Here begynnyth a schort tretys and a comfortabyl for synful wrecchys , wher-in +tei may haue gret solas and comfort to hem and vndyrstondyn +te hy & vnspecabyl mercy of ower souereyn Sauyowr Cryst Ihesu , whos name be worschepd and magnyfyed wythowten ende , +tat now in ower days to vs vnworthy deyneth to exercysen hys nobeley & hys goodnesse . (CMKEMPE,1.2) Alle +te werkys of ower Saviowr ben for ower exampyl & instruccyon , (CMKEMPE,1.3) and what grace +tat he werkyth in any creatur is ower profyth yf lak of charyte be not ower hynderawnce . (CMKEMPE,1.4) And +terfor , be +te leue of ower mercyful Lord Cryst Ihesu , to +te magnyfying of hys holy name , Ihesu , +tis lytyl tretys schal tretyn sumdeel in parcel of hys wonderful werkys , how mercyfully , how benyngly , & how charytefully he meued & stered a synful caytyf vn-to hys love , whech synful caytyf many +gerys was in wyl and in purpose thorw steryng of +te Holy Gost to folwyn $oure Savyowr , makyng gret behestys of fastyngys wyth many o+ter dedys of penawns . (CMKEMPE,1.5) And euyr sche was turned a-+gen a-bak in tym of temptacyon , lech vn-to +te reedspyr whech boweth wyth euery wynd neuyr is stable les +tan no wynd bloweth , vn-to +te tyme +tat ower mercyfulle Lord Cryst Ihesu hauyng pety & compassyon of hys handwerke & hys creatur turnyd helth in-to sekenesse , prosperyte in-to aduersyte , worshep in-to repref , & love in-to hatered . (CMKEMPE,1.6) Thus alle +tis thyngys turnyng vp-so-down , +tis creatur whych many +gerys had gon wyl & euyr ben vnstable was parfythly drawen & steryd to entren +te wey of hy perfeccyon , whech parfyth wey Cryst ower Savyowr in hys propyr persoone examplyd . (CMKEMPE,2.7) Sadly he had it (CMKEMPE,2.8) & dewly he went it be-forn . (CMKEMPE,2.9) Than +tis creatur , of whom thys tretys thorw +te mercy of Ihesu schal schewen in party +te leuyng , towched be +te hand of owyr Lord wyth grett bodyly sekenesse , wher-thorw sche lost reson & her wyttes a long tym tyl ower Lord be grace restoryd her a-geyn , as it schal mor openly be schewed aftyrward . (CMKEMPE,2.10) Her werdly goodys , whech wer plentyuows & abundawnt at +tat day , in lytyl whyle after wer ful bareyn & bare . (CMKEMPE,2.11) +Tan was pompe & pryde cast down & leyd on syde . (CMKEMPE,2.12) +Tei +tat be-forn had worshepd her sythen ful scharply repreuyd her ; (CMKEMPE,2.13) her kynred & +tei that had ben frendys wer now hyr most enmys . (CMKEMPE,2.14) Than sche , consyderyng +tis wondyrful chawngyng , sekyng socowr vndyr +te wengys of hyr gostly modyr , Holy Cherch , went (CMKEMPE,2.15) & obeyd hyr to hyr gostly fadyr , accusyng hyr-self of her mysdedys , (CMKEMPE,2.16) & sythen ded gret bodyly penawns . (CMKEMPE,2.17) And in schort tyme ower mercyful Lord vysytyd +tis creatur wyth plentyuows teerys of contricyon day be day , in so mech +tat sum men seyden sche mygth wepen when sche wold & slawndered +te werk of God . (CMKEMPE,2.18) Sche was so vsyd to be slawndred & repreued , to be cheden & rebuked of +te world for grace & vertu wyth whech sche was indued thorw +te strength of +te Holy Gost +tat it was to her in a maner of solas & comfort whan sche sufferyd any dysese for +te lofe of God & for +te grace +tat God wrowht in hyr . (CMKEMPE,2.19) For euyr +te mor slawnder & repref +tat sche sufferyd , +te mor sche incresyd in grace & in deuocyon of holy medytacyon of hy contemplacyon & of wonderful spechys & dalyawns whech owr Lord spak and dalyid to hyr sowle , techyng hyr how sche schuld be despysed for hys lofe , how sche schuld han pacyens , settyng all hyr trost , alle hyr lofe , and alle hyr affeccyon in hym only . (CMKEMPE,2.20) Sche knew & vndyrstod many secret & preuy thyngys whech schuld beffallen aftyrward be inspiracyon of +te Holy Gost . (CMKEMPE,2.21) And often-tymes , whel sche was kept wyth swech holy spechys & dalyawns , sche schuld so wepyn & sobbyn +tat many men wer gretly a-wondyr , (CMKEMPE,3.22) for +tei wysten ful lytyl how homly ower Lord was in hyr sowle . (CMKEMPE,3.23) Ne hyr-self cowd neuyr telle +te grace +tat sche felt , it was so heuenly , so hy a-bouen hyr reson & hyr bodyly wyttys , and hyr body so febyl in tym of +te presens of grace +tat sche myth neuyr expressyn it wyth her word lych as sche felt it in hyr sowle . (CMKEMPE,3.24) Than had +tis creatur mech drede for illusyons & deceytys of hyr gostly enmys . (CMKEMPE,3.25) +Tan went sche be +te byddyng of +te Holy Gost to many worshepful clerkys , bothe archebysshopys & bysshoppys , doctowrs of dyuynyte & bachelers also . (CMKEMPE,3.26) Sche spak also wyth many ankrys (CMKEMPE,3.27) and schewed hem hyr maner of leuyng & swech grace as +te Holy Gost of hys goodnesse wrowt in hyr mende and in hyr sowle as her wytt wold seruen hyr to expressyn it . (CMKEMPE,3.28) And +tei alle +tat sche schewed hyr secretys vn-to seyd sche was mech bownde to louen ower Lord for +te grace +tat he schewyd vn-to hyr (CMKEMPE,3.29) and cownseld hyr to folwyn hyr meuynggys & hyr steringgys & trustly belevyn it weren of +te Holy Gost & of noon euvl spyryt . (CMKEMPE,3.30) Summe of these worthy & worshepful clerkys tokyn it in perel of her sowle (CMKEMPE,3.31) and as +tei wold answer to God +tat +tis creatur was inspyred wyth +te Holy Gost and bodyn hyr +tat sche schuld don hem wryten & makyn a booke of hyr felyngys & hir reuelacyons . (CMKEMPE,3.32) Sum proferyd hir to wrytyn hyr felyngys wyth her owen handys , (CMKEMPE,3.33) & sche wold not consentyn in no wey , (CMKEMPE,3.34) for sche was comawndyd in hir sowle +tat sche schuld not wrytyn so soone . (CMKEMPE,3.35) & so it was xx +ger & mor fro +tat tym +tis creatur had fyrst felyngys & reuelacyons er +tan sche dede any wryten . (CMKEMPE,3.36) Aftyrward , whan it plesyd ower Lord , he comawnded hyr & chargyd hir +tat sche xuld don wryten hyr felyngys & reuelacyons & +te forme of her leuyng +tat hys goodnesse myth be knowyn to alle +te world . (CMKEMPE,4.37) Than had +te creatur no wryter +tat wold fulfyllyn hyr desyr ne +geue credens to hir felingys vn-to +te tym +tat a man dwellyng in Dewchlond whech was an Englyschman in hys byrth & sythen weddyd in Dewchland & had +ter bo+te a wyf & a chyld , hauyng good knowlach of +tis creatur & of hir desyr , meued I trost thorw +te Holy Gost , cam in-to Yngland wyth hys wyfe & hys goodys & dwellyd wyth +te forseyd creatur tyl he had wretyn as mech as sche wold tellyn hym for +te tym +tat +tei wer to-gydder . (CMKEMPE,4.38) And sythen he deyd . (CMKEMPE,4.39) Than was +ter a prest whech +tis creatur had gret affeccyon to , (CMKEMPE,4.40) & so sche comownd wyth hym of +tis mater (CMKEMPE,4.41) & browt hym +te boke to redyn . (CMKEMPE,4.42) +Te booke was so euel wretyn +tat he cowd lytyl skyll +teron , (CMKEMPE,4.43) for it was nei+tyr good Englysch ne Dewch , (CMKEMPE,4.44) ne +te lettyr was not schapyn ne formyd as o+ter letters ben . (CMKEMPE,4.45) +Terfor +te prest leued fully +ter schuld neuyr man redyn it , but it wer special grace . (CMKEMPE,4.46) Neuyr-+te-lesse , he behyte hir +tat if he cowd redyn it he wolde copyn it owt & wrytyn it betyr wyth good wylle . (CMKEMPE,4.47) Than was +ter so euel spekyng of +tis creatur & of hir wepyng +tat +te prest durst not for cowardyse speke wyth her but seldom , ne not wold wryten as he had be-hestyd vn-to +te forseyd creatur . (CMKEMPE,4.48) & so he voyded & deferryd +te wrytyng of +tis boke wel on-to a iiij +ger or ellys mor , not-wyth-standyng +te creatur cryed often on hym +terfor . (CMKEMPE,4.49) At +te last he seyd on-to hir +tat he cowd not redyn it , wher-for he wold not do it . (CMKEMPE,4.50) He wold not , he seyd , put hym in perel +terof . (CMKEMPE,4.51) +Tan he cownseld hir to gon to a good man whech had ben mech conuersawnt wyth hym +tat wrot fyrst +te booke , supposyng +tat he schuld cun best rede +te booke , (CMKEMPE,4.52) for he had sum-tym red letters of +te o+ter mannys wrytyng sent fro be-+gonden +te see whyl he was in Dewchland . (CMKEMPE,4.53) And so sche went to +tat man , preyng hym to wrytyn +tis booke & neuyr to be-wreyn it as long as sche leued , grawntyng hym a grett summe of good for hys labowr . (CMKEMPE,4.54) And +tis good man wrot a-bowt a leef , (CMKEMPE,4.55) & +get it was lytyl to +te purpose , (CMKEMPE,4.56) for he cowd not wel fare +terwyth , +te boke was so euel sett & so vnresonably wretyn . (CMKEMPE,4.57) Than +te prest was vexyd in his consciens , (CMKEMPE,5.58) for he had behestyd hyr to wrytyn +tis boke , +gyf he mygth com to +te redyng +terof , (CMKEMPE,5.59) & dede not hys part as wel as he mygth a do , (CMKEMPE,5.60) and preyd +tis creatur to getyn a-geyn +te booke yf sche myth goodly . (CMKEMPE,5.61) +Tan sche gat a-geyn +te book (CMKEMPE,5.62) & browt it to +te preste wyth rygth glad cher , preyng hym to do hys good wyl , (CMKEMPE,5.63) and sche schuld prey to God for hym & purchasyn hym grace to reden it & wrytyn it also . (CMKEMPE,5.64) +Te preste , trustyng in hire prayers , be-gan to redyn +tis booke , (CMKEMPE,5.65) & it was mych mor esy , as hym thowt , +tan it was be-forn-tym . (CMKEMPE,5.66) & so he red it ouyr be-forn +tis creatur euery word , sche sum-tym helpyng where ony difficulte was . (CMKEMPE,5.67) Thys boke is not wretyn in ordyr , euery thyng aftyr o+ter as it wer don , but lych as +te mater cam to +te creatur in mend whan it schuld be wretyn , (CMKEMPE,5.68) for it was so long er it was wretyn +tat sche had for-getyn +te tyme & +te ordyr whan thyngys befellyn . (CMKEMPE,5.69) And +terfor sche dede no +ting wryten but +tat sche knew rygth wel for very trewth . (CMKEMPE,5.70) Whan +te prest began fyrst to wryten on +tis booke , hys eyn myssyd so +tat he mygth not se to make hys lettyr ne mygth not se to mend hys penne . (CMKEMPE,5.71) Alle o+ter thyng he mygth se wel a-now . (CMKEMPE,5.72) He sett a peyr $of spectacles on hys nose , (CMKEMPE,5.73) & +tan $was $it {TEXT:wast} wel wers +tan it was be-for . (CMKEMPE,5.74) He compleyned to +te creatur of hys dysese . (CMKEMPE,5.75) Sche seyd hys enmy had envye at hys good dede & wold lett hym yf he mygth (CMKEMPE,5.76) & bad hym do as wel as God wold +geue hym grace & not levyn . (CMKEMPE,5.77) Whan he cam a-geyn to hys booke , he myth se as wel , hym thowt , as euyr he dede be-for be day-lyth & be candellygth bo+te . (CMKEMPE,5.78) & for +tis cause , whan he had wretyn a qwayr , he addyd a leef +terto , (CMKEMPE,5.79) and +tan wrot he +tis proym to expressyn mor openly +tan doth +te next folwyng , whech was wretyn er +tan +tis . (CMKEMPE,5.80) Anno domini m=lo=. cccc. xxxvj . (CMKEMPE,5.81) A schort tretys of creture sett in grett pompe & pride of +te world , whech sythen was drewyn to ower Lord be gret pouerte , sekenes , schamis , & gret repreuys in many diuers contres & places , of whech tribulacyons sum schal ben schewed aftyr , not in ordyr as it fellyn but as +te creatur cowd han mend of hem whan it wer wretyn , (CMKEMPE,6.82) for it was xx +ger & mor fro tym +tis creatur had forsake +te world and besyly clef on-to ower Lord or +tis boke was wretyn , not-wythstondyng +tis creatur had greet cownsel for to don wryten hir tribulacyons & hir felingys , and a Whyte Frer proferyd hir to wryten frely yf sche wold . (CMKEMPE,6.83) And sche was warnyd in hyr spyrit +tat sche xuld not wryte so sone . (CMKEMPE,6.84) And many +gerys aftyr sche was bodyn in hyr spyrit for to wrytyn . (CMKEMPE,6.85) And +tan +get it was wretyn fyrst be a man whech cowd nei+tyr-2 wel wryten Englysch ne Duch , so it was vn-able for to be red but only be specyal grace , (CMKEMPE,6.86) for +ter was so mech obloquie & slawndyr of +tis creatur +tat +ter wold fewe men beleue +tis creatur . (CMKEMPE,6.87) And so at +te last a preste was sor mevyd for to wrytin +tis tretys , (CMKEMPE,6.88) & he cowd not wel redyn it of a iiij +gere to-gedyr . (CMKEMPE,6.89) & sythen be +te request of +tis creatur & compellyng of hys owyn consciens he asayd a-gayn for to rede it , (CMKEMPE,6.90) & it was mech mor esy +tan it was a-for-tyme . (CMKEMPE,6.91) And so he gan to wryten in +te +ger of owr Lord a m. cccc. xxxvj on +te day next aftyr Mary Maudelyn aftyr +te informacyon of +tis creatur . (CMKEMPE,6.92) Whan +tis creatur was xx +ger of age or sumdele mor , sche was maryed to a worschepful burgeys (CMKEMPE,6.93) and was wyth chylde wyth-in schort tyme , as kynde wolde . (CMKEMPE,6.94) And , aftyr +tat sche had conceyued , sche was labowrd wyth grett accessys tyl +te chyld was born , (CMKEMPE,6.95) & +tan , what for labowr sche had in chyldyng & for sekenesse goyng beforn , sche dyspered of hyr lyfe , wenyng sche mygth not leuyn . (CMKEMPE,6.96) And +tan sche sent for hyr gostly fadyr , (CMKEMPE,6.97) for sche had a thyng in conscyens whech sche had neuyr schewyd be-forn +tat tyme in alle hyr lyfe . (CMKEMPE,7.98) For sche was euyr lettyd be hyr enmy , +te Deuel , euyr-mor seyng to hyr whyl sche was in good heele hir nedyd no confessyon but don penawns be hir-self a-loone , (CMKEMPE,7.99) & all schuld be for+gouyn , (CMKEMPE,7.100) for God is mercyful j-now . (CMKEMPE,7.101) And +terfor +tis creatur oftyn-tymes dede greet penawns in fastyng bred & watyr & o+ter dedys of almes wyth devowt preyers , saf sche wold not schewyn it in confessyon . (CMKEMPE,7.102) And , whan sche was any tym seke or dysesyd , +te Deuyl seyd in her mende +tat sche schuld be dampnyd , for sche was not schreuyn of +tat defawt . Wherfor , aftyr +tat hir chyld was born , sche , not trostyng hir lyfe , sent for hir gostly fadyr , as j-seyd be-forn , in ful wyl to be schreuyn of alle hir lyfe-tym as ner as sche cowde . (CMKEMPE,7.103) & , whan sche cam to +te poynt for to seyn +tat +ting whech sche had so long conselyd , hir confessowr was a lytyl to hastye (CMKEMPE,7.104) & gan scharply to vndyrnemyn hir er +tan sche had fully seyd hir entent , (CMKEMPE,7.105) & so sche wold no mor seyn for nowt he mygth do . (CMKEMPE,7.106) And a-noon , for dreed sche had of dampnacyon on +te to syde & hys scharp repreuyng on +tat o+ter syde , +tis creatur went owt of hir mende (CMKEMPE,7.107) & was wondyrlye vexid & labowryd wyth spyritys half +ger viij wekys & odde days . (CMKEMPE,7.108) And in +tis tyme sche sey , as hir thowt , deuelys opyn her mowthys al inflaumyd wyth $brennyng lowys of fyr as +tei schuld a swalwyd hyr in , sum-tyme rampyng at hyr , sum-tyme thretyng her , sum-tym pullyng hyr & halyng hir bo+te nygth & day duryng +te forseyd tyme . (CMKEMPE,7.109) And also +te deuelys cryed up-on hir wyth greet thretyngys (CMKEMPE,7.110) & bodyn hir sche schuld forsake hir Crystendam hir feyth , and denyin hir God , hys Modyr , & alle +te seyntys in Heuyn , hyr goode werkys & alle good vertues , hir fadyr , hyr modyr , & alle hire frendys . (CMKEMPE,7.111) And so schye dede . (CMKEMPE,7.112) Sche slawndred hir husbond , hir frendys , and her owyn self ; (CMKEMPE,7.113) sche spak many a repreuows worde and many a schrewyd worde ; (CMKEMPE,7.114) sche knew no vertu ne goodnesse ; (CMKEMPE,7.115) sche desyryd all wykkydnesse ; (CMKEMPE,7.116) lych as +te spyrytys temptyd hir to sey & do so sche seyd & dede . (CMKEMPE,7.117) Sche wold a fordon hir-self many a tym at her steryngys & a ben damnyd wyth hem in Helle , (CMKEMPE,8.119) & in-to wytnesse +terof sche bot hir owen hand so vyolently +tat it was seen al hir lyfe aftyr . (CMKEMPE,8.120) And also sche roof hir skyn on hir body a-+gen hir hert wyth hir nayles spetowsly , for sche had noon o+ter instrumentys , (CMKEMPE,8.121) & wers sche wold a don saf sche was bowndyn & kept wyth strength bo+te day & nygth +tat sche mygth not haue hir wylle . (CMKEMPE,8.122) & , whan sche had long ben labowrd in +tes & many o+ter temptacyons +tat men wend sche schuld neuyr a skapyd ne levyd , +tan on a tym , as sche lay a-loone and hir kepars wer fro hir , owyr mercyful Lord Crist Ihesu , euyr to be trostyd , worshypd be hys name , neuyr forsakyng hys seruawnt in tyme of nede , aperyd to hys creatur whych had forsakyn hym in lyknesse of a man , most semly , most bewtyuows , & most amyable +tat euyr mygth be seen wyth mannys eye , clad in a mantyl of purpyl sylke , syttyng up-on hir beddys syde , lokyng vp-on hir wyth so blyssyd a chere +tat sche was strengthyd in alle hir spyritys , (CMKEMPE,8.123) seyd to hir +tes wordys : (CMKEMPE,8.124) " Dowtyr , why hast +tow forsakyn me , (CMKEMPE,8.125) and I forsoke neuyr +te ? " (CMKEMPE,8.126) And a-noon , as he had seyd +tes wordys , sche saw veryly how +te eyr openyd as brygth as ony levyn , & he stey up in-to +te eyr , not rygth hastyli & qwykly , but fayr & esly +tat sche mygth wel be-holdyn hym in +te eyr tyl it was closyd a-geyn . (CMKEMPE,8.127) And a-noon +te creature was stabelyd in hir wyttys & in hir reson as wel as euyr sche was be-forn , (CMKEMPE,8.128) and preyd hir husbond as so soon as he cam to hir +tat sche mygth haue +te keys of +te botery to takyn hir mete & drynke as sche had don be-forn . (CMKEMPE,8.129) Hyr maydens & hir kepars cownseld hym he xulde delyuyr hir no keys , (CMKEMPE,8.130) for +tei seyd sche wold but +geue awey swech good as +ter was , (CMKEMPE,8.131) for sche wyst not what sche seyde as +tei wende . (CMKEMPE,8.132) Neuyr-+te-lesse , hir husbond , euyr hauyng tendyrnes & compassyon of hir , comawndyd +tei xulde delyuyr to hyr +te keyys . (CMKEMPE,8.133) And $sche toke hyr mete & drynke as hir bodyly strength wold seruyn hir (CMKEMPE,8.134) & knew hir frendys & hir meny & all o+ter +tat cam to hir to se how owyr Lord Ihesu Cryst had wrowt hys grace in hir , (CMKEMPE,9.135) so blyssyd mot he be +tat euyr is ner in tribulacyon . (CMKEMPE,9.136) Whan men wenyn he wer for fro hem , he is ful nere be hys grace . (CMKEMPE,9.137) Sythen +tis creatur dede alle o+ter ocupacyons as fel for hir to do wysly & sadly j-now , saf sche knew not veryli +te drawt of owyr Lord . (CMKEMPE,9.138) And , whan +tis creatur was +tus gracyowsly comen a-geyn to hir mende , sche thowt sche was bowndyn to God & +tat sche wold ben his seruawnt . (CMKEMPE,9.139) Neuyr+te-lesse , sche wold not leeuyn hir pride ne hir pompows aray +tat sche had vsyd be-for-tym , nei+tyr for hyr husbond ne for noon o+ter mannys cownsel . (CMKEMPE,9.140) And +get sche wyst ful wel +tat men seyden hir ful mech velany , (CMKEMPE,9.141) for sche weryd gold pypys on hir hevyd (CMKEMPE,9.142) & hir hodys wyth +te typettys were daggyd . (CMKEMPE,9.143) Hir clokys also wer daggyd & leyd wyth dyuers colowrs be-twen +te daggys +tat it schuld be +te mor staryng to mennys sygth and hir-self +te mor ben worshepd . (CMKEMPE,9.144) And , whan hir husbond wold speke to hir for to leuyn hir pride , sche answeryd schrewydly & schortly (CMKEMPE,9.145) & seyd +tat sche was comyn of worthy kenred , - (CMKEMPE,9.146) hym semyd neuyr for to a weddyd hir , (CMKEMPE,9.147) for hir fadyr was sum-tyme meyr of +te town N . (CMKEMPE,9.148) and sythyn he was alderman of +te hey Gylde of +te Trinyte in N . (CMKEMPE,9.149) And +terfor sche wold sauyn +te worschyp of hir kynred what-so-euyr ony man seyd . (CMKEMPE,9.150) Sche had ful greet envye at hir neybowrs +tat +tei schuld ben arayd so wel as sche . (CMKEMPE,9.151) Alle hir desyr was for to be worshepd of +te pepul . (CMKEMPE,9.152) Sche wold not be war be onys chastysyng ne be content wyth +te goodys +tat God had sent hire , as hir husbond was , (CMKEMPE,9.153) but euyr desyryd mor & mor . (CMKEMPE,9.154) And than , for pure coveytyse & for to maynten hir pride , sche gan to brewyn (CMKEMPE,9.155) & was on of +te grettest brewers in +te town N. a iij +ger or iiij tyl sche lost mech good , (CMKEMPE,9.156) for sche had neuyr vre +terto . (CMKEMPE,9.157) For , thow sche had neuyr so good seruawntys & cunnyng in brewyng , +get it wold neuyr preuyn wyth hem . (CMKEMPE,9.158) For , whan +te ale was as fayr standyng vndyr berm as any man mygth se , sodenly +te berm wold fallyn down +tat alle +te ale was lost euery brewyng aftyr o+ter , +tat hir seruawntys weryn a-schamyd & wold not dwellyn wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,10.159) +Tan +tis creatur +towt how God had punched hir be-for-tyme & sche cowd not be war , and now eftsons be lesyng of hir goodys , (CMKEMPE,10.160) & +tan sche left (CMKEMPE,10.161) & brewyd no mor . (CMKEMPE,10.162) And +tan sche askyd hir husbond mercy for sche wold not folwyn hys cownsel a-for-tyme , (CMKEMPE,10.163) and sche seyd +tat hir pride and synne was cause of alle her punschyng and sche wold amend +tat sche had trespasyd wyth good wyl . (CMKEMPE,10.164) But +get sche left not +te world al hol , (CMKEMPE,10.165) for now sche be-thowt hir of a newe huswyfre . (CMKEMPE,10.166) Sche had an horsmille . (CMKEMPE,10.167) Sche gat hire tweyn good hors & a man to gryndyn mennys corne (CMKEMPE,10.168) & +tus sche trostyd to getyn hir leuyng . (CMKEMPE,10.169) +Tis provysion duryd not longe , (CMKEMPE,10.170) for in schort tyme aftyr on Corpus Cristi Evyn fel +tis merueyl . (CMKEMPE,10.171) Thys man , beyng in good heele of body & hys tweyn hors craske & lykand +tat wel haddyn drawyn in +te mylle be-for-tyme , as now he toke on of +tis hors & put hym in +te mylle as he had don be-for , & +tis hors wold drawe no drawt in +te mylle for no-+ting +te man mygth do . (CMKEMPE,10.172) +Te man was sory (CMKEMPE,10.173) & asayd wyth al hys wyttys how he schuld don +tis hors drawyn . (CMKEMPE,10.174) Sum-tyme he led hym be +te heed , (CMKEMPE,10.175) sum-tyme he beet hym , (CMKEMPE,10.176) & sum-tyme he chershyd hym , (CMKEMPE,10.177) and alle avayled not , (CMKEMPE,10.178) for he wold ra+ter gon bakward +tan forward . (CMKEMPE,10.179) +Tan +tis man sett a scharp peyr sporys on hys helys (CMKEMPE,10.180) & rood on +te hors bak for to don hym drawyn , (CMKEMPE,10.181) & it was neuyr +te bettyr . (CMKEMPE,10.182) Whan +tis man saw it wold be in no wey , +tan he sett up +tis hors a-geyn in +te stabyl (CMKEMPE,10.183) and +gafe hym mete , (CMKEMPE,10.184) & he ete weel & freschly . (CMKEMPE,10.185) And sythen he toke +te o+ter hors (CMKEMPE,10.186) & put hym in +te mylle . (CMKEMPE,10.187) And lech as hys felaw dede so dede he , (CMKEMPE,10.188) for he wold not drawe for any-+ting +tat +te man mygth do . (CMKEMPE,10.189) And +tan +tis man forsoke hys seruyse (CMKEMPE,10.190) & wold no lengar abyden wyth +te fornseyd creatur . (CMKEMPE,10.191) A-noon as it was noysed a-bowt +te town of N. +tat +ter wold ney+tyr man ne best don seruyse to +te seyd creatur , +tan summe seyden sche was a-cursyd ; (CMKEMPE,10.192) sum seyden God toke opyn veniawns up-on hir ; (CMKEMPE,10.193) sum seyden o thyng ; (CMKEMPE,10.194) & sum seyd an-o+ter . (CMKEMPE,10.195) And sum wyse men , whos mend was mor growndyd in +te lofe of owyr Lord , seyd it was +te hey mercy of our Lord Ihesu Cryst clepyd & kallyd hir fro +te pride and vanyte of +te wretthyd world . (CMKEMPE,11.196) And +tan +tis creatur , seyng alle +tis aduersytes comyng on euery syde , thowt it weryn +te skowrges of owyr Lord +tat wold chastyse hir for hir synne . (CMKEMPE,11.197) +Tan sche askyd God mercy (CMKEMPE,11.198) & forsoke hir pride , hir coueytyse , & desyr +tat sche had of +te worshepys of +te world , (CMKEMPE,11.199) & dede grett bodyly penawnce , (CMKEMPE,11.200) & gan to entyr +te wey of euyr-lestyng lyfe , as schal be seyd aftyr . (CMKEMPE,11.201) On a nygth , as +tis creatur lay in hir bedde wyth hir husbond , sche herd a sownd of melodye so swet & delectable , hir +towt , as sche had ben in Paradyse . (CMKEMPE,11.202) And +terwyth sche styrt owt of hir bedde (CMKEMPE,11.203) & seyd , " Alas , +tat euyr I dede synne , (CMKEMPE,11.204) it is ful mery in Hevyn . " (CMKEMPE,11.205) Thys melody was so swete +tat it passyd alle +te melodye +tat euyr mygth be herd in +tis world wyth-owtyn ony comparyson , & caused +tis creatur whan sche herd ony myrth or melodye aftyrward for to haue ful plentyuows & habundawnt teerys of hy deuocyon wyth greet sobbyngys & syhyngys aftyr +te blysse of Heuen , not dredyng +te schamys & +te spytys of +te wretchyd world . (CMKEMPE,11.206) & euyr aftyr +tis drawt sche had in hir mende +te myrth & +te melodye +tat was in Heuen , so mech +tat sche cowd not wyl restreyn hyr-self fro +te spekyng +terof . (CMKEMPE,11.207) For , wher sche was in ony cumpanye , sche wold sey oftyn-tyme , " It is ful mery in Hevyn . " (CMKEMPE,11.208) & +tei +tat knew hir gouernawnce be-for-tyme & now herd hir spekyn so mech of +te blysse of Heuyn seyd vn-to hir , " Why speke +ge so of +te myrth +tat is in Heuyn ; (CMKEMPE,11.209) +ge know it not (CMKEMPE,11.210) & +ge haue not be +ter no mor +tan we , " (CMKEMPE,11.211) & wer wroth wyth hir for sche wold not her no speke of wordly thyngys as +tei dedyn & as sche dede be-forn-tyme . (CMKEMPE,11.212) And aftyr +tis tyme sche had neuyr desyr to komown fleschly wyth hyre husbonde , (CMKEMPE,11.213) for +te dette of matrimony was so abhominabyl to hir +tat sche had leuar , hir thowt , etyn or drynkyn +te wose , +te mukke in +te chanel , +tan to consentyn to any fleschly comownyng saf only for obedyens . (CMKEMPE,12.214) & so sche seyd to hir husbond , " I may not deny +gow my body , (CMKEMPE,12.215) but +te lofe of myn hert & myn affeccyon is drawyn fro alle erdly creaturys & sett only in God . " (CMKEMPE,12.216) He wold haue hys wylle , (CMKEMPE,12.217) & sche obeyd wyth greet wepyng & sorwyng for +tat sche mygth not levyn chast . (CMKEMPE,12.218) & oftyn-tymys +tis creatur cownseld hir husbond to levyn chast , (CMKEMPE,12.219) & seyd +tat +tei oftyn-tymes , sche wyst wel , had dysplesyd God be her inordynat lofe & +te gret delectacyon +tat +tei haddyn ey+tyr of hem in vsyng of o+ter , (CMKEMPE,12.220) & now it wer good +tat +tei schuld be her bo+tins wylle & consentyng of hem bothyn punschyn & chastysyn hem-self wylfully be absteynyng fro her lust of her bodys . (CMKEMPE,12.221) Hir husbond seyd it wer good to don so , but he mygth not +gett , (CMKEMPE,12.222) he xuld whan God wold . (CMKEMPE,12.223) And so he vsyd her as he had do be-for , (CMKEMPE,12.224) he wold not spar . (CMKEMPE,12.225) And euyr sche preyd to God +tat sche mygth levyn chast , (CMKEMPE,12.226) & iij or iiij +ger aftyr , whan it plesyd ower Lord , he made a vow of chastyte , as schal be wretyn aftyr be +te leue of Ihesu . (CMKEMPE,12.227) And also , aftyr +tis creatur herd +tis heuenly melody , sche dede gret bodyly penawnce . (CMKEMPE,12.228) Sche was schreuyn sum-tyme twyes or thryes on +te day , & in specyal of +tat synne whech sche so long had conselyd & curyd , as it is wretyn in +te gynnyng of +te boke . (CMKEMPE,12.229) Sche +gaf hir to gret fastyng & to gret wakyng ; (CMKEMPE,12.230) sche roos at ij or iij of +te clok (CMKEMPE,12.231) & went to cherch (CMKEMPE,12.232) & was +ter in hir prayers on-to tyme of noon and also al +te aftyrnoon . (CMKEMPE,12.233) & +tan was sche slawnderyd & repreuyd of mech pepul (CMKEMPE,12.234) for sche kept so streyt a levyng . (CMKEMPE,12.235) +Tan sche gat hir an hayr of a kylne swech as men dryen on malt (CMKEMPE,12.236) & leyd it in hir kyrtylle as sotyllych & preuylich as sche mygth +tat hir husbond xuld not aspye it , (CMKEMPE,12.237) ne no mor he dede , (CMKEMPE,12.238) & +get sche lay be hym euery nygth in his bedde , (CMKEMPE,12.239) & weryd +te hayr euery day , (CMKEMPE,12.240) & bar chylderyn in +te tyme . (CMKEMPE,12.241) +Tan sche had iij +ger of gret labowr wyth temptacyons whech sche bar as mekely as sche cowde , thankyng ower Lord of alle hys +geftys , (CMKEMPE,13.242) & was as mery whan sche was repreuyd , skornyd , or japyd for ower Lordys lofe , & mych mor mery +tan sche was be-for-tyme in +te worshepys of +te world . (CMKEMPE,13.243) For sche wyst rygth wel sche had synned gretly a-+gens God & was worthy mor schame & sorwe +tan ony man cowd don to hir , & dyspite of +te werld was +te rygth way to-Heuyn-ward sythen Cryst hym-self ches +tat way . (CMKEMPE,13.244) Alle hys apostlys , martyres , confessorys , & virgynes and alle +tat euyr comyn to Heuyn passed be +te wey of tribulacyon , (CMKEMPE,13.245) and sche desyryd no-thyng so mech as Heuyn . (CMKEMPE,13.246) +Tan was sche glad in hir consciens whan sche beleuyd +tat sche was $entryng +te wey whech wold leden hir to +te place +tat sche most desyred . (CMKEMPE,13.247) And +tis creatur had contrycion & gret compunccyon wyth plentyuows teerys and many boystows sobbyngys for hir synnes & for hir vnkyndnesse a-geyns hir Maker . (CMKEMPE,13.248) Sche bethowt hir fro hir chyldhod for hir vnkyndnes as ower Lord wold put it in hir mende ful many a tyme . (CMKEMPE,13.249) And +tan , sche beheldyng hir owyn wykkednes , sche mygth but sorwyn and wepyn & euyr preyn for mercy & for+geuenes . (CMKEMPE,13.250) Hir wepyng was so plentyuows and so contwnyng +tat mech pepul wend +tat sche mygth wepyn & leuyn whan sche wold , (CMKEMPE,13.251) and +terfor many men seyd sche was a fals ypocryte & wept for +te world for socowr & for wordly good . (CMKEMPE,13.252) And +tan ful many forsokyn hir +tat louyd hir be-for whyl sche was in +te world (CMKEMPE,13.253) & wold not knowyn hir , (CMKEMPE,13.254) & euyr sche thankyd God of alle , no-thyng desyryng but mercy and for+gefnes of synne . (CMKEMPE,13.255) The fyrst ij +ger whan +tis creatur was +tus drawyn to owyr Lord , sche had gret qwiete of spyryt as for ony temptacyons . (CMKEMPE,13.256) Sche mygth wel dure to fastyn , (CMKEMPE,13.257) it greuyd hir not . (CMKEMPE,13.258) Sche hatyd +te joys of +te world . (CMKEMPE,13.259) Sche felt no rebellyon in hyr flesch . (CMKEMPE,13.260) Sche was strong , as hir thowt , +tat sche dred no devylle in Helle , for sche dede so gret bodyly penawnce . (CMKEMPE,13.261) Sche thowt +tat sche louyd God mor +tan he hir . (CMKEMPE,14.262) Sche was smet wyth +te dedly wownd of veynglory (CMKEMPE,14.263) & felt it not , (CMKEMPE,14.264) for sche desyryd many tymes +tat +te Crucifix xuld losyn hys handys fro +te crosse & halsyn hir in tokyn of lofe . (CMKEMPE,14.265) Ower mercyful Lord Crist Ihesu , seyng +tis creaturys presumpcyon , sent hir , as is wrete befor , iij +ger of greet temptacyon , of +te whech on of +te hardest I purpos to wrytyn for exampyl of hem +tat com aftyr +tat +tei schuld not trostyn on her owyn self ne haue no joy in hem-self as +tis creatur had , (CMKEMPE,14.266) for no drede owyr gostly enmy slepyth not , (CMKEMPE,14.267) but he ful besyly sergyth owr complexions & owyr dysposycionys , (CMKEMPE,14.268) & wher +tat he fyndyth us most freel +ter be owyr Lordys sufferawns he leyth hys snar , whech may no man skape be hys owyn power . (CMKEMPE,14.269) And so he leyd be-forn +tis creatur +te snar of letchery , whan sche wend +tat all fleschly lust had al hol ben qwenchyd in hir . (CMKEMPE,14.270) & so long sche was temptyd wyth +te syn of letchory for owt +tat sche cowd do . (CMKEMPE,14.271) & +get sche was oftyn schrevyn , (CMKEMPE,14.272) sche weryd +te hayr , (CMKEMPE,14.273) & dede gret bodyly penawns , (CMKEMPE,14.274) & wept many a byttyr teer (CMKEMPE,14.275) & preyd ful oftyn to owyr Lord +tat he schuld preserue hir & kepe hir +tat sche schuld not fallyn in-to temptacyon , (CMKEMPE,14.276) for sche thowt sche had leuar ben deed +tan consentyn +terto . (CMKEMPE,14.277) And in al +tis tyme sche had no lust to comown wyth hir husbond , (CMKEMPE,14.278) but it was very peynful & horrybyl vn-to hir . (CMKEMPE,14.279) In +te secunde +ger of hir temptacyons yt fel so +tat a man whech sche louyd wel seyd on-to hir on Seynt Margaretys Evyn be-for euynsong +tat for any-thyng he wold ly be hir & haue hys lust of hys body , (CMKEMPE,14.280) & sche xuld not wythstond hym , (CMKEMPE,14.281) for , yf he mygth not haue hys wyl +tat tyme , he seyd , he xuld ellys haue it a-no+ter tyme , (CMKEMPE,14.282) sche xuld not chese . (CMKEMPE,14.283) And he dede it for to preue hir what sche wold do , (CMKEMPE,14.284) but sche wend +tat he had ment ful ernest as +tat tyme (CMKEMPE,15.285) and seyd but lytyl +terto . (CMKEMPE,15.286) So they partvd asondyr as +tan (CMKEMPE,15.287) & wentyn bo+ten for to here euensong , (CMKEMPE,15.288) for her cherch was of seynt Margaret . (CMKEMPE,15.289) +Tis woman was so labowrd wyth +te mannys wordys +tat sche mygth not heryn hir euynsong , ne sey hir Pater Noster , er thynkyn ony o+ter good +towt , (CMKEMPE,15.290) but was mor labowrd +tan euyr sche was befor . (CMKEMPE,15.291) +Te Deuyl put in hir mende +tat God had forsakyn hir , (CMKEMPE,15.292) and ellys xuld sche not so ben temptyd . (CMKEMPE,15.293) she leuyd +te Deuelys suasyons (CMKEMPE,15.294) & gan to consentyn for be-cause sche cowde thynkyn no good thowt . (CMKEMPE,15.295) +Terfor wend sche +tat God had forsake hir . (CMKEMPE,15.296) And , whan euensong was do , sche went to +te man befor-seyd +tat he xuld haue hys lust , as sche wend +tat he had desyred , (CMKEMPE,15.297) but he made swech symulacyon +tat sche cowd not knowe hys entent , (CMKEMPE,15.298) & so +tei partyd a-sondyr for +tat nygth . (CMKEMPE,15.299) +Tis creatur was so labowrd & vexyd al +tat nygth +tat sche wyst neuyr what sche mygth do . (CMKEMPE,15.300) Sche lay be hir husbond , (CMKEMPE,15.301) & for to comown wyth hym it was so abhomynabyl on-to hir +tat sche mygth not duren it , (CMKEMPE,15.302) & +get was it leful on-to hir in leful tyme yf sche had wold . (CMKEMPE,15.303) But euyr sche was labowrd wyth +te o+ter man for to syn wyth hym in-as-mech as he had spoke to hir . (CMKEMPE,15.304) At +te last thorw inoportunyte of temptacyon & lakkyng of dyscrecyon sche was ouyrcomyn , (CMKEMPE,15.305) & consentyd in hir mend , (CMKEMPE,15.306) & went to +te man to wetyn yf he wold +tan consentyn to hire . (CMKEMPE,15.307) And he seyd he ne wold for al +te good in +tis world ; (CMKEMPE,15.308) he had leuar ben hewyn as smal as flesch to +te pott . (CMKEMPE,15.309) Sche went a-way al schamyd & confusyd in hir-self , seyng hys stabylnes & hir owyn vnstabylnes . (CMKEMPE,15.310) +Tan thowt sche of +te grace +tat God had +gouyn hire befor-tyme , how sche had ij +ger of gret qwyet in sowle , repentawns of hir synne wyth many byttyr teerys of compunccyon , & parfyt wyl neuyr to turne a-geyn to hir synne , but ra+tar to be deed hir thowt . (CMKEMPE,16.311) & now sche saw how sche had consentyd in hir wyl for to don synne . (CMKEMPE,16.312) +Tan fel sche half in dyspeyr . (CMKEMPE,16.313) Sche thowt sche wold a ben in Helle for +te sorw +tat sche had . (CMKEMPE,16.314) Sche thowt sche was worthy no mercy for hir consentyng was so wylfully do ne neuyr worthy to don hym seruyse for sche was so fals vn-to hym . (CMKEMPE,16.315) Neuyr-+te-lesse sche was schrevyn many tymes & oftyn , (CMKEMPE,16.316) and dede hir penawns what-so-euyr hir confessowr wold jn-joyne hir to do , (CMKEMPE,16.317) & was gouernd aftyr +te rewelys of +te Chirch . (CMKEMPE,16.318) +Tat grace God +gafe +tis creatur , (CMKEMPE,16.319) blyssyd mot he be , (CMKEMPE,16.320) but he wythdrowe not hir temptacyon (CMKEMPE,16.321) but ra+tar incresyd it as hir thowt . (CMKEMPE,16.322) And +terfore wend sche +tat he had forsakyn hir (CMKEMPE,16.323) & durst not trostyn to hys mercy , (CMKEMPE,16.324) but was labowrd wyth horrybyl temptacyons of lettherye & of dyspeyr ny al +te next +ger folwyng , saue owyr Lord of hys mercy , as sche seyd hir-self , +gaf hir ech day for +te most party too owerys of compunccyon for hir synnys wyth many byttyr teerys . (CMKEMPE,16.325) & sythen sche was labowrd wyth temptacyons of dyspeyr as sche was befor (CMKEMPE,16.326) and was as for fro felyng of grace as +tei +tat neuyr felt noon . (CMKEMPE,16.327) & +tat mygth sche not beryn , (CMKEMPE,16.328) & +terfor al-wey sche dyspeyrd . (CMKEMPE,16.329) Safe for +te tyme +tat sche felt grace , hir labowrs wer so wondyrful +tat sche cowd euel far wyth hem but euyr mornyn & sorwyn as +tow God had forsakyn hir . (CMKEMPE,16.330) Than on a Fryday before Crystmes Day , as +tis creatur , knelyng in a chapel of Seynt Iohn wythinne a cherch of Seynt Margrete in N. , wept wondir sore , askyng mercy & for+gyfnes of hir synnes & hir trespas , owyr mercyful Lord Cryst Ihesu , blyssyd mot he be , rauysched hir spyryt (CMKEMPE,16.331) & seyd on-to hir : " Dowtyr , why wepyst +tow so sor ? (CMKEMPE,16.332) I am comyn to +te , Ihesu Cryst , +tat deyd on +te Crosse sufferyng byttyr peynes & passyons for +te . (CMKEMPE,16.333) I , +te same God , for+gefe +te +ti synnes to +te vtterest poynt . (CMKEMPE,16.334) And +tow schalt neuyr com in Helle ne in Purgatorye , (CMKEMPE,16.335) but , whan +tow schalt passyn owt of +tis world , wyth-in +te twynkelyng of an eye +tow schalt haue +te blysse of Heuyn , (CMKEMPE,17.336) for I am +te same God +tat haue browt +ti synnes to +ti mend & mad +te to be schreve +terof . (CMKEMPE,17.337) And I $grawnt +te contrysyon in-to +ti lyues ende . (CMKEMPE,17.338) +Terfor I bydde +te & comawnd +te , boldly clepe me Ihesus , +ti loue , (CMKEMPE,17.339) for I am +ti loue (CMKEMPE,17.340) & schal be +ti loue wyth-owtyn ende . (CMKEMPE,17.341) And , dowtyr , +tu hast an hayr vp-on +ti bakke . (CMKEMPE,17.342) I wyl +tu do it a-way , (CMKEMPE,17.343) & I schal +giue +te an hayr in +tin hert +tat schal lyke me mych bettyr +tan alle +te hayres in +te world . (CMKEMPE,17.344) Also , my derworthy dowtyr , +tu must forsake +tat +tow louyst best in +tis world , (CMKEMPE,17.345) & +tat is etyng of flesch . (CMKEMPE,17.346) And in-stede of +tat flesch +tow schalt etyn my flesch & my blod , +tat is +te very body of Crist in +te Sacrament of +te Awter . (CMKEMPE,17.347) Thys is my wyl , dowtyr , +tat +tow receyue my body euery Sonday , (CMKEMPE,17.348) and I schal flowe so mych grace in +te +tat alle +te world xal meruelyn +terof . (CMKEMPE,17.349) +Tow xalt ben etyn & knawyn of +te pepul of +te world as any raton knawyth +te stokfysch . (CMKEMPE,17.350) Drede +te nowt , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,17.351) for +tow schalt haue +te vyctory of al +tin enmys . (CMKEMPE,17.352) I schal +geue +te grace j-now to answer euery clerke in +te loue of God . (CMKEMPE,17.353) I swer to +te be my mageste +tat I schal neuyr forsakyn +te in wel ne in wo . (CMKEMPE,17.354) I schal helpyn +te & kepyn +te +tat +ter schal neuyr deuyl in Helle parte +te fro me , ne awngel in Heuyn , ne man in erthe , (CMKEMPE,17.355) for deuelys in Helle mow not , (CMKEMPE,17.356) ne awngelys in Heuyn wyl not , (CMKEMPE,17.357) ne man in erthe schal not . (CMKEMPE,17.358) And , dowtyr , I wyl +tow leue +ti byddyng of many bedys and thynk swych thowtys as I wyl putt in +ti mend . (CMKEMPE,17.359) I schal +geuyn +te leue to byddyn tyl sex of +te cloke to sey what +tow wyld . (CMKEMPE,17.360) +Tan schalt +tow ly stylle & speke to me be thowt , (CMKEMPE,17.361) & I schal +gefe to +te hey medytacyon and very contemplacyon . (CMKEMPE,17.362) & I byd +te gon to +te ankyr at +te Frer Prechowrys , & schew hym my preuyteys & my cownselys whech I schewe to +te , and werk aftyr hys cownsel , (CMKEMPE,17.363) for my spyrit xal speke in hym to +te . " (CMKEMPE,17.364) Than +tis creatur went forth to +te ankyr , as sche was comawndyd , (CMKEMPE,17.365) & schewyd hym +te reuelacyons swech as wer schewyd to hir . (CMKEMPE,17.366) +Tan +te ankyr wyth gret reuerens & wepyng , thankyng God , seyd , " Dowtyr , +ge sowkyn euyn on Crystys brest , (CMKEMPE,18.367) and +ge han an ernest-peny of Heuyn . (CMKEMPE,18.368) I charge +gow receyueth swech thowtys whan God wyl +geue hem as mekely & as deuowtly as +ge kan & comyth to me and tellyth me what +tei be , (CMKEMPE,18.369) & I schal , wyth +te leue of ower Lord Ihesu Cryst , telle +gow whe+tyr +tei ben of +te Holy Gost or ellys of +gowr enmy +te Deuyl . " (CMKEMPE,18.370) An-o+ter day +tis creatur $schuld +geue hir to medytacyon , as sche was bodyn be-for , (CMKEMPE,18.371) & sche lay stylle , nowt knowyng what sche mygth best thynke . (CMKEMPE,18.372) +Tan sche seyd to ower Lord Ihesu Crist , " Ihesu , what schal I thynke ? " (CMKEMPE,18.373) Ower Lord Ihesu answeryd to hir mende , " Dowtyr , thynke on my Modyr , (CMKEMPE,18.374) for sche is cause of alle +te grace +tat +tow hast . " (CMKEMPE,18.375) And +tan a-noon sche saw Seynt Anne gret wyth chylde , (CMKEMPE,18.376) and +tan sche preyd Seynt Anne to be hir mayden & hir seruawnt . (CMKEMPE,18.377) & anon ower Lady was born , (CMKEMPE,18.378) & +tan sche besyde hir to take +te chyld to hir & kepe it tyl it wer twelve +ger of age wyth good mete & drynke , wyth fayr whyte clothys & whyte kerchys . (CMKEMPE,18.379) And +tan sche seyd to +te blyssed chyld , " Lady , +ge schal be +te Modyr of God . " (CMKEMPE,18.380) The blyssed chyld answeryd & seyd , " I wold I wer worthy to be +te handmayden of hir +tat xuld conceive +te Sone of God . " (CMKEMPE,18.381) +Te creatur seyd , " I pray +gow , Lady , +gyf +tat grace falle +gow , forsake not my seruyse . " (CMKEMPE,18.382) The blysful chyld passyd awey for a certeyn tyme , +te creatur being stylle in contemplacyon , (CMKEMPE,18.383) and sythen cam a-geyn (CMKEMPE,18.384) and seyd , " Dowtyr , now am I be-kome +te Modyr of God . " (CMKEMPE,18.385) & +tan +te creatur fel down on hir kneys wyth gret reuerens & gret wepyng (CMKEMPE,18.386) and seyd , " I am not worthy , Lady , to do +gow seruyse . " (CMKEMPE,18.387) " +Gys , dowtyr , " sche seyde , " folwe +tow me , (CMKEMPE,18.388) +ti seruyse lykyth me wel . " (CMKEMPE,18.389) +Tan went sche forth wyth owyr Lady & wyth Iosep , beryng wyth hir a potel of pyment & spycys +terto . (CMKEMPE,18.390) +Tan went +tei forth to Elysabeth , Seynt Iohn Baptystys modir , (CMKEMPE,18.391) & , whan +tei mettyn to-gyder , ey+tyr of hem worshepyd o+ter , (CMKEMPE,18.392) & so +tei wonyd togedyr wyth gret grace and gladnesse xij wokys . (CMKEMPE,19.393) & +tan Seynt Iohn was bor , (CMKEMPE,19.394) & owyr Lady toke hym vp fro +te erthe wyth al maner reuerens (CMKEMPE,19.395) & +gaf hym to hys modyr , seyng of hym +tat he schuld be an holy man , (CMKEMPE,19.396) and blyssed hym . (CMKEMPE,19.397) Sythen +tei toke her leue ey+tyr of o+ter wyth compassyf terys . (CMKEMPE,19.398) And +tan +te creatur fel down on kneys to Seynt Ely+gabeth (CMKEMPE,19.399) & preyd hir sche wold prey for hir to owyr Lady +tat sche mygth do hir seruyse & plesawns . (CMKEMPE,19.400) " Dowtyr , me semyth , " seyd Elysabeth , " +tu dost ryght wel +ti deuer . " (CMKEMPE,19.401) And +tan went +te creatur forth wyth owyr Lady to Bedlem (CMKEMPE,19.402) & purchasyd hir herborwe euery nyght wyth gret reuerens , (CMKEMPE,19.403) & owyr Lady was receyued wyth glad cher . (CMKEMPE,19.404) Also sche beggyd owyr Lady fayr whyte clothys & kerchys for to swathyn in hir Sone whan he wer born , (CMKEMPE,19.405) and , whan Ihesu was born , sche ordeyned beddyng for owyr Lady to lyg in wyth hir blyssed Sone . (CMKEMPE,19.406) And sythen sche beggyd mete for owyr Lady & hir blyssyd chyld . (CMKEMPE,19.407) Aftyrward sche swathyd hym wyth byttyr teerys of compassyon , hauyng mend of +te scharp deth +tat he schuld suffyr for +te lofe of synful men , seyng to hym , " Lord , I schal fare fayr wyth +gow ; (CMKEMPE,19.408) I schal not byndyn +gow soor . (CMKEMPE,19.409) I pray +gow beth not dysplesyd wyth me . " (CMKEMPE,19.410) And aftyr on +te XII Day , when iij kyngys comyn wyth her +gyftys & worschepyd owyr Lord Ihesu Crist being in hys Moderys lappe , +tis creatur , owyr Ladys hand-mayden , beheldyng al +te processe in contemplacyon , wept wondyr sor . (CMKEMPE,19.411) And , whan sche saw +tat +tei wold take her leue to gon hom a-+gen in-to her cuntre , sche mygth not suffyre +tat they schuld go fro +te presens of owyr Lord , (CMKEMPE,19.412) and for wondyr +tat +tei wold gon awey sche cryed wondyr sore . (CMKEMPE,19.413) & soon aftyr cam an awngel (CMKEMPE,19.414) & bad owyr Lady & Iosep gon fro +te cuntre ob Bedlem in-to Egypt . (CMKEMPE,19.415) +Tan went +tis creatur forth wyth owyr Lady , day be day purueyng hir herborw wyth gret reuerens wyth many swet thowtys & hy medytacyons & also hy contemplacyons , sumtyme duryng in wepyng ij owyres & oftyn lengar in +te mend of owyr Lordys Passyon wyth-owtyn sesyng , sumtyme for hir owyn synne , sumtyme for +te synne of +te pepyl , sumtyme for +te sowlys in Purgatory , sumtyme for hem +tat arn in pouerte er in any dysese , (CMKEMPE,20.416) for sche desyred to comfort hem alle . (CMKEMPE,20.417) Sumtyme sche wept ful plentevowsly & ful boystowsly for desyr of +te blys of Heuyn & for sche was so long dyfferryd +terfro . (CMKEMPE,20.418) +Tan +tis creatur coueyted gretly to be delyueryd owt of +tis wretchyd world . (CMKEMPE,20.419) Ower Lord Ihesu Crist seyd to hir mende sche schuld abyden & languren in lofe . (CMKEMPE,20.420) " For I haue ordeyned +te to knele be-for +te Trynyte for to prey for al +te world , (CMKEMPE,20.421) for many hundryd thowsand sowlys schal be sauyd be +ti prayers . (CMKEMPE,20.422) And +terfor , dowtyr , aske what +tow wylt , (CMKEMPE,20.423) & I xal grawnt +te thyn askyng . " (CMKEMPE,20.424) +Tis creatur seyd , " Lord , I aske mercy & preseruyng fro euyr-lestyng dampnacyon for me & for all +te world , (CMKEMPE,20.425) chastyse us her how +tow wylt & in Purgatory , (CMKEMPE,20.426) & kepe us fro dampnacyon for +tin hy mercy . " (CMKEMPE,20.427) Ano+ter tyme , as +tis creatur lay in hir prayer , +te Modyr of Mercy , a-peryng to hir , seyd , " A , dowtyr , blyssyd may , +tow be , (CMKEMPE,20.428) +ti sete is mad in Heuyn be-for my Sonys kne & whom +tow wylt han wyth +te . " (CMKEMPE,20.429) Than askyd hyr blyssed Sone , " Dowtyr , whom wylt +tow han felaw wyth +te ? " (CMKEMPE,20.430) " My derworthy Lord , I aske my gostly fadyr Maystyr R . " (CMKEMPE,20.431) " Why askyst $thow mor hym +tan thyn owyn fadyr er +tin husbond ? " (CMKEMPE,20.432) " For I may neuyr qwyte hym +te goodnesse +tat he hath don to me & +te gracyows labowrys +tat he hath had a-bowt me in heryng of my confessyon . " (CMKEMPE,20.433) " I grawnt +te +ti desyr of hym , (CMKEMPE,20.434) & +get schal +ti fadyr ben sauyd , & +ti husbond also , & alle +ti chylderyn . " (CMKEMPE,20.435) Than +tis creatur seyd , " Lord , sythen +tow hast for-+gouyn me my synne , I make +te myn executor of alle +te god werkys +tat +tow werkyst in me . (CMKEMPE,20.436) In prayng , in thynkyng , in wepyng , in pylgrimage goyng , in fastyng , er in any good word spekyng , it is fully my wyl +tat +tow +geue Maystyr R. halfyndel to encres of hys meryte as yf he dede hem hys owyn self . (CMKEMPE,21.437) And +te o+ter haluendel , Lord , sprede on +ti frendys & +ti enmys & on my frendys & myn enmys , (CMKEMPE,21.438) for I wyl haue but +ti-self for my mede . " (CMKEMPE,21.439) " Dowtyr , I xal be a trew executor to +te & fulfyllyn all +ti wylle , (CMKEMPE,21.440) & for +ti gret charyte +tat +tow hast to comfortyn +tin euen-cristen +tu schalt haue dubbyl reward in Heuyn . " (CMKEMPE,21.441) Ano+ter tyme , as +tis creatur prayd to God +tat sche myt leuyn chast be leue of hir husbond , Cryst seyd to hir mende , " +Tow must fastyn +te Fryday bo+ten-1 fro mete & drynke , (CMKEMPE,21.442) and +tow schalt haue +ti desyr er Whitsonday , (CMKEMPE,21.443) for I schal sodeynly sle +tin husbonde . " (CMKEMPE,21.444) +Tan on +te Wednysday in Estern Woke , aftyr hyr husbond wold haue had knowlach of hir as he was wone be-for , & when he gan neygh hir , sche seyd , " Ihesus , help me , " (CMKEMPE,21.445) & he had no power to towche hir at +tat tyme in +tat wyse , ne neuyr aftyr wyth no fleschly knowyng . (CMKEMPE,21.446) It be-fel on a Fryday be-for Whytson Evyn , as +tis creatur was in a cherch of Seynt Margarete at N. heryng hir Messe , sche herd a gret noyse & a dredful . (CMKEMPE,21.447) Sche was sore a-stoyned , sor dredyng +te voys of +te pepyl , whech seyd God schuld take veniawns vp-on hir . (CMKEMPE,21.448) Sche knelyd up-on hir kneys , heldyng down hir hed and hir boke in hir hand , prayng owyr Lord Crist Ihesu for grace and for mercy . (CMKEMPE,21.449) sodeynly fel down fro +te heyest party of +te cherch-vowte fro vndyr +te fote of +te sparre on hir hed & on hir bakke a ston whech weyd iij pownd & a schort ende of a tre weyng vj pownd +tat hir thowt hir bakke brakke a-sundyr , (CMKEMPE,21.450) and sche ferd as sche had be deed a lytyl whyle . (CMKEMPE,21.451) Soone aftyr sche cryed " Ihesu mercy , " (CMKEMPE,22.452) & a-noon hir peyn was gon . (CMKEMPE,22.453) A good man whech hygth Iohn of Wyreham , seyng +tis wondyr cas & supposyng +tat sche $had ben gretly dysesyd , cam (CMKEMPE,22.454) & pullyd hir be +te sleue (CMKEMPE,22.455) & seyd " Dame , how far +ge ? " (CMKEMPE,22.456) +Te creatur al hol & sownd thankyd hym of hys cher & hys charyte , mech merueylyng & gretly a-wonderyd +tat sche felt no peyn & had felt so mech a lytyl be-for . (CMKEMPE,22.457) Ne xij wekys aftyr sche felt no peyne . (CMKEMPE,22.458) +Tan +te spiryt of God seyd to hir sowle , " Helde +tis for a gret myracle , (CMKEMPE,22.459) & , +gyf +te pepyl wyl not leuyn +tis , I schal werkyn meche mor . " (CMKEMPE,22.460) A worschepful doctowr of dyuynite wych hygth Maystyr Aleyn , a Whyte Frer , heryng of +tis wondyrful werk , inqwired of +tis creature alle +te forme of +tis processe . (CMKEMPE,22.461) He , desyryng +te werk of God to be magnyfyed , gat hym +te same ston +tat fel up-on hir bakke (CMKEMPE,22.462) & way it , (CMKEMPE,22.463) & sythen he gat hym +te treys ende +tat fel up-on hir hed whech oon of +te kepars of +te cherch had leyd in +te fyre to bren it . (CMKEMPE,22.464) And +tis worshepful doctowr seyd it was a gret myracle & ower Lord was heyly to be magnyfied for +te preseruyng of +tis creatur a-+gen +te malyce of hir enmy , (CMKEMPE,22.465) and teld it mech pepyl , (CMKEMPE,22.466) & mych pepyl magnyfied mech God in +tis creatur . (CMKEMPE,22.467) And also mech pepyl wold not leuyn it , (CMKEMPE,22.468) but ra+tar leuyd it was a tokyn of wreth & veniawns +tan +tei wold leuyn it was any token of mercy er quemfulnes . (CMKEMPE,22.469) Sone aftyr +tis creatur was meuyd in hir sowle to go vysyten certeyn places for gostly helth in-as-mech as sche was cured , & mygth not wyth-owtyn consentyng of hir husbond . (CMKEMPE,22.470) Sche reqwired hir husbond to $grawntyn hir leue , (CMKEMPE,22.471) & , he , fully trostyng it was +te wyl of God , sone consentyng , +tei went to-gedyr to swech place as sche was mevyd . (CMKEMPE,22.472) & +tan owyr Lord Cryst Ihesu seyd to hir , " My seruawntys desyryn gretly to se +te . " (CMKEMPE,22.473) +Tan was sche wolcomyd & mech mad of in dyuers placys . Wherfor sche had gret dred of veynglory & mech was a-ferde . (CMKEMPE,22.474) Owyr mercyful Lord Cryst Ihesu , worshepd be hys name , seyd to hir , " Drede +te not , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,22.475) I xal take veynglory fro +te . (CMKEMPE,23.476) For +tei +tat worshep +te +tei worshep me ; (CMKEMPE,23.477) +tei +tat despysyn +te +tei despysen me , (CMKEMPE,23.478) & I schal chastysen hem +terfor . (CMKEMPE,23.479) I am in +te , and +tow in me . (CMKEMPE,23.480) And +tei +tat heryn +te +tei heryn +te voys of God . (CMKEMPE,23.481) Dowtyr , +ter is no so synful man in erth leuyng , yf he wyl forsake hys synne & don aftyr +ti cownsel , (CMKEMPE,23.482) swech grace as +tu behestyst hym I wyl confermyn for +ti lofe . " (CMKEMPE,23.483) +Tan hir husbond & sche went forth to +Gorke & to o+ter dyuers placys . (CMKEMPE,23.484) It befel up-on a Fryday on Mydsomyr Evyn in rygth hot wedyr , as +tis creatur was komyng fro-+Gorke-ward beryng a botel wyth bere in hir hand & hir husbond a cake in hys bosom , he askyd hys wyfe +tis qwestyon , (CMKEMPE,23.485) " Margery , yf her come a man wyth a swerd & wold smyte of myn hed les +tan I schulde comown kendly wyth +gow as I haue do be-for , seyth me trewth of +gowr consciens - (CMKEMPE,23.486) for +ge sey +ge wyl not lye - (CMKEMPE,23.487) whe+tyr wold +ge suffyr myn hed to be smet of er ellys suffyr me to medele wyth +gow a+gen as I dede sum-tyme ? " (CMKEMPE,23.488) " Alas , ser , " sche seyd , " why meue +ge +tis mater & haue we ben chast +tis viij wekys ? " (CMKEMPE,23.489) " For I wyl wete +te trewth of +gowr hert . " (CMKEMPE,23.490) And +tan sche seyd wyth gret sorwe , " For-so+te I had leuar se +gow be slayn +tan {I_had} we schuld turne a-+gen to owyr vnclennesse . " (CMKEMPE,23.491) And he seyd a-+gen , " +Ge arn no good wyfe . " (CMKEMPE,23.492) & +tan sche askyd hir husbond what was +te cawse +tat he had not medelyd wyth hir viij wekys be-for , sythen sche lay wyth hym euery nygth in hys bedde . (CMKEMPE,23.493) And he seyd he was so made a-ferde whan he wold a towchyd hir +tat he durst no mor don . " (CMKEMPE,23.494) Now , good ser , amend +gow (CMKEMPE,23.495) & aske God mercy , (CMKEMPE,23.496) for I teld +gow ner iij +ger sythen +tat +ge schuld be slayn sodeynly , (CMKEMPE,23.497) & now is +tis +te thryd +ger , (CMKEMPE,23.498) & +get I hope I schal han my desyr . (CMKEMPE,23.499) Good sere , I pray +gow grawnt me +tat I schal askyn , (CMKEMPE,23.500) & I schal pray for +gow +tat +ge schul be sauyd thorw +te mercy of owyr Lord Ihesu Cryst , (CMKEMPE,23.501) and +ge schul haue mor mede in Heuyn +tan +gyf +ge weryd an hayr or an haburgon . (CMKEMPE,23.502) I pray +gow , suffer me to make a vow of chastyte in what bysshopys hand +tat God wele . " (CMKEMPE,24.503) " Nay , " he seyd , " +tat wyl I not grawnt +gow , (CMKEMPE,24.504) for now may I vsyn +gow wyth-owtyn dedly synne (CMKEMPE,24.505) & +tan mygth I not so . " (CMKEMPE,24.506) +Tan sche seyd a-+gen , " +gyf it be +te wyl of +te Holy Gost to fulfyllyn +tat I haue seyd , I pray God +ge mote consent +terto ; (CMKEMPE,24.507) and , yf it be not +te wyl of +te Holy Gost , I pray God +ge neuyr consent +terto . " (CMKEMPE,24.508) +Tan went +tei forth to-Brydlyngton-ward in rygth hoot wedyr , +te forn-seyd creatur hauyng gret sorwe & gret dred for hyr chastite . (CMKEMPE,24.509) And , as +tei cam be a cros , hyr husbond sett hym down vndyr +te cros , clepyng hys wyfe vn-to hym & seyng +tis wordys on-to hir , (CMKEMPE,24.510) " Margery , grawnt me my desyr , (CMKEMPE,24.511) & I schal grawnt +gow +gowr desyr . (CMKEMPE,24.512) My fyrst desyr is +tat we xal lyn stylle to-gedyr in o bed as we han do be-for ; +te secunde +tat +ge schal pay my dettys er +ge go to Iherusalem ; & +te thrydde +tat +ge schal etyn & drynkyn wyth me on +te Fryday as +ge wer wont to don . " (CMKEMPE,24.513) " Nay ser , " sche seyd , " to breke +te Fryday I wyl neuyr grawnt +gow whyl I leue . " (CMKEMPE,24.514) " Wel , " he seyd , " +tan schal I medyl +gow a-geyn . " (CMKEMPE,24.515) Sche prayd hym +tat he wold +geue hir leue to make hyr praerys , (CMKEMPE,24.516) & he grawntyd it goodlych . (CMKEMPE,24.517) +Tan sche knelyd down be-syden a cros in +te feld (CMKEMPE,24.518) and preyd in +tis maner wyth gret habundawns of teerys , (CMKEMPE,24.519) " Lord God , +tu knowyst al thyng ; (CMKEMPE,24.520) +tow knowyst what sorwe I haue had to be chast in my body to +te al +tis iij +ger , (CMKEMPE,24.521) & now mygth I han my wylle & I dar not for lofe of +te . (CMKEMPE,24.522) For , +gyf I wold brekyn +tat maner of fastyng whech +tow comawndyst me to kepyn on +te Fryday wyth-owtyn mete or drynk , I xuld now han my desyr . (CMKEMPE,24.523) But , blyssyd Lord , +tow knowyst I wyl not contraryen +ti wyl , (CMKEMPE,24.524) and mekyl now is my sorwe les +tan I fynde comfort in +te . (CMKEMPE,24.525) Now , blyssed Ihesu , make +ti wyl knowyn to me vnworthy +tat I may folwyn +teraftyr & fulfyllyn it wyth al my myghtys . " (CMKEMPE,24.526) And +tan owyr Lord Ihesu Cryst wyth gret swetnesse spak to +tis creatur , comawndyng hir to gon a-+gen to hir husbond & prayn hym to grawntyn hir +tat sche desyred . (CMKEMPE,24.527) " & he xal han +tat he desyreth . (CMKEMPE,24.528) For , my derworthy dowtyr , +tis was +te cawse +tat I bad +te fastyn for +tu schuldyst +te sonar opteyn & getyn +ti desyr , (CMKEMPE,24.529) & now it is grawntyd +te . (CMKEMPE,24.530) I wyl no lengar +tow fast , (CMKEMPE,25.531) +terfor I byd +te in +te name of Ihesu ete & drynk as thyn husbond doth . " (CMKEMPE,25.532) +Tan +tis creatur thankyd owyr Lord Ihesu Cryst of hys grace & hys goodnes , (CMKEMPE,25.533) sythen ros up (CMKEMPE,25.534) & went to hir husbond , seyng vn-to hym , " Sere , yf it lyke +gow , +ge schal grawnt me my desyr , (CMKEMPE,25.535) & +ge schal haue +gowr desyr . (CMKEMPE,25.536) Grawntyth me +tat +ge schal not komyn in my bed , (CMKEMPE,25.537) & I grawnt +gow to qwyte +gowr dettys er I go to Ierusalem . (CMKEMPE,25.538) & makyth my body fre to God so +tat +ge neuyr make no chalengyng in me to askyn no dett of matrimony aftyr +tis day whyl +ge leuyn , (CMKEMPE,25.539) & I schal etyn & drynkyn on +te Fryday at +gowr byddyng . " (CMKEMPE,25.540) Than seyd hir husbond a+gen $to hir , " As fre mot +gowr body ben to God as it hath ben to me . " (CMKEMPE,25.541) Thys creatur thankyd God gretly , enioyng +tat sche had hir desyr , preyng hir husbond +tat +tei schuld sey iij Pater Noster in +te worshep of +te Trinyte for +te gret grace +tat he had grawntyd hem . (CMKEMPE,25.542) & so they ded , knelyng vndyr a cros , (CMKEMPE,25.543) & sythen +tei etyn & dronkyn to-gedyr in gret gladnes of spyryt . (CMKEMPE,25.544) +Tis was on a Fryday on Mydsomyr Euyn . (CMKEMPE,25.545) +Tan went +tei forth to-Brydlyngton-ward and also to many o+ter contres (CMKEMPE,25.546) & spokyn wyth Goddys seruawntys , bo+ten ankrys & reclusys & many o+ter of owyr Lordys louerys , wyth many worthy clerkys , doctorys of dyuynyte , & bachelers also in many dyuers placys . (CMKEMPE,25.547) & +tis creatur to dyuers of hem schewyd hir felyngys & hyr contemplacyons , as sche was comawndyd for to don , to wetyn yf any dysseyt were in hir felyngys . (CMKEMPE,25.548) Thys creatur was sent of owyr Lord to diuers placys of relygyon , (CMKEMPE,25.549) & among on sche cam to a place of monkys wher sche was rygth wolcom for owyr Lordys lofe , saue +ter was a monk whech bar gret offyce in +tat place despysed hir & set hir at nowt . (CMKEMPE,25.550) Neuyr-+te-lesse sche was sett at mete wyth +te abbot , (CMKEMPE,26.551) & many tymes of +te mete sche seyd many good wordys as God wold hem puttyn in hir mende , +te same monke whech had so dyspysed hir beyng present & many o+ter to heryn what sche wold sey . (CMKEMPE,26.552) & thorw hir dalyawns hys affeccyon gan gretly enclyne to-hir-ward (CMKEMPE,26.553) & gan to haue gret savowr in hir wordys . So +tat aftyrward +te forseyd monk cam to hir & seyde , sche beyng in cherch & he also as +tat tyme , " Damsel , I her seyn God spekyth on-to +te . (CMKEMPE,26.554) I pray +te telle me whe+tyr I schal be sauyd or nowt and in what synnes I haue most dysplesyd God , (CMKEMPE,26.555) for I wyl not leuyn +te but +tow con telle me my synne . " (CMKEMPE,26.556) The creatur seyd to +te monke , " Goth to +gowr Messe , (CMKEMPE,26.557) & +gyf I may wepe for +gow I hope to han grace for +gow . " (CMKEMPE,26.558) He folwyd hir cownsel (CMKEMPE,26.559) & went to hys Messe . (CMKEMPE,26.560) Sche wept wondyrly for hys synnes . (CMKEMPE,26.561) Whan Messe was endyd , +te creatur seyd to owyr Lord Cryst Ihesu , " Blyssed Lord , what answer schal I +geue to +tis man ? " (CMKEMPE,26.562) " My derworthy dowtyr , sey in +te name of Ihesu +tat he hath synned in letthery , in dyspeyr , & in wordly goodys kepyng . " (CMKEMPE,26.563) " A , gracyows Lord , +tis is hard for me to sey . (CMKEMPE,26.564) He schal do me mech scheme +gyf I telle hym any lesyng . " (CMKEMPE,26.565) " Drede +te not (CMKEMPE,26.566) but speke boldly in my name in +te name of Ihesu , (CMKEMPE,26.567) for +tei arn no leesyngys . " (CMKEMPE,26.568) And +tan sche seyd a-+gen to owyr Lord Ihesu Crist , " Good Lord , schal he be savyd ? " (CMKEMPE,26.569) " +Ga , " seyd owyr Lord Ihesu , " +gyf he wyl forsakyn hys synne & don aftyr +ti cownsel . (CMKEMPE,26.570) Charge hym +tat he forsake hys synne & be schreue +terof & also hys offyce +tat he hath wyth-owtyn-forth . " (CMKEMPE,26.571) Than cam +te monk a-+gen , (CMKEMPE,26.572) " Margery , telle me my synnes . " (CMKEMPE,26.573) Sche seyd , " I pray +gow , ser , askyth not +teraftyr , (CMKEMPE,26.574) for I vndyrtake for +gowr sowle +ge schal ben savyd , +gyf +ge wyl do aftyr my cownsel . " (CMKEMPE,26.575) " Forso+te I wyl not leuyn +gow but +gyf +ge telle me my synne . " (CMKEMPE,26.576) " Syr , I vndyrstond +tat +ge han synned in letchery , in dyspeyr , & in kepyng of wordly good . " (CMKEMPE,27.577) +Tan stod +te monke stylle sumdel a-baschyd , (CMKEMPE,27.578) & sythen he seyd , " Whe+tyr haue I synned wyth wyfes er wyth sengyl women ? " (CMKEMPE,27.579) " Ser , wyth wyfes . " (CMKEMPE,27.580) +Tan seyd he " Schal I be sauyd ? " (CMKEMPE,27.581) " +Ga , syr , yf +ge wyl do aftyr my cownsel . (CMKEMPE,27.582) Sorwyth for +gowr synne , (CMKEMPE,27.583) & I xal help +gow to sorwyn ; (CMKEMPE,27.584) beth schrevyn +terof (CMKEMPE,27.585) & forsake it wylfully . (CMKEMPE,27.586) Leuyth +te offyce +tat +ge han wythowtynforth , (CMKEMPE,27.587) & God schal +geue +gow grace for my lofe . " (CMKEMPE,27.588) The monke toke hir be +te hand (CMKEMPE,27.589) & led hir in-to a fayr hows of offyce , (CMKEMPE,27.590) made hir a gret dyner , (CMKEMPE,27.591) & sythen +gaf hyr gold to prey for hym . (CMKEMPE,27.592) And so sche toke hir leue at +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,27.593) Ano+ter tyme whan +te creatur cam a-geyn to +te same place , +te fornseyd monke had forsakyn hys offyce at hir cownsel , (CMKEMPE,27.594) & was turnyd fro hys synne , (CMKEMPE,27.595) & was mad suppriowr of +te place , a wel gouernyd man & wel dysposyd , (CMKEMPE,27.596) +tankyd be God , (CMKEMPE,27.597) & made +tis creatur gret cher (CMKEMPE,27.598) & hyly blyssed God +tat euyr he saw hir . (CMKEMPE,27.599) On a tyme , as +tis creatur was at Cawntyrbery in +te Cherch a-mong +te monkys , sche was gretly despysed & repreuyd for cawse sche wept so fast bothyn of +te monkys & prestys & of seculer men ner al a day bo+te a-for-noon & aftyr-noon , also jn so mech +tat hyr husbond went a-way fro hir as he had not a knowyn hir & left hir a-loon a-mong hem , cheys hir as sche cowde , (CMKEMPE,27.600) for o+ter comfort had sche noon of hym as +tat day . (CMKEMPE,27.601) So an eld monk , whech had ben tresowrer wyth +te Qwen whyl he was in seculer clothyng , a riche man , & gretly dred of mech pepyl , toke hir be +te hand , seying vn-to hir , " What kanst +tow seyn of God ? " (CMKEMPE,27.602) " Ser , " sche seyth , " I wyl bo+te speke of hym & heryn of hym , " rehersyng +te monk a story of Scriptur . (CMKEMPE,27.603) The munke seyd , " I wold +tow wer closyd in an hows of ston +tat +ter schuld no man speke wyth +te . " (CMKEMPE,27.604) " A , ser , " sche seyd , " +ge schuld meynteyn Goddys seruawntys , (CMKEMPE,27.605) & +ge arn +te fyrst +tat heldyn a-+gens hem . (CMKEMPE,28.606) Owyr Lord amend +gow . " (CMKEMPE,28.607) +Tan a +gong monke seyde to +tis creatur , " Ey+tyr +tow hast +te Holy Gost (CMKEMPE,28.608) or ellys +tow hast a devyl wyth-in +te , (CMKEMPE,28.609) for +tat +tu spekyst her to vs it is Holy Wrytte , (CMKEMPE,28.610) and +tat hast +tu not of +tiself . " (CMKEMPE,28.611) +Tan seyd +tis creatur , " I pray +gow , ser , +geue me leue to tellyn +gow a tale . " (CMKEMPE,28.612) +Tan +te pepyl seyd to +te monke , " Late hir sey what sche wyl . " (CMKEMPE,28.613) And +tan sche seyd , " +Ter was onys a man +tat had synned gretly a-+gens God , (CMKEMPE,28.614) & , whan he was schrevyn , hys confessowr jnyoined hym in party of penawnce +tat he schuld o +ger hyer men to chyde hym & repreuyn hym for hys synnes & he xuld +geuen hem syluer for her labowr . (CMKEMPE,28.615) & on a day he cam a-mong many gret men as now ben her , (CMKEMPE,28.616) God saue +gow alle , (CMKEMPE,28.617) and stod a-mong hem as I do now a-mong +gow , despysyng hym as +ge do me , +te man lawhyng er smylyng & hauyng good game at here wordys . (CMKEMPE,28.618) +Te grettest maystyr of hem seyd to +te man , ' Why lawhyst +tu , bro+tel , & art +tow gretly despysed ? ' (CMKEMPE,28.619) ' A , ser , I haue a gret cause to lawh , (CMKEMPE,28.620) for I haue many days put syluer owt of my purse & hyred men to chyde me for remyssyon of my synne , (CMKEMPE,28.621) & +tis day I may kepe my syluer in my purs , (CMKEMPE,28.622) I thank +gow alle . ' (CMKEMPE,28.623) Rygth so I sey to +gow , worshepful serys , (CMKEMPE,28.624) whyl I was at hom in myn owyn contre day be day wyth gret wepyng & mornyng , I sorwyd (CMKEMPE,28.625) for I had no schame , skorne , & despyte as I was worthy . (CMKEMPE,28.626) I thank +gow alle , serys , heyly what fore-noon & aftyr-noon I haue had resonably +tis day , (CMKEMPE,28.627) blyssed be God +terof . " (CMKEMPE,28.628) Than sche went owt of +te monastery , +tei folwyng & crying vp-on hir , " +Tow xalt be brent , fals lollare . (CMKEMPE,28.629) Her is a cartful of thornys redy for +te & a tonne to bren +te wyth . " (CMKEMPE,28.630) And +te creatur stod wythowtyn +te +gatys at Cawntyrbery , (CMKEMPE,28.631) for it was in +te euenyng , mech pepyl wonderyng on hir . (CMKEMPE,28.632) +Tan seyd +te pepyl , " Tak & bren hir . " (CMKEMPE,28.633) And +te creatur stod stylle , tremelyng & whakyng ful sor in hir flesch wythowtyn ony erdly comfort , (CMKEMPE,28.634) & wyst not wher hyr husbond was be-come . (CMKEMPE,28.635) +Tan prayd sche in hir hert to owyr Lord , thynkyng on +tis maner , " Hedyr cam I , Lord , for +ti lofe . (CMKEMPE,28.636) Blyssed Lord , help me (CMKEMPE,28.637) & haue mercy on me . " (CMKEMPE,28.638) And a-non , aftyr sche had mad hir prayerys in hir hert to owyr Lord , +ter komyn tweyn fayr +gong men (CMKEMPE,29.639) & seyd to hir , " Damsel , art +tow non eretyke ne no loller ? " (CMKEMPE,29.640) And sche seyd , " No , serys , I am ney+tyr eretyke ne loller . " (CMKEMPE,29.641) +Tan +tei askyd hir wher was hir in . (CMKEMPE,29.642) Sche seyd sche wyst neuyr in what strete , (CMKEMPE,29.643) neuyr-+te-lesse it schuld be at a Dewchmannys hows . (CMKEMPE,29.644) +Tan +tis tweyn +gong men browgt hir hom to hir ostel (CMKEMPE,29.645) & made hir gret cher , preyng hir to pray for hem , (CMKEMPE,29.646) & +ter fond sche hyr husbond . (CMKEMPE,29.647) And mech pepyl in N. had seyd euyl of hir whyl sche was owte & slawndryd hir in many thyngys +tat sche schuld a do whyl sche was in +te contre . (CMKEMPE,29.648) Than aftyr +tis sche was in gret rest of sowle a gret whyle (CMKEMPE,29.649) & had hy contemplacyon day be day & many holy spech & dalyawns of owyr Lord Ihesu Cryst bo+te a-for-noon & aftyr-noon , wyth many swet terys of hy deuocyon so plentyvowsly & contynualy +tat it was meruayle +tat hir eyne enduryd er how hir hert mygth lestyn +tat it was not consumyd wyth ardowr of lofe , whych was kyndelyd wyth +te holy dalyawns of owyr Lord whan he seyd to hir many tymes , " Derworthy dowtyr , lofe +tow me wyth al +tin hert , (CMKEMPE,29.650) for I loue +te wyth al myn hert & wyth al +te mygth of my Godhed , (CMKEMPE,29.651) for +tow wer a chosyn sowle wyth-owt $begynnyng in my syghte and a peler of Holy Cherch . (CMKEMPE,29.652) My mercyful eyne arn euyr up-on +te . (CMKEMPE,29.653) It wer vnpossibyl to +te to suffyr +te scornys & despytes +tat +tow schalt haue ne were only my grace supportyng +te . " (CMKEMPE,29.654) Than thys creatur +towt it was ful mery to be reprevyd for Goddys lofe ; (CMKEMPE,29.655) it was to hir gret solas & cowmfort whan sche was chedyn & fletyn for +te lofe of Ihesu for repreuyng of synne , for spekyng of vertu , for comownyng in Scriptur whech sche lernyd in sermownys & be comownyng wyth clerkys . (CMKEMPE,29.656) Sche ymagyned in hir-self what deth sche mygth deyn for Crystys sake . (CMKEMPE,30.657) Hyr $+towt sche wold a be slayn for Goddys lofe , but dred for +te poynt of deth , (CMKEMPE,30.658) & +terfor sche ymagyned hyrself +te most soft deth , as hir thowt , for dred of inpacyens , +tat was to be bowndyn hyr hed & hir fet to a stokke & hir hed to be smet of wyth a scharp ex for Goddys lofe . (CMKEMPE,30.659) +Tan seyd owyr Lord in hir mende , " I thank +te , dowtyr , +tat +tow woldyst suffer deth for my lofe , (CMKEMPE,30.660) for , as oftyn as +tow thynkyst so , +tow schalt haue +te same mede in Heuyn as +tow +tu suffredyst +te same deth . (CMKEMPE,30.661) & +get schal no man sle the , ne fyer bren +te , ne watyr drynch +te , ne wynd deryn +te , (CMKEMPE,30.662) for I may not for-+getyn +te how +tow art wretyn in myn handys & my fete ; (CMKEMPE,30.663) it lykyn me wel +te peynes +tat I haue sufferyd for +te . (CMKEMPE,30.664) I xal neuyr ben wroth wyth +te , (CMKEMPE,30.665) but I xal louyn +te wyth-owtyn ende . (CMKEMPE,30.666) +tow al +te worlde be a-+gens +te , drede +te not , (CMKEMPE,30.667) for +tei cun no skyl of +te . (CMKEMPE,30.668) I swer to +ti mend , & it wer possybyl me to suffyr peyn a-geyn as I haue do be-forn , me wer leuar to suffyr as mech peyn as euyr I dede for +ti sowle alon ra+tar +tan +tow schuldyst partyn fro me wyth-owtyn ende . (CMKEMPE,30.669) & +terfor , dowtyr , rygth as +tow seyst +te prest take +te chyld at +te funt-ston & dyppe it in +te watyr & wasch it fro oryginal synne , rygth so xal I wasch +te in my precyows blod fro alle +ti synne . (CMKEMPE,30.670) And , +tow I wythdrawe sumtyme +te felyng of grace fro +te ey+tyr of spech er of wepyng , drede +te not +terof , (CMKEMPE,30.671) for I am an hyd God in +te +tat +tu schuldyst haue no veynglory & +tat +tu schuldyst knowyn wele +tow mayst not han terys ne swych dalyawns but whan God wyl send hem +te , (CMKEMPE,30.672) for it arn +te fre +gyftys of God wyth-owtyn +ti meryte (CMKEMPE,30.673) & he may +geue hem whom he wyl & don +te no wrong . (CMKEMPE,30.674) And +terfor take hem mekely & +tankyngly whan I wyl send hem , (CMKEMPE,31.675) & suffyr pacyently whan I wythdrawe hem , (CMKEMPE,31.676) & seke besyly tyl +tow mayst getyn hem , (CMKEMPE,31.677) for terys of $compunccyon , deuocyon , & compassyon arn +te heyest & sekerest +gyftys +tat I +geue in erde . (CMKEMPE,31.678) And what schuld I don mor for +te les +tan I toke +ti sowle owt of +ti body & put it in Heuyn , (CMKEMPE,31.679) & +tat wyl I not +get . (CMKEMPE,31.680) Neuyr-+te-les whersoeuyr God is Heuyn is , (CMKEMPE,31.681) & God is in +ti sowle (CMKEMPE,31.682) & many an awngel is abowte +ti sowle to kepe it bo+te nygth & day . (CMKEMPE,31.683) For , whan +tow gost to chyrch , I go wyth +te ; (CMKEMPE,31.684) whan +tu syttest at +ti mete , I sytte wyth +te ; (CMKEMPE,31.685) whan +tow gost to +ti bed , I go wyth +te ; (CMKEMPE,31.686) & , whan +tu gost owt of towne , I go wyth +te . (CMKEMPE,31.687) Dowtyr , +ter was neuyr chyld so buxom to +te fadyr as I wyl be to +te to help +te and kepe +te . (CMKEMPE,31.688) I far sum-tyme wyth my grace to +te as I do wyth +te sunne . (CMKEMPE,31.689) Sum-tyme +tow wetyst wel +te sunne schynyth al abrod +tat many man may se it , (CMKEMPE,31.690) & sum-tyme it is hyd vndyr a clowde +tat men may not se it , (CMKEMPE,31.691) & +get is +te sunne neuyr +te lesse in hys hete ne in hys brytnesse . (CMKEMPE,31.692) And rygth so far I be +te & be my chosyn sowlys . (CMKEMPE,31.693) $+Towgh it be so +tat +tu wepe not alwey at +ti lyst , my grace is neuyr +te lesse in +te . (CMKEMPE,31.694) +Terfor I preue +tat +tow art a very dowtyr to me & a modyr also , a syster , a wyfe , and a spowse , wytnessyng +te Gospel wher owyr Lord seyth to hys dyscyples , ' He +tat doth +te wyl of my Fadyr in Heuyn he is bothyn modyr , bro+tyr , & syster vn-to me . ' (CMKEMPE,31.695) Whan +tow stodyst to plese me , +tan art +tu a very dowtyr ; (CMKEMPE,31.696) whan +tu wepyst & mornyst for my peyn & for my Passyon , +tan art +tow a very modyr to haue compassyon of hyr chyld ; (CMKEMPE,31.697) whan +tow wepyst for o+ter mennys synnes and for aduersytes , +tan art +tow a very syster ; (CMKEMPE,31.698) and , whan thow sorwyst for +tow art so long fro +te blysse of Heuyn , +tan art +tu a very spowse & a wyfe , (CMKEMPE,31.699) for it longyth to +te wyfe to be wyth hir husbond & no very joy to han tyl sche come to hys presens . " (CMKEMPE,31.700) Thys creatur , whan owyr Lord had for+gouyn hir hir synne as is wrete be-forn , had a desyr to se +to placys wher he was born & wher he sufferyd hys Passyon & wher he deyd , wyth o+ter holy placys wher he was in hys lyue & also aftyr hys Resurrexyon . (CMKEMPE,32.702) As sche was in +tese desyres , owyr Lord bad hir in hir mend ij +ger er +tan sche went +tat sche schuld gon to Rome , to Iherusalem , & to Seynt Iamys , (CMKEMPE,32.703) for sche wold fayn a gon (CMKEMPE,32.704) but sche had no good to go wyth . (CMKEMPE,32.705) & +tan sche seyd to owyr Lord , " Wher schal I han good to go wyth to +tes holy placys ? " (CMKEMPE,32.706) Ower Lord seyd a-+gen to hir , " I schal send +te frendys a-nowe in dyuers contreys of Ynglond to help +te . (CMKEMPE,32.707) And , dowtyr , I xal go wyth +te in euery contre & ordeyn for +te ; (CMKEMPE,32.708) I xal ledyn +te thyder & brynge +te a-geyn in safte , (CMKEMPE,32.709) & noon Englysch-man schal deyn in +te schyp +tat +tow art in . (CMKEMPE,32.710) I xal kepe +te fro alle wykked mennys power . (CMKEMPE,32.711) And , dowtyr , I sey to +te I wyl +tat +tu were clothys of whyte & non o+ter colowr , (CMKEMPE,32.712) for +tu xal ben arayd aftyr my wyl . " (CMKEMPE,32.713) " A , der Lord , yf I go arayd on o+ter maner +tan o+ter chast women don , I drede +tat +te pepyl wyl $slawndyr me . (CMKEMPE,32.714) +Tei wyl sey I am an ypocryt & wondryn vp-on me . " (CMKEMPE,32.715) " +Ga , dowtyr , +te mor wondryng +tat +tow hast for my lofe , +te mor +tu plesyst me . " (CMKEMPE,32.716) Than +tis creatur durst non o+ter-wyse do +tan sche was comawndyd in hir sowle . (CMKEMPE,32.717) And so sche went forth wyth hir husbond in-to +te cuntre , (CMKEMPE,32.718) for he was euyr a good man & an esy man to hir . (CMKEMPE,32.719) +Tow +tat he sumtyme for veyn dred lete hir a-lone for a tyme , +get he resortyd euyr-mor a-geyn to hir , (CMKEMPE,32.720) & had compassyon of hir , (CMKEMPE,32.721) & spak for hir as he durst for dred of +te pepyl . (CMKEMPE,32.722) But alle o+ter +tat went wyth hir forsokyn hir , (CMKEMPE,32.723) & ful falsly +tei accusyd hir thorw temptacyon of +te Deuyl of thyngys +tat sche was neuyr gylty in . (CMKEMPE,32.724) & so dede o man whech sche trostyd gretly on (CMKEMPE,33.725) & proferyd hym-self to gon wyth hir in-to +te contre , wher+torw sche was rygth glad , trostyng he wold wel supportyn hir & helpyn hir whan sche had nede , (CMKEMPE,33.726) for he had ben dwellyng long tyme wyth an ankyr , commensowr in dyuinyte & an holy man , (CMKEMPE,33.727) & +tat ankyr was +tis womans confessowr . (CMKEMPE,33.728) And so hys seruawnt toke leue be hys owyn steryng to gon wyth +tis creatur in-to +te contre , (CMKEMPE,33.729) & hir owyn mayden went wyth hir also long as +tei ferd wel & no man seyd no-thyng a-geyns hem . (CMKEMPE,33.730) But , as sone as +te pepyl thorw entysyng of owyr gostly enmy & be +te sufferawns of owyr Lord spak a-geyn +tis creatur for sche wept so sor , & seyd sche was a fals ypocryte & falsly deceyued +te pepyl , & thretyd hir to be brent , +tan +te forseyd man was holdyn so holy a man & +tat sche trustyd so mech up-on uttyrly repreuyd hir , (CMKEMPE,33.731) and fowely despysed hir , (CMKEMPE,33.732) & wold no for+ter gon wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,33.733) Hir mayden , seyng dysese on euery syde , wex boystows a-+gens hir maystres . (CMKEMPE,33.734) Sche wold not obeyn ne folwyn hir cownsel . (CMKEMPE,33.735) Sche let hir gon a-lone in many good townys (CMKEMPE,33.736) & wold not gon wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,33.737) And euyr hir husbond was redy whan alle o+ter fayled (CMKEMPE,33.738) & went wyth hir wher owyr Lord wold sende hir , al-wey trostyng +tat al was for +te best & xuld comyn to good ende when God wold . (CMKEMPE,33.739) & at +tis tyme he led hir to spekyn wyth +te Bysshop of Lynkoln , whech hygth Philyp , (CMKEMPE,33.740) and a-bod iij wekys er +tei mygth speke wyth hym , (CMKEMPE,33.741) for he was not at hom at hys paleys . (CMKEMPE,33.742) Whan +te Bysshop was comyn hom & herd seyn how swech a woman had abedyn hym so long to speke wyth hym , a-non he sent for hir in gret hast to wetyn hir wylle . (CMKEMPE,33.743) & +tan sche cam to hys presens (CMKEMPE,33.744) & salutyd hym , (CMKEMPE,33.745) & he derly wolcomyd hir (CMKEMPE,33.746) & seyd he had long desyred to speke wyth hir & he was rygth glad of hir comyng . (CMKEMPE,33.747) And so sche prayd hym +tat sche mygth speke wyth hym in cownsel & schewyn hym +te secretys of hir sowle , (CMKEMPE,33.748) & he lymyt hir a tyme conuenyent +terto . (CMKEMPE,33.749) Whan +te tyme cam , sche schewyd hym hyr medytacyons , & hy contem-placyons , & o+ter secret thyngys bo+te of qwyk & of ded as owyr Lord schewyd to hir sowle . (CMKEMPE,34.750) He was rygth glad to heryn hem , (CMKEMPE,34.751) & suffryd hir benyngly to sey what hir lysted , (CMKEMPE,34.752) & commendyd gretly hir felyngys & hir contemplacyons , seyyng +tei wer hy maters & ful deuowt maters & enspyred of +te Holy Gost , cownselyng hir sadly +tat hir felyngys schuld be wretyn . (CMKEMPE,34.753) & sche seyd +tat it was not Goddys wyl +tat +tei schuld be wretyn so soon , (CMKEMPE,34.754) ne +tei wer wretyn xx +ger aftyr & mor . (CMKEMPE,34.755) And +tan sche seyd fer+termor , " My Lord , yf it lyke +gow , I am comawndyd in my sowle +tat +ge schal +gyue me +te mantyl & +te ryng & clothyn me al in whygth clothys . (CMKEMPE,34.756) And , yf +ge clothyn me in erth , owyr Lord Ihesu Cryst xal clothyn +gow in Heuyn , as I vndyrstond be reuelacyon . " (CMKEMPE,34.757) +Tan +te Bysshop seyd to hir , " I wyl fulffyllen +gowr desyr +gyf +gowr husbond wyl consentyn +terto . " (CMKEMPE,34.758) +Tan sche seyd to +te Bysshop , " I prey +gow late myn husbond come to +gowr presens , (CMKEMPE,34.759) & +ge xal heryn what he wyl sey . " (CMKEMPE,34.760) & so hyr husbond cam before +te Bysshop , (CMKEMPE,34.761) and +te Bysshop askyd hym , " Iohn , is it +gowr wyl +tat +gowr wyf xal take +te mantyl & +te ryng & leuyn chast , & +ge bo+ten ? " (CMKEMPE,34.762) " +Ga , my Lord , " he seyd , " & in tokyn +tat we bo+ten vowyn to leue chast her I offyr myn handys into +gowyr , " (CMKEMPE,34.763) & he put hys handys be-twen +te Bysshoppys handys . (CMKEMPE,34.764) & +te Bysshop dede no mor to us at +tat day , saue he mad us rygth good cher and seyd we wer rygth wolcome . (CMKEMPE,34.765) Ano+ter day +tis creatur cam to mete at +te request of +te Bysshop . (CMKEMPE,34.766) And sche saw hym +geuyn wyth hys handys , er he set hym to mete , to xiij powyr men xiij pens & xiij lovys wyth o+ter mete . (CMKEMPE,34.767) & so he dede euery day . (CMKEMPE,34.768) +Tis creatur was steryd to hy deuocyon wyth +tis sygth (CMKEMPE,34.769) & +gaf God preysyng & worshepyng +tat he +gaf +te Bysshop grace to don +tes good dedys wyth plentyuows wepyng , in so mych +tat alle +te Bysshopys meny wer gretly merveylyng what hyr eyled . (CMKEMPE,34.770) And sythen sche was set to mete wyth many worthy clerkys & prestys & swyers of +te Bys-shoppys , (CMKEMPE,35.771) and +te Bysshop hym-self sent hir ful gentylly of hys owyn mees . (CMKEMPE,35.772) +Te clerkys askyd +tis creatur many hard qwestyons , +te wych sche be +te grace of Ihesu resoluyd , so +tat hir answerys lykyd +te Bysshop rygth wel and +te clerkys had ful gret meruayl of hir +tat sche answeryd so redyly & pregnawntly . (CMKEMPE,35.773) Whan +te Bysshop had etyn , he sent for +tis creatur in-to hys chawmbyr , seying to hir , " Margery , +ge & +gowr husbond spak to me for to +gyfe +gow +te mantyl & +te ryng , for whech cause I haue take my cownsel , (CMKEMPE,35.774) & my cownsel wyl not +gyf me to professe +gow in so synguler a clothyng wyth-owtyn bettyr avysement . (CMKEMPE,35.775) And +ge sey be +te grace of God +ge wyl go to Ierusalem . (CMKEMPE,35.776) +Terfor prayth to God +tat it may abyden tyl +ge come fro Ierusalem +tat +ge be bettyr preuyd & knowyn . " (CMKEMPE,35.777) On +te next day +tis creatur went to chirch (CMKEMPE,35.778) & prayd to God wyth alle hyr spyritys +tat sche mygth han knowlach how sche xuld ben gouernd in +tis mater and what answer sche mygth gife to +te Bysshop . (CMKEMPE,35.779) Owyr Lord Ihesu Crist answeryd to hir mend in +tis maner , (CMKEMPE,35.780) " Dowtyr , sey +te Bysshop +tat he dredyth mor +te schamys of +te world +tan +te parfyt lofe of God . (CMKEMPE,35.781) Sey hym , I xuld as wel han excusyd hym +gyf he had fulfyllyd +ti wyl as I dede +te chyldren of Israel whan I bad hem borwe +te goodys of +te pepyl of Egypt & gon a-wey +terwyth . (CMKEMPE,35.782) +Terfor , dowtyr , sey hym , +tow he wyl not don it now , it xal be don an-o+ter tyme whan God wyl . " (CMKEMPE,35.783) & so sche dede hir massage to +te Bysshop of Lyncolne as sche had in comawndment . (CMKEMPE,35.784) +Tan he preyd hyre to gon to +te Archbusshop of Cawntyrbery , Arundel , & preyn hym to grawntyn leue to me , Bysshop of Lyncoln , for to +geuyn hir +te mentyl & +te ryng in-as-mech as sche was not of hys dyocyse . (CMKEMPE,35.785) +Tis cawse he feyned thorw cownsel of hys clerkys , (CMKEMPE,35.786) for +tei louyd not +tis creatur . (CMKEMPE,35.787) Sche seyd , " Ser , I wyl go $to my Lord of Cawntyrbery wyth rygth good wyl for o+ter cawsys & materys whech I haue to schewe to hys reuerens . (CMKEMPE,35.788) As for +tis cawse I xal not gon , (CMKEMPE,35.789) for God wyl not I aske hym +teraftyr . " (CMKEMPE,35.790) +Tan sche toke hir leue of +te Bysshop of Lyncolne , (CMKEMPE,36.791) & he +gaf hir xxvj schelyngys & viij d to byen hyr clothyng wyth & for to prey for hym . (CMKEMPE,36.792) Than went +tis creatur forth to London wyth hir husbond vn-to Lambhyth , +ter +te Erchebisshop lay at +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,36.793) And , as +tei comyn in-to +te halle at aftyr-noon , ther wer many of +te Erchebysshoppys clerkys & o+ter rekles men bo+te swyers & +gemen whech sworyn many gret o+tis & spokyn many rekles wordys , (CMKEMPE,36.794) & +tis creatur boldly vndyrname hem (CMKEMPE,36.795) & seyd +tei schuld ben dampnyd but +tei left her sweryng & o+ter synnes +tat +tei vsyd . (CMKEMPE,36.796) & wyth +tat cam forth a woman of +te same town in a pylche (CMKEMPE,36.797) & al for-schod +tis creatur , (CMKEMPE,36.798) bannyd hir , (CMKEMPE,36.799) & seyd ful cursydly to hir in +tis maner , (CMKEMPE,36.800) " I wold +tu wer in Smythfeld , (CMKEMPE,36.801) & I wold beryn a fagot to bren +te wyth ; (CMKEMPE,36.802) it is pety +tat +tow leuyst . " (CMKEMPE,36.803) +Tis creatur stod stylle (CMKEMPE,36.804) & answeryd not , (CMKEMPE,36.805) & hir husbond suffred wyth gret peyn (CMKEMPE,36.806) & was ful sory to heryn hys wyfe so rebukyd . (CMKEMPE,36.807) Than +te Erchbusshop sent for +tis creatur in-to hys gardeyn . (CMKEMPE,36.808) Whan sche cam to hys presens , sche salutyd hym as sche cowd , prayng hym of hys gracyows lordshyp to grawnt hir auctoryte of chesyng hyr confessowr & to be howselyd euery Sonday , +gyf God wold dysposen hir +terto , vndyr hys lettyr and hys seel thorw al hys prouynce . (CMKEMPE,36.809) & he grawnt it her ful benyngly all hir desyr wyth-owtyn any syluer er gold , (CMKEMPE,36.810) ne he wold latyn hys clerkys takyn anythyng for wrytyn ne for seelyng of +te lettyr . (CMKEMPE,36.811) Whan +tis creatur fond +tis grace in hys sygth , sche was wel comfortyd & strengthyd in hir sowle , (CMKEMPE,36.812) & so sche schewyd +tis worshepful lord hir maner of leuyng & swech grace as God wrowt in hyr mende & in hir sowle to wetyn what he wold sey +terto , +gyf he fond any defawte ey+tyr in hyre contemplacyon er in hir wepyng . (CMKEMPE,36.813) & sche teld hym also +te cawse of hyr wepyng and +te maner of $dalyawns +tat owyr Lord dalyid to hyr sowle . (CMKEMPE,36.814) And he fond no defawt +terin (CMKEMPE,37.815) but a-prevyd hir maner of leuyng (CMKEMPE,37.816) & was rygth glad +tat owyr mercyful Lord Cryst Ihesu schewyd swech grace in owyr days , (CMKEMPE,37.817) blyssed mot he be . (CMKEMPE,37.818) +Tan +tis creatur boldly spak to hym for +te correccyon of hys meny , seying wyth reuerens , " My Lord , owyr alderes Lord al-myty God hath not +gon +gow +gowyr benefys & gret goodys of +te world to $maynten wyth hys tretowrys & hem +tat slen hym euery day be gret othys sweryng . (CMKEMPE,37.819) +Ge schal answer for hem les +tan +ge correctyn hem or ellys put hem owt of +gowr seruyse . " (CMKEMPE,37.820) Ful benyngly & mekely he suffred hir to sey hir entent (CMKEMPE,37.821) & +gaf a fayr answer , hir supposyng it xuld ben +te bettyr . (CMKEMPE,37.822) & so her dalyawns contynuyd tyl sterrys apperyd in +te fyrmament . (CMKEMPE,37.823) +Tan sche toke hir leue & hyr husbond also . (CMKEMPE,37.824) Sythen +tei comyn a-+gen to London , (CMKEMPE,37.825) & many worthy men desyred to heryn hir dalyawns & hir comunycacyon , (CMKEMPE,37.826) for hir communycacion was so mech in +te lofe of God +tat +te herars wer oftyn-tyme steryd +terthorw to wepyn ryt sadly . (CMKEMPE,37.827) & so sche had +ter rygth gret cher , & hir husbond be-cawse of hir , as long as +tei wold abyden in +te cyte . (CMKEMPE,37.828) Aftyrward +tei comyn a-geyn to Lenne , (CMKEMPE,37.829) & +tan went +tis creatur to +te ankyr at +te Frer Prechowrys in Lenne (CMKEMPE,37.830) & teld hym what cher sche had had and how sche had sped whyl sche was in +te contre . (CMKEMPE,37.831) And he was rygth glad of hir comyng hom (CMKEMPE,37.832) & held it was gret myracle hir comyng & hir goyng to & fro . (CMKEMPE,37.833) And he seyd to hir , " I haue herd mych euyl langwage of +gow syth +ge went owt , (CMKEMPE,37.834) & I haue ben sor cownseld to leue +gow & no mor to medyl wyth +gow , (CMKEMPE,37.835) & +ter is $behyte me gret frenschepys wyth condycyon yf I leue +gow . (CMKEMPE,37.836) And I answeryd for +gow +tus : (CMKEMPE,37.837) +Gyf +ge wer in +te same plyte +tat +ge wer whan we partyd a-sundyr , I durst wel say +ge wer a good woman , a louere of God , & hyly inspyred wyth +te Holy Gost . (CMKEMPE,37.838) ' And I wyl not forsake hyr for no lady in +tis reme for to speke wyth +te lady & leuyn hir , (CMKEMPE,38.840) for ra+tar I schuld leue +te lady & speke wyth hir , +gyf I mygth not don bo+ten , +tan I xuld don +te contrarye . ' (CMKEMPE,38.841) " Rede fyrst +te xxi chapetre & +tan +tis chapetre aftyr +tat . (CMKEMPE,38.842) On a day long befor +tis tyme , whyl thys creatur was beryng chylder & sche was newly delyueryd of a chyld , owyr Lord Cryst Ihesu seyd to hir sche xuld no mor chyldren beryn , (CMKEMPE,38.843) & +terfor he bad hyr gon to Norwych . (CMKEMPE,38.844) & sche seyd , " A , der Lord , how xal I gon ? (CMKEMPE,38.845) I am bo+te feynt & feble . " (CMKEMPE,38.846) " Drede +te not , (CMKEMPE,38.847) I xal make +te strong j-now . (CMKEMPE,38.848) I byd +te gon to +te Vykary of Seynt Stefenys and sey +tat I gret hym wel & +tat he is an hey chossyn sowle of myn , (CMKEMPE,38.849) & telle hym he plesyth me mech wyth hys prechyng (CMKEMPE,38.850) & schew hym thy preuytes & myn cownselys swech as I schcwe +te . " (CMKEMPE,38.851) Than sche toke hyr wey to-Norwych-ward (CMKEMPE,38.852) & cam in-to hys cherch on a Thursday a lytyl be-for noon . (CMKEMPE,38.853) And +te Vykary went vp & down wyth a-no+ter prest whech was hys gostly fadyr +tat leuyd whan +tis boke was mad . (CMKEMPE,38.854) & +tis creatur was clad in blak clothyng +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,38.855) Sche salutyd +te Vykary , preyng hym +tat sche mygth speke wyth hym an owyr or ellys tweyn owyrs at aftyr-none whan he had etyn in +te lofe of God . (CMKEMPE,38.856) He , lyftyng vp hys handys & blyssyng hym , seyd , " Benedicite . (CMKEMPE,38.857) What cowd a woman ocupyn an owyr er tweyn owyrs in +te lofe of owyr Lord ? (CMKEMPE,38.858) I xal neuyr ete mete tyl I wete what +ge ken sey of owyr Lord God +te tyme of on owyr . " (CMKEMPE,38.859) +Tan he sett hym down in +te chirche . (CMKEMPE,38.860) Sche , syttyng a lytyl be-syde , schewyd hym all +te wordys whech God had reuelyd to hyr in hyr $sowle . (CMKEMPE,38.861) Sythen sche schewyd hym al hyr maner of levyng fro hyr chyldhod as ny as it wolde come to hir mende , - how vnkynd sche had ben a-geyn owyr Lord Ihesu Crist , how prowde & veyne sche had ben in hir aport , how obstynat a-geyns +te lawes of God , & how envyows a-geyn hir euyn-cristen , sythen , whan it plesyd owyr Lord Crist Ihesu , how sche was chastysed wyth many tribulacyons & horrybyl temptacyons , & aftyrward how sche was fed and comfortyd wyth holy medytacyons & specyal in +te mende of owyr Lordys Passyon . (CMKEMPE,39.862) & , whyl sche dalyed in +te Passyon of owyr Lord Ihesu Crist , sche herd so hedows a melodye +tat sche mygth not ber it . (CMKEMPE,39.863) +Tan +tis creatur fel down as yf she had lost hir bodyly strength (CMKEMPE,39.864) & lay stylle a gret whyle , desyryng to put it a-way , (CMKEMPE,39.865) & sche mygth not . (CMKEMPE,39.866) +Tan knew sche wel be hir feyth +tat +ter was gret joye in Hevyn , wher +te lest poynt of blys wyth-owtyn any comparyson passeth al +te joye +tat euyr myt be thowt er felt in +tis lyfe . (CMKEMPE,39.867) Sche was gretly strengthyd in hir feyth & mor bold to tellyn +te Vykary her felyngys whech sche had be reuelacyons bo+ten of qwyk & of ded & of hys owyn self . (CMKEMPE,39.868) Sche teld hym how sum-tyme +te Fadyr of Hevyn dalyd to hir sowle as pleynly and as veryly as o frend spekyth to a-no+ter be bodyly spech ; (CMKEMPE,39.869) sum-tyme +te Secunde Persone in Trinyte ; sumtyme alle thre Personys in Trinyte & o substawns in Godhede dalyid to hir sowle (CMKEMPE,39.870) & informyd hir in hir feyth & in hys lofe how sche xuld lofe hym , worshepyn hym , & dredyn hym , so excellently +tat sche herd neuyr boke , ney+tyr Hyltons boke , ne $Bridis boke , ne Stimulus Amoris , ne Incendium Amoris , ne non o+ter +tat euyr sche herd redyn +tat spak so hyly of lofe of God but +tat sche felt as hyly in werkyng in hir sowle yf sche cowd or ellys mygth a schewyd as sche felt . (CMKEMPE,39.871) Sum-tyme owyr Lady spak to hir mend . (CMKEMPE,39.872) $Sumtyme Seynt Petyr , sumtyme seynt Powyl , sumtym seynt Kateryn , er what seynt in Heuyn sche had deuocyon to aperyd to hir sowle (CMKEMPE,39.873) & tawt hir how sche xuld louyn owyr Lord & how sche xuld plesyn hym . (CMKEMPE,39.874) Her dalyawns was so swet , so holy , & so devowt +tat +tis creatur myt not oftyn-tymes beryn it but fel down & wrestyd wyth hir body & mad wondyrful cher & contenawns wyth boystows sobbyngys & gret plente of terys , sumtyme seyng " Ihesu , mercy , " sum-tyme " I dey . " (CMKEMPE,40.876) & +terfor mech pepyl slawndryd hir , not leuyng it was +te werke of God but +tat sum euyl spyrit vexid hir in hir body er ellys +tat sche had sum bodyly sekenesse . (CMKEMPE,40.877) Notwythstondyng +te rumowr & grutchyng of +te pepyl a-+gen hir , +tis holy man , Vykary of Seynt Stefenys Chyrch of Norwych , whom God hath exaltyd & +torw meruelyows werkys schewyd & preuyd for holy , euyr held wyth hir (CMKEMPE,40.878) & supportyd hir a+gen hir enmys in-to hys powyr aftyr +te tyme +tat sche be +te byddyng of God had schewyd hym hir maner of gouernawns & leuyng , (CMKEMPE,40.879) for he trustly beleuyd +tat sche was wel lernyd in +te lawe of God & indued wyth grace of +te Holy Gost , to whom it longyth to enspyr wher he wyl . (CMKEMPE,40.880) & , +tow hys voys be herd , it is not wyst of +te werld fro when it comyth er whedyr it goth . (CMKEMPE,40.881) Thys holy Vykary aftyr +tis tyme was confessowr to +tis creatur al-wey whan sche cam to Norwych (CMKEMPE,40.882) & howsyld hir wyth hys owyn handys . (CMKEMPE,40.883) And , whan sche was on a tyme moneschyd to aper be-for certeyn offycerys of +te Bysshop to answer to certeyn artyculys whech xuld be put a-geyn hir be +te steryng of envyows pepyl , +te good Vykary , preferryng +te lofe of God be-for any schame of +te world , went wyth hir to her hir examynacyon (CMKEMPE,40.884) & delyueryd hir fro +te malys of hyr enmys . (CMKEMPE,40.885) & +tan was it reuelyd to +tis creatur +tat +te good Vykary xuld leuyn sevyn +ger aftyr (CMKEMPE,40.886) & +tan he sculd passyn hens wyth gret grace , (CMKEMPE,40.887) and he dede as sche $had of . (CMKEMPE,40.888) Thys creatur was chargyd & comawndyd in hir sowle +tat sche schuld go to a Whyte Frer in +te same cyte of Norwych whech hyte Wyllyam Sowthfeld , a good man and an holy leuar , to schewyn hym +te grace +tat God wrowt in hir as sche had don to +te good Vykary be-forn . (CMKEMPE,41.890) Sche dede as sche was comawndyd , (CMKEMPE,41.891) & cam to +te frere on a for-noon , (CMKEMPE,41.892) & was wyth hym in a chapel a long tyme , (CMKEMPE,41.893) & schewyd hym hir meditacyons & swech as God wrowt in hir sowle to wetyn yf sche wer dysceyued be any illusyons or not . (CMKEMPE,41.894) Thys good man , +te White Frer , euyr whyl sche teld hir felyngys , heldyng up hys handys , seyd , " Ihesu , mercy & gremercy . (CMKEMPE,41.895) Syster , " he seyd , " dredyth +ge not of +gowr maner of leuyng , (CMKEMPE,41.896) for it is +te Holy Gost werkyng plentyuowsly hys grace in +gowr sowle . (CMKEMPE,41.897) Thankyth hym heyly of hys goodnes , (CMKEMPE,41.898) for we alle be bowndyn to +tankyn hym for +gow , +tat now in owyr days wel inspir hys grace in +gow to +te help & comfort of us alle whech arn supportyd be +gowr preyers & be swech o+ter as +ge ben . (CMKEMPE,41.899) And we arn preservyd fro many myschevys & dysesys whech we schuld sufferyn & worthily for owyr trespas ne wer swech good creaturys a-mong vs . (CMKEMPE,41.900) Blyssed be al-myty God for hys goodnes . (CMKEMPE,41.901) And +terfor , syster , I cownsel +gow +tat +ge dyspose +gow to receyuyn +te +gyftys of God as lowly & mekely as +ge kan & put non obstakyl ne obieccyon a-+gen +te goodnes of +te Holy Gost , (CMKEMPE,41.902) for he may +gevyn hys +gyftys wher he wyl , (CMKEMPE,41.903) & of vnworthy he makyth worthy , (CMKEMPE,41.904) of synful he makyth rygtful . (CMKEMPE,41.905) Hys mercy is euyr redy vn-to vs , les +tan +te fawt be in owyrself , (CMKEMPE,41.906) for he dwellyth not in a body soget to syn . (CMKEMPE,41.907) He fleth al fals feynyng & falshede ; (CMKEMPE,41.908) he askyth of us a lowe , a meke , & a contryte hert wyth a good wyl . (CMKEMPE,41.909) Owyr Lord seyth hym-self , ' My spyrit schal restyn vp-on a meke man , a contryte man , & dredyng my wordys . ' (CMKEMPE,41.910) Syster , I trost to owyr Lord +ge han +tese condicyons ey+tyr in +gowr wyl or in +gowr affeccyon er ellys in bothyn , (CMKEMPE,41.911) & I $helde not +tat owyr Lord suffryth hem to be dysceyued endlesly +tat settyn al here trost in hym & no-thyng sekyn ne desyryn but hym only , as I hope +tat +ge don . (CMKEMPE,42.912) And +terfor beleuyth fully +tat owyr Lord louyth +gow & werkyth hys grace in +gow . (CMKEMPE,42.913) I prey God incres it & continu it to hys euyr-lestyng worshep for hys mercy . " (CMKEMPE,42.914) The beforn-seyd creatur was mech comfortyd bo+te in body & in sowle be +tis good mannys wordys & gretly strengthyd in hir feyth . (CMKEMPE,42.915) & +tan sche was bodyn be owyr Lord for to gon to an ankres in +te same cyte whych hyte Dame Ielyan . (CMKEMPE,42.916) & so sche dede (CMKEMPE,42.917) & schewyd hir +te grace +tat God put in hir sowle of compunccyon , contricyon , swetnesse & deuocyon , compassyon wyth holy meditacyon & hy contemplacyon , & ful many holy spechys & dalyawns +tat owyr Lord spak to hir sowle , and many wondirful reuelacyons whech sche schewyd to +te ankres to wetyn yf +ter wer any deceyte in hem , (CMKEMPE,42.918) for +te ankres was expert in swech thyngys (CMKEMPE,42.919) & good cownsel cowd +geuyn . (CMKEMPE,42.920) +Te ankres , heryng +te meruelyows goodnes of owyr Lord , hyly thankyd God wyth al hir hert for hys visitacyon , cownselyng +tis creatur to be obedyent to +te wyl of owyr Lord God & fulfyllyn wyth al hir mygthys what-euyr he put in hir sowle yf it wer not a-geyn +te worshep of God & profyte of hir euyn-cristen , (CMKEMPE,42.921) for , yf it wer , +tan it wer nowt +te mevyng of a good spyryte but ra+tar of an euyl spyrit . (CMKEMPE,42.922) +Te Holy Gost meuyth neuyr a +ting a-geyn charite , (CMKEMPE,42.923) & , yf he dede , he wer contraryows to hys owyn self , (CMKEMPE,42.924) for he is al charite . (CMKEMPE,42.925) Also he meuyth a sowle to al chastnesse , (CMKEMPE,42.926) for chast leuars be clepyd +te temple of +te Holy Gost , (CMKEMPE,42.927) & +te Holy Gost makyth a sowle stabyl & stedfast in +te rygth feyth & +te rygth beleue . (CMKEMPE,42.928) And a dubbyl man in sowle is euyr vnstabyl & vnstedfast in al hys weys . (CMKEMPE,42.929) He +tat is euyr-mor dowtyng is lyke to +te flood of +te see , +te whech is mevyd & born a-bowte wyth +te wynd , (CMKEMPE,42.930) & +tat man is not lyche to receyuen +te +gyftys of God . (CMKEMPE,42.931) What creatur +tat hath +tes tokenys he $muste stedfastlych belevyn +tat +te Holy Gost dwellyth in hys sowle . (CMKEMPE,42.932) And mech mor , whan God visyteth a creatur wyth terys of contrisyon , deuosyon , er compassyon , he may & owyth to leuyn +tat +te Holy Gost is in hys sowle . (CMKEMPE,43.933) Seynt Powyl seyth +tat +te Holy Gost askyth for vs wyth mornynggys & wepyngys vnspekable , +tat is to seyn , he makyth vs to askyn & preyn wyth mornynggys & wepyngys so plentyvowsly +tat +te terys may not be nowmeryd . (CMKEMPE,43.934) Ther may non euyl spyrit +geuyn +tes tokenys , (CMKEMPE,43.935) for Ierom seyth +tat terys turmentyn mor +te Devylle +tan don +te peynes of Helle . (CMKEMPE,43.936) God & +te Deuyl ben euyrmor contraryows , (CMKEMPE,43.937) & +tei xal neuyr dwellyn to-gedyr in on place , (CMKEMPE,43.938) & +te Devyl hath no powyr in a mannys sowle . (CMKEMPE,43.939) Holy Wryt seyth +tat +te sowle of a rytful man is +te sete of God , (CMKEMPE,43.940) & so I trust , syster , +tat +ge ben . (CMKEMPE,43.941) I prey God grawnt +gow perseuerawns . (CMKEMPE,43.942) Settyth al +gowr trust in God (CMKEMPE,43.943) & feryth not +te langage of +te world , (CMKEMPE,43.944) for +te mor despyte , schame , & repref +tat +ge haue in +te world +te mor is +gowr meryte in +te sygth of God . (CMKEMPE,43.945) Pacyens is necessary vn-to +gow , (CMKEMPE,43.946) for in +tat schal +ge kepyn +gowr sowle . " (CMKEMPE,43.947) Mych was +te holy dalyawns +tat +te ankres & +tis creatur haddyn be comownyng in +te lofe of owyr Lord Ihesu Crist many days +tat +tei were to-gedyr . (CMKEMPE,43.948) Thys creatur schewyd hyr maner of leuyng to many a worthy clerke , to worshepful doctorys of divinyte , bo+te religiows men & o+ter of seculer abyte , (CMKEMPE,43.949) & +tei seyden +tat God wrowt gret grace wyth hir (CMKEMPE,43.950) & bodyn sche xuld not ben aferde , - (CMKEMPE,43.951) +ter was no disseyte in hir maner of leuyng . (CMKEMPE,43.952) +Tei cownseld hir to be perseuerawnt , (CMKEMPE,43.953) for here most dred was +tat sche xuld turnyn & not kepyn hir perfeccyon . (CMKEMPE,43.954) Sche had so many enmys & so mech slawndyr +tat hem semyd sche myte not beryn it wyth-owtyn gret grace & a mygty feyth . (CMKEMPE,43.955) O+ter whech had no knowlach of hir maner of gouernawns , saue only be sygth owtforth er ellys be jangelyng of o+ter personys , peruertyng +te dom of trewth , seyd ful euyl of hir (CMKEMPE,43.956) & causyd hir to haue mech enmyte & mech dysese , mor +tan sche xuld haue ellys had , had her euyl langage ne ben . (CMKEMPE,43.957) Neuyr-+te-lesse +te ankyr of +te Frer Prechowrys in Lenn , whech was prin-cipal gostly fadyr to +tis creatur as is wretyn be-forn , toke it on charge of hys sowle +tat hir felyngys wer good & sekyr & +tat +ter was no disseyt in hem . (CMKEMPE,44.958) And he be +te spiryt of prophecye teld hir , whan sche xuld gon to Ierusalem-ward , sche xuld haue mech tribulacyon wyth hir mayden and how owyr Lord xuld asayn hir scharply & preuyn hir ful streytly . (CMKEMPE,44.959) +Tan seyd sche a-geyn , " A , good ser , what xal I +tan do whan I am fer fro hom & in strawnge cuntreys & my mayden be a+gens me ? (CMKEMPE,44.960) +Tan is my bodily comfort a-go , (CMKEMPE,44.961) & gostly comfort of any confessowr as +ge beth wot I not wher to haue . " (CMKEMPE,44.962) " Dowtyr , drede +ge nowt , (CMKEMPE,44.963) for