Cum natus esset ihesus in betleem iude in diebus herodis regis ecce
magi ab oriente uenerunt ierosolimam dicentes . Vbi est qui natus est
rex iudeorum . (CMKENTSE,214.5)
We redeth i +to holi godespelle of te dai ase ure louerd godalmichti
ibore was of ure lauedi seinte Marie i +te cite of bethleem . +tet si
sterre was seauinge of his beringe . (CMKENTSE,214.6)
swo apierede te +to +trie kinges of he+tenesse . tojanes +to sunne
risindde . (CMKENTSE,214.7)
And al swo hi biknewe his beringe bi +to sterre . swo hi nomen conseil
betuene hem +tet hi wolden gon for to hyne anuri . and +tet hi wolden
offri him gold and stor and Mirre . (CMKENTSE,214.8)
And al swo hi hedden aparailed here offrendes swo kam si sterre +tet
yede to for hem in to iuresalem . (CMKENTSE,214.9)
+Tere hi speken to herodes (CMKENTSE,214.10)
and hym askede . wer was se king of gyus +tet was ibore .
And herodes iherde +tet o king was ibore +tet solde bi king of
geus . (CMKENTSE,215.12)
swo was michel anud . and alle hise men . for +tet he was ofdred for to
liese his king riche of ierusalem . (CMKENTSE,215.13)
+To dede he somoni alle +to wyse clerekes +tet ku+te +te laghe
and hem askede wer crist solde bien ibore . (CMKENTSE,215.15)
Hi answerden +tet ine ierusalem . (CMKENTSE,215.16)
for hit was swo iseid and behote hwilem bi +to profetes .
And al swo herodes iherde +tis . swo spac te +to +trie kinges .
and hem seide . Go+t ha seide into bethleem (CMKENTSE,215.19)
and sechez +tet child . (CMKENTSE,215.20)
and wanne ye hit habbeth hifunde swo anuret hit . (CMKENTSE,215.21)
and efter +tet cometh to me . (CMKENTSE,215.22)
and hic wille go and anuri hit . (CMKENTSE,215.23)
+Tet ne seide he nocht herodes for +tet he hit wolde onuri ; ac for
+tet he hit wolde slon . yef he hit michte finde . (CMKENTSE,215.24)
+To kinges hem wenten (CMKENTSE,215.25)
and hi seghen +to sterre +tet yede bifore hem . al wat hi kam over +to
huse . war ure louerd was . (CMKENTSE,215.26)
and al swo hi hedden ifonden ure louerd ; swo hin anurede .
and him offrede hire offrendes . Gold . and . stor . and Mirre .
+To nicht efter +tet aperede an ongel of heuene in here slepe ine
metinge (CMKENTSE,215.29)
and hem seide and het . +tet hi ne solde ayen wende be herodes . ac be
an o+ter weye wende into hire londes . (CMKENTSE,215.30)
Lordinges and leuedis +tis is si glorius miracle . and si glorius
seywinge of ure lordes beringe . +tet us tel+t +tet holi godespel of te
day . (CMKENTSE,215.31)
and ye muee wel understonde be +to speche of +te godspelle +tet me sal
to dai mor makie offrinke +tan an o+tren dai . (CMKENTSE,215.32)
and +ter of us yeft ensample +to +trie kinges of he+tenesse . +tet
comen fram verrene londes ure louerd to seche . and him makie offrinke
. (CMKENTSE,215.33)
And be +tet hi offrede gold . +tet is cuuenable yeftte to kinge ;
seawede +tet he was sothfast kink . (CMKENTSE,215.34)
and be +tet hi offrede Stor . +tet me offrede wylem be +to ialde laghe
to here godes sacrefise ; seawede +te he was verray prest .
And be +tet hi offrede Mirre . +tet is biter +ting . signefieth +tet hi
hedde beliaue +tet he was diadlich . +tet diath solde suffri for manken
. (CMKENTSE,215.36)
Nu ihiereth wet signefieth +tet Gold . +tet Stor . +tet Mirre .
