Son , Herkyn +te commandementis of +te mastir , (CMBENRUL,1.2) & lay to +te eere of +ty herte , (CMBENRUL,1.3) & gladly take And spedily fulfil +te warnyng of +te meke fadir , +tat +tu mai turne a-gayne to hym by +te labur of obedience , fra whame +tu had gane by +te slew+t of inobedience . (CMBENRUL,1.4) Tharfore my worde be now directe to the , +tat forsakis thy awne lustis & takis +te ryght strang and doghty armur of obedience to seryf our lorde Iesu criste , +te verrey kyng . (CMBENRUL,1.5) First +tat +tu aske of hym wid besy prayer alle gude +ting +tat +tu begyns to do to be perfytely endid ; +tat he , +tat has vochyd safe to cownte vs in +te nummer of hys sons , be not greuyd ony tyme be our euyl dedis . (CMBENRUL,1.6) Sa , for soth , it is to obey hym at al tyme for hys aune gudis +tat ere in vs , +tat he , as a wrath fader , not alanly diseret vs os not hys sons , Bot also os a dredful lord , wrathid thoro our euyl dedys , betake vs to perpetual payne os ful wykkyd seruandis , whylk wald not folow hym to blis . (CMBENRUL,1.7) PRIMUM CAPITULUM . (CMBENRUL,1.9) EXURGAMUS ERGO . (CMBENRUL,1.10) In +tis first sentence bidis us sain benet +tat we be wakande , (CMBENRUL,1.12) and bidis we sal rise , +tat es of ure sinne , als it es writen , and +tat yure ehin be opin , and yure $hertes , til godis $brihtnes , Godis uoice +tat +ge here and under-stande it , als it sais : " Hodie si uocem eius - (CMBENRUL,2.13) Yef ye +te uoice of god herd o day , yure hertis ware noht hard ; (CMBENRUL,2.14) it munde ma +tam neis ; " (CMBENRUL,2.15) Als haly writ says : " Qui habet aures audiendi , audiat - (CMBENRUL,2.16) +Tat erin hauis , herkins wat +te haly spirt sais in haly writ . " (CMBENRUL,2.17) wat sais he ? (CMBENRUL,2.18) " Cumis to me , (CMBENRUL,2.19) I sal yu lere +te dute of god , his wille +tat +ge may do . (CMBENRUL,2.20) Rennes fast do wilis ye haue liht , +tat +te mirkenes o ded our-take +te noht . " (CMBENRUL,2.21) +Te haly spirt bidis us +tat we trou his reed , +tat we may cum to +te lif and se +te dais of godis sune in ioye wid-uten ende . (CMBENRUL,2.22) " yef +tu will haue +tat ioy , gete +ti tunge , +tu speke na sca+te , and tine lippis fra iuel . (CMBENRUL,2.23) Turne +te fra iuil (CMBENRUL,2.24) & do +te gode , +tat ti lif folihe +taim . (CMBENRUL,2.25) wen +tat +ge +tus do , +tan sal min ezin be on +gow . (CMBENRUL,2.26) Til +gure praier $sal I here , sal +ge noht be for-getin . (CMBENRUL,2.27) Or +tat +ge calle to me , I sal saie : I es here . " (CMBENRUL,2.28) My suete sistirs , I saie to yu : es na sueter uoice +tan of iesu ; (CMBENRUL,2.29) sua sais sain benet . (CMBENRUL,2.30) God al-mihti kenne us +te rihte gate til endeles ioy . (CMBENRUL,2.31) Amen . (CMBENRUL,2.32) SECUNDUM CAPITULUM . (CMBENRUL,2.34) SUCCINCTIS ERGO FIDE . (CMBENRUL,2.35) In +tis sentence mustirs sain benet us hu we sal lede ure lif , (CMBENRUL,2.37) and sais +tat we sal belt us wid chastiment , riht trouz +tat ye haue wid gode dede , +tat tu belte +tine lendis sua , and +tat tine fete be shod in riht gate , Als +te gospel tellis , in his tretes +tat +tu ga , til his rengne +tat +tu may cume , +tare hise frendis sal euir be , +tat here hauis wele wroht . (CMBENRUL,2.38) Yef +tu wil to +tat rengne cume , do +te dedis of godis sune ; (CMBENRUL,2.39) +tu sal $be +tidir broht . (CMBENRUL,2.40) we aske +te , lauerd , +turz +te muz of +te profete , Wha in +ti tabernakil sal wne . (CMBENRUL,2.41) " An wha sal wne wid +te in +te muntain +tat es sua briht ? " (CMBENRUL,2.42) Lauerd , +tan we haue askid +te , +te ancewer of +te sal we here : (CMBENRUL,2.43) +te riht +tidir at cume +tai sal haue , (CMBENRUL,2.44) entre +tat ere wid-uten sinne ; +tat rihtuis es of dede and rihtuis of speche in his hert of alle +ting ; +tat wid tunge lezis noht , bot sothfastnes in his +toht ; (CMBENRUL,2.45) +Tat euil dos til nan , (CMBENRUL,2.46) ne reproues na man of +taire mis-dede . (CMBENRUL,2.47) He dos all to noht +te sinne +tat wnis in his +toht and quites him at te nede . (CMBENRUL,3.48) Lauerd , we prai +te +tat we may serue sua , in +ti tabernakil +tat we may wne . (CMBENRUL,3.49) Amen . (CMBENRUL,3.50) TERCIUM CAPITULUM . (CMBENRUL,3.52) ERGO PREPARANDA . (CMBENRUL,3.53) In +tis sentence sais sain benet til +ta +tat luuis god & dutes hym : (CMBENRUL,3.55) yef +tu findis ani god in +te , til god sal +te louing be , (CMBENRUL,3.56) $and grace til him giue , of whame we haue al +te gude ; (CMBENRUL,3.57) als +te prophete sais , " Non nobis domine - (CMBENRUL,3.58) Lord , of us es it noht , bot til +ti name ioy es broht " ; (CMBENRUL,3.59) Als sain paul sais : " Lauerd , of me haue I noht , bot +tu sende it me . " (CMBENRUL,3.60) In o+tir stede sais he : " In god sal man be glad and loue him in dede . " (CMBENRUL,3.61) And heris wat ure lauerd sais in +te gospel : (CMBENRUL,3.62) " Qui audit - (CMBENRUL,3.63) Wha sam heris my word and dos it in werke , Til +te wyis man sembils he , +tat fundes his hus opon +te stan fra +te water and te flod ; (CMBENRUL,3.64) for +ti ne failed it noht , (CMBENRUL,3.65) for it $was wrht o-pon +te harde stane . " (CMBENRUL,3.66) +Tus kennis ure lauerd us his werkis , at folu his cumandementis . (CMBENRUL,3.67) For +ti he giuis us respit , +tat we sal mende ure sinne and si+tin to +te ioy be sent ; (CMBENRUL,3.68) Als +te postil sais +gur godes word : " And nescitis - (CMBENRUL,3.69) +Te sufferans may +tu noht wite of god her witerlike , +tat he to +te hauis don ? " (CMBENRUL,3.70) Als ure lauerd sais : " Of +te sinfull will I noht +te dede , bot +tat tay turne and liue . " (CMBENRUL,3.71) wen we aske +te , lauerd , wha in +ti tabernakill sall wone , and we here +ti cumandement , and dos te werkis +tat fallis +tar-to , +tan sall we be ayris in +ti ioye . (CMBENRUL,3.72) lord , for +ti mercy +tu gif us grace +tare at be . (CMBENRUL,3.73) Amen . (CMBENRUL,3.74) CAPITULUM IIII . (CMBENRUL,3.76) MONACHORUM . (CMBENRUL,3.77) IN +tis sentence bidis us sain benet +tat we make ure hertis redy , and ure bodis als-sua , in mekenes , yef we will wone wid god . (CMBENRUL,3.79) +Tan ure force es gane us fra , we pray ure lauerd be ure help for his mikill miht . (CMBENRUL,3.80) Yef we +te painis of helle will fle , and cum till ioy +tat ay sall be , +Tanne full-fille we his wille . (CMBENRUL,3.81) Loke +tat +ge renne sui+te , yef +ge will to +te lange liue . (CMBENRUL,4.82) +tare may help +te here to . (CMBENRUL,4.83) +Tus sais sain benet : Mi scole wil i stablis to godis seruise . (CMBENRUL,4.84) Greue +ting will i noht stablis , na noht +tat wrange es , (CMBENRUL,4.85) bot a stresce will I make in mendnis of +goure sinne , And for to yeme charite , +tat +ter nan iuil lares by-gynne , Bot +tat haly kirke +gow lokis . (CMBENRUL,4.86) Loke +tu folow +ti domnum in haly religiun ; (CMBENRUL,4.87) +tan sall +ti charge be liht ; (CMBENRUL,4.88) +tan sal +ti hert liht be , in godis trouht yef +tu it se . (CMBENRUL,4.89) In mikill suetnes may +tu renne , wen +tu can knau god and his cumandement . (CMBENRUL,4.90) +Tan sall tu euir mare wone wid him in +tat suete felazscap . (CMBENRUL,4.91) +Tat here liuis in clene scrift and in paine , +tai sall haue part wid him . (CMBENRUL,4.92) Lauerd , +tu grante it us sua , til +ti ioy +tat we ga . (CMBENRUL,4.93) Amen . (CMBENRUL,4.94) I . (CMBENRUL,4.96) QUARTUM VERO GENUS (CMBENRUL,4.97) Foure maner of Munkis es in religiun , sais sain benet . (CMBENRUL,4.99) +Te first maner +tan er +ta in cuuent es gadird for to liue in godis pais , vndir reul of dicipline , and a abbot ouir +tam . (CMBENRUL,4.100) +Te to+tir maner +tan ere ermitis and reclusis , godis wille bi +tam ane at do . (CMBENRUL,4.101) +Te ermitis and +te reclusis +tat liuis sua , kenning bi-hus +tam haue for to fezte wid +tare miht a-gain +te deuil and a-gain +tar sinne . (CMBENRUL,4.102) +Tanane by-houis +tam fezte +tam ane , at god es tar best help . (CMBENRUL,4.103) +Te +tridde er +ta +tat in na reul will ga , na hauis na kenning . (CMBENRUL,4.104) Als es o +taim at saie als +te gold +tu may se , +tat semis gode and es noht : (CMBENRUL,4.105) wen it es forht broht , +tan es it als +te lede . (CMBENRUL,4.106) Bi-fore +te werld er +tai semande , (CMBENRUL,4.107) and fals-like liues , (CMBENRUL,4.108) and tines +taire mede , (CMBENRUL,4.109) And leris o-gain god of +tar abit . (CMBENRUL,4.110) +tai er unwise ; (CMBENRUL,4.111) +tai desaiue +tam-self and o+tir ba+te . (CMBENRUL,4.112) +Te ferde maner er wel werre , +tat nou+ter will wone , (CMBENRUL,4.113) bot gange fra stede til stede wil +tai , noure wone lange . (CMBENRUL,4.114) +tair auen wille will +tai do . (CMBENRUL,4.115) Glutunie luue +tai . (CMBENRUL,4.116) better es to be stille +tan for to speke of +tair lif . (CMBENRUL,4.117) Sain benet sais : now wil I blinne to speke of +taim , for it ne helpis noht , & speke of +ta +tat liuis in godis ordir . (CMBENRUL,5.118) +tat we wid +taim may ga , god gif it us . (CMBENRUL,5.119) II . (CMBENRUL,5.121) ABBAS QUI PREESSE . (CMBENRUL,5.122) In +tis sentence mustirs sain benet wat man az at be abot . (CMBENRUL,5.124) +Te abot ah $for to wite what his name singnefiis and whi he beris +te curun . (CMBENRUL,5.125) He $ah at mustir gode dedis and wel rede and singe in haly kirke , Gode a-saumpil til o+tir at giue for to liue riht . (CMBENRUL,5.126) +Te name of +te abot bitakins fadir of maine . (CMBENRUL,5.127) For he sal be in haly kirke in godis stede for to lere his munkis wisdom and charite . (CMBENRUL,5.128) He ah na +ting at cumande bot +tat he may haue warant at god . (CMBENRUL,5.129) Rihtuis ah he at be , and of charite , Als haly writ sais , wis of speche , Of gode cunsaile at +te nede ; (CMBENRUL,5.130) sua az abot at be . (CMBENRUL,5.131) He sal lere his cuuent +te riht gate , in godis troht +tat +tai be . (CMBENRUL,5.132) Euer sal be in his +toht +tat his munkis be wel lered , +tat +tai dute god . (CMBENRUL,5.133) +Te abot sal be blamid if +te cuuent mis-ga . (CMBENRUL,5.134) +Ta +tat ere of ille dedis , he az at chasti ham . (CMBENRUL,5.135) +tan sall he be quit at +te iugement , And saie wid +te prophete : " Lauerd , I ne hid noht in me +te rehtuisnes of +te . (CMBENRUL,5.136) I bad +tai sulde it gete . (CMBENRUL,5.137) Summe hauid me in despit , wen I lered +taim , (CMBENRUL,5.138) And did +taire azen wille . " (CMBENRUL,5.139) +Tanne sais saine benet of +taim +tat ere unbuxum ogain god , +tat +tai sall to paine ga . (CMBENRUL,5.140) lauerd de-fende us +tar-fra . (CMBENRUL,5.141) Amen . (CMBENRUL,5.142) ERGO CUM ALIQUIS SUSCIPIT (CMBENRUL,5.144) Sain benet spekis yet of +ta +tat sall be abotis : (CMBENRUL,5.146) Gode a-saumpil sal he giue , Of twine maner at lere his discipilis in religiun in halynes at serue god : ba+te-3 in word and dede , ba+te to +te simplis and till +te harde of hart . (CMBENRUL,5.147) His dedis az at be suilke als he cumandis til o+tir . (CMBENRUL,5.148) He bidis +tai sall nan euil do . (CMBENRUL,5.149) Yef he kennis gode till o+tir , and him-self dos noht sua , God refusis him ; (CMBENRUL,5.150) Als haly writ sais : " Quare tu enarras &c. - (CMBENRUL,5.151) Whi telles tu mi $rihtuisnes wid +ti muz , and dos it noht ? (CMBENRUL,5.152) Dicipline +tu hatid , (CMBENRUL,5.153) and keste mine wordes obac ; (CMBENRUL,5.154) +tare forgat tu +te . (CMBENRUL,5.155) In +ti bro+tir ehe +tu ses a stra , and noht a balke in +tin azen . " (CMBENRUL,5.156) +Tabot az at loue nane mare +tan $o+tir for his heze kinredin , bot he be buxum and religius bot ilkain o+tir bro+tir . (CMBENRUL,6.157) For nede he may do an bi-fore $ano+ter for reuerance , yef he ne will noht ilkain in his ordir , als he takis . (CMBENRUL,6.158) Ba+te yung and alde sall halde reul ; (CMBENRUL,6.159) til a god haue we tan . (CMBENRUL,6.160) Alle sal be louid eftir an in haly religiun , bot if +tai bettir do ; (CMBENRUL,6.161) For +tai az at be louid euin-like in charite , ilkain als tay ere . (CMBENRUL,6.162) $Scrift sal he do on +taim , +tare sinnis for to les . (CMBENRUL,6.163) Lauerd , +tu giue us sua at do , +tat we may cume to +ti regne . (CMBENRUL,6.164) Amen . (CMBENRUL,6.165) IN DOCTRINA SUA NAMQUE (CMBENRUL,6.167) Sain benet sais +tat abot az at lere his cuuent , als sain pol bidis : (CMBENRUL,6.169) Blame +tat mis-do , (CMBENRUL,6.170) $and do +tam liue riht ; (CMBENRUL,6.171) chasti +taim fra iuil wne , als +te fadir dos his sune . (CMBENRUL,6.172) +Ta +tat ere fraward and recles , Lede +taim +te straiter . (CMBENRUL,6.173) +Ta +tat er buxum and meke , +tai sall haue cumfort . (CMBENRUL,6.174) Yef ani faute be funden in +taim , +tat it be sone mendid . (CMBENRUL,6.175) He sall vmbe-+tinke hym of +te prest of sylo , +te ire of god com to , (CMBENRUL,6.176) $for he ne chastid noht hise childir , (CMBENRUL,6.177) bot lete +taim in +taire wille . (CMBENRUL,6.178) +Te gode sall he chasty wid word and amonesce +taim . (CMBENRUL,6.179) +Tat er prude and kene , +tai sall be chastid wid wand . (CMBENRUL,6.180) For it is writen +tat man sall chasti +taim : (CMBENRUL,6.181) " Percute filium &c. - (CMBENRUL,6.182) Smite +ti sune wid +ti wand , (CMBENRUL,6.183) and make him meke , (CMBENRUL,6.184) and deliuir his saule fra paine . " (CMBENRUL,6.185) Lauerd , +tu deliuer us fra paine . (CMBENRUL,6.186) Amen . (CMBENRUL,6.187) MEMINISSE . (CMBENRUL,6.189) Ay , sais sain benet , +tabot az at +tinke +tat , wat his name es . (CMBENRUL,6.191) +Te mare he hauis in pouste , +te mare hauis he at yelde . (CMBENRUL,6.192) Abot az at be wis ; (CMBENRUL,6.193) greueus +ting es hym bi-taht : +Te sauls for to gete , And mony +ting for to wite . (CMBENRUL,6.194) Wid summe sal tu faire speke , and summe gete wid chastiment & haue +tam under wand , and lere +taim ilkain eftir +tar maner wid resun . (CMBENRUL,6.195) +Tan +tar +te noht be calanged of +te cuuent +tat es undir +te , +tat es giuin $+te at yeme . (CMBENRUL,6.196) +Tur+g +te dute +tat +tai haue +te ioy of god , may +tai ler at serue him to will . (CMBENRUL,7.197) For nan er+telike pouste az he at for-gete +te sauls +tat es bitaht him at yeme . (CMBENRUL,7.198) +Te tresur of god er +tai . (CMBENRUL,7.199) Resun sal he yelde to god of +taim . (CMBENRUL,7.200) Yef +tu be of litil uresun , be of riht trouz , (CMBENRUL,7.201) and here what haly boke sais : (CMBENRUL,7.202) " Primum querite regnum dei - (CMBENRUL,7.203) First sal tu seke godis rengne and his rihtuisnes , (CMBENRUL,7.204) +tan sall +ting multeplii +te . " (CMBENRUL,7.205) He +tat made +tis salme sais : " wha sua liuis riht , +tai sal haue na ned . (CMBENRUL,7.206) Nichil de-esse - (CMBENRUL,7.207) Na +ting sal faile +taim +tat wil luue god . " (CMBENRUL,7.208) +Tabot az at under-stande of +te sauls he hauis at yeme , +tat he sall yelde resun of +taim . (CMBENRUL,7.209) Loke +te numbir of his cuuent : (CMBENRUL,7.210) Als well az he to yeme +taim als his azen saul , yef he wil be sauf . (CMBENRUL,7.211) +Tan he for o+tir sal ancewer swa , (CMBENRUL,7.212) full riht az he at ga , And mende him in dede . (CMBENRUL,7.213) +Te mare he mendis his cuuent , Till mare ioy sall he be sent , til god at take his mede . (CMBENRUL,7.214) Lauerd , giue us sua at liue , +tat we may yelde +te resun for us-self at +te day of dome . (CMBENRUL,7.215) Amen . (CMBENRUL,7.216) Qui uiuis & regnas . (CMBENRUL,7.217) III . (CMBENRUL,7.219) DE ADSCIENDIS AD CONSILIUM SORORIBUS - QUOCIENS ALIQUA . (CMBENRUL,7.220) Sain benet mustirs in +tis sentence Hu +tabes sal take hir cunsale . (CMBENRUL,7.222) Scho sall calle +te cuuent to-gidir and muster +taim +te nede , and loke whilke sais best resun , and proue +tair wit sua . (CMBENRUL,7.223) +Tan ilkain hauis said +tair auis , +Tat es best , halde +tar-to . (CMBENRUL,7.224) Sua bidis haly writ , +tat alle be cald til cunsaile , yung and alde , in hali religiun ; (CMBENRUL,7.225) For ofte sendis god resun til +te yunge +tat $a-no+tir ne can noht . (CMBENRUL,7.226) +Tat all consentis to sal nan gain-saie , bot halde it in obedience . (CMBENRUL,7.227) Als te decipill es at his maister cumandement , Als sal +tabes consent til +taire cunsail +tat resun es . (CMBENRUL,7.228) Alle sal folihe +te maister of +te reule , ba+te yung and alde . (CMBENRUL,7.229) +Tat nan folu +tair ahen wille , ne nan bere +taim sua heze , +tat tay striue ogain +tair abes . (CMBENRUL,7.230) Yef any sal take discipline , gruching sal sho make nane , bot halde +te cumandement . (CMBENRUL,7.231) +Te dedis of +tabbesse sal be in +te dute of god , (CMBENRUL,8.233) for sho $sal be set til resun of all hir iugemens and of al hir dedis bi-for god , +tat es rihtuis of iugement . (CMBENRUL,8.234) +Tar es priue cunsale be at do , +te alde sal sho calle +tar-to ; (CMBENRUL,8.235) Als haly writ bidis : " Omnia fac cum consilio - (CMBENRUL,8.236) Alle +ting do wid cunsale , (CMBENRUL,8.237) and eftir +te dede sal +te noht mis-like . " (CMBENRUL,8.238) Lauerd , we pray +te +tat we may suilke cunsal take , +tat we may do +ti wille . (CMBENRUL,8.239) Amen . (CMBENRUL,8.240) IV . (CMBENRUL,8.242) QUE SUNT IN-STRUMENTA BONORUM OPERUM .