owyr Lord schal comfort +gow hys owyn self , hoose comfort passyth alle o+teris , (CMKEMPE,44.964) & , whan al +gowr frendys han forsakyn +gow , owyr Lord schal makyn a brokyn-bak man to lede +gow forth wher +ge wyl be . " (CMKEMPE,44.965) & so it be-fel as +te ankyr had prophecyed in euery poynt , (CMKEMPE,44.966) and , as I trust , xal be wretyn more pleynly aftyrward . (CMKEMPE,44.967) Than +tis creatur in a maner compleynyng seyd to +te ankyr , " Good ser , what xal I do ? (CMKEMPE,44.968) He +tat is my confessowr in +gowr absens is rygth scharp vn-to me . (CMKEMPE,44.969) He wyl not levyn my felyngys ; (CMKEMPE,44.970) he settyth nowt by hem ; (CMKEMPE,44.971) he heldyth hem but tryfelys & japys . (CMKEMPE,44.972) & +tat is a gret peyn vn-to me , (CMKEMPE,44.973) for I lofe hym wele (CMKEMPE,44.974) & I wold fawyn folwyn hys cownsel . " (CMKEMPE,44.975) The ankyr , answeryng a-+gen to hir , seyd , " It is no wondyr , dowtyr , yf he kan nowt beleuyn in +gowr felyngys so sone . (CMKEMPE,44.976) He knowyth wel +ge han ben a synful woman , (CMKEMPE,44.977) & +terfor he wenyth +tat God wold not ben homly wyth +gow in so schort tyme . (CMKEMPE,44.978) Aftyr +gowr conuersyon I wold not for al +tis world ben so scharp to +gow as he is . (CMKEMPE,44.979) God for +gowr meryte hath ordeynd hym to be +gowr scorge (CMKEMPE,44.980) & faryth wyth +gow as a smyth wyth a fyle +tat makyth +te yron to be bryte & cler to +te sygth whech be-forn aperyd rusty , dyrke , $& euyl colowryd . (CMKEMPE,44.981) +Te mor scharp +tat he is to +gow , +te mor clerly schinyth +gowr sowle in +te sygth of God , (CMKEMPE,44.982) & God hath ordeyned me to be +gowr norych & +gowr comfort . (CMKEMPE,45.983) Beth +ge lowe & meke (CMKEMPE,45.984) & thanke God bo+te of on & of o+ter . " (CMKEMPE,45.985) On a tyme be-forn +tis creatur went to hir praerys for to wetyn what answer sche xuld +geuyn to +te wedow . (CMKEMPE,45.986) Sche was comawndyd in hir spyryt to byddyn +te wedow levyn hir confessowr +tat was +tat tyme , yf sche wold plesyn God , and gon to +te ankyr at +te Frer Prechowrys in Lenn & schewyn hym hir lyfe . (CMKEMPE,45.987) Whan +tis creatur dede +tis massage , +te wedow wold not levyn hir wordys ne hir gostly fadyr ney+tyr , les +tan God wold +gevyn hir +te same grace +tat he +gaf +tis creatur , (CMKEMPE,45.988) and sche chargyd +tis creatur +tat sche xuld no mor comyn in hir place . (CMKEMPE,45.989) & for +tis creatur teld hir +tat sche had to fele lofe of affecyon to hir gostly fadyr , +terfor +te wedow seyde it had ben good to +tis creatur +tat hir lofe & hir affeccyon wer set as hir was . (CMKEMPE,45.990) Than owyr Lord bad +tis creatur don wryten a lettyr & send it hir . (CMKEMPE,45.991) A maystyr of dyuynite wrot a lettyr at +te request of +tis creatur (CMKEMPE,45.992) & sent to +te wedow wyth +tese clawsys +tat folwyn . (CMKEMPE,45.993) On clause was +tat +te wedow xuld neuyr han +te grace +tat +tis creatur had . (CMKEMPE,45.994) A-no+ter was +tow +tis creatur come neuyr in hir howse it plesyd God ryt wel . (CMKEMPE,45.995) Owyr Lord seyd eftsonys to +tis creatur , " It wer bettyr to hir +tan al +tis world & hir lofe wer sett as thyn is . (CMKEMPE,45.996) & I byd +te gon to hir gostly fadyr & telle hym , (CMKEMPE,45.997) for he wyl not belevyn +ti wordys , (CMKEMPE,45.998) +tei schal be departyd a-sundyr er +tan he be war , (CMKEMPE,45.999) & +tei +tat ben not of hir cownsel xal knowyn it er +tan he , whe+tyr he wyl or not . (CMKEMPE,45.1000) Lo , dowtyr , her mayst +tow se how hard it is to departyn a man fro hys owyn wyl . " (CMKEMPE,45.1001) & all +tis processe was fulfyllyd in trewth as +te creatur had seyd be-forn twelue +ger aftyrward . (CMKEMPE,45.1002) +Tan +tis creatur suffryd mech tribulacyon & gret heuynesse for sche seyd +tese wordys as owyr Lord bad hir sey . (CMKEMPE,45.1003) & euyr sche encresyd in +te lofe of God (CMKEMPE,45.1004) & was mor bold +tan sche was be-forn . (CMKEMPE,45.1005) Be-forn +tis creatur went to Ierusalem , owyr Lord sent hir to a worshipful lady +tat sche xuld spekyn wyth hir in cownsel & do hys eraend vn-to hir . (CMKEMPE,46.1007) +Te lady wold not speke wyth hir les +tan hir gostly fadyr wer present , (CMKEMPE,46.1008) & sche seyd sche was wel plesyd . (CMKEMPE,46.1009) & +tan whan +te ladys gostly fadyr was comyn +tei wentyn in-to a chapel al thre to-gedyr , (CMKEMPE,46.1010) and +tan +tis creatur seyd wyth gret reuerens & many teerys , " Madam , owyr Lord Ihesu Crist bad me telle +gow +tat +gowr husbond is in Purgatory & +tat +ge schal ben savyd but it schal be long er +ge come to Hevyn . " (CMKEMPE,46.1011) And +tan +te lady was dysplesyd (CMKEMPE,46.1012) & seyd hir husbond was a good man , - (CMKEMPE,46.1013) sche levyd not +tat he was in Purgatory . (CMKEMPE,46.1014) Hir gostly fadyr held wyth +tis creatur (CMKEMPE,46.1015) & seyd it mygth rygth wel ben so as sche seyd (CMKEMPE,46.1016) & confermyd hir wordys wyth many holy talys . (CMKEMPE,46.1017) And +tan +tis lady sent hir dowtyr wyth o+ter meny wyth hir to +te ankyr whech was princypal confessowr to +tis creatur +tat he schuld forsakyn hir & ellys he xuld lesyn hir frenshep . (CMKEMPE,46.1018) The ankyr seyd to +te massangerys +tat he wold not forsakyn +tis creatur for no man in erthe , (CMKEMPE,46.1019) for to swech creaturys as wold inqwiryn of hym hir maner of gouernawns & how he held of hir he seyd sche was Goddys owyn seruawnt (CMKEMPE,46.1020) and also he seyd sche was +te tabernakyl of God . (CMKEMPE,46.1021) And +te ankyr seyd vn-to hir owyn persone for to strengthyn hir in hir feyth , " +Tow God toke fro +gow al teerys & dalyawns , beleuyth neuyr-+te-les +tat God louyth +gow & +tat +ge schal be ryt sekyr of Hevyn for +tat +ge haue had be-for-tyme , (CMKEMPE,46.1022) for teerys wyth lofe is +te grettest +geft +tat God may +gevyn in erth (CMKEMPE,46.1023) & al men +tat louyn God owyn to thankyn hym for +gow . " (CMKEMPE,46.1024) Also +ter was a wedow preyd +tis creatur to preyn for hir husbond & wete yf he had ony nede of help . (CMKEMPE,46.1025) & , as +tis creatur preyd for hym , sche was answeryd +tat hys sowle xuld be xxx +ger in Purgatory les +tan he had bettyr frendys in erthe . (CMKEMPE,46.1026) Thus sche teld +te wedow (CMKEMPE,46.1027) & seyd , " $+Gyf $+ge wyl don almes for hym iij pownd er iiij in $messys & almes-+geuyng to powyr folke , +ge schal hyly plesyn God & don +te sowle gret esse . " (CMKEMPE,47.1028) +Te wedow toke lytyl hede at hir wordys (CMKEMPE,47.1029) & let it pasyn forth . (CMKEMPE,47.1030) +Tan +tis creatur went to +te ankyr (CMKEMPE,47.1031) & teld hym how sche had felt , (CMKEMPE,47.1032) & he seyd +te felyng was of God & +te dede in +te self was good , +tow +te sowle had no nede +terof , (CMKEMPE,47.1033) & cownseld it xuld be fulfylled . (CMKEMPE,47.1034) +Tan +tis creatur teld +tis mater to hir gostly fadyr +tat he xuld speke to +te wedow , (CMKEMPE,47.1035) & so it was long tyme +tat +tis creatur herd no mo of +tis mater . (CMKEMPE,47.1036) Aftyrward owyr Lord Ihesu Crist seyd to +tis creatur , " +Tat thyng I bad xuld a be don for +te sowle it is not don . (CMKEMPE,47.1037) Aske now +ti gostly fadyr . " (CMKEMPE,47.1038) & so sche dede , (CMKEMPE,47.1039) & he seyd it was not don . (CMKEMPE,47.1040) Sche seyd a-+gen , " My Lord Ihesu Crist teld me so rygth now . (CMKEMPE,47.1041) CAPITULUM (CMKEMPE,47.1043) On a day as +tis creatur was heryng hir Messe , a +gong man and a good prest heldyng up +te Sacrament in hys handys ouyr hys hed , +te Sacrament schok (CMKEMPE,47.1045) & flekeryd to & fro as a dowe flekeryth wyth hir wengys . (CMKEMPE,47.1046) & , whan he held up +te chalys wyth +te precyows Sacrament , +te chalys mevyd to & fro as it xuld a fallyn owt of hys handys . (CMKEMPE,47.1047) Whan +te Sacre was don , +tis creatur had gret merueyle of +te steryng & mevyng of +te blyssed Sacrament , desyring to se mor Sacreys & lokyng yf it wold don so a-+gen . (CMKEMPE,47.1048) +Tan seyd owyr Lord Ihesu Crist to +te creatur , " +Tow xalt no mor sen it in +tis maner , (CMKEMPE,47.1049) +terfor thank God +tat +tow hast seyn . (CMKEMPE,47.1050) My dowtyr , Bryde , say me neuyr in +tis wyse . " (CMKEMPE,47.1051) +Tan seyd +tis creatur in hir thowt , " Lord , what betokenyth +tis ? " (CMKEMPE,47.1052) " It betokenyth veniawnce . " (CMKEMPE,47.1053) " A , good Lord , what veniawnce ? " (CMKEMPE,47.1054) +Tan seyd owyr Lord a-+gen to hir , " +Ter xal be an erdene , (CMKEMPE,47.1055) tel it whom +tow wylt in +te name of Ihesu . (CMKEMPE,47.1056) For I telle +te forso+te (CMKEMPE,47.1057) rygth as I spak to Seynt Bryde ryte so I speke to +te , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,47.1058) & I telle +te trewly it is trewe euery word +tat is wretyn in Brides boke , (CMKEMPE,47.1059) & be +te it xal be knowyn for very trewth . (CMKEMPE,47.1060) And +tow xalt faryn wel , dowtyr , in spyte of alle thyn enmys ; (CMKEMPE,48.1061) +te mor envye thei han to +te for my $grace , +te bettyr xal I lofe +te . (CMKEMPE,48.1062) I wer not rygthful God but I $louyd +te , (CMKEMPE,48.1063) for I knowe +te bettyr +tan +tow dost +ti-self , $what $+tat $euyr {TEXT:what-+tat-euyr} men seyn of +te . (CMKEMPE,48.1064) +Tow seyst I haue gret paciens in +te syn of +te pepyl , (CMKEMPE,48.1065) and +tow seyst soth , (CMKEMPE,48.1066) but , yf +tow sey +te synne of +te pepyl as I do , +tow xuldyst haue mech more mervayle in my pacyens & mech mor sorwe in +te synne of +te pepyl +tan +tow hast . " (CMKEMPE,48.1067) +Tan +te creatur seyd , " Alas , derworthy Lord , what xal I do for +te pepyl ? " (CMKEMPE,48.1068) Owyr Lord answeryd , " It is j-now to +te to don as +tow dost . " (CMKEMPE,48.1069) +Tan sche preyed , " Mercyful Lord Crist Ihesu , in +te is al mercy & grace & goodnes . (CMKEMPE,48.1070) Haue mercy , pyte , & compassyon of hem . (CMKEMPE,48.1071) Schew +ti mercy & thy goodnes vp-on hem , (CMKEMPE,48.1072) help hem , (CMKEMPE,48.1073) send hem very contricyon , (CMKEMPE,48.1074) & late hem neuyr deyn in her synne . " (CMKEMPE,48.1075) Owyr mercyful Lord seyde , " I may no mor , dowtyr , of my rytfulnesse do for hem +tan I do . (CMKEMPE,48.1076) I send hem prechyng & techyng , pestylens & bataylys , hungyr and famynyng , losse of her goodys wyth gret sekenesse , & many o+ter tribulacyons , (CMKEMPE,48.1077) & +tei wyl not leuyn my wordys (CMKEMPE,48.1078) ne +tei wyl not knowe my vysitacyon . (CMKEMPE,48.1079) & +terfor I xal sey to hem +tat I made my seruawntys to prey for +gow , & +ge despysed her werkys & her leuyng . " (CMKEMPE,48.1080) CAPITULUM 21 (CMKEMPE,48.1082) In +te tyme +tat +tis creatur had reuelacyons , owyr Lord seyd to hir , " Dowtyr , +tow art wyth childe . " (CMKEMPE,48.1084) sche seyd a-+gen , " A , Lord , how xal I +tan do for kepyng of my chylde ? " (CMKEMPE,48.1085) Owir Lord seyd , " Dowtyr , drede +te not , (CMKEMPE,48.1086) I xal ordeyn for an kepar . " (CMKEMPE,48.1087) " Lord , I am not worthy to heryn +te spekyn & +tus to comown wyth myn husbond . (CMKEMPE,48.1088) Ner-+te-lesse it is to me gret peyn & gret dysese . " (CMKEMPE,48.1089) " +Terfor is it no synne to +te , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,48.1090) for it is to +te ra+tar mede & meryte , (CMKEMPE,48.1091) & +tow xalt haue neuyr +te lesse grace , (CMKEMPE,48.1092) for I wyl +tat +tow bryng me forth mor frwte . " (CMKEMPE,48.1093) +Tan seyd +te creatur , " Lord Ihesu , +tis maner of leuyng longyth to thy holy maydens . " (CMKEMPE,49.1094) " +Ga , dowtyr , trow +tow rygth wel +tat I lofe wyfes also , and specyal +to wyfys whech woldyn levyn chast , +gyf +tei mygtyn haue her wyl , & don her besynes to plesyn me as +tow dost , (CMKEMPE,49.1095) for , +tow +te state of maydenhode be mor parfyte & mor holy +tan +te state of wedewhode , & +te state of wedewhode mor parfyte +tan +te state $of wedlake , +get dowtyr I lofe +te as wel as any mayden in +te world . (CMKEMPE,49.1096) +Ter may no man let me to lofe whom I wele & as mech as I wyl , (CMKEMPE,49.1097) for lofe , dowtyr , qwenchith al synne . (CMKEMPE,49.1098) & +terfor aske of me +te +gyftys of lofe . (CMKEMPE,49.1099) +Ter is no +gyft so holy as is +te +gyft of lofe , ne no +ting to be so mech desyred as lofe , (CMKEMPE,49.1100) for lofe may purchasyn what it can desyren . (CMKEMPE,49.1101) & +terfor , dowtyr , +tow mayst no bettyr plesyn God +tan contynuly to thinkyn on hys lofe . " (CMKEMPE,49.1102) Than +tis creatur askyd owyr Lord Ihesu how sche xuld best louyn hym . (CMKEMPE,49.1103) And owyr Lord seyd , " Haue mende of +ti wykydnesse (CMKEMPE,49.1104) & thynk on my goodnes . " (CMKEMPE,49.1105) Sche seyd a-geyn , " I am +te most vnwor+ti creatur +tat euyr +tow schewedyst grace vn-to in erth . " (CMKEMPE,49.1106) " A , dowtyr , " seyd owyr Lord , " fere +te nowt , (CMKEMPE,49.1107) I take non hede what a man hath ben , (CMKEMPE,49.1108) but take hede what he wyl ben . (CMKEMPE,49.1109) Dowtyr , +tow hast despysed +ti-self , (CMKEMPE,49.1110) +terfor +tow xalt neuyr be despysed of God . (CMKEMPE,49.1111) Haue mend , dowtyr , what Mary Mawdelen was , Mary Eypcyan , Seynt Powyl , & many o+ter seyntys +tat arn now in Hevyn , (CMKEMPE,49.1112) for of vnworthy I make worthy , (CMKEMPE,49.1113) & of synful I make rytful . (CMKEMPE,49.1114) & so haue I mad +te worthy to me , onys louyd & euyrmor lovyd wyth me . (CMKEMPE,49.1115) +Ter is no seynt in Heuyn +tat +tow wylt speke wyth but he xal com to +te . (CMKEMPE,49.1116) Whom +tat God louyth +tei louyn . (CMKEMPE,49.1117) Whan +tu plesyst God , +tow plesyst hys Modyr & al +te seyntys in Heuyn . (CMKEMPE,49.1118) Dowtyr , I take wytnesse of my Modyr , of alle +te awngelys in Heuyn , & of alle +te seyntys in Hevyn +tat I loue +te wyth all myn hert & I may not forberyn +ti lofe . " (CMKEMPE,49.1119) Owyr Lord seyd +tan to hys blysful Modyr , " Blyssed Modyr , telle +ge my dowtyr of +te gretnesse of loue I haue vn-to hir . " (CMKEMPE,50.1120) Than +tis creatur lay stylle al in wepyng & sobbyng as hir hert xuld a brostyn for +te swetnesse of spech +tat owyr Lord spak on-to hir sowle . (CMKEMPE,50.1121) A-swythe aftyr +te Qwen of Mercy , Goddys Modyr , dalyed to +te sowle of +tis creatur , seying , " My derworthy dowtyr , I bryng +te sekyr tydyngys , wytnessyng my swet Sone Ihesu wyth alle awngelys & alle seyntys in Heuyn whech louyn +te ful hily . (CMKEMPE,50.1122) Dowtyr , I am thy modyr , +ti lady , and thy maystres for to teche +te in al wyse how +tu schalt plese God best . " (CMKEMPE,50.1123) Sche tawt +tis creatur (CMKEMPE,50.1124) & informyd hir so wondyrfully +tat sche was abaschyd to speke it or telle it to any , +te maters wer so hy & so holy , saf only to +te ankyr whech was hir princypal confessowr , (CMKEMPE,50.1125) for he cowde most skyl in swech thyngys . (CMKEMPE,50.1126) & he chargyd +tis $creatur be vertu of obedyens to tellyn hym $what $+tat $euyr {TEXT:what-+tat-euyr} sche felt , (CMKEMPE,50.1127) & so sche dede . (CMKEMPE,50.1128) CAPITULUM 22 (CMKEMPE,50.1130) As +tis creatur lay in contemplacyon , sor wepyng in hir spiryt , sche seyde to owyr Lord Ihesu Cryst , " A , Lord , maydenys dawnsyn now meryly in Heuyn . (CMKEMPE,50.1132) Xal not I don so ? (CMKEMPE,50.1133) For be-cawse I am no mayden , lak of maydenhed is to me now gret sorwe ; (CMKEMPE,50.1134) me thynkyth I wolde I had ben slayn whan I was takyn fro +te funtston +tat I xuld neuyr a dysplesyd +te , (CMKEMPE,50.1135) & +tan xuldyst +tu , blyssed Lorde , an had my maydenhed wyth-owtyn ende . (CMKEMPE,50.1136) A , der God , I haue not lovyd +te alle +te days of my lyue , (CMKEMPE,50.1137) & +tat sor rewyth me ; (CMKEMPE,50.1138) I haue ronnyn a-wey fro +te , (CMKEMPE,50.1139) & +tou hast ronnyn aftyr me ; (CMKEMPE,50.1140) I wold fallyn in dyspeyr , (CMKEMPE,50.1141) & +tu woldyst not suffer me . " (CMKEMPE,50.1142) " A , dowtyr , how oftyn-tymes haue I teld +te +tat thy synnes arn for+goue +te & +tat we ben onyd to-gedyr wyth-owtyn ende ? (CMKEMPE,50.1143) +Tu art to me a synguler lofe , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,50.1144) & +terfor I behote +te +tu schalt haue a synguler grace in Hevyn , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,51.1145) & I be-hest +te +tat I shal come to +tin ende at +ti deyng wyth my blyssed Modyr & myn holy awngelys & twelve apostelys , Seynt Kateryne , Seynt Margarete , Seynt Mary Mawdelyn , & many o+ter seyntys +tat ben in Hevyn , whech +gevyn gret worshep to me for +te grace +tat I +geue to +te , $+ti {TEXT:omit_+ti} God , +ti Lord Ihesu . (CMKEMPE,51.1146) +Tow +tart drede no grevows peynes in +ti deyng , (CMKEMPE,51.1147) for +tu xalt haue thy desyre , +tat is to haue mor mynde of my Passyon +tan on +tin owyn peyne . (CMKEMPE,51.1148) +Tu xalt not dredyn +te Devyl of Helle (CMKEMPE,51.1149) for he hath no powyr in +te . (CMKEMPE,51.1150) He dredyth +te mor +tan thow dost hym . (CMKEMPE,51.1151) He is wroth wyth +te , (CMKEMPE,51.1152) for +tu turmentyst hym mor wyth +ti wepyng +tan doth al +te fyer in helle ; (CMKEMPE,51.1153) +tu wynnyst many sowlys fro hym wyth +ti wepyng . (CMKEMPE,51.1154) & I haue be-hygth +te +tat +tu xuldyst noon o+ter Purgatory han +tan slawndyr & speche of +te world , (CMKEMPE,51.1155) for I haue chastysed +te my-self as I wolde be many gret dredys & turmentrijs +tat +tu hast had wyth euyl spyritys bo+t-4 in slepyng & wakyng many +gerys . (CMKEMPE,51.1156) & +terfor I schal preseruyn +te at +tin ende thorw my mercy +tat +tei schal no powyr haue ouyr +te ney+tyr in body ne in sowle ; (CMKEMPE,51.1157) it is gret grace & myracle +tat +tu hast thy bodyly wyttys for +te vexacyon +tat +tu hast had wyth hem a-for-tyme . (CMKEMPE,51.1158) I haue also , dowtyr , chastised +te wyth +te drede of my Godhede , (CMKEMPE,51.1159) & many tymes haue I feryd +te wyth gret tempestys of wyndys +tat +tu wendyst veniawns xuld a fallyn on +te for synne . (CMKEMPE,51.1160) I haue preuyd +te be many tribulacyons , many gret heuynes , & many grevows sekenes in so mech +tat +tu hast ben $a-noynted for deed , (CMKEMPE,51.1161) & al thorw my grace hast +tu skapyd . (CMKEMPE,51.1162) +Terfor drede +te nowt , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,51.1163) for wyth myn owyn handys , whech wer nayled to +te Crosse , I xal take +ti sowle fro +ti bodd wyth gret myrthe & melodye , wyth swet smellys & good odowrys , & offyr it to my Fadyr in Heuyn , (CMKEMPE,51.1164) +ter +tu xalt se hym face to face , wonyng wyth hym wythowtyn ende . (CMKEMPE,52.1165) Dowtyr , +tu xalt be ryte wolcome to my Fadyr & to my Modyr & to alle my seyntys in Hevyn , (CMKEMPE,52.1166) for +tu hast +gouyn hem drynkyn ful many tymes wyth teerys of thyn eyne . (CMKEMPE,52.1167) Alle myn holy seyntys xal enioyen of +ti comyng hom . (CMKEMPE,52.1168) +Tu xalt be fulfyllyd of al maner lofe +tat +tu coueytyst . (CMKEMPE,52.1169) +Tan xalt +tu blysse +te tyme +tat +tu wer wrowte & +te body +tat +te hath bowte . (CMKEMPE,52.1170) He xal joyen in +te & +tu in hym wyth-owtyn ende . (CMKEMPE,52.1171) Dowtyr , I be-hote +te +te same grace +tat I be-hyte Seynt Kateryne , Seynt Margarete , Seynt Barbara , & Seynt Powle , in so mech +tat what creatur in erth vn-to +te Day of Dom aske +te any bone & beleuyth +tat God louyth +te he xal haue hys bone er ellys a bettyr thyng . (CMKEMPE,52.1172) +Terfor +tei +tat beleuyn +tat God louyth +te +tei xal ben blyssed wythowtyn ende . (CMKEMPE,52.1173) The sowlys in Purgatory xal joyn in +ti comyng hom , (CMKEMPE,52.1174) for +tei knowyn wel +tat God louyth +te specyaly . (CMKEMPE,52.1175) & men in erth schal joyn in God for +te , (CMKEMPE,52.1176) for he xal werkyn meche grace for +te and makyn al +te world to knowyn +tat God louyth +te . (CMKEMPE,52.1177) +Tu hast be despysed for my lofe , (CMKEMPE,52.1178) & +terfor +tu xalt be worshepyd for my lofe . (CMKEMPE,52.1179) Dowtyr , whan +tu art in Heuyn , +tu xalt mown askyn what +tu wylt , (CMKEMPE,52.1180) & I xal grawnte +te al +ti desyr . (CMKEMPE,52.1181) I haue telde +te be-for-tyme +tat +tu art a synguler louer , (CMKEMPE,52.1182) & +terfor +tu xalt haue a synguler loue in Heuyn , a synguler reward , & a synguler worshep . (CMKEMPE,52.1183) & , for-as-mech as +tu art a mayden in +ti sowle , I xal take +te be +te on hand in Hevyn & my Modyr be +te o+ter hand , (CMKEMPE,52.1184) & so xalt +tu dawnsyn in Hevyn wyth o+ter holy maydens & virgynes , (CMKEMPE,52.1185) for I may clepyn +te dere a-bowte & myn owyn derworthy derlyng . (CMKEMPE,52.1186) I xal sey to +te , myn owyn blyssed spowse , ' Welcome to me wyth al maner of joye & gladnes , her to dwellyn wyth me & neuyr to departyn fro me wyth-owtyn ende , but euyr to dwellyn wyth me in joy & blysse , whech non eye may se , ne eer heryn , ne tunge telle , ne non hert thynkyn , +tat I haue ordeynd for +te & for alle my seruawntys +te whech desyryn to lofe me & plesyn me as +tu dost . ' " (CMKEMPE,53.1187) CAPITULUM 23 (CMKEMPE,53.1189) Ther cam onys a vykary to +tis creatur , preyng hir to prey for hym & wetyn whedyr he xuld mor plese God to leuyn hys cure & hys benefyce or to kepe it stylle , (CMKEMPE,53.1191) for hym thowt he profyted not a-mong hys parysshonys . (CMKEMPE,53.1192) +te creatur beyng in hir preyers hauyng mende of +tis mater , Crist seyde vn-to hir spyrite , " Bydde +te vykary kepyn stylle hys cure & hys benefyce & don hys diligence in prechyng & techyng of hem hys owyn persone and sumtyme procuryn o+ter to teche hem my lawys & my comawndmentys so +tat +ter be no defawte in hys parte , (CMKEMPE,53.1193) & , +gyf +tei do neuyr +te bettyr , hys mede xal neuyr be +te lesse . " (CMKEMPE,53.1194) & so sche dede hir massage as sche was comawndyd , (CMKEMPE,53.1195) & +te vykary kept stylle hys cur . (CMKEMPE,53.1196) As +tis creatur was in a cherch of Seynt Margarete in +te qwer wher a cors was present , & he +tat was husbond of +te same cors whyl sche leuyd was +ter in good hele for to offeryn hir Messe-peny aftyr +te custom of +te place , owyr Lord seyd to +te forseyd creatur , " Lo , dowtyr , +te sowle of +tis cors is in Purgatory , (CMKEMPE,53.1197) & he +tat was hir husbond is now in good hele , (CMKEMPE,53.1198) & +get he xal ben ded in schort tyme . " (CMKEMPE,53.1199) & so it be-fel as sche felt be reuelacyon . (CMKEMPE,53.1200) Also , as +tis creatur lay in +te qwer in hir preyers , a prest cam to hir (CMKEMPE,53.1201) & preyde hir to prey for a woman whech lay in poynt of deth . (CMKEMPE,53.1202) As +tis creatur gan to prey for hir , owyr Lord seyd to hir , " Dowtyr , it is gret nede to prey for hir , (CMKEMPE,53.1203) for sche hath ben a wykkyd woman (CMKEMPE,53.1204) & sche xal be ded . " (CMKEMPE,53.1205) & sche seyd a-+gen , " Lord , as +tu louyst me , saue hir sowle fro dampnacyon , " (CMKEMPE,54.1206) & +tan sche wept wyth plentyuows teerys for +tat sowle . (CMKEMPE,54.1207) & owyr Lord grawntyd hir mercy for +te sowle , comawndyng hir to prey for hir . (CMKEMPE,54.1208) Thys creaturys gostly fadyr cam to hir , mevyng hir to prey for a woman whech lay in poynt of deth to mannys sygthe . (CMKEMPE,54.1209) & a-non owyr Lord seyd sche xuld levyn & faryn wel , (CMKEMPE,54.1210) & so sche dede . (CMKEMPE,54.1211) A good man whech was a gret frend to +tis creatur & an helply to +te powyr pepyl was strongly seke many wekys to-gedyr . (CMKEMPE,54.1212) & mech mone was mad for hym , (CMKEMPE,54.1213) for men wend he xuld neuyr a leuyd , hys peyn was so wondyrful in alle hys joyntys & in al hys body . (CMKEMPE,54.1214) Owyr Lord Ihesu seyd to hir spirite , " Dowtyr , be not abaschyd for +tis man , (CMKEMPE,54.1215) he schal levyn & faryn rygth wel . " (CMKEMPE,54.1216) & so he leuyd many +gerys aftyr in good helth & prosperite . (CMKEMPE,54.1217) An-o+ter good man whech was a lyster lay seke also , (CMKEMPE,54.1218) & , whan +tis creature preyd for hym , it was answeryd to hir mende +tat he xulde languryn a whyle & sythen he xuld ben ded wyth +tat same sekenesse . (CMKEMPE,54.1219) & so he was in schort tyme aftyr . (CMKEMPE,54.1220) Also a worshepful woman & , as men leuyd , an holy woman whech was a specyal frende to +tis creatur was ryte seke , (CMKEMPE,54.1221) & mech pepyl wend sche xuld a be ded . (CMKEMPE,54.1222) +Tan , +tis creatur preyng for hyr , owyr Lord seyd , " sche xal not deyn +tis x +ger , (CMKEMPE,54.1223) for +ge schal aftyr +tis makyn ful mery to-gedyr & han ful good comunycacyon as +ge han had be-for . " (CMKEMPE,54.1224) & so it was in trewth : (CMKEMPE,54.1225) +tis holy woman leuyd many +gerys aftyr . (CMKEMPE,54.1226) Many mo swech reuelacyons +tis creatur had in felyng ; (CMKEMPE,54.1227) hem alle for to wryten it xuld be lettyng perauentur of mor profyte . (CMKEMPE,54.1228) +Tes be wretyn for to schewyn +te homlynes & +te goodlynes of owyr mercyful Lord Crist Ihesu & for no commendacyon of +te creatur . (CMKEMPE,54.1229) +Tes felyngys & swech o+ter many mo +tan be wretyn , bo+te of leuyng & of deyng , of summe to be sauyd , of summe to be dammyd , weryn to +tis creatur gret peyn & ponyschyng . (CMKEMPE,54.1230) Sche had leuar a sufferyd any bodyly penawns +tan +tes felyngys (CMKEMPE,54.1231) & sche mygth a put hem a-wey for +te dred +tat sche had of illusyons & deceytys of hir gostly enmys . (CMKEMPE,54.1232) Sche had sumtyme so gret trubbyl wyth swech felyngys whan it fel not trewe to hir vndyrstandyng , +tat hir confessowr feryd +tat sche xuld a fallyn in dyspeyr +terwyth . (CMKEMPE,55.1233) And +tan aftyr hir turbele & hir gret fere it xuld ben schewyd vn-to hir sowle how +te felyngys xuld ben vndyrstondyn . (CMKEMPE,55.1234) CAPITULUM 24 (CMKEMPE,55.1236) The prest whech wrot +tis boke for to preuyn +tis creaturys felyngys many tymes & dyuers tymes he askyd hir qwestyons & demawndys of thyngys +tat wer for to komyn , vn-sekyr & vncerteyn as +tat tyme to any creatur what xuld be +te ende , preyng hir , +tei sche wer loth & not wylly to do swech thyngys , for to prey to God +terfor & wetyn , whan owyr Lord wold visiten hir wyth deuocyon , what xuld be +te ende , and trewly wyth-owtyn any feynyng tellyn hym how sche felt , (CMKEMPE,55.1238) & ellys wold he not gladlych a wretyn +te boke . (CMKEMPE,55.1239) And so +tis creatur , sumdel for drede +tat he wold ellys not a folwyd hir entent for to wryten +tis boke , compellyd , dede as he preyd hir (CMKEMPE,55.1240) & telde hym hir felyngys what xuld be-fallyn in swech materys as he askyd hir +gyf hir felyngys wer trewth . (CMKEMPE,55.1241) & +tus he preuyd hem for very trewth . (CMKEMPE,55.1242) & +get he wold not alwey +geuyn credens to hir wordys , (CMKEMPE,55.1243) & +tat hyndryd hym in +tis maner +tat folwyth . (CMKEMPE,55.1244) It be-fel on a tyme +tat +ter cam a +gong man to +tis prest , whech +gong man +te preste neuyr sey be-forn , compleynyng to +te preste of pouerte & disese whech he was fallyn in be infortunyte , expleyntyng +te cawse of infortunyte , seying also he $had takyn holy orderys for to be a preste . (CMKEMPE,55.1245) For a lytil hastynes , hym-self defendyng as he myght not chesyn les +tan he wold a be ded thorw pursute of hys enmys , he smet a man or ellys tweyn , wher-thorw , as he seyde , wer ded or ellys lyche for to be ded . (CMKEMPE,55.1246) & so he was fallyn in-to irregularite (CMKEMPE,55.1247) & mygth not executyn hys orderys wyth-owtyn dispensacyon of +te Cowrt of Rome , (CMKEMPE,56.1248) & for +tis cawse he fled fro hys frendys (CMKEMPE,56.1249) & durst not comyn in hys contre for drede to be takyn for her deth . (CMKEMPE,56.1250) +te forseyd preste , +geuyng credens to +te +gong mannys wordys , in-as-mech as he was an amyabyl persone , fayr feturyd , wel faueryd in cher & in cuntenawns , sad in hys langage and dalyawns , prestly in hys gestur & vestur , hauyng compassyon of hys disese , purposyng to getyn hym frendys in-to hys relevyng & comfort , went to a worshepful burgeys in Lenn , a meyrs pere & a mercyful man , whech lay in gret seknes & long tyme had don , compleynyng to hym & to hys wyfe , a ful good woman , of +te myschef of +tis +gong man , trustyng to haue fayr almes as he oftyn-tyme had for o+ter +tat he askyd for . (CMKEMPE,56.1251) It happyd +te creatur of whom +tis boke is wretyn to ben +ter present & herd how +te preste compleyned for +te +gong man & how +te preste preysed hym . (CMKEMPE,56.1252) & sche was sor mevyd in hir spiryt a-geyns +tat +gong man , (CMKEMPE,56.1253) & seyd +tei haddyn many powyr neybowrys whech +tei knewyn wel a-now hadyn gret nede to ben holpyn & relevyd , (CMKEMPE,56.1254) & it was mor almes to helpyn hem +tat +tei knewyn wel for wel dysposyd folke & her owyn neybowrys +tan o+ter strawngerys whech +tei knew not , (CMKEMPE,56.1255) for many spekyn (CMKEMPE,56.1256) & schewyn ful fayr owtward to +te sygth of +te pepyl , (CMKEMPE,56.1257) God knowyth what +tei arn in her sowlys . (CMKEMPE,56.1258) The good man & hys wyfe thowtyn +tat sche seyd rygth wel , (CMKEMPE,56.1259) & +terfor +tei woldyn grawntyn hym non almes . (CMKEMPE,56.1260) At +tat tyme +te preste was euyl plesyd wyth +tis creatur , (CMKEMPE,56.1261) & , whan he mett wyth hir a-lone , he rehersyd how sche had lettyd hym +tat he mygth non almes getyn for +te +gong man whech was $a wel dysposyd man as hym thowt (CMKEMPE,56.1262) & commendyd mech hys gouernawns . (CMKEMPE,56.1263) +te creatur seyd , " Sere , God knowyth what hys gouernawns is , (CMKEMPE,56.1264) for , +tat I wot of , I sey hym neuyr . (CMKEMPE,56.1265) & +get I haue vndyrstondyng what hys gouernawns xuld be , (CMKEMPE,56.1266) & +terfor , ser , yf +ge wyl do be my cownsel & aftyr +tat I fele , latyth hym chesyn & helpyn hym-selfe as wel as he can (CMKEMPE,56.1267) & medyl +ge not wyth hym , (CMKEMPE,56.1268) for he xal dysceyue +gow at +te last . " (CMKEMPE,56.1269) +te +gong man resortyd alwey to +te preste , flateryng hym & seyng +tat he hath good frendys in o+ter placys whech xuld helpyn hym +gyf +tei wysten wher he wer , & +tat in schort tyme , & also +tei woldyn thankyn +to personys +tat had supportyd hym in hys dysese . (CMKEMPE,57.1270) The preste , trustyng it xuld be as +tis +gong man teld hym , lent hym syluer wyth good wyl to helpyn hym wyth . (CMKEMPE,57.1271) +te +gong man preyed +te preste to haue hym excused if he sey hym not of too days er thre , (CMKEMPE,57.1272) for he xuld gon a lytyl wey & comyn a-geyn in schort tyme & bryng hym a-+gen hys syluer rygth wel & trewly . (CMKEMPE,57.1273) The preste , hauyng confidens in hys promysse , was wel content , grawntyng hym good lofe & leue vn-to +te day whech he had promysed to come a-geyn . (CMKEMPE,57.1274) Whan he was gon , +te forseyde creatur hauyng vndyrstondyng be felyng in hir sowle as owyr Lord wold schewyn +tat he was an vntrewe man & no mor wold come a-geyn , sche for to preve whe+tyr hir felyng was trewe or fals askyd +te preste whe+tyr +te +gong man was +tat he had preysed so mech . (CMKEMPE,57.1275) The preste seyd he walkyd a lytil way & trustyd +tat he wold come a-geyn . (CMKEMPE,57.1276) Sche seyd sche supposyd +tat he wold no mor se hym , (CMKEMPE,57.1277) ne no mor he dede neuyr aftyr . (CMKEMPE,57.1278) & +tan he repentyd hym +tat he had not don aftyr hir cownsel . (CMKEMPE,57.1279) In schort tyme aftyr +tis was passyd , comyth an-o+ter fals schrewe , an elde man , to +te same preste (CMKEMPE,57.1280) & proferyd hym a portose , a good lytyl boke , for to selle . (CMKEMPE,57.1281) +te preste went to +te forseyd creatur , preyng hir to preye for hym & wetyn whedyr God wolde he xulde by +te boke er not , (CMKEMPE,57.1282) & , whyl sche preyd , he cheryd +te man as wel as he cowde , (CMKEMPE,57.1283) & sythen he cam a-geyn to +tis creatur (CMKEMPE,57.1284) & askyd how sche felt . (CMKEMPE,57.1285) " Syr , " sche seyth , " byith no boke of hym , (CMKEMPE,57.1286) for he is not to trustyn vp-on , (CMKEMPE,57.1287) & +tat xal +ge wel knowyn +gyf +ge medyl wyth $hym . " (CMKEMPE,57.1288) Than +te preste preyde +te man +tat he mygt se +tis boke . (CMKEMPE,57.1289) +te man seyde he hath it not vp-on hym . (CMKEMPE,57.1290) +te preste askyd how he cam +terby . (CMKEMPE,57.1291) He seyd he was executor to a preste whech was of hys kynred , & he chargyd hym to sellyn it & dysposyn it for hym . (CMKEMPE,57.1292) " Fadyr , " seyde +te preste be-cawse of reuerens , " why profyr +ge me +tis boke ra+tar +tan o+ter men or o+ter prestys whan +ter arn many mo thryftyare , richare prestys in +tis cherch +tan I am , & I wel wot +ge had neuyr no knowlach of me be-fore +tis tyme ? " (CMKEMPE,58.1293) " For-so+te , syr , " he seyde , " no mor I had , (CMKEMPE,58.1294) neuyr-+te-les I haue good wyl wyth +gowr persone , (CMKEMPE,58.1295) & also it was hys wyl +tat awt it be-for +tat , +gef I knew any +gong preste +tat me thowt sad & wel dysposyd , +tat he xuld han +tis boke be-fore any o+ter man & for lesse prys +tan any o+ter man +tat he myt prey for hym . (CMKEMPE,58.1296) & +tese cawsys mevyn me to come to +gow ra+ter +tan to an-o+ter man . " (CMKEMPE,58.1297) +te preste askyd wher was hys dwellyng . (CMKEMPE,58.1298) " Ser , " he seyde , " but fyve myle fro +tis place in Penteney Abbey . " (CMKEMPE,58.1299) " +Ter haue I ben , " seyd +te preste , (CMKEMPE,58.1300) " & I haue not sey +gow . " (CMKEMPE,58.1301) " No ser , " seyd he a-geyn , " I haue be +ter but lytyl whyle (CMKEMPE,58.1302) & now haue I ther a lyuery , (CMKEMPE,58.1303) +tankyd be God . " (CMKEMPE,58.1304) +te preste preyd hym +tat he mygth haue a sygth of +te boke & lokyn yf +tei mygth acordyn . (CMKEMPE,58.1305) He seyde , " Sere , I hope to be her a-geyn +te next woke & bryng it wyth me (CMKEMPE,58.1306) & , ser , I be-hote +gow +ge schal haue it before any o+ter man +gyf +gow lyke it . " (CMKEMPE,58.1307) +te preste +tankyd hym for hys good wyl , (CMKEMPE,58.1308) & so they partyd a-sundyr , (CMKEMPE,58.1309) but +te man wold neuyr comyn at +te preste aftyr , (CMKEMPE,58.1310) & +tan +te preste knew wel +tat +te forseyd creaturys felyng was trewe . (CMKEMPE,58.1311) CAPITULUM 25 (CMKEMPE,58.1313) Ferthermore her folwyth a rygth notabyl matere of +te creaturys felyng , (CMKEMPE,58.1315) & it is wretyn her for conuenyens in-as-mech as it is in felyng leche to +te materys +tat ben wretyn be-forn , notwythstondyng it befel long aftyr +te materys whech folwyn . (CMKEMPE,58.1316) It happyd in a worshepful town wher was o parysch cherch & tweyn chapelys annexid , +te chapellys hauyng & mynystryng alle sacramentys , except only cristenyng & purificacyons , thorw sufferawns of +te person , whech was a monke of Seynt $Benetys Ordyr sent fro +te hows of Norwych , kepyng resydens wyth iij of hys bretheryn in +te worshepful town be-forn-wretyn . (CMKEMPE,58.1317) Thorw summe of +te parischenys desyryng to make +te chapelys lych to +te parysch cherch , pursuyng a bulle fro +te Cowrt of Rome , fel gret ple & gret heuynes be-twen +te Priowr whech was her person & curat & +te forseyd paryschenys +tat desyred to haue fvntys & purificacyons in +te chapelys lych as weryn in +te parysch cherch . (CMKEMPE,59.1318) & specyaly in +te on chapel whech was +te grettar & +te fayrare +tei wold haue a funte . (CMKEMPE,59.1319) +Ter was pursuyd a bulle , in +te whech was grawntyd a funte to +te chapel so it wer no derogacyon to +te parysch cherch . (CMKEMPE,59.1320) +te bulle was put in ple , (CMKEMPE,59.1321) & diuers days wer kept be forme of lawe to preuyn whe+tyr +te funte , +gyf it wer had , xuld ben derogacyon to +te parysch chyrch or nowt . (CMKEMPE,59.1322) +te paryschenys whech pursuyd weryn rygth strong (CMKEMPE,59.1323) & haddyn gret help of lordshyp , (CMKEMPE,59.1324) & also , +te most of alle , +tei wer ryche men , worshepful marchawntys , (CMKEMPE,59.1325) & haddyn gold a-now , whech may spede in euery nede , (CMKEMPE,59.1326) & +tat is rewth +tat mede xuld spede er +tan trewth . (CMKEMPE,59.1327) Neuyr-+te-lesse +te Priowr whech was her person , +tei he wer powyr , manfully he wythstod hem thorw +te help of summe of hys paryschenys whech wer hys frendys & louedyn +te worshep of her parysch chyrch . (CMKEMPE,59.1328) So long +tis mater was in ple +tat it be-gan yrkyn hem on bo+te sydes , (CMKEMPE,59.1329) & it was neuyr +te nerar an ende . (CMKEMPE,59.1330) +Tan was +te mater put in my Lord of Norwych Alnewyk to say if he mygth be trety bryng it to an ende . (CMKEMPE,59.1331) $He laboryd +tis mater diligently , (CMKEMPE,59.1332) & for to settyn rest & pes he proferyd +te forseyd paryschenys mych of her desyre wyth certeyn condycyons , in so mech +tat +tei +tat heldyn wyth +te person & wyth her parysch chyrche weryn ful sory , dredyng gretly +tat +tei +tat suyd for to haue a funte xuld obteyn & getyn her intent & so makyn +te chapel eqwal to +te parysch cherch . (CMKEMPE,59.1333) Than +te preste whech aftyrward wrot +tis boke went to +te creatur of whom +tis tretys makyth mencyon , as he had don be-forn in +te tyme of ple , (CMKEMPE,59.1334) & askyd hir how sche felt in hir sowle in +tis mater whe+tyr +tei xuld haue a funte in +te chapel or nowt . (CMKEMPE,59.1335) " Syr , " seyd +te creatur , " drede +ge not , (CMKEMPE,59.1336) for I vndyrstond in my sowle , +tow +tei woldyn $+geve a buschel of nobelys , +tei xuld not haue it . " (CMKEMPE,59.1337) " A modyr , " seyd +te preste , " my Lord of Norwych hath proferyd it hem wyth certeyn condycyons , (CMKEMPE,60.1338) & +tei haue a tyme of avysement for to sey nay or +ga whe+tyr +tei wyl , (CMKEMPE,60.1339) and +terfor I am a-ferd +tei wyl not deny it but be ryt glad to haue it . " (CMKEMPE,60.1340) Thys creatur preyd to God +tat hys wyl myt be fulfyllyd . (CMKEMPE,60.1341) & , for-as-mech as sche had be reuelacyon +tat +tei xuld not haue it , sche was +te mor bold to preyn owyr Lord to wythstonde her intent & to slakyn her bost . (CMKEMPE,60.1342) And , so as owyr Lord wolde , +tei obeyd not (CMKEMPE,60.1343) ne lyked not +te menys whech wer proferyd hem , (CMKEMPE,60.1344) for +tei trostyd fully to han her entent be lordshep & be proces of lawe ; (CMKEMPE,60.1345) & , as God wolde , +tei wer deceyuyd of her entent , (CMKEMPE,60.1346) and for +tei wold han al +tei lost al . (CMKEMPE,60.1347) And so , blyssed mot God ben , +te parysch cherch stod stylle in her worshep & hyr degre as sche had don ij hundryd +ger befor & mor , (CMKEMPE,60.1348) and +te inspiracyon of owyr Lord was be experiens preuyd for very sothfast & sekyr in +te forseyd creatur . (CMKEMPE,60.1349) Whan tyme cam +tat +tis creatur xuld vysiten +to holy placys wher owyr Lord was whyk & ded , as sche had be reuelacyon +gerys a-forn , sche preyd +te parysch preste of +te town +ter sche was dwellyng to sey for hir in +te pulpyt +tat , yf any man er woman +tat cleymyd any dette of hir husbond or of hir +tei xuld come & speke wyth hir er sche went , & sche , wyth +te help of God , xulde makyn a-seth to ech of hem +tat +tei sehuldyn heldyn hem content . (CMKEMPE,60.1350) & so sche dede . (CMKEMPE,60.1351) Sythen sche toke hir leue at hir husbond & of +te holy ankyr , whech had teld hir beforn +te proces of hir goyng & mech dysese +tat sche xuld sufferyn be +te wey , and , whan alle hir felaschep forsoke hir , how a broke-bakkyd man xuld ledyn hire forth in safte thorw +te help of owyr Lord . (CMKEMPE,60.1352) & so it be-fel in dede , as it xal be wretyn aftyrwarde . (CMKEMPE,60.1353) Than sche toke hir leue of Maystyr Robert (CMKEMPE,60.1354) & preyd hym of hys blyssyng , & so forth of o+ter frendys . (CMKEMPE,60.1355) & +tan sche went forth to Norwych (CMKEMPE,60.1356) and offeryd at +te Trinite , (CMKEMPE,60.1357) & sythen sche went to +Germowth , (CMKEMPE,60.1358) & offeryd at an ymage of owyr Lady , (CMKEMPE,60.1359) & +ter sche toke hir schyp . (CMKEMPE,60.1360) & +te next day +tei cam to a gret town hyte Seryce , wher owyr Lord of hys hey goodnesse vysited +tis creatur wyth abundawnt teerys of contricyon for hir owyn synnes and sumtyme for o+ter mennys synnes also . (CMKEMPE,61.1361) And specyaly sche had teerys of compassyon in +te mende of owyr Lordys Passyon . (CMKEMPE,61.1362) And sche was howselyd eche Sonday wher +tat tyme was & place conuenient +terto wyth gret wepyngys & boystows sobbyngys +tat many men merueyled & wonderyd of +te gret grace +tat God wrowt in hys creatur . (CMKEMPE,61.1363) Thys creatur had etyn no flesch ne drunkyn no wyn iiij +gere er sche went owt of Ynglond . (CMKEMPE,61.1364) And as now hyr gostly fadyr chargyd hir be vertu of obediens +tat sche xulde bothyn etyn flesch & drynkyn wyn , & so sche dede a lytyl whyle . (CMKEMPE,61.1365) Sythen sche preyd hir confessowr he wolde heldyn hir excused +tow sche ete no flesch , (CMKEMPE,61.1366) and suffred hir to do as sche wold for a tyme as hym lykyd . (CMKEMPE,61.1367) And sone aftyr thorw meuyng of summe of her cumpany hyr confessowr was dysplesyd for sche ete no flesch , (CMKEMPE,61.1368) & so was mech of alle +te cumpany . (CMKEMPE,61.1369) And +tei wer most displesyd for sche wepyd so mech & spak alwey of +te lofe & goodnes of owyr Lord as wel at +te tabyl as in o+ter place . (CMKEMPE,61.1370) & +terfor schamfully +tei repreuyd hir & alto-chedyn hir & seyden +tei wold not suffren hir as hir husbond dede whan sche was at hom & in Inglond . (CMKEMPE,61.1371) And sche seyd mekely a-geyn vn-to hem , " Owyr Lord al-mygty God is as gret a lord her as in Inglond , (CMKEMPE,61.1372) & as gret cawse haue I to lofe hym her as +ter , (CMKEMPE,61.1373) blyssed mot he be . " (CMKEMPE,61.1374) For +tes wordys hir felaschep was wro+tar +tan +tei wer be-forn , whose wreth & vnkyndnesse to +tis creatur was mater of gret heuynes , (CMKEMPE,61.1375) for +tei wer holdyn ryt good men , (CMKEMPE,61.1376) & sche desyred $gretly her lofe +gyf sche myth an had it to +te plesawns of God . (CMKEMPE,61.1377) & +tan sche seyd to oon of hem specyaly , " +Ge do me meche schame & gret greuawns . " (CMKEMPE,61.1378) He answeryd a-geyn a-noon , " I prey God +tat +te Deuelys deth mote ouyr-go +te sone & ra+te , " (CMKEMPE,61.1379) & many mo cruel wordys he seyd to hir +tan sche cowde rehersyn . (CMKEMPE,61.1380) And sone aftyr summe of +te cumpany on whech sche trostyd best & hir owyn mayden also seyden sche xuld no lengar gon in her felaschep , (CMKEMPE,62.1381) & +tei seyden +tei woldyn han a-wey hyr mayden fro hir +tat sche xuld no strumpet be in hyr cumpany . (CMKEMPE,62.1382) & +tan on of hem $whech had hir gold in kepyng left hir a nobyl wyth gret angyr & tene to go wher sche wolde & helpyn hir-self as wel as sche myth , (CMKEMPE,62.1383) for wyth hem , +tei seyden , sche xuld no lengar abyde , (CMKEMPE,62.1384) & forsokyn hir +tat nygth . (CMKEMPE,62.1385) +Tan on +te next morwyn +ter com to hir on of her cumpany , a man whech louyd hir wel , preyng hir +tat sche wold go to hys felaws & mekyn hir on-to hem & preyn hem +tat sche myth go stylle in her cumpany tyl sche come at Constawns . (CMKEMPE,62.1386) & so sche dede , (CMKEMPE,62.1387) & went forth wyth hem tyl sche cam at Constawns wyth gret dissese & gret turbyl , (CMKEMPE,62.1388) for +tei dedyn hir mech shame & mech reprefe as +tei $wentyn in dyuers placys . (CMKEMPE,62.1389) They cuttyd hir gown so schort +tat it come but lytil be-nethyn hir kne (CMKEMPE,62.1390) & dedyn hir don on a whyte canwas in maner of a sekkyn gelle , for sche xuld ben holdyn a fool & +te pepyl xuld not makyn of hir ne han hir in reputacyon . (CMKEMPE,62.1391) +Tei madyn hir to syttyn at +te tabelys ende be-nethyn alle o+ter +tat sche durst ful euyl spekyn a word . (CMKEMPE,62.1392) & not-wythstondyng al her malyce , sche was had in mor worshep +tan +tei $wher $+tat $euyr {TEXT:wher-+tat-euyr} +tei comyn . (CMKEMPE,62.1393) & +te good man of +te hows +ter +tei wer hostellyd , +tow sche sat lowest at +te tablys ende , wold al-wey cheryn hir be-for hem alle as he cowde & myth (CMKEMPE,62.1394) & sent hir of hys owyn mees of swech seruyse as he had , (CMKEMPE,62.1395) & +tat greuyd hir felawshep ful euyl . (CMKEMPE,62.1396) As +tei went be +te wey $to-Constawns-ward , it was teld hem +tei xuldyn ben $harmyd & han gret disese les +tan +tei had gret grace . (CMKEMPE,62.1397) Than +tis creatur cam be a cherch (CMKEMPE,62.1398) & went in to make hir prayer , (CMKEMPE,62.1399) & sche preyde wyth al hir hert , wyth gret wepyng & many teerys , for help & socowr ageyn her enmys . (CMKEMPE,62.1400) A-noon owyr Lord seyd to hir mende , " Drede +te nowt , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,62.1401) +ti felawshep xal non harm han whyl +tu art in her cumpany . " (CMKEMPE,62.1402) And so , blyssed mote owyr Lord ben in alle hys werkys , +tei wentyn forth in safte to Constawns . (CMKEMPE,62.1403) Than +tis creatur & hir felawshep was come to Constawns , sche herd tellyn of an Englysch frer , a maystyr of diuinite & +te Popys legat , was in +tat cite . (CMKEMPE,63.1405) +Tan sche went to +tat worshepful man (CMKEMPE,63.1406) & schewyd hym hire lyfe fro +te be-gynnyng vn-to +tat owyr as ny as sche mygth in confessyon , be-cause he was +te Popys legate & a worshepful clerk . (CMKEMPE,63.1407) & aftyr sche teld hym what disese sche had wyth hir felawshep . (CMKEMPE,63.1408) Sche teld hym also what grace God +gaf hir of contricyon & compunccyon , of swetnes & deuocyon , & of many dyuers reuelacyons whech owyr Lord had reuelyd vn-to hir , & +te dred +tat sche had of jllusyons & deceytys of hir gostly enmys , wher-for sche leuyd in gret drede , desyryng to putte hem a-way & non for to felyn +gyf sche myth wythstonde hem . (CMKEMPE,63.1409) & , whan sche had seyd , +te worshepful clerke +gaf hir wordys of gret comfort (CMKEMPE,63.1410) & seyd it was +te werke of +te Holy Gost , comawndyng & chargyng hir to obey hem & receyue hem whan God wold +geue hem & no dowt han , (CMKEMPE,63.1411) for +te Deuyl hath no powyr to werkyn swech grace in a sowle . (CMKEMPE,63.1412) & also he seyd he wold supportyn hir a-+gen +te euyl wyl of hir felawschep . (CMKEMPE,63.1413) Aftyrward , whan it lykyd hir felawshep , +tei preyde +tis worthy doctowr to dyner . (CMKEMPE,63.1414) And +te doctowr teld so +te forseyd creatur , warnyng hir to syttyn at +te mete in hys presens as sche dede in hys absens & kepyn +te same maner of gouernawns +tat sche kept whan he was not +ter . (CMKEMPE,63.1415) Whan tyme was comyn +tat +tei schulde syttyn at mete , euery man toke hys place as hym lyked , (CMKEMPE,63.1416) +te worshepful legat & doctowr fyrst sett , & sythen o+ter , & at +te last +te seyd creatur at +te bordys ende $syttyng & no word spekyng as sche was won to do whan +te legate was not +ter . (CMKEMPE,63.1417) +Tan +te legate seyd vn-to hir , " Why ar +ge no myryar ? " (CMKEMPE,63.1418) & sche sat stylle (CMKEMPE,63.1419) & answeryd not , as hymself had comawndyd hir to do . (CMKEMPE,63.1420) Whan +tei had etyn , +te company mad gret compleynt vp-on +tis creatur to +te legate , (CMKEMPE,63.1421) & $seyd vttyrly sche xulde no lengar be in her company les +tan he wolde comawndyn hir to etyn flesch as +tei dedyn & levyn hir wepyng & +tat sche xulde not speke so mech of holynes . (CMKEMPE,64.1422) +Tan +te worshepful doctowr seyde , " Nay , serys , I wyl not don hir etyn flesch whyl sche may absteyne hir & ben +te bettyr disposyd to louyn owyr Lord . (CMKEMPE,64.1423) Whech of +gow alle +tat mad avowe to gon to Rome barfote I wolde not dispense wyth hym of hys vow whyl he myth fulfillyn it , (CMKEMPE,64.1424) ne I wyl not byddyn hir etyn flesch whyl owyr Lord +geuyth hir strength to absteyne . (CMKEMPE,64.1425) As for hyr wepyng , it is not in my power to restreyn it , (CMKEMPE,64.1426) for it is +te +gyft of +te Holy Gost . (CMKEMPE,64.1427) As for hir spekyng , I wyl prey hir to sesyn tyl sche comyth +ter men wyl her hir wyth bettyr wyl +tan +ge wyl do . " (CMKEMPE,64.1428) The company was wroth & in gret angyr . (CMKEMPE,64.1429) +Tei +gouyn hir ouyr to +te legate (CMKEMPE,64.1430) & seyden vttyrly +tei woldyn no mor medyl wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,64.1431) He ful benyngly & goodly receyued hir as +tow sche had ben hys modyr (CMKEMPE,64.1432) & receyued hir golde a-bowte xx pownd , (CMKEMPE,64.1433) & +get on of hem wythhelde wrongfully abowte xvj pownd . (CMKEMPE,64.1434) & +tei wythheldyn also hir mayden (CMKEMPE,64.1435) & wolde not letyn hir gon wyth hir maystres , not-wythstondyng sche had behestyd hir maystres & sekyrd hir +tat sche xulde not forsake hir for no nede . (CMKEMPE,64.1436) And +te legate ordeyned for +tis creatur (CMKEMPE,64.1437) & made hir chawnge as sche had ben hys modyr . (CMKEMPE,64.1438) +Tan +tis creatur went in-to a cherche (CMKEMPE,64.1439) & preyd owyr Lorde to ordeyn hir a ledar . (CMKEMPE,64.1440) & a-non owyr Lord spak to hir (CMKEMPE,64.1441) & seyd , " +Tu xalt haue rygth good help & a good ledar , " (CMKEMPE,64.1442) & aswythe aftyr +ter cam to hir an olde man wyth a whyte berde . (CMKEMPE,64.1443) He was of Deuyn-schir , (CMKEMPE,64.1444) & he seyd , " Damsel , wyl +ge prey me for Goddys lofe & for owyr Ladys to gon wyth +gow & ben +gowr $gyde (CMKEMPE,64.1445) for +gowr cuntre-men han forsake +gow ? " (CMKEMPE,64.1446) Sche askyd what was hys name . (CMKEMPE,64.1447) He seyde , " My name is Willyam Wever . " (CMKEMPE,64.1448) Sche preyd hym at +te reuerens of God & of owyr Lady +tat he wolde helpyn hir at hir nede , (CMKEMPE,64.1449) & sche xulde wel rewardyn hym for hys labowre . (CMKEMPE,64.1450) & so +tei wer a-cordyd . (CMKEMPE,64.1451) +Tan went sche to +te legate (CMKEMPE,64.1452) & telde hym how wel owyr Lord had ordeynd for hir , (CMKEMPE,65.1453) & toke hir leue of hym & of hir cumpany +tat so vngoodly had refusyd hir & also of hir mayden whech was bowndyn to a gon wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,65.1454) Sche toke hir leue wyth ful heuy cher & rewful , hauyng gret heuynes in-as-meche as sche was in strawnge cuntre & cowde no langage ne +te man +tat xuld ledyn hir ney+tyr . (CMKEMPE,65.1455) & so +te man & sche went forth to-gydder in gret drede & heuynes . (CMKEMPE,65.1456) As +tei went to-gydder , +te man seyd vn-to hir , " I am a-ferde +tu xalt be take fro me & I xal be betyn for +te & forberyn my tabbarde . " (CMKEMPE,65.1457) Sche seyd , " Willyam , dredyth +gow not ; (CMKEMPE,65.1458) God xal kepyn vs rygth wel . " (CMKEMPE,65.1459) And +tis creatur had euery day mend of +te Gospel whech tellyth of +te woman whech was takyn in a-vowtre & browt be-forn owyr Lord . (CMKEMPE,65.1460) & +tan sche preyde , " Lord , as +tow dreve awey hir enmys , so dryfe a-wey myn enmys , (CMKEMPE,65.1461) & kepe wel my chastite +tat I vowyd to +te , (CMKEMPE,65.1462) & late me neuyr be defowlyd , (CMKEMPE,65.1463) for +gyf I be , Lord , I make myn a-vow I wyl neuyr come in Inglonde whil I leue . " (CMKEMPE,65.1464) +Tan went +tei forth day be day (CMKEMPE,65.1465) & met wyth many joly men . (CMKEMPE,65.1466) & +tei seyd non euyl worde to +tis creatur (CMKEMPE,65.1467) but +gouyn hir & hyr man mete & drynke , (CMKEMPE,65.1468) & +te good wyvys +ter +tei weryn at inne leyden hir in her owyn beddys for Goddys lofe in many placys +ter +tei come . (CMKEMPE,65.1469) & owyr Lord vysite hir wyth gret grace of gostly comfort as sche went be +te wey . (CMKEMPE,65.1470) & so God browt hir forth tyl sche cam to Boleyn de Grace . (CMKEMPE,65.1471) & , aftyr +tat sche was come +tedyr , cam hir o+ter felawshep +tedyr also whech had for-sakyn hir be-for . (CMKEMPE,65.1472) & , whan +tei herdyn sey +tat sche was come to Boleyn er +tan +tei , +tan had +tei gret wondyr , (CMKEMPE,65.1473) & on of her felawshep cam to hir preyng hir to gon to hys felaschep & asayn +gyf +tei woldyn receyuen hir a-geyn in-to her felawshep . (CMKEMPE,65.1474) & so sche dede . (CMKEMPE,65.1475) " +Gyf +ge wyl gon in owyr felawshep , +ge must makyn a new comnawnt , (CMKEMPE,65.1476) & +tat is +tis , (CMKEMPE,65.1477) +ge schal not $speke of +te Gospel wher we come , (CMKEMPE,65.1478) but +ge schal syttyn stylle & makyn mery , as we don , bo+tin at mete & at soper . " (CMKEMPE,65.1479) Sche consentyd (CMKEMPE,65.1480) & was receyuyd a-geyn in-to hir felawshep . (CMKEMPE,65.1481) +Tan went +tei forth to Venyce (CMKEMPE,65.1482) & +tei dwellyd +ter xiij wekys . (CMKEMPE,65.1483) & +tis creatur was howselyd euery Sonday in a gret hows of nunnys (CMKEMPE,65.1484) & had gret cher a-mong hem , wher owyr mercyful Lord Cryst Ihesu visite +tis creatur wyth gret deuocyon & plentyuows terys +tat +te good ladijs of +te place wer mech a-merueylyd +terof . (CMKEMPE,66.1485) Sythyn it happyd , as +tis creatur sat at mete wyth hir felawshep , +tat sche rehersyd a text of a Gospel lych as sche had leryd be-for-tyme wyth o+ter goode wordys . (CMKEMPE,66.1486) And a-non hir felawshep seyd sche had brokyn comenawnt . (CMKEMPE,66.1487) & sche seyd , " +Ga , serys , forso+te I may no lengar hold +gow comenawnt , (CMKEMPE,66.1488) for I must nedys speke of my Lord Ihesu Crist +tow al +tis world had forbodyn it me . " (CMKEMPE,66.1489) & +tan sche toke hir chawmbre (CMKEMPE,66.1490) & ete a-lone vj wokys vn-to +te tyme +tat owyr Lord mad hir so seke +tat sche wend to a be ded , (CMKEMPE,66.1491) & sythyn sodeynly he mad hir hool a-+gen . (CMKEMPE,66.1492) & al +te tyme hir mayden let hir a-lone (CMKEMPE,66.1493) & mad +te cumpanyes mete (CMKEMPE,66.1494) & wesch her clo+tis , (CMKEMPE,66.1495) & to hir maystres , whom sche had behestyd servyse , sche wolde no dele attende . (CMKEMPE,66.1496) Also +tis cumpany whech had putt +te forseyd creatur fro her tabyl +tat sche xulde no lengar etyn a-mong hem ordeynd a schip for hem-self to seylyn in . (CMKEMPE,66.1497) +Tei bowtyn vessellys for her wyn (CMKEMPE,66.1498) & ordeyned hem beddyng for hemselfe but no-thyng for hir . (CMKEMPE,66.1499) Than sche , seyng her vnkyndnesse , went to +tat same man wher +tei haddyn ben , (CMKEMPE,66.1500) & purueyd for hyr beddyng as +tei had don , (CMKEMPE,66.1501) & cam +ter +tei weryn (CMKEMPE,66.1502) and schewyd hem how sche had don , purposyng to seylyn wyth hem in +tat schyp whech +tei had ordeyned . (CMKEMPE,66.1503) Sithyn , as +tis creatur was in contemplacyon , owyr Lord warnyd hir in hir mende +tat sche xuld not seylyn in +tat schip , (CMKEMPE,66.1504) & he assyngned hir ano+ter schip , a galey , +tat sche xulde seylyn in . (CMKEMPE,66.1505) Than sche told +tis $to summe of +te cumpany , (CMKEMPE,66.1506) & +tei teld it forth to her felawshep , (CMKEMPE,66.1507) & +tan +tei durst not seyl in +te schip whech +tei had ordeyned . (CMKEMPE,66.1508) & so +tei seldyn a-wey her vessellys whech +tei had ordeyned for her wynys (CMKEMPE,66.1509) & wer ryth fayn to comyn to +te galey +ter sche was , (CMKEMPE,66.1510) & so , +tow it wer a-geyn her wyl , sche went forth wyth hem in her cumpany , (CMKEMPE,67.1511) for +tei durst non o+ter-wyse don . (CMKEMPE,67.1512) Whan it was tyme to makyn her beddys , +tei lokyd up her clo+tis , (CMKEMPE,67.1513) & a preste wech was in her cumpany toke a-wey a schete fro +te forseyd creatur (CMKEMPE,67.1514) & seyd it was hys . (CMKEMPE,67.1515) Sche toke God to wytnesse +tat it was hire schete . (CMKEMPE,67.1516) Than +te preste swor a gret othe , & be +te boke in hys hand , +tat sche was as fals as sche mygth be (CMKEMPE,67.1517) & dispysed hir (CMKEMPE,67.1518) & alto-rebukyd hir . (CMKEMPE,67.1519) & so sche had euyr mech tribulacyon tyl sche cam to Iherusalem . (CMKEMPE,67.1520) & , er sche cam +ter , sche seyd to hem +tat sche supposyd +tei weryn grevyd wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,67.1521) " I prey +gow , serys , beth in charite wyth me , (CMKEMPE,67.1522) for I am in charite wyth +gow , (CMKEMPE,67.1523) & for+geuyth me +tat I haue grevyd +gow be +te wey . (CMKEMPE,67.1524) & , +gyf any of +gow hath any-+ting trespasyd a-+gens me , God for+geue it +gow , (CMKEMPE,67.1525) & I do . " (CMKEMPE,67.1526) & so +tei went forth in-to +te Holy Lond tyl +tei myth se Ierusalem . (CMKEMPE,67.1527) And , whan +tis creatur saw Ierusalem , rydyng on an asse , sche thankyd God wyth al hir hert , preyng hym for hys mercy +tat lych as he had browt hir to se +tis erdly cyte Ierusalem he wold grawntyn hir grace to se +te blysful cite Ierusalem a-bouyn , +te cyte of Heuyn . (CMKEMPE,67.1528) Owyr Lord Ihesu Cryst , answeryng to hyr thowt , grawntyd hir to haue hir desyr . (CMKEMPE,67.1529) +Tan , for joy +tat sche had & +te swetnes +tat sche felt in +te dalyawnce of owyr Lord , sche was in poynt to a fallyn of hir asse , (CMKEMPE,67.1530) for sche myth not beryn +te swetnesse & grace +tat God wrowt in hir sowle . (CMKEMPE,67.1531) +Tan tweyn pylgrymys of Duchemen went to hir & kept hir fro fallyng , of whech +te on was a preste . (CMKEMPE,67.1532) And he put spycys in hir mowth to comfort hir , wenyng sche had ben seke . (CMKEMPE,67.1533) & so +tei holpyn hir forth to Ierusalem . (CMKEMPE,67.1534) And , whan sche cam +ter , sche seyd , " Serys , I prey +gow beth nowt displesyd +tow I wepe sore in +tis holy place wher owyr Lord Ihesu Crist was qwyk & ded . " (CMKEMPE,67.1535) Than went +tei to +te Tempyl in Ierusalem , (CMKEMPE,67.1536) & +tei wer latyn in on +te to day at evynsong-tyme (CMKEMPE,68.1537) & abydyn +ter-in til +te next day at euynsong-tyme . (CMKEMPE,68.1538) +Tan +te frerys lyftyd up a cros (CMKEMPE,68.1539) & led +te pylgrimys a-bowte fro $on place to an-o+ter wher owyr Lord had sufferyd hys $peynys and hys passyons , euery man & woman beryng a wax candel in her hand . (CMKEMPE,68.1540) & +te frerys al-wey , as +tei went a-bowte , teld hem what owyr Lord sufferyd in euery place . (CMKEMPE,68.1541) & +te forseyd creatur wept & sobbyd so plentyvowsly as +tow sche had seyn owyr Lord wyth hir bodyly ey sufferyng hys Passyon at +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,68.1542) Befor hir in hyr sowle sche saw hym veryly be contemplacyon , (CMKEMPE,68.1543) & +tat cawsyd hir to haue compassyon . (CMKEMPE,68.1544) & , whan +tei cam vp on-to +te Mownt of Caluarye , sche fel down +tat sche mygth not stondyn ne knelyn (CMKEMPE,68.1545) but walwyd & wrestyd wyth hir body , spredyng hir armys a-brode , (CMKEMPE,68.1546) & cryed wyth a lowde voys as +tow hir hert xulde a brostyn a-sundyr , (CMKEMPE,68.1547) for in +te cite of hir sowle sche saw veryly & freschly how owyr Lord was crucifyed . (CMKEMPE,68.1548) Beforn hir face sche herd and saw in hir gostly sygth +te mornyng of owyr Lady , of Sen Iohn & Mary Mawdelyn , and of many o+ter +tat louyd owyr Lord . (CMKEMPE,68.1549) & sche had so gret compassyon & so gret peyn to se owyr Lordys peyn +tat sche myt not kepe hir-self fro krying & roryng +tow sche xuld a be ded +terfor . (CMKEMPE,68.1550) And +tis was +te fyrst cry +tat euyr sche cryed in any contemplacyon . (CMKEMPE,68.1551) And +tis maner of crying enduryd many +gerys aftyr +tis tyme for owt +tat any man myt do , (CMKEMPE,68.1552) & +terfor sufferyd sche mych despyte & mech reprefe . (CMKEMPE,68.1553) +Te cryeng was so lowde & so wondyrful +tat it made +te pepyl astoynd les +tan +tei had herd it be-forn & er $ellys +tat +tei knew +te cawse of +te crying . (CMKEMPE,68.1554) & sche had hem so oftyn-tymes +tat +tei madyn hir ryth weyke in hir bodyly myghtys , & namely yf sche herd of owyr Lordys Passyon . (CMKEMPE,69.1555) & sumtyme , whan sche saw +te Crucyfyx , er yf sche sey a man had a wownde er a best whe+tyr it wer , er +gyf a man bett a childe be-for hir er smet an hors er an-o+ter best wyth a whippe , +gyf sche myth sen it er heryn it , hir thowt sche saw owyr Lord be betyn er wowndyd lyk as sche saw in +te man er in +te best , as wel in +te feld as in +te town , & be hir-selfe $alone as wel as a-mong +te pepyl . (CMKEMPE,69.1556) Fyrst whan sche had hir cryingys at Ierusalem , sche had hem oftyntymes , & in Rome also . (CMKEMPE,69.1557) & , whan sche come hom in-to Inglonde , fyrst at hir comyng hom it comyn but seldom as it wer onys in a moneth , sythen onys in +te weke , aftyrward cotidianly , (CMKEMPE,69.1558) & onys sche had xiiij on o day , (CMKEMPE,69.1559) & ano+ter day sche had vij , & so as God wolde visiten hir , sumtyme in +te cherch , sumtyme in +te strete , sumtym in +te chawmbre , sumtyme in +te felde whan God wold sendyn hem , (CMKEMPE,69.1560) for sche knew neuyr tyme ne owyr whan +tei xulde come . (CMKEMPE,69.1561) & +tei come neuyr wyth-owtyn passyng gret swetnesse of deuocyon & hey contemplacyon . (CMKEMPE,69.1562) & , as sone as sche parceyvyd +tat sche xulde crye , sche wolde kepyn it in as mech as sche myth +tat +te pepyl xulde not an herd it for noyng of hem . (CMKEMPE,69.1563) For summe seyd it was a wikkyd spiryt vexid hir ; (CMKEMPE,69.1564) sum seyd it was a sekenes ; (CMKEMPE,69.1565) sum seyd sche had dronkyn to mech wyn ; (CMKEMPE,69.1566) sum bannyd hir ; (CMKEMPE,69.1567) sum wisshed sche had ben in +te hauyn ; (CMKEMPE,69.1568) sum wolde sche had ben in +te se in a bottumles boyt ; (CMKEMPE,69.1569) and so ich man as hym thowte . (CMKEMPE,69.1570) O+ter gostly men louyd hir (CMKEMPE,69.1571) & fauowrd hir +te mor . (CMKEMPE,69.1572) sum gret clerkys seyden owyr Lady cryed neuyr so ne no seynt in Heuyn , (CMKEMPE,69.1573) but +tei knewyn ful lytyl what sche felt , (CMKEMPE,69.1574) ne +tei wolde not beleuyn but +tat sche myth an absteynd hir fro crying yf sche had wold . (CMKEMPE,69.1575) And +terfor , whan sche knew +tat sche xulde cryen , sche kept it in as long as sche mygth (CMKEMPE,69.1576) & dede al +tat sche cowde to withstond it er ellys to put it a-wey til sche wex as blo as any leed , (CMKEMPE,69.1577) & euyr it xuld labowryn in hir mende mor and mor in-to +te tyme +tat it broke owte . (CMKEMPE,69.1578) & , whan +te body myth ne lengar enduryn +te gostly labowr but was ouyrcome wyth +te vnspekabyl lofe +tat wrowt so feruently in +te sowle , +tan fel sche down (CMKEMPE,70.1579) & cryed wondyr lowde . (CMKEMPE,70.1580) & +te mor +tat sche wolde labowryn to kepe it in er to put it a-wey , mech +te mor xulde sche cryen & +te mor lowder . (CMKEMPE,70.1581) And +tus sche dede in +te Mownt of Caluarye , as it is wretyn be-forn . (CMKEMPE,70.1582) Sche had so very contemplacyon in +te sygth of hir $sowle as yf Crist had hangyn befor hir bodily eye in hys manhode . (CMKEMPE,70.1583) & , whan thorw dispensacyon of +te hy mercy of owyr Souereyn Savyowr Crist Ihesu it was grawntyd +tis creatur to beholdyn so verily hys precyows tendyr body , alto-rent & toryn wyth scorgys , mor ful of wowndys +tan euyr was duffehows of holys , hangyng vp-on +te cros wyth +te corown of thorn up-on hys heuyd , hys blysful handys , hys tendyr fete nayled to +te hard tre , +te reuerys of blood flowyng owt plentevowsly of euery membre , +te gresly & grevows wownde in hys precyows syde schedyng owt blood & watyr for hir lofe & hir saluacyon , +tan sche fel down (CMKEMPE,70.1584) & cryed wyth lowde voys , wondyrfully turnyng & wrestyng hir body on euery syde , spredyng hir armys a-brode as +gyf sche xulde a deyd , (CMKEMPE,70.1585) & not cowde kepyn hir fro crying , - (CMKEMPE,70.1586) and +tese bodily mevyngys for +te fyer of lofe +tat brent so feruently in hir sowle wyth pur pyte & compassyon . (CMKEMPE,70.1587) It is nowt to be merueyled +gyf +tis creatur cryed & made wondirful cher & cuntenawns , whan we may se eche day at eye bo+te men and women , summe for los of werdly good , sum for affeccyon of her kynred er for werdly frenshepys thorw ouyr fele stody & erdly affeccyon , & most of alle for inordinat lofe & fleschly affeccyon +gyf her frendys er partyn fro hem , +tei wyl cryen & roryn and wryngyn her handys as +gyf +tei had no wytte ne non mende , (CMKEMPE,70.1588) & +get wetyn +tei wel j-now +tat +tei displesyn God . (CMKEMPE,70.1589) & , +gyf a man cownsel hem to leevyn er seesyn of her wepyng er crying , +tei wyl seyn +tat +tei may not ; (CMKEMPE,70.1590) +tei louyd her frend so meche (CMKEMPE,70.1591) & he was so gentyl & so kende to hem +tat +tei may be no wey for+getyn hym . (CMKEMPE,70.1592) How meche mor myth +tei wepyn , cryen , & roryn +gyf her most belouyd frendys wer wyth vyolens takyn in her sygth & wyth al maner of reprefe browt be-for +te juge , wrongfully condemnyd to +te deth , & namely so spyteful a deth as owr mercyful Lord suffyrd for owyr sake . (CMKEMPE,71.1593) How schuld +tei suffyr yt ? (CMKEMPE,71.1594) No dowt but +tei xulde bo+te cry & rore & wrekyn hem +gyf +tei myth , (CMKEMPE,71.1595) & ellys men wold sey +tei wer no frendys . (CMKEMPE,71.1596) Alas , alas , for sorwe , +tat +te deth of a creatur whech hat oftyn synned & trespasyd a-geyn her Maker xal be so vnmesurabely mornyd & sorwyd . (CMKEMPE,71.1597) & it is offens to God & hyndryng to +te sowlys on eche syde . (CMKEMPE,71.1598) And +te compassyfe deth of owyr Savyowr , be +te whech we arn alle restoryd to lyfe , is not had in mende of us vnworthy & vnkende wretchys , (CMKEMPE,71.1599) ne not we wylle supportyn owyr Lordys owyn secretarijs whech he hath indued wyth lofe , but ra+tar detractyn hem & hyndryn hem in as mech as $we may . (CMKEMPE,71.1600) Whan +tis creatur wyth hir felawshep cam to +te grave wher owyr Lord was berijd , a-non , as sche entryd +tat holy place , sche fel down wyth hir candel in hir hand as sche xuld a deyd for sorwe . (CMKEMPE,71.1601) & sythen sche ros vp a-geyn wyth gret wepyng & sobbyng as +tow sche had seyn owyr Lord berijd euen befor hir . (CMKEMPE,71.1602) +Tan sche thowt sche saw owyr Lady in hir sowle , how sche mornyd & how sche wept hir Sonys deth , (CMKEMPE,71.1603) & +tan was owyr Ladijs sorwe hir sorwe . (CMKEMPE,71.1604) & so ouyr al $wher-+tat-euyr $+tat $euyr {TEXT:wher-+tat-euyr} +te frerys led hem in +tat holy place sche alwey wept & sobbyd wondyrfully , and specialy whan sche cam +ter owyr Lord was nayled on +te cros . (CMKEMPE,71.1605) +Ter cryed sche (CMKEMPE,71.1606) & wept wyth-owtyn mesur +tat sche myth not restreyn hir-self . (CMKEMPE,71.1607) Also +tei comyn to a ston of marbyl +tat owyr Lord was leyd on whan he was takyn down of +te cros , (CMKEMPE,71.1608) & +ter sche wept wyth gret compassyon , hauyng mend of owyr Lordys Passyon . (CMKEMPE,71.1609) Aftyrwardys sche was howselyd on +te Mownt of Caluarye , (CMKEMPE,71.1610) & +tan sche wept , (CMKEMPE,71.1611) sche sobbyd , (CMKEMPE,71.1612) sche cryed so lowde +tat it $was wondyr to heryn it . (CMKEMPE,71.1613) Sche was so ful of holy thowtys & medytacyons & holy contemplacyons in +te Passyon of owyr Lord Ihesu Crist & holy dalyawns +tat owyr Lord Ihesu Crist dalyed to hir sowle +tat sche cowde neuyr expressyn hem aftyr , so hy & so holy +tei weryn . (CMKEMPE,72.1614) Meche was +te grace +tat owyr Lord schewyd to +tis creatur whyl sche iij wekys was in Ierusalem . (CMKEMPE,72.1615) An-o+ter day erly in +te morwenyng +tei went a-geynes +te gret hyllys . (CMKEMPE,72.1616) & her gydes teld wher owyr Lord bare +te cros on hys bakke , & wher hys Modyr met wyth hym , & how sche swownyd , & how sche fel down & he fel down also . (CMKEMPE,72.1617) & so +tei went forth al +te for-noone tyl +tei cam to +te Mownt Syon . (CMKEMPE,72.1618) And euyr +tis creatur wept abundawntly al +te wey +tat sche went for compassyon of owyr Lordys Passyon . (CMKEMPE,72.1619) In +te Mownt Syon is a place wher owyr Lord wesch hys disciplys fete , (CMKEMPE,72.1620) & a lityl +terfro he mad hys Mawnde wyth hys disciplys . (CMKEMPE,72.1621) And +terfor +tis creatur had gret desyr to be howselyd in +tat holy place wher owyr mercyful Lord Crist Ihesu fyrst sacryd hys precyows body in +te forme of bred & +gaf it to hys discipulys . (CMKEMPE,72.1622) And so sche was wyth gret deuocyon , wyth plentevows teerys , & wyth boystows sobbyngys , (CMKEMPE,72.1623) for in +tis place is plenyr remyssyon . (CMKEMPE,72.1624) & so is in o+ter iiij placys in +te Tempyl . (CMKEMPE,72.1625) On is in +te Mownt of Caluarye ; an-o+ter at +te graue wher owyr Lord was berijd ; (CMKEMPE,72.1626) +te thridde is at +te marbyl ston +tat hys preciows body was leyd on whan it was takyn of +te cros ; (CMKEMPE,72.1627) +te ferd is +ter +te holy cros was berijd , (CMKEMPE,72.1628) & in many o+ter placys of Ierusalem . (CMKEMPE,72.1629) And , whan +tis creatur cam in-to +te place +ter +te apostelys receyued +te Holy Gost , owyr Lord +gaf hir gret deuocyon . (CMKEMPE,72.1630) Aftyrward sche went to +te place +ter owyr Lady was berijd , (CMKEMPE,72.1631) & , as sche knelyd on hyr knes +te tyme of tweyn Messys heryng , owyr Lord Ihesu Crist seyd on-to hir , " +Tu comyst not hedyr , dowtyr , for no nede but for meryte & for mede , (CMKEMPE,72.1632) for thy synnes wer for-+gouyn +te er thow come her , (CMKEMPE,72.1633) & +terfor +tu comyst hedyr for incresyng of +ti mede & of +ti meryte . (CMKEMPE,72.1634) & I am wel plesyd wyth +te , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,72.1635) for +tu stondist vndyr obedyens of Holy Cherch & +tat +tu wylt obey +ti confessowr & folwyn hys cownsel , whech thorw auctorite of Holy Cherch hath asoyld +te of +ti synnes & dispensyd wyth +te +tat +tu schuldist not go to Rome ne to seynt Iamys les +tan +tu wyl +tin owyn selfe . (CMKEMPE,73.1636) Not-wythstondyng al +tis , I comawnde +te in +te name of Ihesu , dowtyr , +tat +tu go vysite +tes holy placys & do $as I byd +te , (CMKEMPE,73.1637) for I am aboue al Holy Cherch (CMKEMPE,73.1638) & I xal gon wyth +te & kepyn +te rygth wel . " (CMKEMPE,73.1639) Than owyr Lady spak to hir sowle on +tis maner , seying , " Dowtyr , wel art +tu blyssed , (CMKEMPE,73.1640) for my Sone Ihesu xal flowyn so mech grace in +te +tat al +te world xal wondryn of +te . (CMKEMPE,73.1641) Be not aschamyd , my derworthy dowtyr , to receyue +te +gyftys whech my Sone xal +geuyn +te , (CMKEMPE,73.1642) for I telle +te in trewth +tei xal be gret +gyftys +tat he xal +geue +te . (CMKEMPE,73.1643) & +terfore , my derworthy dowtyr , be not aschamyd of hym +tat is +ti God , +ti Lord , & +ti lofe , no mor +tan I was whan I saw hym hangyn on +te Cros , my swete sone , Ihesu , for to cryen & to wepyn for +te peyn of my swete Sone , Ihesu Crist ; (CMKEMPE,73.1644) ne Mary Mawdelyn was not aschamyd to cryen & wepyn for my Sonys lofe . (CMKEMPE,73.1645) And +terfor , dowtyr , +gyf +tu wylt be partabyl in owyr joye , +tu must be partabil in owyr sorwe . " (CMKEMPE,73.1646) +Tes swet spech & dalyawns had +tis creatur at owyr Ladijs graue , & mech mor +tan sche cowde euyr rehersyn . (CMKEMPE,73.1647) Aftyrward sche rood on an asse to Bedlem (CMKEMPE,73.1648) & whan sche cam to +te tempyl & to +te crybbe wher owyr Lord was born , sche had gret deuocyon , mech spech , & dalyawns in hyr sowle , & hy gostly comfort wyth mech wepyng & sobbyng so +tat hir felaws wold not latyn hir etyn in her cumpany . (CMKEMPE,73.1649) & +terfor sche ete hir mete be hir-selfe a-lone . (CMKEMPE,73.1650) And +tan +te Grey Frerys whech had led hir fro place to place receyued hir in-to hem (CMKEMPE,73.1651) & sett hir wyth hem at +te mete +tat sche xuld not etyn a-lone . (CMKEMPE,73.1652) And on of +te frerys askyd on of hir felawshep +gyf +tat wer +te woman of Inglond +te which +tei had herd seyd spak wyth God . (CMKEMPE,73.1653) & , whan +tis cam to hir knowlach , sche wist wel +tat it was trewth +tat owyr Lord seyd to hir er sche went owt of Inglond , (CMKEMPE,73.1654) " Dowtyr , I xal makyn al +te werld to wondryn of +te , (CMKEMPE,73.1655) & many man & many woman xal spekyn of me for lofe of +te & worshepyn me in +te . " (CMKEMPE,73.1656) An-o+ter tyme +tis creaturys felawshep wold gon to Flod of Iurdon (CMKEMPE,74.1658) & wold not letyn $hir $gon wyth hem . (CMKEMPE,74.1659) +Tan +tis creatur preyd owyr Lord Ihesu +tat sche myth gon wyth hem , (CMKEMPE,74.1660) & he bad +tat sche xuld go wyth hem whe+tyr +tei wold er not . (CMKEMPE,74.1661) And +tan sche went forth be +te grace of God (CMKEMPE,74.1662) & askyd hem no leue . (CMKEMPE,74.1663) Whan sche cam to +te Flood of Iurdan , +te wedyr was so hoot +tat sche wend hir feet schuld a brent for +te hete +tat sche felt . (CMKEMPE,74.1664) Sithyn sche went forth wyth hir felawschep to +te Mownt Qwarentyne +ter owyr Lord fastyd fowrty days . (CMKEMPE,74.1665) & +ter sche preyd hir felawshep to helpyn hir up on-to +te Mownt . (CMKEMPE,74.1666) & +tei seyd nay , (CMKEMPE,74.1667) for +tei cowd not wel helpyn hem-self . (CMKEMPE,74.1668) +Tan had sche mekyl sorwe (CMKEMPE,74.1669) for sche myth not comyn on +te Hille . (CMKEMPE,74.1670) And a-non happyd a Sara+gyn , a welfaryng man , to comyn by hir , (CMKEMPE,74.1671) & sche put a grote in hys hand , makyng to hym a token for to bryng hir onto +te Mownt . (CMKEMPE,74.1672) & as-swythe +te Sara+gyn toke hir vndyr hys arme (CMKEMPE,74.1673) & led hir up on-to +te hey Mownt wher owyr Lord fastyd fowrty days . (CMKEMPE,74.1674) +Tan was sche sor a-thryste (CMKEMPE,74.1675) & had no comfort of hir felashyp . (CMKEMPE,74.1676) +Tan God of hys hey goodnes meuyd +te Grey Frerys wyth compassyon (CMKEMPE,74.1677) & +tei comfortyd hir whan hir cuntremen wolde not knowyn hir . (CMKEMPE,74.1678) & so sche was euyrmor strengthyd in +te lofe of owyr Lord & +te mor bold to suffyr shamys & repreuys for hys sake in euery place +ter sche cam for +te grace +tat God wrowt in hir of wepyng , sobbyng , and crying , +te which grace sche myth not wythstonde whan God wold send it . (CMKEMPE,74.1679) & euyr sche preuyd hir felyngys trewe , (CMKEMPE,74.1680) & +to behestys +tat God had be-hyte hir whil she was in Inglond and in o+ter placys also +tei fellyn to hir in effect lych as sche had felt beforn , (CMKEMPE,74.1681) & +terfor sche durst +te bettyr receyuen swech spechys & dalyawns & +te mor boldly werkyn +ter-aftyr . (CMKEMPE,74.1682) Sithyn , whan +tis creatur was comyn down of +te Mownt , as God wold , sche went forth to +te place +ter Seynt Ion Baptyst was born . (CMKEMPE,75.1683) & sythyn sche went to Betanye +ter Mary & Martha dwellyd & to +te grave +ter $La+ger was berijd & reysed fro deth in-to lyfe . (CMKEMPE,75.1684) And sche was also in +te chapel +ter owyr blyssed Lord aperyd to hys blysful Modyr on Estern Day at morwyn fyrst of alle o+ter . (CMKEMPE,75.1685) & sche stode in +te same place +ter Mary Mawdelyn stode whan Crist seyd to hir , " Mary , why wepyst +tu ? " (CMKEMPE,75.1686) And so sche was in many mo placys +tan be wretyn , (CMKEMPE,75.1687) for sche was iij wekys in Ierusalem & in +te cuntreys +ter-a-bowtyn . (CMKEMPE,75.1688) & sche had euer gret deuocyon as long as sche was in +tat cuntre . (CMKEMPE,75.1689) And +te Frerys of +te Tempyl mad hir gret cher (CMKEMPE,75.1690) and +gouyn hir many gret relykys , desiryng +tat sche schuld a dwellyd stille a-mongs hem , +gyf sche had wold , for +te feyth +tei had in hir . (CMKEMPE,75.1691) Also +te Sara+gines mad mych of hir (CMKEMPE,75.1692) & conueyd hir (CMKEMPE,75.1693) & leddyn hir abowtyn in +te cuntre wher sche wold gon . (CMKEMPE,75.1694) & sche fond alle pepyl good on-to hir & gentyl saf only hir owyn cuntremen . (CMKEMPE,75.1695) And , as sche cam fro Ierusalem-ward vn-to Rafnys , +tan wold sche a turnyd a-geyne to Ierusalem for +te gret grace & gostly comfort +tat sche felt whan sche was +ter & for to purchasyn hir mor pardon . (CMKEMPE,75.1696) And +tan owyr Lord comawndyd hir for to gon to Rome , & so forth hom in-to Inglond , (CMKEMPE,75.1697) & seyd vn-to hir , " Dowtyr , as oftyn-tymes as +tu seyst or thynkyst , ' Worshepyd be alle +to holy placys in Ierusalem +tat Crist suffyrde bittyr peyn & passyon in , ' +tu schalt haue +te same pardon as +gyf +tu wer +ter wyth +ti bodily presens bothyn to +ti-self & to alle +to +tat +tu wylt +geuyn it to . " (CMKEMPE,75.1698) And , as sche went forth vn-to Venyce , mych of hir felaschep was ryth seke , (CMKEMPE,75.1699) & euyr owyr Lord seyd to hir , " Drede +te not , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,75.1700) +ter schal no man deyin in +te schip +tat +tu art in . " (CMKEMPE,75.1701) & sche fond hir felyngys ryth trewe . (CMKEMPE,75.1702) And , whan owyr Lord had browt hem a-geyn to Venyce in safte , hir cuntre-men forsokyn hir (CMKEMPE,75.1703) & went a-way fro hir , leuyng hir a-lone . (CMKEMPE,75.1704) & summe of hem seyden +tat +tei wold not go wyth hir for an hundryd pownd . (CMKEMPE,76.1705) And , whan +tei wer gon a-wey fro hir , +tan owyr Lord Ihesu Crist , +tat euyr helpyth at nede & neuyr forsakyth hys seruawnt +tat trewly trostith to hys mercy , seyd to hys creatur , " $Drede +te not , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,76.1706) for I xal ordeyn for +te ryth wel & bryng +te in safte to Rome & hom a-geyn in-to Inglond wyth-owtyn ony velany of +ti body +gyf thow wilt be clad in white clothys & weryn hem as I seyd to +te whil +tu wer in Inglond . " (CMKEMPE,76.1707) Than +tis creatur , beyng in gret heuynes & gret diswer , answeryd a-+gen in hir mende , " +Gyf +tu be +te spiryt of God +tat spekyst in my sowle & I may preuyn +te for a trew spiryt wyth cownsel of +te chirche , I xal obey +ti wille , (CMKEMPE,76.1708) and , +gyf +tu bryng me to Rome in safte , I xal weryn white clothys , +tow alle +te world schuld wondyr on me , for +ti lofe . " (CMKEMPE,76.1709) " Go forth , dowtyr , in +te name of Ihesu , (CMKEMPE,76.1710) for I am +te spirit of God , +te whech xal helpyn +te at al thy nede , gon wyth +te , & supportyn +te in euery place , (CMKEMPE,76.1711) & +terfor mystrost me not . (CMKEMPE,76.1712) +Tu fondist me neuyr deceyuabyl , (CMKEMPE,76.1713) ne I bid +te no-thyng do but +tat whech is worshep to God & profyte to thy sowle +gyf +tu wilt do +ter-aftyr , (CMKEMPE,76.1714) and I xal flowyn on +te gret plente of grace . " (CMKEMPE,76.1715) Than a-non , as sche lokyd on +te on syde , sche sey a powyr man sittyng whech had a gret cowche on hys bakke . (CMKEMPE,76.1716) Hys clo+tis wer al for-clowtyd , (CMKEMPE,76.1717) & he semyd a man of L wyntyr age . (CMKEMPE,76.1718) +Tan sche went to hym (CMKEMPE,76.1719) & seyde , " Gode man , what eyleth +gowr bak ? " (CMKEMPE,76.1720) He seyd , " Damsel , it was brokyn in a sekenes . " (CMKEMPE,76.1721) Sche askyd what was hys name & what cuntreman he was . (CMKEMPE,76.1722) He seyd hys name was Richard & he was of Erlond . (CMKEMPE,76.1723) Than thowt sche $of hir confessorys wordys whech was an holy ankyr , as is wretyn be-for , +tat seyd to hir whil sche was in Inglond in +tis maner , " Dowtyr , whan +gowr owyn felawshep hath forsakyn +gow , God xal ordeyn a broke-bakkyd man to lede +gow forth +ter +ge wil be . " (CMKEMPE,77.1724) Than sche wyth a glad spirit seyde vn-to hym , " Good Richard , ledith me to Rome , (CMKEMPE,77.1725) & +ge xal be rewardyd for +gowr labowr . " (CMKEMPE,77.1726) " Nay , damsel , " he seyd , " I wot wel +ti cuntremen han forsakyn +te , (CMKEMPE,77.1727) & +terfor it wer hard to me to ledyn +te . (CMKEMPE,77.1728) For thy cuntre-men han bothyn bowys & arwys , wyth +te $whech +tei myth defendyn bothyn +te & hem-self , (CMKEMPE,77.1729) and I haue no wepyn save a cloke ful of clowtys . (CMKEMPE,77.1730) & +get I drede me +tat myn enmys xul robbyn me & perauentur takyn +te a-wey fro me & defowlyn thy body , (CMKEMPE,77.1731) & +terfor I dar not ledyn +te , (CMKEMPE,77.1732) for I wold not for an hundryd pownd +tat +tu haddyst a vylany in my cumpany . " (CMKEMPE,77.1733) & +tan sche seyd a+gen , " Richard , dredith +gow not ; (CMKEMPE,77.1734) God xal kepyn vs bo+ten ryth wel , (CMKEMPE,77.1735) & I xal +geue +gow too noblys for +gowr labowr . " (CMKEMPE,77.1736) +Tan he consentyd (CMKEMPE,77.1737) & went forth wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,77.1738) Sone aftyr +ter cam too Grey Frerys & a woman +tat cam wyth hem fro Ierusalem , (CMKEMPE,77.1739) & sche had wyth hir an asse +te whech bar a chyst & an ymage +terin mad aftyr our Lord . (CMKEMPE,77.1740) And +tan seyd Richard to +te forseyd creatur , " +Tu xalt go forth wyth +tes too men & woman , (CMKEMPE,77.1741) & I xal metyn wyth +te at morwyn & at euyn , (CMKEMPE,77.1742) for I must gon on my purchase & beggyn my leuyng . (CMKEMPE,77.1743) & so sche dede aftyr hys cownsel (CMKEMPE,77.1744) & went forth wyth +te frerys & +te woman . (CMKEMPE,77.1745) & non of hem cowde vndirstand hir langage , (CMKEMPE,77.1746) & +get +tei ordeyned for hir euery day mete , drynke , & herborwe as wel as he dedyn for hem-selfe & ra+tar bettyr +tat sche was euyr bownden to prey for hem . (CMKEMPE,77.1747) & euery euyn & morwyn Richard wyth +te broke bak cam (CMKEMPE,77.1748) & comfortyd hir as he had promysed . (CMKEMPE,77.1749) And +te woman the which had +te ymage in +te chist , whan +tei comyn in good citeys , sche toke owt +te ymage owt of hir chist (CMKEMPE,77.1750) & sett it in worshepful wyfys lappys . (CMKEMPE,77.1751) & +tei wold puttyn schirtys +terup-on & kyssyn it as +tei it had ben God hym-selfe . (CMKEMPE,77.1752) & , whan +te creatur sey +te worshep & +te reuerens +tat +tei dedyn to +te ymage , sche was takyn wyth swet deuocyon & swet meditacyons +tat sche wept wyth gret sobbyng & lowde crying . (CMKEMPE,78.1753) & sche was meuyd in so mych +te mor as , whil sche was in Inglond , sche had hy meditacyons in +te byrth & +te childhode of Crist , (CMKEMPE,78.1754) & sche thankyd God for-as-mech as sche saw +tes creaturys han so gret feyth in +tat sche sey wyth hir bodily eye lych as sche had be-forn wyth hir gostly eye . (CMKEMPE,78.1755) Whan +tes good women seyn +tis creatur wepyn , sobbyn , & cryen so wondirfully & mythtyly +tat sche was nerhand ouyrcomyn +terwyth , +tan +tei ordeyned a good soft bed (CMKEMPE,78.1756) & leyd hir +terup-on (CMKEMPE,78.1757) & comfortyd hir as mech as +tei myth for owyr Lordys lofe , (CMKEMPE,78.1758) blyssed mot he ben . (CMKEMPE,78.1759) The forseyd creatur had a ryng +te whech owyr Lord had comawndyd hir to do makyn whil she was at hom in Inglond & dede hir gravyn +terup-on , " Ihesus est amor meus . " (CMKEMPE,78.1760) Sche had mech thowt how sche xulde kepe +tis ryng fro theuys & stelyng as sche went be +te cuntreys , (CMKEMPE,78.1761) for sche thowt sche wold not a lost +te ryng for a thowsand pownde & meche mor be-cause +tat sche dede it makyn be +te byddyng of God . (CMKEMPE,78.1762) & also sche weryd it be hys byddyng , (CMKEMPE,78.1763) for sche purposyd befor-tyme er +tan sche had it be reuelacyon neuyr to a weryd ryng . (CMKEMPE,78.1764) And , as it happyd hir to be herberwyd in a good mannys hows , & many neyborwys comyn in to cheryn hir for hir perfeccyon & hir holynes , & sche +gaf hem +te mett of Cristys grave , +te whech +tei receyued ful goodly , hauyng gret joy +terof , & +tankyd hir hyly +terfore , (CMKEMPE,78.1765) sithen +tis creatur went to hir chawmbre (CMKEMPE,78.1766) & let hir ryng hang be hir purs-stryng whech sche bar at hir brest . (CMKEMPE,78.1767) In +te morwenyng on +te next day when sche wold a takyn hir ryng it was go , (CMKEMPE,78.1768) sche myth not fyndyn it . (CMKEMPE,78.1769) +Tan had sche mekyl heuynes (CMKEMPE,78.1770) & compleyned to +te good wyfe of +te hows , seying in +tis wyse , " Madam , my bone maryd ryng to Ihesu Crist , as ho seyth , it is a-wey . " (CMKEMPE,78.1771) The good wyfe , vndirstondyng what sche ment , preyde hir to prey for hir , (CMKEMPE,78.1772) and sche chongyd hir cher & hir cuntenawns wondyrly as thow sche had ben gylty . (CMKEMPE,78.1773) +Tan +tis creatur toke a candel in hir hand (CMKEMPE,79.1774) & sowt al a-bowtyn hir bed +ter sche had leyn al nygth , (CMKEMPE,79.1775) and +te good wyfe of +te hows toke an-o+ter candel in hir hand (CMKEMPE,79.1776) & bisyed hir to sekyn also a-bowte +te bed . (CMKEMPE,79.1777) & at +te last sche fonde +te ryng vndyr +te bed on +te bordys , (CMKEMPE,79.1778) and wyth gret joye sche telde +te good wyfe +tat sche had fownden hjr ryng . (CMKEMPE,79.1779) +Tan +te good wyfe , obeyng hir , preyd +tis creatur of for+geuenes as sche cowde , " Bone Cristian , prey pur me . " (CMKEMPE,79.1780) Aftyrward +tis creatur cam to Assyse (CMKEMPE,79.1781) & +ter sche met wyth a Frer Menowr , an Englysch-man , (CMKEMPE,79.1782) & a solempne clerke he was holdyn . (CMKEMPE,79.1783) Sche tolde hym of hir maner leuyng , of hir felingys , of hir reuelacyons , & of +te grace +tat God wrowt in hir sowle be holy inspiracyons & hy contemplacyons , & how owyr Lord dalyed to hir sowle in a maner of spekyng . (CMKEMPE,79.1784) +Tan +te worshepful clerke seyd +tat sche was mech beholdyn to God , (CMKEMPE,79.1785) for he seyd he had neuyr herd of non sweche in +tis worlde leuyng for to be so homly wyth God be lofe & homly dalyawnce as sche was , (CMKEMPE,79.1786) thankyd be God of hys +gyftys , (CMKEMPE,79.1787) for it is hys goodnes & no mannys meryte . (CMKEMPE,79.1788) Vp-on a tyme as +tis creatur was in cherche at Assyse , +ter was schewyd owyr Ladys kerche whech sche weryd her in erth wyth gret lygth & gret reuerens . (CMKEMPE,79.1789) +Tan +tis creatur had gret deuocyon . (CMKEMPE,79.1790) Sche wept , (CMKEMPE,79.1791) sche sobbyd , (CMKEMPE,79.1792) sche cryed wyth gret plente of teerys & many holy thowtys . (CMKEMPE,79.1793) Sche was +ter also on Lammes Day , whan +ter is gret pardon of plenyr remyssyon , for to purchasyn grace , mercy , & for+geuenes for hir-self , for alle hir frendys , for alle hir enmys , & for alle +te sowlys in Purgatory . (CMKEMPE,79.1794) & +ter was a lady was comyn fro Rome to purchasyn hir pardon . (CMKEMPE,79.1795) Hir name was Margaret Florentyne . (CMKEMPE,79.1796) & sche had wyth hir many Knygtys of Roodys , many gentylwomen , & mekyl good caryage . (CMKEMPE,79.1797) Than Richard , +te brokebakkyd man , went to hir , preyng hir +tat +tis creatur mygth gon wyth hir to Rome & hym-self also for to be kept fro perel of theuys . (CMKEMPE,79.1798) And +tan +tat worshepful lady receyued hem in-to hir cumpanye (CMKEMPE,79.1799) & let hem gon wyth hir to Rome as God wolde . (CMKEMPE,79.1800) Whan +te forseyd creatur was comyn in-to Rome , & +tei +tat weryn hir felaws be-forn-tyme & put hir owt of her cumpany weryn in Rome also & herd tellyn of swech a woman was come +tedyr , +tei had gret wondir how sche cam +ter in safte . (CMKEMPE,80.1801) And +tan sche went (CMKEMPE,80.1802) & ordeynd hir white clothys (CMKEMPE,80.1803) & was clad al in white liche as sche was comawndyd for to do +gerys be-forn in hir sowle be reuelacyon , (CMKEMPE,80.1804) & now it was fulfilt in effect . (CMKEMPE,80.1805) +Tan was +tis creatur receyued in-to +te Hospital of Seynt Thomas of Cawntyrbery in Rome (CMKEMPE,80.1806) & +ter was sche howselyd euery Sonday wyth gret wepyng , boistows sobbyng , & lowde crying (CMKEMPE,80.1807) & was hyly belouyd wyth +te Maystyr of +te Hospital & wyth alle hys bre+tyr . (CMKEMPE,80.1808) And +tan thorw steryng of hyr gostly enmy +ter cam a preste +tat was holdyn an holy man in +te Hospital & also in o+ter placys of Rome , +te whech was on of hir felaws & on of hir owyn cuntre-men . (CMKEMPE,80.1809) & not-wythstondyng hys holynes he spak so euyl of +tis creatur & slawndryd so hir name in +te Hospital +tat thorw hys euyl langage sche was put owte of +te Hospital +tat sche myth no lengar be schrevyn ne howselyd +ter-in . (CMKEMPE,80.1810) Whan +tis creatur sey sche was forsakyn & put fro among +te good men , sche was ful heuy , most for sche had no confessowr ne myth not be schrevyn +tan as sche wolde . (CMKEMPE,80.1811) +Tan preyde sche owyr Lord of hys mercy +tat he wolde disposyn for hir as was most plesawns vn-to hym , wyth gret plente of teerys . (CMKEMPE,80.1812) & sithyn sche clepyd on-to hir +te forseyd Richard wyth +te broke bak , preyng hym to go ouyr to a cherch a-+gen +te Hospital & enformyn +te person of +te chyrche of hir maner of gouernawnce , & what sorwe sche had , & how sche wept for sche myth not be schrevyn ne howselyd , & what compunccyon and contricyon sche had for hir synnes . (CMKEMPE,80.1813) Than Richard went to +te person (CMKEMPE,80.1814) & enformyd hym of +tis creatur , & how owyr Lord +gaf hir contricyon & compunccyon wyth gret plente of teerys , & how sche desired to be howseld euery Sonday +gyf sche myth & sche had no preste to be schrevyn to . (CMKEMPE,80.1815) And +tan +te person , heryng of hir contricyon & compunccyon , was ryth glad (CMKEMPE,80.1816) & bad sche xulde come to hym in +te name $of Ihesu & sey hir Confiteor , (CMKEMPE,81.1817) & he xulde howseln hire hys owyn self , (CMKEMPE,81.1818) for he cowde not vndyrstond non Englysch . (CMKEMPE,81.1819) Than owyr Lord sent Seynt Iohn +te Evangelyst to heryn hir confessyon , (CMKEMPE,81.1820) & sche seyd " Benedicite . " (CMKEMPE,81.1821) & he seyd " Dominus " verily in hir sowle +tat sche saw hym & herd hym in hire gostly vndirstondyng as sche xuld a do an-o+ter preste be hir bodily wittys . (CMKEMPE,81.1822) Than sche teld hym alle hir synnes & al hir heuynes wyth many swemful teerys , (CMKEMPE,81.1823) & he herd hir ful mekely & benyngly . (CMKEMPE,81.1824) & sythyn he enioyned hir penawns +tat sche xuld do for hir trespas (CMKEMPE,81.1825) & asoyled hir of hir synnes wyth swet wordys & meke wordys , hyly strengthyng hir to trostyn in +te mercy of owyr Lord Ihesu Crist , (CMKEMPE,81.1826) & bad hir +tat sche xulde receyuen +te Sacrament of +te Awter in +te name of Ihesu . (CMKEMPE,81.1827) & sithyn he passyd awey fro hir . (CMKEMPE,81.1828) Whan he was go , sche preyd wyth al hir hert alle +te tyme as sche herd hir Messe , " Lord , as wistly as +tu art not wroth wyth me , grawnt me a welle of teerys , wher-thorw I may receyue +ti precyows body wyth al maner terys of deuocyon to +ti worshep & encresyng of my meryte , (CMKEMPE,81.1829) for +tu art my joye , Lord , my blysse , my comfort , & alle +te tresor +tat I haue in +tis world , (CMKEMPE,81.1830) for o+ter werdlys joye coueyt I non but only +te . (CMKEMPE,81.1831) & +terfor , my derworthy Lord & my God , forsake me not . " (CMKEMPE,81.1832) Than owyr blysful Lord Crist Ihesu answeryd to hir sowle (CMKEMPE,81.1833) & seyd , " My derworthy dowtyr , I swer be myn hy mageste +tat I xal neuyr forsakyn +te . (CMKEMPE,81.1834) & , dowtyr , +te mor schame , despite , & reprefe +tat +tu sufferyst for my lofe , +te bettyr I lofe +te , (CMKEMPE,81.1835) for I far liche a man +tat louyth wel hys wyfe , (CMKEMPE,81.1836) +te mor enuye +tat men han to hir +te bettyr he wyl arayn hir in despite of hir enmys . (CMKEMPE,81.1837) & ryth so , dowtyr , xal I faryn wyth +te . (CMKEMPE,81.1838) In no-thyng +tat +tu dost , dowtyr , ne seyest , +tu mayst no bettyr plesyn God +tan beleuyn +tat he louyth +te , (CMKEMPE,82.1839) for , +gyf it were possybyl +tat I myth wepyn wyth +te , I wold wepyn wyth +te , dowtyr , for +te compassion +tat I haue of +te . (CMKEMPE,82.1840) Tyme xal come whan $+tu xalt holdyn +te ryth wel plesyd , (CMKEMPE,82.1841) for it schal be verifyed in +te +te comown prouerbe +tat men seyn , (CMKEMPE,82.1842) ' He is wel blyssed +tat may sytten on hys wel-stool & tellyn of hys wo-stool . ' (CMKEMPE,82.1843) & so xalt +tu don , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,82.1844) & al +ti wepyng & +ti sorwe xal turnyn in-to joy & blysse , +te whech +tu xalt neuyr mysse . " (CMKEMPE,82.1845) An-o+ter tyme , as +tis creatur was at Seynt Ionys Cherch Lateranens be-for +te awter heryng +te Messe , hir thowt +tat +te preste whech seyd Messe semyd a good man & deuowte . (CMKEMPE,82.1846) Sche was sor mevyd in spiryt to speke wyth hym . (CMKEMPE,82.1847) +tan sche preyd hir man wyth +te brokyn bak for to gon to +te preste & preyn hym to spekyn wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,82.1848) +Tan +te preste vndirstod non Englysch (CMKEMPE,82.1849) ne wist not what sche seyd , (CMKEMPE,82.1850) & sche cowde non o+ter langage +tan Englisch , (CMKEMPE,82.1851) & +terfor +tei spokyn be an jnterpretowr , a man +tat telde her ey+tyr what o+ter seyde . (CMKEMPE,82.1852) Than sche preyd +te preste in +te name of Ihesu +tat he wolde makyn hys preyeris to +te blysful Trinite , to owir Lady , & to alle +te blissed seyntys in Hevyn , also steryn o+ter +tat louedyn owir Lord to preyn for hym , +tat he myth han grace to vndirstondyn hir langage & hir speche in swech thyngys as sche thorw +te grace of God wold seyn & schewyn vn-to hym . (CMKEMPE,82.1853) +Te preste was a good man , (CMKEMPE,82.1854) & of hys birth he was a Dewcheman , a good clerke , & a wel lernyd man , hily belouyd , wel cherschyd , & myche trostyd in Rome , (CMKEMPE,82.1855) and had on of +te grettest office of any preste in Rome . (CMKEMPE,82.1856) Desyryng to plese God , $he folwyd +te cownsel of +tis creatur , (CMKEMPE,82.1857) & mad hys praerys to God deuowtly as he cowde euery day +tat he myth han grace to vndirstandyn what +te forseyd creatur wolde seyn to hym , (CMKEMPE,82.1858) & also he mad o+ter louerys of owyr Lord to prey for hym . (CMKEMPE,83.1859) +Tus +tei preyd therten $days . (CMKEMPE,83.1860) & aftyr therten days +te preste cam a-geyn to hir to preuyn +te effect of her preyerys , (CMKEMPE,83.1861) & +tan he vndirstod what sche seyd in Englysch to hym (CMKEMPE,83.1862) & sche vndirstod what +tat he seyd . (CMKEMPE,83.1863) & +get he vndirstod not Englisch +tat o+ter men spokyn ; (CMKEMPE,83.1864) +tow +tei spokyn +te same wordys +tat sche spak , +get he vndirstod hem not les +tan sche spak hir-selfe . (CMKEMPE,83.1865) Than was sche confessyd to +tis preste of alle hir synnes as ner as hir mende wold seruyn hir fro hir childhode vn-to +tat owre (CMKEMPE,83.1866) & receyued hir penawns ful joyfully . (CMKEMPE,83.1867) & sithyn sche schewyd hym +te secret thyngys of reuelacyonys & of hey contemplacyons , & how sche had swech mend in hys Passyon & so gret compassyon whan God wolde +geue it +tat sche fel down +terwyth & myth not beryn it . (CMKEMPE,83.1868) +Tan sche wept bittyrly , (CMKEMPE,83.1869) sche sobbyd boistowsly (CMKEMPE,83.1870) & cryed ful lowde & horybly +tat +te pepil was oftyn-tymes aferd & gretly astoyned , demyng sche had ben vexyd wyth sum euyl spiryt er a sodeyn sekenes , not leuyng it was +te werk of God but ra+tar sum euyl spiryt , er a sodeyn sekenes , er ellys symulacyon & ypocrisy falsly feyned of hir owyn self . (CMKEMPE,83.1871) The preste had gret trost +tat it was +te werk of God , (CMKEMPE,83.1872) & , whan he wolde mystrostyn , owyr Lord sent hym swech tokenys be +te forseyd creatur of hys owyn mysgouernawns & hys leuyng , +te whech no man knew but God & he , as owyr Lord schewyd to hir be reuelacyon & bad hir tellyn hym , +tat he wist wel +terby hir felyngys wer trewe . (CMKEMPE,83.1873) & +tan +tis preste receyued hir ful mekely & reuerently as for hys modyr & for hys syster (CMKEMPE,83.1874) & seyd he wolde supportyn hir a-+gen hir enmys . (CMKEMPE,83.1875) & so he dede as long as sche was in Rome & sufferd many euyl wordys & meche tribulacyon . (CMKEMPE,83.1876) & also he forsoke hys office be-cawse +tat he wolde supportyn hir in hir sobbyng & in hir crying whan alle hir cuntremen had forsakyn hir , (CMKEMPE,83.1877) for +tei weryn euyr hir most enmys (CMKEMPE,83.1878) & cawsyd hir mych heuynes in euery place +ter they comyn , (CMKEMPE,83.1879) for +tei wold +tat sche schulde ney+tyr-1 a sobbyd ne cryed . (CMKEMPE,83.1880) & sche myth nowt chesyn , (CMKEMPE,83.1881) but +tat wolde +tei not belevyn . (CMKEMPE,84.1883) & +ter +tei wer euyr ageyn hir & a-geyn +te good man whech supportyd hir . (CMKEMPE,84.1884) & +tan +tis good man , seyng +tis woman so wondirfully sobbyn & cryin , and specialy on Sondays whan sche xuld ben howselde a-mong alle +te pepyl , purposyd hym to preuyn whe+tyr it wer +te +gyfte of God , as sche seyd , er ellys hir owyn feynyng by ypocrisy , as +te pepyl seyd , (CMKEMPE,84.1885) & toke hir a-lone an-o+ter Sonday in-to an-o+ter chirche whan Mes was don & alle +te pepil was hom , no man wetyng +terof saf hym-self & +te clerk only . (CMKEMPE,84.1886) & , whan he schulde howselyn hir , sche wept so plentyvowsly & sobbyd & cryed so lowde +tat he was astoyned hym-self , (CMKEMPE,84.1887) for it semyd to hys heryng +tat sche cryed neuyr so lowde be-for +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,84.1888) & +tan he beleuyd fully +tat it was +te werkyng of +te Holy Gost & nei+tyr feynyng ne ypocrise of hir owyn self . (CMKEMPE,84.1889) & +tan aftyrward he was not a-basshyd to heldyn wyth hir & to spekyn a-+gens hem +tat wolde defamyn hir & spekyn euyl of hir tyl he was detractyd of +te enmys of vertu nerhand as mech as sche , (CMKEMPE,84.1890) & +tat lykyd hym wel to suffir tribulacyon for Goddys cawse . (CMKEMPE,84.1891) & meche pepyl in Rome +tat wer disposyd to vertu lovyd hym meche +te mor & hir also (CMKEMPE,84.1892) & oftyn-tymes preyd hir to mete (CMKEMPE,84.1893) & madyn hir ryth gret cher , preyng hir to prey for hem . (CMKEMPE,84.1894) & euyr hir owyn cuntremen wer obstynat , & specyaly a preste +tat was a-monx hem . (CMKEMPE,84.1895) He steryd meche pepyl a+gen hi (CMKEMPE,84.1896) & seyd mech euyl of hir , (CMKEMPE,84.1897) for sche weryd white clothyng mor +tan o+ter dedyn whech wer holyar & bettyr +tan euyr was sche as hym thowt . (CMKEMPE,84.1898) +Te cawse of hys malyce was for sche wold not obeyn hym . (CMKEMPE,84.1899) & sche wist wel it was a-geyn +te helth of hir sowle for to obeyn hym as he wolde +tat sche xulde a don . (CMKEMPE,84.1900) Than +te good man , +te Duche preste +tat sche was schrevyn on-to , thorw +te steryng of +te Englysch preste whech was hir enmye askyd hir yf sche wolde be obedient vn-to hym er not . (CMKEMPE,84.1901) And sche seyd , " +Ga , syr . " (CMKEMPE,84.1902) " Wyl +ge don +tan as I schal byd +gow don ? " (CMKEMPE,84.1903) " Wyth ryth good wyl , sire . " (CMKEMPE,84.1904) " I charge +gow +tan +tat +ge leue +gowr white clothys , (CMKEMPE,84.1905) & weryth a-geyn +gowr blak clothys . " (CMKEMPE,84.1906) & sche dede hys comawndment . (CMKEMPE,85.1908) & +tan had sche felyng +tat sche plesyd God wyth hir obediens . (CMKEMPE,85.1909) Than suffyrd sche many scornys of wyfys of Rome . (CMKEMPE,85.1910) +Tei askyd hir +gyf malendrynes had robbyd hir , (CMKEMPE,85.1911) & sche seyd , " Nay , madame . " (CMKEMPE,85.1912) Sythen , as sche went on pylgrimage , it happyd hir to metyn wyth +te preste +tat was hir enmye , (CMKEMPE,85.1913) & he enjoyid gretly +tat sche was put fro hir wille (CMKEMPE,85.1914) & seyd vn-to hir , " I am glad +tat +ge gon in blak clothyng as +ge wer wont to do . " (CMKEMPE,85.1915) And sche seyd a-+gen to hym , " Ser , owyr Lord wer not displesyd thow I weryd whyte clothys , (CMKEMPE,85.1916) for he wyl +tat I do so . " (CMKEMPE,85.1917) Than +te preste seyd to hir a-+gen , " Now wote I wel +tat +tu hast a deuyl wyth-inne +te , (CMKEMPE,85.1918) for I her hym spekyn in +te to me . " (CMKEMPE,85.1919) " A , good ser , I pray +gow dryuyth hym away fro me , (CMKEMPE,85.1920) for God knowyth I wolde ryth fawyn don wel & plesyn hym yf I cowde . " (CMKEMPE,85.1921) And +tan he was ryth wroth (CMKEMPE,85.1922) & seyd ful many schrewyd wordys . (CMKEMPE,85.1923) & sche seyd to hym , " Ser , I hope I haue no deuyl wyth-inne me , (CMKEMPE,85.1924) for , +gyf I had a deuyl wyth-in me , wetyth wel I schuld ben wroth wyth +gow . (CMKEMPE,85.1925) & , sir , me thynkyth +tat I am nothyng wroth wyth +gow for no-thyng +tat +ge can don on-to me . " (CMKEMPE,85.1926) And +tan +te preste partyd a-wey fro hir wyth heuy cher . (CMKEMPE,85.1927) And +tan owyr Lord spak to +tis creatur in hir sowle (CMKEMPE,85.1928) & seyd , " Dowtyr , drede +te not $what-+tat-euyr $+tat $euyr {TEXT:what-+tat-euyr} he sey on-to +te , (CMKEMPE,85.1929) for , thow he renne euery +ger to Ierusalem , I haue no deynte of hym , (CMKEMPE,85.1930) for as long as he spekyth a-geyns +te he spekyth a-geyns me , (CMKEMPE,85.1931) for I am in +te (CMKEMPE,85.1932) & +tu art in me . (CMKEMPE,85.1933) & herby mayst thow knowyn +tat I suffyr many schrewyd wordys , (CMKEMPE,85.1934) for I haue oftyn-tymes seyd to +te +tat I schuld be newe crucifyed in +te be schrewyd wordys , (CMKEMPE,85.1935) for +tu schalt non o+ter-wyse ben slayn +tan be schrewyd wordys sufferyng . (CMKEMPE,85.1936) For +tis preste +tat is thyn enmy he is but an ypocryte . " (CMKEMPE,85.1937) Than +te good preste hir confessowr bad hir be vertu of obediens & also in party of penawns +tat sche xulde seruyn an hold woman +tat was a poure creatur in Rome . (CMKEMPE,85.1938) & sche dede so sex wekys . (CMKEMPE,85.1939) Sche seruyd hir as sche wolde a don owyr Lady . (CMKEMPE,85.1940) & sche