Rychardus Wedyngton , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,95.3) John Woodecocke (CMGREGOR,95.4) William Asckeham (CMGREGOR,95.5) A=o= xxj=o= . (CMGREGOR,95.6) Ande the same yere , the nexte Sonday aftyr the Translacyon of Syn Thomas of Cantyrbury , that was viij day of Juylle , the kyng commaundyd alle hys mayne for to mete with hym at the Mylys Ende ; (CMGREGOR,95.8) and so they dede . (CMGREGOR,95.9) And thenne he roode forthe unto Plasche ; (CMGREGOR,95.10) and there he restyd the Duke of Glouceter erly in the mornynge , and the Duke of Arundelle , and the Erle of Warwyke , and the Lorde E. Cobham , and Syr John Cheyne ; (CMGREGOR,95.11) alle thes were a restyde the same tyme , (CMGREGOR,95.12) and the Duke of Glouceter was sende unto Calys in to preson ; (CMGREGOR,95.13) ande at Saynt Bartholomewe ys tyde nexte aftyr the Erle Marchelle was sende unto Calys to hym . (CMGREGOR,95.14) And on the morne hyt was Sonday , (CMGREGOR,96.15) and that daye men sayde that he $diede , (CMGREGOR,96.16) but Gode wote howe , (CMGREGOR,96.17) but dede he was . (CMGREGOR,96.18) On the morne aftyr Hooly Rode day , the kyng made a grete justysse be-syde Kyng ys towne uppe Temys ; (CMGREGOR,96.19) and on the Sonday aftyr the Erle of Derby helde his feste in John Roetis Place , in Flet Strete . (CMGREGOR,96.20) And the xxj day of September be-ganne the Parlement at Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,96.21) And there was made a grete hale in the palysse , (CMGREGOR,96.22) and there ynne the Parlyment was holde . (CMGREGOR,96.23) And that day the knyghtys of the shyre were i-chosyn , (CMGREGOR,96.24) ande sherevys chosyn hyr Speker , wyche name was Syr John Buschey ; (CMGREGOR,96.25) and every man was commaundyd for to leve his bowe and his arowys at home in hys inne . (CMGREGOR,96.26) And on the nexte day was the Parlement playnely be-gunne . (CMGREGOR,96.27) And on the Wanysday nexte aftyr was askyd as for +te clargy a procter for to speke for hem in the Parlyment , (CMGREGOR,96.28) for they myght nought be in that place there as jugement shulde be gevyn for treson of felony . (CMGREGOR,96.29) And thenne they chosynne Syr Thomas Percy , (CMGREGOR,96.30) and so schulde they have for hym a proctoure in the Par-lyment for evyr more for poyntys of tresoune and felony . (CMGREGOR,96.31) And the Fryday aftyr was the $Erle of Arundelle att hys aunswere ; (CMGREGOR,96.32) and that day was geve juggement on hym , that he shulde be drawe , hanggyd , ande i-quarteryd , and be-heddyd . (CMGREGOR,96.33) But at the prayer of lordys the kyng relessyd hym , (CMGREGOR,96.34) and commaundyd that he shulde be ladde thorowe London unto the Towre Hylle from Weste-myster , and there hys hedde to be smytte of . (CMGREGOR,96.35) And so hit was . (CMGREGOR,96.36) And thenne was the body ande the hedde borne unto fryer Austynnys , (CMGREGOR,96.37) and then hit was byryde . (CMGREGOR,96.38) And on the Fryday next aftyr was Syr Thomas Mortymer jugyd unto the same dethe that the Erle hadde , but that he com yn whythe yn vj monythys . (CMGREGOR,96.39) And the Sonday hylde the Duke of Lancaster hys feste in the byschoppys place of Durham . (CMGREGOR,96.40) And the Monday aftyr was the Lorde Cobham accusyd . (CMGREGOR,96.41) And the Thursday aftyr helde the lordys a Prevye Conselle ; (CMGREGOR,96.42) and on the morne aftyr was the Erle of Warwyke at hys answere , (CMGREGOR,96.43) and was juggyd unto the same dethe jugement that the Erle of Arun-delle hadde , (CMGREGOR,97.44) but he submyttyd hym so louly unto the kyngys grace and to his plesaunce , that the kyng gaffe hym grace and lyffe , (CMGREGOR,97.45) and sende hym unto the Towre a-yenne . (CMGREGOR,97.46) And the Satyrday was the Parlyment enjornyde unto Shrouysbury . (CMGREGOR,97.47) And that day there were made v dukys and a duches , and a markes , and iiij erlys , the whiche namys folowyn aftyr here : (CMGREGOR,97.48) Syr Harry Erle of Derby made Duke of Herforde , Edwarde Erle of Rutlonde Duke of Arundylle , Thomas the Erle Marchelle made Duke of Northe-folke , Syr John Holand Duke of Exceter , and the Erle of Kentte made Duke of Surreye . And the Countesse of Northefolke i-made Duches of Northefolke , the Erle of Somersett Markys of Dorsett , the Lorde Spencer i-made Erle of Glouceter , the Lorde Nevyle i-made Erle of Westemorelonde , Syr Thomas Percy Erle i-made the Erle of Worceter , and Syr Wylliam Schroppe i-made Erle of Wyldschyre . (CMGREGOR,97.49) Ande the Sonday aftyr helde the kynge hys feste , (CMGREGOR,97.50) and the Monday was the terment of the Lorde Moumbrey at the Whytte Freerys in +t=e= cytte of London ys subbarbys . (CMGREGOR,97.51) And every nyght durynge the Parlyment the kyng was wacchyde , on lorde with his mayny one nyght , and anothyr lorde anothyr nyghte , duryng alle the Parlyment . (CMGREGOR,97.52) And that same yere the kyng and the Duke of Herford , and the Duke of Northefolke , shulde have foughte at Covyntre ; (CMGREGOR,97.53) but whenne that they were ensemblyd in the place afore the kynge , ande he toke hit uppon hys juggement , and a non in the same place they were bothe exylyde , but Harry Duke of Herforde but for x yere , and the Duke of Northefolke for a hun-dryd wynter . (CMGREGOR,97.54) Alle so the same yere Thomas Aroundelle the Arche Byschoppe of Cantyrbury was exylyde , (CMGREGOR,97.55) and Syr Robert Waldon was made Arche Byschoppe of Cauntyrbury . (CMGREGOR,97.56) And thenne the kyng , thoroughe wyckyd consayle , deseneyreyd the heyrys of the lordys that were exilyde and done to dethe be fore tyme . (CMGREGOR,98.57) And thenne he sende unto Rome to have the statutys and the ordy-naunce made in the Parlyment that was begunne at Westemyster and i-endyd at Shrouysbury confermyde by the Poope ; (CMGREGOR,98.58) hyt was donne ande grauntyd by the Poope , and by hym conformyd , the whiche was pronounsyd at Powlys Crosse and at Synt Mary Spetylle by fforne and in audyence of pepylle . (CMGREGOR,98.59) Alle so the kyng thorowe conselle that was not goode he hadde the cytte of London and many othyr cytteys and townys in grette hate and in indygna-cyon , (CMGREGOR,98.60) and were endytyd as for rebellys ; (CMGREGOR,98.61) and he toke hym to Cheschyre men , +t=e= whiche were most famulyer with hym , wherefore the cytesynnys of London and the pepille of the sayde townys and schyrys endytyd , as hit ys i-sayde byfore , were fulle hevy and in grete hevynes of herte . Where fore the sayde cyttesynnys of Lon-don in plesauns of the kynge and by conselle and helpe of Syr Roger Walden , Archebischoppe of Cauntyrbury , ande Syr Robert Baybroke , Byschoppe of London , putte a supplicacion unto the kyng , of whyche the tenoure folowyth . (CMGREGOR,98.62) {COM:supplication_omitted} And then anon , aftyr the pre-sentacyon of the sayde supplycacion , there were made many blanke chartours , (CMGREGOR,98.64) and alle +t=e= men of any crafte in the citte , as welle servauntys as maysterys , were chargyd for to come to the Yelde halle to sette hyr selys to the sayde blanke chartours . (CMGREGOR,98.65) And soo they dyd also for the moste parte of Inglond , (CMGREGOR,98.66) and no man wyste what hyt mente . (CMGREGOR,98.67) Drewe Baryntyne , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,98.69) John Wade (CMGREGOR,98.70) John Warner (CMGREGOR,98.71) xxij=o= Anno . (CMGREGOR,98.72) Ande that same yere Thomas Aryndelle , the sone and ayre of the Erle of Arundelle , whiche +tat aftyr the dethe of hys fadyr was dwellyng in howshold with Syr John of Holon , Duke of Exceter , and holde at non reputacyon but in grete repreffe and dyspyte and moche dysseysse , prevely thorowe helpe of Wylliam Schotte , mercer of London , in a gromys wede he saylyd ovyr +t=e= see (CMGREGOR,98.74) and came unto hys onkylle , the Archebyschope of Cauntyrbury , that was that tyme in Coleyne . (CMGREGOR,98.75) Al so the same yere dyde Syr John Gaunte , Duke of Lanchaster , (CMGREGOR,98.76) and ys beryd at Poulys at London . (CMGREGOR,98.77) And that yere Kyng Rychard saylyd the secunde tyme in to Yrlonde sone aftyr Estyr . (CMGREGOR,98.78) And he hadde with hym Harry , the eldyste $sone of the Dukys of Herford , the whiche Harry was made knyght in Irlonde . (CMGREGOR,98.79) And in the begynnyng of xxiij yere of the raygne Harry , Duke of Lancaster , that was exilyd whithe the Archebyschoppe of Cantyrbury and hys owne sone Thomas , and the sone of the Erle of Arundelle , londyd in the northe contre at a place callyde Raynspouer be-syde Weldynton , to whom there come hastely Syr Harry Percy of Northehumbyrlonde , and Harry Percy hys sone , and many othyr lordys , (CMGREGOR,98.80) and thenne the Duke of Lancaster whithe alle othyr lordys went strayt unto Brystowe , (CMGREGOR,98.81) and there they fonde Syr Wylliam Schroppe , Treserer of Inglond , and Syr John Busche , and Syr John Grene , the whiche were brought by fore the Duke of York , that tyme beynge Levtenaunte of Inglonde , (CMGREGOR,98.82) and there they were be heddyd . (CMGREGOR,98.83) And thenne was Syr John Solake a-restyd at Westemyster , the dene of the kyngys chapylle , and putte in preson in Luddegate , (CMGREGOR,102.84) and othir certayne monkys of the Abbey of Westemyster were a-restyd al so . (CMGREGOR,102.85) And the same yere were a-restyd Syr Wylliam Baggot , knyght , in Irlonde , faste by Deuelyn , (CMGREGOR,102.86) and he was brought unto London and putte in preson in Newgate . (CMGREGOR,102.87) And that same yere was Moraunte , fyschemanger , i-slayne at Synt Mary at the Hylle be-syde Byllyngysgate . (CMGREGOR,102.88) Thes benne the namys of Mayrys and of Sherevys of the cytte of London in the tyme of Kyng Harry the iiij that was crownyd at Westemyster the xiij day of October , the yere of oure Lorde M=i= ccc lxxxxix . (CMGREGOR,102.89) Thoma Knollys , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,102.91) William Walderne (CMGREGOR,102.92) Wylliam Hyde (CMGREGOR,102.93) Anno primo . (CMGREGOR,102.94) Ande that same yere , a-non aftyr Crystysse masse , was be-heddyd at Sussetyr the Erle of Kentt , and the Erle of Saulysbury , and the Erle of Oxynforde , and Syr Thomas Blounte , and Syr Raffe Lumney , Syr Benet Cely , knyghtys , and Syr Thomas Wyntyrsylle , sqwyer ; (CMGREGOR,102.96) also Syr John Holand , Erle of Huntyngdone , was beheddyd at Playsche in Exsex , (CMGREGOR,102.97) and the Lord Spenser was be-heddyd at Brystowe ; (CMGREGOR,102.98) and a-non aftyr dyde Kyng Rychard (CMGREGOR,102.99) and was beryd at Langley . (CMGREGOR,102.100) And that same yere Syr Barnarde Brokers was heddyd at Tyburne , (CMGREGOR,102.101) and Syr Thomas Celley , knyght , and Mawdleyn ande Ferby , clerkys , were drawyn and hangyd at Tyburne . (CMGREGOR,102.102) And that same yere the kynge roode in to Schotlonde . (CMGREGOR,102.103) And there {TEXT:he} be-ganne the werre at Walys by Gwyn Glandowre , squyer , ayenste the Kyng of Inglonde , Harry the iiij , &c . (CMGREGOR,102.104) John Fraunseys , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,102.106) John Wackeley (CMGREGOR,102.107) John Obete (CMGREGOR,102.108) Anno ij=o= . (CMGREGOR,102.109) Ande that yere a quarter of whete was worthe xvj s . (CMGREGOR,103.112) The secunde yere . (CMGREGOR,103.113) And thenne that yere Syr Wylliam Sawtre , preste , was brente ynne Smethefylde for eresy . (CMGREGOR,103.114) And that yere , the xiij day of September , the yere of oure Lorde M=l= cccc and ij , was the batylle at Halydon Hylle , at the whyche batylle was takynne the Erle Douglas , the Erle of Fyfe , and many moo othyr knyghtys and squyers . (CMGREGOR,103.115) John Schadworthe , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,103.117) William Fremyngham (CMGREGOR,103.118) William Venoure , junyor (CMGREGOR,103.119) Anno iij=o= . (CMGREGOR,103.120) Ande that same yere was Dame Jone , Duches of Bretayne , i-weddyd to Kyng Harry the iiij . (CMGREGOR,103.122) Also thys yere there was a sterre that was callyd Comata , idest a blasyng sterre , (CMGREGOR,103.123) and he shewyd in the weste , (CMGREGOR,103.124) and he duryd v wekys and more . (CMGREGOR,103.125) Al so the same yere the Priour of Launde and Syr Roger of Claryngdone , knyght , and hys men , were drawe and hanggyd , and viij Freers Minors whythe them , at Tyburne , (CMGREGOR,103.126) and Syr Roger Walden , the byschoppe , and Rychard Clydrowe were i-quytte by a queste of men of London . (CMGREGOR,103.127) Ande that yere was the batyle at Humbyldon Hylle . (CMGREGOR,103.128) John Walkotte , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,103.130) Richardus Merlowe (CMGREGOR,103.131) Robert Chycheley (CMGREGOR,103.132) Anno iiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,103.133) And that yere , the yere of our Lorde M=l= cccc iiij , was the batylle of Shrouysbury , that was uppon Mary Mawdelyn Evyn , in the whyche bataylle Syr Harry Percy was sayle , (CMGREGOR,103.135) and Thomas Percy was i-takynne and kept iij dayes aftyr , (CMGREGOR,103.136) and thenne he was drawe , hanggyd , quarteryd , and be-heddyd ; (CMGREGOR,103.137) and the quarters was sende one unto London Brygge . (CMGREGOR,103.138) And in the same bataylle was the Prynce shotte thorowe the hedde with an arowe , (CMGREGOR,103.139) and the Erle of Stafforde was i-slayne in the kyngys cote armure undyr his baner , (CMGREGOR,103.140) and many mo lordys and knyghtes lost there lyvys , and squyers and many a goode yemon . (CMGREGOR,103.141) For hit was one of the wyrste bataylys that evyr came to Inglonde , and unkyndyst , (CMGREGOR,103.142) for there was the fadyr a-yenst the sone and the sone ayenste the fadyr , and brother and cosyn a-yenste eche othyr . (CMGREGOR,104.143) William Askam , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,104.145) Thomas Faukener (CMGREGOR,104.146) Thomas Polle (CMGREGOR,104.147) Anno v=o= . (CMGREGOR,104.148) And that yere Serle , that was one of thoo that mortheryd the Duke of Glouceter at Calys , was takyn in the Marche of Schotlond , (CMGREGOR,104.150) and was brought unto London , (CMGREGOR,104.151) and was hangyd at Tyburne . (CMGREGOR,104.152) John Hynde , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,104.154) William Lowthe (CMGREGOR,104.155) Stevyn Spylman (CMGREGOR,104.156) Anno vj=o= . (CMGREGOR,104.157) Ande that yere Syr Thomas the kyngys sone was Amerelle of the See , (CMGREGOR,104.159) and he wente unto Flaundrys (CMGREGOR,104.160) and brent bothe in Cachante and in Flaundrys , (CMGREGOR,104.161) ande londyd at Scluse (CMGREGOR,104.162) and gaffe there to a stronge sawte . (CMGREGOR,104.163) Alle so he toke carrekys of Jene (CMGREGOR,104.164) and brought them unto Wynchylse , (CMGREGOR,104.165) and they were brent thorowe mysse gover-naunce and moche of the goode ther ynne . (CMGREGOR,104.166) Alle so the same yere Syr Richard Schroppe Archebyschoppe of Yorke , and the Lorde Mombray , were be-hedyd at Yorke . (CMGREGOR,104.167) John Woodecocke , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,104.169) Wylliam Crowmer (CMGREGOR,104.170) Harry Barton (CMGREGOR,104.171) A=o= vij=o= . (CMGREGOR,104.172) Ande that yere alle the werys bytwyne London and Mydway were drawe downe by the conselle of the kynge and of the mayre of London , and of the comyns of the same cytte , (CMGREGOR,104.174) for they dyd moche harme in the ryver of Themys , (CMGREGOR,104.175) for they dystroyed moche yonge frye , (CMGREGOR,104.176) for the pepylle gaffe hit hir hoggys , (CMGREGOR,104.177) and soo uncomely devouryd hyt . (CMGREGOR,104.178) Rychard Wytyngdon , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,104.180) Nicholaus Wotton (CMGREGOR,104.181) Geffray Booke (CMGREGOR,104.182) A=o= viij=o= . (CMGREGOR,104.183) Ande that yere the Erle of Kent weddyd the Erlys doughter of Mylayne , at Synt Mary Overeys in Sowtheworke , the xiiij day of Juylle . (CMGREGOR,104.185) And that yere deyd Syr Robert Knollys , (CMGREGOR,104.186) and ys byryd at the Whytte Freers at London . (CMGREGOR,104.187) Wylliam Stawndon , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,105.190) Harry Pomfrett (CMGREGOR,105.191) Harry Halton (CMGREGOR,105.192) Anno ix=o= . (CMGREGOR,105.193) Ande that yere the Erle of Northehumberlond ande the Lorde Bardoffe were take in the Northe countre ande be-heddyd and quarteryd ; (CMGREGOR,105.195) and the hedde of the erle and the quartyr of the lorde were brought unto Londyn Brygge . (CMGREGOR,105.196) And that yere was a grete froste , (CMGREGOR,105.197) and that duryd xxv wekys and more . (CMGREGOR,105.198) Alle so the same yere the Erle of Kentt was slayne at the castelle of Bryake whythe a stone . (CMGREGOR,105.199) Drewe Barentyne , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,105.201) William Norton (CMGREGOR,105.202) Thomas Duke (CMGREGOR,105.203) A=o= x=o= . (CMGREGOR,105.204) Ande that yere was the grette playe at Skynners Welle in London . (CMGREGOR,105.206) Ande that yere there were grete justys in Smethefylde by twyne the Erle of Somersett and the Synyschalle of Henowde , (CMGREGOR,105.207) and Syr John Corwayle and Syr Rycharde of Arundelle , and the sone of Syr John Chenye , and othyr Fraynysche men dede the dedys of armys there . (CMGREGOR,105.208) Richardus Merlowe , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,105.210) John Lane (CMGREGOR,105.211) Wylliam Checheley (CMGREGOR,105.212) A=o= xj=o= . (CMGREGOR,105.213) And that yere ther was an heretyke , that was callyd John of Badby , that be-levyd nought in the Sacrament of the Auter , (CMGREGOR,105.215) and he was brought $unto Smethefylde for to be brent , and bownde unto a stake ; (CMGREGOR,105.216) and Syr Harry Percy of Walys conselyd hym to holde the very ryght beleve of Hooly Chyrche , (CMGREGOR,105.217) and he shulde faylle nothyr lacke noo goode . (CMGREGOR,105.218) Al so the Chaunceler of Oxynford , on Mayster Corteney , informyd hym in the faythe of Holy Chyrche , (CMGREGOR,105.219) and the Pryour of Syn Bartholomewys brought the hooly sacrament with xij torchys (CMGREGOR,105.220) and brought hyt before hym . (CMGREGOR,105.221) And hyt was askyd howe that he be-levyde . (CMGREGOR,105.222) Ande he answeryd and sayde that he wyste welle that hit was hooly brede , and nought Goodys oune blessyde body . (CMGREGOR,105.223) And thenne was the tonne putt ovyr hym ande fyre put unto hym ; (CMGREGOR,105.224) and whenne he felde fyre he cryde marcy . (CMGREGOR,105.225) And a-non the prynce commaundyd to take a wey the fyre , (CMGREGOR,105.226) and hit was don soo anon . (CMGREGOR,105.227) And then the prynce askyd hym yf that he wolde for-sake hys heresy and be-leve on the faythe of alle Hooly Chyrche , (CMGREGOR,106.228) and he wolde gyffe hym hys lyffe and goode i-nowe whyle he levyd ; (CMGREGOR,106.229) but he wolde nought , (CMGREGOR,106.230) but contynuyde forthe in hys heresye . (CMGREGOR,106.231) And thenne the prynce commaundyd hym up to be brende at onys , (CMGREGOR,106.232) and soo he was . (CMGREGOR,106.233) And John Gylott , vynter , he made ij wevers to be take , the whyche folowyd the same waye of heresy . (CMGREGOR,106.234) And the same tyme was the hurlynge in Estechepe by the lorde Thomas and the lorde John , the kyngys sone , &c . (CMGREGOR,106.235) Versus Hereticus credat ne perustus ab orbe recedat ; Ne fides ledat $Satel hunc baratro sibi predat . (CMGREGOR,106.236) Thomas Knollys , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,106.238) Thomas Pyke (CMGREGOR,106.239) Thomas Penne (CMGREGOR,106.240) A=o= xiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,106.241) Ande that same yere there com inbassetours to the kynge from the Duke of Burgeyne for to have men sowdyd whithe hym ayenst the Duke of Orlyauns , (CMGREGOR,106.243) but the kynge wolde not graunte hym non . (CMGREGOR,106.244) And they spake unto the prynce , (CMGREGOR,106.245) and he sende thedyr the Erle of Arundelle and Syr John Oldecastelle , Lorde of Cobham , and many mo knygtys and squyers of thys londe . (CMGREGOR,106.246) Robert Checheley , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,106.248) John Raynewelle (CMGREGOR,106.249) William Cotton (CMGREGOR,106.250) A=o= xiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,106.251) And that yere , the xij day of October , the yere of oure Lord M=l=cccc and xj , ther was in Temys iij flodys in oo day . (CMGREGOR,106.253) And that yere the Lorde Thomas , the kyngys sone , was made Duke of Clarence , (CMGREGOR,106.254) and that yere there com inbassetours fro the Duke of Orlyaunce unto the kyng for to wage men ayenst the Duke of Burgayne , (CMGREGOR,106.255) and +t=e= kyng sende thedyr the Duke of Clarence and othyr certayne lordys ; (CMGREGOR,106.256) and at the feste of Synt Laurence they londyd at Hoggys . (CMGREGOR,106.257) And the same yere the kyng let make to be smetyn newe nowblys , (CMGREGOR,106.258) but they were of lasse wyght thenne was the olde nobylle by the paysse of an halpeny wyght , soo that a nobylle shuld wey but iiij d. and halfe a peny , and that l. nowblys shulde make a pounde of Troye wyght . (CMGREGOR,107.259) Wylliam Walderne , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,107.261) Raffe Lubnaham (CMGREGOR,107.262) William Sevenok (CMGREGOR,107.263) A=o= xiiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,107.264) Ande that same yere the kyng dyde at Westemyster , the xx day of Marche , the yere of oure Lorde M=l=cccc and xij ; (CMGREGOR,107.266) and he ys byryde at Cauntyrbury be-syde the schryne . (CMGREGOR,107.267) And that same yere Syr John Olde Castelle was a restyde at Wynsore and sende to the Toure of London for poyntys of heresy that he was accusyd of ; (CMGREGOR,107.268) and at the Frere Prechourys he was examnyd by fore alle the clargy of thys realme , spyritualle and temporalle and relygyous , (CMGREGOR,107.269) and he was sent unto the Toure a-yenne ; (CMGREGOR,107.270) and sone aftyr he brake owt of the Towre (CMGREGOR,107.271) and wentte in to Walys ; (CMGREGOR,107.272) and aftyr he was take ayen by the Lorde Powes in the tyme of Rychard Merlowe , as ye shalle hyre aftyr . (CMGREGOR,107.273) Walderne , mayor , the same xiiij yere of his fadyr and the fyrste yere of the sone , (CMGREGOR,107.274) ande thys ys rekynde but for oone yere . (CMGREGOR,107.275) Thes ben the namys of Mayrys of London and of the Sherevys of the same for-sayde cytte in the tyme of Kyng Harry the v , that was crownyd the ix day of Aprylle at Westemyster , the yere of oure Lorde M=l=cccc xiij . (CMGREGOR,107.276) And hyt was apon Passyon Sonday , (CMGREGOR,107.277) and that was a fulle wete day of rayne . (CMGREGOR,107.278) William Walderne , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,107.280) Raffe Lubnaham (CMGREGOR,107.281) William Sevenok (CMGREGOR,107.282) Anno Primo . (CMGREGOR,107.283) Ande that yere the kyng made to be brought the bonys of Kyng Rychard to Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,107.285) and they were beryd and put in his owne sepulture , that he let make hym selfe with Quene Anne his wyfe . (CMGREGOR,107.286) +tis was the laste yere of raygne of the fadyr , and the fyrste yere of the raygne of the sone , Kyng Harry the v . (CMGREGOR,107.287) William Crowmer , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,107.289) John Sutton (CMGREGOR,107.290) John Nichole (CMGREGOR,107.291) Anno ij=o= . (CMGREGOR,107.292) Ande that same yere , on the Twelfe the nyght , were a-restyd certayne personys , called Lollers , atte the sygne of the Ax , whithe owte Byschoppe ys gate , the whyche Lollers hadde caste to have made a mommynge at Eltham , and undyr coloure of the mommynge to have dystryte the kyng and Hooly Chyrche . (CMGREGOR,108.295) And they hadde ordaynyde to have hadde the fylde be-syde Syn Gylys . (CMGREGOR,108.296) But , thonkyd be God Almyghty , owre kyng hadde warnyng thereof , (CMGREGOR,108.297) and he come unto London (CMGREGOR,108.298) and toke the felde be syde Syn Jonys in Clerkynwelle ; (CMGREGOR,108.299) and as they come the kyng toke them , and many othyr . (CMGREGOR,108.300) And there was a knyght take that was $namyd Syr Roger of Acton , (CMGREGOR,108.301) and he was drawe and hanggyd be syde Syn Gyly , (CMGREGOR,108.302) for the kynge let to be made iiij payre of galowys , the whiche that were i-callyd the Lollers galowys . (CMGREGOR,108.303) Al so a preste that hyght Syr John Bevyrlay , and a squyer that hyght John Browne of Olde-castellys , they were hanggyd ; (CMGREGOR,108.304) and many moo were hanggyd and brent , to the nomber of xxxviij personys and moo . (CMGREGOR,108.305) And that yere was Tebayne Breste , a preste , slayne in London by a squyer that was callyd Yownser and hys men ; wherefore the same Yownser with iij of his men for-swore the lond . (CMGREGOR,108.306) And that yere was the Parlyment at Layceter . (CMGREGOR,108.307) Thomas Faukener , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,108.309) John Michell (CMGREGOR,108.310) Thomas Aleyne (CMGREGOR,108.311) Anno iij=o= . (CMGREGOR,108.312) Ande that same yere was brent in Smethefild John Claydon , schynner , and Rychard Turmyn , baker , for heresye that they were convycte a-pon . (CMGREGOR,108.314) Al so the same yere the kyng toke his jornay (CMGREGOR,108.315) and wagyd in to Normandy ; (CMGREGOR,108.316) and the xv day of Juny the kyng roode thorowe London (CMGREGOR,108.317) whithe sherevys , aldermen , and alle the comeners brought the kynge at Blacke Hethe ; (CMGREGOR,108.318) and there the mayre ande alle hys aldermen with alle the comyns toke there leve of +t=e= kynge , (CMGREGOR,108.319) and the kyng bade the mayre goo home and kepe welle hys chambyr in hys absens , (CMGREGOR,109.320) and yave hym Crystysse blessyng and hys , (CMGREGOR,109.321) and he sayde " Cryste save London . " (CMGREGOR,109.322) And he roode forthe hys way tylle he cam to Hampton , (CMGREGOR,109.323) and there he mosteryd hys mayne . (CMGREGOR,109.324) And there were certayne personys that had caste to slayne oure kynge , (CMGREGOR,109.325) but God that knewe alle trougthe , he sende warnynge to oure kyng ; (CMGREGOR,109.326) and hys enmys , the whiche namys folowythe aftyr , Syr Richarde Camborowe , Erle of Cambryge , Syr Harry , Lorde Scrope , ande Syr Thomas Gray , knyght , with moo of hyr assent , +t=e= whiche personys were a-restyde and put in the preson , ande do to dethe . (CMGREGOR,109.327) And the xij day of Auguste the kyng saylyd towarde Arflewe , whythe M=l=M=l= sperys and moo ; (CMGREGOR,109.328) and the xvj day of the same monythe he londyd at Kytkawys , (CMGREGOR,109.329) and the Satyrday he leyde sege unto the towne of Arflewe , (CMGREGOR,109.330) and that was the Satyrday nexte aftyr of the Assompsyon of oure Lady ; (CMGREGOR,109.331) and the sege contynuyd unto the Sonday nexte be fore the feste of Synt Mychelle , on the whiche Sonday the towne of Arflewe was delyveryd uppe to the kyng , (CMGREGOR,109.332) that was xxij day of Septembre . (CMGREGOR,109.333) But hit ys to wyte that the Tewysday before , that ys to saye the xvj day of the same monythe , at xij of the clocke whytheynne nyght , the lordys that were the capytaynys and governowrys of the towne , that ys to wete the Lorde Gawcorte , the Lorde Tutvyle , and moo othyr lordys , sende owte herodys of armys unto the Duke of Clarens , prayng hym at the reverens of God that he wolde of hys hyghe lordeschippe that he wolde graunte them lyve and leve for to trete whythe what personys that the kyng wolde a-sygne unto hem ; (CMGREGOR,109.334) and the kyng at the reverens of God and at hyre requeste he assygnyde the Duke of Exceter , the Lorde Fehewe , and Syr Thomas Erpyngham , to hyre whatt they wolde say and desyre . (CMGREGOR,109.335) And they desyryd that the kyng wolde nought warre on them fro that oure of mydnyght unto the Sonday nexte aftyr the feste of Synt Mychell , (CMGREGOR,109.336) and but hyt were rescwyd by batayle by that day by the Frenysche kyng or by the Dolfynne , ellys at that daye to delyver the towne unto the kynge , and they to have hyr lyvys and hyr goodys . (CMGREGOR,110.337) Ande the kyng sende hem worde yf that they wolde delivery the towne on the morne aftyr , be the oure of mydnyght a bove sayde , with owte any con-dyscyon , he wolde accepte hyt , (CMGREGOR,110.338) and in non othyr wyse he bade hem for to trete . (CMGREGOR,110.339) Ande yette the Fraynysche lordys prayde our lordys that they wolde fochesave to be-seche the kynge at the reverens of God and of oure Lady that he wolde graunte them respyte fro the same Twysday at nyght unto the Sonday nexte aftyr tylle one owre aftyr none ; (CMGREGOR,110.340) and in the mayne tyme the lordys that were captaynys of the towne to come to the kynge whithe xxiiij knyghtys and squyers with hem , of the moste suffycyent men whithe in the towne , and they to be sworne on Goddys body opynly before alle the pepylle . (CMGREGOR,110.341) But yf hit soo were that the Fraynysche kynge or the Dolfynne rescwyde hem by that Sonday by the owre of none , othyr ellys a-non aftyr none , they for to delyvery the towne to the kyng and alle hyr bodys and goodys to don whythe hem what so hem evyr lyste , whythe any condiscyon . (CMGREGOR,110.342) Whythe that the kynge sufferde hem to sende unto Frauns viij personys owte of the towne lettyng hym wytte in what plytte that they stode yn , (CMGREGOR,110.343) and the kyng grauntyd hem ; (CMGREGOR,110.344) and uppe the Wanysday by +t=e= mone the lordys come owte , and xxij knyghtys and squyers whythe hem ; (CMGREGOR,110.345) and thenne come the prosessyon solempny and stately , whithe xxiiij copys of clothe of golde by-fore Goddys body , whythe many worschipfulle lordys , knyhtis , and squyers , and othyr multytude of pepylle from +t=e= kyngys tente , solempny and stately as evyr was done suche a thyng be-for tyme . (CMGREGOR,110.346) But the kyng was nott here present . (CMGREGOR,110.347) And the Franysche lordys made thare hyr othys a-pon the sacrament ; (CMGREGOR,110.348) and , the othys done , the Fraynysche lordys were brought unto the kyngys tente , (CMGREGOR,110.349) and there they dynyd in the kyngys halle , (CMGREGOR,110.350) but in alle thys tyme they sawe nought the kynge . (CMGREGOR,110.351) And whanne that they hadde etyn they departyd (CMGREGOR,110.352) and delyveryd to sartayne for to kepe yn ostage tylle the Sonday on none , as hyt was a cordyment i-made before tyme whenne that they toke hyr othys . (CMGREGOR,111.353) And the Sonday at the same owre a-signyd the kyng hadde a tente phyght a-pone a hylle be-fore the towne , (CMGREGOR,111.354) and there he sate in his estate , ryally , (CMGREGOR,111.355) and alle hys lordys aboute hym . (CMGREGOR,111.356) And thenne come the Fraynysche lordys , with lxiiij whythe hem of the moste suffycyentt men that were whythe yn the towne , to the kyngys owne propyr person , (CMGREGOR,111.357) and delyveryd uppe the keyes of the towne and hyr boodys and hyr goodys to the kynges grace , whithe owte any condyscyon . (CMGREGOR,111.358) And thys was the xxij day of Septembre , the yere of our Lorde M=l=ccccxv . (CMGREGOR,111.359) And thenne sone aftyr the kynge and hys mayne ostyde from thens xxj dayes thorowe the realme of Fraunce towarde Caleys . (CMGREGOR,111.360) And the Fraynysche men hyrde telle of his comyng that way , (CMGREGOR,111.361) and they brake the bryggys there that the kyng shulde passe ovyr , and in so moche that he myght not passe noo way but he moste nedys mete with the Fraynysche oste . (CMGREGOR,111.362) And a-pon the Fryday , that ys to saye , the day of Syn Cryspyn and Cryspynyany , alle the ryalle pouer of Fraunce come by-fore oure kynge and hys lytylle blessyd mayne . (CMGREGOR,111.363) And thenne they sawe the Dolfynne whythe alle the lordys of France were by-fore oure good kynge enbatellyd in iij batellys the nomber of iij schore M=l= men of armys . (CMGREGOR,111.364) And that was the fayryste syght of armyde men that evyr any man saye in any place . (CMGREGOR,111.365) And the kyng sawe he myght not passe whythe out batayle , (CMGREGOR,111.366) and thenne he sayde unto hys lytylle mayne , " Serys and felowys , yendyr maynye wylle lette us of oure