The Brut , a Chronicle of England . (CMBRUT3,1.3) In the noble lande of Surrye ther was a noble kyng and myghty , & a man of grete renoun , +tat me called Dyocli-cian , +tat wel and worthily hym gouernede , & rewlede thurgh his noble chiualrye , so +tat he conquered alle +t=e= landes abowte hym , so that almoste all +t=e= kynges of +t=e= world to hym were entendaunt . (CMBRUT3,1.5) Hyt befell thus , +tat this Dioclician spousede a gentyl damysele +tat was wondyr fayr , +tat was hys Eemys doughter , Labana ; (CMBRUT3,1.6) & sche loued hym as reson wolde , so +tat he gate vpon here xxxiij doughtres , of +te which +t=e= eldest me called Albyne . (CMBRUT3,1.7) And +tese Damysels , whan +tey comyn in-to Age , bycomen so fayre +tat it was wondyr . Wherfore this Dioclician anon lete make A sompnyng , & comaundid by his lettres +tat Alle +t=e= kyngys +tat heldyn of hym schulde come at A certayn day , as in his lettres was conteyned , to make A ryal feste . At which day , +tedir +tey comyn , & brought with hem Amyralles , Prynces & Dukes , & noble Chiualrye . (CMBRUT3,1.8) +Te feste was ryally Arayd ; (CMBRUT3,1.9) & +tere +tey lyved in ioy and merthe y-now , that it was wonder to wete . (CMBRUT3,1.10) And hit befelle +tus , +tat +tis Dioclician +toughte maryen his Doughtres among all +to knyghtys +tat tho were at that solempnite ; (CMBRUT3,1.11) and so they speken (CMBRUT3,2.13) & dede , that Albyne , his eldest doughter , & alle here sustres , richely were maryed vnto xxxiij kynges that wer lordes of gret honour , & Also power , at +tis solempnite . (CMBRUT3,2.14) And whanne +t=e= solempnite was done , euery kyng nome his wyf , (CMBRUT3,2.15) & lad hem into here owne cuntre , (CMBRUT3,2.16) and there maad hem quene . (CMBRUT3,2.17) And hit byfelle +tus aftyrward , +tat +tis dame Albyne bycome so stoute & so sterne , +tat sche told litel prys of her lord , (CMBRUT3,2.18) And of hym hadde scorne and dyspite , (CMBRUT3,2.19) and wolde not done his wylle , (CMBRUT3,2.20) but wolde haue here owne wyll in diuerses maners . (CMBRUT3,2.21) And all her other sustres , eche on bere hem so euel a-yens here lordes , +tat it was wonder to wete . (CMBRUT3,2.22) And for-as-mych as hem thought +tat here housebondes were not of so hye parage comen as here fadyr . (CMBRUT3,2.23) But tho kynges +tat were her lordes , wolde haue chastysed with fayr speche & byhestes , & also for +giftes , (CMBRUT3,2.24) and warnyd hem in fayr maner vpon all loue and frenschipe +tat +tei scholde Amende hir lithir condi-cions ; (CMBRUT3,2.25) but al it was for nou+gt , (CMBRUT3,2.26) for they deden her owne wil in all +tyng +tat hem lykede & hadde of power . wherfore +to xxxiij kynges vpon A tyme , and oftyn-tymes , beten here wyfes , for +tey wende that +tei wolde haue Amended here tacches and here wykkyd thewes ; (CMBRUT3,2.27) but of such condicions +tei were +tat , for fayr speche & warnyng , +tei deden the wors & for betynges eft-sone mych wors . Wherfore +t=e= kyng +tat hadde wedded Albyne , wrote +t=e= tacches & +t=e= condicions of his wyf Albyne , & +t=e= lettre sent to Dioclician , her fader . (CMBRUT3,2.28) And whenne +t=e= other kynges herde that Albynes lord had sent lettre to Dioclician , anon +tey sente lettres enseled with here seeles $of +t=e= condicions and +t=e= tacches of here wyfes . (CMBRUT3,2.29) Whanne +t=e= Kyng Dioclician saw & herde so many pleyntes of his doughters , he was sore a-schamed , (CMBRUT3,2.30) & bycome wonder Angry & wroth to-ward his doughters , (CMBRUT3,2.31) & +tought bo+t=e= nyght & day how he +to myghte amende hit +tat +tey so mysdede . (CMBRUT3,2.32) And anon sente his lettres vnto +to xxxiij kynges , +tat +tey schulde come to hym , & brynge with hem here wyfes , euerychon at a certayn day , for he wolde +tere chastise hem of here wikkydnes , if he myghte in eny maner wyse . So +tat +te kynges comen All at +te day & tyme +tat +to was sette bytwen hem ; (CMBRUT3,3.33) & +te Kyng Dioclician hem vndir-fenge with mychel honour , (CMBRUT3,3.34) & made A solempne feste to all +tat were vndir his lordschipe . (CMBRUT3,3.35) And +te thrid day of +tat solempnyte , +te kyng Dioclician sente for his xxxiij doughtres +tat +tei schulde come & speke with hym in his chambre . (CMBRUT3,3.36) & whenne +tey were comen , he spak vn-to hem of here wikkydnes & of here cruelte , (CMBRUT3,3.37) & dispitously hem reproued And vndirnam , (CMBRUT3,3.38) & to hem he sayde +tat , +gif +tei wolde not be chastised , +tei schulde his loue lese for euermore . (CMBRUT3,3.39) And whanne +te ladyes herd al this , +tei becomen abasshed & gretly a-schamed ; (CMBRUT3,3.40) & to here fadir +tey seyd +tat +tei wolde make al amendes ; (CMBRUT3,3.41) & so +tey departed out from here fadres chambre . (CMBRUT3,3.42) and Dame Albyne , +tat was +t=e= eldest suster , lad hem all into her chambre , (CMBRUT3,3.43) & +to made voide al +tat were +terin , so +tat no lyf was among hem but sche & here sustres y-fere . (CMBRUT3,3.44) +t=o= saide +tis Albyne " My fair sustres , ful weel +ge knowi+t +tat +te kyng oure fadir , vs hath reprouyd , schemed & dispised , for encheson to make vs obedient vn-to oure housbandes ; (CMBRUT3,3.45) but certes +tat schal y neuere , whiles +tat I lyve , seth +tat I am come of a more hyere kynges blod +tan my housband is . " (CMBRUT3,3.46) & whan sche had so seyd , all here sustres seyd +te same . (CMBRUT3,3.47) And +to seyd Albyne : " ful wel y wot , fayr sustres , +tat oure housbandes haue playned vnto owre fadir vpon vs , wherfore he hath +tus vs foul reproued & dispised . wherfore , sustres , my counseil is +tat , +tis nyght , when owre housbandes ben abed , all we with on assent cutten here throtes , (CMBRUT3,3.48) & +tan we mow be in pees of hem , (CMBRUT3,3.49) & better we mowe do +tis +ting vndir our fadres power +tan elles-where . " (CMBRUT3,3.50) & anon All +te ladyes consentid and graunted vnto +tis counceil . (CMBRUT3,3.51) And whan nyght was comyn , +t=e= lordes & ladies wente to bedde , (CMBRUT3,3.52) & anon as here lordes were in slepe , +tei cutte all here housbandes throtes , (CMBRUT3,3.53) & so they slowen hem all . (CMBRUT3,3.54) whan +tat Dioclician her fader herd of +tis +ting , he by-come hugely wroth A-+gens his Doughtres , (CMBRUT3,3.55) & anon wolde hem all haue brent ; (CMBRUT3,3.56) but Alle +t=o= barouns & lordes of Sirrye conceilyd hym not so for-to don suche sternys to his owne doughtres , but onlych schulde voide +t=e= land of hem for euermore , so +tat +tei neuere schulde come a+gen ; (CMBRUT3,3.57) & so he dede . (CMBRUT3,3.58) $And anon Dioclician , +tat was here fadir , commaundid hem to gon in-to schipe , (CMBRUT3,4.59) & deliueryd to hem vitailles for half a +geer . (CMBRUT3,4.60) and when +tis was don , all +t=e= sustryn went in-to Shipe , (CMBRUT3,4.61) & saylled forth in +t=e= See , (CMBRUT3,4.62) & be-toke alle her frendes to Appolyn , +tat was her god . (CMBRUT3,4.63) And so long +tey sailled in +t=e= See , til at +te laste +tei come & aryued in an yle +tat was all wyldernes . (CMBRUT3,4.64) And when dame Albyne was come to +tat land , & all her sustres , +tis Albyne went ferst owt of +t=e= shipe , (CMBRUT3,4.65) & sayde to here o+ter sustres : " for-as-mich , " quod sche , " as I am +t=e= eldest suster of all +tis cumpanye , & ferst +tis land haue takyn , & for-as-meche as myn name is Albyne , y wil +tat +tis land be called Albyon , after myn owne name ; " (CMBRUT3,4.66) & anon all here Sustren her graunted with a good wylle . (CMBRUT3,4.67) Tho wenten owt all +t=e= Sustres of +t=e= Shippe , (CMBRUT3,4.68) & tokyn +t=e= lond Albyon , as here Suster called hit ; (CMBRUT3,4.69) & +tere +tei wente vp and doun , (CMBRUT3,4.70) and founde nei+ter man ne woman ne child , but wylde bestes of diuers kyndes . (CMBRUT3,4.71) And whan here vitaill were dispendid , & hem faylled , +tei fedde hem with erbes & frutes in seson of +t=e= +geer , (CMBRUT3,4.72) & so +tey lyued as +tei beste myght . (CMBRUT3,4.73) And after +tat , +tei tokyn flessh of diuers beestys , (CMBRUT3,4.74) and bycomen wondir fatte , (CMBRUT3,4.75) and so +tei desirid mannes cumpanye and mannys kynde +tat hem faylled ; (CMBRUT3,4.76) and for hete they woxen wondir coraious of kynde +tat hem faylled , so +tat +tey desirid more mannys cumpanye +tan eny other solas or merthe . (CMBRUT3,4.77) Whanne +te Deuyll that perceyued and wente by diuers contres , & nome bodyes of +t=e= eyre & lykyng natures shad of men , & come in-to +t=e= land of Albyon and lay by +te wymmen , and schad tho natures vpon hem , & they conceiued , and after +tei broughten forth Geauntes , of +te which on me called Gogmagog , and ano+ter Laugherigan , (CMBRUT3,4.78) & so +tei were nompned by diuers names ; (CMBRUT3,4.79) & in +tis manere they comen forth , (CMBRUT3,4.80) and weren boren horrible Geauntes in Albion ; (CMBRUT3,4.81) & +tey dwellyd in Cauys & in hulles at here will , (CMBRUT3,4.82) & had +t=e= lond of Albyon as hem liked , vn-to +t=e= tyme +tat Brut Arryved & come to Tottenesse , +tat was in +t=e= Ile of Albyon . (CMBRUT3,4.83) and +tere +tis Brut conqueryd & scomfyted these geaunte+g aboueseyd . (CMBRUT3,4.84) Here endeth +te prolog of Albyon , +tat +to was an Ile . (CMBRUT3,4.86) and herkeneth now how Brute was geten , & how he slow , ferst his Modir , & Afterward his fadir ; & how he Con-quered Albyon , +tat After he nepned Brytaigne , after his name , +tat now is y-called Engelond , After +te name of Engist of Saxoyne . (CMBRUT3,5.87) Capitulo Primo . (CMBRUT3,5.88) In the noble Cyte of gret Troye , +ter was a noble knyght & a myghty , & a man of gret power , +tat me callyd Eneas . (CMBRUT3,5.90) And whan +t=e= Cytee of Troye was lost & dystroyed thurgh hem of Greek , +tis Eneas , with al his mayn fled thens , (CMBRUT3,5.91) & come in-to Lumbardye , (CMBRUT3,5.92) +tat +to was lord & gouernour of +tat land a kyng +tat me called Latyme , (CMBRUT3,5.93) and another kyng +to was +tat me called Turocelyn , +tat stronglich werred vpon +tis Kyng Latyme , +tat often-tymes ded hym moche sorowe & myche harm . (CMBRUT3,5.94) And whan +tis Kyng Latyme herde +tat Eneas was come , he vndirfonge hym with myche honour , (CMBRUT3,5.95) and hym withhelde , for-as-myche as he had herd of hym , and wyst wel +tat he was a noble knyght , & a worthy of body and of his dedes . (CMBRUT3,5.96) This Eneas helpe Kyng Latyme in his werre ; (CMBRUT3,5.97) & schortly for-to telle , so weel & worthyly he ded , +tat he slogh Turocelyn , (CMBRUT3,5.98) & descomphyted al his peple . (CMBRUT3,5.99) And whan al this was don , kyng Latyme +gaf al +tat land +tat was Turocelyns , (CMBRUT3,5.100) & +gaf it to Eneas in mariage with Lamane , his doughter , the moost fayr creature +tat eny manne wiste ; (CMBRUT3,5.101) & so +tei louede to-gider in ioy & myrthe all here lyvys tyme . (CMBRUT3,5.102) Hit bifel thus , +tat Eneas dide , as God wolde . (CMBRUT3,5.103) & whanne that he was ded , Asquanius his Sone , +tat come with hym from Troye , vndirfenge +t=e= land , (CMBRUT3,5.104) and helde it al his lyvys tyme . (CMBRUT3,5.105) And after , he weddid A wyf , (CMBRUT3,5.106) & vpon here begate A Sone +tat me callyd Sylveyn . (CMBRUT3,5.107) And this Sylveyn , when he conde some reson of man , vnwetyng his fadir , & a+gens his wyl , aqueynted with a damysell +tat was Cosyn to Lamane +tat was Kyng Latymes doughter , the quen +tat was Eneas wyf , (CMBRUT3,5.108) and brought +t=e= damysell with Chylde . (CMBRUT3,5.109) And when Asquanius his fader yt wyste , anon he lete enquere of the wysest maystres , & of +t=e= grettest Clerkys , what child +t=e= damysele schulde bryng forth . (CMBRUT3,5.110) & +tey Answered & seyde +tat sche schuld bryng forth a Sone +tat schuld qwelle bo+t=e= fader & moder : (CMBRUT3,5.111) & so he dede : (CMBRUT3,5.112) for his modir dyde in beryng of hym . (CMBRUT3,6.113) And whan +tis Child was born , his fadir lete calle hym Brut ; (CMBRUT3,6.114) and +t=e= maystres sayd +tat +te Child schulde do mych harm & sorowe in many diuers places ; (CMBRUT3,6.115) & after , he schulde come to gret honour and worschipe . (CMBRUT3,6.116) This Kyng Asquanius deide whan god wolde ; (CMBRUT3,6.117) & Sylveyn his sone receyued +te land , (CMBRUT3,6.118) & made hym wonderlich wel be-louyd among his puple . (CMBRUT3,6.119) And whan Brut , +tat was Sylveynes sone , was xv +geer olde , he went vpon A day with his fadir to pley & solace ; (CMBRUT3,6.120) & as this Brut schulde schete vnto an hert , his Arwe mys-happed & glacede ; (CMBRUT3,6.121) And so there Brut quelled his fader . (CMBRUT3,6.122) How Brut was dryue out of +t=e= land , & held hym in Greke . (CMBRUT3,6.124) Capitulo ij=o= . (CMBRUT3,6.125) And when this myschaunce byfalle was , +t=e= people of +t=e= land made sorowe ynow , (CMBRUT3,6.127) & were an-Angryd ; (CMBRUT3,6.128) & for encheson +terof +tei dreven Brut out of +t=e= land , (CMBRUT3,6.129) & wolde not suffre hym among hem . (CMBRUT3,6.130) and he Saw +tat he moste not Abyde , (CMBRUT3,6.131) & went fro thens in-to +t=e= Greek ; (CMBRUT3,6.132) & +ter he fonde vij=Ml= men +tat were of +t=e= lynage & kynrede of Troy , +tat weren come of gret blod , as +te story telleth as of men and wommen & childryn , +te wheche weren all holden in thraldom and bondage $by the Kyng Pandras of Greek , for the deth of Achilles , +tat was betrayed and slayn at Troye . (CMBRUT3,6.133) This Brut was a wondir fair man , & a strong , & A huge of his Age , & of glad chere and semblaunt , and also worthy of body , (CMBRUT3,6.134) & was wel beloued among his puple . (CMBRUT3,6.135) This Kyng Pandras herde speke of his goodnesse & his condicions , (CMBRUT3,6.136) & anon made hym dwell with hym , so +tat Brut be-come wondir +tryve & mych belouyd with +t=e= kyng , so +tat longtyme Brut dwellyd with +te kyng . (CMBRUT3,6.137) So at last +tei of Troy & Brut spoken to-gedre of kynrede & of lynage & of Aqueyntaunce , (CMBRUT3,6.138) & +ter pleyned hem vnto Brut of her sorowe & her bondeage , & of meny other schames +tat +t=e= $Kyng Pandras hem don . (CMBRUT3,6.139) & to Brut +tei seyde vpon A tyme : " +ge ben A lord of oure lynage , & A strang man & a myghty . (CMBRUT3,7.140) be +ge oure Avowe & oure lord , (CMBRUT3,7.141) & we wyl become +goure men , & +goure comandementes done in alle maner thyng ; (CMBRUT3,7.142) and brynge +ge vs out of this wrechidnes & bondage , (CMBRUT3,7.143) & fyght we with +t=e= kyng ; (CMBRUT3,7.144) for thurgh +t=e= grace of +t=e= grete god we schul hym ouercome ; (CMBRUT3,7.145) & we schul make +gou kyng of +t=e= land , & to +gow done homage , (CMBRUT3,7.146) & of +gow we schullen holde euer-more . " (CMBRUT3,7.147) Brut hadde +to gret pyte of hir bondage +tat +tei were brought Inne , (CMBRUT3,7.148) And pryvyly went hym from +t=e= kynges Court ; (CMBRUT3,7.149) & all +to +tat were of Troy went & put hem in-to wodes and Into Moun-teynes , (CMBRUT3,7.150) and hem helde , (CMBRUT3,7.151) & sent to Kyng Pandras +tat he schulde +geue hem leue safely for-to wende out of +t=e= londe , (CMBRUT3,7.152) for +tei nolde no lenger dwelle in his bondage . (CMBRUT3,7.153) The Kyng Pandras wax so sore anoyed , (CMBRUT3,7.154) & +to swore that he wolde sle hem echon , (CMBRUT3,7.155) & ordeyned a gret power , (CMBRUT3,7.156) & wente towardes hem all for-to fight . (CMBRUT3,7.157) but Brut & his men anon manly hem defended , (CMBRUT3,7.158) & fersly foghten & quelled all +te kynges men , +tat non of hem Ascaped , (CMBRUT3,7.159) & took +t=e= kyng , (CMBRUT3,7.160) & hym helden in pryson , (CMBRUT3,7.161) & ordeyned counceyl betwen hem what +tei myght do . (CMBRUT3,7.162) Sum seyd +tat he schuld be put to deth , (CMBRUT3,7.163) & summe seyd +tat he schulde be exyled out of +t=e= land , (CMBRUT3,7.164) & summe seyd +tat he schulde be brent . (CMBRUT3,7.165) And +t=o= spak a wyse knyght +tat me cleped Menprys , (CMBRUT3,7.166) & seyd to Brut & to all +to of Troy : " yf Kyng Pandras wold +gelde hym , & haue his lyf , y counceyl +tat he +geue vnto Brut , +tat is our Duke & oure souerayn , his doughter Gennogen to wyf , & in Mariage with here an hundrid Shippes wel arayed , & al his tresour of gold & of syluer , of corn , of wyn , & as myche as vs nedith for to haue of o thing & of o+ter ; (CMBRUT3,7.167) & +tan go we out of +tis land , (CMBRUT3,7.168) & ordeine we vs land elles-wher ; (CMBRUT3,7.169) for we , ne non of our kynrede +tat comen after vs , schuld neuer haue pees in +tis land amonges hem of Grek ; (CMBRUT3,7.170) for we haue sleyn so meny of her knyghtes & of o+ter frendes , +tat euermor werre & contect schuld be Amonges vs . " (CMBRUT3,7.171) Brut +to , & his folk , consentyd wel to +tis counceyl ; (CMBRUT3,7.172) & +tis +ting +tei tolden to Kyng Pandras . (CMBRUT3,7.173) And +t=e= kyng , for-to haue his lyf , graunted as meche as +tei axed , (CMBRUT3,7.174) & anon +gaf vn-to Brut , Gennogen his Doughter , to wyf , & +te hundred sheppes , with as myche as hem neded of all vitalles , as byfore was ordeyned . (CMBRUT3,8.175) Brut +to toke his wyf , & all his men +tat forsoke +te lond of Greek , (CMBRUT3,8.176) & wenten hem vnto +t=e= see (CMBRUT3,8.177) & hadden wedir at wyll , (CMBRUT3,8.178) & comen +t=e= +trid day in-to An Ile +tat me calle+t Loegers . (CMBRUT3,8.179) Brut anon sent of his men a land , for-to aspye +t=e= maner of +te Cuntre . (CMBRUT3,8.180) & +tey founden an olde Cyte al wasted & forlete , +tat nas +ter-in nor man ne woman , ne no thing dwellynge ; (CMBRUT3,8.181) & In +t=e= Myddyl of +tis Cytee +tey founden an olde Temple of a fayr lady +tat me called Diane +te Goddesse . (CMBRUT3,8.182) and +tei comen a+gen vnto Brut , (CMBRUT3,8.183) & told hym what +tei had seyn & founden , (CMBRUT3,8.184) & counceyled hym to go & do sacrifice to Dame Diane , (CMBRUT3,8.185) for she was wont to +geue answere of what +ting +tat euere men prayed here , & namely vn-to hem +tat her honoured with sacrifice . (CMBRUT3,8.186) Brut went to +tat ymage , (CMBRUT3,8.187) & seyd : " Dyane , noble goddes , lady +tat al +ting hast in myght & in +ty power , wyndes , watres , wodes , feldes , & al thinges of +te world , & al maner bestes +tat +ter-In ben ! to +gow y make my prayer , +tat +ge me counceyle & telle where & in what place y schal haue a conuen-able dwellynge for me & for my peple ; (CMBRUT3,8.188) & +ter y schal make , in honour of +gow , a wel fayr temple , & a noble , wheryn +ge schul euermore be honoured . " (CMBRUT3,8.189) When he had don his prayer , Dyane Answerid in this manere : (CMBRUT3,8.190) " Brut , " quod sche , " go euenforth +ty wey ouer +te see in-to Fraunce , toward +t=e= west , (CMBRUT3,8.191) & +ter +ge schul fynde an Ile +tat is called Albyon ; (CMBRUT3,8.192) and +tat Ile is bycompassed al with +t=e= see , (CMBRUT3,8.193) & no man may come +ter-In but it be by schippes ; (CMBRUT3,8.194) and in +tat lond were wont to be Geaunt+g ; (CMBRUT3,8.195) but it is not so , but al wyldir-nesse ; (CMBRUT3,8.196) and +tat lande to +gou is destynyed , & ordeigned for +gow & for +goure peple . " (CMBRUT3,8.197) How Coryn bycome Brutes man , & how Kyng Goffar was dis-comfited . (CMBRUT3,8.199) Capitulo iij=o= . (CMBRUT3,8.200) When Brut herde +tis Answere of Dyane +t=e= Goddes , anon he lete +t=e= Ancres wynd vp , (CMBRUT3,8.202) & sayled in-to +t=e= hye see . (CMBRUT3,8.203) & whan he & his men had sayled xx dayes & more , +tei founden fast bysyde a coste of +te see thre hundred men of +te lynage & kynrede of Troy , (CMBRUT3,8.204) & her souerayn & her mayster of all , men Called Coryn . (CMBRUT3,8.205) And when Brut wyste whens +tei were , he +to vndirfong hem with mychel ioy in-to his Shepys , (CMBRUT3,9.207) & hem lad forth with hym . (CMBRUT3,9.208) This Coryn +to bycome Brutes man , (CMBRUT3,9.209) & to hym dede fewte & homage . (CMBRUT3,9.210) & so long +tei sayled forth +tan in +t=e= See tul they come to Gas-coign ; (CMBRUT3,9.211) & anon +tei arryued in +t=e= hauene of Liegers , (CMBRUT3,9.212) & +ter +tei dwellidde viij dayes , hem for-to rest , & her sayles to Amend , +ter as nede was . (CMBRUT3,9.213) Tydyng sone come to Kyng Goffar , +tat was lord of +t=e= land , how +tat myche folk of straunge land weren Arryued in his land in +t=e= hauene of Liegiers ; wher-fore he was sore Angred & anoyed +tat +tey comen & aryued in his land withoute leue . (CMBRUT3,9.214) and anon he ordeigned power hem to dryven owt , & to shende ; (CMBRUT3,9.215) but Kyng Goffar was discomfyted , (CMBRUT3,9.216) & al his folk , & hym-self fledde in-to ffraunce to seche help & socour . (CMBRUT3,9.217) And in +tat tyme regned in Fraunce xij kynges ; (CMBRUT3,9.218) & +t=e= elleueneth assembled a gret power for-to helpe Goffar for-to fight a+gens Brut . (CMBRUT3,9.219) Goffar dwelled with hem of Fraunce half a +gere & more . (CMBRUT3,9.220) And Brut in +t=e= mene-tyme , & his cumpanye , destroyed al +t=e= land of Gascoigne , (CMBRUT3,9.221) & lete take al +t=e= tresour +tat Kyng Goffar hadde , (CMBRUT3,9.222) & lete brynge it in-to his Shippes . (CMBRUT3,9.223) And +tis Brut fonde in +tat lond a fayr place & a couenable ; (CMBRUT3,9.224) & +ter Brut made a fayr Castell & a strong . (CMBRUT3,9.225) whan +tat was don , Kyng Goffar come fro Fraunce , & xj kynges with hym , (CMBRUT3,9.226) & broughten xx M=l= men for-to fight with Brut & his cumpanye . (CMBRUT3,9.227) And Brut hadde but vij M=l= men & thre hundred . (CMBRUT3,9.228) Netheles , whan +te to ostes metten to-gider , Brutes folk -- thurgh help of hym-self , & of Turyn his Cosyn , & of Coryn +tat wel & manly hym defended & fought ; so +tat in litil tyme +tei hadde quelled of +te Frenssh-men to M=l= & mo ; (CMBRUT3,9.229) & +to +tat were lyue fledden away . (CMBRUT3,9.230) And in this batayle Turyn , +tat was Brutes Cosyn , was sleyn , (CMBRUT3,9.231) & Brut lete hym entere worthyly , whan he had space & leyser , in +t=e= Castell +tat he had made , (CMBRUT3,9.232) & +to lete calle hit Castel Tours after his owne name +tat +tere was entered . (CMBRUT3,9.233) & +git in-to +tis day +ter is a noble Cytee +tat is called Tours . (CMBRUT3,9.234) Whan Kyng Goffer wiste +tat Turyn was ded , he come a+gen with his men , (CMBRUT3,9.235) & after +gaf a strong battaylle vn-to Brut ; (CMBRUT3,9.236) but Brut & his men were so wery of fyghtynge +tat +tey myghte no lengere endure ; (CMBRUT3,10.237) but maugre hym & al his , Brut & his men went in-to his Castell with all his men , (CMBRUT3,10.238) and made +t=e= +gates fast for-to saue hem-self , & for-to take counceill amonges hem what were best to done . (CMBRUT3,10.239) Brut & Coryn nome counceill , (CMBRUT3,10.240) & ordeigned +tat Coryn pryuyly shuld gon out at a Posterne of +t=e= Castell , with half his men , (CMBRUT3,10.241) & schuld go & bussh hem in A wode til amorowe , so +tat in +t=e= mornyng , when Brut schuld fyght with his enemyes , Coryn schulde come with hes folk in +tat o syde , & sle and do all +t=e= harme +tat he myght . (CMBRUT3,10.242) And amorow in +te dawnenge , Brut went out of +t=e= Castell , (CMBRUT3,10.243) & faught with his enemyes , (CMBRUT3,10.244) & +tey hem fersly defendid . (CMBRUT3,10.245) but with Inne a litil tyme Brut & his folk hadden slayn viij C of Goffars men ; (CMBRUT3,10.246) And +to come Coryn fro +te busshement , (CMBRUT3,10.247) & smote to grounde , he & his Cumpanye , al +tat wold stande or Abyde , so +tat Kyng Goffar & his folk were discomfited , (CMBRUT3,10.248) & faste they gunne to fle . (CMBRUT3,10.249) And Brut & Coryn , with here companye , fresshly hem pursued , (CMBRUT3,10.250) & quelled of hem mo in fleyng +tan +tei dede in batayll . (CMBRUT3,10.251) And in +tat manere Brut hadde +t=e= victorye . (CMBRUT3,10.252) And ne+teles Brut made myche sorowe for his Cosyn Turyn , +tat +ter was slayn , & for o+ter also +tat he had lost of his men , +tat is to seyne , vij C and xv , +te which $he noblich lete entere in +t=e= Castell of Tours , +ter +tat he had entered Turyn his Cosyn . (CMBRUT3,10.253) How Brut Aryued at Tottenes in +te Ile of Albyon ; & of +t=e= Bataylle +tat was betwen Coryn & Gogmagog . (CMBRUT3,10.255) Capitulo quarto . (CMBRUT3,10.256) Whan al +tis was done , Brut wolde no lengere +ter dwelle for to fight , ne mo lese of his peple , (CMBRUT3,10.258) for Kyng Goffarys peple myght euery day encrece mo & mo , & Brutes lassen ; (CMBRUT3,10.259) & therfore he nome all his men , (CMBRUT3,10.260) & went vnto +t=e= See , (CMBRUT3,10.261) & hadde wynd & wedir at wille . (CMBRUT3,10.262) and +t=e= v day afterward they aryued in an hauene of Tot-nesse , (CMBRUT3,10.263) & comen in-to +t=e= Ile of Albion ; (CMBRUT3,10.264) & +ter +tey founde nei+ter man ne woman , as +t=e= story telle+t , but Geauntz ; (CMBRUT3,10.265) & +tey woned in hulles and in Caues . (CMBRUT3,10.266) Brut saw +t=e= land was fayr , & at his likynge , & good also for hym & for his folk , as Dyane +t=e= goddes had hym behyght . (CMBRUT3,10.267) +to was Brut wonder glad , (CMBRUT3,10.268) & lete assemble vpon a day al his folk , to make a solempne sacrifice & a gret feste in honour & reuerence of Dyane , +turght whas counceill he was come in-to +tat land . (CMBRUT3,11.269) And whan they had her solempnyte maad , as +tey vpon a day were at mete , +ter come yn vpon hem sodenly xxx Geaunt+g , (CMBRUT3,11.270) & quellyd of Brutes men xxx . (CMBRUT3,11.271) Brut & his men anon stertyn vp , (CMBRUT3,11.272) & his men foughten with +t=e= Geaunt+g , (CMBRUT3,11.273) & quellyd hem euerychon but o Geaunt , +tat was Mayster of hem all , +tat me called Gogmagog , +tat was strenger & heyer +tan eny of +t=e= other Geaunt+g ; (CMBRUT3,11.274) & Brut kepte hym , (CMBRUT3,11.275) & sauyd his lyf , for encheson +tat he schulde wrestle with Coryn , (CMBRUT3,11.276) for Coryn was grettere & hugere +tan eny of Brutes men fro +t=e= gerdel stede vpward . (CMBRUT3,11.277) Gogmagog & Coryn vndirtook to wrastelyn y-fere ; (CMBRUT3,11.278) & so to-gider +tey wrasteled long tyme , (CMBRUT3,11.279) but at +te last Gogmagog helde Coryn so fast +tat he brak ij rybbys of his syde , wherfore Coryn was sore agreuyd , (CMBRUT3,11.280) & nome +to Gogmagog betwene his Armes , (CMBRUT3,11.281) & cast hym doun vpon a roche , so +tat Gogmagog brak al to peces , (CMBRUT3,11.282) & so he dyde in evill deth ; (CMBRUT3,11.283) & +terfore +t=e= place is called +git in-to +tis day ' +te sawte of Gogmagog . ' (CMBRUT3,11.284) & +to +gaf Brute al +tat Cuntre to Coryn ; (CMBRUT3,11.285) & Coryn called $hit after his name ' Cornewayle ' ; (CMBRUT3,11.286) & his men he called ' Corne-wayles ' (CMBRUT3,11.287) & $so schul men of +tat Cuntre be called for euermore . (CMBRUT3,11.288) And in +tat Cuntre dwellyd Coryn & his men , (CMBRUT3,11.289) & made Tounes & houses , (CMBRUT3,11.290) & enhabited +te land at her wylle . (CMBRUT3,11.291) How Brut made London , & Called +tis land Brytaigne , & Scotland Albyne , & Walys Camber . (CMBRUT3,11.293) Capitulo quinto . (CMBRUT3,11.294) Brut and his men wenten forth (CMBRUT3,11.296) & sought aboute in diuers places wher they myghte fynde a good place & a couenable +tat +tey myghte $make in a Cytee for hym and for his folk , (CMBRUT3,11.297) so at +te laste +tey come by a fayr Ryuer +tat is called +t=e= Tamyse ; (CMBRUT3,11.298) & +ter Brut be-gan a fayre Cyte for hym & for his folk , (CMBRUT3,11.299) & lete calle it ' +t=e= new Troye , ' in mynde & remembraunce of +t=e= gret Troye , for which place all her lynage was comen . (CMBRUT3,11.300) And +tis Brut lete felle adoun wodes , (CMBRUT3,11.301) & lete erye & sowe londes , (CMBRUT3,11.302) & done mow medes for sustinaunce of hym & of his peple . (CMBRUT3,11.303) & he departed +t=e= land to hem , so +tat eche of hem had a certayn place for to dwelle vpon . (CMBRUT3,11.304) And Brut lete Calle al +tis land Britaigne , after his owne name , (CMBRUT3,12.305) & his folk he lete calle Britouns . (CMBRUT3,12.306) And +tis Brut had geten on his wyf Gennogen iij sones +tat were worthy of dedes : (CMBRUT3,12.307) +t=e= firste me callyd Lotryn , +t=e= secounde Albanac , & +t=e= thryd kambyr . (CMBRUT3,12.308) And Brut bare Crowne in +t=e= Cyte of newe Troye xx +geer after tyme the Cyte was made ; (CMBRUT3,12.309) & ther he made +te lawes +tat +t=e= Britouns holde+t : (CMBRUT3,12.310) & +tis Brut was wondirly weel byloued among all men ; (CMBRUT3,12.311) & Brutes Sones also loueden wonderly wel to-gydere . (CMBRUT3,12.312) And whan Brut had sowte all +t=e= lond in lengthe & brede , he fonde A land +tat ioyned to Brytaigne in +t=e= north ; (CMBRUT3,12.313) and +tat land Brut +gaf to Albanac his sone , (CMBRUT3,12.314) and he lete calle yt Albanye after his name +tat now is called Scotland . (CMBRUT3,12.315) And Brut fonde anothir Cuntre toward +t=e= west ; (CMBRUT3,12.316) & +tat he +gaf to Cambre his other sone , (CMBRUT3,12.317) & he lete calle yt Cambre aftyr his name , (CMBRUT3,12.318) & now is called Walys . (CMBRUT3,12.319) And when Brut had regnyd xx +geer , as byfore is sayd , he dyde in +t=e= Cytee of newe Troy , (CMBRUT3,12.320) & +tere his Sones hym entered with mychil honour . (CMBRUT3,12.321) And Lotryn , Brutes sone , was Crowned kyng with myche solempnyte of all +t=e= land of Brytaigne . (CMBRUT3,12.322) And after , whan he was Crouned , Albanak & Camber , his too brethryn , went a+gen in-to here owne Cuntre , (CMBRUT3,12.323) & leuedyn with myche honour , (CMBRUT3,12.324) & Lotryn here brother regned (CMBRUT3,12.325) & was kyng (CMBRUT3,12.326) and gouerned +t=e= land wel & wysely , (CMBRUT3,12.327) for he was a good man , & wondir wel belouyd of all his land . (CMBRUT3,12.328) And it befel so +tat Albanac dwelde in his owne land with myche honour & worschepe . (CMBRUT3,12.329) And so come Kyng Humbar of Hunland with a gret power & strengthe , (CMBRUT3,12.330) & Arryved in Albanye , (CMBRUT3,12.331) & wolde haue conqueryd +t=e= land , (CMBRUT3,12.332) & bygan to werre vpon Albanak , (CMBRUT3,12.333) & hym quelled in bataylle . (CMBRUT3,12.334) Whan Albanac was slayn , +te folk of +t=e= land flye vn-to Lotryn , (CMBRUT3,12.335) & told hym , for he was Kyng of Brytaigne , how +tat his brother was slayn , (CMBRUT3,12.336) & prayed hym of help for-to Auenge his brotherys deth . (CMBRUT3,12.337) Lotryn anon lete asemble all +t=e= Brytouns of Kent , of Douorre , vn-to Derewent , of Northfolk & Southfolc , of Kestefen & of Lyndeseye ; (CMBRUT3,12.338) & whan they were all Assembled , +tei spedde faste toward her enemyes for to +geue hem bataylle . (CMBRUT3,12.339) Lotryn had sent to Camber , his Brother , +tat he schuld come also to hym with all +t=e= power that he myght , hym for-to helpe ; (CMBRUT3,12.340) & so he dede , with good will . (CMBRUT3,13.341) So +tei comen all to-gedres , (CMBRUT3,13.342) & nome her wey priuyly for to seche Humbar wher +tey myghte hym fynde . (CMBRUT3,13.343) And so it byfel +tat +tis Humbar was besides a water +tat was a gret Ryuer , with his folk , hym for to dysport ; (CMBRUT3,13.344) and +to come Lotryn & Camber his brother , with all his folk sodeynly , or +tat eny of +tat o+ter it wyste . (CMBRUT3,13.345) And when Humbar saw hem come , he was sore adrad , forasmyche as his men wist it not , (CMBRUT3,13.346) & also +tey were vnarrayed . (CMBRUT3,13.347) And anon Humbar for drede , lept in-to +t=e= water (CMBRUT3,13.348) & drenchyd hym-self , (CMBRUT3,13.349) & so deide : (CMBRUT3,13.350) he & his men weren all y-slayn , +tat non of hem ascaped . (CMBRUT3,13.351) And +terfore is +tat water called Humbar , (CMBRUT3,13.352) & euer-more schalbe , for encheson +tat Kyng Humbar was +ter-In drenched . (CMBRUT3,13.353) And after +tat , Lotryn wente to here shippes , (CMBRUT3,13.354) & toke +ter gold & siluer , and as myche as he fand vn-to hym-self ; (CMBRUT3,13.355) & all +tat other pylfre he +gaf vn-to other folk of +t=e= ost . (CMBRUT3,13.356) & +tei founden in oon of +to shippes A fayr Damysell +tat was Kyng Humbarys doughter , (CMBRUT3,13.357) & me called her Estrilde . (CMBRUT3,13.358) And whan Lotryn saw here , he took here with hym for here fayrnesse , (CMBRUT3,13.359) and for here , was on taken for loue , (CMBRUT3,13.360) & wolde haue weddid here . (CMBRUT3,13.361) +tis tydynges come to Coryn : (CMBRUT3,13.362) anon he thought to Auenge hym vpon Lotryn , for-as-meche as Lotryn had made couenaunt for-to spowsen Corynys doughter , +tat me called Guentolen . (CMBRUT3,13.363) And Coryn in haste wente to hym , vn-to +t=e= Newe Troye , (CMBRUT3,13.364) & +tus sayd to Lotryn : (CMBRUT3,13.365) " Now certes , " quod he , " +ge rewarden me ful euel for all +t=e= paynes +tat I suffryd & hadde many tymes for Brut , +goure fader ; (CMBRUT3,13.366) & therfore I wyl now Auenge me vpon +gow ; " (CMBRUT3,13.367) & drow his fauchon an hye , (CMBRUT3,13.368) and wold haue slayn Lotryn , (CMBRUT3,13.369) but +t=e= Damysell went be-twen hem , (CMBRUT3,13.370) & made hem acorded in +tis manere , +tat Lotryn schuld spouse Guentolen , +tat was Corynys doughter ; (CMBRUT3,13.371) and so Lotryn dede , (CMBRUT3,13.372) and ne+teles , +tei he had spoused Corynys doughter pryuylich , he come to Estrilde , (CMBRUT3,13.373) & brought here with childe , (CMBRUT3,13.374) & gate on here A doughter +tat me called Abraham . (CMBRUT3,13.375) hyt byfel anon after , +tat Coryn dide ; (CMBRUT3,13.376) & anon as he was ded , Lotryn forsook Guentolen his wyf , (CMBRUT3,13.377) & made Estrylde quene . (CMBRUT3,13.378) And Guentolen went +tens al in wrathe in-to Cornewaylle , (CMBRUT3,13.379) & seised all +t=e= land in-to her hand , for-as-myche as sche was here Fadrys eyr , (CMBRUT3,13.380) & vndirfonge feautes & homages of all +t=e= men of +t=e= land , (CMBRUT3,13.381) and after Assembled a gret oste & a gret power , for-to be vpon Lotryn auenged , +tat was her lord , (CMBRUT3,14.382) and to hym come , (CMBRUT3,14.383) & +gaf hym A Strong bataill . (CMBRUT3,14.384) & +ter was Lotryn slayn , & his men descomfited , +t=e= v +geer of his Reigne . (CMBRUT3,14.385) Guentolen lete take Estrilde , and Abraham here dougter , (CMBRUT3,14.386) and bynde bo+t=e= hondes and fete , (CMBRUT3,14.387) & caste hem in-to a water ; (CMBRUT3,14.388) & so +tey were drenchyd ; wherfore +tat water was euermore called after , ' Abraham , ' after +t=e= name of +t=e= damysell +tat was Estrildes doughter ; (CMBRUT3,14.389) & englissh-men called +tat water Seuerne , (CMBRUT3,14.390) & Walsshmen called +tat water Abraham , into +tis day . (CMBRUT3,14.391) And when +tis was don Guentolen lete Crowne her quene of +tat land , (CMBRUT3,14.392) & gouerned +t=e= land ful well & wysely vnto +t=e= tyme +tat Madhon her Sone , +tat Lotryn had begete vpon here , wer of xx +ger Age , +tat he myght be kyng ; so +tat +t=e= qwen regned xv +geer ; (CMBRUT3,14.393) & +to lete she crowne here sone ; (CMBRUT3,14.394) & he regned & gouerned +t=e= land wel & honour-ably ; (CMBRUT3,14.395) & sche wente in-to Cornewaill , (CMBRUT3,14.396) & +ter sche dwellid al her lyves tyme . (CMBRUT3,14.397) Of Kyng Madhan , how he regnede in pees al his lif ; and of Menpris and of Manlyn his sones ; and how Menpris slough Manlyn his bro+ter , and how wolfes drow him al to peces . (CMBRUT3,14.399) Capitulo Sexto . (CMBRUT3,14.400) When Madhan hade regnede xxx=ti= +gere , he deide , (CMBRUT3,14.402) and li+t at newe Troye , (CMBRUT3,14.403) and he hade ij sones : (CMBRUT3,14.404) +tat on me callede Menpris , and +tat o+tere Manlyn ; (CMBRUT3,14.405) and +tise ij bre+terne , after here fadres deth , stryuen faste for +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,14.406) and Menpris for enchesoun +tat he was eldest , wolde haue hade al +tat Londe ; (CMBRUT3,14.407) and Manlyn wolde nou+gt suffren him , so +tat +tai token a day of loue and of accorde ; (CMBRUT3,14.408) and at +tis day Menpris lete quelle his bro+ter +trou+g tresoun , (CMBRUT3,14.409) and him-self afterward helde +te lande , (CMBRUT3,14.410) and anone lete croune him kyng , (CMBRUT3,14.411) and regnede , (CMBRUT3,14.412) and after , he bicome so lu+ter a man +tat he destroyede in a while alle +te men of his lande . (CMBRUT3,14.413) and at +te last he bicome so wickede and so leccherous , +tat he forsoke his owen wif , (CMBRUT3,14.414) & vsede +te synne of Sodomye ; wherfore almighty God was wro+t , and oppon him toke vengeance . (CMBRUT3,14.415) ffor vppon a day , as he went in a wode in huntyng , he loste his folc , (CMBRUT3,14.416) and went allone vp and doun criyng after his men ; (CMBRUT3,15.417) and +tere come wolfes , (CMBRUT3,15.418) and alto-drowe him into pecis ; (CMBRUT3,15.419) and +to he hade regnede xxiiij +ger . (CMBRUT3,15.420) and when his peple wist +tat he was dede , +tai made ioye ynow , (CMBRUT3,15.421) and anone made Ebrak his sone kyng ; (CMBRUT3,15.422) and he regnede with michil honour . (CMBRUT3,15.423) Of Kyng Ebrac , how he conquerede ffraunce , and bigate xx=ti= sones and xxiij dou+gtres . (CMBRUT3,15.425) Capitulo Septimo . (CMBRUT3,15.426) This Ebrac regnede .lx. +ger , (CMBRUT3,15.428) and stronge man was , & mi+gty , (CMBRUT3,15.429) and +tis Ebrac , +trou+g his mi+gt , and helpe of his Britons , conquerede al ffraunce , (CMBRUT3,15.430) and wan +tere so miche golde and siluer +tat , when he come a+geyne into +tis lande , he made a noble citee , (CMBRUT3,15.431) and after his name lete calle it Ebrac , after his name , +tat now is callede Euerwik . (CMBRUT3,15.432) and +tis king Ebrac made +te castel of Maydenes +tat now is clepede Edenburght . (CMBRUT3,15.433) This kyng hade xx sones and xxiij dou+gtres , be diuerse wymmen geten ; (CMBRUT3,15.434) and +te sones were callede as +ge shul hure ; Brut Greneshal , Margand , Seisel , Morghwith Flenghan , Bladud , Iakyn , Kymbar , Rocelyn , Spadogh , Godeherl , Thormnan , Eldaugh , Iorkanghut , Haybor , Ketyn , Rother , Kaier , & Assaruth . (CMBRUT3,15.435) And +te doughtres highten as +ge shul hur after : Elegyne , Ymmogen , Oghdas , Guenbran , Guardiche , Angarel , Guentolde , Tangustel , Gorghon , Michel , Medham , Mailour , Ondur , Cambredan , Rogan , Reuthely , Neest , Cheghem , Scadud , Gladus , Heberhyn , Abalaghe , and Blandan : (CMBRUT3,15.436) and +tise were +t=o= xxiij dou+gtres ; (CMBRUT3,15.437) and +te bre+terne bicome gode kny+gtes and wor+ti in meny contres . (CMBRUT3,15.438) Of +te Kyng Brut Greneshal , +te ferste sone of Ebrac the kyng . (CMBRUT3,15.440) Capitulo Octauo . (CMBRUT3,15.441) After +te deth of Kyng Ebrac , regnede Brut Greneshel , his sone xxx +ger , +tat was Ebrakes ferst sone , +tat wel and noblye regnede . (CMBRUT3,15.443) and when tyme come , he deide , (CMBRUT3,15.444) and li+t at +gork . (CMBRUT3,15.445) Of kyng Leyl . (CMBRUT3,15.447) Capitulo. Nono . (CMBRUT3,15.448) ANd when Brut Greneshal was dede , regnede his sone Leil xxij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,15.450) and he made a faire toune , (CMBRUT3,15.451) and lete calle it Karleil after his name , (CMBRUT3,15.452) and was a wor+ti man , and miche bilouede of his people , (CMBRUT3,16.453) and when he hade regnede xxij $years he deide , (CMBRUT3,16.454) and li+t at Karleil . (CMBRUT3,16.455) And in his tyme renede Kyng Salamon in Jerusalem , +tat made +te noble temple ; (CMBRUT3,16.456) and to him come to Ierusalem , Sibille , Quene of Saba , for-to hure and see if it were so+te +tat men spoken of +te grete noblee and wisdome , and of witte of Kyng Salamon : (CMBRUT3,16.457) and she founde it soth +tat men hade here tolde . (CMBRUT3,16.458) Of Kyng Lud Ludibras , +tat was Kyng Leiles sone . (CMBRUT3,16.460) Capitulo x=mo= . (CMBRUT3,16.461) And after +tis Kyng Leil , regnede his sone Lud Ludybras , +tat made +te citee of Kaunterbery and of Wynchestre ; (CMBRUT3,16.463) and he regnede xiij +gere , (CMBRUT3,16.464) and deide , (CMBRUT3,16.465) and lith at Wynchestre . (CMBRUT3,16.466) Of +te kyng Bladuc , +tat was Ludybras sone , (CMBRUT3,16.468) regnede , (CMBRUT3,16.469) and was a gode man and a nygromancer . (CMBRUT3,16.470) Capitulo xi=mo= . (CMBRUT3,16.471) And after +tis Lud Ludebras , regnede Bladud his sone , a grete nigromancer ; (CMBRUT3,16.473) and +trou+g his crafte of nigromancie he made +te meruailous hote bathe , as +te gest telle+t , (CMBRUT3,16.474) & he regnede xxj +gere , (CMBRUT3,16.475) and he lith at +te newe Troye . (CMBRUT3,16.476) OF KYNG LEIR , AND OF +TE ANSUERE OF HIS +GONGEST DOU+GTER , +TAT GRACIOUSELY WAS MARIEDE TO +TE KYNG OF FRAUNCE . (CMBRUT3,16.478) C. XIJ . (CMBRUT3,16.479) After +tis Kyng Bladud , regnede Leir his sone ; (CMBRUT3,16.481) and +tis Leir made +te toune of Leycestre , (CMBRUT3,16.482) and lete calle +te toune after his name ; (CMBRUT3,16.483) and he gouernede +te lande wel and $nobly . (CMBRUT3,16.484) +tis kyng Leir hade iij doughtres : (CMBRUT3,16.485) +te ferst highte Gonorille , +te secunde Rigan , and +te +tridde Cordeile ; (CMBRUT3,16.486) and +te +gongest doughter was fairest and best of condiciouns . (CMBRUT3,16.487) +te king here fader bicome an olde man , (CMBRUT3,16.488) and wolde +tat his doughtres were mariede or +tat he deide . (CMBRUT3,16.489) but ferst he +tougt assaye whiche of ham louede him most and best ; (CMBRUT3,16.490) for she +tat louede him best shulde best bene mariede . (CMBRUT3,16.491) and he axede of +te ferst $doughter how miche she louede him ; (CMBRUT3,16.492) and she ansuerede and saide , ' bettre +tan here owen lif . ' (CMBRUT3,17.493) " Now certes , " quod +te fader , " +tat is a grete loue . " (CMBRUT3,17.494) +To axede he of +te secunde doughter , how miche she him louede ; (CMBRUT3,17.495) and she saide , ' more , and passing al +te creatures leuyng of +te worlde . ' (CMBRUT3,17.496) " ma foy , " quod +te fader , " y may no more axen . " (CMBRUT3,17.497) And +to axede he of +te +tridde {TEXT:pridde} doughter , how miche she him louede . (CMBRUT3,17.498) " certes , fader , " quod she , " my sustres haue tolde +gow glosyng wordes ; (CMBRUT3,17.499) but for-so+te y shal tel +gow treu+t : (CMBRUT3,17.500) for y loue +gow as miche as me owe+t to loue my fader ; (CMBRUT3,17.501) and forto bryng +gow more in certeine how loue go+t , I shal +gow telle , (CMBRUT3,17.502) $for $as $miche {TEXT:for-as-miche} as +ge bene wor+te , as muche shal +ge bene louede . " (CMBRUT3,17.503) The kyng here fader wende +tat she hade scornede him , (CMBRUT3,17.504) and bicome wonder wroth , (CMBRUT3,17.505) and swore by heuen and er+te +tat she shulde neuer haue goode of him ; (CMBRUT3,17.506) but his dou+gtres +tat louede him so miche shulde be wel auauncede and mariede . (CMBRUT3,17.507) and +te ferste dougter he mariede to Mangles , King of Scotlande ; (CMBRUT3,17.508) And +te secunde he mariede to Hanemos , Erl of Cornewaile ; (CMBRUT3,17.509) and so +tai ordeynede and speke bituene ham +tat +tai shulde departe +te reaune bituene ham too , after +te de+t of Leir her fader , So +tat Cordeil his +gongest doughter shulde no+ting haue of his lande . (CMBRUT3,17.510) but +tis Cordeil was wonder faire , and of so goode condicions and maners , +tat +te Kyng of Fraunce , Agampe , herde of here speke , (CMBRUT3,17.511) and sent to +te Kyng Leir , $her fader , for to haue her vnto wif , (CMBRUT3,17.512) and prayede him +terof . (CMBRUT3,17.513) And Kyng Leir here fader sent him worde +tat he hade departede the land to his ij o+tere dou+gtres , (CMBRUT3,17.514) and saide he nade no more lande wherwi+t her forto marie . (CMBRUT3,17.515) And when Agampe herde +tis ansuere , he sent anone a+geyne to Leir , (CMBRUT3,17.516) and saide +tat he axede no+ting wi+t here , but oneliche heir clo+ting and oneliche heir body ; (CMBRUT3,17.517) and anone Kyng Leire here fader sent here ouer +te see to +te Kyng of France ; (CMBRUT3,17.518) and he resceyuede here wi+t michel worship and wi+t michel solempnite , (CMBRUT3,17.519) & made here Quene of Fraunce . (CMBRUT3,17.520) HOW KYNG LEIR WAS DRYUEN OUT OF HIS LANDE +TROU+G HIS OWEN FOLYE ; AND HOW CORDEIL HIS +GONGEST DOUGHTER HALPE HIM IN HIS NEDE . (CMBRUT3,18.523) CAPITULO TERCIODECIMO . (CMBRUT3,18.524) Thus it bifel afterwarde , +tat +to ij eldest doughtren wolde nou+gt abide