For als moche as the lond be+gonde the see +tat is to seye the holy lond +tat men callen the lond of promyssioun or of beheste passynge all o+tere londes it is the most worthi lond most excellent and lady & souereyn of all o+tere londes & is blessed & halewed of the precyous body & blood of oure lord jhesu crist ; jn the whiche land it lykede him to take flesch & blood of the virgyne Marie to envyrone +tat holy lond with his blessede feet ; (CMMANDEV,1.2) And +tere he wolde of his blessedness enoumbre him in the seyd blessed & gloriouse virgine Marie & become man & worche many myracles and preche , and teche the feyth & the lawe of crystene men vnto his children . (CMMANDEV,1.3) And +tere it lykede him to suffre many repreuynges and scornes for vs (CMMANDEV,1.4) And he +tat was kyng of heuene of eyr of erthe of see & of all thinges +tat ben contayned in hem wolde all only be cleped kyng of +tat lond whan he seyde : REX XUM IUDERORUM : +tat is to seyne : I am kyng of Jewes . (CMMANDEV,1.5) And +tat lond he chees before all o+t londes as the beste & most worthi lond & the most vertuouse lond of all the world . (CMMANDEV,1.6) For it is the herte and the myddes of all the world , Wytnessynge the philosophere +tat seyth thus : (CMMANDEV,1.7) the vertue of thinges is in the myddes . (CMMANDEV,1.8) And in +tat seyth thus : (CMMANDEV,1.9) VIRTUS RERUM IN MEDIO CONSISTIT that is to seye : the vertue of thinges is in the myddes . (CMMANDEV,1.10) And in +tat lond he wolde lede his lyf & suffre passioun & deth of jewes for Vs for to bye & to delyuere vs from peynes of helle And from deth withouten ende , the whiche was ordeynd for vs for the synne of oure formere fader Adam & for oure owne synnes also . (CMMANDEV,1.11) For as for himself he hadde non euyll deserued (CMMANDEV,1.12) for he thoughte neuere euyll (CMMANDEV,1.13) ne did euyll . (CMMANDEV,1.14) And he +tat was kyng of glorie & of ioye myghte best in that place suffre deth because he ches in +tat lond rathere +tan in ony othere +tere to suffre his passioun & his deth . (CMMANDEV,2.16) For he +tat wil pupplische ony thing to make it openly knowen he wil make it to ben cryed & pronounced in the myddel place of a town so +tat the thing +tat is proclamed & pronounced may euenly strecche to all parties . (CMMANDEV,2.17) Right so he +tat was formyour of all the world wolde suffre for vs at ierusalem +tat is the myddes of the world to +tat ende & entent +tat his passioun & his deth +tat was pupplischt +tere myghte ben knowen euenly to all the parties of the world . (CMMANDEV,2.18) See now how dere he boughte man +tat he made after his owne ymage & how dere he a+genboght vs for the grete loue +tat he hadde to vs (CMMANDEV,2.19) & we neuere deserued it to him . (CMMANDEV,2.20) For more precyous catell ne gretter raunsoun ne myghte he put for vs +tan his blessede body his precious blood & his holy lyf +tat he thralled for vs (CMMANDEV,2.21) & all he offred for vs +tat neuere did synne . (CMMANDEV,2.22) Dere god , what loue hadde he to vs his subiettes whan he +tat neuere trespaced wolde for trespassours suffre deth ! (CMMANDEV,2.23) Right wel aughte vs for to loue & worscipe to drede & serue such a lord and to worschipe & preyse such an holy lond +tat brought forth such fruyt +torgh the whiche euery man is saued but it be his owne defaute . (CMMANDEV,2.24) Wel may +tat lond be called delytable & a fructuouse lond +tat was bebledd & moysted with the precyouse blode of oure lord jhesu crist , the whiche is the same lond +tat oure lord behighte vs in heritage . (CMMANDEV,2.25) And in +tat lond he wolde dye as seised for to leve it to vs his children . Wherfore euery gode cristene man +tat is of powere & hath whereof scholde peynen him with all his strengthe for to conquere oure right heritage & chacen out all the mysbeleeuynge men . (CMMANDEV,2.26) For wee ben clept cristene men after crist oure fader (CMMANDEV,2.27) And +gif wee be right children of crist we oughte for to chalenge the heritage +tat oure fader lafte vs & do it out of hethene mennes hondes . (CMMANDEV,2.28) But now pryde couetyse & envye han so entflawmed the hertes of lordes of the world +tat +tei are more besy for to disherite here neyghbores more +tan for to chalenge or to conquere here right heritage before seyd . (CMMANDEV,3.29) And the comoun peple +tat wolde putte here bodyes & here catell for to conquere oure heritage +tei may not don it withouten the lordes . (CMMANDEV,3.30) For a semblee of peple withouten a cheuenteyn or a chief lord is a flok of scheep withouten a schepperde the which departeth & desparpleth & wyten neuer whider to go . (CMMANDEV,3.31) But wolde god +tat the temporel lordes & all worldly lordes were at gode acord & with the comoun peple wolden taken this holy viage ouer the see +tanne I trowe wel +tat within a lityl tyme oure right heritage before seyd scholde be reconsyled & put in the hondes of the right heires of jhesu crist . (CMMANDEV,3.32) And for als moche as it is longe tyme passed +tat +ter was no generall passage ne vyage ouer the see & many men desiren for to here speke of the holy lond & han +tere of gret solace & comforte , I John Maundevylle knyght all be it I be not worthi +tat was born in Englond , in the town of seynt Albones & passed the see in the +geer of oure lord jhesu crist .Mill ccc & xxij. in the day of seynt Michell & hiderto haue ben longe tyme ouer the see & haue seyn & gon +torgh manye dyuerse londes & many prouynces & kyngdomes & jles And haue passed +torghout Turkye Ermonye the lityll & the grete +torgh Tartarye Percye Surrye Arabye Egypt the high & the lowe thorgh lybye Caldee & a gret partie of Ethiope +torgh Amazoyne Inde the lasse & the more a gret partie & thorgh out many othere jles +tat ben abouten Inde where dwellen many dyuerse folk & of dyuerse maneres & lawes and of dyuerse schappes of men Of whiche londes & jles I schall speke more pleynly here after (CMMANDEV,3.33) And I schall devise +gou sum partie of thinges +tat +tere ben whan tyme schall ben after it may best come to my mynde . And specyally for hem +tat will & are in purpos for to visite the holy citee of Ierusalem & the holy places +tat are +tereaboute . (CMMANDEV,3.34) And I schall tell the weye +tat +tei schull holden thider (CMMANDEV,3.35) For I haue often tymes passed & ryden +tat way with gode companye of many lordes , (CMMANDEV,3.36) god be thonked . (CMMANDEV,3.37) And +gee schull vndirstonde +tat I haue put this boke out of latyn in to frensch & translated it a+gen out of frensch in to Englyssch +tat euery man of my nacioun may vnderstonde it . (CMMANDEV,4.39) But lordes & knyghtes & othere noble & worthi men +tat conne not latyn but lityll & han ben be+gonde the see knowen & vnderstonden +gif I seye trouthe or non . (CMMANDEV,4.40) And +gif I err in deuisynge for for+getynge or ell +tat +tei mowe redresse it & amende it . (CMMANDEV,4.41) For thinges passed out of longe tyme from a mannes mynde or from his syght turnen sone in for for+getynge because +tat mynde of man ne may not be comprehended ne with holden for the freeltee of mankynde . (CMMANDEV,4.42) TO TECHE +GOU THE WEYE OUT OF ENGLOND TO CONSTANTYNOBLE . (CMMANDEV,4.44) In the name of god glorious & allmyghty he +tat wil passe ouer the see & come to londe after the contree +tat he cometh fro manye of hem comen to on ende . (CMMANDEV,4.46) But troweth not +tat I wil tell +gou all the townes & cytees & castelles +tat men shull go by for +tan scholde I make to longe a tale But all only summe contrees & most princypall stedes +tat men schull gone +torgh to gon the righte way . (CMMANDEV,4.47) First +gif a man come from the west syde of the world as Engelond Irelond Wale Skotlond or Norweye he may +gif +tat he wole go +torgh Almayne & +torgh the kyngdom of hungarye +tat marcheth to the lond of Polayne & to the hond of Pannonye & so to Selesie . (CMMANDEV,4.48) And the kyng of hungarie is a gret lord and a myghty (CMMANDEV,4.49) & holdeth grete lordschippes & meche lond in his lond . (CMMANDEV,4.50) For he holdeth the kyndom of hungarie Solauonye & of Comanye a gret part & of Bularie +tat men clepen the lond of Bougiers & of the reme of Roussye a gret partie where of he hath made a Duchee +tat lasteth vnto the lond of Niflan & marcheth to Pruysse . (CMMANDEV,4.51) And men gon +torgh the lond of this lord +torgh a cytee +tat is clept Cypron & by the castell of Neiseburgh & be the euyll town +tat sytt toward the end of hungarye (CMMANDEV,5.52) And $+tere passe men the ryuer of Danubee . (CMMANDEV,5.53) This ryuere of Danubee is a full gret ryuer (CMMANDEV,5.54) & it goth in to Almayne vnder the hilles of lombardye (CMMANDEV,5.55) and it receyueth in to him .xl. o+tere ryueres (CMMANDEV,5.56) And it renneth +torgh hungarie & +torgh Grece & +torgh Trachie (CMMANDEV,5.57) & it entreth in to the see toward the Est so rudely & so scharply +tat the water of the see is fressch & holdeth his swetness .xx. myle within the see . (CMMANDEV,5.58) And after gon men to Belgraue (CMMANDEV,5.59) & entren into the lond of Bourgres (CMMANDEV,5.60) & +tere passe men a brigge of ston +tat is vpon the ryuer of Marrok (CMMANDEV,5.61) & men passen +torgh the lond of Pyncemarez (CMMANDEV,5.62) & comen to Grece to the cytee of Nye and to the cytee of fynepape & after to the cytee of Dandrenbole & after to Constantynoble +tat was wont to be clept Benzanzon . (CMMANDEV,5.63) And +tere dwelleth comounly the emperour of Grece . (CMMANDEV,5.64) And +tere is the most fayr chirche & the most noble of all the world (CMMANDEV,5.65) & it is of seynt Sophie . (CMMANDEV,5.66) And before +tat chirche is the ymage of Justynyan the emperour couered with gold . (CMMANDEV,5.67) And he sytt vpon an hors ycrowned (CMMANDEV,5.68) & and he was wont to holden a round appell of gold in his hond (CMMANDEV,5.69) but it is fallen out +tereof . (CMMANDEV,5.70) And men seyn +tere +tat is a tokene +tat the Emperour hath ylost a gret partie of his londes & of his lordschipes . (CMMANDEV,5.71) For he was wont to ben emperour of Romanie & of Grece of all Asye the lesse & of the lond of Surrye of the lond of Judee , in the whiche is ierusalem & of the lond of Egypt of Percye of Arabye . (CMMANDEV,5.72) But he hath lost all but Grece (CMMANDEV,5.73) & +tat lond he holt all only . (CMMANDEV,5.74) And men wolden many tymes put the appull into the ymages hond a+gen (CMMANDEV,5.75) but it wil not holde it . (CMMANDEV,5.76) This appull betokeneth the lordschipe +tat he hadde ouer all the world +tat is round . (CMMANDEV,5.77) And the tother hond he lifteth vp a+genst the Est in tokene to manace the mysdoeres . (CMMANDEV,5.78) This ymage stont vpon a pylere of marble at Costantynoble . (CMMANDEV,5.79) OF THE CROSS AND THE CROUNE OF OURE LORD JHESU CRIST . (CMMANDEV,6.82) At Costantynoble is the cros of oure lord Jhesu crist and his cote withouten semes +tat is clept TUNICA INCONSUTILIS & the spounge & the reed of whiche the Jewes +gave oure lord eysell & galle in the cros . (CMMANDEV,6.84) And +tere is on of the nayles +tat crist was naylled with on the cros . (CMMANDEV,6.85) And sum men trowen +tat half the cros +tat crist was don on be in Cipres in an abbey of monkes +tat men callen the hill of the holy cros (CMMANDEV,6.86) but it is not so . (CMMANDEV,6.87) For +tat cros +tat is in Cypre is the cros in the whiche Dymsmas the gode theef was honged onne . (CMMANDEV,6.88) But all men knowen not +tat (CMMANDEV,6.89) & +tat is euyll ydon . (CMMANDEV,6.90) For for profyte of the offrynge +tei seye +tat it is the cros of oure lord Jhesu cryst . (CMMANDEV,6.91) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat the cros of oure lord was made of .iiij. manere of trees as it is conteyned in this vers : (CMMANDEV,6.92) IN CRUCE FIT PALMA CEDRUS CYPRESSUS OLYUA . (CMMANDEV,6.93) For that pece +tat wente vpright fro the erthe to the heued was of cypresse (CMMANDEV,6.94) & the pece +tat wente ouerthwart to the whiche his hondes weren nayled to was of palme . (CMMANDEV,6.95) And the stok that stode within the erthe in the whiche was made the morteys was of cedre (CMMANDEV,6.96) And the table abouen his heued +tat was a fote & an half long on whiche the tytle was writen in Ebreu greu & latyn +tat was of Olyue . (CMMANDEV,6.97) And the Jewes maden the cros of theise .iiij. manere of trees (CMMANDEV,6.98) for +tei trowed +tat oure lord Jhesu crist scholde han honged on the cros als longe as the cros myghte laste (CMMANDEV,6.99) & +terfore made +tei the foot of the cros of Cedre . (CMMANDEV,6.100) For Cedre may not in erthe ne in water rote (CMMANDEV,6.101) & +terfore +tei wolde +tat it scholde haue lasted longe . (CMMANDEV,6.102) For +tei trowed +tat the body of crist scholde haue stonken +tei made +tat pece +tat went from the erthe vpward of Cypres (CMMANDEV,6.103) for it is wel smellynge so +tat the smell of his body scholde not greue men +tat wente forby . (CMMANDEV,6.104) And the ouerthwart pece was of palme (CMMANDEV,6.105) for in the olde testament it was ordeyned +tat whan on was ouercomen he scholde be crowned with palme . (CMMANDEV,6.106) And for +tei trowed +tat thei hadden the victorye of crist Jhesus +terfore made +tei the ouerthwart pece of palme . (CMMANDEV,7.107) And the table of the tytle +tei maden of olyue (CMMANDEV,7.108) For olyue betokeneth pes , As the storye of Noe witnesseth whan +tat the culuer broughte the braunche of Olyue +tat betokend pes made betwene god & man . (CMMANDEV,7.109) And so trowed the Jewes for to haue pes whan crist was ded . (CMMANDEV,7.110) For +tei seyde +tat he made discord & strif amonges hem . (CMMANDEV,7.111) And +gee schull vndirstonde +tat oure lord was ynaylled on the cros lyggynge (CMMANDEV,7.112) & +terfore he suffred the more peyne . (CMMANDEV,7.113) And the cristenemen +tat dwellen be+gond the see in Grece seyn +tat the tree of the cros +tat wee callen cypress was of +tat tree +tat Adam ete the appull of (CMMANDEV,7.114) & +tat fynde +tei writen . (CMMANDEV,7.115) And +tei seyn also +tat here scripture seyth +tat Adam was seek and seyde to his sone Seth +tat he scholde go to the aungell +tat kepte paradys +tat he wolde senden hym oyle of mercy for to anoynte with his membres +tat he myghte haue hele . (CMMANDEV,7.116) And Seth wente (CMMANDEV,7.117) but the aungell wolde not late him come in (CMMANDEV,7.118) but seyde to him +tat he myght not haue of the oyle of mercy . (CMMANDEV,7.119) but he toke him .iij. greynes of the same tree +tat his fader eet the appell offe (CMMANDEV,7.120) & bad him als sone as his fader was ded +tat he scholde putte +teise .iij. greynes vnder his tonge & graue him so (CMMANDEV,7.121) & so he dide . (CMMANDEV,7.122) And of +teise .iij. greynes sprong a tree as the aungel seyde +tat it scholde $growe & bere a fruyt +torgh the whiche fruyt Adam scholde be saued . (CMMANDEV,7.123) And whan Seth cam a+gen he fonde his fader nere ded (CMMANDEV,7.124) and whan he was ded he did with the greynes as the aungell bad him of the whiche sprongen .iij. trees of the whiche the cros was made +tat bare gode fruyt & blessed , oure lord Ihesu crist +torgh whom Adam & all +tat comen of him scholde be saued & deyuered from drede of deth withouten ende , but it be here owne defaute . (CMMANDEV,7.125) This holy cros had the Jewes hydd in the erthe vnder a roche of the mownt of Caluarie (CMMANDEV,7.126) & it lay +tere .cc. +geer & more into the tyme $of seynt Elyne +tat was moder to Constantyn the Emperour of Rom . (CMMANDEV,7.127) And sche was doughter of kyng Cool born in Colchestre +tat was kyng of Engelond +tat was clept +tanne Brytayne the more the whiche the Emperour Constance wedded to his wif for her bewtee & gat vpon hire Constantyn +tat was after Emperour of Rome & kyng of Englond . (CMMANDEV,8.128) And +gee schull vndirstonde +tat the cros of oure lord was .viij. cubytes long (CMMANDEV,8.129) And the ouerthwart piece was of lengthe .iij. cybytes & an half (CMMANDEV,8.130) And .o. partie of the crowne of oure lord wherwith he was crowned & on of the nayles & the spereheed & many o+ter relikes ben in Fraunce in the kynges Chapell (CMMANDEV,8.131) And the crowne lyth in a vessell of cristall richely dyght . (CMMANDEV,8.132) For a kyng of Fraunce boughte +teise relikes somtyme of the Jewes to whom the Emperour had leyde hem to wedde for a gret summe of syluer . (CMMANDEV,8.133) And +gif all it be so +tat men seyn +tat this croune is of thornes , +gee schull vnderstonde +tat it was of jonkes of the see +tat is to sey russhes of the see +tat prykken als scharpely as thornes . (CMMANDEV,8.134) For I haue seen & beholden many tymes +tat of parys & +tat of Costantynoble (CMMANDEV,8.135) for +tei were bothe on made of russches of the see . (CMMANDEV,8.136) But men han departed hem in .ij. parties of the whiche .o. part is at Parys & the o+ter part is at Costantynoble . (CMMANDEV,8.137) And I haue on of tho precyouse thornes +tat semeth liche a white thorn (CMMANDEV,8.138) And +tat was +gouen to me for gret specyaltee . (CMMANDEV,8.139) For +tere are many of hem broken & fallen in to the vessell +tat the croune lyth in . (CMMANDEV,8.140) For +tei breken for dryeness whan men meven hem to schewen hem to grete lordes +tat comen thider . (CMMANDEV,8.141) And +gee schull vnderstond +tat oure lord Ihesu in +tat nyght +tat he was taken he was ylad in to a gardyn & +tere he was first examyned right scharply & +tere the Jewes scorned him & maden him a crowne of the braunches of Albespyne +tat is white thorn +tat grew in +tat same gardyn & setten it on his heued so faste & so sore +tat the blood ran down be many places of his visage & of his necke & of his schuldres . (CMMANDEV,8.142) And +terfore hath the white thorn many vertues . (CMMANDEV,8.143) For he +tat bereth A braunche on him +tereoffe no thonder ne no maner of tempest may dere him (CMMANDEV,8.144) ne in the hows +tat it is jnne may non euyll gost entre ne come vnto the place +tat it is jnne . (CMMANDEV,9.145) And in +tat same gardyn seynt Peter denyed oure lord thryes . (CMMANDEV,9.146) Afterward was oure lord lad forth before the Bisschoppes & the maystres of the lawe in to ano+ter gardyn of Anne (CMMANDEV,9.147) And +tere also he was examyned repreued & scorned and crowned eft with a swete thorn +tat men clepeth Barbarynes +tat grew in +tat gardyn & +tat hath also manye vertues . (CMMANDEV,9.148) And afterward he was lad into a gardyn of Cayphas (CMMANDEV,9.149) & +tere he was crouned with Eglentier (CMMANDEV,9.150) And after he was lad into the chambre of Pylate (CMMANDEV,9.151) & +tere he was examynd & crouned . (CMMANDEV,9.152) And the Jewes setten him in a chayere (CMMANDEV,9.153) & cladde him in a mantell (CMMANDEV,9.154) & +tere made +tei the croune of jonkes of the see (CMMANDEV,9.155) And +tere +tei kneled to him (CMMANDEV,9.156) & skornede him seyenge : AUE REX JUDEORUM , +tat is to seye : heyl kyng of Jewes . (CMMANDEV,9.157) And of this croune half is at Parys and the other half at Constantynoble . (CMMANDEV,9.158) And this croune had crist on his heued whan he was don vpon the cros (CMMANDEV,9.159) & +terefore oughte men to worschipe it & holde it more worthi +tan ony of the othere . (CMMANDEV,9.160) And the spere schaft hath the Emperour of Almayne (CMMANDEV,9.161) but the heued is at Parys . (CMMANDEV,9.162) And natheles the Emperour of Costantynoble seyth +tat he hat the spere heed (CMMANDEV,9.163) & I haue often tyme seen it (CMMANDEV,9.164) but it is grettere +tan +tat at Parys . (CMMANDEV,9.165) OF THE CYTEE OF COSTANTYNOBLE & OF THE FEITH OF GREKES . (CMMANDEV,9.167) At Costantynoble lyeth seynte Anne oure ladyes moder whom seynte Elyne leet brynge fro Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,9.169) And +tere lyeth also the body of John Crisostom +tat was Erchebisschopp of Costantynoble . (CMMANDEV,9.170) And +tere lyth also seynt luke the Euuangelist (CMMANDEV,9.171) for his bones weren brought from Bethanye where he was beryed (CMMANDEV,9.172) & many o+tere relikes ben +tere . (CMMANDEV,9.173) And +tere is the vessell of ston as it were of marbel +tat men clepen Enydros +tat eueremore droppeth water & filleth himself euerich +geer til +tat it go ouer aboue withouten +tat that men take fro withjnne . (CMMANDEV,9.174) Costantynoble is a full fair cytee & a gode & a wel walled (CMMANDEV,10.175) & it is .iij. cornered . (CMMANDEV,10.176) And +tere is an arm of the see hellespont (CMMANDEV,10.177) and sum men callen it the mouth of Costantynoble (CMMANDEV,10.178) And sum men callen it the brace of seynt George . (CMMANDEV,10.179) And +tat arm closeth the .ij. partes of the cytee . (CMMANDEV,10.180) And vpward to the see vpon +tat water was wont to be the grete cytee of Troye in a full fayr playn (CMMANDEV,10.181) but +tat cytee was destroyed by hem of Grece (CMMANDEV,10.182) & lytyll appereth +tereof because it is so longe sith it was destroyed . (CMMANDEV,10.183) Abouten Grece +tere ben many Iles As Calistre Calcas Critige Tesbria Mynea Flaxon Melo Carpate & Lempne . (CMMANDEV,10.184) And in this jle is the Mount Athos +tat passeth the cloudes . (CMMANDEV,10.185) And +tere ben manye dyuerse langages & many contreys +tat ben obedyent to the Emperour , +tat is to seyne Turcople Pyncynard Comange & manye othere as Tragye & Macedoigne of the whiche Alisandre was kyng . (CMMANDEV,10.186) In +tat contree was Aristole born in a cytee +tat men clepen Stragers a lytil fro the cytee of Trachye . (CMMANDEV,10.187) And at Stragers lyth Aristole (CMMANDEV,10.188) & +tere is an awtier vpon his toumbe (CMMANDEV,10.189) And +tere maken men grete festes of hym euery +geer as +tough he were a seynt . (CMMANDEV,10.190) And at his awtier +tei holden here grete conseilles & here assembleez (CMMANDEV,10.191) And thei hopen +tat +torgh inspiracioun of god & of him +tei schull haue the better conseill . (CMMANDEV,10.192) In this contree ben right hyghe hilles toward the ende of Macedonye (CMMANDEV,10.193) And +tere is a great hill +tat men clepen Olympus +tat departeth Macedonye & Trachie (CMMANDEV,10.194) And it is so high +tat it passeth the cloudes . (CMMANDEV,10.195) And +tere is ano+ter hill +tat is clept Athos +tat is so high +tat the schadewe of hym recheth to Lempne +tat is an Ile (CMMANDEV,10.196) and it is .lxxvj. myle betwene . (CMMANDEV,10.197) And abouen at the cop of +tat hill is the eyr so cleer +tat men may fynde no mynd +tere (CMMANDEV,10.198) And +terefore may no best lyue +tere (CMMANDEV,10.199) so is the eyr drye . (CMMANDEV,10.200) And men seye in this contrees +tat Philosophres some tyme wenten vpon theise hilles & helden to here nose a spounge moysted with water for to haue eyr (CMMANDEV,10.201) for the eyr aboue was so drye . (CMMANDEV,10.202) And abouen in the dust & in the powder of +to hilles +tei wroot lettres & figures with hire fyngres (CMMANDEV,10.203) & at the +geres ende +tei comen a+gen (CMMANDEV,10.204) & founden the same lettres & figures the whiche +tei hadden writen the +geer before withouten ony defaute . (CMMANDEV,11.205) And +terfore it semeth wel +tat theise hilles passen the clowdes & ioynen to the pure eyr . (CMMANDEV,11.206) At Costantynoble is the palays of the Emperour right fair & wel dyght (CMMANDEV,11.207) And +tere in is a fair place for justynges or for o+ter pleyes & desportes . (CMMANDEV,11.208) And it is made with stages (CMMANDEV,11.209) & hath degrees aboute +tat euery man may wel se & non greue o+ter . (CMMANDEV,11.210) And vnder +teise stages ben stables wel yvowted for the emperours hors (CMMANDEV,11.211) & all the pileres ben of marbell . (CMMANDEV,11.212) And within the chirche of seynt Sophie An Emperour somtyme wolde haue biryed the body of his fader whan he was ded (CMMANDEV,11.213) & as +tei maden the graue +tei founden a body in the erthe (CMMANDEV,11.214) & vpon the body lay a fyn plate of gold (CMMANDEV,11.215) And +tere on was writen in Ebru | greu | & latyn lettres +tat seyden +tus : IHESUS CRISTUS NASCE TUR DE VIRGINE MARIA & EGO CREDO IN EUM . +Tat is to seyne : Jhesu crist schall be born of the virgyne Marie & I trowe in him . (CMMANDEV,11.216) And the date whan it was leyd in the erthe was .ijh.Mil. +geer before oure lord was born (CMMANDEV,11.217) And $+git is the plate of gold in the thresorye of the chirche . (CMMANDEV,11.218) And men seyn +tat it was hermogene the wise man . (CMMANDEV,11.219) And +gif all it so be +tat men of Grece ben cristene +git +tei varien from oure feith (CMMANDEV,11.220) For +tei seyn +tat the holy gost may not come of the sone but all only of the fadir . (CMMANDEV,11.221) And +tei are not obedyent to the chirche of Rome ne to the pope (CMMANDEV,11.222) And +tei seyn +tat here Patriark hath as meche power ouer the see as the Pope hath on this syde the see . (CMMANDEV,11.223) And +terfore Pope John the .xxij. sende lettres to hem how cristene feith scholde ben all on & +tat +tei scholde ben obedyent to the Pope +tat is goddes $vicarie on erthe to whom god +gaf his pleyn powere for to bynde & to assoille (CMMANDEV,11.224) & +terfore +tei scholde ben obedyent to him . (CMMANDEV,11.225) And +tei senten a+gen dyuerse answeres (CMMANDEV,11.226) & amonges othere +tei seyden +tus : POTENCIAM TUAM SUMMAN CIRCA TUOS SUBIECTOS FIRMITER CREDIMUS SUPERBIAM TUAM SUMMAM TOLERARE NON POSSUMUS AUARICIAM TUAM SUMMAN SACIARE NON INTENDIMUS . DOMINUS TECUM QUIA DOMINUS NOBISCUM EST . +Tat is to seye : Wee trowe wel +tat thi power is gret vpon thi subgettes . (CMMANDEV,12.227) Wee may not suffre thin high pryde (CMMANDEV,12.228) Wee ben not in purpos to fulfille thi gret couetyse . (CMMANDEV,12.229) lord be with +te (CMMANDEV,12.230) for oure lord is with vs . (CMMANDEV,12.231) fare well . (CMMANDEV,12.232) And o+ter answere myghte he not haue of hem . (CMMANDEV,12.233) And also +tei make here sacrement of the awteer of therf bred (CMMANDEV,12.234) for oure lord made it of such bred whan he made his mawndee . (CMMANDEV,12.235) And on the scherethorsday make +tei here therf bred in tokene of the mawndee (CMMANDEV,12.236) & dryen it at the sonne (CMMANDEV,12.237) & kepen it all the +geer (CMMANDEV,12.238) & +geuen it to seke men in stede of goddes body . (CMMANDEV,12.239) And +tei make but on vnxioun whan +tei cristene children . (CMMANDEV,12.240) And +tei anoynte not the seke men . (CMMANDEV,12.241) And thei seye +tat +tere nys no purgatorie & +tat soules schull not haue nou+ter ioye ne peyne till the day of doom . (CMMANDEV,12.242) And +tei seye +tat Fornicacioun is no synne dedly but a thing +tat is kyndely And +tat men & wommen schoulde not wedde but ones And whoso weddeth oftere +tan ones here children ben bastardes & geten in synne (CMMANDEV,12.243) And here prestes also ben wedded . (CMMANDEV,12.244) And +tei sey also +tat vsure is no dedly synne . (CMMANDEV,12.245) And +tei sellen beneficies of holy chirche (CMMANDEV,12.246) & so don men in o+tere places , (CMMANDEV,12.247) god amende it whan his wille is , (CMMANDEV,12.248) and +tat is gret sclaundre . (CMMANDEV,12.249) For now is Simonye kyng crouned in holy chirche , (CMMANDEV,12.250) god amende it for his mercy . (CMMANDEV,12.251) And +tei seyn +tat in lentone men schall not faste ne synge masse but on the saterday & on the sonday . (CMMANDEV,12.252) And +tei feste not on the saterday no tyme of the +geer but it be cristenmass euen or Ester euen . (CMMANDEV,12.253) And +tei suffre not the latynes to syngen at here awteres (CMMANDEV,12.254) & +gif thei don be ony aventure anon +tei wasschen the awteer with holy water . (CMMANDEV,12.255) And +tei seyn +tat +tere scholde be but .o. masse seyd at on awtier vpon .o. day . (CMMANDEV,12.256) And +tei seye also +tat oure lord ne eet neuere mete but he made tokene of etyng . (CMMANDEV,12.257) And also +tei seye +tat wee synne dedly in schauynge oure berdes . (CMMANDEV,12.258) For the berd is tokene of a man & +gifte of oure lord . (CMMANDEV,12.259) And +tei seye +tat wee synne dedly in etynge of bestes +tat weren forboden in the olde testement & of the olde lawe as swyn hares & o+tere bestes +tat chewen not here code . (CMMANDEV,13.260) And +tei seyn +tat wee synnen whan wee eten flessch on the dayes before Asschwednesday & of +tat +tat wee eten flessch the wednesday & egges & chese vpon the frydayes (CMMANDEV,13.261) And +tei acursen all +to +tat abstynen hem to eten flesch the saterday . (CMMANDEV,13.262) Also the Emperour of Costantynoble maketh the Patriark the Erchebysschoppes & the Bisshoppes (CMMANDEV,13.263) & +geueth the dignytees & the benefices of chirches (CMMANDEV,13.264) & depryueth hem +tat ben worthy whan he fyndeth ony cause (CMMANDEV,13.265) And so is he lord both temporell and spirituell in his contree . (CMMANDEV,13.266) And +gif +gee wil wite of here .A.B.C. what lettres +tei ben here +gee may seen hem with the names +tat +tei clepen hem +tere amonges hem : (CMMANDEV,13.267) OF SEYNT JOHN THE EUUANGELIST & OF YPOCRAS DOUGHTER TRANSFORMED FROM A WOMMAN TO A DRAGOUN . (CMMANDEV,13.269) And all be it +tat +teise thinges touchen not to .o. way neuertheles +tei touchen to +tat +tat I haue hight +gou to schewe +gou a partie of custumes & maneres & dyuersitees of contrees . (CMMANDEV,13.271) And for this is the firste contree +tat is discordant in feyth & in beleeue & varieth from oure feyth on this half the see , +terefore I haue sett it here , +tat +gee may knowe the dyuersitee +tat is betwene oure feyth & theires . (CMMANDEV,13.272) For many men han gret likyng to here speke of straunge thinges of dyuerse contreyes . (CMMANDEV,13.273) Now returne I a+gen for to teche +gou the way from Constantynoble to Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,13.274) He +tat wol +torgh Turkye he goth toward the cytee of Nike (CMMANDEV,13.275) & passeth +torgh the +gate of Chieuetout (CMMANDEV,13.276) & all weys men seen before hem the hill of Chieuetout +tat is right high (CMMANDEV,13.277) & it is a myle & an half from Nike . (CMMANDEV,13.278) And whoso wil go be watre be the brace of seynt George & by the see where seynt Nicholas lyeth & toward many o+ter places First men goth to an jle +tat is clept Sylo . (CMMANDEV,13.279) In +tat Ile groweth Mastyk on smale trees (CMMANDEV,13.280) & out of hem cometh gomme as it were of plombtrees or of cherietrees . (CMMANDEV,13.281) And after gon men +torgh the Ile of Pathmos (CMMANDEV,14.283) & +tere wrot seynt John the Euuangelist the apocalips . (CMMANDEV,14.284) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat seynt John was of age .xxxij. +geer whan oure lord suffred his passioun (CMMANDEV,14.285) And after his passioun he lyuede .lxvij. +geer (CMMANDEV,14.286) And in the .c. +geer of his age he dyede . (CMMANDEV,14.287) From Pathmos men gon vnto Ephesim a faire citee & nygh to the see (CMMANDEV,14.288) And +tere dyede seynte John (CMMANDEV,14.289) & was buryed behynde the high awtiere in a toumbe . (CMMANDEV,14.290) And +tere is a fair chirche (CMMANDEV,14.291) For cristene men weren wont to holden +tat place alweys . (CMMANDEV,14.292) And in the tombe of seynt John is nought but Manna +tat is clept Aungeles mete (CMMANDEV,14.293) for his body was translated in to paradys . (CMMANDEV,14.294) And Turkes holden now all +tat place (CMMANDEV,14.295) & the citee & the chirche And all Asie the lesse is ycleped Turkye . (CMMANDEV,14.296) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat seynt John leet make his graue +tere in his lyf (CMMANDEV,14.297) & leyd himself +terejnne all quyk (CMMANDEV,14.298) And +terfore somme men seyn +tat he dyed nought , but +tat he resteth +tere til the day of doom . (CMMANDEV,14.299) And forsothe +tere is a gret merueyle (CMMANDEV,14.300) for men may see +tere the erthe of the tombe apertly many tymes steren & meuen as +tere weren quykke thinges vnder . (CMMANDEV,14.301) And from Ephesim men gon +torgh many Iles in the see vnto the cytee of Paterane where seynt Nicholas was born & so to martha where he was chosen to ben Bisschopp (CMMANDEV,14.302) & +tere groweth right $golde wyn & strong (CMMANDEV,14.303) And +tat men callen wyn of martha . (CMMANDEV,14.304) And from thens gon men to the Ile of Crete +tat the Emperour +gaf somtyme to Janeweys (CMMANDEV,14.305) And +tanne passen men +torgh the Iles of Colcos & of lange of the which Iles ypocras was lord offe . (CMMANDEV,14.306) And somme men seyn +tat in the Ile of longo is +git the doughter of ypocras in forme & lykness of a gret dragoun +tat is an hundred fadme of lengthe as men seyn , (CMMANDEV,14.307) for I haue not see hire . (CMMANDEV,14.308) And +tei of the Iles callen hire lady of the lond (CMMANDEV,14.309) And sche lyeth in an olde castell in a cave (CMMANDEV,14.310) & scheweth twyes or thryes in the +geer (CMMANDEV,14.311) and sche doth non harm to no man but +gif men don hire harm . (CMMANDEV,14.312) And sche was thus chaunged & transformed from a fair damysele in to lykness of a dragoun be a Goddess +tat was clept Deane . (CMMANDEV,14.313) And men seyn +tat sche schal so endure in +tat forme of a dragoun vnto tyme +tat a knyght come +tat is so hardy +tat dar come to hire & kisse hire on +te mouth and +tan schall sche turne a+gen to hire owne kynde & ben a womman a+gen but after +tat sche schall not lyuen longe . (CMMANDEV,15.314) And it is not longe sithen +tat a knyght of the hospital of Rodes +tat was hardy & doughty in armes seyde +tat he wolde kyssen hire . (CMMANDEV,15.315) And whan he was vpon his coursere & wente to the castell & entred in to the cave the dragoun lifte vp hire hed a+genst him (CMMANDEV,15.316) And whan the knyght saugh hire in +tat forme so hidous & so horrible he fleygh awey (CMMANDEV,15.317) & the dragoun bare the knyght vpon a roche mawgree his hede (CMMANDEV,15.318) And from +tat roche sche caste him in to the see (CMMANDEV,15.319) & so was lost bothe hors & man . (CMMANDEV,15.320) And also a +gonge man +tat wiste not of the dragoun wente out of a schipp (CMMANDEV,15.321) & wente +torgh the Ile til +tat he come to the castell (CMMANDEV,15.322) & cam in to the cave (CMMANDEV,15.323) and wente so long til +tat he fond a chambre (CMMANDEV,15.324) & +tere he saugh a damysele +tat kembed hire hede & lokede in a myrour . (CMMANDEV,15.325) And sche hadde meche tresoure abouten hire (CMMANDEV,15.326) & he trowede +tat sche hadde ben a comoun womman +tat dwelled +tere to resceyue men to folye . (CMMANDEV,15.327) And he abode till the damysele saugh $the schadewe of him in the myrour . (CMMANDEV,15.328) And sche turned hire toward him (CMMANDEV,15.329) & asked hym what he wolde (CMMANDEV,15.330) And he seyde he wolde ben hire lemman or paramour (CMMANDEV,15.331) and sche asked him +gif +tat he were a knyght (CMMANDEV,15.332) & he seyde nay . (CMMANDEV,15.333) And +tan sche seyde +tat he myghte not ben hire lemman (CMMANDEV,15.334) But sche bad him gon a+gen vnto his felowes & $let make him knyght & come a+gen vpon the morwe & sche scholde come out of the cave before him & +tanne come and kysse hire on the mowth . (CMMANDEV,15.335) & haue no drede , (CMMANDEV,15.336) for I schall do +te no maner harm all be it +tat +tou see me in lykeness of a dragoun (CMMANDEV,15.337) For +tough +tou see me hidouse & horrible to loken onne I do +te to wytene +tat it is made be enchauntement . (CMMANDEV,15.338) For withouten doute I am non o+ter +tan +tou seest now , a womman , (CMMANDEV,15.339) And +terfore drede +te nought . (CMMANDEV,15.340) And +gif +tou kisse me +tou schalt haue all this tresoure & be my lord & lord also of all +tat Ile . (CMMANDEV,15.341) And he departed fro hire (CMMANDEV,16.342) & wente to his felowes to schippe (CMMANDEV,16.343) & leet make him knyght (CMMANDEV,16.344) & cam a+gen vpon the morwe for to kysse this damysele . (CMMANDEV,16.345) And whan he saugh hire comen out of the cave in forme of a dragoun so hidouse & so horrible he hadde so gret drede +tat he fleygh a+gen to the schipp (CMMANDEV,16.346) and sche folewed him . (CMMANDEV,16.347) And whan sche sawgh +tat he turned not a+gen sche began to crye as a thing +tat hadde meche sorwe (CMMANDEV,16.348) And +tanne sche turned a+gen in to hire cave (CMMANDEV,16.349) And anon the knyght dyede (CMMANDEV,16.350) & sithen hiderwardes myghte no knyght se hire but +tat he dyede anon . (CMMANDEV,16.351) But when a knyght cometh +tat is so hardy to kisse hire he schall not dye , (CMMANDEV,16.352) but he schall turne the damysele in to hire right forme & kyndely schapp (CMMANDEV,16.353) & he schal be lord of all the contreyes & Iles aboueseyd . (CMMANDEV,16.354) And from +tens men comen to the Ile of Rodes the whiche Ile hospitaleres holden & gouernen (CMMANDEV,16.355) And +tat token +tei sumtyme from the Emperour (CMMANDEV,16.356) And it was wont to be clept Collos (CMMANDEV,16.357) & so calle it the Turkes +git (CMMANDEV,16.358) And seynt Poul in his epistles writeth to hem of +tat Ile AD COLLOCENSES . (CMMANDEV,16.359) This Ile is nygh .viij. myle long from Constantynoble . (CMMANDEV,16.360) OF DIVERSITIES IN CYPRUS ; OF THE ROAD FROM CYPRUS TO JERUSALEM , AND OF THE MARVELS OF THE FOSS FULL OF SAND . (CMMANDEV,16.362) And from this Ile of Rodes men gon to Cipre where beth many $wynes +tat first ben rede & after .o. +gere +tei becomen white (CMMANDEV,16.364) And +teise wynes +tat ben most white ben most clere & best of smell . (CMMANDEV,16.365) And men passen be +tat way be a place +tat was wont to ben a gret cytee & a gret lond (CMMANDEV,16.366) & the cytee was clept Cathaillye , the whiche cytee & lond was lost +torgh folye of +gonge man . (CMMANDEV,16.367) For he had a fayr damysele +tat he loued wel to his paramour (CMMANDEV,16.368) & sche dyed sodeynly (CMMANDEV,16.369) & was don in a tombe of marble (CMMANDEV,16.370) & for the grete lust +tat he had to hire he wente in the nyght vnto hire tombe (CMMANDEV,16.371) & opened it (CMMANDEV,16.372) & went to (CMMANDEV,16.373) & lay be hire (CMMANDEV,16.374) & wente his wey . (CMMANDEV,17.375) And whan it cam to the ende of .ix. monethes +tere com a voys to him (CMMANDEV,17.376) & seyde : Go to the tombe of +tat womman (CMMANDEV,17.377) & open it (CMMANDEV,17.378) & behold what +tou hast begoten on hire (CMMANDEV,17.379) & +gif +tou lette to go +tou schalt haue a gret harm . (CMMANDEV,17.380) And he +gede (CMMANDEV,17.381) & opened the tombe (CMMANDEV,17.382) & +tere fleygh out an Eddere right hidous to see , the whiche als swythe fleigh aboute the cytee & the contree (CMMANDEV,17.383) & sone after the cytee sank down (CMMANDEV,17.384) & +tere ben manye periolouse passages with outen fayle . (CMMANDEV,17.385) From Rodes to Cypre ben .v. myle & more , (CMMANDEV,17.386) But men may gon to Cypre & come not at Rodes . (CMMANDEV,17.387) Cypre is right a gode Ile and a fair & a gret (CMMANDEV,17.388) and it hath .iiij. princypall cytees within him (CMMANDEV,17.389) And +tere is an Erchebysshopp at Nichosie & .iiij. othere bysschoppes in +tat lond . (CMMANDEV,17.390) And at Famagost is on of the princypall hauenes of the see , +tat is in the world (CMMANDEV,17.391) And +tere arryuen cristene men & sarazynes & men of all nacyons . (CMMANDEV,17.392) In Cipre is the hill of the holy cros (CMMANDEV,17.393) & +tere is an abbeye of monkes blake (CMMANDEV,17.394) And +tere is the cros of Dismas the gode theef as I haue seyd before , (CMMANDEV,17.395) And summe men trowen +tat +tere is half the cross of oure lord (CMMANDEV,17.396) but it is not so (CMMANDEV,17.397) and +tei don euyll +tat make men to beleeue so . (CMMANDEV,17.398) In Cipre lyth seynt zenomyne of whom men of +tat contree maken gret solempnytee . (CMMANDEV,17.399) And in the castell of amoure lyth the body of seynt Hyllarie (CMMANDEV,17.400) & men kepen it right worschipfully . (CMMANDEV,17.401) And besyde Famagost was seynt Barnabee the Apostle born . (CMMANDEV,17.402) In Cipre men hunten with Papyouns +tat ben lyche lyberdes (CMMANDEV,17.403) & +tei taken wyldes bestes right well (CMMANDEV,17.404) and +tei ben somdell more +tan lyouns (CMMANDEV,17.405) & +tei taken more scharpelych the bestes & more delyuerly +tan don houndes . (CMMANDEV,17.406) In Cipre is the manere of lordes & all o+tere men all to eten on the erthe , (CMMANDEV,17.407) for +tei make dyches in the erthe all aboute in the halle depe to the knee (CMMANDEV,17.408) & +tei do paue hem (CMMANDEV,17.409) And whan +tei wil ete +tei gon +tere in (CMMANDEV,17.410) & sytten +tere . (CMMANDEV,17.411) And the skyll is for +tei may be the more fressch (CMMANDEV,17.412) for +tat lond is meche more hottere +tan it is here . (CMMANDEV,17.413) And at grete festes & for straungeres +tei setten formes & tables as men don in this contree , (CMMANDEV,17.414) but +tei had leuer sytten in the erthe . (CMMANDEV,17.415) From Cypre men gon to the lond of Jerusalem be the see (CMMANDEV,18.416) and in a day & in a nyght he +tat hath gode wynd may come to the hauene of Thire +tat now is clept Surrye . (CMMANDEV,18.417) There was somtyme a gret cytee & a gode of crystenemen (CMMANDEV,18.418) but sarazins han destroyed it a gret partye (CMMANDEV,18.419) And +tei kepe +tat haue right well for drede of cristene men . (CMMANDEV,18.420) Men myghte go more right to +tat hauene & come not in Cypre (CMMANDEV,18.421) But +tei gon gladly to Cipre to reste hem on the lond or ell to byggen thinges +tat +tei haue nede to here lyuynge . (CMMANDEV,18.422) On the see syde men may fynde many rubyes . (CMMANDEV,18.423) And +tere is the welle of the whiche holy writt speketh offe & seyth : FONS ORTORUM & PUTEUS AQUARUM VIUENCIOUM , +tat is to seye : the welle of gardyns & the dych of lyuynge watres . (CMMANDEV,18.424) In this cytee of Thire seyde the womman to oure lord : BEATUS VENTER QUI TE PORTAUIT & VBERA QUE SUCCISTI , +tat is to seye : Blessed be the body +tat +te baar & the pappes +tat +tou sowkedest . (CMMANDEV,18.425) And +tere oure lord for+gaf the womman of Chananee hire synnes (CMMANDEV,18.426) And before Tyre was wont to be the ston on the whiche oure lord sat & prechede (CMMANDEV,18.427) & on +tat ston was founded the chirche of seynt sauyour . (CMMANDEV,18.428) And .viij. myle from Tyre toward the Est vpon the see is the cytee of Sarphen in sarept of sydonyens (CMMANDEV,18.429) And +tere was wont for todwelle helye the prophete (CMMANDEV,18.430) & +tere reysed he Jonas the wydwes son from deth to lyf . (CMMANDEV,18.431) And .v. myle fro sarphen is the cytee of Sydon of the whiche citee Dydo was lady +tat was Eneas wif after the destruction of Troye & +tat founded the cytee of Cartage in Affrik & now is cleped Sydon Sayete . (CMMANDEV,18.432) And in the cytee of Tyre regned Agenore the fader of Dydo . (CMMANDEV,18.433) And .xvj. myles from Sydon is Beruth (CMMANDEV,18.434) And fro Beruth to Sardenare is .iij. iourneyes (CMMANDEV,18.435) And from Sardenar is .v. myle to Damask . (CMMANDEV,18.436) And whoso wil go $longer tyme on the see & come nerre to Jerusalem he schal go fro Cipre be see to the port Jaff (CMMANDEV,18.437) For +tat is the nexte hauene to Jerusalem . (CMMANDEV,18.438) And the town is called Jaff for on of the sones of Noe +tat highte Japhet founded it (CMMANDEV,18.439) & now it is clept Joppe . (CMMANDEV,18.440) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat it is on of the oldest townes of the world (CMMANDEV,19.441) For it was founded before Noeis flode (CMMANDEV,19.442) And +git +tere scheweth in the roche +ter as the Irene cheynes were festned +tat Andromade a gret Geaunt was bounden with & put in prisoun before Noees flode of the whiche geant is ryb of his syde +tat is .xl. fote longe . (CMMANDEV,19.443) And whoso wil arryue at the firsteport of Thire or of Surre +tat I haue spoken of before may go be londe +gif he wil to Jerusalem . (CMMANDEV,19.444) And men goth fro Surre vnto the citee of Dacoun in a day (CMMANDEV,19.445) And it was clept somtyme Tholomayda (CMMANDEV,19.446) And it was somtyme a cytee of cristenemen full fair (CMMANDEV,19.447) but it is now destroyed (CMMANDEV,19.448) & it stont vpon the see . (CMMANDEV,19.449) And fro venyse to Akoun be see is .m=l=m=l= & iiij=xx=. myles of lombardye (CMMANDEV,19.450) And fro Calabre or fro Cecyle to Akoun be see is a .mccc.