And offre we Gostliche to ure lorde . +tet i offrede flesliche .
+Tet Gold +tet is bricht and glareth ine +to brichtnesse of +to sunne .
signefieth +te gode beleaue . +tet is bricht ine +te gode
cristenemannes herte . (CMKENTSE,215.39)
Si gode beleaue licht (CMKENTSE,215.40)
and is bricht ine +to herte of +to gode Manne ase gold .
Offre we +tanne god almichti god gold . (CMKENTSE,215.42)
Beleue we stedefastliche . +tet he is fader and sune . and holy gost .
is onlepi god . (CMKENTSE,215.43)
Wo so hath beleaue ine gode swo offreth him god gold (CMKENTSE,215.44)
+tet Stor signefied gode werkes . (CMKENTSE,215.45)
for ase se smech of +te store wanne hit is ido into +te ueree
and goth upward to +to heuene and to gode ward Swo amuntet si gode
biddinge to gode of +to herte of +to gode cristenemanne .
Swo we mowe sigge +tet stor signefieth +te herte . and se smech luue of
gode . (CMKENTSE,216.47)
Bi +tet Mirre +tat is biter . and be +to biternesse defendet +tet Cors
+tet is mide ismered . +tet no werm nel comme ihende ; signefiet +to
gode werkes +tet is biter to +to yemernesse of ure flesce .
Si Mirre signefiet uastinge . for +to luue of gode wakie . go ine
pelrimage . uisiti +te poure . and to sike . and to do alle +te gode
+tet me may do for godes luue . (CMKENTSE,216.49)
+to ilke +tinges so bieth bitere to +to wrichede flessce .
Ac al so si mirre loket +tet bodi +tet no werm ne may +ter ihende come
; so us defendet +to ileke +tinges fram senne . and fram +te
amonestement of +to dieule +tet ha ne may us misdo . (CMKENTSE,216.51)
Lordinges nu ye habbet iherd +to signefiance of +to offringes +tet
maden +to +trie kinges of he+tenesse to gode . (CMKENTSE,216.52)
hye habbet to gode ioffred of yure selure . and of yure er+tliche godes
. (CMKENTSE,216.53)
Ne ne offreth him nacht onlepiliche to day . ac alle +to daies i +to
yere gostliche . Gold . and Stor . and Mirre . ase hic . habbe itold .
Gold ; fore Gode belaue . Stor ; for holy urisun . Mirre . for gode
werkes . (CMKENTSE,216.54)
+tet bieth +to offringes . +tet ure louerd beseke+t auerichedaye +to
cristenemanne . and werefore se xpistenman yef ha is {TEXT:has} de+t ;
of seruet +to blisce of heuene . (CMKENTSE,216.55)
And ihesu crist +tet for us wolde an er+te bi bore . and anured of +to
+trie kinges of painime ; he $yeue us his grace of +to holi gost in ure
hertes wer bi we moue hatie +to ileke +tinges +tet he hatedh . and lete
+to ileke +tinges +tat he forbiet . and luuie +to ilek +tinkes +tat he
luued . and do +to ilek +tinges +tat he hoot . ine him so bileue and
bidde and serui . +tet we mowe habbe +to blisce of heueriche .
Quod uobis prestare dignetur per . (CMKENTSE,216.57)
Nuptie facte sunt in chana galilee . & erat mater ihesu ibi . Vocatus
est autem ihesus ad nuptias & discipuli eius . (CMKENTSE,216.61)
+Tet holi godspel of to day us tel+t . +tet a bredale was imaked ine
+to londe of ierusalem . in ane cite +tat was icleped Cane in +ta time
+tat godes sune yede in er+te flesliche . (CMKENTSE,216.62)
ac To +ta bredale was ure leuedi seinte Marie . and ure louerd
ihesus crist and hise deciples . (CMKENTSE,217.63)
so iuel auenture +tet wyn failede . at +tise bredale .
