HERE BIGINNE+T +TE FIRST CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,13.4) Goostly freende in God , +tou schalt wel vnderstonde +tat I fynde , in my boistous beholdyng , foure degrees and fourmes of Cristen mens leuyng ; and ben +teese : Comoun , Special , Singuler , and Parfite . (CMCLOUD,13.6) +Tre of +teese mow be bigonnen and eendid in +tis liif ; (CMCLOUD,13.7) and +te fer+te may bi grace be bigonnen here , (CMCLOUD,13.8) bot it schal euer laste wi+t-outen eende in +te blis of heuen . (CMCLOUD,13.9) And ri+gt as +tou seest how +tei ben set here in ordre , ilch one after o+ter , first Comoun , +tan Special , after Syngulere , and last Parfite : ri+gt so me +tinke+t +tat , in +te same ordre and in +te same cours , oure Lorde ha+t of his grete mercy clepid +tee and ledde +tee unto him bi +te desire of +tin herte . (CMCLOUD,13.10) For first +tou wote wel +tat when +tou were leuyng in +te comoun degree of Cristen mens leuyng in companie of +ti wordely freendes , it seme+t to me +tat +te euerlasting loue of his Godheed , +torow +te whiche he mad +tee and wrou+gt +tee when +tou were nou+gt , and si+ten bou+gt +tee wi+t +te prise of his precious blood when +tou were loste in Adam , mi+gt not suffre +tee be so fer fro him in forme and degree of leuyng . (CMCLOUD,14.11) And +terfore he kyndelid +ti desire ful graciously , (CMCLOUD,14.12) and fastnid bi it a lyame of longing , (CMCLOUD,14.13) and led +tee bi it in-to a more special state and forme of leuyng , to be a seruaunt of +te special seruauntes of his ; where +tou mi+gtest lerne to liue more specialy and more goostly in his seruise +tan +tou dedist , or mi+gtest do , in +te comoun degree of leuyng bifore . (CMCLOUD,14.14) And what more ? (CMCLOUD,14.15) +Git it seme+t +tat he wolde not leue +tee +tus li+gtly , for loue of his herte , +te whiche he ha+t euermore had vnto +tee si+t +tou were ou+gtes . (CMCLOUD,14.16) Bot what did he ? (CMCLOUD,14.17) Seest +tou nou+gt how lystly and how graciously he ha+t pulled +tee to +te +trid degre and maner of leuing , +te whiche hi+gt Synguleer ? In +te whiche solitari forme and maner of leuyng +tou maist lerne to lift up +te fote of +ti loue , and step towardes +tat state and degre of leuyng +tat is parfite , and +te laste state of alle . (CMCLOUD,14.18) HERE BIGINNE+T +THE SECOUND CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,14.20) Look up now , weike wreche , (CMCLOUD,14.22) and see what +tou arte . (CMCLOUD,14.23) What arte +tou , (CMCLOUD,14.24) and what hast +tou deserued , +tus to be clepid of oure Lorde ? (CMCLOUD,14.25) What weri wrechid herte and sleping in sleu+te is +tat , +te whiche is not waknid wi+t +te draw+gt of +tis loue and +te voise of +tis cleping ? (CMCLOUD,14.26) Bewar now , wreche , in +tis while wi+t +tin enemye ; (CMCLOUD,14.27) and holde +tee neuer +te holier ne +te beter for +te wor+tines of +tis cleping and for +te singuler fourme of leuyng +tat +tou arte in ; bot +te more wrechid and $werid , bot +gif +tou do +tat in +tee is goodly , bi grace and bi counsel to lyue after +ti cleping . (CMCLOUD,15.28) And in-so-mochel +tou schuldest be more meek and louyng to +ti goostly spouse , +tat he , +tat is +te Almi+gty God , Kyng of kynges and Lorde of lordes , wolde meek hym so lowe vnto +tee , and , amonges alle +te flok of his scheep , so graciously wolde chese +tee to be one of his speciales , and si+ten set +tee in +te stede of pasture , where +tou maist be fed wi+t +te swetnes of his loue , in erles of +tin heritage , +te kingdome of heuen . (CMCLOUD,15.29) Do on +tan , I preie +tee , fast . (CMCLOUD,15.30) Look now forwardes , (CMCLOUD,15.31) and lat be bacwardes . (CMCLOUD,15.32) And see what +tee faile+t , and not what +tou haste : (CMCLOUD,15.33) for +tat is +te rediest getyng and keping of meeknes . (CMCLOUD,15.34) Alle +ti liif now behoue+t algates to stonde in desire , +gif +tou schalt profite in degre of perfeccion . (CMCLOUD,15.35) +Tis desire behoue+t algates be wrou+gt in +ti wille , bi +te honde of Almi+gti God and +ti consent . (CMCLOUD,15.36) Bot oo +ting I telle +tee : (CMCLOUD,15.37) he is a gelous louer (CMCLOUD,15.38) and suffre+t no felawschip , (CMCLOUD,15.39) and him list not worche in +ti wille bot +gif he be only wi+t +tee bi hym-self . (CMCLOUD,15.40) He aske+t none helpe , bot only +ti-self . (CMCLOUD,15.41) He wil +tou do bot loke on hym and late him alone . (CMCLOUD,15.42) And kepe +tou +te windowes and +te dore for flies and enemies assailyng . (CMCLOUD,15.43) And +gif +tou be willy to do +tis , +tee +tar bot meekly put apon him wi+t preier , (CMCLOUD,15.44) and sone wil he help +tee . (CMCLOUD,15.45) Put on +tan : (CMCLOUD,15.46) lat see how +tou berest +tee . (CMCLOUD,16.47) He is ful redy , (CMCLOUD,16.48) and do+t bot abide+t +tee . (CMCLOUD,16.49) Bot what schalt +tou do , (CMCLOUD,16.50) and how schalt +tou put ? (CMCLOUD,16.51) HERE BIGINNE+T +TE +TRID CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,16.53) Lift up +tin herte vnto God wi+t a meek steryng of loue ; (CMCLOUD,16.55) and mene him-self , and none of his goodes . (CMCLOUD,16.56) And +terto loke +tee lo+te to +tenk on ou+gt bot on hym-self , so +tat nou+gt worche in +ti witte ne in +ti wille bot only him-self . (CMCLOUD,16.57) & do +tat in +tee is to for+gete alle +te $creatures +tat euer God maad & +te werkes of hem , so +tat +ti +tou+gt ne +ti desire be not directe ne streche to any of hem , nei+ter in general ne in special . (CMCLOUD,16.58) Bot lat hem be , (CMCLOUD,16.59) and take no kepe to hem . (CMCLOUD,16.60) +Tis is +te werk of +te soule +tat moste plesi+t God . (CMCLOUD,16.61) Alle seintes and aungelles han ioie of +tis werk , (CMCLOUD,16.62) and hasten hem to helpe it in al here mi+gt . (CMCLOUD,16.63) Alle feendes ben wood whan +tou +tus doste , (CMCLOUD,16.64) and prouen for to felle it in alle +tat +tei kun . (CMCLOUD,16.65) Alle men leuyng in er+te ben wonderfuli holpen of +tis werk , (CMCLOUD,16.66) +tou wost not how . (CMCLOUD,16.67) +Ge , +te soules in purgatori ben esed of +teire peine by vertewe of +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,16.68) +Ti-self arte clensid and maad vertewos by no werk so mochel . (CMCLOUD,16.69) And +git it is +te li+gtest werk of alle , when a soule is holpen wi+t grace in sensible liste , and sonnest done . (CMCLOUD,16.70) Bot elles it is hard and wonderful to +tee for to do . (CMCLOUD,16.71) Lette not +terfore , (CMCLOUD,16.72) bot trauayle +ter-in tyl +tou fele lyst . (CMCLOUD,16.73) For at +te first tyme when +tou dost it , +tou fyndest bot a derknes , and as it were a cloude of vnknowyng , (CMCLOUD,17.74) +tou wost neuer what , sauyng +tat +tou felist in +ti wille a nakid entent vnto God . (CMCLOUD,17.75) +Tis derknes and +tis cloude is , how-so-euer +tou dost , bitwix +tee and +ti God , (CMCLOUD,17.76) and lette+t +tee +tat +tou maist not see him cleerly by li+gt of vnderstonding in +ti reson , ne fele him in swetnes of loue in +tin affeccion . (CMCLOUD,17.77) And +terfore schap +tee to bide in +tis derknes as longe as +tou maist , euermore criing after him +tat tou louest ; (CMCLOUD,17.78) for +gif euer schalt +tou fele him or see him , as it may be here , it behoue+t alweis be in +tis cloude & in +tis derknes . (CMCLOUD,17.79) And +gif +tou wilte besily trauayle as I bid +tee , I triste in his mercy +tat +tou schalt come +ter-to . (CMCLOUD,17.80) HERE BIGINNE+T +TE FEER+TE CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,17.82) But for+ti +tat +tou schalt not erre in +tis worching , and wene +tat it be o+terwise +ten it is , I schal telle +tee a lityl more +ter-of , as me +tinke+t . (CMCLOUD,17.84) +Tis werk aske+t no longe tyme er it be ones treulich done , as sum men wenen ; (CMCLOUD,17.85) for it is +te schortest werke of alle +tat man may ymagyn . (CMCLOUD,17.86) It is nei+ter lenger no schorter +ten is an athomus ; +te whiche athomus , by +te diffinicion of trewe philisophres in +te sciens of astronomye , is +te leest partie of tyme . (CMCLOUD,17.87) And it is so litil +tat , for +te littilnes of it , it is undepartable and nei+ghonde incomprehensible . (CMCLOUD,17.88) +Tis is +tat tyme of +te whiche it is wretyn : Alle tyme +tat is +gouen to +tee , it schal be askid of +tee how +tou haste dispendid it . (CMCLOUD,18.89) And skilful +ting it is +tat +tou +geue acompte of it ; (CMCLOUD,18.90) for it is nei+ter lenger ne schorter , bot euen acording to one only steryng +tat is wi+t-inne +te principal worching mi+gt of +ti soule , +te whiche is +ti wille . (CMCLOUD,18.91) For euen so many willinges or desiringes - and no mo ne no fewer - may be and aren in one oure in +ti wille , as aren athomus in one oure . (CMCLOUD,18.92) And +gif +tou were reformid bi grace to +te first state of mans soule , as it was bifore sinne , +tan +tou schuldest euer-more , bi help of +tat grace , be lorde of +tat stering or of +too sterynges ; so +tat none +gede forby , bot alle +tei schulde streche in-to +te souerein desirable and into +te hei+gest wilnable +ting , +te whiche is God . (CMCLOUD,18.93) For he is euen mete to oure soule by mesuring of his Godheed ; and oure soule euen mete unto him bi wor+tines of oure creacion to his ymage and to his licnes . (CMCLOUD,18.94) And he by him-self wi+t-outen moo , and none bot he , is sufficient at +te fulle , and mochel more , to fulfille +te wille and +te desire of oure soule . (CMCLOUD,18.95) And oure soule , bi vertewe of +tis reformyng grace , is mad sufficient at +te fulle to comprehende al him by loue , +te whiche is incomprehensible to alle create knowable mi+gt , as is aungel and mans soule . (CMCLOUD,18.96) I mene by +teire knowyng and not by +teire louyng , (CMCLOUD,18.97) and +terfore I clepe hem in +tis caas knowable mi+gtes . (CMCLOUD,18.98) Bot si+t alle resonable creatures , aungel and man , ha+t in hem , ilchone by hem-self , o principal worching mi+gt , +te whiche is clepid a knowable mi+gt , and a-no+ter principal worching mi+gt , +te whiche is clepid a louyng mi+gt : of +te whiche two mi+gtes , to +te first , +te whiche is a knowyng mi+gt , God , +tat is +te maker of hem , is euermore incomprehensible ; and to +te secound , +te whiche is +te louyng my+gt , in ilch one diuersly he is al comprehensible at +te fulle , insomochel +tat o louyng soule only in it-self , by vertewe of loue , schuld comprehende in it hym +tat is sufficient at +te fulle - and mochel more , wi+t-oute comparison - to fille alle +te soules and aungelles +tat euer may be . (CMCLOUD,19.99) And +tis is +te eendles merueilous miracle of loue , +te whiche schal neuer take eende ; (CMCLOUD,19.100) for euer schal he do it , (CMCLOUD,19.101) and neuer schal he seese for to do it . (CMCLOUD,19.102) See , who bi grace see may , (CMCLOUD,19.103) for +te felyng of +tis is eendles blisse ; (CMCLOUD,19.104) and +te contrary is eendles pyne . (CMCLOUD,19.105) And +terfore who-so were refourmyd by grace +tus to continow in keping of +te sterynges of +te wille , schuld neuer be in +tis liif - as he may not be wi+t-outen +tees sterynges in kynde - wi+t-outen som taast of +te eendles swetnes ; and in +te blisse of heuen with-outen +te fulle food . (CMCLOUD,19.106) And +terfore haue no wonder +tof I stere +tee to +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,19.107) For +tis is +te werk , as +tou schalt here after , in +te whiche man schuld haue contynowed +gif he neuer had synned , and to +te whiche worching man was maad , and alle +ting for man , to help him and for+ter him +terto , and by +te whiche a man schal be reparailed a+gein . (CMCLOUD,20.108) And for +te defaylyng in +tis worching a man falle+t depper & depper in synne , and fer+ter & fer+ter fro God . (CMCLOUD,20.109) And by kepyng and contynowel worching in +tis werk only , wi+t-outen mo , a man euer-more rise+t hier and hier fro synne , and nerer and nerer vnto God . (CMCLOUD,20.110) And +terfore take good keep into tyme , how +tat +tou dispendist it . (CMCLOUD,20.111) For no+ting is more precious +tan tyme . (CMCLOUD,20.112) In oo litel tyme , as litel as it is , may heuen be wonne and lost . (CMCLOUD,20.113) A token it is +tat time is precious : (CMCLOUD,20.114) for God , +tat is +geuer of tyme , +geue+t neuer two tymes to-geder , bot ich one after o+ter . (CMCLOUD,20.115) And +tis he do+t for he wil not reuerse +te ordre or +te ordinel cours in +te cause of his creacion . (CMCLOUD,20.116) For tyme is maad for man , and not man for tyme . (CMCLOUD,20.117) And +terfore God , +tat