=l= myles of lombardye (CMMANDEV,19.451) And the Ile of Crete is right in the myd weye . (CMMANDEV,19.452) And besyde the cytee of Akoun to ward the see vj=xx=. fourlonges on the right syde toward the south is the hill of Carmelyn where helyas the prophete dwelled (CMMANDEV,19.453) & +tere was first the ordre of frere carmes founded . (CMMANDEV,19.454) This hill is not right gret ne full high (CMMANDEV,19.455) And at the fote of this hill was somtyme a gode cytee of cristenemen +tat men cleped Cayphas for Cayphas first founded it (CMMANDEV,19.456) but it is now all wasted . (CMMANDEV,19.457) And on the lift syde of the hill Carmelyn is a town +tat men clepen Saffre (CMMANDEV,19.458) & +tat is sett on ano+ter hill +tere seynt James & seynt John were born And in the worschipe of hem +tere is a fair chirche . (CMMANDEV,19.459) And fro Tholomayda +tat men clepen now akoun vnto a gret hill +tat is clept Scala Tyriorum is a .c. furlonges . (CMMANDEV,19.460) And +tere besyde renneth a lytil ryuer +tat is clept Belon . (CMMANDEV,19.461) And +tere nygh is the Foss of Mennon +tat is all round (CMMANDEV,19.462) & it is an hundred cubytes of largeness (CMMANDEV,19.463) & it is all full of grauell schynynge brighte of the whiche men maken faire verres & clere . (CMMANDEV,19.464) And men comen fro fer by watre in schippes & be londe with cartes for to fetten of +tat grauell (CMMANDEV,19.465) And +tough +tere be neuere so meche taken awey +tere of on the day at morwe it is as full a+gen as euere it was (CMMANDEV,19.466) And +tat is a gret meruaille . (CMMANDEV,19.467) And +tere is eueremore gret wynd in +tat Foss +tat stereth eueremore the grauell & maketh it trouble (CMMANDEV,20.468) And +gif ony man do +tere jnne ony maner metall it turneth anon to glass . (CMMANDEV,20.469) And the glass +tat is made of +tat grauell +gif it be don a+gen it to the grauell it turneth anon in to grauell as it was first (CMMANDEV,20.470) And +terefore somme men seyn +tat it is a swelogh of the grauely see . (CMMANDEV,20.471) Also from Akoun aboue seyd gon men forth .iiij. iournees to the citee of Palestyne +tat was of the Philistyenes +tat now is clept Gaza +tat is a gay cytee & a riche (CMMANDEV,20.472) & it is right fayr & full of folk (CMMANDEV,20.473) & it is a lytill fro the see . (CMMANDEV,20.474) And from this cytee brought Sampson the stronge the +gates vpon an high lond whan he was taken in +tat cytee (CMMANDEV,20.475) And +tere he slowgh in a paleys the kyng & hymself & gret nombre of the beste of the Philistienes the whiche had put out his eyen & schauen his hed & enprisound him be tresoun of Dalida his paramour , (CMMANDEV,20.476) and +terefore he made falle vpon hem a gret halle whan +tei were at mete . (CMMANDEV,20.477) And from +tens gon men to the cytee of Cesaire & so to the castell of Pylgrymes & so to Ascolonge & +tan to Jaff & so to Jerusalem . (CMMANDEV,20.478) And whoso will go be londe +torgh the lond of Babyloyne where the sowdan dwelleth comonly he moste gete grace of him & leue to go more sikerly +torgh +to londes & contrees (CMMANDEV,20.479) And for to go to the mount of synay before +tat men gon to Jerusalem & +tanne turne a+gen to Jerusalem he $schal go fro Gaza to the castell of Daire . (CMMANDEV,20.480) And after +tat men comen out of Surrye (CMMANDEV,20.481) & entren in to wylderness (CMMANDEV,20.482) & +tere the weye is full sondy . (CMMANDEV,20.483) And +tat wylderness & desert lasteth .viij. iourneyes (CMMANDEV,20.484) but all weys men fynden gode jnnes & all +tat hem nedeth of vytaylle , (CMMANDEV,20.485) And men clepen +tat wylderness Achellek . (CMMANDEV,20.486) And whan a man cometh out of +tat desert he entreth in to Egypt +tat me clepen Egipt Canopat (CMMANDEV,20.487) And after o+ter langage men clepen it Morsyn . (CMMANDEV,20.488) And +tere first men fynden a gode toun +tat is clept Beleth (CMMANDEV,20.489) & it is at the ende of the kyngdom of Halappee (CMMANDEV,20.490) & from +tens men gon to Babyloyne & to Cayre (CMMANDEV,20.491) OF MANYE NAMES OF SOUDANS , & OF THE TOUR OF BABILOYNE (CMMANDEV,21.494) At Babyloyne +tere is a faire chirche of oure lady where she dwelled .vij. +geer whan sche fleygh out of the lond of Judee for drede of kyng heroud . (CMMANDEV,21.496) And +tere lyth the body of seynt Barbre the virgine & martyr (CMMANDEV,21.497) And +tere duelled Joseph whan he was sold of his bretheren . (CMMANDEV,21.498) And +tere made Nabugodonozor the kyng putte .iij. children in to the forneys of fuyr for +tei weren in the right trouthe of beleeue . The whiche children men cleped Ananya Azaria Mizaell as the psalm of Benedicite seith (CMMANDEV,21.499) But Nabugodonozor cleped hem o+terwise Sydrak Misak & Abdenago +tat is to seye god glorious , god victorious & god ouer all thinges & remes (CMMANDEV,21.500) and +tat was for the myracle +tat he saugh goddes sone go with the children +torgh the fuyre , as he seyde . (CMMANDEV,21.501) +Tere duelleth the Soudan in his Calahelyk (CMMANDEV,21.502) for +tere is comounly his see in a fayr castell strong & gret & wel sett vpon a roche . (CMMANDEV,21.503) In +tat castell duelle all wey to kepe it & for to serue the sowdan mo +tan .vj=ml=. persones +tat taken all here necessaries of the sowdanes court . (CMMANDEV,21.504) I oughte right wel to knowen it (CMMANDEV,21.505) for I duelled with him as soudyour in his werres a gret while , a+gen the Bedoynes (CMMANDEV,21.506) And he wolde haue maryed me full highly to a gret Princes doughter +gif I wolde han forsaken my lawe & my beleue . (CMMANDEV,21.507) But I thanke god I had no will to don it for nothing +tat he behighte me . (CMMANDEV,21.508) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat the soudan is lord of .v. kyngdomes +tat he hath conquered & apropred to him be strengthe (CMMANDEV,21.509) And +teise ben the names : The kyngdom of Canapak +tat is Egipt & the kyngdom of Jerusalem where +tat Dauid & Salomon were kynges And the kyngdom of Surrye of the whiche the cytee of Damasc was chief And the kyngdom of Alappee in the lond of Math & the kyngdom of Arabye +tat was to on of the .iij. kynges +tat made offrying to oure lord whan he was born . (CMMANDEV,22.510) And many o+tere londes he holdeth in his hond . (CMMANDEV,22.511) And +tere with all he holdeth Calyffes , (CMMANDEV,22.512) +tat is a full gret thing in here langage (CMMANDEV,22.513) And it is als meche to seye as kyng . (CMMANDEV,22.514) And +tere were wont to ben .v. soudans (CMMANDEV,22.515) but now +tere is nomo but he of Egypt . (CMMANDEV,22.516) And the firste soudan was Zarocon +tat was of Mede & was fader to Sahaladyn +tat toke the Califfee of Egipt & slough him & was made soudan be strengthe . (CMMANDEV,22.517) After +tat was soudan Sahaladyn in whoos tyme the kyng of Englond Richard the firste was +tere with manye o+tere +tat kepten the passage +tat Sahaladyn ne myghte not passen . (CMMANDEV,22.518) After Sahaladyn regned his sone Boradyn And after him his nevewe . (CMMANDEV,22.519) After +tat the Comaynz +tat weren in seruage in Egipt felten $hemself +tat +tei weren of gret power (CMMANDEV,22.520) +tei chesen hem a Soudan amonges hem the whiche made him to ben cleped Melechalan . (CMMANDEV,22.521) And in his tyme entred into the contree of the kynges of France seynt Lowy+gs (CMMANDEV,22.522) & faught with him (CMMANDEV,22.523) & $he toke him (CMMANDEV,22.524) & emprisound him . (CMMANDEV,22.525) And this was slayn of his owne seruantes (CMMANDEV,22.526) And after +tei chosen an other to be soudan +tat +tei cleped Tympieman (CMMANDEV,22.527) And he let delyueren seynt lowys out of prisoun for certeyn raunsoun . (CMMANDEV,22.528) And after on of theise Comaynz regned +tat highte Cachas (CMMANDEV,22.529) & slough Turqueman for to be soudan (CMMANDEV,22.530) & made him ben cleped Melechemes . (CMMANDEV,22.531) And after ano+ter +tat hadde to name Bendochdare +tat slough Melechemes for to be Soudam & cleped him self Melechdare . (CMMANDEV,22.532) In his tyme entred the gode kyng Edward of Englond in Syrye (CMMANDEV,22.533) & dide gret harm to the Sarrazines . (CMMANDEV,22.534) And after was this soudan enpoysound at Damasce (CMMANDEV,22.535) And his sone thoughte to regnen after him be heritage (CMMANDEV,22.536) & made him to ben clept Meleschsach . (CMMANDEV,22.537) But another +tat had to name Elphy chaced him out of the contree (CMMANDEV,22.538) & made him soudan . (CMMANDEV,22.539) This man toke the cytee of Tripollee (CMMANDEV,22.540) & destroyede many of the cristene men the +geer of grace .Mill cc iiij score & ix. (CMMANDEV,22.541) And after was he enprisound of another +tat wolde be Soudan (CMMANDEV,22.542) but he was anon slayn . (CMMANDEV,23.543) After +tat was the sone of Elphy chosen to ben Soudan (CMMANDEV,23.544) & cleped him Mellethasseraf (CMMANDEV,23.545) & he tok the citee of Akoun (CMMANDEV,23.546) & chaced out the cristene men (CMMANDEV,23.547) & this was also enpoysond . (CMMANDEV,23.548) And +tan was his brother ymade Soudan (CMMANDEV,23.549) & was cleped Melechnasser (CMMANDEV,23.550) And after on +tat was clept Guytoga toke him (CMMANDEV,23.551) & put him in prisoun in the castell of Mountryuall (CMMANDEV,23.552) & made him Soudan be strengthe (CMMANDEV,23.553) & cleped him Melechcadell (CMMANDEV,23.554) & he was $a Tartaryne . (CMMANDEV,23.555) But the Comaynz chaced him out of +te contree (CMMANDEV,23.556) & diden hym meche sorwe (CMMANDEV,23.557) And maden on of hem self soudan +tat hadde to name lachyn (CMMANDEV,23.558) & he made him to ben clept Melechmanser the whiche on a day pleyed at the chess (CMMANDEV,23.559) & his swerd lay besyde him (CMMANDEV,23.560) & so befell +tat on wratthed him & with his owne propre swerd he was slayn . (CMMANDEV,23.561) And after +tat +tei weren at gret discord for to make a soudan (CMMANDEV,23.562) And fynally +tei accordeden to Melechnasser +tat Guytoga had put in prisoun at Mountrivall (CMMANDEV,23.563) And this regnede longe (CMMANDEV,23.564) & gouerned wisely so +tat his eldest sone was chosen after him Melechmader the whiche his brother leet sle priuyly for to haue the lordschipe & made him to ben clept Melechmadabron (CMMANDEV,23.565) & he was Soudan whan I departed fro +to contrees . (CMMANDEV,23.566) And wyte +gee wel +tat the Soudan may lede out of Egipt mo +tan .xx Mill. men of armes (CMMANDEV,23.567) And out of Surrye & out of Turkye & out of o+ter contrees +tat he holt he may arrere mo +tan .l. Mill. (CMMANDEV,23.568) and all +to ben at his wages (CMMANDEV,23.569) And +tei ben all weys at him withouten the folk of his contree +tat is withouten nombre . (CMMANDEV,23.570) And euerych of hem hath be +gere the mountance of .vj. score. floreynes (CMMANDEV,23.571) But it behoueth +tat euery of hem holde .iij. hors & a cameylle . (CMMANDEV,23.572) And be the cytees & be townes ben amyralles +tat han the gouernance of the peple , (CMMANDEV,23.573) On hath to gouerne .iiij. (CMMANDEV,23.574) & ano+ter hath to gouerne .v. ano+ter mo & ano+ter wel mo (CMMANDEV,23.575) And als many taketh the Amyrall be him allone as all the o+ter souldyours han vnder hym (CMMANDEV,23.576) And +terfore whan the Soudan will avance ony worthi knyght he maketh him a amirall , (CMMANDEV,23.577) And whan it is ony derthe the knyghtes ben right pore (CMMANDEV,24.578) & +tanne +tei sellen bothe here hors & here harneys . (CMMANDEV,24.579) And the Soudan hath .iiij. wyfes on cristene & .iij. sarazines of the whiche on dwelleth at Ierusalem & ano+ter at Damasce & ano+ter at Ascolon (CMMANDEV,24.580) And whan hem lyst +tei remewen to o+ter cytees And whan the Soudane will he may go to visite hem whan him list . (CMMANDEV,24.581) And he hath as many paramours as him lyketh . (CMMANDEV,24.582) For he maketh to come before him the fairest & the nobleste of birthe & the gentylleste damyseles of his contree (CMMANDEV,24.583) And he maketh hem to ben kept & serued full honourabely (CMMANDEV,24.584) And whan he wole haue on to lye with him he maketh hem all to come before him (CMMANDEV,24.585) And he beholdeth in all which of hem is most to his plesance (CMMANDEV,24.586) & to hire anon he sendeth or casteth a ryng fro his fynger (CMMANDEV,24.587) And +tanne anon sche schall ben bathed & richely atyred & anoynted with delicat thinges of swete smell & +tan lad to the Soudanes chambre , (CMMANDEV,24.588) and +tus he doth als often as him list whan he will haue onye of hem . (CMMANDEV,24.589) And before the soudan cometh no strangier but +gif he be clothed in cloth of gold or of tartarie or of camaka in the Sarazines guyse & as the sarazins vsen . (CMMANDEV,24.590) And it behoueth +tat anon at the firste sight +tat men see the Soudan be it in windowe or in what place elles +tat men knele to him & kysse the erthe (CMMANDEV,24.591) For +tat is the manere to do reuerence to the soudaun of hem +tat speken with him . (CMMANDEV,24.592) And whan +tat messangeres of straunge contrees comen before him the meynee of the Soudan , Whan the strangeres speken to hym , +tei ben aboute the souldan with swerdes drawen & gysarmez & axes , here armes lift vp in high with +to wepenes for to smyte vpon hem +gif +tei seye ony woord +tat is displesance to the soudan . (CMMANDEV,24.593) And also no straungere cometh before him but +tat he maketh him sum promys & graunt of +tat the sowdan asketh resonabely $be $so {TEXT:beso} it be not a+genst his lawe . (CMMANDEV,24.594) And so don o+tere Prynces be+gonden (CMMANDEV,24.595) For +tei seyn +tat noman schall come before no Prynce but +tat the souldan is bettre And schall be more gladdere in departynge from his presence +tanne he was at the comynge before hym . (CMMANDEV,24.596) And vnderstondeth +tat that Babyloyne +tat I haue spoken offe where +tat the Soudan duelleth is not +tat gret Babyloyne where the dyuersitee of langages was first made for vengeance by the myracle of god whan the grete tour of Babel was begonnen to ben made of the whiche the walles weren .lxiiij. furlonges of heighte . (CMMANDEV,25.597) +Tat is in the grete desertes of Arabye vpon the weye as men gon toward the kyngdom of Caldee . (CMMANDEV,25.598) But it is full longe sith +tat ony man durste neyghe to the tour (CMMANDEV,25.599) for it is all desert & full of dragouns & grete serpentes & full of dyuerse venymouse bestes all abouten . (CMMANDEV,25.600) +Tat tour with the cytee was of .xxv. myle in cyrcuyt of the walles As +tei of the contree seyn & as men may demen by estimacioun after +tat men tellen of the contree . (CMMANDEV,25.601) And +tough it be clept the tour of Babiloyne +git natheles +tere were ordeyned withjune many mansiouns and many gret dwellynge places in lengthe & brede (CMMANDEV,25.602) And +tat tour conteyned gret contree in circuyt , (CMMANDEV,25.603) for the tour allone conteyned .x. myle sqware . (CMMANDEV,25.604) +Tat tour founded kyng Nembroth +tat was kyng of +tat contree (CMMANDEV,25.605) & he was the firste kyng of the world (CMMANDEV,25.606) And he leet make an ymage in the lykness of his fader (CMMANDEV,25.607) & constreyned all his subgettes for to worschipe it . (CMMANDEV,25.608) And anon begonnen othere lordes to do the same (CMMANDEV,25.609) And so begonnen the ydoles & the symulacres first . (CMMANDEV,25.610) The town & the cytee weren full wel sett in a fair contree & a playn +tat men clepen the contree of Samar of the whiche the walles of the cytee weren .cc. cubytes in heighte & .l. cubytes of depnes . (CMMANDEV,25.611) And the Ryuere of Eufrate ran +torgh out the cytee & aboute the tour also . (CMMANDEV,25.612) But Cirus the kyng of Perse toke from hem the ryuere (CMMANDEV,25.613) & destroyed all the cytee and the tour also . (CMMANDEV,25.614) For he departed +tat Ryuere in .ccc. & .lx. smale ryueres be cause +tat he had sworn +tat he scholde putte the ryuere in such poynt +tat a womman myghte wel passe +tere with outen castynge of hire clothes for als moche as he hadde lost many worthi men +tat troweden to passen +tat ryuere be swymmynge . (CMMANDEV,25.615) And from Babyloyne where the soudan dwelleth to go right betwene the Oryent & the Septem-tryon toward the grete Babyloyne is xl. iourneyes to passen be desert . (CMMANDEV,26.616) But it is not the grete Babiloyne in the lond & in the powere of the seyd Soudan (CMMANDEV,26.617) but it is in the power and the lordschipe of Persye . (CMMANDEV,26.618) But he holdeth it of the grete Chane +tat is the gretteste Emperour & the most sourereyn lord of all the parties be+gonde (CMMANDEV,26.619) & he is lord of the iles of Cathay & of manye o+tere iles & of a gret partie of Inde (CMMANDEV,26.620) And his lond marcheth vnto Prestre Johnes lond (CMMANDEV,26.621) And he holt so moche lond that he knoweth not the ende (CMMANDEV,26.622) And he is more myghty & gretter lord withouten comparsoun +tan is the Soudan . (CMMANDEV,26.623) Of his ryall estate & of his myght I schall speke more plenerly when I schall speke of the lond & of the contree of ynde . (CMMANDEV,26.624) Also the cytee of Methon where Machomet lyth is also of the grete desertes of Arabye . (CMMANDEV,26.625) And +tere lith the body of hym full honourabely in here temple +tat the Sarazines clepen Musketh . (CMMANDEV,26.626) And it is fro Babyloyne the lesse where the Soudan dwelleth vnto Methon aboueseyd in to a .xxxij. iourneyes . (CMMANDEV,26.627) And wyteth wel +tat the rewme of Arabye is a full gret contree , (CMMANDEV,26.628) but +tere in is ouer moche desert (CMMANDEV,26.629) And noman may dwell +tere in +tat desert for defaute of water . (CMMANDEV,26.630) For +tat lond is all grauelly & full of sond (CMMANDEV,26.631) And it is drye & no thing fructuous be cause +tat it hath no moysture (CMMANDEV,26.632) & +terfore is +tere so meche desert . (CMMANDEV,26.633) And +gif it hadde Ryueres & welles & the lond also were as it is in o+ter partyes it scholde ben als full of peple & als full enhabyted with folk as in other places . (CMMANDEV,26.634) For +tere is full gret multitude of peple where as the lond is enhabyted . (CMMANDEV,26.635) Arabye dureth fro the endes of the reme of Caldee vnto the laste ende of Affryk (CMMANDEV,26.636) & marcheth to the lond of ydumee toward the ende of Botron . (CMMANDEV,26.637) And in Caldee the chief cytee is Baldak (CMMANDEV,26.638) And of Affryk the chief cytee is Cartage +tat Dydo +tat was Eneas wif founded The whiche Eneas was of the cytee of Troye & after was kyng of Itaylle . (CMMANDEV,26.639) Mesopotamye streccheth also vnto the desertes of Arabye (CMMANDEV,26.640) & it is a gret contree . (CMMANDEV,26.641) In this contree is the cytee of Daraym where abrahames fader duelled & from whens Abraham departed be commandement of the Aungell . (CMMANDEV,27.642) And of +tat cytee was Effraym +tat was a gret clerk & a gret doctour (CMMANDEV,27.643) And Theophilus was of +tat cytee also +tat oure lady sauede from oure enemye . (CMMANDEV,27.644) And Mesopotayme dureth fro the ryuere of Eufrates vnto the ryuere of Tygris . (CMMANDEV,27.645) For it is betwene +to .ij. ryueres . (CMMANDEV,27.646) And be+gonde the ryuere of Tygre is Caldee +tat is a full gret kyngdom . (CMMANDEV,27.647) In +tat rewme , at Baldak aboueseyd was wont to duelle the Calyffez +tat was wont to ben bothe-2 as Emperour & Pope of the Arabyenez so +tat he was lord spirituell & temporell (CMMANDEV,27.648) And he was successour to Machomete & of his generacioun . (CMMANDEV,27.649) +Tat cytee of Baldak was wont to ben cleped Sutis (CMMANDEV,27.650) & Nabugodonozor founded it (CMMANDEV,27.651) And +tere duelled the holy prophete Daniel (CMMANDEV,27.652) & +tere he saugh visiounes of heuene (CMMANDEV,27.653) & +tere he made the exposicioun of dremes . (CMMANDEV,27.654) And in old tyme +tere were wont to be .iij. Calyffeez : He of Arabye , he of Caldeez (CMMANDEV,27.655) And +tei dwelleden in the cytee of Baldak aboueseyd . (CMMANDEV,27.656) And at Cayre beside Babyloyne duelled the Calyffee of Egypt (CMMANDEV,27.657) & at Marrok vpon the west see duelte the Calyfee of Barbaryenes & of Affrycanes . (CMMANDEV,27.658) And now is +tere non of the Calyffeez (CMMANDEV,27.659) ne nought han ben sithe the tyme of the Sowdan Sahaladyn (CMMANDEV,27.660) For from +tat tyme hider the Sowdaun clepeth him self Calyffee (CMMANDEV,27.661) And so han the Calyffeez ylost here name . (CMMANDEV,27.662) Also wyteth wel +tat Babyloyne +te lesse where the Soudan duelleth & the cytee of Cayra +tat is nygh besyde it ben grete huge cytees manye & fayre (CMMANDEV,27.663) and +tat on sitt nygh +tat other . (CMMANDEV,27.664) Babyloyne sytt upon the ryuere of Gyson somtyme clept Nyle +tat cometh out of Paradys terrestre . (CMMANDEV,27.665) +Tat ryuere of Nyle all the +geer whan the sonne entreth in to the signe of Cancer it begynneth to wexe (CMMANDEV,27.666) And it wexeth allweys als longe as the sonne is in Cancro & in the signe of the lyoun . (CMMANDEV,27.667) And it wexeth in such manere +tat it is somtyme so gret +tat it is .xx. cubytes or more of depness (CMMANDEV,27.668) And +tanne it doth gret harm to the godes +tat ben vpon the lond (CMMANDEV,27.669) For +tanne may noman trauaylle to ere the londes for the grete moystness (CMMANDEV,28.670) And +terfore is +tere dere tyme in +tat contree . (CMMANDEV,28.671) And also whan it wexeth lytyll it is dere tyme in $+tat contree for defaute of moysture . (CMMANDEV,28.672) And whan the sonne is in the signe of Virgo +tanne begynneth the ryuere for to wane & to decrece lytyl & lytyll So +tat whan the sonne is entred in to the $signe of libra +tanne +tei entren betwene theise ryueres . (CMMANDEV,28.673) This ryuere cometh rennynge from Paradys terrestre betwene the desertes of ynde (CMMANDEV,28.674) & after it smytt vn to londe (CMMANDEV,28.675) & renneth longe tyme many grete contrees vnder erthe (CMMANDEV,28.676) And after it goth out vnder an high hill +tat men clepen Aloth +tat is betwene ynde & Ethiope the mountance of .v. monethes iourneyes fro the entree of Ethiope (CMMANDEV,28.677) And after it envyrouneth all Ethiope & Morekane (CMMANDEV,28.678) & goth all along fro the lond of Egipte vnto the cytee of Alisandre to the ende of Egipte (CMMANDEV,28.679) and +tere it falleth in to the see . (CMMANDEV,28.680) Aboute this ryuere ben manye briddes & foules As Sikonyes +tat +tei clepen Ibes . (CMMANDEV,28.681) OF THE CONTREE OF EGIPT ; (CMMANDEV,28.683) OF THE BRID FENIX ; (CMMANDEV,28.684) OF ARABYE ; (CMMANDEV,28.685) OF THE CYTEE OF CAYRE ; (CMMANDEV,28.686) OF THE CONNYNGE TO KNOWEN BAWME AND TO PREUEN IT , AND OF THE GERNERES OF JOSEPH . (CMMANDEV,28.687) EGYPT is a long contree (CMMANDEV,28.689) but it is streyt +tat is to seye narow (CMMANDEV,28.690) for +tei may not enlargen it toward the desert for defaute of water (CMMANDEV,28.691) And the contree is sett along vpon the ryuere of Nyle (CMMANDEV,28.692) be als moche as +tat ryuere may serue be flodes or o+terwise +tat whanne it floweth it may spreden abrood +torgh the contree , so is the contree large of lengthe . (CMMANDEV,28.693) For +tere it reyneth not but lityll in +tat contree (CMMANDEV,28.694) & for +tat cause +tei haue no water , but +gif it be of +tat flood of +tat ryuere . (CMMANDEV,28.695) And for als moche as it ne reyneth not in +tat contree but the eyr is alwey pure & cleer , +terfore in +tat contree ben the gode astronomyeres , (CMMANDEV,29.696) for +tei fynde +tere no cloudes to letten hem . (CMMANDEV,29.697) Also the cytee of Cayre is right gret & more huge +tan +tat of Babyloyne the lesse (CMMANDEV,29.698) And it sytt abouen toward the desert of Syrye a lytill abouen the ryuere aboueseyd . (CMMANDEV,29.699) In Egipt +tere ben .ij. parties , The heghte +tat is toward Ethiope & the loweness +tat is towardes Arabye . (CMMANDEV,29.700) In Egypt is the lond of Ramasses & the lond of Gessen . (CMMANDEV,29.701) Egipt is a strong contree (CMMANDEV,29.702) for it hath many schrewede hauenes be cause of the grete Roches +tat ben stronge and daungerouse to passe by . (CMMANDEV,29.703) And at Egipt toward the Est is the rede see +tat dureth vnto the cytee of Coston (CMMANDEV,29.704) & toward the west is the cytee of lybye +tat is a full drye lond & lityll of fruyt , (CMMANDEV,29.705) for it is ouer moche plentee of hete (CMMANDEV,29.706) And +tat lond is clept Fusth . (CMMANDEV,29.707) And toward the partie meridionall is Ethiope (CMMANDEV,29.708) & toward the north is the desert +tat dureth vnto Syrye (CMMANDEV,29.709) & so is the contree strong on all sydes . (CMMANDEV,29.710) And it is wel a .xv. iourneyes of lengthe & more +tan two so moche of desert (CMMANDEV,29.711) & it is but .ij. iournees of largeness . (CMMANDEV,29.712) And betwene Egipt & Nubye it hath wel a .xij. iournees of desert (CMMANDEV,29.713) And men of Nubye ben cristen (CMMANDEV,29.714) but +tei ben blake as the Mowres for gret hete of the sonne . (CMMANDEV,29.715) In Egipt +tere ben .v. prouynces , (CMMANDEV,29.716) +tat on hight SAHYTH (CMMANDEV,29.717) +tat other hight DEMESEER another RESICH , +tat is an Ile in NYLE , Another ALISANDRE & another the lond of DAMYETE . (CMMANDEV,29.718) +Tat citee was wont to be right strong (CMMANDEV,29.719) but it was twyes wonnen of the cristene men (CMMANDEV,29.720) And +terfore after +tat the sarazines beten down the walles (CMMANDEV,29.721) And with the walles & the toures +terof the sarazaines maden another cytee more fer from the see (CMMANDEV,29.722) & clepeden it the newe Damyete , So +tat now no man duelleth at the rathere toun of Damyete . (CMMANDEV,29.723) At +tat cytee of Damyete is on of the hauenes of Egypt (CMMANDEV,29.724) & at Alisandre is +tat other +tat is a full strong cytee , (CMMANDEV,29.725) But +tere is no water to drynke , but +gif it come be condyt from Nyle +tat entreth in to here cisternes , (CMMANDEV,29.726) And who so stopped +tat water from hem , +tei myghte not endure +tere . (CMMANDEV,29.727) In Egypt +tere ben but fewe Forcelettes or castelles be cause +tat the contree is so strong of himself . (CMMANDEV,30.728) NOTA OF A MERUEYLE . (CMMANDEV,30.729) At the desertes of Egypte was a worthi man +tat was an holy heremyte (CMMANDEV,30.730) & +tere mette with him a Monstre +tat is to seyne a monstre is a +ting difformed a+gen kynde bothe of man or of best or of ony +ting elles & +tat is cleped a Monstre . (CMMANDEV,30.731) And this monstre +tat mette with this holy heremyte was as it hadde ben a man +tat hadde .ij. hornes trenchant on his forhede (CMMANDEV,30.732) & he hadde a body lyk a man vnto +te navele (CMMANDEV,30.733) And benethe he hadde the body lych a goot (CMMANDEV,30.734) & the heremyte asked him what he was . (CMMANDEV,30.735) And the monstre answerde him (CMMANDEV,30.736) & seyde he was a dedly creature such as god hadde formed & duelled in +to desertes in purchacynge his sustynance , (CMMANDEV,30.737) & besoughte the heremyte +tat he wolde preye god for him the whiche +tat cam from heuene for to sauen all mankynde & was born of a mayden & suffred passioun & deth as wee wel knowen , be whom wee lyuen & ben . (CMMANDEV,30.738) And +git is the hede with the .ij. hornes of +tat monstre at Alisandre for a merueyle . (CMMANDEV,30.739) In Egipt is the citee of Elyople +tat is to seyne the cytee of the sonne . (CMMANDEV,30.740) In +tat cytee +tere is a temple made round after the schapp of the temple of Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,30.741) The prestes of +tat temple han all here wrytynges vnder the date of the foul +tat is clept Fenix (CMMANDEV,30.742) & +tere is non but on in all the world (CMMANDEV,30.743) And he cometh to brenne himself vpon the awtere of +tat temple at the ende of .v. hundred +geer (CMMANDEV,30.744) for so longe he lyueth . (CMMANDEV,30.745) And at the .vc. +geres ende the prestes arrayen here awtere honestly (CMMANDEV,30.746) and putten +tere vpon spices & sulphur vif & o+ter thinges +tat wolen brennen lightly (CMMANDEV,30.747) And +tan the brid Fenix cometh (CMMANDEV,30.748) & brenneth himself to askes . (CMMANDEV,30.749) And the first day next after men fynden in the askes a worm (CMMANDEV,30.750) And the seconde day next after men fynden a brid quyk & parfyt (CMMANDEV,30.751) And the thridde day next after he fleeth his wey (CMMANDEV,30.752) And so +tere is no mo briddes of +tat kynde in all the world but it allone (CMMANDEV,30.753) & treuly +tat is a gret myracle of god . (CMMANDEV,30.754) And men may wel lykne +tat bryd vnto god be cause +tat +tere nys no god but on And also +tat oure lord aroos from deth to lyue the thridde day . (CMMANDEV,30.755) This bryd men seen often tyme fleen in +to contrees (CMMANDEV,31.756) And he is not mecheles more +tan an Egle (CMMANDEV,31.757) And he hath a crest of fedres vpon his hed more gret +tan the poocok hath (CMMANDEV,31.758) & his nekke is +galow after colour of an Oriell +tat is a ston wel schynynge . (CMMANDEV,31.759) And his bak is coloured blew as ynde (CMMANDEV,31.760) And his wenges ben of purpre colour (CMMANDEV,31.761) And the tayll is +gelow & red , castynge his tayll a+gen in travers . (CMMANDEV,31.762) And he is a full fair brid to loken vpon a+genst the sonne , (CMMANDEV,31.763) for he schyneth full gloriously & nobely . (CMMANDEV,31.764) Also in Egipt ben gardynes +tat han trees & herbes +te whiche beren frutes .vij. tymes in the +geer (CMMANDEV,31.765) And in +tat lond men fynden manye fayre Emeraudes & ynowe (CMMANDEV,31.766) And +terfore +tei ben +tere grettere cheep . (CMMANDEV,31.767) Also whan it reyneth ones in the somer in the lond of Egipt +tanne is all the contree full of grete myzs . (CMMANDEV,31.768) Also at Cayre +tat I spak of before sellen men comounly bothe men & wommen of other lawe as we don here bestes in the markat . (CMMANDEV,31.769) And +tere is a comoun hows in +tat cytee +tat is all full of smale furneys (CMMANDEV,31.770) & thider bryngen wommen of the toun here eyren of hennes of gees & of dokes for to ben put into +to forneyses (CMMANDEV,31.771) And +tei +tat kepen +tat hows coueren hem with hete of hors dong Withouten henne goos or doke or ony o+ter foul . (CMMANDEV,31.772) And at the ende of .iij. wokes or of a moneth +tei comen a+gen (CMMANDEV,31.773) & taken here chikenes (CMMANDEV,31.774) & norisschen hem (CMMANDEV,31.775) & bryngen hem forth so +tat all the contree is full of hem (CMMANDEV,31.776) And so men don +tere bothe winter & somer . (CMMANDEV,31.777) Also in +tat contree & in o+tere also men fynden longe Apples to selle in hire cesoun (CMMANDEV,31.778) & men clepen hem Apples of Paradys (CMMANDEV,31.779) & +tei ben right swete & of gode sauour (CMMANDEV,31.780) And +togh +gee kutte hem in neuer so many gobettes or parties ouerthwart or endlonges eueremore +gee schull fynden in the myddes the figure of the holy cros of oure lord Ihesu (CMMANDEV,31.781) But +tei wil roten within .viij. dayes (CMMANDEV,31.782) And for +tat cause men may not carye of +to apples to no fer contrees . (CMMANDEV,31.783) Of hem men fynden the mountance of an hundred in a bascat to selle (CMMANDEV,31.784) & +tei han grete leues of a fote & an half of lengthe (CMMANDEV,31.785) & +tei ben couenably large . (CMMANDEV,31.786) And men fynden +tere also the appull tree of Adam +tat han a byte at on of the sydes (CMMANDEV,32.787) And +tere ben also Fige trees +tat beren no leves but fyges vpon the smale braunches (CMMANDEV,32.788) & men clepen hem Figes of PHAROON . (CMMANDEV,32.789) Also besyde CAYRE withouten +tat cytee is the feld where Bawme groweth (CMMANDEV,32.790) And it cometh out on smale trees +tat ben non hyere +tan to a mannes breek girdill (CMMANDEV,32.791) & +tei semen as wode +tat is of the wylde vyne . (CMMANDEV,32.792) And in +tat feld ben .vij. welles +tat oure lord Ihesu crist made with on of his feet whan he wente to pleyen with o+ter children . (CMMANDEV,32.793) +Tat feld is not so wel closed but +tat men may entren at here owne list , (CMMANDEV,32.794) But in +tat cesoun +tat the bawme is growynge men put +tere to gode kepynge +tat no man dar ben hardy to entre . (CMMANDEV,32.795) This bawme groweth in no place but only +tere (CMMANDEV,32.796) And +tough +tat men bryngen of +te plauntes for to planten in o+ter contrees +tei growen wel & fayre (CMMANDEV,32.797) but +tei bryngen forth no fructuous thing . (CMMANDEV,32.798) & the leves of bawme ne falle nought . (CMMANDEV,32.799) And men kutten the braunches with a scharp flyntston or with a scharp bon whanne men wil go to kutte hem , (CMMANDEV,32.800) For who so kutte hem with jren it wolde destroye his vertue & his nature . (CMMANDEV,32.801) And the sarazines clepen the wode ENOCHBALSE , (CMMANDEV,32.802) And the fruyt the whiche +tat is as quybybes +tei clepen ABEBISSAM (CMMANDEV,32.803) And the lycour +tat droppeth fro the braunches +tei clepen Guybalse . (CMMANDEV,32.804) And men maken all weys +tat bawme to ben tyled of the cristen men (CMMANDEV,32.805) or elles it wolde not fructyfye As the Sarazins seyn hemself (CMMANDEV,32.806) for it hath ben oftentyme preued . (CMMANDEV,32.807) Men seyn also +tat the bawme groweth in ynde the more in +tat desert where Alysaundre spak to the trees of the sonne & of the mone (CMMANDEV,32.808) But I haue not seen it (CMMANDEV,32.809) For I haue not ben so fer abouen vpward because +tat +tere ben to many perilouse passages . (CMMANDEV,32.810) And wyte +gee wel +tat a man oughte to take gode kepe for to bye bawme but +gif he cone knowe it right wel , (CMMANDEV,32.811) for he may right lyghtly ben disceyued (CMMANDEV,32.812) For men sellen a gomme +tat men clepen Turbentyne in stede of bawme (CMMANDEV,32.813) And +tei putten +tereto a litill bawme for to +geuen gode odour (CMMANDEV,32.814) And summe putten wax in oyle of the wode of the fruyt of bawme (CMMANDEV,33.815) & seyn +tat it is bawme (CMMANDEV,33.816) And summe destyllen clowes of gylofre & of spykenard of Spayne & of o+tere spices +tat ben wel smellynge (CMMANDEV,33.817) & the lykour +tat goth out +terof +tei clepe it bawme (CMMANDEV,33.818) And +tus ben many grete lordes & o+tere disceyued (CMMANDEV,33.819) And +tei wenen +tat +tei han bawme (CMMANDEV,33.820) & +tei haue non . (CMMANDEV,33.821) For the Sarazines countrefeten it be sotyltee of craft for to disceyuen the cristene men as I haue seen full many a tyme . (CMMANDEV,33.822) And after hem the marchauntes & the Apotecaries countrefeten it eftsones (CMMANDEV,33.823) & +tanne it is lasse worth & a gret del worse . (CMMANDEV,33.824) But +gif it lyke +gou I schall schewe how +gee schull knowe & preue to the ende +tat +gee schull not ben disceyued . (CMMANDEV,33.825) First +gee schull wel knowe +tat the naturell bawme is full cleer & of cytryne colour & strongly smellynge . (CMMANDEV,33.826) And +gif it be thikke or reed or blak it is Sophisticate +tat is to seyne contrefeted & made lyke it for disceyt . (CMMANDEV,33.827) And vnderstondeth +tat +gif +gee wil putte a lityll bawme in the pawme of +goure hond a+gen the sonne , +gif it be fyn & gode +gee ne schull not suffre +goure hand a+genst the hete of the sonne . (CMMANDEV,33.828) Also taketh a lytill bawme with the poynt of a knyf (CMMANDEV,33.829) & touche it to the fuyr (CMMANDEV,33.830) & +gif it brenne it is a gode signe . (CMMANDEV,33.831) After take also a drope of bawme (CMMANDEV,33.832) & put it into a dissch or in a cuppe with mylk of a goot (CMMANDEV,33.833) And +gif it be naturell bawme anon it wole take & beclippe the mylk . (CMMANDEV,33.834) Or put a drope of bawme in clere water in a cuppe of syluer or in a clere bacyn (CMMANDEV,33.835) & stere it wel with the clere water (CMMANDEV,33.836) And +gif +tat the bawme be fyn & of his owne kynde the water schall neuere trouble , (CMMANDEV,33.837) And +gif the bawme be sophisticat +tat is to seyne countrefeted the water schall $become anon trouble . (CMMANDEV,33.838) And also +gif the bawme be fyn it schall falle to the botme of the vessell as +tough it were quyk syluer , (CMMANDEV,33.839) For the fyn bawme is more heuy twyes +tan is the bawme +tat is sophisticat & countrefeted . (CMMANDEV,33.840) Now I haue spoken of bawme (CMMANDEV,33.841) & now also I schall speke of another thing +tat is be+gonde Babyloyne aboue the Flode of Nile toward the desert betwene Affrik & Egypt +tat is to seyne of the Gerneres of Joseph +tat he leet make for to kepe the greynes for the perile of the dere +geres . (CMMANDEV,34.842) And +tei ben made of ston full wel made of Masounes craft Of the whiche .ij. ben merueylouse grete & hye (CMMANDEV,34.843) And the to+tere ne ben not so grete . (CMMANDEV,34.844) And euery Gerner hath a +gate for to entre withjnne A lytill hygh from the erthe (CMMANDEV,34.845) For the lond is wasted & fallen sithe the Gerneres were made . (CMMANDEV,34.846) And withjnne +tei ben all full of serpentes (CMMANDEV,34.847) And abouen the Gerneres withouten ben many scriptures of dyuerse langages . (CMMANDEV,34.848) And summen seyn +tat +tei ben sepultures of grete lordes +tat weren somtyme (CMMANDEV,34.849) but +tat is not trewe (CMMANDEV,34.850) For all the comoun rymour & speche is of all the peple +tere bothe fer & nere +tat +tei ben the Garneres of Joseph (CMMANDEV,34.851) And so fynden +tei in here scriptures & in here cronycles . (CMMANDEV,34.852) On +tat o+ter partie , +gif +tei weren sepultures +tei scholden not ben voyd withjnne (CMMANDEV,34.853) Ne +tei scholde haue no +gates for to entre withjnne . (CMMANDEV,34.854) For +gee may wel knowe +tat tombes & sepultures ne ben not made of such gretness ne of suche highness , Wherfore it is not to beleue +tat +tei ben tombes or sepultures . (CMMANDEV,34.855) In Egypt also +tere ben dyuerse langages & dyuerse lettres & of o+ter manere condicioun +tan +tere ben in o+ter partes as I schall deuyse +gou suche as +tei ben And the names how thei clepen hem , To such entent +tat +gee mowe knowe the difference of hem & of othere . (CMMANDEV,34.856) OF THE YLE OF CECYLE ; (CMMANDEV,34.858) OF THE WEYE FRO BABYLOYNE TO THE MOWNT SYNAY ; (CMMANDEV,34.859) OF THE CHIRCHE OF SEYNTE KATERYNE , AND OF ALLE THE MERUAYLLES +TERE . (CMMANDEV,34.860) Now wil I retourne a+gen or I procede ony ferthere for to declare +gou the othere weyes +tat drawen towardes Babiloyne where the Soudan himself duelleth +tat is at the entree of Egypt , for als moche as many folk gon +tider first & after +tat to the mownt