Incipit Speculum Sancti Edmundi Cantuarensis Archipiscopi in Anglicis . (CMEDTHOR,16.2) Here begynnys The Myrrour of Seynt Edmonde +te Ersebechope of Canterberye . (CMEDTHOR,16.3) Videte vocacionem vestram . (CMEDTHOR,16.4) This wordes , sayse Saynte Paule , in his pistyll , (CMEDTHOR,16.5) and thay are thus mekill to saye one ynglysche , (CMEDTHOR,16.6) ' Seese +gowre callynge . ' (CMEDTHOR,16.7) This worde falles till vs folke of religioun : (CMEDTHOR,16.8) and +tat sais he , till excite vs till perfeccyone . (CMEDTHOR,16.9) And ther-fore , what houre +tat I thynke of my-selfe , one nyghte or on day , On a syde hafe I gret Ioye , and on ano+ter syde gret sorowe : -- (CMEDTHOR,16.10) Ioy , for +te haly religion ; (CMEDTHOR,16.11) sorowe and confusyon for my febill conuersasione . (CMEDTHOR,16.12) And +tat es na wondire , (CMEDTHOR,16.13) for I hafe gret encheson . (CMEDTHOR,16.14) Als +te wyese man saise in his sermon , he sais , ' to com to Religion es souerayne perfeccyone ; (CMEDTHOR,16.15) and there-In noghte perfitly to lyffe es souerayne dampnacyone . ' (CMEDTHOR,16.16) And thar-for +tare es na turne of +te way bot ane , to come in congregacyone , +tat es , to drawe to perfeccione als +tou will +ti saluacyone , to leue all +tat es in this worlde and all +tat +ter-to langys , and sett thi myghte to lyffe perfitly . (CMEDTHOR,16.17) To lyffe perfitly , as Sayne Bernarde vs kennys , +tat es , to lyffe honourabilly , mekely , & lufesomly . (CMEDTHOR,16.18) Honourabilly , als to God , +tat +tou sett thyn Entente to do Hys will , +tat es $at say in all thynges +tat +tou sall thynke in hert , or say with mouthe , or doo in dede , with any of +ti fyve wittes ; (CMEDTHOR,16.19) alls with seynge of eghe , Herynge of Ere , Smellynge of neese , Suellynge of throtte , towchynge of hande , Gangand , or standande , Lygand , or sittande , thynke at +te begynnynge if +tat it be Goddes will or noghte . (CMEDTHOR,17.20) And if it be Goddis will , do it at thy powere . (CMEDTHOR,17.21) And if it be noughte Hys will , do it noghte , for to suffre +te dede . (CMEDTHOR,17.22) Bot now may +tou aske mee ' what es Goddes will ? ' (CMEDTHOR,17.23) I say +te , His will es na no+ter thynge bot +ti haylnes . (CMEDTHOR,17.24) Als +te Appostill in his pystill : - Hec est Voluntas Dei , Sanctificacio vestra : +Tat is to say , +tat es Goddes will , +tat +ge be haly . (CMEDTHOR,17.25) bot now may +tou aske me : ' What mase man haly ? ' (CMEDTHOR,17.26) I say +te , twa thynges with-owtten may , +tat es , knaweynge and lufe . Knaweyng of sothefastnes , and Lufe of gudnes . (CMEDTHOR,17.27) Bot to +te knaweynge of Godde , +tat es sothefastnes , ne may +tou noughte com Bot be knaweynge of thi selfe ; (CMEDTHOR,17.28) ne +git to +te luf of Godde may +tou noughte com , bot thurghe +te luf of thynn evyn-crystyn . (CMEDTHOR,17.29) To +te knaweyng of +ti selfe may +tou com with besy vmby-thynkynge ; And to +te knaweynge of Godde thurghe pure contemplacionne . (CMEDTHOR,17.30) To +te knaweynge of +ti self +tou may com on +tis manere : (CMEDTHOR,17.31) Thynke besely and ofte what +tou erte , what +tou was , and what +tou shall be . (CMEDTHOR,17.32) Fyrste , als vn-to +ti body : +tou erte now vylere +tan any mukke ; (CMEDTHOR,17.33) +tou was getyn of sa vile matire and sa gret fylthe , +tat it is schame for to nevynn , and abhomynacyon for to thynke ; (CMEDTHOR,17.34) +tou sall be delyuerde to tades and to neddyrs for to ete . (CMEDTHOR,17.35) What +tou has bene and what thow erte , now sall +tou als to +ti saule , thynke , (CMEDTHOR,17.36) For what +tou sall be +tou may noghte wyete nowe . (CMEDTHOR,17.37) Vmbe-thynke +te nowe how +tou has don gret synns and many , and how thou has lefte gret gudnes and many . (CMEDTHOR,17.38) Thynke how lange +tou hase lyffede , and what thow has rescheyuede , and how +tou has dyspende it . (CMEDTHOR,17.39) For ilke an houre +tat +tou has noghte thoghte one Godde , +tou has it tynte . (CMEDTHOR,17.40) For +tou sall +gelde resonne of ilke-ane ydill thoghte , of ilke-ane ydill dede , of ilke-ane ydill worde . (CMEDTHOR,17.41) And righte as +tou has noghte ane hare of thi heude +tat it ne sall be gloryfyede , if swa be +tou be safede , Righte swa sall schape nane houre +tat it ne sall $be accountede . (CMEDTHOR,17.42) A Ihesu , mercy ! (CMEDTHOR,17.43) If all +tis worlde ware full of smalle powdire , wha sulde be sa qwaynte +tat he sulde or moghte Iugge ilke a thoghte , ilke a sawe , ilke a dede by +tam selfe , and twyn ilke ana fra o+ter ? (CMEDTHOR,18.44) Certis na thynge bot +te saule , +tat es a thowsande sythes gretter +tan all +tis worlde , if it ware a thowsande sythes gretter +tan it es . (CMEDTHOR,18.45) And it es so full of dyuerse thoghtes , lykynges and +gernynges , (CMEDTHOR,18.46) wha moghte +tan thus seke his herte +tat he moght knawe all +tat es +tare-in or thynke it ? (CMEDTHOR,18.47) See nowe , my dere hertly frende , howe +tou has gret nede of knawynge of thi selfe . (CMEDTHOR,18.48) Sythen aftyrwarde take gude hede whate +tou erte nowe , als vn-to +ti saule ; howe +tow has littyll of gude in the , and littill of witte and littill of powere ; (CMEDTHOR,18.49) For +tou +gernys ilke a daye +tat at noghte avayles the , and euer mare ouer lattyl +tat at may availe the . (CMEDTHOR,18.50) Dere frende , +tou erte dessayfede sa ofte with vayne Ioye ; nowe trauelde with drede , (CMEDTHOR,18.51) nowe erte +tou lyftede one lofte with false trayste . (CMEDTHOR,18.52) See now on +te to+ter syde : (CMEDTHOR,18.53) +Tou ert chaungeabill : (CMEDTHOR,18.54) +tat at +tou will doo to day , +tou will noghte to morne . (CMEDTHOR,18.55) And ofte sythes +tou erte anoyede eftire many thynges , and turment if +tou hafe thaym noghte . (CMEDTHOR,18.56) And sythen when +tou has +tam at +ti will , +tan erte +tou of thaa thynges annoyede . (CMEDTHOR,18.57) Thynke +gitt one +te to+ter syde , how +tou erte lyghte to fande , frele to agayne-stande , and redy to assente . (CMEDTHOR,18.58) Off all +tese wrechidnes now has +te delyuerde Ihesu +ti spouse , (CMEDTHOR,18.59) and delyuers +te ylke day mare and mare . (CMEDTHOR,18.60) For when +tou was noghte , He mad +te in saule aftire His awen lyknesse and His ymage , (CMEDTHOR,18.61) and +ti body made of foule stynkande skyum of +te erthe , whare-of es abhomynacyone to thynke , (CMEDTHOR,18.62) He mad +te in witte and in membirs sa nobill and sa faire +tat nane can deuyse . (CMEDTHOR,18.63) Thynke now besyly , +ge +tat has fleschely frendis and kynredyn , why +ge luffe +tam sa derely and sa tendirly . (CMEDTHOR,18.64) If +tou say +tat +tou lufes +ti fadire or +ti modire for-thi +tat +tou ert of +taire blude and of flesche getyn , Sa are +te wormes +tat comes of +tam day be day . (CMEDTHOR,18.65) On a-no+ter syde +tou has no+ter-1 of +tam body ne saule , (CMEDTHOR,18.66) Bot +tou +tan has of God thurghe thaym . (CMEDTHOR,18.67) For whate sulde +tou hafe bene if +tou had duellyde swilke as +tou was of thaym , and +tou genderide in fylthe and in syn ? (CMEDTHOR,18.68) One +te to+ter syd , if +tou lufe brethire or systers or o+ter kynredyn , for-thi +tat +tay are of +te same flesche of fadir or of modire , and of +taire blude , by +te same skyll solde +tou lufe a pece of +taire flesche if it $ware schorne a-waye ; (CMEDTHOR,19.69) and +tat solde be errour gret with-owtten mesure . (CMEDTHOR,19.70) +Gyfe +tou say +tat +tou lufes +tam for-thi +tat +tay hafe fleschely fegure in lyknes of man , and for-thy +tat +tay haue saule ryghte als +tou has , +tan es +ti bro+ter fleschely na nerre +tan ano+ter ; (CMEDTHOR,19.71) bot in als mekill als +tou and he hase bathe a fadire and a modire fleschely , The begynnynge of +ti flesche , +tat es , a lyttill filth , stynkande and full to see . (CMEDTHOR,19.72) Thare-fore +tou sall lufe Hym of whaym all +ti fairenes commes . (CMEDTHOR,19.73) And +tou sall lufe gastely ilk a man , and flee fra now-forthwarde to lufe fleschly . (CMEDTHOR,19.74) And swa sall +tou doo certaynly if +tou conabilly thynke of gudes +tat He has done gudly for +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.75) and mare sall doo if +tou lufe Hyme enterely ; (CMEDTHOR,19.76) For , als I saide at +te begynnynge , - when +tou was noghte , He made +te of noghte ; (CMEDTHOR,19.77) and when +tou was tynte , He fande +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.78) and when +tou was peryschede , He soghte +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.79) and when +tou was saulde with sin , +tan He boghte +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.80) and when +tou was dampnede , +tan He sauede +te , (CMEDTHOR,19.81) and when +tou was borne in syn , He bapty+gede +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.82) and sythen aftirwarde , when +tou synnede sa foully and sa ofte , +tan He sufferde +te so frely , (CMEDTHOR,19.83) and habade thynne amendemente sa lange , (CMEDTHOR,19.84) and sythen rescheyuede +te sa swetly , (CMEDTHOR,19.85) and +te has sett in sa swete a falachipe . (CMEDTHOR,19.86) And ilke a day when +tou mysdose , +tan He reprofes +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.87) and when +tou repentis +te ; +tan He forgyffes the ; (CMEDTHOR,19.88) and when +tou erris , +tan He amendis +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.89) and when +tou dredis +te ; +tan He leris +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.90) and when +tou hungers , +tan He fedis +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.91) and when +tou erte calde , +tan He warmes +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.92) and when +tou has hete , +tan He kelis +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.93) and when +tou slepis , +tan He saues +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.94) and when +tou rysez vpe , +tan He vphaldes +te ; (CMEDTHOR,19.95) and euer-mare when +tou erte at male eese , +tan He comforthes +te . (CMEDTHOR,19.96) Thyre gudnes , and many o+ter , hase done vnto +te thi swete spouse Ihesu Criste . (CMEDTHOR,19.97) And +te swettnes of His herte sall +tou thynke euer-mare , and euer speke +tare-of , and euer-mare lofe Hym , and euer thanke Hym , and that bathe nyghte & day , if +tou oghte kan of lufe . (CMEDTHOR,19.98) And +tare-for , when +tou ryses of +ti bedde at morne or at mydnyghte , thynke als tite how many thowsand men & women ere perischede in body or in saule +tat nyghte : Some in fyre , Some in o+ter manere , als in water or one lande ; Some robbide , woundide , Slayne , dede sodanly with-owttyn sacramentis , and fallyn in-till dampnacione ay lastande . (CMEDTHOR,20.99) Thynk alswa how many thowsande +tat nyghte are in perill of saule , +tat es to say , in dedly syn , als in glotony , lechery , Couetyse , in manes-slaynge , and in many o+ter folyes . (CMEDTHOR,20.100) And of all +tise illes , the has delyuered thy swete Lorde Ihesu , with-owtten +ti deserte . (CMEDTHOR,20.101) What seruyce hase +tou donne , whare-fore He hase +tusgate keped +te , and many o+ter loste and forsaken ? (CMEDTHOR,20.102) For sothe , if +tou take gud kepe how gret gude He has done +te on ilk a syde , +tou sall fynd hym ocupiede aboute +ti profet , als He did nan o+ter thynge , bot anely ware entendande to +te and to +ti hele , als if He had forgetyn all +tis worlde for to be anely intendand vn-to +te . (CMEDTHOR,20.103) And when +tou hase +tis thoghte , lyfte vpe thi handis (CMEDTHOR,20.104) and thanke thi Lorde of +tis and of all o+ter gudes , (CMEDTHOR,20.105) and say one +tis manere , ' My Lorde Ihesu Criste ! grace I +gelde , (CMEDTHOR,20.106) and thanke +te , +tat me , thyne vnworthy seruande , +tou hase kepid couerde and vesete in +tis nyghte Or in +tis day , hale , safe , and wemles vn-to +tis tym +tou hase made to come , and for all o+ter gudes and benefitis +tat +tou hase geffyn me , anely thurghe +ti gudnes and +ti pete , +tou +tat lyffes and regnes endles . (CMEDTHOR,20.107) Amen . ' (CMEDTHOR,20.108) Dere frende , in +tis same manere sall +tou say when +tou rysez at morne , and when +tou lygges down at evyn . (CMEDTHOR,20.109) And when +tou has done swa , +tan sall +tou besyly thynke how +tou hase spende +tat day or +tat nyght , and pray God of mercy of +te ill +tat +tou hase done , and of +te gude +tat +tou hase lefte vn-till +tat tym . (CMEDTHOR,20.110) And , dere frende , do na thynge in +tis lyfe till +tou commend +ti selfe , and thi frendes qwykke and dede , in the handis of this swete Lorde Ihesu Criste , (CMEDTHOR,20.111) and say one +tis maner , ' Lorde Ihesu Criste ! in +ti handis , and in +te handis of thyn haly Angellis , I gyffe in +tis nyghte or in +tis day my saule and my body , my Fadir and my Modire , my brothire and my systirs , frendis and seruandes , neghtburs and kynredyn , my gude-doers , and all folke righte trowande . (CMEDTHOR,21.112) Kepe vs , Lorde , in +tis nyghte or +tis day thurgh +te gud dedis and +te prayere of +te blyssed mayden Marie and all thi halous , fra vices and fra wykked +gernyngez , fra synns and fra fandynges of +te deuell , fra sodayne and avysede dede , and fra +te paynes of helle . (CMEDTHOR,21.113) Lyght my herte of the Haly Gaste and of thi haly grace ! (CMEDTHOR,21.114) Lorde ! +tou make me to be bouxsome euer-mare to +ti byddynges , (CMEDTHOR,21.115) and suffire me neuer mare to twyn fra the , endles Ihesu Lorde in Trinite ! (CMEDTHOR,21.116) Amen ! ' (CMEDTHOR,21.117) My dere frende , if +tou hase +tis manere , +tan sall +tou hafe verray knaweynge of thi selfe , (CMEDTHOR,21.118) For thus saise haly Writte , ' If +tou trayste one thy selfe , to +ti selfe +tou sall be takyn ; (CMEDTHOR,21.119) and +gif +tou trayste one Gode and noghte one +ti-selfe , to God +tou sall be gyffen . ' (CMEDTHOR,21.120) And +tis maner of consederatyone es callede ' medytacyone , ' (CMEDTHOR,21.121) For by +tis maner of knawynge of +ti selfe , & by +tis maner of medytacone , sall +tou come to +te knaweynge of Gode , by haly contemplacyone . (CMEDTHOR,21.122) Wiet +tou +tat +tare es thre manere of contemplacyone . (CMEDTHOR,21.123) The fyrste es in creaturs . (CMEDTHOR,21.124) The to+ter es in haly scripture . (CMEDTHOR,21.125) The thirde es in Gode hym-selfe in His nature . (CMEDTHOR,21.126) Thow sall wyet +tat contemplacyone es na no+ter thynge bot thoghte of Godde in gret lykynge in saule , And to se His gudness in His creaturs . (CMEDTHOR,21.127) His gudnes in His creaturs may +tou see one +tis manere . (CMEDTHOR,21.128) Thre thynges pryncypaly ere in Gode , +tat es to say , Myghte , Wysdome , and gudnes . (CMEDTHOR,21.129) Myghte es appropirde to Godd +te Fadire . Wysdome , to God +te Son . Gudnes , to God +te Haly Gaste . (CMEDTHOR,21.130) Thurgh Goddes myghte ere all thynges made , (CMEDTHOR,21.131) and thurgh His wysdome ere all thynges meruailously ordaynede ; (CMEDTHOR,21.132) and thurgh His gudnes ilke a day ere all thynges waxande . (CMEDTHOR,21.133) His powere may +tou see by +taire gretness and by thaire makynge ; His wysdom by +taire fairenes of +taire ordaynynge ; (CMEDTHOR,21.134) His gudnes may +tou see by +taire Encressynge . (CMEDTHOR,21.135) +Taire gretnes may +tou see by +taire four partynges , +tat es to saye , by +taire heghte , and by +taire depnes , and by +taire largenes , and by +taire lenghe . (CMEDTHOR,22.136) His wysdom may +tou see if +tou take kepe how He hase gyffen to ylke a creature to be . (CMEDTHOR,22.137) Some He hase gyffen to be anely , with-owtten mare , als vn-to stanes . Till o+ter to be & to lyffe , als to grysse and trees . Till o+ter to be , to lyffe , to fele , als to bestes . Till o+ter to be , to lyffe , to fele , and with resone to deme , als to mane and to angells . (CMEDTHOR,22.138) For stanes erre , (CMEDTHOR,22.139) bot +tay ne hafe nogte lyffe , (CMEDTHOR,22.140) ne felys noghte , (CMEDTHOR,22.141) ne demes noghte . (CMEDTHOR,22.142) Trees are : (CMEDTHOR,22.143) +tay lyffe , (CMEDTHOR,22.144) Both thay fele noghte . (CMEDTHOR,22.145) Men are : (CMEDTHOR,22.146) +tay lyffe , (CMEDTHOR,22.147) +tay fele , (CMEDTHOR,22.148) and +tay deme , (CMEDTHOR,22.149) and +tay erre with stanes , (CMEDTHOR,22.150) $+tay lyffe with trees , (CMEDTHOR,22.151) +tay fele with bestes , (CMEDTHOR,22.152) and demys with angells . (CMEDTHOR,22.153) Here sall +tou thynke besyly +te worthynes of manes kynde , how it ouer-passes ilke a creature . (CMEDTHOR,22.154) And +tare-fore saise Saynt Austyn , ' I wald noghte hafe +te stede of ane angelle , if I myghte hafe +te stede +tat es purvayede to man . ' (CMEDTHOR,22.155) Thynk also +tat man es worthy gret schenchipe +tat will noghte lyffe eftyre hys degre and eftyre his condicyone askis ; (CMEDTHOR,22.156) For all +te creaturs in +te worlde ere made anley for man . (CMEDTHOR,22.157) +Tas +tat ere meke , ere made for thre skylles ; For to helpe us at trauayle , als nate , Oxen , kye and horse ; For to couer vs & clethe vs , als lyne , and wolle and lethire ; for to fede us and vphalde vs , als bestes , Corne of +te erthe , Fysche of +te See ; (CMEDTHOR,22.158) and +te noyande creaturs , als ill trees and venemous bestes , +te wylke are made for thre thynges , For oure chastyyng , for oure amendement , and for oure kennynge . (CMEDTHOR,22.159) We ere chastied and puneschet , when we ere hurte . (CMEDTHOR,22.160) And +tat es gret mercy of Godde , +tat he will chasty vs bodyly +tat we be noghte punescht lastandly . (CMEDTHOR,22.161) We erre amendid when we thynke +tat all +tese ere broghte vs for oure syn . (CMEDTHOR,22.162) For when we see +tat sa lyttill creaturs may noye vs , +tan we thynke one oure wrechidnes , (CMEDTHOR,22.163) and +tan we ere mekyde . (CMEDTHOR,22.164) We ere Eftir-warde kende , for-+ti +tat we see in +tise creaturs +te wondirfull werkes of God oure Makere . (CMEDTHOR,22.165) For mare vs availes till oure ensampill and Edifycacione , +te werkes of +te pyssmowre +tan dose +te strenghe of +te lyone or of +te bere . (CMEDTHOR,22.166) Als-swa , righte als I haue said of bestes , reght swa vndirstande of trees ; (CMEDTHOR,22.167) and when +tou hase donne on +tis manere , Raise vp thy herte vn-till Godd , (CMEDTHOR,23.168) and thynke how it es grete myghte to make all thynges of noghte , and to gyffe +tam to bee , and grete wysdom to ordayne +tam in sa gret fairenes , and in swa gret bounte , to multyply +tam ilk a day for oure prowe . (CMEDTHOR,23.169) A ! mercy Godd ! (CMEDTHOR,23.170) how we are vnkynde ! (CMEDTHOR,23.171) We dyspende all His creaturs , (CMEDTHOR,23.172) and He +tam makes ! (CMEDTHOR,23.173) We confound +tam , (CMEDTHOR,23.174) and He +tam gouernes . (CMEDTHOR,23.175) We distruy +tam ilke a day , (CMEDTHOR,23.176) and He +tam multyplies . (CMEDTHOR,23.177) And +tare-fore say till Hym in thi herte , ' Lorde ! for-+ti +tat +tou arte , +tay ere , (CMEDTHOR,23.178) and for-+ti +tat +tou arte fayre , +tay are faire ; (CMEDTHOR,23.179) and for-+ti +tat +tou arte gude , +tay are gude . (CMEDTHOR,23.180) With gud ryghte +tay loue +te , (CMEDTHOR,23.181) and Onoures +te , (CMEDTHOR,23.182) and gloryfyes +te , all thy creatures . (CMEDTHOR,23.183) O blyssed Godd in Trinyte ! with gud ryghte +tay loue +te for +taire gudness , (CMEDTHOR,23.184) with gud ryghte +tay anouren +te for thaire fairenes , (CMEDTHOR,23.185) with gud righte +tay glorifye +te for +taire profet , all +ti creaturs , blyssed Trinyte ! Of wham all thynges ere thurgh His powere made ; $Thurgh whaym all thynges are thurgh Hys wysdom gouernede ; In whaym all thynges are thurgh His bounte multipliede ; (CMEDTHOR,23.186) Till Hym honour and louynge with-owten $ende . (CMEDTHOR,23.187) Amen ! ' (CMEDTHOR,23.188) +TE to+ter degre of contemplacyone es in Haly Wryte . (CMEDTHOR,23.189) Bot nowe may +tou say to me , ' I +tat knawes na letters , how may I euer mare com to contemplacyone of haly Writte ? ' (CMEDTHOR,23.190) Now , my dere frende , vndirstande me swetely , (CMEDTHOR,23.191) and I sall say perchance to +te all +tat es wreten , if +tou kan noghte vndirstand haly Writt . (CMEDTHOR,23.192) Here gladly +te gud +tat men saise +te : (CMEDTHOR,23.193) and when +tou heres Haly Wryte , ow+ter in sermon or in priue collacyone , take kepe als tyte , if +tou here oghte +tat may availe +te till edyfycacyon , to hate syn and to lufe vertue , and to dowte payne , and to +gerne Ioye , To dispyse +tis worlde , and to hye to blysse , and whate +tou sall doo and whate +tou sall lefe , and all +tat lyghtes +tinne vndirstandynge in knawynge of sothefastnes , and all +tat kyndills +ti lykynge in brynnynge of charite ; (CMEDTHOR,23.194) For of +tise twa gudnes , es all +tat es wretyn in preue or in apperte . (CMEDTHOR,23.195) Owte of haly writte sall +tou drawe and cun witte , whilke are +te seuen dedly synnes , and +te seuen vertus , and +te ten comandmentis , and +te tuelfe artycles of +te trouthe , and +te seuen sacramentis of Haly Kyrke and +te seuen gyftis of +te Haly Gaste , and +te seuen werkes of mercy , and +te seuen vertuz of +te Gospell , and +te seuen prayers of +te pater noster . (CMEDTHOR,24.196) +Tir are +te seuen dedly synnes : - Pryde and Envy , Ire , Slouth , Couetyse , Glotony and Lechery . (CMEDTHOR,24.197) Pryde es lufe of vnkyndly heghyng ; (CMEDTHOR,24.198) and +tar-of comes +tir seuen vnbouxomnes agayne God , or agayne souerayngne , +tat es to say , to lefe +tat +tat es commandyd , and to do +tat that es defendyde . (CMEDTHOR,24.199) The to+ter branch of pride es surquytry , +tat es , to vndirtake thyng ouer his powere , or wenys to be mare wyse +tan he es , or better +tan he es , and auauntez hym of gude +tat he hase of o+ter , or of ill +tat he hase of hym-selfe . (CMEDTHOR,24.200) The thrid braunche of pride es ypocrisye , +tat es , when he feynys him to hafe gudness +tat he has noghte , and hydes +te wykkednes +tat he hase . (CMEDTHOR,24.201) The ferth braunch of pride es despyte of thyne euencristen , +tat es , when man lesses gudnes of o+ter , for-thi +tat hym selfe suld seme +te bettir . (CMEDTHOR,24.202) The fyfte braunche , +tat es , when man makes lyknes be-twyx his awen wykkednes and o+ter mens wikkednes , +tat his awen may seme +te lesse . (CMEDTHOR,24.203) The sexte braunche of Pryde es vnschamefulness , +tat es , when men hase noghte schame of ill ded aperte . (CMEDTHOR,24.204) The seuen braunche of pryde es Elacion , +tat es , when a man hase heghe herte , +tat he will no+gte suffire to felawe ne mayster . (CMEDTHOR,24.205) Dere frende , +tou sall wit +tat thre thynges ere , whare-of a man Enprides hym , +tat es to say , of +te gudez +tat he hase of kynde , als fairnes or strenghe or of gude witte or of nobille kynredyn . (CMEDTHOR,24.206) The to+ter thyng es +tat men hase of purchase , als cunnynge , Grace , gud loos , or dyngyte or offyce . (CMEDTHOR,24.207) The thirde thynge es erthely thynge or erthely gude , als clethyngre , houssynge , Rentez , Possession , Men+ge , horssyng , and honour of +tis worlde . (CMEDTHOR,24.208) Pride makes man to be of gret herte and heghe , to despyse his euencristen , and to +gerne