{ED:I.DAN_JOHN_GAYTRYGE'S_SERMON.} Here begynnes a Sermon +tat Dan Iohn Gaytryge made , +te whilke teeches how scrifte es to be made , & whare-of , and in scrifte how many thynge+g solde be consederide . (CMGAYTRY,1.3) Et est Petrus sentenciarum discrecione prima` . (CMGAYTRY,1.4) Als a grett Doctour schewes in his buke , of all +te creatoures +tat Gode made in heuen and in erthe , in water and in ayere , or in oghte elles , +te Souerayne cause & +te skyll whi He mad +tam was His awen gud will and His gudnes , Thurgh +te whilke gudnes , alls He es all gude , He walde +tat some creatures of +tase +tat He made ware communers of +tat blyse +tat euer-mare lastis . (CMGAYTRY,1.5) And for +tat na creatoure myghte come to +tat blyse with-owtten knaweyng of Godd , als +tat clerkes teches , He made skillwyse creatours Angelle and man , of witt and wysdom to knawe God Almyghtyn , and , thorowe +taire knawynge lufe Hym and serue Hym , and so come to +tat blyse +tat +tay ware made to . (CMGAYTRY,1.6) This manere of knawynge had oure forme-fadyrs in +te state of Innocence +tat +tay ware mad In ; (CMGAYTRY,1.7) and so sulde we hafe hade , if +tay had noghte synnede . (CMGAYTRY,1.8) Noghte so mekill als hally saules hase now in heuen , Bot mekill mare +tan man hase now in erthe . (CMGAYTRY,1.9) For oure fourme-fadyrs synned , sayse +te prophete , (CMGAYTRY,1.10) and we bere +te wykkydnes of +taire mysdedis ; (CMGAYTRY,1.11) For +te knawyng +tat +tay had of Godd All-myghten , they had it of Goddes gyfte at +taire begynnynge , with-owtten trauayle , or tray , or passinge of tym . (CMGAYTRY,1.12) And all +te knaweyng +tat we hafe in +tis werlde of Hym , es of heryng , and of lerynge , and of techyng of o+ter , of +te law and +te lare +tat langes till Haly Kyrke , +te whilke all creatours +tat lufes God Almyghten awe to knawe and to cun , and lede +taire lyfe aftir , and swa come to +tat blysse +tat neuer mare blynnes . (CMGAYTRY,2.13) And for-thi +tat mekill folke now in +tis werlde ne ere noghte wele ynoghe lerede to knawe God Almyghty , ne lufe Hym ne serue Hym als +tay sulde do , and als +taire dedys oftesythes opynly schewes , in gret perell to +tam , to lyfe and to saule ; (CMGAYTRY,2.14) and perawnter +te defaute may be in thaym +tat hase +tair saules for to kepe , and thaym sulde teche , - als prelates and persons , vicars and prestes , +tat ere halden by dett for to lere +tam - (CMGAYTRY,2.15) For-thi our Fadir +te byschope +tat God Almyghty saue , +tat , als Sayn Paule sayse in his pystill , will +tat all men be safe , and knawe God Almyghten , and namely +tase vndirlowttes +tat till hym langes , hase tretide and Ordeyned for +te comon profett , thorowe +te councell of his clergy , +tat ilkane +tat vndir hym hase cure of saule , Opynly , one ynglysche , apon sonnondayes , preche and teche +taym +tat +tay hase cure off , +te lawe and +te lare to knawe God Almyghty , +tat principally may be schewede in theis sexe thynges - (CMGAYTRY,2.16) In +te fourtene poyntes +tat falles to +te trowthe , In +te ten commandementes +tat Gode hase gyfen vs , In +te Seuen Sacramentes +tat er in Haly Kyrke , In +te Seuen werkes of mercy vntill oure euen crystyn , In +te seuen vertus +tat ilke man sall vse , And in +te Seuen dedly Synnes +tat ilke man sall refuse . (CMGAYTRY,2.17) And he byddes and commandes in all +tat he may , +tat all +tat hase cure or kepynge vndir hym Enioyne +tair parischennes and +tair sugettes +tat +tay here and lere +tise ilke sex thynges , and oftesythes reherse +tam till +tat +tay cun +tam , and sythen teche +tam +tair childir , if +tay any haue , whate tym so +tay are of elde to lere +tam . And +tat persouns and vycars and all parische prestis , Enquere delygently of +tair sugettes In +te lentyn tym , when +tay come to scryfte , whe+ter +tay knawe and cun +tise sex thynges ; and if it be funden +tat +tay cun +tam noghte , +tat +tay Enjoyne +tam appon his behalfe , and Of payne of penance , for to cun +tam . (CMGAYTRY,2.18) And for-thi +tat nane sall excuse thaym thurghe vnknawlechynge