Synay & after retournen to Ierusalem , As I haue seyd +gou here beforn . (CMMANDEV,35.862) For +tei fulfillen first the more longe pilgrymage (CMMANDEV,35.863) & after retournen a+gen be the nexte weyes because +tat the more ny weye is the more worthi (CMMANDEV,35.864) & +tat is Ierusalem , (CMMANDEV,35.865) For non other pilgrymage is not lyk in comparsoun to it . (CMMANDEV,35.866) But for to fulfille here pilgrymages more esily & more sykerly men gon first the longer weye rathere +tan the nerere weye . (CMMANDEV,35.867) But whoso wil go to Babyloyne be another weye more schort from +te contrees of the west +tat I haue reherced before or from o+ter contrees next fro hem , +tan men gon by Fraunce be Burgoyne & be Lombardye . (CMMANDEV,35.868) It nedeth not to telle +gou the names of the cytees ne of the townes +tat ben in +tat weye (CMMANDEV,35.869) For the weye is comoun (CMMANDEV,35.870) & it is knowen of many nacyouns . (CMMANDEV,35.871) And +tere ben manye havenes $where +tat men taken the see . (CMMANDEV,35.872) Summe men taken the see at Gene , Somme at Venyse (CMMANDEV,35.873) & passen be the see Adryatyk +tat is clept the Goulf of Venyse , +tat departeth ytaylle & Grece on +tat syde . (CMMANDEV,35.874) And somme gon to Naples somme to Rome & from Rome to Brandys (CMMANDEV,35.875) & +tere +tei taken the see & in many othere places where +tat hauenes ben . (CMMANDEV,35.876) And men gon be Tussye be Champayne be Calabre be Appuille & be the hilles of ytaylle be Chorisqe be Sardyne & be Cycile +tat is a gret Ile & a gode . (CMMANDEV,35.877) In +tat Ile of Cycile +ter is a maner of a gardyn in the whiche ben many dyuerse frutes (CMMANDEV,35.878) And the gardyn is alweys grene & florisshing , all the cesouns of the +geer als wel in winter as in somer . (CMMANDEV,35.879) +Tat Ile holt in compas aboute .ccc & l. frensche myles (CMMANDEV,35.880) And betwene Cycile & Itaylle +tere is not but a lytill arm of the see +tat men clepen the Farde of Mescyne (CMMANDEV,35.881) And Cycile is betwene the see Adryatyk & the see of lombardye , (CMMANDEV,35.882) And fro Cycile in to Calabre is but .viij. myles of lombardye . (CMMANDEV,35.883) And in Cycile +tere is a manere of serpentes be the whiche men assayen & preuen whe+ter here children ben bastardes or none or of lawefull mariage , (CMMANDEV,35.884) For +gif +tei ben born in right mariage the serpentes gon aboute hem (CMMANDEV,36.885) & don hem non harm (CMMANDEV,36.886) And +gif +tei ben born in avowtrie the serpentes byten hem (CMMANDEV,36.887) & envenyme hem (CMMANDEV,36.888) & thus manye wedded men preuen +gif the children ben here owne . (CMMANDEV,36.889) Also in +tat Ile is the Mount Ethna +tat men clepen Mount Gybell & the wlcanes +tat ben eueremore brennynge . (CMMANDEV,36.890) And +tere ben .vij. places +tat brennen & +tat casten out dyuerse flawmes and dyuerse colour (CMMANDEV,36.891) And be the chaungynge of +to flawmes men of +tat contree knowen whanne it schall be derthe or gode tyme or cold or hoot or moyst or drye or in all othere manere how the tyme schall be gouerned . (CMMANDEV,36.892) And from Itaille vnto the wlcanes nys but .xxv. myle (CMMANDEV,36.893) And men seyn +tat the wlcanes ben weyes of helle . (CMMANDEV,36.894) Also whoso goth be Pyse +gif +tat men list to go +tat weye +tere is an arm of the see where +tat men gon to o+tere hauenes in +to marches (CMMANDEV,36.895) And +tan men passen be the Ile of GREEF +tat is at GENE (CMMANDEV,36.896) And after arryueth men in GRECE at the hauene of the cytee of Myrok or at the hauene of Valone or at the cytee of Duras , (CMMANDEV,36.897) & +tere is a Duk at Duras , or at o+tere hauenes in +to marches (CMMANDEV,36.898) & so men gon to Constantynoble . (CMMANDEV,36.899) And after gon men be watre to the Ile of Crete & to the Ile of Rodes & so to Cypre & so to Venyse & fro +tens to Constantynoble , (CMMANDEV,36.900) to holde the more right weye be see it is wel a .m=l= viij=c= & iiij=xx=. score myle of lombardye . (CMMANDEV,36.901) And after from Cipre men gon be see (CMMANDEV,36.902) & leven Ierusalem & all +tat contre on the left hond vnto Egypt (CMMANDEV,36.903) & arryuen at the cytee of DAMYETE +tat was wont to ben full strong (CMMANDEV,36.904) & it sytt at the entree of Egypt . (CMMANDEV,36.905) And fro Damyete gon men to the Cytee of Alizandre +tat sytt also vpon the see . (CMMANDEV,36.906) In +tat cytee was seynte kateryne beheded (CMMANDEV,36.907) And +tere was seynt Mark the Euuangelist martyred & buryed , (CMMANDEV,36.908) But the Emperour Leoun made his bones to ben brought to Venyse . (CMMANDEV,36.909) And +git +tere is at Alizandre a faire chirche all white withouten peynture (CMMANDEV,36.910) and so ben all the othere chirches +tat weren of the cristene men all white withjnne , (CMMANDEV,36.911) For the Paynemes & the Sarrazynes maden hem white for to fordon the ymages of seyntes +tat weren peynted on the walles . (CMMANDEV,37.912) +Tat cytee of Alizandre is wel .xxx=ti=. furlonges in lengthe (CMMANDEV,37.913) but it is but .x. on largeness (CMMANDEV,37.914) And it is a full noble cytee & a fayr . (CMMANDEV,37.915) At +tat cytee entreth the ryuere of Nyle in to the see as I to +gou haue seyd before . (CMMANDEV,37.916) In +tat ryuere men fynden many precyouse stones & meche also of lignum aloes (CMMANDEV,37.917) And it is a manere of wode +tat cometh out of paradys terrestre the whiche is good for manye dyuerse medicynes (CMMANDEV,37.918) And it $is right dereworth . (CMMANDEV,37.919) And from Alizandre men gon to Babyloyne where the Soudan dwelleth +tat sytt also vpon the ryuere of Nyle , (CMMANDEV,37.920) And this weye is most schort for to go streyght vnto Babiloyne . (CMMANDEV,37.921) OF THE WEYE THAT GOTH FROM BABILOYNE , VNTO THE MOWNT SYNAY , & OF THE MERUEYLES +TERE (CMMANDEV,37.923) Now schall I seye +gou also the weye +tat goth fro Babiloyne to the Mount of Synay where seynte kateryne lyth . (CMMANDEV,37.925) He moste passe be the desertes of Arabye Be the whiche desertes Moyses ladde the peple of Israel (CMMANDEV,37.926) And +tanne passe men be the welle +tat Moyses made with his hond in +to desertes whan the peple grucched for +tei fownden nothing to drynke . (CMMANDEV,37.927) And +tan passe men be the welle of Marach of the whiche the water was first bytter (CMMANDEV,37.928) But the children of Israel putten +terejune a tree (CMMANDEV,37.929) & anon the water was swete & gode for to drynke . (CMMANDEV,37.930) And +tanne gon men be desert vnto the vale of Elyn In the whiche vale ben .xij. welles (CMMANDEV,37.931) And +tere ben .lxxij. trees of palme +tat beren the dates The whiche Moyses fond with the children of Israel , (CMMANDEV,37.932) And fro +tat valeye is but a gode iourneye to the Mount of Synay . (CMMANDEV,37.933) And whoso wil go be another weye fro Babiloyne +tan me goth be the Rede see +tat is an arm of the see OCCEAN . (CMMANDEV,37.934) And +tere passed Moyses with the children of Israel ouerthwart the see all drye , Whan Pharao the kyng of Egypt chaced hem , (CMMANDEV,38.935) And +tat see is wel a .vj. myle of largeness in lengthe . (CMMANDEV,38.936) And in +tat see was Pharao drowned & all his hoost +tat he ladde . (CMMANDEV,38.937) +Tat see is not more reed +tan another see (CMMANDEV,38.938) but in $some place +tereof is the granell reed (CMMANDEV,38.939) And +terfore men clepen it the rede see . (CMMANDEV,38.940) +Tat see renneth to the endes of Arabye & of Palestyne , (CMMANDEV,38.941) +tat see lasteth more +tan .iiij. iourneyes (CMMANDEV,38.942) And +tan gon men be desert vnto the vale of Elyn And fro +tens to the mount of Synay . (CMMANDEV,38.943) And +gee may wel vndirstonde +tat be this desert no man may go on horsbak because +tate +tere nys nou+ter mete for hors ne water to drynke (CMMANDEV,38.944) And for +tat cause men passen +tat desert with Camell , (CMMANDEV,38.945) For the Camaylle fynt allwey mete on trees & on busshes +tat he fedeth him with (CMMANDEV,38.946) And he may wel faste fro drynk .ij. dayes or .iij. (CMMANDEV,38.947) And +tat may non hors don . (CMMANDEV,38.948) And wyte well +tat from Babyloyne to the Mount Synay is well a .xij. gode iourneyes (CMMANDEV,38.949) And sum men maken hem more (CMMANDEV,38.950) And sum men hasten hem (CMMANDEV,38.951) & peynen hem (CMMANDEV,38.952) & +terefore +tei maken hem lesse , (CMMANDEV,38.953) And all weys fynden men latymeres to go with hem in the contrees & ferthere be+gonde into tyme +tat men conne the langage . (CMMANDEV,38.954) And it behoueth men to bere vitaill with hem +tat schall duren hem in +to desertes & o+ter necessaries for to lyue by . (CMMANDEV,38.955) And the Mount of Synay is clept the desert of Syne +tat is for to seyne the bussch brennynge Because +tat Moyses sawgh oure lord god many tymes in forme of fuyr brennynge vpon +tat hill And also in a bussch brennynge & spak to him And +tat was at the foot of the hill . (CMMANDEV,38.956) There is an Abbeye of Monkes wel bylded & wel closed with +gates of Iren for drede of the wylde bestes . (CMMANDEV,38.957) And the monkes ben Arrabyenes or men of Grece (CMMANDEV,38.958) & +tere $is a gret couent (CMMANDEV,38.959) And all +tei ben as heremytes (CMMANDEV,38.960) & +tei drinken no wyn but +gif it be on principall festes (CMMANDEV,38.961) And +tei ben full deuoute men (CMMANDEV,38.962) & lyuen porely & sympely with joutes & with dates (CMMANDEV,38.963) And +tei don gret abstynence & penaunce . (CMMANDEV,38.964) +Tere is the chirche of seynte kateryne in the whiche ben manye lampes brennynge (CMMANDEV,38.965) For +tei han of oyle of Olyue ynow bothe for to brenne in here lampes & to ete also (CMMANDEV,39.966) And +tat plentee haue +tei be the myracle of god (CMMANDEV,39.967) For the ravenes & the crowes & the choughes & o+ter foules of the contree assemblen hem +tere euery +geer ones (CMMANDEV,39.968) & fleen +tider as in pilgrymage (CMMANDEV,39.969) And euerych of hem bryngeth a braunche of the Bayes or of Olyue in here bekes in stede of offrying (CMMANDEV,39.970) & leuen hem +tere , of the whiche the monkes maken gret plentee of oyle (CMMANDEV,39.971) & this is a gret meruaylle . (CMMANDEV,39.972) And sith +tat foules +tat han no kyndely wytt ne resoun gon thider to seche +tat gloriouse virgyne wel more oughten men +tan to seche hire & to worschipen hire . (CMMANDEV,39.973) Also behynde the awtier of +tat chirche is the place where Moyses saugh oure lord god in a brennynge bussch (CMMANDEV,39.974) And whanne the monkes entren in to +tat place +tei don of bothe hosen & schoon or botes alweys , Be cause +tat oure lord seyde to Moyses : do of thin hosen & thi schon for the place +tat +tou stondest on is lond holy & blessed . (CMMANDEV,39.975) And the monkes clepen +tat place DOZOLEEL +tat is to seyne the schadew of god . (CMMANDEV,39.976) And besyde the high awtier .iij. degrees of heighte is the fertre of Alabastre where the bones of seynt Kateryn ly+gn (CMMANDEV,39.977) And the prelate of the monkes scheweth the relykes to the pilgrymes (CMMANDEV,39.978) And with an Instrument of syluer he froteth the bones (CMMANDEV,39.979) & +tanne +ter goth out a lytyll oyle as +tough it were a maner swetynge (CMMANDEV,39.980) +tat is nouther-1 lych to oyle ne to bawme (CMMANDEV,39.981) but it is full swete of smell . (CMMANDEV,39.982) And of +tat +tei +geuen a lytill to the pilgrymes , (CMMANDEV,39.983) for +tere goth out but lityll quantitee of +tat likour . (CMMANDEV,39.984) And after +tat +tei schewen the heed of seynte kateryne & the cloth +tat sche was wrapped jnne +tat is +git all blody , (CMMANDEV,39.985) And in +tat same cloth so ywrapped the aungeles beren hire body to the mount Synay (CMMANDEV,39.986) & +tere +tei buryed hire with it . (CMMANDEV,39.987) And +tanne +tei schewen the bussch +tat brenned & wasted nought in the whiche oure lord spak to Moyses & o+tere relikes ynowe . (CMMANDEV,39.988) Also whan the prelate of the abbeye is ded I haue vndirstonden be informacioun +tat his lampe quencheth (CMMANDEV,39.989) And whan +tei chesen ano+ter prelate +gif he be a gode man & worthi to be prelate his lampe schal lighte with the grace of god with-outen touchinge of ony man . (CMMANDEV,40.990) For euerych of hem hath a lampe be himself (CMMANDEV,40.991) And be here lampes +tei knowen wel whan ony of hem schall dye . (CMMANDEV,40.992) For whan ony schall dye the lyght begynneth to chaunge & to wexe dym (CMMANDEV,40.993) And +gif he be chosen to ben prelate & is not worthi his lampe quencheth anon . (CMMANDEV,40.994) And other men han told me +tat he +tat syngeth the masse for the prelate +tat is ded he schall fynde vpon the awtier the name written of him +tat schall ben prelate chosen . (CMMANDEV,40.995) And so vpon a day I asked of the monkes bothe on & o+ter how this befell , (CMMANDEV,40.996) But +tei wolde not tell me no thing Into the tyme +tat I seyde +tat +tei scholde not hyde the grace +tat god did hem but +tat +tei scholde publissche it to make the peple to haue the more deuocioun And +tat +tei diden synne to hide goddes myracle as me semed , (CMMANDEV,40.997) For the myracles +tat god hath don and +git doth euery day ben the wytnesse of his myght & of his merueylles as dauid seyth in the psaultere : (CMMANDEV,40.998) MIRABILIA TESTIMONIA TUA DOMINE , +tat is to seyne : Lord thi merueyles ben +ti wytness . (CMMANDEV,40.999) And +tanne +tei tolde me bothe on and o+ter how it befell full many a tyme , (CMMANDEV,40.1000) But more I myghte not haue of hem . (CMMANDEV,40.1001) In +tat abbeye ne entreth not no flye ne todes ne ewtes ne such foul venymouse bestes ne lyzs ne flees be +te myracle of god & of oure lady . (CMMANDEV,40.1002) For +tere were wont to ben many suche manere of filthes +tat the monkes weren in will to leve the place & the abbeye And weren gon fro thens vpon the mountayne abouen for to eschewe +tat place . (CMMANDEV,40.1003) And oure lady cam to hem (CMMANDEV,40.1004) & bad hem turnen a+gen (CMMANDEV,40.1005) And from +tens forewardes neuere entred such filthe in +tat place amonges hem (CMMANDEV,40.1006) Ne neuere schall entre here after . (CMMANDEV,40.1007) Also before the +gate is the welle where Moyses smot the ston of the whiche the water cam out plentevously . (CMMANDEV,40.1008) From +tat abbeye men gon vp the mountayne of Moyses be many degrees (CMMANDEV,40.1009) & +tere men fynden first a chirche of oure lady where +tat sche mette the monkes whan +tei fledden awey for the vermyn aboueseyd . (CMMANDEV,40.1010) And more high vpon +tat mountayne is the Chapell of helye the prophete (CMMANDEV,40.1011) And +tat place +tei clepen Oreb , whereof holy writt speketh : ET AMBULAUIT IN FORTITUDINE CIBI ILLIUS VSQUE AD MONTEM DEI OREB , +tat is to seyne : And he wente in strengthe of +tat mete vnto the hill of god Oreb . (CMMANDEV,41.1012) And +tere nygh is the vyne +tat seynt Iohn the Euuangelist planted +tat men clepen Reisins of Staphis . (CMMANDEV,41.1013) And a lytill abouen is the Chapell of Moyses & the roche where Moyses fleygh to for drede whan he saugh oure lord face to face , (CMMANDEV,41.1014) And in +tat roche is printed the forme of his body (CMMANDEV,41.1015) For he smot so strongly & so harde him self in +tat roche +tat all his body was doluen withjnne +torgh the myracle of god . (CMMANDEV,41.1016) And +tere besyde is the place where oure lord toke to Moyses the .x. commandementes of the lawe . (CMMANDEV,41.1017) And +tere is the caue vnder the roche where Moyses duelte whan he fasted .xl. dayes & .xl. nyghtes (CMMANDEV,41.1018) But he dyede in the lond of promissioun , (CMMANDEV,41.1019) But noman knoweth where he was buryed . (CMMANDEV,41.1020) And from +tat mountayne men passen a gret valeye for to gon to ano+ter mountayn where seynt Kateryne was buryed of the Aungeles of oure lord . (CMMANDEV,41.1021) And in +tat valeye is a chirche of .xl. martyres (CMMANDEV,41.1022) & +tere singen the monkes of the abbeyes often tyme (CMMANDEV,41.1023) And +tat valeye is right cold . (CMMANDEV,41.1024) And after men gon vp the mountayne of seynt Kateryne +tat is more high +tan the mount of Moyses (CMMANDEV,41.1025) And +tere where seynt Kateryne was buryed is nouther chirche ne chapell ne other duellynge place , (CMMANDEV,41.1026) But +tere is an heep of stones aboute the place where the body of hire was put of the Angeles . (CMMANDEV,41.1027) +Tere was wont to ben a chapell (CMMANDEV,41.1028) but it was casten down (CMMANDEV,41.1029) & +git lyggen the stones +tere (CMMANDEV,41.1030) And all be it +tat the Collect of seynte kateryne seye +tat it is the place where oure lord betaughte the .x. commandementes to Moyses & +tere where the blessed virgyne seynte kateryne was buryed , +tat is to vnderstonde in .o. contree or in .o. place berynge .o. name , For bothe +tat on & +tat o+ter is clept the mount of Synay , But +tere is a gret weye from +tat on to +tat o+ter & a gret deep valeye betwene hem . (CMMANDEV,41.1031) OF THE DESERT BETWENE THE CHIRCHE OF SEYNTE KATERYNE & IERUSALEM ; OF THE DRIE TRE , & HOW ROSES CAM FIRST IN +TE WORLD . (CMMANDEV,42.1034) Now after +tat men han visited +to holy places +tanne wil +tei turnen toward Ierusalem (CMMANDEV,42.1036) And +tan wil +tei take leue of the monkes & recommenden hem to here preyeres , (CMMANDEV,42.1037) And +tanne +tei +geuen the pilgrimes of here vitaylle for to passe with the desertes toward Surrye . (CMMANDEV,42.1038) And +to desertes duren wel a .xiij. iourneyes . (CMMANDEV,42.1039) In +tat desert duellen manye of Arrabyenes +tat men clepen Bedoynes & Ascopardes . (CMMANDEV,42.1040) And +tei ben folk full of all euyll condiciouns (CMMANDEV,42.1041) and +tei haue non houses but tentes +tat +tei maken of skynnes of bestes as of Camaylles & of o+ter bestes +tat +tei eten (CMMANDEV,42.1042) And +tere benethe +tei couchen hem (CMMANDEV,42.1043) & dwellen in place where +tei may fynden water As on the Rede see or elleswhere , (CMMANDEV,42.1044) For in +tat desert is full gret defaute of water (CMMANDEV,42.1045) And often tyme it falleth +tat where men fynden water at o tyme in a place it fayleth ano+ter tyme (CMMANDEV,42.1046) And for that skyll +tei make none habitaciouns +tere . (CMMANDEV,42.1047) Theise folk +tat I speke of +tei tylen not the lond (CMMANDEV,42.1048) ne +tei laboure nought (CMMANDEV,42.1049) for +tei eten no bred but +gif it be ony +tat dewellen nygh a gode toun +tat gon thider & eten bred somtyme (CMMANDEV,42.1050) And +tei rosten here flesch & here fissch vpon the hote stones a+genst the sonne . (CMMANDEV,42.1051) And +tei ben stronge men & wel fyghtynge (CMMANDEV,42.1052) And +tere is so meche multytude of +tat folk +tat +tei ben with outen nombre (CMMANDEV,42.1053) And +tei ne recchen of no thing (CMMANDEV,42.1054) ne don not but chacen after bestes to eten hem (CMMANDEV,42.1055) And +tei recchen no +ting of here lif (CMMANDEV,42.1056) And +terfore +tei dowten not the Soudan ne non o+ter prince , (CMMANDEV,42.1057) but +tei dar wel werre with hem +gif +tei don ony thing +tat is greuance to hem . (CMMANDEV,42.1058) And +tei han often tyme werre with the Soudan & namely +tat tyme +tat I was with him . (CMMANDEV,42.1059) And +tei beren but o scheld & o spere with outen o+ter armes (CMMANDEV,42.1060) And +tei wrappen here hedes & here necke with a gret quantytee of white lynnen cloth (CMMANDEV,43.1061) And +tei ben right felonouse & foule & of cursed kynde . (CMMANDEV,43.1062) And whan men passen this desert in comynge toward Ieursalem +tei comen to Bersabee +tat was wont to ben a full fair town & a delytable of cristene men (CMMANDEV,43.1063) And +git +tere ben summe of here chirches . (CMMANDEV,43.1064) In +tat toun dwelled Abraham the Patriark a longe tyme . (CMMANDEV,43.1065) +Tat toun of Bersabee founded Bersabee the wif of sire vrye the knyght on the whiche kyng Dauid gatt Salomon the wyse +tat was kyng after Dauid vpon the .xij. kynredes of Ieursalem And regned .xl. +geer . (CMMANDEV,43.1066) And fro +tens gon men to the cytee of Ebron +tat is the montance of .ij. gode myle (CMMANDEV,43.1067) And it was clept somtyme the vale of Mambree (CMMANDEV,43.1068) And sumtyme it was clept the vale of teres because +tat Adam wepte +tere an .c. +geer for the deth of Abell his sone +tat Caym slowgh . (CMMANDEV,43.1069) Ebron was wont to ben the princypall cytee of the Philistyenes (CMMANDEV,43.1070) And +tere duelleden somtyme the Geauntz (CMMANDEV,43.1071) And +tat cytee was also Sacerdotall +tat is $to syene seyntuarie of the tribe of Iuda . (CMMANDEV,43.1072) And it was so fre +tat men resceyued +tere all manere of fugityfes of o+ter places for here euyl dedes . (CMMANDEV,43.1073) In Ebron Iosue Caleph & here companye comen first to aspyen how +tei myghte wynnen the lond of beheste . (CMMANDEV,43.1074) In Ebron regned first kyng Dauid .vij. +geer & a half (CMMANDEV,43.1075) And in Ierusalem he regnede .xxxiij. +geer & an half . (CMMANDEV,43.1076) And in Ebron ben all the sepultures of the Patriarkes Adam Abraham ysaac & of Iacob & of here wyfes Eue Sarre & Rebekke & of Lya the whiche sepultures the Sarazines kepen full curyously & han the place in gret reuerence for the holy fadres the Patriarkes +tat ly+gn +tere (CMMANDEV,43.1077) And +tei suffre no cristene man entre in to that place but +gif it be of the specyall grace of the Soudan , (CMMANDEV,43.1078) For +tei holden cristene men & Iewes as dogges (CMMANDEV,43.1079) And +tei seyn +tat +tei scholde not entre into so holy place . (CMMANDEV,43.1080) And men clepen +tat place where +tei ly+gn double spelunke or double cave or double dych for als meche as +tat on lyeth aboue +tat other (CMMANDEV,43.1081) And the Sarazines clepen +tat place in here langage KARICARBA +tat is to seyne the place of Patriarkes (CMMANDEV,44.1082) And the Iewes clepen +tat place ARBOTH . (CMMANDEV,44.1083) And in +tat same place was Abrahames hous (CMMANDEV,44.1084) and +tere he satt (CMMANDEV,44.1085) & saugh .iij. persones (CMMANDEV,44.1086) & worschipte but on as holy writt seyth : (CMMANDEV,44.1087) TRES VIDIT & VNUM ADORAUIT , +tat is to seyne : he saugh .iij. & worschiped on . (CMMANDEV,44.1088) And of +to same resceyued Abraham the Aungeles in to his hous . (CMMANDEV,44.1089) And right faste by +tat place is a cave in the roche where Adam & Eue duelleden whan +tei weren putt out of paradyse (CMMANDEV,44.1090) & +tere goten +tei here children . (CMMANDEV,44.1091) And in +tat same place was Adam formed & made , after +tat summen seyn . (CMMANDEV,44.1092) For men weren wont for to clepe +tat place the feld of Damasce , be cause +tat it was in the lordschipe of Damask . (CMMANDEV,44.1093) And fro +tens was he translated into paradys of delytes , as +tei seyn . (CMMANDEV,44.1094) And after +tat he was dryuen out of paradys he was +tere left . (CMMANDEV,44.1095) And the same day +tat he was putt in paradys , the same day he was putt out , (CMMANDEV,44.1096) For anon he synned . (CMMANDEV,44.1097) +tere begynneth the vale of Ebron +tat dureth nygh to Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,44.1098) There the Aungell commaunded Adam +tat he scholde duelle with his wyf Eue , Of the whiche he gatt Seth , of whiche tribe +tat is to seye kynrede Ihesu crist was born . (CMMANDEV,44.1099) In +tat valeye is a feld where men drawen out of the erthe a thing +tat men clepen Cambyll (CMMANDEV,44.1100) & +tei ete it in stede of spice (CMMANDEV,44.1101) & +tei bere it to selle . (CMMANDEV,44.1102) And men may not make the hole ne the cave where it is taken out of the erthe so depe ne so wyde , but +tat it is at the +geres ende full a+gen vp to the sydes , +torgh the grace of god . (CMMANDEV,44.1103) And .ij. myle from Ebron is the graue of loth +tat was Abrahames bro+ter $sone . (CMMANDEV,44.1104) And lytill fro Ebron is the mount of Mambre , of the which the valeye taketh his name , (CMMANDEV,44.1105) And +tere is a tree of Oke +tat the Sarazines clepen DIRPE +tat is of Abrahames tyme , the whiche men clepen the drye tree . (CMMANDEV,44.1106) And +tei seye +tat it hath ben +tere sithe the begynnynge of the world & was sumtyme grene & bare leues vnto the tyme +tat oure lord dyede on the cros (CMMANDEV,44.1107) And +tanne it dryede (CMMANDEV,44.1108) & so diden all the trees +tat weren +tanne in the world (CMMANDEV,45.1109) or elles +tai failed in +taire heretes (CMMANDEV,45.1110) and become holle within , of whilk +ter er many +git standand in diuerse placez of the world (CMMANDEV,45.1111) And summe seyn be here prophecyes +tat a lord , a Prince of the west syde of the world schall wynnene the lond of promyssioun +tat is the holy lond with helpe of cristene men (CMMANDEV,45.1112) & he schall do synge a masse vndir +tat drye tree (CMMANDEV,45.1113) & +tan the tree schall wexen grene & bere bothe fruyt & leves (CMMANDEV,45.1114) And +torgh +tat myracle manye Sara+gines & Iewes schull ben turned to cristene feyth . (CMMANDEV,45.1115) And +terfore +tei don gret worschipe +tereto (CMMANDEV,45.1116) & kepen it full besyly . (CMMANDEV,45.1117) And all be it so +tat it be drye natheles +git he bereth gret vertue (CMMANDEV,45.1118) for certeynly he +tat hath a litill +tere of vpon him it heleth him of the fallynge euyll , (CMMANDEV,45.1119) And his hors schall not ben afoundred (CMMANDEV,45.1120) & manye o+ter vertues it hath , Wherefore men holden it full precyous . (CMMANDEV,45.1121) From Ebron men gon to Bethlem in half a day , (CMMANDEV,45.1122) for it is but .v. myle (CMMANDEV,45.1123) & it is full fayre weye be pleynes & wodes full delectable . (CMMANDEV,45.1124) Bethleem is a lityll cytee long & narwe & wel walled & in eche syde enclosed with gode dyches (CMMANDEV,45.1125) And it was wont to ben cleped Effrata , as holy wrytt seth : (CMMANDEV,45.1126) ECCE AUDIUIMUS EUM IN EFFRATA , +tat is to seye : lo wee herde him in effrata . (CMMANDEV,45.1127) And toward the est ende of the cytee is a full fair chirche and a graciouse (CMMANDEV,45.1128) & it hath many toures , pynacles & corneres full stronge & curiously made (CMMANDEV,45.1129) And within +tat chirche ben .xliiij. plyeres of marble grete & faire . (CMMANDEV,45.1130) And betwene the cytee & the chirche is the feld Floridous , +tat is to seyne , the feld florissched . For als moche as a faire mayden was blamed with wrong & sclaudred +tat sche hadde don fornycacioun , For whiche cause sche was demed to the deth & to be brent in +tat place , to the whiche sche was ladd . (CMMANDEV,45.1131) And as the fyre began to brenne aboute hire sche made hire preyeres to oure lord +tat as wissely as sche was not gylty of +tat synne +tat he wolde helpe hire & make it to be knowen to all men of his mercyfull grace . (CMMANDEV,45.1132) And whan sche hadde +tus seyd sche entred in to the fuyr (CMMANDEV,45.1133) And anon was the fuyre quenched & oute . (CMMANDEV,46.1135) And the brondes +tat weren brennynge becomen red roseres (CMMANDEV,46.1136) And the brondes +tat weren not kyndled nor tend becomen white roseres full of roses . (CMMANDEV,46.1137) And +teise weren the first Roseres & Roses both white & rede , +tat euere ony man saugh . (CMMANDEV,46.1138) And +tus was +tis mayden saued be the grace of god (CMMANDEV,46.1139) And +terfore is +tat feld clept the feld of god florysscht , (CMMANDEV,46.1140) for it was full of roses . (CMMANDEV,46.1141) Also besyde the queer of the chirche at the right syde as men comen dounward .xvj. greces is the place where oure lord was born , (CMMANDEV,46.1142) +tat is full wel dyght of marble & full richely peynted with gold syluer azure & o+ter coloures . (CMMANDEV,46.1143) And .iij. paas besyde is the crybbe of the ox & the asse . (CMMANDEV,46.1144) And besyde +tat is the place where the sterre fell +tat ladde the .iij. kynges Iaspar Melchior & Balthazar , (CMMANDEV,46.1145) But men of Grece clepen hem +tus : Galgalath Malgalath & Saraphie , (CMMANDEV,46.1146) And the Iewes clepen $hem in this manere in Ebrew : APPELIUS AMERRIUS & DAMASUS . (CMMANDEV,46.1147) Theise .iij. kynges offreden to oure lord gold ensence & myrre (CMMANDEV,46.1148) And +tei metten to gedre +torgh myracle of god , (CMMANDEV,46.1149) For +tei metten to gedre in a cytee in ynde +tat men clepen Cassak +tat is .liij. iourneyes fro Bethleem . (CMMANDEV,46.1150) And +tei weren at Bethleem the .xiij. day (CMMANDEV,46.1151) And +tat was the .iiij. day after +tat +tei hadden seyn the sterre whan +tei metten in +tat cytee , (CMMANDEV,46.1152) And +tus +tei weren in .ix. dayes from +tat cytee at Bethleem (CMMANDEV,46.1153) & +tat was gret myracle . (CMMANDEV,46.1154) Also vnder the cloystre of the chirche be .xviij. degrees at the right syde is the charnell of the Innocentes where here bones ly+gn (CMMANDEV,46.1155) And before the place where oure lord was born is the tombe of seynt Ierome +tat was a preest & a Cardynall +tat translatede the bible & the psaultere from Ebrew in to latyn (CMMANDEV,46.1156) And withoute the mynstre is the chayere +tat he satt in whan he translated it . (CMMANDEV,46.1157) And faste besyde +tat chirche a .lx. fedme is a chirche of seynt Nicholas where oure lady rested hire after sche was lyghted of oure lord (CMMANDEV,46.1158) And for as meche as sche had to meche mylk in hire pappes +tat greued hire , sche mylked hem on the rede stones of marble so +tat the traces may +git ben sene in the stones all $whyte . (CMMANDEV,47.1159) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat all +tat dwellen in Bethleem ben cristene men (CMMANDEV,47.1160) And +tere ben faire vynes aboute the cytee & gret plentee of wyn +tat the cristene men han don let make (CMMANDEV,47.1161) But the Sarazines ne tylen not no vynes (CMMANDEV,47.1162) ne +tei drynken no wyn . (CMMANDEV,47.1163) For here bokes of here lawe +tat Makomete betoke hem , whiche +tei clepen here ALKARON & summe clepen it MESAPH & in ano+ter langage it is cleped HARME And the same boke forbedeth hem to drinke wyn , (CMMANDEV,47.1164) For in +tat boke Machomete cursed all +to +tat drynken wyn & alle hem +tat sellen it . (CMMANDEV,47.1165) For summen seye +tat he slough ones an heremyte in his dronkeness +tat he loued ful wel (CMMANDEV,47.1166) And +terfore he cursed wyn & hem +tat drynken it . (CMMANDEV,47.1167) But his curs be turned in to his owne hed as holy writt seith : (CMMANDEV,47.1168) ET IN VERTICEM IPSIUS INIQUITAS EIUS DESCENDENT , +tat is for to seye : his wykkedness schall turne & falle in his owne heed . (CMMANDEV,47.1169) And also the Sarazines bryngen forth no pigges (CMMANDEV,47.1170) nor +tei eten no swynes flessch , (CMMANDEV,47.1171) for +tei seye it is brother to man (CMMANDEV,47.1172) & it was forboden be the olde lawe (CMMANDEV,47.1173) & +tei $holden hem alle acursed +tat eten +tereof . (CMMANDEV,47.1174) Also in the lond of Palestyne & in the lond of Egypt +tei eten but lytill nor non of flessch of veel or of boef but he be so old +tat he may nomore trauayle for elde , for it is forbode And for because +tei hauen but fewe of hem , (CMMANDEV,47.1175) +terfore +tei norissche hem for to ere here londes . (CMMANDEV,47.1176) In this cytee of Bethleem was Dauid the kyng born (CMMANDEV,47.1177) And he hadde .lx. wyfes (CMMANDEV,47.1178) & the firste wyf highte Michol (CMMANDEV,47.1179) And also he hadde .ccc. lemmannes . (CMMANDEV,47.1180) And fro Bethleem vnto Ierusalem nys but .ij. myle (CMMANDEV,47.1181) And in the weye to Ierusalem half a myle fro Bethleem is a chirche where the aungel seyde to the schepperdes of the birthe of crist . (CMMANDEV,47.1182) And in +tat weye is the tombe of Rachell +tat was Iosephes moder the patriarke . (CMMANDEV,47.1183) And sche dyede anon after +tat sche was delyuered of hire sone Baniamyn (CMMANDEV,47.1184) & +tere sche was delyuered of hire sone Beniamyn (CMMANDEV,47.1185) & +tere sche was buryed of Iacob hire husbonde , (CMMANDEV,47.1186) And he leet setten .xij. grete stones on hire in tokene +tat sche had born .xij. children . (CMMANDEV,48.1187) In +tat same weye half myle fro Ierusalem appered the sterre to the .iij. kynges , (CMMANDEV,48.1188) In +tat weye also ben manye chirches of cristene men be the whiche men gon towardes the cytee of Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,48.1189) OF THE PILGRIMAGES IN IERUSALEM & OF THE HOLY PLACES +TERABOWTE (CMMANDEV,48.1191) After for to speke of Ierusalem the holy cytee +gee schull vndirstonde +tat it stont full faire betwene hilles & +tere ben no ryueres ne welles but water cometh be condyte from Ebron . (CMMANDEV,48.1193) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat Ierusalem of olde tyme vnto the tyme of Melchisedech was cleped Iebus , (CMMANDEV,48.1194) And after it was clept Salem vnto the tyme of kyng Dauid +tat putte theise .ij. names togidere & clepted it Iebusalem (CMMANDEV,48.1195) And after +tat kyng Salomon cleped it Ierosolomye (CMMANDEV,48.1196) And after +tat men cleped it Ierusalem (CMMANDEV,48.1197) & so it is cleped +git . (CMMANDEV,48.1198) And aboute Ierusalem is the kyngdom of Surrye (CMMANDEV,48.1199) And +tere besyde is the lond of Palestyne (CMMANDEV,48.1200) And besyde it is Ascolone (CMMANDEV,48.1201) And besyde +tat is the lond of Maritame . (CMMANDEV,48.1202) But Ierusalem is in the lond of Iudee , (CMMANDEV,48.1203) And it is clept Iude for +tat Iudas Machabeus was kyng of +tat contree (CMMANDEV,48.1204) And it marcheth Estward to the kyngdom of Arabye , on the south syde to the lond of Egipt & on the west syde to the gret see , On the north syde toward the kyngdom of Surrye & to the see of Cypre . (CMMANDEV,48.1205) In Ierusalem was wont to be a Patriark & Erchebysschoppes & Bisschoppes abouten in the contree . (CMMANDEV,48.1206) Abowten Ierusalem ben +teise cytees : Ebron at .vij. myle , Ierico at .vj. myle , Bersabee at .viij. myle , Ascalon at .xvij. myle , Iaff at .xvj. myle , Ramatha at .iij. myle And Bethleem at .ij. myle . (CMMANDEV,48.1207) And a .ij. myle from Bethleem toward the south is the chirche of seynt karitot +tat was Abbot +tere For whom +tei maden meche doel amonges the monkes whan he scholde dye (CMMANDEV,49.1208) & +git +tei ben in moornynge in the wise +tat +tei maden here lamentacioun for him the firste tyme (CMMANDEV,49.1209) & it is full gret pytee to beholde . (CMMANDEV,49.1210) This contree & lond of Ierusalem hath ben in many dyuerse naciounes hondes (CMMANDEV,49.1211) And often +terfore hath the contree suffred meche tribulacioun for the synne of the poeple +tat duellen +tere . (CMMANDEV,49.1212) For +tat contree hath ben in the hondes of all nacyouns +tat is to seyne of Iewes , of Chananees , Assiryenes , Perses , Medoynes , Macedoynes , of Grekes , Romaynes , of Cristenemen , of Sarrazines , Barbaryenes , Turkes , Tartaryenes & of manye othere dyuerse nacyouns . (CMMANDEV,49.1213) For god wole not +tat it be longe in the hondes of traytoures ne of synneres be +tei cristene or othere (CMMANDEV,49.1214) And now haue the hethene men holden +tat lond in here hondes .xl. +gere & more , (CMMANDEV,49.1215) But +tei schull not holde it longe +gif god wole . (CMMANDEV,49.1216) And +gee schull vndirstonde +tat whan men comen to Ierusalem here first pilgrymage is to the chirche of the holy Sepulcre where oure lord was buryed (CMMANDEV,49.1217) +tat is withoute the cytee on the north syde (CMMANDEV,49.1218) But it is now enclosed in with the toun wall . (CMMANDEV,49.1219) And +tere is a full fair chirche all Rownd & open aboue & couered with leed (CMMANDEV,49.1220) And on the west syde is a fair tour & an high for belles strongly made (CMMANDEV,49.1221) And in the myddes of the chirche is a tabernacle as it were a lytyll hows made with a low lityll dore (CMMANDEV,49.1222) And +tat tabernacle is made in manere of half a compas right couriousely & richely made of gold & azure & o+tere riche coloures full nobelyche made (CMMANDEV,49.1223) And in the right syde of +tat tabernacle is the sepulcre of oure lord (CMMANDEV,49.1224) And the tabernacle is .viij. fote long & .v. fote wyde & .xj. fote in heghte . (CMMANDEV,49.1225) And it is not longe sithe the sepulcre was all open +tat men myghten kisse it & touche it . (CMMANDEV,49.1226) But for pilgrymes +tat comen thider peyned hem to breke the ston in peces or in poudre +terfore the Soudan hath do make a wall aboute the sepulcre +tat noman may towche it . (CMMANDEV,49.1227) But in the left syde of the wall of the tabernacle is wel the heighte of a man is a gret ston to the quantytee of a mannes hed +tat was of the holy sepulere (CMMANDEV,49.1228) & +tat ston kissen the pilgrymes +tat comen +tider . (CMMANDEV,50.1229) In +tat tabernacle ben no wyndowes (CMMANDEV,50.1230) but it is all made light with lampes +tat hangen before the sepulcre (CMMANDEV,50.1231) And +tere is a lampe +tat hongeth before the Sepulcre +tat brenneth light (CMMANDEV,50.1232) & on the gode Fryday it goth out be himself (CMMANDEV,50.1233) and on +te Pasch day it lightez agayne by it self at +tat hour +tat oure lord roos fro deth to lyue . (CMMANDEV,50.1234) Also with in the chirche at the right syde besyde the queer of the chirche is the mount of Caluarye where oure lord was don on the cros (CMMANDEV,50.1235) And it is a roche of white colour and a lytill medled with red (CMMANDEV,50.1236) And the cros was set in a morteys in the same roche (CMMANDEV,50.1237) & on +tat roche dropped the woundes of oure lord whan he was pyned on the cross (CMMANDEV,50.1238) & +tat is cleped Galgatha , (CMMANDEV,50.1239) And men gon vp to +tat Golgatha be degrees . (CMMANDEV,50.1240) And in the place of +tat morteys was Adames hed founden after Noes flode in tokene +tat the synnes of Adam scholde ben bought in +tat same place (CMMANDEV,50.1241) And vpon +tat roche made Abraham sacrifise to oure lord . (CMMANDEV,50.1242) And +tere is an awtere (CMMANDEV,50.1243) And before +tat awtier ly+gn Godefray de Beleyne & Bawdewyn & o+tere cristene kynges of Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,50.1244) And +tere nygh where oure lord was crucyfied is this writen in Greew : (CMMANDEV,50.1245) OTHEOS BASILION YSMON PROSIONAS ERGASA SOTHIAS EMESOTIS GYS . +Tat is to seyne in latyn : HIC DEUS NOSTER REX ANTE SECULA OPERATUS EST SALUTEM IN MEDIO TERRE . +Tat is to seye : this god oure kyng before the worldes hath wrought hele in mydds of the erthe . (CMMANDEV,50.1246) And also on +tat roche where the eros was sett is writen within the roche +teise wordes : (CMMANDEV,50.1247) CYOS MYST YS BASIS TOUPISTEOS THEY THESMOFY , +tat is to seyne in latyn : QUOD VIDES EST FUNDAMENTUM TOCIUS FIDEI MUNDI HUIUS , +tat is to seye : +tat +tou seest is ground of all the world & of this feyth . (CMMANDEV,50.1248) And +gee schull vndirstonde +tat whan oure lord was don vpon the cros he was .xxxiij. +ger & .iij. monethes of elde (CMMANDEV,50.1249) And the prophecye of Dauid seyth +tus : QUADRAGINTA ANNIS PROXIMUS FUI GENERACIONI HUIC , +tat is to seye : Fourty +geer was I neighbore to this kynrede , (CMMANDEV,50.1250) And +tus scholde it seme +tat the prophecyes ne were not trewe , (CMMANDEV,51.1252) But +tei ben bothe trewe , (CMMANDEV,51.1253) For in old tyme men maden to +geer of .x. monethes , of the whiche March was the first & Decembre was the laste , (CMMANDEV,51.1254) But Gayus +tat was Emperour of Rome putte +teise .ij. monethes +tere to : Janyuer & Feuerer (CMMANDEV,51.1255) & ordeyned the +geer of .xij. monethes , +tat is to seye .ccclxv. days withoute lepe +geer , after the propre cours of the sonne . (CMMANDEV,51.1256) And +terfore after cowntynge of .x. monethes of the +geer he dyede in the .xl. +geer as the prophete seyde (CMMANDEV,51.1257) & after the +geer of .xij. monethes he was of age .xxxiij. +geer & .iij. monethes . (CMMANDEV,51.1258) Also within the mount of Caluarie on the right side is an awtere where the piler ly+gth +tat oure lord Ihesu was bounden to whan he was scourged (CMMANDEV,51.1259) And +tere besyde .iiij. fote ben .iiij. pileres of ston +tat allweys droppen water (CMMANDEV,51.1260) & summen seyn +tat +tei wepen for oure lordes deth . (CMMANDEV,51.1261) And nygh +tat awtier is a place vnder erthe .xlij. degrees of depnesse where the holy croys was founden be the wytt of seynte Elyne vnder a roche where the Iewes had hidde it (CMMANDEV,51.1262) And +tat was the verray croys assayed (CMMANDEV,51.1263) For +tei founden .iij. crosses , on of oure lord & .ij. of the .ij. thefes (CMMANDEV,51.1264) And syente Elyne preued hem on a ded body +tat aros from deth to lyue whan +tat it was leyed on it +tat oure lord dyed on . (CMMANDEV,51.1265) And +tereby in the wall is the place where the .iiij. nayles of oure lord weren hidd , (CMMANDEV,51.1266) for he had .ij. in his hondes & .ij. in his feet (CMMANDEV,51.1267) And of on of +teise the Emperour of Constantynople made a brydill to his hors to bere him in bataylle (CMMANDEV,51.1268) & +torgh vertue +tereof he ouercam his enemyes (CMMANDEV,51.1269) And wan all the lond of Asye the lesse +tat is to seye Turkey , Ermonye the lasse & the more And from Surrye to Ierusalem , From Arabye to Persie , from Mesopotayme to the kyngdom of Halappee , From Egypt the highe & the lowe & all the o+tere kyngdomes vnto the depe of Ethiope & in to ynde the lesse +tat +tanne was cristene . (CMMANDEV,51.1270) And +tere was in +tat tyme many gode holy men & holy heremytes of whom the book of fadres lyfes speketh (CMMANDEV,51.1271) & +tei ben now in paynemes & sarazines hondes , (CMMANDEV,51.1272) But whan god all myghty wole right als the londes weren lost +torgh synne of cristene men , so schull +tei ben wonnen a+gen be cristen men +torgh help of god . (CMMANDEV,52.1273) And in myddes of +tat chirche is a compas in the whiche Ioseph of Aramathie leyde the body of oure lord whan he had taken him down of the croys (CMMANDEV,52.1274) & +tere he wassched the woundes of oure lord (CMMANDEV,52.1275) And +tat compas seye men is the myddes of the world . (CMMANDEV,52.1276) And in the chirche of the sepulchre on the north syde is the place where our lord was put in prisoun , (CMMANDEV,52.1277) For he was in prisoun in many places . (CMMANDEV,52.1278) And +ter is a partye of the cheyne +tat he was bounden with (CMMANDEV,52.1279) And +tere he appered first to Marie Magdaleyne whan he was rysen (CMMANDEV,52.1280) & sche wende +tat he had ben a gardener . (CMMANDEV,52.1281) In the chirche of seynt Sepulcre was wont to ben Chanouns of the ordre of seynt Augustyn (CMMANDEV,52.1282) & hadden a Priour (CMMANDEV,52.1283) but the Patriark was here souereyn . (CMMANDEV,52.1284) And withoute the dores of the chirche on the right syde as men gon vpward .xviij. greces seyde oure lord to his moder : MULIER ECCE FILIUS TUUS , +tat is to seye : Womman lo thi sone , (CMMANDEV,52.1285) And after +tat he seyde to John his disciple : ECCE MATER TUA , +tat is to seyne : lo behold thi moder (CMMANDEV,52.1286) And +teise words he seyde on the cros . (CMMANDEV,52.1287) And on +teise greces wente oure lord whan he bare the cros on his schulder (CMMANDEV,52.1288) And vnder this grees is a chapell (CMMANDEV,52.1289) & in +tat chapell syngen prestes yndyenes +tat is to seye prestes of ynde noght after oure lawe but after here (CMMANDEV,52.1290) & all wey +tei maken here sacrement of the awtier of breed seyenge PATER NOSTER & o+tere preyeres +terewith , With the whiche preyeres +tei seye the wordes +tat the sacrement is made of (CMMANDEV,52.1291) For +tei ne knowe not the Addiciouns +tat many popes han made , (CMMANDEV,52.1292) but +tei synge with gode deuocioun . (CMMANDEV,52.1293) And +tere nere is the place where +tat oure lord rested him whan he was wery for berynge of the cros . (CMMANDEV,52.1294) And +gee schull vnderstoude +tat before the chirche of the Sepulcre is the cytee more feble +tan in ony othere partie for the grete playn +tat is betwene the chirche & the citee . (CMMANDEV,52.1295) And toward the Est syde withoute the walles of the cytee is the vale of Iosaphath +tat toucheth to the walles as +tough it were a large dych , (CMMANDEV,53.1296) And abouen +tat vale of Iosaphath , out of the cytee , is the chirche of Seynt Steuene where he was stoned to deth (CMMANDEV,53.1297) And +tere beside is the gildene +gate +tat may not ben opened , be the whiche +gate oure lord entrede on PALMESONDAY vpon an asse (CMMANDEV,53.1298) & the +gate opened a+genst him whan he wolde go vnto the temple (CMMANDEV,53.1299) And +git apperen the steppes of the asses feet in .iij. places of the degrees +tat ben of full harde ston . (CMMANDEV,53.1300) And before the chirche of seynt Sepulcre toward the south a .cc. paas is the gret hospitall of seynt Iohn of the whiche the Hospitaleres hadd here foundacioun (CMMANDEV,53.1301) And withinne the palays of the sekemen of +tat hospitall ben .vj.