+to seide ure leuedi seinte Marie . to here sune . hi ne habbet no wyn
. (CMKENTSE,217.65)
And ure louerd answerde (CMKENTSE,217.66)
and sede to hire . Wat belongeth hit to me o+ter to +te wyman .
Nu ne dorste hi namore sigge . ure lauedi . (CMKENTSE,217.68)
Hac hye spac to +to Serganz +tet seruede of +to wyne .
and hem seyde . al +tet he hot yu do ; so do+t . (CMKENTSE,217.70)
And ure louerd clepede +te serganz (CMKENTSE,217.71)
and seyde to hem . ffol vellet ha seyde . +tos ydres . +tet is to sigge
+tos Croos . o+ter +tos faten of watere . (CMKENTSE,217.72)
for +ter were .vi. ydres of stone . +tet ware iclepede ba+tieres wer
+to gius hem wesse for clenesse . and for religiun . Ase +te custome
was ine +to time . (CMKENTSE,217.73)
+to serganz . uuluelden +to faten of watere (CMKENTSE,217.74)
and hasteliche was iwent into wyne . bie +to wille of ure louerde .
+to seide ure lord . to +to serganz . Moveth togidere (CMKENTSE,217.76)
and bereth to Architriclin . +tat was se +tet ferst was iserued .
And al so hedde idrunke of +tise wyne +tet ure louerd hedde imaked of
+te watere ; ha niste nocht +te miracle . ac +to serganz wel hit wiste
. +tet hedde +tet water ibrocht . +to seide Architriclin to +to
bredgume . O+ter men seyde he do+t for+t +tet beste wyn +tet hi habbe+t
ferst at here bredale . (CMKENTSE,217.78)
and +tu hest ido +te contrarie +tet +tu hest ihialde +tet beste wyn
wath nu ; (CMKENTSE,217.79)
+Tis was +te commencement of +to miracles of ure loruerde +tet he made
flesliche in er+te . (CMKENTSE,217.80)
and +to beleuede on him ; his deciples . (CMKENTSE,217.81)
I ne sigge nacht +tet hi ne hedden +ter before ine him beliaue ; ac
fore +te miracle +tet hi seghe ; was here beliaue +te more istreng+ted
. (CMKENTSE,217.82)
Nu ye habbe+t iherd +te Miracle . (CMKENTSE,217.83)
nu ihere+t +te signefiance . (CMKENTSE,217.84)
+Tet water bitockned se euele xpisteneman . (CMKENTSE,217.85)
for al so +tet water is natureliche schald and a kel+t alle +to +tet
hit drinke+t ; so is se euele xpisteman chald of +to luue of Gode . for
+to euele werkes +tet hi do+t . (CMKENTSE,217.86)
Ase so is Lecherie . spusbreche . Roberie . Manslechter . husberners .
bakbiteres . and alle o+tre euele deden . +turch wyche +tinkes man
ofserueth +tet fer of helle . Ase godes oghe mudh hit seid .
and alle +to signefied +tet water ; +tet +turch yemere werkes . o+ter
+turch yemer iwil liesed +to blisce of heuene . (CMKENTSE,217.88)
+tet wyn +tat is naturelliche hot ine him selue ; and anhet alle +to
+tet hit drinked ; betokned alle +to +tet bied anheet of +te luue of
ure lorde . (CMKENTSE,217.89)
Nu lordinges ure lord god almichti . +tat hwylem in one stede .
and ine one time flesliche makede of watere wyn ; yet habbe+t manitime
maked of watere wyn ; gostliche . (CMKENTSE,218.90)
wanne +turch his grace maked of +to euele manne good man . of +te
orgeilus umble . of +te lechur chaste . of +te ni+tinge large . and of
alle o+tre folies ; so ha maket of +to watere wyn . (CMKENTSE,218.91)
+tis his si signefiance of +te miracle . (CMKENTSE,218.92)
Nu loke euerich man toward him seluen . yef he is win ; +tet is to
siggen yef he is anheet of +to luue of gode . o+ter yef he is water .
