Heer biginne+t a good tretis +tat seint Edmound +te Bisschop made , I-wis : | (CMEDVERN,240.3) +te Mirour of seint Edmound I-cleped hit is , | +tat teche+t Mon to heuene Blis . | (CMEDVERN,240.4) +TIs is +te Bok sikerly +tat teche+t to liuen parfytliche : (CMEDVERN,240.6) hit is clept +te Mirour of seynt Edmound +te Confessour . (CMEDVERN,240.7) Furst how Mon schal loken his stat . (CMEDVERN,240.9) What is to lyuen parfytliche , and what is Godes wille . (CMEDVERN,240.10) What +ting make+t Mon holi & w+guche-maner mon schal comen to +te knowyng of him-self in bodi and in soule . (CMEDVERN,240.11) +Te goodes dedes of vr lord . (CMEDVERN,240.12) How Mon schal spenden his tyme . (CMEDVERN,240.13) Whuche-maner Mon schal seon God in eueri creature . (CMEDVERN,240.14) Whuche-maner Mon schal seo Godes wille in holy writ . (CMEDVERN,240.15) Of +te seuene dedly synnes and of heore Braunches . (CMEDVERN,240.16) Of +te seuene blessynges of +te gospel . (CMEDVERN,240.17) Of +te seuene +giftes of +te holigost and of heore folsumnesse . (CMEDVERN,240.18) Of +te Ten Commaundemens . (CMEDVERN,240.19) Of +te seuene vertues +te w+guche ben +teos : Be-leeue , Hope , Loue , Qweyntyse , Riht , Methsumnesse , Streng+te . (CMEDVERN,240.20) Of +te twelue articles of +te be-leeue , and of +te seuen sacramens . (CMEDVERN,240.21) Of seuene dedes of Merci . (CMEDVERN,240.22) +Te seuen prei+geres of +te Pater noster . (CMEDVERN,240.23) Of seuene druryes of bodi and seuene in soule , and of peynes of helle . (CMEDVERN,240.24) Of contemplacion of God in his Monhede , onsweryng to seuen houres of holy chirche . (CMEDVERN,240.25) Of Contemplacion of God in his Godhede . (CMEDVERN,240.26) Of +te large +giftes of God in moni maners . (CMEDVERN,240.27) Contemplacion of +te swetnesse , of +te bounte , and of +te feyrnesse of God . (CMEDVERN,240.28) What is to liuen Honurabliche , Loueredenliche , and Mekeliche . (CMEDVERN,240.29) HOW MON SCHAL LOKEN HIS STAAT . (CMEDVERN,240.31) CAPITULUM PRIMUM . (CMEDVERN,240.32) +TE word of +te Apostele ffalle+t to Men of Religion and to alle gode cristene men : (CMEDVERN,240.34) " Seo+t +te stat wherto +ge beo+t clept " . (CMEDVERN,240.35) +Tis he sei+t , ffor to drawe us to perfeccion . (CMEDVERN,240.36) And +terfore , what-time I +tenke on my-self , bi day or bi niht , on on half I haue gret Ioye , and on a no+tur half gret Serwe . (CMEDVERN,240.37) Ioye , for +te gret Religion and godnesse +tat he ha+t schewed to me and to Monkynde ; (CMEDVERN,240.38) Serwe , for +te wikked liuinge in me , and feble conuersacion . (CMEDVERN,240.39) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,240.40) +tus sei+t seint Eusebie in a Sarmoun : " Cum to Religion , is a sourereyn perfeccion ; (CMEDVERN,240.41) not parfytliche liuen is a souereyn $dampnacion " . (CMEDVERN,240.42) +Terfore +te beste +ting is whose liue+t in Religion , drawe he to +te lyf of perfeccion as he wilne+t his sauacion , (CMEDVERN,240.43) and leue al +tat is in +te world and al +tat +ter-to falle+t , (CMEDVERN,240.44) and +giue al his power to liue parfyt lyf . (CMEDVERN,240.45) WHAT IS TO LIUEN PARFYT LYF . (CMEDVERN,240.47) CAPITULUM SECUNDUM . (CMEDVERN,240.48) Parfytliche liuen , as seint Bernard sei+t , is to liuen Honorabliche , Loueredenliche , and Mekeliche . (CMEDVERN,240.50) Honurabliche as to God , +tat +tou +giue +tin entent to don his wille , +tat is to siggen to don alle +te dedes +tat +tou schalt don wi+t honden , +tenken wi+t herte , or speken wi+t Mou+t , to honour of God , and nou+gt a+geyn his wille don wi+t eny of +ti fiue wittes , as wi+t Si+g of e+gen , Herynge of Eren , Swolewynge of Tonge , Smellynge of Neose , Touchynge of honden , Gon or stonden , Liggen or sitten . (CMEDVERN,240.51) +Tenk at +te biginnyng of euerich +ting , +gif hit beo godes wille or hit beo not . (CMEDVERN,240.52) +Gif hit beo his wille , do hit wi+t al +ti mi+gt . (CMEDVERN,240.53) +Gif hit beo nou+gt , do hit not ffor to suffre de+t . (CMEDVERN,240.54) But now wol men aske : " What is godes wille ? " (CMEDVERN,240.55) His wille nis no o+tur +ting bote vre holynesse ; (CMEDVERN,240.56) and +tat sei+t +te Apostle : (CMEDVERN,240.57) Hec est voluntas dei : sanctificacio vestra , +tat is to seyen : " Godus wille is +tat we ben holi " . (CMEDVERN,240.58) WHAT +TING MAKE+T MON HOLI . (CMEDVERN,240.60) CAPITULUM III . (CMEDVERN,240.61) Two +tinges wi+t-outen mo make+t mon holi , +tat is to witen Knowynge and Loue . Knowynge of so+tnesse , and Loue of godnesse . (CMEDVERN,240.63) But to knowyng of God +tat is so+tnesse , ne mai+gt +tou not comen but +torw knowynge of +ti-self ; (CMEDVERN,240.64) no to +te loue of God +tat is goodnesse , ne mai+gt +tou not comen bot +torw loue of +ti nei+gebore . (CMEDVERN,240.65) To +te knowyng of +ty-self mai+gt +tou comen wi+t ofte +tenkynge ; to +te knowyng of God : wi+t clen contemplacion . (CMEDVERN,240.66) To +te knowynge of +ti-self +tou mai+gt comen in +tis Manere : (CMEDVERN,240.67) +Tenk inwardliche and ofte what +tou art , what +tou were , and what +tou schalt ben . Furst as to +ti bodi , after as to +ti soule . (CMEDVERN,240.68) As to +ti bodi : +tou art vilore +ten a dongehul . (CMEDVERN,242.70) +Tou were geten in so gret ful+te +tat hit is schome to seye , and wlatful to +tenken . (CMEDVERN,242.71) +Tou $schalt be mete to fyle todes and wormes . (CMEDVERN,242.72) What +tou hast ben and what +tou art , nou take god hede as to +ti soule - (CMEDVERN,242.73) what +tou schalt ben , ne mai+gt +tou not +tenken . (CMEDVERN,242.74) +Tenk +tat +tow hast don gret wikkednesses and monye , and leued mony godnesses and grete . (CMEDVERN,242.75) +Tenk hou long +tou hast liued , and how mony goodnesses +tou hast receyed , and hou +tou hast hem spendet ; (CMEDVERN,242.76) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,242.77) eueri houre +tat +tou hast not +tou+gt on god , +tou hast forloren . (CMEDVERN,242.78) +Tou schalt +gelde reson of eueri idel word and eueri Idel +touht and eueri Idel dede ; (CMEDVERN,242.79) and also +ter nis not an her on +tin hed +tat ne schal ben glorifyed +gif hit be so +tat +tou be saaf , (CMEDVERN,242.80) also +ter ne schal a-skapen non houre +tat ne schal be rikned to +te . (CMEDVERN,242.81) A , Ihesu , Merci ! (CMEDVERN,242.82) +Gif al +te world weore ful of smale pouder , who mi+gte ben so slei+g +tat mi+tte departen vche $mot bi him-self and taken from o+ter ? (CMEDVERN,242.83) Certes , non . (CMEDVERN,242.84) And +te soule of Mon is grettore +ten al +te world , +tei+g hit were a +tousend so gret ; (CMEDVERN,242.85) and is al ful of diuerse +tou+gtes , willes and desyres ; (CMEDVERN,242.86) and who mi+gte +tenne so sechen his herte +tat $he mi+gte knowen al +tat he ha+t don and +tou+gt ? (CMEDVERN,242.87) Se now , goode Bro+ter , +tat +tou hast gret mester to knowyng of +ti-self . (CMEDVERN,242.88) Aftur tac good hede what +tou art now as to +ti soule . (CMEDVERN,242.89) +Tou hast luitel good in +te , luitel wit , or streng+te : (CMEDVERN,242.90) for whi ? (CMEDVERN,242.91) +tou desyrest al day +tat +te helpe+t nou+gt , and seldene or no tyme +tat +te may helpen . (CMEDVERN,242.92) +Tou art often deceyued , now +torw $to grete serwe , now +torw veyne glorie ; (CMEDVERN,242.93) now art +tou trauayled of fere , (CMEDVERN,242.94) now art tou houen an hei+g +torw fals hope . (CMEDVERN,242.95) On o+ter half +tou art so chaungeable , (CMEDVERN,242.96) +tis +tat +tou wolt to-day +tou wolt not to-morwe . (CMEDVERN,242.97) And also +tenk what-maner +tou art bisi and turmented aboute mony +tinges +gif +tou hem ne haue ; (CMEDVERN,242.98) and whonne +tou hem hast , +ten art tou anuyed and ful of hem . (CMEDVERN,242.99) +Tenk +gif on o+tur maner +tat +tou art liht to tempten , and feble forte +geynstonden , and redi to concenten . (CMEDVERN,242.100) Of all +teose wikkednesses +te ha+t delyuered +ti swete lord , (CMEDVERN,242.101) & schal delyueren eueri day more and more , +gif +tou hit not fordo . (CMEDVERN,242.102) OF +TE GODNESSE OF VRE LORD , & HOU MON SCHAL SPENDEN HIS TYME (CMEDVERN,242.104) CAP. IIII . (CMEDVERN,242.105) Whonne +tou were nought , +tenne he made +te , in soule after his owne liknesse , and +ti bodi of foul roten and stinkinde fom , +tat is abhominacion to +tenken . (CMEDVERN,242.107) He made +ti wittes and +ti Membres so noble and so feire +tat no mon may deuysen . (CMEDVERN,242.108) +Tenk +git inwardliche , +tou +tat louest +ti fader and +ti Moder so tenderliche , and whi +tou louest hem so derwor+tlich . (CMEDVERN,242.109) +Gif +tou sigge +tat +tou louest +ti ffader and +ti Moder for +tou art geten of heore flesch and of heore blood : also ben +te wormes +tat waxen of hem eueri day . (CMEDVERN,242.110) On o+tur halue +tou hast of hem nei+ter bodi ne soule , but of god +torw hem ; (CMEDVERN,242.111) for whi ? (CMEDVERN,242.112) what were +tou & +tou heddest dwelled in +tat +tat +tou hast of hem , whon +tou weore geten in ful+te and in synne ? (CMEDVERN,242.113) On o+tur half , +gif +tou louest Bro+tur or Suster or kin for +tei ben of +te selue flesch or blod +tat +tou art : $wi+t +te selue skile scholdest +tou louen a pece of +te flesch of ffader or Moder +gif hit were awei coruen ; (CMEDVERN,242.114) and +tat were a gret wodnesse out of mesure ! (CMEDVERN,242.115) +Gif +tow sigge +tat +tou louest hem for +tei han +te flesch formed in liknesse of mon , and for +tei han soule as hast +tou : +tenne is +ti fleschlyche bro+tur no nerre +ten a no+ter , but in as muche as +tou and he han of on fleschlich fader +te biginnyng of +goure flesch , +tat is , a luytel stunch and ful+te . (CMEDVERN,242.116) Loue him +tenne ffrom whom alle goodes comen ; (CMEDVERN,243.118) and loue alle men gostliche , (CMEDVERN,243.119) and stunte herbi-forward to louen fleschliche . (CMEDVERN,243.120) +Gif +tou +tenke inwardliche of +te goodnes +tat he ha+t do +te , and schal do +gif +tou wolt loue him enterliche , hit schal sture +te him to loue +te more hertiliche . (CMEDVERN,243.121) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,243.122) as I haue i-seid bifore , whon +tou ne were , he made +te of nou+gt : (CMEDVERN,243.123) and whonne +tou were loren , he sou+gte +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.124) whon +tou weore sold to synne , he bou+gte +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.125) whon +tou weore dampned , he sauede +te . (CMEDVERN,243.126) Whon +tou were boren in synne , he cristnede +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.127) and afturward whon +tou sungedest so ofte and so foule , +tenne he suffrede +te so freoli (CMEDVERN,243.128) & abod longe , (CMEDVERN,243.129) and receyuede +te to his merci , (CMEDVERN,243.130) and +te putte +torw his grace in to his swete couent . (CMEDVERN,243.131) And eueri day , whon +tou dost mis , he snibbe+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.132) whon +tou sungest , he for+giue+t hit +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.133) whon +tou doutest , +ten he teche+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.134) whon +tou errest , he a-Mende+t +te . (CMEDVERN,243.135) Whon +tou hungrest , he fede+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.136) whon +tou art cold , he hete+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.137) whon +tou hast hete , he kele+t +te . (CMEDVERN,243.138) Whon +tow wakest , he saue+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.139) won +tou slepest , he loke+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.140) whon +tou risest , he susteyne+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.141) won +tou wost fallen , he redresse+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.142) whon +tou sittest , he abyde+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.143) won +tou gost , he lede+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.144) whon +tou turnest , he went +te . (CMEDVERN,243.145) Whon +teu gost mis , he a+geyn-calle+t +te ; (CMEDVERN,243.146) and euere whon +tou art vuel at ese , he com-forte+t +te . (CMEDVERN,243.147) +Teose godes , and mony mo , vre swete lord ha+t don to +te . Wher-fore in swetnesse of +tin herte +tou schalt euere on him +tenke , of him speke , him +tonken , him preisen , niht and day , +gif +tow const ouht of loue . (CMEDVERN,243.148) HOW +TAT MON SCHAL SPENDEN HIS TYME . (CMEDVERN,243.150) CAPITULUM QUINTUM . (CMEDVERN,243.151) Furst , whon +tou risest of +ti bed in Morwe-tyde and at Mid-niht , +tenk hou mony +tousand Men han ben perisch +tat niht in bodi and soule , summe in fuir and summe in water , $summe in $o+ter diuerse manere as in se`e` and in lond ; summe Robbede and summe I-wounde , summe slayn , summe dede sodeynliche wi+t-outen schrift , wherfore +tei be fallen in to peyne wi+t-outen ende . (CMEDVERN,243.153) +Tenk also how mony +tousend men ben fallen +tat niht in to peril of soule , +tat is to siggen in to dedly synne , as in Lecherie , Coutetyse , and in o+tur mony-maner folyes . (CMEDVERN,243.154) Of alle +teose wikkednesses +te ha+t dilyuered vre swete lord , wi+t-outen +ti diseruyng . (CMEDVERN,243.155) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,243.156) what seruise hast tou do to him wherfore he ha+t so loked +te , & mony o+ture forsaken & laft ? (CMEDVERN,243.157) +Gif +tou take good hede hou gret good god ha+t don to +te on alle halue , +tou schalt fynden him ocupyed abouten +te as +tei he dude non o+tur +ting but were tendynge onliche to +te and to +tin hele ; (CMEDVERN,243.158) and +tou schalt seon him , for to loken +te , al so tentyf and bisi as he hedde for+geten al +te world for to taken kepe onliche to +te . (CMEDVERN,243.159) And whonne +tou hast +touht +tus , tak vp +tin hond (CMEDVERN,243.160) and +tonke +ti lord of +tis and of alle o+tur goodnesse , in +tis manere : (CMEDVERN,243.161) Gracias tibi ago , domine Ihesu Christe , qui me miserum peccatorem in hac nocte $custodisti , protexisti , visitasti , sanum , saluum , et $incolumem ad hanc horam per-uenire fecisti , et pro vniuersis alijs beneficijs tuis , que michi tua sola bonitate con - tulisti . Qui cum patre & s. s. u. & regnas deus : (CMEDVERN,243.162) " +TOnkynge I make to +te , my lord Ihesu Crist , +tat me synful wrecche euer to +tis tyme lokedest , defendest , visytest , hol , saue and vnbroken to +tis tyme madest comen , and for alle +tine o+ture gode dedes +tat to me +torw +tin onliche godnesse has wrou+gt ; +tat wi+t +te ffader and +te holy gost liuest and regnest god euermore wi+t-outen ende . (CMEDVERN,243.163) A. M. E. N. . (CMEDVERN,243.164) Amen . " (CMEDVERN,243.165) In +te selue manere schalt tou seyen whon +tou ristest in Morwetyde , and whon +tou gost to bedde a-niht . (CMEDVERN,243.166) At Mid-niht , +tou schal seyen ad hanc horam " to +tis houre " , (CMEDVERN,243.167) but in Morwe-tyde +tou schalt seyen ad principium huius diei " to +te begynnynge of +tis dai " , and at niht ad finem huius diei " to +te endynge of +tis dai " . (CMEDVERN,243.168) And whon +tou hast don +tus , +tou schalt +tenken inwardliche hou +tou hast dispendet +te tyme from morwe-tyde +tat +tou ros til +tou go to bedde a-niht ; and also from +te liggynge to +ti rysynge : and preye god Merci of +te wikkednesses +tat +tou hast don , and of +te godes +tat +tou hast leued +tat dai , or +tat niht ; and do no +ting to +tis lyf , til +tou haue bitaken +ti-self and +ti frendes , quike and dede in to +te hondes of vre swete lord Ihesu Crist , (CMEDVERN,243.169) & sei +tus : In manus tuas , domine , et sanctorum angelorum tuorum comendo in hac die animam meam & corpus meum , parentes , fratres sorores , cognatos , amicos , familiares , benefactores meos , et omnem populum chatholicum , custodi nos in hac die , per Merita & inter - cessionem beate Marie & omnium sanctorum , a vicijs & concupiscencijs prauis , temptacionibus diaboli , a subitanea & inprouisa morte , & a penis inferni , illumina cor meum de spiritu sancto et de tua sancta cracia , fac me tuis semper obedire mandatis , et a te nunquam separari permittas . Qui viuis & regnas deus per omnia s seculorum . Amen . (CMEDVERN,243.170) " IN to +tin hond , lord , and of +tyn holy Angeles I beo-take in +tis dai my soule and my bodi , ffader and Moder , Bre+teren Sustren , Sibbe and frende , and alle myne gode-doeres , and alle cristene folk . (CMEDVERN,243.171) Loke vs to-day , +torw +te meede and +te preyeres of blessed Marie and of alle halewes , from vices and wikkede couetises , fondynges of +te deuel , and from sodeyn and vn-war de+t , and from +te peynes of helle . (CMEDVERN,243.172) Lihte myn herte of +te holigost and of +tin holi grace , (CMEDVERN,243.173) make me euer-more Boxum to +ti commaundemens , (CMEDVERN,243.174) and neuere suffre me be parted from +te ; +tat liuest and regnest god wi+t-outen ende . (CMEDVERN,243.175) Amen . " (CMEDVERN,243.176) And whon +tou gost to bedde at niht , +ter as +tou seist in +te Morwetide In hac die " in +tis day " , sei +tenne In hac note " in +tis ni+gt " . (CMEDVERN,243.177) +Gif +tou do in +tis manere , +tenne schalt tou hauen trewe knowying of +ti-self . (CMEDVERN,243.178) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,243.179) +tus sei+t +te holi $writ " +gif +tou affye +te o +ti-self , +tou schalt be delyered to +ti-self ; (CMEDVERN,243.180) +gif +tou affye +te in god , +tou schalt be taken to god " . (CMEDVERN,243.181) +Tis Manere of consideracion of +ti-self , and in +tis +tenkyng schalt +tow come to +te knowying of God . (CMEDVERN,243.182) WHUCHE-MANERE MON SCHAL KNOWE GOD IN EUERI CREATURE . (CMEDVERN,243.184) CAP. SEXTUM . (CMEDVERN,243.185) +Treo Maners ben of Contemplacion : (CMEDVERN,243.187) +te ffurste is in Creatures , +te seconde in Holy writ , +te +tridde in God self and in his kuynde . (CMEDVERN,243.188) Contemplacion nis non o+ter +ting but siht of +te godnesse of god . (CMEDVERN,243.189) +Te goodnesse of god in his creatures , +tou mai+gt se in +tis Manere . (CMEDVERN,243.190) +Treo +tinges ben in god : Miht , Wisdam , and Godnesse . (CMEDVERN,243.191) Miht is turned to god +te Fader , Wisdam to god +te Sone , Goodnesse to god +te Holigost . (CMEDVERN,243.192) +Torw his Miht , ben alle +tinges formed , (CMEDVERN,243.193) +torw his Wisdam ben wonderliche ordeynet , (CMEDVERN,243.194) +torw his Goodnesse ben eueri day Multiplyede . (CMEDVERN,243.195) His miht maiht tou seon +torw heore gretnesse and +torw heore formyng , (CMEDVERN,243.196) his Wisdam mai+gt +tou sen +torw heore feirnesse and +torw heore ordynaunce , his Godnesse +torw heore vertues and +torw heore multipliing . (CMEDVERN,243.197) His Mihte +torw heore gretnesse mai+gt +tou seon in heore foure departynges , +tat is to witene , +torw heore hei+gnesse , and heore depnesse , and +toru heore brodenesse , and heore longenesse . (CMEDVERN,245.198) His Wisdam mai+gt +tow sen +gif +tou take good heede how he ha+t +giuen to eueri creature beoing : To summe , beoing wi+t-oute more , as to stones ; to summe beoing and liuing , as to treon ; to summe beoing , liuing , and felyng , as to beestes ; to summe being , liuing , felyng , and vnderstonding , as to Angeles and to Mon . (CMEDVERN,245.199) $Stones hauen beoing , (CMEDVERN,245.200) but +tei ne+ter liuen , felen , ne vnderstonden . (CMEDVERN,245.201) Herbes hauen beoing & liuing (CMEDVERN,245.202) but +tei felen not . (CMEDVERN,245.203) Beeestes ben , liuen , and felen , (CMEDVERN,245.204) but $+tei haue no resoun . (CMEDVERN,245.205) Men haue beoinge wi+t stones , Liuynge wi+t herbes , ffelynge wi+t Beestes , Resoun wi+t Angeles . (CMEDVERN,245.206) +Tus +tou maiht seon +te dignite of Monkuynde - (CMEDVERN,245.207) and +terfore sei+t seint Austin : " I wolde not haue +te godnesse , of Angel , and I mihte haue +te goodnesse +tat is ordeyned to Mon " . (CMEDVERN,245.208) +Tenk also +tat Mon is wor+ti gret confusion +tat wol not liuen as his condicion aske+t in his degre . (CMEDVERN,245.209) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,245.210) alle +te creatures of +tis world ben maad onliche for Mon , ffor +treo enchesons : ffor to helpen vs of trauayle , ffor to clo+ten vs , ffor to feeden vs . (CMEDVERN,245.211) +Te nuyaunt Creatures , as wikkede herbes and venimouse beestes , ben maad for +treo +tinges : ffor vre chastyng , ffor vre amendyng , ffor vre teching . (CMEDVERN,245.212) We ben punissched and chastised whon we ben hurt : (CMEDVERN,245.213) and +tat is a gret Merci of god , +tat he wole chastisen vs now in bodi , +tat we beo not wi+t-outen ende punissched in soule . (CMEDVERN,245.214) We ben amendet whon we +tenken +tat al +tis is comen vs +torw vre sunne ; (CMEDVERN,245.215) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,245.216) whon we sen +tat so luitel creatures mowen vs greuen , +tenne we +tenken on vre feblesse , (CMEDVERN,245.217) & ben meke . (CMEDVERN,245.218) We ben tau+gt in +tat +tat we seon in suche creatures +te wonder werkes of vre Creatour ; (CMEDVERN,245.219) ffor more edificacion to vs is +te trauayle of +te nuy+gere +ten +te streng+te of +te Beore or of +te Lyoun . (CMEDVERN,245.220) Also as is seid of Beestes , also vndurstond of herbes ; (CMEDVERN,245.221) and whon +tou hast +tou+gt of +teose Creatures , hef vp +tin herte to +ti creatour , (CMEDVERN,245.222) and +tenk +tat hit is gret power to maken such +tinges of nou+gt , and gret wisdam to ordeynen hem , and gret goodnesse to encresen hem eueri day in to so gret noumbre . (CMEDVERN,245.223) Sei to +ti lord +terfore in +tin herte : " For +tou art , +terfore +tei ben ; (CMEDVERN,245.224) ffor +tou art feir , +terfore are +tei feir ; (CMEDVERN,245.225) ffor +tou art good , +terfore are +tei goode . (CMEDVERN,245.226) Wi+t good riht +te honouren alle creatures , (CMEDVERN,245.227) +tei herien , (CMEDVERN,245.228) +tei glorifyen for $heore prow , blessed God in Trinite ! Of whom ben alle +tinges +torw his pouwer maade , and gouernede +torw his wisdam , & +torw his bounte multipliede . (CMEDVERN,245.229) Ipsi honor & gloria in secula s . amen . " (CMEDVERN,245.230) HOW MON MAI SEO GODES WILLE IN HOLI WRIT . (CMEDVERN,245.232) +TE secounde degre of Contemplacion is in Holi writ . (CMEDVERN,245.234) But nou schalt +tou asken +tat art of luitel lettrure : " On what manere mi+gt I euere comen to contemplacion of holi writ ? " (CMEDVERN,245.235) Now vnderstond (CMEDVERN,245.236) and I schal teel +te . (CMEDVERN,245.237) +Gif +tou konst not vndurstonde +tat is writen : here ble+teliche +te gode +tat mon sei+t . (CMEDVERN,245.238) Whon +tou herest out of holi writ , in a comuyne prechinge or in priue seyinge : tak hede anon +gif +tou herest ou+gt +tat mai auayle +te to edificacion , to hate synne and loue vertues , and doute peyne and desiren ioye , to dispisen +tis world , touward +te to+tur hi+gen , what +tou schalt don and what +tou schal leuen , and al +tat mai lihten +tin vnderstondynge , in knowynge of so+tnesse , and al +tat warme+t +ti wille $& affeccion , in hete of charite ; (CMEDVERN,245.239) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,245.240) of +teose two goodes ben al +tat is writen in holi writ , priueli or aperteli . (CMEDVERN,246.241) Out of holiwrit +tou schalt witen and knowen w+guche ben +te seuene dedliche synnes , & heore Braunches ; +te seuene blessynges of +te Ewangelie ; +te seuene +giftus of +te holigost ; Godes ten Commaundemens ; +te seuene vertues : Be-leeue , Hope , Loue wyntise , Riht , Atemprenesse , and Streng+te ; +te twelue articles of +te be-leeue ; +te seuene Sacramens ; seuene dedes of Merci ; seuens preieres of +te Pater noster ; +te seuene druweries in bodi , & seuene in soule ; +te seuene peynes of helle , and Ioyes of heuene . (CMEDVERN,246.242) OF +TE SEUENE DEDLY SYNNES . (CMEDVERN,246.244) +TE seuene dedli synnes ben +teose : Pruide , Wra+t+te , Envye , Accidie , Couetise , Glotonis , and Lecherie . (CMEDVERN,246.246) Pruide is loue of oune hei+gnesse ; (CMEDVERN,246.247) of him waxen +teose seuene Braunches : Vnbuxumnesse a+geyn God and a+geyne Souereyn , +tat is to siggen : leuen +tat is comaundet , or don +tat is defendent . (CMEDVERN,246.248) +Te secunde is Auaun-tynge ; whon a Mon a-vaunte+t him of good +tat he ha+t of a no+ter , or of an vuel +tat he ha+t of him-self . (CMEDVERN,246.249) +Te +tridde is Ypocrisye : whon mon make+t him hauen good +tat he ha+t nouht , and hut +te wikkednesse +tat he ha+t . (CMEDVERN,246.250) +Te ffeor+te is Despit : whon a mon blame+t a no+teres godnesse , for him-self scholde seme +te betere . (CMEDVERN,246.251) +Te .v. is Arrogauns : whon mon make+t comparison bitwene his wikked-nesse and an o+tures , so +tat his may seman +te lasse . (CMEDVERN,246.252) +Te .vi. is Boldnesse : whon he ha+t no schome of open synne . (CMEDVERN,246.253) +Te seuen+te is Elacion : whon Mon Ioye+t of his wikkednesse . (CMEDVERN,246.254) +treo +tinges ben wer-of mon ha+t pruide : of godes +tat he ha+t of kuynde , as ffeirnesse , streng+te , god wit , cunrade . (CMEDVERN,246.255) +Te secounde , of godes +tat he ha+t of purchas , as science , vertues , good loos , grace , or dignite . (CMEDVERN,246.256) +Te +tridde is , of worldliche godes , as clo+ting , housying , Rentes , Meyne , horsyng and o+ter hauyng . - (CMEDVERN,246.257) Off Envye $waxen : ben glad of o+tures harm , and sori of o+tures goode ; (CMEDVERN,246.258) and +tat mai ben in herte +torw wille , or in Mou+te +torw detraccion , or in dede +torw wi+t-drawyng of gode or procurying of vuel . (CMEDVERN,246.259) Off Ire waxen : manaces , vileyne wordes , scornynges , & Blasfemies . (CMEDVERN,246.260) Off Accidie waxen : heuinesse , Ma-lice , Whonhope , Necligence aboute godes comaundemens , bisi +touht aboute +tinges defendet . (CMEDVERN,246.261) Off Cousetyse wexen ; tresouns , ffals o+tes , feble reste , and hard herte for to don dedes of Merci . (CMEDVERN,246.262) Off Glotenie waxen : veyn gladnesse , Lecherie , ful+te , much speche , and feble vnderstondyng . (CMEDVERN,246.263) Off Lecherie woxen : Blyndnesse of herte , in preyeres vnstudefastnes , folhastinesse , loue of him-self , hate of god , loue of +tis world , fere and wonhope of +te world +tat is to comen . (CMEDVERN,246.264) +Teose ben +te dedly synnes seuene ; (CMEDVERN,246.265) and wel ben I-callet dedly , (CMEDVERN,246.266) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,246.267) +te +treo furst despoylen +te synful wrecche , (CMEDVERN,246.268) and +te feor+te falle+t him doun , (CMEDVERN,246.269) +te fyf+te caste+t him out , (CMEDVERN,246.270) +te sixte deceyue+t him , (CMEDVERN,246.271) +te seue+te puite+t him in to vuel seruage . (CMEDVERN,246.272) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,246.273) Pruide dispolyle+t mon of God , Envye of his bro+ter , Ire of him-seluen ; (CMEDVERN,246.274) Accidie him falle+t , (CMEDVERN,246.275) Auarice +trowe+t him out , (CMEDVERN,246.276) Glotonye desyue+t him , (CMEDVERN,246.277) Lecherie put him in to +traldam . (CMEDVERN,246.278) OF SEUEN BLESSYNGES OF +TE EWANGELYE . (CMEDVERN,246.280) REmedies a+geyn +te seune dedly synnes lei+t vr lord Blessynges seuene in +te Ewangelie , (CMEDVERN,246.282) and sei+t +tus : " Blessed be +te meke of spirit , (CMEDVERN,246.283) for heoren is +te ioye of heuene " : (CMEDVERN,246.284) +tat is a+geyn Pruide , +tat dispoyle+t mon of god . (CMEDVERN,246.285) " Blessed be +te deboners , to his bro+ter , (CMEDVERN,247.286) for +tei schulen haue blessed er+te euerlastand " : (CMEDVERN,247.287) +tat is a+geyn Envye , +tat reue+t from mon his bro+tther . (CMEDVERN,247.288) " Blesset beo +tei +tat wepen , (CMEDVERN,247.289) for +tei schulen be cumforted : (CMEDVERN,247.290) +tat is a+geyn Wra+t+te , +tat bi-reue+t mon him-self . (CMEDVERN,247.291) " Blesset beo +te Merciful , +tat han Merci of o+ture , (CMEDVERN,247.292) for God wole haue Merci of hem " : (CMEDVERN,247.293) +tat is a+geyn Couetyse , +tat ha+t of no mon Merci ne pite . (CMEDVERN,247.294) " Blesset ben +tei +tat han hunger aftur rihtfulnesse , (CMEDVERN,247.295) for +tei schulen be fed " : (CMEDVERN,247.296) +tat is a+gein Slou+te and negligence . (CMEDVERN,247.297) " Blesset ben +tei +tat han clannesse of herte , (CMEDVERN,247.298) for +tei schullen seo +te face of god " : (CMEDVERN,247.299) +tat is a+geyn Glotonye , +tat +tenke+t al-wey of ffleschliche lustes . (CMEDVERN,247.300) " Blessed ben +te peisybles , (CMEDVERN,247.301) for +tei schulen be cald godes children " : (CMEDVERN,247.302) +tat is a+geyn Lecherie , (CMEDVERN,247.303) for whi ? (CMEDVERN,247.304) lechour mai not han rest nor pees of here . (CMEDVERN,247.305) A+gein Prude , Mon schal han in his herte and in his mou+t and in his dedes , studefast mekenes . A+geyn Envye , Ioye in herte of o+tur mennes wel-fare , and serwe of o+tures harm , and loue to alle men . A+geyn Wra+t+te , suffring and symplenes . A+gein Sleu+te , li+gt herte in godes seruise and in alle good dedes . A+geyn Couetyse , +giuynge wi+t gode herte to pore men . A+geyn Lecherie , Chastite of bodi , of herte , of tonge , of ei+ge . A+geyn Glotonye , Mesure of him-seluen , in Mete and drinke , nomeliche of drinke , (CMEDVERN,247.306) ffor +torw to muche drink mony mon ha+t losen his lyf , and mony Maiden hire Maidenhod ; (CMEDVERN,247.307) of hit come+t mony o+tur wikkednesses . (CMEDVERN,247.308) OF +TE SEUENE +GIFTES OF +TE HOLIGOST . (CMEDVERN,247.310) NOw +tou hast seuene Manere seknesses , and heore medecynes , . (CMEDVERN,247.312) After come+t +te souereyn leche (CMEDVERN,247.314) and take+t his medecynes , +tat sauen mon from +te seune vices and confermen him in $+te seuene vertues , +torw +te $+giftes of +te holigost , +tat ben +teose : +Te spirit of wit and of vnderstondynge , +Te spirit of counseil , and of streng+te , +Te spirit of connynge , and of pite , +Te spirit of drede of god . (CMEDVERN,247.315) +Torw +teose seuene +giftes teche+t vre lord what mon ha+t mester $of to +te lyf bodilyche and to +te lyf gostliche . (CMEDVERN,247.316) And seo in what manere . (CMEDVERN,247.317) Furst mon moot leue wikkednesse : and +tat vs teche+t +te spirit of drede of god ; and do +te goode : (CMEDVERN,247.318) +tat vs teche+t +te spirit of pite . (CMEDVERN,247.319) And for tweyne +tinges ben +tat lette+t mon to don good , +tat is to witen Weole and Wo of +tis world - Weole wi+t-halt him wi+t faytinge , Wo , wi+t hardnes : +terfore , +tou schalt dispisen +te weole of +tis world , +tat +tou be not disseyued : (CMEDVERN,247.320) and +tat +te teche+t +te spirit of cunnynge ; (CMEDVERN,247.321) and +tou schalt suffren hardnesse , +tat +tou be not ouercomen : (CMEDVERN,247.322) and +tat +te teche+t +te spirit of streng+te . (CMEDVERN,247.323) +Teose foure suffisen to +te lyf bodiliche . (CMEDVERN,247.324) +Te o+ture fallen to +te lyf gostliche . (CMEDVERN,247.325) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,247.326) +treo Maners ben of contemplacion : (CMEDVERN,247.327) on in Creatures , (CMEDVERN,247.328) and +tat teche+t +te spirit of vnderstondyng ; (CMEDVERN,247.329) ano+tur in Holi writ , where +tou mai+gt seo what is to don & what +tou schalt not don : (CMEDVERN,247.330) and +tat +te teche+t +te spirit of counseil ; (CMEDVERN,247.331) and +te +tridde maner is in God self : (CMEDVERN,247.332) +tat +te teche+t +te spirit of wit . (CMEDVERN,247.333) OF +TE TEN COMAUNDEMENS AND OF HEORE SUFFICIENCE . (CMEDVERN,247.335) +TE $ffurste Comaundement is : +tat mon schal wi+t gret Mekenes seruen and honouren God ouer alle +ting . (CMEDVERN,247.337) +Te secunde is : +tat mon schal not taken Godes nome in veyn , in Idel o+tes ; (CMEDVERN,247.338) Monnes speche schal ben to o+tur " Hit Is , (CMEDVERN,247.339) Hit Is ; (CMEDVERN,247.340) Hit nis , (CMEDVERN,247.341) Hit nis : (CMEDVERN,247.342) +Ge , +Ge , Nai Nay " . (CMEDVERN,247.343) +Te +tridde Comaundement is : +tat mon schal halewe his hali-day , wi+t holy werkes : heren deuoutliche wi+t-outen Iangeling Masse and Matins and o+ter houres , and not leuen to rysen , for no colde ne for no sleep ne for no swot - (CMEDVERN,248.344) ffor +te more gref +tat mon ha+t to risen , +te more schal ben his meede +gif he rise ; (CMEDVERN,248.345) and whon +tou art at +ti mete , of such goodes as God ha+t +te lent +gif ble+teliche +terof to +te pore , (CMEDVERN,248.346) and after Mete +tonke God of alle his gode +giftes ; (CMEDVERN,248.347) and afturward not gon to tauerne nor to wrastelynges nor to Carolynges , nor to o+tur veyn pleyes of vanite - (CMEDVERN,248.348) ffor of such pleyes comen ofte mis-happes and dedly synnes . (CMEDVERN,248.349) +Teose +treo Comaundemens ordeyne+t mon and teche+t hou he schal hauen him a-nontes god in trinite , to whos liknesse he is formed in soule . (CMEDVERN,248.350) +Te to+ture seuene ordeyne+t mon and teche+t hou he schal hauen him anentes his bro+tur . (CMEDVERN,248.351) +Te ffurste is : " +tou schalt honouren Fader and Moder " ffleschliche and gostliche , In twei maneres : (CMEDVERN,248.352) +tou schalt bouwe to heom & don hem reuerence , and helpen hem in alle +tinges aftur +ti pouwer +gif +tei han mester ; " +tat +tou beo of long lyf " , +tat is to seyen , wi+t-outen ende liuinde - (CMEDVERN,248.353) +tat is riht , +gif +tow wolt haue long liuynge , +tat +tou honoure hem of whom +tow heddest biginnynge to liuen . (CMEDVERN,248.354) +Te secounde Comanundement is : " +tow schalt sle no mon " . (CMEDVERN,248.355) +Treo Maners ben of Slauht : (CMEDVERN,248.356) +ter is slauht of hond , whon a mon sle+t a no+tur , or putte+t him in stude of sleinge , as in prison , or in o+ter stude where for to ben slayn . (CMEDVERN,248.357) Slauht of tonge ; +tat is in two maners : be comaunding , or of tysinge . (CMEDVERN,248.358) Slauht of herte mai ben also in two maners : as whonne he disyre+t or coueyte+t a no+tures de+t or whon he suffre+t a mon dyen and wol not helpen him and delyueren him +gif he haue pouwer . (CMEDVERN,248.359) +Te +tridde Comaundement is : " +tou schalt do no lecherie " . (CMEDVERN,248.360) And +tat is riht , whose wole hauen heuene +tat is wi+t-outen rotyng or stynk , +tat he loke his soule beo not roten nor stynkinde . (CMEDVERN,248.361) +Te ffeor+te Comaundement is : " +tou schal do no +tef+te , nor falshed " . (CMEDVERN,248.362) And +tat is riht , whose loue+t a no+ter , +tat he bi-reue him nou+gt +tat he loue+t or scholde him seruen . (CMEDVERN,248.363) +Te