til +tat Leir here fader were dede , (CMBRUT3,18.526) but werrede oppon him whiles +tat he leuede , (CMBRUT3,18.527) and miche sorwe and shame him dede ; wherfore +tai binome him holly +te reaume , and bituene ham hade ordeynede +tat one of ham shulde haue Kyng Leir to soiourne al his lif tyme , with xl kny+gtes and heir squyers , +tat he might worshipfully gone & ryde whider +tat he wolde , and into what contre +tat him likede , to playe and to solacen . (CMBRUT3,18.528) So +tat Managles Kyng of Scotlande , hade Kyng Leir with him in +te maner +tat is abouer-saide , (CMBRUT3,18.529) and , or o+tere half +gere were passede , Corneil his eldest dou+gter , +tat was Quene of Scotland , was so annoyed wi+t him and wi+t his peple , +tat anone she and here lorde spoken to-gederes , wherefor his kny+gtes half , and his squyers , fram him were gone , and nomo lefte but oneliche xxx . (CMBRUT3,18.530) And when +tis was done , Leire biganne forto make miche sorwe , for enchesoun +tat his state was enpeirede , (CMBRUT3,18.531) and men hade of him more scorne and despite +tan euer +tai hade biforne ; wherfore he nyst what forto done ; and at +te last +tou+gt +tat he wolde wende into Cornewaile , to Rigan his o+tere doughter . (CMBRUT3,18.532) And when he was comen , +te erl and his wif , +tat was Leires doughter , him welcomede , (CMBRUT3,18.533) and with him made miche ioye ; (CMBRUT3,18.534) and +tere he duellede with xxx kny+gtes and squyers . (CMBRUT3,18.535) And he nade nought duellede +tere scarsly tuelf mone+t , +tat his doughter of him nas ful , and of his company ; (CMBRUT3,18.536) and her lorde and she , of him hade scorne and despite , so +tat fram xxx kny+gtes +tai brou+gten vnto x , and afterwarde v ; (CMBRUT3,18.537) and so +tere lefte wi+t him nomo . (CMBRUT3,18.538) +To made he sorwe ynow , (CMBRUT3,18.539) and saide , sore wepyng , ' allas +tat euer he come into +tat Lande ! ' (CMBRUT3,18.540) and saide , ' +gitte hade me bene bettre forto haue duellede with my ferst doughter (CMBRUT3,18.541) and anon went +tens a+geyne to his ferst dou+gter . ' (CMBRUT3,18.542) But anone as she saw him come , she swore by God and his holy names , and by as miche as she might , +tat he shulde haue nomo wi+t him but one kny+gt , if he wolde +tere abide . (CMBRUT3,19.543) +To bigan Leir a+geyn to wepe , (CMBRUT3,19.544) and made muche sorwe , (CMBRUT3,19.545) and saide +to : " allas ! now to longe haue y leuede , +tat +tis sorwe and meschief is now to me falle ; (CMBRUT3,19.546) for now y am poer , (CMBRUT3,19.547) and some tyme y was ryche ; (CMBRUT3,19.548) but now haue y no frende ne kyn +tat me wil do eny maner goode . (CMBRUT3,19.549) But when y was ryche , alle men me honourede and worsshepede ; (CMBRUT3,19.550) and now euery man hath of me scorne and despite ! (CMBRUT3,19.551) and now y wote wel +tat Cordeil , my +gonge doughter , saide me treu+t when she saide ' as michel as y hade , so michel shulde y be louede ' ; (CMBRUT3,19.552) and all +te while +tat y hade goode , +to was y belouede and honourede for my rychesse ; (CMBRUT3,19.553) but my ij doughtres me glosede +to , (CMBRUT3,19.554) and now of me +tai sette litel pris , (CMBRUT3,19.555) and so+t tolde me Cordeil , (CMBRUT3,19.556) but y wolde nou+gt bileue it , ne vnderstonde , (CMBRUT3,19.557) and +terfore y lete here gon fro me as a +ting +tat y sette litel pris of ; (CMBRUT3,19.558) and now wote y neuer what forto done , se+t my ij doughtres have me +tus desceyuede , +tat y so michel louede ; (CMBRUT3,19.559) and now moste me nedes seche here +tat is in an o+tere lande , +tat lighly y lete here go fro me without eny reward of +giftes ; (CMBRUT3,19.560) and she saide +tat ' she louede me as miche as she outh here fader , bi al maner resoun ' ; (CMBRUT3,19.561) and +to y shulde haue axede of here no more ; (CMBRUT3,19.562) and +to +tat me o+tere-wise bihi+gten +trou+g here faire speche , now haue me desceyuede ! " (CMBRUT3,19.563) In +tis maner Leir longe tyme him bigan to mak his mone ; (CMBRUT3,19.564) and at +te last he shoope him to +te see , (CMBRUT3,19.565) and passede ouer into France , (CMBRUT3,19.566) and axede and aspiede wher the Quene my+gt be founde ; (CMBRUT3,19.567) and men tolde where +tat she was . (CMBRUT3,19.568) And when he come to +te citee +tat she was in , priueliche he sent his Squyer vnto +te quene , to tel her +tat heir fader was comen to her for grete nede . (CMBRUT3,19.569) And when +te squyer come to the quene , he tolde her euery dele of heir sustres fram +te bigynnyng vnto +te ende . (CMBRUT3,19.570) Cordeil +te Quene anone nome golde and siluer , grete plente , (CMBRUT3,19.571) and toke it to +te squyer , in conseile +tat he shulde go and bere it vnto here fader , and +tat he shulde go into a certeyn Citee , and him arreyen , ba+ten and wesshen , and +tan come a+geyne to her , and bryng with him an honest company of kny+gtes , xl. at +te leste , with here meny ; and +tenne he shulde sende to here lorde +te kyng , and sayen +tat he was comen forto speke with his dou+gter , and him to seene . (CMBRUT3,20.572) And when +te kyng and +te quene herde +tat , wi+t michel honour +tai comen , (CMBRUT3,20.573) and him resceyuede . (CMBRUT3,20.574) +Te kyng of Fraunce lete sende +to +trou+g al his reaume , (CMBRUT3,20.575) and commandede +tat alle men to him shulde bene entendaunt , to Leire , +te Quenes fader , in al maner +ting as it were to him-self . (CMBRUT3,20.576) when Leir hade duellede +tere a mon+te and more , he tolde to +te kyng and to +te Quene his doughter , how his ij eldeste dou+gtres hade him seruede . (CMBRUT3,20.577) Agampe anone lete ordeyne a grete hoste of Fraunce , (CMBRUT3,20.578) and sent it into Britaigne with Leir , +te Quenes fader , forto conquere his lande a+geyne , and his kyngdome ; (CMBRUT3,20.579) and Cordeil also come with her fader into Britaigne , forto haue +te reaume after her fadres deth . (CMBRUT3,20.580) And anon +tai went to shippe , (CMBRUT3,20.581) and passede +te see , (CMBRUT3,20.582) and come into Britaigne , (CMBRUT3,20.583) and fau+gt wi+t +te felons , (CMBRUT3,20.584) and ham scomfitede & quellede . (CMBRUT3,20.585) And Leir +to hade his lande a+geyne , (CMBRUT3,20.586) and after leuede iij +gere , (CMBRUT3,20.587) and helde his reaume in pees , (CMBRUT3,20.588) and afterwarde deide ; (CMBRUT3,20.589) & Cordeil his doughter him lete entere wi+t michel honour at Leycestre . (CMBRUT3,20.590) HOW MORGAN AND CONENEDAG +TAT WERE NEVEUS TO CORDEIL , WERREDE OPPON HERE , AND PUT HERE INTO PRISON . (CMBRUT3,20.592) C. XIIIJ . (CMBRUT3,20.593) When +tat Kyng Leir was dede , Cordeil his +gongest dou+gtre helde and hade +te lande v +gere ; (CMBRUT3,20.595) and in +te mene tyme deide here Lorde Agamp , +tat was Kyng of Fraunce ; (CMBRUT3,20.596) and after his deth she lefte widue . (CMBRUT3,20.597) And +to come Morgan and Conenedag , +tat were Cordeiles sustres sones , and to here hade enuy , for-asmiche +tat her aunt shulde haue +te lande ; so +tat bituene ham +tai ordeynede a grete power , and vppon here werrede gretlich ; (CMBRUT3,20.598) and neuer +tai rest til +tat +tai hade here taken , and put her vnto deth . (CMBRUT3,21.599) And +to Morgan and Conenedag seisede al +te lande , (CMBRUT3,21.600) and departede bituene ham , (CMBRUT3,21.601) and +tai helde it xij +gere . (CMBRUT3,21.602) And when the xij +gere were gone , +tere bigon bituene ham a grete debate , so +tat +tai werrede strongely in-fere , and eueryche of ham dede o+tere miche disese , (CMBRUT3,21.603) ffor Morgan wolde haue hade alle +te lande fram bi+gende Humber , +tat Conedag helde ; (CMBRUT3,21.604) but he come a+geynes him with a strong power , so +tat Morgan derst nou+gt abide , but fley awaye into Walys ; (CMBRUT3,21.605) and Conenedag pursuede him , (CMBRUT3,21.606) and toke him , (CMBRUT3,21.607) and quelde him . (CMBRUT3,21.608) +to come Conenedag a+geyne , (CMBRUT3,21.609) and seisede al +te lande into his hande , (CMBRUT3,21.610) and helde hit , (CMBRUT3,21.611) and regnede after , xxxiij +gere , (CMBRUT3,21.612) and +to deide , (CMBRUT3,21.613) and li+t at New Troye . (CMBRUT3,21.614) OF RYNALLO , +TAT WAS CONEDAGUS SONE : HOW HE REGNEDE AFTER HIS FADER ; AND IN HIS TYME IT RAYNEDE BLOODE IIJ DAIES , IN TOKENYNG OF GRET DETH . (CMBRUT3,21.616) CAPITULO QUINTODESIMO . (CMBRUT3,21.617) And after +tis Conenedag , regnede Rynallo his sone , an Wise kny+gt , and an hardy and curteise , +tat wel and nobly gouernede +te lande , and wonder wel made him bilouede of al maner folc . (CMBRUT3,21.619) and in his tyme it raynede bloode +tat lastede iij dayes , as God wolde ; (CMBRUT3,21.620) and sone after +tere come a gret deth of peple , (CMBRUT3,21.621) for hostes with-out noumbre of peple fou+gten til +tat +tai were dede , Wherof no man my+gt ham lette til +tat almi+gty God +terof tok mercy and pitee ; (CMBRUT3,21.622) and tho gan it cesse . (CMBRUT3,21.623) and +tis Raynolde regnede xxij +gere , (CMBRUT3,21.624) & deide , (CMBRUT3,21.625) & li+t at +Gork . (CMBRUT3,21.626) HOW GORBODIAN REGNEDE IN PEES , +TAT WAS RYNALLO SONE ; AND AFTER , HE DEIDE , AND LI+T AT +GORK (CMBRUT3,21.628) C. XVJ=O= . (CMBRUT3,21.629) After +tis Ryuallo , regnede Gorbodyan his sone xv +gere , (CMBRUT3,21.631) and deide (CMBRUT3,21.632) and lith at +Gork . (CMBRUT3,21.633) HOW GORBODIAN HADE IJ SONES , & HOW +TAT ON SLOUGH +TAT O+TERE , FORTO HAUE +TE HERITAGE ; & HOW YDOYNE HER MODER QUELLEDE +TAT O+TERE , WHERFORE +TE LANDE WAS DESTROIEDE . (CMBRUT3,22.636) CAPITULO XVJ=MO= . (CMBRUT3,22.637) When +tis Gorbodian was dede , his ij sones +tat he hade , bicome stoute men and proude , (CMBRUT3,22.639) & euer werrede to-geder for +te lande : (CMBRUT3,22.640) +tat one , men called Ferre+g , and +tat o+tere Porrex ; (CMBRUT3,22.641) and +tis Ferre+g wolde haue hade al the lande , (CMBRUT3,22.642) but +tat o+tere wolde nou+gt suffren him . (CMBRUT3,22.643) Ferre+g hade a felounes hert , (CMBRUT3,22.644) and +tou+gt +trou+g tresoun slee his bro+tere ; (CMBRUT3,22.645) but priuely he went into Fraunce , (CMBRUT3,22.646) and +tere abode with +te kyng Syward til oppon a tyme +tat he come a+geyne , and fau+gt wi+t his bro+ter Ferre+g ; (CMBRUT3,22.647) but ful euel it hapede +to , (CMBRUT3,22.648) for he was slayn ferst . (CMBRUT3,22.649) When Ydoyne , here moder , wist +tat Porrex was dede , she made grete sorwe , for enchesoun +tat she louede him more +tan +tat o+tere , (CMBRUT3,22.650) and +tou+gt him forto quelle . (CMBRUT3,22.651) priuely she come to here sone oppon a ny+gt wi+t ij knyfes , (CMBRUT3,22.652) and +terwi+t cotte his +trote , and +te body also into smale pecis . (CMBRUT3,22.653) Who herde euer soche a cursede moder , +tat quellede with here owen hondes here owen sone ! (CMBRUT3,22.654) and Longe tyme after Laste +te reprofe & shame to +te moder +tat , for enchesoun of +tat o sone , mordrede +tat o+tere , and so loste ham bothe . (CMBRUT3,22.655) HOW IIIJ KYNGES CURTEISELY HELDE AL BRITAIGNE ; AND WHICHE BETH HERE NAMES . (CMBRUT3,22.657) CAPITULO OCTODESIMO . (CMBRUT3,22.658) When +tise ij bre+terne were so dede , +tai nade Lefte bihynde ham noo sone ne doughter , ne none o+tere of +te kynrede +tat might haue +te heritage . (CMBRUT3,22.660) & for-asmiche as +te strongest men dryuen and descomfitede +te feblest , and token al here landes , so +tat in euery contre +tai hade grete werre and stryfe . (CMBRUT3,22.661) But amonge alle o+tere +tinges , +tere were amonges ham in +te contre +tat ouercome alle +te o+tere ; (CMBRUT3,22.662) and +trou+g heir streng+t and my+gt +tai nomen and token al +te landes ; (CMBRUT3,22.663) and eueryche of ham tok a certeyne contre ; (CMBRUT3,22.664) and in his contre lete calle hym kyng . (CMBRUT3,22.665) And on of ham , men callede Stater ; (CMBRUT3,23.666) and he was Kyng of Scotland ; (CMBRUT3,23.667) and +tat o+tere me callede Dunwal , (CMBRUT3,23.668) and he was Kyng of Loegers , and of alle +te landes +tat was Lotrynes , Brutes sone . (CMBRUT3,23.669) +te +tridde , men callede Rudak , (CMBRUT3,23.670) and he was Kyng of Walys ; (CMBRUT3,23.671) and +te iiij me callede Cloten , (CMBRUT3,23.672) and he was Kyng of Cornewaile . (CMBRUT3,23.673) But +tis Cloten shulde haue hade al +te lande , be resoun for +tere was no man +tat wist none so ru+gthful heire as he was ; (CMBRUT3,23.674) but +to +tat were strongest sette litel by ham +tat were of lasse estate , (CMBRUT3,23.675) and +terfor +tis Cloten hade no more lande amonges ham +tan onliche Cornewaile . (CMBRUT3,23.676) OF KYNG DONEWALL , +TAT WAS CLOTENE+G SONE , AND HOW HE HADE WONNE +TE LANDE . (CMBRUT3,23.678) CAPITULO XIX=O= . (CMBRUT3,23.679) This Cloten hade a sone +tat me clepede Donewal , +tat , after +te deth of his fader , bicome an hardy man , and a faire and a curteise , so +tat he passede alle +te kynges of Britaigne of fairenesse and of wor+tinesse . (CMBRUT3,23.681) And as he was knyght , he Wiste wel when his fader leuede he was moste ryghtful heire of al +te lande , and shulde haue hade it by resoun ; (CMBRUT3,23.682) but o+tere kynges +tat were of more streng+t +tan he , binome him his lande . (CMBRUT3,23.683) And afterwarde +tis Donebande ordeynede him powere , (CMBRUT3,23.684) and ferst conquerede al +te lande of Loegers ; (CMBRUT3,23.685) and after he wolde haue conquerede al Scotland and Walys ; (CMBRUT3,23.686) and Stater wi+t his men come , (CMBRUT3,23.687) and +gaf him bataile ; (CMBRUT3,23.688) and Rudak come a+geyne wi+t his Walshemen forto helpe him ; (CMBRUT3,23.689) But so it bifel +tat Rudak was slayn , and Skater also , in pleyn bataile ; (CMBRUT3,23.690) and so Donewal hade +te victorye , (CMBRUT3,23.691) and conquerede al +te lande , (CMBRUT3,23.692) and wel mayntenede it in pees and quyete , +tat neuer bifore it was so wel mayntenede . (CMBRUT3,23.693) HOW DONEWAL WAS +TE FERST KYNG +TAT EUERE WEREDE CRONE OF GOLDE IN BRITAIGNE . (CMBRUT3,23.695) CAPITULO VICESIMO . (CMBRUT3,23.696) This Donewal lete make him a crone of golde , (CMBRUT3,23.698) and werede +te croune oppon his heuede , as neuer kyng dede bifore ; (CMBRUT3,23.699) and he ordeynede a statute +tat , hade a man done neuer so miche harme , and he might come into +te temple , +tere shulde no man him misdo , but gone +terin sauf and in pees , and aftre gone into what contre +tat he wolde , withouten eny harme ; and if eny man sette hande oppon him , he +tan shulde lese his lif . (CMBRUT3,24.700) And +tis Donewal made +te toune of Malmesbury , and +te toune of +te Vise ; (CMBRUT3,24.701) & when he hade regnede wel and nobly .xl. +gere , he deide , (CMBRUT3,24.702) & li+t at newe Troye . (CMBRUT3,24.703) HOW BRENNE AND BELYN DEPARTEDE BITUENE HAM +TE LANDE , AFTER +TE DETH OF DONEWAL , HIR FADER ; & OF +TE WERRE . (CMBRUT3,24.705) CAPITULO XXJ=O= . (CMBRUT3,24.706) And after +tat +tis Donewal was $dede , his sones +tat he hade , departede +te lande bituene ham as her fader hade ordeynede ; so +tat Belyn , his eldest sone , hade al the lande a +tis halfe Humber , and his bro+ter Brenne hade al +te lande fram Humber vnto Scotland ; (CMBRUT3,24.708) but for-asmich as Belyn hade +te better parte , Brenne +terfor wax wro+t , (CMBRUT3,24.709) and wolde haue hade more of +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,24.710) and Belyn his bro+ter wolde graunt him nomore ; Wherfor contak and werre aroos bituene ham ij . (CMBRUT3,24.711) But Brenne +te +gonger bro+ter hade no my+gte ne streng+t a+geyn+g Belyn ; (CMBRUT3,24.712) and +terfor Brenne , +trou+g conseil of his folc , went fram +tens into Norway , to +te Kyng Elsinges , (CMBRUT3,24.713) and prayede him of helpe and of socoure forto conquere al +te lande of Britayn vppon Belyn his bro+ter , oppon +tat couenaunt , +tat he wolde haue his dou+gter to wyf ; (CMBRUT3,24.714) and +te Kyng Elsinges him grauntede . (CMBRUT3,24.715) Belyn , anone as his bro+ter was gone to Norway , he seisede into his hande al +te lande of Northumberland , (CMBRUT3,24.716) and toke al +te castelles , (CMBRUT3,24.717) and lete ham arraie , and also kepe +te costes of +te see , +tat Brenne shulde nou+gt arryue in no side but +tat he were take . (CMBRUT3,24.718) The Kyng Elsinges lete assemble a grete hoste , (CMBRUT3,24.719) and delyuerede his doughter to Brenne , and alle +te peple +tat he hade ordeynede . (CMBRUT3,24.720) And +tis damisel , Samye , hade longe tyme louede a kyng +tat me callede Gutlagh ; (CMBRUT3,24.721) and to him she tolde al here counseil , how +tat Brenne shulde here haue , and here lede wi+t him for euermore , (CMBRUT3,24.722) and so he shulde her lese , but if +tat she my+gt forsake Brenne . (CMBRUT3,24.723) And when Gutlagh herde +tise tydynges , he lay forto aspie Brenne , wi+t alse meny shippes as he my+gt haue , so +tat +to ij fletes metten to-gederes , and longe tyme foughten , so +tat Brenne and his shippes turnede a+geyne , and were descomfitede ; (CMBRUT3,25.724) and Kyng Gutlagh toke Samye , (CMBRUT3,25.725) and put here into shippe , (CMBRUT3,25.726) and Brenne shamefully fleye +tens as a man descomfitede . (CMBRUT3,25.727) And Gutlagh wolde haue went into his countree ; (CMBRUT3,25.728) but +tere come oppon him a stronge tempest , +tat .v. dayes Laste , so +tat +trou+g +tat tempest he was dryuen into Britaigne with iij shippes , and wi+t no mo . (CMBRUT3,25.729) and +to +tat kepte +te costes of +te see token Gutlagh and Samye , and all his folc , (CMBRUT3,25.730) and ham presentede vnto Belyn , (CMBRUT3,25.731) and he put ham into prisoun . (CMBRUT3,25.732) HOW BELYN DELYUEREDE OUT OF +TIS LANDE KYNG GUTLAGH OF DENNEMARC , AND SAMYE . (CMBRUT3,25.734) CAPITULO VICESIMO SECUNDO . (CMBRUT3,25.735) Hit was nou+gt longe after , +tat Brenne ne come a+geyne with a stronge meny , and sent to his bro+ter Belyn , +tat he shulde +gelde a+geyne his lande to his wif and to his folc , & his castelles also , or elles he wolde destroye his lande . (CMBRUT3,25.737) Belyn drade no +ting his manace , (CMBRUT3,25.738) and wolde no +ting done after +tat he saide . Wherfore Brenne come with is folc , and fau+gt with him ; (CMBRUT3,25.739) and Brenne was descomfitede , and his folc slayne , (CMBRUT3,25.740) and him-self fleede wi+t xij men in Fraunce . (CMBRUT3,25.741) And +tis Belyn , +tat was Brennes bro+tere , went +ten vnto +Gork , (CMBRUT3,25.742) and toke counseil what he my+gt done , wi+t Kyng Gutlagh ; (CMBRUT3,25.743) for Kyng Gutlagh proferede to bicome his man , and to holde his lande of him , +geldyng by +gere M=l~= li of siluer for euer-more ; (CMBRUT3,25.744) and for sikernesse of +tis couenaunt to bene holde , Gutlaghe shulde bryng him gode hostages , (CMBRUT3,25.745) and to him shulde done homage , and al his folc , (CMBRUT3,25.746) and +gitte he shulde suere oppon the book +tat +tise couenauntes shulde nou+gt bene broken ne falsede . (CMBRUT3,25.747) Belyn +to , by counseil of his folc , grantede him his axing ; (CMBRUT3,25.748) and so Gutlagh bicome his man ; (CMBRUT3,25.749) and belyn vnderfonge of him his homage by othe , and by wrytyng +te same couenaunt+g . (CMBRUT3,25.750) And oppon +tis Couenant King Gutlagh tok Samye and his folc , (CMBRUT3,26.751) and went +tennes , (CMBRUT3,26.752) and turnede a+geyn to Dennemarc . (CMBRUT3,26.753) Euermore after were the couenauntes Halden , and +te truage paiede , til +te tyme +tat Hauelok was Kyng of Denmarc , and also of +tis lande , +trou+g his wif Gildeburghe , +tat he hade spousede , (CMBRUT3,26.754) for she was +te ry+gt heire of +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,26.755) +tis Belyn duellede +to in pees , (CMBRUT3,26.756) and worshepliche him helde amonges his barons ; (CMBRUT3,26.757) and he made iiij real waies , one fram +te Est into West , and +tat was callede Watlyngstrete ; and ano+tere fram +te North into +te South , +tat was callede Ikenyle strete ; (CMBRUT3,26.758) and ij o+tere waies he made in bossinge +trou+g-oute the lande : (CMBRUT3,26.759) +tat one is callede Fosse , and +tat o+tere Fossedik ; (CMBRUT3,26.760) and he mayntenede wel +te gode Lawes +tat Doneband his fader hade made and ordeynede in his tyme , as bifore is saide . (CMBRUT3,26.761) HOW ACCORDE WAS MADE BITUENE BRENNE AND BELYN , THROUGH CORNEWENNE , HIRE MODER . (CMBRUT3,26.763) CAPITULO VICESIMO TERCIO . (CMBRUT3,26.764) Brenne , that was Belynes bro+ter , hade longe tyme duellede in Fraunce , (CMBRUT3,26.766) and +tere hade conquerede a grete lordeship +trou+g mariage , (CMBRUT3,26.767) for he was Duc of Burgoyne +trou+g +te dou+gter of +te duc Fewyn +tat he hade spousede , +tat was right heire of +te lande . (CMBRUT3,26.768) and +tis Brenne ordeynede a grete power of his folc and also of Fraunce , (CMBRUT3,26.769) and come into +tis lande forto feight with Belyn his bro+ter . (CMBRUT3,26.770) and Belyn come a+geynes him with a stronge powere of Britons , (CMBRUT3,26.771) and +to wolde haue +geue him bataile ; (CMBRUT3,26.772) but heir moder Cornewenne , +tat tho Leuede , herde +tat +te o bro+ter wolde haue destroyede +tat o+tere , (CMBRUT3,26.773) and went bituene here sones , (CMBRUT3,26.774) and ham made accordede wi+t miche peyne ; so +tat at +te laste , +to ij bre+terne , with miche blisse , went to-geder into newe Troye , +tat now is callede London , (CMBRUT3,26.775) and +tere +tai duellede al a +gere ; (CMBRUT3,26.776) and after , +tai toke Heire conseile forto go conquere al Fraunce ; (CMBRUT3,26.777) and so thai deden , (CMBRUT3,26.778) & brent tounes , (CMBRUT3,26.779) and destroyede al +te lande bo+te in leng+t and in Brede . (CMBRUT3,26.780) and +te Kyng of Fraunce +gaf ham bataile wi+t his powere ; (CMBRUT3,26.781) but he was ouercomen , (CMBRUT3,26.782) and +gaf truage vnto Belyn and to his bro+ter . (CMBRUT3,26.783) And after +tat , +tai went for+te to Rome , (CMBRUT3,27.784) and conquerede Rome , and al Lumbardy and Germayne , (CMBRUT3,27.785) and toke homages and feautees of +te folc of +te Erles , barons , and alle o+tere ; (CMBRUT3,27.786) and after , +tai comen into +tis lande of Britaigne , (CMBRUT3,27.787) and duellede with here Britounes in ioye and reste . (CMBRUT3,27.788) and +to made Brenne +te toune of Bristow ; (CMBRUT3,27.789) and si+t he went ouer +te see into his owen lordeshippe , (CMBRUT3,27.790) and +tere duellede al his lif . (CMBRUT3,27.791) and Belyn duellede atte Newe Troye ; (CMBRUT3,27.792) and +tere he made a faire gate +tat is clepede Billyngesgate , after his owen name . (CMBRUT3,27.793) and when +tis Belyn hade regnede noble xj +gere , he deide , (CMBRUT3,27.794) & li+t at newe Troye . (CMBRUT3,27.795) HOW KYNG CORINBATRUS QUELLEDE +TE KYNG OF DENNEMARC , FOR ENCHESOUN +TAT HE WOLDE NOU+GT PAYE HIM HIS TRUAGE . (CMBRUT3,27.797) CAPITULO XXIIIJ=TO= . (CMBRUT3,27.798) And after +tis Belyn , regnede his sone Corinbatrus , a gode man and a wor+ti . (CMBRUT3,27.800) and +te Kyng of Denmarc wolde nou+gt paye him his truage , +tat is to seyn , M=l= l~i , as he hade sworne by oth forto paye hit , and also be writyng of recorde , to Belyn his fader . wherfore he was euel paiede and wro+t , and assemblede a grete hoste of Britons , and went into Dennemarc and slough +te Kyng Gitclagh , and brou+gt +te lande in subieccioun al new , and toke of folc feautes and homages , and after went a+geyne into his lande . (CMBRUT3,27.801) And as he come forthe bi Orkeneye , he fonde xxx shippes ful of men and of wymmen , bisides +te coste of +te see , (CMBRUT3,27.802) and +te kyng axede what +tai were . (CMBRUT3,27.803) an Erl , that was maistre of ham alle , curteisely ansuerede vnto the kyng , (CMBRUT3,27.804) and saide +tat +tai were exilede oute of Spaygne , (CMBRUT3,27.805) and so +tai hade trauailede half +gere and more in +te see , to weten if +tai my+gt fynde eny kyng , or eny lorde , +tat of ham wolde haue pitee or mercy , to +geue ham eny lande in eny contre wherin +tai might duelle and haue reste , and bicome his liege men , (CMBRUT3,27.806) and to him wolde done homage and feautes whiles +tat he leuede , and to his heires after him , and of him and of his heires holde +tat londe for euermore . (CMBRUT3,27.807) And when +te kyng +tis herde , he hade pite of ham , (CMBRUT3,28.808) and +gaf ham an Ile al wildernesse , +tere +tat noman was duellyng , saf oneliche wilde bestes . (CMBRUT3,28.809) and +te Erl +tankede miche +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,28.810) and bicome his man , (CMBRUT3,28.811) and dede him feaute and homage , (CMBRUT3,28.812) and tok alle his folc , (CMBRUT3,28.813) and went into +te same Ile . (CMBRUT3,28.814) and +te Erl me callede Irlanyal ; (CMBRUT3,28.815) and +terfore he lete calle +te lande Irlande , after his owen name . (CMBRUT3,28.816) The kyng +to , Corinbatrus , come a+geyne into +tis Lande , (CMBRUT3,28.817) and regnede xxv +gere ; (CMBRUT3,28.818) & after , he deide , (CMBRUT3,28.819) and li+t at newe Troye . (CMBRUT3,28.820) How +te Kyng Guentolen regnede in godenesse , (CMBRUT3,28.822) & wel gouernede +te lande al his liftyme . (CMBRUT3,28.823) Capitulo vicesimo Quinto . (CMBRUT3,28.824) And when Corinbatrus was dede , regnede Guentolen his sone , a man of goode condiciouns , and wel bilouede ; (CMBRUT3,28.826) and he gouernede +te lande wel and wiseliche , (CMBRUT3,28.827) and he regnede xxvj +gere , (CMBRUT3,28.828) and after , deide , (CMBRUT3,28.829) and lith at newe Troye . (CMBRUT3,28.830) How Kyng Seisel regnede , and wel gouernede +te lande after Guentolen . (CMBRUT3,28.832) Capitulo xxvj=to= . (CMBRUT3,28.833) And after +tis Guentolen , regnede his sone Seisel wel and wor+tely , (CMBRUT3,28.835) and wel gouernede +te lande as his fader hade done biforne him ; (CMBRUT3,28.836) and he regnede xv +gere , (CMBRUT3,28.837) and after , deide , (CMBRUT3,28.838) and lith at newe Troye . (CMBRUT3,28.839) How Kymore regnede after Seisel his fader ; (CMBRUT3,28.841) and he bigate Howan , +tat regnede after him . (CMBRUT3,28.842) Capitulo Vicesimo Septimo . (CMBRUT3,28.843) ANd after +tis Seisel , regnede his sone Kymor wel and nobly xix +gere in pees ; and Howan his sone x +gere , (CMBRUT3,28.845) and deide , (CMBRUT3,28.846) and li+t at Herbaldoun . (CMBRUT3,28.847) How Kyng Morwith deide +trou+g meschaunce , +trou+g a beste for his wickednesse . (CMBRUT3,28.849) Capitulo Vicesimo Octauo . (CMBRUT3,28.850) ANd after +tis Howan , regnede Morwith ; (CMBRUT3,28.852) and he bicome wickede , and so sterne , til at +te laste , grete vengeaunce come to him ; (CMBRUT3,28.853) for as he went on a tyme bi +te seeside , he mette a grete beste , +tat was blac , and horrible and hidouse ; (CMBRUT3,29.854) and he wende +tat it hade bene a whale of +te see , (CMBRUT3,29.855) and bent an Arweblast , (CMBRUT3,29.856) and wolde haue slayne +tat best wi+t a quarell ; (CMBRUT3,29.857) but he mi+gt nou+gt smyte hit . (CMBRUT3,29.858) and when he hade shotte alle his quarelles , +te beste anone come to him in grete haste , (CMBRUT3,29.859) and him deuourede alif ; (CMBRUT3,29.860) and so he deide for his wickednesse , +trou+g vengeance of Gode , after +tat he hade regnede ix +gere . (CMBRUT3,29.861) Of Grandobodian , +tat was Morwithe+g sone , +tat made the toune of Cambruge . (CMBRUT3,29.863) Capitulo Vicesimo Nono . (CMBRUT3,29.864) After +tis Morwith was dede , +te Britouns cronede Grandobodian his sone ; (CMBRUT3,29.866) and +tis Grandobodian longe tyme regnede in godenesse , (CMBRUT3,29.867) and made temples and tounes ; (CMBRUT3,29.868) and +tis Grandobodian made +te toune of Cambrugge and +te toune of Grantham , (CMBRUT3,29.869) and was wel bilouede of ryche and of pore , (CMBRUT3,29.870) for he honourede +te riche (CMBRUT3,29.871) and halpe +te poer . (CMBRUT3,29.872) This Grandobodian hade iiij sones , Artogaile , Hesider , Higamus , and Petiter , (CMBRUT3,29.873) and when he hade regnede xj +gere , he deide , (CMBRUT3,29.874) & li+t at newe Troye . (CMBRUT3,29.875) Of Artogaile , +tat was Grandobodianus sone : how he was made kyng , & si+t put adoune for his wickednesse . (CMBRUT3,29.877) Capitulo Tricesimo . (CMBRUT3,29.878) After Grandobodian , regnede his sone Artogaile v +gere ; (CMBRUT3,29.880) and he bicome so wickede and so sterne , +tat +te Britons wolde nou+gt suffre him to bene kyng , (CMBRUT3,29.881) but put him adoune , (CMBRUT3,29.882) and made Hesider his bro+ter kyng ; (CMBRUT3,29.883) and he bicome so gode and mercyable +tat men him callede ' kyng of pitee . ' (CMBRUT3,29.884) and when he hade regnede v +gere , he hade so $miche pitee of his bro+ter Artogaile , +tat was kyng bifore ; (CMBRUT3,29.885) and anone he forsoke his dignite , (CMBRUT3,29.886) and toke his bro+ter +te crone a+geyne , (CMBRUT3,29.887) and made him kyng a+geynes al +te barons wille of Britaigne . (CMBRUT3,29.888) and afterwarde , +tis Artogaile bicome so gode of condi-ciouns +tat he was wel bilouede of al +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,29.889) for he bicome so debonoure and free , (CMBRUT3,29.890) and dede right and resoun to alle maner man ; (CMBRUT3,29.891) and he regnede vj +gere , (CMBRUT3,29.892) and deide , (CMBRUT3,29.893) and lith at Grauntham . (CMBRUT3,29.894) How Hesider was made kyng after +te deth of Artogaile his bro+ter . (CMBRUT3,30.897) Capitulo xxxj=o= . (CMBRUT3,30.898) After +te deth of Artogaile , the Britounes crounede an-o+tere tyme Hesider ; (CMBRUT3,30.900) but his ij bre+tern Higamus and Petiter haden of him grete despite , and eke scorne , (CMBRUT3,30.901) and ordeynede ham helpe forto werre oppon +te kyng her bro+ter . (CMBRUT3,30.902) and so +tai token him , (CMBRUT3,30.903) and put him into prisoun , the secunde +gere of his regne ; (CMBRUT3,30.904) and +tai departede al Britaign bituene ham ij . (CMBRUT3,30.905) but Higamus leuede but vij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,30.906) and +to hadde Petitur al +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,30.907) and he made +te toune of Pikeryng , (CMBRUT3,30.908) and after deide , +te secunde +gere of his regne , (CMBRUT3,30.909) & li+t at Pikeryng , (CMBRUT3,30.910) How +te Britouns token Hesider oute of Prisoune , and made him kyng +te +tridde tyme . (CMBRUT3,30.912) Capitulo Tricesimo Secundo . (CMBRUT3,30.913) ANd when +tis Petitur was dede , the Britons toke anone right Hesider , (CMBRUT3,30.915) and made him kyng +te +tridde tyme , (CMBRUT3,30.916) and +to regnede he in pees xiiij +gere , (CMBRUT3,30.917) & after deide , (CMBRUT3,30.918) and li+t at Karleil . (CMBRUT3,30.919) How xxxiij kynges regnede in pees , eche after o+tere , after +te deth of Hesider . (CMBRUT3,30.921) Capitulo Tricesimo Tercio . (CMBRUT3,30.922) After +te deth of Hesider , regnede xxxiij Kynges , eche after o+tere , in pees ; (CMBRUT3,30.924) and wi+tout eny longe tariyng y shal tel ham alle , and how longe euery of ham regnede , as +te story telle+t . (CMBRUT3,30.925) The ferste kyng of +to xxxiij me clepede Gorbodia , (CMBRUT3,30.926) and he regnede xij +gere . (CMBRUT3,30.927) and after him regnede Morgan ij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,30.928) and after him regnede Eigamus vj +gere ; (CMBRUT3,30.929) and after him regnede Idwalan viij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,30.930) and after him regnede Rohugo xj +gere ; (CMBRUT3,30.931) and after him regnede Voghen xiij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,30.932) and after him regnede Katil xv +gere ; (CMBRUT3,30.933) and after him regnede Porrex ij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,30.934) and after him regnede Cheryn xvij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,30.935) ; & after him regned Coil xij +ger and after him regnede Sulgenis xiiij +gere ; and after him regnede Esdad xx=ti= +gere ; (CMBRUT3,30.937) And after him regnede Andragie xviij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,31.939) And after him regnede Vran v +gere ; (CMBRUT3,31.940) and after him regnede Elind ij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,31.941) and after him regnede Eldagan xv +gere ; (CMBRUT3,31.942) and after him regnede Claten xij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,31.943) & after him regnede Quirgund viij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,31.944) and after him regnede Morian vj +gere ; (CMBRUT3,31.945) and after him regnede Bledaghe iij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,31.946) and after him regnede Caph j +gere ; (CMBRUT3,31.947) and after him regned Gen ij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,31.948) and after him regnede Seisel and Kyng Bled xxj +gere ; and Kyng Grabreth xj +gere ; and Archinal xiiij +gere ; and Erol xxx +gere ; And Rodengu xxxij +gere ; and Herter v +gere , and Hampir vj +gere , And Carpoir vij +gere , and Digneile iij +gere , and Samuel xxiiij +gere , and Rede ij +gere , and Ely vij moune+ts ; (CMBRUT3,31.949) and +tis Ely hade iij sones , Lud , Cassabilam , and Enymyon . (CMBRUT3,31.950) How Lud was made kyng after +te de+t of Ely his fader . (CMBRUT3,31.952) Capitulo Tricesimo Quarto . (CMBRUT3,31.953) After +te de+t of Ely , regnede Lud his sone , (CMBRUT3,31.955) and gouernede wel +te lande , (CMBRUT3,31.956) and miche honourrede gode folc , (CMBRUT3,31.957) and temprede and amendit wickede folc . (CMBRUT3,31.958) This Lud louede more to duelle at Troye +tan at eny o+tere place of +te lande ; Wherfore +te name of Troye was lafte , and +to was callede +te citee of Ludstan ; (CMBRUT3,31.959) but now +tat name is chaungede +trou+g variance of lettres , (CMBRUT3,31.960) and now is callede London . (CMBRUT3,31.961) and +tis kyng made in the citee a faire gate , (CMBRUT3,31.962) and callede it Ludgate , after his name ; (CMBRUT3,31.963) and +te folc of +te citee lete hight Loundres , (CMBRUT3,31.964) and when he hade regnede xj +gere , he deide , (CMBRUT3,31.965) and li+t at London . (CMBRUT3,31.966) and he hade ij +gonge sones , Andraghen and Gormace ; (CMBRUT3,31.967) but +tai cou+t nei+tere speke ne go , for +geuge+t ; (CMBRUT3,31.968) & +terfore +te Britons crounede a stronge kny+gt +tat me called Lud +tat was Cassibalamus bro+ter , (CMBRUT3,31.969) and made him kyng of Britagne . (CMBRUT3,31.970) How +te Britons grantede to Cassibalam , +tat was Ludes bro+ter , +te land : in whas time Iulius come ij tymes forto con-quere +te lande . (CMBRUT3,31.972) Capitulo Tricesimo quinto . (CMBRUT3,31.973) After +te de+t of Kyng Lud , regnede his bro+ter Cassibalam , (CMBRUT3,31.975) and bicome a goode man , and miche bilouede of his Britons , so +tat , for his godenesse and curtesye , +tai grantede him +te reaume for-euermore , to him and to his heires . (CMBRUT3,32.976) And the kyng , of his gode-nesse , lete norisshe wor+tiliche bo+te his bro+teres sones , +te childerne of Lud ; (CMBRUT3,32.977) And after , made +te eldeste sone Erl of Cornwaile , and +tat o+tere Erl of London . (CMBRUT3,32.978) And while +tis kyng Cassibalam regnede , come Iulius Cesar , +tat was Emperoure of Rome into +tis lande , with a power of Romayns , (CMBRUT3,32.979) and wolde haue hade +tis lande +trou+g streng+t ; (CMBRUT3,32.980) but Cassibalam him ouercome in bataile , +trou+g helpe of +te Britons , (CMBRUT3,32.981) and drof him oute of +tis Lande (CMBRUT3,32.982) and went a+geyne to Rome , (CMBRUT3,32.983) and assemblede grete power ano+ter tyme , (CMBRUT3,32.984) and come a+geyne into +tis lande forto +geue bataile to Cassibalam ; (CMBRUT3,32.985) but he was des-comfitede +trou+g streng+t of +te Britons , and +trou+g helpe of +te erle of Cornwaile , and +te Erl of london , his bro+ter , and +trou+g helpe of Gudian , Kyng of Scotland , and of Corbande , Kyng of north Wales , and of Bretaile , Kyng of Southwalys . (CMBRUT3,32.986) and in +tis bataile was slayne Nemion , +tat was Cassibalamus bro+ter , wherfore he made miche sorwe ; (CMBRUT3,32.987) and so went Iulius Cesar oute of +tis lande with a fewe of Romayns +tat were lefte a-lif ; (CMBRUT3,32.988) And +to Cassibalam went a+geyne to Loudon , (CMBRUT3,32.989) and made a fest vnto alle his folc +tat +to hade him holpen ; (CMBRUT3,32.990) and when +te fest was done , eche man went into here owen contree . (CMBRUT3,32.991) Of +te debate +tat was bituene Cassibalam and +te Erle of London ; & of +te truage +tat was payede to Rome . (CMBRUT3,32.993) Capitulo xxxvj=to= . (CMBRUT3,32.994) ANd after , hit bifelle +tus oppon a day , +tat +te gentil-men of +te kynges householde and +te gentelmen of +te Erles house-holde of London , after mete went in-fere forto playe (CMBRUT3,32.996) and +trou+g debate +tat arose amonges ham , Enelyn , +tat was +te erles bro+ter of London , quellede Irenglas +tat was +te kynges cosyn ; wherfore +te kyng swore +tat Enelyn shulde bene honget ; (CMBRUT3,32.997) but +te Erle of London , +tat was Enelynes lorde , wolde nou+gt suffren hit ; wher-fore +te kyng was wroth towarde +te Erl , and +tou+gt him destroye . (CMBRUT3,32.998) and priuely +te Erl sent lettres to Iulius Cesar +tat he shulde come into +tis lande forto helpe him , and helpe avenge him oppon +te Kyng and he wolde helpe him with al his my+gte . (CMBRUT3,33.999) And when +te Emperoure herde +tis tydynges , he was ful glade , (CMBRUT3,33.1000) and ordeynede a stronge power , (CMBRUT3,33.1001) and come a+geyne +te +tridde tyme into +tis land ; (CMBRUT3,33.1002) and +te Erl of Londone halpe him wi+t vij M=l= men . (CMBRUT3,33.1003) and at +te +tridde tyme was Cassibalam ouercomen and descomfitede , (CMBRUT3,33.1004) and made pees to +te Emperoure for iij M=l= li of siluer , +geldynge by +gere for truage for +tis lande for euermore . (CMBRUT3,33.1005) and after half +gere passede , the Emperoure went to Rome , and +te Erl of London wi+t him , (CMBRUT3,33.1006) for he derste nou+gt abide in +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,33.1007) and after , Cassibalam regnede xvij +gere in pees , (CMBRUT3,33.1008) and +to deide , +te xxvij +gere of his regne , (CMBRUT3,33.1009) and lithe atte +Gork . (CMBRUT3,33.1010) How +te lordes of +te lande , after +te deth of Cassibalam , for encheson +tat he hade none heire , made Andragen kyng . (CMBRUT3,33.1012) Capitulo xxxvij=mo= (CMBRUT3,33.1013) After +te deth of Cassibalam , for-asmiche as he hade none heire of his body , +te lordes of +te lande , by commune assent , cronede Androgen , Erl of Cornewaile , (CMBRUT3,33.1015) and made him kyng ; (CMBRUT3,33.1016) and he regnede wel worthely , (CMBRUT3,33.1017) and was a gode man , (CMBRUT3,33.1018) and wel gouernede +te lande . (CMBRUT3,33.1019) and when he hade regnede viij +gere , he deide , (CMBRUT3,33.1020) & li+t at London . (CMBRUT3,33.1021) Of Kymbalyn , +tat was Andragenus sone , a gode man , and wel gouernede +te lande . (CMBRUT3,33.1023) Capitulo xxxviij . (CMBRUT3,33.1024) After +te deth of Andragen , regnede Kembelyn his sone , +tat was a gode man , (CMBRUT3,33.1026) and wel gouernede +te lande in miche prosperite and in pees al his lifes tyme . (CMBRUT3,33.1027) And in his tyme was born Ihesus Crist oure saueoure , of +tat swete virgine Marie . (CMBRUT3,33.1028) +tis Kyng Kembelyn hade ij sones , Ginder and Armoger , gode kny+gtes and worthi . (CMBRUT3,33.1029) And when +tis Kyng Kembelyn hade regnede xxij +gere , he deide , (CMBRUT3,33.1030) and li+t at London . (CMBRUT3,33.1031) Of Kyng Gynder , +tat was Kembalynes sone , +tat wolde nou+gt paye +te truage to Rome for the lande +tat Cassibalam hade grantede ; & how he was slayne of a Romayne . (CMBRUT3,33.1033) Capitulo xxxix=o= . (CMBRUT3,33.1034) ANd after +te de+t of +tis Kembalyn , regnede Ginder his sone , a gode man and a wor+ti ; (CMBRUT3,34.1037) and he was of so hie hert +tat he wolde nou+gt paye to Rome +tat truage +tat Kyng Cassibalam hade grantede vnto Iulius Cesar ; wherfore +te Emperoure +tat was +to , +tat me callede Claudius Cesar , was sore annoyede , and ordeynede a grete power of $Romayns , and come into +tis lande forto conquere +te truage +trou+g streng+t , and haue it of +te kyng ; (CMBRUT3,34.1038) but +te kyng Gynder , and Armoger his bro+ter , gadrede a grete hoste ifere of Britouns , (CMBRUT3,34.1039) and +gaf bataile to +te Emperour Claudius , (CMBRUT3,34.1040) and quellede of Romains grete plente . (CMBRUT3,34.1041) The Emperour hade a Stiwarde +tat me clepede Hamon , +tat saw +tat her peple was faste slayne : (CMBRUT3,34.1042) priuely he caste awai his owen armes , (CMBRUT3,34.1043) and toke the Armes of a dede Briton , (CMBRUT3,34.1044) and armede him wi+t his armure , (CMBRUT3,34.1045) and come into +te bataile to +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,34.1046) and saide in +tis maner : " Sire , beth of gode hert , for Godes loue , (CMBRUT3,34.1047) for +te Romayns +tat be+te +gour enemys anone shullen bene slayn and descomfitede euerychon . " (CMBRUT3,34.1048) and +te kyng +gaf no kepe ne rewarde to his speche , for encheson of +te armes +tat he hade oppon him , (CMBRUT3,34.1049) and wende it hade bene a Britoune ; (CMBRUT3,34.1050) but +te traitoure euer helde him nexte +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,34.1051) and priueliche , vnder +te shulders of his armure , he smote +te kyng , Wherfore he was dede anone , and fel doune vnto +te er+te . (CMBRUT3,34.1052) When Armoger saw his bro+ter dede , he caste away his Arme+g , (CMBRUT3,34.1053) and toke to him his bro+teres Armes , (CMBRUT3,34.1054) and come into +te bataile amonge +te Britons , (CMBRUT3,34.1055) and bade hertly forto fyght , (CMBRUT3,34.1056) and faste laide adoune +te Romaignes . (CMBRUT3,34.1057) and for +te armes , +tai wende it hade bene Kyng Gynder , +tat arst was slayne , +tat +tai wist nou+gt , (CMBRUT3,34.1058) and +to gonne +te Britons hertly fei+gten , (CMBRUT3,34.1059) and quellede +te Romayns ; (CMBRUT3,34.1060) so at +te last +te Emperour forsoke +te felde , (CMBRUT3,34.1061) and fley as faste as +tai mi+gt into +te citee of Wynchestre . (CMBRUT3,34.1062) and +te false traitour Hamonde , +tat hade quellede +te kyng , faste anone gene forto flee in al +te haste +tat he mi+gt ; (CMBRUT3,34.1063) and Armoger , +te kynges bro+ter , pursuede him ful fersly wi+t a ferse herte , (CMBRUT3,34.1064) and drof him vnto +te water , (CMBRUT3,34.1065) and +tere he toke him , (CMBRUT3,35.1066) and anone smote of bo+te heuede , hendes , and feete , (CMBRUT3,35.1067) and hewe +te body halto pecis , (CMBRUT3,35.1068) and +to caste it into +te water ; Wherfore +tat water was callede Hamondeshauen ; (CMBRUT3,35.1069) and after , +tere was made a faire toune +tat +gitte $standeth +tat is callede South-ampton . (CMBRUT3,35.1070) And afterwarde , Armoger went to Wynchestre forto seche Claudius Cesar +te Emperour ; (CMBRUT3,35.1071) and +tere Armoger him toke . (CMBRUT3,35.1072) And Claudius +te Emperour , +trou+g conseil of his Romayns +tat with him were lefte alyf , made pees wi+t Armoger in +tis maner as +ge shulle+t hure , +tat is to seyne , how +tat Claudius +te emperour shulde +geue to Armoger , Gennen his dou+gter , forto haue to wif , so +tat +tis lande fro +tat tyme afterwarde shulde be in +te Emperoure+g power of Rome , oppon suche couenant , +tat none Emperour of Rome shulde take none o+tere truage of +tis lande , but oneliche feaute ; (CMBRUT3,35.1073) and so +tai were accordede . (CMBRUT3,35.1074) And oppon +tis couenant , Claudius Cesar sent to Rome for his dou+gter Gennen ; (CMBRUT3,35.1075) and when she was comen , Claudius Cesar +gaf her to Armoger to Wif ; (CMBRUT3,35.1076) and Armoger spoused here at London with michel solempnite and mer+te ; (CMBRUT3,35.1077) and +to was Armoger cronede , and made Kyng of Britaigne . (CMBRUT3,35.1078) Of Kyng Armoger , in whas tyme seynt Peter prechede in Antyoche , wi+t o+tere apostlis in diuerses contres . (CMBRUT3,35.1080) Ca-pitulo xl . (CMBRUT3,35.1081) THis Kyng Armoger regnede wel , (CMBRUT3,35.1083) and worthely +te lande gouernede , (CMBRUT3,35.1084) and Claudis Cesar , in remembrance of +tis accorde , and for reuerence and honour of his doughter , made in +tis lande a fare toune and a faire castel , (CMBRUT3,35.1085) and