{ED:DEDICATION.} | Nu , bro+terr Wallterr , bro+terr min | | Affterr +te fl+ashess kinde ; | | & bro+terr min i Crisstenndom | | +Turrh fulluhht & +turrh troww+te ; | | & bro+terr min i Godess hus , | | +Get o +te +tride wise , | | +Turrh +tatt witt hafenn takenn ba | | An re+ghellboc to foll+ghenn , | | Unnderr kanunnkess had & lif , | | Swa summ Sannt Awwstin sette ; | | Icc hafe don swa summ +tu badd , | | & for+tedd te +tin wille , | (CMORM,DED.1.3) | Icc hafe wennd inntill Ennglissh | | Goddspelles hall+ghe lare , | | Affterr +tatt little witt +tatt me | | Min Drihhtin hafe+t+t lenedd . | (CMORM,DED.1.4) | +Tu +tohhtesst tatt itt mihhte wel | | Till mikell frame turrnenn , | | +Giff Ennglissh follc , forr lufe off Crist , | | Itt wollde +gerne lernenn , | | & foll+ghenn itt , & fillenn itt | | Wi+t+t +tohht , wi+t+t word , wi+t+t dede . | (CMORM,DED.1.5) | & forr+ti +gerrndesst tu +tatt icc | | +Tiss werrc +te shollde wirrkenn ; | (CMORM,DED.L23.7) | & icc itt hafe for+tedd te , | | Acc all +turrh Cristess hellpe ; | (CMORM,DED.L23.8) | & unnc birr+t ba+te +tannkenn Crist | | +Tatt itt iss brohht till ende . | (CMORM,DED.L23.9) | Icc hafe sammnedd o +tiss boc | | +Ta Goddspelles neh alle , | | +Tatt sinndenn o +te messeboc | | Inn all +te +ger att messe . | (CMORM,DED.L23.10) | & a+g+g affterr +te Goddspell stannt | | +Tatt tatt te Goddspell mene+t+t , | | +Tatt mann birr+t spellenn to +te follc | | Off +te+g+gre sawle nede ; | (CMORM,DED.L23.11) | & +get t+ar tekenn mare inoh | | +Tu shallt t+aronne findenn , | | Off +tatt tatt Cristess hall+ghe +ted | | Birr+t trowwenn wel & foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,DED.L23.12) | Icc hafe sett her o +tiss boc | | Amang Goddspelless wordess , | | All +turrh me sellfenn , mani+g word | | +Te rime swa to fillenn ; | (CMORM,DED.L23.13) | Acc +tu shallt findenn +tatt min word , | | E+g+gwh+ar +t+ar itt iss ekedd , | | Ma+g+g hellpenn +ta +tatt redenn itt | | To sen & tunnderrstanndenn | | All +tess te bettre , hu +te+g+gm birr+t | | +Te Goddspell unnderrstanndenn ; | (CMORM,DED.L23.14) | & forr+ti trowwe icc +tatt te birr+t | | Wel +tolenn mine wordess , | | E+g+gwh+ar +t+ar +tu shallt findenn hemm | | Amang Goddspelless wordess . | (CMORM,DED.L53.15) | Forr whase mot to l+awedd follc | | Larspell off Goddspell tellenn , | | He mot wel ekenn mani+g word | | Amang Goddspelless wordess . | (CMORM,DED.L53.16) | & icc ne mihhte nohht min ferrs | | A+g+g wi+t+t Goddspelless wordess | | Wel fillenn all , (CMORM,DED.L53.17) & all forr+ti | | Shollde icc wel offte nede | | Amang Goddspelles wordess don | | Min word , min ferrs to fillenn . | (CMORM,DED.L53.18) | & te bit+ache icc off +tiss boc , | | Heh wikenn alls itt seme+t+t , | | All to +turrhsekenn illc an ferrs , | | & to +turrhlokenn offte , | | +Tatt upponn all +tiss boc ne be | | Nan word +g+an Cristess lare , | | Nan word tatt swi+te wel ne be | | To trowwenn & to foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,DED.L53.19) | Witt shulenn tredenn unnderrfot | | & all +twerrt ut forrwerrpenn | | +Te dom off all +tatt la+te flocc , | | +Tatt iss +turrh ni+t forrblendedd , | | +Tatt t+ale+t+t +tatt to lofenn iss , | | +Turrh ni+tfull modi+gnesse . | (CMORM,DED.L53.20) | +Te+g+g shulenn l+atenn h+a+teli+g | | Off unnkerr swinnc , lef bro+terr ; | (CMORM,DED.L53.21) | & all +te+g+g shulenn takenn itt | | Onn unnitt & onn idell ; | | Acc nohht +turrh skill , acc all +turrh ni+t , | | & all +turrh +te+g+gre sinne . | (CMORM,DED.L83.22) | & unnc birr+t biddenn Godd tatt he | | Forr+gife hemm here sinne ; | (CMORM,DED.L83.23) | & unnc birr+t ba+te lofenn Godd | | Off +tatt itt wass bigunnenn , | | & +tannkenn Godd tatt itt iss brohht | | Till ende , +turrh hiss hellpe ; | (CMORM,DED.L83.24) | Forr itt ma+g+g hellpenn alle +ta | | +Tatt bli+telike itt herenn , | | & lufenn itt , & foll+ghenn itt | | Wi+t+t +tohht , wi+t+t word , wi+t+t dede . | (CMORM,DED.L83.25) | & whase wilenn shall +tiss boc | | Efft o+terr si+te writenn , | | Himm bidde icc +tatt $he $it {TEXT:het} write rihht , | | Swa summ +tiss boc himm t+ache+t+t , | | All +twerrt ut affterr +tatt itt iss | | Uppo +tiss firrste bisne , | | Wi+t+t all swillc rime alls her iss sett , | | Wi+t+t all se fele wordess ; | | & tatt he loke wel +tatt he | | An bocstaff write twi+g+gess , | | E+g+gwh+ar +t+ar itt uppo +tiss boc | | Iss writenn o +tatt wise . | (CMORM,DED.L83.26) | Loke he well +tatt $he $it {TEXT:het} write swa , | (CMORM,DED.L83.27) | Forr he ne ma+g+g nohht elless | | Onn Ennglissh writtenn rihht te word , | (CMORM,DED.L83.28) | +Tatt wite he wel to so+te . | (CMORM,DED.L83.29) | & +giff mann wile witenn whi | | Icc hafe don +tiss dede , | | Whi icc till Ennglissh hafe wennd | | Goddspelless hall+ghe lare ; | | Icc hafe itt don forr+ti +tatt all | | Crisstene follkess berrhless | | Iss lang uppo +tatt an , +tatt te+g+g | | Goddspelless hall+ghe lare | | Wi+t+t fulle mahhte foll+ghe rihht | | +Turrh +tohht , +turrh word , +turrh dede . | (CMORM,DED.L113.30) | Forr all +tatt +afre onn er+te iss ned | | Crisstene follc to foll+ghenn | | I troww+te , i dede , all t+ache+t+t hemm | | Goddspelles hall+ghe lare . | (CMORM,DED.L113.31) | & forr+ti whase lerne+t+t itt | | & foll+ghe+t+t itt wi+t+t dede , | | He shall onn ende wurr+ti ben | | +Turrh Godd to wurr+tenn borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,DED.L113.32) | & t+arfore hafe icc turrnedd itt | | Inntill Ennglisshe sp+ache , | | Forr +tatt I wollde bli+teli+g | | +Tatt all Ennglisshe lede | | Wi+t+t +are shollde lisstenn itt , | | Wi+t+t herrte shollde itt trowwenn , | | Wi+t+t tunge shollde spellenn itt , | | Wi+t+t dede shollde itt foll+ghenn , | | To winnenn unnderr Crisstenndom | | Att Godd so+t sawle berrhless . | (CMORM,DED.L113.33) | & +giff +te+g+g wilenn herenn itt , | | & foll+ghenn itt wi+t+t dede , | | Icc hafe hemm hollpenn unnderr Crist | | To winnenn +te+g+gre berrhless . | (CMORM,DED.L113.34) | & I shall hafenn forr min swinnc | | God l+an att Godd onn ende , | | +Giff +tatt I , forr +te lufe off Godd | | & forr +te mede off heffne , | | Hemm hafe itt inntill Ennglissh wennd | | Forr +te+g+gre sawle nede . | (CMORM,DED.L143.36) | & +giff +te+g+g all forrwerrpenn itt , | | Itt turne+t+t hemm till sinne , | (CMORM,DED.L143.37) | & I shall hafenn addledd me | | +Te Laferrd Cristess are , | | +Turrh +tatt icc hafe hemm wrohht tiss boc | | To +te+g+gre sawle nede , | | +Tohh +tatt te+g+g all forrwerrpenn itt | | +Turrh +te+g+gre modi+gnesse . | (CMORM,DED.L143.38) | Goddspell onn Ennglissh nemmnedd iss | | God word , & god ti+tennde , | | God errnde , forr+ti +tatt itt wass | | +Turrh hall+ghe Goddspellwrihhtess | | All wrohht & writenn uppo boc | | Off Cristess firste come , | | Off hu so+t Godd wass wurr+tenn mann | | Forr all mannkinne nede , | | & off +tatt mannkinn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Wass lesedd ut off helle , | | & off +tatt he wisslike ras | | +Te +tridde da+g+g off d+a+te , | | & off +tatt he wisslike stah | | +Ta si+t+tenn upp till heffne , | | & off +tatt he shall cumenn efft | | To demenn alle +tede , | | & forr to +geldenn iwhillc mann | | Affterr hiss a+ghenn dede . | (CMORM,DED.L171.39) | Off all +tiss god uss brinnge+t+t word | | & errnde & god ti+tennde | | Goddspell , (CMORM,DED.L171.40) & forr+ti ma+g+g itt wel | | God errnde ben +gehatenn . | (CMORM,DED.L171.41) | Forr mann ma+g+g uppo Goddspellboc | | Godnessess findenn seffne | | +Tatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Uss hafe+t+t don onn er+te , | | +Turrh +tatt he comm to manne , & +turrh | | +Tatt he warr+t mann onn er+te . | (CMORM,DED.L171.42) | Forr an godnesse uss hafe+t+t don | | +Te Laferrd Crist onn er+te , | | +Turrh +tatt he comm to wurr+tenn mann | | Forr all mannkinne nede . | (CMORM,DED.L171.43) | O+terr godnesse uss hafe+t+t don | | +Te Laferrd Crist onn er+te , | | +Turrh +tatt he wass i flumm Jorrdan | | Fullhtnedd forr ure nede ; | | Forr +tatt he wollde uss waterrkinn | | Till ure fulluhht hall+ghenn , | | +Turrh +tatt he wollde ben himm sellf | | Onn er+te i waterr fullhtnedd . | (CMORM,DED.L171.44) | +Te +tridde god uss hafe+t+t don | | +Te Laferrd Crist onn er+te , | | +Turrh +tatt he +gaff hiss a+ghenn lif | | Wi+t+t all hiss fulle wille , | | To +tolenn d+a+t+t o rodetre | | Saccl+as wi+t+tutenn wrihhte , | | To lesenn mannkinn +turrh his d+a+t | | Ut off +te defless walde . | (CMORM,DED.L199.45) | +Te fer+te god uss hafe+t+t don | | +Te Laferrd Crist onn er+te , | | +Turrh +tatt hiss hall+ghe sawle stah | | Fra rode dun till helle , | | To takenn ut off helle wa | | +Ta gode sawless alle , | | +Tatt haffdenn cwemmd himm i +tiss lif | | +Turrh so+t unnsha+ti+gnesse . | (CMORM,DED.L199.46) | +Te fifte god uss hafe+t+t don | | +Te Laferrd Crist onn er+te , | | +Turrh +tatt he ras forr ure god | | +Te +tridde da+g+g off d+a+te , | (CMORM,DED.L199.47) | & let te posstless sen himm wel | | Inn hiss mennisske kinde ; | | Forr +tatt he wollde fesstnenn swa | | So+t troww+te i +te+g+gre brestess | | Off +tatt he , wiss to fulle so+t , | | Wass risenn upp off d+a+te , | | & i +tatt illke fl+ash +tatt wass | | Forr uss o rode na+g+gledd ; | (CMORM,DED.L199.48) | Forr +tatt he wollde fesstnenn wel | | +Tiss troww+te i +te+g+gre brestess , | | He let te posstless sen himm wel | | Well offte si+te onn er+te , | | Wi+t+tinnenn da+g+gess fowwerrti+g | | Fra +tatt he ras off d+a+te . | (CMORM,DED.L229.49) | +Te sexte god uss hafe+t+t don | | +Te Laferrd Crist onn er+te , | | +Turrh +tatt he stah forr ure god | | Upp inntill heffness blisse , | | & sennde si+t+tenn Hali+g Gast | | Till hise Lerninngcnihhtess , | | To frofrenn & to beldenn hemm | | To stanndenn +g+an +te defell , | | To gifenn hemm god witt inoh | | Off all hiss hall+ghe lare , | | To gifenn hemm god lusst , god mahht , | | To +tolenn alle wawenn , | | All forr +te lufe off Godd , & nohht | | Forr er+tli+g loff to winnenn . | (CMORM,DED.L229.50) | +Te seffnde god uss shall +get don | | +Te Laferrd Crist onn ende , | | +Turrh +tatt he shall o Domess da+g+g | | Uss gifenn heffness blisse , | | +Giff +tatt we shulenn wurr+ti ben | | To findenn Godess are . | (CMORM,DED.L229.51) | +Tuss hafe+t+t ure Laferrd Crist | | Uss don godnessess seffne , | | +Turrh +tatt tatt he to manne comm , | | To wurr+tenn mann onn er+te . | (CMORM,DED.L229.52) | & o +tatt hall+ghe boc +tatt iss | | Apokalypsis nemmnedd | | Uss wrat te posstell Sannt Johan , | | +turrh Hali+g Gastess lare , | | +Tatt he sahh upp inn heffne an boc | | Bisett wi+t+t seffne innse+g+gless , | | & sperrd swa swi+te wel +tatt itt | | Ne mihhte nan wihht oppnenn , | | Wi+t+tutenn Godess hall+ghe Lamb | | +Tatt he sahh ec inn heffne . | (CMORM,DED.L257.53) | & +turrh +ta seffne innse+g+gless wass | | Rihht swi+te wel bitacnedd | | +Tatt sefennfald godle+g+gc +tatt Crist | | Uss dide +turrh hiss come ; | | & tatt nan wihht ne mihhte nohht | | Oppnenn +ta seffne innse+g+gless , | | Wi+t+tutenn Godess Lamb , +tatt comm , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn | | +Tatt nan wihht , nan enngell , nan mann , | | Ne naness kinness shaffte , | | Ne mihhte +turrh himm sellfenn +ta | | Seffne godnessess sh+awenn | | O mannkinn , swa +tatt itt mannkinn | | Off helle mihhte lesenn , | | Ne gifenn mannkinn lusst , ne mahht , | | To winnenn heffness blisse . | (CMORM,DED.L257.54) | & all all swa se Godess Lamb , | | All +turrh hiss a+ghenn mahhte , | | Lihhtlike mihhte & wel inoh | | +Ta seffne innse+g+gless oppnenn , | | All swa +te Laferrd Jesu Crist , | | All +turrh his a+ghenn mahhte , | | Wi+t+t Faderr & wi+t+t Hali+g Gast | | An Godd & all an kinde , | | All swa rihht he lihhtlike inoh | | & wel wi+t+t alle mihhte | | O mannkinn +turrh himm sellfenn +ta | | Seffne godnessess sh+awenn , | | Swa +tatt he mannkinn wel inoh | | Off helle mihhte lesenn , | | & gifenn mannkinn lufe & lusst , | | & mahht & witt & wille , | | To stanndenn inn to cwemenn Godd , | | To winenn heffness blisse . | (CMORM,DED.L285.55) | & forr +tatt hali+g Goddspellboc | | All +tiss godnesse uss sh+awe+t+t , | | +Tiss sefennfald godle+g+gc +tatt Crist | | Uss dide +turrh hiss are , | | Forr+ti birr+t all Crisstene follc | | Goddspelless lare foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,DED.L285.56) | & t+arfore hafe icc turrnedd itt | | Inntill Ennglisshe sp+ache , | | Forr +tatt I wollde bli+teli+g | | +Tatt all Ennglisshe lede | | Wi+t+t +are shollde lisstenn itt , | | Wi+t+t herrte shollde itt trowwenn , | | Wi+t+t tunge shollde spellenn itt , | | Wi+t+t dede shollde itt foll+ghenn , | | To winnenn unnderr Crisstenndom | | Att Crist so+t sawle berrhless . | (CMORM,DED.L285.57) | & Godd Allmahhti+g +gife uss mahht | | & lusst & witt & wille , | | To foll+ghenn +tiss Ennglisshe boc | | +Tatt all iss hali+g lare , | | Swa +tatt we motenn wurr+ti ben | | To brukenn heffness blisse . | (CMORM,DED.L315.59) | $Am+an . $Am+an . $Am+an ; | (CMORM,DED.L315.60) | Icc +tatt tiss Ennglissh hafe sett | | Ennglisshe menn to lare , | | Icc wass +t+ar +t+ar I crisstnedd wass | | Orrmin bi name nemmnedd . | (CMORM,DED.L315.61) | & icc Orrmin full innwarrdli+g | | Wi+t+t mu+t & ec wi+t+t herrte | | Her bidde +ta Crisstene menn , | | +Tatt herenn o+terr redenn | | +Tiss boc , hemm bidde icc her +tatt te+g+g | | Forr me +tiss bede biddenn , | | +Tatt bro+terr +tatt tiss Ennglissh writt | | Allr+aresst wrat & wrohhte , | | +Tatt bro+terr forr hiss swinnc to l+an | | So+t blisse mote findenn . | (CMORM,DED.L315.62) | $Am+an . | (CMORM,DED.L315.63) | +Ta Goddspelless alle +tatt icc | | Her o +tiss boc ma+g+g findenn , | | Hemm alle wile icc nemmnenn her | | Bi +te+g+gre firrste wordess . | (CMORM,DED.L335.65) | & tale wile icc settenn to , | | To don +guw tunnderrstanndenn , | | Hu fele sinndenn o +tiss boc | | Goddspelless unnderr alle . | (CMORM,DED.L335.66) {ED:PREFACE.} | +Tiss boc iss nemmnedd Orrmulum | | Forr+ti +tatt Orrm itt wrohhte , | (CMORM,PREF.L1.69) | & itt iss wrohht off qua+t+trigan , | | Off Goddspellbokess fowwre ; | | Off qua+t+trigan Amminadab , | | Off Cristess Goddspellbokess . | (CMORM,PREF.L1.70) | Forr Crist ma+g+g +turrh Amminadab | | Rihht full wel ben bitacnedd ; | (CMORM,PREF.L1.71) | Forr Crist toc d+a+t o rodetre | | All wi+t+t hiss fulle wille . | (CMORM,PREF.L1.72) | & forr+ti +tatt Amminadab | | O Latin sp+ache iss nemmnedd | | O Latin boc Spontaneus , | | & onn Ennglisshe sp+ache | | +Tatt weppmann +tatt summ dede do+t | | Wi+t+t all hiss fulle wille , | | Forr+ti ma+g+g Crist full wel ben +turrh | | Amminadab bitacnedd ; | (CMORM,PREF.L1.73) | Forr Crist toc d+a+t o rodetre | | All wi+t+t hiss fulle wille . | (CMORM,PREF.L1.74) | +Tatt wa+g+gn iss nemmnedd qua+t+trigan | | +Tatt hafe+t+t fowwre wheless ; | (CMORM,PREF.L21.76) | & Goddspell iss +tatt wa+g+gn , forr+ti | | +Tatt itt iss fowwre bokess ; | (CMORM,PREF.L21.77) | & Goddspell iss Jesusess wa+g+gn | | +Tatt ga+t o fowwre wheless , | | Forr+ti +tatt itt iss sett o boc | | +Turrh fowwre Goddspellwrihhtess . | (CMORM,PREF.L21.78) | & Jesuss iss Amminadab , | | Swa summ icc hafe sh+awedd , | | Forr +tatt he swallt o rodetre | | All wi+t+t hiss fulle wille . | (CMORM,PREF.L21.79) | & Goddspell forr +tatt illke +ting | | Iss Currus Salomoniss , | | Forr +tatt itt i +tiss middell+ard , | | +Turrh Goddspellwrihhtess fowwre , | | Wa+g+gne+t+t so+t Crist fra land to land | | +Turrh Cristess Lerninngcnihhtess , | | +Turrh +tatt te+g+g i +tiss middell+ard | | Flittenn & farenn wide , | | Fra land to land , fra burrh to burrh , | | To spellen to +te lede | | Off so+t Crist & off Crisstenndom , | | & off +te rihhte l+afe , | | & off +tatt lif +tatt lede+t+t menn | | Upp inntill heffness blisse . | (CMORM,PREF.L21.80) | +Turrh swillc +te+g+g berenn H+alennd Crist | | Alls iff +te+g+g karrte w+arenn | | Off wheless fowwre , forr +tatt all | | Goddspelless hall+ghe lare | | Iss - alls icc hafe sh+awedd +guw , | | O fowwre Goddspellbokess . | (CMORM,PREF.L51.81) | & forr+ti ma+g+g Goddspell full wel | | Ben Salemanness karrte , | | +Tiss iss to seggenn opennli+g | | +Te Laferrd Cristess karrte . | (CMORM,PREF.L51.82) | Forr Jesu Crist Allmahhti+g Godd , | | +Tatt alle shaffte wrohhte , | | Iss wiss +tatt so+te Salemann | | +Tatt sette gri+t+t onn er+te | | Bitwenenn Godd & menn , +turrh +tatt | | He +gaff hiss lif o rode , | | To lesenn mannkinn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Ut off +te defless walde . | (CMORM,PREF.L51.83) | & forr+ti ma+g+g so+t Crist ben wel | | +Turrh Salemann bitacnedd , | (CMORM,PREF.L51.84) | Forr Salomon iss onn Ennglissh | | +Tatt mann +tatt so+t sahhtnesse | | & trigg & trowwe gri+t+t & fri+t+t | | Re+g+gse+t+t bitwenenn lede , | | & foll+ghe+t+t itt wi+t+t all hiss mahht , | | +Turrh +tohht , +turrh word , +turrh dede . | (CMORM,PREF.L51.85) | All +tuss iss +tatt hall+ghe Goddspell , | | +Tatt iss o fowwre bokess , | | Nemmnedd Amminadabess wa+g+gn | | & Salemanness karrte ; | | Forr +tatt itt wa+g+gne+t+t Crist till menn | | +Turrh fowwre Goddspellwrihhtess , | | Rihht alls iff itt w+are +tatt wa+g+gn | | +Tatt ga+t o fowwre wheless . | (CMORM,PREF.L51.86) | & tuss iss Crist Amminadab | | +Turrh gastli+g witt +gehatenn , | | For +tatt he toc o rode d+a+t | | Wi+t+t all hiss fulle wille . | (CMORM,PREF.L81.88) | & Salomon he nemmnedd iss , | | Swa summ icc hafe sh+awedd , | | Forr +tatt he sette gri+t+t & fri+t+t | | Bitwenenn heffne & er+te , | | Bitwenenn Godd & menn , +turrh +tatt | | +Tatt he toc d+a+t o rode , | | To lesenn mannkinn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Ut off +te defless walde . | (CMORM,PREF.L81.89) | & all +tuss +tiss Ennglisshe boc | | Iss Orrmulum +gehatenn , | | Inn qua+t+trigan Amminadab , | | Inn Currum Salomonis . | (CMORM,PREF.L81.90) | & off Goddspell icc wile +guw | | +Get summ del mare sh+awenn ; | (CMORM,PREF.L81.91) | +Get wile icc sh+awenn +guw forrwhi | | Goddspell iss Goddspell nemmnedd . | (CMORM,PREF.L81.92) | & ec icc wile sh+awenn +guw | | Hu mikel sawle sell+te | | & sawle berrhless unnderrfo+t | | Att Goddspell all +tatt lede , | | +Tatt foll+ghe+t+t Goddspell +twerrt ut wel | | +Turrh +tohht , +turrh word , +turrh dede . | (CMORM,PREF.L81.93) {ED:INTRODUCTION.} | All mannkinn , fra +tatt Adam wass | | +Turrh Drihhtin wrohht off eor+te , | | Anan till +tatt itt cumenn wass | | Till Cristess d+a+t o rode , | | All for till helle forr +tatt gillt | | +Tatt Adam haffde gilltedd , | | +Turrh +tatt he Godess bodeword | | Forrlet forr litell nede . | (CMORM,INTR.L1.96) | Forr wel he mihhte lokenn himm , | | +Giff +tatt he wollde himm lokenn , | | Fra +tatt anlepi+g treo +tatt himm | | Drihhtin forrbodenn haffde , | | +T+ar +t+ar he fand off o+tre treos | | Full gode treos ino+ghe . | (CMORM,INTR.L1.97) | & forr+ti +tatt he bracc onn+g+an | | Drihhtin all hise +tannkess , | | Forr +tatt wass mikell wr+ache sett | | Onn+g+an +tatt woh wi+t+t rihhte . | (CMORM,INTR.L1.98) | Forr+ti wass mikell wr+ache wiss | | +Tatt all follc for till helle , | | To ben a butenn ende +t+ar | | Forr aness manness gillte . | (CMORM,INTR.L1.99) | & itt wass +tohh full mikell rihht , | | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | | +Tatt all follc wass forrgillt , +turrh +tatt | | +Tatt Adam wass forrgilltedd . | (CMORM,INTR.L1.100) | Forr all follc wass +tatt illke streon | | +Tatt Adam haffde strenedd , | (CMORM,INTR.L1.101) | & all follc wass forr+ti forrgillt | | +T+ar Adam wass forrgilltedd . | (CMORM,INTR.L29.103) | Adam wass wurr+tenn deofless $+teoww {TEXT:peoww} | | +Turrh +tatt he dide hiss wille , | (CMORM,INTR.L29.104) | & all +tatt streonedd wass +turrh himm | | Wass streonedd to +tatt illke , | | To ben unnderr deofless +teowwdom , | | To farenn all till helle . | (CMORM,INTR.L29.105) | & tatt wass rihht tatt mannkinn wass | | Unnderr +te deofless walde , | | All swa summ Adam wurr+tenn wass , | | +Tatt haffde hemm alle streonedd , | | & all se iss her bitwenenn +te | | & tin eor+tlike laferrd ; | (CMORM,INTR.L29.106) | Forr all swa summ +tu +teowwtesst himm , | | Swa shall +tin sune himm +teowwtenn , | | Butt iff he wurr+te lesedd ut | | Off hiss +teowwdomess bandess . | (CMORM,INTR.L29.107) | Nu mihht tu sen +tatt tatt wass rihht | | +Tatt mannkinn for till helle , | | All affterr +tatt tatt Adam for , | | +Tatt haffde hemm alle streonedd ; | (CMORM,INTR.L29.108) | & alle forenn all forr+ti | | Till helless +teossterrnesse , | | +Ga +ta +tatt w+arenn gode menn , | | +Ga +ta +tatt w+arenn ille . | (CMORM,INTR.L29.109) | +T+ar w+arenn fele gode menn | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | +Tatt cwemmdenn Godd +turrh hali+g lif , | | & +turrh unnsha+ti+gnesse , | (CMORM,INTR.L57.110) | & tohh ne mihhte nani+g mann | | +Turrh hise gode dedess | | Utbresstenn off +te deofless band , | | & ut off helle walde . (CMORM,INTR.L57.111) | | Acc son se time comm +t+arto | | +Tatt Godd itt wollde betenn , | | Godd r+aw off mann , & tatt forr+ti | | +Tatt he wass wrohht off eor+te . | (CMORM,INTR.L57.112) | Off all +tatt enngleflocc +tatt fell | | Off heoffness +ard till helle | | Ne r+aw himm nohht , swa +tatt he +te+g+gm | | Fra pine wollde lesenn ; | (CMORM,INTR.L57.113) | Forr+ti +tatt te+g+g ne gilltenn nohht | | +Turrh fl+ashess unntrummnesse , | | Acc +turrh +tatt la+te modi+gle+g+gc | | +Tatt comm all off hemm sellfenn , | | Forr+ti ne r+aw himm nohht off hemm , | | Ne nohht off here pine ; | (CMORM,INTR.L57.114) | Acc Drihhtin r+aw off mann , forr+ti | | +Tatt he wass wrohht off eor+te . | (CMORM,INTR.L57.115) | & son se time comm +t+arto | | +Tatt Godd uss wollde lesenn | | Ut off +te la+te gastess band , | | Ut off +te deofless walde , | | He sennde uss sone hiss word , hiss witt , | | Hiss sune , hiss mahht , hiss kinde , | | To takenn ure mennisscle+g+gc , | | To wurr+tenn mann onn eor+te , | | To lesenn mannkinn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Ut off +te deofless walde . | (CMORM,INTR.L85.116) | Acc +guw birr+t unnderrstanndenn her | | +Tatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste | | Wass borenn i +tiss middell+ard | | +Turrh Godess lefe wille , | | To cumenn for+t bitwenenn menn , | | To spellenn & to fullhtnenn | | Biforenn Crist Allmahhti+g Godd , | | To +garrkenn hise we+g+gess . | (CMORM,INTR.L85.117) | Rihht swa summ bidell birr+t ben sennd , | | To +garrkenn & to gre+g+g+tenn | | Onn+g+an hiss laferrd t+ar +t+ar he | | Shall cumenn swi+te newenn , | | Rihht o +tatt wise comm Johan | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | To +garrkenn follc onn+g+aness Crist , | | To takenn wi+t+t hiss lare . | (CMORM,INTR.L85.118) | & her icc wile sh+awenn +guw | | Hu Sannt Johan Bapptisste | | Wass sennd +turrh Godd biforenn Crist , | | To +garrkenn Cristess we+g+gess ; (CMORM,INTR.L85.119) SECUNDUM LUCAM I . (CMORM,I,1.122) Fuit in diebus Herodis Regis Judee sacerdos quidam nomine Zacharias . (CMORM,I,1.123) | An preost wass onn Herodess da+g+g | | Amang Judisskenn +teode , | (CMORM,I,1.125) | & he wass , wiss to fulle so+t , | | +Gehatenn Zacari+ge , | (CMORM,I,1.126) | & haffde an duhhti+g wif , +tatt wass | | Off Aaroness dohhtress ; | (CMORM,I,1.127) | & +gho wass , wiss to fulle so+t , | | Elysab+a+t +gehatenn . | (CMORM,I,1.128) | & te+g+g w+arenn biforenn Godd | | Rihhtwise menn & gode . | (CMORM,I,1.129) | Forr e+g+g+terr here +gede swa | | Rihht affterr Godess Lare , | | +Tatt nan mann nohht ne fand onn hemm | | To t+alenn ne to wre+genn , | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} whatt menn Mihhtenn habbenn ni+t | | Ne wra+t+te +g+an heore oww+terr , | (CMORM,I,1.130) | & swa +te+g+g leddenn heore lif | | Till +tatt te+g+g w+arenn alde , | | +Tatt naffdenn +te+g+g +turrh +te+g+gre streon | | Ne sune child , ne dohhterr , | (CMORM,I,1.131) | Forr +gho wass swa bifundenn wif | | +Tatt +gho ne mihhte t+amenn . | (CMORM,I,1.132) | & forr +tatt he wass Godess preost | | To +teowwtenn i +te temmple , | | Att +anne time whanne hiss lott | | Wass cumenn upp to +teowwtenn , | | He toc hiss reclefatt onn hand , | (CMORM,I,2.133) | & +gede innto +te temmple . | (CMORM,I,2.134) | All ane shridd wi+t+t hali+g shrud | | +Gede he till Godess allterr , | | Forr +t+ar to +teowwtenn Drihhtin Godd | | O +tatt Judisskenn wise ; | (CMORM,I,2.135) | & all +te follc +t+ar ute stod | | +Tatt while onn heore bene . | (CMORM,I,2.136) | & Godess enngell comm himm to | | O rihht hallf bi +tatt allterr , | | +Tatt hemm wass sett +turrh Godess +a | | To +teowwtenn +t+ar wi+t+t recless . | (CMORM,I,2.137) | & he warr+t drefedd & forrdredd | | Off +tatt he sahh +tatt enngell ; | (CMORM,I,2.138) | & Godess enngell se+g+gde himm to | | Forr +tatt he wollde himm frofrenn ; | | Ne dred te Zacari+ge , nohht , | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} me , $ne $off {TEXT:noff} mine wordess , | (CMORM,I,2.139) | Forr Godd Allw+aldennd hafe+t+t herrd | | & +gatedd tine beness . | (CMORM,I,2.140) | & nu +te shall Elysab+a+t | | +Tin wif an sune childenn ; | (CMORM,I,2.141) | & tu shallt nemmnenn himm Johan , | (CMORM,I,2.142) | & tu shallt habbenn blisse . | (CMORM,I,2.143) | & o+tre unnf+awe shulenn ec | | Full glade & bli+te wurr+tenn , | | Forr+ti +tatt he shall borenn ben | | & cumenn her to manne . | (CMORM,I,2.144) | Forr he shall ben utnumenn mann | | Inn hali+g lif & l+afe , | (CMORM,I,3.146) | Ne shall he drinnkenn n+anne drinnch | | +Tatt drunnkennesse foll+ghe+t+t . | (CMORM,I,3.147) | & he be+t full off Hali+g Gast | | +Get inn hiss moderr wambe ; | (CMORM,I,3.148) | & he shall turrnenn mikell flocc | | Off +tiss Judisskenn +teode | | Till Godess Sune Jesu Crist , | | & till +te rihhte l+afe ; | (CMORM,I,3.149) | & he shall newenn cumenn for+t | | Till mannkinn her o life | | Biforenn Crist Allmahhti+g Godd , | | To +garrkenn hise we+g+gess ; | (CMORM,I,3.150) | & he shall newenn cumenn for+t | | Biforenn Cristess come | | Rihht i +tatt illke gode gast | | & i +tatt illke mahhte , | | +Tatt Helyas shall cumenn efft | | Biforenn Cristess come ; | (CMORM,I,3.151) | & he shall newenn cumenn for+t | | To turrnenn & to wendenn | | +Te suness +turrh hiss hall+ghe spell | | Till +te+g+gre faderr herrte ; | (CMORM,I,3.152) | & he shall turrnenn +turrh hiss spell | | +Te troww+tel+ase leode | | Till all +te rihhte witt off +ta | | +Tatt all rihhtwise w+arenn ; | (CMORM,I,3.153) | & he shall newenn cumenn for+t | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | To +garrkenn her onn+g+aness Crist | | All +twerrt ut hali+g leode , | | +Turrh fulluhht & +turrh hali+g spell , | | & ec +turrh hali+g bisne ; | (CMORM,I,4.155) | +Ta se+g+gde Zacariass +tuss | | Till Godess enngell sone ; | | +Turrh whatt ma+g+g icc nu witenn +tiss | | +Tatt itt me mu+ghe wurr+tenn ? | (CMORM,I,4.156) | Witt sinndenn off swillc elde nu | | +Tatt witt ne mu+ghenn t+amenn . | (CMORM,I,4.157) | & Godess enngell se+g+gde +tuss | | Till Zacari+ge efft sone ; | | Witt tu +tatt icc amm Gabri+al | | +Tatt +afre & +afre stannde | | Biforenn Godd , to lutenn himm , | | To lofenn himm & wurr+tenn ; | (CMORM,I,4.158) | & hiderr amm icc sennd to +te , | | +Tiss blisse +te to ki+tenn . | (CMORM,I,4.159) | & fra +tiss da+g+g +tu shallt ben dumb | | Till +tatt itt shall ben for+tedd , | | Forr+ti +tatt tu ne wolldesst nohht | | Nu trowwenn mine wordess , | | +Tatt filledd shulenn ben +turrh Godd | | Att heore rihhte time . | (CMORM,I,4.160) | & all +te follc +t+ar ute abad , | (CMORM,I,4.161) | & +tuhhte mikell wunnderr | | Forrwhi +te preost swa lannge wass | | +Tatt da+g+g att Godess allterr . | (CMORM,I,5.162) | & tanne comm he si+t+tenn ut | | All dumb & butenn sp+ache , | (CMORM,I,5.163) | & toc to becnenn till +te follc , | (CMORM,I,5.164) | & spacc he nohht wi+t+t tunge . | (CMORM,I,5.165) | & ta +te+g+g wisstenn sone anan | | Forr whatt he dwelledd haffde ; | (CMORM,I,5.166) | +Te+g+g wisstenn +tatt himm wass +tatt da+g+g | | Summ unncu+t sihh+te sh+awedd . | (CMORM,I,5.167) | & Zacari+ge for himm ham | | Affterr +ta da+ghess sone . | (CMORM,I,5.168) | & si+t+tenn warr+t Elyzab+ath | | Off himm +turrh Godd wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,5.169) | & $+gho $it {TEXT:+ghot} forrhall fif mone+t+t wel , | (CMORM,I,5.170) | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | (CMORM,I,5.171) | & tuss +gho se+g+gde inn hire +tohht | | Off hire d+arne sell+te ; | | +Tuss hafe+t+t Drihhtin don wi+t+t me , | | +Turrh hiss orrmete millce , | | +Tatt icc ne beo mang wimmannkinn | | Till h+a+tinng butenn chilldre . | (CMORM,I,5.172) | Her endenn twa Goddspelles +tuss , | (CMORM,I,5.173) | & uss birr+t hemm +turrhsekenn , | | To lokenn whatt te+g+g l+arenn uss | | Off ure sawle nede . | (CMORM,I,5.174) | Her habbe icc sh+awedd +guw summ del | | Hu Sannt Johan Bapptisste | | +Turrh Godess +gife streonedd wass | | Off faderr & off moderr , | | Onn+g+aness kinde +tohh swa +tehh , | (CMORM,I,6.175) | Forr ba+te w+arenn alde . | (CMORM,I,6.176) | & her icc wile sh+awenn +guw | | Off +tise twa Goddspelless , | | Hu mikell god te+g+g l+arenn +guw | | Off +gure sawless nede ; | (CMORM,I,6.177) | +Tiss Goddspell se+g+g+t +tatt Sannt Johan | | Wass her to manne streonedd | | Upponn Herode kingess da+g+g ; | (CMORM,I,6.178) | & tatt wass Godess wille ; | (CMORM,I,6.179) | Forr Godess Gast itt haffde se+g+gd | | +Turrh hiss profetess tunge , | | Full mikell fresst biforenn +tatt | | +Tatt crist comm her to manne , | | +Tatt Godess follc , Judisskenn follc , | | +Tatt Godess la+ghess heldenn , | | A+g+g sholldenn habbenn allderrmenn | | & kingess off hemm sellfenn , | | A+g+g - till +tatt Godess Sune Crist | | Himm shollde onn eor+te sh+awenn . | (CMORM,I,6.180) | & swa itt wass a+g+g - till +tatt Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne . | (CMORM,I,6.181) | Forr a+g+g +te+g+g haffdenn allderrmenn | | & kingess off hemm sellfenn , | | Till +tatt Herode wass hemm sett | | H+a+tene mann to kinge , | | +Turrh Rome burr+ghess Kaserrking , | | +Tatt t+ar wass oferrlaferrd . | (CMORM,I,7.182) | & o +tatt illke Herodess da+g+g | | Comm Jesu Crist to manne , | | Hallf +ger affterr +tatt Sannt Johan | | Wass borenn off hiss moderr . | (CMORM,I,7.183) | & swa wass filledd opennli+g | | +Tatt word tatt +ar wass cwiddedd , | | +Tatt Godess follc , Judisskenn follc , | | +Tatt Godess la+ghess heldenn , | | A+g+g sholldenn habbenn allderrmenn | | & kingess off hemm sellfenn , | | A+g+g - till +tatt Godess Sune Crist | | Himm shollde onn eor+te sh+awenn ; | (CMORM,I,7.184) | & ec +tiss Goddspellwrihte se+g+g+t , | | +Tatt Zakari+gess macche | | Elysab+a+t wass an wifmann | | Off Aaroness dohhtress . | (CMORM,I,7.185) | & Aaron wass +te firrste preost | | Off Issra+ale +teode , | (CMORM,I,7.186) | & Aaron , +tatt se+g+g+t so+t boc , | | Wass Moys+asess bro+terr . | (CMORM,I,7.187) | & Moys+as wass h+afedd mann | | Off Issra+ale +teode , | (CMORM,I,7.188) | & Aaron wass h+afedd preost | | Amang Judisskenn +teode . | (CMORM,I,7.189) | & tiss wif wass off +te+g+gre kinn , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t . | (CMORM,I,7.190) | & tohh +tatt tiss Elysab+a+t , | | +Tatt we nu m+alenn ummbe , | | Wass +tuss off Aaroness kinn , | | +Tohh se+g+g+t +te Goddspellwrihhte | | +Tatt +gho wass Sannte Mar+ge sibb , | | +Te Laferd Cristess moderr , | | +Tatt wass off Davi+d kingess kinn , (CMORM,I,8.191) | | & Davi+t king +tohhwhe+t+tre | | Nass nohht off Aaroness kin | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} Aaroness birde , | (CMORM,I,8.192) | & forr +tatt all iss +twerrt ut so+t , | | & all +twerrt ut to trowwenn , | | +Tatt stannde+t+t o +te Goddspellboc | | +Tatt +twerrt ut nohht ne le+ghe+t+t , | | Uss birr+t heroffe witenn wel | | & seon & unnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt Davi+t kingess kinness menn | | Off weress o+t+tr off wifess | | Wi+t+t Aaroness kinness menn | | Off si+tre w+arenn sammnedd , | | To streonenn streon , to wurr+tenn sibb | | Wi+t+t kingess & wi+t+t preostess . | (CMORM,I,8.193) | Tacc nu +tiss streon +tatt tuss wass sibb | | Wi+t+t preostess & wi+t+t kingess , | (CMORM,I,8.194) | & let itt streonenn streon inoh | | All i +tatt illke birde , | | All all swa summ itt streonedd be | | Off kingess & off preostess , | (CMORM,I,8.195) | & let itt si+t+tenn streonenn for+t | | Elysab+a+t to manne , | (CMORM,I,8.196) | & let itt si+t+tenn streonenn for+t | | +Te lafdi+g Sannte Mar+ge ; | (CMORM,I,8.197) | & tacc hemm ba+te ut off +tatt streon | | & e+g+g+terr sibb wi+t+t o+terr , | | & e+g+g+terr streonedd i +tiss lif | | Off kingess & off preostess ; | (CMORM,I,9.199) | & tacc +te Laferd Jesu Crist | | +Turrh Sannte Mar+ge hiss moderr , | | +Tatt hall+ghe streon +tatt streonedd wass | | Off kingess & off preostess , | | +Tatt streon +tatt wass Allmahhti+g Godd , | | & King off alle kingess , | | & Preost off alle preostess ec , | | & Shippennd allre shaffte , | | & lac to wurr+tenn offredd her | | O rodetreowwess allterr , | | To lesenn mannkinn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Utt off +te deofless walde , | | & forr to sahhtlenn hemm towarrd | | Hiss Faderr upp off heoffne , | | +Tatt all wass wra+t wi+t+t all mannkinn , | | & haffde itt all forrworrpenn | | A+g+g fra +tatt Adam Godd forrlet , | | & toc himm to +te deofell . | (CMORM,I,9.200) | & forr+ti wass +te Laferrd Crist | | Off preostess kinn onn eor+te , | | Forr +tatt he wollde wurr+tenn lac | | +Tatt preostess unnderrfangenn , | | & ec forr+ti +tatt he wass Preost | | H+afedd off alle preostess , | | To biddenn forr hiss a+ghenn follc | | Upponn hiss Faderr are ; | (CMORM,I,9.201) | & ec +tiss illke Goddspell se+g+g+t , | | Swa summ +ge littl+ar herrdenn , | | +Tatt Zacarie , Godess preost , | | & +gho +tatt wass hiss macche | | W+arenn rihhtwise & gode menn | | Biforenn Godess e+ghne . | (CMORM,I,10.203) | & +guw ma+g+g ben +tiss illke word | | God lare hu +guw birr+t libbenn . | (CMORM,I,10.204) | He se+g+gde +tatt te+g+g w+arenn ba | | Biforenn Godd rihhtwise . | (CMORM,I,10.205) | & tatt wass alls he se+g+gde +tuss | | Wi+t+t all full openn sp+ache , | | +Te+g+g ba+te samenn cwemmdenn Godd | | +Turrh heore rihhtwisnesse . | (CMORM,I,10.206) | & swa ne don nohht alle +ta | | +Tatt foll+ghenn rihhtwisnesse , | (CMORM,I,10.207) | Ne cwemenn +te+g+g nohht alle Godd | | Wi+t+t heore rihhtwisnesse . | (CMORM,I,10.208) | Forr mann ma+g+g findenn i +tiss lif | | Bitwenenn uss ino+ghe | | +Tatt ledenn hemm swa d+arneli+g | | Biforenn menness e+ghne , | | +Tatt mann hemm hallt forr gode menn | | & forr full wel rihhtwise , | | & sinndenn +tohh biforenn Godd | | Unngode & unnrihhtwise ; | | Forr+ti +tatt te+g+g forr idell +gellp | | & all forr menness sp+ache | | Sh+awenn biforren o+tre menn | | Godnesse & rihhtwisnesse , | | & sinndenn +tohh swa +tehh i +tohht | | & ec i d+arne dedess | | Biforenn Drihhtin fule menn , | | +Turrh sinness unncl+annesse . | (CMORM,I,11.209) | Acc +ta +tatt all forr lufe off Godd | | A+g+g foll+ghenn rihhtwisnesse | | Biforenn menn , bihinndenn menn , | | O da+g+gess & o nihhtess , | | & nohht forr eor+tli+g loff , acc all | | Forr heofennlike mede , | | +Ta sinndenn wiss biforenn Godd | | Rihhtwise menn & gode , | (CMORM,I,11.210) | & shulenn habbenn heore l+an | | Forr heore rihhtwisnesse , | | A butenn ende blisse inoh | | Wi+t+t alle Godess enngless . | (CMORM,I,11.211) | & +get tiss Goddspell se+g+g+t off hemm , | | Forr uss +turrh hemm to l+arenn , | | +Tatt e+g+g+terr heore +gede swa | | Rihht affterr Godess lare , | | +Tatt fand mann nan +ting upponn hemm | | To wre+genn , ne to t+alenn , | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} whatt menn mihhtenn habbenn ni+t , | | Ne wra+t+te +g+an heore oww+terr . | (CMORM,I,11.212) | & her +tu mihht nu sen +tatt te+g+g | | Full cweme w+arenn ba+te | | Biforenn Godd inn heoffne , & ec | | Biforenn menn onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,11.213) | & tu shallt findenn swillke nu | | Bitwenenn uss well f+awe ; | (CMORM,I,12.215) | Forr swa we don unnha+gherrli+g | | Whattse we don to gode , | (CMORM,I,12.216) | & swa we don itt wi+t+t unnskill | | +Tatt itt ma+g+g anngrenn o+tre . | (CMORM,I,12.217) | Acc swa ne didenn nohht ta twa | | +Tatt we nu m+alenn ummbe ; | (CMORM,I,12.218) | Forr fand mann nan +ting upponn hemm | | +Tatt mihhte ohht anngrenn o+tre ; | | +Turrh whatt tu mihht nu sen +tatt te+g+g | | Rihhtwise & gode w+arenn . | (CMORM,I,12.219) | & swa +te+g+g leddenn heore lif | | Till +tatt te+g+g w+arenn alde , | | +Tatt naffdenn +te+g+g nan child till +ta ; | (CMORM,I,12.220) | & tatt wass Godess wille . | (CMORM,I,12.221) | Forr Godd itt haffde lokedd swa | | +Tatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste | | +Tatt time shollde streonedd ben | | +Tatt w+are onn+g+aness kinde , | | +Tatt hise frend mihhtenn off himm | | All +tess te mare blissenn , | | & tatt te follc all +tess te bett | | Hiss lare shollde foll+ghenn , | | +Turrh +tatt tatt te+g+g himm sholldenn sen | | Ben borenn her to manne | | +Turrh Godess wille , & +turrh hiss mahht , | | & nohht +turrh moderr kinde . | (CMORM,I,12.222) | Forr +gho wass swa bifundenn wif | | +Tatt naffde +gho nohht t+amedd , | (CMORM,I,13.224) | & +gho wass +ta swa winntredd wif | | & off swa mikell elde , | | +Tatt naffde +gho nan kinde +ta | | Onn hire forr to t+amenn . | (CMORM,I,13.225) | & forr+ti wass itt all +turrh Godd | | +Tatt +gho wass +ta wi+t+t childe , | | Forr +tatt +gho shollde childenn an | | Utnumenn child to manne . | (CMORM,I,13.226) | +Tiss gode mann , +tiss gode prest , | | +Tatt we nu m+alenn offe , | | Wass , alls I se+g+gde nu littl+ar , | | +Gehatenn Zacaryas ; | (CMORM,I,13.227) | & he wass , alls icc hafe se+g+gd , | | God prest , & Godd full cweme . | (CMORM,I,13.228) | & he wass i +tatt shifftinng sett | | +Tatt nemmnedd wass Abya , | (CMORM,I,13.229) | Forr prestess +tanne & d+acness ec | | Shifftedenn hemm bitwenenn | | Whillc here shollde serrfenn firrst , | | Whillc si+t+tenn i +te temmple . | (CMORM,I,13.230) | & he , +tiss Zakaryas , wass | | Bitwenenn o+tre prestess | | I +tatt shifftinng to serrfenn sett | | +Tatt nemmnedd wass Abya , | | Affterr an h+afedd prest tatt wass | | Off Aarones chilldre , | | +Tatt ta bi name nemmnedd wass | | Abyu+t+t o+t+tr Abyas . | (CMORM,I,14.231) | Unnderr all +talde la+ghess fresst | | W+arenn alle +te prestess | | Off twe+g+genn prestess , (CMORM,I,14.232) & tatt an | | Off twe+g+genn wass nemmnedd | | Eleazar , (CMORM,I,14.233) & Ytamar | | Wass he +tatt o+terr nemmnedd . | (CMORM,I,14.234) | & ta twa prestess w+arenn | | Aarones suness ba+te . | (CMORM,I,14.235) | & talde la+ghess presteflocc | | Comm all off +ta twa prestess ; | (CMORM,I,14.236) | Forr Drihhtin haffde +tanne sett , | | +Tatt nan ne shollde wurr+tenn | | +Ta sett to wurr+tenn prest , butt iff | | He prestess sune w+are . | (CMORM,I,14.237) | & alle +ta prestess +tatt off | | +Ta twe+g+genn prestess comenn , | | Shifftedenn hemm bitwenenn +ta | | Wi+t+t lott , whillc shollde serrfenn | | Allmahhti+g Godd att allterr firrst , | | Whillc si+t+tenn i +te temmple . | (CMORM,I,14.238) | & Davi+t+t king hemm haffde sett | | I lotess fowwre & twennti+g , | | +Tatt illc an shollde witenn wel | | Whillc lott himm shollde re+g+gsenn , | | To cumenn inntill +Gerrsal+am , | | To serrvenn i +te temmple . | (CMORM,I,14.239) | +T+ar w+arenn fowwre & twennti+g menn | | +Tatt w+arenn h+afedd prestess , | (CMORM,I,14.240) | & off illc an off alle +ta | | Comm an god flocc off prestess , | | Sprungenn off himm , strenedd +turrh himm , | (CMORM,I,15.242) | & wass hiss hird +gehatenn . | (CMORM,I,15.243) | & iwhillc an serlepess off | | +Ta fowwre & twennti+g hirdess | | Wass nemmnedd affterr an mann off | | +Ta fowwre & twennti+g prestess | | +Tatt w+arenn h+afedd prestess off | | +Ta fowwre & twennti+g hirdess , | (CMORM,I,15.244) | & illc an hird serlepess , off | | +Ta fowwre and twennti+g hirdess , | | Wisste full wel whillc lott an , off | | +Ta lotess fowwre & twennti+g , | | Himm badd ben bun his sefennnahht | | To +tewwtenn i +te temmple . | (CMORM,I,15.245) | Forr illc an hird wel wisste inoh , | | Whe+t+tr itt to serrfenn shollde | | Prest senndenn i +te firrste lott , | | O+t+tr i +tatt comm +t+araffterr , | | O+t+tr i +te +tridde lott , o+t+tr i | | +Te fer+te , o+t+tr i +te fifte . | (CMORM,I,15.246) | & off +ta fowwre & twennti+g menn , | | +Tatt w+arenn h+afedd prestess | | & allderrmenn & hirdess off | | +Ta fowwre & twennti+g gengess | | +Tatt w+arenn prestess , Drihhtin Godd | | To +tewwtenn wukemalumm , | (CMORM,I,15.247) | Off +ta twa si+te twellfe menn | | Wass an Abyas nemmnedd | | O+t+tr Abyud , (CMORM,I,16.248) & inn hiss hird | | Wass Zakaryass fundenn , | | & off hiss kinn an hali+g prest , | | & Drihhtin Godd full cweme . | (CMORM,I,16.249) | & i +tehhtennde lott comm +tiss | | Aby+gess hird to serrfenn , | | To findenn prest hiss sefennnahht | | To +tewwtenn i +te temmple . | (CMORM,I,16.250) | & a+g+g whannse +tatt presteflocc , | | +Tatt fowwre & twennti+g w+arenn , | | Ann si+te +tewwtedd haffdenn all | | Abutenn i +te temmple , | | A+g+g haffde +tegg off wukess +ta | | Rihht fowwre & twennti+g filledd . | (CMORM,I,16.251) | & a+g+g +te+g+g tokenn efft forrnon | | To serrfenn wukemalumm . | (CMORM,I,16.252) | & +guw birr+t witenn +tatt te king | | +Ta fowwre & twennti+g hirdess | | Tod+aledd haffde +tane o twa , | | To settenn twe+g+genn hirdess , | | An hird tatt off Eleazar | | Wass sprungenn & wass strenedd , | | An o+terr +tatt off Ytamar | | Wass strenedd her to manne . | (CMORM,I,16.253) | & e+g+g+terr hird & e+g+g+ter hus | | Tod+aledd wass +tohhwhe+t+tre | | Onn hirdess rihht sextene , & ec | | Onn hirdess twi+g+gess fowwre . | (CMORM,I,16.254) | & tatt hird tatt tod+aledd wass | | Onn hirdess rihht sextene , | | All +tatt hird off Eleazar | | Wass strenedd her to manne ; | | & tatt , forr +tatt Eleazar | | Sextene suness haffde , | (CMORM,I,17.255) | & off illc an serlepess wass | | An hird to manne strenedd . | (CMORM,I,17.256) | & tatt hird tatt tod+aledd wass | | Onn hirdess twi+g+gess fowwre , | | All +tatt hird wass +turrh Ytamar | | To manne onn er+te strenedd ; | | & tatt , forr+ti +tatt Ytamar | | Rihht ehhte suness haffde , | (CMORM,I,17.257) | & off illc an serlepess wass | | An hird to manne strenedd ; | (CMORM,I,17.258) | & ta sextene +tatt Eleazar | | her haffde strenedd , | | +Ta hirdess +tatt , witt tu full wel , | | Haffdenn an hird onn h+afedd , | | Haffdenn an h+afedd hird tatt wass | | Abufenn alle +to+tre , | | Alls iff itt w+are laferrdflocc | | Offr alle +to+tre flockess . | (CMORM,I,17.259) | & tatt tatt swa wass h+afedd hird , | | +Tatt hird wass i +tatt time | | Nemmnedd Eleazaress hus , | | Eleazaress hewenn . | (CMORM,I,17.260) | & all se itt for onn o+terr hallf | | Inn Ytamaress chilldre . | (CMORM,I,17.261) | Forr Ytamaress hird wass ec | | +Tatt illke wise d+aledd | | Onn hirdess ehhte , se+g+g+t +te boc , | (CMORM,I,18.262) | & haffde an hird onn h+afedd , | (CMORM,I,18.263) | & haffde an h+afedd hird tatt wass | | Abufenn alle +to+tre , | | Alls iff itt w+are laferrdflocc | | Offr alle +to+tre flokkess . | (CMORM,I,18.264) | & tatt tatt swa wass h+afedd hird , | | +Tatt hird wass i +tatt time | | +Gehatenn Ytamaress hus , | | & Ytamaress hewenn . | (CMORM,I,18.265) | & illc an hird wass nemmnedd a+g+g | | Bi name , inn all +tatt time , | | Affterr summ a+tell mann & god | | +Tatt i +tatt hird wass h+afedd . | (CMORM,I,18.266) | & illc an hird wel wisste inoh | | Whillc lott badd hise prestess | | I Godess temmple serrfenn Godd . | (CMORM,I,18.267) | & a+g+g comm Zacaryas | | Unnderr +tehhtennde lott wi+t+t lac | | To +tewwtenn i +te temmple . | (CMORM,I,18.268) | & o +tatt illke wise comm | | A+g+g d+akenn affterr d+akenn , | | All affterr +tatt his lott himm fell | | To +tewwtenn i +te temmple . | (CMORM,I,18.269) | +Tatt Godess enngell Gabri+al | | Comm dun o Godess hallfe | | I Godess hus , wi+t+t Godess word , | | O rihht hallf bi +tatt allterr | | +T+ar Zacarias , Godess preost | | Wi+t+t recless +teowwtenn shollde , | | +Tatt wass full wel , (CMORM,I,19.270) forr itt wass don | | All all se Drihhtin wollde . | (CMORM,I,19.271) | Forr he comm dun wi+t+t Godess word , | | To ki+tenn itt onn eor+te , | | +Tatt Cristess bidell Sannt Johan | | +Ta shollde cumenn newenn | | Innto +tiss lif biforenn Crist , | | To +garrkenn hise we+g+gess | | Biforenn himm +tatt shollde ben | | H+afedd off alle preostess , | | & offringlac rihht god inoh | | Affterr hiss Faderr wille , | | To lesenn mannkinn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Ut off +te deofless walde , | | Swa +tatt mann mihhte winnenn her | | To brukenn eche blisse , | | +Tatt e+g+gwh+ar upponn hali+g boc | | Iss +turrh rihht hallf bitacnedd . | (CMORM,I,19.272) | & forr+ti shulenn alle +ta | | +Tatt shullen habbenn blisse | | Tosamenn stanndenn att te dom | | O rihht hallf bi +te Deme , | | Bi Jesu Crist o Domes da+g+g | | +T+ar he shall all follc demenn ; | | Forr+ti +tatt hemm +turrh +tatt rihht hallf | | Shall ben full wel bitacnedd , | | +Tatt hemm be+t +garrkedd +turrh Drihhtin | | To brukenn eche blisse ; | (CMORM,I,20.273) | & son se Zacari+ge sahh | | +Tatt enngless brihhte leome , | | He warr+t forrf+aredd & forrdredd , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t . | (CMORM,I,20.274) | & Godess enngell toc himm +t+ar | | To beldenn & to frofrenn . | (CMORM,I,20.275) | Forr ure wrecche kinde iss swillc | | +Tatt itt ma+g+g ben forrf+aredd , | | +Giff +tatt itt ohht f+arlike se+t | | +Te wlite off ennglekinde . | (CMORM,I,20.276) | & Godess enngell iss full meoc , | | & milde , & soffte , & bli+te , | | To beldenn & to forfrenn +te , | | +Giff he +te se+t forrgloppnedd . | (CMORM,I,20.277) | Acc deofell iss , +tatt witt tu wel , | | Off grimme & ni+tfull herrte ; | (CMORM,I,20.278) | Forr +giff he se+t +tatt mann iss ohht | | Forrf+aredd off hiss sihh+te , | | He wile himm f+arenn , +giff he ma+g+g , | | & skerrenn mare & mare . | (CMORM,I,20.279) | Acc whas itt iss +tatt w+apnedd iss | | Wi+t+t fulle troww+te o Criste , | | +Tohh +tatt he se +te la+te gast , | | Niss he rihht nohht forrf+aredd . | (CMORM,I,20.280) | +Tatt Godess enngell Gabri+al | | Till Zacari+ge se+g+gde , | | Witt tu +tatt Drihhtin hafe+t+t herrd | | & +gatedd tine beness , | | & tatt tin wif Elysab+a+t | | +Te shall an sune childenn , | (CMORM,I,21.281) | +Tatt se+g+gde he ful iwiss forr+ti | | +Tatt ta wass cumenn time | | +Tatt Drihhtin wollde lesenn ut | | Hiss follc off deofless walde , | | +Tatt Zacariass Godess preost , | | & o+tre gode preostess , | | & mani+g hali+g l+awedd mann | | O Drihhtin haffde bonedd . | (CMORM,I,21.282) | Forr alle +ta +tatt cwemmdenn Godd | | Biforenn Cristess come | | +Te+g+g alle b+adenn innwarrdli+g | | Wi+t+t bedess & wi+t+t dedess , | | +Tatt Drihhtin shollde lesenn hemm | | Ut off +te deofless walde . | (CMORM,I,21.283) | & ta wass cumenn time to | | +Tatt Godd hemm wollde lesenn . | (CMORM,I,21.284) | & forr+ti se+g+gde Gabri+al , | | +Tu shallt an sune streonenn ; | | Forr +tatt hiss sune shollde ben | | Biginning off +tatt blisse . | (CMORM,I,21.285) | Forr att te come off Sannt Johan | | Bigann all ure blisse , | | All +tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Comm till mannkinn onn eor+te , | | & bohhte +turrh hiss a+ghen d+a+t | | Mannkinn fra deofless walde . | (CMORM,I,22.286) | Forr Sannt Johan Bapptisste comm | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | To ki+tenn to +te follc +tatt Crist | | +Ta shollde cumenn newenn . | (CMORM,I,22.287) | & swa bigann att Sannt Johan | | +Te Laferrd Cristess come , | | & all +tatt blisse +tatt uss comm | | +Turrh +tatt he comm onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,22.288) | +Tatt Godess enngell se+g+gde himm +t+ar , | | Whatt name he shollde settenn | | Uppo +tatt illke child tatt he | | +Ta shollde newenn strenenn , | | +Tatt wass till all +te childess kinn | | Wurr+tshipe , & tatt unnlitell ; | | Forr +tatt te Laferrd Godd himm sellf | | Himm se+g+gde +turrh hiss enngell , | | +Tatt he +ta shollde streonenn child , | | & hu he shollde itt nemmnenn , | | +Tatt wass wurr+tshipe inoh till menn , | | & ec full openn takenn | | +Tatt heore streon wass Drihhtin leof | | +Get +ar itt w+are streonedd . | (CMORM,I,22.289) | & himm wass ec +tatt name sett | | Forr mikell +ting to tacnenn ; | (CMORM,I,22.290) | Forr affterr +tatt icc seggenn ma+g+g , | | Johan onn Ennglissh sp+ache | | Bitacne+t+t uss +tatt +ting +tatt iss | | All affterr Godess wille , | (CMORM,I,22.291) | & swa wass +tatt la ful iwiss | | All affterr Godess wille , | | +Tatt Sannt Johan wass streonedd ta | | +Turrh fadderr & +turrh moderr , | | +Tatt time +tatt te+g+g w+arenn ba | | Winntrede menn & alde . | (CMORM,I,23.293) | & tekenn +tatt tatt +gho wass ald | | +Get wass +gho swa bifunden | | +Tatt +gho , swa summ itt wollde Godd , | | Ne mihhte n+afr+ar t+amenn ; | (CMORM,I,23.294) | & forr+ti wass itt ful iwiss | | All +turrh Drihhtiness wille , | | +Tatt te+g+g swa late mihhtenn child | | I mikell elde streonenn . | (CMORM,I,23.295) | & tatt tiss illke Sannt Johan , | | +Tatt wass swa late streonedd , | | Wass filledd off +te Frofre Gast | | +Get inn hiss modderr wambe , | | Swa summ +te Goddspellwrihhte se+g+g+t | | +Tatt +twerrt ut nohht ne le+ghe+t+t | | +Tatt sell+te +gaff himm Drihhtin Godd | | Affterr hiss a+ghenn wille ; | (CMORM,I,23.296) | & forr+ti wass itt mikell rihht | | +Tatt he Johan wass nemmnedd , | | +Tatt tacne+t+t all +tatt +ting +tatt iss | | All affterr Godess wille . | (CMORM,I,23.297) | & tatt he si+t+tenn +turrh hiss spell , | | & +turrh hiss hall+ghe bisne , | | Droh swi+te mikell follc till Godd | | & till +te rihhte l+afe , | | Son summ he +te+g+gm bigann off Godd | | To spellenn & to fullhtnenn , | | +Tatt sell+te +gaff himm Drihhtin Godd | | Affterr hiss a+ghenn wille ; | (CMORM,I,24.298) | & forr+ti sette himm Drihhtin Godd | | To ben Johan +gehatenn , | | +Tatt tacne+t+t all +tatt +ting +tatt iss | | All affterr Godess wille . | (CMORM,I,24.299) | & Godess enngell se+g+gde +t+ar | | Off Sannt Johan +get mare , | | Till Zacari+ge +t+ar he stod | | All shridd att Godess allterr . | (CMORM,I,24.300) | He se+g+gde ; & tu shallt off +tatt child | | Habbenn gladdshipe & blisse . | (CMORM,I,24.301) | & tatt wass witerrlike so+t | | +Tatt Godess enngell se+g+gde . | (CMORM,I,24.302) | Forr +tatt wass to +tatt gode preost | | Well swi+te mikell blisse , | | +Tatt Drihhtin himm onn elde +gaff | | Swa mahhti+g child to streonenn . | (CMORM,I,24.303) | & +get tatt enngell se+g+gde himm +t+ar , | | +Tatt o+tre menn unnf+awe | | Well glade & bli+te sholldenn ben | | Ec off +tatt childess come ; | (CMORM,I,24.304) | & tatt wass so+t , (CMORM,I,24.305) forr mani mann | | Wass off hiss come bli+te ; | | Forr +tatt he wass +te firrste mann | | +Tatt brohhte word onn eor+te , | | +Tatt mannkinn shollde newenn ben | | Utlesedd fra +te deofell , | | & winnenn heoffness kinedom | | +Turrh clene lifess w+apenn . | (CMORM,I,25.306) | & +get he se+g+gde +tuss till himm ; | | +Tatt child tatt tu shallt streonenn | | Shall ben biforenn Drihhtin Godd | | Full mahhti+g mann & m+are , | (CMORM,I,25.307) | Ne shall he n+afre drinnkenn drinnch | | +Tatt drunnkennesse foll+ghe+t+t . | (CMORM,I,25.308) | +Tiss se+g+gde Godess enngell +t+ar ; | (CMORM,I,25.309) | & uss birr+t alle trowwenn , | | +Tatt he forrwarrp forr lufe off Godd | | All +twerrt ut gluterrnesse , | | He - +tatt wass full off Hali+g Gast | | +Ar +tann he borenn w+are ; | (CMORM,I,25.310) | Forr Hali+g Gast forrse+t & fle+t | | +Twerrt ut all +tatt iss sinne . | (CMORM,I,25.311) | & Gabri+al spacc +t+ar off +tiss | | Till Zacari+ge , (CMORM,I,25.312) & se+g+gde ; | | & he be+t full off Hali+g Gast | | +Get inn hiss moderr wambe . | (CMORM,I,25.313) | & sone summ he cu+te ben | | Himm ane bi himm sellfenn , | | He fl+ah till wesste fra +te follc , | | Forr +tatt he nollde gilltenn , | | Ne forr+tenn +turrh an idell word | | To m+alenn her o life . | (CMORM,I,26.314) | & i +te wesste +t+ar he wass | | Hiss fode wass unnorne , | (CMORM,I,26.315) | Forr nass nan esstemete +t+ar | | +Tatt foll+ghe+t+t gluternesse ; | (CMORM,I,26.316) | Ne +t+ar ne fand he n+anne drinnch | | +Tatt drunnkennesse foll+ghe+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,26.317) | & tohh $he $it {TEXT:het} owwhar funde +t+ar , | | Ne wollde $he $it {TEXT:het} n+afre cunnenn , | (CMORM,I,26.318) | Forr he wass filledd all +turrh Godd | | Off Hali+g Gastess drinnchess . | (CMORM,I,26.319) | & Godess enngell se+g+gde off himm | | +Get tuss till Zacari+ge ; | | & he shall turrnenn +turrh hiss spell , | | & +turrh hiss hall+ghe bisne , | | Well mikell flocc till +te+g+gre Godd | | Off Isra+aless chilldre . | (CMORM,I,26.320) | & tatt he dide ful iwiss , | (CMORM,I,26.321) | Son summ he toc to spellenn , | | He turrnde mikell follc till Godd | | +Ga l+awedd follc , +ga l+aredd , | | +Turrh fulluhht & +turrh hali+g spell , | | & +turrh hiss hall+ghe bisne ; | (CMORM,I,26.322) | Forr +turrh +tatt he wass hali+g mann | | Onn alle kinne wise , | | He +gaff hemm bisne god inoh | | To lufenn Godd & dredenn . | (CMORM,I,27.323) | & +get spacc Godess enngell +tuss | | Till Zacari+ge (CMORM,I,27.324) & se+g+gde ; | | & tatt child , tatt tu streonenn shallt | | Shall cumenn her to manne | | Biforenn Crist rihht i +tatt gast , | | & i +tatt illke mahhte , | | +Tatt helyas shall cumenn efft | | Biforenn Cristess come . | (CMORM,I,27.325) | & tatt wass witerrlike so+t , | (CMORM,I,27.326) | Forr Sannt Johan Bapptisste | | Comm forr+t biforenn Jesu Crist | | Att Cristess forrme come ; | (CMORM,I,27.327) | & Helyas shall cumenn efft , | | Onn Anntecristess time , | | Biforenn ure Laferrd Crist | | Att Cristess lattre come . | (CMORM,I,27.328) | & Sannt Johan Bapptisste comm | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | +Ta Crist wass her all gilltel+as | | Wi+t+t wo+ghe demmd to d+a+te ; | (CMORM,I,27.329) | & Helyas shall cumenn efft | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | +Ta Crist shall demenn all mannkinn | | All rihht , & nohht wi+t+t wo+ghe . | (CMORM,I,27.330) | & Sannt Johan Bapptisste comm | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | +Ta Crist comm hiderr dun , hiss follc | | To lesenn ut off helle ; | (CMORM,I,28.332) | & Helyas shall cumenn efft | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | +Ta Crist shall cumenn efft , hiss follc | | To ledenn inntill heoffne . | (CMORM,I,28.333) | +Tuss comm Johan biforenn Crist | | All o +tatt illke wise , | | +Tatt Helyas shall cumenn efft | | Biforenn Cristess come . | (CMORM,I,28.334) | & e+g+g+terr wass wi+t+t o+terr lic | | +Get onn an o+terr wise , | (CMORM,I,28.335) | Forr ba+te leddenn usell lif | | I metess & i cla+tess , | (CMORM,I,28.336) | & ba+te flu+ghenn fra +te follc | | Utt inntill wilde wesste , | (CMORM,I,28.337) | & leddenn +t+ar full hali+g lif , | | Forr swa to winnenn blisse , | (CMORM,I,28.338) | & ba+te hemm fell to +tolenn wa | | +Turrh ifell wifess irre | (CMORM,I,28.339) | & till uss sellfenn ba+te , | (CMORM,I,28.341) | & Godd off heffne a+g+g wollde himm sellf | | +Ta belless herenn ringenn , | | Whannse +te preost wass shridd t+arwi+t+t | | To gan till Godess allterr , | | To +teowwtenn & to wurr+tenn Godd | | Wi+t+t bedess & wi+t+t lakess . | (CMORM,I,29.342) | & mikell ned wass himm +tatt Godd | | +Ta belless herrde ringenn , | | +Tatt he ne felle +t+are d+ad | | +Turrh Godess wra+t+te & wr+ache ; | (CMORM,I,29.343) | Forr +giff +tatt Godd ne mihhte nohht | | +Ta belless herenn ringenn , | | Whannse +te preost wass shridd t+arwi+t+t | | To gan till Godess allterr , | | Godd wollde himm wrekenn o +te preost , | | Swa +tatt he swelltenn shollde , | | Forr+ti +tatt he ne namm nan gom | | To fillenn all hiss wikenn . | (CMORM,I,29.344) | Nu , laferrdinngess , loke we | | Whatt tiss ma+g+g uss bitacnenn , | | Hu mikell god itt l+are+t+t uss | | Off ure sawle nede . | (CMORM,I,29.345) | +Te belledr+am bitacne+t+t +guw | | +Tatt dr+am +tatt +guw birr+t herenn , | | Whannse +te preost +guw telle+t+t spell | | Biforenn Godess allterr ; | (CMORM,I,29.346) | & +giff he nohht ne spelle+t+t +guw | | +Te Goddespellbokess lare , | | He falle+t+t wissli+g forr +tatt gillt | | I Godess wra+t+te & wr+ache , | | All swa summ +tatt Judisskenn preost | | +Turrh Drihhtin shollde swelltenn , | | +Gif +tatt he w+are reckel+as | | To ringenn hise belless . | (CMORM,I,30.347) | Nu loke +gure preost tatt he | | +Guw bli+telike spelle , | | +Tatt he +guw illke Sunennda+g+g | | Att allre l+aste l+are , | | Off all hu +guw birr+t ledenn +guw | | & lefenn uppo Criste , | | & lufenn Godd & lufenn mann | | & Godess la+ghess haldenn ; | (CMORM,I,30.348) | & +guw birr+t swi+te bli+teli+g | | +Guw turrnenn till hiss lare , | | & haldenn itt & foll+ghenn itt | | A+g+g affterr +gure mihhte . | (CMORM,I,30.349) | Nu - +giff +tatt +gure preost & +ge | | +Tuss farenn +guw bitwenenn , | | +Ta ma+g+g ben god till +gure preost | | & till +guw sellfenn ba+te , | | +Tatt tatt Judisskenn preost wass swa | | Bihenngedd all wi+t+t belless , | | & tatt himm wass swa mikell ned | | +Tatt Godd hemm herrde ringenn . | (CMORM,I,30.350) | & off +tatt preostess shulldrelin , | | & off hiss breostlin ba+te , | | & off +ta twellfe namess ec | | +Tatt w+arenn don +t+aronne , | | Summwhatt icc habbe sh+awedd +guw | | Till +gure sawle fode , | | +Giff +tatt +ge wilenn foll+ghenn itt , | | & +guw till frame turrnenn . | (CMORM,I,31.351) | & nu icc wile sh+awenn +guw | | Summ del , wi+t+t Godess hellpe , | | Off +tatt Judisskenn follkess lac | | +Tatt Drihhtin wass full cweme , | | & mikell hellpe to +te follc , | | To l+aredd & to l+awedd , | | Biforenn +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne . | (CMORM,I,31.352) | Acc nu ne ge+g+gne+t+t itt hemm nohht | | To winnenn eche blisse | | +Tohh +tatt te+g+g stanndenn da+g+g & nihht | | To +teowwtenn Godd & lakenn ; | (CMORM,I,31.353) | For all itt iss onn+g+aness Godd | | +Tohh +tatt te+g+g swa ne wenenn , | | Forr+ti +tatt te+g+g ne kepenn nohht | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} Crist , $ne $off {TEXT:noff} Cristess moderr . | (CMORM,I,31.354) | & tohh swa +tehh nu wile icc +guw | | Off +te+g+gre lakess awwnenn , | | Hu mikel god te+g+g tacnenn uss | | Off ure sawle nede ; | (CMORM,I,31.355) | Forr all +tatt lac wass sett +turrh Godd , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn , | | Hu Cristess +teoww birr+t lakenn Crist | | Gastlike i gode +t+awess , | | Wi+t+t all +tatt tatt bitacnedd wass | | +Turrh alle +te+g+gre lakess . | (CMORM,I,32.356) | +Tatt follkes lac wass shep , & gat , | | & oxe , & cullfre , & turrtle , | (CMORM,I,32.357) | & te+g+gre lac wass bule , & lamb , | | & buckess twa togeddre , | | & recles smec , & bulltedd br+ad | | +Tatt bakenn wass inn ofne , | | & smeredd wel wi+t+t eles+aw | | & makedd fatt & nesshe ; | (CMORM,I,32.358) | & o+terr stund tatt lac wass br+ad | | All +teorrf wi+t+tutenn berrme ; | (CMORM,I,32.359) | & o+terr stund itt bakenn wass | | Full harrd & starrc inn ofne ; | (CMORM,I,32.360) | & o+terr stund tatt lac wass brennd | | & turrnedd all till asskess . | (CMORM,I,32.361) | & a+g+g wass sallt wi+t+t iwhillc lac | | Biforenn Drihhtin offredd ; | (CMORM,I,32.362) | & tatt wass don , +tatt witt tu wel , | | Forr mikell +ting to tacnenn . | (CMORM,I,32.363) | All +te+g+gre lac wass swillc & swillc , | | Forr o+terr +ting to tacnenn , | | +Tatt uss iss swi+te mikell ned | | To foll+ghenn & to trowwenn ; | (CMORM,I,32.364) | Forr uss birr+t nu biforenn Godd | | Offrenn +ta lakess alle , | | Rihht o +tatt wise +tatt uss iss | | Bitacnedd +turrh +ta lakess ; | (CMORM,I,33.365) | & witt tu +tatt an wa+gherifft | | Wass spredd fra wah to wa+ghe , | | Biforenn an allterr +tatt wass | | Innresst i +te+g+gre minnstre . | (CMORM,I,33.366) | +Tatt wa+gherifft wass henngedd t+ar , | | Forr +tatt itt hidenn shollde | | All +tatt tatt t+ar wi+t+tinnenn wass | | Fra l+awedd follc & l+aredd , | | Wi+t+tutenn +tatt te bisscopp sellf , | | Wi+t+t blod & ec wi+t+t recless , | | +T+ar shollde cumenn o +te +ger | | Ann si+te , & all himm ane . | (CMORM,I,33.367) | & enngless comenn offte +t+ar , | (CMORM,I,33.368) | & wi+t+t +te bisscopp sp+akenn | | O Godess hallfe off mani+gwhatt , | | Himm & hiss follc to frofrenn . | (CMORM,I,33.369) | & bi +tatt allterr stodenn a+g+g | | +Tatt follkess hali+gdomess , | | +Tatt w+arenn inn an arrke +t+ar | | Wel & wurr+tlike +gemmde . | (CMORM,I,33.370) | & t+ar oferr +tatt arrke wass | | An oferrwerrc wel timmbredd , | | +Tatt wass Propitiatoriumm | | O Latin sp+ache nemmnedd , | | Off +tatt word tatt o Latin iss | | Nemmnedd Propitiari , | | +Tatt ma+g+g onn Ennglissh nemmnedd ben | | Millcenn , & sh+awenn are , | (CMORM,I,33.371) | Forr whase do+t hiss are o +te | | Tibi propitiatur , | | Affterr +tatt itt ma+g+g wel inoh | | Ben se+g+gd o Latin sp+ache . | (CMORM,I,34.373) | & t+ar uppo +tatt oferrwerrc | | +Te+g+g haffdenn liccness metedd | | Off Cherubyn , (CMORM,I,34.374) & haffdenn itt | | O twe+g+genn stokess metedd . | (CMORM,I,34.375) | All enngle+teod tod+aledd iss | | O ni+ghenn kinne +teode ; | (CMORM,I,34.376) | & Cherubyn & Seraphyn | | Sinndenn +ta twe+g+genn +teode , | | +Tatt sinndenn Drihhtin allre nest , | | & heh+ghesst upp inn heoffne . | (CMORM,I,34.377) | & off +tatt an , off Cherubyn , | | +Te+g+g haffdenn liccness metedd | | Uppo +tatt oferrwerrc +tatt wass | | Abufenn +tarrke timmbredd . | (CMORM,I,34.378) | & att te minnstredure wass | | An allterr +t+ar wi+t+tutenn ; | (CMORM,I,34.379) | & bi +tatt allterr wass +te lac | | O fele wise +garrkedd | | +Turrh preostess , alls uss se+g+g+t so+t boc | | Off Aaroness chilldre . | (CMORM,I,34.380) | & o +tatt allterr haffdenn +te+g+g | | Glowennde gledess +garrkedd . | (CMORM,I,34.381) | & off +tatt errfe +tat t+ar wass | | Drihhtin to lake +garrkedd , | | Himm toc +te bisscopp off +te blod , | | Swa summ his boc himm tahhte . | (CMORM,I,35.382) | & gledess inn hiss reclefatt | | He toc +t+ar of +tatt allterr , | (CMORM,I,35.383) | & dide recless inn inoh | | Drihhtin +t+arwi+t+t to +teowtenn , | | A+g+g whann he shollde ganngenn inn | | Upp to +tatt o+terr allterr , | | +Tatt wass a+g+g +aness o +te +ger , | | & a+g+g himm sellf himm ane , | | Forr mikell +ting to tacnenn uss | | +Tatt uss birr+t alle trowwenn . | (CMORM,I,35.384) | He toc +te recless & te blod | (CMORM,I,35.385) | & +gede upp to +tatt allterr | | +Tatt wass wi+t+tinnenn wa+gherifft , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd , | (CMORM,I,35.386) | & tanne brennde he recless +t+ar , | | To +teowwtenn Godd tocweme , | | Swa - +tatt t+ar wass swa mikell smec | | Off recless att tatt allterr , | | +Tatt all he wass himm sellf +t+ar hidd | | & lokenn +t+ar wi+t+tinnenn ; | (CMORM,I,35.387) | & toc himm +ta +tatt illke blod | | +Tatt he +t+ar haffde gre+g+g+tedd , | | +Tatt blod tatt he +t+ar haffde brohht , | (CMORM,I,35.388) | & warrp itt t+ar wi+t+t strenncless , | | E+g+gwh+ar uppo +tatt hall+ghe bord , | | & e+g+gwh+ar o +tatt allterr . | (CMORM,I,35.389) | & si+t+tenn +gede he +te+tenn ut | | To strennkenn i +te kirrke | | Wi+t+tutenn +te+g+gre wa+gherifft , | | Swa summ hiss boc himm tahhte . | (CMORM,I,36.390) | & si+t+tenn comm he till +te follc | (CMORM,I,36.391) | & wessh himm hise cla+tess , | (CMORM,I,36.392) | Acc +tohh swa +tehh he wass all da+g+g | | Unnclene anan till efenn . | (CMORM,I,36.393) | Nu habbe icc sh+awedd +guw summ del | | Off +ta Judisskenn lakess , | | +Tatt Drihhtin toc full +admodli+g | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | & off +tatt preost tatt tanne wass , | | & off +tatt bisscopp ba+te . | (CMORM,I,36.394) | & ec icc habbe sh+awedd +guw | | Summ del off +te+g+gre wikenn . | (CMORM,I,36.395) | & nu icc wile sh+awenn +guw | | All +tatt whatt itt bitacne+t+t , | | & hu itt ma+g+g +guw turrnenn all | | Till +gure sawless hellpe , | | & hu +ge mu+ghenn lakenn Godd | | Gastlike i gode +t+awess , | | Wi+t+t all +tatt Judewisshe lac | | +Tatt icc +guw habbe sh+awedd ; | (CMORM,I,36.396) | Forr +guw birr+t nu biforenn Godd | | Offrenn +ta lakess alle , | | All o +tatt wise +tatt +guw iss | | Bitacnedd +turrh +ta lakess . | (CMORM,I,36.397) | +Ta lakess mihhtenn clennsenn hemm | | Off sakess & off sinness , | | & gladenn Godd , +giff +tatt he wass | | Hemm wra+t+t forr heore gillte . | (CMORM,I,37.398) | & witt tu wel +tatt Latin boc | | Full witerrlike uss ki+te+t+t , | | Whillc lac wass offredd forr +te preost , | | Whillc forr +te bisscopp offredd , | | & whillc wass offredd forr +te follc , | | To clennsenn hemm off sinne . | (CMORM,I,37.399) | +Te ramm wass offredd forr +te preost , | | To clennsenn himm off sinne , | (CMORM,I,37.400) | & forr +te bisscopp wass +te callf | | Offredd o +te+g+gre wise , | (CMORM,I,37.401) | & forr +te follc wass offredd bucc , | | Drihhtin to lofe & wurr+te , | | +Tatt he +te+g+gm +turrh hiss mildherrtle+g+gc | | Forr+g+afe +te+g+gre gilltess . | (CMORM,I,37.402) | Her habbe icc sh+awedd +trinne lac | | Forr +trinne kinne leode , | | Forr bisscopp & forr unnderrpreost , | | & forr +te follkess nede . | (CMORM,I,37.403) | & ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Badd hise bedess +tri+gess , | | Biforenn +tatt he takenn wass | | & na+g+gledd uppo rode . | (CMORM,I,37.404) | & t+ar he badd forr alle +ta | | +Tatt onn himm sholldenn lefenn , | | Forr biscopp & forr unnderrpreost , | | & ec forr l+awedd leode ; | (CMORM,I,37.405) | & mare wass hiss bede wurr+t | | +Tann alle +te+g+gre lakess , | | To lesenn & to clennsenn menn | | Off alle kinne gillte , | (CMORM,I,38.407) | & tohh swa +tehh was +te+g+gre lac , | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | Drihhtin full cweme inn alle +ta | | +Tatt Godess la+ghess heldenn . | (CMORM,I,38.408) | & nu icc wile sh+awenn +guw , | | Wi+t+t min Drihhtiness hell+te , | | All hu +ge mu+ghenn lakenn Godd | | Gastlike i gode +t+awess , | | Wi+t+t all +tatt Judewisshe lac | | +Tatt +guw her uppe iss sh+awedd ; | (CMORM,I,38.409) | +Giff +tatt tu foll+ghesst so+t meocle+g+gc | | & so+t unnsha+ti+gnesse , | | +Ta lakesst tu Drihhtin wi+t+t shep | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Swa +tatt itt ma+g+g wel hellpenn +te | | To winnenn Godess are ; | (CMORM,I,38.410) | Forr shep iss all unnska+tefull | | & stille der & li+te , | (CMORM,I,38.411) | & make+t+t itt nan mikell bracc | | +Giff mann itt wile bindenn , | (CMORM,I,38.412) | Ne forr+tenn +t+ar mann cwelle+t+t itt | | Ne wi+t+tre+t+t itt nohht swi+te . | (CMORM,I,38.413) | & forr+ti se+g+g+t +tatt Latin boc , | | +Tatt +twerrt ut nohht ne le+ghe+t+t , | | +Tatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Inn ure mennisscnesse | | Toc +tildili+g wi+t+tutenn bracc , | | +Tatt mann himm band wi+t+t wo+ghe , | | Rihht all swa summ +te shep onfo+t | | Meocli+g , +tatt mann itt clippe+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,39.414) | & +giff +tu cwennkesst i +te sellf , | | & l+aresst me to cwennkenn | | Inn me - galnessess fule stinnch | | & hire fule lusstess , | | & foll+ghesst a+g+g cl+annessess slo+t , | | & l+aresst me to foll+ghenn , | | +Ta lakesst tu Drihhtin wi+t+t gat | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Swa - +tatt itt ma+g+g wel hellpenn +te | | To winnenn Godess are ; | (CMORM,I,39.415) | For gat iss , +tatt witt tu full wel , | | Gal deor , (CMORM,I,39.416) & stinnke+t+t fule , | (CMORM,I,39.417) | & forr+ti tacne+t+t itt full wel | | Galnessess hate stinnchess . | (CMORM,I,39.418) | & forr+ti sinndenn alle +ta | | +Tatt shulenn inntill helle | | Effnedd wi+t+t g+at , & nemmnedd g+at , | | O Goddspellbokess lare , | | Forr+ti +tatt sinness fule stinnch | | Shall sh+adenn hemm fra Criste . | (CMORM,I,39.419) | & +giff +tu foll+ghesst skill & sh+ad | | & witt i gode +t+awess , | | & hafesst +get , tohh +tu be +gung , | | Elldernemanness late , | | & ha+gherrlike ledesst te | | & dafftelike & fa+g+gre , | | & ummbe+tennkesst a+g+g occ a+g+g | | Hu +tu mihht Drihhtin cwemenn , | | & lufenn himm & dredenn himm | | & hise la+ghess haldenn , | | Wi+t+t oxe lakesst tu Drihhtin | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Swa - +tatt itt ma+g+g wel hellpenn +te | | To winnenn Godess are . | (CMORM,I,40.420) | Forr oxe ga+t o clofenn fot | (CMORM,I,40.421) | & sh+ade+t+t hise clawwess , | | +Turrh whatt he tacne+t+t skill & sh+ad | | & witt i gode +t+awess . | (CMORM,I,40.422) | & oxe gannge+t+t ha+gheli+g | (CMORM,I,40.423) | & aldelike late+t+t , | (CMORM,I,40.424) | & +gife+t+t bisne off +tatt te birr+t | | All ha+ghelike & fa+g+gre | | & dafftelike ledenn +te , | | Wi+t+tutenn bracc & bra+t+te , | | & sh+awenn +get , tohh +tu be +gung , | | Elldernemanness late . | (CMORM,I,40.425) | & oxe chewwe+t+t +t+ar he ga+t | | Hiss cude , & t+ar he stannde+t+t , | (CMORM,I,40.426) | & chewwe+t+t forr+tenn +t+ar he li+t , | | Forr +te to +gifenn bisne , | | +Tatt te birr+t ummbe+tennkenn a+g+g | | & chewwenn i +tin heorrte | | Hu +tu mihht cwemenn +tin Drihhtin , | | & winnenn eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,41.427) | +Tuss +tu mihht lakenn Drihhtin Godd | | Wi+t+t oxe i gode +t+awess , | | +Giff +tu +te ledesst all wi+t+t skill , | | & ha+ghelike & fa+g+gre , | | & ummbe+tennkesst nihht & da+g+g | | Hu +tu mihht Drihhtin cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,41.428) | & +giff +tu firr+tresst fremmde menn | | A+g+g affterr +tine fere , | | & arrt te sellf a+g+g milde & meoc , | | & all wi+t+tutenn galle , | | Wi+t+t cullfre lakesst tu Drihhtin | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Swa +tatt itt ma+g+g wel hellpenn +te | | To winnenn Godess are . | (CMORM,I,41.429) | Forr cullfre iss milde , & meoc , & swet , | | & all wi+t+tutenn galle , | (CMORM,I,41.430) | & fede+t+t o+terr cullfress bridd | | All alls itt w+are hire a+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,41.431) | & +giff +tu ledesst clene lif , | | & murrcnesst i +tin heorrte , | | +Tatt tu swa lannge dwellesst her | | Swa ferr fra Godess riche , | | & +geornesst tatt tu mote sket | | Uppcumenn inntill heoffne , | | Upp till +ti Laferrd Jesus Crist , | | To lofenn himm & lutenn , | | Wi+t+t turrtle lakesst tu +tin Godd | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Swa +tatt it ma+g+g wel hellpenn +te | | To winnenn Godess are . | (CMORM,I,42.432) | Forr