Sum-tyme olde wise clerckus +te whiche knewe kyndes & complexciones of men & of bestus +tei fondon & writoun many grete resounus in helynge of bestus as wel as of men . (CMHORSES,85.2) And for an hors is a best +tat muche worschepith men . & many harmes take+t +trou+g mys-happus fele & ofte-tyme be+t outerliche I-lost for defau+gte of help +terfore I wol schewe +gou as j haue jlerned sum curus for hors +tat al men knowe no+gt . And also wherof +te euel come+t on an hors And also +te tokenus +terof . where-bi +tat men schul hem knowe . & how +tei schul in a good feyre a good hors chese . (CMHORSES,85.3) Hit is nedeful to hym be wise & warre +tat schal an hors bye . (CMHORSES,85.4) ffor ofte-tyme +tei +tat weny+t hem-silf sly . be+t bi-giled with blynd hors & pursif hors . & o+ter wicked tacches +tat men mowe no+gt redeliche se with here y+gen . (CMHORSES,85.5) +terfore .4. +tyngus +tou schalt loke in an hors . & +tat +tei faile no+gt . (CMHORSES,85.6) ffurste +te schap of an hors +tat +tou schalt wite +tat he be of good heythe to suche trauaile as +tou nedest & +tat he be +ticke & wel I-growe to his heythe & strongliche I-made . (CMHORSES,85.7) longe sydes & fleyscheful . & grete boddockes . & rounde . & brod brest bi-fore . & al +te bodi knette with wre+tes of brawn . drie bon & hole +tat schal his bodi bere (CMHORSES,85.8) & +tat schal be a good hors . (CMHORSES,85.9) +Te secunde is +te beawte of an hors +tat he semy+t faire . & +tat he haue a litul hed & a lene with-oute flesche (CMHORSES,85.10) +te skyn ri+gt ny +te cheke-bon is no+gt for to loke . (CMHORSES,85.11) schort eres & scharp for-sake hem no+gt . (CMHORSES,85.12) gret eyen & oute stepe is wel for to preise . (CMHORSES,87.13) & wyde nose+turlus to +trast in +tin hond . (CMHORSES,87.14) an hy+ge hors bifore with a +ticke mane (CMHORSES,87.15) +te tayle meneliche long with a good rumpe . (CMHORSES,87.16) a runde fot & +ticke bi-come+t an hors wel . (CMHORSES,87.17) & +gif his pastron be schort he is wel +te betere . (CMHORSES,87.18) wyde hors bi-twene +te chaueles haue . I herde for to preise . (CMHORSES,87.19) & brode bi-twixst +te y+gen is good at +te countre . (CMHORSES,87.20) And +ticke warres bifore +te sadel bi-come+t an hors wel . (CMHORSES,87.21) And lowe-wombede be+t comeliche good . (CMHORSES,87.22) And flat-crowped hors bu+t esi to holde in poynte . (CMHORSES,87.23) +Te +tridde is bounte +tat is best of alle . (CMHORSES,87.24) And +tat +tou schalt knowe by +tese signus . (CMHORSES,87.25) Loke +tat he be hardi & coragious of herte . redi & ly+gt of his feet & +tat he go wyde in resoun . & +tat his lymes tremeli for +tat is sygne of streng+te . And also +tou+g he reste muche +tat he be esi to hold . & if he be j-take for+t hastliche with +te spore +tat he be sumdel kene . & +tat he be good to rebaie when +tat tyme is . (CMHORSES,87.26) & +tis be+t +te signes in a bounte hors . (CMHORSES,87.27) +Te fer+te is colour +tat he schal haue of here . (CMHORSES,87.28) for sum haue+t betur here +tan summe as I haue herde telle . (CMHORSES,87.29) ffor bayblak . Mylkewhite . don with a blak lyste . yren-graye . & o+ter many hewes +tat bu+t not to rekne . ffor whatso his +tat hors bow+gte . (CMHORSES,87.30) And when +tou hast a good hors at +tin owen wille loke +tat +tou be warre bi-tyme +tat he take not harme +trou+g rauhede of blode where+trou+g an hors take+t many euelis . (CMHORSES,87.31) And +tus schalt +tou knowe when +tin hors nede+t to be I-lete blod . (CMHORSES,89.32) +Gif he be ranke of blod he wol gnappe himsilf & rubbe him a-+gens +te walle +tat he stonde+t bi . (CMHORSES,89.33) his kaym schal stynke . (CMHORSES,89.34) & hos pisse schal be rede & +ticke . his ey+genwebbe blod-schote & wateri with-alle . (CMHORSES,89.35) And ouer al his bodi +ter wol rise litel smale bleynes +te whiche +tou schalt aspie bi felyng of +tyn honde . (CMHORSES,89.36) for +tei bu+t I-hud vndur +te heere . (CMHORSES,89.37) And he schal leue his mete more +tan he was I-wonede . (CMHORSES,89.38) And +tan schalt +tou latyn him blod a-boue on his necke . (CMHORSES,89.39) & aftur +tat his stat is +tou schalt $lat $ym {TEXT:latym} blede . (CMHORSES,89.40) +gif he be passed .v. +gere . & be in good poynt to +te whi+gte of .3. pond or .4. may he blede . (CMHORSES,89.41) And +gif he be of .ij. +gere or of .3. or ellus +tat he be lene & feble of flesche . a pond & an half wol ouer-take hym wel or ellus at +te moste .ij. pond . (CMHORSES,89.42) Many euelus come+t on hors +tat bledu+t not in tyme +trou+g +tat kynde of +tat euel blod +tat gendre+t in his bodi +tat is to say +te farcioun . +tat in his skyn bore+t many an hole . schale & mangew . & turtes & many o+ter euellis +tat I schal here afturward nemyny as +tei gendre+t in +te bodi of here owene kynde . And nameliche of +tese euelus +tat oon hors may cacche of an-o+ter +tat he stondu+t bi . (CMHORSES,89.43) And whan an hors is I-let blod & wol not staunche . Or ellus he strobule+t his veyne with rubbynge