had no bed to lyn in ne no clothys to be cured wyth saf hir owyn mentyl . (CMKEMPE,86.1941) & +tan was sche ful of vermyn (CMKEMPE,86.1942) & suffyrd gret peyn +terwyth . (CMKEMPE,86.1943) Also sche fet hom watyr & stykkys in hir nekke for +te poure woman (CMKEMPE,86.1944) and beggyd mete and wyn bothyn for hir . (CMKEMPE,86.1945) And , whan +te pour womans wyn was sowr , +tis creatur hir-self drank +tat sowr wyn (CMKEMPE,86.1946) & +gaf +te powr woman good wyn +tat sche had bowt for hir owyn selfe . (CMKEMPE,86.1947) As +tis creatur was in +te Postelys Cherch at Rome on Seynt Laterynes Day , +te Fadyr of Hevyn seyd to hir , " Dowtyr , I am wel plesyd wyth +te in-as-meche as +tu beleuyst in alle +te Sacramentys of Holy Chirche & in al feyth +tat longith +terto , & specialy for +tat +tu beleuyst in manhode of my Sone & for +te gret compassyon +tat +tu hast of hys bittyr Passyon . " (CMKEMPE,86.1948) Also +te Fadyr seyd to +tis creatur , " Dowtyr , I wil han +te weddyd to my Godhede , (CMKEMPE,86.1949) for I schal schewyn +te my preuyteys & my cownselys , (CMKEMPE,86.1950) for +tu xalt wonyn wyth me wyth-owtyn ende . " (CMKEMPE,86.1951) +Tan +te creatur kept sylens in hir sowle (CMKEMPE,86.1952) & answeryd not +terto , (CMKEMPE,86.1953) for sche was ful sor aferd of +te Godhed (CMKEMPE,86.1954) & sche cowde no skylle of +te dalyawns of +te Godhede , (CMKEMPE,86.1955) for al hir lofe & al hir affeccyon was set in +te manhode of Crist (CMKEMPE,86.1956) & +terof cowde sche good skylle (CMKEMPE,86.1957) & sche wolde for no-thyng a partyd +terfro . (CMKEMPE,86.1958) Sche was so meche affectyd to +te manhode of Crist +tat whan sche sey women in Rome beryn children in her armys , +gyf sche myth wetyn +tat +tei wer ony men children , sche schuld +tan cryin , roryn , & wepyn as +tei sche had seyn Crist in hys childhode . (CMKEMPE,86.1959) And , yf sche myth an had hir wille , oftyn-tymes sche wolde a takyn +te childeryn owt of +te moderys armys & a kyssed hem in +te stede of Criste . (CMKEMPE,86.1960) And , +gyf sche sey a semly man , sche had gret peyn to lokyn on hym les +tan sche myth a seyn hym +tat was bo+te God & man . (CMKEMPE,86.1961) & +terfor sche cryed many tymes & oftyn whan sche met a semly man (CMKEMPE,86.1962) & wept & sobbyd ful sor in +te manhod of Crist as sche went in +te stretys at Rome +tat +tei +tat seyn hir wondryd ful mych on hir , (CMKEMPE,86.1963) for +tei knew not +te cawse . (CMKEMPE,86.1964) & +terfor it was no wondyr +gyf sche wer stille & answeryd not +te Fadyr of Hevyn whan he teld hir +tat sche xuld be weddyd to hys Godhed . (CMKEMPE,87.1966) Than seyd +te Secunde Persone , Crist Ihesu , whoys manhode sche louyd so meche , to hir , " What seyst +tu , Margery , dowtyr , to my Fadyr of +tes wordys +tat he spekyth to +te ? (CMKEMPE,87.1967) Art +tu wel plesyd +tat it be so ? " (CMKEMPE,87.1968) And +tan sche wold not answeryn +te Secunde Persone (CMKEMPE,87.1969) but wept wondir sor , desiryng to haue stille hym-selfe & in no wyse to be departyd fro hym . (CMKEMPE,87.1970) Than +te Secunde Persone in Trinite answeryd to hys Fadyr for hir (CMKEMPE,87.1971) & seyde , " Fadyr , haue hir excused , (CMKEMPE,87.1972) for sche is +get but +gong & not fully lernyd how sche xulde answeryn . " (CMKEMPE,87.1973) And +tan +te Fadyr toke hir be +te hand in hir sowle be-for +te Sone & +te Holy Gost & +te Modyr of Ihesu and alle +te xij apostelys & Seynt Kateryn & Seynt Margarete & many o+ter seyntys & holy virgynes wyth gret multitude of awngelys , seying to hir sowle , " I take +te , Margery , for my weddyd wyfe , for fayrar , for fowelar , for richar , for powerar , so +tat +tu be buxom & bonyr to do what I byd +te do . (CMKEMPE,87.1974) For , dowtyr , +ter was neuyr childe so buxom to +te modyr as I xal be to +te bo+te in wel & in wo , - to help +te and comfort +te . (CMKEMPE,87.1975) And +terto I make +te suyrte . " (CMKEMPE,87.1976) And +tan +te Modyr of God & alle +te seyntys +tat wer +ter present in hir sowle preyde +tat +tei myth haue mech joy to-gedyr . (CMKEMPE,87.1977) And +tan +te creatur wyth hy deuocyon , wyth gret plente of terys , thankyd God of +tis gostly comfort , heldyng hir-self in hir owyn felyng ryth vnworthy to any swech grace as sche felt , (CMKEMPE,87.1978) for sche felt many gret comfortys , bo+te gostly comfortys & bodily comfortys . (CMKEMPE,87.1979) Sum-tyme sche felt swet smellys wyth hir nose ; (CMKEMPE,87.1980) it wer swettar , hir thowt , +tan euyr was ony swet erdly thyng +tat sche smellyd be-forn , (CMKEMPE,87.1981) ne sche myth neuyr tellyn how swet it wern , (CMKEMPE,87.1982) for hir thowt sche myth a leuyd +terby +gyf they wolde a lestyd . (CMKEMPE,87.1983) Sum-tyme sche herd wyth hir bodily erys sweche sowndys & melodijs +tat sche myth not wel heryn what a man seyd to hir in +tat tyme les he spoke +te lowder . (CMKEMPE,88.1984) +Tes sowndys & melodijs had sche herd ny-hand euery day +te terme of xxv +gere whan +tis boke was wretyn , & specialy whan sche was in deuowt prayer , also many tymes whil sche was at Rome & in Inglond bo+te . (CMKEMPE,88.1985) Sche sey wyth hir bodily eyne many white thyngys flying al a-bowte hir on euery syde as thykke in a maner as motys in the sunne ; (CMKEMPE,88.1986) it weryn ryth sotyl & comfortabyl , (CMKEMPE,88.1987) & +te brygtare +tat +te sunne schyned , +te bettyr sche myth se hem . (CMKEMPE,88.1988) Sche sey hem many dyuers tymes & in many dyuers placys , bo+te in chirche & in hir chawmbre , at hir mete & in hir praerys , in felde & in towne , bothyn goyng & syttyng . (CMKEMPE,88.1989) And many tymes sche was a-ferde what +tei myth be , (CMKEMPE,88.1990) for sche sey hem as wel on nytys in dyrkenes as on day-lygth . (CMKEMPE,88.1991) Than , whan sche was a-ferde of hem , owir Lord seyd on-to hir , " Be +tis tokyn , dowtyr , beleue it is God +tat spekyth in +te , (CMKEMPE,88.1992) for wher-so God is Heuyn is , (CMKEMPE,88.1993) & wher +tat God is +ter be many awngelys , (CMKEMPE,88.1994) & God is in +te (CMKEMPE,88.1995) & +tu art in hym . (CMKEMPE,88.1996) & +terfor be not aferde , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,88.1997) for +tes be-tokyn +tat +tu hast many awngelys a-bowte +te to kepyn +te bo+te day & nygth +tat no deuyl xal han power ouyr +te ne non euyl man to der +te . " (CMKEMPE,88.1998) +Tan fro +tat tyme forwarde sche vsyd to seyn whan sche saw hem comyn , " Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini . " (CMKEMPE,88.1999) Also owr Lord +gaf hir an-o+ter tokne , +te whech enduryd a-bowtyn xvj +ger & it encresyd euyr mor & mor , (CMKEMPE,88.2000) & +tat was a flawme of fyer & wondir hoot & delectabyl & ryth comfortabyl , nowt wastyng but euyr incresyng , of lowe , (CMKEMPE,88.2001) for , thow +te wedyr wer neuyr so colde , sche felt +te hete brennyng in hir brest & at hir hert , as verily as a man schuld felyn +te material fyer +gyf he put hys hand or hys fynger +terin . (CMKEMPE,88.2002) Whan sche felt fyrst +te fyer of loue brennyng in her brest , sche was a-ferd +terof , (CMKEMPE,88.2003) & +tan owr Lord answeryd to hir mend (CMKEMPE,88.2004) & seyde , " Dowtyr , be not a-ferd , (CMKEMPE,88.2005) for +tis hete is +te hete of +te Holy Gost , +te whech schal bren a-wey alle +ti synnes , (CMKEMPE,89.2006) for +te fyer of lofe qwenchith alle synnes . (CMKEMPE,89.2007) And +tu xalt vndirstondyn be +tis tokyn +te Holy Gost is in +te , (CMKEMPE,89.2008) and +tu wost wel $wher-+tat-euyr $+tat $euyr {TEXT:wher-+tat-euyr} +te Holy Gost is +ter is +te Fadir , (CMKEMPE,89.2009) & wher +te Fadyr is +ter is +te Sone , (CMKEMPE,89.2010) and so +tu hast fully in +ti sowle al +te Holy Trinite . (CMKEMPE,89.2011) +Terfor +tow hast gret cawse to louyn me ryth wel , (CMKEMPE,89.2012) & +get +tu xalt han grettar cawse +tan euyr +tu haddyst to louyn me , (CMKEMPE,89.2013) for +tu xalt heryn +tat +tu neuyr herdist , (CMKEMPE,89.2014) & +tu xalt se +tat +tu neuyr sey , (CMKEMPE,89.2015) & +tu xalt felyn +tat +tu neuyr feltist . (CMKEMPE,89.2016) For , dowtyr , +tu art as sekyr of +te lofe of God as God is God . (CMKEMPE,89.2017) Thy sowle is mor sekyr of +te lofe of God +tan of +tin owyn body , (CMKEMPE,89.2018) for +ti sowle xal partyn fro thy body (CMKEMPE,89.2019) but God xal neuyr partyn fro +ti sowle , (CMKEMPE,89.2020) for +tei ben onyd to-gedyr wyth-owtyn ende . (CMKEMPE,89.2021) +Terfor , dowtyr , +tu hast as gret cawse to be mery as any lady in +tis werld , (CMKEMPE,89.2022) & , +gyf +tu knew , dowtyr , how meche +tu plesyst me whan +tu suffyrst me wilfully to spekyn in +te , +tu schuldist neuyr do o+terwyse , (CMKEMPE,89.2023) for +tis is an holy lyfe (CMKEMPE,89.2024) & +te tyme is ryth wel spent . (CMKEMPE,89.2025) For , dowtyr , +tis lyfe plesyth me mor +tan weryng of +te haburion or of +te hayr or fastyng of bred & watyr , (CMKEMPE,89.2026) for , +gyf +tu seydest euery day a thowsand Pater Noster , +tu xuldist not plesyn me so wel as +tu dost whan +tu art in silens & sufferyst me to speke in thy sowle . (CMKEMPE,89.2027) " Fastyng , dowtyr , is good for +gong be-gynnars & discrete penawns , namly +tat her gostly fadyr +geuyth hem er inioyneth hem for to do . (CMKEMPE,89.2028) And for to byddyn many bedys it is good to hem +tat can no bettyr do , (CMKEMPE,89.2029) & +get it is not parfyte . (CMKEMPE,89.2030) But it is a good wey to-perfeccyon-ward . (CMKEMPE,89.2031) For I telle +te , dowtyr , +tei +tat arn gret fastarys & gret doers of penawnce +tei wold +tat it schuld ben holdyn +te best lyfe ; (CMKEMPE,89.2032) also +tei +tat +geuyn hem to sey many deuocyons +tei wold han +tat +te best lyfe ; (CMKEMPE,89.2033) and +tei +tat +geuyn mech almes +tei wold +tat +tat wer holdyn +te best lyfe . (CMKEMPE,89.2034) And I haue oftyn-tymes , dowtyr , teld +te +tat thynkyng , wepyng , & hy contemplacyon is +te best lyfe in erthe . (CMKEMPE,89.2035) And +tu xalt haue mor meryte in Heuyn for o +ger of thynkyng in +ti mende +tan for an hundryd +ger of preyng wyth +ti mowth , (CMKEMPE,90.2036) & +get +tu wylt not leuyn me , (CMKEMPE,90.2037) for +tu wilt byddyn many bedys whedyr I wil or not . (CMKEMPE,90.2038) And +get , dowtyr , I wyl not be displesyd wyth +te whedir +tu thynke , sey , or speke , (CMKEMPE,90.2039) for I am al-wey plesyd wyth +te . (CMKEMPE,90.2040) And , +gyf I wer in erde as bodily as I was er I deyd on +te Cros , I schuld not ben a-schamyd of +te as many o+ter men ben , (CMKEMPE,90.2041) for I schuld take +te be +te hand a-mongs +te pepil & make +te gret cher +tat +tei schuldyn wel knowyn +tat I louyd +te ryth wel . (CMKEMPE,90.2042) For it is conuenyent +te wyf to be homly wyth hir husbond . (CMKEMPE,90.2043) Be he neuyr so gret a lorde & sche so powr a woman whan he weddyth hir , +get +tei must ly to-gedir & rest to-gedir in joy & pes . (CMKEMPE,90.2044) Ryght so mot it be twyx +te & me , (CMKEMPE,90.2045) for I take non hed what +tu hast be but what +tu woldist be . (CMKEMPE,90.2046) And oftyn-tymes haue I telde +te +tat I haue clene for+goue +te alle thy synnes . (CMKEMPE,90.2047) +Terfore most I nedys be homly wyth +te & lyn in +ti bed wyth +te . (CMKEMPE,90.2048) Dowtyr , thow desyrest gretly to se me , (CMKEMPE,90.2049) & +tu mayst boldly , whan +tu art in +ti bed , take me to +te as for +ti weddyd husbond , as thy derworthy derlyng , & as for thy swete sone , (CMKEMPE,90.2050) for I wyl be louyd as a sone schuld be louyd wyth +te modyr (CMKEMPE,90.2051) & wil +tat +tu loue me , dowtyr , as a good $wife owyth to loue hir husbonde . (CMKEMPE,90.2052) & +terfor +tu mayst boldly take me in +te armys of +ti sowle & kyssen my mowth , myn hed , & my fete as swetly as thow wylt . (CMKEMPE,90.2053) & , as oftyn-tymes as +tu thynkyst on me er woldyst don any good dede to me , +tu schalt haue +te same mede in Heuyn as +gyf +tu dedist it to myn owyn precyows body whech is in Heuyn , (CMKEMPE,90.2054) for I aske no mor of +te but +tin hert for to louyn $me +tat louyth +te , (CMKEMPE,90.2055) for my lofe is euyr redy to +te . " (CMKEMPE,90.2056) Than sche +gaf thankyng & preysing to owr Lord Ihesu Crist for +te hy grace & mercy +tat he schewyd vn-to hir vnworthy wrech . (CMKEMPE,90.2057) Thys creatur had diuers tokenys in hir bodily heryng . (CMKEMPE,90.2058) On was a maner of sownde as it had ben a peyr of belwys blowyng in hir ere . (CMKEMPE,90.2059) Sche , beyng a-basshed +terof , was warnyd in hir sowle no fer to haue , (CMKEMPE,91.2060) for it was +te sownd of +te Holy Gost . (CMKEMPE,91.2061) & +tan owyr Lord turnyd +tat sownde in-to +te voys of a dowe , (CMKEMPE,91.2062) & sithyn he turnyd it into +te voys of a lityl bryd whech is callyd a reedbrest +tat song ful merily oftyn-tymes in hir ryght ere . (CMKEMPE,91.2063) & +tan schuld sche euyr-mor han gret grace aftyr +tat sche herd swech a tokyn . (CMKEMPE,91.2064) And sche had been vsed to swech tokenys a-bowt xxv +ger at +te writyng of +tis boke . (CMKEMPE,91.2065) Than seyd owr Lord Ihesu Crist to hys creatur , " Be +tes tokenys mayst +tu wel wetyn +tat I loue +te , (CMKEMPE,91.2066) for +tu art to me a very modir & to al +te world for +tat gret charite +tat is in +te , (CMKEMPE,91.2067) & +get I am cawse of +tat charite my-self , (CMKEMPE,91.2068) & +tu xalt haue gret mede +terfor in Heuyn . (CMKEMPE,91.2069) " Dowtyr , for +tu art so buxom to my wille & cleuyst as sore on-to me as +te skyn of stokfysche cleuyth to a mannys handys whan it is sothyn , & wilt not forsake me for no schame +tat any man can don to +te , & +tu seyst also +tat +tow I stod be-forn +te myn owyn persone & seyd to +te +tat +tu xuldist neuyr han my lofe , ne neuyr comyn in Heuyn , ne neuyr sen my face , +get seist +tu , dowtyr , +tat +tu woldist neuyr forsake me in erthe , ne neuyr lofe me +te lesse , ne neuyr do +te lesse besynes to plese me , thow +tu xuldyst lye in Helle wyth-owtyn ende , for +tu maist not forber my lofe in erthe , ne +tu can han non o+ter comforth but me only , whech am I , +ti God , & am al joy & al blysse to +te , +terfore I sey to +te , derworthy dowtyr , it is vnpossybyl +tat any swech sowle schuld be dampnyd or departyd fro me whech hath so gret meknes & charite to me . (CMKEMPE,91.2070) & +terfor , dowtyr , drede +te neuyr , (CMKEMPE,91.2071) for alle +te gret behestys +tat I haue behite to +te & to alle thyn & to alle thy gostly faderys xal euer be trewe & trewly fulfilled whan tyme comyth . (CMKEMPE,91.2072) Haue no dowt +ter-of . " (CMKEMPE,91.2073) An-o+ter tyme whil sche was in Rome a lityl befor Cristemes , owr Lord Ihesu Criste comawndyd hir to gon to hir gostly fadyr , Wenslawe be name , & byddyn hym +geuyn hir leue to weryn a-geyn hir white clothys , (CMKEMPE,92.2074) for he had put hir +terfro be vertu of obediens , as is wretyn be-forn . (CMKEMPE,92.2075) & , whan sche teld hym +te wyl of owr Lord , he durst not onys sey nay . (CMKEMPE,92.2076) & so weryd sche white clothys euyr aftyr . (CMKEMPE,92.2077) Than owr Lord bad hir +tat sche xuld at Cristemes gon hom a-geyn to hir ostys howse +ter sche was at hostel befor-tyme . (CMKEMPE,92.2078) And +tan sche went to a powr woman whech sche seruyd at +tat tyme be +te byddyng of hir confessowr , as is beforn-wretyn , (CMKEMPE,92.2079) & telde +te powr woman how sche must gon fro hir . (CMKEMPE,92.2080) & +tan +te powr woman was ryth sory (CMKEMPE,92.2081) & mad gret mone for hir departyng . (CMKEMPE,92.2082) & +tan +tis creatur teld hir how it was +te wil of God +tat it schuld be so , (CMKEMPE,92.2083) & +tan sche toke it +te mor esily . (CMKEMPE,92.2084) Aftyrward , as +tis creatur was in Rome , owr Lord bad hir +geuyn a-wey al hir good & makyn hir bar for hys lofe . (CMKEMPE,92.2085) & a-non sche wyth a feruent desyr to plesyn God +gaf a-wey swech good as sche had & sweche as sche had borwyd also of +te brokebakkyd man +tat went wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,92.2086) Whan he wist how +tat sche had +gouyn a-wey hys good , he was gretly mevyd & euyl plesyd for sche +gaf a-wey hys good , (CMKEMPE,92.2087) & spak ryth scharply to hir . (CMKEMPE,92.2088) & +tan sche seyd vn-to hym , " Richard , be +te grace of God we xal comyn hom in-to Inglond ryth wel . (CMKEMPE,92.2089) & +ge schal come to me in Brystowe in +te Whitsunwoke , (CMKEMPE,92.2090) & +ter xal I pay +gow ryth wel & trewly be +te grace of God , (CMKEMPE,92.2091) for I trust ryth wel +tat he +tat bad me +geuyn it a-wey for hys lofe wil help me to payn it a-geyn . " (CMKEMPE,92.2092) & so he dede . (CMKEMPE,92.2093) Afftyr +tat +tis creatur had thus +gouyn a-wey hir good (CMKEMPE,92.2094) & had neyther peny ne half-peny to helpyn hir-self wyth , as sche lay in Seynt Marcellys Chirche in Rome , thynkyng & stodying wher sche xuld han hir leuyng in-as-mech as sche had no syluer to cheys hir wyth-+tal , (CMKEMPE,92.2095) owr Lord answeryd to hir mende (CMKEMPE,92.2096) & seyde , " Dowtyr , +tu art not +get so powr as I was whan I heng nakyd on +te Cros for thy lofe , (CMKEMPE,92.2097) for +tu hast clothys on thy body (CMKEMPE,92.2098) & I had non . (CMKEMPE,92.2099) And thow hast cownseld o+ter men to ben powr for my sake , (CMKEMPE,92.2100) & +terfor +tu must folwyn thyn owyn cownsel . (CMKEMPE,92.2101) But drede +te not , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,92.2102) for +ter is gold to-+te-ward , (CMKEMPE,92.2103) & I haue hyte +te befor-tyme +tat I wolde neuyr fayl +te . (CMKEMPE,93.2104) & I xal preyn myn owyn Modir to beggyn for +te , (CMKEMPE,93.2105) for +tu hast many tymes beggyd for me & for my Modir also . (CMKEMPE,93.2106) & +terfor drede +te not . (CMKEMPE,93.2107) I haue frendys in euery cuntre (CMKEMPE,93.2108) & xal make my frendys to comfort +te . " (CMKEMPE,93.2109) Whan owr Lord had thus swetly dalyed to hir sowle , sche thankyd hym of +tis gret comforte , hauyng good trost it xuld be as he seyd . (CMKEMPE,93.2110) Sythen sche , risyng up , went forth in +te strete (CMKEMPE,93.2111) & met casualy wyth a good man . (CMKEMPE,93.2112) & so they fellyn in good comunicacyon as +tei went togedir be +te wey , to whom sche had many good talys & many good exhortacyonys tyl God visited hym wyth terys of deuocyon & of compunccyon to hys hey comfort & consolacyon . (CMKEMPE,93.2113) & +tan he +gaf hir mony , be +te whech sche was wel releuyd & comfortyd a good while . (CMKEMPE,93.2114) Than on a nyth sche say in vision how owyr Lady , hir thowt , sat at +te mete wyth many worshepful personys & askyd mete for hir . (CMKEMPE,93.2115) And +tan thowt +tis creatur +tat owr Lordys wordys wer fulfilled gostly in +tat vision , (CMKEMPE,93.2116) for he behestyd +tis creatur a lityl be-forn +tat he xuld preyn hys modir to beggyn for hir . (CMKEMPE,93.2117) & in schort tyme aftyr +tis visyon sche met wyth a worshepful lady , Dame Margarete Florentyn , +te same lady +tat browt hir fro Assyse in-to Rome . (CMKEMPE,93.2118) & nei+tyr of hem cowd wel vndirstand o+ter but be syngnys er tokenys & in fewe comown wordys . (CMKEMPE,93.2119) And +tan +te lady seyd on-to hir , " Margerya in pouerte ? " (CMKEMPE,93.2120) Sche , vndirstondyng what +te lady ment , seyd a-+gen , " +Ga , grawnt pouerte , Madam . " (CMKEMPE,93.2121) +Tan +te lady comawndyd hir to etyn wyth hir euery Sonday (CMKEMPE,93.2122) & set hir at hir owen tabil a-bouyn hir-self (CMKEMPE,93.2123) & leyd hir mete wyth hir owyn handys . (CMKEMPE,93.2124) Than thys creatur sat (CMKEMPE,93.2125) & wept ful sor , thankyng owr Lord +tat sche was so cheryd & cherisched for hys lofe of hem +tat cowd not vndirstond hir langage . (CMKEMPE,93.2126) Whan +tei had etyn , +te good lady vsed to takyn hir an hamper wyth o+ter stuffe +tat sche myght makyn hir potage +terwyth , as meche as wolde seruyn hir for a too days mete , (CMKEMPE,93.2127) & filled hir botel wyth good wyn . (CMKEMPE,93.2128) And sumtyme sche +gaf hir an viij bolendinys +terto . (CMKEMPE,93.2129) And +tan an-o+ter man in Rome , whech was clepyd Marcelle , bad hir to mete ij days in +te woke , whos wyfe was gret wyth childe , hyly desiryng to haue had +tis creatur to godmodyr to hir childe whan it had ben born , (CMKEMPE,94.2130) & sche abood not so long in Rome . (CMKEMPE,94.2131) & also +ter was an holy mayden +gaf +tis creatur hir mete on +te Wednysday . (CMKEMPE,94.2132) O+ter days whan sche was not purueyd sche beggyd hir mete fro dor to dore . (CMKEMPE,94.2133) An-o+ter tyme , ryth as sche cam be a powr womanys hows , +te powr woman clepyd hir in-to hir hows (CMKEMPE,94.2134) & dede hir sytten be hir lytyl fyer , +geuyng hir wyn to drynke in a cuppe of ston . (CMKEMPE,94.2135) & sche had a lytel manchylde sowkyng on hir brest , +te whech sowkyd o while on +te moderys brest ; (CMKEMPE,94.2136) an-o+ter while it ran to +tis creatur , +te modyr syttyng ful of sorwe & sadnes . (CMKEMPE,94.2137) +Tan +tis creatur brast al in-to wepyng , as +tei sche had seyn owr Lady & hir sone in tyme of hys Passyon , (CMKEMPE,94.2138) & had so many of holy thowtys +tat sche myth neuyr tellyn +te haluendel , (CMKEMPE,94.2139) but euyr sat (CMKEMPE,94.2140) & wept plentyvowsly a long tyme +tat +te powr woman , hauyng compassyon of hir wepyng , preyd hir to sesyn , not knowyng why sche wept . (CMKEMPE,94.2141) +Tan owr Lord Ihesu Crist seyd to +te creatur , " Thys place is holy . " (CMKEMPE,94.2142) And +tan sche ros up (CMKEMPE,94.2143) & went forth in Rome (CMKEMPE,94.2144) & sey meche pouerte a-mong +te pepyl . (CMKEMPE,94.2145) & +tan sche thankyd God hyly of +te pouerte +tat sche was in , trostyng +terthorw to be partynyr wyth hem in meryte . (CMKEMPE,94.2146) +Tan was +ter a gret jentyl-woman in Rome preyng thys creatur to be godmodyr of hir childe (CMKEMPE,94.2147) & namyd it aftyr seynt Brigypt , (CMKEMPE,94.2148) for they haddyn knowlach of hir in hir lyue-tyme . (CMKEMPE,94.2149) & so sche dede . (CMKEMPE,94.2150) Sithyn God +gaf hir grace to haue gret lofe in Rome , bothyn of men & of women , & gret fauowr a-mong the pepyl . (CMKEMPE,94.2151) Whan +te Maystyr & Bro+tyr of +te Hospital of Seynt Thomas , wher sche was refusyd be-for-tyme , as is wretyn be-forn , herd tellyn what lofe & what fauowr sche had in +te cyte , they preyd hir +tat sche wolde come a-geyn to hem , (CMKEMPE,94.2152) & sche xulde be wolcomear +tan euyr sche was be-forn , (CMKEMPE,94.2153) for +tei weryn ryth sory +tat +tei had put hir a-wey fro hem . (CMKEMPE,94.2154) & sche thankyd hem for her charite (CMKEMPE,94.2155) & dede her comawndment . (CMKEMPE,94.2156) & , whan sche was comyn a-+gen to hem , +tei madyn hir ryth good cher (CMKEMPE,94.2157) & weryn rith glad of hir comyng . (CMKEMPE,94.2158) Than fond sche +ter hir +tat was hir mayden be-for-tyme , & wyth ryght schulde a be so stylle , dwellyng in +te Hospital in meche welth & prosperyte , (CMKEMPE,95.2160) for sche was kepar of her wyn . (CMKEMPE,95.2161) And +tis creatur went sumtyme to hir for cawse of mekenes (CMKEMPE,95.2162) & preyd hir of mete & drynke , (CMKEMPE,95.2163) & +te mayden +gaf hir wyth good wyl , & sumtyme a grote +terto . (CMKEMPE,95.2164) +Tan sche compleyned to hir mayden (CMKEMPE,95.2165) & seyd +tat sche thowt gret swem of her departyng & what slawndir & euyl wordys men seyd of hir for +tei wer a-sundyr , (CMKEMPE,95.2166) but wold sche neuyr +te ra+tar be a-geyn wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,95.2167) Aftyrward +tis creatur spak wyth Seynt Brydys mayden in Rome , (CMKEMPE,95.2168) but sche cowd not vndirstondyn what sche seyd . (CMKEMPE,95.2169) +Tan had sche a man +tat cowde vndirstondyn hir langage , (CMKEMPE,95.2170) & +tat man tolde Seynt Brygiptys mayden what +tis creatur seyde & how sche askyd aftyr Seynt Brigypt , hir lady . (CMKEMPE,95.2171) +Tan +te mayden seyd +tat hir lady , Seynt Brigypt , was goodly & meke to euery creatur & +tat sche had a lawhyng cher . (CMKEMPE,95.2172) And also +te good man wher +tis creatur was at hoste telde hir +tat he knew hir hys owyn selfe (CMKEMPE,95.2173) but he wend lityl +tat sche had ben so holy a woman as sche was , (CMKEMPE,95.2174) for sche was euyr homly & goodly to alle creaturys +tat woldyn spekyn wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,95.2175) Sche was in +te chawmbre +tat Seynt Brigypt deyd in , (CMKEMPE,95.2176) & herd a Dewche preste prechyn of hir +terin & of hir reuelacyonys & of hir maner of leuyng . (CMKEMPE,95.2177) & sche knelyd also on +te ston on +te whech owr Lord aperyd to Seynt Brigypte and telde hir what day sche xuld deyn on . (CMKEMPE,95.2178) & +tis was on of Seynt Brigyptys days +tat +tis creatur was in hir chapel , whech befortyme was hir chawmbre +tat sche deyd in . (CMKEMPE,95.2179) Owr Lord sent swech tempestys of wyndys & reynes & dyuers impressyons of eyrs +tat +tei +tat wer in +te feldys & in her labowrys wyth-owtyn-forth wer compellyd to entyr howsys in socowryng of her bodijs to enchewyn dyuers perellys . (CMKEMPE,95.2180) +Torw swech tokenys +tis creatur supposyd +tat owr Lord wold hys holy Seyntys day xulde ben halwyd & +te Seynt had in mor worshep +tan sche was at +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,95.2181) And sumtyme , whan +tis creatur wolde a gon +te Stacyownys , our Lord warnyd hir on +te nyght beyng in hir bed +tat sche xulde not gon owte fer fro hir ostel , (CMKEMPE,96.2182) for he xulde sendyn gret tempestys +tat day of leuenys & thunderys . (CMKEMPE,96.2183) & so it was in dede . (CMKEMPE,96.2184) Ther wer so gret tempestys +tat +ger of thunderys & leuenys , of gret reynes & dyuers wederyngys , +tat ryth elde men +tat tyme dwellyng in Rome seydyn +tei had neuyr seyn swech be-forn , (CMKEMPE,96.2185) +te leuenys wer so plentyuows & so brygth schynyng wyth-inne her howsys +tat +tei wendyn verily it xulde a brent her howsys wyth contentys . (CMKEMPE,96.2186) +Tan cryed +tei vp-on +te forseyd creatur to prey for hem , fully trustyng +tat sche was +te seruawnt of al-myghty God & thorw hir prayerys +tei xuldyn ben holpyn & socowryd . (CMKEMPE,96.2187) +Tis creatur at her request preyng owr Lord of mercy , he answeryd in hir sowle , seying , " Dowtyr , be not a-ferd , (CMKEMPE,96.2188) for +ter xal no wedyr ne tempest noyin +te , (CMKEMPE,96.2189) & +terfor mystrost me not , (CMKEMPE,96.2190) for I xal neuyr disceyuen +te . " (CMKEMPE,96.2191) And owr merciful Lord Cryst Ihesu , as it plesyd hym , wythdrow +te tempestys , preseruyng +te pepyl fro alle myscheuys . (CMKEMPE,96.2192) Than thorw +te prouysyon of owr mercyful Lord Crist Ihesu +ter was comyn a preste , a good man , owte of Inglond in-to Rome wyth o+ter felawshep speryng & inqwyryng diligently aftyr +te seyd creatur whom he had neuyr seyn be-forn , ne sche hym . (CMKEMPE,96.2193) But whil he was in Inglond he herd tellyn of swech a woman was at Rome wyth +te whech he longyd hyly to spekyn +gyf God wolde grawntyn hym grace . Wher-for , whyl he was in hys owyn lond , he , purposyng to se +tis creatur whan he thorw +te sufferawns of owr Lord myght come +ter sche was , purueyd golde to bryng hir in releuyng of hir +gyf sche had nede . (CMKEMPE,96.2194) +Tan be inqwyryng he cam in-to +te place wher +tat sche was , (CMKEMPE,96.2195) & ful humbely & mekely he clepyd hir modyr , preying hir for charite to receyuen hym as hir sone . (CMKEMPE,96.2196) Sche seyd +tat he was wolcom to God & to hir as to hys owyn modyr . (CMKEMPE,96.2197) So be holy dalyawns & communycacyon sche felt wel he was a good man . (CMKEMPE,96.2198) & +tan sche , discuryng +te preuyte of hert , reuelyd what grace God wrowt in hir sowle thorw hys holy inspiracyon & sumwhat of hir maner of leuyng . (CMKEMPE,96.2199) +Tan wolde he no lengar suffyr hir to beggyn hir mete fro dore to dore , (CMKEMPE,97.2200) but preyid hir to eten wyth hym & hys felawshep , les +tan good men & women be +te wey of charite & for gostly comfort wolde preyn hir to mete . (CMKEMPE,97.2201) +Tan he wolde +tat $she xulde take it in +te name of owr Lord , (CMKEMPE,97.2202) and ellys sche ete wyth hym & wyth hys felawschep euery day , (CMKEMPE,97.2203) & +gaf hir golde sufficiently to come hom wyth in-to Inglond . (CMKEMPE,97.2204) And +tan was fulfilled +tat owr Lord seyd to hir a lityl be-forn , " (CMKEMPE,97.2205) Gold is to-+te-warde . " (CMKEMPE,97.2206) & so it was in dede , (CMKEMPE,97.2207) thankyd be alle-myghty God . (CMKEMPE,97.2208) Than summe of hir felaws whech sche had ben wyth at Ierusalem comyth to +tis good preste , newly come to Rome , compleynyng of hir , (CMKEMPE,97.2209) & seyd +tat sche was schreuyn at a preste whech cowde not vndirstondyn hir langwage ne hir confessyown . (CMKEMPE,97.2210) Than +tis good preste , trostyng to hir as to hys modyr , desyryng +te helth of hir sowle , askyd of hir yf hir confessowr vndirstod hir whan sche spak to hym er not . (CMKEMPE,97.2211) " Good sone , I beseche +gow , (CMKEMPE,97.2212) preyth hym to dyne wyth +gow & wyth +gowr felawys (CMKEMPE,97.2213) & late me be present , (CMKEMPE,97.2214) & +tan xal +ge knowyn +te trewth . " (CMKEMPE,97.2215) Hyr confessowr was preyd to mete & , whan tyme cam , sett & seruyd wyth +tis good preste & hys felaschep , +te seyd creatur beyng present , +te good preste of Inglonde dalying & comownyng in her owyn langage , Englysch . (CMKEMPE,97.2216) +Te Duche preste , a worthy clerke as is wretyn be-forn , confessowr to +te seyd creatur , satt al stille in a maner of heuynes for cawse he vndirstod not what +tei seyden in Englysch les +tan +tei spokyn Latyn . (CMKEMPE,97.2217) & +tei dede it in purpose , hys vnwetyng , to preuyn +gyf he vndirstod Englysch er not . (CMKEMPE,97.2218) At +te last , +te seyd creatur , seyng & wel vndirstondyng +tat hir confessowr vndirstod not her langage & +tat was tediows to hym , +tan , in party to comfort hym & in party er ellys meche mor to preuyn +te werk of God , sche telde in hyr owyn langage in Englysch a story of Holy Writte whech sche had lernyd of clerkys whil sche was at hom in Inglond , (CMKEMPE,97.2219) for sche wolde spekyn of no vanyte ne of no fantasijs . (CMKEMPE,97.2220) Than +tei askyd hir confessowr +gyf he vndirstod +tat sche had seyd , (CMKEMPE,97.2221) & he a-non in Latyn telde hem +te same wordys +tat sche seyd be-forn in Englisch , (CMKEMPE,98.2222) for he cowde ney+tyr speke Englysch ne vndirstondyn Englisch saue only aftyr hir tunge . (CMKEMPE,98.2223) & +tan +tei had gret meruayle , (CMKEMPE,98.2224) for +tei wist wel +tat he vndirstod what sche seyde & sche vndirstod what he seyd , (CMKEMPE,98.2225) & he cowde vndirstonde non o+ter Englysch-man , (CMKEMPE,98.2226) so blyssed mote God ben +tat mad an alyon to vndirstondyn hir whan hir owyn cuntre-men had forsakyn hir & wolde not heryn hir confessyon les +tan sche wolde a left hir wepyng & spekyng of holynes . (CMKEMPE,98.2227) & +get sche myth not wepyn but whan God +gaf it hir . (CMKEMPE,98.2228) & oftyn-tymes he +gaf it so plentyuowsly +tat sche cowde not wythstonde it . (CMKEMPE,98.2229) But +te mor +tat sche wolde a wythstonde it er put it a-wey , +te mor strongly it wrowt in hir sowle wyth so holy thowtys +tat sche xulde not sesyn . (CMKEMPE,98.2230) Sche xulde sobbyn & cryen ful lowde al a-geyn hir wyl +tat many man & woman also wondryd on hir +terfore . (CMKEMPE,98.2231) Svm-tyme , whan +te forseyd creatur was at sermownys wher Duchemen & o+ter men prechyd , techyng +te lawys of God , sodeyn sorwe & heuynes ocupying hir hert cawsyd hir to compleyn wyth mornyng cher for lak of vndirstondyng , desyryng to be refreschyd wyth sum crumme of gostly vndirstondyng vn-to hir most trustyd & entyrlyest belouyd souereyn , Crist Ihesu , whos melydiows voys swettest of alle sauowrys softly sowndyng in hir sowle , seyd , " I xal preche +te & teche +te my-selfe , (CMKEMPE,98.2232) for +ti wyl & thy desyr is acceptabyl vn-to me . " (CMKEMPE,98.2233) +Tan was hir sowle so delectabely fed wyth +te swet dalyawns of owr Lorde & so fulfilled of hys lofe +tat as a drunkyn man sche turnyd hir fyrst on +te o syde & sithyn on +te o+ter wyth gret wepyng & gret sobbyng , vn-mythy to kepyn hir-selfe in stabilnes for +te vnqwenchabyl fyer of lofe whech brent ful sor in hir sowle . (CMKEMPE,98.2234) +Tan meche pepyl wonderyd up-on hir , askyng hir what sche eyled , to whom sche as a creatur al wowndyd wyth lofe & as reson had fayled , cryed wyth lowde voys , " +te Passyon of Crist sleth me . " (CMKEMPE,98.2235) +te good women , hauyng compassyon of hir sorwe & gretly meruelyng of hir wepyng & of hir crying , meche +te mor +tei louyd hir . (CMKEMPE,99.2236) & +terfor +tei , desiryng to make hir solas & comfort aftyr hir gostly labowr , be sygnys & tokenys , for sche vndirstod not her speche , preyid hir and in a maner compellyd hir to comyn hom to hem , willyng +tat sche xulde not gon fro hem . (CMKEMPE,99.2237) Than owr Lord sent hyr grace to han gret lofe & gret fauowr of many personys in Rome , bothyn-1 of religyows men & o+ter . (CMKEMPE,99.2238) Sum religyows comyn to swech personys of hyr cuntremen as louyd hir (CMKEMPE,99.2239) & seyden , " +tis woman hath sowyn meche good seed in Rome sithyn sche cam hydir , +tat is to sey , schewyd good exampyl to +te pepyl , wherthorw +tei louyn God mor +tan +tei dede be-forn . " (CMKEMPE,99.2240) On a tyme , as +tis creatur was in a chirche at Rome wher +te body of Seynt Ierom lyth birijd whech was myraculosly translatyd fro Bedlem in-to +tat place & +ter now is had in gret worshep be-syden +te place wher Seynt Lauerawnce lyth berijd , to +tis creaturys gostly sygth aperyng , Seynt Ierom seyd to hir sowle , " Blissed art +tow , dowtyr , in +te wepyng +tat +tu wepyst for +te peplys synnes , (CMKEMPE,99.2241) for many xal be sauyd +terby . (CMKEMPE,99.2242) And , dowtyr , drede +te nowt , (CMKEMPE,99.2243) for it is a synguler & a specyal +gyft +tat God hath +gouyn +te , - a welle of teerys +te whech xal neuyr man take fro +te . " (CMKEMPE,99.2244) Wyth swech maner of dalyawns he hily comfortyd hir spiritys . (CMKEMPE,99.2245) & also he made gret preysyng & thankyng to God for +te grace +tat he wrowt in hir sowle , (CMKEMPE,99.2246) for les +tan sche had an had sweche gostly comfortys it had ben vnpossybyl hir to a boryn +te schamys & wonderyngys +te whech sche suffyrd pacyently & mekely for +te grace +tat God schewyd in hyr . (CMKEMPE,99.2247) Whan tyme of Estern er ellys Paske was come & go , +tis creatur wyth hir felawschep , purposyng to gon a-geyn in-to her owyn natyf lond , it was telde hem +tat +ter wer many theuys be +te wey whech wolde spoyl hem of her goodys & perauentur slen hem . (CMKEMPE,100.2248) +Tan +te seyd creatur wyth many a bittyr teer of hir eye preyd to owr Lord Ihesu Crist , seying , " Crist Ihesu , in whom is al my trost , as thow hast be-hyte me many tymes befor +tat +ter xulde no man be disesyd in my cumpanye , & I was neuyr deceyued ne defrawdyd in +ti promysse as long as I fully & trewly trostyd on-to +te , so here +te preyerys of +tin vnworthy seruawnt al holy trustyng in +ti mercy . (CMKEMPE,100.2249) & grawnt +tat I & myn felawschep wythowtyn hyndryng of body er of catel - for of owr sowlys , Lord , haue +tei no powr - may gon hom a-geyn in-to owr lond lych as we come hedyr , for +ti lofe , (CMKEMPE,100.2250) & late neuyr owr enmijs haue no powr ouyr us , Lord , +gyf it plese +te . (CMKEMPE,100.2251) As +tu wilt , so mot it be . " (CMKEMPE,100.2252) Than owr Lord Ihesu Crist seyd to hir mende , " Drede +te not , dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,100.2253) for +tu & alle +tat ben in thy cumpany xal gon as safe as +gyf +tei wer in Seynt Petrys Cherch . " (CMKEMPE,100.2254) Than thankyd sche God wyth alle hir spiritys , (CMKEMPE,100.2255) & was bold a-now to go wher God wolde , (CMKEMPE,100.2256) & toke hir leue of hir frendys in Rome , & most specyaly of hir gostly fadyr , whech , for owr Lordys lofe , had supportyd hir & socowrd hir ful tendirly a-geyn +te wykked wyndys of hir invyows enmyis , whos departyng was ful lamentabyl as wytnessyd wel +te pur watyrdropys rennyng down be her chekys . (CMKEMPE,100.2257) Sche , fallyng on hyr knes , receyued +te benefys of hys blyssyng , (CMKEMPE,100.2258) & so departyd a-sundyr whom charite ioyned bothyn in oon , thorw +te whech +tei trostyd to metyn a-geyn , whan owr Lord wolde , in her kendly cuntre whan +tei wer passyd +tis wretchyd wordelys exile . (CMKEMPE,100.2259) And +tus sche & hir feleschep passyd forth in-to-Inglond-ward . (CMKEMPE,100.2260) And whan +tei wer a lityl wey owte of Rome , & +te good preste , whech as is beforn-wretyn +tis creatur had receyued as for hir owyn sone , had mekyl drede of enmyis . Wher-for he seyd on-to hir , " Modyr , I drede me to be deed & slayn wyth enmyis . " (CMKEMPE,100.2261) Sche seyd , " Nay , sone , +ge schal far ryth wel & gon saf be +te grace of God . (CMKEMPE,101.2262) & he was wel comfortyd wyth hyr wordys , (CMKEMPE,101.2263) for he trustyd meche in hir felyngys (CMKEMPE,101.2264) and mad hir as good cher be +te wey as +gyf he had ben hir owyn sone born of hir body . (CMKEMPE,101.2265) & so +tei cam forth to Medylborwgh , (CMKEMPE,101.2266) & +tan hir felaschep wolde takyn her jurne in-to-Inglond-ward on +te Sunday . (CMKEMPE,101.2267) +Tan +te good preyste cam to hir , seying , " Modyr , wyl +ge gon wyth +gowr felaschep er not on +tis good day ? " (CMKEMPE,101.2268) & sche seyde , " Nay , sone , it is not my Lordys wille +tat I xulde gon so sone hens . " (CMKEMPE,101.2269) & so sche abood stylle wyth +te good preste & summe o+ter of +te felaschyp tyl +te Satyrday aftyr . (CMKEMPE,101.2270) And mech of her felaschep went to schip on +te Sonday . (CMKEMPE,101.2271) On +te Fryday aftyr , as +tis creatur went to sportyn hir in +te felde & men of hir owyn nacyon wyth hir , +te whech sche informyd in +te lawys of God as wel as sche cowde - & scharply sche spak a-geyns hem for +tei sworyn gret othys & brokyn +te comawndment of owr Lord God - & as sche went +tus dalying wyth hem , owr Lord Ihesu Crist bad hir gon hom in haste to hir hostel , (CMKEMPE,101.2272) for +ter schulde come gret wederyng & perlyows . (CMKEMPE,101.2273) +Tan sche hyed hir homwardys wyth hir felaschep , (CMKEMPE,101.2274) & , as sone as +tei come hom to her hostel , +te wederyng fel as sche felt be reuelacyon . (CMKEMPE,101.2275) And many tymes , as sche went be +te wey & in +te feldys , +ter fel gret leuenys wyth hedows thunderys , gresely & greuows , +tat sche feryd hir +tat it xulde a smet hir to deth , & many gret reynes , whech cawsyd in hir gret drede & heuynes . (CMKEMPE,101.2276) +Tan owr Lord Ihesu Crist seyd to hir , " Why art thow a-ferd whil I am wyth +te ? (CMKEMPE,101.2277) I am as mythy to kepyn +te her in +te felde as in +te strengest chirche in alle +tis worlde . " (CMKEMPE,101.2278) & aftyr +tat tyme sche was not so gretly a-ferd as sche was be-forn , (CMKEMPE,101.2279) for euyr sche had gret trust in hys mercy , (CMKEMPE,101.2280) blyssed mote he be +tat comfortyd hir in euery sorwe . (CMKEMPE,101.2281) And sithyn it happyd an Englysch-man to come to +tis creatur & swor a gret oth . (CMKEMPE,101.2282) Sche , heryng +tat oth , wept , mornyd , & sorwyd wyth-owtyn mesur , not of powr to restreyn hir-selfe fro wepyng & sorwyng , for-as-meche as sche sey hir bro+tyr offendyn owr Lord God al-mygthy & lytyl heed wold takyn to hys owyn defawte . (CMKEMPE,101.2283) On +te next day be-tymes come to +tis creatur +te good preste , whech was as hir sone , (CMKEMPE,102.2285) & seyd , " Modyr , good tydyngys . (CMKEMPE,102.2286) We haue good wynd , (CMKEMPE,102.2287) thankyd be God . " (CMKEMPE,102.2288) & a-non sche +gaf preysyng to owr Lord (CMKEMPE,102.2289) & preyd hym of hys mercy to grawntyn hem good perseuerawns of wynde & wederyng +tat +tei myth come hom in safte . (CMKEMPE,102.2290) And it was answeryd & comawndyd in hir sowle +tat +tei xuld gon her wey in +te name of Ihesu . (CMKEMPE,102.2291) Whan +te preste knew +tat sche wolde al-gatys gon forth , he seyd , " Modyr , her is no schip ; (CMKEMPE,102.2292) her is but a lityl hecke . " (CMKEMPE,102.2293) Sche answeryd ageyn , " Sone , God is as mythy in a lityl schip as in a gret schip , (CMKEMPE,102.2294) for I wyl go +terin be +te leue of God . " (CMKEMPE,102.2295) And , whan +tei wer in +te lityl schip , it be-gan to waxin gret tempestys & dyrke wedyr . (CMKEMPE,102.2296) +Tan +tei cryed to God for grace & mercy , (CMKEMPE,102.2297) & a-non +te tempestys sesyd , (CMKEMPE,102.2298) & +tei had fayr wedyr (CMKEMPE,102.2299) & seyled al +te nygth on ende & +te next day tyl evyn-song-tyme , (CMKEMPE,102.2300) & +tan +tei cam to londe . (CMKEMPE,102.2301) & , whan +tei wer on +te londe , +te forseyd creatur fel downe on hir knes kyssyng +te grownde , hyly thankyng God +tat had browt hem hom in safte . (CMKEMPE,102.2302) Than had +tis creatur nei+tyr peny ne halfpeny in hir purse . (CMKEMPE,102.2303) & so +tei happyd to meten wyth o+ter pilgrimys whech +gouyn hir iij halfpenys , in-as-meche as sche had in comownyng telde hem good talys . (CMKEMPE,102.2304) & +tan was sche rygth glad & mery , (CMKEMPE,102.2305) for sche had sum good +tat sche myght offeryn in +te worshep of +te Trinite whan sche come to Norwych as sche dede whan sche went owt of Inglond-ward . (CMKEMPE,102.2306) & so , whan sche cam +ter , sche offeryd wyth rygth good wylle (CMKEMPE,102.2307) & sithyn went sche wyth hir felaschep to +te Vykary of Seynt Steuenys , Maistyr Richard Castyr , whech leuyd +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,102.2308) & he led hem wyth hym to +te place +ter he went to boorde (CMKEMPE,102.2309) & mad hem ryth good cher . (CMKEMPE,102.2310) & he seyd to +te forseyd creatur " Margery , I merueyl how +ge can be so mery & han had so gret labowr & ben so fer hens . " (CMKEMPE,102.2311) " Syr , for I haue gret cawse to ben mery and joyn in owr Lorde +tat hath holpyn me & socowryd me & browt me a-geyn in safte , (CMKEMPE,102.2312) blyssed & worshepyd mot he be . " (CMKEMPE,102.2313) & so +tei dalyed in owr Lord a good while (CMKEMPE,102.2314) & had ful goodly cher . (CMKEMPE,102.2315) & +tan +tei tokyn her leue , (CMKEMPE,103.2316) & sche went to an ankyr whech was a monke of a fer cuntre & dwellyd in +te Chapel of +te Felde . (CMKEMPE,103.2317) He bar a name of gret perfeccyon (CMKEMPE,103.2318) & be-for-tyme had louyd +tis creatur ryth meche . (CMKEMPE,103.2319) And sithyn thorw euyl langage +tat he herd of hir he turnyd al a-+gens hir . (CMKEMPE,103.2320) & +terfor sche went to hym in purpose to mekyn hyr-selfe & drawyn hym to charite +gyf sche myth . (CMKEMPE,103.2321) Whan sche was come to hym , he wolcomyd hir hom schortly (CMKEMPE,103.2322) & askyd wher sche had don hir chylde +te whech was begotyn & born whil sche was owte , as he had herd seyde . (CMKEMPE,103.2323) And sche seyd , " Ser , +te same childe +tat God hath sent me I haue browt hom , (CMKEMPE,103.2324) for God knowyth I dede neuyr sithyn I went owte wher-thorw I xulde haue a childe . " (CMKEMPE,103.2325) & wolde he not leuyn hir for nowt +tat sche cowde sey . (CMKEMPE,103.2326) And neuyr-+te-lesse +get sche lowly & mekely schewyd hym for trust +tat sche had in hym how it was owr Lordys wyl +tat sche xulde be clad in white clothyng . (CMKEMPE,103.2327) & he seyd " God forbede it , " (CMKEMPE,103.2328) for sche xulde +tan make al +te world to wondyr on hir . (CMKEMPE,103.2329) And sche seyd a-+gen , " Ser , I make no fors so +tat God be plesyd +terwyth . " (CMKEMPE,103.2330) Than he bad hir comyn a-+gen to hym & be gouernyd be hym & be a good preste hite ser Edwarde . (CMKEMPE,103.2331) & sche seyd sche xulde wete first +gyf it wer +te wil of God er not , (CMKEMPE,103.2332) & +terwyth sche toke hir leue at +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,103.2333) & , as sche went fro-hym-ward be +te wey , owr Lord seyde to hir sowle , " I wil not +tat +tu be gouernyd be hym . " (CMKEMPE,103.2334) & sche sent hym worde what answer sche had of God . (CMKEMPE,103.2335) And +tan preyid sche to God , seying , " As wostly , Lorde , as it is thy wille +tat I xulde be clad in white , as $wostly grawnt me a tokne of leuyn , thundyr , & reyn so +tat it hyndir ne noy no-thyng +tat I vnworthy may +te ra+tar fulfillyn thy wil . " (CMKEMPE,103.2336) Than owr Lord answeryd & seyd vn-to hys vnworthy seruawnt , " Dowtyr , dowte it not , (CMKEMPE,103.2337) +tu xalt haue +tat tokyn be +te thryd day . " (CMKEMPE,103.2338) & so it was . (CMKEMPE,103.2339) On +te Fryday next folwyng , erly in +te morwenyng , as sche lay in hir bed , sche sey gret leuyn , (CMKEMPE,104.2340) sche herd gret thundyr & gret reyn folwyng , (CMKEMPE,104.2341) & as-swy+te it passyd a-wey (CMKEMPE,104.2342) & was fayr wedir a-geyn . (CMKEMPE,104.2343) & +tan sche purposyd hir fullych to weryn white clo+tis , saf sche had nei+tyr gold ne syluer to byen wyth hir clothyng . (CMKEMPE,104.2344) And +tan owr Lord seyd to hir sowle , " I xal ordeyn for +te . " (CMKEMPE,104.2345) +Tan went sche forth to a worshepful man in Norwich to whom sche was ryth wolcome (CMKEMPE,104.2346) & had gret chere . (CMKEMPE,104.2347) And , as +tei sat to-gedyr tellyng good talys , euyr owr Lord seyde in hir sowle , " Speke to +tis man , (CMKEMPE,104.2348) speke to +tis man . " (CMKEMPE,104.2349) +Tan sche seyd to +tat worshepful man , " Wolde God , ser , +tat I myth fyndyn a good man whech wolde lendyn me ij nobelys tyl I myth payn hym a-geyn to byen me clothys wyth . " (CMKEMPE,104.2350) And he seyde , " +Tat wil I do , damsel , gladly . (CMKEMPE,104.2351) What clothys wil +ge weryn ? " (CMKEMPE,104.2352) " Ser , " sche seyde , " white clo+tis , wyth +te leue of God . " (CMKEMPE,104.2353) So +tis good man bowt white cloth (CMKEMPE,104.2354) & dede makyn hir a gowne +terof & an hood , a kyrtyl , & a cloke . (CMKEMPE,104.2355) And on +te Satyrday , whech was +te next day , at euyn he browt hir +tis clothyng (CMKEMPE,104.2356) & +gaf it hir for Goddys lofe , (CMKEMPE,104.2357) & meche mor goodnes dede to hir for owr Lordys lofe , (CMKEMPE,104.2358) Crist Ihesu be hys reward (CMKEMPE,104.2359) & haue mercy up-on hys sowle & on alle Cristen . (CMKEMPE,104.2360) And on +te Trinite Sunday next folwyng sche was howselyd al in white , (CMKEMPE,104.2361) & sithen hath sche sufferyd meche despyte & meche schame in many dyuers cuntreys , cyteys , & townys , (CMKEMPE,104.2362) thankyd be God of alle . (CMKEMPE,104.2363) And sone aftyr hir husbond cam fro Lynne vn-to Norwych to se how sche ferd & how sche had sped , (CMKEMPE,104.2364) & so went +tei hom to-gedyr to Lynne . (CMKEMPE,104.2365) And sche in schort tyme aftyr fel in gret sekenes in so mech +tat sche was anoyntyd for dowt of deth . (CMKEMPE,104.2366) & sche desired , yf it wer +te wil of God , +tat sche myth sekyn Seynt Iamys er sche deyid & suffyr mor schame for hys lofe , as he had hyte hir befor +tat sche xuld do . (CMKEMPE,104.2367) And +tan owr Lord Ihesu Crist seyd to hir in hir sowle +tat sche xuld $not dey +get , (CMKEMPE,104.2368) and sche wend hir-selfe +tat sche xulde not a leuyd (CMKEMPE,104.2369) for hir peyn was so gret . (CMKEMPE,104.2370) And hastily aftyrwarde sche was heyl & hoyl . (CMKEMPE,104.2371) +tan it drow in-to-wyntyrwarde , (CMKEMPE,105.2373) and sche had so meche colde +tat sche wist not what sche myth do , (CMKEMPE,105.2374) for sche was powr (CMKEMPE,105.2375) & had no mony , (CMKEMPE,105.2376) & also sche was in gret dette . (CMKEMPE,105.2377) Than suffyrd sche schamys & repreuys for weryng of hir white clothys & for sche cryed so lowde whan owr Lord +gaf hyr mende of hys Passyon . (CMKEMPE,105.2378) And for +te compassyon +tat sche had of owr Lordys Passyon sche cryed so wondyr lowde , (CMKEMPE,105.2379) & +tei had neuyr herd hir $cryen before-tyme , (CMKEMPE,105.2380) & it was +te more merueyl on-to hem . (CMKEMPE,105.2381) For sche had hir fyrst cry at Ierusalem , as is wretyn be-forn . (CMKEMPE,105.2382) And many seyd +ter was neuyr seynt in Heuyn +tat cryed so as sche dede , wherfor +tei woldyn concludyn +tat sche had a deuyl wythinne hir whech cawsyd +tat crying . (CMKEMPE,105.2383) & so +tei seyden pleynly & meche mor euyl . (CMKEMPE,105.2384) And al sche toke pacyently for owr Lordys lofe , (CMKEMPE,105.2385) for sche wist wel +tat +te Iewys seyd meche wers of hys owyn persone +tan men dede of hir . (CMKEMPE,105.2386) & +terfor sche toke it +te mor mekely . (CMKEMPE,105.2387) Sum seyde +tat sche had +te fallyng euyl , (CMKEMPE,105.2388) for sche wyth +te crying wrestyd hir body turnyng fro +te o syde in-to +te o+ter (CMKEMPE,105.2389) & wex al blew & al blo as it had ben colowr of leed . (CMKEMPE,105.2390) & +tan folke spitted at hir for horrowr of +te sekenes , (CMKEMPE,105.2391) & sum scornyd hir (CMKEMPE,105.2392) and seyd +tat sche howlyd as it $had ben a dogge (CMKEMPE,105.2393) & bannyd hir (CMKEMPE,105.2394) & cursyd hir (CMKEMPE,105.2395) & seyd +tat sche dede meche harm a-mong +te pepyl . (CMKEMPE,105.2396) And +tan +tei +tat be-forn-tyme had +gouyn hir bothyn mete & drynke for Goddys lofe now +tei put hir a-wey (CMKEMPE,105.2397) & bodyn hir +tat sche xulde not come in her placys for +te schrewyd talys +tat +tei herd of hir . (CMKEMPE,105.2398) And aftyrward , whan tyme cam +tat sche wolde gon to Seynt Iamys , sche went to +te best frendys +tat sche had in Lynne (CMKEMPE,105.2399) & telde hem hir entent , how sche purposyd to gon to Seynt Iamys +gyf sche myth han good to gon wyth , (CMKEMPE,105.2400) but sche was powr (CMKEMPE,105.2401) and awt meche dette . (CMKEMPE,105.2402) And hir frendys seyden to hir , " Why haue +ge +gouyn a-wey +gowr good & o+ter mennys also ? (CMKEMPE,106.2403) Wher schal +ge now haue so meche good as +ge owe ? " (CMKEMPE,106.2404) And sche seyd a-+gen , " Owr Lord God schal helpyn ryth wel , (CMKEMPE,106.2405) for he fayld me neuyr in no cuntre , (CMKEMPE,106.2406) & +terfor I trust hym ryth wel . " (CMKEMPE,106.2407) And sodeynly cam a good man (CMKEMPE,106.2408) & +gaf hir fowrty pens , (CMKEMPE,106.2409) & wyth sum +terof sche bowt hir a pylche . (CMKEMPE,106.2410) & euyr owr Lord seyd to hir , " Dowtyr , stody +tow for no good , (CMKEMPE,106.2411) for I xal ordeyn for +te , (CMKEMPE,106.2412) but euyr stody +tow to loue me & kepe +ti