is +te rewler of kynde , wil not in +te +geuyng of tyme go before +te steryng of kynde in a mans soule ; +te whiche is euen acordyng to o tyme only . So +tat man schal haue none excusacion a+gens God in +te dome and at +te +geuyng of acompte of dispendyng of tyme , seiing : ' +Tou +geuest two tymes at ones , (CMCLOUD,20.118) and I haue bot o steryng at ones . ' (CMCLOUD,20.119) Bot soroufuly +tou seist now : ' How schal I do ? (CMCLOUD,20.120) and si+t +tis is so+t +tat +tou seist , how schal I +geue acompte of iche $tyme diuersly ; I +tat in-to +tis day , now of foure and twenty +gere age , neuer toke hede of tyme ? (CMCLOUD,20.121) +Gif I wolde now amende it , +tou wost wel , bi verrey reson of +ti wordes wretyn before , it may not be after +te cours of kynde ne of comoun grace , +tat I schuld mowe kepe or elles make asee+t to any mo tymes +tan to +too +tat ben for to come . (CMCLOUD,21.122) +Ge , and more-ouer wel I wote , bi verrey proef , +tat of +too +tat ben to come I schal on no wise , for habundaunce of freelte & slownes of sperite , mowe kepe one of an hondred ; so +tat I am verrely conclude in +teese resons . (CMCLOUD,21.123) Help me now , for +te loue of Ihesu ! (CMCLOUD,21.124) ' Ri+gt wel hast +tou seide ' for +te loue of Ihesu ' . (CMCLOUD,21.125) For in +te loue of Ihesu +tere schal be +tin help . (CMCLOUD,21.126) Loue is soche a mi+gt +tat it maki+t alle +ting comoun . (CMCLOUD,21.127) Loue +terfore Ihesu , (CMCLOUD,21.128) and alle +ting +tat he ha+t it is +tin . (CMCLOUD,21.129) He by his Godheed is maker and +geuer of tyme . (CMCLOUD,21.130) He bi his Manheed is +te verrey keper of tyme . (CMCLOUD,21.131) And he , bi his Godheed & his Manheed to-geders , is +te trewist domesman and +te asker of acompte of dispending of tyme . (CMCLOUD,21.132) Knyt +tee +terfore bi him by loue and by beleue ; (CMCLOUD,21.133) and +tan by vertewe of +tat knot +tou schalt be comoun parcener wi+t him and wi+t alle +tat by loue so ben knittyd vnto him ; +tat is to sey , wi+t oure Lady Seinte Mary , +tat ful was of alle grace in kepyng of tyme , wi+t alle +te aungelles of heuen +tat neuer may lese tyme , and with alle +te seintes in heuen and in er+te , +tat by +te grace of Ihesu kepen tyme ful iustly in vertewe of loue . (CMCLOUD,21.134) Loo ! here li+t counforte ; (CMCLOUD,21.135) construe +tou cleerly (CMCLOUD,21.136) and pike +tee sum profite . (CMCLOUD,21.137) Bot of oo +ting I warne amonges alle o+ter : (CMCLOUD,21.138) I cannot see who may trewliche chalenge comunite +tus wi+t Ihesu and his iust Moder , his hi+ge aungelles and also wi+t his seyntes , bot +gif it be soche one +tat do+t +tat in hym is , wi+t helping of grace , in kepyng of tyme ; so +tat he be seen to be a profiter on his partye , so litil as is , vnto +te comunite , as ich one of hem do+t on his . (CMCLOUD,22.139) And +terfore take kepe to +tis werk and to +te merueylous maner of it wi+t-inne in +ti soule . (CMCLOUD,22.140) For +gif it be trewlich conceyued , it is bot a sodeyn steryng , and as it were vnauisid , speedly springing unto God as sparcle fro +te cole . (CMCLOUD,22.141) And it is merueylous to noumbre +te sterynges +tat may be in one oure wrou+gt in a soule +tat is disposid to +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,22.142) And +git , in o steryng of alle +teese , he may haue sodenly and parfitely for+geten alle create +ting . (CMCLOUD,22.143) Bot fast after iche steryng , for corupcion of +te flesche , it falle+t doune a+gein to som +tou+gt or to some done or vndone dede . (CMCLOUD,22.144) Bot what +ter-of ? (CMCLOUD,22.145) For fast after , it rise+t a+gen as sodenly as it did bifore . (CMCLOUD,22.146) And here mowe men schortly conceyue +te maner of +tis worching , and cleerly knowe +tat it is fer fro any fantasie , or any fals ymaginacion , or queynte opinion ; +te whiche ben brou+gt in , not by soche a deuoute and a meek blynde stering of loue , bot by a proude , coryous and an ymaginatiif witte . (CMCLOUD,22.147) Soche a proude , corious witte behoue+t algates be born doun and stifly troden doun vnder fote , +gif +tis werke schal trewly be conceyuid in purete of spirite . (CMCLOUD,22.148) For who-so heri+t +tis werke ou+ter-2 be red or spoken , and wene+t +tat it may or schuld be comen to by trauayle in +teire wittes and +terfore +tei sitte and sechin in +teire wittes how +tat it may be , and in +tis coriouste +tei trauayle +teire ymaginacion parauenture a+gens cours of kynde , and +tei feyne a maner of worching , +te whiche is nei+ter bodily ne goostly : trewly +tis man , what-so-euer he be , is perilously disseyuid ; in-so-mochel +tat , bot +gif God of his grete goodnes schewe his mercyful myracle and make hym sone to leue werk and meek hym to counsel of prouid worchers , he schal falle ou+ter into frenesies , or elles into o+ter grete mischeues of goostly sinnes and deuels disseites ; +torow +te whiche he may li+gtly be lorne , bo+te liif and soule , wi+t-outen any eende . (CMCLOUD,23.149) And +terfore for Goddes loue beware in +tis werk , (CMCLOUD,23.150) and trauayle not in +ti wittes ne in +tin ymaginacion on no wise . (CMCLOUD,23.151) For I telle +tee trewly , it may not be comen to by trauaile in +teim ; (CMCLOUD,23.152) and +terfore leue +teim (CMCLOUD,23.153) & worche not wi+t +teim . (CMCLOUD,23.154) And wene not , for I clepe it a derknes or a cloude , +tat it be any cloude congelid of +te humours +tat fleen in +te ayre , ne +git any derknes soche as is in +tin house on ni+gtes , when +ti candel is oute . (CMCLOUD,23.155) For soche a derkens and soche a cloude maist +tou ymagin wi+t coriouste of witte , for to bere before +tin i+gen in +te li+gtest day of somer ; (CMCLOUD,23.156) and also a+genswarde in +te derkist ni+gt of wynter +tou mayst ymagin a clere schinyng li+gt . (CMCLOUD,23.157) Lat be soche falsheed ; (CMCLOUD,23.158) I mene not +tus . (CMCLOUD,23.159) For when I sey derknes , I mene a lackyng of knowyng ; as alle +tat +ting +tat +tou knowest not , or elles +tat +tou hast for+getyn , it is derk to +tee , (CMCLOUD,23.160) for +tou seest it not wi+t +ti goostly i+ge . (CMCLOUD,23.161) And for +tis skile it is not clepid a cloude of +te eire , bot a cloude of vnknowyng , +tat is bitwix +tee and +ti God . (CMCLOUD,23.162) HERE BIGINNE+T +TE FIF+TE CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,24.165) And +gif euer +tou schalt come to +tis cloude and wone and worche +ter-in as I bid +tee , +tee byhoue+t , as +tis cloude of vnknowyng is abouen +tee , bitwix +tee and +ti God , ri+gt so put a cloude of for+getyng bine+t +tee , bitwix +tee and alle +te cretures +tat euer ben maad . (CMCLOUD,24.167) +Tee +tinke+t , parauenture , +tat +tou arte ful fer fro God , for+ti +tat +tis cloude of vnknowing is bitwix +tee and +ti God ; (CMCLOUD,24.168) bot sekirly , and it be wel conseyued , +tou arte wel fer+ter fro hym when +tou hast no cloude of for+getyng bitwix +tee and alle +te creatures +tat euer ben maad . (CMCLOUD,24.169) As ofte as I sey ' alle +te creatures +tat euer ben maad ' , as ofte I mene , not only +te self creatures , bot also alle +te werkes and +te condicions of +te same creatures . (CMCLOUD,24.170) I oute-take not o creature , whe+ter +tei ben bodily creatures or goostly , ne +git any condicion or werk of any creature , whe+ter +tei be good or iuel ; (CMCLOUD,24.171) bot schortly to sey , alle schuld be hid vnder +te cloude of for+getyng in +tis caas . (CMCLOUD,24.172) For +tof al it be ful profitable sumtyme to +tink of certeyne condicions and dedes of sum certein special creatures , neuer+teles +git in +tis werke it profite+t lityl or nou+gt . For why mynde or +tinkyng of any creature +tat euer God maad , or of any of +teire dedes ou+ter , it is a maner of goostly li+gt ; (CMCLOUD,24.173) for +te i+ge of +ti soule is openid on it & euen ficchid +ter-apon , as +te i+ge of a schoter is apon +te prik +tat he schote+t to . (CMCLOUD,24.174) And o +ting I telle +tee , +tat alle +ting +tat +tou +tinkest apon it is abouen +tee for +te tyme , and bitwix +tee and +ti God . (CMCLOUD,25.175) And in so mochel +tou arte +te fer+ter fro God , +tat ou+gt is in +ti mynde bot only God . (CMCLOUD,25.176) +Ge , and +gif it be cortesye and semely to sey , in +tis werk it profite+t litil or nou+gt to +tink of +te kyndenes or +te wor+tines of God , ne on oure Lady , ne on +te seintes or aungelles in heuen , ne +git on +te ioies in heuen : +tat is to say , wi+t a special beholding to hem , as +tou woldest bi +tat beholding fede and encrees +ti purpos . (CMCLOUD,25.177) I trowe +tat on no wise it schuld be so in +tis caas and in +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,25.178) For +tof al it be good to +tink $apon +te kindenes of God , and to loue hym & preise him for hem : +git it is fer betyr to +tink apon +te nakid beyng of him , and to loue him and preise him for him-self . (CMCLOUD,25.179) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE SIX+TE CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,25.181) But now +tou askest me (CMCLOUD,25.183) and seiest : ' How schal I +tink on him-self , (CMCLOUD,25.184) & what is hee ? ' (CMCLOUD,25.185) And to +tis I cannot answere +tee bot +tus : (CMCLOUD,25.186) ' I wote neuer . ' (CMCLOUD,25.187) For +tou hast brou+gt me wi+t +ti question into +tat same derknes , and into +tat same cloude of unknowyng +tat I wolde +tou were in +ti-self . (CMCLOUD,25.188) For of alle o+ter creatures and +teire werkes - +ge , and of +te werkes of God self - may a man +torou grace haue fulheed of knowing , and wel to kon +tinke on hem ; (CMCLOUD,26.189) bot of God him-self can no man +tinke . (CMCLOUD,26.190) And +terfore I wole leue al +tat +ting +tat I can +tink , and chese to my loue +tat +ting +tat I can-not +tink . For whi he may wel be loued , bot not +tou+gt . (CMCLOUD,26.191) By loue may he be getyn and holden ; bot bi +tou+gt nei+ter . (CMCLOUD,26.192) And +terfore , +tof al it be good sumtyme to +tink of +te kyndnes & +te wor+tines of God in special , and +tof al it be a li+gt and a party of comtemplacion : neuer+teles in +tis werk it schal be casten down and keuerid wi+t a cloude of for+getyng . (CMCLOUD,26.193) And +tou schalt step abouen it stalwor+tly , bot listely , wi+t a deuoute and a plesing stering of loue , and fonde for to peerse +tat derknes abouen +tee . (CMCLOUD,26.194) And smyte apon +tat +ticke cloude of vnknowyng wi+t a scharp darte of longing loue , (CMCLOUD,26.195) and go not +tens for +ting +tat befalle+t . (CMCLOUD,26.196) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE SEUEN+T CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,26.198) And +gif any +tou+gt rise and wil prees algates abouen +tee , bitwix +tee and +tat derknes , and asche +tee seiing : ' What sekist +tou , (CMCLOUD,26.200) and what woldest +tou haue ? ' (CMCLOUD,26.201) sey +tou +tat it is God +tat +tou woldest haue . (CMCLOUD,26.202) ' Him I coueite , (CMCLOUD,26.203) him I seche , and no+gt bot him . ' (CMCLOUD,26.204) and +gif he ascke +tee what is +tat God , sey +tou +tat it is God +tat maad +tee and bou+gt +tee , and +tat graciously ha+t clepid +tee to his loue . (CMCLOUD,26.205) And in him sei +tou kanst no skile . (CMCLOUD,26.206) And +terfore sey : ' Go +tou down a+gein . ' (CMCLOUD,26.207) And treed him fast doun wi+t a steryng of loue +tof he seme to +tee ri+gt holy , and seme to +tee as he wolde help +tee to seke hym . (CMCLOUD,27.208) For parauenture he wil bryng to +ti minde diuerse ful feire & wonderful pointes of his kyndnes , and sey +tat he is ful swete and ful louyng , ful gracious and ful mercyful . (CMCLOUD,27.209) And +gif +tou wilt here him , he coueite+t no beter ; (CMCLOUD,27.210) for at +te last he wil +tus jangle euer more and more til he bring +tee lower to +te mynde of his Passion . (CMCLOUD,27.211) And +tere wol he lat +te see +te wonderful kyndnes of God ; (CMCLOUD,27.212) and if +tou here him , he kepe+t no beter . (CMCLOUD,27.213) For sone after he wil lat +tee see +tin olde wrechid leuing ; (CMCLOUD,27.214) and parauenture , in seing and +tinkyng +ter-of , he wil bryng to +ti mynde som place +tat +tou hast wonid in before +tis tyme . So +tat at +te last , er euer wite +tou , +tou schalt be scaterid +tou wost neuer where . (CMCLOUD,27.215) +Te cause of +tis scateryng is +tat +tou herddist him first wilfuly , (CMCLOUD,27.216) answeredist him , (CMCLOUD,27.217) resceiuedist him (CMCLOUD,27.218) and letest him allone . (CMCLOUD,27.219) And +git , neuer+teles , +te +ting +tat he seide was bo+te good and holy ; (CMCLOUD,27.220) +ge , and so holy , +tat what man or womman +tat weni+t to come to contemplacion wi+t-outyn many soche swete meditacions of +teire owne wrechidnes , +te Passion , +te kyndenes and +te grete goodnes and +te wor+tines of God comyng before , sekirly he schal erre and faile of his purpos . (CMCLOUD,27.221) And +git , neuer+teles , it behoue+t a man or a womman , +tat ha+t longe tyme ben usid in +teese meditacions , algates leue hem , & put hem and holde hem fer doun vnder +te cloude of for+getyng , +gif euer schal he peerse +te cloude of vnknowyng bitwix him and his God . (CMCLOUD,28.222) +Terfore , what tyme +tat +tou purposest +tee to +tis werk , and felest bi grace +tat +tou arte clepid of God , lift +tan up +tin herte vnto God wi+t a meek steryng of loue . (CMCLOUD,28.223) And mene God +tat maad +tee , and bou+gt +tee , and +tat graciousli ha+t clepid +tee to +tis werk : (CMCLOUD,28.224) and resseiue none o+ter +tou+gt of God . And +git not alle +teese , bot +tee list ; (CMCLOUD,28.225) for it suffise+t inou+g a naked entent directe vnto God , wi+t-outen any o+ter cause +ten him-self . (CMCLOUD,28.226) And +gif +tee list haue +tis entent lappid and foulden in o worde , for +tou schuldest haue betir holde +ter-apon , take +tee bot a litil worde of o silable ; (CMCLOUD,28.227) for so it is betir +ten of two , (CMCLOUD,28.228) for euer +te schorter it is , +te betir it acorde+t wi+t +te werk of +te spirite . (CMCLOUD,28.229) And soche a worde is +tis worde GOD or +tis worde LOUE . (CMCLOUD,28.230) Cheese +tee whe+ter +tou wilt , or ano+ter as +te list : whiche +tat +tee like+t best of o silable . (CMCLOUD,28.231) And fasten +tis worde to +tin herte , so +tat it neuer go +tens for +ting +tat bifalle+t . (CMCLOUD,28.232) +Tis worde schal be +ti scheeld and +ti spere , whe+ter +tou ridest on pees or on werre . (CMCLOUD,28.233) Wi+t +tis worde +tou schalt bete on +tis cloude and +tis derknes abouen +tee . (CMCLOUD,28.234) Wi+t +tis worde +tou schalt smite doun al maner +tou+gt vnder +te cloude of for+geting ; inso-mochel +tat +gif any +tou+gt prees apon +tee to aske +tee what +tou woldest haue , answere him wi+t no mo wordes bot wi+t +tis o worde . (CMCLOUD,29.235) And +gif he profre +tee of his grete clergie to expoune +tee +tat worde and to telle +tee +te condicions of +tat worde , sey him +tat +tou wilt haue it al hole , and not broken ne vndon . (CMCLOUD,29.236) And +gif +tow wilt holde +tee fast on +tis purpos , sekir be +tou he wil no while abide . (CMCLOUD,29.237) And whi ? (CMCLOUD,29.238) For +tou wilt not late him fede him on soche swete meditacions touchid before . (CMCLOUD,29.239) HERE BYGINNI+T +TE FIUE AND +TRITTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,71.243) Neuer+teles menes +ter ben in +te whiche a contemplatiif prentys schuld be ocupyed , +te whiche ben +teese ; Lesson , Meditacion , and Oryson . (CMCLOUD,71.245) Or elles to +tin vnderstondyng +tei mowe be clepid : Redyng , +Tinkyng and Preiing . (CMCLOUD,71.246) Of +teese +tre +tou schalt fynde wretyn in ano+ter book of ano+ter mans werk moche betyr +ten I can telle +tee ; (CMCLOUD,71.247) and +terfore it nede+t not here to telle +tee of +te qualitees of hem . (CMCLOUD,71.248) Bot +tis may I telle +tee : (CMCLOUD,71.249) +teese +tre ben so couplid to-gedir , +tat vnto hem +tat ben biginners & profiters - bot not to hem +tat be parfite , +ge , as it may be here - +tinkyng may not goodly be getyn wi+t-outyn reding or heryng comyng before . (CMCLOUD,71.250) Alle is one in maner , redyng and heryng ; (CMCLOUD,71.251) clerkes redyn on bookes , (CMCLOUD,71.252) and lewid men redyn on clerkes , whan +tei here hem preche +te worde of God . (CMCLOUD,71.253) Ne preier may not goodly be getyn in bigynners & profiters wi+toutyn +tinkyng comyng bifore . (CMCLOUD,72.254) See by +te preof in +tis same cours . (CMCLOUD,72.255) Goddes worde , ou+ter wretyn or spokyn , is licnid to a mirour . (CMCLOUD,72.256) Goostly , +te i+ge of +ti soule is +ti reson ; (CMCLOUD,72.257) +ti concience is +ti visage goostly . (CMCLOUD,72.258) And ri+gt as +tou seest +tat +gif a foule spot be in +ti bodily visage , +te i+ge of +te same visage may not see +tat spotte , ne wite wher it is , wi+t-outyn a myrour or a teching of ano+ter +tan it-self : ri+gt so it is goostly . (CMCLOUD,72.259) Wit-outen redyng or heryng of Godes worde , it is inpossible to mans vnderstondyng +tat a soule +tat is bleendid in custom of synne schuld see +te foule spot in his concyence . (CMCLOUD,72.260) And so folowyng , whan a man see+t in a bodily or goostly myrour , or wote by o+ter mens techyng , wher-aneintes +te foule spot is on his visage , ou+ter bodily or goostly : +tan at erst , and none er , he renni+t to +te welle to wasche hym . (CMCLOUD,72.261) +Gif +tis spot be any specyal synne , +tan is +tis welle Holy Chirche , and +tis water confession , with +te circumstaunces . (CMCLOUD,72.262) +Gif it be bot a blynde rote and a steryng of synne , +tan is +tis welle mercyful God , and +tis water preyer , wi+t +te circumstaunces . (CMCLOUD,72.263) And +tus maist +tou se +tat no +tinkyng may goodly be getyn in byginners and profiters wi+t-outyn redyng or heryng comyng before , ne preyng wi+t-outen +tinkyng . (CMCLOUD,72.264) HERE BYGYNNI+T +TE SIX AND +TRITTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,72.266) But it is not so wi+t hem +tat contynuely worchen in +te werk of +tis book . (CMCLOUD,73.268) For +teire meditacions ben as +tei were sodein conceites and blynde felynges of +teire owne wrechidnes , or of +te goodnes of God , wi+t-outyn any menes of redyng or heryng comyng before , and wi+t-outyn any specyal beholdyng of any +ting vnder God . (CMCLOUD,73.269) +Tees sodeyn conseytes & +tees blynde felynges ben sonner lernyd of God +ten of man . (CMCLOUD,73.270) I maad no force , +tof +tou haddest now-on-dayes none o+ter meditacions of +tin owne wrechidnes , ne of +te goodnes of God - I mene +gif +tou fele +tee +tus steryd by grace and by counseyl - bot soche as +tou mayst haue in +tis worde SYNNE and in +tis worde GOD , or in soche o+ter , whiche as +te list ; not brekyng ne expounyng +tees wordes with coryouste of witte , in beholdyng after +te qualitees of +tees wordes , as +tou woldest by +tat beholdyng encrees +ti deuocion . (CMCLOUD,73.271) I trowe it schuld neuer be so in +tis caas and in +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,73.272) Bot holde hem alle hole +teese wordes ; (CMCLOUD,73.273) and mene synne a lump , +tou wost neuer what , none o+ter +ting bot +ti-self . (CMCLOUD,73.274) Me +tink +tat in +tis blynde beholdyng of synne , +tus conielyd in a lumpe none o+ter +ting +tan +ti-self it schuld be no nede to bynde a woder +ting +ten +tou schuldest be +tis tyme . (CMCLOUD,73.275) And +git , parauenture , who-so lokid apon +tee schuld +tink +tee ful sobirly disposid in body , with-outyn any chaunging of contenaunce ; bot sittyng , or going , or liggyng , or lenyng , or stondyng , or knelyng , whe+ter +tou were in a ful sad restfulnes . (CMCLOUD,73.276) HERE BIGINNY+T +TE SEUEN AND +TRITTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,73.278) And ri+gt as +te meditacions of hem +tat contynouely worchen in +tis grace & in +tis werk risen sodenly wi+t-outyn any menes , ri+gt so don +teire preiers . (CMCLOUD,74.280) I mene of +teire specyal preiers , not of +too preiers +tat ben ordeynid of Holy Chirche . (CMCLOUD,74.281) For +tei +tat ben trewe worchers in +tis werk , +tei worschip no preier so moche ; (CMCLOUD,74.282) and +terfore +tei do hem in +te fourme and in +te statute +tat +tei ben ordeynd of holy faders before us . (CMCLOUD,74.283) Bot +teire specyal preiers risen euermore sodenly vnto God , wi+t-outyn any meenes or any premeditacion in special comyng before , or going +ter-wi+t . (CMCLOUD,74.284) And +gif +tei ben in wordes , as +tei ben bot seldom , +tan ben +tei bot in ful fewe wordes ; (CMCLOUD,74.285) +ge , and in euer +te fewer +te betir . (CMCLOUD,74.286) +Ge , and +gif it be bot a lityl worde of o silable , me +tink it betir +ten of to , and more acordyng to +te werk of +te spiryte ; (CMCLOUD,74.287) si+ten it so is +tat a goostly worcher in +tis werk schulde euermore be in +te hi+gest and +te souereynest pointe of +te $spirit . (CMCLOUD,74.288) +Tat +tis be so+t , se by ensaumple in +te cours of kynde . (CMCLOUD,74.289) A man or a womman , affraied wi+t any sodeyn chaunce of fiir , or of mans dee+t , or what elles +tat it be , sodenly in +te hei+gt of his speryt he is dreuyn upon hast & upon nede for to crie or for to prey after help . (CMCLOUD,74.290) +Ge , how ? (CMCLOUD,74.291) Sekirly not in many woordes , ne +git in o woorde of two silabes . (CMCLOUD,74.292) And whi is +tat ? (CMCLOUD,74.293) For hym +tinke+t to longe tariing , for to declare +te nede and +te werk of his spirit . (CMCLOUD,74.294) And +terfore he bresti+t up hidously wi+t a grete spirit , (CMCLOUD,74.295) & crye+t bot a litil worde of o silable , as is +tis worde FIIR or +tis worde OUTE . (CMCLOUD,74.296) And ri+gt as +tis lityl worde FIIR steri+t ra+ter and peerse+t more hastely +te eren of +te herers , so do+t a lityl worde of o sylable , whan it is not only spoken or +tou+gt , bot priuely ment in +te depnes of spirit , +te whiche is +te hei+gt (CMCLOUD,75.297) for in goostlynes alle is one , hei+gt and depnes , leng+te and brede . (CMCLOUD,75.298) And ra+ter it peersi+t +te eres of Almy+gty God +tan do+t any longe sauter vnmyndfuly mumlyd in +te tee+t . (CMCLOUD,75.299) And herfore it is wretyn +tat schort preier peersi+t heuen . (CMCLOUD,75.300) HERE BIGINNY+T +TE EI+GT AND +TRITTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,75.302) And whi peersi+t it heuen , +tis lityl schort preier of o litil silable ? (CMCLOUD,75.304) Sikirly for it is preyed wi+t a fulle spirite , in +te hei+gt and in +te depnes , in +te leng+te & in +te breed of his spirit +tat preie+t it . (CMCLOUD,75.305) In +te hei+gt it is , for it is wi+t al +te my+gt of +te spirit . (CMCLOUD,75.306) In +te depnes it is , for in +tis lityl silable ben contyned alle +te wittis of +te spirit . (CMCLOUD,75.307) In +te leng+te it is , for mi+gt it euer fele as it feli+t , (CMCLOUD,75.308) euer wolde it crie as it crie+t . (CMCLOUD,75.309) In +te brede it is , for it wilni+t +te same to alle o+ter +tat it wilni+t to it-self . (CMCLOUD,75.310) In +tis tyme it is +tat a soule ha+t comprehendid , after +te lesson of Seynte Poule , wi+t alle seyntes - not fully , bot in maner and in partye , as it is acordyng vnto +tis werk - whiche is +te leng+te and +te breed , +te hei+gt and +te depnes of Euerlastyng & Allouely , Almi+gty & Alle-witty God . (CMCLOUD,75.311) +Te euerlastyngnes of God is his leng+te ; (CMCLOUD,75.312) his loue is his breed ; (CMCLOUD,75.313) his mi+gt is his hei+gt ; (CMCLOUD,75.314) and his wisdam is his depnes . (CMCLOUD,75.315) No wonder +tof a soule , +tat is +tus ni+g confourmyd bi grace to +te ymage & +te licnes of God , his maker , be sone herde of God . (CMCLOUD,75.316) +Ge , +tof it be a ful synful soule - +te whiche is to God as it were an enmye - and it mi+gt +torow grace com to for to crye soche a lityl silable in +te hei+gt & +te depnes , +te leng+te and +te breed of his spirit , +git he scholde for +te hidous noise of +tis crye be alweis herde and holpen of God . (CMCLOUD,76.317) Se by ensaumple . (CMCLOUD,76.318) He +tat is +ti deedly enmye , and +tou here him so afraied +tat he crye in +te hei+gt of his spirit +tis lityl worde FIIR , or +tis worde OUTE : +git , wi+t-outyn any beholdyng to hym for he is +tin enmye , bot for pure pite in +tin herte stirid and reisid wi+t +te doelfulnes of +tis crie , +tou risist up - +ge ! +tof it be aboute midwintirs ni+gt - (CMCLOUD,76.319) & helpist hym to slecke his fiir , or for to stylle hym and rest hym in hys disese . (CMCLOUD,76.320) A , Lorde ! si+ten a man may be maad so mercyful in grace , to haue so moche mercy & so moche pite of his enmye , not a+genstonding his enmite , what pite and what mercy schal God haue +tan of a goostly crye in soule , maad & wrou+gt in +te hei+gt and +te depnes , +te leng+te and +te breed of his spirit , +te whiche ha+t al by kynde , +tat man ha+t by grace , and moche more ? (CMCLOUD,76.321) Sekirly wi+t-outyn comparison moche more mercy wil he haue ; (CMCLOUD,76.322) si+ten so is +tat +tat +ting +tat is so had by kynde is nerer to iche a +ting +ten +tat +te whiche is had by grace . (CMCLOUD,76.323) HERE BIGYNNY+T +TE NINE AND +TRITTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,76.325) And +terfore it is to preie in +te hei+gt and +te depnes , +te leng+te & +te brede of oure spirit . And +tat not in many wordes , bot in a lityl worde of o silable . (CMCLOUD,76.327) And what schal +tis worde be ? (CMCLOUD,76.328) Sekyrlyche soche a worde as is best acordyng vnto +te propirte of preier . (CMCLOUD,76.329) And what worde is +tat ? (CMCLOUD,76.330) Lat us first see what preier is propirly in it-self , (CMCLOUD,77.332) and +ter-after we mowe cleerlier knowe what worde wil best acorde to +te propirte of preier . (CMCLOUD,77.333) Preyer in it-self propirly is not elles bot a deuoute entent directe vnto God , for getyng of goodes & remowyng of yuelles . (CMCLOUD,77.334) And +tan , si+ten it so is +tat alle yuelles ben comprehendid in synne , ou+ter by cause or by beyng , lat us +terfore , whan we wyl ententifly preie for remowyng of yuelles , ou+ter sey or +tink or mene nou+gt elles , ne no mo wordes , bot +tis lityl worde SYNNE . (CMCLOUD,77.335) And +gif we wil ententifly preie for getyng of goodes , lat us crie , ou+ter wi+t worde or wi+t +tou+gt or wi+t desire , nou+gt elles , ne no mo wordes , bot +tis worde GOD . For whi in God ben alle goodes , bo+te by cause and by beyng . (CMCLOUD,77.336) Haue no merueile whi I sette +tees wordes forby alle o+ter . (CMCLOUD,77.337) For and I cou+te any schorter wordes , so fully comprehendyng in hem alle goodes & alle yuelles , as +tees two wordes don , or +gif I had be lernyd of God to take any o+ter wordes ou+ter , I wolde +tan haue taken hem and lefte +tees ; (CMCLOUD,77.338) and so I rede +tat +tou do . (CMCLOUD,77.339) Stody +tou not for no wordes , (CMCLOUD,77.340) for so schuldest +tou neuer come to +ti purpos ne to +tis werk , (CMCLOUD,77.341) for it is neuer getyn by stody , bot al only by grace . (CMCLOUD,77.342) and +terfore take +tou none o+ter wordes to preie in - al-+tof I sette +tees here - bot soche as +tou arte sterid of God for to take . (CMCLOUD,77.343) Neuer+teles , +gif God stire +tee to take +tees , I rede not +tat +tou leue hem - I mene +gif +tou schalt preie in wordes , and elles not ; for whi +tei ben ful schorte wordes . (CMCLOUD,77.344) Bot al-+tof +te schortnes of preier be greetly comendid here , neuer+teles +te oftnes of preier is neuer +te ra+ter refreynid . (CMCLOUD,78.346) For as it is seide before , it is preied in +te leng+te of +te spirite ; so +tat it schuld neuer sees tyl +te tyme were +tat it had fully getyn +tat +tat it longid after . (CMCLOUD,78.347) Ensaumple of +tis haue we in a man or a womman affraied in +te maner before-seide . (CMCLOUD,78.348) For we see wel +tat +tei seese neuer criing on +tis litil worde OUTE , or +tis lityl worde FIIR , er +te tyme be +tat +tei haue in greet party getyn help of +teire angre . (CMCLOUD,78.349) HERE BIGYNNI+T +TE FOURTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,78.351) Do +tou , on +te same maner , fille +ti spirit wi+t +te goostly bemenyng of +tis worde SYNNE , and wi+t-outyn any specyal beholdyng vnto any kynde of synne , whe+ter it be venial or deedly : (CMCLOUD,78.353) pryde , wra+t+te or enuye , couetyse , slew+t , glotenie or lecherye . (CMCLOUD,78.354) What +tar reche in contemplatiues what synne +tat it be , or how mochel a synne +tat it be ? (CMCLOUD,78.355) For alle synne hem +tinky+t - I mene for +te tyme of +tis werk - iliche greet in hem-self , when +te leest synne departe+t hem fro God , and lette+t hem of here goostly pees . (CMCLOUD,78.356) And fele synne a lumpe , +tou wost neuer what , bot none o+ter +ting +tan +ti-self . (CMCLOUD,78.357) And crye +tan goostly euer upon one : ' Synne , synne , synne ; oute , oute , oute ! ' (CMCLOUD,78.358) +Tis goostly crie is betyr lernid of God by +te proef +ten of any man by worde . (CMCLOUD,78.359) For it is best whan it is in pure spirit , wi+t-outyn specyal +tou+gt or any pronounsyng of worde ; bot +gif it be any seeldom tyme , when for habundaunce of spiryt it bresti+t up into worde , so +tat +te body and +te soule ben bo+te fillid wi+t sorow and kumbryng of synne . (CMCLOUD,78.360) On +te same maner schalt +tou do wi+t +tis lityl worde GOD . (CMCLOUD,78.361) Fille +ti spirit wi+t +te goostly bemenyng of it wi+t-outyn any specyal beholdyng to any of his werkes - whe+ter +tei be good , betir , or al+ter best , bodily or goostly - or to any vertewe +tat may be wrou+gt in mans soule by any grace , not lokyng after whe+ter it be meeknes or charite , pacyence or abstynence , hope , fei+t , or sobirnes , chastite or wilful pouerte . (CMCLOUD,79.362) What +tar reche in contemplatyues ? (CMCLOUD,79.363) For alle vertewes +tei fynden and felyn in God ; (CMCLOUD,79.364) for in hym is alle +ting , bo+te by cause and by beyng . (CMCLOUD,79.365) For hem +tink , & +tei had God , +tei had alle good ; (CMCLOUD,79.366) and +terfore +tei coueyte no+ting wi+t specyal beholdyng , bot only good God . (CMCLOUD,79.367) Do +tou on +te same maner , as for+t as +tou maist by grace ; (CMCLOUD,79.368) and mene God al , and al God , so +tat nou+gt worche in +ti witte & in +ti wile , bot only God . (CMCLOUD,79.369) And for+ti +tat euer +te whiles +tou leuyst in +tis wrechid liif , +tee behoue+t alweys fele in som partye +tis foule stynkyng lump of synne , as it were onyd & congelid with +te substaunce of +ti beyng , +terfore schalt +tou chaungabely mene +tees two wordes - SYNNE and GOD ; wi+t +tis general knowyng : +tat and +tou haddest God , +ten schuldest +tou lacke synne , and mi+gtest +tou lacke synne , +ten schuldest +tou haue God . (CMCLOUD,79.370) HERE BIGYNNY+T ON AND FOURTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,79.372) And for+termore , +gif +tou aske me what discrecion +tou schalt haue in +tis werk , +tan I answere +tee (CMCLOUD,79.374) and sey : ' Ry+gt none ! ' (CMCLOUD,79.375) For in alle +tin o+ter doynges +tou schalt haue discrecion , as in etyng & in drynkyng , & in slepyng , & in kepyng of +ti body fro outrageous colde or hete , & in longe preiing or redyng , or in comounyng in speche wi+t +tin euen Crysten . (CMCLOUD,80.376) In alle +tees schalt +tou kepe discrecion , +tat +tei be nou+ter to mochel ne to lityl . (CMCLOUD,80.377) Bot in +tis werk schalt +tou holde no mesure ; (CMCLOUD,80.378) for I wolde +tat +tou schuldest neuer seese of +tis werk +te whiles +tou leuyst . (CMCLOUD,80.379) I sey not +tat +tou schalt mowe euer contynow +ter-in iliche fresche ; (CMCLOUD,80.380) for +tat may not be . (CMCLOUD,80.381) For sumtyme seeknes and o+ter vnordeind disposicions in body and in soule , wi+t many o+ter needfulnes to kynde , wol let +tee ful mochel , and oft-tymes drawe +tee doun fro +te hei+gt of +tis worching . (CMCLOUD,80.382) Bot I sey +tat +tou schuldest euermore haue it ou+ter in ernest or in game ; +tat is to sey , ou+ter in werk or in wille . (CMCLOUD,80.383) And +terfore for Godes loue beware wi+t seeknes as moche as +tou maist goodly , so +tat +tou be not +te cause of +ti febilnes , as for+t as +tou maist . (CMCLOUD,80.384) For I telle +tee trewly +tat +tis werk aske+t a ful greet restfulnes , and a ful hole and a clene disposicion , as wele in body as in soule . (CMCLOUD,80.385) And +terfore for Godes loue gouerne +tee discreetly in body & in soule , (CMCLOUD,80.386) & gete +tee +tin hele as mochel as +tou mayst . (CMCLOUD,80.387) And +gif seeknes come a+gens +ti power , haue pacyence (CMCLOUD,80.388) & abide meekly Goddes mercy ; (CMCLOUD,80.389) and al is +tan good inow+g . (CMCLOUD,80.390) For I telle +tee trewly +tat oftymes pacyence in seeknes , and in o+ter diuerse tribulacions , plesi+t God moche more +ten any likyng deuocyon +tat +tou mayst haue in +ti hele . (CMCLOUD,80.391) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE TWO AND FOURTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,80.393) But parauenture +tou askest me how +tou schalt gouerne +tee discreetly in mete , and in slepe , & in alle +tees o+ter . (CMCLOUD,81.395) And herto I +tink to answere +tee ri+gt schortli : (CMCLOUD,81.396) ' Gete +tat +tou gete mayst . ' (CMCLOUD,81.397) Do +tis werk euermore wi+t-outyn cesyng & wi+t-outyn discrecion , (CMCLOUD,81.398) and +tou schalt wel kun beginne & ceese in alle +tin o+ter werkes wi+t a grete discrecion . (CMCLOUD,81.399) For I may not trowe +tat a soule contynowyng in +tis werk ni+gt and day wi+t-outyn discrecion schuld mowe erre in any of +tees outward doinges ; (CMCLOUD,81.400) and elles me +tink +tat he schuld alweis erre . (CMCLOUD,81.401) And +terfore and I mi+gt gete a wakyng and a besi beholdyng to +tis goostly werk wi+t-inne in my soule , I wolde +tan haue a rechelesnes in etyng and in drynkyng , in sleping & in spekyng and in alle myn outward doynges . (CMCLOUD,81.402) For sekirly I trowe I schuld ra+ter com to discrecion in hem by soche a rechelesnes +tan by any besy beholding to +te same +tinges , as I wolde bi +tat beholdyng set a $merke & a mesure by hem . (CMCLOUD,81.403) Trewly I schuld neuer bryng it so aboute for ou+gt +tat I cou+t do or sey . (CMCLOUD,81.404) Sey what men seye wil , (CMCLOUD,81.405) & lat +te preof witnes . (CMCLOUD,81.406) And +terfore lift up +tin hert with a blynde steryng of loue ; (CMCLOUD,81.407) and mene now synne , and now God . (CMCLOUD,81.408) God woldest +tou haue , (CMCLOUD,81.409) and synne woldest +tou lacke . (CMCLOUD,81.410) God wante+t +tee ; (CMCLOUD,81.411) and synne arte +tou sekir of . (CMCLOUD,81.412) Now good God help +tee , (CMCLOUD,81.413) for now hast +tou need ! (CMCLOUD,81.414) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE +TRE AND FOURTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,81.416) Look +tat nou+gt worche in +ti wit ne in +ti wil bot only God . (CMCLOUD,81.418) And $fonde for to felle alle wetyng & felyng of ou+gt vnder God , (CMCLOUD,82.419) and treed alle doun ful fer vnder +te cloude of for+getyng . (CMCLOUD,82.420) And +tou schalt vnderstonde +tat +tou schalt not only in +tis werk for+gete alle o+ter creatures +ten +ti-self , or +teire dedes or +tine , bot also +tou schalt in +tis werk for+gete bo+te +ti-self and also +ti dedes for God , as wel as alle o+ter creatures and +teire dedes . (CMCLOUD,82.421) For it is +te condicion of a parfite louer , not only to loue +tat +ting +tat he loue+t more +ten him-self ; bot also in maner for to hate him-self for +tat +ting +tat he loui+t . (CMCLOUD,82.422) +Tus schalt +tou do wi+t +ti-self : (CMCLOUD,82.423) +tou schalt lo+te and be wery wi+t alle +tat +ting +tat worche+t in +ti witte & in +ti wil , bot +gif it be only God . For whi sekirly elles , what-so-euer +tat it be , it is bitwix +tee and +ti God . (CMCLOUD,82.424) And no wonder +tof +tou lo+te and hate for to +tink on +ti-self , when +tou schalt alweis fele synne a foule stynkyng lumpe , +tou wost neuer what , bitwix +tee & +ti God : +te whiche lumpe is none o+ter +ting +tan +ti-self . (CMCLOUD,82.425) For +tee schal +tink it onyd & congelid wi+t +te substaunce of +ti beyng , +ge , as it were wi+t-outyn departyng . (CMCLOUD,82.426) And +terfore breek doun alle wetyng & felyng of alle maner of creatures ; bot most besily of +ti-self . (CMCLOUD,82.427) For on +te wetyng and +te felyng of +ti-self hangi+t wetyng and felyng of alle o+ter creatures ; (CMCLOUD,82.428) for in rewarde of it , alle o+ter creatures ben li+gtly for+getyn . (CMCLOUD,82.429) For , and +tou wilt besily set +tee to +te preof , +tou schalt fynde , when +tou hast for+geten alle o+ter creatures & alle +teire werkes , +ge , and +terto alle +tin owne werkes , +tat +ter schal leue +git after , bitwix +tee and +ti God , a nakid weting and a felyng of +tin owne beyng : +te whiche wetyng and felyng behoui+t alweis be distroied , er +te tyme be +tat +tou fele so+tfastly +te perfeccyon of +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,83.430) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE FOURE AND FOURTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,83.432) Bot now +tou askist me how +tou maist distroie +tis nakid wetyng and felyng of +tin owen beyng . (CMCLOUD,83.434) For parauenture +tee +tink +tat and it were distroied , alle o+ter lettynges were distroied : (CMCLOUD,83.435) and +gif +tou +tinkist +tus , +tou +tinkist ri+gt trewly . (CMCLOUD,83.436) Bot to +tis I answere +tee , (CMCLOUD,83.437) and I sey +tat wi+t-outyn a ful specyal grace ful frely +gouen of God , and +terto a ful acordyng abilnes to resseyue +tis grace on +ti partye , +tis