=xx= & .iiij. pileres of ston (CMMANDEV,53.1302) And in the walles of the hows withoute the nombre aboueseyd +tere ben .liiij=ti=. pileres +tat beren vp the hows (CMMANDEV,53.1303) And fro +tat hospitall to go toward the Est is a full fayr chirche +tat is clept nostre Dame la graund (CMMANDEV,53.1304) And +tan is +tere another chirche right nygh +tat is clept nostre Dame de latyne . (CMMANDEV,53.1305) And +tere weren Marie Cleophee & Marie Magdaleyne (CMMANDEV,53.1306) & teren here heer whan oure lord was peyned in the cros . (CMMANDEV,53.1307) OF THE TEMPLE OF OURE LORD ; OF THE CRUELTEE OF KYNG HEROUD ; OF THE MOUNT SYON ; OF PROBATICA PISCINA , AND OF NATATORIUM SYLOE . (CMMANDEV,53.1309) And fro the chirche of the Sepulcre toward the Est at .viij=xx=. paas is TEMPLUM DOMINI . (CMMANDEV,53.1311) It is right a feir hows (CMMANDEV,53.1312) & it is all round & high & $cuuered with leed (CMMANDEV,53.1313) & it is wel paued with white marble , (CMMANDEV,53.1314) But the sarazines wole not suffre no cristene man ne Iewes to come +terein , (CMMANDEV,53.1315) For +tei seyn +tat none so foule synfull men scholde not come in so holy place . (CMMANDEV,53.1316) But I cam in +tere & in othere places +tere I wolde (CMMANDEV,53.1317) for I hadde lettres of the Soudan with his grete seel (CMMANDEV,54.1318) & comounly o+ter men han but his signett . In the whiche lettres he commanded of his specyall grace to all his subgettes to lete me seen all the places & to enforme me pleynly all the mysteries of euery place & to condyte me fro cytee to cytee +gif it were nede & buxomly to resceyue me & my companye & for to obeye to all my requestes resonable +gif +tei weren not gretly a+gen the Ryall power & dignytee of the Soudan or of his lawe . (CMMANDEV,54.1319) And to o+tere +tat asken him grace , suche as han serued him he ne +geueth not but his signett the whiche +tei make to be born before hem hangynge on a spere . (CMMANDEV,54.1320) And the folk of the contree don gret worschipe & reuerence to his signett or his seel (CMMANDEV,54.1321) & knelen +tereto as lowly as wee don to CORPUS DOMINI (CMMANDEV,54.1322) And +git men don full grettere reuerence to his lettres , (CMMANDEV,54.1323) For the Admyrall & all o+tere lordes +tat +tei ben schewed to , before or +tei resceyue hem +tei knelen doun (CMMANDEV,54.1324) & +tan +tei take hem (CMMANDEV,54.1325) & putten hem on here hedes (CMMANDEV,54.1326) & after +tei kissen hem (CMMANDEV,54.1327) & +tan +tei reden hem knelynge with gret reuerence (CMMANDEV,54.1328) & +tan +tei offren hem to do all +tat the berere asketh . (CMMANDEV,54.1329) And in this templum domini weren somtyme Chanouns Reguleres (CMMANDEV,54.1330) & +tei hadden an Abbot to whom +tei weren obedient . (CMMANDEV,54.1331) And in this temple was Charlemayn whan +tat the aungell broughte him the prepuce of oure lord Ihesu crist of his Circumcisioun (CMMANDEV,54.1332) And after kyng Charles leet bryngen it to Parys in to his chapell (CMMANDEV,54.1333) And after +tat he leet brynge it to Peyteres & after +tat to Chartres . (CMMANDEV,54.1334) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat this is not the temple +tat Salomon made , (CMMANDEV,54.1335) for +tat temple dured not but .m=l= c & ij. +geer , (CMMANDEV,54.1336) For Tytus Vaspasianes sone Emperour of Rome had leyd sege aboute Ierusalem for to discomfyte the Iewes (CMMANDEV,54.1337) for +tei putten oure lord to dethe , withouten leue of the Emperour (CMMANDEV,54.1338) And whan he hadde wonnen the cytee he brente the temple (CMMANDEV,54.1339) & beet it down & all the cytee (CMMANDEV,54.1340) & toke the Iewes (CMMANDEV,54.1341) & dide hem to dethe (CMMANDEV,54.1342) & the othere he putte in prisoun (CMMANDEV,54.1343) & solde hem to seruage .xxx. for o peny , (CMMANDEV,55.1344) for +tei seyde +tei boughte Ihesu for .xxx=ti=. penyes (CMMANDEV,55.1345) And he made of hem better cheep Whan he +gaf .xxx=ti=. for o peny . (CMMANDEV,55.1346) And after +tat tyme IULIANUS APOSTATA +tat was Emperour +gaf leue to the Iewes to make the temple of Ierusalem (CMMANDEV,55.1347) for he hated cristene men . (CMMANDEV,55.1348) And +git he was cristned (CMMANDEV,55.1349) but he forsoke his lawe (CMMANDEV,55.1350) & becam a renegate (CMMANDEV,55.1351) And whan the Iewes hadden made the temple com an erthequakeng (CMMANDEV,55.1352) & cast it doun as god wolde (CMMANDEV,55.1353) & destroyed all +tat +tei had made . (CMMANDEV,55.1354) And after +tat Adryan +tat was Emperour of Rome & of the lynage of Troye made Ierusalem a+gen & the temple in the same manere as Salomon made it (CMMANDEV,55.1355) And he wolde not suffre no Iewes to dwell +tere , but only cristene men , (CMMANDEV,55.1356) For all+tough it were so +tat he were not cristned +git he louede cristene men more +tan ony other nacioun saf his owne . (CMMANDEV,55.1357) This Emperour leet enclose the chirche of seynt Sepulcre & walle it within the cytee , +tat before was withoute the cytee long tyme beforn (CMMANDEV,55.1358) And he wolde haue chaunged the name of Ierusalem & haue cleped it Elya (CMMANDEV,55.1359) But +tat name lasted not longe . (CMMANDEV,55.1360) Also +gee schull vndirstonde +tat the sarazines don moche reuerence to +tat temple (CMMANDEV,55.1361) & +tei seyn +tat that place is right holy (CMMANDEV,55.1362) And whan +tei gon in +tei gon barefote (CMMANDEV,55.1363) & knelen many tymes (CMMANDEV,55.1364) And whanne my felowes & I seygh +tat whan wee comen in wee diden of oure schoon (CMMANDEV,55.1365) & camen in barefote (CMMANDEV,55.1366) & +toughten +tat wee scholden don as moche worschipe & reuerence +tereto as ony of the mysbeleeuynge men scholde & als gret conpunctioun in herte to haue . (CMMANDEV,55.1367) This temple is .lxiiij. cubytes of wydeness & als manye in lengthe (CMMANDEV,55.1368) And of heghte it is .vj. cubites (CMMANDEV,55.1369) And it is withjnne all aboute made with pyleres of marble (CMMANDEV,55.1370) & in the myddel place of the temple ben many high stages of .xiiij. degrees of heghte made with gode pylers all aboute . (CMMANDEV,55.1371) And this place the Iewes callen SANCTA SANCTORUM +tat is to seye holy of halewes (CMMANDEV,55.1372) And in +tat place cometh noman saf only here prelate +tat maketh here sacrifise (CMMANDEV,55.1373) And the folk stonden all aboute in diuerse stages after +tei ben of dignytee or of worschipe so +tat +tei all may see the sacrifice . (CMMANDEV,56.1374) And in +tat temple ben .iiij. entrees (CMMANDEV,56.1375) & the +gates ben of cypress wel made & curiousely dight (CMMANDEV,56.1376) And within the Est +gate oure lord seyde : here is Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,56.1377) And in the north syde of +tat temple within the +gate +tere is a welle (CMMANDEV,56.1378) but it renneth noght of the whiche holy writt speketh of (CMMANDEV,56.1379) & seyth : VIDI AQUAM EGREDIETEM DE TEMPLO , +tat is to seyne : I saugh water come out of the temple . (CMMANDEV,56.1380) And on +tat other syde of the temple +tere is a roche +tat men clepen Moriach , (CMMANDEV,56.1381) but after it was clept Bethel where the Arke of god with the relykes of Iewes weren wont to ben put . (CMMANDEV,56.1382) +Tat arke or hucche with the Relikes Tytus ledde with hym to Rome whan he had scomfyted all the Iewes . (CMMANDEV,56.1383) In +tat arke weren the .x. commandementes & of Aarones +gerde & of Moyses +gerde with the whiche he made the rede see departen as it had ben a wall on the right syde & on the left syde , while +tat the peple of Israel passeden the see drye foot . (CMMANDEV,56.1384) And with +tat +gerde he smoot the Roche (CMMANDEV,56.1385) & the water cam out of it (CMMANDEV,56.1386) & with +tat +gerde he dide manye wondres . (CMMANDEV,56.1387) And +tere in was a vessel of gold full of MANNA & clothinges & honournementes & the tablernacle of Aaron & a $table square of gold with .xij. precyous stones And a boyst of Iasper grene with .iiij. figures & .viij. names of oure lord & .vij. candelstykes of gold & .xij. pottes of gold & .iiij. Censeres of gold & an Awtier of gold & .iiij. lyouns of gold vpon the whiche +tei bare Cherubyn of gold .xij. spannes long and the Cercle of Swannes of heuene with a tabernacle of gold & a table of syluer & .ij. trompes of siluer & .vij. barly louves & all the o+tere relikes +tat weren before the birthe of oure lord Ihesu crist . (CMMANDEV,56.1388) And vpon +tat roche was Iacob slepynge whan he saugh the aungeles gon vp & doun by a ladder & he seyde : VERE LOCUS ISTE SANCTUS EST & EGO IGNORABAM , +tat is to seyne : Forsothe this place is holy & I wiste it nought . (CMMANDEV,56.1389) And +tere an aungel helde Iacob stille (CMMANDEV,57.1390) & turned his name (CMMANDEV,57.1391) and cleped him Israel . (CMMANDEV,57.1392) And in +tat same place Dauid saugh the Aungell +tat smot the folk with a swerd & put it vp blody in the schethe . (CMMANDEV,57.1393) And in +tat same Roche was seynt Symeon whan he resceyued oure lord in to the temple . (CMMANDEV,57.1394) And in this roche he sette him whan the Iewes wolde a stoned him & a strerre cam doun & +gaf him light . (CMMANDEV,57.1395) And vpon +tat Roche preched oure lord often tyme to the peple (CMMANDEV,57.1396) & out +tat seyd temple oure lord drof out the byggeres & the selleres . (CMMANDEV,57.1397) And vpon +tat roche oure lord sette him whan the Iewes wolde haue stoned him (CMMANDEV,57.1398) & the Roche cleef in two (CMMANDEV,57.1399) & in +tat cleuynge was oure lord hidd (CMMANDEV,57.1400) And +tere cam doun a sterre (CMMANDEV,57.1401) & +gaf light (CMMANDEV,57.1402) & serued him with claretee . (CMMANDEV,57.1403) And vpon +tat roche satt oure lady (CMMANDEV,57.1404) & lerned hire sawtere (CMMANDEV,57.1405) And +tere oure lord for+gaf the womman hire synnes +tat was founden in avowtrie (CMMANDEV,57.1406) And +tere was oure lord circumcyded (CMMANDEV,57.1407) And +tere the aungell schewede tydynges to zacharie of the birthe of seynt Baptyst his sone (CMMANDEV,57.1408) And +tere offred first Melchisedech bred & wyn to oure lord to tokene of the sacrement +tat was to comene (CMMANDEV,57.1409) And +tere fell Dauid preyeng to oure lord & to the Aungell +tat smot the peple +tat he wolde haue mercy on him & on the peple (CMMANDEV,57.1410) & oure lord herde his preyere (CMMANDEV,57.1411) & +terfore wolde he make the temple in +tat place , (CMMANDEV,57.1412) but oure lord forbade him be an Aungell . (CMMANDEV,57.1413) for he had don tresoun whan he leet sle vrie the worthi knyght for to haue Bersabee his wyf (CMMANDEV,57.1414) And +terfore all the purueyance +tat he hadde ordeyned to make the temple with he toke it Salomon his sone (CMMANDEV,57.1415) & he made it . (CMMANDEV,57.1416) And he preyed oure lord +tat all +to +tat preyeden to him in +tat place with gode herte +tat he wolde heren here preyere & graunten it hem +gif +tei asked it right fullyche (CMMANDEV,57.1417) And oure lord graunted him (CMMANDEV,57.1418) And +terfore Salomon cleped +tat temple the temple of conseill & of help of god . (CMMANDEV,57.1419) And withoute the +gate of +tat temple is an awtiere where Iewes weren wont to offren dowues & turtles . (CMMANDEV,57.1420) And betwene the temple & +tat awtier was zacharie slayn (CMMANDEV,57.1421) & vpon the pynacle of +tat temple was oure lord brought for to ben tempted of the enemye the feend . (CMMANDEV,58.1422) And on the heghte of +tat pynacle the Iewes setten seynt Iame (CMMANDEV,58.1423) & casted hym down to the erthe +tat first was bisschopp of Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,58.1424) And at the entree of +tat temple toward the west is the +gate +tat is clept PORTA SPECIOSA . (CMMANDEV,58.1425) And nygh besyde +tat temple vpon the right syde is a chirche couered with leed +tat is clept Salomones scole (CMMANDEV,58.1426) And fro +tat temple towardes the south right nygh is the temple of Salomon +tat is right fair & wel pollisscht (CMMANDEV,58.1427) And in +tat temple duelle the knyghtes of the temple +tat weren wont to be clept TEMPLERES (CMMANDEV,58.1428) & +tat was the fundacioun of here ordre so +tat +tere duelleden knightes & IN TEMPLO DOMINI chanouns Reguleres . (CMMANDEV,58.1429) Fro +tat temple to ward the Est a .vj=xx=. paas in the cornere of the cytee is the bath of oure lord (CMMANDEV,58.1430) And in +tat bath was wont to come water fro paradys (CMMANDEV,58.1431) & +get it droppeth . (CMMANDEV,58.1432) And +tere besyde is oure ladyes bed (CMMANDEV,58.1433) And faste by is the $tombe of seynt Symeon . (CMMANDEV,58.1434) & withoute the cloystre of the temple toward the north is a full faire chirche of seynte Anne oure ladyes moder (CMMANDEV,58.1435) And +ter was oure lady conceyued (CMMANDEV,58.1436) And before +tat chirche is a gret tree +tat began to growe the same nyght . (CMMANDEV,58.1437) And vnder +tat chirche in goenge doun be .xxij. degrees lyth Ioachym oure ladyes fader in a faire tombe of ston (CMMANDEV,58.1438) And +tere besyde lay somtyme seynt Anne his wif (CMMANDEV,58.1439) but seynt Helyne leet translate hire to Constantynople . (CMMANDEV,58.1440) And in +tat chirche is a welle in manere of a cisterne +tat is clept PROBATICA PISCINA +tat hat .v. entreez . (CMMANDEV,58.1441) Into +tat welle Aungels weren wont to come from heuene & bathen hem withjnne (CMMANDEV,58.1442) & what man +tat first bathed him after the mevynge of the water was made hool of what maner sykenes +tat he hadde . (CMMANDEV,58.1443) And +tere oure lord heled a man of the palasye +tat lay .xxxviij. +geer (CMMANDEV,58.1444) & oure lord seyde to him : TOLLE GRABATUM TUUM & AMBULA , +tat is to seye : Take thi bed (CMMANDEV,58.1445) & go . (CMMANDEV,58.1446) And +tere besyde was Pilates hows (CMMANDEV,58.1447) And faste by is kyng Heroudes hows +tat leet sle the Innocentes . (CMMANDEV,58.1448) This heroude was ouer moche cursed & cruell . (CMMANDEV,59.1449) for first he leet sle his wif +tat he louede right well (CMMANDEV,59.1450) & for the passynge loue +tat he hadde to hire whan he saugh hire ded he fell in a rage & oute of his wytt a gret while (CMMANDEV,59.1451) & sithen he cam a+gen to his wytt (CMMANDEV,59.1452) & after he leet sle his .ij. sones +tat he hadde of +tat wyf . (CMMANDEV,59.1453) And after +tat he leet sle another of his wyfes & a sone +tat he hadde with hire (CMMANDEV,59.1454) And after +tat he let sle his owne moder (CMMANDEV,59.1455) & he wolde haue slayn his bro+ter also , (CMMANDEV,59.1456) but he dyede sodeynly . (CMMANDEV,59.1457) And after +tat he dide all the harm +tat he cowde or myghte (CMMANDEV,59.1458) And after he fell in to sekness (CMMANDEV,59.1459) & whan he felte +tat he scholde dye he sente after his suster & after all the lordes of his lond (CMMANDEV,59.1460) & whan +tei were comen he leet commande hem to prisoun (CMMANDEV,59.1461) & +tan he seyde to his suster he wiste wel +tat men of the contree wolde make no sorwe for his deth (CMMANDEV,59.1462) & +terfore he made his suster swere +tat sche scholde lete smyte of all the hedes of the lordes whan he were ded (CMMANDEV,59.1463) & +tan scholde all the lond make sorwe for his deth & ell noght (CMMANDEV,59.1464) & +tus he made his testement . (CMMANDEV,59.1465) but his suster fulfilled not his will (CMMANDEV,59.1466) For als sone as he was ded sche delyuered all the lordes out of prisoun (CMMANDEV,59.1467) & lete hem gon eche lord to his owne $hous (CMMANDEV,59.1468) & tolde hem all the purpose of hire brothers ordynance (CMMANDEV,59.1469) & so was this cursede kyng neuer made sorwe fore as he supposed for to haue ben . (CMMANDEV,59.1470) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat in +tat tyme +tere weren .iij. heroudes of gret name & loos for here crueltee . (CMMANDEV,59.1471) This heroude of which I haue spoken offe was HEROUD ASCOLONITE (CMMANDEV,59.1472) And he +tat leet beheden seynt Iohn the Baptist was HEROUDE ANTYPA (CMMANDEV,59.1473) And he +tat leet smyte of seynt Iames hed was HEROUDE AGRIPPA (CMMANDEV,59.1474) & he putte seynt Peter in prisoun . (CMMANDEV,59.1475) Also furthermore in the cytee is the chirch of seynt Sauyour (CMMANDEV,59.1476) & +tere is the left Arm of Iohn Grisostom & the more partye of the hed of seynt Steuene . (CMMANDEV,59.1477) And on +tat o+ter syde in the strete toward the south as men gon to mount Syon is a chirche of seynt Iames where he was beheded . (CMMANDEV,59.1478) And fro +tat chirche a .vj=xx=. paas is the mount Syon (CMMANDEV,59.1479) & +tere is a faire chirche of oure lady where sche dwelled (CMMANDEV,59.1480) & +tere shee dyed (CMMANDEV,59.1481) And +tere was wont to ben an abbot of Chanouns reguleres , (CMMANDEV,60.1482) And fro +tens was sche born of the Apostles vnto the vale of Iosaphath . (CMMANDEV,60.1483) And +tere is the ston +tat the Aungell broughte to oure lady fro the mount of Synay (CMMANDEV,60.1484) & it is of +tat colour +tat the roche is of seynt kateryne (CMMANDEV,60.1485) And +tere besyde is the +gate where thorgh oure lady wente whan sche was with childe whan sche wente to Bethleem . (CMMANDEV,60.1486) Also $at the entree of the mount syon is a chapell (CMMANDEV,60.1487) & in +tat chapell is the ston gret & large with the whiche the sepulcre was couered with whan Ioseph of Aramathie had put oure lord +terejnne . The whiche ston the .iij. Maries sawen turnen vpward whan +tei comen to the sepulcre the day of his resurrexioun (CMMANDEV,60.1488) And +tere founden an aungell +tat tolde hem of oure lordes vprisynge fro deth to lyue . (CMMANDEV,60.1489) And +tere also is a ston in a wall besyde the +gate of the pyleer +tat oure lord was scourged ate . (CMMANDEV,60.1490) And +tere was Annes hows +tat was Bisshop of the Iewes in +tat tyme (CMMANDEV,60.1491) And +tere was oure lord examyned in the nyght & scourged & smyten & vyleously entreted . (CMMANDEV,60.1492) And in +tat same place seynt Peter forsoke oure lord thries or the cok creew . (CMMANDEV,60.1493) And +tere is a party of the table +tat he made his souper onne whan he made his maundee with his discyples whan he +gaf hem his flesch & his blode in forme of bred & wyn . (CMMANDEV,60.1494) And vnder +tat chapell .xxxij. degrees is the place where oure lord wossch his disciples fete (CMMANDEV,60.1495) And +git is the vessell where the water was (CMMANDEV,60.1496) And +tere besyde +tat same vessell was seynt Steuene buryed (CMMANDEV,60.1497) And +tere is the autier where oure lady herde the Aungeles synge messe (CMMANDEV,60.1498) And +tere appered first oure lord to his disciples after his Resurrexioun the +gates enclosed (CMMANDEV,60.1499) and seyde to hem : PAX VOBIS , +tat is to seye : Pees to +gou (CMMANDEV,60.1500) & on +tat mount appered crist to seynt Thomas the Apostle (CMMANDEV,60.1501) and bad him assaye his woundes (CMMANDEV,60.1502) & +tan beleeued he first (CMMANDEV,60.1503) & seyde : DOMINUS MEUS & DEUS MEUS , +tat is to seye : my lord & my god . (CMMANDEV,60.1504) In the same chirche besyde the awteer weren all the Aposteles on Wytsonday when the holy gost descended on hem in lykness of fuyr . (CMMANDEV,61.1505) And +tere made oure lord his Pask with his disciples (CMMANDEV,61.1506) And +tere slepte seynt Iohn the Euuangelist vpon the breest of oure lord Ihesu crist (CMMANDEV,61.1507) & saugh slepynge many heuenly priuytees . (CMMANDEV,61.1508) Mount Syon is withjnne the cytee (CMMANDEV,61.1509) & it is a lytill hiere +tan the o+ter syde of the cytee (CMMANDEV,61.1510) And the cytee is strongere on +tat syde +tan on +tat other syde (CMMANDEV,61.1511) For at the foot of the mount Syon is a faire castell & a strong +tat the soudan leet make . (CMMANDEV,61.1512) In the mount Syon weren buryed kyng Dauid & kyng Salomon & many othere kynges Iewes of Ierusalem (CMMANDEV,61.1513) And +tere is the place where the Iewes wolden han cast vp the body of oure lady whan the Apostles beren the body to be buryed in the vale of Iosaphath (CMMANDEV,61.1514) And +tere is the place where seynt Petir wepte full tenderly after +tat he hadde forsaken oure lord . (CMMANDEV,61.1515) And a stones cast fro +tat chapell is ano+ter chapell where oure lord was jugged , (CMMANDEV,61.1516) for +tat tyme was +tere Cayphases hows . (CMMANDEV,61.1517) From +tat chapell to go toward the est at .vij=xx=. paas is a depe cave vnder the roche +tat is clept the Galylee of oure lord where seynt Peter hidde him whan he had forsaken oure lord . (CMMANDEV,61.1518) Item (CMMANDEV,61.1519) betwene the mount syon & the temple Salomon is the place where oure lord reysed the mayden in hire faderes hows . (CMMANDEV,61.1520) Vnder the mount Syon toward the vale of Iosaphath is a welle +tat is clept NATAORIUM SILOE (CMMANDEV,61.1521) & +tere was oure lord wasshen after his bapteme (CMMANDEV,61.1522) And +tere made oure lord the blynde man to see (CMMANDEV,61.1523) And +tere was yburyed ysaye the prophete . (CMMANDEV,61.1524) Also streght from Natatorie Syloe is an ymage of ston & of olde auncyen werk +tat Absalon leet make (CMMANDEV,61.1525) And be cause +tere of men clepen it the hond of Absalon . (CMMANDEV,61.1526) And faste by is +git the tree of Eldre +tat Iudas henge him self vpon for dispeyr +tat he hadde whan he solde and betrayed oure lord . (CMMANDEV,61.1527) And +tere besyde was the synagogue where the bysschoppes of Iewes & the sarrazins camen togidere (CMMANDEV,61.1528) and helden here conseill (CMMANDEV,61.1529) And +tere caste Iudas the .xxx. pens before hem (CMMANDEV,61.1530) and seyde +tat he hadde synned betrayenge oure lord . (CMMANDEV,62.1531) And +tere nygh was the hows of the Apostles Philipp & Iacob Alphe . (CMMANDEV,62.1532) And on +tat o+ter syde of mount Syon toward the south be+gonde the vale a stones cast is Acheldamach +tat is to seye the feld of blood +tat was bought for the .xxx. pens +tat oure lord was sold fore (CMMANDEV,62.1533) And in +tat feld ben many tombes of cristene men (CMMANDEV,62.1534) for +tere ben manye pilgrymes grauen . (CMMANDEV,62.1535) And +tere ben many oratories as chapell & hermytages where heremytes weren wont to duell . (CMMANDEV,62.1536) And toward the est an .c. pas is the charnell of the hospitall of seynt Iohn where men weren wont to putte the bones of dede men . (CMMANDEV,62.1537) Also fro Ierusalem toward the west is a fair chirche where the tree of the cros grew . (CMMANDEV,62.1538) And .ij. myle fro +tens is a faire chirche where oure lady mette with Elizabeth whan +tei weren bothe with childe (CMMANDEV,62.1539) & seynt Iohn stered in his modres wombe (CMMANDEV,62.1540) & made reuerence to his creatour +tat he saugh not . (CMMANDEV,62.1541) And vnder the awtier of +tat chirche is the place where seynt Iohn was born . (CMMANDEV,62.1542) And from +tat chirche is a myle to the castell of Emaux . (CMMANDEV,62.1543) And +tere also oure lord schewed him to .ij. of his disciples after his resurrexioun . (CMMANDEV,62.1544) Also on +tat o+ter syde .cc. pas fro Ierusalem is a chirche where was wont to be the caue of the lyoun (CMMANDEV,62.1545) And vnder +tat chirche at .xxx=ti=. degrees of depness weren entered .xij m=l=. martieres in the tyme of kyng Cosdroe , +tat the lyoun mette withall in a nyght be the wille of god . (CMMANDEV,62.1546) Also fro Ierusalem .ij. myle is the mountjoye a full fair place & a delicyous (CMMANDEV,62.1547) and +tere lyth Samuel the prophete in afair tombe . (CMMANDEV,62.1548) And men clepen it mountioye for it +geueth ioye to pilgrymes hertes because +tat +tere men seen first Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,62.1549) Also betwene Ierusalem & the mount of Olyuete is the vale of Iosaphath vnder the walles of the cytee as I haue seyd before . (CMMANDEV,62.1550) And in the myddes of +tat vale is a lytill ryuere +tat men clepen TORRENS CEDRON . (CMMANDEV,62.1551) And abouen it ouerthwart lay a tre +tat the cros was made offe +tat men +geden ouer onne . (CMMANDEV,62.1552) And faste by it is a lityll pytt in the erthe where the foot of the pileer is +git entered (CMMANDEV,63.1553) And +tere was oure lord first scourged , (CMMANDEV,63.1554) for he was scorged & vileyusly entreted in many places . (CMMANDEV,63.1555) Also in the myddel place of the vale of Iosphath is the chirche of oure lady (CMMANDEV,63.1556) & it is of .xliiij. degrees vnder the erthe vnto the sepulchre of oure lady ; (CMMANDEV,63.1557) And oure lady was of age whan sche dyed .lxxij. +geer (CMMANDEV,63.1558) And beside the sepulcre of oure lady is an awtier where oure lord for+gaf seynt Peter all his synnes (CMMANDEV,63.1559) & fro thens toward the west vnder an awtere is a welle +tat cometh out of the flome of paradys . (CMMANDEV,63.1560) And wyteth wel +tat +tat chirch is full lowe in the erthe (CMMANDEV,63.1561) & sum is all withjnne the erthe , (CMMANDEV,63.1562) But I suppose wel +tat it was not so founded , But for because +tat Ierusalem hath often tyme ben destroyed & the walles abated & beten doun & tombled into the vale And +tat +tei han ben so filled a+gen & the ground enhaunced , (CMMANDEV,63.1563) & for +tat skyll is the chirche so lowe within the erthe (CMMANDEV,63.1564) & natheles men seyn +tere comounly +tat the erthe hath so ben clouen syth the tyme +tat oure lady was +tere buryed , (CMMANDEV,63.1565) And +git men seyn +tere +tat it wexeth & groweth euery day withouten dowte . (CMMANDEV,63.1566) In +tat chirche were wont to ben monkes blake +tat hadden hire abbot . (CMMANDEV,63.1567) And besyde +tat chirche is a chapell besyde the Roche +tat hight Gethsemany (CMMANDEV,63.1568) & +tere was oure lord kyssed of Iudas . (CMMANDEV,63.1569) And +tere was he taken of the Iewes (CMMANDEV,63.1570) And +tere laft oure lord his disciples whan he wente to preye before his passioun whan he preyed & seyde : PATER SI FIERI POTEST TRANSEAT A ME CALIX ISTE , +tat is to seye : Fader +gif it may be do lete this chalys go fro me , (CMMANDEV,63.1571) And whan he cam a+gen to his disciples he fond hem slepynge . (CMMANDEV,63.1572) And in the Roche withjnne the chapell +git apperen the fyngres of oure lordes hond whan he putte hem in the roche whan the Iewes wolden haue taken him . (CMMANDEV,63.1573) And fro thens a stones cast toward the south is another chapell where oure lord swette droppes of blood . (CMMANDEV,63.1574) And +tere right nygh is the tombe of kyng Iosaphath of whom the vale bereth the name . (CMMANDEV,63.1575) This Iosaphath was kyng of +tat contree (CMMANDEV,63.1576) & was conuerted by an heremyte +tat was a worthi man (CMMANDEV,63.1577) & dide moche gode . (CMMANDEV,63.1578) And fro +tens a bowe drawght toward the south is the chirche where seynt Iames & Zacharie the prophete weren buryed . (CMMANDEV,64.1579) And aboue +tat vale is the mount of Olyuete (CMMANDEV,64.1580) And it is cleped so for the plentee of Olyues +tat growen +tere . (CMMANDEV,64.1581) +Tat mount is more high +tan the cytee of Ierusalem is (CMMANDEV,64.1582) And +terfore may men vpon +tat mount see manye of the stretes of the cytee (CMMANDEV,64.1583) And betwene +tat mount & the cytee is not but the vale of Iosaphath +tat is not full large (CMMANDEV,64.1584) & fro +tat mount steigh oure lord Ihesu crist to heuene vpon Ascencioun day (CMMANDEV,64.1585) And +git +tere scheweth the schapp of his left foot in the ston , (CMMANDEV,64.1586) And +tere is a chirche where was wont to be An Abbot & Chanouns reguleres . (CMMANDEV,64.1587) And a lytyll thens .xxviij. pas is a chapell (CMMANDEV,64.1588) & +terein is the ston on the whiche oure lord sat whan he prechede the .viij. blessynges & seyde +tus : BEATI PAUPERES SPIRITU . (CMMANDEV,64.1589) And +tere he taughte his disciples the PATER NOSTER (CMMANDEV,64.1590) And wrot it with his fynger in a ston . (CMMANDEV,64.1591) And +tere nygh is a chirche of seynte Marie Egipcyane (CMMANDEV,64.1592) & +tere sche lyth in a tombe . (CMMANDEV,64.1593) And fro +tens toward the Est a .iij. bowe schote is Bethfagee to the whiche oure lord sente seynt Peter & seynt Iames for to seche the Asse vpon Palme sonday (CMMANDEV,64.1594) & rode vpon +tat asse to Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,64.1595) And in comynge doun fro the mount of Olyuete toward the est is a castell +tat is cleped Bethanye (CMMANDEV,64.1596) And +tere dwelte Symon leprous (CMMANDEV,64.1597) & +tere herberwed oure lord (CMMANDEV,64.1598) & after he was baptized of the apostles (CMMANDEV,64.1599) & was clept Iulian (CMMANDEV,64.1600) & was made bisschopp , (CMMANDEV,64.1601) And this is the same Iulyan +tat men clepte to for gode herberghgage , (CMMANDEV,64.1602) for oure lord herberwed with him in his hows . (CMMANDEV,64.1603) And in +tat hous oure lord for+gaf Marie Magdaleyne hire synnes , (CMMANDEV,64.1604) +tere sche wissch his feet with hire teres (CMMANDEV,64.1605) & wyped hem with hire heer (CMMANDEV,64.1606) And +tere serued seynt Martha oure lord ; (CMMANDEV,64.1607) +Tere oure lord reysed lazar fro deth to lyue +tat was ded .iiij. dayes & stank +tat was brother to Marie Magdaleyne & to Martha ; (CMMANDEV,64.1608) And +there duelte also Marie Cleophe . (CMMANDEV,64.1609) +Tat castell is wel a myle long fro Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,64.1610) Also in comynge doun fro the mount of Olyuete is the place where oure lord wepte vpon Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,64.1611) And +tere besyde is the place where oure lady $appered to seynt Thomas the Apostle after hire Assumpcioun (CMMANDEV,65.1612) & +gaf him hire gyrdyll . (CMMANDEV,65.1613) And right nygh is the ston where oure lord often tyme sat vpon whan he prechede (CMMANDEV,65.1614) And vpon +tat same he schall sytte at the day of doom right as him self seyde . (CMMANDEV,65.1615) Also after the mount of Olyuete is the mount of Galilee , (CMMANDEV,65.1616) +tere assembleden the Apostles whan Marie Magdaleyne cam & tolde hem of cristes vprisynge (CMMANDEV,65.1617) And +tere bewtwene the mount Olyuete & the mount Galilee is a chirche where the angle seyde to oure lady of hire deth . (CMMANDEV,65.1618) Also fro Bethanye to Ierico er fyue myle . (CMMANDEV,65.1619) Ierico was somtyme a lityll cytee (CMMANDEV,65.1620) but it is now all destroyed (CMMANDEV,65.1621) & now is +tere but a lityll village . (CMMANDEV,65.1622) +Tat citee tok Iosue be myracle of god & commandement of the Angel (CMMANDEV,65.1623) & destroyed it (CMMANDEV,65.1624) & cursed it & all hem +tat bygged it a+gen . (CMMANDEV,65.1625) Of +tat citee was zacheus the dwerf +tat clomb vp into the sycomour tre for to see oure lord because he was so litill , he myghte not seen him for the peple . (CMMANDEV,65.1626) And of +tat cytee was Raab the comoun womman +tat ascaped allone with hem of hire lynage (CMMANDEV,65.1627) & sche hadde often tyme refressched & fed the messageres of Israel & kepte hem from many periles of deth (CMMANDEV,65.1628) & +terfore sche hadde gode reward as holy writt seyth : (CMMANDEV,65.1629) QUI ACCIPIT PROPHETAM IN NOMINE MEO MERCEDEM PROPHETE ACCIPIET , +tat is to seye : he +tat taketh a prophete in my name , he schall take mede of the prophete . (CMMANDEV,65.1630) And so hadde sche , (CMMANDEV,65.1631) For sche prophecyed to the messageres seyenge : NOUI QUOD DOMINUS TRADET VOBIS TERRAM HANC , +tat is to seye : I wot wel +tat oure lord schal betake +gou this lond , (CMMANDEV,65.1632) And so he dide (CMMANDEV,65.1633) And after Salomon Naasones sone wedded hire (CMMANDEV,65.1634) & fro +tat tyme was sche a worthi womman (CMMANDEV,65.1635) & serued god wel . (CMMANDEV,65.1636) Also fro Betanye gon men to flom Iordan by a mountayne & +torgh desert (CMMANDEV,65.1637) & it is nygh a day iorneye fro Bethanye toward the est to a gret hill where oure lord fasted .xl. dayes . (CMMANDEV,65.1638) Vpon +tat hill the enemy of hell bare oure lord (CMMANDEV,65.1639) & tempted him (CMMANDEV,65.1640) & seyde : DIC VT LAPIDES ISTI PANES FIANT , +tat is to seye : sey +tat theise stones be made loues . (CMMANDEV,65.1641) In +tat place vpon the hill was wont to ben a faire chirche , (CMMANDEV,65.1642) but it is all destroyed so +tat +tere is now but an hermytage +tat a maner of cristene men holden +tat ben cleped Georgynes for seynt George conuerted hem . (CMMANDEV,66.1644) Vpon +tat hill duelte Abraham a gret while (CMMANDEV,66.1645) & +terfore men clepen it Abrahames gardyn (CMMANDEV,66.1646) And betwene the hill & this gardyn renneth a lityll broke of water +tat was wont to ben bytter , (CMMANDEV,66.1647) but be the blessyng of helisee the prophete it becam swete & gode to drynk . (CMMANDEV,66.1648) And at the foot of this hill toward the playn is a grete welle +tat entreth into flom Iordan . (CMMANDEV,66.1649) Fro +tat hill to Ierico +tat I spak of before is but a myle in goynge toward flom Iordan . (CMMANDEV,66.1650) Also as men gon to Ierico sat the blynde man cryenge : IHESU FILI DAUID MISERERE MEI , +tat is to seye : Ihesu dauides sone haue mercy on me , (CMMANDEV,66.1651) & anon he hadde his sight . (CMMANDEV,66.1652) Also .ij. myle fro Ierico is flom Iordan (CMMANDEV,66.1653) & an half myle more nygh is A faire chirch of seynt Iohn the Baptist , where he baptised oure lord (CMMANDEV,66.1654) And +tere besyde is the hous of Ieremye the prophete . (CMMANDEV,66.1655) OF THE DEDE SEE , AND OF THE FLOM JORDAN ; (CMMANDEV,66.1657) OF THE HED OF SEYNT JOHN THE BAPTIST , & OF THE VSAGES OF THE SAMARITANES . (CMMANDEV,66.1658) And fro Jerico a .iij. myle is the dede see ; (CMMANDEV,66.1660) Aboute +tat see groweth moche Alom & of Alkatran . (CMMANDEV,66.1661) Betwene jerico & +tat see is the lond of Dengadde (CMMANDEV,66.1662) & +Tere was wont to growe the bawme , (CMMANDEV,66.1663) But men make drawe the braunches +tereof & beren hem to ben graffed at Babyloyne , (CMMANDEV,66.1664) And +git men clepen hem vynes of Gaddy . (CMMANDEV,66.1665) At a cost of +tat see as men gon from Arabe is the mount of the Moabytes where +tere is a cave +tat men clepen karua . (CMMANDEV,66.1666) Vpon +tat hill ladde Balak the sone of Booz Balaam the prest for to curse the peple of Israel . (CMMANDEV,66.1667) +tat dede see departeth the lond of $Iudee & of Arabye (CMMANDEV,66.1668) and +tat see lasteth from Soara vnto Arabye . (CMMANDEV,66.1669) The water of +tat see is full bytter & salt (CMMANDEV,67.1670) And +giff the erthe were made moyst & weet with +tat water it wolde neuere bere fruyt . (CMMANDEV,67.1671) And the erthe & the lond chaunge+t often his colour (CMMANDEV,67.1672) And it casteth out of the water a thing +tat men clepen Aspalt Also gret peces as the gretness of an hors euery day & on all sydes . (CMMANDEV,67.1673) And fro Ierusalem to +tat see is .CC. furlonges ; (CMMANDEV,67.1674) +tat see is in lengthe fyue hundred and foure skore furlonges And in brede an hundred and fifty furlonges (CMMANDEV,67.1675) And it is clept the dede see for it renneth nought , but is euere vnmeuable . (CMMANDEV,67.1676) And nowther man ne best ne nothing +tat bereth lif in him ne may not dyen in +tat see (CMMANDEV,67.1677) And +tat hath ben preued many tymes be men +tat han disserued to ben dede +tat han ben cast +terjnne & left +terjnne .iij. dayes or .iiij. (CMMANDEV,67.1678) & +tei ne myghte neuer dye +terjune (CMMANDEV,67.1679) for it resceyueth no thing withjnne him that bereth lif . (CMMANDEV,67.1680) And noman may drynken of the water for bytternesse , (CMMANDEV,67.1681) And +gif a man caste jren +terein it wole flete abouen , (CMMANDEV,67.1682) And +gif men caste a fedre +terein it wole synke to the botme . (CMMANDEV,67.1683) And +teise ben things a+genst kynde . (CMMANDEV,67.1684) And also the cytees +tere weren lost because of synne a+genst kynde (CMMANDEV,67.1685) And +tere besyden growen trees +tat beren full faire apples & faire of colour to beholde (CMMANDEV,67.1686) but whoso breketh hem or cutteth hem in two he schall fynde within hem coles & cyndres jn tokene +tat be wratthe of god the cytees & the lond weren brente & sonken in to helle . (CMMANDEV,67.1687) Summen clepen +tat see the lake dalfetidee , summe the flom of deueles & summe the flom +tat is ouer stynkynge for +te water +teroff es stynkand . (CMMANDEV,67.1688) And in to +tat see sonken the .v. cytees be wratthe of god +tat is to seyne Sodom Gomorre Aldama Seboym & Segor for the abhomynable synne of sodomye +tat regned in hem . (CMMANDEV,67.1689) But Segor be the preyere of loth was saued & kept a gret while (CMMANDEV,67.1690) For it was sett vpon an hill (CMMANDEV,67.1691) And +git scheweth +terof sum party aboue the water (CMMANDEV,67.1692) & men may see the walles whan it is fayr weder & cleer . (CMMANDEV,67.1693) In +tat cytee loth dwelte a lytyll while (CMMANDEV,67.1694) & +tere was he made dronken of his doughtres (CMMANDEV,68.1695) & lay with hem (CMMANDEV,68.1696) & engendred of hem Moab & Amon (CMMANDEV,68.1697) And the cause whi his doughtres made him dronken & for to ly by hem was this : because +tei sawgh no man aboute hem but only here fader (CMMANDEV,68.1698) And +terfore +tei trowed +tat god had destroyed all the world as he hadde don the cytees , as he had don before be Noeis flood , (CMMANDEV,68.1699) & +terfore +tei wolde ly with here fader for to haue issue & for to replenyssche the world a+gen with peple to restore the world a+gen be hem , (CMMANDEV,68.1700) for +tei trowed +tat +ter had ben no mo men in all the world . (CMMANDEV,68.1701) And +gif here fader had not ben dronken he hadde not yleye with hem . (CMMANDEV,68.1702) And the hill abouen SEGOR men cleped it +tanne EDOM (CMMANDEV,68.1703) And after men cleped it SEYR And after ydumea . (CMMANDEV,68.1704) Also at the right syde of +tat dede see dwelleth +git the wif of loth in lykness of a salt ston for +tat schee loked behynde hire whan the cytees sonken in to helle . (CMMANDEV,68.1705) This loth was Araames sone +tat was brother to Abraham , (CMMANDEV,68.1706) And Sarra Abrahames wif & Melcha Nachors wif weren sustren to the seyd loth . (CMMANDEV,68.1707) And the same sarra was of elde .iij=xx=. +geer and .x. whan yssac hire son was goten on hire , (CMMANDEV,68.1708) And Abraham hadde another sone ysmael +tat he gat vpon Agar his cambrere whan he was but .xiiij. +geer of elde . (CMMANDEV,68.1709) And whan ysaac his sone was .viij. dayes old Abraham his fader leet him ben circumcyded and ysmael with him +tat was .xiij. +geer old , wherfore the Iewes +tat comen of ysaacces lyne ben circumcyded the .viij. day (CMMANDEV,68.1710) And the sarrazines +tat comen of ysmaeles lyne ben circumcyded whan +tei ben .xiij. +geer of age . (CMMANDEV,68.1711) And +gee schull vndirstonde +tat within the dede see renneth the flom Iordan (CMMANDEV,68.1712) & +tere it dyeth , (CMMANDEV,68.1713) for it renneth no fur+termore (CMMANDEV,68.1714) And +tat is to a place +tat is a myle fro the chirche of seynt Iohn the Baptist toward the west , a lytill benethe the place where +tat cristene men bathen hem comounly . (CMMANDEV,68.1715) and a myle from flom Jordan is the ryuere of laboch , the whiche Iacob passed ouer whan he cam fro Mesopotayme . (CMMANDEV,68.1716) This flom Iordan is no gret ryuere (CMMANDEV,68.1717) but it is plentefous of gode fissch (CMMANDEV,68.1718) And it cometh out of the hill of lyban be .ij. welles +tat ben cleped Ior and Dan , (CMMANDEV,69.1719) and of +to .ij. welles hath it the name (CMMANDEV,69.1720) And it passeth be a lake +tat is clept Maron (CMMANDEV,69.1721) and after it passeth by the see of Tyberye (CMMANDEV,69.1722) & passeth vnder the hilles of GELBOE . (CMMANDEV,69.1723) And +tere is a full faire vale bothe on +tat o syde & on +tat other of the same ryuere . (CMMANDEV,69.1724) And $men {COM:men_supplied_from_C} gon the hilles of lyban all in lengthe vnto the desert of Pharan (CMMANDEV,69.1725) And +to hilles departen the kyngdom of surrye and the contree of PHENESIE (CMMANDEV,69.1726) And vpon +to hilles growen trees of Cedre +tat ben full hye (CMMANDEV,69.1727) & +tei beren longe apples & als grete as a mannes heued . (CMMANDEV,69.1728) And also this flom Iordan departe+t the lond of Galilee & the lond of YDUMYE & the lond of BETRON . (CMMANDEV,69.1729) And +tat renneth vnder erthe a gret weye vnto a fayre playn & a gret +tat is clept MELDAN in SARMOYZ +tat is to seye feyre or markett in here langage be cause +tat +tere is often feres in +tat playn ; (CMMANDEV,69.1730) and +tere becometh the water gret & large . (CMMANDEV,69.1731) In +tat playn is the tombe of Iob (CMMANDEV,69.1732) And in +tat flom Iordan aboueseyd was oure lord baptized of seynt Iohn (CMMANDEV,69.1733) And the voys of god the fader was herd seyenge : HIC EST FILIUS MEUS DILECTUS & CETERA , +tat is to seye : this is my beloued sone , in the which I am wel plesed , (CMMANDEV,69.1734) hereth hym . (CMMANDEV,69.1735) And the holy gost alyghte vpon him in lykness of a coluer (CMMANDEV,69.1736) And so at his baptizynge was all the hool trynytee . (CMMANDEV,69.1737) And +torgh +tat flom passeden the children of Israel all drye feet (CMMANDEV,69.1738) And +tei putten stones +tere in the myddel place in tokene of the myracle +tat the water withdrowgh him so . (CMMANDEV,69.1739) Also in +tat flom Iordan NAAMAN of Syrie bathed him +tat was full riche (CMMANDEV,69.1740) but he was mesell (CMMANDEV,69.1741) & +tere anon he toke his hele . (CMMANDEV,69.1742) Abouten the flom Iordan ben manye chirches where +tat manye cristene men dwelleden (CMMANDEV,69.1743) And nygh +terto is the cytee of HAYLLA +tat Iosue assayled & toke . (CMMANDEV,69.1744) Also be+gonde the flom Iordan is the vale of Mambre (CMMANDEV,69.1745) & +tat is a full fair vale . (CMMANDEV,69.1746) Also $from the hill +tat I spak of before where oure lord fasted .xl. dayes , a .ij. myle long $towards Galilee is a fair hill & an high $where the enemy the fend bare oure lord the thridde tyme to tempte him & schewede him all the regiouns of the world & seyde : HEC OMNIA TIBI DABO SI CADENS ADORAUERIS ME , +tat is to seyne : All this schall I +geue +te +gif +tou falle & worschipe me . (CMMANDEV,70.1747) Also fro the dede see to gon estward out of the marches of the holy lond +tat is clept the lond of promyssioun is a strong castell and a fair in an hill +tat is clept CARAK EN SARMOYZ , +tat is to seyne Ryally . (CMMANDEV,70.1748) +Tat castell let make kyng Baldwyn +tat was kyng of France whan he had conquered +tat lond & putte it into cristene mennes hondes for to kepe the contree ; (CMMANDEV,70.1749) And for +tat cause was it clept the Mownt riall . (CMMANDEV,70.1750) And vnder it +tere is a town +tat hight SOBACH (CMMANDEV,70.1751) And +tere all abowte dwellen cristene men vnder trybute . (CMMANDEV,70.1752) Fro +tens gon men to NAZARETH of the whiche oure lord bereth the surname , (CMMANDEV,70.1753) And fro +tens +tere is .iij. iourneyes to Ierusalem (CMMANDEV,70.1754) & men gon be the prouynce of GALYLEE , be RAMATHA , be Sothym & be the high hill of EFFRAIM , where Elchana & ANNE the moder of Samuell the prophete dwelleden . (CMMANDEV,70.1755) +Tere was born this prophete (CMMANDEV,70.1756) And after his deth he was buryed at mountjoye as I haue seyd +gou before . (CMMANDEV,70.1757) And +tan gon men to Sylo where the Arke of god with the relikes weren kept longe tyme vnder Ely the prophete ; (CMMANDEV,70.1758) +tere made the peple of Ebron sacrifice to oure lord (CMMANDEV,70.1759) & +tei +golden vp here avowes (CMMANDEV,70.1760) And +tere spak god first to SAMUELL (CMMANDEV,70.1761) and schewed him the mutacioun of order of presthode & the misterie of the sacrement (CMMANDEV,70.1762) And right nygh on the left syde is GABAON & RAMA & BENIAMYN of the whiche holy writt speketh offe . (CMMANDEV,70.1763) And after men gon to Sychem sumtyme clept Sychar (CMMANDEV,70.1764) & +tat is in the prouynce of Samaritanes (CMMANDEV,70.1765) & +tere is a full fair vale & a fructuouse (CMMANDEV,70.1766) & +tere is a fair cytee & a gode +tat men clepen Neople . (CMMANDEV,70.1767) And from +tens is a iorneye to Ierusalem (CMMANDEV,70.1768) And +tere is the welle where oure lord spak to the womman of Samaritan (CMMANDEV,70.1769) And +ter was wont to ben a chirche (CMMANDEV,70.1770) but it is beten doun . (CMMANDEV,70.1771) Besyde +tat welle kyng Roboas let make .IJ. CALUEREN of gold (CMMANDEV,70.1772) & made hem to ben worschipt (CMMANDEV,70.1773) & put +tat on at Dan & +tat o+ter at BETELL . (CMMANDEV,70.1774) And a myle from SYCHAR is the cytee of Deluze (CMMANDEV,70.1775) And in +tat cytee dwelte ABRAHAM a certeyn tyme . (CMMANDEV,71.1776) SYCHEM is a .x. myle fro Ierusalem (CMMANDEV,71.1777) & it is clept Neople , +tat is for to seyne the newe cytee . (CMMANDEV,71.1778) And nygh besyde is the tombe of Ioseph the sone of Iacob +tat gouerned Egypt , (CMMANDEV,71.1779) For the Iewes baren his bones from Egypt (CMMANDEV,71.1780) & buryed hem +tere , (CMMANDEV,71.1781) And +tider gon the Iewes often tyme in pilgrimage with gret deuocioun . (CMMANDEV,71.1782) In +tat cytee was Dyne Iacobes doughter rauysscht for whom hire bretheren slowen many persones & diden many harmes to the cytee . (CMMANDEV,71.1783) And +tere besyde is the hill of GARASOUN where the Samaritanes maken here sacrifise ; (CMMANDEV,71.1784) In +tat hill wolde Abraham haue sacrificed his sone ysaac . (CMMANDEV,71.1785) And +tere besyde is the vale of DOTAYM (CMMANDEV,71.1786) & +tere is the cisterne where Ioseph was cast in of his bre+teren which +tei solden (CMMANDEV,71.1787) & +tat is a .ij. myle fro SYCHAR . (CMMANDEV,71.1788) From +tens gon men to SAMARYE +tat men clepen now SEBAST (CMMANDEV,71.1789) And +tat is the chief cytee of +tat contree (CMMANDEV,71.1790) And it sytt betwene the hill of AYGUES as Ierusalem doth . (CMMANDEV,71.1791) In that cytee was the sittynges of the .xij. tribes of Israel (CMMANDEV,71.1792) but the cytee is not now so gret as it was wont to be . (CMMANDEV,71.1793) +Tere was buryed seynt IOHN THE BAPTIST betwene .ij. prophetes ; helyseus and ABDYAN , (CMMANDEV,71.1794) but he was beheded in the castell of Macharyme besyde the dede see (CMMANDEV,71.1795) And after he was translated of his disciples & buryed at SAMARIE (CMMANDEV,71.1796) And +tere let IULIANUS APOSTATA dyggen him vp (CMMANDEV,71.1797) & let brennen his bones , (CMMANDEV,71.1798) for he was +tat tyme Emperour , (CMMANDEV,71.1799) & let wyndwe the askes in the wynd ; (CMMANDEV,71.1800) But the fynger +tat schewed oure lord seyenge : ECCE AGNUS DEI , +tat is to seyne : lo the lomb of god , +tat nolde neuere brenne (CMMANDEV,71.1801) but is all hol , (CMMANDEV,71.1802) +tat fynger leet seynte Tecle the holy virgyne be born in to the hill of Sebast (CMMANDEV,71.1803) & +tere maken men gret feste . (CMMANDEV,71.1804) In +tat place was wont to ben a fair chirche (CMMANDEV,71.1805) & manye o+tere +tere weren (CMMANDEV,71.1806) but +tei ben all beten doun . (CMMANDEV,71.1807) +Tere was wont to ben the heed of seynt IOHN BAPTIST enclosed in the wall , (CMMANDEV,71.1808) but the Emperour THEODOSIE let drawe it out (CMMANDEV,71.1809) & fond it wrapped in a litill cloth all blody (CMMANDEV,71.1810) And so he leet it to be born to COSTANTYNOBLE , (CMMANDEV,71.1811) And +git at Costantynoble is the hynder partye of the heed . (CMMANDEV,71.1812) And the fortpartie of the heed til vnder the chyn is at Rome in the chirche of seynt SILUESTRE , where ben Nonnes of an hundred ordres (CMMANDEV,72.1814) & it is +git all broylly as +tough it were half brent , (CMMANDEV,72.1815) For the Emperour IULIANUS aboueseyd of his cursedness & malice let brennen +tat partie with the o+ter bones (CMMANDEV,72.1816) & +git it scheweth . (CMMANDEV,72.1817) And this thing hath ben preued bothe be Popes & by Emperours . (CMMANDEV,72.1818) And the jowes benethe +tat holden to the chyn (CMMANDEV,72.1819) & a partie of the assches & the platere +tat the hed was leyd in whan it was smyten of is at GENE , (CMMANDEV,72.1820) And the Geneweyes maken of it gret feste , (CMMANDEV,72.1821) And so don the Sarazynes also . (CMMANDEV,72.1822) And summen seyn +tat the heed of seynt Iohn is at AMYAS in Picardye (CMMANDEV,72.1823) And o+ter men seyn +tat it is the heed of seynt Iohn the bysschop ; (CMMANDEV,72.1824) I wot nere , (CMMANDEV,72.1825) but god knoweth . (CMMANDEV,72.1826) But in what wyse +tat men worschipen it the blessed seynt Iohn holt him apayd . (CMMANDEV,72.1827) Fro this cytee of SEBAST vnto IERUSALEM is .xij. myle (CMMANDEV,72.1828) And betwene the hilles of +tat contree +tere is a welle +tat .iiij. sithes in the +geer chaungeth his colour , somtyme grene somtyme reed somtyme cleer & somtyme trouble , (CMMANDEV,72.1829) And men clepen +tat welle IOB (CMMANDEV,72.1830) And the folk of +tat contree +tat men clepen SAMARITANES weren conuerted & baptized by the Apostles , (CMMANDEV,72.1831) but +tei holden not wel here doctryne , (CMMANDEV,72.1832) And all weys +tei holden lawes by hem self , varyenge from cristene men , from Sarrazines , Iewes & paynemes . (CMMANDEV,72.1833) & the samaritanes leeven wel in o god (CMMANDEV,72.1834) And +tei seyn wel +tat +ter is but only o god +tat all formed & all schall deme (CMMANDEV,72.1835) And +tei holden the bible after the lettre (CMMANDEV,72.1836) And +tei vsen the psawtere as the Iewes don (CMMANDEV,72.1837) And +tei seyn +tat +tei ben the right sones of god , (CMMANDEV,72.1838) And among all o+ter folk +tei seyn +tat +tei ben best beloued of god , And +tat to hem belongeth the heritage +tat god behighte to hise beloued children . (CMMANDEV,72.1839) And +tei han also dyuerse clothinge & schapp to loken on +tan o+ter folk han , (CMMANDEV,72.1840) for +tei wrappen here hedes in red lynnene cloth , in difference from o+tere . (CMMANDEV,72.1841) And the Sarazines wrappen here hedes in white lynnene cloth , (CMMANDEV,72.1842) And the cristene men +tat duellen in the contree wrappen hem in blew of ynde , And the Iewes in +gelow cloth . (CMMANDEV,73.1843) In +tat contree dwellen manye of the Iewes payenge trybute as cristene men don (CMMANDEV,73.1844) And +gif +gee wil knowe the lettres +tat the Iewes vsen +tei ben suche (CMMANDEV,73.1845) And the names ben As +tei clepen hem writen abouen in manere of here .A.B.C . (CMMANDEV,73.1846) OF THE PROUINCE OF GALILEE & WHERE ANTECRIST SCHALL BEN BORN ; (CMMANDEV,73.1848) OF NAZATRETH ; (CMMANDEV,73.1849) OF THE AGE OF OURE LADY ; (CMMANDEV,73.1850) OF THE DAY OF DOOM , & OF THE CUSTOMES OF IACOBITES , SURRYENES & OF THE VSAGES OF GEORGYENES . (CMMANDEV,73.1851) From this contree of the samaritanes +tat I haue spoken of before gon men to the playnes of GALILEE (CMMANDEV,73.1853) And men leuen the hilles on +tat o partye . (CMMANDEV,73.1854) And GALILEE is on of the prouynces of the holy lond , (CMMANDEV,73.1855) And in +tat prouynce is the cytee of NAYM & CAPHARNAUM & CHOROSAYM and BETHSAYDA . (CMMANDEV,73.1856) In this BETHSAYDA was seynt Peter & seint Andrew born (CMMANDEV,73.1857) And +tens a .iiij. myle is CHOROSAYM (CMMANDEV,73.1858) & .v. myle fro CHOROSAYM is the cytee of CEDAR whereof the psauter speketh : (CMMANDEV,73.1859) ET HABITAUI COM HABITANTIBUS CEDAR , +tat is for to seye : And I haue dwelled with the dwellynge men in Cedar . (CMMANDEV,73.1860) In CHOROSAYM schall ANTECRIST be born , as summen seyn , (CMMANDEV,73.1861) And o+ter men seyn he schall be born in Babyloyne . (CMMANDEV,73.1862) For the prophete seyth : DE BABILONIA COLUBER EXIET , QUI TOTUM MUNDUM DEUORABIT , +tat is to seyne : Out of Babiloyne schal come a worm +tat schal deuouren all the world . (CMMANDEV,73.1863) This ANTECRIST schall be norysscht in BETHSAYDA (CMMANDEV,73.1864) & he schall regnen in CAPHARNAUM (CMMANDEV,73.1865) And +terfore seyth holy writt : VE TIBI CHOROSAYM , VE TIBI BETHSAYDA , VE TIBI CAPHARNAUM ! +Tat is to seye : Wo be to +te CHOROSAYM , Wo to +te BETHSAYDA , Wo to +te CAPHARNAUM ! (CMMANDEV,74.1866) And all theise townes ben in the lond of GALILEE (CMMANDEV,74.1867) And also the CANE of GALILEE is .iiij. myle fro NAZARETH . (CMMANDEV,74.1868) Of +tat cytee was SYMON CHANANEUS & his wif Canee of the which the holy Euuangelist speketh offe . (CMMANDEV,74.1869) +Tere dide oure lord the firste myracle at the weddyng of Architriclyn whan he turned water in to wyn . (CMMANDEV,74.1870) And in the ende of Galilee at the hilles was the Arke of god taken (CMMANDEV,74.1871) & on +tat +oter syde is the mownt hendor or hermon (CMMANDEV,74.1872) And +tere aboute goth the broke of Torrens Cison +tat somtyme was clept the broke Radumu . (CMMANDEV,74.1873) And +tere besyde Barach +tat was Abymelech sone with sone of Delbore the prophetisse ouercam the oost of ydumea whan Cysara the kyng was slayn of Gebell the wif of Aber (CMMANDEV,74.1874) & chaced be+gonde the flom Iordan be strengthe of swerd , zeb and zebee & Salmana (CMMANDEV,74.1875) & +tere he slowgh hem . (CMMANDEV,74.1876) Also a .v. myle fro Naym is the cytee of Iezrael , +tat somtyme was clept zarym , of the whiche cytee Iexabel the cursed queen was lady & queen +tat toke awey the vyne of Nabaoth be hire strengthe . (CMMANDEV,74.1877) Faste by +tat cytee is the feld MAGEDE in the whiche the kyng Ioras was slayn of the kyng of Samarie (CMMANDEV,74.1878) And after was translated & buryed in the mount Syon . (CMMANDEV,74.1879) And a myle fro Iezrael ben the hilles of Gelboe , where Saul & Ionathas +tat weren so faire dyeden , wherfore Dauid cursed hem as holy writt seyth : (CMMANDEV,74.1880) MONTES GELBOE NEC ROS NEC PLUUIA & CETERA , +tat is to seye : +gee hilles of gelboe nou+ter dew ne reyn com vpon +gou . (CMMANDEV,74.1881) And a myle fro the hilles of Gelboe toward the est is the cytee of Cytople +tat was clept before Bethsayn (CMMANDEV,74.1882) And vpon the walles of +tat cytee was the hed of Saul honged . (CMMANDEV,74.1883) Afte gon men be the hill besyde the pleynes of Galylee vnto Nazareth where was wont to ben a gret cytee and a fair , (CMMANDEV,74.1884) but now +tere is not but a lytill village & houses a brood here & +tere . (CMMANDEV,74.1885) And it is not walled (CMMANDEV,74.1886) & it sytt in a litill valeye (CMMANDEV,74.1887) & +tere ben hilles all aboute . (CMMANDEV,74.1888) +Tere was oure lady born , (CMMANDEV,75.1889) but sche was goten at Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,75.1890) And because +tat oure $lady was born at Nazareth +terfore bare oure lord his surname of +tat town . (CMMANDEV,75.1891) +Tere toke Ioseph oure lady to wyf whan sche was .xiiij. +geere of age (CMMANDEV,75.1892) And +tere Gabriell grette oure lady seyenge : Aue gracia plena dominus tecum , +tat is to seyne : Heyl full of grace oure lord is with +te . (CMMANDEV,75.1893) And this salutacioun was don in a place of a gret awteer of a faire chirche +tat was wont to be somtyme , (CMMANDEV,75.1894) but it is now all downe . (CMMANDEV,75.1895) & men han made a lityll resceyt besyde a pylere of +tat chirche for to resceyue the offrynges of pilgrymes (CMMANDEV,75.1896) And the sarrazines kepen +tat place full derely for the profyte +tat +tei han +tereoffe (CMMANDEV,75.1897) And +tei ben full wykked sarrazines & cruell & more dispytous +tan in ony o+ter place (CMMANDEV,75.1898) & han destroyed all the chirches . (CMMANDEV,75.1899) +Tere nygh is Gabrielles welle where oure lord was wont to bathe him whan he was +gong (CMMANDEV,75.1900) And fro +tat welle bare he water oftentyme to his moder (CMMANDEV,75.1901) And in +tat welle sche wossch oftentyme the clowtes of hire sone Ihesu crist , (CMMANDEV,75.1902) And fro Ierusalem vnto thider is .iij. iourneyes . (CMMANDEV,75.1903) At Nazareth was oure lord norisscht , (CMMANDEV,75.1904) Nazareth is als meche to seye as flour of the gardyn (CMMANDEV,75.1905) And be gode skyll may it ben clept flour , (CMMANDEV,75.1906) for +tere was norisscht the flour of lyf , +tat was crist Ihesu . (CMMANDEV,75.1907) And .ij. myle fro Nazareth is +te cytee of Sephor be the weye +tat goth fro Nazareth to Acon . (CMMANDEV,75.1908) And an half myle fro Nazareth is the lepe of oure $lord , (CMMANDEV,75.1909) for the Iewes ladden $him vpon an high roche for to make $him lepe doun & haue slayn $him (CMMANDEV,75.1910) but Ihesu passed amonges hem (CMMANDEV,75.1911) & lepte vpon another roche (CMMANDEV,75.1912) & +git ben the steppes of his feet sene in the roche where he allyghte . (CMMANDEV,75.1913) And +terfore seyn summen whan +tei dreden hem of thefes in ony weye or of enemyes : IHESUS AUTEM TRANSIENS PER MEDIUM ILLORUM IBAT , +tat is to seyne : Ihesus forsothe passynge be the myddes of hem he wente , In tokene & mynde +tat oure lord passed +torghout the Iewes crueltee & scaped safly fro hem , so surely mowe men passen the perile of thefes . (CMMANDEV,76.1914) And +tan sey men .ij. vers of the psauter .iij. sithes : (CMMANDEV,76.1915) IRRUAT SUPER EOS FORMIDO & PAUOR IN MAGNITUDINE BRACHIJ TUI DOMINE . FIANT IMMOBILES QUASI LAPIS DONEC PERTRANSEAT POPULUS TUUS DOMINE DONEC PERTRANSEAT POPULUS TUUS ISTE QUEM POSSEDISTI . (CMMANDEV,76.1916) And +tanne may men passe with outen perile . (CMMANDEV,76.1917) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat oure lady hadde child whan sche was .xv. +geere old and sche was conuersant with hire sone .xxxiij. +geer & .iij. monethes And after the passioun of oure lord sche lyuede .xxiiij. +geer . (CMMANDEV,76.1918) Also fro Nazareth men gon to the mount Thabor (CMMANDEV,76.1919) & +tat is a .iiij. myle (CMMANDEV,76.1920) & it is a full faire hill & wel high , where was wont to ben a toun & many chirches but +tei ben all destroyed , (CMMANDEV,76.1921) but +git +tere is a place +tat men clepen the scole of god , where he was wont to techen his disciples & tolde hem the priuytees of heuene . (CMMANDEV,76.1922) At the foot of +tat hill Melchisedech +tat was kyng of Salem in the turninge of +tat hill mette Abraham in comynge a+gen from the bataylle whan he had slayn Abymelech (CMMANDEV,76.1923) & +tis Melchisedech was bothe kyng & prest of Salem +tat now is cleped Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,76.1924) In +tat hill Thabor oure lord transfigured him before seynt Peter seynt Iohn and seynt Iame (CMMANDEV,76.1925) And +tere +tei sawgh gostly Moyses & Elye the prophetes beside hem (CMMANDEV,76.1926) And +terfore seyde seynt Peter : DOMINE BONUM EST NOS HIC ESSE , FACIAMUS HIC TRIA TABERNACULA , +tat is to seye : Lord it is gode for vs to ben here , (CMMANDEV,76.1927) make wee here .iij. dwellyng places . (CMMANDEV,76.1928) And +tere herd +tei a voys of the fadir +tat seyde : HIC EST FILIUS MEUS DILECTUS IN QUO MINI BENE COMPLACUI . (CMMANDEV,76.1929) And oure lord defended hem +tat +tei scholde not tell +tat avisioun til +tat he were rysen from deth to lyf . (CMMANDEV,76.1930) In +tat hill & in +tat same place at the day of doom .iiij. Aungeles with .iiij. trompes schull blowen & reysen all men +tat hadden suffred deth sith that the world was formed from deth to lyue . (CMMANDEV,76.1931) And schull comen in body $and soule to juggement before the face of oure lord in the vale of Iosaphath (CMMANDEV,76.1932) And the doom schall ben on Estre day , such tyme as oure lord aroos , (CMMANDEV,77.1933) And the dom schal begyune such houre as oure $lord descended to hell & dispoyled it . (CMMANDEV,77.1934) For at such houre schal he despoyle the world & lede his chosene to blisse (CMMANDEV,77.1935) & the o+tere schall he condempne to perpetuell peynes . (CMMANDEV,77.1936) And +tanne schall euery man haue after his dissert ou+ter gode or euyll but +gif the mercy of god passe his rightwisness . (CMMANDEV,77.1937) Also a myle from mount Thabor is the mount heremon (CMMANDEV,77.1938) & +tere was the cytee of Naym . (CMMANDEV,77.1939) Before the +gate of +tat cytee reysed oure lord the wydewes sone +tat had no mo children . (CMMANDEV,77.1940) Also .iij. myle fro Nazareth is the castell Saffra of the whiche the sones of zebedee & the sones of Alphee weren . (CMMANDEV,77.1941) Also a .vij. myle fro Nazareth is the mount kayn (CMMANDEV,77.1942) & vnder +tat is a welle (CMMANDEV,77.1943) And besyde +tat welle lamech Noees fader slough kaym with an arwe . (CMMANDEV,77.1944) For this kaym wente +torgh breres & busshes as a wylde best (CMMANDEV,77.1945) & he had lyued fro the tyme of Adam his fadir vnto the tyme of Noe (CMMANDEV,77.1946) & so he lyuede nygh to .M=l=.M=l=. +geer , (CMMANDEV,77.1947) And this Lamech was all blynd for elde . (CMMANDEV,77.1948) Fro Saffra me goth to the see of Galylee & to the cytee of Tyberye +tat sytt vpon the same see (CMMANDEV,77.1949) And all be it +tat men clepen it a see +git is it nou+ter see ne arm of the see , (CMMANDEV,77.1950) for it is but a stank of fresch water +tat is in lengthe .c. furlonges & of brede .xl. furlonges & hath within him gret plentee of gode fissch & renneth into flom Iordan . (CMMANDEV,77.1951) The cytee is not full gret (CMMANDEV,77.1952) but it hath gode bathes within him . (CMMANDEV,77.1953) And +tere as the flom Iordan parteth fro the see of Galilee is a gret brigge where men passen from the lond of promyssioun to the lond of kyng Baazan & the lond of Gerransentz +tat ben aboute the flom Iordan And the begynnynge of the see of Tyberie . (CMMANDEV,77.1954) And fro +tens may men go to Damask in .iij. dayes be the kyngdom of Traconye , the whiche kyngdom lasteth fro mount heremon to the see of Galilee or to the see of Tyberie or to the see of Ienazareth (CMMANDEV,77.1955) & all is o see , (CMMANDEV,77.1956) And this $is the stank +tat I haue told +gou , (CMMANDEV,77.1957) But it chaungeth +tus the name for the names of the cytees +tat sytten besyde hem . (CMMANDEV,77.1958) Vpon +tat see wente oure lord drye feet (CMMANDEV,78.1959) And +tere he toke vp seynt Peter whan he began to drenche within +tat see (CMMANDEV,78.1960) & seyde to him : MODICE FIDEI , QUARE DUBITASTI ? (CMMANDEV,78.1961) And after his resurrexioun oure lord appered on +tat see to his disciples (CMMANDEV,78.1962) & bad hem fysschen (CMMANDEV,78.1963) & filled all the nett full of gret fisshes . (CMMANDEV,78.1964) In +tat see rowed oure lord often tyme (CMMANDEV,78.1965) & +tere he called to him seynt Peter , seynt Andrew , seynt Iames & seynt Iohn the sones of zebedee . (CMMANDEV,78.1966) In +tat cytee of Tyberie is the table vpon the whiche oure lord eete vpon with his disciples after his resurrexioun (CMMANDEV,78.1967) & +tei knewen him in brekynge of bred as the gospell seyth : ET COGNOUERUNT EUM IN FRACTIONE PANIS . (CMMANDEV,78.1968) And nygh +tat cytee of Tyberie is the hill where oure lord fedde .v. Mil persones with .v. barly loues & .ij. fisshes . (CMMANDEV,78.1969) In +tat cytee a man cast an brennynge dart in wratthe after oure lord (CMMANDEV,78.1970) & the hed smot in to the erthe (CMMANDEV,78.1971) & wax grene (CMMANDEV,78.1972) & it growed to a gret tree (CMMANDEV,78.1973) & +git it groweth (CMMANDEV,78.1974) & the bark +tere of is all lyk coles . (CMMANDEV,78.1975) Also in the hed of +tat see of Galylee toward the Septemtryon is a strong castel & an high +tat hight Saphor (CMMANDEV,78.1976) & fast beside it is CAPHARNAUM ; (CMMANDEV,78.1977) with in the lond of promyssioun is not so strong a castell (CMMANDEV,78.1978) & +tere is a gode toun benethe +tat is clept also Saphor . (CMMANDEV,78.1979) In +tat castel seynt Anne oure ladyes moder was born (CMMANDEV,78.1980) And +tere benethe was Centurioes hous . (CMMANDEV,78.1981) +Tat contree is clept the Galilee of folk +tat weren taken to tribute of Sabulon & of Neptalym . (CMMANDEV,78.1982) And in a+gen comynge fro +tat castell a .xxx. myle is the cytee of Dan +tat somtyme was clept Belynas or Cesaire Philippon , +tat sytt at the foot of the mount of lyban , where the flom Iordan begynneth . (CMMANDEV,78.1983) +Tere begynneth the lond of promyssioun (CMMANDEV,78.1984) & dureth vnto Bersabee in lengthe in goynge toward the north into the South (CMMANDEV,78.1985) & it conteyneth wel a .ix=xx=. myles . (CMMANDEV,78.1986) & of lengthe , +tat is to seye fro Iericho vnto Iaffe , & +tat conteyneth a .xl. myle of lombardye or of oure contree +tat ben also lytyll myles ; (CMMANDEV,78.1987) +teise be not myles of Gascoyne ne of the prouynce of Almayne , where ben grete myles . (CMMANDEV,78.1988) And wite +ge well +tat the lond of promyssioun is in Sirye (CMMANDEV,78.1989) For the Reme of Syrye dureth fro the desertes of Arabye vnto Cecyle And +tat is Ermonye the grete , +tat is to seyne fro the south to the north . (CMMANDEV,79.1990) & fro the est to the west it dureth fro the grete desertes of Arabye vnto the west see . (CMMANDEV,79.1991) But in +tat Reme of Syrie is the kyngdom of Iudee & many o+ter prouynces as Palestyne , Galilee , lityll Cilicye & many othere . (CMMANDEV,79.1992) In +tat contree & o+ter contrees be+gonde +tei han a custom whan +tei schull vsen werre & whan men holden sege abouten cytee or castell & +tei withjnnen dur not senden out messagers with lettres from lord to lord for to aske sokour +tei maken here lettres & bynden hem to the nekke of a coluer & leten the coluer flee & the colueren ben so taughte +tat +teui fleen with +to lettres to the verry place +tat men wolde sende hem to . (CMMANDEV,79.1993) For the colueres ben norysscht in +to places where +tei ben sent to (CMMANDEV,79.1994) & +tei senden hem +tus for to beren here lettres . (CMMANDEV,79.1995) And the colueres retournen +gen $where $as {TEXT:whereas} +tei ben norisscht (CMMANDEV,79.1996) & so +tei don comounly . (CMMANDEV,79.1997) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat amonges the sarazines o part & other , duellen many cristene men of many maneres & dyuerse names & all ben baptized & han dyuerse lawes & dyuerse customes . (CMMANDEV,79.1998) But all beleuen in god the fader & the sone & the holy gost , (CMMANDEV,79.1999) But all weys fayle +tei in somme articles of oure feyth . (CMMANDEV,79.2000) Somme of +teise ben clept Iacobytes (CMMANDEV,79.2001) for seynt Iame conuerted hem (CMMANDEV,79.2002) & seynt Iohn baptized hem ; (CMMANDEV,79.2003) +tei seyn +tat a man schal maken his confessioun only to god & not to a man , (CMMANDEV,79.2004) for only to him scholde man +gelden him gylty of all +tat he hath mysdon . (CMMANDEV,79.2005) Ne god ordeyned not ne neuer deuysed ne the prophete nouther +tat a man scholde schryuen him to another , as +tei seyn but only to god , as Moyses writeth in the Bible & as Dauid seyth in the psawter boke : (CMMANDEV,79.2006) CONFITEBOR TIBI DOMINE IN TOTO CORDE MEO , And : DELICTUM MEUM TIBI COGNITUM FECI & : DEUS MEUS ES TU & CONFITEBOR TIBI , And : QUONIAM COGITACIO HOMINIS CONFITEBITUR TIBI & CETERA . (CMMANDEV,79.2007) For +tei knowen all the bible & the psautere (CMMANDEV,79.2008) & +terfore allegge +tei so the lettre (CMMANDEV,79.2009) but +tei alleggen not the Auctoritees +tus in latyn but in here langage full appertely (CMMANDEV,80.2010) & seyn wel +tat Dauid & o+tere prophetes seyn it . (CMMANDEV,80.2011) Natheles seynt Austyn & seynt Gregory seyn +tus , AUGUSTINUS ; QUI SCELERA SUA COGITAT & CONUERSUS FUERIT VENIAM SIBI CREDAT . (CMMANDEV,80.2012) Gregorius : (CMMANDEV,80.2013) DOMINUS POCIUS MENTEM QUAM VERBA RESPICIT . (CMMANDEV,80.2014) And seynt Hillary seth : LONGORUM TEMPORUM CRIMINA IN ICTU OCULI PEREUNT SI CORDIS NATA FUERIT CONPUNCTIO . (CMMANDEV,80.2015) And for suche auctoritees +tei seyn +tat only to god schall a man knouleche his defautes , +geldynge him self gylty & cryenge him mercy & behotynge to him to amende himself . (CMMANDEV,80.2016) And +terfore whan +tei wil schryuen hem +tei taken fyre (CMMANDEV,80.2017) & sette it besyde hem (CMMANDEV,80.2018) & casten +ter in poudre of frankences (CMMANDEV,80.2019) & in the smoke +terof +tei schryuen hem to god (CMMANDEV,80.2020) & cryen him mercy . (CMMANDEV,80.2021) But soth it is +tat this confessioun was first & kyndely , (CMMANDEV,80.2022) but seynt peter the apostle & +tei +tat camen after him han ordeynd to make here confessioun to man & be gode resoun . (CMMANDEV,80.2023) For +tei perceyueden wel +tat no sykness was curable , gode medycyne to leye +terto but +gif men knewen the nature of the maladye . (CMMANDEV,80.2024) And also no man may +geuen couenable medicyne but +gif he knowe the qualitee of the dede . (CMMANDEV,80.2025) For o synne may ben gretter in o man +tan in another & in o place & in o tyme +tan in another (CMMANDEV,80.2026) & +terfore it behoveth him +tat he knowe the kynde of the dede & +terevpon to +geuen him penance . (CMMANDEV,80.2027) +Tere ben o+tere +tat ben clept SURIENES (CMMANDEV,80.2028) and +tei holden the beleeve amonges vs & of hem of Grece (CMMANDEV,80.2029) And +tei vsen all berdes as men of Grece don (CMMANDEV,80.2030) & +tei maken the sacrement of therf bred (CMMANDEV,80.2031) & in here langage +tei vsen lettres of Sarazines , (CMMANDEV,80.2032) but after the misterie of holy chirche thei vsen lettres of Grece (CMMANDEV,80.2033) & +tei maken here confessioun right as the Iacobytes don . (CMMANDEV,80.2034) +Tere ben o+tere +tat men clepen GEORGYENES +tat seynt George conuerted (CMMANDEV,80.2035) & him +tei worschipen more +tan ony other seynt (CMMANDEV,80.2036) & to him +tei crien for help (CMMANDEV,80.2037) & +tei camen out of the Reme of George ; (CMMANDEV,80.2038) +teise folk vsen crounes schauen . (CMMANDEV,80.2039) The clerkes han rounde crounes (CMMANDEV,80.2040) & the lewed men han crownes all square (CMMANDEV,80.2041) & +tei holden cristene lawe as don +tei of Grece of whom I haue spoken of before . (CMMANDEV,81.2042) Othere +tere ben +tat men clepen cristene men of gyrdynge (CMMANDEV,81.2043) for +tei ben all gyrt abouen . (CMMANDEV,81.2044) And +ter ben o+tere +tat men clepen Nestoryenes , And summe Arryenes , Summe Nubyenes , Summe of Grees , summe of Ynde & summe of Prestre Iohnes lond . (CMMANDEV,81.2045) And all +teise han manye articles of oure feyth (CMMANDEV,81.2046) & to othere +tei ben varyaunt (CMMANDEV,81.2047) & of here variance were to longe to telle (CMMANDEV,81.2048) & so I wil leue as for the tyme withouten more spekynge of hem . (CMMANDEV,81.2049) OF THE CYTEE OF DAMASCE ; (CMMANDEV,81.2051) OF .IIJ. WEYES TO IERUSALEM : ON BE LONDE & BE SEE , ANOTHER MORE BE LONDE +TAN BE SEE , AND THE THRIDDE WEYE TO IERUSALEM : ALL BE LONDE . (CMMANDEV,81.2052) Now after +tat I haue told +gou sum partye of folk in the contrees before $said now wil I turnen a+gen to my weye for to turnen a+gen on this half . (CMMANDEV,81.2053) +Tanne whoso wil go fro the lond of GALILEE of +tat +tat I haue spoke for to come a+gen on this half , men comen a+gen be Damasce +tat is a full fayr cytee & full noble & full of all marchandises . And a .iij. iorneyes long fro the see & a .v. iorneyes fro Ierusalem . (CMMANDEV,81.2054) But vpon Camaylles | mules | hors | dromedaries & o+ter bestes men caryen here marchandise thider , (CMMANDEV,81.2055) And thider comen the marchauntes with marchandise be see from ynde , persee , Caldee Ermonye & of many o+tere kyngdomes . (CMMANDEV,81.2056) This cytee founded Helizeus Damacus +tat was +goman & despenser of Abraham before +tat ysaac was born , (CMMANDEV,81.2057) for he thoughte for to haue ben Abrahames heir (CMMANDEV,81.2058) & he named the toun after his surname Damasce . (CMMANDEV,81.2059) And in +tat place where Damasc was founded kaym slough Abel his bro+ter (CMMANDEV,81.2060) And besyde damasc is the mount Seyr . (CMMANDEV,81.2061) In +tat cytee of Damasce +ter is gret plentee of welles (CMMANDEV,81.2062) And within the cytee & withoute ben many fayre gardynes & of dyuerse frutes . (CMMANDEV,81.2063) Non o+ter cytee is not lyche in comparisoun to it of faire gardynes & of faire desportes . (CMMANDEV,82.2064) The cytee is gret & full of peple & wel walled with double walles . (CMMANDEV,82.2065) And +tere ben manye Phisicyens (CMMANDEV,82.2066) And seint Poul himself was +tere a phisicyen for to kepen mennes bodyes in hele before he was conuerted (CMMANDEV,82.2067) & after +tat he was phisicien of soules . (CMMANDEV,82.2068) And seynt luk the Euuangelist was disciple of seynt Poul for to lerne phisik & many o+tere . (CMMANDEV,82.2069) For seint Poul held +tanne scole of phisik . (CMMANDEV,82.2070) And neere beside damasce was he conuerted (CMMANDEV,82.2071) & after his conuersioun he duelte in +tat cytee .iij. dayes withouten sight & withouten mete or drinke (CMMANDEV,82.2072) And in +to .iij. dayes he was ravisscht to heuene (CMMANDEV,82.2073) & +tere he saugh many preuytees of oure lord . (CMMANDEV,82.2074) And faste beside damasce is the castell of Arkes +tat is bothe fair & strong . (CMMANDEV,82.2075) From Damasce men comen a+gen be oure lady of Sardenak , (CMMANDEV,82.2076) +tat is a .v. myle on this half damasce (CMMANDEV,82.2077) & it sytt vpon a roche (CMMANDEV,82.2078) & it is a full faire place (CMMANDEV,82.2079) & it semeth a castell (CMMANDEV,82.2080) for +tere was wont to ben a castell , (CMMANDEV,82.2081) but it is now a full faire chirche . (CMMANDEV,82.2082) And +tere withinne ben monkes & nonnes cristene (CMMANDEV,82.2083) And +ter is a vowt vnder the chirche where +tat cristene men duellen also (CMMANDEV,82.2084) & +tei han many gode vynes . (CMMANDEV,82.2085) And in the chirche behynde the high awtere in the wall is a table of blak wode on the whiche somtyme was depeynted an ymage of oure lady +tat turneth into flesch , (CMMANDEV,82.2086) but now the ymage scheweth but litill . (CMMANDEV,82.2087) But all weys be the grace of god +te (CMMANDEV,82.2088) & +tei eten houndes , cattes , ratouns & all o+tere wylde bestes . (CMMANDEV,82.2089) And +tei haue no wode or ell lytyll (CMMANDEV,82.2090) And +terfore +tei warmen & sethen here mete with hors dong & cow dong & of o+ter bestes dryed a+genst the sonne . And princes & o+tere eten not but ones in the day & +tat but lytill (CMMANDEV,83.2092) & +tei ben right foule folk & of euyl kynde . (CMMANDEV,83.2093) And in somer be all +to contrees fallen many tempestes & many hidouse thondres & leytes (CMMANDEV,83.2094) And slen meche peple & bestes also full oftentyme . (CMMANDEV,83.2095) And sodeynly is +tere passynge hete & sodeynly also passynge cold (CMMANDEV,83.2096) And it is the foulest contree & the most cursed and the porest +tat men knowen . (CMMANDEV,83.2097) And here prince +tat gouerneth +tat contree +tat +tei clepen BATHO , duelleth at the cytee of Orda . (CMMANDEV,83.2098) And treuly no gode man scholde not duellen in +tat contre , (CMMANDEV,83.2099) For the lond & the contree is not worthi houndes to duell junne ; (CMMANDEV,83.2100) It were a gode contree to sowen jnne thristell & breres & broom & thornes & breres , (CMMANDEV,83.2101) & for non o+ter +ting is it not good . (CMMANDEV,83.2102) Natheles +tere is gode lond in sum place (CMMANDEV,83.2103) but it is pure litill as men seyn . (CMMANDEV,83.2104) I haue not ben in +tat contre ne be +to weyes (CMMANDEV,83.2105) but I haue ben at o+ter londes +tat marchen to +to contreyes As in the lond of Russye & in the lond of Nyflan & in the reme of Crako & of lette & in the reme of Daresten & in manye o+ter places +tat marchen to +to costes , (CMMANDEV,83.2106) but I wente neuer be +tat weye to Ierusalem , Wherfore I may not wel tell +gou the manere . (CMMANDEV,83.2107) But +gif this matiere plese to ony worthi man +tat hath gon be +tat weye he may telle it +gif him lyke to +tat entent +tat +to +tat wolen go by +tat weye and maken here viage be +to costes mowen knowen what weye is +tere . (CMMANDEV,83.2108) For noman may passe be +tat weye godely but in tyme of wynter for the perilous watres & wykkede mareys +tat ben in +to contrees , +tat noman may passe but +gif it be strong frost & snowe abouen , (CMMANDEV,83.2109) for +gif the snow ne were men myght not gon vp on the yse ne hors ne carre nou+ter (CMMANDEV,83.2110) & it is wel a .iij. iourneyes of suche weye to passe from Prusse to the lond of sarazin habitable . (CMMANDEV,83.2111) And it behoueth to the cristene men +tat schull werre a+gein hem euery +geer to bere here vitaylles with hem , (CMMANDEV,83.2112) for +tei schull fynde +tere no good , (CMMANDEV,83.2113) And +tan most +tei let carye here vitaylle vpon the yse with carres +tat haue no wheeles +tat +tei clepen Scleyes , (CMMANDEV,83.2114) And als long as here vitailles lasten +tei may abyde +tere but no longer , (CMMANDEV,83.2115) For +tere schull +tei fynde no wight +tat wil selle hem ony vitaille or ony thing . (CMMANDEV,84.2116) And whan the spyes seen ony cristene men comen vpon hem +tei rennen to the townes (CMMANDEV,84.2117) & cryen with a lowd voys KERRA KERRA KERRA (CMMANDEV,84.2118) & +tan anon +tei armen hem (CMMANDEV,84.2119) & assemble hem togydere . (CMMANDEV,84.2120) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat it freseth more strongly in +to contrees +tan on this half (CMMANDEV,84.2121) & +terfore hath euery man stewes in his hous (CMMANDEV,84.2122) & in +to stewes +tei eten (CMMANDEV,84.2123) & don here occupaciouns all +tat +tei may . (CMMANDEV,84.2124) For +tat is at the north parties +tat men clepen the septentrionell where it is all only cold , (CMMANDEV,84.2125) For the sonne is but lytill or non toward +to contreyes (CMMANDEV,84.2126) & +terfore in the Septemtryon +tat is verry north is the lond so cold +tat noman may duell +tere (CMMANDEV,84.2127) & in the contrarye toward the south it is so hoot +tat noman ne may duell +tere , be cause +tat the sonne whan he is vpon the South casteth his bemes all streght vpon +tat partye . (CMMANDEV,84.2128) OF THE CUSTOMES OF SARASINES , & OF HIRE LAWE , & HOW THE SOUDAN ARRESOND ME AUTOUR OF THIS BOOK , AND OF THE BE GYNNYNGE OF MACHOMETE . (CMMANDEV,84.2130) Now because +tat I haue spoken of sarazines & of here contre now +gif +gee wil knowe a partye of here lawe & of here beleue I schall tell +gou after +tat here book +tat is clept ALKARON telleth , (CMMANDEV,84.2132) And summen clepen +tat book MESHAF (CMMANDEV,84.2133) & summe clepen it HARME after the dyuerse langages of the contree , The whiche book Machamete toke hem . in the whiche boke among o+ter thinges is writen , as I haue often tyme seen & radd , +tat the gode schull gon to paradys & the euele to helle (CMMANDEV,84.2134) & +tat beleeuen all sarazines . (CMMANDEV,84.2135) And +gif a man aske hem what paradys +tei menen +tei seyn to paradys +tat is a place of delytes where men schull fynde all maner of frutes in all cesouns & ryueres rennynge of mylk & hony & of wyn & of swete water & +tat +tei schull haue faire houses & noble euery man after his dissert made of precyous stones & of gold & of syluer . And +tat euery man schall haue .iiij=xx=. wyfes all maydenes & he schall haue ado euery day with hem & +git he schall fynden hem all weys maydenes . (CMMANDEV,85.2136) Also +tei beleeuen & speken gladly of the virgine Marie & of the Incarnacioun (CMMANDEV,85.2137) And +tei seyn +tat Marie was taught of the Angel & +tat Gabriell seyde to hire +tat sche was forchosen from the begynnynge of the world & +tat he schewed to hire the Incarnacioun of Ihesu crist & +tat sche conceyued & bare child mayden (CMMANDEV,85.2138) & +tat wytnesseth here boke . (CMMANDEV,85.2139) & +tei seyn also +tat Ihesu crist spak als sone as he