turrtle lede+t+t chari+g lif , | | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | (CMORM,I,42.433) | Forr fra +tatt hire make iss d+ad | | Ne kepe+t+t +gho nan o+terr | (CMORM,I,42.434) | Acc serr+ghe+t+t a+g+g forr+ti +tatt +gho | | Ne ma+g+g himm nowwhar findenn . | (CMORM,I,42.435) | & +giff +tatt tu forrlangedd arrt | | To cumenn upp till Criste , | | & nohht ne chesesst o+terr Godd | | To foll+ghenn ne to +teowwtenn , | | Wi+t+tutenn Crist tatt wass & iss | | +Tin Drihhtin & tin h+afedd , | | +Ta lakesst tu gastlike Godd | | Wi+t+t turrtle i +tine +t+awess . | (CMORM,I,42.436) | & +giff +tu cwennkesst i +te sellf | | All +twerrt ut modi+gnesse , | | & l+aresst o+tre all swa to don | | +Turrh lare & ec +turrh bisne , | | Wi+t+t bule lakesst tu +tin Godd | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Swa +tatt itt ma+g+g wel hellpenn +te | | To winnenn Godess are . | (CMORM,I,42.437) | Forr bule late+t+t modili+g , | (CMORM,I,42.438) | & bere+t+t upp hiss h+afedd , | (CMORM,I,42.439) | & drife+t+t o+tre nowwt himm fra | (CMORM,I,42.440) | & hallt himm all forr laferrd . | (CMORM,I,42.441) | & +giff +tu cnawesst rihht tin Godd , | | & herrcnesst hise spelless , | | & le+g+gesst all +tin herrte onn himm , | | & foll+ghesst himm & bu+ghesst , | | & forr +te lufe off himm forrsest | | H+a+tene Goddess alle , | | & arrt te sellf a+g+g milde & meoc , | | & soffte , & stille , & li+te , | | Wi+t+t lamb +tu lakesst tin Drihhtin | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Swa +tatt itt ma+g+g wel hellpenn +te | | To winnenn Godess are . | (CMORM,I,43.443) | Forr lamb is soffte & stille deor , | | & meoc , & milde , & li+te , | (CMORM,I,43.444) | & itt cann cnawenn swi+te wel | | Hiss moderr +t+ar +gho bl+ate+t+t | | Bitwenenn an +tusennde shep , | | +Tohh +tatt te+g+g bl+atenn alle . | (CMORM,I,43.445) | & all swa birr+t +te cnawenn wel | | +Tin Godd & all hiss lare , | | & all forrwerrpenn h+a+tenndom | | & o+tre Goddess alle , | | Swa summ +te lamb fle+t o+tre shep , | | & foll+ghe+t+t a+g+g hiss moderr . | (CMORM,I,43.446) | +Te Judewisshe follkess boc | | Hemm se+g+gde , +tatt hemm birrde | | Twa bukkess samenn to +te preost | | Att kirrkedure brinngenn ; | (CMORM,I,43.447) | & te+g+g +ta didenn bli+teli+g , | | Swa summ +te boc hemm tahhte , | (CMORM,I,44.449) | & brohhtenn twe+g+genn bukkess +t+ar | | Drihhtin +t+arwi+t+t to lakenn . | (CMORM,I,44.450) | & att te kirrkedure toc | | +Te preost ta twe+g+genn bukkess , | (CMORM,I,44.451) | & o +tatt an he le+g+gde +t+ar | | All +te+g+gre sake & sinne , | (CMORM,I,44.452) | & let itt eornenn for+twi+t+t all | | Ut inntill wilde wesste ; | (CMORM,I,44.453) | & toc & sna+t +tatt o+terr bucc | | Drihhtin +t+arwi+t+t to lakenn . | (CMORM,I,44.454) | All +tiss wass don forr heore ned , | | & ec forr ure nede ; | (CMORM,I,44.455) | Forr hemm itt hallp biforenn Godd | | To clennsenn hemm off sinne , | (CMORM,I,44.456) | & all swa ma+g+g itt hellpenn +te , | | +Giff +tatt tu willt $itt foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,44.457) | +Giff +tatt tu willt full innwarrdli+g | | Wi+t+t fulle troww+te lefenn | | All +tatt tatt wass bitacnedd t+ar , | | To lefenn & to trowwenn , | | +Ta ma+g+g +tatt troww+te firr+trenn +te | | To winnenn Godess are . | (CMORM,I,44.458) | +Ta twe+g+genn bukkess tacnenn uss | | An Godd off twinne kinde , | | +Tatt iss +te Laferrd Jesu Crist , | | +Tatt iss off twinne kinde . | (CMORM,I,44.459) | Forr Jesu Crist iss ful iwiss | | So+t Godd i Goddcunndnesse , | (CMORM,I,45.461) | & he iss ec to fulle so+t | | So+t mann i mennisscnesse ; | (CMORM,I,45.462) | Forr Crist iss ba+te Godd & mann , | | An had off twinne kinde , | (CMORM,I,45.463) | & tiss birr+t trowwenn iwhillc mann | | +Tatt +georne+t+t Godess are . | (CMORM,I,45.464) | An bucc rann +t+ar awe+g+g all cwicc | | Wi+t+t all +te follkess sinne , | (CMORM,I,45.465) | & Cristess Goddcunndnesse wass | | All cwicc & all unnpinedd , | | +T+ar Crist wass uppo rodetreo | | Na+g+gledd forr ure nede . | (CMORM,I,45.466) | & Cristess Goddcunndnesse cwicc | | & all wi+t+tutenn pine | | Barr ure sinness +t+ar awe+g+g , | | +T+ar Cristess mennisscnesse | | Drannc d+a+tess drinnch o rodetreo | | Forr ure wo+ghe dedess . | (CMORM,I,45.467) | & all swa summ +tatt o+terr bucc | | Toc +t+ar wi+t+t d+a+tess pine , | | To wurr+tenn +t+ar Drihhtin to lac | | Forr all +te follkess sinne , | | All swa toc Cristess mennisscle+g+gc | | Wi+t+t d+a+tess pine o rode , | | Forr +tatt he wollde wurr+tenn +t+ar | | Offredd Drihhtin to lake , | | Forr uss to clennsenn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Off sinness unncl+annesse . | (CMORM,I,45.468) | & all swa summ +tatt cwike bucc | | Comm inntill wilde wesste , | | All swa comm Cristess Goddcunndle+g+gc | | All cwicc upp inntill heoffne , | | +Tatt wass biforenn Cristess d+a+t | | Swa summ it wesste w+are , | | Forr+ti +tatt ba+te enngless & menn | | Itt haffdenn +ar forrworrpenn . | (CMORM,I,46.470) | Forr enngless haffdenn heoffness +ard | | Forrlorenn all wi+t+t rihhte ; | | Forr +tatt te+g+g wolldenn effnenn hemm | | +G+an Godd +turrh modi+gnesse ; | | Forr whatt te+g+g fellenn sone dun | | Off heorffne unntill helle | | Till eche wa , forr+ti +tatt te+g+g Forrwurrpenn eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,46.471) | & alle +ta +tatt fellenn swa | | +Te+g+g sinndenn la+te deofless , | (CMORM,I,46.472) | & stanndenn inn +turrh hete & ni+t | | To scrennkenn menness sawless . | (CMORM,I,46.473) | Acc +tu mihht werenn +te fra +te+g+gm | | +Turrh rihhte l+afe o Criste , | | & +turrh +tatt weorrc +tatt t+ar toli+t | | Wi+t+t Jesu Cristess hellpe . | (CMORM,I,46.474) | & ure twe+g+genn forrme menn , | | +Tatt Drihhtin shop off eor+te , | | Forrlurenn ec forr heore gillt | | Wi+t+t rihht dom heoffness blisse , | | +Turrrh +tatt te+g+g forr +te deofless ra+t | | Drihhtiness ra+t forrwurrpenn ; | (CMORM,I,47.475) | & all forr+ti wass heoffness +ard | | Swa summ itt wesste w+are , | | Forr+ti +tatt ba+te enngless & menn | | Itt haffdenn +ar forrworrpenn . | (CMORM,I,47.476) | & Cristess Goddcunndnesse comm | | Cwicc inntill heoffness wesste | | Wi+t+t ure sinne , i +tatt tatt Crist | | Toc d+a+t forr ure sinne , | | All all swa summ +tatt bucc attrann | | Ut inntill wilde wesste | | All cwicc , & barr awe+g+g wi+t+t himm | | +Te follkess sake & sinne . | (CMORM,I,47.477) | & +giff +tatt iss +tatt tu willt nu | | Wi+t+t fulle troww+te lefenn , | | +Tatt Crist iss ba+te Godd & mann , | | An had off twinne kinde ; | | & +giff +tatt iss +tatt tu willt nu | | Wi+t+t fulle troww+te lefenn , | | +Tatt Cristess Goddcunndnesse wass | | All cwicc & all unppinedd , | | +T+ar Crist wass d+ad o rodetreo | | Forr all mannkinne nede ; | | & +giff +tatt iss +tatt tu willt nu | | Wi+t+t fulle troww+te lefenn , | | +Tatt Crist , t+ar he wass o +te treo | | Na+g+gledd forr ure nede , | | Drah harrd & hefi+g pine inoh | | +Turrh fife grimme wundess , | | +Ta mihht tu lakenn +tin Drihhtin | | Gastlike i so+tfasst l+afe , | | Wi+t+t all +tatt te to trowwenn wass | | +Turrh +ta twa bukkess tacnedd . | (CMORM,I,48.478) | & +giff +tu cwemesst tin Drihhtin | | Bi da+g+gess , & bi nihhtess , | | Wi+t+t fassting , & wi+t+t wecche , | | $+Ta $lakesst {TEXT:+Talakesst} tu wi+t+t recless swa | | +Tin Godd i +tine +t+awess , | | Swa +tatt itt ma+g+g wel hellpenn +te | | To winnennn Godess are . | (CMORM,I,48.479) | Forr all all swa summ recless smec | | Iss swet biforenn manne , | | All all se iss swet biforenn Godd | | +Te gode manness bene . | (CMORM,I,48.480) | & +giff +tin herrte iss arefull , | | & milde , & soffte , & nesshe , | | Swa +tatt tu mihht wel arenn himm | | +Tatt iss +g+an +te forrgilltedd , | | & all forr+gifenn himm full neh | | +Te rihhte domess wr+ache , | | A+g+g whannse +tu forr+gisfesst tuss | | +Tin wra+t+te & ec +tin wr+ache , | | A+g+g +tanne lakesst tu +tin Godd | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Wi+t+t laf +tatt iss wi+t+t eles+aw | | All smeredd wel & nesshedd . | (CMORM,I,48.481) | +Te rihhte dom iss starrc & harrd | | & all +te rihhte wr+ache , | | Swa summ itt w+are scorrcnedd laf | | +Tatt iss wi+t+tutenn crummess . | (CMORM,I,49.483) | & are & millce & mildherrtle+g+gc | | & rihht forr+gifenesse , | | +Tatt iss +tatt laf +tatt smeredd iss | | Wi+t+t eles+aw & nesshedd . | (CMORM,I,49.484) | & +giff +tatt tu willt makenn laf , | | +Tu +tresshesst tine sh+afess , | (CMORM,I,49.485) | & si+t+tenn winndwesst tu +tin corn , | (CMORM,I,49.486) | & fra +te chaff itt sh+adesst , | (CMORM,I,49.487) | & gaddresst swa +te clene corn | | All fra +te chaff togeddre , | (CMORM,I,49.488) | & grindesst itt , (CMORM,I,49.489) & cnedesst itt , | (CMORM,I,49.490) | & harrdnesst itt wi+t+t h+ate ; | (CMORM,I,49.491) | & tanne mahht tu +tin Drihhtin | | Lakenn +t+arwi+t+t tocweme , | | +Giff +tatt tu ledesst hali+g lif | | I +tohht , i word , i dede . | (CMORM,I,49.492) | & tu mihht ec gastlike laf | | Onn o+terr wise +garrkenn , | | & lakenn +tin Drihhtin +t+arwi+t+t | | Well swi+te wel tocweme . | (CMORM,I,49.493) | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu +turrh +tin spell | | Till rihhte l+afe turnnesst | | +Tatt flocc +tatt wass tosker+g+gredd +ar | | +Turrh fele kinne dwilde , | | +Ta +tresshesst tu +tin corn wi+t+t fle+g+gl , | | I +tatt tatt tu +te+g+gm sh+awesst , | | Hu sinnfull lif +te+g+g leddenn +ar , | | & hu +te+g+g cwemmdenn deofell , | | & hu +te+g+g haffdenn addledd wel | | To dre+ghenn eche pine , | | & hu +te+g+gm haffde Drihhtin all | | Forr heore woh forrworrpenn ; | (CMORM,I,50.494) | Wi+t+t swillc +tu +tresshesst wel +te follc , | | +Giff +tatt tu +tuss hemm t+alesst ; | (CMORM,I,50.495) | Forr +giff +tu sh+awesst me min woh | | & t+alesst mine weorrkess , | | & seggesst swillc & swillc wass +tu , | | +Tu +tresshesst me wi+t+t wordess . | (CMORM,I,50.496) | & +giff +tu sh+awesst hemm off Godd | | & off hiss +addmodnesse , | | Hu wel he take+t+t a+g+g wi+t+t +ta | | +Tatt sekenn Godess are , | | & +giff +tu sh+awesst hemm whatt l+an | | Iss +garrkedd hemm inn heoffne , | | +Giff +tatt te+g+g takenn Crisstenndom | | & Cristess la+ghess haldenn , | | & spedesst wi+t+t +tin spell swa wel | | +Tatt te+g+g itt unnderrfanngenn , | | & turrnenn till +te Crisstenndom | | & till +te rihhte l+afe , | | & sh+adenn fra +tatt h+a+tenn follc | | +Tatt Godd iss all unncweme , | | Forr +tatt itt iss +tatt illke chaff | | +Tatt helle fir shall b+arnenn , | | +Ta winndwesst tu +tin +trosshenn corn , | (CMORM,I,51.497) | & fra +te chaff it sh+adesst , | (CMORM,I,51.498) | & gaddresst swa +te clene corn | | All fra +te chaff togeddre . | (CMORM,I,51.499) | Forr +turrh +tatt tatt tu l+aresst hemm | | To ben sammtale & sahhte | | To +teowwtenn an Allmahhti+g Godd | | Wi+t+t anfald rihhte l+afe , | | & a+g+g to ben ummbenn +tatt an | | To winnenn eche blisse , | | +Turrh +tatt tu sammnesst hemm i Godd , | | +Tu gaddresst corn togeddre . | (CMORM,I,51.500) | Annd +turrh +tatt tu primmse+g+gnesst hemm , | | & spellesst hemm , & l+aresst | | All to forrwerrpenn modi+gle+g+gc , | | & harrd & grammcunnd herrte , | | & a+g+g to foll+ghenn so+t meocle+g+gc | | Wi+t+t luffsumm +addmodnesse , | | +T+ar +turrh +tu brekesst wel +tin corn , | (CMORM,I,51.501) | & grindesst itt & nesshesst . | (CMORM,I,51.502) | & +turrh +tatt tatt tu fullhtnesst hemm | | & unnderr waterr dippesst , | | +Tu sammnesst all +tin mele inn an | (CMORM,I,51.503) | & cnedesst itt togeddre , | | Swa +tat te+g+g shulenn alle ben | | An bodi+g & an sawle . | (CMORM,I,51.504) | & Jesu Crist himm sellf shall ben | | Uppo +tatt bodi+g h+afedd , | | To fedenn & to fosstrenn hemm , | | To steorenn & to berr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,52.505) | & +turrh +tatt tatt tu l+aresst hemm | | To +tolenn illc unnsell+te | | Wi+t+t innwarrd heorrte & so+tfasst +tild , | | All forr +te lufe off Criste , | | All forr +tatt lufe +tatt iss hat | | I Cristess +teowwess heorrte , | | +T+ar +turrh +tu bakesst Godess laf | (CMORM,I,52.506) | & harrdnesst itt +turrh h+ate , | (CMORM,I,52.507) | +Turrh +tatt tu harrdnesst hemm wi+t+t spell | | To +tolenn illc unnseoll+te | | Wi+t+t so+tfasst +tild , all forr +tatt fir | | +Tatt so+tfasst lufe foll+ghe+t+t . | (CMORM,I,52.508) | Forr so+tfasst lufe b+arne+t+t a+g+g , | | Loc +giff $+tu $it {TEXT:+tut} mihht ohht findenn , | (CMORM,I,52.509) | & wh+ars itt iss itt harrdne+t+t all | | +Te gode manness heorrte , | | To +tolenn wi+t+t fullfremedd +tild | | All +tatt tatt iss unnsell+te . | (CMORM,I,52.510) | & sone summ +tin laf be+t wel | | All gre+t+tedd tuss & +garrkedd , | | +Ta mahht tu lakenn Godd wi+t+t all | | Gastlike wel tocweme . | (CMORM,I,52.511) | Forr Drihhtin take+t+t +addmodli+g | | Wi+t+t +ta +tatt till himm turrnenn , | (CMORM,I,52.512) | & +giff +tu ledesst clene lif | | Onn alle kinne wise , | | +Ta lakesst tu +tin Drihhtin swa | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Wi+t+t +terrflinng br+ad swa +tatt tu mihht | | Drihhtiness are winnenn . | (CMORM,I,53.513) | Forr +terrflinng br+ad iss clene br+ad , | | Forr +tatt itt iss unnberrmedd , | (CMORM,I,53.514) | & itt bitacne+t+t clene lif , | | & alle clene +t+awess , | | & clene +tohht , & clene word , | | & alle clene dedess . | (CMORM,I,53.515) | & +giff +tin heorrte iss harrd & starrc , | | & stedefasst o Criste , | | To +tolenn forr +te lufe off himm | | All +tatt tatt iss to dre+ghenn , | | +Ta lakesst tu +tin Drihhtin swa | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Wi+t+t fasst & findi+g laf & harrd | | Wi+t+tinnenn & wi+t+tutenn , | | Swa +tatt itt ma+g+g wel hellpenn +te | | To winnenn Godess are . | (CMORM,I,53.516) | & +giff +tu mihht forrwerrpenn her | | +Ti faderr , & ti moderr , | | & wif , & child , & hus , & ham , | | & freond , & land , & ahhte , | | & all forrwerrpenn her +twerrt ut | | Bitwenenn menn to biggenn , | | & ledenn harrd & hali+g lif | | All ane i wilde wesste , | | & pinenn +t+ar +ti bodi+g a | | Wi+t+t chele & +trisst & hunngerr , | | Wi+t+t fasstinng , & wi+t+t swinnc & swat , | | Wi+t+t bedess , & wi+t+t wecchess , | | +Ta mihht tu lakenn swa +tin Godd | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess | | Wi+t+t lac , +tatt all +twerrt ut beo+t brennd | | Drihhtin to lofe & wurr+te , | | Swa +tatt itt beo+t +te rihht inoh | | To winnenn Godess are . | (CMORM,I,54.517) | Forr +tu ne mihht nohht ledenn her | | Na bettre lif onn eor+te , | | +Tann iss +tatt tu +tweorrt ut forrse , | | & all +twerrt ut forrwerrpe | | All weorelldlike lif & lusst , | | & fle fra menn till wesste , | | & t+ar wi+t+t harrd & hali+g lif | | Beo +georrnfull Crist to cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,54.518) | Forr swillc lif iss all +twerrt ut d+ad | | Fra weorelldshipess lusstess , | (CMORM,I,54.519) | & itt iss turrnedd all +turrh fir | | Off so+tfasst lufe o Criste | | Till dustt , forr+ti +tatt swillke menn | | So+tfasst meocnesse foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,54.520) | & a+g+g weass sallt wi+t+t iwhillc lac , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn , | | +Tatt all +tatt tu willt offrenn Godd , | | +Giff +tatt itt shall himm cwemenn , | | All birr+t itt offredd ben wi+t+t skill , | | & all wi+t+t luffsumm heorrte , | | Swa +tatt itt be clennlike don , | | Off rihhtbi+getenn ahhte , | | Swa +tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Swetlike itt unnderrfannge . | (CMORM,I,55.521) | +Tiss wass bitacnedd +turrh +te sallt | | +Tatt ure mete swete+t , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt mann wile itt don | | Wi+t+t witt & skill +t+arinne . | (CMORM,I,55.522) | Forr witt & skill iss wel inoh | | +Turrh salltess smacc bitacnedd , | | & tatt forr+ti +tatt witt & skill | | Iss god inn alle +tinge , | | All swa summ sallt iss swi+te god | | +T+ar +t+ar itt tobilimmpe+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,55.523) | & all forr+ti wass +afre sallt | | Wi+t+t alle lakess offredd , | | Forr+ti +tatt nohht ne ma+g+g ben don | | Allmahhti+g Godd tocweme , | | But iff itt be wi+t+t witt & skill | | & luffsummlike for+tedd . | (CMORM,I,55.524) | All +tuss +tu mahht nu lakenn Godd | | Gastlike i +tine +t+awess , | | Wi+t+t all +tatt lac +tatt offredd wass | | Biforenn Cristess come . | (CMORM,I,55.525) | Icc se+g+gde +guw nu littl+ar her | | Biforenn o +tiss lare | | Summ del off - +tatt an wa+gherifft | | Was spredd fra wah to wa+ghe , | | Biforenn an allterr +tatt wass | | Innresst i +te+g+gre minnstre , | | Amang +te Judewisshe follc , | | Biforenn Cristess come : | (CMORM,I,56.526) | & ec icc se+g+gde +tatt itt wass | | +T+ar henngedd i +tatt hirne , | | Forr +tatt itt hidenn shollde +t+ar | | All +tatt t+ar wass wi+t+tinnenn | | Fra l+aredd & fra l+awedd follc , | | Annd all fra +te+g+gre sihh+te , | | Wi+t+tutenn +tatt te bisscopp sellf , | | Wi+t+t blod & ec wi+t+t recless , | | +T+ar shollde +teowwtenn o +te +ger | | Ann si+te & all himm ane ; | (CMORM,I,56.527) | & ec I se+g+gde littl+ar her | | Biforenn o +tiss lare , | | +Tatt bi +tatt allterr stodenn a | | +Tatt follkess hali+gdomess , | | +Tatt w+arenn inn an arrke +t+ar | | Wel & wurr+tlike +gemedd ; | | & tatt t+ar wass an oferrwerrc | | Oferr +tatt arrke timmbredd ; | | & tatt te+g+g ec abufenn +tatt | | Hemm haffdenn liccness metedd | | Off Cherubyn & Seraphyn , | | Off twe+g+genn enngle+teode ; | | & tatt te bisscopp o +te +ger | | Ann si+te & all himm ane | | Comm +tiderr inn to +teowwtenn Godd , | | Wi+t+t blod & ec wi+t+t recless ; | | & tatt he brennde reccless +t+ar | | Swa mikell att tatt allterr , | | +Tatt all he wass hidd wi+t+t +te smec , | | Forr mikell +ting to tacnenn ; | | & tatt he warrp si+t+tenn +te blod | | Wi+t+t strenncless o +tatt allterr , | | & o +tatt bord , & si+t+tenn +t+ar | | Wi+t+tutenn i +te minnstre ; | | & tatt he comm himm si+t+tenn ut | | & wessh himm hise cla+tess ; | | & tatt he wass unnclene +tohh | | +Tatt da+g+g anan till efenn ; | (CMORM,I,57.528) | All +tiss icc se+g+gde +guw littl+ar | | Her uferr mar a litell ; | (CMORM,I,57.529) | & tiss me birr+t nu sh+awenn +guw | | Whatt itt +guw ma+g+g bitacnenn , | | & wh+arwi+t+t itt ma+g+g fesstnenn +guw | | Inn +gure rihhte l+afe . | (CMORM,I,57.530) | All +tatt tatt wass bitacnedd t+ar | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | All wass itt filledd iwhillc del | | +Turrh Crist i Cristess time . | (CMORM,I,57.531) | & +gure preost itt awwne+t+t all , | | A+g+g whanne he singe+t+t messe | | +T+ar , +t+ar he Cristess fl+ash & blod | | Hanndle+t+t , hall+ghe+t+t , & offre+t+t . | (CMORM,I,57.532) | +Te Laferrd Crist himm sellf wass uss | | +Turrh +tatt bisscopp bitacnedd , | (CMORM,I,57.533) | Forr Crist iss bisscopp god +twerrt ut | | To berr+ghenn hise leode , | (CMORM,I,58.535) | & hise cla+tess +tatt he wessh | | Tacnedenn Cristess +teowwess , | | +Tatt Crist himm sellf her wasshe+t+t a+g+g , | (CMORM,I,58.536) | Forr he forr+gife+t+t sinness . | (CMORM,I,58.537) | & tatt bisscopess reclefatt | | Wass an full openn takenn | | Off Cristess bodi+g , +tatt wass full | | Off Goddcunndnessess mahhtess , | | Rihht all swa summ it w+are full | | All off glowennde gledess , | | To b+arnenn all +tatt ifell iss | | Awe+g+g inn hise +teowwess . | (CMORM,I,58.538) | +Tatt recless +tatt te bisscopp +t+ar | | Biforenn allterr brennde , | | +Tatt recless +t+ar to fulle so+t | | Wass brennd , forr to bitacnenn | | +Ta bedess , +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Forr hise +teowwess bidde+t+t | | Upponn hiss faderr heofennking , | | +Tatt he +te+g+gm +gife blisse . | (CMORM,I,58.539) | & tatt t+ar comm swa mikell smec | | Ut off +tatt brennde recless , | | +Tatt all +te bisscopp wass +t+ar hidd | | & lokenn +t+ar wi+t+tinnenn , | | +Tatt miccle smec tacnede +te+g+gm , | | & uss , & alle +teode , | | +Tatt Cristess hall+ghe bede ma+g+g | | Towarrd hiss faderr for+tenn | | Unnse+g+genndlike mare inoh | | +Tann ani+g wihht ma+g+g +tennkenn . | (CMORM,I,59.540) | Ne forr+tenn Godess enngle+teod | | Ne ma+g+g nohht unnderrstanndenn | | Hu mikell Cristess bede ma+g+g | | Towarrd hiss faderr spedenn , | | +Tatt he forr+gife Cristess hird | | All +te+g+gre sake & sinne , | | & hellpe +te+g+gm +turrh hiss godle+g+gc | | To winnenn eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,59.541) | +Tatt blod tatt +turrh +te bisscopp wass | | +T+ar o +ta +tingess strennkedd , | | +Tatt blod tacnede Cristess blod | | +Tatt +gotenn wass o rode . | (CMORM,I,59.542) | +Tatt oferrwerrc +tatt timmbredd wass | | Abufenn Godess arrke , | | +Tatt oferrwerrc tacnede wel | | +Te Faderr upp off heffne , | | Forr +tatt te Faderr eche Godd | | Iss oferr crisstnedd lede , | | To frofrenn & to beldenn itt , | | To l+arenn & to g+atenn ; | (CMORM,I,59.543) | & crisstnedd +ted iss i +tiss lif | | Unnderr +te Faderr are , | (CMORM,I,59.544) | & itt iss Godess arrke , (CMORM,I,59.545) & iss | | All full off hali+gdomess , | | All full off gode & clene menn | | +Tatt sinndenn Godd full cweme . | (CMORM,I,59.546) | +Tatt allterr +tatt tatt errfeblod | | Wass e+g+gwh+ar strennkedd onne , | | +Tatt allterr , wiss to fulle so+t , | | Tacnede Godess enngless , | (CMORM,I,60.548) | Forr Godess enngless berenn a+g+g | | Upp till +te Faderr sihh+te | | +Tatt lac +tatt ure preostess her | | Hall+ghenn o Godess allterr , | (CMORM,I,60.549) | & forr+ti +tatt te+g+g sinndenn a | | Wi+t+t preostess i +tatt time | | Wi+t+t hire me+ghe Elysab+a+t , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t ; | | Forr +tatt +gho wollde abidenn +t+ar | | Elysab+a+tess time | | Off hire child tatt +gho wass wi+t+t , | | +Tatt +gho itt shollde childenn . | (CMORM,I,60.550) | & affterr +tatt itt borenn wass | | & cumenn her to manne , | | +T+araffter for +te laffdi+g ham | | Till Nazar+a+tess chesstre , | (CMORM,I,60.551) | & +gede +t+ar wi+t+t hire child | | All all se fele mone+t , | | Alls iff itt w+are an o+terr child | | +Tatt w+are on hire streonedd . | (CMORM,I,60.552) | Her endenn +tuss Goddspelless twa | (CMORM,I,61.554) | & uss birr+t hemm +turrhsekenn , | | To lokenn whatt te+g+g l+arenn uss | | Off ure sawle nede . | (CMORM,I,61.555) | Me mine+t+t +tatt icc se+g+gde +guw | | Nu littl+ar o +tiss lare , | | +Tatt Godess enngell Gabri+al | | Wass sennd till Zakari+ge , | | To ki+tenn himm +tatt he Johan | | Bapptisste shollde streonenn . | (CMORM,I,61.556) | & ec icc se+g+gde +guw +tatt he | | Wass sennd till Sannte Mar+ge , | | To ki+tenn +tatt +gho shollde ben | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe . | (CMORM,I,61.557) | Wh+ar summ we findenn o +te boc | | Enngell bi name nemmnedd , | | Wel birr+t uss likenn +t+ar whatt uss | | +Tatt name ma+g+g bitacnenn ; | (CMORM,I,61.558) | Forr niss himm n+afre name sett | | Butt iff itt shule tacnenn , | | Whatt weorrc himm is +turrh Drihhtin sett | | To for+tenn her onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,61.559) | Forr Mich+al bitacne+t+t uss , | | Affterr +tatt icc ma+g+g seggenn , | | Whillc iss wi+t+t Godd all efennlic | | Onn alle kinne mahhte , | (CMORM,I,61.560) | Niss nani +ting +tatt mu+ghe ben | | Wi+t+t Godd off efenn mahhte ; | (CMORM,I,61.561) | +Tatt name wass himm sett +turrh Godd , | | Forr +tatt he shollde fihhtenn | | Onn+g+an an drake & cwellenn himm | | +Turrh heofennlike mahhte ; | (CMORM,I,62.562) | & tatt wass don forr +tatt itt uss | | Full wel bitacnenn shollde , | | +Tatt Godess Sune shollde wel | | +Te deofell oferrswifenn . | (CMORM,I,62.563) | Annd