mende on me , (CMKEMPE,106.2413) for I schal go wyth +te wher +tow gost as I haue hite +te be-forn . " (CMKEMPE,106.2414) And aftyrwarde +ter cam a woman , a good frend to +tis creatur , (CMKEMPE,106.2415) & +gaf hyr vij marke for sche xulde prey for hir whan +tat sche come to Seynt Iamys . (CMKEMPE,106.2416) & +tan sche toke hir leue at hir frendys in Lynne , purposyng hir forward in al +te hast +tat sche myth . (CMKEMPE,106.2417) & +tan was it seyd in Lynne +tat +ter wer many theuys be +te wey . (CMKEMPE,106.2418) +Tan had sche gret drede +tat +tei xulde robbyn hir & takyn hir golde a-wey fro hir . (CMKEMPE,106.2419) And owr mercyful Lord , comfortyng hir , seyd on-to hir , " Go forth , dowtyr , in +te name of Ihesu , (CMKEMPE,106.2420) +ter xal no thef han powyr ouyr +te . (CMKEMPE,106.2421) Than went sche forth (CMKEMPE,106.2422) & cam to Brystowe on +te Wednysday in Whitson-weke , (CMKEMPE,106.2423) and +ter fond sche redy $the broke-bakkyd man whech had ben wyth hir at Rome , whom sche left in Rome whan sche cam +tens too +ger befor +tis tyme . (CMKEMPE,106.2424) & , whil they wer in Rome , sche borwyd certeyn golde of hym (CMKEMPE,106.2425) & be +te byddyng of God sche +gaf a-wey to powr pepil al +te mony +tat sche had , & +tat sche had borwyd of hym also , as is wretyn be-forn . (CMKEMPE,106.2426) & than , whil sche was in Rome , sche hite hym to payn hym a-geyn in Bristowe at +tis tyme , (CMKEMPE,106.2427) & so was he come thedyr for hys payment . (CMKEMPE,106.2428) And owr Lord Ihesu Crist had so ordeyned for hir , as sche went to-Bristowe-ward , +tat +ter was +gouyn hir so meche mony +tat sche myth wel payn +te forseyd man al +tat sche awt hym . (CMKEMPE,106.2429) & so sche dede , (CMKEMPE,106.2430) blissed be owr Lord +terfor . (CMKEMPE,106.2431) And +tan sche lay stille in Bristowe be +te byddyng of God for to a-byden schepyng vj wokys , in-as-mech as +ter wer non Englisch schepys +tat myth seylen +tedyr , (CMKEMPE,107.2432) for +tei wer arestyd & takyn up for +te kyng . (CMKEMPE,107.2433) & o+ter pilgrymes +tat wer at Bristowe , desiryng to spedyn her jurne , went a-bowte fro port to port (CMKEMPE,107.2434) & sped neuyr +te mor . (CMKEMPE,107.2435) & so +tei cam a-geyn to Bristowe , whyl sche lay stille & sped bettyr +tan they for al her labowr . (CMKEMPE,107.2436) And , whil sche was thus stille in Bristowe aftyr +te byddyng of God , owr mercyful Lord Crist Ihesu visityd hys creatur wyth many holy meditacyons & many hy contemplacyonys & many swet comfortys . (CMKEMPE,107.2437) & +ter was sche howselyd euery sonday wyth plentyuows terys & boystows sobbyngys , wyth lowde cryingys and schille schrykyngys . (CMKEMPE,107.2438) & +terfor many man & many woman wondyrd up-on hir , (CMKEMPE,107.2439) skornyd hir (CMKEMPE,107.2440) & despised hir , (CMKEMPE,107.2441) bannyd hir (CMKEMPE,107.2442) & cursyd hir , (CMKEMPE,107.2443) seyde meche euyl of hir , (CMKEMPE,107.2444) slawndryd hir , (CMKEMPE,107.2445) & born hyr on hande +tat sche xulde a seyd thyng whech +tat sche seyd neuyr . (CMKEMPE,107.2446) & +tan wept sche ful sor for hir synne , preyng God of mercy & for+geuenes for hem , seying to owr Lord , " Lord , as +tu seydyst hangyng on +te Cros for +ti crucyfyerys , ' Fadyr , for+geue hem ; (CMKEMPE,107.2447) +tei wite not what +tei don , ' (CMKEMPE,107.2448) so I beseche +te , for+geue +te pepyl al scorne & slawndrys & al +tat +tei han trespasyd , +gyf it be thy wille , (CMKEMPE,107.2449) for I haue deseruyd meche mor (CMKEMPE,107.2450) & meche more am I worthy . " (CMKEMPE,107.2451) On Corpus Cristi Day aftyr , as +te prestys born +te Sacrament a-bowte +te town wyth solempne processyon , wyth meche lyth & gret solempnyte , as was worthy to be do , +te forseyd creatur folwyd ful of terys & deuocyon , wyth holy thowtys & meditacyon , sor wepyng & boystows sobbyng . (CMKEMPE,107.2452) & +tan cam a good woman be +tis creatur (CMKEMPE,107.2453) & seyd , " Damsel , God +gef us grace to folwyn +te steppys of owr Lord Ihesu Crist . " (CMKEMPE,107.2454) +Tan +tat worde wrowt so sor in hir herte & in hir mende +tat sche myth not beryn it +tat sche was fawyn to takyn an hows . (CMKEMPE,107.2455) & +ter sche cryed , " I dey , (CMKEMPE,107.2456) I dey , " (CMKEMPE,107.2457) & roryd also wondirfully +tat +te pepil wonderyd up-on hir , hauyng gret merueyl what hir eyled . (CMKEMPE,107.2458) And +get owr Lord mad summe to lofe hir & cherschyn hir ryth meche (CMKEMPE,108.2459) & haddyn hir hom bo+te to mete & to drynke (CMKEMPE,108.2460) & haddyn ful gret gladnes to heryn hir dalyin in owre Lord . (CMKEMPE,108.2461) And so +ter was a man of Newe Castel - hys name was Thomas Marchale - whech ofte-tymes bad +tis creatur to mete for to heryn hir dalyawns . (CMKEMPE,108.2462) & he was so drawyn be +te good wordys +tat God put in hir to sey of contricyon & compunccyon , of swetnes & of deuocyon +tat he was al meuyd as he had ben a newe man wyth terys of contricyon & compunccyon , bo+te days & nyghtys , as owr Lord wolde visiten hys hert wyth grace , +tat sum-tyme whan he went in +te feldys he wept so sor for hys synnes & hys trespas +tat he fel down & myth not beryn it & telde +te forseyd creatur +tat he had ben a ful rekles man & mys-gouernyd , & +tat sore rewyd hym , (CMKEMPE,108.2463) thankyd be God . (CMKEMPE,108.2464) And +tan he blyssed +te tyme +tat he knew +tis creatur & purposyd hym fully to be a good man . (CMKEMPE,108.2465) Also he seyd to +te seyd creatur , " Modyr , I haue her x marke . (CMKEMPE,108.2466) I pray +gow +tat it be +gowr as +gowr owyn , (CMKEMPE,108.2467) for I wil helpyn +gow to Seynt Iamys wyth Goddys grace . (CMKEMPE,108.2468) And what +tat +ge byd me +geuyn to any powr man er woman I wyl do +gowr byddyng , - (CMKEMPE,108.2469) al-wey o peny for +gow (CMKEMPE,108.2470) an-o+ter for myselfe . " (CMKEMPE,108.2471) Than , as it plesyd owr Lord , he sent a schip owte of Breteyn in-to Bristowe , whech schip was mad redy & arayd for to seylen to Seynt Iamys . (CMKEMPE,108.2472) And +tan +te seyd Thomas Marchale went (CMKEMPE,108.2473) & payd +te maystyr for hym-selfe & for +te seyd creatur . (CMKEMPE,108.2474) +Tan was +ter riche man of Bristowe whech wolde not late +te seyd creatur seylen in +tat schip , (CMKEMPE,108.2475) for he held hir no good woman . (CMKEMPE,108.2476) And +tan sche seyd to +tat ryche man , " Syr , yf +ge put me owt of +te schip , my Lord Ihesu xal put +gow owt of Heuyn , (CMKEMPE,108.2477) for I telle +gow , ser , owr Lord Ihesu hath no deynte of a ryche man les +tan he wil be a good man & a meke man . " (CMKEMPE,108.2478) & so sche seyde many scharp wordys on-to hym wyth-owtyn any glosyng er flateryng . (CMKEMPE,108.2479) & +tan owr Lord seyd to hir in hir sowle , " Thow xalt han thy wylle & gon to Seynt Iamys at +ti desyr . " (CMKEMPE,109.2480) And a-non aftyr sche was putt vp befor +te Bischop of Worcetyr +tat lay iij myle be+gondyn Bristowe & moneschid to aper be-for hym +ter he lay . (CMKEMPE,109.2481) Sche ros up erly on +te next day (CMKEMPE,109.2482) & went to +te place wher he lay hym-selfe , +get beyng in bedde , (CMKEMPE,109.2483) & happyd to metyn on of hys worschepfulest men in +te town , (CMKEMPE,109.2484) & so +tei dalyid of God . (CMKEMPE,109.2485) & , whan he had herd hir $dalyin a good while , he preyd hir to mete (CMKEMPE,109.2486) & sithyn he browt hir in-to +te Bischopys halle . (CMKEMPE,109.2487) & , whan sche cam in-to +te halle , sche saw many of +te Bischopys men al-to-raggyd & al-to-daggyd in her clothys . (CMKEMPE,109.2488) Sche , lyftyng vp hir hande , blissed hir . (CMKEMPE,109.2489) & +tan +tei seyd to hir , " What deuyl eyleth +te ? " (CMKEMPE,109.2490) Sche seyd a-+gen , " Whos men be +ge ? " (CMKEMPE,109.2491) +Tei answeryd a-+gen , " +Te Bischopys men . " (CMKEMPE,109.2492) And +tan sche seyd , " Nay , forso+te , +ge arn lykar +te Deuelys men . " (CMKEMPE,109.2493) +Tan +tei weryn wroth (CMKEMPE,109.2494) & chedyn hir (CMKEMPE,109.2495) & spokyn angrily vn-to hir , (CMKEMPE,109.2496) & sche suffryd hem wel & mekely . (CMKEMPE,109.2497) & sithyn sche spak so sadly a-geyn syn & her mysgouernawns +tat +tei wer in sylens & held hem wel plesyd wyth hyr dalyawns , thankyd be God , er +tan sche left . (CMKEMPE,109.2498) And +tan sche went in-to +te chirch (CMKEMPE,109.2499) and a-bood the comyng of +te Bischop . (CMKEMPE,109.2500) & whan he cam sche knelyd down (CMKEMPE,109.2501) & askyd what was hys wille & why sche was somownde to come be-for hym ; (CMKEMPE,109.2502) it was to hir gret noye & hynderawns in-as-meche as sche was a pilgryme purposyng be +te grace of God to-Seynt-Iamys-warde . (CMKEMPE,109.2503) Than +te Bischop seyde , " Margery , I haue not somownd +te , (CMKEMPE,109.2504) for I knowe wel j-now +tu art Iohn of Burnamys dowtyr of Lynne . (CMKEMPE,109.2505) I pray +te be not wroth , (CMKEMPE,109.2506) but far fayr wyth me , (CMKEMPE,109.2507) & I xal far fayr wyth the , (CMKEMPE,109.2508) for +tu xalt etyn wyth me +tis day . " (CMKEMPE,109.2509) " Syr , " sche seyd , " I prey +gow haue me excusyd , (CMKEMPE,109.2510) for I haue behestyd a good man in town to etyn with hym to-day . " (CMKEMPE,109.2511) And +tan he seyd , " +tu xalt etyn wyth me & he bothyn . " (CMKEMPE,109.2512) & so sche a-bood wyth hym tyl God sent wynde +tat sche myth seylen (CMKEMPE,109.2513) & had gret cher of hym & of hys meny also . (CMKEMPE,110.2514) & sithyn sche was schreuyn to +te Bischop . (CMKEMPE,110.2515) & +tan he preyd hir to prey for hym +tat he myth deyn in charite , (CMKEMPE,110.2516) for it was warnyd hym be an holy man whech had be reuelacyon +tat +tis Bischop xulde be ded wyth-inne +te terme of ij +ger . (CMKEMPE,110.2517) & it fel so in dede . (CMKEMPE,110.2518) And +terfor he compleynyd to +tis creatur (CMKEMPE,110.2519) & preyde hir to prey for hym +tat he myth deyin in charite . (CMKEMPE,110.2520) At +te last sche toke hir leue of hym , (CMKEMPE,110.2521) & he +gaf hir golde & hys blyssyng (CMKEMPE,110.2522) & comawndyd hys mene to lede hir forth in hir wey . (CMKEMPE,110.2523) And also he preyd hir whan sche come fro Seynt Iamys a-geyn +tat sche wolde come vn-to hym . (CMKEMPE,110.2524) And so sche went forth to hir schip . (CMKEMPE,110.2525) Be-for +tat sche entryd +te schip , sche mad hir preyerys +tat God xulde kepe hem & preserue hem fro veniawns , tempestys , & perellys in +te se +tat +tei myth go & come in safte , (CMKEMPE,110.2526) for it was telde hir +gyf +tei haddyn any tempest +tei woldyn castyn hyr in +te se , (CMKEMPE,110.2527) for +tei seyd it was for hir , (CMKEMPE,110.2528) & +tei seyde +te schip was +te wers for sche was +terin . (CMKEMPE,110.2529) And +terfor sche in hir preyer seyde on +tis maner , (CMKEMPE,110.2530) " Al-mythy God Crist Ihesu , I beseche +te for +ti mercy , +gyf +tu wilte chastisyn me , spar me tyl I come a-geyn in-to Inglond . (CMKEMPE,110.2531) & , whan I come a-geyn , chastyse me ryth as +tu wilte . " (CMKEMPE,110.2532) & +tan owr Lord grawntyd hir hir bone . (CMKEMPE,110.2533) & so sche toke hir schip in +te name of Ihesu (CMKEMPE,110.2534) & seylyd forth wyth hir felaschip , whom God sent fayr wynde & wedyr so +tat +tei comyn to Seynt Iamys on +te seuenyth day . (CMKEMPE,110.2535) And +tan +tei +tat weryn a-+gen hir whan +tei wer at Bristowe now +tei made hir good cher . (CMKEMPE,110.2536) & so +tei abedyn +ter xiiij days in +tat lond , (CMKEMPE,110.2537) & +ter had sche gret cher , bothyn bodily & gostly , hy deuocyon , & many gret cryes in +te mende of owr Lordys Passion , wyth plentyuows terys of compassyon . (CMKEMPE,110.2538) & sithyn +tei come hom a-geyn to Bristowe in v days . (CMKEMPE,110.2539) & sche abood not long +ter (CMKEMPE,110.2540) but went forth to +te Blod of Hayles , (CMKEMPE,110.2541) & +ter was schrevyn (CMKEMPE,110.2542) & had lowde cryes & boystows wepyngys . (CMKEMPE,110.2543) & +tan +te religiows men had hir in a-mongse hem (CMKEMPE,110.2544) & mad hir good cher , saf +tei sworyn many gret othys & horryble . (CMKEMPE,110.2545) & sche vndyrname hem +terof aftyr +te Gospel , (CMKEMPE,110.2546) & +Terof had +tei gret wondyr . (CMKEMPE,110.2547) Neuyr-+te-lesse summe wer ryth wel plesyd , (CMKEMPE,111.2549) thankyd be God of hys goodnesse . (CMKEMPE,111.2550) Sythyn +ged sche forth to Leyectyr , & a good man also , Thomas Marchale , of whom is wretyn be-forn . (CMKEMPE,111.2551) And +ter sche cam in-to a fayr cherch wher sche behelde a crucyfyx was petowsly poyntyd & lamentabyl to be-heldyn , thorw whech beheldyng +te Passyon of owr Lord entryd hir mende , $wherthorw sche gan meltyn & al-to-relentyn be terys of pyte & compassyown . (CMKEMPE,111.2552) +Tan +te fyer of lofe kyndelyd so +gern in hir hert +tat sche myth not kepyn it preuy , (CMKEMPE,111.2553) for , whedyr sche wolde er not , it cawsyd hir to brekyn owte wyth a lowde voys & cryen merueylowslyche & wepyn & sobbyn ful hedowslyche +tat many a man and woman wondryd on hir +terfor . (CMKEMPE,111.2554) Whan it was ouyr-comyn , sche goyng owt at +te chirche dore , a man toke hir be +te sleue (CMKEMPE,111.2555) & seyd , " Damsel , why wepist +tu so sor ? " (CMKEMPE,111.2556) " Ser , " sche seyd , " it is not +gow to telle . " (CMKEMPE,111.2557) & so sche & +te good man , Thomas Marchale , went forth (CMKEMPE,111.2558) & toke hir hostel (CMKEMPE,111.2559) & +ter etyn her mete . (CMKEMPE,111.2560) Whan +tei had etyn , sche preyd Thomas Marchale to writyn a lettyr & sendyn to hir husbond +tat he myth fettyn hir hom . (CMKEMPE,111.2561) & , wyl +te lettyr was in wrytyng , +te osteler cam vp to hir chawmbyr in gret hast (CMKEMPE,111.2562) & toke a-wey hir scryppe (CMKEMPE,111.2563) & bad hyr comyn +gerne and spekyn wyth +te Meyr . (CMKEMPE,111.2564) & so sche dede . (CMKEMPE,111.2565) +Tan +te Meyr askyd hir of what cuntre sche was & whos dowtyr sche was . (CMKEMPE,111.2566) " Syr , " sche seyd , " I am of Lynne in Norfolke , a good mannys dowtyr of +te same Lynne , whech hath ben meyr fyve tymes of +tat worshepful burwgh and aldyrman also many +gerys , (CMKEMPE,111.2567) & I haue a good man , also a burgeys of +te seyd town , Lynne , to myn husbond . " (CMKEMPE,111.2568) " A , " seyd +te Meyr , " Seynt Kateryn telde what kynred sche cam of (CMKEMPE,111.2569) & +get ar +ge not lyche , (CMKEMPE,111.2570) for +tu art a fals strumpet , a fals loller , & a fals deceyuer of +te pepyl , (CMKEMPE,112.2571) & +terfor I xal haue +te in preson . " (CMKEMPE,112.2572) And sche seyd a-geyn , " I am as redy , ser , to gon to preson for Goddys lofe as +ge arn redy to gon to chirche . " (CMKEMPE,112.2573) Whan +te Meyr had long chedyn hir & seyd many euyl & horybyl wordys on-to hir & sche , be +te grace of Ihesu , had resonabely answeryd hym to al +tat he cowde seyn , +tan he comawndyd +te jaylerys man to ledyn hir to preson . (CMKEMPE,112.2574) The jaylerys man , hauyng compassyon of hir wyth wepyng terys , seyd to +te Meyr , " Ser , I haue non hows to put hir inne les +tan I putte hir a-mong men . " (CMKEMPE,112.2575) +Tan sche , meuyd wyth compassyon of $+te man whech had compassyon of hir preyng for grace & mercy to +tat man as to hir owyn sowle , seyd to +te Meyr , " I prey +gow , ser , put me not a-mong men , +tat I may kepyn my chastite & my bond of wedlak to myn husbond , as I am bowndyn to do . " (CMKEMPE,112.2576) & +tan seyd +te jayler hys owyn selfe to +te Meyr , " Ser , I will be bowndyn to kepe +tis woman in safwarde tyl +ge wyl haue hir a-geyn . " (CMKEMPE,112.2577) Than was +ter a man of Boston , (CMKEMPE,112.2578) & seyd to +te good wyfe +ter sche was at ostel , " Forso+te , " he seyth , " in Boston +tis woman is holdyn an holy woman & a blissed woman . " (CMKEMPE,112.2579) +Tan +te jayler toke hir in-to hys a-warde (CMKEMPE,112.2580) & led hyr hom in-to hys owyn hows (CMKEMPE,112.2581) & put hir in a fayr chawmbyr , schetyng +te dor wyth a key & comendyng hys wyfe +te key to kepyn . (CMKEMPE,112.2582) Neuyr-+te-lesse he lete hir gon to chirche whan sche wolde (CMKEMPE,112.2583) & dede hir etyn at hys owyn tabyl (CMKEMPE,112.2584) & mad hir ryght good cher for owr Lordys lofe , (CMKEMPE,112.2585) +tankyd be almygthy God +terof . (CMKEMPE,112.2586) Than +te Styward of Leycetyr , a semly man , sent for +te seyd creatur to +te jaylerys wyfe , (CMKEMPE,112.2587) & sche , for hir husbond was not at hom , wolde not late hir gon to no man , Styward ne o+ter . (CMKEMPE,112.2588) Whan +te jayler knew +terof , he cam hys propyr persone (CMKEMPE,112.2589) & browt hir befor +te Stywarde . (CMKEMPE,112.2590) +Te Styward a-non , as he sey hir , spak Latyn vn-to hir , many prestys stondyng a-bowtyn to here what sche xulde say & o+ter pepyl also . (CMKEMPE,113.2591) Sche seyd to +te Stywarde , " Spekyth Englysch , yf +gow lyketh , (CMKEMPE,113.2592) for I vndyrstonde not what +ge sey . " (CMKEMPE,113.2593) +Te Styward seyd vn-to hir , " +Tu lyest falsly in pleyn Englysch . " (CMKEMPE,113.2594) +Tan seyd sche vn-to hym a-+gen , " Syr , askyth what qwestyon +ge wil in Englysch , (CMKEMPE,113.2595) & thorw +te grace of my Lord Ihesu Cryst I xal answeryn +gow resonabely +terto . " (CMKEMPE,113.2596) And +tan askyd he many qwestyonys , to +te whech sche answeryd redily & resonabely +tat he cowde getyn no cawse a-geyn hir . (CMKEMPE,113.2597) Than +te Stywarde toke hir be +te hand (CMKEMPE,113.2598) & led hir in-to hys chawmbyr (CMKEMPE,113.2599) & spak many fowyl rebawdy wordys vn-to hir , purposyng & desyryng , as it semyd hir , to opressyn hir & for-lyn hir . (CMKEMPE,113.2600) & +tan had sche meche drede & meche sorwe , crying hym mercy . (CMKEMPE,113.2601) Sche seyd , " Ser , for +te reuerens of al-mythy God , sparyth me , (CMKEMPE,113.2602) for I am a mannys wife . " (CMKEMPE,113.2603) And +tan seyd +te Stywarde , " +Tu xalt telle me whe+tyr +tu hast +tis speche of God er of +te Devyl , (CMKEMPE,113.2604) er ellys +tu xalt gon to preson . " (CMKEMPE,113.2605) " Ser , " sche seyd , " for to gon to preson I am not aferd for my Lordys lofe , +te whech meche mor suffyrd for my lofe +tan I may for hys . (CMKEMPE,113.2606) I pray +gow doth as +gow thynkyth +te beste . " (CMKEMPE,113.2607) The Stiwarde , seyng hir boldenes +tat sche dred no presonyng , he $strogelyd wyth hir , schewyng vn-clene tokenys & vngoodly cuntenawns , wher-thorw he frayd hir so mech +tat sche telde hym how sche had hyr speche & hir dalyawns of +te Holy Gost & not of hir owyn cunnyng . (CMKEMPE,113.2608) And +tan he , al a-stoyned of hir wordys , left hys besynes & hys lewydnes , seying to hir as many man had do be-forn , " Ey+tyr +tu art a ryth good woman er ellys a ryth wikked woman , " (CMKEMPE,113.2609) & delyueryd hir a-geyn to hir gayler . (CMKEMPE,113.2610) & he led hyr hom a-geyn wyth hym . (CMKEMPE,113.2611) Sithyn +tei tokyn ij of hyr felaws +tat went wyth hyr on pylgrimage - (CMKEMPE,113.2612) +te on was Thomas Marchale beforn-seyd , +te o+ter , a man of Wisbeche - (CMKEMPE,113.2613) & put hem bothyn in preson for cawse of hyr . (CMKEMPE,113.2614) +Tan was sche heuy & sory for her distres (CMKEMPE,113.2615) & preyd to God for her delyuerawns . (CMKEMPE,113.2616) And +tan owr mercyful Lord Crist Ihesu seyd to hys creatur , " Dowtyr , I xal for thy loue so disposyn for hem +tat +te pepyl xal be ryth fayn to letyn hem gon & not longe kepyn hem . " (CMKEMPE,114.2617) And , on +te next day folwyng , owr Lord sent sweche wederyng of leuenys , thunderys , & reynes contynuyng +tat al +te pepyl in +te town wer so afrayd +tei wist not what to do . (CMKEMPE,114.2618) +Tei dreddyn hem it was for +tei had put +te pylgrimys in preson . (CMKEMPE,114.2619) & +tan +te gouernorys of +te town went in gret hast (CMKEMPE,114.2620) & toke owt +to tweyn pilgrimys whech had leyn in preson al +te nyth be-forn , ledyng hem to +te Gylde-halle +ter to be examynyd be-for +te Meyr & +te worschepful men of +te town , compellyng hem to sweryn +gyf +te forseyd creatur wer a woman of +te ryth feyth & ryth beleue , continent & clene of hir body , er not . (CMKEMPE,114.2621) As fer as +tei knewyn , +tei sworyn , as wittyrly God xulde help hem at +te Day of Dome , +tat sche was a good woman of +te ryth feyth & ryth beleue , clene & chaste in al hir gouernawns as fer as +tei cowde knowyn in cher , cuntenawns , in worde , & in werke . (CMKEMPE,114.2622) And +tan +te Meyr let hem gon whedyr +tei wolde . (CMKEMPE,114.2623) And a-non +te tempest sesyd , (CMKEMPE,114.2624) & it was fayr wedir , (CMKEMPE,114.2625) worschepyd be owre Lord God . (CMKEMPE,114.2626) The pilgrimys +tei wer glad +tat +tei wer delyueryd (CMKEMPE,114.2627) & durst no lengar abydyn in Leycetyr (CMKEMPE,114.2628) but went x myle thens (CMKEMPE,114.2629) & abood +ter +tat +tei myth haue knowlach what xulde be do wyth +te seyde creatur , (CMKEMPE,114.2630) for , whan +tei bothyn wer put in preson , +tei had telde hyr hem-selfe +tat +tei supposyd , +gyf +te Meyr myth han hys wil , he wolde don hir be brent . (CMKEMPE,114.2631) On a Wednysday +te seyd creatur was browt in-to a chirch of Alle Halwyn in Leycetyr , in whech place be-for +te hy awter was sett +te Abbot of Leycetyr wyth summe of hys chanownys , +te Den of Leicetyr , a worthy clerke . (CMKEMPE,114.2632) Ther wer also many frerys & preystys , also +te Meyr of +te same town wyth mech o+ter of lay pepyl . (CMKEMPE,114.2633) +Ter was so meche pepyl +tat +tei stodyn vp-on stolys for to beheldyn hir & wonderyn vp-on hir . (CMKEMPE,114.2634) +Te sayd creatur lay on hir knes , makyng hir prayerys to al-mythy God +tat sche myth han grace , wytte , & wysdam so to answeryn +tat day as myth ben most plesawns & worschep to hym , most profyth to hir sowle , & best exampyl to +te pepyl . (CMKEMPE,115.2635) Than +ter cam a preste to hir (CMKEMPE,115.2636) & toke hir be +te hand (CMKEMPE,115.2637) & browt hir be-forn +te Abbot & hys assessowrys syttyng at +te awter , the wheche dedyn hir sweryn on a boke +tat sche xulde answeryn trewly to +te Artyculys of +te Feyth lych as sche felt in hem . (CMKEMPE,115.2638) & fyrst +tei rehersyd +te blysful Sacrament of +te Awter , chargyng hir to seyn ryth as sche beleuyd +terin . (CMKEMPE,115.2639) Than sche seyd , " Serys , I beleue in +te Sacrament of +te Awter on +tis wyse , +tat what man hath takyn +te ordyr of presthode , be he neuyr so vicyows a man in hys leuyng , +gyf he sey dewly +to wordys ouyr +te bred +tat owr Lord Ihesu Criste seyde whan he mad hys Mawnde a-mong hys disciplys +ter he sat at +te soper , I be-leue +tat it is hys very flesch & hys blood & no material bred ne neuyr may be vnseyd be it onys seyd . " (CMKEMPE,115.2640) & so sche answeryd forth to alle +te artycles as many as +tei wolde askyn hir +tat +tei wer wel plesyd . (CMKEMPE,115.2641) +Te Meyr , whech was hir dedly enmy , he seyd , " In fayth , sche menyth not wyth hir hert as sche seyth with hir mowthe . " (CMKEMPE,115.2642) And +te clerkys seyden to hym , " Sir , sche answeryth ryth wel to vs . " (CMKEMPE,115.2643) +Tan +te Meyr alto-rebukyd hir (CMKEMPE,115.2644) & rehersyd many repreuows wordys & vngoodly , +te whiche is mor expedient to be concelyd +tan expressyd . (CMKEMPE,115.2645) " Sir , " sche seyde , " I take witnesse of my Lord Ihesu Crist , whos body is her present in +te Sacrament of +te Awter , +tat I neuyr had part of mannys body in +tis worlde in actual dede be wey of synne , but of myn husbondys body , whom I am bowndyn to be +te lawe of matrimony , & be whom I haue born xiiij childeryn . (CMKEMPE,115.2646) For I do +gow to wetyn , ser , +tat +ter is no man in +tis worlde +tat I lofe so meche as God , (CMKEMPE,115.2647) for I lofe hym a-bouyn al thynge , (CMKEMPE,115.2648) & , ser , I telle +gow trewly I lofe al men in God & for God . " (CMKEMPE,115.2649) Also fer+termor sche seyd pleynly to hys owyn persone , " Sir , +ge arn not worthy to ben a meyr , (CMKEMPE,116.2650) & +tat xal I preuyn be Holy Writte , (CMKEMPE,116.2651) for owr Lord God seyde hym-self er he wolde takyn veniawnce on +te cyteys , ' I xal comyn down & seen , ' (CMKEMPE,116.2652) & +get he knew al thyng . (CMKEMPE,116.2653) & +tat was not ellys , sir , but for to schewe men as +ge ben +tat +ge schulde don non execucyon in ponischyng but +gyf +ge had knowyng be-forn +tat it wer worthy for to be don . (CMKEMPE,116.2654) & , syr , +ge han do al +te contrary to me +tis day , (CMKEMPE,116.2655) for , syr , +ge han cawsyd me myche despite for thyng +tat I am not gilty in . (CMKEMPE,116.2656) I pray God for-+geue +gow it . " (CMKEMPE,116.2657) Than +te Meyr seyde to hir , " I wil wetyn why +tow gost in white clothys , (CMKEMPE,116.2658) for I trowe +tow art comyn hedyr to han a-wey owr wyuys fro us & ledyn hem wyth +te . " (CMKEMPE,116.2659) " Syr , " sche seyth , " +ge xal not wetyn of my mowth why I go in white clothys ; (CMKEMPE,116.2660) +ge arn not worthy to wetyn it . (CMKEMPE,116.2661) But , ser , I wil tellyn it to +tes worthy clerkys wyth good wil be +te maner of confessyon . (CMKEMPE,116.2662) Avyse hem +gyf +tei wyl telle it +gow . " (CMKEMPE,116.2663) Than +te clerkys preyd +te Meyr to gon down fro hem wyth +te o+ter pepyl . (CMKEMPE,116.2664) And , whan +tei weryn gon , sche knelyd on hir knes be-for +te Abbot , & +te Den of Leycetyr , & a Frer Prechowr , a worschipful clerke , (CMKEMPE,116.2665) & telde +tes iij clerkys how owr Lord be reuelacyon warnyd hir & bad hir weryn white clothys er sche cam at Ierusalem . " (CMKEMPE,116.2666) And so haue I tolde my gostly faderys . (CMKEMPE,116.2667) And +terfor +tei han chargyd me +tat I xulde gon thus , (CMKEMPE,116.2668) for +tei dar not don a-geyn my felyngys for dred of God , and , +gyf +tei durste , +tei wolde ful gladlych . (CMKEMPE,116.2669) And +terfor , serys , +gyf +te Meyr wil wetyn why I go in whyte , +ge may seye , +gyf +gow likyth , +tat my gostly faderys byddyn me gon so , (CMKEMPE,116.2670) & +tan xal +ge make no lesynggys (CMKEMPE,116.2671) ne he xal not knowe +te trewth . " (CMKEMPE,116.2672) So +te clerkys clepyd up a-+gen +te Meyr (CMKEMPE,116.2673) & teldyn hym in cownsel +tat hir gostly faderys had chargyd hir to weryn white clo+tis & sche had bowndyn hir to her obediens . (CMKEMPE,116.2674) Than +te Meyr clepyd hir to hym , seying , " I wil not letyn +te gon hens for thyng +tat +tow canst seyn les +tan +tu wil gon to my Lord of Lynkoln for a lettyr , in-as-meche as +tu art in hys jurisdiccyon , +tat I may be dischargyd of +te . " (CMKEMPE,116.2675) Sche seyd , " Ser , I dar speke to my Lord of Lyncolne ryth wel , (CMKEMPE,116.2676) for I haue had of hym rith good cher a-for +tis tyme . " (CMKEMPE,117.2677) And +tan o+ter men askyd hir +gyf sche wer in charite with +te Meyr , (CMKEMPE,117.2678) & sche seyd , " +Ga , & with alle creaturys . " (CMKEMPE,117.2679) And +tan sche , obeyng hir to +te Meir , preyd hym to ben in charite wyth hyr wyth wepyng terys & for+geuyn hir any thyng +tat sche had displesyd hym . (CMKEMPE,117.2680) And he +gaf hir goodly wordys for a while +tat sche wend al had ben wel & he had ben hir good frende , (CMKEMPE,117.2681) but aftyrward sche wist wel it was not so . (CMKEMPE,117.2682) & +tus she had leue of +te Meir for to gon to my Lord of Lyncolne & fettyn a lettyr be +te whech +te Meyr schulde be excusyd . (CMKEMPE,117.2683) So sche went fyrst to +te Abbey of Leycetyr in-to +te chirche , (CMKEMPE,117.2684) and , as sone as +te Abbot had aspyed hir , he , of hys goodnes , wyth many of hys bre+tyr , cam for $to wolcomyn hir . (CMKEMPE,117.2685) Whan sche sey hem comyn , a-non in hir sowle sche beheld owr Lord comyng wyth hys apostelys , (CMKEMPE,117.2686) & sche was so raueschyd in-to contemplacyon wyth swetnes & deuocyon +tat sche myth $not stondyn , a-geyns her comyng as curtesy wolde but lenyd hir to a peler in +te chirche & held hir strongly +terby for dred of fallyng , (CMKEMPE,117.2687) for sche wold a stondyn (CMKEMPE,117.2688) & sche myth not for plente of deuocyon whech was cawse +tat sche cryed & wept ful sor . (CMKEMPE,117.2689) Whan hir criyng was ouyr-comyn , +te Abbot preyd hys bre+tyr to haue hir in wyth hem & comfortyn hir , (CMKEMPE,117.2690) and so +tei +gouyn hir ryth good wyn (CMKEMPE,117.2691) & madyn hir ryth good cher . (CMKEMPE,117.2692) +Tan sche gat hir a lettyr of +te Abbot to my Lord of Lyncolne in-to record $in what conuersacyon sche had ben +te tyme +tat sche was in Leicetyr . (CMKEMPE,117.2693) And +te Deen of Leicetyr was redy to recordyn & witnessyn wyth hir also , (CMKEMPE,117.2694) for he had gret confidens +tat owre Lord louyd hir , (CMKEMPE,117.2695) & +terfor he cheryd hir ful hily in hys owyn place . (CMKEMPE,117.2696) And so sche toke leue of hir sayd sone , purposyng forth to-Lyncoln-ward wyth a man whech hite Patryk , +tat had ben wyth hir at Seynt Iamys be-for-tyme . (CMKEMPE,117.2697) And as +tis tyme he was sent be Thomas Marchale beforn-seyd fro Melton Mowmbray to Leycetyr for to inqwir & se how it stod wyth +te same creatur . (CMKEMPE,118.2698) For +te forseyd Thomas Marchal feryd meche +tat sche xuld a be brent , (CMKEMPE,118.2699) & +terfor he sent +tis man Patryk to preuyn +te trewth . (CMKEMPE,118.2700) & so sche & Patryk wyth many good folke of Leicetyr comyn to cheryn hir , thankyng God +tat had preseruyd hir & +gouyn hir +te victory of hir enmyis , wentyn forth owt at +te townys ende (CMKEMPE,118.2701) & madyn hir ryth good cher , behestyng hir yf euyr sche come a-geyn sche xuld han bettyr cher a-mong hem +tan euyr sche had be-forn . (CMKEMPE,118.2702) Than had sche for+getyn & left in +te towne a staf of a Moyses +gerde whech sche had browt fro Ierusalem , (CMKEMPE,118.2703) & sche wold not a lost it for xl s . (CMKEMPE,118.2704) +Tan went Patryk a-+gen in-to +te towne for hir staffe & hir scryppe (CMKEMPE,118.2705) & happyd to metyn wyth +te Meyr , (CMKEMPE,118.2706) and +te Meir wolde a putte hym in preson . (CMKEMPE,118.2707) So at +te last he scapyd of hard (CMKEMPE,118.2708) & left +ter hir scrippe . (CMKEMPE,118.2709) +Tan +te forseyd creatur a-bood +tis man in a blynd womanys hows in gret heuynes , dredyng what was fallyn of hym (CMKEMPE,118.2710) for he was so long . (CMKEMPE,118.2711) At +te last +tis man cam rydyng forby +ter +tat sche was . (CMKEMPE,118.2712) Whan sche sey hym sche cryed , " Patryk , sone , wher ha +ge ben so long fro me ? " (CMKEMPE,118.2713) " +Ga , +ga , modyr , " seyd he , " I haue ben in gret peril for +gow . (CMKEMPE,118.2714) I was in poynt to a ben put in preson for +gow , (CMKEMPE,118.2715) & +te Meyr hath gretly turmentyd me for +gow , (CMKEMPE,118.2716) & he hath takyn a-wey +gowr scrippe fro me . " (CMKEMPE,118.2717) " A , good Patryk , " seyd sche , " be not displesyd , (CMKEMPE,118.2718) for I xal prey for +gow , (CMKEMPE,118.2719) & God xal rewardyn +gowr labowr ryth wel ; (CMKEMPE,118.2720) it is al for +te best . " (CMKEMPE,118.2721) Than Patryk set hir up-on hys hors (CMKEMPE,118.2722) & browt hir hom in-to Melton Mowmbray into hys owyn hows wher was Thomas Marchale be-forwretyn (CMKEMPE,118.2723) & toke hir down of +te hors , hyly +tankyng God +tat sche was not brent . (CMKEMPE,118.2724) So +tei enjoyed in owr Lord al +tat nyth . (CMKEMPE,118.2725) And aftyrward sche went forth to +te Byschop of Lyncolne +ter he lay +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,118.2726) Sche , not verily knowyng wher he was , met a worschepful man wyth a furryd hood , a worthy officer of +te Bischopys , whech seyd vn-to hir , " Damsel , knowyst +tu not me ? " (CMKEMPE,118.2727) " No , sir , " sche seyd , " forso+te . " (CMKEMPE,118.2728) " & +get +tow wer beholdyn , " he seyd , (CMKEMPE,118.2729) " for I haue sumtyme mad +te good cher . " (CMKEMPE,118.2730) " Sir , I trust +tat +ge dedyn +ge dedyn for Goddys lofe , (CMKEMPE,118.2731) & +terfor I hope he xal ryth wel rewardyn +gow . (CMKEMPE,119.2732) And I prey +gow heldyth me excusyd , (CMKEMPE,119.2733) for I take lytil heed of a mannys bewte er of hys face , (CMKEMPE,119.2734) & +terfor I for+gete hym meche +te sonar . " (CMKEMPE,119.2735) And +tan he teld hir goodly wher sche xulde haue +te Bischop . (CMKEMPE,119.2736) And so sche gat hir a lettyr of +te Bischop to +te Meyr of Leycetyr , monyschyng hym +tat he xulde not vexyn hir ne lettyn hir to gon & comyn whan sche wolde . (CMKEMPE,119.2737) Than +ter fellyn gret thunderys & leuenys & many reynes +tat +te pepil demyd it was for veniawns of +te sayd creatur , gretly desyryng +tat she had ben owt of +tat cuntre . (CMKEMPE,119.2738) & sche wolde in no wise gon thens tyl +tat sche had hir scryppe a-geyn . (CMKEMPE,119.2739) Whan +te seyde Meyr receyued +te forseyd lettyr , he sent hir hir skryppe (CMKEMPE,119.2740) & leet hir gon in safte wher sche wolde . (CMKEMPE,119.2741) Iij wokys sche was lettyd of hir jurney be +te Meyr of Leycetyr er he wold letyn hyr gon owt +tat cooste . (CMKEMPE,119.2742) +Tan sche hyryd +te forseyd man Patryk to gon wyth hir in +te cuntre (CMKEMPE,119.2743) & so went +tei forth to +Gorke . (CMKEMPE,119.2744) Whan sche was com in-to +Gorke , sche went to an ancres wheche had louyd hir wel er sche went to Ierusalem to han knowlach of hyr gostly encres , also desiryng for mor gostly communicacyon to etyn wyth +te ancres +tat day no-thyng ellys but bred & watyr , (CMKEMPE,119.2745) for it was on owr Ladijs Euyn . (CMKEMPE,119.2746) And +te ancres wolde not receyuen hir , (CMKEMPE,119.2747) for sche had herd telde so mech euyl telde of hir . (CMKEMPE,119.2748) So sche went forth to o+ter fremd folk , (CMKEMPE,119.2749) & +tei made hir rith good cher for owr Lordys lofe . (CMKEMPE,119.2750) On a day , as sche sat in a chirche of +Gorke , owr Lord Ihesu Crist seyd in hir sowle , " Dowtyr , +ter is meche tribulacyon to-+te-warde . " (CMKEMPE,119.2751) Sche was sumdel heuy & abaschyd +terof (CMKEMPE,119.2752) & +terfor sche , syttyng stille , answeryd not . (CMKEMPE,119.2753) Than seyd owr blissed Lord a+gen , " What , dowtyr , art +tu euyl payd for to suffyr mor tribulacyon for my lofe ? (CMKEMPE,119.2754) +Gyf +tu wilte no mor suffyr , I xal take it a-wey fro +te . " (CMKEMPE,119.2755) And +tan seyd sche a-+gen , " Nay , good Lord , late me be at +ti wille (CMKEMPE,119.2756) & make me mythy & strong for to suffyr al +tat euyr +tu wilt +tat I suffyr , (CMKEMPE,120.2757) and grawnt me mekenes & pacyens +terwyth . " (CMKEMPE,120.2758) And so , fro +tat tyme forwarde +tat sche knew it was owr Lordys wille +tat sche xulde suffyr mor tribulacyon , sche receyued it goodly whan owr Lorde wolde send it (CMKEMPE,120.2759) & thankyd hym hily +terof , beyng ryth glad & mery +tat day +tat sche suffryd any disese . (CMKEMPE,120.2760) And be processe of tyme +tat day whech sche suffyrd no tribulacyon sche was not mery ne glad as +tat day when sche suffyrd tribulacyon . (CMKEMPE,120.2761) Sithyn , as sche was in +te Mynster at +Gorke forseyd , a clerk cam to hir , seying , " Damsel , how long wil +ge a-bydyn her ? " (CMKEMPE,120.2762) " Ser , " sche seyd , " I purpose to abyden +tes xiiij days . " (CMKEMPE,120.2763) & so sche dede . (CMKEMPE,120.2764) & in +tat tyme many good men & women preyd hir to mete (CMKEMPE,120.2765) & madyn hir ryth good cher (CMKEMPE,120.2766) & weryn ryth glad to heryn hyr dalyawns , hauyng gret merueyle of hir speche (CMKEMPE,120.2767) for it was fruteful . (CMKEMPE,120.2768) & also sche had many enmyis whech slawndryd hir , scornyd hir , & despysed hir , of whech o prest cam to hir whil sche was in +te seyd Mynstyr & , takyng hir be +te coler of +te gowne , seyd , " +Tu wolf , what is +tis cloth +tat +tu hast on ? " (CMKEMPE,120.2769) Sche stod stylle (CMKEMPE,120.2770) & not wolde answeryn in hir owyn cawse . (CMKEMPE,120.2771) Childer of +te monastery goyng be-syde seyd to +te preste , " Ser , it is wulle . " (CMKEMPE,120.2772) +Te preste was a-noyed for sche wolde not answer (CMKEMPE,120.2773) & gan to sweryn many gret o+tis . (CMKEMPE,120.2774) +Tan sche gan to spekyn for Goddys cawse ; (CMKEMPE,120.2775) sche was not a-ferd . (CMKEMPE,120.2776) Sche seyd , " Ser , +ge xulde kepe +te comawndmentys of God & not sweryn so necgligently as +ge do . " (CMKEMPE,120.2777) The preste askyd hir hoo kept +te comawndmentys . (CMKEMPE,120.2778) Sche seyd , " Ser , +tei +tat kepyn hem . " (CMKEMPE,120.2779) +Tan seyd he , " Kepyst +tu hem ? " (CMKEMPE,120.2780) Sche seyd a-geyn , " Syr , it is my wille to kepyn hem , (CMKEMPE,120.2781) for I am bownde +terto , (CMKEMPE,120.2782) & so ar +ge & euery man +tat wil be sauyd at +te last . " (CMKEMPE,120.2783) Whan he had long jangelyd wyth hir , he went a-wey preuyly er sche was war , +tat sche wist not wher he be-cam . (CMKEMPE,120.2784) An-o+ter tyme +ter cam a gret clerke on-to hir , askyng +tes wordys how +tei xuld ben vndirstondyn , " Crescite & multiplicamini . " (CMKEMPE,121.2786) Sche , answeryng , seyd , " Ser , +tes wordys ben not vndirstondyn only of begetyng of chyldren bodily , but also be purchasyng of vertu , whech is frute gostly , as be heryng of +te wordys of God , be good exampyl +geuyng , be mekenes & paciens , charite & chastite , & swech o+ter , (CMKEMPE,121.2787) for pacyens is more worthy +tan myraclys werkyng . " (CMKEMPE,121.2788) And sche thorw +te grace of God answeryd so +tat clerke +tat he was wel plesyd . (CMKEMPE,121.2789) And owr Lord of hys mercy euyr he mad sum men to louyn hir & supportyn hir . (CMKEMPE,121.2790) & so in +tis cite of +Gorke +ter was a doctowr of diuinyte , Maistyr Iohn Aclom , also a Chanown of +te Mynstyr , Syr Iohn Kendale , & an-o+ter preste whech song be +te Bischopys grave ; (CMKEMPE,121.2791) +tes wer hir good frendys of +te spiritual-te . (CMKEMPE,121.2792) So sche dwellyd stille in +tat cite xiiij days , as sche had seyd be-forn , & sumdel mor , (CMKEMPE,121.2793) & on +te Sundays sche was howseld in +te Mynster wyth gret wepyng , boistows sobbyng , & lowde crying +tat many man merueyled ful meche what hir eyled . (CMKEMPE,121.2794) So aftyrward +ter cam a preste , (CMKEMPE,121.2795) a worschepful clerke he semyd , (CMKEMPE,121.2796) & seyd vn-to hir , " Damsel , +tu seydest whan +tu come first hedyr +tat +tu woldyst abydyn her but xiiij days . " (CMKEMPE,121.2797) " +Ga , ser , wyth +gowr leue , I seyd +tat I wolde abydyn her xiiij days , (CMKEMPE,121.2798) but I seyd not +tat I xulde nei+tyr abydyn mor her ne les . (CMKEMPE,121.2799) But as now , ser , I telle +gow trewly I go not +get . " (CMKEMPE,121.2800) +Tan he sett hir a day , comawndyng hir for to aperyn beforn hym in +te Chapelhows . (CMKEMPE,121.2801) And sche seyd +tat sche wolde obey hys monycyon wyth a good wil . (CMKEMPE,121.2802) Sche went +tan to Maistyr Iohn Aclom , +te forseyd doctowr , preyng hym to be +ter on hir party . (CMKEMPE,121.2803) & so he was , (CMKEMPE,121.2804) & he toke gret fauowr a-mongys hem alle . (CMKEMPE,121.2805) Also ano+ter maistyr of diuinite had behestyd hir to a ben +ter wyth hir , (CMKEMPE,121.2806) but he drow on bakke tyl he knew how +te cawse xulde gon , whedyr wyth hir or a-+gen hir . (CMKEMPE,121.2807) +Ter was meche pepil +tat day in +te Chapetilhows of +te Mynstyr to her & se what xulde ben seyd er do to +te forseyd creatur . (CMKEMPE,121.2808) Whan +te day cam , sche was al redy in +te Mynstyr to come to hir answer . (CMKEMPE,122.2809) Than cam hir frendys to hir (CMKEMPE,122.2810) & bodyn hir ben of good cher . (CMKEMPE,122.2811) Sche , thankyng hem , seyd so sche xulde . (CMKEMPE,122.2812) And a-swythe cam a preste ful goodly (CMKEMPE,122.2813) & toke hir be +te arme for to helpyn hir thorw +te prees of +te pepil (CMKEMPE,122.2814) & browte hir be-forn a worschepful doctowr , +te whech had monyschyd hir be-forn for to aperyn beforn hym in +te Chapetyl-hows as +tis day in +Gorke Minstyr . (CMKEMPE,122.2815) And wyth +tis doctowr setyn many o+ter clerkys ful reuerende & worshepful , of +te whech clerkys summe louyd +te sayd creatur ryth wel . (CMKEMPE,122.2816) +Tan seyd +te worschepful doctowr to hir , " Woman , what dost +tu her in +tis cuntre ? " (CMKEMPE,122.2817) " Syr , I come on pilgrimage to offyr her at Seynt William . " (CMKEMPE,122.2818) +Tan seyd he a-+gen , " Hast +tu an husbond ? " (CMKEMPE,122.2819) Sche seyd , " +Ga . " (CMKEMPE,122.2820) " Hast +tu any lettyr of recorde ? " (CMKEMPE,122.2821) " Sir , " sche seyd , " myn husbond +gaf me leue wyth hys owyn mowthe . (CMKEMPE,122.2822) Why fare +ge +tus wyth me mor +tan +ge don wyth o+ter pilgrimys +tat ben her , wheche han no lettyr no mor +tan I haue ? (CMKEMPE,122.2823) Syr , hem +ge latyn gon in peys & qwyet & in reste , (CMKEMPE,122.2824) & I may no rest haue a-mongys +gow . (CMKEMPE,122.2825) And , syr , +gyf her be any clerke a-mongys +gow alle +tat can preuyn +tat I haue seyd any worde o+ter-wise +tan I awt for to do , I am redy for to amende it wyth good wille . (CMKEMPE,122.2826) I wil nei+tyr-1 meynteyn errowr ne heresy , (CMKEMPE,122.2827) for it is my ful wil to holdyn as Holy Chirche holdith & fully to plesyn God . " (CMKEMPE,122.2828) +Tan +te clerkys examynde hir in +te Articles of +te Feyth & in many o+ter poyntys as hem likyde , to +te whech sche answeryd wel & trewly +tat +tei myth haue non occasyon in hir wordys for to disesyn hir , (CMKEMPE,122.2829) thankyd be God . (CMKEMPE,122.2830) And +tan +te doctowr whiche satt +ter as a juge somownd hir to apere be-for +te Erchebischop of +Gorke (CMKEMPE,122.2831) & telde hir what day at a towne hite Cowoode , comawndyng hir to be kept in preson tyl +te day of hir aperyng come . (CMKEMPE,122.2832) Than +te seculer pepil answeryd for hir (CMKEMPE,122.2833) & seyde sche xulde not comyn in preson , (CMKEMPE,122.2834) for +tei woldyn hem-self vndirtakyn for hir & gon to +te Erchebischop wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,122.2835) & so +te clerkys seyd no mor to hir at +tat tyme , (CMKEMPE,123.2836) for +tei resyn up (CMKEMPE,123.2837) & went wher +tei wolde (CMKEMPE,123.2838) & letyn hir gon wher sche wolde , (CMKEMPE,123.2839) worschip $be to Ihesu . (CMKEMPE,123.2840) And sone aftyr +ter cam a clerke vn-to hir - on of +te same +tat had $fotyn ageyn hir - (CMKEMPE,123.2841) & seyd , " Damsel , I prey +te be not displesyd wyth me , thow I sat wyth +te doctowr a-geyns +te ; (CMKEMPE,123.2842) he cryed so up-on me +tat I durst non o+ter-wise don . " (CMKEMPE,123.2843) And sche seyd , " Ser , I am not displesyd wyth +gow +terfor . " (CMKEMPE,123.2844) Than seyd he , " I pray +gow +tan preyth for me . " (CMKEMPE,123.2845) " Sir , " sche seyd , " I wil al redy . " (CMKEMPE,123.2846) Ther was a monke xuld prechyn in +Gorke , +te whech had herd meche slawndyr & meche euyl langage of +te sayd creatur . (CMKEMPE,123.2847) & , whan he xulde prechyn , +ter was meche multitude of pepil to heryn hym , & sche present wyth hem . (CMKEMPE,123.2848) & so , whan he was in hys sermown , he rehersyd many materys so openly +tat +te pepil conceyued wel it was for cawse of hir , wher-for hir frendys +tat louyd hir wel wer ful sory & heuy +terof , (CMKEMPE,123.2849) & sche was meche +te mor mery , (CMKEMPE,123.2850) for sche had mater to preuyn hyr paciens & hir charite wher-thorw sche trostyd to plesyn owr Lord Crist Ihesu . (CMKEMPE,123.2851) Whan +te sermown was don , a doctowr of dyuinyte whech louyd hir wel wyth many o+ter also come to hir (CMKEMPE,123.2852) & seyd , " Margery , how haue +ge don +tis day ? " (CMKEMPE,123.2853) " Sir , " sche seyd , " ryth wel , (CMKEMPE,123.2854) blyssed be God . (CMKEMPE,123.2855) I haue cawse to be ryth mery & glad in my sowle +tat I may any-thyng suffyr for hys lofe , (CMKEMPE,123.2856) for he suffryd mech mor for me . " (CMKEMPE,123.2857) A-non aftyr cam a man whech louyd hir rith wel of good wil wyth hys wife & o+ter mo , (CMKEMPE,123.2858) and led hir vij myle +tens to +te Erchebischop of +Gorke , (CMKEMPE,123.2859) & browt hir in-to a fayr $chawmbyr , wher cam a good clerke , seying to +te good man whech had browt hir +tedyr , " Sir , why haue +ge & +gowr wife browt +tis woman hedyr ? (CMKEMPE,123.2860) Sche xal stelyn a-wey fro +gow , (CMKEMPE,123.2861) & +tan xal +ge han a velany of hir . " (CMKEMPE,123.2862) +Te good man seyd , " I dar wel say sche wil a-bydyn & ben at hir answer wyth good wille . " (CMKEMPE,123.2863) On +te next day sche was browt in-to +te Erchebischopys Chapel , (CMKEMPE,123.2864) & +ter comyn many of +te Erchebischopys meny , des-pisyng hir , callyng hir " loller " & " heretyke , " (CMKEMPE,124.2865) & sworyn many an horrybyl othe +tat sche xulde be brent . (CMKEMPE,124.2866) And sche , thorw +te strength of Ihesu , seyd a-+gen to hem , " Serys , I drede me +ge xul be brent in helle wyth-owtyn ende les +tan +ge amende +gow of +gowr othys sweryng , (CMKEMPE,124.2867) for +ge kepe not +te comawndementys of God . (CMKEMPE,124.2868) I wolde not sweryn as +ge don for al +te good of +tis worlde . " (CMKEMPE,124.2869) +Tan +tei +gedyn a-wey as +tei had ben a-schamyd . (CMKEMPE,124.2870) Sche +tan , makyng hir prayer in hir mende , askyd grace so to be demenyd +tat day as was most plesawns to God & profyte to hir owyn sowle & good exampyl to hir euyncristen . (CMKEMPE,124.2871) Owr Lord , answeryng hir , seyd it xulde be ryth wel . (CMKEMPE,124.2872) At +te last +te seyd Erchebischop cam in-to +te Chapel wyth hys clerkys , (CMKEMPE,124.2873) & scharply he seyde to hir , " Why gost +tu in white ? (CMKEMPE,124.2874) Art +tu a mayden ? " (CMKEMPE,124.2875) Sche , knelyng on hir knes be-for hym , seyd , " Nay , ser , I am no mayden ; (CMKEMPE,124.2876) I am a wife . " (CMKEMPE,124.2877) He comawndyd hys mene to fettyn a peyr of feterys (CMKEMPE,124.2878) & seyd sche xulde ben feteryd , (CMKEMPE,124.2879) for sche was a fals heretyke . (CMKEMPE,124.2880) & +tan sche seyd , " I am non heretyke , (CMKEMPE,124.2881) ne +ge xal non preue me . " (CMKEMPE,124.2882) +Te Erchebisshop went a-wey (CMKEMPE,124.2883) & let hir stondyn a-lone . (CMKEMPE,124.2884) Than sche mad hir prayers to owr Lord God almythy for to helpyn hir & socowryn hir ageyn alle hir enmyis , gostly & bodily , a long while , (CMKEMPE,124.2885) & hir flesch tremelyd & whakyd wondirly +tat sche was fayn to puttyn hir handys vndyr hir clo+tis +tat it schulde not ben aspyed . (CMKEMPE,124.2886) Sythyn +te Erchebischop cam a-geyn in-to +te Chapel wyth many worthy clerkys , a-mongys whech was +te same doctowr whech had examynd hir be-forn and +te monke +tat had prechyd a-geyn hir a lityl tyme be-forn in +Gorke . (CMKEMPE,124.2887) Sum of +te pepil askyd whedyr sche wer a Cristen woman er a Iewe ; (CMKEMPE,124.2888) sum seyd sche was a good woman , (CMKEMPE,124.2889) & sum seyd nay . (CMKEMPE,124.2890) Than +te Erchebischop toke hys see , & hys clerkys also , iche of hem in hys degre , meche pepil beyng present . (CMKEMPE,124.2891) And in +te tyme whil +te pepil was gaderyng to-gedyr & +te Erchebischop takyn hys see , +te seyd creatur stod al behyndyn , makyng hir preyerys for help & socowr ageyn hir enmijs wyth hy deuocyon so long +tat sche meltyd al in-to teerys . (CMKEMPE,124.2892) & at +te last sche cryed lowde +terwith , +tat +te Erchebischop & his clerkys & meche pepil had gret wondyr of hir , (CMKEMPE,125.2893) for +tei had not herd swech crying be-forn . (CMKEMPE,125.2894) Whan hir crying was passyd , sche cam be-forn +te Erchebischop (CMKEMPE,125.2895) & fel down on hir kneys , the Erchebischop seying ful boystowsly vn-to hir , " Why wepist +tu so , woman ? " (CMKEMPE,125.2896) Sche , answeryng , seyde , " Syr , +ge xal welyn sum day +tat +ge had wept as sor as I . " (CMKEMPE,125.2897) And +tan a-non , aftyr +te Erchebischop put to hir +te Articles of owr Feyth , to +te whech God +gaf hir grace to answeryn wel & trewly & redily wyth-owtyn any gret stody so +tat he myth not blamyn hir , than he seyd to +te clerkys , " Sche knowith hir Feyth wel a-now . (CMKEMPE,125.2898) What xal I don wyth hir ? " (CMKEMPE,125.2899) The clerkys seyden , " We knowyn wel +tat sche can +te Articles of +te Feith , (CMKEMPE,125.2900) but we wil not suffyr hir to dwellyn a-mong vs , (CMKEMPE,125.2901) for +te pepil hath gret feyth in hir dalyawnce , (CMKEMPE,125.2902) and perauentur sche myth peruertyn summe of hem . " (CMKEMPE,125.2903) Than +te Erchebischop seyd vn-to hir , " I am euyl enformyd of +te ; (CMKEMPE,125.2904) I her seyn +tu art a ryth wikked woman . " (CMKEMPE,125.2905) And sche seyd a-geyn , " Ser , so I her seyn +tat +ge arn a wikkyd man . (CMKEMPE,125.2906) And , +gyf +ge ben as wikkyd as men seyn , +ge xal neuyr come in Heuyn les +tan +ge amende +gow whil +ge ben her . " (CMKEMPE,125.2907) Than seyd he ful boistowsly , " Why , +tow , what sey men of me . " (CMKEMPE,125.2908) Sche answeryd , " O+ter men , syr , can telle +gow wel a-now . " (CMKEMPE,125.2909) +Tan seyd a gret clerke wyth a furryd hood , " Pes , (CMKEMPE,125.2910) +tu speke of +ti-self (CMKEMPE,125.2911) & late hym ben . " (CMKEMPE,125.2912) Sithyn seyd +te Erchebischop to hir , " Ley +tin hand on +te boke her be-forn me (CMKEMPE,125.2913) & swer +tat +tu xalt gon owt of my diocyse as sone as +tu may . " (CMKEMPE,125.2914) " Nay , syr , " sche sayd , " I praye +gow , +geue me leue to gon ageyn in-to +Gorke to take my leue of my frendys . " (CMKEMPE,125.2915) +Tan he +gaf hir leue for on day er too . (CMKEMPE,125.2916) Sche thowt $it was to schort a tyme , wherfor sche seyd a+gen , " Sir , I may not gon owt of +tis diocyse so hastily , (CMKEMPE,125.2917) for I must teryin & spekyn wyth good men er I go , (CMKEMPE,125.2918) & I must , ser , wyth +gowr leue , gon to Brydlyngton & spekyn wyth my confessor , a good man , +te whech was +te good Priowrys confessor +tat is now canonysed . " (CMKEMPE,125.2919) +Tan seyd +te Erchebischop to hir , " +Tow schalt sweryn +tat +tu $ne xalt techyn ne chalengyn +te pepil in my diocyse . " (CMKEMPE,126.2920) " Nay , syr , I xal not sweryn , " sche seyde , (CMKEMPE,126.2921) " for I xal spekyn of God & vndirnemyn hem +tat sweryn gret othys wher-so-euyr I go vn-to +te tyme +tat +te Pope & Holy Chirche hath ordeynde +tat no man schal be so hardy to spekyn of God , (CMKEMPE,126.2922) for God al-mythy forbedith not , ser , +tat we xal speke of hym . (CMKEMPE,126.2923) And also +te Gospel