for to cun +tam , our haly Fadir +te beschope , of his gudnes , hase ordaynede and bedyn +tat +tay be schewede opynly one ynglysche amanges +te folke . Whare-fore , anence +te fyrste of +tise sex thynges +tat es to knawe , +te articles +tat falles to +te trouthe , - als gret clerkes teches and schewes in thaire bukes , - Thare Falles to +te faythe fourtene poyntes ; Of +te whilke seuen Falles to Goddes Goddhede , and o+ter seuen Falles to Cristes manehede . (CMGAYTRY,3.19) The firste poynte +tat we sall trowe of +te Godhede , Es to trow stedfastely In a trewe Godd , and +tat na no+ter es for to trowe In . (CMGAYTRY,3.20) The to+ter es , +tat +te heghe Fadir of heuen es stedfaste and sothefaste Godd Almyghtyn . (CMGAYTRY,3.21) The thirde es , +tat Ihesu Criste , Goddes Sone of heuen , es sothefastely Gode , euen till His Fadir . (CMGAYTRY,3.22) The ferthe es , +tat +te Haly Gaste , +tat samenly commes of bathe +te Fadir and +te Sonne , es sothefaste Godde , euen to +taym bathe ; (CMGAYTRY,3.23) and +te whethir noghte twa Goddes , +te Fadir and +te Sonne , ne thre Goddes , +te Fadir and +te Sonne & +te Haly Gaste , Bot thre sere persouns , and noghte bot a Godd . (CMGAYTRY,3.24) The fyfte arctecle es , +tat +te Trynyte , +te Fadir and +te Sonne and +te Haly Gaste , thre persouns and a Godd , es makere of heuen and erthe and of all thynges . (CMGAYTRY,3.25) The Sexte artycle es , +tat Haly Kirke , oure modire , es hallyly ane thorow-owte +te werlde , that es , comonynge and felawrede of all cristen folke +tat comouns to-gedir in +te sacramentes , and in o+ter haly thynges +tat falles till Haly Kyrke , with-owtten +te whilke ne es na saule hele . (CMGAYTRY,3.26) The Seuend article +tat vs awe to trowe es , vppe-rysynge of flesche , and life with-owtten Ende . (CMGAYTRY,3.27) For when +te dede hase sundyrde oure bodyes and oure saules for a certayne tym , als oure kynd askes , vnto when +tat God sall deme +te qwykke and +te dede , Thane oure saules sall turne agayne till oure bodyes , (CMGAYTRY,3.28) and we +tase ilke and nane o+ter +tan we are nowe , sothefastely sall ryse vp in body and saule , +tat neuer mare sall sundire , fra +tat tym furthe , bot Samen if we wele doo whiles we er here wende with Godd to +tat blysse +tat euer-mare lastes . And if we euyll do , till Endles payne . (CMGAYTRY,3.29) Thir are o+ter seuen poyntes of Cristes Manhede +tat are nedfull to trowe , till all +tat are crystyn . (CMGAYTRY,4.31) The fyrste es , +tat Ihesu Criste , Goddes Sone of heuen , was sothefastely conceyuede of +te maden Marie , and tuke flesche and blude , and become man thurghe +te myghte and +te strenghe of +te Haly Gaste , with-owtten any merryng of hir modirhede , with-owtten any mynynge of hir maydenhede . (CMGAYTRY,4.32) The to+ter artecle es , +tat we sall trowe +tat He , Godd and man bathe in a persoune , was sothefastely of +tat blessyde mayden , Godd getyn of His Fadire be-fore any tyme , and man , born of His modir , and broghte furthe in tyme . (CMGAYTRY,4.33) The thirde poynte +tat we sall trowe es , Cristes Passione that He tholede bodyly for synfull man-kynde , How He was betraysede with His disciple , and taken with +te Iewes , beten with scourges , +tat na skynn helde , naylede one +te rude , and corounde with thornes , and many o+ter harde paynes , and dyede at +te laste . (CMGAYTRY,4.34) The ferthe artecle es , +tat whene He was dede , and His body tane doun , and wonden and doluen , +git +te whills His body lay in +te graue , +te gaste with +te Godhede wente vnto Helle , and heryede it , and tuke owte +tase +tat ware +tare-in , als Adam and Eue and o+ter Forme-fadyrs whilke He in His forluke walde +tat ware sauede . (CMGAYTRY,4.35) The fyfte poynte es , +tat one +te thirde day after +tat He dyede , He rase fra dede to lyfe , Sothefaste Godd and man in body and in saule . (CMGAYTRY,4.36) For als He dyede in seknes of oure manhede , So He rase thurghe strenghe of His Godhede , (CMGAYTRY,4.37) and swa dystroyed oure dede thurgh His diynge , (CMGAYTRY,4.38) and quykkynd vs vnto