waye , (CMGREGOR,111.367) and they wylle not come unto us . (CMGREGOR,111.368) But nowe lette every man preve hym-selfe a goode man thys day and a-vance hys baner in the beste tyme of the day and yere . " (CMGREGOR,111.369) Ande the kyng roode (CMGREGOR,111.370) ande hys basnet in hys hede , (CMGREGOR,111.371) and alle othyr men wente on hyr foote a-passe in hyr hoole araye $an {TEXT:and} Englysche myle or that they assemblyde . (CMGREGOR,111.372) And thorowe Goddys grace the kynge made hys way thoroughe the thyckyste of alle the batayle ; (CMGREGOR,111.373) and ther was slayne on the kyngys syde the Duke of Yorke , the Erle Southeffolke , and ij knyghtys , and Davy Gam , and of the gentylle men no moo , (CMGREGOR,112.374) and of alle maner of Englysche men hyt passyd not xxviij personys . (CMGREGOR,112.375) And on the Fraynysche syde was slayne the Duke of Launsonne , the Duke of Barre , the Duke of Braban , ande vij erlys , and the Constabylle of Fraunce , and the Senschalle of Henowde , and the Mayster Alblester , and many moo lordys , and knygtys and squyers v M=l= and moo . (CMGREGOR,112.376) And there was take the Duke of Orlyaunce , the Duke of Burbon , the Counte of Rychemounde , and the Counte of Ewe , +t=e= Marchalle of Fraunsce , Syr Bursegaunte , and many moo othyr knyghtys and squyers . (CMGREGOR,112.377) And whanne thys was done the kyng bode alle nyghte in a vyllage faste be-syde ther that the batelle was done . (CMGREGOR,112.378) And on the morowe he toke hys waye unto Calys whythe hys lordys and hys presoners , whythe hys owne mayne . (CMGREGOR,112.379) And the xxiij day of November the kyng come unto London whythe alle hys presoners a bove sayd . (CMGREGOR,112.380) And there he was ressayvyd worthely and ryally , (CMGREGOR,112.381) for the mayre , with alle the aldermen , whythe alle good comyners , roode (CMGREGOR,112.382) and fette hym ynne . (CMGREGOR,112.383) And whythe a ryalle processyon he was brought ynne ; (CMGREGOR,112.384) and there was mad , stondyng apone the brygge , Syn Gorge ryally armyd , (CMGREGOR,112.385) and at the Crosse in Cheppe was made a castelle , (CMGREGOR,112.386) and there yn was moche solempnyte of angelys and virgenys syngyng merely . (CMGREGOR,112.387) And soo he roode unttylle that he came to Powlys , (CMGREGOR,112.388) and there mette whithe hym xvj byschoppys and abbattys whithe processyon (CMGREGOR,112.389) and sensyd hym , (CMGREGOR,112.390) and brought hym uppe in to +t=e= qwere whythe devoute songe , (CMGREGOR,112.391) and there he offerde and the Franysche lordys alle soo . (CMGREGOR,112.392) And thenne he rode forthe unto Westemyster ; (CMGREGOR,112.393) and the mayre and hys bretheryn brought hym there . (CMGREGOR,112.394) Ande thys same yere be-ganne the generalle Conselle at Custaunce of alle clargye and of alle maner of nacyons . (CMGREGOR,112.395) Nicholaus Wotton , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,112.397) William Cambryge (CMGREGOR,112.398) Alayne Everarde (CMGREGOR,112.399) A=o= iiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,112.400) And in that same yere , onne the morne aftyr Syn Symonnys day and Jude , that the mayre shulde ryde to Westemyster for to take hys othe , come tydyngys to London of the batayle a-bove sayde by the Byschoppe of Worseter , that tyme beyng Chaunceler , (CMGREGOR,113.402) for he come to London erly in the mornynge , (CMGREGOR,113.403) and warnyd the mayre . (CMGREGOR,113.404) And thenne thorowe London they lette rynge the bellys in every chyrche (CMGREGOR,113.405) and song Te Deum ; (CMGREGOR,113.406) and at Powlys , at ix of the clocke , the tydyngys were oppynly proclaymyd to alle the comeners of +t=e= cytte and to alle othyr strangerys . (CMGREGOR,113.407) And thenne the Quene , and alle hyr byschoppys and alle the lordys +tat were in London that tyme , wentte to Westemyster on hyr fete a prosessyon to Synt Edwarde ys schryne , whythe alle the prestys , and clerkys , and fryers , and alle othyr relygyous men , devoutely syngynge ande saynge the letanye . (CMGREGOR,113.408) And whenne they hadde offerde , the mayre com home rydynge merely whythe alle hys aldermen and comeners as they were i-wounte for to doo . (CMGREGOR,113.409) Le Feste de Sentt Gorge a Wyndesore . (CMGREGOR,113.411) LE FESTE DE SENTT GORGE A WYNDESORE . (CMGREGOR,113.414) Ande thys yere com the Emperowre of Almayne in to London be-fore the Feste of Synt Gorge . (CMGREGOR,113.416) Ande the feste was deferryde unto hys commynge , (CMGREGOR,113.417) and that was done solempny at the castylle of Wyndesore . (CMGREGOR,113.418) And at the prosessyon the kynge went a-pone the upper-moste syde of the emperowre , (CMGREGOR,113.419) and soo alle the masse tyme he stode a-bove the emperoure . (CMGREGOR,113.420) Ande at the mete the kyng sate on the ryght syde of the emperoure , (CMGREGOR,113.421) and the Duke of Bedforde sate on the lefte syde , (CMGREGOR,113.422) and the Chaunceler of Inglonde and the Byschoppe of Devylyn sate on the left syde , (CMGREGOR,113.423) and the Duke of Bryga and a-nothyr duke of the emperours sate on the kyng ys syde ; (CMGREGOR,113.424) and alle thosse vij satte on oo syde of +t=e= table . (CMGREGOR,113.425) And the fyrste sotellete of the fyrste cours was howe Oure Lady armyd Syn Gorge and a aungylle doyng on hys sporys . (CMGREGOR,113.426) And the secunde sotellete was Syn Gorge rydynge and fyghtyng whythe a dragon whythe hys spere in hys honde . (CMGREGOR,114.427) And the iij sotellete was a castelle , and Syn Gorge and the kynges doughter ledyng the lambe in at the castelle gatys . (CMGREGOR,114.428) And all thes sotelleteys were servyd be-fore the emperoure and the kyng and noo ferther ; (CMGREGOR,114.429) ande othyr lordys were servyd with sotelleteys aftyr hyr astate and degre . (CMGREGOR,114.430) And that same yere come the Duke of Holand into London , (CMGREGOR,114.431) but he was nought at the feste a-fore sayde . (CMGREGOR,114.432) And the emperoure lay at Westmyster alle the wyle that he was here for the moste party , and the Duke William of Holand in the byschope ys place of Ely ; (CMGREGOR,114.433) and sone aftyr Mydsomer the kyng went to Caleys whythe the emperoure , (CMGREGOR,114.434) and the duke saylyd home ayenne (CMGREGOR,114.435) and mette whythe kyng at Caleys . (CMGREGOR,114.436) And the Duke of Burgayne and the Counte of Charlys sone come to Gravelynge ; (CMGREGOR,114.437) and the kynge sende thedyr the Duke of Glouceter hys brother and the Erle of Marche to abyde there in ostage , wylys that the Duke of Burgayne come to Calys to speke with the kynge ; (CMGREGOR,114.438) and in the myddys of the ryver the lordys mette togedyr . (CMGREGOR,114.439) And the dukys sone of Burgayn ressayvyd oure lordys (CMGREGOR,114.440) and led hem in to Fraunce , (CMGREGOR,114.441) and the Erle of Warwyke ressayvyd the Duke of Burgayne (CMGREGOR,114.442) ande brought hym to Calys , (CMGREGOR,114.443) and there they hadde a conselle twyne hem two ; (CMGREGOR,114.444) and thenne he toke hys leve of the kyng . (CMGREGOR,114.445) And the Erle of Warwyke brought hym unto Gravelyng water and in to the same place there as they mette at the fyrste metynge ; (CMGREGOR,114.446) and there every party toke hyr leve of othyr . (CMGREGOR,114.447) And thenne the kynge retornyd ayenne into Inglonde (CMGREGOR,114.448) and the emperoure saylyde unto Holande (CMGREGOR,114.449) and so passyd forthe in to Constaunce . (CMGREGOR,114.450) Alle so that same yere the Duke of Bedforde and the Erle of Marche , on oure Lady Day the Assumpsyon , they fought whythe viij grete carykys of Jene and whythe l. othyr shyppys , (CMGREGOR,114.451) and they toke hem whythe hyr patronys (CMGREGOR,114.452) and drownyde a grette hulke of the contre of Flaundrys . (CMGREGOR,114.453) Harry Barton , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,114.455) Robert Wedyngton (CMGREGOR,114.456) John Covyntre (CMGREGOR,114.457) Anno v=o= . (CMGREGOR,114.458) ande the same yere , on Syn Petrys eve and Poule , the Erle of Huntyngdon whythe o+tyr certayne lordys faughtyn whithe carakys of Gene , (CMGREGOR,115.460) and dyscomfyte hem , (CMGREGOR,115.461) and toke iiij of +t=e= grettyste of them and hyr patronys . (CMGREGOR,115.462) And the amerelle of hem was the Duke of Burbone , (CMGREGOR,115.463) and he was take whithe hem whythe alle the tresoure that sholde have wagyd hem for halfe a yere . (CMGREGOR,115.464) Al so the same yere the kynge saylyd unto Normandye the second tyme , (CMGREGOR,115.465) ande he londyd on Lammas day by-syde Tooke in Normandye . (CMGREGOR,115.466) And the same tyme the kyng wanne the towne of Tooke (CMGREGOR,115.467) and assaylyd the castelle , the whyche castelle on Syn Lauerens evynne was yolde unto the kynge , (CMGREGOR,115.468) and he gave hyt unto hys brother the Duke of Clarens whithe alle the lorschippys dependaunt there too ; (CMGREGOR,115.469) and thenne the Duke of Clarens roode forthe to Cane whythe othyr lordys whythe hym . (CMGREGOR,115.470) And one oure Lady evyn , the Assumpcyon , he mustryd hys men by-fore the towne of Cane ; (CMGREGOR,115.471) and the xij day of August the kyng layde sege to Cane , (CMGREGOR,115.472) and that contynuyd tylle the day of the Natyvyte of oure Lady nexte folowynge ; (CMGREGOR,115.473) uppon the same day the towne whythe grete sawte was yoldyd and wonne . (CMGREGOR,115.474) And thenne the kyng layde sege unto the castelle , (CMGREGOR,115.475) and that in shorte tyme was yoldyn unto the kynge ; (CMGREGOR,115.476) and whylys the kyng boode in Cane , the Duke of Clarens roode to Bayeux (CMGREGOR,115.477) and wanne that . (CMGREGOR,115.478) And the same yere the kyng wanne Argentyne , bothe the towne and the castelle . (CMGREGOR,115.479) And the kyng wanne Alansonne and many moo stronge castellys and townys and stronge abbeyes . (CMGREGOR,115.480) Ande the same yere , a-pon Estyr daye at aftyr none , the Lorde Stronge and Syr John Trusselle , knyght , fylle at debate for hyr wyvys in the chyrche of Syn Donstonys in the Este , evyn at the prechyng tyme . (CMGREGOR,115.481) In the same fraye Thomas Pedwardynne , fyschemonger , was slayne as he wolde have lettyde hem of hyr fyghtynge , (CMGREGOR,115.482) and many men were i-hurte ; (CMGREGOR,115.483) and therefore the chyrche was suspendyd . (CMGREGOR,115.484) Ande thenne was the Lorde Stronge a-restyde and brought unto the Counter in the Pultrye , (CMGREGOR,115.485) and the Sonday nexte aftyr he was cursyde in every chyrche in London , whithe boke , belle , and candelle , in one houre of the day . (CMGREGOR,115.486) And aftyr he dyde hys penaunsse opynly thorow London for hys trespas ayenst Hooly Chyrche . (CMGREGOR,116.487) And that yere was a dyre yere of whete , (CMGREGOR,116.488) for a buschelle was worthe ij s . (CMGREGOR,116.489) Rycharde Merlowe , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,116.491) Harry Rede (CMGREGOR,116.492) John Gedney (CMGREGOR,116.493) A=o= vj=o= . (CMGREGOR,116.494) ande the same yere , scilicet , in anno v=to= , the general conselle was endyd , and a unyte made in Hooly Chyrche , and oo pope chosynne at Custaunce on Syn Martyns daye , by comyn assente of alle the generalle counselle , the whyche was callyd Pope Martyn the fyrste . (CMGREGOR,116.495) Alle so the same yere Syr Johnne Oldecastelle was take in the Marche of Walys and brought unto the Westemyster in a chare , (CMGREGOR,116.496) and there he was juggyde to the dethe ; (CMGREGOR,116.497) and thys was hys juggement , that he shulde be ladde thorowe London in the same chare unto Towre Hylle , and there to be layde on a hyrdylle and drawe to Syn Gylys galowys , and there to be hanggyd and brent . (CMGREGOR,116.498) And so he was hanggyd by a stronge chayne . (CMGREGOR,116.499) For there was the Duke of Bedforde , the Duke of Exceter , and alle the lordys of thys londe that were +tat tyme a-bowte London , tylle that they hadde sene hys juggement . (CMGREGOR,116.500) Ande the same day the person of Wortham , theffe , and hys peramowre was broughte unto Westemyster Halle . (CMGREGOR,116.501) And he was sente to Newgate , (CMGREGOR,116.502) and there he dyde . (CMGREGOR,116.503) Ande that same yere the kyng layde sege unto Faleys the fyrste day of Novembre , (CMGREGOR,116.504) and that sege contynuyde unto the xx day of Decembre , the yere of grace M=l=CCCCxvij . (CMGREGOR,116.505) Thenne the towne dysendyd for to trete whythe the kynge , (CMGREGOR,116.506) and the kyng commyttyd the trety unto Thomas Erle of Saulysbury , and to Harry Lorde Fehewe , and to Syr Johnne Cornewale , and to Syr Wylliam Haryngdon , knyghtes and commyssyoners for hys partye ; (CMGREGOR,116.507) and as for the party of the towne , Syr Wylliam Molene , Syr Gylberte Mounstrewys , lorde of Fayete , capytaynys of men of armys , and of the schotte whythe ynne the towne of Faleys , and whythe $them a pon the same trete , the lord of Gamulle ; which parteys entretid ande a cordyd uppon the artyculys and poyntmentys aftyr folowyng . (CMGREGOR,117.508) {COM:articles_omitted} The whyche towne in maner and forme as hyt ys be-fore sayde was yoldynne to our soverayne lorde the kynge of Inglonde +t=e= seconde daye of Janyver as hyt was before lemytyd , (CMGREGOR,121.511) ande the castelle be lefte stylle $un-yoldon unto the fyrste daye of Fevyrer ; the whyche castelle was yoldynne the seconde daye of the monythe a-bove sayde , and delyveryd in maner and forme a-fore-sayde , &c . (CMGREGOR,121.512) Ande thenne the Kyng of Inglonde lette parte his oste to prynces thens on dyversse wayes ; that ys to saye , on party toke my lorde the Duke of Clarens whythe many fulle worthy lordys whythe hym , (CMGREGOR,121.513) and he gate many townys and castellys and stronge abbeys . (CMGREGOR,121.514) And the Duke of Glouceter toke a nothyr partye of the oste , and whythe hym the Erle of Marche , the Lorde Graye , the Lorde Clyfforde , Syr Watyr Hongerford , stywarde of the kyngys howse , whythe many othyr knyghtys and squyers ; (CMGREGOR,121.515) and he gate , or he layde sege to Chyrborowe , xxiiij townys and castellys . (CMGREGOR,121.516) And sone aftyr Ester he layde sege to the towne of Chyrborowe , (CMGREGOR,121.517) and contynowyde unto Mychelmasse , (CMGREGOR,121.518) and thenne the towne and the castelle was yolde unto hym . (CMGREGOR,121.519) Ande the iij party of the oste the kynge delyveryde unto the Erle of Warwyke and othyr lordys whythe hym . (CMGREGOR,122.520) And they gate many stronge townys and castellys and abbeys . (CMGREGOR,122.521) Here begynnythe the vj yere . (CMGREGOR,122.522) Ande aftyr Ester the kyng layde sege unto Lovers (CMGREGOR,122.523) ande wanne hyt , (CMGREGOR,122.524) and aftyr that he wanne Pountte Large . (CMGREGOR,122.525) And the kynge layde sege unto the cytte of Reyne , (CMGREGOR,122.526) and that contynuyd tylle the XXiiij day of Janyver nexte aftyr . (CMGREGOR,122.527) Wylliam Sevenoke , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,122.529) John Bryon (CMGREGOR,122.530) Raffe Barton (CMGREGOR,122.531) John Pernys (CMGREGOR,122.532) A=o= vij . (CMGREGOR,122.533) The same John Bryan scheryve unto the ix day of Octobre , (CMGREGOR,122.535) and thenne he dyde ; (CMGREGOR,122.536) and thenne John Pernys was chose sheryve for the yere . (CMGREGOR,122.537) And fro that day of Saynt Edwarde contynuyd the sege of Rone unto the xxiiij day of Janyver , as hyt ys by-fore sayde ; at the whiche day they of the cytte desyryd to trete . (CMGREGOR,122.538) And the kynge commaundyd the Erle of Warwyke , and the Erle of Salysbury , the Lorde Fehewe , Syr Watyr Hungerforde , Gylbert Houmfryvyle , John Vasquyes de Almada , and Robert Knyght , to trete whythe hem . (CMGREGOR,122.539) And for the party of Roone these folowyng : (CMGREGOR,122.540) {COM:treaty_omitted} And so the fore sayde cytte was yoldyd to oure soverayne lord the kynge uppon Synt Wolstonys day . (CMGREGOR,127.543) And aftyr that he gatte many townys and castellys , as hyt shalle aftyr thys be wretyn alle the processe . (CMGREGOR,127.544) Richarde Wytyngdon , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,128.547) Robert Whtyngham (CMGREGOR,128.548) John Butteler (CMGREGOR,128.549) A=o= viij=o= . (CMGREGOR,128.550) Ande in that yere , the xx day of May , the yere of oure Lorde M=l= cccc xx , the kyng come unto Troys , in Chaunpeyne , (CMGREGOR,128.552) and there he was worthely ressayvyde of alle the lordys spyrytualle and temporalle +tat were there whithe the Kynge of Fraunce . (CMGREGOR,128.553) And on the morne the Kyng and Quene of Fraunce , and Dame Katerynne , and the Duke of Burgayne , mette to gedyr in Synt Petrys chyrche in Troys ; whiche metyng was in the body of the chyrche . (CMGREGOR,128.554) Ande thenne they went upe to the hyghe auter , (CMGREGOR,128.555) and there were the artyculys of the pes redde , and the othys made on aythyr partye . (CMGREGOR,128.556) And thenne was the kyng and Dame Katerynne swryde to-gedyr . (CMGREGOR,128.557) And on the morne aftyr was Trenyte Sonday , (CMGREGOR,128.558) that was the iij day of June , the yere of oure Lorde M=l= cccc xx , in the chyrche of Troys , (CMGREGOR,128.559) the kyng spowsyd Dame Kateryne , Kyng Charlys doughter of Fraunce ; (CMGREGOR,128.560) and thenne he was made Regent of Fraunce , (CMGREGOR,128.561) and the conveneyons of the whiche acordyd folowynge here aftyr , (CMGREGOR,128.562) {COM:conventions_omitted} And thenne , aftyr the feste and solempnyte was done of that maryage , the kyng conqueryd many townys and castellys in Normandy . (CMGREGOR,138.565) And thenne the kynge layde sege to Myleu sur-Sen ; (CMGREGOR,138.566) and duryng the sege the mayre and the sherevys of London were chosyn . (CMGREGOR,138.567) And at that syge laye the Kynge of Fraunce , the Kynge of Inglonde , and the Kynge of Scottys , and the Quene of Fraunce , and the Quene of Inglonde , with hyr mayny , &c . (CMGREGOR,138.568) Wylliam Cambryge , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,138.570) John Butlere (CMGREGOR,138.571) John Wellys (CMGREGOR,138.572) A=o= ix=o= . (CMGREGOR,138.573) Ande that same yere , on Candylmasday yn the mornynge , the kyng com in to Inglonde and the quene with hym (CMGREGOR,138.575) and they londyd at Dovyr ; (CMGREGOR,138.576) ande the xiiij day of Fevery the kyng com to London , (CMGREGOR,138.577) and the xxj day of the same monythe was crownyde at Westemyster ; (CMGREGOR,138.578) and the solempnyte was done in chyrche of Synt Petyr , (CMGREGOR,138.579) and she was brought fulle worthely towarde +te palys into the grete halle , &c . (CMGREGOR,138.580) Nowe of the statys and of the coronacyon of Quene Kateryn and of othyr manyr of servyse . (CMGREGOR,139.581) Fyrste the quene sette in hyr astate , (CMGREGOR,139.582) and the Archebyschope of Cantyrbury and the Byschoppe of Wynchester sate on the ryght syde of the quene , (CMGREGOR,139.583) and they were servyd nexte unto the quene every cours coveryde as the quene ; (CMGREGOR,139.584) and on the lyfte syde was the Kyng of Schottys sette in hys a-state uppon the lyfte syde of the quene , that was servyd alle wey nexte the quene and the byschoppys a-fore sayde ; (CMGREGOR,139.585) the Duchyes of Yorke and the Countas of Huntyngdone satte in the same syde , (CMGREGOR,139.586) and the Duke of Gloucester was ovyr seer , the Erle of Marche knelyng on the hye deys on the ryght syde of the quene and held a cepture in hys hond of the quenys , and the Erle Marchelle knelyng on the lyfte syde at the dyes and helde anothyr cepture of the quenys ; (CMGREGOR,139.587) and the Countasse of Kentt was syttyng at hyr ryght fote of the quene undyr the tabylle , (CMGREGOR,139.588) and the Counteys Marchalle sate on the lyfte syde of the quene undyr the tabylle ; (CMGREGOR,139.589) Syr Rycharde Nevyle kervyr before the quene , the Erle of Sowthefolke cuppe berer , Syr John Stywarde sewer unto the quene , the Lord Clyfforde panter in the stede of the Erle of Warwyke , the Lorde Wylleby butler in stede of the Erle of Arundelle , the Lorde Gray Ryffyn naperer , the Lorde of Audely amyner in stede of the Erle of Cambryge , the Duke of Bedforde Constabylle of Inglond , the Erle of Warwyke Stywarde of Inglond in stede of the Duke of Clarence , the Erle of Worceter Marchalle of Inglonde in the stede of the Erle Marchelle , &c . (CMGREGOR,139.590) The maner of syttyng of the astatys yn the halle at Wystemyster . (CMGREGOR,139.592) Fyrste , the baronys of v Portys be-ganne the tabylle in the halle on the ryght honde of the quene , and by nethe hem at the same tabylle the bowgerys of the chauncery ; (CMGREGOR,139.594) and the mayre of London and hys aldyrman be-ganne the borde on the lyfte syde of the quene in the halle with othyr worthy comyners of the same cytte , and othyr men benethe hem at the same tabylle . (CMGREGOR,140.595) The byschoppys beganne the tabylle in the myddys of the halle on the ryght honde nexte the v Portys , the Byschoppe of London withyn the tabylle , the Byschoppe of Dereham nexte hym whythe yn the tabylle , and the Byschoppe of Bathe and the Byschoppe of Exceter be-fore hem ; the Byschoppe of Norwyche , and the Byschoppe of Saulysbury , the Byschoppe of Syn Davys , and the Byschoppe of Bangar , the Byschoppe of Lyncolle , the Byschoppe of Carlylle , and the Abbott of Waltham with hem . (CMGREGOR,140.596) And thenne aftyr them sate the justyse , and worthy knyghtys and squeyers . (CMGREGOR,140.597) And thenne the ladys be-ganne the tabylle in myddys of the halle on the lyfte honde of the quene , nexte the mayre of London . (CMGREGOR,140.598) The Countasse of Stafforde , sum tyme doughter of the Duke of Gloucester ; the Countesse of Marche hyr doughter ; the Countasse of Arundelle ; the Countesse of Westemerlonde ; the Countasse of Northehormerlond ; the Countasse of Oxforde ; the Lady Nevyle , sum tyme the lordys wyffe Nevyle that was sone to the Erle of Westemerlonde , and doughter to the Erle of Somersette ; Dame Margarete the dukys doughter of Northefolke and suster to the Erle Marchalle ; the yonger doughter to the Erle of Somersett ; the Lady Ros ; the Lady Clyfforde , suster to Harry the Erle of Northehumberlond ; the Lady Bergeveny ; the Lady Talbat ; the Lady Wylby ; the Lady Mawley ; the wyffe of Rycharde Nevyle , doughter to the Erle of Salusbury , and noo moo ladys of state . (CMGREGOR,141.599) And thenne forthe with jentylle wemmen thys tabylle was occupyde and a quarter of the byschoppe ys tabylle ther to . (CMGREGOR,141.600) Thes lordys sewyng were asygnyd for to do servyse ryallys before the quene ; (CMGREGOR,141.601) the Erle of Northehumberlond and the Erle of Westemorelond , the Lorde Fehewe , the Lorde Furnevale , the Lorde Gray of Wylton , the Lorde Ferrys of Groby , the Lorde of Ponyngys , the Lorde Haryngton , the Lorde Darsy , and the Lorde Della ware , &c . (CMGREGOR,141.602) The servyse of the fyrste cours . (CMGREGOR,141.604) Braune with mustarde , elys in burneus , furmenty with bakyn , pyke , lampray powderyd whythe elys , pouderyde trought , coddelyng , plays with merlyng fryde , grette crabbys , lesche lumbarde , a bake mete in paste , tartys , and a sotylte i-callyd pellycane , etc . (CMGREGOR,141.606) The secunde cours in the halle . (CMGREGOR,141.608) Jely , blandesoure , bremme , congur , solys with myllott , chevyn , barbylle , roche , samon fresche , halybutte , gurnarde rostyd , roget boylyde , smelte fryde , lopstere , cranys , lesche damaske , lampray in paste , flampayne . (CMGREGOR,141.610) A sotelte , a panter & a mayde before hym , &c . (CMGREGOR,141.611) The servyse of iij cours in the halle . (CMGREGOR,141.613) Datys in composte , creyme motley , and poudrid welkys , porpys rostyd , meneuse fryde , crevys of douce , datys , pranys , rede $schrymppys , grette elys and lamprays rostyd , a lesche callyd whythe leysche , a bake mete in paste with iiij angelys . (CMGREGOR,141.615) A sotelte , a tygyr and Syntt Gorge ledyng hyt . (CMGREGOR,141.616) And uppon Ester eve , thet was the xxij day of Marche , and the raygne of the kynge +t=e= ix , the Duke of Clarans with many othyr lordys were slayne in Fraunce and many lordys takyn presoners . (CMGREGOR,142.618) And the same yere the kyng helde a Parlymentt at Westemyster aftyr Estyr in monythe of May , in the whyche Parlyment was axyde no talege , wherefore the Byschoppe of Wynchester lentte the kynge xx M=l= pounde . (CMGREGOR,142.619) And in thys Parlymentt was ordaynyde , by cause that golde was gretely a payryde by clyppyng and waschynge , that no man shulde aftyr Crystysmas nexte aftyr put forthe no enpayryd golde in no paymente uppon payne of furfeture there of ; where fore every man for the moste party ordaynyd hym balans . (CMGREGOR,142.620) And the same yere , a non aftyr Wytson tyde , the kyng saylyd in to Fraunce a-yenne (CMGREGOR,142.621) and the Duke of Bedforde was made Lewtenaunte of Inglonde . (CMGREGOR,142.622) Ande the same yere came the Duchyes of Holonde in to Inglond . (CMGREGOR,142.623) Roberte Chycheley , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,142.625) Ric. Goslyne (CMGREGOR,142.626) Wylliam Weston (CMGREGOR,142.627) Anno x=o= . (CMGREGOR,142.628) Ande that same yere the Duke of Bedforde held a Parlyment at Wystemyster , (CMGREGOR,142.630) and that be gan the iij day of Decembir ; in the whyche Parlyment was grauntyd a quyndesyn and a dyme to the kynge , that tyme beyng at the sege of Mewys in Brye , in Fraunce , and the halfe quyndesym and dyme to be payde antt Candelmasse nexte folowynge , and that the kyng shuld ressayve soche payment as went that tyme : that ys to say , yf a nobylle were worth v s . (CMGREGOR,142.631) and viij d. the kyng shulde take hyt for a fulle nobylle of vj s. & viij d. ; (CMGREGOR,142.632) and yf the nobylle soo appayryde were better thenne v s. viij d. , the kyng too paye the ovyr plus of v s. viij d . (CMGREGOR,142.633) Also that yere was grette scarsyte of whyte mony that men myght unnethe have any golde changyd , thoughe hit were nevyr soo good and of fulle whyghte . (CMGREGOR,142.634) Also that yere , on Syn Nicholas day in Decembyr , the yere of oure Lorde M=l=cccc and xxj , Harry , the fyrste begotyn sone of Kyng Harry the v , was borne in the castelle of Wyndesore ; to whom was god fadyrs at the fonte Harry Byschoppe of Wynchester , John Duke of Bedforde , (CMGREGOR,143.635) and the Duchyes of Holond , Jacomyne , was the godmodyr ; (CMGREGOR,143.636) and at the confirmacyon the Archebyschoppe of Cantyrbury , Harry Chycheley . was godfadyr . (CMGREGOR,143.637) Also the same yere , in the monythe of May , the yere of oure Lorde M=l=cccc xxij , and of the raygne of the kynge the x , the cytte in Mewys in Bry , whyche long tyme hadde be be besegyd was yolden in the maner as folowythe aftyr (CMGREGOR,143.638) {COM:articles_omitted} And soo the X day of the same monythe the sayde markett of Mewys in Bry and alle the towne was yoldyn in maner and forme as hyt ys above sayde . (CMGREGOR,148.641) The same yere the xiij day of Auguste a newe wedyrcoke was sette at Powlys stypylle in London . (CMGREGOR,148.642) Also the same yere , the laste day of Auguste , the yere of oure Lorde M=l= cccc xxij , the good and nobylle Kyng , Harry the V aftyr the Conqueste of Inglonde , floure of chevalrye of Crystyn men , endyd hys lyffe in Fraunce , at Boys in Vincent , be syde Parys , the X yere of hys raygne , to whom God graunte mercy . (CMGREGOR,148.643) Amen . (CMGREGOR,148.644) Ande that same yere , the xx day of Auguste , deyde the Byschoppe of London , Clyfforde , (CMGREGOR,148.645) and thenne was made byschoppe Mayster John Kempe , whos bonys , the viij day of Novembyr next folowyng , worthely at Westmynyster were interyde . (CMGREGOR,148.646) Here foloweythe namys of the townys and castellys , abbeys , pylys , and pylettys , in Normandy , that oure fulle excellent lorde the Kyng Harry the v. wanne and conqueryde in Normandy and in Fraunce , to hym and to hys ayrys , in maner and forme as hit ys bove sayde . (CMGREGOR,148.647) Fyrste the towne of Hareflewe and the castelle of the same , the castelle of Toke , the castelle and towne of Cane , the towne and the castelle of Argentyne , the towne and the castelle of Fallex , the towne and the castelle of Mewys in Bry , the towne and the cytte and the castelle of Rone , and many moo , the nombyr of an C townys and castellys , abbeys , and strong-holdys . (CMGREGOR,149.649) Here benne the namys of Mayrys and Sherevys in the tyme of Kynge Harry the vj , the fyrste begotyn sone of Kyng Harry the v. , the whyche yere of hys raygne be ganne the fyrste daye of Septembyr , the yere of oure Lorde M=l= cccc xxij , and the age of the Kyng Harry the vj nought fully xij monythys whenne he beganne hys raygne . (CMGREGOR,149.650) Wylliam Walderne , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,149.652) Wylliam Estefyllede (CMGREGOR,149.653) Robert Tedyrsale (CMGREGOR,149.654) A=o= j=o= . (CMGREGOR,149.655) Ande that same yere , the xxj day of October , in the mornynge by twyne vij and viij of the belle , Kyng Carlys of Fraunce dyde , whos body ys worthely enteryde at Syn Denys . (CMGREGOR,149.657) Also the same yere the kyngys Parlyment was holde at Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,149.658) and that be-ganne the ix day of November , in the whyche Parlyment was ordaynyde the governaunce of the kynge , howe he shulde be governyd in hys tendyr age . (CMGREGOR,149.659) Also in that Parlyment was grauntyd unto the kyng v. noblys of every sacke wolle duryng the terme of the yere . (CMGREGOR,149.660) Also the same yere , the secunde day of Marche , was Syr Wylliam Tayloure , preste , brende in Smethefylde for heresye . (CMGREGOR,149.661) And the for sayde secunde day of Marche wasse made the trety of the delyveraunce of Pounte Mylanke , that was take and longe tyme holdyn by the party callyde the Armonackys , and delyveryd as hyt in maner aftyr folowy+te :- (CMGREGOR,149.662) {COM:appointments_omitted} Also the same yere Newgate was be gon to be made a Newgate by the executourys of that famos marchant and merser , Rycharde Whytyngdone . (CMGREGOR,156.665) Wylliam Crowmere , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,157.668) Nicholas Jamys (CMGREGOR,157.669) Thomas Wansforde (CMGREGOR,157.670) A=o= ij=o= . (CMGREGOR,157.671) Ande that same yere there was a Parlyment at Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,157.673) and that be-ganne the xxj day of October ; (CMGREGOR,157.674) and in that yere , the xxj day of Feveryr , was Syr Thomas Mortymere drawe , hangyd , and quarteryde , and hys hede smete of at Tyborne , (CMGREGOR,157.675) and hys body was buryd at Syn Johnys at Clerkyn-welle and hys herte at Fryer Menowrys be syde Newgate . (CMGREGOR,157.676) And that yere was the batylle in Verney , in Perche , the xxvij day of Auguste , by my lorde the Regaunte of Fraunce , John Duke of Bedforde , with othyr lordys with hym of Englysche lordys ; (CMGREGOR,157.677) and in that batayle was slayne the Erle Dugelas , the Erle of Bogham , the Erle of Marre , (CMGREGOR,157.678) and alle the Scottys that durste a-byde in the fylde were slayne and take . (CMGREGOR,157.679) And there was take on the Fraynysche syde the Duke of Launsun and the Erle of Almarre , (CMGREGOR,157.680) and many mo othyr knyghtes an squyers were takyn and slayne , the nombyr of v m=l= Scottys and Armonackys , &c . (CMGREGOR,157.681) And that same yere , in the monythe of Feverer , the Stywarde of the Kyngys of Scottys , whas name was Jamys , weddyd the Erlys doughter of Somersett at Synt Mary Overes . (CMGREGOR,157.682) John Mychelle , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,157.684) Symon Seman (CMGREGOR,157.685) John Bythewater (CMGREGOR,157.686) A=o= iij=o= . (CMGREGOR,157.687) Ande that yere there was a Parlyment att Westemyster ; (CMGREGOR,157.689) and that Parlyment beganne the laste day of Aprylle . (CMGREGOR,157.690) And at that Parlyment the Erle Marchalle was made Duke of Northefolke ; (CMGREGOR,157.691) and in that Parlyment was moche altercacyon by-twyne +te lordys and the comyns for tonage and poundage . (CMGREGOR,157.692) And at