ffyf+te Comaundement is : " +tou schalt not beren fals witnesse to harm of +ti bro+tur " . (CMEDVERN,248.364) And +tat is ri+gt ; (CMEDVERN,248.365) whose wol not falsliche greuen his bro+ter him-self , he schal not concenten to ano+ter +tat wole him greuen , nor helpen , nor counseil +giuen . (CMEDVERN,248.366) +Te sixte Comaundement is : " +tou $schalt not coueyten +ti bro+ter wyf " , nor his seruanunt ; nor no mon , +tou +tat art wommon , nor non o+ter wommon +tou +tat art mon . (CMEDVERN,248.367) +Te swuen+te Comaundement is : " +tou schalt not coueyten +ti bro+tures +ting " . (CMEDVERN,248.368) +Teose tweyne comaundemens acorden to tweyne biforen : " +tou schalt don no lecherye " , " ne +tou schalt don no +tef+te " ; (CMEDVERN,248.369) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,248.370) hose ha+t an vuel wille and coueyte+t faste in herte , he mai not longe holden him from wikkede dede in wikkede occasions ; (CMEDVERN,248.371) and +terfore +tou +tat wolt not don no lecherie , loke +tou haue +terof no couetyse ; (CMEDVERN,248.372) and +tou +tat wolt not Robben nor stelen , coueyte not in herte non o+ter monnes +ting . (CMEDVERN,248.373) +Teos ben +te ten Comaundemens +tat god +gaf Moyses . (CMEDVERN,248.374) +Te +treo ffurste fallen to +te loue of God , +te $o+ture seuene to +te loue of +ti bro+ter . (CMEDVERN,248.375) OF SEUENE VERTUES AND OF HEORE SUFFICIENCE . (CMEDVERN,248.377) Afftur anon most +tou knowen +te seuene vertues : Be-leeue , Hope , Loue , Qweynise , Riht , Streng+te , and A-temprenesse . (CMEDVERN,248.379) +Te +treo furste , +tat is to witen Be-leeue , Hope , and Loue , ordeyne+t +te hou +tou schalt lyuen as anentes God . (CMEDVERN,248.380) +Te o+ter foure ben cleped vertues Cardinals : to ordeynen +ti-self hou +tou schalt lyuen here ffor to comen to +te ioye wi+t-outen ende . (CMEDVERN,249.381) +Tow wost wel , we ben maad for +tis ende , +tat is to witen : to knowen god , hauen him , and louen him . (CMEDVERN,249.382) But +treo +tinges ben nedful to comen to $+tis ende : +tat is to witen : Connynge whoder +tou schalt gon , and wille to $cumen , and hope for to $cumen . (CMEDVERN,249.383) On o+ter halue , hose wole wel don a +ting , him bi-houe+t +treo +tinges : Connynge , Pouwer , and Wille ; +tat is to sei+gen : +tat he con don hit , and mowe , and wole . (CMEDVERN,249.384) But for we han not of vre-self connynge , pouwer , no wille , +terfore God ha+t +giuen vs Be-leeue , ffor to fulfillen +te de-faute of vre vncunnyngnesse ; Hope , fforte fulfullen +te defaute of vre feblenesse ; Loue , for to ordeynen vre wille to +tat on or to +tat o+tter . (CMEDVERN,249.385) Be-leeue ordeyne+t vs to God +te Sone , to whom is a-titlet cunnynge ; Hope to God +te Fader , to whom is a-tytlet streng+te ; Loue to God +te Holygost , to whom is a-tytlet godnesse . (CMEDVERN,249.386) And +terfore , Be-leeue make+t vs haue knowyng of God ; (CMEDVERN,249.387) and +tat knowinge sei+t to vs +tat he is wonderliche corteis +tat in such manere and so largeliche +giue+t vs of his godes : (CMEDVERN,249.388) and of +tat be-leeue come+t Hope ; (CMEDVERN,249.389) and of +tat knowynge +tat he is $good , come+t +te +tridde vertue , +tat is Loue , (CMEDVERN,249.390) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,249.391) eueri +ting loue+t kyndeliche +te goode . - (CMEDVERN,249.392) Wi+t +te foure o+ture vertues , +tat ben vertues cardinals , is al a Monnes lyf gouerned in +tis world ; (CMEDVERN,249.393) +tat ben : Qweyntise , Riht , Streng+te , and A-temprenesse . (CMEDVERN,249.394) OF +teose foure sei+t +te holi gost in +te Book of wisdam , +tat +ter nis no +ting more profitable to mon in eor+te . (CMEDVERN,249.395) Heere now , wherfore . (CMEDVERN,249.396) Whose wole wel don , ffurst hit beo-houe+t +tat he cunne chesun +te gode from +te wikke , and of tweye goode +te betere to chesun . (CMEDVERN,249.397) +Te gode fro +te wikke , teche+t vs Riht . (CMEDVERN,249.398) Leuen +te lasse goode for +te more , vs teche+t Qweyntise . (CMEDVERN,249.399) And for twey +tinges letten mon to don wel , +tat is to seyen , worldus weole , +tat deceyue+t mon wi+t fals swetnesse , and aduersite +tat ouurcome+t mon wi+t grete and mony hardnesses or wi+t grete burstus : (CMEDVERN,249.400) a+genyn weole +tou schalt haue Mesure , +tat +tou beo not to muche houen an hei+g and deceyued wi+t fals swetnesse , (CMEDVERN,249.401) and +tat vertu is clept A-temprenesse ; (CMEDVERN,249.402) a+gein aduersite schalt +tou houe hardynesse of corage , +tat +tou be not feld wi+t +tis hardnesse , (CMEDVERN,249.403) and +tis vertu is cald Streng+te . (CMEDVERN,249.404) OF +TE TWELUE ARTICLES OF +TE FEI . (CMEDVERN,249.406) +Te ffurste poynt of holy be-leeue is : Fader and Sone and Holy gost , +teose +treo persones ben on God , wi+t-outen begynnynge and wi+touten endynge , +tat made heuene and eor+te of nou+gt . (CMEDVERN,249.408) +Te secunde point of be-leeue is : +tat Godes sone tok flesch and blod of +te Mayden Marie , (CMEDVERN,249.409) and of hire was boren Ihesu Crist , verrey God and verrey mon . (CMEDVERN,249.410) +Te +tridde poynt is : +tat god and +te virgynes sone Marie was pyned and crucifyed and suffrede de+t on +te crois , (CMEDVERN,249.411) and in sepulcre was leyd , (CMEDVERN,249.412) in to helle his soule descended wi+t his godhede (CMEDVERN,249.413) and tok out +te soules +tat hedden in heore lyf don his wille . (CMEDVERN,249.414) +Tis passion he suffrede wi+t his oune wille , ffor to diliueren from helle alle +tat heere done his wille . (CMEDVERN,249.415) +Te ffeor+te poynt is : +tat Ihesu Crist in +te +tridde day verrei god and verrei mon Ros from de+t to liue in flesch and bodi glorifyed ; schewynge him ofte to Marie Maudeleyn and to his disciples , (CMEDVERN,249.416) and spac wi+t heom ; (CMEDVERN,249.417) and +torw +tat Resurrexion , wi+t +tis bodi +tat we han in +tis world we schullen risen fro de+t to lyue . (CMEDVERN,249.418) +Te ffyf+te point is : +tat vre lord Ihesu Crist , God and mon , stei+g in to heuene , and +torw him schulen we , if we be not cumbered wi+t no dedly synne whon we passen henne . (CMEDVERN,250.419) From +tenne he sende +te holigost to hise apostles ; (CMEDVERN,250.420) and fro +tenne at +te day of doom in his monhed schal comen to Iuggen wi+t his apostles eueri mon aftur his werkes . (CMEDVERN,250.421) +TE seuene +tat comen after , ben +te seuene sacramens of holichurche , +tat ben remedie to mon of alle-manere synne . (CMEDVERN,250.422) +Te furst is Cristendom , +tat make+t mon clene of +te synne +tat he drau+g+t of ffader and moder . (CMEDVERN,250.423) +Te secunde is Confirmacion , +tat conferme+t +te holygost in mon or wommon +tat is cristned . (CMEDVERN,250.424) +Te +tridde is Penaunce , +tat do+t awei eueri maner of synne . (CMEDVERN,250.425) +Te ffeor+te is +te sacrement of +te Auter , +tat conferme+t +te penaunt and +giue+t him streng+te +tat he ne +gen-falle , and reconsyle+t him . (CMEDVERN,250.426) +Te ffyf+te is Order , +tat +giue+t pouwer to $ordeyned to don heore Offys and make +te sacrement . (CMEDVERN,250.427) +Te sixte is Matrimoyne , +tat defende+t dedli synne in waxing of generacion . (CMEDVERN,250.428) +Te seuen+te is Vnccion , +tat is don to +te seke in remedie of bodi and soule . (CMEDVERN,250.429) OF +TE SEUENE DEDES OF MERCI . (CMEDVERN,250.431) Affter +tow most witen w+guche ben +te dedes of Merci . (CMEDVERN,250.433) +Te ffurste is : +giuen +te hungri mete . +Te secunde , +giue drynke to +te +trustfol . (CMEDVERN,250.434) +Te +tridde is clo+ten +te nakede . (CMEDVERN,250.435) +Te ffeor+te is , herborwe +te housles . +Te ffyf+te , visyten +te $prisonede {TEXT:prison_neode} . (CMEDVERN,250.436) +Te sixte is , cumforte +te seke . (CMEDVERN,250.437) +Te seuen+te is , to burie +te dede . (CMEDVERN,250.438) +Teose ben +te dedes of Merci +tat fallen to monnes bodi . (CMEDVERN,250.439) But now mai+gt +tou sei+gen +tat art in Religion : " I haue no power to +giue mete nor drinke nor clo+tinge nor herborwe , nor visyten nor cumforten +te prison nor +te seke , (CMEDVERN,250.440) ffor I am al in o+tures pouwer and not in myn oune . (CMEDVERN,250.441) +Terfore hit weore bettre I weore at myne owne wille , and don +tis dedes of Merci , +ten ben in Religion . " (CMEDVERN,250.442) Ne be not deceyued . (CMEDVERN,250.443) hit is bettre haue compassion and pite in herte of him +tat is Meseyse , +ten +tat +tou heddest al +te world to +giuen for charitie , (CMEDVERN,250.444) ffor better is +giuen holliche compassion of +ti-self , +ten of +tyn god . (CMEDVERN,250.445) +Gef +ti-seluen , (CMEDVERN,250.446) and +tou +geuest more +ten al +te world . (CMEDVERN,250.447) But nou +tou wolt seien : " So+t hit is +tat hit is bettre +gift to +giuen +ti-seluen +ten +tyn : (CMEDVERN,250.448) But bo+te were bettre +ten on ; (CMEDVERN,250.449) ffor on good is lasse +ten tweyne . " (CMEDVERN,250.450) Hit is not so ; (CMEDVERN,250.451) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,250.452) Whe+tere is better be called god , or ben called his seuaunt ? (CMEDVERN,250.453) To ben called god . (CMEDVERN,250.454) And +to +tat suffren Cold , hunger and defaute and o+tur meseises here , he calle+t heom him-self ; (CMEDVERN,250.455) ffor he sei+t in +te Ewangelie : " Al +tat +ge don to +te leeste of myne , +ge don hit to me . " (CMEDVERN,250.456) On o+tur halue ; whe+ter is beter to Iuggen or ben I-Iugget ? (CMEDVERN,250.457) Certes , Iuggen . (CMEDVERN,250.458) And +tat schullen +te pore : (CMEDVERN,250.459) +tei schullen Iugge +te riche ; (CMEDVERN,250.460) also Ihesu sei+t in +te Ewangelie : " +Ge +tat han alle +tingus forsake for +te loue of me : at +te day of dome whon I sitte in +te see of my Mageste , +tenne schul +ge sitten vppon +te xii tronos and Iuggen $+te .xii. linages of Israel " . (CMEDVERN,250.461) On o+ter halue : whe+ter is bettere han +te Ioye of heuene in possescion , or in be-hotyng ? (CMEDVERN,250.462) Certes , in possession . (CMEDVERN,250.463) And +tat haue +te pore of spirit , (CMEDVERN,250.464) ffor , as Ihesu sei+t in +te Ewangelie , " heoren is +te Ioye of heuen " . (CMEDVERN,250.465) He se+t not " here schal ben " , but " here is " ; +tat is to vnderstonden : also siker mouwe +te pore ben of +te Ioye of heuene , as mon is of +te +ting +tat is in his hondes . (CMEDVERN,250.466) And +terfore sei+t seint Bernard : " +Te pore han nou+gt in eor+te , (CMEDVERN,250.467) ne +te riche han nou+gt in heuene " ; (CMEDVERN,250.468) and +terfore , +gif +te riche wolen hit haue , +tei moten hit bugge at +te pore . (CMEDVERN,250.469) Now I wot wel +tow disyrest muche to witen w+guche ben verrey pore , and w+guche nou+gt . (CMEDVERN,251.470) Now here wi+t deuocion . (CMEDVERN,251.471) Summe ben +tat han richesse , and louen hit : (CMEDVERN,251.472) +to ben +te Couetouse of +tis world ; (CMEDVERN,251.473) and summe ben +tat hauen hem not , (CMEDVERN,251.474) but +tei louen hem (CMEDVERN,251.475) and wolde gladliche hauen hem : (CMEDVERN,251.476) +to ben +te wrecces of +te world , and +te false religious , (CMEDVERN,251.477) and $+tei ben also riche as +te o+tere or ricchore , in wil . (CMEDVERN,251.478) And +tei ben $+to of whom Ihesu sei+t in +te Ewangelie +tat " hit weore lihtore to chamaile gon +torw +te ei+ge of an nedele , +ten +te riche entre in to +te ioye of heuen " . (CMEDVERN,251.479) Summe $han $riches , (CMEDVERN,251.480) but +tei louen hit not , al-+tau+g +tei wol wele $hit han : (CMEDVERN,251.481) +to