Rapha+al bitacne+t+t uss , | | Affterr +tatt icc ma+g+g seggenn , | | Drihhtiness hall+ghe l+achedom | | & sawless e+ghesallfe ; | (CMORM,I,62.564) | +Tatt name wass himm sett +turrh Godd , | | Forr +tatt he wollde himm senndenn | | Wi+t+t heofennlike l+achedom | | To l+achenn Tobess e+ghne . | (CMORM,I,62.565) | +Tiss Tobi wass an hali+g mann | | Amang Judisskenn +teode , | (CMORM,I,62.566) | & he wass +aness wurr+tenn blind , | | Swa summ itt Drihhtin wollde . | (CMORM,I,62.567) | & Drihhtin sennde Rapha+al | | Hehenngell dun off heoffne , | | Wi+t+t heofennlike l+achedom | | To +gifenn himm hiss sihh+te ; | (CMORM,I,62.568) | & tatt wass don forr +tatt itt uss | | Full wel bitacnenn shollde , | | +Tatt Drihhtin shollde +gifenn uss | | God sawless e+ghesihh+te , | | +Turrh Crisstenndomess l+achecrafft , | | & +Turrh +te rihhte l+afe , | | & +turrh +tatt werrc +tatt t+ar toli+t , | | & +turrh +tatt gode wille . | (CMORM,I,63.569) | & Gabri+al bitacne+t+t uss | | Onn Ennglissh - Godess strennc+te , | (CMORM,I,63.570) | & swa wass he nemmnedd +turrh Godd , | | Forr +tatt itt tacnenn shollde , | | +Tatt himm wass sett +turrh Drihhtin Godd | | To ki+tenn & to sh+awenn | | Till Zacari+ge Godess preost , | | & ec till Sannte Mar+ge , | | +Tatt Godess Sune Jesu Crist , | | +Turrh hiss goddcunnde strennc+te , | | Uss shollde inn ure mennisscle+g+gc | | +Te deofell oferrswifenn ; | (CMORM,I,63.571) | +Tiss Goddspell se+g+g+t +tatt Gabri+al | | Comm till +te laffdi+g Mar+ge , | | Affterr +tatt tatt Elysab+a+t | | Wass wurr+tenn +ar wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,63.572) | & ec itt telle+t+t +tatt he comm | | Rihht i +te sexte mone+t+t , | | +Tatt wass i Marrch , acc Marrch wass +ta | | Neh all gan ut till ende ; | (CMORM,I,63.573) | Forr +tatt wass o +te fifte da+g+g | | Att twennti+g da+ghess ende | | Off Marrch , +tatt Sannte Mar+ge warr+t | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe . | (CMORM,I,63.574) | & i +tatt illke mone+t efft , | | & tatt da+g+g i +te mone+t+t , | | Wass ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Saccl+as o rode na+g+gledd . | (CMORM,I,63.575) | & Marrchess nahhtess wannsenn a+g+g , | (CMORM,I,64.577) | & Marrchess da+ghess waxenn ; | (CMORM,I,64.578) | & Crist ras upp off d+a+tess slap , | | Forr d+a+tess nahht to wannsenn , | | & forr to +gifenn hise freond | | So+t sawless lihht & leome , | | +Tatt leome - +tatt hemm waxe+t+t a+g+g , | | +Giff +tatt te+g+g rihht itt foll+genn . | (CMORM,I,64.579) | & Crist wass borenn i +tiss lif | | Wi+t+tinnenn +Goless mone+t+t , | (CMORM,I,64.580) | Acc all +tatt mone+t+t wass +tatt da+g+g | | Full neh gan ut till ende ; | (CMORM,I,64.581) | Forr +tatt wass o +te fiffte da+g+g | | Att twennti+g da+ghess ende | | Off +Gol - +tatt ure Laferrd Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne ; | (CMORM,I,64.582) | & o +tatt da+g+g biginne+t+t uss | | +Te da+g+gess lihht to waxenn , | (CMORM,I,64.583) | & uss comm so+tfasst lihht +turrh Crist | | Swa summ +ge littl+ar herrdenn . | (CMORM,I,64.584) | +Tatt Godess enngell Gabri+al | | Comm till +te laffdi+g Mar+ge , | | I +tatt Galilewisshe burrh | | +Tatt Nazar+a+t wass nemmnedd , | (CMORM,I,64.585) | +Tatt wass swa don , forr +tatt itt uss | | God sell+te shollde tacnenn ; | (CMORM,I,64.586) | Forr Nazar+a+tess name iss uss | | Onn Ennglissh nemmnedd blosstme . | (CMORM,I,65.588) | & tiss bilammp well swi+te wel | | Till ure laffdi+g Mar+ge ; | (CMORM,I,65.589) | Forr +t+ar , +t+ar +gho +turrh Drihhtin warr+t | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe , | | +T+ar toc +gho blosstme off Godess Gast | | Inn all unwemmedd wambe ; | (CMORM,I,65.590) | & t+ar , +t+ar ure Laferrd Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne , | | +T+ar brohhte +gho +tatt wasstme for+t | | Off all unnwemmedd wambe , | | +Tatt wasstme +tatt iss lifess br+ad | | Onn eor+te & ec onn heoffne . | (CMORM,I,65.591) | & +guw birr+t witenn +tatt +gho wass | | Weddedd +turrh Godess wille | | Wi+t+t an weppmann off hire kinn , | | +Tatt Jos+ap wass +gehatenn . | (CMORM,I,65.592) | Forr Drihhtin haffde +tanne sett | | Amang Judisskenn +teode , | | +Tatt nan ne shollde filedd ben | | +Turrh h+a+tenn macchess m+ane . | (CMORM,I,65.593) | Forr all follc wass h+a+tene +ta , | (CMORM,I,65.594) | & all itt wass unnclene , | | Wi+t+tutenn +tatt Judisskenn follc | | +Tatt ta wass Gode cweme , | | +Turrh +tatt te+g+g Godess la+gheboc | | Wel stodenn inn to foll+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,65.595) | & all forr+ti forrb+ad hemm Godd , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd , | | +Tatt nan off hemm ne shollde ben | | Weddedd wi+t+t h+a+tenn macche , | | +Tatt nan ne shollde filedd ben | | Wi+t+t h+a+tenndom +turrh machhe . | (CMORM,I,66.596) | & tatt wass ned tatt +gho wass +ta | | Wi+t+t godess la+ghe weddedd ; | (CMORM,I,66.597) | Forr +giff mann mihhte wurr+tenn warr | | +Tatt +gho wi+t+t childe w+are , | | +Ar +tann +gho w+are la+gheli+g | | Weddedd wi+t+t ani+g macche , | | +Gho munnde affterr +te la+gheboc | | To d+a+te ben istanedd . | (CMORM,I,66.598) | +Te laffdi+g wass wurr+tenn +turrh Godd | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,66.599) | Acc +tatt ne wisste nani+g mann , | | Ne forr+tenn hire macche , | (CMORM,I,66.600) | Ne +get te deofell nisste itt nohht | | +Tatt +gho wass swa wi+t+t childe . | (CMORM,I,66.601) | & nollde nohht Allmahhti+g Godd , | | +Turrh whamm +gho wass wi+t+t childe , | | +Tatt +gho , +tatt all wass gilltel+as , | | To d+a+te w+are stanedd . | (CMORM,I,66.602) | Forr bettre wollde Drihhtin Godd , | | +Tatt mannkinn nohht ne wisste | | O whillke wise Jesu Crist | | To manne borenn w+are , | (CMORM,I,66.603) | +Tatt wollde bettre Drihhtin Godd , | | Swa summ so+t boc uss ki+te+t+t , | | +Tann +tatt te laffdi+g w+are shennd | | & shamedd her o life , | | Swa summ +tatt wimmann birrde ben | | +Tatt all forrle+genn w+are ; | (CMORM,I,67.605) | & forr+ti wass +gho till Jos+ap | | Wi+t+t Godess la+ghe weddedd , | | +Tatt +gho ne w+are shamedd her , | | Ne shennd off unncl+annesse . | (CMORM,I,67.606) | & forr+ti wennde wel +te follc , | | & swa wennde +te deofell , | | +Tatt +gho w+are Jos+apess wif | | & off Jos+ap wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,67.607) | & swa comm +gho full wel awe+g+g , | | +Turrh +tatt tatt +gho wass weddedd , | | +Tatt +gho ne shamedd nass , ne shennd , | | Ne forr forrle+genn haldenn . | (CMORM,I,67.608) | & +gho wass weddedd ec forr+ti , | | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde unnawwnedd ben | | & all unncu+t & d+arne | | +Te la+te gast swa +tatt he nohht | | Ne shollde it unnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt +gho +ta shollde ben +turrh Godd | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe , | | & tatt +gho shollde childenn her | | Allmahhti+g Godd to manne . | (CMORM,I,67.609) | & tatt wass mikell godd tatt itt | | Unnawwnedd wass +te deofell ; | (CMORM,I,67.610) | Forr +giff +te deofell w+are warr , | | +Tatt Cristess Goddcunndnesse | | Himm shollde r+afenn all hiss mahht , | | & mannkinn ut off helle , | | Ne munnde he n+afre letenn himm | | +Turrh rodepine cwellenn ; | (CMORM,I,68.612) | & tanne w+are uss ga+ghennl+as | | All Jesu Cristess come , | | +Giff +tatt he n+are d+ad forr uss | | To lesenn uss off pine . | (CMORM,I,68.613) | & ure laffdi+g weddedd wass | | +Get forr an o+terr nede ; | (CMORM,I,68.614) | +Gho wass weddedd forr+ti +tatt +gho | | +Ta shollde ben wi+t+t childe , | | +Tohh +tatt itt nohht ne shollde ben | | O faderr hallfe streonedd ; | (CMORM,I,68.615) | & +giff +tatt +gho +ta b+are child | | & weddedd nohht ne w+are , | | +Ta mihhte wimmann berenn child | | +Turrh ful forrle+gerrnesse ; | (CMORM,I,68.616) | & +giff mann wollde t+alenn +tatt , | | & hutenn hire & +tutenn , | | +Gho mihhte modi+glike onn+g+an | | Anndswerenn +tuss & seggenn ; | | +Te laffdi+g Mar+ge +gho barr child | | Wi+t+utenn weddedd macche , | (CMORM,I,68.617) | & +giff +tatt tu willt t+alenn me , | | +Te birr+t ec hire t+alenn . | (CMORM,I,69.619) | +Tuss mihhte +gho full modi+gli+g | | Off hire sinn +gellpenn , | | & tatt tatt +gho forrhoredd wass | | +Turrh ful forrle+gerrnesse ; | (CMORM,I,69.620) | +Tuss mihhte +gho bitellen wel | | & werenn +turrh +tatt bisne , | | +Giff +tatt te laffdi+g b+are child , | | & weddedd nohht ne w+are . | (CMORM,I,69.621) | & +gho wass ec - +tatt witt tu wel , | | Forr+ti wi+t+t weppmann weddedd , | | Wi+t+t an +tatt wass off hire kinn , | | & all off hire birde , | | Forr +tatt te Laferrd Cristess kinn | | Onn eor+te - o moderr hallfe | | Bi weppmann shollde reccnedd ben | | Uppwarrd & dunnwarrd ba+te . | (CMORM,I,69.622) | Forr i +tatt time , & i +tatt land | | +Tatt Crist was borenn inne , | | Ne talde +te+g+g nohht te+g+gre kinn | | Uppwarrd ne dunnwarrd noww+terr | | Bi wimmenn , (CMORM,I,69.623) acc +te+g+g taldenn a+g+g | | Bi weppmenn , alls itt +gede ; | (CMORM,I,69.624) | & all forr+ti wass Cristess kinn | | Uppwarrd & dunnwarrd ba+te | | Bi Jos+ap reccnedd , & nohht bi | | +Te laffdi+g Sannte Mar+ge . | (CMORM,I,69.625) | & full wel mihhte Cristess kinn | | Bi Jos+ap wurr+tenn reccnedd , | (CMORM,I,69.626) | Forr ba+te w+arenn off an kinn , | | Jos+ap & Sannte Mar+ge , | (CMORM,I,70.628) | & forr+ti mihhte Cristess kinn | | Bi Jos+ap wel ben reccnedd , | (CMORM,I,70.629) | Forr Crist wass off Jos+apess kinn | | O sannte Mar+gess hallfe . | (CMORM,I,70.630) | & ure laffdi+g weddedd wass | | +Get all forr o+terr nede ; | (CMORM,I,70.631) | Forr +gho wass wi+t+t an hali+g mann | | Weddedd , forr +tatt he shollde | | Wel g+atenn hire & hire child , | | & fosstenn hemm & fedenn , | | & ledenn hemm fra land to land , | | +Giff +tatt te+g+g flittenn sholldenn . | (CMORM,I,70.632) | For swillke nede wass Jos+ap | | Weddedd wi+t+t Sannte Mar+ge . | (CMORM,I,70.633) | Acc +gho wass +afre ma+g+gdennmann | | Fra were +twerrt ut clene , | | Biforr +tatt +gho wi+t+t childe wass , | | & whil +gho wass wi+t+t childe , | | & affterr +tatt he borenn wass , | | & +afre a butenn ende ; | (CMORM,I,70.634) | & whase nile trowwenn +tiss | | He sla+t hiss a+ghenn sawle . | (CMORM,I,70.635) | Annd tohh swa +tehh mann wennde inoh , | | +Tatt time +t+ar i lande , | | +Tatt +gho w+are Jos+apess wif , | | & off Jos+ap wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,70.636) | & ec +te deofell wennde swa , | (CMORM,I,71.638) | & forr+ti durrste he si+t+tenn | | Don hise +teowwess takenn Crist , | | & na+g+glenn himm o rode . | (CMORM,I,71.639) | +Te+g+g wenndenn +tatt +gho w+are wif , | (CMORM,I,71.640) | Acc +gho wass ma+g+gdenn clene , | (CMORM,I,71.641) | & +gho wass , alls icc habbe se+g+gd , | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,71.642) | +Tatt gode mann +tatt weddedd wass | | Wi+t+t ure laffdi+g Mar+ge | | Bi name nemmnedd wass Jos+ap , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn , | | +Tatt hiss godnesse shollde ben | | +Turrh +tatt full mikell ekedd , | | +Tatt himm was +gifenn forr to ben | | Wi+t+t Sannte Mar+ge inn huse . | (CMORM,I,71.643) | For all allswa summ ifell mann | | Off ifell take+t+t bisne , | | All all swa take+t+t hali+g mann | | Off hali+gnesse bisne . | (CMORM,I,71.644) | & witt tu +tatt hiss hali+gdom | | Wass godedd himm & ekedd , | | +Turrh +tatt he da+g+gwhammlike sahh | | +Te laffdi+g Sannte Mar+ge , | | +Tatt all wass full off hali+gdom | | Inn heofennlike mahhtess . | (CMORM,I,71.645) | & +turrh hiss name wass himm +tiss | | Full opennli+g bitacnedd ; | (CMORM,I,72.647) | Forr Jos+ap tacne+t+t uss +tatt +ting | | +Tatt godedd iss & ekedd . | (CMORM,I,72.648) | & ure deore laffdi+g wass | | +Turrh Drihhtin nemmnedd Mar+ge , | | Forr +tatt tatt name shollde wel | | Bitacnenn hire seoll+te ; | (CMORM,I,72.649) | Forr hire name tacne+t+t uss | | S+asteorrne onn Engglissh sp+ache , | (CMORM,I,72.650) | & +gho beo+t +afre , & wass , & iss | | S+asteorrne inn hali+g bisne ; | (CMORM,I,72.651) | Forr all swa summ +te steoressmann | | A+g+g loke+t+t till an steorrne , | | +Tatt stannt a+g+g still upp o +te lifft | | & swi+te brihhte shine+t+t , | | Forr +tatt he wile , foll+ghenn a+g+g | | +Tatt illke steorrness lade , | | Swa +tatt he mu+ghe lendenn rihht | | To lande wi+t+t hiss wille , | | All swa birr+t all Crisstene follc | | Till Sannte Mar+ge lokenn , | | +Tatt stannt wi+t+t hire sune i stall | | +T+ar he+ghesst iss inn heoffne . | (CMORM,I,72.652) | & iwhillc an Crisstene mann , | | +Tatt +georne+t+t affterr blisse , | | Birr+t stanndenn inn affterr hiss mihht | | To foll+ghenn hire bisne , | | Swa +tatt he mu+ghe lendenn rihht | | Affterr hiss a+ghenn wille | | Upp intill heofrennrichess +ard , | | To brukenn eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,73.653) | & hire name nemmnedd iss | | Laffdi+g onn Ennglissh sp+ache , | (CMORM,I,73.654) | & tatt bilimmpe+t+t swi+te wel | | Till hire miccle seoll+te , | (CMORM,I,73.655) | Forr +gho iss allre shaffte cwen | | & laffdi+g full off mahhte . | (CMORM,I,73.656) | +Tatt Godess enngell Gabri+al | | Comm inntill Sannte Mar+ge , | | +Tatt do+t uss tunnderrstanndenn wel | | +tatt nass +gho nohht t+ar ute | | I skemmtinng & inn idelle+g+gc , | | Inn +ag+ade & i le+g+gkess , | | Swa summ +tatt la+te ma+g+gdenn iss | | +Tatt seke+t+t unncl+annesse . | (CMORM,I,73.657) | & +turrh +tatt tatt +gho drefedd wass | | & radd off Godess enngell , | | Forr+ti +tatt he wass cumenn inn | | Inn aness weress hewe , | | +Turrh +tatt wass sene witerrli+g | | +Tatt +gho wass wiss wi+t+t alle | | Shammfasst , & daffte , & sedefull , | | & +twerrt ut wel bifundenn . | (CMORM,I,73.658) | +Gho cneow himm wel , (CMORM,I,73.659) forr he wass +ar | | Wel wunedd offte & lome | | To cumenn dun wi+t+t Godess word | | To gladenn hire & frofrenn ; | (CMORM,I,74.660) | & tohh +gho wass , forr +tatt he comm | | Inn +anness weress hewe , | | Forrshamedd , & forrdredd off himm , | (CMORM,I,74.661) | Forr +gho wass hali+g ma+g+gdenn . | (CMORM,I,74.662) | Forr son se ma+g+gdenn wurr+te+t+t bald , | | +Gho wurr+te+t+t sone unn+t+awedd , | | (CMORM,I,74.663) Forr kaggerrle+g+gc shall don +tatt +gho | | Shall dafftele+g+gc forrwerrpenn . | (CMORM,I,74.664) | Full wel birr+t ure ma+g+gdenn ben | | Forrshamedd , +giff mann brinnge+t | | Biforenn hire unn+t+awfull word | | & w+alinng word +turrh scaldess , | | +Giff ure laffdi+g Mar+ge wass | | Forrshamedd & forrdrefedd , | | +T+ar enngell comm wi+t+t gretinng word | | Till hire o Godess hallfe . | (CMORM,I,74.665) | & forr +tatt +gho ne wass n+afr+ar | | Wi+t+t swillc gretinnge frofredd , | | +Gho toc wisli+g to fra+g+gnenn himm | | Whatt itt bitacnenn mihhte . | (CMORM,I,74.666) | & forr+ti +tatt he sahh +tatt +gho | | Wass drefedd off hiss sp+ache , | | He toc to frofrenn hire anann | | Cu+tli+g bi name , (CMORM,I,74.667) & se+g+gde ; | | Ne beo +tu , Mar+ge , nohht forrdredd , | (CMORM,I,74.668) | +Tin Godd arrt tu full deore . | (CMORM,I,74.669) | & si+t+tenn se+g+gde he sone anan | | Wi+t+t all full openn sp+ache , | | +Turrh whatt itt shollde sene ben | | +Tatt +gho wass Godd full cweme , | (CMORM,I,75.670) | He se+g+gde +tatt +gho shollde ben | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe , | | & tatt +gho Godess sune Godd | | To manne shollde childenn , | | & tatt +gho shollde nemmnenn himm | | Jesus , +tatt iss , H+alennde , | | Forr +tatt he shollde himm sellf mannkinn | | H+alenn off sinnes wunde . | (CMORM,I,75.671) | +Tatt Godess enngell Gabri+al | | Till Sannte Mar+ge se+g+gde | | Off hire sune Jesu Crist , | | +Tatt newenn cumenn shollde , | | +Tatt Drihhtin shollde +gifenn himm | | +Tatt illke kines+ate , | | +Tatt Davi+t+t king hiss faderr held | | Amang Judisskenn +teode , | | & tatt himm shollde hiss kinedom | | A lasstenn butenn ende | | Bitwenenn +tatt Judisskenn +teod | | +Tatt Jacob wass bilenge , | (CMORM,I,75.672) | +Tatt se+g+gde he wiss forr+ti +tatt Crist | | +Ta shollde newenn turrnenn | | Judisskenn follc till Crisstenndom | | +Turrh hise Leorninngenihhtess , | | & brinngenn hemm till heoffness +ard , | | Inntill hiss kineriche , | | & t+are rixlenn oferr hemm | | Wi+t+tutenn ende i blisse . | (CMORM,I,76.673) | Acc witt tu wel +tatt alle +ta | | +Tatt lefenn uppo Criste , | | Off ba+te , - off +tatt Judisskenn +teod , | | & off h+a+tene +teode , | | (CMORM,I,76.674) +Tatt witt tu wel , +tatt alle +ta | | +Guw sinndenn her bitacnedd , | | +Ga +turrh Jacob , +ga +turrh Judeow , | | Affterr gastlike lare . | (CMORM,I,76.675) | Forr Jacob tacne+t+t alle +ta , | | +Tatt tredenn dun & cwennkenn | | All +tatt tatt iss onn+g+aness Godd | | Inn alle kinne sinne ; | (CMORM,I,76.676) | & Judeow tacne+t alle +ta , | | +Tatt lofenn Godd & wurr+tenn , | | & innwarrdlike anndg+atenn a+g+g | | Wi+t+t mu+t & ec wi+t+t troww+te , | | +Tatt niss nan Godd wi+t+tutenn himm | | +Tatt alle shaffte wrohhte , | | & innwarrdlike anndg+atenn a+g+g | | All +te+g+gre sake & sinne , | | & stanndenn inn to cwemenn Godd | | Onn alle kinne wise . | (CMORM,I,76.677) | & swillke sinndenn Cristess follc | | & Cristess kineriche , | (CMORM,I,76.678) | & Crist shall rixlenn a+g+g occ a+g+g | | Inn heoffness +ard i swillke ; | (CMORM,I,76.679) | +Tatt Sannte Mar+ge se+g+gde +tuss | | Till Gabri+al hehenngell , | | Hu ma+g+g +tiss dede wurr+tenn don , | (CMORM,I,77.681) | Hu ma+g+g icc ben wi+t+t childe | | Wi+t+tutenn streon o faderr hallf , | | Wi+t+tutenn iwhillc macche ? | (CMORM,I,77.682) | +Tatt se+g+gde +gho +turrh mikell witt , | (CMORM,I,77.683) | Forr +tatt nass n+afr+ar wurr+tenn , | | +Tatt ani+g wimmann b+are child | | Wi+t+tutenn weress m+ane . | (CMORM,I,77.684) | & +gho wass turrnedd swa till Godd | | Wi+t+t bodi+g & wi+t+t sawle , | | +Tatt +gho +turrh macche nollde nohht | | Ma+g+g+thadess l+an forrlesenn ; | (CMORM,I,77.685) | & forr+ti wollde +gho ben wis | | Off +tatt +turrh Godess enngell , | | Whillc gate +gho wi+t+t childe ben | | Wi+t+tutenn were shollde . | (CMORM,I,77.686) | & witt tu wel +tatt nass n+afr+ar , | | Biforenn Sannte Mar+ge , | | Nan wimmann +tatt forr lufe off Godd | | I ma+g+g+thad wollde libbenn , | (CMORM,I,77.687) | & forr+ti wass +gho wurr+t full wel | | Utnumennli+g to wurr+tenn | | +Turrh Drihhtin blettcedd , & to ben | | Allw+aldennd Godess moderr . | (CMORM,I,77.688) | & forr +tatt +gho wisli+g bigann | | To fra+g+gnenn Godess enngell , | | Hu +gho wi+t+t childe shollde ben | | Wi+t+tutenn weress m+ane , | | He toc forr+trihht all opennli+g | | To sh+awenn hu +gho shollde , | | +Turrh Godess wille , wurr+tenn sket | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe , | | Swa +tatt +gho +tohh ma+g+g+thadess l+an | | Ne shollde nohht forrlesenn . | (CMORM,I,78.689) | Annd tatt +gho shollde +tess te bett | | Wi+t+t fulle troww+te lefenn , | | +Tatt +gho wel mihhte berenn child | | Wi+t+tutenn weress m+ane , | | +Turrh Allmahhti+g Drihhtiness mahht , | | +Tatt for+te+t+t all hiss wille , | | He se+g+gde +tatt Elysab+a+t | | Wass wurr+tenn +ta wi+t+t childe , | | +Tatt ta wass swi+te winntredd wif , | | & kindel+as to t+amenn , | | & ec +tatt wif +tatt haffde ben | | A+g+g childl+as till +tatt time , | | & tanne shollde berenn child | | Onn+g+an wimmaness kinde . | (CMORM,I,78.690) | & tatt wass se+g+gd alls iff he +tuss | | All opennlike se+g+gde , | | Ne wen +tu nohht tatt Godd ne ma+g+g | | All don +tatt iss hiss wille , | (CMORM,I,78.691) | All swa ma+g+g Godd don +te full well | | To childenn +g+aness kinde , | | All all swa summ Elysab+a+t | | Shall nu +g+an kinde childenn . | (CMORM,I,78.692) | & son se Sannte Mar+ge sahh , | | +Tatt +gho +ta shollde wurr+tenn | | Wi+t+t childe swa +tatt +gho +t+ar+turrh | | Ne shollde nohht ben wemmedd , | | +Gho warr+t full bli+te sone anan , | (CMORM,I,79.694) | & se+g+gde +tuss wi+t+t worde ; | | Loc her (CMORM,I,79.695) icc amm ammbohht all bun | | To foll+ghenn Godess wille ; | (CMORM,I,79.696) | Forr wel +gho sahh & unnderrstod | | +Turrh Gabri+aless sp+ache , | | +Tatt +gho wass +adi+g wimmann an | | All wimmannkinn bitwenenn . | (CMORM,I,79.697) | +Te laffdi+g Sannte Mar+ge wass | | All Godd bitahht wi+t+t alle , | (CMORM,I,79.698) | & haffde sett inn hire +tohht | | To libbenn i cl+annesse , | | To ledenn i clene ma+g+g+thad | | All hire lif till ende ; | (CMORM,I,79.699) | Acc +gho ne se+g+gde itt to nan mann | | +Tatt +gho swa wollde libbenn , | (CMORM,I,79.700) | Acc to Drihhtin $+gho $it {TEXT:+ghot} haffde se+g+gd | | Inn hire clene wille , | | +Tatt +gho , - +giff +tatt itt mihhte ben , | | I ma+g+g+thad libbenn wollde . | (CMORM,I,79.701) | & tatt wass heh biforenn Godd | | +Tatt +gho swa wollde libbenn , | (CMORM,I,79.702) | Forr nass +tatt n+afre fundenn +ar | | Amang wimmenn onn er+te , | | +Tatt ani+g wimmann hire lif | | I ma+g+g+thad ledenn wollde ; | (CMORM,I,80.703) | & t+ar+turrh , & +turrh all +tatt god | | +Tatt wass inn hire fundenn , | | Inn hire lif +tatt all +twerrt ut | | Wass Drihhtin lef & dere , | | +T+ar+turrh wass +gho wel wurr+t to ben | | Swa wurr+tedd her onn er+te , | | +Tatt Godess Sune shollde mann | | Inn hire wambe wurr+tenn , | | Off hire fl+ash , off hire blod , | | Off hire streness kinde . | (CMORM,I,80.704) | & si+t+tenn affterr +tatt +gho +tuss | | Wel haffde +tohht to libbenn | | I ma+g+g+thad forr +te lufe off Godd , | | & forr +te mede off heffne , | | +T+araffterr comm +tatt hire frend | | Hemm tokenn ra+t bitwenenn , | | To +gifenn hire summ god mann | | All affterr hire birde . | (CMORM,I,80.705) | & +gho ne wass nohht t+ar onn+g+an , | (CMORM,I,80.706) | Acc +gatte hemm here wille , | (CMORM,I,80.707) | & +gatte +tatt +gho wollde ben | | Rihht la+ghelike fesstnedd | | Wi+t+t macche , swa summ i +tatt ald | | Wass la+ghe to ben fesstnedd . | (CMORM,I,80.708) | & wel +gho +tohhte +tohh +tatt +gho | | I ma+g+g+thad wollde libbenn , | | +Giff +tatt +gho mihhte for+tenn itt | | Onn ani+g kinne wise ; | (CMORM,I,80.709) | & all +gho le+g+gde +tatt o Godd | | & onn hiss lefe wille , | | +Tatt he +t+aroffe shollde don | | All whattse hiss wille w+are ; | (CMORM,I,81.711) | & innwarrdlike badd +gho Godd | | Hiss hellpe +tatt +gho mihhte | | A libbenn i clene ma+g+g+thad , | | & inn unnwemmeddnesse . | (CMORM,I,81.712) | & +gho wass hanndfesst an god mann | | +Tatt Jos+ap wass +gehatenn ; | (CMORM,I,81.713) | & +gho bil+af wi+t+t hire frend | | +Get affterr +tatt summ while . | (CMORM,I,81.714) | & i +tatt fresst , whil +tatt +gho wass | | Wi+t+t hire kinn att hame , | | Comm Godess enngell onn an da+g+g | | Till hire inn hire bure ; | (CMORM,I,81.715) | & Drihhtin hire sennde word | | +Turrh Gabri+al hehenngell , | | +Tatt +gho wi+t+t childe shollde ben , | | & berenn child to manne . | (CMORM,I,81.716) | & , forr +tatt +gho wel haffde +tohht | | To libbenn i cl+annesse , | | +Gho +gaff hehenngell Gabri+al | | Anndswere onn+g+an (CMORM,I,81.717) & se+g+gde ; | | Hu ma+g+g +tiss for+tedd ben +turrh me | | +Tatt nan weppmann ne cnawe ? | (CMORM,I,81.718) | Whi +gaff +gho swillc anndswere onn+g+an , | | +Ta Godess enngell se+g+gde | | +Tatt +gho wi+t+t childe shollde ben , | | & berenn child to manne ? | (CMORM,I,81.719) | +Ga mihhte +gho sket affterr +tatt | | Wi+t+t hire macche sammnenn , | | & cnawenn hire macchess stren , | | & wurr+tenn swa wi+t+t childe , | | & t+amenn hire t+am wi+t+t himm | | Alls o+tre wimmenn t+amenn ? | (CMORM,I,82.721) | Whi +gaff +gho swillc anndswere onn+g+an , | (CMORM,I,82.722) | Hu ma+g+g +tiss for+tedd wurr+tenn , | | +Tatt I wi+t+t childe mu+ghe ben , | | & berenn child