of hym in self . +Ten schalt +tou take felt & brenne it sumdel . & wete it in +te Ius of +te rede nettel . & ley hit upon +te ueyne +tat +tou wolt staunche . (CMHORSES,91.44) Or ellus take +tou +te woluyfiste (CMHORSES,91.45) & geder out +te dust (CMHORSES,91.46) & medle hit with swynes +tost +tat lyue+t bi +te gras . (CMHORSES,91.47) grynde hem wel to-geder (CMHORSES,91.48) & make hem on a plaster . (CMHORSES,91.49) & make it hot . (CMHORSES,91.50) & ley it to +te veyne . (CMHORSES,91.51) & in-to +te +tridde daye remoue it not . (CMHORSES,91.52) Or ellus take hors-cayme (CMHORSES,91.53) & grynd it wel (CMHORSES,91.54) & bynde it fast to +te veyne . (CMHORSES,91.55) Or ellus sum wol tak a fe+ter & twyne it in +te heere +ter +te blod renne+t out & fe+teres bynde +tere-to . (CMHORSES,91.56) & so I haue seye hit staunche wel I-now+g . (CMHORSES,91.57) A charme for to cese blod . (CMHORSES,91.58) God was bore in betheleem . Ido on +te rode-tre in ierhusalem (CMHORSES,91.59) fulled he was in flum iordan . (CMHORSES,91.60) Lord as +te flode with-stode so staunche +tis horsus blod . (CMHORSES,91.61) Lord +gif +ti wille be . (CMHORSES,91.62) Pater noster & . Aue Maria . (CMHORSES,91.63) An-o+ter . (CMHORSES,91.64) Put +tese syngnus to +te nauel I-write vpon sum-+tyng . (CMHORSES,91.65) fac . per . nomen . matris . Christi . altae . sacrae . & . 7 . nomen . mariae . (CMHORSES,91.66) An-o+ter . (CMHORSES,91.67) Take +te knotte of a stre (CMHORSES,91.68) & wete it in +te blod (CMHORSES,91.69) & make .v. crosses in +te forhed (CMHORSES,91.70) & sey +tese wordus at euery crosse (CMHORSES,91.71) boram uex . (CMHORSES,91.72) Ano+ter . (CMHORSES,91.73) I coniure +te wonde in +te uertu of +te .v. wondes of oure lord ihesus crist . & in +te vertu of +te mylke +tat he soke of his moder brest & of his de+t & of his up-rist +tat +tou rankil no+ter swelle ne blede ne festre no more +tan do+t +te wonde +tat longeus made with +te spere in +te ri+gt side of our lord ihesus crist . (CMHORSES,91.74) In nomine patris & filii & spiritus sancti . Amen . (CMHORSES,91.75) Farcyn is an euel of to muche mosture of flesche . & to muche plente of humurus +te whiche euel sum men clepe+t +te worme . (CMHORSES,93.76) And +te cause whifor (CMHORSES,93.77) +te forseide humors +tat be+t in +te flesche make+t rounde holes in +te flesche & in +te skyn as +te angeltweches do+t in +te er+te . (CMHORSES,93.78) And also ofte-tymes hit come+t of blak blod & of humors +tat renne+t with-in +te veynus . & o+ter-while with-oute . (CMHORSES,93.79) And o+ter-while it come+t of grete strokes or of a wonde +tat with-inne too mon+tes is not heled . (CMHORSES,93.80) Also it come+t o+ter-while bi-twext +te schuldres or in +te sides . (CMHORSES,93.81) & +tat may oone hors take of an-o+ter . (CMHORSES,93.82) Cure +terfore now wol I schewe . (CMHORSES,93.83) Take hede +tou marchal to +tis euel & in what stede it is . (CMHORSES,93.84) for o+ter-while it is in synewe stedes . & in brawne & in +te cauernes of +te bones & in dyuerse place a-boute +te lymes +tat euel is to hele . And sum-tyme in fleschy stedus +tat is esi to hele . (CMHORSES,93.85) +Gif +te farcyn be in +te forhalf of his bodi . & +tou perceyue ranckehede of blod . in his neckeveyne let him blede wel . (CMHORSES,93.86) And if it be on his +ty or ellus in his legge let him blede in his fot (CMHORSES,93.87) & +tat is good . (CMHORSES,93.88) And aftur take .3. plantes of auence . & .3. of {TEXT:of_of} weybrede . & .3. of egrymonye & a rote of radysche . (CMHORSES,93.89) & grynde hem al to-geder . (CMHORSES,93.90) & tempere it with a litul quantite of stondinge water of a pole or of sum o+ter (CMHORSES,93.91) & let +te hors swelwy him adoun in-to his bodi . (CMHORSES,93.92) And +ten aftur +tou make a plaster of auence & of +te rote of radische of bo+te I-liche muche . & a litel swope . & as muche hony . (CMHORSES,93.93) & grynde hem al to-geder (CMHORSES,95.94) & +ten +tou schalte schaue +te heere a-boute +te holes . & ley +tis plaster +ter-to . (CMHORSES,95.95) Or ellus take arnement . (CMHORSES,95.96) & brenne in +te fyer . (CMHORSES,95.97) & take +te pouder of it . & as muche of vnslekid lyme (CMHORSES,95.98) & tempere hem to-geder with swope +tat is old . & with good hony as +tou+g it were gruel . (CMHORSES,95.99) & ley it to +te holes . (CMHORSES,95.100) & do so twyes on +tre dayes tyl +te farcin be drie . (CMHORSES,95.101) & +gif +te holes be to strayte make hem wyddur with a rasur . (CMHORSES,95.102) And while +tou curest +tis hors loke he be foddered with a barli-straw . or ellus with hard hey . (CMHORSES,95.103) & prouendre +gif him non . (CMHORSES,95.104) & as ferfor+t as +tou may let him not drynke . (CMHORSES,95.105) And +te farcyn be not in +te cauernes of +te bone ne in +te brawn ne in +te schuldres . but onliche in +te fleschi stedus +ten do +tus . (CMHORSES,95.106) Take a rasour (CMHORSES,95.107) & schere awey +te skyn (CMHORSES,95.108) & make it al bare as fer as it seme+t +te