lete calle +te toune after his owen name ' Claucestre , ' +tat now is callede Gloucestr . (CMBRUT3,35.1086) and when +tis was al done , +te Emperoure toke his leue , (CMBRUT3,35.1087) and went a+geyne to Rome ; (CMBRUT3,35.1088) and Armoger was +to kyng , (CMBRUT3,35.1089) and gouernede +te lande wel and nobil al his lif tyme . (CMBRUT3,35.1090) and this Armager gete a sone on his wif , +tat was callede Westmere . (CMBRUT3,35.1091) and whiles +tat +tis Armoger regnede , seynt Peter prechede in Antioche ; (CMBRUT3,36.1092) and +tere he hade made a noble cherche , in +te whiche he satte ferste in his chier , (CMBRUT3,36.1093) and +tere he duellede vij +gere . (CMBRUT3,36.1094) after , he went to Rome , (CMBRUT3,36.1095) and was made Pope , til +tat Nero +te Emperour lete him martre . (CMBRUT3,36.1096) & +to prechede openly al +te Apostlis , in diuerses landes , +te ry+gt fay . (CMBRUT3,36.1097) And when Armoger hade regnede xxiiij +gere , he deyde , (CMBRUT3,36.1098) and lith at London . (CMBRUT3,36.1099) How Kyng Westmer +gaf to Berynger an Ilande forlete ; (CMBRUT3,36.1101) and +tere +tis Beringer made +te toune of Berwik . (CMBRUT3,36.1102) Capitulo xlj . (CMBRUT3,36.1103) ANd after +tis Armoger , regnede his sone Westmer , a gode man , and a wor+ti of body , (CMBRUT3,36.1105) and wel gouernede +te lande . (CMBRUT3,36.1106) Hit bifelle so +tat tydynges come to him oppon a day , +tat +te Kyng Rodrik of Gascoigne was comen into +tis lande wi+t an huge noumbre of peple , and was duellyng in Steynesmore . (CMBRUT3,36.1107) and when Kyng Westmer herde +to tydyngus , he lete assemble a grete host of Britons , (CMBRUT3,36.1108) and come to +te Kyng Rodrik , (CMBRUT3,36.1109) and +gaf him bataile . (CMBRUT3,36.1110) and Kyng Westmer quellede Rodrik wi+t his owen hondes in pleyne bataile ; (CMBRUT3,36.1111) and when +tat kyng Rodrikes men saw +tat here Lorde was dede , +tai +golden ham alle to +te Kyng Westmer , (CMBRUT3,36.1112) and bicome his men for euermore ; (CMBRUT3,36.1113) and he +gaf ham a contre +tat was forlete , wher-in +tai my+gt duelle ; (CMBRUT3,36.1114) and +tider +tai went , (CMBRUT3,36.1115) and duellede +tere al here lifes tyme ; (CMBRUT3,36.1116) and ix C men +tere were of ham , and nomo lefte alif at +tat bataile . (CMBRUT3,36.1117) Here gouernour and her prince , me callede Berynger ; (CMBRUT3,36.1118) and anone he biganne a toune , +tat +tai my+gt +terein duelle and haue resceyt , (CMBRUT3,36.1119) and lete calle +te toune Berwik vp Twede ; (CMBRUT3,36.1120) and +tere +tai duellede , (CMBRUT3,36.1121) and bicome riche . (CMBRUT3,36.1122) but +tai nade no wymmen amonges ham , (CMBRUT3,36.1123) and +te Britons wolde nou+gt +geue here dou+gtres to +to Straungers ; Wherfore +tai went ouere +te see into Irland , and brou+gt with ham Wymmen , and ham +to spousede ; (CMBRUT3,36.1124) but +te men cou+te nou+gt vnderstonde +te langage ne +te speche of +te wymmen , ney+ter +te wymmen of +te men , (CMBRUT3,36.1125) and +terefore +tai speken to-gederes as scottes . (CMBRUT3,36.1126) and aftirwarde , +trou+g chaungeyng of her langages , in al Fraunce +tei were callede +to Scottes : (CMBRUT3,37.1127) and so +tai shal be callede for euermore . (CMBRUT3,37.1128) How Kyng Westmer Lete arere a stone in +te entryng of West-merland , +tere +tat he slou+gt Rodrik ; (CMBRUT3,37.1130) & +tere he biganne ferste Housyng . (CMBRUT3,37.1131) Capitulo Quadragesimo Secundo . (CMBRUT3,37.1132) ANd after this bataile +tat is aboue-saide , when Rodrik was dede , Kyng Westmer , in remembraunce of his Victorie , lete arere +tere , bisides +te way , a grete stone in hye , (CMBRUT3,37.1134) & +gitte it stande+t , (CMBRUT3,37.1135) and euermore shal stande , (CMBRUT3,37.1136) and Lete graue in +te stone lettres +tat +tus saide : ' The Kyng Westmere of Britaigne quellede in +tis place Rodrik his enemy . ' (CMBRUT3,37.1137) And +tis Westmere was +te ferst man +tat made tounes and hous in Engeland . (CMBRUT3,37.1138) and at +tat stone bigynneth Westmerland , +tat Westmer lete calle after his owen name . (CMBRUT3,37.1139) and when Westmer hade so done , he duellede al his Lif tyme in +tat contre of Westmerland , (CMBRUT3,37.1140) for he louede +tat contre more ; (CMBRUT3,37.1141) and when he hade regnede xxv +gere , he deide . (CMBRUT3,37.1142) & li+t at Karleile . (CMBRUT3,37.1143) Of Kyng Coil , +tat was Westmeres sone , +tat helde his lande in pees his lif-tyme . (CMBRUT3,37.1145) Capitulo xl Tercio . (CMBRUT3,37.1146) After +tis Kyng Westmer , regnede his sone Coil , a goode man and a wor+ti , and of gode condicions , (CMBRUT3,37.1148) and wel gouernede his lande , (CMBRUT3,37.1149) and of alle men he hade loue and pees ; (CMBRUT3,37.1150) and in his tyme was neuer contak , debate , ne werre in Britayn ; (CMBRUT3,37.1151) and he regnede and was kyng in pees al his lif-tyme . (CMBRUT3,37.1152) & When he hade bene kyng xj +gere , he deide , (CMBRUT3,37.1153) and li+t at +Gork . (CMBRUT3,37.1154) How Kyng Lucye regnede after Coel his fader , +tat was a gode man ; (CMBRUT3,37.1156) and after , he bicome cristen . (CMBRUT3,37.1157) Capitulo xl Quarto . (CMBRUT3,37.1158) After Kyng Coel , regnede Lucie his sone , +tat was a gode man to God and to al +te peple . (CMBRUT3,37.1160) he sent to Rome , to Apostle Eulenchie , +tat +to was , (CMBRUT3,37.1161) and seide +tat he wolde bicome a cristen man , and resceyue baptisme in +te name of God , and turne to +te ry+gt bileue . (CMBRUT3,38.1162) Eulenchie sent ij legates , +tat me callede Pagan and Elibrayne , into +tis lande , (CMBRUT3,38.1163) and baptisede +te kyng and alle his menye , (CMBRUT3,38.1164) and after went fro toune to toune , (CMBRUT3,38.1165) and baptisede +te peple til al +tat Lande was baptisede , (CMBRUT3,38.1166) and +tis was in +te c. lvj +gere after +te Incarnacion of Ihesu Crist . (CMBRUT3,38.1167) and +tis kyng Lucye made +to in +tis lande ij erchebisshoppes , on at Kaunterbery and ano+tere at +Gork , and o+tere meny bisshopes +tat +git bene in +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,38.1168) And when +tise ij legates hade baptisede al +te lande +tai ordeynede prestes forto baptisen childern and forto make +te Sacrament ; (CMBRUT3,38.1169) and after , +tai went a+geyne to Rome , (CMBRUT3,38.1170) and +te kyng duellede in his lande , (CMBRUT3,38.1171) and regnede with michel honour xiij +gere , (CMBRUT3,38.1172) and after deide , (CMBRUT3,38.1173) and li+t at Gloucestre . (CMBRUT3,38.1174) How +tis lande was longe wi+touten a kyng ; and how +te Britons chosen a kyng . (CMBRUT3,38.1176) Capitulo Quadragesimo. Quinto . (CMBRUT3,38.1177) THis kyng Lucie hade none heire of his body bigeten , +tat was afterwarde grete harme and sorwe to +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,38.1179) ffor , after +tis kyng Lucies deth , none of +te grete lordes of +te lande wolde suffren an-o+tere to bene kyng , (CMBRUT3,38.1180) but leuede in werre and debate amonges ham 1. +gere wi+touten kyng . (CMBRUT3,38.1181) but +to it bifel aftirwarde +tat a grete Prince come fro Rome into +tis lande +tat me callede Seuerey ; nou+gt forto werr , but forto saue +te ryght of Rome . (CMBRUT3,38.1182) But no+teles , he nade nou+gt duellede half +gere in +tis lande , +tat +te Britons ne quellede him . (CMBRUT3,38.1183) when +to of Rome wiste +tat Seuerey was so slayn , +tai sent ano+tere grete lorde into +tis lande , +tat me callede Allec , +tat was a stronge man , and a my+gty of body , and duellede in +tis lande Longe tyme , and dede miche sorwe to +te Britons , so +tat after , for pure malice , +tai chosen ham a kyng amonges ham , +tat me callede Astlepades , and assemblede a grete host of +te Britouns , and went to London to seche Allec ; (CMBRUT3,38.1184) and +tere +tai founde him , (CMBRUT3,38.1185) and quellede him and alle his felawes +tat were wi+t him , (CMBRUT3,39.1186) but one of his felawes , +tat me clepede Waloun , defendet him fersly , (CMBRUT3,39.1187) and fau+gt longe with +te Britouns , (CMBRUT3,39.1188) but at +te laste he was descomfitede ; (CMBRUT3,39.1189) and +te Britons token him , (CMBRUT3,39.1190) and bounde him Hondes and feete , (CMBRUT3,39.1191) and caste him into a water ; wher-fore +tat water afterwarde was clepede euermore Walbroke . (CMBRUT3,39.1192) +To regnede +tis Astlepades in quiete , til one of his erles +tat me callede Coel , made a faire toune a+geynes +te kynges wille , and lete calle +te toune Colchestre after his name , wherfore +te kyng was ful wroth , and +tou+gt destroie +te erle , and bigan to werre vppon him , and brou+gt grete power , and +gaf bataile to +te erl . (CMBRUT3,39.1193) and +te erl defendede him fersly with his power , (CMBRUT3,39.1194) and slough +te kyng him-self in +tat bataile ; (CMBRUT3,39.1195) and +to was Coel cronede , and made kyng of +tis land . (CMBRUT3,39.1196) +tis Coel regnede and gouernede +te lande wel and nobly , (CMBRUT3,39.1197) for he was a noble man , and wel bilouede amonges +te Britons . (CMBRUT3,39.1198) When +to of Rome herde +tat Astlepades was slayne , +tai were wonder glade , (CMBRUT3,39.1199) and sent ano+tere grete prince of Romayns , +tat me callede Constance ; (CMBRUT3,39.1200) and he come to +te Kyng Coil forto chalange +te truage +tat was wont to bene paiede to Rome ; (CMBRUT3,39.1201) and +te kyng ansuerede wel and wor+tely , (CMBRUT3,39.1202) and saide +tat he wolde paye to Rome al +tat ry+gt and resoun wolde wi+t godewil ; (CMBRUT3,39.1203) and so +tai accordede +to wi+t goode wil , and wi+touten eny contak ; (CMBRUT3,39.1204) and bo+te +tai duellede togeder in loue . (CMBRUT3,39.1205) The Kyng Coel +gaf his dou+gter Elyne to Constance , forto haue here for his spouse , +tat was bo+te faire , wise , and gode , and wel lettrede : (CMBRUT3,39.1206) and +tis Constance spousede here +tere with michel honour . (CMBRUT3,39.1207) and it bifelle sone afterwarde , +tat +tis kyng Coel deide in the +gere of his regne xiij , & Lith at Colchestre enterede . (CMBRUT3,39.1208) Of Kyng Constance , +tat was a Romayn , +tat was chosen kyng after +te deth of Coel , for-asmiche +tat he hade spousede Elyn , +tat was Kyng Coeles dou+gter . (CMBRUT3,39.1210) Capitulo xlvj=o= . (CMBRUT3,39.1211) After +tis Kyng Coel , Constance was made kyng , and cronede , for-asmiche as he hade spousede Kyng Coele+g dou+gter , +tat was heire of +te lande . +te whiche Constance regnede and wor+tely gouernede +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,40.1213) and he bigate on his wif Elyn , a sone +tat me callede Constantyn . (CMBRUT3,40.1214) and +tis kyng bare trew fay , (CMBRUT3,40.1215) and trewly dede to ham of Rome al his lif . (CMBRUT3,40.1216) & when he hade regnede xv +gere , he deide , (CMBRUT3,40.1217) and li+t atte +Gork . (CMBRUT3,40.1218) How Constantyne , +tat was Kyng Constance+g sone , & +te sone of seynt Elyne , gouernede and rewlede +te lande , & was Emperour of Rome . (CMBRUT3,40.1220) Capitulo xl Septimo . (CMBRUT3,40.1221) After Kyng $Constance+g deth , Constantyne , his sone of seynt Elyne , +tat founde +tat croice in +te holy londe , and how Constantyne bicome Emperoure of Rome . (CMBRUT3,40.1223) Hit bifel so in +tat tyme +tere was an Emperour atte Rome , a sarasyne , a tyraunt , +tat me callede Maxence , +tat put to +te deth alle +tat bileuede in God , (CMBRUT3,40.1224) and destroiede holy cherche by alle his power , (CMBRUT3,40.1225) and slought Cristen men +tat he my+gt fynde ; (CMBRUT3,40.1226) and amonge alle o+tere , he lete martre Seynt Kateryne , and meny o+tere cristen peple +tat hade drede of deth , (CMBRUT3,40.1227) +tai fledden (CMBRUT3,40.1228) and comen into +tis lande to Kyng Constantyne , (CMBRUT3,40.1229) and tolde him of +te sorwe +tat Maxence dede to al cristiente . Wherof Constantyn hade pite , and grete sorwe made , and assemblede a grete hoste and grete power , and went ouere see to Rome , and toke +te citee , and quellede al +tat +terin were mescreaunt , +tat he my+gt fynde . (CMBRUT3,40.1230) And +to was he made Emperoure , (CMBRUT3,40.1231) And was a gode man , (CMBRUT3,40.1232) and gouernede him so wel , +tat al +te Landes to him were entendaunt forto be vnder his gouernaile . (CMBRUT3,40.1233) And +tis deuel tyraunt Maxence , +tat +to was in +te lande of Greke , when he herde +tis tydynges , he bicome wode , (CMBRUT3,40.1234) and sodeynely deide , (CMBRUT3,40.1235) and so he endede his lif . (CMBRUT3,40.1236) When Constantyne went fro +tis land to Rome , he toke wi+t him his moder Elyn , for +te michel wisedome +tat she cou+te , and +tre o+tere grete lordes +tat he moste louede : (CMBRUT3,40.1237) +tat one me callede Hoel , (CMBRUT3,40.1238) ano+tere me callede Taberne , and +te +tridde Morhyn ; (CMBRUT3,40.1239) and toke al his lande to kepe vnto +te Erl of Cornwaile , +tat men callede Octouyan . (CMBRUT3,40.1240) anone as +tis Octouian wiste +tat his lorde was duellyng at Rome , he seisede al +te lande into his honde , (CMBRUT3,40.1241) and +terwi+t dede al his wil amonges heye and law , (CMBRUT3,41.1242) & +to helde him for kyng . (CMBRUT3,41.1243) when +tis tydyng come to Constantyne +te Emperoure , he woxe wonder wro+te towarde +te Erl Octouyan , (CMBRUT3,41.1244) and sent Taberne with xij m=l= men forto destroye the erl for his falsenesse , (CMBRUT3,41.1245) and arryuede at Portesmouthe . (CMBRUT3,41.1246) And when Octouyan wiste +tat , he assemblede a grete power of Britons , (CMBRUT3,41.1247) and descomfitede Taberne . (CMBRUT3,41.1248) And Taberne fledde +tens into Scotlande , (CMBRUT3,41.1249) and ordeynede +tere a grete power , (CMBRUT3,41.1250) and come a+geyne into +tis lande forto +geue bataile ano+tere tyme to Octouyan . (CMBRUT3,41.1251) When Octouyan herde telle +tat , he assemblede a grete power , (CMBRUT3,41.1252) and come towarde Taberne as miche as he my+gt , so +tat +to ij hostes metten oppon Staynesmore , (CMBRUT3,41.1253) and strongely smyten to-gederes . (CMBRUT3,41.1254) and +to was Octouyan descomfitede , (CMBRUT3,41.1255) and fledde +tens into Norwaye ; (CMBRUT3,41.1256) and Taberne seisede al +te lande into his hande , Tounes , castelles , and as mich as +tai +tere hade . (CMBRUT3,41.1257) And si+tenes Octouyan come a+geyne fro Norway wi+t a grete power , (CMBRUT3,41.1258) & slough Taberne , (CMBRUT3,41.1259) & seisede al +te lande a+geyne into his honde , (CMBRUT3,41.1260) & drof oute alle +te Romayns , (CMBRUT3,41.1261) and was +to made Kyng , (CMBRUT3,41.1262) and regnede . (CMBRUT3,41.1263) How Maximian , +tat was +te Emperoure+g cosyn of Rome spousede Octouyane+g dou+gter , and was made kyng , (CMBRUT3,41.1265) Capitulo xlviij=o= . (CMBRUT3,41.1266) THis Kyng Octouian gouernede +tis lande wel and nobly ; (CMBRUT3,41.1268) but he nad none heire , saf a dou+gter +tat was a +gonge childe , +tat he louede as miche as his lif . (CMBRUT3,41.1269) and forasmiche +tat he wax sike , and was in poynt of de+t , and my+gt no lenger regne , he wolde haue made one of his Neveus to haue bene kyng +te whiche was a noble kny+gt and stronge man , +tat me callede Conan Merche-dok , (CMBRUT3,41.1270) and he shulde haue kepte +te kynges dou+gter , & haue mariede her when tyme hade bene ; (CMBRUT3,41.1271) but +te lordes of +te lande wolde nou+gt suffre hit , (CMBRUT3,41.1272) but +gaf here conseile to bene mariede to some hye man of great honour , (CMBRUT3,41.1273) and +tan my+gt she haue al her wille at +te conseile of +te Emperoure Constantyne , here Lorde . (CMBRUT3,41.1274) and at +tis conseile , +tai accordede and chose +to Cador , Erl of Cornewail , forto wende to +te Emperour to done +tis message . (CMBRUT3,42.1275) and he toked +te way , (CMBRUT3,42.1276) and went to Rome , (CMBRUT3,42.1277) and tolde +te Emperour +tis tydynges wel and wiselich . (CMBRUT3,42.1278) and +te Emperoure sent +to into +tis lande with him his owen cosyn , +tat was his Vncles sone , a noble kny+gt and stronge , +tat me callede Maximian ; (CMBRUT3,42.1279) and he spousede Octouyanus dou+gter , (CMBRUT3,42.1280) and was cronede kyng of +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,42.1281) How Maximian , +tat was +te Emperourres cosyn , conquerede the Lande of Amorican , and +gaf it to Conan Meriedok . (CMBRUT3,42.1283) Capitulo xlix=o= . (CMBRUT3,42.1284) THis Kyng Maximian bicome so real , +tat he +tou+gt conquere +te lande of Amorican for +te grete richesse +tat he harde telle +tat was in +tat lande ; so +tat he ne lefte man +tat was of wor+ti-nesse -- kny+gt , squyer , ne none o+tere man -- +tat he ne toke ham with him , to grete damage and harme to al +te lande , (CMBRUT3,42.1286) but nome ham with him fram +tis lande , xxx M=l= kny+gtes +tat were doughty mennes bodyes , (CMBRUT3,42.1287) and went ouer into +te lande of Amorican , (CMBRUT3,42.1288) and +tere slough +te kyng +tat me callede Imbal , (CMBRUT3,42.1289) and conquerede al +te lande . (CMBRUT3,42.1290) And when he hade so done , he callede Conan , (CMBRUT3,42.1291) and saide : " For-asmiche as +te Kyng Octouyan wolde haue made +gow kyng of Britaigne , and +trou+g me +ge were lette and destourblede , +tat +ge were nou+gt kyng , I +geue +gow al +tis lande of Amorican , (CMBRUT3,42.1292) and +gow +terof make kyng . (CMBRUT3,42.1293) And for-asmiche as +ge beth a Britoun , and +goure men also , and bene comen fram Britaigne , I wille +tat +tis lande haue +te same name , and nomore bene callede Amorican , but bene callede ' litel Britaigne ' ; (CMBRUT3,42.1294) and +te lande fro whens +ge be+te comen shal bene callede ' michel Britaigne ' ; (CMBRUT3,42.1295) and so shul men know +tat one Britaigne fram +tat o+tere . " (CMBRUT3,42.1296) Conan Meriedok +tankede him hende-liche ; (CMBRUT3,42.1297) and so was he made kyng of litel Britaigne . (CMBRUT3,42.1298) and when al +tis was done , Maxence went +tens to Rome , (CMBRUT3,42.1299) and +tere was made Emperour after Constantyne . (CMBRUT3,42.1300) Conan Meriedok duellede in litel Britaigne with michel honour , (CMBRUT3,42.1301) and lete ordeyne ij M=l= ploughmen of +te lande forto erie +te lande , to harwe it and sowe , (CMBRUT3,43.1302) and feffede ham alle rychely , after +tat +tai were . (CMBRUT3,43.1303) and for-asmiche +tat Kyng Conan , ne none of his kny+gtes , ne none of his o+tere peple , wolde nou+gt take wifes of +te nacion of Fraunce , he +to sent into grete $Britaigne , to +te Erl of Cornewaile +tat me callede Dionotho , +tat chees +trou+g-oute alle +te lande xj M=l= of maydenes , +tat is to seyne , viij M=l= for the mene peple , and iij M=l= for +te grettest lordes +tat schulde ham spouse . (CMBRUT3,43.1304) And when Dionotho hade tak +tis commandement , he lete +to seche +trou+g-out al grete Britaigne as meny as +te nombre come to , (CMBRUT3,43.1305) for noman derst wi+tstande his commandement , for-asmichel as al +te lande was taken him to warde and kepe , to do al +ting +tat him +to likede . (CMBRUT3,43.1306) And when alle +te maydenes were assemblede , he lete ham comme bifore him to London , (CMBRUT3,43.1307) and lete ordeyne for ham shippes hastely , as miche as ham nedet to +tat viage , (CMBRUT3,43.1308) and toke his owen doughter +tat me callede Vrsula , +tat was +te faireste creature +tat eny man wist , (CMBRUT3,43.1309) and wolde haue sent her to Kyng Conan , +tat shulde haue spousede here , and made here quene of litel Britaigne ; (CMBRUT3,43.1310) but she hade made priuely to God a vow of chastite , +tat here fader wiste it nou+gt , ne noman elles +tat was leuyng oppon er+te . (CMBRUT3,43.1311) How Vrsula , and xj M=l= of maydenes +tat were in here company , went towarde litil Britaigne , & al were martrede at Coloigne . (CMBRUT3,43.1313) Capitulo Quinquagesimo . (CMBRUT3,43.1314) THis Vrsula chees into her company xj M=l= maydenes +tat of al o+tere she was lady and maistres ; (CMBRUT3,43.1316) and alle +tai went into +te shippis at on tyme , in +te water +tat me calle+t Tamise ; (CMBRUT3,43.1317) and commandede her kyn and alle her frendes to almy+gty God , (CMBRUT3,43.1318) and sailede for+t towarde litel Britaigne . (CMBRUT3,43.1319) But when +tai were comen in +te hye see , a stronge tempest arose , as it was Goddes wil ; (CMBRUT3,43.1320) and Vrsula , wi+t her shippis and here company , was dryuen , and +to xj M=l= maidenes , toward Hundelande , +trou+g tempest , (CMBRUT3,43.1321) and arryuede in +te hauen of +te citee of Coloigne . (CMBRUT3,44.1322) The kyng of +te lande , +tat me callede Gowan , was +to in +te citee ; (CMBRUT3,44.1323) and when he wist +to tydynges , +tat so meny faire maydenes were +tere arryuede , he tok Elga his bro+ter , and o+tere of his householde , wi+t him , (CMBRUT3,44.1324) and went to +te shippes to see +tat fair company . (CMBRUT3,44.1325) and when he sawe ham so faire , he and his company wolde haue ham ouerlayne , and bynome here maydenhode . (CMBRUT3,44.1326) but Vrsula , +tat gode mayde , conseilede , prayede , warnede , and tau+gte ham +tat were here felowes , +tat +tai shulde defende ham wi+t al her my+gt , and ra+ter suffre deth +tan suffre here bodyes bene defoulede . So +tat alle +te maydenes bicome so stedefast in God , +tat +tai defendede ham +trou+g his grace , so +tat none of ham hade power to done ham eny shame ; wherfore +te kyng was so sore annoiede , +tat he , for wra+t , lete slee ham euerychon anone ryght ; (CMBRUT3,44.1327) and so were alle +te maidenes martrede for +te loue of God , (CMBRUT3,44.1328) and ligget at Coloyn . (CMBRUT3,44.1329) How Kyng Gowan come forto destroye +tis lande ; and how a man of grete power , +tat me callede Gracian , defendede +te lande . (CMBRUT3,44.1331) Capitulo $Quinquagesimo Primo . (CMBRUT3,44.1332) WHen al +tis was done , Kyng Gowan , +tat was a sarasyn , callede his bro+ter Elga , (CMBRUT3,44.1334) and saide to him +tat he shulde gone to conquere +te lande +tat alle +to faire maydenes were borne in . (CMBRUT3,44.1335) and he ordeynede +to a grete power of Peihtes , of Denmarc , of Orkeneye , and of Norwaye , (CMBRUT3,44.1336) and +tai comen into +tis lande , (CMBRUT3,44.1337) and brent tounes , (CMBRUT3,44.1338) and slough folc , (CMBRUT3,44.1339) and caste adone cherches and houses of religioun , (CMBRUT3,44.1340) and robbede the lande in lengh and in brede , (CMBRUT3,44.1341) and put to deth alle +to +tat wolde noght forsake +te ryght bileue and cristen-dome , for-asmiche as +tere was none souerayne in the lande +tat my+gt ham helpe or defende . (CMBRUT3,44.1342) For +te Kyng Maximian hade taken wi+t him alle +te wor+ti men , when he went to conquere litil Britaigne . (CMBRUT3,44.1343) and in +te same tyme +tat +ge hure now telle , was Seynt Albone martrede +trou+g +te wode tyraunt Diodicinn in +te same place , wherin is now an Abbay made of Seynt Albone , whiles +tat he was a paynyme . (CMBRUT3,44.1344) But he conuertede him towarde God , +trou+g +te pre-dicacioun of a grete clerc and a wyse , +tat me callede Ancibell , +tat was herburghede a nyght in his house ; (CMBRUT3,45.1345) and +tis was after +te Incar-nacion of Ihesu Crist .ij C. iiij. vj +gere . (CMBRUT3,45.1346) and men shullen vnder stonde +tat Seynt Albone soffrede his martredome bifore +tat Seynt Edmunde was martrede ; (CMBRUT3,45.1347) and +terfore is seynt Albone callede +te ferst martre of Engelande . (CMBRUT3,45.1348) This Gowanus bro+ter , & his folk , +tat were Sarasynes , went +trou+g-oute +te Lande , (CMBRUT3,45.1349) and destroyede al +ting +tat +tai fonde ; (CMBRUT3,45.1350) and no +ting +tai ne sparede . (CMBRUT3,45.1351) When +tis tyd-yng come to Rome , how +tat Kyng Gowan hade bigonne forto destroye +tis lande , +te Emperour and +to of Rome sent a stronge man , and of grete power , +tat me callede Gracian , $with xxiiij M=l= men wel feightyng , forto caste oute Sarasynes of +tis lande , (CMBRUT3,45.1352) and alle +tai arryuede at Portesmouthe . (CMBRUT3,45.1353) Maximian my+gt nou+gt come him-self , for-asmiche as he was chosen Emperoure after +te de+t of Constantyn , +tat was Seynt Elynes sone . (CMBRUT3,45.1354) When +tis Gracian was arryuede wi+t his host , he lete aspie priuely wher +te Kyng Gowan my+gt bene founden ; (CMBRUT3,45.1355) and he come vppon him sodeynly , as +tai Lay in her beddes , (CMBRUT3,45.1356) and descomfitede ham , (CMBRUT3,45.1357) and sloughe echeon , +tat non of hem Ascaped saf Gowan , +tat fledde with mych sorowe in-to his cuntre . (CMBRUT3,45.1358) Sone aftir yt byfel +tat Maximian was slayn at Rome , +turgh treson ; (CMBRUT3,45.1359) And when Gracian wyst +t=e= tydynge , he let Croune hym kyng of +tis land . (CMBRUT3,45.1360) How Gracyan made hym kyng whan Maximian was slayn ; & after , +te Brytouns quelled hym for his wikkydnesse . (CMBRUT3,45.1362) Capitulo quinquagesimo ij=o= . (CMBRUT3,45.1363) This Gracian , when he gan forto regne , he bycome so wykked & so sterne , & so mych sorow wrought to +t=e= Britouns , +tat +tey slow hym amonges hem . (CMBRUT3,45.1365) Tho Kyng Gowan had vndirstande +tat Gracian was do to deth , he Assembled a gret power , (CMBRUT3,45.1366) & come a+gen in-to +tis land ; (CMBRUT3,45.1367) & yf he had arst don a grete harme , +t=o= dede he mych more ; (CMBRUT3,45.1368) for +t=o= distroyed he al this land , & al Crysten peple +tat was in Myche Brytaigne , so +tat no man was so hardy for-to nempne God ; (CMBRUT3,45.1369) & ho +tat dede , anon he was put to strong deth . (CMBRUT3,45.1370) But +te bysshop of London +tat was +to , +tat me called Gosselyn , scaped , (CMBRUT3,46.1372) & went +tens to hem of Rome , to seche socour for-to helpe dystroye +te Sara+gins +tat had destroyed +tis land . (CMBRUT3,46.1373) And +t=e= Romayns seyde +tat +tey hadde be so ofte anoyed for her sendyng after folk in-to Brytaigne , al for-to helpe +t=e= Britouns , & +tey wold no more so do . (CMBRUT3,46.1374) And so +t=e= Bysshop Gosselyn went +tens with-oute ony Socour or helpe ; (CMBRUT3,46.1375) & +to went he to +t=e= Kyng of litil Brytaigne , +tat me called Aldroye , (CMBRUT3,46.1376) & +tis was +t=e= iij kyng after Gowan Meridiok , as bifore is sayd . (CMBRUT3,46.1377) The bysshop prayed this Kyng Aldroye of socour & of helpe . (CMBRUT3,46.1378) the kyng hadde herd how +t=e= bysshop fledde , & how +tat +t=e= Crystene men were slayn in gret Brytaigne +turgh Paynynis & Sara+gins , (CMBRUT3,46.1379) & he graunted hym Constantyn his bro+ter , hym for-to helpe , with Poer of folk , (CMBRUT3,46.1380) & hem dede arraye hors armure , & schippes , & al thing +tat hem neded to +tat viage . (CMBRUT3,46.1381) and when al thing was redy , he called +t=e= bysshop , (CMBRUT3,46.1382) & to hym seyd : " I take +gou here to helpe & socour Constantyn my bro+ter , vpon this couenaunt , +tat +gif God +gife hym grace , +te Paynems & Sara+gins to schende & discomfite , +tat +tanne +ge make hym kyng of +t=e= land " : (CMBRUT3,46.1383) & +t=e= bysshop yt graunted with good wyll . (CMBRUT3,46.1384) Constantyn & +t=e= bysshop nome leue +to of +t=e= Kyng Aldroye , (CMBRUT3,46.1385) & by-took hym to God , (CMBRUT3,46.1386) & nome her men xij M=l= , (CMBRUT3,46.1387) & went in-to her schippes , (CMBRUT3,46.1388) & sayled toward +t=e= gret Brytaigne , (CMBRUT3,46.1389) & Arryued in Tottenesse . (CMBRUT3,46.1390) when +t=e= Britouns herd +te tydyng +tat to hem come socour , +tey were stronglich holpyn , (CMBRUT3,46.1391) & ordeigned hem an huge nombre of peple , (CMBRUT3,46.1392) & come to hem , (CMBRUT3,46.1393) & hem vndirfongen with mychel honour . (CMBRUT3,46.1394) Gowan , anon as he wyste of this +tyng , he Assemblyd all +te Sara+gins , (CMBRUT3,46.1395) & come a+gens hym , (CMBRUT3,46.1396) & +gaf batayll . (CMBRUT3,46.1397) And Constantyn slow hym with his owne hand ; (CMBRUT3,46.1398) & all +t=e= othere Sara+gins were discomfited & slayn , +tat non aschaped but +t=o= +tat were conuerted vnto God . (CMBRUT3,46.1399) How Constantyn , +tat was +te kynges bro+ter of litel Britaigne , was Crouned kyng , for his wor+tines , of mych Bretaigne . (CMBRUT3,46.1401) Capitulo liij=o= . (CMBRUT3,46.1402) Anon , aftir +t=e= batayll , alle +tey went to London , (CMBRUT3,46.1404) & crowned +tere Constantyn , (CMBRUT3,46.1405) & made hym kyng of +tis lond . (CMBRUT3,46.1406) And +t=e= bysshop Gosselyn sette +t=e= Croune vpon his hed , (CMBRUT3,46.1407) & anoynted hym , as falleth to A kyng for-to be ; (CMBRUT3,47.1408) & +t=o= bygan Crystendom . (CMBRUT3,47.1409) This Constantyn , whan he was Crouned , anon aftir he spoused his wyf +turgh counceil of +t=e= Britouns ; (CMBRUT3,47.1410) & he begate iij Sones on her : (CMBRUT3,47.1411) +t=e= ferst me called Constaunce , +tat other Aurylambros , & +t=e= iij Vter . (CMBRUT3,47.1412) Constance , +t=e= eldest brother , when he come to Age , made hym a monke at Wynchestre . (CMBRUT3,47.1413) Constantyn here fadir was slayn +turgh treson ; (CMBRUT3,47.1414) for it byfell vpon a tyme +tat a Pohete come to hym vpon a day , in Message as yt were , (CMBRUT3,47.1415) & seyd +tat he wolde speke with +te kyng pryuyly in Counceyl . (CMBRUT3,47.1416) The kyng lete voyde his Chambre of +t=o= men +tat were with-Inne ; (CMBRUT3,47.1417) & +to Abide +tere nomo but +t=e= kyng & +te Pohete , (CMBRUT3,47.1418) & made a Contenaunce as +tey wolde speke to-gidere in his ere ; (CMBRUT3,47.1419) & +tere he qwelled hym with a long knyf ; (CMBRUT3,47.1420) & after , went qweyntly out of +t=e= Chambre in-to ano+ter Chambre ; (CMBRUT3,47.1421) so at +te laste no man wyst wher he was bycome . (CMBRUT3,47.1422) When +t=e= kynges men it wyste , +tat here lord was so ded , +tei made so mych sorowe +tey nyst all what for-to done , for-as-mych as his ij sones , Aurylambros & Vter , weren so yenge +tat non of hem myght be kyng ; (CMBRUT3,47.1423) & +t=e= iij bro+ter was monke at Wynchestre , as I sayd before . (CMBRUT3,47.1424) But Vortiger , +tat was Erl of Westsex , +tought pryuyly in his herte , thurgh queyntise , to be kyng ; (CMBRUT3,47.1425) & went to Wynchestre +ter +tat Constaunce was monk , (CMBRUT3,47.1426) & to hym seyde : " Constaunce quod he , " +goure fadir is ded , (CMBRUT3,47.1427) & +gour ij bre+terin +tat ben with Gosselyn , +t=e= bysshop of London , to noryssh , beth so yeng , +tat non of hem may be kyng ; wherfore y counseyle +tat +ge forsake +goure Abyte , & come with me , (CMBRUT3,47.1428) & I schal do so to +t=e= Brytouns +tat +ge schul be made kyng . " (CMBRUT3,47.1429) Of Constaunce , +tat was Constantynus sone , +tat was Monk at Wynchestr ; & how he was made kyng after his faders deth , +turgh Counceill of Vortiger , +tat was Erle of Westsex , for-as-mych as Aurilambros & Vter , his ij bre+terin , were but of yonge age , & was slayn . (CMBRUT3,47.1431) Capitulo liiij=o= . (CMBRUT3,47.1432) This Vortiger counceyled +tis Constaunce so mych tyl he forsook his Abyte , & went with hym . (CMBRUT3,47.1434) & anon aftir , he was Crouned and made kyng by Assent of +t=e= Brytouns . (CMBRUT3,47.1435) This kyng Constance , whan he was crouned & made kyng , he wyst ne knew but litil of +t=e= world , (CMBRUT3,48.1436) ne cowde no thing as knyghthood axed , (CMBRUT3,48.1437) he made Vortiger his maister & his chef Counceillour , (CMBRUT3,48.1438) & yaf hym all his power , for-to ordeigne & do as myche as to +t=e= reaume perteyned , so +tat hym-self no +ting entrauelled , but only bare +te name of kyng . (CMBRUT3,48.1439) Whan Vortiger saw +tat he had al +t=e= land in his warde & gouernayle , at his owne wyll , he +tought A pryue Treson , (CMBRUT3,48.1440) & +tought to sle Constance +te kyng , +tat he myght hym-self be Crouned & made kyng & regne , (CMBRUT3,48.1441) & lete sende after a C knyghttes of Pehetes , +t=e= worthiest of +t=e= land , (CMBRUT3,48.1442) & hem helde with hym , to duelle wi+t him , and to bene Kepers of his body , as he wolde wende +trou+g +te lande to ordeyne +tinges +tat perteynede to a Kyng . (CMBRUT3,48.1443) And +tis Vortiger honourede so miche +to C kny+gtes (CMBRUT3,48.1444) and so miche +gaf ham of golde and siluer , & so ryche rewell , robes , hors , and o+tere noble plente , wherfore +tai helde him more lorde +tan +tai deden +te kyng . (CMBRUT3,48.1445) And Vortyger tolde ham , if +tat he moste bene kyng , {TEXT:he} , as it were +trou+g tresoun , he wolde make ham richest of +te lande . (CMBRUT3,48.1446) so at the laste , +trou+g grete +giftes +tat he hade +geue largely , +tai crieden +trou+g +te court +tat Vortiger were better wor+ti ben kyng +tan Constance ; wherfore Vortiger made sem-blent as +tau+g he hade bene wro+t , and departede +tens fro +te court , and saide he most gone elles-where for +ting +tat he hade to done ; (CMBRUT3,48.1447) and so +te traitoure +gede for enchesoun +tat +tai shulde slee him , +tat is to seyne , Constance . (CMBRUT3,48.1448) When +tis Vortiger was gone , hit bifelle sone after +tat +to C kny+gt+g of Peightes breken +te dores of +te kynges chambre , (CMBRUT3,48.1449) and +tere +tai him slough and smoten of his heuede , (CMBRUT3,48.1450) and bare it to Vortiger +tere +tat he duellede . (CMBRUT3,48.1451) and when Vortyger saw +tat heuede , he wepte ful tenderly wi+t his eye ; (CMBRUT3,48.1452) and no+telese he was some dele glade of his deth , (CMBRUT3,48.1453) and anone lete take +to C kny+gtes of Peightes , (CMBRUT3,48.1454) & bonde here hondes bihynde ham , (CMBRUT3,48.1455) and lade ham to London ; (CMBRUT3,48.1456) & +tere +tai were dampnede to deth as false traitoures . (CMBRUT3,49.1457) and anone after , al +te britons of +te lande , by commune assent cronede +tere Vortiger , (CMBRUT3,49.1458) & made him kyng of +te lande . (CMBRUT3,49.1459) How +te wardeynes +tat hade +to ij childerne to kepe , +tat were Constantines sones , lade ham to litel Britaigne , for the tresoun and falsenesse of Vortiger . (CMBRUT3,49.1461) Capitulo Quin-quagesimo Quinto . (CMBRUT3,49.1462) THis kyng Vortyger , when he was cronede , +to +tat hade +te ij childerne in kepyng , Aurilambros and Vter , +trou+g ordenance of Gosselyn , +tat was bisshop of London at his de+t , derst nou+gt duelle in the lande wi+t +te childerne , (CMBRUT3,49.1464) but lade ham to +te kyng of litel Britaigne , forasmiche as he +to wiste +te tresoun of Vortiger , +tat +to was made Kyng , +trou+g wham Constance here bro+ter was slayn , wherfore +to C kny+gtes of Peightes were put to +te deth , and bare al +te blame , as +tei+gt Vortiger hade nou+gt wiste +terof , no+ter +terto consentede ; (CMBRUT3,49.1465) and so +te Kepers of +to ij childerne drade laste Vortiger wolde put ham to deth , +trou+g his tresoun and falsenesse , as he hade done her bro+ter biforne ; (CMBRUT3,49.1466) and +terfor +tai wer ladde ouer into litel Britaigne , (CMBRUT3,49.1467) and +te kyng ham resceyuede wi+t michel honour , (CMBRUT3,49.1468) and lete ham to norisshe ; (CMBRUT3,49.1469) and +tere +tai duellede til +tai bicome fair kny+gte+g & $strong and ferse , (CMBRUT3,49.1470) and +tou+gt euer to bene avengede of +te deth of Constantyne here bro+ter , when +tai saw here tyme ; (CMBRUT3,49.1471) and so +tai deden , as +te shul hur aftirward . (CMBRUT3,49.1472) Hit was nou+gt long after , +tat +te tydynges ne come ouer +te see , to +te kynrede of +te C kny+gte+g of Peightes +tat were dampnede and put to +te deth +trou+g Vortiger in +tis lande ; (CMBRUT3,49.1473) +terfore +tai weren wonderly wro+te , (CMBRUT3,49.1474) & sworen +tat +tai would be avenged of her kins death , (CMBRUT3,49.1475) and comen into +tis lande wi+t a grete power , (CMBRUT3,49.1476) & rob-beden in meny places , (CMBRUT3,49.1477) & slou+g , (CMBRUT3,49.1478) & dede al +te sorw +tat +tai my+gt . (CMBRUT3,49.1479) When Vortyger hit wiste , he made sorw ynow (CMBRUT3,49.1480) and sore was annoyede ; (CMBRUT3,50.1481) and in a-no+ter partie also tydynges come +tat Aurilambros & Vter ordeynede ham , and assemblede a grete hoste forto come into michel Britaigne , +tat is to seyne , into +tis lande , to bene avenged of Constance de+t her bro+ter so +tat in one half and in +tat o+ter he was brou+gt into so miche sorwe +tat he nyst whider to wende . (CMBRUT3,50.1482) How Engist and xj M=l= men come into +tis lande , to whom Vortiger +gaf a place +tat is callede Thongecastell . (CMBRUT3,50.1484) Capitulo lvj=to= . (CMBRUT3,50.1485) ANd sone after +tis sorw , tidynges come to Vortiger , +tat a grete nauye of straungers were arryuede in Kent ; (CMBRUT3,50.1487) but +tai wist nou+gt whens +tai were , ne wherfore +tai were comen . (CMBRUT3,50.1488) The Kyng sent anone messagers +tider , +tat somme of ham shulde come and speke wi+t him , forto wete what folc +tai werne , and what +tai axede , and into what contre +tai wolde gone . (CMBRUT3,50.1489) +tere were ij bre+terne , Prynces and maistres of +tat straunge company : (CMBRUT3,50.1490) +tat on me callede Engist , and +tat o+tere Horn . (CMBRUT3,50.1491) Engist went +to to +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,50.1492) & tolde to him encheson wherefore +tai were +tere arryuede in his lande , (CMBRUT3,50.1493) and saide : " sire ! we beth of a contre +tat is callede Saxoyue , +tat is , +te Lande of Germayn , wherin is so miche sorw , +tat +te peple is so myche +tat +te lande may nou+gt ham sustene ne suffice . (CMBRUT3,50.1494) The maystres & Prynces +tat haue+t +te lande to gouerne and rewele , shul done come bifore ham men and wymmen , (CMBRUT3,50.1495) +te boldest +tat bene amonges ham and best mowen trauaile into diuerse+g londes ; (CMBRUT3,50.1496) and so +tai shal ham +geue Horse and harneyse , armure , and al +ting +tat ham nede+t ; (CMBRUT3,50.1497) and after +tai say to ham +tat +tai go into ano+ter contre , wher +tat +tai mowen leue , as here auncestres deden biforne ham . (CMBRUT3,50.1498) and +terfore , sire kyng , if +ge haue ou+gt to done wi+t oure company , we bene comen into +goure lande ; (CMBRUT3,51.1499) and wi+t gode wille +gow wil serue , and +gour lande helpe , kepe , & defende fram +goure enemys , if +tat +gow nede+t . (CMBRUT3,51.1500) when Vortiger herde +tis tydynges , he saide he wolde gladeliche wi+thalde ham , oppon soche couenant , (CMBRUT3,51.1501) if +tai my+gt delyuer his lande of his enemys , he wolde +geue ham resonable landes , wher +tai shulde duelle for euermore . (CMBRUT3,51.1502) Engist +tankede him godeliche ; (CMBRUT3,51.1503) and in +tis maner he and his company , xj. M=l= men , shulde duelle wi+t +te Kyng Vortiger ; (CMBRUT3,51.1504) and so miche +tai deden +trou+g here boldenesse , +tat +tai delyuerede +te lande clene of here enemys . (CMBRUT3,51.1505) +to praiede Engist +te Kyng , of so miche lande +tat he my+gt make to him a citee , for him and for his menye . (CMBRUT3,51.1506) The kyng ansuerede & saide , ' it was nou+gt forto done wi+touten conseile of his Britons . ' (CMBRUT3,51.1507) Engist prayede him eftesones of as miche place as he my+gt compasse wi+t a twonge of a skyn , wher-oppon he my+gt make him a maner , and for his to duelle in ; (CMBRUT3,51.1508) and +te kyng grantede it frely . (CMBRUT3,51.1509) +to +tok Engist a bole skyn , (CMBRUT3,51.1510) and cotte it as smale as he my+gt , al into a twonge al rounde , (CMBRUT3,51.1511) & +ter-wi+t compassede as miche lande as he compassede ; wher-oppon he made a faire castel . (CMBRUT3,51.1512) and when +tis castel was ymade , he lete calle it Twongecastel , for asmiche as +te place was merkede wi+t a twonge . (CMBRUT3,51.1513) Of Ronewenne , +tat was Engistes doughter , and how Kyng Vortyger $spousede her for here beaute . (CMBRUT3,51.1515) C. lvij=mo= . (CMBRUT3,51.1516) WHen +tis castel was makede , and ful wel arraiede , Engist priuely sent bi lettre into +te contre +tat he come of , after an hundrede shippis fillede with strange men +tat were bolde and wel fei+gtyng in alle batailes ; and +tat +tai shulde bryng wi+t ham Ronewenne , his dou+gter , +tat was +te fairest creature +tat eny man my+gt see . (CMBRUT3,51.1518) And when +te peple was comen , +tat he hade sende after , he toke ham into +te castel wi+t michel ioye ; (CMBRUT3,51.1519) and him him-self , vppon a day , went vnto +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,51.1520) and prayede him derworly +tat he wolde come and see his new maner , +tat he hade made in +te place +tat he hade compassede wi+t +te twong of +te skyn . (CMBRUT3,52.1521) +te kyng anone grantede him frely , (CMBRUT3,52.1522) and wi+t him went +tider , (CMBRUT3,52.1523) and was wel payede wi+t +te castel & wi+t +te faire werk ; (CMBRUT3,52.1524) and togederes +tere +tai eten and dranken wi+t michel ioye . (CMBRUT3,52.1525) And when ny+gt come , +tat +te kyng shulde go into his chambre forto take +tere his ny+gtes reste , Ronewenne , +tat was Engistes dou+gter , come wi+t a coupe of golde in here honde , (CMBRUT3,52.1526) and knelede bifore +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,52.1527) and saide to him " Whatsaile ! " (CMBRUT3,52.1528) and +te kyng wist nou+gt what it was forto mene , ne what he shulde ansuere , for-asmiche as himself ne none of his Britons +gitte cou+te none Englisshe speke , ne vnderstonde it , but speken +to +tat same langage +tat Britons +gitte done . (CMBRUT3,52.1529) No+teles , a Latymer tolde +te kyng +te fulle vnder-stondyng +terof ' whatsaill ' ; and +tat o+ter shulde ansuere ' drynkehaile ' : (CMBRUT3,52.1530) and +tat was +te ferst tyme +tat ' whatsaile ' and ' drynkehaile ' come vp into +tis lande ; (CMBRUT3,52.1531) and fram +tat tyme into this tyme it Ha+t bene wel vsede . (CMBRUT3,52.1532) The Kyng Vortiger saw +te fairenesse of Ronewenne , (CMBRUT3,52.1533) and his armes layde aboute here nek , (CMBRUT3,52.1534) and +tries swetely cussede hir ; (CMBRUT3,52.1535) and anone ry+gt he was vnarmerede oppon hire , +tat he desirede to haue here to wyf , (CMBRUT3,52.1536) and axede of Engist hir fader . (CMBRUT3,52.1537) and Engist grantede , oppon +tis couenaunt +tat +te kyng shulde +geue him al the contre of Kent , +tat he my+gt duelle in , and al his peple . (CMBRUT3,52.1538) +te kyng hym grantede priuely with a gode wille ; (CMBRUT3,52.1539) and anone after he spousede +te damisell . (CMBRUT3,52.1540) +tat was miche confusion to himself ; (CMBRUT3,52.1541) and +terfor al +te Britouns bicome so wro+t , for enchesoun +tat he hade spousede a womman of mysbileue , wherfore +tai went al from him , and no+ting to him toke kepe , ne helpe him in +tinges +tat he hade to done . (CMBRUT3,52.1542) How Vortymere , +tat was Vortigers sone , was made kyng , & Engist dryuen oute ; & how Vortymer was slayn +trou+g Ronewenne . (CMBRUT3,52.1544) Capitulo lviij=o= . (CMBRUT3,52.1545) THis Engist went into Kent , (CMBRUT3,52.1547) and seisede al +te lande into his hande , for him and for al his men ; (CMBRUT3,52.1548) and bicome in a litel while of so grete power , & so miche peple hade , +tat men wist nou+gt in litel tyme , whiche were +te kynges men , & whiche were Engistes men . wherfore al Britaigne hade of ham drede , and saide amonges ham +tat , if +tai ne toke o+tere counseil bituene ham , al +te lande shulde be bitrayede +trou+g Engist and his peple . (CMBRUT3,53.1549) Vortyger +te kyng hade bigeten on his ferst wif iij sones : (CMBRUT3,53.1550) +te ferst me callede Vortymer ; +te secunde , Catagren ; and +te +tridde , Passent . (CMBRUT3,53.1551) +Te Britons , euerychon by one assent , chosen Vortymer forto bene here lorde , & here souerayne , and hir conseiler in euery bataile , (CMBRUT3,53.1552) and cronede him , (CMBRUT3,53.1553) and made him Kyng , (CMBRUT3,53.1554) and Wolde soffre Vortiger no longer to regne , for enchesoun of +te alliance bituene Engist and him . (CMBRUT3,53.1555) +te Britons ordeynede a grete host to drif out Engist and his company of +te lande , (CMBRUT3,53.1556) and +gaf him iij batailles : (CMBRUT3,53.1557) +te ferst was in Kent , +tere +tat he was lorde ; (CMBRUT3,53.1558) +te secunde was att Tetteford ; (CMBRUT3,53.1559) and +te +tridde was in a shire a +tis half Cool , in a more . (CMBRUT3,53.1560) & in +tis batail ham mette Cattegren and Horn , Engistes bro+ter , so +tat eueryche of ham slou+g o+ter ; (CMBRUT3,53.1561) but for-asmiche as +te contre was +geuen longe bifore to Horn , +trou+g Vortyger , +to he hade spousede his