{ED:VII} Alle this blyssede techynge of oure lorde god was schewyd to me in thre partyes , that is be bodylye syght , and be worde formede in myne vndyrstandynge , & be gastelye syght . (CMJULNOR,8.3) Botte the gastelye syght I maye nought ne can nought schewe it vnto +gowe als oponlye & als fullye as I wolde . (CMJULNOR,8.4) Botte I truste in oure lorde god allemyghtty that he schalle , of his goodnes and for +goure love , make +gowe to take it mare gastelye and mare swetly than I can or maye telle it +gowe , (CMJULNOR,8.5) and so motte it be , (CMJULNOR,8.6) for we are alle one in loove . (CMJULNOR,8.7) And in alle this I was mekylle styrrede in charyte to myne evyncrystene that thaye myght alle see and knawe +te same that I sawe , (CMJULNOR,8.8) for I walde that it ware comforthe to thame alle as it es to me . (CMJULNOR,49.9) For this syght was schewyd in generalle & nathynge in specyalle . (CMJULNOR,49.10) Of alle that $I sawe , this was the maste comforthe to me : that oure lorde es so hamlye & so curtayse . (CMJULNOR,49.11) And this maste $fillyd me with lykynge & syekernes in saule . (CMJULNOR,49.12) Than sayde I to the folke that were with me , " Itt es todaye domesdaye with me " , (CMJULNOR,49.13) & this I sayde for I wenede to hafe dyed . (CMJULNOR,49.14) For that daye that man or woman dyes ys he demyd as he schalle be withowtyn eende . (CMJULNOR,49.15) This I sayde for y walde thaye lovyd god mare , & sette the lesse pryse be the vanite of the worlde , for to make thame to hafe mynde that this lyfe es schorte , as thaye myght se in ensampille be me . (CMJULNOR,49.16) For in alle +tis tyme I wenede to hafe dyed . (CMJULNOR,49.17) {ED:VIII} And aftyr this I sawe with bodely syght the face of the crucifixe that hange before me , in whilke I behelde contynuely a party of his passyon : despite , spittynge in , sowlynge of his bodye , & buffetynge in his blysfulle face ; & manye langoures and paynes ma than I can telle , and ofte chaungynge of coloure , and alle his blyssede face atyme closede in dry blode . (CMJULNOR,49.19) This I sawe bodylye & hevelye & derkelye , (CMJULNOR,49.20) and I desyred mare bodelye lyght to hafe sene more clerelye . (CMJULNOR,49.21) And I was aunswerde in my resone that +gyf god walde schewe me mare he schulde , botte me nedyd na lyght botte hym . (CMJULNOR,49.22) And aftyr this I sawe god in a poynte , that es in myne vndyrstandynge , by whilke syght I sawe that he es in alle thynge . (CMJULNOR,49.23) I behelde with vysemente , wittande and knawande in that syght that he dose alle that es done . (CMJULNOR,49.24) I merveylede in this syght with a softe drede & thought , " Whate es synne ? " (CMJULNOR,49.25) For I sawe trulye that god dothe alle thynge , be itt nevere so litille ; (CMJULNOR,49.26) nor nathynge es done be happe ne be eventure , botte the endeles forluke of the wysdome of god . Wharefore me behovede nedes grawnte that alle thynge that es done es wele done , (CMJULNOR,49.27) and I was sekyr that god dose na synne . (CMJULNOR,50.28) +Terfore it semed to me +tat synne is nou+gt , (CMJULNOR,50.29) for in alle thys synne was nou+gt schewyd me . (CMJULNOR,50.30) And y walde no lengyr mervelle of this , (CMJULNOR,50.31) botte behalde oure lorde whate he wolde schewe me . (CMJULNOR,50.32) & in anothyr tyme god schewyd me whate syne es nakydlye be the selfe as y schalle telle $aftyrwarde . (CMJULNOR,50.33) And aftyr this I sawe behaldande the bodye plentevouslye bledande , hate & freschlye and lyfelye , ry+gt as I sawe before in the heede . (CMJULNOR,50.34) And this was schewyd me in the semes of scowrgynge , (CMJULNOR,50.35) and this ranne so plenteuouslye to my syght that me thought +gyf itt hadde bene so in kynde for +tat tyme , itt schulde hafe made the bedde alle on blode & hafe passede on abowte . (CMJULNOR,50.36) God has made waterse plenteuouse in erthe to oure servyce and to owre bodylye eese , for tendyr love that he has to vs ; (CMJULNOR,50.37) botte +git lykes hym bettyr that we take fullye his blessede blode to wasche vs with of synne , (CMJULNOR,50.38) for thare ys no lykoure that es made that hym