And here begynnyth a tretis of tho orderes +tat be vndyr +te reule of oure fader Seynt Augustin , drawe oute of a sermon seyd be frer Ion Capgraue at Cambrige , +te +gere of our Lord a M cccc xxij . (CMCAPSER,145.3) We may likne our fader Seynt Augustyn on-to +te holy patriark Iacob for many causes . (CMCAPSER,145.5) On is for interpretacion of his name , (CMCAPSER,145.6) for Iacob is as mech to say as a supplanter or a deceyuour , (CMCAPSER,145.7) for he , at +te comaundment of God , supplanted his bro+tir , bying his fader blessing for a mese of potage and aftirward apperyng to his fader in Esaues cote . (CMCAPSER,145.8) So may our blessid fader Augustyn be cleped a supplanter of +te Deuel , (CMCAPSER,145.9) for whan +te same Deuel ha hold him in his seruyse xxx +gere , +tan ran he fro +te Deuel (CMCAPSER,145.10) and took up-one him +te swete +gok of our Lord Ihesu Crist . (CMCAPSER,145.11) For xxj +gere was he in paganite , and ix +gere in +te heresie of +te Manychees . (CMCAPSER,145.12) He may be cleped Iacob also , (CMCAPSER,145.13) for euene as Iacob sey our Lord God fas to fas , so our maystir , with secret contemplacion , was as ny God as ony erdely man myte be , as may be wel perceyued be +te labour whech he had in inuestigacion of +te godhed in +te bokes whech he mad of +te Trynyte . (CMCAPSER,145.14) This Iacob had xij sones , to whom all +te lond of byhest was distribute and departed be Moyses & Iosue . (CMCAPSER,145.15) And +tis Augustin hath xij religious cumpanies , be whech xij all holy cherch her in erde is replecchid . (CMCAPSER,145.16) We wil at +tis tyme on-to +gour deuoute eres open +tese Hebrew names of +tese xij tribus , and referr hem to dyuers religions whech lyue vndir Seynt Austyn reule . (CMCAPSER,145.17) The first be-goten child hite Iudas . (CMCAPSER,145.18) For Iudas is as mech to sey as a preyser , (CMCAPSER,145.19) and +tese men preise God nyte & day in holy songis & ympnis whech +tei continuely be vsed too . (CMCAPSER,145.20) And +tis Iudas eke may be referred on-to +too heremites +tat Seynt Augustin mad ny iij +gere be-for +tat he was bischop at Ypone , and mad +tere chanones . (CMCAPSER,146.21) This mater is proued with grete euydens in +te book whech I mad to a gentil woman in Englisch , and in +te book whech I mad to +te abbot of Seynt Iames at Norhampton in Latin , whech boke I named Concordia , be-cause it is mad to reforme charite be-twix Seynt Augustines heremites and his chanones . (CMCAPSER,146.22) In +tese same bokes may men se +te names of +te first faderes of +tis order of heremites , whech heremites Simplician sent wit+g Augustin on-to Affrik . (CMCAPSER,146.23) The second child of +tis Iacob , he hite Ruben , (CMCAPSER,146.24) and +tis Ruben is referred on-to chanones seculer swech as be in cathedral cherchis . (CMCAPSER,146.25) For Ruben is as mech to sey as seing in +te myddis , or seing be +te myddis . (CMCAPSER,146.26) What schal we calle bettir +te myddis +tan +tis present lif ? (CMCAPSER,146.27) What was be-for +tis lif ordeyned for us is on-knowe . (CMCAPSER,146.28) What we schal haue aftir +tis lif it is in doute , saue we hope veryly , be +te good menes of +tis myd lif , to come sumtyme to Goddis mercy . (CMCAPSER,146.29) But men wil merueyle perauentur whi +tat I sette seculer chanones be-for reguler , (CMCAPSER,146.30) and +tis $is my cause . (CMCAPSER,146.31) Thoo chanones +tat dwelled with Seynt Augustin whan he was bischop went in clo+tis of dyuers colouris and in precious furres and with girdel & barres of syluer and gilt , as is manifestly writyn in his sermones , (CMCAPSER,146.32) Ad fratres in heremo , (CMCAPSER,146.33) and +tis aray long not to reguler chanones . (CMCAPSER,146.34) The +tird son of Iacob he hite Gad , (CMCAPSER,146.35) and his name is as mech to sey as a man +tat is wel girt . (CMCAPSER,146.36) Girdyng in holy scriptur is take for restreynyng of our body fro uices , (CMCAPSER,146.37) and +tis may be applied in +te best maner to chanones reguler , whech , with holy obseruaunces girdyn her bodies fro sinful werkis & here soules fro foule desires . (CMCAPSER,146.38) If +tese men be-gunne with Augustin in his cherch in +te same degre as +tei stand now , sum men haue doute ; (CMCAPSER,146.39) but I wyl not stryue . (CMCAPSER,146.40) I be-leue wel +tat +tere had +tei her beginnyng but +te harder distinccion fro +te first ordr was mad sithe be o+tir holy faderes , as +te munkis of Charturehous cam oute of +te blake ordr . (CMCAPSER,146.41) Many euydens haue I mad in my book Concordia +tat Seint Ruffus not be-gan +tis ordr , but +tat he reformed +tis ordre . (CMCAPSER,147.42) So may I wel be-leue +tat her first fundacion cam fro Augustin . (CMCAPSER,147.43) The