heghenes and maystry ouer o+ter . (CMEDTHOR,24.209) The to+ter dedly syn es ' Envy . ' (CMEDTHOR,24.210) And +tat es , Ioye of o+ter mens harme , and sorowe of o+ter mens wele-fare . (CMEDTHOR,24.211) And +tat may be in herte with lykynge , or in mouth with bakbyttynge , or in werke with mens gudnes wythdrawyng , or ells with ills procurynge . (CMEDTHOR,24.212) Envye mase man to hafe +te herte hevy of +tat he sese o+ter men mare worthi +tan he in any thyng . (CMEDTHOR,25.214) The third dedly syn es ' wrethe , ' +tat es , ane vnresonabyll temperoure of herte ; (CMEDTHOR,25.215) and of it comes stryfes and contekes schamefull , and dyuerse wordes , and deuyouse and wikked sclandirs . (CMEDTHOR,25.216) The ferthe dedly syn es ' slouthe ; ' (CMEDTHOR,25.217) and +tat mase manes herte hevy and slawe in gude dede , (CMEDTHOR,25.218) and makes man to yrke in prayere or halynes , (CMEDTHOR,25.219) and puttes man in wykkedness of wanhope , (CMEDTHOR,25.220) for it slokyns +te lykynge of gastely lufe . (CMEDTHOR,25.221) The fyfte dedly syn es ' couetyse , ' (CMEDTHOR,25.222) and +tat es , ane vn-mesurabill luffe to hafe erthely gudes ; (CMEDTHOR,25.223) and it destroyes & blyndes manes herte . (CMEDTHOR,25.224) And +tare-of commes tresones , False athes , wykked reste , Malice and hardnes of herte agaynes mercy . (CMEDTHOR,25.225) The sexte dedly syn es ' glotony ; ' (CMEDTHOR,25.226) and +tat makes man to serue and to be bouxome till wykked lykynges of +te flesche , +te whilke man suld maister and ouercome with measure . (CMEDTHOR,25.227) Of glotony commes vayne Ioy , lyghtnes , and littill vndirstandynge . (CMEDTHOR,25.228) The seuen dedly syn es ' lecherye ; ' (CMEDTHOR,25.229) and +tat mase manes herte to melte , and to playe thare +tare his herte lykes , and heldes , and +tat with-owten gouernynge of resoune . (CMEDTHOR,25.230) Of lechery commes blyndynge of herte , in prayere vnstabilnes and fulle hastynes , lufe of hym selfe , hatreden of Godde , lufe of +tis worlde , vgglynes , and whanhope of +te blysse of heuen . (CMEDTHOR,25.231) Dere frende , thire are +te seuen dedly synnes ; (CMEDTHOR,25.232) and wele ere +tay callid dedly synnes , (CMEDTHOR,25.233) For Pride twynnes fra man his Godde , Envy his euencristen , (CMEDTHOR,25.234) Ire hym-selfe twynnes , (CMEDTHOR,25.235) Slouthe hym tourmentes , (CMEDTHOR,25.236) Couetyse hym be-gyles , (CMEDTHOR,25.237) Glotony hym dessayues , (CMEDTHOR,25.238) and Lecherye hym in thraledome settis . (CMEDTHOR,25.239) Nowe hase +tou herde +te seuen sekenes of manes saule . (CMEDTHOR,25.240) Sythen aftirwarde commes +te souerayne leche , (CMEDTHOR,25.241) and takes +tere medcynes , (CMEDTHOR,25.242) and waresche man of +tese seuen seknes (CMEDTHOR,25.243) and stabills hym in +te seuen vertus ; thurgh +te gyftes of +te Haly Gaste . +Te whilke are +tese , +te gaste of wysdom and vndirstandynge , +te gaste of consaile and of stalworthenes , +te gaste of cunnynge and of pete , and +te gaste of drede of Godde Almyghty . (CMEDTHOR,25.244) Thurghe +tese gyftes oure Lord Ihesu lerres man all +tat he has myster till +te lyfe +tat es callid actyfe and til +te lyfe called contemplatyfe . (CMEDTHOR,25.245) And se howe firste , man suld lefe +te euyll and do +te gude : (CMEDTHOR,26.247) lefe +te euyll , +tat teches vs +te gaste of drede of Godd Almyghty ; (CMEDTHOR,26.248) and do +te gude , $+tat leres vs +te gaste of pete . (CMEDTHOR,26.249) And for-+ti +tat twa thynges are +tat lettis vs to do gude , that es at saye , wele-fare and tributacione of +tis worlde ; (CMEDTHOR,26.250) For wele-fare desayues vs with losengery , tribulacion with hardnes of noyes & dysses ; (CMEDTHOR,26.251) for-+ti sall +tou despyse +te wele-fare of +tis worlde , +tat +tou be noghte +ter-with dessayued ; (CMEDTHOR,26.252) and +tat leres +te +te gaste of cunnynge ; (CMEDTHOR,26.253) and +tou sall stallworthly suffire tribulacyon , +tat +tou be noghte ouercommen ; (CMEDTHOR,26.254) and +tat teches vs +te gaste of stallworthenes . (CMEDTHOR,26.255) And +tire foure suffice till +te lyfe +tat es callid actyfe . (CMEDTHOR,26.256) And +te to+ter thre fallys to +te lyfe +tat es callid contemplatyfe , For thre maners of contemplacion . (CMEDTHOR,26.257) Ane es in creaturs ; (CMEDTHOR,26.258) and +tat leres +te gaste of vndirstandynge . (CMEDTHOR,26.259) The to+ter es in Haly Writte , whare +tou sese whatte +tou doo & what +tou sall lefe , (CMEDTHOR,26.260) and +tat leres +te gaste of consaile . (CMEDTHOR,26.261) The thirde manere es in Godde Hym-selfe ; (CMEDTHOR,26.262) and +tat leres vs +te gaste of wysdom . (CMEDTHOR,26.263) Now +tou sese thurgh +te gyftes of Ihesu , how He es besy abowte oure hele . (CMEDTHOR,26.264) Eftire +tis sall +tou wiete whilke ere +te ten comandementis . (CMEDTHOR,26.265) +Te firste comandement es +tis , (CMEDTHOR,26.266) ' Thow sall wirchippe bot a Godde , +ti Lorde , (CMEDTHOR,26.267) and till Hym anely +tou sall serue . ' +Tat es at say , wyrchipe Hym with righte trouthe , (CMEDTHOR,26.268) Serue untill anely with gude werkes . (CMEDTHOR,26.269) Here sall +tou thynke if +tou hafe lelly serued Godde & wirchiped Godde ; if +tou hafe seruede Hym ouer all thynge , if +tou hafe +golden Hym +tat that +tou hyghte , or if +tou hafe done lesse penance , and if +tou hafe +goldyn Hym +tat that +tou hyghte Hym in +ti cristyndom , That was , to forsake +te deulle and all his werkes , and in God lelly to trowe . (CMEDTHOR,26.270) And thurghe +tis commandement es man ordaynede ynence God +te Fadire . (CMEDTHOR,26.271) +Te to+ter commandement es defendid to take Goddes name in vayne ; (CMEDTHOR,26.272) and lying and falsenes +tare-in es defendid ; (CMEDTHOR,26.273) and thurghe +tis commandement es man ordaynede ynence Godd +te Son , +tat saise Hym-selfe ' I am sothefastnes . ' (CMEDTHOR,26.274) +Te thirde commmandemente es , ' vmbythynke +te +tat +tou kepe +te haly-dayes , ' +tat es to saye , in +tine awen herte , to kepe +te in riste and pees with-owtten seruage of syn or of bodyly dedis . (CMEDTHOR,27.275) And +tis commandement ordaynes man to reschayfe +te Haly Gaste . (CMEDTHOR,27.276) +Tise thre commandmentes lerres man how-gates he sall hafe hym ynence Godd +te Trynite , to whas lyknes he es made in saule . (CMEDTHOR,27.277) +Te o+ter seuen commandementes leres man how he sall hafe him ynence his euencristen . (CMEDTHOR,27.278) +Te firste es , ' +tou sall honour +ti fadire and +ti modire fleschely and gastely , and +tat in twa maners , +tat es to say , +tat +tou be bouxom to thaym in reuerence and honour , and +tou helpe +tam at thy powere in all thynges +tat +tay hafe myster , +tat +tou be of lange lyfe in erthe ; (CMEDTHOR,27.279) For if +tou will be of lange lyfe , it es reson +tat +tou honoure thaym of whaym +tou hase +te lyfe ; (CMEDTHOR,27.280) For he +tat will noghte honoure hym thurgh whaym he es , it es noghte righte +tat he be mare +tan he es . (CMEDTHOR,27.281) +Te to+ter commandement es +tis , (CMEDTHOR,27.282) ' +Tou sall sla na man . ' (CMEDTHOR,27.283) Here sall +tou wyt +tat slaughter es of many maneres . (CMEDTHOR,27.284) For +ter es manes-slaghter of hand , of tunge , of herte . (CMEDTHOR,27.285) Mannes-slaynge of hande es when a man slaes ano+ter with his handez , or when he duse him in bandis of dede , als in preson or in o+ter stede +tat may be encheson of his dede . (CMEDTHOR,27.286) Manes-slaynge of tunge es in twa maners , thurghe commandement , or thurghe enticement . (CMEDTHOR,27.287) manes-slaynge of herte es alswa one twa maners , +tat es , when men +gernys and couaytes ded of o+tter , and when he suffyrs man to dy , and will noghte delyuer him if he hafe powere . (CMEDTHOR,27.288) +Te thirde commandement es +tis : (CMEDTHOR,27.289) ' +Tou sall do na lechery ; ' (CMEDTHOR,27.290) and +tis es ryghte . (CMEDTHOR,27.291) Wha-sa will hafe +te lyfe with-owteen corupeyone in +te Ioy of heuen , hym byhoues kepe his lyfe +tat es dedly , with-owtten corupcione of body . (CMEDTHOR,27.292) The ferthe commandement es +tis , (CMEDTHOR,27.293) ' +Tou sall do na thyfte ne na falsenes ; ' (CMEDTHOR,27.294) and +tat es rygthe . (CMEDTHOR,27.295) For he +tat will safe o+tther menes lyfe , he sall noughte do away +tat that moghte his lyfe sustayne . (CMEDTHOR,27.296) The fyfte commandement es +tis , (CMEDTHOR,27.297) ' +Tou sall noughte bere false wittnes agaynes thyne euen-cristyn with hym +tat will noye hym or sla hym . ' (CMEDTHOR,27.298) And +tat es ryghte ; (CMEDTHOR,27.299) For he +tat will noghte sekathe his euencristyn , he sall noghte consente , ne na consaile gyffe , to do hym ill . (CMEDTHOR,27.300) +Te sexte commandement and +te seuend er +tir , (CMEDTHOR,27.301) ' +Tou sall noghte couaite +ti neghtboure wyfe , (CMEDTHOR,27.302) ne +tou sall noghte couaite his house , ne nane of his gude wrangwystly , ' (CMEDTHOR,28.303) For he +tat hase wykked will and ill Entente in his herte , he may noghte lang with-haldynge hym fra wykkide dede ; (CMEDTHOR,28.304) and +ter-fore , if +tou will noghte do lecherye , +tou sall noghte consente to man ne to woman +tat it duse ; (CMEDTHOR,28.305) and if +tou will noghte stele , +tou sall noughte couayte o+ter mennes thynges in +ti herte . (CMEDTHOR,28.306) Dere frende , +tir are +te ten commandementes +tat God gafe till Moyses in the mounte of Synay . (CMEDTHOR,28.307) The thre fyrste er pertenande to +te lufe of God , and the to+ter seuen to +te lufe of +ti-selfe and of thyne euen crystyn . (CMEDTHOR,28.308) Now , efter , sall +tou wyt whilke ere +te seuen vertus+g , +tat es to saye Trouthe , Trayste , and lufe , Wysedom and Rightwysenes , Mesure and Force . (CMEDTHOR,28.309) Of +te same matire er +te seuen vertus +tat +te ten commandementis , (CMEDTHOR,28.310) bot +tis es +te varyance be-twyx thaym : (CMEDTHOR,28.311) The ten commandmentis kennes vs what we sall do , (CMEDTHOR,28.312) and +te seuen vertus kennes vs how we shall doo . (CMEDTHOR,28.313) The thre fyrste , +tat es to say , Trouthe , trayste and lufe , ordaynes the how +tou sall lyfe als to Godd : +te to+ter foure how +tou sall ordayne thyne awen lyfe +tat sall lede till +te Ioye of heuen . (CMEDTHOR,28.314) Dere frende , the awe to wyt +tat we ere all made for ane End , +tat es to say for to knawe Godde , to hafe Hym , and to lufe Hym . (CMEDTHOR,28.315) Bot thre thynges er nedefull at puruaye till oure cunnynge , That es to wyte , whedyr we sall ga , and +tat we wyll comme thedyre , and +tat we hafe trayste to com thedyre ; (CMEDTHOR,28.316) For gret foly ware it to be-gyn +te thynge mane may noghte ende ; (CMEDTHOR,28.317) +gitte , one +te to+ter syde , +te mane +tat will wyele doo , hym nedide to haf wysdom , myghte , and will ; +tat es to say , +tat he konn doo , and +tat he may doo , and +tat he wyll doo . (CMEDTHOR,28.318) Bot for-+ti +tat we hafe noghte cunnynge , myghte , ne will of oure selfe , for-+ti hase Godde gyfen vs trouthe , for to fulfill +te defaute of oure myghte . (CMEDTHOR,28.319) Sothefaste lufe es for to ordayne oure will to +te tane and to +te to+ter . (CMEDTHOR,28.320) Trouthe ordaynes vs to Godde +te Son , to whaym es appropyrde Wysdom : Trayste , till Godd +te Fadyre , to whaym es appropyrde myghte ; Lufe , to +te Haly Gaste , till wham es appropyrde gudnes . (CMEDTHOR,28.321) And +tare trouthe makes vs to hafe knawynge ; (CMEDTHOR,28.322) and +tat knaweynge vs sayse +tat He es wondyrfull ; (CMEDTHOR,28.323) Fre es He +tat one +tis manere and tus largely gyffes of His gudnes ; (CMEDTHOR,29.324) and of +tat comes trayste , (CMEDTHOR,29.325) and $of +tat knawynge , +tat sais +tat He es gude Commes +te thyrde Sothefastnes , +tat es lufe , (CMEDTHOR,29.326) For ylke a thynge luffes kyndely +te gude . (CMEDTHOR,29.327) Dere frende , here sall +tou wyte whilke are +te twelue artycles of +te trouthe . (CMEDTHOR,29.328) The firste es +tis , +tat Godde es ane in Hym-selfe and thre in personns , with-owteen begynnynge , and with-owtten Endynge , and +tat all thynges $were made of noghte with His worde . (CMEDTHOR,29.329) +Te to+ter artecle es , +tat Goddes son tuke flesche and blode of +te blyssed mayden Marie and , was borne of hire , sothefaste Godd and sothefaste man . (CMEDTHOR,29.330) +Te thirdes es , +tat He was dede and grauen , noghte for nede , Bot for to by vs of His fre will . (CMEDTHOR,29.331) The ferthe artecle es , +tat +te same Ihesu rase fra dede to lyfe , (CMEDTHOR,29.332) and we sall ryse alswa . (CMEDTHOR,29.333) The fyfte artecle es , +tat +te same Sothefaste God and man , steighe vp in till heuen in manhed and goldhede ; (CMEDTHOR,29.334) and we sall steighte vp alswa thurgh His grace . (CMEDTHOR,29.335) +Te sext artecle es baptymme , +tat mase man clene of syn +tat he drawes of kynde , and gyffes grace to clense . (CMEDTHOR,29.336) The Seuend artecle es confirmacion , +tat confermys +te Haly Gaste one man +tat es cristenede . (CMEDTHOR,29.337) +Te aughtened artecle es penance , +tat duse awaye all maner of syn dedly and venyall . (CMEDTHOR,29.338) +Te nynde es +te Sacrament of +te Auter , +tat confermys +te penance , and gyffes hym force +tat he fall noghte efte in syn , and vphaldes hym and reconsailles hym . (CMEDTHOR,29.339) +Te tend artecle es Ordyre , +tat gyffes powere till +taym +tat are ordeynede to do +taire Offece and to do +te sacramentis . (CMEDTHOR,29.340) +Te elleuend artecle es Matrimone , +tat defendis dedly syn in werke of generacyon by-twyx man and woman . (CMEDTHOR,29.341) +Te twelfed artecle es Enoyntynge , +tat men enoyntes +te seke in perell of dede , for alegeance of body and saule . (CMEDTHOR,29.342) Dere frende , aftyre sall +tou wyt whilke are +te foure vertus cardynalles , thurgh whilke all manes lyfe es gouernede in +tis worlde , +tat es , Cunnynge and Rightwisnes , Force and Mesure . (CMEDTHOR,29.343) Of thir foure , saise +te Haly Gaste in +te buke of Wysdom , +tat +tare es na thynge mare profytabill till man in erthe ; (CMEDTHOR,29.344) and so nowe , whare-fore , wha-sa walde any thynge wele do , firste hym byhouys +tat he konn chese +te ill fra +te gude , and of twa gude , chese +te bettire and leffe +te lesse gude ; (CMEDTHOR,30.345) and +tis es the vertu +tat es callede ryghtwysnes . (CMEDTHOR,30.346) And for-+ti +tat twa thynges lettes man to do wele and lefe +te yll , +tat es at say , wele-fare of +tis worlde , for it dessayfes hym with false vanytes ; (CMEDTHOR,30.347) +te to+ter es tribulacyon , to putt hym down with many scharpnes : (CMEDTHOR,30.348) agaynes wele-fare sall +tou hafe mesure , +tat +tow be noghte ouer hye . (CMEDTHOR,30.349) And +tis vertu es called ' temperance . ' (CMEDTHOR,30.350) And agayne aduersyte sall +tou hafe ' hardynes , ' +tat +tou be noghte casten downne . (CMEDTHOR,30.351) And +tat vertue es callyde Force or strenghe . (CMEDTHOR,30.352) Here-eftyre sall +tou wyte whylke are +te seuen werkes of mercy . (CMEDTHOR,30.353) The firste werke of Mercy es , to gyffe mete to +te hunngry . (CMEDTHOR,30.354) The to+ter es , to gyffe drynke to +te thrysty . (CMEDTHOR,30.355) The thirde es , to clethe +te nakede . (CMEDTHOR,30.356) +Te ferthe es , to herbere +te herblerles . (CMEDTHOR,30.357) +Te fyfte es , to vesete +tam +tat ere in prisonne . (CMEDTHOR,30.358) +Te sexte es , to comforth +te seke . The Seuend , to bery +te dede . (CMEDTHOR,30.359) Thyse are +te seuen werkes of mercy +tat are langande to +te body . (CMEDTHOR,30.360) Bot nowe may +tou say to me , ' how sulde I +tat es in Relygyon , and noghte hase to gyffe at ete ne at drynke , ne clathes to +te nakede , ne herbery to +te herberles , (CMEDTHOR,30.361) For I am at o+ter mens will , and noghte at myn awen ? (CMEDTHOR,30.362) For-thi ware it better +tat I ware seculere , +tat I myghte do +tise werkes of mercy . ' (CMEDTHOR,30.363) A , dere frende , be noghte begylede ! (CMEDTHOR,30.364) Better it es to hafe pete and compassione in +ti herte of hym +tat hase mysese and wrechednes , Thane +tou hade all +tis werlde to gyffe for charyte ; (CMEDTHOR,30.365) For it es bettir wyth compassion to gyffe +ti-selfe als +tou erte , +tan it es to gyffe +tat that +tou hase . (CMEDTHOR,30.366) There-fore , dere frende , gyffe thi-selfe ; (CMEDTHOR,30.367) and +tan gyffes +tou mare +tan es in all +tis worlde . (CMEDTHOR,30.368) Bot now may +tou Say me one +tis manere : - (CMEDTHOR,30.369) ' Sothe it es +tat it es better to gyffe hym-selfe +tan it es to gyffe of his , (CMEDTHOR,30.370) bot better es +te tane and +te to+ter +tan es ane be it selfe , (CMEDTHOR,30.371) for lesse es a gud +tan twa . ' (CMEDTHOR,30.372) It es noghte swa : (CMEDTHOR,30.373) For whethire es better be callede Godde , or His seruande . (CMEDTHOR,30.374) Thow wate wele +tat es better to be callede Godd . (CMEDTHOR,30.375) Bot +tase +tat suffirs hunngere , thryste , caulde and defaute , and o+ter wrechidnes and mysese , calles oure Lorde Ihesu Criste Hym-selfe ; (CMEDTHOR,31.376) For He saise +tus in +te Gospelle , (CMEDTHOR,31.377) ' What als +tou dyde to +te leste of myn , +tou did to me . ' (CMEDTHOR,31.378) Saynt Barnarde says , ' Thire pure hase noghte in erhte , (CMEDTHOR,31.379) ne thire riche hase noghte in heuen ; (CMEDTHOR,31.380) and +tare-fore , if +te Riche will it hafe , thaym byhoues bye it at +te pure . ' (CMEDTHOR,31.381) Now wate I wele +tou couaytes to wyte whilkes are verray pure , and whilke noghte . (CMEDTHOR,31.382) Now herken with deuocyon . (CMEDTHOR,31.383) Sum are +tat hase reches and lufes thaym , (CMEDTHOR,31.384) and +tase are +te haldande and couaytourse of +tis worlde . (CMEDTHOR,31.385) Othere are +tat hase +tam noghte , (CMEDTHOR,31.386) bot thay luffe thaym , (CMEDTHOR,31.387) and thay walde hafe thaym gladly ; (CMEDTHOR,31.388) and +tase are +te wrechide beggers of +te worlde , and +te false folke in religyon (CMEDTHOR,31.389) and +tase are als riche and richere +tan +te o+ter . (CMEDTHOR,31.390) And of tham Ihesu saise in +te gospelle +tat ' lyghtere it ware a camelle to passe thurghe a nedill eghe , +tan +te riche to com in-to +te blysse of heuen . ' (CMEDTHOR,31.391) Sum are +tat hase reches , (CMEDTHOR,31.392) bot thay lufe thaym noghte ; (CMEDTHOR,31.393) Noghte for-thy +tay will wele hafe +tam ; (CMEDTHOR,31.394) and +tase are +te gude folke +tat are in religion (CMEDTHOR,31.395) and +tase are sothefastly pure ; (CMEDTHOR,31.396) and +tairs es +te Ioye of heuen , (CMEDTHOR,31.397) For +tat es the benyson of +te pure . (CMEDTHOR,31.398) Than it behufes +tat +te riche hafe +te reuere of +tat benyson ; (CMEDTHOR,31.399) and +tarefore may I say , ' Blyssede be +te pouer , (CMEDTHOR,31.400) for +taires es +te kyngdom and +te Ioye of heuen . ' (CMEDTHOR,31.401) And swa may I say of +te riche , (CMEDTHOR,31.402) For +tairs es pyne of helle . (CMEDTHOR,31.403) Alswa pouer +tay are +tat hase Pouerte and lufes na reches ; (CMEDTHOR,31.404) and pouer +tay are +tat hase reches and lufes pouert . (CMEDTHOR,31.405) Now aftire +tis , awe +te to wyte whylke are +te seuen prayers of +te Pater Noster , +tat duse away all ill and purchase all gude . (CMEDTHOR,31.406) And +tase seuen prayers er contende in +te Pater Noster , +te wilke oure Lorde Ihesu Criste kennde till His discyples , how +tay $suld pray Godd +te Fadire , (CMEDTHOR,31.407) and said thaym one +tis manere , (CMEDTHOR,31.408) ' When +ge sall praye , one +tis wyese sall +ge say , (CMEDTHOR,31.409) Pater noster qui es in celis , &c . (CMEDTHOR,31.410) ' Now , my frende , wit +tou +tat oure Lorde Ihesu Cryste kennes vs in +te gospelle to make +tis prayere . (CMEDTHOR,31.411) And +tare-fore I walde at +tou wyste at +te begynnynge whate es prayere or orysone , and sythyn +tat +tou vndirstande +te prayere of +te pater noster . (CMEDTHOR,32.412) Prayere or Oryson es noghte elles bot +gernyng of saule , with certayne trayste +tat it commes +tat +tou prayes . (CMEDTHOR,32.413) And in +tat trayste vs settis Ihesu Criste when He kennes vs to call Godde oure fadyre +tat es in heuen , (CMEDTHOR,32.414) For in Hym sall man hafe certayne trayste +tat He may and will all gudness gyffe +tat oure saule kan +gerne , and mekill mare ; +te whilke es betakynde by +tis wordes , (CMEDTHOR,32.415) Qui es in celis , +tat es to say , +te whilke es in heuen . (CMEDTHOR,32.416) For if Godde will call Hym-selfe oure fadyre , +tan He makes vs to wiet +tat He lufes vs als childyre , and at He will gyfe us all +tat we hafe myster of . (CMEDTHOR,32.417) Bot certanly if all +te lufe +tat euer had fadire or modire vn-to +taire childyre , and all othire lufes of +tis worlde ware gedirde to-gedyre in a lufe , and +git +tat lufe ware multipliede als mekill als mans herte moghte thynke , +git it moghte na thynge atteyne to +te lufe +tat Godde oure fadyre hase vn-till vs , +tare whare we are hys enmys . (CMEDTHOR,32.418) and +tat sall we wele see thurgh +te grace of Godde , If we se one what manere He is oure Fadyr , and what He has don for vs . (CMEDTHOR,32.419) Wit +tou , +tat when God made all creaturs of noghte , we rede noghte +tat He made any creature till His lyknes bot man allanne ; (CMEDTHOR,32.420) and +tare-fore Godd He es , and makere of all thynges of +te worlde , (CMEDTHOR,32.421) Bot He es noghte +taire fadyre ; (CMEDTHOR,32.422) Bot vn-till vs , thurghe His awen myghte full of mercy , es He Godd and makere and Fadyr , For +tat our saule es lelly lyke vn-till +te lyknes of +te Fadyr , and +te Son , and +te Haly Gaste , +tat ere hallyly a Godd and persons thre . (CMEDTHOR,32.423) And all +tis werlde He hase made to serue man , whils mane will duelle in His lele lufe als His awen childyre . (CMEDTHOR,32.424) Bot als tyte als we twyn fra +tat lele lufe , for lufe of +tis lyfe , or for any o+ter thynge , we losse +te lordechipe of +tis worlde , (CMEDTHOR,32.425) and becommes thralles dreryly to +te deuelle , +tare we ware be-fore fre and ayers of +te erytage of +te kyngdom of heuen , and to welde +te welthe of +tis werlde . (CMEDTHOR,32.426) Allas may saye , Allas ! Allas ! (CMEDTHOR,32.427) what here es a sorowfull chaunge wha-sa it vndyrstode ! (CMEDTHOR,32.428) Wit +tou wele +tat here es gret lykynge of lufe , when Godd +tat es with-owttyn begynnynge , and es with-owtten chaungeyng , and duellys with-owttyn Endynge , for He es al-+tir-myghtyeste and al+tirwyseste , and alswa al+tire-beste +tat mannes herte may noghte thynke , in whaym es lufe and Ioy endles , here , I say , es takyn of gret lufe , +tat He deyned Hym to make vs till His awen lyknes righte als we had bene His awen chosen childyre , and moghte hafe lefte vs to be a littill vyle matire als we ware made of oure modyr , +tat vile es to neuen ; or He moghte hafe made vs at His will anykyn o+ter bestis ; (CMEDTHOR,33.429) and +tan had we dyede to-gedire , bathe body and saule . (CMEDTHOR,33.430) Bot when He hade made vs man , and gafe vs +te saule to His awen lyknes , louede and luffede be +tat Lorde ! for to be ayers of +te Erytage of heuen and lyfe in +tat gret Ioye with-owetten Ende , Now es na herte sa herde +tat it na moghte nesche , and lufe Swylke a Godd with all his myghte . (CMEDTHOR,33.431) And his herte