to manne ? | (CMORM,I,82.723) | Nu wile I sh+awenn +guw forrwhi | | +Gho +gaff swillc sware onn+g+aness ; | (CMORM,I,82.724) | +Gho +gaff himm swillc anndswere onn+g+an , | | Forr +tatt +gho wollde sh+awenn | | +Tatt +gho , +giff +tatt itt mihhte ben , | | Nohht naffde inn hire wille | | To cnawenn ani+g macchess stren , | | Forr swa to ben wi+t+t childe , | | To t+amenn swa wi+t+t were t+am | | Alls o+tre wimmenn t+amenn . | (CMORM,I,82.725) | +T+arfore se+g+gde +gho +tiss word | | Till Gabri+al hehenngell , | (CMORM,I,82.726) | Hu ma+g+g +tiss for+tedd ben +turrh me | | +Tatt nan weppmann ne cnawe ? | (CMORM,I,82.727) | Forr +tiss wass se+g+gd alls iff +gho +tuss | | Wi+t+t o+tre wordess se+g+gde , | | Whatt gate ma+g+g icc berenn child , | | Icc - +tatt wel hafe fesstnedd | | I mine +tohhtess +tatt I nan | | Weppmann ne wile cnawenn ? | (CMORM,I,82.728) | Icc hafe fesstnedd i min +tohht | | To libbenn i cl+annesse , | | Swa +tatt icc , - +giff +tatt itt ma+g+g ben , | | Nan macche nile cnawenn ; | (CMORM,I,83.730) | & nat I nohht hu +tatt ma+g+g ben , | | +Tatt I ma+g+g ben wi+t+t childe | | I min ma+g+g+thad i clene bedd , | | Wi+t+tutenn macchess m+ane ; | (CMORM,I,83.731) | & bli+telike I wollde sen | | & witenn +turrh +te sellfenn , | | Whatt gate +tiss ma+g+g ben +tatt tu | | O godess hallfe ki+tesst . | (CMORM,I,83.732) | & Godess enngell Gabri+al | | +Gaff hire anndswere (CMORM,I,83.733) & se+g+gde ; | | +Tu best wi+t+t childe off Hali+g Gast , | (CMORM,I,83.734) | & best tohh ma+g+gdenn clene . | (CMORM,I,83.735) | & +gho toc wel wi+t+t Godess word | | To wurr+tenn swa wi+t+t childe , | | +Tatt +gho +tohhwhe+t+tre shollde ben | | Ma+g+gdenn all +twerrt ut clene . | (CMORM,I,83.736) | & +gho wharr+t +ta wi+t+t childe swa | | All affterr Godess wille ; | (CMORM,I,83.737) | & nisste itt nan lifisshe mann | | +Tatt +gho wass swa wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,83.738) | Forr +gho ne se+g+gde itt nani+g mann , | | Ne Godess enngell noww+terr ; | | Forr +tatt itt shollde wurr+tenn wel | | Forrholenn wi+t+t +te defell , | | +Tatt godess sune shollde ben | | Her borenn o +tatt wise . | (CMORM,I,83.739) | & hire wambe si+t+tenn toc | | To waxenn alls itt birrde , | (CMORM,I,84.741) | & $+gho $it {TEXT:+ghot} forrhall wi+t+t alle menn | | Wi+t+t sibbe & wi+t+t unnsibbe . | (CMORM,I,84.742) | & +gho wass si+t+tenn affterr +tatt | | Brohht ham till hire macche . | (CMORM,I,84.743) | & he warr+t sone si+t+tenn warr , | | Son se he sahh hire wambe , | | +Tatt +gho wass waxenn summ del gr+at , | | & tatt +gho wass wi+t+t childe , | (CMORM,I,84.744) | & wollde forr+trihht hire himm fra | | All stillelike sh+adenn . | (CMORM,I,84.745) | & Godess enngell comm himm to | | Onn uhhtenn +t+ar he sleppte , | (CMORM,I,84.746) | & se+g+gde himm +tatt hiss macche wass | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe , | (CMORM,I,84.747) | & badd himm ben full milde & mec , | | To lefftenn & to lutenn | | +Tatt clen ma+g+g +tatt shollde ben | | All mahhti+g Godess moderr . | (CMORM,I,84.748) | & +gho +ta si+t+tenn se+g+gde himm wel , | | All hu +gho fesstnedd haffde | | Inn hire +tohht all hire lif | | To ledenn i cl+annesse ; | (CMORM,I,84.749) | & he warr+t +ta +turrh hire bun | | To libbenn i cl+annesse ; | (CMORM,I,84.750) | & ba+te leddenn i ma+g+g+thad | | All +te+g+gre lif till ende . | (CMORM,I,84.751) | & tohh wass heh & so+t weddlac | | Haldenn onn e+g+g+terr hallfe , | (CMORM,I,84.752) | Forr e+g+g+terr wass wi+t+t o+terr mec | | & god att alle nede . | (CMORM,I,85.754) | & all wass m+anelike +ting | | Whatt littless se +te+g+g haffdenn ; | (CMORM,I,85.755) | & all onn ane wise fell | | Till e+g+g+terr +te+g+gress herrte , | | All +tatt tatt oww+terr here comm | | Off sell+te & off unnsell+te . | (CMORM,I,85.756) | & forr+ti wass bitwenenn hemm | | Weddlac rihht full wel haldenn , | | +Tohh +tatt te+g+g leddenn here lif | | I ma+g+g+had all till ende . | (CMORM,I,85.757) | Nu habbe icc sh+awedd +guw summ del | | Off ure laffdi+g Mar+ge , | | Hu +gho wass wurr+tenn +turrh Drihhtin | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe . | (CMORM,I,85.758) | Forr +gho wass all Drihhtin bitahht | | Wi+t+t bodi+g & wi+t+t sawle ; | (CMORM,I,85.759) | Forr +gho wass , wiss to full so+t , | | All full off hall+ghe mahhtess , | | Off herrsummle+g+gc , off rihhtwisle+g+gc , | | & off so+tfasst meocnesse , | | Off so+t cl+anle+g+gc , off god +g+aple+g+gc , | | Off strennc+te , off mettasstnesse , | | Off so+tfasst lufe , off so+tfasst +tild , | | Off rihhtwis swinncfullnesse . | (CMORM,I,85.760) | +Tatt +gho wass r+adi+g tunnderrgan | | Drihhtiness will to foll+ghenn , | | +Tatt wass , - +tatt witt tu fuliwiss , | | Fullfremedd herrsummnesse ; | (CMORM,I,86.762) | & itt wass ec so+t rihhtwisle+g+gc , | (CMORM,I,86.763) | Forr +tatt iss rihht onn eor+te , | | +Tatt mannkinn be till Drihhtin Godd | | Herrsumm onn alle wise . | (CMORM,I,86.764) | & so+t meocle+g+gc wass opennli+g | | Inn hire anndswere sh+awedd , | | +Turrh +tatt +gho se+g+gde +tatt +gho wass | | Ammbohht Drihhtin to +teowwtenn . | (CMORM,I,86.765) | +Tatt +gho wass full off so+t cl+anle+g+gc , | | +Tatt ma+g+g mann unnderrstanndenn , | | +Turrh +tatt tatt Drihhtin hire ch+as | | All wimmannkinn bitwenenn , | | To wurr+tenn filledd all +tweorrt ut | | I bodi+g & i sawle | | Off Godess Gastess hall+ghe mahht , | | To wurr+tenn Godess moderr . | (CMORM,I,86.766) | +T+ar wass full sene +tatt +gho wass | | All full off so+t cl+annesse , | (CMORM,I,86.767) | Forr Drihhtin shune+t+t alle +ta | | +Tatt unncl+annesse foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,86.768) | & +gho wass full off god +g+aple+g+gc , | (CMORM,I,86.769) | & tatt wass full wel sene , | | +T+ar +gho toc onn full aldeli+g | | To fra+g+gnenn Godess enngell , | | All hu +gho shollde berenn child | | Wi+t+tutenn macchess m+ane , | | +Gho , +tatt ne wollde n+afre ben | | +Turrh were o life filedd . | (CMORM,I,87.770) | & +gho wass full off strennc+te & mahht , | | To stanndenn +g+an +te deofell ; | (CMORM,I,87.771) | Forr +gho tradd deofell unnderrfot | | +Twerrt ut onn alle wise ; | (CMORM,I,87.772) | Forr nass nan wimmann borenn her | | Biforenn hire o life , | | Ne nan ne wass whil +tatt +gho wass | | Bitwenenn menn onn eor+te , | | Ne nan ne beo+t her i +tiss lif | | Affterr +te laffdi+g Mar+ge , | | +Tatt mu+ghe wurr+tenn hire lic | | Inn ani+g hali+gnesse , | | Ne tredenn dun +te deofless mahht , | | Swa - summ +gho tradd wi+t+t alle . | (CMORM,I,87.773) | Annd +gho wass full off mett & m+a+t | | Onn alle kinne wise , | | Swa +tatt nan +ting att oferrdon | | Ne keppte +gho to foll+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,87.774) | Forr hire +tohht & hire word | | & hire weorre wass clene , | | & all wi+t+t witt & all wi+t+t skill | | & all wi+t+t mettasstnesse . | (CMORM,I,87.775) | Off so+te lufe wass +gho full , | (CMORM,I,87.776) | & tatt full wel wass sene | | I +tatt tatt Drihhtin hire ch+as | | To wurr+tenn Godess moderr ; | (CMORM,I,87.777) | Forr n+are +gho nohht Drihhtin Godd | | Swa sellcu+tlike cweme , | | +Giff +tatt +gho nohht ne w+are full | | Off so+tfasst lufess mahhte ; | (CMORM,I,88.779) | Forr alle +ta +tatt hafenn witt | | & waxenn manness elde , | | +Giff +tatt te+g+g cwemenn Drihhtin Godd , | | Witt tu +tatt te+g+g himm cwemenn | | Wi+t+t lufe off Drihhtin & off mann , | | & wi+t+t +te rihhte l+afe . | (CMORM,I,88.780) | & +gho +tatt cwemmde himm allre m+ast | | Off all mannkinn onn eor+te , | | +Gho wass wiss allre manne mast | | Off so+tfasst lufe filledd ; | (CMORM,I,88.781) | Forr +gho wass god utnumennli+g , | | & milde & meoc & bli+te , | | +Ga towarrd Godd , +ga towarrd mann , | | Onn alle kinne wise . | (CMORM,I,88.782) | & +gho wass full off so+tfasst +tild | | To +tolenn & to dre+ghenn | | Wi+t+t so+t meocle+g+gc , wi+t+t witt , wi+t+t skill , | | Illc seoll+te & illc unnseoll+te . | (CMORM,I,88.783) | & tu mihht witenn +tatt +gho wass | | Full wel off +tild bifundenn ; | (CMORM,I,88.784) | Forr niss nan mahht rihht god inoh | | Biforenn Godess e+ghne , | | Butt iff itt beo +turrh +tildess gold | | All full wel oferrgildedd . | (CMORM,I,88.785) | Forr +tild birr+t ben wi+t+t iwhillc mahht | | To beoldenn itt & strengenn , | | Swa +tatt itt mu+ghe ben till uss | | God w+apenn +g+an +te deofell , | | +Tatt +afre & +afre stannde+t+t inn | | To scrennkenn ure sawless , | | To don uss to forrgilltenn uss | | +G+an God o sume wise . | (CMORM,I,89.787) | & +gho wass swinncfull , witt tu wel , | | Inn alle gode dedess ; | (CMORM,I,89.788) | Forr unnlusst & forrswundennle+g+gc | | Iss Drihhtin swi+te unncweme , | (CMORM,I,89.789) | & +gho wass Drihhtin dere & lef | | & cweme onn alle wise ; | | +Turrh whatt we witenn +tatt +gho wass | | Off idellnesse clene . | (CMORM,I,89.790) | +Tohh +tatt te laffdi+g Mar+ge wass | | Swa sellcu+tlike wurr+tedd | | +Turrh Drihhtin , +tatt +gho shollde ben | | Allmahhti+g Godess moderr , | | Ne toc +gho +tohh nan modi+gle+g+gc | | Off hire miccle sell+te , | (CMORM,I,89.791) | Acc toc to sh+awenn sone anan | | Meocnesse +tess te mare ; | | Forr +tatt +gho wollde +gifenn uss | | God bisne in hire sellfenn , | | Off +tatt tatt uss birr+t la+ghenn uss | | +Giff Godd uss he+ghe+t+t here ; | (CMORM,I,89.792) | Forr wha $se $itt {TEXT:sitt} iss +tatt he+ghedd iss | | +Turrh Drihhtin her onn eor+te , | | Himm birr+t himm sellfenn fuliwiss | | +Turrh so+t meocnesse la+ghenn , | | Affterr +tatt bisne +tatt himm +gaff | | +Te laffdi+g Sannte Mar+ge , | | +Turrh +tatt tatt +gho warr+t swi+te meoc | | Affterr +tatt +gho wass he+ghedd | | & hofenn upp +turrh Godd , to ben | | Allw+aldennd Godess moderr . (CMORM,I,90.793) | Forr affter +tatt tatt Gabri+al | | Wass cumenn dun off heoffne , | | To ki+tenn +tatt +gho shollde ben | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe , | | +Gho ras hire upp , (CMORM,I,90.794) & for anan | | Upp inntill he+ghe cludess | | Till hire me+ghe Elysab+a+t , | | To lutenn hire & lefftenn . | (CMORM,I,90.795) | & tatt wass wiss so+tfasst metle+g+gc , | | +Tatt ure laffdi+g Mar+ge | | Swa ferrde till Elysab+a+t , | | To lutenn hire & lefftenn ; | (CMORM,I,90.796) | Forr +tohh +tatt +gho wass hali+g wif , | | +Tohh wass +gho miccle lahre | | +Tann ure laffdi+g Mar+ge wass | | Onn alle kinne wise ; | | Forr +tatt Elysab+a+t wass wif , | | & Mar+ge Ma+g+denn clene ; | (CMORM,I,90.797) | & ec Elysab+a+tess child | | +Turrh faderr streon wass streonedd , | (CMORM,I,90.798) | & Mar+ge wass o faderr hallf | | Wi+t+tutenn streon wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,91.800) | & ec Elysab+a+tess child | | Wass mann & nohht na mare , | (CMORM,I,91.801) | & Mar+gess child wass mann & Godd | | An had i twinne kinde ; | (CMORM,I,91.802) | & forr+ti wass Elysab+a+t | | Onn alle wise lahre , | | +Tann ure laffdi+g Mar+ge wass , | (CMORM,I,91.803) | & wel itt birr+t uss trowwenn , | (CMORM,I,91.804) | Forr +gho wass he+ghesst i +tiss lif | | Off all mannkinn onn eor+te , | (CMORM,I,91.805) | & +gho iss nu & +afre beo+t | | He+ghesst off alle shaffte . | (CMORM,I,91.806) SECUNDUM LUCAM III . (CMORM,I,91.808) Exurgens Maria abitt in montana cum festinatione . (CMORM,I,91.809) | Itt se+g+g+t +tatt Sannte Mar+ge for | | Wi+t+t mikell hih +tatt we+g+ge , | (CMORM,I,91.811) | & tatt wass swa +turh hire don | | Forr uss to +gifenn bisne , | | +Tatt uss birr+t a+g+g wi+t+t mikell hih , | | Wi+t+t mikell +georrnfullnesse , | | Foll+ghenn & fillenn all +tatt ga+t | | Till ure sawle bote ; | (CMORM,I,91.812) | Forr nan ne ma+g+g nohht witenn her | | Hu lannge mann ma+g+g libbenn , | | To stanndenn inn to cwemenn Crist | | To winnenn Cristess are . | (CMORM,I,91.813) | Forr+ti mann birr+t beon +georrnfull a+g+g , | | Whil +tatt mann life+t+t here , | | To cwemenn Crist +turrh hali+g lif , | | & +turrh unnsha+tinesse , | | +Turrh so+t & rihht , +turrh witt & skill , | | +Turrh mett & so+t meocnesse , | | +Turrh clene +tohht & word & weorrc , | | +Turrh lufe , & hope , & l+afe , | | Swa +tatt mann mu+ghe wurr+ti beon | | To winnenn Cristess are . | (CMORM,I,92.815) | Forr niss nan time inn o+ter lif | | Affterr +tiss lifess ende , | | To takenn wi+t+t +te wake leod , | | To fedenn hemm & cla+tenn , | | To wasshenn hemm , to warrmenn hemm , | | To beddenn hemm & frofrenn ; | (CMORM,I,92.816) | Ne nohht niss time inn o+terr lif | | Affterr +tiss lifess ende , | | To +gifenn Godd te tende del | | Off all +tin a+ghenn ahhte , | | To lakenn Godd , to +teowwtenn Godd , | | To sekenn kirrke +georne , | | To lufenn & to foll+ghenn gri+t+t , | | & messeda+g+g to freollsenn , | | To winnenn Cristess are swa | | & eche lifess blisse . | (CMORM,I,92.817) | & forr+ti birr+t uss hi+ghenn her | | To cwemenn Crist of life , | | Swa +tatt we moten wurr+ti beon | | To winnenn Cristess are . | (CMORM,I,92.818) | & Godd Allmahhti+g , +gife uss swa | | To flen illc h+afedd sinne , | | Swa +tatt we motenn wurr+ti ben | | To brukenn $eche blisse . (CMORM,I,93.820) Am+an . | (CMORM,I,93.821) | +Tatt tatt te laffdi+g Mar+ge for , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | To spekenn wi+t+t Elysab+a+t | | I cludi+g landess munntess , | | +T+ar +gho wi+t+t hire macche wass | | Inn an Judisskenn chesstre ; | | +Tatt tacne+t+t uss well mikell +ting | | Off ure sawle nede . | (CMORM,I,93.822) | Son summ +te laffdi+g Mar+ge wass | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe , | | +Gho ras upp sone anan , (CMORM,I,93.823) & for | | Upp inntill he+ghe munntess , | | Forr +tatt +gho wollde lutenn +t+ar | | & lefftenn hire lahre ; | (CMORM,I,93.824) | & all swa birr+t illc mann +tatt iss | | +Turrh Godess millce beldedd , | | & frofredd her +turrh Hali+g Gast , | | & strengedd inn hiss herrte , | | Swa +tatt hiss herrte iss hofenn upp | | To foll+ghenn Godess wille , | (CMORM,I,93.825) | All swa birr+t himm forr+trihht anan | | All risenn upp off sinne , | | & sti+ghenn a+g+g +turrh hali+g lif | | Upp inntill he+ghe mahhtess , | | & lefftenn a+g+g & lutenn +ta | | +Tatt sinndenn hise lahre , | | & cumenn swa +turrh hal+g lif | | Inntill Judisskenn chesstre , | | +Tatt iss upp inntill lufe & lusst , | | To lofenn Godd & wurr+tenn , | | & ec to clennsenn a+g+g hiss lif , | | +Turrh so+tfasst annd+g+atnesse , | | Off all +tatt iss onn+g+aness Godd , | | & weorde+t+t ohht te sawle . | (CMORM,I,94.826) | All +tiss wass uss bitacnedd wel | | +Turrh +tatt Judisskenn chesstre , | | +Tatt sannte Mar+ge ferrde till | | +T+ar itt wass i +te munntess ; | | Forr +tatt +gho wollde lutenn +t+ar | | & lefftenn hire lahre , | | Affterr +tatt +gho wass hofenn upp | | To wurr+tenn Godess moderr . | (CMORM,I,94.827) | & +gho bil+af +treo mone+t+t +t+ar , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn , | | +Tatt Godess +teoww birr+t habbenn her | | A+g+g so+tfasst l+afe o Criste , | | & so+tfasst hi+g , & hope onn himm , | | & so+tfasst lufe o ba+te , | | O Drihhtin & onn iwhillc mann | | I +tohht , i word , i dede . | (CMORM,I,94.828) | Forr wha $se $itt {TEXT:sitt} iss +tatt w+apnedd iss | | Wi+t+t +tise +trinne mahhtess , | | +Tatt illke mann iss sti+ghenn wel | | Upp inntill he+ghe munntess , | (CMORM,I,95.829) | & he ma+g+g stanndenn wel onn+g+an | | +Te deofell wi+t+t swillc w+apenn . | (CMORM,I,95.830) | Son summ +te laffdi+g Mar+ge comm | | Till Zacari+gess bottle , | | & spacc +t+ar wi+t+t Elysab+a+t , | | Forr+trihht te+g+g w+arenn ba+te | | Off Godess Gastess hall+ghe witt | | +Turrh heore chilldre filledd ; | (CMORM,I,95.831) | & tatt uss tacne+t+t opennli+g | | +Turrh +te+g+gre ba+tre bisne , | | +Tatt Drihhtin +gife+t+t hali+g witt | | +Ta menn +tatt wel himm foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,95.832) | +Tatt tatt Elysab+a+t spacc +t+ar | | Till Sannte Mar+ge & se+g+gde ; | | Rihht affterr +tatt tin greting word | | Wass cumenn i min +are , | | Min child i blisse sone onngann | | To blissenn i min wambe , | | +Tatt wass swa summ +gho se+g+gde +tuss | | Wi+t+t opennlike sp+ache , | | Son summ +tu gann to gretenn me | | Wi+t+t +tine milde wordess , | | Min child tatt i min wambe li+t | | Bigann itt te to +tannkenn , | (CMORM,I,95.833) | Forr he bigann forr+trihht anan | | To stirenn & to buttenn ; | | & tatt forr+ti +tatt he wass gladd , | | Laffdi+g , forr +tatt tu come , | | & ec forr +tatt he wollde swa | | Allmahhti+g Drihhtin he+g+glenn | | +Tatt nu li+t , alls he wat ful wel , | | I +tin unnwemmedd wambe . | (CMORM,I,96.834) | & tatt Elysab+a+t spacc +t+ar | | Till Sannte Mar+ge , (CMORM,I,96.835) & se+g+gde ; | | & tu full +adi+g wurr+tenn arrt , | | Forr +tatt tu mihhtesst trowwenn ; | (CMORM,I,96.836) | +Tatt wass swa summ +gho se+g+gde +tuss | | Wi+t+t all full openn sp+ache , | | +Tin seoll+te iss all unnse+g+genndlic , | | Forr +tatt tu toc wi+t+t troww+te | | +Tatt nohht ne mihhte trowwen | | +Tatt word tatt Godess enngell +te | | O Godess hallfe brohhte ; | (CMORM,I,96.837) | & bettre arrt tu +tann ure preost , | | +Tatt nohht ne mihhte trowwenn | | +Tatt word tatt him +turrh Gabri+al | | Wass se+g+gd o Godess hallfe , | | Forr whatt himm wass hiss sp+ache anan | | +Turrh Drihhtin all bir+afedd . | (CMORM,I,96.838) | & tatt Elysab+a+t spacc +t+ar | | Till Sannte Mar+ge (CMORM,I,96.839) & se+g+gde ; | | Forr all shall filledd ben i +te | | +Tatt word tatt Godd te se+g+gde , | (CMORM,I,96.840) | +Tatt wass swa summ +gho se+g+gde +tuss | | Wi+t+ all full openn sp+ache , | | All +tatt shall filledd ben i +te | | +Turrh Godess hall+ghe mahhte , | | +Tatt Godess enngell Gabri+al | | +Te se+g+gde o Godess hallfe | | Off - +tatt tu sholldesst ben +turrh Godd | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe . | (CMORM,I,97.841) | Her ma+g+g mann sen full opennli+g | | +Tatt Zacari+gess macche , | | +Tatt gode wif Elysab+a+t , | | Off Godess Gast wass filledd , | | +Tatt se+g+gde till +te laffdi+g +t+ar | | Off hire miccle seoll+te , | | +Tatt Drihhtin haffde sennd hiss word | | Till hire , & tatt itt shollde | | Ben filledd all +turrh Drihhtin Godd | | Inn hire & Sannte Mar+ge , | | +Get tanne naffde se+g+gd rihht nohht | | Till hire off swillke +tinge . | (CMORM,I,97.842) | +Turrh Godess Gast & nohht +turrh mann | | $+Gho $it {TEXT:+Ghot} unnderrstod , & wisste | | Hu Sannte Mar+ge wurr+tenn wass | | Off Godess Gast wi+t+t childe . | (CMORM,I,97.843) | +Tatt ure laffdi+g Mar+ge wass | | +Treo mone+t+t i +te munntess | | Wi+t+t hire me+ghe Elysab+a+t , | | +Tatt wass forr +tatt +gho wollde | | Seon hire childenn hire child , | (CMORM,I,97.844) | Forr +tatt wass , wiss to so+te , | | +Te maste +ting forr what +gho wass | | +Tatt time cumenn +t+are . | (CMORM,I,97.845) | & all swa birr+t +tatt illke mann , | | +Tatt Drihhtin hafe+t+t beoldedd | | & strengedd ohht +turrh Hali+g Gast | | To foll+ghenn he+ghe mahhtess , | (CMORM,I,98.847) | A+g+g birr+t himm habbenn hope o Godd | | & so+tfasst lufe & $troww+te | (CMORM,I,98.848) i clene unnwemeddnesse ; | | Forr+ti +tatt Jesu Cristess hird | | Iss clene , & all unnwemmedd | | Inn hire troww+te towarrd Godd , | | & ec inn hire lare . | (CMORM,I,98.849) | Itt se+g+g+t +tatt Jos+ap wass rihhtwis , | (CMORM,I,98.850) | & tatt iss tunnderrstanndenn | | Forr +tatt hiss troww+te wass full god , | | +Tatt Godess sune shollde | | Ben borenn i +tiss middel+ard | | Off ma+g+gdenn +tweorrt ut clene . | (CMORM,I,98.851) | & tekenn +tatt he wass rihhtwis , | | He wass +admod & milde , | | I +tatt tatt he ne wollde nohht | | Unnsha+ti+g wimmann wre+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,98.852) | Forr e+g+g+terr birr+t wi+t+t o+terr ben , | | +Giff +tatt itt Godd shall cwemenn ; | (CMORM,I,98.853) | Forr a+g+g birr+t rihhtwisnesse ben | | +Turrh mildheorrtnesse temmpredd | | Swa +tatt itt summ del nesshe be | | To +tolenn & to dre+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,99.854) | & mildheorrtnesse birr+t ben a+g+g | | +Turrh rihhtwisnesse strengedd , | | Swa +tatt te millcc nohht ne be | | To soffte , ne to nesshe ; | (CMORM,I,99.855) | Forr mann ma+g+g sket to soffte ben | | +G+an +ta +tatt Drihhtin wra+t+tenn . | (CMORM,I,99.856) | +Turrh +tatt Jos+ap wass ho+ghefull | | & mikell ummbe+tohhte , | | Off whatt himm w+are bettst to don | | Off +tatt himm wass bilummpenn , | | Off +tatt hiss macche wurr+tenn wass | | Wi+t+tutenn himm wi+t+t childe , | | +T+ar +turrh he +gaff +guw , l+awedd follc , | | Full opennlike bisne , | | +Tatt +guw birr+t nimenn mikell gom | | To +gemenn +gure macchess , | | +Tatt te+g+g ne falle nohht i gillt | | +Turrh +gure +gemel+aste . | (CMORM,I,99.857) | & ec Jos+ap uss +gaff +turrh +tatt | | Full god & halsumm bisne , | | +Tatt Godess +teoww himm +georne birr+t | | Bi+tennkenn & bilokenn , | | Off all +tatt tatt he wile don | | & tatt he wile m+alenn , | | Swa +tatt it Drihhtin cweme be , | | & halsumm till hiss sawle . | (CMORM,I,99.858) | +Turrh +tatt he wollde stilleli+g | | Fra Sannte Mar+ge sh+adenn , | | +T+ar +turrh wass sene +tatt he wass | | Rihhtwis & milde ba+te . | (CMORM,I,100.859) | Rihhtwis he wass , +tatt witt tu wel , | | O +tatt hallf , +tatt he nollde | | Nohht haldenn wi+t+t +tatt illke +ting | | +Tatt he nohht off ne wisste ; | (CMORM,I,100.860) | He sahh +tatt +gho wi+t+t childe wass , | (CMORM,I,100.861) | & nisste he nohht wh+aroffe , | (CMORM,I,100.862) | & wisste +tatt +gho clene wass | | Off alle menn onn eor+te , | (CMORM,I,100.863) | & forr+ti wollde he fleon +tatt +ting | | +Tatt he nohht off ne wisste , | | Swa - +tatt he w+are gilltel+as | | Biforenn Godess e+ghne . | (CMORM,I,100.864) | & milde he wass onn o+terr hallf , | | I +tatt he nollde wre+genn | | +Tatt wimmann +tatt wass gilltel+as , | | +Tatt +gho ne w+are stanedd . | (CMORM,I,100.865) | & forr +tatt Jos+ap sohhte ra+t | | Swa lannge inn hise +tohhtess , | | Off whatt himm w+are bettst to don , | | +Tatt he ne felle i sinne ; | | Forr+ti comm himm +tatt he wass wurr+t | | +Tatt Godd himm sennde hiss enngell , | | To ra+tenn himm +te bettste ra+t | | Off - whatt himm wass to donne . | (CMORM,I,100.866) | & tatt me do+t full opennli+g | | To sen & tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt +giff +tatt icc amm ho+ghefull | | & mikell ummbe+tennke , | | Whillc gate icc mu+ghe cwemenn Godd | | I +tohht , i word , i dede , | | Drihhtin me +gife+t witt & mihht | | To for+tenn wel min wille , | | +Tatt I shall cunnenn cwemenn Godd | | & wel itt mughenn for+tenn . | (CMORM,I,101.867) | +Tatt Godess enngell comm o nihht | | Till Jos+ap +t+ar he sleppte , | | +Tatt uss bitacne+t+t +tatt tatt mann | | Iss Drihhtin lef & dere , | | +Tatt , i +tiss lifess +teossterrle+g+gc , | | Forr+gete+t+t & forrwerrpe+t+t | | To +geornenn affterr weorelld+ting | | +Turrh sinnfull gredi+gnesse ; | (CMORM,I,101.868) | Forr rihht all swa summ icc amm fre | | Fra weorelld+tingess lusstess , | | A whil +tatt icc amm i min bedd | | +Turh sl+apess bandess bundenn , | | Rihht swa +te so+te lufe off Godd | | Birr+t bindenn all min heorrte , | | +Tatt icc be +tweorrt ut all se fre | | Fra sinnfull gredi+gnesse , | | Swa +tatt icc weorelld+ting forrseo | | To winnenn ohht wi+t+t sinne . | (CMORM,I,101.869) | & witt tu +tatt tiss weorelldlif | | Iss wel +turrh nihht bitacnedd , | (CMORM,I,101.870) | Forr all +tiss weorelldlif iss full | | Off sinness +teossterrnesse . | (CMORM,I,102.872) | & sinne iss opennlike inoh | | +Turrh +teossterrnesse tacnedd , | (CMORM,I,102.873) | Forr sinne , +giff $+tu $it {TEXT:+tut} lufesst ohht , | | Forrblende+t+t all +tin heorrte , | | Swa - +tatt itt litell nime+t+t gom | | Hu mikell pine itt foll+ghe+t+t . | (CMORM,I,102.874) | & tatt tatt Godess enngell spacc | | Till Jos+ap +t+ar he sleppte , | | & se+g+gde +tatt hiss macche wass | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe , | | +Tatt birr+t uss lokenn whatt itt iss | | & whatt itt wile seggenn ; | (CMORM,I,102.875) | Forr uss birr+t unnderrstanndenn wel | | & so+tfasstlike trowwenn , | | +Tatt Godess Gast iss so+tfasst Godd | | & Allmahhti+g wi+t+t alle , | (CMORM,I,102.876) | & Godess Gast iss karite+t | | & so+tfasst lufe nemmnedd ; | (CMORM,I,102.877) | & tatt wass all +turrh karite+t | | & +turrh so+t lufe for+tedd , | | +Tatt Godess Sune Allmahhti+g Godd | | Warr+t mann off Sannte Mar+ge . | (CMORM,I,102.878) | & tatt he se+g+gde +tatt +gho wass | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe , | | +Tatt se+g+gde he wiss forr +tatt +gho wass | | +Turrh karite+t wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,102.879) | Forr Godd warr+t mann +turrh carite+t | | & +turrh so+t lufe onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,102.880) | +Turrh so+tfasst lufe wass itt don , | (CMORM,I,103.882) | Forr ure Drihhtin haffde | | Swa mikell lufe towarrd uss , | | Forr whatt he wollde uss lesenn | | Ut off +te la+te gastess hannd , | | & brinngenn uss till heoffne . | (CMORM,I,103.883) | Forr +guw birr+t unnderrstanndenn wel | | & so+tfasstlike trowwenn , | | +Tatt nass +gho nohht wi+t+t childe +ta | | Off Hali+g Gast tatt wise , | | +Tatt Hall+g Gast wass wurr+tenn mann , | (CMORM,I,103.884) | Nass +gho nohht swa wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,103.885) | Forr Godess Gast ne warr+t nohht mann , | (CMORM,I,103.886) | +Tiss birr+t uss alle trowwenn , | (CMORM,I,103.887) | Acc Godess Sune Allmahhti+g Godd | | Warr+t mann off Sannte Mar+ge . | (CMORM,I,103.888) | & tatt he se+g+gde +tatt +gho wass | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe , | | +Tatt se+g+gde he wiss forr +tatt itt wass | | +Turrh Godess +gife wurr+tenn ; | (CMORM,I,103.889) | Forr Hali+g Gast iss so+tfasst Godd | | & Godess +gife nemmnedd ; | (CMORM,I,103.890) | & all +turrh Godess +gife it wass | | & all +turrh Godess wille , | | +Tatt +gho wi+t+t childe wurr+tenn wass | | Wi+t+tutenn iwhillc macche . | (CMORM,I,103.891) | +Te Goddspell se+g+g+t +tatt Godess word | | Warr+t mann off Sannte Mar+ge ; | (CMORM,I,103.892) | Forr Godess Sune Jesu Crist | | Iss Godess a+ghenn kinde , | | & Godess word , & Godess witt , | | & so+t Godd inn himm sellfenn . | (CMORM,I,104.893) | +Tatt Godess enngell se+g+gde +t+ar | | Till Jos+ap +tuss wi+t+t worde ; | | +Tu nemmnenn shallt tatt illke child | | Jesumm +tatt +gho shall childenn , | | Forr +tatt he shall hiss a+ghenn follc | | Off +te+g+gre sinness h+alenn , | (CMORM,I,104.894) | +Tatt illke word wass cwiddedd +ar | | Till ure laffdi+g Mar+ge | | +Turrh Gabri+al , +t+ar +t+ar he comm | | Till hire o Godess hallfe , | | To ki+tenn +tatt +gho shollde ben | | Off Hali+g Gast wi+t+t childe . | (CMORM,I,104.895) | Jesusess name nemmnedd iss | | H+alennde onn Enngliss sp+ache , | (CMORM,I,104.896) | & forr+ti birrde itt cwiddedd ben | | Till e+g+g+terr kinn onn eor+te , | | Till weppmann & till wifmannkinn , | | Forr +tatt he wollde ba+te | | Weppmenn & wifmenn h+alenn her | | Off +te+g+gre sinness wunde . | (CMORM,I,104.897) | +Tatt Godess enngell , +t+ar he spacc | | Wi+t+t Jos+ap +t+ar he sleppte , | | Droh ut off Ysay+gess boc | | Wittness off Cristess come , | (CMORM,I,105.898) | +Tatt dide he forr he wollde uss swa | | Full wel don tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt ba+te dro+ghenn all till an | | Off Jesu Cristess come , | | +Te Judewisshe follkess boc , | | & Goddspellbokess lare , | | & ec forr +tatt he wollde swa | | Full opennlike sh+awenn , | | +Tatt nass itt nohht f+arlike don | | +Tatt Godd warr+t mann onn eor+te , | | Forr +tatt itt wass forr mani+g da+g+g | | +Ar cwiddedd +turrh prophetess . | (CMORM,I,105.899) | & ec he droh +tatt wittness for+t | | Off Ysay+gess lare , | | +Tatt Jos+ap shollde +tess te bett | | Trowwenn , +tatt Sannte Mar+ge | | Wass wiss +tatt illke ma+g+gdennmann | | +Tatt witess haffdenn cwiddedd . | (CMORM,I,105.900) | +Tatt Ysayas haffde se+g+gd | | & writenn uppo boke , | | +Tatt ma+g+gdenn shollde berenn child | | Wi+t+tutenn macchess m+ane , | | & tatt itt shollde nemmnedd ben | | Emanu+al onn eor+te , | | +Tatt wass inoh all an wi+t+t +tatt | | +Tatt Godess enngell se+g+gde | | Till Sannte Mar+ge , +t+ar he spacc | | Wi+t+t hire o Godess hallfe ; | (CMORM,I,105.901) | Forr +t+ar he se+g+gde wel +tatt +gho | | An sune shollde childenn , | | +Tatt shollde nemmnedd ben Jesus | | & Godess Sune onn eor+te ; | (CMORM,I,106.903) | Forr Godess Sune iss so+tfasst Godd | | Hiss faderr efennmete ; | (CMORM,I,106.904) | & tatt iss Jesu Crist tatt iss | | Hiss faderr efennmete ; | (CMORM,I,106.905) | Forr Crist iss Godess Sune & Godd | | Inn ure mennisscnesse , | (CMORM,I,106.906) | & tatt wass +turrh Emmanu+al | | Full witerrli+g bitacnedd ; | (CMORM,I,106.907) | Forr +giff +tu willt Emmanu+al | | Till Ennglissh sp+ache turrnenn , | | Itt se+g+g+t +tatt Godd iss her wi+t+t uss | | Inn ure mennisscnesse . | (CMORM,I,106.908) | Jos+ap , forr +tatt he nollde nohht | | Onn ane wise gilltenn , | | All wollde he sh+adenn fra +tatt +ting | | +Tatt he nohht off ne wisste ; | (CMORM,I,106.909) | & Godd ne keppte nohht off +tatt | | Off +tatt he shollde sh+adenn , | (CMORM,I,106.910) | Forr +ta mann munnde trowwenn wel | | +Tatt +gho forrle+genn w+are , | | +Giff +tatt +gho w+are stilleli+g | | Forrl+atenn & forrworrpenn . | (CMORM,I,106.911) | & her mann unnderrstanndenn ma+g+g | | +Turrh +tiss Jos+apess bisne , | | +Tatt mann birr+t lokenn allre mast | | A+g+g till hiss a+ghenn sawle ; | (CMORM,I,107.912) | Forr birr+t me noww+terr hellpenn +te | | To lif , ne to +te sawle , | | Swa +tatt icc ohht forrgillte me | | +G+an Godd onn ani+g wise . | (CMORM,I,107.913) | Acc all +tatt icc ma+g+g gengenn +te , | | Swa +tatt I nohht ne gillte , | | All birr+t me bli+telike don | | Forr heofennlike mede , | (CMORM,I,107.914) | & nohht ne birr+t me gengenn +te | | Forr eor+tli+g loff to winnenn . | (CMORM,I,107.915) | Jos+ap all unnderrstod full wel | | +Tatt Godess enngell se+g+gde , | (CMORM,I,107.916) | & ras himm upp off sl+ape anan | | +Turrh so+tfasst herrsummnesse , | (CMORM,I,107.917) | & dide all alls himm bedenn wass , | (CMORM,I,107.918) | & toc wel wi+t+t hiss macche ; | | Forr +tatt he wisste +ta +turrh whatt | | +Gho wurr+tenn wass wi+t+t childe . | (CMORM,I,107.919) | & wel bilimmpe+t+t +tatt itt se+g+g+t | | +Tatt he ras upp off sl+ape , | (CMORM,I,107.920) | Forr he wass +ta brohht ut off all | | Orrtroww+te & orra+tnesse , | | Son summ he wisste inoh +turrh whatt | | Hiss macche wass wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,107.921) | Forr +tatt wass +turrh wanntroww+tess sl+ap , | | +Tatt he wass off hiss macche | | All orrra+t whatt he mihhte don , | | Off +tatt +gho wass wi+t+t childe . | (CMORM,I,107.922) | & t+ar he ras upp off +tatt sl+ap | | +T+ar Godess enngell se+g+gde , | | O whillke wise hiss macche wass | | Wi+t+tutenn himm wi+t+t childe ; | (CMORM,I,108.924) | Forr si+t+tenn toc he swi+te wel | | Wi+t+t hire onn alle wise , | (CMORM,I,108.925) | & toc to +teowwtenn hire anan | | Wi+t+t +t+aw att alle nede . | (CMORM,I,108.926) | & swa bil+af +gho +ta wi+t+t himm | | Inn Nazar+a+tess chesstre , | (CMORM,I,108.927) | & +gede +ta wi+t+t childe +t+ar | | All all se fele mone+t+t , | | Alls iff itt w+are an o+terr child | | +Tatt w+are onn hire streonedd , | | Forr+ti +tatt ure Laferrd Christ , | | +Tatt wass inn hire wambe , | | Wass wurr+tenn all +tweorrt ut so+t mann | | I bodi+g & i sawle , | | Wi+t+tutenn +tatt tatt he wass wiss | | All +tweorrt ut clene off sinne . | (CMORM,I,108.928) | & forr +tatt he wass wurr+tenn mann | | Off hire fl+ashess kinde , | | All all swa +gede +gho wi+t+t himm | | Till hire rihhte time , | | Alls iff he w+are ano+ter child | | +Tatt w+are onn hire streonedd . | (CMORM,I,108.929) | Annd hire me+ghe Elysab+a+t | | Wass gladd inoh & bli+te | | Off hire dere child Johan , | (CMORM,I,109.931) | & lefli+g +gho himm fedde ; | (CMORM,I,109.932) | & swi+te wel he wex & +traf , | (CMORM,I,109.933) | & Drihhtin wass he cweme ; | (CMORM,I,109.934) | Forr affterr +tatt te Goddspell se+g+g+t , | | +Tatt +tweorrt ut nohht ne le+ghe+t+t , | | Wisslikess +tingess Godess hannd | | Wass wi+t+t +tatt child onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,109.935) | & tatt wass upponn all hiss lif | | Full opennlike sene ; | (CMORM,I,109.936) | Forr son summ he wass waxenn swa | | +Turrh hise freondess fode , | | +Tatt he +ta mihhte himm sellf ben wel | | Hiss a+ghenn hellpe & hirde , | | & tatt he cu+te himm ane ben | | & lokenn till himm sellfenn , | | Forr+trihht anan he fl+ah awe+g+g | | Fra faderr & fra moderr , | (CMORM,I,109.937) | & fl+ah himm inntill wesste land | | +T+ar itt wass all unnbiggedd , | (CMORM,I,109.938) | & shadde himm all +tweorrt ut fra menn , | | Forr +tatt he wollde himm +gemenn , | | Swa +tatt he +turrh an idell word | | Ne shollde himm nohht forrgilltenn . | (CMORM,I,109.939) | & t+ar he ledde himm ane hiss lif | | Fra +tatt he wass full litell | | Till +tatt he waxenn wass , & neh | | Off +tritti+g winnterr elde . | (CMORM,I,109.940) | Hiss cla+t wass off ollfenntess h+ar , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | (CMORM,I,110.942) | Hiss girrdell wass off shepess skinn | | Abutenn hise lendess , | (CMORM,I,110.943) | Hiss drinnch wass waterr a+g+g occ a+g+g , | | Hiss mete wilde rotess , | | & +giff he mihhte findenn ohht | | Off huni+g i +tatt wesste . | (CMORM,I,110.944) | +Tiss lif to ledenn he bigann , | | Whann he wass +get full litell , | (CMORM,I,110.945) | & a+g+g $he $it {TEXT:het} held full wel anan | | Till +tatt he +gaff hiss ende . | (CMORM,I,110.946) | Swillc lif wass tacnedd +turrh +tatt lac | | +Tatt all wass brennd till asskess , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd +guw | | Biforenn o +tiss lare ; | (CMORM,I,110.947) | Forr +tu ne mihht nohht ledenn her | | Nan bettre lif onn eor+te | | +Tann iss , +tatt tu +tweorrt ut forrse | | & all +tweorrt ut forrwerrpe | | All weorelldlike lif & lusst , | | & fleo fra menn till wesste , | | & t+ar wi+t+t hard & hali+g lif | | Be +georrnfull Crist to cwemenn ; | (CMORM,I,110.948) | Forr swillc lif iss all +tweorrt ut d+ad | | Fra weorelldshipess lusstess , | (CMORM,I,110.949) | & itt iss all +turrh hali+g fir | | Off so+tfasst lufe o Criste | | Turrnedd till asskess & till dusst , | | Forr+ti +tatt swillke leode | | A+g+g foll+ghenn so+t meocnessess slo+t , | | +Tatt iss +turrh asskess tacnedd . | (CMORM,I,111.950) | & Sannt Johan bigann swillc lif | | Whann he wass +get full litell , | (CMORM,I,111.951) | & a+g+g $he $itt {TEXT:hett} held full wel anan | | Till +tatt he +gaff hiss ende . | (CMORM,I,111.952) | & swa birr+t illc Crisstene mann | | +Tatt +georne+t+t affterr blisse , | | (CMORM,I,111.953) A+g+g himm birr+t gode dedess don | | Whil +tatt hiss lif himm lasste+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,111.954) | Forr mann ne ma+g+g nohht borr+ghenn ben , | | Swa summ so+t boc uss ki+te+t+t , | | +Tohh mann biginne god to don , | | Butt iff mann wel itt ende . | (CMORM,I,111.955) | Uss birr+t biginnenn god to don , | | & haldenn a +t+aronne , | (CMORM,I,111.956) | & uss birr+t endenn ure lif | | Inn ure gode dede ; | (CMORM,I,111.957) | & ta shall ure Laferrd Crist | | Att ure lifess ende | | Uss +gifenn ure swinnkess l+an , | | Wi+t+t enngless eche blisse ; | (CMORM,I,111.958) | & Godd Allmahhti+g gife uss swa | | To cwemenn Crist onn er+te | | Swa +tatt we motenn wurr+ti ben | | To brukenn heffness blisse . (CMORM,I,111.959) Am+an . | (CMORM,I,111.960) | Nu wile icc here sh+awenn +guw | | Off ure laffdi+g Mar+ge , | | Off hu +gho barr +te Laferrd Crist | | Att hire rihhte time , | | Swa +tatt +gho +tohh +t+ar affterr wass | | A ma+g+gdenn +tweorrt ut clene ; | (CMORM,I,112.962) SECUNDUM LUCAM VII . (CMORM,I,112.964) Exitt edictum . (CMORM,I,112.965) An Romanisshe Kaserrking | | Wass Augusstuss +gehatenn , | (CMORM,I,112.967) | & he wass wurr+tenn Kaserrking | | Off all mannkinn onn eor+te , | (CMORM,I,112.968) | & he gann +tennkenn off himm sellf , | | & off hiss miccle riche . | (CMORM,I,112.969) | & he bigann to +tennkenn +ta , | | Swa sum +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | Off +tatt he wollde witenn wel | | Hu mikell fehh himm come , | | +Giff himm off all hiss kinedom | | Illc mann an peninng +g+afe . | (CMORM,I,112.970) | & he badd settenn upp o writt | | All mannkinn , forr to lokenn | | Hu mikell fehh he mihhte swa | | Off all +te weorelld sammnenn , | | +Turrh +tatt himm shollde off illc an mann | | An peninng wurr+tenn reccnedd . | (CMORM,I,113.971) | & ta wass sett tatt iwhillc mann , | | Wh+ar summ he w+are o lande , | | Ham shollde wendenn to +tatt tun | | +Tatt he wass borenn inne , | | & tatt he shollde +t+ar forr himm | | Hiss h+afeddpeninng reccnenn , | | Swa +tatt he +g+an +te Kaserrking | | Ne felle nohht i wite . | (CMORM,I,113.972) | & i +tatt illke time wass | | Jos+ap wi+t+t Sannte Mar+ge | | I Galilew , & i +tatt tun | | +Tatt Nazar+a+t wass nemmnedd . | (CMORM,I,113.973) | & ta +te+g+g ba+te forenn ham | | Till +te+g+gre ba+tre kinde ; | (CMORM,I,113.974) | Inntill +te land off +Gerrsal+am | | +Te+g+g forenn samenn ba+te , | (CMORM,I,113.975) | & comenn inntill Be+t+tle+am | | Till +te+g+gre ba+tre birde , | | +T+ar wass hemm ba+te birde to , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g ba+te w+arenn | | Off Davi+t+t kin+gess kinness menn , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t . | (CMORM,I,113.976) | & Davi+t+t kin+gess birde wass | | I Be+tle+amess chesstre ; | (CMORM,I,113.977) | & hemm wass ba+te birde +t+ar | | +Turrh Davi+t+t kin+gess birde ; | | Forr +tatt te+g+g ba+te w+arenn off | | Davi+tess kin & sibbe . | (CMORM,I,113.978) | & Sannte Mar+gess time wass | | +Tatt +gho +ta shollde childenn , | (CMORM,I,114.980) | & t+ar +gho barr Allmahhti+g Godd | | +Tatt all +tiss weorelld wrohhte , | (CMORM,I,114.981) | & wand himm sone i winndeclut , | (CMORM,I,114.982) | & le+g+gde himm inn an cribbe ; | | Forr+ti +tatt +gho ne wisste wh+ar | | +Gho mihhte himm don i bure . | (CMORM,I,114.983) | & tohh +tatt Godd wass borenn +t+ar | | Swa d+arnelike onn eor+te , | | & wundenn +t+ar swa wreccheli+g | | Wi+t+t clutess inn an cribbe , | | Ne wollde he nohht forrholenn ben | | +Tohhwhe+t+tre i +te+g+gre clutess , | (CMORM,I,114.984) | Acc wollde sh+awenn whatt he wass | | +Turrh heofennlike takenn . | (CMORM,I,114.985) | Forr sone anan affterr +tatt he | | Wass borenn +t+ar to manne , | | +T+ar onnfasst i +tatt illke land | | Wass se+ghenn mikell takenn . | (CMORM,I,114.986) | An enngell comm off heoffness +ard , | | Inn aness weress hewe , | | Till hirdess +t+ar +t+ar +te+g+g +tatt nihht | | Biwokenn +te+g+gre faldess , | (CMORM,I,114.987) | +Tatt enngell comm & stod hemm bi | | Wi+t+t heoffness lihht & leome . | (CMORM,I,114.988) | & forr+trihht summ +te+g+g s+a+ghenn himm | | +Te+g+g wurrdenn swi+te offdredde ; | (CMORM,I,114.989) | & Godess enngell hemm bigann | | To frofrenn & to beldenn , | (CMORM,I,115.991) | & se+g+gde hemm +tuss o Godess hallf | | Wi+t+t swi+te milde sp+ache ; | | Ne beo +ge nohht forrdredde off me , | (CMORM,I,115.992) | Acc beo +ge swi+te bli+te , | (CMORM,I,115.993) | Forr icc amm sennd off heoffness +ard | | To ki+tenn Godess wille , | | To ki+tenn +guw +tatt all follc iss | | Nu cumenn mikell blisse , | (CMORM,I,115.994) | Forr +guw iss borenn nu to da+g+g | | H+alennde off +gure sinness , | | An wennchell +tatt iss Jesu Crist , | (CMORM,I,115.995) | +Tatt wite +ge to so+te . | (CMORM,I,115.996) | & her onnfasst he borenn iss | | I Davi+t+t kingess chesstre , | | +Tatt iss +gehatenn Be+t+tle+am , | | I +tiss Judisskenn birde . | (CMORM,I,115.997) | & her icc wile sh+awenn +guw | | Summ +ting to witerr takenn ; | (CMORM,I,115.998) | +Ge shulenn findenn +anne child | | I winndeclutess wundenn , | (CMORM,I,115.999) | & itt iss inn a cribbe le+g+gd , | (CMORM,I,115.1000) | & t+ar +get mu+ghenn findenn . | (CMORM,I,115.1001) | & sone anan se +tiss wass se+g+gd | | +Turrh an off Godess enngless , | | A mikell here off enngle+teod | | Wass cumenn ut off heoffne , | (CMORM,I,115.1002) | & all +tatt hirdeflocc hemm sahh | (CMORM,I,115.1003) | & herrde whatt te+g+g sungenn . | (CMORM,I,115.1004) | +Te+g+g alle sungenn +anne sang | | Drihhtin to lofe & wurr+te , | (CMORM,I,116.1006) | & tuss +te+g+g sungenn alle im+an , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | Si Drihhtin upp inn heoffness +ard | | Wurr+tminnt & loff & wullderr , | | & upponn eor+te gri+t+t & fri+t+t , | | +Turrh Godess mildheorrtnesse , | | Till iwhillc mann +tatt habbenn shall | | God heorrte & a+g+g god wille . | (CMORM,I,116.1007) | & sone anan se +tiss wass +t+ar | | +Turrh Godess enngless awwnedd , | | +Te+g+g wenndenn fra +ta wakemenn | | All ut off +te+g+gre sihh+te . | (CMORM,I,116.1008) | +Ta hirdess tokenn sone +tuss | | To spekenn hemm bitwenenn ; | | Ga we nu till +tatt illke tun | | +Tatt Be+t+tle+am iss nemmnedd , | (CMORM,I,116.1009) | & loke we +tatt illke word | | +Tatt iss nu wrohht onn eor+te , | | +Tatt Drihhtin Godd uss hafe+t+t wrohht | | & awwnedd +turrh hiss are . | (CMORM,I,116.1010) | & sone anan +te+g+g +gedenn for+t | | Till Be+t+tle+amess chesstre , | (CMORM,I,116.1011) | & fundenn Sannte Mar+ge +t+ar | | & Jos+ap hire macche , | (CMORM,I,116.1012) | & ec +te+g+g fundenn +t+ar +te child | | +T+ar itt wass le+g+gd i cribbe . | (CMORM,I,116.1013) | & ta +te+g+g unnderrstodenn wel | | +Tatt word tatt Godess enngless | | Hemm haffdenn awwnedd off +tatt child , | | +Tatt te+g+g +t+ar haffdenn fundenn ; | (CMORM,I,117.1015) | & ta +te+g+g wenndenn hemm onn+g+an | | Wi+t+t rihhte l+afe o Criste , | (CMORM,I,117.1016) | & tokenn innwarrdlike Godd | | To lofenn & to +tannkenn | | All +tatt te+g+g haffdenn herrd off himm , | | & se+ghenn +turrh hiss are . | (CMORM,I,117.1017) | & sone anan +te+g+g kiddenn for+t | | Amang Judisskenn +teode | | All +tatt te+g+g haffdenn herrd off Crist , | | & se+gh+ann wel wi+t+t e+ghne ; | (CMORM,I,117.1018) | & iwhillc mann +tatt herrde itt ohht | | Forrwunndredd wass +t+aroffe . | (CMORM,I,117.1019) | & ure laffdi+g Mar+ge toc | | All +tatt +gho sahh & herrde , | (CMORM,I,117.1020) | & all $+gho $it {TEXT:+ghot} held inn hire +tohht , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | (CMORM,I,117.1021) | & le+g+gde itt all tosamenn a+g+g | | I swi+te +tohhtfull heorrte , | | All +tatt +gho sahh & herrde off Crist , | | Whas moderr +gho was wurr+tenn . | (CMORM,I,117.1022) | Annd o +tatt illke nahht tatt Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne , | | Wass he +get , alls hiss wille wass , | | Awwnedd onn o+terr wise . | (CMORM,I,117.1023) | He sette a steorrne upp o +te lifft | | Full brad , & brihht , & shene , | | Onn +ast hallf off +tiss middell+ard , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | Amang +tatt follc +tatt cann innsihht | | Off mani+g +ting +turrh steorrness , | | Amang +te Calldeowisshe +teod | | +Tatt cann innsihht o steorrness . | (CMORM,I,118.1025) | & tatt +teod wass h+a+tene +teod | | +Tatt Crist +gaff +ta swillc takenn ; | | Forr+ti +tatt he +te+g+gm wollde +ta | | To rihhte l+afe wendenn . | (CMORM,I,118.1026) | & son se +te+g+g +tatt steorrneleom | | +T+ar s+a+ghenn upp o liffte , | | +Treo kingess off +tatt illke land | | Full wel itt unnderrstodenn , | (CMORM,I,118.1027) | & wisstenn witerrli+g +t+ar+turrh | | +Tatt swillc new king wass awwnedd , | | +Tatt wass so+t Godd & so+t mann ec , | | An had off twinne kinde . | (CMORM,I,118.1028) | All +tiss +te+g+g unnderrstodenn wel | | Forr +tatt itt Godd hemm u+te , | (CMORM,I,118.1029) | & comenn samenn alle +treo , | (CMORM,I,118.1030) | & settenn hemm bitwenenn , | | +Tatt illc an shollde +trinne lac | | Habbenn wi+t+t him o lade , | | & tatt te+g+g sholldenn farenn for+t | | To le+g+gtenn & to sekenn | | +Tatt newe king , +tatt borenn wass | | Amang Judisskenn +teode . | (CMORM,I,119.1031) | & sone anan +te+g+g forenn for+t | | Illc an wi+t+t +trinne lakess , | | Forr +tatt ta lakess sholldenn uss | | Well mikell god bitacnenn . | (CMORM,I,119.1032) | & te+g+gre steorrne wass wi+t+t hemm | | To ledenn hemm +tatt we+g+ge , | (CMORM,I,119.1033) | Forr a+g+g itt fl+at upp i +te lifft | | Biforenn hemm a litell , | | To t+achenn hemm +tatt we+g+ge rihht | | +Tatt ledde hemm towarrd Criste . | (CMORM,I,119.1034) | Acc fra +tatt Kalldewisshe land , | | +Tatt te+g+g +ta comenn offe , | | Wass mikell we+g+ge till +tatt land | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn inne ; | (CMORM,I,119.1035) | & forr+ti wass hemm ned to don | | God +tra+ghe to +tatt we+g+ge , | (CMORM,I,119.1036) | Forr rihht onn hiss +trittende da+g+g | | +Te+g+g comenn till +tatt chesstre , | | +T+ar ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne ; | (CMORM,I,119.1037) | +Tuss wass +te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Awwnedd o twinne wise | | Forr+trihht anan , i +tatt tatt he | | Wass borenn her to manne , | | Forr +tatt menn sholldenn cnawenn himm | | & lofenn himm & wurr+tenn , | | & cumenn till +te Crisstenndom | | & till +te rihhte l+afe , | | & winnenn swa to cumenn upp | | Till heofennrichess blisse . | (CMORM,I,120.1038) | Her endenn twa Goddspelless +tuss , | (CMORM,I,120.1039) | & uss birr+t hemm +turrhsekenn , | | To lokenn whatt te+g+g l+arenn uss | | Off ure sawle nede . | (CMORM,I,120.1040) | Forr+trihht anan se time comm , | | +Tatt ure Drihhtin wollde | | Ben borenn i +tiss middell+ard | | Forr all mannkinne nede , | | He ch+as himm sone kinness menn | | All swillke summ he wollde , | (CMORM,I,120.1041) | & wh+ar he wollde borenn ben | | He ch+as all att hiss wille . | (CMORM,I,120.1042) | & , alls hiss lefe wille wass , | | Hiss moderr Sannte Mar+ge | | Comm rihht inntill +tatt illke tun | | & till +tatt illke bottle , | | +Tatt he wollde inne borenn ben | | & awwnedd her onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,120.1043) | & forr+ti +tatt ma+g+g+thadess lif | | Iss he+ghesst allre life , | | Forr+ti ch+as ure Laferrd Crist | | An ma+g+gdenn himm to moderr , | | Forr +tatt he lufe+t+t alle +ta | | +Tatt so+t cl+annesse foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,120.1044) | & forr +tatt he wass borenn her | | Sahhtnesse & gri+t+t to settenn | | Bitwenenn Drihhtin , heoffness king , | | & mannkinn her onn eor+te , | | Forr+ti ch+as he to wurr+tenn mann | | O +tatt Ke+g+gseress time , | | +Tatt held wi+t+t mikell gri+t+t & fri+t+t | | Hiss kinedom onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,121.1046) | & forr +tatt he wass wurr+tenn mann | | To +gifenn menn onn eor+te | | Hiss a+ghenn hall+ghe fl+ash & blod , | | So+t br+ad to +te+g+gre sawle , | | Forr+ti ch+as he +tatt illke tun | | To wurr+tenn borenn inne , | | +Tatt wass +gehatenn Be+t+tle+am , | | Forr+ti +tatt itt bitacne+t+t | | +Tatt hus +tatt br+ad iss inne don , | (CMORM,I,121.1047) | & tatt iss Cristess kirrke ; | (CMORM,I,121.1048) | Forr Cristess fl+ash & Cristess blod | | Iss hall+ghedd inn hiss kirrke , | | Forr +t+ar to wurr+tenn lifess br+ad | | Till alle Cristess +teowwess . | (CMORM,I,121.1049) | & all all swa se +ta wass