iiij son of Iacob , he hite Aser . (CMCAPSER,147.44) Aser is as mech to sei as blessed , (CMCAPSER,147.45) and +tis blessing is referred to +te grete noumbir of +tat holy congregacion whech Seynt Dominice gadered and ordeyned , to +tis entent , +tat +tei schuld labour in +te world and with here preching distroy synne in +te puple and plant vertue . (CMCAPSER,147.46) This ordre be-gan Seyn Dominice +te +ger of oure Lord a M cc xvj . (CMCAPSER,147.47) The v. son of Iacob hite Neptalim , as mech for to sey as gret brede ; (CMCAPSER,147.48) be +tis vndirstund we +te knytes of Seynt Ion whech begunne first at Ierusalem , (CMCAPSER,147.49) and now ar +tei spred +torw-oute all +tis world . (CMCAPSER,147.50) Her institucion is to defende Cristen feith a-geyn Turkes and Sarsines . (CMCAPSER,147.51) And all +too possessiones whech +tei haue in londis of pees pay tribute to +te hous of Rodes . (CMCAPSER,147.52) The sext son hite Manasse , (CMCAPSER,147.53) and he is for $to sey as obliuious . (CMCAPSER,147.54) This son be-tokneth +te heres of Pruce whech wer institute to +te same entent to defense of +te bordures of cristen men a-geyn +te enmyes of +te crosse . (CMCAPSER,147.55) Obliuious be +tei cleped be-cause +tei must for+gete +te delectable lyf of +tis world and put her bodies in grete perel for +te honour of Crist . (CMCAPSER,147.56) The differens of +te habite of +tese too knytes is +tis , +tat +tei of Seynt Iones haue blak mantell with a crosse , and +tei of Pruce white mantell with a crosse . (CMCAPSER,147.57) The vij son of Iacob , he hite Simeon , whech soundith in our tonge heuynesse or pencifnesse , (CMCAPSER,147.58) and +tis may be applied with grete conueniens on-to +tat ordre +tat was founded at Sempyngham be +te solicitude of Seynt Gilbert , of whech Seynt , be-cause I mad a special tretis on-to +te maystir of +tat ordr , +terfor in +tis place I touch no mor of him . (CMCAPSER,147.59) The viij son of Iacob , he hite Leui , (CMCAPSER,147.60) +tat soundeth in owre langage a moryng or a multipliyng of +ting +tat was be-gunne , (CMCAPSER,147.61) and be +tis name we vndirstande +te ordr of Premonstracenses , whech be-gan in Fraunce vndir a holy man +tei cleped Norbertus , +te +ger of our Lord a M and a hundred , (CMCAPSER,147.62) and be-cause +tat I mad his lyf in Englisch to +te abbot of Derham +tat deyid last , +terfor as now I wil no lenger tarie in +tat fundacion . (CMCAPSER,147.63) The ix son of Iacob , he hite Ysacar ; (CMCAPSER,147.64) he soundeth in our langage grete mede for laboure ; (CMCAPSER,148.65) +tis wil we applie to +tat ordre whech +tei clepe +te Freres of +te Crosse , for +tis cause , for +tat crosse on her breest schul make hem so to labour in +te weye of Crist +tat +tei schuld come aftir her labour to euyrlasting mede . (CMCAPSER,148.66) Off +tis ordre haue I as +get no certeyn knowlech , who was her foundor , or vndir what Pope , or kyng , +tei be-gunne . (CMCAPSER,148.67) The x son of Iacob , he hite +Gabulon , (CMCAPSER,148.68) and in our langage it may be cleped a dwellyng-place of strength . (CMCAPSER,148.69) Ful wel longith +tis interpretacion on-to +te ordr of Seynt Bryde ; (CMCAPSER,148.70) +tei haue a mansion of strength , (CMCAPSER,148.71) for +tei be sperd fro vanites of +te world , whech vanytes ar ouyr open to many men . (CMCAPSER,148.72) This holy woman Bryde be-gan +tis order (CMCAPSER,148.73) and went to Rome for confirmacion ; (CMCAPSER,148.74) who wil se hir lyf and hir reuelaciones he may diffusely se it in hir book , as now I haue no tyme to tary lenger in +tat mater . (CMCAPSER,148.75) The xj son hite Ioseph , (CMCAPSER,148.76) and he is to sey a moring or augmentacion ; (CMCAPSER,148.77) +tis is applied to certeyn chanones of +tat hous whech be of +te ordr of Seynt Victor . (CMCAPSER,148.78) This hous of Seynt Victour is in Paris , to whech I trowe +tei longe . (CMCAPSER,148.79) We haue in our libraries many sundry bookes +tat to chanones of +tat hous mad ; (CMCAPSER,148.80) on of hem hite Hewe , (CMCAPSER,148.81) +te o+tir hite Richard , (CMCAPSER,148.82) notabel clerkis +tei wer and men of holy lyf . (CMCAPSER,148.83) The xij son hite Beniamin ; (CMCAPSER,148.84) he is +te son +tat longith to +te rite hand , as euery religious man with +te mercy of God doth . (CMCAPSER,148.85) This son , be-cause he is +gongest of age , is likned on-to an ordre whech is not in +te world , as +tei sey , but in Northfolk . (CMCAPSER,148.86) Four houses had +tei (CMCAPSER,148.87) and on of hem is fall on-to +te kyngis hand , (CMCAPSER,148.88) & he gaue it to Walsingham ; (CMCAPSER,148.89) +te hous hite Petirston : (CMCAPSER,148.90) o+ter informacion of hem haue I not at +tis tyme . (CMCAPSER,148.91)