ben +te gode men of +tis world +tat dispenden +tat +tei han wel ; (CMEDVERN,251.482) and o+ture +ter ben +tat han nou+gt of richesse , nor louen hit , nor +tei sechen not to hauen hit : (CMEDVERN,251.483) +to ben +te holy men of Religion ; (CMEDVERN,251.484) and +tei ben verreiliche pore , (CMEDVERN,251.485) and heoren is +te Ioye of heuene . (CMEDVERN,251.486) +Tat is +te blessyng of pore . (CMEDVERN,251.487) +Tenne bihoue+t hit +tat +te riche haue +te contrarie of +te blessynge . (CMEDVERN,251.488) And +terfore I mai siggen : " Blessed ben +te pore , (CMEDVERN,251.489) for heoren is +te Ioye of heuene " , (CMEDVERN,251.490) +tenne may I siggen : " Waried ben +te riche , (CMEDVERN,251.491) for heoren is +te peyne of helle . " (CMEDVERN,251.492) Riche ben +tat han richesse and louen hit , or +tat han hit not but louen hit and coueyten hit . (CMEDVERN,251.493) Pore ben +tat han pouerte and louen hit and coueyten hit , or +tat han richesse and louen al-wei pouert . (CMEDVERN,251.494) OF +TE SEUENE PREYERES OF +TE PATER NOSTER . (CMEDVERN,251.496) CAP. XV . (CMEDVERN,251.497) Aftur +tou most knowen w+guche ben +te seuene preyeres of +te Pater noster , +tat fordon alle wikkednesses and bringen alle godnesses ; +tat vre lord Ihesu Crist tau+gte his disciples how +tei scholden pre+ge god +te fadur , & seide hem +tus : Pater noster quie es in celis : (CMEDVERN,251.499) Fader vre +tat art in heuene . (CMEDVERN,251.500) Sanctificetur nomen tuum : (CMEDVERN,251.501) Halewed be +ti none . (CMEDVERN,251.502) Adueniat regnum tuum : (CMEDVERN,251.503) Come +ti regne . (CMEDVERN,251.504) Fiat voluntas tua , sicut in celo et in terra : (CMEDVERN,251.505) +Ti wille be don in eor+te as in heuene . (CMEDVERN,251.506) Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie : (CMEDVERN,251.507) Vre eueridayes bred +gif vs +tis day . (CMEDVERN,251.508) Et dimitte nobis debita nostra , sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris : (CMEDVERN,251.509) For-+gif vs vre dettes , as we for+giuen vre dettoures . (CMEDVERN,251.510) Et ne nos inducas in tempta - cionem : (CMEDVERN,251.511) And do us not in to fondynge . (CMEDVERN,251.512) Set libera nos a malo : (CMEDVERN,251.513) But diliuere vs of wikkednesse . (CMEDVERN,251.514) Amen : (CMEDVERN,251.515) So beo hit . (CMEDVERN,251.516) +Tis orison sourmounte+t alle o+ture orisouns , in dignite and in profyt . (CMEDVERN,251.517) In Dignite : for God him-self made hit ; (CMEDVERN,251.518) and +terfore he do+t gret schome and gret vnreuerrence to god +tat take+t him to Rymede wordes & queynte , and leue+t +te wordes and +te preyere +tat he vs tauhte , +tat wot al +te wille of god +te fader , and w+guch orison him best paye+t , and of w+guche +tinges we wrecches han most neode and mester to preyen - (CMEDVERN,251.519) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,251.520) as I haue i-seyd , he wot onliche al godes wille and al vre nedfulnesse . (CMEDVERN,251.521) And +terfore ben an hundred +tousend men deceyuet +torw multiplicacion of orisouns ; (CMEDVERN,251.522) ffor whon +tei wene han deucion , +tey han a foul fleschliche wille , (CMEDVERN,251.523) ffor eueri fleschliche corage delyte+t him kuyndeliche in turned langage and rymed . (CMEDVERN,251.524) And +terfore beo war ! (CMEDVERN,251.525) ffor I seye +te forso+te , hit is a foul lecherye to delyten in such Rymynge . (CMEDVERN,251.526) On o+ter halfe seynt Austin and seint Gregori and o+tur seyntes preiden after her affeccion . (CMEDVERN,251.527) $I blame not heore orisons ; (CMEDVERN,251.528) bote I blame hem +tat leuen +te preyere +tat god him-self maade and tau+gte , and holden hem to +te orisoun of a symple seint , wher-so he ha+t founden hit writen . (CMEDVERN,251.529) For-+ti , bad God in +te Ewangelie : " Whon +ge preyen , ne preye+t not in mony wordes , (CMEDVERN,251.530) bote sei+t +tus , Pater noster . (CMEDVERN,252.531) On o+ter halue , +tis Orisoun passe+t alle o+ture orisouns in $sufficience : (CMEDVERN,252.532) ffor +ter-Inne is contenet al +tat we han mester $of to +tis lyf or to +tat o+ter ; (CMEDVERN,252.533) ffor we preyen God +te ffader +tat he delyuere vs of alle wikkednesse , and +tat he +geue vs alle goode , and +tat he make vs suche +tat we mowen neuer don vuel nor faylen of goode . (CMEDVERN,252.534) And seo what manere . (CMEDVERN,252.535) Al +te wikkednesse +tat vs greue+t , +tat is to siggen , ou+ter-5 hit is wikkednesse +tat is passet , ou+ter +tat is to comen , or +tat is present now . (CMEDVERN,252.536) OF +tat is passet , we preyen vr lord +tat he vs delyuere whon we siggen Dimitte nobis debita nostra , sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris . OF +tat is to comen : Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem . OF +tat we suffre now , whon we siggen Set libera nos a malo . (CMEDVERN,252.537) On o+ter halue , what good so hit be , ou+ter-2 hit is Bodili goode , or gostly goode , or good wi+t-outen ende . (CMEDVERN,252.538) Bodily goode preye we whon we siggen Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie . Gostly good , whon we seyen Fiat voluntas tua , sicut in celo & in terra . Good wi+t-outen ende , whon we seyen Adueniat regnum tuum . Confirmacion of al +tis , whon we siggen Sanctificetur nomen tuum . (CMEDVERN,252.539) +Teose ben +te seuene preyeres of +te Ewangelye +tat Ihesu tauhte his disciples . (CMEDVERN,252.540) And +tou schalt wel witen +tat +te foure wordes +tat comen beforen , +tat is to witen Pater noster qui es in celis , techen vs hou we schullen preyen , and w+guche we schulen ben in preyere . (CMEDVERN,252.541) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,252.542) we schul hauen foure +tinges in orison , +tat is to witen : Parfyt loue anentes him +tat we prei+ge+t to , and certeyn hope to hauen +tat we asken , and studefast be-leeue in whom +tat we hopen , and so+tfast mekenes , of +tat we no good han of vre-self and fer ben from his hei+gnesse +tat we leeuen and louen and hopen . (CMEDVERN,252.543) Parfyt loue is conteynet in +tis word , Pater : (CMEDVERN,252.544) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,252.545) eueri Creature loue+t kuyndeliche his ffader . (CMEDVERN,252.546) Certeyn hope is vnderstonden in +tis word Noster : (CMEDVERN,252.547) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,252.548) +gif he beo vre , +ten mowe we homeliche seyen and hopen +tat he is holden to vs . (CMEDVERN,252.549) Studefast bi-leeue is vnderstonden in +tis word Qui es : (CMEDVERN,252.550) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,252.551) whon we seyen Qui es , we leeuen +tat god is , whom we neuer se+gen ; (CMEDVERN,252.552) and +tat is ri+gt beleeue , (CMEDVERN,252.553) ffor fei+t is non o+ter +tyng but leeuyng of +ting +tat may not been se+gen . (CMEDVERN,252.554) So+t Mekenesse is vnderstonden in +tis word In celis : (CMEDVERN,252.555) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,252.556) whon we +tenken +tat he is hei+g , and +tat we ben lowe , +tenne beo we meke . (CMEDVERN,252.557) Whonne we han +tese foure +tinges studefastliche in vre herte , +ten mowe we hardiliche preyen and siggen wi+t gret wille : " Sanctificetur nomen tuum , (CMEDVERN,252.558) Halewed beo +ti nome ; +tat is to siggen : A-ferme +ti nome , +tat art fader , in vs , +tat we mowen ben in such manere +ti children , +tat we don euere +ti will , and +tat no +ting beo in vs o+ter +ten beo al to +ti paye . (CMEDVERN,252.559) And for we mowe not don +tis parfytli while we ben in +tis wrecchede world , +terfore we preyen , Adueniat regnum tuum : (CMEDVERN,252.560) Come to vs +ti regne , +tat +tou regne in vs in +tis lyf +torw grace , and we in +te in heuene wi+t Ioye . (CMEDVERN,252.561) And +te selue we preyen for hem +tat ben in purgatorie . (CMEDVERN,252.562) And for we mowen neuer han +te Ioye of heuene but we don +ti wille in eor+te , we seyen , Fiat voluntas tua sicut in celo et in terra ; +tat is to siggen , +Gif vs grace to don al +tat +tou comaundest , and leuen al +tat +tou defendest ; and +tat in er+te as in heuene , +tat is to siggen : As Michael , Gabriel , Raphael , Angeles and Archangeles , Prophetes , Apostles , Martires , Confessours , Virgines don +ti wille in heuene , also mote don +te Ordres +tat ben in eor+te , +tat is to witen +te Pope , +te Cardinals , Bisschopes , Abbotes , Priores , and alle heore sogettes , Erchedeknes , Officials , Denes , Parsouns , Vikers , Prestes , and alle Ordres ; +te Kynges , +te Princes , Duykes , Erles , Barouns , Riche Pore , Lettrede and Vnlettrede , and $al +tei +tat +tou hast bouht in eueriche $regne , in eueriche Ordre , and in eueriche Lynage , and Age . (CMEDVERN,253.563) And for we mowe not don +ti wille nor liuen in +tis Bodi , but +gif +ge vs susteyne , we seyen , Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie ; +tat is to seyen , +Gif vs streng+te of bodi and of soule , and hele of bo+te ; +tat is to witen , +treo maner of bred : bodiliche , as mete and clop , gostliche as holy writ , and +te bred Eukarist , to cumforten +te ton and +te to+tur kynde . (CMEDVERN,253.564) And for we be wor+ti no good while we beo+t in synne , we seyen , Et dimitte nobis debita nostra , sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris ; +tat is to siggen , For-+gif vs vre misdedes , as we for+giuen vren ; +tat is to siggen , al +tat we han synget wi+t word , wi+t dede , wi+t +tou+gt ; as we for+giuen to hem +tat han mistaken a+geynes vs . (CMEDVERN,253.565) And for hit is luitel wor+t for to han for+giuenesse , but +gif we mowen aftur loken vs from synne , we sigen , Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem ; +tat is to siggen , Ne soffre not +tat we ben ouer-comen wi+t fondynge of +te feend , of +te fflesch , ne of +te world . (CMEDVERN,253.566) Ac +tou schalt not preyen +tat +tou be not tempted , but +tat +tou beo not ouuercomen in temptacion . (CMEDVERN,253.567) Set libera nos a malo : (CMEDVERN,253.568) And not only of temptacion , bote delyuere vs of vuel , of bodi and of soule , of seknesse of synne and of pyne , +tat nou is or +tat is to come . (CMEDVERN,253.569) Amen . " (CMEDVERN,253.570) And for god sei+t in +te Ewangelie : " Al +tat +ge preyen my ffader in my nome , +tat he schal don " ; +terfore we seyen at +te ende of eueri orison in holi chirche , Per dominum nostrum Iesum Cristum , filum tuum , Qui tecum uiuit et regnat deus , per omnia secula seculorum amen , +tat is to siggen : " +Torw vre lord Ihesu Crist , +ti sone , +tat wi+t +te liue+t & regne+t god , world wi+touten ende , be hit so " . (CMEDVERN,253.571) Vnderstonde +tat +tou schalt not seyen wi+t mou+te al +tat I haue heer writen : (CMEDVERN,253.572) but sey onliche +te bare lettre wi+t mou+te , (CMEDVERN,253.573) and +tenk in +tin herte of +tat I haue put here vppon eueri word bi him-self . (CMEDVERN,253.574) And make no fors ffor to multeplyen mony Pater noster : (CMEDVERN,253.575) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,253.576) on is more wor+t wi+t deuocion and entendement , +ten a +tousand wi+touten entendement ; (CMEDVERN,253.577) and seint Poul sei+t " $I hedde leuere siggen fyue wordes wi+t deuocion in myn herte wi+t entendement , +ten fyue +tousend wi+touten entendement " . (CMEDVERN,253.578) IN +te selue manere +tow schalt don +tin offys in Qweor ; (CMEDVERN,253.579) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,253.580) +tus se+t +te prophete : Psallite