lykes so welle to gyffe vs , (CMJULNOR,50.39) for it is so plenteuouse and of oure kynde . (CMJULNOR,50.40) And aftyr this , $or god schewyd me any $wordes , he suffyrde me to behalde langere and alle that I hadde seene & alle that was thereyn . (CMJULNOR,50.41) And than was withowtyn voyce & withowte openynge of lyppes formede in my sawlle this worde , (CMJULNOR,50.42) " Herewith ys the feende ouercomyn " . (CMJULNOR,50.43) This worde sayde oure lorde $menande his passyon , as he schewyd me before . (CMJULNOR,50.44) In this oure lorde brought vnto my mynde & schewyd me a perte of the fendys malyce & fully his vnmyght , (CMJULNOR,50.45) and for that he schewyd me that the passyon of hym is ouercomynge of the fende . (CMJULNOR,50.46) God schewyd me that he hase nowe the same malyce that he had before the incarnacyon , (CMJULNOR,50.47) and als sare he travayles & als contynuelye he sees that alle chosene saules eschapes hym worschipfullye , (CMJULNOR,50.48) and that es alle his sorowe . (CMJULNOR,51.50) For alle that god suffers hym do turnes $thame to ioye & hym to payne & to schame , (CMJULNOR,51.51) and he has als mekylle sorowe when god gyffes hym leve to wyrke as when he werkys nought , (CMJULNOR,51.52) and that es for he maye nevere do als ille as he wolde , (CMJULNOR,51.53) for his myght es alle lokene in goddys hande . (CMJULNOR,51.54) Also I sawe oure lorde scorne his malyce and nought hym , (CMJULNOR,51.55) and he wille that we do the same . (CMJULNOR,51.56) For this syght I lugh+g myghttelye , (CMJULNOR,51.57) and that made tham to laugh+g that were abowte me , (CMJULNOR,51.58) and thare laughynge was lykynge to me . (CMJULNOR,51.59) I thought y wolde myne evyncristene hadde sene as I sawe ; (CMJULNOR,51.60) than schulde thaye alle hafe laughyn with me . (CMJULNOR,51.61) Botte I sawe nou+gt cryste laugh+g . (CMJULNOR,51.62) Neuerthelesse hym lykes that we laugh+g in comfortynge of vs , & er ioyande in god , (CMJULNOR,51.63) for the feende ys ouercomyn . (CMJULNOR,51.64) & aftyr this I felle into a saddehete (CMJULNOR,51.65) & sayde , " I see thre thynges : game , scorne , and arneste . (CMJULNOR,51.66) I see game that the feende ys ouercomen , (CMJULNOR,51.67) and I see scorne that god scornes hym and he schalle be scornede , (CMJULNOR,51.68) and I see arneste that he es ouercomen be the passion of oure lorde Ihesu cryste & be his dede that was done ful erneste & with sadde travayle " . (CMJULNOR,51.69) Aftyr this oure lorde sayde , " I thanke the of thy servyce & of thy trauayle , & namly in +ti +gough " . (CMJULNOR,51.70) {ED:IX} God schewyd me thre degrees of blysse that ylke saule schalle hafe in hevene that wilfullye hase servyd god in any degree heere in erthe . (CMJULNOR,51.72) The fyrste is the wyrschipfulle thankkynge of owre lorde god that he schalle resayfe when he es delyuerede fro payne . (CMJULNOR,51.73) This thanke is so hy+ge and so wyrschipfulle that hym thynke it fylles hym +tow+g +tare ware no mare blys : (CMJULNOR,51.74) for me thought that alle the payne & travayle that myght be suffyrde of alle lyffande men myght nought $hafe deservede the thanke that a man schalle hafe that wylfullye has servydde god . (CMJULNOR,52.75) For the seconde , that alle the blyssede creatures +tat er in hevene schalle see that worschipfulle thankynge of oure lorde god , & he makys his servyce to alle that er in heuen knawen . (CMJULNOR,52.76) And for the thyrde , that als new ande als lykande as it es resayvede that tyme , ryght so schalle itt laste withowten ende : (CMJULNOR,52.77) I sawe that goodelye and swetlye was this sayde & schewyd to me , that +te age of euerylk $man schalle be knawen in heuen and rewardyd for his wilfulle seruyce and for his tyme , and namelye the age of thame +tat wilfullye and frelye offers thare +gought vnto god es passande rewardede & wondyrlye thankkyd . (CMJULNOR,52.78) And aftyr this oure lorde schewyd me a souerayne gastelye lykkynge in my sawlle . (CMJULNOR,52.79) In this lykynge I was fulfillyd of euerlastande sekernesse , myghtlye festnede withowtyn any drede . (CMJULNOR,52.80) This felynge was so gladde to me