lyfe thurghe His rysesynge . (CMGAYTRY,4.39) The sexte artecle es , +tat we sall trowe +tat one +te fourtede day eftyr +tat He rase , Thurgh strenghe of Hym-selfe , He steye in-till Heuen , whare oure kynde es nowe in His blyssyde personne , noghte anely euynne ne mete till His angells , Bot hey coround kynge abowne all His angells , +tat be-fore tym was lesse +tan +te kynde of angells . (CMGAYTRY,4.40) The seuend article es , +tat righte als He dyede , and eftirwarde rase , and stey in-till heuen , Righte swa sall He come apon +te laste day , Bathe-2 for to deme +te qwykke and +te dede , whare all +te folke +tat euer was , or es , or sall be , sall sothefastely be schewede and sene be-fore Hym , and ilke a man answere of his awen dedis , and be saued or dampnede whe+ter so he serues ; (CMGAYTRY,5.41) For , als His ryghtwysenes now es mengede with mercy , swa sall it thane be with-owtten mercy . (CMGAYTRY,5.42) SECUNDO . DECEM PRECEPTA DEI . (CMGAYTRY,5.44) THE TEN COMMANDEMENTIS . (CMGAYTRY,5.45) +Te secund thyng of +te Sex to knawe God Almyghten es , +te ten Commandmentes +tat He hase gyffen vs . Of +te whilke ten , +te thre +tat ere firste , awe vs hallyly to halde anence oure Godd , and +te Seuen +tat ere eftyre , anence oure euen cristen . (CMGAYTRY,5.47) The firste comandement charges vs , and teches vs , +tat we leue ne lowte na false goddes . (CMGAYTRY,5.48) And in +tis commandement es forboden vs alkyn mysbyleues and all mawmetryes , all false enchauntementes , and all soceryes , all false charmes , and all wichecraftes , +tat men of myssebyleue traystes appon , or hopes any helpe In , with-owtten God Almyghten . (CMGAYTRY,5.49) The to+ter commandement byddes vs noghte take in ydillchipe , ne in vayne , +te name of oure Lorde Godd , so +tat we trowe noghte in His name bot +tat es sothefaste , +tat we swere noghte by His name bot it be byhouely , and +tat we neuen noghte His name bot wirchipfully . (CMGAYTRY,5.50) The thirde commandement es , +tat we halde and halowe oure haly day , +te Sonondaye , and all o+ter +tat falles to +te +gere , +tat er ordeynede to halowe thurgh Haly Kyrke . In +te whilke dayes all folke , bathe lerede and lawede , awe to gyffe +tam gudly to Goddes seruyce , to here and say it efter +taire state es , in wirchipe of Godd All-myghty and of His gud halowes , noghte +tan for to tente to tary with +te werlde , ne lyffe in lykynge ne luste , +tat +te flesche +gernes , Bot gudly to serue Godd in clennes of lyfe . (CMGAYTRY,5.51) The ferthe commandement byddes vs doo wyrchipe to Fadire and to modire , noghte anely to fleschely fadyr and modire , +tat getes vs and fosters vs furthe in +te werlde , bot till oure gastely Fadire +tat hase heuede of vs , and teches vs to lyffe till hele of oure saules , and till oure gastely modyr , +tat es , Haly Kyrke , to be bouxome +tare-to , and saue +te ryghte of it , For it es modir till all +tat cristenly lyffes , and alswa till ilke man +tat wyrchipfull es , for to do wyrchipe eftere +tat it es . (CMGAYTRY,6.52) The fyfte comandement byddes vs +tat we sla na man , +tat es to say , bodyly ne gastely no+ter ; (CMGAYTRY,6.53) For als many we sla , in +tat at we may , als we sclaundire or bakbyte or falsely deffames , or fandes for to confounde +taym +tat noghte serues , or withdrawes lyfelade fra +tam +tat hase nede , if we be of hauynge for to helpe +tam . (CMGAYTRY,6.54) The sexte commandment forbeddes us to syn or for to foly fleschely with any woman , ow+ter sybbe or fremmede , wedde or vnwedde , or any fleschely knawynge or dede haue with any , o+ter +tan +te Sacrament of matremoyne excuse+g , and +te lawe and +te lare of Haly Kyrke teches . (CMGAYTRY,6.55) The seuend byddis vs +tat we sall noghte stele : In whilke es forboden vs robbyng and reuyng , and all wrangwyse takynge or with-haldynge , or hydynge or helelynge of o+ter menes gudes , agaynes +taire witt and +taire will +tat hase ryghte to +taym . (CMGAYTRY,6.56) The aughten commandement byddes vs +tat we sall bere no false wytnes agaynes oure euen cristen : In +te whilke es forboden vs all manere of lesynges , False consperacye and false swerynge , whare-thurghe oure euen cristyn may lese +tayre catell , Faith , Fauour or Fame , or anything ells , whe+ter it be in gastely or in bodyly gudes . (CMGAYTRY,6.57) The nyende commandement es , +tat we +gerne noghte oure neghtboure house : In whilke es forboden all wrangwyse couetyse of land or of lythe , or of oghte elles +tat may noghte be lyftede ne raysede fra +te grounde , als thynge +tat es stedfaste , and may noghte be styrrede . (CMGAYTRY,6.58) The tend commandement an +te laste es , +tat we +gerne noghte +te wyefe of oure neghteboure ne of oure euyn cristen , ne his mayden , ne his knaue , ne his oxe , ne his asse : In +te whilke es forboden vs to +gerne or to take any thynge +tat may be styrride of o+ter mens gudes , als robes or reches or o+ter catell , +tat we hafe na gude titill ne na ryghte to ; (CMGAYTRY,6.59) For what thyng so we take or getes one o+ter wyse +tan +te lawe and +te lare of Haly Kyrke teches , we may noghte be assoylede of +te trespase bot if we make assethe , in +tat +tat we may , to +tam +tat we harmede with haldande +taire gude . (CMGAYTRY,7.60) And in case +tat we hafe thurghe false athes , als in assises or o+ter enquestes , wetandly or willfully gerte oure euen cristyn lesse +taire patremoyne or +taire heritage , or falsely be dyssessede of lande or of lythe , or false deuorce be made , or any man dampnede , +tofe all we do +tat we may to +te party , +git may we noghte be assoylede of +te trespas , bot of oure beschoppe , or of hym +tat hase his powere , (CMGAYTRY,7.61) For swylke caas es ryuely reseruede till hym seluen . (CMGAYTRY,7.62) Thise ten commandemente+g +tat I hafe now rekkenede er vmbylowkede in twa of +te gospelle . (CMGAYTRY,7.63) The tane es , +tat we luffe Godd ouer all thynges ; (CMGAYTRY,7.64) The to+ter es , +tat we lufe oure euen cristen hallely in oure herte als we do oure seluen ; (CMGAYTRY,7.65) For Godd awe vs to lufe hally with herte , with all oure myghte , with all oure thoghte , with worde and with dede . (CMGAYTRY,7.66) Oure euyn crysten , als-swa awe vs to lufe vn-to +tat ilke gude +tat we lufe oure-selfe , +tat es , +tat +tay wele fare in body and in saule , and come to +tat ilke blysse +tat we thynke to ; (CMGAYTRY,7.67) and whate-so-euer +tat he bee , +tat +tise twa wele +gemes , all +te ten commandementes forsothe he fulfilles . (CMGAYTRY,7.68) TERTIO . SEPTEM SUNT SACRAMENTA ECCLESIE . (CMGAYTRY,7.70) THE SEUENE SACRAMENTES OF HALY KYRKE . (CMGAYTRY,7.71) +Te thirde thynge of +te Sex +tat I firste touchide , es +te Seuen Sacramentes +tat Haly Kirke gyffes , thurghe prelates and o+ter prestes +tat hase +te powere . Of whilke seuen , the first fyve ilke cristen man awe lawefully to take efter his elde es ; (CMGAYTRY,7.73) and twa lyes in +taire will +tat ressayues +taym . (CMGAYTRY,7.74) The firste sacrament of seuen es oure ' baptym , ' +tat we take +te firste tym +tat we be-com cristyn . In whilke , bathe +te firste synn +tat we ere borne with , and alkyn o+ter synnes , ere waschen awaye , +tat we ere fylede with are we take it ; (CMGAYTRY,7.75) and +te trouthe of Haly Kyrke es taken +tare-in , with-owtten whilke na synfull mans saule may be sauede . (CMGAYTRY,7.76) And till +tis sacrament Falles foure thynges , if it sall ryghtely be tane als Haly Kirke teches . (CMGAYTRY,7.77) Ane es , ryghte sayeyng and carpyng of +te wordes +tat hym awe for to say +tat gyffes +tis sacrament , +tat ere +tise :- (CMGAYTRY,8.78) ' I Baptise +te in +te name of +te Fadir and +te Sonne and +te Haly Gaste . ' (CMGAYTRY,8.79) Ane o+ter es , +tat it be done anely in watire , (CMGAYTRY,8.80) For na no+ter licoure es lefulle +tare-fore . (CMGAYTRY,8.81) +Te thirde es , +tat he +tat gyffes +tis sacrement be in witt and in will for to gyffe it . (CMGAYTRY,8.82) And +te ferthe es , +tat he +tat takes it be , no+ter of lerede nor of lewde , Baptisede be-fore ; (CMGAYTRY,8.83) For if +te preste be in were of hym +tat sall take it , whethire he be baptisede