suld melte , filled of Ioy , if it thoghte sothely of +tat grace +tat oure Lorde hase don till vs by-fore all o+ter creaturs . (CMEDTHOR,33.432) And +gitt did He mare thurghe His mekill mercy ; (CMEDTHOR,33.433) For , whene we ware , thurghe oure Sorofull syn , twynnede fra Godd , oure Sweteste Fadire , and become thralles to +te ill gaste , Than He , thurghe His maste mercy , Sente His awen Sonne , +tat with Hym es Godd in His God-hede , for to take flesche and blode of +te Virgyn Marie , Mayden and modyr , lastand in Ioy ; (CMEDTHOR,33.434) and one +tis manere did He +te dede . (CMEDTHOR,33.435) In state of thralle tuke He oure flesche to suffre +te gylteste pouerte , and schame , and noyes , and paynnes , +tat neuer dyd ill ne na maner of syn , (CMEDTHOR,33.436) and Sythen delyuerde Hym till +te vileste dede , and +te schamefulleste +tat man moghte thynke , to delyuer vs wreches of sorowfull bandis , and of +te pynand preson puttid in hell , and to make vs to comme till +te heghe heuen , whare we sall be als kynges corounde in blyse , if we do +te will of +tat swet Lorde , +tat for vs ordeynede Hym to dye one +te crosse als +tofe He had benne a wykkid thefe . (CMEDTHOR,33.437) Dere Frende , nowe has +tou here twa thyngez in +te whilke Godde hase schewede vs +tat He es oure fadire , and +tat He lufes vs als His awen childyre +tare we are agayne Hym with oure wykked syn . (CMEDTHOR,33.438) The firste es , +tat He made vs till His awen lyknes ; (CMEDTHOR,33.439) and +te to+ter es , +tat He boghte vs fra presoun with His precyouse dede of His manhede . (CMEDTHOR,33.440) For +te fyrste , es man halden till Hym , for to lufe Hym with all his herte . (CMEDTHOR,33.441) Bot +tan may +tou aske , ' what sall I do Hym for +te to+ter thynge ? (CMEDTHOR,34.442) For if I sall with pouerhede lofe Godd +te Fadyr , and lufe Hym and serue Him with all my saule and with all my herte in all thynges , for-+ti +tat He made me of noghte and gafe me saule aftir His awen lyknes , - als it was commandyd in +te alde lawe be-fore Godde was borne and be-com man for vs , - what moghte I now do Hym , when He , for me wrechid synnere , sa mekill Hym lawede +tat He walde becomme man , and He gafe Hym to me , when he , thurghe His sweteste mercy , walde dye for me , and of +te maste noyouse and +te moste vile dede +tat euer was thoghte ? (CMEDTHOR,34.443) I wate neuer what I may say here ; (CMEDTHOR,34.444) For if I myghte lyffe a hundrethe +gere , and if I moghte in +tat tym , ilk a day at a tym , dye als vile ded als He for me dide , +git ne ware it noghte ynence His gret gyftez , when He es sothely said Goddes Sonne of heuen , and gaffe Hym selfe till vs , +tat tynte was for syn thurgh , and put in to +te pyne of helle , and +tare , in +te dispytte of Hym , seruede to +te deuelle . (CMEDTHOR,34.445) How sulde we +tan +gelde Hym +te gude gret gyfte , when He walde sende His awen Sone to be pynede for oure syn ? ' (CMEDTHOR,34.446) Now I sall lere the , if God gyffe me grace , how oure dere Fadir askes nane o+ter store bot that we , with herte , knawe oure awen Febillnes and oure wrechidnes , +tat we hafe for oure awen syn . (CMEDTHOR,34.447) Thane sall we be in bitternes of penance , and crye till Hym faste mercy , +tat He vs saue for His haly name , (CMEDTHOR,34.448) For of oure selfe hafe we noghte Hym for to +gelde ; (CMEDTHOR,34.449) +tare-fore said the prophete in +te psalme , Quid retribuam Domino pro omnibus que retribuit michi ? Calicem salutaris accipiam , et nomen Domini invocabo , etc . ' +tat es , ' what sall I +gelde to God for all His gud gyftes +tat He me gyffes als Lorde , with-owtten my deserte ? (CMEDTHOR,34.450) The coppe of hele I sall take , and calle +te name of my lorde . ' (CMEDTHOR,34.451) The cope of hele whare-of dranke oure Lord Ihesu oure Saueour , +tat es , the bytternes of +te penance in His grete pynes , (CMEDTHOR,34.452) and +tat man in all his thoghtez calles Godez name , +tat sothefastly knawes +tat he hase noghte of hym-selfe bot sorowe and synne . (CMEDTHOR,34.453) And wit thou +tat , if sothefastenes be sett faste in thi saule , +te mare +tat +tou knawes +te for wrechide and febyll , +te mare sall +tou meke +te , and calle on Hys mercy . (CMEDTHOR,35.454) And +tus it was of oure swete Lady , mayden and modyr ; (CMEDTHOR,35.455) For scho had mare of grace +tane any in this lyfe , man or woman +tat euer was borne , (CMEDTHOR,35.456) Thare-fore scho halde hir lesse and lawere +tan any o+ter wyghte , (CMEDTHOR,35.457) and mare cryede scho mercy +tan any o+ter man , when sothefaste Goddes Son lighte in hir wambe . (CMEDTHOR,35.458) My dere frende , se now aftir-warde why oure Lord Ihesu kennes vs in +te Gospelle to saye ' oure Fadire , ' and noghte ' my Fadir ' ; (CMEDTHOR,35.459) For by +tat will He kenn vs +tat we suld gedyre all men with vs in oure prayers , (CMEDTHOR,35.460) For all ere oure brethire , crystende and vncristend men , For +tat all of a gouernaylle hafe we a Fadyr . (CMEDTHOR,35.461) And +tat +tou may +tis thynge , thurghe +te grace of Godd , clerelyere See , Gyffe gude Entente till +tat at I say . (CMEDTHOR,35.462) Hym calles +tou ' thi fleschely bro+ter , ' +tat has his body of +te same man and woman of whaym +tou hase thyne . (CMEDTHOR,35.463) Thane sall +tou wele halde hym +ti bro+ter +tat hase his saule of +te Same fadir of heuen of whaym +tou hase +ti saule , and of swylke a kynd , and of swylke a lyknes ; (CMEDTHOR,35.464) For als wele made Godd ilke man till lyknes of +te Trinyte als He did +te . (CMEDTHOR,35.465) And +tis bro+ter-hede mare suld we lufe , and mare dere halde , +tan +te bro+terhede of +te flesche , in als mekill als +te saule es mare nobyll +tan +te flesche , and in als mekill als Godd , oure fadir , of heuen , es mare nobill , and mare for to lufe , +tan oure fleschly fadir . (CMEDTHOR,35.466) And +tat suld we do if we saghe als clerely with oure gastely eghe als we do with oure bodyly eghe . (CMEDTHOR,35.467) Bot for-thy +tat we see noghte bot with +te fleschely eghe , als it ware bestes , we hafe na knawynge ne na lufe bot of +tat bro+terhede +tat commes of +te flesche stynkande and foule . (CMEDTHOR,35.468) Allas ! Allas ! what sorowfull thynge thus hase blyndid us ! (CMEDTHOR,35.469) Certis , na thynge mare blyndis manes saule +tane lufe of erthely thynge +tat sonne takes ende . (CMEDTHOR,35.470) For-+ti behufes man lefe his propire will , if he will perfitly knawe +te lufe-somest bro+terhede . Whare-of now mekill I hafe spoken , (CMEDTHOR,35.471) For whate-sa-euer we hafe in body or in saule of gudnes or of fayrenes , we hafe it of oure fadyr of heuen , Godd , +tat es till vs fadir , and Euenly till all His creaturs , noghte anely for His makynge of noghte , ne for His gouernyng of His grace , for His purchasynge +tat He made of vs +tat ware tynt childir , with His flesche and His blode +tat He for vs gafe , als Saynt Austyn +te nobill clerke witnes . (CMEDTHOR,36.472) He sayse ' +te Fadir gaffe His Son , thurgh whaym He walde by vs thralles ; (CMEDTHOR,36.473) He gafe +te Haly Gaste , thurgh whaym He walde purchase +te thralles in His childire . (CMEDTHOR,36.474) +Te Sonn , He gafe in pryse of raunson ; +te Haly Gaste , in preuelege of purchase ; (CMEDTHOR,36.475) and +tar-fore +te Fadir kepis Hym selfe in Erytage till His childir +tat He $purchased . ' (CMEDTHOR,36.476) And +tarefore , dere frende , na man sall mystrayste of +te lufe of His swete Fadirhede , and His dere pete ; (CMEDTHOR,36.477) For mare es His mercy +tan all oure wykkednes ; (CMEDTHOR,36.478) For wha sa calles till Hym with all his herte , with-owteen faile He will here hym , (CMEDTHOR,36.479) for He es full of mercy . (CMEDTHOR,36.480) And +tare-fore , als I be-fore saide , with +gernyge of saule and certayne trayste , calle apon Hym trewely with all thi herte . (CMEDTHOR,36.481) He es +ti Fadir pereles , +tat purchacecez +te pees ; (CMEDTHOR,36.482) and saye traystely till Hym als Hym-selfe vs lerede , Pater noster qui es in celis , +tat es to say , Oure Fadir that es in heuen ; (CMEDTHOR,36.483) sanctificetur nomen tuum , +tat es to say , halyed be +ti name ; (CMEDTHOR,36.484) adveniat regnum tuum , (CMEDTHOR,36.485) it com , +ti kyngedom ; (CMEDTHOR,36.486) Fiat voluntas tua , sicut in celo et in terra , (CMEDTHOR,36.487) +ti will be donne , swa in erthe als it es in heuen ; (CMEDTHOR,36.488) panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie , (CMEDTHOR,36.489) Oure ylke day brede +tou gyffe vs to day ; (CMEDTHOR,36.490) Et dimitte nobis debita nostra , sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris , (CMEDTHOR,36.491) and forgyffe vs oure dettis als we forgyffe our dettours ; (CMEDTHOR,36.492) Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem , (CMEDTHOR,36.493) and suffire vs noghte be ledde in-to fandyngis , (CMEDTHOR,36.494) Set libera nos a malo , (CMEDTHOR,36.495) bot delyuer vs fra all ill thynges (CMEDTHOR,36.496) Amen ! +Tat es to say , Swa mot it be ! (CMEDTHOR,36.497) Now , my dere frende , +tou sall wyt +tat +tis Oryson passes all o+ter prayers , pryncypally in twa thynges , +tat es to say , in worthynes and in profyte . (CMEDTHOR,36.498) In worthynes , for +tat God Hym-selfe mad it ; (CMEDTHOR,36.499) and for-+ti do +tay gret schame and gret vnreuerence till Ihesu , Goddes Son , +tat takes +tam till wordis rynnand and curius , and leues +te prayere +tat He vs kennede , +tat wate all +te will of Godd +te Fadir , and +te whilke orysone commes mare till His plesynge , and whate thynges +te wrechede caytyfe has myster at pray fore . (CMEDTHOR,36.500) Alswa , als I hafe sayde , He wate anely all +te Fadir wyll , (CMEDTHOR,36.501) and He wate all oure nede ; (CMEDTHOR,36.502) and +tare-fore a hundrethe thousande er dyssayued with multyplicatione of wordes and of orysouns ; (CMEDTHOR,37.503) For , when +tay wene +tat +tay hafe grete deuocyon , +tan hafe +tai a fulle fleschely lykynge , For-thy +tat ilk a fleschely lykynge delytes +tam kyndely in swylke turnede langage ; (CMEDTHOR,37.504) and +tare-fore I walde +tat +tou war warre , (CMEDTHOR,37.505) For I say +te sykerly , +tat it es a foule lychery for to delyte +te in rymmes and slyke gulyardy ; (CMEDTHOR,37.506) +git one a-no+ter syde , Saynt Austyne , and Saynt Gregore , and o+ter halowes +tat prayede als was +taire lykynge . (CMEDTHOR,37.507) I blame noghte prayers , (CMEDTHOR,37.508) bot I blame +tase +tat lefes +te prayere of Godd +tat Hym-selfe made , and lerede vs for to pray , +tat es , Pater noster , and takes +tam till +te Orysons of a synfull Saynte whare +tay fynde it wretten , (CMEDTHOR,37.509) For oure Lorde Ihesus Hym-selfe sayse in the gospell , ' when +ge will praye , prayes noghte with many wordes , (CMEDTHOR,37.510) bot praye one +tis manere , (CMEDTHOR,37.511) Pater noster &c ' . ' (CMEDTHOR,37.512) Dere frende , +git sall +tou wit one anot+ter syde +tat +te Pater noster passes all o+ter prayers in worthynes ; (CMEDTHOR,37.513) For +tare-in es contende all thyngez what-sa we hafe myster of , till +tis lyfe or till +te to+ter . (CMEDTHOR,37.514) For we praye +tare-in Godd +te Fadyr , +tat He delyuer vs of all illes , and +tat He gyffe vs all gudes , and +tat He make vs swylke +tat we may neuer do ill , ne +tat we may noghte fayle of gude . (CMEDTHOR,37.515) And now , all +te ille +tat vs greues , ou+ter es it , ille +tat es donne , (CMEDTHOR,37.516) or it es ille for to com , (CMEDTHOR,37.517) or elles it es ille +tat we suffire nowe . (CMEDTHOR,37.518) Of +tat