+tet is yef +tu art chold of godes luue . (CMKENTSE,218.93)
yef +tu art euel man ; besech ure lorde +tet he do ine +te his uertu .
+tet ha +te wende of euele into gode . and +tet he do +te do swiche
werkes +tet +tu mote habbe +to blisce of heuene . (CMKENTSE,218.94)
Quod uobis . prestare dignetur . (CMKENTSE,218.95)
Cvm descendisset ihesus de monte . secute sunt eum turbe multe . Et
ecce leprosus ueniens adorabat eum dicens . Domine si uis ; potes me
mundare . (CMKENTSE,218.99)
+Tet holi godspel of to dai us tel+t . +tet ure lord ihesus crist . ase
he hedde iyue +to newe laghe . in one montayne . and hedde imaked +tet
formeste sarmun +tet euerte made in er+te ; suo him folgede michel folk
. (CMKENTSE,218.100)
Swo kam a leprus . a sikman (CMKENTSE,218.101)
and onurede him (CMKENTSE,218.102)
and seyde . Lord . lord ha seide yef +tu wilt ; +tu me micht wel makie
hool of mine lepre . of mine euele . (CMKENTSE,218.103)
And ure lord him seide (CMKENTSE,218.104)
and spredde his hond . (CMKENTSE,218.105)
and tok his lepre ; (CMKENTSE,218.106)
hic wille seide ure lord +tet +tu bi clensed . (CMKENTSE,218.107)
and al so ra+te he was iwarisd of his maladie . (CMKENTSE,218.108)
Nu lordinges +tis is +te miracle +tet +tet godspel of te dai us tel+t .
ac great is +te tokningge . (CMKENTSE,218.110)
Se leprus signefiez +to senuule men . si lepre +to sennen .
+tet scab bitokned +to litle sennen . (CMKENTSE,218.112)
si lepre betokned +to grete sennen +tet biedh diadliche .
Ase so is lecherie . spusbreche . Gauelinge . Roberie . +tefte .
Glutunie . drunkenesse . and alle +to sennen +turch wiche me liest +to
luue of gode almichti and of alle his haleghen . (CMKENTSE,218.114)
+turch Scab nis nacht man and wyman deseiurd fram mannes felarede .
Ne for +to litle sennen . +tet noman hine ne mai loki . nis noon
deseurd pardurableliche fram gode ; ne fram holi chereche .
for lepre is man deseurd of +to compainie of gode and of alle
his angles . +tat is to sigge for diadliche senne . (CMKENTSE,219.117)
Nu ye habbet iherd +te miracle and wet hit betokned .
Nu loke we yef we bie+t clene of +tise lepre . +tat is to siggen of
diadliche senne . (CMKENTSE,219.119)
Se $leprus liest +te felarede of o+ter men ; (CMKENTSE,219.120)
for se +tet sterft inne diadliche senne ; so forliest +te compainie of
gode . (CMKENTSE,219.121)
And yef ye bie+t clene ; loke+t +tet ye ne falle nocht . +tet ye ne bie
deseuerd fram +te felarede of gode almichti . +turch none euele werkes
+turch none euele iwil . (CMKENTSE,219.122)
And yef ye bie+t leprus +turch diadliche senne . greded gode Merci ;
+tet +to leprus yaf hel+te ine bodie ; +tet he us yeue gostliche hel+te
. in ure saule . (CMKENTSE,219.123)
Come+t to srifte (CMKENTSE,219.124)
forleted yure sennen (CMKENTSE,219.125)
and +ter of bie+t asoiled . (CMKENTSE,219.126)
+tanne sollie habbe +to hel+te of heuene . +tat is lif withuten ende .
