1 . (CMMIRK,1.3) ADVENT SONDAY . (CMMIRK,1.4) Good men and woymen , +tys day , as +ge knowen well , ys cleped Sonenday yn +te Aduent ; +tat ys , +te Sonenday of Cristys comyng . Wherfor +tys day holy chyrch makyth mencyon of two comyngys of Crist , Godys sonne , ynto +tys world , forto by mankind out of +te deueles bondage , and to bryng hym and weldoers to +te blys +tat euer schall last . (CMMIRK,1.6) And his o+ter comyng , +tat schall be at +te day of dome , forto deme all wikytdoers ynto +te pyt of hell for euermor . (CMMIRK,1.7) But +te $forme comyng of Cryst ynto +tys world broght ioy and blysse wyth hym ; (CMMIRK,1.8) +terfor holy chyrch vsyth summe songes of melody , as Alleluja and o+ter . (CMMIRK,1.9) And for +te comyng of Cryst to +te dome schall be so jrus and so cruell , +tat no tong may tell , +terfor holy chirch layth downe sum songes of melody as : ' Te Deum laudamus , ' ' Gloria in excelsis , ' and ' Weddyng . ' (CMMIRK,1.10) For aftyr +tat day schall weddyng neuer be . (CMMIRK,1.11) +Tus holy chirche lay+te downe songys of melody befor , yn tokenyng of vengans +tat woll come aftyr . (CMMIRK,1.12) Then of +te fyrst comyng of Cryst into +tys world , +tus sayth Seynt Austyne : ' +Ter ben +tre +tyngys +tat ben ryuet yn +tys world : burth , trauell , and de+te . ' (CMMIRK,1.13) +Tys ys +te testament +tat Adam , our formast fadyr , made to all his ospryng aftyr hym , +tat ys : forto be borne yn sekenes , forto lyuen yn trauayle , and forto dye yn drede . (CMMIRK,1.14) But Crist - blessyt most he be ! - he come forto be executure of +tys testament : (CMMIRK,1.15) and was borne , (CMMIRK,1.16) and trauayld , (CMMIRK,1.17) and dyet . (CMMIRK,1.18) He was borne to bryng man out of sekenes ynto euerlastyng hele ; (CMMIRK,1.19) he trauaylde forto bryng man ynto euerlastyng reste ; (CMMIRK,2.20) he was ded forto bryng man ynto +te lyfe +tat neuer schall haue ende . (CMMIRK,2.21) +Tys was +te cause of Crystys fyrst comyng ynto +tys world . Wherfor he +tat wyll scape +te dome +tat he wyll come to at +te second comyng , he most lay downe all maner of pride and heynes of hert , and know hymselfe +tat he ys not but a wryche and slyme of erth , and soo hold mekenes yn his hert . (CMMIRK,2.22) He most trauayl his body yn good werkes , and gete his lyfe wyth swynke , and put away all ydylnes and slewth . (CMMIRK,2.23) For he +tat wyll not trauayle here wyth men , as Seynt Barnard sayth , he schall trauayle ay wyth +te fendes of hell . (CMMIRK,2.24) And for dred of deth he mot make hym redy to his God , when he woll send aftyr hym , +tat ys : schryuen of his synnys , and allway kepe his concyens clene not forto abyde from lenton to lenton , but as sone as he fele+te +tat he hath synnet , anoon goo schryue hym , and mekly take +te dome of his schryft-fadyr : (CMMIRK,2.25) +ten schall he haue yn +te day of dome gret remedy and worschip . (CMMIRK,2.26) For ryght as a knyght scheweth +te wondys +tat he ha+te yn batayle , yn moche comendyng to hym ; ryght so all +te synnys +tat a man hath schryuen hym of , and taken hys penans for , schull be +ter yschewet yn moch honowre to hym , and moche confucyon to +te fende . (CMMIRK,2.27) And +tose +tat haue not schryuen hom , hit schall be schowet to all +te world yn gret confusyon and schenschyp . (CMMIRK,2.28) +Tys ys sayde for +te fyrst commyng of Cryst ynto +tys world . (CMMIRK,2.29) The secunde comyng of hym to +te dome schall so cruell be , and ferdfull , and horrybull , +tat +ter schal com befor xv dayes of gret drede ; (CMMIRK,2.30) so by +te drede of +tes dayes +tat comen befor , a man may know aparty the horobylyte +tat schall be yn +te dome , +tat comyth aftyr . (CMMIRK,2.31) The fyrst day , as Saynt Jerom sayth , +te see schall aryse vp yn hyr styd , soo +tat +te watyr schall be hear then ayny hyll , by xl=ti= cubytys , stondyng styll yn her styd , as hit wer a wall . (CMMIRK,2.32) The ij. day hit schall fall downe , so +tat vnne+te hit schall be yseyne . (CMMIRK,2.33) The iij. day +te seeswyne and +te cloppys of +te see schull stond on +te see and make roryng noyse so hyddous , +tat no man can tell hit but God hymselfe . (CMMIRK,3.34) The iiij. day +te see and all watyrs schull bren . (CMMIRK,3.35) The v. day treus and herbys schull swete blode , (CMMIRK,3.36) and all fowles schull come togedyr and no+ter ete ne drynke for ferd of +te dome comyng . (CMMIRK,3.37) The vj. day all byldyngys and castelles schull fall adowne to +te grownde , (CMMIRK,3.38) and an horrybull fyre schall aryse at +te sonne goyng downe , and +ten a+geyne at +te vprysyng of hym . (CMMIRK,3.39) The vij. day all stons and rockes schull vche all tobeton o+ter wyth a hydwes noyse , whech noyse God hymselfe schall know and vndyrstond . (CMMIRK,3.40) The viij. day +te er+te schall quake so horribuly , +tat no best schall stond on hit , (CMMIRK,3.41) but all schall fal to +te grownd . (CMMIRK,3.42) The ix. day all hyllys and mowntaynys schull turne ynto powdyr , (CMMIRK,3.43) and +te er+te schall be made playne and euen . (CMMIRK,3.44) The x. day men schull goo out of hur dennys +ter +tay daret for drede so amated for fer , +tat non schall speke to o+ter . (CMMIRK,3.45) The xj. day all +te bones of +te ded men schull ryse and stond vp on hor graues , (CMMIRK,3.46) and +tat day all graues schull opyn . (CMMIRK,3.47) The xij. day sterres schull fall from heuen and spred out of hom brennyng lemes . (CMMIRK,3.48) The xiij. day all men schull be redy to aryse +tat haue ben ded befor . (CMMIRK,3.49) The xiiij. day heuen and er+te schull bren so horrybly , +tat no man may tell hit . (CMMIRK,3.50) The xv. day heuen and er+t schull be made newe , (CMMIRK,3.51) and all men and woymen and childyrne schull aryse vp yn +te age of xxx=ti= +gere and come to +te dome . (CMMIRK,3.52) Then schal Ihesu Crist , veray God and man , come to +te dome , and al seyntys wyth hym , and schow all his wondys all fresch , and newe , and bledyng , as +tat day +tat he deyet on +te crosse . (CMMIRK,3.53) And +ter +te crosse schall be schewet all blody , and all o+ter ynstrumentys of his passyon . (CMMIRK,3.54) Then sory may +tay be +tat haue ben wont to swer by his hert , by sydes , by blod and bones of hym ; (CMMIRK,3.55) +tat schall be to hym a hygh fure and a hygh confusyon , (CMMIRK,3.56) but +tay wer sory +terof befor . (CMMIRK,3.57) Then schall Cryst heghly +tonke hom , and prayse hom +tat han don mercy to hor euen-cristyn , (CMMIRK,4.59) and schall say +tus to hom : ' My fadyrs blessyd chyldyrne come+te ynto +te joy +tat euer schall last . (CMMIRK,4.60) For when I was hongry , +ge fedden me ; (CMMIRK,4.61) when I was thursty , +ge gaf me dryngke ; (CMMIRK,4.62) when I was naket , +ge clo+tet me ; (CMMIRK,4.63) when I was herberles , +ge herbert me ; (CMMIRK,4.64) when I was seke , +ge vyset me ; +gevyng me +tat +tat was nedfull to me ; (CMMIRK,4.65) when I was yn pryson , +ge come to me (CMMIRK,4.66) and confortet me . (CMMIRK,4.67) For when +ge dyddyn +tus for my loue , +ge dydden hyt to me (CMMIRK,4.68) and as moche +tonke I kan you for +tat +ge dydden to +te lest of myn , as +ge hadden don hit to myn owne selfe ; wherfor goo +ge now ynto +tat ioye +tat euer schall last . ' (CMMIRK,4.69) Then schall he horrubly rebuken ryche men +tat han don no mercy , and say to hom spytwysly +tus : ' Goo +ge curset lystes ynto +te payne of helle , (CMMIRK,4.70) for +ge hadden ynogh wherof to haue fed me and my seruantys , and +geue me dryngke , yclo+tet me , and herbert me , and holpen me yn my sekenes , and vyset me yn my dyses , (CMMIRK,4.71) and +ge wold not , (CMMIRK,4.72) but louet your good and not me . Wherfor goo +ge now ynto +te fyre of helle +tat ys ordeynt to +te fendys of hell wythout any mercy ; (CMMIRK,4.73) for +ge wold do no mercy , (CMMIRK,4.74) and +terfor +ge schull haue no mercy . ' (CMMIRK,4.75) Then woo schall be to hom +tat schall here +tys rebuke yn +tat day ; (CMMIRK,4.76) +ter schall no pleder helpe , ne gold , ne syluyr , ne othyr yftes ; (CMMIRK,4.77) but as a man hath don , he schall haue . (CMMIRK,4.78) He schall haue accusars aboue hym , wythyn hym , on aythyr syde hym , and vndyr hym , +tat he schall no way scape . (CMMIRK,4.79) Aboue hym schall be Crist his domes-man so wro+te , +tat no tong con tell , for he dyt no mercy ; wythyn hym his on concyens accusyng hym of +te lest +toght +tat euer he dyd amys ; hys angyll on +tat on syde tellyng hym redely wher and how oft he ha+te don amys ; on +tat o+ter syde fendes chalenchyng hym horres as by ryght ; vndyr hym helle +geonyng , and galpyng , and spyttyng fyre and stench forto swolon hym ynto +te payne +tat neuer schall haue ende . (CMMIRK,4.80) Thys , good men , +ge schull know well +tat yn +te day of dome pore men schull be domes-men wyth Cryst , and dome +te ryche . (CMMIRK,4.81) For all +te woo +tat pore men hauen , hit ys by +te ryche men ; (CMMIRK,4.82) and +togh +tay haue moche wrong , +tay may not gete amendes , tyll +tay come to +tat dome ; (CMMIRK,5.84) and +ter +tay schall haue all hor one lust of hom . (CMMIRK,5.85) For when +tay haue wrong , and mow gete non amendys , +ten +tay pray ful hertely to God forto qwyt hom yn +te day of dome ; (CMMIRK,5.86) and woll he truly . (CMMIRK,5.87) For +tus he sayth by his profyt : ' Kepytt your veniauns to me , (CMMIRK,5.88) and I wyll qwyt you . ' Wherfor , syrs , for Goddys loue , whyll +ge byn here , makyth amendes for your mys-dedys , and maky+te hom your frendes +tat schall be our domes-men , and tryst +ge not to hom +tat schall com aftyr you , lest +ge ben deseyuet , and dredyth +te payne of hell +tat schall last wythouten any ende . (CMMIRK,5.89) Seynt Bede telle+te +tat +ter was a husbond-man here yn Englond +tat fell seke , and lay as for ded from +te euentyde tyll +te morow . (CMMIRK,5.90) +Ten aros he , (CMMIRK,5.91) and departed his gedys yn +tre partyes , (CMMIRK,5.92) and his partye he gaf to pore men , (CMMIRK,5.93) and +gede (CMMIRK,5.94) and was made a monke yn an abbay +tat stod by a watyr syde . Ynto +te whech watyr ych nyght he +gede yn , wer hyt neuer soo coold forste , (CMMIRK,5.95) and stod ther long tyme of +te nyght . (CMMIRK,5.96) And when he was asket , why he put hymselfe ynto so moche penaunce , he vnswered : ' Forto eschoyn +te more payne +tat I haue seyn , ' (CMMIRK,5.97) and ete barly-bred , (CMMIRK,5.98) and dranke watyr all his lyfe aftyr . (CMMIRK,5.99) And he wold tell to relygyous men +te payne +tat he segh , +tat was soo gret , +tat he cowthe not tel hit openly . (CMMIRK,5.100) He sayde +tat an angyll lad hym ynto a place +tat on +te toon syde was suche a colde , that no tong myght tell +te payne +terof ; (CMMIRK,5.101) and on +tat o+ter syde was suche a hete , +tat no man myght tell +te payne +terof , ny of +te hete : (CMMIRK,5.102) and sowles wern cast out of +tat won into +te to+ter . (CMMIRK,5.103) And so +tat angyll schewet hym +te fyre +tat come out at +te mow+te , +tat was +te fyre of hell ; +tat was so hote , +tat als ferre as he myght seen hit , hym +toght he brennet for hete . (CMMIRK,5.104) And yn +te lees +terof he segh sowles bulmyng vp and don , cryyng horrybuly , and a noyse of fendes cryyng : ' Sle , sle , sle , sle , sle , sle , (CMMIRK,5.105) opon +te broche , (CMMIRK,5.106) rost hote , (CMMIRK,5.107) cast ynto +te cawdren , (CMMIRK,5.108) sethe fast yn pyche , and cood , and brymston , and hot leed ! ' (CMMIRK,5.109) +Tus +tay +tat ben dampnet to hell , +tay styntyn neuer to cry and +gelle : ' Woo ys hym +tat +tedyr schall goo . ' (CMMIRK,5.110) God hymselfe scheld vs +terfro , (CMMIRK,5.111) and bryng vs to +te blys he boght vs to . (CMMIRK,5.112) Amen . (CMMIRK,5.113) 2 . (CMMIRK,6.116) DE FESTO SANCTI ANDREE ET EIUS SOLEMPNITATE SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,6.117) Good men and weymen , such a day +ge schull haue Seynt Andrawys daye , and fast +te euen . +Te whech dey +ge schull come to +te chyrch to serue God , and forto worschip the holy apostoll for +te speciall uertues +tat he hade : (CMMIRK,6.119) an for his hygh holynes of lyvyng , ano+ter for gret myracles doyng , the thrid for gret pas-syon suffryng . (CMMIRK,6.120) He was a man of holy lyuing ; (CMMIRK,6.121) for when he herd +tat Seynt Ion Baptyst prechet yn deserte , he $laft al his worldes occupacyon , (CMMIRK,6.122) and +gede to hym , (CMMIRK,6.123) and was his descypull . (CMMIRK,6.124) Then befell hit apon a day Crist come walkyng , (CMMIRK,6.125) and when Seynt Ion segh hym walkyng , he sayde +tys to his dyscypull : (CMMIRK,6.126) ' Lo , +gonde ys Godys lombe +tat schall do away +te syn of +te world . ' (CMMIRK,6.127) And when Seynt Andrew herd +tat , anon he laft Ion (CMMIRK,6.128) and suet Cryst . (CMMIRK,6.129) And when he herd Crist preche , hym lyket soo well +tat he fatte Seynt Petyr , his bro+ter , to Crist forto here his prechyng . (CMMIRK,6.130) And +ten +tay bo+te casten such a loue to Cryst , +tat on a day sone aftyr , as +tay wer yn +te see of Galyle fyschyng , Cryst come by hom , and callet hom . (CMMIRK,6.131) +Ten +tay bo+te anon laften hor schippe , and hor nettys , and all +tat +tay hadden , (CMMIRK,6.132) and sewet Crist for+te ay , tyll he stegh ynto Heuen . (CMMIRK,6.133) And when he was gon ynto Heuen , Andraw prechet Goddys worde to +te pepull . Among +te wheche was on , callad Nicol , +tat lyvet lx=ti= wyntyr and more yn lechery . (CMMIRK,6.134) But by grace of God he +toght to amende his lyfe , (CMMIRK,6.135) and let wryte a gospell on a boke , (CMMIRK,6.136) and had +tat wyth hym yn hopyng +tat +te vertu of Cryst schull put away his temptacyon . (CMMIRK,6.137) And soo , by +te vertu of Goddys worde , he abstaynet hym of his synne a while ; (CMMIRK,6.138) but +get by entysyng of +te fend , on a day , he for+get hymselfe , (CMMIRK,6.139) and +gede to +te bordell-hous , as he was wont to do . (CMMIRK,6.140) And when he come +tedyr , +te womon criet vpon hym , (CMMIRK,6.141) and sayde : ' Vnsley old man , goo he+ten ! (CMMIRK,6.142) for I se apon +te mony meruayles . ' (CMMIRK,6.143) +Ten +tys Nycol by+toght hym +tat he hade Goddys gospell on hym . (CMMIRK,6.144) And anon he +gede to Seynt Andraw , (CMMIRK,6.145) and told hym +tys caas , (CMMIRK,6.146) and prayde hym forto pray for hym to God +tat his sole wer not forlorne . (CMMIRK,6.147) Then Seynt Andraw sayde +tat he wold neuer ete ne dryng , tyll he wyst whe+ter he schuld be saued or noo . (CMMIRK,7.148) +Ten he fast fyf dayees prayng and bysechyng for hym . (CMMIRK,7.149) +Ten , at +te fyuet dayes ende , +ter come a voyce to hym , (CMMIRK,7.150) and sayde : ' As +tou fastes and prayes to God , make Nycol forto don ; (CMMIRK,7.151) and +ten he schall be sauet . ' (CMMIRK,7.152) +Ten callet he +tis Nicol to hym , (CMMIRK,7.153) and bade hym fast fourty dayes bred and watyr , and pray bysily to God ; (CMMIRK,7.154) and soo he dyd . (CMMIRK,7.155) And when +te fourty dayes wer done , sone aftyr +tys Nicol deyd . (CMMIRK,7.156) +Ten come +ter a voyce to Andraw , (CMMIRK,7.157) and sayde : ' By +ty prayer I haue wonen Nicoll +tat was lost . ' (CMMIRK,7.158) Narracio . (CMMIRK,7.160) Also a +gong man com to Seynt Andraw , (CMMIRK,7.162) and preuely sayde to hym : ' Syr , my modyr ha+te besoght me forto lye by hure ; (CMMIRK,7.163) but for I wold not , hoo hath accuset me to +te justyce . Wherfor well I wot y schall be ded . (CMMIRK,7.164) And +get I haue leuer take +te deth +ten sclaundyr my modyr soo fowle . Wherfor , syr , for Godys loue pray for me +tat I may take my deth mekely . ' (CMMIRK,7.165) +Ten sayde Saynt Andraw : ' Sonne , goo forth to +ty dome , (CMMIRK,7.166) and I wyll goo wyth +te . ' (CMMIRK,7.167) +Ten anon comme men , (CMMIRK,7.168) and fatten hym to +te justyce . (CMMIRK,7.169) And his modyr accusyt hym styfly to +te justice ; (CMMIRK,7.170) and he held his tong , (CMMIRK,7.171) and sayd naght . (CMMIRK,7.172) Then spake Seynt Andraw (CMMIRK,7.173) and sayde to hys modyr : ' +Tou wyket woman , +tat for lust of +ti lechery art aboute to do +ti sonne to deth ; veniaunce wol fall apon the ! ' (CMMIRK,7.174) +Ten seyd ho to +te justyce : ' Syr , sy+ten my sonne wold haue done +tys orybull dede , and myght not spede , he has drawen to +tys man for socowr . ' (CMMIRK,7.175) +Ten +te justyce commaundet to put +te sonne yn a fet , and cast hym yn a watyr forto drowne hym , and Andraw ynto prison , tyll he wer aviset on what de+te he schuld sle hym . (CMMIRK,7.176) Then Saynt Andraw $prayde bysyly to God for help . (CMMIRK,7.177) +Ten anon com a hydewes +tondyr +tat made all hom aferde , +tat +tay wern all fayne to fach Andraw out of pryson . (CMMIRK,7.178) And +terwyth com a bolt of layte , (CMMIRK,7.179) and brant +te modyr to colys yn syght of all men . (CMMIRK,7.180) And +tus he sauet +te man fro +te deth , (CMMIRK,7.181) and turnet +te justyce and all +te pepull to +te faythe of Crist . (CMMIRK,7.182) Herby +ge may vndyrstond +tat he was a man of holy lyvyng . (CMMIRK,7.183) He was also gret yn myracles doyng . (CMMIRK,7.184) For on a day , as he walket on +te see-warth , he segh a drownet man cast vp on +te watyr . (CMMIRK,8.185) +Ten he prayde to God to reysen hym to lyue . (CMMIRK,8.186) +Ten anon +tys body ros to lyue . (CMMIRK,8.187) And when he was raysed to lyue , Seynt Andraw askyt hym how he was drownet . (CMMIRK,8.188) +Ten he vnsward (CMMIRK,8.189) and sayd +tus : ' We wer fourty +geong men ynfere , (CMMIRK,8.190) and herden of a holy man +tat was yn +tys contre , (CMMIRK,8.191) and wolden haue gon to hym to haue herd his prechyng . (CMMIRK,8.192) But when we wern yn +te see , a tempest comme on vs , (CMMIRK,8.193) and drownet all ynfere . (CMMIRK,8.194) But wold God +tat we haden ben cast vp all ynfere , +tat we myghten haue ben rayset all togedyr ! ' (CMMIRK,8.195) Then , at +te prayer of Seynt Andraw , all +te bodyes wern cast to lond on dyuerse partyes . (CMMIRK,8.196) Then Seynt Andraw made to gedyr hom togedyr , (CMMIRK,8.197) and knelet adon , (CMMIRK,8.198) and prayde longe for hom , tyll +tay werne rayset all . (CMMIRK,8.199) Then Seynt Andraw prechet hom +te fayth of Cryst , (CMMIRK,8.200) and folowed hom all ; (CMMIRK,8.201) and when +tay werne stedfast yn +te fay+te , he send hom to hor contray a+geayne wyth moche ioye and myr+te . (CMMIRK,8.202) Mony o+ter myracles he dyd +tat wer to long to tell ; (CMMIRK,8.203) but hereby +ge may know +tat he was myghty yn makyng of myracles , +tat +tus rayset fourty drowned bodyes infere . (CMMIRK,8.204) He sufferd also gret passyon for Cristis loue . (CMMIRK,8.205) For when he was yn +te cite of Patras , he turnet to +te fayth a wyf of +te iustyce , +tat was called Egeas : (CMMIRK,8.206) he made men to do mawmetry , +tat ys , to offerne to fendys . (CMMIRK,8.207) But for Saynt Andraw repreuet hym +terof , anon he made to take hym , and constrayne hym forto haue done +te same . (CMMIRK,8.208) But for he stedfastly a+geynstode hym , preuyng by mony resons +tat he and all o+ter men schullden worschyp God of Heuen , and not +te fende of hell . Then Egeas wax wod wroth , (CMMIRK,8.209) and made men to do Andraw naket , and bete hym wyth scorgys , +tat all his body ran on blod . (CMMIRK,8.210) And aftyr he commaundet to bynd hym hond and fote to a cros , +tat he schuld payne +ter long , or he deyet . (CMMIRK,8.211) But when Seynt Andraw come to +te place +ter +te cros was made redy , he knelyd adowne , (CMMIRK,8.212) and sayd : ' Hayl be +te cros +tat my maystyr Ihesu Crist deyd on . (CMMIRK,8.213) I worschippe +te wyth all my hert , (CMMIRK,8.214) and desyre forto clyp +te . Wherfor now take me to +te , and +geld me to my maystyr +tat deyd apon +te . ' (CMMIRK,8.215) +Ten he stode vp , (CMMIRK,8.216) and dyd of his clo+tys , (CMMIRK,8.217) and +gaf hom to +te tormentowrs , (CMMIRK,8.218) and bade hom do , as Egeas commawndyd hom . (CMMIRK,9.219) Then +tay bonden hym to +te crosse , hond and fote , so hard and strayte , +tat +te blod wrast apon yche a knot . (CMMIRK,9.220) +Tus he hongyt on +te crosse twoo dayes alyue , prechyng allway +te pepull , so +tat +ter come to his prechyng mony a +towsand of folke . (CMMIRK,9.221) And for +te rew+te +tay hadden of hym , +tay beden Egeas do hym downe of +te crosse , (CMMIRK,9.222) or ellys +tay wold sle hym . (CMMIRK,9.223) +Ten , for fer of +te pepull , he come forto haue taken hym downe . (CMMIRK,9.224) But +ten Andraw a+geynestode (CMMIRK,9.225) and sayde : ' Egeas wyt +tou well +tat +tou schalt haue no myght forto take me downe ; (CMMIRK,9.226) for her I woll deye on +te crosse . ' (CMMIRK,9.227) Then +ter come a gret lyght , so +tat +ter myght no man se hym half an oure , (CMMIRK,9.228) and yn +tat lyght he af vp +te gost . (CMMIRK,9.229) +Tus , when Egeas segh +tat he was ded , he +geode homward . (CMMIRK,9.230) +Ten aftyr +te way he waxet wod , (CMMIRK,9.231) and sone aftyr , among all men , he stervet yn +te way . (CMMIRK,9.232) And Maximilla , his wyfe , herd +terof . (CMMIRK,9.233) Anon scho mad take Seynt Andraws body downe , and bury hit yn a tombe . Out of +te whech tombe manna and oyle walle+t out yfere , so +tat men of +tat contre mowun know , when +tay schull haue der+te , and when gret chep . (CMMIRK,9.234) For when hit schall be dere , hit walleth scarce ; (CMMIRK,9.235) and when hit schall be gret schep , hit walle+te plentwysly ynogh . (CMMIRK,9.236) Narracio . (CMMIRK,9.238) Aftyrward hit fell +tat +ter was a byschoppe +tat louet well Saynt Andrew , so +tat all +tyng +tat he dyd , he commendyd hit to Saynt Andrew . (CMMIRK,9.240) Then , for +te deuell my+gt not putt hym out of purpos , he come to +tis byschoppe yn +te lickenes of a fayre woman , prayng +tat ho most speke wyth hym yn schryft ; (CMMIRK,9.241) and he graunted . (CMMIRK,9.242) +Ten scho began to speke +tus : ' Syr , ' ho sayde , ' I am a kynges doghtyr (CMMIRK,9.243) and haue ben cheresly ynorysched ; (CMMIRK,9.244) but , for I se +te well of +tys world nys but a floure , I haue avowet chastite . (CMMIRK,9.245) And when my fadyr wold haue mariet me to a gret Prince , for I wold not breke my vow , pryuely yn a nyght , I stale for+te yn pore wede . (CMMIRK,9.246) And when I hert of your gret holynes , I drewe to you to haue your helpe , and consayle , and sokur . Wherfor , syr , I pray you +tat +ge ordeyne so for me , +tat I may be holpen , +tat +te fende let me not of my purpos . ' (CMMIRK,9.247) Then +te byschoppe confortet hur , (CMMIRK,9.248) and bade ho schuld haue trust yn God ; (CMMIRK,10.249) for ho +tat had sette soo gret a purpos yn hir hert , he wold +gif hur grace wyth . (CMMIRK,10.250) ' But , +tis day , +ge schull ete wyth me ; (CMMIRK,10.251) and aftyr mete , we schull be good cownseyle soo ordeyne for you , +tat +ge schull be holpen . ' (CMMIRK,10.252) ' Nay , syr , not so , lest men wold haue suspessyon of euell . ' (CMMIRK,10.253) ' +Terof no charch , ' quod +te byschop . (CMMIRK,10.254) For we schull be so fele yn company +tat +ter schall be no suspessyon of mys . (CMMIRK,10.255) +Ten ho gentyllych +tonket hym , (CMMIRK,10.256) and was sette yn a chayre befor hym at mete . (CMMIRK,10.257) But euer when +te byschoppe loket on hur , hym +toght hur soo fayre +tat he was soo temptyd apon hur , +tat he had negh for+geetyn hymselfe . (CMMIRK,10.258) Then anon +ter come a pylgrym to +te +geate , (CMMIRK,10.259) and put open +te +geate so hard , +tat all +tat weren yn +te halle , werne astonyet . (CMMIRK,10.260) Then sayde +te byschoppe : ' $Dame , schall +tys man com yn or no ? ' (CMMIRK,10.261) ' Syr , ' sayde ho , ' fyrst let hym vnswar to a questyon , (CMMIRK,10.262) and +ten lette hym yn . ' (CMMIRK,10.263) ' Dame , ' sayde +te byschop , ' make +ge +tys questyon , (CMMIRK,10.264) for we byn vnavyset as now . ' (CMMIRK,10.265) Then sayde ho : ' Let aske hym : what ys +te grettest merueyll +tat euer God made yn a fote of erthe ? ' (CMMIRK,10.266) Then when +te pylgrym was asket +tus , he vnswerd and sayde : ' A manys face ; (CMMIRK,10.267) for +tat ys er+te , and but a manys one fote . (CMMIRK,10.268) For +togh all +te men and wymen , +tat euer wer borne , stonden yfere , I schuld know on by ano+ter by summe degre . ' (CMMIRK,10.269) Then when he had made +tys vnswar , he was gretly commendet for his wyse vnswar . (CMMIRK,10.270) Then sayde ho : ' I se +tat he ys wyse . (CMMIRK,10.271) Byd hym make ano+ter vnswar ; (CMMIRK,10.272) aske hym whe+ter +tat er+te ys herre +ten Heuen ? ' (CMMIRK,10.273) Then when +te pylgrym was asket +tis , +ten he sayde : ' $+Ter $as {TEXT:+Teras} Cryst ys bodylyche . (CMMIRK,10.274) For Crystys body ys of oure kynd , (CMMIRK,10.275) and oure kynd ys er+te . Wherfor , $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} Crystys body ys , +ter is Crystys body herre +ten Heuen ; (CMMIRK,10.276) for Crist ys herre +ten any Heuen . ' (CMMIRK,10.277) Then when he had made +tis vnswer , he was alowet and beden come yn . (CMMIRK,10.278) Then sayde ho : ' Let him asoyle +te thryd questyon , (CMMIRK,10.279) and +ten let hym com yn . (CMMIRK,10.280) Late aske hym , how ferre hit ys from Heuen to helle ? ' (CMMIRK,10.281) Then when he was aposet of +tis , he vnswerd and sayd to +te messagere : ' Goo a+geyne , ' sayde he to +te messager , (CMMIRK,10.282) ' and byd hur +tat sytty+te yn +te chayre byfor +te byschoppe make +tis vnswar ; (CMMIRK,10.283) for ho con bettyr +ten I . (CMMIRK,10.284) Ho ys a fende , (CMMIRK,10.285) and ha+te mette hit ; (CMMIRK,10.286) and so dyd I neuer . (CMMIRK,10.287) Ho fell downe , wyth Lucyfer , from Heuen to helle : (CMMIRK,11.288) scho sytty+te +ter forto tempte +te byschoppe , and make hym les his sowle . ' (CMMIRK,11.289) +Ten when +te messager herd +tys , he was all hevy ; (CMMIRK,11.290) but he made +tys $vnswar +tat all myghten here . (CMMIRK,11.291) +Ten anon +tys fend vanechet away wyth an horrybull stenche . (CMMIRK,11.292) +Ten +te byschoppe by+toght hym of +tys temptacyon , (CMMIRK,11.293) and was sory yn his hert , (CMMIRK,11.294) and made send aftyr +tis pylgrym . (CMMIRK,11.295) But by +tat +te messager come to +te +geate , +te pylgrym was goon , (CMMIRK,11.296) and my+gt not be fonde . (CMMIRK,11.297) Then +te byschoppe made all men forto pray to God forto send hom wyttyng , what +tys pylgrym was +tat soo godly halpe hym yn his nede . (CMMIRK,11.298) +Ten come +ter a voyce (CMMIRK,11.299) and seyde hit was Seynt Andrew , +tat come forto socour hym for +te good lyfe and serues +tat he dyd to hym . (CMMIRK,11.300) And bade hym eft be war yn tyme comyng , and preche +tat to +te pepull yn help of hom . (CMMIRK,11.301) Now +ge schull knele adowne , and make your prayer to +tis holy apostoll , Seynt Andrew , +tat he be your mediator bytwyx God and you , prayng hym to +gyue you grace suche a lyfe to lede here , +tat hit be plesyng to hymselfe , and to our lady , and to all +te company of Heuen . (CMMIRK,11.302) Amen . (CMMIRK,11.303) And also +ge schull pray for +te state of all holy chyrch , and for +te pope of Rome and all his cardenalles , et cetera . (CMMIRK,11.304) 3 . (CMMIRK,11.306) DE FESTO SANCTI NICHOLAI ET EIUS SOLEMPNITATE SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,11.307) Goode men and woymen , such a day ys Saynt Nycholas-daye . +Te wheche nome ys vndyrstonden +te praysyng of +te pepull ; (CMMIRK,11.309) for among all corseyntys of Heuen , Seynt Nycholas ys heghly yprayset of +te pepull , and also yn holy chyrch specyaly for +tre vertues : for his meke lyuyng , for his heuenly chesyng , and for his gret compassyon hauyng . (CMMIRK,11.310) He was meke of lyuyng ; (CMMIRK,11.311) for as we reden , he had a fadyr +tat was callet Epyphanyus , and a modyr +tat was heton Ioon . +Te wheche yn hor +gou+te geton Saynt Nycholas . (CMMIRK,11.312) And when he was borne , +tay auoued chastyte , (CMMIRK,11.313) and delet no mor togedyr , (CMMIRK,11.314) but hulden hom payet of +te chyld . (CMMIRK,11.315) +Ten +tay maden forto cristen hym , (CMMIRK,11.316) and callet hym Nychol +tat ys a manys name ; (CMMIRK,11.317) but Nicholas , +tat ys a chyldys name , so +tat , all his lyfe-dayes , he huld +tat name of a chyld , (CMMIRK,12.318) and +te vertues wyth +tat ben mekenes , and sympulnes , and wythout maleys . (CMMIRK,12.319) Also when he was yn cradull , he fast Wennysday and Fryday ; +te wheche dayes he nold sowke but ones yn +te day , and soo hold hym apayde . (CMMIRK,12.320) And for he huld for+te +tes vertues all his lyfe-days wyth his chyldes name , +get childyr dydden hym worschyp spesyaly byfor any o+ter seynt . (CMMIRK,12.321) +Tus all his lyfe-dayes , he lyued so mekly , and so symply , and soo wythout maleys , +tat all +te pepull hym louet and praysyd for his meke leuyng . (CMMIRK,12.322) He was choson by a voyce , +tat com from Heuen , forto be byschoppe of +te syte of Myrre . (CMMIRK,12.323) For when +te byschoppe of +tat cyte was ded , +te byschoppys of +te contrey comen togedyr forto chese ano+ter byschoppe . (CMMIRK,12.324) +Ten com +ter a voyce to on of hom +tat was chef of hom , (CMMIRK,12.325) and bade him goo erly yn +te morow to +te chyrchedurre and make hym byschoppe +tat he fond +ter , (CMMIRK,12.326) ' and he ys callet Nycholas . ' (CMMIRK,12.327) Thus on +te morow +te byschoppe was erly vp , (CMMIRK,12.328) and +gede to +te chyrche-dyr , (CMMIRK,12.329) and fonde +ter Nycholas , (CMMIRK,12.330) and sayde to hym : ' What ys +ti name ? ' (CMMIRK,12.331) +Tan he , as he was full meke , vnswerd : ' Syr , ' he sayde , lowtyng downe wyth hys hed , ' Nycholas , seruant to your holynes . ' (CMMIRK,12.332) +Ten sayde he : ' Comme , my sonne , wyth me ; (CMMIRK,12.333) I haue forto speke wyth +te yn pryuety . ' (CMMIRK,12.334) And ladde hym to +tes o+ter byschoppys (CMMIRK,12.335) and seyde : ' Lo , syrres , here he ys +tat God ha+te schowet vs before ! ' (CMMIRK,12.336) and sakeret hym byschoppe . (CMMIRK,12.337) +Tus was he made byschoppe by heuenly chesyng . (CMMIRK,12.338) He had also gret compassyon to all +tat werne yn woo . (CMMIRK,12.339) For when his fadyr and his modyr bo+te werne dede , +tay laftyn hym wordely good inogh , +te wheche he spende apon hom +tat weren nedy . (CMMIRK,12.340) Then fell hit soo +tat +ter was a ryche man , +tat had +tre doghtren , fayre woymen and +gong ; (CMMIRK,12.341) but by myschet , he was fallen yn suche pouerte , +tat for gret nede he ordeynet his doghtren forto becomyn woymen , and so to gete hor lyuyng and his , bo+te . (CMMIRK,12.342) But when Nicholas herd +terof , he had gret compassyon of hem ; (CMMIRK,12.343) and on a nyght , priuely at a wyndow , he cast ynto +te mannys chambur a gret some of gold yn a bagge . (CMMIRK,12.344) +Ten yn +te mornyng , when +tys mon $found +tys gold , he was soo glad , +tat no man cow+te tell ; (CMMIRK,12.345) and wyth +tis gold anon he mariet his eldyst doghtyr . (CMMIRK,13.346) Then , yn ano+tir nyght , Seynt Nycolas kest yn ano+tir somme of gold ynto +te mannys chambur , as he dede er befor ; and soo +te thryd tyme , tyll +tay were all yweded . (CMMIRK,13.347) But +te thryt tyme , when +tys man herd +te gold fall dowen , anon he +gede out , (CMMIRK,13.348) and ouertoke Nycholas , (CMMIRK,13.349) and knew +tat hyt was he +tat so holpe hym yn his nede . (CMMIRK,13.350) But Nycholas charched hym forto kepe hit cownsell , whyles he lyuet . (CMMIRK,13.351) Also ano+tir tyme , men weren yn +te see yn despeyre of hor lyues , cryyng to Seynt Nycholas for helpe . (CMMIRK,13.352) +Ten anon he com to hom , goyng on +te watyr , (CMMIRK,13.353) and sayd to hom : ' Loo , I am here redy at your callyng , ' (CMMIRK,13.354) and holpe hom soo , +tat +tay comen sonde to hauen . (CMMIRK,13.355) Also +tat tyme was suche a derth and hongyr yn +tat contrey , +tat all negh spylleden for defawte . (CMMIRK,13.356) +Tan hit happude so , +tat +ter comen schyppys of +te Emperour , freght wyth whete , ynto +te hauen . (CMMIRK,13.357) Then went Seynt Nycholas to hom , prayng hom to grawnte hym of yche skynnys corn yn +te schyppe a hundered boschelles , and of whete , for to releue +te pepull wyth ; (CMMIRK,13.358) and he wold vndertake +tat +tay schuld want ryght noght of hor mette , when +tay comen home ; (CMMIRK,13.359) and so he had his askyng . (CMMIRK,13.360) And when +tys schyppe-men comen home , +tay had all hor mette , (CMMIRK,13.361) and wonted ryght noght . (CMMIRK,13.362) And hit +tat Saynt Nycholas hadde by hys holy prayer , hit was of suche fuson and $plente , +tat hit fond all +te pepull to ete and to sowe +te +gerthe aftyr . (CMMIRK,13.363) Thre knyghtes also weren enpeched to +te Emperour of traytere by fals suggestyon , (CMMIRK,13.364) and wer commawndet to pryson forto haue ben slayne +tat nyght . (CMMIRK,13.365) But for +tes knyghtys wepyng and cryyng to Seynt Nycholas , then he come +tat nyght to +te Emperour , as he lay yn hys bedde , (CMMIRK,13.366) and sayde +tus to hym : ' Why hast +tou soo wrongfully ydampned +tes knyghtes to deth ? (CMMIRK,13.367) Ryse vp anon , (CMMIRK,13.368) and make forto delyuer hom , (CMMIRK,13.369) or elles I pray God +tat he rayse a batayle a+geynys +te yn +te whech +tou schalt be ded , (CMMIRK,13.370) and bestys schull ete +te . ' (CMMIRK,13.371) Then sayde +te Emperour : ' Who art +tou +tat spekys so boldly to me ? ' (CMMIRK,13.372) ' I am , ' he sayde , ' Nycholas , +te byschoppe of Mirre . ' (CMMIRK,13.373) Then was +te Emperour soo aferd , +tat anon he send aftyr +te knyghtys to hym , (CMMIRK,13.374) and sayd +tus : ' What wychecraft con +ge , +tat +ge haue trowblet me al +tys nyght ; (CMMIRK,13.375) know +ge a man +tat hatte Nycholas , +te byschoppe of Myrre ? ' (CMMIRK,13.376) +Ten when +tay herd his name , +tay fellen to +te grownde on knees , (CMMIRK,13.377) and helden vp hor hondes , thonkyng Seynt Nycholas . (CMMIRK,14.378) And whan +tay haden told +te Emperour of his lyfe , he bade hom goo to hym , and +tonke hym hor lyfe , and pray hym heghly +tat he schuld +trete hym no more so : (CMMIRK,14.379) but pray to hym +tat he pray to God for me and for my reme . (CMMIRK,14.380) And so +tay dydden . (CMMIRK,14.381) +Tus +ge mvn se +tat he hadde gret compassyon of all +tat weron yn doses . (CMMIRK,14.382) And +tan aftyr , when he wyste +tat he schuld dye , he prayde to God forto send hym an angyll and fache hys soule . (CMMIRK,14.383) And when he segh +te angell comyng , he lowtet downe wyth hys hed (CMMIRK,14.384) and sayde : ' In manus tuas , Domine , commendo spiritum meum , ' (CMMIRK,14.385) and soo +gelde vp +te gost . (CMMIRK,14.386) And when he was buryet , at +te hed of +te tombe sprong a well of oyle +tat dyd medysyn to all seke . (CMMIRK,14.387) +Ten fell hit so +tat , mony +gere aftyr , Turkes stryeden +te cyte of Myrre +ter Saynt Nycholas lay . (CMMIRK,14.388) And when men of +te cyte of Barus herden +tat , seuen and fourty knyghtys with hor helpes , ordeynet hom schyppes , (CMMIRK,14.389) and +geodyn +tedyr . (CMMIRK,14.390) And when +tay comen +tedyr , by tellyng of four monkes +tat werne lafte +ter , +tay knew hys tombe ; (CMMIRK,14.391) and anon +tay vndedyn hit , (CMMIRK,14.392) and fonden his bones swymmyng yn oyle . (CMMIRK,14.393) And +ten +tay token hom vp , (CMMIRK,14.394) and broghton hom ynto +te cyte of Barus wyth mekyll joye and mur+te . (CMMIRK,14.395) Then aftyr , for gret myrackles +tat wern ywroght +ter , hit fell +tat a Jew lett make an ymage of Saynt Nycholas , (CMMIRK,14.396) and set hyt yn his schop among his good , (CMMIRK,14.397) and bade hym kepe well his good , whyll he wer from home , (CMMIRK,14.398) othyr ellys he schuld der abye hit ; (CMMIRK,14.399) and soo went his waye . (CMMIRK,14.400) So , when ho was gon , comen theves (CMMIRK,14.401) and stelen his good , (CMMIRK,14.402) and beren hit away . (CMMIRK,14.403) Soo when +tys Jew was commen home and fonde hys good ystolne , he was wod wroth wyt Saynt Nycholas , (CMMIRK,14.404) and toke and schowrget and bete +tus image of Saynt Nycholas , as hyt had ben Seynt Nycholas hymselfe , (CMMIRK,14.405) and +tus spake to hym : ' I toke +te my good to kepe , Nycholas , (CMMIRK,14.406) for gret tryst I had yn +te ; (CMMIRK,14.407) and now +tow hast +tus fowle seruet me . (CMMIRK,14.408) +Tow schall bye hyt ych day , tyll I haue my good a+geyne . ' (CMMIRK,14.409) Than , as +tes +tefes weren yfere to depart +tis stolen goode , come Seynt Nycholas to hom (CMMIRK,14.410) and sayde : ' How +ge haue made me betyn for +tis good ? ' (CMMIRK,14.411) and schowet hom hys sydys all blody . (CMMIRK,14.412) ' Goth , ' sayde he , (CMMIRK,15.413) ' and beryth +tis good a+geyne , (CMMIRK,15.414) othyr elles vengeans schall falle apon you , (CMMIRK,15.415) and +ge schull be hongyd ych on . ' (CMMIRK,15.416) Then sayde +tay to hym : ' Who art +tou +tat +tretyst vs +tis ? ' (CMMIRK,15.417) +Ten sayde he : ' I am Nycholas , Goddys seruant , +tat +te Jew betoke his good to kepe . ' (CMMIRK,15.418) +Ten wer +tay sory aferd +tat anon , +tat same nyght , +tay beren a+geyne all +tys good . (CMMIRK,15.419) Then , on +te morow , when +te Jew segh his good $broght holy a+geyne , anon he toke fologht , (CMMIRK,15.420) and was aftyr a trew crysten man , (CMMIRK,15.421) and hadde +te blysse of Heuen . To +te whech blysse , +trogh +te prayer of Seynt Nycholas , God bryng vs to . (CMMIRK,15.422) 4 . (CMMIRK,15.424) DE CONCEPCIONE BEATE MARIE ET $EIUS FESTIUITATE . (CMMIRK,15.425) Alsoo , good men and woymen , suche a day +ge schull haue our Lady-day +tat ys callet +te Concepcyon . Of +te wheche day holy chyrch maketh mencyon of +te concepcyon of hyr for +tre specyall poyntes : for hor fadyr holynes , for hor modyr goodnes , and for hyr owne choson mekenes . (CMMIRK,15.427) Scho had a fadyr +tat was callet Iohachym , +tat was of such holynes +tat , when he was fyften +gere old , he departyd his good yn +tre partyes : on to wydows and to fadyrles chyldyrn ; ano+tyr to +to +tat wern pore and nedfull , and seruet God nyght and day yn +te tempull ; (CMMIRK,15.428) the thryd he kepyd to his howswold . (CMMIRK,15.429) And when he was xx=ti= +gere old , for +te gret godenesse +tat he herd and knew by Saynt Anne , he weddyd hur , (CMMIRK,15.430) and werne yfere xx=ti= +gere . +Te wheche tyme , Anne neuer dysplesyd hym , by nyght nor be day , for +te gret godenes +tat was wythyn hur . (CMMIRK,15.431) But +ta+g +tay wer bo+te good and holy , God gaue hom no fruyth of hor body ; (CMMIRK,15.432) but wern barayne bo+te . (CMMIRK,15.433) Therfor +tay maden a vow to God , bothe , yf he wold +gif hom a chyld , +tay wold offyr hit vp ynto +te tempull +tat schulld serue hit day and nyght . (CMMIRK,15.434) Then as Iohachym , on a day , wyth hys neghtboures +gede to +te tempull , forto bryng his offryng to +te byschop of +tat contrey , +tat heght Isakar , and he rebuket hym openly , (CMMIRK,15.435) and +tus to hym sayde : ' Iohachym , ' quod he , ' hyt fallyth not to +te +tat art barayne , forto offyr yn company wyth +tes +tat God hath +geuen fruyte yn Israell . ' (CMMIRK,15.436) Then was Iohachym sore aschamet of his rebuke , +tat he went home wepyng , (CMMIRK,15.437) and preuely toke his schepherdus wyth his schepe , (CMMIRK,15.438) and +gede forth yn ferre contrey among hylles , (CMMIRK,15.439) and purposet hym forto haue lyuet +ter all his lyfe-dayes , and neuer efte haue sene Anne , his wyfe . (CMMIRK,16.440) Then was Anne sory , (CMMIRK,16.441) and prayde to God (CMMIRK,16.442) and sayde +tus : ' Lord , ' scho sayde , ' +tat me ys woo , for I am barayne , and may haue no chyldren ; and now more , for my husbond ys gon , and I not whethyr . (CMMIRK,16.443) Lord , haue mercy on me ! ' (CMMIRK,16.444) Then , as scho prayde this , an angyll com to hur , (CMMIRK,16.445) and comforted hur , (CMMIRK,16.446) and sayde : ' Anne , be of good chere , (CMMIRK,16.447) +tou schalt haue a chyld suche +tat neuer noon had lyke , ny neuer schall be byfore nor aftyr . ' (CMMIRK,16.448) Then was Anne aferde of +tys angeles worde and of +te syght of hym , (CMMIRK,16.449) and lay all day yn hur prayers , as scho had ben ded . (CMMIRK,16.450) Then went +tis same angell to Iohachym , (CMMIRK,16.451) and sayde to hym +te same wordes , (CMMIRK,16.452) and bade hym take a lombe , and offyr hit to God yn sacryfyce . (CMMIRK,16.453) And soo he dyd . (CMMIRK,16.454) And when he had ydone , fro mydday to euensong tyme he lay apon +te erthe yn his prayers , +tonkyng God wyth all hys hert and all hys myght . (CMMIRK,16.455) Then , on +te morow , as +te angell bade , he +gede homward on soft pace wyth hys schepe . (CMMIRK,16.456) And when he come negh home , +te angell come to Anne , (CMMIRK,16.457) and bade hyr goo to +te +geate +tat was called +te gylden +geate , and abyde hor husbond +ter . (CMMIRK,16.458) +Ten was scho glad and fayne , (CMMIRK,16.459) and toke hor maydens wyth hor , (CMMIRK,16.460) and +gede thedyr , (CMMIRK,16.461) and met +ter wyth Iohachym , hor husbond , (CMMIRK,16.462) and sayde : ' Now , Lord , I thonke +te heghly , (CMMIRK,16.463) for I was wedow , (CMMIRK,16.464) and now I am noon ; (CMMIRK,16.465) I was barayne , (CMMIRK,16.466) and now I schall haue a chyld ; (CMMIRK,16.467) I was yn mornyng and woo , (CMMIRK,16.468) and now I schall be yn joy and lykyng , and conseyue our lady . (CMMIRK,16.469) And when scho was borne , scho called hor Mary as +te angell bade before . (CMMIRK,16.470) Then aftyr , when scho was wened , +tay broght hur to +te tempull , (CMMIRK,16.471) and laften hyr among o+ter maydens to serue God day and nyght . (CMMIRK,16.472) Then was scho so meke yn all hor doyngys , +tat all othyr vyrgenes called hor qwene of maydens , so +tat scho was and ys +get +te mekest seynt yn Heuen , and most redy ys ay to helpe all +to +tat callyth to hyr yn nede . (CMMIRK,16.473) Narracio . (CMMIRK,16.475) I rede ther was a lord +tat trade a peny-reue , +te wheche hade gederet hys lordes rent , and +gede to bere hyt to hym . (CMMIRK,16.477) +Ten wer +ter +tefes set for hym yn a wod +tat he most nede goo +trogh . (CMMIRK,16.478) But when he come ynto +te wode , he be+toght hym +tat he had not sayde oure lady sawter +tat he was wont to saye ych day . (CMMIRK,16.479) +Ten anon he kneled adowne , (CMMIRK,17.480) and bygan forto say . (CMMIRK,17.481) Then anon com oure lady lyke a fayre mayden , (CMMIRK,17.482) and set a garlond on his hedde ; (CMMIRK,17.483) and at yche ' Aue , ' scho set a rose yn +te garlond +tat schon as bryght as a sterre . (CMMIRK,17.484) So by +tat he had jsayde , +te garlond was made ; (CMMIRK,17.485) hyt was so bryght , +tat all +te wode schon +terof . (CMMIRK,17.486) Thus when he had ydone , he kysset +te er+te , (CMMIRK,17.487) and went his way . (CMMIRK,17.488) +Ten wer +tes +tefes redy , (CMMIRK,17.489) and broght hym to hor mayster +tat hade seyn all +tys doyng . (CMMIRK,17.490) +Ten sayde +te +tef to hym : ' I wot +tou art suche a lordys seruant , and haues hys mone wyth +te . (CMMIRK,17.491) But tell me what woman was +tat , that set +tis garland apon +ti hed ? ' (CMMIRK,17.492) ' For sothe , I segh no woman , (CMMIRK,17.493) nor haue no garlond +tat I knew . (CMMIRK,17.494) But for I hade for+geton forto say our lady sawter and was adred of you , I kneled adown (CMMIRK,17.495) and seyde hit , prayng to hir to helpe me at my nede . ' (CMMIRK,17.496) Then sayde +te +tef : ' For hor loue , now go +ti way , (CMMIRK,17.497) and pray hor for vs . ' (CMMIRK,17.498) And soo he +gede sonde and saf hys way by socour of our lady . (CMMIRK,17.499) But now schull +ge here how +tys fest was fyrst fonden . (CMMIRK,17.500) +Ter was yn Englond a kyng , was cleput Wylliam +te Conquerour +tat send +te abbot of Ramsey to +te kyng of Denmarke on message . (CMMIRK,17.501) But when he was yn +te see , +ter com a derkenesse to hym and such tempest wyth +tat , +tat he and all +tat wern wyth hym , went to haue be yspyld anon ryght . (CMMIRK,17.502) Then yche man prayde bysyly on his ende to dyuerse sayntys of Heuen , to haue helpe and socour yn +tat gret nede . (CMMIRK,17.503) +Ten as +tys abbot prayde deuoutly to God , +ter come a fayre man to hym (CMMIRK,17.504) and sayde +tus : ' Woldyst +tou halow +te concepcyon of oure lady , +tat ys +te secunde daye aftyr Saynt Nycholas-day , he woll socowr +te and +ti men now yn +tys nede . ' (CMMIRK,17.505) ' Syr , ' sayde he , ' wyth a hertly wyll , soo +tat +tou telle , what schall +tat serues ben . ' (CMMIRK,17.506) +Ten sayde he : ' +Te same , worde for worde , +tat ys yn hor natyuyte , saue turne +te natyvyte ynto +te concepcyon . ' (CMMIRK,17.507) ' Ful gladly , ' sayde he , ' schall +tys be don . ' (CMMIRK,17.508) And anon sesut +te tempest , (CMMIRK,17.509) and clere wedyr com a+geyne . (CMMIRK,17.510) And he dyd his mesage , (CMMIRK,17.511) and spedde wele yn all his doyng . (CMMIRK,17.512) And when he had told +te kyng of +tys vysion , +te kyng made preche hit ouer all +te reme . (CMMIRK,17.513) And soo hit was halowet for euermore yn holy chyrche ; (CMMIRK,17.514) and so , out of +te reme , hyt ys now cananyset yn +te courte of Rome , and halowet +tro+g all crystyndome . (CMMIRK,17.515) Now pray we to oure lady wyth good entent of our lyuyng to haue amendement , (CMMIRK,18.516) and pray for vs to hor sonne +tat we may $be wyth hym yn Heuen . (CMMIRK,18.517) Lady , we pray +tat hit soo be . (CMMIRK,18.518) Amen , amen ; (CMMIRK,18.519) pur charyte . (CMMIRK,18.520) 5 . (CMMIRK,18.522) DE FESTO SANCTI THOME APOSTOLI ET EIUS SOLEMPNITATE SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,18.523) Good men and woymen , such a day +ge schull haue Seynt Thomas-day of Ynde , +tat was Crystys holy apostull , and fast +te euen , and come to chyrche +tat day to worschyppe God and his holy apostole Seynt Thomas , as all holy chyrche dothe , and specyalle for +te propurtes +tat +tis apostle had ; +tat ben to say : hegh preuyng of our fay , grette wondres yn his way , and gret myracles on his day . (CMMIRK,18.525) This holy apostoll preuet so oure fay , +tat he lafte no scrypull yn no parte +teryn . (CMMIRK,18.526) For when all +te dyscypull beleuedon and tolden hym , +tat Cryst was rysyn from dethe to lyue , and +tay haden seen hym on lyue , and spoken wyth hym , Thomas vnswaret and sayde he wold neuer beleue +tat , tyll he had put hys fyngyr yn +te wond +ter +te nayles wern dryuen yn Crystes hondes , and put his hondes yn Crystys syde , yn +te wond of +te spere . (CMMIRK,18.527) Then VIII dayes aftyr , when all +te dyscypules wern yfere , and Thomas wyth hom , +ten come Ihesu bodely to hom , (CMMIRK,18.528) and seyde to hom : ' Pees be to you ! ' (CMMIRK,18.529) And +ten he sayde to Thomas : ' Come (CMMIRK,18.530) and put +ti fyngres yn +te holes of +te nayles +tat persed my hondys , (CMMIRK,18.531) and put +ty hondys ynto my syde , (CMMIRK,18.532) and be no lengyr out of beleue , but heraftyr stedfast yn +te byleue . ' (CMMIRK,18.533) Then when Thomas had soo ydo , anon he criet for wondyr and for fere , (CMMIRK,18.534) and sayde : ' My Lorde and my God ! ' +Tat ys forto say : ' Now I beleue , Ihesu , +tat +tou art God and man . ' (CMMIRK,18.535) Then sayde Cryst to hym : ' Thomas , for +tou haues seen me , +tou beleuest yn me . ' (CMMIRK,18.536) This +te taryng of Thomas byleue broght vs yn full byleue , and to +te beneson of Ihesu Cryst . (CMMIRK,18.537) Of thys sayth Saynt Gregory +tus : ' Moch more Thomas of Inde helpys me to +te fayth +tat wold not byleue , tyll he had hondelet and groped +te wondes of Cryst , +ten Mary Mawdelen +tat byleuet anon at +te forme tyme and furst . ' (CMMIRK,18.538) +Tus Thomas preuet our fay . (CMMIRK,18.539) He made also wonders yn his way . (CMMIRK,18.540) For when +te kyng of Inde had send a messager , +tat heght Abbanes , ynto +te contre of Cesare , to seche hym a carpenter +tat cou+te make hym a palyce , then Crist speke wyth Abbanes , (CMMIRK,19.541) and sayde to Thomas of Inde : ' Goo wyth hym . ' (CMMIRK,19.542) And when +tay wer passed +te see , +tay comen to a cyte of +te wheche +te kyngys doghtyr was +tat day weded . Wherfor yche man was commawndet forto come yn to +te mete . (CMMIRK,19.543) Then , among o+ter , Thomas and Abbanes comen yn to +te fest . (CMMIRK,19.544) But for Thomas had all his +toght yn God , and had no lust to ete , +te butler smot hym on +te cheke , (CMMIRK,19.545) and bade hym ete . (CMMIRK,19.546) Then sayd Thomas : ' I nyll not ryse of +tys place , tyll +tat same hond be gnawen wyth dogges , and be broght hedyr befor me . ' (CMMIRK,19.547) Then anon +te butler +gede aftyr watyr , (CMMIRK,19.548) and a lyon slow hym , (CMMIRK,19.549) and dranke hys blod ; (CMMIRK,19.550) and dogges etyn his body . Among +te wheche +ter was won blacke dogge +tat toke hys hond yn his mowth , and broght hyt ynto +te hall , yn syght of all men , and leyde hit downe befor Saynt Thomas . (CMMIRK,19.551) Then was +ter a woman , a mynstrell , +tat vndyrstode Thomas wordes . The whech anon fell downe to Thomas fete , and cryed +tat all men herden : ' O+ter-4 +tou art God o+ter Goddys dyscypull ; (CMMIRK,19.552) for ryght as +tou saydes , hit ys fallen ! ' (CMMIRK,19.553) Then was +te kyng and all men abasschet , (CMMIRK,19.554) and prayden Thomas +tat he wold bless hys doghtyr and hor hosbond . (CMMIRK,19.555) Then Thomas prechedde hom bo+te , so +tat he made +te husbond byschop of +te cyte , and +te wyfe a nonne +tat weren bothe martyres for Crystys sake . (CMMIRK,19.556) Then went Thomas forth ynto Inde to +te kyng , (CMMIRK,19.557) and beheght +te kyng to make hym a pales , abull for a kyng . Wherfor +te kyng was glad , and made to delyuer hym a gret som of gold forto make +te pales wyth . (CMMIRK,19.558) And soo he went ynto ano+ter feer contre , whyll Thomas schuld make +tys place . (CMMIRK,19.559) But for Thomas +toght +tat hit was bettyr forto make hym a palyse yn Heuen +ten yn erth , +terfor he toke +tys money (CMMIRK,19.560) and dalt hit among pore men and woymen , and ouer all $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} was nede . (CMMIRK,19.561) And soo aftyr went about , (CMMIRK,19.562) and preched Goddys worde to +te pepull , (CMMIRK,19.563) and turnet mony ynto +te faythe of Cryst . (CMMIRK,19.564) Then aftyr +te kyng come home , and had gret hope to haue his paleyse made redy , and herd how Thomas had don he was wod wroth (CMMIRK,19.565) and wold do Thomas and Abbanes bothe to deth . (CMMIRK,20.566) But for his bro+ter was dede +tat same tyme , +terfore he made forto do hom bo+te yn pryson , tyll +te tyme he had buryet his brothyr . (CMMIRK,20.567) +Ten , as God wold , whan hys brother had layne longe ded , he ros from deth to lyue , (CMMIRK,20.568) and told +te kyng +tat he had yseen +te palyce +tat Thomas had made to hym : ' Wherfor I pray the , let me bye hit , and I wyll +gef +te as moche as hit cost +te . ' (CMMIRK,20.569) Then +te kyng bythoght hym , (CMMIRK,20.570) and by counsell he sayde : ' Naye ! ' (CMMIRK,20.571) and toke folo+gt and mony +tousandys of pepull wyth . (CMMIRK,20.572) +Ten seon +te byschoppys of mawmetry +tat all +te pepull laft hor lawe , and +geden to crysten fayth . Wherfor +tay wer so wroth wyth Thomas , +tat won of hom seyde he wold wreke his goddys ; and wyth a sper ryuede Thomas +trogh +te body , and slogh hym . (CMMIRK,20.573) Then crysten men buryeden hym yn a tombe of crystall . (CMMIRK,20.574) +Ter God worcheth mony wondyrfull myracles for hym ; (CMMIRK,20.575) for the honde +tat was yn Crystys syde , hit wold neuer ynto +te towmbe , (CMMIRK,20.576) but lythe euer wythout . (CMMIRK,20.577) Thus he dyd mony wondres yn hys daye . (CMMIRK,20.578) He dyd also mony wonders on his day ; (CMMIRK,20.579) for alle +te contre cometh +tedur on hys day , (CMMIRK,20.580) and taketh howsell of hys hond yn +tis wyse . (CMMIRK,20.581) The byschop of +te see syngyth +te masse +tat day . (CMMIRK,20.582) When he beginyth +te masse , er he say +te ' Confyteor , ' he taketh a branche of a vyne , (CMMIRK,20.583) and puttyth yn Thomas hond ; (CMMIRK,20.584) and soo goth to masse . (CMMIRK,20.585) +Ten oute of this branche burgeneth out grapes . (CMMIRK,20.586) And soo , by +tat +tat +te gospell be sayde , +te byschop taketh +tis grapes , (CMMIRK,20.587) and wrengyth ynto +te chales , (CMMIRK,20.588) and syngyth wyth +tat wyne , (CMMIRK,20.589) and howseleth all +te pepull aftyrward +terwyth ; (CMMIRK,20.590) and puttyth +te ost ynto Thomas honde , (CMMIRK,20.591) and so howseleth all +te pepull . (CMMIRK,20.592) But when any comyth +tat ys vnworthy , anon +te hond closyth togedyr , (CMMIRK,20.593) and woll not open , tyll he be schrevyn clene ; (CMMIRK,20.594) and +ten hit openeth (CMMIRK,20.595) and howseleth hym . (CMMIRK,20.596) Also when men byn yn debate , +tay ben ybroght byfor +te towmbe of Saynt Thomas , and sette on twyn , (CMMIRK,20.597) and +te cause of +te debates ys rehersed . (CMMIRK,20.598) +Ten wyll +te hond turne to hym +tat ys yn +te ryght ; (CMMIRK,20.599) and so ben +tay made at wone . (CMMIRK,20.600) Thus he preuet our fay (CMMIRK,20.601) and dude wondres yn his way , and gret myracles on his day . Wherfor pray we to hym to make vs studfast yn our fay And helpe vs yn oure long day , And bryng vs +ter as ys no nyght but euer day : (CMMIRK,21.602) That ys +te joy +tat lestyth ay . (CMMIRK,21.603) Amen . (CMMIRK,21.604) Ion Grysostom seyth , +tat Thomas come to +tat contray wher +te kynges of Coleyne were , and folowed hom , and made hom crysten men . (CMMIRK,21.605) For , +togh +tay haden worschypped Crist yn his burthe , +tay herden no more of hym , tyll Thomas come to home , and taght hom +te faythe . +Te whyche now +tay lyne at Colen . (CMMIRK,21.606) 6 . (CMMIRK,21.608) DE NATIVITATE DOMINI NOSTRI IHESU CRSTI ET EIUS SOLEMPNITATE . (CMMIRK,21.609) Godde men and woymen and crysten creatures , as +ge here and sethe , +tys day all holy chyrche syngythe , and redythe , and maketh melody yn mynde of +te swete byr+te of our Lord , Ihesu Cryst , veray God and man , +tat was as +tys day borne of hys modyr , Seynt Mary , yn gret help and socour to all monkynd , but specyaly for +tre causes : forto +gyue pes to men of good wyll , forto lyghten hom +tat loken ill , and forto draw men so wyth loue hym tylle . (CMMIRK,21.611) Then , as to +te forme cause +tat he was borne forto +geuen pes to men of good wyll , I may preue +tus . (CMMIRK,21.612) For when he was borne angeles songen +tus : ' Gloria in excelsis Deo . ' +Tat ys to say : ' Ioye be to God +tat ys hegh yn Heuen , (CMMIRK,21.613) and pes be yn er+te to men of good wyll . ' (CMMIRK,21.614) At $mydnyght Crist was borne , (CMMIRK,21.615) for +ten alle +tyng be kynd taketh rest yn schewyng +tat he ys prynce of pes , and was comen to make pes bytwyx God and man , and bytwyx angeles and man , and bytwyx man and man . (CMMIRK,21.616) He made pes bytwyx God and mon ; wherfore forto be a trewe mediatur bytwyx hom , he toke kynde of bo+te : and veray God and man . (CMMIRK,21.617) And soo , by hys medyacyon , he knet +te loue of God to man so sadly , +tat +te fadyr of Heuen spared not his owne sonne , but send hym forto bye man wyth his blod , and bryng hym by wayes of mekenes a+geyne to +te joye of paradyse +tat man lost by couetyse and heghnes . (CMMIRK,21.618) Thus he made pes bytwyx God and man . (CMMIRK,21.619) He made pes bytwyx angeles and man ; (CMMIRK,21.620) for when angeles seon +tat hor Lorde was wroth wyth man for vnbuxamnes - fore vmbuxomnes is a thing that angeles haten - wherfor +tay kepton +te +geatys of paradyse , and letten no sowle come yn , tyll +tay seen hor Lord borne yn mankynde . +Ten anon , for loue of hor Lord , +tay deden mon worschippe , (CMMIRK,22.621) and speken godely and louyngly to pore schephordes +tat kepten hor schepe yn +te contre by , (CMMIRK,22.622) and bade hom goo ynto +te cyte of Bedelem ; (CMMIRK,22.623) for +ter +tay schuld fynd a chyld borne and layde yn a cracche , and do hym worschip . (CMMIRK,22.624) And soo +tay dedyn , so +tat euer sethen angeles haue ben frendys and seruandys to all good men and woymen , and all yn +te reuerens of +te yncarnacyon of oure Lord Ihesu Cryst . (CMMIRK,22.625) Thus he made pes bytwyx angeles and man . (CMMIRK,22.626) He made also pes bytwyx man and man . (CMMIRK,22.627) For a+geyne tyme +tat he wold be borne , he made such pes +trogh all +te world , +tat $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} kyndomes and prouynces wern at werre , yche on wyth o+ter , in his burth-tyme was soo gret pes , +tat on man +tat heght Octauian , and was Emperour of Rome , and had +te gouernance of all +te world , and all +te world was suget to +te Emperour of Rome , and duret soo +trytty wyntyr yn so moche +tat +tan was send out a mawndement +trogh all +te world , comawndyng +tat euer-yche man schuld go to +te cyte +tat he drogh lynage of , and ley a peny apon his hed , and offeren hit vp knowlachyng +tat he was suget to +te Emperour of Rome . (CMMIRK,22.628) Then most Ioseph , our ladyes husbond , nedys go to +te cyte of Bedelem to offyr wyth o+ter men . (CMMIRK,22.629) But , for he had no money , he toke an ox wyth hym forto sell +ter , and make hym money of . (CMMIRK,22.630) But , for he durst not leeue our lady byhynd hym - for scho was negh tyme of burthe - he sette hyr on an asse , (CMMIRK,22.631) and toke hyr wyth hym . (CMMIRK,22.632) But when +tay comen ynto +te cyte , hit was soo full of pepull , +tat +tay myght gete hom no herber ; (CMMIRK,22.633) but turnet ynto a caue +tat was bytwene two howsys , $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} men setten hor capuls when +tay comen to +te marked , (CMMIRK,22.634) and fonden +ter a crcche wyth hay , (CMMIRK,22.635) and setten +te ox and +te asse +terto . (CMMIRK,22.636) Then , a lytyll byfor mydny+gt , oure lady bade Ioseph gete hyr mydwyues , (CMMIRK,22.637) for scho schuld be delyuerd . (CMMIRK,22.638) But , whyle he was yn +te towne aftyr mydwyues , our lady was delyuerd , (CMMIRK,23.639) and lappyd hyr sonne yn clo+tes , (CMMIRK,23.640) and layde hym yn the cracche befor +te ox and the asse . (CMMIRK,23.641) And +tay anon knewen hor Lorde , (CMMIRK,23.642) and fellen downe on knees , (CMMIRK,23.643) and worschepen hym , (CMMIRK,23.644) and ete no more of +te hay . (CMMIRK,23.645) That same tyme as men of +te contrey +geden at +te plogh , exen speken to the plogh-men (CMMIRK,23.646) and sayden : ' +Tese sedys schull encrese (CMMIRK,23.647) and men schull wax few . ' (CMMIRK,23.648) Then , sone aftyr , com Ioseph wyth two mydwyues , +gebel and Salome . (CMMIRK,23.649) But when +gebell fonde well +tat our lady was clene mayden , scho cryed anon (CMMIRK,23.650) and sayde : ' A mayden hath borne a chylde ! ' (CMMIRK,23.651) Then +tat o+tyr , Salome , would not leue +tat , (CMMIRK,23.652) but busturly hondeled our lady ; (CMMIRK,23.653) and +terwyth anon hor hondes dryden vp . (CMMIRK,23.654) Then come +ter an angell , (CMMIRK,23.655) and bade hyr towch +te chylde , and be hole . (CMMIRK,23.656) And soo scho dyd , (CMMIRK,23.657) and was hole . (CMMIRK,23.658) Then went Ioseph , (CMMIRK,23.659) and dyd hys offryng wyth o+tyr men , (CMMIRK,23.660) and kept oure lady yn +te same caue whyll scho was yn chyld-bed . (CMMIRK,23.661) +Tus , good men , +ge mou vndyrstonde how God +geueth pes to hom +tat ben men and wymen of good wyll , and callyth hom his chyldren . (CMMIRK,23.662) In verefiyng of thys thyng +te fyrst masse +tat ys songon +tis day sone aftyr mydnyght , begynnyth thus : ' Dominus dixit ad me : filius meus es tu ! ' (CMMIRK,23.663) ' God sayde to me : +tou art my sonne . ' (CMMIRK,23.664) God calle+te hym his sonne +tat loueth here pees and rest ; (CMMIRK,23.665) and when he parte+te from +tis world , he wyll bryng hym to +te blysse +tat euer schall last . (CMMIRK,23.666) And +tay +tat wyll haue no pees here , +tay schull go hethen ynto euerlastyng wo . (CMMIRK,23.667) +Tus Crist +geuyth pes to men of good wyll , (CMMIRK,23.668) and blessyth hys pepull yn pees . (CMMIRK,23.669) He leghteneth also +tat loketh euell . (CMMIRK,23.670) Herby , good men , +ge schull vndyrstond +tat Cryst heled not +too +tat weren blynde yn body , but mony mo +tat wern blynd yn sowle , and combyrd wyth derkenes of synful levyng . (CMMIRK,23.671) For , as Seynt Austeyne saythe : ' When Cryst schuld be borne , +te world was so full of derknes of synful lyuyng , and nomely of syn of lechery , and of syn a+geyne kynde , +tat had nye to haue laft to haue ben yborne of mankynd . ' Wherfor +tat nyght +tat Cryst was borne , all +tat doden synne a+geyne kynd , deydyn sodenly +trogh all +te world , in schowyng how horrybly +tat synne ys before Goddys een . (CMMIRK,23.672) Then loket +tay full euell and had gret nede to be jlyghnet +tat haden ay her hert to synne . Wherfor Cryst was borne at mydnyght , and turnet +te darkenes of nyght ynto day-lyght , schowyng +tat +tan was +te sonne of ryghtwysnes comen , forto lyghten all +tat wern combret wythyn-forthe wyth darkenes of synne . (CMMIRK,24.673) Also +tat same tyme +tat he was yborne , as mony doctors sayn , Crist apered yn a bryght sterre to +tre kynges yn +te est , (CMMIRK,24.674) and bade hom goo ynto Bedeleem , and worschip +ter a chyld +tat schuld be kyng of Iewes +tat was borne . (CMMIRK,24.675) And soo +tay deden , suyng +te sterre , tyll +tay comen +tedyr . (CMMIRK,24.676) Thus he leghtenet hom +tat byfore loked full euell . (CMMIRK,24.677) For before +tay wer paynones , (CMMIRK,24.678) and leued on mawmetrye and fals goddys . (CMMIRK,24.679) But aftyr +tay loueden Crist , (CMMIRK,24.680) and wern holy men ; (CMMIRK,24.681) and now +tay lyen at Coleyn . (CMMIRK,24.682) +Tus +te byrth of Cryst made mony to see full well +tat befor loked full euell . (CMMIRK,24.683) For he lokyth full euell +tat algate ha+te er to his good and to wordely worschippe . (CMMIRK,24.684) For +tys maketh a man blynd , so +tat he for+geted his God , and hath no lyst forto desyre +te ryches of Heuen , ne forto see +te lyght +tat +ter ys but maketh hys good his god and hys mawmet . (CMMIRK,24.685) For +tat a man loueth most yn +tys world , +tat ys callet his god and his mawmet . (CMMIRK,24.686) Then - for Cryst was borne forto destrye suche mawmetry - whan +tat Herode pursewed hym , and wold haue slayne hym , his modyr bare hym ynto +te lond of Egypt . (CMMIRK,24.687) And when he come +tedyr , anon all +te mawmetys +tat weron yn +te lond , +tay fellen downe to +te grownde , doyng to vndyrstond +tat he was yn +te world +tat schuld cast don yn monnys hert +te mawmetry of couetyse of good and of worldes worschyppe , and pompe , and pride +tat men vseden +tat tyme . Wherfor , +tagh he hymselfe wer lord of all lordes , he was borne full porly , and of a pore mayden , and yn pore place , and yn a pore araye , +geuyng ensampull to all men forto set not by worldly ryches , no+ter by pryde of +tys world ; (CMMIRK,24.688) for haue a man neuer so moche good ne so moch worschyp , here he fyndythe hit , (CMMIRK,24.689) and here he schall leue hit . (CMMIRK,24.690) Thus Cryst by myracles +tat he scheweth yn hys burthe , lyghtenyth mony-on wythyn-forthe +tat weren before fallen blynd . (CMMIRK,24.691) Yn tokenyng of +tis +te secunde masse of this day ys sayde yn +te dawyng , when nyght and daye departyth . +Te wheche masse begennyth +tus : ' Lux fulgebit hodie super nos . ' (CMMIRK,24.692) ' Lyght schall schyne +tys day apon vs . ' (CMMIRK,25.693) For +te Fadyr of Heuen sendyth grace of gostly lyght apon all hom +tat leueth +tat Cryst was borne +tis day , veray God and man , of his modyr Mary , veray modyr and mayden . (CMMIRK,25.694) And sette noght be vanyte of +tis world , (CMMIRK,25.695) but set all his hope yn Cryst and yn his modyr Mary . (CMMIRK,25.696) +Tus Crystys burth lyghtned mony +tat befor loket euell . (CMMIRK,25.697) Also wyth loue he drogh men hym tyll . (CMMIRK,25.698) +Ge seen wele , good men , by experyment al day , +tat a fayre chyld drawet loue of +to +tat sene hyt , and maketh hem to haue lykyng to speke and to play wyth hyt . (CMMIRK,25.699) Thus Crist was borne a chyld , +te fayrest +tat euer was borne of a woman , forto draw loue to hym of mankynd . (CMMIRK,25.700) For whyll a chyld ys +geong and wythout synne , hit ys more amyable +ten hit ys aftyr , when he comyth to man-state . (CMMIRK,25.701) This not only for his bewte , but also for hys bonte yche man ha+te mater forto drawe to hym , and do hym worschyppe as dude Octouiam , +te Emperour . +Te whech Emperour plesed so +te empyre of Rome , +tat all men wolden haue worschypped hym as hor God . (CMMIRK,25.702) But +ten +te Emperour was so wyse , (CMMIRK,25.703) and knew well +tat he was but a man as o+ter werne , (CMMIRK,25.704) and durst not take +tat name apon hym ; (CMMIRK,25.705) but send aftyr Sybyll , +te sage , (CMMIRK,25.706) and asked hyr whe+tur ther shuld be after him eny iborne , +tat schuld be grattyr +ten he . (CMMIRK,25.707) Then Sybyll loket yn +te sonne , (CMMIRK,25.708) and sygh at mydday a cercule of gold aboute +te sonne , and yn +te myddyll of +te cerkyll a wondyr fayre mayden , and a chyld yn hyr barme . (CMMIRK,25.709) And when Syble had schewet +tys to +te Emperour , scho sayde to hym : ' This chyld schall be grettyr +ten +tou ; wherfor do hym worschyp and reuerence . ' (CMMIRK,25.710) +Ten +te Emperour toke sens , (CMMIRK,25.711) and dyd hym sacryfyce ; (CMMIRK,25.712) and charget all men +tat +tay schulden do also , and call +tat chyld God , and not hym . (CMMIRK,25.713) By +tys ensampull ych crysten mon and woman schuld lerne to do reuerence , and seruyce , and honor +tys day to +tys child . Wherfor +te +trydde masse of +tys day ys sayde at mydday , yn schewyng +tat yche man and woman ys holden to come and offer of +tis child and of hys modyr ; and soo schowe hym seruant and soget to hym , and knewlech +tys schyld for hys God and for his Lorde . (CMMIRK,25.714) And , for euery man schuld do +tus for loue and not for awe , +te masse bygynneth +tus : ' Puer natus est nobis . ' (CMMIRK,25.715) ' A chyld ys borne to vs . ' (CMMIRK,26.716) A chyld , he sayth , and not a man , soo +tat all men and woymen for loue schuld haue boldnesse forto com to hym to seche grace . And for he ys full of grace and redy forto do mercy to hem +tat askyth hit mekely wyth dew reuerence ; (CMMIRK,26.717) and he ys ay redy to +geue grace and mercy . (CMMIRK,26.718) Yn tokenyng of +tys +tyng , +tat same day Cryst was borne yn Bedeleem , a well yn Rome of watyr turned ynto oyle (CMMIRK,26.719) and ran soo all +tat day , schewyng +tat +te well of grace and of mercy was borne +tat day +tat schuld +geue grace and mercy to all +tat wold come to hym +terfor . (CMMIRK,26.720) Narracio . (CMMIRK,26.722) I rede of a woman +tat was defowled wyth +te synne of lechere , and almost fell yn dyspayre . (CMMIRK,26.724) For when scho +toght on Crystys dome , scho knewe hur gylty ; (CMMIRK,26.725) when scho +toght on +te paynes of hell , scho knew well +tat +tylke paynes wer ordeynet for suche as scho was ; (CMMIRK,26.726) when scho +toght on paradyse , scho wyst well scho my+gt not come +ter , (CMMIRK,26.727) for scho was vnworthy ; (CMMIRK,26.728) when scho +toght on +te passyon of Cryst , scho wyst well +tat scho was vnkynde to hym +tat suffred so moche for hur . (CMMIRK,26.729) At +te last , scho be+toght hur how +tat chyldern don no vengeans , but lyghtly ben sa+gt , +togh +tay ben wrothe . Wherfor scho cryet to Cryst prayng hym for his chyldhede +tat he wold haue mercy on hor , and for+geuen hor hyr synne and hyr trespas . (CMMIRK,26.730) Then scho held a voyce on hegh +tat sayde : ' +Ty trespas ys for+geuen +te . ' (CMMIRK,26.731) And soo hertly pray we to hym +tat he for+geue vs our synnes , and +geue vs +te blysse +tat he bo+gt vs to . To +te wheche blys God bryng vs all to . (CMMIRK,26.732) Amen . (CMMIRK,26.733) 7 . (CMMIRK,26.735) DE FESTO SANCTI STEPHANI ET EIUS SOLEMPNITATE . (CMMIRK,26.736) Blessyd pepyll of Goddys mowth , +tat byn comen +tys day to holy chyrche yn worschyp of God and +tys holy martyr , Seynt Steven , +tat ys callet Goddys fyrst martyr , for +te enchesen +tat he was +te fyrst martyr +tat sufferd deth for Crystys loue , aftyr +tat he was ascendet ynto Heuen . (CMMIRK,26.738) Then , forto ster you to deuocyon +te more to +tis holy martyr , +ge schull now here what he sufferd for Crystys loue . (CMMIRK,27.739) As +te boke of +te dedys of +te apostoles tellyth , whan Cryst was styet vp into Heuen , +te apostoles tentedon all to prechyng of Goddys wordes and to holy prayeours , (CMMIRK,27.740) and myght not serue all +tat turneden to +te fayth , (CMMIRK,27.741) +tay chosen syx holy men and goode out of syxty and ten +tat wern Crystys dyscyples forto helpen hom yn Goddys seruyce . Of +te wheche Seynt Steven was +te fyrst and +te wysyst , and was full of grace and myght of +te Holy Gost , +tat he dyd mony wondres and myracles yn +te pepyll . (CMMIRK,27.742) But , +tagh a man be neuer soo holy a lyuer , +get he schall haue enmyes . Wherfor +te Iewes of dyuerse contre +tat haden envy to Seynt Steuen , rysen , a+geynes hym , and dysputed wyth hym a+geynes Crystys faythe , hauyng full purpos , yf +tay myghten , to ouercome hym by dysputson , and by fals wytnes , to do hym to deth . (CMMIRK,27.743) But when Seynt Steven knew hor males , he +toght forto sese hom wyth won of +tes +tre wayes : by schamyng yn dysputeson , o+tir by drede of reuelacyon , othyr by loue and holy oryson . (CMMIRK,27.744) But furst he assayeth by schamyng and dysputeson . (CMMIRK,27.745) For +tay began to dyspute wyth hym ; (CMMIRK,27.746) but he was so full of +te Holy Gost , +tat +tay haden no wytte ne no powste forto +geynestonde hym . (CMMIRK,27.747) But openly he ouercome yn all hor maters , (CMMIRK,27.748) and preued hor wyttys fals , (CMMIRK,27.749) and sayde , he was redy forto take dethe yn verefyyng of all +tat he had sayde . (CMMIRK,27.750) And preued wele +tat hit was a gret schame to all hom +tat werne gret clerkes , and knew +te lawe and +te profesyes +tat schulden come and wer fulfylled yn Ihesu Cryst +tat he prechet ; and +get wold not leue in hym . (CMMIRK,27.751) But algate a+geynstode +te Holy Gost +tat spake yn hor hertes , (CMMIRK,27.752) and schewet hom yn concyens +tat +tay dedden amys . (CMMIRK,27.753) And , $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} +tay seen +te comyn pepull turne to +te faythe for wondyrs and myracles +tat God schowet ynto hor syght , +tay algate a+geynestoden styfly , (CMMIRK,27.754) and setten Goddys werkes at noght , only by males of envyus hertys and by no maners of resyn of scriptures . (CMMIRK,27.755) +Ten wer +tay more anangrede a+geynes hym , (CMMIRK,27.756) and freton hor hertys wythyn , (CMMIRK,27.757) and gryspude wyth hor teeth a+geynes hym . (CMMIRK,27.758) And , for +tay myght not ouercome hym wyth dyspytson , +tay +toghten forto take hym wyth som wordes of sclawndyr yn God , wherby +tay myghten lawfully haue mater and cause to do hym to dethe . (CMMIRK,27.759) Then knew Saynt Steuen hor malyce , (CMMIRK,28.760) and lyft vp his een ynto Heuen (CMMIRK,28.761) and segh Ihesu , Goddys Sonne , stondyng at his Fadyr ryght hond . (CMMIRK,28.762) And +ten sayde Seynt Steuen : ' Loo , I see Ihesus stondyng at hys Fadyr ryght hond , redy forto helpe me . ' (CMMIRK,28.763) And +terwyth anon his face schone lyght , as +tagh he had ben an angell of Heuen . (CMMIRK,28.764) But when +tay herdyn hym speke soo , +tay weren fayne (CMMIRK,28.765) and stoppet hor eres , als +toght +tay haden herde hym speke fals sclawndyr yn God , and had ben to horryble for any mon to haue herd hym lye so . (CMMIRK,28.766) Then anon +tay drowen hym out of +te cyte , forto stenen hym to dethe , as for a sclawndyr of God , (CMMIRK,28.767) and chosen two men +tat cowth best hurle stones at hym , (CMMIRK,28.768) and despoyled hym of his clo+tes , (CMMIRK,28.769) and layden hom at +te fete a +gong man +tat was callet Sawle , +tat was aftyrward called Paule ; (CMMIRK,28.770) for he was of +te chef of hom +tat dyden Saynt Steuen to deth . (CMMIRK,28.771) But when Saynt Steven segh +tat he myght not sesen hom byfor by reuelacyon , +ten he turnet to devot oryson ; (CMMIRK,28.772) and when +tay hurled at hym stones , and smytten out his braynes , he cryed to God (CMMIRK,28.773) and sayde : ' Lord God , take my sowle . ' (CMMIRK,28.774) And , for he wold pray more devotly for his enmyes +ten for hymselfe , he knelet don to +te erthe (CMMIRK,28.775) and sayde : ' Lord Ihesu , reet not to hom +tis synne , (CMMIRK,28.776) but for+geue hom +tis gylt . ' (CMMIRK,28.777) And when he had sayde soo , anon he sleput yn God . (CMMIRK,28.778) +Ten taketh hede , good crysten men , whyche a brennyng loue +tys mon had yn hys hert , +tat prayde more devotly for his bodely enmyes +tan he dyd for hymselfe . (CMMIRK,28.779) In +tis he +gaf an hegh ensampull to all crysten men forto haue charyte yche on to o+tir , and forto pray hertfully for herre enmys , and for yche mon +tat pursewyth hom , or doth hom any doses . (CMMIRK,28.780) For he +tat praythe deuotly for his enmy , he ys yn +tat a martyr ; (CMMIRK,28.781) for martyrdom fallyth by +tre wayes : +tat ys , by passyon and wyll +terto , by wyll wythout passyon , by passyon wythout wyll . (CMMIRK,28.782) In schewyng of +tes +tre martyrdomes , +tes +tre festys +tat seu+te +te byrth of Crist , ben set togedyr , in tokenyng +tat whosoo sufferth any of +tes , he schall be sett next Cryst yn Heuen . (CMMIRK,28.783) Seynt Steuen , he ys set next , (CMMIRK,28.784) for he had passyon and wyll +terto . (CMMIRK,28.785) Seynt Ion had wyll , (CMMIRK,28.786) but he was not slayne . (CMMIRK,28.787) The Innocentys , thay suffreden deth , (CMMIRK,29.788) but +tay had no wyll +terto , but not a+geynes wyll . (CMMIRK,29.789) +Tus may a man be a martyr , +tagh he sched no blod , +tat ys when he suffereth wrong , and ys pursued of euell men , and +tonketh God +terfor , and taketh hit wyth good wyll , and prayth for his enmyes to God yn full scharyte . (CMMIRK,29.790) For martyrdome wythout charyte , as Seynt Poule saythe , profuty+te noght . Wherfor taketh good hede , (CMMIRK,29.791) and +ge schull fynde +tat +tes +tre wern full of charyte . (CMMIRK,29.792) Seynt Steven when he schuld dye , he knelet adown forto pray for his enmyes . (CMMIRK,29.793) Seynt Ion when he went to hys deth , he sayde to hom +tat ladden hym : ' My chyldyren , loueth togedyr , and +tat ys ynogh . ' (CMMIRK,29.794) The Innocentes , for +tay wern so +gong , +tat +tay cowthe not speke , +tay schewet hor loue by open sygne . (CMMIRK,29.795) For +tay dydden lagh on hom +tat slowen hem , (CMMIRK,29.796) and playde wyth hor hondes when +tay seen hor bryght swerdes schyne . (CMMIRK,29.797) Then , for enchesen +tat Saynt Steuen was so gloryous martyr , God schewet mony myracles for hym of +te wheche +tis ys on . (CMMIRK,29.798) Narracio . (CMMIRK,29.800) Ther was an honest woman , (CMMIRK,29.802) and had seuen sonnes and +tre doghtyrs . (CMMIRK,29.803) But yn a myshappe , apon a day , all +tay wra+teden hor modyr , so +tat scho yn a gret maleyse cursed hom all . (CMMIRK,29.804) And anon +terwyth fell vengeans apon hom , so +tat +te membrys of hom qwoken , +tat all +tat seen hom , had compassyon of hom , and reweden hom gretly . (CMMIRK,29.805) And for +tay myght not do no good , +tay +geden as maset bestes +turgh all +te contre . (CMMIRK,29.806) Then hapenet hit so +tat a brothur of hem +tat het Pole , and a sustyr +tat het Pallyda , comen ynto a chyrche of Saint Steuen . (CMMIRK,29.807) And when +tys man herd how deuotly Seynt Steuen prayde for hem +tat sloghen hym , he had full tryst +tat he wold pray for hym , (CMMIRK,29.808) and he wold be hys seruant alway aftyr . (CMMIRK,29.809) And so , yn +tys full hope , he +gede ynto chansele , (CMMIRK,29.810) and wyth all hys hert prayde Seynt Steven of helpe . (CMMIRK,29.811) And anon yn seght of all men he was all hole . (CMMIRK,29.812) +Ten when his syster segh hyr bro+ter hole , prayde +te same wyse +ten to Seynt Steuen . (CMMIRK,29.813) And +ten , as scho prayde , scho fell on slepe ; (CMMIRK,29.814) and when scho woke , scho was hole , (CMMIRK,29.815) and wyth all hyr hert thonket God and Seynt Steuen . (CMMIRK,29.816) Ano+ter myracull Seynt Austeyn telleth +tus : (CMMIRK,29.817) A senatour of Rome wyth his wyfe went to Ierusalem , (CMMIRK,30.818) and ther byld a fayre chapell yn worschyp of Seynt Steuen . (CMMIRK,30.819) And when he was ded , he ordeynet hymselfe to be buryed +teryn by Seynt Steuen . (CMMIRK,30.820) But , longe aftyr hys deth , his wyfe wold goo a+geyne to hyr contrey , (CMMIRK,30.821) scho wold haue +te bonys of hyr maystyr wyth hyr . (CMMIRK,30.822) And soo wyth $prayers and yftes , +te byschop broght hur +te bones of Steuen and of hyr husbond , (CMMIRK,30.823) and sayde to hyr : ' I know not , whe+ter ben +te bonys of +ty maystyr . ' (CMMIRK,30.824) +Ten sayde scho : ' Syr , I know well , +tes ben my maysters bones , ' (CMMIRK,30.825) and toke Seynt Steuen 's bonys ynstude of hyr maystyrs , vnwyttyng . (CMMIRK,30.826) +Ten , when scho come on +te see , angeles songen yn +te ayre , (CMMIRK,30.827) and as swete sauour come out of +te bones +tat passed any spyces . (CMMIRK,30.828) And +terwyth fendys cryedyn : ' Wo ys vs , (CMMIRK,30.829) wo ys vs ; (CMMIRK,30.830) for Steuen goth , (CMMIRK,30.831) and byttyrly brennyth vs . (CMMIRK,30.832) and betyth vs . ' (CMMIRK,30.833) And +terwyth reryth a tempest +tat +te schepmen wenden to haue byn $drownet , and cryed to Seynt Steuen . (CMMIRK,30.834) And he anon aperet to hom (CMMIRK,30.835) and seyde : ' Be not adred , ' (CMMIRK,30.836) and anon +te tempest sesud . (CMMIRK,30.837) Then herden +tay fendes cryyng : ' +Tou wykked prince , our mayster brenne +te scheppe , (CMMIRK,30.838) for Steven , +tat ys our aduersary , ys +teryn ! ' (CMMIRK,30.839) Then +te prynce of fendys sende fyue fendes forto brenne +te schyppe ; (CMMIRK,30.840) but +ten was +te angell of God redy , (CMMIRK,30.841) and drownet hom ynto +te grownde of +te see . (CMMIRK,30.842) And when +tay come wyth +te schyppe to londe , fendes cryedyn : ' Goddys seruand comyth +tat was stenet to deth wyth wyket Iewys ! ' (CMMIRK,30.843) Then , yn +te worschyppe of Seynt Steven , men maden a chyrche , (CMMIRK,30.844) and put hys bonys +teryn , wher God wroght many myracles for hym . (CMMIRK,30.845) Now pray we to +tys blesset martyr of Crist +tat he woll pray for vs , +tat we may come to +te blysse +tat euer schall last . To +te whech blys God bryng you and me to . (CMMIRK,30.846) Amen . (CMMIRK,30.847) 8 . (CMMIRK,30.849) DE FESTO SANCTI IOHANNIS , APOSTOLI ET EUANGELISTE , SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,30.850) Goddys blessyd pepull , +ge ben comen +tys day to holy chyrch to worschyp God and our lady and Seynt Ion , +te Euangelyst , +tat ys Goddys owne derlyng . Wherfor all holy chyrche +tys day maketh mencyon of +te specyall grace +tat Cryst +gaf hym befor all o+ter dyscyples . (CMMIRK,31.852) He +gaf hym grace of vyrgynyte , and grace of kepyng of his modyr fre , and grace of schowyng of hys pryuyte . (CMMIRK,31.853) He +gaf hym grace of vyrgynyte , +tat ys , of maydenhode . (CMMIRK,31.854) For as +te story tellyth , and summe han an opyneon , when he schuld haue wedded Mary Mawdelen , Cryst called hym (CMMIRK,31.855) and bede hym sewe hym . (CMMIRK,31.856) And he anon laft all +tis worldes vanyte , (CMMIRK,31.857) and sewed Crist forth , (CMMIRK,31.858) and kept hym clene mayden tyll his endyng-day . (CMMIRK,31.859) In a preuyng of +tis , as we reden , when Domician , +te Emperour of Rome , herd +tat Ion prechet yn a contrey +tat ys called Asy , and byld mony chyrches , he was wroth +terwyth , (CMMIRK,31.860) and send aftyr Ion , (CMMIRK,31.861) and made put hym yn a brasyn tonne foll of oyle , (CMMIRK,31.862) and so settyth hym +teryn . (CMMIRK,31.863) But when he had long sothen +teryn , and all men went he had ben sothyn to pesys , +ten +te Emperour bade upon +te tonne . (CMMIRK,31.864) And when +to tonne was openet , Ion come out of +te oyle and of +te brennyng of +te fure , as hole and as sond yn ych parte of his body , as he was clene of part of womonnys body , bo+te of +toght and of dede . (CMMIRK,31.865) And o+ter assay he had full hard . (CMMIRK,31.866) When he see a tempull of Iewes full of mawmetry , he prayde to God forto dystrye hit . (CMMIRK,31.867) And +terwyth anon hit fell downe ynto powdyr ; wherfor Arystodemus , a byschop of +te tempull , pursewed Ion to +te de+te . (CMMIRK,31.868) +Ten sayde Ion to hym : ' What woll +tou , +tat I do forto make +te byleue on Ihesu Crist , my Lord ? ' (CMMIRK,31.869) +Ten sayde he : ' I wyll make venym , and do men forto dryngke hit befor +te . (CMMIRK,31.870) And when +tou sest hom ded , drynke +tou +tat wythout harm ; (CMMIRK,31.871) and +ten I schall leue on +ty God . ' (CMMIRK,31.872) Then sayd Ion : ' Goo , (CMMIRK,31.873) and do as +tou sayst . ' (CMMIRK,31.874) +Ten ordeynet +tis byschop poysen , (CMMIRK,31.875) and geten two men +tat wern dampned to +te deth , (CMMIRK,31.876) and made hom drynke of +tat poysen befor Ion . (CMMIRK,31.877) And when +tay haden drongken , +tay werne ded anon ryght . (CMMIRK,31.878) Then Ion toke +tat poysen , (CMMIRK,31.879) and blessed hyt ; (CMMIRK,31.880) and so drangke hit of , (CMMIRK,31.881) and was neuer +te wors , (CMMIRK,31.882) and semede lyflaker aftyr , +ten he was before . (CMMIRK,31.883) For as clene as he was wythout venym of lechery , so clene he was of +tat poysen , aftyr he had drongken hit . (CMMIRK,31.884) But +get +tys byschop seyde , he myght not leue , tyll he segh +te men reyset a+geyne to lyue +tat wern sleyne by dryngkyng of +tat venym . (CMMIRK,31.885) Then Ion cast of hys cote , (CMMIRK,31.886) and sayde : ' Haue +tis , (CMMIRK,31.887) and lay hit apon +te ded bodyes , (CMMIRK,31.888) and say +tus : Ion , Crystys apostole , send me to you , (CMMIRK,32.889) and bede you ryse vp yn Crystys name . ' (CMMIRK,32.890) And when he had don so , +tay rysyn a+geyne to lyue . (CMMIRK,32.891) Then this byschop wyth mony o+ter leued yn Cryst , (CMMIRK,32.892) and weron folowet of Ion ; (CMMIRK,32.893) and he was aftyr a full holy man . (CMMIRK,32.894) Thus he +tat hath grace to kepe hym clene yn body and sowle , +tagh +te fende held ynto hym venym of lechery or of othyr synne , hyt schall do hym no harme ; (CMMIRK,32.895) but yn +te a+geynestondyng of his lust , he ys a martyr befor God , (CMMIRK,32.896) and he schall be taken as for worthy to be koper of Crystys modyr . (CMMIRK,32.897) Then +tus , for +te clennes +tat Cryst sygh yn Ion befor all o+ter , when he schuld dye , he charget Ion wyth +te kepyng of hys modyr ; (CMMIRK,32.898) and he , as a goode sonne , schuld take hyr ynto hys kepyng . (CMMIRK,32.899) So +tat when Cryst was ded and ley in his tombe , Ion wyth o+ter help bare hyr ynto his hous , (CMMIRK,32.900) and kept hir +ter , tyll Cryst was rysen a+geyne to lyue . (CMMIRK,32.901) And eft when Cryst stegh ynto Heuen , he kept hyr yn +te same chambyr , as long as sho lyued aftyr here yn erthe . (CMMIRK,32.902) Thus had he grace of kepyng of Crystys modyr fre . (CMMIRK,32.903) And he had also grace yn schowyng of Goddys pryuetye . (CMMIRK,32.904) Thus was furst when Cryst sate at hys soper on Scher +Tursday , (CMMIRK,32.905) for gret loue +tat he had to Cryst , he lenet his hed to Crystys brest . (CMMIRK,32.906) And +ten ryght as a man leneth to a well and dryngketh his body full of watyr , ryght soo Ion drangke of +te well of wysdom +tat ys yn Crystys brest , (CMMIRK,32.907) and fulled hys sowle so full of gostly wysdome , so +tat aftyr he passed all othyr yn wysdome . (CMMIRK,32.908) Thus Crist schowed hym of hys priuete before all othyr . (CMMIRK,32.909) Also for he wold not stynte to preche Goddys worde , the Emperour exilet hym alonly ynto +te yle of Pathmos . (CMMIRK,32.910) But when he was +ter hys one , God schewet hym +te apocalyppys of +tys world +tat were forto come , and most of Antecryst , and of +te worldes endyng , and of +te day of dome . (CMMIRK,32.911) And as he segh hit , he wrot hit yn gret confyrmacyon of holy chyrche . (CMMIRK,32.912) But aftyr when +te Emperour was ded , Ion was callet a+geyne to +te cyte of Ephesim , +ter he was byschop . (CMMIRK,32.913) And when he come +tedyr , a wydow +tat het Drusyan , lay ded on bere . (CMMIRK,32.914) +Ten for Ion segh mony wepe for hyr , Ion sayde to hyr : ' Drusyan , ryse vp , (CMMIRK,32.915) and go , (CMMIRK,32.916) and make me some mete . ' (CMMIRK,32.917) And scho anon ros vp , as +togh scho had rysen from slepe . (CMMIRK,32.918) Ano+ter day , two +gong men and rych , by +te prechyng of Saynt Ion , +tay solden all hor godes , (CMMIRK,32.919) and sewoden hym . (CMMIRK,32.920) +Ten , on a day , as +tay comen ynto a cyte of Pergame , when +tay segh +tos +tat wer hor seruandys byfor , gon yn ryche araye , and +tay homselfe yn pore wede , by temptacyon of +te fende , +tay forthoght hor purpos , (CMMIRK,33.921) and wer sory +tat +tay haden so laft hor goodys . (CMMIRK,33.922) Then anon , by reuelacyon of +te priuetye of God , Ion knew hor +toght (CMMIRK,33.923) and sayde to hom : ' I see how +te deuell tempteth you , and makyth you forthynke your purpos +tat +ge ben yn . Wherfor goo +ge to +te wode , and bryngyth ay+ter of you hys burden of +gardys ; (CMMIRK,33.924) and aftyr go+te to +te see , (CMMIRK,33.925) and bryngyth ay+ter of you hys borden of stones . ' (CMMIRK,33.926) And so +tay deden . (CMMIRK,33.927) Then , at +te prayer of Seynt Ion , +te +gardys turnet ynto gold , and +te stons ynto jewels . (CMMIRK,33.928) And +ten Ion sayd to hom : ' Now takes +tys gold and +tese precyous stones ; (CMMIRK,33.929) and +ge be as rych as +ge wer befor ; (CMMIRK,33.930) and knoweth well +tat +ge haue lost +te kyndom of Heuen . ' (CMMIRK,33.931) Then happened hit +tat men broghten a ded body to burye hit . (CMMIRK,33.932) When +te modyr of +te corse segh Ion , scho fell on knees to hym , prayng hym +tat he wold rere hyr sonne to lyue , as he reryd Drusyan , +te wedow . (CMMIRK,33.933) +Ten Ion prayde to God ; (CMMIRK,33.934) and anon he +tat was ded , roos vp . (CMMIRK,33.935) +Ten Ion sayde to hym : ' I bydde +te , tell +tes men whad +tou hast yseyne , and whad joy +tes men han lost . ' (CMMIRK,33.936) Then he , yn heryng of all men , told of +te joye of paradyse and of the paynes of hell , how strong and how horrybly +tay wern ; and how he segh gloryous places ordeynet for +tos men ; and now how sore hor angeles wepton for loue of hom ; (CMMIRK,33.937) and much joye fendes maden , (CMMIRK,33.938) for +tay wer turnet from hor perfyt louyng . (CMMIRK,33.939) +Ten anon +tese weren sory yn hor hertys , (CMMIRK,33.940) and repenteden hom for hor doyng , (CMMIRK,33.941) and wepyng cryed to Ion +tat he schuld pray to God for hom , and +geue hom penaunce . (CMMIRK,33.942) And when +tay haden don hor penaunce , anon +te gold turned a+geyne ynto +geardes , and +te jewelles ynto stones ; (CMMIRK,33.943) and +tay wer holy men aftyr . (CMMIRK,33.944) Ano+ter reuelacyon Ion had by schowyng of Goddys priuete ; (CMMIRK,33.945) for on a day he segh a child +tat was lyke forto haue ben a good man . Wherfor Ion broght hym to a byschop , and bade hym kepe hym and teche hym . (CMMIRK,33.946) +Ten +tis chyld waxed a man , (CMMIRK,33.947) and +gaf hym to foly , (CMMIRK,33.948) and so fell to a company of +tefes , (CMMIRK,33.949) and was sone aftyr a maystyr of hom . (CMMIRK,33.950) +Ten , by reuelacyon of God , Ion knew +tat anon ; (CMMIRK,33.951) and he +gede to +te byschop , (CMMIRK,33.952) and blamed hym sore for myskepyng of hys chyld , (CMMIRK,33.953) and bade tell hym wher he was . (CMMIRK,33.954) Then +te byschop , wyth moche fere , sayde he was a leder of +teues yn suche a place . (CMMIRK,34.955) +Ten Ion , for he was old , and myght not well goo , toke a hors , (CMMIRK,34.956) and rode +tedyr . (CMMIRK,34.957) And when +tys +tef segh Ion , he was aschamed +tat he flogh . (CMMIRK,34.958) Then Ion rode aftyr , (CMMIRK,34.959) and sayde : ' My swete sonne , my dere sonne , abyde (CMMIRK,34.960) and speke wyth me , +ty old fadyr . ' (CMMIRK,34.961) So , at +te last , +tys mon abode . (CMMIRK,34.962) +Ten Ion preched hym , so +tat he laft all hys foly , (CMMIRK,34.963) and was aftyr so holy a mon , +tat he was a byschoppe aftyr . (CMMIRK,34.964) +Tus Ion had reuelacyon of Goddys pryuete . (CMMIRK,34.965) Ano+ter reuelachyon he had when he was L=ti= wyntyr old and VII . (CMMIRK,34.966) +Ten come Ihesu to hym wyth his dyscyples (CMMIRK,34.967) and +tus to hym sayde : ' My derlyng , come now to me ; (CMMIRK,34.968) for now hit ys tyme to ete wyth me and thy brethern yn my fest . ' (CMMIRK,34.969) +Ten anon he arose , (CMMIRK,34.970) and wold have gon . (CMMIRK,34.971) Then sayde Cryst to hym : ' Apon Sonday +tow schalt come to me . ' (CMMIRK,34.972) +Ten , by Sonday , he was so febull , +tat he made lede hym to +te chyrche , (CMMIRK,34.973) and euer , as he myght , speke to hom +tat ladden hym : (CMMIRK,34.974) ' Chyldren , loue+t yche on othyr . ' (CMMIRK,34.975) +Ten sayde on to hym : ' Fadyr , why say +ge +tus soo oft ? ' (CMMIRK,34.976) +Ten sayde he : ' For , yf +ge louen togedyr , hit ys jnogh to saluacyon . ' (CMMIRK,34.977) Then made he to make hym a graue before +te auter . (CMMIRK,34.978) And when hyt was made , he lay downe yn hit ; (CMMIRK,34.979) and ther come such a lyght apon hym , a gret whyll , +tat no man myght see hym . (CMMIRK,34.980) And when +tis lyght was gon , +te put was full of manna , (CMMIRK,34.981) and wallut vp so doth sonde yn well wyth watyr . (CMMIRK,34.982) In +te lyfe of Saynt Edward +te Confessour +tat lythe at Westmynster , ys wrytten +tat Saynt Ion aperyth to Seynt Edward on a day , as he +gode on processyon , (CMMIRK,34.983) and prayd hym forto +geue hym summe good for Seynt Ionys loue , th' Evangelyst ; (CMMIRK,34.984) for he louet hym moche . (CMMIRK,34.985) But for +te kyng hadde noght elles redy forto +geue hym , he toke +te ryng of hys fyngyr , (CMMIRK,34.986) and +gaf hym ; (CMMIRK,34.987) and soo Ion had +te ryng VII +gere . (CMMIRK,34.988) And at +te VII +gerys ende , Ion aperet to a knyght of +te kyngys by+gonde +te see , (CMMIRK,34.989) and bade hym bere +tat ryng to +te kyng , (CMMIRK,34.990) and bade hym be+tenke hym well for whos sake he +gaf hyt away , and say +tat he greteth hym wele , (CMMIRK,34.991) and bade hym make hym redy , (CMMIRK,34.992) for he schall dey sone . (CMMIRK,34.993) And so he dyd , (CMMIRK,34.994) and +gede to +te blysse of Heuen . To +te whech blysse God bryng you and me to , yf hit be his wyll . (CMMIRK,34.995) Amen . (CMMIRK,34.996) 9 . (CMMIRK,35.999) DE INNOCENTIBUS ET EORUM FESTIUITATE . (CMMIRK,35.1000) Goddys owne blessed chyldern , +tat byn comen +tis day to holy chyrch yn +te worschyp of God and +te chyldern +tat weren yslayne for Goddys sake . (CMMIRK,35.1002) As holy chyrche +tis day maketh mynde , and redu+te and syngythe of hom , +tes chyldren ben called yn holy chyrche Innocentys , +tat ys yn Englysche : wytheouten nye . (CMMIRK,35.1003) For +tay wer not nyes to God by pride , (CMMIRK,35.1004) for God ys euer anyed wyth pryde , men and woymen , (CMMIRK,35.1005) and a+gaynestondyth hom , nor to hor neghtbur by no wrong doyng , ny to homselfe by no concent of synne . (CMMIRK,35.1006) I may well say , +tay lyueden here clanly wythout schame , +tay dyedyn wythout blame , and wern folowed yn her same . (CMMIRK,35.1007) This Innocentes +tat holy chyrche syngeth of , lyueden her wythout schame ; (CMMIRK,35.1008) for +tay wer all within two +ger of age . Wherfor +tay wer not aschamet of hor owne schappe ; (CMMIRK,35.1009) for when a chyld ys wythyn state of innocentes , he ys not aschamet of hys schappe , (CMMIRK,35.1010) for he ys not defowled wyth fulth of synne , (CMMIRK,35.1011) but of +te synne +tat he hathe , he draweth of +te synne of Adam and of Eue . (CMMIRK,35.1012) For so ferden +tey yn +te same wyse . (CMMIRK,35.1013) For whyle +tay wer yn paradyse