ille +tat es donne and passede , we praye oure swete Lorde +tat He delyuer vs +ter-of when we say Dimitte nobis debita nostra , etc ' . (CMEDTHOR,37.519) We pray Hym delyuer vs of ill +tat es for to com , when we say et ne nos inducas in temptacionem . (CMEDTHOR,37.520) Of illes +tat we suffire nowe , we praye Hym +tat He delyuer vs , when we say Set libera nos a malo . (CMEDTHOR,37.521) +Git , dere Frende , on a o+ter syde , wit +tou +tat all maner of gude +tat es , Ou+ter it es erthely gude , or gastely gude , or gude lastande endles . (CMEDTHOR,37.522) For erthely gude we praye , when we saye Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie ; (CMEDTHOR,37.523) For gastely gude we praye , when we say Fiat voluntas tua , sicut in celo et in terra ; (CMEDTHOR,37.524) For endles gude we praye , when we say Adveniat regum tuum ; (CMEDTHOR,37.525) and confermyng of all this we praye , when we say Sanctificetur nomen tuum . (CMEDTHOR,37.526) Now , my dere frende , +tese ere seuen prayers of +te Ewangelle +tat oure Lorde Ihesu Criste kenned till His dyscypills . (CMEDTHOR,38.528) And +tou sall wit +tat +tese foure wordes +tat comes be-fore , +tat es to wit , Pater noster qui es in celis , leres vs how we sall praye , and what oure selfe sall be in prayere ; (CMEDTHOR,38.529) For we sall , in ylke ane Oryson , haue foure thynges , +tat es to say , perfite lufe till Hym till whaym we praye , and certayne trayste to haue +tat at we praye fore , and stabill trouth in Hym in whaym we trowe , and sothefaste mekenes of +tat , that of oure selfe , na gude we haue . (CMEDTHOR,38.530) Perfite lufe es vndirstanden in +tis worde Pater , (CMEDTHOR,38.531) For ylke a creature kyndly lufes his Fadir . (CMEDTHOR,38.532) Certayne trayst es contende in +tis worde noster ; (CMEDTHOR,38.533) For if He be ours , +tan may we sekerly trayst in Hym +tat He es halden till vs . (CMEDTHOR,38.534) Stabill trouthe es taken in +tise wordes Qui es ; (CMEDTHOR,38.535) For when we say qui es , +tan graunt we wele +tat Godd es +tat we neuer sawe ; (CMEDTHOR,38.536) and +tat es ryghte trouthe , (CMEDTHOR,38.537) For trouthe es na no+ter thyng bot trowyng of thyng +tat may noghte be sene . (CMEDTHOR,38.538) Sothefaste mekenes es betakynde in +tis worde In celis , (CMEDTHOR,38.539) For when we thynke how He es heghe in Ioy , and how we are here lawe in besynes , than we are mekide . (CMEDTHOR,38.540) Bot when we hafe festenede +tere foure thynges in oure hertes , +tan may we hardyly praye , and saye with all oure affeccyon , Sanctificetur nomen tuum , +tat es to say , ' haly be thi name ! ' (CMEDTHOR,38.541) als swa stabill +ti name , +tat es , Fadir , in vs , +tat we be one +tat manere +ti childire +tat we do na thyng +tat be agaynes +ti will and that euer-mare we doo +tat at commes to +ti plesyng , thurgh grauntynge of +ti grace . (CMEDTHOR,38.542) And for-thi +tat we may noghte euer-mare do +tat perfitely whyls we ere in +tis caytifede worlde , +tare-fore pray we +tus , (CMEDTHOR,38.543) and sayse , Adveniat regnum tuum , +tat es to say , it com till vs , +ti kyngdom , +tat we regne in +te , Ihesu , in +tis lyfe thurgh thi grace and +tou in vs in +te to+ter lyfe turgh Ioy . (CMEDTHOR,38.544) And +tis ilke we praye for +tase +tat are in purgatorie ; (CMEDTHOR,38.545) and for-+ti +tat we neuer-mare may hafe parte with Ioye of heuen if we do noghte thi will in erthe , +tare-fore we praye thus , Fiat voluntas tua , sicut in celo et in terra , +tat es to say , thi will be done , als in heuen , swa in erthe . (CMEDTHOR,38.546) Alswa say ' make vs to do +ti wyll , ' +tat es to say , +tou gyffe vs grace to do all +tat +tou commandes , and to lefe all +tat +tou defendis , and +tat swa in erthe als in heuen , +tat es to say , als Michaelle , and Gabrielle , and Raphaelle , Cherubyn and Seraphyn , and all +te o+ter angells and archangells , and all +tase +tat are Ordeynede to +te endles lyfe in Ioy , in ilke a kynde , in ilke ane ordire , and in ilke ane elde , thi wille duse ; (CMEDTHOR,39.547) and for-thi +tat we may noghte do +ti will whills we lyffe in +tis body , if +tou ne sustayne vs noghte , +tare-fore say we +tus , Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie , +tat es to say , Oure ilke day brede +tou gyffe vs to-day ; (CMEDTHOR,39.548) als swa say ' +tou gyffe vs Force in body and in saule , and hele , if it be +ti will , of +te tane and offe +te to+ter . ' (CMEDTHOR,39.549) And here es for to wit , +tat +tare es thre maners of brede , +tat es , bodyly brede , +tat es to say , Fode and clethynge ; (CMEDTHOR,39.550) +tare es brede gastely , +tat es to say , of haly wrytte +te leryng ; (CMEDTHOR,39.551) and +tare es +te brede of Eukaryste , +tat es +te grace in +te sacrament of +te autere , for to comforthe +te kynde of +te tane and +te to+ter . (CMEDTHOR,39.552) Bot for-thi +tat we ere worthi na gudnes whills we ere bownden in synn , +tare-fore say we +tus , Dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris , +tis es to say , ' Forgyffe vs oure dettis als we forgyffe oure dettours . ' (CMEDTHOR,39.553) +tou sall wyt +tare oure synns byndis oure dettours to pynne ; (CMEDTHOR,39.554) +tare-fore we pray Ihesu to for-gyff vs synnes , +tat es to say , all +tat we hafe synnede in thoghte , in worde and in dede ; and +tat ryghte als we for-gyffe till +tase +tat hase mysdone agaynes vs . (CMEDTHOR,39.555) And for-+ti +tat a lyttill vs helpes to hafe forgyfnes of syn , if we may noghte kepe vs fra syn , +tare-fore pray we +tus , Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem , (CMEDTHOR,39.556) and +tis es to say , ' lede us no+gte in-to na fandyngis , (CMEDTHOR,39.557) als swa say , Suffere vs noghte be ouer-commen in fandyngez of +te deuell , ne of +te flesch , ne of +te werlde . (CMEDTHOR,39.558) And noghte allanly we pray +tat we be delyuered of all euyll fandyngez , (CMEDTHOR,39.559) Bot alswa we pray +tat we be delyuered of all ill thyngis , when we say , Set libera nos a malo ; (CMEDTHOR,39.560) and +tis es to say , ' Bot delyuer vs of all ill thyngis , ' +tat es , of body and of saule , of syn and of pyne , For syn that now es or sall be . (CMEDTHOR,39.561) Say we Amen ! +tat es to say , ' swa be it ! ' (CMEDTHOR,39.562) and for-thi sayse oure Lorde Ihesu Criste in +te gospelle , ' What sa +tou prayes my fadir in my name , He sall do it ; ' (CMEDTHOR,40.563) and +ter-fore say at +te Ende , Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Cristum , filium tuum , &.c ' . (CMEDTHOR,40.564) And now , my dere frende , vndirstande noghte +tat +tou sall say +ti Pater noster with mouthe , als I hafe it here wretyn be-fore +te . (CMEDTHOR,40.565) Bot say all anely +te nakede lettir with +ti mouthe , (CMEDTHOR,40.566) and thynke in +ti herte of this +tat I hafe said here , of ilke a worde by it-selfe ; (CMEDTHOR,40.567) and rekk noghte +tof +tou ne multyply many Pater nosters ; (CMEDTHOR,40.568) For it es better to say a Pater noster with gude deuocyon , +tan a thousande with-owtten deuocyon ; (CMEDTHOR,40.569) For +tus sais Saynte Paule appertly ; (CMEDTHOR,40.570) he sayse , ' me ware leuer say fyve wordes in herte deuotely , +tane fyve thousande with my mouthe with-owtten lykynge . ' (CMEDTHOR,40.571) and one +te same manere sall +tou say and do at thyne offece in +te qweire ; (CMEDTHOR,40.572) for swa sayse +te prophete , Psallite sapienter ; (CMEDTHOR,40.573) and +tat is to say , ' Synges and versy wysesly , ' +tat es , to say or to syng wyesly , +tat es , +tat thi herte be one +tat at +tou saise , and one +tat at o+ter saise , +tat +tou here it besyly ; (CMEDTHOR,40.574) For if +ti body be at thi seruyce , and +ti mouthe speke one a wyse , and thi herte thynke of wrechidnes caytefly , +tan es +tou twynned . (CMEDTHOR,40.575) For when +tou swa es twynned , +tou tynes +te mede of +ti seruyce ; (CMEDTHOR,40.576) For +te awe to serue Godd with all +ti herte , with all +ti saule , and with all +ti vertu ; (CMEDTHOR,40.577) and swa +tou may pay +ti Godd . (CMEDTHOR,40.578) Bot +tare es many thynges +tat ere cause of swylke wrechede twynnynge , als mete , drynke , Reste , cleythynge , layke , discorde , Thoghte , laboure , hethynge . (CMEDTHOR,40.579) These makes hippynge , homerynge , of medles momellynge . (CMEDTHOR,40.580) And +tare-fore take kepe what oure Lorde Ihesu Criste saise in +te gospell : (CMEDTHOR,40.581) ' Firste , ' He saise , ' sekes +te kyngdom of heuen , (CMEDTHOR,40.582) and all +tat +ge hafe myster of sall be gyffen +gowe with-owttyn any askynge . ' (CMEDTHOR,40.583) Thare-fore , dere Frende , +tou sall wit what +tou sall hafe in +te blysse of heuen . (CMEDTHOR,40.584) Wit +tou wele +tat +tou sall hafe Seuen gyftes in body , and Seuen in saule , +tat es to say , Fairenes in body with-owttyn fylth , lyghtenes with-owttyn slewth , Force with-owtten Feblesce , Frenes with-owtten thralledom , lykynge with-owtten noye , lufelynes with-owttyn envye , hele with-owttyn sekenes , lange lyfe with-owttyn ende . (CMEDTHOR,40.585) Thou sall hafe in salue , Wysedome with-owtten ygnorance , Frenchipe with-owtten hateredyn , Accorde with-owtten discorde , Myghte with-owtten wayknes , honour with-owtten dishonour , Sekirnes with-owtten drede , Ioy with-owtten sorowe . Bot +te wreches in helle , all +te reuerce , both in body and in saule , +tat es to say , Fylth with-owttyn fairenes , Slouthe with-owtten lyghtenes , Feblesce with-owtten force , Thraldom with-owtten freenes , Angwyse with-owtten lykynge , Sekenes with-owtten hele , ded with-outten ende . (CMEDTHOR,41.586) Thare sall be in +tair saules , Ignorance with-owttyn Wysdome , hatredyn with-owtten lufe , Discorde with-owtten Accorde , feblesce with-owtten powere , Schame with-owtten honour , Dred with-owtten sekernes , and Sorowe with-owtten Ioy . (CMEDTHOR,41.587) And for +tis sall +tou seke with all +ti myghte , +tat +tou may wyn +te Ioye of heuen ; (CMEDTHOR,41.588) for +tare es sa gret Ioye and sa mekill swettnes +tat , if +tou myghte lyffe fra +te begynnynge of +te worlde vn-till +te ende , and hafe all +te lykynge +tat +tou couthe ordeyne , +git +tou sulde with gret ryghte lefe all +tase for to be a day in +te Ioy of heuen . (CMEDTHOR,41.589) And thus endys +te to+ter degre of contemplacyone , +tat es to say , +te contemplacione of haly writte ; of +te whylke , if +tou take gud kepe in +ti herte , it sall be lyghte vnto +te , ilke a worde to halde . (CMEDTHOR,41.590) One ane o+ter syde , if +tou hafe mater to speke vn-to +te clerkez , be +tay neuer sa wyse , or to lewede men , be +tay neuer so ruyde , of +te clerkes +tou mofe som matirs of +tis , and alswa at +tou may lere more . (CMEDTHOR,41.591) And when +tou spekes till sympill men , and ruyde , gladly +tou lere +tam with swettnes . (CMEDTHOR,41.592) For +tou hafe enoghe whare-of +tou may speke , and how +tou sall +ti lyfe amende and gouerne , and o+ter menes alswa . (CMEDTHOR,41.593) +Te thirde degre of contemplacyon es in Godd Hym-selfe . (CMEDTHOR,41.594) And +tat may be on twa maners , +tat es , with-owtten in His manhede , and in His Godhede so blyschede . (CMEDTHOR,41.595) For +tus saise Saynt Austyn , For-+ti be-come Godd man , For to make mane to Se Godd in his kynde ; (CMEDTHOR,41.596) For whe+ter som he +gode with-in or with-owtten , euer-mare moghte man fynde pasture ; with-owtten , thurgh consederacyon of His manhed ; with-in , thurghe contemplacyon of His Godhede . (CMEDTHOR,41.597) Of His manhede sall +tou thynke thre thyngez : +te meknes of His Incarnacyon , +te sweteness