that Parlyment was grauntyd that alle maner of alyentys shulde be put to hoste as Englysche men benne in othyr londys , (CMGREGOR,157.693) and ovyr that condyscyon was the tonage grauntyd ; the whyche condyscyon was brokyn in the same yere by the Byschoppe of Wynchester , as the moste pepylle sayde , he beyng Chaunseler the same tyme , (CMGREGOR,157.694) and there-fore there was moche hevynesse and trowbylle in thys londe . (CMGREGOR,157.695) And that yere , the xiij day of Feverer at nyght , were caste many byllys in the cytte and in the subbarbys a-gayne the Flemyngys , (CMGREGOR,158.696) and sum were set in the byschoppe ys gate of Wynchester , and in othyr bischoppys gatys . (CMGREGOR,158.697) And in the morowe the Byschoppe of Wynchester sent Richarde Woodevyle , squyer , to kepe the Towre of London with men of armys as thoughe hyt hadde bene in the londe of warre , (CMGREGOR,158.698) and so induryd tylle the feste of Symon and Jude nexte aftyr folowynge . (CMGREGOR,158.699) And that yere there were many worthy men of London apechyde of treson by a false boy Peloure by excytacyon of the Byschoppe of Wynchester , as many men noysyde and sayde ; yf were trewe or no I remytte me to Gode . And of many moo othyr townys , as Cauntyrbury , Exceter , and Brystowe , Covyntre , Yorke , Chester , &c . (CMGREGOR,158.700) Ande that yere the Duke of Gloucester with hys wyffe wentte into Ennowde ; (CMGREGOR,158.701) and she was Duches of Holand . (CMGREGOR,158.702) And there he lefte hyr byhynd hym . (CMGREGOR,158.703) Ande the same yere the Byschoppe of Wynchester sende to Wyndesore for certayne men of the kyngys howsholde , (CMGREGOR,158.704) and lefte the kyng but with a fewe men , (CMGREGOR,158.705) and for alle the prentys of Courte , unto Westemyster ; (CMGREGOR,158.706) and there they come in there beste a-raye ; (CMGREGOR,158.707) and thenne he sende for the Mayre of London and hys aldermen . (CMGREGOR,158.708) And there he restyde many worthy men of the cytte . (CMGREGOR,158.709) And that yere dyde the Erle of Marche in Irlonde , the xviij day of Janyver , in the castelle of Trynne . (CMGREGOR,158.710) And that yere come the kyngys sone of Portyng-gale in to Englonde ; (CMGREGOR,158.711) and on Mychelle-mas evyn he com to London , (CMGREGOR,158.712) and was loggyd in the byschoppe ys place of London . (CMGREGOR,158.713) Ande in that yere there was a Perlyment at Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,158.714) and that Parlyment be-ganne the laste daye of Aprylle . (CMGREGOR,158.715) And that Parlyment hadde an evylle faryng ende , to shamefully for to be $namyd of any welavysyd man . (CMGREGOR,158.716) John Covyntre , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,159.719) Wylliam Myldrede (CMGREGOR,159.720) John Brockeley (CMGREGOR,159.721) A=o= iiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,159.722) And that same yere that the mayre rode to Westmyster on the same daye for to take hys othe , that ys , was the xxix daye of Septembyr , whenne that he come home to hys mete with hys aldyrmen and with hys goode comyners , or that they hadde fully ete , the Duke of Glouceter sende for the mayre and hys aldyrmen that they shulde come speke with hym ; (CMGREGOR,159.724) and whenne they come he cargyd the mayre that he shulde kepe welle the cytte that nyght and make goode wache ; (CMGREGOR,159.725) and so there was , alle that nyghte , (CMGREGOR,159.726) for my Lorde of Glouceter and the Byschoppe of Wynchester were not goode frendys as in that tyme . (CMGREGOR,159.727) And on the morowe certayne men kepte the gatys of the brygge of London by the commaundement of the Lorde of Glouceter and of the mayre . (CMGREGOR,159.728) And by-twyne ix and x of the belle +ter come certayne men of the Byschoppys of Wynchester and drewe the chaynys of the stulpys at the brygge ende in Southeworke ys syde , the whiche were bothe knyghtys and squyers , with a grete mayny of archerys , (CMGREGOR,159.729) and they enbaytaylyd them , (CMGREGOR,159.730) and made defens of wyndowys and pypys as hyt hadde bene in the londe of warre , as thowe they wolde have fought agayne the kyngys pepylle and brekyng of the pes . (CMGREGOR,159.731) And thenne the pepylle of the cytte hyrde there of , (CMGREGOR,159.732) and they in haste schytte in ther shoppys (CMGREGOR,159.733) and come downe to the gatys of the brygge in kepyng of the cytte ande savacyon of the cytte a-gayns the kyngys enmys , (CMGREGOR,159.734) for alle the shoppys in London were schytte in one howr . (CMGREGOR,159.735) And thenne come my Lorde of Cauntyrbury ande the Prynce of Portynggale , (CMGREGOR,159.736) and tretyd by twyne my Lorde of Glouceter and the Byschoppe of Wynchester , (CMGREGOR,159.737) for they rode viij tymes by twyne the duke and the byschoppe that day . (CMGREGOR,159.738) And thonkyd be God , thoroughe goode governaunce of the mayre and hys aldyrmen , alle the pepylle was sessyde (CMGREGOR,159.739) and wentte home ayenne every mann , (CMGREGOR,159.740) and none harme done thorough ealle the cytte , (CMGREGOR,159.741) thonkyd be God . (CMGREGOR,159.742) Ande the v day of Novembyr aftyr that , the kynge came fro Eltam to London ; (CMGREGOR,160.744) ande with hym come the Duke of Glouceter and the Prynce of Portynggale , and alle the lordys that were a-boute London that tyme , with the mayre and alle his aldyrmen , and with alle the trewe and goode comyners of the cytte of London ; (CMGREGOR,160.745) and that was with a gode araye . (CMGREGOR,160.746) And the x day of Janyver came the Duke of Bedforde to London , and my lady hys wyffe with hym , (CMGREGOR,160.747) and they come to the Byschoppe of Wynchester ; (CMGREGOR,160.748) and the mayre and alle the cytte fette hym (CMGREGOR,160.749) and mette whythe hym at Merton , (CMGREGOR,160.750) and broughte hym to Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,160.751) And in the kyngys palys he was loggyd , and my lady hys wyffe and the Byschoppe of Wynchester in the abbay faste by hym . (CMGREGOR,160.752) And the mayre with the cytte gaf my lorde of Bedforde a payre of basonnys of sylvyr over gylte , and M=l= marke in them to hys welcome . (CMGREGOR,160.753) And yet they hadde but lytylle thanke . (CMGREGOR,160.754) Ande the xxj day of Feverer be ganne the counsel at Synt Albonys , (CMGREGOR,160.755) but there hyt was enjornyd unto Northehampton . (CMGREGOR,160.756) And the xxv day of Marche nexte aftyr be-ganne the Parlyment at Layceter , (CMGREGOR,160.757) and that induryd unto the fyrste day of June , (CMGREGOR,160.758) and every man was warnyd and i-cryde thoroughe the towne that they shulde leve hyr wepyn yn hyr ynnys , that ys to saye , hyr swerdys and bokelers , bowys and arowys . (CMGREGOR,160.759) And thenne the pepylle toke grete battys in hyr neckys (CMGREGOR,160.760) and so they wentte . (CMGREGOR,160.761) The nexte day they were chargyde that they shulde leve hyr battys at hyr ynnys , (CMGREGOR,160.762) and thenne they toke grete stonys yn hyr bosomys and hyr slyvys , (CMGREGOR,160.763) and so they wennte to the Parlyment with hyr lordys . (CMGREGOR,160.764) Ande thys Parlyment sum men callyd the Parlyment of Battys . (CMGREGOR,160.765) And at thys Parlyment was the kyng made knyght , and xxxv moo whythe hym of lordys and lordys sonys . (CMGREGOR,160.766) Fryste my Lorde of Yorke , the Erle of Oxynforde , and hys brother , the sone and the eyre of the Duke of Northefolke , the sone and the ayre of the Erle of Urmounde , the sone of the Lorde Hungerford , and Syr John Chaynye , Chyffe Justysse of the Kyngys Benche , Syr Wylliam Babyngton , Chyffe Justys of the Comyn Place , and Syr John June , the Chyffe Baron of the Kyngys Chekyr , and many mo , to the nombyr above sayde . (CMGREGOR,161.767) And the fyrste day of Juylle be-ganne the counselle at London at Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,161.768) ande duryd fully iij wekys . (CMGREGOR,161.769) Ande the same yere , the xxviij day of Novembyr , deyde the Countasse of Huntyngdon at the Colde Herborowe , in London , (CMGREGOR,161.770) and she ys buryd at the Fryer Prechowrys at Ludgate . (CMGREGOR,161.771) Ande same yere , the vj daye of Marche , Arthure of Bretayne with othyr lordys , the nombyr of x. m=l=. knyghtys and squyers , made a saute to the towne of Synt Jakys de Bouerne . (CMGREGOR,161.772) Ande there were slayne of hem a m=l= and v c of men of armys , of the whiche were viij c legge harnys with hyr cote armourys one of hem . (CMGREGOR,161.773) And he toke alle hyr ordynauns of gonnys and alle hyr vytayle , with alle the othyr stoffe that was at the sege , that is to saye , xiiij gonnys , with the powdrys , and iij c pypys of wyne , and ij c pypys of brede and floure , and a m=l=. panyers with fyggys and raysonys , and herynge , and othyr stuffe of pavys and tentys , &c . (CMGREGOR,161.774) John Raynewelle , the goode Mayre of the cytte of London (CMGREGOR,161.776) Robert Arnolde (CMGREGOR,161.777) John Hygham (CMGREGOR,161.778) A=o= v=o= . (CMGREGOR,161.779) Ande that yere John Duke of Bedforde and Regaunte of Fraunce wennte in to Fraunce agayne , and the Byschoppe of Wynchester whythe hym , (CMGREGOR,161.781) and they londyd at Calys . (CMGREGOR,161.782) And ther the Byschoppe of Wynchester was made Cardynalle upon oure Lady Daye in Lentyn , in Saynt Mary chyrche . (CMGREGOR,161.783) Ande there was grete solempnyte , (CMGREGOR,161.784) for there come two legatys (CMGREGOR,161.785) and broughte hys bullys and hys hatte from the Pope (CMGREGOR,161.786) and the Regaunt set on hys hatte ond hys hedde . (CMGREGOR,161.787) Ande that same yere a theffe that was i-callyd Wille Wawe was hangyd at Tyborne . (CMGREGOR,161.788) And that yere was smytte owte many buttys of Romnaye of Lumbardys makyng in dyvers placys of the Cytte , (CMGREGOR,161.789) for they were corrupte and also they very pyson , &c . (CMGREGOR,161.790) Ande that same yere , the xiiij day of Juylle , cam the Erle of Saulysbury in to London owte of Fraunce . (CMGREGOR,161.791) And that yere there was a Parlyment at Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,162.792) and that beganne a Synt Edwardys day in Lent . (CMGREGOR,162.793) And that yere the towre on the draught brygge of London was be-gonne . (CMGREGOR,162.794) And the Mayre layde the fyrste stone , and mo othyr aldyrmen with hym . (CMGREGOR,162.795) John Gedney , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,162.797) Robert Otle (CMGREGOR,162.798) Harry Frowyke (CMGREGOR,162.799) Anno vj=o= . (CMGREGOR,162.800) Ande that yere the Erle of Warwyke com home in to Inglonde owte of Fraunce , (CMGREGOR,162.802) and he was made governer of the kynge . (CMGREGOR,162.803) Ande that yere the Pope sende into Inglond , and in to alle Crystyn londys , a pardon ayenste the erytekys the whyche were in the londe of Hungery , yn the cytte of Prage ; the whyche pardon was that $men shulde every Sonday in the begynnyng of every monythe shulde goo in processyon , whythe vij Psalmys and the Letany , (CMGREGOR,162.804) and they shulde have a c dayes of pardon unto the same processyon . (CMGREGOR,162.805) The kyng and the quene , and alle othyr lordys spyrytualle & temporalle , wentt on processyon thoroughe London the ij day of June . (CMGREGOR,162.806) And that same day the Erle of Saulysbury toke hys jornaye towarde Fraunce the secunde tyme ; (CMGREGOR,162.807) and he schyppyd at Sondewyche , (CMGREGOR,162.808) and he londyd in Normandy , (CMGREGOR,162.809) and wente forthe unto Orlyaunce , (CMGREGOR,162.810) and there he layde sege unto the towne as hyt ys a-bove sayde . (CMGREGOR,162.811) Ande that same yere , the fyrste of September , the Cardynalle and Byschoppe of Wynchester came yn to Ingelonde , and soo to London ; (CMGREGOR,162.812) and he was ressayvyd there worthely and ryally of the mayre and of alle hys bretheryn , (CMGREGOR,162.813) for they roode and fette hym yn to the cytte of London , ande the spyrytualle party whythe processyon . (CMGREGOR,162.814) And +tat yere hyt was a wete somer (CMGREGOR,162.815) for hyt raynyd for the moste party from oure Lady Day in Lentyn unto the feste of Mychelmas nexte folowynge . (CMGREGOR,162.816) And that yere there was a grete morayne of bestys , and pryncypally of schyppe , for the more party of alle Inglonde , (CMGREGOR,162.817) for sheppe deyde ynne every contray of Ingelonde . (CMGREGOR,162.818) Harry Barton , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,162.820) Thomas Dufhous (CMGREGOR,162.821) John Abbotte (CMGREGOR,162.822) Anno vij=o= . (CMGREGOR,162.823) Ande that same yere , the xxx day of October , there was a grette fyre at Baynardeys Castelle , the whyche fyre dyde moche harme . (CMGREGOR,163.826) And the viij day of Novembyr the Duke of Northefolke wolde have rowyde thoroughe the brygge of London , (CMGREGOR,163.827) and hys barge was rentte agayne the arche of the sayde brygge , (CMGREGOR,163.828) and there were drownyde many men , the nombyr of xxx personys and moo of gentylmen and goode yemen . (CMGREGOR,163.829) Ande the same yere , the xxx day of October , the Erle of Saulysbury was hurte at the sege of Orlyaunce beforesayde , (CMGREGOR,163.830) and the secunde day of Novembyr he dyde . (CMGREGOR,163.831) Ande the fyrste Sonday of Advente he was enteryde at Poulys by the Cardynalle of Wynchester and ij Arche-byschoppys , one of Cantyrbury and that othyr of Yorke , that tyme beynge in London . (CMGREGOR,163.832) And the secunde daye of Advente there were ij heretykys objuryd atte Poulys Crosse , and the iij herytyke commyttyde to preson , (CMGREGOR,163.833) for he was convycte . (CMGREGOR,163.834) And that same yere the bonys of Mayster John Wykclyffe were take uppe and brentte at Lutterworthe in Layceter schyre there that he was buryde . (CMGREGOR,163.835) And thys was done by the commaundement of +te pope and alle hys clargye . (CMGREGOR,163.836) And the xij evyn aftyr was i-broughte unto London , (CMGREGOR,163.837) and hadde hys masse at Poulys , and hys bonys buryde at Birsham . (CMGREGOR,163.838) Ande the same yere , the xij day of Feverer , Syr John Fastolfe , Syr Thomas Ramston , and Syr John Salveyne , toke and slowe the nombyr of viij schore Schottys of cote armyvorys , (CMGREGOR,163.839) and toke iiij c Dolfynnys mayne that were towarde Orlyaunce for to have brokyn the sege , &c . (CMGREGOR,163.840) And that same yere the Duke of Burbone was sworne Englysche in the kyngys manyr of Eltam besyde Grenewyche . (CMGREGOR,163.841) And the xxj day of Feverer Syr Rycharde Nevyle was made Erle of Saulysbury . (CMGREGOR,163.842) And that same yere there was a stronge thefe that was namyd Bolton was drawe , hanggyd , and i-quarteryde . (CMGREGOR,163.843) And that same yere there was a ryche wedowe i-slayne at Whyte Chapylle ; (CMGREGOR,164.844) and the same theffe that kylde hyr fledde to Syn Gorgys yn Sowtheworke ; (CMGREGOR,164.845) and the Fryday nexte folowynge he for-swore the londe ; (CMGREGOR,164.846) and he was a-sygnyd the same way that he slowe the woman , (CMGREGOR,164.847) and there wemmen mette with hym (CMGREGOR,164.848) and slowe hym in the waye by twyne the Whyte Chapylle and Algate . (CMGREGOR,164.849) Ande the same yere , the v day of June , there was a fryer i-slayne in the Towre of London , and the person of the same Towre with hym also . (CMGREGOR,164.850) And that yere hyt was a dyre yere of corne and pryncypally of whete and of alle maner of vytayle , (CMGREGOR,164.851) for a buschelle of whete was worthe xx d . (CMGREGOR,164.852) And that same yere , in the monythe of May , was the sege of Orlyaunce i-broke with the Pusylle , Bastarde of Burbon , and othyr Armynackys . (CMGREGOR,164.853) And there was slayne the Lorde Molaynys , and Glasdale , squyer , and many moo worthy men . (CMGREGOR,164.854) And the x day of June the Erle of Sowthefolke brothyr , and the Lorde of Ponyngys sone hys ayre , were slayne at a jornaye be-syde Orlyaunce , (CMGREGOR,164.855) and the Lorde Talbot , and the Lorde Schalys , and Syr Thomas Ramston were takyn , (CMGREGOR,164.856) and the erlys brother of Sowthefolke was slayne , and many mo othyr , &c . (CMGREGOR,164.857) Ande the xxij day of June the Cardynalle of Wynchester toke hys jornay , (CMGREGOR,164.858) and was purposyd into the londe of Beame ; (CMGREGOR,164.859) but he cam not there , (CMGREGOR,164.860) but bode stylle yn Fraunce whythe the Regaunte that tyme . (CMGREGOR,164.861) And on Synte Petrys day aftyr Syr John Radeclyffe wentte unto Fraunce unto the Regaunte with a nothyr mayny . (CMGREGOR,164.862) And the same yere , the xxij day of Septembyr , be-gan the Parlyment at Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,164.863) and hyt duryde unto the xxiij day of Feverer nexte folowynge ; in the whyche Parlyment was grauntyd that John Raynewelle shulde be mayre of the stapylle of Callys iij yere folowynge . (CMGREGOR,164.864) Wylliam Estefylde , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,164.866) Wylliam Russe (CMGREGOR,164.867) Raulyn Holande (CMGREGOR,164.868) A=o= viij=o= . (CMGREGOR,164.869) Ande that yere , the vj day of Novembyr , the yere of oure Lorde a M=l=. cccc. xxix and the Sonday letter or Dominical letter B , Kyng Harry the vj was crownyd at Westemyster on Syn Lenardys day . (CMGREGOR,165.871) And at the coronacyon was made xxxij knyghtys of the Bathe ; (CMGREGOR,165.872) and on the morne aftyr the Pryncys sone of Portynggale was made knyghte in the Whyte Halle at Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,165.873) Nowe of the solempnyte of the coronacyon . (CMGREGOR,165.874) Alle the prelatys wente on processyon beryng eche of hem a certayne relyke ; (CMGREGOR,165.875) and the Pryor of Westemyster bare a rodde callyde Virga regia , (CMGREGOR,165.876) ande the Abbot of Westemyster bare the kyngys ceptoure . (CMGREGOR,165.877) And my Lorde of Warwyke bare the kynge to chyrche in a clothe of scharlet furryd , evyn as the newe knyghtys of the Bathe wente whythe furryde hoodys with menyver . (CMGREGOR,165.878) And thenne he was led up in to the hyghe schaffold , whyche schaffolde was coveryd alle with saye by twyne the hyghe auter and the quere . (CMGREGOR,165.879) And there the kyng was sette in hys sete in the myddys of the schaffold there , beholdynge the pepylle alle a-boute saddely and wysely . (CMGREGOR,165.880) Thenne the Arche-byschoppe of Cantyrbury made a proclamacyon at the iiij quarterys of schaffolde , sayynge in thys wyse : " Syrys , here comythe Harry , Kyng Harry the v ys sone , humylyche to God and Hooly Chyrche , askynge the crowne of $thys realme by ryght and dyscent of herytage . (CMGREGOR,165.881) Yf ye holde you welle plesyd with alle and wylle be plesyd with hym , say you nowe , ye ! (CMGREGOR,165.882) and holde uppe youre hondys " (CMGREGOR,165.883) And thenne alle the pepylle cryde with oo voyce , " Ye ! ye ! " (CMGREGOR,165.884) Thenne the kynge went unto the hyghe auter , (CMGREGOR,165.885) and humely layde hym downe prostrate , hys hedde to the auter warde , longe tyme lyyng stylle . (CMGREGOR,165.886) Thenne the arche-byscoppys and byschoppys stode rounde a-boute hym , (CMGREGOR,165.887) and radde exercysyons ovyr hym , (CMGREGOR,165.888) and many antemys i-song by note . (CMGREGOR,165.889) And thenne the arche-byschoppes wente to hym (CMGREGOR,165.890) and strypte hym owte of hys clothys in to hys schyrte . (CMGREGOR,165.891) And there was yn hys schyrte a thynge lyke grene taffata , whyche was i-lasyd at iiij placys of hym . (CMGREGOR,165.892) Thenne was he layde a downe a yenne , (CMGREGOR,165.893) and helyd hym with hys owne clothys yn the same maner a-fore sayde . (CMGREGOR,165.894) And thenne the Byschoppe of Chester and of Rouchester songe a letany ovyr hym . (CMGREGOR,166.895) And the Arche-byschoppe of Cantyrbury radde many colettys ovyr hym . (CMGREGOR,166.896) Thenne the arche-byschoppys toke hym uppe a gayne (CMGREGOR,166.897) and unlasyd hym , (CMGREGOR,166.898) and a-noyntyd hym . Fyrste hys bryste and hys ij tetys , and the myddys of hys backe , and hys hedde , alle a-crosse hys ij schylderys , hys ij elbowys , hys pamys of hys hondys ; (CMGREGOR,166.899) and thenne they layde a certayne softe thynge as cotton to alle the placys a-noyntyd ; (CMGREGOR,166.900) and on hys hedde they putt on a whyte coyffe of sylke . (CMGREGOR,166.901) And so he wentte viij dayes ; (CMGREGOR,166.902) and at the viij dayes the byschoppys dyde wasche hit a-waye with whyte wyne i-warmyd leuke warme . (CMGREGOR,166.903) And the knyghtys of the Garter helde a clothe of a-state ovyr hym alle the whyle of his waschynge . (CMGREGOR,166.904) To the fyrste processe , aftyr the oyntynge he layde hym doune prostrate a-gayne . (CMGREGOR,166.905) Thenne the arche-byschoppys raddyn solempne colettys with a solempne prefas . (CMGREGOR,166.906) And thenne they toke hym up a-gayne (CMGREGOR,166.907) and putte a-pon hym a goune of scharlette whythe a pane of ermyn , and Synt Edwarde ys sporys , (CMGREGOR,166.908) and toke hym hys cepter in hys honde , and the kyngys yerde i-callyd Virga regia in hys othyr honde , sayyng there-with , Reges eos in virga ferrea , &c. , he syttyng thenne in a chayre by fore the hyghe auter . (CMGREGOR,166.909) And thenne alle the byschoppys seseden with a swerde , they alle syttynge there hondys thereon , ande alle they saynge thes wordys thys to hym , Accingere gladio tuo super femur tuum potentissime . (CMGREGOR,166.910) And at every tyme the kyng answeryd and sayde , Observabo . (CMGREGOR,166.911) Thenne toke they the swerde a gayne fro hym , (CMGREGOR,166.912) and layde the swerde on the hyghe auter . (CMGREGOR,166.913) Thenne bought the kyng hys swerde a gayne of Holy Chyrche for an c s. in signe and in tokyn that the vertu and power sholde come fyrste fro Hooly Chyrche . (CMGREGOR,166.914) Thenne sette they on hys hedde Synt Edwarde ys crowne . (CMGREGOR,166.915) Thenne rose he owte of hys chayre (CMGREGOR,166.916) and layde hym downe prostrate a gayne . (CMGREGOR,166.917) And there the byschoppys sayde ovyr hym many hooly colettys . (CMGREGOR,166.918) And thenne they toke hym up (CMGREGOR,166.919) and dyspoylyd hym of hys gere a-yen , (CMGREGOR,166.920) and thenne a-rayde hym as a byschoppe that sholde synge a masse , with a dalmadyke lyke unto a tunycule with a stole a bowte hys necke , not crossyd , and a pon hys fete a payre of sandellys as a byschoppe , and a cope and glovys lyke a byschoppe ; (CMGREGOR,167.921) and thenne sette a yen on hys hedde Synt Edwarde ys crowne , (CMGREGOR,167.922) and layde hym a-pon the schaffolde (CMGREGOR,167.923) and sette hym a sete of hys astate , and ij byschoppys stondyng on every syde of hym , helpyng hym to bere the crowne , (CMGREGOR,167.924) for hyt was ovyr hevy for hym , (CMGREGOR,167.925) for he was of a tendyr age . (CMGREGOR,167.926) And then they be-ganne the masse , (CMGREGOR,167.927) and the Arche-byschoppe of Cauntyrbury songe the masse . (CMGREGOR,167.928) And a nothyr byschop radde the pystylle . (CMGREGOR,167.929) And the Byschoppe of Worsethyr radde the gospelle at the auter . (CMGREGOR,167.930) And at the offretory come the kynge downe (CMGREGOR,167.931) and made the oblacyon of brede and wyne , there whythe offerynge a pounde weyght of golde , the whiche contaynyd xvj marke of nobbelys . (CMGREGOR,167.932) And thenne wente he uppe agayne in to the schaffolde (CMGREGOR,167.933) and satte there in hys sete tylle the iij Angus Dei , (CMGREGOR,167.934) and thenne he come downe agayne (CMGREGOR,167.935) and layde hym downe prostrate , sayng there hys Confyteor , (CMGREGOR,167.936) and alle the prelatys sayde Miscreator . (CMGREGOR,167.937) And thenne he sate uppe , knelynge with humylyte and grete devocyon , ressayvyng the iij parte of the holy sacrament apon the paten of the chalys of the Arche-byschoppe handys . (CMGREGOR,167.938) Thenne there come the Byschoppe of London with the grete solempne chalys of Synt Edwarde and servyd hym whythe wyne ; the whyche chalis by Synt Edwarde ys dayes was praysyd at xxx M=l= marke ; (CMGREGOR,167.939) and the Cardenalle of Wynchester and a nothyr byschoppe helde to hym the towelle of sylke ; (CMGREGOR,167.940) and so he knelyd stylle tylle mas was i-doo . (CMGREGOR,167.941) Thenne rosse he up a-gayne (CMGREGOR,167.942) an yede a-fore the schryne , (CMGREGOR,167.943) and there was he dyspoylyde of alle the ornamentys that he weryde , lyke the ornamentys of a byschoppe , as hyt was sayde by-fore ; (CMGREGOR,167.944) and thenne he was a-rayde lyke a kynge in a ryche clothe of golde , with a crowne sette on hys hedde , whyche crowne Kynge Rycharde hadde made for hym selfe . (CMGREGOR,167.945) And so the kynge was ladde thoroughe the palys yn to the halle , and alle the newe knyghtys be-fore hym in hyr a-raye of scharlette ; and thenne all the othyr lordys comynge aftyr hym ; (CMGREGOR,167.946) thenne come the othyr lordys comynge aftyr hem . (CMGREGOR,168.947) Thenne come the chaunceler with hys crosse bare heddyd ; (CMGREGOR,168.948) and aftyr hym come the cardenelle with hys crosse in hys abyte lyke a chanon yn a garment of rede chamelett , furryd whythe whyte menyver . (CMGREGOR,168.949) And thenne folowyde the Kynge , (CMGREGOR,168.950) and he was ladde by-twyne the Byschoppe of Dyrham and the Byschoppe of Bathe ; (CMGREGOR,168.951) and my goode Lorde of Warwyke bare uppe his trayne . (CMGREGOR,168.952) And byfore hym rode my Lorde of Saulysbury as Constabylle of Ingelonde in my Lorde of Bedforde hys stede , and thenne my Lorde of Glouceter as Stywarde of Inglonde . (CMGREGOR,168.953) And aftyr hym rode the Duke of Northefolke as Marchalle of Ingelonde . (CMGREGOR,168.954) And before the kynge iiij lordys bare iiij swerdys , ij in there schaberdys and ij nakyde . (CMGREGOR,168.955) And one $was poynteles of the iiij swerdys above sayde . (CMGREGOR,168.956) And as they $were syttyng at mete the kynge kepte hys astate . (CMGREGOR,168.957) Ande on the ryght honde sate the Cardynalle whythe a lower astate ; (CMGREGOR,168.958) and on the lyfte syde sate the chaunceler and a byschoppe of Fraunce , and noo moo at that tabylle . (CMGREGOR,168.959) And on the ryght honde of the halle at that borde kepte the baronys of the Fyffe portys , and soo forthe , clerkes of the Chaunsery ; (CMGREGOR,168.960) and on the lefte honde sate the Mayre of London and hys aldyrmen , and othyr worthy comynerys of the cytte of London . (CMGREGOR,168.961) Ande in the myddys of the halle sate the byschoppys , and justysys , and worthy knyghtys , and squyers , (CMGREGOR,168.962) and soo fyllyde bothe the myddylle tabyllys of the halle . (CMGREGOR,168.963) And at the ryght honde of the halle , uppon a schaffolde , stode the kyngys of harowdys alle the mete tyme in hyr cote armorys and hyr crownys in hyr heddys . (CMGREGOR,168.964) Ande at the fyrste course they come downe (CMGREGOR,168.965) and wente by fore the kyngys champyon , Syr Phylyppe Dymmoke , that rode in the halle i-armyde clene as Syn Jorge . (CMGREGOR,168.966) And he proclaymyd in the iiij quarterys of the halle that the kynge was ryghtefulle ayre to the crowne of Ingelonde , (CMGREGOR,168.967) and what maner man +tat wolde nay hyt , he was redy for to defende hyt as hys knyghte and hys champyon . (CMGREGOR,168.968) Ande by that offyce he holdythe hys londys , &c . (CMGREGOR,168.969) The fyrste course that was i-servyd yn to the halle before the kynge . (CMGREGOR,169.972) The fyrste that come yn was a berys hedde , enarmyde in a castelle ryalle . Furmenty with venson . Vyant ryalle gylte . Grosse chare . Swanne . Capyn stewyde . Hayryn . Grete pyke . Rede lesche whythe a whyte lyon crownyde there yn . Custarde ryalle with a lybarde of golde sette there ynne holdyng a flowredelys . Frytoure like a son , a floure de lysse there yn . Ande a sotelte , Synt Edwarde and Synt Lewys armyd in hyr cotys of armys , bryngyng thys yong kyng , Harry the vj , in fygure y-armyde by twyne hem two , in hys cote of armys , whythe thys reson : (CMGREGOR,169.974) {COM:poetry_omitted} The secunde coursse unto the kynge syttynge in the halle . (CMGREGOR,169.977) Viaunde blanke . Gely wrytyn and notyd , Te Deum laudamus . Pygge in doory . Crane . Byttore . Cony . Chykynnys endoryd . Parteryche . Pecoke . Grete breme ; leche whythe an antloppe crownyde there yn , and schynynge as golde . Flampayne pouderyde with lybardys and flowredelyssys of golde . Frytoure . Custarde . A lybarde ys hedde why+te ij esterygys fetherys . And a sotellete , - The Emperoure and Kynge Harry the v=te= in mantellys of garterys , bryngyng yn Kyng Harry the vj=te= yn the same sute , whythe thys reson imperyalle : (CMGREGOR,169.979) {COM:poetry_omitted} The thyrde course of thys ryalle feste in to the halle . (CMGREGOR,170.983) Quynsys in composte . Blaundsore . Veneson rostyde . Egretys . Curlewys rostyde . Wodekocke . Ploverys . Quaylys . Snytys . Grete bryddys . Larkys . Grete crabbys . Lesche i-made as vyolet colourys . Bakemetes . Chekynnys , i-pouderyde with losyngys , gylte whythe the flourys of borage . Frytoure cryspe . A sotelte , - Owre Lady syttynge , and hyr Chylde in hyr lappe , holdyng in every honde a crowne , Syn Gorge knelyng on that one syde and Synt Denys in that othyr syde , and they ij presentyng the kynge to owre Lady whythe thys reson : (CMGREGOR,170.985) {COM:poetry_omitted} Ande that yere there was a Parlyment at Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,171.988) and that be gan the xxij day of Septembyr (CMGREGOR,171.989) and hyt duryd unto the xxiij day of Feverer nexte folowynge . (CMGREGOR,171.990) And in that Parlyment was grauntyde ij fyftenys to brynge thys yonge kynge in to Fraunce . (CMGREGOR,171.991) And that same yere , the xx day of Janyver , there was an erytyke , one Rycharde Hundenne , wolpacker , brent at Toure Hylle . (CMGREGOR,171.992) And the xxiiij day of the same monythe there was a batylle in Smethefylde by twyne two men of Fevyrsham , that on John Upton , pellaunte , and that othyr John Downe , fendaunte . (CMGREGOR,171.993) And on Syn Mathewys daye , in Feverer , the kynge toke hys leve of the cytte of London , (CMGREGOR,171.994) and he rode thoroughe London unto Eltham towarde Fraunce . (CMGREGOR,171.995) And that yere the kynge helde hys Ester at Cauntylbury . (CMGREGOR,171.996) And in Syn Gorgys day in the mornyng the kyng schippyd in the mornyng , (CMGREGOR,171.997) and he londyd at Calys the same daye at x of the belle be fore none whythe hys lordys . (CMGREGOR,171.998) And the xxiij day of the monythe of May the Pusylle was takyn be fore Compayne by the Duke of Burgayne . (CMGREGOR,171.999) And the xxx day of May the Arche byschoppe of Burdowys dyde in the wyntyr in London , (CMGREGOR,171.1000) and he ys buryd at Whythe Freers in Flete Strete . (CMGREGOR,171.1001) And in the monythe of Auguste , the iij day , deyde the Contasse of Urmonde be syde Schene , (CMGREGOR,171.1002) and the viij day of the same monythe she was broughte to London (CMGREGOR,171.1003) and ys buryde at Syn Thomas of Acrys . (CMGREGOR,171.1004) And that yere there come enbassytourys oute of Spayne and also oute of Portynggale for to trete whythe oure kynge . (CMGREGOR,171.1005) Nicholas Wotton , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,171.1007) Watyr Chyrchesey (CMGREGOR,171.1008) Robert Large (CMGREGOR,171.1009) A=o= ix=o= . (CMGREGOR,171.1010) Ande that same yere , the xiij day of Janyver , be-gan the Parlyment at Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,171.1012) And the xix daye of the same monythe come the bonys of the Lord Bowcer to London (CMGREGOR,171.1013) and they ben buryde at Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,171.1014) Ande the same yere com enbassystourys from the Kyng of Scottys unto the Parlyment for to trete of pes bytwyne Ingelonde and Schotlonde . (CMGREGOR,171.1015) Also the same yere , the secund day of Marche , there was an erytyke i-brente in Smethefylde whas name was Mayster Thomas Bagle . (CMGREGOR,172.1016) And the xx day of the same monythe endyd the Parlyment above sayde . (CMGREGOR,172.1017) And that yere in Lentyn deyde Pope Martyn . (CMGREGOR,172.1018) And at Estyr