sapienter , (CMEDVERN,253.581) " Singe and versele Godes seruise wysliche " . (CMEDVERN,253.582) Wysliche syngen and reden , is forte $+tinken wi+t herte +tat mon sei+t wi+t mou+te . (CMEDVERN,253.583) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,253.584) +gif +ti bodi is in qweor of chirche and +ti lippes in +te sauter , and +tyn herte in +te chepyng , +tow art wrecchedliche departed . (CMEDVERN,253.585) And $for God sei+t : " Seeche+t furst Godes Reyne , and +tat +ge han mester of +te world schal be send +gowe " : +terfore +tou schalt witen what +tou schalt han in +te Ioie of heuen . (CMEDVERN,253.586) OF +TE SEUENE DRUERIES IN BODI , AND SEUENE IN +TE SOULE . (CMEDVERN,253.588) +TOw schalt han seuene druryes in bodi , and seuene in soule . (CMEDVERN,253.590) +Tow schalt han in bodi : Feirnesse wi+touten fuilyng , Streng+te wi+touten feblenesse , Freonesse wi+touten +traldam , Lihtnesse wi+t-outen heuynesse , Wille wi+t-outen wernyng or a+geyn-standyng , Hele wi+touten seknesse , Long lyf wi+t-outen ende . (CMEDVERN,253.591) +Tow schalt haue in soule ; Wisdam wi+touten vnconnyng , Sikernesse wi+t-outen feyntnes , Ioye wi+t-outen serwe , Loue wi+t-outen hate , Acord wi+t-outen discord , Honour wi+touten dispisyng . (CMEDVERN,254.592) BOte wreeches in helle schulen han +te reuers , in bodi and in soule ; +tat is : Foulnesse wi+tpouten feirnesse , Feblenesse wi+t-outen streng+te , and so of al o+ture . (CMEDVERN,254.593) And +terfore +tou schalt don al +ti power to han +tat Ioye . (CMEDVERN,254.594) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,254.595) hit is so gret Ioye and so gret swetnesse +tat +gif +tou mi+gtest liuen ffrom +te begynnynge of +te world to +te endynge , and han alle +te desyres +tat +tou cou+test de-vysen , be good skil +tou schuldest wi+t good wille leten al +tat , to ben o day in +te Ioye of heune . (CMEDVERN,254.596) +Tus ende+t +te secunde degre of Contemplacion , in Holi writ ; wherof and +tou take good hede , hit schal ben liht for +te to holden eueri sarmoun . (CMEDVERN,254.597) On o+tur halue , +tou hast $matere of spekyng to Clerkes ben +tey neuere so wyse , and to lewede , ben +tei neuere so boystes . (CMEDVERN,254.598) Whon +tou spekest to wyse , meue summe of +teose materes , and aske . (CMEDVERN,254.599) And whon +tow spekest to symple , teche hem ble+teliche and sweteliche . (CMEDVERN,254.600) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,254.601) +tou has inou+g wherof to speken , and hou +tou schalt +tin owne lyf leden & o+ture amenden . (CMEDVERN,254.602) CONTEMPLACION OF GOD . (CMEDVERN,254.604) +TE +tridde degre of Contemplacion is in God self ; (CMEDVERN,254.606) and may beo in two Maners : Wi+t-outen , in his Monhede , and wi+t-Innen in his hei+ge Godhede . (CMEDVERN,254.607) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,254.608) +tus sei+t sein Austin : " +Terfore bicom God mon , to maken mon seon God in his nature ; (CMEDVERN,254.609) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,254.610) where mon go+t Inne or oute , alle dayes and alle tymes he may fynden fedyng of God , inward +torw Contemplacion of his Godhede , outward +torw Consyderacion of his Monhede " . (CMEDVERN,254.611) Off his Monhede , +tou schalt +tenke +treo +tinges : +Te Mekenesse of his Incarnacion , and +te swetnesses of his Conueracion , and +te charite of his Passion . (CMEDVERN,254.612) But +tou mai+gt not don +tis at ones : (CMEDVERN,254.613) +terfore I haue distynktet hem bi $+te houres of +te day +tat +tou syngest at Chirche ; +tat non houre +te passe +tat +tou ne haue +tin herte ocupyed . (CMEDVERN,254.614) +Tat to don , +tou schalt witen +tat eueri houre ha+t double +tenkyng : on of +te Passion , ano+ter of o+ter seson . (CMEDVERN,254.615) CONTEMPLACION BEFORE MATYNES . (CMEDVERN,254.617) Bi-fforen Matynes , +tow schalt +tenken enterliche +te tyme , +te stude , and +te houre whonne god was born . (CMEDVERN,254.619) +Te tyme was in $mid-wynter , whon hit was caldest . (CMEDVERN,254.620) +Te houre was at midniht , +te hardeste houre +tat is . (CMEDVERN,254.621) +Te stude was in-middes +te wey ; in an house wi+t-outen walles I-wounden in cloutes and bounden wi+t a lyste , (CMEDVERN,254.622) bi-foren an Oxe and an Asse was $he leid in a Cracche , (CMEDVERN,254.623) for +tei hedde non o+ter place . (CMEDVERN,254.624) +Tou schalt +tenken of +te bisynesse +tat Marie hedde of hire child ; (CMEDVERN,254.625) of Ioseph , hire spouse , +tou schalt +tenken , hou +tat he hedde gret Ioye . (CMEDVERN,254.626) +Tenk of +te schepherdes deuocion , and of +te swete cumpaygnye of +te Angeles : (CMEDVERN,254.627) and hef vp +tin herte (CMEDVERN,254.628) and synge wi+t heom Gloria in excelsis deo . (CMEDVERN,254.629) OF +te passion , +tou schalt +tenken how +tat tyme of +te niht he was bi-trayet of his disciple , and taken as a traytor , and bounden as a +tef , and lad as a feloun . (CMEDVERN,254.630) And +tenk how he proferede him-self to his enemys , and custe him +tat trayede him , and callede him his frende ; and how he defendede his disciples to drawen eny wepne , and how he helede +te Ere of his enemy . And how his disciples flowen for fere and laften him one wi+t his enemys . And hou +tei bounden him and ladden him bifore Anne , (CMEDVERN,254.631) and +tere he was examynet & boffeted ; (CMEDVERN,254.632) and for he onswerde not after heore wille , he was lad bi-foren Caiphas ; (CMEDVERN,255.633) and +ter forsok seynt Peter him +trie . (CMEDVERN,255.634) CONTEMPLACION BE-FORE PRIME . (CMEDVERN,255.636) BI-ffore Prime , +tou schalt +tenken of +te Passion and of +te Resurrexion . (CMEDVERN,255.638) OF +te passion , +tou schalt +tenken hou +te Iewes ladden him to heore counseil , and how +tei fals witnesse beeren him an honde , and Blasfemie , and hou +tat he hedde reneyed +te peple of Galyle to Ierusalem : and scorned him in diuerse maners , and spitten in his face ; and hudden his face , and smiten him , and beden him propheten and tellen who him smot . (CMEDVERN,255.639) Bute for al +tat swete Ihesu suffrede , he seide neuere , " whi do +ge so ? " (CMEDVERN,255.640) bote as a lomb +tat is lad to slen , also he bar hym (CMEDVERN,255.641) and spac not a+geyn . (CMEDVERN,255.642) O+tur monye dispites +tei duden him , whuche weore longe to telle . (CMEDVERN,255.643) OF +te Resurrexion , +tou schalt +tenken +tat such tyme ros Ihesu Crist from de+te to lyue , aftur +tat he hedde distruied helle & delyuered +te soules +tat weren hise from +te pouwer of +te feend . (CMEDVERN,255.644) And +tou schalt +tenken also of his swete schewynges : how he aperede +tat day fyue tymes and fif tymes afterward . (CMEDVERN,255.645) Furst to Marie Magdaleyn , whon heo wende he hedde I-beon a gardyner . (CMEDVERN,255.646) +Te secunde tyme to hire and to o+ter wimmen in +te way , whon he grette hem and seide Auete , +tat is to siggen " God loke +gou " . (CMEDVERN,255.647) +Te +tridde tyme to seint Peter - (CMEDVERN,255.648) but we haue not +te maner . (CMEDVERN,255.649) +Te ffeor+te tyme to tweyne disciples touward +te Castel of Emaus , whon +tei wenden he hedde ben a pilgrym , and whonne +tei knewen him in brekynge of bred . (CMEDVERN,255.650) +Te ffyf+te tyme to ten o+ture disciples whon seynt Thomas was absent : whon he stod a-middes hem and seide Pax vobis , and schewede hem his hondes and feet . (CMEDVERN,255.651) for +tei wenden +tei hedden seyen a spirit . (CMEDVERN,255.652) +Te sixte tyme , whon seynt Thomas was wi+t hem : and bad him putten his hond in his syde . (CMEDVERN,255.653) +Te seu+te tyme he aperede to seint Peter and to seint Ion and to seint Iake & to Natanael whon +tei fisscheden in +te se`e` +tat is cald Tiberiadis , and eet wi+t hem & askede seint Peter wher he louede him more +ten +te o+tere . (CMEDVERN,255.654) +te eihte+te tyme on +te Mount of Galilee , whon he comaundede hem gon +torw +te world and Bapti+gen +te peple In +te Fader nome and Sone and Holygost . (CMEDVERN,255.655) +Te Ny+te tyme he apeerede to his disciples +te day +tat he steih in to heuene , whon +tei weren at +te mete , (CMEDVERN,255.656) and snibbede heom for heore misbileeue and hardnesse of herte . (CMEDVERN,255.657) +Te Ten+te tyme to heom +te selue day , whonne he ladde heom out of +te Cite`e` in to +te Mount of Olyuete , and Comaundede hem +tat +tei dwelleden in +te Cite til +tei weoren clo+ted of +te vertu of god , and +gaf hem his sweete blessynge , and departed from hem in to heuen , and sit on +te riht half of his Fader . (CMEDVERN,255.658) CONTEMPLACION BIFOREN TERCE . (CMEDVERN,255.660) BI-ffore terce , +tou schalt +tenken of +te Passion and of +te Comynge of +te holigost . (CMEDVERN,255.662) OF +te passion : hou Ihesus was such tyme dispoylet al naked and bounden to a piler in Pilatus hous , and beoten +tat from his hed to his feet was not laft on hol stude . (CMEDVERN,255.663) +Tenk also hou Pilat sende him to Heroudes , (CMEDVERN,255.664) and he forleet him (CMEDVERN,255.665) and clo+ted him in whit , in signe +tat he heold him a fool , (CMEDVERN,255.666) and sende him a+geyn to Pilat . (CMEDVERN,255.667) And Pilat wolde haue lete him gon , (CMEDVERN,255.668) but furst he wolde chastisen him in +te Manere +tat +tei duden +teues +tat scholden be leten gon : (CMEDVERN,256.669) and his knihtes token him , (CMEDVERN,256.670) and gedereden to-gedere +te peple for to be-holden him , (CMEDVERN,256.671) and duden on him a Mantel of red , (CMEDVERN,256.672) & $+geuen him a staf in stude of Ceptre , and a Coroune of +tornes on his hed , (CMEDVERN,256.673) and kneleden biforen him (CMEDVERN,256.674) and gretten him . (CMEDVERN,256.675) Bot for al +tis , wolde not +te Iewes leten him beo quyt , (CMEDVERN,256.676) but Pilat , for to payen hem , dilyuerede hem a +teff (CMEDVERN,256.677) and tok hem Ihesus to crucifyen wi+touten gult . (CMEDVERN,256.678) +Tou schalt also +tenken +tat such tyme of +te day sende vre lord +te holygost to his disciples in liknesse of ffuir , +tat fulde hem of wordes and langages , and loue . (CMEDVERN,256.679) And +tat was +te rihte ordinaunce of God ; (CMEDVERN,256.680) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,256.681) in two Maners deceyuede +te wikkede gost ffurst mon in Paradys , wi+t tonge , & wi+t coldnesse of his venym , (CMEDVERN,256.682) and +terfore com +te holigost In tonge a+geyn entisement of +te deuel , In fuir for to destruy+gen +te coldnesse of his venyn . (CMEDVERN,256.683) CONTEMPLACION BIFOREN MIDDAY . (CMEDVERN,256.685) BI-fforen Midday , +tow schalt +tenken of +te Annunciacion and of +te Passion . (CMEDVERN,256.687) OF +te Annunciacion , +tou schalt +tenken $of +te Merci of vr lord , +tat he wolde bi-come mon , and suffre de+t in his Monhede for vs , while +tat he mihte in o+tur manere han deyuered vs . (CMEDVERN,256.688) Bute al he dude +tis to vs for to drawen +te loue of vs . (CMEDVERN,256.689) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,256.690) +gif on hedde iben vre Creatour , and ano+ter vre Saueour , +tenne we mihten more han loued vre buggere +ten vre $makere ; (CMEDVERN,256.691) and +terfore wolde vre Creatour ben vre Saueour , and suffren in his bodi alle vre serwes , for to buggen al vre loue . (CMEDVERN,256.692) Off +te Passion +tou schalt +tenken +tat such tyme he was don on +te crois , bi-twene twey +teues , as +tou+g he hedde ben heore Mayster . (CMEDVERN,256.693) And +terfore I not w+gat I may siggen : (CMEDVERN,256.694) ffor +tei+g alle +te seknesses and alle +te serwes of +tis world weore in Monnes bodi , and +tat mon mihte receiuen also mony anguissches and also muche serwe in his bodi as alle +te men of +tis world , hit were not but luytel or as nou+gt to regard of +te serwe +tat he suffrede for vs in on houre of +te day . (CMEDVERN,256.695) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,256.696) +gif I mi+gte liuen an hundred $+tousend +ger and dyen eueri day a +tousend tymes for him of +te selue de+t +tat he di+gede for me , +git hit scholde not amounten to +te serwe +tat he suffrede in his bodi . (CMEDVERN,256.697) +Tenne may sum mon seyen +tat +te serwe +tat he suffrede for vs on +te Crois was grettore +ten +te peyne of helle is , in so luytel tyme : (CMEDVERN,256.698) ffor w+gi ? (CMEDVERN,256.699) no Creature mi+gte so muche soffren as Ihesu , (CMEDVERN,256.700) for +ter hedde non so gret vertu in him ; (CMEDVERN,256.701) but sum creature may suffren +te peines of helle : (CMEDVERN,256.702) +tenne is +te peyne of helle lasse for +te tyme +ten +te peyne of Ihesu . (CMEDVERN,256.703) I sei not +tis certeynliche , for sum mennes concience . (CMEDVERN,256.704) And +terefore he seide in Ieremie : " Alle +ge +tat passen bi +te weye , take+t kepe to me (CMEDVERN,256.705) and seo+t wher +ter be eny serwe lyk my serwe " . (CMEDVERN,256.706) Certes nay , (CMEDVERN,256.707) +ter was neuer serwe to +te serwe of vre swete lord Ihesu Crist . (CMEDVERN,256.708) And also +tou schalt +tenken of vre swete ladi seynte Marie , what anguissche heo hedde whon heo stod bi his ri+gt syde , and receyuede +te disciple for +te Maister , and +te seruaunt for +te lord , Ion +Gebedeus sone ffor Ihesu Godes sone . (CMEDVERN,256.709) And +terfore heo may sei+gen of hire-self so as Noemi seide : (CMEDVERN,256.710) " ne calle+t me not swete luitel or eni del , (CMEDVERN,256.711) but calle+t me bitter herbi-for+tward , (CMEDVERN,256.712) for whi ? (CMEDVERN,256.713) of bitternesse me $ha+t fult and of gret serwe god +tat is al mi+gtful " . (CMEDVERN,256.714) +Te selue heo seide in hire song of loue : (CMEDVERN,256.715) " Ne haue no merueile +tat i am blo , (CMEDVERN,256.716) for +te sonne ha+t discolurd me so " . (CMEDVERN,257.717) +Terfore sei+t on Englisch +tis in Maner of pite : (CMEDVERN,257.718) " Nou go+t +te sonne bi +te wode , (CMEDVERN,257.720) me rewe+t Marie +ti feire rode ; (CMEDVERN,257.721) Nou go+t +te sonne vnder tre , (CMEDVERN,257.722) me rewe+t Marie +ti sone and +te . (CMEDVERN,257.723) Nou +tou hast , Mayden , feled +te scharpe poynt of +tat swered +tat +te prophete Symeon made to +te mencion $of , +te day of purificacion ; (CMEDVERN,257.725) nou +tou hast receyued +tat +te bi-hete Anne +te prophetesse " . (CMEDVERN,257.726) CONTEMPLACION BIFORE NON . (CMEDVERN,257.728) Bi-fore Noon , +tou schalt +tenken of +te Passion & of +te Ascencion . (CMEDVERN,257.730) OF +te passion , +tou schalt +tenken +tat such tyme of +te day di+gede +te makere of lyf , for +ti loue . (CMEDVERN,257.731) +Tenne +tou schalt +tenken of +te wordes +tat he spac on +te Crois , and of ffoure signes +tat fellen in his dy+ging . (CMEDVERN,257.732) +Te ffurste spekyng was +tis : (CMEDVERN,257.733) " Fader , for+gif hem heore trepas , (CMEDVERN,257.734) for +tei wite not what +tei don " . (CMEDVERN,257.735) +Te secunde was +tat he seide to +te goode +tef : " Forso+te I sigge +te , +tou schalt in to paradys +tis day wi+t me " . (CMEDVERN,257.736) +Te +tridde was +tat he spac of his Moder to seint Ion : " Seo +ter +ti Moder " , and to his Moder of his disciple : " Seo +tere +ti sone " . (CMEDVERN,257.737) +Te ffor+te was : " I haue +turst " . +Te ffyf+te : Eloi , Eloi , lama+gabatany , +tat is to siggen : " Mi God , mi God , whi hast +tou laft me ? " (CMEDVERN,257.738) +Te sixte was : Consummatum est , +tat is to siggen : " Now hit is fulfild " . (CMEDVERN,257.739) +Te seuen+te was : " Fader , into +tin hoden I betake my spirit " . (CMEDVERN,257.740) Foure signes +ter weren : +tat al +te eor+te bi-gon to quaken : +te Veil of +te Temple clef a-two , and +te stones ; +te graues openede , and +te dede arisen to lyue ; +te sonne wi+t-drow his liht from +te world , from Midday til Noon . (CMEDVERN,257.741) OF +te Ascencion +tou schalt +tenken +tat such tyme vre lord on +te Mount of Olyuete beforen his Moder and his disciples stei+g in to heuene . (CMEDVERN,257.742) And +tei turned in to +te Cite , (CMEDVERN,257.743) & were dwellyng +ter-Inne in fastinge and in preyeres , til +tei weore fuld of +te holigost , as ur lord hedde comaunded hem . (CMEDVERN,257.744) CONTEMPLACION BI-FOREN EUENSONG . (CMEDVERN,257.746) Bi-fforen Euen-song , +tou schalt +tenken of +te Soper and of +te Passion . (CMEDVERN,257.748) OF +te Passion +tou schalt +tenken hou Ioseph of Aramathie eode to Pouns Pilat and preiede him to +giuen him +te bodi of vre lord Ihesu Crist , (CMEDVERN,257.749) and he +gaf hit him . (CMEDVERN,257.750) And +tenne +te Iewes comen to +te crois (CMEDVERN,257.751) and broken +te hupes of +te twei +teoues ; (CMEDVERN,257.752) and on of +te knihtes tok a spere (CMEDVERN,257.753) and smot Ihesu to +te herte : (CMEDVERN,257.754) and anon com out blod & watur . (CMEDVERN,257.755) And Ioseph tok +te bodi (CMEDVERN,257.756) & buriede hit . (CMEDVERN,257.757) And +te Iewes setten +te knihtes to waken hit , ffor his disciples schulde not stelen hit and seyen falsli to +te people +tat he weore risen from de+t to lyue . (CMEDVERN,257.758) OF +te Ceene +tou schalt +tenken hou vre lord +gaf his flesch and his blod +tat time in liknesse of bred & wyn , in confirmacion of vre fei+t . (CMEDVERN,257.759) For we seon & leeuen gostliche , +tat we mouwe not seon bodiliche . (CMEDVERN,257.760) And +terfore , whon +tou schalt receyue +tat bodi , tak hit also as +tou receiuedest hit out of Ihesu Cristes syde . (CMEDVERN,257.761) And +tat tyme he wusch his disciples feet , (CMEDVERN,257.762) and Comaundede hem to louen vchon o+tur , and taken ensaumple of him mekeliche $to seruen vchone o+ter . (CMEDVERN,257.763) CONTEMPLACION BI-FOREN CUMPLYN . (CMEDVERN,257.765) BI-fforen Cumplin , +tou schalt +tenken hou Ioseph & Nichodemus wounden Ihesu bodi in feire schetes and enoyneden hit wi+t precious oynemes . (CMEDVERN,257.767) +Te secounde +ting +tat +tou schalt +tenken on , is +tis : +tat +ti swete lord Ihesu Crist +te day of +te Ceene , whon he hedde I-souped wi+t his disciples , he eode from hem wi+t Peter and Iacob and Ion , and eode wi+t heom in to a cortelage , and +tere from heom he eode a stones cast and leide him to preye , +tat +te swot of him ferde as dropes of blod rennynde to +te eor+te . (CMEDVERN,258.768) CONTEMPLACION OF GOD AND OF HIS DEITE . (CMEDVERN,258.770) NOw +tou hast +te Manere to +tenken on god in his Monhede . (CMEDVERN,258.772) $Now , +tou schalt witen hou +tou schalt +tenken on him in his he+ge godhede . (CMEDVERN,258.773) And +tou schalt vnderstonden +tat God Mesurede so his knowynge $fro +te biginnynge of mankynde , +tat he nou+tur al schewed him , nor al hud him ; (CMEDVERN,258.774) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,258.775) +gif he hedde al schewed him , +tenne hedde +te bileeue serued of nought . (CMEDVERN,258.776) For ffei+t is not but of +ting +tat mai not ben se+gen ; (CMEDVERN,258.777) +tenne , +tat I leeue and seo , nis not fei+t . (CMEDVERN,258.778) And +gif he hedde al hud him , +tenne hedde fei+t ben but misbeleeue . (CMEDVERN,258.779) And +terfore he wolde sum schewen & sum huyden . (CMEDVERN,258.780) In ffoure Maners he ordeynde to schewen him : Two Maners inward , and two outward . (CMEDVERN,258.781) Inward : +torw gostly schewyng & +torw reson . (CMEDVERN,258.782) Outward : wi+t holy writ & +torw creatures . (CMEDVERN,258.783) +Torw gostly schewyng , whon god schewede him to mon +torw inspiracion of +te holygost , or +torw Miracle . (CMEDVERN,258.784) +Torw reson schewede god him to mon in +tis manere : (CMEDVERN,258.785) Eueri mon mai wel sen in him-self +tat he is , +tat is to vnderstonden +tat he ha+t $being , and +tat he ha+t not ben euere ; (CMEDVERN,258.786) and vppe +tat he may witen +tat he begon sum tyme to ben . (CMEDVERN,258.787) +Tenne sum tyme was , +tat he was not ; (CMEDVERN,258.788) +tenne he mi+gte in none manere maken him-self , (CMEDVERN,258.789) +tenne hit bihoue+t nede +tat eueri mon come of o+tur +ten of him-self . (CMEDVERN,258.790) +Te selue may mon seon in vche creature , (CMEDVERN,258.791) ffor he mai seon eueri day summe comen and summe gon . (CMEDVERN,258.792) And +terfore , for alle +tinges ben , and ben not of hem-self , +terfore behoue+t hit nede +tat o +ting beo +tat +giue+t to alle +tinges for to ben : +tat is to seien , of whom alle +tinges ben . (CMEDVERN,258.793) +Tenne behou+t hit neede +tat he +torw whom alle +tinges ben , be wi+toute bi-ginnyng . (CMEDVERN,258.794) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,258.795) +gif he hedde biginnyng , hit bihouede +tat he hedde hit of ano+ter (CMEDVERN,258.796) and +tenne weore he not +te biginnere nor +te makere of alle +tinges , (CMEDVERN,258.797) and +terfore hit bihoue+t nede +tat he of whom alle +tinges ben , be biforen alle +tinges , and no +ting biforen hym ; (CMEDVERN,258.798) and +gif no +ting weore biforen him , +tenne come+t he not of ano+ter ; (CMEDVERN,258.799) +tenne hedde he neuer bigynnying : (CMEDVERN,258.800) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,258.801) eueri +ting +tat ha+t biginnyng ha+t hit of ano+ter , ffor whi +ting +tat is not may not +giuen beoing to him-self for to ben . (CMEDVERN,258.802) And +terfore hit bihoue+t on alle maners +tat o +ting be +tat neuere hedde biginnyng . (CMEDVERN,258.803) And whon Reson of mon seo+t +tat hit may not o+ter wyse ben +tenne he bigynne+t to leeuen studefastliche +tat on +ting is wi+touten bigynnyng , +tat is makere , ordeynere , and gouernere of alle +tings +tat han ben or ben or schul ben . (CMEDVERN,258.804) And +tat +ting is cald god ; ffor +tis resun : (CMEDVERN,258.805) ffor +tis word god come+t of a word of Gru +tat hi+gte theym and is as muche to siggen as " formen " or " norisschen " , (CMEDVERN,258.806) and +terfore he is called god for he norissche+t alle +ting and formed alle +ting . (CMEDVERN,258.807) After +tis come+t Reson of mon (CMEDVERN,258.808) and sei+t +tat hit behoue+t nede +tat on god beo and no mo : (CMEDVERN,258.809) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,258.810) +gif two goddes weoren , hit bi-houe+t nede ben to muchel in bo+te , and to luitel , al at ones ; (CMEDVERN,258.811) +terfore hit bihoue+t +tat +ter be not but on god . (CMEDVERN,258.812) On o+tur halue : no good may God wonten , (CMEDVERN,258.813) and +terfore , for noble +ting and good is +te cumfort of cumpanye , +tenne may not god ben wi+t-outen +te goodnesse of cumpanye : (CMEDVERN,258.814) +tenne hit behoue+t nede +tat persones ben in god . (CMEDVERN,259.815) And for cumpanye may not ben in lasse +ten of twyne , +terfore hit bihoue+t nede +tat +ter ben in god at +te leste tweyne persones . (CMEDVERN,259.816) And for cumpaynye is luitel wor+t +ter is not +te byndynge of loue , +terfore hit bihoue+t +tat +te +tridde persone beo in god , +tat be +te linage of +te o+ter tweyne . (CMEDVERN,259.817) And for $unite is $good and cumpaynie also , +terfore hit behoue+g nede +tat bo+te be in god almihti . (CMEDVERN,259.818) $For-+ti he is +treo persones and o god . (CMEDVERN,259.819) +Te selue