Quod uobis . prestare dignetur . per . (CMKENTSE,219.128)
Ascendente ihesu in nauiculam . secuti sunt eum discipuli eius . Et
ecce motus factus est magnus in mari . Ita ut nauicula operiretur
fluctibus . Erat autem illis ; uentus contrarius . (CMKENTSE,219.132)
We redeth i +te holi godspelle of to dai +tat ure lord ihesu crist yede
one time in to ane ssipe and ise deciples mid him in to +te see .
And so hi were in +to ssipe so aros a great tempeste . of winde .
And ure lord was ileid him don to slepe . ine +to ssipe . er +tane +tis
tempeste aroos . (CMKENTSE,219.135)
Hise deciples hedde gret drede of +tise tempeste . (CMKENTSE,219.136)
so awakede hine . (CMKENTSE,219.137)
and seiden to him . lord saue us ; (CMKENTSE,219.138)
for we perisset . (CMKENTSE,219.139)
And ha wiste wel +tet hi ne hadde nocht gode beleaue ine him ;
+to seide to hem . wat dret yw folk of litle beliaue .
+To aros up ure lord (CMKENTSE,219.142)
and tok +tane wynd and to see ; (CMKENTSE,219.143)
and al so ra+te hit was stille . (CMKENTSE,219.144)
And al se +to men +tet weren in +to ssipe hedde iseghe +to miracle so
awondrede hem michel . (CMKENTSE,219.145)
+Tis is si vaire miracle +tet +tet godspel of te day us tel+t .
+Tere fore sal hure beliaue bie +te betere astreng+ted . Ine swiche
lorde +tet siche miracle mai do and do+t wanne he wile .
Ac hit is us nyede +tet se +tet sucurede hem ine +ta peril ; +tet us
sucuri ine ure niedes . +Tet we clepie to him +tet ha us helpe .
and he hit wille do ble+teliche . yef we him bisecheth merci mid good
iwille al so him seluen seith bi +te holi writes . (CMKENTSE,219.149)
Salus populi ego sum . & cetera . (CMKENTSE,219.150)
Hic am ha sei+t helere of +te folke . wanne hi to me clepiedh
ine hire sorghen . (CMKENTSE,220.151)
and ine hire niedes hic hi sucuri (CMKENTSE,220.152)
and beneme hem al here euel with ute ende . (CMKENTSE,220.153)
Grede we to him merci sikerliche . yef se deuel us wille acumbri +turch
senne . (CMKENTSE,220.154)
+Turch prede o+ter +turch anvie . o+ter +turh wre+the . o+ter +turch
o+ter manere of diadliche senne grede we to him Merci .
and sigge we him lord sauue us +tet we ne perissi . and +tet he us
deliuri of alle eueles . and +tet ha yef us swiche werkes to done in
+tise wordle ; +tet +to saulen of us mote bien isauued a domes dai .
and gon to +to blisce of heuene . (CMKENTSE,220.156)
Quod ipse prestare dignetur . (CMKENTSE,220.157)
Simile est regnum celorum homini patrifamilias . qui exijt primo mane
conducere operarios in uineam suam . (CMKENTSE,220.161)
Hure lord godalmichti to us speke+t ine +to holi godespelle of te day .
and us seaweth one forbisne . +tet yef we uilleth don his seruise .
+tet we sollen habbe +to mede wel griat ine heuene . (CMKENTSE,220.163)
For so seyth ure lord ine +to godspelle of to dai . +tet on goodman was
. +tat ferst uut yede bi +te Moreghen for to here werkmen in to his
winyarde . for ane peny of forewerde . (CMKENTSE,220.164)
and al so he hedde imad +tise forewerde ; so ha sente hi into his
wynyarde . (CMKENTSE,220.165)
so ha dede at undren and at midday al so . (CMKENTSE,220.166)
+to +tat hit was ayen +tan euen ; so ha kam into +te Marcatte . so he
fond werkmen +tet were idel . (CMKENTSE,220.167)
+to seyde he to hem . Wee bie ye idel ; (CMKENTSE,220.168)
and hie answerden ; (CMKENTSE,220.169)
and seyde . lord ; for we ne fonden te dai +tat us herde .