cosyn ; +tere he hade made a faire castel +tat me callede Horncastel , after his owen name . (CMBRUT3,53.1562) And Vortymere was so annoiede for his bro+teres de+t , Cattegren , +tat he was dede in soche a maner ; wherfore anone he lete felle +te castel to +te grounde , (CMBRUT3,53.1563) and after +tat , he ne lefte ny+gt ne day til he hade dryuen out Engist and all his peple of +te lande . (CMBRUT3,53.1564) And when Engist was dryuen away , Ronewenne his dou+gter made sorwe ynow , (CMBRUT3,53.1565) and queyntly spake to ham +tat were nexte +te kyng Vortymere , (CMBRUT3,53.1566) and priueest wi+t him . (CMBRUT3,53.1567) and so miche she +gaf ham of +giftes , +tat he was apoysenede , (CMBRUT3,53.1568) & deide at London +te iiij +gere of his regne ; (CMBRUT3,53.1569) & +tere he lith . (CMBRUT3,53.1570) How +te Britons chosen a-no+tere tyme Vortyger to bene here king ; and Engist come into +tis lande a+geyne & +tai fou+gten to-gedres . (CMBRUT3,53.1572) Capitulo lix=o= . (CMBRUT3,53.1573) After Vortymeres de+t , +te Britons , by here commune assent , Eftesones made Vortyger here kyng , vppon +tis couenaunt , +tat he shulde neuer after soffren Engist , ne none of his , eftesones shulde come into +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,53.1575) And when al +tis was done , Ronewenne +te Quene sent priuely by lettre to Engist , that she hade enpoisenede Vortymer , and +tat Vortyger , her lorde a+geyne bare +te croune and regnede , and +tat he shulde come a+geyne into +tat lande , wel arraiede wi+t miche peple , forto avenge him vppon +te Britons , and to wynne his lande a+geyne . (CMBRUT3,54.1576) of +tis tydyng Engist made grete ioye , (CMBRUT3,54.1577) and apparailede him hastely wi+t xv M=l= men +tat were dou+gty en euery batail . (CMBRUT3,54.1578) And when Vortyger herde telle +tat Engist was comen a+geyne wi+t a grete power into +tis lande , he assemblede his Britons , (CMBRUT3,54.1579) and +to went a+geyns Engist forto haue +geue him bataile , and his folc ; (CMBRUT3,54.1580) but Engist hade him sore of +te Britons , (CMBRUT3,54.1581) for +tai hade descomfitede him biforn-hand , and dryuen him out by streng+t ; wherfore Engist prayede him of a loue-day , and saide he was nou+gt comen forto fi+gt , but forto haue his lande a+geyne of Kent , if he might accorde wi+t +te Britons , and of ham haue grace . (CMBRUT3,54.1582) The Kyng Vortiger , +trou+g conseile of his Britons , grauntede a loue-day ; (CMBRUT3,54.1583) and +tus it was ordeynede +trou+g +te Britons , +tat +tilk loue-day shulde ben holden faste bisides Salesbury , vppon an hull ; (CMBRUT3,54.1584) and Engist shulde come +tider wi+t iiij=c= kny+gtes , wi+touten mo , and +te kyng wi+t as meny of +te wisest of +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,54.1585) And at +tat day +te kyng come wi+t his conseil , as it was ordeynede ; (CMBRUT3,54.1586) but Engist hade warnede his kny+gtes priueliche , and ham commandede +tat eueryche of ham shulde put a Longe Knyf in his hose ; (CMBRUT3,54.1587) and when he saide , " faire sires ! now is tyme forto speke of loue and pees , " eueryche anone , eueryche shulde draw his knyf & slee a Britoun . (CMBRUT3,54.1588) & so +tai quellede xxx M=l= & lxj of kny+gtes ; (CMBRUT3,54.1589) and wi+t miche sorwe meny of ham ascapede ; (CMBRUT3,54.1590) and Vortyger him-self was taken and Lade to Twongecastell , and put into prisoun ; (CMBRUT3,54.1591) and somme of Engistes men wolde +tat +te kyng hade bene brent al quyk . (CMBRUT3,54.1592) And Vortiger +to , to haue his lif , grauntede ham as miche as +tai wolde axen , (CMBRUT3,54.1593) and +gaf vp all +te lande , tounes and castelles , citees and Burghes , to Engist and to his folc . (CMBRUT3,54.1594) and alle +te Britons fledde +tenns into Walys , (CMBRUT3,54.1595) and +tere helde ham stille . (CMBRUT3,54.1596) and Engist went +trou+g +te lande , (CMBRUT3,54.1597) and seisede alle +te lande with ffraunchises ; (CMBRUT3,54.1598) and in euery place lete caste adoune cherche+g and houses of religioun , (CMBRUT3,55.1599) and destroyede Cristendome +trou+g +te lande , (CMBRUT3,55.1600) and lete chaunge +te name of +te lande , +tat no man of his were so hardy after +tat tyme to calle +tis lande Britaigne , but calle it Engistes lande ; (CMBRUT3,55.1601) and he departede alle +tat lande to his men , (CMBRUT3,55.1602) and +tere made vij kynges forto streng+t +te lande , +tat +te Britons shulde neuer after come +terin . (CMBRUT3,55.1603) The ferst kyngdome was Kent +tere +tat Engist him-self regnede , and was lorde & maystre ouer al +te o+tere ; (CMBRUT3,55.1604) Ano+tere kyng hade Southsex , where now is Chichestre ; (CMBRUT3,55.1605) The +tridde kyng hade Westsex ; (CMBRUT3,55.1606) The fer+te kyng hade Essex ; (CMBRUT3,55.1607) The v kyng hade Estangle , +tat now is callede Northfolc , Southfolc , Merchemeriche , +tat is to seynt , +te Erldome of Nichol ; (CMBRUT3,55.1608) +te sixte hade Leycestreshire , Northamptonshire , Hereford and Huntyngdoune ; (CMBRUT3,55.1609) The vij hade Osenford , Gloucestr , Wynchestre , Warwik and Darbyshire . (CMBRUT3,55.1610) How Vortiger went into Walis , and biganne +tere a castel , +tat wolde nou+gt stande wi+touten morter temprede wi+t mannes blode . (CMBRUT3,55.1612) Capitulo Sexagesimo . (CMBRUT3,55.1613) WHen Engist hade departede al +te lande in this maner bituene his men , he delyuerede Vortiger out of prison , (CMBRUT3,55.1615) and soffrede hym frely to gone whider +tat he wolde . (CMBRUT3,55.1616) and he toke his way , (CMBRUT3,55.1617) and went into Walys , +tere +tat his Britons duellede , for-asmiche as +tat lande was strong and wikkede to wynne . (CMBRUT3,55.1618) and Engist neuer come +tere , (CMBRUT3,55.1619) ne knew neuer bifore +tat Lande . (CMBRUT3,55.1620) Vortiger helde him +tere wi+t his Britons , (CMBRUT3,55.1621) and axede conseil what him was best al forto done ; (CMBRUT3,55.1622) and +tai +gaf him conseil to make a stronge castel +tat he my+gt him-self +terin kepe and defende if it nede were . (CMBRUT3,55.1623) Masounes in hast +tere were fette , (CMBRUT3,55.1624) and bigonne +te werk oppon +te hull of Breigh ; (CMBRUT3,55.1625) but certes +tus it bi-felle , +tat al the werk +tat +te masounes made aday , adoune it felle any+gt ; (CMBRUT3,55.1626) and +tat ferede so iij tymes or iiij , wherof +tai hadden grete wonder what it my+gt bene (CMBRUT3,55.1627) & +terof +te kyng was sore annoiede of +tat chaunce , (CMBRUT3,55.1628) and wist nou+gt what to done ; wherfore he lete sende after +te wisest clerkes , and also lewede men +tat weren +trou+g-out Walys , +tat myght bene fonde , for +tai shulde telle wherfore +te foundement so failede $vnder +te werk , and +tat +tai shulde him telle what was best to done . (CMBRUT3,56.1629) and when +te wisest men longe tyme hade studiet , +tai saide to +te kyng +tat he shulde done sike a childe borne of a woman +tat neuer hade wi+t man to done , (CMBRUT3,56.1630) & +tat childe he shulde sleen , & temper wi+t his blode +te morter of +te werk , (CMBRUT3,56.1631) & so shulle +te werke endure euermore wi+touten ende . (CMBRUT3,56.1632) How +te kyng lete seche Merlyn +trou+g al Walys forto speke wi+t him . (CMBRUT3,56.1634) Capitulo lxj=o= . (CMBRUT3,56.1635) When +te kyng herde +tis , he commandede his messagers anone to wende +trou+g-out al Walys , to seche +tat childe if +tai myght him fynde , and +tat +tai shulde brynge him forthwi+t ham vnto him . (CMBRUT3,56.1637) and in recorde and witnesse of +tis +ting , he toke ham his lettres , +tat +tai ne were destourblede of no man , ne lette . (CMBRUT3,56.1638) And so faste spede ham the messagers , +tat +tai come vnto a toune +tat me callede Kermerdyn ; (CMBRUT3,56.1639) and as +tai passede fourth in here way , +tai fonden ij childerne of xiiij +gere age chiddyng togeder wi+t hastif wordes ; (CMBRUT3,56.1640) and one of ham saide to +tat o+ter " Donebat , " quod he , " +ge done al wronge to chide or strif wi+t me , (CMBRUT3,56.1641) for +ge haue no witte ne resoun as I haue . " (CMBRUT3,56.1642) " Certes , Merlyn , " quod +tat o+tere , " of +goure witte and of +gour resoun y make no forse , (CMBRUT3,56.1643) for men telle+t communeliche +tat +ge haue no +ting of god , si+t +ge hade neuer fader , (CMBRUT3,56.1644) but alle men weten wel ho is +goure moder . " (CMBRUT3,56.1645) The kynges massagers , when +tai herde +tis strif bituene +to ij gromes , +tai axede of men +tat stoden bituene ham , whens +tat Merlyn was born , & who him norisshede ; (CMBRUT3,56.1646) and +te folc ham tolde +tat a grete gentil-woman him bare in Kermerdyne , +tat me callede Adhan , but neuere my+gt men wete who was +te childes fader . (CMBRUT3,56.1647) When +te messagers herde +tis tydynges , +tai went anone to him +tat was wardeyne of +te toune , (CMBRUT3,56.1648) and tolde him +te kynges wille and his lettres , wherfore +tai were comen +tider . (CMBRUT3,56.1649) Merlyn and his moder anone were sent bifore +te wardeyne of +te toune , (CMBRUT3,56.1650) and he commandede ham +tat +tai shulde gone to +te kyng , as hit was ordeynede by his messagers . (CMBRUT3,57.1651) Merlyn and his moder come vnto +te kyng (CMBRUT3,57.1652) and were vnder-fonge wi+t michel honour ; (CMBRUT3,57.1653) and +te kyng axede of +tat lady ' if +tat childe were her sone , and who him bigate . ' (CMBRUT3,57.1654) The lady ansuerede , ful tender wepyng , (CMBRUT3,57.1655) and saide she hade neuer company of man worldely ; (CMBRUT3,57.1656) " but , sire , " quod shee , " as y was a +gonge maiden in my faderes chambre , and o+tere of grete lynage were in my company , +tat ofte were wont to playe and to solacen , I belefte allone in my chaumbre of my fader , (CMBRUT3,57.1657) & wolde nou+gt gon out , for brennyng of +te sone . (CMBRUT3,57.1658) And oppon a tyme +tere come a faire bachiler , (CMBRUT3,57.1659) and entrede into my chaumbre +tere +tat I was allone ; (CMBRUT3,57.1660) but how he come into me , & wher , I wiste neuer , ne +gitte wote , (CMBRUT3,57.1661) for +te dores were fast barrede ; (CMBRUT3,57.1662) and wi+ me he dede game of loue , (CMBRUT3,57.1663) for I nade no+ter my+gt ne power him to defende fro me ; (CMBRUT3,57.1664) and ofte he come to me in the forsaide maner , so +tat he bigate one me +tis same childe ; (CMBRUT3,57.1665) but neuer my+gt y wete of him what he was , ne whens he come , ne what was his name . (CMBRUT3,57.1666) Of +te ansuere of Merlyn , wherfore +te kyng axede whi his werk myght nou+gt stande +tat he hade bigonne , my+gt nou+gt proue . (CMBRUT3,57.1668) Capitulo lxij=o= . (CMBRUT3,57.1669) When Merlyn hade herde al +tat his moder hade saide , he spake to +te kyng in this maner : " sire , how y was bigeten , axe +ge no more , (CMBRUT3,57.1671) for hit falle+t nou+gt to +gow ne to none o+tere forto wete ; (CMBRUT3,57.1672) but telle me +te enchesone wherefore I ame to +gow brou+gt , and wherfore +ge haue sent after me . " (CMBRUT3,57.1673) " Certes , " quod +te kyng , " my wise concelers hauen done me to vnderstonde +tat +te morter of a werk +tat I haue done bigonne biheue+t , ben temperede wi+t +gour blode , (CMBRUT3,57.1674) or +te fundement shal faile for euermore . " (CMBRUT3,57.1675) " Sire , " quod Merlyn , " wille +ge slee me for my blode forto temper wi+t +goure morter ? " (CMBRUT3,57.1676) " +Ge , " quod +te kyng , " or elles shal neuer my castel stonde , as my conselers done me to vnderstonde . " (CMBRUT3,57.1677) +To ansured Merlyn to +te kyng : (CMBRUT3,57.1678) " sire , " he saide , " late ham come bifore me , +to wise conselers , (CMBRUT3,57.1679) and I wil proue +tat +tai say nou+gt wel ne trewely . (CMBRUT3,58.1680) and when +te wise were comen , Merlyn axede if his blode were +te enchesoun to make +te werke stande to endure . (CMBRUT3,58.1681) Alle +tise wise were abasshede , (CMBRUT3,58.1682) and cou+t nou+gt ansuere , (CMBRUT3,58.1683) Merlyn +to saide to +te kyng : " sire , I shal telle +gow +te encheson wherfore +gour werk +tus faile+t and may nou+gt stande . (CMBRUT3,58.1684) +tere is vnder +te mountaigne +tere +tat +ge haue bigonne +gour tour a grete ponde of water ; (CMBRUT3,58.1685) and in +te botume of +te ponde , vnder +te water , +tere be+t ij dragons , -- +tat one is white , and +tat o+tere rede , -- +tat fei+gten to-geder ageyne +goure werk . (CMBRUT3,58.1686) Do+t myne de+te til +gour men come to the ponde , (CMBRUT3,58.1687) and doth +gour men take away +te water al out , (CMBRUT3,58.1688) and +tan +ge shul see +te dragons , as I haue +gow tolde , +to togederes fei+gten ageyne +gour werk ; (CMBRUT3,58.1689) and +tis is +te encheson , certes , wher-fore +gour fundement faile+t . " (CMBRUT3,58.1690) the kyng anone lete degge vnder , til +tat men come to +te ponde , (CMBRUT3,58.1691) & lete do away al +te water ; (CMBRUT3,58.1692) and +tere +tai fonde ij dragons , as Merlyn hade tolde , +tat egrely fou+gten togederes ; (CMBRUT3,58.1693) +te white dragoun egrely assailede +te rede , (CMBRUT3,58.1694) and laide on him so strong +tat he my+gt nou+gt endure , (CMBRUT3,58.1695) but wi+tdrowe him , (CMBRUT3,58.1696) & hidde him in the same Cafe , (CMBRUT3,58.1697) and restede . (CMBRUT3,58.1698) And when he hade awhile restede , he went bifore , (CMBRUT3,58.1699) and assailede +te rede dragoun angrely , (CMBRUT3,58.1700) and assailede him so sore +tat he my+gt nou+gt a+geynes him endure , (CMBRUT3,58.1701) but with-drow him (CMBRUT3,58.1702) and restede . (CMBRUT3,58.1703) And after come a+geyne +te white dragoun , (CMBRUT3,58.1704) and strongely fou+gt wi+t +te reede dragoune , (CMBRUT3,58.1705) and bote him euel , (CMBRUT3,58.1706) & him ouer-come , +tat he fley +tens , (CMBRUT3,58.1707) and nomore come a+geyne . (CMBRUT3,58.1708) Of +te significacions of +to ij dragounes +tat were in +te botume of +te ponde , +tat fou+gten togederes . (CMBRUT3,58.1710) Capitulo Sexagesimo tercio . (CMBRUT3,58.1711) THe Kyng Vortiger and his men , +tat saw +tis bataile , hade grete mervaile , (CMBRUT3,58.1713) and praede Merlyn to telle him what it myght bitoken . (CMBRUT3,58.1714) " Sire , " quod Merlyn " y shal +gow telle : (CMBRUT3,58.1715) the rede dragoun bitokene+t +goure-self , (CMBRUT3,58.1716) & +te white bitokene+t +te folc of Saxoine , +tat ferst +ge toke and helde in +tis lande , +tat now fei+gten a+geines +gow , and +gow haue dryuen and enchacede . (CMBRUT3,59.1717) But +te Britons +tat bene of +gour lynage ouercome ham , (CMBRUT3,59.1718) and dryuen ham awhile ; (CMBRUT3,59.1719) and si+ten , at +te comyng a+geyne of +te Saxoynes , +tai recouerede +tis lande , (CMBRUT3,59.1720) and helde hit for euermore , (CMBRUT3,59.1721) and dryuen oute +te Britouns , (CMBRUT3,59.1722) and dede wi+t +tis lande al her wille , (CMBRUT3,59.1723) & destriede cristendome +trou+goute +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,59.1724) +Ge hade ferst ioye of here commyng , (CMBRUT3,59.1725) but now it is turnede to +gow grete damage & sorwe ; (CMBRUT3,59.1726) ffor +to ij bre+terne of Constance +tat was kyng , +tat +ge lete slee , shul comen bifore a Quin+gime passede wi+t a grete power fram litel Britaigne , (CMBRUT3,59.1727) and shul avenge +te de+t of hire bro+ter : (CMBRUT3,59.1728) +tai shal brenne +gow ferst wi+t sorwe , (CMBRUT3,59.1729) & after +tai shul sle a grete partie of +te Saxoynes , (CMBRUT3,59.1730) and shul dryue al +te remanent oute of the lande ; (CMBRUT3,59.1731) and +terfore abide +ge no longer to make no castell ne none o+tere werk , (CMBRUT3,59.1732) but anone gone elle+g-where , +goure lif forto saue . (CMBRUT3,59.1733) to God I +gow bitake , (CMBRUT3,59.1734) for treu+t I haue I-saide to +gow of +ting +tat shal bifalle . (CMBRUT3,59.1735) And vnderstonde wel +tat Aurilambros shal bene kyng , (CMBRUT3,59.1736) but he shal bene enpoisenede , and litil while regne . " (CMBRUT3,59.1737) Of Kyng Aurilambros ; how he pursuede Vortiger and Engist , and how +tai deiden . (CMBRUT3,59.1739) Capitulo Sexagesimo Quarto . (CMBRUT3,59.1740) MErlyn and his moder departede fro +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,59.1742) and turnede a+geyne to Kermerdyn . (CMBRUT3,59.1743) and so after tydynges come to +te Britons +tat Aurilambros and Vter his bro+ter were arryuede at Tottenesse wi+t a grete host , (CMBRUT3,59.1744) and +te Britouns anone assemblede ham , (CMBRUT3,59.1745) & went to vnderfong Aurilambros and Vter wi+t grete nobleye , (CMBRUT3,59.1746) & ladde ham to London , (CMBRUT3,59.1747) and cronede +tere Aurylambros , (CMBRUT3,59.1748) and made him kyng , (CMBRUT3,59.1749) and deden to him homage . (CMBRUT3,59.1750) and he axede wher Vortiger +tat was kyng myght bene founden , (CMBRUT3,59.1751) for he wolde bene avengede of his bro+tere+g de+t , (CMBRUT3,59.1752) and after he wolde werre oppon paynymes : (CMBRUT3,59.1753) and +tai tolde him +tat Vortiger was in Walis ; (CMBRUT3,59.1754) and so +tai ladde him +tiderward . (CMBRUT3,59.1755) Vortiger wist wel +tat +to ij bre+terne come him to conquere , (CMBRUT3,59.1756) & fleye +tens into a castel +tat me callede Generth , +tat stode vppon an hye mounteyne , (CMBRUT3,60.1757) & +tere him helde . (CMBRUT3,60.1758) Aurylambros , and Vter his bro+ter , and hire folc , hade bisegede +te castel longe tyme , (CMBRUT3,60.1759) for +te castel was stronge and wel arraiede ; (CMBRUT3,60.1760) so at +te laste +tai cast wilde fire , (CMBRUT3,60.1761) and brent hous and men , and al here arraye , & as miche as was wi+tin +te castel , so +tat Vortiger was brent amonge alle o+tere ; (CMBRUT3,60.1762) and so deide he with michel sorwe . (CMBRUT3,60.1763) +To was Engist in Kent , (CMBRUT3,60.1764) and regnede +tere , (CMBRUT3,60.1765) and herde +tis tydynges (CMBRUT3,60.1766) and anone fledde , (CMBRUT3,60.1767) and wolde haue wende into Scotland forto haue hade socour , (CMBRUT3,60.1768) but Aurilambros and his men mette wi+t him in the North contre , (CMBRUT3,60.1769) and +gaf him bataile , (CMBRUT3,60.1770) & Engist and his men ham defendede whiles +tai myght , (CMBRUT3,60.1771) but he and his folc were descom-fitede and slayn , (CMBRUT3,60.1772) and Otta his sone fley vnto +Gork , (CMBRUT3,60.1773) & Aurilam-bros him folwede egrely . (CMBRUT3,60.1774) Otta , a litel while a+geynes him stode , (CMBRUT3,60.1775) but afterwarde he put him to his mercy , (CMBRUT3,60.1776) and Aurilambros vnderfonge him ; (CMBRUT3,60.1777) & to him and to his men he +gaf +te contre of Galway in Scotland , (CMBRUT3,60.1778) and +tere +tai duellede . (CMBRUT3,60.1779) The Kyng Aurylambros went +to +trou+g +te lande , (CMBRUT3,60.1780) and put awaye +te name of Engistes lande , +tat $Engist , after his owen name hade callede bifore , (CMBRUT3,60.1781) +to lete he it calle a+geyne Grete Britaigne , (CMBRUT3,60.1782) and lete make a+geyne cherches , houses of religioun , castelles , citees , and burghes and tounes +tat +te Saxoynes hade destroiede , (CMBRUT3,60.1783) and come to London , (CMBRUT3,60.1784) and lete make a+geyne the Wallis of +te citee , whiche Engist & his folc hade caste adoune . (CMBRUT3,60.1785) +Te Britons ladde him to +te mount of Anbrian , wher some tyme was an house of religioun +tat +to was destriede +trou+g paynemys , $whereof a knyght +tat me callede Anbry , +tat some tyme was foundour of +te hous , (CMBRUT3,60.1786) and +terfor +te hulle was callede +te mount of Bryan , (CMBRUT3,60.1787) and after was callede Ambresbery , and shal for eueremore . (CMBRUT3,60.1788) How Aurilambros dede redresse +te lande of Grete Britaigne , +tat was destroiede +trou+g Saxoynes . (CMBRUT3,60.1790) Capitulo Sexa-gesimo Quinto . (CMBRUT3,60.1791) THe Kyng Aurilambros lete amende and redresse +te hous of Ambresbery , (CMBRUT3,60.1793) and +terin put monkes , (CMBRUT3,60.1794) but now +tere beth nonnes ; a litil fram +te place +tat me calle+t Salesbury , +tere +tat +te Britouns were quellede in +tat place +tat Vortiger & Engist shulde haue made a loueday , in whiche place +tere were slayne xxx M=l= kny+gtes +trou+g tresoun of Engist . (CMBRUT3,61.1795) +Te kyng +terof hade grete pitee , (CMBRUT3,61.1796) & +tou+gt to make , in mynde of ham , a monument of stone +tat my+gt endure to +te worldes ende . (CMBRUT3,61.1797) and of +tis +ting +tai tok here conseile what +terof was best to done . (CMBRUT3,61.1798) +To spake to +te kyng +te bishop of London +tat me called Ternekyn , +tat he shulde enquere after Merlyn , (CMBRUT3,61.1799) for he cou+te best telle how +tis +ting mi+gt bene made . (CMBRUT3,61.1800) and merlyn after was sou+gt and founde , (CMBRUT3,61.1801) & come to +te kyng ; (CMBRUT3,61.1802) and +te kyng tolde him his wille of +te monument +tat he wolde haue made . (CMBRUT3,61.1803) +to ansuerede Merlyn to +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,61.1804) and saide : " +tere be+t grete stones in Irlande , and longe vppon the hulle of Kyan +tat men calle+t +te geant caroll ; (CMBRUT3,61.1805) and if +tai were put in +tis place as +tai be+t +tere , here +tai wolde endure euermore , in remembraunce of +to knyghtes +tat here be+t enterede . " (CMBRUT3,61.1806) " Par ma foy , " quod +te kyng , " as herde stones beth in my londe as beth in Irland . " (CMBRUT3,61.1807) " so+t , " quod Merlyn , (CMBRUT3,61.1808) " but in all +gour lande beth non soche , (CMBRUT3,61.1809) for Geaunte+g sette ham for grete gode of hamself , (CMBRUT3,61.1810) ffor atte euery tyme +tat +tai were wonded , or in eny maner hurt , +tai wasshen +te stones wi+t hote water , (CMBRUT3,61.1811) & +tan wosshen ham +terwi+t , (CMBRUT3,61.1812) and anone +tai were hole . " (CMBRUT3,61.1813) How +te Britons went forto seche +te grete stones in Irland . (CMBRUT3,61.1815) Capitulo lxvj=to= . (CMBRUT3,61.1816) WHen +te Britons hade herde of +tis +ting , +tai went (CMBRUT3,61.1818) and sworen ifere amonges ham , +tat +tai wolde gone to seche +te stones ; (CMBRUT3,61.1819) and toke wi+t ham Vter , +te kynges bro+ter , to bene here cheueteyne , & xv M=l= men ; (CMBRUT3,61.1820) and Merlyn conseilede ham forto gone into Irlande , (CMBRUT3,61.1821) and so +tai deden . (CMBRUT3,61.1822) And when +te Kyng of Irland , +tat me callede Guillomer , herde telle +tat straungers were arryuede in his lande , he assemblede a grete power , (CMBRUT3,61.1823) and fou+gt a+geyns ham ; (CMBRUT3,61.1824) but he & his folc were descomfitede . (CMBRUT3,61.1825) the Britons went four+t til +tai come to +te mount of Kylyan , (CMBRUT3,61.1826) and clymede vnto +te mount ; (CMBRUT3,61.1827) but when +tai saw +te stones , and +te maner how +tai stoden , +tai hadden grete mervail , (CMBRUT3,61.1828) and saide bituene ham +tat ' noman shulde ham remeve , for no strenghe ne engyne , so huge +tai weren , and so long . ' (CMBRUT3,62.1829) But Merlyn , +trou+g his crafte and queyntise , remevede ham , (CMBRUT3,62.1830) and brou+gt ham into hire shippis , (CMBRUT3,62.1831) and come a+geyn into +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,62.1832) and Merlyn sette +te stones +tere +tat +te Kyng wolde haue ham , (CMBRUT3,62.1833) and sette ham in +te same maner as +tai stoden in Irland . (CMBRUT3,62.1834) and when +te kyng saw +tat it was made , he +tankede Merlyn , (CMBRUT3,62.1835) and rychely him rewardede at his owen wille ; (CMBRUT3,62.1836) & +tat place he lete calle Stonhynges for euermore . (CMBRUT3,62.1837) How Passent , +tat was Vortiger+g sonne , & +te Kyng Guillomer , come into +tis land ; and how a traitoure +tat me callede Coppa , enpoisenede +te Kyng Aurilambros . (CMBRUT3,62.1839) Capitulo Sexagesimo Septimo . (CMBRUT3,62.1840) ANd men shul vnderstonde +tat Passent , +tat was Vortigers sone , leuede in +te same tyme , (CMBRUT3,62.1842) and come into +tis lande wi+t a grete power , (CMBRUT3,62.1843) and arryuede in +te Northcontre , (CMBRUT3,62.1844) & wolde bene avengede of his fadere+g de+t Vortiger , (CMBRUT3,62.1845) and stronglich trust vppon +te com-pany +tat he hade brou+gt wi+t him oute of +te lande of Germayne , (CMBRUT3,62.1846) and hade conquerede al +te Northcontre vnto +Gork . (CMBRUT3,62.1847) And when Kyng Aurilambros herde +tis , he assemblede a grete power of Britons , (CMBRUT3,62.1848) and went forto fei+gt wi+t him ; (CMBRUT3,62.1849) and Passent and his peple were descomfitede . (CMBRUT3,62.1850) But Passent ascapede +tens , wi+t some of his folc , (CMBRUT3,62.1851) and fledde +tennes into Irland , (CMBRUT3,62.1852) and come to Kyng Guillomer , (CMBRUT3,62.1853) and praede him of helpe and socoure . (CMBRUT3,62.1854) The kyng grantede him wi+t gode wil , (CMBRUT3,62.1855) and saide : " I wolde helpe +gow oppon +tat couenaunt , +tat I my-self moste gon wi+t +gow wi+t al my power into Britaigne , (CMBRUT3,62.1856) and I wolde me avenge vppon +te Britons , (CMBRUT3,62.1857) for +tai comen into my londe . (CMBRUT3,62.1858) and token +te stones wi+t streng+t +tat is callede Geant Caroil . " (CMBRUT3,62.1859) +te Kyng Guillomere lete ordeyne his shippis , (CMBRUT3,62.1860) and went to +te see wi+t xv M=l= men , (CMBRUT3,62.1861) and arryuede in Walis (CMBRUT3,62.1862) and bigonne to robbe and miche sorwe to done . (CMBRUT3,62.1863) hit bifelle so +tat Kyng Aurilambros lay sike at Wynchestre , (CMBRUT3,62.1864) and myght nou+gt helpe himself , so +tat he sent in his name Vter his bro+tere , with a grete power , forto help Walys ; (CMBRUT3,62.1865) and +tiderwarde he went as miche as he my+gt . (CMBRUT3,62.1866) +Te Kyng of Irland , and Passent , herde telle +tat Aurylambros was sik ; (CMBRUT3,63.1867) and to ham come a sarasine +tat me clepede Coppa , (CMBRUT3,63.1868) and saide : " sire+g , duelle +ge here al in pees wi+t +goure hoste , (CMBRUT3,63.1869) and y bihote +gow , +trou+g my queyntise , +tat I shal slee +te Kyng Aurylambros +tat li+t sike . " (CMBRUT3,63.1870) " If +ge do , " quod Passent , " y shal +gow richely auaunce . " (CMBRUT3,63.1871) This traitoure Coppa put oppon him an habite of religioun , (CMBRUT3,63.1872) and lete shaue him a brode crone , (CMBRUT3,63.1873) and come to +te kynges court , (CMBRUT3,63.1874) and saide +tat he was a gode ffisician , (CMBRUT3,63.1875) and saide +tat he wolde hele +te kyng of his malady . (CMBRUT3,63.1876) Tho saide +te traitour Coppa vnto +te kyng : " sire , be+t of gode comfort , (CMBRUT3,63.1877) for y shal +geue +gow soche a medecyne +tat +ge shulle swete anone ry+gt , and softe slepe , and haue gode reste . " (CMBRUT3,63.1878) & +te traitour +gaf him soche a poysoun +tat he slepte anone ryght , and deide in his slepyng . (CMBRUT3,63.1879) and +te traitoure saide +tat he wolde gone oute into +te felde til +te kyng were awakede ; (CMBRUT3,63.1880) and so scapede he away , (CMBRUT3,63.1881) for noman to him hade suspesion , for enchesoun of his habit +tat he was in clo+tede , and also for his brode crone . (CMBRUT3,63.1882) But when +te kynges meny wist +tat he was dede , +tai bicome wonder sory , (CMBRUT3,63.1883) and fast sou+gt +te traitour ; (CMBRUT3,63.1884) but +tai mi+gt nou+gt hem fynde , (CMBRUT3,63.1885) for Coppa turnede a+geyne to +te host fro whens that he come . (CMBRUT3,63.1886) When Aurilambros was dede , a sterr in the morne was seyne with a clere light ; (CMBRUT3,63.1888) & at the bou+gte of +te beeme was seye +te heuede of an horrible Dragoun . (CMBRUT3,63.1889) Capitulo Sexagesimo Octauo . (CMBRUT3,63.1890) WHen the Kyng Aurilambros was +tus dede & enpysenede at Wynchestre , a morn , after +tat he was dede , aboute +te tyme of prime , +tere was seyn a sterr grete and clere ; (CMBRUT3,63.1892) and +te beeme of +te sterr was brighter +tan +te sone ; (CMBRUT3,63.1893) and at +te bou+gt of +te beeme apperede a dragounes heuede , (CMBRUT3,63.1894) and oute of his mou+t comen ij huge li+gte+g +tat were as li+gt as eny fire brynnyng . (CMBRUT3,63.1895) And +tat o beeme went towarde Fraunce , and strau+gt ouere +te see +tiderward ; (CMBRUT3,63.1896) and out of +tat beem comen vij beemes ful clere and longe , as it were +te li+gt of fire . (CMBRUT3,63.1897) +tis sterre was seyne of meny man ; (CMBRUT3,63.1898) but none of ham wist what it bitokenede . (CMBRUT3,64.1899) Vter , +tat was +te kyngus bro+ter , +tat was in Walys wi+t his hoste of Britouns , saw +tat sterre , and +te grete li+gt , +tat it +gaf . (CMBRUT3,64.1900) he wondrede +teron gretly , what it my+gt bitoken ; (CMBRUT3,64.1901) he lete calle Merlyn , (CMBRUT3,64.1902) & praiede him forto telle what it my+gt bitokene . (CMBRUT3,64.1903) Of +te bitokenyng of +tat sterr . (CMBRUT3,64.1905) Capitulo Sexagesimo ix=o= . (CMBRUT3,64.1906) MErlyn saw +tat sterre , (CMBRUT3,64.1908) and bihelde hit longe tyme , (CMBRUT3,64.1909) and si+tenes he quok and wepte tenderly ; (CMBRUT3,64.1910) & saide : " allas , allas +tat so noble kyng and wor+ti is dede . (CMBRUT3,64.1911) and I do +gow to vnderstonde +tat Aurilambros , +gour bro+ter , is enpoysenede , (CMBRUT3,64.1912) and +tat I se wel in +tis sterre . (CMBRUT3,64.1913) and +goure-self bitokene+t bi +te heuedes of +te dragoun +tat is seyne at +te bou+gt of +te beeme : (CMBRUT3,64.1914) +tat is +goureself , +tat shal bene kyng , and regne . (CMBRUT3,64.1915) and by +te beem +tat stode towarde +te Est , is vnderstonde +tat +ge shul geten a sone +tat shal conquere al Fraunce and alle +te landes +tat be+t longeyng to +te Kyng of Fraunce , +tat shal bene a wor+tier Kyng , and more of honoure : +tan euer was eny of his ancestres . (CMBRUT3,64.1916) And by +te beem +tat stracchet towarde Irland , is bitokenede +tat +ge shul bigete a dou+gter +tat shal be quene of Irland ; (CMBRUT3,64.1917) and +te vij beemes bitokenes +tat +ge shul haue vij sones ; (CMBRUT3,64.1918) and eueryche of ham shal bene kyng , and regne wi+t michel honououre . (CMBRUT3,64.1919) and abide +ge no longer here , (CMBRUT3,64.1920) but go (CMBRUT3,64.1921) and +gif batail to +goure enemys , (CMBRUT3,64.1922) and fei+gt wi+t ham boldely , (CMBRUT3,64.1923) for +ge shul ouercome ham and haue +te victorie . " (CMBRUT3,64.1924) Vter +tankede hertly Merlyn , (CMBRUT3,64.1925) and tok his men , (CMBRUT3,64.1926) and went towarde his enemys ; (CMBRUT3,64.1927) and +tai fou+gten togeder mortally ; (CMBRUT3,64.1928) and so +tai des-comfited his enemys alle , (CMBRUT3,64.1929) & destroiede ham (CMBRUT3,64.1930) & him-self quel-lede Passent , +tat was Vortiger+g sone ; (CMBRUT3,64.1931) and his Britons quellede Guillomer , +tat was Kyng of Irland , and alle his men . (CMBRUT3,64.1932) and Vter anone after +tat bataile tok his way toward Wynchestre $forto done entier Aurilambros kyng , +tat was his bro+ter ; (CMBRUT3,64.1933) but +to was +te body born to Stonehynge wi+t michel honoure , +tat he hade done made in remembrance of +te Britons +tat +tere were slayn +trou+g tresoune of Engist , +tat same day +tat +tai shulde haue bene accordede ; (CMBRUT3,65.1934) & in the same place +tai enterede Aurilambros , +te secunde +gere of his regne , wi+t al +te worship +tat myght bene longyng to soche a kyng , of whos soule God haue mercy ! (CMBRUT3,65.1935) Of Vter Pendragoun ; (CMBRUT3,65.1937) and wherfore he was callede so , after +ge shal here ; (CMBRUT3,65.1938) & he was ouertake for +te grete loue of Igerne , +tat was +te Erles wif of Cornwaile . (CMBRUT3,65.1939) Capitulo Septuagesimo . (CMBRUT3,65.1940) After +te deth of Aurylambros , Vter his bro+ter was cronede , (CMBRUT3,65.1942) and regnede wel and wor+tily ; (CMBRUT3,65.1943) and in remembraunce of +te dragons +tat he was likenede to , he lete make ij dragounes +trou+g conseile of his Britouns : +tat one to bene borne bifore him when he went into bataile , & +tat o+tere to abide at Wynchestre in the bisshoppes cherche ; (CMBRUT3,65.1944) And for +tat enchesoun he was callede euermore after , Vter Pendragoun . (CMBRUT3,65.1945) And Octa , +tat was Engistes sone , commendet litil Vter +tat was made newe kyng , (CMBRUT3,65.1946) and a+geynes him biganne forto meve werr , (CMBRUT3,65.1947) and ordeynede a grete company of his frendes & of his kynne , and of Ossa his bro+ter , (CMBRUT3,65.1948) and hade take al +te lande fro Humber vnto +Gork ; (CMBRUT3,65.1949) but +to of +Gork helde strongely agayne ham , (CMBRUT3,65.1950) and nolde soffre ham come into +te toune , ney+ter to +gelde +te citee to ham ; (CMBRUT3,65.1951) and he bisegede +te toune anone ry+gt , (CMBRUT3,65.1952) and +gaf +terto a stronge assaut , (CMBRUT3,65.1953) but tho of +te citee ham keped wel and strongely . (CMBRUT3,65.1954) And when Vter herde +terof , he come +tider wi+t a stronge power forto helpe and rescue +te toune , (CMBRUT3,65.1955) and put away +te sege , (CMBRUT3,65.1956) & +gaf a stronge bataile ; (CMBRUT3,65.1957) and Octa & his company ham defendede as wel as +tai my+gt , (CMBRUT3,65.1958) but at +te last +tai were descomfitede , and +te moste part of ham quellede ; (CMBRUT3,65.1959) and Octa & Ossa were taken , and put into prisoun at London . (CMBRUT3,65.1960) And Vter him-self duellede awhile at +Gork , (CMBRUT3,65.1961) and after , he went to London . (CMBRUT3,65.1962) and at Ester after sewyng , he wolde bere crone , (CMBRUT3,65.1963) and helde a solempne feste , (CMBRUT3,65.1964) and lete sompne alle +te Erles and barons , +tat +tai shulde come to +tat feste ; (CMBRUT3,66.1965) and alle +tai comen at +te kynges commandement , as +tai were commandede . (CMBRUT3,66.1966) The feste was richely holden , (CMBRUT3,66.1967) and alle wor+tely sette to +te mette after +tat +tai were of state , so +tat +te Erl of Cornwaile & Igerne his wif setten al+ter next +te kyng . (CMBRUT3,66.1968) and +te kyng saw +te fairenesse of +tat lady +tat she hade , (CMBRUT3,66.1969) and was rauisshede for here beaute ; (CMBRUT3,66.1970) and after , he made towarde here nyce semblant in lokyng and lei+ghyng . (CMBRUT3,66.1971) so at +te laste +te Erl perseuede +te priue lokyng and Laughing , and +te loue bituene ham , (CMBRUT3,66.1972) and arose vp fram +te table al in wra+t , (CMBRUT3,66.1973) and tok his wif , (CMBRUT3,66.1974) and callede to him his kny+gtes , (CMBRUT3,66.1975) and went +tens al in wra+t , wi+touten takyng Leue of +te Kyng . (CMBRUT3,66.1976) +te kyng anone sent after him +tat he shulde come a+geyne , & go nou+gt +tens in despite of him ; (CMBRUT3,66.1977) and +te Erl wolde nou+gt come a+geyne in no maner wise . Wherfor +te kyng was ful wro+t , & in wra+t him defiede as his dedelich enemy . (CMBRUT3,66.1978) and +te Erl went +tens into Cornewaile wi+t his wif , into +te castel of Tyntagell . (CMBRUT3,66.1979) and +te kyng lete ordeyne a grete host , (CMBRUT3,66.1980) & come into Cornewaile forto destroie +te erl , if he my+gt ; (CMBRUT3,66.1981) but he hade put him in soche a castel +tat was stronge and wel arraiede , of Tyntagell , (CMBRUT3,66.1982) and wolde nou+gt +gelde him to the Kyng . (CMBRUT3,66.1983) The kyng anone bisegede +te castel , (CMBRUT3,66.1984) & +tere duellede xv daies , +tat neuer my+gt spede , (CMBRUT3,66.1985) and euer +tou+gt so miche of Igerne , (CMBRUT3,66.1986) and oppon her laide so miche loue , +tat he nyst what to done . (CMBRUT3,66.1987) So at +te laste he callede to him a kny+gt +tat me callede Vlfyne , +tat was priue wi+t him , (CMBRUT3,66.1988) and tolde him al hes conseile , (CMBRUT3,66.1989) and axede of him what was best to done . (CMBRUT3,66.1990) " Sire , " quod he , " do+t sende after Merlyn , (CMBRUT3,66.1991) for he can telle +gow +te best consel of eny man leuyng . " (CMBRUT3,66.1992) Merlyn anone was sent after , (CMBRUT3,66.1993) and come to +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,66.1994) and +te kyng tolde him al his wille . (CMBRUT3,66.1995) " Sire , " quod Merlyn , " I shal do so miche +trou+g crafte +tat I can , +tat I shal make +gow come +tis ny+gt into +te castel of Tyntagell , (CMBRUT3,66.1996) & shal haue al +goure wille of +tat lady . " (CMBRUT3,66.1997) How Vter bigate on Igerne , +tat was +te Erle+g wif of Corne-waile , Arthure +te kyng . (CMBRUT3,66.1999) Capitulo Septuagesimo primo . (CMBRUT3,66.2000) MErlyn , +trou+g crafte +tat he cou+te , chaungede +te kyngus figure into +te likenesse of Vlfyne his chaumberleyn , and to +te figure of Iordan +tat was +te erle+g chaumberleyn , so +tat eche of ham was transfigurede into o+tere likenesse . (CMBRUT3,67.2003) and when Merlyn hade so done , he saide to +te kyng : " sire , now may +ge gone sodeynely to +te castel of Tyntagel , and axen entre +tere , and haue +goure wille . " (CMBRUT3,67.2004) the kyng tok priuelich , al +te host to gouerne & lede , to a kny+gt +tat he miche louede , (CMBRUT3,67.2005) and toke his way toward +te castel ; (CMBRUT3,67.2006) and wi+t him went Vlfyne and Merlyn . (CMBRUT3,67.2007) and when +tat he come +tider , +te Porter wende +tat it hade bene his owen lorde . (CMBRUT3,67.2008) and when tyme come forto gone to bedde , the kyng went to bedde wi+t Igerne , +te Erle+g wif , (CMBRUT3,67.2009) and dede wi+t her al his wille , (CMBRUT3,67.2010) and +to bigate on here a sone +tat me clepede Arthure . (CMBRUT3,67.2011) Oppon +te morwe +te noble my+gty kyng toke his leue of +te lady , (CMBRUT3,67.2012) and went a+geyn to his hoste . (CMBRUT3,67.2013) and +te same ny+gt +tat +te kyng lay by Igerne in bedde ifere wi+t +te erle+g wif , +te kynges men +gaf a strong assaute to +te castel . (CMBRUT3,67.2014) and +te Erl and his men manliche ham defendede ; (CMBRUT3,67.2015) but at +te laste hit bifelle so +tat at +tat assaut +te erl him-self was slayn , (CMBRUT3,67.2016) and +te castel was taken . (CMBRUT3,67.2017) and +te kyng anone turnede a+geyne to Tyntagell , (CMBRUT3,67.2018) and spousede Igerne wi+t michel honoure , (CMBRUT3,67.2019) & made hir Quene . (CMBRUT3,67.2020) & sone after , tyme come +tat she shulde bene delyuerede , (CMBRUT3,67.2021) and bare a sone +tat was callede Arthure . (CMBRUT3,67.2022) and after he gate on here a dou+gter +tat me clepede Amya ; (CMBRUT3,67.2023) and when she come to age , she was nobly mariede to a noble Baroun +tat me callede Aloth , +tat was lorde of Leones . (CMBRUT3,67.2024) When Vter longe tyme hade regnede , +tere come vppon him a grete sikenesse , as it were a sorwe . (CMBRUT3,67.2025) & in +te mene tyme +to +tat haden to kepe Octa , +tat was Engistes sone , and Ossa his bro+ter +tat +to were in prisoun , men lete ham gone for grete +giftes +tat +tai ham +gaf , (CMBRUT3,67.2026) and went wi+t ham . (CMBRUT3,67.2027) And when +to ij bre+terne were ascaped , and comen a+geyne into hier owen contre , +tai ordeynede ham a grete host & a grete power , (CMBRUT3,67.2028) & bigon to werre eftesones vppon +te kyng . (CMBRUT3,67.2029) How Kyng Vter chees Aloth to kepe +te lande of Britaigne whiles +tat he was sik . (CMBRUT3,68.2032) Capitulo Septuagesimo Secundo . (CMBRUT3,68.2033) ANd for-asmiche as Kyng Vter was sik , and my+gt nou+gt helpe him-self , he ordeynede Aloth , +te sone of Elyne , +tat +to was to bene wardeyne and chyueteyne of al his folc ; (CMBRUT3,68.2035) & he anone , and his Britons , assemblede a grete host , (CMBRUT3,68.2036) & +gaf bataile to Octa and to his folc ; (CMBRUT3,68.2037) but Octa at +te laste was descomfitede . (CMBRUT3,68.2038) Hit bifelle +tus afterwarde , +tat +tise Britons haden indignacioun at +tis Aloth , (CMBRUT3,68.2039) & wolde nou+gt to him bene entendant ; wherfore +te kyng was annoyede wonder sore , and lete put him in a liter in +te hoste amonges his folc ; (CMBRUT3,68.2040) and +tai ladde him to Veroleyne , +tat +to was a faire citee , +tere +tat seynt Albone was martrede ; (CMBRUT3,68.2041) and after was +tat citee destroiede +trou+g paynemys & +trou+g werre . (CMBRUT3,68.2042) and +tider went Ossa and Octa & her peple , (CMBRUT3,68.2043) & entrede into +te toune , (CMBRUT3,68.2044) and lete make faste +te +gates , (CMBRUT3,68.2045) & +tere +tai helde ham . (CMBRUT3,68.2046) & +te kyng come , (CMBRUT3,68.2047) and ham bisegede , (CMBRUT3,68.2048) & made a stronge assaut ; (CMBRUT3,68.2049) but +to +tat were wi+tin , manliche ham defended . (CMBRUT3,68.2050) The kyng lete ordeyne his gunnes & his engynes forto breke +te wallys ; (CMBRUT3,68.2051) & +te wallis were so stronge +tat no+ting my+gt ham misdo . (CMBRUT3,68.2052) Octa & his peple hade grete despite +tat a kyng liggyng in a liter ham hade bisegede , (CMBRUT3,68.2053) & +tai token conseil amonges ham , forto stande vp in +te morwe , & come oute , and +geue bataile to +te kyng ; (CMBRUT3,68.2054) and so +tai deden . (CMBRUT3,68.2055) and in +tat bataile were bo+te Octa & Ossa slayne ; (CMBRUT3,68.2056) & al +te o+tere +tat ascapede alif , fledde +tens into Scotland , (CMBRUT3,68.2057) and made Colegryne her cheueteyne . (CMBRUT3,68.2058) & +te Saxoynes +tat were alif , and ascapede fro +te bataile , brou+gt a+geyne a grete streng+t , (CMBRUT3,68.2059) & amonges ham saiden +tat , if the Kyng Vter were dede , +tai shulde wel conquere +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,68.2060) and amonges ham +tai +tou+gt enpoysone +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,68.2061) and ordeynede men forto done +tis dede , (CMBRUT3,68.2062) & +gaf ham of +giftes grete plente , +tis +ting to done . (CMBRUT3,68.2063) & +tai ordeynede ham +tiderward +tere +tat +te kyng was duellyng , (CMBRUT3,69.2064) & clo+tede ham in pore wede , +te bettre forto spede hire lu+ter purpos ; (CMBRUT3,69.2065) but no+telesse , for al her falsenesse & queyntise , +tai my+gt neuer come ney +te kyng . (CMBRUT3,69.2066) But at +te laste +tai aspiede +tat +te kyng drank none o+tere licours but oneliche water of a clere welle +tat was ney+g bisides ; (CMBRUT3,69.2067) and +tise false traitoures vppon a day priueliche went to +tat wel , (CMBRUT3,69.2068) and put +terin poisoun , so +tat al +te water was enpoysenede . (CMBRUT3,69.2069) And anone after as +te Kyng hade dronke of +tat water , he biganne to swelle , (CMBRUT3,69.2070) & sone after deide ; (CMBRUT3,69.2071) & alse meny as drank of +tat water deide also . (CMBRUT3,69.2072) And anone as +tis false-nesse was aspiede , folc of +te toune lete stoppe +te welle for euermore . (CMBRUT3,69.2073) When +te Kyng was dede , his folc bare him to Stonehynge wi+t grete solempnite of bisshopp+g and barons +tat were +tere , +tat buriede him bisides Aurilambros his bro+ter ; (CMBRUT3,69.2074) and after turnede a+geyne +to euerycheon , (CMBRUT3,69.2075) & lete sende after Arthure his sone ; (CMBRUT3,69.2076) and +tai made him Kyng of +te lande wi+t michel reuerence , after his faderes de+t , +te xvij +gere of his regne . (CMBRUT3,69.2077) How Arthure , +tat was +te sone of Vter , was cronede after his faderes de+t & how he drof Colegryn & +te Saxoynes , and Chelduc of Almayne , out of +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,69.2079) Capitulo lxxiij=o= . (CMBRUT3,69.2080) WHen Arthure was made kyng of +te lande , he was but +gonge , of xv +gere age , (CMBRUT3,69.2082) but he was faire , and bolde , & dou+gti of body , (CMBRUT3,69.2083) & to meke folc he was gode & curteise , (CMBRUT3,69.2084) & to prout folc he was stout & sterne ; (CMBRUT3,69.2085) & also he was gentil and curteise , and large of spendyng , (CMBRUT3,69.2086) & made him wel bilouede of al men +tere +tat it was nede . (CMBRUT3,69.2087) And when he biganne to regne , he swore +tat Saxones neuer shulde haue pees ne reste til +tat he hade drif ham out of his lande . (CMBRUT3,69.2088) & he lete assemble a grete host , (CMBRUT3,69.2089) & fau+gt wi+t Colegrin , +tat , after tyme +tat Octa was dede , +te Saxones mayntenede . (CMBRUT3,69.2090) And +tis Colegryne was descomfitede , (CMBRUT3,69.2091) & fley to +Gork , (CMBRUT3,69.2092) & tok +te tone , (CMBRUT3,69.2093) & +tere helde him . (CMBRUT3,69.2094) And +te Kyng bisegede +te tone , (CMBRUT3,69.2095) but he mi+gt no+ting spede , for +te toune was so strong , (CMBRUT3,69.2096) & +tai wi+tin kepte +te toune wel & horpedly . (CMBRUT3,70.2097) And in +te mene tyme Colegryne lete +te toune to Bladulf , (CMBRUT3,70.2098) & fley him-self to Cheldrik , +tat was Kyng of Almaigne , forto haue of him socour . (CMBRUT3,70.2099) and +te Kyng as-semblede a grete power , (CMBRUT3,70.2100) and come & arryuede in Scotland wi+t v. C. shippis . (CMBRUT3,70.2101) & when