and so goodly that I was in peez , in ese , and in ryste , so that +tere was nothynge in erthe that schulde hafe grevyd me . (CMJULNOR,52.81) This lastyd botte a while , (CMJULNOR,52.82) and I was turnede & lefte to myselfe in hevynes and werynesse of myselfe and yrkesumnesse of my lyfe , that vnnethes I cowthe hafe pacyence to lyeve . (CMJULNOR,52.83) Thare was none ese ne na comforthe to my felynge botte hope , faythe , and charyte , (CMJULNOR,52.84) and this y hadde in trowthe botte fulle lytille in felynge . (CMJULNOR,52.85) And anone aftyr , god gafe me agayne the comforth and the reste in saule , likynge and syekyrnesse so blysfulle & so myghtty +tat no drede , no sorowe , no payne bodylye no gastelye that myght be sufferde schulde have dissesede me . (CMJULNOR,52.86) And than the payne schewyd agayne to my felynge , and than the ioye and the lykynge , & than the tane & nowe the tothere dyverse tymes I suppose abowte twentye sythes . (CMJULNOR,52.87) And in the tyme of ioye I myght hafe sayde with Paule , Nathynge schalle departe me fro the charyte of cryste . (CMJULNOR,52.88) And in payne y myght hafe sayde with saynte Petyr , Lorde save me , (CMJULNOR,52.89) I perysche . (CMJULNOR,52.90) +Tis vision was schewyd me to lere me atte my vndyrstandynge +tat it es nedefulle to ylke man to feele on this wyse : sumtyme to be in comforthe & sumtyme to fayle & be lefte to hymselfe . (CMJULNOR,53.91) God wille that we knowe that he kepes vs euerelyke syekyr in wele and in woo , & als mykille loves vs in woo as in weele . (CMJULNOR,53.92) & sumtyme , for the profytte of his saule , a man es lefte to hymselfe (CMJULNOR,53.93) & to whethere synne es nought the cause . (CMJULNOR,53.94) For in this tyme I synnede nought wherefore I schulde be lefte to myselfe , (CMJULNOR,53.95) ne also I deseruede nou+gt to hafe this blysfulle felynge . (CMJULNOR,53.96) Botte frelye god gyffez wele when hym lykes , (CMJULNOR,53.97) and suffers $vs in wa sumtyme . (CMJULNOR,53.98) And bothe es of love : (CMJULNOR,53.99) for it is god ys wille that we halde vs in comforthe with alle oure myght , (CMJULNOR,53.100) for blys es lastande withowtyn ende (CMJULNOR,53.101) and payn es passande (CMJULNOR,53.102) & schalle be brought to nought . (CMJULNOR,53.103) Therefore it es nought goddys wille that we folowe the felynges of payne in sorowynge and in mournynge for $thaim , botte sodaynlye passe on & halde vs in endelesse lykynge that es god allemyghtty oure lovere & kepare . (CMJULNOR,53.104) {ED:X} Aftyr this cryste schewyd me a partye of his passyone nere his dyinge . (CMJULNOR,53.106) I sawe that swete faace as yt ware drye and bludyelesse with pale dyinge , sithen mare $dede pale langourande ; (CMJULNOR,53.107) and than turnede more dede to the blewe , & sithene mare blewe as the flesche turnede mare deepe dede . (CMJULNOR,53.108) For alle the paynes that cryste sufferde in his bodye schewyd to me in the blyssede faace als farfurthe as I sawe it , and namelye in the lyppes . (CMJULNOR,53.109) Thare I sawe this foure colourse , thaye that I sawe beforehande , freschlye & $ruddy , lyflye & lykande to my syght . (CMJULNOR,53.110) This was a hevy chaunge to see this deepe dyinge , (CMJULNOR,53.111) and also the nese $claungede and dryed to my sight . (CMJULNOR,53.112) This lange pynnynge semede to me as he hadde bene a seuen nyght dede , allewaye sufferande payne . (CMJULNOR,53.113) & me thought the dryinge of crystes flesche was the maste payne of his passion , and the laste . (CMJULNOR,53.114) And in this dryhede was brou+gt to my mynde this worde that cryste sayde , (CMJULNOR,54.115) " I thryste " . (CMJULNOR,54.116) For I sawe in criste a doubille thyrste , ane bodylye , ane othere gastelye . (CMJULNOR,54.117) This worde was schewyd to me for the bodylye thirste , (CMJULNOR,54.118) and for the gastelye thyrste was schewyd to me als I schalle saye eftyrwarde . (CMJULNOR,54.119) And I vndyrstode of bodelye thyrste that the bodye hadde of faylynge of moystere , (CMJULNOR,54.120) for the blessede flesche & banes ware lefte allane withowtyn blode & moystere . (CMJULNOR,54.121) The