a-tamed (CMHORSES,95.109) & +ten tak an hot yre (CMHORSES,95.110) & brenne it wel abouen (CMHORSES,95.111) & +ten make a plaster of auence or ellus of egrimonye . or lekes . (CMHORSES,95.112) & ferst grynde hem wel . (CMHORSES,95.113) & do +ter-to +gelkus of eyren & faire barlimele (CMHORSES,95.114) & tempere hem al to-geder . (CMHORSES,95.115) & ley a-boue +te farcyn . (CMHORSES,95.116) Or ellus take (CMHORSES,95.117) & fille ful +te holes of podur of bremston ri+gt to +te grounde . (CMHORSES,95.118) & aftur tak an hot yre +tat is smal bi-fore (CMHORSES,95.119) & put in-to +te holes as depe as +tei be+t . (CMHORSES,95.120) Or ellus take a pynte of +te ius of planteyne . & a pynte of +te ius smalache . & half a pynte of +te jus rubarbe & half a pynte of +te Ius of {COM:lacuna_in_ms:space_for_eight_letters} & a pynte of +te Ius of +te leues of eldre +tat beru+t +te beries . & . half a pynte of venegre . & half a pynte of +ticke hony . & half a pynte of +te Ius of morel . & half a pynte of +te jus of +te wilde tesel . & too or +tre of amydoum . (CMHORSES,97.121) & medle hem al to-gederes in a panne . (CMHORSES,97.122) & set it ouer +te fier . (CMHORSES,97.123) & let it boile til it be +ticke . (CMHORSES,97.124) & when it is +ticke take it don . (CMHORSES,97.125) & let it stonde til it be cold . (CMHORSES,97.126) & +ten take +te white of .viij. eyron (CMHORSES,97.127) & medle +ter-with . (CMHORSES,97.128) +Tis same medicyne is good also for boylynge of venum . (CMHORSES,97.129) +Tese cures as I vndurstonde schal hele an hors for +te farcioun ful wel . (CMHORSES,97.130) A charme for +te same . (CMHORSES,97.131) Dytez ceste charme par . iij . iors apres le solayl couchaunte sur le chyual uers le west turne primez pater noster hysmabet pater noster mechay pater noster amathanay pater noster Crux Christi amen pater noster . Cinke foyrz dirrs cest charme . par . iij . iours outre le chyual & par seux . iij . iours ne doit le chyual este en bon erre ne prouendre mag ne ewe currant passer mays selk fame manguse & garra . (CMHORSES,97.132) ffor +te farcyn & for +te feloun a good charme . (CMHORSES,97.133) In nomine patris & filij & spiritus sancti amen . (CMHORSES,97.134) Ie te coniure felon ou farcyn ou verme male suz $dauant par dieu omnipotent de ceel & de terre & de solial & de lune & de tutz creaturis & de sent autres & de sent abbes & de sent euesqes bien atturnes com de messes chauntere de nuit de noele & de la paylle so ? dount deu fuit en-volupe si tu i es ne demurrez niemt si tu ne es ne entres poynt al nom du pere & fitz & saunt espyrit te coniure qe tu ne augz . Ceo ditz troi foitz outre le best & garra . (CMHORSES,97.135) Or ellus take +te rede nettel . & +te popi rote . & myntes & flex (CMHORSES,99.136) & make a plaster (CMHORSES,99.137) & bynde to +te frounte of +te hors . .v. daies & .v. ny+gttus . (CMHORSES,99.138) & +gif him drynke herbes . beteyne . quycseluer . (CMHORSES,99.139) And +tat also for to hele +te wondes of +te farcyn . (CMHORSES,99.140) Tak floure of whete & hony (CMHORSES,99.141) & medle hem to-geder . (CMHORSES,99.142) & ley to +te sore . & aftur pouder of piper (CMHORSES,99.143) & caste in +te wondus . (CMHORSES,99.144) & +gif him drynk of +te same (CMHORSES,99.145) & he schal be hole . (CMHORSES,99.146) A charme for +te same . (CMHORSES,99.147) In nomine patris . & filij . & spiritus . sancti . amen . (CMHORSES,99.148) In +te worschip of oure lord ihesus crist & of oure ladi seynt marie & of seynt Iobis fadur soule & for his modur soule & for al his antecers soulus sey .iij. pater noster . & .iij. aue maria . (CMHORSES,99.149) Seynt Iob had .ix. wormes . (CMHORSES,99.150) & o worme had non hed . (CMHORSES,99.151) Sey +tus aboute +te hors . (CMHORSES,99.152) Also for al-maner of farcyn . (CMHORSES,99.153) Make a plaster of an vnce of vertegrece and eisel & arnement (CMHORSES,99.154) & ley +ter-to a ny+gt . (CMHORSES,99.155) Mangew gendere+t of brend blod & rotoun & nameliche in herueste when a hors traueyle+t ouer-muche with litel mete . or litul drynke . & aftur ha+t myche reste aftur grete trauayle . (CMHORSES,99.156) And or he be let blod he most be trauayle . a+gen . (CMHORSES,99.157) And o+ter-while it come+t upon an hors when pouder & swot I-dried to . be ouer-ny+gt . upon him & is not currayde & made clene . (CMHORSES,99.158) And also it wil come of sodayne fast ridynge . when an hors aftur gret traueyle . or aftur gret swetynge stondu+t vnheled . or out of house . or in eny o+ter cold stede . (CMHORSES,101.159) +Te mangew wol bi-gynne bi-side +te necke in +te heere (CMHORSES,101.160) & +ter wol genderi whelkus o+ter bilus & in o+ter dyuerse stedus of his bodi . (CMHORSES,101.161) and in +te same stede wol +te here pile awey . (CMHORSES,101.162) & +te hors wol gnappe him-self & rubbe out of curs . (CMHORSES,101.163) & but +tat hors be holpe in tyme +tat mangew wol turne in-to a foule schabbe (CMHORSES,101.164) +terfore tak of +tese medicynes +tat folue+t . (CMHORSES,101.165) And +gif an hors be rancke of blod . +ten let him blod in his necke . (CMHORSES,101.166) & with +tat same blod hot whasche him ouer-al . (CMHORSES,101.167) & frote hym ri+gt faste (CMHORSES,101.168) & spare him not . (CMHORSES,101.169) And aftur +te +tridde daye of his blod-letynge let wasche him wel with hot lie j-made of axes of barli-straw . & see-water or with vyneger or with sowre ale . (CMHORSES,101.170) Or ellus wasche him with +te croppus of horhone or ellus with sede . or with +te gresse of an erbe +tat men clepu+t hemloke . Or ellus with +te croppus of walwort +tat ha+t kyndeli vertu with a porcioun of salt wel j-soden (CMHORSES,101.171) & wasche him wel . (CMHORSES,101.172) & curreye him wel with an hors-combe . (CMHORSES,101.173) & make him ri+gt clene . (CMHORSES,101.174) & when he is ri+gt drie or ellus upon +te morwe anoynte him with an oynement +tat j schal +te teche . (CMHORSES,101.175) +Tou schalt tak +te rote of +te rede docke & +te rote of hemlok . & se+te hem wel in vyneger or eysel or wyn . longe til +tei be ri+gt neysche . (CMHORSES,101.176) & +ten +tou schalt take awey +te hardust of +te herbes & grynde it . or when +tei bu+t sumdel drie with olde swynes grece . (CMHORSES,101.177) & with +tat oynement a+gens +te sunne or +te fyer loke +tou grece him wel . (CMHORSES,101.178) Or ellus tak quycseluer & freische grece & hony . (CMHORSES,103.180) porcioun +tese +tre to-gederis (CMHORSES,103.181) & anoynte him +ter-with (CMHORSES,103.182) & or he be anoynted let him blod on +te sides (CMHORSES,103.183) & whasche +te sore +ter-with . (CMHORSES,103.184) Or ellus take .ij. libra of barwus grece . & a quarterun of uertegrece & a quartron of quycseluer & half a pond of frankencence . & .ij. sauserful of womman mylke +tat ha+t a knaue childe with-inne +tre +gere age (CMHORSES,103.185) & medle al +tese to-geder (CMHORSES,103.186) & wasche him +ter-with . (CMHORSES,103.187) And +gif an hors wol gnappe hymself . tak +te rede water-kerse for +tei bu+t hatter & bettur +ten +te whit & wermode & hemlok with a gret dele of sote til +tei be muche iliche to grece . (CMHORSES,103.188) & +ten grece him ouer-al (CMHORSES,103.189) & +tat schal lete him to gnappe . (CMHORSES,103.190) Or ellus wasche him wel in bene bro+t (CMHORSES,103.191) & poune to-geder piper & vertegrece & arnement & cerfoyle (CMHORSES,103.192) & make a good fier a-boute +te hors (CMHORSES,103.193) & grece him +ter-with .3. daies . (CMHORSES,103.194) Scabbe wol brede in +te necke . & on +te dok of +te taile ri+gt as +te mangew . (CMHORSES,103.195) & it peli+t awei +te heere up bi +te rotes so +tat +te hors wille rubbe him-self +tat +te necke & +te dok of his taile schal be al bare (CMHORSES,103.196) & +tat wol come of superfluyte of blod . or of o+ter wicked humourr . (CMHORSES,103.197) & of +te same cause +tat +te mangew wol gendre so wol +tis . of bi-stonding bi a schabbed hors or bi gnappynge of an hors . or if he be whiped with a wippis curreyed with a combe +tat a schabbed hors ha+t be curreyd with . or if he ete of +te corn or of +te hey +tat a schabbed hors ha+t ymoneld on bi-fore . or if +te oynde of a schabbed hors come+t muche in his nose . (CMHORSES,105.198) Cure +terfore . (CMHORSES,105.199) If +te hors be stalworde . let him wel blod (CMHORSES,105.200) & wasche +te schabbed stedes with +te hot blod (CMHORSES,105.201) & when it is drie rubbe him wel with an hors-combe euer-more til +te blod sprynge out of +te skyn amonge +te schabbes . (CMHORSES,105.202) & +ten +tou schalt wasche him with a lye +tat clerkus clepu+t on latyn capitellum +te whiche is made on +tis manere . (CMHORSES,105.203) Take .3. parties of asche asken . & .ij. parties of askus of bene-halm . o partie of vnsleked lym . (CMHORSES,105.204) & medle hem wel to-geder (CMHORSES,105.205) & do hem in a brod vessel ful of holes ri+gt as +tou makest lye (CMHORSES,105.206) & helde aboue see-water or lye +tat was ymade of asche askus euer til it droppe . (CMHORSES,105.207) & geder +tat clene in a vessel . (CMHORSES,105.208) & when +te capytel is made . take an eye of an hen (CMHORSES,105.209) & wynde a +trede +ter-aboute . (CMHORSES,105.210) & do it softeli in +tat capytel . (CMHORSES,105.211) & +gif it synk not +ti capytel is good . (CMHORSES,105.212) or ley +ter-on a gret neld (CMHORSES,105.213) & if he flete +ti capytel is good . (CMHORSES,105.214) Come not hende +te hole skyn (CMHORSES,105.215) for +ten it wol make +te here pile awey +trou+g violense of it-self . (CMHORSES,105.216) but wasche +te schabbes with +te capytel . & +tat ri+gt wel . (CMHORSES,105.217) And when it is drie +ten schalt +tou grece it with an oynement +tat is ymade on +tis manere . (CMHORSES,105.218) Take sulphur vyue . & whit tartre & blak . (CMHORSES,105.219) & grynde him al to-geder (CMHORSES,105.220) & tempere it with strong eisel . & with oyle til it be of +te +tickenus of an oynement . (CMHORSES,107.221) & twies on +te day grece him on +te scabbede stedus . (CMHORSES,107.222) And on +tis same manere do to an hors +tat ha+t +te mangew euer til he be hole . (CMHORSES,107.223) Or do make suche an oynement for +te same . (CMHORSES,107.224) Take sulphur vif . & frankencence . nytre & tartre . & aschyn rynde vitriole & vertegrece . whit ellebore & blak . er+tenotes . & +gelkes of hard-soden eyren . (CMHORSES,107.225) boyle al +tese in oile of olyue til it wexe +ticke . (CMHORSES,107.226) & with +tat anoynte +te hors twies or +tries on +te day as +te +tynke+t best . (CMHORSES,107.227) Or in +tis manere schalt +tou make & oyle a+gens +te scabbe . (CMHORSES,107.228) Tak of +te myddel rynde of a tre +tat sum men clepu+t buchyl (CMHORSES,107.229) & +tei make+t caudeles of +tat same rynde . (CMHORSES,107.230) take +ten +tat same rynde (CMHORSES,107.231) & schaue awey +te ouemuste (CMHORSES,107.232) & take +te myddel rynde . (CMHORSES,107.233) & hew it al smale (CMHORSES,107.234) & fil a pot of er+te +tat is newe ful +ter-of (CMHORSES,107.235) & loke +tat +te same pot haue +tre holis or .4. in +te bottum +ter-of . (CMHORSES,107.236) & take an-o+ter pot +tat is wel ileded with-inne (CMHORSES,107.237) & set +te pot with +te ryndus upon +te leded pot (CMHORSES,107.238) & loke +tat +te brynkes of +te leded pottus mou+te & +te brynkus of +te pot with +te ryndus be wel dabbid with cleye & with hors-donge so +tat non o+ter flauor entre in-to +te pottus ne non reche come oute . (CMHORSES,107.239) And if +tou se eny reche come out loke +tou daube it eft-sonus . (CMHORSES,107.240) & also +te pottis mou+te with +te ryndus +tou schalt helyn it with a ston & daube it in +te manere forsayde (CMHORSES,107.241) & +ten make a good fyer aboute +te pottis of wode & cole . (CMHORSES,109.242) and when +te wode & +te cole bu+t I-bred oute . +ten take oute +te pottis (CMHORSES,109.243) & +te oyle +tat +tou fyndest in +te ne+ter pot geder it up (CMHORSES,109.244) & with a fe+ter grece +te schabbede stedus +tries on +te daie . or oftur if it be nede . (CMHORSES,109.245) & fro +te firste daie +tat +te hors is furst gresed with +tis oile loke +tat +te hors be wel kept from al-manere wetynges of water & fro gnappynge & rubbynge til +te .7. daies be passed . (CMHORSES,109.246) And sum men make+t oile in +te same wise +tat +tis forsayde oile is made of schrapynge of hertes-hornes . or of drie schauynges of aschentre . or of eldir-tre . or of wode appeltre . or of +te rynde of blak-+torn . +te whiche oile +tey sey for-so+te it is good for al-manere schabbe . & al o+ter fil+te & maladie +tat gendere+t on +te skyn . (CMHORSES,109.247) +Gif +te schabbe be in +te dok of +te taile +ten schalt +tou take blak comyn & grynde it (CMHORSES,109.248) se+te a litel in swete mylke it (CMHORSES,109.249) when it is hote a-noynte +te schabbe ofte +ter-with . (CMHORSES,109.250) & loke +tat +te schabbede hors stonde no+gt amonge o+ter +tat +tei ne take +te same (CMHORSES,109.251) Fike is an euel +tat wol gendri in hore of hym . (CMHORSES,109.252) & it is called a fyke for-as-myche as it is neysche gaderynge of humorus of rede colour or of blo colour or blak with-oute hooro spryngynges oute of +te skyn in +te manere of a rype fyge where-of it take+t his name . (CMHORSES,109.253) & hit gendre+t of to myche blod +tat regne+t bi-twexst +te hyde & +te hold (CMHORSES,109.254) & +tus +tou schalt cure it . (CMHORSES,109.255) ffurst loke in what lyme +tat it be & if it be eny-+tynge brode . (CMHORSES,111.256) And +ten +tou schalt take a gobet of le+ter & make a rownde hole in +te myddel of +te le+ter aftur quantite of +te fyke so +tat it be fast sittynge bi-twexst +te fyke & +te hol skyn . (CMHORSES,111.257) & take tow+g cley . or past of smal floure (CMHORSES,111.258) & cramme it ri+gt wel so +tat +te hole skyn be not I-hurte with eny hot +tyng +tat schal be y-layd +ter-to . (CMHORSES,111.259) When it is so ydi+gt take horhoune (CMHORSES,111.260) & grynde it wel (CMHORSES,111.261) & make +ter-of ballus of +te gretnus of perus . or of +te gretnus of +te fyke . (CMHORSES,111.262) & ley him upon an hot ston or on yren til +tei be wel y-rosted . (CMHORSES,111.263) & +ten take a bal al hote (CMHORSES,111.264) & +trast in-to +te fyke . (CMHORSES,111.265) & when it is cold ley an-o+ter to al hote with-oute delay . & so euermore oon aftur an-o+ter til +te fyke bi-gynne to wexe white . (CMHORSES,111.266) And if +tou haue non horhoune take water-kresus or +te myddel rynde of +te hasel . (CMHORSES,111.267) & make balles . (CMHORSES,111.268) & rost hem (CMHORSES,111.269) & do in +te same manere as it is forsayde of horhoune . (CMHORSES,111.270) Or ellus if +tou wolt +tou my+gt schere a-wey +te fyke euene bi +te hole skyn & let +te euel blod blede out euerydel (CMHORSES,111.271) +ten schalt +tou strawe upon pouder of unsleked lyme or of chalke . (CMHORSES,111.272) And take an yre as brode as +te sore is (CMHORSES,111.273) & let brenne it ri+gt wel til +tou hopest +tat +te fier come to +te hole flesche . (CMHORSES,111.274) And