Arthure wist of +tis tydyngus , +tat he hade nou+gt power ne streng+t ynow to fei+gt a+geyne Sheldrik , he lete bene +te sege , (CMBRUT3,70.2102) and went to London , (CMBRUT3,70.2103) and sent anone his lettres to +te Kyng of Litil Britaigne , +tat me callede Hoel , his neveu , his sustres sone , +tat he shulde come to him wi+t al +te power +tat {wi+t} he my+gt . (CMBRUT3,70.2104) And he assemblede a grete hoste , (CMBRUT3,70.2105) & arryuede at South-ampton . (CMBRUT3,70.2106) And when Kyng $Arthure hit wiste , he was glade ynow , (CMBRUT3,70.2107) & went a+geynes ham , (CMBRUT3,70.2108) & ham resceyuede wi+t michel honour , so +tat +to ij hostes ham assemblede , (CMBRUT3,70.2109) and toke her way euen to Nichole , +tat Cheldrik hade bisegede but nou+gt +gitte taken . (CMBRUT3,70.2110) And +tai comen vppon Cheldrik & vppon his peple or +tai hit wiste , +tere +tat +tai werre , (CMBRUT3,70.2111) and ham egrely assailede . (CMBRUT3,70.2112) +te Kyng Cheldrik and his meny defendede ham manly by here power , (CMBRUT3,70.2113) but Kyng Arthure and his men quellede so meny Saxones , +tat neuer er was seyne sochs a slau+gter ; (CMBRUT3,70.2114) and his men +tat were lefte alif , fledden away , (CMBRUT3,70.2115) and Arthure ham pursuede , (CMBRUT3,70.2116) and drof ham into a wode +tat +tai mi+gt no fer+ter passe . (CMBRUT3,70.2117) Cheldrik and his men saw wel +tat +tai were brou+gt into miche disesse , (CMBRUT3,70.2118) & ham +golden to Arthure in +tis maner wise , +tat he shulde take here horse and Here armure , & al +tat +tai hadde , +tat +tai most oneliche gone on fote to here shippes , (CMBRUT3,70.2119) and so +tai wolde gone into here owen lande , & neuer come a+geyne into +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,70.2120) And vppon assuraunce of +tis +ting , +tai +geuen him gode hostages ; (CMBRUT3,70.2121) and Arthure , +trou+g conseile of his men , grauntede +tis +ting , (CMBRUT3,70.2122) and resceyuede +te hostages . (CMBRUT3,70.2123) & oppon +tis , +tise o+ter went vnto here shippes : (CMBRUT3,70.2124) and when +tai werne in +te hye see , hir wille chaungede , as +te deuel it wolde , (CMBRUT3,70.2125) & +tai retournede hire nauye , (CMBRUT3,70.2126) & come a+geyne into +tis land , (CMBRUT3,70.2127) & arryuede at Tottenesse , (CMBRUT3,70.2128) & went out of here shippis , (CMBRUT3,70.2129) & toke +te lande , (CMBRUT3,70.2130) & clene robbede hit , (CMBRUT3,70.2131) & michel peple slou+g , (CMBRUT3,70.2132) & token al +te Armure +tat +tai my+gt fynde ; (CMBRUT3,70.2133) & so +tai wenten forthe til +tai comen to Bathe ; (CMBRUT3,70.2134) but +te men of +te toune shitten faste here +gates , (CMBRUT3,71.2135) and wolde nou+gt suffren ham come +ter in +te toune , (CMBRUT3,71.2136) and +tai defendede ham wel and horpedly a+geyn+g ham , (CMBRUT3,71.2137) How Arthure +gaf bataile to +te Saxones when +tai comen a+geyne , and bisegede +te toune of Ba+te , & ham ouercome . (CMBRUT3,71.2139) Capstulo lxxiiij=to= . (CMBRUT3,71.2140) WHen Arthure herde +tis tydynges , he lete honge anone +te hostages , (CMBRUT3,71.2142) & lefte Hoel of Britaigne , his nevew , forto kepe +te Marche toward Scotland wi+t half his peple , (CMBRUT3,71.2143) and him-self went helpe rescue +te toune of Bathe . (CMBRUT3,71.2144) And when he come +tider , he +gaf a strong batail to Cheldrik , (CMBRUT3,71.2145) and quelde almost al +te peple +tat he hade ; (CMBRUT3,71.2146) for no man my+gt him wi+tstande , ne endure vnder +te stroke of his swerde ; (CMBRUT3,71.2147) and +tere bo+te were slayn , Colegrin and Bladud his bro+ter . (CMBRUT3,71.2148) And Cheldrik fledde +tens , (CMBRUT3,71.2149) and wolde haue gone to his shippis ; (CMBRUT3,71.2150) but when Arthure hit wist , he tok xv M=l= kny+gtes to Cador , +tat was erl of Cornewaile , forto lette and stoppe his com-myng ; (CMBRUT3,71.2151) and Arthure him-self went a+geyne towarde +te Marche of Scotland , (CMBRUT3,71.2152) ffor messagers tolde him +tat +te Scottes hade bisegede Hoel of Britaign +tere +tat he lay sike ; (CMBRUT3,71.2153) and +terfore he hastede +tiderward ; (CMBRUT3,71.2154) & Cador pursuede after Cheldrik , (CMBRUT3,71.2155) & toke him or +tat he my+gt come to his shippis , (CMBRUT3,71.2156) & quellede Cheldrik & his peple . (CMBRUT3,71.2157) And when Cador hade done +tis viage , he hastede him a+geyne , as faste as he my+gt , towardes Arthure , (CMBRUT3,71.2158) and founde him in Scotland +tere +tat he hade rescuede Hoel of Britaigne . (CMBRUT3,71.2159) But +te Scottes were al feire wi+tin Mounref , (CMBRUT3,71.2160) and +tere +tai helde ham awhile ; (CMBRUT3,71.2161) but Arthure ham pursuede , (CMBRUT3,71.2162) and +tai fledde +tens four+t into Lymoigne , +tat were in +tat contre lx Iles , & grete plente of briddes , & grete plente of Egles , +tat were wont to crie and fei+gten to-gederes , and make grete noise when folc come to robbe +tat lande , and weren as miche as +tai mi+gt ; (CMBRUT3,71.2163) and so +tai deden , (CMBRUT3,71.2164) for +te Scottes were so grete rauenours +tat +tai token al +tat +tai my+gt fynde in +te lande of Lymoigne wi+t-outen eny sparyng ; (CMBRUT3,71.2165) and +terwi+t +tai chargede a+geyne +te folc , into Scotland forto wende . (CMBRUT3,71.2166) How Kyng Arthure axede of Merlyn +te aventures of vj the laste kynges +tat weren to regne in Engeland , and how +te lande shulde ende . (CMBRUT3,72.2169) Capitulo Septuagesimo Quinto . (CMBRUT3,72.2170) " SIre , " quod Merlyn , " in +te +gere of Incarnacioun of oure Lorde Ihesu Crist M=l= CC xv +tere shal come a lambe oute of Wynchestre +tat shal haue a white tong and trew lippis , (CMBRUT3,72.2172) and he shal haue wryten in his hert ' Holynesse . ' (CMBRUT3,72.2173) This lambe shal make meny Goddes house , (CMBRUT3,72.2174) and he shal haue pees +te most parte of his lif , (CMBRUT3,72.2175) & he shal make one of +te faireste places of +te worlde +tat in his tyme shal nou+gt fully ben made an ende . (CMBRUT3,72.2176) And in +te ende of his lif , a wolf of a straunge lande shal do him grete harme ; (CMBRUT3,72.2177) but at +te ende +te lambe shal be maistre , +trou+g helpe of a rede Fox +tat shal come out of +te Northwest , and him shal ouercome ; (CMBRUT3,72.2178) and +te wolfe shal dye $in water ; (CMBRUT3,72.2179) and after +tat tyme +te lambe shal leue no while +tat he ne shal dye . (CMBRUT3,72.2180) His sede +tan shal bene in strange lande , (CMBRUT3,72.2181) and +te lande shal bene wi+tout a gouernoure a litil tyme . (CMBRUT3,72.2182) ANd after him shal come a dragoun mellede wi+t mercy and ek wodenesse , +tat shal haue a berde as a goot , +tat shal +geue in Engeland shadewe , and shal kepe the lande from colde and hete ; (CMBRUT3,72.2183) and his o foote shal be sette in Wik , and +tat o+tere in London ; (CMBRUT3,72.2184) and he shal vnbrace iij habitacions , (CMBRUT3,72.2185) and he shal oppen his mou+t toward Walys , and +te tremblyng of +te hidure of his mou+te , (CMBRUT3,72.2186) his heres shal strecche towarde meny habitaciouns and contres , (CMBRUT3,72.2187) and his bre+t shal bene ful suete in straunge landes ; (CMBRUT3,72.2188) & in his tyme shal ryuers renne wi+t bloode and wi+t brayne , (CMBRUT3,72.2189) & he shal make in places of his lande , walles , +tat shal done miche harme to his seede after his tyme . (CMBRUT3,72.2190) Than shal +tere come a peple out of +te Northwest duryng his regne , +tat shal bene lade +trou+g an wickede hare , +tat +te dragoun shal done crone Kyng , +tat afterwarde shal flee ouer +te see wi+tout comyng a+geyne , for drede of +te dragoun . (CMBRUT3,72.2191) In +tat tyme +te sonne shal bene also rede as blode , as meny men shul see +trou+g al +te worlde : (CMBRUT3,72.2192) +tat shal bitoken grete pestilence , and de+t of folc +trou+g dent of swerde ; (CMBRUT3,72.2193) and +tis peple shal bene faderles til +te tyme +tat +te dragon shal dye +trou+g an hare +tat shal meve a+geynes him werr in +te ende of his lif , +tat shal nou+gt bene fulliche endede in his tyme . (CMBRUT3,73.2194) This dragoun shal bene holden in his tyme +te best body of al +te worlde ; (CMBRUT3,73.2195) & he shal dye bisides +te Marche of a straunge lande ; (CMBRUT3,73.2196) and +te lande shalle duelle $faderlesse , wi+touten a gode gouernoure ; (CMBRUT3,73.2197) and me shal wepe for his de+t fram +te Ile of Shepe vnto +te hauen of Marcill ; wherfore , ' allas ' shal bene +te commune songe of faderles folc , +tat shal ouerleuen in his land destroiede . (CMBRUT3,73.2198) ANd after +tis dragone shal come a gote oute of a Kar , +tat shal haue hornes & berde of siluer ; (CMBRUT3,73.2199) and +tere shal come out of his nose+trelles a drop +tat shal bitoken hunger & sorw , & grete de+t of +te peple ; (CMBRUT3,73.2200) and miche of his lande in +te bigynnyng of his regne shal be wastede . (CMBRUT3,73.2201) This goot shal go ouer into Fraunce (CMBRUT3,73.2202) & shal oppon +te floure of lif and of de+ . (CMBRUT3,73.2203) In his tyme +tere shal arise an Egle in Cornewaile +tat shal haue fe+teres of golde , +tat of pride shal bene wi+touten pere of alle +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,73.2204) and he shal despise lordes of blode ; (CMBRUT3,73.2205) and after , he shal flee shamefully by a Bere at Gauersiche ; (CMBRUT3,73.2206) and after shal bene made brigges of men oppon +te costes of +te see ; (CMBRUT3,73.2207) and stones shal falle fram castelles , (CMBRUT3,73.2208) and meny o+tere tounes shal ben made pleyne ; (CMBRUT3,73.2209) and a bataile shalle bene done vppon an Arme of +te see in a felde ordeynede as a shelde ; (CMBRUT3,73.2210) and at +tat bataile shal dye meny white hedes ; wher-fore +tat bataile shal bene callede ' +te white bataile . ' (CMBRUT3,73.2211) And +te forsaide Beere shal done +tis goote michel harme , (CMBRUT3,73.2212) and it shal bene oute of +te Southwest ; (CMBRUT3,73.2213) & of his bloode +tan shal +te goote lese miche of his lande til at +te tyme +tat shendeship shal him ouer-comen ; (CMBRUT3,73.2214) & +tan shal he clop+ten him in a lyone+g skyn ; (CMBRUT3,73.2215) and +tan shal he wynne +tat he hade loste , and more +terto , (CMBRUT3,73.2216) ffor a peple shal come out of +te northwest +tat shal make +te goot sore to bene adrade ; (CMBRUT3,73.2217) and he shal avenge him oppon his enemys , +trou+g conseil of ij oweles , +tat ferst shal bene in peril forto bene vndone ; (CMBRUT3,73.2218) but +te olde owel shal wende ouer +te se into a $straunge lande , (CMBRUT3,73.2219) and +tere he shal duelle vnto a certeyne tyme ; (CMBRUT3,73.2220) and after , he shal come a+geyne into +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,73.2221) +Tise ij oweles shullen do grete harme to meny on ; (CMBRUT3,74.2222) and so +tai shullen counseil +te gote +tat he shal arere werre a+geynes +te forsaid bere ; (CMBRUT3,74.2223) and at +te last , +te goot and +te oweles shullen come atte Bur vp Trent , (CMBRUT3,74.2224) and shullen wende ouer ; (CMBRUT3,74.2225) and for drede , +te Bere shal flee , and a swan wi+t him , for his company , to Bur towarde +te North , (CMBRUT3,74.2226) & +tere +tai shal bene wi+t an harde shoure . (CMBRUT3,74.2227) And +tan +te swan shal bene slayne wi+t sorwe , and +te Bere taken & biheuedede , al+ter nexte his neste , +tat shal $stand vppon a broken brigge , vp wham +te sone shal caste his beemes ; (CMBRUT3,74.2228) and meny shal him seche , for vertu +tat fro hym shal come . (CMBRUT3,74.2229) In +tat same tyme shal dye , for sorwe and care , a peple of his lande , so +tat meny shal bene oppon him +te more bolder afterward . (CMBRUT3,74.2230) And +to ij oweles shullen do miche harme to +te forsaide floure of lif , (CMBRUT3,74.2231) and here shul lede in distresse , so +tat she shal passe ouer into Fraunce , forto make pees bituene +te gote & +te flour delice ; (CMBRUT3,74.2232) and +tere she shal duelle to a tyme +tat her sede shal come to seche here ; (CMBRUT3,74.2233) and +tere +tai shul bene stille til a tyme +tat +tai shul ham clo+te with grace : (CMBRUT3,74.2234) and +tai shul seche the Owelyn , and put ham vnto despitous de+t . (CMBRUT3,74.2235) And after shal +tis goot bene brou+gt to disese ; (CMBRUT3,74.2236) and in grete anguisshe and sorwe he shal leue al his lif . (CMBRUT3,74.2237) Aftre +tis goote , shal come out of Wyndesore a Boor , +tat shal haue an heuede of witte , a lyons hert , a pitouse lokyng ; (CMBRUT3,74.2238) his vesage shal be reste to sike men ; (CMBRUT3,74.2239) his bre+t shal bene stanchyn of +terst to ham +tat bene a+treste +terof shal ; (CMBRUT3,74.2240) his worde shal bene gospelle ; (CMBRUT3,74.2241) his beryng shal bene meke as a Lambe . (CMBRUT3,74.2242) In +te ferste +gere of his regne he shal haue grete payne to iustifien ham +tat bene vntrew ; (CMBRUT3,74.2243) and in his tyme shal his lande bene multipliede wi+t Aliens . (CMBRUT3,74.2244) And +tis Boor , +trou+g fersenesse of hert +tat he shal haue , shal make wolfes bicome lambes ; (CMBRUT3,74.2245) & he shal bene callede +trou+g-oute +te worlde ' Boor of holynesse and of fersenesse , of nobeleye and of mekenesse , ' (CMBRUT3,74.2246) and he shal do mesurabli al +tat he shal haue to done vnto +te Burgh of Ierusalem ; (CMBRUT3,74.2247) and he shal whet his tei+t vppon +te +gates of Parys , and vppon iiij landes . (CMBRUT3,74.2248) Spayne shal tremble for drede of him ; (CMBRUT3,74.2249) Gascoyne shal swete ; (CMBRUT3,74.2250) in Fraunce he shal put his wynge ; (CMBRUT3,74.2251) his grete taile shal reste in Engeland softely ; (CMBRUT3,74.2252) Almayn shal quake for drede of him . (CMBRUT3,74.2253) +tis Boor shal +geue mantels to ij tounes of Engeland , (CMBRUT3,75.2254) and he shal make +te ryuer rynne wi+t blode & wi+t brayn , (CMBRUT3,75.2255) and he shal make meny medowes reede , (CMBRUT3,75.2256) and he shal gete as miche as his auncestres deden ; (CMBRUT3,75.2257) & er +tat he bene dede he shal bere iij crones ; (CMBRUT3,75.2258) and he shal put on lande into gret subieccioun ; (CMBRUT3,75.2259) and after hit shal bene releuede , but nou+gt in his tyme . (CMBRUT3,75.2260) This Boor , after +tat he is dede , for his dou+gty-nesse shal bene enterede at Coloigne , (CMBRUT3,75.2261) and his lande shal bene +tan fulfillede wi+t al goode . (CMBRUT3,75.2262) After +tis Boor shal come a lambe , +tat shal haue feete of leede , an heuede of bras , an hert of a loppe , and a swynes skyn , and herde ; (CMBRUT3,75.2263) and in his tyme his land shal bene in pees . (CMBRUT3,75.2264) +te ferst +gere of his regne he shal do make a citee , +tat al +te worlde shal speke +terof . (CMBRUT3,75.2265) +tis lambe shal lese in his tyme a grete parte of his lande +trou+g an hidouse wolf ; (CMBRUT3,75.2266) but he shal recouer it , an +gif an Lordeship to an Egle of his landes ; (CMBRUT3,75.2267) and +tis Egle shal wel gouerne hit , til +te tyme +tat pride shal him ouergone , -- (CMBRUT3,75.2268) allas +te sorwe ! -- (CMBRUT3,75.2269) for he shal dye +trou+g his bro+teres suorde . (CMBRUT3,75.2270) and after shal +te lande falle to +te forsaide lambe , +tat shal gouerne in pees al his lifes tyme ; (CMBRUT3,75.2271) and after he shal dye , and +te lande bene fulfillede wi+t al maner gode . (CMBRUT3,75.2272) After +tis lambe shal come a Moldewerpe acursede of Godes mou+t , a caitif , a cowarde as an here . (CMBRUT3,75.2273) he shal haue an elderliche skyn as a goot ; (CMBRUT3,75.2274) and vengeance shal fal vppon him for synne . (CMBRUT3,75.2275) In +te ferst +gere of his regne he shal haue of al gode grete plente in his lande , and toward him also ; (CMBRUT3,75.2276) and in his lande he shal haue grete praising til +te tyme +tat he shal soffre his peple lyuen in to miche pride wi+touten chastisyng , wherfore God wil ben wro+t . (CMBRUT3,75.2277) Than shal arisen vp a dragoun in +te North , +tat shal bene ful fers , (CMBRUT3,75.2278) and shal meve werre a+geynes +te forsaide Moldewerpe , (CMBRUT3,75.2279) and shal +geue him bataile vppon a ston . (CMBRUT3,75.2280) +tis dragoun shal gadre a+geyne into his company a wolf +tat shal come oute of the West , +tat shal bygynne werre a+geynes +te forsaide Moldewerp in his side ; (CMBRUT3,75.2281) & so shal +te dragoun and he bynde here tailes to-geder . (CMBRUT3,75.2282) +tan shal come a lyon oute of Irlande , +tat shal fal in company wi+t ham ; (CMBRUT3,75.2283) and +tan shal tremble +te lande , +tat +tan shal bene callede Engeland , as an aspe lef , (CMBRUT3,75.2284) and in +tat tyme shal castelles bene fellede adoune vppon Tamise ; (CMBRUT3,76.2285) and it shal semen +tat Seuerne shal bene drye , for +te bodyes +tat shal fallen dede +terin . (CMBRUT3,76.2286) +Te iiij chief flodes of Engeland shal rynne in blode ; (CMBRUT3,76.2287) and grete drede shal bene , and anguisshe , +tat shul arisen after +te Moldewerpe shal fle for drede ; (CMBRUT3,76.2288) and +te dragoun , +te lyoun and +te wolf , him shal dryuen away , (CMBRUT3,76.2289) and the lande shal bene wi+tout ham , (CMBRUT3,76.2290) and +te Moldewerpe shal haue no maner power , saf onely a shipp wherto he may wende ; (CMBRUT3,76.2291) and after +tat , he shal come to lande when +te see is wi+tdraw . (CMBRUT3,76.2292) And after +tat he shal +geue +te +tride part of his lande forto haue +te fer+te part in pees & reste ; (CMBRUT3,76.2293) and after he shal leue in sorw al his lif-tyme ; (CMBRUT3,76.2294) and in his tyme +te hote ba+tes shullen bicome colde ; (CMBRUT3,76.2295) and after +tat shal +te Moldewerp dye aventurly and sodeynely , -- (CMBRUT3,76.2296) allas +te sorwe ! -- (CMBRUT3,76.2297) for he shal bene drenchede in a flode of +te see , (CMBRUT3,76.2298) his seede shal bicome pure faderles in straunge lande for euermore , (CMBRUT3,76.2299) and +tan shal the lande bene departede in iij parties , +tat is to seyn , to the Wolf , to +te dragoune , & to +te lioun ; (CMBRUT3,76.2300) and so shal it bene for euermore . (CMBRUT3,76.2301) And +tan shal +tis land bene callede ' +te lande of conquest , ' (CMBRUT3,76.2302) & so shal +te ri+gt heires of Engeland ende . " (CMBRUT3,76.2303) How Arthure ouercome Guyllomer +tat was Kyng of Irland & how +te Scottes bicomen his men . (CMBRUT3,76.2305) Capitulo lxxvj=to= . (CMBRUT3,76.2306) WHen Guillomer , +tat was Kyng of Irlande , hade tidynges +tat Kyng $Arthur was entrede at Glastenbery , he ordeynede a grete power of Irisshemen , (CMBRUT3,76.2308) & come to +te see wi+t his Yrisshe peple , (CMBRUT3,76.2309) and so come into Scotteland ouer +te see , (CMBRUT3,76.2310) and arryuede faste by +tere +tat Kyng Arthure was wi+t his hoste . (CMBRUT3,76.2311) and anone as he herde +terof , he went towarde him (CMBRUT3,76.2312) & +gaf him bataile , (CMBRUT3,76.2313) and ouercome him anone ry+gt ; (CMBRUT3,76.2314) and Guillomer fledde wi+t his men a+geyne into Irland , (CMBRUT3,76.2315) and when +tis scomfiture was done , Arthure turnede him a+geyne +tere +tat he was , into +te place +tat he hade lefte +te Scottes , (CMBRUT3,76.2316) & wolde haue ham al slayne . (CMBRUT3,76.2317) But +te bisshoppes , Abbotes , & o+tere folc of +te contre , and Ladies , openheuedede , comen bifore Kyng Arthure , (CMBRUT3,76.2318) and criede him mercy , (CMBRUT3,76.2319) & saide : " sire , gentil kyng & my+gty , haue mercy & pitee of vs ! (CMBRUT3,77.2320) and as +goure-self is of +te ri+gt lawe , to holde and mayntene cristendome , ful grete dishonour it shulde be to quelle ham +tat leue+t in almy+gty Gode as +ge done . (CMBRUT3,77.2321) & for Godes loue haue mercy and pitee of vs , (CMBRUT3,77.2322) and suffren vs forto lyuen , (CMBRUT3,77.2323) for we haue hade michel sorwe and pyne ; (CMBRUT3,77.2324) for +te Saxones hauen meny tymes +trou+g oure lande passede ; (CMBRUT3,77.2325) but +tat is nou+gt ynou+gt to +gow ; (CMBRUT3,77.2326) for often-tymes +tai haue done vs miche sorwe & disese . (CMBRUT3,77.2327) ffor oure castelles +tai hauen taken , & oure bestes slayne & eten , (CMBRUT3,77.2328) & mich harme +tai hauen vs done ; (CMBRUT3,77.2329) and if +ge wolde vs now quelle , hit were none Honoure to a Kyng to quelle ham +tat crien him mercy ; (CMBRUT3,77.2330) for ynow +ge haue y-done vs , & vs ouercomen euerycheon ; (CMBRUT3,77.2331) & , for +te loue of God , soffre vs forto lyue , (CMBRUT3,77.2332) & haue+t mercy of Cristen peple +tat bileue+t in God as +ge done ! " (CMBRUT3,77.2333) when Kyng Arthure herde +tis sorwe , he hade pite of ham , (CMBRUT3,77.2334) and +gaf ham lif and lyme ; (CMBRUT3,77.2335) and alle +tai felle adoune to his feete , (CMBRUT3,77.2336) and bicome his lege men , (CMBRUT3,77.2337) and he toke of ham homages . (CMBRUT3,77.2338) And after +tat , Kyng Arthure turnede a+geyne wi+t his host , (CMBRUT3,77.2339) and come a+geyne to +Gorke , (CMBRUT3,77.2340) and +tere he abode duryng +tat Viage . (CMBRUT3,77.2341) And +to +gaf he al Loegers to Loth , +tat hade spousede his sustre , and o+tere +giftes grete plente . (CMBRUT3,77.2342) and +to was Gaweyn , his cosyn , but +gong of age ; (CMBRUT3,77.2343) and to alle his o+tere men +tat him hade seruede in his werr , he +gaf riche +giftes , (CMBRUT3,77.2344) & he +tankede ham miche of here gode seruise . (CMBRUT3,77.2345) How Kyng Arthure spousede Gunnore , +tat was Cadore+g cosyn , Erl of Cornewaile ; (CMBRUT3,77.2347) & after he conquerede of Guillomer all Irland . (CMBRUT3,77.2348) Capitulo Septuagesimo Septimo . (CMBRUT3,77.2349) WHen Arthure hade brou+gt his lande in pees and reste , & in gode state , & reste was in euery contre , +to toke he and wedede a wif +tat me callede Gunnore , (CMBRUT3,77.2351) & made here quene , a faire lady and a gentil , +tat Cador +te erle of Cornewail hade longe tyme norisshede in his chaumbre +tat was his owen cosyn ; (CMBRUT3,77.2352) but neuer +tai haden childe to-gedres , (CMBRUT3,77.2353) and no+telesse Kyng Arthure louede her wonder wel and derlich . (CMBRUT3,77.2354) And anone as wynter was passede , he lete assemble a grete hoste , & alle his barons , (CMBRUT3,77.2355) and saide +tat he wolde wende into Irland forto conquere the Lande ; (CMBRUT3,78.2356) and he tarede nou+gt ful longe +tat he ne passede ouer into Irland . (CMBRUT3,78.2357) And Guillomer , +te Kyng of Scotland , lete assemble a grete hoste , (CMBRUT3,78.2358) and +gaf batail to Kyng Arthur ; (CMBRUT3,78.2359) but Guillomer was descom-fitede , (CMBRUT3,78.2360) & +gelde him to +te Kyng Arthure , (CMBRUT3,78.2361) and bicome his man , (CMBRUT3,78.2362) and to him dede feaute & homage , (CMBRUT3,78.2363) and of him helde al +tat lande fro +tat tyme forward . (CMBRUT3,78.2364) and after passede Kyng Arthur fer+ter , (CMBRUT3,78.2365) and conquerede Gutland and Irland , (CMBRUT3,78.2366) and toke homages of folc of +te lande , (CMBRUT3,78.2367) and +tere duellede xij +ger in pees , (CMBRUT3,78.2368) & regnede wi+t ioye and mer+te , (CMBRUT3,78.2369) & werrede vppon no maner man , ne no man vppon him . (CMBRUT3,78.2370) And he bicome so curteys and large , and so honourable , +tat +te Emperoure+g court of Rome , ne none +trou+g-out al +te worlde , was none acountede to Kyng Arthures , +tat eny man wist , ne none so preisede ; (CMBRUT3,78.2371) and +terefore +te beste kny+gtes of al maner landes comen to him forto duelle , (CMBRUT3,78.2372) & ham resceyuede wi+t gode wille and reuerence ; (CMBRUT3,78.2373) and alle +te kny+gtes weren so gode +tat no man knew +te werst ; (CMBRUT3,78.2374) and +terefore Kyng Arthure made +te rounde table , +tat when +tai shulde sitte to +te mete , alle shulde bene aliche hye , and euenlich seruede at +te table , +tat none my+gt maken auant +tat none were hyer +tan o+tere . (CMBRUT3,78.2375) and Kyng Arthure hade at +tat table Britons , Fraunchemen , Normannes , Flemynges , Burgoyners , Mansers , Loherin+g , and of alle +te landes a +tis half +te mount of Gorie , and of his lande of Britaigne , and of +te grete Cornewaile , of Walys , & of Irland , & of Scotland ; (CMBRUT3,78.2376) and shortely to telle , of alle +te landes +tat wolde worshipe and chyualry seche , comen to Kyng Arthurus court . (CMBRUT3,78.2377) How Kyng Arthure come into Fraunce , (CMBRUT3,78.2379) & conquered +tat londe of Froll , +tat was a Romayn , (CMBRUT3,78.2380) & him quellede . (CMBRUT3,78.2381) Capitulo lxxviij=o= . (CMBRUT3,78.2382) SIth hit bifelle +tat Kyng Arthure , +trou+g conseile of his barons and lordes , wolde gone to conquere al Fraunce , +tat +to was clepede Galle , +trou+g Romayns +tat +to helde +tat lande in here $power & in here lordeshipe . (CMBRUT3,78.2384) and +te Romayns hade take +tat lande to a noble kny+gt , and a wor+ti of body , +tat me calle Frolle , (CMBRUT3,79.2385) and when he wist +tat Arthure come , he ordeynede an host & grete power , (CMBRUT3,79.2386) & fau+gt wi+t +te kyng ; (CMBRUT3,79.2387) & he & his folc weren descomfitede ; (CMBRUT3,79.2388) and +tens +tai fledde vnto Parys , (CMBRUT3,79.2389) and entrede +te toun , (CMBRUT3,79.2390) & closede +te +gates , (CMBRUT3,79.2391) & +tere ham helde . (CMBRUT3,79.2392) Arthure wist +tat Froll was gone to Parys , (CMBRUT3,79.2393) he pursuede after , (CMBRUT3,79.2394) & come +tider , (CMBRUT3,79.2395) & him bisegede ; (CMBRUT3,79.2396) but +te citee was so strong and wel arraied ; (CMBRUT3,79.2397) & +to +tat were wi+tin defendede ham wel and manliche . (CMBRUT3,79.2398) Kyng $Arthure duellede +tere more +tan a moun+te ; (CMBRUT3,79.2399) & +tere was so miche peple in +te citee , (CMBRUT3,79.2400) & hade despendede al her vitailes +tat were wi+tin , (CMBRUT3,79.2401) & so grete hunger bicome amonges ham , +tat +tai deide wonder +tik wi+tin the citee for hunger , (CMBRUT3,79.2402) and comen to Froll , (CMBRUT3,79.2403) & prayede him to bene accordede wi+t Kyng Arthure forto haue pees ; (CMBRUT3,79.2404) & +tai wolde +gelde ham to him , & +te toun also . (CMBRUT3,79.2405) Froll saw +tat no longer he my+gt horde +te toun a+geynes her wille , and truste greteli oppon his owen streng+t , (CMBRUT3,79.2406) & sent to Kyng Authure +tat he shulde come to fei+gt wi+t him , body for body , (CMBRUT3,79.2407) and so +tai shulde departe Fraunce bituene ham ij . (CMBRUT3,79.2408) Kyng Arthure anone graunted hit , (CMBRUT3,79.2409) and wolde +tat none of his peple vndertoke +te batail for him . (CMBRUT3,79.2410) And oppon +te morwe , bo+te comen wel armede wi+touten Parys , +tere +tat +tai shulde fi+gt ; (CMBRUT3,79.2411) and anone +tai smyten togederes so fersely ; (CMBRUT3,79.2412) and so wel , +tai fou+gten in bo+te sides , +tat no man cou+te deme +te bettre of ham . (CMBRUT3,79.2413) and so Hit bifelle +tat Froll +gaf Arthure soche a stroke +tat he knelede to +te grounde , wolde he nolde he . (CMBRUT3,79.2414) & as Froll wi+tdrow his suerde , he wonded Kyng Arthure in +te forheuede , +tat +te blode felle adoune by his eyes and face . (CMBRUT3,79.2415) Arthure anone sterte vp hertly , when he felede him hert , as a man +tat semede almoste wode ; (CMBRUT3,79.2416) & he toke Tabourn , his gode suerde (CMBRUT3,79.2417) & drowe it vp an hye , (CMBRUT3,79.2418) & +gaf Froll soche a stroke +tat +terwi+t he cleuede his heuede doun to +te shuldres , so +tat his helme my+gt nou+gt bene his warant ; (CMBRUT3,79.2419) & so he felle adoun dede +tere in +te place , (CMBRUT3,79.2420) and +to of +te citee maden grete sorwe for Froll ; (CMBRUT3,79.2421) and anone euerycheon +gelde ham to Kyng Arthure , & +te toune also , (CMBRUT3,79.2422) and bicome his men , (CMBRUT3,80.2423) and deden to him homage & feaute , (CMBRUT3,80.2424) & he vnder-fonge ham (CMBRUT3,80.2425) & toke of ham gode hostages . (CMBRUT3,80.2426) & Kyng Arthure , after +tat , went for+te wi+t his host , (CMBRUT3,80.2427) and conquerede Angon & Aungers , Gascoigne , Peihto , Nauerne , Burgoyne , Bery , Loherne , Turyn and Peihters ; (CMBRUT3,80.2428) and alle +te o+tere landes of Fraunce he conquerede hollich . (CMBRUT3,80.2429) and when he hade alle conquerede , & taken bi homages & feautes , he turnede a+geyne to Parys , (CMBRUT3,80.2430) & +tere duellede longe tyme , (CMBRUT3,80.2431) and ordeynede pees ouer al the contrey , & +trou+g-out al Fraunce . (CMBRUT3,80.2432) And when pees was made oueral , +trou+g his noble kny+gthode +tat he hade , & also for his owen wor+tynesse , and no man , were he neuer so grete a lorde , derst nou+gt meve werre a+geynes him , no+ter to arise and forto make +te lande of Fraunce in quiete & pees , he wonede +tere ix +gere , (CMBRUT3,80.2433) & dede +tere meny grete wonders , (CMBRUT3,80.2434) & reprouede meny prout men & lu+ter tyraunte+g , (CMBRUT3,80.2435) & ham chastisede after her deseruise . (CMBRUT3,80.2436) How Kyng Arthure auauncede alle his men +tat hade trauailed in his seruise . (CMBRUT3,80.2438) Capitulo Septuagesimo Nono . (CMBRUT3,80.2439) ANd after , hit bifelle +tus at Ester , +tere +tat he helde a feste at Parys ; (CMBRUT3,80.2441) richely he gan auaunce his kny+gtes for here seruise +tat him hade holpen in his conquest ; (CMBRUT3,80.2442) he +gaf to his stywarde +tat men cleped Kay , Angon & Angers , (CMBRUT3,80.2443) and to Bedeler his boteler he +gaf Normandye , +tat +to was callede Neustrie ; (CMBRUT3,80.2444) and to Holden his chaumberleyn he +gaf Flaundres and Mance ; (CMBRUT3,80.2445) and to Dorell his cosyn he +gaf Boloyne ; (CMBRUT3,80.2446) and to Richard his Nevew he +gaf Pountif ; (CMBRUT3,80.2447) And to alle o+tere he +gaf largely landes & fees after +tat +tai were of state . (CMBRUT3,80.2448) And when Arthur hade +tus his kny+gtes feffede , at April after nexte sewyng he come a+geyne into Britaigne , his owen lande . (CMBRUT3,80.2449) And after , atte Whitsontide next sewyng , by conseil of his barons , he wolde bene cronede Kyng of Glomergon , (CMBRUT3,80.2450) and halde a solempne fest , (CMBRUT3,80.2451) & lete sompne kynges , Erles and barons , +tat +tai shulde come +tider euerycheon . (CMBRUT3,80.2452) Ther was Skater , kyng of Scotland ; Cadwere , kyng of South-walys ; Guillomer , king of North Walys ; Madede , kyng of Irland ; Malgamus , kyng of Gutland ; Achilles , kyng of Ikeland ; Aloth , kyng of Denmerc ; Gonewas , kyng of Norweye ; and Hoel his cosyn , kyng of Dorke-neye ; Cador , kyng of litel Britaigne ; Morwi+t , erl of Cornne-waile ; Mauran , erle of Gloucestr ; Guerdon , erl of Wynchestre ; Boel , erl of Herford ; Vrtegi , erl of Oxenford ; Cursal , erl of Bathe ; Ionas , erl of Chestre ; Eueral , erl of Dorcestre ; Kymar , erl of Salesbury ; Waloth , erl of Kaunterbery ; Igern , erl of Checestre ; Aral , erl of Leycestre , & +te Erl of Warwik , & o+tere riche Lordes . (CMBRUT3,81.2453) Britons also +tere were ynow , +tat is to seyn , Dippon , Donand , Genu+g ; and meny o+tere +tat be+t nou+gt here nempnede weren at +tat fest ; (CMBRUT3,81.2454) and meny ano-+tere faire feste Kyng Arthure hade holden biforn , but neuer none soche , ne so solempne ; (CMBRUT3,81.2455) and +tat laste xv dayes wi+t michel Honoure and mer+te . (CMBRUT3,81.2456) Of +te lettre +tat was sent fram +te Citee of Rome for pride to Kyng Arthure (CMBRUT3,81.2458) Capitulo Octogesimo . (CMBRUT3,81.2459) The +teridde day , as kyng Arthure satte at his mete amonges his kynges , & amonges ham +tat seten at +te fest biforne ham , comen in xij elderne men of age , rychely arraiede , (CMBRUT3,81.2461) and curteisly saluede +te kyng , (CMBRUT3,81.2462) and saide +tat +tai comen fro Rome , sent messagers fram +te Emperour , (CMBRUT3,81.2463) and tok to him a lettre +tat +tus miche was to vnderstounde : (CMBRUT3,81.2464) " Gretely vs mervailes , Arthure , +tat +tow art on so hardy , wi+t eyen in +ti heuede , to maken oppen werr and contak a+geyns vs of Rome , +tat owen al +te worlde to deme ; (CMBRUT3,81.2465) for +tow haste neuer +gitte bifore +tis tyme prouede ne assaiede +te streng+t of +te Romayns , (CMBRUT3,81.2466) and +terfor , +tow it shalt in litil tyme . (CMBRUT3,81.2467) For Iulius Cessr conquerede al +te lande of Britaigne , (CMBRUT3,81.2468) and tok +terof truage , (CMBRUT3,81.2469) and oure folc longe tyme haue it hade ; (CMBRUT3,81.2470) and now , +trou+g +ti pryde , +tow hit witholdes ; wherfore we commande +te +tat +tow +gelde a+geyne . (CMBRUT3,81.2471) and +gitte haste +tow more folye done , +tat +tow hast slayn Froll , +tat was oure baron of Fraunce , al wi+t wrong ; (CMBRUT3,81.2472) and +terfore alle +te communes of Rome warnen and commanden +te , oppon lif and Lyme , +tat +tow in haste bene at Rome , amendes to make of +te misdede+g that +tow haste done ; (CMBRUT3,82.2473) and if hit so be +tat +tow come nou+gt , we shul passe +te hull of Ioye wi+t streng+t , (CMBRUT3,82.2474) and we shul +te seke wher-euer +tow may ben founde , (CMBRUT3,82.2475) and +tow shalt nou+gt haue a foote of lande of +tyn owen +tat we ne shal destroy ; (CMBRUT3,82.2476) and aftirward wi+t +ti body we shal done oure wille . " (CMBRUT3,82.2477) When +tis lettre was rade , & alle men hit herde , +tai were annoyede , alle +tat were at +te solempnite ; (CMBRUT3,82.2478) and +te Britons wolde haue slayne +te messagers , (CMBRUT3,82.2479) but Arthure wolde nou+gt soffre hit , (CMBRUT3,82.2480) and saide +tat +te messagers shulde haue none harme , and mow by resoun none deserue ; (CMBRUT3,82.2481) but he commanded hem to bene wor+tely seruede . (CMBRUT3,82.2482) and after mete he toke conseil of kyngus , Erles and Barons , what ansuere me my+gt +geue to +te messagers ; (CMBRUT3,82.2483) and +tai conseilede at ones +tat he shulde assemble a grete power of alle +te landes of +te whiche he hade lordeshipe , & manliche avenge him oppon +te Emperour , of +te despite +tat he hade sent to him soche a lettre ; (CMBRUT3,82.2484) and +tai suoren bi God and by his names +tat +tai wolde him pursue & brenne in-alsemiche as +tai my+gt , (CMBRUT3,82.2485) & saide +tat +tai wolde neuer faile Kyng Arture , and ra+tere to bene dede : (CMBRUT3,82.2486) and +tai lete writen a lettre to sende to +te Emperour by +te same messagers in +tis maner : (CMBRUT3,82.2487) Of +te bolde ansuere +tat Kyng Arthure sent to +te Emperour of Rome & ; to +te Romayns . (CMBRUT3,82.2489) Capitulo iiij primo . (CMBRUT3,82.2490) " $UVnderstondes amonges +gow of Rome , +tat I am Kyng Arthure of Britaigne , and frely hit holde , and shal holde ; (CMBRUT3,82.2492) and at Rome hastely y shal be , nou+gt to +geue +gow truage , but forto axen truage ; (CMBRUT3,82.2493) ffor Constantyne , +tat was Elynus sone , +tat was Emperour of Rome and of al +te honour +tat +tereto bilongede ; (CMBRUT3,82.2494) ffor Maxinian conquerede al Fraunce and Almaigne , (CMBRUT3,82.2495) & mount Ioye passede , (CMBRUT3,82.2496) & conquerede al Lumbardye ; (CMBRUT3,82.2497) and +tise ij were myn ancestres ; (CMBRUT3,82.2498) and +tat +tai hade and helde , I shulde haue , +trou+g Godes wille . " (CMBRUT3,82.2499) Of +te reuerence +tat Kyng Authure dede to +te Emperourre+g messagers of Rome . (CMBRUT3,83.2502) Capitulo iiij Secundo . (CMBRUT3,83.2503) WHen +tis lettre was made and enselede , Kyng Arthure to +te messagers +gaf grete +giftes ; (CMBRUT3,83.2505) and after +tat , +te messagers toke here leue , (CMBRUT3,83.2506) & went +tens to +te court of Rome a+geyne , (CMBRUT3,83.2507) and tolde +te Emperour how wor+tely +tei were vnderfonge , & whiche real company he K. Arthur hade him forto serue , & how he was more really seruede +tan +te Emperour , or eny kyng leuyng in +te worlde . (CMBRUT3,83.2508) And when +te Emperour hade seyne +te lettre of Arthure , & herde what was +terin , and saw +tat Arthure wolde nou+gt bene rewelede by him , he lete assemble & ordeyne an huge hoste forto destroie Kyng Arthure if he my+gt . (CMBRUT3,83.2509) and Kyng Arthure , as tochyng his partye , ordeynede his power of kny+gtes of +te rounde table . (CMBRUT3,83.2510) Of +te kynges & lordes +tat comen to helpe Kyng Arthure a+geyne+g +te Emperour of Rome . (CMBRUT3,83.2512) Capitulo Octogesimo Tercio . (CMBRUT3,83.2513) THe kynges of Scotland , & of Irland & of Gutland , of Denmarc and of Almaigne , eueryche of ham hade x M=l= of men . (CMBRUT3,83.2515) Thei of Normandye , Gascoigne & Spaigne & Flaundres & Pehito , & of Boloigne , hade iiij M=l= . (CMBRUT3,83.2516) Geryn of Chartres hade x M=l= ; (CMBRUT3,83.2517) Hoel of Britaigne hade xij M=l= , (CMBRUT3,83.2518) and him-self $Arthur hade of his owen Londe xij M=l= , & of Arblasters and of Archires , & of o+tere folc on foote , +tat noman cou+te ham nombre . (CMBRUT3,83.2519) and when +tai weren al redy forto wende , Kyng Arthur , his lande & Gunore his wif , he bitoke to one of his Nevewes +tat was a wise kny+gt , & an herdy , +tat me callede Mordrede ; (CMBRUT3,83.2520) but he was nou+gt al trewe , as +ge shul here afterwarde . (CMBRUT3,83.2521) Kyng Arthure toke al his reame to +tis Mordrede , saue oneliche +te crone . (CMBRUT3,83.2522) And after +tat , kyng Arthure tok his host (CMBRUT3,83.2523) and went to Southampton , +tere +tat +te shippes were brou+gt . (CMBRUT3,83.2524) and +te folc assemblede , (CMBRUT3,83.2525) and +tai deden ham to +te see , (CMBRUT3,84.2526) and hade gode wynde & weder at wille . (CMBRUT3,84.2527) and as sone as +tai my+gten , +tai arryuede at Berflete , (CMBRUT3,84.2528) & wenten oute of here shippis , (CMBRUT3,84.2529) and spraden al +te contreye . (CMBRUT3,84.2530) How Kyng Arthure fau+gt wi+t a Geaunt in Spaigne , +tat me callede Denab+g , +tat quellede Elyne , +tat was Kyng Hoele+g Cosyne , of litel Britaigne . (CMBRUT3,84.2532) Capitulo =xx=iiij iiij=to= . (CMBRUT3,84.2533) KYng Arthure hade duellede in +te contre but a litil while , +tat men ne tolde him +tat +ter was comen a grete Geaunt into Spayne , and hade rauesshede faire Elyne , +tat was cosyn to Hoel of Britaigne , & hade brou+gt here vppon an hull +tat is clepede +te Mount of seynt Barnard ; (CMBRUT3,84.2535) & +tere was noman in +tat contre so bolde , ne so hardy , +tat derst wi+t him to fei+gt , ne come ney+g +te place +tere +te Geaunt duellede ; (CMBRUT3,84.2536) and men callede him Dynab+g , +tat miche sorwe dede in +te contre . (CMBRUT3,84.2537) When Kyng Arthure herde +tis tydynges , he callede Kay & Bedewer , (CMBRUT3,84.2538) & commaundede ham +tat +tai shulde gon pryuely , and aspie Where +te Geaunt my+gt bene founde . (CMBRUT3,84.2539) and +tai come to +te Ryuage +tere +tat men shulde gon to +te mount , +tat was al enclosede about wi+t water , and +git is and euer shal be ; (CMBRUT3,84.2540) and +tai saw a brynnyng fire oppon +te Hull ; (CMBRUT3,84.2541) and +tere was also ano+ter hull ney+g , +tat +tere was oppon ano+tere fire brynnyng . (CMBRUT3,84.2542) Kay and Bedewer comen to +te nexte hull , (CMBRUT3,84.2543) and founden a widowe openheuede , sittyng bisides a tounbe , sore wepyng , (CMBRUT3,84.2544) & grete sorwe made ; (CMBRUT3,84.2545) and ofte she saide " Elyn ! Elyn ! " (CMBRUT3,84.2546) and Kay & Bedwere axede what her ailede , & wherfore she made so miche sorwe , & who lay in +tat tombe . (CMBRUT3,84.2547) " O , " quod she , " what sorwe and what mysauenture , faire lordes , make +ge here for (CMBRUT3,84.2548) if +te Geant may +gow here fynde , +ge wor+t dede anone . " (CMBRUT3,84.2549) " ben stille , gode wif , " quod +tai , " (CMBRUT3,84.2550) +terof dismal +te nou+gt , (CMBRUT3,84.2551) but tel vs +te so+te whi +tow makes so myche sorwe & wepyng . " (CMBRUT3,84.2552) " Sires , " quod she , " for a damiselle +tat I norisshede wi+t my brest , +tat me callede Elyne , -- +tat was nece to Hoel , Kyng of litel Britaigne , (CMBRUT3,85.2553) and here li+t +te bodye in +tis tombe , +tat to me was bitaken to norisshe . (CMBRUT3,85.2554) so +tere come a deuel , a Geaunt , (CMBRUT3,85.2555) & rauasshede here , & me Also , (CMBRUT3,85.2556) & lade vs bo+te away ; (CMBRUT3,85.2557) and he wolde haue forleyn +tis maide +tat was so +gonge & tendre of age , (CMBRUT3,85.2558) but she my+gt hit nou+gt soffren , so grete and so huge +te Geant is . (CMBRUT3,85.2559) and if he now come as he was wont to done , certes he wille +gow quelle , bo+te ij ; (CMBRUT3,85.2560) and +terfore faste wende +ge hens . " (CMBRUT3,85.2561) " and wherfore , " saide +tai , " go +ge nou+gt hens ? " (CMBRUT3,85.2562) " Certes , Sires , " quod she , " When +tat Elyne was dede , +te Geaunt made me to abide , to done and haunt his wille , (CMBRUT3,85.2563) and me most nedes it soffren . (CMBRUT3,85.2564) and God hit wote , I do hit nou+gt wi+t my gode wille , (CMBRUT3,85.2565) for leuer me were to bene dede +tan wi+t him to dele , so miche payne I haue when he me forlei+g . " (CMBRUT3,85.2566) When Kay and Bedwere hade herde al +tat +tis woman hade tolde , +ta turnede a+geyne , (CMBRUT3,85.2567) and comen to Kyng Arthure , (CMBRUT3,85.2568) & tolde him al +tat +tai hade seyne & harde . (CMBRUT3,85.2569) Arthure anone toke ham bo+te with him , (CMBRUT3,85.2570) and went priuely by ny+gt , +tat none of his hoste it wiste , (CMBRUT3,85.2571) and come on +te morne to +te Ghaunt , (CMBRUT3,85.2572) and fau+gt wi+t him strongely , (CMBRUT3,85.2573) and at +te laste him slou+g . (CMBRUT3,85.2574) and Arthure bede Bedwere smyte of hes heuede , and bryng it to +te hoste to shewe ham for a wonder , (CMBRUT3,85.2575) for it was so grete & so huge . (CMBRUT3,85.2576) When +tai comen a+geyne to +te hoste , +tai tolde wherfore +tai hade bene out , (CMBRUT3,85.2577) and shewede to ham +te heuede ; (CMBRUT3,85.2578) & euery man was glade & ioyful of +te wor+ti dede +tat Kyng Arthure hade done , her lorde . (CMBRUT3,85.2579) And Hoel was ful sorweful for his nece +tat was so loste ; (CMBRUT3,85.2580) and after , when he hade space , he lete make a faire chapel of oure Lady ouer Elyne+g Tumbe . (CMBRUT3,85.2581) How Kyng Arthure +gaf bataile to +te Emperour , in +te whiche bataile +te Emperoure was slayn . (CMBRUT3,85.2583) Capitulo Octogesimo v=to= . (CMBRUT3,85.2584) ARthure and his peple hade tydynges +tat +te Emperour hade assemblede grete power , as wel of Sarasynes and of paynemys as of Cristen men , Wherof +te noumbre was =xx=iiij M=l= of horsemen and of fote men . (CMBRUT3,85.2586) Arthure and his peple ordeynede ham fast for+t in here Way towarde +te Emperour , (CMBRUT3,86.2587) and passede Normandy & Fraunce vnto Burgoyne , (CMBRUT3,86.2588) and wolde euen haue gone to +te host , (CMBRUT3,86.2589) for men tolde him +tat +te Emperoure+g host was comen to Lucye . (CMBRUT3,86.2590) The Emperour and his host , in +te byginning of August , remevede fram Rome , (CMBRUT3,86.2591) and come fourth ry+gt +te way toward +te host . (CMBRUT3,86.2592) tho comen Kyng Arthures aspie+g , (CMBRUT3,86.2593) and saide , if +tat Arthure wolde , he shulde fynde +tere faste bisides , +te Emperour ; (CMBRUT3,86.2594) but +tai saiden +tat +te Emperoure hade so grete power wi+t him of kynges of +te lande , & of Paynemys yfere , & also cristen peple , +tat it were but grete folie to Kyng Arthure forto mete wi+t him , (CMBRUT3,86.2595) for +te espies tolde +tat +te Emperour hade v men or vj a+geynes one of his . (CMBRUT3,86.2596) Kyng Arthure was bolde and hardy , (CMBRUT3,86.2597) and for no+ting him dismaiede , (CMBRUT3,86.2598) & saide : " go we for+t in Goddes name a+geynes +te Romayns , +tat wi+t ham lede+t Sarasines & Paynemes +tat no maner truste +tai hauen to God , but oneliche oppon here streng+t ! (CMBRUT3,86.2599) Go we now , (CMBRUT3,86.2600) and seche ham sharpely in +te name of almy+gty God , (CMBRUT3,86.2601) and slee we +te paynemys and Cristen men +tat bene enemys wi+t ham forto destroe Cristen men ; (CMBRUT3,86.2602) and God shal vs helpe , (CMBRUT3,86.2603) for we haue+t the ry+gt , (CMBRUT3,86.2604) & +terfore haue we gode trust in God ; (CMBRUT3,86.2605) & done we so +tat +te enemys +tat bene to Cristendome & to Gode mow bene dede & destroiede , & +tat men mow recorde +te wor+tinesse of kny+gthode ! " (CMBRUT3,86.2606) When Kyng Arthure hade +tus saide , +tai criden al wi+t an hye voice , " God , fader almi+gty , Worsheppede be +tine name Wi+touten ende , (CMBRUT3,86.2607) Amen ! (CMBRUT3,86.2608) and grant vs grace wel to done , and to destrie oure enemys +tat be+t a+geynes Cristendome ! (CMBRUT3,86.2609) In +te name of +te fader & of +te sone and of +te holy gost , Amen ! (CMBRUT3,86.2610) And God +geue