blyssyd bodye dryede alle ane lange tyme with wryngynge of the nayles and paysynge of the $hede and weyght of the bodye , with blawynge of wynde fra withoutyn that dryed mare and pyned hym with calde mare than myn herte can thynke , & alle othere paynes . (CMJULNOR,54.122) Swilke paynes I sawe that alle es to litelle +tat y can telle or saye , (CMJULNOR,54.123) for itt maye nou+gt be tolde . (CMJULNOR,54.124) Botte ylke saule aftere the sayinge of saynte Pawle schulde feele in hym +tat in criste Ihesu . (CMJULNOR,54.125) This schewynge of criste paynes fillyd me fulle of paynes , (CMJULNOR,54.126) for I wate weele he suffrede nou+gt botte ane+g , botte as he walde schewe yt me and fylle me with mynde as I hadde desyrede before . (CMJULNOR,54.127) My modere that stode emangys othere and behelde me lyftyd vppe hir hande before me face to lokke myn eyen , (CMJULNOR,54.128) for sche wenyd I had bene dede or els I hadde dyede . (CMJULNOR,54.129) And this encresyd mekille my sorowe , (CMJULNOR,54.130) for nou+gtwithstandynge alle my paynes , I wolde nou+gt hafe been lettyd for loove that I hadde in hym . (CMJULNOR,54.131) And to whethere in alle this tyme of crystes presence I felyd no payne botte for cristes paynes , +tan thou+gt me I knewe ful lytylle whate payne it was that I askyd . (CMJULNOR,54.132) For me thought that my paynes passede any bodylye dede ; (CMJULNOR,54.133) I thou+gt , " Es any payne in helle lyke this payne ? " (CMJULNOR,54.134) And I was aunswerde in my resone that dyspayre ys mare for that es gastelye payne . (CMJULNOR,54.135) Bot bodilye payne es nane mare than this : (CMJULNOR,54.136) howe myght my payne be more than to see hym that es alle my lyfe , alle my blys , & alle mye ioye suffyr ? (CMJULNOR,54.137) Here felyd I sothfastlye that y lovede criste so mekille abouen myselfe that me thought it hadde beene a grete eese to me to hafe dyede bodylye . (CMJULNOR,55.138) Hereyn I sawe in partye the compassyon of oure ladye saynte Marye , (CMJULNOR,55.139) for criste & scho ware so anede in loove that +te gretnesse of hir loove was the cause of the mykillehede of hir payne . (CMJULNOR,55.140) For so mykille as scho lovyd hym mare than alle othere , her payne passed alle othere , (CMJULNOR,55.141) and so alle his disciples & alle his trewe lovers suffyrde paynes mare than thare awne bodelye dying . (CMJULNOR,55.142) For I am sekyr be myn awne felynge that the leste of thame luffed $hym mare than thaye dyd thamselfe . (CMJULNOR,55.143) Here I sawe $a grete anynge betwyx criste and vs , (CMJULNOR,55.144) for when he was in payne , we ware in payne , (CMJULNOR,55.145) and alle creatures that myght suffyr payne soffyrde with hym . (CMJULNOR,55.146) And thaye that knewe hym nou+gt , this was thare payne , that alle creatures , sonne & the mone , withdrewe thare seruyce , (CMJULNOR,55.147) and so ware thaye alle lefte in sorowe for the tyme . (CMJULNOR,55.148) And thus thaye that lovyd hym sufferde payne for luffe , (CMJULNOR,55.149) & thay that luffyd hym nought sufferde payne for faylynge of comforthe of alle creatures . (CMJULNOR,55.150) In this tyme I walde hafe lokyd besyde the crosse (CMJULNOR,55.151) botte I durste nou+gt , (CMJULNOR,55.152) for I wyste wele whilys I lukyd vppon the crosse I was sekyr and safe . (CMJULNOR,55.153) Therfore I walde nought assente to putte my sawle in perille , (CMJULNOR,55.154) for besyde the crosse was na syekernesse , botte vglynesse of feendes . (CMJULNOR,55.155) Than hadde I a profyr in my resone as +gyf it hadde beene frendelye . (CMJULNOR,55.156) $It sayde to me , " Luke vppe to heven to his fadere " . (CMJULNOR,55.157) Than sawe I wele , with the faythe that y felyd , that thare ware nathynge betwyx the crosse & heuen that myght hafe desesyd me , (CMJULNOR,55.158) and othere me behovyd loke vppe or els aunswere . (CMJULNOR,55.159) I answerde & sayde , " Naye , I may nought , (CMJULNOR,55.160) for thowe erte myne heuen " . (CMJULNOR,55.161) This I sayde for I walde nou+gt , (CMJULNOR,55.162) for I hadde levyr hafe bene in that payne to domysdaye than hafe comen to hevene otherewyse than be hym . (CMJULNOR,55.163) For I wyste wele he that bought me so sare schulde vnbynde me when he walde . (CMJULNOR,55.164) Thus chese I Ihesu for my heuen wham I $saw onlye in payne at that tyme . (CMJULNOR,56.166) Me lykede no nothere hevene than Ihesu whilke schalle be my blysse when I am thare . (CMJULNOR,56.167) And this has euer beene a comforthe to me , that I chesyd Ihesu to my hevene in alle $this tyme of passyon and of sorowe ; (CMJULNOR,56.168) and that has beene a lernynge to me , that I schulde euermare do so and chese anly hym to my heuen , in wele and in wa . (CMJULNOR,56.169) And thus sawe I my lorde Ihesu langoure lange tyme , (CMJULNOR,56.170) for the anynge of the godhede for love gafe strenght to the manhede to suffyr mare than alle men myght . (CMJULNOR,56.171) I mene nought anly mare payne anly than alle men myght suffyr , bot $also that he suffyrde mare payne than alle men that euer was fra the fyrste begynnynge to the laste daye . (CMJULNOR,56.172) No tonge maye telle , ne herte fully thynke , the paynes that oure savyoure sufferde for vs , haffande rewarde to the worthynes of the hyest worschipfulle kynge and to the schamefulle , dyspyttous & paynfulle dede . (CMJULNOR,56.173) For he that was hieste & worthyest was fullyest noghthede & witterlyest dyspyside . (CMJULNOR,56.174) Botte the loue that made hym to suffere alle this , itt passes als fare alle his payns as heuen es abouen erthe . (CMJULNOR,56.175) For the paynes was a dede done in a tyme be the wyrkynge of love , (CMJULNOR,56.176) botte luffe was withowtyn begynnynge , (CMJULNOR,56.177) & es and evere schalle be withowtyn any ende . (CMJULNOR,56.178) And sodaynlye , me behaldande in the same crosse , he chaunchede into blysfulle chere : (CMJULNOR,56.179) the chawngynge of his chere chaungyd myne , (CMJULNOR,56.180) and I was alle gladde & mery as yt was possybille . (CMJULNOR,56.181) Than brought oure lorde merelye to my mynde , " Whate es any poynte of thy payne or of +ty grefe ? " (CMJULNOR,56.182) And I was fulle merye . (CMJULNOR,56.183) {ED:XII} Than sayde oure lorde , askande , " Arte thou wele payde that I suffyrde for the ? " (CMJULNOR,56.185) " +Ga , goode lorde " , quod I . (CMJULNOR,56.186) " Gramercy goode lorde , blissyd mut thowe be " . (CMJULNOR,56.187) " +Gyf thowe be payede " , guod oure lorde , " I am payede . (CMJULNOR,57.188) It es a ioye and a blysse and ane endlesse , lykynge to me that euer y suffyrde passyon for the , (CMJULNOR,57.189) for +gyf I myght suffyr mare , I walde suffyr " . (CMJULNOR,57.190) In this felynge myne vndyrstandynge was lyftyd vppe into heuen , (CMJULNOR,57.191) and thare I sawe thre hevens of the whilke syght I was gretlye merveylede , (CMJULNOR,57.192) and thought , " I sawe thre hevens , and alle of the blessyd manhede of cryste ; (CMJULNOR,57.193) and nane is mare , (CMJULNOR,57.194) nane is lesse , (CMJULNOR,57.195) nane is hiare , (CMJULNOR,57.196) nane is lawere , botte evene like in blysse " . (CMJULNOR,57.197) For the fyrste heuen schewed criste me his fadere , bot in na bodelye lyknesse , botte in his properte and in his lykynge . (CMJULNOR,57.198) The wyrkynge of the fadere it is this : that he gyffes mede tille his sone Ihesu criste . (CMJULNOR,57.199) This gyfte and this mede is so blysfulle to Ihesu that $his fadere myght haffe gyffene na mede that myght hafe likede hym bettere . (CMJULNOR,57.200) For the first heuen , that is blissynge of the fadere , schewed to me as a heuen , (CMJULNOR,57.201) and itt was fulle blysfulle . (CMJULNOR,57.202) For he is fulle blyssede with alle the dedes that he has done abow+gte oure saluacyon , wharefore we ere nought anely his thurgh byingge , botte also be the curtayse gyfte of his fadere . (CMJULNOR,57.203) We ere his blysse , (CMJULNOR,57.204) we er his mede , (CMJULNOR,57.205) we er his wyrschippe , (CMJULNOR,57.206) we er his crowne . (CMJULNOR,57.207) This that I saye is soo grete blysse to Ihesu that he settys atte nought his travayle , and his harde passion , and cruelle and schamefulle dede . (CMJULNOR,57.208) And in this wordes : +gyf I myght suffyr mare , I walde suffyr mare , I