if +te fyke be in eny jnnor be y-warre +tat +tou do esili +tat +te senues ne +te Ioyntus be not ytowched with +te fyer . (CMHORSES,111.275) And +ten schalt +tou take freische rothorus scherne . or henne dryt . or doues dryt & grynde it with sope & bynde it +ter-to & let it leye +ter-to .ij. daies stille . (CMHORSES,113.276) & +ten afturwarde +tou schalt anoynte it with sum hote oynement +tat is to say with pentemyron or ellus with hony . onus on +te day til it be hole . (CMHORSES,113.277) And in +te menetyme kepe it wel from lickynge . & from wetynge of colde water til .ix. daies be passed . (CMHORSES,113.278) And if it so be +tat +te fyke be gret aboue & smal bi +te bodi as a stalke of a walnote . take +ten .v. silken +tredus . & +tre heres of an hors taile +tat neuer rode mare . (CMHORSES,113.279) & twyne hem wel to-geder as an harpestrenge . (CMHORSES,113.280) bynde it fast bi +te bodi vndur +te fyke . (CMHORSES,113.281) And on +te morwe aftur if it be asclaked . draw it eft fastur . (CMHORSES,113.282) & so +tou schalt do oft til +te fyke falle awey him-self . (CMHORSES,113.283) And when he is falle awey . +Gif so be +tat an-o+ter wol come vp +ter a+gen +tou schalt do +tus . (CMHORSES,113.284) Do past or cleye +ter-upon al aboute as ytold bi-fore (CMHORSES,113.285) caste scaldynge hote hony euene +ter-upon . (CMHORSES,113.286) but loke +tou kepe with al +ti my+gt +tat no+gt of +te hote +tynge come hende +te skynne . (CMHORSES,113.287) & eft-sonus when it is kelid . make it ri+gt drie (CMHORSES,113.288) & cast efte-sonus +ter-upon as +tou dedust bi-fore . (CMHORSES,113.289) & if +te +tynke +tat +te rotus be depe in +te flesche . +Gif +tou schalt hele it wel as y haue seide bi-fore . And if he haue many fykos in his bodi +ten +tou schalt let him blede aftur +tat his elde & his streng+te wol streche . (CMHORSES,113.290) Tortes be+t apostemes in +te ouer half of +te flesche . genderynge with-inne +te skyn in +te manere of a Cake +tat men clepu+t tarteles . of +te whiche he take+t his name . (CMHORSES,115.291) & it wol come of oute-rage of blod +tat is rotun . & of humours +tat be+t bi-twexst +te hyde & +te holde . & of hertynge of flesche or of strokes . & of stondynge bi o+ter hors . (CMHORSES,115.292) +terfore in +tis cure +tus schalt +tou don . (CMHORSES,115.293) +Tou schalt slitte +te skyn of +te torte up & don euene in +te myddes of +te torte . & undur-ne+te +ter +te swellynge o+ter +te bolnynge stondu+t . (CMHORSES,115.294) with a flewme +tou schalt aripe al +te bagge & breke +te gaderynge +tat is with-inne & +treste +te quyture out . (CMHORSES,115.295) And efte if it nede be ronge it ri+gt wel . (CMHORSES,115.296) Or ellus an-o+ter manere if +te like it betere . (CMHORSES,115.297) Amyddes +te torte slyte +te skyn euene doun to +te er+te til +te slitte come to +te hole flesche (CMHORSES,115.298) & +ten clanse it wel +tat is redi rotun . (CMHORSES,115.299) And +ten stoppe +te holes ful of herdus of hempe or of lynne . (CMHORSES,115.300) & loke +tat +tei be clene y-di+gt with-out eny schyues . (CMHORSES,115.301) but wete hem furst in botter or in sayme or in +te white of an ey . (CMHORSES,115.302) And +tus euery day di+gt it onus til he be hole . (CMHORSES,115.303) Or if $+te {TEXT:be} turte at +te furste tyme be nesche . & +tou vndurstonde +tat it be rotid . in +te stede +ter +te +tynke+t +tat it is neyschest . +Ten +tou schalt bi good avyse in +te ne+ter half make a good sclitte (CMHORSES,115.304) & in ei+ter half of +te torte quyse it with +ti fyngrus al +te while +tat +ter wol renne out eny quyter . (CMHORSES,115.305) And aboue on his bak +tou schalt let him blede first in +tat on side & aftur .7. daies on +tat o+ter side . (CMHORSES,115.306) And +ten aftur .xv. daies +tou schalt efte let him blod vpon +te same side +tat he was furst +ter late blod . (CMHORSES,117.307) But loke +tou do not +te last cure of letynge of blod but if +te +tynke be good syngnes +tat it be nede . +tat is to say . +tat blod be enchesoun . or ellus o+ter humors . Where-+tro+g +te torte schold al-wei gendre upon +te hors . (CMHORSES,117.308) Corn is an euel (CMHORSES,117.309) & it is cleped +te corn for-as-myche as +te hyde of +te hors with +te flesche . or ellus +te flesche bi him-self . is so harde as +tou+g it were an horne . (CMHORSES,117.310) And +tat wol come +trou+g gret hurtynge & of gret burdyn . & of swellynge . & or +tat swellynge be passed awei $efte-sonus bere+t sum heuy burdyn +tat brese+t it wel more . (CMHORSES,117.311) Also it come+t for many o+ter causes of +te whiche me nede+t not telle of now+te . (CMHORSES,117.312) But for to teche +gow how +ge schul kepe an hors +tat he ne take no suche manere harme . y wold if y cow+te . (CMHORSES,117.313) +Tus haue j seie men kepe here hors from cornus . (CMHORSES,117.314) When an hors for-trauailed & beru+t ou+gt heuy . When +te burdun is downe +ten +tei wol tak of +te sadul or +te hors be colded . & grope ouer-al if +tei fynde eny hurtynge or swellyng . (CMHORSES,117.315) And if +tei se or fele eny hurtynge or swellynge . a-non +tei take+t cold water & salt to-geder . (CMHORSES,117.316) & waschu+t ouer-al (CMHORSES,117.317) & frote+t him wel . (CMHORSES,117.318) Also swithe +tei set up +te sadul a+gen (CMHORSES,117.319) & so +tei lettu+t him stonde til he be kelid ri+gt wel . (CMHORSES,117.320) & so do+t +tei .ij. or .3. (CMHORSES,117.321) & sette+t vp +te sadul a-bouen a+gen . (CMHORSES,117.322) & so wol +te swellynge aswage wel I-now+g . (CMHORSES,117.323) But if it be so +tat +te corn be genderid . +ten +tou moste schaue it aboute +te corn o+ter +te swellynge . (CMHORSES,119.324) & +ten schalt +tou garce it with many smale pikes meneliche depe . +tat +te brused blod may out ren . (CMHORSES,119.325) $But if +te bolnynge be ou+gt olde . +ten schalt +tou first or +tou garse him . ba+te it ri+gt wel with warme water . & +tat a longe while . (CMHORSES,119.326) & +tat is for to make +tynne +te bresid blod +tat it may come out +te bettur . (CMHORSES,119.327) And aftur +tou schalt make a plaster of smalache & of walwort & of askes of elder-tre . grunde wel al to-geder . & chaufed in sayme . or in wyn . & lay it to +te corn . (CMHORSES,119.328) Or make a plaster of +te holi +tystel . & of faire whete-floure . or of rye . & .iiij. eryn . or of .v. . (CMHORSES,119.329) & al hote ley +ter-to (CMHORSES,119.330) & aftur when it is roted . & +te swellyng aswage+t . +ten schalt +tou take a smal elsen & al hot glowyng +trest in-to +te corn al aboute . (CMHORSES,119.331) And take afturward a cloute of hempe or of lynne too fyngur brod +ter +te corn is (CMHORSES,119.332) & lay it vpon +te corn . (CMHORSES,119.333) And aftur take a drie stikke of wy+ti or of hasel (CMHORSES,119.334) & +twyte +ter-on longe sponus & +tynne in-to +tat on ende of +tat styke . (CMHORSES,119.335) & +tat o+ter ende of +te styke schal be scharpe . (CMHORSES,119.336) +ter-on +tou schalt styke a gobet of fat lard . (CMHORSES,119.337) & +ten +tou schalt take a long yren & scharpe . & styke in-to +te +twyten stykkes . (CMHORSES,119.338) & +ten hold it ouer +te fier til it haue y-chaut hete of +te fier . (CMHORSES,119.339) & hold it ouer +te corn (CMHORSES,119.340) & let +te larde droppe ouer +te cloute so +tat +te hote sayme may renne in-to +te corn +trou+g +te holes +tat +te elsen made . (CMHORSES,121.341) & aftur or +te clout be remeued let him swete . (CMHORSES,121.342) & aftur if it be nede +tou maist take sayme of lard in a sawcer & anoynte +te corn with a fe+ter or with a splent of tre . And so ofte-tymus til +te cor wol arise & may be take out . (CMHORSES,121.343) Or take +te snayles +tat be+t in here schellis . (CMHORSES,121.344) & ri+gt so stampe hem to-gederes . (CMHORSES,121.345) & make a plaster (CMHORSES,121.346) & ley to +te sore . (CMHORSES,121.347) & ofte-tyme meue +te corn hyder & +tidur til he arise . (CMHORSES,121.348) And +tou haue nede to ride upon +tis same hors or +te corn be oute . +ten make a +tynne plaster of +te forseide snayles . (CMHORSES,121.349) & set +ti sadul aboue (CMHORSES,121.350) & schyft hit no+gt til +te corn arise . (CMHORSES,121.351) And y haue seye make a plaster of hey askes ytempered with pysse y-leide to +te corn til +tat he a-rise . (CMHORSES,121.352) & when +te corn is oute +ten schalt +tou euery day onus fille +te hole ful of herdes wel y-clensid of hempe or of flexe y-hewe nameliche smale . (CMHORSES,121.353) ffor herdus wol kyndeliche clensi woundes or apostemes (CMHORSES,121.354) & also +tei wol not suffri ded flesche engendri in +te sore . (CMHORSES,121.355) But let no wete of water come on +te hole +ter +te corn was inne . (CMHORSES,121.356) Ded flesche o+ter-while engendere+t in wondes . & in apostemes if so be +tat kynde helpe & skilful be not don +terto . or ellus if +tat sore be not wasche & di+gt in tyme . (CMHORSES,121.357) And +terfore schalt +tou when +tou sixte +te flesche ouer-passe +te brynkes of +te skyn with-jnne +te wonde . (CMHORSES,121.358) Or if +tou se pappes in +te brynkes of wondes or blankus with-ynne +te wonde . & litel quyter +ter-ynne . +tat is uerei signe of ded flesche . (CMHORSES,123.359) And bi +tat +tou maist it knowe (CMHORSES,123.360) if +tou it touche it wol gladli blede . (CMHORSES,123.361) & when +tou sixt +tat . take a rasor (CMHORSES,123.362) & pare it as ney as +tou maist til +tou trowe +tat +tou be at +te good flesche . +Gif so be +tat veynes & synues lettu+t not . (CMHORSES,123.363) ffor wite +tou forso+te +tat it falle+t +te not to kerue ne to brenne in stedes +ter veynes & synuus buth liggynge as in +te Ioyntes & o+ter stedes +tat is good ynow+g bu+t to knowe . (CMHORSES,123.364) And aftur +tat it is coruen +tou schalt brenne it with an hote yre (CMHORSES,123.365) & aftur +tou schalt take netus scherne & ley +ter-vpon . (CMHORSES,123.366) Or ellus take +gelkus of eyrin & herdes . (CMHORSES,123.367) & wete hem +ter-ynne (CMHORSES,123.368) & ley +ter-to (CMHORSES,123.369) & remeue it not