nakid wetyng and felyng of +ti beyng may on no wise be distroyed . (CMCLOUD,83.438) And +tis abilnes is not elles bot a stronge and a deep goostly sorow . (CMCLOUD,83.439) Bot in +tis sorow nede+t +tee to haue discrecion on +tis maner : (CMCLOUD,83.440) +tou schalt be ware in +te tyme of +tis sorow +tat +tou nei+ter-2 to rudely streyne +ti body ne +ti spirit , bot sit sul stylle , as it were in a slepyng slei+gt , al forsobbid and for-sonken in sorow . (CMCLOUD,83.441) +Tis is trewe sorow ; (CMCLOUD,83.442) +tis is parfite sorow ; (CMCLOUD,83.443) and wel were hym +tat mi+gt wynne to +tis sorow . (CMCLOUD,83.444) Alle men han mater of sorow , (CMCLOUD,83.445) bot most specyaly he feli+t mater of sorow +tat wote and feli+t +tat he is . (CMCLOUD,83.446) Alle o+ter sorowes ben vnto +tis in comparison bot as it were gamen to ernest . (CMCLOUD,83.447) For he may make sorow ernestly +tat wote & feli+t not onli what he is , bot +tat he is . (CMCLOUD,84.448) And who-so felid neuer +tis sorow , he may make sorow , for whi he felid +git neuer parfite sorow . (CMCLOUD,84.449) +Tis sorow , when it is had , clensi+t +te soule , not only of synne , bot also of peyne +tat he ha+t deseruid for synne . (CMCLOUD,84.450) And +terto it maki+t a soule abil to resseiue +tat ioye , +te whiche reui+t fro a man alle wetyng and felyng of his beyng . (CMCLOUD,84.451) +Tis sorow , +gif it be trewly conseyuid , is ful of holy desire ; (CMCLOUD,84.452) and elles mi+gt neuer man in +tis liif abide it ne bere it . (CMCLOUD,84.453) For ne were it +tat a soule were sumwhat fed with a maner of counforte of his ri+gt worching , elles schuld he not mow bere +te pyne +tat he ha+t of +te wetyng and felyng of his beyng . (CMCLOUD,84.454) For as ofte as he wolde haue a trewe wetyng and a felyng of his God in purtee of spirit , as it may be here , and si+ten feli+t +tat he may not - for he finde+t euermore his wetyng and his felyng as it were ocupied and fillyd wi+t a foule stinkyng lumpe of him-self , +te whiche behoue+t alweis be hatid and be dispisid and forsaken , if he schal be Goddes parfite dissiple , lernid of hym-self in +te mount of perfeccion - as ofte he go+t ni wood for sorow ; in so mochel , +tat he wepi+t and weili+t , striui+t , cursi+t and banne+t , and , schortly to sey , hym +tinki+t +tat he beri+t so heuy a bir+ten of hym-self +tat he rechi+t neuer what wor+t of hym , so +tat God were plesid . (CMCLOUD,84.455) And +git in al +tis sorow he desire+t not to vnbe , (CMCLOUD,84.456) for +tat were deuelles woodnes & despite vnto God . (CMCLOUD,84.457) Bot hym listi+t ri+gt wel be ; (CMCLOUD,84.458) and he meni+t ful hertly +tankyng to God , for +te wor+tines and +te +gift of his beyng , +tof al +tat he desire vnsesingly for to lakke +te wetyng and +te felyng of his beyng . (CMCLOUD,85.459) +Tis sorow and +tis desire behoui+t iche a soule haue and fele in it-self , ou+ter in +tis maner or in ano+ter , as God vouche+t $saaf for to lerne to his goostly disciples , after his weel wyllyng & +teire acordyng abylnes in body & in soule , in degre and compleccion , er +te tyme be +tat +tei mowe parfitely be onid vnto God in parfite charite - soche as may be had here +gif God vouche+t saaf . (CMCLOUD,85.460) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE FIUE AND FOURTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,85.462) Bot o +ting I telle +tee : +tat in +tis werk may a +gong disciple , +tat ha+t not +git ben wel vsed & prouid in goostly worching , ful li+gtly be disceyuid , and , bot he be sone war & haue grace to leue of and meek hym to counsel , parauenture be distroied in his bodily mi+gtes , and falle into fantasie in his goostly wittes . (CMCLOUD,85.464) And alle +tis is longe of pride & of fleschlynes and coriouste of witte . (CMCLOUD,85.465) And on +tis maner may +tis disceite befalle . (CMCLOUD,85.466) A +gong man or a womman , newe set to +te scole of deuocion , here+t +tis sorow and +tis desire be red & spokyn , how +tat a man schal lift up his herte vnto God , and vnseesingly desire for to fele +te loue of here God . (CMCLOUD,85.467) And as fast in a curiouste of witte +tei conceyue +tees wordes not goostly , as +tei ben ment , bot fleschly & bodily , (CMCLOUD,85.468) and trauaylen +teire fleschly hertes outrageously in +teire brestes . (CMCLOUD,85.469) And what for lackyng of grace , +tat +tei deseruen , & pride and curiouste in hem-self , +tei streyne here veynes and here bodily mi+gtes so beestly & so rudely , +tat with-inne schort tyme +tei fallen ou+ter-2 into werynes and a maner of vnlisty febilnes in body and in soule , +te whiche maki+t hem to wende oute of hem-self & seke sum fals & sum veyne fleschly and bodily counforte wi+t-outyn , as it were for recreacion of body and of spirite . (CMCLOUD,86.470) Or elles , +gif +tei falle not in +tis , elles +tei deserue - for goostly blyndnes & for fleschly chaufyng of +teire compleccion in +teire bodily brestis in +te tyme of +tis feinid beestly and not goostly worchyng - for to haue +teire brestes ou+ter enflaumid wi+t an vnkyndely hete of compleccion , causid of misrewlyng of +teire bodies or of +tis feinid worching , (CMCLOUD,86.471) or elles +tei conceyue a fals hete wrou+gt by +te feende , +teire goostly enmye , causid of +teire pride & of +teire fleschlines & +teire coriouste of wit . (CMCLOUD,86.472) And +git , parauenture , +tei wene it be +te fiir of loue , getyn and kyndelid by +te grace & +te goodnes of +te Holy Goost . (CMCLOUD,86.473) Treuly of +tis disceite , and of +te braunces +ter-of , spryngyn many mescheues : moche ypocrisie , moche heresye , and moche errour . (CMCLOUD,86.474) For as fast after soche a fals felyng come+t a fals knowyng in +te feendes scole , ri+gt as after a trewe feling come+t a trewe knowing in Gods scole . (CMCLOUD,86.475) For I telle +tee trewly +tat +te deuil ha+t his contemplatyues , as God ha+t his . (CMCLOUD,86.476) +Tis disseite of fals felyng , & of fals knowyng folowyng +ter-on , ha+t diuerse and wonderful variacions , after +te dyuerste of states & +te sotyl condicions of hem +tat ben disceyuid ; as ha+t +te trewe felyng and knowyng of hem +tat ben sauid . (CMCLOUD,86.477) Bot I sette no mo disceites here bot +too wi+t +te whiche I trowe +tou schalt be assailid , +gif euer +tou purpose +tee to worche in +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,86.478) For what schuld it profite to +tee to wite hou +tees greet clerkis , & men & wommen of o+ter degrees +ten +tou arte , ben disceyuid ? (CMCLOUD,87.479) Sikirly ri+gt nou+gt . (CMCLOUD,87.480) And +terfore I telle +tee no mo , bot +too +tat fallyn unto +tee , +gif +tou trauayle in +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,87.481) And for+ti I telle +tee +tis , +tat +tou schalt bewar +ter-wi+t in +ti worching , +gif +tou be assailyd +ter-wi+t . (CMCLOUD,87.482) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE SIX AND FOURTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,87.484) And +terfore for Goddes loue bewar in +tis werk , (CMCLOUD,87.486) and streyne not +tin hert in +ti brest ouer-rudely , ne oure of mesure ; (CMCLOUD,87.487) bot wirche more wi+t a list +ten wi+t any li+ter streng+te . (CMCLOUD,87.488) For euer +te more listly , +te more meekly and goostly ; (CMCLOUD,87.489) and euer +te more rudely , +te more bodely & beestly . (CMCLOUD,87.490) And +terfore bewar . (CMCLOUD,87.491) For sekirly what beestly herte +tat presumi+t for to touche +te hi+ge mounte of +tis werke , it schalt be betyn awey wi+t stones . (CMCLOUD,87.492) Stones ben harde & drie in her kynde , (CMCLOUD,87.493) and +tei hurte ful sore where +tei hit . (CMCLOUD,87.494) And sekirly soche rude streynynges ben ful harde fastnid in fleschlines of bodely felyng , and ful drie fro any wetyng of grace ; (CMCLOUD,87.495) and +tei hurte ful sore +te sely soule , (CMCLOUD,87.496) and make it feestre in fantasie feinid of feendes . (CMCLOUD,87.497) And +terfore bewar wi+t +tis beestly ruednes , (CMCLOUD,87.498) & leerne +tee to loue listely wi+t a softe & a demure contenaunce , as wel in body as in soule . (CMCLOUD,87.499) And abide curtesly and meekly +te wil of oure Lorde , (CMCLOUD,87.500) and lache not ouer hastely , as it were a gredy grehounde , (CMCLOUD,87.501) hungre +tee neuer so sore . (CMCLOUD,87.502) & gamenly be it seyde , I rede +tat +tu do +tat in +tee is , refreynyng +te rude and +te grete steryng of +ti spirite ; ry+gt as +tou on no wyse woldest lat hym wite hou fayne +tou woldest see hym and haue hym or fele hym . (CMCLOUD,87.503) +Tis is childly and pleyingly spoken , +tee +tink , parauenture . (CMCLOUD,88.505) Bot I trowe who-so had grace to do and fele as I sey , he schuld fele good gamesumli pley wi+t hym , as +te fadir do+t wi+t +te childe , kyissyng and clippyng , +tat weel were him so . (CMCLOUD,88.506) HERE BIGYNNI+T +TE SEUEN AND FOURTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,88.508) Loke +tou haue no wonder whi +tat I speke +tus childly , & as it were folily and lackyng kyndly discrecion ; (CMCLOUD,88.510) for I do it for certeyn skyles , & as me +tinke+t +tat I haue ben sterid many day bo+te to fele +tus & +tink +tus & sey +tus , as weel to som o+ter of my specyal freendes in God , as I am now vnto +tee . (CMCLOUD,88.511) And o skyle is +tis , whi +tat I bid +tee hide it fro God , +te desire of +tine herte : (CMCLOUD,88.512) for I hope it schuld more cleerly com to his knowyng , to +ti profite & in fulfyllyng of +ti desire , by soche an hidyng , +tan it scholde by any o+ter maner of schewyng +tat I trowe +tou coudest +git schewe . (CMCLOUD,88.513) And ano+ter skyle is : for I wolde by soche a hid schewyng bryng +tee oute of +te boistouste of bodely felyng into +te purete and depnes of goostly felyng ; and so for+termore at +te last to help +tee to knit +te goostly knot of brennyng loue bitwix +tee and +ti God , in goostly onheed and acordyng of wille . (CMCLOUD,88.514) +Tou wost wel +tis , +tat God is a spirit ; (CMCLOUD,88.515) and who-so schuld be onid vnto hym , it behoui+t to be in so+tfastnes and deepnes of spirit , ful fer fro any feynid bodely +ting . (CMCLOUD,88.516) So+t it is +tat alle +ting is knowen of God , (CMCLOUD,89.517) and no+ting may be hid fro his wetyng , nei+ter bodily +ting ne goostly . (CMCLOUD,89.518) Bot more aperte is +tat +ting knowyn and schewid vnto him , +te whiche is hid in depnes of spirit , si+t it so is +tat he is a spirit , +tan is any +ting is medelid wi+t any maner of bodelines . (CMCLOUD,89.519) For alle bodely +ting is fer+ter fro God bi +te cours of kynde +ten any goostly +ting . (CMCLOUD,89.520) By +tis skile it semi+t +tat +te whiles oure desire is medelid wi+t any maner of bodelines - as it is whan we stresse and streyne us in spirit & in body to-geders - as longe it is fer+ter fro God +ten it schuld be , and it were done more deuoutly & more listely in sobirnes and in puretee & in depnes of spirite . (CMCLOUD,89.521) And here maist +tou see sumwhat and in party +te skil whi +tat I bid +tee so childly hele & hyde +te steryng of +ti desire fro God . (CMCLOUD,89.522) And +git I bid +tee not pleynly hyde it , (CMCLOUD,89.523) for +tat were +te biddyng of a fole , (CMCLOUD,89.524) for to bid +tee pleynly do +tat on no wise may be done . (CMCLOUD,89.525) Bot I bid +tee do +tat in +tee is to hide it . (CMCLOUD,89.526) And whi bid I +tus ? (CMCLOUD,89.527) Sekirly for I wolde +tat +tou castedest it into depnes of spirite , fer fro any rude medelyng of any bodelines , +te whiche wolde make it lesse goostly , and fer+ter fro God in as moche ; and for I wote wel +tat euer +te more +tat +ti spirit ha+t of goostlines , +te lesse it ha+t of bodelines and +te nerer it is God , and +te betyr it plesi+t hym , & +te more cleerly it may be seen of hym . (CMCLOUD,89.528) Not +tat his si+gt may be any tyme , or in any +ting , more cleer +ten in ano+ter , for it is euermore vnchaungable ; (CMCLOUD,89.529) bot for+ti it is more liche vnto hym , when it is in puretee of spirit , for he is a spirit . (CMCLOUD,89.530) Ano+ter skyl +ter is whi +tat I bid +tee do +tat in +tee is to late hym not wite : (CMCLOUD,90.532) for +tou & I , and many soche as we ben , we ben so abyl to conceyue a +ting bodily , +te whiche is seyde goostly , +tat parauenture , and I had boden +tee schewe vnto God +te steryng of +tin herte , +tou schuldest haue maad a bodily schewyng vnto hym , ou+ter in contenaunce , or in voyce , or in worde , or in som o+ter rude bodely streynyng , as it is