was born & +tat he was an holy prophete & a trewe in woord & dede & meke & pytous & rightfull & with outen ony vyce . (CMMANDEV,85.2140) And +tei seyn also +tat whan the Angel schewed the Incarnacioun of crist vnto Marie sche was +gong & had gret drede . (CMMANDEV,85.2141) For +tere was +tanne an enchauntour in the contree +tat deled with wycchecraft +tat men clepten Taknia +tat be his enchauntementes cowde make him in lykness of an Angel (CMMANDEV,85.2142) & wente often tymes (CMMANDEV,85.2143) & lay with maydenes (CMMANDEV,85.2144) & +terfore Marie dredde lest it hadde ben Taknia +tat cam for to desceyue the maydenes . (CMMANDEV,85.2145) And +terfore sche coniured the Angel +tat he scholde tell hire +gif it were he or no (CMMANDEV,85.2146) And the angel answerde & seyde +tat sche scholde haue no drede of him (CMMANDEV,85.2147) for he was verry messager of Ihesu crist . (CMMANDEV,85.2148) Also here book seyth +tat whan +tat sche had childed vnder a palme tre sche had gret schame +tat sche hadde a child (CMMANDEV,85.2149) & sche grette & seyde +tat sche wolde +tat sche hadde ben ded ; (CMMANDEV,85.2150) And anon the child spak to hire (CMMANDEV,85.2151) & comforted hire (CMMANDEV,85.2152) & seyde : Moder ne dysmaye +te nought , (CMMANDEV,85.2153) for god hath hidd in +te his preuytees for the saluacioun of the world . (CMMANDEV,85.2154) And in othere many places seyth here ALKARON +tat Ihesu crist spak als sone as he was born . (CMMANDEV,85.2155) And +tat book seyth also +tat Ihesu was sent from god all myghty for to ben myrour & ensample & tokne to alle men . (CMMANDEV,85.2156) And the Alkaron seyth also of the day of doom , how god schal come to deme all maner of folk & the gode he schall drawen on his syde & putte hem into blisse , And the wykkede he schal condempne to the peynes of hell . And amonges all prophetes Ihesu was the most excellent & the moste worthi next god , And +tat he made the gospelles in the whiche is gode doctryne & helefull , full of $charitee & sothfastness & trewe prechinge to hem +tat beleeuen in god And +tat he was a verry prophete & more +tan a prophete & lyued withouten synne & +gaf syght to +te blynde & helede the leptes & reysede dede men & steigh to heuene . (CMMANDEV,86.2157) And whan +tei mowe holden the boke of the gospelles of oure lord writen & namely MISSUE EST ANGELUS GABRIEL , +tat gospell +tei seyn +to +tat ben lettred often tymes in here orisouns (CMMANDEV,86.2158) & +tei kissen it (CMMANDEV,86.2159) & worschipen it with gret deuocioun . (CMMANDEV,86.2160) +Tei fasten an hool moneth in the +geer (CMMANDEV,86.2161) & eten nought but be nyghte (CMMANDEV,86.2162) & +tei kepen hem from here wyfes all +tat moneth . (CMMANDEV,86.2163) But the seke men be not constreyned to +tat fast . (CMMANDEV,86.2164) Also this book spekth of Iewes (CMMANDEV,86.2165) & seyth +tat +tei ben cursed for +tei wolde not beleuen +tat Ihesu crist was comen of god & +tat +tei lyeden falsely on Marie & on hire sone Ihesu crist seyenge +tat +tei hadden crucyfyed Ihesus the sone of Marie . For he was neuere crucyfyed as +tei seyn , but +tat god made him to stye vp to him withouten deth & withouten anoye , (CMMANDEV,86.2166) But he transfigured his lykness into IUDAS SCARIOTH (CMMANDEV,86.2167) & him crucifyeden the Iewes (CMMANDEV,86.2168) & wenden +tat it had ben Ihesus (CMMANDEV,86.2169) But Ihesu steygh to heuenes all quyk (CMMANDEV,86.2170) & +terfore +tei seyn +tat the cristene men erren & han no gode knouleche of this & +tat +tei beleeuen folyly & falsly +tat Ihesu crist was crucyfyed . (CMMANDEV,86.2171) And +tei seyn +git +tat , & he had ben crucyfyed , +tat god had don a+gen his rightwisness for to suffre Ihesu crist +tat was Innocent to ben put vpon the cros withouten gylt . (CMMANDEV,86.2172) And in this article +tei seyn +tat wee faylen & +tat the gret rightwisness of god ne myhte not suffre so gret a wrong . (CMMANDEV,86.2173) And in this fayleth here feyth , (CMMANDEV,86.2174) For +tei knoulechen wel +tat the werkes of Ihesu crist ben gode & his wordes & his dedes & his doctryne be his gospelles weren trewe & his meracles also trewe & the blessede virgine Marie is good & holy mayden before & after the birthe of Ihesu crist , And +tat all +to +tat beleuen perfectely in god schul ben saued . (CMMANDEV,87.2175) And be cause +tat +tei gon so ny oure feyth +tei ben lyghtly conuerted to cristene lawe whan men preche hem And schewen hem distynctly the lawe of Ihesu crist & whan $men tellen hem of the prophecyes . (CMMANDEV,87.2176) And also +tei seyn +tat +tei knowen wel be the prophecyes +tat the lawe of Machomete schall fayle as the lawe of the Iewes dide And +tat the lawe of cristene peple schall laste to the day of doom . (CMMANDEV,87.2177) And +gif ony man aske hem what is here beleeue , +tei answeren +tus & in this forme : (CMMANDEV,87.2178) Wee beleuen god formyour of heuene & of erthe & of all o+tere thinges +tat he made (CMMANDEV,87.2179) & withouten him is no thing made . (CMMANDEV,87.2180) And we beleuen of thay of doom & +tat euery man schall haue his meryte after he hath disserued (CMMANDEV,87.2181) And we beleue it for soth all +tat god hath seyd be the mouthes of his prophetes . (CMMANDEV,87.2182) Also Machomet commanded in his ALKARON +tat euery man scholde haue .ij. wyfes or .iij. or .iiij . (CMMANDEV,87.2183) but now +tei taken vnto .ix. & of lemmannes als manye as he may susteyne . (CMMANDEV,87.2184) And +gif ony of here wifes mys beren hem a+genst hire husbonde he may caste hire out of his hous & departe fro him & take ano+ter , (CMMANDEV,87.2185) But he schall departe with hire of his godes . (CMMANDEV,87.2186) Also whan men speken to hem of the fader & of the sone & of the holy gost +tei seyn +tat +tei ben .iij. persones , but not o god , (CMMANDEV,87.2187) For here Alkaron speketh not of the trynyte . (CMMANDEV,87.2188) But +tei seyn wel +tat god hath speche & ell were he dowmb (CMMANDEV,87.2189) & god hath also a spirit +tei knowen wel (CMMANDEV,87.2190) for ell +tei seyn he were not on lyue . (CMMANDEV,87.2191) And whan men speken to hem of the Incarnacioun how +tat be the word of the Angel god sente his wysdom in to erthe & envmbred him in the virgyne Marie & be the woord of god schull +te dede ben reysed at the day of doom , +tei seyn +tat it is soth & +tat the woord of god hath gret strengthe , (CMMANDEV,87.2192) And +tei seyn +tat whoso knew not +te woord of god he scholde not knowe god . (CMMANDEV,87.2193) And +tei seyn also +tat Ihesu crist is the woord of god (CMMANDEV,87.2194) & so seyth hire ALKARON , where it seyth +tat the Angel spak to Marie and seyde : Marie , god schall preche +te the gospell be the woord of his mowth & his name schall be clept Ihesu crist . (CMMANDEV,88.2195) And +tei seyn also +tat Abraham was frend to god And +tat Moyses was familier spekere with god & +tat Machomete was right messager of god . (CMMANDEV,88.2196) And +tei seyn +tat of theise .iiij. Ihesu was the most worthi & the most excellent & the most gret so +tat +tei han many gode articles of oure feyth , all be it +tat +tei haue no parfite lawe & feyth as cristene men han . (CMMANDEV,88.2197) & +terefore ben +tei lightly conuerted & namely +to +tat vnderstonden the scriptures & the prophecyes , (CMMANDEV,88.2198) For +tei han the gospelles & the prophecies & the byble writen in here langage . Wherfore +tei conen meche of holy wrytt , (CMMANDEV,88.2199) but +tei vnderstonde it not but after the lettre (CMMANDEV,88.2200) & so don the Iewes . (CMMANDEV,88.2201) For +tei vndirstonde not the lettre gostly but bodyly (CMMANDEV,88.2202) & +terfore ben +tei repreued of +te wise +tat gostly vnderstonden it . (CMMANDEV,88.2203) And +terfore seyth Seynt Poul : LITERA OCCIDIT , SPIRITUS AUTEM VIUIFICAT . (CMMANDEV,88.2204) Also the sarazines seyn +tat the Iewes ben cursed (CMMANDEV,88.2205) for +tei han defouled the lawe +tat god sente hem be Moyses , (CMMANDEV,88.2206) And the cristene ben cursed also , as +tei seyn , (CMMANDEV,88.2207) for +tei kepen not the commandements & the preceptes of the gospell +tat Ihesu crist taughte hem . (CMMANDEV,88.2208) And +terfore I schall tell +gou what the Soudan tolde me vpon a day in his chambre . (CMMANDEV,88.2209) He leet voyden out of his chambre all maner of men , lordes & o+ter , (CMMANDEV,88.2210) for he wolde speke with me in conseill . (CMMANDEV,88.2211) And +tere he asked me how the cristene men gouerned hem in oure contree , (CMMANDEV,88.2212) and I seyde him right wel , thonked be god . (CMMANDEV,88.2213) & he seyde me treulych nay , (CMMANDEV,88.2214) for +gee cristene men ne recche right noght how vntrewly to serue god ; (CMMANDEV,88.2215) +gee scholde +geuen ensample to the lewed peple for to do wel (CMMANDEV,88.2216) & +gee +geuen hem ensample to don euyll . (CMMANDEV,88.2217) for the comownes vpon festyfull dayes whan +tei scholden gon to chirche to serue god , +tan gon +tei to tauernes (CMMANDEV,88.2218) & ben +tere in glotony all +te day & all nyght (CMMANDEV,88.2219) & eten & drynken as bestes +tat haue no resoun & wite not whan +tei haue ynow . (CMMANDEV,88.2220) And also the cristene men enforcen hem in all maneres +tat +tei mowen for to fighten & for to desceyuen +tat on +tat other , (CMMANDEV,89.2221) And +terewithall +tei ben so proude +tat +tei knowen not how to ben clothed , (CMMANDEV,89.2222) now long , now schort , now streyt , now large , now swerded , now daggered & in all manere gyses . (CMMANDEV,89.2223) +Tei scholden ben symple meke & trewe & full of almesdede as Ihesu was in whom +tei trowe , (CMMANDEV,89.2224) but +tei ben all the contrarie & euere enclyned to the euyll & to don euyll . (CMMANDEV,89.2225) And +tei ben so coueytous +tat for a lytyll syluer +tei sellen here doughtres , here sustres & here owne wyfes to putten hem to leccherie , (CMMANDEV,89.2226) And on withdraweth the wif of another (CMMANDEV,89.2227) & non of hem holdeth feyth to another , (CMMANDEV,89.2228) but +tei defoulen here lawe +tat Ihesu crist betook hem to kepe for here saluacioun . (CMMANDEV,89.2229) And +tus for here synnes han +tei lost all this lond +tat wee holden . (CMMANDEV,89.2230) For for hire synnes here god hath taken hem in to oure hondes , noght only be strengthe of oureself , but for here synnes . (CMMANDEV,89.2231) For wee knowen wel in verry soth +tat whan +gee seruen god god wil helpe +gou , (CMMANDEV,89.2232) And whan he is with +gou noman may ben a+genst +gou . (CMMANDEV,89.2233) And +tat knowe we wel be oure prophecyes , +tat cristene men schull wynnen a+gen this lond out of oure hondes whan +tei seruen god more deuoutly . (CMMANDEV,89.2234) But als longe as +tei ben of foul & of vnclene lyvynge as +tei ben now wee haue no drede of hem in no kynde , (CMMANDEV,89.2235) for here god wil not helpen hem in no wise . (CMMANDEV,89.2236) And +tan I asked him how he knew the state of all cristene men (CMMANDEV,89.2237) & he answerde me +tat he knew all the state of all contres of cristene kynges & princes & the state of the comounes also be his messangeres , +tat he sente to all londes in manere as +tei weren marchauntes of precyous stones , of clothes of gold & of othere thinges for to knowen the manere of euery contree amonges cristenemen . (CMMANDEV,89.2238) And +tan he leet clepe in all the lordes +tat he made voyden first out of his chambre (CMMANDEV,89.2239) & +tere he schewed me .iiij. +tat weren grete lordes in the contree +tat tolden me of my contree & of manye o+ter cristene contrees als wel as +tei had ben of the same contree (CMMANDEV,89.2240) & +tei spak frensch right wel & the sowdan also , whereof I had gret meruaylle . (CMMANDEV,89.2241) Allas , +tat it is gret sclaundre to oure feith & to oure lawe , whan folk +tat ben withouten lawe schull repreuen vs & vndernemen vs of oure synnes , (CMMANDEV,90.2242) And +tei +tat scholden ben conuerted to crist & to the lawe of Ihesu be oure gode ensamples & be oure acceptable lif to god , & so conuerted to the lawe of Ihesu crist , ben +torgh oure wykkedness & euyll lyuynge fer fro vs (CMMANDEV,90.2243) & straungeres fro the holy & verry beleeve schull +tus appelen vs & holden vs for wykkede lyueres & cursede . (CMMANDEV,90.2244) And treuly +tei sey soth , (CMMANDEV,90.2245) For the sarazines ben gode & feythfull , (CMMANDEV,90.2246) For +tei kepen entierly the commandement of the holy book ALKARON +tat god sente hem be his messager Machomet , to the whiche , as +tei sen , Seynt Gabriell the aungel often tyme tolde the wille of god . (CMMANDEV,90.2247) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat Machamote was born in Arabye , +tat was first a pore knaue +tat kepte Cameles +tat wenten with Marchantes for marchandise ; (CMMANDEV,90.2248) & so befell +tat he wente with the marchandes in to Egipt (CMMANDEV,90.2249) & +tei weren +tanne cristene in +to partyes . (CMMANDEV,90.2250) And at the desertes of Arabye he wente in to a chapell where a Eremyte duelte , (CMMANDEV,90.2251) And whan he entred in to the chapell +tat was but a lytill & a low thing & had but a lityl dore & a low , +tan the entree began to wexe so gret & so large & so high as +tough it had ben of a gret mynstre or the +gate of a paleys . (CMMANDEV,90.2252) And this was the firste myracle the sarazines seyn +tat Machomete dide in his +gouthe . (CMMANDEV,90.2253) After began he for to wexe wyse and riche (CMMANDEV,90.2254) & he was a gret Astronomer (CMMANDEV,90.2255) & after he was gouernour & prince of the lond of Corrodane (CMMANDEV,90.2256) & he geuerned it full wisely in such manere +tat whan the prince was ded he toke the lady to wyfe , +tat highte Gadrige . (CMMANDEV,90.2257) And Machomete fell often in the grete sikeness +tat men callen the fallynge euyll , Wherfore the lady was full sory +tat euere sche toke him to husbonde . (CMMANDEV,90.2258) But Machomete made hire to beleeue +tat all tymes whan he fell so Gabriel the angel cam for to speke with him & for the gret light & brightness of the angell he myghte not susteyne him fro fallynge ; (CMMANDEV,90.2259) And +terfore the sarazines seyn +tat Gabriel cam often to speke with him . (CMMANDEV,90.2260) This Machomete regned in Arabye the +geer of oure lord Ihesu crist .vj. C. & .x. (CMMANDEV,91.2261) and was of the generacioun of ysmael +tat was Abrahames sone +tat he gat vpon Agar his chamberere . (CMMANDEV,91.2262) And +terfore +ter ben sarazines +tat ben clept Ismaelytenes , & summe Agaryenes of Agar (CMMANDEV,91.2263) & the o+tere propurly ben clept Sarrazines of Sarra (CMMANDEV,91.2264) & summe ben clept Moabytes & summe Amonytes for the .ij. sones of loth , Moab & Amon +tat he begatt on his doughtres , +tat weren aftirward grete erthely princes . (CMMANDEV,91.2265) And also Machomete loued wel a gode heremyte +tat duelled in the desertes a myle fro +tat Mount Synay in the weye +tat men gon fro Arabye toward Caldee & toward ynde , o day iourney fro the see , where the marchauntes of Venyse comen often for marchandise . (CMMANDEV,91.2266) And so often wente Machomete to this heremyte +tat all his men weren wrothe (CMMANDEV,91.2267) for he wolde gladly here this heremyte preche & make his men wake all nyght , (CMMANDEV,91.2268) & +terfore his men +toughten to putte the hermyte to deth . (CMMANDEV,91.2269) & so befell vpon a nyght +tat Machomete was dronken of gode wyn (CMMANDEV,91.2270) & he fell on slepe (CMMANDEV,91.2271) & his men toke Machometes swerd out of his schethe whils he slepte (CMMANDEV,91.2272) & +tere with +tei slowgh this heremyte (CMMANDEV,91.2273) & putten his swerd al blody in his schethe a+gen . (CMMANDEV,91.2274) And at morwe whan he fond the heremyte ded he was full sory & wroth (CMMANDEV,91.2275) & wolde haue don his men to deth , (CMMANDEV,91.2276) but +tei all with on accord $said +tat he himself had slayn him whan he was dronken (CMMANDEV,91.2277) & schewed him his swerd all blody (CMMANDEV,91.2278) & he trowed +tat +tei hadden seyd soth . (CMMANDEV,91.2279) And +tan he cursed the wyn & all +to +tat drynken it , (CMMANDEV,91.2280) And +terfore sarrazines +tat ben deuout drynken it preuyly , (CMMANDEV,91.2281) For +gif +tei dronken it openly +tei scholde ben repreued . (CMMANDEV,91.2282) But +tei drynken gode beuerage & swete & norysshynge +tat is made of Galamell (CMMANDEV,91.2283) & +tat is +tat men maken sugre of , +tat is of right gode sauour (CMMANDEV,91.2284) & it is gode for the breest . (CMMANDEV,91.2285) Also it befalleth sumtyme +tat cristene men becomen sarazines ou+ter for pouertee or for sympleness or elles for here owne wykkedness ; (CMMANDEV,91.2286) And +terfore the Archiflamyn or the Flamyn , $as oure $Erchebisshopp or Bisshopp , Whan he resceyueth hem seth +tus : LA ELLEC OLLA SYLA MACHOMET RORES ALLA +tat is to seye : +tere is no god but on & Machomete his messager . (CMMANDEV,92.2287) Now I haue told +gou a party of here lawe & of here customes I schal seye +gou of here lettres +tat +tei haue with here names & the manere of hire figures , What +tei ben . (CMMANDEV,92.2288) And .iiij. lettres +tei haue more +tan o+tere for dyuersitee of hire langage & speche , for als moche as +tei speken in here throtes . (CMMANDEV,92.2289) And wee in Englond haue in oure langage & speche .ii. lettres mo +tan +tei haue in hire .A.B.C. (CMMANDEV,92.2290) & +tat is +T & +G , the whiche ben clept +torn & +GOGH . (CMMANDEV,92.2291) {COM:pps._93-94_are_blank_} OF THE LONDES OF ALBANYE AND OF LIBYE ; (CMMANDEV,95.2295) OF THE WISSHINGES FOR WACCHINGE OF THE SPERHAUK , & OF NOES SCHIPPE . (CMMANDEV,95.2296) Now sith I haue told +gou beforn of the holy lond & of +tat contree abouten & of many weyes for to go to +tat lond & to +te mount Synay & of Babloyne the more & the less & to o+ter places +tat I haue spoken beforn , now is tyme +gif it lyke +gou for to tell +gou of the marches & Iles & dyuerse bestes & of dyuerse folk be+gond theise marches . (CMMANDEV,95.2298) For in +to contrees be+gonden ben many dyuerse contrees & many grete kyngdomes +tat ben departed be the .iiij. flodes +tat comen from paradys terrestre . (CMMANDEV,95.2299) For Mesopotayme & the kyngdom of Caldee & Arabye ben betwene the .ij. ryueres of Tygre & of Eufrates , (CMMANDEV,95.2300) And the kyngdom of Mede & of Persye ben betwene the ryueres of Nile & of Tygres . (CMMANDEV,95.2301) And the kyngdom of Syrie where I haue spoken beforn & Palestyne & Phenicye ben betwene Eufrates & the se Medterrane . The whiche see dureth in lengthe fro Mayrok vpon the see of Spayne vnto the gret see , so +tat it lasteth be+gonde Costantynople .M=l=M=l=M=l=. & .xl. myles of lombardye . (CMMANDEV,95.2302) And toward the see Occyan & Inde is the kyngdom of Shithie +tat is all closed with hilles (CMMANDEV,95.2303) And after vnder Schithie & fro the see of Caspie vnto the flom of Thamy is AMAZOYNE +tat is the lond of FEMYNYE , where +tat noman is $but only all wommen . (CMMANDEV,95.2304) And after is Albanye a full gret reme , (CMMANDEV,95.2305) And it is clept Albanye be cause +tat the folk ben whitere +tere +tan in o+ter marches +tere abouten ; (CMMANDEV,95.2306) and in +tat contree ben so gret houndes & so stronge +tat +tei assaylen lyouns & slen hem . (CMMANDEV,95.2307) And +tanne after is Hircanye Bactrie Hiberye & many o+ter kyngdomes . (CMMANDEV,95.2308) And betwene the rede see & the see occyan toward the south is the kyngdom of Ethiope & of libye the hyere , The whiche lond of Lybye +tat is to seyne libye the lowe +tat begynneth at the see of Spayne fro +tens where the pyleres of hercules ben And dureth vnto aneyntes Egipt & toward Ethiope . (CMMANDEV,96.2309) In +tat contre of libye is the see more high +tan the lond (CMMANDEV,96.2310) & it semeth +tat it wolde couere the erthe (CMMANDEV,96.2311) & natheles +git it passeth not his markes . (CMMANDEV,96.2312) And men seen in +tat contre a mountayne to the whiche noman come . (CMMANDEV,96.2313) In this lond of libye whoso turneth toward the Est the schadewe of himself is on the right syde (CMMANDEV,96.2314) And here in oure contree the schadwe is on the left syde . (CMMANDEV,96.2315) In +tat see of libye is no fissch , (CMMANDEV,96.2316) for +tei mowe not lyve ne dure for the gret hete of the sonne , because +tat the water is euermore boyllynge for the gret hete . (CMMANDEV,96.2317) And many o+tere londes +ter ben , +tat it were to long to telle or to nombren , (CMMANDEV,96.2318) But of sum parties I schall speke more pleynly here after . (CMMANDEV,96.2319) Whoso wil +tanne gon toward Tartarie , toward Persie , toward Caldee & toward Ynde , he most entre the see at Gene or at Venyse or at sum other hauene +tat I haue told +gou before ; (CMMANDEV,96.2320) And +tan passe men the see (CMMANDEV,96.2321) & arryuen at Trapazond +tat is a gode cytee (CMMANDEV,96.2322) & it was wont to ben the hauene of POUNTZ . (CMMANDEV,96.2323) +Tere is the hauene of Persanes & of Medaynes & of the marches +tere be+gonde . (CMMANDEV,96.2324) In +tat cytee lyth seynt Athanasie +tat was Bisshopp of Alisandre +tat made +te psalm : QUICUMQUE WLT . (CMMANDEV,96.2325) This ATHANASIUS was a gret doctour of dyuynytee (CMMANDEV,96.2326) & because +tat he preched & spak so depely of dyuynytee & of the godhede he was accused to the Pope of Rom +tat he was an heretyk , Wherfore the Pope sente after hym & putte him in presoun . (CMMANDEV,96.2327) And whils he was in presoun he made +tat psalm (CMMANDEV,96.2328) & sente it to the Pope (CMMANDEV,96.2329) & seyde +tat +gif he were an heretyk +tan was +tat heresie , (CMMANDEV,96.2330) for +tat he seyde was his beleeue . (CMMANDEV,96.2331) And whan the Pope saugh it & had examyned it , +tat it was perfite & gode & verryly oure feyth & oure beleeue , he made him to ben delyuered out of presoun (CMMANDEV,96.2332) & commanded +tat psalm to ben seyd euery day at pryme (CMMANDEV,96.2333) & so he held Athanasie a gode man . (CMMANDEV,96.2334) But he wolde neuere go to his bisshopriche a+gen because +tat +tei accused him of heresye . (CMMANDEV,97.2335) Trapozond was wont to ben holden of the Emperour of Costantynople , (CMMANDEV,97.2336) But a gret man +tat he sente for to kepe the contree a+genst the Turkes vsurped the lond (CMMANDEV,97.2337) & helde it to him self (CMMANDEV,97.2338) & cleped him Emperour of Trapazond . (CMMANDEV,97.2339) And from +tens men gon thorgh litill Ermonye , (CMMANDEV,97.2340) And in +tat contree is an old castell +tat stont vpon a roche the whiche is cleped the castell of SPARREHAWK , +tat is be+gonde the cytee of LAYAYS beside the town of Pharsipee +tat belongeth to the lordschipe of CRUK +tat is a riche lord & a gode cristene man ; Where men fynden a Sparehauk vpon a perche right fair & right wel made & a faire lady of fayrye +tat kepeth it . (CMMANDEV,97.2341) And who +tat wil wake +tat Sparhauk .vij. dayes & .vij. nyghtes & as summe men seyn .iij. dayes & .iij. nyghtes withouten companye & withouten sleep , +tat faire lady schal +geuen him whan he hath don the first wyssch +tat he wil wyssche of erthely thinges ; (CMMANDEV,97.2342) & +tat hath ben proued often tymes . (CMMANDEV,97.2343) And o tyme befell +tat a kyng of Ermonye +tat was a worthi knyght & a doughty man & a noble prince woke +tat hauk sum tyme & at the ende of .vij. dayes & .vij. nyghtes the lady cam to him & bad him wisschen : (CMMANDEV,97.2344) for he had wel disserued it . (CMMANDEV,97.2345) And he answerede +tat he was gret lord ynow & wel in pees & hadde ynowgh of worldly richess & +terfore he wolde wisshen non o+ter thing but the body of +tat faire lady to haue it at his wille . (CMMANDEV,97.2346) And sche answerede him +tat he knew not what he asked & seyde +tat he was a fool to desire +tat he myghte not haue (CMMANDEV,97.2347) for sche seyde +tat he scholde not aske but erthely thing , (CMMANDEV,97.2348) for sche was non erthely thing , but a gostly thing . (CMMANDEV,97.2349) And the kyng seyde +tat he ne wolde asken non o+ter thing . (CMMANDEV,97.2350) And the lady answerde : sythe +tat I may not withdrawe +gou fro +goure lewed courage I schal +geue +gou withouten wysschinge & to all hem +tat schull com of +gou . (CMMANDEV,97.2351) Sire kyng +gee schull haue werre withouten pees (CMMANDEV,97.2352) & all weys to the .ix=e=. degree +gee schull ben in subieccioun of +goure enemyes (CMMANDEV,97.2353) & +gee schull ben nedy of all godes . (CMMANDEV,97.2354) And neuere sithen nouther the kyng of Ermonye ne the contree weren neuer in pees (CMMANDEV,98.2355) ne +tei hadden neuer sithen plentee of godes (CMMANDEV,98.2356) & +tei han ben sithen allweyes vnder tribute of sarrazines . (CMMANDEV,98.2357) Also the sone of a pore man woke +tat hauke (CMMANDEV,98.2358) & wisshed +tat he myghte cheue wel & to ben happy to marchandise (CMMANDEV,98.2359) & the lady graunted him (CMMANDEV,98.2360) And he becam the most riche & the most famouse marchant +tat myghte ben on see or on erthe . (CMMANDEV,98.2361) And he becam so riche +tat he knew not the .M=l=. part of +tat he hadde (CMMANDEV,98.2362) & he was wysere in wisschinge +tan was +te kyng . (CMMANDEV,98.2363) Also a knyght of the temple wooke +tere (CMMANDEV,98.2364) & wyssched a purs eueremore full of gold (CMMANDEV,98.2365) & the lady graunted him . (CMMANDEV,98.2366) But sche seyde him +tat he had asked the destruccioun of here ordre for the trust & the affiance of +tat purs & for the grete pryde +tat +tei scholde hauen (CMMANDEV,98.2367) & so it was . (CMMANDEV,98.2368) And +terfore loke he kepe him wel +tat schall wake , (CMMANDEV,98.2369) For +gif he slepe he is lost +tat neuere man schall seen him more . (CMMANDEV,98.2370) This is not the right weye for to go to the parties +tat I haue nempned before , but for to see the merueyle +tat I haue spoken of , (CMMANDEV,98.2371) And +terfore whoso wil go right weye , men gon from TRAPAZOND toward Ermonye the grete vnto a cytee +tat is clept ARTYROUN : (CMMANDEV,98.2372) +Tat was wont to ben a gode cytee & a plentifous , (CMMANDEV,98.2373) but the Turkes han gretly wasted it . (CMMANDEV,98.2374) +Tere aboute groweth no wyn ne frut but lityll or ell non . (CMMANDEV,98.2375) In this lond is the erthe more high +tan in ony o+ter (CMMANDEV,98.2376) & +tat maketh gret cold (CMMANDEV,98.2377) And +tere ben many gode watres & gode welles +tat comen vnder erthe fro the flom of Paradys +tat is clept EUFRATES , +tat is a iorneye besyde +tat cytee . (CMMANDEV,98.2378) And +tat ryuere cometh towardes ynde vnder erthe (CMMANDEV,98.2379) & resorteth into the lond of Altazar (CMMANDEV,98.2380) And so passe men be this Ermonye (CMMANDEV,98.2381) & entren the see of Persie . (CMMANDEV,98.2382) Fra +tat cytee of Artyroun go men to an hill +tat men clepen SABISSOLLE ; (CMMANDEV,98.2383) And +tere besyde is ano+ter hill +tat men clepen Ararath but +te Iewes clepen it TANEEZ , where Noes schipp rested & +git is vpon +tat montayne , (CMMANDEV,98.2384) And men may seen it a ferr in cleer weder . (CMMANDEV,98.2385) And +tat montayne is wel a .vij. myle high (CMMANDEV,98.2386) And summen seyn +tat +tei han seen & touched the schipp & put here fyngres in the parties where the feend went out , Whan +tat Noe seyde : BENEDICITE , (CMMANDEV,99.2387) But +tei +tat seyn suche woordes seyn here wille . (CMMANDEV,99.2388) For a man may not gon vp the montayne for gret plentee of snow +tat is allweys on +tat montayne nou+ter somer ne wynter , so +tat noman may gon vp +tere (CMMANDEV,99.2389) ne neuere man dide sithe the tyme of Noe saf a monk +tat be the grace of god broughte on of the plankes doun , +tat +git is in the mynstre at the foot of the montayne . (CMMANDEV,99.2390) And besyde is the cytee of DAYNE +tat Noe founded , (CMMANDEV,99.2391) And faste by is the cytee of Any in the whiche were wont to ben a .M=l=. chirches . (CMMANDEV,99.2392) But vpon +tat montayne to gon vp this monk had gret desir (CMMANDEV,99.2393) And so vpon a day he wente vp (CMMANDEV,99.2394) And whan he was vpward the .iij. part of the montayne he was so wery , +tat he myghte no ferthere (CMMANDEV,99.2395) and so he rested him (CMMANDEV,99.2396) & fell oslepe . (CMMANDEV,99.2397) And whan he awook he fonde him self liggynge at the foot of the montayne (CMMANDEV,99.2398) And +tan he preyede deuoutly to god +tat he wolde vouchesaf to suffre him gon vp . (CMMANDEV,99.2399) And an angell cam to him (CMMANDEV,99.2400) & seyde +tat he scholde gon vp (CMMANDEV,99.2401) And so he dide , (CMMANDEV,99.2402) And sith +tat tyme neuer non ; wherfore men scholde not beleeve suche woordes . (CMMANDEV,99.2403) Fro +tat montayne go men to the cytee of THAURISO +tat was wont to ben clept FAXIS +tat is a full fair cytee & a gret & on of the beste +tat is in the world for marchandise . (CMMANDEV,99.2404) +Tider comen all marchauntes for to byen auoir de poys (CMMANDEV,99.2405) and it is in the lond of the Emperour of Persie (CMMANDEV,99.2406) And men seyn +tat the Emperour taketh more gode in +tat cytee for custom of marchandise +tan doth the ricchest cristene kyng of all his reme +tat lyueth ; (CMMANDEV,99.2407) For the toll & the custom of his marchantes is withouten estymacyoun to ben nombred . (CMMANDEV,99.2408) Beside +tat cytee is an hill of salt (CMMANDEV,99.2409) And of +tat salt euery man taketh what he wil for to salte with to his nede . (CMMANDEV,99.2410) +Tere duellen many cristene men vndir tribute of Sarrazines . (CMMANDEV,99.2411) And fro +tat cytee men passen be many townes & castell in goynge toward ynde vnto +te cytee of Sadonye +tat is a .x. iourneyes fro Thauriso (CMMANDEV,99.2412) & it is a full noble cytee & a gret . (CMMANDEV,99.2413) And +tere duelleth the Emperour of Persie in somer (CMMANDEV,99.2414) for the contree is cold ynow (CMMANDEV,99.2415) & +tere ben gode ryueres berynge schippes . (CMMANDEV,99.2416) After go men the weye toward ynde be many iorneyes & be many contreyes vnto the cytee +tat is clept CASSAK +tat is a full noble cytee & a plentyfous of cornes & wynes & of all o+ter godes . (CMMANDEV,100.2418) This is the cytee where the .iij. kynges metten togedre whan +tei wenten to sechen oure lord in Bethlem to worschipe him & to presente him with gold , ensence & myrre . (CMMANDEV,100.2419) And it is from +tat cytee to Bethleem .liij. iourneyes . (CMMANDEV,100.2420) Fro +tat cytee men gon to ano+ter cytee +tat is clept Geth +tat is a iourneye fro the see +tat men clepen the gravely see . (CMMANDEV,100.2421) +Tat is the beste cytee +tat the Emperour of Persie hath in all his lond (CMMANDEV,100.2422) And +tei clepen flessch +tere DABAGO & the wyn VAPA . (CMMANDEV,100.2423) And the paynemes seyn +tat no cristene man may not longe duelle ne enduren with the lif in +tat cytee , (CMMANDEV,100.2424) but dyen within schort tyme (CMMANDEV,100.2425) & noman knoweth not the cause . (CMMANDEV,100.2426) After gon men be many cytees & townes & grete contrees +tat it were to longe to tell vnto the cytee of Cornaa +tat was wont to be so gret +tat the walles abouten helden .xxv. myle aboute . (CMMANDEV,100.2427) the walles schewen +git , (CMMANDEV,100.2428) but it is not all enhabited . (CMMANDEV,100.2429) Fro CORNAA go men be many londes & many cytees & townes vnto the lond of IOB , (CMMANDEV,100.2430) And +tere endeth the lond of the Emperour of PERSIE . (CMMANDEV,100.2431) And +gif +gee wole knowe the lettres of Persaynes & what names +tei han , +tei ben suche as I last deuysed +gou , but not in sownynge of here woordes . (CMMANDEV,100.2432) OF THE LOND OF IOB & OF HIS AGE ; (CMMANDEV,100.2434) OF THE ARAY OF MEN OF CALDEE ; (CMMANDEV,100.2435) OF THE LOND WHERE WOMMEN DUELLE WITHOUTEN COMPANYE OF MEN ; (CMMANDEV,100.2436) OF THE KNOULECHE & VERTUES OF THE VERRAY DYAMAUNT . (CMMANDEV,100.2437) After the departyng fro CORMAA men entren into +te lond of Iob +tat is a full fair contree & a plentyfous of all godes , (CMMANDEV,100.2439) And men clepen +tat lond the Lond of Sweze . (CMMANDEV,100.2440) In +tat lond is the cytee of THEMEN . (CMMANDEV,100.2441) Iob was a payneem (CMMANDEV,101.2443) & he was ARE of GOSRA is sone (CMMANDEV,101.2444) & held +tat lond as prynce of that contree (CMMANDEV,101.2445) & he was so riche +tat he knew not the hundred part of his godes . (CMMANDEV,101.2446) And all +tough he were a payneem natheles he serued wel god after his lawe (CMMANDEV,101.2447) And oure lord toke his seruice to his plesance . (CMMANDEV,101.2448) And whan he fell in pouerte he was .lxxviij. +geer of age . (CMMANDEV,101.2449) And after whan god had preued his pacyence & it was so gret , he broughte him a+gen to richess & to heere estate +tan he was before . (CMMANDEV,101.2450) And after +tat he was kyng of YDUMYE after kyng Esau . (CMMANDEV,101.2451) And whan he was kyng he was clept IOBAB (CMMANDEV,101.2452) And in +tat kyngdom he lyuede after .clxx. +ger (CMMANDEV,101.2453) And so he was of age whan he dyed .ccxlviij. +geer . (CMMANDEV,101.2454) In +tat lond of Iob +tere nys no defaute of no +ting +tat is nedefull to mannes body . (CMMANDEV,101.2455) +Tere ben hilles where men geten gret plente of Manna , in gretter habundance +tan in ony other contree . (CMMANDEV,101.2456) This MANNA is clept bred of aungeles (CMMANDEV,101.2457) & it is a white +ting +tat is full swete & right delicyous & more swete +tan hony or sugre (CMMANDEV,101.2458) and it cometh of the dew of heuene +tat falleth vpon the herbes in +tat contree (CMMANDEV,101.2459) And it congeleth (CMMANDEV,101.2460) & becometh all white & swete . (CMMANDEV,101.2461) And men putten it in medicynes for ryche men to make the Wombe lax & to purge euyll blode , (CMMANDEV,101.2462) for it clenseth the blood (CMMANDEV,101.2463) & putteth out malencolye . (CMMANDEV,101.2464) This lond of IOB marcheth to the kyngdom of Caldee ; (CMMANDEV,101.2465) This lond of CALDEE is full gret (CMMANDEV,101.2466) & the langage of +tat contree is more gret in sownynge +tan it is in o+ter parties be+gonde +te see . (CMMANDEV,101.2467) Men passen to go be+gonde be the tour of Babiloyne the grete of the whiche I haue told +gou before , where +tat all the langages weren first chaunged ; (CMMANDEV,101.2468) And +tat is a .iiij. iorneyes fro Caldee . (CMMANDEV,101.2469) In +tat reme ben faire men (CMMANDEV,101.2470) & +tei gon full nobely arrayed in clothes of gold orfrayed & apparayled with grete perles & presyous stones full nobely , (CMMANDEV,101.2471) & the wommen ben right foule & euyll arrayed (CMMANDEV,101.2472) & +tei gon all bare fote & clothed in euyll garnementes large wyde (CMMANDEV,101.2473) but +tei ben schorte to the knees & longe sleves doun to the feet lych a Monkes frokke (CMMANDEV,101.2474) & here sleves ben hongyng doun to the feet ; (CMMANDEV,102.2475) And +tei han gret heer & long hanginge aboute here schuldres . (CMMANDEV,102.2476) And +tei ben blake wommen , foule & hidouse ; (CMMANDEV,102.2477) And treuly as foule as +tei ben als euele +tei ben . (CMMANDEV,102.2478) In +tat kyngdom of Caldee in a cytee +tat is clept HUR dueled Thare Abrahames fader (CMMANDEV,102.2479) & +tere was Abraham born . (CMMANDEV,102.2480) And +tat was in +tat tyme +tat Nunus was kyng of Babiloyn of Arabye & of Egypt . (CMMANDEV,102.2481) This Nunus made the cytee of Nynyuee the whiche +tat Noe had begonne before (CMMANDEV,102.2482) & be cause +tat Nunus performed it he cleped it Nynyuee after his owne name . (CMMANDEV,102.2483) +Tere lyth Thobye the prophete of whom holy writt speketh offe . (CMMANDEV,102.2484) And fro +tat cytee of Hur Abraham departed be the commandement of god fro +tens after the deth of his fader (CMMANDEV,102.2485) & ladde with him Sarra his wif & Loth his brotheres sone because +tat he hadde no child , (CMMANDEV,102.2486) And +tei wenten to duelle in the lond of CHANAAN in a place +tat is clept SYCHEM . (CMMANDEV,102.2487) And +tis loth was he +tat was saued whan Sodom & Gomorre & the o+tere cytees weren brent & sonken doun to helle where +tat the dede see is now , as I haue told +gou before . (CMMANDEV,102.2488) In +tat lond of Caldee +tei han here propre langages & here propre lettres , suche as +gee may see here after . (CMMANDEV,102.2489) Besyde the lond of Caldee is the lond of AMAZOYNE +tat is the lond of FEMYNYE (CMMANDEV,102.2490) & in +tat reme is all wommen & noman , Nought as summe men seyn +tat men mowe not lyue +tere , but for because +tat the wommen wil not suffre no men amonges hem to ben here souereynes . (CMMANDEV,102.2491) For sum tyme +ter was a kyng in +tat contrey (CMMANDEV,102.2492) & men maryed as in o+ter contreyes (CMMANDEV,102.2493) & so befell +tat the kyng had werre with hem of SICHIE , the whiche kyng highte COLEPEUS , +tat was slayn in bataylle & all the gode blood of his reme . (CMMANDEV,102.2494) And whan the queen & all the othere noble ladyes sawen +tat +tei weren all wydewes & +tat all the riall blood was lost +tei armed hem (CMMANDEV,102.2495) & as creatures out of wytt +tei slowen all the men of the contrey +tat weren laft (CMMANDEV,102.2496) for +tei wolden +tat all wommen weren wydewes as the queen & +tei weren . (CMMANDEV,102.2497) And fro +tat tyme hiderwardes +tei neuere wolden suffren man to dwell amonges hem lenger +tan .vij. dayes & .vij. nyghts , Ne +tat no child +tat were male scholde duell amonges hem lenger +tan he were noryscht & +tanne sente to his fader . (CMMANDEV,103.2498) And whan +tei wil haue ony companye of man +tan +tei drawen hem towardes the londes marchynge next to them . (CMMANDEV,103.2499) And +tan +tei $haue here loues +tat vsen hem (CMMANDEV,103.2500) & +tei duellen with hem an .viij. dayes or .x. (CMMANDEV,103.2501) & +tanne gon hom a+gen . (CMMANDEV,103.2502) And +gif +tei haue ony knaue child +tei kepen it a certeyn tyme (CMMANDEV,103.2503) & +tan senden it to the fadir whan he can gon allone & eten be him self (CMMANDEV,103.2504) or ell +tei sleen it ; (CMMANDEV,103.2505) And +gif it be a femele +tei don awey +tat on pappe with an hote hiren . (CMMANDEV,103.2506) And +gif it be a womman of gret lynage +tei don awey the left pappe +tat +tei may the better beren a scheeld , (CMMANDEV,103.2507) And +gif it be a womman on fote +tei don awey the $ri+gt pappe for to scheten with bowe turkeys , (CMMANDEV,103.2508) For they schote wel with bowes . (CMMANDEV,103.2509) In +tat lond +tei haue a queen +tat gouerneth all +tat lond (CMMANDEV,103.2510) & all +tei ben obeyssant to hire (CMMANDEV,103.2511) And alweys +tei maken here queen by electioun +tat is most worthy in armes . (CMMANDEV,103.2512) For +tei ben right gode werryoures & orped & wyse , noble & worthi . (CMMANDEV,103.2513) And +tei gon often tyme in sowd to help of o+ter kynges in here werres for gold & syluer as othere sowdyoures don . (CMMANDEV,103.2514) And +tei meyntenen hemself right vygouresly . (CMMANDEV,103.2515) This lond of Amazoyne is an Ile all envirouned with the see saf in .ij. places where ben .ij. entrees , (CMMANDEV,103.2516) And be+gonde +tat water duellen the men +tat ben here paramoures & hire loues , where +tei gon to solacen hem whan +tei wole . (CMMANDEV,103.2517) Besyde amazoyne is the lond of TARMEGYTE +tat is a gret contre & a full delectable (CMMANDEV,103.2518) And for the godness of the contree kyng Alisandre leet first make +tere the cytee of Alisandre ; (CMMANDEV,103.2519) And +git he made .xij. cytees of the same name ; (CMMANDEV,103.2520) But +tat cytee is now clept Celsite . (CMMANDEV,103.2521) And fro +tat o+ter cost of Caldee toward the south is Ethiope a gret contree +tat streccheth to the ende of Egypt ; (CMMANDEV,103.2522) Ethiope is departed in .ij. parties princypall . (CMMANDEV,103.2523) And +tat is in the est partie & in the meridionall partie , The whiche partie meridionall is clept MORETANE . (CMMANDEV,104.2524) And the folk of +tat countree ben blake ynow & more blake +tan in the to+ter partie (CMMANDEV,104.2525) & +tei ben clept mowres . (CMMANDEV,104.2526) In +tat partie is a well +tat in the day it is so cold +tat noman may drynke +tere offe And in the nyght it is so hoot +tat noman may suffre hys hond +tere in . (CMMANDEV,104.2527) And be+gonde +tat partie toward the south to passe by the see Occean is a gret lond & a gret contrey , (CMMANDEV,104.2528) but men may not duell +tere for the feruent brennynge of the sonne , (CMMANDEV,104.2529) so is it passynge hoot in +tat contrey . (CMMANDEV,104.2530) In Ethiope all the Ryueres & all the watres ben trouble (CMMANDEV,104.2531) & +tei ben somdell salte for the gret hete +tat is +tere . (CMMANDEV,104.2532) And the folk of +tat contree ben lyghtly dronken (CMMANDEV,104.2533) & han but litill appetyt to mete (CMMANDEV,104.2534) And +tei han comounly the flux of the wombe (CMMANDEV,104.2535) & +tei lyuen not longe . (CMMANDEV,104.2536) In Ethiope ben many dyuerse folk (CMMANDEV,104.2537) And Ethiope is clept CUSIS . (CMMANDEV,104.2538) In +tat contree ben folk +tat han but o foot (CMMANDEV,104.2539) & +tei gon so blyue +tat it is meruaylle (CMMANDEV,104.2540) And the foot is so large +tat it schadeweth all the body a+gen the sonne Whanne +tei wole lye & reste hem . (CMMANDEV,104.2541) In Ethiope whan the children ben +gonge & lytill +tei ben all +galowe (CMMANDEV,104.2542) And whan +tat +tei wexen of age +tat +galowness turneth to ben all blak . (CMMANDEV,104.2543) In Ethiope is the cytee of Saba & the lond of the