bi-fore +te +tridde day . (CMHORSES,123.370) And +gif +tou wilt haue out +te wicked flesche with-oute keruyng . or brennyng +ten schalt +tou make suche a poudur . (CMHORSES,123.371) Take +te white of eyrin . & olde sope +te blak is +te bettere of bo+te iliche myche . (CMHORSES,123.372) & stere hem bo+te to-gedur til +tei be al of o color . (CMHORSES,123.373) & take as moche of unsleked lyme (CMHORSES,123.374) & medle it al to-geder so +tat it be sumdel +ticke (CMHORSES,123.375) & a-non ley it upon +te ded flesche . (CMHORSES,123.376) But let it not longe leye +ter-to for peyringe of +te quycke flesche . (CMHORSES,123.377) And +ten aftur +tou schalt anoynte it with oile of olyue euer til it be hole . (CMHORSES,123.378) Or ellus +tou maist hele it with bature y-made of smalache . & morel if +tou maist gete it . (CMHORSES,123.379) & do +ter-to whit of eyryn & a parti of hony (CMHORSES,123.380) & tempere it with rye-floure or with whete (CMHORSES,123.381) & upon herdus ley it +ter-to . (CMHORSES,123.382) Also sum men make+t suche a poudur for ded flesche (CMHORSES,125.383) +tei take+t .iij. parties of vnsleked lyme & .ij. of poudur of oisturschellus & oon of salt . & an-o+ter of hertus-hornes o+ter netus (CMHORSES,125.384) & stampe hem al to-geders (CMHORSES,125.385) & tempere hem with stronge ley or with mannus vreyne . (CMHORSES,125.386) & make al +tat in manere of a lof . (CMHORSES,125.387) & in +te her+te . or in +te ownen or in +te fier bake it til it be ri+gt harde . (CMHORSES,125.388) +ten +tou schalt make poudur +ter-of (CMHORSES,125.389) & hote of +te pouders a day ley +ter-on . (CMHORSES,125.390) & if +te ded flesche be y-wasted away in on stede of +te wonde & not in an-o+ter . +ten schalt +tou take herdes & wasche hem with spotel in parti & ley hem vpon +te stede +tat +te +tynke is clansed . (CMHORSES,125.391) & +ter +te +tynke+t it is not clene ley of +te forseide pouder +ter-to til it be clene wastid away . (CMHORSES,125.392) & +tou schalt aftur take herdes & wete hem in sayme or boture . or in oile olyue or in hony or in wyn . & euer-more ley it +ter-to til +tou se +te good flesche euene with +te skyn . (CMHORSES,125.393) +ten schalt +tou with suche a pouder hele up +te wonde . (CMHORSES,125.394) Take of an hors-skyn a porcioun . & of +te bonus of an hors +ty or of +te rybbe . & of an hertus horne or of a schep & old scho-soles . or of +te keruynge of le+ter +tat +tou schalt fynde in corueseruus schoppes . (CMHORSES,125.395) And euereche of +tese for-seide +tyngus +tou schalt brenne bi hem-self & aftur grynde euereche bi him-silf ri+gt smale (CMHORSES,125.396) & take of euereche iliche myche (CMHORSES,125.397) & do hem alle to-geder (CMHORSES,125.398) & medle hem wel . (CMHORSES,125.399) & aftur do +te pouder in-to a bladder (CMHORSES,125.400) & vse it when nede is . (CMHORSES,125.401) Sum men make+t poudur of a gras +tat hate orygan (CMHORSES,125.402) & medle it with bark dust . (CMHORSES,125.403) & ley+t +ter-to bi it-self (CMHORSES,125.404) & wol helpe at nede . (CMHORSES,127.405) And if +tat hors schal be y-reden while his bak is sore +ten +tou most use +te cure aforsaide +tat is to say . at euene take of +te sadel . (CMHORSES,127.406) & wasche it with hot wyn or vryne . or salt water . or in watere +tat horshoune . or walwort or smalache or origan haue+t bi sode ynne . (CMHORSES,127.407) & aftur drye +te sore . (CMHORSES,127.408) & ley a+gen sum of +tese helynge pouderes or herdes wete in sayme . or in sum of +te forseide +tyngus . or a plaster aforseide til it be hole (CMHORSES,127.409) And +gif +te schuldur of an hors be swolle +trou+g stirtynge or fallynge . or if +te brawn of +te sides be bolned or hurte with prykynge of +te spore +ten schalt +tou helpe him in +tis manere . (CMHORSES,127.410) ffirst schalt +tou schere a-way +te here al aboute +te bolnynge (CMHORSES,127.411) & +ten +tou schalt anoynte +te sore stede with sayme of lard or with hote oile ri+gt ofte . (CMHORSES,127.412) And aftur schalt +tou take +te leues of wermod . & +te tendre rotes of walwort & grynde hem ri+gt wel to-geder . (CMHORSES,127.413) & aftur frie hem ri+gt wel in sayme . or in boter (CMHORSES,127.414) & make +ten +ter-of a plaster (CMHORSES,127.415) & ley it hot to +te swellynge . (CMHORSES,127.416) And loke +tat +tou hold +te hole of +te prychynge sumdel open . (CMHORSES,127.417) And if it be so +tat +tis manere of swellynge aforseide haue y-be longe with-oute helpe +ten schalt +tou sclyte +te skyn in myddes +te bolnynge . (CMHORSES,127.418) And bi-ne+te in +te hole skyn +ter +te swellynge stynte+t +tou schalt kerue an hole & put +terynne a seyne . (CMHORSES,127.419) but loke +tat +tou do it wiseliche for hurtynge of veynes & of synues . (CMHORSES,127.420) And if +te brest be bolned bi-side +te necke of prykynge of +te spore . or ellus +te side . +ten schalt +tou seyne him in +te brest but not ouer ney +te schulder (CMHORSES,129.421) +tese medicynes bu+t good & prophytable . (CMHORSES,129.422)