aftyrwarde the Erle of Perche of Mortenne , the Lorde of Fewater , ande the Lorde of Audeley , wente in to Fraunce with a new retenewe to the kyng ; (CMGREGOR,172.1019) in the secunde day of May wente the Cardynalle of Wynchester in to Fraunce , the Byschoppe of Northewyche and the Lorde Cromewelle whythe a nothyr mayny ; (CMGREGOR,172.1020) and the ij day of June aftyr went the Erle of Salysbury in to Fraunce whythe a fulle fayre mayny . (CMGREGOR,172.1021) Ande that yere there was on namyd hym selfe Jacke Sharpe that wolde have made a rysynge in the cytte of London , (CMGREGOR,172.1022) for he wolde have take owte the temperalteys of Hooly Chyrche ; (CMGREGOR,172.1023) but the xix day of May he was take at Oxforde and v moo of secte , (CMGREGOR,172.1024) and whythe yn fewe dayes he was drawyd , hangyde , and quarteryde , and hys hede sete on London Brygge , and hys quarterys i-sent to dyvers townys of Ingelonde , as to Oxforde , Abyngdon , and to moo othyr . (CMGREGOR,172.1025) And sum of his felowys were takyn at Covyntre , (CMGREGOR,172.1026) and there they were drawe , hangyd , and quarteryd ; (CMGREGOR,172.1027) and a woman was be-heddyd at the galous . (CMGREGOR,172.1028) Ande the xxiij day of May the Pusylle was brent at Rone , (CMGREGOR,172.1029) and that was a pon Corpus Crysty evyn . (CMGREGOR,172.1030) And the xxiij day of Julyy there was one Russelle i-drawe , hanggyd , and quarteryde , (CMGREGOR,172.1031) and hys hedde was sette on Londyn Brygge , and hys quarterys in dyvers placys in London ; (CMGREGOR,172.1032) for he wolde have made newe lordys , dukys , erlys , and baronys , aftyr hys entente & hys oppynyon , &c . (CMGREGOR,172.1033) Ande the same yere , in the monythe of Juylle , the xvij day , the posterne be-syde the Towre sanke downe into the erthe vij fote and more . (CMGREGOR,172.1034) And the same yere , the xj day of Auguste , the Erle of Warwyke , the Erle of Stafforde , slowe and toke a grete nombyr of pepylle be-syde Bevys ; (CMGREGOR,172.1035) and ther was take on Potyn and a scheparde that was namyd le Bergere , (CMGREGOR,172.1036) and he namyd hym sylfe hooly and a saynte , (CMGREGOR,172.1037) for the Fraynysche men hadde a be-leve on hym that yf he hadde layde hys honde on a castelle walle that hyt shulde have fallyn downe by the power of hys holynys . (CMGREGOR,173.1038) John Wellys , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,173.1040) John Adyrley (CMGREGOR,173.1041) Stevyn Browne (CMGREGOR,173.1042) Anno x=o= . (CMGREGOR,173.1043) Ande that yere the kyng passyde the see in to Fraunce , (CMGREGOR,173.1045) and wente unto Parysse ; (CMGREGOR,173.1046) and he come thedyr the thyrde day of Decembyr . (CMGREGOR,173.1047) And the xiij day of the same monythe he was crownyde at Parysse ; (CMGREGOR,173.1048) for there he was worthely and ryally ressayvyd as they cowthe devyse whythe alle the statys of the towne . (CMGREGOR,173.1049) And there he hylde hys feste raylly to alle maner of nacyons that were in that contre , that yf hyt plesyde hem thedyr for to come . (CMGREGOR,173.1050) And in Syn Johnys day in the Crystysmasse weke the kynge remevyd towarde Roone , (CMGREGOR,173.1051) and on the xij evyn he come unto Calys . (CMGREGOR,173.1052) Ande the xxix day of Janyver he londyd at Dovyr . (CMGREGOR,173.1053) And yn Syn Volantynys day he come unto London ; (CMGREGOR,173.1054) and he was worthely fette in to the cytte whythe the mayre and hys aldyrmen whythe alle the worthy comyns of the cytte and every crafte in hyr devys . (CMGREGOR,173.1055) And whenne the kynge come to Londyn Brygge there was made a towre , and there yn stondynge a gyaunte welle arayde and welle be-sene , whythe a swerde holdynge uppe on hye , sayynge thys reson in Latyn , (CMGREGOR,173.1056) Inimicos ejus induam confusione . (CMGREGOR,173.1057) And on every syde of hym stode an antiloppe , that one holdynge the armys of Ingelond and that othyr the armys of Fraunce . (CMGREGOR,173.1058) Ande at the drawe brygge there was a nothyr ryalle toure , there yn stondynge iij empryssys ryally arayde , whythe crownys on hyr heddys , the whyche namys folowyn here : (CMGREGOR,173.1059) fyrste , Nature ; the secunde , Grace ; the thyrde , Fortune , presentyng hym whythe gyftys of grace . (CMGREGOR,173.1060) The fyrste gaffe hym Scyence an Cunnynge , (CMGREGOR,173.1061) and the secunde gaffe hym Prosperyte and Ryches . (CMGREGOR,173.1062) And on the ryght syde of the emperyssys stode vij fayre maydyns clothyde alle in whyte , i-powderyde whythe sonnys of golde , presentynge the kyng whythe vij gyftys of the Holy Goste in the lykenys of vij whyte dovys by fygure owtwarde , whythe thys resonys : (CMGREGOR,173.1063) Impleat te Dominus spiritu a sapiencie et intellectus , spiritu consilij fortitudinis , sciencie et pietatys , spiritu timorys Domini . (CMGREGOR,174.1064) And on the lyfte syde of thes emperysse stode vij othyr fayre maydyns in whythe , powderyde whythe sterrys of golde , presentyng the kyng whythe vij gyftys of worschyppe . (CMGREGOR,174.1065) The fyrste was a crowne of glorye , the seconde with a cepter of clennysse , the iij whythe a swyrde of ryght and vyctorye , the iiij whythe a mantelle of prudence , the v whythe a schylde of faythe , the vj an helme of helme , the vij a gyrdylle of love and of parfyte pes . (CMGREGOR,174.1066) And thys maydens song an hevynly songe unto the kynge of praysynge and of hys vyctorye and welle comynge home . (CMGREGOR,174.1067) And whenne he come unto Cornehylle , there yn the vij scyence , and every scyence schewynge hys propyr comyng wondyrly i-wroughte . (CMGREGOR,174.1068) And whenne he come to the Condyte of Cornhylle there was a tabernacule , and there yn syttynge a kynge whythe a ryalle aparayle . (CMGREGOR,174.1069) And on the ryght syde sate the lady of Mercy , (CMGREGOR,174.1070) ande on the lyfte syde sate the lady of Troughthe , and the lady of Clennysse hem inbrasyng with Reson . (CMGREGOR,174.1071) And by-fore the kyng stode ij jugys of grete worthynys , whythe viij sergauntys of lawe ther presente for the comyn profyte representynge of dome and of ryghtuysnysse , with thys scryptura , (CMGREGOR,174.1072) {COM:poetry_omitted} And so the kyng rode forthe an esy passe tylle he come unto the Grete Condyte , (CMGREGOR,174.1074) ande there was made a ryalle syghte lyke unto Paradys , whythe alle maner of frontys of delys . (CMGREGOR,174.1075) And there were vyrgynnys there , drawyng waterys and wynys of joye , and of plesaunce and comforte , the whyche ranne to every mannys comforte and helthe . (CMGREGOR,174.1076) Thes maydyns were namyd : Mercy , Grace , and Pytte . (CMGREGOR,174.1077) And in thys Paradys stode ij olde men lyke hevynly folke , the whyche were Ennocke and Ely , saluynge the kynge whythe wordys of grace and vertu . (CMGREGOR,174.1078) And soo rode he forthe unto the Crosse in Cheppe . (CMGREGOR,174.1079) There stode a ryalle castelle of jasper grene , and there yn ij grene treys stondyng uppe ryght , shewyng the ryght tytyllys of the Kyng of Inglond and of Fraunce , convaying fro Synt Edwarde and Synt Lowys be kyngys unto the tyme of Kyng Harry the vj=te= , every kynge stondynge whythe hys cote armowre , sum lyberdys and sum flouredelysse ; (CMGREGOR,175.1080) and on that othyr syde was made the Jesse of owre Lorde ascendyng uppewarde from Davyd unto Jesu . (CMGREGOR,175.1081) And so rode he forthe unto the Lytylle Condyte . (CMGREGOR,175.1082) And there was a ryalle mageste of the Trynyte , fulle of angelys syngyng hevynly songys , blessynge ande halowynge the kyngys whythe thes resonys in Latyn wrytyn : (CMGREGOR,175.1083) Angelis suis mandavit de te ut custodiant te , etc . Longitudinem dierum replebo in eum et ostendam illi salutare meurn . (CMGREGOR,175.1084) And thenne wente he forthe unto Poulys , (CMGREGOR,175.1085) and there he was ressayvyd whythe many byschoppys and prelatys whythe dene and the quere , and whythe devoute songe , as hyt longythe to a kynge . (CMGREGOR,175.1086) Ande so he offerryd there (CMGREGOR,175.1087) and thankyd God of hys goode speede and of hys welfare . (CMGREGOR,175.1088) And thenne he rode to Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,175.1089) and there he restyd hym ; (CMGREGOR,175.1090) and on the nexte day folowynge the mayre and the aldyrmen whythe a certayne comeners that were worthy men , and they presentyde the kynge whythe an hampyr of sylvyr and gylte , whythe a M=l= =li= there yn of nobellys , &c . (CMGREGOR,175.1091) Ande the xij day of May be-ganne the Parlement at Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,175.1092) and that duryd unto the xvj day of Juylle nexte followynge . (CMGREGOR,175.1093) And that same yere on Syn Kateryn ys eve was the Lorde Fewater drownyd , and moche pepylle whythe hym . And moche harme done in the see of loste of schyppys that were lade whythe wyne fro Bordowys by the grete tempasse in the see . (CMGREGOR,175.1094) John Parnys , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,176.1097) John Olney (CMGREGOR,176.1098) John Padysley (CMGREGOR,176.1099) Anno xj=o= . (CMGREGOR,176.1100) Ande that same yere be ganne the generalle consayle at Basyle of alle Crystyn londys ; (CMGREGOR,176.1102) and thedyr come the Parganers , that ys to saye they of Parge ; (CMGREGOR,176.1103) and Mayster Perrys , clerke , of Ingelonde , a regeaunte and a herytyke , come from Oxforde thedyr $with $them {TEXT:whym} as an herytyke ; (CMGREGOR,176.1104) and there were many artyculys and poyntys of the faythe determyte ande spokyn . (CMGREGOR,176.1105) And soo they partyde , (CMGREGOR,176.1106) and wente agayn unto Prage whythe owte any lettynge ; (CMGREGOR,176.1107) and the cause was for they of Prage hadde worthy clerkys of oure faythe in plegge for hem of Prage for to goo save and come save , (CMGREGOR,176.1108) and ellys they hadde gon to the fyre , as moste men supposyd . (CMGREGOR,176.1109) Ande that same yere , a-non aftyr Ester , was the conselle of Ingelonde holdyn at Calys by the counselle of Ingelonde , (CMGREGOR,176.1110) for there was the Duke of Bedeforde , Regaunte of Fraunce , and the Duke of Glouceter , with many moo lordys of the Counselle ; (CMGREGOR,176.1111) and there were cartayne personys done unto dethe , that ys to wete , iij sowdyers were banyschyde the towne of Caleys . (CMGREGOR,176.1112) And the same yere deyde the Duchyes of Bedforde in Fraunce , the wyffe of the Regyaunte , whos terment was solempny holde at Syn Poulys in London . (CMGREGOR,176.1113) And the same yere the Duke of Bedforde , and Regyant of Fraunce , weddyde the dukys doughter of Syn Powle the xxij day at Tyruyn . (CMGREGOR,176.1114) And that same yere the kynge hylde hys Parlyment at Wystemystyr , (CMGREGOR,176.1115) that be ganne the viij day of Juylle ; (CMGREGOR,176.1116) and soo forthe hyt induryd unto Lammas , (CMGREGOR,176.1117) and thenne hyt was enjornyde unto Syntte Edwarde ys day nexte folowynge ; (CMGREGOR,176.1118) unto the whyche Parlyment came the Regaunt of Fraunce . (CMGREGOR,176.1119) Ande he come unto London on Syn Johnys evyn the Baptyste , (CMGREGOR,176.1120) and was worthely ressayvyde of the Mayre of London whythe alle hys aldyrmen and worthy comyners of the cytte . (CMGREGOR,176.1121) And the same yere the Erle of Hontyngdone wente into Fraunce whythe a fayre mayny for to kepe the contreye , (CMGREGOR,176.1122) and he dyde many fayre jornayes . (CMGREGOR,177.1123) And that same yere a-non aftyr the xij day , the xxix day of Janyver was the Lorde Fehewe ys brothyr was stallyd Byschoppe of London . (CMGREGOR,177.1124) Ande that same yere apperyde stella comata , othyr wyse namyde a blasynge starre , yn the sowthe weste , etc . (CMGREGOR,177.1125) John Brocle , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,177.1127) Thomas Chalton (CMGREGOR,177.1128) John Lynge (CMGREGOR,177.1129) A=o= xij=o= . (CMGREGOR,177.1130) Ande that same yere , the ix day of November , was the terement of the Erle of Syn Powle worthely i-holde at the chyrche of Syn Poulys in London . (CMGREGOR,177.1132) Ande the x daye of Marche the Lorde Talbot wente in too Fraunce whythe a goodely meyne . (CMGREGOR,177.1133) Ande that yere at the Counselle of Basyle deyde the Byschoppe of Rochester . (CMGREGOR,177.1134) And that same yere was slayne the Erle of Arundelle in France . (CMGREGOR,177.1135) Robert Otley , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,177.1137) Thomas Barnewellel (CMGREGOR,177.1138) Symon Eyre (CMGREGOR,177.1139) A=o= Xij=o= . (CMGREGOR,177.1140) Ande that yere was the Counselle of Aras of alle Crystyn nacyons for to trete of pes by twyne thes ij realmys , Ingelonde and Fraunce , there beynge iij cardynallys ; the Cardynalle of Wynchester for the realme of Ingelonde , and hys name was Syr Harry Bewforde , the Kyng of Ingelonde ys onkylle ; the Cardynalle of Syn Crosse , and the Cardynalle of Ciprys . (CMGREGOR,177.1142) And there was the Duke of Burgayne and many moo othyr lordys of that party . Ande of Ingelonde the Erle of Huntyngdone , whythe many othyr spyrytualle and temporalle of oure partye . (CMGREGOR,177.1143) But was not to noo profyte , (CMGREGOR,177.1144) for the Fraynysche parte was not alle trewe in hyr comyng . (CMGREGOR,177.1145) Ande that same yere , the xiiij day of Septembyr , deyde the Duke of Bedforde , Regaunte of alle Fraunce , in the castelle of Rone , bytwyne ij and iij in the mornynge ; (CMGREGOR,177.1146) and hys body ys buryde in Nostre Dame Chyrche of Roone . (CMGREGOR,177.1147) And of hys soule ande alle Crystyn soulys God have marcy , (CMGREGOR,177.1148) Amen . (CMGREGOR,177.1149) Ande that same yere there was a grete wyntyr and a colde froste , that duryd fro Syn Kateryns day to Synt Valentynys day next sewynge , soo that noo schippe myght passe ; wherefore the vyntage come by londe ynne cartys unto London fro the Downys , thoroughe Kent and ovyr Scheters Hylle , (CMGREGOR,178.1151) for men provesyde be-fore +tat the vyntage of Gascon and Gyan shulde come ovyr Scheters Hylle , (CMGREGOR,178.1152) and men made but a mocke ther of . (CMGREGOR,178.1153) And that yere the kyng hylde a Parlyment at Westemyster , that duryd fro Mychellemasse unto the Feste of Crystysmas next folowynge . (CMGREGOR,178.1154) Harry Frowyke , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,178.1156) Thomas Catworthe (CMGREGOR,178.1157) Robert Clopton (CMGREGOR,178.1158) A=o= xiiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,178.1159) Ande that same yere , aboute Crystysmas , the Fraynysche parte gate a yenne Arflewe and many moo othyr townys . (CMGREGOR,178.1161) And that same yere the Fraynysche party in the monythe of Aprylle wanne a-gayne Parys . (CMGREGOR,178.1162) And that same yere the Mayre of London sende , by the goode a-vyse and consent of craftys , sent sowdyers to Calys , (CMGREGOR,178.1163) for hyt was sayde that the Duke of Burgone lay sege unto Calis . (CMGREGOR,178.1164) And soo he dyd sone aftyr , as ye shalle hyre here after . (CMGREGOR,178.1165) And at the Parlyment be-fore hyt was ordaynyde that the Duke of Yorke shulde in to Fraunce with certayne lordys with hym in stede of the Regaunt . (CMGREGOR,178.1166) And whythe hym went the Erle of Salysbury . (CMGREGOR,178.1167) Ande the Erle of Mortayne wente to Calys sone aftyr Estyr . (CMGREGOR,178.1168) And the xilij day aftyr he made a roode in to Flaunders , (CMGREGOR,178.1169) and he slowe and toke xv. c. of Flemmyngys , and many bestys ; (CMGREGOR,178.1170) the nombyr ys more thenne I canne certaynely reherse . (CMGREGOR,178.1171) And a-non aftyr the Duke of Burgone layde hys sege unto Calys whythe a stronge ordynaunce and a myghty , with xl M=l= men and moo . (CMGREGOR,178.1172) And they made grete bulworkys , and grete bastylys , and stronge fortyfycacyon . (CMGREGOR,178.1173) And on Mary Magdelene ys day the kyng hylde hys counselle at Cauntyrbury , whythe a grete party of hys lordys . (CMGREGOR,178.1174) Ande xij day of Juylle the Erle of Mortayne , the Lorde Camyse , whythe othyr moo knyghtes and squyers went owte whythe a goodely mayny unto the Bastyle , (CMGREGOR,179.1175) and wanne hyt manfully , (CMGREGOR,179.1176) and sette hyt a fyre ; (CMGREGOR,179.1177) and in that same Bastyle was v. c. men of armys , of the whyche v. c. schapyd not a way the nombyr of xij men , as letters made mencyon that were sente into Ingelonde . (CMGREGOR,179.1178) Ande a-non the Duke of Burgone with alle hys oste fledde cowardely ; (CMGREGOR,179.1179) and he lefte the moste parte of hys stoffe and ordynance be hynde , (CMGREGOR,179.1180) for he hadde haste in hys fleynge ; (CMGREGOR,179.1181) for there were lefte many grete gonnys , and many of othyr ordynaunce , whythe moche vytayle of flesche , flowre , wyne , bere , and a grete nomber of barellys whythe botyr , &c . (CMGREGOR,179.1182) Ande the xxvj day of Juylle the Duke of Glouceter whythe alle the substaunce of the lordys of Ingelonde schyppyde at Sondewyche with xl. M=l=. men of alle the contreys of Ingelonde , (CMGREGOR,179.1183) for every towne , cytte , or borowe fonde certayne men whythe dyvers lyvereys of the bagys of the towne , (CMGREGOR,179.1184) and soo dyd abbeys and pryorys in the same wyse of alle Ingelonde . (CMGREGOR,179.1185) And the same day they londyd at Calys , (CMGREGOR,179.1186) and there they hylde hyr consaile the Fryday , Satyrday , and Sonday . (CMGREGOR,179.1187) And on the Monday he toke hys jornaye in-to Flaunders warde ; (CMGREGOR,179.1188) ande he rode thoroughe Pycardye (CMGREGOR,179.1189) and dyd moche harme yn the contre of Flaunders , (CMGREGOR,179.1190) for he brent Poperyng and Belle , ij goode townys , and many moo othyr vylagys in Flaunders and in Pycardye ; (CMGREGOR,179.1191) and soo he come home a-yenne to Calys whythe owte any lettynge of any person , (CMGREGOR,179.1192) thonkyd be God . (CMGREGOR,179.1193) Ande that same yere the Erle of Northehomerlonde made a viage in-to Scotlonde , (CMGREGOR,179.1194) and there he made a nobylle jornay . (CMGREGOR,179.1195) John Mychell , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,179.1197) Thomas Morestede (CMGREGOR,179.1198) Wylliam Gregory (CMGREGOR,179.1199) A=o= xv=o= . (CMGREGOR,179.1200) Ande that same yere Quene Kateryn dyde at Bredmonsey the iij day of Janyver . (CMGREGOR,179.1202) And that same yere on of the gatys of Londyn Bryge and one of the $grettyste arche of the same bryge , fylle a downe in to Temys wondyrfully ; thonkyd be God , noo man , woman , nor chylde i-hurte nor perchyde . (CMGREGOR,179.1203) And that yere the kynge ordaynyde the Parlyrnent to be holde at Caumbryge , (CMGREGOR,179.1204) but aftyr warde by goode counselle hyt was tornyde and holde att Westemyster ; (CMGREGOR,179.1205) the whyche Parlyment be ganne the xxj day of Janyver . (CMGREGOR,179.1206) And to that Parlyment come the Byschoppe of Tyrwynne ande the counselle of the Erle of Armanacke . (CMGREGOR,180.1207) Ande the ix day of Feverer Quene Kateryn aforesayde was broughte to Powlys yn London , (CMGREGOR,180.1208) and there sche hadde a solempne deryge ande a masse on the morne . (CMGREGOR,180.1209) And thenne she was hadde unto Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,180.1210) And the iij day aftyr she was worthely enteryde and buryde in Oure Lady chapylle at Westemyster in the Abby ; of whos soule God have mercy . (CMGREGOR,180.1211) Ande the same yere the Kynge of Schottys was trayturly slayne in hys owne londe , of a false squyr and the squyer ys sone , of the same londe , that was namyd Robert Grame . The whyche squyer and hys sone were take anon aftyr , (CMGREGOR,180.1212) and there they were playnely put to dethe , as welle worthy was , to be traye any kynge or prynce . (CMGREGOR,180.1213) And the same yere dyde Quene Jane at Averyng at the Bowre , in Esex , in the monythe of Juylle , (CMGREGOR,180.1214) and she ys buryde at Cauntyrbury whythe hyr hosbonde , Kynge Harry the iiij=the= . (CMGREGOR,180.1215) Ande the same yere the kyng put downe the Mayre of Norwyche , (CMGREGOR,180.1216) and certayne aldyrmen were devydyd unto othyr certayne placys , sum to Lynne and sum to Cauntyrbury . (CMGREGOR,180.1217) And John Wellys , Aldyrman of London , was made Wardon of Northewyche . (CMGREGOR,180.1218) Ande the same yere the Erle of Warwyke went into Fraunce the xxix day of Auguste ; (CMGREGOR,180.1219) he schippyd at Portysmouthe , (CMGREGOR,180.1220) and the Duke of Yorke come home into Ingelonde owte of Fraunce . (CMGREGOR,180.1221) Wylliam Estefylde , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,180.1223) Wylliam Chapman (CMGREGOR,180.1224) Wylliam Halys (CMGREGOR,180.1225) A=o= xvj=o= . (CMGREGOR,180.1226) Ande that same yere deyde the Emperowre of Rome , (CMGREGOR,180.1228) and hys termentte was solempnly holde at Syn Poulys at the cytte of London the iij day of May , there beynge the kynge and hys lordys . (CMGREGOR,180.1229) And the same yere on Estyr day there was on John Gardyner take at Synt Mary at the Axe in London , (CMGREGOR,180.1230) for he was an herytyke ; (CMGREGOR,180.1231) for whenne shulde have benne houselyd he wypyd hys mouthe whithe a foule clothe (CMGREGOR,180.1232) and layde the oste there yn ; (CMGREGOR,180.1233) and so he was takyn by the person of the chyrche , (CMGREGOR,181.1234) and the xiiij day of May he was i-brent in Smethefylde . (CMGREGOR,181.1235) Ande the same yere the Erle of Mortayne was made Erle of Dorsette , (CMGREGOR,181.1236) and he was sentte unto Anjoye and Mayne . (CMGREGOR,181.1237) And the same yere there was a grete conselle at Calys , there beynge in oure party the Cardynalle Arche-byschoppe of Yorke and many moo spirytualle and temporalle lordys . And on that othyr party the Duchyes of Burgone and many moo lordys , bothe spyrytualle and temporalle . (CMGREGOR,181.1238) Ande the same yere the iiij day of June certayne men of Kentte were a-reste at Maydestone for rysynge , (CMGREGOR,181.1239) and v. of hem were drawe , hanggyde , and quarteryde , and be-heddyde , (CMGREGOR,181.1240) and hyr heddys were sette on Londyn Brygge ; and sum of hyr heddys at Cauntyrbury and in othyr certayne townys in Kente a boute in the schyre , for to cause men to be ware . (CMGREGOR,181.1241) And that yere was grete dyrthe of corne , (CMGREGOR,181.1242) for a buschelle of whete was worthe ij s vj d . (CMGREGOR,181.1243) And that yere was grete pestylaunce , and namely in the northe contraye . (CMGREGOR,181.1244) And the same yere deyde the Countasse of Stafforde , and the Clerke of the Rollys , Mayster Jon Franke ; (CMGREGOR,181.1245) and he was holde one of the rycchyste men that deyde many dayes be-fore . (CMGREGOR,181.1246) Stevyn Browne , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,181.1248) Hewe Duke (CMGREGOR,181.1249) Nychol Yoo (CMGREGOR,181.1250) A=o= xvij=o= . (CMGREGOR,181.1251) Ande the same yere duryde the dyrthe of corne and of alle maner of grayne thoroughe Ingelonde . (CMGREGOR,181.1253) And the laste day of Aprylle deyde the Erle of Warwyke at Roone . (CMGREGOR,181.1254) Ande the same yere the Cardynalle Archebyschoppe of Yorke , the Byschoppe of Northewyche , the Byschoppe of Syn Davys and many othyr docters , and the Duke of Northefolke , the Erle of Stafford , the Lorde Bowcer , and the Lorde Hungerforde , with a grete mayny , wente unto Calys ; (CMGREGOR,181.1255) and they hadde the Duke of Orlyaunce with hem for to trete of pes by twyne Ingelonde and Fraunce . (CMGREGOR,181.1256) And there mette with hem the grete lordys of Fraunce , that ys to wyte , of spyrytualle and temporalle , the Archebyschoppe of Raynys , whythe many moo othyr byschoppys , the Erle of Wendon , the Bastarde of Orlyaunce , and many othyr lordys of Fraunce ; (CMGREGOR,182.1257) and thedyr come the Byschoppe of Spayne and of Colayne , and many moo othyr dyvers contreys that com fro the Counselle of Basylle . (CMGREGOR,182.1258) Ande the same yere in the same tretys the Fraynsche party wanne Mewys in Bry ayenne , in the whyche was Captayne Syr Wylliam Chambyrlayne . (CMGREGOR,182.1259) And the same yere the Erle of Huntyngdone wente unto Gyenne whythe a grete navy . (CMGREGOR,182.1260) And the same yere went Syr $Richard Woodevyle in to Normandy and Syr Wylliam Peytowe , and many moo othyr , whythe a fayre mayne . (CMGREGOR,182.1261) And that same yere , a-pon Wytsondaye , the kyng made knyghtys at Kenyngton , that ys to wete , the sone and hayre of the Lorde of Huntyngdon , and the sone ande the ayre of the Erle of Aroundelle , Lewys John , and Wylliam Estefylde , marchaunt of London . (CMGREGOR,182.1262) And the mayre ordaynyd that yere that comyn wemmen shulde were raye hoodys , and bawdys to the pelory . (CMGREGOR,182.1263) And thys was cryde the v day of Auguste the same yere , (CMGREGOR,182.1264) and so hyt was done at dyvers tymys . (CMGREGOR,182.1265) And the same yere , att the generalle counseylle , the Emperoure of Costantyne the Nobylle and hys sone , whythe alle the clergy of Gryke , obeyd hym unto the Chyrche of Rome of certayne artyculys of the faythe ; (CMGREGOR,182.1266) and they hylde more thanne v. c. yere , and alle the realme of Ermonye that haddyn ben owte ix. c. yere , fro the beleve not on the Hooly Goste , nor on the sacrament , nor noo Pyrgatorye , nor noo suffragys of Hooly Chyrche , as prayers and almysdedys . (CMGREGOR,182.1267) And there were of Rome viij cardynallys and moo thanne v. c. myters , whythe owte docters . (CMGREGOR,182.1268) And thus was proclaymyd at Powlys Crosse the xxviij day of August above sayde , etc . (CMGREGOR,182.1269) Robert Large , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,182.1271) Robert Marchalle (CMGREGOR,182.1272) Phylyppe Malpas (CMGREGOR,182.1273) A=o= xviij=o= . (CMGREGOR,182.1274) Ande that yere was the Parlyment concludyd , (CMGREGOR,182.1276) and ordaynyd that Lumbardys sholde goo to hoste . (CMGREGOR,182.1277) And that same yere alyens were putte to hyr fynaunce to pay a certayne a yere to the kynge . (CMGREGOR,182.1278) Also in the same yere there were ij traytours hangyde on a payre of galowys that were made in Temys for the same purposse , be syde , Syn Kateryns . (CMGREGOR,183.1279) And that same yere there was a preste i-callyd Syr Rycharde Wyche and hys servand brent atte the Tourehylle , for the whyche there was moche trobil amonge the pepylle , in soo moche that alle the wardys in London were assygnyd to wake there day and nyght that the pepylle myght nought have hyr ylle purpose as at that tyme . (CMGREGOR,183.1280) John Patesle , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,183.1282) John Sutton (CMGREGOR,183.1283) Wylliam Wetynhale (CMGREGOR,183.1284) Anno xix=o= . (CMGREGOR,183.1285) Ande in that same yere the Duke of Orlyaunce made hys othe at Westemyster (CMGREGOR,183.1287) and there uppon ressayvyde the blessyd sacrament on Cryspyn and Cryspynyan ys day . (CMGREGOR,183.1288) And the Fryday aftyr Allehalowyn day he went towarde Fraunce , (CMGREGOR,183.1289) and whythe hym he hadde Syr John Corneuale , knyght , and many othyr knyghtys and squyers . (CMGREGOR,183.1290) Ande that same yere werre the barrys in Smethefylde newe made , (CMGREGOR,183.1291) for Syr Rycharde Woodevyle , knyght , was chalengyd of a knyght of Spayne for to donne certayne poyntys of armys in the felde . (CMGREGOR,183.1292) Ande the xvj day of May the Duke of Yorke , the Erle of Oxynforde , the Erle of Ewe , the Erle of Ormounde , and Syr Richard Woodevyle , whythe many othyr knyghtys and squyers , toke the way towarde Fraunce , (CMGREGOR,183.1293) and they schippyd at Portysmouthe . (CMGREGOR,183.1294) And the same yere the Crosse in Chepe was take a dovvne and a newe sette uppe there +tat the olde Crosse stode . (CMGREGOR,183.1295) And in the same yere there were take certayne traytourys , the whyche purposyd to slee oure lege lorde the kyng by crafte of egremauncey , (CMGREGOR,183.1296) and there instrumentys were opynly shewyde to alle men at the Crosse in Powlys chyrche yerde a-pon a schaffolde i-made there-for . Att the whyche tyme was present one of the same traytours , whiche was callyd Roger Bulbroke , a clerke of Oxforde , (CMGREGOR,183.1297) and for that same tresoun my Lady of Glouceter toke sayntwerye at Westemyster ; (CMGREGOR,183.1298) and the xj day of Auguste thenne next folowynge she toke +te way to the castelle of Lesnes . (CMGREGOR,184.1299) And on Syn Symon and Jude ys eve was the wycche be syde Westemyster brent in Smethefylde , (CMGREGOR,184.1300) and on the day of Symon and Jude the person of Syn Stevynnys in Walbroke , whyche that was one of the same fore sayde traytours , deyde in the Toure for sorowe . (CMGREGOR,184.1301) Robert Clopton , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,184.1303) Wylliam Combys (CMGREGOR,184.1304) Rycharde Ryche (CMGREGOR,184.1305) A=o= xx=o= . (CMGREGOR,184.1306) Ande in that same yere the Lady of Glouceter for the same treson she was juggyde by the spyrytualle lawe to iij sondyr or dyvers placys , that ys to wete , on Mondaye , the xiij daye of Novembyr , to Powlys ; and on the Wanysday i-sygnyd unto Crychyrche ; and on the Fryday nexte folowyng to Synt Mychellys in Cornehylle . (CMGREGOR,184.1308) And on the Satyrday next folowyng was Roger Bulbroke hanggyde , and drawe , and quarteryde at Tyburne . (CMGREGOR,184.1309) Ande the xxx day of Janyver was certayne poyntys of armys done in Smethefylde by twyne a knyght of Catelan and a Engelysche squyer , i-callyde Syr John Ascheley ; of the whiche tyme the sone of the sayde knyght , in presens of alle the pepylle there , was made knyght opynly by the kyngys owne hondys . (CMGREGOR,184.1310) And the sayde John Ayschelay also was made knyght att the same tyme . (CMGREGOR,184.1311) Ande the xxv day of May my Lorde Talbot toke hys way towarde the see , for to passe yn to Fraunce whythe hys retenowe . (CMGREGOR,184.1312) Ande in that same yere deyde John Wellys , the nobylle Aldyrman , and sum tyme Mayre of London . (CMGREGOR,184.1313) John Hatherley , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,184.1315) Thomas Bemound (CMGREGOR,184.1316) Rycharde Nordon (CMGREGOR,184.1317) A=o= xx=o= . (CMGREGOR,184.1318) Ande in that same yere there was a pynner hyngge hym sylfe on a Palme Sondaye . (CMGREGOR,184.1320) And he was alle nakyd save hys breche ; (CMGREGOR,184.1321) and then he was caryd in a carte owte of the cytte . (CMGREGOR,184.1322) And that same yere was a woman of Westemyster brentt at Tourehylle for kyllynge of hyr hosbond . (CMGREGOR,184.1323) Ande that same yere there was founde in a walle in the Gylhalle a certayne sum of mony , and alle in pense , (CMGREGOR,184.1324) and every peny weyde j d. ob. , and sum a goode dele more , and sum more ; (CMGREGOR,184.1325) and hyt was of many dyvers cunys , (CMGREGOR,185.1326) for sum were made yn London and sum in Cheschyre , and sum in Lancaster , and in many othyr dyvers placys of the londe , (CMGREGOR,185.1327) but alle was the kyngys owne kune . (CMGREGOR,185.1328) And on the same yere , the viij day of Septembyr , there was done a grete vyage yn Fraunce by the Duke of Somesette and his retynowe ; (CMGREGOR,185.1329) and at the same viage were slayne and takyn to the nombyr of iij. M=l=. vij. c. , whereof were ix lordys and a squyer , whyche that was a grete captayne . (CMGREGOR,185.1330) Thomas Catworthe , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,185.1332) John Norman (CMGREGOR,185.1333) Nicho' Wyfolde (CMGREGOR,185.1334) A=o= xxij=o= . (CMGREGOR,185.1335) Ande in that yere were streppettys i-dreve a-boute the Cytte of London whythe raye hodys . (CMGREGOR,185.1337) And in that same yere one on the pelerry , the whyche wrought by a wycckyd spyryte , the whyche was callyd Oberycom , (CMGREGOR,185.1338) and the maner of hys proces and werkyng was wretyn and hanggyd a bowte hys necke whenne he was in the pellery . (CMGREGOR,185.1339) Harry Frowyke , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,185.1341) Sthevyn Foster (CMGREGOR,185.1342) Hewe Wyche (CMGREGOR,185.1343) A=o= xxiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,185.1344) Ande that same yere the Duke of Sowthefolke and othyr whythe many worthy