yn +te state of jnnocentes , +tay wer naket ; (CMMIRK,35.1014) but +tay wer not aschamet of hor schappe , (CMMIRK,35.1015) for +tay wer wythout synne . (CMMIRK,35.1016) But as sone as +tay haden synned , +tay seen hor schappe , (CMMIRK,35.1017) and wern aschamet +terof , (CMMIRK,35.1018) and hydden hit wyth leues of fygge-tre . (CMMIRK,35.1019) Thus , when synne bygynnyth to take rote yn a chyld , +ten jnnocentes gothe away ; (CMMIRK,35.1020) for +ten he begynnyth to know +te good from +te euell . (CMMIRK,35.1021) +Ten he synneth , (CMMIRK,35.1022) and +ten he greueth hys God . (CMMIRK,35.1023) But +tes chyldyr lyued not soo long forto knew +te good from +te euell , (CMMIRK,35.1024) but wern jslayne wythyn degre of jnnocentes . Wherfor +tay lyuedon here wythout schame . (CMMIRK,35.1025) +Tay dyeden alsoo wythout blame ; (CMMIRK,35.1026) for Herode , kyng of Iewes , made to sle hom wythout gult . (CMMIRK,35.1027) For when +te kyngys comen to Herod , and askyt hym wher +te kyng of Iewes was borne , and bede tell hom , for +tay wern comen to worschyppe hym ferr out of +te est . +Ten was Herod all astonyed of hor wordes , (CMMIRK,35.1028) and asked his clerkes wher he schuld be borne . (CMMIRK,35.1029) +Ten sayde +tay yn +te cyte of Bedeleem . (CMMIRK,36.1030) +Ten sayde Herod to +te kynges , byddyng hom goo +tedyr , and do hym worschip ; and come a+geyne to hym , and telle hym all hor doyng , +tat he myght come and worschip hym also . (CMMIRK,36.1031) But when +tes kynges haden don hor offryng to Cryst , +tay +gedyn hom by anothyr way . (CMMIRK,36.1032) Then was Horod wondyr wrothe , (CMMIRK,36.1033) and schaped anon to haue slayn Cryst . (CMMIRK,36.1034) But when he had made hym redy +terfor , +tat same tyme , +te Emperour of Rome sende to hym by lettyr forto come to hym yn all +te hast +tat he myght ; (CMMIRK,36.1035) for two of his owne sonnes hadden apechet hym of traytery to +te Emperour . (CMMIRK,36.1036) Soo at +tat tyme he laft +te sleyng of Cryst , (CMMIRK,36.1037) and +gede to Rome , (CMMIRK,36.1038) and had +te bettyr of hys sonnes , (CMMIRK,36.1039) and come hom wyth mor worschip +ten he had byfor-hond . Wherfor he +toght +te more forto sle Cryst , lest he had , when he come to monnys state , put hym out of hys kyndome . (CMMIRK,36.1040) Then send he anon men , (CMMIRK,36.1041) and bade sle all +te chyldyr +tat weren yn Bedeleem and yn +te contrey abowte , +tat wer too +ger old and wythynn , +tagh hyt were a chyld +tat was borne +tat same day . (CMMIRK,36.1042) And soo +tay dedyn . (CMMIRK,36.1043) He was aferd , lest Crist +tat made +te sterre brynge +te kynges so ferre , cou+te haue turnet hym ynto dyuerse ages , and made hymselfe oldyr or +gongyr , at his one lyst . (CMMIRK,36.1044) And for he was a +gere goyng and comyng to Rome , +terfor he made to sle all +te chyldre +tat wern two +ger olde or within two . (CMMIRK,36.1045) And for wrach schuld falle on hymselfe yn party , +terfor a chyld of his owne +tat was don to norysche yn +te contrey was slayn among o+ter . (CMMIRK,36.1046) But +ten come +ter an angyll to Ioseph , (CMMIRK,36.1047) and bade hym take +te chyld and his modyr , and fle ynto +te lond of Egypt , and be +ter tyll he wernet hym . (CMMIRK,36.1048) And so +tay dyden . (CMMIRK,36.1049) +Tus +tes Innocentes wern slayn wythout blame . (CMMIRK,36.1050) Thay wer also folowed yn hor same , +tat ys to say , yn hor owne blod . (CMMIRK,36.1051) +Tay wer not folowet yn no font , but yn $schedyng of hor blod . Wherfor +ge schull vndrystond +tat folo+gt come+t +tre maner of wyse : yn watyr , as we ben crystened yn +te fonte at +te chyrch ; in chedyng blod , as +te childyr and mony +towsandys of o+ter martyrs +tat schedden hor blod for Crystys loue ; (CMMIRK,36.1052) the +tryd fologht ys in fayth , yn +te wheche all +te patryarches , and prophetys , and all othyr holy fadyrs +tat wern befor Crystys yncarnacyon +tat leuedyn yn Cristes comyng ; (CMMIRK,36.1053) +tay wern folowed yn fologht of faythe . (CMMIRK,36.1054) Thus +ge mou see how much cruelte +tis man had yn hert , +tat slogh so many chylderne for envy +tat he had to Cryst +tat noght gult to hym nor non o+ter . (CMMIRK,37.1055) +Ten , for he made mony a modyr chyldles , and forto wepe for hor deth , God wroght so for hom +tat he made to sle his owne schylldren . (CMMIRK,37.1056) And aftyr , as he pared an appull , wyth +te same knyfe he slogh hymselfe . (CMMIRK,37.1057) Thus he +tat was lusty for to schedde gyltles blod , at +te last he schedde hys owne hert-blod . (CMMIRK,37.1058) For he that ys wythout mercy , vengeans schall fall apon hym . (CMMIRK,37.1059) And he +tat loueth to do mercy , God wyll +geue hym mercy . (CMMIRK,37.1060) And +tis I aferme by ensampull +tat I fynde yn +te lyfe of Seynt Syluestyr . (CMMIRK,37.1061) Ther I fynde +tat Constantyn , +te Emperour , was mesele and , by consele of hys leches , he made forto get +tre +towsand chyldren yfere , forto haue slayn hom ; (CMMIRK,37.1062) and all hor blod schuld haue be done yn a vessell , and +te Emperour be bathyd +teryn , whyll hit had ben hote . (CMMIRK,37.1063) Then when +tese chyldren wern gedert yn a place , +tis Emperour com rydyng in a chare +tedyr . (CMMIRK,37.1064) But when he come negh , +te modyrs of +te chyldren comen a+geynys hym , cryyng , and wepyng , and makyng a dulfull noyse . (CMMIRK,37.1065) +Ten asket +te Emperour , what woymen +tay wern . (CMMIRK,37.1066) +Ten sayden o+ter , +tay wern +te modyrs of +te chyldren +tat schuld be ded , and made +tat noyse for sorow of hor chyldren . (CMMIRK,37.1067) Then sayde +te Emperour , hyt wer a cruell dede of vs forto make so fele bodiys to be slayn , forto hel my body +tat am but on man ; (CMMIRK,37.1068) and mony of hom may be full worthy men here aftyr . (CMMIRK,37.1069) +Ten stode +te Emperour yn full gret stude . (CMMIRK,37.1070) ' Nay ! ' quod he , ' I woll not so , (CMMIRK,37.1071) let hom goo hom a+gayne hole and sonde , (CMMIRK,37.1072) and I wyll take +te penance +tat ys ordeynet for me ! ' (CMMIRK,37.1073) And made +gef +te modyrs gret +giftes , (CMMIRK,37.1074) and so bade hom goo hom wyth myrth and laghyng +tat comen +tedyr wyth sorow and wepyng . (CMMIRK,37.1075) Then +te nyght aftyr as +te Emperour slepyd yn his bed , Petyr and Poule comen to hym (CMMIRK,37.1076) and sayden , for +te gret compassyon +tat he had of +te chyldren and hor modyrs , God send hym word +tat he wold haue compassyon of hym , (CMMIRK,37.1077) and bade hym send aftyr Seynt Syluestyr , and folow hym ; (CMMIRK,37.1078) and +ten he schuld be hole . (CMMIRK,37.1079) And soo he dyd . (CMMIRK,37.1080) So when +tat he was folowed +ter anon yn +te watyr , +te lepull felle away from hym , (CMMIRK,37.1081) and he was as clene of skynne and hyde as any chyld +tat he delyuerd before . (CMMIRK,37.1082) Thus +ge mow se , good men , how he +tat woll do mercy , schall haue mercy ; (CMMIRK,38.1083) and he +tat wyll do vengeans , vengeans schall fall on hym . (CMMIRK,38.1084) So for Herod dyd vengeans , vengeans fell on hym ; (CMMIRK,38.1085) and for +tys o+ter man dyd mercy , he had mercy and grace , bo+te her and yn Heuen . To +te whech mercy God bryng you and me , +tat for vs dyed on +te rode-tre . (CMMIRK,38.1086) Amen . (CMMIRK,38.1087) . (CMMIRK,38.1089) DE FESTO SANCTI THOME , MARTIRIS ET EIUS SOLEMPNITATE . (CMMIRK,38.1090) Good men and woymen , +tat ben ytaght by Goddys lawes forto come +tys day to holy chyrch , forto worschip God and +tys holy martyr Seynt Thomas +tat was slayn for +te lawes of holy chyrch and for +te ryght of +te rem . (CMMIRK,38.1092) This holy Seynt Thomas was born yn +te cyte of London , (CMMIRK,38.1093) and had a fadyr was callet Gylbert , +tat was scheryue of London . (CMMIRK,38.1094) +Ten felle hit , as +tys Gylbert went to +te holy lond , he was taken and put yn dysstres . (CMMIRK,38.1095) +Ten come +ter a worschypfull woman of +te contrey to hym (CMMIRK,38.1096) and sayde , yf he wold plyght hys troth to wed hur , scho wold helpe hym out of his doses . (CMMIRK,38.1097) And soo scho dyd . (CMMIRK,38.1098) Then went Gylbert hom to Englond . (CMMIRK,38.1099) And when scho segh hyr tyme , scho come aftyr (CMMIRK,38.1100) and met wyth hym at Seynt Poules chyrch yn London . (CMMIRK,38.1101) Then made Gylbert +te byschop of +te cyte forto folow hur , and aftyr forto wed hom . (CMMIRK,38.1102) And so Gylbert gate Thomas of this woman . (CMMIRK,38.1103) And when scho was wyth chyld , scho met yn a nyght +tat scho come to Saynt Poulys chyrch ; (CMMIRK,38.1104) but when scho wold haue gon yn , hur wombe was so gret +tat scho myght not by no way . (CMMIRK,38.1105) Then , on +te morow , scho +gode to hur scheryft-fadyr , (CMMIRK,38.1106) and told hym hur swyuen . (CMMIRK,38.1107) +Ten sayde he : ' Dame , be glad (CMMIRK,38.1108) and +tonke your God ; (CMMIRK,38.1109) for +tou hast a chyld yn +ty body +tat schall be so holy a man , +tat all holy chyrche schall be to lytyll to receyue hym . (CMMIRK,38.1110) +Ten was scho glad (CMMIRK,38.1111) and +tonked God +gorne . (CMMIRK,38.1112) And aftyr , when +tis chyld was borne , he was folowed and callet Thomas , +tat ys to vndrystond : alle mon . (CMMIRK,38.1113) For he was aftyr a man at all ; (CMMIRK,38.1114) for he serued +te kyng monly , (CMMIRK,38.1115) he serued God devotly , (CMMIRK,38.1116) and deyd for +te law mekely . (CMMIRK,38.1117) For what tyme he was made chaunseler ; +tys lond was full of Flemyngys , and so ouersette wyth hom , +tat a man myght not goo bytwyx townes for hom vnrobbet . (CMMIRK,39.1118) But yn a schort tyme , Thomas , what wyth wysdome , what wyth monhed , drof hom out of +tys lond , (CMMIRK,39.1119) and made suche rest and pees +trogh all +te lond , +tat a man myght goo wher he wold vnrobbet , wyth his good yn hys hond . (CMMIRK,39.1120) He was also monfull yn reparelyng of +te kynges maners +tat wer astryed , and namely of +te kyngys palyce yn London +tat was all forlet . (CMMIRK,39.1121) But bytwen Astyr and Whyssentyde Thomas made reparayle hyt a+geyne ; (CMMIRK,39.1122) for he had so mony werkemen of dyuerse craftys , +tat a man schuld not here his felow speke for dount of strokes . (CMMIRK,39.1123) He was also monfull yn dede of armes . (CMMIRK,39.1124) For $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} +te kyng had be+gonde +te see mony castellys and townys out of his hond , and had spende moche goode , and sched moche blode , forto gete hom , and myght not avayle , then Thomas wyth hys wytte and monhed gete hom a+geyne . (CMMIRK,39.1125) And also yn werres of +te kynges of Fraunce , he bare hym soo , +tat euer aftyr +te kyng loued hym cherly , (CMMIRK,39.1126) and was aftyr hys best frende yn exhile , and his chef helpe and socoure . (CMMIRK,39.1127) He was also monfull yn all his aray , clo+tede yn +te rychest clo+t +tat myght be fonde , and yn furures . (CMMIRK,39.1128) He had also +te best horses +tat wern yn +te reem . (CMMIRK,39.1129) And also hys sadyls and brydyls , +tay schone all of syluer . (CMMIRK,39.1130) He was monfull yn howshold , +tat hys hall was yche day of +te +gere new strawed , yn somyr wyth grene rosches , and yn wyntyr wyth clen hay , forto saue knyghtys clo+tys +tat setton on +te flore for defaute of place on +te benche : so fele comen yche day to his mete . (CMMIRK,39.1131) For of all +te dayntees +tat weren wythyn +te reem , yn his howshold weren plente . (CMMIRK,39.1132) So +tat +te kyng hymselfe wold mony a tyme vnwarned come to +te mete , and sytte downe , bo+te for +te loue +tat he had to Thomas , also forto se +te aray of Thomas howshold +tat all men speken so moche +terof . (CMMIRK,39.1133) For trewer loue was neuer bytwene two men +ten was bytwen +te kyng and Thomas , whyll hit last . Wherfor I put here +tys ensampull : (CMMIRK,39.1134) Yn a cold wyntyrs-day , as +te kyng and Thomas rydyn yfere yn +te Chepe of London {TEXT:ofLondon} , +ten was +te kyng war of a pore man , sore acold wyth toren clo+tes , (CMMIRK,39.1135) and sayde to Thomas , hit wer almes forto +geue +gondyr pore man warmer clo+tes +ten he ha+te , (CMMIRK,39.1136) ' he semeth sore acold . ' (CMMIRK,39.1137) ' Syr , ' quod Thomas , ' so hit wer (CMMIRK,39.1138) and to suche +ge schuld take hede . ' (CMMIRK,39.1139) +Ten sayde +te kyng ; ' He schall haue +tys . ' (CMMIRK,40.1140) Then had Thomas a clo+te on hym +tat was of fyne scarlad , well yfurred wyth grys . (CMMIRK,40.1141) This clo+te +te kyng pullet at fast , forto haue drawen hyt of , (CMMIRK,40.1142) but Thomas logget a+geyne . (CMMIRK,40.1143) +Tus +tay wrastelet long , soo +tat +tay wer negh to haue fallen to grounde . (CMMIRK,40.1144) But forto fauer +te kyng , Thomas suffred hym to pull hit of . (CMMIRK,40.1145) And when he had hit of , +te kyng kest hyt to +te pore man , (CMMIRK,40.1146) and bade hym ren away fast , (CMMIRK,40.1147) and sayde : ' Haue +tis , (CMMIRK,40.1148) and sell hit , (CMMIRK,40.1149) and by +te o+tir klo+tes ; (CMMIRK,40.1150) for yf +tou besette hit well , +tou myght fare +te bettyr al +te dayes of +ti lyfe . ' (CMMIRK,40.1151) Then Thomas faynet hym wroth , (CMMIRK,40.1152) but he was well apayde +terof +tat hit was so beset . (CMMIRK,40.1153) Then haden men furst gret mervayle , whad come bytwene +te kyng and Thomas ; (CMMIRK,40.1154) but when +tay knew how hit was , all men logh (CMMIRK,40.1155) and maden gret joye and borde +terof . (CMMIRK,40.1156) Thus I schow by ensampull how +tay loued togedyr ; (CMMIRK,40.1157) for bettyr loue , ne trewer , was neuer bytwene two bre+ter , +ten was bytwene +te kyng and Thomas , whyle hyt last . (CMMIRK,40.1158) +Tus Thomas serued +te kyng monfully . (CMMIRK,40.1159) He serue+t God devotly . (CMMIRK,40.1160) For als sone as he was made archebyschop of Caunturbury , anon ho waxyd ano+tir man , (CMMIRK,40.1161) and turned al hys lyfe ynto bettyr , (CMMIRK,40.1162) and +toght forto serue +te Kyng of Heuen als well afture , als he dyd hys kyng yn er+te befor . (CMMIRK,40.1163) +Ten anon he leyde away scarlat and ryche forres , (CMMIRK,40.1164) and wered blake klo+tes of myddyll price , (CMMIRK,40.1165) and kest away sylke and syndall , (CMMIRK,40.1166) and wered next his flesche an hard heyre and a breche syde to hys hommes of +te same +tat bred so moch vermyn on hym , +tat hit was an horrybull syght forto se . (CMMIRK,40.1167) But +tis penance no mon knoweth , but he +tat hath seyn hit . (CMMIRK,40.1168) But he euer hudde hym , so +tat +ter wer but few +tat knew hit . (CMMIRK,40.1169) Also , yche Wenysday and Fryday , he made hys confessour bete hym wyth a +garde apon +te backe al bare , as a chyld ys beten yn scole . (CMMIRK,40.1170) Alsoo , yche day , he vsyd forto wasche +te fete of xxx=ti= por men , knelyng , (CMMIRK,40.1171) and +gef yche man IIII penyes of syluer . (CMMIRK,40.1172) Moche more holynesse he vsed of prayng and of wakyng +tat wer now to longe forto telle . (CMMIRK,40.1173) But forto schew +tat God suffrede hym specyaly , +tus ensampull I tell : (CMMIRK,40.1174) When Thomas was exilet , and dwelled yn +te abbay of Ponteney , on a day , when he had sayde his masse , he kneled adon byfor an auter yn hys prayers . (CMMIRK,40.1175) And as he kneled don +ter , the abbot of +te place sayde he hadde to speke wyth hym , (CMMIRK,40.1176) and abode wythout pryuely vndyr a pilere . (CMMIRK,41.1178) And as he stode +ter , he herd our Lord , Ihesu Cryst , speke wyth Thomas , (CMMIRK,41.1179) and told hym , how he schuld be slayn yn his owne chyrche for his loue ; wherfor he bade hym be studfast , and hold forth as he had begonnen . (CMMIRK,41.1180) +Ten when Thomas was comen out of his chapell , +te abbot felle downe to +te grownde (CMMIRK,41.1181) and sayde : ' Syr , +ge mowe blesse +te tyme +tat +ge wer borne , forto haue suche vysitacion , as I now haue herde . ' (CMMIRK,41.1182) +Ten sayde Thomas : ' Yf +tou haue oght herde , I charche +te +tat +tou neuer telle hit , whyll I am on lyue . ' (CMMIRK,41.1183) Soo , whyllys he lyued , he kept hit clos ; (CMMIRK,41.1184) but when Thomas was ded , he told hit openly to all men . (CMMIRK,41.1185) Thus , I say , Thomas seruet God deuotly . (CMMIRK,41.1186) He deyd also full mekely . (CMMIRK,41.1187) For when he segh +te kyng ouerset holy chyrch , and made lawes suche as schuld destrye +te londe , +ten Thomas put hym forth , (CMMIRK,41.1188) and repreued +te kyng of hys mysdoyng . (CMMIRK,41.1189) +Ten was +te kyng wroth , (CMMIRK,41.1190) and made a parlament at Northhampton all yn myschaunce of Thomas . (CMMIRK,41.1191) And for Thomas wold not sette to hys sele of +te curset lawe +tat +te kyng and his sory cownsell haden made , he was dampned as a traytour to +te kyng , and exiled out of +te lond . (CMMIRK,41.1192) Then went Thomas to +te kyng of France for socour ; (CMMIRK,41.1193) and he louyngly receyued hym and his clerkys all , (CMMIRK,41.1194) and fond hom almost VII +gere all +tat hom behoued . (CMMIRK,41.1195) +Ten , aftyr mony deseses and greues and wrongys +tat he had mekely suffered of +te kyng of Englond and of his offycers , bo+te yn Englond and by+gonde +te see , by trety of +te pope and of +te kyng of Fraunce , +ter was made a faynt loueday bytwene +te kyng of Englond and Thomas . (CMMIRK,41.1196) But when +te kyng schuld haue kyssed Thomas , he wold not ; (CMMIRK,41.1197) for he sayde , he had made a vow +tat he wold neuer kysse Thomas ; (CMMIRK,41.1198) but bade hym boldely goo home to hys chyrche . (CMMIRK,41.1199) +Ten , whad by cownsell of +te kyng of Fraunce , and pryncypaly for the byddyng of +te pope , he +gode hom to Canturbury . (CMMIRK,41.1200) Then wer +ter foure knyghtys of cursed lyuyng +tat for gret hope +tat +tay hadden forto be thonked of +te kyng , +tay maden a vow yfere to sle Thomas . (CMMIRK,41.1201) And soo at Chyldyrmas-day , almost at nyght , +tay come to Canturbury ynto Thomas halle : Syr Raynald Bereson , Syr William Tracy , Syr Rychard Bretane , Syr Hewe Morvyle . (CMMIRK,41.1202) Then Raynold Bereson - for he was boystres of kynde - wythouten any gretyng he sayde to Thomas +tus : ' +Te kyng +tat ys by+gonde +te see , sendes vs to +te , (CMMIRK,42.1203) and byddys +te +tat +tou asoyle the byschoppys +tat +tou hast acursed . ' (CMMIRK,42.1204) Then sayd Thomas +tus : ' Syres , +tay ben acurset by +te pope , and not by me ; (CMMIRK,42.1205) and I may not asoyle +tat +te pope hath acurset . ' (CMMIRK,42.1206) ' Well ! ' quad Raynald , ' +ten we sene +tat +tou wyll not do +te kyngys byddyng . (CMMIRK,42.1207) By +te een of God , +tou schalt be ded ! ' (CMMIRK,42.1208) +Terfor +ten cryed the o+ter knyghtys : ' Sle , (CMMIRK,42.1209) sle , (CMMIRK,42.1210) sle , ' (CMMIRK,42.1211) and +goden (CMMIRK,42.1212) and armed hom yn +te courte . (CMMIRK,42.1213) Then clerkes and monkes droghen Thomas to +te chyrch , (CMMIRK,42.1214) and sparrut +te dyrres to hom . (CMMIRK,42.1215) But when Thomas herd +te knyghtes yarmed yn +te cloystyr , and wold haue comen yn , and myght not , Thomas +gede to +te dyr , (CMMIRK,42.1216) and vnbarret +te dyrre , (CMMIRK,42.1217) and toke a knyght by hond , (CMMIRK,42.1218) and sayde : ' Hit besemeth not to make holy chyrche a castell : (CMMIRK,42.1219) cometh yn , my chyldern ! ' (CMMIRK,42.1220) +Ten for hyt was darke +tat +tay myght not well know Thomas by ano+ter , +ten on sayde : ' Wher ys +tat traytour ? ' (CMMIRK,42.1221) ' Nay ! ' quod Thomas , ' no traytour , but +te archbyschop . ' (CMMIRK,42.1222) +Ten sayde he a+geyne : ' Fle , (CMMIRK,42.1223) for +tou , art but ded . ' (CMMIRK,42.1224) ' Nay ! ' quod Thomas , ' I come not forto fle , but to abyde , and take my deth for Goddys loue and for +te ryght of +tys chyrch . ' (CMMIRK,42.1225) Then Raynald , wyth hys swerdys poynt , put of his cappe +tat he had on hys hed , (CMMIRK,42.1226) and smot at hym , (CMMIRK,42.1227) and kut halfe his crowne . (CMMIRK,42.1228) +Ten anothyr smot aftyr , (CMMIRK,42.1229) and hut yn +te same stroke , (CMMIRK,42.1230) and smot his crowne all of +tat hit hongyt by , as hyt hade be a dysche . (CMMIRK,42.1231) Then Thomas fel down on knees and elbous , (CMMIRK,42.1232) and sayd : ' God , ynto thy hondys I betake my cawse and the ry+gt of my chyrche . ' (CMMIRK,42.1233) And +ten +te thyrdde knyght smot , (CMMIRK,42.1234) and hutte half his stroke upon +te clerkeys arme +tat held +te crosse before Thomas ; (CMMIRK,42.1235) and +tat other dele of +te stroke fell downe to Thomas hed . (CMMIRK,42.1236) And he +tat had half +te stroke anon he wythdrogh hys arme (CMMIRK,42.1237) and flagh away . (CMMIRK,42.1238) Then smot +te fourth knyght his swerde to +te pament , (CMMIRK,42.1239) and barst +te poynt of his swerde . (CMMIRK,42.1240) And when +tay had so don , +tay sayd : ' Goo we hens , (CMMIRK,42.1241) he ys ded . ' (CMMIRK,42.1242) But when +tay werne at +te chyrch dyrr outward on Robert Brok turnet a+geyne , (CMMIRK,42.1243) and set his fote in Thomas necke , (CMMIRK,42.1244) and scraput out +te brayne of +te scolle about on +te pament . (CMMIRK,42.1245) +Tus for ryght of holy chyrch and +te lawes of +te lond , Thomas take his deth full mekely . (CMMIRK,42.1246) +Ten how +tys martyrdome was knowen yn Ierusalem , hit fell +tus : (CMMIRK,43.1247) In Ierusalem was an abbay of monkes , yn +te whech +tat same day +tat Thomas deyd , lay a monke at +te poynt of deth . (CMMIRK,43.1248) +Ten , for he was a good man of lyuyng , +te abbot bade hym , yf God wer apayde , +tat he schuld com to hym aftyr his deth , and tell hym of hys fare . (CMMIRK,43.1249) And soo aftyr +tat he was ded , he come a+geyne (CMMIRK,43.1250) and told +te abbot +tat , when he deyd , angeles broghten hym befor God , (CMMIRK,43.1251) and as he stode +ter , he segh a byschop come wyth a huge company of angeles and of o+tyr seyntys . (CMMIRK,43.1252) And as he stode befor God , his hed dreppyd downe of blode of his wondes +tat he had . (CMMIRK,43.1253) Then sayde God to hym : ' Thomas , +tus hit besemyth +te forto come ynto +ty Lordes court . ' (CMMIRK,43.1254) And set a huge croune of brennyng gold on his hede +tat was ywonded , (CMMIRK,43.1255) and sayde : ' As moche joye as I haue geven Seynt Petyr , I +geue to +te . ' (CMMIRK,43.1256) And +ten he sayde : ' Hereby know I now , +tat +tylke gret byschop of Caunturbury ys +tys day slayne for Goddys sake . (CMMIRK,43.1257) And soo know +ge well +tat I goo to blysse . ' (CMMIRK,43.1258) Thus told +te patryarcha of Ierusalem , sone aftyr hys deth , when he come ynto Englond aftyr men to feght a+geynes +te Sarysens . (CMMIRK,43.1259) Then hit $befell aftyr , a bryd +tat couthe speke , as he herd +te pepull +tat comen on pylgremage to Seynt Thomas , on a day , he went out of his cage , and a sparowhawke wold haue slayne hym . (CMMIRK,43.1260) Then +tis brydde cryed , ' Saynt Thomas , helpe ' ; (CMMIRK,43.1261) and anon +tys sparhawke fell downe ded . (CMMIRK,43.1262) Thus so sone as Seynt Thomas herd a bryd +tat wyst not what ho seyde ne mant , moche more and sannyr he heruth hom +tat callyth to hym wyth all hor hertys . (CMMIRK,43.1263) Ano+ter man +tat Saynt Thomas loued yn his lyue , was seke , (CMMIRK,43.1264) and come to Saynt Thomas prayng to hym of helpe ; (CMMIRK,43.1265) and anon he was helyd . (CMMIRK,43.1266) But aftyr , he +toght +tat God send hym +tat sekenes for gret encrese of soule mede , (CMMIRK,43.1267) and +gede a+geyne to Saynt Thomas prayng hym , yf hit wer more helpe to his soule to be secke +ten to be hoole , +tat he most be seke a+geyne . (CMMIRK,43.1268) Then anon +te sekenes toke hym a+geyn , (CMMIRK,43.1269) and he thonkyd God and Saynt Thomas . (CMMIRK,43.1270) Thus whan +te kyng herd how God wroght so many myracles for Saynt Thomas , he come to Caunturbury , wolward and barfote , and all naked but a febull cote , forto hyde his body ; (CMMIRK,43.1271) and +gede barfote yn +te myre and yn +te lake , as he had ben +te porest man yn +te reme , cryyng and sekyng full sore , prayng Saynt Thomas of helpe and of for+geuenesse . (CMMIRK,44.1272) Soo when he come to Saynt Thomas tombe , he made +te couent of +te place by and by to +geue hym dyscyplyn upon his bare backe wyth a scharpe +gerde , (CMMIRK,44.1273) and +ter +te sory customs and lawes +tat made debate bytwen Thomas and hym , byfor all his pepull +ter he dampnet hom , (CMMIRK,44.1274) and graunted +te chyrch hys fredomes for euermor ; (CMMIRK,44.1275) and soo he +geode his way . (CMMIRK,44.1276) Thes foure knyghtes when +tay herden , how God wroght for Saynt Thomas , +tay weren full sory of hor cursed dedes , (CMMIRK,44.1277) and cursed +te tyme +tat hit befelle hom soo , (CMMIRK,44.1278) and lafton all hor lordschyppys and londes and rentes +tat +tay hadden , (CMMIRK,44.1279) and wenten to Ierusalem ; (CMMIRK,44.1280) and +ter +tay werredyn on Goddys enmys . (CMMIRK,44.1281) But William Tracy , by lettyng +tat he had , he taryed behynde , (CMMIRK,44.1282) and fell seke , (CMMIRK,44.1283) and rotud all his body , so +tat hymselfe lompmale wyth his hondes kest away hys flesche ynto +te flore , (CMMIRK,44.1284) and had an horrybull deth . (CMMIRK,44.1285) The thre o+ter also deyden on spytues de+tes , so +tat , wythyn +tre +gere aftyr , Thomas deth was thus venget . (CMMIRK,44.1286) And +tus +tay wer ded all ; (CMMIRK,44.1287) but euer , whill +tay lyueden , +tay euer cryed mercy to God and Seynt Thomas . (CMMIRK,44.1288) And soo do we , +tat we may haue +te blys +tat he boght vs to . To +te wheche blysse , +trogh the prayer of Saynt Thomas of Caunturbury , God $bryng vs to . (CMMIRK,44.1289) 11 . (CMMIRK,44.1291) DE CIRCUMCISIONE DOMINI NOSTRI , IHESU CRISTI . (CMMIRK,44.1292) Goddys owne seruandys , as +ge know well , +tys day ys called New-+gerus-day , as endyng of +te +ger +tat ys gon , and begynnyng of +te +gere +tat ys comyng . Wherfor , as I hope , +ge ben comen as +tys day to holy chyrch , forto contynue your seruice forth +tys +gere als well o+ter bettyr +tat comy+te , as +ge dyddyn +te +gere +tat ys gon , wythouten any new cownant makyng . (CMMIRK,44.1294) For a good seruand +tat hath a good maystyr , he maketh but onys cownant wyth hym , (CMMIRK,44.1295) but soo holdeth forth from +gere to +gere , hauyng full tryst yn his maystyr +tat he woll for his good seruyce reward at hys ende and at his nede . (CMMIRK,45.1296) Now right soo Goddys seruandys maketh couenant wyth hym , onys at +te fonte when +tay ben jcrystenet . (CMMIRK,45.1297) And soo holden forth hor couenantys , hauyng full tryst yn hor God +tat he woll at hor endyng be hor socoure , and +geuen hom auauncement in his court of Heuen . (CMMIRK,45.1298) Then schull +ge +tat ben Goddys seruantys , know wele +tat +tis day ys called New-+geris-day , and also +te circumsicyon of oure Lord , and +te vtas of +te natyuyte . (CMMIRK,45.1299) Hit ys callet New-+gerys-day , for hit ys +te forme day of +te kalender . (CMMIRK,45.1300) Then , for +te +gere ys rewlet and gouernet by +te kalender , and +tis day stondeth yn +te begynnyng +terof , hit ys callet +geres-day . (CMMIRK,45.1301) Then sayth Seynt Austeyn +tat , +tis day and +tis nyght , paynene vsen many fals opynyons of wychecraft and of fals fayth , +te whech ben noght to telle among crysten men , lest +tay wer drawen yn vse . Wherfor , +ge +tat ben Goddys seruandes , be +ge well war , lest +ge ben deseyvet by any sorsery and by any byleue : as by takyng of howsell of on man raythyr +ten of ano+tyr , othyr forto bye othyr selle , and aske or borue . Yn +te whyche some men haue dyuerse opynyons +tat , +gyf +tay werne clene schereven , +tay wer worthy gret penawnce for mysbeleue ; (CMMIRK,45.1302) for +tat comyth of +te fende , and not of God . (CMMIRK,45.1303) +Tis ys callet alsoo +te cyrcumcysyon of our Lord . (CMMIRK,45.1304) For , as holy chyrche techeth +tys , he was circumsiset , (CMMIRK,45.1305) and sched hys blode +tis day for our sake . (CMMIRK,45.1306) For when his flesch was kytte from hym , he bledde +gorne and full sore to hym . (CMMIRK,45.1307) For he was +gong and tendyr of age , but eght dayes old ; (CMMIRK,45.1308) and +terfor he bledde +te more . (CMMIRK,45.1309) +Ten +ge schull know +tat he bled for vs v tymes . (CMMIRK,45.1310) +Te fyrst day was +tat day when he was circumcyset . (CMMIRK,45.1311) +Tat othyr tyme was for fere of his passyon , as he prayde to hys fadyr ; (CMMIRK,45.1312) +ten he swet blode and watyr for drede . (CMMIRK,45.1313) For ryght as a chyld wepyth for fere , when he segh +te +gerde come , and +get hath no stroke , ryght soo +te flesche of Cryst was aferde of +te strong passion +tat was comyng ; (CMMIRK,45.1314) and soo swat blod and watyr for drede . (CMMIRK,45.1315) The thryd tyme was yn flagellacyon , when he was wyth fers knyghtes beten wyth scorges upon his bare body , +tat he was rennyng on blod all aboute . (CMMIRK,45.1316) The fourthe tyme was , when he was naylet hond and fote to +te crosse , and soo heuen vp , +tat +te body paysude downe to hys fete . (CMMIRK,45.1317) The v tyme was , when +te spere openet hys syde , and blod and watyr ranne out . (CMMIRK,46.1318) +Tes fyve tymes he sched his blod for vs . (CMMIRK,46.1319) Then , syth +tat Cryst was wythout synne , and circumsision was ordeynet yn remedy of synne , why wold he be circumsyset ? (CMMIRK,46.1320) Seynt Austyne seyth : for foure causes . (CMMIRK,46.1321) On was forto make a sy+t wyth +te Iewes ; (CMMIRK,46.1322) elles +tay myghten skylfully haue sayde to hym : ' +Tou art not of our lawe ; wherfor we receyue +te not , ne concenten to +ty techyng . ' (CMMIRK,46.1323) The secunde cause was to desayue +te fende . (CMMIRK,46.1324) For ryght as he deseyuet our allur modyr and soo dampnet all monkynd , ryght soo lay to Cryst forto desayue hym , wher+trogh al monkynde schuld be boght to +te blysse a+geyne . (CMMIRK,46.1325) +Ten when +te fend sygh Cryst ycircumcised as othyr werne , he wende , he had taken +tat penaunce yn remedy of orygnall synne , (CMMIRK,46.1326) and soo knew hym not by ano+ter synfull mon . (CMMIRK,46.1327) For yf he had knowen hym redely +tat he had comen forto by monkynd out of his bondam , he wold neuer haue tysut mon to haue don hym to deth . (CMMIRK,46.1328) This was also +te cause , why oure lady was wedded to Ioseph , forto deseyue +te fende , +tat he schuld wene , +tat he was his fadyr , and not conseyuet of +te Holy Gost . (CMMIRK,46.1329) The +trid cause was why he was circumcysed , forto conferme +te old lawe , yn gret comfort of oure faders of +te old lawe and testament . (CMMIRK,46.1330) For yf he had ben foloet and anon circumcyset , hit had byn a gret dyscomfort to all +tat wern befor +te yncarnacyon of Cryst . (CMMIRK,46.1331) The four+te cause was of hys cyrcumcysyon . (CMMIRK,46.1332) For he wyst well +tat heretykes schuld come , +tat wolden say , +tat Cryst had a body of +te ayre by fantesy , and not veray flesch and blod as we haue . (CMMIRK,46.1333) +Ten for a body of +te ayre may not bledde , ne ha+te no blod yn hym , +terfor , forto put away +te erroure , Cryst was cyrcumsysed , (CMMIRK,46.1334) and bled yn +te kyttyng of his flesche . (CMMIRK,46.1335) +Te whech flesche +tat was so kytte from hys membur , an angell broght hit aftyr to kyng Charles , for +te most veray relyk of all +tat lond . (CMMIRK,46.1336) And he , for worschyppe +tat he cow+te do +terto , he broght hit ynto Rome to +te chyrch +tat ys callet Sancta Sanctorum . (CMMIRK,46.1337) For +tes foure causes Cryst was $circumcyset . (CMMIRK,46.1338) This day $ys also callet +te vtas , +tat ys , +te eght day of oure ladys byr+te , yn techyng to $ych crysten seruand forto +tenke on +te eght dayys +tat sewyth +te byrth-day . (CMMIRK,47.1339) +Te fyrst ys forto +tenke ynwardly on +te sede +tat he ys conceyuet of , +tat ys so fowle yn hymselfe and so wlatfull , +tat man o+ter woman , be he neuer so fayre , and he see +te matere +tat he ys made of , his hert wold wlaton and be aschamed of hymselfe , to +tenk +tat he wer conceyuet of so fowle +tyng . (CMMIRK,47.1340) The secunde day ys forto +tenke , how greuesly he paynes his modyr yn hys burthe-tyme yn so moche , +tat hit ys Goddys hegh miracull +tat sche skapyth to lyue . The +tryd , +tenke how febull and how wrecche he ys , when he ys bore . (CMMIRK,47.1341) For all bestes of kynde , yn somwhat , con helpe hymselfe , saue +te man ; (CMMIRK,47.1342) he no+ter may , ne con helpe hymself yn no degre ; (CMMIRK,47.1343) but schuld dye anon , +gyf he wer not holpen of othyr . (CMMIRK,47.1344) The fourthe ys forto +tenke , how moche drede and pareyle he leueth yn alway ; (CMMIRK,47.1345) for euermore , yn ych place , deth sewe+t hym redy , forto falle on hym , what tyme , ny wher , he wot neuer . (CMMIRK,47.1346) The fyfte ys forto +tenke , how horryble deth ys when he come+te ; (CMMIRK,47.1347) for yn schort tyme , he makyth hym forto stynke , +tat all hys best frendes ben besy , forto put yn +te er+te , and hyde hym +ter . (CMMIRK,47.1348) The syxte ys forto +tenke , how rew+tefull ys +te partyng of +te sowle from +te body +tat may not be departyd , tyll +te hert yn +te body breke , for syghtes +tat the sowle se+te . (CMMIRK,47.1349) The seuent ys forto +tenke , how dredfull ys +te dome +tat he goth to . (CMMIRK,47.1350) Anon +ten he +tat +tenkyth bysely on +tes seuen dayes , he schall be circumcyset yn +te +geght day , +tat ys to say , he schall kytte away from hym +te lust of his flesche and worldes lykyng ; and so schall he come to +te vtas of Cryst , +tat ys , to +te joy +tat ys yn heuen-blys . To +te whech joye God bryng you and me to , +gif hit be hys wyll . (CMMIRK,47.1351) Amen . (CMMIRK,47.1352) 12 . (CMMIRK,47.1354) DE EPIPHANIA DOMINI SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,47.1355) Goddys worschypfull seruantys , as +ge knoe+te all , +tis day +ge calleth Twelfeday . (CMMIRK,47.1357) But all mys ; (CMMIRK,47.1358) for hit ys +te +tretteneth day of Crystynmasse . +Te whych day holy chyrche make+te and calleth +te Epyphany , +tat ys yn Englysche tonge : +te schowyng of our Lord Ihesu Cryst , veray God and man , +tat he was . (CMMIRK,47.1359) For +tys day holy chyrche make+te mynde , how Ihesu Cryst was schewet veray God and man +tre wayes : by +tre kynges offryngys , yn his one folowyng , and by watyr ynto wyne turnyng . (CMMIRK,48.1360) The +tretten day aftyr his bur+te , he was schewet by offryng of +tre kynges ; (CMMIRK,48.1361) and +tat same day , IX and XX=ti= wyntyr and XIII dayes aftyr , he was folowet yn +te watyr of flem Iordan . (CMMIRK,48.1362) And +tat same day , $twelmon+te aftyr , he turnet watyr ynto wyne at +te weddyng yn +te Cane of Galyle . (CMMIRK,48.1363) But , for +tys fest make+te mynde of +tes kyngys offryng , +terfor pursew we +te forme of holy chyrche , (CMMIRK,48.1364) and tell how yn hor offryng Ihesu Cryst was schewet veray God and man . (CMMIRK,48.1365) These +tre kyngys werne of +te lynage of Balaam +tat prophysyet , how +tat a sterre shuld spryng of Iacob ; (CMMIRK,48.1366) and +togh +tay wern no Iewes of kynde , neuer+teleesse +tay haden herd by ansetry of +te sterre . Wherfor +tay wylnet moche forto here , and oft-tyme , on nyghtys , comen togedyr upon a certeyne hyll , forto dyspytte by astronomy of +tys sterre . (CMMIRK,48.1367) Then upon Cristenmassenyght , +te same tyme +tat Cryst was born , as +tay wer ifere disputyng of +tat sterre , a sterre come to hom bryghtyr +ten any sonne , and yn +te sterre a fayre chyld , and vndyr hys hed a $bryght crosse of gold , (CMMIRK,48.1368) and sayde +tus to hom : ' Goos anon yn all +te hast ynto +te lond of Iewre , (CMMIRK,48.1369) and take wyth you gold , and ensens , and myrre , (CMMIRK,48.1370) and offreth +tes +tre to hym +tat ys now +ter borne kyng of Iewes , veray God and man . (CMMIRK,48.1371) And I woll be your gyde , and led you +te next way +tedyr . ' (CMMIRK,48.1372) Then +tay , wythe gret hast , token dromendarys +tat ben of kynd so swyft , +tat +tay woll renne on a day fur +ten any o+ter hors yn +tre dayes , (CMMIRK,48.1373) and soo ryden to Ierusalem , +tat ys +te hed-cyte of Iewre , hopyng forto wytte +ter sone wher +tys chyld was borne . (CMMIRK,48.1374) But anon , as +tay turnet ynto +te cyte , +tay lost +te sight of +te sterre , +tat er glode tofor hom , tyll +tay come +tedyr , bryghtyr +ten +te sonne . (CMMIRK,48.1375) Then , for kyng Herode was +ter , +tay +goden to hym , (CMMIRK,48.1376) and asked wher +te kyng of Iewes was borne , (CMMIRK,48.1377) and sayden : ' We seghen his sterre yn +te est , (CMMIRK,48.1378) and ben comen wyth offryng to worschyppe hym . ' (CMMIRK,48.1379) Then was Herod all trowbuld , and all +te cyte wyth hym , more for glaueryng +ten for any loue +tat +tay hadden to hym . (CMMIRK,48.1380) Then asked he his clerkys wher +te chyld schuld be borne ; (CMMIRK,48.1381) and +tay sayde yn Bedeleem . (CMMIRK,48.1382) Then Herod asket preuely +tes kynges of +te sterre , (CMMIRK,48.1383) and bade hom goo to Bedeleem , and worschyp +tis chyld , and come a+geyne to hym , and tel hym wher he schuld fynd hym , so +tat he myght go and worschip hym as +tay dydden . (CMMIRK,49.1384) Then , when +te kynges passyd +te towne toward Bedeleem , anon +te sterre apered a+geyne to hom ; (CMMIRK,49.1385) and when +tay syghen +te sterre comyng a+geyne , +tay wer gretly ioyet yn hor hertys . (CMMIRK,49.1386) +Ten , as hit yn mony place ys payntude and corven , +tat kyng +tat ys yn +te mydyll , for gret ioy +tat he had , wryde bakward to hys {TEXT:tohys} felow byhynd , (CMMIRK,49.1387) and pytte hys hond vp , schewyng hym +te sterre ; (CMMIRK,49.1388) lewde men hauen an opynyon (CMMIRK,49.1389) and sayne , +tat he had slayne a mon , wherfor he turned backeward . (CMMIRK,49.1390) But God forbede +tat +tys opynyon wer trew . (CMMIRK,49.1391) For now ys mony hundred of seyntes +tat wer befor men-sleers , (CMMIRK,49.1392) and dydden mony an holy martyr to de+te ; (CMMIRK,49.1393) but aftyr +tay wer turnet , (CMMIRK,49.1394) and wern holy martyrs homselfe , (CMMIRK,49.1395) and seen God yn his face euermor . (CMMIRK,49.1396) Then +tes kynges sudyn +tys sterre forth , tyll +tay come ynto Bedeleem . (CMMIRK,49.1397) +Ten when he come ouer +te hous wher Cryst was , he stode styll . (CMMIRK,49.1398) Then +tes kynges lyghten don , (CMMIRK,49.1399) and +goden ynto the hous , (CMMIRK,49.1400) and fonden +te chyld wyth hys modyr . (CMMIRK,49.1401) And +ten wyth all +te reuerence +tat +tay cowthen , +tay kneleden done , (CMMIRK,49.1402) and offeryd yche on of hom +tes +tre +tenges : gold , and ensens , and myrre ; knowlechyng by +te gold +tat he was kyng of all kynges , and by ensens +tat he was veray God , and by myrre +tat he was veray man , +tat schuld be ded , and layde yn graue wythout rotyng . (CMMIRK,49.1403) For gold ys kyng of metelles ; (CMMIRK,49.1404) ensens is brent yn holy chyrche in worschip of God ; (CMMIRK,49.1405) myrre ys an oynement +tat kepyth ded bodyes from rotyng . (CMMIRK,49.1406) Thus when +tes kynges hadden don hor offryng , by techyng of an angell , +tay laften Herode , (CMMIRK,49.1407) and wenton hom by ano+ter way . (CMMIRK,49.1408) And +te sterre vanesched away ynto hor forme kynde . (CMMIRK,49.1409) Then Ioseph , as Bernard sayth , kept of +te gold as much as hym nedet for his tribut +tat he schuld +geue to +te Emperour , and more +tat hym nedet to oure lady , whyll scho lay yn chyld-bedde ; (CMMIRK,49.1410) and +te remenant he dalt to suche as hadden nede . (CMMIRK,49.1411) The ensens he brent to put away +te stench of +te stabull +ter scho lay . (CMMIRK,49.1412) And wyth myrre our Lady wassched hur chyld , to kepe hym from wormes and o+ter ful+tes . (CMMIRK,49.1413) But what fell aftyr of +tes kynges , I fynde nothyng put yn certeyne , but by opynyons +tat sayn how Saynt Thomas of Inde when he come ynto +tat contre , he folowed hom . (CMMIRK,50.1414) And +ten ryght as +te sterre lyghtneth hom to Crystys byrth , ryght so +te Holy Gost leghteneth hom wythyn , (CMMIRK,50.1415) and schewed hom , whad was +te most profytabull way to Heuen , so +tat +tay lafton all hor remes and hor lordschyppys , and +goden forth as pylgrymys to Ierusalem , and so to o+ter places as Cryst suffred de+te , and so forth to Melayne ; (CMMIRK,50.1416) and +ter +tay deyeden . (CMMIRK,50.1417) But aftyr +tay werne translat to Coleyne , (CMMIRK,50.1418) and so byn called +te kynges of Colen . (CMMIRK,50.1419) Now , good men , +ge haue herd how our Lord Ihesu Cryst was +tis day schewed by +tes kyngys offryng . Wherfor as +tay offered +ten to hym , soo schuld +ge do your offryng to hym . (CMMIRK,50.1420) +Tus when +ge come to holy chyrche wyth all +te mekenes and reuerens +tat +ge can , knelyth adowne , not on your kne as to a lord temporall , but on bo+te your knees , (CMMIRK,50.1421) and do hym worschippe . (CMMIRK,50.1422) And yf +ge soo done , +ten +ge offeren to hym precyous gold . (CMMIRK,50.1423) For +ter nys no gold yn +tys world so precyous to God , as ys a meke hert and a lowe of a man or of a woman . (CMMIRK,50.1424) +Ten herwyth hold vp your hondes to hym wyth a deuot hert (CMMIRK,50.1425) and say +tus : ' Lord , God of Heuen , haue mercy on me synfull . ' (CMMIRK,50.1426) And +ten +ge offren to hym sence . (CMMIRK,50.1427) For +ter nys no brent sence +tat sauereth so swete yn mannys nase , as do+te a deuote oreson yn Goddys nase and yn +te angeles about hym . (CMMIRK,50.1428) And sy+te make+te a crosse yn +te erthe (CMMIRK,50.1429) and sayth : ' Lord , when I +tat am erthe schall dye and turne ynto erthe , +ten , Lord God , haue my soule . ' (CMMIRK,50.1430) And +ten +ge offern to hym myrre . (CMMIRK,50.1431) For ryght as myrre kepyth a body from stenche and rotyng , ryght so myght of deth kepyth a soule from rotyng and stenche yn dedly synne . (CMMIRK,50.1432) In thys wyse do+te your offryng , (CMMIRK,50.1433) and getyth you as moche mede as +tes kyngys haden . (CMMIRK,50.1434) He was also schowet at his foloyng . (CMMIRK,50.1435) For when he come to flem Iordan , he +ged ynto +te watyr (CMMIRK,50.1436) and halowet hit . (CMMIRK,50.1437) For ryght as he was circumsyset , to fulfyll and conferme +te old lawe , ryght soo he was folowed , to begynne and to halow +te crysten lawe for no nede +tat he had +terto , for he was clene wythout synne , but forto make +te sacrament +tat schuld wasschen and clanse hom +tat taky+te cristyndome yn hys name , of all synne . (CMMIRK,51.1438) +Ten was Ion Baptyst redy +ter and moche pepull wyth hym +tat comen +tedyr , to be folowed . (CMMIRK,51.1439) And then Iohn seid to Cryst qwakyng and tremblyng for fere : ' Lord , +ge +tat ben Godys lombe wythout synne , +ge haue no nede to be folowed of me ; (CMMIRK,51.1440) but I +tat am a man getyn and borne yn synne , I most com to +te , to be folowed yn Ierusalem of my synnes . ' (CMMIRK,51.1441) +Ten sayde Crist to Ion : ' Suffyr at +tys tyme , (CMMIRK,51.1442) for we most fulfull all rightwesnes . ' (CMMIRK,51.1443) Then Ion folowed Ihesu Cryst ; (CMMIRK,51.1444) and as hit ys credebule , oure Lord was folowed , and othyr +tat wern Cristes discipules aftyr hym , and all +te pepull +tat wern come +tedyr . (CMMIRK,51.1445) Then when all werne folowet , our Lord Ihesu Crist went out of +te watyr . (CMMIRK,51.1446) And as he prayde on +te waters brynke , and all +te pepull wyth , a gret ly+gt vmbeclypped hym . (CMMIRK,51.1447) And so , yn syght of Seynt Ion and all +te pepull , +te Holy Gost yn lykenesse of a whyte dowe lyght on Crystes hed , (CMMIRK,51.1448) and +te Fadyr of Heuen spake +tus yn heryng of all : ' +Tis ys my dere belouet sonne +tat well plesyth me . ' (CMMIRK,51.1449) Al +tus was done , forto teche yche cristen man his byleue . (CMMIRK,51.1450) For yche crysten man or woman ys holden forto beleue yn +te Fadyr , and yn +te Sonne , and yn +te Holy Gost , +tat ben +tre persons and won God . (CMMIRK,51.1451) And +tagh +te Fadyr spake abouen , and +te Sonne Ihesu Crist wer ther bodely , and +te Holy Gost yn lickenesse of a dowve , +ge schull beleue +tat here ben +tre persons and on God yn Trynyte . (CMMIRK,51.1452) This byleue +ge knowlachen on +te watyrs brynke , +tat ys +te brynke of +te fonte when +ge ben folowed . Wherfor he +tat byleueth and doth +te werkes of +te byleue wythout dowte , he schall be sauet ; (CMMIRK,51.1453) and he +tat beleueth not , he schall be dampnet . (CMMIRK,51.1454) The werkes of +te byleue byn mekenes and charyte . (CMMIRK,51.1455) For wythout +tes two schall +ter no man be sauet ; (CMMIRK,51.1456) and +te +tat hath +tes two , he ys wrytten yn +te geanology of Cryst . Wherfor , yn wytnes of +tys geanology +tat ys red yn mydwyntyr-nyght , begynnyth aboue at Abraham , and so comyth downe to Ioseph , and soo to oure lady Mary , in schouyng +tat ys most mekest of hert , ys next to oure Lorde ; (CMMIRK,51.1457) and seche he avaunset . (CMMIRK,51.1458) And +terfor +te geanology +tat ys red this nyght , begynyth at Ihesu Cryst , (CMMIRK,51.1459) and goth vp to Adam , and so ynto God , yn schewyng +tat he +tat hath perfyte loue to hys eme-crysten , ys wryttyn yn +te geanologe of God yn Heuen ; and schall be as cosyn and dere derlyng to God +ter wythouten ende . (CMMIRK,52.1460) Thus Cryst was schowet by watyr ynto wyn turnyng for +te fest of Ion +te Euangelyst and Mary Mawdelen . (CMMIRK,52.1461) +Ten for Ion was Crystes ante sonne , he and hys modyr , and moo of his dyscypuls werne callet +tedyr . (CMMIRK,52.1462) +Ten hit happant so +tat hom wonted wyne at +te mete . (CMMIRK,52.1463) +Ten bade Ihesus seruandus full syxe stones +tat stoden +ter wyth watyr , (CMMIRK,52.1464) and when +tay hadden don soo , Ihesus blessed hom , (CMMIRK,52.1465) and bade hom holden and bere to hym +tat began +te bord . (CMMIRK,52.1466) Then sayde he , +tat was wyne passyng any o+ter . (CMMIRK,52.1467) Thus Ihesus schowet hym veray God and man ; (CMMIRK,52.1468) veray God yn +tat he turned watyr ynto wyne , and veray man yn +tat he ete and drangke wyth hom . (CMMIRK,52.1469) This myracull he dyd yn schewyng +tat he blessyth +te weddyng +tat ys done , as +te lawe of holy chyrche ordeyneth . (CMMIRK,52.1470) Now , good men , +ge han herd , how oure Lord Ihesu Crist +tis day was schewed by kynges offryng , and efte yn his holy folewyng , and eftsonus by myracles at +te weddyng . Wherfor do hym honowre and worschippe wyth $+goure offryng , and buth stydfast yn +te fayth of your folowyng , and brekyth not +tat hygh troth +tat +ge maken at your weddyng . (CMMIRK,52.1471) And +ten +ge schall come to +te blysse +tat ys euerlastyng . To the wheche blysse God bryng you and me , yf hit be his will . (CMMIRK,52.1472) Amen . (CMMIRK,52.1473) 13 . (CMMIRK,52.1475) DE CONUERCIONE SANCTI PAULI (CMMIRK,52.1476) Good men and woymen , suche a day +ge schull haue a hegh fest yn holy chyrch +tat ys callet +te conuersyon of Saynt Pole ; +tat ys yn Englysche : +te conuertyng of Seynt Pole . (CMMIRK,52.1478) For +tat day , he was conuerted from a curset tyrand ynto Goddys seruant , from an hegh man and a prowde ynto a meke man and a devot , and from +te deuellys dyssypull ynto Goddys holy apostoll . (CMMIRK,52.1479) Soo , for +tis man was so yturnet from all wyckednesse ynto all goodnesse , yn gret streng+te and helpe to holy chyrch , +terfor holy chyrch halewo+te his conuersyon . (CMMIRK,52.1480) And soo +tay do+te of non o+ter seynt , but only of hym . (CMMIRK,53.1481) And +tat ys for +tre skylles : furst for gret myracull yn hys turnyng , and for gret joy yn his defendyng , and for hegh ensampull in amendyng . (CMMIRK,53.1482) Furst +tys man or he was turnet , he was callet Sawle . (CMMIRK,53.1483) For ryght as Saule , +te kyng of Ierusalem , pursued Dauid , to haue slayne hym , ryght soo +tis Saule pursewet Cryst , and his dyscyples , and his seruantys , to haue broght hom to +te de+te . Wherfor , whill Crist +gode on erth here , he wold neuer come to hym , forto here his techyng . (CMMIRK,53.1484) But as sone as he was styed ynto Heuen , +ten anon - for he was lerede and cowthe +te Iewes lawe - he began to a+geynesette Crystys dyscipuls , dysputyng a+geynes hom , and pursuyng hom yn all +tat he myght , in full entent to haue destryed Crystys lawes . (CMMIRK,53.1485) Then , on a day , he dysputyth wyth Seynt Steven ; (CMMIRK,53.1486) and for he myght not ouercome hym , he schaped how he myght bryng hym to +te deth , so +tat he laft hym neuer tyll +tat he was stenet to +te dethe . (CMMIRK,53.1487) +Ten , as hit ys +te maner of +te fendys chyldyr when +tay haue don a foule turne , +tay reioysen hom +teryn , (CMMIRK,53.1488) and ben fayne and prowde yn hor hertys , (CMMIRK,53.1489) and encresen yn hor maleyse , (CMMIRK,53.1490) so was +tys Sawle glad of +te de+te of Seynt Steven . (CMMIRK,53.1491) And for he wold haue geten hym a name of wykednesse passyng all o+ter , he +geode to hom +tat haden +te lawe of Iewes to kepe , (CMMIRK,53.1492) and gete hym lettyrs of warant , forto take and bryng all crysten men and woymen +tat +tay myght fynde yn any place , and bryng hom bonden ynto Ierusalem , forto take hor deth +ter . (CMMIRK,53.1493) And when he had +tos letteres , he toke suche a pryde , and such envy yn his hert a+geyn cristen men , +tat when he herd speke of hom , anon he snorted at +te nose , and fro+te at +te mowth for angur , thretyng and manassyng so hely toward hom , +tat yche man was wondyr sor aferde of hym . (CMMIRK,53.1494) Then , for he herd +tat yn +te cyte of Damaske wer mony crysten men hud for drede , anon he toke hys hors and his men wyth hym , (CMMIRK,53.1495) and rode +tedyrward in all +te hast . (CMMIRK,53.1496) But +ten our Lord Ihesu Crist - blessed mote he be ! - schewed +te swetnes of his grace +tus . (CMMIRK,53.1497) When +tys Saule was yn his pryde and malys , and yn purpos forto haue don most males and harme ; +ten aboute mydday , when +te sonne schone allur clerust , then Crist cast a lyght of grace aboute Saule +tat was ferre bryghtyr +ten +te sonne ; (CMMIRK,53.1498) and yn +tat lyght spak +tus to hym : ' Saule , Saule , qwhy pursues +tou me ? ' (CMMIRK,54.1499) +Ten anon he was so sore aferd , +tat he fell downe of his hors , (CMMIRK,54.1500) and for gret fere sayde : ' Lord , whad art +tou ? ' (CMMIRK,54.1501) Then sayde oure Lord : ' I am Ihesus of Na+gareth +tat +tou pursues . ' (CMMIRK,54.1502) He sayde not : I am God of Heuen , ne Goddys sonne of Heuen . (CMMIRK,54.1503) But for crysten men byleven +tat Ihesu was rysen from deth to lyue , +terfor Saule pursued most hom (CMMIRK,54.1504) and sayde +tat +tay leuedon on a ded mon . (CMMIRK,54.1505) Herfore oure Lord Ihesu sayde : ' I am Ihesu of Na+gareth ' ; (CMMIRK,54.1506) for +tat ys +te name of monhode . (CMMIRK,54.1507) Then leued Saule yn hym (CMMIRK,54.1508) and sayde : ' Lord , what wold +tou make me ? ' (CMMIRK,54.1509) +Ten sayde Ihesu , our Lord : ' Ryse (CMMIRK,54.1510) and go ynto +te cyte , (CMMIRK,54.1511) and +ter schall be sayd to +te what +tou schalt do . ' (CMMIRK,54.1512) Then seen his men +tys lyght , (CMMIRK,54.1513) and herden +te voyce , (CMMIRK,54.1514) but +tay seen no man ; (CMMIRK,54.1515) but +geden to Saule , (CMMIRK,54.1516) and token hym by the hond , for he was blynd , (CMMIRK,54.1517) and ladden hym ynto +te cyte to a good mannys howse . (CMMIRK,54.1518) And +ter he was +tre dayes and +tre nyghtes fastyng , (CMMIRK,54.1519) and myght not seon ; (CMMIRK,54.1520) but euer he prayde to God for drede +tat he had of +tat vysyon . +Te whech tyme , +te Holy Gost taght hym Crystys lawe . (CMMIRK,54.1521) Then +te thryd day come to hym won of Crystys dyscypuls +tat hat Anany , as God bade hym , (CMMIRK,54.1522) and sayde to hym full sore aferd : ' Saule , brothyr , oure Lord Ihesu Cryst hathe sende me to +te , +tat +tou schalt see and be folowed . ' (CMMIRK,54.1523) And when he layde his hondys on his hed , anon he segh ; (CMMIRK,54.1524) and +ten +ter fellen from his eyn lyke skalus of fyssch . (CMMIRK,54.1525) And when he had folowed hym , he callet hym Paule . (CMMIRK,54.1526) And when he had eten , he was conforted , (CMMIRK,54.1527) and had his strengthe a+geyne , (CMMIRK,54.1528) and was wyth +te dyscypuls +tat wer +ter a few dayes . (CMMIRK,54.1529) And +ten he went ynto +te tempull , (CMMIRK,54.1530) and openly preched Ihesu Crystys , prechyng clerly +tat he was Cryst and non o+ter . So +tat yche man wondyr of his sodeyne conuersyon , (CMMIRK,54.1531) and sayden to homself +tat hit was an hegh myracull of God +tat he +tat was so curset of lyvyng , was so sone turned ynto so blessyd a man . (CMMIRK,54.1532) Thus , good men , +ge mo se and here how gret a myracull God schewet yn his conuertyng . (CMMIRK,54.1533) Holy chyrche maketh alsoo gret joy for hys defendyng . (CMMIRK,54.1534) Hit was gret gladnesse to all cristen men forto see hym +tat was so lyghtly before redy forto destrye hom , +ten so sodenly bysy forto encrese hom . (CMMIRK,55.1535) And he +tat was glad forto schede hor blode for hom , and he +tat +gede , to drawe hom to +te deth , +ten put hym forth $boldely , to take deth for hom . (CMMIRK,55.1536) And $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} no man durst preche Goddys worde for hym , aftyr , by comfort of hym , +tay sparad no+ter for kyng , ne for non o+ter lord ; (CMMIRK,55.1537) but opynly preched +te faythe of Ihesu Crist yn iche place . (CMMIRK,55.1538) And he +tat was soo prowde byfor , aftyr fell to yche crysten mannys fote +tat he had gult to , to aske mercy wyth full meke hert . Wherfor Saynt Austyn lykene+te him vnto an vnycorne and seith : ' +Te vnycorn , of kynd , he beryth a horne yn his nose , and wyth +te horne sley all bestys +tat he feghtyth wyth and $is soo feers +tat +ter may no hunter take hym , by no craft . (CMMIRK,55.1539) But +tus he woll spye wher hys walk ys , (CMMIRK,55.1540) and +ter he setty+te a woman +tat ys clene mayden . (CMMIRK,55.1541) And when +tys vnycorn segh hyr , anon of kynd he falleth don , (CMMIRK,55.1542) and layth hys hed yn hur barme , myghtles wythout strengthe : (CMMIRK,55.1543) and soo ys taken . (CMMIRK,55.1544) Thus , ' he seyth , ' Paule was $fyrst so fers and prowde , +tat +ter durst no prechour dele wyth hym ; (CMMIRK,55.1545) but when God schewed hym +tys maydyn , +tat ys +te faythe of holy chyrch , anon he fell don of his pryde , (CMMIRK,55.1546) and was sympull , and meke , and soget to Crystys seruantys . (CMMIRK,55.1547) Hereof holy chyrche ys glad of his defendyng . (CMMIRK,55.1548) He was set also for ensampull of heg amendyng . (CMMIRK,55.1549) God ys soo gracyous yn hymselfe , +tat he woll +tat no man be lorne ; (CMMIRK,55.1550) but he woll +tat all men and woymen ben sauet . Wherfor , yn hegh ensampull and confort to all synfull , he settu+te Seynt Paule to loken on . (CMMIRK,55.1551) For +tagh a man o+ter woman haue don neuer so moch a synne or lyued so curset a lyfe , yf he woll taken ensampull of Seynt Paule , +tat ys , leue pryde and be meke , leue synne and be bysy to amende , +ten schall he make God and all +te Court of Heuen make moche mor myrth yn Heuen of his conuercyon , +ten do+te holy chyrch yn erth of Paules conuersyon . (CMMIRK,55.1552) But mor harme ys : +ter byn men and woymen +tat lyuen hor synnes mor +ten God ; +tat woll no+ter for loue of God , ne for drede of God and +te paynes of hell leue hor synne ; (CMMIRK,55.1553) but sayn +tat God wyll not lese +tat he ha+te boght wyth hys hert-blod . (CMMIRK,55.1554) ' But +tou +tat says so , be +tou war +tat +tou lese not +tyself . (CMMIRK,55.1555) But whill +tou louest +ty synne mor +ten +ti God , and hades leuer be +te deueles seruant +ten Goddys , +tou dampnes +tiself , (CMMIRK,55.1556) and art cause of +tyn owne damp-nacyon . ' Wherfor to suche , God ha+te ordeynt to turment fendes , and $bryng hom to +te payne +tat ha+te non ende . (CMMIRK,56.1557) For , as Gregory seyth , +to +tat schull be dampnet , +tay begynnyn hor penaunce in party here , (CMMIRK,56.1558) and so aftyr hor de+te contynue+te for+te . Wherfor I telle +tis ensampull +tat was told me of suche +tat knewyn hit done yn dede . (CMMIRK,56.1559) Narracio . (CMMIRK,56.1561) Ther was a man , a curset lyuer , +tat was an officer to a lord . (CMMIRK,56.1563) And as he rode to a maner of +te lordes , he fell wod , (CMMIRK,56.1564) and so vnbrydylt his hors +tat bare hym into a maner of +te lordes . (CMMIRK,56.1565) But when he come yn , anon +te bayly sagh what +te man ayled , (CMMIRK,56.1566) and made anon his hynes bynd hym to a post yn +te berne . (CMMIRK,56.1567) Then when +te bayly had ysoupyd , he bade on of his hynes go and loke how +tys man dyd . (CMMIRK,56.1568) And when he come to +te berne , he segh +tre grete doggus as blacke as a cole on yche a syde plucke away hys flesche . (CMMIRK,56.1569) +Ten was +tys hyne so sore aferd , +tat vnne+te he huld hys wytte , but +gode to his bed , and lay seke +ter longe aftyr . (CMMIRK,56.1570) But , on +te morow , when men comen to +te berne , +tay fonden no mor of +tys man , but his bare bonys and all +te flesche away . (CMMIRK,56.1571) Thus who so lyueth a fowle lyfe , he may be sure of a foule ende . (CMMIRK,56.1572) And +tagh his ende be fayre to mannys syght , hyt ys ryght fowle yn Goddys syght and all his angeles . Wherfor ych man take good ensampull , whyll he ys here , by Saynt Paule , and amende hym whill he hath space and tyme of amendyng ; (CMMIRK,56.1573) for aftyr +tat a man ys ded , +ter nys no tyme of amendyng . (CMMIRK,56.1574) And he +tat soo do+te , he schall come to Saynt Paule and haue +te ioye +tat euer schall last . To +te whech ioye God bring vs all , yf hyt be his wyll . (CMMIRK,56.1575) Amen . (CMMIRK,56.1576) 14 . (CMMIRK,56.1578) DE PURIFICACIONE BEATE MARIE ET EIUS SOLEMPNITATE . (CMMIRK,56.1579) Good cristen men and woymen , +tat louy+te to serve oure lady , and to fast hur euens bred and watyr in hegh mede to you , such a day +ge schull haue Candylmasse-day ; wherfor do+te in +tat euen as your deuocyon teche+te you . (CMMIRK,57.1581) For , +tat day , holy chyrche maketh gret melody yn worschyppe of hyr and of hyr swete sonne Ihesu Crist , our Lord , specyaly yn +tre +tynges : yn our lady puryfiyng , in Symones metyng , and yn candels offryng . (CMMIRK,57.1582) This day , good men , is called +te puryfycacyon of our lady ; +tat ys yn Englyssche tong , +te clansyng of oure lady ; (CMMIRK,57.1583) for no nede +tat scho had , (CMMIRK,57.1584) for scho was clansed so wyth +te worchyng of +te Holy Gost yn conceyvyng of hur sonne , +tat +ter was laft yn hir no mater of synne , ne of non othyr ful+te . (CMMIRK,57.1585) But for +tat day was +te fourty fro +te byrthe of hyr sonne , and was called yn +te Iewes lawe +te day of purgacion not only of oure lady , but for all o+ter wymen of +te lawe ; wherfor +get we callen hit +te puryficacyon of our lady . (CMMIRK,57.1586) The lawe of the Iewes was +ten suche +tat a woman +tat was delyuerde of a man-chyld sculd be holden vnclene by +te lawe VII dayes aftyr hur burth ; (CMMIRK,57.1587) and +ten +te lawe +gaf hur leue to go to hur husbondys bed . (CMMIRK,57.1588) But +get scho was vnclene by +te lawe +tre and xxx=ti= dayes aftyr , so +tat tyll fourty dayes wer fulfylled , scho schuld not come wythyn +te temple . (CMMIRK,57.1589) +Ten , +tat day , scho schuld come to +te tempull wyth hyr offryng and wyth hur sonne , and offre for a ryche man a lombe , and for a pore a payre of turturs o+ter two culuer-bryddes . (CMMIRK,57.1590) And soo offred oure lady for hyr sonne . (CMMIRK,57.1591) And yf a woman wer delyuerd of a mayden-chyld , scho schuld dowbull +te dayes of comyng to chyrch , and to hur husbonddys bed , and comyng ynto +te tempull . (CMMIRK,57.1592) For , as clerkes techen , hit ys VII dayes aftyr a woman conseyueth of +te man , er +tan +te sede turne ynto blod ; and +tre and +trytty dayes aftyr +tat +ten , or hit haue shap of man : (CMMIRK,57.1593) and +ten God sendyth lyfe ynto hit . (CMMIRK,57.1594) And yf hit be a maydechylde , hit dowbulth all +te dayes , bo+te-1 of turnyng ynto blod , and ynto schappe of body . (CMMIRK,57.1595) And +tys ys +te cause +tat for encheson +tat +te forme woman Eue vexude God more +ten dyd man , +terfor scho ys more lengyr yn formyng +ten +te man . (CMMIRK,57.1596) +Tus for fleschly coupull of man and woman ys vnclene yn hymselfe , +terfor lawe ordeyneth a remedy forto clanse hom . (CMMIRK,57.1597) But +ten +ge schull know wele +tat oure lady had no nede to +tys clansying , (CMMIRK,58.1598) for scho conceyuet not of coupull of man but only of +te Holy Gost , so +tat scho was clene of all maner fulthe towchyng conseyt of man . (CMMIRK,58.1599) Neuer+teles , scho +gode to +te tempull as o+ter woymen dydden for foure skylles . (CMMIRK,58.1600) The fyrst was to fulfyll scripture +tat bydde+te +tus : ' +Te grettyr +tou be , +te meker make +te yn all +tyng ' ; (CMMIRK,58.1601) +tus scho dyd . (CMMIRK,58.1602) For +tagh scho wyst +tat scho was modyr to Goddys Sonne of Heuen , and was so full of worschyp passyng all othyr woymen , +get scho made hur as +te porest woman +tat was yn hur company . (CMMIRK,58.1603) The secunde skyll was to fulfyll +te lawe . (CMMIRK,58.1604) For ry+gt as scho fulfylled +te lawe yn +te circumcysyon of hur sonne , ryght soo scho fulfyllet hit yn hur puryficacyon and offryng of hur sonne yn +te tempull , doyng for hym as o+tir pore woymen dydden for hor chyldyrn . (CMMIRK,58.1605) The +trid skylle was forto stoppe mowthes , lest +tay had sayde +tat +tay dyd not +te lawe , and soo cast a gret chalange a+geyns hom yn tyme comyng +teraftyr . (CMMIRK,58.1606) The fowrth skylle was to ensampull to all cristen woymen +tat +tay schuld come to +te chyrche aftyr hor burth , and +tonke God heghly +tat had saued hom hole and sonde yn hor trauayle ; (CMMIRK,58.1607) for +ter nys non euel +tat go+te so nygh +te de+te wyth scapyng as do+te hit . (CMMIRK,58.1608) For +tes skylles God made mynde of our lady purefiyng . (CMMIRK,58.1609) He made also mynde of Symones and Anne a+geyncomyng . (CMMIRK,58.1610) +Tys Symeon was a passyng old man ; (CMMIRK,58.1611) but for he prayde besely day and nyght to God +tat he most see Cryst bodely , er +ten he deyd , and soo God grawnted hym his bone , and +tis Anne also , not Anne , our ladyes modyr , but ano+ter +tat was weddyd seven +gere , and +ten when hur husband was ded , scho lyued tyll scho was foure skore +gere old , and serued God yn +te tempull day and nyght . (CMMIRK,58.1612) +Tat also +tat had grawnte of God to see Crist er scho deyd . (CMMIRK,58.1613) Then when our lady come toward +te tempull wyt hor sonne , +te Holy Gost warnet +tys Symeon and +tys Anne ; (CMMIRK,58.1614) and +tay +ter wyth mecull ioye +gode a+geynes hom , (CMMIRK,58.1615) and broght hom ynto +te tempull . (CMMIRK,58.1616) +Ten Symeon toke hym yn his armes wyth all +te reuerens +tat he cow+te , (CMMIRK,58.1617) and cussed hym , (CMMIRK,58.1618) and +tonked hym heghly +tat he let hym lyue to +te tyme forto se hym bodely wyth his een . Wherfor , +get yn mynde of +tys processe , when a woman cometh to +te chyrche-dyrre tyll +te pryst come and cast holy watyr on hyr , and clansu+t hur , and so takyth hyr by +te hond , and bryngyth hur to +te chyrche , +geuyng hur leue to come to +te chyrch , and to goo to hur husbandys bed . (CMMIRK,59.1619) For and scho haue ben at hys bed befor , scho most take hor penance and he , bothe . (CMMIRK,59.1620) +Terfor holy chyrch maketh mynde +tys day of candels offryng . (CMMIRK,59.1621) +Ge seen , good men , +tat hyt ys comyn vse to all crysten men forto come to +te chyrche +tys day , and bere a candyll yn processyon , as +tagh +tay +gedyn bodyly wyth oure lady to chyrch , and aftyr offyr wyth hyr yn worschip and high reuerens of hur . (CMMIRK,59.1622) Then now hereth how +tys worschip was furst yfond , when +te Romaynes by gret chyualry conquerod all +te world . (CMMIRK,59.1623) For +tay wern euerous yn hor doyng +tat retten not to God of Heuen +tat +gaf hom +tat euere ; (CMMIRK,59.1624) but made hom dyuerse goddys , aftyr hor owne lust . (CMMIRK,59.1625) And soo , among othyr , +tay hadden a god +tat was callet Mars , +tat was byfor +tat tyme a chyualrous knyght , and an euerous yn batayle . Wherfor +tay called hym god of batayle , prayng +gorne to hym for helpe . (CMMIRK,59.1626) And for +tay wolden spede +te bettyr , +tay dyd gret worschyp to his modyr +tat was callet Februa ; aftyr +te whech woman , as mony haue opynyon , +tys mon +tat now ys was called February . Wherfor +te fyrst day of +tys mone +tat now ys Candylmasse-day , +te Romans wold goo al nyght about +te cyte of Rome wyth torches , and blasus and canduls brennyng , yn worschip of +tys woman Februa , hopyng for +tys worschip to haue +te ray+tyr helpe of hyr sonne Mars yn hor doyng . (CMMIRK,59.1627) Then was +ter a pope +tat heght Sergyus . (CMMIRK,59.1628) For he segh cristen men drawe to thys mawmetry , he +toght to turne +tat foule custom ynto Goddys worschyp and oure lady Seynt Mary , (CMMIRK,59.1629) and commaundyd all cristen men and wymmen forto come +tys same day to chyrche and iche on offyr a candyll brennyng yn worschyp of our lady and hur swete sonne . (CMMIRK,59.1630) Soo yche man aftyr , by processe of tyme , lafton +tat worschip +tat +tay dyden to +tat woman Februa , (CMMIRK,59.1631) and duden worschip to our lady and to hyr sonne , so +tat now +tys solempnyte ys halowed +trogh crystendame , (CMMIRK,59.1632) and yche man , and woman , and chyld of age come+te +tys day to +te chyrche , (CMMIRK,59.1633) and offren brennyng condyls ; as +togh +tay wer bodyly wyth our lady to chyrche , on chyld hopyng for +tys reuerens +tat +tay don to hyr yn er+te , to haue a gret reward +terfor yn Heuen . (CMMIRK,60.1634) And so +tay may be sure +terof . (CMMIRK,60.1635) For a candyll brennyng bytokenyth oure lady , and hor sonne , and a man hymselfe ; (CMMIRK,60.1636) for a candyll ys made of whyte weke and of wax brennyng wyth fyre . (CMMIRK,60.1637) +Tus Crystys whyt soule was hydde wyth his monhede (CMMIRK,60.1638) and brenne+te wyth +te fyre of his Godhed ; (CMMIRK,60.1639) hit bytokenyth also our ladyys modyrhode and maydynhede , lightnet wyth +te fyre of loue ; (CMMIRK,60.1640) hyt bytokeneth also yche good man and woman +tat do+te good dedes wyth good entent , and yn full loue and charite to God and to his euen-cristen . Wherfor yf any of you ha+te soo trespassyd to his neghtbur wherby +tat +tys candyll of charyte ys qwenchet , furst go he and acord hym wyth his neghtbur , and so tend his condyll a+geyne , and +ten offyr his condyll to +te pryst . (CMMIRK,60.1641) For +tys ys Godys commaundment ; (CMMIRK,60.1642) and elles he lesyth hys meryt of his offryng . (CMMIRK,60.1643) Narracio . (CMMIRK,60.1645) I rede yn +te lyfe of Saynt Dunstan how +tat his modyr , when scho was gret wyth chyld wyth hym , scho come on Condylmasseday to +te chyrch . (CMMIRK,60.1647) And when all +te pepull had gon on processyon wyth candyls brennyng , and stoden all yn +te chyrche , yche on wyth his lyght yn hys hond , sodenly all the condyls +tat wern yn +te chyrche wern quaynt , (CMMIRK,60.1648) and a gret derkenes come wyth all , so +tat vnneth on myght se ano+ter . (CMMIRK,60.1649) And when +tay haden stond soo long sore aferd , +ten come +ter a fayre lyght from Heuen , (CMMIRK,60.1650) and lyght +te candyll +tat Saynt Dunstanys modyr had yn hond ; (CMMIRK,60.1651) and so offryd hyr condyll . (CMMIRK,60.1652) And so of hure al o+ter werne lyght , so +tat wythyn a whyle aftyr , all +te chyrche was so lyght a+geyne , yn token he was yn hyr wombe +tat schuld aftyr tynd mony mannys charite , +tat was befor qwenchet by envy . (CMMIRK,60.1653) Narracio . (CMMIRK,60.1655) I rede of anothyr woman +tat was soo deuot yn oure lady seruyce , +tat scho +gaf for hor loue all +te clo+tys +tat scho had , saue +te febullyst +tat scho +god yn herselfe . (CMMIRK,60.1657) Hit fell so +tat on Condylmasse-day , scho wold haue goon to chyrche . (CMMIRK,60.1658) But for scho was not honest arayde , scho dyrst not for schame ; (CMMIRK,60.1659) for scho had non honest clo+tes , as scho was wont to haue . (CMMIRK,61.1660) Then when othyr men went to +te chyrch , scho was wondyr sory ; (CMMIRK,61.1661) for scho schuld be wythout masse +tat holy fest . Wherfor scho went into a chapell +tat was negh hur place and was +ter yn hur prayer . (CMMIRK,61.1662) And so as scho prayde , scho fell on slepe , (CMMIRK,61.1663) and +toght +tat scho was yn a fayre chyrche , (CMMIRK,61.1664) and sygh a gret company of maydens comyng ynto +te chyrche ; and on +tat was passyng fayre of hom +ten any went befor , hauyng a fayre crowne of schynnyng gold on hur hed . (CMMIRK,61.1665) Then sate scho done all othyr wyth . (CMMIRK,61.1666) And when +tay werne sette , +ter come yn won wyth a gret burthen of condylls ; (CMMIRK,61.1667) and furst +gaue +te chef-mayden +tat had +te crowne , won candyll , (CMMIRK,61.1668) and so dalt all aftyr +tat wern yn +te chyrche . (CMMIRK,61.1669) And so scho come to +tys woman (CMMIRK,61.1670) and +gaf hur a candull , (CMMIRK,61.1671) and +ten was scho fayne . (CMMIRK,61.1672) Then segh scho a prest and too dekens honestly reueschet , wyth too sergeberers goyng to +te auter ; (CMMIRK,61.1673) and as hur +to+gt Crist was +te pryst , two angels +te too dekens , (CMMIRK,61.1674) and Laurence and Vyncent +tay beren +te serges . (CMMIRK,61.1675) And so too +gong men begonnen +te masse wyth a mery note . (CMMIRK,61.1676) So when +te $gospell was red , +te qwene of maydens furst offered hur condull to +te prest , and soo aftyr ych on yn rew . (CMMIRK,61.1677) But when all haden offryd , and +tis prest abode aftyr +tis woman , +te qwene sayde to hyr (CMMIRK,61.1678) and bade hyr goo offyr . (CMMIRK,61.1679) And when +tys messager had sayde hys ernde , +tys woman vnswared scho wold not leue hyr serge , but scho wold kepe hit for gret deuocyon . (CMMIRK,61.1680) Then send +te qwene ano+ter messager (CMMIRK,61.1681) and bade say to hur +tat scho was vncurtes forto tary +te prest soo ; (CMMIRK,61.1682) and but yf scho wold offyr hit wyth a good wyll , scho bade take hit of hur . (CMMIRK,61.1683) +Get scho sayde nay , (CMMIRK,61.1684) scho wold not offyr vp hur serge . (CMMIRK,61.1685) Then +tys messager wold haue taken hyt of hur wyth strength . (CMMIRK,61.1686) But for scho huld so fast bytwyx hom two , +te serge brake yn +te myddys . (CMMIRK,61.1687) And half +te messager bar forth , (CMMIRK,61.1688) and +tat o+ter part +te woman huld wyth hur . (CMMIRK,61.1689) And so yn wrastelyng , scho woke of hyr slepe (CMMIRK,61.1690) and foude halfe yn hor hond . (CMMIRK,61.1691) And scho +tonkyd oure lady hertly +tat scho was not wythout masse +tat day , and for scho +gaf hur such a relycke to kepe , whill scho lyued aftyr . (CMMIRK,61.1692) Narracio . (CMMIRK,61.1694) Ano+ter woman was of so euell lyuyng , +tat scho dyd neuer good dede yn hir lyue , (CMMIRK,61.1696) but only fonde a serge brennyng byfor an ymage of oure lady yn a chyrch . (CMMIRK,62.1697) Then fel hit , when scho was ded , fendys comen and fattyn hur soule to hell . (CMMIRK,62.1698) But when +tay wern at hell-+geate , +ter come two angelys (CMMIRK,62.1699) and rebuket +te fendes +tat +tay wern soo bold to fache any soule wythouten dome . (CMMIRK,62.1700) Then sayde +tay hur nedyd no dome , for scho had neuer don good dede yn hyr lyue . (CMMIRK,62.1701) Then sayden +te angeles : ' Bryngy+te +te soule byfor our lady ' ; (CMMIRK,62.1702) and soo +tay dydden . (CMMIRK,62.1703) But when hit was fond +tat scho dyd neuer good dede , scho most nede goo to hell . (CMMIRK,62.1704) Then sayde our lady : ' Scho fonde a serge befor me brennyng (CMMIRK,62.1705) and wold euer whyll scho had lyued ; (CMMIRK,62.1706) +ten wyll I be as kynd to hur as scho was to me . ' Wherfor scho bade an angell take a gret serge and lyght hyt , and bade hym sette hit so brennyng byfor hur yn hell , and commaunde +tat no fende schuld be so hardy forto come nygh hit , but let hit brenne +ter for euermor . (CMMIRK,62.1707) Then sayde +te fendes +tat hit schuld be a hoge confort to all +tat ben yn hell ; wherfor +tay had leuer leue +tat soule , +ten do such an ese to +te soules +tat ben yn payne . (CMMIRK,62.1708) +Ten bade oure lady an angyll to ber +te soule a+geyne to +te body , (CMMIRK,62.1709) and soo he dud . (CMMIRK,62.1710) And when scho was comen a+geyne to lyue , +ten scho be+toght hyr on +tat hard dome +tat scho was toward , (CMMIRK,62.1711) and +gede , (CMMIRK,62.1712) and scherof hyr ; (CMMIRK,62.1713) and was aftyr a good woman , (CMMIRK,62.1714) and seruet our lady deuotly all hur lyue-dayes aftyr , (CMMIRK,62.1715) and had +te blysse of Heuen . To +te wheche blis God bryng you and me to yf hyt be hys wyll . (CMMIRK,62.1716) Amen . (CMMIRK,62.1717) 15 . (CMMIRK,62.1719) DE DOMINICA IN SEPTUAGESIMA BREUIS SERMO . (CMMIRK,62.1720) Good men and woymen , +ge schull all know well +tat +tys day is called Sonday yn +te Septagesin . (CMMIRK,62.1722) Then for enchesen +tat holy chyrche ys modyr to all cristen pepull , scho taketh hede to hyr chyldern as a good modyr ouyth forto do , (CMMIRK,62.1723) and seyth hom all sore seke yn +te sekenes of synne , and mony of hom wonded to de+te wyth +te swerd of synne . +Te wheche sekenesse +tay haue caght all +tys +gere before , but namely +tes Cristynmasse-dayes +tat wern ordeynet in holy chyrche for gret solempnyte . (CMMIRK,62.1724) For yche man schuld +tat tyme make more solempnyte , and more bysyly , and more mekely , and more deuotly serue God +ten any o+ter tyme of +te +gere ; for cause +tat God schewed all mankynd thelke dayes hegh swetnes of his loue , +tat he wold lowen hymself so , forto be born yn +te same flesche and blod as on of vs , and was layde yn a cracche more porly +ten any of vs , and aftyr was folowed yn watyr as won of vs , and come to a weddyng , hymself and his modyr wyth his dyscypuls , forto halow weddyng and forto clanse hit of synne all forto make vs holy , and bre+tern to hym , and ayres of +te blysse of Heuen . (CMMIRK,63.1725) For +tes causes , men and woymen yn old tyme wern full glad yn soule this tyme , (CMMIRK,63.1726) and maden gret solempnite , making homselfe clene yn body and yn soule of all ful+te and vnclennes of synne , (CMMIRK,63.1727) and dyddyn grownd hom yn sadde loue to God and to hor euen-cristen , doyng gret almes , yche mon aftyr hys hauyng , to hom +tat haden nede . (CMMIRK,63.1728) But now more harme ys +tat solempnite and holynes ys turned ynto ful+te of synne and sekenes of soule , ynto pryde by dyuerse gyses of clo+tyng , (CMMIRK,63.1729) into couetyse wylnyng worschyp on byfor ano+ter vnskylfully ; (CMMIRK,63.1730) into envy , for on ys arayde bettyr +ten ano+ter ; (CMMIRK,63.1731) in gloteny by surfet of dyuerse metys and drynkes ; (CMMIRK,63.1732) into lechery +tat seweth alway gloteny ; (CMMIRK,63.1733) into slou+te of Goddys seruyce liyng yn +te morow-tyde long yn bedde for owtrage wakyng ouer nyght ; (CMMIRK,63.1734) in rawtyng , in reuelyng , and playes of vanyte , in iapys makyng of rybawdy and harlottry , so +tat he ys most worthi +tat most rybawdy can make and spende . (CMMIRK,63.1735) +Tus +te holy dayes of +tat fest +tat wer ordeynt yn hegh worschyp to God and to hys sayntys , now ben turned ynto hegh offence of God and ynto gret hyndryng and loos of manys sowle . Wherfor holy chyrche seyng hir chyldryn far +tus , as a modyr full of compassyon for +te gret myslykyng +tat scho ha+te yn hyr hert for hom , +tys day , scho layth downe Alleluia and o+ter songys of melody , and take+te for+te tractus , +tat ben songys of mowrnyng , and sykyng , and longyng . (CMMIRK,63.1736) And also for +te holy sacrament of weddyng ys moche defoulet by suche vanytes , scho layth hom downe +tes dayes +tat ben comyng , and yn +te Aduent , and also for new weddet +geuen hom to lykyng and lust of hor body , and +tenke all on +te lyfe , and noght on +te deth . (CMMIRK,63.1737) But , as a holy clerke sayth , hit ys moche more spedfull to manys soule forto goo to +te house $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} a cors ys , +tat all wepen +ten to +te hous +tat all reuely+te and laghyth ; (CMMIRK,64.1738) for such worldys murthe makyth a man to for+gete his God and hymselfe alsoo . (CMMIRK,64.1739) But $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} ys +te syght of corses and wepyng , +tat makyth a man to thenke on his deth , +tat ys +te chefe helpe to put away synne and +te worldys vanyte . (CMMIRK,64.1740) For so taght Salamon his sonne (CMMIRK,64.1741) and bade hym haue hys last ende yn mynde , (CMMIRK,64.1742) and +ten he schuld neuer synne dedly . (CMMIRK,64.1743) Then holy chyrche , hauyng gret compassyon of hure chyldryn , ordeyned +tre maner of saluys to hele hur chyldryn wyth ; (CMMIRK,64.1744) that ben : to thynke on de+te ynwardly , forto labyr bysyly , and forto chastyce +te body resnably . (CMMIRK,64.1745) To +te fyrst , forto thenke on deth ynwardly , holy chyrche +geuyth an ensampull +tus yn +te offyce of +te masse . (CMMIRK,64.1746) +Ter he saythe +tus : ' Circumdederunt me gemitus mortis . ' That ys in Englisch : ' The sykyngys of deth hauen vmbeclypped me . ' (CMMIRK,64.1747) +Tus sayth he techyng his good chyldryn , forto haue yn mynde how hard he ys vmbstad wyth deth on yche syde yn so moch , +tat he may not away-scape ; (CMMIRK,64.1748) but euer de+te sewyth hym wyth his bow drawen and an arow +teryn redy to choton at hym , (CMMIRK,64.1749) he wot neuer wher ne what tyme . (CMMIRK,64.1750) +Tys ys a pryncypall salue to ych man +tat take+te hit to hert , to put away all maner worldes vanyte , and vayn murthe , and reuell . (CMMIRK,64.1751) But forto vndyrstond +tys +te bettyr , I schew +tys by ensampull . (CMMIRK,64.1752) Narracio . (CMMIRK,64.1754) I rede of a kyng +tat was a man euer hevy of chere , and wold neuer lagh ne make glad chere ; but euer was yn mornyng and heuynesse . (CMMIRK,64.1756) Then , for his meyne and all o+ter men wern greuet +terwyth , +tay +godyn to +te kyngys bro+ter prayng hym forto speke to +te kyng +tat he wer of gladdyr chere , yn comfort of all his meyne and all othyr . (CMMIRK,64.1757) Then went hys brothyr to +te kyng (CMMIRK,64.1758) and sayde +tat he greuet all +tat werne aboute hym , wyth his heuy chere , (CMMIRK,64.1759) and counselyt hym forto leue +tat heuy cowntenance and taken lyghtyr chere to hym , yn tyme comyng . (CMMIRK,64.1760) Then was +te kyng wyse , (CMMIRK,64.1761) and +toght forto chast hys $brothyr by a wyle , (CMMIRK,64.1762) and wro+tly bade hym go hom and medyll hym of +tat he had to do of , and noght of hym . (CMMIRK,64.1763) Then was hit +te maner of +tat contre +tat when any man shuld be don to deth , ther shuld come trompers and trompe befor +te +geate . (CMMIRK,65.1764) +Ten sende +te kyng trompers byddyng trompe befor his brothyr +geate , and men wyth , forto haue rest hym and bryng hym to hym . (CMMIRK,65.1765) But , +tis mene whyle , +te kyng called to hym VII men +tat he tryst , (CMMIRK,65.1766) and bade hom , when hys brothyr come , forto drawe hor swerdys and stond aboute hym , wyth all +te poyntys about hys hert . (CMMIRK,65.1767) Soo , when +tys brothyr was comen , anon +tes VII men dydden as +te kyng bade . (CMMIRK,65.1768) Then +te kyng commawndyt all men forto dawnce and to make al +te reuell +tat +tay couthe , on yche syde ; (CMMIRK,65.1769) and so +tay dydden . (CMMIRK,65.1770) Then sayde +te kyng to hys brothyr : ' Brothyr , why art +tou of so heuy a schere ? (CMMIRK,65.1771) Heue vp +tyn hert , (CMMIRK,65.1772) and make mery . (CMMIRK,65.1773) Lo , al +tys myr+te ys made yn comfort of +te ! ' (CMMIRK,65.1774) Then vnswared he (CMMIRK,65.1775) and sayde : ' How schuld I be of any chere , and se here VII swerdys set to my hert , and wot neuer wheche of hom schall furst be my dethe ? ' (CMMIRK,65.1776) Then sayde +te kyng : ' Put vp your swerdys ! ' (CMMIRK,65.1777) and spake to his bro+tyr +tus : ' Hit faryth by me wher +tat euer y be , +te VII dedly synnys ben euer redy , forto rowe me to +te hert ; (CMMIRK,65.1778) and +tys makyth me +tat I make no gladdyr chere , (CMMIRK,65.1779) but euer am aferde of my sowle de+te . ' (CMMIRK,65.1780) Then sayde his bro+ter : ' Syr , y crye you mercy ! (CMMIRK,65.1781) I knew +tys neuer or now ; (CMMIRK,65.1782) and now schall I be wysyr whyle +tat I lyue . ' Wherfor y say $boldely : he +tat wyll take +tys to hert , he schall haue bettyr lust forto lowren +ten to lagh , forto syke +ten forto syng , to reme +ten rymov , to drowpe +ten to daunce ; so +tat he schall fynde mynde of de+te +te pryncipall helpe for all maner synne . (CMMIRK,65.1783) That othyr salue ys forto labur bysyly . (CMMIRK,65.1784) To +tis labour Seynt Paule , yn hys pystyll of +tys day , teche+te and saythe +tus : ' Sic currite , ut comprehendatys . ' (CMMIRK,65.1785) ' Rennyth soo +tat +ge may gripe +te gome . ' (CMMIRK,65.1786) By +tys gomen and rennyng +ge schall vndyrstond bysy labour . (CMMIRK,65.1787) For he +tat renny+te for +te gamen , he enforsu+te hym yn all his myght to ren swyftly . (CMMIRK,65.1788) So most yche good seruand enforse hym forto laboure yn +te degre +tat God hath sette hym yn . (CMMIRK,65.1789) Men of holy chyrche schuld labour bysily prayng and studiyng forto teche Godys pepull ; (CMMIRK,65.1790) lordys and o+ter rented men schuld labur bysyly , to kepe holy chirch yn pees and rest , and all othyr comyn pepull ; (CMMIRK,65.1791) the comyns schuld labour bysyly , forto gete lyflode to homselfe and to all o+tir . (CMMIRK,65.1792) Then , for no man ne no woman schuld excuse hym of +tys labour , God yn +te gospell of +tys day +geue+te an ensampull , sayyng +tus : ' A husband-man +gede yn +te morow at pryme , and eftsones at vndyr , and efte at mydday , and eftsonys at none of +te day , and at euensong , (CMMIRK,66.1793) and hyryd men to his vyne+gorde for labour . ' (CMMIRK,66.1794) Soo by all +te tydes of +te day , all +te ages and degres ben vndyrstonden , (CMMIRK,66.1795) and ben hyred by Good , forto labour whyll +tay ben yn +tis world . (CMMIRK,66.1796) For , as Iop saythe , a mon ys borne to labour ; (CMMIRK,66.1797) and Seynt Barnard seyth : ' He +tat wyll not labour her wyth men , he schall labour yn hell wyth fendes . ' (CMMIRK,66.1798) For +tat ys +te testament +tat Adam laft to all his ospryng : labour and sorow . (CMMIRK,66.1799) To +tys labour holy $chyrche +geueth ensampull , $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} he , +tys day , rehersyth how God made Adam and Eue , forto laboure and to kepe paradyse , and bade hom ete of all +te treun yn paradyse , excepte won tre +tat he kepte a chefe to hymselfe . (CMMIRK,66.1800) So , as oft as +tay sen +tat tre , +tay schuld +tenke on hym , and know hym as for God ; (CMMIRK,66.1801) and for +tay schuld not be to for+getfull yn hor wele , he forbade hom to ete +terof yn payne of deth . (CMMIRK,66.1802) Then , for +te fende segh hom +ter yn so moche wele and hymselfe yn so moche payne , he had envy to hom , (CMMIRK,66.1803) and +gede to Eue , (CMMIRK,66.1804) and asked Eue why +tay ete not of +tat tre . (CMMIRK,66.1805) +Ten sayde scho : ' For God had forbedyn vs +tat tre , in payne of deth . ' (CMMIRK,66.1806) Then sayde +te fende : ' He wot full well +tat what tyme $ge $eten {TEXT:+geten} +terof , +ge schull be as Godys , knowyng bo+te good and euell . (CMMIRK,66.1807) And yf +ge wyll preue +tat I say sothe , ete of +te tre (CMMIRK,66.1808) and say . ' (CMMIRK,66.1809) +Ten ete Eue of +te tre (CMMIRK,66.1810) and +gaf Adam ; (CMMIRK,66.1811) and fore Adam loued hyr and wold not wroth hur , ho toke an appull . (CMMIRK,66.1812) And anon +terwyth ay+ter segh o+terys schappe , (CMMIRK,66.1813) and wern aschamed of hyt , (CMMIRK,66.1814) and token leues of a fyge-tre (CMMIRK,66.1815) and hydden hit . (CMMIRK,66.1816) Then come God anon , (CMMIRK,66.1817) and for +tay myght not deyn yn paradyse ne suffyr payne +ter , he drof hom naket out of paradyse ynto +te wrecchet world , wepyng and sore sekyng . (CMMIRK,66.1818) +Ter +tay schulden drye woo and sorow , and gete hor mete wyth labour and swot , and dye at +te last . (CMMIRK,66.1819) Then prayde Adam sore wepyng to God +tat he schuld not set to hard vengens apon hym , but haue mercy apon hym , and haue reward how he synned by ygnorance , and not by males , and was deceyuet by envy of the fende . (CMMIRK,66.1820) Then had God rew+te of hym (CMMIRK,66.1821) and for +tay wer naket , he clo+ted hom wyth pylches , (CMMIRK,66.1822) and bade Adam labour and ete his mete wyth swote , and Eue bere hur bur+tes yn woo and payne ; (CMMIRK,66.1823) and +gaf Adam dyuerse ynstrumentys forto labour wyth , (CMMIRK,66.1824) and laft hym +ter . (CMMIRK,66.1825) By +tys ensampull +ge schull take hede forto labour bysyly ; (CMMIRK,67.1826) for yf Adam and Eue had bysyede hom yn labour , +te fende schuld not haue ouercomen hom so sone . (CMMIRK,67.1827) For +te fend kepyth no more when he woll tempte man , but fynd hym ydull . Wherfor +ge schull know well +tat hit ys a ryche salue to hele synne : labour bysyly . (CMMIRK,67.1828) The +tryd ys forto chastes +ty body dyscretly . (CMMIRK,67.1829) Herto Saynt Paule techyth vs yn +te pystyll of +tys day , +ter he sayth +tus : ' Castigo corpus meum et in seruitutem redigo . ' That ys yn Englysche : ' I chast my body and dresse hit ynto seruage of +te soule . ' (CMMIRK,67.1830) For mannys flesche ys so wyld and lusty to synne , +tat hyt wyll no way leue his lust and serue +te soule tyll hit be chastet wyth penance ; so +tat , by scharpenes of penaunce , +te lyking of synne schall be slayne yn +te flessche +tat dothe +te synne . (CMMIRK,67.1831) Thus dyd Adam and Eue yn ensampull to all +tat comen of hom . (CMMIRK,67.1832) For , fele +geres byfor hur deth , ay+ter of hom stode yn a watyr , nyghtys fer from o+ter , vp to +te chyn , for penaunce . (CMMIRK,67.1833) +Ten when hor flessch was grene as grece for cold , +te fend come to Eue , bryght as an angell , (CMMIRK,67.1834) and sayd to hur +tat God had send hym from Heuen , (CMMIRK,67.1835) and bade hur : ' Go to Adam (CMMIRK,67.1836) and say hym how +tat God byddyth hym sese of hys penaunce ; (CMMIRK,67.1837) for he ha+te don ynogh for hys gylt , and +tou also for +tyn . ' (CMMIRK,67.1838) Then +gode Eue to Adam (CMMIRK,67.1839) and sayde hym soo . (CMMIRK,67.1840) But , for Adam wyst well +tat +tys come of +te fende , and not of Godys sonde , he sayde to hur : ' When God drof vs out of paradyse for oure synne , and had compassyon of vs , when we wepyd on hym , and mekely prayde on hym for mercy , he set vs here , to do penaunce to our lyues ende . (CMMIRK,67.1841) But +ten , for suche a gret synne may not be qwaynt but wyth gret penaunce , +te more penaunce we don , +te more ys oure mede befor God . Wherfor go a+geyne ynto +ty penance yn Godys name . ' (CMMIRK,67.1842) Eft he come a+geyne to Eue (CMMIRK,67.1843) and sayde : ' God ha+te take rewarde of your gret penance +tat +ge suffren , (CMMIRK,67.1844) and hath for+geuen your synne ; wherfor byd Adam be glad and leue of his penance , lest God be wro+te wyth hym +tat he take no reward to his sonde . ' (CMMIRK,67.1845) Then , when Eue had sayde to Adam +tus , he vnswared and sayde : ' I wot well +tat oure penawnce greueth hym moch mor +ten vs , (CMMIRK,67.1846) and he ys aboute as moche as he may , to make vs to leue of , and so forto lese oure mede befor God . (CMMIRK,67.1847) But for God rewardyth a good endyng , and not +te begynnyng , +terfor lese we not our mede , (CMMIRK,68.1848) but do we forth oure penance tyll our lyues +gende . ' (CMMIRK,68.1849) +get +te +trid tyme he come a+geyne to hur (CMMIRK,68.1850) and sayde : ' Goo to Adam (CMMIRK,68.1851) and say +tat he began foule , and wel foulyr he woll ende . (CMMIRK,68.1852) For +ge gylton furst by ynnocens and by defaute of +te fende , (CMMIRK,68.1853) and now +ge synneth by good deliberacyon (CMMIRK,68.1854) and knoweth +tat +ge don mys ; wherfor your gylt ys now wors and dowbull dampnacyon or +tat hyt was before . ' (CMMIRK,68.1855) Then was Eue aferd , (CMMIRK,68.1856) and +gede to Adam , (CMMIRK,68.1857) and sayde hym soo . (CMMIRK,68.1858) +Ten sykut Adam sore (CMMIRK,68.1859) and sayde to hur : ' Vnsely woman , God of his goodnesse made of on of my rybbys forto helpe me ; (CMMIRK,68.1860) and now +tou art bysy by techyng of +te fende eft forto combyr me . (CMMIRK,68.1861) But +tenke on +tat ; (CMMIRK,68.1862) for oure forme synne stanke soo yn Godys nase , +tat all our ospryng schall be enfecte and $envenemode +terof ynto +te worldys ende . Wherfor +togh we myght do as moch penance as all our ospryng , hit wer to lytyll forto qwyt vs to our God . (CMMIRK,68.1863) But for God for hys he+g grace alowe+te a good wyll $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} myght fayleth , +terfor do we oure penance wyth a good wyll , +togh hit be lytyll whyll we ben here ; (CMMIRK,68.1864) and +ten I hope +tat God woll +geue vs +te oyle of mercy when tyme of mercy comyth . ' (CMMIRK,68.1865) Then +gede Eue a+geyne (CMMIRK,68.1866) and dud hyr penaunce mekely tyll hyr lyues ende . (CMMIRK,68.1867) And when +tay haden lyued IX hundyrt wyntyr and +trytty , and haden +tritty sonnes and +tritty doghtyrs , +tay deydyn , (CMMIRK,68.1868) and wer buriet yfere . (CMMIRK,68.1869) Thus , good men , know +tat Adam and Eue wern bo+te holy or +tay deydyn , and +toghten on de+te $ynwardly , and laburt bo+te bysely , and chastest hor body resnably ; (CMMIRK,68.1870) and so most all +tat comen of hom , +tat hopen forto come to +te joye of paradyse , and to +te lyfe +tat euer shall last . (CMMIRK,68.1871) In tokenyng of +tys , +tis Sonday ys called ' Yn Septuagesin , ' +tat ys a nowmbyr of syxty dayes and x . +Te wheche nowmbyr bygynnyth +tys day and endythe +te Settyrday yn +te Estyr-weke ; so +tat holy chyrche ys yn mornyng for hur chyldyr from +tis day ynto Setyrday yn Astyr-euen . (CMMIRK,68.1872) Then scho takythe comfort to hyr yn party (CMMIRK,68.1873) and sengyth on Alleluia wyth a tracte , for encheson +tat scho ys not +get yn full murth tyll Settyrday aftyr +tat ys callyd Settyrtday in Albis . (CMMIRK,68.1874) +Ten scho ley+t don tractys , and grayles , (CMMIRK,68.1875) and syngy+te dowbull Alleluia , techyng yche good Godis child forto do penance and labour jn longyng , tyll he come to Astyr Setyrday ; +tat is , tyll his soule passe to rest . (CMMIRK,68.1876) But +get +te sowle ys not yn full joy tyll Setyrday in Albys , +tat is , tyll +te day of dome when +te body and sowle schull come togedyr , and be yclo+ted in albys , +tat ys yn whit , seuen sy+tys brightyr +ten +te sonne . (CMMIRK,69.1877) And +ten schull +tay syng yfere dowbull Alleluia yn +te joye +tat euer schall last . To +te whech ioy God bryng you and me , yf hit be his wyll . (CMMIRK,69.1878) Amen . (CMMIRK,69.1879) 16 . (CMMIRK,69.1881) DE DOMINICA IN SEXAGESIMA BREUIS SERMO . (CMMIRK,69.1882) Goode men and woymen , +tys day ys called yn holy chirch Sonday yn Sexagesin . (CMMIRK,69.1884) +Ten +ge schull knowe well +tat Sexagesin ys sette for a nowmbur of +tre score . By +te whech nowmbyr +ge schull vndyrstond +tat holy chyrche techeth yche man and woman , to +tenke on how schort a mannis lyfe is now in our dayes o+ter +tat hit was in olde tyme before . (CMMIRK,69.1885) For , summe tyme , men lyuedon IX hundyrt wyntur and more ; (CMMIRK,69.1886) but , now , he +tat lyuy+te +tre score +ger or summewhat more , he ys taken for a long lyuyng man . (CMMIRK,69.1887) But +te goodnes of God ys so moche , +tat yf we wyll be wyse yn our schort lyue forto plese God and saue our soules , he woll +geue vs as moche mede yn Heuen , as he +gaf hom +tat lyued soo mony +geres . (CMMIRK,69.1888) +Ten he +tat woll haue +tat mede of God , he most haue +tre +tynges wythe hym ; +tat ys : forto suffyr tribulacyon mekly , forto do almes-dede dyscretly , and forto hate synne namly . (CMMIRK,69.1889) +Ten , for a manys dayes byn schort , he most suffyr +te more tribulacyon wyth good wyll , and not wyth grychyng a+geyne hym . (CMMIRK,69.1890) For hyt comy+te