when +tou schalt schewe a +ting +tat is hid in +tin hert to a bodely man ; (CMCLOUD,90.533) & in as moche +ti werk schuld haue ben inpure . (CMCLOUD,90.534) For on o maner schal a +ting be schewid to man , & on an-o+ter maner vnto God . (CMCLOUD,90.535) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE ON AND SIXTI CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,112.539) Neuer+teles it is needful to lifte up oure i+gen and oure hondes bodely , as it were vnto +gone bodely heuen , in +te whiche +te elementes ben fastnid . (CMCLOUD,113.541) I mene +gif we ben sterid of +te werk of oure spirit , and elles nou+gt . (CMCLOUD,113.542) For alle bodely +ting is sogette vnto goostly +ting (CMCLOUD,113.543) and is reulid +terafter , and not a+gensward . (CMCLOUD,113.544) Ensaumple herof may be seen by +te assencion of oure Lorde ; (CMCLOUD,113.545) for whan +te tyme statute was icomen +tat him likyd to weende to his Fader bodely in his Manheed - +te whiche was neuer , ne neuer may be , absent in his Godheed - +tan mi+gtely , by +te vertewe of +te Spirit God , +te Manheed wi+t +te body folowed in onheed of Persone . (CMCLOUD,113.546) +Te visibilite of +tis was moste seemly and most acordyng to be upward . (CMCLOUD,113.547) +Tis same subieccion of +te body to +te spirit may be in maner verrely conceiued in +te preof of +tis goostly werk of +tis book by hem +tat worchen +terin . (CMCLOUD,113.548) For what tyme +tat a soule dispose+t him effectuely to +tis werk , +tan as fast sodenly - vnwetyng him-self +tat worche+t - +te body , +tat parauenture bifore er he bygan was sumwhat heeldyng donwardes on o syde or on o+ter for ese of +te flesche , by vertewe of +te spirit schal set it vpri+gt , folowyng in maner & in licnes bodely +te werk of +te spirit +tat is maad goostly . (CMCLOUD,113.549) and +tus it is moste semely to be . (CMCLOUD,113.550) And for +tis seemlines it is +tat a man , +te whiche is +te seemliest creature in body +tat euer God maad , is not maad crokid to +te er+tewardes , as ben alle o+ter beestes , bot upri+gte to heuenwardes ; for whi +tat it schulde figure in licnes bodely +te werke of +te soule goostly , +te whiche falle+t to be upri+gt goostly and not crokid goostly . (CMCLOUD,113.551) Take kepe +tat I sey upri+gt goostly , and not bodely . (CMCLOUD,113.552) For how schulde a soule , +te whiche in his kynde ha+t no maner +ting of bodelines , be streinid upri+gt bodely ? (CMCLOUD,114.553) Nay , it may not be . (CMCLOUD,114.554) And +terfore beware +tat +tou conceyue not bodely +tat +tat is mente goostly , +tof al it be spokyn in bodely wordes , as ben +tees : (CMCLOUD,114.555) UP_RP or DOUN , IN or OUTE , BEHINDE or BEFORE , ON O SIDE or ON O+TER . (CMCLOUD,114.556) For +tof al +tat a +ting be neuer so goostly in it-self , neuer+teles +git +gif it schal be spoken of , si+ten it so is +tat speche is a bodely werk wrou+gt wi+t +te tonge , +te whiche is an instrument of +te body , it behoue+t alweis be spoken in bodely wordes . (CMCLOUD,114.557) Bot what +terof ? (CMCLOUD,114.558) Schal it +terfore be taken and conceyuid bodely ? (CMCLOUD,114.559) Nay , it bot goostly . (CMCLOUD,114.560) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE TWO AND SIXTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,114.562) And for+ti +tat +tou schalt kun betir wite how +tei schul be conceyued goostly , +tees wordes +tat ben spoken bodely , +terfore I +tink to declare to +tee +te goostly bemenyng of somme wordes +tat fallyn to goostly worching ; so +tat +tou mayst wite cleerly wi+t-outen errour when +ti goostly werke is bene+te +tee & wi+t-outyn +tee , & when it is wi+t-in +tee & euen wi+t +tee , and when it is abouen +tee & vnder +ti God . (CMCLOUD,114.564) Alle maner of bodely +ting is wi+touten +ti soule & bene+te it in kynde . (CMCLOUD,114.565) +Ge , +te sonne & +te mone and alle +te sterres , +tof al +tei be abouen +ti body , neuer+teles +git +tei ben bene+te +ti soule . (CMCLOUD,114.566) Alle aungelles and alle soules , +tof al +tei be conformed & anowrnid wi+t grace & wi+t vertewes , for +te whiche +tei ben abouen +tee in clennes , neuer+teles +git +tei ben bot euen +tee in kynde . (CMCLOUD,114.567) Wi+t-inne in +ti-self in kynde ben +te mi+gtes of +ti soule , +te whiche ben +tees +tre principal : minde , reson , & wille ; and secundary , ymaginacion and sensualite . (CMCLOUD,115.568) Abouen +ti-self in kynde is no maner of +ting bot only God . (CMCLOUD,115.569) Euermore where +tou fyndest wreten +ti-self in goostlines , +tan it is vnderstonden +ti soule , & not +ti body . (CMCLOUD,115.570) And +ten , al after +tat +ting is on +te whiche +te mi+gtes of +ti soule worchyn , +terafter schal +te wor+tines and +te condicion of +te werke be demid ; whe+ter it be bine+te +tee , wi+t-inne +tee , or abouen +tee . (CMCLOUD,115.571) HERE BIGYNNI+T +TE +TRE AND SIXTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,115.573) Mynde is soche a mi+gte in it-self , +tat properly to speke and in maner it worche+t not it-self . (CMCLOUD,115.575) Bot reson & wille , +tei ben two worching mi+gtes , (CMCLOUD,115.576) and so is ymaginacion & sensualite also . (CMCLOUD,115.577) And alle +tees foure mi+gtes & +teire werkes mynde contene+t & comprehende+t in it-self . (CMCLOUD,115.578) and on none o+ter wise it is seide +tat +te mynde worche+t , bot +gif soche a comprehencion be a werke . (CMCLOUD,115.579) And herfore it is +tat I clepe +te mi+gtes of a soule , som principal , & som secundary . (CMCLOUD,115.580) Not for a soule is departable , for +tat may not be ; bot for alle +too +tinges in +te whiche +tei worchen ben departable , and somme principal , as ben alle goostly +tinges , and som secundary , as ben alle bodily +tinges . (CMCLOUD,115.581) +Te two principal worching my+gtes , reson and wille , worchen purely in hem-self in alle goostly +tinges , wi+t-outen help of +te o+ter two secundary mi+gtes . (CMCLOUD,115.582) Ymaginacion & sensualite worchin beestly in alle bodely +tinges , whe+ter +tei be present or absente in +te body , & wi+t +te bodely wittes . (CMCLOUD,115.583) Bot by hem , wi+t-outen helpe of reson & of wille , may a soule neuer come to for to knowe +te vertewe & +te condicions of bodely creatures , ne +te cause of +teire beynges and +teire makynges . (CMCLOUD,116.584) And for +tis skyle is reson and wille clepid principal mi+gtes , for +tei worchen in pure spirit wi+t-outen any maner of bodelines ; and ymaginacion & sensualite secondary , for +tei worchen in +te body wi+t bodely instrumentes , +te whiche ben oure fiue wittes . (CMCLOUD,116.585) Minde is clepid a principal my+gte , for it contene+t in it goostly not only alle +te o+ter mi+gtes , bot +terto alle +to +tinges in +te whiche +tei worchen . (CMCLOUD,116.586) Se by +te profe . (CMCLOUD,116.587) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE FOURE AND SIXTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,116.589) Reson is a my+gt +torou +te whiche we departe +te iuel fro +te good , +te iuel fro +te worse , +te good fro +te betir , +te worse fro +te worste , +te betir fro +te best . (CMCLOUD,116.591) Before er man synned , mi+gt reson haue done al +tis by kynde . (CMCLOUD,116.592) Bot now it is so blendid wi+t +te original synne +tat it may not kon worche +tis werk bot +git it be illuminid by grace . (CMCLOUD,116.593) And bo+te +te self reson , & +te +ting +tat it worche+t in , ben comprehendid & contened in +te mynde . (CMCLOUD,116.594) Wille is a my+gt +torou +te whiche we chese good , after +tat it be determinid wi+t reson ; & +torow +te whiche we loue God , we desire God , and resten us wi+t ful likyng & consent eendli in God . (CMCLOUD,116.595) Before er man synnid , mi+gt not wille be disceyuid in his chesyng , in his louyng , ne in none of his werkes ; for whi it had +tan by kynde to sauour iche +ting as it was . (CMCLOUD,117.596) Bot now it may not do so , bot +gif it be anointed wi+t grace . (CMCLOUD,117.597) For oftymes , bicause of infeccion of +te original synne , it sauore+t a +ting for good +tat is ful yuel , and +tat ha+t bot +te licnes of goode . (CMCLOUD,117.598) And bo+te +te wille & +te +ting +tat it wilni+t +te mynde contene+t & comprehendi+t in it . (CMCLOUD,117.599) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE FIUE AND SIXTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,117.601) Imagynacion is a mi+gt +torow +te whiche we portray alle ymages of absent & present +tinges . (CMCLOUD,117.603) And bo+te it , & +te +ting +tat it worche+t in , ben contened in +te mynde . (CMCLOUD,117.604) Byfore er man synned , was ymaginacion so obedyent vnto +te reson - to +te whiche it is as it were seruaunt - +tat it mynystrid neuer to it any vnordeynde ymage of any bodely creature , or any fantasy of any goostly creature . (CMCLOUD,117.605) Bot now it is not so . (CMCLOUD,117.606) For bot +gif it be refreynid by +te li+gt of grace in +te reson , elles it wil neuer sese , sleping or wakyng , for to portray dyuerse vnordeynd ymages of bodely creatures ; or elles sum fantasye , +te whiche is nou+gt elles bot a bodely conseyte of a goostly +ting , or elles a goostly conseyte of a bodely +ting . (CMCLOUD,117.607) And +tis is euermore feynid & fals , & aneste vnto errour . (CMCLOUD,117.608) +Tis inobedyence of +te ymaginacion may clerly be conseyuid in hem +tat ben newlynges tornid fro +te woreld vnto deuocion in +te tyme of here preier . (CMCLOUD,117.609) For before +te tyme be +tat +te ymaginacion be in grete partye refreynid by +te li+gt of grace in +te reson - as it is in contynowel meditacion of goostly +tinges , as ben +teire wrechidnes , +te Passion & +te kyndenes of oure Lorde God , wi+t many soche o+ter - +tei mowe in no wise put awey +te wonderful & +te diuerse +tou+gtes , fantasies and ymages , +te whiche ben mynystred and preentid in +teire mynde by +te li+gte and +te corioustee of ymaginacyon . (CMCLOUD,118.610) and alle +tis inobedyence is +te pyne of +te original synne . (CMCLOUD,118.611) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE SIX AND SIXTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,118.613) Sensualite is a mi+gte of oure soule , rechyng & regnyng in +te bodely wittes , +torow +te whiche we haue bodely knowyng & felyng of alle bodely creatures , whe+ter +tei be likyng or gruchyng . (CMCLOUD,118.615) And it ha+t two partyes : one +torow +te whiche it beholde+t to +te needfulnes of oure body , ano+ter +torou +te whiche it serue+t to +te lustis of +te bodely wittys . (CMCLOUD,118.616) For +tis same mi+gt is it +tat gruchi+t when +te body lacky+t +te needful +tinges vnto it , (CMCLOUD,118.617) and +tat in +te takyng of +te nede stere+t us to take more +tan nedi+t in fedyng and for+teryng of oure lustys . (CMCLOUD,118.618) It grochi+t in lackyng of likyng creatures , (CMCLOUD,118.619) & lustely is delited in +teire presence . (CMCLOUD,118.620) It grochi+t in presence of mislikyng creatures , (CMCLOUD,118.621) & it is lustely plesid in +teire absence . (CMCLOUD,118.622) Bo+te +tis mi+gt & +te +ting +tat it worche+t in ben contened in +te mynde . (CMCLOUD,118.623) Before er man synnid was +te sensualite so obedyent vnto +te wille - vnto +te whiche it is as it were seruaunt - +tat it ministred neuer vnto it any vnordeinde likyng or groching in any bodely creature , or any goostly feynyng of likyng or mislikyng maad by any goostly enmye in +te bodely wittes . (CMCLOUD,119.624) Bot now it is not so ; (CMCLOUD,119.625) for bot +gif it be reulyd by grace in +te wille , for to suffre meekly & in mesure +te pyne of +te original synne - +te whiche it feli+t in absence of needful likyng and in presence of speedful groching - and +terto also for to streyne it fro luste in presence of needful lykyng , and fro lusty plesaunce in absence of speedful groching , elles wil it wrechidly and wantounly weltre , as a swine in +te myre , in +te wel+tes of +tis woreld & +te foule flessche so mochel , +tat alle oure leuyng schal be more beestly and fleschly +ten ou+ter manly or goostly . (CMCLOUD,119.626) HERE BEGINNI+T +TE SEUEN AND SIXTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,119.628) Loo , goostly freende ! to soche wrechidnes as +tou here mayst see ben we fallen for synne . (CMCLOUD,119.630) And +terfore what wonder is it +tou+g we be blyndely and li+gtly disseyuid in vnderstondyng of goostly wordes & of goostly worchyng , and namely +too +te whiche knowyn not +git +te my+gtes of +teire soules and +te maners of +teire worchyng ? (CMCLOUD,119.631) For