whiche on of the .iij. kynges +tat presented oure lord in Bethleem was kyng offe . (CMMANDEV,104.2544) Fro Ethiope men gon into ynde be manye dyuerse contreyes (CMMANDEV,104.2545) And men clepen the high ynde EMLAK . (CMMANDEV,104.2546) And ynde is devyded in .iij. princypall parties . (CMMANDEV,104.2547) +Tat is $ynde the more +tat is a full hoot contree & ynde the less +tat is a full atempree contrey +tat streccheth to the londe of Mede . (CMMANDEV,104.2548) And the .iij. part toward the Septentrion is full cold so +tat for pure cold & contynuell frost the water becometh Cristall . (CMMANDEV,104.2549) And vpon tho roches of cristall growen the gode dyamandes +tat ben of trouble colour ; (CMMANDEV,104.2550) +Galow Cristall draweth colour lyke oylle (CMMANDEV,104.2551) And +tei ben so harde +tat noman may pollysch hem (CMMANDEV,104.2552) & men clepen hem dyamandes in +tat contree & HAMESE in ano+ter contree . (CMMANDEV,104.2553) Othere dyamandes men fynden in Arabye +tat ben not so gode (CMMANDEV,105.2554) & +tei ben more broun & more tendre . (CMMANDEV,105.2555) And o+ter dyamandes also men fynden in the Ile of Cipre +tat ben +git more tendre (CMMANDEV,105.2556) & hem men may wel pollischen : (CMMANDEV,105.2557) And in the lond of Macedoyne men fynden dyamaundes also , (CMMANDEV,105.2558) But the beste & the moste precyiouse ben in ynde . (CMMANDEV,105.2559) And men fynden many tyme harde dyamaundes in a masse +tat cometh out of gold whan men puren it & fynen it out of the myne whan men breken +tat mass in smale peces . (CMMANDEV,105.2560) And sum tyme it happeneth +tat men fynden summe as grete as a pese & summe lasse (CMMANDEV,105.2561) & +tei ben als harde as +to of ynde . (CMMANDEV,105.2562) And all be it +tat men fynden gode dyamandes in ynde , +git natheles men fynden hem more comounly vpon the roches in the see & vpon hilles where the myne of gold is ; (CMMANDEV,105.2563) And +tei growen many to gedre on lytill another gret (CMMANDEV,105.2564) And +ter ben summe of the gretness of a bene & summe als grete as an hasell note (CMMANDEV,105.2565) & +tei ben square & poynted of here owne kynde bo+te abouen & benethen withouten worchinge of mannes hond (CMMANDEV,105.2566) & +tei growen togedre male & femele (CMMANDEV,105.2567) And +tei ben norysscht with the dew of heuene (CMMANDEV,105.2568) And +tei engendren comounly (CMMANDEV,105.2569) & bryngen forth smale children +tat multiplyen & growen all the +geer . (CMMANDEV,105.2570) I haue often tymes assayed +tat +gif a man kepe hem with a lityll of the roche , & wete hem with may dew ofte sithes +tei schull growe eueryche +geer , (CMMANDEV,105.2571) & the smale wole wexen grete . (CMMANDEV,105.2572) For right as the fyn perl congeleth and wexeth gret of the dew of heuene right so doth the verray dyamand , (CMMANDEV,105.2573) And right as the perl of his owne kynde taketh roundness right so the dyamand be vertu of god taketh squareness . (CMMANDEV,105.2574) And men schall bere the dyamaund on his left syde (CMMANDEV,105.2575) for it is of grettere vertue +tanne +tan on the right syde ; (CMMANDEV,105.2576) For the strengthe of here growynge is toward the north +tat is the left syde of the world , (CMMANDEV,105.2577) & the left partie of man is whan he turneth his face toward the est . (CMMANDEV,105.2578) And +gif +gou lyke to knowe the vertues of +te dyamand as men may fynden in the lapidarye +tat many men knowen noght , I schall telle +gou as +tei be+gonde the see seyn & affermen , of whom all science & all philosophie cometh from . (CMMANDEV,106.2579) He +tat bereth the dyamand vpon him , it +geueth him hardyness & manhode (CMMANDEV,106.2580) & it kepeth the lemes of his body hole , (CMMANDEV,106.2581) It +geueth him victorye of his enemyes in plee & in werre +gif his cause be rightfull , (CMMANDEV,106.2582) & it kepeth him +tat bereth it in gode wytt . (CMMANDEV,106.2583) And it kepeth him fro strif & ryot , fro euyll sweuenes , from sorwes & from enchauntements & from fantasyes & illusiouns of wykked spirites . (CMMANDEV,106.2584) And +gif ony cursed wycche or enchauntour wolde bewycchen him +tat bereth the dyamand , all +tat sorwe & mischance schall turne to himself +torgh vertue of +tat ston (CMMANDEV,106.2585) And also no wylde best dar assaylle the man +tat bereth it on him . (CMMANDEV,106.2586) Also the dyamand scholde ben +gouen frely withouten coueytynge & withouten byggynge (CMMANDEV,106.2587) & +tan it is of grettere vertue . (CMMANDEV,106.2588) And it maketh a man more strong & more sad a+genst his enemyes (CMMANDEV,106.2589) And it heleth him +tat is lunatyk & hem +tat the fend pursueth or trauayleth . (CMMANDEV,106.2590) And +gif venym or poysoun be brought in presence of the dyamand anon it begynneth to wexe moyst & for to swete . (CMMANDEV,106.2591) +Tere ben also dyamandes in ynde $+tat {TEXT:pat} ben clept VIOLASTRES (CMMANDEV,106.2592) for here colour is liche vyolet or more browne +tan the violettes , +tat ben full harde & full precyous , (CMMANDEV,106.2593) But +git sum men loue not hem so wel as the o+tere (CMMANDEV,106.2594) But in soth to me I wolde louen hem als moche as +te o+tere , (CMMANDEV,106.2595) For I haue seen hem assayed . (CMMANDEV,106.2596) Also +tere is a no+ter maner of dyamandes +tat ben als white as cristall (CMMANDEV,106.2597) but +tei ben a lityll more trouble (CMMANDEV,106.2598) & +tei ben gode & of gret vertue (CMMANDEV,106.2599) & all +tei ben square & poynted of here owne kynde , (CMMANDEV,106.2600) And summe ben .vj. squared summe .iiij. squared & summe .iij. as nature schapeth hem (CMMANDEV,106.2601) & +terfore whan grete lordes & knyghtes gon to sechen worschipe in armes +tei beren gladly the dyamaund vpon hem . (CMMANDEV,106.2602) I schal speke a litill more of the dyamandes all +tough I tarye my matere for a tyme , to +tat ende +tat +tei +tat knowen hem not be not disceyued be gabberes +tat gon be the contree +tat sellen hem . (CMMANDEV,106.2603) For whoso wil bye the dyamand , it is nedefull to him +tat he knowe hem be cause +tat men counterfeten hem often of cristall +tat is +galow . & of SAPHIRES of cytryne colour +tat is +galow also , & of the Sapire loupe & of many o+ter stones ; (CMMANDEV,107.2604) but I tell +gou theise contrefetes ben not so harde . (CMMANDEV,107.2605) And also the poyntes wil breken lightly (CMMANDEV,107.2606) & men may esily pollisschen hem (CMMANDEV,107.2607) But summe werkmen for malice wil not pollisschen hem , to +tat entent to maken men beleue +tat +tei may not ben pollisscht . (CMMANDEV,107.2608) But men may assaye hem in this manere : (CMMANDEV,107.2609) First schere with hem or write with hem in SAPHIRES in cristall or in o+ter precious stones . (CMMANDEV,107.2610) After +tat men taken the ADEMAND +tat is the schipmannes ston +tat draweth the nedle to him (CMMANDEV,107.2611) And men leyn the dyamand vpon the Ademand (CMMANDEV,107.2612) & leyn the nedle before the ademand (CMMANDEV,107.2613) And +gif the dyamand be gode and vertuous , the ademand draweth not the nedle to him whils the dyamand is +tere present . (CMMANDEV,107.2614) And +tis is the preef +tat +tei be+gonde the see maken . (CMMANDEV,107.2615) Natheles it befalleth often tyme +tat the gode dyamand leseth his vertue be synne & for Incontynence of him +tat bereth it (CMMANDEV,107.2616) And +tanne is it nedfull to make it to recoueren his vertue a+gen (CMMANDEV,107.2617) or ell it is of litill value . (CMMANDEV,107.2618) OF THE CUSTOMS OF YLES ABOUTEN YNDE ; (CMMANDEV,107.2620) OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWIX YDOLES & SIMULACRES ; (CMMANDEV,107.2621) OF .IIJ. MANER GROWYNGES OF PEPER VPON O TREE ; (CMMANDEV,107.2622) OF THE WELLE +TAT CHAUNGETH HIS ODOUR EUERY HOUR OF THE DAY , (CMMANDEV,107.2623) & +TAT IS MERUAYLLE . (CMMANDEV,107.2624) In YNDE ben full manye dyuerse contrees (CMMANDEV,107.2626) And it is cleped YNDE for a flom +tat renneth +torghout the contree +tat is clept ynde . (CMMANDEV,107.2627) In +tat flome men fynden ELES of .xxx=ti=. fote long & more (CMMANDEV,107.2628) And the folk +tat duellen nygh +tat water ben of euyll colour , grene & +galow . (CMMANDEV,107.2629) In YNDE & abouten ynde ben mo +tan .v. M=l=. Iles gode & grete +tat men duellen in , withouten +to +tat ben inhabitable & withouten o+tere smale Iles . (CMMANDEV,108.2630) In euery Ile is gret plentee of cytees & of townes & of folk with outen nombre , (CMMANDEV,108.2631) For men of ynde han this condicioun of kynde , +tat +tei neuere gon out of here owne contree (CMMANDEV,108.2632) & +terfore is +ter gret multitude of peple , (CMMANDEV,108.2633) but +tei ben not sterynge ne mevable be cause +tat +tei ben in the firste clymat , +tat is of SATURNE (CMMANDEV,108.2634) & SATURNE is slough & litill mevynge . (CMMANDEV,108.2635) For he taryeth to make his turn be the .xij. signes .xxx=ti=. +geer . (CMMANDEV,108.2636) And the mone passeth +torgh the .xij. signes in o moneth . (CMMANDEV,108.2637) And for because +tat Saturne is of so late sterynge +terfore the folk of +tat contree +tat ben vnder his clymat han of kynde no will for to meve ne stere to seche strange places . (CMMANDEV,108.2638) And in oure contrey is all the contrairie , (CMMANDEV,108.2639) For wee ben in the seuenthe clymat +tat is of the mone . (CMMANDEV,108.2640) And the mone is of lyghtly mevynge (CMMANDEV,108.2641) & the mone is planete of weye . (CMMANDEV,108.2642) And for +tat skyll it +geueth vs will of kynde for to move lyghtly & for to go dyuerse weyes & to sechen strange thinges & o+ter dyuersitees of the world , (CMMANDEV,108.2643) For the mone envyrouneth the erthe more hastyly +tan ony o+ter planete . (CMMANDEV,108.2644) Also men gon +torgh ynde be many dyuerse contrees to the gret see OCCEAN (CMMANDEV,108.2645) And after men fynden +tere an Ile +tat is clept CRUES (CMMANDEV,108.2646) & +tider comen marchantes of Venyse & Gene and of o+ter marches for to byen marchandyses . (CMMANDEV,108.2647) But +tere is so grete hete in +to marches & namely in +tat Ile , +tat for the grete distress of the hete mennes ballokkes hangen doun to here knees for the gret dissolucioun of the body . (CMMANDEV,108.2648) And men of +tat contree +tat knowen the manere lat bynde hem vp (CMMANDEV,108.2649) or ell myghte +tei not lyue (CMMANDEV,108.2650) & anoynt hem with oynementes made +terfore to holde hem vp . (CMMANDEV,108.2651) In +tat contree & in Ethiope & in many o+ter contrees the folk lyggen all naked in ryueres & watres , men and wommen to gedre , fro vndurne of the day till it be passed the noon . (CMMANDEV,108.2652) And +tei lyen all in the water saf the visage for the gret hete +tat +tere is . (CMMANDEV,108.2653) And the wommen hauen no schame of the men , (CMMANDEV,108.2654) but lyen all togidre , syde to syde , till the hete be past . (CMMANDEV,108.2655) +Tere may men see many foule figure assembled & namely nygh the gode townes . (CMMANDEV,109.2656) In +tat Ile ben schippes withouten nayles of Iren or bondes for the roches of the Ademandes , (CMMANDEV,109.2657) for +tei ben all full +tere aboute in +tat see +tat it is merueyle to speken of . (CMMANDEV,109.2658) And +gif a schipp passed be +to marches +tat hadden ou+ter Iren bondes or Iren nayles , anon he scholde ben perisscht , (CMMANDEV,109.2659) For the Ademand of his kynde draweth the Iren to him (CMMANDEV,109.2660) And so wolde it drawe to him the schipp , be cause of the Iren , +tat he scholde neuer departen fro it ne neuer go +tens . (CMMANDEV,109.2661) For +tat Ile men gon be see to a no+ter Ile +tat is clept CHANA , where is gret plentee of corn & wyn . (CMMANDEV,109.2662) And it was wont to ben a gret Ile & a gret hauene & a good (CMMANDEV,109.2663) but the see hath gretly wasted it & ouercomen it . (CMMANDEV,109.2664) The kyng of +tat contree was wont to ben so strong & so myghty +tat he heeld werre a+genst kyng Alisandre . (CMMANDEV,109.2665) The folk of +tat contree han a dyuers lawe , (CMMANDEV,109.2666) for summe of hem worschipe the sonne , summe the mone , summe the fuyr , summe trees , summe serpentes or the firste +ting +tat +tei meeten at morwen , (CMMANDEV,109.2667) And summe worschipen symulacres & summe ydoles . (CMMANDEV,109.2668) But betwene symulacres & ydoles is a gret difference , (CMMANDEV,109.2669) For symulacres ben ymages made after lykness of men or of wommen or of the sonne or of the mone or of ony best or of ony kyndely thing , (CMMANDEV,109.2670) & ydoles is an ymage made of lewed will of man +tat man may not fynden among kyndely thinges As an ymage +tat hath .iiij. hedes , on of man , ano+ter of an hors or of an ox or of sum o+ter best +tat nowan hath seyn after kyndely disposicioun . (CMMANDEV,109.2671) And +tei +tat worschipen symulacres +tei worschipen hem for sum worthi man +tat was sumtyme , as hercules & many o+tere +tat diden many meruayles in here tyme , (CMMANDEV,109.2672) For +tei seyn wel +tat +tei be not goddes (CMMANDEV,109.2673) for +tei knowen wel +tat +tere is a god of kynde +tat made all thinges , the whiche is in heuene . (CMMANDEV,109.2674) But +tei knowen wel +tat this may not do the meruayles +tat he made but +gif it had ben be the specyall +gifte of god (CMMANDEV,109.2675) & +terfore +tei seyn +tat he was wel with god , (CMMANDEV,109.2676) And for because +tat he was so wel with god +terfore +tei worschipe him . (CMMANDEV,109.2677) And so seyn +tei of the sonne be cause +tat he chaungeth the tyme & +geueth hete & norisscheth all thinges vpon erthe (CMMANDEV,110.2678) and for it is of so gret profite +tei knowe wel +tat +tat myghte not be , but +tat god loueth it more +tan ony o+ter thing (CMMANDEV,110.2679) And for +tat skyll god hath +gouen it more gret vertue in the world ; (CMMANDEV,110.2680) +terfore it is gode resoun as +tei seyn , to don it worschipe and reuerence . (CMMANDEV,110.2681) And so seyn +tei (CMMANDEV,110.2682) & maken here resounes of o+tere planetes & of the fuyr also , be cause it is so profitable . (CMMANDEV,110.2683) And of ydoles +tei seyn also +tat the ox is +te moste holy best +tat is in erthe & most pacyent and most profitable +tan ony other , (CMMANDEV,110.2684) For he doth good ynow (CMMANDEV,110.2685) & he doth non euyll (CMMANDEV,110.2686) & +tei knowen wel +tat it may not be withouten specyall grace of god . (CMMANDEV,110.2687) And +terfore maken +tei here god of an ox the on part & the o+ter halfondell of a man be cause +tat man is the most noble creature in erthe & also for he hath lordschipe abouen all bestes ; (CMMANDEV,110.2688) +terfore make +tei the halfondel of ydole of a man vpwardes & the to+ter half of an ox dounwardes . (CMMANDEV,110.2689) And of serpentes & of o+ter bestes & dyuerse +tinges +tat +tei worschipen +tat +tei meten first at morwe . (CMMANDEV,110.2690) And +tei worschipen also specyally all +to +tat +tei han gode meetynge of , And whan +tei speden wel in here iorneye after here meetynge , & namely suche as +tei han preued & assayed be experience of longe tyme . (CMMANDEV,110.2691) For +tei seyn +tat +tilke gode meetynge ne may not come but of the grace of god (CMMANDEV,110.2692) And +terfore +tei maken ymages lych to +to thinges +tat +tei han beleeue jnne for to beholden hem & worschipen hem first at morwe , or +tei meeten ony contrarious thinges . (CMMANDEV,110.2693) And +tere ben also sum cristene men +tat seyn +tat summe bestes han gode meetynge , +tat is to seye for to meete with hem first at morwe & summe bestes wykked meetynge & +tat +tei han preued ofte tyme +tat the hare hath full euyll meetynge & swyn & many o+tere bestes . (CMMANDEV,110.2694) And the Sparhauk or o+ter foules of raveyne whan +tei fleen after here praye & take it before men of armes , it is a gode signe , (CMMANDEV,110.2695) And +gif he fayle of takynge his praye it is an euyll signe . (CMMANDEV,110.2696) And also to suche folk it is an euyll meetynge of Ravenes . (CMMANDEV,110.2697) In +teise things & in such o+tere +ter ben many folk +tat beleeven because it happeneth so oftentyme to fallen after here fantasyes ; (CMMANDEV,111.2698) And also +tere ben men ynowe +tat han no beleve in hem . (CMMANDEV,111.2699) And sith +tat cristene men han such beleeve , +tat ben enformed & taught all day be holy doctryne wherejnne +tei scholde beleeve , it is no meruaylle +tanne +tat the paynemes +tat han no gode doctryne but only of here nature beleeven more largely for here sympless . (CMMANDEV,111.2700) And treuly I haue seen of paynemes & sarazines +tat men clepen AUGURYNES +tat whan wee ryden in armes in dyuerse contrees vpon oure enemyes , be the flyenge of foules +tei wolde tell vs the pronosticaciouns of thinges +tat fell after (CMMANDEV,111.2701) And so +tei diden full oftentymes (CMMANDEV,111.2702) & profreden here hedes to wedde , (CMMANDEV,111.2703) but +git it wold fallen as +tei seyden . (CMMANDEV,111.2704) But natheles +terfore scholde noght a man putten his beleeve in suche thinges , (CMMANDEV,111.2705) but alweys han full trust & beleeve in god oure souereyn lord . (CMMANDEV,111.2706) This Ile of CHANA the sarazines han wonnen (CMMANDEV,111.2707) & holden , (CMMANDEV,111.2708) In +tat Ile ben many lyouns & many o+ter wylde bestes (CMMANDEV,111.2709) And +tere ben rattes in +tat jle als grete as houndes here (CMMANDEV,111.2710) And men taken hem with grete mastyfes , (CMMANDEV,111.2711) for cattes may not take hem . (CMMANDEV,111.2712) In this jle & manye othere men berye not so dede men , (CMMANDEV,111.2713) for the hete is +tere so gret +tat in a lityll tyme the flesch wil consume fro the bones . (CMMANDEV,111.2714) Fro +tens men gon be see toward ynde +te more to a cytee +tat men clepen SARCHEE , +tat is a fair cytee & a gode (CMMANDEV,111.2715) & +tere duellen many cristene men of gode feyth . (CMMANDEV,111.2716) And +tere ben manye religous men & namely of mendynanates . (CMMANDEV,111.2717) After gon men be see to the lond of lomb , (CMMANDEV,111.2718) In +tat lond groweth the peper in a Forest +tat men clepen COMBAR (CMMANDEV,111.2719) & it groweth nowhere ell in all the world but in +tat Forest (CMMANDEV,111.2720) & +tat dureth wel an .xviij. iourneyes in lengthe . (CMMANDEV,111.2721) In +tat forest ben .ij. gode cytees , (CMMANDEV,111.2722) +tat on highte FLADRINE & +tat other ZINGLANTZ (CMMANDEV,111.2723) And in euery of hem duellen cristene men & Iewes gret plentee , (CMMANDEV,111.2724) For it is a gode contree & a plentefous , (CMMANDEV,111.2725) but +tere is ouer meche passynge hete . (CMMANDEV,111.2726) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat the peper groweth in maner as doth a wylde vyne +tat is planted faste by the trees of +tat wode for to susteynen it by as doth the vyne , (CMMANDEV,112.2727) And the fruyt +terof hangeth in manere as reysynges (CMMANDEV,112.2728) And the tree is so thikke charged +tat it semeth +tat it wolde breke (CMMANDEV,112.2729) & whan it is ripe it is all grene as it were JUY beryes (CMMANDEV,112.2730) & +tan men kytten hem as men don the vynes (CMMANDEV,112.2731) & +tan +tei putten it vpon an owven (CMMANDEV,112.2732) & +tere it waxeth blak & crisp . (CMMANDEV,112.2733) And +tere is .iij. maner of peper all vpon o tree : Long peper , blak peper & white peper . (CMMANDEV,112.2734) The long peper men clepen SORBOTYN (CMMANDEV,112.2735) & the blak peper is clept FULFULL . (CMMANDEV,112.2736) And the white peper is clept BANO . (CMMANDEV,112.2737) The long peper cometh first whan the lef begynneth to come (CMMANDEV,112.2738) & it is lyche the chattes of hasell +tat cometh before the lef (CMMANDEV,112.2739) & it hangeth lowe : (CMMANDEV,112.2740) And after cometh the blake with the lef in manere of clustres of $reysinges all grene ; (CMMANDEV,112.2741) And whan men han gadred it +tan cometh the white +tat is somdell lasse +tan the blake (CMMANDEV,112.2742) And of +tat men bryngen but litill in to +tis contrees (CMMANDEV,112.2743) for +tei be+gonden withholden it for hemself because it is better and more attempree in kynde +tan the blake , (CMMANDEV,112.2744) & +terfore is +ter not so gret plentee as of the blake . (CMMANDEV,112.2745) In +tat contree ben manye manere of serpentes & of o+ter vermyn for the gret hete of +te contree and of the peper . (CMMANDEV,112.2746) And summe men seyn +tat whan +tei wil gadre the peper +tei maken fuyr & brennen aboute to make the serpentes and the cokedrilles to flee , (CMMANDEV,112.2747) But saue here grace of all +tat seyn so , For +gif +tei brenten abouten the trees +tat beren the peper scholden ben brent (CMMANDEV,112.2748) & it wolde dryen vp all +te vertue , as of ony o+ter +ting (CMMANDEV,112.2749) And +tan +tei diden hemself moche harm ; (CMMANDEV,112.2750) And +tei scholde neuere quenchen the fuyr . (CMMANDEV,112.2751) But +tus +tei don : (CMMANDEV,112.2752) +tei enoynten here hondes & here feet with an oynement mad of snayles & of o+ter thinges made +terfore , of the whiche the serpentes & the venymous bestes haten & dreden the sauour , (CMMANDEV,112.2753) & +tat maketh hem flee before hem be cause of the smell (CMMANDEV,112.2754) & +tan +tei gadren it seurly ynow & $wyndwen (CMMANDEV,112.2755) for +tan is no drede of no vermyn to come nere hem . (CMMANDEV,112.2756) Also toward the heed of +tat forest is the cytee of POLOMBE , (CMMANDEV,112.2757) And aboue the cytee is a grete mountayne +tat also is clept POLOMBE (CMMANDEV,113.2758) And of +tat mount the cytee hath his name , (CMMANDEV,113.2759) And at the foot of that mount is a fair welle & a gret +tat hath odour & sauour of alle spices , (CMMANDEV,113.2760) And at euery hour of the day he chaungeth his odour & his sauour dyuersely (CMMANDEV,113.2761) And whoso drynketh .iij. tymes fasting of +tat water of +tat welle he is hool of all maner sykeness +tat he hath (CMMANDEV,113.2762) And +tei +tat duellen +tere & drynken often of +tat well +tei neuere han sekeness (CMMANDEV,113.2763) & +tei semen all weys +gonge . (CMMANDEV,113.2764) I haue dronken +tere of .iij. or .iiij. sithes (CMMANDEV,113.2765) & +git me thinketh I fare the better . (CMMANDEV,113.2766) Sum men clepen it the well of +gouthe (CMMANDEV,113.2767) for +tei +tat often drynken +tere of semen allweys +gongly (CMMANDEV,113.2768) & lyuen withouten sykeness , (CMMANDEV,113.2769) And men seyn +tat the welle cometh out of paradys & +terfore it is so vertuous . (CMMANDEV,113.2770) Be all +tat contree groweth gode gyngeuere (CMMANDEV,113.2771) And +terfore thider gon the marchauntes for spicerye . (CMMANDEV,113.2772) In +tat lond men worschipen the Ox for his sympleness & for his mekeness & for the profite +tat cometh of him (CMMANDEV,113.2773) And +tei seyn +tat he is the holyest best in erthe , (CMMANDEV,113.2774) For hem semeth +tat whosoeuere be meke & pacyent he is holy & profitable , (CMMANDEV,113.2775) for +tanne +tei seyn he hath all vertues in him . (CMMANDEV,113.2776) +Tei maken the ox to laboure .vj. +geer or .vij. (CMMANDEV,113.2777) & +tan +tei ete him . (CMMANDEV,113.2778) And the kyng of +tat contree hath allwey an ox with him (CMMANDEV,113.2779) And he +tat kepeth him hath euery day grete fees (CMMANDEV,113.2780) & kepeth euery day his dong & his vryne in .ij. vessell of gold (CMMANDEV,113.2781) & bryngen it before here prelate +tat +tei clepen ARCHIPROTHEPAPATON . (CMMANDEV,113.2782) And he bereth it before the kyng (CMMANDEV,113.2783) & maketh +tere ouer a gret blessyng (CMMANDEV,113.2784) & +tan the kyng weteth his hondes +tere in +tat +tei clepen Gaul (CMMANDEV,113.2785) & anoynteth his front & his brest (CMMANDEV,113.2786) and after he froteth him with the dong and with the vryne with gret reuerence for to ben fulfilt of vertues of the ox & made holy be the vertue of +tat holy +ting +tat nought is worth . (CMMANDEV,113.2787) And whan the kyng hath don +tanne don the lordes And after hem here mynystres & o+ter men , +gif +tei may haue ony remenant . (CMMANDEV,113.2788) In +tat contree +tei maken ydoles half man half ox (CMMANDEV,113.2789) And in +to ydoles euyll spirites speken (CMMANDEV,113.2790) & +geuen answere to men of what is asked hem . (CMMANDEV,113.2791) Before +teise ydoles men sleen here children many tymes (CMMANDEV,114.2793) & spryngen the blood vpon the ydoles (CMMANDEV,114.2794) & so +tei maken here sacrifise . (CMMANDEV,114.2795) And whan ony man dyeth in the contree +tei brennen his body in name of penance to +tat entent +tat he suffre no peyne in erthe to ben eten of wormes . (CMMANDEV,114.2796) And +gif his wif haue no child +tei brenne hire with him (CMMANDEV,114.2797) & seyn +tat it is resoun +tat sche make him companye in +tat o+ter world as sche did in this . (CMMANDEV,114.2798) But & sche haue children with him +tei leten hire lyue with hem to brynge hem vp +gif sche wole . (CMMANDEV,114.2799) And +gif +tat sche loue more to lyue with here children +tan for to dye with hire husbonde , men holden hire for fals & cursed (CMMANDEV,114.2800) ne schee schall neuer ben loued ne trusted of the peple . (CMMANDEV,114.2801) And +gif the womman dye before the husbonde men brennen him with hire +gif +tat he wole (CMMANDEV,114.2802) And +gif he wil not , noman constreyneth him +tere to , (CMMANDEV,114.2803) but he may wedde ano+ter tyme withouten blame or repreef . (CMMANDEV,114.2804) In +tat contree growen many stronge vynes (CMMANDEV,114.2805) & the wommen drynken wyn & men not (CMMANDEV,114.2806) And the wommen schauen hire berdes & men not . (CMMANDEV,114.2807) OF THE DOMES MADE BE SEYNT THOMAS HOND ; (CMMANDEV,114.2809) OF DEUOCIOUN & SACRIFICE MADE TO YDOLES +TERE , IN THE CYTEE OF CALAMYE ; AND OF THE PROCESSIOUN IN GOYNGE ABOUTE THE CYTEE . (CMMANDEV,114.2810) From +tat contree men passen be many marches toward a contree a .x. iourneyes +tens +tat is clept MABARON (CMMANDEV,114.2812) & it is a gret kyngdom (CMMANDEV,114.2813) & it hath many faire cytees & townes . (CMMANDEV,114.2814) In +tat kyngdom lith the body of seynt Thomas the Apostle in flesch & bon in faire tombe in the cytee of CALAMYE , (CMMANDEV,114.2815) for +tere he was martyred & buryed . (CMMANDEV,114.2816) But men of Assirie beeren his body in to MESOPATAYME in to the cytee of EDISSE (CMMANDEV,114.2817) And after he was brought +tider a+gen , (CMMANDEV,114.2818) And the arm & the hond +tat he putte in oure lordes syde whan he appered to him after his resurrexioun and seyde to him : NOLI ESSE INCREDULUS SED FIDELIS , is +git lyggynge in a vessell withouten the tombe . (CMMANDEV,115.2819) And be +tat hond +tei maken all here Iuggementes in the contree , whoso hath right or wrong , (CMMANDEV,115.2820) For whan +ter is ony dissencioun betwene .ij. partyes & euery of hem meynteneth his cause & seyth +tat his cause is rightfull And +tat o+ter seyth the contrarye , +tanne bothe partyes writen here causes in .ij. billes (CMMANDEV,115.2821) And putten hem in the hond of seynt Thormas (CMMANDEV,115.2822) And anon he casteth a wey the bille of the wrong cause (CMMANDEV,115.2823) & holdeth stille the bille with the right cause . (CMMANDEV,115.2824) And +terfore men comen fro fer contrees to haue juggement of doutable causes , (CMMANDEV,115.2825) And o+ter juggement vse +tei non +tere . (CMMANDEV,115.2826) Also the chirche where seynt Thomas lyth is bothe gret & fair & all full of grete SUMULACRES (CMMANDEV,115.2827) & +to ben grete ymages +tat +tei clepen here goddes , of the whiche the leste is als gret as .ij. men . (CMMANDEV,115.2828) And amonges +teise o+tere +tere is a gret ymage more +tan ony of the o+tere +tat is all couered with fyn gold & precious stones & riche perles (CMMANDEV,115.2829) And +tat ydole is the god of false cristene +tat han reneyed hire feyth (CMMANDEV,115.2830) And it sytteth in a chayere of gold full nobely arrayed (CMMANDEV,115.2831) & he hath aboute his necke large gyrdles wrought of gold & precious stones & perles ; (CMMANDEV,115.2832) & this chirche is full richely wrought & all ouer gylt withjnne . (CMMANDEV,115.2833) And to +tat ydole gon men on pilgrimage als comounly & with als gret deuocioun as cristene men gon to seynt Iames or o+ter holy pilgrimages . (CMMANDEV,115.2834) And many folk +tat comen fro fer londes to seche +tat ydole , for the gret deuocyoun +tat +tei han , +tei loken neuere vpward but euermore down to the erthe , for drede to see ony thing aboute hem +tat scholde lette hem of here deuocioun . (CMMANDEV,115.2835) And summe +ter ben +tat gon on pilgrimage to this ydole +tat beren knyfes in hire hondes +tat ben made full kene & scharpe (CMMANDEV,115.2836) & all weyes as +tei gon +tei smyten hem self in here armes & in here legges & in here thyes with many hidouse woundes (CMMANDEV,115.2837) & so +tei scheden here blood for loue of +tat ydole (CMMANDEV,115.2838) And +tei seyn +tat he is blessed & holy +tat dyeth so for loue of his god . (CMMANDEV,115.2839) And o+tere +tere ben +tat leden hire children for to sle to make sacrifise to +tat ydole (CMMANDEV,116.2840) & after +tei han slayn hem +tei spryngen the blood vpon the ydole . (CMMANDEV,116.2841) And summe +ter ben +tat comen fro ferr & in goynge toward this ydole at euery thrydde pas +tat +tei gon fro here hows , +tei knelen & so contynuen till +tei come thider . (CMMANDEV,116.2842) And whan +tei comen +tere +tei taken ensence & o+ter aromatyk thinges of noble smell (CMMANDEV,116.2843) and sensen the ydole as we wolde don here goddes preciouse body . (CMMANDEV,116.2844) And so comen folk to worschipe this ydole sum from an hundred myle & summe fro many mo . (CMMANDEV,116.2845) And before the mynstre of this ydole is a VYUERE in maner of a gret lake full of water (CMMANDEV,116.2846) And +tere in pilgrymes casten gold & syluer , perles & precious stones withouten nombre in stede of offrynges (CMMANDEV,116.2847) And whan the mynystres of +tat chirche neden to maken ony reparacioun of the chirche or of ony of the ydoles , +tei taken gold & siluer , perles or precious stones out of the vyuere , to quyten the costages of such +ting as +tei maken or reparen ; so +tat no thing is fawty , but anon it schall ben amended . (CMMANDEV,116.2848) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat whan $ben grete festes & solempnytees of +tat ydole , as the dedicacioun of the chirche & the thronynge of the ydole all the contree aboute meten +tere to gidere . (CMMANDEV,116.2849) And +tei setten this ydole vpon a chare with gret reuerence , wel arrayed with clothes of gold , of riche clothes of TARTARYE , of CAMACAA & o+ter precyous clothes , (CMMANDEV,116.2850) & +tei leden him aboute the cytee with gret solempnytee . (CMMANDEV,116.2851) And before the chare gon first in processioun all the maydenes of the contree .ij. & .ij. togydere full ordynatly , (CMMANDEV,116.2852) And after the maydenes gon the pilgrymes (CMMANDEV,116.2853) And summe of hem fallen doun vnder the wheles of the chare (CMMANDEV,116.2854) & lat the chare gon ouer hem , so +tat +tei ben dede anon . (CMMANDEV,116.2855) And summe han here armes or here lymes all tobroken & somme the sydes , (CMMANDEV,116.2856) & all this don +tei for loue of hire god in gret devocioun . (CMMANDEV,116.2857) And hem thinketh +tat the more peyne & the more tribulacioun +tat +tei suffren for loue of here god , the more ioye +tei schull haue in another world (CMMANDEV,117.2858) And schortly to seye +gou , +tei suffren so grete peynes & so harde martyrdomes for loue of here ydole +tat a cristene man I trowe durst not taken vpon him the tenthe part the peyne for loue of oure lord Ihesu crist . (CMMANDEV,117.2859) And after I seye +gou before the chare gon all the mynstrelles of the contrey withouten nombre with dyuerse instrumentes (CMMANDEV,117.2860) & +tei maken all the melodye +tat +tei cone . (CMMANDEV,117.2861) And whan +tei han gon all aboute the cytee +tanne +tei returnen a+gen to the mynstre (CMMANDEV,117.2862) & putten the ydole a+gen into his place (CMMANDEV,117.2863) And +tanne for the loue & in worschipe of +tat ydole and for the reuerence of the feste +tei slen hem self a .cc. or .ccc. persones with scharpe knyfes , of the whiche +tei bryngen the bodyes before the ydole (CMMANDEV,117.2864) & +tan +tei seyn +tat +to ben seyntes because +tat +tei slowen hem self of here owne gode wille for loue of here ydole . (CMMANDEV,117.2865) And as men here +tat hadde an holy seynt of his kyn wolde thinke +tat it were to hem an high worschipe , right so hem thinketh +tere , (CMMANDEV,117.2866) And as men here deuoutly wolde writen holy seyntes lyfes & here myracles & sewen for here canonyzaciouns , right so don +tei +tere for hem +tat sleen hemself wilfully for loue of here ydole (CMMANDEV,117.2867) & seyn +tat +tei ben gloriouse martyres & seyntes (CMMANDEV,117.2868) & putten hem in here wrytynges & in here letanyes (CMMANDEV,117.2869) & avaunten hem gretly on to a nother of here holy kynnesmen +tat so becomen seyntes (CMMANDEV,117.2870) & seyn : I haue mo holy seyntes in my kynrede +tan +tou in +tin . (CMMANDEV,117.2871) And the custome also +tere is this , +tat whan +tei +tat han such deuocioun & entent for to sle himself for loue of his god , +tei senden for all here frendes & han gret plentee of mynstrell & +tei gon before the ydole ledynge him +tat wil sle himself for such deuocioun betwene hem with gret reuerence . (CMMANDEV,117.2872) And he all naked hath a ful scharp knyf in his hond (CMMANDEV,117.2873) & he cutteth a gret pece of his flesch (CMMANDEV,117.2874) & casteth it in the face of his ydole seyenge his orysounges , recommendynge him to his god . (CMMANDEV,117.2875) And +tan he smyteth himself (CMMANDEV,117.2876) & maketh grete woundes & depe here & +tere till he falle doun ded . (CMMANDEV,117.2877) And +tan his frendes presenten his body to the ydole (CMMANDEV,118.2878) & +tan +tei seyn syngynge : holy god behold what thi trewe seruant hath don for +te , (CMMANDEV,118.2879) he hath forsaken his wif & his children & his ricchess & all the godes of the world & his owne lyf for the loue of +te & to make +te sacrifise of his flesch & of his blode , wherfore holy god putte him among thi beste belouede seyntes in thi blisse of paradys , (CMMANDEV,118.2880) for he hath wel disserued it . (CMMANDEV,118.2881) And +tan +tei maken a gret fuyre (CMMANDEV,118.2882) & brennen the body (CMMANDEV,118.2883) & +tanne euerych of his frendes taken a quantyte of the assches (CMMANDEV,118.2884) & kepen hem in stede of relykes (CMMANDEV,118.2885) & seyn +tat it is a holy thing . (CMMANDEV,118.2886) And +tei haue no drede of no perile whils +tei han +to holy asshes vpon hem , (CMMANDEV,118.2887) And putten his name in here letanyes as a seynt . (CMMANDEV,118.2888) OF THE EUYLL CUSTOMS VSED IN THE YLE OF LAMARY , & HOW THE ERTHE AND THE SEE BEN OF ROWND FORME AND SCHAPP_N , BE PREF OF THE STERRE THAT IS CLEPT ANTARTYK , +TAT IS FIX IN THE SOUTH . (CMMANDEV,118.2890) Fro +tat contree go men be the see OCCEAN & be many dyuerse yles & be many contrees +tat were to longe for to tell of . (CMMANDEV,118.2892) And a .lij. iorneyes fro this lond +tat I haue spoken of +tere is another lond +tat is full gret +tat men clepen LAMARY . (CMMANDEV,118.2893) In +tat lond is full gret hete (CMMANDEV,118.2894) & the custom +tere is such +tat men & wommen gon all naked . (CMMANDEV,118.2895) And +tei scornen whan thei seen ony strange folk goynge clothed (CMMANDEV,118.2896) And +tei seyn +tat god made ADAM & EUE all naked And +tat noman scholde schame him to schewen him such as god made him , (CMMANDEV,118.2897) For no thing is foul +tat is of kyndely nature . (CMMANDEV,118.2898) And +tei seyn +tat +tei +tat ben clothed ben folk of another world (CMMANDEV,118.2899) or +tei ben folk +tat trowen not in god . (CMMANDEV,118.2900) And +tei seyn +tat +tei beleeuen in god +tat formed the world & +tat made ADAM & EUE & all o+ter +tinges . (CMMANDEV,118.2901) & +tei wedden +tere no wyfes , (CMMANDEV,118.2902) for all the wommen +tere ben comoun (CMMANDEV,118.2903) & +tei forsake noman (CMMANDEV,118.2904) And +tei seyn +tei synnen +gif +tei refusen ony man , (CMMANDEV,118.2905) And so god commanded to ADAM & EUE & to all +tat comen of him , whan he seyde : CRESCITE ET MULTIPLICAMINI ET REPLETE TERRAM . (CMMANDEV,119.2906) And +terfore may noman in +tat contree seyn : this is my wif , (CMMANDEV,119.2907) ne no womman may seye : this is myn husbonde . (CMMANDEV,119.2908) And whan +tei han children +tei may +geuen hem to what man +tei wole +tat hath companyed with hem . (CMMANDEV,119.2909) And also all the lond is comoun , (CMMANDEV,119.2910) for all +tat a man holdeth o +geer another man hath it ano+ter +geer , (CMMANDEV,119.2911) And euery man taketh what part +tat him lyketh . (CMMANDEV,119.2912) And also all the godes of the lond ben comoun , cornes & all o+ter +tinges , (CMMANDEV,119.2913) for no+ting +tere is kept in clos (CMMANDEV,119.2914) ne no+thing +tere is vndur lok (CMMANDEV,119.2915) & euery man +tere taketh what he wole withouten ony contradiccioun (CMMANDEV,119.2916) & als riche is o man +tere as is another . (CMMANDEV,119.2917) But in +tat contree +tere is a cursed custom , (CMMANDEV,119.2918) for +tei eten more gladly mannes flesch +tan ony o+ter flesch (CMMANDEV,119.2919) And +git is +tat contree habundant of flesch , of fissch , of cornes , of gold & syluer & of all o+ter godes . (CMMANDEV,119.2920) +Tider gon marchauntes (CMMANDEV,119.2921) & bryngen with hem children to selle to hem of the contree (CMMANDEV,119.2922) & +tei by+gen hem (CMMANDEV,119.2923) And +gif +tei ben fatte +tei eten hem anon , (CMMANDEV,119.2924) And +gif +tei ben lene +tei feden hem till +tei ben fatte (CMMANDEV,119.2925) & +tanne +tei eten hem . (CMMANDEV,119.2926) And +tei seyn +tat it is the best flesch & the swettest of all the world . (CMMANDEV,119.2927) In +tat lond ne in many othere be+gonde +tat noman may see the sterre TRANSMONTANE +tat is clept the sterre of the see , +tat is vnmevable & +tat is toward the north , +tat wee clepen the lodesterre . (CMMANDEV,119.2928) But men seen ano+ter sterre the contrarie to him , +tat is toward the south , +tat is clept ANTARTYK . (CMMANDEV,119.2929) And right as the schipmen taken here avys here & gouerne hem be the lodesterre , right so don schipmen be+gonde +to parties be the sterre of the south , the whiche sterre appereth not to vs . (CMMANDEV,119.2930) And this sterre +tat is toward the north +tat we clepen the lodesterre ne appereth not to hem . For whiche cause men may wel parceyue +tat the lond & the see ben of rownde schapp & forme , (CMMANDEV,119.2931) For the partie of the firmament scheweth in o contree +tat scheweth not in another contree . (CMMANDEV,119.2932) And men may wel preuen be experience & sotyle compassement of wytt +tat +gif a man fond passages be schippes +tat wolde go to serchen the world , men myghte go be schippe all aboute the world & abouen & benethen , The whiche thing I proue +tus , after +tat I haue seyn . (CMMANDEV,120.2933) For I haue ben toward the partes of Braban & beholden $in the ASTROLABRE +tat the sterre +tat is clept the transmontayne is .liij. degrees high , And more for+tere in ALMAYNE & BEWME it hath .lviij. degrees , And more forth toward the parties SEPTEMTRIONELES it is .lxij. degrees of heghte & certeyn mynutes , (CMMANDEV,120.2934) for I self haue mesured it be the Astrolabre . (CMMANDEV,120.2935) Now schull +ge knowe +tat a+gen +tat TRANSMONTAYNE is the to+ter sterre +tat is clept ANTARTYKE as I haue seyd before . (CMMANDEV,120.2936) And +to .ij. sterres ne meeven neuere , (CMMANDEV,120.2937) And be hem turneth all the firmament right as doth a wheel +tat turneth be his axill tree , So +tat +to sterres beren the firmament in .ij. egall parties , so +tat it hath als mochel abouen as it hath benethen . (CMMANDEV,120.2938) After this I haue gon toward the parties MERIDIONALES , +tat is toward the south (CMMANDEV,120.2939) And I haue founden +tat in lybye men seen first the sterre ANTARTYK . (CMMANDEV,120.2940) And so fer I haue gon more forth in +to contrees +tat I haue founde +tat sterre more high , so +tat toward the high lybye it is .xviij. degrees of heghte & certeyn mynutes , of the whiche .lx. mynutes maken a degree . (CMMANDEV,120.2941) After goynge be see & be londe toward this contree of +tat I haue spoke & to o+ter yles & londes be+gonde +tat contree I haue founden the sterre ANTARTYK of .xxxiij. degrees of heghte & mo mynutes . (CMMANDEV,120.2942) And +gif I hadde had companye & schippynge for to go more be+gonde I trowe wel in certeyn +tat wee scholde haue com all the roundness of the firmament all aboute . (CMMANDEV,120.2943) For as I haue seyd +gou beforn the half of the firmament is betwene +to .ij. sterres , The whiche halfondell I haue seyn . (CMMANDEV,120.2944) And of the to+ter halfondell I haue seyn toward the north vnder the TRANSMONTANE .lxij. degrees & .x. mynutes , (CMMANDEV,120.2945) And toward the partie MERIDIONALL I haue $seyn vnder the antartyk .xxxiij. degrees & .xvj. mynutes , (CMMANDEV,120.2946) And +tanne the halfondell of the firmament in all ne holdeth not but .ix=xx=. degrees . (CMMANDEV,120.2947) And of +to .ix=xx=. I haue seen .lxij. on +tat o part & .xxxiij. on +tat o+ter part +tat ben .iij=xx=. & .xv. degrees & nygh the halfondell of a degree . (CMMANDEV,121.2948) And so +tere ne fayleth but +tat