sawe sothly that +gif he myght dye als ofte als fore euerilke man anes that schalle be safe as he dyed anes for alle , love schulde neuer late hym hafe reste to he hadde done it . (CMJULNOR,57.209) And when he hadde done it , he walde sette it atte nought for luff , (CMJULNOR,57.210) for alle thynge hym botte litylle in regarde of his love . (CMJULNOR,57.211) And that schewed he me wele $sobarly , sayande this worde : +gyffe I myght suffere mare . (CMJULNOR,57.212) He sayde nought , +gif it ware nedfulle to suffyr mare , botte +gif I myght suffyr mare . (CMJULNOR,57.213) For thow+g it be nought nedefulle and he myght suffyr mare , mare he walde . (CMJULNOR,57.214) This dede and this werke abowte oure saluacyon was als wele as he myght ordayne it , (CMJULNOR,57.215) it was done als wyrschipfullye as cryste myght do it . (CMJULNOR,58.216) And in this I sawe a fulle blysse in cryste , (CMJULNOR,58.217) botte this blysse schulde nought hafe bene done fulle +gyf it myght any bettere hafe bene done +tan it was done . (CMJULNOR,58.218) And in this thre wordes , It is a ioye , a blysse , and ane endeles likynge to me , ware schewed to me thre hevens as thus : (CMJULNOR,58.219) for the ioye I vndyrstode the plesaunce of the fadere ; for the blysse , the wirschippe of the sone ; and for the endeles lykynge , the haly gaste . (CMJULNOR,58.220) The fadere is plesed , (CMJULNOR,58.221) the sone ys worschippyd , (CMJULNOR,58.222) the haly gaste lykes . (CMJULNOR,58.223) Ihesu wille that we take heede to this blysse that is in the blyssedfulle trinite of oure saluacion , and that we lyke als mekylle with his grace whyles we er here . (CMJULNOR,58.224) And this was schewyd me in +tis worde : (CMJULNOR,58.225) Erte +tow wele payed ? (CMJULNOR,58.226) Be the tothere worde that cryste sayde , +gyf +tou be payed I am payd , he schewed me the vndyrstandynge as +gyf he had sayde : It is ioye and lykynge enough to me , (CMJULNOR,58.227) and I aske nought els for my travayle botte that I myght paye the . (CMJULNOR,58.228) Plentyuoslye and fully was this schewyd to me . (CMJULNOR,58.229) Thynke also wyselye of the gretnesse of this worde : That euer I suffred passion for the , (CMJULNOR,58.230) for in that worde was a hye knawynge of luffe and of lykynge that he hadde in oure saluacion . (CMJULNOR,58.231) {ED:XIII} Fulle merelye and gladlye oure lorde lokyd into his syde (CMJULNOR,58.233) and behelde (CMJULNOR,58.234) and sayde this worde , " Loo , how I lovyd the " , as +gyf he hadde sayde : My childe , +gyf thow kan nought loke in my godhede , see heere howe I lette opyn my syde , and my herte be clovene in twa , and lette oute blude and watere alle +tat was thareyn . (CMJULNOR,58.235) And this lykes me , (CMJULNOR,58.236) and so wille I that it do the . (CMJULNOR,58.237) This schewed oure lorde me to make vs gladde and mery . (CMJULNOR,58.238) And with the same chere and myrthe he loked downe on the ryght syde (CMJULNOR,58.239) and brought to my mynde whare oure ladye stode in the tyme of his passion , (CMJULNOR,58.240) and sayde , " Wille thowe see hir ? " (CMJULNOR,58.241) And I aunswerde and sayde , " +Ga goode lorde , gramercy , +gyf it be thy wille " . (CMJULNOR,59.242) Ofte tymes I prayed it , (CMJULNOR,59.243) and wened to haffe sene here in bodely lykenes , (CMJULNOR,59.244) botte I sawe hir nought soo . (CMJULNOR,59.245) And Ihesu in +tat worde schewed me a gastelye syght of hire . (CMJULNOR,59.246) Ryght as I hadde before sene hire litille and sympille , ryght so he schewed here than , hye and nobille and gloriouse and plesaunte to hym abouen alle creatures . (CMJULNOR,59.247) And so he wille that it be knawyn that alle tha that lykes in hym schulde lyke in hire , and in the lykynge that he hase in hire , and scho in hym . (CMJULNOR,59.248) And in that worde that Ihesu sayde : Wille +tou see hire ? me thought I hadde the maste lykynge that he myght hafe gyffen me , with the gastelye schewynge that he gafe me of hire ; (CMJULNOR,59.249) for oure lorde schewed me nothynge in specyalle botte oure lady saynte Marye , (CMJULNOR,59.250) and here he schewyd me in thre tymes . (CMJULNOR,59.251) The fyrste was as sche consayved , (CMJULNOR,59.252) the seconde was as scho were in hire sorowes vndere the crosse , and the thryd as scho is nowe : in lykynge , wirschippe , and ioye . (CMJULNOR,59.253) And eftyr this oure lorde schewyd hym to me mare gloryfyed as to my syght than I sawe hym before , (CMJULNOR,59.254) and in this was I lered that ilke saule contemplatyfe to whilke es gyffen to luke and seke god schalle se hire and passe vnto god by contemplacion . (CMJULNOR,59.255) And eftyr this techynge , hamelye , curtayse , and blysfulle and verray lyfe , ofte tymes oure lorde Ihesu sayde to me , " I it am that is hiaste . (CMJULNOR,59.256) I it am that +tou luffes . (CMJULNOR,59.257) I it am that thowe lykes . (CMJULNOR,59.258) I it am that +towe serves . (CMJULNOR,59.259) I it am +tat +tou langes . (CMJULNOR,59.260) I it am that +towe desyres . (CMJULNOR,59.261) I it am that thowe menes . (CMJULNOR,59.262) I it am +tat is alle . (CMJULNOR,59.263) I it am that haly kyrke preches the and teches the . (CMJULNOR,59.264) I it am that schewed me are to the " . (CMJULNOR,59.265) Thies wordes I declare nought botte for ilke man , (CMJULNOR,59.266) eftyr the grace that god gyffes hym in vndyrstandynge and lovynge , resayfe tham in oure lordes menynge . (CMJULNOR,59.267) And eftyr , oure lorde brought vnto my mynde the langynge that I hadde to hym before . (CMJULNOR,59.268) And I sawe that nathynge letted me bot syn ; (CMJULNOR,59.269) and so I behelde generallye in vs alle , (CMJULNOR,59.270) and me thought , " +Gyf syn hadde nought bene , we schulde alle hafe bene clene and lyke to oure lorde , as he made vs " . (CMJULNOR,59.271) And thus in my folye , before this tyme , ofte I wondrede why , be the grete forseande wysdome of god , syn was nought lettede , (CMJULNOR,60.272) for than thought me that alle schulde hafe bene wele . (CMJULNOR,60.273) This styrrynge was mekylle to forsayke , (CMJULNOR,60.274) and mournynge and sorowe I made therfore withoutyn resone and dyscrecion , of fulle grete pryde . (CMJULNOR,60.275) Neuerthelesse Ihesu in this vision enfourmede me of alle that me neded . (CMJULNOR,60.276) I saye nought that me nedes na mare techynge , (CMJULNOR,60.277) for oure lorde , with the schewynge of this , hase lefte me to haly kyrke ; (CMJULNOR,60.278) and I am hungery and thyrstye and nedy and synfulle and freele , (CMJULNOR,60.279) & wilfully submyttes me to the techynge of haly kyrke , with alle myne euencrysten , into the ende of my lyfe . (CMJULNOR,60.280) He aunswerde be this worde (CMJULNOR,60.281) and sayde , " Synne is behouelye " . (CMJULNOR,60.282) In this worde , Synne , oure lorde brought to my mynde generallye alle that is nought goode : the schamefulle dyspyte and the vtter noghtynge that he bare for vs in this lyfe and in his dyinge , and alle the paynes and passyons of alle his creatures , gastelye and bodelye . (CMJULNOR,60.283) For we ere alle in party noghted , (CMJULNOR,60.284) and we schulde be noghted folowande oure maister Ihesu to we be fulle purgede , that is to say to we be fully noghted of oure awne dedely flesche , and of alle oure inwarde $affeccions whilke ere nought goode . (CMJULNOR,60.285) And the behaldynge of this , with alle the paynes that euer ware or euer schalle be , $alle this was schewed me in a toch (CMJULNOR,60.286) and redely passed ouere into comforth , (CMJULNOR,60.287) for oure goode lorde god walde noght that the saule ware afferdede of this vglye syght . (CMJULNOR,60.288) Bott I sawe noght synne , (CMJULNOR,60.289) fore I lefe it has na manere of substaunce , na partye of beynge , na it myght nought be knawen bot be the paynes that it is cause of . (CMJULNOR,60.290) And this payne , it is sumthynge as to my syght , for a tyme : (CMJULNOR,60.291) for it purges vs (CMJULNOR,60.292) and makes vs to knawe oureselfe and aske mercy . (CMJULNOR,60.293) For the passion of oure lorde is comforth to vs agaynes alle this , (CMJULNOR,60.294) and so is his blyssyd wille . (CMJULNOR,60.295) To alle that schalle be saffe , he comfortes redely and swetlye be his wordes , (CMJULNOR,60.296) and