knyghtys and squyers wentte ovyr the see to fette home the quene . (CMGREGOR,185.1346) Ande the same yere was Syn Poulys stypylle fyryd a-pon Candylmas evyn whythe the lyghtenynge . (CMGREGOR,185.1347) And that same yere , the x day of October , was ordaynyd by the archebyschoppys and bysschoppys , and there uppon proclaymyd oppynly ynne chyrchys , that the day of Synt Edward shulde be kepte hooly day fro that day forthewarde . (CMGREGOR,185.1348) And yn the same yere a schippe y-namyde Grace de Dyeu , whyche was chargyd of goode of Sprusse , sche was loste a lytylle whythe yn Temys . (CMGREGOR,185.1349) And yn the same yere come dyvers enbassytourys of lordys of Fraunce for to trete of the pes . (CMGREGOR,185.1350) And that same yere was the Erle of Warwyke made Duke of Warwyke . (CMGREGOR,185.1351) And a pon the fyrste day of Aprylle Quene Margarete londyd at Portysmowthe , (CMGREGOR,186.1352) and a-pon the x day of the same monythe sche was weddyd at a lytylle velage in Hampschyre i-namyd (CMGREGOR,186.1353) And a gayne hyr comynge to London were ordaynyde many notabylle devysys in the cytte , as at the brygge of London , and in othyr dyvers placys , at Ledynne halle , and in Cornehylle , and in iiij placys yn Chepe , that ys to say , at the Grete Condyte , and at the Standarde , and at the Crosse , and atte the Lytylle Condyte . (CMGREGOR,186.1354) And uppon Thorsday , the xxvj day of May , the kyng made xlvj Knyghtys of the Bathe yn the Towre of London . (CMGREGOR,186.1355) And uppon the morowe , that was the Fryday , lordys of the realme , whythe nobylle and grete and costelowe araye , the Mayre of London and the aldyrmen in scharlet , whythe alle the craftys of London in blewe , wythe dyvers dyvysyngys , every crafte to be knowe from othyr , rydyng agayne Quene Margarete and brought hyr unto the Toure of London , the quene havynge whythe hyr xvij charys with ladys . (CMGREGOR,186.1356) And a-pon the morowe , the Satyrday , she was brought thoroughe London syttyng in a lytter by twyne ij goode and nobylle stedys i-trappyd with whyte satton , (CMGREGOR,186.1357) and sche was conveyyde unto Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,186.1358) And apon the morowe the Sonday was the coronacyon , (CMGREGOR,186.1359) and ij dayes aftyr there was grette revylle of justys of pes in the sayntewery at Westemyster , &c . (CMGREGOR,186.1360) Ande in the monythe of Juylle next folowynge there come owte of Fraunce a grette enbasset of lordys to trete by-twyne ij realmys of Ingelonde and of Fraunce and for dyvers contreys to hem , &c . (CMGREGOR,186.1361) Symon Ayre , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,186.1363) John Derby (CMGREGOR,186.1364) Geffrey Fyldyng (CMGREGOR,186.1365) A=o= xxiiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,186.1366) Ande in that same yere was a Parlyment holdyn at Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,186.1368) and same yere there was on Wylliam Nete , yeman of the Quenys charyetes , drawyn and hanggyd in Horse Downe for sleyng of a damselle callyd Johne Gooche . (CMGREGOR,186.1369) Ande that same yere there was a pechyng i-made uppon the Erle of Ormounde by the pryour of Kylmayn for certayne poyntys of treson , the whyche was takyn in to the kyngys grace , where uppon hyt lykyd oure soverayne lorde to graunte a generalle pardon unto the sayde Erle . (CMGREGOR,187.1370) But nevyrtheles the sayde pryour appayryde in Smethefylde the iiij day of the monythe of October , as hyt was apoyntyde , fulle clenly harnyssyd , redy whythe alle hys fetys and whythe alle hys wepyns , kepynge the fylde tylle hyghe none . (CMGREGOR,187.1371) And that same yere the Prevy Scalle comynge fro enbassetry owte of Fraunce was gretely comberyd with fortune of the see , in soo moche that many of hys men were drownyde . (CMGREGOR,187.1372) And in that same yere was a nothyre chalenge i-made in Smethefylde by on Arblastre and a-nothyr man of London , (CMGREGOR,187.1373) but hyt was putte of by trete , (CMGREGOR,187.1374) and the same Arblastre ranne yn to the contente . (CMGREGOR,187.1375) Ande that same yere my Lorde of Glouceter wente yn-to a place i-callyd the Vyse . (CMGREGOR,187.1376) And that same yere was a gernarde be-gon for pore pepylle of the contraye that myght nought utter hyr graynys ; (CMGREGOR,187.1377) and hyt was made by the coste and goodys of Symon Eyre , Mayre of London . (CMGREGOR,187.1378) John Olney , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,187.1381) Robert Horne (CMGREGOR,187.1382) Geffray Bolayne (CMGREGOR,187.1383) Anno xxv=o= . (CMGREGOR,187.1384) Ande in that same yere there was an armyrer (CMGREGOR,187.1386) and hys owne man fought whythe yn the lystys in Smethefylde the laste day of Januer , (CMGREGOR,187.1387) ande there the mayster was slayne and dyspoylyde owte of hys harnys , (CMGREGOR,187.1388) and lay stylle in the fylde alle that day and that nyght next folowynge . (CMGREGOR,187.1389) And thenne $aftyrward , by the kyngys commaundement , he was $drawyn , hanggyde , and be-heddyde , and hys hedde sette on London Brygge , and the body hynggyng a-bove erthe be-syde the towre . (CMGREGOR,187.1390) Ande that same yere was a Parlyment be-gon at Byry ; (CMGREGOR,187.1391) and that same yere there was grete wache at Syn Donstonys in the Este , by the sofferens of oure sufferayne lorde the kyng , in every warde of London alle the xvj dayes in Crystysmasse by the commaundement of the kynge . (CMGREGOR,188.1392) Ande at Schroffe tyde nexte aftyr there was ordaynyd a Parlyment at Synt Edmondys Bury ; (CMGREGOR,188.1393) ande att the comyng of the goode Duke Umfray , sum tyme Duke of Glouceter , uppon the Satyrday anon as he was a lyght of hys hors he was a-restyde of dyvers lordys for treson by commaundement of the kyng , (CMGREGOR,188.1394) and men sayde at that tyme . (CMGREGOR,188.1395) And uppon the Thursseday next folowynge he dyssesyd (CMGREGOR,188.1396) ande passyde owte of thys wrecchyde and false trobely worlde . (CMGREGOR,188.1397) And he ys buryde at Syn Albonys . (CMGREGOR,188.1398) Ande uppon Ester nexte folowynge , Harry Byschoppe of Wynchester and Cardynalle , and lythe enteryde at Wynchester . (CMGREGOR,188.1399) And a-non aftyr the dethe of the Duke of Glouceter there were a reste many of the sayde dukys to the nombyr of xxxviij squyers , be-syde alle othyr servantys that nevyr ymagenyd no falsenys of the that they were put a-pon of . (CMGREGOR,188.1400) And on Fryday the xiiij day of Juylle nexte folowynge by jugement at Westemyster , there by fore v personys were dampnyd to be drawe , hanggyd , and hyr bowellys i-brente by fore hem , and thenne hyr heddys to ben smetyn of , ande thenne to be quarteryde , and every parte to be sende unto dyvers placys by assygnement of the jugys . Whyche personys were thes : Arteys the bastarde of the sayde Duke of Glouceter , Syr Rogger Chambyrlayne knyght , Mylton squyer , Thomas Harberde squyer , Nedam yeman , whyche were the sayde xiiij day of Juylle i-drawe fro Syn Gorgys thoroughe owte Sowthewerke and on Londyn Brygge , ande so forthe thorowe the cytte of London to the Tyborne , (CMGREGOR,188.1401) and there alle they were hanggyde , and the ropys smetyn a-sondyr , they beynge alle lyvynge , (CMGREGOR,188.1402) and thenne , ar any more of any markys of excecusyon were done , the Duke of Sowthefolke brought them alle yn generalle pardon and grace from our lorde and soverayne Kynge Harry the vj=te= . (CMGREGOR,188.1403) Also that same yere dyssesyde the Duke of Exceter , (CMGREGOR,188.1404) and he was enteryd at Syn Kateryns . (CMGREGOR,188.1405) Stephyn Browne , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,189.1408) John Cauntelowe (CMGREGOR,189.1409) Wylliam Marowe . (CMGREGOR,189.1410) A=o= xxvij=o= . (CMGREGOR,189.1411) Ande that same yere the Duke of Yorke , Rycharde Plantagenet , was exsylyde in to Irlonde for hys rebellyon , as thoo a boute the kynge informyde hym , fully ande falsely as hyt was aftyr warde i-knowe . (CMGREGOR,189.1412) And that same yere was a tretys of trewys takyn whythe the Schottys by Mayster Adam Molaynys for iiij yere , that tyme he beyng enbasytor in to Schotlonde , and aftyr that Prevy Seale , ande thenne i-made Byschoppe of Chychester , and with ynne shorte tyme aftyr put to dethe . (CMGREGOR,189.1413) Thomas Chalton , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,189.1415) Thomas Canyngys (CMGREGOR,189.1416) John Hewlyn (CMGREGOR,189.1417) A=o= xxviij=o= . (CMGREGOR,189.1418) Ande that same yere was the moste $parte of Normandy y-loste , (CMGREGOR,189.1420) and a Parlymentte was at Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,189.1421) In the mene whyle was the $city of Roon , Mustarde Vylers , and Herflete i-loste by fore Crystysmasse , (CMGREGOR,189.1422) and thenne the Parlyment was prolongyd tylle aftyr Syn Hyllary ys day . (CMGREGOR,189.1423) Ande at that tyme beyng many sowdyers at Portysmowthe , the whyche haddyn take the kyngys wagys for to pass ovyr the see . (CMGREGOR,189.1424) And anon aftyr Crystysmasse was sende unto the see syde the Prevye Sealle , whyche was callyd Mayster Adam Molaynys , to have take the monster at the see syde , he beynge that tyme Byschoppe of Chychester . (CMGREGOR,189.1425) Ande for hys covetysse , as hyt was reportyde , schippemen put hym to dethe , (CMGREGOR,189.1426) and sum mys-a-wysyd men of the sowdyers holpyn welle there-to . (CMGREGOR,189.1427) And thys was done at Portysmouthe . (CMGREGOR,189.1428) Ande aftyr Synt Hyllary ys day the Parlyment was remevyd unto Laycetter ; (CMGREGOR,189.1429) ande yn the mene tyme was Cane yoldyn , ande alle the remenaunt of Normandy , savyng Chyrborowe . (CMGREGOR,189.1430) Ande the Duke of Sowthefolke was a-pechyde at that Parlyment , he beynge at London , of verry graunte treson , and of many poyntys ; among alle othyr , for that he schulde have solde Normandy , and also for the dethe of that nobylle prynce the Duke of Glouceter , and for many othyr poyntys of treson , for the whyche he was exylyd owte of Ingelonde for certayne yerys . (CMGREGOR,190.1431) Ande at hys passynge ovyr the see warde he was mette with by-twyne Dovyr and Calys by dyvers schyppys , of the whyche was here Admyralle Nycholas of the Towre ; (CMGREGOR,190.1432) and yn that schyppe soo beyng in the see they smote of hys hedde of the fore sayde Duke of Sowthefolke , (CMGREGOR,190.1433) and they caste bothe body and hys hedde in to the see . (CMGREGOR,190.1434) And aftyr that hyt was takyn uppe and brought unto the towne of Dovyr , and aftyr from thens brought unto Wynkylfylde in the Sowthefolke , (CMGREGOR,190.1435) and there hyt ys i-buryde ; whos name was Syr Wylliam Pole . (CMGREGOR,190.1436) Ande aftyr that the comyns of Kent a rosse with certayne othyr schyrys , (CMGREGOR,190.1437) and they chesse hem a captayne , the whyche captayne compellyd alle the gentellys to a-rysse whythe hem . (CMGREGOR,190.1438) Ande at the ende of the Parlyment they come whythe a grete myght and a stronge oste unto the Blacke hethe , be syde Grene wyche , the nomber of xlvj M=l= ; (CMGREGOR,190.1439) and there they made a fylde , dykyd and stakyde welle a-bowt , as hyt ben in the londe of warre , save only they kepte ordyr among them , (CMGREGOR,190.1440) for als goode was Jacke Robyn as John at the Noke , (CMGREGOR,190.1441) for alle were as hyghe as pygysfete , unto the tyme that they shulde comyn and speke with suche statys and massyngerys as were sende unto hem ; (CMGREGOR,190.1442) thenne they put alle hyr pouer unto the man that namyd hym captayne of alle hyr oste . (CMGREGOR,190.1443) And there they a-bode certayne days too the comyng of the kynge fro the Parlymentte at Leyceter . (CMGREGOR,190.1444) Ande thenne the kyng send unto the captayne dyvers lordys bothe spyrytualle and temporalle , to wytte and to have knowleche of that grette assembelynge and gaderyng of that grete $and mysavysyd feleschyppe . (CMGREGOR,190.1445) The captayne of hem sendyng worde agayne unto the kynge , that hyt was for the wele of hym oure soverayne lorde , and of alle the realme , and for to dystrye the traytours beyng a-boute hym , whythe othyr dyvers poyntys that they wolde see that hyt were in schorte tyme a-mendyde . Uppon whyche answere that the kyng , thedyr sent by hys lordys , dyd make a crye in the kyngys name of Engelonde that alle the kyngys lege men of Engelonde shulde a-voyde the fylde . (CMGREGOR,191.1446) And a-pon the nyght aftyr they were alle voydyd and a-goo . (CMGREGOR,191.1447) The morne aftyr , the kynge rode armyd at alle pecys from Syn John ys be-syde Clerkyn welle thoroughe London ; and whythe hym the moste party of temporalle lordys of thys londe of Engelond in there a beste raye . (CMGREGOR,191.1448) Aftyr that they were every lorde whythe hys retenowe , to the nombyr of x M=l= personys , redy as they alle shulde have gon to batayle in to any londe of Crystyn-dome , whythe bendys a-bove hyr harnys that every lorde schulde be knowe from othyr . (CMGREGOR,191.1449) And yn the fowarde , as they wolde have folowyde the captayne , was slayn Syr Umfray Stafforde and Wylliam Stafford , squyer , one the mannylste man of alle thys realme of Engelonde , whythe many moo othyr of mene personys at Sevenocke , in Kentt , in hyr oute ragyng fro hyr oste of our soverayne lordys the kyng , Harry the vj=te= . (CMGREGOR,191.1450) And the kyng loggyd that nyght at Grenewyche , (CMGREGOR,191.1451) and sone aftyr every lorde whythe hys retynewe rood home in to hyr contraye . (CMGREGOR,191.1452) Ande aftyr that , uppon the fyrste day of Juylle , the same captayne come agayne , as the Kenttysche men sayde , (CMGREGOR,191.1453) but hyt was a-nothyr that namyd hymselfe the captayne , (CMGREGOR,191.1454) and he come to the Blacke Hethe . (CMGREGOR,191.1455) And uppon the morowe he come whythe a grette hoste yn to Sowtheworke , (CMGREGOR,191.1456) and at the Whythe Herte he toke his loggynge . (CMGREGOR,191.1457) And a-pon the morowe , that was the Fryday , a gayn evyn , they smote a sondyr the ropys of the draught brygge (CMGREGOR,191.1458) and faught sore a manly , (CMGREGOR,191.1459) and many a man was mortheryde and kylde in that conflycte , (CMGREGOR,191.1460) I wot not what $to name hyt for the multytude of ryffe raffe . (CMGREGOR,191.1461) And thenne they enteryde in to the cytte of London as men that hadde ben halfe be-syde hyr wytte ; (CMGREGOR,191.1462) and in that furynys they wente , as they sayde , for the comyn wele of the realme of Ingelonde , evyn strayght unto a marchaunte ys place i-namyd Phylyppe Malpas of London . (CMGREGOR,191.1463) Yf hyt were trewe as they surmysyd aftyr ther doyng , I remytte me to ynke and pauper - Deus scit et ego non . (CMGREGOR,191.1464) But welle I wote that every ylle begynnynge moste comynly hathe an ylle endyng , (CMGREGOR,192.1465) and every goode begynnyng hathe the wery goode endyng . (CMGREGOR,192.1466) Proverbium : - Felix principium finem facit esse beatum . (CMGREGOR,192.1467) And that Phylyppe Malpas was aldyrman , (CMGREGOR,192.1468) and they spoylyd hym (CMGREGOR,192.1469) ande bare a-way moche goode of hys , and in specyalle moche mony , bothe-1 of sylvyr and golde , the valowe of a notabylle som , and in specyalle of marchaundys , as of tynne , woode , madyr , and alym , whythe grette quantyte of wollyn clothe and many ryche jewellys , whythe othyr notabylle stuffe of fedyr beddys , beddyng , napery , and many a ryche clothe of arys , to the valewe of a notabylle sum - (CMGREGOR,192.1470) nescio , set Deus omnia scit . (CMGREGOR,192.1471) Ande in the evenynge they went whythe hyr sympylle captayne to hys loggynge ; (CMGREGOR,192.1472) botte a certayne of hys sympylle and rude mayny a-bode there alle the nyght , $wenynge to them that they hadde wytte and wysdome for to have gydyde or put in gydyng alle Ingelonde , alsosone at they hadde gote the cytte of London by a mysse happe of cuttynge of ij sory cordys that nowe be alteryde , and made ij stronge schynys of yryn unto the draught brygge of London . (CMGREGOR,192.1473) But they hadde othyr men with hem , as welle of London as of there owne party . (CMGREGOR,192.1474) And by hem of on parte and of that othyr parte they lefte noo thyng unsoffethe , (CMGREGOR,192.1475) and they serchyd alle that nyght . (CMGREGOR,192.1476) Ande in the morne he come yn a-gayne , that sory and sympylle and rebellyus captayne whythe hys mayny ; (CMGREGOR,192.1477) that was Saturday , (CMGREGOR,192.1478) and hyt was also a Synt Martyn ys day , the dedycacyon of Synt Martynys in the Vyntry , the iiij day of Juylle . (CMGREGOR,192.1479) And thenne dyvers questys were i-sompnyd at the Gylhalle ; (CMGREGOR,192.1480) and ther Robert Horne beynge alderman was a-restyde and brought in to Newegate . (CMGREGOR,192.1481) And that same day Wylliam Crowemere , squyer , and Scheryffe of Kentt , was be-heddyde in the fylde whythe owte Algate at +t=e= mylys ende be-syde Clopton ys Place . (CMGREGOR,192.1482) And a nothyr man that was namyde John Bayle was be-heddyd at the Whytte Chapylle . (CMGREGOR,192.1483) And the same day aftyr-non was be-heddyd in Cheppe a-fore the Standard , Syr Jamys Fynes , beyng that tyme the Lorde Saye and Grette Treserer of Ingelonde , the whyche was brought oute of the Toure of London unto the Gylde Halle , (CMGREGOR,193.1484) and there of dyvers tresons he was exampnyd , of whyche he knowlachyd of the dethe of that notabylle and famos prynce the Duke of Glouceter . (CMGREGOR,193.1485) And thenne they brought hym unto the Standard in Cheppe , (CMGREGOR,193.1486) and there he ressayvyd hys jewys and hys dethe . (CMGREGOR,193.1487) And so forthe alle the iij heddys that day smetyn of were sette uppon the Brygge of London , and the ij othyr heddys takyn downe that stode a-pon the London Brygge by-fore . (CMGREGOR,193.1488) And at the comyng of the camptayne yn to Sowtheworke , he lete smyte of the hedde of a strong theff that was namyd Haywardyn . (CMGREGOR,193.1489) And uppon the morowe the Sonday at hyghe mas tyme a lette to be heddyd a man of Hampton , a squyer , the whyche was namyd Thomas Mayne . (CMGREGOR,193.1490) And that same evyn Londyn dyd a rysse and cam owte uppon hem at x $of the belle , beyng that tyme hyr captaynys the goode olde lorde Schalys and Mathewe Goughe . (CMGREGOR,193.1491) Ande from that tyme unto the morowe viij of belle they were ever fyghtynge uppon London Brygge , (CMGREGOR,193.1492) ande many a man was slayne and caste in Temys , harnys , body , and alle ; (CMGREGOR,193.1493) and monge the presse was slayne Mathewe Goughe and John Sutton aldyrman . (CMGREGOR,193.1494) Ande the same nyght , a-non aftyr mydnyght , the Captayne of Kentte dyde fyre the draught brygge of London ; (CMGREGOR,193.1495) and be-fore that tyme he breke bothe Kyngys Bynche and the Marchelsy , (CMGREGOR,193.1496) and lete owte alle the presoners that were yn them . (CMGREGOR,193.1497) And uppon the morowe by tymys came my lorde the Cardynalle of Yorke , and my Lorde of Cauntyrbury , and the Byschoppe of Wynchester , (CMGREGOR,193.1498) and they tretyde by twyne the Lorde Schalys and that captayne , that the sore conflycte and skarmasche was sessyde , (CMGREGOR,193.1499) ande gaffe the captayne and hys mayne a generalle chartoure for hym and for alle hys company in hys name , callyng hym selfe John Mortymere , (CMGREGOR,193.1500) and thoroughe that mene they were i-voydyde the moste partye . (CMGREGOR,193.1501) And the vj day aftyr that , the Satyr-daye at evyn , the iij heddys were takyn downe of London Brygge , that ys to say , the Lorde Say ys hedde , Crowmers , and the Bayleyes , and the othyr ij heddys sette uppe a-yenne that stode a-pon London Brygge be-fore , (CMGREGOR,194.1502) and the body whythe hedde were i-burydde at the Gray Fryers at London . (CMGREGOR,194.1503) And uppon the xij day of Juylle , the yere a-fore sayde , the sayde camptayne was cryde and proclaymyd traytoure , by the name of John Cade , in dyvers placys of London , and also in Sowtheworke , whythe many moo , that what man myght or wolde bryng the sayde John Cade to the kyng , qwyke or dede , shulde have of the kynge a thousande marke . (CMGREGOR,194.1504) Also who som evyr myght brynge or wolde brynge any of hys chyffe counsellourys , or of afynyte , that kepte any state or rewle or governansse undyr the sayd fals captayne John Cade , he schulde have to hys rewarde of the kynge v. C. marke . (CMGREGOR,194.1505) And that day was that fals traytoure the Captayne of Kentte i-take and slayne in the Welde in the countre of Sowsex , (CMGREGOR,194.1506) and uppon the morowe he was brought in a carre alle nakyd , (CMGREGOR,194.1507) and at the Herte in Sowetheworke there the carre was made stonde stylle , (CMGREGOR,194.1508) the wyffe of the howse myght se hym yf hyt were the same man or no that was namyd the Captayne of Kente , (CMGREGOR,194.1509) for he was loggyd whythe yn hyr howse in hys pevys tyme of hys mys rewylle and rysynge . (CMGREGOR,194.1510) And thenne he was hadde in to the Kyngys Bynche , (CMGREGOR,194.1511) and there he lay from Monday at evyn unto the Thursseday nexte folowynge at evyn ; (CMGREGOR,194.1512) and whythe yn the Kynges Benche the sayde captayne was be-heddyde and quarteryde ; and the same day $i-drawe a-pon a hyrdylle in pecys whythe the hedde by-twyne hys breste from the Kyngys Benche thoroughe owte Sowthewerke , and thenne ovyr Londyn Brygge , and thenne thoroughe London unto Newegate , (CMGREGOR,194.1513) and thenne hys hedde was takyn and sette uppon London Brygge . (CMGREGOR,194.1514) And the same yere was the Byschoppe of Sawlysbury slayne at Edyngton , a myle owte of the towne , a-pon a hyghe hylle ; (CMGREGOR,194.1515) hyt was the xiiij day of June , (CMGREGOR,194.1516) and alle hys goode mevabylle was departyde to every man dwellynge there that any of hys lyflode laye ; (CMGREGOR,194.1517) for bothe oxsyn , sheppe , hors , swyne , carte , plowe , corne , hay , tymbyr , strawe , harnys in castellys of hys , clothynge for hys owne body , bokys , chalys and alle that longyd to any manyr of hys , and the very ledde that coveryd the howsys and wodys wer fylde downe in sum placys , but not in every place , but in som , as at Shyrbone in Dorsette schyre . (CMGREGOR,195.1518) And the men that toke a-pon hem alle thys mys rewle , whenne they undyrstode that hyt was wronge that they hadde done bothe to hym , and in specyalle unto the kynge , they a-non wente thoroughe owte alle the towne of Shyrborne (CMGREGOR,195.1519) an toke to every man , woman , and chylde that was above xij yere age and iij chore , everyche of hem hadde vj=d= ; (CMGREGOR,195.1520) and they madde them to swere to be trewe ande holde to gedyr , by cause yf the kynge wolde have take any execucyon a-pon hyt he moste have take hyt a-pone alle the hoole schyre and contrays there that hys lyflode was . (CMGREGOR,195.1521) And for cause here of the kynge gaffe a generalle pardon to alle maner men . (CMGREGOR,195.1522) Ande that same yere was slayne Tresham , the man of lawe , that was Speker of the Parlymentt , (CMGREGOR,195.1523) and hys sone was soore woundyde in Northehampton schyre . (CMGREGOR,195.1524) And by the kynge and hys counselle a Parlyment was ordaynyde to be-gyn on Syn Leonarde ys day nexte folowynge . (CMGREGOR,195.1525) In the mene tyme many strange and woundyrfulle bylle were sete in dyvers placys , sum at the kyngys owne chambyr doore at Westemyster , in hys palysse , and sum at the halle dore at Westemyster , ande sum at Poulys chyrche dore , and in many othyr dyvers placys of London . (CMGREGOR,195.1526) Ande in the ende of the sayde same yere Rycharde , the Duke of Yorke , come to the sayde Parlymentt , (CMGREGOR,195.1527) for the sayde Duke was before banyschyd for certayne yerys , whythe a notabylle felyschippe of fensabylle men , and the Duke of Northefolke whythe a grete multytude of defensabylle men . And every lorde whythe hyr retynowe welle harnysyd and welle be-sene ; (CMGREGOR,195.1528) and every lorde hadde hys bagge a-pon hys harnys , and hyr mayny also , that they myght ben knowe by hyr baggys and levereys . (CMGREGOR,195.1529) Nycholas Wyfolde , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,195.1531) Wylliam Deere (CMGREGOR,195.1532) John Myddelton (CMGREGOR,195.1533) A=o= xxix=o= . (CMGREGOR,195.1534) Ande that same yere , the ij day of Decembyr , the Duke of Somersett was a-tachyde in the Fryer Prechourys at London . (CMGREGOR,196.1536) And that day he was robbyde of alle hys goodys , (CMGREGOR,196.1537) and hys jewellys were takyn and borne a-way by lordys mayny . (CMGREGOR,196.1538) Ande in the morowe they dyspoylyd the placys and longgynges of many dyvers lordys , (CMGREGOR,196.1539) and they bare away alle the goodys that were with ynne hem , that ys to say , Syr Thomas Stodenham , thenne beynge wardroper , Syr Thomas Hoo the Lorde Hastynge , sum tyme the Chambyrlayne of Normandy . (CMGREGOR,196.1540) And the same day was a man of the forsayde feleschyppe , the whyche was at the spoylynge and robbynge of the Fryer Prechourys , be-heddyde at the Standarde in Cheppe , for to ben an exampylle unto alle othyr ; (CMGREGOR,196.1541) but hyt was nevyr the bettyr , (CMGREGOR,196.1542) for hyt causyd moche the more herte brennyng a gayne the duke and the lordys by-fore sayde , &c . (CMGREGOR,196.1543) And that same day , the aftyr non , the Duke of Yorke roode thoroughe London . (CMGREGOR,196.1544) And he made to be cryde in dyvers placys that what maner a man that robbyd or ryfylde any persone schulde have as hastely jewys as the sayde man hadde . (CMGREGOR,196.1545) And uppon Thursday nexte folowynge the kynge come fro Westemyster , ryddyng thoroughe London ; and whythe the Duke of Yorke , and the moste dele in substans of alle the lordys in thys londe , with hyr retenowys of fensabylle men ; whyche was a gay and gloryus syght if hit hadde ben in Fraunce , but not in Ingelonde , (CMGREGOR,196.1546) for hyt boldyd sum mennys hertys that hyt causyd aftyr many mannys dethe . (CMGREGOR,196.1547) Wher was or ys the defaute I wotte not , &c . (CMGREGOR,196.1548) Ande the same yere , on Candylmas daye , the kynge was at Cauntyrbury , (CMGREGOR,196.1549) and whythe hym was the Duke of Excetyr , the Duke of Somersette , my lorde of Schrofuysbury , whythe many moo othyr lordys and many justyces ; (CMGREGOR,196.1550) and there they helde the cessyons iiij dayes , (CMGREGOR,196.1551) and there were dampnyde many men of the captayne ys men for hyr rysyng , and for hyr talkyng a gayne the kyng , havynge more favyr unto the Duke of Yorke thenne unto the kynge . (CMGREGOR,196.1552) And the dampnyde men were drawe , hanggyde , and quarteryde , (CMGREGOR,196.1553) but they were pardonnyde to be buryde , bothe hyr quarters of hyr bodys and hyr heddys with alle . (CMGREGOR,197.1554) Ande at Rochester ix men were be-heddyd at that same tyme , (CMGREGOR,197.1555) and hyr heddys were sende unto London by the kyngys commaundement , and sette uppon London Brygge alle at one tyme ; (CMGREGOR,197.1556) and xij heddys at a nothyr tyme were brought unto London $and {TEXT:at} sette uppe undyr the same forme , as $hyt {TEXT:hys} was commaundyd by the kyng . (CMGREGOR,197.1557) Men calle hyt in Kente the harvyste of hedys . (CMGREGOR,197.1558) Mayseter Fyldynge , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,197.1559) Ric. Lee (CMGREGOR,197.1560) Ric. Alle (CMGREGOR,197.1561) Anno xxxj=o= . (CMGREGOR,197.1562) That yere hyt was competent welle and pessabylle as for any rysynge a-mong oure selfe , (CMGREGOR,197.1563) for every man was in cheryte , (CMGREGOR,197.1564) but sum what the hertys of the pepyl hyng and sorowyd for that the Duke of Glouceter was dede , (CMGREGOR,198.1565) and sum sayde that the Duke of Yorke hadde grete wronge , (CMGREGOR,198.1566) but what wronge there was noo man that darste say , (CMGREGOR,198.1567) but sum grounyd (CMGREGOR,198.1568) and sum lowryd (CMGREGOR,198.1569) and hadde dysdayne of othyr , &c . (CMGREGOR,198.1570) John Norman , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,198.1572) John Walden (CMGREGOR,198.1573) Thomas Coke (CMGREGOR,198.1574) Anno xxxij=o= . (CMGREGOR,198.1575) Ande that yere there was a batayle at Synt Albonys by-twyne Kyng Harry the VI. and the Duke of Yorke , (CMGREGOR,198.1577) and thys batayle was the weke be-fore Whytte Sonday . (CMGREGOR,198.1578) And Kyng Harry was in harnys hys owne propyr person , (CMGREGOR,198.1579) and was hurte with the shotte of an arowe in the necke . (CMGREGOR,198.1580) And the Duke of Yorke brought hym unto London as kynge and not as a presener . (CMGREGOR,198.1581) The Erle of Wyltschyre bare the kyngys baner that day in the batayle , (CMGREGOR,198.1582) for he was at that tyme namyd but Syr Jamys Urmon ; (CMGREGOR,198.1583) and thys sayde Jamys sette the kyngys baner agayne an howse ende (CMGREGOR,198.1584) and fought manly with the helys , (CMGREGOR,198.1585) for he was a feryd of lesynge of beute , (CMGREGOR,198.1586) for he was namyd the fayryd knyght of thys londe . (CMGREGOR,198.1587) And with yn a lytyl whyle aftyr was made the Erle of Wyltscnyre . (CMGREGOR,198.1588) The chaptaynys of thys fylde undyr the Duke of Yorke was the Erle of Warwyke , the Erle of Saulysbury . (CMGREGOR,198.1589) And in that batayle wer slayne the Duke of Somersett , the Erle of Northehomerlonde , the Lorde Clyfforde , with many moo othyr , bothe-1 of gentylle men and yemen . (CMGREGOR,198.1590) And the kynge lete alle thys mater be in a dormon a grete and a long tyme aftyr , as ye shalle hyre , (CMGREGOR,198.1591) for hyt was noo seson to trete of pesse , (CMGREGOR,198.1592) for sum were welle contente and sum evylle plesyd , (CMGREGOR,198.1593) but at the laste the pepylle sayde that the Duke of Somersett was worthy to suffer that dethe by so moche that he brought Kyng Harry at Claryngdon be-syde Saulysbury and there he toke hys grete sekenys . (CMGREGOR,199.1594) Wylliam Marowe , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,199.1596) John Jonge (CMGREGOR,199.1597) Holgrave (CMGREGOR,199.1598) Anno xxxiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,199.1599) Here was the rysynge and wanton reule of +te mayre and the mercers of London a-gayne the Lombardys . (CMGREGOR,199.1601) The Lombardys were so yntretyd that they were fayne to voyde the Cytte of London , (CMGREGOR,199.1602) ande many of them come to Sowthe Hampton and unto Wynchester for to be an habyte there . (CMGREGOR,199.1603) And they toke grete olde mancyons in Wyncherter for terme of lyffe , and sum but for yerys , (CMGREGOR,199.1604) and causyd the londe lordys to do grete coste in reparacyons , (CMGREGOR,199.1605) and when alle was don they come not there , (CMGREGOR,199.1606) and that causyd grete loste unto the londe lordys . (CMGREGOR,199.1607) Also sum of the Lumbardys were take ande put in warde , (CMGREGOR,199.1608) and the comyn talkynge ande noyse was that they shulde nevyr be delyveryd butt contynue in perpetualle preson . (CMGREGOR,199.1609) Also that yere a thyffe , one Thomas Whytehorne , was take in the Neweforeste be-syde Beuley and put yn preson at Wynchester . (CMGREGOR,199.1610) And when the day of delyverans com he appelyd many trewe men , (CMGREGOR,199.1611) and by that mene he kepte hys lyffe in preson . (CMGREGOR,199.1612) And thoo men that he appelyd were take and put yn stronge preson (CMGREGOR,199.1613) and sufferde many grete paynys , (CMGREGOR,199.1614) and was that they sholde confesse and a-corde unto hys fals pelyng ; (CMGREGOR,199.1615) and sum were hongyd that hadde noo frende shyppe and goode , (CMGREGOR,199.1616) and thoo that hadde goode gate hyr charters of pardon . (CMGREGOR,199.1617) And that fals and untrewe peler hadde of the kynge every day j d. ob . (CMGREGOR,199.1618) And thys he contynuyd al moste iij yere , (CMGREGOR,199.1619) and dystryde many men that were sum tym in hys company . (CMGREGOR,199.1620) And at the laste he appelyd on that outerly sayde that he was fals in hys appelynge , and sayde that $he wolde preve hvt with hys hondys , and spende hys lyfe and blode a-pone hys fals body . (CMGREGOR,199.1621) And thys mater was fulle dyscretely take and hyrde of bothe pelerrys parte , and of the defendente ys parte also . (CMGREGOR,199.1622) And a notabylle man , and the moste petefullyste juge of al thys londe in syttyng a-pon lyffe and dethe , toke thys sympylle man that offeryd to fyght with the peler , (CMGREGOR,200.1623) ande fulle curtesly informyd hym of alle the condyscyons of the fyghtyng and duelle of repreffe that shulde be by-twyne a peler of the kyngys , fals or trewe , in that one party , and by-twyne the defendent , trewe or false , in that othyr party . (CMGREGOR,200.1624) For in cas that the peler prevaylyd in that fyght he shulde be put in preson ayen , (CMGREGOR,200.1625) but he shulde fare more better than he dyd be fore tyme of fyghtynge , and be i-lowe of the kyng ij d. every $day as longe as hit plesyd the kyng that he shulde lyf . (CMGREGOR,200.1626) For in prosses the kynge may by the lawe put hym to dethe , as for a man sleer , bycause that hys pelyng , fals or trewe , hathe causyd many mannys dethys , (CMGREGOR,200.1627) for a very trewe man schulde with yn xxiiij howrys make opyn to be knowe alle suche fals hyd thyngys of felony or treson , yf he be nott consentynge unto the same felowschyppe , undyr payne of dethe ; (CMGREGOR,200.1628) and thys peler ys in the same cas , wherefore he moste nedys dy by very reson . (CMGREGOR,200.1629) Thys ys for the pelers party . (CMGREGOR,200.1630) The defendaunte ys party ys , as that nobylle man , Mayster Myhelle Skyllyng , sayde ande informyde the defender , that he and the peler moste be clothyd alle in whyte schepys leter , bothe body , hedde , leggys , fete , face , handys , and alle . Ande that they schulde have in hyr hondys ij stavys of grene hasche , the barke beynge a-pon , of iij fote in lenghthe , and at the ende a bat of the same govyn owte as longe as the more gevythe any gretenys . And in that othyr ende a horne of yryn , i-made lyke unto a rammys horne , as scharpe at the smalle ende as hit myght be made . (CMGREGOR,200.1631) And there why+te they schulde make hyr foule batayle a-pone the moste sory and wrecchyd grene that myght be founde a-bowte the towne , havyng nothyr mete ne drynke whythe , (CMGREGOR,200.1632) bot both moste be fastynge . (CMGREGOR,200.1633) And yf hyr frowarde wepyn ben i-broke they moste fyght with hyr hondys , fystys , naylys , tethe , fete , and leggys ; (CMGREGOR,200.1634) hyt ys to schamfulle to reherse alle the condyscyons of thys foule conflycte ; (CMGREGOR,200.1635) and yf they nede any drynke , they moste take hyr owne pysse . (CMGREGOR,200.1636) And yf the defendent sle +tat pelers , fals or trewe , the defendent shalle be hangyde by-cause of man sleynge , by soo moche that he hathe i-slayne the kyngys prover , (CMGREGOR,201.1637) for by hys meny the kynge hadde mony of suche as were appelyd , (CMGREGOR,201.1638) and that mony +tat rosse of hyr stuffe or goodys +tat they hadde was put to +te kynge almys , (CMGREGOR,201.1639) and hys amener dystrybutyd hit unto the pore pepylle . (CMGREGOR,201.1640) But the kyng may by hys grace pardon the defendent yf he wylle , yf {TEXT:ys} the defendent be welle namyd and of competent governaunce in the toune or citte there at hys abydyng ys ; (CMGREGOR,201.1641) but thys fulle seldon sene by cause of the vyle and unmanerly fyghtynge . (CMGREGOR,201.1642) And by reson they shulde not ben beryd in noo holy sepulture of Crystyn mannys beryng , but caste owte as a man +tat wylfully sleythe hym selfe . (CMGREGOR,201.1643) Nowe remembyr thys foule batayle , whethey ye wylle doo hyt or noo . (CMGREGOR,201.1644) And bothe partys consentyde to fyght , with alle the condyscyons that long there too . (CMGREGOR,201.1645) And the fendent desyryd that the juge wolde sende unto Mylbroke there that he dwellyde , to inquere of hys gydynge and of conversacyon . (CMGREGOR,201.1646) And alle the men in that toune sayde that he was the trewyste laborer in alle that contre , and the moste gentellyste there with , (CMGREGOR,201.1647) for he was a fyscher and tayler of crafte . (CMGREGOR,201.1648) And the peler desyryd the same , (CMGREGOR,201.1649) but he was not a-bydynge in no place passynge a monythe . (CMGREGOR,201.1650) And in every place there as inquesyscyon was made men sayde , " Hange uppe Thome Whythorne , (CMGREGOR,201.1651) for he ys to stronge to fyght with Jamys Fyscher the trewe man whythe an yryn rammys horne . " (CMGREGOR,201.1652) And thys causyd the juge to have pytte a-pon the defendent . (CMGREGOR,201.1653) The maner of fyughtynge of thes ij poore wrecchys by-syde Wynchester . (CMGREGOR,201.1655) The peler in hys a-rayment ande parelle whythe hys wepyn come owte of the Este syde , and the defendent owte of the Sowthe-Weste syde in hys aparayle , with hys wepyn , fulle sore wepynge , and a payre of bedys in hys hond ; (CMGREGOR,201.1657) and he knelyd downe a-pone the erthe towarde the Este (CMGREGOR,201.1658) and cryde God marcy and alle the worlde , (CMGREGOR,201.1659) and prayde every man of forgevenys , (CMGREGOR,201.1660) and every man there beyng present prayde for hym . (CMGREGOR,202.1661) And the fals peler callyde and sayd " +tou fals trayter ! why arte +tou soo longe in fals bytter be-leve ? " (CMGREGOR,202.1662) And thenne the defendent rosse upe (CMGREGOR,202.1663) and hym and sayde , " My quarelle ys as faythefulle and alle soo trewe as my by-lyve , (CMGREGOR,202.1664) and in that quarelle I wylle fyght , " (CMGREGOR,202.1665) and with the same worde smote at the peler that hys wepyn breke ; (CMGREGOR,202.1666) and thenne the peler smote a stroke to the defendent , (CMGREGOR,202.1667) but the offycers were redy that he shulde smyte no more , (CMGREGOR,202.1668) and they toke a-way hys wepyn fro hym . (CMGREGOR,202.1669) And thenn they fought to gederys with hyr fystys long tyme (CMGREGOR,202.1670) and restyd hem , (CMGREGOR,202.1671) ande fought agayne , (CMGREGOR,202.1672) and thenn restyd agayne ; (CMGREGOR,202.1673) and thenn they wente togedyr by the neckys . And then they bothe with hyr tethe , that the lethyr of clothyng and flesche was alle to rente in many placys of hyr bodys . (CMGREGOR,202.1674) And thenn the fals peler caste that meke innocent downe to the grownde (CMGREGOR,202.1675) and bote hym by the membrys , that the sely innocent cryde owt . (CMGREGOR,202.1676) And by happe more thenne strengythe that innocent recoveryd up on hys kneys (CMGREGOR,202.1677) and toke that fals peler by the nose with hys tethe (CMGREGOR,202.1678) and put hys thombe in hys yee , that the peler cryde owte and prayde hym of marcy , (CMGREGOR,202.1679) for he was fals unto God and unto hym . (CMGREGOR,202.1680) And thenn +te juge commaundyd hem to cesse and hyr bothe hyr talys ; (CMGREGOR,202.1681) and the peler sayde that he hadde accusyd hym wronge-fully and xviij men , (CMGREGOR,202.1682) and be-sought God of marcy and of for-gevenys . (CMGREGOR,202.1683) And thenn he was confessyd ande hanggyd , of whos soule God have marcy . (CMGREGOR,202.1684) Amen . (CMGREGOR,202.1685) As for the defendent was pardonyd of hys lyfe , leme , and goodys , (CMGREGOR,202.1686) and went home ; (CMGREGOR,202.1687) and he be-come an hermyte (CMGREGOR,202.1688) and with schorte tyme dyde . (CMGREGOR,202.1689) Mayster Canyngys , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,202.1691) Raffe Verney Stewarde (CMGREGOR,202.1692) A=o= xxxiiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,202.1693) That same yere the Lorde Egramounde brake owt of Newegate with many othyr men . (CMGREGOR,202.1695) Geffray Bolayne , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,202.1697) Reyner Edwar (CMGREGOR,202.1698) Anno xxxv=o= . (CMGREGOR,202.1699) Ande thys same yere at Covyntre there was made a pesse by-twyne the Duke of Somersett Harry , and the Erle of Saulysbury , and the Erle of Warwycke , for the dethe of hys fadyr Duke of Somersette , that the Duke of Yorke put to dethe at Synt Albonys . (CMGREGOR,203.1702) And thys tretys was made at Covyntre , in the holy tyme of Lentyn , by the mene of Kyng Harry the VI . (CMGREGOR,203.1703) And alle that holy tyme of Lentyn there myght noo mane man that shulde preche by-fore the kynge , but that he shulde shewe hys sarmon in wrytyng , were he docter or other , in so moche the lordys woldys A B C wolde assygne what he schulde say , as for any thynge that longyd unto the comyn wele , (CMGREGOR,203.1704) and yf he passyd hyr commaundement he schulde lese hys costys , and goo as he come , withowte mete and drynge . (CMGREGOR,203.1705) But a becheler of holy devynyte come to that cytte , (CMGREGOR,203.1706) and whenn he come to preche by-fore the kyng , as Maystyr Wylliam Saye , Dene of Poulys and Dene of the kyngys chapylle , hadde desyryd and asygnyd , A B C axyd hys name , (CMGREGOR,203.1707) and hys name was Mayster Wylliam Ive , at that tyme beyng at Wynchester in Wycham ys college . (CMGREGOR,203.1708) And A B C sayde that they moste nedys se hys sarmon and hys purposse , that he was a vysyd to say by-fore the kynge the Sonday nexte comynge . (CMGREGOR,203.1709) And he fulle goodly toke them hys papyr ; (CMGREGOR,203.1710) and they seyng and redynge hys papyr , commaundyd to leve owte and put a way many troughtys . (CMGREGOR,203.1711) But that same Mayster Wylliam Ive sayde but lytylle , (CMGREGOR,203.1712) but whenn he come to pulpyt he sparyd not to sayd the troughthe , (CMGREGOR,203.1713) and reportyd by-fore the kyng that A B C made the sarmonys that were sayde fore , and not thoo that prechyd , and that causyd that +te men that prechyd hadde but sympylle sarmons , for hyr purposse was alle turnyde upsodowne , and that they hadde made love days as Judas made whythe a cosse with Cryste for they cyste ovyr the mane . (CMGREGOR,203.1714) The grete rewarde that he hadde for hys labyr was the rydyng of viij=xx= myle yn and owte for hys travayle , and alle hys frendys fulle sory for hym . (CMGREGOR,203.1715) But qui veritatem dicit caput fractum habebit , &c . (CMGREGOR,203.1716) And that same yere alle thes lordys departyd from the Parlyment , (CMGREGOR,203.1717) but they come nevyr alle togedyr aftyr that tyme to noo Parlyment nor conselle , but yf hyt were in fylde with spere and schylde . (CMGREGOR,204.1718) Mayster Skoot , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,204.1720) Raffe Gosselyn (CMGREGOR,204.1721) Nedham (CMGREGOR,204.1722) Anno xxxvj=o= . (CMGREGOR,204.1723) Ande thys yere was done a grete jornaye at the Blowre Hethe by the Erle of Saulysbury ande the Quenys galentys . (CMGREGOR,204.1725) And that day the kynge made vij knyghtys , (CMGREGOR,204.1726) fyrste , Syr Robert Molyners , Syr John Daune , Syr Thomas Uttyng , Syr John Brembly , Syr Jon Stanley , Syr John Grysly , and Syr Rychard Hardon ; (CMGREGOR,204.1727) and v of thes knyghtys were slayne fulle manly in the fylde , and many men of yemonry soore hurte , (CMGREGOR,204.1728) and a fulle nobylle knyght , the Lorde Audeley , and Syr Thomas Hamdon , knyght , was the getynge of the fylde , and Thomas Squyer and Counteroller of the Pryncys house fulle sore hurte . (CMGREGOR,204.1729) And $the batayle or jornay lastyd alle the aftyr none , fro one of the clocke tylle v aftyr non , (CMGREGOR,204.1730) and the chasse lastyd unto vij at the belle in the mornynge . (CMGREGOR,204.1731) And men were maymyd many one in the Quenys party . (CMGREGOR,204.1732) There were in the Quenys party v M=l=. , and in that othyr party v c , a grete wondyr that evyr they myght stonde the grete multytude not ferynge , the kynge beyng with yn x myle and the quene with yn v myle at the castelle of Egyllyssale . (CMGREGOR,204.1733) But the Erle of Saulysbury hadde ben i-take , save only a Fryer Austyn schot gonnys alle that nyght in a parke that was at the backe syde of the fylde , (CMGREGOR,204.1734) and by thys mene the erle come to Duke of Yorke . (CMGREGOR,204.1735) And in the morowe they founde nothyr man ne chylde in that parke but the fryer , (CMGREGOR,204.1736) and he sayde that for fere he a-bode in that parke alle that nyght . (CMGREGOR,204.1737) But in the mornyng , by-twyne the fylde and Chester , Syr John Dawne ys sone that was at home in hys fadyrs place hadde worde that hys fadyr was slayne ; (CMGREGOR,204.1738) a-non he raysyd hys tenantys (CMGREGOR,204.1739) and toke by-syde a-lytyl towne i-namyd Torperlay Syr Thomas Nevyle , Syr Jolm Nevyle , and Syr Thomas Haryngdon , (CMGREGOR,204.1740) and brought hem unto the castelle of Chester , (CMGREGOR,204.1741) ande there they a-boode tylle the batayle of Northehampton was done , &c . (CMGREGOR,204.1742) Also alle that seson the Erle of Warwyke with sowdyers of Calysse were comynge unto the Duke of Yorke , (CMGREGOR,205.1743) and he come ovyrwharte Colsylle be-syde Covyntre , (CMGREGOR,205.1744) and the Duke of Somerset whythe hys men rode a-longe thoroughe the towne , (CMGREGOR,205.1745) and yet non of hem mette whythe othyr as hyt happyd , (CMGREGOR,205.1746) or by lyckely hode they wold have made a newe fraye . (CMGREGOR,205.1747) Ande the same day Androwe Throllope consayvyd that the Erle of Warwyke was goyng unto the Duke of Yorke and not unto the kynge , (CMGREGOR,205.1748) and utterly for-soke hym (CMGREGOR,205.1749) and come unto the kynge (CMGREGOR,205.1750) and was pardonyd ; (CMGREGOR,205.1751) and that made the duke fulle sore a-frayde when he wyste that sum olde soudyers went from hym unto the kynge , &c . (CMGREGOR,205.1752) Wylham Hewlyn , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,205.1754) Plomer (CMGREGOR,205.1755) Sokker (CMGREGOR,205.1756) Anno xxxvij=o= . (CMGREGOR,205.1757) Ande thys same yere there was a grete afray at Lodlowe by twyne the kynge and the Duke of Yorke , the Erle of Salusbury , the Erle of Warwyke , the Erle of Marche . (CMGREGOR,205.1759) The Duke of Yorke lete make a grete depe dyche (CMGREGOR,205.1760) and fortefyde it with gonnys , cartys , and stakys , (CMGREGOR,205.1761) but hys party was ovyr weke , (CMGREGOR,205.1762) for the kyng was mo thenn xxx M=l= of harneysyd men , by-syde nakyd men that were compellyd for to come with the kynge . (CMGREGOR,205.1763) And thenne the duke fledde fro place to place in Walys , (CMGREGOR,205.1764) and breke downe the bryggys aftyr hym that the kyngys mayny schulde not come aftyr hym . (CMGREGOR,205.1765) And he wente unto Irlonde . (CMGREGOR,205.1766) And there he taryd tylle the jornay was endyd at Northehampton . (CMGREGOR,205.1767) And he made newe grotys of a newe kune in Irlonde ; (CMGREGOR,205.1768) in on syde of the grote was a crowne and in that othyr syde a crosse . (CMGREGOR,205.1769) And there he made many newe statutys , (CMGREGOR,205.1770) and hys yong sonys were sende by yende the see unto the Duke of Burgayne , (CMGREGOR,205.1771) and they were fulle welle ande worschypfully ressayvyd . (CMGREGOR,205.1772) The Erle of Saulysbury , the Erle of Warwycke , the Erle of Marche , Syr John Wenlocke , alle thes come unto Devynschyre to Syr John Denham , and alle thes by the conveynge of Syr John Denham ; (CMGREGOR,205.1773) and they bought a smalle vesselle in that contray , (CMGREGOR,205.1774) an they were conveyde unto Garnesey , ande from Garnesaye unto Calys , for fere of dethe that they sayde was ymagenyde by the kyng and hys lordys , and of hyr owne housolde mayny for hyr dystruccyon , by the counselle and consent of King Harry the VI . (CMGREGOR,206.1775) Thes lordys departyd owte of Ingelonde on Synt Edwarde ys evyn , Synt Edwarde bothe kynge and confessoure , the xij day of October , (CMGREGOR,206.1776) and they taryd at Calys xxxvj wekys . (CMGREGOR,206.1777) But the Erle of Warwycke come unto Sondewyche , (CMGREGOR,206.1778) and there he toke +te Lord Ryvers with hys ladye , the lady and Duchyes of Bedforde , (CMGREGOR,206.1779) and brought hem to Calys , (CMGREGOR,206.1780) for he was commaundyd to have londyd at $Calys by the kynge , (CMGREGOR,206.1781) but he was brought there sonner then hym lekyd . (CMGREGOR,206.1782) Ande Duke Harry of Somerset was i-commaundyd to goo to Gyon , (CMGREGOR,206.1783) and soo he dyd , (CMGREGOR,206.1784) and fulle manly made sautys to Calys , (CMGREGOR,206.1785) ande ranne byfore Calys almoste dayly , (CMGREGOR,206.1786) and many a men were hurte by hym and hys men . (CMGREGOR,206.1787) Ande thes fore sayde lordys sende letters unto many placys of Inglonde howe they were a vysyde to reforme the hurtys and myschevys ande grevys that raynyd in thys londe ; (CMGREGOR,206.1788) and that causyd them moche the more to be lovyde of the comyns of Kente and of London ; (CMGREGOR,206.1789) and by thys mene the comyns of Kent sende hem worde to ressayve hem and to go with hem in that a-tente that they wolde kepe trewe promys , and as for the more parte of thys londe hadde pytte that they were attaynte and proclaymyd trayters by the Parlement at was holde at Covyntre . (CMGREGOR,206.1790) Also that same yere the Duchyes of Yorke com unto Kyng Harry (CMGREGOR,206.1791) and submyttyd hyr unto hys grace , (CMGREGOR,206.1792) and she prayde for hyr husbonde that he myght come to hys answere and to be ressayvyd unto hys grace ; (CMGREGOR,206.1793) and the kynge fulle humbely grauntyde hyr grace , and to alle hyrs +tat wolde come with hyr , and to alle othyr that wolde com yn with yn viij dayes . And after viij days to done +te execusyon of the lawe as hit requyryd . (CMGREGOR,206.1794) And many men , bothe knyghtys and squyers , come whythe Syr Water Deverose , in hyr schyrtys and halters in hyr hondyg , fallynge by-fore the kynge , (CMGREGOR,207.1795) and alle hadde grace and marcy bothe-1 of lyffe and lym . (CMGREGOR,207.1796) The mysrewle of the kyngys galentys at Ludlowe , whenn they hadde drokyn i-nowe of wyne that was in tavernys and in othyr placys , they fulle ungoodely smote owte the heddys of the pypys and hoggys hedys of wyne , that men wente wete-schode in wyne , (CMGREGOR,207.1797) and thenn they robbyd the towne , (CMGREGOR,207.1798) and bare a-waye beddynge , clothe , and othyr stuffe , (CMGREGOR,207.1799) and defoulyd many wymmen . (CMGREGOR,207.1800) The Duchyes of Yorke was take to the Duke Bokyngham and to hys lady , (CMGREGOR,207.1801) for they two ben susters , (CMGREGOR,207.1802) and there she was tylle the fylde was done at Northehampton , (CMGREGOR,207.1803) and she was kept fulle strayte and many a grete rebuke . (CMGREGOR,207.1804) Alle soo thes for sayde lordys come agayne unto Sondewyche the xxj day of June nexte folowyng . (CMGREGOR,207.1805) And the comyns of Kente and there welle-wyllers brought hem to Lundon , and so forthe to Northehampton . (CMGREGOR,207.1806) And there they mete with the kynge (CMGREGOR,207.1807) and foughte manly with the kyngys lordys and mayny , (CMGREGOR,207.1808) but there was moche favyr in that fylde unto the Erle of Warwycke . (CMGREGOR,207.1809) And there they toke the kynge , (CMGREGOR,207.1810) and made newe offycers of the londe , as the chaunceler and tresyrar and othyr , (CMGREGOR,207.1811) but they occupyde not $forthe-with , (CMGREGOR,207.1812) but a-bode a seson of the comyng of Duke of York owte of Irlonde . (CMGREGOR,207.1813) And in that fylde was slayne the Duke of Bokyngham , stondyng stylle at hys tente , the Erle of Schrovysbury , the Lord Bemond , and the Lord Egremond , with many othyr men . (CMGREGOR,207.1814) Ande many men were drownyd by syde the fylde in the revyr at a mylle . (CMGREGOR,207.1815) And that goode knyght Syr Wylliam Lucy that dwellyd be-syde Northehampton hyrde the gonne schotte , (CMGREGOR,207.1816) and come unto the fylde to have holpyn +te kynge , (CMGREGOR,207.1817) but the fylde was done or that he come ; (CMGREGOR,207.1818) an one of the Staffordys was ware of hys comynge , (CMGREGOR,207.1819) and lovyd that knyght ys wyffe (CMGREGOR,207.1820) and hatyd hym , (CMGREGOR,207.1821) and a-non causyd hys dethe . (CMGREGOR,207.1822) Richarde Lee , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,207.1824) John Lambard (CMGREGOR,207.1825) John Flemmyng (CMGREGOR,207.1826) Anno xxxviij=o= . (CMGREGOR,207.1827) Ande thys same yere the Duke of Yorke come owte of Yrlonde , (CMGREGOR,208.1830) and londyd at the Redde Clyffe in Loncaschyre , (CMGREGOR,208.1831) and hys lyvery was whyte and brewe in hyr clothyng , and i-brawderyd a-bove with fetyrlockys . (CMGREGOR,208.1832) And thys he come forthe towarde London ; (CMGREGOR,208.1833) ande +ten hys lady the duchyes met with hym in a chare i-coveryd with blewe felewette , and iiij pore coursserys ther-yn . (CMGREGOR,208.1834) And so he come to Habyngdon , (CMGREGOR,208.1835) and there he sende for trompeters and claryners to bryng hym to London , (CMGREGOR,208.1836) and there he gave them baners with the hole armys of Inglonde with owte any dyversyte , (CMGREGOR,208.1837) and commaundyd hys swerde to ben borne uppe ryghte be-fore hym ; (CMGREGOR,208.1838) and soo he rode forthe unto Lundon tylle he come to Westemyster to Kyng Harrys palys , (CMGREGOR,208.1839) ande there he claymyde the crowne of Inglonde . (CMGREGOR,208.1840) Ande he kepte Kynge Harry there by fors and strengythe , tylle at the laste the kynge for fere of dethe grauntyd hym +te crowne , (CMGREGOR,208.1841) for a man that hathe by lytylle wytte wylle sone be a feryd of dethe , (CMGREGOR,208.1842) and yet I truste and bee-leve there was no man that wolde doo hym bodely harme . (CMGREGOR,208.1843) But the lordys entretyd that Kyng Harry shuld rejoyse the crowne durynge hys lyffe , and aftyr hys lyffe that the crowne sholde returne unto the dukys ys hayrys as hyt requyrythe by that tytylle , (CMGREGOR,208.1844) and here uppon they were swore to ben faythefulle and trewe unto Kyng Harry . (CMGREGOR,208.1845) And alle so that hyt shulde $be graunte treson to them that spake any evyr by the Duke of Yorke or hys wyffe , or any of hys chyldryn . (CMGREGOR,208.1846) And alle the lordys grauntyd there to , (CMGREGOR,208.1847) and soo hyt was proclaymyd in London and in many placys of Inglond . (CMGREGOR,208.1848) And that the for-sayde duke shulde have owte of the $crowne yerely to hys expence , for hym and hys hayrys durynge Kyng Harrys lyffe , x M=l= marke in mony . (CMGREGOR,208.1849) Thys a-cordement was made the laste day of October . (CMGREGOR,208.1850) And that same nyght the kynge remevyde unto London a-gayne hys wylle , to the byschoppe ys palys of London , (CMGREGOR,208.1851) and the Duke of Yorke com unto hym that same nyght by the torchelyght (CMGREGOR,208.1852) and toke a-pon hym as kyng , (CMGREGOR,208.1853) and sayde in many placys that thys ys owrys by very ryght . (CMGREGOR,208.1854) Ande thenn the quene hyrynge thys she voydyde unto Walys , (CMGREGOR,209.1855) but she was met with be-syde the Castelle of Malepas , (CMGREGOR,209.1856) and a servand of hyr owne that she hadde made bothe yeman and gentylman , and aftyr a-poyntyd for to be in offysce with hyr sone the prynce , spoylyde hyr (CMGREGOR,209.1857) and robbyde hyr , (CMGREGOR,209.1858) and put hyr soo in dowt of hyr lyffe and sonys lyffe also . (CMGREGOR,209.1859) And thenn she com to the Castelle of Hardelowe in Walys , (CMGREGOR,209.1860) and she hadde many grete gyftys and gretely comfortyd , (CMGREGOR,209.1861) for she hadde nede there of , (CMGREGOR,209.1862) for she hadde a fulle esy many a-boute hyr , the nombyr of iiij personnys . (CMGREGOR,209.1863) And moste colnynly she rode by-hynde a yonge poore gentylle-man of xiiij yere age , (CMGREGOR,209.1864) hys name was Jon Combe , i-borne at Amysbery in Wyltschyre . (CMGREGOR,209.1865) And there hens she remevyd fulle prevely unto the Lorde Jesper , Lorde and Erle of Penbroke , (CMGREGOR,209.1866) for she durste not a byde in noo place that $was opyn but in pryvatt . (CMGREGOR,209.1867) The cause was that conterfete tokyns were sende unto hyr as thoughe that they hadde come from hyr moste dradde lorde the Kyng Harry the VI. ; (CMGREGOR,209.1868) but hyt was not of hys sendyng nothyr of $his doynge , but forgyd thyngys , (CMGREGOR,209.1869) for they that brought the tokyns were of the kyngys howse , and sum of +t=e= pryncys howse , and sum of hyr owne howse , (CMGREGOR,209.1870) and bade hyr beware of the tokyns , that she gave noo creldans there too ; (CMGREGOR,209.1871) for at the kyngys departynge fro Covyntre towarde the fylde of Northehampton , he kyste hyr (CMGREGOR,209.1872) and bessyd the prynce , (CMGREGOR,209.1873) and commaundyd hyr that she shulde not com unto hym tylle that $he sende a specyalle tokyn unto hyr that no man knewe but the kynge and she . (CMGREGOR,209.1874) For the lordys wolde fayne hadde hyr unto Lundon , (CMGREGOR,209.1875) for they knewe welle that alle the workyngys that were done growe by hyr , (CMGREGOR,209.1876) for she was more wyttyer then the kynge , (CMGREGOR,209.1877) and that apperythe by hys dedys , &c . (CMGREGOR,209.1878) Then the Quene havynge knowelechynge of thys praty whyle sche sende unto the Duke of Somersett , at that tyme beynge in Dorset schyre at the Castelle of Corffe , and for the Erle of Devyschyre , and for Elysaundyr Hody , (CMGREGOR,209.1879) and prayde hem to com to hyr as hastely as they myght , with hyr tenantys as stronge in hyr harnys as men of warre , (CMGREGOR,209.1880) for the Lorde Rosse , the Lorde Clyfforde , the Baron of Grestocke , the Lorde Nevyle , the Lorde Latymer , were waytyng a-pon the Duke of $Execter to mete with hyr at Hulle . (CMGREGOR,210.1881) And thys mater was not taryd but fulle prevely i-wrought ; (CMGREGOR,210.1882) and she sende letters unto alle hyr chyffe offycers that they wold doo the same , and that they shulde warne alle +to servantys that lovyd hyr or purposyd to kepe and rejoyse hyr offysce , to wayte a-pon hyr at Hulle by that day as hit a-poyntyd by hyr . (CMGREGOR,210.1883) Alle thes pepylle were gaderyd and conveyde so prevely that they wer hole in nombyr of xv M=l= or any man wolde be-leve hyt ; (CMGREGOR,210.1884) in so moche yf any man sayde , or tolde , or talkyd of suche gaderyng , he shulde be sehende , (CMGREGOR,210.1885) and sum were in grete donger , (CMGREGOR,210.1886) for the comyn pepylle sayde by thoo that tolde +t=e= , troughthe , " Ye talke ryght (CMGREGOR,210.1887) ye wolde hit were , " (CMGREGOR,210.1888) and gave noo credens of hyr sayynge . (CMGREGOR,210.1889) But the laste the lordys purposyd to knowe the trough+te . (CMGREGOR,210.1890) And the ix day of December nexte folowyng the Duke of Yorke , the Erle of Salysbury , the Erle Rotlond he was the Duke of Yorke ys secunde sone , one the beste dysposyd lorde in thys londe , and Syr Thomas Haryngdon , whythe many mo knyghtys and quyers and grete pepylle with hem , and soo departyd owte of London towarde Yorke , &c . (CMGREGOR,210.1891) Ande the same yere , the xxx day of December , the Duke of Exceter , the Duke of Somersett , the Erle of Northehomberlond , the Lorde Roos , the Lorde Nevyle , the Lorde Clyfforde , with many mo lordys , knyghtys , squyers , and gentyllys , and the commyns of the Quenys party , met with the Duke of Yorke at Wakefylde , (CMGREGOR,210.1892) and there they made a grete jorney a-pon the Lorde and Duke of Yorke , (CMGREGOR,210.1893) and toke hym and the Erle of Saulysbury , the Erle of Rutlond , and the Lorde Haryngdon , and Syr Thomas Nevyle , and Syr Thomas Haryngdon , (CMGREGOR,210.1894) and many mo knyghtys were take a slayne by syde alle the comyns . (CMGREGOR,210.1895) But thys good Duke of Yorke with hys lordys afore sayde loste hyr heddys ; (CMGREGOR,210.1896) God have marcy on there soulys , (CMGREGOR,210.1897) for they loste in that jorneys the nombyr of xxv c men . (CMGREGOR,210.1898) And in the Quenys party were slay but ii c men , &c . (CMGREGOR,210.1899) As for the sege of the Towre , hyt ys com and opyn i-knowe , (CMGREGOR,210.1900) I passe ovyr . (CMGREGOR,211.1901) But sone aftyr the ende of the sege the Lorde Schalys , that notabylle warryoure , was slayne at Synt Mary Overeyes with water men , (CMGREGOR,211.1902) and laye there dyspoyly nakyd as a worme . (CMGREGOR,211.1903) But the lordys were fulle sory of hys dethe . (CMGREGOR,211.1904) Alle so Edwarde Erle of Marche , the Duke of Yorke ys sone and heyre , hadde a gre jornaye at Mortymer ys Crosse in Walys the secunde day of Februar nexte soo folowynge , (CMGREGOR,211.1905) and there he put to flyght the Erle of Tenbroke , the Erle of Wylteschyre . (CMGREGOR,211.1906) And there he toke and slowe of knyghtys and squyers , and of the , to the nomber of iij M=l=. , &c . (CMGREGOR,211.1907) Ande in that jornay was Owyn Tetyr i-take and brought unto Herforde este , (CMGREGOR,211.1908) an he was be heddyde at the market place , and hys hedde sette a-pone the hygheyste gryce of the market crosse , (CMGREGOR,211.1909) and a madde woman kembyd hys here (CMGREGOR,211.1910) and wysche a way the blode of hys face , (CMGREGOR,211.1911) and she gate candellys (CMGREGOR,211.1912) and sette a-boute hym brennynge , moo then a c . (CMGREGOR,211.1913) Thys Owyne Tytyr was fadyr unto the Erle of Penbroke , (CMGREGOR,211.1914) and hadde weddyd Quene Kateryn , Kyng Harry the VI. ys modyr , wenyng and trustyng all eway that he shulde not be hedyd tylle he sawe the axe and the blocke , (CMGREGOR,211.1915) and whenn that he was in hys dobelet he trustyd on pardon and grace tylle the coler of hys redde vellvet dobbelet was ryppyd of . (CMGREGOR,211.1916) Then he sayde , " That hede shalle ly on the stocke that was wonte to ly on Quene Kateryns lappe , " (CMGREGOR,211.1917) and put hys herte and mynde holy unto God , (CMGREGOR,211.1918) and fulle mekely toke hys dethe . (CMGREGOR,211.1919) Alle soo the same day that the Erle of Marche shulde take hys jornaye towarde Mortyrner ys Crosse fro Herforde este , he mousterd hys many with owte the towne wallys in a mersche that ys callyd Wyg mersche . (CMGREGOR,211.1920) And ovyr hym men say iij sonnys schynyng . (CMGREGOR,211.1921) Ande the xvij day nexte folowynge Kyng Harry roode to Synt Albonys , and the Duke of Northefolke with hym , the Erle of Warwycke , the Erle of Arundelle , the Lorde Bouser , the Lorde Bonvyle , with many grete lordys , knyghtys , and squyers , and commyns of an c M=l= men . (CMGREGOR,211.1922) And there they hadde a grete batayle whythe the Quene , (CMGREGOR,212.1923) for she come ever on fro the jornaye of Wackefylde tylle sche come to Synt Albonys , with alle the lordys a fore sayde ; (CMGREGOR,212.1924) and hyr mayny and every lorde ys men bare hyr lordys leverey , that every man myghte knowe hys owne feleschippe by hys lyverey . (CMGREGOR,212.1925) And be-syde alle that , every man and lorde bare the Pryncys levery , that was a bende of crymesyn and blacke with esteryge ys fetherys . (CMGREGOR,212.1926) The substance that gate that fylde were howseholde men and feyd men . (CMGREGOR,212.1927) I wene there were not v M=l= men that fought in the Quenys party , (CMGREGOR,212.1928) for +t=e= moste parte of Northeryn men fledde a-way , (CMGREGOR,212.1929) and sum were take and spoylyd owte of hyr harnysse by the way as they fledde . (CMGREGOR,212.1930) And sum of them robbyd evyr as they yede , (CMGREGOR,212.1931) a petyffulle thynge hit ys to hyre hit . (CMGREGOR,212.1932) But the day before that batayle there was a jornay at Dunstapyl ; (CMGREGOR,212.1933) but the kyngys mayny lackyd good gydiyng , (CMGREGOR,212.1934) for sum were but newe men of warre , (CMGREGOR,212.1935) for the chevyste captayne was a boucher of the same towne ; (CMGREGOR,212.1936) and there were the kyngys mayny ovyr throughe only by the Northeryn men . (CMGREGOR,212.1937) And sone aftyr the bocher , for schame of hys sympylle gydynge and loste of the men , the nombyr of viij c , for very sorowe as hyt ys sayde , hynge hym selfe ; (CMGREGOR,212.1938) and sum men sayde that hyt was for loste of hys goode , (CMGREGOR,212.1939) but dede he ys - (CMGREGOR,212.1940) God knowythe the trought . (CMGREGOR,212.1941) And in the myddys of the batayle Kynge Harry wente unto hys Quene (CMGREGOR,212.1942) and for-soke alle hys lordys , (CMGREGOR,212.1943) ande truste better to hyr party thenne unto hys owne lordys . (CMGREGOR,212.1944) And thenn thoronghe grete labur the