makyth mencyon +tat , whan +te woman had herd owr Lord prechyd , sche cam be-forn hym wyth a lowde voys & seyd , ' Blyssed be +te wombe +tat +te bar & +te tetys +tat +gaf +te sowkyn . ' (CMKEMPE,126.2924) +Tan owr Lord seyd a-+gen to hir , ' Forso+te so ar +tei blissed +tat heryn +te word of God and kepyn it . ' (CMKEMPE,126.2925) And +terfor , sir , me thynkyth +tat +te Gospel +geuyth me leue to spekyn of God . " (CMKEMPE,126.2926) " A ser , " seyd +te clerkys , " her wot we wel +tat sche hath a deuyl wyth-inne hir , (CMKEMPE,126.2927) for sche spekyth of +te Gospel . " (CMKEMPE,126.2928) As-swy+te a gret clerke browt forth a boke (CMKEMPE,126.2929) & leyd Seynt Powyl for hys party a-geyns hir +tat no woman xulde prechyn . (CMKEMPE,126.2930) Sche , answeryng +terto , seyde , " I preche not , ser , (CMKEMPE,126.2931) I come in no pulpytt . (CMKEMPE,126.2932) I vse but comownycacyon & good wordys , (CMKEMPE,126.2933) & +tat wil I do whil I leue . " (CMKEMPE,126.2934) Than seyd a doctowr whech had examynd hir be-for-tyme , " Syr , sche telde me +te werst talys of prestys +tat euyr I herde . " (CMKEMPE,126.2935) +Te Bischop comawndyd hir to tellyn +tat tale . (CMKEMPE,126.2936) " Sir , wyth +gowr reuerens , I spak but of o preste be +te maner of exampyl , +te whech as I haue lernyd went wil in a wode thorw +te sufferawns of God for +te profite of hys sowle tyl +te nygth cam up-on hym . (CMKEMPE,126.2937) He , destytute of hys herborwe , fond a fayr erber in +te whech he restyd +tat nyght , hauyng a fayr pertre in +te myddys al floreschyd wyth flowerys & belschyd , and blomys ful delectabil to hys syght , wher cam a bere , gret & boistows , hogely to beheldyn , schakyng +te pertre & fellyng down +te flowerys . (CMKEMPE,126.2938) Gredily +tis greuows best ete & deuowryd +to fayr flowerys . (CMKEMPE,126.2939) & , whan he had etyn hem , turnyng hys tayl-ende in +te prestys presens , voydyd hem owt ageyn at +te hymyr party . (CMKEMPE,127.2940) +Te preste , hauyng gret abhominacyon of +tat lothly syght , conceyuyng gret heuynes for dowte what it myth mene , on +te next day he wandrid forth in hys wey al heuy & pensife , whom it fortunyd to metyn wyth a semly agydd man lych to a palmyr er a pilgrime , +te whiche enqwiryd of +te preste +te cawse of hys heuynes . (CMKEMPE,127.2941) The preste , rehersyng +te mater be-forn-wretyn , seyd he conceyuyd gret drede & heuynes whan he beheld +tat lothly best defowlyn & deuowryn so fayr flowerys & blomys & aftirward so horrybely to deuoydyn hem be-for hym at hys taylende , & he not vndirstondyng what +tis myth mene . (CMKEMPE,127.2942) Than +te palmyr , schewyng hym-selfe +te massanger of God , +tus aresond hym , ' Preste , +tu +ti-self art +te pertre , sumdel florischyng & floweryng thorw +ti Seruyse seyyng & +te Sacramentys ministryng , thow +tu do vndeuowtly , (CMKEMPE,127.2943) for +tu takyst ful lytyl heede how +tu seyst +ti Mateynes & +ti Seruyse , so it be blaberyd to an ende . (CMKEMPE,127.2944) +Tan gost +tu to +ti Messe wyth-owtyn deuocyon , (CMKEMPE,127.2945) & for +ti synne hast +tu ful lityl contricyon . (CMKEMPE,127.2946) +Tu receyuyst +ter +te frute of euyrlestyng lyfe , +te Sacrament of +te Awter , in ful febyl disposicyon . (CMKEMPE,127.2947) Sithyn al +te day aftyr +tu myssespendist +ti tyme , (CMKEMPE,127.2948) +tu +geuist +te to bying & sellyng , choppyng & chongyng , as it wer a man of +te werld . (CMKEMPE,127.2949) +Tu sittyst at +te ale , +geuyng +te to glotonye & excesse , to lust of thy body , thorw letchery & vnclennesse . (CMKEMPE,127.2950) +Tu brekyst +te comawndmentys of God thorw sweryng , lying , detraccyon , & bakbytyng , & swech o+ter synnes vsyng . (CMKEMPE,127.2951) Thus be thy mysgouernawns , lych on-to +te lothly ber , +tu deuowryst & destroist +te flowerys & blomys of vertuows leuyng to thyn endles dampnacyon & many mannys hyndryng lesse +tan +tu haue grace of repentawns & amendyng . ' " (CMKEMPE,127.2952) +Tan +te Erchebisshop likyd wel +te tale (CMKEMPE,127.2953) & comendyd it , seying it was a good tale . (CMKEMPE,127.2954) & +te clerk whech had examynd hir be-for-tyme in +te absens of +te Erchebischop , seyd , " Ser , +tis tale smytyth me to +te hert . " (CMKEMPE,127.2955) The forseyd creatur seyd to +te clerk , " A , worschipful doctowr , ser , in place wher my dwellyng is most , is a worthy clerk , a good prechar , whech boldly spekyth ageyn +te mysgouernawns of +te pepil & wil flatyr no man . (CMKEMPE,128.2956) He seyth many tymes in +te pulpit , ' +Gyf any man be euyl plesyd wyth my prechyng , note hym wel , (CMKEMPE,128.2957) for he is gylty . ' (CMKEMPE,128.2958) And ryth so , ser , " seyd sche to +te clerk , " far +ge be me , (CMKEMPE,128.2959) God for+geue it +gow . " (CMKEMPE,128.2960) +Te clerk wist not wel what he myth sey to hir . (CMKEMPE,128.2961) Aftyrward +te same clerk cam to hir (CMKEMPE,128.2962) & preyid hir of for+gefnes +tat he had so ben a-geyn hir . (CMKEMPE,128.2963) Also he preyid hir specyaly to prey for hym . (CMKEMPE,128.2964) & +tan anon aftyr +te Erchebischop seyd , " Wher schal I haue a man +tat myth ledyn +tis woman fro me ? " (CMKEMPE,128.2965) As-swythe +ter styrt up many +gong men , (CMKEMPE,128.2966) & euery man seyd of hem , " My Lord , I wyl gon wyth hir . " (CMKEMPE,128.2967) +Te Erchebischop answeryd , " +ge ben to +gong ; (CMKEMPE,128.2968) I wil not haue +gow . " (CMKEMPE,128.2969) Than a good sad man of +te Erchebischopys meny askyd hys Lord what he wolde +geuyn hym & he xulde ledyn hir . (CMKEMPE,128.2970) +Te Erchebischop proferyd hym v s . (CMKEMPE,128.2971) and +te man askyd a nobyl . (CMKEMPE,128.2972) The Erchebischop , answeryng , seyd , " I wil not waryn so mech on hir body . " (CMKEMPE,128.2973) " +Gys , good ser , " seyd +te sayd creatur , " our Lord schal rewardyn +gow ryth wel a+gen . " (CMKEMPE,128.2974) +Tan +te Erchebischop seyd to +te man , " Se , (CMKEMPE,128.2975) her is v s. , (CMKEMPE,128.2976) & lede hir fast owt of +tis cuntre . " (CMKEMPE,128.2977) Sche , knelyng down on hir kneys , askyd hys blissyng . (CMKEMPE,128.2978) He , preyng hir to preye for hym , blissed hir (CMKEMPE,128.2979) & let hir go . (CMKEMPE,128.2980) Than sche , goyng a-+gen to +Gorke , was receyued of mech pepil & of ful worthy clerkys , whech enjoyed in owr Lord +tat had +gouyn hir not lettryd witte & wisdom to answeryn so many lernyd men wyth-owtyn velani or blame , (CMKEMPE,128.2981) thankyng be to God . (CMKEMPE,128.2982) Sithyn +tat good man whech was hir ledar browte hir owt of +te town (CMKEMPE,128.2983) & +tan went +tei forth to Brydelyngton to hir confessowr , whech hite Sleytham , (CMKEMPE,128.2984) and spak wyth hym & wyth many o+ter good men whech had cheryd hir befor-tyme & don meche for hir . (CMKEMPE,128.2985) Than sche wolde not abydyn +ter (CMKEMPE,129.2986) but toke hir leue for to walke forth in hir jurne . (CMKEMPE,129.2987) & +tan hir confessowr askyd hir +gyf sche durst not abydyn for +te Erchebischop of +Gorke , (CMKEMPE,129.2988) & sche seyd , " No , forsothe . " (CMKEMPE,129.2989) +Tan +te good man +gaf hir syluer , besechyng hir to prey for hym . (CMKEMPE,129.2990) And so sche +ged forth vn-to Hulle . (CMKEMPE,129.2991) & +ter on a tyme , as +tei went in processyon , a gret woman al-to-despysed hir , (CMKEMPE,129.2992) & sche seyd no word +terto . (CMKEMPE,129.2993) Many o+ter folke seyd +tat sche xulde be sett in preson (CMKEMPE,129.2994) & madyn gret thretyng . (CMKEMPE,129.2995) And not-wythstondyng al her malyce +get a good man cam (CMKEMPE,129.2996) & preyd hir to mete (CMKEMPE,129.2997) & mad hir ryth good cher . (CMKEMPE,129.2998) Than +te malicyows pepil , +te whech had despisyd hir be-forn , cam to +tis good man (CMKEMPE,129.2999) & bad hym +tat he xulde do hir no good , (CMKEMPE,129.3000) for +tei helde +tat sche was no good woman . (CMKEMPE,129.3001) On +te next day at morwyn hir hoste led hir owt at +te townys ende , (CMKEMPE,129.3002) for he durst no lengar kepyn hir . (CMKEMPE,129.3003) & so sche went to Hesyl (CMKEMPE,129.3004) & wolde a gon ouyr +te watyr at Humbyr . (CMKEMPE,129.3005) +Tan happyd sche to fyndyn +ter too Frer Prechowrys and ij +gemen of +te Duke of Bedforthys . (CMKEMPE,129.3006) +Te frerys telde +te +gemen +tat woman sche was , (CMKEMPE,129.3007) & +te +gemen arestyd hir as sche wolde a takyn hir boot , (CMKEMPE,129.3008) & restyd a man +tat went wyth hir also . (CMKEMPE,129.3009) " For owr Lord , " +tei seyd , " +te Duke of Bedforth hath sent for +te . (CMKEMPE,129.3010) And +tu art holdyn +te grettest loller in al +tis cuntre er a-bowte London eythyr . (CMKEMPE,129.3011) & we han sowt +te in many a cuntre , (CMKEMPE,129.3012) & we xal han an hundryd pownde for to bryng +te be-forn owr Lord . " (CMKEMPE,129.3013) Sche seyd to hem , " Wyth good wil , serys , I xal gon wyth +gow wher +ge wil ledyn me . " (CMKEMPE,129.3014) +Tan +tei browt hir a-+gen in-to Hesyl , (CMKEMPE,129.3015) & +ter men callyd hir loller , (CMKEMPE,129.3016) & women cam rennyng owt of her howsys wyth her rokkys , crying to +te pepil , " Brennyth +tis fals heretyk . " (CMKEMPE,129.3017) So , as sche went forth to-Beuerleward wyth +te seyd +gemen & +te frerys be-forn-seyd , +tei mettyn many tymes wyth men of +te cuntre , whech seyd vn-to hir , " Damsel , forsake +tis lyfe +tat +tu hast , (CMKEMPE,129.3018) & go spynne & carde as o+ter women don , (CMKEMPE,129.3019) & suffyr not so meche schame & so meche wo . (CMKEMPE,129.3020) We wolde not suffir so meche for no good in erthe . " (CMKEMPE,129.3021) +Tan sche seyd to hem , " I suffir not so mech sorwe as I wolde do for owr Lordys lofe , (CMKEMPE,130.3022) for I suffir but schrewyd wordys , (CMKEMPE,130.3023) & owr merciful Lord Crist Ihesu , worshepyd be hys name , suffyrd hard strokys , bittyr scorgyngys , & schamful deth at +te last for me and for al mankynde , (CMKEMPE,130.3024) blyssed mot he be . (CMKEMPE,130.3025) & +terfor it is ryth nowt +tat I suffir in regarde to +tat he suffyrd . " (CMKEMPE,130.3026) And so , as sche went wyth +te forseyd men , sche telde hem good talys tyl on of +te Dukys men whech had a-restyd hir seyd vn-to hir , " Me ouyr-thynkyth +tat I met wyth +te , (CMKEMPE,130.3027) for me semyth +tat +tu seyst ryth good wordys . " (CMKEMPE,130.3028) Than seyd sche vn-to hym , " Ser , ouyrthynkyth ne repentith +gow not +tat +ge met wyth me . (CMKEMPE,130.3029) Doth +gowr Lordys wille , (CMKEMPE,130.3030) & I trust al schal be for +te best , (CMKEMPE,130.3031) for I am ryth wel plesyd +tat +ge met wyth me . " (CMKEMPE,130.3032) He seyd a-+gen , " Damsel , yf euyr +tu be seynt in Heuyn , prey for me . " (CMKEMPE,130.3033) Sche answeryd , seying to hym a-+gen , " Sir , I hope +ge xal be a seynt +gowr-selfe & euery man +tat xal come to Heuyn . " (CMKEMPE,130.3034) So +tei +gedyn forth til +tei comyn in-to Beuerle , wher dwellyd on of +te mennys wifys +tat had arestyd hir . (CMKEMPE,130.3035) & +tedyr +tei leddyn hir (CMKEMPE,130.3036) & tokyn a-wey fro hir hir purs & hir ryng . (CMKEMPE,130.3037) +Tei ordeynd hir a fayr chambyr & an honest bed +terin wyth +te necessarys , lokkyng +te dor wyth +te key & beryng a-wey +te key wyth hem . (CMKEMPE,130.3038) Sithyn +tei tokyn +te man whom +tei arestyd wyth hir , wheche was +te Erchebischopys man of +Gorke , (CMKEMPE,130.3039) & put hym in preson . (CMKEMPE,130.3040) & sone aftyr +tat same day cam tydyngys +tat +te Erchebischop was comyn in-to +te town wher hys man was put in preson . (CMKEMPE,130.3041) It was telde +te Erchebischop of hys mannys presonyng , (CMKEMPE,130.3042) & a-non he dede hym be latyn owte . (CMKEMPE,130.3043) +Tan +tat man went to +te sayd creatur wyth angry cher , seying , " Alas +tat euyr knew I +te . (CMKEMPE,130.3044) I haue ben presonyd for +te . " (CMKEMPE,130.3045) Sche , comfortyng hym , seyd a-+gen , " Hauyth mekenes & pacyens , (CMKEMPE,130.3046) & +ge xal haue gret mede in Heuyn +terfor . " (CMKEMPE,130.3047) So +ged he a-wey fro hir . (CMKEMPE,130.3048) +Tan stode sche lokyng owt at a wyndown , tellyng many good talys to hem +tat wolde heryn hir , in so meche +tat women wept sor & seyde wyth gret heuynes of her hertys , " Alas , woman , why xalt +tu be brent ? " (CMKEMPE,131.3049) Than sche preyid +te good wyfe of +te hows to +geuyn hir drynke , (CMKEMPE,131.3050) for sche was euyl for thryste . (CMKEMPE,131.3051) And +te good wife seyde hir husbond had born a-wey +te key , wherfor sche myth not comyn to hir ne +geuyn hir drynke . (CMKEMPE,131.3052) And +tan +te women tokyn a leddyr (CMKEMPE,131.3053) & set up to +te wyndown (CMKEMPE,131.3054) & +gouyn hir a pynte of wyn in a potte (CMKEMPE,131.3055) & toke hir a pece , besechyng hir to settyn a-wey +te potte preuyly & +te pece +tat whan +te good man come he myth not aspye it . (CMKEMPE,131.3056) The seyd creatur , lying in hir bed +te next nyth folwyng , herd wyth hir bodily erys a lowde voys clepyng , " Margery . " (CMKEMPE,131.3057) Wyth +tat voys sche woke , gretly a-feryd , (CMKEMPE,131.3058) & , lying stille in sylens , sche mad hir preyerys as deuowtly as sche cowde for +te tyme . (CMKEMPE,131.3059) & sone owr merciful Lord ouyral present , comfortyng hys vnworthy seruawnt , seyd vn-to hir , " Dowtyr , it is mor plesyng vn-to me +tat +tu suffyr despitys & scornys , schamys & repreuys , wrongys & disesys +tan +gif +tin hed wer smet of thre tymes on +te day euery day in sevyn +ger . (CMKEMPE,131.3060) And +terfor , dowtyr , fere +te nowt what any man can seyn on-to +te , (CMKEMPE,131.3061) but in myn goodnes & in thy sorwys +tat +tu hast suffryd +terin hast +tu gret cawse to joyn , (CMKEMPE,131.3062) for , whan +tu comyst hom in-to Heuyn , +tan xal euery sorwe turnyn +te to joye . " (CMKEMPE,131.3063) On +te next day sche was browte in-to +te Chapetyl ows of Beuerle , (CMKEMPE,131.3064) & +ter was +te Erchebischop of +Gorke & many gret clerkys wyth hym , prestys , chanowns , & seculer men . (CMKEMPE,131.3065) +Tan seyd +te Erchebischop to +te seid creatur , " What , woman , art +tu come a-+gen ? (CMKEMPE,131.3066) I wolde fayn be delyueryd of +te . " (CMKEMPE,131.3067) And +tan a preste browt hir forth be-for hym , (CMKEMPE,131.3068) and +te Erchebischop seyd , alle +tat wer present heryng , " Serys , I had +tis woman befor me at Cowode , (CMKEMPE,131.3069) & +ter I wyth my clerkys examynd hir in hir feyth (CMKEMPE,131.3070) & fond no defawte in hir . (CMKEMPE,131.3071) For+termor , serys , I haue sithyn +tat tyme spokyn wyth good men whech holdyn hir a parfyte woman & a good woman . (CMKEMPE,131.3072) Notwythstandyng al +tis I +gaf on of my men v s. to ledyn hir owt of +tis cuntre for qwietyng of +te pepil . (CMKEMPE,131.3073) And , as +tei wer goyng in her jurne , they wer takyn & arestyd , my man put in preson for hir , (CMKEMPE,132.3074) also hir gold & hir syluer was takyn a-wey fro hir wyth hir bedys & hir ryng , (CMKEMPE,132.3075) and sche is browt her a-+gen befor me . (CMKEMPE,132.3076) Is her any man can sey any-thyng a+gen hir ? " (CMKEMPE,132.3077) Than o+ter men seyd , " Her is a frer can meche +ting a-+gens hir . " (CMKEMPE,132.3078) +Te frer cam forth (CMKEMPE,132.3079) & seyd +tat sche disprauyd alle men of Holy Chirche (CMKEMPE,132.3080) & mech ylle langage he vttryd +tat tyme of hir . (CMKEMPE,132.3081) Also he seyd +tat sche xulde a be brent at Lynne , had hys ordyr , +tat was Frer Prechowrys , ne be . (CMKEMPE,132.3082) " And , syr , sche seyth +tat sche may wepyn & han contricyon whan sche wil . " (CMKEMPE,132.3083) +Tan cam +to too men whech had arestyd hir , seyng wyth +te frer +tat sche was Combomis dowtyr & was sent to beryn lettrys abowtyn +te cuntre . (CMKEMPE,132.3084) And +tei seydyn sche had $nowt ben at Ierusalem ne in +te Holy Lond ne on o+ter pilgrimage , liche as sche had ben in trewth . (CMKEMPE,132.3085) +Tei denyed al trewth (CMKEMPE,132.3086) & meynteyned +te wrong , as many o+ter had don be-forn . (CMKEMPE,132.3087) Whan +tei had seyd j-now a gret while & a long tyme , +tei wer in pes . (CMKEMPE,132.3088) Than seyd +te Erchebischop to hir , " Woman , what seyst +tu her-to ? " (CMKEMPE,132.3089) Sche seyd , " My Lorde , saue +gowr reuerens , it arn lesyngys alle +te wordys +tat +tei sey . " (CMKEMPE,132.3090) +Tan seyde +te Erchebischop to +te frer , " Frer , +te wordys arn non heresye ; (CMKEMPE,132.3091) +tei arn slawnderows wordys & erroneows . " (CMKEMPE,132.3092) " My Lord , " seyde +te frer , " sche can hir Feyth wel j-now . (CMKEMPE,132.3093) Neuyr-+te-lesse , my Lord of Bedforthe is wroth wyth hir , (CMKEMPE,132.3094) & he wyl han hir . " (CMKEMPE,132.3095) " Wel frer , " seyde +te Erchebischop , " & +tu xalt ledyn hir to hym . " (CMKEMPE,132.3096) " Nay , ser , " seyde +te frer , " it fallyth not for a frer to ledyn a woman a-bowtyn . " (CMKEMPE,132.3097) " And I wille not , " seyde +te Erchebischop , " +tat +te Duke of Bedforde be wroth wyth me for hir . " (CMKEMPE,132.3098) +Tan seyde +te Erchebischop to hys men , " Takyth hede to +te frer tyl I wyl haue hym a-+gen , " (CMKEMPE,132.3099) and comawndyd an-o+ter man to kepyn +te seyde creatur also tyl he wolde haue hir a+gen an-o+ter tyme when he lykyde . (CMKEMPE,132.3100) The sayd creatur preyde hym of hys lordschip +tat sche xulde not be putte a-mongs men , (CMKEMPE,132.3101) for sche was a mannys wyfe . (CMKEMPE,133.3102) And +te Erchebischop seyde , " Nay , +tu xalt non harm han . " (CMKEMPE,133.3103) +Tan he +tat was chargyd wyth hir toke hir be +te hand (CMKEMPE,133.3104) & led hir hom to hys hows (CMKEMPE,133.3105) & dede hir sittyn wyth hym at mete & drynke , schewyng hir goodly cher . (CMKEMPE,133.3106) +Tedyr comyn many prestys & o+ter men eftsonys to se hir & spekyn wyth hir , (CMKEMPE,133.3107) & meche pepil had gret compassyon +tat sche was so euyl ferd wyth . (CMKEMPE,133.3108) In schort tyme aftyr , +te Erchebischop sent for hir , (CMKEMPE,133.3109) & sche cam in-to hys halle . (CMKEMPE,133.3110) Hys meny was at mete , (CMKEMPE,133.3111) & sche was ledde in-to hys chawmbyr euyn to hys beddys syde . (CMKEMPE,133.3112) +Tan sche , obeyng , thankyd hym of hys gracyows lordschip +tat he had schewyd to hir be-for-tyme . (CMKEMPE,133.3113) " +Ga , +ga , " seyd +te Erchebischop , " I am wers enformyd of +te +tan euyr I was be-forn . " (CMKEMPE,133.3114) Sche seyd , " My Lord , +gyf it lyke +gow to examyn me , I xal ben a-knowe +te trewth , (CMKEMPE,133.3115) and , yf I be fowndyn gylty , I wyl abeyn +gowr correccyon . " (CMKEMPE,133.3116) Than cam forth a Frer Prechowr whech was Suffragan wyth +te Erchebischop , to whom +te Erchebischop seyde , " Now , ser , as +ge seyde to me whan sche was not present , sey now whil sche is present . " (CMKEMPE,133.3117) " Schal I so ? " seyde +te Suffragan . (CMKEMPE,133.3118) " +Ga , " seyde +te Erchebischop . (CMKEMPE,133.3119) +Tan seyde +te suffragan to +te seyde creatur , " Damsel , +tu wer at my Lady Westmorlond . " (CMKEMPE,133.3120) " Whan , sir ? " seyde sche . " (CMKEMPE,133.3121) At Estern , " seyd +te Suffragan . (CMKEMPE,133.3122) Sche , not replying , seyd , " Wel , ser ? " (CMKEMPE,133.3123) +Tan seyd he , " My Lady hir owyn persone was wel plesyd wyth +te (CMKEMPE,133.3124) & lykyd wel thy wordys , (CMKEMPE,133.3125) but +tu cownseledyst my Lady Greystokke to forsakyn hir husbonde , +tat is a barownys wyfe & dowtyr to my Lady of Westmorlonde , (CMKEMPE,133.3126) & now hast seyd j-now to be brent for . " (CMKEMPE,133.3127) And so he multiplyed many schrewyd wordys befor +te Erchebischop , - (CMKEMPE,133.3128) it is not expedient to rehersyn hem . (CMKEMPE,133.3129) At +te last sche seyde to +te Erchebischop , " My Lord , yf it be +gowr wille , I saw not my Lady Westmorlond +tis too +ger & mor . (CMKEMPE,133.3130) Sir , sche sent for me er I went to Ierusalem (CMKEMPE,133.3131) & , +gyf it lyke +gow , I wyl gon a-geyn to hir for recorde +tat I mevyd no sweche mater . " (CMKEMPE,133.3132) " Nay , " seyde +tei +tat stodyn a-bowtyn , " late hir be putte in preson , (CMKEMPE,133.3133) & we xal sendyn a lettyr to +te worshepful Lady , (CMKEMPE,133.3134) & , +gyf it be trewth +tat sche seyth , late hir go qwite wyth-owtyn dawnger . " (CMKEMPE,134.3135) & sche seyde sche was ryth wel a-payd +tat it wer so . (CMKEMPE,134.3136) +Tan seyde a gret clerke whech stood a lytyl besyden +te Erchebischop , " Putte hir xl days in preson (CMKEMPE,134.3137) & sche xal louyn God +te bettyr whyl sche leuyth . " (CMKEMPE,134.3138) The Erchebischop askyd hir what tale it was +tat sche telde +te Lady of Westmorlonde whan sche spak wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,134.3139) Sche seyde , " I telde hir a good tale of a lady +tat was dampmyd for sche wolde not louyn hir enmijs & of a baly +tat was savyd for he louyd hys enmys & for+gaf +tat +tei had trespasyd a+gen hym , (CMKEMPE,134.3140) & +get he was heldyn an euyl man . " (CMKEMPE,134.3141) +Te Erchebischop seyd it was a good tale . (CMKEMPE,134.3142) Than seyd hys styward & many mo wyth hym , crying wyth a lowde voys to +te Erchebischop , " Lord , we prey +gow late hir go hens at +tis tyme , (CMKEMPE,134.3143) & , yf euyr sche come ageyn , we xal bren hyre owr-self . " (CMKEMPE,134.3144) The Erchebischop seyde , " I leue +ter was neuyr woman in Inglond so ferd wyth-+tal as sche is & hath ben . " (CMKEMPE,134.3145) +Tan he seyde to +te sayde creatur , " I wote not what I xal don wyth +te . " (CMKEMPE,134.3146) Sche seyde , " My Lord , I pray +gow late me haue +gowr lettyr & +gowr seyl in-to recorde +tat I haue excusyd me a-geyn myn enmys & no-thyng is attyd ageyns me , nei+tyr herrowr ne heresy +tat may ben preuyd vp-on me , thankyd be owr Lord , and Iohn , +gowr man , a-+gen to bryngyn me ouyr +te watyr . " (CMKEMPE,134.3147) & +te Erchebischop ful goodly grawntyd hir al hir desyr , owr Lord rewarde hym hys mede , (CMKEMPE,134.3148) & delueryd hyr purs wyth hir ryng & hir bedys whech +te Dukys men of Bedforth had takyn fro hir beforn . (CMKEMPE,134.3149) The Erchebischop had gret merueyl wher sche had good to gon wyth a-bowtyn +te cuntre , (CMKEMPE,134.3150) and sche seyde good men +gaf it hir for sche xulde prey for hem . (CMKEMPE,134.3151) Than sche , knelyng down , receyued hys blissyng (CMKEMPE,134.3152) & toke hir leue wyth ryth glad cher , goyng owt of hys chambyr . (CMKEMPE,134.3153) And +te Erchebischopys mene preyd hir to prey for hem , (CMKEMPE,134.3154) but +te styward was wroth , for sche lowgh & made good cher , seying to hir , " Holy folke xulde not lawghe . " (CMKEMPE,135.3155) Sche seyd , " Ser , I haue gret cawse for to lawghe , (CMKEMPE,135.3156) for +te mor schame I suffyr & despite , +te meryar may I ben in owr Lord Ihesu Crist . " (CMKEMPE,135.3157) +Tan sche cam down in-to +te halle , (CMKEMPE,135.3158) and +ter stood +te Frere Prechowr +tat had cawsyd hir al +tat wo . (CMKEMPE,135.3159) And so sche passyd forth wyth a man of +te Erchebischop , beryng +te lettyr whech +te Erchebischop had grawntyd hir for a recorde , (CMKEMPE,135.3160) & he browt hir to +te Watyr of Humbyr , (CMKEMPE,135.3161) & +ter he toke hys leue of hir , returnyng to hys lord & beryng +te sayd lettyr wyth hym a-+gen , (CMKEMPE,135.3162) so was sche left a-lone wythowtyn knowlache of +te pepyl . (CMKEMPE,135.3163) Al +te forseyd disese fel hir on a Fryday , (CMKEMPE,135.3164) thankyd be God of alle . (CMKEMPE,135.3165) Whan sche was passyd +te Watyr of Humbyr , a-non sche was arestyd for a loller & ledde to-preson-warde . (CMKEMPE,135.3166) +Ter happyd to be a person whech had seyn hir be-forn +te Erchebischop of +Gorke & gate hir leue to gon wher sche wolde & excusyd hir a-+gen +te baly & vndirtoke for hir +tat sche was no loller . (CMKEMPE,135.3167) & so sche scapyd a-wey in +te name of Ihesu . (CMKEMPE,135.3168) +Tan met sche wyth a man of London & hys wife wyth hym . (CMKEMPE,135.3169) & so went sche forth wyth hem tyl sche cam to Lyncolne , (CMKEMPE,135.3170) & +ter sufferd sche many scornys & many noyful wordys , answeryng a-+gen in Goddys cawse wyth-owtyn any lettyng , wysly & discretly +tat many men merueyled of hir cunnyng . (CMKEMPE,135.3171) +Ter wer men of lawe seyd vn-to hir , " We han gon to scole many +gerys , (CMKEMPE,135.3172) & +get arn we not sufficient to answeryn as +tu dost . (CMKEMPE,135.3173) Of whom hast +tu +tis cunnyng ? " (CMKEMPE,135.3174) & sche seyd , " Of +te Holy Gost . " (CMKEMPE,135.3175) +Tan askyd +tei , " Hast +tu +te Holy Gost ? " (CMKEMPE,135.3176) " +Ga , serys , " seyd sche , " +ter may no man sey a good worde wyth-owtyn +te +gyft of +te Holy Gost , (CMKEMPE,135.3177) for owr Lord Ihesu Crist seyd to hys disciplys , ' Stody not what +ge schal sey , (CMKEMPE,135.3178) for it schal not be +gowr spiryt +tat schal spekyn in +gow , (CMKEMPE,135.3179) but it schal be +te spiryt of +te Holy Gost . ' " (CMKEMPE,135.3180) And thus owr Lord +gaf hir grace to answer hem , (CMKEMPE,135.3181) worschepyd mote he be . (CMKEMPE,135.3182) An-o+ter tyme +ter cam gret lordys men vn-to hir , (CMKEMPE,135.3183) & +tei sworyn many gret othys , seying , " It is don us to wetyn +tat +tu canst tellyn vs whe+tyr we schal be sauyd er damnyd . " (CMKEMPE,136.3184) Sche seyd , " +Ga , forso+te can I , (CMKEMPE,136.3185) for , as long as +ge sweryn swech horrybyl o+tis & brekyn +te comawndment of God wetyngly as +ge do and wil not leuyn +gowr synne , I dar wel say +ge schal be damnyd . (CMKEMPE,136.3186) And , +gyf +ge wil be contrite & schreuyn of +gowr synne , wilfully don penawnce & leuyn it whil +ge may , in wil no mor to turne a+gen +terto , I dar wel say +ge schal be sauyd . " (CMKEMPE,136.3187) " What , canst +tu noon o+terwise tellyn us but thus ? " (CMKEMPE,136.3188) " Serys , " sche seyd , " +tis is ryth good , me thynkyth . " (CMKEMPE,136.3189) & +tan +tei went a-wey fro hir . (CMKEMPE,136.3190) Aftyr +tis sche cam homward a-+gen til sche cam at West Lynne . (CMKEMPE,136.3191) Whan sche was +ter , sche sent aftyr hir husbonde in-to Lynne Bischop , aftyr Maystyr Robert , hir confessowr , & aftyr Maistyr Aleyn , a doctowr of dyuinite , (CMKEMPE,136.3192) & telde hem in parcel of hyr tribulacyon . (CMKEMPE,136.3193) & sithyn sche telde hem +tat sche myth not comyn at hom at Lynne Bischop vn-to +te tyme +tat sche had ben at +te Erchebischop of Cawntyrbery for hys lettyr & hys seel . (CMKEMPE,136.3194) " For , whan I was befor +te Erchebischop of +Gorke , " sche seyd , " he wolde +geue no credens to my wordys in-as-meche as I had not my Lordys lettyr & seel of Cawntyrbery . (CMKEMPE,136.3195) And so I behestyd hym +tat I schulde not comyn in Lynne Bischop tyl I had my Lordys lettyr & +te seel of Cawntyrbury . " (CMKEMPE,136.3196) & +tan sche toke hir leue of +te sayd clerkys , askyng her blissyng , (CMKEMPE,136.3197) & passyd forth wyth hir husbonde to London . (CMKEMPE,136.3198) Whan sche cam +ter , sche was sped of hir lettyr a-non of +te Erchebischop of Cawntirbury . (CMKEMPE,136.3199) & so sche dwellyd in +te cite of London a long tyme (CMKEMPE,136.3200) and had ryth good cher of many worthy men . (CMKEMPE,136.3201) Sithyn sche cam vn-to-Elywarde for to a comyn hom in-to Lynne , and sche was iij myle fro Ely , +ter cam a man rydyng aftyr a gret spede (CMKEMPE,136.3202) & arestyd hir husbond & hir also , purposyng to ledyn hem bothyn in-to preson . (CMKEMPE,136.3203) He cruely rebukyd hem (CMKEMPE,136.3204) & al-to-reuylyd hem , rehersyng many repreuows wordys . (CMKEMPE,136.3205) & at +te last sche preyde hir husbonde to schewyn hym my Lordys lettyr of Cawntirbery . (CMKEMPE,136.3206) Whan +te man had redde +te lettyr , +tan he spak fayr & goodly vn-to hem , seying , " Why schewyd me not +gowr lettyr be-forn ? " (CMKEMPE,137.3207) & so +tei partyd awey fro hym (CMKEMPE,137.3208) & +tan comyn in-to Ely & fro thens hom in-to Lynne , wher sche suffryd meche despite , meche reprefe , many a scorne , many a slawndyr , many a bannyng , & many a cursyng . (CMKEMPE,137.3209) And on a tyme a rekles man , litil chargyng hys owyn schame , wyth wil & wyth purpose kest a bolful of watyr on hir heuyd comyng in +te strete . (CMKEMPE,137.3210) Sche , no-thyng meuyd +terwyth , seyd , " God make +gow a good man , " heyly thankyng God +terof , as sche dede of many mo o+ter tymes . (CMKEMPE,137.3211) Afftyrward God ponyschyd hir wyth many gret & diuers sekenes . (CMKEMPE,137.3212) Sche had +te flyx a long tyme tyl sche was anoyntyd , wenyng to a be deed . (CMKEMPE,137.3213) Sche was so febyl +tat sche myth not heldyn a spon in hir hand . (CMKEMPE,137.3214) +Tan owr Lord Ihesu Crist spak to hir in hir sowle (CMKEMPE,137.3215) & seyd +tat sche xulde not dey +get . (CMKEMPE,137.3216) +Tan sche recuryd a+gen a lytyl while . (CMKEMPE,137.3217) And a-non aftyr sche had a gret sekenes in hir heuyd and sithyn in hir bakke +tat sche feryd to a lost hir witte +ter-thorw . (CMKEMPE,137.3218) Aftyrwarde , whan sche was recuryd of alle +tes sekenessys , in schort tyme folwyd an-o+ter sekenes whech was sett in hir ryth syde , duryng +te terme of viij +ger , saf viij wokys , be diuers tymes . (CMKEMPE,137.3219) Sumtyme sche had it onys in a weke contunyng sumtyme xxx owrys , sumtyme xx , sumtyme x , sumtyme viij , sumtyme iiij , & sumtyme ij , so hard & so scharp +tat sche must voydyn +tat was in hir stomak as bittyr as it had ben galle , ney+tyr etyng ne drynkyng whil +te sekenes enduryd but euyr gronyng tyl it was gon . (CMKEMPE,137.3220) +Tan wolde sche sey to owr Lorde , " A , blysful Lord , why woldist +tu be-comyn man & suffyr so meche peyne for my synnes & for alle mennys synnes +tat xal be sauyd , (CMKEMPE,137.3221) & we arn so vnkende , Lord , to +te , (CMKEMPE,137.3222) & I , most vnworthy , can not suffyr +tis lityl peyne ? (CMKEMPE,137.3223) A , Lord , for thy gret peyn haue mercy on my lityl peyne ; (CMKEMPE,137.3224) for +te gret peyne +tat +tu suffredyst +gef me not so meche as I am worthy , (CMKEMPE,137.3225) for I may not beryn so meche as I am worthy . (CMKEMPE,137.3226) And , +gyf +tu wilte , Lord , +tat I ber it , sende me pacyens , (CMKEMPE,137.3227) for ellys I may not suffyr it . (CMKEMPE,137.3228) A , blisful Lord , I had leuyr suffyr alle +te schrewyd wordys +tat men myth seyn of me & alle clerkys to prechyn a-+gens me for thy lofe , so it were no hyndryng to no mannys sowle , +tan +tis peyne +tat I haue . (CMKEMPE,138.3229) For schrewyd wordys to suffyr for +ti lofe it hirte me ryth nowt , Lord , (CMKEMPE,138.3230) and +te werlde may takyn no-thyng fro me but worschep & worldly good , (CMKEMPE,138.3231) & be +te worschip of +te werlde I sett ryth nowt . (CMKEMPE,138.3232) & alle maner of goodys & worschepys & alle maner of louys in erthe , I prey +te , Lord , forbede me , namely alle +to louys & goodys of any erdly thyng whech schulde discres my lofe a-+gens +te , er lesse my meryte in Heuyn ; (CMKEMPE,138.3233) & alle maner of louys & goodys whech +tu knowist in thy Godheed xulde encresyn my loue to +te , I prey +te , grawnt me for thy mercy to +tin euyrlestyng worschep . " (CMKEMPE,138.3234) Sumtyme , not-wythstondyng +te sayd creatur had gret bodily sekenes , +get +te Passyon of owr merciful Lord Crist Ihesu wrowt so in hir sowle +tat for +te tyme sche felt not hir owyn sekenes but wept & sobbyd in +te mend of owr Lordys Passyon as thow sche sey hym wyth hir bodily eye sufferyng peyne & passyon be-forn hir . (CMKEMPE,138.3235) Sithyn , whan viij +ger wer passyd , hir sekenes scapyd +tat it cam not weke be weke as it dede be-forn , (CMKEMPE,138.3236) but +tan encresyd hir cryes & hir wepyngys in so meche +tat prestys durst not howselyn hir opynly in +te Chirche but preuyly in +te Priowrys Chapel at Lenne fro +te peplys audiens . (CMKEMPE,138.3237) And in +tat Chapel sche had so hy contemplacyon & so meche dalyawns of owr Lord , in-as-meche as sche was putte owt of chirche for hys lofe , +tat sche cryed what tyme sche schulde ben howselyd as +gyf hir sowle & hir body xulde a partyd a-sundyr , so +tat tweyn men heldyn hir in her armys tyl hir cryng was cesyd , (CMKEMPE,138.3238) for sche myth not beryn +te habundawns of lofe +tat sche felt in +te precyows Sacrament , whech sche stedfastly beleuyd was very God & Man in +te forme of breed . (CMKEMPE,138.3239) Than owr blisful Lord seyde vn-to hir mende , " Dowtyr , I wil not han my grace hyd +tat I +geue +te , (CMKEMPE,138.3240) for +te mor besy +tat +te pepil is to hyndryn it & lette it , +te mor schal I spredyn it a-brood & makyn it knowyn to alle +te worlde . " (CMKEMPE,139.3241) Than it happyd +ter cam an-o+ter monke to Lynne at +te tyme of remownyng , as custom was a-mongys hem , whech louyd not +te sayd creatur ne wolde suffryn hir to comyn in her Chapel as sche had do be-for +tat he cam +tedir . (CMKEMPE,139.3242) Than +te Priowr of Lynne , Dawn Thomas Heuyngham , metyng wyth +te sayd creatur & Maistyr Robert Spryngolde , whech was hir confessowr +tat tyme , preyd hem to holdyn hym excusyd +tei sche wer no mo howselyd in hys Chapel , (CMKEMPE,139.3243) " For +ter is comyn , " he seyd , " a newe bro+tyr of myn whech wil not comyn in owr Chapel as long as sche is +terin . (CMKEMPE,139.3244) And +terfor prouydith +gow an-o+ter place , I pray +gow . " (CMKEMPE,139.3245) Maistyr Robert answeryd , " Syr , we must +tan howselyn hir in +te Chirche ; (CMKEMPE,139.3246) we may not chesyn , (CMKEMPE,139.3247) for sche hath my Lordys lettyr of Cawntyrbery & hys seel , in +te whech we arn comawndyd be vertu of obedyens to heryn hir confessyon & ministryn to hir +te Sacrament as oftyn as we ben reqwiryd . " (CMKEMPE,139.3248) +Tan was sche howselyd aftyr +tis tyme at +te hy awter in Seynt Margaretys Chirche , (CMKEMPE,139.3249) & owr Lord visited hir wyth so gret grace whan sche xulde ben howselyd +tat sche cryed so lowde +tat it myth ben herd al a-bowte +te Chirche & owte of +te Chirche as sche xulde a deyid +terwyth +tat sche myth not receyuyn +te Sacrament of +te prestys handys , +te preyst turnyng hym a-geyn to +te awter wyth +te preciows Sacrament , til hir crying was cesyd . (CMKEMPE,139.3250) And +tan he , turnyng ageyn to hir , xulde minystyr hir as hym awte to do . (CMKEMPE,139.3251) And +tus it happyd many a tyme whan sche xulde ben howselyd . (CMKEMPE,139.3252) & sumtyme sche xulde wepyn ful softly & stilly in receyuyng of +te preciows Sacrament wyth-owtyn any boystowsnes as owr Lord wolde visityn hir wyth hys grace . (CMKEMPE,139.3253) On a Good Fryday , as +te sayd creatur behelde preystys knelyng on her kneys & o+ter worschepful men wyth torchys brennyng in her handys be-for +te Sepulcre , deuowtly representyng +te lamentabyl deth and doolful berying of owr Lord Ihesu Crist aftyr +te good custom of Holy Cherch , +te mende of owr Ladijs sorwys whech sche suffryd whan sche behelde hys precyows body hangyng on +te Crosse & sithyn berijd be-for hir syght sodeynly ocupijd +te hert of +tis creatur , drawyng hir mende al holy in-to +te Passyon of owr Lord Crist Ihesu , whom sche behelde wyth hir gostly eye in +te syght of hir sowle as verily as +tei sche had seyn hys precyows body betyn , scorgyd , & crucifyed wyth hir bodily eye , whech syght & gostly beheldyng wrowt be grace so feruently in hir mende , wowndyng hir wyth pite & compassyon , +tat sche sobbyd , roryd , & cryed , and , spredyng hir armys a-brood , seyd wyth lowde voys , " I dey , I dey , " +tat many man on hir wonderyd & merueyled what hir eyled . (CMKEMPE,140.3254) And +te mor sche besijd hir to kepyn hir fro criyng , +te lowdar sche cryed , (CMKEMPE,140.3255) for it was not in hir powyr to take it ne leuyn it but as God wolde send it . (CMKEMPE,140.3256) Than a preyst toke hir in hys armys (CMKEMPE,140.3257) & bar hir in-to +te Priowrys Cloistyr for to latyn hir takyn +te eyr , supposyng sche schulde not ellys han enduryd , hir labowr was so greet . (CMKEMPE,140.3258) +Tan wex sche al blew as it had ben leed (CMKEMPE,140.3259) & swet ful sor . (CMKEMPE,140.3260) And +tis maner of crying enduryd +te terme of x +ger , as it is wretyn be-forn . (CMKEMPE,140.3261) And euery Good Friday in alle +te forseyd +gerys sche was wepyng & sobbyng v er vj owrys to-gedyr (CMKEMPE,140.3262) & +terwyth cryed ful lowde many tymes so +tat sche myth not restreyn hir +terfro , whech madyn hir ful febyl & weyke in hir bodily mytys . (CMKEMPE,140.3263) Sumtyme sche wept on Good Fryday an owr for +te synne of +te pepil , hauyng mor sorwe for ther synnys +tan for hir owyn , in-as-meche as owr Lorde for-+gaf hir hir owyn synne er sche went to Ierusalem . (CMKEMPE,140.3264) Neuyr-+te-lesse sche wept for hir owyn synnes ful plentyuowsly whan it plesyd owr Lord to visityn hir wyth hys grace . (CMKEMPE,140.3265) Sumtyme sche wept an-o+ter owr for +te sowlys in Purgatory ; an-o+ter owr for hem +tat weryn in myschefe , in pouerte , er in any disese ; an-o+ter owr for Iewys , Sara+ginys , & alle fals heretikys +tat God for hys gret goodnes xulde puttyn a-wey her blyndnes +tat +tei myth thorw hys grace be turnyd to +te feyth of Holy Chirche & ben children of saluacyon . (CMKEMPE,141.3266) Many tymes , whan +tis creatur xulde makyn hir preyerys , owr Lord seyd vn-to hir , " Dowtyr , aske what +tu wylt , (CMKEMPE,141.3267) & +tu schalt haue it . " (CMKEMPE,141.3268) Sche seyd , " I aske ryth nowt , Lord , but +tat +tu mayst wel +geuyn me , (CMKEMPE,141.3269) & +tat is mercy whech I aske for +te pepil synnys . (CMKEMPE,141.3270) +Tu seyst oftyn-tymes in +te +ger to me +tat +tu hast for+gouyn me my synnes . (CMKEMPE,141.3271) +Terfor I aske now mercy for +te synne of +te pepil , as I wolde don for myn owyn , (CMKEMPE,141.3272) for , Lord , +tu art alle charite , (CMKEMPE,141.3273) & charite browt +te in-to +tis wretchyd worlde (CMKEMPE,141.3274) & cawsyd +te to suffyr ful harde peynys for owr synnys . (CMKEMPE,141.3275) Why xulde I not +tan han charite to +te pepyl & desiryn for+geuenes of her synnes ? (CMKEMPE,141.3276) Blyssed Lorde , me thynkyth +tat +tu hast schewyd ryth gret charite to me , vnworthy wrech . (CMKEMPE,141.3277) +Tu art as gracyows to me as +tei I wer as clene a mayden as any is in +tis worlde & as thow I had neuyr synned . (CMKEMPE,141.3278) +Terfor , Lorde , I wolde I had a welle of teerys to constreyn +te wyth +tat +tu schuldist not takyn vttyr veniawns of mannys sowle for to partyn hym fro +te wyth-owtyn ende , (CMKEMPE,141.3279) for it is an hard thyng to thynkyn +tat any erdly man xulde euyr do any synne wher-thorw he xulde be departyd fro +ti gloryows face wyth-owtyn ende . (CMKEMPE,141.3280) +Gyf I myth as wel , Lorde , +geuyn +te pepyl contricyon & wepyng as +tu +geuyst me for myn owyn synnes & o+ter mennys synnys also & as wel as I myth +geuyn a peny owt of my purse , sone xulde I fulfille mennys hertys wyth contricyon +tat +tei myth sesyn of her synne . (CMKEMPE,141.3281) I haue gret merueyl in myn hert , Lord , +tat I , whech haue ben so synful a woman & +te most vnworthy creatur +tat euyr +tu schewedist +ti mercy on-to in alle +tis werlde , +tat I haue so gret charite to myn euyn-cristen sowlys +tat me thynkyth , +tou +tei had ordeynd for me +te most schamful deth +tat euyr myth any man suffyr in erde , +get wolde I for+geuyn it hem for +ti lofe , Lord , & han her sowlys sauyd fro euyr-lestyng dampnacyon . (CMKEMPE,142.3282) And +terfor , Lord , I schal not sesyn , whan I may wepyn , for to wepyn for hem plentyuowsly , spede-1 +gyf I may . (CMKEMPE,142.3283) And , +gyf +tu wylt , Lord , +tat I sese of wepyng , I prey +te take me owt of +tis world . (CMKEMPE,142.3284) What xulde I don +terin but +gyf I myth profityn ? (CMKEMPE,142.3285) For , thow it wer possibyl +tat al +tis world myth be sauyd thorw +te teerys of myn eyne , I wer no thank worthy . (CMKEMPE,142.3286) +Terfor alle preysyng , al honowr , al worshep mot ben to +te Lord . (CMKEMPE,142.3287) +Gyf it wer thy wille , Lord , I wolde for +ti lofe & for magnyfying of +ti name ben hewyn as smal as flesch to +te potte . " (CMKEMPE,142.3288) On a tyme , as +te forseyd creatur was in hir contemplacyon , sche hungryd ryth sor aftyr Goddys word (CMKEMPE,142.3289) & seyd , " Alas , Lord , as many clerkys as +tu hast in +tis world , +tat +tu ne woldyst sendyn me on of hem +tat myth fulfillyn my sowle wyth +ti word & wyth redyng of Holy scriptur , (CMKEMPE,142.3290) for alle +te clerkys +tat prechyn may not fulfillyn , (CMKEMPE,142.3291) for me thynkyth +tat my sowle is euyr a-lych hungry . (CMKEMPE,142.3292) +Gyf I had gold j-now , I wolde +geuyn euery day a nobyl for to haue euery day a sermown , (CMKEMPE,142.3293) for +ti word is mor worthy to me +tan alle +te good in +tis werld . (CMKEMPE,142.3294) & +terfor , blyssed Lord , rewe on me , (CMKEMPE,142.3295) for +tu hast takyn a-wey +te ankyr fro me whech was to me synguler solas & comforte & many tymes refreschyd me wyth +tin holy worde . " (CMKEMPE,142.3296) +Tan answeryd owr Lord Ihesu Cryst in hir sowle , seying , " +Ter xal come on fro fer +tat xal fulfillyn +ti desyr . " (CMKEMPE,142.3297) So , many day aftyr +tis answer , +ter cam a preste newly to Lynne whech had neuyr knowyn hir be-forn , (CMKEMPE,142.3298) & , whan he sey hir gon in +te stretys , he was gretly meuyd to speke wyth hir (CMKEMPE,142.3299) & speryd of o+ter folke what maner woman sche was . (CMKEMPE,142.3300) +Tei seydyn +tei trustyd to God +tat sche was a ryth good woman . (CMKEMPE,142.3301) Aftyrward +te preyst sent for hir , preyng hir to come & spekyn wyth hym & wyth hys modyr , (CMKEMPE,143.3302) for he had hiryd a chawmbyr for hys modyr & for hym , (CMKEMPE,143.3303) & so they dwellyd togedyr . (CMKEMPE,143.3304) +Tan +te sayd creatur cam to wetyn hys wille (CMKEMPE,143.3305) & spak wyth hys modyr & wyth hym (CMKEMPE,143.3306) & had ryth good cher of hem bothyn . (CMKEMPE,143.3307) +Tan +te preyste toke a boke (CMKEMPE,143.3308) & red +terin how owr Lord , seyng +te cite of Ierusalem , wept +terup-on , rehersyng +te myscheuys & sorwys +tat xulde comyn +terto , (CMKEMPE,143.3309) for sche knew not +te tyme of hyr visitacyon . (CMKEMPE,143.3310) Whan +te sayd creatur herd redyn how owr Lord wept , +tan wept sche sor (CMKEMPE,143.3311) & cryed lowde , +te preyste ne hys modyr knowyng no cawse of hyr wepyng . (CMKEMPE,143.3312) Whan hir crying & hir wepyng was cesyd , +tei joyyd (CMKEMPE,143.3313) & wer ryth mery in owr Lord . (CMKEMPE,143.3314) Sithyn sche toke hir leue (CMKEMPE,143.3315) & partyd fro hem at +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,143.3316) Whan sche was gon , +te preste seyd to hys modyr , " Me merueylyth mech of +tis woman why sche wepith & cryith so . (CMKEMPE,143.3317) Neuyr-+te-les me thynkyth sche is a good woman , (CMKEMPE,143.3318) & I desyre gretly to spekyn mor wyth hir . " (CMKEMPE,143.3319) Hys modyr was wel plesyd (CMKEMPE,143.3320) & cownselyd +tat he xulde don so . (CMKEMPE,143.3321) And aftyrwardys +te same preyste louyd hir (CMKEMPE,143.3322) & trustyd hir ful meche (CMKEMPE,143.3323) & blissed +te tyme +tat euyr he knew hir , (CMKEMPE,143.3324) for he fond gret gostly comfort in hir (CMKEMPE,143.3325) & cawsyd hym to lokyn meche good scriptur & many a good doctowr whech he wolde not a lokyd at +tat tyme had sche ne be . (CMKEMPE,143.3326) He red to hir many a good boke of hy contemplacyon & o+ter bokys , as +te Bybyl wyth doctowrys +ter-up-on , Seynt Brydys boke , Hyltons boke , Bone-ventur , Stimulus Amoris , Incendium Amoris , & swech o+ter . (CMKEMPE,143.3327) & +tan wist sche +tat it was a spirit sent of God whech seyd to hir , as is wretyn a lityl be-forn , whan sche compleynyd for defawte of redyng , +tes wordys , (CMKEMPE,143.3328) " +Ter schal come on fro fer +tat xal fulfillyn +ti desyr . " (CMKEMPE,143.3329) & +tus sche knewe be experiens +tat it was a ryth trewe spiryt . (CMKEMPE,143.3330) +Te forseyd preste red hir bokys +te most part of vij +ger er viij +ger to gret encres of hys cunnyng & of hys meryte , (CMKEMPE,143.3331) and he suffryd many an euyl worde for hyr lofe in-as-meche as he red hir so many bokys & supportyd hir in hir wepyng & hir crying . (CMKEMPE,144.3332) Aftyrwardys he wex benefysyd (CMKEMPE,144.3333) & had gret cur of sowle , (CMKEMPE,144.3334) & +tan lykyd hym ful wel +tat he had redde so meche be-forn . (CMKEMPE,144.3335) Thus , thorw heryng of holy bokys & thorw heryng of holy sermownys , sche euyr encresyd in contemplacyon & holy meditacyon . (CMKEMPE,144.3336) It wer in maner vn-possibyl to writyn al +te holy thowtys , holy spechys , and +te hy reuelacyons whech owr Lord schewyd vn-to hir , bothyn of hir-selfe & of o+ter men & women , also of many sowlys , sum for to ben sauyd & sum for to ben dampnyd , (CMKEMPE,144.3337) & was to hir a gret ponyschyng & a scharp chastisyng . (CMKEMPE,144.3338) For to knowyn of +to +tat xulde be sauyd sche was ful glad & joyful , (CMKEMPE,144.3339) for sche desyred in as meche as sche durst alle men to be sauyd , (CMKEMPE,144.3340) and , whan owr Lord schewyd to hir of any +tat xulde be dampnyd , sche had gret peyn . (CMKEMPE,144.3341) Sche wolde not heryn it ne beleuyn +tat it was God +tat schewyd hir swech thyngys (CMKEMPE,144.3342) & put it owt of hir mende as mech as sche myth . (CMKEMPE,144.3343) Owr Lord blamyd hir +ter-for (CMKEMPE,144.3344) & badde hir beleuyn +tat it was hys hy mercy & hys goodnesse to schewyn hir hys preuy cownselys , seying to hir mende , " Dowtyr , +tu must as wel heryn of +te dampnyd as of +te sauyd . " (CMKEMPE,144.3345) Sche wolde +geuyn no credens to +te cownsel of God (CMKEMPE,144.3346) but ra+tar leuyd it was sum euyl spiryt for to deceyuyn hir . (CMKEMPE,144.3347) Than for hir frowardnes & hir vnbeleue owr Lord drow fro hir alle good thowtys & alle good mendys of holy spechys & dalyawns & +te hy contemplacyon whech sche had ben vsyd to be-for-tyme , (CMKEMPE,144.3348) & suffyrd hir to haue as many euyl thowtys as sche had be-forn of good thowtys . (CMKEMPE,144.3349) And +tis vexacyon enduryd xij days to-gedyr , (CMKEMPE,144.3350) and , lyche as be-for-tyme sche had iiij owrys of +te for-noon in holy spechys & dalyawns wyth owr Lord , so had sche now as many owrys of fowle thowtys & fowle mendys of letchery & alle vnclennes as thow sche xulde a be comown to al maner of pepyl . (CMKEMPE,145.3351) & so +te Deuyl bar hyr on hande , dalying vn-to hir wyth cursyd thowtys liche as owr Lord dalyid to hir be-forn-tyme with holy thowtys . (CMKEMPE,145.3352) And , as sche beforn had many gloryows visyonys & hy contemplacyon in +te manhod of owr Lord , in owr Lady , & in many o+ter holy seyntys , ryth euyn so had sche now horybyl syghtys & abhominabyl , for anythyng +tat sche cowde do , of beheldyng of mennys membrys & swech o+ter abhominacyons . (CMKEMPE,145.3353) Sche sey as hir thowt veryly dyuers men of religyon , preystys , & many o+ter , bothyn hethyn & Cristen comyn be-for hir syght +tat sche myth not enchewyn hem ne puttyn hem owt of hir syght , schewyng her bar membrys vn-to hir . (CMKEMPE,145.3354) & +terwyth +te Deuyl bad hir in hir mende chesyn whom sche wolde han fyrst of hem alle (CMKEMPE,145.3355) & sche must be comown to hem alle . (CMKEMPE,145.3356) & he seyd sche lykyd bettyr summe on of hem +tan alle +te o+ter . (CMKEMPE,145.3357) Hir thowt +tat he seyd trewth ; (CMKEMPE,145.3358) sche cowde not sey nay ; (CMKEMPE,145.3359) & sche must nedys don hys byddyng , (CMKEMPE,145.3360) & +get wolde sche not a don it for alle +tis worlde . (CMKEMPE,145.3361) But +get hir thowt +tat it xulde be don , (CMKEMPE,145.3362) & hir thowt +tat +tes horrybyl syghtys & cursyd mendys wer delectabyl to hir a-geyn hir wille . (CMKEMPE,145.3363) Wher sche went er what so sche dede , +tes cursyd mendys abedyn wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,145.3364) Whan sche xulde se +te Sacrament , makyn hir prayerys , er don any o+ter good dede , euyr swech cursydnes was putte in hir mende . (CMKEMPE,145.3365) Sche was schreuyn (CMKEMPE,145.3366) & dede al +tat sche myth , (CMKEMPE,145.3367) but sche fonde no relesyng tyl sche was ner at dispeyr . (CMKEMPE,145.3368) It can not be wretyn +tat peyn +tat sche felt & +te sorwe +tat sche was inne . (CMKEMPE,145.3369) +Tan sche seyd , " Alas , Lord , +tu hast seyd be-for-tyme +tat +tu schuldyst neuyr forsake me . (CMKEMPE,145.3370) Wher is now +te sothfastnes of thy word ? " (CMKEMPE,145.3371) And a-non aftyr cam hir good awngel vn-to hir , seying , " Dowtyr , God hath not forsakyn +te (CMKEMPE,146.3372) ne neuyr schal forsake +te , as he hath behyte +te , (CMKEMPE,146.3373) but , for +tu beleuyst not +tat it is +te spiryt of God +tat spekyth in +ti sowle & schewyth +te hys preuy cownselys of summe +tat xul ben sauyd & summe +tat xal ben dampnyd , +terfor God chastisyd +te on +tis wise & maner , (CMKEMPE,146.3374) & +tis chastisyng schal enduryn xij days tyl +tu wyl beleuyn +tat it is God whech spekyth to +te & no deuyl . " (CMKEMPE,146.3375) +Tan sche seyd to hir awngel , " A , I prey +te , prey for me to my Lord Ihesu Crist +tat he wyl vowchesafe to takyn fro me +tes cursyd thowtys & spekyn to me as he dede befor-tyme , (CMKEMPE,146.3376) and I xal makyn a behest to God +tat I schal beleuyn +tat it is God whech +tat hath spokyn to me a-for-tyme , (CMKEMPE,146.3377) for I may no lengar duryn +tis gret peyne . " (CMKEMPE,146.3378) Hyr awngel seyd a-geyn to hir , " Dowtyr , my Lord Ihesu wyl not take it a-wey fro +te tyl +tu haue suffyrd it xij days , (CMKEMPE,146.3379) for he wyl +tat +tu knowe +terby whe+tyr it is bettyr +tat God speke to +te er +te Deuyl . (CMKEMPE,146.3380) And my Lord Crist Ihesu is neuyr +te wro+tar wyth +te , +tei he suffyr +te to felyn +tis peyne . " (CMKEMPE,146.3381) So sche suffryd +tat peyn tyl xij days wer passyd , (CMKEMPE,146.3382) and +tan had sche as holy thowtys , as holy mendys , & as holy desyrys , as holy spechys & dalyawns of owr Lord Ihesu Crist as euyr sche had be-forn , owr Lord seying to hir , " Dowtyr , beleue now wel +tat I am no deuyl . " (CMKEMPE,146.3383) +Tan was sche fylled wyth joye , (CMKEMPE,146.3384) for sche herd owr Lord spekyn to hir as he was wone to don . (CMKEMPE,146.3385) +Terfor sche seyd , " I xal beleuyn +tat euery good thowt is +te speche of God , (CMKEMPE,146.3386) blyssed