tochte of an prude . hu he wrec in adam +te bite of an appel . hu $he $bisenchte {TEXT:hebisenchte} sodome & gomorr . were & wif & wenchel . +te nomecu+de bure+ges . al an muche schire dun into helle grunde . +ter as is nu +te deade sea +tt nawicht cwikes nis inne . hu he $i $noees {TEXT:inoess} flod al +te world adrenchte . buten achte $i $+ten {TEXT:i+ten} arche . hu he $in $his {TEXT:inhis} achne folc israel his deorling . hugrimliche he wrec him . as ofte as ha gulten Dathan . & abiron . chore . & his feren . +teo+dre alse +tt he sloch $bi $feole {TEXT:bifeole} +tusendes ofte . $for $hare {TEXT:forhare} grucchinge ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.249.45) On o+der half loke +gef +tu hauest untrust of his unmete milce hulichtliche & housone seintte peter efter +tt $he $hefde {TEXT:hehefde} for saken him . & +tt for acwene word wes wi+d him isachtned . $hu $+te {TEXT:hu+te} +teof orode hefde a iliuet uuele $in $an {TEXT:inan} start hwile of eode ed him milce wi+d anfei+ger speche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.249.46) For +ti bitwene +teos twa vntrust & ouertrust . hope & $dred beod aa . ifei+get toge+dere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.249.47) Schrift schal +get beon wis . & to wis mon imaked . of uncu+de sunnen . naut to +geunge preostes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.249.48) +geunge ich segge of wit . ne to sot alde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.249.49) Bigin earst ed prude . (CMANCRIW-2,II.249.50) & seh alle +te bo+ges +trof . as $ha $beo+d {TEXT:habeo+d} +truppe iwritene . hwich falle to +te . +ter efter alswa of onde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.249.51) & ga swa dunewart reawe birewe . til +tet +te leste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.249.52) & drach to gedere al +te team vnder +te moder . (CMANCRIW-2,II.249.53) Schrift ach tobeon so+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.54) ne lich +tu naut on +te seolf . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.55) for as sei+d {TEXT:sei+d_repeated} seint austin Qui causa humilitatis men titur . fit quod prius ipse non fuit . id est . peccator . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.56) +Te sei+d les on him seoluen +turch to muchel ed modnesse . he is imaked sunneful +tach he ear nere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.57) Seint gregori sei+d +tach . bonarum mencium est culpam agnoscre ubi $culpa non est . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.58) Cunde of god heorte , is to beon offered of sunne +ter as nan nis ofte . o+der weie swi+dere his sunne sumchere +tenne he +turte weien hit (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.59) to lutel is as uuel o+der wurse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.60) +te middel wei of mesure is eauer guldene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.61) dred we us eaure . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.62) for ofte we wene+d for to don alutel uuel & du+d angreat sunne . ofte wel to donne & do+d al to cwede . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.63) segge eauer +tenne wi+d seinte anselme Eciam bonun nostrum ita est aliquo modo corruptum ut possit non placere aut certe displicere deo . Panlus . Scio quod non est inme . hoc est in Carne mea bonum . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.64) Nagod nis in vs of us . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.65) vre god is godes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.66) Ach sunne is of us & vreachne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.67) Godes god hwen ich hit do quod seint anselme swa on summe wise min vuel hit for gnei+ged . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.68) O+der ich hit do ungledliche . o+der to earliche o+der to lete . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.69) o+der leote wel +trof . +tach nan mon hit nute . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.70) o+der walde +tt ei hit wiste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.71) o+der +gemelesliche do hit . o+der to unwisliche to muchel o+der to lutel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.72) +Tus eauer sum vuel mongle+d him Mid mi god +tt godes grace +geue+d me . +tt hit mei lute liken god & Misliken ofte (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.73) seinte marie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.250.74) Hwen +te hali mon seide +tus $bi $him {TEXT:bihim} seolf . hu mu+ge $we $hit {TEXT:wehit} seggen $bi $vs {TEXT:bivs} wreccges . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.75) Schrift ach to beon willes , +tt is williche vnfreined . Naut idra+gen of +te +tin vn+tonckes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.76) hwil +tu const seggen eut sei al unasked . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.77) Me ne $schal $aski {TEXT:schalaski} nan bute for nede ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.78) for +te askunge mei vuel fallen bute +te askunge beo +te wisere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.79) On oder half monimon abit for to schriuen him o+det +te nede tippe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.80) ach ofte him li+ge+d +te wrenh . +tt he ne mei hwenne he wule +te nalde +toa he machte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.81) Namare kanhschipe nis . +Tenne sette god terme as +tach grace were his to neomen up grace +trin $i $+teterme {TEXT:i+teterme} as he him seolf sette . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.82) nai belami nai . +Te terme is $i $godes {TEXT:igodes} hont naut $in $+tibandun {TEXT:in+tibandun} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.83) hwen god beot hit +te reah to ba +te honden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.84) for wi+d dra+ge he his hont +tu macht loke +trefter (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.85) +gef uuel o+der o+ter +ting ned +te to schrifte . lo hwat sei+d seint austin (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.86) coacta seruicia deo non placent (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.87) Seruises inedde ne cweme+d naut vre lauerd (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.88) +tach no+delatere . betere is . oa . +tenne noa . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.89) Nunquam sera est penitencia sitamen uera . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.90) nis neauer to lete penitance +tt is so+dliche imaked . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.91) $he $sei+d {TEXT:hesei+d} of him seoluen . ach betere is $as $daui+d {TEXT:asdaui+d} sei+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.92) Refloruit caro mea & ex uoluntate Mea confitebor ei . +Tt is minflesch is iflured . & bicumen al neowe (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.93) for ich wulle schriue me . & herie god willes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.94) wel sei+d he iflured . to bitacnen wil schrift . (CMANCRIW-2,II.251.95) For +te eor+de al vnne+d & +te treon alswa opene+d ham . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.96) & bringe+d for+d misliche flures . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.97) Incanticis . flores aparuerunt inter ra nostra . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.98) edmodnesse . abstinence . culure vnka+dnesse , & o+dre swiche uertuz . beo+d feire $in $godes {TEXT:ingodes} echnen . & swote $in $godes {TEXT:ingodes} nase smellinde flures . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.99) of ham make his erber inwi+d +te seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.100) for his delices he sei+d beo+d +ter for to wunien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.101) Et de licie mee esse cum filiis hominum . inlibro . sapiancie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.102) Schrift ach to beon achne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.103) Namon ne schal ischrift wreie but him seoluen ase for+d as he mei . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.104) +tis $i $segge {TEXT:isegge} for +ti +tt swiche auenture bitime+d to summon . +tt he ne mei naut fulliche wreien him seoluen bute he wrei+ge o+dre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.105) Ach binome no+deletere ne nempni ha naut +tilke . +tach +te schrift fader wite wel towart hwam hit turne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.106) ach an munc o+der an preost naut William ne Water . +tach +ter nebeon nan o+dere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.107) Schift schal beon studeuest tohalde +tepenitance & leaue +te sunne +tt +tu segge to +te preost . ich habbe studeuestliche i+tong & inheorte +tis sunne to for leten . & do +tepenitance . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.108) +Te preost ne schal naut $aski $+te {TEXT:aski+te} +gef +tu wult +teone for+d . for haten +ti sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.252.109) inoch is +tt +tu segge +tt +tu hit hauest onheorte treoweliche to donne +turch godes grace . & +gef +tu fallest +trin +tt +tu wult ananricht arisen +turh godes help & cumen a+gein to schrifte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.111) Vade & Amplius noli peccare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.112) Ga quod vre lauerd . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.113) & haue wil +tt +tu nult sunege namare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.114) +Tus neaskede he nan o+der sikernesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.115) Schrift ach to beon bi +tocht biforen longe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.116) Of fif +tinges . wi+d +tin +tocht gedere +tine sunnen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.117) of Alle +tine ealdes . of child had of +geu+ge+dehad . gedere $al $to gederes {TEXT:alto_gederes} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.118) +ter efter gedere +te studen +tt +tu in wunedest . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.119) & +tenh +georne hwat +tu dudest in euch stude sunderliche . & in euch elde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.120) +ter efter seh al ut (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.121) & trudde +tine sunnen bi +tine fif wittes . +ter efter $bi $alle {TEXT:bialle} +tine limen . ihwich +tu hauest isunged mest . o+der oftest . Alest sunderliche bi da+ges & bi tides . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.122) Nu $+ge $habbe+d {TEXT:gehabbe+d} alle ihauet as ich understonde +te .xvi. stuchen +tt ich bihet to dealen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.123) & alle ich habbe to broken ham ow Mine leoue sustren . as me de+d to children +te muchten wi+d unbroke bread dei+gen of hunger . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.124) Ach me is +tt wite +ge moni crome edfallen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.125) Seche+d ham (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.126) & gedere+d for ha beo+d saule fode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.127) +Tulli schrift +tt haue+d +tus $+tes fiftene stuchen . haue+d +tilke muchele michten +tt ich ear seide +treo a+gein +te deouel +treo {TEXT:a+gein_subpuncted} $on us seoluen . deore wur+de ofer golt $or {TEXT:hort_with_ht_subpuncted} & +gimmes $of {TEXT:ouer} inde (CMANCRIW-2,II.253.128) Mine leoue sustren +tis fif+de dale +tt is of schrift limpe+d to alle men ilich . (CMANCRIW-2,II.254.130) For +ti ne wundre +ge ow naut +tt ich towart ow nomeliche nabbe naut ispeken $i $+tis {TEXT:i+tis} dale . (CMANCRIW-2,II.254.131) habbe+d +tach to ouwer bihoue +tis lutle leste ende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.254.132) Of alle cu+de sunnen as of prude . of great o+der of hech heorte . of onde of wra+d+de of slau+de . of +gemeles of idel word . of unto+gene +tochtes of sum idel herunge of sum fals gladunge . o+der of heui murnung . of yprocrisie . of mete & of drunh to muchel o+der to lutel . of gruchunge of grim chere . of silence ibroken . of sitte longe ed +turle . of ures mis iseide wi+d ute +geme of heorte . o+der $in untime of sum fals word . of $sware {TEXT:swa} of plo+ge . of ischake lachtre . of schede cromen o+der ale . of lete +tinges mulin . rustin . o+der rotin cla+des $unsowet . bireined unweschen breoke nep o+der disc . o+der bi seo +gemelesliche ei +ting +tt me wi+d fare+d . o+der Achte to +gemen . of keoruing o+der hurting . +turch unbise+genesse . of alle +te +tinges +te beo+d $in $+tis {TEXT:in+tis} riule +tt beo+d mis numene . of alle +tulliche +ting schriue hire euche wike eanes $ed $+te {TEXT:ed+te} leste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.254.133) for nan se lutel nis of +teos ; +tt +te deouel naue+d ambreued on his rolle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.254.134) Ach schrift hit schrape+d of (CMANCRIW-2,II.254.135) & make+d him to leosen muchel of his hwile . (CMANCRIW-2,II.254.136) Ach al +tt schrift ne schrape+d of . al he wule $an $domesdei {TEXTandomesdei} reden fulwiterliche forto bicleopie +te wi+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.137) an word ne $schal $+ter {TEXT:schal+ter} wontin . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.138) Nu +tenne ich reade +geoue+d him to writen +te leste +tt +ge eauer mu+gen for nan meoster nis him leouere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.139) & hwet $se $he {TEXT:sehe} writ . beo+d umben to skrapen hit of cleanliche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.140) Wi+d nan +ting ne ma+ge +ge maten him betere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.141) to euch preost mei ancre schriuen hire of swich utterliche sunnen +te alle biualle+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.142) Ach ful trusti $ha $schal {TEXT:haschal} beon on +te preostes godlec +tt heo allunge schawi to $hu $hire {TEXT:huhire} stonde abuten flesches temptaciuns . +gef ha is swa ifonded bute $in $dea+des {TEXT:indead+des} dute . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.143) +Tus +tach me +tunche+d +tt ha mei seggen Sire flesches fondunges +tt ich habbe o+der habbe ihaued ge+d to for+d up on me +turch min +tafunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.144) Ich am of dred leoste ich ga driuinde o+der hwiles to swi+d for+dwart mine fol +tochtes . & fule umbe stunde . As +tach hit huntede efter licunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.145) Ich muchte +turch godes streng+de schaken ham ofte of me . +gef ich were cwicliche & stalewur+dliche umben . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.146) Ich am of feared sare Leoste +te delit $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} +tocht leste to longe ofte . swa +tt hit cume nech skiles +gettunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.147) Ne dear ich +tt ha deopluker ne witerluker schriue hire to +geung Preost her abuten (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.148) Ach to hire achne schrift fader o+der to sum lif hali mon +gef ha mei him habben culle $al {TEXT:as} +te pot ut . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.149) +ter speowe ut al +tt wunder (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.150) +ter wi+d fule wordes +tt ful+de efter +tt hit is tuke alto wunder . swa +tt ha drede +tt ha hurte his earen +tt hercne+d hire sunnen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.255.151) +gef ei ancre nat naut of +tulliche +tinges . +tonke +georne Iesu crist . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.152) & halde hire idrede . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.153) +te deouel nis {TEXT:repeated_nis_subpuncted} naut dead . +tt wite ha +tach he slepe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.154) Lichte gultes bete+d +tus anan rich bi ow seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.155) & +tach segge+d ham inschrift hwen +ge +tenche+d ham on $as $+ge {TEXT:as+ge} speoke+d mid preoste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.156) $for $+te {TEXT:for+te} leste of alle son se vnder +geote+d hit falle+d biforen ower weoued ancros to +te eor+de (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.157) & segge+d mea culpa . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.158) $Ich $gulte {TEXT:Ichgulte} (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.159) merci Lauerd . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.160) +Te Preost ne +tarf for nan gult bute hit beo +te grettere leggen o+der schrift on ow . {TEXT:+Tt_subpuncted} $+ten +te lif +tt +ge leade+d efter +tis riule . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.161) Ach efter +te absoluciun he $schal $+tus seggen . Al +te good +tt +tu eauer dest . & al +te uuel +tt $+tu $eauer {TEXT:+tueauer} +tolest for +te luue of Iesu crist inwi+d +tin ancre wawes . al ich an geonni +te . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.162) al ich legge up on +te in remissiun of +teose & $in $for+geouenesse {TEXT:infor+geouenesse} of alle +tine sunnen (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.163) & +tenne sum lutles hwet mei he seggen on ow as ansalm o+der twa . Pater nosteres o+der Auez tene o+der tweolue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.164) diciplines eche to +gef him swa +tunche+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.165) efter +te totagges +te beo+d iwrite +truppe . he schal +te sunne demen mare o+der lesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.166) Ansunne ful for+geoueliche mei wur+de ful deadlich +turch sum uuel totagge +tt li+d +tear bisiden (CMANCRIW-2,II.256.167) Efter schrift falle+d to speoken of penitance +tt is dea+d bote (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.169) & swa we habbe+d in+geong ut of +tis fifte dale into +te seste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.170) her biginne+d +de seste dale of penitance (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.171) $AL $is {TEXT:ALis} penitence & strong penitence +tt +ge eauer dre+ge+d mine leoue sustren . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.172) Al +tt +ge eauer do+d of god . $al $+tt {TEXT:al+tt} +ge +tolie+d is ow martindom in swa derf oardre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.173) for +ge beo+d nicht & dei upon godes rode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.174) bli+de mu+ge +ge beon +trof . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.175) for as seinte Pawel seid Sicompatimur conregnabimus . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.176) As +ge scotte+d mid him . of his pine on eor+de & +ge schule scotte wi+d him of his blisse inheouene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.177) for $+ti $sei+d {TEXT:+tisei+d} seintpawel . Michi absit gloriari nisi incruce domini mei Iesu cristi . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.178) & hali chirche singe+d . Nos oportet gloriari incruce domini nostri . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.179) Al ure blisse mot beon in Iesu cristes rode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.180) $Ich $chulle {TEXT:Ichulle} biginnen herre & lichte swa +ter to . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.181) Nime+d $nu $gode {TEXT:nugode} +geme . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.182) for al mest is seint beornardes sentence . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.183) +Treo Manere of godes incorene liuie+d on eor+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.184) +te an mu+ge beon to gode Pilegrimes ieuened . +te o+dre to deade . +te +tridde $to inhonged wi+d hare gode wil on Iesues rode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.185) +te forme beo+d gode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.186) +te o+dre beo+d betere . +te +tridde best of alle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.257.187) To +teforme grede+d seinte peter inwardliche . Obsecro uos tanquam aduenas & peregrinos ut abstineatis uos acarnalibus que militant ad uersus animam . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.188) Ich halsi ow $he $sei+d {TEXT:hesei+d} as +teodi & pilegrimes . +tt +ge wi+d halden ow from fleschliche lustes . +te weorre+d oa +te saule . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.189) +te gode pilegrim halt eauer his richte wei for+d ward (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.190) +tach he seo o+der here ydele gomenes $ant {TEXT:ant_omitted_from_A} wundres $bi $+te {TEXT:bi+te} weie . he ne ed stont naut ase foles do+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.191) ach halt for+d his rute (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.192) & hi+ge+d towart his giste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.193) he ne bere+d nan gersume bute his speonse gnedeliche ne cla+des buten ane +teo +tt him to nede+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.194) +tis beo+d hali men +tt +tach $ha $beon {TEXT:habeon} $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} world . $ha $beo+d {TEXT:habeo+d} +trin as pilegrimes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.195) & ga+d wi+d good lifladen towart +te riche of heouene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.196) & segge+d wi+d +te apostel . Non habemus hic manantem ciuitatem sed futuram inquirimus . +tt is nabbe we nan wununge her (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.197) ach we seche+d o+der . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.198) Beo+d bi +te leste +tt ha mu+gen (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.199) & ne halde+d na tale of nan worldlich froure . +tach $ha $beon in worldlich wei as ich seide of pilegrim . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.200) Ach habbe+d hare heorte eauer towart heouene (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.201) & ach+gen wel to habben . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.202) for o+der pilegrimes ga+d $in $muche {TEXT:inmuche} swinc to sechen ane sontes banes . ase seint Iames o+der seint giles . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.203) Ach +teo pilegrimes +te ga+d towart heouene ha ga+d to beon isonte+d . & to finden god seolf & alle hise halie hale+gen . liuinde in blisse (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.204) & schule liuen wi+d ham iwunne world buten ende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.258.205) heo ifinde+d iwis seint Iulienes in . +tt weifarinde men +georne bisecho+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.206) $Nu $beo+d {TEXT:+Tubeo+d} +teose gode (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.207) ach +get beo+d +to+dre betere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.208) for allegate Pilgrimes as ich ear seide $al $gan ha eauer for+dwart ne bicume+d ha burchmen $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} worldes burch . ham +tunche+d sumchere god of +tt $ha $seo+d {TEXT:haseo+d} biweie (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.209) & stutte+d sum del +tach ha ne do mid alle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.210) & moni +ting ham falle+d to hwar +turch $ha $beo+d {TEXT:habeo+d} ilette . swa +tt mare harm is sum kime+d lete ham sum neauer mare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.211) $hwa $is {TEXT:hwais} +tenne sckerre & mare ut of +te worlt +tenne pilegrimes ; $+tt $is {TEXT:+ttis} to seggen +ten +te men +te habbe+d worldlich +ting & ne luueo+d hit naut . ach +geoue+d hit as hit {TEXT:as_subpuncted} kime+d ham . & ga+d untrusset . lichte $ase $pilegrimes {TEXT:asepi|legrimes} towart heouene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.212) $hwa $beo+d {TEXT:hwabeo+d} betere +tenne +teos ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.213) god wat +teo beo+d betere +te +te apostel speke+d to (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.214) & sei+d $in $his {TEXT:inhis} pistel . Mortui estis & uita uestra abscondita est cum cristo indeo . cum autem apar uerit unita uestra . tunc & uos aparebitis cum domino ingloria . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.215) +ge beo+d deade (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.216) & ower lif is ihut mid crist . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.217) hwen he +tt is ower lif edeawet & springe+d as +te da+gunge efter nichtes +teosternesse . & +ge schule wi+d him springen schenre +ten +te sunne into eche blisse (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.218) +te nu beo+d +tus deade . hare liflade is herre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.219) for pilegrim eile+d moni hwet +te deade nis nocht of +tach he ligge unburied . & rotie buuen eor+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.220) Preise him (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.221) leoste him (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.222) do him scheome . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.223) sei him scheome (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.224) al him is iliche leof . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.225) +tis is aseli dea+d +tt make+d cwic mon o+der cwic wimmon ut of +te worlde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.226) Ach sikerliche hwase is +tus dead $in $hire {TEXT:inhire} seoluen god liue+d $in $hire {TEXT:inhire} heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.227) for +tis is +tt +teapostel sei+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.259.228) viuo ego . Iam non ego viuit autem inme cristus . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.229) Ich liuie naut ich . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.230) ach crist liue+d in me . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.231) & is as +tach he seide . worldlich speche worldlich sich+de & euch worldliche +ting ifinde+d me dead . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.232) ach +tt +te limpe+d to crist +tt ich seo & here & wurche icwicnesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.233) +tus is euch richt religius . dead to +te world & cwic in crist . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.234) +tis is an hech steire (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.235) & +tach +get is an herre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.236) & hwa stut eauer +trin ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.237) $god $wat he +te seide Michi autem absit gloriari & cetera . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.238) +tt is +tt ich seide +truppe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.239) Crist me schilde forto habben ani blisse $in $+tis {TEXT:in+tis} world . bute in Iesu cristes rode mi lauerd . +turch hwam +te world is me $unwur+d & ich am unwur+d hire . as wari +te is anhonged . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.240) $A $lauerd {TEXT:Alauerd} hech+ge stod he +te spec on +tisse wise . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.241) & +tis is ancre steire +tt ha +tus segge Michi autem absit gloriari & cetera . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.242) $I $nan+ting {TEXT:Inan+ting} ne blisse ich me buten $i $godes {TEXT:igodes} rode . +tt ich +tolie wa . & am itald unwur+d ase god wes onrode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.243) Loke+d leoue sustren . hu +tis steire is herre +ten ani beo of +te o+dre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.244) +tepilegrim $in $worldes {TEXT:inworl|des} wei +tach he ga for+dwart towart +te ham of heouene . he si+d & here+d unnut (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.245) & speke+d umbehwile . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.246) wre+d+de+d him for wo+ges (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.247) & moni +ting mei letten him of his iurnee . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.248) +te deade nis namare of scheome +tenne of menske of hard +tenne of nesche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.249) for he nefele+d nou+der . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.250) ne for +ti ne of earne+d nou+der wa ne wunne (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.251) ach +te +te is on rode & haue+d blisse +ter of . he wende+d scheome to menske & wa into wunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.252) & of earne+d for +ti hure ouer hure . (CMANCRIW-2,II.260.253) +tis beo+d +teo +te neauer $ne $beo+d {TEXT:ne_beo+d_omitted_in_A} gled iheorted bute hwen $ha $+tolie+d {TEXT:ha+tolie+d} sum wa . o+der sum scheome wi+d Iesu $on $his {TEXT:onhis} rode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.254) for +tis is +te selch+de oneor+de . hwase mei for godes luue habbe scheome & teone . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.255) +Tus Lo richte ancres . ne beo+d naut ane Pilegrimes . ne +get naut ane deade . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.256) ach beo+d of +teos +tridde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.257) for al hare blisse is forto beon ahonged sariliche & scheomeliche wi+d Iesu on his rode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.258) +teos mu+ge bli+de mid hali chirche singen . Nos oportet gloriari & cetera . +tt is as ich seide ear . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.259) hwet $se $beo {TEXT:sebeo} of o+dre +te habbe+d hare blisse . summe in flesches licung sum in worldes dweole . sum in o+dres uuel . We mote nede blissen in Iesu cristes rode . +tt is in scheome & inwa +tt he droch onrode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.260) $Moni $walde {TEXT:Mo|niwalde} summes weis +tolien . flesches hardschipe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.261) Ach beon itald unwur+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.262) $ne $scheome {TEXT:nesch|eome} ne muchte he +tolien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.263) ach he nis bute halflung up on godes rode . +gef he nis igrei+det to +tolien ham ba . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.264) Vilitas & asperitas . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.265) vilte & asperte +teostwa . scheome & Pine as seint bernard sei+d beo+d +te twa laddre steolen . +tt is up richt to heouene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.266) & bitwene +teose steolen beo+d of alle gode +teawes +tetindes iuestned , bi hwicche me climbe+d to +te blisse of heouene . for $+ti {TEXT:+tis_with_s_subpuncted} +tt dauid hefde +te twa steolen of +tis laddre +tach he king were +te clomb upwart & seide baldeliche to vre lauerd . vide humlitatem meam & Laborem meum . & dimitte vni uersa delicta mea . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.267) bihalt quod he (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.268) & sich min edmodnesse & mi swinc (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.269) & for+gef me mine sunne alle to gederes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.261.270) Notie+d wel +teos twa word +tt dauid fei+ge+d somed swinc & edmodnesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.271) swinc in pine & inwa . isar & insore+ge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.272) Edmodnesse a+gein woch of scheome +tt mon dre+ge+d +te is itald unwur+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.273) ba +teos bihald inme quod dauid godes deorling (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.274) Ich habbe +teos twa laddre steolen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.275) dimite vniversa .d.m . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.276) Leaf quod he bihinde me (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.277) & warp awei from me alle mine gultes . +tt ich {TEXT:iheted_subpuncted} ilichted of hare heuinesse lichtliche sti+ge up to heouene bi +teos laddre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.278) +Teos ilke twa +tinges +tt is wa & scheome iveiet to gederes . beo+d helyes hweoles +te weren $furene {TEXT:furene_with_i_subpuncted} hit telle+d & beren him up to parays +ter he liue+d +get . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.279) fur is read . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.280) $I $+teheate {TEXT:I+teheate} is understonden $uchwa $+tt {TEXT:uchwa+tt} eille+d flesch . Scheome $bi $+te {TEXT:bi+te} rede . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.281) $Ach $wel {TEXT:Achwel} mei don (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.282) $ha $beo+d {TEXT:habeo+d} her hweolinde as +tehweoles ouerturne+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.283) sone ne lette+d nane hwile . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.284) +tis ilke ec is bitacned . bi cherubinnes sweort bifor parayse +geten . +te $wes $of {TEXT:wesof} lei & hweolinde & turninde abuten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.285) Ne kime+d nan into parays bute +turch +tis leitinde sweord +tt wes hat & read & in elyes furene weoles . +tt is +turch sar & +turch schome +te ouerturne+d cwicliche & aga+d sone . (CMANCRIW-2,II.262.286) & nes godes rode mid his deorewur+de blod irudet & ireadet ; forto schawin on him seolf +tt pine & sore+ge & sar schule wi+d scheome beon iheowed . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.287) nis hit iwriten bi him factus est obediens patri usque ad mortem . mortem autem crucis . +tt is he wes buchsum to his fader . naut ane to dea+d $ach $to {TEXT:achto} dea+d on rode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.288) +turch +tt he sei+d +trefter dea+d ; is pine vnderstonden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.289) +turch +tt he sei+d +trefter dea+d onrode is schendlac bitacned . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.290) for swich wes godes dea+d onrode Pinful & schendful $ouer {TEXT:o+der} o+der . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.291) hwase eauer dei+ge+d ingod & on godes rode +teos twa he mot +tolien . scheome for him & Pine . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.292) Scheome ich cleopie eauer her ; beon itald unwur+d . & beggen as an harlot . +gef neod is his liuena+d & beo +to+dres beodesmen . as +ge beo+d leoue sustren & +tolie+d ofte danger . of swich o+derhwile +te muchte beon ower +tral . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.293) +tis is +tt $eadi $scheome {TEXT:ea|discheome} +tt $ich oftalie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.294) Pine ne truke+d ow naut . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.295) $I $+teos {TEXT:I+teos} ilke twa +ting +tt al penitance is in . blissi+d ou & gladie+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.296) for a+gein +teos twa ow beo+d twa fald blisse i+garked a+gein scheome menske . a+gein pine delit & reste buten ende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.297) ysaye . Interra inquid sua duplicia possidebunt . (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.298) $ha $schulen {TEXT:haschulen} sei+d ysaie $in $hare {TEXT:inhare} achne lont welden twaualt blisse a+gein twafalt wa +tt $ha $her {TEXT:haher} dre+ge+d . in hare achne lont (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.299) sei+d ysaie . for alswa as +te vuele nabbe+d na lot inheouene . ne +te gode nabbe+d nan lot ineor+de $in $hare {TEXT:inhare} ach+ge lont $ha $schule {TEXT:haschule} welden $blisse {TEXT:bilisse_with_i_subpuncted} (CMANCRIW-2,II.263.300) Super epistolam . jacobi . Mali nichil habent incelo boni uero nichil interra . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.301) Twafaltcune mede a+gein twafalt sore+ge . as +tach he seide . ne +tunh ham nan feorliche . +tach ha her +tolien as in vncu+de londe & in uncu+de eart bituch+gen vn +teode . scheome ba & sore+ge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.302) for swa do+d monigentil mon +tt is $in {TEXT:in_omitted} uncu+de +teode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.303) me mot ute swinken to resten ed hame . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.304) & nis he achanh cnicht +te seche+d reste $in $+tefect {TEXT:in+tefect} & eise $in $+teplace {TEXT:in+teplace} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.305) Milicia est unita hominis super terram . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.306) Al +tis lif is afect ase Iob witne+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.307) ach efter +tis fecht her . +gef we wel fechte+d menske & reste abit us . ed hame $in $ure {TEXT:inure} achne lond +tt is heoueriche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.308) Loke+d nu hu witerliche vre lauerd seolf hit witne+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.309) Cumsederit filius hominis insede maiestatis sue Sedebits & uos iudicantes . Bernardus . insedibus quies inperturbata . Iniudicio honoris eminencia commen datur . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.310) hwen ich sitte forto demen sei+d ure lauerd . +ge schule sitte wi+t me & deme wi+d me al +te world +tt schal beon idemed kinges . & caysers . cnichtes & clerkes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.311) $in $+te {TEXT:in+te} sete . $is $reste {TEXT:isreste} & aise bitachned a+gein +te swinc +tt her is . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.312) in +te menske of +te dom +tt $ha $schule {TEXT:haschule} demen is hechschipe menskeful ouer alle understonden a+gein scheome & lachschipe +tt ha her for godes nome mildeliche +toleden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.313) Nis +ter nu +tenne bute +tolien gledschipe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.314) $for $bi {TEXT:forbi} god seolf is iwriten quod perpenam ignominiose Passionis peruenit ad gloriam resureccionis . $+tt $is {TEXT:+ttis} +turch schendful pine he com to gloire of blisful ariste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.264.315) Nis nan seolcu+d +tenne +gef we wreche sunefule +tolien $her $pinen . +gef we wulle+d adomesdei blisfulliche arisen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.316) & +tt we mu+gen +turch his grace +gef we us seolf wulle+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.317) Quoniam si complantati fuerimus similituni mortis eius similiter & resurexionis erimus . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.318) Seinte Pawel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.319) +gef we beo+d i impet to +te ilichnesse of godes dea+d . $we $schulen {TEXT:weschulen} of his ariste . +tt is to segen . +gef we libbe+d ischeome & in Pine for his luue {TEXT:for_subpuncted} $i hwiche twa $he $deide {TEXT:hedei|de} . we schule beon iliche his blisful ariste . vre bodi bricht as his is world buten ende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.320) as seinte Pawel witne+d Salua torem expectamus . qui reformabit corpus humilitatis nostre configuratum corpori claritatis sue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.321) let o+dre acemin his achne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.322) Sicompatimur & conregnabimus (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.323) +gef we +tolie+d wi+d him . we schule blissen wi+d him . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.324) nis +tis god foreward . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.325) Watcrist nis he god {TEXT:forewart_subpuncted} $feola+ge ne treowe +te nule scottin $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} lure as eft $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} bi+gete . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.326) Gl. illis solis pro dest sanguis cristi . qui uoluptates deserunt . & corpus affligunt . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.327) god schedde his blod for alle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.328) ach heom ane hit is wur+d +te fleo+d flesches licunge & pine+d ham seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.329) & is +tt ani wunder (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.330) nis god ure heaued . & we his limen alle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.331) Ach nis uch lim sar wi+d sore+ge of +te heauet ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.332) his lim +tenne nis he naut +te naue+d eche {TEXT:small_erasure} under $se $sar {TEXT:sesar} akinde heaued . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.333) hwen +te heauet swet wel . +te lim +te ne swat naut nis hit uuel tachne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.265.334) he +tt is ure heaued swatte blodes swat for ure secnesse toturnen us of +tt lont uuel +tt alle londes lei+gen on & ligge+d +get monie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.335) +te lim +te ne swat naut in swing fulpine for his luue . deuleset hit leaue+d $In $his {TEXT:Inhis} secnesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.336) & nis +ter bute $forkeruen hit {TEXT:+tun_subpuncted} +tach hit +tunche sar $god . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.337) for betere is finger offe +tenne hit ake eaure . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.338) Cweme+d he nu wel god +te bilime+d him seolf +tus . +turch +tt he nule sweten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.339) Oportebat cristum pati . & sic intrare ingloriam suam . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.340) Seinte Marie merci . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.341) hit moste swa beon hit sei+d crist +tolie pine & passiun . & swa habben in+geong into his riche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.342) Lo deale hwet he sei+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.343) swa habben in+geong into his riche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.344) swa & nan o+derweis . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.345) & we wreche sunefule wulle+d wi+d eise sti+gen to heouene . +tt is se hech+ge buuen us . & se swi+de muche wur+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.346) & me ne mei naut wi+d uten swinc alutel cote arearen . ne naut twa +tongede scheon habbe wi+d ute bune . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.347) O+der we beo+d changes +te wene+d wi+d licht lepes buggen eche blisse . o+der +te hali hale+gen $+te $bochten {TEXT:+tebochten} hit se deore . (CMANCRIW-2,II.266.348) Nes seinte peter & seinte andreu +terfore istracht onrode . Seint laurenz $o $+de {TEXT:o+de} gridel . & la+delese meidnes +tetittes $itoren $of {TEXT:itorenof} . to hwi+deret on hweoles . hafden bicoruen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.267.349) ach ure sotschipe is sutel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.267.350) & heo weren $iliche +teose +geape children +te habbe+d riche faderes . +te willes & waldes to teore+d hare cla+des for to habbe neowe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.267.351) Vre alde curtel is +te flesch . +tt we of adam ure aldefader habbe+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.267.352) +te neowe we schulen $underue of god ure riche fader $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} ariste of domesdei . hwen ure flesch schal blikien schenre +tenne +te sunne +tt hit is totoren her wi+d wontrede & wi+d $weane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.267.353) Of +teo +te hare curtles toteore+d on +tis wise sei+d ysaie . Deferetur munus domino exercituum . apopulo diuulso & dilacerato apopulo terribili . (CMANCRIW-2,II.267.354) a folc to laimet to toren afolc $he $sei+d {TEXT:hesei+d} $fearlich schal maken to ure lauerd Present of him seoluen (CMANCRIW-2,II.267.355) folc to laimet & to toren wi+d strong liflade & wi+d hard . he cleope+d folc feorlich . (CMANCRIW-2,II.267.356) for +te feont is of swich offrucht & offeared . (CMANCRIW-2,II.267.357) for $+ti $+tt {TEXT:+ti+tt} iob wes +tullich . he mende of him (CMANCRIW-2,II.267.358) & seide . Pellem propelle & uni & cetera . +tt is he wule +geouen fel for fel . +te alde for +te neowe . as +tach $he $seide {TEXT:heseide} . Ne +geme+d me naut to asaillen him (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.359) he is of +te totorne folc . +te tere+d hisalde curtel . & to rende+d hisalde pilche of his deadlich fel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.360) for +te uel undeadlich +tt $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} neowe ariste schal schinen seoue falt brichtere +tenne +te sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.361) Eise & flesches este beo+d +te deofles marken . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.362) hwen he si+d +teos marken in mon o+der in wummon . he wat hwet +te castel is (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.363) & gea+d in baldeliche . +ter he si+d iricht up swiche baneres $as $me {TEXT:asme} de+d in $castel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.364) $I $+tt {TEXT:I+tt} itorene folc he $misde+d his marken . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.365) & si+d inham richt godes banere +tt is hardschipe of lif . & ase muche dred +trof (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.366) as ysaye . Meo leoue sire sei+d sum . & is hit nu wisdom to do swa him seoluen ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.367) & +tu +gelt me ondswere (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.368) Of twa men hwe+der is wisere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.369) $ha $beo+d {TEXT:habeo+d} ba seke . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.370) +te an for gea+d $al $+tt {TEXT:al+tt} he luue+d . of metes & of drunches . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.371) & drinke+d bittere sabraz forto acouren heale . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.372) +Te o+der fole+ge+d alhis wil (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.373) & $for $de+d his lustes a+gein his sechnesse (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.374) & leoset +te lif sone . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.375) hwe+der is wisere of +teose twa . (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.376) hwe+der is betere hisachne freont (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.377) hwe+der luue+d him seoluen mare ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.378) & hwa nis sec of sunne ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.379) god for ure secnesse dronc attri drunh onrode (CMANCRIW-2,II.268.380) & we nulle+d naut biteres bite for us seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.269.381) nis +ter nawicht +ter of . (CMANCRIW-2,II.269.382) sikerliche his fole+gere mot wi+d pine of his flesch fole+gen his pine . (CMANCRIW-2,II.269.383) Ne wene nan wi+d este to sti+gen to +te steorren (CMANCRIW-2,II.269.384) $Meo sire sei+d sum eft . $wule $god {TEXT:wulegod} se wracfulliche wreoken up on sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.269.385) +ge mon for loke nu hu he hit hate+d swi+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.269.386) Hu walde nu +te mon beate +tt +ting seolf hwer se $he $hit ifunde , +te for muche beote +trof +te schadewe & $al $+tt {TEXT:al+tt} hefde +ter to anilichnesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.269.387) God fader almichtin $hu $beot {TEXT:hubeot} he bitterliche his deorewur+desune Iesu ure lauerd +tt neauer nefde sunne . bute ane +tt he ber flesch ilich ure +tt is ful of sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.269.388) & we schulde beon ispared +te beore+d onus his sunes {TEXT:sune;s_added_by_D} dea+d . +Te wepne +tt sloch him +tt wes ure sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.269.389) & he +te nefde na ut of sunne bute schadewe ane wes $i $+tilke {TEXT:i+tilke} schadewe scheomeliche ituked . se sorchfulliche ipined +tt ear hit come +ter to . for +te +treatung ane +trof . he bed his fader are . (CMANCRIW-2,II.269.390) tristis est anima mea usque ad mortem . Pater mi si possibile est transeat ame calix iste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.391) Sare quod he me grulle+d a+geines mi Pine . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.392) Mifader +gef hit mei beon spare ed +tis time . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.393) +Ti wil +tach & naut min beo eauer ifor+det . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.394) his deorewur+de fader for +ti ne for ber him naut . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.395) ach leide on him se bitterliche . +tt he bigon to greden wi+d reoufule steuene . Heloy . heloy Lama zabani . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.396) Migod . Migod . Mideorewur+de fader . hauest $+tu $al {TEXT:+tual} for warpen me . +tin anlepi sune (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.397) +tu beatest me ful harde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.398) for al +tt {TEXT:is_subpuncted} ne lette he naut . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.399) ach beot se longe . & se grimliche +tt he sterf on rode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.400) diciplina pacis nostre super eum sei+d ysaie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.401) +tus ure beatunge feol on him for he dude him seolf bitwenen us & his fader +te +tratte us for to smiten as moder +tt is reouful de+d hire bitwenen hire child & +te sturne fader hwen he hit wule beaten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.402) +tus dude ure lauerd Iesu crist . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.403) ikepte on him dea+des dunt . for to schilden us +ter wi+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.404) igracet beo his milce . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.405) hwer se muche dunt is . hit bulte+d a+gein upo +teo +te nech stonde+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.406) So+dliche hwase is nech him +te ikepte +te heuie dunt . hit wule bulten on him . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.407) Nule he him neauer meanen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.408) for +tt is +te preoue +tt he stont nech him . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.409) & licht is +tebulting to +tolien . for his luue +te under veng +te heuie dunt us for to bru+gen from +te deofles botte $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} pine of helle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.410) $+get {TEXT:S+get} sei+d moni mon . hwet is god +te betere +tach ich pine for his luue (CMANCRIW-2,II.270.411) Leoue mon & wimmon . god +tunche+d god of ure god . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.412) Vre god is +gef we di+d +tt we ach+gen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.413) Nim +geme of +tis esample . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.414) Amon +te were feor ifaren . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.415) & me come (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.416) & talde him +tt his deore spuse se swi+de murnede efter him +tt ha wi+d uten him delit nefde $i $nan {TEXT:inan} +ting ach were for +tocht of his luue leane & el iheowed . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.417) nalde him betere liken +tenne $+tt me seide him . +tt ha gleode & gomenede . & wedde wi+d odre men . & liuede indelices ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.418) alse vre lauerd +tt is +te saule spus +te si+d al +tt $ha $de+d {TEXT:hade+d} +tach he hech+ge sitte . he is fulwe ipai+get +tt ha murni efter him . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.419) & wule hi+gen toward hire muche +te swi+dre . wi+d +geoue of his grace . o+der facchen hire allung to him to $gloire & to blisse +turchwuninde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.420) Negrapi hire nan tosofteliche hire seolf tobichearren . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.421) Ne schal ha for hire lif witen hire cleane (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.422) $ne $halde richt hire chastete wi+d ute twa +tinges . as seint ailret wrat . to his suster . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.423) +Te an is pinsunge iflesch wi+d festen wi+d wecchen wi+d diciplines wi+d hard werunge wi+d hard leoune . wi+d uuel wi+d muchele swinkes . +Te o+der his heorte +teawes . diuociun reufulnesse luue edmondesse . & uertuz o+dre swicche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.424) $Me $sire +tu ondswerest me Sule+d god his grace . (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.425) nis grace wil +geoue (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.426) Mine leoue sustren +tach clennesse of chastete ne $beo {TEXT:beon} naut bune et god . ach beo+d +geoue ofgrace . vngraciuse stonde+d +terto +geines (CMANCRIW-2,II.271.427) & make+d ham unwur+d to halde se hech +ting +te nulle+d swinc +terfore blu+deliche +tolien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.428) bitwene delices & aise & flesches este . hwa wes eauer chaste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.429) hwa bredde eauer inwi+d hire fur +tt ha ne barnde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.430) Pot +te walle+d eauer nule hit beon ouer leden o+der cald water iwarpe +trin & brondes wi+d dra+gene (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.431) +te wombe pot +te walle+d ofmetes & mare ofdrunh is se nec nechebur to +tt fulitoch+ge lim . +tt ha dele+d +terwi+d +te brune of hire hete . (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.432) Ach monie mare harm is beo+d se fleswise & se ouerswi+de of dred leoste hare heaued ake . leoste hare licom febli to swi+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.433) & wite+d swa his heale +tt +te gast unstrenge+d & seccle+d insunne (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.434) & +teo $+te $schulden {TEXT:+teschulden} ane $lechnin hare saule wi+d heorte bireousunge & flesches pinsunge for wur+de+d fisiciens & licomes leche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.435) dude swa seint agace +te ondswerede & seide to ure lauerdes sonde . +te bochte salue $on $godes {TEXT:ongodes} half to healen hire tittes . Medicinam carnalem corpori meo nunquam adhibui . +tt is fleschlich medicine ne dude ich me neauer . (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.436) Habbe +ge iherd $tellen of +te +treo hali men . (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.437) bute +te an wes iwuned for his calde ma+ge to nutten hate speces (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.438) & wes ornere of mete & drunh +tenne +te twa o+tre . +te +tach $ha $weren seke . ne nome neauer +geme hwat wes hal . hwat unhal to eotene ne to drinken . ach $neomen eauer for+dricht hwat se god ham sende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.439) ne makede neauer streng+de of giniure ne of zeduale . ne of clou de gilofre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.272.440) An dei as ha +treo weren ifolen onslepe . & lei bitwene +teos twa +te +tridde +tt ich seide . com +te cwen of heouene & twa meidnes wi+d hire . +te an as +tach hit were ber aletuarie . +te o+der of golt asticke . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.441) vre lefdi wi+d +te sticke nom (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.442) & dude in +te anes mu+d of +te letuarie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.443) & +te meidnes eode for+dre to +te midleste (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.444) Nai quod ure lauedi . he is his achne leche (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.445) ga+d ouer to +te +tridde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.446) stod anhalimon of feor (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.447) biheolt al +tis ilke . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.448) Hwen secmon haued on hond +ting +tt wule don him god he hit mei wel notien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.449) $Ach $beo {TEXT:Achbeo} +terefter se anger ful nomeliche religius ; nis naut god icweme . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.450) God & hise deciples speken of saule lechecreft . ypocras & galien of licomes heale . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.451) +tt $an +te wes best ileared of Iesu cristes lechecreft sei+d +tt flesches wisdom is dea+d of +te saule . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.452) Prudencia carnis $; mors . Procul adoramus bellum as iob sei+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.453) swa we drede+d flesches $uuel ofte ear +tenne hit cume . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.454) +tt saule $uuel {TEXT:uuel_omitted} kime+d up (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.455) & we +tolie+d saule uuel for to edsterte flesches uuel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.456) ach +tach were betere to +tolien galnesse brune +tenne he auet echo o+der grunchunge of an misto+ge wombe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.457) & hwe+der is betere insecnesse to beon godes freo child . +ten in flesches heale to beon +trel under sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.458) Ant $+tis $ne {TEXT:+tisne} segge ich naut swa +tt wisdom & mesure ne beon ouer al iloked . +te moder is & nurice $of $alle {TEXT:ofalle} gode +teawes (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.459) ach we cleopie+d ofte wisdom +tt nis nan (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.460) for so+d wisdom is don eauer saule heale biforen flesches heale . & hwen me ne mei naut ba+de somed halden . cheosen ear licomes hurt +tenne +turh {TEXT:+te_subpuncted} $to strong fondunge saule +trowunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.273.461) Nichodemus brochte to smirien ure lauerd an hundred weies hit se+d of mirre . & of aloes +tt beo+d bittere speces . & bitachne+d bittere swinkes & flesches pinunges . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.462) hundred is ful tale . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.463) & noate+d perfecciun . +tt is fuldede . for to schawen +tt me schal fuldo flesches pine . ase for+d as eauer euene mei +tolien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.464) $I $+te {TEXT:I+te} wei is bitacned mesure & wisdom . +tt euch mon wi+d wisdom weie hwat he mu+ge don . Ne beo naut se ouer swi+de igast +tt he for+genne +te bodi . ne eft setendre of his flesch +tt hit iwur+de unto+gen & make +te gast +teowe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.465) $Nu $is {TEXT:Nuis} al+tis mest iseid of bitternesse utewi+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.466) Of bitternesse inwi+d segge we her sumhwet . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.467) for of +teos twa bitternesse awakene+d swetnesse her +get $i $+tis {TEXT:i+tis} world naut ane in heouene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.468) As ich seide richt nu +tt nicodemus brochtge smirles to ure lauerd . Alswa +treo Maries brochten deorewur+de aromaz his bodi for to smirien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.469) Neome+d nu gode +geme mine leoue sustren . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.470) +Teos +treo maries bitachne+d +treo bitternesses . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.471) for +tis nome marie . as maracht & merarit +tt ich spec +truppe $of . spele+d bitternesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.472) +Te earste bitternesse is $i $sunne {TEXT:isunne} bireousunge . & $i $dea+d {TEXT:idea+d} bote hwenne +tesunful is iturnd . arst to ure lauerd . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.473) & +teos is understonden $bi $+te {TEXT:bi+te} earste marie . Marie maudeleune . & $bi $good {TEXT:bigood} richt for heo $in $muche {TEXT:inmuche} bireousunge & bitternesse of heorte lefde hire sunnen & turnde to ure lauerd . (CMANCRIW-2,II.274.474) Ach for $+ti $+tt {TEXT:+ti+tt} sum muchte +turch to muche bitternesse fallen into unhope . Maudeleine +tt spale+d tures hechnesse ; is to marie iveiet +turh hwet is bitachned hope of hech merci & of heouene blisse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.475) +te o+der bitternesse is in wrestlung & in wragelunge a+geines fondunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.476) & +teos is bitachned bi +te o+der marie . Iacobi for iacob spele+d wrestlere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.477) +tis wrestlung is ful bitter to monie +tt beo+d ful for+d . $in $wei {TEXT:inwei} towart heouene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.478) for +teo +get in fondunges $+te $beo+d {TEXT:+tebeo+d} +te deofles swenges . wagge+d o+der hwiles . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.479) & mote wresten a+gein wi+d strong wraggunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.480) for $as $seint {TEXT:asseint} austin sei+d . Pharao contemptus surgit inscandalum . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.481) hwil eauer iraeles folcwes inegypte under pharaones hond . neledde he $neauer {TEXT:neauer_with_d_subpuncted} ferd +tron . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.482) ach +toa hit flech from him . +toa wi+d al his streng+de wende he +ter efter . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.483) for +ti is eauer bitter fecht neod a+gein pharaon . +tt is a+gein +te deouel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.484) for $as $sei+d {TEXT:asei+d} ezechiel . sanguinem fugies & sanguis persequetur te (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.485) flich sunne (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.486) & sunne wule eauer fole+gen him {TEXT:Ino_subpuncted} efter . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.487) Inoch is iseid +truppe hu +te gode nis neauer sker of alle fondunges . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.488) Sone se haued +te an ouercumen . ikepe anan an o+der (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.489) +Te +tridde bitternesse is $i $longung {TEXT:ilongung} towart heouene ant $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} annu of +tis worlt . hwen ei is se hech+ge +tt he haue+d heorte reste anont vn+teawes weorre . & is as in heouene +getes & +tunche+d bitter alle worldliche +tinges , (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.490) & +teos +tridde bitternesse is understonden bi marie salome . +te+tridde marie . for salome spele+d peas . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.491) & +teo +get +te habbe+d pes & reste of cleane inwit habbe+d $in $hare {TEXT:inhare} heorte bitternesse of +tis lif +te edhalt ham from blisse +tt ham longe+d to . from god +tt ha luue+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.275.492) +tus lo in euch stat rixle+d bitternesse Earst $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} biginnunge hwen me sachtne+d mid god . $I $for+d+geong {TEXT:Ifor+d+geong} of god lif & $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} leste ende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.493) Hwa is +tenne $o $godes {TEXT:ogodes} half +te wilne+d $i $+tis {TEXT:i+tis} world eise o+der este . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.494) Ach neome+d nu +geme mine leoue sustren hu efter bitternesse kime+d swotnesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.495) Bitternesse bu+d hit . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.496) for as +te godspel telle+d . +teos +treo maries bochten swote smellinde aromaz to smirien ure lauerd . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.497) +turc anromaz +te beo+d swote is understonden swotnesse of deuot heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.498) +teos maries hit bugge+d . +tt is +turch bitternesse me kime+d to swotnesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.499) Bi +tis nome marie nim eauer bitternesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.500) +turch marie bone wes ed +te neoces water iwend to win . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.501) {COM:text_missing} +tt is ifinden smeh $in $him {TEXT:inhim} . swete ouer alle wines . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.503) for +ti sei+d +te wise . vsque intempus sustinebit paciens . & postea reddicio Iocunditatis . +tt is +te +tolemode +tolie bitter anehwile . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.504) he schal sone +terefter habbe +gelt of blisse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.505) & anne $i $tobie {TEXT:itobie} sei+d bi vre lauerd . Qui post tetmpestatem tranquilllum facit & post lacrimacionem & fletum exultacionem in fundit . +tt is iblescet beo +tu lauerd . +te makest stille efter storm . & efter wopi wattres +geldest bli+de murch+des . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.506) Salomon . Esuriens etiam amarum produlci sumet . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.507) +gef $+tu $art {TEXT:+tuart} of hungred efter +tt swete . +tu most arst witerliche biten $o $+te {TEXT:o+te} bittere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.508) Incanticis . Ibo michi ad montem mirre ad colles turis . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.509) $ich $chulle {TEXT:ichulle} gan $ha $sei+d {TEXT:hasei+d} godes deore spuse to $rechles {TEXT:rechleses_with_es_subpuncted} hul bi +te dun of mirre . Lo hwich is +te wei to rchles swotnesse . $Bi $mirre {TEXT:Bimirre} of bitternesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.276.510) & eft $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} ilke luue boc Que est ista que ascendit per desertum sicut virgula fumi ex aromatibus mirre & thuris . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.511) $Nu $mene+d {TEXT:Numene+d} hire sum +tt ha ne mei habbe swotnesse nan of god ne swotnesse wi+d innen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.512) ne wundre ha hire nawicht +gef ha nis $marie for ha hit buggen wi+d bitternesse wi+d uten . Naut wi+d euch bitternesse for sum gea+d fromwart god as euch worldlich sar +tt nis for saule heale . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.513) for +ti $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} godspel of +te +treo maries is iwriten +tis weis (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.514) Vt veniantes ungerent Iesum . non autem recendentes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.515) +Teose maries hit sei+d . +teose bitternesses were cuminde to smiren ure lauerd . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.516) +teo beo+d cominde to smirien vre lauerd . +te me +tole+d for his luue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.517) +teo strecche+d him towart us . as +ting +tt ismired is . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.518) & Make+d him nesche & softe to hondlin . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.519) & nes he him seolf reclus in Marie wombe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.520) +Teos twa +ting limpe+d to ancre Naru+d & bitternesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.521) for wombe is naru wunung {TEXT:f_subpuncted} +ter ure lauerd wes reclus . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.522) & +tis word Marie as is ofte iseid spele+d bitternesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.523) +ge beo+d his feola+ges reclus as he wes $in $marie {TEXT:inma|rie} wombe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.524) Beo +ge ibunden inwi+d four large wa+ges . & he in an naru cader Ineilet onrode . $in $stanene {TEXT:instanene} +truch bicluset heteuest . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.525) Marie wombe & his +truch weren hise ancre huses . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.526) innou+der nes he worldlich mon . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.527) ach wes ut of world to schawin ancren +tt ha ne schulen wi+d +te world nan+ting habbe meane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.528) +ge +tu ondswerest me . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.529) $Ach $he {TEXT:Achhe} wende ut of ba . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.530) +ge went +tu alswa of ba +tin ancre huses as he dude wi+d ute bruche (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.531) & leaf ham ba inhale . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.532) +tt schal beon hwenne +te gast went ut on ende wi+d ute bruche & wem of his twa huses . (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.533) +tean is +te licome (CMANCRIW-2,II.277.534) +te o+der is +te uttere hus . +te $is $as {TEXT:isas} +te uttere wal abute +te castel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.535) AL +tt ich habbe iseid of flesches Pinsunge . nis naut for ow mine leoue sustren . +te o+der hwiles +tolie+d mare +tenn ich walde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.536) Ach is for sum +te schal rede +tis inoch ra+de +te grape+d hire to softe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.537) no+deles +gunge ympen me bigurt wi+d +tornes leoste beastes freoten ham hwil +tt ha beo+d marewe (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.538) +ge beo+d +gunge ympen iset $i $godes {TEXT:igodes} orh+geart . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.539) +Tornes beo+d +te hardschipes +tt ich habbe ispeken of . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.540) & ow is neod +tt +ge beon biset wi+d ham abuten +tt +te beast of helle hwen he smakere+d towart ow for to biten onow . $hurte $him {TEXT:hurtehim} $o $+tescharpschipe {TEXT:o+tescharp|schipe} & schunke a+geinwart . wi+d al +tis herdschipe (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.541) beo+d glede . +gef lute word is of ow +gef +ge beo+d unwur+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.542) for +torn is schearp & unwur+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.543) wi+d +teos twa beo+d igurde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.544) +ge ne ach+ge naut to unnen +tt uuel wort beo of ow (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.545) Scandle is heaued sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.546) Ach +ge ach+gen vnnen +tt na word nebeo of ow . namare +tenne of dede . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.547) & beo bli+de inheorte +gef +ge +tolie+d danger of sluri +te cokes cnaue +te $wesche $disch {TEXT:weschedisch} incuchene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.548) +tenne beo +ge dunes ihech+get up to +te heouene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.549) for lo hu speke+d +te lafdi $in $+tt {TEXT:in+tt} swete luue boc . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.550) venit dilectus meus saliens in montibus transiliens colles . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.551) Mileof kime+d $ha $sei+d {TEXT:hasei+d} leapinde $o $+te {TEXT:o+te} dunes ouer leapinde hulles . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.552) dunes bitacne+d +teo +te leade+d hech+gest lif (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.553) hulles beo+d +te lach+gere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.278.554) $Nu $sei+d {TEXT:Nusei+d} ha +tt hire leof leape+d $o $+te {TEXT:o+te} dunes . +tt is tetret ham $tefule+d {TEXT:+te_fule+d} ham +tole+d +tt me totrede ham . tuki ham alto wunder . Schawe+d inham his achne treoden . +tt me trudde him in ham . & $finde $hu {TEXT:findehu} he wes to treden . as his trode schawe+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.555) +Tis beo+d +te hech+ge dunes ase munt +temungyu . dunes of armenie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.556) +Te hulles +te beo+d lach+gere . +teo as +te lafdi sei+d hire leof ouerleape+d Ne trust naut sewel on ham $for $harefeblesce {TEXT:forha|refeblesce_forhare_repeated} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.557) ne muchte naut +tolien swich tetrodunge (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.558) & he leape+d ouer ham . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.559) for bere+d ham & forbuwe+d o+det ha waren herre from hulles to dunes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.560) his schadewe lan hure ouer ge+d & wri+d ham . hwil he leape+d ouerham . +tt is sum ilichnesse he lei+d on ham of his lif on eor+de as +tach hit were +tis schadewe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.561) ach +te dunes under uo+d +te treoden of him seoluen (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.562) & schawe+d in hare lif hwich his liflade wes . hu & hwer he heode . ihwich uilte ihwich wa he ledde his lif oneor+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.563) +Tullich dun wes +te gode Pawel +te seide . Deicimur sed non perimus . Mortificemur Iesu incorpore nostro circumferentes . vt & uita Iesu incorporibus nostris Manifestetur . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.564) Alle wa quod he & alle scheome we +tolie+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.565) Ach +tt is ure selch+de A +tt we beoren up ure bodi Iesu cristes deadlichnesse +tt hit suteli in us hwich wes his lif on eor+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.566) God $hit $wat {TEXT:hitwat} (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.567) +te +tus do+d . ha pruue+d hare luue towart ure lauerd . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.568) Luuest +tu me (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.569) $cu+d {TEXT:ou+d} hit . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.570) for luue wule schawen him wi+d uttere werkes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.571) Gregorius Probacio dileccionis exibicio est operis . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.572) Ne beo neauer +ting se hart luue lichte+d hit & softe+d & swete+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.573) Amor omnia facilia reddit . (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.574) hwet +tolie+d men & wimmen for fals luue & for ful luue & Mare walde +tolien ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.279.575) & hwet is mare wunder +tt siker luue & treowe & $ouer $alle {TEXT:oueralle} o+dre swete ne mei meistren us sefor+d as de+d +tt luue summe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.576) Naut for +ti $ich $wat {TEXT:ichwat} swich +tt bere+d ba togedere heui brunie & here . ibunden wi+d iren middel . +tech & armes Mid brade +ticke bondes . swa +tt +te swat +trof is passiun to +tolien . feste+d . wake+d swinke+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.577) & $crist $wat {TEXT:cristwat} he mene+d him +tt hit negreue+d him naut . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.578) & bid me ofte theachen him sum hwet wi+d hwat he muchte his licome deruen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.579) Deuleset +get he wepe+d to me monne sarest . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.580) & {TEXT:+gi_subpuncted} sei+d god for+get him for +ti +tt he nesent onhim nan secnesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.581) Al +tt is bitter for ure lauerdes luue . al him +tunche+d swete . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.582) God hit wat +tt make+d luue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.583) for as he sei+d me ofte for nan +ting +tt god muchte don uuele bi him . +tach he wi+d +te forlorene wurpe him into helle . ne muchte he Neauer him +tunche+d luuien him +te lesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.584) +gef eimon eut swich +ting ortrowe+d bihim . $he $is {TEXT:heis} mare mad +tenne +teof inumen wi+d +teof+de (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.585) $Ich $wat {TEXT:Ichwat} swich wummon +te +tolied lute lesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.586) Ach nis +ter bute +tonke god instrung+de +tt he +geue+d ham . & icnawen edmodiliche ure wacnesse (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.587) luue we hare god (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.588) & swa hit is uren . (CMANCRIW-2,II.280.589) for as seint gregrori sei+d of swa muche streng+de is luue +tt hit make+d o+dres god wi+douten swinc Vre Achne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.281.590) $Nu $me {TEXT:Nume} +tunche+d we beo+d icumen Into +te seoue+de dale +tt is al of luue +tt make+d schir heorte (CMANCRIW-2,II.281.591) her biginne+d +te seoue+de dale of luue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.281.592) Seinte pawel witne+d +tt alle uttre hardschipes . alle flesch pinsunges . licomliche swinkes al is ase naut a+geines luue $+te $schire+d {TEXT:+teschire+d} & brichte+d +te heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.281.593) exercicio $corporis admodicum ualet . Pietas autem ualet ad omnia +tt is licomliche bisischipe $is $to {TEXT:isto} lutel wur+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.281.594) ach swote & schir heorte is god to alle +tinges (CMANCRIW-2,II.281.595) Si linguis hominum loquar & angelorum . Infra . sitradidero corpus meum ita ut ardeam . Infra . Si distribuero omnes facultates incibos pauperum caritatem autem non habeam ; nichil michi prodest (CMANCRIW-2,II.281.596) +Tach ich cu+de he sei+d menne Iedene & {TEXT:a_subpuncted} $englene . +tach ich dude on min bodi al+te pine & Passiun . +tt bodi muchte +tolien . +Tach ich +geue poure al +tt ich hefde . +gef ich nesde luue +ter wi+d to god & to alle men in him & for him al were ispilled . (CMANCRIW-2,II.281.597) for as +te hali abbed moyses seide . al +te wa & al +te hard +tt we +tolie+d on fles & al+te god +tt $we $do+d {TEXT:wedo+d} . alle swiche +tinges ne beo+d bute leomen to tilie wi+d +te heorte (CMANCRIW-2,II.281.598) +gef +teaxe necurue . ne spitel stef ne dulue ne +te sulch ne erede . hwa kepte ham to halden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.599) Aswa as namon ne luue+d leomen for ham seolf ach de+d for +te +tinges +tt me wurche+d wi+d ham . aswa nan flesches derf nis to luue bute for +ti . +tt god +te ra+dere +tiderwart loke+d mid his grace & make+d +te heorte schir & of bricht sich+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.600) +tt nan nemei habbe wi+d monglung of un +teawes ne wi+d eor+dlich luue of worldlich +tinges . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.601) for +tis mong weorre+d swa +te echnen of +te heorte +tt ha ne mei icnawen god ne $gladien of sich+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.602) schir heorte as seint $Beornard sei+d . Make+d twa +tinges . +tt +tu al +tt +tu dest do hit o+der for luue ane of god . O+der for o+dres god & for his bi heue {TEXT:av_subpuncted} (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.603) haue $in $al {TEXT:inal} +tt +tu dest an of +teos antentes o+der ba togederes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.604) for +te latere falle+d into +te forme . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.605) haue eauer schir heorte +tus (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.606) & do al +tt $+tu $wult {TEXT:+tuwult} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.607) haue wori heorte (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.608) & al +te sit uuele . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.609) Omnia munda mundis coinquinatis uero nichil est mundum . apostolus . Item Austinus . habe caritatem & fac quicquid uis . Voluntate uidelicet , rationis . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.610) For $+ti $mine {TEXT:+timine} leoue sustren $ouer $alle {TEXT:oueralle} +ting beo+d bisie to habbe schir heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.611) hwet is schir heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.612) ich hit habbe iseid ear . +tt is +tt +ge nan +ting elles ne wilnen $ne $ne {TEXT:nene} luuien bute god ane . & +Tilke +tinges for god +te helpe+d ou towart him (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.613) for god ich segge luuien ham & naut for ham seoluen as is mete & cla+d . & mon o+der wummon +tt +ge beo+d of igodet . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.614) for as sei+d seint austin & speke+d +tus to ure lauerd . Minus te amat qui preter te aliquid amat quod non propter te amat . +tt is lauerd lesse haluue+d +te +te luue+d eut bute +te . bute ha luuie hit {TEXT:h_subpuncted} for +te . (CMANCRIW-2,II.282.615) Schirnesse of heorte is godes luue ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.616) i+tis is al +te streng+de of alle religiuns . +te ende $of $alle {TEXT:ofalle} ordres . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.617) Plenitudo Legis estdileccio . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.618) luue fulle+d +te la+ge sei+d seinte Pawel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.619) Quicquid precipitur insola caritate solidatur (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.620) alle godes hestes $as $sei+d {TEXT:assei+d} seint gregori beo+d iluue iroted . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.621) luue ane schalbeon ileid $i $seinte {TEXT:iseinte} Michales weie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.622) +teo +te mest lueu+d schule beon Mest iblissed . naut +teo +te leade+d hardest lif (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.623) for luue hit ouerweie+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.624) luue is heouene stiward for hire muchele freolec . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.625) for ha ne edhalt nan+ting (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.626) ach +geue+d al +tt $ha $haue+d {TEXT:hahaue+d} & ec hire seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.627) elles ne kepte god of naut +tt hiren were . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.628) God haue+d ofgan ure luue on alle cune wisen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.629) he haue+d muchel idon us & mare bihaten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.630) Muche +geoue ofdra+geo luue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.631) Me al+te world he +gef us $in $adam {TEXT:inadam} ure fader (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.632) & al +tt is $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} world he worp under vre fet bestes & fuweles ear we weren forgulte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.633) Omnia subiecisti sub pedibus eius oues & certa . volucres celi & cetera . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.634) & +get $al $+tt {TEXT:al+tt} is +truppe iseid . Serue+d +te gode to saule biheue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.635) +get +te $uuele {TEXT:eor+de_subpuncted} serui+d $; eor+de . se & sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.636) he dude mare (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.637) $+gef $us {TEXT:+gefus} naut ane of his ach (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.638) dude al him seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.283.639) Se $hech +geoue nes neauer i+geuen to se lach+ge wrecches . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.640) Apostolus . Cristus dilexit ecclesiam & dedit semet ipsum pro ea . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.641) crist se+d seint pawel luuede swa his leouemon . +tt he +gef for hire +te pris of him seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.642) Neome+d nu +georne +geme Mine leoue sustren for $hwi $me {TEXT:hwime} ach him luuen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.643) Earst as mon +te wowe+d as king +te luue+d anlafdi of feorrene londe . he sent his soden biforen +tt were +te partriarkes & +te prophetes of +te alde testament wi+d lettres isealed . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.644) on ende he com him seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.645) & brochte +te godspel as lettres iopened . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.646) & wrot wi+d hisachne blod . Saluz to his leofmon luue gretung for to wowin hire wi+d & hire luue welden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.647) herto falle+d a tale (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.648) A lefdi wes mid hire fan biset al abuten hire lond al to struet . & heo alpoure inwi+d an eor+dene castel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.649) Amichti kinges luue wes +tacg biturnd up on hire se vnimete +tt he for wochlec sende hire his soden an efter o+der . ofte somet monie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.650) Sende hire beaubelez ba+de feole & feire . Sucurs of liuena+d . help of his heche hird to halden hire castel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.651) heo under $feng $al {TEXT:fengal} as on unrecheles . (CMANCRIW-2,II.284.652) & swa wes hard iheorted +tt hire luue ne muchte beon neauer +te $neorre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.653) Hwet wult +tu mare (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.654) he come him seolf onende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.655) Schaude hire his feire neb . as +te +te wes of alle men fe+gerest to bihalden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.656) Spec se swi+de swetelich & wordes se murie . +tt ha muchten +te deade arearen to liue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.657) wrachte feole wundres (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.658) & dude muchele meistries biforen hire . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.659) Schaude hire michte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.660) talde hire of his kinedom . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.661) Bead to make hire cwen of al +tt $he $achte {TEXT:heachte} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.662) al +tis ne halp naut . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.663) Nes +tis hoker wunder ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.664) for heo nes neauer $wur+de {TEXT:wur+der_with_r_subpuncted} for to beo his +tuften . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.665) Ach swa +turch his de bone irete . luue hefde ouercumen him . +tt he seide on ende . Dame $+tu $art {TEXT:+tuart} iweorred (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.666) & +tine fan beo+d se stronge +tt +tu ne macht nanes weis wi+d uten $min sucurs edfleon hare honden +tt ha ne do +tee toscheome dea+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.667) $Ich $chulle {TEXT:Ichulle} $for $+te {TEXT:for+te} luue $of $+te {TEXT:of+te} neome +tis fecht upon me & arudde +te of ham +te +ti dea+d seche+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.668) Ich wat +tach to so+d +tt ich schal bituch+gen ham neome dea+d wunde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.669) & $ich $chulle {TEXT:ichulle} heorteleiche forto edgan +tin heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.285.670) Nu +tenne biseche ich +te for +te luue +tt ich cu+d +te . +tt +tu luue me lanhure efter +tilke $dede dead ; hwene $+tu {TEXT:nu} $ne $woldest {TEXT:ne_woldest_omitted} liues . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.671) +Tis king dude $al $+tus {TEXT:al+tus} (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.672) arudde hire of alle hire fan . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.673) & wes him seolf to wunder ituked ant islein on ende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.674) +Turch Miracle +tach aroas from dea+de to liue (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.675) Nere +teos ilke lauedi of uuelescunes cunde +gef ha ouer alle +ting ne luuede him her efter . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.676) +Tes king is Iesu godes sune . +te al $on $+tiswise {TEXT:on+tiswise} $+tolede {COM:D_corrects_to_wowede} ure saule +te deoflen hefden biset . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.677) & he as noble wowere efter monie messagers & feole goddeden . com to pruuen hisluue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.678) & schaude +turch cnichtschipe . +tt he wes luuewur+de as were sumhwile cnichtes iwunet $forto don . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.679) dude him inturnement (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.680) & hefde for his leoues luue his schedl infecht as kene cnicht on vch half i+turlet . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.681) his scheld +te wrech his godhed wes his leoue licome +te wes isprad on rode . brad ase scheld buuen $in $hise {TEXT:inhise} istract armes . naru bineo+den as his anfot efter monies wene ; set upo +te o+der . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.682) +tt +tis scheld naue+d $siden is for bitacnuncge +tt his deciples +te schulde stonden bihim & habben ibeon his siden . fluwen alle from him & leafden him as freomede , as +te godspel sei+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.683) Relicto eo omnes fugerunt . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.684) +tis scheld is i+geuen us a+gein alle temptaciuns . (CMANCRIW-2,II.286.685) As Ieremie witne+d . dabis scutum cordis . Laborem tuue & psalmista . Scuto bone uoluntatis tue coronasti nos . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.686) naut ane +tis schelt ne schilt us from alle $uueles . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.687) ach de+d +get mare (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.688) crune+d us inheouene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.689) Scuto bone voluntatis . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.690) Lauerd he sei+d dauid . wi+d +te schelt of +ti gode wil $+tu $hauest {TEXT:+tuha|uest} us icruned . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.691) Scheld $he $sei+d {TEXT:hesei+d} of god wil . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.692) $for $willes {TEXT:forwilles} he +tolede $al $+tt {TEXT:al+tt} he +tolede . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.693) ysaias oblatus $est quia voluit . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.694) Me lauerd $+tu $seist {TEXT:+tuseist} hwer to . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.695) ne muchte he wi+d lesse gref habben arud us . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.696) +ges iwis fullichtliche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.697) Ach he nalde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.698) For hwi ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.699) for to bineomen us euch bitellunge a+gein him {TEXT:for_subpuncted} of ure luue +tt he se deore bochte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.700) me bu+d lichtliche +ting +tt me luue+d $lutel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.701) he bochte us mid his heorte blod . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.702) deorre pris nes neauer forto of dra+gen of us ure luue toward him +tt costnede him sesare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.703) Inschelt beo+d +treo +tinges +te treo & +te le+der & +te litunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.704) alswa wes $in $+tis {TEXT:in+tis} scheld . +te treo of +te rode . +te le+der of godes licome . +te litunge of +te reade blod +te heoude hire sefeire . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.705) eft +te +tridde reisun . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.706) efter kene cnichtes dea+d me honge+d heche inchirche his scheld on his mungunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.287.707) Alse is +tis schelt +tt is +te crucifix ichirche iset $i $swich {TEXT:iswich} stude +ter me hit sonest seo for to +tenche +ter bi on Iesu cristes cnihtschipe +tt he dude onrode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.709) his leofmon bihalde +tron hu he bocte hire luue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.710) lette +turlin his scheld openen his side to schawen hire his heorte . to schawen hire openliche hu inwardliche $he $luuede {TEXT:heluuede} hire . & to ofdra+gen hire heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.711) Four heauedluuen beo+d $i $+teworld {TEXT:i+teworld} Bitwene gode iferen . bitwene mon & wimmon bitwene wif $an $hire {TEXT:anhire} child . bitwene licome & saule . (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.712) +te luue +tt Iesu crist haue+d to his deore leofmon . $ouergea+d +teose foure (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.713) passe+d ham alle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.714) Ne telle+d me him god fere . +te lei+d his wed $ingyrie to acwiten ut his fere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.715) God almichtin leide him seolf for us ingiuwrie {TEXT:to_subpuncted} (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.716) & dude his deorewur+de bodi to acwiten ut his leofmon $in $gywene {TEXT:ingywene} honden (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.717) Neauer fere {TEXT:f_subpuncted} swich for+ddede ne dude for o+der . (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.718) Muche luue is ofte bitweonen mon & wummon {COM:emendation_added_by_B} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.288.719) Ach +tach ha were iwedded him . ha muchte iwur+den se unwrest . & se longe ha muchte for horen hire wi+d o+dre men . +tt +tach ha walde a+geincumen he ne kepte hire naut . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.720) for +ti crist luue+d mare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.721) for +tach +te saule his spuse . for hore hire wi+d +tefeont under heaued sunne feole +geres & da+ges . his merci is hire eauer +gearu hwen se $ha $wule {TEXT:hawule} cumen ham . & lete +te deouel (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.722) Al+tis $he $sei+d {TEXT:hesei+d} him seolf +turch Ieremie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.723) Sidi miserit uir uxorem suam . & Infra Tu autem $fornicataes Cum multis amatoribus . tamen reuertere ad me dicit dominus . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.724) +get $he $sei+d {TEXT:hesei+d} aldei . $+tu $+tt {TEXT:+tu+tt} hauest se unwrest idon . biturn +te (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.725) & cume a+gein . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.726) welcume schal +tu beon me . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.727) Immo & occurrit prodigo venienti . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.728) +get he eorne+d hit sei+d a+gein hire +geincume (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.729) & warpe+d $armes anan abuten hire swire . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.730) hwat is mare milce . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.731) +get her gledfulre wunder (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.732) ne beo neauer his leof for hored mid se monie deadlich sunnen . $Son $se {TEXT:Sonse} $ha $kime+d {TEXT:haki|me+d} to him a+gein . he make+d hire neowe meiden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.733) for as seint austin sei+d . Swa muchel is bitwenen . bituch+ge godes neolechunge . & monnes to wummon . +tt monnes neolechunge make+d of $meiden $wif {TEXT:meidenwif} & god make+d of wif meiden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.734) Restituit inquid iob gentes inintegrum . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.735) Gode werkes & treowe bileaue . +teose twa +tinges beo+d {TEXT:in_subpuncted} meidenhad insaule . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.736) Nu of +te +tridde luue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.289.737) Chilt +te hefde swich uuel +tt him bi houede ba+d of blod ear hit were ihealed . Muche +te moder luuede hit +te walde hit +tis ba+d makien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.738) +Tis dude ure lauerd us $+te $were {TEXT:+tewere} se sec ofsunne . & swa isuled +ter wi+d +tt nan +ting ne muchte $ne healen us ne clensin us bute his blod ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.739) for swa he hit walde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.740) his luue makede us ba+d +trof (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.741) iblesced beo he eaure . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.742) +treo ba+d+des he grei+dede to his deore leofmon . for to weschen hire inham se hwit & se fei+ger +tt ha were wur+de his cleane cluppunges . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.743) +Te earste ba+d is fullocht . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.744) +te o+der beo+d teares inre $o+der uttre efter +te forme ba+d +gef $ha $hire {TEXT:hahire} sule+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.745) +Te +tridde is Iesus cristes blod . +tt halde+d ba +teos o+dre as seint $Iohan $sei+d {TEXT:Iohansei+d} $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} apocalipse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.746) Qui dilexit nos & lauit nos insanguine suo (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.747) +tt he {TEXT:+te_subpuncted} luue+d us mare +tenne animoder child . he hit sei+d himseol in ysaie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.748) Numquid potest mater obliuisci filii vteri sui . & siilla obliuiscatur ego non obliuiscar tui . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.749) Mei moder $he $sei+d {TEXT:hesei+d} for +geoten hire child ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.750) & +tach heo do ich ne mei +te for +geoten neauer (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.751) & sei+d +te reisun efter . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.752) Inmanibus meis descripsi te . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.753) ich habbe he sei+d depeint +te $i $mine {TEXT:imine} honden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.754) swa he dude mid read blod up $o $+te {TEXT:o+te} rode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.755) Me cnutte his gurdel to habbe +tocht of an +ting . (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.756) ach ure lauerd for he nalde neauer for +geoten us dude marke of +turlunge $in $ure {TEXT:inure} mungunge in ba twa hise honden $. (CMANCRIW-2,II.290.757) Nu of +te feor+te luue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.759) +te suale luue+d +telicome swi+de mid alle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.760) & +tt is edsene $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} twinnunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.761) for leoue freont beo+d sar hwen $ha $schulen {TEXT:haschulen} to twinnen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.762) Ach ure lauerd williche totwemde his saule from his bodi forto ueien $uren ba+de to gederes world buten ende $i $+teblisse {TEXT:i+teblisse} of heouene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.763) +Tus lo Iesu cristes luue to ward his deore spuse . +tt is halichirche o+der cleane saule passe+d alle (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.764) & ouerkime+d al +te four meste luuen +tt me $iuint on eor+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.765) Wi+d al+tisilke $. luue $+getten $he $wowe+d {TEXT:hewowe+d} hire on +tis wise . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.766) +Tiluue $he $sei+d {TEXT:hesei+d} o+der hit is foto +geouen allunge . o+der to sullen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.767) o+der hit is to reauen & to neome wi+d streng+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.768) +gef hit is for to +geouen . hwer macht +tu biteon hit betere $+ten $upon {TEXT:+tenupon} me . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.769) Nam ich +ting fe+gerest (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.770) Nam ich king richest . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.771) Nam ich hest icunned . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.772) nam ich weolie wisest . (CMANCRIW-2,II.291.773) nam ich mon ne hendest . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.774) Nam ich +tunge $freost . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.775) for swa me sei+d bi large mon . +te ne con naut edhalden +tt he haue+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.776) +te honden as mine beo+d i+turlet . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.777) Nam ich alre +tinge swetest . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.778) +Tus alle +te reisuns hwi me ach to +geoue luue +tu macht ifinden inme nomeliche . +gef +tu luuest chaste {TEXT:l_subpuncted} cleannesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.779) for nan mei luue me bute ha halde hire . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.780) +gef +tiluue nis naut to +geouen . Ach wult +tt me bugge hire . buggen hire . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.781) hu ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.782) o+der wi+d o+der luue . o+der wi+d sum hwet elles . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.783) Me sulle+d wel luue for luue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.784) & swa me ache to sulle luue . & for nan +ting elles . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.785) +gef +tin is swa to sullen ich habbe ibocht hit wi+d luue ouer alle o+dre (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.786) for $of {TEXT:as} +te four meste luuen . ich habbe icud towart +te +temeste of ham alle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.787) +gef +tu seist {TEXT:+tu_nult_repeated} +tu nult naut lete $+tron $se {TEXT:+tronse} licht $cheap {TEXT:scheap} Ach wult +get mare . nempne hwet hit $schule $beon {TEXT:schu|lebeon} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.788) Sete feor $o $+tiluue {TEXT:o+tiluue} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.789) +Tu ne schalt segge se muchel +tt ich nule +geoue mare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.790) wult +tu castles kinedomes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.791) wult +tu welden al +te world ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.792) $Ich $chulle {TEXT:Ichulle} do +te betere . Make +te wi+d al+tis cwen of heoueriche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.793) +tu schalt +te seolf beon seoue falt brichtere +tenne +te sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.794) Nan uuel ne schal nach+gi +te . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.795) nan +ting ne schal sweme +te . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.796) Nan wunne ne schal wonti +te (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.797) Al+ti wil schal beon iwracht inheouene & ineor+de . +ge & +get Inhelle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.798) Ne $schal $neauer {TEXT:schalneauer} heorte +tenche swich selch+de +tt ich nule +geue $for $+tiluue {TEXT:for+tiluue} vnmeteliche . vn euenliche . unhendeliche mare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.292.799) Ach cressuse weole . Absalones schene wlite . $+te $as {TEXT:+teas} ofte as he euesede him salde his euesunge . +te her +tt he carf of . for twahundred schillinges of seoluer . Asaeles swiftschipe +te straf wi+d heortes of urn . Sansunes streng+de +te sloch an +tusent of his fan $a $ledantime {TEXT:aled|antime} & ane bute fere . Cesares freolec . Alisandres hereword . Moysese heale . nalde amon for an of +teos +geuen $al $+tt {TEXT:al+tt} he achte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.293.800) & alle somed a+gein mibodi nebeo+d naut wur+d anelde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.293.801) +gef +tu ard se swi+de anwil & seswi+de of +tine witte . +tt +tu +turch naut to leosen forsakest swich bi+gete wi+d allescunes selch+de . Lo ich halde her hetel sword up on +tinheaued to deale lif & saule & to $bisenchen $ham {TEXT:bisenchenham} boa into +tefur of helle to beo +ter deofles hore schendfulliche & sorchfullich world buten ende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.293.802) Ondswere nu (CMANCRIW-2,II.293.803) & were +te +gef +tu const a+geinme (CMANCRIW-2,II.293.804) o+der +gette me +tiluue +tt ich +girni se swi+de . naut for min ach for +tin achne muchele biheue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.293.805) Lo +tus vre lauerd wowe+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.293.806) nis ha to hard iheorted +tt a+tulli wowere ne mei to his luue turnen +gef ha wel +tenche+d +teose +treo +tinges . hwet he is & hwet heo is . & hu muchel is +te luue of se hech king as he is . to ward se lach as heo is (CMANCRIW-2,II.293.807) for +ti sei+d +te salmiste . Non est qui se absondit a calore eius . (CMANCRIW-2,II.293.808) Nis nan +te much+ge edlutien +tt ha ne mot him luuien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.293.809) +Te so+de sunne $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} undertid wes for +ti ito+gen $an $hech {TEXT:anhech} $o $+de {TEXT:o+de} hech+ge rode for to spreaden overal hate luue gleames . +tus neodful hewes . & is a+det +tis dei to ontenden his luue $in $his {TEXT:inhis} leoues heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.810) & sei+d $in $+te {TEXT:in+te} godspel Ignem ueni mittere interram & quid volo nisi ut ar deat . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.811) Ich com to bringen he sei+d fur into +te eor+de . +tt is bearninde luue into eor+dlich heorte (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.812) & hwet +girne ich elles bute +tt hit blasie ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.813) wlech luue is him la+d . as he sei+d +turch seint Iohan $in $+te {TEXT:in+te} apocalipse (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.814) vtinam frigidus esses aut calidus . sed quia tepidus {TEXT:est_subpuncted} $es incipiam tue euo mere {TEXT:ab_subpuncted} $de ore meo . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.815) Ich walde he sei+d to his leof mon +tt +tu were $in $mi {TEXT:inmi} luue . o+der allunge calt o+der hat mid alle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.816) Ach for+ti +tt $+tu {TEXT:+tu_omitted_by_A} art ase wlech bituch+ge twa nou+der cald ne hat . $+tu $makest {TEXT:+tumakest} me to wlatien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.817) & $ich $chulle {TEXT:ichulle} speowe +te ut bute $+tu $wur+de {TEXT:+tuwur+de} hattere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.818) Nu +ge habbe+d iherd mine leoue sustren . hu & for hwi god is swi+de to luuien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.819) forto ontenden $ou $wel {TEXT:ouwel} . $gedere+d {TEXT:gededere+d} wude +terto wi+d +te poure wummon . of $sarrepte +teburch +te spale+d ontendunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.820) En inquid colligo duo lingna . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.821) lauerd quod ha to elye +te hali prophete . lo ich gedere twa treon . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.822) +Teos twa treon bitacni+d +te antreo +te stod upricht & +te o+der +te eode $+twartouer $o {TEXT:+te_wartouer_of} +te deore rode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.294.823) of +teose twa treon +ge schulen ontenden fur of luue inwi+d ouwer heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.824) biseo+d ofte towart ham . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.825) +tenche+d +gef +ge ne ach+gen ea+de toluuien . +teking of blisse +te tospradde swa towart ou his armes & bu+ge+d $as $to {TEXT:asto} beode cos duneward his heaued . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.826) Sikerliche ich segge hit +gef +te so+de elye +tt is god almichtin ifint ou +teose treon bisiliche gederin . he wule gestnin wi+d ow & monifalden mid ow his deorewur+de grace as elye dude hire liuenaz & gestnede wi+d hire +tt he ifond +te twatreon gederen insarepte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.827) Grickisch fur is imaked of read monnes blod . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.828) & +tet ne mei nan +ting bute migge . sont & eisil as me sei+d acwenchen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.829) +tis grickisch fur is +teluue Iesu vre lauerd . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.830) & +ge hit schule makien of +te reade monne blod . +tt is Iesu cristes ireadet mid his achne blod on +te deore rode . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.831) & wes inread cundeliche . as me wene+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.832) +Tis blod for ou isched up on +te {TEXT:rode_subpuncted} arre twa treon schal maken ow sarraptaines . +tt is ontende . mid +tis grickische fur +tt as salomon sei+d Nane wattres +tt beo+d worldlichetribulaciuns . nane temptaciuns nou+der inre ne uttere . {TEXT:ne_inre_underlined_for_deletion} ne much+ge $+tis luue acwenchen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.833) Nu nis +tenne on ende bute witen ow warliche wi+d al +tt hit acwenche+d +tt beo+d migge & sont & eisil as ich seid . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.834) Migge is stench of sunne (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.835) Onsont ne growe+d $nan god . (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.836) & bitacne+d idel (CMANCRIW-2,II.295.837) Idel akelde+d & acwenche+d +tis fur . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.839) sturie+d ow cwicliche $a $in $gode {TEXT:ingode} werkes (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.840) & +tt schal heaten ow (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.841) & ontende +tis fur a+gein +te brune of sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.842) for alswa as +te an neil driue+d ut +te o+der . alse +te brune of godes luue driue+d +te brune of ful luue ut of +te heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.843) +te +tridde +ting is eisil +tt is sur heorte of ni+d o+der of onde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.844) vnderstonde+d +tis word . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.845) $+toa $+te {TEXT:+toa+te} ni+dfule gyus offreden ure lauerd +tis sure Present up $o $+te {TEXT:o+te} rode . +toa seide he +tt reufule word . Consummatum est . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.846) Neauer quo+d he ear nu $nes $ich $ful {TEXT:nesichful} pined . Naut +turch +tt eisil ach +turch hare ondfule ni+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.847) +tt +te eisil bitacnede +tt ha him bude drinken . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.848) & is ilich as +tach amon +te hefde longe iswunken & faillede +tenne an ende of his hure . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.849) alswa ure lauerd Mare +tenne twa ant +tritti +ger tilede efter hare luue (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.850) & for al his sar swing ne wilnede nan +ting bute luue to hure . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.851) ach $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} ende of his lif . +tt wes as $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} euentid hwenne me +geld werch men hare deies hure . Loke hu ha +geulden him for Piment of huni luue . eisil of sur ni+d . & galle of bitter onde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.852) O quod ure lauerd +toa Consummatum est (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.853) al $min swinc on eor+te al mipine onrode ne sweme+d $ne $ne {TEXT:nene} greue+d me nawicht a+gein +tis . +tt ich +tus bi $teo $al $+tt {TEXT:al+tt} {TEXT:id_subpuncted} ich idon habbe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.854) +tis eisil +tt +ge beode+d me +tis sure hure +turch fulle+d mi Pine . (CMANCRIW-2,II.296.855) +tis eisil of sur heorte & of bittere +tonch ouer al o+der +ting acwenche+d grickis fur +tt is +te luue of ure lauerd (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.856) & hwase hit bere+d ibreoste towart wummon o+der mon ha is gyus make . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.857) ha offri+d god +tis eisil . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.858) & +turchfulle+d anont hire Iesues pine onrode (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.859) Me warpe+d grickisch fur up on his famen (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.860) & swa me ouercume+d ham . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.861) +ge schule don alswa hwen god areare+d ow of ei foa ani weorre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.862) hu +ge hit schule warpen . Salomon teache+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.863) Si esurierit inimicus tuus ciba illum & si sitierit potum da illi . Sic enim carbones arden tes congeres super capu+d eius . +tt is +gef +tin foa hungre+d fed him . to his +turst +gef him drunh . +tt is to understonden . +gef he efter +tin harm haue+d hunger o+der +turst +gef him fode of +tine beoden +tt god do him are . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.864) +gef him drunh of teares . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.865) wep for his sunnen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.866) +tus +tu schalt sei+d salemon . Ruke $on $his {TEXT:onhis} heaued bearninde gleden . +tt is to seggen . +tus +tu schalt ontenden his heorte . for to luue +te . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.867) for heorte is $in $hali {TEXT:inha|li} writ heaued bitacned . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.868) on +tulli wise wule god seggen ed +te dome . Hwi luuest +tu +te mon o+der +te wummon . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.869) Sire $ha $luueden {TEXT:halu|ueden} me . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.870) +ge he wule seggen +tu +gulde +tt +tu achtest . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.871) +ter nabbe ich +te naut mutles to +gelden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.872) +ge +tu macht ondsweren . Sire ich luuede ham for +ti luue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.873) +tt luue $he $ach {TEXT:heach} +te for hit wes i+geuen him & he hit wule +te +gelden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.297.874) Migge as ich seide +te acwenche+d grickisch fur is stinkinde flesches luue +te acwenche+d gastlich luue . +te grickisch fur bitacne+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.875) hwet flesch wes on eor+de se swete & sehali as wes Iesu cristes flesch . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.876) & +tach he seide him seolf to his deore deciples . Nisi ego abiero paraclitus non ueniet ad uos . +tt is . bute ich Parti from ow . +te haligast +tt is min & mines fader luue . ne mei naut cume to ow . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.877) Ach $hwen ich beo from ow ich wule senden him ow . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.878) hwen Iesu cristes achne deciples $hwil $+tt {TEXT:hwil+tt} ha fleschliche luueden $him nech ham . for eoden +te swetnesse of +te hali gast . ne ne machte naut habben ba+de to gederes . deme+d ow seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.879) Nis he wod o+der heo +te luue+d to swi+de hire achne flesch . o+der animon fleschliche . swa +tt ha +girni to swi+de his sich+de . o+der his speche (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.880) Ne +tunche hire neauer wunder +gef hire wonti +te haligastes froure . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.881) Cheose nu euch an of eor+dlich elne & heouenlich to hwe+der ha wule haden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.882) for +te o+der ha mot leten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.883) for $i $+teos {TEXT:i+teos} tweire monglunge ne mei ha habbe neauermare schirnesse ofheorte . +tt is as we seiden ear . +te good & +te strenc+de of alle religiuns (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.884) & in euch ordre luue make+d hire schir gri+dful & cleane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.885) Luue haue+d an meistrie biforen alle o+dre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.886) for al +tt ha rine+d al ha turne+d to hire . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.887) & make+d al hire achne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.888) Quemcumque locum calcauerit Pes uester . Pes uidelicet amo ris ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.298.889) Deore walde monimon buggen an swich +ting . +tt al +tt $he $rine {TEXT:herine} +ter wi+d al were his achne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.890) & ne seide ich +truppe feor . ane +turch +tt +tu luuest +tt god +tt is in an o+der wi+d +te rinung of +ti luue . +tu makest wi+d uten o+der swich his good +tin achne good (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.891) As seint gregori witne+d . loki+d nu hu muche good +te ondfule leose+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.892) streche +ti luue to Iesu crist . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.893) $+tu $hauest {TEXT:+tuhauest} him $iwunnen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.894) Rin him wi+d ase muche luue as +tu hauest sum mon sum chere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.895) he is +tin to do wi+d al +tt +tu wilnest . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.896) Ach hwa luue+d +ting +te leaue+d hit for lesse +ten hit is wur+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.897) Nis god betere un euenlich +ten al +tt is $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} world . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.898) Cherite +tt is cherte of leof +ting & of deore . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.899) vndeore he make+d god . & to unwur+d mid alle . +te for ei worldlich luue his luue truke+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.900) for na +ting ne Con luue richt buten he ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.901) Swa ouer swi+de he luue+d luue . +tt $he {TEXT:he_omitted_by_A} make+d hire his euening . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.902) +get ich dear segge mare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.903) he make+d hire his {TEXT:euenning_subpuncted} meister . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.904) & de+d al +tt ha hat as +tach he moste nede . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.905) Mei ich Preoue +tis . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.906) +ge witerliche ich . bi his achne wordes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.907) for +tus he speke+d to moyses +te monne meast him luuede . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.908) In numeri dimisi iuxta uerbum tuum . no dicit Preces . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.909) ich hefde quo+d he imunt to wreoke minwra+d+de $o $+tis {TEXT:o+tis} folc . (CMANCRIW-2,II.299.910) ach $+tu $seist {TEXT:+tuseist} ich ne schal naut (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.911) +ti word beo ifor+det . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.912) Me sei+d +tt luue binde+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.913) Witerliche luue bint swa ure lauerd +tt he ne mei don $nan +ting bute +turch luues leaue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.914) Nu preoue her of . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.915) for hit +tunche+d wunder . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.916) ysias . domine non est qui consur gat & teneat te . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.917) Lauerd wult +tu smiten sei+d ysaie . weilawei . $+tu $macht {TEXT:+tumacht} wel . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.918) nis nan +te +te halde . as +tach he seide . +gef ei luuede +te richt . he muchte halde +te & werne +te to smiten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.919) In . Genesi . ad lot . festina & certa . Non potero ibiquicquam facere donec egressus fueris illuc . +tt is +ta vre lauerd walde bisench sodome +ter lot his freont wunede . hich +te quo+d he utward for hwil +tu art bimong ham ne mei ich naut don ham . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.920) Nes +tes wi+d luue ibunden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.921) hwet wult +tu mare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.922) luue is his cheamberleing . his conseiller . his spuse +tt he ne mei naut heole wi+d . & telle+d al +tt he +tenche+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.923) InGenesi . Num celare potero abraham (CMANCRIW-2,II.300.924) {COM:text_missing} {COM:text_missing} +te Natiuite . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.927) {COM:text_missing} Seinte Michales dei . Alre $hale+gere $dei {TEXT:hale+geredei} . Seinte . ondrowes dei (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.928) A+gein alle +teos beo+d clenliche ischriuen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.929) & neome+d diciplines Neauer +tach of nan mon bute of ow seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.930) & for ga+d andei ouwer Pitance . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.931) +gef eut ilimpe+d misliche +tt +ge ne beo naut ihuslet $i $+teose {TEXT:i+teose} sette termes . beo+d hit +te neste sunnendei . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.932) o+der +gef +te o+der terme is nech abide+d o+det +tenne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.933) Ge schulen eoten from aster o+det +te halirode dei +te latere +te is inheruest . euchedei twien . bute frida+ges o+der umbrida+ges . +geoncda+ges . vigilies . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.934) $i $+teose {TEXT:i+teose} da+ges ne $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} aduenz ne schule +ge eote nan hwit bute neod him makie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.935) +Te o+der half+ger veste+d $al $bute {TEXT:albute} sunnenda+ges ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.936) Ge ne schulen eoten flesch ne saim bute $i $muche {TEXT:imu|che} secnesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.937) o+der hwase is ouerfeble . Potage eote+d bli+deliche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.938) & wunie+d ou to lute drunh . (CMANCRIW-2,II.301.939) Nodeles ower mete & ower drunh haue+d i+tucht me ofte lesse +tenne ic walde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.940) Ne feste +ge nandei to bred & to water bute +ge habbe leaue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.941) $Sum {TEXT:Gum} ancre Make+d hire bord wi+d hire gest utewi+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.942) +tt is to muche freontschipe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.943) for of alle ordres +tenne is hit uncumelukest & mest a+gein ancre order +tt is al dead to +te world . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.944) Me haue+d iherd ofte +tt deade speke wi+d cwike . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.945) ne fond ich neauer . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.946) $Me Make +ge nane gestninges . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.947) ne ne tulle +ge to +te +gete nane uncu+de harloz . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.948) +tach +ter nere nan o+der uuel bute hare medlaseschipe hit walde letten o+der hwile heouenliche +tochtes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.949) ne limpe+d naut to ancren of o+dermonne almesse to maken hire large . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.950) Nolde me lach+gen an beggere to bismare +te la+dede men to feste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.951) Marie & Mar+de ba were sustren . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.952) ach hare lif sundre+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.953) +ge Ancren beo+d inumen ow to marie dale +te god sseolf herede . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.954) Maria optimam partem & ceterea Marthe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.955) martha quo+d he +tu art in muche baret . (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.956) Marie haue+d icore bet (CMANCRIW-2,II.302.957) & ne schal hire nawicht reowen hire dale . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.958) Husewifschipe is marthe dale . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.959) Marie dale is stilnesse & reste of alle worldes noise +tt nan +ting ne lette hire to heren godes steuene (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.960) & loke+d hwat god sei+d . +tt nan +ting ne schal ow reaue +tis dale . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.961) Marthe haue+d hire mester (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.962) Leote+d hire iwur+den . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.963) +ge sitten wi+d marie stanstille ed godesfet (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.964) & hercne+d him Ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.965) Marthe meoster is tofede poure & schruden as hus lefdi . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.966) Marie nach naut to antermeoten hire +trof . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.967) +gef ei blame+d hire +trof god seolf ichwer were+d hire as hali writ witne+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.968) On o+der half nan ancre noch $neome bute gnedeliche +tt to hire neode+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.969) hwer of +tenne mei ha Maken hire large (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.970) ha schal libben bi almesse ase naruliche as ha eauer mei & naut gederen foto +geouene . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.971) ha nis nan husewif (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.972) ach is anchurcheancre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.973) +gef ha mei sparien ani schraden sende ham al dearneliche ut of hire wanes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.974) vnder semblant of god is ofte ihuled sunne (CMANCRIW-2,II.303.975) & hu schule +teos rich ancres $+te $tilie+d {TEXT:+tetilie+d} o+der habbe+d rentes isette . don to poure necheburs dearneliche hire almes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.304.976) Ne wilni naut to habbe word of an large ancre . (CMANCRIW-2,II.304.977) Ne forto +geoue muchel ne beo nan +te gredure forto habbe mare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.304.978) Beo gredinesse rote . of hire bitternesse $. Alle beo+d +te bowes bittere +tt of hire sprute+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.304.979) Bidden hit for to +geouen hit nis naut ancre richte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.304.980) Of ancre curteisies . of ancre largesce is icumen ofte sunne & scheome on ende (CMANCRIW-2,II.304.981) Wimmen & children +tt beo+d iswunken for ow . +tach +ge sparien hit on ow Make+d ham to eotene (CMANCRIW-2,II.304.982) Na mon bute he habbe neode ne la+de +ge to drinken . (CMANCRIW-2,II.304.983) Nawicht ne +girne ich +tt me telle ow hende ancren . (CMANCRIW-2,II.304.984) Ed gode freont neome+d al +tt ow to neode+d hwen $ha $beode+d {TEXT:habeode+d} hit ow . (CMANCRIW-2,II.305.986) for nan bode ne neome +ge naut wi+d ute nede . +tt +ge ne kecche +te nome of gederine Ancren . (CMANCRIW-2,II.305.987) Of mon +tt +ge misleue+d . nou+der ne neome +ge lesse ne mare $. Naut swa muche +tt beo $anrote $of {TEXT:anroteof} gingiure . (CMANCRIW-2,II.305.988) Muche neode schal driuen ow forto bidden ei +ting . (CMANCRIW-2,II.305.989) +Tach edmodliche schawi+d to owre leoueste freont ouwer meoseise . (CMANCRIW-2,II.305.990) Ge mine leoue sustren ne schule +ge habben nan beast bute cat ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.305.991) Ancre +te haue+d achte +tunche+d betere husewif as marthe wes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.305.992) for nanes weis ne mei $ha $beon {TEXT:habeon} Marie wi+d gri+dfulnesses of heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.305.993) for +tenne mot ha +tenchen of +te cuwes foddre . of heordemonne hure . olchni +te haiwart . warien hwen he punt hire . & +gelde +tach +te harmes (CMANCRIW-2,II.306.995) Ladlich +ting is $wat $crist {TEXT:watcrist} hwen me make+d itune $man $of {TEXT:manof} ancres achte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.306.996) Nu +tach +gef ani mot nedunge habben hit ; loke +tt hit na mon ne eili ne ne harmi ; ne +tt hire +tocht ne beo nawicht +tron iuestned . (CMANCRIW-2,II.306.997) Ancre ne ach to habben nan +ting +tt utwart dra+ge hire heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.306.998) Da cheffere ne driue +ge (CMANCRIW-2,II.306.999) Ancre +tt is chepilt $ha $cheape+d {TEXT:hacheape+d} hire $saule $to {TEXT:sauleto} +te chepmon of helle . (CMANCRIW-2,II.306.1000) Naut ne wite in ouwer hus of o+der monne +tinges ne achte ne cla+des . (CMANCRIW-2,II.306.1001) of swich witung is muchel uuel jlumpen ofte si+den (CMANCRIW-2,II.306.1002) Inwi+d ower wanes ne lete +ge nan mon slepen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.306.1003) Gef Much neod mid alle make+d breoken ower hus . hwil hit eauer is ibroken habbe+d +trinne wi+d ow anwummon of cleane lif deies & nichtes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.306.1004) For+ti $+tt $nan {TEXT:+ttnan} mon ne si+d ow ne +ge him . wel mei don of ouwer cla+d . beo hit hwit beo hit blac bute hit beo unorne . warm & wel iwracht felles wel itauwet . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1005) & habbe+d ase monie as ow to neode+d tobedde & to rugge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1006) Nest flesch ne schal nan werien nan linnene bute hit beo of harde & greate heorden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1007) stamin habbe hwase wule & hwase wule buten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1008) Ge Schulen $in $an {TEXT:inan} hetter & igurd liggen (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1009) Ne beore nan iren ne here . ne $ylespiles {TEXT:ylespiles_with_es_subpuncted} felles . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1010) ne ne beate hire +terwi+d ne wi+d schurge ileadet . wi+d holine ne wi+d breres (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1011) ne biblo+dgi hire seolf wi+d ute schriftes leaue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1012) Ne neome ed eanes to feole diciplines . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1013) Ower scheon beon greate & warme . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1014) Insumer +ge habbe+d leaue barfot gan & sitten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1015) Hosen wi+d uten uampe+d ligge in hwase wule . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1016) Sum wummon inochra+de were+d +te brech of here . ful wel icnotted +te strapeles $dun $to {TEXT:dunto} +te fet ilaced fulueste . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1017) $+gef +ge muchel {COM:B_corrects_mucel_beo+d_to_mahen_beo} beo+d wimpelles . beo+d $bi $warme {TEXT:biwarme} cappen . & +truppon blake ueilles . (CMANCRIW-2,II.307.1018) hwa se wule beon ise+gen . +tach ha atifi hire nis nan muche wunder . (CMANCRIW-2,II.308.1019) Ach to godes echnen ha is lufsumere +te is for +te luue of him untiffet wi+d uten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.308.1020) Ring ne broche nabbe +ge ne gurdel imembred . ne glouen ne nan swich +ting +tt ow ne j bur+d to habben (CMANCRIW-2,II.308.1021) Eauer me is leoure . se +ge don grettere werkes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.308.1022) ne Make +ge nane Purses forto freonden ow wi+d . ne blod binden of seolc (CMANCRIW-2,II.308.1023) Ach schape+d & seowe+d & mande+d chirche cla+des . & poure menne hettren . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1024) Nan+ting ne schule +ge +geuen wi+d uten schriftes leaue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1025) Helpe+d wi+d ower achne swinch $. sefor+d se +ge much+gen . to schruten ow seoluen & +teo +tt ow serui+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1026) As seint Ierome leare+d . Neo beo +ge neauer idel for ananrichtes +te feont beot hire his werc +te $in $godes {TEXT:ingodes} werc ne swinke+d . & tutele+d anan towart hire . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1027) for hwil he si+d hire bisi . he +tenche+d +tus . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1028) For naut ich schulde cumen nu nech hire . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1029) ne mei ha naut i+gemen to lustni min lare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1030) Of idelnesse awakene+d Muchel flesches fondunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1031) Inquitas sodeme Saturitas Panis & ocium . +tt is sodomes cwedschipe come of idelnesse & of ful wombe . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1032) iren +tt li+d stille gedere+d muche rust . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1033) water +tt ne sture+d naut readiliche stinke+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1034) +ge ne schule sende lettres . Ne underfo lettres bute lealle {COM:lealle_for_leaue} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1035) Ancre ne schal naut for wur+de $scholmeistre {TEXT:so_holmeistre} . (CMANCRIW-2,II.309.1036) Ne turnen ancre hus to childre schole . (CMANCRIW-2,II.310.1037) hire meiden mei learen sum lute meiden . +tt were dute of to leornen bimong gromes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.310.1038) Ach ancre nach to +geme bute god ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.310.1039) $Ge schule beon idoddet four si+den $i $+te {TEXT:i+te} +ger . to lichten ower heauet . & as ofte ilete blod . (CMANCRIW-2,II.310.1040) +ge ne schule don +treo da+ges nan +ting +tt ow greue+d . (CMANCRIW-2,II.310.1041) Ach talke+d to ower meidnes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.310.1042) & wi+d +teufule taken schurti+d $ou $to {TEXT:outo} gedere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.310.1043) +ge mu+ge swa don ofte hwen ow +tunche+d heui o+der beo+d for sum worldliche +ting sari o+der seke . (CMANCRIW-2,II.310.1044) Swa wislich wite+d ow $in $ower {TEXT:inower} blodletunge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.310.1045) & halde+d ow $in $swich {TEXT:inswich} reste +tt +ge longe +trefter mu+ge i godes seruise monluker wurchen . & alse hwen +ge fele+d ani secnesse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1046) Muche sotchipe hit is leosen for andei tene o+der tweolue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1047) Wesche+d ow hwerse neod is as ofte as +ge wulle+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1048) Ancre +te neaue+d naut nech hont hire fode . beo+d bisie twa wimmen . an +te eauer leaue ed hame . an o+der +te wende ut hwen neod driue+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1049) & +teo beo ful unorne . o+der of fei+ger ealde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1050) Bi +te weie as ha gea+d ga segginde hire beoden . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1051) ne ne halde nantale wi+d mon ne wi+d wimmon . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1052) Ne sitten ne stonden bute +te leste +tt ha mei ear +tenne ha ham cume . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1053) Nochwder elles ne ga ha bute +tider $as $me {TEXT:asme} sent hire . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1054) Wi+d ute leaue ne eota ha ne ne drinke ute . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1055) +te o+der beo eauer inne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1056) Ne wi+dute +te +gete ne ga ha wi+d ute leaue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1057) ba beon obedient to hare dame $in $alle {TEXT:inalle} +ting bute $in $sunne {TEXT:insunne} ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1058) Nan +ting nabben heo +tt heo hit $nuten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1059) Ne underuo nan +ting (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1060) ne ne +geouen nou+der wi+d uten hire leaue (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1061) Nanmon ne leten in (CMANCRIW-2,II.311.1062) ne ne speoken wi+d ute leaue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1063) Ne ga naut ut of tune wi+d uten sikerfere . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1064) ne ne ligge ute . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1065) +gef ha ne con onboke segge bi pater nosteres . & bi auees hire vres . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1066) & wurche & do hwat me hat hire wi+duten grucchinge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1067) habbe eauer hire earen opene towart hire dame . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1068) Nou+der . ne beore ne ne bringe to heore dame idele talen ne neowe tidinges . Ne bitwenen ham seolf (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1069) $ne $ne {TEXT:nene} singen $ne $ne {TEXT:nene} speoken ham seolf worldliche spechen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1070) Ne lach+gen swa ne plei+gen +tt eimon +tt hit sech+ge machte to uuel turnen (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1071) Ouer alle +ting leasing & uuele wordes hatien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1072) Hare her beon icoruen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1073) hare heued cla+d {TEXT:b_subpuncted} sitte lach+ge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1074) Ei+der ligge ane . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1075) hare cop beo hech+ge isticched wi+d ute broche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1076) na mon ne seo ham unlepped ne open heaued (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1077) Lach locunge habben . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1078) ha ne cusse nan mon . ne $cu+d mon ne cunes mon . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1079) ne for nan cu+t+te cluppen (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1080) $ne $ne {TEXT:nene} weschen hare heaued (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1081) Ne loke ueste $on $an {TEXT:onan} mon . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1082) ne toggi wi+d ne Plei+gen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1083) hare weden beon of swich schape & of swic aturn $. +tt beo edsene hwerto $ha $beon {TEXT:habeon} iturnde . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1084) hare $lates {TEXT:lates_added_above_line_by_B} loken $wereliche . +tt nan ne wite ham in hus ne ut of huse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.312.1085) $on $alle {TEXT:onalle} wise for beoren to wra+t+ten hare $dame . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1087) & as ofte as $ha $hit {TEXT:hahit} do+d . er ha drinken o+der eoten Maken hire venie $. acneon adun biforen hire (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1088) & seggen mea culpa (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1089) & underuon +te penitance +tt $ha $lei+d {TEXT:halei+d} uppon ham lutinde hire lach+ge . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1090) +te ancre +ter efter neauer mare +tilke gult . ne upbreide for nan wra+t+te bute +gef ha eftsones fallen $i $+tt {TEXT:i+tt} ilke . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1091) Ach do hit allunge ut of hire heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1092) +gef ani strif arise+d bitwene +te wimmen . +te ancre make ei+der to make +te o+der uenie o cneon to +te eor+de . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1093) ei+der richte up o+der (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1094) & cussen on ende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1095) & +te ancre legge onei+der sumpenitance Mare up on +tilke +te gretluker gulte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1096) +tis an +ting $witen $ha $wel {TEXT:witenhawel} +tt is god leouest $. sachtnesse & some . & +te feont la+dest . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1097) for +ti he is eauer umben . to arere sum la+t+te . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1098) Nu si+d +te sweokewel +tt hwen fur is wel onbrune & me wule +tt hit ga ut . me sundre+d +tebrondes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1099) & he de+d +tt ilke . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1100) luue is Iesu cristes fur +tt he wule +tt blasie $in $ure {TEXT:inure} heorte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1101) & +te deouel blawe+d for to Puffen hit ut . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1102) hwen his blawunge ne geine+d naut . $he $bringe+d {TEXT:hebringe+d} up sum lu+der word . o+der sum o+der nochtunge . hwer +turch $ha $to {TEXT:hato} hurren ei+der frommart o+der (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1103) & +te haligastes fur cwenche+d hwen +te brondes +turch wra+d+d beo+d isundred . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1104) for +ti halden ham inluue feste togederes . (CMANCRIW-2,II.313.1105) & ne beo ham naut of hwen +te feont blawe Nomeliche +gef monie beon iuei+get somet & wel wi+d luue ontende . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1106) +tach +te ancre on hire meidenes . $for openliche gultes legge penitance . to +te preost no+delatere schriuen ham ofte . Ach eauer +tach wi+d leaue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1107) Gef ha ne cunne naut +te mete graces . seggen $in $hare {TEXT:inhare} studen pater noster biuoren & Aue marie . efter mete alse & acrede mare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1108) & segge +tus on ende fader . sune . & haligast an almichtin god +geoue ure dame hisgrace . se lengre se mare (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1109) & leue hire & us ba $neome god {TEXT:neomegod} ende (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1110) for+gelde $alle +te us god do+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1111) & milce heore saule +te us god idon habbe+d & alle cristene saule (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1112) Bitwene mel ne gruuesi naut nou+der frut ne o+der hwet . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1113) ne drinken bute leaue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1114) & +te leaue beo licht in al +tt nis sunne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1115) ed +te Mete $nan $word {TEXT:nanword} $o+der $lut {TEXT:o+derlut} (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1116) & +teo stille . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1117) alswa efter +te ancres complie o+det prime . ne don nan +ting ne seggen hwar +turch hire silence mu+ge beon to sturbed . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1118) Nanancre seruant ne achte birichte to asken iset hure bute mete ant cla+d +tt ha mei flutte bi & godes milce . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1119) Ne mis leue nan god hwet se tide of +te ancre +tt he hire trukie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1120) +te meidnes wi+d uten +gef ha serui+d +teancre alswa as ha ach+gen hare hure schal beon +te eche blisse of heoue . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1121) hwase haue+d e+ge of hope towart se hech hure . gledliche wule ha seruin . & lichtliche alle wa & alle teone +tolien . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1122) wi+d este ne wi+d eise ne bu+d me naut blisse . (CMANCRIW-2,II.314.1123) Ge ancres ach+ge +tis laste lutle stuche reden to ower wimmen uche wilke eanes o+det $ha $hit {TEXT:hahit} cunnen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1124) & Muche neod is +tt +ge neomen to ham muche +geme . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1125) for +ge mu+ge beon +turch ham igodet & iwurset . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1126) $On o+der {TEXT:Ono+d|er} half +gef ha sunge+d +turch ower +gemeles +ge schule beon bicleoped +trof biforen +te hech+ge dom . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1127) for +ti as ow is muche neod & heom +get mare +georneliche leare+d ham to halden hare riuwlen . ba for ow & for ham seolf . li+deliche & luueliche . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1128) for swich ach wummone lare to beon . Iuuelich & li+de . selt hwenne sturne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1129) ba-1 is richt +tt ha ow dreden & luuien . ach +tt $+ter $beo {TEXT:+terbeo} mare eauer of luue +ten of drede . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1130) +tenne $schal $hit {TEXT:schalhit} wel faren . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1131) Me schal helden eoli & win ba $. inwunden {TEXT:ba} efter godes lare . Ach mare of softe eoli +tenne of bitinde win . +tt is Ma of li+de wordes +tenne of sturne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1132) for +ter of kime+d +tinge best $. +tt is luue eie . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1133) lichtliche & sweteliche for +geoue+d ham hare gultes hwen ha ham icnawe+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1134) & bihate+d bote . (CMANCRIW-2,II.315.1135) Alse for+d as +ge mu+gen of mete & of cla+des & of o+dre +tinges +tt neode of $flesch aske+d beo+d large toward ham +tach +ge narewe beon & harde to ow seoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.316.1136) swa de+d +te wel blawe+d (CMANCRIW-2,II.316.1137) went +te rarewe of +te horn to his achne mu+d & utward +te wide . (CMANCRIW-2,II.316.1138) & +ge don alswa as +ge wulle+d +tt ower beoden bemen wel & dreamen in drichtines earen . naut ane to ower anes ach to alle folkes heale . as ure lauerd leue +turch +te grace of him seolf +tt hit swa mote . (CMANCRIW-2,II.316.1139) Of +tis boc rede+d hwen +ge beo+d aise uchedei . lesse o+der mare . (CMANCRIW-2,II.316.1140) Ich hopie +tt hit schalbeon ow . +gef +ge hit rede+d ofte swi+de biheue +turh grace . (CMANCRIW-2,II.316.1141) elles ich hefde bitoch+gen uuele Muche hwile . (CMANCRIW-2,II.316.1142) Me were leoure deu le set to do me towart rome +ten forto biginnen hit eft for to donne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.316.1143) +Gef +ge finde+d +tt +ge don alswa as +ge rede+d . +tonke+d god $. +georne . (CMANCRIW-2,II.316.1144) +gef +ge ne do+d naut . bidde+d godes are (CMANCRIW-2,II.317.1145) & beo+d umben +ter an ouen +tt +ge hit halden efter ower michte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.317.1146) fader sune haligast an almichti god wite ow $in $his {TEXT:inhis} warde (CMANCRIW-2,II.317.1147) he gledie ow (CMANCRIW-2,II.317.1148) & frouri ow Mine leoue sustren (CMANCRIW-2,II.317.1149) & for al +tt +ge for him dre+ge+d & drei+ge+d . Ne +geoue ow neauer lesse hure +ten $al $to {TEXT:alto} gedere himseoluen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.317.1150) Beo he eauer ihech+get from worlde into worlde (CMANCRIW-2,II.317.1151) Amen . As ofte as +ge habbe+d ired eawet +tron grete+d +te lafdi wi+d an aue for him +te swong her abuten . (CMANCRIW-2,II.317.1153) que gesturus sum (CMANCRIW-2,II.318.1155) Mai $i {TEXT:i_or_ich_omitted_by_D} quod ure louerd helin from abraham +tinge +tat i +tenke to done ? (CMANCRIW-2,II.318.1156) Nai a none wise . (CMANCRIW-2,II.318.1157) He can loue +tat tus speket & tus dot to alle +tat him treuuelike louen and leuen ; (CMANCRIW-2,II.318.1158) +te blisse +tat he grei+ted alse as it is uneuenelike til alle uerdlike blisses ; also it is untalelike to alle werdlike +tingis . (CMANCRIW-2,II.318.1159) vnde ysaias . Oculus non uidit deus absque to que preparasti digentibus te . Et apostolus ad corinthios . Occulus non uidit ne auris audiuit . (CMANCRIW-2,II.318.1160) +Tis loue is te rule +tat rulet +te herte . (CMANCRIW-2,II.318.1161) Confitebor tibi in directgione cordis . id est . in regulacione . cordis . exprobracione malorum . Generacio que non direxit cor suum ; et non est creditus cum deo spiritus eius . Amen . (CMANCRIW-2,II.318.1162)