says , " Botte alle schalle be wele , (CMJULNOR,60.297) and alle maner of thynge schalle be wele " . (CMJULNOR,60.298) Thyes wordes ware schewed wele tenderlye , schewande na $manere of blame to me , na to nane that schalle be safe . (CMJULNOR,61.299) Than were it a grete vnkyndenesse of me to blame or wondyr of god for my synnes , syn he blames not me for synne . (CMJULNOR,61.300) Thus I sawe howe cryste has compassyon of vs for the cause of synne , (CMJULNOR,61.301) and ryght as I was before with the passyon of cryste fulfilled with payne and compassion , lyke in +tis I was in party fyllyd with compassion of alle myn euencristene ; (CMJULNOR,61.302) and than sawe I that ylke kynde compassyone that man hase of his evencristene with chartye , +tat it is criste in hym . (CMJULNOR,61.303) {ED:XIV} Bot in this +ge schalle studye : behaldande generallye , dredelye , & mournande , sayande thus to oure lorde in my menynge with fulle grete drede , " A , goode lorde , howe myght alle be wele for the grete harme that is comon by synne to thy creatures ? " (CMJULNOR,61.305) And I desired as I durste to hafe sum mare open declarynge wharewith I myght be hesyd in this . (CMJULNOR,61.306) And to this oure blyssede lorde aunswerde fulle mekelye and with fulle lovelye chere , (CMJULNOR,61.307) and schewed me that Adames synne was the maste harme that euer was done or ever schalle to the warldes ende , (CMJULNOR,61.308) and also he schewed me that this is opynly $knawyn in alle haly kyrke in erthe . (CMJULNOR,61.309) Forthermare he lered me that I schulde behalde the gloriouse asethe , (CMJULNOR,61.310) for this aseth-makynge is mare plesande to the blissede godhede and mare wyrschipfulle to mannes saluacion withowtene comparyson than euer was the synne of Adam harmfulle . (CMJULNOR,61.311) +Tanne menes oure lorde blyssede thus in this techynge , that we schulde take hede to this : (CMJULNOR,61.312) " For sen I hafe made wele the maste harme , it is my wille that +towe knawe +terby that I schalle make wele alle that is the lesse " . (CMJULNOR,61.313) He gaffe me vndyrstandynge of twa partyes . (CMJULNOR,61.314) The ta party is oure saviour and oure saluacion . (CMJULNOR,61.315) This blyssed party is opyn and clere and fayre and lyght and plentious , (CMJULNOR,61.316) for alle mankynde that is of goode wille or +tat schalle be es comprehendyd in this partye . (CMJULNOR,62.317) Hereto ere we byddyn of god and drawen and consayled and lered inwardlye be the haly gaste & outwarde by haly kyrke by the same grace . (CMJULNOR,62.318) In this wille oure lorde that we be occupyed , enioyande in hym , (CMJULNOR,62.319) for he enioyes in vs . (CMJULNOR,62.320) And +te mare plentyuouslye that we take of this with reuerence and mekenesse , the mare we deserve thanke of hym and the mare spede to oureselfe . (CMJULNOR,62.321) And thus maye we saye , enioyande , Oure parte is oure lorde . (CMJULNOR,62.322) The tother parte is spared fro vs and hidde , that is to saye , alle that is besyde oure saluacion . (CMJULNOR,62.323) For this is oure lordys prive consayles (CMJULNOR,62.324) & it langes to +te ryalle lordeschyp of god for to haue his prive consayles in pees , (CMJULNOR,62.325) and it langes to his seruauntys for obedyence and reuerence nought to wille witte his councelle . (CMJULNOR,62.326) Oure lorde has pite and compassyon of vs for that sum creatures makes tham so besy +teryn , (CMJULNOR,62.327) and I am sekyr +gyf we wyste howe mekille we schulde plese hym and ese oureselfe for to lefe it , we walde . (CMJULNOR,62.328) The sayntes in heuen wille nathynge witte bot that oure lorde wille schewe thame , (CMJULNOR,62.329) and also there charyte and +ter desyre is rewlyd eftyr the wille of oure lorde . (CMJULNOR,62.330) And +tus awe we to wille ne to be lyke to hym , (CMJULNOR,62.331) and than schalle we nathynge wille ne desyre botte the wille of oure lorde , as he does , (CMJULNOR,62.332) for we er alle ane in goddys menynge . (CMJULNOR,62.333) And here was I lered that we schalle anely enioye in oure blissid sauiour Ihesu & trist in hym for alle thynge . (CMJULNOR,62.334)