I haue seen all the firmament saf .iiij=xx=. & .iij. degrees & +te halfondell of a degree (CMMANDEV,121.2949) And +tat is not the fourthe partie of the firmament , (CMMANDEV,121.2950) For the .iiij. partie of the roundness of the firmament holt .iiij=xx=. & .x. degrees , (CMMANDEV,121.2951) So +tere fayleth but .v. degrees & an half of the fourthe partie . (CMMANDEV,121.2952) And also I haue seen the .iij. parties of all the roundeness of the firmament & more +git .v. degrees and an half , Be the whiche I seye +gou certeynly , +tat men may envirowne all the erthe of all +te world as wel vnder as abouen & turnen a+gen to his contre +tat hadde companye & schippynge & conduyt . (CMMANDEV,121.2953) And allweys he scholde fynde men londes & yles as wel as in this contree , (CMMANDEV,121.2954) For +gee wyten well +tat +tei +tat ben toward the antartyk +tei ben streght feet a+gen feet of hem +tat dwellen vnder the TRANSMONTANE also wel as wee & +tei +tat dwellyn vnder vs ben feet a+genst feet . (CMMANDEV,121.2955) For all the parties of see & of lond han here appositees habitables or trepassables & $yles of +tis half & be+gondhalf . (CMMANDEV,121.2956) And wyteth wel +tat after +tat +tat I may parceyue & comprehende the londes of PRESTRE IOHN emperour of Ynde ben vnder vs . (CMMANDEV,121.2957) For goynge from Scotlond or from Englond toward Ierusalem men gon vpward alweys , (CMMANDEV,121.2958) For oure lond is in the lowe partie of the erthe toward the west (CMMANDEV,121.2959) And the lond of PRESTRE IOHN is the lowe partie of the erthe toward the Est (CMMANDEV,121.2960) and han there the day whan wee haue the nyght ; (CMMANDEV,121.2961) And also high to the contrarie +tei han the nyght whan wee han the day . (CMMANDEV,121.2962) For the erthe & the see ben of round forme and schapp as I haue seyd beforn (CMMANDEV,121.2963) And +tat +tat men gon vpward to o cost , men gon dounward to another cost . (CMMANDEV,121.2964) Also +gee haue herd me seye +tat IERUSALEM is in the myddes of the world (CMMANDEV,121.2965) & +tat may men preuen & schewen +tere be a spere +tat is right into the erthe (CMMANDEV,121.2966) vpon the hour of mydday whan it is EQUENOXIUM , +tat scheweth no schadwe on no syde . (CMMANDEV,121.2967) And +tat it scholde ben in the myddes of the world Dauid wytnesseth it in the psauter where he seyth : DEUS OPERATUS EST SALUTEM IN MEDIO TERRE . (CMMANDEV,122.2968) +Tanne +tei +tat parten fro +to parties of the west for to go toward IERUSALEM , als many iorneyes as +tei gon vpward for to go thider , in als many iourneyes may +tei gon fro IERUSALEM vnto o+ter confynyes of the superficialtee of the erthe be+gonde . (CMMANDEV,122.2969) And whan men gon be+gonde +to iourneys toward ynde & to the foreyn yles , all is envyronynge the roundnesse of the erthe & of the see vnder oure contrees on this half . (CMMANDEV,122.2970) And +terfore hath it befallen many tymes of o +ting +tat I haue herd cownted whan I was +gong , how a worthi man departed somtyme from oure contrees for to go serche the world , (CMMANDEV,122.2971) And so he passed ynde & the yles be+gonde ynde where ben mo +tan .v. M=l=. yles . (CMMANDEV,122.2972) And so longe he wente be see & lond & so enviround the world be many seisons , +tat he fond an yle where he herde speke his owne langage , callynge on oxen in the plowgh suche wordes as men speken to bestes in his owne contree , Where of he hadde gret meruayle , for he knew not how it myghte be . (CMMANDEV,122.2973) But I seye +tat he had gon so longe be londe & be see , +tat he had envyround all the erthe , +tat he was comen a+gen envirounynge +tat is to seye goynge aboute vnto his owne marches . (CMMANDEV,122.2974) & +gif he wolde haue passed forth , he had founden his contre and his owne knouleche . (CMMANDEV,122.2975) But he turned a+gen from +tens fro whens he was come fro (CMMANDEV,122.2976) & so he loste moche peynefull labour , as himself seyde a gret while after +tat he was comen hom . (CMMANDEV,122.2977) For it befell after +tat he wente in to Norweye (CMMANDEV,122.2978) and +tere tempest of the see toke him (CMMANDEV,122.2979) and he arryued in an yle (CMMANDEV,122.2980) And whan he was in +tat yle he knew wel +tat it was the yle where he had herd speke his owne langage before , & the callynge of oxen at the plowgh , (CMMANDEV,122.2981) & +tat was possible +tinge . (CMMANDEV,122.2982) But how it semeth to symple men vnlerned +tat men ne mowe not go vnder the erthe & also +tat men scholde falle toward the heuene from vnder . (CMMANDEV,122.2983) But +tat may not be vpon less +tan wee mowe falle toward heuene fro the erthe where wee ben . (CMMANDEV,123.2984) For fro what partie of the erthe +tat men duell ou+ter abouen or benethen it semeth alweys to hem +tat duellen +tat +tei gon more right +tan ony o+ter folk (CMMANDEV,123.2985) And right as it semeth to vs +tat +tei ben vnder vs , right so it semeth hem +tat wee ben vnder hem . (CMMANDEV,123.2986) For +gif a man myghte falle fro the erthe vnto the firmament , be grettere resoun the erthe & the see +tat ben so grete & so heuy scholde fallen to the firmament , (CMMANDEV,123.2987) but +tat may not be (CMMANDEV,123.2988) And +terfore seith oure lord god : NON TIMEAS ME QUI SUSPENDI TERRAM EX NICHILO . (CMMANDEV,123.2989) And all be it +tat it be possible +ting +tat men may so envyroune all the world , natheles of a .M=l=. persones on ne myghte not happen to returnen in to his contree . (CMMANDEV,123.2990) For , for the greatness of the erthe & of the see men may go be a .M=l=. and a .M=l=. other weyes , +tat noman cowde redye him perfitely toward the parties +tat he cam fro , but +gif it were be aventure & happ or be the grace of god . (CMMANDEV,123.2991) For the erthe is full large & full gret (CMMANDEV,123.2992) & holt in roundness & aboute envyroun be abouen & be benethen .xx. M=l=.CCCC. & .xxv. myles , after the opynyoun of olde wise astronomeres . (CMMANDEV,123.2993) And here seyenges I repreue nought , (CMMANDEV,123.2994) But after my lytyll wytt it semeth me , sauynge here reuerence , +tat is more . (CMMANDEV,123.2995) And for to haue better vndirstondynge I seye +tus : Be +ter ymagyned a figure +tat hath a gret compas (CMMANDEV,123.2996) & aboute the poynt of the gret compas +tat is clept the center be made another litill compas . (CMMANDEV,123.2997) +Tan after be the gret compas devised be lynes in manye parties And +tat all the lynes meeten at the centre , so +tat in as many parties as the grete compas schal be departed , in als manye schall be departed the litill +tat is aboute the centre , all be it +tat the spaces ben lesse . (CMMANDEV,123.2998) Now +tanne be the gret compas represented for the firmament And the litill compas represented for the erthe . (CMMANDEV,123.2999) Now +tanne , the firmament is deuysed be Astronomeres in .xij. signes (CMMANDEV,123.3000) and euery signe is deuysed in .xxx. degrees , (CMMANDEV,123.3001) +tat is .CCC. & .lx. degrees +tat the firmament hath a bouen . (CMMANDEV,123.3002) Also be the erthe deuysed in als many parties as the firmament (CMMANDEV,124.3003) & lat euery parte answere to a degree of the firmament . (CMMANDEV,124.3004) And wyteth it wel +tat after the Auctoures of Astronomye .DC. furlonges of erthe answeren to a degree of the firmament (CMMANDEV,124.3005) And +to ben .iiij=xx=. .vij. Mil. & .iiij. furlonges , (CMMANDEV,124.3006) Now be +tat here multiplyed be .CCC. sithes & .lx. (CMMANDEV,124.3007) & +tan +tei ben .xxxj. Ml. & .DC. myles , euery of .viij. furlonges , after myles of oure contree . (CMMANDEV,124.3008) So moche hath the erthe in roundness & of heghte enviroun after myn opynyoun & myn vndirstondynge . (CMMANDEV,124.3009) And +gee schull vndirstonde +tat after the opynyoun of olde wise Philosophres & Astronomeres oure contree ne Irelond ne Wales ne Scotlong ne Norweye ne the o+ter yles costynge to hem ne ben not in the superficyalte cownted abouen the erthe , as it schewe+t be all the bokes of Astronomye . (CMMANDEV,124.3010) For the superficialtee of the erthe is departed in .vij. parties for the .vij. planetes (CMMANDEV,124.3011) And +to parties ben clept clymates . (CMMANDEV,124.3012) And oure parties be not of the .vij. clymates , (CMMANDEV,124.3013) for +tei ben descendynge toward the west betwene high toward the roundness of the world , (CMMANDEV,124.3014) & +tere ben the yles of ynde , (CMMANDEV,124.3015) And +tei ben a+genst vs +tat ben in the lowe contree , (CMMANDEV,124.3016) & the .vij. clymates strecchen hem envirounyge the world . (CMMANDEV,124.3017) OF THE PALAYS OF THE KYNG OF THE YLE OF IAUA ; (CMMANDEV,124.3019) OF THE TREES +TAT BEREN MELE , HONY , WYN & VENYM , & OF OTHERE MERUAYLLES & CUSTOMS VSED IN THE YLES MARCHINGE +TERE ABOUTEN . (CMMANDEV,124.3020) Besyde +tat yle +tat I haue spoken of +tere is another yle +tat is clept SUMOBOR +tat is a gret yle (CMMANDEV,124.3022) & the kyng +tereof is right myghty . (CMMANDEV,124.3023) The folk of +tat yle maken hem alweys to ben marked in the visage with an hote yren bothe men and wommen for gret nobless , for to ben knowen from o+ter folk , (CMMANDEV,125.3024) for +tei holden hemself most noble & most worthi of all the world . (CMMANDEV,125.3025) And +tei han werre allweys with the folk +tat gon all naked . (CMMANDEV,125.3026) And faste besyde is another yle +tat is clept BETEMGA +tat is a gode yle & a plentyfous . (CMMANDEV,125.3027) And many o+ter yles ben +tere aboute where +tere ben many of dyuerse folk of the whiche it were to longe to speke of all . (CMMANDEV,125.3028) But fast besyde +tat yle for to passe be see is a gret yle & a gret contree +tat men clepen IAUA (CMMANDEV,125.3029) & it is nygh .ij. M=l=. myle in circuyt . (CMMANDEV,125.3030) And the kyng of +tat contree is a full gret lord & a riche & a mighty (CMMANDEV,125.3031) And hath vnder him .vij. o+ter kynges of .vij. o+ter yles abouten hym . (CMMANDEV,125.3032) This yle is full wel enhabyted & full wel manned , (CMMANDEV,125.3033) +tere growen all maner of spiceries more plentyfouslich +tan in ony o+ter contree , As of gyngeuere , clowegylofres , canell , zedewall , notemuges & maces . (CMMANDEV,125.3034) And wyteth wel +tat the notemuge bereth the maces , (CMMANDEV,125.3035) For right as the note of the hasell hath an husk withouten , +tat the note is closed in til it be ripe & after falleth out , right so it is of the notemuge & of the maces . (CMMANDEV,125.3036) Manye o+ter spices & many o+ter godes growen in +tat yle , (CMMANDEV,125.3037) For of all +thing is +tere plentee saf only of wyn . (CMMANDEV,125.3038) But +tere is gold & siluer gret plentee . (CMMANDEV,125.3039) And the kyng of +tat contre hath a paleys full noble & full merueyllous & more riche +tan ony in the world , (CMMANDEV,125.3040) For all the degrez to gon vp in to halles & chambres ben on of gold , ano+ter of syluer . (CMMANDEV,125.3041) And also the paumentes of halles & chambres ben all square on of gold & ano+ter of syluer (CMMANDEV,125.3042) & alle the walles withinne ben couered with gold & syluer in fyn plates . (CMMANDEV,125.3043) And in +to plates ben stories & batayles of knyghtes enleved (CMMANDEV,125.3044) & the crounes & the cercles abouten here hedes ben made of precious stones & riche perles & grete . (CMMANDEV,125.3045) And the halles & the chambres of the palays ben all couered withinne with gold & syluer , so +tat noman wolde trowe the richess of +tat palays but he had seen it . (CMMANDEV,125.3046) And witeth wel +tat the kyng of +tat yle is so myghty +tat he hath many tymes ouercomen the grete CANE of CATHAY in bataylle , +tat is the most gret Emperour +tat is vnder the firmament ou+ter be+gonde the see or on this half . (CMMANDEV,126.3047) For +tei han had oftentyme werre betwene hem , because +tat the grete CANE wolde constreynen him to holden his lond of him , (CMMANDEV,126.3048) but +tat other at all tymes defendeth him wel a+genst him . (CMMANDEV,126.3049) After +tat yle in goynge be see men fynden another yle gode & gret +tat men clepen PATHEN , +tat is a gret kyngdom full of faire cytees & full of townes . (CMMANDEV,126.3050) In +tat lond growen trees +tat beren mele wherof men maken gode bred & white & of gode sauour (CMMANDEV,126.3051) And it semeth as it were of whete , (CMMANDEV,126.3052) but it is not allynges of such sauour . (CMMANDEV,126.3053) And +tere ben o+ter trees +tat beren hony gode & swete And o+ter trees +tat beren venym a+genst the whiche +tere is no medicyne but $on (CMMANDEV,126.3054) And +tat is to taken here propre leves & stampe hem & tempere him with water & +tan drynke it (CMMANDEV,126.3055) And ell he schall dye , (CMMANDEV,126.3056) for triacle wil not avaylle ne non o+ter medicyne . (CMMANDEV,126.3057) Of this venym the Iewes had let sechen of on of here frendes for to enpoysone all cristiantee as I haue herd hem seye in here confessioun before here dyenge . (CMMANDEV,126.3058) But thanked be all myghty god (CMMANDEV,126.3059) +tei fayleden of hire purpos (CMMANDEV,126.3060) but allweys +tei maken gret mortalitee of poeple . (CMMANDEV,126.3061) And o+ter trees +ter ben also +tat beren wyn of noble sentement . (CMMANDEV,126.3062) And +gif +gou lyke to here how the mele cometh out of the trees I schall seye +gou . (CMMANDEV,126.3063) Men hewen the trees with an hachet all aboute the fote of the tree till +tat the bark be perced in many parties (CMMANDEV,126.3064) & +tan cometh out +terof a thikke lykour , the whiche +tei resceyuen in vesselles & dryen it at the hete of the sonne . (CMMANDEV,126.3065) And +tan +tei han it to a mylle to grynde (CMMANDEV,126.3066) And it becometh faire mele & white . (CMMANDEV,126.3067) And the hony & the wyn & the venym ben drawen out of o+ter trees in the same manere & put in vesselles for to kepe . (CMMANDEV,126.3068) In +tat yle is a ded see +tat is a lake +tat hath no ground (CMMANDEV,126.3069) And +gif ony thing falle in to +tat lake it schall neuere comen vp a+gen . (CMMANDEV,126.3070) In +tat lake growen reedes +tat ben cannes +tat +tei clepen THABY +tat ben .xxx=ti=. fadme long (CMMANDEV,126.3071) And of +teise cannes men maken faire houses . (CMMANDEV,126.3072) And +ter ben o+ter canes +tat ben not so longe +tat growen nere the lond & han so longe rotes +tat duren wel a .iiij. quarteres of a furlong ore more . (CMMANDEV,127.3073) And at the knotte of +to rotes men fynden precious stones +tat han gret vertues (CMMANDEV,127.3074) And he +tat bereth ony of hem vpon him , yren ne steel ne may not hurt him ne drawe no blod vpon him (CMMANDEV,127.3075) And +terfore +tei +tat han +to stones vpon hem fighten full hardyly bothe-2 on see & lond (CMMANDEV,127.3076) For men may not harmen $hem on no partye . (CMMANDEV,127.3077) And +terfore +tei +tat knowen the manere & schull fighte with hem +tei schoten to hem arwes & quarelles withouten yren or steel (CMMANDEV,127.3078) & so +tei hurten hem (CMMANDEV,127.3079) & sleen hem . (CMMANDEV,127.3080) And also of +to cannes +tei maken houses and schippes & o+ter thinges as wee han here makynge houses and schippes of oke or of ony o+ter trees . (CMMANDEV,127.3081) And deme noman +tat I seye it but for a truffull , (CMMANDEV,127.3082) for I haue seen of +to cannes with myn own ey+gen full many tymes lyggynge vpon the Ryuere of +tat lake , of the whiche .xx=ti=. of oure felowes ne myghten not liften vp ne beren on to the erthe . (CMMANDEV,127.3083) After this yle men gon be see to ano+ter yle +tat is clept CALONAK (CMMANDEV,127.3084) & it is a fair lond & a plentifous of godes . (CMMANDEV,127.3085) And the kyng of +tat contrey hath als many wyfes as he wole (CMMANDEV,127.3086) For he makth serche all the contree to geten him the fairest maydens +tat may ben founde (CMMANDEV,127.3087) & maketh hem to ben brought before him (CMMANDEV,127.3088) And he taketh on o nyght & ano+ter a no+ter nyght & so forth contynuelly sewyng , so +tat he hath a .M=l=. wyfes or mo . (CMMANDEV,127.3089) And he liggeth neuer but o nyght with on of hem & ano+ter nyght with a no+ter , but +gif +tat on happene to ben more lusty to his plesance +tan another . (CMMANDEV,127.3090) And +terfore the kyng geteth full many children , sumtyme an .C. sym tyme an .CC. & sumtyme mo . (CMMANDEV,127.3091) And he hath also into a .xiiij. Mil Olifauntz or mo , +tat he maketh for to ben brought vp amonges his vileynes be all his townes . (CMMANDEV,127.3092) For in cas +tat he had ony werre a+genst ony o+ter kyng aboute him +tanne $he maketh certeyn men of armes for to gon vp in to the castelles of tree made for the werre +tat craftylly ben sett vpon the Olifantes bakkes , for to fyghten a+gen hire enemyes , (CMMANDEV,127.3093) & so don o+ter kynges +tere aboute . (CMMANDEV,127.3094) For the maner of werre is not +tere as it is here or in o+ter contrees , ne the ordynance of werre nou+ter . (CMMANDEV,128.3095) And men clepen the Olifantes WARKES . (CMMANDEV,128.3096) And in +tat yle +tere is a gret meruayle more of speke of +tan in ony o+ter partie of the world : (CMMANDEV,128.3097) For all manere of fissches +tat ben +tere in the see abouten hem comen ones in the +geer eche manere of dyuerse fissches , on maner of kynde after other , (CMMANDEV,128.3098) & +tei casten hem self to the see banke of +tat yle , so gret plentee & multitude +tat noman may vnnethe see but fissch (CMMANDEV,128.3099) & +tere +tei abyden .iij. dayes (CMMANDEV,128.3100) and euery man of the contree taketh of hem als many as him lyketh , (CMMANDEV,128.3101) And after +tat maner of fissch after the thridde day departeth & goth into the see . (CMMANDEV,128.3102) And after hem comen another multitude of fyssch of ano+ter kynde (CMMANDEV,128.3103) & don in the same maner as the firste diden o+ter .iij. dayes . And after hem ano+ter till all the dyuerse maner of fisshes han ben +tere & +tat men han taken of hem +tat hem lyketh . (CMMANDEV,128.3104) And noman knoweth the cause wherfore it may ben , (CMMANDEV,128.3105) But +tei of the contree seyn +tat it is for to do reuerence to here kyng +tat is the most worthi kyng +tat is in the world as +tei seyn , be cause +tat he fulfilleth the commandement +tat god bad to ADAM & EUE whan god seyde : CRESCITE ET MULTIPLICAMINI ET REPLETE TERRAM . (CMMANDEV,128.3106) And for because +tat he multiplieth so the world with children +terfore god sendeth him so the fissches of dyuerse kyndes of all +tat ben in the see , to taken at his wille for him & all his peple . (CMMANDEV,128.3107) And +terefore all +te fissches of the see comen to maken him homage as the most noble & excellent kyng of the world & +tat is best beloued with god als +tei seyn . (CMMANDEV,128.3108) I knowe not the resoun whi it is (CMMANDEV,128.3109) but god knoweth . (CMMANDEV,128.3110) But this me semeth is the moste merueylle +tat euere I saugh , (CMMANDEV,128.3111) For this mervaylle is a+genst kynde & not with kynde , +tat the fisshes +tat han fredom to enviroun all the costes of the see at here owne list comen of hire owne will to profren hem to the deth withouten constreynynge of man . (CMMANDEV,128.3112) And +terfore I am syker +tat this may not ben withouten a gret tokene . (CMMANDEV,128.3113) +Tere ben also in +tat contree a kynde of SNAYLES +tat ben so grete +tat many persones may loggen hem in hire schelles , as men wolde don in a litylle hous , (CMMANDEV,129.3114) And o+ter snayles +tere ben +tat ben full grete , but not so huge as the o+ter . (CMMANDEV,129.3115) And of +teise snayles & of gret white wormes +tat han blake hedes +tat ben als grete as a mannes thigh & somme lesse as grete wormes +tat men fynden +tere in wodes men maken Vyaunde Riall for the kyng & for o+ter gret lordes . (CMMANDEV,129.3116) And +gif a man +tat is maryed dye in +tat contree , men buryen his wif with him all quyk , (CMMANDEV,129.3117) For men seyn +tere +tat it is resoun +tat sche make him companye in +tat o+ter world as sche did in this . (CMMANDEV,129.3118) From +tat contree men gon be the see occean be an yle +tat is clept CAFFOLOS . (CMMANDEV,129.3119) Men of +tat contree whan here frendes ben seke +tei hangen hem vpon trees (CMMANDEV,129.3120) & seyn +tat it is better +tat briddes +tat ben Angeles of god eten hem +tan the foule wormes of the erthe . (CMMANDEV,129.3121) From +tat yle men gon to another yle where the folk ben of full cursed kynde (CMMANDEV,129.3122) for +tei norysschen grete dogges (CMMANDEV,129.3123) & techen hem to strangle here frendes whan +tei ben syke , (CMMANDEV,129.3124) for +tei wil nought +tat +tei dyen of kyndely deth , (CMMANDEV,129.3125) for +tei seyn +tat +tei scholde suffren to gret peyne +gif +tei abyden to dyen be hemself as nature wolde . (CMMANDEV,129.3126) & whan +tei ben +tus enstrangled +tei eten here flesch in stede of venysoun . (CMMANDEV,129.3127) Afterward men gon be many yles be see vnto an yle +tat men clepen MILKE (CMMANDEV,129.3128) & +tere is a full cursed peple (CMMANDEV,129.3129) for +tei delyten in nothing more +tan for to fighten and to sle men (CMMANDEV,129.3130) And +tei drynken gladlyest mannes blood the whiche +tei clepen DIEU , (CMMANDEV,129.3131) And the mo men +tat a man may slee , the more worschipe he hath amonges hem . (CMMANDEV,129.3132) And +gif .ij. persones ben at debate & perauenture ben accorded be here frendes or be sum of here alliance , it behoueth +tat euery of hem +tat schull ben accorded drynke of o+teres blood , (CMMANDEV,129.3133) And ell the accord ne the alliance is noght worth (CMMANDEV,129.3134) ne it schall not be no repref to him to breke the alliance & the acord , but +gif euery of hem drynke of o+teres blood . (CMMANDEV,129.3135) & from +tat yle men gon be see from yle to yle vnto an yle +tat is clept TRACODA , where the folk of +tat contree ben as bestes & vnresonable & duellen in caves +tat +tei maken in the erthe for +tei haue no wytt to maken hem houses . (CMMANDEV,130.3136) And whan +tei seen ony men passynge +torgh here contrees +tei hyden hem in here caves . (CMMANDEV,130.3137) And +tei eten flessch of serpentes (CMMANDEV,130.3138) & +tei eten but litill (CMMANDEV,130.3139) & +tei speken nought (CMMANDEV,130.3140) but +tei hissen as serpentes don (CMMANDEV,130.3141) And +tei seete no prys be non aveer ne ricchess , but only of a precyous ston +tat is amonges hem +tat is of .lx. coloures ; (CMMANDEV,130.3142) And for the name of the yle +tei clepen it TRACODOUN . (CMMANDEV,130.3143) And +tei louen more +tat ston +tan ony thing ell (CMMANDEV,130.3144) And +git thei knowe not the vertue +tereof (CMMANDEV,130.3145) but +tei coueyten it (CMMANDEV,130.3146) & louen it only for the beautee . (CMMANDEV,130.3147) After +tat yle men gon be the see occean be many yles vnto an yle +tat is clept NACUMERA +tat is a gret yle & good & fayr . (CMMANDEV,130.3148) And it is in kompas aboute more +tan a .M=l=. myle (CMMANDEV,130.3149) & all the men & wommen of +tat yle han houndes hedes (CMMANDEV,130.3150) and +tei ben clept CANOPHOLOS (CMMANDEV,130.3151) & +tei ben full resonable & of gode vnderstondynge , saf +tat +tei worschipen an ox for here god . (CMMANDEV,130.3152) And also euerych of hem bereth an ox of gold or of syluer in his forhed in tokene +tat +tei louen wel here god . (CMMANDEV,130.3153) And +tei gon all naked saf a lityll clout +tat +tei coueren with here knees & hire membres . (CMMANDEV,130.3154) +Tei ben grete folk & wel fyghtynge (CMMANDEV,130.3155) & +tei han a gret targe +tat couereth all the body & a spere in here hond to fighte with . (CMMANDEV,130.3156) And +gif +tei taken ony man in bataylle anon +tei eten him . (CMMANDEV,130.3157) The kyng of +tat yle is full riche & full myghty & right deuout after his lawe (CMMANDEV,130.3158) And he hath abouten his nekke .ccc. perles oryent gode & grete & knotted as PATER NOSTRES here of Amber . (CMMANDEV,130.3159) And in maner as wee seyn oure PATER NOSTRE & oure AUE MARIA , cowntynge the PATER NOSTRES , right so this kyng seyth euery day deuoutly .ccc. preyeres to his god or +tat he ete . (CMMANDEV,130.3160) And he bereth also aboute his nekke a RUBYE oryent noble & fyn +tat is a fote of lengthe & fyve fyngres large . (CMMANDEV,130.3161) And whan +tei chesen here kyng +tei taken him +tat rubye to beren in his hond (CMMANDEV,130.3162) And so +tei leden him rydynge all abouten the cytee (CMMANDEV,130.3163) And fro +tens fromward +tei ben all obeyssant to him . (CMMANDEV,130.3164) And +tat rubye he schall bere allwey aboute his nekke , (CMMANDEV,130.3165) For +gif he hadde not +tat rubye vpon him men wolde not holden him for kyng . (CMMANDEV,131.3166) The grete CANE of CATHAY hath gretly coueyted +tat ROBYE (CMMANDEV,131.3167) but he myghte neuer han it for werre ne for no maner of godes . (CMMANDEV,131.3168) This kyng is so rightfull & of equytee in his doomes +tat men may go sykerlych +torghout all his contree & bere with him what him list , +tat noman schall ben hardy to robben him , (CMMANDEV,131.3169) And +gif he were , the kyng wolde $iustifyen anon . (CMMANDEV,131.3170) Fro this lond men gon to ano+ter yle +tat is clept SILHA (CMMANDEV,131.3171) & it is well a .Dccc. myles aboute . (CMMANDEV,131.3172) In +tat lond is full mochell wast , (CMMANDEV,131.3173) for it is full of serpentes of dragouns & of COKADRILLES +tat noman dar duelle +tere . (CMMANDEV,131.3174) +Teise COCODRILLES ben serpentes +galowe & rayed abouen (CMMANDEV,131.3175) & han .iiij. feet & schorte thyes & grete nayles as clees or talouns . (CMMANDEV,131.3176) And +tere ben somme +tat han .v. fadme in lengthe & summe of .vj. & of .viij. & of .x. (CMMANDEV,131.3177) And whan +tei gon be places +tat ben grauelly , it semeth as +tough men hadde drawen a gret tree +torgh the grauelly place . (CMMANDEV,131.3178) And +tere ben also many wylde bestes & namelych of OLYFAUNTES . (CMMANDEV,131.3179) In +tat yle is a gret mountayne (CMMANDEV,131.3180) & in mydd place of the mount is a gret lake in a full faire pleyn (CMMANDEV,131.3181) & +tere is gret plentee of water . (CMMANDEV,131.3182) And +tei of the contree seyn +tat ADAM & EUE wepten vpon +tat mount an .c. +geer whan +tei weren dryuen out of paradys (CMMANDEV,131.3183) And +tat water +tei seyn is of here teres , (CMMANDEV,131.3184) For so moche water +tei wepten +tat made the forseyd lake . (CMMANDEV,131.3185) And in the botme of +tat lake men fynden many precious stones & grete perles . (CMMANDEV,131.3186) In +tat lake growen many reedes & grete cannes (CMMANDEV,131.3187) And +tere withjnne ben many COCODRILLES & serpentes & grete waterleches . (CMMANDEV,131.3188) And the kyng of +tat contree ones euery +geer +geueth leve to pore men to gon in to the lake to gadre hem precyous stones & perles be weye of almess for the loue of god +tat made ADAM . (CMMANDEV,131.3189) And all the +geer men fynde ynowe . (CMMANDEV,131.3190) And for the vermyn +tat is withjnne +tei anoynte here armes & here thyes & legges with an oynement made of a +ting +tat is clept LYMONS +tat is a manere of fruyt lych smale pesen , (CMMANDEV,131.3191) And +tanne haue +tei no drede of no COCODRILLES ne of non o+ter venymous vermyn . (CMMANDEV,132.3192) This water renneth flowynge & ebbynge be a syde of the mountayne (CMMANDEV,132.3193) & in +tat ryuer men fynden precious stones & perles gret plentee . (CMMANDEV,132.3194) And men of +tat yle seyn comounly +tat the serpentes & the wilde bestes of +tat contree ne wil not don non harm ne touchen with euyll no strange man +tat entreth in to +tat contree , but only to men +tat ben born of the same contree . (CMMANDEV,132.3195) In +tat contree & o+tere +tere abouten +tere ben wylde gees +tat han .ij. hedes (CMMANDEV,132.3196) And +tere ben lyouns all white & als grete as oxen & many othere dyuerse bestes & foules also +tat be not seyn amonges vs . (CMMANDEV,132.3197) And witeth wel +tat in +tat contree & in o+ter yles +tere abouten the see is so high +tat it semeth as +tough it henge at the clowdes & +tat it wolde coueren all the world ; (CMMANDEV,132.3198) And +tat is gret meruaylle +tat it myghte be so , saf only the will of god , +tat the eyr susteyneth it . (CMMANDEV,132.3199) And +terfore seyth Dauid in the psautere : MIRABILES ELACIONES MARIS . (CMMANDEV,132.3200) OF THE GRETE CHANE OF CHATAY ; (CMMANDEV,140.3203) OF THE RIALTEE OF HIS PALAYS & HOW HE SITT AT METE , AND OF THE GRETE NOMBRE OF OFFICERES +TAT SERUEN HYM . (CMMANDEV,140.3204) Chatay is a grete contree & a fair , noble & riche & full of marchauntes ; (CMMANDEV,140.3206) +tider gon Marchaundes all +geres for to sechen spices & all manere of marchandises more comounly +tan in ony o+ter partye . (CMMANDEV,140.3207) And +gee schull vnderstonde +tat Marchaundes +tat comen fro GENE or fro VENYSE or fro ROMANYE or o+ter parties of LOMBARDYE +tei gon be see & be londe .xj. monethes or .xij. or more sumtyme or +tei may come to the yle of CATHAY , +tat is the princypall regyoun of all partyes be+gonde (CMMANDEV,140.3208) & it is of the grete CANE . (CMMANDEV,140.3209) Fro CATHAY go men toward the est be many iorneyes (CMMANDEV,140.3210) & +tan men fynden a gode cytee betwene +teise o+tere +tat men clepen SUGARMAGO . (CMMANDEV,140.3211) +Tat cytee is on of the beste stored of sylk & o+ter marchandises +tat is in the world . (CMMANDEV,140.3212) After gon men +git to ano+ter old cytee toward the est (CMMANDEV,140.3213) & it is in the prouynce of CATHAY , (CMMANDEV,140.3214) And besyde +tat cytee the men of TARTARYE han let make a nother cytee +tat is clept Caydon (CMMANDEV,140.3215) & it hath .xij. +gates (CMMANDEV,140.3216) And betwene the .ij. +gates +tere is allweys a gret myle . So +tat the .ij. cytees , +tat is to seyne the olde & the newe han in cyrcuyt more +tan .xx=ti=. myle . (CMMANDEV,140.3217) In this cytee is the sege of the grete CANE in a full gret palays & the most passynge fair in all the world , Of the whiche the walles ben in circuyt more +tan .ij. myle , (CMMANDEV,140.3218) And within the walles it is all full of o+ter palays . (CMMANDEV,140.3219) And in the gardyn of the grete palays +tere is a gret hill vpon the whiche is ano+ter palays (CMMANDEV,140.3220) And it is the most fair & the most riche +tat ony man may deuyse (CMMANDEV,140.3221) And all aboute the palays & the hill ben many trees berynge many dyuerse frutes . (CMMANDEV,140.3222) And all aboute +tat hill ben dyches grete & depe (CMMANDEV,141.3223) And besyde hem ben grete vyueres on +tat o part & on +tat other (CMMANDEV,141.3224) And +tere is a full fair brigge to passen ouer the dyches . (CMMANDEV,141.3225) And in +teise vyueres ben so many wylde gees & gandres & wylde dokes & swannes & heirouns +tat it is withouten nombre . (CMMANDEV,141.3226) And all aboute +teise dyches & vyueres is the grete gardyn full of wylde bestes so +tat whan the gret CANE wil haue ony desport ou+ter to taken ony of the wylde bestes or of the foules , he wil lete chace hem & taken hem at the windowes withouten goynge out of his chambre . (CMMANDEV,141.3227) This palays where his sege is is bothe gret & passynge fair (CMMANDEV,141.3228) And within the palays in the halle +tere ben .xxiiij. pyleres of fyn gold (CMMANDEV,141.3229) & all the walles ben couered withjnne of rede skynnes of bestes +tat men clepen Panteres , +tat ben faire bestes & wel smellyng so +tat for the swete odour of +to skynnes non euyll ayr may entre in to the palays . (CMMANDEV,141.3230) +To skynnes ben als rede as blode (CMMANDEV,141.3231) & +tei schynen so brighte a+gen the sonne +tat vnethes noman may beholden hem . (CMMANDEV,141.3232) And many folk worschipen +to bestes whan +tei meeten hem first at morwe for here gret vertue & for the gode smell +tat +tei han , (CMMANDEV,141.3233) & +to skynnes +tei preysen more +tan +tough +tei were plate of fyn gold . (CMMANDEV,141.3234) And in the myddes of this palays is the mountour for the grete CANE +tat is all wrought of gold & of precyous stones & grete perles . (CMMANDEV,141.3235) And at .iiij. corneres of the mountour ben .iiij. serpentes of gold (CMMANDEV,141.3236) And all aboute +ter is ymade large nettes of sylk & gold & grete perles hangynge all aboute the mountour . (CMMANDEV,141.3237) And vnder the MOUNTOUR ben CONDYTES of beuerage +tat +tei drynken in the Emperours court (CMMANDEV,141.3238) And besyde +te condytes ben many vesselles of gold be the whiche +tei +tat ben of houshold drynken at the condyt . (CMMANDEV,141.3239) And the halle of the palays is full nobelych arrayed & full $merueylleousely atyred on all partyes in all thinges +tat men apparayle with ony halle . (CMMANDEV,141.3240) And first at the chief of the halle is the Emperoures throne full high where he sytteth at the mete (CMMANDEV,141.3241) & +tat is of fyn precyouse stones bordured all aboute with pured gold & precyous stones & grete perles , (CMMANDEV,142.3242) And the grees +tat he goth vp to the table ben of precious stones medled with gold . (CMMANDEV,142.3243) And at the left syde of the Emperoures sege is the sege of his firste wif o degree lowere +tan the Emperour (CMMANDEV,142.3244) & it is of jaspere bordured with gold & precious stones . (CMMANDEV,142.3245) And the sege of his seconde wif is also ano+ter $degree more lowere +tan his firste wif (CMMANDEV,142.3246) & it is also of jaspere bordured with gold as +tat o+ter is . (CMMANDEV,142.3247) And the sege of the thridde wif is also more lowe be a degree +tan the seconde wif . (CMMANDEV,142.3248) For he hath alweys .iij. wifes with him where +tat euere he be (CMMANDEV,142.3249) & after his wyfes on the same syde sytten the ladyes of his lynage +git lowere after +tat +tei ben of estate . (CMMANDEV,142.3250) And all +to +tat ben maryed han a countrefete made lyche a MANNES FOOT vpon here hedes cubyte long all wrought with grete perles of fyne & oryent & abouen made with pecokes fedres & of o+ter schynynge fedres (CMMANDEV,142.3251) & +tat stont vpon here hedes lyke a crest , in tokene +tat +tei ben vnder mannes fote & vnder subieccioun of man , (CMMANDEV,142.3252) And +tei +tat ben vnmaryed han none suche . (CMMANDEV,142.3253) And after at the right syde of the Emperour first sytteth his oldest sone +tat schall regne after him ; (CMMANDEV,142.3254) And he sytteth also o degree lowere +tan the Emperour in suche manere of seges as don the Emperesses . (CMMANDEV,142.3255) And after him sitten o+ter grete lordes of his lynage , euery of hem a degree lowere +tan o+ter , as +tei ben of estate . (CMMANDEV,142.3256) And the Emperour hath his table allone be him self +tat is of gold & of precious stones or of cristall bordured with gold & full of precious stones or of Amatystes or of LIGNUM ALOES +tat cometh out of paradys or of Iuory bounden & bordured with gold . (CMMANDEV,142.3257) And euerych of his wyfes hath also hire table be hireself (CMMANDEV,142.3258) And his eldest sone & the o+ter lordes also & the ladyes & all +tat sitten with the Emperour han tables allone be hemself full riche . (CMMANDEV,142.3259) And +tere nys no table but +tat it is worth an huge tresour of gode . (CMMANDEV,142.3260) And vnder the Emperoures table sitten .iiij. clerkes +tat writen all +tat the Emperour seyth , be it good , be it euyll . (CMMANDEV,143.3261) For all +tat he seyth moste ben holden , (CMMANDEV,143.3262) for he may not chaungen his woord ne revoke it . (CMMANDEV,143.3263) And $at grete solempne festes before the Emperoures table men bryngen grete tables of gold (CMMANDEV,143.3264) & +tereon be Pecokes of gold & many o+ter maner of dyuerse foules all of gold & richely wrought & enameled (CMMANDEV,143.3265) & men maken hem dauncen and syngen clappynge here wenges to gydere & maken gret noyse (CMMANDEV,143.3266) & whe+ter it be by craft or be nygromancye I wot nere , (CMMANDEV,143.3267) but it is a gode sight to beholde & a fair , (CMMANDEV,143.3268) And it is gret meruayle how it may be . (CMMANDEV,143.3269) But I haue the lasse meruaylle because +tat +tei ben the moste sotyle men in all sciences & in all craftes +tat ben in the world , (CMMANDEV,143.3270) For of sotyltee & of malice & of fer castynge +tei passen all men vnder heuene . (CMMANDEV,143.3271) And +terfore +tei seyn hem self +tat +tei seen with .ij. eyen & the cristene men see but with on be cause +tat +tei ben more sotyll +tan +tei , (CMMANDEV,143.3272) For all o+ter naciouns +tei seyn ben but blynde in conynge & worchinge in comparisoun to hem . (CMMANDEV,143.3273) I did gret besyness for to haue lerned +tat craft (CMMANDEV,143.3274) but the maistre tolde me +tat he had made avow to his god to teche it to no creature but only to his eldeste sone . (CMMANDEV,143.3275) Also aboue the Emperoures table & the o+tere tables & abouen a gret partie in the halle is a VYNE made of fyn gold (CMMANDEV,143.3276) & it spredeth all aboute the hall (CMMANDEV,143.3277) & it hath many clustres of grapes , (CMMANDEV,143.3278) somme white , somme grene , summe +galowe & somme rede & somme blake , all of precious stones . (CMMANDEV,143.3279) The white ben of CRISTALL & of BERYLLE & of JRIS , (CMMANDEV,143.3280) the +galowe ben of TOPAZES , (CMMANDEV,143.3281) the rede ben of RUBIES & of GRENAZ & of ALABRAUNDYNES , (CMMANDEV,143.3282) The grene ben of Emeraudes of Perydos & of Crisolytes , (CMMANDEV,143.3283) And the blake ben of Onichez & Garantez . (CMMANDEV,143.3284) And +tei ben all so propurlych made +tat it semeth a verry vyne berynge kyndely grapes . (CMMANDEV,143.3285) And before the Emperoures table stonden grete lordes & riche barouns & othere +tat seruen the Emperour at the mete . (CMMANDEV,143.3286) But noman is so hardy to speke a word but +gif the Emperour speke to him , But +gif it be Mynstrelles +tat syngen songes & tellen gestes or o+ter desportes to solace with the Emperour . (CMMANDEV,144.3287) And all the vessell +tat men ben serued with in the halle or in chambres ben of precious stones And specyally at grete tables , ou+ter of jaspre or of cristall or of Amatystez or of fyn gold . (CMMANDEV,144.3288) And the cuppes ben of Emeraudez & of Saphires or of Topazes , of Perydoz and of many o+ter precyouse stones . (CMMANDEV,144.3289) Vessell of syluer is +tere non , (CMMANDEV,144.3290) for +tei tell no prys +tere of to make no vessell offe , (CMMANDEV,144.3291) But +tei maken +terof grecynges & pileres & pawmentes to halles & chambres . (CMMANDEV,144.3292) And before the halle dore stonden manye barounes & knyghtes clene armed to kepe +tat noman entre , but +gif it be the wille or the commandement of the Emperour or but +gif +tei ben seruauntes or mynstrall of the houshold ; (CMMANDEV,144.3293) And o+ter non is not so hardy to neighen ny the hall dore . (CMMANDEV,144.3294) And +ge schull vndirstonde +tat my felawes and I with oure +gomen we serueden this Emperour & weren his Soudyoures .xv. monethes a+genst the kyng of MANCY +tat held werre a+genst him . (CMMANDEV,144.3295) And the cause was for wee hadden gret lust to see his noblesse & the estat of his court & all his gouernance , to wite +gif it were such as we herde seye +tat it was . (CMMANDEV,144.3296) And treuly we fond it more noble and more excellent & ricchere & more merueyllous +tan euer we herde speke offe . In so moche +tat we wolde neuer han leved it , had wee not a seen it , (CMMANDEV,144.3297) For I trowe +tat noman wolde beleve the noblesse , the ricchesse ne the multytude of folk +tat ben in his court , but he had seen it . (CMMANDEV,144.3298) For it is not +tere as it is here , (CMMANDEV,144.3299) For the lordes here han folk of certeyn nombre als +tei may suffise , (CMMANDEV,144.3300) But the grete CHANE hath euery day folk at his costages & expens as withouten nombre . (CMMANDEV,144.3301) But the ordynance ne the expenses in mete & drink ne the honestee ne the clennesse is not so arrayed +tere as it is here ; (CMMANDEV,144.3302) for all the comouns +tere eten withouten cloth vpon here knees (CMMANDEV,144.3303) & +tei eten all maner of flessch & lityll of bred , (CMMANDEV,144.3304) And after mete +tei wypen here hondes vpon here skyrtes (CMMANDEV,144.3305) & +tei eten not but ones a day . (CMMANDEV,144.3306) But the estat of lordes is full gret & riche & noble . (CMMANDEV,144.3307) And all be it +tat sum men wil not trow me , but holden it for fable to tellen hem the nobless of his persone & of his estate & of his court & of the gret multytude of folk +tat he holt , natheles I schall seye +gou A partye of him & of his folk , after +tat I haue seen the manere & the ordynance full many a tyme . (CMMANDEV,145.3308) And whoso +tat wole may leve me +gif he will , (CMMANDEV,145.3309) And whoso will not may leue also . (CMMANDEV,145.3310) For I wot wel +gif ony man hath ben in +to contrees be+gonde , +tough he haue not ben in the place where the grete CHANE duelleth , he schall here speke of him so meche merueylouse +ting , +tat he schall not trowe it lightly ; (CMMANDEV,145.3311) And treuly no more did I myself til I saugh it . (CMMANDEV,145.3312) And +to +tat han ben in +to contrees & in the gret CANES houshold knowen wel +tat I seye soth (CMMANDEV,145.3313) And +terfore I will not spare for hem +tat knowe not ne beleue not but +tat +tat +tei seen for to tell +gou a partie of him & of his estate +tat he holt whan he goth from contree to contree & whan he maketh solempne festes . (CMMANDEV,145.3314)