of His conuersasion , and +te grete charite of His passione . (CMEDTHOR,42.598) Bot +tis may +tou noghte do all att anes ; (CMEDTHOR,42.599) and +tare-fore hafe I twynnned the thaym by +te Seuen houres of +te daye +tat +tou saise in +te kyrke , Swa +tat nan houre passe the , +tat +tou ne sall be swetely ocupyed in +ti herte . (CMEDTHOR,42.600) Bot nowe for to do +tis , +tan sall +tou wit +tat till ilke ane houre of +te daye es dowbyll medytacyon , ane of His passyon , and ano+ter of +te to+ter seson . (CMEDTHOR,42.601) Now , dere frende , before matyns sall +tou thynke of +te swete byrthe of Ihesu Cryste al-+ter-fyrste , and sythyn eftyrwarde of His passion . (CMEDTHOR,42.602) Of His byrth , sall thou thynke besyly +te tym , and +te stede and +te houre , +tat oure Lorde Ihesus Criste was borne of His modir Marie . (CMEDTHOR,42.603) +Te tyme was in myd-wynter , when it was maste calde ; (CMEDTHOR,42.604) +te houre was at mydnyghte , +te hardeste houre +tat es : (CMEDTHOR,42.605) +te stede was in mydwarde +te strete , in a house with-owtten walles . (CMEDTHOR,42.606) In clowtis was He wonden , (CMEDTHOR,42.607) and als a chylde was He bunden ; (CMEDTHOR,42.608) and in a crybbe by-fore ane oxe and ane asse , +tat lufely lorde layde was , (CMEDTHOR,42.609) for +tare was na no+ter stede voyde . (CMEDTHOR,42.610) And here sall +tou thynke of +te kepynge of Marye , and of hir childe , and of hir spouse Ioseph - wat Ioye Ihesu +tam sente . (CMEDTHOR,42.611) thou sall thynke also of +te hyrdes +tat saw +te takyn of His byrthe ; (CMEDTHOR,42.612) and +tou sall thynke of +te swete felachippe of Angells , and rayse vpe thi herte and syng with +tam , Gloria in excelsis Deo , &c . (CMEDTHOR,42.613) Of +te passion sall +tou thynke how +tat He was at swylke a tym of +te nyghte betrayed by His descyple , and taken als a traytoure , and bownden als a thefe , and ledde als a felon . (CMEDTHOR,42.614) Be-fore pryme +tou sall thynke of +te passion of Ihesu and of His Ioyfull ryssynge . (CMEDTHOR,42.615) Of His passyoun sall +tou thynke how +te Iewes ledd Hym into +taire counsaile , and bare false wytnes agayne Hym , and put appone Hym +tat He had saide blasefeme , +tat es , sclandyre in Godd , and +tat He had said +tat He suld haue distroyede +te temple of Godd , and make agayne ano+ter with-in the thirde day ; (CMEDTHOR,42.616) and +tan +tay began to dryfe Hym till hethyng , and to fulle Hym als a fule , and spite one Hym in dispyte in His faire face ; (CMEDTHOR,42.617) and sythyn thay hide His eghen , (CMEDTHOR,42.618) and gafe Hym bofetes grete , (CMEDTHOR,42.619) and sythen asked Hym whate He was +tat Hym smate ; (CMEDTHOR,43.620) and sythen , +tay ledde Hym dreryly to +te dede (CMEDTHOR,43.621) and +gitt neuer He sayde till thaym anes why +tay swa dyde . (CMEDTHOR,43.622) Many othyre wykkydnes +tay dide Hym , +tat lange ware to telle . (CMEDTHOR,43.623) +Gitt before pryme sall +tou thynke of +te haly rysesynge , +tat at +tat tyme of +te daye Ihesu Ioyfully rase fra dede to lyfe , when +tat He hade destruyede helle and delyuerede haly sawles owte of +te powere of +te deuelle . (CMEDTHOR,43.624) +Gitt before vndrone sall +tou thynke of +te passion and of +te witsondaye . (CMEDTHOR,43.625) Of +te passion sall +tou thynke , how +tat tyme oure Lorde Ihesu Cryste dispytousely was dispuylede , nakkynde and bownden till a tree in Pylate house , and swa wykkedly scourgede and doungen , +tat of His swete body , fra +te heued till +te fute , noghte was lefte hale . (CMEDTHOR,43.626) And at +tat ilke houre +tou sall thynke of +te witsonnday , how +te tym of +te day oure Lorde Ihesu Criste sente +te Haly Gaste till His disciples , in liknes of fyre , and of tunnges , in takynnynge +tat +tay sulde hafe abowndance in worde and brynnynge in lufe , and +tat ryghte es +te purueance of oure Lorde puruayde ; (CMEDTHOR,43.627) For in twa maners +te wykked gaste begylede man in paradyse , +tat es to saye , with wykked entycement of his tunge , and with +te caldnes of his venym . (CMEDTHOR,43.628) And for-+ti come +te Haly Gaste in lyknes of tung , agayne +te Entycement of +te deuelle , and in fyre for to distruye +te caldnes of his venym . (CMEDTHOR,43.629) Before myddaye sall +tou thynke of +te Anunciacyon , and of Ihesu passion . (CMEDTHOR,43.630) And of +te Anunciacion sall +tou thynke of +te grete mercy of oure Lorde Ihesu Criste , whi +tat He walde be-comme man , and For vs suffire +te dede in +tat swete manhed Sen He moghte hafe boghte vs agayne on o+ter manere . (CMEDTHOR,43.631) And +tat dyde He for till drawe till Hym +ti luffe . (CMEDTHOR,43.632) For if ane hade bene +ti maker , and ano+ter thi byere , and hade sufferde in thaire bodyes all oure sorowe for to by all oure lufe , Than hade noghte oure trouthe bene anely in ane . (CMEDTHOR,43.633) Off +te passion sall +tou thynke at +tat houre how oure Lorde Ihesu was done one +te Crosse be-twyx twa thefes , ane one His ryghte syde , and ano+ter one His lefte syde , (CMEDTHOR,43.634) and Hym-selfe +tay hangede be-twix +tam twa , alls mayster of thefes . (CMEDTHOR,43.635) For if all +te sekenes of +tis werlde and all +te sorowe ware in +te body of a man anely , and +tat man myghte consayfe alls mekill noye and Angwysce and Sorowe in his body als all +te men of +tis werlde moghte thynke , +gitt it ware full littill or ells noghte to regarde of +te sorowe +tat He sufferde for vs ane houre of +te daye . (CMEDTHOR,44.636) Before nonne sall +tou thynke of +te passion and of +te gloriouse Ascension . (CMEDTHOR,44.637) Of +te passione sall +tou thynke , +tat at swylke a tym of +te daye dyede +te makere of lyfe , for +ti lufe . (CMEDTHOR,44.638) And here sall +tou thynke of +te wordes +tat Ihesu spake on +te crose , and of +te foure takynes +tat be-felle in His dede . (CMEDTHOR,44.639) The fyrste worde was +tis +tat He spake , (CMEDTHOR,44.640) ' Fadire , for-gyffe +tam +tis syn , (CMEDTHOR,44.641) for +tay wate noghte whate +tay doo . ' (CMEDTHOR,44.642) The to+ter worde was +tis , +tat He said to +te thefe , (CMEDTHOR,44.643) ' For sothe I say the , +tis day sall +tou be with me in paradyse . ' (CMEDTHOR,44.644) The thirde was +tat He saide to His modire of Sayne John His cosynne , (CMEDTHOR,44.645) ' Woman , lo +tare thi son ! ' (CMEDTHOR,44.646) And to +te discyple saide He , ' Manne , lo +tare thy Modire ! ' (CMEDTHOR,44.647) The ferthe worde +tat He saide was this , (CMEDTHOR,44.648) ' Godd , my Godd , whi hase +tou lefte me +tus . ' (CMEDTHOR,44.649) The fyfte was , ' Scicio , ' +tat es to say , ' I haf thriste . ' (CMEDTHOR,44.650) The sexte worde was this , (CMEDTHOR,44.651) ' In manus tuas Domine , &c . ' whilke es for to saye , ' Fadir , in-to +ti haundis I gyffe my sawle . ' (CMEDTHOR,44.652) The Seuend worde was +tis , (CMEDTHOR,44.653) Consummatum est , +tat es to say , ' Now es +te prophecye fulfillede , ' (CMEDTHOR,44.654) and with +tat worde he helde His hede downne , (CMEDTHOR,44.655) and gafe +te gaste . (CMEDTHOR,44.656) Now +te takynes +tat ware in His dede ere +tire . (CMEDTHOR,44.657) Firste , all +te erthe by-gane to tremble , (CMEDTHOR,44.658) and +te vaile of +te temple braste in twa (CMEDTHOR,44.659) and felle doun , (CMEDTHOR,44.660) +te stanes raue in soundire , (CMEDTHOR,44.661) +te groues opyned (CMEDTHOR,44.662) and +te dede men rase , (CMEDTHOR,44.663) and +te sonne with-drewe his lyghte fra +te werlde fra myddaye to noune . (CMEDTHOR,44.664) Of +te Ascencione sall +tou thynke that swylke a tym of +te daye wente vpe oure Lorde Ihesu Criste in-till +te mounte of Olyuete , Seande His discyples and His swete modire Marie , how He steighe in-till heuen , and sett Hym one Fadir righte hande ; and how His dysciples turnede agayne into +te Cete , and ware in fastynge and in prayere vntill +te commynge of +te Haly Gaste ; (CMEDTHOR,44.665) and +tare ware togedire a hundreth and twentty in a house for to abyde +te commynge of +te Haly Gaste , als oure Lorde commande +tam before . (CMEDTHOR,44.666) Before euensange sall +tou thynke of Ihesu passion and of His supere . (CMEDTHOR,44.667) Of +te passion sall +tou thynke how Iospeh of Aramathy purchaste Ihesu body of Pilate , and how +tey come to +te crosse +tare He hange , and +tay brakke +te twa thee-banes of +te twa thefes . (CMEDTHOR,45.668) And +tare was a knyghte redye with a spere , (CMEDTHOR,45.669) and perchede +te syde of Ihesu , (CMEDTHOR,45.670) and smate Hym to +te herte ; (CMEDTHOR,45.671) and als sone come rynnande downe +te precyouse blode and watire . (CMEDTHOR,45.672) And +tat was +te Rawnsone of +te whilke I be-fore spake - (CMEDTHOR,45.673) louede be that Lorde ! - (CMEDTHOR,45.674) And +tan Ioseph tuke Hym downe of +te crosse , for-+ti +tat na bodye sulde duelle on +te crosse in so hye a daye als was one +te morne . (CMEDTHOR,45.675) Of +te supere of Ihesu sall +tou thynke , how +tat tym He gafe His precyouse flesche and His blude in lyknes of brede and of wyne +tat we may See ; (CMEDTHOR,45.676) and it es sothefastely flesche and blude of Ihesu Criste , +tat we may noghte See with bodyli eghen . (CMEDTHOR,45.677) +Te thirde thynge es gastely , +te grace +tat we rescheyue when we take +tat flesche and +tat blude . (CMEDTHOR,45.678) We se +tare lyknes of brede and of wyne , (CMEDTHOR,45.679) and it es noghte ; (CMEDTHOR,45.680) bot we trowe +tat +tare es sothefastly +te flesche and +te blude of Ihesu Criste . (CMEDTHOR,45.681) And noghte forthi +te lyknes of flesche ne may we noghte see . (CMEDTHOR,45.682) And +tare-fore , +tare whare we sulde hafe vgglynes als vn-till oure body , for to ete flesche and drynke blude of man , Oure Lorde Ihesu Criste turnede His flesche and His blude in liknes of brede and of wyne , for to comforthe oure bodily witte thurghe swylke fude als we ere wounte for to see , and alswa for to helpe oure trouthe thurghe +tat , +tat we see a thynge and trowes ano+ter . (CMEDTHOR,45.683) And +tare-fore , dere frende , when +tou sall gaa for to reschaife +tat swete flesche and +tat blude of Ihesu thi saueour , luke at +tou haue verray contricyon , and repentance , and clensynge of thi syn in thi herte ; (CMEDTHOR,45.684) For +tare +tou ressayfes in sacrament reghte als +tou ressayfede Hym in flesche and blude - (CMEDTHOR,45.685) blescede be +tat grace ! (CMEDTHOR,45.686) Be-fore complyn sall +tou thynke how +tat Ioseph and Nicodemus wande Ihesu body in faire schetis , and enoynte it with precyouse oynementes , and laide it in a monumente of stane , and sett +taire seles apon +te stane , and knyghtes +tat sulde it kepe . (CMEDTHOR,45.687) The to+ter thynge +tat +tou sall thynke in +te same tyme es +tis , how Ihesus , in +te daye of supere , when He had souppede , He +gode in-till a gardyn with His discyples , and felle downe in Orysoun , and bygann for to swete one swilke manere +tat +te droppis of blode droppede of His blyssede face vn-till +te erthe . (CMEDTHOR,46.688) Now hase +tou matire and manere for to thynke of Goddis manhede . (CMEDTHOR,46.689) And eftirwarde sall +tou wit how +tou sall thynke one Hym in His heghe Godhede . (CMEDTHOR,46.690) To +tat sall +tou wit +tat Godd temperd swa His knaweynge fra +te begynnynge of mankynde , +tat He walde noghte all hally schewe Hym to man , ne all hally hele Hym fra man . (CMEDTHOR,46.691) For if He hade all hally schewede Hym to man , +tan hadd trouthe noghte bene worthe (CMEDTHOR,46.692) and mysbileue had noghte bene +tan ouercomen , (CMEDTHOR,46.693) For trouthe es of thynge +tat may noghte be sene ; (CMEDTHOR,46.694) +tan +tat at I see es noghte trouthe ; (CMEDTHOR,46.695) and if He had all hallily helede fra man , +tan had trouthe noghte bene helpede , (CMEDTHOR,46.696) and mysbileue hade bene excusede ; (CMEDTHOR,46.697) and for-+ti +tan walde He in party schewe Hym , and in party hele Hym . (CMEDTHOR,46.698) Bot now may +tou aske me , ' in how many maners He walde schewe Hym . ' (CMEDTHOR,46.699) I say in twa maners , ane with-in , ano+ter with-owtten . (CMEDTHOR,46.700) With-in He schewede Hym thurgh reuelacyon and thurgh resonn . With-owtten , thurgh halye writte and thurgh creaturs . (CMEDTHOR,46.701) Thurgh reuelacyon , when He schewede Hym till any folke thurgh inspiracion and thurghe myracle . (CMEDTHOR,46.702) By resonn , commes He till +te knawynge of man one +tis manere : - (CMEDTHOR,46.703) Ilke a man may wele see in hym-selfe +tat at he es , and +tat at he hase bene , (CMEDTHOR,46.704) bot he may wele wit +tat he hase noghte bene ay , (CMEDTHOR,46.705) and for +tat he wate wele +tat sum tym he be-gan for to be ; (CMEDTHOR,46.706) +tan was +taire sum tym when he was noghte . (CMEDTHOR,46.707) Bot when he was noghte , +tan moghte he one na wyese make hym-selfe ; (CMEDTHOR,46.708) and +tis seghes man in his creature , (CMEDTHOR,46.709) For he sees ilke a day sum ga and sum com , (CMEDTHOR,46.710) For-+ti , sen ilke thynges erre , and +tay erre noghte of thaym selfe , +tare-fore it behoues nede +tat +tare be ane to gyffe all thynges to be , +tat es to saye of whaym alle thynge are ; (CMEDTHOR,46.711) +tare-fore it behoues of force +tat He thurghe whaym alle thynges erre , be with-owtten begynnynge . (CMEDTHOR,46.712) For if He hade begynnyng , than it behoufede +tat He had begynnyng of sum o+ter ; (CMEDTHOR,46.713) +tan had He noghte bene +te first autour and +te fyrste begynnyng of all thyngez . (CMEDTHOR,46.714) Bot +tare was na thynge before Hym , (CMEDTHOR,46.715) +tan he come of na no+ter , (CMEDTHOR,46.716) +tan hade He neuer na begynnynge . (CMEDTHOR,46.717) And +tare-fore it behoufes one all maner of +te werlde , +tat +tare be a thynge +tat neuer hade begynnynge . (CMEDTHOR,47.719) And when reson of man sese of force +tat it may na no+ter wysse be , +tan he begynnys for to trowe stabilly +tat a thynge +tat was with-owtten begynnynge , +tat es Awtour , and makere , and gouernere of all thynges +tat ere . (CMEDTHOR,47.720) And Hym calles men Godd by This skill , For +tis worde Deus , +tat es to say , Godd , commes of a worde of grewe +tat es called theos , (CMEDTHOR,47.721) and +tat es als mekill for to say als ane anely Godd . (CMEDTHOR,47.722) And +tat betakyns +tis worde Godd . (CMEDTHOR,47.723) And , dere frend , +tou awe to wit +tat +tare ne es bot a Godd , (CMEDTHOR,47.724) and +tou awe to wit +tat na gude may faile to Godd . (CMEDTHOR,47.725) Bot for-+ti +tat swete thynge and gud thynge es comforthe of felaschepe , +tan may noghte Godd be with-owtten gudness of felaschipe . (CMEDTHOR,47.726) Than be-houede it nede +tat +tare ware many persones in Godd , +te hegheste gudnes . (CMEDTHOR,47.727) And for-+ti +tat felyschepe may noghte be be-twyx faere +tan twa , +tare-fore be-houes it be +tat in Godd be at +te leste twa persones . (CMEDTHOR,47.728) And for-+ti +tat felyschipe es littill worthe whare +tare es nan Alyance ne lufe , For-thi it behoues +tat +te thirde person ware in godd , +tat ware the alyance and +te lufe be-twyx the twa . (CMEDTHOR,47.729) And for-+ti +tat anehede es gude , and manyhede alswa , +tare-fore it behouede nede +tat anehede and manyhede bathe ware in Godd . (CMEDTHOR,47.730) And by +tis skill commes man to +te knaweynge of Godd , +tat He es a Godd in Hymselfe , and thre in persones . (CMEDTHOR,47.731) And +tis ilke may man see in hym-selfe , (CMEDTHOR,47.732) For he sese at +te begynnynge +tat he hase in hym-selfe Powere , (CMEDTHOR,47.733) and sythen eftir powere he hase wysdom . (CMEDTHOR,47.734) And sythen be-gane he for to lufe +tat wysdom ; (CMEDTHOR,47.735) and +tan begynnes he for to knawe apertely +tat +tare es in +te saule Mighte , (CMEDTHOR,47.736) and of +tat myghte commes wysdom , (CMEDTHOR,47.737) and of thayme bathe comes lufe . (CMEDTHOR,47.738) And when man sese +tat it es one swylke manere in hym , Of +tat awe hym to wit +tat one swylke man awe it to be in Godd +tat es abouen hym , +tat es to say , +tat in Godd es myghte , and of +tat commes his wysdome ; and of powere and wysedom bathe comes lufe . (CMEDTHOR,47.739) And for-+ti +tat of +te fyrste personne commes +te to+ter , and oowte of thaym bathe comes +te thyrde , For-thi calles he +te firste personne Godd +te Fadire , +te to+ter Godd +te Sonne , +te thirde Godd +te Haly Gaste . (CMEDTHOR,48.740) And for +tat it wounte to be thus in-manges men , +tat +te Fadir was mare Febill +tan +te sonne , for his elde , and +te sonne mare vnwyse +tan +te Fadire for his +gouthe ; (CMEDTHOR,48.741) and for +tat a man sulde noghte wene +tat it ware swa of Godd , (CMEDTHOR,48.742) Tharefore es powere appropirde to Godd +te Fadir , wysdom to Godd +te Sonne . (CMEDTHOR,48.743) And for-+ti +tat +tis worde Gaste sownnes sumwhate into fellenes , For-+ti es swetnes , lufe , and gudenes appropirde to +te Haly Gaste . (CMEDTHOR,48.744) Oppon +tis maner commes man firste to +te knaweynge of his Godd , how He es with-owtten be-gynnynge , and whi He es called Godd , ane in substance and thre in persones , and whi +te firste persone es callede Godd +te Fadir , +te to+ter , Godd +te Sonne , +te thyrde , Godd +te Haly Gaste ; and whi powere es appropirde to Godd +te Fadir , and wysdom to Godd +te Sonne , and gudnes to Godd +te Haly Gaste . (CMEDTHOR,48.745) In swylke manere sall +tou knawe +ti Godd . (CMEDTHOR,48.746) The fyrste degre of contemplacion es , +tat +te saule be ledde agayne to +te selfe , and gedire it all with-in +te selfe . (CMEDTHOR,48.747) The to+ter degre es , +tat man see whate he es , swa gedyrde to-gedire . (CMEDTHOR,48.748) The thirde degre es , +tat he lefte hym selfe abouen hym-selfe , and payne hym for to luke one his Godd in his awen kynde . (CMEDTHOR,48.749) Bot till selfe may he neuer mare comme , vntill he hafe lerede to resayfe ilke a bodyly ymagynacyone erthely and gastely , +tat commes to his awen herte , ow+ter of herynge , or of tastynge , or of sweloynge , or of any o+ter bodily wite , to refuse it and to defule it , +tat it may see the selfe swylke as it es with-owtten +te bodye . (CMEDTHOR,48.750) Thare-fore , dere Frende , take gud hede how +te saule es wondirfull in +te selfe , and howe it es ane in +te kynde , and noghte forthi +git it duse dyuerse thynges ; (CMEDTHOR,48.751) For +te selfe , it sese +tat at +tou ses with thyn eghne , heris with thyne eres , Swelawes with thi mouthe , Smelles with +ti nese , and al swa +tat at +tou touches with all +ti membris . (CMEDTHOR,48.752) Thynke +git Eftyrwarde , howe +ti saule es grete , +tat all anely with a thoghte it may comprehende heuen and erthe and all +tat in thaym are , if +tay ware a hundreth falde grettere +tan +tay are or may be . (CMEDTHOR,48.753) When manes lyfe es grete and swa nobill +tat na creature may vndirstande it perfitly , Thane grete and nobill es he +tat swa nobill thynge made of noghte . (CMEDTHOR,49.754) He es abouen all thynge , and with-in all thynge , and with-owtten all thynge , and be-nethe all thynge . (CMEDTHOR,49.755) He is abouen all thynge , all thynge gouerande , Be-nethe all thynge , berande all thynge , with-in all thynge , Fullfillande all , with-owtten all thynge , abowte gangande all . (CMEDTHOR,49.756) Swylke manere of contemplacione Engendyrs in man Faste trouthe and sekire deucyone . (CMEDTHOR,49.757) Eftir +tis sall +tou thynke howe +tat he es large : (CMEDTHOR,49.758) and +tat may +tou see one many maners . (CMEDTHOR,49.759) See at +te begynnynge howe +tat he es large of erthely gude ; how he gyfes his gudes als wele to +te ille als to +te gude in alle thynges +tat +tou sese in erthe . (CMEDTHOR,49.760) Sythen eftirward see howe +tat he es large for to Forgyffe : (CMEDTHOR,49.761) For if a man hym ane hade donne alls mekill ille als alle +te men of +tis werlde moghte doo , +gitt sulde he be mare redy be +te hundrethe parte for to Forgyffe hym +tan +tat caytife sulde bee for to sake of hym forgyfenes . (CMEDTHOR,49.762) Nowe , my dere Frende , if +tou lyfe eftir +tis kennynge , +tan sall +tou lyfe honourabily , - (CMEDTHOR,49.763) and +tat es +te fyrste parte of oure sermon +tat I touchede at +te begynnynge , - (CMEDTHOR,49.764) and eftir +tat sall +tou studye to lyffe lufely als to thyne euencrysten ; (CMEDTHOR,49.765) and vntill +tat sall +tou sette all hally +ti myghte to lufe and for to be lufede . (CMEDTHOR,49.766) Thou sall lufe all menne in Godd , +tat es at sayd , anely in gudnes , and noghte for +taire fairenes of bodye for to lufe , ne for force , ne for na no+ter bodily vertu . (CMEDTHOR,49.767) For +tay +tat lufes in swylke manere , +tay lufe noghte for Goddes sake ; (CMEDTHOR,49.768) and for to lufe man in Godd es na no+ter thynge bot for to lufe hym for any thynge +tat may noghte be lufede with-owtten Godd , als for gudnes or for rightewysnes , or for sothefastenes . (CMEDTHOR,49.769) If we do gude , +tane hafe we na frende bot gude , ne nane Enemy bot ill ; (CMEDTHOR,49.770) and +tar-fore +tase +tat er gude sall we lufe for-thi +tat +tay er gude , (CMEDTHOR,49.771) and +te ille sall we lufe for-+ti +tat +tay may be gude . (CMEDTHOR,49.772) In +tis manere lufe +tou na thynge bot gudnes , sen +tat +tou lufes all thynges for gudnes ; (CMEDTHOR,49.773) and if +tou will be lufede , schewe thi selfe lufely . (CMEDTHOR,49.774) Ife +tou will be lufely , resayfe these thre wordes with-owtten forgetynge . (CMEDTHOR,49.775) Do +tat at man biddis +te or praies +te +tat gude es ; (CMEDTHOR,49.776) Take +tat at man gyffes +te ; (CMEDTHOR,49.777) and gruche noghte ; (CMEDTHOR,49.778) and +tat at men will say +te , suffire it mekely , (CMEDTHOR,50.780) and wrethe the noghte . (CMEDTHOR,50.781) If +tou lyfe +tus lelely , +tan lyfes thou lufely . (CMEDTHOR,50.782) Dere Syster and frende , Syen eftirward sall +tou studye for to lyffe mekely ; (CMEDTHOR,50.783) and to +tis sall +tou ewn wit +tat +tare are twa maners of mekenes . (CMEDTHOR,50.784) The tane commes of sothefastenes , (CMEDTHOR,50.785) and +te to+ter commes of charite . (CMEDTHOR,50.786) By +te firste may +tou hafe knaweynge of thi selfe , (CMEDTHOR,50.787) For thou may noghte in na manere of +tis worlde see +ti selfe whate +tou arte in sothefastenes , if +tou be noghte mekyde . (CMEDTHOR,50.788) The to+ter manere of meknes may +tou hafe if thou thynke of +te meknes of Ihesu Crhiste , how +tat he mekid hym +tat neuer dyde syn ; (CMEDTHOR,50.789) and swylke mekenes commes clenely of charyte . (CMEDTHOR,50.790) Now my dere syster and Frende , wate +tou whate it es to lyffe honourabili , lufely , and mekely ; (CMEDTHOR,50.791) and +tat es to lyffe perfitly . (CMEDTHOR,50.792) Now oure swete Lorde Ihesu Christe gyffe vs grace swa Godd for to honour , and oure euencristen for to lufe , and oure self for to meke , +tat we may for oure honourynge be honourede , and for oure lufe be lufede , and for oure mekenes be lyftede vp in-to +te heghe blysse of heuen +tat he boghte vs to , Ihesu with his swete blude and his preciouse passion . (CMEDTHOR,50.793) Amen ! (CMEDTHOR,50.794) Explicit speculum sancti Edmundi Cantuarensis Archi - espiscopi . Dulce nomen Domini nostri Ihesu Christi : sit benedictum in secula seculorum ! Amen ! (CMEDTHOR,50.795)