euer whan +te mynde is ocupied wi+t any bodely +ting , be it taken to neuer so good an eende , +git +tou arte bine+te +ti-self in +tis worching , & with-outen +ti soule . (CMCLOUD,119.632) And euer whan +tou felist +ti mynde ocupied wi+t +te sotil condicions of +te my+gtes of +ti soule & +teire worchynges in goostly +tinges , as ben vices or vertewes of +ti-self or of any creature +tat is goostly & euen wi+t +tee in kynde , to +tat eende +tat +tou mi+gtest by +tis werke lerne to knowe +ti-self in for+tring of perfeccion : +ten +tou arte wi+t-inne +ti-self and euen wi+t +ti-self . (CMCLOUD,120.633) Bot euer when +tou felist +ti mynde ocupyed wi+t no maner of +tyng +tat is bodely or goostly , bot only wi+t +te self substaunce of God , as it is & may be in +te preof of +te werk of +tis book : +ten +tou arte abouen +ti-self & vnder +ti God . (CMCLOUD,120.634) Abouen +ti-self +tou arte : for whi +tou atteynest to come +tedir by grace , whe+ter +tou mayst not come by kynde ; +tat is to sey , to be onyd to God in spirit & in loue and in acordaunce of wille . (CMCLOUD,120.635) Byne+te +ti God +tou arte : for whi +tof al it may be seide in maner +tat in +tis tyme God & +tou ben not two bot one in spirit - in so moche +tat +tou or ano+ter for soche onheed +tat fele+t +te perfeccion of +tis werk may so+tfastly , bi witnes of Scripture , be clepid a God - neuer+teles +git +tou arte bine+te hym . For whi he is God by kynde wi+t-outen biginnyng ; (CMCLOUD,120.636) and +tou +tat sumtyme were nou+gt in substaunce & +terto after when +tou were by his mi+gt & his loue maad ou+gt , wilfuly wi+t synne madest +ti-self wors +ten nou+gt : only bi his mercy wi+t-outen +ti desert arte maad a God in grace , onyd wi+t him in spirit wi+t-outen departyng , bo+te here and in blis of heuen wi+t-outen any eende . So +tat , +tou+g +tou be al one wi+t hym in grace , +git +tou arte ful fer bine+te hym in kynde . (CMCLOUD,120.637) Loo , goostly freende ! herby maist +tou see sumwhat in partye +tat who-so knowi+t not +te my+gtes of +teire owne soule , and +te maner of +teire worchyng , may ful li+gtly be disseyued in vnderstondyng of wordes +tat ben wretyn to goostly entent . (CMCLOUD,120.638) And herfore maist +tou see sumwhat +te cause whi +tat I durst not pleynly bid +tee schewe +ti desire vnto God ; (CMCLOUD,121.639) bot I bad +tee childly do +tat in +tee is to hyde it and hele it . (CMCLOUD,121.640) And +tis I do for feerde lest +tou schuldest conseyue bodily +tat +tat is mente goostly . (CMCLOUD,121.641) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE EI+GT AND SIXTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,121.643) And on +te same maner , wher ano+ter man wolde bid +tee gader +ti mi+gtes & +ti wittes holiche wi+t-inne +ti-self , & worschip God +tere - +tof al he sey ful wel & ful trewly , +ge ! & no man trewlier & he be wel conseiuid - +git for feerde of disseite & bodely conceyuyng of his wordes , me list not byd +tee do so . (CMCLOUD,121.645) Bot +tus wil I bid +tee . (CMCLOUD,121.646) Loke on no wyse +tat +tou be wi+t-inne +ti-self . (CMCLOUD,121.647) And schortly wi+t-outyn +ti-self wil I not +tat +tou be , ne +git abouen , ne be-hynde , ne on o side , ne on o+ter . (CMCLOUD,121.648) ' Wher +tan , ' seist +tou , ' schal I be ? (CMCLOUD,121.649) No+gwhere , by +ti tale ! ' (CMCLOUD,121.650) Now trewly +tou seist wel ; (CMCLOUD,121.651) for +tere wolde I haue +tee . For whi no+gwhere bodely is euerywhere goostly . (CMCLOUD,121.652) Loke +tan besily +tat +ti goostly werk be no+gwhere bodely ; (CMCLOUD,121.653) and +tan wher-so-euer +tat +tat +ting is , on +te whiche +tou wilfuly worchest in +ti mynde in substaunce , sekerly +ter art +tou in spirit , as verrely as +ti body is in +tat place +tat +tou arte bodely . (CMCLOUD,121.654) And +tof al +ti bodely wittes kon fynde +ter no+ting to fede hem on , for hem +tink it nou+gt +tat +tou doste , +ge ! do on +tan +tis nou+gt , elles +tat +tou do it for Goddes loue . (CMCLOUD,121.655) And lete nou+gt , +terfore , (CMCLOUD,121.656) bot trauayle besily in +tat nou+gt with a wakyng desire to wilne to haue God , +tat no man may knowe . (CMCLOUD,122.658) For I telle +tee trewly +tat I had leuer be so nowhere bodely , wrastlyng wi+t +tat blynde nou+gt , +tan to be so grete a lorde +tat I mi+gt when I wolde be euerywhere bodely , merily pleiing wi+t al +tis ou+gt as a lorde wi+t his owne . (CMCLOUD,122.659) Lat be +tis eueriwhere & +tis ou+gt , in comparison of +tis no+gwhere and +tis nou+gt . (CMCLOUD,122.660) Reche +tee neuer +gif +ti wittys kon no skyle of +tis nou+gt : for whi I loue it moche +te betir . (CMCLOUD,122.661) It is so wor+ti a +ting in it-self +tat +tei kon no skyle +ter-apon . (CMCLOUD,122.662) +Tis nou+gt may betir be felt +ten seen ; (CMCLOUD,122.663) for it is ful blynde & ful derk to hem +tat han bot lityl while lokid +ter-apon . (CMCLOUD,122.664) Neuer+teles , +gif I schal so+tlier sey , a soule is more bleendid in felyng of it for habundaunce of goostly li+gt , +ten for any derknes or wantyng of bodely li+gtte . (CMCLOUD,122.665) What is he +tat clepi+t it nou+gt ? (CMCLOUD,122.666) Sekirly it is oure vtter man , and not oure inner . (CMCLOUD,122.667) Oure inner man clepi+t it Al ; (CMCLOUD,122.668) for of it he is wel lernid to kon skyle of alle +tinges , bodely or goostly , wi+t-outen any specyal beholdyng to any o +ting by it-self . (CMCLOUD,122.669) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE NINE AND SIXTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,122.671) Wonderfuly is a mans affeccion varied in goostly felyng of +tis nou+gt when it is nou+gwhere wrou+gt . (CMCLOUD,122.673) For at +te first tyme +tat a soule loki+t +ter-apon , it schal fynde alle +te specyal dedes of sinne +tat euer he did si+ten he was borne , bodely or goostly , priuely or derkly , peyntid +ter-apon . (CMCLOUD,122.674) And how-so-euer +tat he torni+t it aboute , euermore +tei wil apere before his i+gen ; vnto +te tyme be +tat wi+t moche harde trauayle , many sore si+ginges , & many bitter wepynges he haue in grete party rubbid hem awey . (CMCLOUD,123.675) Somtyme in +tis trauayle him +tink +tat it is to loke +ter-apon as on helle ; (CMCLOUD,123.676) for him +tink +tat he despeiri+t to wynne to perfeccion of goostly rest oute of +tat pyne . (CMCLOUD,123.677) +Tus fer inwardes comyn many ; (CMCLOUD,123.678) bot for greetnes of pyne +tat +tei fele and for lackyng of counforte +tei go bak in beholdyng of bodely +tinges , sekyng fleschly counfortes wi+t-outen , for lackyng of goostly +tat +tei haue not +git deseruyd , as +tei schuld +gif +tei had abeden . (CMCLOUD,123.679) For he +tat abidi+t feli+t somtyme som coumforte , (CMCLOUD,123.680) and ha+t som hope of perfeccion ; (CMCLOUD,123.681) for he feli+t & see+t +tat many of his fordone specyal synnes ben in grete partye by help of grace rubbid awey . (CMCLOUD,123.682) Neuer+teles +git eueramonge he feli+t pyne ; (CMCLOUD,123.683) bot he +tinki+t +tat it schal haue an ende , (CMCLOUD,123.684) for it wexi+t euer les & les . (CMCLOUD,123.685) & +terfore he clepi+t it nou+gt helle bot purgatory . (CMCLOUD,123.686) Somtyme he kan fynde no specyal synne wretyn +ter-apon , (CMCLOUD,123.687) bot +git hym +tink +tat it is synne a lumpe , he wote neuer what , none o+ter +ting +tan hym-self ; (CMCLOUD,123.688) and +tan it may be clepid +te sta+til and +te pyne of +te original synne . (CMCLOUD,123.689) Somtyme hym +tink +tat it is paradis or heuen , for diuerse wonderful swetnes and counfortes , ioyes & blessid vertewes +tat he fynde+t +ter-in . (CMCLOUD,123.690) Somtyme hym +tink it God , for pees & rest +tat he finde+t +ter-in . (CMCLOUD,123.691) +Ge ! +tink what he +tink wil ; (CMCLOUD,123.692) for euermore he schal fynde it a cloude of vnknowyng +tat is bitwix hym and his God . (CMCLOUD,123.693) HERE BIGINNY+T +TE SEUENTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,124.695) And +terfore trauayle fast in +tis nou+gt & +tis nou+gwhere , (CMCLOUD,124.697) & leue +tin outward bodely wittes ; (CMCLOUD,124.698) for I telle +tee trewly +tat +tis werk may not be conceyuid by hem . (CMCLOUD,124.699) For by +tin i+gen +tou maist not conceyue of any +ting , bot +gif it be by +te leng+te & +te breed , +te smalnes & +te gretnes , +te roundnes and +te swarenes , +te fernes & +te neernes , and +te colour of it . And bi +tin eren , not bot noise or sum maner of soun . By +tin nose , not bot ei+ter stynche or sauour . And by +ti taast , not bot ei+ter soure or swete , salt or fresche , bittyr or likyng . And bi +ti feling , not bot ou+ter hote or colde , hard or tendre , soft or scharpe . (CMCLOUD,124.700) And trewly nei+ter ha+t God ne goostly +tinges none of +tees qualitees ne quantitees . (CMCLOUD,124.701) And +terfore leue +tin outward wittes , (CMCLOUD,124.702) & worche not wi+t hem , nei+ter wi+t-inne ne wi+t-outen . (CMCLOUD,124.703) For alle +too +tat setten hem to be goostly worchers wi+t-inne , & wenen +tat +tei scholen ou+ter here , smel , or see , taast or fele goostly +tinges , ou+ter wi+t-inne hem or wi+t-outen , sekerly +tei ben deceyued (CMCLOUD,124.704) & worchen wronge a+gens +te cours of kynde . (CMCLOUD,124.705) For kyndely +tei ben ordeynid +tat with hem men schuld haue knowyng of alle outward bodely +tinges , and on no wise by hem com to +te knowing of gostely +tinges . (CMCLOUD,124.706) I mene bi +teire werkes . (CMCLOUD,124.707) By +teire failinges we may , as +tus : (CMCLOUD,124.708) when we rede or here speke of sum certeyn +tinges , & +terto conceyue +tat oure outward wittys kon not telle us bi no qualitee what +too +tinges ben , +tan we mowe be verely certefied +tat +too +tinges ben goostly +tinges , & not bodely +tinges . (CMCLOUD,125.709) On +tis same maner goostly it fari+t in oure goostly wittys , when we trauailen aboute +te knowyng of God him-self . (CMCLOUD,125.710) For haue a man neuer so moche goostly vnderstondyng in knowyng of alle maad goostly +tinges , +git may he neuer bi +te werk of his vnderstondyng com to +te knowyng of an vnmaad goostly +ting , +te whiche is nou+gt bot God . (CMCLOUD,125.711) Bot by +te failyng it may ; for whi +tat +ting +tat it faili+t in is no+ting elles bot only God . (CMCLOUD,125.712) And herfore it was +tat Seynte Denis seyde : ' +Te moste goodly knowyng of God is +tat , +te whiche is knowyn bi vnknowyng . ' (CMCLOUD,125.713) And trewly , who-so wil loke Denis bookes , he schal fynde +tat his wordes wilen cleerly aferme al +tat I haue seyde or schal sey , fro +te biginnyng of +tis tretis to +te ende . (CMCLOUD,125.714) On none o+terwise +ten +tus list me not alegge hem , ne none o+ter doctour for me at +tis tyme . (CMCLOUD,125.715) For somtyme men +tou+gt it meeknes to sey nou+gt of +teire owne hedes , bot +gif +tei afermid it by Scripture & doctours wordes ; (CMCLOUD,125.716) & now it is turnid into corioustee & schewyng of kunnyng . (CMCLOUD,125.717) To +tee it nedi+t not , (CMCLOUD,125.718) & +terfore I do it nou+gt . (CMCLOUD,125.719) For who-so ha+t eren , lat hem here , (CMCLOUD,125.720) & who-so is sterid for to trowe , lat hem trowe ; (CMCLOUD,125.721) for elles scholen +tei not . (CMCLOUD,125.722) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE ON AND SEUENTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,125.724) Somme +tink +tis mater so harde and so feerdful +tat +tei sey it may not be comen to wi+t-outen moche stronge trauayle comyng before , ne conceiuid bot seeldom , & +tat in +te tyme of rauisching . (CMCLOUD,126.726) and to +tees men wol I answere as febely as I kan , & sey +tat it is alle at +te ordynaunce & +te disposicion of God , after +teire abilnes in soule +tat +tis grace of contemplacion & of goostly worching is +gouen to . (CMCLOUD,126.727) For som +ter ben +tat wi+t-outyn moche & longe goostly excersise mowe not com +terto ; (CMCLOUD,126.728) & +git it schal be bot ful seeldom , & in special callyng of oure Lorde , +tat +tei schul fele +te perfeccion of +tis werk : +te whiche callyng is clepid rauisching . (CMCLOUD,126.729) And som +ter ben +tat ben so sotyl in grace & in spirit , & so homely wi+t God in +tis grace of contemplacion , +tat +tei mowe haue it when +tei wolen in +te comoun state of mans soule : as in sittyng , goyng , stondyng , or knelyng . (CMCLOUD,126.730) and +git in +tis tyme +tei haue fulle deliberacion of alle +teire wittis , bodely or goostly , (CMCLOUD,126.731) & mowe vse hem +gif hem list : not wi+t-outen som lettyng , bot withouten gret lettyng . (CMCLOUD,126.732) Ensaumple of +te first we haue by Moises , and of +tis o+ter by Aaron , +te preest of +te temple . For whi +tis grace of contemplacion is figurid by +te Arke of +te Testament in +te Olde Lawe , and +te worchers in +tis grace ben figurid by hem +tat most medelid hem aboute +tis arke , as +te story wol witnes . (CMCLOUD,126.733) And weel is +tis grace and +tis werk licnid to +tat arke . (CMCLOUD,126.734) For ri+gt as in +tat arke were contenid alle +te juelles & +te relikis of +te temple , ri+gt so in +tis lityl loue put ben contenid alle +te vertewes of mans soule , +te whiche is +te goostly temple of God . (CMCLOUD,126.735) Moyses , er he mi+gt come to se +tis arke , & for to wite how it schuld be maad , wi+t grete longe trauayle he clombe up to +te top of +te mounteyne (CMCLOUD,126.736) & wonid +tere (CMCLOUD,126.737) & wrou+gt in a cloude six daies : abidyng vnto +te seuen+t day , +tat oure Lorde wolde vouche saaf for to schewe vnto hem +te maner of +tis arke-makyng . (CMCLOUD,127.738) By Moises longe trauaile and his late schewyng ben vnderstonden +too +tat mowe not come to +te perfeccion of +tis goostly werk wi+t-outen longe trauayle comyng before , & +git bot ful seeldom , and when God wil vouche saaf to schewe it . (CMCLOUD,127.739) Bot +tat +tat Moises mi+gt not come to se bot seeldom , & +tat not wi+t-outyn grete longe trauayle , Aaron had in his power , bicause of his office , for to se it in +te temple with-inne +te veyle as ofte as him likid for to entre . (CMCLOUD,127.740) And bi +tis Aaron ben vnderstonden alle +too +te whiche I spak of abouen , +te whiche by +teire goostly slei+gtes , bi help of grace , mowen propre vnto hem +te perfeccion of +tis werk as oft as hem liki+t . (CMCLOUD,127.741) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE TWO AND SEUENTI CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,127.743) Lo ! herby maist +tou see +tat he +tat may not com to for to see & fele +te perfeccion of +tis werk , bot wi+t grete trauayle , & +git is it bot seeldom , & may li+gtly be disceyuid +gif he speke , +tink & deme o+ter men as he feli+t in him-self : +tat +tei mowe not com to it bot seeldom , and +tat not wi+t-outen greet trauaile . (CMCLOUD,127.745) And on +te same maner may he be deceyuid +tat may haue it whan he wil , +gif he deme alle o+ter +ter-after , seiing +tat +tei mowe haue it when +tei wile . (CMCLOUD,127.746) Lat be +tis ; (CMCLOUD,127.747) nay , sekirly he may not +tink +tus . (CMCLOUD,127.748) For parauenture , whan it liki+t vnto God , +too +tat mowe not at +te first tyme haue it bot seeldom & +tat not wi+t-outen grete trauayle , si+ten after +tei schulen haue it whan +tei wile , as ofte as hem liki+t . (CMCLOUD,128.749) Ensaumple of +tis we haue of Moyses , +tat first bot seeldome , & nou+gt wi+t-outen grete trauayle in +te mounte , mi+gt not see +te maner of +te arke ; and si+ten after , as ofte as hym likid , sawe it in +te vaale . (CMCLOUD,128.750) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE +TRE AND SEUENTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,128.752) +Tre men +ter weren +tat most principaly medelid hem wi+t +tis arke of +te Olde Testament : Moyses , Be+geleel , Aaron . (CMCLOUD,128.754) Moyses lernid in +te mounte of oure Lorde how it schuld be maad . (CMCLOUD,128.755) Be+geleel wrou+gt it (CMCLOUD,128.756) & maad it in +te vaale , after +te ensaumple +tat was schewid in +te mounteyne . (CMCLOUD,128.757) And Aaron had it in kepyng in +te temple , to fele it & see it as ofte as hym likid . (CMCLOUD,128.758) At +te licnes of +tees +tre , we profite on +tre maners in +tis grace of contemplacion . (CMCLOUD,128.759) Somtyme we profite only by grace , (CMCLOUD,128.760) and +tan we ben licnid vnto Moises , +tat for alle +te clymbyng & +te trauaile +tat he had into +te mounte , mi+gt not com to se it bot seeldom ; (CMCLOUD,128.761) and +git was +tat si+gt only by +te schewyng of oure Lorde whan hym likid to schewe it , and not for any deseert of hie trauayle . (CMCLOUD,128.762) Somtyme we profite in +tis grace by oure owne goostly slei+gt , holpyn wi+t grace , (CMCLOUD,128.763) and +tan ben we licnid to Be+geleel , +te whiche mi+gt not se +te arke er +te tyme +tat he had mad it by his owne trauayle , holpen wi+t +te ensaumple +tat was schewid vnto Moises in +te mounte . (CMCLOUD,128.764) And somtyme we profite in +tis grace by o+ter mens teching . (CMCLOUD,128.765) & +tan ben we licnid to Aaron , +te whiche had it in keping and in costume to see & fele +te arke when hym list , +tat Be+geleel had wrou+gt & maad redy before to his handes . (CMCLOUD,129.766) Lo ! goostly freende , in +tis werk , +tof it be childly & lewdely spoken , I bere , +tof I be a wreche vnwor+ti to teche any creature , +te ofice of Be+geleel , makyng & declaryng in maner to +tin handes +te maner of +tis goostly arke . (CMCLOUD,129.767) Bot fer betir and more wor+tely +ten I do , +tou maist worche +gif +tou wilt be Aaron ; +tat is to sey , contynuely worching +ter-in for +tee & for me . (CMCLOUD,129.768) Do +ten so , I prey +tee , for +te loue of God Almi+gty . (CMCLOUD,129.769) And si+ten we ben bo+te clepid of God to worche in +tis werk , (CMCLOUD,129.770) I beseche +tee for Goddes loue fulfille in +ti partye +tat lacki+t of myne . (CMCLOUD,129.771) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE FOURE AND SEUENTI CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,129.773) And +gif +tee +tink +tat +tis maner of worching be not acordyng to +ti disposicion in body & in soule , +tou maist leue it , & take ano+ter sauely wi+t good goostly counseile wi+t-outyn blame . (CMCLOUD,129.775) And +tan I beseche +tee +tat +tou wilt haue me excusid ; (CMCLOUD,129.776) for trewly I wolde haue profitid vnto +tee in +tis writyng at my simple kunnyng , (CMCLOUD,129.777) & +tat was myn entent . (CMCLOUD,129.778) And +terfore rede ouer twyes or +tries ; (CMCLOUD,129.779) & euer +te ofter +te betir , & +te more +tou schalt conceyue +ter-of ; in so moche , parauenture , +tat sum clause +tat was ful harde to +tee at +te first or +te secound redyng , si+ten after +tee schal +tink it ful li+gt . (CMCLOUD,129.780) +Ge ! and it semi+t inpossible to myn vnderstonding +tat any soule +tat is disposid to +tis werk schuld rede it , or speke it , or elles here it red or spoken , bot +gif +tat same soule schuld fele for +tat tyme a verrey acordaunce to +te effecte of +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,129.781) And +tan , +gif +tee +tink it do+t +tee good , +tank God hertly , (CMCLOUD,130.782) & for Goddes loue prey for me . (CMCLOUD,130.783) Do +tan so . (CMCLOUD,130.784) And I prey +tee for Godes loue +tat +tou late none see +tis book , bot if it be soche one +tat +tee +tink is liche to +te book ; after +tat +tou fyndest wreten in +te book before , where it telli+t what men & when +tei schuld worche in +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,130.785) And +gif +tou schalt late any soche men see it , +ten I preie +tee +tat +tou bid hem take hem tyme to loke it al ouer . (CMCLOUD,130.786) For parauenture +ter is som mater +ter-inne , in +te beginnyng or in +te middes , +te whiche is hanging & not fully declarid +tere as it stonde+t . (CMCLOUD,130.787) Bot +gif it be not +tere , it is sone after , or elles in +te eende . (CMCLOUD,130.788) And +tus +gif a man sawe o partye and not ano+ter , parauenture he schuld li+gtly be led into errour . (CMCLOUD,130.789) & +terfore I preye +tee do as I sey +tee . (CMCLOUD,130.790) And +gif +tee +tenk +tat +ter be any mater +ter-in +tat +tou woldest haue more openid +tan it is , late me wetyn whiche it is & +ti conceyte +ter-apon ; (CMCLOUD,130.791) and at my simple kunnyng it schal be amendid +gif I kan . (CMCLOUD,130.792) Fleschly iangelers , glosers & blamers , roukers & rouners , & alle maner of pynchers , kept I neuer +tat +tei sawe +tis book ; (CMCLOUD,130.793) for myn entent was neuer to write soche +ting to hem . (CMCLOUD,130.794) & +terfore I wolde not +tat +tei herde it , nei+ter +tei ne none of +tees corious lettrid ne lewid men , +ge ! al-+tof +tei be ful good men in actyue leuyng ; (CMCLOUD,130.795) for it acorde+t not to hem . (CMCLOUD,130.796) HERE BIGINNI+T +TE FIUE AND SEUENTY CHAPITRE . (CMCLOUD,130.798) Alle +too +tat redyn or heren +te mater of +tis book be red or spokin , & in +tis redyng or hering +tink it good & likyng +ting , ben neuer +te ra+ter clepid of God to worche in +tis werk , only for +tis likyng steryng +tat +tei fele in +te tyme of +tis redyng . (CMCLOUD,131.800) For parauenture +tis steryng come+t more of a kyndely coriouste of witte +ten of any clepyng of grace . (CMCLOUD,131.801) Bot +gif +tei wil proue whens +tis steryng come+t , +tei mowe proue +tus , +gif hem liky+t . (CMCLOUD,131.802) First lat hem loke +gif +tei haue done +tat in hem is before , ablyng hem +terto in clensyng of +teire concyence , at +te dome of Holi Chirche , +teire counseil acordyng . (CMCLOUD,131.803) +Gif it be +tus , weel is in as moche . (CMCLOUD,131.804) Bot +gif +tei wil wetyn more nere , lat hem loke +gif it be euermore presing in +teire mynde more costumabely +ten is any o+ter of goostly excersise . (CMCLOUD,131.805) And +gif hem +tink +tat +ter is any maner of +ting +tat +tei do , bodely or goostly , +tat is sufficiently done wi+t witnes of +teire concyence , bot +gif +tis priue litil loue put be in maner goostly +te cheef of alle +teire werk : and +gif +tei +tus fele - +ten it is a token +tat +tei ben clepid of God to +tis werk . & sekirly elles not . (CMCLOUD,131.806) I say not +tat it schal euer laste & dwelle in alle +teire myndes contynowely +tat ben clepid to worche in +tis werk . (CMCLOUD,131.807) Nay , so is it nou+gt . (CMCLOUD,131.808) For from a +gong goostly prentys in +tis werk +te actueel felyng +ter-of is oft-tymes wi+tdrawen for diuers skyles ; (CMCLOUD,131.809) somtyme for he schal not take ouer homely +ter-apon & wene +tat it be in grete party in his owne power , to haue it when him list & as him list . (CMCLOUD,131.810) & soche a wenyng were pride . (CMCLOUD,131.811) And euermore whan +te felyng of grace is wi+tdrawen , pride is +te cause : (CMCLOUD,131.812) not euer pride +tat is , bot pride +tat schuld be , ne were +tat +tis feling of grace were wi+tdrawen . (CMCLOUD,132.813) and +tus wenyn oft-tymes som +gong foles +tat God is +teire enemye ; when he is +teire ful freende . (CMCLOUD,132.814) Somtyme it is wi+tdrawen for +teire rechelesnes ; (CMCLOUD,132.815) and when it is +tus , +tei fele sone after a ful bitter pyne +tat beti+t hem ful sore . (CMCLOUD,132.816) Somtyme oure Lorde wil delaye it be a cauteel , (CMCLOUD,132.817) for he wol bi soche a delaiing make it growe & be had more in deintee , when it is newe founden & felt a+gein , +tat longe had be lost . (CMCLOUD,132.818) And +tis is one of +te rediest & souereynist tokin +tat a soule may haue to wite bi , whe+ter he be clepid or not to worche in +tis werk : (CMCLOUD,132.819) +gif he fele after soche a delaying & a longe lackyng of +tis werk , +tat when it come+t sodenly as it do+t , vnpurchasid wi+t any mene , +tat he ha+t +tan a gretter feruour of desire & gretter loue-longing to worche in +tis werk , +tan euer he had any before , in so mochel , +tat oftymes I trowe he ha+t more ioie of +te fynding +ter-of , +ten euer he had sorow of +te lesing . And +gif it be +tus , sekirly it is a tokin verrey wi+t-outyn errour +tat he is clepid of God to worche in +tis werk , what-so-euer +tat he be or ha+t ben . (CMCLOUD,132.820) For not what +tou arte , ne what +tou hast ben , beholde+t God wi+t his mercyful i+ge ; bot +tat +tou woldest be . (CMCLOUD,132.821) And Seinte Gregory to witnes +tat ' alle holy desires growen bi delaies ; and +gif +tei $wanyn bi delaies , +ten were +tei neuer holy desires ' . (CMCLOUD,132.822) For he +tat feli+t euer les ioye and les in newe fyndinges & sodeyn presentacions of his olde purposid desires , +tof al +tei mowe be clepid kyndely desires to +te goode , neuer+teles holy desires weren +tei neuer . (CMCLOUD,133.823) Of +tis holy desire speki+t Seint Austyne and sei+t +tat ' al +te liif of a good Cristen man is not elles bot holi desire ' . (CMCLOUD,133.824) Farewel , goostly freende , in Goddes blessing & myne ! (CMCLOUD,133.825) And I beseche Almi+gti God +tat trewe pees , hole counseil , & goostly coumforte in God wi+t habundaunce of grace , euirmore be wi+t +tee and alle Goddes louers in eer+te . (CMCLOUD,133.826) Amen . (CMCLOUD,133.827)