- IN PRIUMIS DOMINUM . (CMBENRUL,8.243) IN +tis sentence spekis sain benet , (CMBENRUL,8.245) and mustirs til his cuuent what +taire god dedes ah at be . (CMBENRUL,8.246) First sal ye luue god wid al yure herte and wid al yure saul and wid al yure uertu , And ti prome als ti-self ; (CMBENRUL,8.247) sua ah ye at do . (CMBENRUL,8.248) Man ah ye noht at sla ; na to licherie ga ; Na til +tifte ; Na cuuatus ; Ne bere fals witnes , bot onur alle men ; & do til na man bot als tu walde man did to +te ; And leue +tin ahen wille , and foliz godis wil ; and halde +te in chastite , and iuil langingis do away ; (CMBENRUL,8.249) luue fasting ; (CMBENRUL,8.250) +te pouir help bi-for +te ga ; (CMBENRUL,8.251) +tat ere nakid cla+te ; (CMBENRUL,8.252) wisit +tat er seke ; (CMBENRUL,8.253) +te dede winde (CMBENRUL,8.254) and til eryd bringe ; (CMBENRUL,8.255) Sahtil +tat ere wraze ; (CMBENRUL,8.256) And uncu+te be wid +te dedis of +te werld ; (CMBENRUL,8.257) luue god ouir alle +ting . (CMBENRUL,8.258) when +tu es in ire , heuin +te noht ; (CMBENRUL,8.259) +tar-of cumis ille ending . (CMBENRUL,8.260) Halde na feluni in +ti harte ; (CMBENRUL,8.261) Ne giue na fals pes ; (CMBENRUL,8.262) Charite felle +tu noht ; (CMBENRUL,8.263) Iuil for iuil sal tu noht do , Ne wrang to na man ; (CMBENRUL,8.264) Til god uengance fallis it . (CMBENRUL,8.265) Yef ani do yu wrang , ye sal take it in pacience , Als hali boke cumandis . (CMBENRUL,8.266) Ye sal luue yure enemis & striue noht ogain +tam , ne banne +tam noht , bot blisce +tam and suffir iugement . (CMBENRUL,8.267) Ye ne sal noht be prude in herte ; Ne ete our-mikil ; ne drinc ouir-mikil ; (CMBENRUL,8.268) Mesurlike slepe ; (CMBENRUL,8.269) Ne be noht slau , Ne gruchande ; (CMBENRUL,8.270) In god al yure trouz , and ful of charite ; (CMBENRUL,8.271) And yef ye finde ani gode in yu , till god sal +te louing be , (CMBENRUL,8.272) and grace til him giue . (CMBENRUL,8.273) ye sal dute domis-day And te fir of helle ; And haue god trouz til +te lif +tat lastes ay ; (CMBENRUL,9.274) And ilke day +tat ye +tinke opon +te ded ; And haue bi-fore yu +tat god in alle stedis may se ; (CMBENRUL,9.275) wicke +tohtis do oway +tat to yu cume , (CMBENRUL,9.276) and bide +taim ga forz , (CMBENRUL,9.277) and quite yu wid scrift ; (CMBENRUL,9.278) And gete yure mu+tes fra unait wordis ; (CMBENRUL,9.279) haly lescun bli+telike here ; (CMBENRUL,9.280) And clene uresun for to lere ; (CMBENRUL,9.281) wid teris and wid sizing knau yure sinne , (CMBENRUL,9.282) sua sal ye amende yu o-gain god ; (CMBENRUL,9.283) leue +te wille of yure fles , (CMBENRUL,9.284) sua sal ye yure sinnes les . (CMBENRUL,9.285) +tat yure abes cumandis yu , sal ye do , (CMBENRUL,9.286) and be not +tar-o-gain , Als ure lauerd bad his deciplis ; (CMBENRUL,9.287) his cumandement do noht oway ; (CMBENRUL,9.288) luues chastite (CMBENRUL,9.289) and kaste pride oway ; (CMBENRUL,9.290) loke ye do sua . (CMBENRUL,9.291) +te alde men sal ye onur , +te yunge luue in god ; (CMBENRUL,9.292) And pray for yure enmis ; (CMBENRUL,9.293) and for-giue +taim +taire fautes +tat mis-do ogain yu . (CMBENRUL,9.294) yef ye be wrad +tan +te sune rises make pes are it ga to rest . (CMBENRUL,9.295) +tat ye ne falle in na mis-hope , bot in godis trouz to liue . (CMBENRUL,9.296) +tis is +tentendement of haly kirke for to wirke godis wille ; (CMBENRUL,9.297) +tan sal it come be-for us at +te day of dome ; (CMBENRUL,9.298) he giuis us ure mede . (CMBENRUL,9.299) God giue us +tat ilke mede +tat he hizte til hise freendis , +tat nan eye may se , ne erin here , ne herte forz telle , what god hauis graid til +ta +tat luues him . (CMBENRUL,9.300) $Luues haly kirke and yure cloister ; (CMBENRUL,9.301) +tanne may ye do godis wille . (CMBENRUL,9.302) $Lauerd , giue us sua +tir cumandemens at do , +tat we may cum to +ti ioy ! (CMBENRUL,9.303) Amen . (CMBENRUL,9.304) V . (CMBENRUL,9.306) IN +tis sentence spekis sain benet of obedience , what it is at saie . (CMBENRUL,9.308) $+Tat es te firste mekenes : wid-uten duelling til +tat man bidis yu do . (CMBENRUL,9.309) $Meke bi-houis yu be for +te luue of god , (CMBENRUL,9.310) for he mekid him for yu . (CMBENRUL,9.311) $Meke yu to godis seruise in hali kirke (CMBENRUL,9.312) and do yure miht +tar-to , +tat ye may fle +te fir of helle and cum til heuin-rike ; +tare es faire at be . (CMBENRUL,9.313) $+Tat yure abes cumandes yu at do , +tat ye do it suiftlike ; als god cumandis : (CMBENRUL,9.314) " Ob auditu &c. - (CMBENRUL,9.315) $+Turz +te wordis ye here o me , +tan ah ye at be meke " ; (CMBENRUL,9.316) als yure maistiresse leris yu , als it sais : " Qui uos audit - (CMBENRUL,9.317) wha sam heris yu , +tan heris me . " (CMBENRUL,10.319) for +ti sal ye understande +taim : (CMBENRUL,10.320) +tat of mekenes wil lere , +tai sal here +te cumandemens , and do als man bidis +tam . (CMBENRUL,10.321) ye sal leue yure ahen propir will , and do o+tir mens . (CMBENRUL,10.322) +toz ye be in labur , and yure maistires cumande yu at do a-no+tir +ting , ye sal laie it dune , & do +tat scho bidis ; (CMBENRUL,10.323) +tan er ye buxum under reule . (CMBENRUL,10.324) ilkain sal take discipline at o+tir , als hir mastiresse +toz scho ware , in +te dute of god . (CMBENRUL,10.325) ye sal wne yu til strate gate , for +te luue of god ; (CMBENRUL,10.326) Als ure lauerd sais : " Angustia &c. - (CMBENRUL,10.327) Straite gatis toke I me for to giue yu a-saumpil at liue . " (CMBENRUL,10.328) ye ne sal noht liue in yure ahen wille , bot giue yu til mekenes . (CMBENRUL,10.329) ye sal do o+ter mens wille , yef ye wil cum to god . (CMBENRUL,10.330) +Ta +tat wil liue in cuuent , +tai sal haue maistiresse ouir +tam for to yeme +taim , +tat tay foliz +te wordis of god , (CMBENRUL,10.331) als he sais : " Non veni &c. - (CMBENRUL,10.332) I ne come not in-til er+te for to do mi wille , bot my fadirs +tat me sent . " (CMBENRUL,10.333) +tat es godis wille , +tat ye foliz yure ordir , and luue til yure prome , and do with-uten gruching +tat yu es cumandid . (CMBENRUL,10.334) +te mekenes +turz god ye can , (CMBENRUL,10.335) als he sais him-self : " Qui uos audit - (CMBENRUL,10.336) +tat heris in yu , +tai here me . " (CMBENRUL,10.337) For +ti bi-houis +te decipils do +te mekenes , als +tai haue tane to ; (CMBENRUL,10.338) +tat es godis wille . (CMBENRUL,10.339) +toz +tu gruche , +te cumandement sal be haldin . (CMBENRUL,10.340) And yef +tu gruches & dos +tat ilke +ting , god es noht paid +tar-of ; (CMBENRUL,10.341) for he ses ty herte , (CMBENRUL,10.342) & for ty hauis +tou no mede of +tat +ting +tat tu dos gruchande ; (CMBENRUL,10.343) for +ti sal tu quite +te wid scrift ; (CMBENRUL,10.344) ye , it bi-cimis yu . (CMBENRUL,10.345) lauerd gif us sua meke at be , +tat we may halde ure ordir , and syne cume til +te ioy +tat lastes ay . (CMBENRUL,10.346) Amen . (CMBENRUL,10.347) VI . (CMBENRUL,10.349) Sain benet spekis in +tis sentence of silence , how +ge sal it halde . (CMBENRUL,10.351) he bidis +tat +ge do als +te prophete sais : (CMBENRUL,10.352) " kepe +gour tunge , it $speke no sca+te , & +gour lippis fra iuil , (CMBENRUL,10.353) & kepe +gow fro dedly synne . " (CMBENRUL,10.354) for +ti sal +ge seldin speke , (CMBENRUL,10.355) for +ge sal speke nan unat , ne vse yow noht +tar-to . (CMBENRUL,10.356) & in o+tir stede es writen : " Mors & uita &c. - (CMBENRUL,10.357) In +te pointe of +te tunge es lif & ded . " (CMBENRUL,10.358) loke whe+ter +ge wil take to . (CMBENRUL,10.359) +te maistires aw at speke for to lere hyr dicipils wisdom . (CMBENRUL,10.360) +te decipils sal here +tar lesson & understand it . (CMBENRUL,10.361) VII . (CMBENRUL,11.364) Of mekenes spekis sain benet in +tis sentence , (CMBENRUL,11.366) & sais with hali scripture : " Omnis qui se exaltat &c. - (CMBENRUL,11.367) +ta +tat heyes +tam , +tai sal be mekid ; (CMBENRUL,11.368) & +tai +tat mekes +tam sal be heyed . " (CMBENRUL,11.369) vre lord saide +tat it es pride in +taim +tat hyes +taim . (CMBENRUL,11.370) Til mekenes he bides yu se , & say als +te prophete saide , when he spac til ure lauerd with mu+te : (CMBENRUL,11.371) " Domine , non est &c. - (CMBENRUL,11.372) lauerd , my hart es not heyid in me , ne min eyen . (CMBENRUL,11.373) Mikil o me ne held I noht to praise me-self . (CMBENRUL,11.374) yef I leuid at se to mekenes & heyid me , My lauerd munde do to my saul als +te barne +tat is done fra his modir milke ouir-arlike . " (CMBENRUL,11.375) Mikyl walde he fle pride , +te prophete , als hali writ sais . (CMBENRUL,11.376) Yef ye wyl be hezid , lokes +tat ye be meke , (CMBENRUL,11.377) And make yure stize to he heuin wid yure gode dedis , +tat iacob saz slapande : (CMBENRUL,11.378) he saz gode wid his angels cume dune and vp in +te stede +tare he lay . (CMBENRUL,11.379) yef ye wil se to mekenes , +tare sal ye be hezed , and gang vp wid +tat stize . (CMBENRUL,11.380) +tat bitakins , +tan +tai com dune , ye sal be lazed , yef ye be prude ; and tan +tai yede vp , +tat ye sal be hezed , yef ye to mekenes can se . (CMBENRUL,11.381) +Te stize betakins vre lif here . (CMBENRUL,11.382) +te stize hauis tua tres , bitakins +te body and te saul , ay+tar at helpe o+tir . (CMBENRUL,11.383) +te stelis by-tuixe bitakins oure gude dedis , +tat sal bere vs vp to god . (CMBENRUL,11.384) +te tres betakins mekenes to goddis seruise and vnder discipline . (CMBENRUL,11.385) Lauerd , we prai +te for +ti misericorde +tat we mai sua yeme +tis reul o mekenes , In +te felazscap of +tin angels +tat we may be . (CMBENRUL,11.386) amen . (CMBENRUL,11.387) Qui viuis & regnas deus per omnia secula . (CMBENRUL,11.388) Sain Benet sais +tat te dedis of mekenes ere ful suete ; (CMBENRUL,11.389) sua kennis he us ; (CMBENRUL,11.390) And sais +tat ye sal haue firste +te dute of god , +tat ye liue sua , +tat ye be noght for-getil and fle evil dedis , And tat ye recorde wel +te cumantemens of god . (CMBENRUL,11.391) Loke +tat ye fle sinne , yef ye wile cume to +te ioy of heuin fra +te pines of helle ; +tat yure wyl be euir at gete yu fra sca+te ; +tat ye gete yu fra iuil +tohtes , yure tunges fra iuil speche , yure eyen , yure hend , yure fete fra vnait gate , fra iuil wylle ; And scere o-way al +te langing of yure fleis . (CMBENRUL,11.392) God ses al yure +toght and al yure dedis . (CMBENRUL,11.393) +te angel +tat here yemis yu dos hym at wit all yure dedis ; (CMBENRUL,12.395) sua sais te prophete . (CMBENRUL,12.396) Alle yure +tohtes may he se ; (CMBENRUL,12.397) And whyder +tai wyl lede yu , resun sal ye yelde of +tam . (CMBENRUL,12.398) for +ti ah ye at gete yu fra iuil +tohtes , +tat ye may cume to +te ioy of heuin . (CMBENRUL,12.399) god gyf it us ! (CMBENRUL,12.400) amen . (CMBENRUL,12.401) Of propir wyl spekis sain benet ; (CMBENRUL,12.402) and ye sall do it als god bidis in haly writ and sais : (CMBENRUL,12.403) " Et a voluntatibus - (CMBENRUL,12.404) Turne yu fra yure wille (CMBENRUL,12.405) and gete yu fra iuil ; (CMBENRUL,12.406) +tan may ye liue in pais . " (CMBENRUL,12.407) Of yure ahen wylle sall ye blinne , al +tat wil do yu sinne ; (CMBENRUL,12.408) Als it is wrytyn : " Sunt vie que - (CMBENRUL,12.409) +te rihte gate , it es til +te lyf +tat lastes ay . " (CMBENRUL,12.410) +ta gates sal ye fle +tat wicke men gas to hell by . (CMBENRUL,12.411) for +ti ar +tai rotyn +tat folyzed wicke wylle ; (CMBENRUL,12.412) hauid tay na bettir mede . (CMBENRUL,12.413) sua sal yure antente be , +tat god may se al yure wylle ; Als te prophete sais . (CMBENRUL,12.414) He sais : " all his langing es by-fore god . " (CMBENRUL,12.415) for +ti es gude +tat ye doe o-way yure wicke dedis & +tohtes ; (CMBENRUL,12.416) +te dede is set to chasti +taim . (CMBENRUL,12.417) for witte ye wele +tat god may se ba+te iuil and gude ; (CMBENRUL,12.418) es noght hyd be-fore hym . (CMBENRUL,12.419) God lokis ut of heuin in-tyl er+te tyll hise at visit +taim , (CMBENRUL,12.420) and lokes yef man askys hym ohte . (CMBENRUL,12.421) For +ti lokys +tat ye do wel , +tat yure angel may do yure nedis to god of al +tat ye haue nede . (CMBENRUL,12.422) And getes yu wel , yure fautes be noght musterd by-fore god . (CMBENRUL,12.423) Lauerd , +tu do vs sua at liue , +tat we may deliuir vs of al vre fautes , And si+tin to ioy cume . (CMBENRUL,12.424) Amen . (CMBENRUL,12.425) +Te to+tir maner o mekenes is , sais sain benet , For to hate yure ahen propir wyl , And fulfil noght yure langing , bot do godis wylle , and his desire fulfille ; (CMBENRUL,12.426) Als him-selfe sais : " Non veni &c. - (CMBENRUL,12.427) I ne cume noght for to do my wille , bot my fadirs +tat me sent . " (CMBENRUL,12.428) And in odyr stede sais he : " Voluntas habet &c. - (CMBENRUL,12.429) Wille he hauide paine at do , at haue +te curune +tat lastes ay , als it was hys wille . " (CMBENRUL,12.430) Lauerd , we pray +te +tat we may sua halde +tis mekenes , +tat we may do +ti wille . (CMBENRUL,12.431) amen . (CMBENRUL,12.432) Of +te +tridde maner o mekenes spekys sain benet to +ta in his reul wyl be , (CMBENRUL,12.433) And bidis +tat ye sal be meke vnder yure abbes and do godis seruise ; (CMBENRUL,12.434) Als ta-postil saide of godis sune , +tat he was meke riht tyl +te ded . (CMBENRUL,12.435) God giue vs +tat we may sua be . (CMBENRUL,12.436) amen . (CMBENRUL,12.437) Of +te fer+te maner o mekenes spekys sain benet , hu ye sal meke yu of +tingis +tat yu +tinc es igainis yu , +tat fallis to yure ordir . (CMBENRUL,13.439) yef man dos yu ani wrang , ye sal take it in pacience , and noht fle +tar-fore , ne leue yure gode dede ; (CMBENRUL,13.440) Als haly boke sais : " Qui perseuerauerit &c. - (CMBENRUL,13.441) Wha sua wel wirkis til endyng , +tai sal be sauf of alle +ting " ; (CMBENRUL,13.442) Als +te prophete sais : " Confortetur &c. - (CMBENRUL,13.443) ye sal haue cumfort in yure hertis of god . " (CMBENRUL,13.444) For +ti sal ye be of pacience , for +te luue of god , of +ting +tat es o-ganis yure fleis ; (CMBENRUL,13.445) Als te prophete sais to god : " Lauerd , we ere ilke day , for +te luue of +te , in +te dute of dede als te shep +tat ere driuin to ded , (CMBENRUL,13.446) for we folih +te ; (CMBENRUL,13.447) bli+telike we suffir it , (CMBENRUL,13.448) for we sal haue mede of +te " ; (CMBENRUL,13.449) Als haly writ sais : " Probasti nos &c. - (CMBENRUL,13.450) Lauerd , +tu prouis vs here als te siluir +tat es brind ; (CMBENRUL,13.451) +tu did vs in +te lay and noy opon vre bak . " (CMBENRUL,13.452) for we sulde lere vnder maistires hu we sulde liue ; (CMBENRUL,13.453) Als te letter sais : " Inposuisti &c. - (CMBENRUL,13.454) Ouir vs hauis +tu don men , " +ti wylle at fulfille . (CMBENRUL,13.455) +Ta +tat ere vnbuxum , +tai sal be done to paine . (CMBENRUL,13.456) Of +taim spekis sain paul , (CMBENRUL,13.457) and sais +tat tay ere fals . (CMBENRUL,13.458) +Tai caste +tair mantil (CMBENRUL,13.459) and rennis a-mise . (CMBENRUL,13.460) +tat bytakins , +tai sal liue here bot a while . (CMBENRUL,13.461) Alle be blisced +tat weris taim . (CMBENRUL,13.462) God giue vs sua meke at be , and sua his wille at do , +tat we his ioy cum to . (CMBENRUL,13.463) amen . (CMBENRUL,13.464) Of +te fifte maner o mekenes spekis sain benet for to lere hys sistirs hu +tai salle scriue +taim to +tair abbes , ba+te nunne and sistir . (CMBENRUL,13.465) Loke +tat ye be buxum and scriue yu of alle +te sinnis +tat ye haue don ; (CMBENRUL,13.466) Als haly writ bidis yu : " Reuela domino &c. - (CMBENRUL,13.467) Mustir til god al +ti gate , (CMBENRUL,13.468) & he sal make it in pes . " (CMBENRUL,13.469) And in odir stede sais he : " Confitemini &c. - (CMBENRUL,13.470) Knaus to god al yure sinne , (CMBENRUL,13.471) for he es of mercy and gude at al nede . " (CMBENRUL,13.472) yet sais +te prophete : " Delictum meum &c. - (CMBENRUL,13.473) Lauerd , I mustird +te myne dedis , (CMBENRUL,13.474) I ne hid tam noht and alle my herte . " (CMBENRUL,13.475) +tan ye do +tus , +tan sale yure sinnes be for-gyvin . (CMBENRUL,13.476) Lauerd giue vs grace sua for to muster vre dedis , +tat we may til his ioy cum . (CMBENRUL,13.477) amen . (CMBENRUL,13.478) Sain Benet spekis of +te sexte de-grece of mekenes Til his sistirs , (CMBENRUL,13.479) and sais +tat ilkain sal halde +taim-selfe lest of alle odir . (CMBENRUL,13.480) And al +tingis +tat man bidis yu do , +tat ye do it mekely , +tat resunnabil es . (CMBENRUL,13.481) +tu sal +tinke in +ti herte +tat tu es vndinge to gode dede ; (CMBENRUL,13.482) Als +te prophete saide : " Ad nichilum &c. - (CMBENRUL,14.483) Til na +ting es I made bot for to doe godis wylle . (CMBENRUL,14.484) ic is like tyl a mere +tat beris +tat man lais on hir bak . " (CMBENRUL,14.485) In what dede sam ye be , loke +tat yure +toht and +gure herte $be to god almihten . (CMBENRUL,14.486) Lauerd , we praie +te , what sam we do , +tat we to +te be broht . (CMBENRUL,14.487) amen . (CMBENRUL,14.488) Sain benet spekis yet til his sistirs of +te seuind degrece o mekenes , (CMBENRUL,14.489) and bidis +tat ye sal meke yu ilka in-til o+tir , ba+te mare & lesse , And saie als te prophete saide : (CMBENRUL,14.490) " Ego sum &c . (CMBENRUL,14.491) Ic es wrmis and na man , And ut-castyng o men . (CMBENRUL,14.492) First was ic hezed , and si+tin lazed +tur scrifte , and ouir-cumin . " (CMBENRUL,14.493) sua sal ye do , (CMBENRUL,14.494) & tanne mai ye sai with +te prophete : " Bonum michi &c. - (CMBENRUL,14.495) Lauerd , god it es to me +tat +tu mekyd me to lere +tine cumandemens . " (CMBENRUL,14.496) God giue vs sua his cumandemens at lere , +tat we may cume til his mekenes . (CMBENRUL,14.497) Amen . (CMBENRUL,14.498) Of +te ahtend maner o mekenes spekis sain benet til his cuuent , (CMBENRUL,14.499) and bidis +tat ye sal do als te reul sais , And als it cumandis , And meke vnder +tare maistres in alle +taire dedis . (CMBENRUL,14.500) Lauerd , ye giue vs at halde +tis mekenes til +tending . (CMBENRUL,14.501) amen . (CMBENRUL,14.502) Sain benet spekis til his cuuent of +te nihend degrece o mekenes , (CMBENRUL,14.503) And biddis +tat ye ne sal noght vse yu tyl mekil speche . (CMBENRUL,14.504) for hali writ spekis +tare-of , (CMBENRUL,14.505) and sais +tat naman may mikil speke , bot yef +tare be sinne i-mang , (CMBENRUL,14.506) Na naman wil prayse +taim +tat es of mikil speche ; (CMBENRUL,14.507) Ofte speke +tai wrang . (CMBENRUL,14.508) Lauerd , +tu giue vs sua vre silence to yeme , +tat we may serue +te to-queme , in yu+te and in elde . (CMBENRUL,14.509) amen . (CMBENRUL,14.510) Of +te tende maner o mekenes spekis sain benet til his cuuent , (CMBENRUL,14.511) And bidis +tat ye ne sal noght be ouir-lazand ; (CMBENRUL,14.512) and +tinkes what +te prophete sais : (CMBENRUL,14.513) " Stultus in risu &c. - (CMBENRUL,14.514) +te fool turnes hys +toght in-til lazter , (CMBENRUL,14.515) and helpis noht . " (CMBENRUL,14.516) Lauerd , we pray +te +tis resun be halden with vs , (CMBENRUL,14.517) and send vs +ti wit . (CMBENRUL,14.518) AMeN . (CMBENRUL,14.519) Sain benet spekis yet til his cuuent Of +te ellofte maner of mekenes , (CMBENRUL,14.520) And biddis +tat ye sal mekely speke when ye speke , & wid-vten lazter , and o fa wordis & stabil , and speke wiselike . (CMBENRUL,14.521) +tan +tu sal speke to +ti felahe , crie noght o-pon hir , (CMBENRUL,15.522) bot faire aske +tin erand , als haly boke sais : (CMBENRUL,15.523) " Sapiens verbis &c. - (CMBENRUL,15.524) +te wyse man musters hym wid fa wordis & welle sitande . " (CMBENRUL,15.525) Lauerd , we pray +te Of +tis maner +tat we may be . (CMBENRUL,15.526) Amen . (CMBENRUL,15.527) Saint benet spekis in +tis sentence Of +te telfete maner o mekenes , (CMBENRUL,15.528) And bidis +tat ye sal meke yure herte til alle men , ba+te-1 to mare & les . (CMBENRUL,15.529) In what labur sam ye be , +toz ye be in +te kirke , Ou+tir in +te garde , Ou+tir in gate , Ou+tir in felde , ou+tir what labur sam ye do , +tat ye haue yure heuidis enclind to +ter+te , And +teneke on yure synnys for to mende +taim , And tat ye be als rad als ye saz +te iugiment of god , And +tinke what +te puplicane saide , when he laide hym by-hinde +te dore , Als te gospel telles : (CMBENRUL,15.530) " Domine , non sum dignus &c. - (CMBENRUL,15.531) Lauerd , I ne is noght digne at lifte mine ezin til heuin for mine sinnes . " (CMBENRUL,15.532) loke what +te prophete sais til oure lauerd in haly writ : (CMBENRUL,15.533) " Incuruatus sum &c. - (CMBENRUL,15.534) Ic is lazed and mekid til alle +tat mine ezin se . " (CMBENRUL,15.535) When ye haue fulfild +tis al , +tire mekenes , +tan sal ye cume til perfite charite , til +te ioy +tat god hauis graid til mannis sunis . (CMBENRUL,15.536) Lauerd , graunt it vs , +tat we may sua +tir mekenes halde , +tat we to +ti ioy may cume . (CMBENRUL,15.537) amen . (CMBENRUL,15.538) Qui viuis &c . (CMBENRUL,15.539) VIII . (CMBENRUL,15.541) IN +te tyme of wintir , +tat es fra +te Kalandis of nouembir til +te paskys , als it is forlokyd wyd resun , +tanne sal ye ryse at +te aztend time of +te nyght , +tat it be litil ouir midnyght ; (CMBENRUL,15.543) +tan es tyme at rise , als it is set , til godis seruise ; And si+tin , +te space eftir matins , til sauters and til haly lescuns at here . (CMBENRUL,15.544) +Tat es hele of +ta +tat ere in sekenes , +tat es at say in sinne . (CMBENRUL,15.545) And fra +te paskis til +te Kalandis of nouembir sal +te tyme be sua set , +tat tare be lytil entirual , +tat ta +tat sal ga til laburs , +tat tay may haue +te morning in +te begining of +te lyth to +tair labur . (CMBENRUL,15.546) IX . (CMBENRUL,15.548) IN +te tyme of wintir , +tan sal +te first vers be at matins : " Deus , in adiutorium " ; And in +te to+ter tyme +tris +tis vers : " Domine , labia mea aperies " ; (CMBENRUL,15.550) at +te +tridde tyme aiont wid +te " gloria patri " ; and si+tin after +te nihend-fer+te salme wid +te antefen ou+tir wid-vten ; and sy+tin efter +te ymne ; And tare-eftyr sexe salmis wid +te antefens . (CMBENRUL,16.551) Wen +tai ere said and te verset , +tabbasse saie +te benecun ; (CMBENRUL,16.552) +tan sal alle site , And nym +tre lescuns , red o-pon +te lettrun , (CMBENRUL,16.553) & bytuixe +te lescuns +tre respuns ; (CMBENRUL,16.554) and eftir +te +tridde respun +te vers wid +te " gloria patri , " standande alle for +te onur of +te haly trinite . (CMBENRUL,16.555) +te boke of +te halizes sal be red , ba+te of +te newe lay & of +talde testament , and te exposiciuns of +taim Of oure fore-fadirs +tat ware in stabil trouz . (CMBENRUL,16.556) Eftir +te +tre lescuns wid +te respuns , O+tir sexe salmis sungen wid alleluia . (CMBENRUL,16.557) And eftir salbe redde +te lescun of +ta-postils wid gude deuocion , and te vers , and si+tin +te letanie " Kyrieleison . " (CMBENRUL,16.558) And sua finise matins . (CMBENRUL,16.559) X . (CMBENRUL,16.561) FRa +te paskis til +te kalandis of nouembir sal be halden a quantite of +te salmis , als is said bi-fore ; (CMBENRUL,16.563) for +te nihtis er scorte als mikil , +tat te +tre lescunis be noght red , bot an for +ta +tre of +talde testament , wid a scort respun ; Bot al +te to+tir finist , als it sais by-fore , +tat na nyht be lesse saide +tan tuelue salmis , vt-takyn +te +tridde and te nihende-fer+te salme . (CMBENRUL,16.564) XI . (CMBENRUL,16.566) IN +te sunendais es for to ryse arliker , And halde yure mesur o waking ; +tat es +tat ye syng +te sexe salmis and te vers , als is ordainde by-fore , sitande alle wid ordir , (CMBENRUL,16.568) and foure lescuns red wid respuns , als es ordainde , and eftir +te " gloria patri " ; (CMBENRUL,16.569) +tan sal alle stande for +te reuerence ; (CMBENRUL,16.570) And efter o+tir sexe salmis wid +te antefens , als by-fore , wid +te werset ; (CMBENRUL,16.571) And efter o+tir foure lescuns wid +te respuns , wid +tat ilke ordir by-fore ; (CMBENRUL,16.572) And tare-eftir +tre cantikils of +te prophetis , als te abes stablis , and songen wid " alleluia " ; si+tin +te verset , and te abes te benicun ; (CMBENRUL,16.573) And si+tin foure lescuns red of +te new lay wid +tat like ordir by-fore . (CMBENRUL,16.574) Efter +te fer+te Respun , +tabbes sal by-gynne +tis ymne : " Te deum laudamus . " (CMBENRUL,16.575) When it is finist , +tanne sal +tabbes by-ginne a lescun of +te gospel wid honur and wyd +te dute of god ; (CMBENRUL,17.576) +tan sal alle stande . (CMBENRUL,17.577) when it is red , +te o+tir sal say amen ; (CMBENRUL,17.578) And tabbesse by-ginne : " Te decet laus " ; (CMBENRUL,17.579) And giue +te benicun , (CMBENRUL,17.580) and biginne matins . (CMBENRUL,17.581) +Tis ordir sal be haldin euin-like opon +te sundais als wel in sumir als in winter , bot if it sua be , +tat ye rise ouir-late ; (CMBENRUL,17.582) +tan may ye make lesse lescun ; (CMBENRUL,17.583) bot loke +tat it be-time yu noht . (CMBENRUL,17.584) Loke +tat it be endid wid al +tat fallis +tar-to . (CMBENRUL,17.585) And yef it fallis yu ani time , On waim +te for-getilnes es on-long sal man take amendis for +tat faute in +te kirke . (CMBENRUL,17.586) XII . (CMBENRUL,17.588) At matins on +te feste-dais , First sal ye saie sexe salmis wid-vten antefens , And si+tin +te fyftyd salme wid " alleluia . " (CMBENRUL,17.590) wen +tai ar said , +te hundred seuintende and +te sextid +te secunde , si+tin +te benichune , and a leschun red of +ta apocalips wid gude deuocion , & te respun , and te ymne ambrosine , and te uerset , and te antefen of +te gospel , & te letanie , and sent forz . (CMBENRUL,17.591) XIV . (CMBENRUL,17.593) IN +te haly dais al sal be als we haue bi-fore saide id on +te sundais , Bot +tat te salmis and te antefens and te lescuns be saide als fallis to +te day . (CMBENRUL,17.595) Bot te vse bi-fore be haldin . (CMBENRUL,17.596) XV . (CMBENRUL,17.598) Fra +te paskis til +te witsundai salle " alleluia " be saide wid-vten entirual als wel at te salmis als at te respuns . (CMBENRUL,17.600) And fra +te witsunday til +te lentyn sal it ilke niht be saide wid +te sexe last salmis of te nocturne . (CMBENRUL,17.601) Ilke sunday wid-uten lentin sal +te cantikils be said wid " alleluia , " Matins , Prime , Vndrin , Midday , Noon ; Al be saide wid " alleluia " ; Bot te respuns noht Bot fra paskis til +te witsunday . (CMBENRUL,17.602) XVI . (CMBENRUL,17.604) Als te prophete sais : " Sepcies in die laudem dixi tibi - (CMBENRUL,17.606) Seuin si+te opo day saie I louing to +te . " (CMBENRUL,17.607) Whilke haly seuin sy+te er +ta +tat sal be ful-fild wid vs o +tis maner , yef we folih +te vris of god : (CMBENRUL,17.608) Of Matins , Of prime , of Vndrin , Of Midday , Of noon , Of euensang , Of cumplin . (CMBENRUL,18.609) Of +tes times sais he : " seuin sy+te opo day saie I louing to +te . " (CMBENRUL,18.610) Til +ta +tat rysis o night and wakis Sais vre lauerd : " My frende , o niht ras I for yu (CMBENRUL,18.611) and wakid . " (CMBENRUL,18.612) For +ti sal ye giue louing til hym , in +te iugiment of hys rihtvisnes , at matins , at prime , at vndern , At midday , at noon , at euensang , at cumplin ; And o nith ryse for to loue hym . (CMBENRUL,18.613) XVII . (CMBENRUL,18.615) Now haue we deuisid +te ordir of +te salmis on +te niht , at matins . (CMBENRUL,18.617) Loke we now tyl +te vris +tat folihis . (CMBENRUL,18.618) At prime +tre salmis by +tam ane . (CMBENRUL,18.619) +Te ymne of +tis ilke vre sal be saide efter +tis verse : " Deus in adiutorium meum , " Are ye beginne te salme . (CMBENRUL,18.620) when +te +tre salmis ere saide , a lescun sal be red , and si+tin +te vers , And " Kyryeleison , " and finist +te hure . (CMBENRUL,18.621) Vndern , Midday , Noon wid +tat ilke ordir be sungen , +tat is , wid vers , wid ymnis +tat fallis to +taim , +tre