or he be noghte , +tan sall he say +te wordes one +tis wyese , (CMGAYTRY,8.84) ' If +tou be noghte baptisede , I baptise +te in +te name of +te Fadire and +te Sone and +te haly Gaste . ' (CMGAYTRY,8.85) The secunde sacrament es ' confermynge , ' +tat +te byschope gyffes to +tam +tat ere baptisede , +tat gyffes thorowe his powere to +tam +tat takes it +te grace and +te gyfte of +te Haly Gaste , to make +taym mare stalleworthe +tan +tay ware be-fore , to stande agaynes +te fende and dedly syn ; +tat nane hase powere to do bot +te byschope allane , +tat hase the state and +te stede of Cristes Appostilles . (CMGAYTRY,8.86) The thirde sacrament es callede ' penance , ' +tat es , sothefaste for-thynkynge +tat we hafe of oure syn , with-owtten will or thoghte to turne agayne to it . (CMGAYTRY,8.87) And +tis sacrament must haue thre thynges :- (CMGAYTRY,8.88) Ane es , sorowe in oure herte +tat we hafe synnede . (CMGAYTRY,8.89) Ano+ter es , opyn scrifte of mouthe , how we hafe synnede . (CMGAYTRY,8.90) The third es , satisfaccion , +tat we maun do for oure syn . (CMGAYTRY,8.91) +Tise thre , with gud will to forsake oure syn , clense+g vs and wasches vs of alkyn syn . (CMGAYTRY,8.92) The ferthe es , ' +te Sacrament of +te Autyr , ' Cristes awen body in lyknes of brede , als hale als He tuke it of +te blysside mayden , the whilke , ilke man and woman +tat of elde es , awe for to rescheyue anes in +te +gere , +tat es at say , at +te pasch , als Haly Kyrke vses , when +tay ere clensede of syn thurghe penance , O payne of doynge owte of Haly Kyrke , bot if +tay forbere it by skillwyse cause , +tat awe to be knawen to +tam +tat sall gyffe it ; (CMGAYTRY,8.93) For he +tat tase it worthily , tase his saluacyone ; (CMGAYTRY,8.94) and wha-so takes it vnworthily , tase his dampnacione . (CMGAYTRY,9.95) The fyfte sacrament es ' +te laste Enoyntynge with oyle , ' +tat es halowede and handelyde of prestes ; +te whilke sacrament awe anely to be gyffen to +tam +tat he wate ere of skillwyse elde , and +tat he sese sekyrly in perelle of dede , in lyghtenes and alegeance of +taire sekenes , if Godde will +tat +tay turne agayne to +te hele , and als in forgyffnes of venial synnes , and in lessynge of payne if +tay passe he+ten . (CMGAYTRY,9.96) The Sexte sacrament of Haly Kyrke es ' ordire , ' +tat gyffes powere to +tam +tat ryghtwysly tase it , For to serue in Haly Kirke efter +taire state es , and to +tam +tat takes +te ordyre of preste , for to synge messe , aand for to mynystre +te Sacramentes of Haly Kyrke , +tat to +tam fallys , Eftyr +te state +tat +tay hafe , and +taire degre askes . (CMGAYTRY,9.97) The seuend Sacrament es ' Matrymoyne , ' +tat es , lawefull festynnynge be-twyx man and woman at +taire bathere assente , for to lyffe samen with-owtten any lowssynge , whills +taire lyfe lastes , in remedy of syn and getynge of grace , if it be tane in gude Entente and clennes of lyfe . (CMGAYTRY,9.98) THE FERTHE THYNG OF +TE SEX . (CMGAYTRY,9.100) THESE BE +TE SEUENE WERKES OF MERCY BODYLY . (CMGAYTRY,9.101) +Te ferthe thynge of +te Sex to knawe Godd Almyghty , +tat vs byhoues fulfill in all +tat we maye , ere +te seuen dedis of mercy vntill oure euen cristen , +tat Godd sall reherse vs apon +te dredfull day of dome , and wiet howe we haue done +tam here in +tis lyfe , als sayne Mathewe makes mynde in his gospelle . Of whilke , +te firste es , to fede +taym +tat er hunngry . (CMGAYTRY,9.103) The to+ter es , to gyffe +taym drynke +tat er thristy . (CMGAYTRY,9.104) The thyrde es , for to clethe +tam +tat er clatheles or nakede . (CMGAYTRY,9.105) The ferthe es , for to herber +tam +tat er houseles . (CMGAYTRY,9.106) The fyfte es , for to vesete +tam +tat lyes in sekenes . (CMGAYTRY,9.107) The Sexte es , for to helpe +tam +tat lyes or er in presoun . (CMGAYTRY,9.108) The Seuend es , to bery dede men +tat hase myster . (CMGAYTRY,9.109) +Tise ere the Seuen bodyly dedis of mercy +tat ilke man awe to doo +tat es myghtty . (CMGAYTRY,9.110) +Tar are of mercy alswa Seuen gastely dedis +tat vs awe to doo till +tam +tat