ham neuer grace ne worshipp in the worlde , ne mercy of him to haue , +tat +tis day shal feynten wel forto smyte , and egrely ! " (CMBRUT3,86.2611) and so +tai riden softly , (CMBRUT3,86.2612) and ordeynede her wenges wel and wisely . (CMBRUT3,86.2613) The Emperoure herde telle +tat Kyng Arthure & his folc were redy arraiede forto fei+gt wi+t him ; (CMBRUT3,86.2614) and +tider +tai comen wher he ordeynede his wenges in +te best manere +tat he my+gt , and more trust oppon his streng+t +tan in God almy+gty . (CMBRUT3,87.2615) and +tat was seyn afterward , (CMBRUT3,87.2616) ffor when +to ij hostes metten , the Emperour loste soche foure of his folc as dede Kyng Arthur ; (CMBRUT3,87.2617) and so meny were slayne , what in o side and in +tat o+tere , +tat hit was grete pite to wete and to seen . (CMBRUT3,87.2618) In +tis bataile were slayn +trou+g Kyng Arthure , v kyng+g of paynemys , & of o+tere , Wonder miche peple . (CMBRUT3,87.2619) And Kyng Arthures men fou+gten so wel , +tat +te Romaines and paynemys hade no more power ne streng+t to wi+tstande hem , +tan xx shepe a+geynes v. wolfes . (CMBRUT3,87.2620) And so hit bifelle +tat in +tis bataile in a shoure +tat was wonder herde and longe duryng , in +tat o side and in +tat o+tere , +te Emperour amonges ham +tere was slayn ; (CMBRUT3,87.2621) but noman wist forso+t who him slou+g . (CMBRUT3,87.2622) How Kyng Arthure lete entere his kny+gtes +tat he hade Loste in bataile ; and how he sent +te Emperourre+g body to Rome , +tat +tere was slayne in bataile . (CMBRUT3,87.2624) Capitulo Octogesimo vj=to= . (CMBRUT3,87.2625) When +te Romayns wist +tat +te Emperour was dede , +tai for-soke +te felde , and +te paynemys also ; (CMBRUT3,87.2627) and Kyng Arthure after ham chasede til it was ny+gt , (CMBRUT3,87.2628) and so meny of ham quellede +tat hit was wonder to telle ; (CMBRUT3,87.2629) and +to turnede Kyng Arthure a+geyne when it was ny+gt , (CMBRUT3,87.2630) and +tankede almy+gty God of his Vittorie . (CMBRUT3,87.2631) And on +te morwe he lete loke & seke al +te felde for his kny+gtes +tat he hade +tere lost , +tat is to seyne , Borell , erl of Maans ; Bed-were & Kay , and Lygers , Erl of Boloigne ; Vrtegi , erl of Baat , Aloth , erl of Wynchestre ; Cursale , erl of Chestre ; and Holdeyn , erl of Flaundres : (CMBRUT3,87.2632) +tise were +te grete Lordes +tat Kyng Arthure Loste in +tat bataile amonges o+tere wor+ti kny+gtes ; (CMBRUT3,87.2633) and somme he lete entere in Abbayes by +te contre , (CMBRUT3,87.2634) and some he lete bene borne into here owen contre ; (CMBRUT3,87.2635) and +te Emperourres body he lete take and put oppon a bere , (CMBRUT3,87.2636) & sent hit to Rome , (CMBRUT3,87.2637) and sent to say to +te Romaynes +tat ' as for Britaigne & Fraunce whiche +tat he helde , o+tere truage he wolde none paie ; (CMBRUT3,87.2638) and if +tai axend him eny o+tere , ri+gt suche he wolde ham paye . ' (CMBRUT3,87.2639) Kyng Arthur lete bere Kay to Kenen , his owen castel , (CMBRUT3,88.2640) and +tere he was enterede ; (CMBRUT3,88.2641) and Ligers was born to Boloyne , +tere +tat he was lorde ; (CMBRUT3,88.2642) and Holdeyn was borne to Flaundres , (CMBRUT3,88.2643) & +tere he was enterede ; (CMBRUT3,88.2644) and alle the o+tere he lete entier wi+t michel honour in Abbayes & in house+g of Religioun in +te contrey +tere +tat +tai were dede . (CMBRUT3,88.2645) And Arthure him-self soiournede +te same +gere in Burgoigne wi+t his host , (CMBRUT3,88.2646) and +tou+gt +tat same +gere follewyng , passe +te mount Ioye , & haue gone to Rome , forto haue take +te citee , and haue put +te Romayns in subieccion ; (CMBRUT3,88.2647) but +te wickede tiraunt Mordrede him lettede , as after +ge shul here . (CMBRUT3,88.2648) How Mordrede +te traitour to whome Kyng Arthure tok his lande to kepe , and his castelles , and helde it a+geynes him . (CMBRUT3,88.2650) Capitulo Octogesimo Septimo . (CMBRUT3,88.2651) WHen Kyng Arthure hade taken to Mordrede his reaume to kepe , and was gone a+geynes +te Emperoure of Rome , & was passede +te see , Mordrede anone toke homages and feautes of al ham +tat were in +tis lande , (CMBRUT3,88.2653) and wolde haue hade +te lande to his owen vse , (CMBRUT3,88.2654) and toke castelles about , (CMBRUT3,88.2655) and lete ham arraie ; (CMBRUT3,88.2656) and after his falsenease he dede ano+tere grete wrong , (CMBRUT3,88.2657) ffor , a+geynes +te law of Cristiente , he toke his owen Emes wif , as a traitour shulde , (CMBRUT3,88.2658) and ordeynede him a grete hoste a+geynes Arthures comyng , to halde the lande a+geyns him wi+t streng+t for euermore , and to slee Kyng Arthure yf he my+gt ; (CMBRUT3,88.2659) and lete sende by +te Cee and lande , (CMBRUT3,88.2660) and lete assemble Paynymes and cristen peple ; (CMBRUT3,88.2661) and he sent to Saxones and to Danoys forto help him . (CMBRUT3,88.2662) and also Mordrede sende to Chel-drik , to done men come to him out of Saxoyne , +tat was a wor+ti Duc , (CMBRUT3,88.2663) and bihi+gt him , if +tat he brou+gt wi+t him peple , he wolde graunt him al +te lande fram bi+gonde Humber vnto Scotland , and al +te lande +tat Engist hade of Vortigers +gifte , When +tat he hade spousede his dou+gter . (CMBRUT3,88.2664) And Cheldrik come wi+t grete streng+t and power of Peple : (CMBRUT3,88.2665) and Mordrede him assemblede also in his half , +tat +tai hade xl M=l= of stronge kny+gtes when +tat +tai hade nede . (CMBRUT3,88.2666) How Arthure enchacede Mordrede +te traitour , and how he was slayne , and Kyng Arthure also wondede to +te dethe . (CMBRUT3,89.2669) Capitulo Octogesimo Octauo . (CMBRUT3,89.2670) WHen +tis tydynges come to Kyng Arthure +tere +tat he was in Burgoyne , he was ful sore annoiede , (CMBRUT3,89.2672) and toke al Fraunce to Hoel forto kepe , wi+t haluendele his men , (CMBRUT3,89.2673) & praiede him +tat he wolde hit kepe til +tat he comen a+geyne , (CMBRUT3,89.2674) ffor him-self wolde wende into Britaigne and avenge him oppon Mordrede +tat was his traitoure ; (CMBRUT3,89.2675) and four+t went his waye , (CMBRUT3,89.2676) and come to Swit-sand , (CMBRUT3,89.2677) & made his men to gone into shippe , (CMBRUT3,89.2678) & wolde haue arryuede at Sandewiche , (CMBRUT3,89.2679) and brou+gt wi+t him an grete hoste of Fraunce also wi+t his owen lande . (CMBRUT3,89.2680) but er +tat he myght come to lande wi+t his peple +tat were comen out of +te shippis , Mordrede was comen wi+t all his power , (CMBRUT3,89.2681) and +gaf a stronge bataile , so +tat Kyng Arthure loste meny a man er +tat he mi+gt comen to land ; (CMBRUT3,89.2682) ffor +tere was Gaweyn his Nevewe slayne , and Anguissel +tat helde Scotland , and meny o+tere , wherof Kyng Arthure was ful sory . (CMBRUT3,89.2683) But after +tat +tai were comen to lande , Mordrede myght nougt a+geynes him endure , (CMBRUT3,89.2684) but anone was descomfitede , (CMBRUT3,89.2685) and flede +tens +tat same ny+gt Wi+t his men , (CMBRUT3,89.2686) and oppon +te morwe come to London ; (CMBRUT3,89.2687) but +to of the citee wolde nou+gt soffre ham come in ; (CMBRUT3,89.2688) and fro +tens he fledde to Wynchestre , (CMBRUT3,89.2689) and +tere helde him wi+t his peple +tat with him come . (CMBRUT3,89.2690) Kyng Arthure lete take +te body of Gaweyn his cosyn , & +te body of Anguissel , (CMBRUT3,89.2691) and lete ham bene borne into Scotland into her owen contre , (CMBRUT3,89.2692) and +tere +tai were enterede . (CMBRUT3,89.2693) And anone after +tat , Kyng Arthur toke his wey to destroie Mordrede ; (CMBRUT3,89.2694) and he fledde fro +tens into Cornewaile . (CMBRUT3,89.2695) The Quene Gunnore , +tat was Kyng Arthures wif , +tat +to soiournede at +Gork (CMBRUT3,89.2696) and herde +tat Mordrede was fledde +tens +tat he was , and mi+gt nou+gt endure a+geyues Kyng Arthure , (CMBRUT3,89.2697) she was sore adrade , (CMBRUT3,89.2698) and hade grete doute , (CMBRUT3,89.2699) and wist nou+gt what was best al forto done , (CMBRUT3,89.2700) for she wiste wel here lorde Kyng Arthure wolde nou+gt of her haue mercy , for +te grete shame +tat she to him hade done ; (CMBRUT3,90.2701) and toke her wai priuely wi+t iiij men and wi+t no mo , (CMBRUT3,90.2702) & come to Kerlioun , (CMBRUT3,90.2703) and +tere she duellede al her lifes tyme , +tat neuer was seyn amonges folc , her lif duryng . (CMBRUT3,90.2704) Arthure wist +tat Mordrede was fledde into Cornewail . (CMBRUT3,90.2705) he lete sende after his men into Scotland , & into Northumberland vnto Humber (CMBRUT3,90.2706) and lete assemble folc wi+tout noumbre , (CMBRUT3,90.2707) & come fro +tens into Cornewaile to seche and pursue after Mordrede . (CMBRUT3,90.2708) and Mordrede hade assemblede al +te folc of Cornwayle , (CMBRUT3,90.2709) and hade peple wi+toute nombre , (CMBRUT3,90.2710) & wist +tat Arthure Was comyng . (CMBRUT3,90.2711) he hade leuer to Dye and tak his chaunce , +tan lenger flee , (CMBRUT3,90.2712) and abode (CMBRUT3,90.2713) and +gaf an harde bataile to Kyng Arthur & to his peple , so +tat so miche peple was slayn , -- What in +tat one halfe and in +tat o+ter , -- +tat noman wiste who +tat hade +te better partie . (CMBRUT3,90.2714) But so hit bifelle at the laste , +tat Mordrede was slayn , and al his folc , and al +te gode chiualry +tat Kyng Arthure hade gaderede and norisshede of diuerse+g landes ; (CMBRUT3,90.2715) and also +te noble Knyghtes of +te rounde table , +tat so miche were preisede +trou+g al +te worlde , weren +tere slayn ; (CMBRUT3,90.2716) and Arthure him-self was wondede to +te deth . (CMBRUT3,90.2717) but he lete him bene born in a litel to Auyoun , to bene helede of his wondes ; (CMBRUT3,90.2718) and +gitte +te Britons supposen +tat he Leue+t in a-no+tere lande , and +tat he shal come +git and conquere al Britaigne ; (CMBRUT3,90.2719) but certes +tis is +te prophecie of Merlyn : (CMBRUT3,90.2720) he saide +tat his de+t shulde bene dotous ; (CMBRUT3,90.2721) and he saide sothe , (CMBRUT3,90.2722) for men +terof +gitte hauen doute , and shal for euermore , as me sai+t , (CMBRUT3,90.2723) for men weten nou+gt whe+ter +tat he leue+t or is dede . (CMBRUT3,90.2724) Arthure was born to Auyoun +te xxij +gere of his regne After +te Incarnacioun of oure lorde Ihesu Crist v. C and xlvj=ti= +gere . (CMBRUT3,90.2725) How Kyng Arthure delyuerede +te reame to Constantyn , +te sone of Cador , his nevew . (CMBRUT3,90.2727) Capitulo Octogesimo Nono . (CMBRUT3,90.2728) WHenne Kyng Arthure wist +tat he mi+gt no longer regne , he lete come bifore him Constantyne , +tat was Cadore+g sone , erl of Cornwail , his cosyn , (CMBRUT3,90.2730) and to him bitoke al his reaume , (CMBRUT3,90.2731) and to him saide , (CMBRUT3,91.2732) & bade him +terof to bene Kyng til +tat he come a+geyne , for-asmiche as he hade none heire of his body bigeten : (CMBRUT3,91.2733) and grete harme was hit +tat soche a noble Kyng , and so doughty , hade none childe of his body bigeten ; (CMBRUT3,91.2734) but al +ting +tat God wil haue done , moste bene done , Whos name ben blessede wi+touten ende ! (CMBRUT3,91.2735) Amen . (CMBRUT3,91.2736) How Kyng Constantyne was werrede of Mordredus ij sones . (CMBRUT3,91.2738) Capitulo Nonogesimo . (CMBRUT3,91.2739) THis Constance was a noble knyght and a wor+ti of body ; (CMBRUT3,91.2741) and +to ij sones +tat Mordrede hade bigeten , hade grete $enuy to Constantyne , +tat +to was cronede kyng ; and so +tat +tai bigonne to meve werr a+geynes him , (CMBRUT3,91.2742) and assemblede a grete hoste of ham +tat were to-fore wi+t Mordrede , and hade bene dryuen away . (CMBRUT3,91.2743) +tai deden miche sorwe +trou+g al +tat lande : (CMBRUT3,91.2744) +tat o bro+ter ordeynede him to London forto take +te citee , and +tat o+tere to Wynchestre ; (CMBRUT3,91.2745) but Constantin come to London (CMBRUT3,91.2746) and slough him +tat was +tere ; (CMBRUT3,91.2747) and after , he went to Wynchestre , (CMBRUT3,91.2748) and slough him +tat +tere was also , so +tat bo+te his enemys were dede . (CMBRUT3,91.2749) and when Constantyn had regnede wor+tely iiij +ger , he deide , (CMBRUT3,91.2750) & li+t at London . (CMBRUT3,91.2751) Of +te Kynges Adelbright and of Edelf . (CMBRUT3,91.2753) Capitulo Nono-gesimo primo . (CMBRUT3,91.2754) After Kyng Constantynus deth +tere were ij kynges in Britaigne : (CMBRUT3,91.2756) +tat on me callede Adelbright , +tat was a Danoys , +tat helde +te contre of Northfolc and Southfolc ; (CMBRUT3,91.2757) +tat o+tere hi+gt Edelf , (CMBRUT3,91.2758) and was a Britoun , +tat helde Nichole , Lyndeseye , and al +te lande vnto Humber . (CMBRUT3,91.2759) +tise ij kynges faste werrede to-gederes , (CMBRUT3,91.2760) but afterwarde +tai were accorded , (CMBRUT3,91.2761) and louede to-geder as +tai haden bene borne of o body . (CMBRUT3,91.2762) The Kyng Edelf hade a sustre +tat me callede Orewenne , (CMBRUT3,91.2763) and he +gaf here +trou+g grete frendeship to Kyng Adelbright to wif , (CMBRUT3,91.2764) and he bigate on here a doughter +tat me callede Argentill . (CMBRUT3,91.2765) and in +te +tridde +gere after , him come vppon a stronge sikenesse , +tat nedes he moste dye ; (CMBRUT3,92.2766) and he sent to Kyng Edelf his brother-in-lawe , that he shulde come and speke with him ; (CMBRUT3,92.2767) & he come to him with gode wille . (CMBRUT3,92.2768) Tho praiede he the $king , (CMBRUT3,92.2769) and coniurede also in the name of God , +tat after when he were dede , he shulde tak Argentill his dou+gter , & +te lande , & +tat he kepte here wel , and norisshede in his Chaumbre , (CMBRUT3,92.2770) and when she were of age he shulde done here bene marede to +te strongest and wor+tieste man +tat he my+gt fynde , (CMBRUT3,92.2771) and +tan he shulde +gelde vp her lande a+geyne . (CMBRUT3,92.2772) Edelf hit grauntede , (CMBRUT3,92.2773) and by oth hit confermede at his power . (CMBRUT3,92.2774) And when Adelbright was dede and enterede , Edelfe toke +te damisel Argentil , (CMBRUT3,92.2775) and norisshede her in his chaumbre , (CMBRUT3,92.2776) and she bicome +te faireste creature +tat eny man my+gt fynde . (CMBRUT3,92.2777) How +te Kyng Edelf mariede +te damisel Argentil to a knaue of his Kechyne . (CMBRUT3,92.2779) Capitulo =xxx=iiij & xij=o= . (CMBRUT3,92.2780) THis Kyng Edelf , +tat was Vncle to the Damisel Argentil , bi+tou+gt how +tat he myght falseliche haue +te lande fram his nece for euermore ; (CMBRUT3,92.2782) & falsely , a+geynes his oth , +tou+gt to desceyu +te damisell , (CMBRUT3,92.2783) and mariede here to a knaf of his kechyne +tat me callede Curan ; (CMBRUT3,92.2784) and he bicome +te wor+tiest man & strongest of body +tat eny man wiste in eny lande +tat +to leuede ; (CMBRUT3,92.2785) and to him he +tou+gt here shendefully haue mariede forto haue hade hir lande afterward ; (CMBRUT3,92.2786) but he was clene desceyuede . (CMBRUT3,92.2787) ffor +tis Curan was Hauelockes sone , +tat was Kyng of Kirkelane in Denmark ; (CMBRUT3,92.2788) and +tis Curan con-querede his wifes landes , (CMBRUT3,92.2789) and slough Kyng Edelf +tat was his wifes Vncle , (CMBRUT3,92.2790) & hade al here lande as in ano+ter stede hit telle+t more oppenly ; (CMBRUT3,92.2791) and he ne regnede but iij +gere , (CMBRUT3,92.2792) for Saxoynes and Danoys him quellede ; (CMBRUT3,92.2793) and +tat was grete harme to al Britaigne ; (CMBRUT3,92.2794) and Britons bere him to Stonehynge , (CMBRUT3,92.2795) and +tere +tai him enterede wi+t michel honoure and solempnite . (CMBRUT3,92.2796) Of Kyng Conan . (CMBRUT3,92.2798) Capitulo Nonogesimo Tercio . (CMBRUT3,92.2799) After +tis Curan , regnede Conan , +tat was his cosyn , +tat was a wonder proude kny+gt and regnede . (CMBRUT3,92.2801) he cou+te haue no maner loue , (CMBRUT3,92.2802) but euer he was medlyng wi+t his owen peple , (CMBRUT3,92.2803) and toke his Vncle wi+t werre , (CMBRUT3,93.2804) and helde his ij childerne . (CMBRUT3,93.2805) The Saxoynes werrede a+geynes him oftetymes , (CMBRUT3,93.2806) but he ham ouercome at +te laste ; (CMBRUT3,93.2807) & so he was in pees al his lifes tyme ; (CMBRUT3,93.2808) and he regnede xiiij +gere , (CMBRUT3,93.2809) and after , he deide , (CMBRUT3,93.2810) and li+t at London . (CMBRUT3,93.2811) Of Kyng Certif ; and of Gurmonde , +tat come +trou+g paynemys into Britaigne . (CMBRUT3,93.2813) Capitulo Nonogesimo Quarto . (CMBRUT3,93.2814) After +tis Conan , regnede his cosyn Certif , +tat was bihatede of all his peple , and no+ting bilouede . (CMBRUT3,93.2816) and +tis Certif loste al Britaigne +trou+g werre . (CMBRUT3,93.2817) And in his tyme felle +tat grete meschief in Britaigne , +tat Cristendome was destroede , and alle +te Britons were dryuen oute , & +te lande loste wi+touten eny recoueryng ; (CMBRUT3,93.2818) but afterwarde lefte +te lande to Saxoynes , as +ge shul afterwarde hure . (CMBRUT3,93.2819) For in +tat tyme +tere was a paynyme +tat me callede Gurmonde , +tat was +te Kynges sone Daufrik , of +te Paynymes folc , +tat hade +te reaume after his fader , and was kyng , saf he biqua+t & +gaf hit to his bro+ter , and saide +tat he wolde neuer bene kyng but if he might conquere and gete a reaume in a straunge contrey ; (CMBRUT3,93.2820) for he was bolde , and ek stronge of body . (CMBRUT3,93.2821) & of him prophecied Merlyn (CMBRUT3,93.2822) and saide +tat ' he shulde bene a wolf of +te see ' ; (CMBRUT3,93.2823) and lete assemble paynymes wi+tout nombre , (CMBRUT3,93.2824) and lete apparaile shippis , (CMBRUT3,93.2825) and went by meny londes , (CMBRUT3,93.2826) and toke homages and feautes of meny . (CMBRUT3,93.2827) and so he went by +te see fram lande to lande , (CMBRUT3,93.2828) & conquerede diuerses landes , so +tat he come to Irland , (CMBRUT3,93.2829) and conquered +tat lande +tat ofte-tymes werrede vppon Brit-aigne , and Britons vppon ham ; (CMBRUT3,93.2830) and often wonnen , (CMBRUT3,93.2831) & ofte losten , (CMBRUT3,93.2832) and +geuen hostages to Britons . (CMBRUT3,93.2833) and so +tai senten to Gurmond , +tere +tat he was in Irland , +tat he shulde come into Britaigne , and helpe ham a+geynes +te Britons , to helpe ham deliuere +tat lande of ham ; (CMBRUT3,93.2834) and +tai wolde him holde gladly for her lorde ; (CMBRUT3,93.2835) for he was a paynyme , (CMBRUT3,93.2836) and +tai were paynemes , (CMBRUT3,93.2837) and +te Britons were cristen : (CMBRUT3,93.2838) wel au+gt him +tan ham forto helpe , so as +tai weren of on law . (CMBRUT3,94.2839) When Gurmond herde +tis praier he hastede him as miche as he mi+gt , (CMBRUT3,94.2840) and arryuede in Scotland , (CMBRUT3,94.2841) and come into Northumberlond +tere +tat +te Saxones were duellyng ; (CMBRUT3,94.2842) & +tai confermede +te couenaunte+g bituene ham , +tat were made by o+tes and by hostages , forto beren him trew fay , & halde him for lorde , and paye to him truage by +gere . (CMBRUT3,94.2843) Tho bigonne +te Saxoynes & +te Aufricans to destroye , robbe and brenne tounes , and destroye al +ting , as michel as +tai my+gt (CMBRUT3,94.2844) and sparede nei+tere man , woman , ne childe , Lewede ne lernede , (CMBRUT3,94.2845) +tan alle +tai quellede , (CMBRUT3,94.2846) & caste adoun tounus , & castelle , & cherches , (CMBRUT3,94.2847) & so put +tai al +te lande to grete destruccioun . (CMBRUT3,94.2848) And as sone as the Britons my+gt flee , +tai fledde +tens , as wel poer as ryche , Bisshoppis , Abbotes , Chanons , & alle o+tere , grete and smale ; somme into litel Britaign , & some into Cornwail ; alle +to +tat shippis mi+gt haue . (CMBRUT3,94.2849) How Kyng Gurmonde drof +te Kyng Certif to Chichestre , and quellede +te Britons , & +trou+g $queyntise gete the toune . (CMBRUT3,94.2851) Capitulo nonagesimo quinto . (CMBRUT3,94.2852) SErtif +te kyng , fleye +tens into Chichestre , +tat +to was a gode cite and a strong , (CMBRUT3,94.2854) and +tere helde him xx daies . (CMBRUT3,94.2855) and +tis Gurmonde hit bisegede ; (CMBRUT3,94.2856) but +te citee was so strong +tat he mi+gt nou+gt hit gete be no maner engyne +tat he my+gt done . (CMBRUT3,94.2857) +to bi+tou+gt +tai oppon a grete queyntise forto brenne the toune : (CMBRUT3,94.2858) +tai maden engynes of glew and of nettes , (CMBRUT3,94.2859) and token peces of tunder & fire , (CMBRUT3,94.2860) and bonde to sparwe feet , (CMBRUT3,94.2861) & afterward lete ham flee ; (CMBRUT3,94.2862) and +tai fley anon ry+gt , (CMBRUT3,94.2863) and loggede ham in +te toune +tere +tat her nestes were , and in stackes & in euesynges of house ; (CMBRUT3,94.2864) & +te fire biganne anone to tende and brenne al +te toune . (CMBRUT3,94.2865) and whenne +te Britons saw +te toune brenne on euery side , +tai hiede ham out , (CMBRUT3,94.2866) and fau+gt ; (CMBRUT3,94.2867) but anone +tai were slayn & descomfitede . (CMBRUT3,94.2868) and whiles +te bataile durede , +te kyng priuely hud him , (CMBRUT3,94.2869) & stale away into Walys , (CMBRUT3,94.2870) & men wiste neuer where he bicome ; (CMBRUT3,94.2871) & so was +te toun of Chichestre taken & destroiede . (CMBRUT3,95.2872) and after , went Gurmonde , (CMBRUT3,95.2873) & destroiede citees & tounes +tat neuer were afterward made a+geyne , as it is seen +gitte in meny stedes . (CMBRUT3,95.2874) How +tis lande was clepede Engeland for +te name of Engist ; and how meny Kynges were mad after in +te Londe . (CMBRUT3,95.2876) Capitulo Nonogesimo Sexto . (CMBRUT3,95.2877) WHen Gumronde hade wastede and destroiede al +te lande +trou+g-out , he +gaf +te londe to +te Saxones ; (CMBRUT3,95.2879) and +tai toke hit wi+t gode wille , (CMBRUT3,95.2880) for +te Saxones longe tyme hade desirede hit , for-as-miche as +tai were of Engistes Kynrede , +tat first hade al +te lande of Britain ; (CMBRUT3,95.2881) and +to lete ham bene callede Englisshemen , for-asmiche as in his tyme hit was callede Engistes lande , when he hade con-querede it of Vortiger +tat hade spousede his dou+gter . (CMBRUT3,95.2882) but fram +te tyme +tat Brut come ferst into Engeland , +tis land was callede Britaigne , & +te folc Britons , til +te tyme +tat +tis Gurmond eftesones conquerede hit & +gaf it vnto Saxonus , (CMBRUT3,95.2883) and +tai anone ri+gt chaunged +te name , as bifore is saide . (CMBRUT3,95.2884) And when +tis was done , Gur-mond passede ouer into Fraunce , (CMBRUT3,95.2885) & +tere conquered meny londes , (CMBRUT3,95.2886) & destroed all cristen peple +tere +tat he come . (CMBRUT3,95.2887) and +te Danois duellede in +tis lande , (CMBRUT3,95.2888) & bigonne faste hit inhabit at here owen wille ; (CMBRUT3,95.2889) and +tai wolde haue made newe kynges and lordes , (CMBRUT3,95.2890) but +tai my+gt neuer assenten to haue onelich o kyng , forto bene to him entendaunt : (CMBRUT3,95.2891) and +terfore +tai maden meny kynges in diuerses shires , as hit was in Engistes tyme . (CMBRUT3,95.2892) The ferst kyngdome was Kent , and +tat o+tere Southsex , and +te +tridde Westsex , and +te fer+t Estsex , and +te fifte Northumberland , and +te sixte Estangle , +tat is to seyn Northfolc & Southfolc , and +te seuene+t Merchenoroth , (CMBRUT3,95.2893) and +tat is +te Erldome of Nichole , Huntyngdon and Hereford , Glou-cestre , Wynchestre , Warrwyk and Darby ; (CMBRUT3,95.2894) and so departede +te Englisshe-men al Engeland into vij parties . (CMBRUT3,95.2895) And after , hit bifelle +tat +to kynges werrede to-gederes ofte-tymes ; (CMBRUT3,96.2896) and euer he +tat was strongest binome ham +tat were feblest ; (CMBRUT3,96.2897) & so hit was longe tyme +tat +tai nade no kyng cronede amonges ham , (CMBRUT3,96.2898) ne no cristen men was +to amonges ham , ne cristendome nei+tere , (CMBRUT3,96.2899) but were pay-nemys 1. +gere , til +tat seynt Gregori was pope of Rome , +tat hade seyne childerne of +te nacioun in +te citee of Rome , +tat were wonder faire creatures , & hade grete wille and desire ham forto biholde , and axede of +te marchauntes whens +tai were , & of what nacioun ; (CMBRUT3,96.2900) & men tolde him +tat +tai were of Engeland , (CMBRUT3,96.2901) & Englisshe +tai were callede ; (CMBRUT3,96.2902) but +tai and all +te peple of Engeland were paynemes , (CMBRUT3,96.2903) & bileuede nou+g in God . (CMBRUT3,96.2904) " Allas , " quod seynt Gregori , " wel mow +tai bene callede Englissh , (CMBRUT3,96.2905) for +tai haue +te visages of Angeles ; (CMBRUT3,96.2906) and +terfor wel au+gt ham +ten ben cristen men . " (CMBRUT3,96.2907) And for +tis enchesoun seynt Gregor sent seynt Austyne into Engeland , and xl. goode men wi+t him , +tat were of gode lif , and holy men , to preche and teche , and to conuerte +te Englisshe peple , and ham turne to God : (CMBRUT3,96.2908) and +tat was in +te vj +gere +tat seynt Gregor hade bene Pope , +tat is to seyne , after +te Incarnacioun of oure Lorde Ihesu Crist , v. C. =xx=iiij and vij +gere , as +te cronicles telle+t . (CMBRUT3,96.2909) How Seynt Austyne baptisede & conuertede Kyng Adelbright , and ij bisshopis +tat he callede his felawes . (CMBRUT3,96.2911) Capitulo =xx=iiij xvij=o= . (CMBRUT3,96.2912) WHen Seynt Austyne come ferst into Engeland , he arryuede in +te Ile of Tenet , (CMBRUT3,96.2914) and so passede fourth , (CMBRUT3,96.2915) & come vnto Kaunterbery , (CMBRUT3,96.2916) and +tere soiournede . (CMBRUT3,96.2917) And Kyng Adelbright of Kent , +tat was of +te lynage of Engist , faire vnderfong seynt Austyn & his felowes wi+t michel honour , (CMBRUT3,96.2918) & ham fonde al +tat ham nedede ; (CMBRUT3,96.2919) & fer+termore he +gaf ham a faire place +tat now is callede +te Abbay of seynt Austynus , in whiche place he li+t him-self shrinede . (CMBRUT3,96.2920) This Kyng Adelbright was a gode man , (CMBRUT3,96.2921) and wi+t godewel herde seynt Austynus predicaciouns , (CMBRUT3,96.2922) and +gaf him leue to preche +trou+g al his lande of Kent , to tourne & to conuerte to him al +te peple +tat he mi+gt . (CMBRUT3,97.2923) Hit bifelle so afterwarde , +trou+g Goddes grace , +tat in litel tyme +te kyng him-self was conuertede to Gode , (CMBRUT3,97.2924) and all his peple of his lande was baptisede . (CMBRUT3,97.2925) And in the mene-while +tat +te peple turnede ham to God , seynt Austyn come to Rochestre , (CMBRUT3,97.2926) and +tere prechede Goddes worde . (CMBRUT3,97.2927) +te paynemys +terfor him scornede , (CMBRUT3,97.2928) and caste on him righe tailes , so +tat al his mantel was hongede ful of righe tailes ; (CMBRUT3,97.2929) and for more despite +tai caste oppon him +te guttes of ryghe & of ffisshe ; wherfore +te gode man seynt Austyn was sore agreuede , (CMBRUT3,97.2930) and prayede to God +tat alle +te childerne +tat shulde bene borne afterwarde in +tat citee of Rouchestre moste haue tailes . (CMBRUT3,97.2931) And when +te Kyng herde and wist of +tis vengeance +tat was falle +trou+g seynt Austynus praier , he lete make an house in +te honoure of God , wherein wymmen shulde haue childerne at +te bruges ende , in whiche hous wymmen +git be+t delyuere of childe . (CMBRUT3,97.2932) When seynt Gregory hade herde tel +tat +te Englisshe-men were turnede to Gode , and conuertede , He sent to seynt Austyn his Pallyoun , by a bisshop +tat me callede Paulyn , (CMBRUT3,97.2933) and made him primate & Erchebisshop of al Engeland , (CMBRUT3,97.2934) And sent him worde +tan +tat he shulde make bisshopis in +te land . (CMBRUT3,97.2935) And anone as seynt Austyn hade +te Pallioun of +te dignite of +te erchebisshop , he made ij bisshoppes of his felawes +tat come wi+t him fram Rome : on +tat me callede Mellite , (CMBRUT3,97.2936) & he duellede at London , (CMBRUT3,97.2937) And +tat o+tere me callede Iustyn , +tat helde +te dignite of Rouchestre . (CMBRUT3,97.2938) And +tis bisshop Mellyt went to preche into Essex , (CMBRUT3,97.2939) & baptisede +te kyng of +te contre , +tat me callede Sicwith , +tat was Kyng Adelbright+g cosyn , his sustres sone . (CMBRUT3,97.2940) This Iustyne went to preche in Southsex , (CMBRUT3,97.2941) & turnede miche of +te peple to god ; (CMBRUT3,97.2942) and seynt Austyne went him-self prechyng +trou+g-oute +te lande . (CMBRUT3,97.2943) How seynt Austyne went into Walys , +tere +tat +te Britouns were ; & how +tai nolde nou+gt bene obedient to +te Erche-bisshop of Kanterbury . (CMBRUT3,98.2946) Capitulo =xx=iiij=o= xviij=o= . (CMBRUT3,98.2947) WHen al Engeland was baptisede and turnede to God , seynt Austyn went into +tat lande +tere +tat +te Britons were , and forto kepe ham fro Englisshe-men , +tat is to seyn , into Walys , (CMBRUT3,98.2949) & +tere he founde monkes & Abbayes , & vij bisshoppes ; (CMBRUT3,98.2950) for +te Britons destroiede alwai +te cristen peple +tat seynt Austyne hade baptisede , (CMBRUT3,98.2951) & saide to +te bisshoppes +tat ' he was a legate of Rome , & primat of al Engeland , & +tat +tai shulde by al resoun to him bene obedient . ' (CMBRUT3,98.2952) And +tai saide +tat ' +tai nolde but to +te Erche-bisshop of Kerlyoun ' ; (CMBRUT3,98.2953) & saide ' +tai nolde neuer , for no maner +ting , bene obedient vnto +te Englisshe-men ' ; (CMBRUT3,98.2954) " ffor +te Englisshe-men , " +tai saide , " be+t oure aduersaries & oure enemys , (CMBRUT3,98.2955) and hauen dryuen vs out of oure owen contre ; (CMBRUT3,98.2956) & we be+t Cristen men , (CMBRUT3,98.2957) and euer ha+t bene ; (CMBRUT3,98.2958) & +te Englisshe-men haue+t euermore bene Paynymes , but now late +tat +tai be+t conuertede . " (CMBRUT3,98.2959) Seynt Austyne my+gt of ham none o+tere ansuere haue , (CMBRUT3,98.2960) but saide apertely +tat +tai nolde neuer ham meke to him ne to +te peple of Rome . (CMBRUT3,98.2961) And seynt Austyne turnede +to a+geyne to Kyng Adelbright , +tat was kyng of Kent , (CMBRUT3,98.2962) and tolde him +tat +tis folc wolde nou+gt to no man bene obedient but to +te Erche-bisshop of Kerlyoun . (CMBRUT3,98.2963) and when +te Kyng herde +tis , he was sore annoiede , (CMBRUT3,98.2964) and saide +tat he wolde ham destroye , (CMBRUT3,98.2965) & sent to Elfride , Kyng of Northumberland , +tat was his frende , +tat he shulde come to him wi+t al +te power +tat {wi+t} he my+gt , & +tat he wolde mete him at Leycestre , (CMBRUT3,98.2966) and fro +tens +tai wolde gone into Walys , & destroye +te Erchebisshop of Kerlyoun , & alle +to +tat hade refusede seynt Austyn . (CMBRUT3,98.2967) How Kyng $Adelbright and +te Kyng Elfride quellede Brecyual , +tat was a Kyng of Britons +tat helde +te contre of Leicestre . (CMBRUT3,99.2970) Capitulo Nonogesimo ix=o= . (CMBRUT3,99.2971) HIt bifelle so +tat +tere was a Kyng Britoun +tat helde +te contre of Leycestre , and al +te cuntre aboute him , of Brecyual . (CMBRUT3,99.2973) And +tis Kyng Briton herde telle +tat +to ij Englisshe kyng+g wolde mete +tere at Leycestre , forto wende into Walys . (CMBRUT3,99.2974) he lete ordeyne al +te power +tat he hade , forto fei+gt wi+t +tise ij kynges ; (CMBRUT3,99.2975) but litil hit availede him , (CMBRUT3,99.2976) for his folc +tat he hade was slayn , (CMBRUT3,99.2977) & him-self fledde , (CMBRUT3,99.2978) & loste his lande+g for euermore . (CMBRUT3,99.2979) And +tise ij kynges , Adelbright and Elfride , duellede awhile at Leycestre , (CMBRUT3,99.2980) & departede +te lande amonges ham , (CMBRUT3,99.2981) & toke homages & feautes of +te folc of +te cuntree ; (CMBRUT3,99.2982) and after , +tai wenten towarde Walys , (CMBRUT3,99.2983) & +to of Walys hade herde telle of +te scomfiture $+tat {TEXT:of} Brecyual hade at Leycestre , (CMBRUT3,99.2984) and were wonder sore adrade of +to ij kynges , (CMBRUT3,99.2985) and toke and chose amonges ham gode men & holy , of heremytes , monkes and prestes , and o+tere folc grete plente , +tat wenten bare-fote and wolward , forto haue mercy of +to ij kynges . (CMBRUT3,99.2986) But +to kynges were so sterne and so wickede +tat +tai nolde neuer speke with ham , (CMBRUT3,99.2987) but quellede ham euerychon -- (CMBRUT3,99.2988) Allas +te sorwe ! -- (CMBRUT3,99.2989) for +tai ne sparede ham nomore +tan +te wolfe doth +te shepe , (CMBRUT3,99.2990) but smyten of +te heuedes of euerychon ; (CMBRUT3,99.2991) & so al were +tere martrede +tat to ham come , +tat is to vnderstonde , v=c=. & xl . (CMBRUT3,99.2992) And after , +to ij kynges went to Bangor , forto quelle al +to +tat +tai my+gt +tere fynde of +te Britons . (CMBRUT3,99.2993) And when +te Britons +tat herde , +tai assemblede & ordeynede al here power forto fi+gt wi+t ham . (CMBRUT3,99.2994) +to +tere a Britoun in Walys , +tat me callede Bledrik of Cornwaile , +tat somme-tyme was lorde of Deuenshire , (CMBRUT3,99.2995) but +te Kyng Adelbright hade dryuen him into Walys , (CMBRUT3,99.2996) and +geue him bataile ; (CMBRUT3,99.2997) and at +tat bataile was Kyng Adelbright slayne , & Elfride woundede sore , (CMBRUT3,99.2998) & forsoke +te felde , & +te most parte of his folc slayn ; (CMBRUT3,99.2999) and Elfride fleye into Northumberland , +tat was his owen lande ; (CMBRUT3,100.3000) and afterwarde +te peple of Leycestreshire made wi+t streng+t Cadwaladre , +tat was Brecyuale+g sone , Kyng of Leycestre , (CMBRUT3,100.3001) & he after regnede nobli & wi+t grete honoure . (CMBRUT3,100.3002) How Cadewaladre , +tat was Kyng of Leycestre , and Elfride , Kyng of Northumberland , weren frendes ; (CMBRUT3,100.3004) & of +te debate +tat after was bituene Edwyne & Cadewalayn , +tat were bo+te here sones . (CMBRUT3,100.3005) Capitulo Centesimo . (CMBRUT3,100.3006) ANd after +tat +tis bataile was done , +te Britons assemblede ham , (CMBRUT3,100.3008) and went +tens , (CMBRUT3,100.3009) and come vnto Leicestre , (CMBRUT3,100.3010) & made Cadwaladre , +tat was Brecyuales sone , kyng of Leicestr and of all +te contre . (CMBRUT3,100.3011) and he toke homages & feautes of +te folc of +tat contre ; (CMBRUT3,100.3012) and after +tat , he assembled a grete hoste , (CMBRUT3,100.3013) and saide ' he wolde go into Northumberland forto destroi Kyng Elfride , & slee him , if +tat he myght . ' (CMBRUT3,100.3014) and when he was comen +tider , frendes went so bituene ham , (CMBRUT3,100.3015) & made ham accordede in +tis maner , +tat Elfride shulde horde al +te lande fram Humber vnto Scotlande , and Cadwalader shulde halde al +te lande $a $+tis {TEXT:a+tis} half Humber vnto +te South ; (CMBRUT3,100.3016) and after +tat +tai bicome gode frendes al here lif duryng , (CMBRUT3,100.3017) & louede to-gedre as $they hade bene ij bre+terne . (CMBRUT3,100.3018) And +tis Elfride hade a sone +tat me callede Edwynne , +tat hade and helde al +te lande of Northumbreland after his fadres deth , as his fader hade horde al his lif-tyme . (CMBRUT3,100.3019) And Cadwaladre hade ano+tere sone +tat me callede Cadwalayn , +tat helde his fadres lande as he it helde while he was alif ; (CMBRUT3,100.3020) and +tai louede to-gedre as +tai hade bene bre+tern . (CMBRUT3,100.3021) and +te loue laste bituene ham but onely ij +gere , (CMBRUT3,100.3022) and after biganne debate bituene ham +trou+g a lu+ter eneuious cosyne of Cadwalayn , +tat men callede Briens , so +tat +tai assemblede a grete hoste in bo+te parties ; (CMBRUT3,100.3023) & at +te laste hit bifelle +tat Cadewalayn was descomfitede , (CMBRUT3,100.3024) & Edwyne him pursuede , (CMBRUT3,100.3025) and drof fram place to place . (CMBRUT3,100.3026) so at +te laste he fleye into Irlande ; (CMBRUT3,100.3027) and +tis o+tere destroiede his lande , (CMBRUT3,100.3028) & caste adoune his castelles , (CMBRUT3,100.3029) and brennede his maneres , (CMBRUT3,100.3030) and departede al Cadwalaynes lande amonge his frendes . (CMBRUT3,100.3031) And longe tyme after come Cadwalayn a+geyne fram Irlande , with a stronge power , (CMBRUT3,101.3032) and in pleyn bataile quellede Edwynne and alle his frendeshippes , & namely +to +tat wi+thelde his landes +trou+g Edwynes +gifte . (CMBRUT3,101.3033) How Kyng Oswolde was quellede +trou+g Kyng Cadwaleyne and Peanda ; (CMBRUT3,101.3035) & how Oswy , +tat was seynt Oswoldes+g bro+ter , regnede after him , & quelde Peanda . (CMBRUT3,101.3036) Capitulo Centesimo primo . (CMBRUT3,101.3037) WHen +tat Edwynne was slayn , Offris his sone vnderfonge +te werr a+geyns Cadwaleyn his Eme , so +tat +tis Offris deide duryng +te werre . (CMBRUT3,101.3039) and after +te de+t of Offris , +to regned a gentile Cristen man +tat miche louede God , -- +tat hade all +te lande of Northumberland by herytage , -- +tat me $called Oswolde , (CMBRUT3,101.3040) and he was kyng of al +tat lande . (CMBRUT3,101.3041) but for-asmiche as he was frende to Edwyne , and helde a grete parte of +te lande of Cadwalyn , +te same Cadewalyn werred oppon him , (CMBRUT3,101.3042) and drof him toward Scotland . (CMBRUT3,101.3043) and when Cadwalyn saw +tat he wolde nou+gt abide , Cadwalyn wolde no longer him pursue , (CMBRUT3,101.3044) but toke some of his folc to Peanda , his bro+ter-in-law , (CMBRUT3,101.3045) & praiede Peanda to pursue Oswolde til +tat he were take and slayne ; (CMBRUT3,101.3046) and Cadwalyn turnede +to home a+geyne . (CMBRUT3,101.3047) When Oswolde herde +te tidynges +tat Cadwaleyn turnede home a+geyn , he wolde no longer flee , (CMBRUT3,101.3048) but abode Peanda , (CMBRUT3,101.3049) & +gaf him bataile ; (CMBRUT3,101.3050) & Peanda was descomfitede (CMBRUT3,101.3051) and fley , (CMBRUT3,101.3052) and come a+geyne to Cadwaleyn , (CMBRUT3,101.3053) & saide +tat ' he wolde neuere horde a foote of lande of him but if it were so +tat he wolde avenge him oppon Oswolde . ' (CMBRUT3,101.3054) Cadwaleyne lete assemble a grete host forto fi+gt wi+t Oswolde ; so +tat he and Peanda come into Northumberland , (CMBRUT3,101.3055) and +geuen bataile vnto Oswolde ; (CMBRUT3,101.3056) and in +tat same bataile was Oswolde slayn , & his heuede smyten of ; (CMBRUT3,101.3057) & after he was enterede at +te Abbay of Berdeneye , in whiche place God ha+t wrou+gt for him meny a faire miracle , bo+te +tere and elles-where . (CMBRUT3,101.3058) And anone Oswy his bro+ter seisede into his hands al +te lande +tat was Oswoldes ; (CMBRUT3,101.3059) & +te folc of Northumberlande louede him wonder wel , (CMBRUT3,101.3060) and helde him for here lorde ; (CMBRUT3,101.3061) but he hade men of his kyn wor+ti ynow +tat wolde haue departede +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,101.3062) & +tai werrede to-gedre . (CMBRUT3,102.3063) & for-asmiche as +tai were nou+gt stronge ynow , +tai come to Peanda , (CMBRUT3,102.3064) & praiede him of helpe and socour , (CMBRUT3,102.3065) & bihight him of +tat lande largely , oppon +tat couenant +tat he wolde ham ghye , helpe , & conseile . (CMBRUT3,102.3066) Peanda herde her praier , (CMBRUT3,102.3067) & so spake wi+t +te Kyng Cadwalyn +tat he shulde ordeyne a grete hoste , and faste ordeyne him into Northumberland forto fi+gt wi+t Oswy . (CMBRUT3,102.3068) and Oswy was a meke man , (CMBRUT3,102.3069) & miche louede pees and charite , (CMBRUT3,102.3070) & prayede Peanda of loue and pees , (CMBRUT3,102.3071) & proferede him of golde & siluer grete plente . (CMBRUT3,102.3072) And +tis Peanda was so proude +tat he wolde graunt him no pees for no maner +ting , (CMBRUT3,102.3073) but for al +ting $he wolde wi+t him fei+gt . (CMBRUT3,102.3074) so at +te laste +tere was sette a day of $bataille ; (CMBRUT3,102.3075) and Oswy euere hade truste oppon Gode , (CMBRUT3,102.3076) & +tis Peanda triste to miche oppon his pride & oppon his host +tat he hade . (CMBRUT3,102.3077) and to-gedre +tai smyten egrely ; (CMBRUT3,102.3078) but Peanda anone was descomfitede & slayn . (CMBRUT3,102.3079) And +tat was after +te Incarnacioun of oure lorde Ihesu Criste V. C. & lv . (CMBRUT3,102.3080) And +tis Oswy +to regnede xxviij +gere . (CMBRUT3,102.3081) And a kyng +tat me callede Oswyn , +tat was Peandae+g cosyn , werrede oppon Kyng Oswy , (CMBRUT3,102.3082) and to-gedre fou+gten ; (CMBRUT3,102.3083) but Oswy hade +te victorie ; (CMBRUT3,102.3084) and Oswyne was descomfitede & slayn , (CMBRUT3,102.3085) and lith at Tynnemouthe . (CMBRUT3,102.3086) Of Kyng Ossa , +tat was souereyne of alle +te kynges of Engeland ; & how eueryche werrede oppon o+tere in his tyme . (CMBRUT3,102.3088) Capitulo Centesimo Secundo . (CMBRUT3,102.3089) HIt bifelle so +tat alle +te kynges in +tat tyme +tat were in +te londe , as +to of Westsex , Mercheneriche , Est Angle , of Kent , & of Southsex & of o+tere costes , eueryche werrede oppon o+tere ; (CMBRUT3,102.3091) and +tai +tat were moste my+gtiest toke +te lande of ham +tat were moste feblest . (CMBRUT3,102.3092) But +tere was a kyng amonges ham +tat me callede Ossa , +tat was seynt Oswoldes bro+ter . (CMBRUT3,102.3093) +tis Ossa conquerede alle +te kynges of +te lande , (CMBRUT3,102.3094) & regned aboue ham alle . (CMBRUT3,102.3095) And so grete was +te werr in euery contre bituene kyngus , +tat no man my+gt wete how +te lande went . (CMBRUT3,102.3096) But Abbotes , prioures , & men of religioun , writen +te lifes and dedes of kynges , & how longe eueryche hade regnede , in what contre ; & in what maner eueryche kyng deide , and of bisshoppis also , (CMBRUT3,103.3097) and +terof made grete bokes , (CMBRUT3,103.3098) & lete calle ham +te Cronicles : (CMBRUT3,103.3099) and +te goode Kyng Alurede hade +tat boke in his warde , (CMBRUT3,103.3100) and lete brynge hit to Wynchestre , (CMBRUT3,103.3101) & lete hit faste bene tackede to a piler , +tat men my+gt hit nou+gt remeve ne bere +tenns , so +tat euery man mi+gt hit see and +tereoppon loke , (CMBRUT3,103.3102) for +terin be+t +te lifes of alle +te Kynges +tat euer wer in Engeland . (CMBRUT3,103.3103) How +te Kyng of Northumberlond , Osbright , forleye +te wif of Buerne Bocard +trou+g streng+t ; (CMBRUT3,103.3105) & after +tis Buerne con-querede +te Kyng wi+t stronge power . (CMBRUT3,103.3106) Capitulo Centesimo tercio . (CMBRUT3,103.3107) ANd +tus hit bifelle in the same tyme , +tat +tere was a kyng in Northumberlond +tat me callede Ossebright , & soiournede in +Gork , (CMBRUT3,103.3109) and +tis kyng wente him oppon a day into a wode , him forto desporte ; (CMBRUT3,103.3110) and when he come a+geyne , he went priuely into a gode manus house +tat me callede Buerne Bocard . (CMBRUT3,103.3111) & +te gode man of +tat place was gone +tat tyme to +te see , (CMBRUT3,103.3112) for ofte-tymes he was wonede +tere aspie +teues & robboures , +tat ofte-tymes were wont to come into +te londe to robbe & brenne and slee . (CMBRUT3,103.3113) +te lady +tat was +tis Buernes wif , was a wonder faire woman , (CMBRUT3,103.3114) and welcomede +te Kyng wi+t michel honour , (CMBRUT3,103.3115) and wor+tely him seruede in al +ting . (CMBRUT3,103.3116) When +te Kyng hade eten , he toke +te lady by +te hande , (CMBRUT3,103.3117) and lad her into chaumbre , (CMBRUT3,103.3118) & saide +tat he wolde speke wi+t here a counsele . (CMBRUT3,103.3119) and al +te folc fram +te chaumbre he made voyede , saf onely +te lady and he . (CMBRUT3,103.3120) but +te Lady wiste nou+gt wherfore he it dede , til +tat he hade done wi+t here his wille . (CMBRUT3,103.3121) and when he hade done +tis dede , he turnede a+geyne to +Gork , (CMBRUT3,103.3122) & +te lady he lefte +tere wonder sore wepyng for +te dede +tat he hade ydone . (CMBRUT3,103.3123) And when here lorde was come home , & saw here wepe , and soche mornyng make , he axede of here what she hade done , & whi she made soche sorwe . (CMBRUT3,103.3124) " Sire , " quod she , " queyntly and falsely +te Kyng Osbright me ha+t done shame and vilonye , a+geynes my wille , " ; (CMBRUT3,104.3125) and tolde him treu+te , How the kyng hade her forleyn wi+t streng+t ; wherfore she saide she hade leuer to dye +tan leue . (CMBRUT3,104.3126) " Faire leef , bistille , " quod he , " (CMBRUT3,104.3127) for a+geynes streng+t $febleness is litel wor+t ; (CMBRUT3,104.3128) & +terfore of me shal yow neuer +te lesse bene Louede , and namely for yow haste tolde me treu+te . (CMBRUT3,104.3129) and if Almyghty God grant me lif , y shal +te wel avenge . " (CMBRUT3,104.3130) This Buerne was a gret man and a mi+gty lorde , (CMBRUT3,104.3131) and was wel bilouede , (CMBRUT3,104.3132) & grete frendes hade , (CMBRUT3,104.3133) and lete sende for +te greteste lordes of +te lande , (CMBRUT3,104.3134) & to ham made his compleynt of +te despite +tat +te kyng to him hade done , (CMBRUT3,104.3135) & saide +tat he wolde bene avengede , how +tat euer it were . (CMBRUT3,104.3136) and alle his frendes conseilede and grantede to wende towarde +Gork , +tere +tat +te kyng was . (CMBRUT3,104.3137) & Buerne toke his menye , (CMBRUT3,104.3138) & come to +te kyng . (CMBRUT3,104.3139) and when +te kyng him saw , he callede him curtesly Buerne by name ; (CMBRUT3,104.3140) and Buerne him ansuerede (CMBRUT3,104.3141) & saide : " Sire , y +gow defye , (CMBRUT3,104.3142) & +gelde op feautes , homages , and londes , and as miche as y haue holde of +gow ; (CMBRUT3,104.3143) and so , fro +tis tyme afterwarde , y wil no +ting of +te holde . " (CMBRUT3,104.3144) & so he departede fram +te kyng with-outen more speche or eny abidyng , (CMBRUT3,104.3145) & toke leue of his frendes , (CMBRUT3,104.3146) and went to Denmarc , (CMBRUT3,104.3147) and pleynede to +te Kyng Godryn , (CMBRUT3,104.3148) & tolde him of +te dispite +tat Kyng Osbright to him hade done of his wif , (CMBRUT3,104.3149) & praiede him of socoure & of helpe , him to avenge . (CMBRUT3,104.3150) When Kyng Godrin of Denmarc & +te Danoys , (CMBRUT3,104.3151) when +tai hade herde +te pleynt of +tis Buerne & of +te praer +tat he hade , +tai were wonder glade in hert , for-asmiche as +tai my+gt fynde cause forto gone into Engeland forto werr oppon +te Englisshe-men , & also forto avenge Buerne of +te despite +tat +te kyng hade done to his wif , & for-asmiche as Buerne was sib to +te Kyng of Denmarc . (CMBRUT3,104.3152) Anone +tai lete ordeyne a grete hoste of men , (CMBRUT3,104.3153) & lete ordeyne shippis , and as miche as was nede to +tat Viage . (CMBRUT3,104.3154) and when alle +te hoste was redy , +te kyng made his ij bre+terne cheueteyns , +tat were noble Kny+gtes and bolde : (CMBRUT3,105.3155) +tat one me callede Humger , & +tat o+tere Hubba . (CMBRUT3,105.3156) How +te Danoys toke +Gork & quellede Kyng Osbright , and afterwarde Kyng Elle . (CMBRUT3,105.3158) Capitulo Centesimo Quarto . (CMBRUT3,105.3159) WHen al +ting was aredy , +to ij bre+terne tok leue of +te Kyng Godrin , (CMBRUT3,105.3161) and went towarde +te see , forto wende into Engelande as faste as +tai my+gt spede . (CMBRUT3,105.3162) Now is Buerne so wel comfortede , (CMBRUT3,105.3163) & faste hiede him wi+t +te Danoys ; (CMBRUT3,105.3164) and +tai arryue in +te Northcontre , (CMBRUT3,105.3165) & come +trou+g-out Holdernesse , (CMBRUT3,105.3166) & destroiede al +te contre , (CMBRUT3,105.3167) and brent tounes (CMBRUT3,105.3168) and robbede folc , (CMBRUT3,105.3169) & quellede al +tat +tai my+gt take , til +tat +tai come to +Gorke . (CMBRUT3,105.3170) And when Kyng Osbright saw ham come , he toke +te peple +tat he hade , (CMBRUT3,105.3171) and come out of +te citee , (CMBRUT3,105.3172) & with ham fau+gte ; (CMBRUT3,105.3173) but no foysoun he nade a+geynes ham ; (CMBRUT3,105.3174) & miche was +te peple +tat +tere was slayn in bo+te parties ; (CMBRUT3,105.3175) and Kyng Osbright himself +tere was slayn , (CMBRUT3,105.3176) and +te citee anone was take , (CMBRUT3,105.3177) & +te Danoys wenten in . (CMBRUT3,105.3178) And +tere was also ano+tere kyng in Northumberlond +tat Buernes frendes hade chosen , & helde him for kyng , a man +tat me clepede Elle , for-asmiche as +tai nolde nou+gt to Kyng Osbright bene entendant , for +te despite +tet he hade done to Buerne here cosyn . (CMBRUT3,105.3179) Hit bifelle +tus , +tat +te Kyng Elle was gon to +te wode him forto desporte : (CMBRUT3,105.3180) and of venysoun somdele he hade tak . (CMBRUT3,105.3181) and as he satte in the wode at mete , to a knyght he saide : " we haue wel y-spedde , & michel venysoun taken . " (CMBRUT3,105.3182) and wi+t +tat worde +tere come in a man , (CMBRUT3,105.3183) & to him saide : " Sire , if +ge so miche of venysoun haue y-wonne , an C. tymes so miche +tere a+geyns +ge hauen loste ; (CMBRUT3,105.3184) for al +tis contre +te Danois hauen gete , & take +te cite of +Gork ; (CMBRUT3,105.3185) & a+geynes +gow shal it holde , +tat neuer +ge shul come +terin ; (CMBRUT3,105.3186) & forsothe +tai hauen slayn Kyng Osbright . " (CMBRUT3,106.3187) And when Kyng Elle +tise wordes herde , he lete assemble al +te folc of +te cuntre , (CMBRUT3,106.3188) & ordeynede al +te power +tat he mi+gt haue , (CMBRUT3,106.3189) and wold haue gete +te toune of +Gork wi+t streng+t . (CMBRUT3,106.3190) but +te Danois comen out anon (CMBRUT3,106.3191) & +gaf ham bataile , (CMBRUT3,106.3192) & quellede +te kyng & +te moste part of his men +tat he hade brou+gt wi+t him : (CMBRUT3,106.3193) and +te same place +tere +tat +tai were slayne shal euer bene callede Ellecrofte ; (CMBRUT3,106.3194) and +tat place is a litel fram +Gork (CMBRUT3,106.3195) and +to abode +te Danois neuer , til +tai hade conquerede al Northumberland . (CMBRUT3,106.3196) and in +tat contre +tai made Werdeynes , (CMBRUT3,106.3197) & went fer+ter into +te lande , (CMBRUT3,106.3198) and token Notyngham . (CMBRUT3,106.3199) and +tere +tai abiden al +te wynter , (CMBRUT3,106.3200) and deden al +te sorwe +tat +tai myght . (CMBRUT3,106.3201) and after , when somer tyme come , +tai remevede fram Notyngham , (CMBRUT3,106.3202) & come vnto Nichole , & to Lyndessey , & to Holand , (CMBRUT3,106.3203) for no man mi+gt ham withstande , so miche power & streng+t +tai hade . (CMBRUT3,106.3204) How Seynt Edmunde +te Kyng was martrede . (CMBRUT3,106.3206) Capitulo Cen-tesimo v=to= . (CMBRUT3,106.3207) ANd so ferre hade +te Danois passede fram contre vnto contre , & euermore brennyng & robbyng , (CMBRUT3,106.3209) & destroiede al +tat +tai mi+gt , til +tat +tai come vnto Tetteford . (CMBRUT3,106.3210) & in +tat contre +tai fonden a Cristen Kyng +tat miche louede God and his Werkes , +tat me callede Edmunde ; (CMBRUT3,106.3211) & he was Kyng of Northfolc and Southfolc . (CMBRUT3,106.3212) +tis Seynt Edmunde +te kyng ordeynede as miche folc as he my+gt , (CMBRUT3,106.3213) & fau+gt wi+t +te Danois ; (CMBRUT3,106.3214) but he and his folc were scomfitede , & +te kyng him-self dryuen vnto a castel of Framelyngham . (CMBRUT3,106.3215) & +te Danois him pursuede , (CMBRUT3,106.3216) & comen vnto +te same castel . (CMBRUT3,106.3217) and when Kyng Edmunde saw +tat +te castel myst nou+gt ham wi+tstonde , he comen a+geynes ham . with whame +te Danois ferst speken ; (CMBRUT3,106.3218) and anone +tai axede of him where Kyng Edmunde was . (CMBRUT3,106.3219) " now forsoth , " quod he , " when y was in +te castell , y was kyng ; (CMBRUT3,106.3220) & when y went oute of +te castel , he went out also ; (CMBRUT3,106.3221) and whe+ter +tat he shal ascape or dye , at Godes wil most hit be . " (CMBRUT3,107.3222) When Seynt Edmunde hade nempnede God , by +tat worde +tai wiste alle +tat it was he him-self . (CMBRUT3,107.3223) and anone Hubba & Hungar tok him , (CMBRUT3,107.3224) & saide +tat he shulde God forsake , al cristen law , as alle o+tere hade done +trou+g ham biforn . (CMBRUT3,107.3225) and Seynt Edmunde saide +tat ' he wolde neuer , (CMBRUT3,107.3226) but ra+ter he wolde suffre deth for Godes sone , and his law to kepe . ' (CMBRUT3,107.3227) +to tok +tai Kyng Edmunde , (CMBRUT3,107.3228) & bounde him vnto a tree , (CMBRUT3,107.3229) and made Archires to him shote with Arwes , til +tat his body stickede alse ful of Arwes as an hirchone is ful of prickes ; (CMBRUT3,107.3230) but for alle +te payne +tat he hade , he wolde neuer God forsake . (CMBRUT3,107.3231) & in +te same pyne he deide wi+t +tat turmentyng , (CMBRUT3,107.3232) & bitoke his soule to almy+gty God . (CMBRUT3,107.3233) & when +tai saw +tat he was dede , +tai smyten of his heuede ; (CMBRUT3,107.3234) & in +tis maner was Seynt Edmunde martrede . (CMBRUT3,107.3235) How Hubba & Hungar toke +te toune of Redyng . (CMBRUT3,107.3237) Capitulo Centesimo vj=to= . (CMBRUT3,107.3238) $WHen sent Edmunde was martrede , Hunguar and Hubba went +tens , with al here Danoys , vnto Redyng . (CMBRUT3,107.3240) and as +tai went +tiderwarde , +tai brent tounes & citees , (CMBRUT3,107.3241) & quellede al Cristen peple +tat wolde nou+gt God forsake , (CMBRUT3,107.3242) and caste adoun cherches , (CMBRUT3,107.3243) and comen to Redyng , (CMBRUT3,107.3244) and toke +te toun , (CMBRUT3,107.3245) and +tere holde ham til +tat +te Kyng Edelf of Westsex come +tider wi+t al his power forto take +te toune . (CMBRUT3,107.3246) +to come oute +te Danoys forto +geue bataile to Kyng Elfride ; (CMBRUT3,107.3247) and at +tat bataile was quellede an Erl of Danoys +tat me callede Gydrak . (CMBRUT3,107.3248) Oppon +te morwe come +te Kyng Eldrede , and his bro+ter Alurede , with a stronge power and grete host . (CMBRUT3,107.3249) and +te Kyng Edelf come a+geyne +tat hade fou+gten wi+t +te Danois +te day toforne to +tat bataile . (CMBRUT3,107.3250) & +te Danois +to comen out forto fei+gt wi+t ham . (CMBRUT3,107.3251) and +tat batale was wonder strong , for meny a man was +tere slayn ; (CMBRUT3,107.3252) and +te Danois +tat day hade +te vittori ; (CMBRUT3,107.3253) and +te Kyng Eldrede & his bro+ter Alurede +tat day were descomfited . (CMBRUT3,108.3254) but +te xiiij day afterwarde , +te Danois and +te Englisshe-men fou+gten to-gederes oppon Elkelden , (CMBRUT3,108.3255) & +tere was slayne a kyng of Denmarc +tat was callede Rasyng , and iiij Erles of grete power ; (CMBRUT3,108.3256) and +tat day hade +te Danoys shame , for +tai were dryuen vnto Engelfilde . (CMBRUT3,108.3257) and +te xv day after , +te Danois & +te Englisshemen fou+gten ano+tere tyme at Rasyng , (CMBRUT3,108.3258) and +tere were +te Englisshe-men descomfitede . (CMBRUT3,108.3259) and fram +tens a Danois , +tat me callede Roynt , went to Redyng wi+t his hoste , (CMBRUT3,108.3260) & destroiede al +tat he myght tak ; (CMBRUT3,108.3261) and Kyng Eldrede fau+gt wi+t him , (CMBRUT3,108.3262) but he was woundede so , wherefore he was dede ; (CMBRUT3,108.3263) and he nade regnede but v. +gere , (CMBRUT3,108.3264) and deide , (CMBRUT3,108.3265) and li+t atte Wonburne . (CMBRUT3,108.3266) Of Kyng Alurede ; & how +te Danoys in his tyme praiede him of mercy , +tat +tai moste gone out of +te lande . (CMBRUT3,108.3268) Capitulo Centesimo vij=o= . (CMBRUT3,108.3269) After +te deth of +tis Eldrede , regnede his bro+ter Alurede , +tat Dolfynes was callede . (CMBRUT3,108.3271) +to went +te Danois , (CMBRUT3,108.3272) & assemblede ham , (CMBRUT3,108.3273) and went forto seche Alurede , +tat +to was +te new kyng of Southsex . (CMBRUT3,108.3274) and +tere +tai fonde him at Wilton , wi+t a litel peple ; (CMBRUT3,108.3275) & no+teles he fau+gt with ham ; (CMBRUT3,108.3276) but at the laste he fledde +tens fram +te felde , (CMBRUT3,108.3277) and went vnto Westsex , (CMBRUT3,108.3278) and ordeynede so miche peple of his owen reaume & also of o+tere , so til +tat he hade a stronge host , so +tat +te Danois hade non power a+geynes him to stande . (CMBRUT3,108.3279) and he come to London wi+t his host , +tere as +te Danois soiournede ; (CMBRUT3,108.3280) and +tere wolde he haue fou+gten wi+t ham , (CMBRUT3,108.3281) but +te Danois derste nou+gt wi+t him fei+gt , (CMBRUT3,108.3282) but praiede him of pees , & +tat +tai most gone a+geyne into her owen contre , & neuermore into Engeland forto come a+geyne , eny harme forto done , (CMBRUT3,108.3283) and oppon +tis couenant +tai shulde +geue him to plegge , gode hostages , & soche as +te Englisshemen wolde axen . (CMBRUT3,108.3284) How Hubba & Hunguar were quellede at Chippenham ; & how +te Danoys brou+gt hir kyng vnto oure kyng . (CMBRUT3,109.3287) Capitulo Centesimo Octauo . (CMBRUT3,109.3288) ANd +te same day +tat +te Danois departede fram London , so faste +tai riden , bo+te nyght and day , (CMBRUT3,109.3290) and neuer toke reste of goyng til +tat +tai comen vnto Excestre , (CMBRUT3,109.3291) and token +te toune , (CMBRUT3,109.3292) & +tere helde ham . (CMBRUT3,109.3293) When Kyng Alurede herde +to tidynges , anone he lete tak +te hostages , (CMBRUT3,109.3294) and went fram +tens vnto Excestre wi+t al +te power +tat he hade . (CMBRUT3,109.3295) And when +te Danois herde tel of his comyng , +tai went fro +tens forth into Westsex , (CMBRUT3,109.3296) and comen to Chippenham ; (CMBRUT3,109.3297) and +tere +tai deden miche harme in +te contre ; (CMBRUT3,109.3298) +tai robbede folc , (CMBRUT3,109.3299) & brou+gt ham into prisoun . (CMBRUT3,109.3300) The Kyng Alurede ham pursuede , (CMBRUT3,109.3301) & come oppon ham , (CMBRUT3,109.3302) and fersly ham assailede ; (CMBRUT3,109.3303) & +tere were slayn bo+te Hubba , and Hunguar his bro+ter , and Buerne Bocard . (CMBRUT3,109.3304) and in +tat bataile was michel folc slayn in +tat o partye and in +tat o+tere , (CMBRUT3,109.3305) but +te gree of +te felde lefte wi+t +te Danois , for-asmiche as +te kyng +to come but with litel company . (CMBRUT3,109.3306) The Kyng Hastede him as miche as he myght , forto wende a+geyn ; (CMBRUT3,109.3307) and when +te Danois fonden Hubba his bodye liggyng dede , +tai enterede hit , (CMBRUT3,109.3308) & made oppon him a grete logge , (CMBRUT3,109.3309) and lette calle hit Hubbeslaw ; (CMBRUT3,109.3310) & so it is callede into +tis day ; (CMBRUT3,109.3311) and +tat place is in Deuenesshire . (CMBRUT3,109.3312) +te barons of Westsex , Wilteshire and Dorset , harde telle how +tat here kyng was descomfitede ; (CMBRUT3,109.3313) and ordeynede al +te power +tat +tai mi+gt haue , (CMBRUT3,109.3314) and come to +te kyng +tere +tat he was , (CMBRUT3,109.3315) & +tankede God +tat +tai hade him fonden alif , (CMBRUT3,109.3316) for +tai wende +tat +te Danois hade him slayne . (CMBRUT3,109.3317) +to toke +tai a counseil , +te kyng and his barons , (CMBRUT3,109.3318) & +tai wolde gone seche +te Danois , with ham forto fei+gt . (CMBRUT3,109.3319) and so +tai riden al +tat ny+gt ham forto seche , (CMBRUT3,109.3320) and come amorw , about prime , to Abyngdon , +tere +tat +te Danois were . (CMBRUT3,109.3321) +te kyng +to , Alurede and his barons , assemblede , (CMBRUT3,109.3322) and +tere assailede +te Danois egrely , (CMBRUT3,110.3323) and +tere +gaf ham a stronger bataile +tan euere he dede bifore ; (CMBRUT3,110.3324) and +te Danois nobli put ham of , longe tyme , +tat no man wist in whe+ter partie more peple were slayn . (CMBRUT3,110.3325) But +tus hit bifelle , as God wolde , +tat Kyng Alurede hade +te vittorie with michel honoure ; (CMBRUT3,110.3326) for +te Danois were so dryuen +tat +tai wist nou+gt whider to wende . (CMBRUT3,110.3327) xv dayes +te kyng ham pur-suede at his wille , +tat glade & fayne +tai were forto speken of pees & of accorde , (CMBRUT3,110.3328) & toke him gode hostages , (CMBRUT3,110.3329) & saide +tat +tai wolde neuer oppon him werre , ne debate arere . (CMBRUT3,110.3330) And more-ouer +tai bihight to +te Kyng Alurede +tat +tai wolde go and brynge her owen kyng vnto him , and +tat her kyng & +tai all shulde bene baptisede . (CMBRUT3,110.3331) & oppon +tis condicioun , Kyng Alurede ham grauntede lif and lyme , (CMBRUT3,110.3332) and saide to ham +tat +tai shulde gon here kyng forto fecche , and at a certeyne day to come a+geyne , +tat to ham was sette . (CMBRUT3,110.3333) And so +tai went for+t fast , (CMBRUT3,110.3334) and come a+geyne at here day +tat was assignede , (CMBRUT3,110.3335) and alle +te Danois brou+gt here kyng wi+t ham . (CMBRUT3,110.3336) The Kyng Alurede anone lete ham ben baptisede , and here names chaunged , so +tat +te kyng of Danois was callede Athelston , (CMBRUT3,110.3337) & xxx=ti= of his felawe+g names were chaungede also , (CMBRUT3,110.3338) & +te o+tere were baptisede to +te right bileue ; (CMBRUT3,110.3339) and al +tis was done at Westmynstre . (CMBRUT3,110.3340) and after , Kyng Alurede helde wi+t him Kyng Athelstone & alle his Danois xij daies at soiune wi+t miche solempnite , (CMBRUT3,110.3341) and +gaf ham grete +giftes after +tat +tai were overcome , (CMBRUT3,110.3342) and so +tai departede . (CMBRUT3,110.3343) Tho was Kyng Alurede al at ese when he hade his enemys ouercomen , & +tat +tai were turnede to +te bileue of almi+gty God . (CMBRUT3,110.3344) How +te Danois +tat comen into Fraunce wi+t Gurmonde , come a+geyne into Engeland ; & of +te de+t of Kyng Alured . (CMBRUT3,110.3346) Capitulo Centesimo Nono . (CMBRUT3,110.3347) ANd +tus hit bifelle afterwarde , +tat +te Danoys of Northumber-land , +tat were paynemys , comen with a grete host of Fraunce , +tat is to vnderstonde , with ham +tat went into Fraunce with Gurmonde of Aufrik , when he hade conquerede Engeland , & it +gaf vnto Saxonus . (CMBRUT3,111.3350) and +to +tat come fro Fraunce arryuede in Kent , (CMBRUT3,111.3351) and sent into Northumberlande +tat +tai shulde come to ham . (CMBRUT3,111.3352) and when +to ij hostes were comen & assemblede , anone +tai went to destroie +te Cristen peple of Engeland fram place vnto place , (CMBRUT3,111.3353) and deden miche sorwe . (CMBRUT3,111.3354) Hit bifelle +tus , as almi+gty God hit wolde , an harde chaunce in Engeland ; (CMBRUT3,111.3355) ffor +te gode Kyng Alurede , +tat was wont to abate +te Danois , deide in +te mene-tyme . (CMBRUT3,111.3356) +tis Alured regnede xxx=ti= +gere , (CMBRUT3,111.3357) and a gode kyng hade bene , (CMBRUT3,111.3358) and wel cou+te chastice his enemys ; (CMBRUT3,111.3359) And was a gode clerc , (CMBRUT3,111.3360) and lete mak menye bokes . (CMBRUT3,111.3361) & on boke he made of Englisshe , of Auentures of kynges and of batailes +tat hade bene done in +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,111.3362) and meny o+tere bokes of gestes , he lete ham write , +tat were of grete wisdome and of gode lernyng , +trou+g whiche bokes meny man may him amende +tat wille ham rede and oppon lok ; oppon whos soule almighty God haue mercy ! (CMBRUT3,111.3363) & +tis Kyng Alurede li+t at Wynchestr . (CMBRUT3,111.3364) Of Kyng Edward , +tat was Kyng Aluredus sone . (CMBRUT3,111.3366) Capitulo Cen-tesimo x=mo= . (CMBRUT3,111.3367) ANd after +tis Alurede , regnede Edward his sone , +tat was a gode man & a wise , +tat men callede $Edward , +tat was wonder curteise . (CMBRUT3,111.3369) The Danois deden miche sorwe in +te lande , (CMBRUT3,111.3370) and her power encresede , (CMBRUT3,111.3371) and biganne forto wexe fram day to day , (CMBRUT3,111.3372) for +te Danois comen ofte wi+t here companies into +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,111.3373) And when +te kyng saw +tat he mi+gt no bettre done , he tok trewes with ham , (CMBRUT3,111.3374) and granted ham his pees . (CMBRUT3,111.3375) And no+telesse +te trewes durede nou+gt longe , +tat +te Danois ne bigonne strongeliche forto were oppon +te Englisshe-men , (CMBRUT3,111.3376) & dede ham miche sorwe . Wher-fore Kyng Edwarde dede assemble a grete hoste forto fi+gt with ham ; (CMBRUT3,112.3377) and +to +tis Kyng Edwarde deide when God wolde . (CMBRUT3,112.3378) This Kyng Edward regnede xxiiij +gere , (CMBRUT3,112.3379) & li+t at Wynchestre bisides his fader . (CMBRUT3,112.3380) Of Kyng $Athelstone , & of Edmunde , Eldrede , & of Edwynne his bro+ter . (CMBRUT3,112.3382) Capitulo Centesimo Vndecimo . (CMBRUT3,112.3383) After +tis Edward , regnede Athelston his sone ; (CMBRUT3,112.3385) & when he hade regnede iiij +gere , he helde bataile a+geynes +te Danois , (CMBRUT3,112.3386) and drof Kyng Gaufride , +tat was kyng of +te Danois , and al his hoste vnto +te see , (CMBRUT3,112.3387) & restede by Scotland , (CMBRUT3,112.3388) & nomen strongliche +te contrey al a +gere . (CMBRUT3,112.3389) And after +tat , +to of Cumberland , & +te Scottes of Westmerlande , bigonne to werre oppon Kyng Athelston ; (CMBRUT3,112.3390) and he ham +gaf so strong bataile +tat he quellede so meny of ham +tat no man cou+te telle +te nombre of ham . (CMBRUT3,112.3391) and after +tat he ne regnede but iij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,112.3392) & he regnede in al xxv +gere (CMBRUT3,112.3393) and li+t at Malmesbery . (CMBRUT3,112.3394) And after +tis Athelston , regnede Edmund his bro+ter , for-as-miche as Kyng Athelston hade none sone . (CMBRUT3,112.3395) and +tis $Edmunde was a wor+ti kny+gt , and a dou+gty man of body , and a noble knyght . (CMBRUT3,112.3396) and +te +tridde +gere after +tat he was kyng , he went ouer Humber , in whiche place he hade ij Kynges of Danois : (CMBRUT3,112.3397) +tat one me callede Enelaf , and +tat o+ter Renaud . (CMBRUT3,112.3398) This Kyng Edmund drof ham bo+te fram +te lande , (CMBRUT3,112.3399) and after went (CMBRUT3,112.3400) and tok grete preye in Comberland . (CMBRUT3,112.3401) Edmund ne regnede but vij +ger , (CMBRUT3,112.3402) and li+t at Glastynbery . (CMBRUT3,112.3403) And after +tis Edmunde , regnede Eldrede his bro+ter , +tat vengede Edwarde his fadre of his enemys +tat him quelde ; (CMBRUT3,112.3404) and aftir-warde he seisede Northumberland into his hand , (CMBRUT3,112.3405) and made +te Scottes abowe and meke vnto his Wille . (CMBRUT3,112.3406) And +te secunde +gere +tat he hade regned $come Arnalaf Quyran , +tat was kyng of Denmarc , (CMBRUT3,112.3407) and seisede al Northumberland , (CMBRUT3,112.3408) and helde +tat lande ij +gere . (CMBRUT3,112.3409) and after +tat come Kyng Eldrede wi+t a grete power , (CMBRUT3,112.3410) and drof him oute of +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,112.3411) And +tis Kyng Eldrede was a noble man and a goode , of whos godenesse seynt Dunston prechede . (CMBRUT3,112.3412) & +tis Kyng Eldrede regnede xj +gere , (CMBRUT3,112.3413) & li+t at Wynchestr . (CMBRUT3,112.3414) And after +tis Eldrede , Edwynne his bro+ter regnede , (CMBRUT3,113.3416) & was a lu+ter man towarde God and to +te peple ; (CMBRUT3,113.3417) for he hatede folc of his owen land , (CMBRUT3,113.3418) and louede & honourede strange men , (CMBRUT3,113.3419) & sette litel by holy cherche , (CMBRUT3,113.3420) and bynom of holy cherche all +te tresoure +tat he my+gt haue : (CMBRUT3,113.3421) +tat was grete shame and velonye to himself , and perile of his soule , (CMBRUT3,113.3422) & +terfore God wolde nou+gt +tat he shulde regne no longer than iiij +ger , (CMBRUT3,113.3423) and after deide , (CMBRUT3,113.3424) and Lith at Wynchestre . (CMBRUT3,113.3425) Of Kyng Edgare , +tat regned aboue +te kyngus of Scotland & of Walys ; & how he was bigilede +trou+g takyng of his wif . (CMBRUT3,113.3427) Capitulo Centesimo Duodecimo . (CMBRUT3,113.3428) ANd after +tis Edwynne , regnede Edgare his sone , a man +tat miche louede God , and pees , & holy cherche also , and was a wor+ti lorde , bolde and myghty , & mayntenede wel +tis land in pees . (CMBRUT3,113.3430) And +tis Edgare was Kyng and lorde aboue alle +te kynges of Scotland , and of Walys : (CMBRUT3,113.3431) fram +te tyme +tat Arthure was gone , neuer was si+ten kyng of his power . (CMBRUT3,113.3432) And +tis Edgare was seynt Edwardes fader . (CMBRUT3,113.3433) And when Edgarus wif was dede , +tat was seynt Edwardes moder , & enterede , he herde speke of +te fairenesse of Estrilde , +tat was Orgarus dou+gter , a baroun of Deuenshire , +tat was so faire a women +tat alle men spake +terof . (CMBRUT3,113.3434) He callede one of his kny+gtes +tat he miche louede & trust oppon , (CMBRUT3,113.3435) and tolde him : " Go , " quod he , " to +te noble Baron Orgar of Deuenshire , (CMBRUT3,113.3436) and se if his dou+gter be so faire as men speke of ; (CMBRUT3,113.3437) & if it be so+t , y wil haue here vnto my wif . " (CMBRUT3,113.3438) +tis kny+gt +tat me callede Edelwolde , went for+t +tere +tat +te lady +to was ; (CMBRUT3,113.3439) & when he saw her so faire , he +tou+gt haue her himself to wif , (CMBRUT3,113.3440) and +terfore spake to Orgar here fader . (CMBRUT3,113.3441) and Orgar was an olde man , (CMBRUT3,113.3442) & hade no mo childerne but here on ; (CMBRUT3,113.3443) and saw +tat Edelwolde was a faire +gonge kny+gt , and wor+ti and riche , (CMBRUT3,113.3444) & was wel with +te kyng . (CMBRUT3,113.3445) & +tou+gt his dou+gter shulde wel bene mariede , & wel bisette oppon him , (CMBRUT3,113.3446) and grauntede him his dou+gter , if +te gode lorde +te Kyng wolde assent +terto . (CMBRUT3,113.3447) +tis Edelwolde come a+geyn to +te Kyng (CMBRUT3,114.3448) and saide ' she was faire ynow oppon to see , but of body she was wonder lo+tly , ' (CMBRUT3,114.3449) +to ansuerede +te Kyng , (CMBRUT3,114.3450) and saide +tat he toke of her litel charge . (CMBRUT3,114.3451) " Sire , " quod Edelwolde +to , " she is her faderes heire , (CMBRUT3,114.3452) and y am nou+gt riche of londes , (CMBRUT3,114.3453) and if +ge wolde consent and grant +tat y most her haue , +tan shulde y be riche ynow . " (CMBRUT3,114.3454) " In Godes name , " quod +te Kyng , " I assent +terto . " (CMBRUT3,114.3455) Edelwolde +tankede +to michel +te Kyng (CMBRUT3,114.3456) and went a+geyne into Deuenshire (CMBRUT3,114.3457) & spousede +te damisel , (CMBRUT3,114.3458) and in +tat contre duellede . (CMBRUT3,114.3459) And +tus hit bifel oppon a tyme , +tat he tolde his conseil & al +tis +ting vnto his wif , how & in what maner he hade bigilede his lorde +te Kyng , +tat wolde haue hade her to wif . (CMBRUT3,114.3460) and anone as she it wist , she louede him neuermore afterwarde as she hade done bifore . (CMBRUT3,114.3461) +tis lady conseyuede by him a sone ; (CMBRUT3,114.3462) and when tyme was +tat +tis childe shulde ben born , Eldelwolde come to +te Kyng , (CMBRUT3,114.3463) & praede him to heue a sone of his at +te fountston . (CMBRUT3,114.3464) +te Kyng him grantede , (CMBRUT3,114.3465) and lete calle him Edgare , after his owen name . (CMBRUT3,114.3466) And when +tis was ydon , he +tou+gt +tat he was siker ynow of +te Kyng , (CMBRUT3,114.3467) for bifore +tat tyme +tis Edelwolde him drede lest Kyng Edgare wolde haue taken his wif , forasmiche as his lorde was a Ioly man and an Amerus . (CMBRUT3,114.3468) How +tat Kyng Edgare wedede Estrilde afte +te deth of Edelwolde . (CMBRUT3,114.3470) Capitulo Centesimo terciodecimo . (CMBRUT3,114.3471) THus hit bifelle , +tat al men in Kyng Edgares court +to speken , (CMBRUT3,114.3473) and saide +tat ' Edelwolde was richely auansede +trou+g +te mariage +tat he hade by his wif ' ; (CMBRUT3,114.3474) ' and +git , ' +tai saide ' he was auauncede an hundred-folde more ' for he hade spousede +te fairest woman +tat euer was seyn . (CMBRUT3,114.3475) and when +te Kyng herde speke so miche of here beaute , he +tou+gt +to +tat Edelwolde hade him desseyuede & bigilede , (CMBRUT3,114.3476) & +tou+gt priuely in his hert +tat he wolde gone into Deuenesshire , as it were forto hunt for hert and hynde and o+tere wilde bestes , (CMBRUT3,114.3477) and +tan he shulde see +tere +te lady or he departede +tens . (CMBRUT3,114.3478) And +tis lady was duellyng at a manere bisides +te forest +tere +tat +te Kyng wolde hunte , (CMBRUT3,115.3479) and at +tat maner was herburghede al nyght . (CMBRUT3,115.3480) and when tyme come +tat +te Kyng shulde sope , and +te sonne shoone , +te Kyng axede after his Gossib and after his godsone , (CMBRUT3,115.3481) and Edelwolde made here come bifore +te Kyng ; (CMBRUT3,115.3482) and no+teles , and it o+ter my+gt haue bene , she shulde nou+gt haue comen in his sight bi his wille . (CMBRUT3,115.3483) +te lady welcomede +te Kyng , (CMBRUT3,115.3484) and suetely him kissede ; (CMBRUT3,115.3485) and he toke her by +te hande , (CMBRUT3,115.3486) & +to nexte to him her sette , (CMBRUT3,115.3487) and so soppede +tai togeder . (CMBRUT3,115.3488) And +to was a custume and an vsage +tat , when a man drank vnto ano+ter , +te drynker shulde say ' Wassaile , ' (CMBRUT3,115.3489) and +tat o+tere shulde ansure ' drynkhaile ' : (CMBRUT3,115.3490) and +tus dede +te Kyng & +te lady meny tymes , (CMBRUT3,115.3491) & also kiste . (CMBRUT3,115.3492) And after soper , when tyme was to gone to bede , +te $Kyng went vnto his bed , hertly +tenkyng oppon +te ladies fairnesse ; (CMBRUT3,115.3493) and +to was ouercomen for here loue , +tat him +tou+gt he wolde dye , but of here his wille he hade . (CMBRUT3,115.3494) Oppon +te morwe +te Kyng aroos , (CMBRUT3,115.3495) and into +te fforeste went , him +tere to desporte & salace wi+t hertes and hyndes , and alle o+ter wilde bestes ; (CMBRUT3,115.3496) & of +te hertes grete plente , to +te lady he sent ; (CMBRUT3,115.3497) and +trise he went to salace and speke wi+t +tat lady whiles he duellede in +tat contre . (CMBRUT3,115.3498) And after +tat , +te Kyng remevede +tens , (CMBRUT3,115.3499) and +tou+gt how he myghte best delyuer Edlewolde $fram his wif , as he hade him ferste desceyuede . (CMBRUT3,115.3500) and +te Kyng anone , after viij dayes , lete ordeyne a parlement at Salesbury of al his baronage , conseile to haue , & forto ordeyn how +te contre of Northumberland mi+gt beste bene kepte , +tat +te Danoys come nou+gt +tere , the londe forto destroye . (CMBRUT3,115.3501) And +tis Edelwolde come also to +te Kynges Parlement ; (CMBRUT3,115.3502) and +te Kyng sent him to +Gork forto bene keper of +tat contre . (CMBRUT3,115.3503) And +tus hit fel , +tat men +tat knew him nou+gt , slow him by +te waye . (CMBRUT3,115.3504) And anone as +te Kyng herde +tat he was dede , he lete sende after +te Lady Estrilde , +tat she shulde come to +te citee of London , and +tere bene weded to +te Kyng wi+t grete solempnite & worshipe ; (CMBRUT3,115.3505) and helde a solempne fest ; (CMBRUT3,115.3506) and he werede a crone of $gold , and +te Quene ano+ter . (CMBRUT3,115.3507) And seynt Dunston on +te morwe come vnto +te Kyng into +te Kyngus chaumbre (CMBRUT3,116.3508) and fonde +te Kyng abed , & +te quene also in fere ; (CMBRUT3,116.3509) and seynt Dunston axede who +tat she was . (CMBRUT3,116.3510) +te Kyng ansuerede , " +tis is +te Quene Estrilde . " (CMBRUT3,116.3511) and +te Erchebisshop seynt Dunstan saide +tat ' he dede grete wrong , and a+geyns Godes wille to tak a woman to wif , whos childe he ha+t take at +te funtston ' ; (CMBRUT3,116.3512) and +te Quene for +tat worde neuer after louede seynt Dunston ; (CMBRUT3,116.3513) and no+teles +te gode man warnede ham ofte-tymes +tat folie to lete ; (CMBRUT3,116.3514) but his warnyng availede litel , (CMBRUT3,116.3515) for +te loue bituene ham was so miche . (CMBRUT3,116.3516) +te Kyng bigate oppon her a sone +tat me callede Eldred ; (CMBRUT3,116.3517) and when +tis childe was vj +ger olde , +te Kyng his fader deide ; (CMBRUT3,116.3518) & aboute +tat tyme he hade regnede xvij +ger , (CMBRUT3,116.3519) and lith at Glastynbery . (CMBRUT3,116.3520) Of seynt Edward +te Martir ; (CMBRUT3,116.3522) how Estrilde his stepmoder lete him quelle , forto make Eldred , her owen sone , Kyng . (CMBRUT3,116.3523) Capitulo Centesimo xiiij=o= . (CMBRUT3,116.3524) ANd after +tis Edgare , regnede Edward his sone , +tat he bigate in his ferst wif , +tat wel and noble gouernede +te lande ; (CMBRUT3,116.3526) for he was ful of al maner godenesse , (CMBRUT3,116.3527) and lad ful holy lif ; (CMBRUT3,116.3528) & aboue al +ting he louede God & holy cherche . (CMBRUT3,116.3529) & +te quene Estrilde , his stepmoder , lete him slee , for enchesoun to make her owen sone Eldred kyng ; (CMBRUT3,116.3530) and +tus was he slayn , as afterward +ge shul her . (CMBRUT3,116.3531) Hit bifelle +tus oppon a day +tat +tis Kyng Edwarde went him into a wode forto play in +te Southcontre , bisides a toune +tat is callede Warham ; in +te whiche forest was grete plente of Hertes & of hyndes . (CMBRUT3,116.3532) and as he hade bene awhile +tere him forto playe , he +tou+gt him oppon his bro+ter Eldred , +tat Was wi+t his moder +te quene , (CMBRUT3,116.3533) for her place was ney+g +te forest ; (CMBRUT3,116.3534) & +tou+gte forto go visite & see his bro+ter ; (CMBRUT3,116.3535) and tok Wi+t him but a litel meny , (CMBRUT3,116.3536) and went , him +to toward his Stepmoders house , +tat in +tat tyme soiournede in +te castel of Corf . (CMBRUT3,116.3537) and as he rode in +te +tickenesse of +te wode , to aspie his game , hit bifelle +tat he went amys , (CMBRUT3,116.3538) & loste his meny +tat were wi+t him . (CMBRUT3,116.3539) & at +te last he come out of +te wode ; (CMBRUT3,117.3540) & as he lokede about , he saw +tere faste bisides him +te maner +tat his Stepmoder duelled in ; (CMBRUT3,117.3541) & +tiderward he went allon . (CMBRUT3,117.3542) and anone hit was tolde +te Quene how +tat +te Kyng was comen allone wi+tout company ; (CMBRUT3,117.3543) and +terfore she made ioye ynow , (CMBRUT3,117.3544) & +tou+gt how she my+gt do +tat he were slayn as priuely as she my+gt . (CMBRUT3,117.3545) And anone priuely she called to her on of here kny+gtes , to whom she hade tolde miche of here consel bituene ham . (CMBRUT3,117.3546) and bo+te +tai come to +te Kyng , (CMBRUT3,117.3547) and curtesly him resceyuede ; (CMBRUT3,117.3548) & +te Kyng tolde +tat he was com her to Visite , & also forto speke wi+t Eldrede his bro+ter . (CMBRUT3,117.3549) +te Quene meny tymes him +tankede , (CMBRUT3,117.3550) and him praiede to ali+gt and herburgh wi+t her forto haue al +tat nyght . (CMBRUT3,117.3551) +te Kyng saide +tat he myght nou+gt , (CMBRUT3,117.3552) but a+geyne he wolde wende vnto his folc , if he myght ham fynde . (CMBRUT3,117.3553) And when +te Quene saw +tat he wolde nou+gt abide , she praiede him +tat he wolde ones drynk ; (CMBRUT3,117.3554) & he grauntede her . (CMBRUT3,117.3555) and anone as +te drynk come , +te Quene drank to +te Kyng , (CMBRUT3,117.3556) & +te Kyng toke +te coppe (CMBRUT3,117.3557) & sette hit to his mou+t . (CMBRUT3,117.3558) & in +te mene-tyme whiles +tat he drank , +te kny+gt +tat was wi+t +te Quene , wi+t a knyf smote euen +te Kyng to +te hert , (CMBRUT3,117.3559) & +tere he felle adoune dede of his palfray vnto +te er+te . (CMBRUT3,117.3560) the Quene , for +tis dede , +gaf to +te Kny+gt golde & siluer grete plente , and of o+ter richesse ynow . (CMBRUT3,117.3561) and +te kny+gt , anone as +tis was do , went him overe +te see ; (CMBRUT3,117.3562) & so ascapede he oute of +tis lande . (CMBRUT3,117.3563) When +tis Kyng Edward +tus was matrede , Hit was in +te +gere after +te Incarnacion of oure Lorde Ihesu Crist , ix C. & =xx=iiij +ger , (CMBRUT3,117.3564) and he hade regnede xij +gere & an half , (CMBRUT3,117.3565) & lith at Glastenbery . (CMBRUT3,117.3566) Of Kyng Eldrede ; & how +te Kyng Swyn of Denmarc helde Engelond ; & how Eldrede , +tat was seynt Edwardes bro+ter , was nou+gt bilouede in his reme , and +terfore fledde into Normandye . (CMBRUT3,117.3568) Capitulo Centesimo Quintodecimo . (CMBRUT3,117.3569) After +tis Kyng Edward , regnede Eldrede his bro+ter ; (CMBRUT3,117.3571) and seynt Dunstan cronede him . (CMBRUT3,117.3572) & +tis seynt Dunstan deide sone after +tat he hade for+geue +te Quene her trespasse , Estrild , for encheson +tat she was cause of Kyng Edwardes deth . (CMBRUT3,118.3573) and seynt Dunstan hade her assoilede , and penaunce her en-ioynede ; (CMBRUT3,118.3574) and she leuede after , chaste lif & clene . (CMBRUT3,118.3575) +tis Kyng Eldrede wedede an Englisshe-woman ; (CMBRUT3,118.3576) & on here he bigate Edmunde Irenside , and ano+ter sone +tat me callede Edwynne ; (CMBRUT3,118.3577) and after , deide +te Quene his moder . (CMBRUT3,118.3578) And in +tat tyme come into Engeland Swyn , +tat was Kyng of Denmarc , forto chalange and conquere al +tat his Ancestres hade bifore +tat tyme . (CMBRUT3,118.3579) & so he conquerede , (CMBRUT3,118.3580) & hade it al at his axing ; (CMBRUT3,118.3581) ffor +te gode Erle Cuthbert of Lyndeseye , and al +te peple of Northumberlond , & almost al +te grete of Engeland , helde with Swyne +tat was Kyng of Dennemarc , for-asmiche as +tai louede nou+gt Kyng Eldrede , ffor cause +tat gode bro+ter Edward was slayn falsely for enchesoun of him ; (CMBRUT3,118.3582) and +terfore no man sette but litil bi hym ; Wherfore Kyng Swyn hade al his wille , and toke al +te lande . (CMBRUT3,118.3583) And Eldrede +te Kyng +to fledde into Normandye , (CMBRUT3,118.3584) and so spak to +te Duk , +tat +te Duc +gaf him his sustre to wif ; oppon +te whiche he bigate ij sones : (CMBRUT3,118.3585) +tat on me callede Alrud , & +tat o+tere Edward . (CMBRUT3,118.3586) And when Swyn hade conquerede al +te lande , he regnede nobli , (CMBRUT3,118.3587) & leuede but xv +ger , (CMBRUT3,118.3588) & deide , (CMBRUT3,118.3589) and li+t at +Gork . (CMBRUT3,118.3590) How Kyng Eldrede come a+geyne fram Normandye ; & how Knoth +te Danoys regnede ; & of +te werr bituene him & Edmunde Irenside . (CMBRUT3,118.3592) Capitulo Centesimo Sexto decimo . (CMBRUT3,118.3593) After +te de+t of Swyne , +tat was a Danois , Knoght , his sone , duellede in Engeland , (CMBRUT3,118.3595) and wolde haue bene kyng . (CMBRUT3,118.3596) and +to come a+geyn Eldrede out of Normandy , with miche peple & wi+t stronge meny , +tat Knoght derst nou+gt abide , (CMBRUT3,118.3597) but fley +tens into Denmarc . (CMBRUT3,118.3598) +te Kyng Eldrede hade a+geyn his reaume , (CMBRUT3,118.3599) & helde so grete lordeship +tat he bigan to destroi al +tat hade holpen Swyn , +tat was a Danois , a+geynes him . (CMBRUT3,118.3600) And after-warde come a+geyn +tis Knoght fram Denmarc , with a grete power , so +tat Kyng $Eldrede derst nou+gt wi+t him fi+gt , (CMBRUT3,118.3601) but fley fro +tens vnto London , (CMBRUT3,119.3602) & +tere helde him . (CMBRUT3,119.3603) +to come Knoght , (CMBRUT3,119.3604) and him bisegede so longe til Kyng Eldrede diede in +te cite of London , and li+t at seynt Paules ; (CMBRUT3,119.3605) & he regnede ix +gere . (CMBRUT3,119.3606) Of Kyng Knoght . (CMBRUT3,119.3608) Capitulo Centesimo Septuagesimo . (CMBRUT3,119.3609) After +te deth of +tis Eldred , Knoght , +tat was a Danois , bigan +to forto regne , (CMBRUT3,119.3611) but Edmunde Irenside , +tat was Kyng Eldredus sone by his ferst wif , ordeynede a grete host , (CMBRUT3,119.3612) & bigan to werr oppon Kyng Knoght ; (CMBRUT3,119.3613) and so he dede meny tymes and ofte ; (CMBRUT3,119.3614) and +te werre was so $stronge and harde , +tat wonder hit was to wete . (CMBRUT3,119.3615) And +te Quene Emme , +tat duelled +to at Wynchestre , hade grete drede of her ij sones , for +te werr of Alured & Edward , leste +tai shulde ben defoulede & misdon +trou+g +tis werre , wherfore she sent ham ouer +te se into Normandy , to +te duc Richard her Vncle ; (CMBRUT3,119.3616) and +tere +tai duelled in safte and pees longe tyme . (CMBRUT3,119.3617) +tis Edmunde Irenside & Knou+gt werrede strongliche to-geder ; (CMBRUT3,119.3618) but at +te laste +tai were accorded in +tis maner , +tat +tai shulde departe +te reaume bituenes ham ; (CMBRUT3,119.3619) and so +tai deden ; (CMBRUT3,119.3620) & after , +tai bicome gode frendes , (CMBRUT3,119.3621) and so wel louede togederes as +tai hade bene bri+ter , geten of o body , & of o moder born . (CMBRUT3,119.3622) How Kyng Edmunde Irenside traiterousely was slayn , +trou+g a tratour +tat me callede Edrith of Statton . (CMBRUT3,119.3624) Capitulo Centesimo xviij=mo= . (CMBRUT3,119.3625) ANd after , +to regnede Kyng Edmunde Irenside and Knoght +te Danois . (CMBRUT3,119.3627) but +tus it fel aftirward , and in +te same +gere +tat +tai were accorded , (CMBRUT3,119.3628) and somiche loueden togeder , whereof a false +tef traitoure hade enuy vnto +te loue +tat was bituene ham , and frendeship , whos name was Edrith of Stratton , +tat was a grete lorde , +tat was Edmunde Irensides man , & of him helde all +te londe +tat he hade . (CMBRUT3,119.3629) And no+teles he +tou+gt his lorde to bitraie , & make Knoght kyng of +te lande , to +tat entent richely to ben auauncede , & wi+t him bene wel bilouede . Wherfore he praiede his lorde , Edmunde Irenside , oppon a day wi+t him forto eten , and wi+t him duelle . (CMBRUT3,120.3630) and +te kyng curteisly him grantede , (CMBRUT3,120.3631) & to him come at his praier ; (CMBRUT3,120.3632) and at +te mete +te kyng richely was seruede with diuerse metis & drynkes . (CMBRUT3,120.3633) And when nyght come +tat he shulde gone to bede , +te kyng tok his owen meny , (CMBRUT3,120.3634) & went into chambre . (CMBRUT3,120.3635) & as he lokede aboute , he saw a wonder faire ymage , & wel made , (CMBRUT3,120.3636) & in semblant as it were an Archire , wi+t a bowe bent in his honde , & in +te bowe a fyne Arwe . (CMBRUT3,120.3637) Kyng Edmunde went +to neir , to biholde hit bettr , what it mi+gte bene ; (CMBRUT3,120.3638) and anone as his honde tochede +te Arwe , anone +te arwe him smote +trou+g +te body , (CMBRUT3,120.3639) & +tere slough +te kyng ; (CMBRUT3,120.3640) for +tat engyne was made to quelle his lorde traiterousely . (CMBRUT3,120.3641) And when +te $Kyng Edmund +tus was dede & slayn , he nad regnede but x +gere . (CMBRUT3,120.3642) his peple for him made miche sorw , (CMBRUT3,120.3643) and his body +tai bare to Glastenbury (CMBRUT3,120.3644) and +tere +tai him enterede . (CMBRUT3,120.3645) And +tus traitour Edrik anone went to +te Quene , +tat was Kyng Edmundes wif , +tat wiste of here lordes de+t . (CMBRUT3,120.3646) anone he toke fram her hir ij sones , +tat were faire and +gong , +tat her lorde hade oppon hier geten , -- (CMBRUT3,120.3647) & +tat on me callede Edward , & +tat o+ter Edwyn , -- (CMBRUT3,120.3648) & lade ham wi+t him to London , (CMBRUT3,120.3649) and toke ham vnto Kyng Knoght , +tat he shulde done with ham what his willes were ; (CMBRUT3,120.3650) & tolde him how queyntly he hade quellede Kyng Edmunde , for enchesoun & loue of him , so +tat Kyng Knoght all Engeland in his power holly mi+gt haue . (CMBRUT3,120.3651) " O +tow false traitoure ! (CMBRUT3,120.3652) haste +tow my trewe wedbro+ter slayn for cause of me ? a man +tat y moste Louede in +te Worlde . (CMBRUT3,120.3653) now , be myn heuede , I shal for +ti trauail +te wel reward as +tow hast deseruede ! " (CMBRUT3,120.3654) and anone lete him take and bynde , hondes & feete in maner of a traitour , (CMBRUT3,120.3655) & lete caste him into Thamise ; (CMBRUT3,120.3656) and in +tis maner +te false traitour endede his lif . (CMBRUT3,121.3657) +te Kyng tok +to ij childerne to +te Abbot of Westmynstr , to warde and to kepe til he wiste what was beste wi+t ham to done . (CMBRUT3,121.3658) How Kyng Knoght sent Edmundes sones bo+te into Denmarc forto slee ; & how +tai were sauede . (CMBRUT3,121.3660) Capitulo Centesimo xix=mo= . (CMBRUT3,121.3661) HIt bifelle sone after +tat Kyng Knoght hade al +te lande into his hande and spousede +te Quene Emme +trou+g consent of his baronage , (CMBRUT3,121.3663) for she was a faire womman , (CMBRUT3,121.3664) & was Eldredes wif , and +te dukes suster of Normandye : (CMBRUT3,121.3665) & +tai leueden to-geder with miche loue , as resoun wolde . (CMBRUT3,121.3666) +te Kyng axede oppon a day conseile of +te Quene , what was beste forto done wi+t the sones +tat wer Edmundes Irenside . (CMBRUT3,121.3667) " Sire , " quod she ; " +tai be+t +te right heirs of +te londe ; (CMBRUT3,121.3668) & if +tai leuen , +tai wille do +gow miche sorwe with werr ; (CMBRUT3,121.3669) and +terfor lete sende ham into a strange lande aferr , to some man +tat may ham defoule & destroie . " (CMBRUT3,121.3670) The Kyng anone lete calle a Danois +tat me callede Walgar , (CMBRUT3,121.3671) and commandede him +tat he shulde lede +to ij childerne into Denmarc , and so do for ham +tat neuer +tai herde more tydyngus of ham . (CMBRUT3,121.3672) " Sir , " saide +tis Walger , " gladely +goure commandement shal bene done , " (CMBRUT3,121.3673) And tok +to ij childerne , (CMBRUT3,121.3674) & lad ham into Denmarc . (CMBRUT3,121.3675) & for-asmiche as he saw +tat +te childern were wonder fair , and also meke , he had of ham grete pitee and reuthe , (CMBRUT3,121.3676) & wolde nou+gt ham slee , (CMBRUT3,121.3677) but lade ham to +te Kyng of Hungrie forto norisshe : (CMBRUT3,121.3678) For this Walgar was wel knowen wi+t +te Kyng , and wel biouede . (CMBRUT3,121.3679) Anone +te Kyng axede whens +te childern were . (CMBRUT3,121.3680) And Walger tolde him , (CMBRUT3,121.3681) & saide +tat ' +tai were +te right heirs of Engeland , (CMBRUT3,121.3682) & +terfor men wolde ham destroye ' ; (CMBRUT3,121.3683) " and +terfore , sire , to +gow +tai be+t comen , mercy & helpe to biseche ; (CMBRUT3,121.3684) & forso+t if +tai mowen leue , +gour men +tai shullen becomen , (CMBRUT3,122.3685) and of +gow +tai shal holde al hire land . (CMBRUT3,122.3686) The Kyng of Hungrie ham vnderfonge with michel honour , (CMBRUT3,122.3687) and lete ham worthely to bene kepte . (CMBRUT3,122.3688) And +tus hit bifelle afterwarde , +tat Edwyne , +te +gonger bro+ter , deide , (CMBRUT3,122.3689) and Edward +te elder bro+ter leuede , a fair man , a stronge , & a large of body , and gentil and curteise of condicions , so +tat alle men him louede . (CMBRUT3,122.3690) And +tis Edward , in +te cronicles is callede amonges Englishhemen , ' Edward +te outelaghe . ' (CMBRUT3,122.3691) And when he was made knyght , +te Kyngus doughter of Hungary so miche him louede , for his godenesse and his fairenesse , +tat she made & callede him her derlyng . (CMBRUT3,122.3692) The Kyng +tat was her fader , perceyuede wel +te loue +tat was bituene ham too , (CMBRUT3,122.3693) And hade non heir but +tat doughter . (CMBRUT3,122.3694) And +te Kyng fouchede his dou+gter to no man so wel as he dede vnto him +tat her louede , & she him ; (CMBRUT3,122.3695) & he +gaf here to him wi+t gode wille ; (CMBRUT3,122.3696) and Edward her spousede wi+t michel honour . (CMBRUT3,122.3697) The Kyng of Hungrie sent after al his baronage , (CMBRUT3,122.3698) & made a solempne fest and ryche weddyng , (CMBRUT3,122.3699) and made al men to vnderstonde +tat he shulde ben Kyng when he were dede ; (CMBRUT3,122.3700) and +terof +tai maden al gret ioye ; (CMBRUT3,122.3701) and of +tat tydyng +tai wer ful glade . (CMBRUT3,122.3702) +tis Edwarde bigate oppon +tis lady a sone +tat me callede Edgar Helyng and afterward , a doughter +tat me callede Margarete , +tat $aftirward was Quene of Scotland ; (CMBRUT3,122.3703) and , by +te Kyng of Scotland +tat me callede Maucolom , she hade a dou+gter +tat was callede Maude , +tat afterwarde was Quene of Engeland +trou+g Kyng Henry , +tat was +te ferst sone of +te Conqueroure , +tat her weded ; (CMBRUT3,122.3704) & he bigate on her a dou+gter +tat me callede Maude , +tat afterward was Emperesse of Almaign ; (CMBRUT3,122.3705) and of +tis Maude come Henry +te Kyng of Engeland , +tat into +tis day is callede ' Henry , +te Emperesse sone . ' (CMBRUT3,122.3706) And +git hade +tis Edward ano+ter dou+gter by his wif , +tat me called Cristian , (CMBRUT3,122.3707) and she was a none . (CMBRUT3,122.3708) How Kyng Knoght , +tat was a proude man , conquered Nor-waye & how he bicome afterwarde meke . (CMBRUT3,123.3711) Capitulo Centesimo xx=mo= . (CMBRUT3,123.3712) NOw haue +ge herde of Edmundes sones wi+t +te Irenside , +tat Kyng Knoght wende +tai hade ben dede , as he hade com-mandede Walger bifor . (CMBRUT3,123.3714) And this Knoght hade in his honde al Engeland and Denmarc . (CMBRUT3,123.3715) And after +tat , he went to Norwaye , +tat londe to conquere . (CMBRUT3,123.3716) But +te Kyng of +te lande +tat me callede Elaf , come with his peple , (CMBRUT3,123.3717) & wende his lande wel haue kepte & defendede ; (CMBRUT3,123.3718) & so +tere he fau+gt with ham , til at +te laste he was slayn in +tat bataile ; (CMBRUT3,123.3719) & +to +tis Knoght toke al +tat lande into his hande . (CMBRUT3,123.3720) And when he hade conquerede al Norwaye , and taken feautes & homages +tere , he come after a+geyne into Engelond , (CMBRUT3,123.3721) and helde him-self so grete lorde , +tat him +tou+gt in al +te worlde no man his pier was ; (CMBRUT3,123.3722) & bicome so prout & hauten +tat hit was grete wonder . (CMBRUT3,123.3723) And so hit bifelle , oppon a day as he hade herde masse at Westmynstre , and wolde haue gone into his palice , +te water of Tamise so swiftely a+geynes him comen , +tat Almost hit tochede his fete . (CMBRUT3,123.3724) +to saide +te Kyng with a prout hert , " y com-mande +te water turne a+geyn , (CMBRUT3,123.3725) or elles y shal +te make . " (CMBRUT3,123.3726) +te wawys for his commandement wolde nou+gt spare , (CMBRUT3,123.3727) but flowede euer on hye more & more . (CMBRUT3,123.3728) The Kyng was so prout of hert +tat he wolde nou+gt flee +te water , (CMBRUT3,123.3729) but abode stille in +te water , (CMBRUT3,123.3730) and bete +te water wi+t a smal +gerd +tat he helde in his hande , (CMBRUT3,123.3731) & comandede +te water +tat it shulde wende no fer+tere ; (CMBRUT3,123.3732) but for al his commandement +te water wolde nou+gt cesse , (CMBRUT3,123.3733) but euer waxe more & more an hye , so +tat +te Kyng was al wete , (CMBRUT3,123.3734) and stode depe in +te water . (CMBRUT3,123.3735) And when he saw +tat he hade abide +tere or longe , & +te water wolde no+ting done his commandement , +to sone he wi+tdrowe him , (CMBRUT3,123.3736) and +to stode oppon a stone (CMBRUT3,123.3737) & helde his hondes an hye , (CMBRUT3,123.3738) & saide +tis worde in heryng of al +te peple : (CMBRUT3,123.3739) " +tis God +tat make+t +te see +tus arise an hye , he is Kyng of alle Kynges , & of myghtes most ; (CMBRUT3,124.3740) & y ame a caitif and a man deadly , (CMBRUT3,124.3741) & he may neuer dye ; (CMBRUT3,124.3742) & alle +ting doth his commandement , (CMBRUT3,124.3743) & to him is obedient . (CMBRUT3,124.3744) To +tat God Y praye +tat he be my waraunt , (CMBRUT3,124.3745) for y knowliche me caitif feble , & of none power ; (CMBRUT3,124.3746) and +terfore y wil gone to Rome wi+tout eny lettyng , my Wickednesse forto punisshe , and me to amende ; (CMBRUT3,124.3747) ffor of +tat God y cleyme my landes forto holde , and of none o+tere " ; (CMBRUT3,124.3748) and anone made his heir , (CMBRUT3,124.3749) and him-self $went to Rome wi+touten eny lettyng , (CMBRUT3,124.3750) & by +te way dede meny almes dedes , & when he come to Rome also . (CMBRUT3,124.3751) And when he hade bene +tere , and for his synnes done penaunce , he come a+geyne into Engeland , (CMBRUT3,124.3752) and bicome a gode man and an holy , (CMBRUT3,124.3753) and lefte al maner pride & stoutenesse , (CMBRUT3,124.3754) & leuede an holy lif al his lif after , (CMBRUT3,124.3755) and made ij Abbayes of seynt Benet , one in Engeland & +tat o+tere in Norway , for-asmiche as he louede specialy seynt Benet bifore al o+tere seyntes ; (CMBRUT3,124.3756) and miche he louede also soynt Edmunde +te kyng ; (CMBRUT3,124.3757) & ofte he +gaf grete +giftes to +te hous , wherfore it was made ryche . (CMBRUT3,124.3758) and when he had regnede xx +gere , he deide , (CMBRUT3,124.3759) & li+t at Wynchestr . (CMBRUT3,124.3760) Of Kyng Harolde , +tat leuer hade gone in foot +tan ryde on hors . (CMBRUT3,124.3762) Capitulo Centesimo $xxi=mo= . (CMBRUT3,124.3763) THis Knoght , of wham y haue spoken bifor , hade ij sones by his wif ; (CMBRUT3,124.3765) & +tat on me callede Herdiknoght , & +tat o+tere Harolde ; (CMBRUT3,124.3766) and he was so li+t of fote +tat men callede him +terfore Harolde Harefote . (CMBRUT3,124.3767) & +tis Harolde hade no+ting +te condicions ne maners of Kyng Knoght +tat was his fader , (CMBRUT3,124.3768) for he sette but litil pris of chyanlry ne of curtesye , ney+ter of worship , but onely by his owen wille ; (CMBRUT3,124.3769) & he bicome so wickede +tat he exilede his moder . (CMBRUT3,124.3770) & +to she went out of +te land into Flaundres , (CMBRUT3,124.3771) & +tere she duellede wi+t +te Erl ; wherfor after +tere was neuer gode loue bituene him & his bro+ter , (CMBRUT3,124.3772) for his bro+ter him hatede dedely ; (CMBRUT3,124.3773) and when he hade regnede ij $yere & a litil more , he deide , (CMBRUT3,124.3774) & li+t at Westmynstre . (CMBRUT3,124.3775) Of Kyng Hardiknoght , +tat was Haroldes bro+ter . (CMBRUT3,125.3778) Capitulo Centesimo $xxij=mo= . (CMBRUT3,125.3779) After +tis Harolde Harefoot , regnede his bro+ter Hardiknoght , a noble Knyght & a wor+ti , (CMBRUT3,125.3781) & miche louede chiualrye and al maner godenesse . (CMBRUT3,125.3782) And when +tis Hardiknoght hade regnede a litil while , he lete vncouere his bro+ter Harolde , (CMBRUT3,125.3783) and smote of his Heuede +tat was his bro+ter , at Westmynstr , (CMBRUT3,125.3784) and lete caste +te heuede into a gonge , and +te body into +te Tamyse . (CMBRUT3,125.3785) and after come fisshers , (CMBRUT3,125.3786) & toke +te body wi+t her nettes by nyght , (CMBRUT3,125.3787) and bere him vnto seynt Clement+g cherche , (CMBRUT3,125.3788) & +tere him buryede ; (CMBRUT3,125.3789) and in +tis maner avengede him Hardeknoght of his bro+ter , (CMBRUT3,125.3790) for in none o+tere maner +tai mygh nou+gt hym avenge . (CMBRUT3,125.3791) This Kyng Hardiknoght was so large +geuer of mete and of drynk , +tat his tables were sette euer +tre tymes ful wi+t real metes for his owen mayne , & for al +tat comen to his court to bene rychely seruede of real metes . (CMBRUT3,125.3792) And +tis Kyng Hardeknoght sent after Emme his moder , (CMBRUT3,125.3793) & made hir come a+geyne into Engeland , (CMBRUT3,125.3794) ffor she was dryue out of Enge-land whiles +tat Harolde Harefote regnede , +toru+g conseil of +te Erl Godwyne , +tat +to was +te grettest lorde of al Engeland next +te kyng , and moste myght done what he wolde +trou+g al Engeland +trou+g his commaundement , for-asmiche as he hade spousede +te doughter of +te gode Kyng Knoght +tat was a danoys , whiche doughter he hade by his ferst wif . (CMBRUT3,125.3795) And when +tis quene was dryuen out of Engeland , & come to +te Erl of Flaundres +tat me callede Balde-wynne , her cosyn , he fonde here +tere al +ting +tat hir nedede , Vnto the tyme +tat she went a+geyne into Engeland , +tat +te Kyng Hardiknoght hade sent for her , +tat was her sone , & made here come a+geyn wi+t michel honour . (CMBRUT3,125.3796) This Kyng Hardeknoght , when he hade v +gere regnede , he deide , (CMBRUT3,125.3797) & li+t at Wynchestre . (CMBRUT3,125.3798) Of +te Vylonye +tat +te Danoys dede to +te Englisshe-men ; wherfore fro +tat tyme afterward was none Danoys made Kyng of Engeland . (CMBRUT3,125.3800) Capitulo Centesimo Vicesimo iij=o= . (CMBRUT3,125.3801) After +te deth of +tis Kyng Hardeknoght , forasmiche as he nad non heire of his body bigeten , +te Erles and barons assembled and maden a counseil ; (CMBRUT3,126.3804) and neuer-more after +tat tyme no man +tat was a Danois , +tou+g he were ner so grete a man amonges ham , he shulde neuer bene Kyng of Engeland , for +te despite +tat +te Danois hade done to +te Englisshemen . (CMBRUT3,126.3805) For euermore biforne-honde , if it were so +tat Englisshe-men & Danois hapden to mete oppon a bruge , +te Englisshe-men shulde nou+gt bene so herdy to meve ne stere on foot , (CMBRUT3,126.3806) but stande still , til +tat +te Danois were passede forth . (CMBRUT3,126.3807) And more-ouer , if +te Englisshe-men hade nou+gt bowede adoun here heuedes , to done reuerence vnto +te Danois , +tai shulde haue bene bete & defoulede ; (CMBRUT3,126.3808) & soche maner despites and Vilonyes deden +te Danois to oure Englisshe-men ; Wherfore +tai were dryuen out of +te lande after +te tyme +tat Kyng Herdeknoght was dede , (CMBRUT3,126.3809) for +tai had non lord +tat ham myght mayntene . (CMBRUT3,126.3810) In +tis maner voided +te Danois Engeland , +tat neuer +tai comen a+geyne . (CMBRUT3,126.3811) +te Erles and barouns , by here com-mune assent & conseile , senten into Normandy forto seche +to ij bre+tern Alurede & Edward , +tat were duellyng wi+t +te duk Richard +tat Was here eme , (CMBRUT3,126.3812) to +tat intent forto crone Alurede +te elder bro+ter , & him make Kyng of Engeland and of +tis +ting to make an ende , +te erles & barons made her oth ; (CMBRUT3,126.3813) But +te Erl Godwyne of Westsex falsely +tou+gt to slee +to ij bre+terne anone as +tai shulde come into Engelonde , to +tat entente forto make his sone Harolde Kyng , +te whiche sone he hade bigete oppon his wif , +tat was Kyng Knoghtes doughter , +tat was a Danoys . (CMBRUT3,126.3814) And +tis Godwyn pryue-ly went him to Southampton , forto mete +tere +to ij bre+tern when +tat +tai shulde come to lande . (CMBRUT3,126.3815) And +tus hit bifelle , +tat +te messagers +tat wenten into Normandye , fonden nou+gt but onely Alurede , +tat was +te eldest bro+ter ; (CMBRUT3,126.3816) for Edward , his +gonger bro+ter , was gone to Hungrie forto speke wi+t his cosyn Edward +te outelaw , +tat was Edmondes sone wi+t +te Irenside . (CMBRUT3,126.3817) +te messagers tolde & saide to Alurede , how +tat +te Erles & barons of Engeland senten after him , and +tat he boldeliche shulde come into Engeland and vnderfonge +te reaume ; (CMBRUT3,127.3818) for Kyng Herdeknoght was dede , (CMBRUT3,127.3819) & alle +te Danois were dryuen out of +te lande . (CMBRUT3,127.3820) How Godewyne , +te false traitoure , tok Alurede oppon Gildes-doun , when he come fro Normandye to bene Kyng of Engeland , & dede him bene martrede in +te Ile of Ely . (CMBRUT3,127.3822) Capitulo Centesimo xxiiij=to= . (CMBRUT3,127.3823) WHen Alurede herde +tis tydynges , he +tankede God , (CMBRUT3,127.3825) & into shipp went , wi+t al +te hast +tat {wi+t} he myght , (CMBRUT3,127.3826) and passede +te see , (CMBRUT3,127.3827) & arryuede at Southnmpton , +tere +tat Godewyne +te traitour was . (CMBRUT3,127.3828) And when +tis $traitoure saw +tat he was comen , he wel-comede him (CMBRUT3,127.3829) & vnderfonge him wi+t michel ioye , (CMBRUT3,127.3830) and saide +tat he wolde lede him to London , +tere +tat al +te lordes & barons of Engeland him abode , forto maken him kyng . (CMBRUT3,127.3831) and so +tai wenten in her way toward London . (CMBRUT3,127.3832) & when +tai comen oppon Gildes-doune , +to saide +te traitoure Godwyne to Alurede , " take+t kepe , " quod he , " aboute +gow , bo+t on +te lefte side & in +te ryght side ; (CMBRUT3,127.3833) and of all +ge shul bene kyng & of suche an hundrede more . " (CMBRUT3,127.3834) " Now forso+te , " quod Alurede , " I behote , & if y be kyng , I shal ordeyn & make soche lawes wherof God & all folc shullen holden ham wel paied . " (CMBRUT3,127.3835) Now hade +te traitoure comaunded alle his men +tat were wi+t him , +tat when +tai were comen oppon Gildesdoun , +tat +tai shulde slee alle +to +tat were in Aluredes com-pany +tat comen wi+t him fram Normandye , and after +tat , taken Alurede , & lede him into +te Ile of Ely , & +tere put out bo+te his eyne of his heued , and afterward bryng him vnto +te deth . (CMBRUT3,127.3836) & so +tai deden , (CMBRUT3,127.3837) ffor +tai quellede al his company +tat xij $hundred were in nombre , of gentil-men +tat were comen wi+t Alurede fram Nor-mandye ; (CMBRUT3,127.3838) And after token Alurede , (CMBRUT3,127.3839) & lade him into +te Ile of Ely , (CMBRUT3,127.3840) & put out his eyen of his heuede , (CMBRUT3,127.3841) & rent his wombe , (CMBRUT3,127.3842) & token +te chief of his bowailes , (CMBRUT3,127.3843) & put a stake into +te gronde , (CMBRUT3,127.3844) & an ende of his bowailes +terto fastenede , (CMBRUT3,127.3845) & wi+t nedles of Iren pricked +te body of +te gode childe , (CMBRUT3,127.3846) and so made him gone aboute +te stake til +tat his bowales were alle drawen out : (CMBRUT3,128.3847) & so deide +tere Alurede +trou+g treson of +te Erl Godwyne . (CMBRUT3,128.3848) When +te lordes of Engeland hade herde & wist how Alured , +tat shulde have ben her kyng , was put to de+t +trou+g +te false traitoure , +te Erl Godwynne , +tai weren al wonder wroth , (CMBRUT3,128.3849) & swore bituene ham , by God & by his names , +tat he shulde die in mor worse deth +tan dede Edrik of Stratton , +tat hade bitraiede his Lord $Edmunde Irenside . (CMBRUT3,128.3850) and +tai wolde haue taken him , & put him vnto +te de+t , (CMBRUT3,128.3851) but +te +tef traitoure fley +tens into Denmarc , (CMBRUT3,128.3852) & +tere helde him iiij +gere & more , (CMBRUT3,128.3853) & loste all his londes in Engeland . (CMBRUT3,128.3854) Of Seynt Edward +te Confessoure , +tat was Aluredes bro+ter ; (CMBRUT3,128.3856) How he was Kyng of Engelande . (CMBRUT3,128.3857) Capitulo Cen-tesimo xxv=to= (CMBRUT3,128.3858) ANd when +tis was done , alle +te Barons of $Engeland senten ano+ter tyme into Normandye , for +tat Edward shulde come into Engeland with michel honour . (CMBRUT3,128.3860) And +tis Edward in his childehode louede al-myghty God , (CMBRUT3,128.3861) & him drade (CMBRUT3,128.3862) & in honeste and clennesse leued his lif , (CMBRUT3,128.3863) and hatede synne as de+t . (CMBRUT3,128.3864) And when he was cronede and annoyntede wi+t real power , he for+gate nou+gt his gode maners & condicions & custumes +tat he ferst vsede , for no maner honour , ne for no richesse , ne for no maner hyenesse , (CMBRUT3,128.3865) but euer more & more +gaf him to godenesse , (CMBRUT3,128.3866) and wel louede God & al mekenesse , (CMBRUT3,128.3867) & louede God & holy cherche passyng al maner +ting , & pore men also , (CMBRUT3,128.3868) & ham helde as +tai hade bene his owen bre+terne , (CMBRUT3,128.3869) & to ham ofte +gaf grete almesse wi+t gode wille . (CMBRUT3,128.3870) OF +TE SCOMFITURE OF BURBRIGGE . (CMBRUT3,217.3873) CAPITULO CENTESIMO NONOGESIMO SEPTIMO . (CMBRUT3,217.3874) The gode Erl Thomas of Lancastre , Hunfray de Bohon , Erl of Herford , and +te barouns +tat wi+t ham wer , toke a conseile bituene ham at +te Frere Prechoures at Pountfrett . (CMBRUT3,217.3876) +to +tou+gt Thomas vppon +te traitour Robert Holond , (CMBRUT3,217.3877) and saide in reprofe , " Allas ! Holonde me ha+t bitraiede ! (CMBRUT3,217.3878) Ay is in +te rede of somme euel shrede . " (CMBRUT3,217.3879) And by commune assent +tai shulde alle gone to +te castel of Dunstanburghe , the whiche perteynede to +te Erldome of Lancastre , and +tat +tai shulde abide +tere til +te Kyng hade for+geue ham his male-talent . (CMBRUT3,217.3880) but when +te gode Erl Thomas +tis herde , he ansuerede in +tis maner , (CMBRUT3,217.3881) and saide : " Lordes , " quod he , " if we gone toward +te north , men wil seyn +tat we gon toward +te Scottes ; (CMBRUT3,217.3882) and so we shul be holde traitoures , for cause of distaunce +tat is bituene Kyng Edward and Robert +te Brus , +tat made him Kyng of Scotland . (CMBRUT3,217.3883) And +terfore y say , as tochyng myself , +tat y wil go no fer+ter into +te North +tan to myn owen castel of Pountfrett . " (CMBRUT3,217.3884) And when Sire Roger Clifford herde +tis , he aros vp anone in wra+t , (CMBRUT3,217.3885) and drow his suorde , (CMBRUT3,217.3886) & swore by Almygty God and by his holy names , but if +tat he wolde go wi+t ham , he shulde be dede , and +tat he wolde slee him +tere . (CMBRUT3,217.3887) +Te noble Erl Thomas of Lancastre was sore adrade , (CMBRUT3,217.3888) and saide : " faire sires , y wil go wi+t +tow whider-so-euer +ge me lede . " (CMBRUT3,217.3889) +To went +tai togederes into +te North ; (CMBRUT3,217.3890) and wi+t ham +tai hade vij=c= men of Armes , (CMBRUT3,217.3891) and come to Burbrig . (CMBRUT3,217.3892) And when Sire Andrew of Herkela - +tat was in +te North-contre +trou+g ordenance of +te Kyng , forto kepe +te cuntre of Scotland - herde telle how +tat Thomas of Lancastre was descomfitede , and his company were descomfitede at Burton vp Trent , he ordeynede him a stronge power , and Sir Symond Ward also , +tat +to was shirryf of +Gork , (CMBRUT3,218.3893) & come & mette +te barons at Burbrig ; (CMBRUT3,218.3894) & anone +tai breken +te brige , +tat was made of tre . (CMBRUT3,218.3895) And when Sir Thomas of Lancastre herde +tat Sire Andrew of Herkela hade brou+gt wi+t him soche a power , he was sore adrade , (CMBRUT3,218.3896) & sent for Sir Andrew of Herkela , (CMBRUT3,218.3897) & wi+t him spake , (CMBRUT3,218.3898) and saide to him in +tis maner : " Sire Andrew , " quod he , " +ge mow wel vnderstonde how +tat our Lord +te Kyng is ladde and misgouernede by miche false conseil , +trou+g Sir Hugh +te Spenser +te fader , & Sir Hugh +te sone , & Sir Iohn Erl of Arundel , and +trou+g Maistre Robert Baldok , a false pilede clerc , +tat is in +te Kyngus court duellyng ; wherfore y praye +gow +tat +ge wil come wi+t vs , wi+t al +te power +tat +ge haue ordeynede , and helpe to destroie +te venyme of Engeland , and +te traitoures +tat bene +terin , (CMBRUT3,218.3899) and we wil +gif vnto +gow +te best part of v Erldomes +tar We haue+t & holde+t ; (CMBRUT3,218.3900) and We wil mak vnto +gow an oth +tat we wil neuer do +ting wi+tout +gour consel , (CMBRUT3,218.3901) and so +ge shul bene as wele at ese wi+t vs as euer was Robert Holande . " (CMBRUT3,218.3902) +To ansuerede Sir Andrew of Herkela , (CMBRUT3,218.3903) and saide : " Sir Thomas ! +tat wolde y nou+gt do , ne consent +terto , for no maner +ting +tat yhe might me +geue , wi+touten +te wil and commaundement of our lord +te Kyng ; (CMBRUT3,218.3904) for +tan shulde y be holde a traitoure for euer-more . " (CMBRUT3,218.3905) And when +te noble Erl Thomas of Lancastre saw +tat he nolde consent to him for no maner +ting , " Sir Andrew , " he saide , " wil +ge nou+gt consent to destroye +te venyme of +te reaume , as we bene consented ? (CMBRUT3,218.3906) At on worde , Sir Andrew , y telle +te , +tat or +tis +ger be gon , +tat +ge shal be take and holde for a traitoure , and more +tan +ge holde vs nowe ; (CMBRUT3,218.3907) and in worse deth +ge shul die , +tan euer dede Knyght of Engeland ; (CMBRUT3,218.3908) and vnderstonde wel +tat neuer +ge dede +ting +tat sorer +gow shal repent . (CMBRUT3,218.3909) And now go+t (CMBRUT3,218.3910) and do what +gow gode likes ; (CMBRUT3,218.3911) and y wil put me to +te mercy and grace of God . " (CMBRUT3,219.3912) And so went +te false traitoure , Sir Andrew of Herkela , in his way as a false traitour , a tiraunt , & forsuore man . (CMBRUT3,219.3913) for +trou+g +te noble Erl Thomas of Lancastre he vnderfonge +te armes of chiualry , (CMBRUT3,219.3914) and +trou+g him he was made knyght . (CMBRUT3,219.3915) Thoo might men seen Archieres drawen ham in +tat on side and in +tat o+tere ; (CMBRUT3,219.3916) and Kny+gtes also fou+gten togeder wonder sore ; (CMBRUT3,219.3917) and amonge o+tere , Sir Hunfray de Bohoun , Erl of Herford , a wor+ti knyght of renoune +trou+gout al Cristendome , stode & fau+gt with his enemys apon +te brigge . (CMBRUT3,219.3918) And as the noble lorde stode and fau+gt oppon +te brugge , a +tef , a ribaude , scolkede vnder +te brigge , (CMBRUT3,219.3919) and fersly wi+t a spere smote the noble knyght into +te fondement , so +tat his bowailles comen out +tere . (CMBRUT3,219.3920) Allas +te sorwe ! (CMBRUT3,219.3921) for +tere was slayn +te floure of solace and of comfort , & also of curtesye . (CMBRUT3,219.3922) and Sire Roger of Clifford , a noble knyght , stode euer , and faught , (CMBRUT3,219.3923) & wel and nobly him defendede as a wor+ti baron ; (CMBRUT3,219.3924) but at +te laste he was sore wounded in +te heuede , (CMBRUT3,219.3925) & Sire William of Sulley & Sir Roger of Bernesfelde were slayn in +tat bataile . (CMBRUT3,219.3926) And Sir Andrew of Herkela saw Sir Thomas men of Lancastre laske and slake . (CMBRUT3,219.3927) Anone he & his company comen to the Gentil Knyght , Thomas of Lancastre , (CMBRUT3,219.3928) & saiden " +gelde +te , traitour ! (CMBRUT3,219.3929) +gelde +te ! " (CMBRUT3,219.3930) The gentil Erl ansuerede +to , (CMBRUT3,219.3931) and saide : " nay , lordes ! traitour be we none , (CMBRUT3,219.3932) and to +gow wille we neuer vs +gelde while +tat our lifes lasten ; (CMBRUT3,219.3933) but leuer we hauen to be slayn in oure treu+t , +tan +gelde vs to +gow . " (CMBRUT3,219.3934) And Sir Andrew a+gein criede oppon Sir Thomas company , +gellynge as a wolfe , (CMBRUT3,219.3935) and saide ; " +gelde +gow , traitour taken ! (CMBRUT3,219.3936) +gelde +gow ! " (CMBRUT3,219.3937) and wi+t an hye voice saide : " be+t ware , sires , +tat no man of +gow be so hardy , oppon lif and lyme , to mysdo Thomas body of Lancastre . " (CMBRUT3,219.3938) And wi+t +tat worde , +te gode Erl Thomas went into a chapel , (CMBRUT3,219.3939) and saide , knelyng doun oppon his knees , (CMBRUT3,219.3940) and turnede his visage toward +te crois , (CMBRUT3,219.3941) and saide : " almyghti God ! to +te y me +gelde , (CMBRUT3,219.3942) and holliche put me into +ti mercy . " (CMBRUT3,220.3943) And wi+t +tat , +te vileins ribaudes lepten about him , on euery side +tat Gentil Erl , as tiraunt+g and Woode turmentures , (CMBRUT3,220.3944) and despoilede him of his Armure , (CMBRUT3,220.3945) & clo+tede him in a robbe of Ray , +tat was his $squyers liueray , (CMBRUT3,220.3946) and four+t lade him vnto York by water . (CMBRUT3,220.3947) +tere might men see miche sorwe and care , (CMBRUT3,220.3948) for +te gentil knyghtes fledden on euery side , (CMBRUT3,220.3949) and +te ribaudes and vileins egrely ham descriede , (CMBRUT3,220.3950) and criede in hye , " +gelde +gow , traitoures ! (CMBRUT3,220.3951) +gelde +gow ! " (CMBRUT3,220.3952) And when +tai were +golden , +tai wer robbed , and bonde as +teues . (CMBRUT3,220.3953) Allas +te shame & despite , +tat +te gentil ordre of Knyghthode +tere hade at +tat bataile ! (CMBRUT3,220.3954) And +te land +to was wi+touten Law , (CMBRUT3,220.3955) for holy cherche +to hade nomore reuerence +tan hit hade bene a bordel hous . (CMBRUT3,220.3956) And in +tat bataile was +te fader a+geins +te sone , and +te vncle a+geins his nevew ; (CMBRUT3,220.3957) for so miche vnkyndenesse was neuer seyne bifore in Engeland amonges folc of on nacioun ; (CMBRUT3,220.3958) for o kynrede had no more pite of +tat o+ter , +tan an hundred wolfes haue+t on o shepe ; (CMBRUT3,220.3959) and hit was no wonder , (CMBRUT3,220.3960) for +te grete lordes of Engeland were nou+gt alle of o nacioun , (CMBRUT3,220.3961) but were mellede wi+t o+tere nacions , +tat is forto seyn , somme Britons , Somme Saxones , somme Danois , somme Peghtes , somme Frenche-men , somme Normans , somme Spaignardes , somme Romayns , some Henaudes , some Flemyngus , and of o+tere diuerse naciouns , +te whiche nacions acorded nou+gt to +te kynde bloode on Engeland . (CMBRUT3,220.3962) And if +te grete Lordes of Engeland hade bene onelich wedded to Englisshe peple , +tan shulde pees haue bene , and reste amongus ham , wi+touten eny envy . (CMBRUT3,220.3963) And at +tat bataile was Sir Roger Clifford tak , Sire Iohn Mounbray , Sire William Tuchet , Sir William Fit+g-William , and meny o+ter wor+ti Knyghtes ; (CMBRUT3,220.3964) and Sir Hugh Dauill +te next day after was taken and put into prisoun , (CMBRUT3,220.3965) & shulde haue ben done to +te de+t if he hade nou+g spousede +te Kynges nece , +tat was +te Erl Gilbertus sustre of Gloucestre . (CMBRUT3,220.3966) And anone after , was Sir Bartholomev of Bedelesmer taken att Stawe Park , a maner of +te Bisshoppes of Lincoln , +tat was his nevew , and meny o+ter barons and baronettes ; Wherfore was made miche sorwe . (CMBRUT3,221.3968) HOW THOMAS OF LANCASTRE WAS BIHEUEDEDE ATTE POUNTFRETT , & V BARONS HONGEDE AND DRAW +TERE . (CMBRUT3,221.3970) CAPITULO CENTESIMO NONOGESIMO OCTAUO . (CMBRUT3,221.3971) And now y shal telle +gow of +te noble Erl Thomas of Lancastre . (CMBRUT3,221.3973) When he was taken & brou+gt to +Gork , meny of +te citee were ful glade , (CMBRUT3,221.3974) and oppon him criede wi+t hye voice , " A , sire traitoure ! +ge arne welcome , (CMBRUT3,221.3975) blessed be God ! (CMBRUT3,221.3976) for now shal +ge haue +te reward +tat longetyme +ge haue diserued ! " (CMBRUT3,221.3977) and caste oppon him meny snoweballes , (CMBRUT3,221.3978) and meny o+ter reproues dede him . (CMBRUT3,221.3979) But +te gentil Erl +tat soffrede , (CMBRUT3,221.3980) and saide ne+ter on ne o+tere . (CMBRUT3,221.3981) And in +tat same tyme +te Kyng herde of +tat scomfiture , (CMBRUT3,221.3982) and was ful glade , (CMBRUT3,221.3983) and in haste come to Pountfrett ; (CMBRUT3,221.3984) and Sir Hugh +te Spenser , and Sir Hugh his sone , and Sir Iohn , Erl of Arundel , and Sir Edmund of Wodestok , +te Kyngus bro+ter , Erl of Kent , and Sir Aymer of Valance , Erl of Penbrok , & maistre Robert of Baldok , a false pilede clerc , +tat was priue & duellyng in +te Kynges court ; and alle +tai come +tider wi+t +te Kyng . (CMBRUT3,221.3985) And Sir Rauf of Beeston +gaf vp the castel to the Kyng ; (CMBRUT3,221.3986) and +te Kyng entrede into +te castel ; (CMBRUT3,221.3987) & Sir Andrev of Herkela , +te false tiraunt , +trou+g +te Kynges commandement tok with him +te gentil Erl Thomas to Pountfret ; (CMBRUT3,221.3988) and +tere he was prisonede in his owen castel +tat he hade new made , +tat stode a+geins +te Abbay of Kyng Edward . (CMBRUT3,221.3989) And Sir Hugh +te Spenser +te fader , and Sir Hugh his sone , caste and +tou+gt how and in what maner +te God Erl Thomas of Lancastre shulde bene dede , wi+touten iugement of his peris ; wherfore hit was ordeinede +trou+g +te Kynges Iustice+g , +tat +te Kyng shulde put oppon him poyntes of traitery . (CMBRUT3,221.3990) And so hit bifelle +tat he was ladde to +te barr bifore +te Kynges Iustice+g , bare-heuede as a +tef , in a faire halle wi+tin his owen castel , +tat he hade made +terin meny a faire fest , bo+t to riche and eke to pore . (CMBRUT3,222.3991) And +tise were his Iustice+g : Sir Hugh +te Spenser +te fader , Sir Aymer of Valance , Erl of Penbrok , Sire Edmund of Wodestok , Erl of Kent , Sire Iohn of Britaign , Erl of Richemond , & Sir Robert of Maleme+trop , iustice ; (CMBRUT3,222.3992) and Sir Robert him acoupede in +tis maner : (CMBRUT3,222.3993) " Thomas ! atte +te ferst , oure lord +te Kyng & +tis court exclude+t +gow of al maner ansuere . (CMBRUT3,222.3994) Thomas ! oure lorde +te Kyng put oppon +gow +tat +ge haue in his lande riden wi+t baner displaiede , a+geynes his pees , as a traitour . " (CMBRUT3,222.3995) And wi+t +tat worde , +te gentil Erl Thomas , wi+t an hie voice saide , " Nay , Lordes ! forso+t , and by Seint Thomas , y was neuer traitoure . " (CMBRUT3,222.3996) The iustice saide a+gein +to : " Thomas ! our Lord +te Kyng put oppon +te +tat +ge hauen robbede his folc , and mordred his folc , as a +tef . (CMBRUT3,222.3997) Thomas ! +te Kyng also put oppon you +tat he descomfitede +gow and +gour peple wi+t his folc in his owen reaume ; Wherfore +ge went and fley to +te wode as an outlawe , and also +ge were taken as an outlaw . (CMBRUT3,222.3998) & Thomas , as a traitoure +ge shull be hongede by resoun , but +te Kyng ha+t for+geue +gow +tat gewys for +te loue of Quene Isabell . (CMBRUT3,222.3999) And , Thomas , resoun wolde also +tat +ge shulde ben hongede ; (CMBRUT3,222.4000) but +te Kyng ha+t for+geue +tat gewys for cause and loue of +gour lynage . (CMBRUT3,222.4001) But Thomas , for-asmiche as +ge were tak fleyng , & as an outlaw , +te Kyng wil +tat +gour heued be smyten of , as +ge haue wel deseruede . (CMBRUT3,222.4002) Anone doth him out of pres , (CMBRUT3,222.4003) and bringe him to his iugement ! " (CMBRUT3,222.4004) +te gentil knyght , when he hade herde alle +tise wordes , wi+t an hye voice he criede , sore weping , (CMBRUT3,222.4005) and saide : " Allas , Seint Thomas , faire fader ! Allas ! (CMBRUT3,222.4006) shal y be dede +tus ? (CMBRUT3,222.4007) graunt me now , blisseful God , ansuere ! " (CMBRUT3,222.4008) but al it availede him no+ting ; (CMBRUT3,222.4009) for +te cursede Gascoignes put him hider and +tider , (CMBRUT3,222.4010) and on him criede wi+t an hye voice , " O Kyng Arthur , most dredeful ! wel knowen now is +tin open traitery ! (CMBRUT3,222.4011) in euel de+t shalt +tow dye , as +tow hast wel diseruede . " (CMBRUT3,223.4013) +to sette +tai oppon his heuede in scorn an olde chapelet , al {TEXT:al-to} to rent & torn , +tat was nou+gt wor+t an halpeny ; (CMBRUT3,223.4014) & after +tai sette him oppon a lene white palfray , ful vnsemeliche , and ek al bare , wi+t an olde bridel ; (CMBRUT3,223.4015) and wi+t an horrible noyse +tai drow him out of +te castel toward his de+t , (CMBRUT3,223.4016) and caste on him meny balles of snowe . (CMBRUT3,223.4017) And as +te turmentoures lade him out of +te castel , +to saide he +tise pitouse wordes , (CMBRUT3,223.4018) and his Handes helde vp in hye toward heuen : (CMBRUT3,223.4019) " Now , +te Kyng of Heuen +geue vs mercy , (CMBRUT3,223.4020) for +te er+tely Kyng ha+t vs forsak ! " (CMBRUT3,223.4021) And a frere prechoure went wi+t him oute of +te castel , til +tat he come to +te place +tat he endede {TEXT:endede-in} in his lif ; vnto whom he shroue him al his lif . (CMBRUT3,223.4022) And +te gentil Erl helde +te frere wonder faste by +te clo+tes , (CMBRUT3,223.4023) and saide : " fair fader , abide wi+t vs til +tat y be dede ; (CMBRUT3,223.4024) for my flesshe quake+t for drede of de+t . " (CMBRUT3,223.4025) And so+t forto saie , +te gentil Erl sette him oppon his Knees , (CMBRUT3,223.4026) & turned him toward +te East ; (CMBRUT3,223.4027) but a Ribaude +tat men callede Hugon of Moston , sette hande oppon +te gentil Erl , (CMBRUT3,223.4028) and said in despite of him : " Sir traitoure , turne +te toward +te Scottes , +tin foule deth to vnderfonge " ; (CMBRUT3,223.4029) and turnede +te Erl toward +te North . (CMBRUT3,223.4030) The noble Erl Thomas ansuered +to wi+t a milde voice , (CMBRUT3,223.4031) and saide : " Now , fair Lordes , y shal do al +gour owen wille . " (CMBRUT3,223.4032) And wi+t +tat worde +te frere went fram him ful sore ; (CMBRUT3,223.4033) and anone a ribaude went to him , (CMBRUT3,223.4034) and smote of his heuede , +te xj Kalendus of April , in +te +ger of grace M=l=CCC xxj . (CMBRUT3,223.4035) Allas +tat euer soche a gentil blode shulde ben don to de+t with-outen cause and resoun ! (CMBRUT3,223.4036) And traiterousely was +te Kyng conseilede when he , +trou+g false conseil of +te false Spensers , soffrede Sir Thomas , his vncles sone , bene put to soche a de+t , & so ben {TEXT:ben-heuedede} heuedede a+geyns al maner resoun . (CMBRUT3,223.4037) And grete pitee hit was also , +tat soche a noble Kyng shulde ben desceyuede and mysgouernede +trou+g false Spensers , +te whiche he mayntenede +trou+g loselry a+geins his honour and ek profit ; (CMBRUT3,223.4038) for afterward +tere felle grete vengeaunce in Engeland for enchesoun of +te forsaide Thomas de+t . (CMBRUT3,224.4039) When +te gentil Erl of +tis lif was passede , +te Prioure and +te monkes of Pounfrett geten Sir Thomas body of +te Kyng , (CMBRUT3,224.4040) and +tai buriede hit bifor +te hye auter in the right side . (CMBRUT3,224.4041) And +tat same day +tat +te gentil lord was dede , +tere wer honged and draw for +te same querel at Pountfrett , Sir William Tuchet , Sir William Fit+g-William , Sire Warein of Ysillee , Sire Henry of Bradboure , Sir William Cheyne , barons alle , & Iohn Page , Squyer . (CMBRUT3,224.4042) And sone after at +Gork , wer draw and Honget , Sire Roger of Clifford , Sir Iohn of Mounbray , barons , & Sire Gosselyn Dauil , Knyght . (CMBRUT3,224.4043) And at Bristow were draw and honged , Sire Henry of Wynington , and Sire Henry of Mounford , barons . (CMBRUT3,224.4044) And at Gloucestre wer draw and hongede , Sire Iohn Giffard & Sire William of Elmebruge , barons . (CMBRUT3,224.4045) And at London wer Honget & draw , Sir Henry Tyeys , baron ; & at Winchelse , Sir Thomas Culpeper , knyght ; & at Wyndesore , Sir Fraunceys of Waldenham , baron ; (CMBRUT3,224.4046) & at Kaunterbury was draw and honged , Sire Bartholomew of Badelesmer & Sir Bartholomev of Assheburnham , barons ; And at Kerdif in Walys , Sir William Flemynge , baron . (CMBRUT3,224.4047) HOW KYNG EDWARD WENT INTO SCOTLAND WI+T AN C=ML= MEN OF ARMES , AND MIGHT NOU+GT SPEDE . (CMBRUT3,224.4049) CAPITULO CENTESIMO NONOGESIMO NONO . (CMBRUT3,224.4050) And when Kyng Edward of Engeland hade brou+gt +te flour of chiualry vnto +tis de+t , +trou+g conseil of Sir Hughe +te Spensers +te fader , & Sir Hugh his sone , he bicome as wood as a lyoun ; (CMBRUT3,224.4052) and what-so-euer the Spensers wolde haue done , it was don . (CMBRUT3,224.4053) And so wel the Kyng louede ham , +tat +tai might do wi+t him al +tat +tai wolde ; wherfore the King +gaf vnto Sir Hugh +te Spenser +te fader , +te Erldome of Wynchestre , and to Sir Androv of Herkela +te Erldome of Carlele , in preiudice and harmyng of his croune . (CMBRUT3,224.4054) And Kyng Edward +to , +trou+g conseil of +te Spensers , disheritede alle ham +tat hade bene a+geins him in eny querell wi+t Thomas of Lancastre ; (CMBRUT3,225.4055) and meny o+tere wer disherited also , for encheson +tat +te Spensers coueitede forto haue her londes ; (CMBRUT3,225.4056) and so +tai hade al +tat +tai wolde desire , wi+t wronge , and a+geyns al resoun . (CMBRUT3,225.4057) +to made +te Kyng , Robert of Baldok , a false pilede clerc , Chaunceller of Engeland , +trou+g conseil of +te forsaide Spensers ; (CMBRUT3,225.4058) and he was a false rybaude and a couetous ; (CMBRUT3,225.4059) and so +tai conselede +te Kyng so miche , +tat +te Kyng lete take to his owen ward alle +te godes of +te lordes +tat wrongefully were put vnto +te de+t , into his owen honde ; (CMBRUT3,225.4060) and aswel +tai token +te godes +tat were in holy cherche , as +te godes +tat were wi+tout , (CMBRUT3,225.4061) and lete ham ben put into his tresorie $at London , (CMBRUT3,225.4062) and lete ham calle his forfait+g ; (CMBRUT3,225.4063) and by her conseile +te Kyng wrought , and disheritede al ham +tat +te gode oweden ; (CMBRUT3,225.4064) and +trou+g her conseil lete arere a talliage of alle +te godes of Engeland ; wherfore he was +te richest Kyng +tat euer was in Engeland , after William Bastard of Normandy , +tat conquerede Engeland . (CMBRUT3,225.4065) And +gitte , +trou+g consell of ham , him semede +tat he hade nou+gt ynou+g , (CMBRUT3,225.4066) but made +gitte euery toun of Engeland fynde a man of Armes oppon her owen costages , forto gon and werr oppon the Scottes +tat Wer his enemys . Wherfore +te Kyng went into Scotland wi+t an hundred +tousande men of Armes at Whitsontide , in the +gere of our Lord God M=l=CCC & xxij . (CMBRUT3,225.4067) But +te Scottes went (CMBRUT3,225.4068) and hud ham in Mounteyns and in Wodes , (CMBRUT3,225.4069) and tariede +te Englisshe-men fro day to day , +tat +te Kyng myght for no maner +ting ham fynde in pleyn felde ; wherfore meny Englisshe-men , +tat few vitailes hade , for hunger +tere deiden wonder faste , and sodeynly , for hunger in goyng and in comyng , and nameliche +to +tat hade bene a+geyns Thomas of Lancastre , and hade robbet his men oppon his landes . (CMBRUT3,225.4070) When Kyng Edward saw +tat vitailes failede him , he was +to wonder sore discomfortede , for enchesoun also +tat his men so deide , and also for he might nou+gt spede of his enemys ; (CMBRUT3,225.4071) so at +te last he come a+geyne into Engeland . (CMBRUT3,226.4072) And anone after come Iames Douglas and Thomas Randolf wi+t an huge ost into Engeland , into Northumberland , and wi+t ham +te Englisshe-men +tat wer dryuen out of Engeland , (CMBRUT3,226.4073) & come (CMBRUT3,226.4074) and robbet the contre , (CMBRUT3,226.4075) and quellede +te peple , (CMBRUT3,226.4076) and also brent +te toun +tat was callede North-allertoun , and meny o+ter tounes vnto +Gork . (CMBRUT3,226.4077) And when +te Kyng herd +tis +ting , he lete $sompne alle maner men +tat might trauaile . (CMBRUT3,226.4078) And so +te Englisshemen mette +te Scottes atte +te Abbay of Beiheland , +te xv day after Michelmasse in +te same +ger abouesaide ; (CMBRUT3,226.4079) And +te Englisshe-men wer +tere descomfited ; (CMBRUT3,226.4080) & at +tat scomfiture was tak Sir Iohn of Britaygn , Erl of Richemonde , +tat helde +te contre and the Erldome of Lancastre ; (CMBRUT3,226.4081) and after , he paiede an huge raunsoun , (CMBRUT3,226.4082) and was lete gone ; (CMBRUT3,226.4083) and after +tat he went into Fraunce (CMBRUT3,226.4084) and come neuer after a+geyn . (CMBRUT3,226.4085) HOW SIR ANDREW OF HERKELA WAS TAKEN , AND PUT VNTO +TE DE+T , +TAT WAS ERL OF CARDOILE . (CMBRUT3,226.4087) CAPITULO CC=MO= . (CMBRUT3,226.4088) And at +tat tyme Sir Andrew of Herkela , +tat newe was made Erl of Cardoile , for cause +tat he hade taken +te goode Erl of Lancastre , he hade ordeyned , +trou+g +te Kyngus commandement of Engeland , forto bryng him all +te power +tat he might , forto helpe him a+geyns +te Scottes atte +te Abbay of Behigland . (CMBRUT3,226.4090) And when +te false traitoure hade gadrede all +te peple +tat he might , and shulde haue comen to +te Kyng to +te Abbay of Biegland , +te false traitoure lad ham by ano+ter contre +trou+g Copeland , and +trou+g +te Erldome of Lancastr , (CMBRUT3,226.4091) and went +trou+g +te contre , (CMBRUT3,226.4092) and robbit and quellede folc , al +tat he might . (CMBRUT3,226.4093) And fer+termore +te false traitour hade take a gret some of golde of Sir Iamys Douglas , forto bene a+geyns +te Kyng of Engeland , and to bene helpyng and holdyng wi+t +te Scottes ; +trou+g whos tresoun +te Kyng of Engeland was scomfitede at Biheland er +tat he come +tider ; wherfore +te Kyng was toward him ful wro+t , and lete priuely enquere in +te contre about , how hit was . (CMBRUT3,226.4094) and so men enquerede and aspiede , so +tat at the laste treu+t was founde , and sought , (CMBRUT3,227.4095) and he atteint and taken as a false traitour , - as +te noble Erl Thomas of Lancastre him tolde , er +tat he were don to dede at his takyng att Burbrig , and to him saide , +tat ' or +tat +gere wer Don , he shulde ben take and holde a traitour ' : (CMBRUT3,227.4096) and so hit was , as +te holy man saide . Wherfore +te Kyng sent priuely to Sire Antoyn of Lucye , a kny+gt of +te contre of Cardoile , +tat he shulde tak Sir Andrew of Herkela , and put him vnto +te de+t . (CMBRUT3,227.4097) And to bryng +tis +ting to +te ende , +te Kyng sent his commission , so +tat +te same Andrew was take at Carleel , & ledde vnto +te barr in maner of an Erl , worthely arraied , and with a suorde gert aboute him , and hosede and spored . (CMBRUT3,227.4098) +to spak Sir Antoyn in +tis maner , " Sir Andrew , " quod he , " +te Kyng put oppon +te +tat , for-asmiche as +ge haue bene orpede in +gour dedes , he dede vnto +gow michel honour , and made +gow Erle of Carlele ; (CMBRUT3,227.4099) and +tow , as traitoure vnto +ti lord +te Kyng , laddest his peple of +tis contrey , +tat shulde haue holpe him at +te bataile of Bihiland ; (CMBRUT3,227.4100) and +tow laddest ham away by +te contre of Copeland , and +trou+g +te Erldome of Lancastr , wherfor our lord +te Kyng was scomfitede in bataile +tere of the Scottes , +trou+g +ti tresoun and falsenesse . (CMBRUT3,227.4101) And if +tow hadest come betyme , he hade yhade +te maistre ; (CMBRUT3,227.4102) and al +tat tresoun +tow dedest , for +te grete somme of golde and siluer +tat +tow vnderfong of Iames Douglas , a Scott , +te Kynges enemy . (CMBRUT3,227.4103) And our Lorde +te Kyngus wille is , +tat +ge , +te ordre of Knyghthode , - by +te whiche +tow vnderfonge al +tin honour and worship oppon +ti body , - be al brou+gt to nou+gt , and +ti state vndone , +tat o+tere knyghtes of lawer Degre mowe after +te be-ware ; +te whiche lorde ha+t +te auancede hugely in diuerses contrees of Engeland ; and +tat alle may take ensample by +te , her lord aftirward trewely forto serue . " (CMBRUT3,227.4104) +to commanded he a knaf anone to hew of his spores of his heles ; (CMBRUT3,228.4105) & after he lete breke +te suerde ouer his heuede , +te whiche +te Kyng him +gaf to kepe and defende his lande +terwi+t , when he made him Erl of Cardoile ; (CMBRUT3,228.4106) and after he lete him vnclo+te of his furrede mantel and of his hood , and of his furrede Cotes and of his gerdell . (CMBRUT3,228.4107) And when +tis was don , Sire Antoyne saide vnto him : " Andrew , " quod he , " now art +tow no kny+gt , but a knaue ; (CMBRUT3,228.4108) and for +ti treson +te Kyng wille +tat +tow bene honged & drawe , and +tin heuede smyten of , and +ti bowelles taken out of +ti body , and +ti bowelles brent , and +ti body quarterede , and +tin heuede smyten of , and sent vnto London ; (CMBRUT3,228.4109) and +tere hit shal be sette oppon London Brigge ; (CMBRUT3,228.4110) and +ti iiij quarters shal be sent to iiij tounes of Engeland , +tat alle o+tere mowe be-ware and chastisede by +te . " (CMBRUT3,228.4111) And as Antoyne saide , so hit was done , al maner +ting , on +te last day of Ottobre , in +te +ger of grace M=l=CCC xxij +gere ; (CMBRUT3,228.4112) and +te sonne +to turnede into blode , as +te peple it saw . (CMBRUT3,228.4113) and +tat durede fro +te morne , til hit was xj of +te Clokke of +te day . (CMBRUT3,228.4114)