mote +tu Lord be +tat +tu $disdeynyst not to comfortyn me a-geyn . (CMKEMPE,146.3387) I wold not , Lord , for al +tis world suffryn swech an-o+ter peyne as I haue suffryd +tes xij days , (CMKEMPE,146.3388) for me thowt I was in Helle , (CMKEMPE,146.3389) blyssed mote +tu be +tat it is passyd . (CMKEMPE,146.3390) +Terfor , Lord , now wyl I lyn stille & be buxom to +ti wille ; (CMKEMPE,146.3391) I pray +te , Lord , speke in me what +tat is most plesawns to +te . " (CMKEMPE,146.3392) The good preste , of whom it is wretyn be-forn , +te wheche was hir lystere , fel in gret sekenes , (CMKEMPE,147.3394) & sche was steryd in hir sowle for to kepyn hym in Goddys stede . (CMKEMPE,147.3395) & , whan sche faylde swech as was nedful for hym , sche went abowtyn to good men & good women (CMKEMPE,147.3396) & gate swech thyng as was necessary vn-to hym . (CMKEMPE,147.3397) He was so seke +tat men trustyd no-thyng to hys lyfe , (CMKEMPE,147.3398) & hys sekenes was long contunyng . (CMKEMPE,147.3399) +Tan on a tyme , as sche was in +te chirche heryng hir Messe & preyid for +te same preste , owr Lord seyd to hir +tat he xulde leuyn & faryn ryth wel . (CMKEMPE,147.3400) +Tan was sche steryd to gon to Norwych to Seynt Stefenys Chirche wher is berijd +te good Vicary , whech deyd but lityl befor +tat tyme , for whom God sehewyd hy mercy to hys pepil , & +tankyn hym for recuryng of +tis preyste . (CMKEMPE,147.3401) Sche toke leue of hir confessowr , goyng forth to Norwich . (CMKEMPE,147.3402) Whan sche cam in +te chirch-+gerd of Seynt Stefyn , sche cryed , (CMKEMPE,147.3403) sche roryd , (CMKEMPE,147.3404) sche wept , (CMKEMPE,147.3405) sche fel down to +te grownd , so feruently +te fyer of lofe brent in hir hert . (CMKEMPE,147.3406) Sithyn sche ros vp a-+gen (CMKEMPE,147.3407) & went forth wepyng in-to +te chirche to +te hy awter , (CMKEMPE,147.3408) & +ter sche fel down with boistows sobbyngys , wepyngys , & lowde cryes be-syden +te grave of +te good Vicary , al rauyschyd wyth gostly comfort in +te goodnes of owr Lord +tat wrowt so gret grace for hys seruawnt whech had ben hir confessowr & many tymes herd hir confessyon of al hir leuyng , (CMKEMPE,147.3409) & ministryd to hir +te precyows Sacrament of +te Awter diuers tymes . (CMKEMPE,147.3410) & in so meche was hir deuocyon +te mor incresyd +tat sche sey owr Lord werkyn so special grace for swech a creatur as sche had ben conuersawnt wyth in hys lyfe-tyme . (CMKEMPE,147.3411) Sche had so holy thowtys & so holy mendys +tat sche myth not mesuryn hir wepyng ne hir crying . (CMKEMPE,147.3412) And +terfor +te pepil had gret merueyl of hir , supposyng +tat sche had wept for sum fleschly er erdly affeccyon , (CMKEMPE,147.3413) & seyd vn-to hir , " What eylith +te woman ? (CMKEMPE,147.3414) Why faryst +tus wyth +ti-self ? (CMKEMPE,147.3415) We knew hym as wel as +tu . " (CMKEMPE,147.3416) +Tan wer prestys in +te same place whech knew hir maner of werkyng , (CMKEMPE,147.3417) & +tei ful charitefully led hir to a tauerne (CMKEMPE,148.3418) & dede hir drynkyn (CMKEMPE,148.3419) & made hir ful hy & goodly cher . (CMKEMPE,148.3420) Also +ter was a lady desyred to haue +te sayd creatur to mete . (CMKEMPE,148.3421) & +terfor , as honeste wolde , sche went to +te cherch +ter +te lady herd hir seruyse , wher +tis creatur sey a fayr ymage of owr Lady clepyd a pyte . (CMKEMPE,148.3422) And thorw +te beholdyng of +tat pete hir mende was al holy ocupyed in +te Passyon of owr Lord Ihesu Crist & in +te compassyon of owr Lady , Seynt Mary , be whech sche was compellyd to cryyn ful lowde & wepyn ful sor , as +tei sche xulde a deyd . (CMKEMPE,148.3423) +Tan cam to hir +te ladys preste seying , " Damsel , Ihesu is ded long sithyn , " (CMKEMPE,148.3424) Whan hir crying was cesyd , sche seyd to +te preste , " Sir , hys deth is as fresch to me as he had deyd +tis same day , (CMKEMPE,148.3425) & so me thynkyth it awt to be to +gow & to alle Cristen pepil . (CMKEMPE,148.3426) We awt euyr to han mende of hys kendnes & euyr thynkyn of +te dolful deth +tat he deyd for vs . " (CMKEMPE,148.3427) +Tan +te good lady , heryng her communicacyon , seyd , " Ser , it is a good exampyl to me , & to o+ter men also , +te grace +tat God werkyth in hir sowle . " (CMKEMPE,148.3428) & so +te good lady was hir auoket (CMKEMPE,148.3429) and answeryd for hir . (CMKEMPE,148.3430) Sithyn sche had hir hom wyth hir to mete (CMKEMPE,148.3431) & schewyd hir ful glad & goodly chere as long as sche wold abydyn +ter . (CMKEMPE,148.3432) & sone aftyr sche cam hom a-geyn to Lenne , (CMKEMPE,148.3433) & +te forseyd preyste , for whom sche went most specialy to Norwich , whech had redde hir a-bowte vij +ger , recuryd (CMKEMPE,148.3434) & went a-bowte wher hym lykyde , (CMKEMPE,148.3435) +tankyd be al-mythy God for hys goodnes . (CMKEMPE,148.3436) Than cam +ter a frer to Lenne whech was holdyn an holy man & a good prechowr . (CMKEMPE,148.3437) Hys name & hys perfeccyon of prechyng spred & sprong wondyr wyde . (CMKEMPE,148.3438) Ther cam good men to +te sayd creatur of good charite (CMKEMPE,148.3439) & seyd , " Margery , now xal +ge han prechyng a-now , (CMKEMPE,148.3440) for +ter is comyn on of +te most famows frerys in Inglond to +tis towne , for to be her in $conuent . " (CMKEMPE,148.3441) +Tan was sche mery & glad (CMKEMPE,148.3442) & thankyd God wyth al hir hert +tat so good a man was comyn to dwellyn a-mongys hem . (CMKEMPE,148.3443) In schort tyme aftyr he seyd a sermown in a chapel of Seynt Iamys in Lenne , wher was meche pepyl gadyrd to heryn +te sermown . (CMKEMPE,149.3444) & , er +te frer went to +te pulpit , +te parisch preste of +te same place wher he xulde prechyn went to hym (CMKEMPE,149.3445) & seyd , " Ser , I prey +gow , beth not displesyd . (CMKEMPE,149.3446) Her xal comyn a woman to +gowr sermown +te whech oftyn-tymes , whan sche herith of +te Passyon of owr Lord er of any hy deuocyon , sche wepith , sobbith , & cryeth , (CMKEMPE,149.3447) but it lestith not longe . (CMKEMPE,149.3448) & +terfor , good ser , +gyf sche make any noyse at +gowr sermown , suffyr it paciently (CMKEMPE,149.3449) & beth not a-baschyd +terof . " (CMKEMPE,149.3450) +Te good frer went forth to sey +te sermown (CMKEMPE,149.3451) & seyd ful holily & ful deuowtly (CMKEMPE,149.3452) & spak meche of owr Lordys Passyon +tat +te seyd creatur myth no lengar beryn it . (CMKEMPE,149.3453) Sche kept hir fro crying as long as sche myth , (CMKEMPE,149.3454) and +tan at +te last sche brast owte wyth a gret cry (CMKEMPE,149.3455) & cryid wondyr sor . (CMKEMPE,149.3456) +Te good frere suffyrd it paciently (CMKEMPE,149.3457) & seyd no word +terto at +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,149.3458) In schort tyme aftyr he prechyd a-geyn , in +te same place . (CMKEMPE,149.3459) +Te seyd creatur beyng present , & , beheldyng how fast +te pepyl cam rennyng to heryn +te sermown , sche had gret joy in hir sowle , thynkyng in hir mende , " A , Lord Ihesu , I trowe , and +tu wer here to prechyn +tin owyn persone , +te pepyl xulde han gret joy to heryn +te . (CMKEMPE,149.3460) I prey +te , Lorde , make +ti holy word to sattelyn in her sowlys as I wolde +tat it xulde don in myn , as many mict be turnyd be hys voys as xulde ben be thy voys +gyf +tu prechedist thy-selfe . " (CMKEMPE,149.3461) & wyth swech holy thowtys & holy mend sche askyd grace for +te pepyl +tat tyme , (CMKEMPE,149.3462) & sithyn , what thorw +te holy sermown & what thorw hir meditacyon , grace of deuocyon wrowt so sor in hir mende +tat sche fel in a boystows wepyng . (CMKEMPE,149.3463) +Tan seyd +te good frer , " I wolde +tis woman wer owte of +te chirche ; (CMKEMPE,149.3464) sche noyith +te pepil . " (CMKEMPE,149.3465) Summe +tat weryn hir frendys answeryd a-+gen , " Sir , haue hir excusyd . (CMKEMPE,149.3466) Sche may not withstand it . " (CMKEMPE,149.3467) +Tan meche pepil turnyd a-+gen hir (CMKEMPE,150.3468) & wer ful glad +tat +te good frer held a+gen hir . (CMKEMPE,150.3469) +Tan seyd summe men +tat sche had a deuyl wythinne hir . (CMKEMPE,150.3470) & so had +tei seyd many tymys be-forn , (CMKEMPE,150.3471) but now +tei wer mor bolde , (CMKEMPE,150.3472) for hem thowt +tat her opinyon was wel strenghthyd er ellys fortifyed be +tis good frer . (CMKEMPE,150.3473) Ne he wolde not suffyr hir to her hys sermown les +tan sche wolde leuyn hir sobbyng & hir crying . (CMKEMPE,150.3474) +Ter was +tan a good preyste whech had red to hir mech good scriptur & knew +te cawse of hir crying . (CMKEMPE,150.3475) He spak to an-o+ter good preyste , +te whech had knowyn hir many +gerys , (CMKEMPE,150.3476) & telde hym hys conseyt , how he was purposyd to gon to +te good frer & assayn +gyf he myth mekyn hys hert . (CMKEMPE,150.3477) +Te o+ter good preyste seyd he wolde wyth good wyl gon wyth hym to getyn grace +gyf he myth . (CMKEMPE,150.3478) So +tei went , bo+te preystys to-gedyr , (CMKEMPE,150.3479) & preyid +te good frer as enterly as +tei cowde +tat he wolde suffyr +te sayd creatur quyetly to comyn to hys sermown & suffyr hir paciently +gyf sche happyd to sobbyn er cryen as o+ter good men had suffyrd hir be-fore . (CMKEMPE,150.3480) He seyd schortly a-+gen , +gyf sche come in any cherch wher he xulde prechyn & sche made any noyse as sche was wone to do , he xulde speke scharply a-geyn hir , (CMKEMPE,150.3481) he wolde not suffyrn hir to crye in no wyse . (CMKEMPE,150.3482) Sithyn a worshepful doctowr of diuinite , a White Frer , a solem clerk & elde doctowr , & a wel a-preuyd , whech had knowyn +te sayd creatur many +gerys of hir lyfe & beleuyd +te grace +tat God wrowt in hir , toke wyth hym a worthy man , a bacheler of lawe , a wel growndyd man in scriptur & long exercisyd , whech was confessowr to +te sayd creatur , (CMKEMPE,150.3483) & wentyn to +te sayd frer as +te good preystys dedyn beforn (CMKEMPE,150.3484) & sentyn for wyne to cheryn hym wyth , preyng hym of hys charite to fauyr +te werkys of owr Lord in +te sayd creatur & grawntyn hir hys beneuolens in supportyng of hir +gyf it happyd hir to cryen er sobbyn whyl he wer in hys sermown . (CMKEMPE,150.3485) & +tes worthy clerkys telde hym +tat it was a +gyft of God & +tat sche cowde not haue it but whan God wolde +geue it , (CMKEMPE,150.3486) ne sche myth not wythstande it whan God wolde send it , (CMKEMPE,151.3487) & God xulde wythdrawe it whan he wilde , (CMKEMPE,151.3488) for +tat had sche be reuelacyon , (CMKEMPE,151.3489) & +tat was vnknowyn to +te frer . (CMKEMPE,151.3490) +Tan he , ney+tyr-2 +geuyng credens to +te doctowrys wordys ne +te bachelerys , trustyng mech in +te fauowr of +te pepil , seyd he wolde not fauowr hir in hir crying for nowt +tat any man myth sey er do , (CMKEMPE,151.3491) for he wolde not leuyn +tat it was a +gyft of God . (CMKEMPE,151.3492) But he seyd , +gyf sche myth not wythstond it whan it cam , he leuyd it was a cardiakyl er sum o+ter sekenesse , (CMKEMPE,151.3493) & , +gyf sche wolde be so a-knowyn , he seyd , he wold haue compassyon of hir & steryn +te pepil to prey for hir , (CMKEMPE,151.3494) and vndyr +tis condicion he wolde han paciens in hir & suffyr hir to cryen a-now , +tat sche xulde sey +tat it was a kendly seknes . (CMKEMPE,151.3495) & hir-self knew wel be reuelacyon & be experiens of werkyng it was no sekenes , (CMKEMPE,151.3496) & +terfor sche wolde not for al +tis world sey o+terwyse +tan sche felt . (CMKEMPE,151.3497) And +terfor +tei myth not acordyn . (CMKEMPE,151.3498) +Tan +te worschepful doctowr & hir confessowr cownselyd hir +tat sche xulde not come at hys sermown , (CMKEMPE,151.3499) & +tat was to hir a gret peyne . (CMKEMPE,151.3500) Than went an-o+ter man , a worschepful burgeys , +te whech in fewe +gerys aftyr was Meyr of Lenne , (CMKEMPE,151.3501) & preyd hym as +te worthy clerkys had don be-forn , (CMKEMPE,151.3502) & he was answeryd as +tei worn . (CMKEMPE,151.3503) +Tan was sche chargyd be hir confessowr +tat sche xulde not comyn +ter he prechyd , (CMKEMPE,151.3504) but whan he prechyd in o chirche sche xulde gon in-to an-o+ter . (CMKEMPE,151.3505) Sche had so mech sorwe +tat sche wist not what sche myth do , (CMKEMPE,151.3506) for sche was putte fro +te sermown whech was to hir +te hyest comfort in erth whan sche myth heryn it , (CMKEMPE,151.3507) & ryth so +te contrary was to hir +te grettest peyne in erthe whan sche myth not heryn it . (CMKEMPE,151.3508) Whan sche was alone be hir-self in on cherch & he prechyng +te pepil in an-o+ter , sche had as lowde & as meruelyows cryis as whan sche was a-mongys +te pepil . (CMKEMPE,151.3509) It was +gerys +tat sche myth not be suffyrd to come at hys sermown for +tat sche cryed so whan it plesyd owr Lord to +gyfe hir mende & very beholdyng of hys bittyr Passyon . (CMKEMPE,151.3510) But sche was not excludyd fro non o+ter clerkys prechyng , but only fro +te good frerys , as is seyd be-forn , notwythstondyng in +te mene-tyme +ter prechyd many wor-sehepful doctorys & o+ter worthy clerkys , bothyn religyows & seculerys , at whoys sermownys sche cryid ful lowde & sobbyd ful boystowsly many tymes & ofte . (CMKEMPE,152.3511) & +get +tei suffyrd it ful paciently , (CMKEMPE,152.3512) & summe whech had spokyn wyth hir be-forn & haddyn knowlach of hir maner of leuyng excusyd hir to +te pepil whan +tei herdyn any rumowr er grutchyng a-+gens hir . (CMKEMPE,152.3513) Afftyr on Seynt Iamys Day +te good frere prechyd in Seynt Iamys Chapel-+gerd at Lenne - he was as +tat tyme ney+tyr bacheler ne doctowr of diuinyte - wher was meche pepil & gret audiens , (CMKEMPE,152.3514) for he had an holy name & gret fauowr of +te pepyl , in so meche +tat summe men , +gyf +tei wiste +tat he schulde prechyn in +te cuntre , +tei wolde go wyth hym er ellys folwyn hym fro town to town , so gret delite +tei had to heryn hym (CMKEMPE,152.3515) & so , blissed mote God ben , he preehyd ful holily & ful deuowtly . (CMKEMPE,152.3516) Neuyr-+te-lesse as +tis day he prechyd meche a-geyn +te seyd creatur , not expressyng hir name , (CMKEMPE,152.3517) but so he expleytyd hys conseytys +tat men vndirstod wel +tat he ment hir . (CMKEMPE,152.3518) +Tan was +ter mech remowr a-mong +te pepil , (CMKEMPE,152.3519) for many men & many women trustyd hir (CMKEMPE,152.3520) & louyd hir ryth wel (CMKEMPE,152.3521) & wer ryth heuy & sorweful for he spak so meche a-geyn hir as he dede , desiryng +tat +tei had not an herd hym +tat day . (CMKEMPE,152.3522) Whan he herd +te murmowr & grutchyng of +te pepil , supposyng to be geyn-seyd an-o+ter day of hem +tat weryn hir frendys , he , smityng hys hand on +te pulpit , seyd , " +Gyf I here any mor +tes materys rehersyd , I xal so smytyn +te nayl on +te hed , " he seyd , " +tat it schal schamyn alle hyr mayntenowrys . " (CMKEMPE,152.3523) And +tan many of hem +tat pretendyd hir frenschep turnyd a-bakke for lytyl veyn drede +tat +tei haddyn of hys wordys & durst not wel spekyn wyth hir , of +te whech +te same preyste was on +tat aftirward wrot +tis boke & was in purpose neuyr to a leuyd hir felyngys aftyr . (CMKEMPE,152.3524) & +get owr Lord drow hym a-+gen in schort tyme , blissed mote he ben , +tat he louyd hir mor & trustyd mor to hir wepyng & hir crying +tan euyr he dede be-forn , (CMKEMPE,152.3525) for aftyrward he red of a woman clepyd Maria de Oegines & of hir maner of leuyng , of +te wondirful swetnesse +tat sche had in +te word of God heryng , of +te wondirful compassyon +tat sche had in hys Passyon thynkyng , & of +te plentyuows teerys +tat sche wept , +te whech made hir so febyl & so weyke +tat sche myth not endur to beheldyn +te Crosse , ne heryn owr Lordys Passyon rehersyd , (CMKEMPE,153.3526) so sche was resoluyd in-to terys of pyte & compassyon . (CMKEMPE,153.3527) Of +te plentyuows grace of hir teerys he tretyth specyaly in +te boke beforn wretyn +te xviij capitulo +tat begynnyth , " Bonus es , domine , sperantibus in te , " and also in +te xix capitulo wher he tellyth how sche , at +te request of a preyste +tat he xulde not be turbelyd ne distrawt in hys Messe wyth hir wepyng & hir sobbyng , went owt at +te chirche-dor , wyth a lowde voys crying +tat sche myth not restreyn hir +terfro . (CMKEMPE,153.3528) & owr Lord also visityd +te preyste beyng at Messe wyth swech grace & wyth sweche deuocyon whan he xulde redyn +te Holy Gospel +tat he wept wondirly so +tat he wett hys vestiment & ornamentys of +te awter & myth not mesuryn hys wepyng ne hys sobbyng , it was so habundawnt , ne he myth not restreyn it ne wel stande +terwyth at +te awter . (CMKEMPE,153.3529) +Tan he leuyd wel +tat +te good woman , whech he had be-forn lityl affeccyon to , myth not restreyn hir wepyng , hir sobbyng , ne hir cryyng , whech felt meche mor plente of grace +tan euyr dede he wyth-owtyn any comparison . (CMKEMPE,153.3530) +Tan knew he wel +tat God +gaf hys grace to whom he wolde . (CMKEMPE,153.3531) Than +te preste whech wrot +tis tretys thorw steryng of a worshepful clerk , a bacheler of diuinite , had seyn & red +te mater beforn-wretyn meche mor seryowslech & expressiowslech +tan it is wretyn in +tis tretys (CMKEMPE,153.3532) for her is but a lityl of +te effect +terof , (CMKEMPE,153.3533) for he had not ryth cler mende of +te sayd mater whan he wrot +tis tretys , (CMKEMPE,153.3534) & +terfor he wrot +te lesse +terof +tan he drow a-geyn (CMKEMPE,153.3535) & inclined mor sadly to +te sayd creatur , whom he had fled & enchewyd thorw +te frerys prechyng , as is be-forn-wretyn . (CMKEMPE,153.3536) Also +te same preyste red aftyr-ward in a tretys whech is clepyd " +Te Prykke of Lofe , " +te ij chapitulo +tat Bone-auentur wrot of hym-selfe +tes wordys folwyng , (CMKEMPE,154.3537) " A , Lord , what xal I mor noysen er cryen ? (CMKEMPE,154.3538) +Tu lettyst (CMKEMPE,154.3539) & +tu comyst not , (CMKEMPE,154.3540) & I , wery & ouyrcome thorw desyr , begynne for to maddyn , (CMKEMPE,154.3541) for lofe gouernyth me & not reson . (CMKEMPE,154.3542) I renne wyth hasty cowrs $wher $+tat $euyr {TEXT:wher-+tat-euyr} +tu wylte . (CMKEMPE,154.3543) I bowe , Lord , (CMKEMPE,154.3544) +tei +tat se me irkyn and rewyn , not knowyng me drunkyn wyth +ti lofe . (CMKEMPE,154.3545) Lord , +tei seyn ' Lo , +gen wood man cryeth in +te stretys , ' (CMKEMPE,154.3546) but how meche is +te desyr of myn hert +tei parceyue not . " (CMKEMPE,154.3547) & capitulo Stimulo Amoris & capitulo ut supra . (CMKEMPE,154.3548) He red also of Richard Hampol , hermyte , in Incendio Amoris leche mater +tat meuyd hym to +geuyn credens to +te sayd creatur . (CMKEMPE,154.3549) Also , Eli+gabeth of Hungry cryed wyth lowde voys , as is wretyn in hir tretys . (CMKEMPE,154.3550) & many o+ter whech had forsakyn hir thorw +te frerys prechyng repentyd hem (CMKEMPE,154.3551) & turnyd a-+gen vn-to hir be processe of tyme , not-withstandyng +te frer kept hys opinyon . (CMKEMPE,154.3552) & al-wey he wolde in hys sermown haue a parte a-geyn hir , whe+tyr sche wer +ter er not , (CMKEMPE,154.3553) & cawsyd mech pepil to demyn wol euyl of hir many day & long . (CMKEMPE,154.3554) For summe seyd +tat sche had a deuyl wyth-inne hir , (CMKEMPE,154.3555) & summe seyd to hir owyn mowth +tat +te frer xulde a dreuyn to deuelys owt of hir . (CMKEMPE,154.3556) Thus was sche slawnderyd , etyn , & knawyn of +te pepil for +te grace +tat God wrowt in hir of con-tricyon , of deuocyon , & of compassyon , thorw +te +gyft of whech gracys sche wept , sobbyd , & cryid ful sor a-geyn hir wyl , (CMKEMPE,154.3557) sche myth not chesyn , (CMKEMPE,154.3558) for sche had leuar a wept softly & preuyly +tan opynly +gyf it had ben in hyr power . (CMKEMPE,154.3559) SECUNDUS LIBER (CMKEMPE,221.3562) CAPITULUM PRIMUM (CMKEMPE,221.3565) Afftyr +tat owr Souereyn Sauyowr had take +te persone whech wrot first +te tretys aforn-seyd to hys many-fold mercy , and +te preiste of whom is be-forn-wretyn had copijd +te same tretys aftyr hys sympyl cunnyng , he held it expedient to honowr of +te blisful Trinite +tat hys holy werkys xulde be notifyid & declaryd to +te pepil , whan it plesyd hym , to +te worschip of hys holy name . (CMKEMPE,221.3567) And +tan he gan to writyn in +te +ger of owr Lord m=lo=. cccc. xxxviij in +te fest of Seynt Vital Martyr sweche grace as owr Lord wrowt in hys sympyl creatur +gerys +tat sche leuyd aftyr , not alle but summe of hem , aftyr hyr owyn tunge . (CMKEMPE,221.3568) And first her is a notabyl mater +te whech is not wretyn in +te forseyd tretys . (CMKEMPE,221.3569) It befel sone aftyr +tat +te creatur be-forn-wretyn had forsakyn +te occupasyon of +te worlde (CMKEMPE,221.3570) & was joynyd in hir mende to God as meche as frelte wolde suffyr . (CMKEMPE,221.3571) The seyd creatur had a sone , a tal +gong man , dwellyng wyth a worschepful burgeys in Lynne , vsyng marchawndyse & seylyng ouyr +te see , whom sche desyryd to a drawyn owt of +te perellys of +tis wretchyd & vnstabyl worlde +gyf hir power myth a teynyd +terto . (CMKEMPE,221.3572) Neuyr-+te-lesse sche dede as meche as in hir was , (CMKEMPE,221.3573) & , whan sche myth metyn wyth hym at leyser , many tymys sche cownselyd hym to leeuyn +te worlde & folwyn Crist in so meche +tat he fled hyr cumpany & wolde not gladlych metyn wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,221.3574) So on a tyme it happyd +te modyr to metyn wyth hir sone +tei it wer a-geyns hys wille & hys entent as +tat tyme . (CMKEMPE,221.3575) And , as sche had don be-forn-tyme , so now sche spak to hym a-geyn +tat he xulde fle +te perellys of +tis world & not settyn hys stody ne hys besynes so mech +terup-on as he dede . (CMKEMPE,221.3576) He not consentyng but scharply answeryng a-geyn , sche , sumdel meuyd wyth scharpnes of spiryt , seyde , " Now sithyn +tu wil not leeuyn +te world at my cownsel , I charge +te at my blissyng kepe +ti body klene at +te lest fro womanys feleschep tyl +tu take a wyfe aftyr +te lawe of +te Chirche . (CMKEMPE,222.3577) And , +gyf +tu do not , I pray God chastise +te & ponysch +te +terfor . " (CMKEMPE,222.3578) +Tei partyd a-sundyr , (CMKEMPE,222.3579) & sone aftyr +te same +gong man passyd ouyr +te see in wey of marchawndyse , (CMKEMPE,222.3580) & +tan , what thorw euyl entisyng of o+ter personys & foly of hys owyn gouernawnce , he fel in-to +te synne of letchery . (CMKEMPE,222.3581) Sone aftyr hys colowr chawngyd , (CMKEMPE,222.3582) hys face wex ful of whelys & bloberys as it had ben a lepyr . (CMKEMPE,222.3583) +Tan he cam hom a-geyn in-to Lynne to hys maistyr wyth whech he had ben dwellyng be-for-tyme . (CMKEMPE,222.3584) Hys maistyr put hym owt of hys seruyse for no defawte he fond wyth hym , but perauentur supposyng he had ben a la+ger as it schewyd be hys visage . (CMKEMPE,222.3585) The +gong man telde wher hym likyd how hys modyr had bannyd hym , wher-thorw , as he supposyd , God so greuowsly ponyschyd hym . (CMKEMPE,222.3586) Sum persone , hauyng knowlach of hys compleynt & compassyon of hys disese , cam to hys modyr , seying sche had don ryth euyl , (CMKEMPE,222.3587) for thorw hir prayer God had takyn veniawns on hir owyn childe . (CMKEMPE,222.3588) Sche , takyng lityl heed of her wordys , let it passyn forth as sche had mad no fors tyl he wolde comyn & preyin for grace hys-self . (CMKEMPE,222.3589) So at +te last , whan he sey non o+ter bote , he cam to hys modyr , tellyng hir of hys mysgouernawns , promittyng he xulde ben obedient to God & to hir & to a-mende hys defawte thorw +te help of God enchewyng al mysgouernawnce fro +tat tyme for-ward vp-on hys power . (CMKEMPE,222.3590) He preyid hys modyr of hir blissyng , (CMKEMPE,222.3591) & specialy he preyd hir to prey for hym +tat owr Lord of hys hy mercy wolde for+geuyn hym +tat he had trespasyd & takyn a-wey +tat gret sekenes for whech men fleddyn hys company & hys felaschep as for a lepyr . (CMKEMPE,222.3592) For he supposyd be hir preyerys owr Lord sent hym +tat ponischyng , (CMKEMPE,222.3593) & +terfor he trustyd be hir preyerys to be deliueryd +ter-of +gyf sche wolde of hir charite preyin for hym . (CMKEMPE,223.3594) +Tan sche , hauyng trust of hys a-mendyng & compassyon of hys infirmyte , wyth scharp wordys of correpcyon promysyd to fulfillyn hys entent +gyf God wolde grawntyn it . (CMKEMPE,223.3595) Whan sche cam to hir meditacyon , not for+getyng +te frute of hir wombe , $sche askyd for+geuenes of hys synne & relesyng of +te sekenes +tat owr Lord had +gouyn hym +gyf it wer hys plesawns & profite to hys sowle . (CMKEMPE,223.3596) So longe sche preyid +tat he was clene delyueryd of +te sekenes (CMKEMPE,223.3597) and leuyd many +gerys aftyr (CMKEMPE,223.3598) & had a wife & a childe , (CMKEMPE,223.3599) blissyd mote God ben , (CMKEMPE,223.3600) for he weddyd hys wife in Pruce in Dewchelonde . (CMKEMPE,223.3601) Whan tydyngys cam to hys modyr fro ouyr +te see +tat hir sone had weddyd , sche was ryth glad (CMKEMPE,223.3602) & thankyd God wyth al hir hert , supposyng & trustyng he xulde leuyn clene & chast as +te lawe of matrimony askith . (CMKEMPE,223.3603) Sithyn , whan God wolde , hys wife had a childe , a fayr mayde-child . (CMKEMPE,223.3604) +Tan he sent tydingys to hys modyr in-to Inglond how gracyowsly God had visityd hym & hys wife . (CMKEMPE,223.3605) Hys modyr being in a chapel of owr Lady thankyng God of +te grace & goodnes +tat he schewyd to hir sone & hauyng desyr to sen hem +gyf sche myth , a-non it was answeryd to hir mende +tat sche xulde seen hem alle er +tan sche deyid . (CMKEMPE,223.3606) Sche had wondyr of +tis felynge how it xulde be so as sche felt , in-as-meche as +tei weryn be-+gowndyn +te see & sche on +tis halfe +te see , neuyr purposyng to passyn +te see whil sche leuyd . (CMKEMPE,223.3607) Neuyr-+te-lesse sche wiste wel to God was nothyng impossibyl . (CMKEMPE,223.3608) +Terfor sche trustyd it schulde be so as sche had felyng whan God wolde . (CMKEMPE,223.3609) CAPITULUM 2=M= (CMKEMPE,223.3611) In fewe +gerys aftyr +tat +tis +gong man had weddyd he cam hom in-to Inglond to hys fadyr & hys modyr al chongyd in hys aray & hys condicyonis . (CMKEMPE,223.3613) For a-for-tyme hys clothys wer al daggyd & hys langage al uanyte ; (CMKEMPE,223.3614) now he weryd no daggys , (CMKEMPE,223.3615) & hys dalyawns was ful of vertu . (CMKEMPE,223.3616) Hys modyr , hauyng gret merueyl of +tis sodeyn chongyng , seyd vn-to hym , " Benedicite , sone , how is it wyth +te +tat +tu art so chongyd ? " (CMKEMPE,223.3617) " Modyr , " he seyd , " I hope +tat thorw +gowr preyerys owr Lord hath drawyn me , (CMKEMPE,223.3618) and I purpose be +te grace of God to folwyn +gowr cownsel mor +tan I haue don be-forn . " (CMKEMPE,223.3619) Than hys modyr , seyng +tis meruelyows drawte of owr Lord , thankyd God as sche cowde , takyng good heed of hys gouernawns for dred of symulacyon . (CMKEMPE,224.3620) +te lengar +tat sche beheld hys gouernawns , +te mor sadde sche thowt he was & +te mor reuerent to-owr-Lord-ward . (CMKEMPE,224.3621) Whan sche knew it was +te drawt of owr Lordys mercy , +tan sche was ful joyful , thankyng God ful many timys for hys grace & hys goodnes . (CMKEMPE,224.3622) Sithyn , for he xulde be +te mor diligent & +te mor besy to folwyn owr Lordys drawyng , sche openyd hir hert to hym , schewyng hym & enformyng how owr Lord had drawyn hir thorw hys mercy & be what menys , also how meche grace he had schewyd for hir , +te whech he seyd he was vnworthy to heryn . (CMKEMPE,224.3623) +Tan he went many pilgrimagys to Rome & to many o+ter holy placys to purchasyn hym pardon , resortyng a-geyn to hys wife & hys childe as he was bowndyn to do . (CMKEMPE,224.3624) He enformyd hys wife of hys modyr in so meche +tat sche wolde leeuyn hir fadyr & hir modyr & hir owyn cuntre for to comyn in-to Inglonde & seen hys modyr . (CMKEMPE,224.3625) He was ful glad +terof (CMKEMPE,224.3626) & sent word in-to Inglond to hys modyr to certifyin hir of hys wyfys desyr & to wetyn whedyr hys modyr wolde cownselyn hym to comyn be lond er be watyr , (CMKEMPE,224.3627) for he trustyd meche in hys moderys cownsel , leuyng it was of +te Holy Gost . (CMKEMPE,224.3628) Hys modyr , whan sche had lettyr fro hym & knew hys desyr , went to hir preyer to knowyn owr Lordys cownsel & owr Lordys wyl . (CMKEMPE,224.3629) And , as sche preyid for +te sayd mater , it was answeryd to hir sowle +tat whedyr hir sone come be lond er be watyr he xulde comyn in saf-warde . (CMKEMPE,224.3630) +Tan wrot sche letterys to hym , seying +tat whedyr he come be londe er be watyr he schulde come in safte be +te grace of God . (CMKEMPE,224.3631) Whan he was certifijd of hys moderys cownsel , he speryd whan schippys xulde come in-to Inglond (CMKEMPE,224.3632) & hiryd a schip er ellys a part of a schip in whech he putt hys good , hys wife , hys childe , & hys owyn self , purposyng alle to comyn in-to Inglond to-gedyr . (CMKEMPE,224.3633) Whan +tei weryn in +te schip , +ter resyn swech tempestys +tat +tei durstyn not takyn +te see , (CMKEMPE,224.3634) & so +tei comyn on lond a-geyn , bothyn he , hys wife , & her childe . (CMKEMPE,225.3635) +Tan +tei left her childe in Pruce wyth her frendys , (CMKEMPE,225.3636) & he & hys wife comyn in-to Inglond be lond wey to hys fadyr & to hys modyr . (CMKEMPE,225.3637) Whan +tei wer come +tedir , hys modir ful meche enioijd in owr Lord +tat hir felyng was trewe , (CMKEMPE,225.3638) for sche had felyng in hir sowle , as is wretyn be-forn , +tat whedyr +tei come be lond er be watyr +tei schulde comyn be safte . (CMKEMPE,225.3639) & so it was in dede , (CMKEMPE,225.3640) blissyd mote God ben . (CMKEMPE,225.3641) +Tei come hom on +te Satyrday in good heele , (CMKEMPE,225.3642) & on +te next day +tat was +te Sonday , whil +tei wer at mete at noon with o+ter good frendys , he fel in gret sekenes +tat he ros fro +te tabyl & leyd hym on a bed , whech sekenes & infirmite ocupijd hym a-bowte a monyth , (CMKEMPE,225.3643) & +tan in good life & ryth beleue he passyd to +te mercy of owr Lord . (CMKEMPE,225.3644) So gostly & bodily it myth wel ben verifijd he xal comyn hom in safte , not only in-to +tis dedly lond but also in-to +te lond of leuyng men , wher deth xal neuyr aperyn . (CMKEMPE,225.3645) In schort tyme aftyr , +te fadyr of +te sayd persone folwyd +te sone +te wey whech euery man must gon . (CMKEMPE,225.3646) Than leuyd stille +te modyr of +te sayd persone , of whom +tis tretys specyaly makyth mencyon , and sche +tat was hys wife , a Dewche woman , dwellyng wyth hys modyr a +ger & an halfe vn-to +te tyme +tat hir frendys whech wer in Duchelond , desyryng to haue hir hom , wretyn lettrys to hir & steryd hir to resortyn to hir owyn cuntre . (CMKEMPE,225.3647) And so sche , desiryng +te beneuolens of hir frendys , vtteryd hir conseyte to hir eldmodyr , declaryng to hir +te desyr of hir frendys , preying hir of good lofe & leue +tat sche myth resortyn to hir owyn cuntre . (CMKEMPE,225.3648) And so thorw hir eldmodrys consentyng sche purueyid hir to gon as sone as any schippys wentyn in-to +tat lond . (CMKEMPE,225.3649) So +tei speryd a schip of +tat same lond (CMKEMPE,225.3650) & hir owyn cuntremen xulde seylyn +tedyr , (CMKEMPE,225.3651) and hem thowt it was goodly +tat sche xulde ra+tar seylyn wyth hem in her schip +tan wyth o+ter men . (CMKEMPE,225.3652) Than sche went to hir confessowr for to be schreuyn , (CMKEMPE,225.3653) & , whil sche was in +te schryuyng , +te sayd creatur , hir eldmodir , went vp & down in +te qwer , thynkyng in hir mende , " Lord , +gyf it wer +ti wille I wolde takyn leue of my confessowr & gon wyth hir ouyr +te see . " (CMKEMPE,225.3654) Owr Lord answeryd to hyr thowt , seying , " Dowtyr , I wote wel , yf I bode +te gon , +tu woldist gon al redy . (CMKEMPE,226.3655) +terfor I wyl +tat +tu speke no word to hym of +tis mater . " (CMKEMPE,226.3656) Than was sche ryth glad & mery , trustyng sche xulde not gon ouyr +te see , (CMKEMPE,226.3657) for sche had ben in gret perell on +te see a-for-tyme (CMKEMPE,226.3658) & was in purpos neuyr to comyn +teron mor be hir owyn wille . (CMKEMPE,226.3659) Whan hir dowtyr-in-lawe was schreuyn , +te good man whech was confessowr to hem bothyn as +tat tyme cam to hir (CMKEMPE,226.3660) & seyd , " Ho schal gon wyth +gowr dowtyr to +te see-syde tyl sche come at hir schip ? (CMKEMPE,226.3661) It is not goodly +tat sche xulde gon so fer wyth a +gong man a-lone in strawnge cuntre wher her nei+tyr is knowyn , " (CMKEMPE,226.3662) for a strawnge man was come for hir (CMKEMPE,226.3663) & her nei+tyr was but lityl knowyn in +tis cuntre , wher-for hir confessowr had +te mor compassyon of hir . (CMKEMPE,226.3664) +Tan +te sayd creatur seyd a-geyn , " Syr , +gyf +ge wele biddyn me , I xal gon wyth hir my-self tyl sche come at +Gepiswech , (CMKEMPE,226.3665) +ter lyth +te schip & hir owyn cuntremen +tat xal ledyn hir ouyr +te see . " (CMKEMPE,226.3666) Hir confessowr seyd , " How xulde +ge gon wyth hir ? " (CMKEMPE,226.3667) +Ge hirtyd but late +gowr foote , (CMKEMPE,226.3668) & +ge ar not +get al hool , (CMKEMPE,226.3669) & also +ge arn an elde woman . (CMKEMPE,226.3670) +Ge may not gon . " (CMKEMPE,226.3671) " Sir , " sche seyd , " God , as I trust , xal helpyn me ryth wel . " (CMKEMPE,226.3672) +Tan he askyd ho xulde gon wyth hir & brynge hir hom a-geyn . (CMKEMPE,226.3673) And sche seyd , " Ser , her is longyng to +tis chirch an ermyte , a +gong man . (CMKEMPE,226.3674) I hope he wil for owr Lordys lofe gon & comyn wyth me , +gef +ge wil +geuyn me leue . " (CMKEMPE,226.3675) So sche had leue to brynge hir dowtyr to +Gepiswich & +tan comyn a-geyn to Lynne . (CMKEMPE,226.3676) +Tus +tei passyd forth in her jurne in tyme of Lenton , (CMKEMPE,226.3677) and , whan +tei weryn v er vj myle fro Lynne , +tei comyn forby a cherch , (CMKEMPE,226.3678) & so +tei turnyd in for to heryn Messe . (CMKEMPE,226.3679) And , as +tei wer in +te chirche , +te forseyd creatur , desiryng teerys of deuocyon , non myth purchasyn at +tat tyme (CMKEMPE,226.3680) but euyr was comawndyd in hir hert for to gon ouyr +te see wyth hir dowtyr . (CMKEMPE,226.3681) Sche wolde a putt it owt of hir mende , (CMKEMPE,226.3682) & euyr it cam a-geyn so fast +tat sche myth not rest ne qwiet han in hir mende (CMKEMPE,226.3683) but euyr was labowryd & comawndyd to gon ouyr +te see . (CMKEMPE,226.3684) Sche thowt it was heuy to hir to takyn sweche labowr vp-on hir (CMKEMPE,226.3685) & excusyd hir-self to owr Lord in hir mende , seying , " Lord , +tu wost wel I haue no leue of my gostly fadyr , & I am bowndyn to obediens . (CMKEMPE,227.3686) +terfor I may not do thus wyth-owtyn hys wil & hys consentyng . " (CMKEMPE,227.3687) It was answeryd a-geyn to hir thowt , " I bydde +te gon in my name , Ihesu , (CMKEMPE,227.3688) for I am a-bouyn thy gostly fadyr (CMKEMPE,227.3689) & I xal excusyn +te & ledyn +te & bryngyn +te a-geyn in safte . " (CMKEMPE,227.3690) Sche wolde +get excusyn hir yf sche myth in any wey , (CMKEMPE,227.3691) & +terfor sche seyd , " I am not purueyd of gold ne of syluer sufficiently for to gon wyth as I awt to be , (CMKEMPE,227.3692) and , +tow I wer & wolde gon , I wote wel my dowtyr had leuar I wer at hom , (CMKEMPE,227.3693) & perauentur +te schip-maistrys xulde not receyuyn me in-to her vessel for to gon wyth hem . " (CMKEMPE,227.3694) Owr Lord seyd a-geyn , " Yf I be wyth +te , ho schal ben a-geyns +te ? (CMKEMPE,227.3695) I xal purueyin for +te & getyn +te frendys to helpyn +te . (CMKEMPE,227.3696) Do as I bydde +te , (CMKEMPE,227.3697) & +ter schal no man of +te schip sey nay vn-to +te . " (CMKEMPE,227.3698) The creatur say +ter was non o+ter help but forth sche must at +te comawndyng of God . (CMKEMPE,227.3699) Sche thowt +tat sche wolde fyrst gon to Walsyngham & offeryn in worschep of owr Lady , (CMKEMPE,227.3700) & , as sche was in +te wey +tedir-ward , sche herd tellyn +tat a frer schuld seyin a sermown in a lityl village a lityl owt of hir wey . (CMKEMPE,227.3701) Sche turnyd in-to +te cherch wher +te frer seyd +te sermown , a famows man , & a gret audiens had at hys sermown . (CMKEMPE,227.3702) And many tymys he seyd +tes wordys , " +Gyf God be wyth us , ho schal be a-geyns us ? " thorw +te whech wordys sche was +te mor steryd to obeyn +te wil of God & parformyn hir entent . (CMKEMPE,227.3703) So sche went forth to Walsingham , & sithyn to Norwich wyth hir dowtyr-in-lawe , & +te ermyte wyth hem . (CMKEMPE,227.3704) Whan +tei cam at Norwich , sche mett a Grey Frer , a worschepful clerk , a doctowr of diuinyte whech had herd of hir leuyng & hir felyngys be-for-tyme . (CMKEMPE,227.3705) +te doctowr schewyd hir gret cher (CMKEMPE,227.3706) & dalyid wyth hir as he had don be-for-tyme . (CMKEMPE,227.3707) sche , many tymys syhyng , was heuy in cher & in cuntenawnce . (CMKEMPE,227.3708) +te doctowr askyd what hir eylyd , (CMKEMPE,227.3709) " Sir , " sche seyd , " whan I cam owte of Lynne wyth +te leue of my confessowr , I purposyd to ledyn my dowtyr to +Gepisweche , wher is a schip in +te whech sche be +te grace of God xal seylyn to Deuchelond , & I than to turnyn hom a-geyn as sone as I myth goodly to Lynne wyth an ermyte whech cam wyth me for +te same entent to ledyn me hom a-geyn . (CMKEMPE,228.3710) & he $wenyd fully +tat I xulde don so . (CMKEMPE,228.3711) And , ser , whan I was a-bowtyn vj myle owt of Lynne in a chirch to makyn my preyerys , I was comawndyd in my sowle +tat I schulde gon ouyr +te see wyth my dowtyr , (CMKEMPE,228.3712) & I wote wel sche wolde I wer at hom , (CMKEMPE,228.3713) & so wolde I yf I durst . (CMKEMPE,228.3714) +Tus was I meuyd in my sowle (CMKEMPE,228.3715) & no rest myth han in my spiryt ne deuocyon tyl I was consentyd to do as I was meuyd in my spiryt , (CMKEMPE,228.3716) & +tis is to me gret drede & heuynes . " (CMKEMPE,228.3717) +te worschipful clerk seyd vn-to hir , " +Ge schal obey +te wil of God , (CMKEMPE,228.3718) for I leue it is +te Holy Gost +tat spekyth in +gow , (CMKEMPE,228.3719) & +terfor folwyth +te meuyng of +gowr spiryt in +te name of Ihesu . " (CMKEMPE,228.3720) Sche was meche comfortyd wyth hys wordys (CMKEMPE,228.3721) & toke hir leue , goyng forth to +te see-syde wyth hir felaschip . (CMKEMPE,228.3722) Whan +tei were comyn +tedir , +te schip was redy to seilyn . (CMKEMPE,228.3723) +Tan sche preyid +te maistyr +tat sche myth seilyn wyth hem in-to Duchelond , (CMKEMPE,228.3724) & he goodly receyuyd hir , (CMKEMPE,228.3725) & +tei +tat weryn in +te schip seyd not onys nay . (CMKEMPE,228.3726) +Ter was non so meche a-geyn hir as was hir dowtyr , +tat awt most to a ben wyth hir . (CMKEMPE,228.3727) +Tan sche toke hir leue of +te ermyte +tat was come +tedyr wyth hir , rewardyng hym sum-deel for hys labowr & preying hym to excusyn hir to hir confessowr & to hir o+ter frendys whan he come hom to Lynne , (CMKEMPE,228.3728) for it was not hir wetyng ne hir entent whan sche partyd fro hem to a passyd +te see neuyr whil sche had leuyd , (CMKEMPE,228.3729) " but , " sche seyd , " I must a-beyn +te wil of God . " (CMKEMPE,228.3730) The ermyte partyd fro hir wyth heuy cher (CMKEMPE,228.3731) & cam hom a-geyn to Lynne , excusyng hir to hir confessowr & to o+ter frendys , tellyng hem of her sodeyn & wondirful partyng & how it was not hys knowyng +tat +tei xulde a partyd so sodeynly a-sundyr . (CMKEMPE,228.3732) +te pepil +tat herd +terof had gret wondyr (CMKEMPE,228.3733) & seydin as +tei woldyn . (CMKEMPE,228.3734) Sum seyd it was a womanys witte & a gret foly for +te lofe of hir dowtyr-in-lawe to putte hir-self , a woman in gret age , to perellys of +te see & for to gon in-to a strawnge cuntre wher sche had not ben be-forn ne not wist how sche xulde come a-geyn . (CMKEMPE,229.3735) Summe heldyn it was a dede of gret charite for-as-meche as hir dowtyr had be-forn-tyme left hir frendys & hir cuntre & cam wyth hir husbond to visityn hir in +tis cuntre +tat sche wolde now halpyn hir dowtyr hom a-geyn in-to +te cuntre +tat sche cam fro . (CMKEMPE,229.3736) o+ter whech knewe mor of +te creaturys leuyng supposyd & trustyd +tat it was +te wille & +te werkyng of al-mythy God to +te magnifying of hys owyn name . (CMKEMPE,229.3737) CAPITULUM 3=M= (CMKEMPE,229.3739) The sayd creatur & hir felawschip entryd her schip on +te Thursday in Passyon Weke , (CMKEMPE,229.3741) & God sent hem fayr wynde & wedyr +tat day & +te Fryday , (CMKEMPE,229.3742) but on +te Satirday owr Lord , turnyng hys hand as hym likyd , & +te Palme Sonday also , preuyng her feith & her pacyens , wyth +te ij nyghtys , sent hem swech stormys & tempestys +tat +tei wendyn alle to a ben perischyd . (CMKEMPE,229.3743) +te tempestys weryn so greuows & hedows +tat +tei myth not rewlyn ne gouerne her schip . (CMKEMPE,229.3744) +tei cowde no bettyr chefsyawns +tan comendyn hem-self & her schip to +te gouernawns of owr Lord ; (CMKEMPE,229.3745) +tei left her craft & her cunnyng (CMKEMPE,229.3746) & leet owr Lord dryuyn hem wher he wolde . (CMKEMPE,229.3747) +te sayd creatur had sorwe & care j-now ; (CMKEMPE,229.3748) hir thowt sche had neuyr so mech be-forn . (CMKEMPE,229.3749) Sche cryid to owr Lord for mercy & preseruyng of hir & alle hir felaschep . (CMKEMPE,229.3750) Sche thowt in hir mende , " A , Lord , for +ti lofe cam I hedyr , (CMKEMPE,229.3751) & +tu hast oftyn-tyme behite me +tat I schulde neuyr perischyn nei+tyr on londe ne in watyr ne wyth no tempest . (CMKEMPE,229.3752) +te pepil hath many tyme bannyd me , cursyd me , & warijd me for +te grace +tat +tu hast wrowt in me , desiryng +tat I schulde deyin in myschef & gret disese , (CMKEMPE,229.3753) & now , Lord , it is lyke +tat her bannyng comyth to effect , (CMKEMPE,229.3754) & I , vnworthy wretche , am deceyuyd and defrawdyd of +te promys +tat +tu hast mad many tyme on-to me , whech haue euyr trostyd in +ti mercy & +ti goodnesse , lesse +tan +tu +te sonar wythdrawe +tes tempestys & schewe us mercy . (CMKEMPE,229.3755) Now may myn enmyis enyoyin , (CMKEMPE,229.3756) & I may sorwyn yf +tei haue her intent & I be deceyuyd . (CMKEMPE,229.3757) Now , blisful Ihesu , haue mende of thy many-fold mercy (CMKEMPE,230.3758) & fulfille +ti behestys +tat +tu hast behite me . (CMKEMPE,230.3759) Schewe +tu art sothfast God & non euyl spiryt +tat hast browte me hedyr in-to +te perellys of +te see , whoys cownsel I haue trustyd & folwyd many +gerys & xal don thorw +ti mercy yf +tu delyuyr us owt of +tis greuows perellys . (CMKEMPE,230.3760) Help us (CMKEMPE,230.3761) & socowr us , Lord , er +tan we perischyn er dispeyryn , (CMKEMPE,230.3762) for we may not long enduryn +tis sorw +tat we ben in wyth-owtyn +ti mercy & +ti socowr . " (CMKEMPE,230.3763) Owr mercyful Lord , spekyng in hir mende , blamyd hir of hyr feerdnes , seying , " Why dredist +te ? (CMKEMPE,230.3764) Why art +tu so aferd ? (CMKEMPE,230.3765) I am as mythy her in +te see as on +te londe . (CMKEMPE,230.3766) Why wilt +tu mistrostyn me ? (CMKEMPE,230.3767) Al +tat I haue hite +te I xal trewly fulfillyn , (CMKEMPE,230.3768) & I xal neuyr deceyuyn +te . (CMKEMPE,230.3769) Suffyr paciently a while (CMKEMPE,230.3770) & haue trost in my mercy . (CMKEMPE,230.3771) Wauyr nowt in thy feith , (CMKEMPE,230.3772) for wyth-owtyn feith +tu maist nowt plesyn me . (CMKEMPE,230.3773) +Gyf +tu woldist verily trostyn in me & no-thyng dowtyn , +tu maist han gret comfort in +ti-self (CMKEMPE,230.3774) & mythist comfortyn al thy felaschep wher +ge ben now alle in gret drede & heuynes . " (CMKEMPE,230.3775) Wyth swech maner of dalyawns & meche mor hy & holy +tan euyr I cowde writyn owr Lord comfortyd hys creatur , (CMKEMPE,230.3776) blissyd mote he ben . (CMKEMPE,230.3777) Holy seyntys whech sche preyid on-to dalijd vn-to hir sowle be +te sufferawns of owr Lord , +geuyng hir wordys of gret comfort . (CMKEMPE,230.3778) At +te last cam owr Lady (CMKEMPE,230.3779) & seyd , " Dowtyr , be of a good comfort . (CMKEMPE,230.3780) +Tu hast euyr fowndyn my tydingys trewe , (CMKEMPE,230.3781) & +terfor be no lengar a-ferd , (CMKEMPE,230.3782) for I telle +te trewly +tes wyndys & tempestys xal sone sesyn & +ge xal han rith fayr wedyr . " (CMKEMPE,230.3783) And so , blissyd mote God ben , it was in schort tyme aftyr her schip was dreuyn in-to Norwey coost , (CMKEMPE,230.3784) & +ter +tei londyd on Good Fryday (CMKEMPE,230.3785) & abedyn +ter Estern Euyn , & Estern Day , & +te Monday aftyr Estern . (CMKEMPE,230.3786) And on +tat Monday +tei weryn howselyd wyth-inne +te schip alle +tat longyd to +te schip . (CMKEMPE,231.3787) On Estern Day +te maistyr of +te schip & +te sayd creatur & o+ter for +te most partye of +te schipgynge went on lond (CMKEMPE,231.3788) & herdyn her seruyse at +te chirche . (CMKEMPE,231.3789) Aftyr +te vse of +te cuntre +te Cros was reisyd on Estern Day a-bowte noon-tyme , (CMKEMPE,231.3790) & sche had hir meditacyon & hir deuocyon wyth wepyng & sobbyng as wel as yf sche had ben at hom . (CMKEMPE,231.3791) God drow not hys grace fro hir nei+tyr in cherch , ne in schip , ne in +te see , ne in no place +tat sche cam to , (CMKEMPE,231.3792) for euyr sche had hym in hir sowle . (CMKEMPE,231.3793) Whan +tei had receyuyd +te Sacrament on Estern Monday , as is wretyn be-forn , owr Lord sent hem a fayr wynde +tat browte hem owt of +tat cuntre & drofe hem hom in-to Duchelond as +tei desiryd . (CMKEMPE,231.3794) The forseyd creatur fond swech grace in +te maistyr of +te schip +tat he ordeynd for hir mete & drynke & al +tat was necessary vn-to hir as long as sche was wyth-inne +te schip , (CMKEMPE,231.3795) and was as tendyr to hir as sche had ben hys modyr . (CMKEMPE,231.3796) He curyd hir in +te schip wyth hys owyn clothys , (CMKEMPE,231.3797) for ellys sche myth a deyd for colde , (CMKEMPE,231.3798) sche was not purueyd as o+ter weryn . (CMKEMPE,231.3799) sche went at +te biddyng of owr Lord , (CMKEMPE,231.3800) & +terfor hyr Maistyr whech bad hir gon purueyid for hir so +tat sche ferd as wel as any of hir felawschep , (CMKEMPE,231.3801) worschep & preysyng be to owr Lord +terfor . (CMKEMPE,231.3802) CAPITULUM 4=M= (CMKEMPE,231.3804) The seyd creatur a-bood in Danske in Duchelond a-bowt v er vj wekys (CMKEMPE,231.3806) & had ryth good cher of meche pepil for owr Lordys lofe . (CMKEMPE,231.3807) +Ter was non so meche a-geyn hir as was hir dowtyr-in-lawe , +te whech was most bowndyn & beholdyn to a comfortyd hir yf sche had ben kende . (CMKEMPE,231.3808) +Tan +te creatur enyoyid in owr Lord +tat sche had so gret cher for hys lofe (CMKEMPE,231.3809) & purposyd to a-bydyn +ter +te lengar tyme . (CMKEMPE,231.3810) Owr Lord , spekyng to hir thowt , monischyd hir to gon owt of +te cuntre . (CMKEMPE,231.3811) Sche was +tan in gret heuynes & diswer how sche xulde do +te byddyng of God , whech sche wolde in no wey wythstondyn , (CMKEMPE,231.3812) & had nei+tyr man ne woman to gon wyth hir in felawschep . (CMKEMPE,231.3813) Be +te watyr wolde sche not gon as ny as sche myth , (CMKEMPE,231.3814) for sche was so afrayd on +te see as sche cam +tedirward ; (CMKEMPE,232.3815) and be lond wey sche myth not gon esyly , (CMKEMPE,232.3816) for +ter was werr in +te cuntre +tat sche xulde passyn by . (CMKEMPE,232.3817) So what thorw o cawse & o+ter sche was in gret heuynesse , not wetyng how sche xuld be releuyd . (CMKEMPE,232.3818) Sche went in-to a chirche (CMKEMPE,232.3819) & mad hir preyerys +tat owr Lord , liche as he comawndyd hir for to gon , he schulde sendyn hir help & felaschip wyth +te which sche myth gon . (CMKEMPE,232.3820) And sodeynly a man , comyng to hir , askyd yf sche wolde gon on pilgrimage a fer cuntre fro thens to a place clepyd Wilsnak , wher is worschepyd +te Precyows Blod of owr Lord Ihesu Crist whech be miracle cam of thre Oostys , +te Sacrament of +te Awter , +te whech iij Oostys & Precyows Blood ben +ter on-to +tis day had in gret worschip & reuerens & sowt fro many a cuntre . (CMKEMPE,232.3821) Sche wyth glad cher seyde +tat sche wolde gon +tedyr yf sche had good felaschep & yf sche wist of any honest man +tat myth sithyn bryng hir in-to Inglond . (CMKEMPE,232.3822) & he behestyd hir +tat he wolde gon on pilgrimage wyth hir to +te forseyd place on hys owyn cost , (CMKEMPE,232.3823) & sithyn , yf sche wolde al qwite hys coste in-to Inglond , he xulde comyn wyth hir tyl sche wer in +te costys of Inglond +tat sche myth han good felaschep of hir nacyon . (CMKEMPE,232.3824) He purueyd an heeke , a lityl schip , in +te which +tei xulde seylyn to-+te-holy-place-warde , (CMKEMPE,232.3825) and +tan myth sche han no leue to gon owt of +tat lond , (CMKEMPE,232.3826) for sche was an Englisch woman , (CMKEMPE,232.3827) & so had sche gret vexacyon & meche lettyng er sche myth getyn leue of on of +te heerys of Pruce for to gon +tens . (CMKEMPE,232.3828) At +te last , thorw +te steryng of owr Lord , +ter was a marchawnt of Lynne herd tellyn +ter-of , (CMKEMPE,232.3829) & he cam to hir (CMKEMPE,232.3830) & comfortyd hir , behestyng hir +tat he xulde helpyn hir fro +tens , ey+tyr preuyly er apertly . (CMKEMPE,232.3831) And +tis good man thorw gret labowr gate hir leue to gon wher sche wolde . (CMKEMPE,232.3832) +Tan sche , wyth +te man whech had prouydyd for hir , tokyn her vessel , (CMKEMPE,232.3833) & God sent hem calm wynde , +te whech wynde plesyd hir ryth wel (CMKEMPE,232.3834) for +ter ros no wawe on +te watyr . (CMKEMPE,232.3835) Hir felaschep thowt +tei sped no wey (CMKEMPE,232.3836) & weryn heuy & grutchyng . (CMKEMPE,232.3837) Sche preyid to owr Lord , (CMKEMPE,232.3838) & he sent hem wynde a-now +tat +tei seylyd a gret cowrse (CMKEMPE,232.3839) & +te wawys resyn sor . (CMKEMPE,233.3841) Hyr felaschep was glad & mery , (CMKEMPE,233.3842) and sche was heuy & sory for dred of +te wawys . (CMKEMPE,233.3843) Whan sche lokyd up-on hem , sche was euyr feryd . (CMKEMPE,233.3844) Owr Lord , spekyng to hir spirit , bad hir leyn down hir heuyd +tat sche xulde not seen +te wawys , (CMKEMPE,233.3845) & sche dede so . (CMKEMPE,233.3846) But euyr sche was a-feerd , (CMKEMPE,233.3847) & +terfor was sche oftyn-tymys blamyd . (CMKEMPE,233.3848) & so they seylyd forth to a place whech is clepyd Strawissownd . (CMKEMPE,233.3849) Yf +te namys of +te placys be not ryth wretyn , late no man merueylyn , (CMKEMPE,233.3850) for sche stodyid mor a-bowte contemplacyon +tan +te namys of +te placys , (CMKEMPE,233.3851) & he +tat wrot hem had neuyr seyn hem , (CMKEMPE,233.3852) & +terfor haue hym excusyd . (CMKEMPE,233.3853)