hase nede till vs . (CMGAYTRY,9.111) Ane es , to consaile and wysse +tam +tat are wyll . (CMGAYTRY,9.112) Ano+ter es , to chasty +tam +tat wyrkkys ill . (CMGAYTRY,10.113) +Te thyrd es , to solauce thaym +tat er sorowefull , and comforthe thaym . (CMGAYTRY,10.114) The ferthe es , to pray for thaym +tat ere synfull . (CMGAYTRY,10.115) +Te fyfte es , to be thole-mode when men mysdose vs . (CMGAYTRY,10.116) +Te Sexte es , Gladly to forgyffe when men haues greuede vs . (CMGAYTRY,10.117) The seuend , when men askes vs for to lere thaym , if we cun mare +tan +tay , for to lere thaym . (CMGAYTRY,10.118) +Tise vn-till oure neghtebours ere full nedfull , and to +tam +tat duse thaym wondir medefull ; (CMGAYTRY,10.119) For he sall Mercy +tat Mercyfull es ; (CMGAYTRY,10.120) and man with-owtten Mercy , of Mercy sall mysse . (CMGAYTRY,10.121) vij. opera misericordie corporalia :,: vnde versus :- Vestio , cibo , poto , redimo , tego , colligo , condo . (CMGAYTRY,10.122) vij. opera misericordie spiritualia :- Consule , castiga , solare , remitte , fer , ora , Instrue , si poteris , sic Christo carus haberis . (CMGAYTRY,10.123) THE FIFTE THYNG OF +TE SEX . (CMGAYTRY,10.125) THE SEUENE GASTELY VERTUS . (CMGAYTRY,10.126) +Te fyfte thynge of +te Sex to knawe God Almyghten , are +te Seuen vertus +tat Haly Writte teches . Of whilke seuen , +te thre first +tat are hede thewes , teches vs how to hafe vs vn-to God Almyghtty ; and +te foure teches vs swa for to lyffe +tat it be bathe-6 lykande to Godd and to man . (CMGAYTRY,10.128) +Te firste vertu es ' trouthe , ' wharethurghe we trow anely in Godd +tat made all thynges , with all +te o+ter vertus I touchede be-fore . (CMGAYTRY,10.129) And +tis es nedfull till all +tat cristenly lyffes ; (CMGAYTRY,10.130) For trouthe es begynnynge of all gude dedis ; (CMGAYTRY,10.131) For no+ter es trouthe worthe with-owtten gud werk , (CMGAYTRY,10.132) ne na werke with-owtten trouthe may pay Godd Almyghtty . (CMGAYTRY,10.133) +Te to+ter gude thewe or vertue es ' hope , ' +tat es , a sekyr habydynge of gastely gude , thurghe Goddes gudnes and oure gude dedis , for to com to +tat blysse +tat neuer mare blynnes , Noghte anely in trayste of Goddes gudnes , ne allanly in trayste of oure gude dedis , Bot in trayste of thaym bathe when +tay are bathe Sammen ; (CMGAYTRY,10.134) For no+ter sall we fall sa ferre in-till whanhope +tat we ne sall traiste to hafe +tat blysse if we wele do ; (CMGAYTRY,11.135) Ne we sall noghte com so ferre in-to ouerhope for to trayste so mekill in Goddes gudnes +tat we sall hope to haue +tat blysse with-owtten gude dedys . (CMGAYTRY,11.136) +Te thirde vertue or thewe es ' charyte , ' +te whylke es a dere lufe +tat vs awe vn-till Godd Almyghtty als for Hym selfe , and till oure euencristen for God Almyghttyn ; (CMGAYTRY,11.137) For +te tane may noghte be lufede with-owtten +te to+ter , als Sayn Iohn +te gospellere sayse in his pystill . (CMGAYTRY,11.138) ' +Tat commandement , ' he saise , ' hafe we of Godd +tat wha-sa-euer lufes Gode , lufes his euencristyn . (CMGAYTRY,11.139) For he +tat lufes noghte his bro+ter wham he may see , how sulde he lufe God wham he sese noghte ? ' (CMGAYTRY,11.140) +Te ferthe vertue or thewe es ' ryghtwysenes , ' +tat es , to +gelde to all men +tat we awe +tam , For to do to ilke a man +tat vs awe to doo , for to wirchipe tham +tat ere worthy , For to helpe +te pure +tat er nedy , to do no gyle ne wrange vn-to na man , Bot for to do +tat skill es vntill ilke mane . (CMGAYTRY,11.141) +Te fyfte vertue or thewe es ' sleghte or sleghenes , ' +tat wysses vs to be-warre with wathes of +te werlde ; (CMGAYTRY,11.142) For it kennes vs to knawe +te gud and +te ill , and alswa to sundire +te tane fra +te to+ter , and for to leue +tat es euyll , and take to +te gude , and of twa gud thynges for to chese +te better . (CMGAYTRY,11.143) +Te Sexte vertue es ' strenghe or stalworthnes , ' noghte anely of body , bot of herte and will , euynly to suffire +te wele and +te waa , welthe or wandreth , whethire so betyde , and +tat oure herte be noghte