Go+t nu ha seide se godeman into mine wynyarde ; (CMKENTSE,220.171)
and hic +tat richt is ; yu sal yeue . (CMKENTSE,220.172)
+tos yede into +tise wynyarde . mid +to o+tre . (CMKENTSE,220.173)
+to +tet hi wel euen . +to seide +te lord to his sergant . Clepe +to
werkmen (CMKENTSE,220.174)
and yeld hem here trauail . (CMKENTSE,220.175)
and agyn to hem +tat comen last . (CMKENTSE,220.176)
and go al to +to ferste . (CMKENTSE,220.177)
yef eueriche of hem ane peny . (CMKENTSE,220.178)
Se sergant dede +tes lordes commandement . (CMKENTSE,220.179)
so paide +to werkmen (CMKENTSE,220.180)
and yaf euerich ane peny . (CMKENTSE,220.181)
And so hi seghen +to +tet bi +te Morghen waren icomen . +tet hi +tet
waren last icume . Hedden here euerich ane peny ; (CMKENTSE,220.182)
+To wenden hi more habbe ; (CMKENTSE,220.183)
+to gruchchede hi amenges hem . (CMKENTSE,220.184)
and seyden . +tos laste on ure habbe+t itravailed . (CMKENTSE,220.185)
and +tu his makest velaghes to us . +tet habbeth al deai ibye ine +tine
wynyarde . and habbet+t i+toled +te berdene of +to pine . and
of +to hete of al +to daie . (CMKENTSE,221.186)
+to ansuerede se gode man to on of hem . Frend ha seide i ne do +te
noon unricht . (CMKENTSE,221.187)
Wat for +tingketh +tat hic do min iwil ; (CMKENTSE,221.188)
and al so ure lord hedde itold +tise forbisne ; so he seide efter ward
. so sulle +to uerste bie last ; and +to laste ferst .
Fele bie+t iclepede ; (CMKENTSE,221.190)
ac feaue bie+t icornee . (CMKENTSE,221.191)
Nu ihere+t +te signefiance . (CMKENTSE,221.192)
+tes godeman ; betockne+t godalmichti ure lord . (CMKENTSE,221.193)
Se winyard betockne+t . +te seruise of ure lorde . (CMKENTSE,221.194)
+te werkmen . betockne+t alle +to +tet do+t cristes seruise .
+to tides of +to daie ; betokne+t +te time of +tis world .
Bie +te Morghen iherde ure lord werkmen in to his winyarde . +to ha
sente +te patriarches . ate begininge of +tis wordl . ine is seruise .
+tet +turch gode beleauee him seruede . and seden his techinge to alle
+to +tet hi hedden hit to siggen . (CMKENTSE,221.197)
Also at undren . and at midday . iherede he werkmen into is winyarde .
+to ha sente be +to time +tet Moyses was and aaron . (CMKENTSE,221.198)
and i +te time of his prophetes dede he mani god man in to his seruise
; +tet +turch griate luue to him helden . and deden his seruise .
To yenes +tan euen ; godalmichti ihierde werkmen in to his winyarde .
+to +tat he $a $last {TEXT:alast} of +tis wordle naam fles and blod ine
+te Maidene seinte Marie . and seauede ine +tis world .
+to fond he Men . +tet al day hedden ibe idel . Werefore he fond +tet
he+ten folk +tet be +to time +tet was igo ; hedden . ibe ut of godes
beliaue . and of his luue . and of his seruise . (CMKENTSE,221.201)
Hi ne hedden nocht ibe idel for to done +to deueles werkes .
Ac +tere fore seith +tet godspel +tet hedden ibe idel ; +to +tet hi
nedden bileued ane god almichti . ne him louie ne him serui .