of specyall grace of God when he sendys any man tribulacyon o+ter any dysese ; (CMMIRK,69.1891) for hyt ys o+ter for remedy of his synnys forto haue his penance here , o+ter yn hey encres of his joy befor God . (CMMIRK,69.1892) +Ten , for Saynt Paule , Godis holy apostoll , woll +tat yche man take ensampull by hym forto suffyr tribulacyon wyth good wyll , he rehersyth yn +te pystyll of +tys day moche of +te tribulacyon +tat he suffyrd (CMMIRK,69.1893) and saythe thus : ' I haue be put ynto prison oft-tymes , and suffyrd wondys of gret chaynes and o+ter dyuerse yrens ; and fyue tymes betyn wyth scorgys of +te Iewes , and had yche tyme nene and +trytty strokes on my bare body ; and +tryse beton wyth +gardys of paynones ; and onys beton wyth stons ; and +tryse ben yn schipwrak on +te see , and was yn +te grond of +te see on nyght and on day ; and ofte-tyme in pareyle of flodys , and yn pareyl of +teves , and yn pareyle of fals bre+tern +tat schewedon hom to me louyng and trewe , and werne false and entyset o+ter to do me doses . ' (CMMIRK,70.1894) He rehersyth all +te woo +tat he suffyrd yn dyuerse trauayls , yn myscheves , yn colde , yn nakedschip , yn +turst , yn hongur , yn long wakyng , yn fastyng , and yn mony o+ter myscheves +tat he suffurd , +tat wern to long to tell . (CMMIRK,70.1895) And all he suffyrd wyth good wyll , (CMMIRK,70.1896) and euer +tonked God of hys swete sonde ; (CMMIRK,70.1897) for wele he wyst +tat all +te doses +tat God send to hym , was for syn +tat he dyd befor , and for encrese of his meryt aftyr . Wherfor yche man +tat will plese God - what maner doses come+te to hym , be hit sekenes , be hit lose of goodys +tat ben worldly , o+ter deth of any frende - take hyt as esely as +ge may ; (CMMIRK,70.1898) for in tyme aftyr when he is maystyr of hymselfe , +ten +tonke he God (CMMIRK,70.1899) and pray hym mekely of mercy of his ynpaciens . (CMMIRK,70.1900) God knowe+te your fragelte , (CMMIRK,70.1901) and +terfor he for+geueth sone all +to +tat askyth hym mercy wyth a meke hert . (CMMIRK,70.1902) +Tus most a man suffyr tribulacyon mekely . (CMMIRK,70.1903) He most also do almys-dede dyscretly , +te wheche byn fyguret by +tes Syxagesin +tat byn syxty dayes . (CMMIRK,70.1904) For syxty ys syx tymys ten , so +tat by +te syx +ge schull vndyrstond +te syx werkes of charyte +tat comen out of +te ten commawndementys of God . +Te whech werkes byn : forto +gyue mete to +te hongry ; forto +geue drynke to +te +tursty ; to clo+te hom +tat byn acold for defaute of clo+tes ; forto +geue hom herber +tat hauen non ; forto help hom +tat byn seke of +tat hom nedyth ; forto viset presoners , and socour hom wyth mete , and drynke , and o+ter +tat hom nedyth ; (CMMIRK,70.1905) and othyr werke holy chyrch layth to ; +tat ys : forto bury +te pore +tat ha+te no helpe as Toby dude . (CMMIRK,70.1906) +Tys ben +te werkes of charite and of mercy +te whech ych man and woman most nedely do , +tat wyll haue mercy of God yn +te dredfull day of dome . Wherfor +tis Sexagesin bygynnyth +tys day and endyth +te Wonnysday yn Astyr-weke ; +te wheche holy chyrche syngu+te : ' Venite benedicti Patrys mei etc. , ' that ys in Englysche : ' Com +ge , my fadyrys blessed chyldyrne , and takyth +te kyndome of Heuen +tat ys ordeynt to you . ' (CMMIRK,70.1907) Thes same wordys God schall say to you at +te day of dome and to all +tat han don +te werkes of mercy dyscretly . Wherfor all +tat han wherof , +tay moten do hom yn dede ; and +tay +tat haue not wherof , +tay moten haue good wylle forto do , yf +tay hadyn wherof ; so +tat hor good wyll schall fulfyll +tat hor nonpower may not . (CMMIRK,71.1908) Then , for +tes werkes moten be don dyscretly , lest a man lese all yfere , God techythe by ensampull yn +te gospell of +tys day how +tay schull be don (CMMIRK,71.1909) and seythe +tus : ' A mon +gode out , forto sowe his sede ; (CMMIRK,71.1910) and when he sew , som sede fell by +te way , (CMMIRK,71.1911) and fowles of +te ayre etyn hit ; (CMMIRK,71.1912) and som fell on a stone , (CMMIRK,71.1913) and hit dryet vp for defaute of humore ; (CMMIRK,71.1914) and somme fell among +tornes , (CMMIRK,71.1915) and hoo in +te grownde choket hit ; (CMMIRK,71.1916) and som fell yn good erthe , (CMMIRK,71.1917) and hyt bro+gt furthe frute an hundyrthfold . ' (CMMIRK,71.1918) This way say+te Cryst : ' I am +te way to Heuen . ' Wherfor his sede fallyth bysyde +te way , +tat +geue+te hys almes not only for Crystys loue , but for pompe of +te world , and vayn glory , and forto be holden a holy man ; and so lesy+te al yfere . (CMMIRK,71.1919) Narracio . (CMMIRK,71.1921) I rede +tat +ter was a wondyr $rych {TEXT:ry_h} man , som tyme , yn Eirlond , (CMMIRK,71.1923) and dyd so mony almys-dedys yn hys lyue , +tat all men wendon +tat he had ben a gret seynt before God . (CMMIRK,71.1924) But when he was ded , he apered to won +tat loued hym wele yn his lyue , as blak as pyche wyth an horrybull stenche , (CMMIRK,71.1925) and sayde to hym : ' +ge wenyn I am a saynt ; (CMMIRK,71.1926) but now I am such as +tou may se . ' (CMMIRK,71.1927) Then sayde +tat o+ter : ' Wher byn all +tyn almys-dedys bycomen ? ' (CMMIRK,71.1928) +Ten sayde he : ' +Te wynd of vayn glorye hathe blowen hom away . ' (CMMIRK,71.1929) Thus he +tat do+te almys-dedys for vayne glorie , he lesyth all his mede , (CMMIRK,71.1930) and fendys of +te ayre strien hit . (CMMIRK,71.1931) His sede fallyth on a stone , +tat +geuyth his almys to suche as he knoweth well , +tat ben groundyd in dedly synne and woll not leue hit , (CMMIRK,71.1932) or whosoo mantaynyth hom yn hor synne , he lesy+te his mede . (CMMIRK,71.1933) His sede also +tat fallyth among +tornes , +tat +geuyth hys almes to ryche men +tat haue no nede +terto , and also +geuyth hit to his seruandys in reward of hor hyre , and soo lesyth hys mede . (CMMIRK,71.1934) But his sede fally+te yn good erthe , +tat +geueth his almes to good , pore , trew men +tat ben Godys ayr , and othyr wher +ter he wot , hit ys almes . (CMMIRK,71.1935) And +tys sede schall +geld a hundrethfold fruyt , and be euerlastyng fode yn Heuen . (CMMIRK,72.1936) +Tus +ge +tat don almes dyscretly , schull haue +gour fode yn Heuen perpetuall . (CMMIRK,72.1937) He most also hate syn namely , and sle hit yn all +tat he may ; (CMMIRK,72.1938) for he +tat hatyth synne , louyth God , (CMMIRK,72.1939) and God louyth hym ; (CMMIRK,72.1940) and so he is made on spyryte wyth God . (CMMIRK,72.1941) God hatyth synne so moche , +tat he toke vengeans on all +te world , as holy chyrche nowe makyth mynde , and namely for synne of $lechery and of vowtrye , and for synne a+geyne kynd . (CMMIRK,72.1942) Then , for God segh +tis wikednes namly of +tes synnys regnyng yn +te world , he sayde +tus : ' Me forthenkyth +tat I made man . ' Wherfor he sayde to Noye : ' All +te world ys enfect wyth synne so greuesly , +tat I woll strye hit wyth a flod . Wherfor make +te a schyppe , as I woll teche +te , of planke-bordes , and make chambors +teryn , and take of all clene bestys +tre coupull and on by hymself of all o+ter vnclene bestys take on cowpull yn , and mete wyth hom . ' (CMMIRK,72.1943) Then made Noye +tys schyppe as God taght hym , sqware in +te bo+tom , of +tre hundyrt cubytes yn lengthe , and yn brede fyfty cubytys , and +trytty cubites yn heght ; so +tat +tis schippe was yn makyng a hundyrt wyntyr , forto schew how mercyable God ys , and how lo+te he ys to do vengeans . (CMMIRK,72.1944) And he do+te hit , forto loke yf men wold amend and aske mercy . (CMMIRK,72.1945) But for +te pepull wold not amende , but was euer +te lengyr +te worse , al maner of bestys , as God bade byfore , werne jbroght byfore Noye by help of +te angelys , and don yn +te schippe . (CMMIRK,72.1946) And when all wern broght yn , God bade Noye and his +tre sonnes goo ynto +te schyppe by homself ; and Noyeys wyfe and hys sonnes wyues by homselfe ; for encheson +tat , yn tyme of affliccyon , men schuld absten hom from coupull of woymen . (CMMIRK,72.1947) So when +tay wern alle in , God closud +te dore aftyr hom wythout-forth ; (CMMIRK,72.1948) and +ten hit rayned so gretly fourty dayes and fourty nyghtys , +tat +te watyr bare +te schyppe herre +ten any hull by fyfty cubytys , (CMMIRK,72.1949) and stod so styll an hundyrt dayes and fyfty , (CMMIRK,72.1950) And so was all +te world drownet , bo+te man and best , outtaken hom +tat werne in +te schyppe . (CMMIRK,72.1951) Neuer+teles Ioseph sayth +tat in Armeny ys a hull +tat ys called Baris , +tat was herre +ten +te watyr where mony men and woymen were ysaued , as men haue an oppynyon . (CMMIRK,72.1952) +Ter was Noye a twolfmony+te yn +te schyppe . (CMMIRK,73.1953) +Ten he put out a raven forto bryng worde yf +te watyr wer all sesyd or no . (CMMIRK,73.1954) +Ten fond +tys rauen a drowned careyn , (CMMIRK,73.1955) and fulled hym +terof , (CMMIRK,73.1956) and come not a+geyne . (CMMIRK,73.1957) Aftyr Noye send a culuer out +tat come a+geyne wyth a branche of an olyue-tre in hur byll ; wherby Noye knew +tat +te watyr was sesyt and +tonkyd God heghly . (CMMIRK,73.1958) Then when God bade hym go out , he +gede out , (CMMIRK,73.1959) and toke out +te hed-best of +te clene bestys , (CMMIRK,73.1960) and brent hym yn offryng to God . Wherfor God was so wele payde +tat he +gaf hym and all men aftyr hym leue forto ete flesche of clene bestys , and forto drynke wyne $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} befor +te flod men etyn no flessche , ne drynkyd no drynke but watyr ; (CMMIRK,73.1961) for +te erthe was so badfull byfor , +tat hom nedud non o+ter fode , but suche as come of +te erth . (CMMIRK,73.1962) +Tus , good men , +ge most vndyrstond how gret vengeans God toke on +te world for wykednesse of synne , (CMMIRK,73.1963) and now , more harme ys , +te pepull ar as full of synne as +tay wer +tat tyme ; (CMMIRK,73.1964) and +terfor God will take vengeans , ner +te prayers of holy sayntys and specyaly of our lady . (CMMIRK,73.1965) Narracio . (CMMIRK,73.1967) For +tis I rede yn +te lyfe of Seynt Domink (CMMIRK,73.1969) when he was on a nyght yn his deuocyons he segh our Lord Ihesu holdyng +tre speres yn his hond , redy forto schote to +te world for vengeans . (CMMIRK,73.1970) Then come our lady anon , (CMMIRK,73.1971) and kneled befor hym , (CMMIRK,73.1972) and sayde : ' My dere sonne and swet , what wyll +ge do ? ' (CMMIRK,73.1973) Then sayde he : ' Dere modyr , +te world ys so full of pride , and of couetyse , and of lechery ; wherfor , wyth +tese +tre swerdys , I woll schote at hom . ' (CMMIRK,73.1974) Then sayde our lady : ' My swete sonne , haue mercy , (CMMIRK,73.1975) and +get abyde a whyle ; (CMMIRK,73.1976) I haue on trew seruand , +te wheche schall goo , and preche , and turne +te world to +te . ' (CMMIRK,73.1977) And so scho send forth Saynt Domink , (CMMIRK,73.1978) and bade hym go , and preche Godys worde , and turne +te pepull ; (CMMIRK,73.1979) and so he dude . (CMMIRK,73.1980) Thus , good men , +ge haue herde how by prayer of our lady and by prechyng of +tys good man , God spared to do vengeans +tat tyme . (CMMIRK,73.1981) But nowe , more harme ys , +te pepull ys combyrt wyth +te same synne , (CMMIRK,73.1982) and ys full like to be smytten wyth +te same vengeans o+ter wyth wors ; (CMMIRK,73.1983) for now +te pepull setty+te but lytyll by God : (CMMIRK,73.1984) for +tagh +tay heren prechyng and techyng , +tay wyll not amendde hom , ny leue hor synne . Wherfor God smyty+te yn parte now , and woll hereaftyr well hardyr and sarre . Wherfor +ge schull pray to God to hold vp his hond of vengeans +tat hyt fall not yn our dayes ; but +tat we may come to amendement and haue +te blysse +tat he bo+gt vs to . To +te wheche blysse God bryng you and me , yf hit be hys wyll . (CMMIRK,74.1985) Amen . (CMMIRK,74.1986) 17 . (CMMIRK,74.1988) DE DOMINICA IN QUINQUAGESIMA SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,74.1989) Good men and woymen , +tys day is callet yn holy chyrche Sonday yn Quinquagesin . (CMMIRK,74.1991) +Ten schull +ge know +tat +tys word quinquagesin ys an nowmbur of fyfty , +te wheche nowmbur bytokenyth remission and ioye . (CMMIRK,74.1992) For yn +te old lawe , ych fyfty wynter , all men and woymen +tat wern sette wyth seruice and bondage , +tay wern made fre in gret ioy and murth to hom . Wherfor +tys nowmbur bygynnyth +tys day , and endyth yn Estyrday , schewyng +tat yche godys-seruand +tat ys oppressyd wyth tribulacyon , and takyth hit mekely yn his hert , he schall be made fre yn his resurrecyon : +tat ys yn +te day of dome , and be made +te ayre of +te kyndome of Heuen . (CMMIRK,74.1993) And +get yn more comfort of all Godys pepull yche fyfte +gere , +te pope of Rome graunty+te a full remyssion of all synnys to yche man and weman +tat comyth to Rome +tat +gere . (CMMIRK,74.1994) But for all men may not come +tedyr and haue +tys pardon , +terfor +te Pope of Heuen , Ihesu Cryst , of his specyall grace graunty+te all men and woymen full pardon of hor synnys yn hor deth-day , so +tat +tay woll kepe by hor lyue +tre +tyngys +tat ben nedefull to hom . +Te wheche ben +tese : full contricion wyth schryft , full charite wythout feynyng , and stabull fayth wythout flateryng . (CMMIRK,74.1995) And , sothly , wythout +tes +tre , +ter may no man haue pardon at Rome ne elleswher . Wherfor he +tat wyll be asoylet of +te Pope of Heuen , and haue playne remyssyon of hys synnys , he most be full contryte , +tat ys , ynwardly sory for hys synnys and his gyltes ; and so schryue hym clene , and be yn full purpos neuer forto synne more . (CMMIRK,74.1996) Whoso do+te +tus , leue he wele , God for+geuyth hym his trespas , and full perdon +terof . (CMMIRK,75.1997) For a man may haue suche a contricion , +tat hyt schall quench all +te paynes +tat wer ordeynt for hym . (CMMIRK,75.1998) Ensampull we haue of Petyr +tat forsoke Cryst wyth he+g othys . (CMMIRK,75.1999) But for he was contryte , and byttyrly wepte , +terfor God +tat ys full of mercy , foraf hym his trespas , (CMMIRK,75.2000) and made hym more chere +teraftyr +ten he dude byfore . (CMMIRK,75.2001) Ano+ter ensampull . (CMMIRK,75.2002) I fynde +tat +ter was a gret man and was so wykyd of lyvyng , +tat all demede hym to helle . (CMMIRK,75.2003) +Ten happyd hym so , +tat he fell seke yn his de+te-bed . (CMMIRK,75.2004) And when he felde he schuld be ded , he +toght how wyckedly he had ylyued before , (CMMIRK,75.2005) and caght such a contricion in his hert , +tat he wepte day and nyght , (CMMIRK,75.2006) and neuer sesed seuen dayes +tat he lyued . (CMMIRK,75.2007) And made prestys to be wyth hym , day and nyght ; (CMMIRK,75.2008) and euer as hys synne come to mynde , wyth hegh repentance , he schrof hym , (CMMIRK,75.2009) and euer cryed to God of mercy deuotly , +tat iche man ha+te rewthe of hym . (CMMIRK,75.2010) And so deyd fruth . (CMMIRK,75.2011) Then was +ter bysyde , in an abbay , a monke +tat deyd +tat same tyme , +tat +tis man dude , (CMMIRK,75.2012) and was bedon by his abbot com a+geyne , and telle hym of hys state . (CMMIRK,75.2013) And so he dude , (CMMIRK,75.2014) and sayde to his abbot : ' Syr , I am come as +ge bade me . (CMMIRK,75.2015) +Geue me leue to go my way ; (CMMIRK,75.2016) for I goo to joye . ' (CMMIRK,75.2017) +Ten sayde +te abbot : ' Was +ter any soule +tat +gede to +te joye wythout payne , +tat day , +tat +tou dyddyst dye ? ' (CMMIRK,75.2018) +Ten sayde +te monke : ' For so+te on and no moo , (CMMIRK,75.2019) and +tat was +te soule of +tat man , ' (CMMIRK,75.2020) and told his nome . (CMMIRK,75.2021) +Ten sayde +te abbot : ' Now I se well +tat +tou art a fend , and not my monke +tat art ycomyn , to temp me ; (CMMIRK,75.2022) for well I wot , +gyf any sowle be yn payne , +ten ys hys soule . ' (CMMIRK,75.2023) Then sayde +te monke : ' Ful vnwor+ty ys any man to knowe +te pryuete of Godis dome . (CMMIRK,75.2024) +Tat man had suche contricyon , and wepte so byttyrly , er +tat he deyd , for hys synnys , +tat +te watyr of his een persued all hys clo+tis , and +te brest , and so don into +te erthe . Wherfor goo +tedyr to-morrow , and when +tou fyndyst hit so+te +tat I say , leue +tat I am trew and goo to joye . ' (CMMIRK,75.2025) Then +gede +te abbot +tedyr ; (CMMIRK,75.2026) and when he fonde all sothe +tat +te monk told , +ten he knelyd don , (CMMIRK,75.2027) and herut God , (CMMIRK,75.2028) and bade all men be glad : (CMMIRK,75.2029) for he was +tus certefyet , +tat his soule was yn blysse . (CMMIRK,75.2030) +Tus +te gret contrycyon +tat +tys man hadde , er he deyd , quenched +te gret payne +tat was ordeynt to hym . (CMMIRK,75.2031) Hereby +ge may know opynly how spedfull hyt ys to a man to be contrite of his synnys . Wherfor forto draw men to contricion namly +tes fyfty dayes , +te fyft psalme of +te sauter , +tat ys : ' Miserere mei , Deus ! ' ys more rehersyd +tes dayes +ten any o+ter tyme of +te +gere . +Te wheche ys +tus to say yn Englysche : ' God , aftyr +ty gret mercy haue mercy on me ; and aftyr +ty multytude of +ty mercyus , do away my wickednesse ! ' and soo forth . (CMMIRK,76.2033) Thus when a man ys sory for hys synnys and sayth +tes wordys wyth full hert , God heryth his prayer (CMMIRK,76.2034) and for+geueth hym hys trespas , so +tat he be yn full wyll to amende hym yn tyme comyng , and also full of charyte wythout faynyng . (CMMIRK,76.2035) For , what maner vertu +tat a man haue , but yf he be yn charyte , hit stondys hym in no vayle ; (CMMIRK,76.2036) for +togh he wepe and crye to God : whyll he ys wythout charyte to any of hys euencristen , God heryth hym not . (CMMIRK,76.2037) Herto acordyth Seynt Paule yn +te pystyll of +tys day (CMMIRK,76.2038) and sayth +tus : ' Thagh I were as eloquent yn speche as any man or any angell ; +tagh I had prophecyus and knew +te priuetyes of God ; or +tagh I had so full fayth , +tat I myght remewe hylles ; or +tagh I dalt all my goodys to pore men for Godys sake ; or +tagh I put my body to brenne for Godys loue : +gif I haue no charite , all prophetyth me noght . ' Wherfor , +tagh a man wenyth he leue+te his God and loue not hys euencristen , he ys dysceyuet ; (CMMIRK,76.2039) for he loue+te his God , +tat loue+te all +tat God loue+te . (CMMIRK,76.2040) Thus most a man haue full charite +tat woll be sauet befor God . (CMMIRK,76.2041) For he +tat deyth yn charite , schall be sauet ; (CMMIRK,76.2042) and he +tat deyth yn dedly synne , schall be dampnet : whefor of all vertues charite is most necessary . (CMMIRK,76.2043) +Get +ge most haue stabull fayth wythout flateryng , so +tat +ge leue saddely as holy chyrche leuyth , +tat is , yn +te Fadyr , and yn +te Sonne , and yn +te Holy Gost . (CMMIRK,76.2044) +Te Fadyr full God , and +te Sonne full God , and +te Holy Gost full God ; (CMMIRK,76.2045) and +get +tes +tre but on God +tat made all +tyng of noght . (CMMIRK,76.2046) Thus fayth was furst schewed to +te holy patryark Abraham , as holy chyrche +tys day maketh mynde , and sayth +tat Abraham was yn +te vale of Mambre , and segh +tre fayre men comyng toward hym . (CMMIRK,76.2047) And +ten he +gede a+geyne hom (CMMIRK,77.2048) and , +tagh he see +tre , he worschepyd but on , +geuyng all men ensampull forto se yn hor spyryte +te Fadyr , and +te Sonne , and +te Holy Gost ; +tre persons , and on godhed ; and worschip hom as on God . (CMMIRK,77.2049) And alsoo +ge schull leue yn +te yncarnacyon of oure Lord Ihesu Crist +tat oure lady conceyuet of +te Holy Gost wythout wem of hyr body , and was borne of hur yn flessch and blode as on of vs , (CMMIRK,77.2050) and he was veray God and man +tat aftyr was ded on +te crosse , and buryet , (CMMIRK,77.2051) and aros from de+te to lyue +te +tryd day , (CMMIRK,77.2052) and stegh ynto Heuen on +te Holy +Tursday , (CMMIRK,77.2053) and schall come a+geyne , forto deme +te quycke and +te ded . (CMMIRK,77.2054) This was fygurt by Isaake , +tat was +te sonne of Abraham , +te wheche Abraham gete by his wyfe Sare +turgh byhest of God when +tay wer bo+te past age forto gete chyldyr ; of +te whech sonne God behet Abraham , +tat he schuld haue fruyt as mony as wer sterres of Heuen . (CMMIRK,77.2055) +Ten when +tys chyld was borne , he was called Isaake . (CMMIRK,77.2056) But when he was xxv +gere old , God asayde Abraham yn +tys wyse : (CMMIRK,77.2057) he bade hym take hys sonne Isaak +tat he loued wele , and go to suche an hull +tat he wold schew hym , and +ter offyr vp hym yn sacryfyce , (CMMIRK,77.2058) +tat was , sle hym and brenne hym , as +te maner was +tat tyme . (CMMIRK,77.2059) +Ten Abraham , +togh he loued his sonne moche and had behest of God to haue gret vssu by hym , neuer+telese he toke hym anon wythout grucchyng , (CMMIRK,77.2060) and +gede to +tat hulle , (CMMIRK,77.2061) and made Isaak to ber wod to bren hymself wyth . (CMMIRK,77.2062) And when +tay come to +te hullys cop , Abraham made an auter of +te brondys , (CMMIRK,77.2063) and set hom on fure ; (CMMIRK,77.2064) and +ten toke his sonne Isaake , (CMMIRK,77.2065) and wold han slayne hym , and offred hym vp soo to God . (CMMIRK,77.2066) Then anon spake an angyll to hym , (CMMIRK,77.2067) and bade hym leue of , and take +te wedyr +tat ys byhynde hym , tyed by +te hornys to brerys , ' and offor hyt ynstede of +ty sonne ' ; (CMMIRK,77.2068) and so he dyd . (CMMIRK,77.2069) Then by Abraham +ge schull vndyrstonde +te Fadyr of Heuen , and by Isaac his sonne Ihesu Crist . +Te whech he sparyd not for no loue +tat he had to hym ; but suffered +te Iewes to lay +te wode apon hym , +tat was +te crosse apon hys schuldres , and ladden hym to +te mount of Caluary , and +ter dydyn hym on +te autre of wode , +tat was +te crosse , +tat was made of foure treus : cydyr , cypur , olyue , and palme ; and +ter dyed for all mankynd . (CMMIRK,78.2070) Thus may Crist well be called Isaac +tat ys to vndyrstond laghtur for mony a soule . (CMMIRK,78.2071) He broght out of helle laghyng +tat +gode +tedyr , full sor wepyng . (CMMIRK,78.2072) +Ten as +tus was fygur of Crystys passyon longe or he wer borne , ryght so Crist hymselfe +tys day yn +te gospell tolde to his dyscypuls how he schuld be scornyd , and betyn wyth scorgys , and don to deth on +te crosse , and ryse +te +tryd day a+geyne to lyue . (CMMIRK,78.2073) And , for +tay schuld haue full leue hereto , anon befor hom he made a blynd man to see +tat cryed to hym and sayde : ' Ihesu , Dauid sonne , haue mercy on me ! ' (CMMIRK,78.2074) +Ten sayde Crist to hym : ' What wolt +tou +tat I do to +te ? ' (CMMIRK,78.2075) And he sayde : ' Lorde , +tat I may see ! ' (CMMIRK,78.2076) +Ten sayde Ihesus : ' +Ty faythe ha+te heled +te , (CMMIRK,78.2077) behold forth ! ' (CMMIRK,78.2078) and anon he sygh gracyously (CMMIRK,78.2079) and heryed God hertfully . (CMMIRK,78.2080) +Tys most yche man +tat wyll haue pardon of God : (CMMIRK,78.2081) he most haue full contrycyon wyth schryft , and hole charite wythout faynyng , and stydfast beleue wythout flateryng . (CMMIRK,78.2082) Narracio . (CMMIRK,78.2084) I rede +tat +ter was a byschop of Lyncolne +tat hatte Robert Grosched , (CMMIRK,78.2086) and was holden on of +te grettyst clerkys yn +te world in hys tyme . (CMMIRK,78.2087) And when he laye in hys dethe-bedde , +ter come to hym a gret multytude of fendys , (CMMIRK,78.2088) and spyted wyth hym so of +te faythe , +tat +tay hadden negh turned hym , and put hym ynto dyspayre . (CMMIRK,78.2089) But +ten was oure lady redy , +tat ys ay redy in nede , (CMMIRK,78.2090) and sayde to hym : ' My seruand , say +tou beleuyst as holy chyrch do+te . ' (CMMIRK,78.2091) And he cried and sayde : ' Y beleue as holy chyrch beleuyth . ' (CMMIRK,78.2092) And +terwyth +te fendes vanechid away anon ; (CMMIRK,78.2093) and he +gaf vp his spyryte . (CMMIRK,78.2094) Now schul +ge all pray to God +tat he +geue you all stydfastnes yn +te beleue of holy chyrch , +tat +te fende haue no power of you yn your deth-tyme and graunt +tat blysse to you that he boght you to . (CMMIRK,78.2095) Amen . (CMMIRK,78.2096) 18 . (CMMIRK,79.2099) DE FESTO SANCTI MATHIE , APOSTOLI , ET EIUS SOLEMPNITATE . (CMMIRK,79.2100) Good men and woymen , suche a day +ge schull haue Seynt Mathis day , Godys holy apostull . +Te whech ha+te non euen set yn certeyne forto fast , but at monnys deuocyon , as Ion Belet sayes , +tat ys a doctor of holy chyrch ; for cause +tat he was not chosen of Crist hymselfe , whyll he went here yn er+te . (CMMIRK,79.2102) Then schull +ge know well , good men , +tat Cryst whyll he was here yn erthe , he ches hym twelf apostull , forto sewe hym , to se , and to here all +tat he dude and preched ; (CMMIRK,79.2103) for +tay schuld bere wyttenes to +te pepull aftyr hys assencyon of all +tyng +tat he dyde . (CMMIRK,79.2104) For +te Iewes werne so hard a+geyne hym yn all +tyng , +tat +tay wold not beleue no+tyng +tat he dyd ; (CMMIRK,79.2105) but +tat most be preuet by wytnes . (CMMIRK,79.2106) Then was Iudas Skaryot on of +tos twelfe +tat Crist had chosen to hym . (CMMIRK,79.2107) +Tat Iudas had befor slayne his owne fadyr , and bylayn hys owne modyr ; (CMMIRK,79.2108) and so com to Crist , to be won of hys dyscypuls . (CMMIRK,79.2109) +Ten Crist made hym on of hys dyscypull . (CMMIRK,79.2110) But , for he was wont before to stele , and cow+te not leue his old wone , he wex wery of Cristys holy lyuyng ; (CMMIRK,79.2111) and for heye couetyse of money , he sold his Lord Ihesu Crist to +te Iewes for thrytty penyes . (CMMIRK,79.2112) And so , when he segh +tat Crist was demed to +te deth by hys sale , anon he fell yn dyspayre , (CMMIRK,79.2113) and +gede anon , (CMMIRK,79.2114) and hongyd hymselfe wyth +te grenne of a rope . (CMMIRK,79.2115) So , by ryght dome , +tat +trote +tat spake +te wordes of traytery a+geynys his Lord , +tat +trote was ystrangled wyth +te grynne of a rope ; (CMMIRK,79.2116) for he wold haue sayde mony foule wordys by his Lord aftyr his de+te , +tat dyd so foule by hym yn his lyue . (CMMIRK,79.2117) And for +te fend myght not draw his soule out by +te mo+te +tat had kyssed +te mou+te of Godys sonne so late befor , +terfor he barst hys wombe , (CMMIRK,79.2118) and outsched hys guttys , (CMMIRK,79.2119) and drew out his soule +tat way , (CMMIRK,79.2120) and bar hyt to hell . (CMMIRK,79.2121) But +get , for bycause +tat God ys so good yn hymself , and woll +tat yche man haue his good dedes rewardud , and +tat yche synne be yponysched , (CMMIRK,79.2122) Narracio . (CMMIRK,80.2125) We reden +tat Saynt Brandan , as +te schyppyd in +te see , he sawe +tys Iudas syttyng on a stone yn +te see , and a clo+te hongyng befor hym +tat was putte yn +te watyr , and bete hym yn +te face +gorne and thykke . (CMMIRK,80.2127) +Ten Brendan went hyt had ben some holy man , +tat had suffred +ter for penaunce , (CMMIRK,80.2128) and asked hym yn +te name of God what he was . (CMMIRK,80.2129) Then vnswared he (CMMIRK,80.2130) and sayde : ' I am Iudas , Godis traytour , +tat haue +tis place of Godys curtesy , for refreschyng of +te gret hete +tat I suffred wythyn ; (CMMIRK,80.2131) and for no gret merete +tat euer I deseruet , me thynkyth I am yn paradyse , whyll I am here . ' (CMMIRK,80.2132) Then sayde Brandan : ' Why hast +tou +tat stone vndyr +te , (CMMIRK,80.2133) and why betyth +tat clo+te +te yn +ti face ? ' (CMMIRK,80.2134) Then sayde he +tat he layde +te stone yn a hegh-way $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} +te comyn pepull schuld trede +teron , and be esyd +terby ; (CMMIRK,80.2135) and +te clo+te he +gaue to a mesyll . (CMMIRK,80.2136) ' But for +te clo+te was ano+ter mannys , and noght myn ; +terfor hit do+te but halfe +te refreschyng as hit schuld , had hit byn myn owne . ' (CMMIRK,80.2137) Then sayde Brandan : ' How long has +tou +tys ees ? ' (CMMIRK,80.2138) +Ten sayde he : ' Yche Sonenday from euensong to euensong , and from mydwyntyr to +te XII day , and yn +te Passyon-day of oure lady , and in Candylmasse-day . ' (CMMIRK,80.2139) Then Brendan +tonkyd God +tat ys soo mercyabull yn all +tyng , (CMMIRK,80.2140) and bade hys felawes rowe fast , +tat +tay wer goon ; (CMMIRK,80.2141) for +tay schuld here ty+tyngys sone . (CMMIRK,80.2142) And +terwyth come out of an hull +tat was bysyde , mony fyndes (CMMIRK,80.2143) and casten blomes of brennyng yerne ynto +te see . (CMMIRK,80.2144) Aftyr +tat +te see brent in ych syde of hom ; (CMMIRK,80.2145) but God kept hom so , +tat +tay haden non harme . (CMMIRK,80.2146) +Ten for bycause +tat +tis Iudas was won of +te XII apostoles , and +te nowmbyr of hom most nede be fulfyllyd aftyr +tat Crist was styed ynto Heuen , +te eleuon apostyll wyth o+tyr mony of Crystys dyscypuls weren togedyr yn a plase . (CMMIRK,80.2147) +Ten sayde Petyr to all : ' Good men and bretherne , hit ys knowen to you how +tat Iudas was on of vs twelfe apostols , (CMMIRK,80.2148) and fore bycause +tat +tylke nombyr may not be vnfulle , hit ys nedfull to chese on of +tes men , +tat haue ben wyth our Lord Ihesu from +te tyme +tat he was folowed ynto +te tyme +tat he stegh ynto Heuen , forto be wyttenes of his vprist wyth vs . (CMMIRK,80.2149) Then +tay setten out two men , Iosep Barsabas and Mathy , (CMMIRK,81.2150) and layden loot apon hom , prayng God to chese , whedyr he wold haue of hom two ; (CMMIRK,81.2151) and soo +te lote fell apon Mathy , (CMMIRK,81.2152) and was nombyrt wyth +te o+ter aleuen apostolis . (CMMIRK,81.2153) Then went Mathy anon ynto Iure , (CMMIRK,81.2154) and preched Godis worde ; (CMMIRK,81.2155) and for he had gret grace forto do myracles , he turned moche pepull to +te fay+te . (CMMIRK,81.2156) Then was +te fende sory , (CMMIRK,81.2157) and aperyd to +te byschop of +te Iewes lawe in lykenes of a +gong chyld wyth long herus , and hory , and vnsemely , (CMMIRK,81.2158) and bade hom take Mathy , and do hym to +te de+te ; (CMMIRK,81.2159) othyr elles he wold turne all +te pepull to Cristys faythe , (CMMIRK,81.2160) ' and +ten schull +ge be sette at noght , and be wreches , and begers euermor aftyr . ' (CMMIRK,81.2161) Then +tys byschopys werne wood wroth , (CMMIRK,81.2162) and senden men to take Mathy ; (CMMIRK,81.2163) and so +tay dydyn , (CMMIRK,81.2164) and bonden his hondys byhynd hym , (CMMIRK,81.2165) and casten a rope about his necke , (CMMIRK,81.2166) and laddon hym ynto pryson , (CMMIRK,81.2167) and bonden hym wyth chaynes fast . (CMMIRK,81.2168) But +tat nyght aftyr our Lord Ihesu Crist come to hym wyth moche lyght , (CMMIRK,81.2169) and lowsed his hondys . (CMMIRK,81.2170) And when he had wele confortyd hym , he openyd +te pryson-dyrre , (CMMIRK,81.2171) and bade hym go , and preche +te faythe , and spare for no man ; (CMMIRK,81.2172) and soo he dyd . (CMMIRK,81.2173) Then , as he preched , +ter wer som +tat a+geynestoden hym , (CMMIRK,81.2174) and letted o+ter +tat wold haue turned to +te faythe . (CMMIRK,81.2175) Then sayde Mathy : ' Y tell you befor +tat +ge schull falle done qwycke ynto hell ' ; (CMMIRK,81.2176) and +terwythe anon , yn syght of all +te pepull , +te erth openyd , (CMMIRK,81.2177) and sowoluyd hom yn body and soule , (CMMIRK,81.2178) and neuer was more seyn of hom . (CMMIRK,81.2179) +Ten was +te pepull sore aferde of +tat syght , (CMMIRK,81.2180) and turned to +te fay+te , a gret nowmbyr of hom . (CMMIRK,81.2181) Then , when +te byschopys herden hereof , +tay maden to take Mathy eftsones , (CMMIRK,81.2182) and set hom to throw stonys at hym ; (CMMIRK,81.2183) and so +tay dyddyn . (CMMIRK,81.2184) And when he was negh +te de+te , he bade cristen men bury +te stones +tat he was slayne wyth , wyth hym yn his graue , yn wytnes of his martyrdome ; (CMMIRK,81.2185) and he knelyd don , (CMMIRK,81.2186) and hef vp his hondys to God , (CMMIRK,81.2187) and +gaf vp +te gost . (CMMIRK,81.2188) Narracio . (CMMIRK,81.2190) Rondylf Hyldon , monke of Chestyr , telly+te yn hys cronyclys ano+tyr myracull (CMMIRK,81.2192) and seyth : When Saynt Wolstan vyset hys byschopryche , men broghten a mon befor hym +tat dyd hys nehtbur moch doses , and woll neuer be yn pes , prayng +tat holy byschop +tat he wold chast hym . (CMMIRK,82.2193) But when +tys byschop had preched hym al +tat he cou+te , and fonde hym euer +te lengur +te wors , +ten he prayde to Seynt Mathy to schewe his myracull to hym and yeve him that he was wor+ty . (CMMIRK,82.2194) Then anon , yn syght {TEXT:yns_yght} of all men , +ter come of +te erthe two fendes wyth two brennyng howkes , (CMMIRK,82.2195) and pullet +tys man quyk don ynto hell ; wherby +te pepull was well comfortet , and euer aftyr lyued yn pes and rest . (CMMIRK,82.2196) And so y pray to God +tat we may . (CMMIRK,82.2197) Amen . (CMMIRK,82.2198) DE DOMINICA IN QUADRAGESIMA SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,82.2201) Good men and woymen , +tys day ys called in holy chyrch Sonday yn Quadragesin . (CMMIRK,82.2203) +Ten ys quadragesin a nowmbur of fourty ; (CMMIRK,82.2204) for fro +tis day to Astyr ben forty dayes +tat byth +te te+tedayes of +te +gere . (CMMIRK,82.2205) And for ych man dothe forfet more o+ter las , +terfor , forto make satysfaccyon for +tat gylt , yche man ys holden by +te lawe of holy chyrch to fast +tes fourty dayes , outtaken hom +tat +te lawe dyspensyth wyth for nede . (CMMIRK,82.2206) That ben chyldyr wythyn xxi +gere , woymen wyth chyld , old men passed age and myghtles to fast , pylgrymys , and seke , and pore , and +tes +tat labryn sore fore hor lyuelod : (CMMIRK,82.2207) +tus +te lawe dyspensyth wyth apon hore concyens . (CMMIRK,82.2208) +Ten for bycause +tat Sonday ys no day of fastyng , +terfor +ge schull begyn your fast at Aske-Wanysday , and +tat day com to holy chyrche , and take askes at +te prestys hond , and ber forth in your hert +tat he sayth to you , when he layth askes on your hedys . (CMMIRK,82.2209) +Ten he saythe +tus : ' Man , thynke +tat +tou art but eskys , (CMMIRK,82.2210) and to eskys +tou schalt a+geyne turne . ' (CMMIRK,82.2211) +Ten byn +ter +tre dyuerse skylles why +ge schull fast +tes fourty dayes . (CMMIRK,82.2212) On ys , bycause as +te gospell of +tys day telly+te , how +tat +te Holy Gost lad our Lord ynto desert +tat was bytwyx Ierusalem and Ieryco , forto be temptyd of +te fende . (CMMIRK,82.2213) And was +ter fourty dayes and so mony nyghtys fastyng for our loue , schouyng to vs and all cristen men and pepull +te uertu and +te mede +tat comyth of fastyng ; +te wheche uertu and mede ben expressed yn +te preface yn +te masse +tat ys sayde in holy chyrche +tes fourty dayes . (CMMIRK,83.2214) Ther ys sayde +tus : ' +Te bodely fast +trostys don vysis , (CMMIRK,83.2215) and lyfty+te manys hert to God , (CMMIRK,83.2216) and +gevyth hym vertu and mede ; (CMMIRK,83.2217) hit +geuyth hym mede in Heuen +tat euer schall last , and uertu yn er+te gret . ' (CMMIRK,83.2218) For , as clerkys telly+te and techyth , for +te spolde of a fasting man may sle any eddyr bodyly . (CMMIRK,83.2219) Then , moche mor , he schall sle +te myght of +te deuyll , +tat ys +te old eddyr , +te fende of hell , +tat come to Eue yn paradyce in lyckenes of an eddyr , forto tempt hur of gloteny , of vayne glory , and of couetyce . (CMMIRK,83.2220) Ryght so he come to Crist yn lykenes of a man , lest he had ben knowyn , (CMMIRK,83.2221) and temptyd hym of +tat same synne . (CMMIRK,83.2222) Thus , as +te gospell telly+te , when Crist had fast so long , and was by kynd of manhed anhongred , +te fende come to hym , (CMMIRK,83.2223) and schewed hym stonys , (CMMIRK,83.2224) and sayde : ' Yf +tou be Godys sonne , make +tes stonys brede ' ; +tat ryght as Eue , when scho sygh +te appull , was raght forto ete +terof , ryght so he had hope forto haue made Crist , and so by gloteny haue eten of +te brede : (CMMIRK,83.2225) for gloteny ys not yn a manys mete , but yn foule appetyte . (CMMIRK,83.2226) +Ten sayd Crist to hym : ' A man schall not only lyue by bred ; but yche word +tat go+te out of Godys mow+te . ' (CMMIRK,83.2227) +Ten +te fende toke Crist , (CMMIRK,83.2228) and set hym on a pynacull on +te tempull , (CMMIRK,83.2229) and sayde : ' Yf +tou be God sonne , bryng +tyselfe downe wythout monys helpe , +tat I may know +te for Godys sonne . ' (CMMIRK,83.2230) Then sayde Crist : ' Tou schalt not tempte God , +ty Lorde . ' (CMMIRK,83.2231) +get , +te +tryd tyme , he toke hym , (CMMIRK,83.2232) and set hym on a hegh hulle , (CMMIRK,83.2233) and schewed hym all +te kyndomes of +te world by takyng , and all +te ioyes of hom . (CMMIRK,83.2234) And when he had all told hym , he sayd +tus to hym : ' All +tes I woll +geue +te , so +tat +tou wolt fall don to +te er+te and worschyp me . ' (CMMIRK,83.2235) Then he vnswared and sayde : ' Goo on bak , Sathan , (CMMIRK,83.2236) hit ys wryttyn : +tou schalt worschyp +ty Lord God , and only serve hym . ' (CMMIRK,83.2237) +Ten +te fende lafte hym , (CMMIRK,83.2238) and angelys comyn , (CMMIRK,83.2239) and broghten hym mete . (CMMIRK,83.2240) Then , for +te fende ys most bysy forto make yche man to gylt yn +tes +tre synnes , most +tes fourty dayes , +terfor you nedythe +tre helpys a+geynys hom ; (CMMIRK,83.2241) +tat ben +tese : a+geynys gloteny , abstynens ; a+geynys pryde , mekenes ; a+geynes couetyse , largenes . (CMMIRK,83.2242) Then a+geyne gloteny +ge most fast , +tat ys , not ete befor tyme ; but abyde tyll none of +te daye . (CMMIRK,83.2243) And when +ge byn at your mete , ete +ge not frechudly , no more +ten ano+ter tyme , (CMMIRK,84.2244) ny sytte for lust no lengyr +ten ano+ter day , (CMMIRK,84.2245) and be+te well war +tat +ge fast , bo+te day and nyght , as Crist dude . (CMMIRK,84.2246) Ther byth mony +tat fastyn +te day at on mele ; (CMMIRK,84.2247) but +tay wyll sytte moche of +te nyght , and drynke , and soo full hor wombe wyth drynke as well as wyth mete ; (CMMIRK,84.2248) and +tay +tat don so , don gloteny . (CMMIRK,84.2249) And also +ge most fast from all maner flesch mete and whyt-mete ; (CMMIRK,84.2250) for as Ierom says : ' Eggys and chese byn molton flesche , (CMMIRK,84.2251) and mylke ys wyth blod . ' (CMMIRK,84.2252) And forto shew ensampull of holy chyrch , takyth hede on +te prest +tat go+te to masse , +tat ys , to Godys bord , how he at hys bygynnyng bow+te his knees to God , and byddy+te all o+ter do soo ; (CMMIRK,84.2253) and also , at +te end of hys masse , he byddu+te all men bow herre hedys to God . (CMMIRK,84.2254) So do +ge when +ge gon to your Lord : (CMMIRK,84.2255) furst worschip +ge God wyt a Pater Noster and an Aue o+ter mo , as your deuocyon ys , (CMMIRK,84.2256) and maketh a crosse on your mete , (CMMIRK,84.2257) and aftyr mete +tonkyth God wyth ano+ter Pater Noster and an Aue , +tat euer sendyth you mete at your nede . (CMMIRK,84.2258) +Tus +ge schull a+geynes gloteny . (CMMIRK,84.2259) And a+geyn vayn glory +tat ys yn mannys hert , +ge most fast wythyn-forth gostly . (CMMIRK,84.2260) +ge schull put away all euell +toghtes of heghnes , and haue +toghtys of lones . (CMMIRK,84.2261) +Tenky+te how a man ys borne febull , and seke , and naked , and pore ; and how he go+te yche day a journay toward his deth , woll he , nyll he ; and how +tat , at +te last , dethe comy+te and casty+te hym downe seke yn hys bed , gronyng and sykyng , and sone casty+te vp hys mete and hys drynke , and turnet hyde and hew ; and how his brethe stinkyth , hys lyppys wexyn blew , hys face pale , hys een +golow , hys mow+te fro+tys : and so , at +te last , wyth depe +goskyng +geldyth vp +te gost . (CMMIRK,84.2262) Then lythe +ter but a stynkyng stoke of +gerthe , (CMMIRK,84.2263) and ys hyed to be putte ynto +te er+te , and laft +ter , and sone for+getyn . (CMMIRK,84.2264) Hold +tys yn your mynd ; (CMMIRK,84.2265) and I hope +tys schall put away pryde . (CMMIRK,84.2266) A+geynes couetyse +ge schull fast wythyn and wythout . (CMMIRK,84.2267) Wythyn : for oure bysy +toghtys of $worldys occupacyon and of hardnes , to hold good a+geynes Godys byddyng . (CMMIRK,84.2268) Also wythout : (CMMIRK,84.2269) your hondys +tat han ben ay redy forto take , now +ge schull make hom redy forto reche +te pore mete , and drynke , and +tat +tay han nede to ; (CMMIRK,84.2270) for +te hondys be not wor+ty to heue vp to God , +tat be not wont to reche +te pore mete . (CMMIRK,84.2271) And $+tilke folke +tat han ben bysy erly and late to walke aboute worldely good , now schuld be bysy , alsoo , to vyset pore and seke , and goo on pylgrymage , and goo to +te chyrch , to here Godys seruyce . (CMMIRK,85.2272) And +ge +tat ha+te before fast for chynchnes , now schall spare on hys mou+te , to +geue suche +tat haue nede . (CMMIRK,85.2273) Thys fast plesyth God more (CMMIRK,85.2274) and helpeth +te soule hegly ; (CMMIRK,85.2275) for ryght as watyr quenchyth fyre , ryght so almys-dede quenchyth synne . Wherfor +te profyt sayth +tus : ' +geue allmes , (CMMIRK,85.2276) and all +tyng schall be clene to you , soo +tat hyt be +geuen wyth good wyll . ' (CMMIRK,85.2277) But , mor harme ys , +ter byn mony +tat han mor lust to fede hor owne bodyes wyth lusty metys , and drynkes , and daynte+ts , +ten forto +geue a pore man a schyue of bred . (CMMIRK,85.2278) . (CMMIRK,86.2281) DE DOMINICA PRIMA QUADRAGESIME . (CMMIRK,86.2282) Hortamur vos , ne in vacuum graciam Dei recipiatis . Corintheos VI=to= . (CMMIRK,86.2284) Good men and woymen , +tes wordes +tat I haue sayde yn Lateyn , byn +tus to say yn Englysch : ' We amonechen you , +tat +ge take not +te grace of God yn vayn . ' (CMMIRK,86.2285) +Tes ben +te wordes of Seynt Paule , Cristys holy apostull , +tat ben red yn +te pystyll of +tys day ; by +te wheche word +tys holy apostull chargyth all good pepull , +tat +tay take hede what grace God sendyth hom , and +tat +tay taken not +tat grace yn vayn . (CMMIRK,86.2286) God +geuyth grace to man all tymes ; (CMMIRK,86.2287) but for a man nedy+te more hys grace +tys tyme +ten ano+ter , +terfor , of hys hegh mercy , he +geuyth now-dayes more habundant of Lenton +ten any o+ter tyme . The whech grace he partu+te yn +tre wayes , +tat ys to say : in way of gracyous abydyng , in way of gracyous demyng , and yn way of gracyous amendys makyng . (CMMIRK,86.2288) +Tes +tre wayes God sendyth hys grace to you now . Wherfor , ryght as Seynt Paule monysche+te hys dyscypuls , ryght soo I monyssch you +tat ben my chyldyr yn God , +tat +ge take not +tys grace of God yn vayn . (CMMIRK,86.2289) +Ge haue a comyn sayng among you , (CMMIRK,86.2290) and sayn +tat Godys grace ys worth a new fayre . (CMMIRK,86.2291) +Ten takyth hede how moche worth Godys grace ys ; (CMMIRK,86.2292) for +tagh any of you had as moche gold as a fayre ys worth , but he had Godys grace wyth hyt , hyt schuld turne hym more ynto schenschip +ten ynto worschyp . (CMMIRK,86.2293) +Tus +ge may se by veray reson +tat Godys grace ys more wor+ty +ten any fayre . (CMMIRK,86.2294) But +get +ge schull know for+ter , (CMMIRK,86.2295) for , +tagh a man had neuer soo moche riches and prorperyte here +tat comyth all of Godys grace , but yf he take +tat grace wele and ples his God wythall , hyt schall turne hym ynto dampnacyon . (CMMIRK,86.2296) But for +te pore playnyth on +te ryche , and sayn +tay ben vnkynd to God , and don not as God byddyth hom doo , and full eldyr seen a mote yn ano+ter manys ee +tat con not se a beem yn hor one : +terfor +ge schall knowe wele +tat hyt ys a specyall grace of God , when he makyth a man ryche and som mon pore . (CMMIRK,86.2297) He maky+te hom rych , +tat +tay wyth hor ryches schuld socour +te pore yn hor nede , and soo wyth hor good by hom Heuen ; (CMMIRK,87.2298) and som he makyth pore , +tat hor pouerte schall be hor saluacyon . (CMMIRK,87.2299) For God knowe+te wele , yf +tay wern rych , +tay wold for+gete hor God , and soo spyll homselfe . Wherfor we amonyschen yow , bo+te ryche and pore , +tat +ge take not +tys grace of God yn ydull nor yn vayn . (CMMIRK,87.2300) But he +tat is rych , set not hys hert +terapon ; (CMMIRK,87.2301) but euer be yn drede , lest he myspend hit , (CMMIRK,87.2302) and +tonk God of hys grace . (CMMIRK,87.2303) And he +tat ys pore , gruche he noght a+geynes his God , (CMMIRK,87.2304) ne deme he not +te rych ; (CMMIRK,87.2305) but take his pouerte in pacyence (CMMIRK,87.2306) and +tonke God of hys grace : (CMMIRK,87.2307) for , at +te last , he schall haue +tat for +te best . (CMMIRK,87.2308) But a man , be he ryche or be he pore , yf he haue grace of God , to se how moche he takyth of God , and how lytyll he +geuyth agayne , verray reson woll tell +tat he ys more wor+ty dampnacyon +ten saluacyon . (CMMIRK,87.2309) But for God ys full of grace , and schewyth hys grace to all his hondywerk , and for he knowet oure frelte , he ha+te compassyon of vs , (CMMIRK,87.2310) and +geuyth vs hys grace in abydyng of amendement . +Tat ys +ta+g thow trespas sore a+geyne hym , he woll not smyte anon , but gracyously abydyth ; (CMMIRK,87.2311) for he ha+te moche leuer forto do grace then vengeans . (CMMIRK,87.2312) And +tat ys for two caues , as Saynt Austyne seyth . (CMMIRK,87.2313) On ys , yf God had don vengeans , anon the world had ben endyd mony a day agoo , and so mony had be vnborne +tat now ben holy sayntys yn Heuen . (CMMIRK,87.2314) That o+ter cause ys , forto schewe how full he ys of grace , and how fayn he wyll do grace and mercy to all +tat wyll leue +te euell and take +te good . Wherfor he sayth +tus by his prophet : ' Nolo mortem peccatoris , sed vt magis conuertatur et viuat . ' (CMMIRK,87.2315) ' I woll not , ' he says , ' +tat a synfull man be ded , (CMMIRK,87.2316) but I woll raythyr +tat he turne to good lyue . ' (CMMIRK,87.2317) +Tus +ge heryth how gracyous God ys yn abydyng . Wherfor I monyssche you +tat +ge take not +tys grace yn vayn ; (CMMIRK,87.2318) but thenkyth well how he hathe spared you from Astyr hydyrto , $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} he myght , by ryght , haue smytyn you wyth hys swerde of vengeans , ych day . (CMMIRK,87.2319) For , as Saynt Anselm sayth , +te lest synne +tat a man doth , hyt vnworschypyth God . (CMMIRK,87.2320) Then , yf a man dyd any +tyng +tat vnworschypyd his worldly-kyng , he wer worthy to take hys deth ; (CMMIRK,87.2321) moche more ys a man