Duke of Northefolke and the Erle of Warwycke a schapyd a-waye ; (CMGREGOR,212.1945) the Byschoppe of Exceter , that tyme Chaunceler of Ingelond , and brother unto the Erle of Warwycke , the Lorde Bouser , whythe many othyr knyghtys , squyers , and comyns fledde , and many men slayne in bothe partys . (CMGREGOR,212.1946) And the Lorde Bonevyle was be-heddyd , the comyn sayynge that hys longage causyd hym to dye . (CMGREGOR,212.1947) The Prynce was jugge ys owne sylfe . (CMGREGOR,212.1948) Ande ther was slayne that manly knyght Syr Thomas Keryel . (CMGREGOR,212.1949) The nomber of ded men was xxxv c an moo , +tat were slayne . (CMGREGOR,212.1950) The lordys in Kyng Harrys party pycchyd a fylde (CMGREGOR,212.1951) and fortefyd hyt fulle stronge (CMGREGOR,212.1952) and lyke unwvyse men brake hyr raye and fyld (CMGREGOR,213.1953) and toke a-nothyr , (CMGREGOR,213.1954) and or that they were alle sette a buskyd to batayle , the Quenys parte was at hond whythe hem in towne of Synt Albonys , (CMGREGOR,213.1955) and then alle +tyng was to seke and owte of ordyr , (CMGREGOR,213.1956) for hyr pryckyers come not home to bryng no tydyng howe ny that the Quene was , save one come and sayd that she was ix myle of . (CMGREGOR,213.1957) And ar the goners and borgeners couthe levylle hyr gonnys they were besely fyghtyng , (CMGREGOR,213.1958) and many a gynne of wer was ordaynyd that stode in lytylle a-vayle or nought ; (CMGREGOR,213.1959) for the burgeners hadde suche instrumentys that wolde schute bothe pellettys of ledde and arowys of an elle of lenghthe with vj fetherys , iij in myddys and iij at the othyr ende , with a grete myghty hedde of yryn at the othyr ende , and wylde fyre with alle . (CMGREGOR,213.1960) Alle thes iij thyngys they myght schute welle and esely at onys , (CMGREGOR,213.1961) but in tyme of nede they couthe not schut not one of thes , (CMGREGOR,213.1962) but the fyre turnyd backe a-pon them that wold schute thys iij thyngys . (CMGREGOR,213.1963) Also they hadde nettys made of grete cordys of iiij fethem of lengthe and of iiij fote brode , lyke unto an haye , (CMGREGOR,213.1964) and at every ij knott there was an nayl stondyng uppe ryght , that there couthe no man passe ovyr hyt by lyckely hode but he shulde be hurte . (CMGREGOR,213.1965) Alle so they hadde pavysse bore as a dore i-made with a staffe foldynge uppe and downe to sette the pavys where the lykyd , and loupys with schyttyng wyndowys to schute owte at , they stondyng by hynde +te pavys , and the pavys as fulle of iij=d= nayle aftyr ordyr as they myght stonde . (CMGREGOR,213.1966) And whenn hyr schotte was spende and done they caste the pavysse by-fore hem , (CMGREGOR,213.1967) thenn there myght noo man come unto them ovyr the pavysse for the naylys that stode up-ryghte , but yf he wolde myschyffe hym sylfe . (CMGREGOR,213.1968) Alle so they hadde a thynge made lyke unto a latysse fulle of naylys as the net was , (CMGREGOR,213.1969) but hit wolde be mevyd as a man wolde ; (CMGREGOR,213.1970) a man myght bryse hyt to-gedyr that the lengythe wolde be more then ij yerdys long , (CMGREGOR,213.1971) and yf he wolde he myght hale hyt a brode , (CMGREGOR,213.1972) thenn hit wolde be iiij square . (CMGREGOR,213.1973) And that servyd to lye at gappys there at horsemen wolde entyr yn , and many a caltrappe . (CMGREGOR,213.1974) And as the substaunce of men of worschyppe that wylle not glose nor cory favyl for no parcyallyte , they cowthe not undyrstond that alle thys ordenaunce dyd any goode or harme but yf hyt were a mong us in owre parte with Kyng Harry . (CMGREGOR,214.1975) There fore hyt ys moche lefte , (CMGREGOR,214.1976) and men take hem to mallys of ledde , bowys , swyrdys , gleyvys , and axys . (CMGREGOR,214.1977) As for speremen they ben good to ryde be-fore the foote men and ete and drynke uppe hyr vetayle , (CMGREGOR,214.1978) and many moo suche prety thyngys they doo , (CMGREGOR,214.1979) holde me excusyd thoughe I say the beste , (CMGREGOR,214.1980) for in the fote men ys alle the tryste . (CMGREGOR,214.1981) Ande at the nyght aftyr the batayle the kynge blessyd hys sone the Prynce , (CMGREGOR,214.1982) and Doctor Morton brought forthe a boke that was fulle of orysons , (CMGREGOR,214.1983) and there the boke was oppenyd , (CMGREGOR,214.1984) and blessyd that yong chylde cum pinguedine terre et cum rore celi , (CMGREGOR,214.1985) and made hym knyght . (CMGREGOR,214.1986) And the yong knyght weryd a payre of bregant yerys i-coveryd with purpylle velvyt i-bete with golde-smythe ys worke . (CMGREGOR,214.1987) And the Prynce made many knyghtys . (CMGREGOR,214.1988) The fryste that he made was Androwe Trolloppe , (CMGREGOR,214.1989) for he was hurte (CMGREGOR,214.1990) and myght not goo for a calletrappe in hys fote ; (CMGREGOR,214.1991) and he sayde , " My lorde , I have not deservyd hit (CMGREGOR,214.1992) for I slowe but xv men , (CMGREGOR,214.1993) for I stode stylle in oo place (CMGREGOR,214.1994) and they come unto me , (CMGREGOR,214.1995) but they bode stylle with me . " (CMGREGOR,214.1996) And then come Whytyngam , Tresham , and many moo othyr , (CMGREGOR,214.1997) and were made knyghtys that same tyme . (CMGREGOR,214.1998) Ande the Kynge and the Quene toke hyr jornay unto Yorke wardys , (CMGREGOR,214.1999) for they demyde that the Northeryn men wolde have ben to creuelle in robbyng yf they hadde come to London . (CMGREGOR,214.2000) But by the a-vyse of Docter Morton they sende certayne knyghtys and men unto London and to Westemyster , (CMGREGOR,214.2001) but they myght not be sufferde to entery in to the towne . (CMGREGOR,214.2002) Ande sum of hyr mayny were slayne for hyr cursyd longege . (CMGREGOR,214.2003) Ande the mayre ordaynyd bothe brede and vytayle to be sende unto the quene , and a certayne sum of money with alle . (CMGREGOR,214.2004) But whenn men of London and comyns wyste that the cartysse shulde goo to the Quene , they toke the cartys (CMGREGOR,214.2005) and departyde +te brede and vytayle a-monge the comyns . (CMGREGOR,214.2006) And on John Byschopye was a grete doer of thys mater , (CMGREGOR,214.2007) for he was chyffe coke to the knyght Syr John Wenlocke . (CMGREGOR,214.2008) But as for the mony , I wot not howe hit was departyd ; (CMGREGOR,215.2009) I trowe the pursse stale the mony . (CMGREGOR,215.2010) Then come tydyngys of the comynge of +te Erle of Marche unto London ; (CMGREGOR,215.2011) thenn alle the cytte where fayne , (CMGREGOR,215.2012) and thonkyd God , (CMGREGOR,215.2013) and sayde that He that had Londyn for sake Wolde no more to hem take , (CMGREGOR,215.2014) and sayde , " Lette us walke in a newe wyne yerde , (CMGREGOR,215.2015) and lette us make us a gay gardon in the monythe of Marche with thys fayre whyte ros and herbe , the Erle of Marche . " (CMGREGOR,215.2016) And the Erle of Warwycke mette with the Erle of Marche by-syde Oxforde , x myle owte of hit , at a towne of hys owne i-namyd Burford a-pon the Wolde ; (CMGREGOR,215.2017) for the Erle of Marche come fro Walys , (CMGREGOR,215.2018) and was fulle sore a-ferde of the loste of the ij fyldys that were loste by-fore , (CMGREGOR,215.2019) Wakefylde that one , and Synt Albonys that othyr , (CMGREGOR,215.2020) and he sorowde sore for hys fadyr the Duke of Yorke , and for hys good brother the Erle of Rutlond , and for alle othyr lordys and comyns , &c . (CMGREGOR,215.2021) There the Erle of Warwycke informyd hym of the gydynge and dysposyscyon of Kyng Harry , and of the Quene , and of the love and favyr that the comyns hadde unto hym , and by ryght to occupy the crowne of Inglonde , (CMGREGOR,215.2022) and soo hys hert was sum what made gladde and comfortyd . (CMGREGOR,215.2023) But he was sory that he was soo pore , (CMGREGOR,215.2024) for he hadde no mony , (CMGREGOR,215.2025) but the substance of hys mayny come at hyr owne coste . (CMGREGOR,215.2026) Alle soo the xxvj day of Februer nexte folowyng Edwarde Erle of Marche com to London owt of Walys and the Erle of Warwycke with hym , and xl M=l= men with hem bothe , (CMGREGOR,215.2027) and they entervd unto the cytte of London , (CMGREGOR,215.2028) and there he toke uppon hym the crowne of Inglond by the avysse of the lordys spyrytual and temporalle , and by the elexyon of the comyns . (CMGREGOR,215.2029) And so he be-gan hys rayne the iiij day of Marche , in the yere of oure Lorde God M=l= cccc lxj , the Sondy letter D as for that yere . (CMGREGOR,215.2030) Thys ys the fyrste of hys rayne of Kynge Edwarde the iiij=the= . (CMGREGOR,216.2033) Now gon messyngers by twyne contraye and contraye , (CMGREGOR,216.2035) and harowdys were fulle schante , (CMGREGOR,216.2036) for they ne wyste what was beste to done , (CMGREGOR,216.2037) but sufferens and fayr speche dyd them moche ese . (CMGREGOR,216.2038) And bothe +t=e= newe kynge and the olde were fulle besyd to make hyr party stronge , &c . (CMGREGOR,216.2039) The xiij day of Marche the kynge , owre newe Kynge Edwarde , toke hys jornaye unto the Northe , and the Duke of Northefolke with hym . The Erle of Warwycke and the Lorde Fauconbrygge , with many knyghtes , squyers , and comyns , to the nomber of ii c M=l= men . (CMGREGOR,216.2040) And the xxviij day of Marche , that was +t=e= Palme Sunday evyn , the Lorde Fewater was slayne at Ferybryge , (CMGREGOR,216.2041) and many with hym was slayne and drownyd . (CMGREGOR,216.2042) And the Erle of Warwycke was hurte yn hys legge with an arowe at the same jornaye . (CMGREGOR,216.2043) Ande the xxix day of the same monythe of Marche that was Palme Sunday , the kyng mette with the lordys of the Northe at Schyrborne . (CMGREGOR,216.2044) And there was on Harrys party that was kynge - Prynce Edwarde , Kyng Harrys son . The Duke of Exceter . The Duke of Somersett . The Erle of Northehumberlond . The Erle of Devynschyre . The Lorde Roos . The Lorde Bemound . The Lorde Clyfforde . The Lorde Nevyle . The Lorde Wellys . The Lorde Wylby . The Lorde Harry of Bokyngham . The Lorde Ryvers . The Lorde Schalys . The Lorde Maule . The Lorde Ferys of Groby . The Lorde Foschewe . The Lorde Lovelle . Syr Thomas Hammys , captayne of alle the fote men . Syr Androwe Thorlloppe . Syr Thomas Tressam . Syr Robert Whytyngham . Syr John Dawne . And the yonge Lorde of Schronysbury , and many moo othyr , bothe lordys , knyghtys , and squyers . (CMGREGOR,217.2045) Here ben the namys of the lordys that were slayne in the felde in Kynge Harrys party . (CMGREGOR,217.2046) The Erle of Northehumberlond , The Lorde Clyfforde , The Lorde Nevyle , The Lorde Wellys , The Lorde Maules , And many moo then I can reherse ; (CMGREGOR,217.2047) but whythe +tes and othyr that were slayne in the fylde ys a grete nombyr , by syde xlij knyghtys that were slayne aftyr ; (CMGREGOR,217.2048) the hoole nombyr ys xxxv M=l= of comeners . (CMGREGOR,217.2049) Jhesu be +tou marcyfulle unto hyr soulys . (CMGREGOR,217.2050) Amen . (CMGREGOR,217.2051) And the lordys before wretyn fledde , the substance in to Schotlond with the Kynge Harry and Quene Margarete , and sone the Prynce with hym , fulle of sorowe and hevynys , no wondyr . (CMGREGOR,217.2052) God knowythe , (CMGREGOR,217.2053) but every man deme the beste tylle the trought be tryde owte . (CMGREGOR,217.2054) For many a lady lost hyr beste be lovyd in that batayle . (CMGREGOR,217.2055) The Erle of Devynschyre was seke , (CMGREGOR,217.2056) and myght not voyde a waye , (CMGREGOR,217.2057) and was take and be heddyd . (CMGREGOR,217.2058) And the Erle of Wylte schyre was take and brought unto Newe Castell to the Kynge . (CMGREGOR,217.2059) And there hys hedde was smete of , and send unto London to be sette uppon London Brygge . (CMGREGOR,218.2060) And Docter Morton , the Prynces chaunceler , was take with hym and put in the Towre , (CMGREGOR,218.2061) but he schapyd a way longe tyme aftyr , (CMGREGOR,218.2062) and ys by yonde the see with the Quene , &c . (CMGREGOR,218.2063) Ande the Kynge taryd in the Northe a grette whyle , (CMGREGOR,218.2064) a made grete inquerens of the rebellyens a-gayne hys fadyr . (CMGREGOR,218.2065) And toke downe hys fadyrs hedde fro the walle of Yorke . (CMGREGOR,218.2066) And made alle the contray to ben sworne unt hym and to hys lawys . (CMGREGOR,218.2067) And then he returnyd unto Lundon agayne . (CMGREGOR,218.2068) And there he made xviij knyghtys and many lordys . (CMGREGOR,218.2069) And then he rode to Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,218.2070) And there he was crounyd the xxviij day of June , and the yere of oure Lorde M=l= cccc lxj , (CMGREGOR,218.2071) blessyd be God of hys grete grace , etc . (CMGREGOR,218.2072) Hewe Wythe , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,218.2074) Gorge Irlond (CMGREGOR,218.2075) John Loke (CMGREGOR,218.2076) Anno ij=o= . (CMGREGOR,218.2077) And thys same yere the Erle of Oxforde , the Lord Abbry , the Lorde of Oxforde ys sone , Syr Thomas Todenham knyght , John Mongomery , and William Terelle squyer , were takyn in Esex , and brought unto Lundon to the Towre . (CMGREGOR,218.2079) Ande thenne they were ledde to Westemyster to the Kynges palys , (CMGREGOR,218.2080) and there they were attaynte of hyghe and myghthy treson that they ymagenyd agayne +te Kynge . (CMGREGOR,218.2081) And thenn they were drawe to the Towre from Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,218.2082) And at the Towre hylle was made a schaffolde for them (CMGREGOR,218.2083) and there hyr heddys were smetyn on , and hyr bodys beryd , as hyt plesyd them to be qwethe hyr bodys . (CMGREGOR,218.2084) Thomas Coke , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,218.2086) Bartholomewe Jamys (CMGREGOR,218.2087) Wylliam Hampton (CMGREGOR,218.2088) Anno iij=o= . (CMGREGOR,218.2089) Thys yere Quene Margarete com owt of Frauns with lij schyppys , with Freynysche men and sum Engelysche men in the schyppys . (CMGREGOR,218.2091) And they londyd in Northe Humberlonde , (CMGREGOR,218.2092) hyt was vij dayes be-fore Alle Halwyn tyde . (CMGREGOR,218.2093) And there sche toke the castelle of Anwyke (CMGREGOR,218.2094) and put hyt fulle of Fraynyschemen . (CMGREGOR,218.2095) And thenn she retornyd in to Schotlonde by water . (CMGREGOR,218.2096) And there rosse suche a tempaste uppon hyr that she for soke hyr se schippe , (CMGREGOR,218.2097) and a schapyd with the bote of +te schyppe . (CMGREGOR,218.2098) And the schyppe was drownyd with moche of hyr stuffe and iij grete schippys moo . (CMGREGOR,218.2099) And iiij c an vj Fraynysche men were take in the chyrche of Hooly Ylond . (CMGREGOR,219.2100) Thenn Kyng Edward hyrde telle of thys , (CMGREGOR,219.2101) and made hym redy towarde the Northe with many lordys , gentellys , and comyns with hym . (CMGREGOR,219.2102) And there he layde a sege to Anwyke Castelle , and to the castelle of Bamborowe , and to Dunsterborowe . (CMGREGOR,219.2103) Bamborowe and Dunsterborowe was kepte by Syr Raffe Persy and Syr Harry Bewforde , late Duke of Somersett , and the castelle of Anwyke with the Lorde Hungerforde . (CMGREGOR,219.2104) And Bamborowe and Dunsterborowe were yoldyn be Syr Raffe Percy and Syr Harry Beuford , late Duke of Somersett , to the Kyngys wylle , whythe the condyscyons that the sayde Raffe Percy schulde have the kepynge of the ij castellys , Bamborowe and Dunstarborowe . (CMGREGOR,219.2105) The sayde Syr Raffe Percy and Syr Harry Bewforde , late Duke of Somersett , were sworne to be trewe and faythefulle as trewe lege men unto owre kynge and soverayne lorde Edwarde the iiij=the= . (CMGREGOR,219.2106) And they com to Derham , (CMGREGOR,219.2107) and there they were sworne byfore owre kynge . (CMGREGOR,219.2108) And the kynge gaffe hem hys levery and grete rewardys . (CMGREGOR,219.2109) Ande thenn the for sayde Raffe Percys retornyde a-gayne in to Northehumberlond , (CMGREGOR,219.2110) and hadde the kepynge of the sayde ij castellys accordynge unto the poyntment . (CMGREGOR,219.2111) And the sayde Syr Harry Beuforde a-bode stylle whithe the kynge , (CMGREGOR,219.2112) and roode with hym to Lundon . (CMGREGOR,219.2113) And the Kynge made fulle moche of hym ; in soo moche that he loggyd whythe the kynge in hys owne bedde many nyghtys , (CMGREGOR,219.2114) and sum tyme rode a huntynge be hynde the kynge , the kynge havynge a boute hym not passynge vj hors at the moste , (CMGREGOR,219.2115) and yet iij were of the Dukys men of Somersett . (CMGREGOR,219.2116) The kyng lovyd hym welle , (CMGREGOR,219.2117) but the duke thought treson undyr fayre chere and wordys , as hyt apperyd . (CMGREGOR,219.2118) And for a grete love the kyng made a grete justys at Westemyster , that he shuld se sum maner sporte of chevalry aftyr hys grete labur and hevynys . (CMGREGOR,219.2119) And with grete instans the kynge made hym to take harnys uppon hym , (CMGREGOR,219.2120) and rode in the place , (CMGREGOR,219.2121) but he wolde nevyr cope whithe no man (CMGREGOR,219.2122) and no man myght not cope whythe hym , tylle the kynge prayd hym to be mery and sende hym a tokyn , (CMGREGOR,219.2123) and thenn he ranne fulle justely and merely , (CMGREGOR,219.2124) and hys helme was a sory hatte of strawe . (CMGREGOR,219.2125) And thenn every man markyd hym welle . (CMGREGOR,219.2126) But within schorte tyme aftyr the sayde Syr Raffe Percy by fals colysyon and treson he lete the Fraynysche men take the castelle of Bamborowe fro hym nolens volo . (CMGREGOR,220.2128) As for the castelle of Anwyke alle the men of werre that were of worschip brake owte of the castelle by fors and warre (CMGREGOR,220.2129) and rescuyd Syr Perys de Brasylle on xij day by $v the morne , (CMGREGOR,220.2130) and they that were with yn the castelle gaffe hit uppe by a-poyntement , &c . (CMGREGOR,220.2131) And then Kyng Edwar made Syr John Ascheley , the knyght that fought so manly in Smethefylde with an alyon that calengyd , he was made captayne of the castelle , and Syr Raffe Gray constabylle of the sayde castelle of Anwycke . (CMGREGOR,220.2132) And withyn iij or iiij monythys aftyr that fals knyght and traytoure , Syr Raffe Graye , by fals treson toke the sayde Syr John Ascheley presoner , (CMGREGOR,220.2133) and delyveryd hym to Quene Margarete , (CMGREGOR,220.2134) and thenn delyveryde the castelle to the Lorde Hungerforde and unto the Fraynysche men accompanyd whythe hym ; (CMGREGOR,220.2135) and by thys mene he put the kyng owre soverayne lorde owte of possessyon . (CMGREGOR,220.2136) And thenne aftyr that come Kyng Harry that was , and the Quene to the Kynge of Schottys , Syr Perys de Brasylle , with iiij=xx= M=l= Schottys , (CMGREGOR,220.2137) and layde a sege unto the castelle of Norham , (CMGREGOR,220.2138) and lay there xviij dayes . (CMGREGOR,220.2139) And thenn my Lorde of Warwycke and hys brother the Lorde Montegewe put them in devyr to rescewe +t=e= sayde castelle of Norham , (CMGREGOR,220.2140) and soo they dyd , (CMGREGOR,220.2141) and put bothe Kynge Harry and the Kyng of Schotys to flyghte . (CMGREGOR,220.2142) And Quene Margarete whythe alle hir consayle , and Syr Perys de Brasey whythe the Fraynysche men , fledde a-way by water with iiij balyaggers ; (CMGREGOR,220.2143) and they londyd at the Scluse in Flaundyrs , (CMGREGOR,220.2144) and lefte Kyng Harry that was be hynde hem , and alle hyr hors and hyr harneys , they were so hastyd by my Lorde of Warwycke , and hys brother the Lorde Mountegrewe , and by hyr feleschippe with them accompanyde . (CMGREGOR,220.2145) And at the departynge of Syr Perys de Brasyl and hys feleschippe was on manly man that purposyd to mete with my Lorde of Warwycke , (CMGREGOR,220.2146) that was a taberette , (CMGREGOR,220.2147) for he stode a-pon an hylle with hys tabyr and hys pype , taberyng and pyping as merely as any man myght , (CMGREGOR,221.2148) stondyng by hym selfe , tylle my lorde come unto hym he wold not lesse hys grownd ; (CMGREGOR,221.2149) and there he be-come my lordys man ; (CMGREGOR,221.2150) ande yet he ys with hym fulle good and to hys lorde . (CMGREGOR,221.2151) Thenn the Kynge Edwarde the iiij purposyd to make an arme into Schotlonde by londe and by water , that the grete rebellyous Harry ande the Quene Margarete shulde not passe a way by water . (CMGREGOR,221.2152) And the kyng made the Erle of Worseter captayne by water . (CMGREGOR,221.2153) And thenn there was ordaynyd a grete navy and a grete armye bothe by watyr and by lond . (CMGREGOR,221.2154) And alle was loste and in vayne , (CMGREGOR,221.2155) and cam too noo purposse , neyther by water ne by londe . (CMGREGOR,221.2156) Alle so the kynge sone aftyr dysposyd hym , (CMGREGOR,221.2157) and was purposyd to ryde into Yorke schyre and to the contray a boute , to see and understonde the dysposyscyon of the pepylle of the Northe . (CMGREGOR,221.2158) And toke with hym the Duke of Somersett , and ij c of hys men welle horsyd and welle i-harnaysyd . (CMGREGOR,221.2159) Ande the sayde Duke , Harry of Somersett , ande his men were made the Kyngys garde , (CMGREGOR,221.2160) for the Kyng hadde that duke in moche favyr (CMGREGOR,221.2161) and trustyd hym welle . (CMGREGOR,221.2162) But +te garde of hym was as men shulde put a lombe a monge wolvysse of malyscyus bestys ; (CMGREGOR,221.2163) but Alle myghty God was the scheparde . (CMGREGOR,221.2164) And whenn the kynge departyd from London he toke hys way to Northehampton , (CMGREGOR,221.2165) and thedyr the kynge com a Syn Jamys day the Apostylle , ande that fals duke with hym . (CMGREGOR,221.2166) And the comyns of the towne of Northehampton and of the schyre a-boute sawe that the fals duke and traytoure was so nyghe the Kyngys presens and was made hys garde . (CMGREGOR,221.2167) The comyns a rosse uppon that fals traytur thee Duke of Somersett , (CMGREGOR,221.2168) and wolde have slayne hym with yn the kyngys palys . (CMGREGOR,221.2169) And thenn the kynge with fayre speche and grete defeculte savyde hys lyffe for that tyme , (CMGREGOR,221.2170) and that was pytte , (CMGREGOR,221.2171) for the savynge of hys lyffe at that tyme causyd mony mannys dethys son aftyr , as ye shalle heyre . (CMGREGOR,221.2172) And then the Duke sende that fals Duke of Somersett in to a castelle of hys owne fulle secretly , for save garde of hys the dukys lyffe , and the dukys men unto Newe Castelle , to kepe the towne , (CMGREGOR,222.2173) and gave hem goode wages fulle treuly payde . (CMGREGOR,222.2174) And the Kyng fulle lovyngly gave the comyns of Northehampton a tonne of wyne that they shulde drynke and make mery . (CMGREGOR,222.2175) And +te wyne was drunkyn merely in the market place , (CMGREGOR,222.2176) for they hadde many fayre pecys of sylvyr . (CMGREGOR,222.2177) I darsay ther ys no taverne that hathe not so moche of stuffe as they occupyde in hys hyr {COM:so_in_ms.} tavernys . (CMGREGOR,222.2178) For sum fette wyne in basynnys , and sum in caudryns , and sum in bollys , and sum in pannys and sum in dyschys . (CMGREGOR,222.2179) Loo , the grete tresoure that they scheuyd +tat tyme . (CMGREGOR,222.2180) Mathewe Phylyppe , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,222.2182) Muschampe (CMGREGOR,222.2183) Basset (CMGREGOR,222.2184) Anno iiij=o= . (CMGREGOR,222.2185) Thys yere , a-bute Mydsomyr , a the ryalle feste of the Sargantys of the Coyfe , the Mayre of London was desyryde to be at that feste . (CMGREGOR,222.2187) And at denyr tyme he come to the feste with his offecers , a-greyng and a-cordyng unto hys degre . (CMGREGOR,222.2188) For with yn London he ys next unto the kyng in alle maner thynge . (CMGREGOR,222.2189) And in tyme of waschynge the Erle of Worseter was take be-fore the mayre and sette downe in the myddys of the hy tabylle . (CMGREGOR,222.2190) And the mayre seynge that hys place was occupyd hylde hym contente , (CMGREGOR,222.2191) and went home a gayne with owt mete or drynke or any thonke , (CMGREGOR,222.2192) but rewarde hym he dyd as hys dygnyte requyryd of the cytte . (CMGREGOR,222.2193) And toke with hym the substance of hys bretheryn the aldyrmen to his place , (CMGREGOR,222.2194) and were sette and servyd also sone as any man couthe devyse , bothe of sygnet and of othyr delycatys i-nowe , that alle the howse mervelyd howe welle alle tynge was done in soo schorte a tyme , and prayde alle men to be mery and gladde , (CMGREGOR,222.2195) hit shuhle be a mendyd a nothyr tyme . (CMGREGOR,222.2196) Thenn the offesers of the feste , fulle evylle a schamyd , informyd the maysters of the feste of thys mysse happe that ys be-falle . (CMGREGOR,222.2197) And they consyderynge the grete dygnyte and costys and charge that longgyd unto the cytte , and a-non sende unto the mayre a present of mete , brede , wyne , and many dyvers sotelteys . (CMGREGOR,222.2198) But whenn they that come with the presentys say alle the gyftys , and the sarvyse that was at the borde , he was fulle sore a schamyd that shulde doo +te massage , (CMGREGOR,223.2199) for the present was not better thenn the servyse of metys was by fore the mayre , and thoroughe owte the hyghe tabylle . (CMGREGOR,223.2200) But hys demenynge was soo that he hadde love and thonke for hys massage , and a grette rewarde with alle . (CMGREGOR,223.2201) And thys the worschippe of the cytte was kepte , and not loste for hym . (CMGREGOR,223.2202) And I truste that nevyr hyt shalle , by the grace of God . (CMGREGOR,223.2203) Ande thys same yere a-boute Crystysmas that fals Duke of Somersett , with owte any leve of the kyng , stale owte of Walys with a prevy mayny towarde the Newecastelle , (CMGREGOR,223.2204) for he and hys men were confeteryde for to have be-trayde the sayde Newecastelle . (CMGREGOR,223.2205) And in +te wey thedyrwarde he was aspyde , and lyke to have ben takyn be syde Dereham in hys bedde . (CMGREGOR,223.2206) Notwithstondynge he a schapyde a-way in hys schyrt and barefote , (CMGREGOR,223.2207) and ij of hys men were take . (CMGREGOR,223.2208) And they toke with hem that fals dukys caskette and hys harneys . (CMGREGOR,223.2209) And whenn that hys men knewe that he was aschapyd , and hys fals treson aspyde , hys men stale from the Newecastelle as very fals traytourys , (CMGREGOR,223.2210) and sum of hem were take (CMGREGOR,223.2211) and loste hyr heddys for hyr labur , &c . (CMGREGOR,223.2212) Ande thenn the kynge , owre soverayne lorde Edwar the iiij , hadde knowleche of hys fals dysposyscyon of thys fals Duke Harry of Somersett . (CMGREGOR,223.2213) The kynge sende a grete feleschippe of hys housolde men to kepe the towne of Newecastelle , (CMGREGOR,223.2214) and made the Lorde Scrope of Bolton captayne of the towne ; (CMGREGOR,223.2215) and soo they kepte hyt surely alle that wyntyr . (CMGREGOR,223.2216) Ande a-boute Ester nexte aftyr the Schottys sewyd unto oure soverayne lorde the kynge for pes . (CMGREGOR,223.2217) And the kynge ordaynyde Commyssourys to mete whythe +te Schottys . (CMGREGOR,223.2218) The names of the Commyssyonourys be wretyn here aftyr folowyng : (CMGREGOR,223.2219) The Chaunceler of Ingelond , The Erle of Warwycke , The Lorde Montegewe , And Many othyr for the Englysche partye to brynge hyt to a conclusyon . (CMGREGOR,223.2220) The poyntement was that they Schottys and +tey shulde mete at Yorke . (CMGREGOR,223.2221) And thenn was my Lorde of Mountegewe assygnyd to fecche yn the Schottys pesseabylly , (CMGREGOR,223.2222) for he was Wardon of the Marchys . (CMGREGOR,223.2223) And then my Lorde of Mountegewe toke hys jornaye towarde the Newe castelle . (CMGREGOR,223.2224) And by the waye was fulle falsely i-purvyde that fals Duke Harry of Somersett and Percy , with hyr feleschyppe assocyat unto them , that there was layde by the waye , a lytylle from the Newecastel , in a woode , that fals traytoure Syr Umfray Nevyle , with iiij schore sperys . and the bowys there too . (CMGREGOR,224.2225) And they shulde have falle on the Lorde Mountegeue sodenly , and slayne hym sodenly , (CMGREGOR,224.2226) but , God be thonkyd , hyr fals treson was aspyde and knowe . (CMGREGOR,224.2227) And thenne the Lorde Montegewe toke a nothyr waye , (CMGREGOR,224.2228) and made to be gaderyd a grete feleschippe , (CMGREGOR,224.2229) and went to the Newecastelle , (CMGREGOR,224.2230) and soo toke hys jornaye unto Norham warde . (CMGREGOR,224.2231) Ande in the wey thedyrwarde there met with hym that fals Duke of Somersette , Syr Raffe Percy , the Lorde Hungerforde , and the Lorde Roos , whythe alle hyr company , to the nombyr of v M=l= men of armys . (CMGREGOR,224.2232) And thys metynge was a pon Synte Markys day ; (CMGREGOR,224.2233) and that same day was Syr Raffe Percy slayne . (CMGREGOR,224.2234) And whenn that he was dede alle +te party was schomfytyd and put to rebuke . (CMGREGOR,224.2235) Ande every man avoydyd (CMGREGOR,224.2236) and toke hys way with fulle sory hertys . (CMGREGOR,224.2237) And thenn my Lorde of Mountegeue toke hys hors (CMGREGOR,224.2238) and roode to Norham , (CMGREGOR,224.2239) and fecchyd yn the Schottys , (CMGREGOR,224.2240) and brought hem unto the Lordys Commyssyonourys . (CMGREGOR,224.2241) And there was concludyd a pes for xv yere with the Schottys . (CMGREGOR,224.2242) And the Schottys ben trewe hyt moste nedys contynu so longe , (CMGREGOR,224.2243) but hit ys harde for to tryste unto hem , (CMGREGOR,224.2244) for they byn evyr founde fulle of gyle and dyssayte . (CMGREGOR,224.2245) Ande the xiiij daye of May nexte aftyr , my Lorde of Mountegeue toke hys jornaye toward Hexham from the Newecastelle . (CMGREGOR,224.2246) And there he toke +tat fals Duke Harry Benford of Somersett , the Lord Roos , the Lorde Hungerforde , Syr Pylyppe Wenteworthe , Syr Thomas Fyndorne , whythe many o+tyr ; (CMGREGOR,224.2247) loo , soo manly a man ys thys good Erle Mountegewe , (CMGREGOR,224.2248) for he sparyd not hyr malysse , nor hyr fallssenysse , nor gyle , nor treson , (CMGREGOR,224.2249) and toke meny of men (CMGREGOR,224.2250) and slowe many one in that jornaye . (CMGREGOR,224.2251) The xv day of May folowynge thys good Lorde Mountegewe let to be smete of the heddys of thes men , the whyche that hyr namys here folowyn in wrytyng : (CMGREGOR,224.2252) Summa v . (CMGREGOR,225.2254) The Dukys hedde of Somersett , Edmon Fysche , knyght , Edmon Bradschawe , Water Hunte , Blacke Jakys . (CMGREGOR,225.2255) At the Newecastelle , the xvij day of May , he let to be smete of the heddys , as the namys of hem done appere here aftyr in wrytynge : (CMGREGOR,225.2256) Summa v . (CMGREGOR,225.2257) Fyrste , the hedde of the Lorde Hungerforde , The Lorde Roos , Syr Thomas Fyndorne , Barnarde de la Mare , Nycholas Massam . (CMGREGOR,225.2258) Ande the xviij day of May he let to be smyte of at Mydlam the hedys of thes men that hyr namys folowyn here in wrytynge : (CMGREGOR,225.2259) Summa vij . (CMGREGOR,225.2260) Syr Phylippe Wentworthe , knyght , Wyllam Penyngton , Warde of Copclyffe , Olyver Wentworthe , Wylliam Spyller , John Senyer , of Yorke , Thomas Hunte , foote man . (CMGREGOR,225.2261) At Yorke , the xxvj day of May , he let to be smete of the heddys of thos men that hyr namys folowyn here in wrytynge : (CMGREGOR,225.2262) Summa xiiij (CMGREGOR,225.2263) Syr Thomas Hoosy , Thomas Gosse , Rohert Myrfyn , John Butler , Roberte Wattys , porter to Kyng Harry , Thomas Fenwyke , Robert Cockefelde , Wylliam Bryce , Wylliam Dauson , John Chapman , John Edyrbeke , Rycharde Taverner , John Russelle , Robert Conqueror . (CMGREGOR,226.2264) Ande be syde Newecastelle , the same monythe , +ter was i-take Taylbosse in a cole pyt , (CMGREGOR,226.2265) and he hadde moche mony with hym , bothe golde and sylvyr , that schulde have gon unto Kyng Harry : (CMGREGOR,226.2266) and yf $it had come to Harry , lat Kynge of Ingelonde , hyt wolde have causyd moche sory sorowe , (CMGREGOR,226.2267) for he had ordaynyd harneys and ordenance i-nowe , (CMGREGOR,226.2268) but the men wolde not go one fote with hym tylle they had mony . (CMGREGOR,226.2269) And they waytyd dayly and howrely for mony that thys Taylebosse shulde have send unto hem or brought hyt ; (CMGREGOR,226.2270) the summa was iij M=l= marke . (CMGREGOR,226.2271) And the lordys mayny of Montegewe were sore hurte and seke , (CMGREGOR,226.2272) and many of hys men wer slayne by for in the grete jornays , (CMGREGOR,226.2273) but thys mony was departyd a-monge hem , (CMGREGOR,226.2274) and was a very holsum salfe for hem . (CMGREGOR,226.2275) And in the day folowyng Taylebosse loste hys hedde at Newecastelle . (CMGREGOR,226.2276) Nowe take hode what love may doo , (CMGREGOR,226.2277) for love wylle not nor may not caste no faute nor perelle in noo thyng . (CMGREGOR,226.2278) That same yere , the fyrste day of May be fore sayde or wrete , oure soverayne lorde the Kynge , Edwarde the iiij , was weddyd to the Lorde Ryvers doughter ; (CMGREGOR,226.2279) hyr name ys Dame Elyzabethe , that was wyffe unto Syr John Grey , sone and heyre unto the Lady Ferys of Groby . (CMGREGOR,226.2280) And thys maryage was kepte fulle secretely longe and many a day , that no man knewe hyt ; (CMGREGOR,226.2281) but men mervelyd that oure soverayne lorde was so longe with owte any wyffe , (CMGREGOR,226.2282) and were evyr ferde that he had be not chaste of hys levynge . (CMGREGOR,226.2283) But on Alle Halowe day at Redyng there it was knowe , (CMGREGOR,226.2284) for there the kynge kepte hys comyn conuselle , (CMGREGOR,226.2285) and the lordys mevyd hym and exortyd hym in Goddys name to ben weddyd and to lyffe undyr the lawe of God and Chyrche , (CMGREGOR,226.2286) and they wold sente in too sum stronge lond to inquere a quene good of byrthe , a-cordyng unto hys dygnyte . (CMGREGOR,227.2287) And thenn our soverayne myght not no longer hyde hys maryage , (CMGREGOR,227.2288) and tolde hem howe he hadde done , (CMGREGOR,227.2289) and made that the maryage shuld be oppynde unto hys lordys . (CMGREGOR,227.2290) Alle so the same somer my Lorde of Warwycke and hys brether the Lorde Mountegewe , that was made Erle of Northehumberlond by the kynge , they ij layde a sege unto the castelle of Anwyke (CMGREGOR,227.2291) a gate hyt by a-poyntement . (CMGREGOR,227.2292) And in the same wyse and forme they gate the castelle of Dunsterborowe by the same mene . (CMGREGOR,227.2293) And thenne they layd sege to the castelle of Bamborowe , (CMGREGOR,227.2294) and layde grete ordynans and gonnys there too . (CMGREGOR,227.2295) And manly they gate hyt by fors , (CMGREGOR,227.2296) and toke there yn that fals traytur Syr Raffe Gray , (CMGREGOR,227.2297) and brought hym unto the kynge to the castelle of Pomfrete . (CMGREGOR,227.2298) And fro thens he was ladde to Dankester , (CMGREGOR,227.2299) and there hys hedde was smete of and sent to London , (CMGREGOR,227.2300) and hyt was sette a-pon Londyn Bryge . (CMGREGOR,227.2301) Raffe Gosselyn , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,227.2303) John Tate (CMGREGOR,227.2304) John Stone (CMGREGOR,227.2305) Anno v=o= . (CMGREGOR,227.2306) And thys yere was hyt ordaynyd that the noubylle of vj s. viij d. shulde goo for viij s. iiij d. (CMGREGOR,227.2308) And a newe cune was made . (CMGREGOR,227.2309) Fyrste they made an Angylle (CMGREGOR,227.2310) and hit went for vj s. viij d. , and halfe ande Angyl for xl d. ; (CMGREGOR,227.2311) but they made non farthyngys of that gold . (CMGREGOR,227.2312) And thenne they made a gretter cune (CMGREGOR,227.2313) and namyd hyt a ryalle , (CMGREGOR,227.2314) and that wentte for x s. , and halfe the ryalle for v s. , and the farthynge for ij s. vj d . (CMGREGOR,227.2315) And they made newe grotys not soo goode as the olde , (CMGREGOR,227.2316) but they were worthe iiij d . (CMGREGOR,227.2317) And then sylvyr rosse to a grytter pryce , (CMGREGOR,227.2318) for an unce of sylvyr was sette at iij s. , and better of sum sylvyr . (CMGREGOR,227.2319) But at the be-gynnynge of thys mony men grogyd passynge sore , (CMGREGOR,227.2320) for they couthe not rekyn that gold not so quyckely as they dyd the olde golde . (CMGREGOR,227.2321) And men myght goo thoroughe owte a strete or thoroughe a hoole parysche or that he myght chonge hit . (CMGREGOR,227.2322) And sum men sayd that the newe golde was not soo good as the olde golde was , (CMGREGOR,227.2323) for it was alayyd . (CMGREGOR,227.2324) Alle soo in thys yere in the monythe of May was Quene Elyzabet crownyd at Westemyster . (CMGREGOR,228.2325) And many knyghtys were made of the Bathe , of the whyche the were v aldyrmen of the cytte of London i-made with hem . (CMGREGOR,228.2326) Thes v aldyrmen were made knyghtys of the Bathe : Syr Hewe Wyche , mercer Thomas Coke , draper . Raffe Gosselyn , draper , Syr John Plomer , Syr Harry Whafyr . And no moo of the cytte but thes v , (CMGREGOR,228.2327) and hyt ys a grete worsehyppe unto alle the cytte . (CMGREGOR,228.2328) Alle soo that yere be-ganne a gre cyssym by twyne fryers and prystys , (CMGREGOR,228.2329) but the Fryer Charmys , that ys to saye the Whyte Freers , be-ganne hyt fryste at Poules Crosse . (CMGREGOR,228.2330) He that be-ganne thys matyr was borne in Flete Strete , a skyner ys sone , (CMGREGOR,228.2331) and hys name ys Syr Harry Parker ; (CMGREGOR,228.2332) he blamyd men for there grete copy of hyr goodys , (CMGREGOR,228.2333) and in specyalle he $blamyd benefysyd men that had grete benyficys and prestys that had temporalle lyffelod . (CMGREGOR,228.2334) For he sayd and affermyd that non of the xij Apostolys nor Cryste hadde no thyng in propyr but alle in comyn , (CMGREGOR,228.2335) and sayd and affyrmyd by hys connyng , as strong as he cowthe , that Cryste was a begger and had nought but by way of almys . (CMGREGOR,228.2336) And that made men to groge and to muse passyng soore . (CMGREGOR,228.2337) But the Sonday aftyr there was a docter of devynyte , Maystyr Wylliam Ive , the mayster of Whytyngdon ys College , sayde agayne the fryer , and prevyd that Cryste was poore and kepte noo grete tresoure , (CMGREGOR,228.2338) but as for beggyng he utterly denyde hyt , (CMGREGOR,228.2339) and by hooly scrypture prevyd hit soo that men undyrstode that the fryer erryd sore agayne Hooly Chyrche ; (CMGREGOR,228.2340) ande thenne the fryers gan malyngne a gayne thys docter . (CMGREGOR,228.2341) Thenne in Advente they provyde a docter of the Whyte Fryers , Mastyr Thomas Haldon , and that he schulde preche agayne +te Mayster Wylliam Ive before sayd , (CMGREGOR,228.2342) and there he talkyd moke of the beggyng of Cryste , (CMGREGOR,228.2343) and put the pepylle that the same mater schulde ben determenyd in there scholys by twyne hym and a Grey Fryer at the White Fryers in Flete Strete the Wanysdaye vij nyght aftyr . (CMGREGOR,229.2344) And the Sonday folowyng , a docter of devynyte , Mayster Edwarde Story , person of Alle Halowys the More in London , and aftyr confessor unto the Quene , and aftyr that Byschoppe of Carlylle , prechyd at Poulys Crosse , (CMGREGOR,229.2345) and as moche as he myght wolde have passefyde the mater , (CMGREGOR,229.2346) and sayde that hyt $was blasphemy soo to reherse and say by oure Lord Cryste . (CMGREGOR,229.2347) But that same Sonday the fryers set uppe byllys at every chyrche dore that the docter sayde nott trought , (CMGREGOR,229.2348) but the trought shulde be schewyd ande sayd by Docter Mayster John Mylverton , the pryor of the same place , (CMGREGOR,229.2349) and he was provyncyalle of the same ordyr . (CMGREGOR,229.2350) And that aftyr noone in hys sarmon he raylyd soore and grevysly to fortefy hys bretheryn ys sayyngys , that sum laye men were wrothe with the fryers and whythedrewe hyr almys from them ; (CMGREGOR,229.2351) and sum men were not plesyd with hyr curettes , (CMGREGOR,229.2352) and sayde that they hadde noo ryght to have any offerynge but lyffe by almys as Cryste dyde ; (CMGREGOR,229.2353) ande thys men were devydyd , sum welle and sum ylle . (CMGREGOR,229.2354) But the Wanysday the docter , Mayster Halden , kepte the scholys with in the Fryers (CMGREGOR,229.2355) and dysputyd a gayne a Gray Fryer as he promysyd ; (CMGREGOR,229.2356) and at that scholys were many grete docters and clerkys to geve hym audyens . (CMGREGOR,229.2357) And they thought he yode soo farre that Mayster Alcocke , a docter of lawe and commyssary unto the Dene of Synt Martyns in the Graunte , assytyd the fryer that he shulde appere by fore the Arche Byschoppe of Cauntylbury at Lambeffe . (CMGREGOR,229.2358) And the fryer sayde he wold not obbey his cytacyon , (CMGREGOR,229.2359) for alle fryers ben exempte for alle the byschoppe ys power , but hit were for eresy ; (CMGREGOR,229.2360) and the docter of lawe sytyd hym for eresy . (CMGREGOR,229.2361) Thenne at the begynnyng of the terme aftyr Estyr the fryer apperyd by fore Mayster Docter Wynterborne , my lordys offycer and juge in suche causys and othyr as for spyrytualte . (CMGREGOR,229.2362) And +ter were many worthy docters a gayne the fryer , (CMGREGOR,229.2363) but he lenyd evyr unto hys prevelege , (CMGREGOR,230.2364) but he schewyd non but a bylle unselyd . (CMGREGOR,230.2365) Thenne the mater was put to my Lorde of London , by so moche that alle thys trobylle was done in hys dyossy , (CMGREGOR,230.2366) and the Chaunceler of Inglond , that was my Lorde of Warwycke ys brother , toke party a-gayne the fryers ; (CMGREGOR,230.2367) and the day folowynge the provyncyalle and Docter Haldon come to Poulys by fore my Lorde of London (CMGREGOR,230.2368) and brought hyr prevelegys with hem , (CMGREGOR,230.2369) but +t=e= prevelege wolde not serve that tyme for noo cause of eresy . (CMGREGOR,230.2370) And my lorde lawfully a-sytyd them to appere by fore hym that same aftyr non , (CMGREGOR,230.2371) but they come not , (CMGREGOR,230.2372) for the provyncyalle toke hys way a-non towarde Rome . (CMGREGOR,230.2373) And Docter Haldon toke noo leve of the byschoppe . (CMGREGOR,230.2374) And thenn my Lord Chaunceler hyrde that they were gone , (CMGREGOR,230.2375) and send for the yong fryer Harry Parker (CMGREGOR,230.2376) and commaundyd hym to preson . (CMGREGOR,230.2377) And he was take from preson and sende unto my Lorde of London . (CMGREGOR,230.2378) And the Sonday aftyr the same fryer , Harry Parker , objuryd that he sayd , (CMGREGOR,230.2379) and sayde as we saye , that Cryste ys lorde of ovyr alle thynge , (CMGREGOR,230.2380) and he confessyd alle so that very nede causyd them to saye that Cryste beggyd , by cause that men shulde take the ordyr of fryers moste parfytyste of alle orders . (CMGREGOR,230.2381) But one fryer couthe not be ware by a nother , (CMGREGOR,230.2382) for with a whyle in the vacacyon tyme a Blake Fryer prechyd alle moste the same . (CMGREGOR,230.2383) And he was exampnyd by fore my Lorde of London , (CMGREGOR,230.2384) and was made to preche agayne and revokyd . (CMGREGOR,230.2385) Thenne my Lord of London cursyd thes ij docters , Mayster John Mylverton and Docter Thomas Halden , at Poulys Crosse for there contymacy , (CMGREGOR,230.2386) and hyt happyd that Docter Ive dyde the execucyon of the curse , (CMGREGOR,230.2387) and +tat grevyd the fryers soore , (CMGREGOR,230.2388) and sayde that he was sette alle in malys ; (CMGREGOR,230.2389) but thys Docter Ive myght not chese . (CMGREGOR,230.2390) Ande be fore thys tyme the fore sayde Docter Ive kepte the scolys at Poulys +tat ys undyr the chapter house , (CMGREGOR,230.2391) and there he radde many fulle nobylle lessonnys to prove that Cryste was lorde of alle and noo begger , (CMGREGOR,230.2392) and he dyde hyt aftyr the forme of scholys , (CMGREGOR,230.2393) for he hadde hys abyte and hys pelyon , and a vyrger with a sylvyr rodde waytynge uppon hym . (CMGREGOR,231.2394) And the same fryer of Menors that answeryd the Whyte Fryer answeryd hym onys , (CMGREGOR,231.2395) and many tymys he dyspute and radde in that scholys ; (CMGREGOR,231.2396) he kepte hyt more then ij yere . (CMGREGOR,231.2397) Thenn the fryers straynyd curtesy whoo sholde answery hym . (CMGREGOR,231.2398) And ssum fryers desyryd to answerye hym , (CMGREGOR,231.2399) but at the day of hyr desyre +tey apperyd not . (CMGREGOR,231.2400) And thenn men layde grete wagers the Provyncyalle wolde come home and doo many thyngys , (CMGREGOR,231.2401) and causyd that a fryer of Rome made a tretysse of the beggyng of Cryste , that welle was hym that myght have a copy of hyt , (CMGREGOR,231.2402) and they were to sylle at many placys in Rome , (CMGREGOR,231.2403) and sum were sende home to the Whyte Freers , (CMGREGOR,231.2404) but yet hit happyd that they come to thys Docter Ive , that he undyr stode the consayte welle i-nowe and sayde fulle lytylle or nought . (CMGREGOR,231.2405) Thenn the Pope havyng woundyr of the complaynt of thys frye , and inqueryde of suche men as come late owte of Inglonde of the mater ; (CMGREGOR,231.2406) and whenne he undyrstode the mater , he wrote downe to the Arche Byschoppe of Cauntyrbury and to the Byschoppe of London , (CMGREGOR,231.2407) and thonkyd hem that they were so trewe to Cryste and Hooly Chyrche , (CMGREGOR,231.2408) and desyryd to have alle the hoole mater and proscesse i-sende unto hym by wrytynge . (CMGREGOR,231.2409) And so hyt was , every thyng as ny as they couthe ymageny , puttyng alle favyr and parcyallyte and malysce a syde . (CMGREGOR,231.2410) But the very trewe processe thys nobylle Docter Ive wrote unto the Pope the maner , sayyng , and prechyng in hyr sermonys , bothe hys doyng and sayyng , as welle as the fryers , and the actys of bothe scholys . (CMGREGOR,231.2411) And ix docters of devynyte and bachelers of devynyte subscrybyd hyr namys with hyr owne hondys , (CMGREGOR,231.2412) and testefyde that alle was trewe that thys sayde Docter Ive hadde wretyn , (CMGREGOR,231.2413) for hyt was exampnyd and radde by fore alle +te byschoppys that tyme beyng at London , and by the same docters and clerkys that subscrybyd . (CMGREGOR,231.2414) And that large and grete letter was sende with the byschopys letters . (CMGREGOR,232.2415) And yf that Docter Ivys letter hadde ben i-selyd with sum lordys sele spyrytualle , or an notarys syne there on , the freer had ben brende in shorte tyme ; (CMGREGOR,232.2416) hit hadde non othyr sele but hys owne sygnett . (CMGREGOR,232.2417) Ande the kynge toke a grete party on thys mater , (CMGREGOR,232.2418) for thes fryers hadde causyd moche trobylle a monge hys pepylle , (CMGREGOR,232.2419) and therfore he desyryd that holy fadyr the Pope to chastysse suche trespasserrys and brekers of the pesse , (CMGREGOR,232.2420) and send forthe a letter with the othyr letters . (CMGREGOR,232.2421) Thenne the Pope ressayvyd thes letters , (CMGREGOR,232.2422) and undyrstode alle the hoole processe , (CMGREGOR,232.2423) and made hys cardynallys to exampne the fryer , (CMGREGOR,232.2424) and by hys answerynge they found ix moo poyntys that he erryd on , (CMGREGOR,232.2425) and sone aftyr he was put into the castylle of Angylle in stronge preson , (CMGREGOR,232.2426) and laye there yn alle moste iij yere . (CMGREGOR,232.2427) And evyr hys frendys and the fryers lokyd aftyr hys comyng home , (CMGREGOR,232.2428) but he may not , (CMGREGOR,232.2429) for he hathe bund hym sylfe unto the Pope by an yryn oblyacyn faste i-selyd a-boute hys ij helys . (CMGREGOR,232.2430) And +ten he lackyd mony and frende schyppe , (CMGREGOR,232.2431) submyttyd hym to the Pope ; (CMGREGOR,232.2432) but whenn he shalle cum hom I wotte not , (CMGREGOR,232.2433) but for sothe hys artycylys ben dampnyd , (CMGREGOR,232.2434) whether he be or nought I wot ner ; (CMGREGOR,232.2435) I truste ye shalle knowe aftyr in tyme comyng by Goddys grace , hoo have us alle in hys blessyd kepyng . (CMGREGOR,232.2436) Amen for cheryte . (CMGREGOR,232.2437) Raffe Vernay , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,232.2438) Costantyne (CMGREGOR,232.2439) Syr Harry Wafer (CMGREGOR,232.2440) A=o= vj=o= . (CMGREGOR,232.2441) That yere the mayr had a pesabylle yere and a plentefulle of alle Goddys goode . (CMGREGOR,232.2442) Annd he festyd the kyng , the quene , and the quene ys modyr , the lady of Bedford , and many othyr lordys . (CMGREGOR,232.2443) And whenn they had done and dynyd the offesers $had to there reward the clothe of state that was ovyr the tabylle , honggyng ovyr hit . (CMGREGOR,232.2444) And the substance of napery was gyffe with dyvers men of offyce . (CMGREGOR,232.2445) Alle so that yere Kyng Harry that was come in to Lonkesschyre owte of Schotland ; (CMGREGOR,232.2446) tylle he com in to Forneysse Fellys he was nevyr i-knowe , (CMGREGOR,232.2447) but there he was knowe and take , (CMGREGOR,232.2448) and a pon Syn Jamys eve he was brought to the Towre of London , and iij moo with hym ; (CMGREGOR,233.2449) ij were hys chapelaynys , Mayster Docter Bydon , Docter of Devynyte , and Mayster Thomas Mannynge , Bacheler of Lawe , and sum tyme Dene of Wyndesore and secretary unto the Quene . (CMGREGOR,233.2450) But he was sone delyveryd owte of preson by cause +tat he was agyd and infecte with a whyte lepyr . (CMGREGOR,233.2451) But Docter Bydon was in preson long tyme , (CMGREGOR,233.2452) and hys frendys laboryd for hym soore (CMGREGOR,233.2453) and payde moche mony for hys delyverans . (CMGREGOR,233.2454) But he couthe not kepe hys tounge , (CMGREGOR,233.2455) but in schorte tyme he was put yn a gayne , (CMGREGOR,233.2456) and was there more thenne a quarter of a yere , (CMGREGOR,233.2457) and +ten uppon hys othe he was delyveryd (CMGREGOR,233.2458) and ys owte of donger , &c . (CMGREGOR,233.2459) John Yonge , Mayre of London ; (CMGREGOR,233.2460) menne callyd hym the good Mayre (CMGREGOR,233.2461) John Brommer (CMGREGOR,233.2462) Harry Bryce (CMGREGOR,233.2463) Anno vij=o= . (CMGREGOR,233.2464) That yere the mayre beryd $his lady , and hys scheryffe and hys swyrdeberer . (CMGREGOR,233.2465) And thenn Stocketon +te mercer was chose for Harry Bryce , the scheryffe that was , (CMGREGOR,233.2466) and he was made scheryffe fro that tyme tylle Mychellemasse , and no lenger . (CMGREGOR,233.2467) Alle soo thys same yere there was an herryke i-brende at the Towre Hylle , (CMGREGOR,233.2468) for he dyspysyd the sacrament of the auter ; (CMGREGOR,233.2469) hys name was Wylliam Balowe , (CMGREGOR,233.2470) and he dwellyd at Walden . (CMGREGOR,233.2471) And he and hys wyffe were abjuryd longe tyme be-fore . (CMGREGOR,233.2472) And my Lorde of London kepte hym in preson longe tyme , (CMGREGOR,233.2473) and he wolde not make noo confessyon unto noo pryste , but oonly unto God , (CMGREGOR,233.2474) and sayde that no pryste had noo more pouer to hyre confessyon thenn Jacke Hare . (CMGREGOR,233.2475) And he had no consyence to ete flesche aftyr Estyr , as welle as thoo that were bothe schryffe and houselyd . (CMGREGOR,233.2476) At the tyme of hys brennynge a Docter , Mayster Hewe Damelet , person of Syn Petrys in the Cornehylle , laboryd hym to be-leve in the hooly sacrament of the auter . (CMGREGOR,233.2477) And thys was the herytyke ys sayyng : (CMGREGOR,233.2478) " Bawe ! bawe ! bawe ! (CMGREGOR,233.2479) What menythe thys pryste ? (CMGREGOR,233.2480) Thys I wotte welle , +tat on Goode Fryday ye make many goddys to be putte in the sepukyr , (CMGREGOR,233.2481) but at Ester day they can not a ryse them self , but that ye moste lyfte them uppe and bere them forthe , or ellys they wylle ly stylle yn hyr gravys . " (CMGREGOR,234.2482) Thys was that tyme of hys departyng from +tat worschipfulle docter . (CMGREGOR,234.2483) Alle soo that same yere there were many chyrchys robbyd in the cytte of London only of the boxys with the sacrament . (CMGREGOR,234.2484) And men had moche wondyr of thys , (CMGREGOR,234.2485) and sad men demyd that there had ben sum felyschippe of heretykes assocyat to gederys . (CMGREGOR,234.2486) But hyt was knowe aftyr that it was done of very nede that they robbyd , wenyng unto the thevys that the boxys hadde ben sylvyr ovyr gylt , but was but copyr . (CMGREGOR,234.2487) And by a copyr smythe hit was a spyde of hyr longe contynuans in hyr robbory . (CMGREGOR,234.2488) At a tyme , alle the hole feleschippe of thevys sat at sopyr to gedyr , (CMGREGOR,234.2489) and had be fore hem fulle goode metys . (CMGREGOR,234.2490) But that copyr smythe sayde , " I wolde have a more deynty mosselle of mete , (CMGREGOR,234.2491) for I am wery of capon , conynge , and chekyns , and suche smalle metes . (CMGREGOR,234.2492) And I mervyl I have ete ix goddys at my sopyr that were in the boxys . " (CMGREGOR,234.2493) And that schamyd sum of them in hyr hertys . (CMGREGOR,234.2494) Ande a smythe of lokyers crafte , that made hyr instruments to opyn lockys , was +ter that tyme , (CMGREGOR,234.2495) for hit was sayde at the sopyr in hys howse . (CMGREGOR,234.2496) And in the mornynge he went to chyrche to hyre a masse , (CMGREGOR,234.2497) and prayde God of marcy ; (CMGREGOR,234.2498) but whenn the pryste was at the levacyon of the masse he myght not see that blessyd sacrament of the auter . (CMGREGOR,234.2499) Thenn he was sory , (CMGREGOR,234.2500) and a bode tylle a nothyr pryste wente to masse and helpyd the same pryste to masse . (CMGREGOR,234.2501) and say howe the oste lay a-pon the auter and alle the tokyns and sygnys that the pryste made ; (CMGREGOR,234.2502) but whenn the pryste hylde uppe that hooly sacrament at the tyme of levacyon he myght se no thynge of that blessyd body of Cryste at noo tyme of the masse , not somoche at Agnus Dei ; (CMGREGOR,234.2503) and thenn he demyd that hit had ben for febyllenys of hys brayne . (CMGREGOR,234.2504) And he went unto the ale howse (CMGREGOR,234.2505) and dranke a ob. of goode alle , (CMGREGOR,234.2506) and went to chyrche agayne , (CMGREGOR,234.2507) and he helpyd iij moo prystys to masse , (CMGREGOR,234.2508) and in no maner a wyse he ne myght se that blessyd sacrament ; (CMGREGOR,234.2509) but +ten bothe he and hys feleschyppe lackyd grace . (CMGREGOR,234.2510) And in schorte tyme aftyr iiij of hem were take , (CMGREGOR,234.2511) and the samelokyer was one of +t=e= iiij , (CMGREGOR,234.2512) and they were put in Newgate . (CMGREGOR,235.2513) And by processe they were dampnyd for that trespas and othyr to be hangyd and to be drawne fro Newgate to Tyborne , (CMGREGOR,235.2514) and soo they were . (CMGREGOR,235.2515) And the same daye that they shulde dy they were confessyd . (CMGREGOR,235.2516) And thes iiij docters were hyr confessourys , Mayster Thomas Eberalle , Maystyr Hewe Damylett , Mayster Wylliam Ive , and Mayster Wylliam Wryxham . (CMGREGOR,235.2517) Thenn Mayster Thomas Eberalle wente to masse , (CMGREGOR,235.2518) and that lokyer aftyr hys confessyon myght see that blessyd sacrament welle i-nowe , (CMGREGOR,235.2519) and thenne rejoysyd (CMGREGOR,235.2520) and was gladde , (CMGREGOR,235.2521) and made an opyn confessyon by fore the iiij sayde docters of devynyte . (CMGREGOR,235.2522) And I truste that hyr soulys ben savyd . (CMGREGOR,235.2523) Lo , ye obstinat herytykys that holdythe a-gayn confessyon , here ys an exampylle grete i-nowe to converte you yf ye have any grace withyn you , (CMGREGOR,235.2524) for the boke saythe that non est verior probacio quam oculorum demonstracio . (CMGREGOR,235.2525) But ye ben soo i-blyndyd that thoughe ye hyre of suche men that have sene suche thyngys ye wylle not be leve but ye hit see , (CMGREGOR,235.2526) and thenn ye lese your demeryte ; (CMGREGOR,235.2527) for scripture saythe , Fides non habet meritum ubi humana racio habet experimentum . (CMGREGOR,235.2528) God geve you to a mende . (CMGREGOR,235.2529) Amen . (CMGREGOR,235.2530) Thys yere there come many inbasyters into Ingelond fro the Kynge of Fraunce for many dyvers thynges , (CMGREGOR,235.2531) but they desyred a perpetualle pesse . (CMGREGOR,235.2532) And sum inbassyters com fro the Kyng of Spayne . (CMGREGOR,235.2533) And a Patryarke come from the Emperoure , (CMGREGOR,235.2534) and that Patryarke was of Antyoche . (CMGREGOR,235.2535) And from Schotlond come inbassyters . (CMGREGOR,235.2536) And sum com from the Duke of Burgon , and sum from Bratayne . (CMGREGOR,235.2537) Also there com inbassyters from the Kynge of Napyllys . (CMGREGOR,235.2538) And inbassytors com from the Conte de Ferare . (CMGREGOR,235.2539) And that same yere come a legatt from the Pope ; (CMGREGOR,235.2540) and he lay at Syn Bartolomewe the Lasse in a grete place of a Lombardys , (CMGREGOR,236.2541) and he kepte a goode housholde , (CMGREGOR,236.2542) and hys men were fulle welle gydyd . (CMGREGOR,236.2543) That legat wolde nevyr come at noo festys nor dyners with no man , with kyng nor lorde , save with grete instance he rode to More with the Arche Byschoppe of Yorke , (CMGREGOR,236.2544) and dynyd there (CMGREGOR,236.2545) and com home to hys bedde . (CMGREGOR,236.2546) Where fore that he com to thys lond fulle fewe men can say , (CMGREGOR,236.2547) but he was the best Latyn man that com into Inglond many yerys , and fulle curtesse with alle . (CMGREGOR,236.2548) Men drede that in tyme comyng hit wylle be knowe that hys comyng hedyr was kept so prevely . (CMGREGOR,236.2549) Alle so the same yere there was ded of armys done by fore Mydsomer in Smethefylde by twyne the Lorde Schalys , the Quenys brother , and the Bastarde of Burgoyn , bothe on horsse backe and in fote ; (CMGREGOR,236.2550) but I wot not what I shalle say of hit , whethyr hit was fortune , crafte , or cunnynge , (CMGREGOR,236.2551) but thys ys a trought , that the Bastarde of Burgayn lay in the fylde bothe hors and man , (CMGREGOR,236.2552) and hys hors was so brusyd that he dyde with a whyle aftyr . (CMGREGOR,236.2553) Thenne the nexte tyme they fought on fote fulle welle . (CMGREGOR,236.2554) I reporte me unto hem that saye thys : (CMGREGOR,236.2555) I doo aftyr hyryng . (CMGREGOR,236.2556) Or ax of em that felde the strokys , (CMGREGOR,236.2557) they can telle you best . (CMGREGOR,236.2558) Alle so that sam tyme there was dede of armys done by twynne ij Gasconys of the kyngys house and other ij men of the Bastarde of Borgayn . (CMGREGOR,236.2559) And the ij men in the kyngys party ther namys were Thomas Dalalaund , and that othyr Lewys de Brytellys ; (CMGREGOR,236.2560) and that ortheyr ij men in the Bastard ys syde there namys were Syr John de Cassy , knyght , and that othyr Botton , squyer . (CMGREGOR,236.2561) But the kynges men were better thenn they , bothe an hors backe and on foote . (CMGREGOR,236.2562) And thes dedys of armys was for lyffe and dethe . (CMGREGOR,236.2563) And soo hyt was by twyne the Lorde Schalys and the Bastarde of Burgayne . (CMGREGOR,236.2564) Thomas Olgrave , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,236.2566) Unfray Hayforde (CMGREGOR,236.2567) Thomas Stalbroke (CMGREGOR,236.2568) Anno viij=o= . (CMGREGOR,236.2569) That yere were meny men a pechyd of treson , bothe of the cytte and of othyr townys . (CMGREGOR,236.2571) Of the cytte Thomas Coke , knyght and aldyrman , and John Plummer , knyght and aldyrman , (CMGREGOR,236.2572) but the kyng gave hem bothe pardon . (CMGREGOR,237.2573) And a man of the Lorde Wenlockys , John Haukyns was hys name , was hangyd at Tyburne and be heddyd for treson . (CMGREGOR,237.2574) And Umfray Hayforde , the Scheryffe of London , was a pechyd (CMGREGOR,237.2575) and loste hys cloke for the same mater ; (CMGREGOR,237.2576) and many moo of the cytte loste moche goode for suche maters . (CMGREGOR,237.2577) Ande that same yere the Kyngys suster , my Lady Margerete , was weddyd unto the Duke of Burgon ; (CMGREGOR,237.2578) and she was brught thedyr with many worschypfulle lordys , knyghtys , and squyers . (CMGREGOR,237.2579) And the Byschoppe of Salysbury resayvyd hyr , (CMGREGOR,237.2580) for he hadde ben in that londe many dayes before . (CMGREGOR,237.2581) And sum gentylly men that brought hyr there bare hem soo evylle in hyr gydynge , that they loste hyr heddys at London sone aftyr that they come home . (CMGREGOR,237.2582) One Rychard Skyrys , squyer , Pounyngys , and Alphey , the iij were by heddyd at the Towre Hylle . (CMGREGOR,237.2583) Alle so that yere the Lorde Herberd of Walys gate the castelle of Hardelowe in Walys ; (CMGREGOR,237.2584) that castylle ys so stronge that men sayde that hyt was inpossybylle unto any man to gete hyt , (CMGREGOR,237.2585) but poyntment hit was gotyn . (CMGREGOR,237.2586) And sum of the pety captaynys were be-heddyd at the Towre Hylle at London , (CMGREGOR,237.2587) for that castelle was fortefyd and vytaylyd by suche at lovyd Kyng Harry ; (CMGREGOR,237.2588) one of the men was callyd John Treublode . (CMGREGOR,237.2589) Alle soo that yere , a lytylle be-fore the sege of that castelle , the olde Lorde Jesper and sum tyme Erle of Pembroke was in Walys ; (CMGREGOR,237.2590) and he roode ovyr the contraye (CMGREGOR,237.2591) and helde many cessyons and cysys in Kyng Harrys name . (CMGREGOR,237.2592) But men wene that he was not owte of Walys whenn that the Lord Herberde come with hys oste ; (CMGREGOR,237.2593) but favyr at sum tyme dothe grete ese , as hit ys prevyd by the hydynge of that lorde sum tyme Erle of Penbroke . (CMGREGOR,237.2594) Alle so that same yere the men that come home from Brougayne at hadde ben at the maryage of my Lady Margarete were purposyd to have myschevyd alle the Flemmyngys in Sowtheworke . (CMGREGOR,237.2595) And they wolde have take hyr conselle at a crosse be syde Redclyffe ; (CMGREGOR,237.2596) and alsosone as they myght have hadde any botys +tey wolde have londyd at Horsey Downe and take the Flemmyngys owte of hyr beddys and slayne them ; (CMGREGOR,238.2598) and many bot men were consenntyng unto hem , (CMGREGOR,238.2599) but they were a spyde and lette of hyr purposse . (CMGREGOR,238.2600) And tho +tat were the causers of thys mater were set in preson . (CMGREGOR,238.2601) Alle so hit was reportyd by the moste party of thoo men that com from the maryage , that aftyr the dayes that were assynyd that every man shuld wayte a pon hys owne lord , lady , or mayster , and com noo more at the dukys corte , that the Burgoners shewyd no more favyr unto Englysche men thenn they wolde doo unto a Jewe . (CMGREGOR,238.2602) For mete and drynke was dyre i-nowe as thoughe hit hadde ben in the londe of warre , (CMGREGOR,238.2603) for a schuldyr of motyn was solde for xij d . (CMGREGOR,238.2604) And as for beddyng , Lyard my hors had more ese thenn had sum good yeman , (CMGREGOR,238.2605) for my hors stode in the howse (CMGREGOR,238.2606) and the yeman sum tyme lay with owte in the strete , (CMGREGOR,238.2607) for las and iiij d a man shulde not have a bedde a nyght . (CMGREGOR,238.2608) Lo howe sone they couthe play the nygardys ! (CMGREGOR,238.2609) Alle so that yere the Pope sende a bulle for the Cordyners , (CMGREGOR,238.2610) and cursyd thoo that made any longe pykys passynge ij yenchys of lengthe , and that no Cordyner shuld not sylle no schone a pone the Sonday , ne put no schoo a pon no man us fote , ne goo to noo fayrys a pon the Sonday uppon payne of cursynge . (CMGREGOR,238.2611) And the kynge grauntyd in a conselle and in the Parlement that hyt shulde by put in execussyon , (CMGREGOR,238.2612) and thys was proclaymyd at Poulys Crosse . (CMGREGOR,238.2613) And sum men sayd that they wolde were longe pykes whethyr Pope wylle or nylle , (CMGREGOR,238.2614) for they sayde the Popys curse wolde not kylle a flye . (CMGREGOR,238.2615) God amend thys . (CMGREGOR,238.2616) And with in schorte tyme aftyr sum of the Cordyners gate prevy selys and proteccyons to make longe pykes , (CMGREGOR,238.2617) and causyd tho same men of hyr crafte that laboryd to the Pope for the dystruccyon of longe pykes to be trobelyd and in grete donger . (CMGREGOR,238.2618) Maystyr Tayler , Mayre of London (CMGREGOR,239.2621) Synkyn Smythe (CMGREGOR,239.2622) Anno ix=o= . (CMGREGOR,239.2623) That same yere in the Lentyn , whyle men were at sarmonys the Sonday aftyr noon , a yong man that was watyng a pon a man of the kyngys house was soore vexyd and bound with the devylle . (CMGREGOR,239.2625) And that man after tyme that he was unbound by mannys hondys lay specelys long tyme aftyr . (CMGREGOR,239.2626) And as sone as he myght speke men of worschippe com to hym , (CMGREGOR,239.2627) and sum grete statys alle so com to hym (CMGREGOR,239.2628) and desyryd hym to telle hem of hys syghtys that he had sene in hys ferfulle vexacyon . (CMGREGOR,239.2629) And he tolde them many thyngys that he say , as ye shalle hyre here aftyr by wrytyng and by confessyon of hym selfe unto the Pryer of Chartyr Howse , and to many dyvers docters . (CMGREGOR,239.2630) For the Pryer of Chartyrhouse made a grete dyner to the docters , - (CMGREGOR,239.2631)