For al +tat is ine +tis wordle . +tet man is . bote yef ha luuie
godalmichti . and him serui ; al hit him may +tenche forlore and
idelnesse . (CMKENTSE,221.204)
+to a resunede ure lord +te paens be ise apostles . vre fore hi hedden
ibe so longe idel . +to +tet hi ne hedden ibe in his seruise ;
+to ansuerden +te paens ; +tet non ne hedden iherd hij . +tet is to
sigge +tet hi ne hedden neuer te iheed prophete ne apostle ne prechur .
+tet hem seaude ne hem tachte hu i solden ine gode beleue ne him serui
. (CMKENTSE,221.206)
Go+t a seide ure lord inte mine winyarde . +tet is inte mine beleaue .
and hic yw sal yeue yure peni +tet is heueriche blisce .
+to he+ten men yeden be +ta daghen into cristes seruise ;
and we +tet of hem bie+t icume . and habbe+t cristendom
underfonge ; bie+t ientred into cristes seruise (CMKENTSE,222.210)
+tere fore we sollen habbe ure peni +tet is +te blisce of heuene . al
so wel ase +to +tet comen bi +te Morghen . (CMKENTSE,222.211)
for al so we hopie+t for te habbe heueriche blisce ; ase +to
patriarches and +to prophetes . and +to apostles and +to gode men +tet
hwilem ine +tis world godalmichti serueden . (CMKENTSE,222.212)
So as we habe+t iseid of diuers wordles . +tet god almichti dede
werkmen into his winyarde ; so we mowe sigge of +to elde of eueriche
men . (CMKENTSE,222.213)
For godalmichti de+t werkmen into his winyarde bi +te Morghen . Wanne
ha clepe+t of swiche +ter bie+t into his seruise ine here childhede .
Wanne hi of +tis world wende+t . $be $swo {TEXT:beswo} +tet hi ne be
ine no diadlich senne . (CMKENTSE,222.214)
At undren ha sent men in to his winyarde . +tet a turne+t into his
seruise . of age of man . (CMKENTSE,222.215)
At Middai wanne +to dai is al+ter hotestd betokned +to men of .xxx=ti=.
wyntre . o+ter of furti . (CMKENTSE,222.216)
for +te nature of Man is of greater streng+te and of greater hete ine
+to age . (CMKENTSE,222.217)
Se euen bitockne+t . elde of Man . +tet is se ende of +te liue .
Vre lord de+t werkmen in to his winyarde agenes +to euen ; Wanne fele
ine here elde wende+t ut of here senne in to cristes seruise .
As so solle hi habbe +to blisce of heuene ; ase +to +tet ferst comen
into +te winyyarde . (CMKENTSE,222.220)
Nocht for +tan for +tise griate bunte +tet ure iord yef+t ne solde no
man targi for to wende to godalmichti ne him to serui .
for al so seid +tet holi writ +tet non ne wot +tane dai of his dia+te .
for Man mai longe liues wene (CMKENTSE,222.223)
and ofte him leghe+t se wrench . (CMKENTSE,222.224)
Nu gode men ye habbe+t iherd +tet godspel and +te forbisne .
Nu loke+t yef ye bie+t with inne +to winyarde . +tet is +tet yef ye
bie+t ine godes seruise yef ye bie+t with ute diadliche senne yef ye
hatied +tat he hate+t . yef ye luuie+t +tet he luue+t . and do+t +tet
he hot . (CMKENTSE,222.226)
and but ye do ; ye bie+t hut of his winyarde . +te is ut of his seruise
. (CMKENTSE,222.227)
and ye do+t +tet ure lord hoot . so ye ofserue+t +tane peni . +tet is
heueriche blisce . (CMKENTSE,222.228)
ye ofserue+t +tet good +tet noon herte ne may i+tenche ne noon yare
ihere ne tunge telle . +to blisce +tet god halt alle +to +tet hine
luuie+t . (CMKENTSE,222.229)
+tider lord granti us to cumene . (CMKENTSE,222.230)
Quod ipse prestare dignetur . per . (CMKENTSE,222.231)