worthy +te deth +tat vnworschypyth hym +tat ys Kyng of Heuen , and Lord and Kyng ouer all kynges . (CMMIRK,87.2322) But ryght as he passyth all yn dygnyte , ryght soo he passyth all yn grace and bonte . (CMMIRK,88.2323) But +togh +ge felen hym gracyous , be neuer +te boldyr to lye yn synne ; (CMMIRK,88.2324) bot hyth you forto clanse you +terof . (CMMIRK,88.2325) For +tagh he abyde long , at +te last , he woll smyte suche +tat woll not amende hom ; (CMMIRK,88.2326) and when he smytyth , he smytyth sore . (CMMIRK,88.2327) Narracio . (CMMIRK,88.2329) I rede +tat +ter was a knyght +tat had no rentys of his owne , but he had geton moche good yn werres . (CMMIRK,88.2331) And when he hadde all spend out , he +gode (CMMIRK,88.2332) and weddyd a lady of +tat contray +tat was rych ynogh ; (CMMIRK,88.2333) and +togh he was pore , he was a semly man of person . (CMMIRK,88.2334) Scho sayd to hym +tus : ' I wot wele +tat +tou art a semly man of body ; (CMMIRK,88.2335) but for +tou art pore , y may not , for schame , take +te , but yf +tou haue moche gold o+ter mony rentys . (CMMIRK,88.2336) But for +tou has no gold , do as I teche +te , (CMMIRK,88.2337) and gete gold . (CMMIRK,88.2338) Goo ynto suche a place +ter mony rych marchandys comen , (CMMIRK,88.2339) and gete +te gold , (CMMIRK,88.2340) and +ten +tou schalt haue me . ' (CMMIRK,88.2341) Then went he +tedyr . (CMMIRK,88.2342) And hit hapend +tat +ter come a ryche marchand +tat way ; (CMMIRK,88.2343) and he anon toke hym , (CMMIRK,88.2344) and bar forth hys gold , (CMMIRK,88.2345) and slogh hym , (CMMIRK,88.2346) and buryet hym , (CMMIRK,88.2347) and +ten aftyr come to +te lady , (CMMIRK,88.2348) and sayde : ' Lo +te som of gold I haue geton of suche a man and buryet hym +ter . ' (CMMIRK,88.2349) Then sayde +te lady : ' Go a+gene to-nyght (CMMIRK,88.2350) and loke , yf +tou oght here . ' (CMMIRK,88.2351) Then +gede he +tat nyght (CMMIRK,88.2352) and stode by +te ded graue . (CMMIRK,88.2353) And at mydnyght +ter come a lyght from Heuen downe to +te graue ; (CMMIRK,88.2354) and +ten +te graue opened , (CMMIRK,88.2355) and +te cors sate vp , (CMMIRK,88.2356) and helde vp his hondys to God , (CMMIRK,88.2357) and sayde : ' Lorde +tat art ryghtwys juge , +tou wreke me apon +tis man +tat ha+te +tus falsly slayne me for my trew catayle . ' (CMMIRK,88.2358) And +terwyth come a voyce from Heuen (CMMIRK,88.2359) and sayde : ' Thys day +trytty wyntyr , +tou shalt haue vengeans ' ; (CMMIRK,88.2360) and +ten +te cors +tonkyd God , (CMMIRK,88.2361) and lay downe yn hys graue a+geyne . (CMMIRK,88.2362) +Ten was +tys knyght sore aferd , (CMMIRK,88.2363) and went to +tys lady , (CMMIRK,88.2364) and told hur all , and how +te voyce sayde how , +tat day +trytty wyntyr , he schuld haue vengeance . (CMMIRK,88.2365) Then sayde +te lady : ' +Ge , ' qwod scho , ' moche may fall yn +trytty wyntyr ; (CMMIRK,88.2366) goo we togedyr (CMMIRK,88.2367) and be weddyd ! ' (CMMIRK,88.2368) So +tay lyuedyn yfere , xx=ti= +gere , yn prosperyte and wele ; (CMMIRK,88.2369) but euer +tis knyght was adred of +tys vengeans , (CMMIRK,88.2370) and sayde to +te lady : ' Now xx=ti= +gere byn pased , (CMMIRK,88.2371) and +te x woll hye fast . (CMMIRK,88.2372) What is +ty best cownsell ? ' (CMMIRK,88.2373) +Ten sayde scho : ' We woll make +tys castell als sykur and as strong as we may ; (CMMIRK,89.2374) and +tat same day , we schull gedyr all oure frendes , and stuffe vs wyth men ynow ; (CMMIRK,89.2375) and soo we schall scape wele ynogh . (CMMIRK,89.2376) And soo +tay dyddyn . (CMMIRK,89.2377) When +te day come , +tay gedyrt a grete some of men ynto +te castell , (CMMIRK,89.2378) and set hom to +te mete , (CMMIRK,89.2379) and maden all +te myrthe +tat +tay cowthe . (CMMIRK,89.2380) +Ten was +ter an harper , (CMMIRK,89.2381) and harpyd allway at +te mete . (CMMIRK,89.2382) But , for +ter may no wyked spyryte come +ter , ne haue no pouste als fere as +te harpe ys herd , +ter come out of +te kychon a bro+tell bowdet wyth gres , (CMMIRK,89.2383) and rubbyd hys stryngys wyth hys bawdy hondys . (CMMIRK,89.2384) Then was +tys harper wondyr wroth , (CMMIRK,89.2385) and wyth hys harpe wold haue smyton thys brothell ; (CMMIRK,89.2386) bot for he flagh fast away , +te harper suet hym out of +te castell ; (CMMIRK,89.2387) and when he come out , +tis brothell vaneschyd away . (CMMIRK,89.2388) Then +tys harper turned a+geyne , (CMMIRK,89.2389) and sygh +tys castell synke ynto +te er+te , all on fyre . (CMMIRK,89.2390) Thus +ge may se , +tagh God abyde longe , at +te last he smytyth sore . Wherfor I amonysch you , +tat +ge take not hys grace of abydyng yn vayne ; (CMMIRK,89.2391) bot bythynkyth you wele of your mysdedys , (CMMIRK,89.2392) and comyth by tyme (CMMIRK,89.2393) and clansyth you . (CMMIRK,89.2394) For God +geuyth you all an hegh grace of demyng ; (CMMIRK,89.2395) for $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} he ys , ys treu+t and ryghtwysnes , (CMMIRK,89.2396) and may not deme but wyth ryghtwysnes . (CMMIRK,89.2397) And +ten schall non scape vndampned ; (CMMIRK,89.2398) for , as Iop saythe : ' +Togh we wold $stryve wyth him , we may not vnswar of on good dede for a +tousand +tat he +geuyth vs . ' (CMMIRK,89.2399) Thus , for he sees +tat no man may scape his dome vndampned , +terfor he , of hys hegh grace , +geuyth hys power to a curatour , to deme all +tat comen to hym , hauyng ferme and stabull all +tat comyth to hym ; as +tus +ter schall no good dede be vnquyte , nor no euell vnponysched . (CMMIRK,89.2400) Therfor yf a curatour +geue +te more penaunce +ten +te nedyth , +tat ys more , hit schall be quyte , and stonde +te in gret joye of encrese byfor God ; (CMMIRK,89.2401) +gyf he +geue +te euen , +tou art quyte ; (CMMIRK,89.2402) but yf he +geue +te to lytyll , +ten schall hyt be fulfylled yn purgatory . (CMMIRK,89.2403) Soo +tat a man schall neuer be dampned for no synne +tat he ys mekly schryuen of , and takyth hys dome mekely of hys schryftfadyr ; (CMMIRK,89.2404) for all +tyng +tat ys not clansed here by schryft and penance , schall be clansed yn purgatory . (CMMIRK,89.2405) For when +tou comyst to schryfte , +tou comyst forto be demed of thy schryft-fadyr ; wherfor God woll neuer deme +te twy for on +tyng . (CMMIRK,90.2406) Then take hede wheche an hegh grace God +geuyth you yn demyng , when he ordeynet a synfull man , as +tow art , to be +ty domysman ; (CMMIRK,90.2407) for all ys yn hegh helpe to you , to +geue boldnes to you to telle out all +tat lythe yn your hert , and no+tyng forto hyde ; (CMMIRK,90.2408) for all +tat ys not now helyd yn schryft , schall be , at +te day of dome , knowen to all +te world wyth moche confusyon . (CMMIRK,90.2409) And +ten schall he be demed of God +terfor ynto +te fyre of helle . (CMMIRK,90.2410) +Terfor +te apostull sayth +tus : ' Horrendum est incidere in manus Dei omnipotentis ' ; that ys to say : ' Hit ys horryble and grysly to falle ynto Godys hondys . ' Wherfor I amonysch you +tat +ge take not +tis grace of demyng yn vayn , (CMMIRK,90.2411) but schryuyth you clene , (CMMIRK,90.2412) and leue noght yn your hert . (CMMIRK,90.2413) Narracio . (CMMIRK,90.2415) For +tus I rede of a woman +tat had done an horrybull synne , and myght neuer , for schame , schryue hyr +terof . (CMMIRK,90.2417) And oft , when ho come to schryf , scho was yn purpos forto haue ben schryuen ; (CMMIRK,90.2418) but euer +te fend put such a schame yn hur hert , +tat scho had neuer grace to clanse hur +terofe . (CMMIRK,90.2419) Then , on a nyght , as scho lay yn hur bed , and +toght moch on +tat synne , Ihesu Crist come to hur (CMMIRK,90.2420) and sayde : ' My doghtyr , why wol +tou not schew me +ty hert , and schryue +te of +tat synne +tat +tou lyse yn ? ' (CMMIRK,90.2421) ' Lord , ' quod scho , ' I may not , for schame . ' (CMMIRK,90.2422) +Ten sayde Crist : ' Schew me +ty hond ' ; (CMMIRK,90.2423) and toke hur hond , (CMMIRK,90.2424) and put hit ynto hys syde , (CMMIRK,90.2425) and sayde , (CMMIRK,90.2426) and drogh hit all blody out : (CMMIRK,90.2427) ' Be +tou no more aschamed to opyn +ty hert to me , +ten I am to opon my syde to +te . ' (CMMIRK,90.2428) Then was +tys woman $agrysed of +te blod , (CMMIRK,90.2429) and wold haue weschyn hit away ; but scho myght not , be no way , tyll scho had schryuen hur of +tat synne . Then , when scho was schryuen , anon +te hond was clene as +tat o+tyr . (CMMIRK,90.2430) +Tus God do+te grace yn esy demyng . (CMMIRK,90.2431) He do+te alsoo grace yn amendys makyng . (CMMIRK,90.2432) Whyll for a lytyll penance +tat a man do+te here , God for+geuyth hym +te gret penance yn helle , and so settyth a man at +te large to do hys penance , and not yn destresse ; but +geuyth hym chose whe+tyr he wyll do mekely , wyth good wyll , o+ter no . (CMMIRK,90.2433) And yf he do mekely hys penance , he wyll for+geue hym hys gult , and cheressche hym more +ten he dyd byfore , and avaunse hym yn +te court of Heuen . (CMMIRK,91.2434) And +togh he wold do no penance , but prudly put hit away , +get , ynto hys deth-day , he abydyth from +gere to +gere , to loke +gyf he wyll amende ; (CMMIRK,91.2435) and +gyf he wyll not , he wyll make bynde hym hond and fote , and cast hym ynto prison , +tat ys , ynto +te paynes of helle . (CMMIRK,91.2436) And soo ys wele worthy . (CMMIRK,91.2437) Thus , good men , +ge haue herd how +tat God geuyth you grace yn +tre wayes : yn gracyous abydyng , yn gracyous demyng , and yn gracyous amendys makyng . (CMMIRK,91.2438) For gracyously he abydyth (CMMIRK,91.2439) and woll not take vengeans anon , (CMMIRK,91.2440) but euer abydyth amendement ; (CMMIRK,91.2441) and gracyously he woll +tat a man be demed wyth mercy and not to +te vtmast here ; (CMMIRK,91.2442) and gracyously he takyth a monnys amendys , whyll for penaunce of a schort tyme , he for+geuyth +te penaunce +tat euer schall last . (CMMIRK,91.2443) And aftyr +tat he ha+te done his penaunce , he for+geuyth hym all hys gylt , (CMMIRK,91.2444) and avaunsu+te hym yn Heuen . (CMMIRK,91.2445) For +tus moche y presume of Godys grace and hys mercy +tat +te fende of hell , and he wold aske mercy wyth a meke hert to God , God woll +geue hym mercy . (CMMIRK,91.2446) +Ten moche more he wold +geue a man mercy +tat he sched his hert-blod for . (CMMIRK,91.2447) And herof I tell an ensampull , (CMMIRK,91.2448) and make an end . (CMMIRK,91.2449) Narracio . (CMMIRK,91.2451) I rede +ter wer two chapmen dwellyng bysyde +te cyte of Norwych . Of +te whech on was a good lyuer , and +tat o+ter a curset lyuer ; (CMMIRK,91.2453) but for +tys good man durst not depart from +tat o+ter , as oft as he durst , he conseylet hym to schryue hym , and amend hym of hys lyuyng . (CMMIRK,91.2454) +Ten +tat othyr wold say hyt wer tyme ynogh , forto be schryuen when he schuld dye . (CMMIRK,91.2455) Then hit fell aftyr so +tat +tys euell man fell seke , and lay on hys deth-bed ; (CMMIRK,91.2456) and when hys felaw knew , he cryet on hym fast and +gorne to schryue hym , and send aftyr his prest , (CMMIRK,91.2457) for he was bot ded . (CMMIRK,91.2458) But +tat o+ter ouerprudly sayde nay , he wold not ; (CMMIRK,91.2459) for he wyst well ynogh , God wold not for+geue hym for hys long abydyng . (CMMIRK,91.2460) Then +tys good man was wondyr sory for hym , (CMMIRK,91.2461) and made fach prestys and frendys , and all +tat he hopyd wold haue holpen hym , and consayle hym to goode . (CMMIRK,91.2462) But euer he made +te same vnswar to hom as he dyd to +te good man , (CMMIRK,91.2463) and sayde he wold not schryue hym , ne mercy aske . (CMMIRK,92.2464) +Ten had +tys man a lampe brennyng on nyghtys byfor hys bed , (CMMIRK,92.2465) and yn a bed bysyde hym lay o+ter two men , to wake hym . (CMMIRK,92.2466) Then , aboute mydnyght , +tay saw Ihesu Cryst bodyly wyth blody wondys stondyng before +te seke manys bed , (CMMIRK,92.2467) and sayde to hym +tus : ' My sonne , why wyll +tou not schryue +te and put +te ynto my mercy , +tat am redy alway to +geue mercy to all hom +tat wyll mekely aske mercy . ' (CMMIRK,92.2468) +Ten wyth +tat sayde he : ' For I wot well I am vnworthy to haue mercy ; wherfor +tou wolt +geue me non mercy . ' (CMMIRK,92.2469) ' +Gus , sonne , for so+te , aske hyt mekely (CMMIRK,92.2470) and +tou schalt haue ' ; (CMMIRK,92.2471) and euer he vnswaret as he dyd before . (CMMIRK,92.2472) Then Cryst toke out of hys wonde yn hys syde his hond full of blod (CMMIRK,92.2473) and sayde : ' +Tou fendys-chyld , +tys schall be redy token bytwyx me and +te yn +te day of dome , +tat I wold haue don +te mercy , and +tou woldyst not . ' (CMMIRK,92.2474) And +terwyth cast +te blod ynto hys face ; (CMMIRK,92.2475) and +terwyth anon +tys seke man cryed and sayd : ' Alas ! Alas ! I am dampnet for ay ! ' (CMMIRK,92.2476) and soo deyd . (CMMIRK,92.2477) Then +tys o+ter man was so aferd of +tys syght and of bo+te hor speche , +tat hit was long or he dyd ryse . (CMMIRK,92.2478) Then , at +te last , he ros vp , (CMMIRK,92.2479) and lyght a candull at +te lampe , (CMMIRK,92.2480) and come to hys felow , (CMMIRK,92.2481) and fond hym dede , and +te red blod yn hys face , and +te body blacke as pych . (CMMIRK,92.2482) +Ten , for ferd , +tys man cryed for helpe ; (CMMIRK,92.2483) and when men comen , he told hom +te case , and how Cryst dyd to hym , and how he vnswared a+geyne . Wherfor y amonysch you +tat +ge take not +tys grace yn vayne ; but schryue you clene of your synnes , and put you fully ynto hys mercy and ynto his grace . (CMMIRK,92.2484) And +ten woll he take you ynto his mercy and into hys grace , and bryng you to +te joye +tat euer schall last . To +te wheche joy God graund you and me . (CMMIRK,92.2485) Amen . (CMMIRK,92.2486) 21 . (CMMIRK,92.2488) DE DOMINICA SECUNDA QUADRAGESIME . (CMMIRK,92.2489) Good men and woymen , +tys day ys +te secunde Sonday yn clene Lenton . Wherfor , as +ge haue ben bysy all +tys +gere forto make you clene and honest wythout-forth in body , now schull +ge be as bysy , forto clanse you wythyn-forth yn your soule ; (CMMIRK,92.2491) for +tat ys Godys wyll +tat +ge so done . Wherfor +tys tyme of Lenton ys ordeynt only to scowre and to clanse your concyens of all maner roust and ful+te of synne +tat scho ys defowled wyth , so +tat +ge may wyth a clene consyens receyue , on Astyr-day , +te clene body of our Lord Ihesu Crist . Wherfor Seynt Paule tellyth and techy+te you yn +te pystyll of +tys day and sayth +tus : ' Hec est voluntas mea etc . (CMMIRK,93.2492) This ys Godys wyll , +tat +ge be holy , and +tat +ge con hold your vessell yn holynes and worschyp . (CMMIRK,93.2493) +Ten hit prevyth well +tat he doth God worschyp +tat busyu+t hym to clans his vessell a+geyne +te comyng of our Lord . (CMMIRK,93.2494) +Ten schull +ge know well +tat +tys vessell ys noght elles , as Saynt Bernard sayth , but a manys concyens ; (CMMIRK,93.2495) hyt ys a trew vessell , and a hole , (CMMIRK,93.2496) and kepy+te truly all +tat ys put +teryn , ynto +te day of dome . (CMMIRK,93.2497) That day , yche manis vessell , +tat ys ych manys conciens , schall be openyd , so +tat all +te world schall see what a man ha+te kepte +teryn , be hit bettyr , be hyt worse . (CMMIRK,93.2498) +Ten wele schall hym be +tat bryngyth +tat day a clene vessell befor +te justyce ! (CMMIRK,93.2499) Then , how schall a man kepe hys vessell clene , holy chyrche techyth by ensampull of an holy patryark , Iacob , +tat ys red and songen of yn holy chyrche all +tys weke , (CMMIRK,93.2500) and sayth +tus : ' Thys Iacob had a fadyr +tat was called Isaac , and a modyr +tat was Rebecca . (CMMIRK,93.2501) +Ten had +tys Rebecca two sonnys at onys by hur husbond , (CMMIRK,93.2502) +tat on +tat was furst borne het Esav , (CMMIRK,93.2503) and +tat o+ter het Iacob . (CMMIRK,93.2504) +Ten God ordeynt so +tat +te fadyr loued Esav , (CMMIRK,93.2505) and +te modyr louet Iacob . ' (CMMIRK,93.2506) But , for +te story ys long , we schull , at +tys tyme , take +tat +tat ys most spedfull , and leue +tat o+tyr . (CMMIRK,93.2507) Then God +gaf +te patryarke suche a grace +tat , what maner blessyng +tay +gaue hor chyldyr , +tay schulden haue hit . (CMMIRK,93.2508) +Ten , for +tys Isaac was old , and blynd , and nygh his de+te , he bade hys sonne Esav goo , and hunt , and gete som mete , +tat he myght ete of , (CMMIRK,93.2509) and he wold +geue hym hys blessyng . (CMMIRK,93.2510) But when Esav was goon , by techyng of hys modyr and sleght , Iacob +tat was +te +gongyr , gate hys fadyrys blessyng , (CMMIRK,93.2511) and was made ayre and lord of all his bre+tyrn , (CMMIRK,93.2512) and curset all +tat cursy+te hym , (CMMIRK,93.2513) and blessyth all +tat blessyth hym . (CMMIRK,93.2514) Then when Esav come home and knew +tys , he hatyd hys bro+ter Iacob , (CMMIRK,93.2515) and +to+gt to haue slayn hym . Wherfor , by consell of hys modyr , he went out of +te contrey to a vncull of hys +tat het Laban . (CMMIRK,93.2516) And as he went by +te way , he come ynto a contre of euell-lyuyng men , (CMMIRK,94.2517) and durst not herber wyth hom ; (CMMIRK,94.2518) but all nyght lay by +te way , (CMMIRK,94.2519) and layde a stone vndyr hys hed (CMMIRK,94.2520) and so slepyd . (CMMIRK,94.2521) And as he slepte , hym +toght he saw a laddyr +tat raght from +te erth to Heuen ; (CMMIRK,94.2522) and God joynut to +te laddyr , and angyll goyng vp and don +te laddyr . (CMMIRK,94.2523) +Ten spake God to hym (CMMIRK,94.2524) and sayd : ' I am God of Abraham , Isaac , and Iacob ; (CMMIRK,94.2525) and woll +geue +te +tys lond , and be +ty keper yn +te way . ' (CMMIRK,94.2526) Then woke Iacob (CMMIRK,94.2527) and sayd : ' For so+te , God ys yn +tys place , (CMMIRK,94.2528) and I wyst not . ' (CMMIRK,94.2529) And so +gede forth to hys vncull , (CMMIRK,94.2530) and was wyth hym xx=ti= +gere his seruand , (CMMIRK,94.2531) and wedde hys two deghtren ; (CMMIRK,94.2532) +tat on het Rachel , (CMMIRK,94.2533) +tat o+ter het Lya . (CMMIRK,94.2534) And when he had byn +ter soo long , he had longyng to goo home ynto hys one contrey , (CMMIRK,94.2535) and toke wyth hym hys wyves and chyldyr , and all +te catell and good +tat he had , (CMMIRK,94.2536) and +gede forth . (CMMIRK,94.2537) But +get , for he dred hys bro+ter , +ter come , to helpe hym , a gret multytude of angelys yn lykenes of men . (CMMIRK,94.2538) +Ten , when he come to a forde of Iaboc , he made all hys meyne and all his catell go befor ouer +te forde , (CMMIRK,94.2539) and he hymself abode byhynd . (CMMIRK,94.2540) And as he was yn hys prayers , an angyll com to hym lyke a mon , (CMMIRK,94.2541) and wrasteled wyth hym , all +te nyght tyll on +te morow , (CMMIRK,94.2542) and towched +te gret senew of hys +tegh , (CMMIRK,94.2543) and made hym halt allway aftyr . (CMMIRK,94.2544) Then sayde +te angyll to Iacob : ' What ys +ty name ? ' (CMMIRK,94.2545) and he sayde : ' Iacob . ' (CMMIRK,94.2546) ' Nay , ' quod he , ' +tou schalt not lengyr het Iacob , (CMMIRK,94.2547) but Israell schall be +ty name ' ; (CMMIRK,94.2548) and soo blessyd hym , (CMMIRK,94.2549) and laft hym +ter halt . (CMMIRK,94.2550) And soo he +gede home ynto his contre yn mycull prosperyte . (CMMIRK,94.2551) +Tys story ys yn holy chyrch yn hegh ensampull to yche Goddes seruant +tat desyryth to gete +te blessyng of hys Fadyr of Heuen , and +te herytage +tat ys +ter . (CMMIRK,94.2552) He most furst be Iacob , and aftyr Israell ; (CMMIRK,94.2553) for by Iacob ys vndyrstond a wrasteler , and by Israell a man +tat se+te God : (CMMIRK,94.2554) for he +tat wyll se God yn Heuen , he most wrastyll in er+te wyth +te euell angyll , +tat ys +te fende , and wyth hys one flessch +tus . (CMMIRK,94.2555) When he goth to schryue hym , and ha+te an horrybull synne , +te fende putty+te such a schame yn hys hert , so , +togh hit be yn his mouthe , he may not for schame tell hit out ; (CMMIRK,94.2556) +ten most he wrastyll wyth +te fende , and ouercom hym , and so tell out opynly all +te circumstance +terof . (CMMIRK,94.2557) Then woll hys flessch be aferd of hys penance , (CMMIRK,94.2558) and he do+te hyt not aftyr he ys beden forto do , for drede +terof . (CMMIRK,95.2559) But +ten most he also wrastyll wyth hys flesch , and make hym do hys penance fully as he ys beden . (CMMIRK,95.2560) Takyng also ensampull of a woman +tat come of ferre to Cryst , as +te gospell telly+te , to haue bote and helpe of hyr doghtyr +tat was trauayld wyth a fende . (CMMIRK,95.2561) +Ten , among o+ter wordys when scho cryet to Cryst , as +te gospell telly+te , to haue helpe , he vnswaryd and sayde : ' Hyt ys not good to take bred of chyldyrn , and +geue hyt howndys to ete . ' (CMMIRK,95.2562) But +tys rebuke +tys woman toke mekely (CMMIRK,95.2563) and sayde : ' +Gus , Lord , for whelpes eten of cromes +tat fallen from hor lordeyis bord . ' (CMMIRK,95.2564) +Ten sayd Crist : ' Woman , +tou art of gret byleue ; wherfor as +tou wolt , be +ty doghtyr hole . ' (CMMIRK,95.2565) Thys woman and hur doghtyr bytokenyth a man +tat ha+te hys concyens trauelyng wyth +te fende of dedly synne +tat may no way be holpen , but +gyf he goo to God and holy chyrch , and opynly schryue hym to +te prest , sparyng no rebuke , ne-3 for no schame , ne drede ; but mekely suffyr +tat +te prest say+te , and take hys penance deuotly ; (CMMIRK,95.2566) and so schall he be delyuerd of +te fend that trauelyth hys concyens . (CMMIRK,95.2567) For +tat man +tat ha+te don a dedly synne , yf he schall be saued , he schall neuer take rest yn hys concyens , tyll he be schryuen of . (CMMIRK,95.2568) For ryght as hownd gnawyth a boon , ryght soo +tat synne schall gnawe hys concyens , schewyng by experyment how howndys of hell schull gnawe hys soule euermor , wythout rest , +tat dey+te wyttyngly yn dedly synne +tat he myght haue be schryuen of , and wold not . (CMMIRK,95.2569) Narracio . (CMMIRK,95.2571) I rede of a woman +tat had don an horrybull synne ; (CMMIRK,95.2573) and oft scho wold haue schryuen hur +terof , (CMMIRK,95.2574) but scho myght neuer for schame tell hit to +te prest . (CMMIRK,95.2575) +Ten , on a nyght , as scho lay and +toght moche how scho myght do for schame , Crist come to hur bodely (CMMIRK,95.2576) and sayde : ' My doghtyr , why schryues +tou +te not of +tat synne ? ' (CMMIRK,95.2577) +Ten sayde scho : ' Lord , for I may not for schame . ' (CMMIRK,95.2578) Then sayde Crist to hur : ' Schewe me +ty hond ' ; (CMMIRK,95.2579) and put hur hond ynto hys syde , vp to +te elbow , (CMMIRK,95.2580) and sayde ' What felys +tou ? ' (CMMIRK,95.2581) And scho , qwakyng for ferd , sayde : ' Lorde , I fele +ty hert . ' (CMMIRK,95.2582) +Ten sayde he : ' Be +tou no mor aschamed to schew me +ty hert , +ten I am to suffur +te to fele my hert . ' (CMMIRK,95.2583) Then +tys woman ros vp , (CMMIRK,96.2584) and wyth a candyll segh hyr hond blody , (CMMIRK,96.2585) and wold haue waschen hyt away ; (CMMIRK,96.2586) but hyt wold not be , tyll scho +gode on +te morow to a prest , to schryue hur . (CMMIRK,96.2587) And anon , as scho was schryuen , +ten anon +tat hond was as whyte as +tat o+tyr ; (CMMIRK,96.2588) and soo scho hade for+gyfnes of God , and +te blysse of Heuen . To +te wheche blysse God bryng you and me to , yf hyt be hys wyll . (CMMIRK,96.2589) Amen . (CMMIRK,96.2590) 22 . (CMMIRK,96.2592) DE DOMINICA TERCIA QUADRAGESIME SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,96.2593) Good men and woymen , +tys ys +te +trydde Sonenday of Lenton . Wherfor we redyn yn +te gospell of +tys day how our Lord Ihesu Crist cast out a dombe fende of a man ; (CMMIRK,96.2595) and when +te fende was out , +ten +te man spake . (CMMIRK,96.2596) Then schull +ge vndyrstond by +tys dombe man all +tat haue no pouste yn hor tong to schryue hom of ydull o+tes , of ydull wordys , and of ydull +toghtys +tat a man wyth delyte occupyeth his hert yn . (CMMIRK,96.2597) And when he comyth to schryft , +ten ys he dombe , (CMMIRK,96.2598) and speky+te not of hom , wenyng hyt be no synne to +tenke on an ydull +toght , ne forto speke ydull wordys to make men to lagh , ne forto swer an oth do+te no harme . (CMMIRK,96.2599) +Gus , for so+te , hit ys such a synne , as Crist sayth hymselfe , +tat a man schall +geue acownte +terof , yn +te day of dome , of yche ydull word +tat a man spekyth . Wherfore forto wythdraw all men of such o+tes and wordys , Seynt Poule yn +te pystull of +tys day forbedyth yche cristen man not to speke all maner ydull speche , and rybaudy , and harlatry , and all othyr speches +tat turnyth to foly and to noght . And byddyth hom speke suche wordys +tat ben worschypfull to God , and profet to hom +tat heryn hom . And byddy+te +tat suche foly wordys and rybawdy schuld not be nempnyd among Godis pepull ; (CMMIRK,96.2600) for $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} +tay ben oft ynempnet , +tay ben +toght on , (CMMIRK,96.2601) and so +tay fallyn ynto +te dede of synne , (CMMIRK,96.2602) and +togh +te dede of synne sewe not , neuer+teles +te lyst +tat a man ha+te yn spekyng , ys a gret synne . (CMMIRK,96.2603) Narracio . (CMMIRK,96.2605) I rede of an abbas +tat was a clene woman of hyr body as for dede of lechery ; (CMMIRK,96.2607) but scho had gret lust to talke +terof . (CMMIRK,96.2608) So when scho was ded , scho was buryet yn +te chyrch . (CMMIRK,97.2609) And so , +te ny+gt aftyr , fendes token vp +te body , (CMMIRK,97.2610) and beten hyt wyth brennyng scorgys from +te nauell vpward , +tat hyt was as blak as pych ; (CMMIRK,97.2611) but from +te nauell donward , +tay myght do no+gt +terto , (CMMIRK,97.2612) for +tat part schon as +te sonne . (CMMIRK,97.2613) But euer as +te fendes beten hyr , sho cryed so pittusly , +tat two of hur sustyrn +tat werne sextens , wer sore agrysut +terof ; (CMMIRK,97.2614) but +get ay+tyr confortyd o+ter , +tat +tay comen +ter +te body lay , (CMMIRK,97.2615) and se+gen how +te fendys ferden wyth hur . (CMMIRK,97.2616) Then sayde scho to hur sustren : ' +Ge knowen well ynogh +tat I was clene mayden as for dede of flessche ; wherfor +tat party of my body +tat was clene , +tat schynyth as +ge se now . (CMMIRK,97.2617) But , for I had lust forto speke of fulth of +te flessch and of o+tyr rybawdy , +terfor +tat party of my body +tat ys gulty , hit ha+te hys penaunce as +ge seen . Wherfor I pray you +tat +ge pray for me ; (CMMIRK,97.2618) for by your prayers I may be holpen , (CMMIRK,97.2619) and bu+te war by me yn tyme comyng . ' (CMMIRK,97.2620) By +tys ensampull +ge may know , how gret synne hyt ys to speke of rybawdy . Wherfor +te same apostull bydde+te you absteyne you from rybawdy and all such doyng , and sewe Crist , and walke yn loue as Crist dyd , and suffred for you mony scornes , and rebukes , and despytes , and mekely +geuyng ensampull to all his pepull to do ryght so ; (CMMIRK,97.2621) for +tat is nedefull to ych Godis seruant . (CMMIRK,97.2622) For +tat schapi+t hym to lyue in rest and pes , he schall haue gret persecucyon of euell men ; (CMMIRK,97.2623) but yf he take hit mekely and yn charyte , he ys a martyr befor God . Wherfor , yn confort of all such Godys seruantes , holy chyrch makyth mynd , +tys day and all +te weke aftyr , of a holy man +tat was called Ioseph , +tat suffryd gret persecucyon ; (CMMIRK,97.2624) but for he toke hit mekely , God broght hym aftyr ynto gret worschyp , as +ge schull now here . (CMMIRK,97.2625) But for +te story ys ouerlong , we schull take +terof +tat ys most nedfull , and leve +tet o+tyr . (CMMIRK,97.2626) Thys Ioseph had a fadyr +tat heght Iacob , (CMMIRK,97.2627) and had o+ter eleuen bre+tren to Ioseph . (CMMIRK,97.2628) And for hys fadyr loued hym specyaly befor all +tat o+tyr , +terfor +tay hatud hym , and moche more for a swyuen of hys +tat he had told hys bre+tyr , wherby +tay had euer troyng +tat he schuld be a lord to hom , and all schuld do hym worschip ; (CMMIRK,97.2629) herfor +tay had schapon to haue slayne hym . (CMMIRK,97.2630) But +tay durst not , for +te aw of God , sched hys blod ; (CMMIRK,97.2631) but sold hym ynto +te lond of Egypt to a man , for +trytty penyes . (CMMIRK,98.2632) +Ten , for God was wyth hym , +te maystyr of the kyngys knyghtys +tat heght Putyfare , boght Ioseph , (CMMIRK,98.2633) and made hym chefe of hys howshold . (CMMIRK,98.2634) But +get +te deuell had envy to hym , (CMMIRK,98.2635) and made +te lady of +te howse to couet hym to haue layn by hur . (CMMIRK,98.2636) And soo , on a day , when scho see tyme , scho toke hym by the mantell (CMMIRK,98.2637) and spake to hym of +tat mater ; (CMMIRK,98.2638) but when he herd that , anon he flogh away , (CMMIRK,98.2639) and lafte his mantell +ter . (CMMIRK,98.2640) +Ten +tys woman rerud cry , (CMMIRK,98.2641) and told hyr lord how Ioseph wold haue layne by hur ; (CMMIRK,98.2642) and , for he schuld not say nay , scho huld his mantell yn wytnesse a+geynys hym . Wherfor +te lord anon made cast Ioseph ynto prison wher kyng Pharo had don hys botler and hys baxter byfore . (CMMIRK,98.2643) Then met +tay two sweuons +te whech Ioseph dude rucche and sayd +tat , wythyn +tre dayes aftyr , +te kyng wold restore hys boteler a+geyne ynto hys offyce , and +te baxter schuld , wythyn +tre dayes aftyr , be hongyd : (CMMIRK,98.2644) and hit was sothe as he sayde . (CMMIRK,98.2645) Then fell hit soo , that +te kyng hymselfe met a swyuen ; (CMMIRK,98.2646) but for +ter cou+te no man tell what schuld fall +terof , by steryng of +te boteler , +te kyng send aftyr Ioseph . (CMMIRK,98.2647) And when +te kyng had told hym hys swyuen , +ten sayde Ioseph +tat God had send warnyng to +te kyng to be war and puruay before , (CMMIRK,98.2648) for he schuld haue VII +gere plente+te of corne and all o+ter vytayle , (CMMIRK,98.2649) and aftyr hom schuld come seven +gere of hongur +tat schuld ete out and destrye all +tat myght be geton +te VII good +geres befor . (CMMIRK,98.2650) Then sayde +te kyng : ' I know no man +tat cou+te +tus do but +tou ; wherfor I make +te vndyr me +te grettyst yn my reme , and all schall bow to +te as to me , and do +ty commawndement yn all +tyng . ' (CMMIRK,98.2651) Then Ioseph anon let make +te gretyst bernys +tat euer wer , (CMMIRK,98.2652) and gedyr corne +tylke VII +gere . (CMMIRK,98.2653) So at +te VII +geres ende , as he sayde , dere +gere and hongyr come . (CMMIRK,98.2654) And when all men haden spende +tat +tay had , +ten +tay come to Ioseph +tat had jnogh , and sold hom corne and o+tyr vytayles . (CMMIRK,98.2655) Then , when Iacob , Ioseph fadyr , herd +tat +ter was corn to byen yn Egypte , he send +tydyr hys x sonnes , forto bye corne . (CMMIRK,98.2656) And when +tay segh Ioseph , as hys swyuen wold XXII +gere before , all +tay fell on knes (CMMIRK,98.2657) and honowred hym ; (CMMIRK,98.2658) for +tay knew not Ioseph . (CMMIRK,98.2659) But for he knew hem well , he spake hard wordes to hom by a latymere , lest he had ben knowen , (CMMIRK,99.2660) and sayd +tay werne spyes , (CMMIRK,99.2661) and wern come to spye +te lond . (CMMIRK,99.2662) And +tay sayde nay , (CMMIRK,99.2663) +tay wern all on manys sonnes , (CMMIRK,99.2664) and on bro+tyr +tay haden laft at home wyth hor fadyr , (CMMIRK,99.2665) ano+tyr bro+tyr +tay hadden , (CMMIRK,99.2666) but he was not alyve (CMMIRK,99.2667) +tat +tay speken by Ioseph , for +tay wenden he had ben ded . (CMMIRK,99.2668) Then sayde Ioseph he wold preue hom , whe+ter +tay wer trew , (CMMIRK,99.2669) and made bynde on of hom +tat het Symeon , (CMMIRK,99.2670) and sayde he wold hold hym fast , tyll +tay broght to hym +tat bro+ter +tat was at home , (CMMIRK,99.2671) and made full hor sackes wyth corne , (CMMIRK,99.2672) and put money yn +te mou+te of ych sake , vnwytyng hom ; (CMMIRK,99.2673) and so made hom go home to hor fadyr . (CMMIRK,99.2674) So when +tay come home and powred out +te corne , +tay fonden money yn hor sakkes (CMMIRK,99.2675) and tolden hor fadyr all $tythyng . (CMMIRK,99.2676) Then was +te fadyr sory for hys sonne +tat was laft byhynde yn bondes , (CMMIRK,99.2677) and most nede send hym forth +tat he louet most ; (CMMIRK,99.2678) for he was Iosephys own brothyr , (CMMIRK,99.2679) and +tat o+ter werne hys half-bre+tern . (CMMIRK,99.2680) But +togh he wer lo+te to leue hym , when hys corn faylyd , he most nede haue more (CMMIRK,99.2681) and send forth Beniamyn to Ioseph . (CMMIRK,99.2682) And when Ioseph segh hym , he myght not forgo to wepe , (CMMIRK,99.2683) and +gede ynto hys chambur , (CMMIRK,99.2684) and bade delyuer hur o+tyr bro+tyr Symeon to hom , (CMMIRK,99.2685) and sette hom to mete , (CMMIRK,99.2686) and bade full hor sekkes wyth corn and putte priuely hys cuppe +tat he dranke of hymself , yn Beniamyn sacke , (CMMIRK,99.2687) and soo made hom go hore way . (CMMIRK,99.2688) But when +tay wern all gone yn good spede as +tay wenden , +ten send Ioseph aftyr hom men +tat sayden +tat +tay wern wycked men +tat aftyr +tat hur lord had made hom wele at +gees , had stolen hys cuppe +tat he loued most . (CMMIRK,99.2689) Then wern +tay sory (CMMIRK,99.2690) and sayden hit was not soo , (CMMIRK,99.2691) but bade hom ronsak hom yche on . (CMMIRK,99.2692) And +tay begonen at +te eldyst , tyll +tay come to +te +gongyst , (CMMIRK,99.2693) and token hym +tat +tay fonden hit wyth , (CMMIRK,99.2694) and ladden hym a+geyne , to here hor lordeys wylle ; (CMMIRK,99.2695) for hom +toght hyt had ben sykur +tat hit had not ben soo . (CMMIRK,99.2696) Then when +tay come to Beniamyn +tat was Ioseph bro+tyr , +tay fonden +te coppe yn +te bo+tom of +te sakke . (CMMIRK,99.2697) +Ten wer +tay all sory , (CMMIRK,99.2698) and turnet a+geyne sore wepyng , (CMMIRK,99.2699) and come before Ioseph . (CMMIRK,99.2700) But when he se hom all wepe and hys one bro+tyr makyng most sorow , for hyt was fond wyth hym , then Ioseph spake to hym , (CMMIRK,99.2701) and bade hym be of good confort , (CMMIRK,99.2702) and sayde : ' I am Ioseph , your bro+tyr , (CMMIRK,99.2703) be +ge not aferd : (CMMIRK,100.2704) God ha+te send me tofore you hedyr for your good . ' (CMMIRK,100.2705) And soo send aftyr hys fadyr , (CMMIRK,100.2706) and dwellut ay aftyr +ter yn +tat lond in gret well and prosperite . (CMMIRK,100.2707) Lo , good men , +tys story ys red +tys weke yn holy $chyrche , (CMMIRK,100.2708) for Godys chyldyrne schuld take ensampull at old holy fadyrs , to suffyr desese and persecucyon wyth meke hert , and yn full charyte for Godys loue , as he suffred for vs . (CMMIRK,100.2709) And he +tat takyth persecucyon a+geynes hert and grucche+te a+geynes God and sayth : ' A , why do+te God +tus wyth me , (CMMIRK,100.2710) what haue I trespassed +tat he faryth +tus wythe me ? ' (CMMIRK,100.2711) I do you well to wytte +tat +ge most schryf you +terof , and aske God mercy for youre inpacyens and of all o+tyr synnys , ben +tay neuer soo small yn your eye ; (CMMIRK,100.2712) for +te trespas of on synne may let moch grace . (CMMIRK,100.2713) Narracio . (CMMIRK,100.2715) I rede yn a myracull of Saynt Wenfryd +tat a man come to hur , vnne+te broght apon two croches , full of all maner woo . (CMMIRK,100.2717) +Ten , be helpe of +tys holy mayden and virgyn , he was helud , (CMMIRK,100.2718) and soo al day aftyr went hole ynto yche hous of +te abbay , +tonkyng God and +te holy mayden of hys hele . (CMMIRK,100.2719) But at nyght he +gode ynto hys bed +ter he lay before , hopyng to haue gon yn +te morow home all hole . (CMMIRK,100.2720) Also sone as he come ynto hys bed , anon +te sekenes toke hym wors +tan hit dyd befor ; (CMMIRK,100.2721) and soo lay all nyght cryyng +tat hit was rewth to here . (CMMIRK,100.2722) Then , on +te morow , mongkes come to hym askyng what he had agylt , +tat hys sekenes was comen a+geyne . (CMMIRK,100.2723) And he sayde : ' No+tyng . ' (CMMIRK,100.2724) +Ten sayde on : ' Was +tou schryuen se+ten +tou come . ' (CMMIRK,100.2725) And he sayde nay , (CMMIRK,100.2726) for sothe he had no nede , (CMMIRK,100.2727) and sayde he stele neuer ox ne cow ne hors , (CMMIRK,100.2728) ne neuer dyd no greues synne ; wherfor he had no nede to schryue hym . (CMMIRK,100.2729) +Ten sayde +te monke a+geyne +tus : ' For +tagh a man do no gret synnes , he may do soo mony venyall synnys vnschryuen , may charche his soule , and make a dedly synne . (CMMIRK,100.2730) For ryght as a man may wyth mony smal cornys ouercharche a strong hors , so , wyth mony venyall synnys $vnschryuen , may charch hys soule , +tat he schall fall ynto +te lake of helle . (CMMIRK,100.2731) Then +tys man toke a prest (CMMIRK,100.2732) and schrof hym . (CMMIRK,100.2733) And when he was schryuen , anon he had hys hele , (CMMIRK,100.2734) and was hole ay aftyr ; (CMMIRK,100.2735) and heyly +tonked God +tat he was helut , bo+te yn body and yn soule , by confessyon and prayer of +tis holy mayden Seynt Wenefryde . (CMMIRK,101.2736) And so pray we to God +tat we may be helud yn our bodyes and specyaly in our soules , +tat we may haue +te blysse +tat he boght vs to . (CMMIRK,101.2737) Amen . (CMMIRK,101.2738) 23 . (CMMIRK,101.2740) DE DOMINICA QUARTA QUADRAGESIME . (CMMIRK,101.2741) Good men and woymen , as +ge all know well , +tys ys +te four+te Sonday of Lenton . Yn +te wheche day all holy chyrch maky+te mynde of a holy profyt +tat was called Moyses , +te whech was a figur of our Lord Ihesu Crist mony +geres er he was borne of our lady . (CMMIRK,101.2743) Then , as we redyn thys weke yn holy chyrch , as +tys Moyses was yn desert of Synay , God spake to hym (CMMIRK,101.2744) and sayde : ' Pharao , +te kyng of Egypt , oppressyth the pepull of Israell wyth bondage and wyth vnresynabull werkes , (CMMIRK,101.2745) and +tay , for woo of oppressyng , cryen to me for socour and helpe . Wherfor goo +tou thedyr , and fache hom out of hys bondage , and bryng hom hedyr , and offeryth to me yn +tis styd ; (CMMIRK,101.2746) and I wyll bryng hom into a lond plentwys of all good . ' (CMMIRK,101.2747) So , when he had taght Moyses all how he schuld do , +ten he +gode +tedyr , (CMMIRK,101.2748) and gederyd all +te old men of hom +tat knew by prophesy how +tay schuld be lad out of +tat lond , (CMMIRK,101.2749) and sayde to hom as God bade hym . (CMMIRK,101.2750) Then wer +tay wondur glad and fayne , (CMMIRK,101.2751) and suyd hym forth more and lasse , tyll +tay come to +te Red See . (CMMIRK,101.2752) And God was befor hom yn a pelere of a clowde , to refresch hom for hete of +te sonne , and in +te nyght yn a pyler of fure , to leghten hom from harme of edyrs and o+ter vemens bestys . (CMMIRK,101.2753) But when +tat Pharao herd +tat Moyses had lad forth +tis pepull , he toke +tre hundyrt of charyotes of hys owne , and o+tyr +tre hundyrt of +te lond , and fyfty +towsand of horsmen , and two hundyrt +towsand of fotemen , (CMMIRK,101.2754) and +gode aftyr hom . (CMMIRK,101.2755) But when Moyses segh +tys pepull comyng , he prayde to God for helpe . (CMMIRK,101.2756) And God bade hym smyte +te see wyth his +gerde , (CMMIRK,101.2757) and hyt schuld open and +geue way to hys pepull . (CMMIRK,101.2758) And when he had smyten +te see wyth hys +gerde , hit cleue yn two partyes , so +tat +te watyr stod on ay+tyr syde as walles , (CMMIRK,102.2759) and +te grounde was dry sond . (CMMIRK,102.2760) Then +gode Moyses yn , (CMMIRK,102.2761) and all +ta pepull sewet hym , tyll +tay wer all ouerpassyd . (CMMIRK,102.2762) Then went Pharao to haue don soo , (CMMIRK,102.2763) and +gode yn aftyr . (CMMIRK,102.2764) But when he and all hys ost wern yn +te see , +te watyr went a+geyne togedyr , (CMMIRK,102.2765) and drowned hym and all hys ost , so +tat +ter wer laft of hom not on man . (CMMIRK,102.2766) Then when Moyses and his pepull segh +tat , +tay +tonkyd God , wyth hegh steuen , (CMMIRK,102.2767) and dwellyd +ter seuen dayes aftyr ; (CMMIRK,102.2768) and yche day +gode to +te see wyth mynstrelsy , +tonkyng God of hur wondyrfull scapyng . (CMMIRK,102.2769) +Get yn mynde herof , all +te Astyr-weke , processyon ys made to +te fonte . (CMMIRK,102.2770) Then went Moyses forth wyth hys pepull ynto +te desert , tyll +tay come to +te hull of Synay . (CMMIRK,102.2771) And +ter he laft +te pepull byne+te , (CMMIRK,102.2772) and he hymselfe +gode vp ynto +te hull +ter God was ; (CMMIRK,102.2773) and was fourty dayes +ter and fourty nyghtys wythout mete or drynke . (CMMIRK,102.2774) Then God +gaf hym twoo tables of stone yn +te whech God wrote wyth hys fyngyrs +te x commaundementys , (CMMIRK,102.2775) and bade Moyses teche hom to hys pepull . (CMMIRK,102.2776) And when he come done to +te pepull , hys face was so bryght (CMMIRK,102.2777) and two spyres of fyre stoden out of hys hed lyke two hornes , so +tat +te pepull myght not speke wyth hym for clerte , tyll he toke a kerchef and hulyd hys face . (CMMIRK,102.2778) Then wer +ter wryton yn +te on lefe +te +tre comaundementys +tat longy+te to God , and seuen yn +tat o+ter +tat longy+te to +ty neghtbur . (CMMIRK,102.2779) +Te +tre commawndementys +tat longy+te to God ben +tese : (CMMIRK,102.2780) ' Thow schalt loue God and worschyp hym befor all +tyng , so +tat +tou schalt yn all +tyng pyt Godys wyll byfore +ty wyll , and so sewe hys wyll and not +tyne . ' (CMMIRK,102.2781) That o+ter ys : ' +Tou schalt not take Godys name yn vayne . ' +Tat ys : +tou schalt not be callet a cristen mon , but yf +tou lyue a cristen lyfe ; (CMMIRK,102.2782) for +togh +tou be called a cristen man and serues +te fende , +tat name stondyth +te in veyn . (CMMIRK,102.2783) And also +tou schalt not swer by God , ne by no party of hys body , ne by no +tyng +tat he made , but yn affermyng of trewth , and +get when +tou art constrayned +terto . (CMMIRK,102.2784) The thryd ys this : ' Thow schalt hold +ty holyday . ' +Tat ys : +tow schalt ben as erly vp and as late don , and be as besy to serue God as +tou art on +te werkeday to serue +te world . (CMMIRK,102.2785) The four+te is : ' +Tou schalt worschyp +ty fadyr and +ty modyr +tat han broght +te ynto +tys world , and +ty god-fadyr and +ty god-modyr +tat holpen to make +te a cristen man , and thy faydr vndyr God +tat ha+te +te charche of +ty soule , (CMMIRK,103.2786) and schall +geue vnswar +terof befor God . ' (CMMIRK,103.2787) The v. ys +tys : (CMMIRK,103.2788) ' +Tow schalt no+tyr-1 sley wyth +ty hond , ne wyth +ty ee nor wyth +ty tong , ne wyth euell ensampull ; ne wythdrawe lore and techyng to hom +tat +tou art holden to tech . ' (CMMIRK,103.2789) The VI. is +tys : (CMMIRK,103.2790) ' +Tou schalt do no lechery yn no degre wythout wedlok . ' (CMMIRK,103.2791) The VII. ys +tys : (CMMIRK,103.2792) ' +Tou schalt not stele no +tyng , grete ne small . ' (CMMIRK,103.2793) The VIII. is +tys : (CMMIRK,103.2794) ' +Tou schalt not bere no false wyttenes a+geynys no man , by no way . ' (CMMIRK,103.2795) The IX. ys : ' +Tou schalt no+tyr-1 couet seruant , ne ox , ne no +tyng +tat ys +ty neghtbur , a+geynys hys wyll . ' (CMMIRK,103.2796) The X. ys +tys : (CMMIRK,103.2797) ' +Tou schalt not wylne +ty neghtburs wyfe , ne cownsell hur , by no maner way , to euell , ne to +tat +tat ys harme or veleny to hur husbond . ' (CMMIRK,103.2798) Thes byn +te commawndementys +te whech ych crysten man ys bondon forto kepe . (CMMIRK,103.2799) Thus was Moyses a fygur and a token of Cryst ; (CMMIRK,103.2800) for Moyses com before (CMMIRK,103.2801) and +gaf +te lawe , (CMMIRK,103.2802) and Crist come aftyr (CMMIRK,103.2803) and +gaf grace , and mercy , and trew+te . (CMMIRK,103.2804) For ryght as Moyses fatte +te pepull out of Egypte +trogh +te see to +te hull of Synay , ryght soo Cryst , when he com , he , by prechyng and myracles doyng , fat +te pepull out of +te darknes of synne and euell lyuyng +trogh +te watyr of folowyng to +te hull of vertu . (CMMIRK,103.2805) For he +tat woll schryue hym clene , and leue hys fowle leuyng , and hold +te couenantes +tat he made wyth God yn hys folowyng , he schall gedyr vertu so togedyr , +tat +te $heght of hym schall passe +te heght of any erthly hulle . (CMMIRK,103.2806) But he +tat woll +tus do , he most be fed of Cryst wyth fyve lovys and two fyschys , as we rede yn +te gospell , how he fedde v +towsand of pepull wyth v louys and two fysches . (CMMIRK,103.2807) The fyrst lofe of +tes v ys contrycyon of hert . (CMMIRK,103.2808) The secund ys trew schryft of mou+te . (CMMIRK,103.2809) The +tryd ys satysfaccyon of hys trespas . (CMMIRK,103.2810) The IIII. ys drede of redemacion , +tat is , of turnyng a+geyne from hys synne ; (CMMIRK,103.2811) for he +tat ys allgate aferde , he schall do well . (CMMIRK,103.2812) The v. ys persauaracyon in God . (CMMIRK,103.2813) The two fyschys ben orysons and almes-dede , (CMMIRK,103.2814) for +tes ben noresched yn terus of deuocyon . (CMMIRK,103.2815) +Tes two susters geton whatsoeuer +tay woll of hym . (CMMIRK,103.2816) Narracio . (CMMIRK,104.2819) I rede +tat +ter was summe tyme a man +tat was called Perys , (CMMIRK,104.2821) and was full rych ; (CMMIRK,104.2822) but he was so hard , +tat no begger myght gete no good of hym , by no maner wyse . (CMMIRK,104.2823) +Ten fell hyt soo , +tat a company of beggers setyn togedyr and speken of +tys Perus , and how +tay myght gete no good of hym . (CMMIRK,104.2824) Then spake on +tat was as a maystyr of hom , (CMMIRK,104.2825) and sayd : ' What woll +ge lay wyth me +tat I schall gete no good of hym ? ' (CMMIRK,104.2826) So +tay layden a wager . (CMMIRK,104.2827) +Ten went +te begger forth (CMMIRK,104.2828) and set hym yn +tys Peres hall-porche , to abyd hym , tyll he come . (CMMIRK,104.2829) +Ten anon , as he segh hym come , +tys begger began to halson hym so heyly and so horrybly , +tat +tys Perys , for gret angur +tat he had of hys grete halsyng as hys seruant come by hym wyth a basket full of bred , he kaght a lofe , and wyth all hys myght he cast at +tys begger , and smot hym on +te brest , and sayde : ' Stop thy mouthe herwyth ; (CMMIRK,104.2830) +te deuell of hell choke +te ! (CMMIRK,104.2831) How begynnys +tou on me ! ' (CMMIRK,104.2832) +Ten , +togh +tys begger had an stroke , +get he was fayne +tat he had somwhat , forto wynne wyth hys wager ; (CMMIRK,104.2833) and toke +te lofe , (CMMIRK,104.2834) and +gode to hys felaws . (CMMIRK,104.2835) ' Lo , ' quod he , ' +Tys I haue geton , ' (CMMIRK,104.2836) and had hys wagyr . (CMMIRK,104.2837) Then , yn +te nyght aftyr , hyt happut soo +tat +tys Perys sterfe yn hys bede ; (CMMIRK,104.2838) and anon fendys comen and fattyn his soule to helle . (CMMIRK,104.2839) But +ten was our lady redy , (CMMIRK,104.2840) and bade hom bryng +te sowle fyrst to +te dome , (CMMIRK,104.2841) and so +tay dydden . (CMMIRK,104.2842) Then was +ter no+tyng to helpe +tys soule , but only +tat lofe +tat he cast at +te pore man . (CMMIRK,104.2843) +Ten sayden +te fendes +tat he +gaf hyt a+geynys hys wyll ; wherfor , by ryght , hyt schuld not helpe hym . (CMMIRK,104.2844) Then went our lady to hyr sonne , prayng hym to graunt +te soule to goo a+geyne to +te body , forto loke , +gyf he wold amend hym . (CMMIRK,104.2845) Then bade he bryng +te soule a+geyne to +te body . (CMMIRK,104.2846) And when hyt was soo , anon +te body sate vp , (CMMIRK,104.2847) and +gaf a gret syke , (CMMIRK,104.2848) and called to hym a+geyne all hys housemeyne , (CMMIRK,104.2849) and told how hard a dome he was at , and how he had ben dampned , ner +tat +te lofe had byn +tat he cast at +te begger . Wherfor anon he made to sell all hys good , and dele hit to pore men for Godys loue . (CMMIRK,104.2850) And when he had so ydon , he was made a religyous man , (CMMIRK,104.2851) and was aftyr a holy man . (CMMIRK,104.2852) Herby +ge may know how gret vertu ys yn almys-dede . (CMMIRK,105.2854) Oresons maky+te a man preue wyth God for oft spekyng wyth hym ; (CMMIRK,105.2855) for as oft as a man pray+t deuotly , so oft he speky+te wyth God . (CMMIRK,105.2856) And almys-dede makyth hym sykur a+geyns the day of dome . (CMMIRK,105.2857) For all +tat han done almes-dede for Godys loue , schall be sauet +tat day . (CMMIRK,105.2858) Also for we speke aboue of +te synne of vowtre , +tat is , a man to bylyon hys neghtbors wyfe , o+ter the wyfe to take ano+ter +ten hur husbond , +terfor I tell you +tys ensampull . (CMMIRK,105.2859) Narracio . (CMMIRK,105.2861) Ther was a man +tat made charcolys yn a gret lordys parke , (CMMIRK,105.2863) and when he had made a gret fure , he lay +terby all nyght . (CMMIRK,105.2864) +Ten a lytull befor mydnyght , +ter come a woman , halfe naked also faste os scheo myghte renne , (CMMIRK,105.2865) and scheo ferde os scheo were out of hur wytte , and aftyr hyr a knyght rydyng on a blacke hors as fast as he myght pryke , wyth a drawen swerde , (CMMIRK,105.2866) and hunted her all about +te cole-fure . (CMMIRK,105.2867) And soo , at +te last , +tys knyght slogh +tys woman , (CMMIRK,105.2868) and hew hyr to pecys , (CMMIRK,105.2869) and kest hom ynto +te fure , (CMMIRK,105.2870) and rode a+geyne wyth all hys myght . (CMMIRK,105.2871) So when +tys man saw +tys syght fele nyghtys aftyr , at +te last , he +gode to hys lorde (CMMIRK,105.2872) and told hym all togedyr . (CMMIRK,105.2873) Then was +tys man a bold man , (CMMIRK,105.2874) and sayde he wold wytte what +tat myght be , (CMMIRK,105.2875) and come +tedyr +te nyght aftyr , (CMMIRK,105.2876) and se all +tat +te man had told hym before . (CMMIRK,105.2877) +Ten , when +te knyght had slayne +te woman and cast hur ynto +te fure , +tat o+tyr lord halset +te knyght +tat dyd soo , (CMMIRK,105.2878) and bade hym tell hym what he was and why he did soo . (CMMIRK,105.2879) Then he vnswared and sayde +tat he was such a man +tat was hys seruant a lytyll before , and +tat woman was such ano+tyr knyghtys wyfe . (CMMIRK,105.2880) And for he had bylayn hur vndyr hor husbond , ' +terfor we wer put bo+te to such a penance . ' (CMMIRK,105.2881) And sayde +tat yche nyght he all tosley hur and brent hur +ter ; (CMMIRK,105.2882) and +te hors +tat he rod on , was a fende +tat brent hym an hundyrtfold hattyr +ten any er+tly fure . (CMMIRK,105.2883) And soo +tat penance +tay most suffur , tyll +tay wer holpen by certeyne masses and o+tyr certeyn almys-dedys ; (CMMIRK,105.2884) and told hym what . (CMMIRK,105.2885) Then +tat o+tyr knyght behette hym +tat all schuld be done for hym , (CMMIRK,106.2886) and dyd so , (CMMIRK,106.2887) and halp hym so of hys penance +trogh +te mercy of God . +Te whech mercy God graunt vs , yf hit be hys wyll . (CMMIRK,106.2888) Amen . (CMMIRK,106.2889) 24 . (CMMIRK,106.2891) DE ANUNCIACIONE DOMINICA SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,106.2892) Good men and woymen , +tat louen to serue our lady , suche a day +ge schull haue an hegh fest in holy chyrch , +tat ys callyd +te Annunciacyon of our lady . +Te whech euen +ge schull fast , ych man aftyr hys deuocyon , and aftyr he ha+te made a vow , and also as he ys joynet of +te holy gostly fadyr . (CMMIRK,106.2894) The schull +ge know well +tat +tis fest ys callet +te Annuncyacyon of our lady . (CMMIRK,106.2895) For +tys skyll +te hygh Fadyr of Heuen send hys holy angell Gabryell downe out of Heuen into +te cite of Na+gareth vnto our lady , +tat was new yweddyd by Godys byddyng and reuelacyon of +te Holy Gost , to an old man , +tat was called Ioseph . (CMMIRK,106.2896) And as scho was yn hur chambur yn hyr deuocyon , +te angyll Gabryell come , (CMMIRK,106.2897) and gret hur wyth myld steuen , (CMMIRK,106.2898) and sayde : ' Heyl be +tou , full of grace ; (CMMIRK,106.2899) God ys wyth +te ; (CMMIRK,106.2900) blessy+t be +tou of all woymen ! ' (CMMIRK,106.2901) Then was scho gretly abaschot of +tys metyng . (CMMIRK,106.2902) For +ter was +tat tyme in +tat contre a man +tat cow+te moch of wycchecraft , (CMMIRK,106.2903) and so , by helpe of +te fende , he made hym lyke an angyll , (CMMIRK,106.2904) and come to dyuers maydyns , (CMMIRK,106.2905) and sayde he was send from God to hom on +tys message ; (CMMIRK,106.2906) and soo lay by hom , (CMMIRK,106.2907) and dude hom gret vylany . (CMMIRK,106.2908) Then , for oure lady herd tell of +tys manys doyng , scho was sore adred , lest hyt had be he . (CMMIRK,106.2909) For oft before scho had spoken wyth angelys , (CMMIRK,106.2910) but such wordys ny gretyng +tay made neuer to hyr . (CMMIRK,106.2911) Then +tys angyll conforted hur (CMMIRK,106.2912) and sayd : ' Mary , be not adred , (CMMIRK,106.2913) +tou hast fond grace wyth God . (CMMIRK,106.2914) For among all maydyns +tat ben o+ter wern and schull be , God ha+te chosen +te for mekest to be modyr to hys owne sonne , (CMMIRK,106.2915) and hym +tou schalt conceyue by fey+te and loue of +te Holy Gost wythouten any werke of man , +tat schall vmbeschadow +te wythout , and quenche all maner flesschly lust in +te , and tend +te fyre of gostly loue yn +ty hert . (CMMIRK,106.2916) And so , by fay+t and by loue , +tow schalt conceyue +te sonne of +te hye God of Heuen , (CMMIRK,106.2917) and +tus +tou be modyr and mayden yfere ; (CMMIRK,107.2918) and soo was neuer non befor +te , (CMMIRK,107.2919) ne aftyr schall be . ' (CMMIRK,107.2920) Then , when our lady herd +tys word , anon +ter come such a spirituall swetness and a joy yn hor hert , +tat non er+tly mon cou+t tell hit . (CMMIRK,107.2921) And soo , wyth all +te reuerence and mekenes +tat scho cou+te , scho vnswared +tus : ' Lo here , Godis owne meke hond-maydon , redy to do Godys wyll , prayng +tat hyt most be don to me ryght as +tou sayst . ' (CMMIRK,107.2922) +Tus scho conceyued our Lord Ihesu Crist in euerlastyng joy to all +te world . (CMMIRK,107.2923) Thus may I resenably lyken to a precyous ston +tat ys callyd Onys , and ys as clere as cristall , and schall of kynd , when +te sonne schyne+te hote on hym , opyn and receyue won droppe of +te dewe of heuen ynto hym , and clos hym a+geyne tyll IX mone+ts aftyr . (CMMIRK,107.2924) And +ten hit fally+te , (CMMIRK,107.2925) and openyth a stone out of +te same kynd , (CMMIRK,107.2926) and soo closy+te a+geyne as euer hit was , wythout any wem , (CMMIRK,107.2927) and neuer openyth aftyr . (CMMIRK,107.2928) Thus oure lady was as clene as any crystall , (CMMIRK,107.2929) and +te hote low of +te Holy Gost openyth hyr hert , (CMMIRK,107.2930) and receyuyth +te vertu of +te hegh God of Heuen . (CMMIRK,107.2931) And , at +te IX monyth ende , was delyuerd of hur sonne Ihesu Crist , (CMMIRK,107.2932) and scho euer aftyr as clene mayden as scho was befor . (CMMIRK,107.2933) Then , when +te angyll had don hys message and was gon a+geyne to Heuen , our lady went anon to hyr cosyn Ely+gabeth +tat was gret wyth chyld , wyth Saynt Ion +te Baptyst . (CMMIRK,107.2934) And soo , when scho come to Ely+gabeth , scho grette hur full mekely . (CMMIRK,107.2935) And soo anon , as our lady spake to Ely+gabeth , +te chyld yn Ely+gabeth wombe pleyude , (CMMIRK,107.2936) and made gret joy , (CMMIRK,107.2937) for he saw +tat our Lord had take mankynd , (CMMIRK,107.2938) and was com forto saue hom +tat wer forlore . (CMMIRK,107.2939) Then our lady dwellyd +ter wyth hur cosyn tyll Seynt Ion was borne , (CMMIRK,107.2940) and was mydwyff to Eli+gabeth , (CMMIRK,107.2941) and toke Ion from +te er+te . (CMMIRK,107.2942) And soo scho lernd all +tat hur nedyd , forto come a+geyne +te tyme +tat hur sonne schuld be borne of hor . (CMMIRK,107.2943) Sy+ten scho was parfyt +terof , scho mekely toke hyr leue , (CMMIRK,107.2944) and +gode home a+geyne to Na+gareth . (CMMIRK,107.2945) Then +toght Ioseph +tat he wold goo and loke how hys wyf ferde . (CMMIRK,107.2946) And when our lady herd of hys come , scho +gode a+geynes hym , (CMMIRK,107.2947) and gret hym full mekely , als scho full wele cou+te . (CMMIRK,107.2948) But when Ioseph se hur gret wyth chyld , he merueylt gretly how +tat myght be ; (CMMIRK,107.2949) for he wyst well hyt was not hys , (CMMIRK,107.2950) for scho had neuer part of hys body . (CMMIRK,107.2951) And also he knew well scho had made a vow before +tat scho wold neuer haue part of manys body . (CMMIRK,108.2952) +Ten he +toght how he was made to wed hur +trogh +te byddyng of God and gret schewyng of myracles , (CMMIRK,108.2953) and +toght yn hys hert +tat he was not wor+ty to dwell yn hur company , (CMMIRK,108.2954) and schaput hym priuely to goo home a+geyne and leue hur +ter . (CMMIRK,108.2955) Then come +ter an angell to hym (CMMIRK,108.2956) and sayd : ' Ioseph , be not aferd to take Mary , +ty wyfe , ynto +ty kepyng , (CMMIRK,108.2957) hit ys of +te Holy Gost +tat ys qwyk yn hur . Wherfor +tou schalt be hur keper , and norys to hur chyld . (CMMIRK,108.2958) And when hit ys borne , +tou call hym Ihesu ; (CMMIRK,108.2959) for he schall be sauyour of mankynd . (CMMIRK,108.2960) Thus schull +ge knowe +tat for +tre skylles , as Seynt Ambros sayth , our lady was wedded to +tys old man Ioseph . (CMMIRK,108.2961) The fyrst was : yf scho had conceyuet out of wedlocke , +te Iewes wold haue sayde scho had ben a lechore ; and soo by hor lawe haue stenet hyr to deth . (CMMIRK,108.2962) The secunde cause was : fore scho was so schamfast ; (CMMIRK,108.2963) and had any man put any fame on hur , scho schuld for schame haue byn ded . (CMMIRK,108.2964) The +tryd cause was : for +tat Ioseph schuld be wytnes to hur of hur maydonhed ; (CMMIRK,108.2965) for when +te wyfe trespassy+te yn +tat degre , +te husbond bysyu+te hym most to knew the so+te . (CMMIRK,108.2966) The fowrth cause ys : for +tat Ioseph most be helper to hur yn hur burth , and bryng hur to Bedeleem , and aftyr ynto Egypte , and soo a+geyne ynto hur owne contre . (CMMIRK,108.2967) For +tes causes scho was weddyt to +tis holy man ; (CMMIRK,108.2968) and soo , forto begyle +te fende +tat he schuld not know hym by ano+tyr chyld . (CMMIRK,108.2969) Thus , good men , +ge haue now herd of +tys annuncyacyon . (CMMIRK,108.2970) +Ten ben +ter summe +tat asken why +ter stondyth a wyne-potte and a lyly bytwyx our lady and Gabyrell at hur salutacyon . (CMMIRK,108.2971) Narracio . (CMMIRK,108.2973) Thus was +te skyll ; (CMMIRK,108.2975) for our lady at hur salutacyon conceyuet by syght . (CMMIRK,108.2976) And +tat was +te fyrst myracull +tat was wroght yn prevyng of Cristys fayth . (CMMIRK,108.2977) And fell +tus +tat a cristen man and a Iewe seton togedyr talkyng of +te comyng of our lady . (CMMIRK,108.2978) And +ter as +tay wern , a wyne-potte stode bytwene hom . (CMMIRK,108.2979) Then sayd +te cristyn man to +te Iewe : ' We belevyn ryght as +te stalke of +te lyly grouy+t , and conceyuyth colour of grene , and aftyr bryngyth forthe a whitte flowre wythout craft of man or any enpayryng of +te $stalke ; ry+gt soo our lady conceyuet of +te Holy Gost , and aftyr broght forth hor sonne wythout wem of hyr body , +tat ys flour and chefe fruyt of all wymen . (CMMIRK,109.2980) Then sayde +te Iewe : ' When I se a lyly spryng out of +tys potte , I wyll leue , and er not . ' (CMMIRK,109.2981) Then anon +terwyth a lyly sprang out of +te potte , +te fayryst +tat euer was seyn . (CMMIRK,109.2982) And when +te Iew sawe +tat , anon he fell down on knees (CMMIRK,109.2983) and sayde : ' Lady , now I leue +tat +tou conceyuedyst of +te Hohy Gost Ihesu Cryst , God sonne of Heuen , and +tou clene maydyn befor and aftyr . ' (CMMIRK,109.2984) And soo +gode , (CMMIRK,109.2985) and was crystenyd , (CMMIRK,109.2986) and was a holy man aftyr . (CMMIRK,109.2987) For +tis skyll , +te potte and +te lyly ys sette bytwyx our lady and Gabryell . (CMMIRK,109.2988) For ryght as +tys Iewe dyspute+te wyth +tys crysten man of +te maner of +te conceyte of our lady ; ryght soo oure lady sputyd wyth +te angell of +te maner , and how scho schuld conceyue , and be mayden er and aftyr . (CMMIRK,109.2989) +Ten scho asentyd +terto . (CMMIRK,109.2990) Then +ge +tat fasten +te v euenes of our lady yn worschyp of hur fyue joyes , +ge schull know wele +tat +tys was +te forme day of joy +tat scho had of hyr sonne , when scho conceyuet hym of +te Holy Gost , (CMMIRK,109.2991) and so was made modyr to Godys sonne of Heuen . (CMMIRK,109.2992) The secunde joy was of Cristynmasse-day , when scho Was delyuerd of hur sonne wythouten any payne of hur body . (CMMIRK,109.2993) For ryght as scho conceyuet hym wythout any lust of flessche , ryght soo scho was delyuerd wythout any payne of flesche . (CMMIRK,109.2994) The +tryd joy was on Astyr-day , when hur sonne ros from deth to lyue , (CMMIRK,109.2995) and come to hur , (CMMIRK,109.2996) and kyssud hur , (CMMIRK,109.2997) and made hur more joyfull of hys vpryst , +ten scho was sory before of hys deth . (CMMIRK,109.2998) The fourth joy was , when scho segh hym stye vp ynto Heuen on Holy +Tursday , yn +te same flessche and blod +tat he toke of hur body . (CMMIRK,109.2999) The v. joye was yn hur assumpcyon , when scho segh hur swete sonne come wyth gret multitude of angelys and sayntys , and fache hur ynto Heuen , (CMMIRK,109.3000) and crowned hur qwene of Heuen , and emperess of hell , and lady of all +te world . (CMMIRK,109.3001) Sy+ten all +tat ben yn Heuen , schull do hur reuerens and worschyp ; (CMMIRK,109.3002) and +tos +tat ben yn hell , schall be buxom to hur byddyng ; (CMMIRK,109.3003) and +tos +tat byn yn erthe , schall do hur seruyce and gretyng . (CMMIRK,109.3004) Thes byn +te v joyes +tat scho had of hur swete sonne Ihesu . (CMMIRK,109.3005) Then schull +ge know well +tat he schall neuer fele +te soroues of hell +tat woll deuotly yche day grete hur wyth +tes v joyes yn erthe . (CMMIRK,110.3006) Narracio . (CMMIRK,110.3008) I rede of a holy mayden +tat was deuot yn our lady seruyce and , ych day , grete hur wyth +tese v joyes . (CMMIRK,110.3010) +Ten hyt befell +tat scho was seke ; (CMMIRK,110.3011) and when scho felde wele +tat scho schuld be ded , scho sykyd wondyr sore (CMMIRK,110.3012) and made gret moon , for bycause +tat scho wyst not whedir scho schuld goo aftyr hur deth . (CMMIRK,110.3013) +Ten come our lady to hur (CMMIRK,110.3014) and sayde : ' Why art +tou soo sory , +tat has made me oft joye , gretyng me wyth +te v joyes +tat I hadde of my sonne ? Wherfor wytte +tou well +tat +tou schalt goo wyth me to +te blys +tat euer schall last . ' (CMMIRK,110.3015) Narracio . (CMMIRK,110.3017) I rede of Saynt Fylbert +tat was negh ded of +te swynasy . (CMMIRK,110.3019) And when hys +trote was soo gret swolne , +tat he myght vnne+te draw breth , our lady come to hym (CMMIRK,110.3020) and sayde : ' Fylbert , my seruant , hyt wer euell ydone +tat +ty throt schuld suffyr lengyr +tys penance , +tat ha+te so oft gladyd me wyth my v joyes . ' (CMMIRK,110.3021) And +terwyth toke out hyr swete pappe , (CMMIRK,110.3022) and mylked on hys +trote , (CMMIRK,110.3023) and soo +gode hur way . (CMMIRK,110.3024) And anon , wyth +tat , he was hole as a fyssh , (CMMIRK,110.3025) and +tonked our lady heyly , (CMMIRK,110.3026) and taght all othyr to do soo , (CMMIRK,110.3027) and at his endyng went to +te blys of Heuen ; to +te whech blys God bryng vs to . (CMMIRK,110.3028) Amen . (CMMIRK,110.3029) 25 . (CMMIRK,110.3031) DE DOMINICA IN PASSIONE DOMINI NOSTRI IHESU CRISTI . (CMMIRK,110.3032) Good men and woymen , +tys day ys called yn holy chyrch +te Sonenday yn +te Passyon ; for bycause +tat our Lord Ihesu Cryst began hys passyon +tys day . (CMMIRK,110.3034) The Iewys and +te Pharyses haden suche envy to hym , for bycause +tat he tolld hom hor vyses and repreuet hor wyked lyuyng , +tat +tys day +tay wer fully assentyd to do hym to deth . (CMMIRK,110.3035) Oft befor +tay werne about to haue slayne hym , (CMMIRK,110.3036) but euer +tay were lettyd by drede of +te pepull ; (CMMIRK,110.3037) for +te pepull heldyn hym a profyt . (CMMIRK,110.3038) But +tys day +tay knytten hom soo togedyr , +tat +tay nolde spare no lengyr , but algatys he schuld be ded . Wherfor , as +te gospell of +tis day tellyth , as Crist preched yn +te tempull , +te Iewes spytwysly rebuket hym so foule , +tat +tay sayde to hymselfe +tat he had a deuell wythyn hym ; and all forto tempte hym , forto haue made hym to haue spoken summe worde by +te wheche +tay myght haue put hym to repreue . (CMMIRK,111.3039) And for he told hom +tat he was Godys sonne of heuen , +tay wer about to haue stenet hym to +te deth ; (CMMIRK,111.3040) but for he knew well hor malyce , he hudde hym , (CMMIRK,111.3041) and +gode from hom out of +te tempull . (CMMIRK,111.3042) Thus , good men , Crist began +tys day hys passyon . Wherfor holy chyrch redy+te +tys weke +te boke of +te prophyt Ieremy +tat fyrst prophesyet of Crystys passyon , and told how and on what maner Iewys schuld do hym to deth . (CMMIRK,111.3043) Then schull +ge know wele : ryght as +te Iewys pursuet Cryst to +te deth whyll he was yn er+te , ry+gt soo byn +ter now mony false crysten men +tat pursuen hym regnyng yn Heuen . (CMMIRK,111.3044) And Saynt Austyn say+t +tat he synneth more greuysly +tat pursuet hym regnyng in Heuen , +ten +te Iewes +tat dydden hym to de+te yn erthe . (CMMIRK,111.3045) Then , +gif +ge wyll know whech +tos byn , taky+t hede how Crist wyth hys owne mou+te markyth hom , $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} he says +tus yn +te gospell of +tys day , wher he sayth +tus : ' Whosoeuer ys of God , heryth Godys worde . ' Wherfor +ge here not , for +ge be not of God . (CMMIRK,111.3046) Thus Cryst hymselfe schewyth whech +tay ben +tat pursuen hym now yn Heuen . (CMMIRK,111.3047) These byn glad , when +tay haue don a fowle dede , (CMMIRK,111.3048) and ben growndud yn fowle lyuyng , (CMMIRK,111.3049) and wol not amend hom for no +tyng , for no prechyng , ne for no techyng . (CMMIRK,111.3050) But euer defendyth hor gult by ensampull of such o+tyr as +tay ben , (CMMIRK,111.3051) and ben wro+te and redy forto fyght wyth hym +tat tellyth hom hor so+te . (CMMIRK,111.3052) For more harme ys : +te world ys such +tat he schall haue mony enmys +tat say+t +te so+te now allway . (CMMIRK,111.3053) Herby I may schewe you an ensampull . (CMMIRK,111.3054) Narracio . (CMMIRK,111.3056) I rede +tat +ter was summe tyme a mawmet in a cite , +tat wold tell of all stolen +tyngys , and who hyt had . (CMMIRK,111.3058) So was +ter a +gong man +tat had stolen a +tyng , (CMMIRK,111.3059) and was adred of +tat mawmet , lest he had dyskeuered hym , (CMMIRK,112.3060) and sayde : ' Wele I wot +tou myght do me schame and vyleny , yf +tou wolt . (CMMIRK,112.3061) But by +tat God I leue on , and +tou dyskeuer me , I woll breke +ty hed ' ; (CMMIRK,112.3062) and so +gode forth hys way . (CMMIRK,112.3063) Then sone aftyr com +tay +tat mysseden hor +tyng , prayng +te mawmet to tell hom who hyt had . (CMMIRK,112.3064) And when +tay prayde soo longe , at +te last , +tys mawmet spake (CMMIRK,112.3065) and sayde +tus : ' Tymes byn changet , (CMMIRK,112.3066) men byn worsont ; (CMMIRK,112.3067) and now +ter may no man say +te soth , but +gef hys hed be broken . (CMMIRK,112.3068) Thus wo ys +te trew man +tat lyuyth yn +tys world , (CMMIRK,112.3069) for he schall be so pluckyt at on yche syde , +tat he schall not wytte to whom he schall dyskeuer hys counseyl ; (CMMIRK,112.3070) for +tylk +tat wyll fyrst dessayue a man , +tay woll fyrst speke fayre to hym . ' (CMMIRK,112.3071) For , as we redyn yn +te Boke of Kyngys , how +ter wer two knyghtys +tat envyut o+tyr : Ioab and Amasa . (CMMIRK,112.3072) Then , on a day as +tay meten , Ioab logh on Amansa (CMMIRK,112.3073) and sayd : ' Hayl bro+ter ! ' (CMMIRK,112.3074) and toke hym by +te chynne , (CMMIRK,112.3075) and cussed hym ; (CMMIRK,112.3076) but wyth +tat o+tyr hond , he smote hym yn +te backe (CMMIRK,112.3077) and slogh hym . (CMMIRK,112.3078) Thus faryth moche pepull now-on-dayes +tat woll speke fayre befor a man , but bihynd +tay woll sle hym wyth hor tong . (CMMIRK,112.3079) Thes ben +tay +tat heron not Godys worde , ny setty+t noght +terby ; (CMMIRK,112.3080) for +togh +tay heren hit wyth hor heres , hit synkyth not ynto hor hertys . Wherfor God compleyny+te greuously by +tis holy prophyt Ieremy and sayth +tus : ' What gult fonde your fadyrs why +tat +tay wenton fro me , (CMMIRK,112.3081) +gyf I haue trespast to you yn any+tyng , telly+te ! ' (CMMIRK,112.3082) Allas , for schame to your pryde , God ys yn +te ryght . (CMMIRK,112.3083) And +get he trety+te wyth you +tat ben yn +te wrong ; (CMMIRK,112.3084) he proferyth mercy or we hyt aske ; (CMMIRK,112.3085) he mekyth hym to vs +tat dysplesyth hym , (CMMIRK,112.3086) and schewyth loue +ter non ys wor+ty . (CMMIRK,112.3087) Thus byn our hertys hardyr +ten stonys , (CMMIRK,112.3088) thus byn we worse +ten Iewes , (CMMIRK,112.3089) thus ben we vnkynd to hym +tat schewyth vs al maner kyndnesse , and euer cryeth to vs , (CMMIRK,112.3090) and sayt +tus : ' I am lyft on hegh , (CMMIRK,112.3091) for all schuld here me speke . (CMMIRK,112.3092) Comyth a+geyne to me , (CMMIRK,112.3093) and I woll receyue you . (CMMIRK,112.3094) Loo , myne armes ben sprad on brode , redy to klyp you ; (CMMIRK,112.3095) my hed ys bowed , redy to kysse you ; (CMMIRK,112.3096) my syde ys open , to schew my hert to you ; (CMMIRK,112.3097) my hondys and fete bledyth , to schew you what I suffryd for you . (CMMIRK,112.3098) And +get +ge wryeth away (CMMIRK,112.3099) and grucched to come to me , (CMMIRK,113.3100) and +gif +ge wyll not come to me for loue , com for +gyftys . (CMMIRK,113.3101) Comyth to me , (CMMIRK,113.3102) and I wyll +geue you tresur wythout nombyr ; (CMMIRK,113.3103) I schall avance you wythout comperson : (CMMIRK,113.3104) I wyll +geue you lyfe and rest and pees wythout ende , soo +tat all +te defaute schall be yn you , and not yn me . (CMMIRK,113.3105) +Tus God prechet and techeth , (CMMIRK,113.3106) and +get +ter byn but few +tat wyll here hym , ne +tat hauen +tes wordes sadde yn hor hertys . (CMMIRK,113.3107) But all byn bysy to be rych and wylfull yn +te lyfe +tat ys here , (CMMIRK,113.3108) and recchyth lytyll of +te lyfe +tat ys comyng , (CMMIRK,113.3109) and takyth lytyll hede how sore Crist suffryd , to bryng vs to blys +tat euer schall last . Wherfor Saynt Barnard yn Cristys person makyth gret waymentacyon for +te vnkyndnesse +tat he sethe yn men and sayth +tus : ' Thow man for vanyte syngyst and rowtes , (CMMIRK,113.3110) and I for +te crye and wepe ; (CMMIRK,113.3111) +tou hast on +ty hed a garland of flowres , (CMMIRK,113.3112) and I for +te on my hed suffyr a wre+te of stynkyng +tornes ; (CMMIRK,113.3113) +tou hast on +ty hondys whyt gloues , (CMMIRK,113.3114) and I for +ty loue haue blody hondys ; (CMMIRK,113.3115) thow hast +tyn armes sprad on brode ledyng carallys , (CMMIRK,113.3116) and I for +ty loue haue myn armes sprad on +te tre , and tachut wyth grete nayles ; (CMMIRK,113.3117) thow hast +ty clo+te raggyd and pynchyt smale , (CMMIRK,113.3118) and I haue my body for thy loue full of gret walus . (CMMIRK,113.3119) And ouer +tys +tat greuyth me most , +tou settyst no+gt by my passyon that I suffryd for +te ; (CMMIRK,113.3120) but by me horrybull swerus all day , (CMMIRK,113.3121) vmbraydys me sweryng by my face , by myn een , by myn armes , by myn nayles , by myn hert , by my blod , and soo forth , by all my body . (CMMIRK,113.3122) And soo +tou marterys me by a foule vse and custom of sweryng , +tat schuldust do reuerence and worschip to my wondys and to my passion , +tat I suffred soo sore for +ty sake . ' (CMMIRK,113.3123) Narracio . (CMMIRK,113.3125) I rede yn +te Gestus of +te Romayns +tat +te Emperour send a gret man to a lond , to be a justice ouer hom . (CMMIRK,113.3127) But befor his comyng , +ter was no man +tat cowthe swere non o+tyr oth bot +gey and nay . (CMMIRK,113.3128) Then aftyr +tat +tys justice come , he made all men to swere on bokes , yn schyres and hundurdes . (CMMIRK,113.3129) And he and all his men wer soo ywont forto swere by Godys passion , and armes , and sydys , and blody wondys , +tat all +te pepull toke at hom soo yn vse , +tat all +te pepull swere as horrybull as +tay dyd . (CMMIRK,114.3130) Then , on a day , as +tys justyce sate yn hys justyre , yn sight of all men , +ter come yn +te fayryst woman +tat euer +tay seghen , clothyd all yn grene , and broght a fayre child yn hor lappe , blody and all tomarturd . (CMMIRK,114.3131) And ho sayde to +te justyce : ' Sir , what byn +tay wor+ty +tat han +tus ferd wyth my child ? ' (CMMIRK,114.3132) Then sayde +te justyce : ' +Tay byn worthi to haue +te deth . ' (CMMIRK,114.3133) Then scho vnswared and saide +tus : ' +Tou and +ty men wyth your horrybull o+tes han dismembryd my sonne Ihesu Cryst , +tat I am modyr to , (CMMIRK,114.3134) and soo +ge haue taght all +tys lond . Wherfor +tou schalt haue thyn owne dome . ' (CMMIRK,114.3135) Then anon , yn sight of all the pepull , the erth opened (CMMIRK,114.3136) and +te justyce fell don ynto hell . (CMMIRK,114.3137) And soo aftyr +te pepull was gretly agast (CMMIRK,114.3138) and amendyd hom of hor o+tys . Wherfor , syrs and dames , do +ge as crysten men schulden do : (CMMIRK,114.3139) leue+t your o+tys , (CMMIRK,114.3140) and do+te reuerence to Cristys passyon and to hys wondys , (CMMIRK,114.3141) and techi+te all o+tyr to do +te same . (CMMIRK,114.3142) And kneli+t now adon , prayng to Crist +tat he for+geue you +tat +ge haue trespassyd a+geyns hym by recheles sweryng , bysechyng hym for hys gret mercy forto kepe you yn tyme comyng , +tat +ge may amend +tat +ge haue don mys a+geynes hym and his swete modyr , and haue +te blys +tat he boght you to . (CMMIRK,114.3143) Amen . (CMMIRK,114.3144) 26 . (CMMIRK,114.3146) DOMINICA IN RAMIS PALMARUM SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,114.3147) Cristen men and woymen , as +ge knowy+te well , +tys day is called Palme-Sonday . (CMMIRK,114.3149) But for bycause +tat +te seruyce of +tys day is so long , I woll schortly tell you whi +tys day is called soo . (CMMIRK,114.3150) Thys day , as Seynt Ion telly+te , our Lord Ihesu Crist was in Bethany wher he reisyd a mon from de+te to lyue +tat had layne four dayes stynkyng yn +te tombe , +tat was called La+garus , and was bro+tyr to Mary Mawdelen and Martha , hyr sustyr . (CMMIRK,114.3151) Then wist Ihesu Crist hys passion was negh , (CMMIRK,114.3152) and toke La+gar wyth hym , (CMMIRK,114.3153) and so rydyng on an asse +gode to Ierusalem . (CMMIRK,114.3154) And when +te pepull herdyn +tat , all +goden a+geynes hym , bo+te for wondyr of +te mon +tat was raysud from de+te to lyue , and also forto do Crist worschip . Wherfor mony strawed flowres in hys way , and mony broken branches of olyue and of palme and keston in +te way , and spradden clo+tys in +te way , makyng melody and syngyng +tus : ' Blessid be +tou +tat comys in +te name of our Lord , Kyng of Israel ! ' Wherfor holy chyrch , +tys day , make+te a solemp procescyon in mynd of +tat procescyon +tat Crist made +tis day , and also for mony of you ben raysed from de+te to lyue +tat han leyn four dayes dede , +tat ben synfull +toghtys , synfull speches , synfull werkes , and synfull customs . (CMMIRK,115.3155) But now I hope +tat +ge ben reysed from de+te of euel lyuyng to +te lyfe of grace , and +tat angeles yn Heuen maken as moche melody yn Heuen for your arysyng as +te pepull dyd for wondyr of rysyng of +te La+gare . (CMMIRK,115.3156) But for bycause we haue no olyf +tat beren grene leues , we taken ive instede of that and palmes (CMMIRK,115.3157) and beren about on procession ; (CMMIRK,115.3158) and so +tys day we callne Palme-Sonday . (CMMIRK,115.3159) And as +tay songen and duden worschip to Crist in hor procescyon , ry+gt soo we worschip +tis day +te cros yn our procescyon , +trys knelyng to +te cros yn worschip and in mynd of hym +tat was for vs don on +te crosse , and welcomyng hym wyth songe into +te chirch , as +tay welcomet hym syngyng into +te cyte of Ierusalem . (CMMIRK,115.3160) +Ten asky+te Ion Belet a qwestion : ' Sy+ten +tat Crist had +te grattest worschyp ridyng on an asse +tat euer he had in +tys world , and aftyr of +te same pepull was don on +te cros in +te grattest vyleny +tat euer he had {TEXT:ha} yn +tys world , whi we worschip +te cros , and not +te asse ? ' (CMMIRK,115.3161) To +tys qwestion he vnswares hymselfe (CMMIRK,115.3162) and say+te +tat all +te worschip of +tys world turny+te all to vanyte and to no+gt , and maky+te a man bo+te-1 to for+geton hys God and hymselfe , $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} myschef and woo maky+te a man to thynke on hys God and to know hymselfe . (CMMIRK,115.3163) Herefor , cristen men , putty+te away vanyte +tat bryngy+te a man to euerlastyng payne , (CMMIRK,115.3164) and worschipy+te +te cros +tat was cause of our saluacyon and +te ioy +tat we all hopyn forto come to . (CMMIRK,115.3165) Then , when Crist was comen into +te cyte , anon he +gode into +te tempull , (CMMIRK,115.3166) and drof out all byers and sellers +tat he fonde +teryn (CMMIRK,116.3167) and sayde to hom : ' My fadyrs house ys a hous of prayers and of oresons , and +ge han made hyt a den of +teues ' ; +geuyng ych cristyn man hegh ensampull forto leue chaffaryng on Sonday , and namly in chirch . (CMMIRK,116.3168) Ano+tyr skyll ys whi +tys day is called Palme-Sonday , for bycause palme bytokeny+te victory . Wherfor ych cristyn man and woman schall +tys day bere palmes yn processyon , schewyng +tat he ha+te foghten wyth +te fend , and ha+te +te vyctory of hym by clene schryft of mow+te and repentans of hert , and mekely don his penance , and in +tis wyse ouercome his enmy . (CMMIRK,116.3169) Narracio . (CMMIRK,116.3171) Hit was +te maner , summe tyme , as we redyn in +te Gestys of +te Romayns , +tat when any lond of the world ros a+geyne +te Emperour of Rome , anon +te Emperour wold send a wor+ty knyght wyth pepull ynogh to +tat lond , forto set hyt downe and make hit soget to +te Emperour . (CMMIRK,116.3173) And when +te kny+gt had so don , +ten schuld he be set in a chayre , as ryaly as he my+gt , wyth clo+tys of gold drawyn ouer hym and a palme in hys hond , schewyng +tat he had +te victory , (CMMIRK,116.3174) and so wyth gret worschip schuld be lad a+geyne to Rome . (CMMIRK,116.3175) But when he come +trogh any cyte , +ter schuld a man stond by hym in +te char , and bete hym in +te mowth wyth a branche of olyf , sayng +tus : ' Anothe selitos ' ; +tat is to say : ' Know thyselfe . ' As +togh he sayde to hym +tus : +tagh +tou haue +te victory now , hit may happen +tat +tou schalt ano+tyr tyme have +te wors , and so turne +te in as moch vyleny as now +tis do+te to worschip ; wherfor be not prowde of +tyselfe . (CMMIRK,116.3176) Thus , good men and woymen , +ge schull bete yourselfe in +te mow+te of your soule wythyn-forth wyth +te branch of olyfe , +tat ys , wyth +te uertu of mekenes . (CMMIRK,116.3177) And soo hold mekenes in hert , beyng allway adred , lest +ge fall a+geyne to your synne , and soo lese +te worschyp +tat +ge haue now ywonon , wittyng well +tat mekenes ys +te vertu +tat most ouercomen your enmy , and most growndy+t a man in doyng good werk and vertu . Wherfor +ge schull all now pray to God +tat he woll of his hygh grace +geue you myght and streng+te in tyme comyng soo to ouercome your enmy , +tat +ge may haue +te victory of hym , and haue +te blys +tat euer schall last . (CMMIRK,116.3178) Amen . (CMMIRK,116.3179) 27 . (CMMIRK,117.3182) SERMO ISTE DEBET DICI AD TENEBRAS . (CMMIRK,117.3183) Good men and woymen , as +ge se holy chyrch vsy+te +tes +tre dayes , forto say seruyce in +te euentyde in derkenes . Wherfor hyt ys called wyth you teneblus ; (CMMIRK,117.3185) but holy chyrch cally+te hit tenebras , +tat is to say , derkenes . (CMMIRK,117.3186) Then why +tys seruyce is don in derkenes , holy fadyrs wryty+te to vs +tre skylles . (CMMIRK,117.3187) On skyll ys , for bycause +tat Crist +tys nyght , before +tat he was taken , he +gode +tries ynto +te hull of Olyuete , (CMMIRK,117.3188) and prayde his fadyr to put away +te hard payne +tat hym was toward , yf hit wer his wyll and elles not ; (CMMIRK,117.3189) and soo , for drede of +te passion +tat he feld in his spyryte comyng , he swat blod and watyr . (CMMIRK,117.3190) Ano+tyr skyll ys , for anon , aftyr mydny+gt , Iudas gedyrd knyghtys , strong and bold , wyth o+tyr gret company of mysdoers , and comen forto take Crist . (CMMIRK,117.3191) But for hyt was derke nyght , and +tay cow+te not well know Crist by Saynt Iame +tat was soo lyke to Crist , +tat he a was callyd Cristys brothyr , lest +tay hadden taken Iames ynsted of Crist , Iudas bade hom take hym +tat he kyssud . (CMMIRK,117.3192) And soo wyth a kysse betrayde hys maystyr . (CMMIRK,117.3193) And so token Crist all in darkenes , (CMMIRK,117.3194) and dydden hym all +te despyte and vylany yn bobbyng and spyttyng yn hys louely face . (CMMIRK,117.3195) Tho +tryd skyll ys , for when Crist was naylet fote and hond , hongyng on +te cros , +tre oures of +te day from vndure to none , +te sonne wythdro+g hyr ly+gt (CMMIRK,117.3196) and was darke +trogh +te world , schewyng +tat +te maker of ly+gt payned +tat tyme to de+te . (CMMIRK,117.3197) For +tes +tre skylles +te seruyce of +tes +tre nyghtys is don yn darkenes . +Te whech seruyce maky+te mynd how Iudas be-trayde Crist , and how +tes Iewes comen wyth fors and armes as priuely as +tay cow+t , for drede of +te pepull . Wherfor to +tys seruyce ys no bell rongyn , but a sowne made of tre wherby ych cristen man and woman is enformed , forto com to +tys seruyce wythout noyse makyng . (CMMIRK,117.3198) And all +tat +tay spekyn , goyng and comyng , schall sowne of +te tre +tat Crist was don on , and of +te wordes +te whech Crist spake hongyng on +te tre , +tat ben : how he comawndyd his modyr to Saynt Ion , his dyscypull , and how he grawnty +te +tef paradyse +tat askyd mercy , and how he betoke his soule ynto his fadyr hond , and so +gelde vp +te gost . (CMMIRK,118.3199) +Tus , goyng and comyng to +tys seruyce , ych cristen man and woman schall leue talkyng of all vanyte , and only talke of +te cros . (CMMIRK,118.3200) Ano+tyr skyll is , when +tat Iudas had trayde Crist , and sy+g +tat by his traytery he schuld be ded , anon he fell ynto dyspayre , and +gode and hongyd hymself on a tre , so +tat he wra+tut Crist more for hongyng hymselfe yn dyspayre , +ten dyd +te traytery +tat he dyd befor . (CMMIRK,118.3201) For Crist is so mercyabull in hymself , +tat he wold haue +gyuen hym mercy , and he wold haue askyd hyt wyth contryte hert . (CMMIRK,118.3202) Also at +tys seruyce is set a hers wyth candull brennyng , aftyr as +te vse ys som plase moo , summe las . +Te whech ben qwenched ych on aftyr o+tyr , yn schewyng how Cristis dyscypull stelen from hym , when he was taken , yche on aftyr o+tyr . (CMMIRK,118.3203) But when all ben quenchyd , +get on leue+te lyght . +Te whech ys borne away a whyll , whill +te clerkes syngen Kyrieleysons and +to versys wyth +te whech bytokeny+te +te woman +tat made lamentacyon ouer Cristis sepulcur . (CMMIRK,118.3204) Then , aftyr +tys , +te candyll ys broght a+geyne , and all o+tyr at hit jlyght . +Te whech bytokenyth Crist , +tat was for a whyll ded and hud yn hys sepulcur , but sone aftyr he ros from de+t to lyue , and +gaf ly+gt of lyfe to all hom +tat werne qwenchit by dyspayre . (CMMIRK,118.3205) +Te strokes +tat +te prest +geuy+t on +te boke bytokeny+te +te clappys of +tondyr +tat Crist brake hell-+gatys wyth , when he com +tedyr and spylud hom . (CMMIRK,118.3206) Now , good men , +ge haue herde what +tys seruyce betokeny+te . Wherfor holdu+te hit in your hert , and be +ge not vnkynd to your God , +tat +tus suffryd for you ; (CMMIRK,118.3207) for vnkyndnes ys a synne +tat he haty+t he+gly . Wherfor Seynt Ambros say+te +tat +ter may no man fynde a payne , forto poynych dewly +te vyce of vnkyndnes . (CMMIRK,118.3208) Narracio . (CMMIRK,119.3211) An ensampull of +tys I fynd , as Alisandyr Nekkam telle+te , (CMMIRK,119.3213) and is +tys . (CMMIRK,119.3214) +Ter was summe tyme a kny+gt +tat went out of his contrey into ferre contray , forto sech aventurs . (CMMIRK,119.3215) And so hyt fell +tat he come into a gret forest and herd a gret noyse of a best +tat was , as hym +to+gt , in gret dystres . (CMMIRK,119.3216) Then , for he wold se what hit was , he +gode nygh (CMMIRK,119.3217) and sech how an horrybull neddyr of gretnes and of leng+te had vmbeclyppyd a lyon , and soo bond hym to a tre as he lened hym to slepe . (CMMIRK,119.3218) And when +tys lyon awoke , and fond hymself fast , and my+gt not helpe hymselfe , he made an hygys noyse ; (CMMIRK,119.3219) and when he saw +tys knyght , +ten made he grettyr noyse , wilnyng helpe of hym . (CMMIRK,119.3220) Then had +tys kny+gt compassyon of +tys lyon , (CMMIRK,119.3221) but +get he dred , lest , when he had losyd hym , he wold haue fallen to hym and fo+gten wyth hym . (CMMIRK,119.3222) But +get , for bycause +tat he was a kny+gt , and saw +te lyon , +tat ys kyng of all bestys , yn destres , he drogh out his swerde , (CMMIRK,119.3223) and smot +te edyr yn two pecys . (CMMIRK,119.3224) Then anon , +te lyon felyng hym lose , he fell downe to +te knightes fete as meke as a spaynell . (CMMIRK,119.3225) And soo allgate , ny+gt and day , in ych pase , he sewet +tys kny+gt , (CMMIRK,119.3226) and lay at his bedys fete ych ny+gt , (CMMIRK,119.3227) and in ich turment and batayle he helpe hys maystyr ; soo +tat all men speken of +tys knyght and of +tys lyon . (CMMIRK,119.3228) +Get , by counsell of summe men , he had +tys lyon yn suspescyon . Wherfor when he +gode a+geyne hom to hys one contre , priuelych , wyll +te lyon slepte , he +gode into a schyp , and soo saylet forth . (CMMIRK,119.3229) But when +te lyon woke and myst hys maystyr , anon he +gaf a gret rore , (CMMIRK,119.3230) and +gode aftyr hym to +te see ; (CMMIRK,119.3231) and when he se non o+tyr bote , he swam aftyr hym als ferre as he my+gt , (CMMIRK,119.3232) and when his my+gt fayled hym , +ten was he drowned . (CMMIRK,119.3233) By +tys kny+gt we may vndyrstond Crist , Godys sonne of Heuen , +tat come of a ferre contre , +tat ys , out of Heuen , into +tys world , and fonde mankynd bondyn wyth +te old neddyr , +tat is , wyth +te fende , to +te tre of ynobedyens . Wherfor wyth +te swerde of his holy worde and wyth hys hard pascyon , he lowsed monkynd out of hys bondys and made hym fre . Wherfor ich man +tat is kynd to hys God , he woll +tonke hym for +tat lawsyng , and loue hym , and be buxom to hym all +te tyme +tat he lyue+te here , sewyng +te lore and +te techyng of hys God . (CMMIRK,120.3234) And soo , when he passyth +trogh +te salt-watyr of payne of de+te , he schall com to +te joy +tat euer schall last . To +te whech ioy God bryng you and me . (CMMIRK,120.3235) Amen . (CMMIRK,120.3236) 28 . (CMMIRK,120.3238) SERMO DICENDUS AD PAROCHIANOS IN PARASCEUE DOMINI HOC MODO . (CMMIRK,120.3239) Cristen men and women , +ge schull vndyrstond +tat Crist +tys day sched hys hert-blod for vs . (CMMIRK,120.3241) As +ge all knowen wele , +tys day is called Good Fryday ; (CMMIRK,120.3242) for all +tyng turned +te pepull to good +tat Crist +tys day suffryd for hom vndyr Pounce Pylat . (CMMIRK,120.3243) Then , for hyt ys oft sene , all euell bygynnyng ha+te a foule endyng , wherfor we se now how +tys Pylat bygan and how he endyd ; (CMMIRK,120.3244) and for he began cursetly , he endyd wrecchedly . (CMMIRK,120.3245) For as Seynt Austyn sayth : ' A cursyd lyuyng before , asky+te a cursyd endyng aftyr ; (CMMIRK,120.3246) and he +tat for+gety+te God in his lyuyng , he schall for+gete hymself yn his endyng . ' (CMMIRK,120.3247) Thus pylat was a kyngus sonne +tat was called Tyrus , +tat gate hym of a woman +tat hatte Ato . (CMMIRK,120.3248) So when +tys chyld was borne , +ten setten +tay +te modyr name befor and +ten +te graunsyre name aftyr , (CMMIRK,120.3249) and soo of bo+te hor names called hym Pylat . (CMMIRK,120.3250) +Ten aftyr +tat he was +tre +ger old , +te modyr bro+gt hym to +te kyngys court to his fadyr . (CMMIRK,120.3251) Then had +te kyng by his wyfe ano+tyr sonne negh euen-old to Pylat . (CMMIRK,120.3252) But for +tys chyld was yn all doyng more gentyll and more monfall , Pylat had envy to hym (CMMIRK,120.3253) and ofttyme fa+gt wyth hym . (CMMIRK,120.3254) So , at +te last , he slogh hym . (CMMIRK,120.3255) Soo when +tys chyld was ded , +te kyng was wondyr sory for hym ; (CMMIRK,120.3256) but for he wold not sle hym +ten anon aftyr +tat o+tyr , and soo make two harmes of on , he send Pylat to Rome , forto be +ter yn hostage for a tribet +tat +te kyng schuld +geue to +te Emperour . (CMMIRK,120.3257) +Ten fell hit so +tat +te kyng of Fraunce had send his sonne also +tedyr for +te same cause . (CMMIRK,120.3258) Then , for Pylat segh +tat he had more loue , and for men dydden +te kyng sonne more reuerence +ten hym , he had envy +terto , (CMMIRK,120.3259) and on a day wayted his tyme , (CMMIRK,120.3260) and slogh hym . (CMMIRK,120.3261) Then , for he was so fers and cursyd , +te Emperour , by consell of +te Romayns , send hym ynto a contre +tat was called Ponse , wheryn wer men so cursed , +tat +tay slogh all +tat wer send forto be maystyr ouyr hom . (CMMIRK,121.3262) So when Pylat come +tedyr , he conformed hym so to hor maners , +tat wyth wyll and sleghtys he had +te maystry ouer hom ; (CMMIRK,121.3263) and soo gate his nome (CMMIRK,121.3264) and was called Pylat of Ponse . (CMMIRK,121.3265) Then when +tat Herod , kyng of Ierusalem , knew +te fershode of Pylat , he send aftyr hym , (CMMIRK,121.3266) and made hym lefetenant vndyr hym of all his lond of Iury . (CMMIRK,121.3267) Then , for Pylat lyked well +tat offyce , priuely he send to +te Emperour (CMMIRK,121.3268) and had his office confermyd of hym , vnwyttyng of Herod +te kyng . Wherfor Herode and he wern enmys tyll +te tyme +tat Crist was taken ; (CMMIRK,121.3269) and soo in +te assent of Cristys de+te +tay becom frendys . (CMMIRK,121.3270) Then fell hit soo +tat +te Emperour was seke and send aftyr Cryst , to hele hym ; (CMMIRK,121.3271) for hit was told hym +tat Crist helyd all men +tat come to hym . (CMMIRK,121.3272) +Ten was Pylat adred (CMMIRK,121.3273) and toke on hym Cristys cote , soo +tat euer whill +tat cote was on hym , +te Emperour and all o+tyr made hym gret chere . (CMMIRK,121.3274) Then had mony o+tyr gret wondyr why +te Emperour made hym so gret chere , +tat befor had sworen his de+te , (CMMIRK,121.3275) and counseylet +te Emperour forto dyspoyle hym . (CMMIRK,121.3276) And anon as Pylat was dyspoyled of Cristys cote , anon +te Emperour was gretly agreued a+geynys hym , +tat he made to cast hym yn prison , tyll he had taken counsell on what foule de+te he schuld dye . (CMMIRK,121.3277) Then , when Pylat knewe +tat , anon wyth hys owne knyfe he slogh hymselfe . (CMMIRK,121.3278) Then , when +te Emperour herd +tat , he made to bynd a gret ston to his nekke , and cast hym into +te watyr of Tybur . (CMMIRK,121.3279) But for fendes madyn such a noyse abowte hym +ter , +tat all +te cyte was afrayde +terof , he was cast ynto a watyr bytwyx too hylles . (CMMIRK,121.3280) +Ter wer long tyme aftyr horribull syghtys yseen . (CMMIRK,121.3281) Vndyr +tis cursyd man our Lord Ihesu Crist +tys day suffred de+te for all cristen pepull . (CMMIRK,121.3282) For when he was taken , +tay buffed hym (CMMIRK,121.3283) and bobbyd hym , (CMMIRK,121.3284) and aftyr striput hym naked , (CMMIRK,121.3285) and betyn soo dysputysly wyth scorgys all hys body , soo +tat from his toppe to hys too was no+tyng laft hole on hym , but all ran on blod . (CMMIRK,121.3286) And aftyr +tay wrythen a crowne of +tornys (CMMIRK,121.3287) and setten on his hed , (CMMIRK,121.3288) and so betyn hit on wyth staues of redys , +tat +te +tornys persed hys braynes . (CMMIRK,122.3289) And when +tay hadyn payned hym soo , thay ladden hym all blody toward +te hull of Caluary , forto be done to de+te . (CMMIRK,122.3290) Then woymen +tat seghen hym +tus ferd wyth , had compassyon of hym , (CMMIRK,122.3291) and wayled , (CMMIRK,122.3292) and wepyd for hym . (CMMIRK,122.3293) Then spake Crist to hom (CMMIRK,122.3294) and sayde : ' Doghturs of Ierusalem , wepy+te +ge noght on me , (CMMIRK,122.3295) but wepu+te on yourselfe and apon your chyldren ; (CMMIRK,122.3296) for +ter schall dayes come yn +te whech +ge schull blesse +te wombes +tat wern barayne , and +te pappes +tat neuer +gaf sowke . ' (CMMIRK,122.3297) +Tus he +ten prophysyet before of wracch +tat aftyr fell on +tat cite of Ierusalem for vengeans of hys de+te . +Te whech vengeans