may eueri mon sen in him-self : (CMEDVERN,259.820) For whi ? (CMEDVERN,259.821) he may seo wel , at his furste begynnyng he hedde in him-self pouwer , aftur pouwer cunnynge , (CMEDVERN,259.822) and aftur he bigon to louen +tat cunnynge . (CMEDVERN,259.823) In +tis Manere may mon seon aperteliche +tat he hedde in soule miht , (CMEDVERN,259.824) and of +te mi+gt come+t connynge , (CMEDVERN,259.825) and of hem bo+te come+t loue . (CMEDVERN,259.826) And whonne mon se+t +tat hit is so in him-self , he may wel leeuen +tat hit is so in God almihti +tat is muche abouen him ; +tat is to seyen : +tat in God is miht , (CMEDVERN,259.827) and of +tat come+t his connynge and wisdam , (CMEDVERN,259.828) and of hem bo+te come+t loue . (CMEDVERN,259.829) And for +te secunde persone come+t of +te furste , and of hem bo+te +te +tridde , +terfore is +te forme icald God +te Fader , +te secunde God +te Sone , +te +tridde God +te Holi-gost . (CMEDVERN,259.830) And for hit is $so among vs +tat +te ffader is feblere +ten +te sone for elde , and +te sone not so wys as +te ffader for +gou+te : ffor men scholde not +te selue trouwen of God almihti , +terfore $is pouwer $apropred to God +te Fader , wisdam to God +te Sone ; (CMEDVERN,259.831) and for +te nome of +te +tridde $soune+t $gastli , +terfore is apropred to him loue and swetnesse . (CMEDVERN,259.832) In +tis Manere com mon furst to +te knowyng of his creatour , how he is wi+t-outen begynnynge , and whi he is called god , on in substaunce and +treo $in persones , and whi +te ffurste is called Fader , +te secunde +te Sone , +te +tridde +te Holigost . (CMEDVERN,259.833) In +tis manere +tou schalt knowen +ti god . (CMEDVERN,259.834) Such manere of knowyng is foundement of Contemplacion . (CMEDVERN,259.835) And +terfore , whon +tou hast in +tis Manere stablished +tin herte in ri+gt fei+t and studefast hope , and parfyt loue , +ten +tou schalt heuen vp +tin herte in hei+g contemplacion of +ti Creatour . (CMEDVERN,259.836) +Te soule wolde fayn sen god +torw Contemplacion in his owne nature , (CMEDVERN,259.837) but hit may not : (CMEDVERN,259.838) and +tenne hit turne+t to his oune degres bi w+guche hit may mounten to +te Contemplacion of God , +tat hit may furst seon and knowen his oune nature , and after +te nature +tat is abouen hit . (CMEDVERN,259.839) But +gif +ti +tou+gt be +torw worldlich +tou+gtes sprad wyde , hit may neuere him-self nor his kuynde wel seken , (CMEDVERN,259.840) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,259.841) as fele $foule +tou+gtes as he is lad wi+t , $wi+t so fele stoppynges he is blent . (CMEDVERN,259.842) +Te ffurste degre of +tis-manere contemplacion is +tat +te soule turne to him-self and gedere him al wi+t-Inne him-self . (CMEDVERN,259.843) +Te secunde degre is +tat he seo what he is whon he is so gedered to-gedere . (CMEDVERN,259.844) +Te +tridde degre is +tat he heue hire-self abouen hire-self and enforce hire to sen god hire creatour in his oune kynde . (CMEDVERN,259.845) But to hire-self ne mai he neuer-more comen til +tat he haue lerned forte +geinstonden and wi+tolden alle Manere of ymaginacions bodili or worldli or heuenely ; (CMEDVERN,259.846) al +tat come+t to his herte $of siht , or heringe , or touchinge , or smellynge , or of eny bodiliche wit , refusen or defoulen , +tat he seo hire-self such w+guch +tat he is al wi+touten +te bodi . (CMEDVERN,259.847) Tac +terfore good heede +tat $+te soule is wonderful in hire-self : hou hee is on in hire kuynde , and do+t diuerse +tinges , (CMEDVERN,259.848) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,259.849) +te selue he seo+t at +te E+gen , (CMEDVERN,259.850) here+t at +te Eren , (CMEDVERN,259.851) touche+t wi+t honden , (CMEDVERN,259.852) swolewe+t wi+t Mou+t , (CMEDVERN,259.853) smelle+t wi+t neose . (CMEDVERN,259.854) +Tenk also +tat heo is gret , +tat of o +tou+gt mai comprehende $heuen and eor+te and al +tat +ter-inne is , +tei+g $+tei were a +tousend grettore +ten +tei mouwe ben . (CMEDVERN,260.855) +Gif monnes $soule beo so gret and so noble +tat no creature may attenden hit parfytliche : hou gret and hou noble is he +tat so noble +ting made of nou+gt ! (CMEDVERN,260.856) So gret : he is abouen alle +tinge , beneo+ten alle +tinge ; and wi+t-Inne alle +tinge , and wi+t-outen alle +tinge . (CMEDVERN,260.857) He is abouen alle +tynge : gouernynde ; bine+ten alle +tinge vp-berynde ; wi+t-Inne alle +tyng , fulfillynde ; wi+t-outen alle +tynge , vironynde . (CMEDVERN,260.858) Such Maner of contemplacion $gendere+t in mon studefast bileeue & siker deuocion . (CMEDVERN,260.859) OF +TE LARGESSE OF GOD . (CMEDVERN,260.861) Affter +tou schalt +tenken +tat he is $large ; (CMEDVERN,260.863) and +tat +tou mai+gt sen in mony maners . (CMEDVERN,260.864) Loke at +te ffurste +tat he is large of worldly goodes , +tat +giue+t his goodes also to wikke as to goode , of alle-manere +tinges +tat ben in eor+te . (CMEDVERN,260.865) After +tenk hou he is large for to +giuen ; (CMEDVERN,260.866) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,260.867) +gif a mon hedde I-don also monie wikkednesses as al +te men in +te world , +git he wolde beo rediore forte for+giuen be +te hundreddel , +ten we scholden be to aske for+giuenesse . (CMEDVERN,260.868) Also +tou $schalt +tenken +tat he is large of gostlich goodes , +tat is to seyen of his vertues : (CMEDVERN,260.869) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,260.870) who ha+t on , he ha+t alle . (CMEDVERN,260.871) +Te ffeor+te , +tou schalt +tenken +tat he is large of his goodes pardurables , to alle +tat wollen ri+gtfolliche asken $hem . (CMEDVERN,260.872) For w+guche-manere mi+gt he don from vs +tat +tat he a-moneste+t vs to asken ? (CMEDVERN,260.873) on o+ter halue he wole +giuen vs gret mede so +tat we wolen asken him ; (CMEDVERN,260.874) ffor he sei+t : " Pre+ge+t me +giuen ow +te Ioye of heuene (CMEDVERN,260.875) and I schal +giuen ou alle worldliche +tinges wi+t-outen askynge " . (CMEDVERN,260.876) +Tis Contemplacion of his largesse make+t in mon certein hope . (CMEDVERN,260.877) OF +TE SWETNESSE OF GOD . (CMEDVERN,260.879) Affter +tou schalt +tenken of his swetnesse , of his bounte , and of his ffeirnesse . (CMEDVERN,260.881) For to don +tis , +tou schalt taken good hede of +te grete swetnesse , of gret bounte , and of gret feirnesse +tat is in bodiliche creature . (CMEDVERN,260.882) Se+t+te +tenne +tat such +tingus ben +tat delyten bodilyche si+gt for heore feirnesse , and +te swolewynge for heore goodnesse , and +te smellynge for heore swetnesse , and so alle o+ture monnes wittes : hou gret beute , swetnesse , and bounte mot be in gostly creature +tat neuer schal haue ende , if such bounte , swetnesse , & beute be in such +ting +tat to-dai is and to-morewe is nout . (CMEDVERN,260.883) On o+tur halue , +gif gret beute , swetnes , and bounte be in Creature , hou muche beute , swetnesse , and bounte mot ben in vre Creatour ! (CMEDVERN,260.884) +Tis Manere of Contemplacion make+t in mon to louen his Creatour . (CMEDVERN,260.885) After , whon +tou hast in +tis Manere se+gen +ti Creatour in si+gt of his creatures , put out of +tin herte vche bodilyche ymaginacion , (CMEDVERN,260.886) and lift +tin on entendement a-bouen alle resun of mon : (CMEDVERN,260.887) $& +ter +tou schalt fynden so gret swetnesse , and so gret priuite , +tat non may felen but he +tat hit ha+t preued . (CMEDVERN,260.888) And +gif +tou wolt witen hit wi+t teching , go to him +tat ha+t proued hit be assaying . (CMEDVERN,260.889) And +tei+g I wrecche hedde I-proued hit , I mi+gte not telle wi+t mou+t , (CMEDVERN,260.890) no I miht not +tenken wi+t herte ; (CMEDVERN,260.891) +te +ting is so priue +tat hit passe+t al-maner +touht . (CMEDVERN,260.892) And +terfore I holde my speche , (CMEDVERN,260.893) and riht is +tat I do : (CMEDVERN,260.894) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,260.895) +tis teche+t not tonge , bute onliche grace . (CMEDVERN,260.896) TO LYUEN HONORABLICHE , LOUEREDENLICHE , AND MEOKELICHE . (CMEDVERN,260.898) NOw +tou hast +treo Maners of Contemplacion : (CMEDVERN,260.900) on is in creatures , a no+tur in holi writ , +te +tridde in God self and in bo+te his natures . (CMEDVERN,260.901) +Gif +tou liue aftur +tis teching , +tenne schalt tou liuen honurabliche - (CMEDVERN,261.902) $& +tat is +te furste parti of vre sarmoun +tat we toucheden at +te biginnyng . (CMEDVERN,261.903) After +tis , +tou schalt studien to liuen Amiabliche , as a-nenetes +ti bro+tur . (CMEDVERN,261.904) And +tat to don , +tou schalt +giuen al +tin entente and al +ti streng+te forte louen and to be loued . (CMEDVERN,261.905) +Tou schalt louen alle men in god , +tat is to seyen onliche for bounte , not for feirnesse of bodi ne for good synginge or for such-maner +tinges , (CMEDVERN,261.906) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,261.907) feirnesse of bodi , or streng+te , or o+tur-maner vertues bodiliche , mouwen be loueed wi+t-outen God . (CMEDVERN,261.908) And +terfore , louen mon in god , nis not elles but louen him for sum +ting +tat may not be loued wi+t-outen God , as for bounte , or for riht , or for so+tnes : (CMEDVERN,261.909) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,261.910) ffor +teose +tinges mai+gt +tou not louen mon , but +gif +tou loue god . (CMEDVERN,261.911) And +terfore whon +tou louest mon for bounte or for rihtfulnesse or for so+tnesse , +tenne +tou louest him in god , (CMEDVERN,261.912) ffor whi ? (CMEDVERN,261.913) God is bounte , riht , and so+tnesse . (CMEDVERN,261.914) +Gif we ben goode , we haue no loue but God , and non Enemy but synne : (CMEDVERN,261.915) and +terfore we schulen loue +te goode for +tei ben goode , and +te wikke for +tey mowen be goode . (CMEDVERN,261.916) In +tis manere louest tou not but bounte , si+ten +tow louest alle men for bounte . (CMEDVERN,261.917) +Gif +tow wolt beon loued , schew +te amyable : (CMEDVERN,261.918) and +gif +tou wolt ben louereden , hold +teos +treo wordes : (CMEDVERN,261.919) Do +tat me bidde+t +te , smartliche ; (CMEDVERN,261.920) Tac +tat me +giue+t +te , wi+t-outen grucchinge gladliche ; (CMEDVERN,261.921) Soffre +tat men sei+t to +te , Mekeliche . (CMEDVERN,261.922) +Gif +tow lyue +tus louyndeliche , +tenne liuest +tow amyableliche . (CMEDVERN,261.923) After +tow schalt fynden to lyuen Mekeliche . (CMEDVERN,261.924) +tow schalt vnderstonden and witen +tat +ter beon twey Maners of Mekynge : (CMEDVERN,261.925) On come+t of So+tnesse , ano+ter of Charite . (CMEDVERN,261.926) +Te ffurste +tou may+gt han +torw knowynge of +ti-self : (CMEDVERN,261.927) ffor +tow mai+gt not seon +ti-self so+tliche w+guch +tow art , +tat +tou ne schald be Meked . (CMEDVERN,261.928) +Te secounde Maner +tou mai+gt seon and han , +gif +tow +tenke ofte of +te Mekenesse of Iesu Crist , how he Meked him +tat neuer synne dude ; (CMEDVERN,261.929) and +tis Mekyng come+t clanliche of Charite . (CMEDVERN,261.930) Now +tou wost what is to liuen Honurabliche , Amyabliche , and Mekeliche ; (CMEDVERN,261.931) and +tat is , liuen Parfytliche . (CMEDVERN,261.932) Vre lord Ihesu Cryst graunte vs God so honouren , vre Bre+teren louen , and Vre-self Meken , +tat we mouwen for vre honouring ben honoured , ffor vre loue ben loued , and for vre Meokyng beon hei+ged , in +te Ioye of heuene +tat is ordeyned to vs . (CMEDVERN,261.933) AMen . (CMEDVERN,261.934) Ihesus graunt hit vs , (CMEDVERN,261.935) amen . (CMEDVERN,261.936)