salmis , and lescuns , and vers , and " Kyryeleison " ; (CMBENRUL,18.622) And sua finise +te vres . (CMBENRUL,18.623) +Te salmis sal be sung wid antefens , yef +te cuuent be mikil ; (CMBENRUL,18.624) And yef +tai be fa , saie it plane forde . (CMBENRUL,18.625) Bot euensang sal be saide wid foure salmes And te Antefens , (CMBENRUL,18.626) And efter +te salmis A lescun , & si+tin +te respun , and si+tin +te ymne and te verset , +te cantikyl of +te gospel , and te letanie , And sy+tin +te " Pater noster . " (CMBENRUL,18.627) O +tis maner sal +te vris be sent forde . (CMBENRUL,18.628) Cumplin sal be saide wid +tre salmis wid-vten antefens , & si+tin +te ymne +tat fallis +tar-to , A lescun , and te verset , & si+tin " Kyryeleison , " and te benicun , and sent forde +te vris til god . (CMBENRUL,18.629) XVIII . (CMBENRUL,18.631) Sain Benet cumandis +tat tis +ting be haldin , +tat yure " Pater noster " be saide hezelike at matins and at euinsang , for +te sclandir +tat hauis ben of religiun +tat cu+te not {TEXT:noht} +taire " pater noster . " (CMBENRUL,18.633) Ilkain ah at quite +tam of +tis vice . (CMBENRUL,18.634) Alle ah at cune +tair " Pater noster " +tat in religiun wil be als god cumandis . (CMBENRUL,18.635) for ye sal vmbe-+tinke yu what resun fallis to +tis vers , when ye it saie : (CMBENRUL,18.636) " Et dimitte nobis debita nostra , sicut & nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris . " (CMBENRUL,19.637) +Tan prai we +tus : " Lauerd , +tu for-giue vs ure sinnis , als we for-giue +taim +taire fautes +tat hauis mis-don a-gain vs . " (CMBENRUL,19.638) When ye here +tis vers at matins , ye sal for-giue alle men +taire trespas for +te loue o gode . (CMBENRUL,19.639) And als-sua at euinsang sal +ge for-giue . (CMBENRUL,19.640) for +ti wil sain benet +tat it be saide hezlike , (CMBENRUL,19.641) for alle wrezis sal be for-giuin . (CMBENRUL,19.642) Lauerd giue vs sua at liue , & sua at for-giue , +tat we may ga +te riht gate til heuin . (CMBENRUL,19.643) Amen . (CMBENRUL,19.644) XIX . (CMBENRUL,19.646) IN +tis sentence tellis sain benet hu ye sal do yure office , when ye cume in-to +te kyrke . (CMBENRUL,19.648) Ye sal true +tat god may se in alle stedis ba+te vyl & gude . (CMBENRUL,19.649) Ye az at say yure seruise als ye stode by-fore god , wyd als gude deuocyon , And +tink wat te prophete saide : (CMBENRUL,19.650) " Seruite domino &c. - (CMBENRUL,19.651) Ye sal serue god wyd ahe , & here hym wyd dowte . " (CMBENRUL,19.652) And in o+tir stede sais he : " Psallite - (CMBENRUL,19.653) ye sal singe god wyslike " ; (CMBENRUL,19.654) Als haly write sais : " In conspectu &c. - (CMBENRUL,19.655) Lauerd , I sing to +te in +te siht of +tin angels to loue +te . " (CMBENRUL,19.656) loke ye do yure seruise als ye stode by-fore god almihti . (CMBENRUL,19.657) And lokis , when ye sing , +tat yure herte acorde wid yure voice ; (CMBENRUL,19.658) +tan sing ye riht . (CMBENRUL,19.659) Lauerd , +tu giue vs sua vre seruise at do , to +te felazscap of angels +tat we may cum . (CMBENRUL,19.660) XX . (CMBENRUL,19.662) Sain benet spekis in +tis sentence til hys cuuent , (CMBENRUL,19.664) and kennys +tam how +tai sal make +tair prayer to god & wid what reuerence . (CMBENRUL,19.665) When ye wyl aske any +ting at a ryche man in erthtt , ye aske ful mekelike yure erande . (CMBENRUL,19.666) wyd mekil mare deuociun ahte ye +tanne at pray to god , of whaim +tat al +gude cumis . (CMBENRUL,19.667) yure antente sal be +tat ye ne sal noght be herde for yure many wordis ; bot scort vrisun , and wyd deuocion , and wyd terys of herte ; (CMBENRUL,19.668) for +ti sal yure vrisun be breue & clene , (CMBENRUL,19.669) Bot yef it sua bi-tide , +tat any falle in mis-trouz ; +tan sal scho pray gerne to god . (CMBENRUL,19.670) Bot te cuuent vrisun sal be breue , +tat ere in stedfast trouz . (CMBENRUL,19.671) Lauuerd , we prai +te +tat we may suilke vrisun make , +tat it be to +ti wil . (CMBENRUL,19.672) AmeN . (CMBENRUL,19.673) XXI . (CMBENRUL,20.676) IN +tis sentence spekys sain Benet of +ta +tat sal be in officis , (CMBENRUL,20.678) and bidis , yef +te cuuent be mikil , +tat tay sal be chossin +tat sal +te offficis yeme , (CMBENRUL,20.679) And by-kenne it taim +tat best can serue god & te cuuent ; (CMBENRUL,20.680) als tabbesse cumandis taim sal +tai do . (CMBENRUL,20.681) +Tabbes ah at set nan +tar-to bot +tat scho is sikir offe , +toz +tai be noht +te ordenest , bot +tat tay be off clene life and leel . (CMBENRUL,20.682) Yef any waxe prude in hir office , man sal byd hyr amend hyr Ane tyme , and a-no+tir tyme , And +te +tirdde tyme . (CMBENRUL,20.683) Yef +tai wil noht amende sua , man sal do +tam ut of +tair bayly , And do a-no+tir in hir stede , +tat man ses es dingne . (CMBENRUL,20.684) Sain benet cumandis , yef priuresse be prudde , +tat man sal do sua wid hir . (CMBENRUL,20.685) Lauerd , +tu giue vs sua vre office at do and resun at yelde , +tat we may cume til ioy +tat lastes ay . (CMBENRUL,20.686) Amen . (CMBENRUL,20.687) XXII . (CMBENRUL,20.689) Sain Benet spekys here , (CMBENRUL,20.691) and kennis yu hu ye sal slape ilkain in bedde by +tam ane , al wid ordir , als tabbesse lokys taym . (CMBENRUL,20.692) Yef yt sua may be , alle sal lie in a hus , +tat ilkain wite of o+tir . (CMBENRUL,20.693) Yef +te hus be ouyr-litel , summe sal lie in a-no+tir huse , ten ou+tir tuenty . (CMBENRUL,20.694) Bot te eldest be wyd +tam for to yeme +taim . (CMBENRUL,20.695) & +tat ye haue liht al +te nyht brinnande . (CMBENRUL,20.696) Ye sal lie clad and beltyd . (CMBENRUL,20.697) Knyvys sal ye haue nane by yure bed , nou+tir gret ne smal . (CMBENRUL,20.698) When +te bel ringis , +tat ye be redy , and ilkain help o+tir , and ga in-to +te kyrke til godys seruise . (CMBENRUL,20.699) +Te nouice beddis sal be +tat nane +taire may nehe o+tir ; (CMBENRUL,20.700) By-tuix +talde +tai sal lie . (CMBENRUL,20.701) Man sal wakin +taim faire til godis seruise . (CMBENRUL,20.702) Lauerd giue vs sua for to lie and sua for to rise , +tat we may haue +te ioy +tat lastes ay . (CMBENRUL,20.703) Amen . (CMBENRUL,20.704) XXIII . (CMBENRUL,20.706) In +tis sentence leris sain Benet hys cuuent hu +taire fautes sal be amendid . (CMBENRUL,20.708) Yef any be of grete herte and wyl noht be buxum , ou+tir prud , ou+tir ani greuching make aigain haly religuin , ou+tir +te cumandement hauis in despit , +ta +tat ere of suilke dedis , Priuelike man sal amoneste , +tat tay amende +taim . (CMBENRUL,20.709) yef +tay wyl noht amende sua , +tai sal be broht by-fore +te cuuent and tare amende hir faute . (CMBENRUL,21.710) Yef sho wyl not yet amende , sho sal be cursyd . (CMBENRUL,21.711) yef sho be a fole & ful of iuil , and mas na force of +te cursing , sho sal be berid ful wel , and do hir a-mende it sua . (CMBENRUL,21.712) Lauerde schilde vs fra +tat cursing ; (CMBENRUL,21.713) and yef ani +tar-inne be , god for his grace bringe +tam vte . (CMBENRUL,21.714) AmeN . (CMBENRUL,21.715) XXIV . (CMBENRUL,21.717) In +tis sentence mustirs sain Benet Hu man sal do wid +taim +tat es in sentence , (CMBENRUL,21.719) and bidis +tat man sal do +taim efter +taire faute es . (CMBENRUL,21.720) Yef +te faute be litil , +tai sal make +te cuuent at wite and a-ioingne hir +tar-eftir . (CMBENRUL,21.721) Wylys sho is in sentence , sho ne sal noht be in cuuent , til it be mendid , In kirke ne salme beginne ne antefin , lescun nan rede . (CMBENRUL,21.722) sho sal $ete when alle hauis etin . (CMBENRUL,21.723) Yef +tai ete at midday , sho salle ete at noon ; (CMBENRUL,21.724) yef +tai ete at noon , sho sal ete at euin , als te ordir sais , til sho haue amendid hir faute . (CMBENRUL,21.725) Lauerd giue vs sua vre scrifte at do , +tat we may hys rengne cum to . (CMBENRUL,21.726) XXV . (CMBENRUL,21.728) Sain Benet spekys in +tis sentence til +ta +tat ere fallen in greuer faute , Hu +tai sal amende . (CMBENRUL,21.730) +Tai ne sal noht cum in +te kirke , na in fraitur , Bot yef +tabbesse cumande hir . (CMBENRUL,21.731) Nan sal comun wid hir , Bot an +tat es set til hir . (CMBENRUL,21.732) Wid greting sal sho do , and wyd reu+te off herte , +te penance +tat es laid on hir ; (CMBENRUL,21.733) sua salle hir fautes be mendid . (CMBENRUL,21.734) for sain paul sais +tat +tai +tat dos wicke dedis , +tat tay giue +tam-selffe til +te deuil , (CMBENRUL,21.735) for +ti ah +tai at be chastid , +tat te saule ga noht til helle . (CMBENRUL,21.736) And ta +tat ere in cursing , ah at dreze +taire penance wid reu+te of herte and be sari of +tair dede , +tat te deuil haue na pouste ouir +taim . (CMBENRUL,21.737) sho sal ete al-ane suilke als tabes cumandis hir ; (CMBENRUL,21.738) nan sal blisse hir mete . (CMBENRUL,21.739) Lauerd for his grace , silde vs fra suilke paine . (CMBENRUL,21.740) Amen . (CMBENRUL,21.741) XXVI . (CMBENRUL,21.743) Sain benet sais in +tis sentence : yef any sistir ou+tir bro+tir of +tordir be sua hardi at comun wid hir , wid-vten cumandement of +tabbes , wid speche , ou+tir ani erand sendis til hir , $suilke sentence sal sho haue . (CMBENRUL,22.745) Lauerd for his grace , gete vs fra +tat $setence and fra alle o+tir . (CMBENRUL,22.746) XXVII . (CMBENRUL,22.748) In al maner , sais sain benet , sal +tabbesse ta yeme of +ta +tat mis-dose ; (CMBENRUL,22.750) for +te hale hauis na mister of miri , (CMBENRUL,22.751) Bot te seke hauis mister . (CMBENRUL,22.752) For +ti sal sho do als te wyse miri dos , +tat wyl hele +te seke . (CMBENRUL,22.753) Priuelike sal sho sende an ordane nunne til hir +tat es in sentence at comfor+t hir , and for to turne hir wylle til amendement and til mekenes , and for to moneste hir +tat sho haue reu+te in herte of hir misdedis and rigt trouz ; (CMBENRUL,22.754) Als sain paul +tapostil sais : " Mikil charite mustirs he . " (CMBENRUL,22.755) al ah at prai for hym . (CMBENRUL,22.756) On alle maner sal +tabbes entirmete hir Al maner of sentence at muster til hir sep , +tat nan be tint . (CMBENRUL,22.757) for wyte sho wel sho hauis vnder-tan +te saules at gede , And noht at striue o-gain +taim . (CMBENRUL,22.758) Bot sho sal haue dute of +tat vre lauerd saide wyd +te prophete til +te hirdis of haly kirke : " Quod crassum videbatis &c . (CMBENRUL,22.759) +Tat fat ere , sal ye ta ; +tat ere febyl , let ga . " (CMBENRUL,22.760) +Tis is at vnder-stande , +tat so ne sal noht entirmete hir sua mikil of +ta +tat ere strang and hale als of +ta +tat ere febyl and seke . (CMBENRUL,22.761) O +tis maner sal +tabbesse folize +te saumpyl of Iesu , +te gude herde , +tat lefte in +te munte ane wane of a hundrez sep , and yede at seke +tis ane +tat was want . (CMBENRUL,22.762) When he hauid funden it , sa fain he was ; (CMBENRUL,22.763) he toke it on his haly schuldirs (CMBENRUL,22.764) and broht it til +to+tir . (CMBENRUL,22.765) +Tis is at vnderstande +tat he lefte in heuin +te felascap of angels and com in-til er+te at laite +te man +tat was tint ; (CMBENRUL,22.766) sua mekyl pyte hauid he of hym , +tat he +turz his haly grace by-com man & bar manes kinde til +te felazscap of angels til paradis , where-in Adam fel for hys synne . (CMBENRUL,22.767) Lauerd , for +ti merci giue vs grace sua at wirke , +tat we til +tat felazscap may cume . (CMBENRUL,22.768) XXVIII . (CMBENRUL,22.770) Sain benet sais : yef any be tane ofte in faute , and sho be cursid , and wyl noht yet amende , wyd smerte beting sal sho be chastyd . (CMBENRUL,22.772) Yef sho wyl noht o +tis maner a-mende , bot wid pride defende hir dede , +tan sal +tabbes do als te sleze miri : (CMBENRUL,23.773) wen sho hauis laid hir plaisters and hir vinemens wid faire wordis and te medicinis of haly writ , and cursid hyr , & berid , And may noht helpe do hir best , +tabbes & al +te cuuent sal pray for hir to god , +tat he make hyr hale . (CMBENRUL,23.774) Yef sho may noht be hale of +tat maner , sho sal be done oute of +tair felahscap ; (CMBENRUL,23.775) Als te apostil sais : " Auferte malum &c . (CMBENRUL,23.776) Do a-way +te wycke fra yu . " (CMBENRUL,23.777) And in o+tir stede sais he : " Infidelis &c . (CMBENRUL,23.778) yef so be vnleel , do hyr A-way . " (CMBENRUL,23.779) for a wicke shep may spille al +te flok . (CMBENRUL,23.780) Lauerd , yef it be +ti wille , +tu gete vs fra +tis sentence . (CMBENRUL,23.781) XXIX . (CMBENRUL,23.783) In +tis sentence sais sain Benet +tat wha sam es +turz +taire dedis don out of +te kirke and wil cum i-gain , At te begining sal sho haite a-mendement of hir faute warfore sho was don ut ; (CMBENRUL,23.785) +tanne sal so be racaiuid , And don at te laste ende for to loke hir mekenes . (CMBENRUL,23.786) Yef sho gas ut a-no+tir tyme , +tris sal sho be recaiuid sua ; (CMBENRUL,23.787) bot si+tin wite sho wel es tare na cuming a-gain . (CMBENRUL,23.788) Lauerd for his grace defend vs fra +tis vice . (CMBENRUL,23.789) XXX . (CMBENRUL,23.791) +Tis sais sain benet , +tat ta +tat ere of elde and vnderstandis , +tai sal haue +taire mesur ; (CMBENRUL,23.793) & for +ti +te barnis +tat ere yunge , +tat vnderstandis noht what paine fallis til cursing , when +tai misdo , wid fasting ou+tir wid smerte beriing sal +tai be chastid ; (CMBENRUL,23.794) +tar-+turz sal +tai be helid . (CMBENRUL,23.795) Lauerd , for yure pite ye gete vs fra sinne , ba+te yunge & alde . (CMBENRUL,23.796) XXXI . (CMBENRUL,23.798) In +tis sentence sais sain benet +tat te celeresse sal be chosin of +te cuuent , +tat sho be meke , and sobur , and noht of mekil mete , ne prude , ne noius , ne wrangdoande , ne latte , ne wastande , Bod god dutande ; (CMBENRUL,23.800) Of al +tis sal ye ta yeme . (CMBENRUL,23.801) Wid-vten +te cumandement of +tabbes sal sho na +ting do . (CMBENRUL,23.802) +Tat sho cumandis hir sal sho do , (CMBENRUL,23.803) bot sho sal $noht noy hir sistirs . (CMBENRUL,24.805) Par auenture yef ani man askis hir ohte +tat es a-gain resun , sho sal noht for +tis haue +tam in despit , ne mis-ancewer +tam , Bot mekelike saie naie of +taire ful asking . (CMBENRUL,24.806) Ouir al +ting sal sho gete hir saul & +tincke what ta apostil sais : (CMBENRUL,24.807) " Qui bene &c . (CMBENRUL,24.808) wha sua seruis wel , mede by-fore god sal he haue . " (CMBENRUL,24.809) Of +te seke , and of +te barnis , And of gestys , and of +te pouir sal sho take yeme eftir hir miht . (CMBENRUL,24.810) For wite ye wel +tat sho sal yelde resun o domes-day of alle hir dedis . (CMBENRUL,24.811) +Te vassels +tat fallis til hir mester sal sho yeme als onestelike als te vassels +tat ere halized obute +tauter . (CMBENRUL,24.812) for-getil ah sho noht to be , Ne ouir-mikil haue Ne ouir-mikil waste of +tat fallis to +te huse , Bot alle +tingis do wid mesur , als tabbes cumandis hir . (CMBENRUL,24.813) Ouir +tat sho be buxum . (CMBENRUL,24.814) And when sho hauis noht at giue , +tat sho anscewer +taim faire , als hali writ bidis : (CMBENRUL,24.815) " Sermo bonus &c . (CMBENRUL,24.816) God speche es better +tan grete gifte " ; (CMBENRUL,24.817) And do +tat tabbes cumandis hir ; (CMBENRUL,24.818) and tat sho defendis do noht . (CMBENRUL,24.819) Sho sal grai+te +te cuuent mete wid-vten greuching and wid-vten duelling , +tat tay be noht sclaundird ; And +tincke what vre lauerd sais in +te gospel of +taim +tat sclandirs any of his barnis : (CMBENRUL,24.820) " him ware wel bettir , " he sais , " +tat a milnestane ware a-bute his hals in +te deppest of +te se . " (CMBENRUL,24.821) Yef +te cuuent be mikil , +te celeresse sal haue a felaze at helpe hir , +tat sho wid gode wil may do hir labur +tat es bitaht hir , +tat sho may do in time +tat sho ah for to do , +tat nan be $wrethid ne noid in godis hus . (CMBENRUL,24.822) Lauerd , for +ti merci giue hir sua hir office at do , +tat so may haue +tanc o god and of +te cuuent . (CMBENRUL,24.823) XXXII . (CMBENRUL,24.825) In +tis sentence cumandis sain Benet +tat tabbesse sal ta yeme of alle +ting +tat fallis til +te hus , (CMBENRUL,24.827) and of vstilement and o+tir +tingis sal sho puruaie of lif and ded +tat so be sikir , and cumande til ilkain +tat sho ses ned at do . (CMBENRUL,24.828) Sho sal haue +tam enbreuid , alle +tingis +tat fallis til +te hus , for to wite what sho recauis and what sho giuis , when sho sal remue +tat ere in officis . (CMBENRUL,24.829) yef ani haue ille wroht wid +te +ting +tat was bitaht +taim at yeme , sho sal be apreuid ; (CMBENRUL,25.830) yef sho wil noht mend , +te iugiment sal sho suffir . (CMBENRUL,25.831) Lauerd , for +ti merci giue vs wel at yeme +tis sentence And alle +te o+tir . (CMBENRUL,25.832) Amen . (CMBENRUL,25.833) XXXIII . (CMBENRUL,25.835) Of propirte spekis sain Benet , (CMBENRUL,25.837) and sais +tat of alle o+tir vices sal man fle +tis , +tat nan be sua hardy , +tat tay o-way do ne giue na +ting wid-vten leue of +abbesse , ne +tat nan haue in propirte , boke ne tabils , ne nan o+tir +ting ; (CMBENRUL,25.838) for nan may haue +tair ahen body at hys wylle ne at tair pouste . (CMBENRUL,25.839) +tai sal haue alle +tingis at tabbes +tat tay haue nede of . (CMBENRUL,25.840) +tai sal haue na +ting bot +tat tabesse deliuirs taim . (CMBENRUL,25.841) +Tat ane hauis sal be comun til alle ; (CMBENRUL,25.842) Als haly boke cumandis : nan sal calle +tat tay haue +tair azen . (CMBENRUL,25.843) Yef it be an +tat delitis tam in +tis vice , And wil not do it , Man sal saie til hir an time , and a-no+tir time , and te +tridde . (CMBENRUL,25.844) Yef so wil noht amende sua , Man sal do hir amende on o+tir maner . (CMBENRUL,25.845) Lauerd , for +ti pite defende vs fra +tis vice . (CMBENRUL,25.846) Amen . (CMBENRUL,25.847) XXXIV . (CMBENRUL,25.849) In +tis sentence cumandis sain Benet +tat tabbes sal do als ta-postils did at te begining of cristiante : (CMBENRUL,25.851) +tai departid +tair +ting til +ta +tat hauid nede . (CMBENRUL,25.852) " +tai departid , " als hali writ sais , " til ilkain , als tay hauid ned . " (CMBENRUL,25.853) sua salle +tabbes do . (CMBENRUL,25.854) sho salle noht loke what man he es and of what kinredin , Bot te sekenes of ilkain , and do +tam efter +tat tay haue ned . (CMBENRUL,25.855) til god sal sho yelde grace , and noht be sari off hir giffte +tat so hauis giuin til +ta +tat hauis mare nede +tan sho . (CMBENRUL,25.856) Tyl +te nedful sal sho meke hir for in ire sekenes , And noht bere hir heze for +te helpe +tat god hauis lent hir ; (CMBENRUL,25.857) And o +tis maner sal al liue in pais . (CMBENRUL,25.858) Ouir al +ting sal +tai loke +te wicke +tat ere imangis +taim ; (CMBENRUL,25.859) and yef +tare be ani funden , wid smerte beriing sal +tai be amendid . (CMBENRUL,25.860) Lauerd , for +ti merci giue vs miht at fle al iuils . (CMBENRUL,25.861) Amen . (CMBENRUL,25.862) XXXV . (CMBENRUL,25.864) In +tis sentence bidis sain Benet +tat ye sal serue sua , +tat nan be quit off +te seruise of +te kichin , Bot yef +tai be acumbird wid sekenes ou+tir wid odir laburs ; (CMBENRUL,25.866) for man sal haue grete mede for +tat seruise . (CMBENRUL,26.867) Til +ta +tat ere febil sal ye finde helpe and cumfor+t , +tat tay ne serue noht wid ouir-mikil noye . (CMBENRUL,26.868) Al sal haue comfort eftir +tat +te cuuent is mikil , and efter +tai ere in ese to serue . (CMBENRUL,26.869) Yef +te cuuent be mikil , +te celeresse sal be quit of +te seruise of +te kichin , And ta +tat ere aumbird wid laburs . (CMBENRUL,26.870) +Tis o+tir sal serue al wid luue . (CMBENRUL,26.871) +Ta +tat ere out of +taire wuke sal opo +te setirday ma +te maunde , and waisse +te tuailis +tat tay sal wipe +taire hend opon and taire fete . (CMBENRUL,26.872) +Ta +tat ga ut of +te wuke , and te to+tir +tat cumis in , sal waisse +te o+tir fete at te maunde . (CMBENRUL,26.873) +te vassels +tat tay serue wid , sal +tai ta yeme to , & yelde +tame til +te celeresse clene and hale ; (CMBENRUL,26.874) and sho sal loke what sho yeldis & what sho recaiuis . (CMBENRUL,26.875) +Ta +tat serue o +te kichin sal miste bi-fore +te mikil mete bred , butter , +tat tay may serue wid-vten gruching and wid-vten noy . (CMBENRUL,26.876) And so +tat gas vt of +te wuke , and so +tat cumis in , sal recaiue +te benichun at morne at matins . (CMBENRUL,26.877) Sho +tat gas ut sal say +tis vres +tris , by-for +tauter , and al +te cuuent eftir : " Benedictus es . " (CMBENRUL,26.878) +tan so hase rechaiuid +te benichun , +tan sal +te to+tir , +tat sal serue eftir hir , cume by-fore +tauter and saie +tis vers +tris , and alle +te cuuent eftir : " Deus , in adiutorium " ; And si+tin rechaiue +te benichun , +tat god giue hir grace at serue +taim to pay . (CMBENRUL,26.879) Lauerd , for +ti grace giue vs sua at serue , +tat we may $haue vre mede of +te . (CMBENRUL,26.880) XXXVI . (CMBENRUL,26.882) Of +te seke spekis sain benet in +tis sentence , (CMBENRUL,26.884) And cumandis ouir al +ting +tat man sal ta yeme of +taim , +tat tay be serued als it ware god him-selfe . (CMBENRUL,26.885) For he sal say on domis-day : " I was seke , (CMBENRUL,26.886) ye visit ; (CMBENRUL,26.887) +tat ye did til an of myne , ye did it me . " (CMBENRUL,26.888) Bot tay sal recaiue in +te onur of god +te seruise +tat man dos tam ; (CMBENRUL,26.889) +tai ne sal noht +turz +tair surfait noy +taire sistirs +tat seruis tam . (CMBENRUL,26.890) Bot yef it sua be , +tat taire iuil be sua mikil , man sal suffir +taim +te mare and be of pacience , (CMBENRUL,26.891) for of +taim sal man haue grete mede of god . (CMBENRUL,26.892) +Tabbesse tal ta yeme of +te seke +tat tay haue na defaute . (CMBENRUL,26.893) A hus sal +tai haue bi +tam ane . (CMBENRUL,26.894) And +tat so +tat sal serue +tam dute gode , (CMBENRUL,26.895) and do hir miht for to serue +tam wel and wid luue . (CMBENRUL,27.896) +Tai sal haue at ete alle timis +tat tay haue mister of ; (CMBENRUL,27.897) bot til +te hale , +tat mai wel ete , and til +te yunge sal man giue latter . (CMBENRUL,27.898) +Te seke +tat ere febil sal man giue fleis at ete at couir +tam wid-al . (CMBENRUL,27.899) +Tabbes sal do hir antente to +te seke , +tat tay haue na defaute for +te forgetilnes of +te celeeresse and of +te fermerier ; (CMBENRUL,27.900) For sho sal a-mende al at tay misdo . (CMBENRUL,27.901) Lauerd , for +ti merci gete vs fra alle iuils of body & sal . (CMBENRUL,27.902) Amen . (CMBENRUL,27.903) XXXVII . (CMBENRUL,27.905) Of +te alde & +te barnis spekis sain benet in +tis sentence , (CMBENRUL,27.907) And sais +tat taire elde prais +tat man sal giue +tam charite , als te reule es set to +taire mete ; (CMBENRUL,27.908) bot mikil pite birs man haue , +tat tay sal ete ar +te o+tir . (CMBENRUL,27.909) XXXVIII . (CMBENRUL,27.911) In +tis sentence cumandis sain benet +tat te lescun sal noht faile at mete . (CMBENRUL,27.913) O +tis maner sal +tis be stabilist , +tat nan ta +te boke at rede bot sho +tat sal rede al +te wuke ; (CMBENRUL,27.914) sho sal beginne o-po +te sunday . (CMBENRUL,27.915) sho sal cum by-fore +tauter o +te sunday efter +te messe and say +tis verse , and al +te cuuent eftir : " Domine , labia mea aperies , " And recaiue +te benediccion , +tat gete hir fra pride . (CMBENRUL,27.916) +Tai sal halde silence at te borde , +tat na uoice be herde bot of hir +tat redis . (CMBENRUL,27.917) +Ta +tat serue sal ta yeme til +tam +tat etes , +tat tay haue na defaute of +tat tay sal haue , wharfore +tai make na noise . (CMBENRUL,27.918) Yef wil aske ani +ting , sho salle make sinis and noght speke . (CMBENRUL,27.919) Nane sal speke of na demande in +te lescun , whar-of noise may rise . (CMBENRUL,27.920) Bot tabbesse , yef sho wille , sho may breuelike , a sentence for to amende . (CMBENRUL,27.921) sho +tat sal rede sal miste ay litil , be-fore sho rede , +tat sho ne be not ouir-mikil engreuid . (CMBENRUL,27.922) Ye sal ordain nane for to rede bot +tat can do +te ofice , +tat may pai al +tat it heris . (CMBENRUL,27.923) Lauerd , for his grace , he giue vs sua for to rede and singe , +tat we may pai hym and al +tat vs heris . (CMBENRUL,27.924) XXXIX . (CMBENRUL,27.926) Of +te mesur of +te mete spekis sain benet in +tis sentence , (CMBENRUL,27.928) And sais +tat it es inoh , twane maner of potage al +te wuke in +te tweluemonez , what tyme sam ye ete , at midday ou+tir at none , +tat tay +tat may noght ete of +te tane , lat +taim ete of +te to+tir . (CMBENRUL,28.929) +tir tua mese sal +tai ilke day haue . (CMBENRUL,28.930) Yef +tai haue whar-of , +te +tridde may +tai haue of frute ou+tir of o+tirkin felazscap . (CMBENRUL,28.931) A lafe of brede mesurde es inoh o day ba+te at none and at euyn . (CMBENRUL,28.932) Yef +tai sal supe , +te celeres sal take +te +tridde parti of +te lafe & laie it by-fore +tam at te super . (CMBENRUL,28.933) Yef tabbes ses +tai haue mikil trauaile , yef sho wil , scho may mende +tam ; (CMBENRUL,28.934) Bot gete +tar be nane owtrage , +tat nane be costiue , ne nane o+tir wil , +turz sufait o mete . (CMBENRUL,28.935) for na +ting es als mikil igain cristen men als gluterie ; (CMBENRUL,28.936) sua sais vre lord : " Videte &c . (CMBENRUL,28.937) Loke yure hertis be noght noyd +turz gluterie o mete ne drinke . " (CMBENRUL,28.938) Til barnis sal man noht giue sua mikil als til +talde for to gete mesur ouir al . (CMBENRUL,28.939) Of +te beste +tat beirs foure fete sal nane ete bot ta +tat ere seke and febil . (CMBENRUL,28.940) Lauerd , for +ti merci giue vs sua mesur-like at ete , +tat we alle wils o bodi & saul mai fle . (CMBENRUL,28.941) XL . (CMBENRUL,28.943) In +tis sentence spekis sain Benet Of +te mesur o drink , (CMBENRUL,28.945) and sais +tat ilke man hauis propir gifte o god in al maner ; (CMBENRUL,28.946) And for +ti stabelis sain Benet with mikil doute +te mesur of o+tir mens liflade . (CMBENRUL,28.947) Na-for-+ti , for +te febilnes of +ta +tat may noht for-bere , hauis he for-lokid til ilkain a mesur of wyne of +te day , Ou+tir suilke als tabbesse may furde ; (CMBENRUL,28.948) +te mesur es callid eminan ; (CMBENRUL,28.949) +tai ne mai noht haue bot mesurlike anis +tar-of . (CMBENRUL,28.950) +Ta +tat may be of abstinens , mede of god sal +tai haue . (CMBENRUL,28.951) Yef +tam by-houid mare ou+tir for trauaile ou+tir for hete , In +te forloking of +tabbesse sal it be . (CMBENRUL,28.952) Bot sho sal loke +tat +tai ne be not ouir-ful ne drunkin . (CMBENRUL,28.953) We rede +tat wyne , ne na drinke +tat wil make man drunkin , ne feris noht til men of religuin . (CMBENRUL,28.954) for +ti +tat te tyme is sua +tat ye ne mai noht al for-bere , for +ti consentis sain Benet +tat ye drinke ay litil , bot noht sua mikil +tat ye be ful ; (CMBENRUL,28.955) for ouir-mikil drinke dose man ofte do folie . (CMBENRUL,28.956) Yef it be ani +tat dar noht drinke hir mesur , +tai sal grace god and gruche noht . (CMBENRUL,28.957) Ouir alle +tinges loke ye ne be noht gruchande of na +ting . (CMBENRUL,29.958) Lauerd , for +ti pite gete vs fra gruching and fra ouir-mikil drinke , sua +tat we mai haue +ti grace . (CMBENRUL,29.959) XLI . (CMBENRUL,29.961) In +tis sentence sais sain Benet +tat ye sal ete twise of +te day ilke day fra +te haly paskis til +te witsunday ; (CMBENRUL,29.963) and si+tin til +te hali rodis dai in semtembir , Al +te wukis in +te summir , sal ye faste ilke wuke tua dais , +te wedenisdai and te fryday , (CMBENRUL,29.964) bot yef ye haue mikil trauaile , ou+tir feeste-day , ou+tir it be mikil hete ; +tan relesses sain Benet yu +te fasting of +ta tua dais , Als tabbesse forlokis . (CMBENRUL,29.965) sua sal sho ordain and a-tempir al hir +tingis , +tat +te saulis of hir disciplis mai sauf be ; And at tay do wid-vtyn gruching +tat tay sal do . (CMBENRUL,29.966) Fra +te haly rodes day til +te lentyn sal ye fast ilk day , bot if it be for heze feste . (CMBENRUL,29.967) Fra +te beginning of lentyn til +te paskis sal ye ete eftir euensang , bot it sal be sua , +tat yu ne +tarf na candil , bot al be don by day alle tyme , ba+te when ye faste and when ye ete tuis . (CMBENRUL,29.968) sua sal +te time be sett . (CMBENRUL,29.969) lauerd , for +ti grace giue vs sua at be of discreciun ba+te of fastyng and of mete , +tat we mai be sauf . (CMBENRUL,29.970) XLII . (CMBENRUL,29.972) Of silence eftir cumplin spekis sain Benet in +tis sentence , (CMBENRUL,29.974) and bidis +tat ye sal do yu payne at halde silence eftir cumplin . (CMBENRUL,29.975) yef +te cuuent etis tuise , Als tite as tay rise fra +te supere , +tan sal +tai site wid ordir in +te cloistir . (CMBENRUL,29.976) when colaciun ringis , +tan salle alle asembil in +te chapitir . (CMBENRUL,29.977) and sal rede +te lescun of +te halizis , ou+tir of haly writ , forto comfor+t +taim +tat it heris . (CMBENRUL,29.978) In +tat tyme sal ye noht rede +te boke of +te kingis , (CMBENRUL,29.979) for nan vnait sal be herde +tat tyme for +ta +tat ere of febil +toht ; (CMBENRUL,29.980) In o+tir tyme mai it be red . (CMBENRUL,29.981) yef it be fasting day , +tai sal haue gode entirual , (CMBENRUL,29.982) And when colaciun ringis , Alle +tat +te belle heris ga til colaciun ; And si+tin eftir at cumplin ; (CMBENRUL,29.983) si+tin be nan sua hardy to speke . (CMBENRUL,29.984) yef ani es tan wid-al , +tat hauis brokin silence eftir cumplin , smerte correccion salle man take of hir . (CMBENRUL,29.985) yef gestis cume , and tabbesse cumandis at speke , +tat tare be nane vtrage . (CMBENRUL,30.986) Lauerd , for +ti merci giue vs miht at halde +tis sentence als sain Benet cumandis . (CMBENRUL,30.987) XLIV . (CMBENRUL,30.989) In +tis sentence spekis sain Benet of +ta +tat cumis late til +tair seruise o god and til +te borde . (CMBENRUL,30.991) Als tite als te belle es herde , ilkain sal leue +te werke +tat es in +taire hende , and rinne hastelike til +te ure of god , +tat na man may telle foly to +tam . (CMBENRUL,30.992) For na +ting sal man leue +te seruise o god . (CMBENRUL,30.993) +ta +tat cumis noht at te begining of matins byfore +te " gloria patri " of +te " Venite , " sal noht ga intil +taire stalle , (CMBENRUL,30.994) bot sho sal go til +te grece byfore +te autir , +tat tabbes mai se and al +te cuuent ; (CMBENRUL,30.995) +taire sal sho be til +tabbes giue hir leue at gange intil hir stalle . (CMBENRUL,30.996) And for +ti wil sain Benet +tat ta +tat cume late ga til +te grece , +tat tay haue shame of +tair faute and sua salle be amendid . (CMBENRUL,30.997) for suilke mai it be +tat duellis , +tat +tai wil slape , Ou+tir +tinke vnait , whan +tat +te deuil mai finde achesun in +tam ; (CMBENRUL,30.998) for +ti shal sho ga to +te grece for to amende hir faute , +tat sho amende hir si+tin forward . (CMBENRUL,30.999) At te huris alssua , yef sho ne cumis noht byfore +te " gloria patri " of +te first salme , sho sal ga to +te grece and cum noht in hir stalle , are +tabes cummande hir ; (CMBENRUL,30.1000) Bot sho sal haue nane o+tir penance for +tat faute . (CMBENRUL,30.1001) At te verse byffore +te mete sal alle be asembild at te borde ; (CMBENRUL,30.1002) sho +tat is noht tarat , for hir neccligence man sal say ane tyme , and ano+tir tyme . (CMBENRUL,30.1003) Yef sho wylle noht amende , sho ne sal noht ete wyd +te cuuent , bot by hir ane , and +tarne hyr part of +te drinke , suilke als te o+tir haue , til sho haue amendid hir faute . (CMBENRUL,30.1004) Alssuilke sal sho haue +tat es fra +te vers eftir +te mete ; (CMBENRUL,30.1005) for +ti es it forlokid , +tat ta +tat er noht at te vers sal ga til +te grece bifore +te dese at say hir verse and aske leue at ete ; (CMBENRUL,30.1006) si+tin mai sho ga at ete in hir ordir . (CMBENRUL,30.1007) Nan sal ete ne drink bot at te tyme +tat o+tir ete , bot yef it be wyd leue . (CMBENRUL,30.1008) Yef +tabbesse offirs ani +ting til ani of hir sisturs and sho refuse it , when sho walde haue it , man salle noght giue it hir , Til sho haue amendid hir faute . (CMBENRUL,30.1009) Lauerd , for +ti grace giue vs sua at yeme +tis sentence and al +te o+tir , +tat we til +te ioy of paradise mai cume . (CMBENRUL,30.1010) AmeN . (CMBENRUL,30.1011) XLIV . (CMBENRUL,31.1014) In +tis sentence kennis sain Benet vs what amendement +tai sal do +tat es in cursing , +tat es don owte of +te kirke for greue faute and owte of +te fraitur . (CMBENRUL,31.1016) At ilke owre , when +te belle ringis , sal sho lie by-fore +te kirke dore til alle +te cuuent be cumen in , And si+tin rise vp and obied wid-vten +te kirke dore to +te vre be sungen . (CMBENRUL,31.1017) When +te cuuent cumes forz owte of +te kirke , sho sal lie dun agayne by-fore +te dore til +tai be passid . (CMBENRUL,31.1018) +tus sal sho do ilke day til +tabbesse bidde hir leue . (CMBENRUL,31.1019) When sho sal be asoilid , sho sal cume in-til +te chapitir and take hir veine by-fore +tabbesse and crie hir merci . (CMBENRUL,31.1020) When +tabes asoiles hir , sho sal falle til hir fete , & by-twixe tua and tua o knees , and take hir veine . (CMBENRUL,31.1021) +Tan salle sho site +tar +tabbes cumandis hir , bot noht in hir ordir ; (CMBENRUL,31.1022) bot sho ne salle noht by-ginne in kirke antefin ne Respun , ne rede lescun , Bot yef +tabbes cumande hir . (CMBENRUL,31.1023) Eftir " Benedicamus " at ilke vre sal sho take hir veine on knes , whare sum sho standes in +te quer . (CMBENRUL,31.1024) +tis sal sho do ay til +tabbes cumande hir at leue of +tat penance . (CMBENRUL,31.1025) In +te kirke sal sho amende o +tis maner : (CMBENRUL,31.1026) At ilke vre , when +tai say " Kirieleison , " sal sho take hir veine by-fore +te auter at te grece , & ligge +tare til +te " Benedicamus " be saide . (CMBENRUL,31.1027) sua sal sho do til +tabbes asoile hir , And recaiue +te benecun . (CMBENRUL,31.1028) Lauerd , for +ti pite giue vs sua at mende vre fautis , +tat we may haue +te benicun . (CMBENRUL,31.1029) Amen . (CMBENRUL,31.1030) XLV . (CMBENRUL,31.1032) Sain benet cumandis in +tis sentence +tat ta +tat faile in +te kirke at te minning of +te salmes , Ou+tir of +te Respuns , Ou+tir Antefens , Ou+tir lescuns , At te er+te sal sho take hir veine by-fore +tam al . (CMBENRUL,31.1034) yef sho wil noht do it , Greuer correccion sal man take of hir , (CMBENRUL,31.1035) for sho walde noht with mekenes amende hir faute . (CMBENRUL,31.1036) +Te barnis sal man chasty wid wande for suik mis-dede . (CMBENRUL,31.1037) Lauerd , yef it be +ti wil , giue vs welle at halde +tis sentence . (CMBENRUL,31.1038) XLVI . (CMBENRUL,31.1040) Sain Benet sais : +ta +tat ere in laburs , In kichin ou+tir in calgard , in gard ou+tir wid-vten in ani labur , and sho trespasse , Tinis +tingis o+tir brekis , yef sho mis-do , o +tis maner sal sho amende : (CMBENRUL,32.1042) sho sal cum in-til +te chapitir bi-fore alle +te cuuent and take al hir veine , And knaw hir faute wid hir azen wille . (CMBENRUL,32.1043) Yef sho hydes it , and a-no+tir sais hir owte , Greuer correccion sal man take of hir +tan sho hauid mustird it wid hir azen wille . (CMBENRUL,32.1044) Yef it be priue sinne +tat wille a-noy +te saul , sho sal ga priuelike til +tabbesse and schriue hir , Ou+tir til a preste +tat kan hele hir of hir sinne . (CMBENRUL,32.1045) Lauerd for his grace giue vs sua at schriue vs , and sua at mend vre sinne , +tat we til his rengne mai ga . (CMBENRUL,32.1046) XLVII . (CMBENRUL,32.1048) Sain Benet cumandis in +tis sentence +tat +tabbes sal take gude yeme +tat +te vris of godis seruise be finist right ba+te day and niht . (CMBENRUL,32.1050) Ou+tir sho hir-selfe sal finise +tam , Ou+tir set a nunn in hir stede +tat wil ententiuelike do +te office o god . (CMBENRUL,32.1051) +Te salmes and te antefens sal +tai biginne eftir hir wid ordir . (CMBENRUL,32.1052) Nane sal be don til +tat offfice bot +tat may singe and rede welle , +tat alle +tat heris be edefied +ter-of . (CMBENRUL,32.1053) sho +tat +tabbes cumandis +tis office , wid mekenes sal sho do it , And stabelike wid-vten pride , And wid +te dowte of god . (CMBENRUL,32.1054) Lauerd , for +ti merci giue vs sua for to singe and rede , +tat we mai do +ti wille . (CMBENRUL,32.1055) XLVIII . (CMBENRUL,32.1057) Of +te trauaile spekis sain Benet in +tis sentence , (CMBENRUL,32.1059) and sais +tat vnait sete es il to +te saule . (CMBENRUL,32.1060) For +ti sall ye trauaile times , And in +te times at lescuns , als it es ordaind . (CMBENRUL,32.1061) Fra +te paskis til +te Mihelmesse , when matins es done til heze vndirn sal ye wirke , ilke day when time es , +tat es nede to do . (CMBENRUL,32.1062) Fra vndirn to midday at lescuns . (CMBENRUL,32.1063) Eftir midday , when +tai haue etin , sal ye reste in yure bedde alle wid silence . (CMBENRUL,32.1064) Yef any wille +tat tyme loke lescun , loke +tat sho rede sua , +tat sho ne noy noht +te o+tir . (CMBENRUL,32.1065) Noon sal be rungen by tyme , And si+tin wirke til euensang . (CMBENRUL,32.1066) Yef +tai haue mikil at do , corn at gadir and o+tir laburs at do , +tai salle noht gruche for +ti ; (CMBENRUL,32.1067) for +tan liue ye riht , yef ye liue wid +te labur or yure hende , Als haly men did bi-fore yu , & ta-postils ; (CMBENRUL,32.1068) bot mesurlike sal ye wirke for +ta +tat ere febil . (CMBENRUL,32.1069) Fra +te feeste of +te Mih+tel til +te lentin , when prime is sungen til vndern salle ye studie in lescuns . (CMBENRUL,33.1071) When noon ringis , ilkain sal lay downe +tat es in +taire hende , and ga til +te kirke ; And erftir mete til lescuns ou+tir salmes . (CMBENRUL,33.1072) In lentin , fra prime til heze vndern sal ye entende yure lescun , And sy+tin wirke til noon . (CMBENRUL,33.1073) At te bigining of lentyn sal be broght in-til +te chapitur alle +te bokis , (CMBENRUL,33.1074) and ilkain take +taris (CMBENRUL,33.1075) and rede it ouir . (CMBENRUL,33.1076) +Tabbesse sal loke a simpil nunne ou+tir tua for to ga imangis taim atte timis +tat tay sal saie for to loke +tat nane site vnait , And for to loke wilke attendis mare til vnait +tan til hir lescun . (CMBENRUL,33.1077) +Ta +tat ere funden suilke , for +ti +tat tay do iuil til +tam-selfe and til o+tir als-sua , +tai sal be warnid ane tyme , and a-no+tir time . (CMBENRUL,33.1078) Yef sho wil noht a-mende , Man sal take suilke amendis of hir , +tat te o+tir be warnid +turz hir . (CMBENRUL,33.1079) At te timis +tat es set efter euensang til lescuns , +ta +tat ere acumbird wid laburs sal noht studie on +te sundais , ne on +te o+tir feste-dais , Bot to+tir alle at lescuns . (CMBENRUL,33.1080) Yef it be ani +tat mai noht studie ne rede , O+tir labur sal +tai do , +tat tay ne sitte noht al dom . (CMBENRUL,33.1081) +Ta +tat ere noht in ese , man sal giue +taim sum +ting at do , +tat tay ne sitte noht vnait , Ne +tat tay ne be noght ouir-mikil greuid wid trauaile ; (CMBENRUL,33.1082) +tabbes sal loke +taire sekenes . (CMBENRUL,33.1083) Lauerd for his pite giue vs sua to wirk , and sua vre lescuns at vnderstande , +tat we at te ende til heuin be broght . (CMBENRUL,33.1084) Amen . (CMBENRUL,33.1085) XLIX . (CMBENRUL,33.1087) In +tis sentence kennis vs sain Benet how we sal gete +te tyme of lentin . (CMBENRUL,33.1089) Alle timis off +te yer , he sais , sulde we wid rihte halde +te liflade o lentin , (CMBENRUL,33.1090) bot faa it es +tat te vertu mai haue . (CMBENRUL,33.1091) And for+tir cumandis he +tat we sal in lentin gete vre lif in alle +ting , +tat we mai amende vre fautes of o+tir times in +te dais of lentin . (CMBENRUL,33.1092) +Tan may ye sauflike liue , yef ye gete yu fra alle ille vices , And yef we do vre entente til vresun wid teris And til lescuns wid reu+te of herte and wid abstinens . (CMBENRUL,33.1093) In +ta dais sal we here sum+ting of godis seruise mare +tan we do an no+tir tyme , (CMBENRUL,33.1094) And priue vresuns , and o mare mesur of mete and drinke . (CMBENRUL,34.1096) Ilkain salle , wid +taire ahen gude wille , Offir sum +ting to god mare +tan +tai es cumandid , wid +te ioy of +te haly sprite ; +tat es , ye draze yu mare fra mete and drinke , & fra slepe , and fra speche , And fra gabbingis , +tat ye mai haly paskis o-byde wid ioy of spiritel langing . (CMBENRUL,34.1097) bot ilkain salle mustir til +tabbesse what ye wille offir to god , wid yure azen wil , of vresuns ; (CMBENRUL,34.1098) for yef ye ne do it wid leue of yure spiritel fadir , ye ne sal haue na mede +tar-offe , bot turne yu to vanite . (CMBENRUL,34.1099) For +ti sal ye do als tabbesse cumandis yu at do . (CMBENRUL,34.1100) Lauerd for +ti merci giue vs sua +tis haly lentyn at yeme , +tat we mai wid ioy of +te hali spirit hali paskis obide . (CMBENRUL,34.1101) L . (CMBENRUL,34.1103) In +tis sentence cumandis sain Benet +tat te sistirs +tat ere in labur fer fra +te kirke , and mai noht cume in time til +taire vris , +tabbes sal cumaaunde +taim o +tis maner , +tat whare sam +tai wirke , +tat tay do godis seruise And taire veinis in +te dute o god . (CMBENRUL,34.1105) And als-sua +ta +tat aier by +te gate , +tai ne sal noht leue +te vris +tat ere stablist , bot sua als tay mai , sai +taim And yelde god his seruise . (CMBENRUL,34.1106) He giue vs for his grace , +tat we mai helde +te seruise +tat we ah til hym . (CMBENRUL,34.1107) LI . (CMBENRUL,34.1109) Sain Benet spekis of +ta +tat ere sent owte ani erand and sal cum o-gain +tat ilke day , +tat tay ne be noht sua hardy at ete owte , +toz man pray +taim , Bot yef +tabbes giue +taim leue ; (CMBENRUL,34.1111) yef +tai do , +tai sal be cursid . (CMBENRUL,34.1112) Lauerd for +ti , yef it be his wille , kepe vs fra cursing . (CMBENRUL,34.1113) LII . (CMBENRUL,34.1115) In +tis sentence cumandis sain benet +tat +te ortorie be nane o+tir +ting +tan it es cald . (CMBENRUL,34.1117) Of na +ting sal it serue bot for to aure , man to god , inne . (CMBENRUL,34.1118) When +te vris of god es done , +tanne sal alle ga for+t and make reuerence to god . (CMBENRUL,34.1119) Yef any wille dwelle for to make priue vrisun , sho ne sal make noise for to sturbe +te o+tir , Bot simpelike gange in and make hir vresun wid teris and wid reu+te of herte , And noht wid heze voice . (CMBENRUL,34.1120) +Ta +tat wil noht do , +tai ne sal noht dwelle eftir in +te kirke for to noy +te o+tir . (CMBENRUL,34.1121) Lauerd for his pite giue vs sua for to cuntaine vs in +te kirke , +tat nane be desturbid for vs . (CMBENRUL,35.1123) LIII. (CMBENRUL,35.1125) In +tis sentence cumandis sain Benet +tat te gestis +tat cumis to yu be als faire kald als it ware god hym-selfe . (CMBENRUL,35.1127) for he salle say at te day of dome : " Hospes fui &c . (CMBENRUL,35.1128) I was geste , (CMBENRUL,35.1129) and ye recaiuid me . " (CMBENRUL,35.1130) Alle sal man comunlike recaiue , And men of religuin and pilgrims . (CMBENRUL,35.1131) Als tit als te gestis cume , +te priuresse ou+tir a-no+tir nunne sal gange againis tam wid luue & charite . (CMBENRUL,35.1132) Yef it be sistir , first sal +tai anure to-gidir and si+tin kis ; (CMBENRUL,35.1133) bot bi-fore +te vre sal +tai noht basse for +tenticement of +te deuil . (CMBENRUL,35.1134) Allekin mekenes sal man muster til +te gestis . (CMBENRUL,35.1135) Ilkain , when +tai ga and when +tai cume , sal alure to-gidir ou+tir wid +te heuidis ou+tir wid al +te bodi , (CMBENRUL,35.1136) and Iesu crist sal aure +tam . (CMBENRUL,35.1137) When +tai ere rechaiuid and aurid , +tabbesse sal sitte wid +taim , ou+tir a-no+tir nunne , wilke sam sho cumandis , +tat can speke wid +taim o godis lay for to comfort +taim and speke of man-hed . (CMBENRUL,35.1138) +Te fasting sal +tabbesse breke for +te gestis sake , yef sho will , Bot yef +te fasting be for hez feste , +tat sho ne may nan gate breke ; (CMBENRUL,35.1139) bot to+tir sal foliz +te reule o fasting . (CMBENRUL,35.1140) +tabbesse sal giue +te gestis water til +taire hende , And waisse +taire feet , And alle +te cuuent wid hir . (CMBENRUL,35.1141) And si+tin sal +tai sai verse : " Suscepimus , deus &c . (CMBENRUL,35.1142) Lauerd , we haue recaiuid +ti merci I-middis ti tempil . " (CMBENRUL,35.1143) And ay ta yeme of +te pouir and of +te pilegrimis , for +tai er kald godis men , And to +te rike als-sua ba+te for aze & for honur . (CMBENRUL,35.1144) +tabbesse kychin and of hir gestis sal be bi it ane , +tat te gestis +tat cume noy noht te cuuent . (CMBENRUL,35.1145) In +tat kichin sal tua sistirs serue , +tat tay may do +te office +tat apendis +tar-to . (CMBENRUL,35.1146) Yef +tai haue mikil at do , man sal finde +tam helpe ; And when +tai haue lesse at do , ga til o+tir laburs , whare sua man cumandis +tam . (CMBENRUL,35.1147) +Te howse to +te gestis sal man biteche a sistir at yeme +tat dowtis god ; (CMBENRUL,35.1148) sho sal puruay +tat tare be beddis inne ; (CMBENRUL,35.1149) sua sal godis howse be ordaind . (CMBENRUL,35.1150) Wid +te gestis salle nane speke bot +tai +tat hauis leue . (CMBENRUL,35.1151) Yef ani sistir metis +tam , mekelike sal sho aske +tair benicun and si+tin passe forz , yef sho hauis na leue for to speke wid +tam . (CMBENRUL,36.1152) Lauerd for his grace giue vs sua for to herberz his gestis , +tat we may herber wid