Ieremy +te prophit speky+te of in trenis +tat is red +tes +tre dayes at tenebrys . +Te whech was so horrybull of dyuerce myscheues and specyaly of hongyr . Of +te whech Iosephus tellyth , +tat +ter was +ten yn +te cyte of Ierusalem , when hit was beseget , so gret hungyr , +tat chyldyr lay +te stretes full , for defawte of mete , criyng to hor modyr for mete . (CMMIRK,122.3298) Narracio . (CMMIRK,122.3300) Then +ter was a woman of gret kynne +tat for hungyr toke hor one chyld +tat scho fed wyth hor owne pappys , and slogh hyt , and partyd hyt yn too . (CMMIRK,122.3302) Soo +te halfe scho rostud at +te fyre , (CMMIRK,122.3303) and half kepyd tyll +te morow . (CMMIRK,122.3304) Then , as men come by +te strete , +tay hadden sauer of +te rost (CMMIRK,122.3305) and com yn , forto haue parte . (CMMIRK,122.3306) But when +tay segh how +te modyr rostyd hur own child , +tay wern anvgged +terof (CMMIRK,122.3307) and myght not ete . (CMMIRK,122.3308) +Ten toke +te modyr (CMMIRK,122.3309) and ete +terof boldly (CMMIRK,122.3310) and sayd : ' +Tis ys myn owne chyld +tat I bare of myn own body , and fedde of my brest . (CMMIRK,122.3311) But +get I woll ray+ter ete hyt , +ten dee for hongyr . ' (CMMIRK,122.3312) +Tys I tell , forto schew +te vengeans +tat fell ynto +tat cyte aftyr Crystys de+te . (CMMIRK,122.3313) Soo aftyr +tat +tay had broght hym to Caluary , +tay strayned hym soo wyth cordys on +te cros , +tat ych boon of hys body my+gt haue ben told . (CMMIRK,122.3314) And soo nayled hys hondys and hys fete to +te cros , (CMMIRK,122.3315) and heuyn hym vp , +tat +te body paysyd soo downe , +tat +te blod ran down by his armys and by his sidys , down to +te ground . (CMMIRK,122.3316) And soo , when he schuld dey , he bygan , as Ion Belet telly+te , (CMMIRK,122.3317) and sayde : ' Deus , Deus meus , respice in me ! ' And so for+te all +te IX psalmys sewyng , tyll he come to : ' In te , Domine , speram ! ' (CMMIRK,123.3318) And soo at +te verse : ' In manus tuas , Domine , ' while he seyde +tat verse , he +gaf vp +te gost , +gevyng an hygh ensampull to cristen man and woman forto haue +tys verse yn mynde , when he schall +geld vp +te gost . Wherfor yche man +tat con rede , schuld say +tes psalmes +tys day ; (CMMIRK,123.3319) and he +tat say+te +tes ych Fryday , schall neuer dey euell de+te . (CMMIRK,123.3320) Then , aftyr +te passyon , +ter suen orysons wyth knelyng at ych oryson , saue at +te oryson +tat ys sayde for +te Iewes ; (CMMIRK,123.3321) at hyt holy chyrch knely+te not : (CMMIRK,123.3322) for +te Iewes as +tys day skornyd oure Lord knelyng thryse . (CMMIRK,123.3323) Then , yn +tes orisons , holy chyrch prayth for all maner folke , for Iewes , and Sarsyns , for herytykys , for scismatys . (CMMIRK,123.3324) But for cursed men holy chyrch prayde not ; (CMMIRK,123.3325) for whill a man or a woman stondy+te acursed , he ys dampned befor God , (CMMIRK,123.3326) and schall be dampned for euermore , but yf he repent and aske mercy . Wherfor Seynt Austyn say+te +tus : ' Yf +tat I wist for certeyne +tat my fadyr wer dampned , I wold pray no mor for hym +ten a fende ' ; (CMMIRK,123.3327) for +ter is no suffrage of holy chyrch +tat may help a dampned mon . (CMMIRK,123.3328) Then , aftyr +te oryson , +te cros is bro+gt for+te , +te whech ych cristen man and woman schall worschip +tys day , in worschip of hym +tat as +tys day dyed on +te cros , and pray to God to for+geue all +tat haue trespast a+geynys you , as Crist prayd hys fadyr to for+geue +tilke +tat dydden hym to de+te +tis day , hongyng on +te cros . (CMMIRK,123.3329) Narracio . (CMMIRK,123.3331) Thus dyd a knyght +tat was a gret lord , and had a +gong man to hys sonne +te whech schuld haue ben hys ayre . +Te whech sonne ano+ter kny+gt +tat wonet bysyde , as +tay fallen at debate , slogh +tys +gong man ; wherfor +te fadyr of +tys +gong man +tat was ded , gedered a gret company , and pursued +tys kny+gt +tat soo had slayne hys sonne , ny+gt and day , +tat he my+gt nowher haue rest , bot ay flo+g for fere of de+te . (CMMIRK,123.3333) Then fell hyt on a Good Fryday , when he saw all cristen men and woymen draw to chirch , forto worschip hor God , he +to+gt +tat Crist deyd +tat day on +te cros for all mankynd , and put hym holy yn Godis mercy , and +gede to +te chyrch wyth o+tyr men , to here and to se Godys seruyce . (CMMIRK,123.3334) But when he was in +te chyrch , anon +tat o+tyr knygt had warnyng , (CMMIRK,124.3335) and come wyth gret company of men wyth hym ynto +te chyrch , wyth his swerd drawen in his hond . (CMMIRK,124.3336) And when +tat o+tyr kny+gt se+g and knew well he had trespast to heyly a+geynes hym , he +gode a+geynys +tat o+tyr knyght , (CMMIRK,124.3337) and fell downe to +te grownd , wyth hys armes sprad abrod , as Crist sprad hys armes on +te cros , (CMMIRK,124.3338) and sayd to hym : ' For his loue +tat +tys day sprad hys armes on +te cros , and deyd for +te and me and all mankynd , and for+gaf +tylke +tat dydden hym to de+te , haue mercy on me , (CMMIRK,124.3339) and for+geue me +tat I haue trespast a+geynys +te ! ' (CMMIRK,124.3340) Then +tys o+tyr kny+gt +to+gt +tat had ben to horrybull a dede forto haue don o+gt amys to hym +ter yn +te chirche , whill +tat he meked hym soo , and soo lowly prayde of mercy for Cristys sake . (CMMIRK,124.3341) And when he had well be+to+gt hym , he vnswared and sayde : ' Now , for hys loue +tat +tis day deyd on +te crosse for mankynd , I for+geue +te , ' (CMMIRK,124.3342) and toke hym vp , (CMMIRK,124.3343) and kyssyd hym , (CMMIRK,124.3344) and so went togedyr , to worschyp +te cros . (CMMIRK,124.3345) +Ten , when +tys kny+gt com crepyng to +te cros and kyssud +te fete , +te ymage losyd his armes , (CMMIRK,124.3346) and clyppyd +te kny+gt about +te necke , (CMMIRK,124.3347) and kyssyd hym , (CMMIRK,124.3348) and sayde +tus +tat all +te chyrch herd : ' I for+geue +te , as +tow hast for+geuen for me . ' (CMMIRK,124.3349) +Tus schull +ge for+geue o+tyr for Cristis loue , and klip , and kys , and be frendes ; (CMMIRK,124.3350) and +ten woll Crist clyppe and kys you , and +geue you +te joy +tat euer schall last . To +te whech joy God bryng you and me . (CMMIRK,124.3351) Amen . (CMMIRK,124.3352) 29 . (CMMIRK,124.3354) SERMO ISTE SEQUENS NON DICENDUS EST AD PARASCEUES , SED QUAEDAM FORMACIO NECESSARIA CAPELLANIS . HOC MODO . (CMMIRK,124.3355) For hyt ys $oft ysene +tat lewde men +te wheche bu+te of mony wordys and proude in hor wit , woll aske prestes dyuerse questyons of +tynges +tat towchen to seruyce of holy chyrche , and namly of +tys tyme , and gladly suche prestys as con not make a gray+te vnswar so , forto put hom to aschame , wherfor I haue tytuld here dyuerse poyntys whech +tat byn nedfull to yche prest to know . (CMMIRK,124.3357) So he +tat woll loke and hold hit yn hys hert , he may make an vnswar , soo +tat he schall do hymselfe worschyp and o+tyr profyt . (CMMIRK,125.3358) Furst , yf a man aske why Schere +Tursday ys called soo , say +tat in holy chyrch hit is called our Lordys supperday . (CMMIRK,125.3359) For $+tylke day he sowped wyth hys dyscypuls openly ; (CMMIRK,125.3360) and aftyr supper +gaf hom his flesche and hys blod forto ete and forto drynke ; (CMMIRK,125.3361) and sone aftyr waschod all hor fete , schewyng +te he+g mekenes +tat was in hym and +te gret loue +tat he had to hom . (CMMIRK,125.3362) Hyt is alsoo in Englysch tonge : Scher +Tursday ; (CMMIRK,125.3363) for , in old fadyrs dayes , men wold +tat day make scher hom honest , (CMMIRK,125.3364) and dodde hor heddys , (CMMIRK,125.3365) and clyp hor berdys , (CMMIRK,125.3366) and so make hom onest a+geynes Astyr-day . (CMMIRK,125.3367) For , on +te morow , +tay wold do hor body non ese , but suffyr penance yn mynd of hym +tat suffred so hard for hom . (CMMIRK,125.3368) On Settyrday +tay my+gt not haue whyll , what for long seruyce , what for o+tyr occupacyon +tat +tay haden for +te weke comyng ; (CMMIRK,125.3369) and aftyr mete was no tyme for holyday . (CMMIRK,125.3370) Narracio . (CMMIRK,125.3372) For I rede yn +te lyfe of Seynt Rychard +tat was bysy on a Settyrday befor none , +tat he makud to schaue his berd on Settyrday aftyr none . (CMMIRK,125.3374) And +ten was +te fende redy (CMMIRK,125.3375) and gedyrd vp +te herys ; (CMMIRK,125.3376) but when +tis holy man segh +tat , he coniured +te fende , (CMMIRK,125.3377) and bade hym tell why he dyd soo . (CMMIRK,125.3378) Then sayde he : ' For +tou dos no reuerence to Sonenday , +tat ys Godys owne day ; to +te whech day ych man +tat ys cristen , ys holden forto do reuerence yn worschip of Cristys resurreccyon . Wherfor +tes heres I woll kepe tyll +te day of dome in hegh repreue to +te . (CMMIRK,125.3379) Then anon +tis man made leef his schavyng , (CMMIRK,125.3380) and toke +te herys of +te fende , (CMMIRK,125.3381) and made forto bren hom yn hys owne hond for penance ; (CMMIRK,125.3382) and soo abode half schauen and half vnschauen tyll +te Monday aftyr . (CMMIRK,125.3383) This y sette here yn a repref of hom +tat sparyth not forto worch on Settyrdayes aftyr none . (CMMIRK,125.3384) Then , as John Belet tellyth and techy+te , on Scher +Tursday a man schall dodde his hed and klippe his berd ; (CMMIRK,125.3385) and a prest schall schaue hys crowne , soo +tat +ter schall no+tyng be bytwene God almyghty and hym . (CMMIRK,126.3386) He schall alsoo schaue +te herys of his berd +tat comyth of superfluyte of humors of +te stomok , and par +te nayles of his hondys +tat comy+t of superfluyte of humors of +te hert . (CMMIRK,126.3387) So ry+gt as we schauen and scheren away +te superfluyte of ful+te wythout , so we schall schaue and schere away +te superfluyte of synne and of vyce wythin-for+te . (CMMIRK,126.3388) +Te vayle +tat ha+te be drawen all +te Lenton bytwene +te auter and +te qwere , +tat bytokeny+te +te prophesy of Cristis passion +tat was huld and vnknowen , tyll +tes days comen . +Te whech +tes dayes ben don away , and +te auter opynly schewed to all men . (CMMIRK,126.3389) For +tes days Crist suffred so opynly hys passyon , +tat he sayde hongyng on +te cros : ' Consummatum est ' ; that is : all +te prophesy of my passion now ha+te an end . Wherfor +te clo+tys of +te auter byn taken away ; (CMMIRK,126.3390) for Cristis clo+tys wern drawn of hym and don all naked , save hur lady , his modyr , wonde hyr kerchef about hym to hyll his membrys . (CMMIRK,126.3391) The auter-ston bytokeny+te Cristis body +tat was drawon on +te crosse as ys a skyn of parchement on +te harow , soo +tat all his bonys my+gt be told . (CMMIRK,126.3392) The besom +tat hit ys waschen wyth , betokeny+t +te scorges +tat beton hys body , and +te +tornes +tat he was crowned wythall . (CMMIRK,126.3393) The watyr and +te wyne +tat hyt is waschen wyth , betokne+te +te blod and +te watyr +tat ran downe aftyr +te spere from Cristis hert +tat waschet his body . (CMMIRK,126.3394) The wyne +tat is powred on +te v crossys , bytokne+te +te blod +tat ran out of +te fyue wondys principale of hys body . (CMMIRK,126.3395) This day nys no pax +geuyn at mas , (CMMIRK,126.3396) for Iudas betrayde Crist +tys ny+gt wyth a cosse : (CMMIRK,126.3397) +tus was +te prophesy of +te passion +tys day endyd . Wherfor +tys ny+gt , when he had sowped , he made +te sacrament of hys owne body , and +gaf hyt to hys dyscypulys forto ete and forto drynke , and so began +te sacrament of +te masse and of +te new law ; (CMMIRK,126.3398) and aftyr +tys soper , he wassched his dyscyples fete +tat was a maner of new $folght . (CMMIRK,126.3399) For as he sayd +ten to Petyr : ' He +tat is waschen wyth watyr , he is clene of $folght of all dedly synne , (CMMIRK,126.3400) he ha+te no nede but to wasche his fete , (CMMIRK,126.3401) for +tat bytokene+te +te affeccyon of venyall synne . (CMMIRK,126.3402) Then , yf a man aske+t why prestes don not hor masse aftyr soper , as Crist dyd , say +tou : for +tat was turned into more $honeste and mor saluacyon of mannys soule . (CMMIRK,127.3404) For , as Hayme telly+t apon +te pystyll of Seynt Powle , mony yn +te begynnyng of +te fayth comen to chyrch on +te Scher +Tursday . (CMMIRK,127.3405) And +tylk +tat wer rych bro+gt mete and drynke wyth hom (CMMIRK,127.3406) and +ter eten and dronken , tyll +tay wer dronke and to full of mete , (CMMIRK,127.3407) and soo at ny+gt token hor howsull , sayyng +tat Crist +gaf hom +tat ensampull . (CMMIRK,127.3408) But whyll +te rych etyn and dronken , +te pore +tat had no+gt aboden , till +te rych had don , sor ahongyr ; (CMMIRK,127.3409) and +ten eton of relef , (CMMIRK,127.3410) and soo aftyr toke hor howsull . Wherfor , as +tys pystyll of +tys day telly+te , Seynt Poule rebuke+te hom +terof , and turny+t +tat foule vse into more $honeste and holynes , +tat is , forto syng +te mas fastyng , and all men forto take hor howsull fastyng . (CMMIRK,127.3411) On Astyr-euen +te paschall is maky+te , (CMMIRK,127.3412) +tat bytokeny+te Crist ; (CMMIRK,127.3413) for as +te paschall is +te chef tapor +tat is in +te chyrch , so is Crist +te chef saynt +tat ys in the chyrch . (CMMIRK,127.3414) Also +tys paschall bytokene+te +te pyler of fure +tat +gode befor +te chyldyr of Israell , when +tay went out of Egypte into +te lond of behest , +tat is now Ierusalem , (CMMIRK,127.3415) and as +tay +goden +trogh +te Red See , hole and sonde , seuen dayes , aftyr +tay comen to +te see all , ych day , (CMMIRK,127.3416) and +tonked God for hor passage . (CMMIRK,127.3417) Herfor holy chirch all +te Astyr-weke gon yn prosessyon to +te font , +tat is now +te Red See to all cristen pepull +tat ben folowed in font . (CMMIRK,127.3418) For +te watyr yn +te fonte betokeny+t +te red blod and watyr +tat ran down of +te wondys of Cristis syde in +te wheche +te power of Pharo , +tat is , +te veray fend , ys drowned , and all hys my+gt lorne , and all cristen pepull sauet . (CMMIRK,127.3419) The font is on Astyr-even halowed and on Whytsone-even ; (CMMIRK,127.3420) for , at +te begynnyng of holy chirch , all men , and woymen , and chyldren wern kepte to be folowed at +tes days at +te font-halowyng . (CMMIRK,127.3421) But now , for bycause +tat mony in so long abydynge deyd bout folo+gt , +terfor holy chirch ordeyny+te to folow all +te tyme of +te +gere , saue VIII dayes befor +tes euens a child schall be kepte to +te fonte-halowyng , yf +tat he may sauely for parell of de+te , and elles not . (CMMIRK,127.3422) Thus is +te paschall halowed , and ly+gt wyth new fure , (CMMIRK,127.3423) and of hyt all o+tyr tapyrs byn ly+gt ; (CMMIRK,127.3424) for all ly+gt and holynes of good worchyng comy+te of Cristis lore , (CMMIRK,128.3425) and holy chyrch ys li+gt wyth brennyng charyte of his behestys . (CMMIRK,128.3426) Fyue pepynce of encens ben steked in +te paschall lyke to +te crosse . (CMMIRK,128.3427) +Tat bytokeny+te +te v wondys , as Bede say+te , +tat Crist suffred in hys body , and schull be kepte fresch and swete as encense tyll +te day of dome , in rebuke of hom +tat schall be dampned , +tat haden no beleue in Cristis passion , and wold aske hym no mercy for hor synnes . (CMMIRK,128.3428) In +te fonte-halowyng +te prest castys watyr out in four partyes of +te fonte ; (CMMIRK,128.3429) for Crist bade hys dyscyples go in foure partyes of +te world , and prech and tech +te foure gospels , and folowing in +te name of +te Fadyr , and of +te Sonne , and of +te Holy Gost . (CMMIRK,128.3430) Aftyr +te prest bre+tes in +te watyr ; (CMMIRK,128.3431) for +te Holy Gost , in +te makyng of +te $world , was born on +te watyrs . Wherfor , when God for Adam synne cursed +te er+te , he sparud +te watyr . (CMMIRK,128.3432) Aftyr he droppy+t yn +te watyr wax of a tapur brennyng ; +te whech bytokeny+t +te manhode of Crist +tat was folowed in +te watyr , and in his folo+gt halowed all +te watyr of folo+gt . (CMMIRK,128.3433) Aftyr oyle and creme byn put in +te watyr ; (CMMIRK,128.3434) for yn +tat sacrament +tilk +tat ben in Heuen and +tilk +tat ben in er+te , ben joynet togedyr . (CMMIRK,128.3435) +Tat was preued in Cristis baptyem ; (CMMIRK,128.3436) for +ter +te Fadyr of Heuen spake , +tat all +te pepull herd , (CMMIRK,128.3437) +te Holy Gost was send like a culuer . (CMMIRK,128.3438) +Tus was +te fonte halowed twyys in +te +gere , at +te begynnyng of holy chyrche , and now aftyr by +te +gere +tat was on Astyr-euen , for +ten all +te pepull was bro+gt out of +traldam of +te fende by Cristis passion ; and on Whytson-euen , for +ten is +te Holi Gost +geuen , +tat is , remyssyon of all synnys . (CMMIRK,128.3439) +Ten , from +te font , men gon to +te qwere syngyng +te letany , prayng all +te sayntys of Heuen forto pray to God , +geue hom +tat ben folowed grace forto kepe +te he+g couenant +tat +tay haue made in hor folowyng . (CMMIRK,128.3440) Then men gon to masse +tat is bygonnen wythout office , +tat is called +te hed of +te masse ; (CMMIRK,128.3441) for Crist , +tat is hed of all holy chyrch , ys not +get risen from de+t to lyue . (CMMIRK,128.3442) Kyrieleyson is sayd ; (CMMIRK,128.3443) for in iche office of holy chyrch , and namly yn +te masse , hit ys gret nede forto aske helpe and socour of God , forto defende vs out of temptacyon +tat assayly+t vs namly in Godys seruyce . (CMMIRK,128.3444) ' Gloria in excelsis ' ys sayde ; (CMMIRK,129.3446) for +te Fadyr of Heuen is gretly ioyet forto behold +te pepull +tat his sonne ha+te bo+gt wyth hys passyon , +tat lyuen in charyte and in pes , ych on wyth o+tyr . (CMMIRK,129.3447) Grayle is non sayde ; (CMMIRK,129.3448) for +tylke +tat ben folowed , be not +get parfyte to walke yn +te greus of vertu . (CMMIRK,129.3449) Alleluia ys songen ; (CMMIRK,129.3450) for hyt ys gret ioy to angeles to sen +te ruyne of angeles be restowred by +tylke +tat ben folowed . (CMMIRK,129.3451) Aftyr Alleluia +te tracte ys songen ; (CMMIRK,129.3452) for +tagh +tay ben , in hor folo+gt , waschan of all synnys , +get +tay most travayle bysyly , forto kepe hom out of combrans of +te fend , +tat he fall not into dedly synne a+geyne . (CMMIRK,129.3453) Offertory is non sayde ; (CMMIRK,129.3454) for +te wymmen +tat comen , forto offyr to Cristys body oynmentes , +tay fond hym not in his tombe . (CMMIRK,129.3455) ' Agnus Dei ' ys sayde , (CMMIRK,129.3456) but no pax ys borne ; (CMMIRK,129.3457) for Crist +tat is hed of pes , was not +get rysen . (CMMIRK,129.3458) Postcomyn is non sayde ; (CMMIRK,129.3459) for +tay +tat ben folowed schul not be howsyld +tys day , but on +te morow ; (CMMIRK,129.3460) for in +te begynnyng of holy chirch +ter comen moo to folow of gret age +ten of chyldren . (CMMIRK,129.3461) A schort euensong ys don , lest +tay +tat ben folowet for cold o+tyr sekenes wer anyet of long seruyce . (CMMIRK,129.3462) +Ten is all +tys seruyce endyd vndyr on colet for all +te sacra-ment of holy chirch , (CMMIRK,129.3463) and of folo+gt is endyd in +te passion of Crist . (CMMIRK,129.3464) . (CMMIRK,129.3466) DE FESTO PASCHE . (CMMIRK,129.3467) Cristes pepull , bo+te men and woymen , as +ge all knowen wele , +tys day is called in sum place Astyr-day , and in sum plase Pase-day , and in sum plas Godis Sonday . (CMMIRK,129.3469) Hyt is called Astyr-day , as Candylmas-day of candyls , and Palme-Sonday of palmes . (CMMIRK,129.3470) For wel nygh in ych plase , hyt ys +te maner +tys day forto do fyre out of +te hall at +te astyr , +tat ha+te all +te wyntyr brent wyth fyre and blakyd wyth smoke . (CMMIRK,129.3471) Hit schall +tys day ben arayde wyth grene rusches , and swete flowres strawed all aboute , schewyng an hegh ensampull to all men and woymen +tat , ryght as +tay maken clene +te howse all wythyn , beryng out +te fure and strawyng flowres , ry+gt soo +ge schull clanse +te howse of your soule , doyng away +te fyre of lechery and of dedly wra+t and of envy , and straw +ter swete erbes and flowres ; (CMMIRK,130.3472) and +tat ben vertues of goodnes and of mekenes , of kyndnes , of loue and charite , of pes and of rest : (CMMIRK,130.3473) and soo make +te howse of your soule abull to receyue your God . (CMMIRK,130.3474) For ry+gt as +ge wyll not suffyr no +tyng in your howse +tat stynky+te or saueryth euell , wherby +tat +ge may be dosesyd ; ryght soo Crist , when he comy+t into +te hows of your soule , and fyndeth +ter any stynkyng +tyng of wra+t or of envy or any o+tyr dedly synne , he woll not abyde +ter : (CMMIRK,130.3475) but anon he go+te out , (CMMIRK,130.3476) and +te fende comy+te yn (CMMIRK,130.3477) and abydy+te +ter . (CMMIRK,130.3478) Then may +tat soule be full sory +tat scho ys forsaken of God and betaken to +te fende . (CMMIRK,130.3479) +Tus don +tay +tat holden dedly wra+te and dedly envy in hor hertys , and woll not for+geue +tylk +tat haue trespast to hom , for no prayer . Wherfor take hit wyth certeyne : (CMMIRK,130.3480) +togh +ge mow wyth glosyng wordys desayve me , and say +ge ben yn full charyte as +ge owen forto be , +togh +ge be not soo , you gayne+t not forto begyle God , +tat se+te ych cornell of your hertys . Wherfor , for Godys loue , dessayue +ge not yourselfe , but bu+te all besy forto kepe your soules clene wythyn to Godis sy+gt , as +ge ben to make your house clene to mannys sy+gt . (CMMIRK,130.3481) And ryght as +ge clo+tu+t your astyr wyth fresche flowres and swete , ry+gt so clo+te your astyr of your soule , +tat is , your hert , in fayr clo+te of charyte , and of loue , and of pes , and of rest wyth all Godys pepull , +tat +ge mow abull be forto receyve +te best frende +tat +ge haue , +tat is Crist , Godis sonne of Heuen , +tat +tys tyme suffred de+te , forto bryng you to +te lyfe +tat euer schall last . (CMMIRK,130.3482) This day is also callyd Pase-day , +tat is in Englysch , +te passyng day . (CMMIRK,130.3483) And soo hyt is for two skylles : (CMMIRK,130.3484) on for +tys day ych cristen man , in reuerence of God , schuld for+geue +tat haue gylt to hom , and ben in full loue and charyte to Godis pepull passyng all o+ter dayes of +te +gere ; (CMMIRK,130.3485) for all +tat is mysdon all +te +gere befor , schall be helyd +tys day wyth +te salue of charyte . (CMMIRK,130.3486) Hit ys alsoo a passyng day : for ych Godys chyld schall passe out of euell levyng into good lyuyng , out of vyces ynto vertuys , out of pride into mekenes , out of couetyse into largenes , out of slo+t into holy bysynes , out of envy into loue and charite , out of wra+te into mercy , out of gloteny into abstynens , out of lechery into charyte , out of +te fendys clochus ynto Godis barm ; and soo of Godys enmy make hym hys frende and derlyng . (CMMIRK,131.3487) Whoso passy+te +tus , he ys wor+ty forto come to +tat gret fest +tat God maky+te +tys day to all +tat +tys passage makut . (CMMIRK,131.3488) This day ys called Godis Sonday ; for Crist , Godis sonne of Heuen , +tys day roos from de+t to lyue , and soo glady+t all hys seruantes and frendys wyth his vprist . Wherfor all holy chrych maky+te myr+t +tys day and syngyth +tus : ' This ys +te day +tat our lord made ; (CMMIRK,131.3489) be we glad and ioyfull in hure ! ' (CMMIRK,131.3490) +Te Fadyr of Heuen makyth wyth all hys angelys soo gret melody for +te vpryst of hys sonne , +tat he maky+te +tys day a gret passyng fest , and byddy+te all hys pepull +terto , als wele hom +tat ben in Heuen as +tylke +tat ben in er+te . (CMMIRK,131.3491) +Ten as wele as hym schall be +tat comy+te to +tys fest wele arayde in Godys lyuere , clo+tyd in loue and scharyte , als euell schall hym be +tat comy+te yn fendys lyuere , clo+tyd in envy and dedly wra+te ; (CMMIRK,131.3492) for +tes , as +te gospell telly+te , schall be taken and cast into +te prison of hell . Soo that while o+tyr lagh and make mery , +tes o+tyr wepe and be sory ; (CMMIRK,131.3493) and whyll +tat o+tyr eten and drynken at Godis bord , +tay schall sytte grennyng wyth hor te+te for paynyng of hell-wormys +tat gnawen hom . (CMMIRK,131.3494) For as +tey eten o+tyr wyth bakbytyng here in er+te , +tey schull ete hym backe and body wythout end in payne of hell . Wherfor , good men and woymen , I charch you heyly in Godys byhalue +tat non of you to-day com to Godys bord , but he be in full charyte to all Godis pepull ; and also +tat +ge be clene schryuen and yn full wyll to leue your synne . (CMMIRK,131.3495) For yf I wyst whech of you wer out of charyte and vnschryuen , I most , be techyng of holy men , wyth a foule mou+te say +tus to hym , in audyens of all men : ' I +geue +te here not +ty howsyll , but +ty dampnacyon into euerlastyng payne , tyll +tou com to amendement . ' Wherfor , for Cristis loue , yche man sech well his conciens and clanse hyt , +tat he may abull receyue hys sauyour . (CMMIRK,131.3496) And +get , forto styr you more in concyens , y tell you +tys ensampull . (CMMIRK,131.3497) Narracio . (CMMIRK,131.3499) I rede of a holy byschop +tat prayd God bysily to +geue hym grace to wytte whech wer wor+ty to receyue +te sacrament and whech onworthy . (CMMIRK,131.3501) Then , when +te pepull com to Godys bord , he sagh som com wyth hor face red as blod , and blod droppyng out of hor mow+tys , som hor face as blacke as any pyche , summe as whyte as snow , and summe fayre and rody and lusty forto behold . (CMMIRK,132.3502) Then , among o+tyr , he sagh two comyn wymen comyng and hor facys schonyng as bryght as +te sonne . (CMMIRK,132.3503) +Ten had he moch wondyr of +tys syght , (CMMIRK,132.3504) and prayde to God to +geue hym reuelacyon and knowyng what all +tys bytokenyd . (CMMIRK,132.3505) Then come +ter an angyll to hym (CMMIRK,132.3506) and sayd : ' +Tes +tat han blody facys and blod droppe out of hor mow+tes , +to ben envyous men and woymen , and full of dedly wra+te , (CMMIRK,132.3507) and woll not amend hom , (CMMIRK,132.3508) and gnawen hom byhynd , (CMMIRK,132.3509) and be vsed to swere horrybull o+tys by Godys sydys and his blod , and vmbrayden God of his passyon , and don hym no reuerence : wherfor hor mow+tys schull droppe of blod , tyll +tay com to amendement . (CMMIRK,132.3510) +Tay +tat haue blak facys , ben lecherys men and woymen +tat wyll not leue hor synne , ne hor lyst , ne schryue hom +terof . (CMMIRK,132.3511) +Tay +tat haue whit facys as snow , ben +tay +tat haue don gret synnys , and ben schryuen +terof , and wyth +te wepyng of hor een han wasshen hor soules so whyt and clene . (CMMIRK,132.3512) +Tylke +tat ben fayre and rody , ben good comyn lyuers +tat lyuen truly by hor mayn swynke , (CMMIRK,132.3513) and so kepy+te hom out of dedly synne . (CMMIRK,132.3514) And +tes two woymen +tat schynen passyng all o+tyr , wer two comyn woymen and of euell lyuyng ; (CMMIRK,132.3515) but when +tay come into +te chyrch , +tay toke suche repentans in hor hertys , +tat +tay maden a vow to God +tat +tay wold do neuermore amys wyth +te helpe of his grace . Wherfor God of hys mercy ha+t for+geuen hom hor synne , and so clene wasschen hor sowles , +tat +tay schyne +tus passyng all o+ter . ' (CMMIRK,132.3516) Then +tys angyll went his way , (CMMIRK,132.3517) and +tys byschop +tonkyd God of hys hegh grace +tat he schewed hym reuelacyon , (CMMIRK,132.3518) and serued God euer aftyr wyth all hys myght , (CMMIRK,132.3519) and had +te blysse of Heuen . The wheche blysse God graunte you and me . (CMMIRK,132.3520) Amen . (CMMIRK,132.3521) 31 . (CMMIRK,132.3523) DE FESTO SANCTI GEORGII , MARTYRIS . (CMMIRK,132.3524) Good men and woymen , such a day +ge schull haue +te fest of Saynt George . +Te wheche day +ge schull come to holy chyrch . in worschyp of God and of +tat holy martyr Seynt George +tat bo+gt his day full dere . (CMMIRK,133.3526) For as I rede in hys lyfe , I fynde +tat +ter was an horrybull dragon , +tat men of +te cyte wer so aferd , +tat +tay , by cownsell of the kyng , yche day , +geuen hym a schepe and a chyld forto ete ; for he shuld not come into +te cyte and ete hom . (CMMIRK,133.3527) Then when all +te chyldyr of +ta cyte wer eten , for bycause +tat +te kyng +gaf hom +tat consell , +tay constrayned hym +tat had but on doghtyr forto +geue hyr to +te dragon , as +tay had hor chyldyr before . (CMMIRK,133.3528) Then +te kyng , for fere of +te pepull , wyth wepyng and gret sorow makyng , delyuerd hom hys doghtyr yn hyr best aray . (CMMIRK,133.3529) Then +tay settyn hur yn +te place +ter +tay wer wont to set o+tyr chyldyr , and a schepe wyth hyr , forto abyde +te tyme tyll +te dragon wold come . (CMMIRK,133.3530) But +ten , by ordenance of God , Seynt George come rydyng +tat way ; (CMMIRK,133.3531) and when he saw +te aray of +tys damesell , hym +toght well +tat hyt schuld be a womon of gret renon , (CMMIRK,133.3532) and askyd hur why scho stode +ter wyth soo mornyng a chere . (CMMIRK,133.3533) +Ten vnswared scho (CMMIRK,133.3534) and sayde : ' Gentyll kny+gt , well may I be of heuy chere , +tat am a kyngys doghtyr of +tys cyte , and am sette here forto be deuoured anon of an horrybull dragon +tat ha+te eton all +te chyldyr of +tys cyte . (CMMIRK,133.3535) And for all ben eten , now most I be eten ; (CMMIRK,133.3536) for my fadyr +gaf +te cyte +tat consell . Wherfor , gentyll knyght , gos hens fast and saue +tyselfe , lest he les +te as he woll me ! ' (CMMIRK,133.3537) ' Damesell , ' quod George , ' +tat wer a gret vyleny to me , +tat am a kny+gt well i-armed , yf I schuld fle , and +tou +tat art a woman schuld abyde . ' (CMMIRK,133.3538) Then wyth +tys worde , +te horrybull best put vp his hed , spyttyng out fure , (CMMIRK,133.3539) and proferet batayll to George . (CMMIRK,133.3540) +Ten made George a cros befor hym , (CMMIRK,133.3541) and set hys spere in +te grate , (CMMIRK,133.3542) and wyth such myght bare down +te dragon into +te erth , +tat he bade +tis damysell bynd hur gurdull about his necke and lede hym aftyr hur into +te cyte . (CMMIRK,133.3543) Then +tys dragon sewet her forth , as hyt had ben a gentyll hownde , mekly wythout any mysdoyng . (CMMIRK,133.3544) But when +te pepull of +te cyte saw +te dragon come , +tay floen , ych man into hys hyrn , for ferd . (CMMIRK,133.3545) Then callyd George +te pepull a+geyne , (CMMIRK,133.3546) and bade +tay schuld not be aferd ; (CMMIRK,133.3547) for yf +tay wolden leue in Crist and take fologht , he wold befor hom all sle hym , and so delyuer hom of hor enmy . (CMMIRK,134.3548) Then wer +tay all so glad , +tat xx=ti= +towsand of men , wythout woymen and chyldren , wer folowed , (CMMIRK,134.3549) and +te kyng was fyrst folowed and all hys houshold . (CMMIRK,134.3550) +Ten George slogh +tys dragon , (CMMIRK,134.3551) and bade bryng x exen to hym , and draw hym out of +te cyte , +tat +te sauer of hym schuld do hom no greue . (CMMIRK,134.3552) And bade +te kyng byld fast in euery hurne of hys lond chyrches , and be lusty forto here Godys seruyce , and do honour to all men of holy chrych , and euer haue mynd and compassion of all men +tat wer nedy and pore . (CMMIRK,134.3553) Then , when +tat George had +tus turnyd +tys lond to Godis fay+te , he herd how +te Emperour Dyaclisian dyd mony cristen men to de+t . (CMMIRK,134.3554) Then he went to hym boldely , (CMMIRK,134.3555) and repreued hym of +te cursed dede . (CMMIRK,134.3556) Then +te Emperour anon commawndyd forto do hym into prison and lay hym +ter vpryght , and a mylne-ston vpon his brest , forto haue so cruschet hym to de+t . (CMMIRK,134.3557) But when he was seruet so , he prayd to God of help ; (CMMIRK,134.3558) and God kept hym so , +tat he feld no harme yn no party of hys body . (CMMIRK,134.3559) But when +te Emperour herd +terof , he bade make a whele set full of howkes yn +tat on syde of +te whele , and swerde poyntys in +tat o+tyr syde a+geyne +tat , and set George in +te myddys , and so forto turne +te wheles and all torase hys body on ay+tyr syde . (CMMIRK,134.3560) But when he was yn +te turment , he prayd to Crist of socour , (CMMIRK,134.3561) and was holpen anon . (CMMIRK,134.3562) Aftyr he was put in an hote brennyng lyme-kylne and closed +teryn , forto haue ben brent ; (CMMIRK,134.3563) but God turnet wyth hys my+gt +te hete into cold dew . (CMMIRK,134.3564) +Gette , +te +tryd day aftyr , when all men wendon he had ben brent to coles , +ten was he fonde lyght and mery , (CMMIRK,134.3565) and +tonked God . (CMMIRK,134.3566) Aftyr when he was fatte and sette before +te Emperour , he repreuyd hym of hys false goddys , (CMMIRK,134.3567) and sayde +tay wer but fendys , and wythout myght , and false at nede . (CMMIRK,134.3568) Then made +tys Emperour forto bete his mou+te wyth stonys , tyll hyt was all topounet , (CMMIRK,134.3569) and made to bete hys body wyth dry bolle-senows , tyll +te flessch fell from +te bon and hys guttes myght be seyne . (CMMIRK,134.3570) +Get aftyr +tay made hym to drynke venom +tat was made strong for +te nonys , forto haue poysont hym to +te de+t anon . (CMMIRK,134.3571) But when George had made +te syngne of +te cros on hit , he dranke hyt wythout any greve , soo +tat , for wondyr +terof , +te man +tat made +te poysen , anon turned to the fay+te , and anon was don to de+te for Crystys sake . (CMMIRK,135.3572) Then , +te ny+gt aftyr , as George was in prison prayng to God , God come to hym wyth gret lyght , (CMMIRK,135.3573) and bade hym be of good comfort ; (CMMIRK,135.3574) for in +te morow he schuld make an end of hys passyon , (CMMIRK,135.3575) and so com to hym into +te ioy +tat euer schall last . (CMMIRK,135.3576) And when he had set a crown of gold apon hys hed , he +gaf hym hys blessyng (CMMIRK,135.3577) and stegh into Heuen . (CMMIRK,135.3578) Then anon , on +te morow , for he wold not do sacryfice to +te Emperourys false goddys , he made to smyte of hys hed ; (CMMIRK,135.3579) and soo passed to God . (CMMIRK,135.3580) And when +te Emperour wold haue gone to hys palys , +te layte fure brent hym and all hys seruantes . (CMMIRK,135.3581) Narracio . (CMMIRK,135.3583) In a story of Antioch ys wrytton +tat , when cristen men beseget Ierusalem , a fayre +gong kny+gt aperut to a prest , (CMMIRK,135.3585) and sayde +tat he was Saynt George and leder of cristen men , (CMMIRK,135.3586) and commaundyd +tat he schuld bere wyth hom hys relykes , and com wyth hom to +te sege . (CMMIRK,135.3587) But when +tay comen to +te walles of Ierusalem , +te Saracens weren so strong wythyn +tat cristen men durst not clymbe vp hor laddres . (CMMIRK,135.3588) Then com Seynt George , clo+tyd yn whyte , and a red crosse on hys brest , (CMMIRK,135.3589) and +gode vp +te laddyrs , (CMMIRK,135.3590) and bade +te cristen men com aftyr hym . (CMMIRK,135.3591) And so wyth +te helpe of Seynt George , +tay wonen +te cyte , (CMMIRK,135.3592) and slogh all +te Saresyns +tay fonden +teryn . (CMMIRK,135.3593) And +terfor pray we to Saynt George +tat he wyll be our helpe at oure nede , and saue +tys reem to +te worschyp of God and his modyr Mary and all +te company of Heuen . (CMMIRK,135.3594) Amen . (CMMIRK,135.3595) 32 . (CMMIRK,135.3597) DE SANCI MARCO SERMO BREUIS . (CMMIRK,135.3598) Good men and woymen , such a day +ge schall haue Seynt Marcus day , +tat was on of +te foure +tat wryton +te gospellys , and prechet hom to +te pepull . (CMMIRK,135.3600) Then was +tys Marke furst an he+ten man , (CMMIRK,135.3601) but aftyr he was folowet of Seynt Petyr (CMMIRK,135.3602) and soo sewet Petyr long aftyr , tyll he was full ta+gt in +te byleue . (CMMIRK,135.3603) And when he was full ylurned of Cristys fay+te , +ten Seynt Petyr made hym goo and prech +te pepull Godys word . (CMMIRK,135.3604) And for he was soo holy a man , +te pepull allgate wold make hym a prest , he , for gret mekenes of hymselfe , made to kyt of his +tombe ; (CMMIRK,136.3605) neuer+teles when God wold haue hyt , Seynt Petyr wyth gret instaunce made hym to take +te ordyr of prest . (CMMIRK,136.3606) Then was he besy day and ny+gt forto prech Godys word to +te pepull ; (CMMIRK,136.3607) and all +tat he sayde wyth worde , he confermed wyth good ensampull and wyth doyng of myracles . (CMMIRK,136.3608) Thus , by inspyracyon of +te Holy Gost , he +gode to +te cyte of Alysandyr , forto turne +te pepull of +te cyte to +te fay+t of Crist . (CMMIRK,136.3609) Then when he come into +te cyte , at +te forme fote +tat he set yn at +te +gate , hys scho+g barst (CMMIRK,136.3610) and was toren ; wherby he wyst well +tat he schuld not go from +tens , but +tat he schuld take hys ende +ter : (CMMIRK,136.3611) and soo dyd . (CMMIRK,136.3612) Then , when he com ynto +te cyte , he saw a man clowtyng pore men schone +tat werne torne ; (CMMIRK,136.3613) and +to+g +tis man wer a panyme , he was cristen yn hys doyng . Wherfor Saynt Marke prayde forto amende his schone +tat wer torne . (CMMIRK,136.3614) +Ten +tis man , for he saw +tat Marke was pore , and nedy , and of sympull aray , hym +to+gt +tat hyt was almys forto helpe hym , (CMMIRK,136.3615) and toke hys schone to hym , (CMMIRK,136.3616) and began forto sawe on hit . (CMMIRK,136.3617) And as he sewet full helt , by Godis ordenance , he wondyd hym-selfe in +te honde wyth his nalle grevesly ; (CMMIRK,136.3618) and so , what for ache and penance +tat he had +terof , among his woo he called helpe of God . (CMMIRK,136.3619) And when Saynt Marke herd +tat , he +tonkyd God ; (CMMIRK,136.3620) and anon he spytte in +te er+te , (CMMIRK,136.3621) and makyd fene , (CMMIRK,136.3622) and wyth +tat fen anoynted +te mannys hond in +te name of Ihesu Crist : (CMMIRK,136.3623) and anon he was hole . (CMMIRK,136.3624) Then , when +tys man segh such vertu yn Saynt Marke , he prayde hym forto dwell wyth hym . (CMMIRK,136.3625) Then Marke dwelled wyth +tys man (CMMIRK,136.3626) and preched hym , so +tat he folewet hym and all hys howshold ; (CMMIRK,136.3627) and aftur for gret holynes . +tat he saw yn hym , he made +tys man a byschop . (CMMIRK,136.3628) Thus when men of +te cyte seen how Marke preched +te fayth of Crist , and dyspysyd hor fals goddys , they token hym , (CMMIRK,136.3629) and tyed hym by +te neke wyth a rope , (CMMIRK,136.3630) and drewen hym on +te stonys , cryyng yfere in despyte of hym : ' Draw we +tys bugull to +te bygulstede ! ' (CMMIRK,136.3631) So when tay had drawen hym negh to +te de+te , +ten +tay putten hym ynto +te prison tyll on +te morow . (CMMIRK,136.3632) +Ten com +tat ny+gt Crist into +te prison to hym (CMMIRK,137.3633) and sayde : ' Pes be to +te , Marke our euangelyst , (CMMIRK,137.3634) be no+gt agast ; (CMMIRK,137.3635) for I am wyth +te ! ' (CMMIRK,137.3636) Then on +te morow +tey come a+geyn , (CMMIRK,137.3637) and fat hym out a+geyn , (CMMIRK,137.3638) and drewen hym tyll he was ded . (CMMIRK,137.3639) And when he felde +tat he schuld dye , he sayd : ' In manus tuas , Domine , commendo spiritum meum , redimisti ' ; (CMMIRK,137.3640) and so +terwyth +gaf vp hys gost . (CMMIRK,137.3641) Then aftyr , when +tay wold haue brent hys body for malyce , anon +ter come such a powdyr and layte and er+te-qwake , +tat no man durst abyde , (CMMIRK,137.3642) but all fleen away . (CMMIRK,137.3643) +Ten yn +te ny+gt aftyr Cristen men token hys body , (CMMIRK,137.3644) and buryet hyt wyth gret worschyp , as hyt was worthy . (CMMIRK,137.3645) Then fell hyt soo aftyr +tat yche contrey halowet Seynt Markeys day , saue on contrey the whech was callyd Appuleo . +Te whech contrey was so desesut by hete and vnkynd dro+gt , +tat all +te cornes and frutys faylut hom , +tat +tay wer negh enfamyscht for defaute of corne . (CMMIRK,137.3646) But +ten come +ter a voyce from Heuen , (CMMIRK,137.3647) and bade halow Saynt Markeys day , as o+tyr crysten men duden , (CMMIRK,137.3648) and +ten schuld +tay be releuet . (CMMIRK,137.3649) And when +tay dydden soo , God send to hom all maner of frutys . (CMMIRK,137.3650) Now , good men and woymen , +ge haue herd of +tis seyntis lyfe , and why hys day ys halowet ; (CMMIRK,137.3651) +ten hit is nedfull to tell you why +ge schull fast his day and goo in processyon . (CMMIRK,137.3652) Narracio . (CMMIRK,137.3654) I rede +tat in +te cyte of Rome on +tis day fell such a qwalme and soden deth among +te pepull of +te cyte , +tat when a man gonet o+tyr neset , anon +terwyth he +gaf vp +te gost ; (CMMIRK,137.3656) and o+tyr deydyn sodenly a gret nownbyr . (CMMIRK,137.3657) Then +te pope Pelagius bade ych man , when he gonet , to make a cros on his mou+te ; (CMMIRK,137.3658) and when a man herd ano+tyr nese , he schuld bydde : ' Crist helpe +te ! ' (CMMIRK,137.3659) and so mony wern sauet . (CMMIRK,137.3660) And also he made +te pepull fast , and to go about in procession barfot , and soo pray holy seyntys of Heuen forto pray for hom to God , +tat he of his goodnes schuld haue mercy of hom ; (CMMIRK,137.3661) and soo dyd . (CMMIRK,137.3662) Then come aftyr Seynt Gregory , (CMMIRK,137.3663) and made hom do +te same ych +gere on Saynt Markeys day , bo+te fast and go on processyon , (CMMIRK,137.3664) and canonysyt hit , forto be don alway aftyr . (CMMIRK,137.3665) Then come aftyr a pope was called Liberius , (CMMIRK,138.3666) and segh how +te frute of +te erth and of tren , for $tendyrnes of homselfe , token at +tys day ofte-tyme gret harme , what by +tondyr and by layte , by vnkynde hete , be vnkynd stormys , by whyrlyng-wynde , by mystes , by myldewys , be grene wormys , be long-taylet fleys . (CMMIRK,138.3667) And also , for +te pepull to sone aftyr +te receyuyng of hor howsyll turnet a+geyne to synne , hauyng no reward to +tat hegh sacrament , +terfor God send vengeans among +te pepull mor +tat tyme of +te +gere +ten ano+tyr , of pestylens , of werres , of der+tes , of dyuerse sekenes . Wherfor +tys holy pope , forto put away Godys wra+t from +te pepull , he commaundet all cristen men and woymen forto halow +tys day , and fast not to certeyne +geres as lewde pepull tellyth , but allway forth on , and forto come +tat day to +te chyrch , and goo on pro-cession wyth +te letany . Wherfor , good men , +ge schull wete well +tat all +tylke +tat don a+geyne +te constytucyons of holy chyrche wytyng , he ys acurset tyll he come to amendement ; (CMMIRK,138.3668) and yf he dey yn +tat curs vnschryuen , he is dampnet fore euer befor God . (CMMIRK,138.3669) Herefor , good men and woymen , I charch you on holy chyrche byhalfe , +tat +ge fast +tat day , but hit fall on a Sonenday o+tyr yn Astyr weke ; (CMMIRK,138.3670) and comyth +tat day to +te chyrch ; (CMMIRK,138.3671) and heruth God seruyce as cristen men owen forto do ; (CMMIRK,138.3672) and pray+te hertly to Seynt Marke +tat he woll pray for you to God forto put away all myscheues of body and of soule , and +tat +ge may haue +te blys +tat he bo+gt you to . To +to whech blys God bryng you and me to , yf hyt be hys will . (CMMIRK,138.3673) Amen . (CMMIRK,138.3674) 33 . (CMMIRK,138.3676) DE FESTO APOSTOLORUM PHILIPPI ET IACOBI ET EORUM SOLEMPNITATE . (CMMIRK,138.3677) Good men and woymen , such a day {TEXT:N} +ge schull haue an hegh fest in holy $chyrch : Seynt Phelypys day and Seynt Iacobs , Cristys holy apostolys . (CMMIRK,138.3679) But for +tys comy+t wythyn +te tyme of Astyr seruyce , +ge schull not fast +te euen ; (CMMIRK,138.3680) but comyth to +te chyrch as Godys owne pepull , to worschyp God and his holy apostolys . (CMMIRK,138.3681) Then schull +ge know +tat +tys Phylyp was send by all +tat o+tyr apostolys into a contre +tat was called Cythya , forto prech Godis worde to +te vnbeleued pepull . (CMMIRK,139.3682) But when he come +tedyr , and preched a+geyn hor mawmetys , preuyng +tat +tay wer fendys , and not goddys , anon +tys mysbeleued pepull token +tys holy apostull , (CMMIRK,139.3683) and ladden hym ynto hor tempull , (CMMIRK,139.3684) and constrayned hym to do sacryfyce to hor mawmetys , (CMMIRK,139.3685) o+tir ellys he schuld be ded . (CMMIRK,139.3686) Then , as +tay wern besy forto haue done +tys doses , sodenly a gret dragon com out of +te er+te , (CMMIRK,139.3687) and slogh +tre of +tes mysbeleued men , (CMMIRK,139.3688) and venemet so +te pepull wyth hys bre+tyng , +tat +ter fell on hom all such a sekenes , +tat for woo and passyon +tat +tay hadon , +tay cryed all waylyng and wepyng yche on to $o+tyr . (CMMIRK,139.3689) Then sayde Phelyp to hom : ' +Gyf +ge woll be helyd of your sekenes +tat greue+te you , and also +tes men be bro+gt a+geyne to lyve +tat ben ded , castys don +tes mawmetys +tat +ge wolden haue me to worschyp , (CMMIRK,139.3690) and setty+te +ter a cros lyke to +te cros +tat my maystyr dyed apon , (CMMIRK,139.3691) and worschyp hyt . ' (CMMIRK,139.3692) Then dyd +tay so gladly and fayn , forto be holpen of hor woo +tat greuet hom soo sore . (CMMIRK,139.3693) And when +tay hadden soo don , anon ry+gt +tay wern all hole ; (CMMIRK,139.3694) and Saynt Phelyp , be callyng of Cristys nome , reryd vp a+geyne to lyue +tre men +tat wern ded . (CMMIRK,139.3695) And when he had don soo , he commaundyd +te dragon forto go into wyldernes $+ter $as {TEXT:+teras} he schuld neuer greue man ny best ; (CMMIRK,139.3696) and so +gode forth , (CMMIRK,139.3697) and was neuer seen aftyr . (CMMIRK,139.3698) Thus when Seynt Phelyp had preched +te pepull , and made hom stedfast in +te fay+te of Ihesu Crist , and +gode forth into a cyte Ieropolym ; (CMMIRK,139.3699) and for he prechet +te fay+te of Ihesu Crist +tat was don on +te cros , +terfor wykked men of +tat cyte token hym , (CMMIRK,139.3700) and dydden hym on a cros , as Crist was , (CMMIRK,139.3701) and soo payned hym to +te de+te . (CMMIRK,139.3702) And soo he +gode to Crist , hys maystyr , forto dwell wy+te hym in +te ioy +tat neuer schall haue ende . (CMMIRK,139.3703) Now +ge schull here of Seynt Iacob , +tat was called among +te apostolys ' Iamys +te lasse , ' forto be know from ' Iamys +te more ' +tat was Seynt Ionys bro+tyr . (CMMIRK,139.3704) But +tys Iacob , o+tyr Iames , +tat ys all on name , was called Cristys bro+tyr ; (CMMIRK,139.3705) for he was soo lyke to Crist , +tat when +te Iewes token oure Lord Crist , +tay cow+te not know +tat on by +tat o+tyr , but as Iudas trayde Crist by a cosse , and soo ta+gt hom to hym . (CMMIRK,139.3706) Thys Iamys was soo holy from +te tyme +tat he was borne , all +te tyme of hys lyfe , +tat he dranke no wyne ny syser ne ale ; (CMMIRK,139.3707) for +tys $+tere nys non yn +tat contrey . (CMMIRK,139.3708)