to hye for na wele-fare , ne ouermekill vndire for nane euyll fare , Bot styffely for to stande agaynes oure faas , whethir +tay be bodyly or +tay be gastely , swa +tat na fulle fandynge make vs to falle ne be false in oure faythe agaynes God Almyghtty . (CMGAYTRY,11.144) +Te Seuend vertue and +te laste es , ' methe or methefulnes , ' +tat kepes vs fra owterage and haldes vs in euenhede , lettes fulle lykynge and luste of +te flesche , and +gemes vs fra +gernynges of werldly gudes , and kepes in clennes of body and of saule . (CMGAYTRY,11.145) For methe es mesure and mett of all +tat we do , if we lyffe skillwysly als +te lawe teches . (CMGAYTRY,11.146) THE SEXTE THYNG AND +TE LASTE . (CMGAYTRY,12.149) +Te sexte thynge , and +te laste of +tase I firste towchede es , +te Seuen heuede or dedly synnes +tat ilke a man and woman awe for to knawe to flee and forhewe , (CMGAYTRY,12.151) For folkes may noghte flee +tam bot +tay knawe thaym . (CMGAYTRY,12.152) Pride an Enuye , Wreth and Glotonye , Couetyse and Slouthe , and Lecherye . (CMGAYTRY,12.153) And for-+ti er +tay callede Seuen heuede Synnes , for +tat all o+ter commes of thaym ; (CMGAYTRY,12.154) and for-+ti er +tay callede dedely synnes , for +tay gastely slaa ilke manes & womanes saule +tat es haunkede in alle or in any of thaym . Whare-fore +te wyese man byddes in his buke ' als fra +te face of +te neddyre , fande to flee syn . ' (CMGAYTRY,12.155) For als +te venym of +te neddire slaas manes body , Swa +te venym of syn slaas manes saule . (CMGAYTRY,12.156) The firste of +tise Seuen synnes es callede ' Pryde , ' +tat es , a lykande heghenees of a manes herte , Of offyce or of heghe state , or o+ter noblaye +tat he ou+ter haues of kynde or of grace , or he hopes +tat he haues mare +tan anothire . (CMGAYTRY,12.157) And of +tis wikkede synn commes some sere spyces : (CMGAYTRY,12.158) Boste and auauntynge and vn-bouxsomnes , despite , and ypocrisy and vnhamlynes , and o+ter +tat ofte ere sene amanges prowde men . (CMGAYTRY,12.159) The secunde dedely synn es hatten ' Enuy , ' +tat es , a sorowe and a syte of +te wele-fare , and a ioy of +te euyll fare , of oure euencristen : Of whilke synn , many spyces sprenges and spredes . (CMGAYTRY,12.160) Ane es , hateredyn to speke or here oghte be spoken , +tat may sown vn-to gude to +taym +tat +tay hate . (CMGAYTRY,12.161) Ane-o+ter , false juggynge or dome of +taire dedis , and ay turne vn-to euyll +tat es done to gude . (CMGAYTRY,12.162) +Te thirde es ' bakbyttynge , ' to saye be-hynde +tam , +tat we will noghte avowe ne saye be-fore +tam ; whare noghte anely he +tat spekes +te euyll , bot he +tat heres it be spoken , es for to blame ; (CMGAYTRY,12.163) For , ware +tare na herere , +tare ware na bakbyttere . (CMGAYTRY,12.164) +Te thirde dedly synn or heuede syn es ' wrethe , ' +tat es , a wykkede stirrynge or bollenynge of herte , whare-fore a man wilnes for to wreke hym , or wykkydly to venge hym , appon his euyncristyn . (CMGAYTRY,12.165) And of +tis wykkede syn commes stryvynge and flytynge , with many false athes and many foule wordes , Sclaundere , for to for-do a man 's gude fame , Feghtynge and Felony , and ofte manes-slaughtere , and many ma +tat nowe es $na nede for to be neuenede . (CMGAYTRY,13.166) +Te fferthe dedly synn men calles ' glotonye , ' +tat es , ane vnskilwyse lykynge of lufe in taste or in takynge of mete or of drynke . (CMGAYTRY,13.167) And +tise trespas men duse apponne sere wyse :- (CMGAYTRY,13.168) Ane es , ou+ter ouer arely or ouer late , or ouer oftesythe , for to ete or drynke bot if nede gere it . (CMGAYTRY,13.169) Ane o+ter es , for to lyffe ouer delycately . (CMGAYTRY,13.170) +Te thirde es , for to ete or drynke ouer mekyll . (CMGAYTRY,13.171) +Te ferthe es , ouer hastely to ete or to drynke . (CMGAYTRY,13.172) +Te fifte es , to compas & caste appon whate wyese we may gette dylicious metis or drynkes to fulfill +te lykynges and +te lustes of +te flesch o+ter +tan we may gudly lede oure lyffe with , Secundum versum , Prepropere , laute , nimis ardenter , studiose . (CMGAYTRY,13.173) +Te fyfte dedly syn es callede ' Couetyse , ' +tat es , a wrangwyse wilnynge or +gernynge to haue any maner of gude vs awe noghte . (CMGAYTRY,13.174) And +tis es donne pryncypally appon twyn wyese . (CMGAYTRY,13.175) Ane es , wrangwysely to get any thynge +tat oure likynge or oure lufe lyghtes apon , als be Sacrelege or by symony , falsehede or okyr , or o+ter gelery , whilke +tise worldely men er wounte for to vse +tat castes +taire conaundenes swa vn-to couetyse +tat +tay ne rekke whe+ter it be with ryghte or with wrange , bot +tat +tay may gette +tat at +taire herte +gernes . (CMGAYTRY,13.176) Ano+ter es , wrangwisely to halde +tat at es getyn , +tat es , when we will noghte do to Godd Almyghten ne till Haly Kyrke , ne till oure euencristyn , +tat vs awe for to do by dett and by lawe , bot anely haldes +tat we hafe for ese of oure selfen , whare noghte anely he +tat wrangwysly getes , bot he +tat wrangwysely haldes , falles in +te synn . (CMGAYTRY,13.177) +Te sexte dedly synn es ' slewthe or slawenes , ' +tat es , a hertly angere or anoye till vs of any gastely gud +tat we sall do . (CMGAYTRY,13.178) And of +tis wikkede synn comes sere spyces :- (CMGAYTRY,13.179) Ane es , latesommes or lyte to drawe apon lenghte or to lache any gude dedis +tat we sall do +tat may turne vs till helpe or hele of oure saules . (CMGAYTRY,14.180) Ano+ter es , a ' dullnes or heuenes of herte ' +tat lettes vs for to lufe oure Lorde God Almyghten , or any lykynge to hafe in His seruyse . (CMGAYTRY,14.181) +Te thirde es , ' ydillchipe , ' +tat ouer mekyll es hauntede , +tat makes lathe to begynn any gude dedis , and lyghtly dose vs to leue when oghte es begun , (CMGAYTRY,14.182) and +tare whare we ere kyndely borne for to swynke , als +te feule es kyndely brede for to flie , It haldes vs euermare in ese agayne oure kynde , (CMGAYTRY,14.183) For Idillnes es Enemy to cristen man saule , stepmodire and stamerynge agaynes gude thewes , and witter-wyssynge and waye till alkyn vices . (CMGAYTRY,14.184) +Te Seuend dedely syn es hatten ' lychery , ' +tat es , a foule lykynge or luste of +te flesche . (CMGAYTRY,14.185) And of +tis foule syn comes many sere spyces :- (CMGAYTRY,14.186) Ane es ' Fornycacyone , ' a fleschely synn be-twyxe ane anlypy man and ane anlypy woman : (CMGAYTRY,14.187) and for-thi +tat it $es agaynes +te lawe , & +te leue and +te lare +tat Haly Kirke haldes , it is dedly syn to +taym +tat it duse . (CMGAYTRY,14.188) Ano+ter es ' Avowtry , ' (CMGAYTRY,14.189) and +tat es spousebreke , whe+ter it be bodyly or it be gastely , +tat greuosere and gretter es +tan +te to+ter . (CMGAYTRY,14.190) +Te thirde es ' Incest , ' +tat es , when a man synnes fleschely with any of his sybb frendes , or any o+ter +tat es of his affynyte gastely or bodyly , whe+ter so it be . (CMGAYTRY,14.191) O+ter spyces many sprynges of +tis syn +tat ouer mekill es knawen and kende in +tis werlde with +taym +tat ledes +taire lyfe als +taire flesche +gernes . (CMGAYTRY,14.192) +Tise are +te sex thynges +tat I hafe spoken off , +tat +te lawe of Haly Kirke lyes maste in ; The whilke we er halden to knawe and to cun , if we sall knawe God Almyghty , and come till His blysse . (CMGAYTRY,14.193) And for to gyffe +gow better wyll for to cun thaym , Oure ffadir +te beschope grauntes of his grace Fourty dayes of pardoun till all +tat cunnes thaym , (CMGAYTRY,14.194) and ratyfyes alswa +tat o+ter men gyffes , Swa mekill coueites he +te hele of +gour saules . (CMGAYTRY,14.195) For +gife +ge conandely knawe +tise Sex thynges , thurgh thaym sall +ge cun knawe Godd Almyghty , whaym , als Sayne Iohn sayse in his gospelle , cunnandely for to knawe swylke als He es , It es endles lyfe and lastande blysse . To +te whilke blysse He brynge vs , oure Lorde Gode Almyghty ! (CMGAYTRY,15.196) Amen ! Amen ! Amen ! (CMGAYTRY,15.197) Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum , qui cum Deo patre et Spiritu Sancto viuit et regnat omnipotens deus in secula seculorum . (CMGAYTRY,15.198) Amen ! Amen ! Amen ! (CMGAYTRY,15.199)