him in +te ioy of heuin . (CMBENRUL,36.1153) AmeN . (CMBENRUL,36.1154) LIV . (CMBENRUL,36.1156) In +tis sentence cumandis sain Benet +tat nane be sua hardy at recaiue lettirs ne erand +tat cumis fra +tair frendis , ne fra nane o+tir man , ne noht recaiue giftis bot +turz +te leue of +tabbesse . (CMBENRUL,36.1158) Yef hir be sente ani +ting fra hir frende , sho sal noht recaiue it , ar sho haue leue & musterd it +tabbesse . (CMBENRUL,36.1159) Yef sho giuis hir leue at recaiue it , In +tabbes pouste salle it be at giue whare hir +tinke . (CMBENRUL,36.1160) Bot wrez hir noht +tat te +ting es sent to ; (CMBENRUL,36.1161) And yef +tabbesse giuis it til a-no+tir , loke +tat sho ne wrez hir noht +tat te +ting es sent to , wharefore +te deuil finde a-chesun in hir ; (CMBENRUL,36.1162) yef sho dos , +te reul of discipline sal sho fele . (CMBENRUL,36.1163) Lauerd giue vs sua at yeme +tis sentence and al o+tir , +tat te deuil finde nan achesun in vs . (CMBENRUL,36.1164) LV . (CMBENRUL,36.1166) Of +tair cla+ting spekis sain Benet in +tis sentence , (CMBENRUL,36.1168) and sais +tat man sal clazing til ilkain eftir +tat tay ere , and eftir +te temprance es of +te cuntre . (CMBENRUL,36.1169) In caald cuntre es nede of warmer hend . (CMBENRUL,36.1170) +Tis sal be forlokid +turz +tabbes . (CMBENRUL,36.1171) Of +te culur of +te clad , na of +te mikilnes , sal nane speke , bot take suilke als man may finde in +te cuntre and of liht chepe bie . (CMBENRUL,36.1172) +Tabbesse sal loke +tat tay be riht mesurd . (CMBENRUL,36.1173) When +tai ta +te newe , +tan salle +tai yelde +talde for to giue to +te pure . (CMBENRUL,36.1174) Tuinne paire cla+tis sal ilkain haue for to scifte and for to waisse ; (CMBENRUL,36.1175) yef +tai haue mare , it sal be scorn . (CMBENRUL,36.1176) +Tair beddis sal +tabbes ofte ripe , +tat tay ne haue na propirte . (CMBENRUL,36.1177) Yef sho findis ani +ting wid-vten hir leue , wid greue discipline sal it be amendid ; (CMBENRUL,36.1178) And for +ti +tat it es vice of propirte , sal it be scorn als +tifte . (CMBENRUL,36.1179) +Tabbes sal giue til ilk-ain als tay haue nede . (CMBENRUL,36.1180) +Tabbes sal ta yeme of +tis sentence of +te dedis of +te apostils , +tat sho depart til ilkain als tay haue mister . (CMBENRUL,36.1181) Sua sal +tabbes ta yeme of +te sekenes of +te nedful , And noht to +te wikke wille of +tenuius . (CMBENRUL,37.1182) In alle hir iugement sal sho unbe-+tinke hir what mede sho sal haue at god . (CMBENRUL,37.1183) Lauerd giue vs sua at do , +tat we may haue owre mede of hym . (CMBENRUL,37.1184) AmeN . (CMBENRUL,37.1185) LVI . (CMBENRUL,37.1187) Sain Benet sais +tat te Abbes bord sal be ay wid gestis and wid pilegrimis . (CMBENRUL,37.1189) When sho hauis nane gestis , sho sal take wilke of hir sistirs sam sho wille ; bot +tat sho leue in +te fraitur an ordene nunne ou+tir tua +te ordir for to gete . (CMBENRUL,37.1190) Lauerd giue vs welle at gete oure ordir . (CMBENRUL,37.1191) LVII . (CMBENRUL,37.1193) Yef +tare be any +tat can any labur , wid mekenes sal +tai it do , als sain Benet cumandis , +tat tabbes cumaundis taim at do . (CMBENRUL,37.1195) gyf +tai auantis taim of +tair werke , for +ti +tat sho +tinke sho dose gude tille +te howse , sho sal be don owte of hir mister , til sho haue amendid hir faute , yef sho wille noht be buxum til +tat +te abbes cumandis hir at do . (CMBENRUL,37.1196) Yef any makis any +tinge +tat sal be salde , Loke what it is wrz , +tat ye ne sette an felun price +tar-on . (CMBENRUL,37.1197) And +ge vmbe-+tinke yu of ananie & of sapher his wife , +tat salde +taire lande in +te tyme of +ta apostils ; (CMBENRUL,37.1198) +tai helde a partie of +te price , (CMBENRUL,37.1199) and a-no+tir partie broht by-fore +ta apostils ; (CMBENRUL,37.1200) and sain petir was parcaiuid of +te tricherie , (CMBENRUL,37.1201) and askid +tam why +tai made propirte of +tat +tai hauid done in comun ; (CMBENRUL,37.1202) And tai felle ba+te dede downe . (CMBENRUL,37.1203) Mikil dowte birde +tam haue +tat dose in +ting +tat fallis til hali kirke , +tat taire sauls suffir na dede , als te cors dose here . (CMBENRUL,37.1204) In +te price of +te +ting +tat +ge salle selle , loke +tare be na cuuaitise inne ; (CMBENRUL,37.1205) bot betir chepe sal ye selle +tan +te men of +te werld dose , +tat god may be payde of yure sale . (CMBENRUL,37.1206) he giue vs for his grace +tat we may sua wirke and sua selle , +tat he be payde +tar-of . (CMBENRUL,37.1207) LVIII . (CMBENRUL,37.1209) When any wymmen of +te sekil , sais sain Benet , cummis at aske +tordir , man salle noght $light like gif it tam , +te entre , (CMBENRUL,37.1211) bot man sal do als ta-postil sais : (CMBENRUL,37.1212) " proue +taire hertis , yef +tai be to god . " (CMBENRUL,38.1214) yef sho be stabil in hir asking , And haitis for to suffir alle +te uiltez +tat man wille put hir to , Eftir +te fifte day sal sho be recaiuid in-til +te howse , And don in-til +te celle with +te nouices . (CMBENRUL,38.1215) +Tare sal sho studie and ete and slape . (CMBENRUL,38.1216) suilk yeming sal sho haue , +tat te saule be turnid to god allemihtye ; (CMBENRUL,38.1217) And ta yeme to hir for to loke yef +te spirte be to god , and yef sho dose hir entente to godis seruise , And buxum , and of suffrance . (CMBENRUL,38.1218) Man salle muster hir harde +tinges and smerte , +te riht gate to god . (CMBENRUL,38.1219) Yef sho euir haitis stabilnes , eftir tua wukis sal hir be red +tis reule of +tordir , And saye to hir : " +tis es +te rihte gate whare-inne +tu salle life . (CMBENRUL,38.1220) Yef +tu may halde it , cum inne ; (CMBENRUL,38.1221) and yef +tu ne may , ga forz al deliuir . " (CMBENRUL,38.1222) Yef sho obidis yet , when sho is prouid o many maners , +tan sal man rede hir +te reule , +tat sho may wite witerli whar-to sho salle halde hir . (CMBENRUL,38.1223) And at te tuelmone+tes ende , when sho hauis herde +te reule +tris , yef sho haitis for to halde it welle , all +tat man cumandis hir , +tanne sall sho be recaiuid i-mang +te cuuent . (CMBENRUL,38.1224) bot witte sho welle , fra +tat day forward may sho noht gagne owte , Ne +te life of +te reule fle , ne caste it fra hir nek ; (CMBENRUL,38.1225) For sho hauid bi-fore laiser for to gange owte . (CMBENRUL,38.1226) when sho sall make hir professe , In +te Kirke bi-fore +tame alle sal sho haite stabilnes and buxumnes , by-fore god and alle his hali+ges . (CMBENRUL,38.1227) +Tat sho euir-mare brekis +tat cuuenant , witte sho welle +tat god sal damne hir with-owtyn ende . (CMBENRUL,38.1228) +Tis +ting salle sho write with hir awne hande ; And yef sho canne noht write , pray ane of hir sistirs ; (CMBENRUL,38.1229) Bot sho hir-selfe sal make +te singne of +te croice , and lay it on +tauter , And si+tin say +tis verse : " Suscipe me &c . (CMBENRUL,38.1230) Lauerd , +tu recaiue me , (CMBENRUL,38.1231) and I sal liue als te wordes es of +te ; (CMBENRUL,38.1232) +tat es myne entent , +tat I confunded be noht . " (CMBENRUL,38.1233) at +tis verse sal alle +te cuuent ansewere hir +tris ; (CMBENRUL,38.1234) and si+tin " Gloria patri " at te laste . (CMBENRUL,38.1235) When sho es blissed , Fra +tat time forward sal sho be calde in cuuent . Yef sho hauis ani katel , parte it i-mang +te pouir , Ou+tir make offrand til +te kirke , +tat sho ne halde na +ting by-hinde ; (CMBENRUL,38.1236) For fra +tat day forward sal sho haue na pouste of hir Awne body . (CMBENRUL,38.1237) Hir cla+tis +tat sho bro+t sal man restore +te kirke with-alle , +tat sho fra +tat day forward haue na wille at gange owte of +te kirke +tur+ge enticement of +te deuil . (CMBENRUL,39.1238) +Te bref of hir professe sal sho noht haue , (CMBENRUL,39.1239) bot in +te kirke sal be gete . (CMBENRUL,39.1240) Lauerd for his grace giue vs herte and wille in owre ordir to duelle . (CMBENRUL,39.1241) LIX . (CMBENRUL,39.1243) When any riche man of +te sekil , sais sain Benet , Offirs his do+gtir til god and til haly kirke , And +te childe be yunge , +tat it ne kan noht aske +te peticiun , hir frendis sal aske for hir . (CMBENRUL,39.1245) And when +tai offir hir hande , +tai salle winde +te tuaile +tar-a-bowte of +tauter . (CMBENRUL,39.1246) And +tanne sal +tai suere +tat +tai ne sal neuir mare , ne na man +turz +taim , o na maner giue +ting to +te childe , ne sende , whare-+turz +tat +te childe haue wille to propirte . (CMBENRUL,39.1247) Bot yef +tai wille ani almus do til +te kirke , do it al opinlike , +tat +tai wil giue . (CMBENRUL,39.1248) Yef it be lande , and +tai wil halde it +taim-selfe , +tai sal make chartir , and yelde ilke +gere +te ferme +tat +tai may liue with-alle . (CMBENRUL,39.1249) And sua sal +ge do wid alle +te +ting +tat fallis propirlie til +te child , +tat na +ting bi-leue with hir frende , whare-+turz +tat sho haue wil til propirte ; (CMBENRUL,39.1250) Sain Benet hauis te sperance of +to+tir . (CMBENRUL,39.1251) And on +tis ilke maner sal +te pure man childe be offird : (CMBENRUL,39.1252) simpelie make +taire peticiun , and bi-fore whitnes offir +taire childir . (CMBENRUL,39.1253) Lauerd for his grace giue +tat we may wel gyde +te offerande +tat owre frendis made of vs . (CMBENRUL,39.1254) LX . (CMBENRUL,39.1256) Yef any preste , sais sain Benet , prais +gerne for to be recaiuid in-til +tordir , +ge ne sal noght hastelie graunt it hym . (CMBENRUL,39.1258) Bot yef he duellis in his asking & prayis +gerne , Man sal muster him alle +te disciplines of +te reule , +tat he salle yeme with-owtyn reles ; +tat it be done als it is writin , And say til hym : " Amice , ad quid venisti (CMBENRUL,39.1259) Frende , wharto es +tu cumen ? " (CMBENRUL,39.1260) Bot to+g-whe+tir sal +te howse be grauntid him , And recaiue benicun , and singe his mese , yef +tabbes cumandis him . (CMBENRUL,39.1261) And yef it sua bitimis , +tat he ne wyl noght lere na sience , +te reule of discipline sal he fele ; (CMBENRUL,39.1262) for he sulde giue o+tir ensampil of mekenes . (CMBENRUL,39.1263) Yef +tar be ani labur at do in +te kirke , Of him sal man ta yeme what he dose , when he is entird in ; And noght for +tat he es preste and +tai haue done him reuerence , be vnbuxum . (CMBENRUL,40.1264) Yef any clerke desiris to ordir , o +tat ilke maner at be in felazscap , +tai sal be done in mene stede , O +tis maner , yef +tai haite for to holde +te reule of discipline and stabil dwelling . (CMBENRUL,40.1265) LXII . (CMBENRUL,40.1267) Yef +tabbes prais for preste ou+tir for dekin at be ordainde til hym-selfe , He sal loke , +tat +tai be dingne +ter-to at be preste . (CMBENRUL,40.1269) he salle fle pride & leue alle ille vices , ar he be preste . (CMBENRUL,40.1270) And +tat he do na +ting bot +tat man cumandis him to do ; (CMBENRUL,40.1271) And yef he do , he sal be vndir +te reule of discipline . (CMBENRUL,40.1272) Ne +tat he for-gete noht +te ordir +tat he hauis tane , na +te reule of obedience ne of discipline , (CMBENRUL,40.1273) And euir auance hym in godis seruise , (CMBENRUL,40.1274) And +tinke +tat he ne come noht to +te kirke , bot til godis seruise . (CMBENRUL,40.1275) And yef +te cuuent wille , & +tabes consentis +tar-to , +tai mai auance hym for +te godenes of his life . (CMBENRUL,40.1276) Loke +tat he neuir-+te-later halde +te reule of stabilnes ba+te in and owte in gudenes . (CMBENRUL,40.1277) And if he o+tirgate dose , and wil noht be buxum , bott rebel , whilk man salle repreue hym ofte . (CMBENRUL,40.1278) Yef he wil noght sua amende , Man salle muster hym til +te bisschope . (CMBENRUL,40.1279) Yef he ne may do him amende , Man sal muster his fautes alle opinlie , and do him owte of +te kirke , yef he be prowde , +tat he wil noght be buxum vnder +te reule of haly kirke . (CMBENRUL,40.1280) LXI . (CMBENRUL,40.1282) In +tis sentence leris sain Benet vs , how we sal recaiue +te vncunyng nunnis +tat cummis owte of fer landis . (CMBENRUL,40.1284) Yef sho wille als geste wne in +te kirke , and folow +te custume als sho findes , And noy nan +tat langes to +te kyrke with hir surfait , bot simpelike recaiue +tat sho findis , sho salle be recaiuid ay to whilis +tat sho wille dwelle . (CMBENRUL,40.1285) Yef sho mustirs ani resun & with luue , +tabbes sal quaintelike drahe hir to hir , and +tanc gode +tat hir sent . (CMBENRUL,40.1286) yef sho wille +tar stabilnes make , loke +tat wille be noht refusid . (CMBENRUL,40.1287) And als-sua , yef man may persaue , to whilis +tat sho es geste , +tat sho es surfaitus & il maner , Man sal noght fela+gscap with hir , bott faire and swetelike latte hir ga , +tat to+tir haue na shame of hir . (CMBENRUL,41.1288) Yef sho be of gude maner , Man sal noht abide hir asking for to duelle , (CMBENRUL,41.1289) Bott man sal prai hir at dwelle , +tat +te to+tir mai be amendid +tur+g +te sampil of hir ; (CMBENRUL,41.1290) For in alle stedis may man serue god . (CMBENRUL,41.1291) Yef +tabbes ses hir life be suilke , sho may do hir in he+ger stede , if sho wille , +tan hir ordir askis . (CMBENRUL,41.1292) Bot loke +te abbes +tat sho knaw hir wel +tat sho sal halde in +te kirke , Ou+gir +gurh hir abbes ou+tir +tur+g hir lettirs . (CMBENRUL,41.1293) For hali write cumandis +tat +tu sal do to na man bot als +tu walde man did to +te . (CMBENRUL,41.1294) Lauerd giue vs welle at gete +tis cumandement And all +to+tir . (CMBENRUL,41.1295) LXIII . (CMBENRUL,41.1297) In +tis sentence cumandis sain Benet +tat ilkain be with order als +tai cume in , And als tabbes stablis +taim eftir +tat +tair lif es . (CMBENRUL,41.1299) +tabbes sal noht greue +te cuuent , +to+g +tai be giuin hir at yeme , Ne deliuir pouste haue nane for to giue of +te +ting +tat es stablist in cumun , Bott vmbe-+tinke hir +tat sho sal yelde resun of alle hir iugement til god . als tay ar ordainde , +tat tay be stablist and gang in cumun . (CMBENRUL,41.1300) +Tai ne salle noht tine +taire ordir for yu+ghed ; (CMBENRUL,41.1301) For samuel and daniel , when +tai where barnis , +tai demid +te alde men . (CMBENRUL,41.1302) alle sal be als +tai cume in-til +tordir , bot ta +tat tabbes he+gis ou+tir la+gis for a-chesun . (CMBENRUL,41.1303) sho +tat cumis at te secunde owre of +te day sal be done with hir +tat cumis at +te first , O what elde sam sho be . (CMBENRUL,41.1304) Til +te barnis salle man halde discipline . (CMBENRUL,41.1305) +Te yung salle onur +talde , (CMBENRUL,41.1306) and +te alde salle lufe +te yunge . (CMBENRUL,41.1307) Nane sal calle o+tir by +taire name , (CMBENRUL,41.1308) bot +te priures sal calle +taim hir " sistirs . " (CMBENRUL,41.1309) +Tabbesse , for shoe es in godis stede , sal be callid " dame , " noht for +te he+gnes +tat sho es abbes , bot for +te onur of god . (CMBENRUL,41.1310) Loke +tat sho do sua , +tat sho be dingne at recaiue +tat onur . (CMBENRUL,41.1311) When ane metis a-no+tir , +te yunger sal noht sitte bi hir , bot sho haue leue ; (CMBENRUL,41.1312) for hali writ cumandis , +te yunger sal onur +telder . (CMBENRUL,41.1313) +Te barnis sal +tinke on +taire ordir with discipline in kirke and in fraitur ; (CMBENRUL,41.1314) with-outyn and with-in , in alle stedis , sal +tai haue geting & chastiing . (CMBENRUL,41.1315) Lauerd , for +ti mercy giue vs welle at halde +tis sentence and euir +ti wille do . (CMBENRUL,41.1316) AmeN . (CMBENRUL,41.1317) LXIV . (CMBENRUL,42.1320) Sain Benet leris vs in +tis sentence , how we sal chese vre abbesse . (CMBENRUL,42.1322) Suilk resun , he sais , sal man loke at +te lecciun , +tat sho be ordene and +tat al +te cuuent consentis to with +te dute of god . (CMBENRUL,42.1323) Sho +tat +te haler partie of +te cuuent chesis , +tur+g gude life and wisdom sal sho be chosin . (CMBENRUL,42.1324) Yef it sua be , +tat alle +te cuuent chesis ane +tat wil consent til +taire vices , +te abbotis +tat es +tare , and +te folke of +te cuntre , sal defende +tat tat felun lecciun be noht forth broth . (CMBENRUL,42.1325) Bott suilk sal +tai take +tat can guuerne godis howse and dingne es +tar-to . (CMBENRUL,42.1326) And witte +tai wel , +tai sal haue gude mede , if +tai do it for +te lufe of god , And sinne , yef +tai leue . (CMBENRUL,42.1327) +Te abbes , when sho es ordainde , sho salle vmbe-+tinke hir what charge sho hase recaiuid , And +tat sho sal yelde resun of alle . (CMBENRUL,42.1328) witte sho wele +tat mare bi-houis hir studie for to auance hir cuuent , +tan maistri for to haue . (CMBENRUL,42.1329) sho a+ght at be wise in goddis law , +tat sho dra+ge til witnes ba+te to +te new law and til +te alde testament . (CMBENRUL,42.1330) Chaste a+ght sho at be , and sobir , & ful of pite , And euir he+ge +te misericorde of god ouir hir iugement , +tat god do +tat ilke with hir . (CMBENRUL,42.1331) Ille vices salle sho hate , and luue hir sistirs . In hir pouste loke +tat +tare be nane vtrage in , Ne +tat sho ne chaste nan sa fellike , +tat +tai fle ne falle in wrang trou+g . (CMBENRUL,42.1332) +Tabbesse salle gete hir welle hir-fra , And euir haue hir a+gen misdede bi-fore hir siht . (CMBENRUL,42.1333) Sho salle noht suffir +te beli pipe be brokin ; +tat when sho seis ani of hir sistirs be chargid with sinne , sho salle noht greue hir sua mikil , +tat sho fle a-way , (CMBENRUL,42.1334) bot sho salle be besy more to be luuid +tan to be dredde . (CMBENRUL,42.1335) sho sal nott be trubellus , nor angri , nor ouir-obstinate , nor iolyose , nor ouir-suspiciose , (CMBENRUL,42.1336) for +tan sal sho neuir haue reste . (CMBENRUL,42.1337) sho sal be wice & discrete in hir commandmentis , +tat +tai be ou+tir efter godde or efter +te worlde . (CMBENRUL,42.1338) sho salle discerne and temper +te werkis whilk sho invinis to be done , thynkyng a-pon +te discrecion of sainte Iacob sayng in +tis wise : " If I sulde make my herdis to labur to mikil in walkyng , +tai sal alle die on one day . " (CMBENRUL,42.1339) Therefore sho sal take +tir and odir ma examples of discrecion , +te moder of vertues , and tempir and dispone all thingis sa , +tat hir demenance be swylke , +tat sisters +tat er strang and of gude lyuyng may desire and lufe it , & tay +tat er febil may bere it ; and namli +tat sho kepe +tis present reule in all thingis , +tat when sho hase welle done hir ministracion , sho may here +te worde of oure lorde whilk +te gude seruande harde , +tat gafe corne to his seruandis in hi tyme : " Amen dico vobis &c . (CMBENRUL,43.1340) For soth I say to +gow , godde sall sett hym ouir all his thingis . " (CMBENRUL,43.1341) LXV . (CMBENRUL,43.1343) Sothly , ofte-timis it happins +tat be +te ordinance of +te prioresse greuus sklaunders rysis in monesterys , whils +ter be sum bownyd with +te wikkid sprete of pride , thinkis thame-selfe als gude os thayre abbes , And takis a-pon thame tyranry , and nurischis sclaunders , and makis dissensiones in +te conuente , And nameli in tha places where +te prioressse es ordande of +te same sistir , or of +te abbesse , whilk hase made be-fore +te abbas . Whilk inconueniens it es ethy to conseyue ; (CMBENRUL,43.1345) for +te prioresse is geuin a mater to be prowd in +te begynnyng of hyr ordinance , when sho is geuyn in mynde be hir awne thoghtis +tat sho is lowsid owte of +te power of hir abbesse , be-cause +te same persones made hir prioresse whilk ordanid +te abbas be-fore . (CMBENRUL,43.1346) Thoro +tat er raysid immonesis , strifis , bakbytyngis , haterede , dissensiones , And werangus ordinansis . (CMBENRUL,43.1347) And when +te abbas and +te prioresse er of contrary opynion , both thayre awne saules bus nedly be in perel in +tat dissensione , (CMBENRUL,43.1348) And thay alswa +tat er vnder thame and $fagnis both partis fallis into grete perel ; whilk peril fallis chefly opon thayme +tat hauis made thame-selfe +te autors of chesyng of +te prioresse . (CMBENRUL,43.1349) For +ti hauis sain Benet forlokid +tat tabbes sal chese whilke sam sho wille , for to halde pese and charite . (CMBENRUL,43.1350) Yef hir ordanment es in buxumnes , alle +tingis +tat fallis to +te kirke sal be als tabes cumandis , +tat an ne be noht prude of +tat es getyn til comun . (CMBENRUL,43.1351) Yef +te cuuent askis resonabillike and in mekenes , And abbes sese it es nede , +tai sal make priuresse , +tat sho be chosin +tur+g +te cunsaile of +ta +tat dutis god . (CMBENRUL,44.1352) When +te priuresse es ordainde , with mikil reuerence sal sho do +tat tabbesse cumandis hir , +tat sho do na +ting a-gain hyr wille na a-gain hir cumaundement . (CMBENRUL,44.1353) for +te mare +tat sho est he+gid ouir to+tir , +te mare a+gh sho at halde +te cumandement of +te reule . (CMBENRUL,44.1354) And if sho be of ille vicis and prowde , ou+tir man may finde +tat sho hauis +te haly reule in dispite , sho sal be repreuid foure si+te with worde . (CMBENRUL,44.1355) Yef sho wil noht amende , +te reule of discipline sal sho fele . (CMBENRUL,44.1356) Yef sho wil noht amende sua , sho sal be don owte , and a-no+tir , +tat es dingne , be don in hir stede . (CMBENRUL,44.1357) Yef sho wil noht be buxum in cuuent , sho sal be done owte of +te kirke til sho wil amende . (CMBENRUL,44.1358) +tabbesse sal vmbe-+tinke hir +tat sho sal yelde resun on domes-day of alle hir iugementis , And loke +tat +te lowe of envie and hateredin ne brenne noht hir herte . (CMBENRUL,44.1359) Lauerd for his mercy defende vs fra envie and hateredin . (CMBENRUL,44.1360) LXVI . (CMBENRUL,44.1362) At +te +gate , sais sain Benet , sal man do a sister +tat can wisdome , And can recaiue & +gelde answer ; +tat sho be stabil of worde and dede . (CMBENRUL,44.1364) by-side +te +gate sal sho haue chaumber , +tat +tat +tat cum to +te +gate , alle timis finde hir redi and speke with +taim . (CMBENRUL,44.1365) Als tite as ony smitis on +te +gate , Ou+tir pouir crie , sho sal grace god and with buxumnes hastelie ancewer +tam and do +taire erand . (CMBENRUL,44.1366) Yef sho hauis mister of help , man sal finde hir helpe at +te +gate . (CMBENRUL,44.1367) Yef +te howse may for+te it sua , +tan sal it be stablist o +tis maner , +tat +te water , & +te milne , and bakehuse , and breuhuse , and calgard , and al +tat +ge haue mister of , be with-in +te gard , +tat +ge ne haue na nede at sende owte ; (CMBENRUL,44.1368) for +tat es noht gude to +te saule . (CMBENRUL,44.1369) +Tis reule sal ofte be redde imang +te cuuent , +tat nane ascuse +tam of +tis +ting +tat +tai ne do it . (CMBENRUL,44.1370) Lauerd for his pite giue vs sua at vnderstande +tis reule , and si+tin for to wirke , +tat we may cum til +te life +tat lastis ay , (CMBENRUL,44.1371) god gif it vs . (CMBENRUL,44.1372) LXVII . (CMBENRUL,44.1374) In +tis sentence cumandis sain Benet +tat whilk sister sua man sendis owte any erand , sal take +te benicun are +tai ga , And cumande hir in +te vrisun of +tabbes And of alle hir sistirs ; And at ilke vre of +te day +tat $+tai prai for +ta +tat er vte . (CMBENRUL,45.1376) +Tat day +tat sho cumis hame , sal sho recaiue +te benicun at ilke ure Of +tat +tai haue misdon with siht , ou+tir with iois , ou+tir with speche , ou+tir any ivil dedis . (CMBENRUL,45.1377) +Tai sal noht telle til +te to+tir alle +tat +tai haue sene vte & herd , (CMBENRUL,45.1378) for +tat es ay mikil vice . (CMBENRUL,45.1379) Yef any dose , +te correccion of +te reule sal sho suffir . (CMBENRUL,45.1380) And +tat ilke sal sho suffir +tat gase owte of +te cloister , labur for to do , be it neuir sua litel , with-owtin leue of +tabbes . (CMBENRUL,45.1381) Lauerd for gete vs , +tat we ne do ne saie +ting +tat til destruciun fallis . (CMBENRUL,45.1382) LXVIII . (CMBENRUL,45.1384) Yef man cumandis , sais sain Benet , ani +ting at do , and it be greue , and sho may noht do it , sho sal recaiue +te cumandement softelie and wid mekenes . (CMBENRUL,45.1386) yef sho ses +tat +te charge of +te cumandement ouir-gase hir force , whit mekenes sal sho muster to +tabbes hir sekenes , and noht with pride , na with gain-sa+ge . (CMBENRUL,45.1387) When sho hauis musterd hir firmite , yef +te cumandement of +tabbes haldis for+ge , witte sho wele +tat it es hir prowe til +te saule ; (CMBENRUL,45.1388) sho sal recaiue it in obedience in +te trou+ge of goddis lay . (CMBENRUL,45.1389) Lauerd , he giue vs mekenes , for his merci , als he cumandis . (CMBENRUL,45.1390) LXIX . (CMBENRUL,45.1392) Mikil a+g ye at fle +tis , sais sain Benet , +tat nane defende ne warne o+tir for nane achesun , ne for sibredin , ne for na o+tir aquaintance ; (CMBENRUL,45.1394) for mikil blame +tan may cum +terof . (CMBENRUL,45.1395) Yef ani trespassis +tis cumandement , greuelike sal it be amendid . (CMBENRUL,45.1396) Lauerd defende vs fra alle achesun of sclandir . (CMBENRUL,45.1397) LXX . (CMBENRUL,45.1399) In +tis sentence cumandis sain Benet +tat a-chesunnir sal be defendid in haly kirke , als it es ordainde and stablist , +tat nane be sua hardy for to curse o+tir , ne discipline , bot sho +tat +tabbes giuis poust . (CMBENRUL,45.1401) +Ta +tat tresspassis , by-fore +tam alle salle +tai be chastid , sua +tat +te o+tir haue dute +terof . (CMBENRUL,46.1402) Til +te barnis sal man halde discipline ententiuelike , Til +tai be o fiftene winter elde . (CMBENRUL,46.1403) Alle sal do +tat to +tam with mesur and with resun . (CMBENRUL,46.1404) Yef ani sistir with-outen +te cumandement of +tabbes dose +te barnis ani owterage , +te reule of discipline sal +tai fele ; (CMBENRUL,46.1405) for haly write cummandis +tat +tu sal do to na no+tir bot als +tu walde man did to +te . (CMBENRUL,46.1406) Lauerd for his pite giue vs well at halde his cumandemens . (CMBENRUL,46.1407) LXXI . (CMBENRUL,46.1409) Sain Benet cumandis in +tis sentence +tat al sal make obediens , and noht alane to +tabbes , bot ilkane to o+tir . (CMBENRUL,46.1411) +Tur+g +te life of obediens may ye cum to heuin . (CMBENRUL,46.1412) +tabbes and +te priuresse sal cumande til +ta +tat es vnder +taim ; +tat na priue cumandement be hid in +taim . (CMBENRUL,46.1413) +te yunger sal meke +taim til +telder with mikil charite . (CMBENRUL,46.1414) Yef any es funden with fawte , be it so litel , with +tabbes , ou+tir with priuresse , ou+tir with ony o+tir , sho sal acline to +ter+te . (CMBENRUL,46.1415) Yef sho haue whre+tid ani of hir sistirs , o what maner sam it be , hastelike with-vten dwellyng sal sho falle to her fete and aske hir for-gifnes , and crie hir merci , And ligge +tare til sho for-giue it hir and giue hir her benicun . (CMBENRUL,46.1416) Sho +tat at +tis amendment hauis an despite , and wille noht do it , Of hir body sal man take amendement . (CMBENRUL,46.1417) Yef sho be rebel +tar-again , vte of +te kirke sal sho be putt . (CMBENRUL,46.1418) Lauerd for his merci giue vs sua obediens and mekenes at hald , and rebel at fle , +tat we may cum til +te ioy ay sal be . (CMBENRUL,46.1419) LXXII . (CMBENRUL,46.1421) Of tua maner in a life spekis sain Benet in +tis sentence , (CMBENRUL,46.1423) And sais +tat +te ille lif , +tat es ful of wille , it departis man fra god and ledis man til +te pinis of helle , And a-no+tir lif , +tat es gude , +tat departis man fra helle and ledis man to god almihti . (CMBENRUL,46.1424) +Tis gude life sal ye lere with lufe and gudenes , (CMBENRUL,46.1425) & ilkain auance o+tir wid onur and gude dede ; (CMBENRUL,46.1426) +te sekenes of youre bodi , +tan it cumis , take it in gude entente and in pacience . (CMBENRUL,46.1427) Obedience , buxumnes , sal ilkain at o+tir lere hastiuelike , (CMBENRUL,46.1428) charite & gudenes ilkain lere o+tir , and chastite with luue . (CMBENRUL,46.1429) Ye sal dute god and yure abbesse with luue and charite . (CMBENRUL,47.1430) And +tat sal lede yow til +te ioy with-outen ende . (CMBENRUL,47.1431) god giue it vs . (CMBENRUL,47.1432) LXXIII . (CMBENRUL,47.1434) In +tis sentence mustirs sain Benet mikil mekenes +tat in hym was . (CMBENRUL,47.1436) For pure mekenes mustirs he here in +te last ende of his reule . (CMBENRUL,47.1437) He sais +tat he ne hauis noht writyn alle +tingis +tat fallis to rihtuisnes . (CMBENRUL,47.1438) Bott wha sam haldis wel +tise cumaundementis , he+g god , +tat es fadir of alle , sal +gelde +taim +tair mede . (CMBENRUL,47.1439) We haue writin +tis reule for to mustir til +ta +tat ere suuerainis of hali kirke haue clene luue til god and to +taire prome , And ilke sistir til o+tir . (CMBENRUL,47.1440) Bot wha sua wil cume til +te he+gnes and til +te sikirnes of religiun , Loke +tat tay do eftir +te kening of +te haly fadir +tat wnis in manhed in +te he+gnes +tat lastis ay . (CMBENRUL,47.1441) Of what boke sam ye here , of anikin kening of +talde lai ou+tir of +te neu testament , Ou+tir what sum it es , +tan es it +te riht reule of +tis life here . (CMBENRUL,47.1442) Of na boke ne make +ge force , bot +ge may ga +te right gate to god alle-mihti . (CMBENRUL,47.1443) +te life of +te haly armitiss and +taire cumandemens . And +te reule of sain basili , sal +ge fili+g . (CMBENRUL,47.1444) Til hali men , +tat gude lif haldes & luuis obedience and gude vertue , +tat may halde +tis lif . (CMBENRUL,47.1445) Bot we , sais sain benet , +tat er febil and for-getil and of febil lif , +tis gude lif schamis vs , And confundis . (CMBENRUL,47.1446) Bot ye +tat wille cume hastelike to +te he+ge ioy +tat lastis ay , Haldes first +tur+g +te helpe of iesu crist +tis litil beginning of +te reule +tat I haue writin yu , (CMBENRUL,47.1447) And salle ye cume til +te he+gnes of mare vertu +tur+g +te kenning +tat I haue musterd . (CMBENRUL,47.1448) +Ta +tat it vnderstandis and haldis , Til +taim sal be oppind +te +gatis of heuin . (CMBENRUL,47.1449) Lauerd , bigining and ending of alle gude dedis , giue vs sua +tis reule of sain benet for to +geme , +tat te rengne of heuin be oppind til vs . (CMBENRUL,47.1450) Godde gif it vs for his misericorde . (CMBENRUL,47.1451) AmeN . (CMBENRUL,47.1452) Qui viuis & Regnas , Deus , Per Omnia Secula Seculorum . (CMBENRUL,47.1453) AMEN . (CMBENRUL,47.1454)