sett | | +Turrh +tatt Kaseress h+ase , | | +Tatt illc mann shollde cumenn ham | | Inntill hiss a+ghenn birde , | | Forr +t+ar to reccnenn till +te king | | An peninng forr himm sellfenn , | | & tatt mann shollde hiss name +t+ar | | Att hame o write settenn , | | All all swa bidde+t+t ure king , | | +Te Laferrd Crist off heffne , | | +Tatt illc mann shule cumenn ham | | Inntill hiss a+ghenn birde , | | +Tatt iss inntill rihht Crisstenndom , | | & inntill rihhte l+afe , | | Inntill +tatt so+tfasstnessess ham | | +Tatt mann wass shapenn inne , | | & reccnenn himm +tatt peninng +t+ar | | +Tatt tacne+t+t rihhtwisnesse ; | (CMORM,I,122.1050) | & he shall writenn alle +ta | | +Tatt cwemmdenn himm o life | | Onn eche lifess bokess writt , | | To brukenn heoffness blisse . | (CMORM,I,122.1051) | & ec +turrh +tatt tatt Jos+ap comm | | Wi+t+t ure laffdi+g Mar+ge | | Till Be+t+tle+am , Davi+tess burrh , | | Forr sillferr +t+ar to reccnenn | | Forr Mar+ge , & forr himm sellfenn ec , | | Affterr +te kingess h+ase , | | +Turrh +tatt we mu+ghenn sen full wel , | | +Tatt Jesuss nohht ne wollde | | Ben borenn nowwhar i +te land , | | Butt inn hiss a+ghenn birde ; | (CMORM,I,122.1052) | Forr ure laffdi+g Mar+ge wass | | +Tatt illke kingess me+ghe , | (CMORM,I,122.1053) | Forr +gho wass off Davi+tess kinn | | +Tatt Drihhtin wass full dere . | (CMORM,I,122.1054) | & hire sune wass himm lic | | O fele kinne wise ; | (CMORM,I,123.1056) | Forr Crist wass strang wi+t+t hannd inoh | | To werrpenn dun +te deofell , | (CMORM,I,123.1057) | & Crist wass +afre swillc to sen | | & a beo+t butenn ende , | | +Tatt gode +georrndenn himm to sen , | | & +afre shulenn +georrnenn . | (CMORM,I,123.1058) | & tiss iss +tatt uss opennli+g | | Davi+tess name tacne+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,123.1059) | Forr itt uss tacne+t+t strang wi+t+t hannd | | & lufsumm onn to lokenn , | (CMORM,I,123.1060) | & Crist iss ba+te - strang wi+t+t hannd , | | & luffsumm onn to lokenn . | (CMORM,I,123.1061) | & Crist iss all se Davi+t+t wass | | Shephirde , & king , & kemmpe , | (CMORM,I,123.1062) | Forr Crist iss allre kinge King , | | & alle shaffte Laferrd . | (CMORM,I,123.1063) | & Davi+t+t king sloh Goliat , | | H+a+tene follkess kemmpe , | (CMORM,I,123.1064) | & Crist band uss +te la+te gast , | | All hellewaress strennc+te . | (CMORM,I,123.1065) | & Davi+t+t , whanne he +gung mann wass , | | +Ta wass he shepess hirde , | (CMORM,I,123.1066) | & Crist iss hirde off hise shep , | | Off hise dere +teowwess . | (CMORM,I,123.1067) | & Crist wass hirde god inoh | | +Tatt +gaff hiss a+ghenn sawle , | | To lesenn hise shep +t+arwi+t+t | | Ut off +te deofless walde . | (CMORM,I,123.1068) | +Ta gode menn +tatt lufenn Crist , | | & hise la+ghess haldenn , | | +Te+g+g alle sinndenn Cristess shep , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g sinndenn alle | | +Addmode & meoke & milde menn , | | All affterr shepess kinde . | (CMORM,I,124.1070) | & tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne , | | +Tatt time +tatt hiss moderr wass | | I +teowwdom unnderr laferrd , | | +Tatt dide he forr to sh+awenn swa | | Unnse+g+genndli+g meocnesse , | | To t+achenn +turrh himm sellfenn swa , | | & +turrh hiss hall+ghe bisne , | | +Tatt +guw birr+t berenn bli+teli+g | | +Teowwdom off +gure laferrd ; | | & ec forr +tatt he wollde swa | | +Turrh hiss +teowwdom utlesenn | | Off deofless +teowwdom alle +ta , | | +Tatt wel himm sholldenn foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,124.1071) | & tatt te laffdi+g Mar+ge warr+t | | I Nazar+a+t wi+t+t childe , | | & tatt +gho comm off Galileow | | Till Be+t+tle+amess chesstre , | | +Tatt time +tatt +gho Jesu Crist | | To manne shollde childenn , | | +Tatt iss nu filledd illke da+g+g | | +Turrh Jesu Cristess +teowwess . | (CMORM,I,125.1072) | Forr Nazar+a+t onn Ennglissh iss | | Alls iff +tu nemmne blosstme , | (CMORM,I,125.1073) | & Galileow bitacne+t+t wheol , | | Swa summ so+t boc uss ki+te+t+t , | (CMORM,I,125.1074) | & Be+t+tle+am tacne+t+t +tatt hus | | +Tatt lifess br+ad iss inne , | (CMORM,I,125.1075) | & Godess +teowwess blomenn a+g+g | | Inn alle gode +t+awess , | | Her i +tiss middel+ardess lif | | +Tatt +turrh +te wheol iss tacnedd . | (CMORM,I,125.1076) | Forr all +tiss middell+ardess +ting | | A+g+g turrne+t+t her (CMORM,I,125.1077) & wharrfe+t+t | | Nu upp , nu dun , swa summ +te wheol , | (CMORM,I,125.1078) | & nohht ne stannt itt stille . | (CMORM,I,125.1079) | & Cristess +teowwess a+g+g occ a+g+g | | Forrho+ghenn & forrwerrpenn | | All weorelldshipess fule lusst , | | & alle fule +t+awess , | (CMORM,I,125.1080) | & cumenn ut off Galileow | | Gastlike o swillke wise , | (CMORM,I,125.1081) | & cumenn inntill Be+t+tle+am , | | +Tatt tacne+t+t Cristess kirrke , | | +Tatt Cristess fl+ash & Cristess blod | | +Te sawle br+ad iss inne . | (CMORM,I,125.1082) | & Jesu Crist iss borenn +t+ar | | Swa summ itt w+are off moderr , | | +Turrh +tatt tatt hise +teowwess +t+ar | | Wi+t+t spell off Godess lare | | Don l+awedd follc to sen summ del , | | & don hemm tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt Crist iss Godd , & Crist iss mann , | | An had off twinne kinde . | (CMORM,I,126.1083) | Forr+trihht anan se Jesu Crist | | Wass borenn off hiss moderr , | | +Gho wand himm sone i winndeclut , | (CMORM,I,126.1084) | & le+g+gde himm inn an cribbe . | (CMORM,I,126.1085) | Acc uss birr+t witenn +tatt he warr+t , | | All wi+t+t hiss a+ghenn wille , | | Unnorne & wrecche & usell child | | Inn ure mennisscnesse , | | Forr +tatt he wollde inn heoffness +ard | | Uss alle makenn riche . | (CMORM,I,126.1086) | & he +tatt all +tiss middel+ard | | Onn alle wise shride+t+t , | | He wollde wundenn ben forr uss | | I wrecche winndeclutess , | | Forr +tatt he wollde shridenn uss | | Wi+t+t heofennlike w+ade . | (CMORM,I,126.1087) | & he +tatt all +tiss weorelld shop | | & alle shaffte stere+t+t , | | He let himm ba+te bindenn her | | Wi+t+t bandess fet & hande , | | Forr +tatt he wollde unnbindenn uss | | Off hellepiness bandess . | (CMORM,I,126.1088) | & heoffne & lifft & land & s+a | | Wi+t+t Goddcunndnesse fille+t+t | | +Tatt illke child , tatt t+ar wass le+g+gd | | Inn an full naru cribbe , | | Forr +tatt he wollde +gifenn uss | | All heoffness rume riche . | (CMORM,I,127.1090) | & he +tatt fede+t+t enngle+teod | | & alle cwike shaffte , | | He la+g+g all , alls hiss wille wass , | | Biforenn asse i cribbe , | | Swa summ he w+are +gifenn himm | | To wurr+tenn himm to fode , | | Forr +tatt he wollde brinngenn uss | | Upp inntill heoffness blisse , | | & +gifenn uss himm sellfenn +t+ar | | Wi+t+t enngless eche fode . | (CMORM,I,127.1091) | +Tuss Godess Sune , Allmahhti+g Godd , | | Wass wrecche mann onn eor+te , | | Forr swa to brinngenn mannkinn onn | | To +geornenn affterr litell , | | Forr +tatt he lufe+t+t alle +ta | | +Tatt hise la+ghess haldenn , | | & lufenn , forr +te lufe off himm , | | To libbenn her onn eor+te | | Full wrecchelike inn uselldom | | Off metess & off cla+tess . | (CMORM,I,127.1092) | & tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Wass le+g+gd inn asse cribbe , | | +Tatt tacne+t+t uss , +tatt he comm her | | To wurr+tenn mann onn eor+te | | Wi+t+t mannkinn +tatt wass stunnt , & dill , | | & skilll+as swa summ asse . | (CMORM,I,128.1093) | & asse - +tohh itt litell be , | | Itt hafe+t+t mikell afell | | To berenn upp well mikell s+am , | | +Giff mann itt do+t +t+aronne . | (CMORM,I,128.1094) | & swa wass neh all follc +tatt da+g+g | | +Tatt Crist comm her to manne , | | Neh all itt wass +ta strang inoh | | To +teowwtenn la+te gastess , | | To berenn upp +tatt la+te s+am , | | To don alle +te+g+gre wille . | (CMORM,I,128.1095) | & +turrh +tatt Godd wass wurr+tenn mann | | Forr ure miccle nede , | | +Turrh +tatt wass he , +tatt witt tu wel , | | All wi+t+t hiss lefe wille | | Ni+t+tredd & wannsedd wunnderrli+g , | | & la+ghedd inn himm sellfenn , | (CMORM,I,128.1096) | Forr o +tatt hallf +tatt he wass mann , | | Mann mihhte himm fon & pinenn | | Wi+t+t hat & kald , wi+t+t nesshe & harrd , | | Wi+t+t pine off +trisst & hunngerr , | (CMORM,I,128.1097) | & cwellenn himm mann mihhte wel | | Inn ure mennisscnesse . | (CMORM,I,128.1098) | & Godd wass wurr+tenn swa forr uss | | +Get lasse +tann an enngell ; | (CMORM,I,128.1099) | Forr mann ne ma+g+g nohht enngell seon | | Ne takenn himm ne bindenn , | | Ne pinenn himm , ne cwellenn himm , | (CMORM,I,129.1100) | Forr he ne de+ge+t+t n+afre . | (CMORM,I,129.1101) | Acc Drihhtin Godd warr+t her forr +te | | +Get lasse +tann hiss enngell , | | & lah+ghre inoh , forr+ti +tatt he | | +Te wollde +gifenn bisne , | | +Tatt te birr+t a+g+g +te sellfenn her | | +Turrh so+t meocnesse la+ghenn , | | & l+atenn swi+te unnorneli+g | | & litell off +te sellfenn . | (CMORM,I,129.1102) | +Tatt hirdess wokenn o +tatt nahht | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn onne , | (CMORM,I,129.1103) | +Tatt wass swa summ hiss wille wass , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn | | +Tatt he forr+ti wass wurr+tenn mann , | | Forr +tatt he wollde sammnenn | | An flocc off menn till Crisstenndom , | | & till +te rihhte l+afe , | | +Tatt sholldenn wurr+tenn hise shep | | +Turrh heore unnsha+ti+gnesse , | | & sholldenn habbenn oferr hemm | | Bisscopess , preostess , d+acness ; | | Forr +tatt te+g+g sholldenn hirdess ben | | To +gemenn hemm & g+atenn , | | & ec forr +tatt he wollde ben | | Himm sellf utnumenn hirde , | | Swa +tatt he wollde hiss a+ghenn lif | | Forr hise shep forrl+atenn . | (CMORM,I,129.1104) | +Tatt Godess enngell comm o nihht , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | To spekenn wi+t+t +ta wakemenn | | +Tatt wokenn heore faldess , | (CMORM,I,130.1106) | & tatt he comm +tatt nihht till hemm | | Wi+t+t heoffness lihht & leome , | | & tatt te+g+g w+arenn forr +tatt lihht , | | & forr +tatt enngless sihh+te , | | Forrdredde swi+te fasste anan , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | & ec +tatt Godess enngell toc | | To frofrenn hemm wi+t+t worde , | | All +tatt wass don +turrh Jesu Crist | | Forr mikell +ting to tacnenn . | (CMORM,I,130.1107) | Itt tacne+t+t uss +tatt ure Godd | | Well offte sennde+t+t enngless | | Inntill +tiss middell+ard , tatt iss | | All full off +teossterrnesse , | | +Tatt iss off all +tatt ifell iss | | Inn alle kinne sinne . | (CMORM,I,130.1108) | Itt tacne+t+t +tatt he sennde+t+t hemm | | Inntill +tiss +teossterrnesse , | | To frofrenn +ta +tatt wakenn wel | | Onn+g+aness la+te gastess , | | & stanndenn inn to shildenn hemm | | Fra deofless swikedomess . | (CMORM,I,130.1109) | & all +tatt flocc +tatt hemm iss set | | To +gemenn & to g+atenn , | | To frofrenn swillke sennde+t+t Godd | | Enngless & hall+ghe sawless , | (CMORM,I,131.1110) | & a+g+g +te+g+g cumenn dun till +ta | | Wi+t+t heoffness lihht & leome , | | +Tatt iss wi+t+t witt & god innsihht | | Inn alle kinne +tinge , | (CMORM,I,131.1111) | Forr Drihhtin +gife+t+t her hiss +teoww | | God witt , & mahht , & wille , | | To stanndenn +g+an +te la+te gast | | & +g+an all +tatt he l+are+t+t . | (CMORM,I,131.1112) | Acc a+g+g +te+g+g sinndenn +tohh swa +tehh | | Well swi+te sare offdredde | | Off domess da+gess starrke dom , | | & off +te Demess irre , | | All all swa summ +ta wakemenn | | Well swi+te offdredde w+arenn | | Off heoffness brihhte lihht & leom , | | & off +tatt enngless sihh+te ; | (CMORM,I,131.1113) | Acc hihht & hope o Drihhtin Godd | | & onn hiss mildheorrtnesse , | | +Tatt frofre+t+t hemm & beolde+t+t hemm | | To foll+ghenn Godess lare , | | To fandenn , +giff +te+g+g mu+ghenn swa | | +Te Demess are winnenn . | (CMORM,I,131.1114) | & tatt wass uss bitacnedd wel | | +Turrh +tatt tatt Godess enngell | | Toc sone anan wi+t+t milde word | | +Ta wakemenn to frofrenn , | | Forr +tatt he wisste wel +tatt te+g+g | | Off himm forrdredde w+arenn ; | (CMORM,I,131.1115) | Forr Godess enngell frofre+t+t mann , | | +Giff +tatt he seo+t himm f+aredd ; | (CMORM,I,132.1117) | Forr Godess enngell iss full meoc , | | & soffte , & milde , & bli+te , | (CMORM,I,132.1118) | & deofell iss all full off ni+t , | | & full off grammcunndnesse , | | & full off hete towarrd mann . | | & full off modi+gnesse , | (CMORM,I,132.1119) | & +giff he seo+t +te mann forrdredd , | | He wile himm skerrenn mare , | | & r+afenn himm hiss rihhte witt , | | & shetenn inn hiss heorrte . | (CMORM,I,132.1120) | Acc whas itt iss +tatt w+apnedd iss | | Wi+t+t fulle troww+te o Criste , | | +Tohh +tatt he grissli+g deofell seo , | | Niss he rihht nohht forrf+aredd . | (CMORM,I,132.1121) | +Tatt enngell se+g+gde +tatt he wass | | +Ta cumenn forr to ki+tenn , | | O Godess hallfe , +t+ar till hemm | | An swi+te mikell blisse , | | +Tatt shollde ben till all +te follc ; | (CMORM,I,132.1122) | +Tatt se+g+gde he forr +tatt tanne | | Wass cumenn i +tiss middell+ard | | Full mikell blisse & sell+te , | | Till alle +ta +tatt sholldenn wel | | O Godess Sune lefenn , | | O Jesu Crist tatt borenn wass | | +Tatt illke nahht to manne . | (CMORM,I,132.1123) | He se+g+gde +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne | | Nohht o +te nahht , acc o +te da+g+g , | | Forr mikell +ting to tacnenn ; | (CMORM,I,133.1125) | Forr da+g+gess lihht bitacne+t+t uss | | All eche lifess blisse , | (CMORM,I,133.1126) | & nahht bitacne+t+t all +tatt wa | | +Tatt iss inn hellepine . | (CMORM,I,133.1127) | & Crist wass borenn i +tiss lif | | To lesenn uss off helle , | | Forr +tatt he wollde +gifenn uss | | Wi+t+t enngless eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,133.1128) | & tatt wass uss bitacnedd ec | | +Turrh +tatt , tatt Godess enngell | | Wass awwnedd till +ta wakemenn | | Wi+t+t heoffness lihht & leome ; | (CMORM,I,133.1129) | Forr Godess Sune Jesu Crist | | Wass wurr+tenn mann onn eor+te , | | To +gifenn heoffness lihht & leom | | +Tatt follc +tatt shollde himm foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,133.1130) | +Tatt Godd Allmahhti+g wurr+tenn wass | | +Gung child inn ure kinde , | | & wrecche child off wrecche kinn , | | +Tatt do+t uss tunnderrstanndenn | | +Tatt uss birr+t mikell lufenn Crist , | | & lofenn himm & wurr+tenn , | | Off +tatt he wollde himm sellfenn swa | | Forr ure lufe la+ghenn , | | & off +tatt he warr+t wrecche mann | | Forr uss to makenn riche , | | Wi+t+t enngless upp inn heoffness +ard , | | Wi+t+tutenn ende i blisse . | (CMORM,I,134.1131) | Annd +turrh +tatt , tatt t+ar awwnedd wass | | An here off Godess enngless , | | +Tatt time +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne , | | +Turrh +tatt wass uss don +t+ar full wel | | To sen & tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt enngless stanndenn a+g+g occ a+g+g | | To lofenn Godd & wurr+tenn . | (CMORM,I,134.1132) | & +turrh +tatt illke wass uss ec | | Don full wel tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt uss birr+t lofenn Drihhtin a+g+g | | Wi+t+t innwarrd heorrtess tunge , | | & +tannkenn himm +tatt miccle god | | +Tatt he do+t uss onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,134.1133) | & +turrh +tatt illke wass uss ec | | Don full wel tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt Crist , all enngle+teode king , | | Wass borenn her to manne , | | Alls iff he +g+an +te la+te gast | | Wi+t+t here wollde fihhtenn , | | To winnenn Adam & hiss kinn | | Ut off +te deofless walde , | | & settenn enngless oferr hemm | | To +gemenn hemm & g+atenn , | | & forr to shildenn hemm onn+g+an | | +Te deofless la+te wiless . | (CMORM,I,135.1134) | Annd Godess enngless w+arenn +ta | | Well swi+te glade wurr+tenn | | Off +tatt , tatt Godd wass wurr+tenn mann , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g wisstenn alle , | | +Tatt te+g+gre genge shollde ben | | Wi+t+t gode sawless ekedd , | | & wurr+tedd ec , (CMORM,I,135.1135) & all forr+ti | | +Te+g+g w+arenn swi+te bli+te , | (CMORM,I,135.1136) | & all forr+ti +te+g+g sungenn +ta | | +Tiss sang wi+t+t mikell blisse , | | Si Drihhtin upp inn heoffness +ard | | Wurr+tshipe , & loff , & wullderr , | | & upponn eor+te gri+t+t & fri+t+t , | | +Turrh Godess mildheorrtnesse , | | Till iwhillc mann +tatt habbenn shall | | God heorrte & a+g+g god wille . | (CMORM,I,135.1137) | +Tiss sungenn +te+g+g , forr+ti +tatt te+g+g | | Full wel +t+ar unnderrstodenn , | | +Tatt te+g+gre genge shollde ben | | +Turrh hall+ghe sawless ekedd , | | +Turrh whatt biforenn Drihhtin Godd , | | +Giff +tatt itt waxenn mihhte | | Wurr+tshipe & wullderr shollde ben , | | Swa summ itt waxenn w+are , | | & ec forr +tatt te+g+g wisstenn wel | | +Tatt Godd comm her to manne , | | Forr +tatt he wollde gri+t+t & fri+t+t | | & so+t sahhtnesse settenn | | Bitwenenn Drihhtin , heoffness king , | | & mannkinn her onn eor+te , | | +Tatt mannkinn shollde mu+ghenn wel | | Upp cumenn inntill heoffne , | | +Tatt heoffness here mihhte swa | | +Turrh hall+ghe sawless waxenn , | | +Turrh whatt biforenn Drihhtin Godd | | Wurr+tshipe waxenn shollde , | | +Giff +tatt himm mihhte waxenn ohht | | & wurr+tenn bettre & mare . | (CMORM,I,136.1138) | +Tatt gri+t+t wass sett till alle +ta , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | +Tatt sholldenn wurr+tenn gode menn , | | & habbenn a+g+g god wille | | Till +ta +tatt sholldenn unnderrfon | | Wi+t+t blisse Cristess come , | | & nohht till +ta +tatt sholldenn himm | | Forrho+ghenn & forrwerrpenn ; | (CMORM,I,136.1139) | Forr niss nohht Godess gri+t+t wi+t+t +ta | | +Tatt wi+t+trenn Godd onn+g+aness , | (CMORM,I,136.1140) | Acc hellewawenn iss till +ta | | All affterr +te+g+gre wrihhte . | (CMORM,I,136.1141) | & her mann unnderrstanndenn ma+g+g , | | Whillc mann iss Drihhtin cweme , | (CMORM,I,136.1142) | +Tatt illke mann iss Drihhtin lef | | +Tatt hafe+t+t gode wille ; | (CMORM,I,136.1143) | Forr whase itt iss +tatt illke mann | | +Tatt hafe+t+t a+g+g god wille , | | +Tatt illke mann ne sinn+ghe+t+t nohht , | (CMORM,I,137.1144) | Ne gillte+t+t hise +tannkess , | | Ne towarrd Godd , ne towarrd mann , | | +Giff +tatt he ma+g+g himm lokenn . | (CMORM,I,137.1145) | & +giff +tatt iss +tatt he missdo+t | | Onn ani+g kinne wise , | | Itt reowe+t+t himm , (CMORM,I,137.1146) & sone anan | | He stannt itt inn to betenn . | (CMORM,I,137.1147) | +Tatt Godess enngell comm o nahht | | Wi+t+t heoffness lihht onn eor+te , | | +Tatt tacne+t+t +tatt tiss midddell+ard | | Wass full off +teossterrnesse , | | +Turrh illkess kinness h+a+tenndom | | Inn iwhillc unncl+annesse , | | +Tatt time +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne , | | To +gifenn heoffness lihht & leom | | +Tatt follc +tatt shollde himm cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,137.1148) | & tatt tatt enngell nohht ne comm | | Till kingess ne till eorless , | | Ne till +tatt la+te riche flocc | | +Tatt foll+ghe+t+t modi+gnesse , | | +Tatt do+t uss tunnderrstanndenn wel | | +Tatt Drihhtin Godd forrwerrpe+t+t | | All modi+gle+g+gc , & gredi+gle+g+gc , | | & irre , & gluterrnesse , | (CMORM,I,137.1149) | & all +tatt foll+ghe+t+t horedom | | & swikedom onn eor+te , | | +Tatt mann ma+g+g findenn allre mast | | I +ta +tatt sinndenn riche . | (CMORM,I,138.1150) | +Tatt Godess enngell awwnedd wass | | In aness weress hewe , | | +Tatt wass forr+ti +tatt enngell ma+g+g , | | Wi+t+t hiss Drihhtiness wille , | | Himm awwenn alls he w+are a mann | | I manness limess alle , | | I bodi+g +tatt he do+t himm inn | | Off heofennlike kinde . | (CMORM,I,138.1151) | & Godd wi+t+t enngless +gife uss a | | To brukenn heffness blisse . | (CMORM,I,138.1152) | $Am+an . | (CMORM,I,138.1153) | & forr+ti wass itt upponn himm | | +Turrh Drihhtin firrst bigunnenn , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde ben onn himm | | Till himm full witerr takenn , | | +Tatt he wass Drihhtin swi+te lef | | +Turrh troww+tess rihhtwisnesse . | (CMORM,I,138.1155) | & itt wass ec +turrh Drihhtin sett | | To wurr+tenn himm to takenn , | | +Tatt Drihhtin haffde +gifenn himm | | Swillc blettcinng & swillc sell+te , | | +Tatt he wi+t+t all hiss rihhte streon , | | +Tatt shollde hiss troww+te foll+ghenn , | | A butenn ende shollde ben | | Wi+t+t Godd inn heoffness blisse . | (CMORM,I,138.1156) | & itt wass sett +turrh Godd onn himm , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde himm tacnenn , | | +Tatt alle +ta +tatt sholldenn himm | | Wi+t+t troww+te & dede foll+ghenn , | | Well +georne birrdenn clennsenn hemm | | I bodi+g & i sawle , | | +Giff +tatt te+g+g wolldenn habbenn lott | | Wi+t+t himm inn eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,139.1158) | & itt wass sett onn himm +turrh Godd , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde himm tacnenn , | | +Tatt Godess Sune Jesu Crist | | To manne cumenn shollde , | | & wurr+tenn borenn off hiss kinn | | Inn ure mennisscnesse , | | To clennsenn her +turrh Crisstenndom , | | +Turrh fulluhht , & +turrh l+afe , | | An flocc +tatt shollde lufenn himm | | & hise la+ghess haldenn , | | +Tatt shollde risenn upp off d+a+t | | O domess da+g+g , +tatt wise | | +Tatt tanne shollde itt lesedd ben | | Fra d+a+tess +gocc +turrh Criste , | | & all +tweorrt ut ben clennsedd ta | | Off fl+ashess unntrummnesse , | | Swa +tatt itt shollde ben wi+t+t Crist | | A butenn ende i blisse . | (CMORM,I,139.1159) | & itt wass ec +turrh Drihhtin sett , | | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde clennsenn hemm | | Off all Adamess sinne , | | All all se fulluhht clennse+t+t nu | | +Ta +tatt itt unnderrfanngenn . | (CMORM,I,140.1160) | Forr all swa se+g+gde Drihhtin +ta | | Till +tatt Judisskenn +teode , | | All swa summ ure Laferrd Crist | | Se+g+gde till hise +teowwess , | | Affterr +tatt he wass wurr+tenn mann | | & spacc wi+t+t menn onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,140.1161) | Forr +tanne se+g+gde Drihhtin +tuss | | Till +tatt Judisskenn +teode ; | | +Tatt illke mann , wha summ itt iss , | | Amang weppmanne genge , | | +Tatt ummbeshorenn-4 onn hiss shapp | | Ne recke+t+t nohht to wurr+tenn , | | +Tatt illke mann , wha summ itt iss , | | Forrdo+t hiss a+ghenn sawle . | (CMORM,I,140.1162) | & ure Laferrd se+g+gde +tuss | | Till +tatt Judisskenn +teode , | | Affterr +tatt he wass cumenn her | | & wurr+tenn mann onn eor+te ; | | Wha summ itt iss +tatt mann , +tatt niss | | Nohht off to wurr+tenn fullhtnedd , | | Ne ma+g+g +tatt mann , wha summ itt iss , | | Nohht cumenn inntill heoffne . | (CMORM,I,140.1163) | Nu mihht tu sen +tatt ta wass sett | | Amang Judisskenn +teode | | To wurr+tenn ummbeshorenn , swa | | To clennsenn hemm off sinne , | | All swa summ nu iss sett to ben | | Fullhtnedd , to dill+ghenn sinne . | (CMORM,I,141.1164) | +Te+g+g ummbesh+arenn +te+g+gre shapp , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd , | | A litell off +te fell awe+g+g | | Biforenn all abutenn , | | Swa summ itt haffde Drihhtin sett | | Onn Abrahamess time . | (CMORM,I,141.1165) | & Abraham itt toc onn himm , | | & ec onn hise chilldre , | | & ec onn all +tatt weppmannkinn | | +Tatt wass inn hise walde ; | (CMORM,I,141.1166) | & itt wass haldenn si+t+tenn a+g+g | | Anan till Cristess come , | | Amang +tatt Judewisshe follc | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn offe . | (CMORM,I,141.1167) | & forr +te ma+g+gdennchild wass sett | | +Turrh Drihhtin , +tatt mann shollde | | Offrenn onn allterr hire lac , | | To clennsenn hire & lesenn | | Off +tatt missdede +tatt wass don | | +Turrh Adam & +turrh Eve ; | (CMORM,I,141.1168) | Forr +tatt wass sett +turrh Drihhtin +ta | | Amang Judisskenn +teode | | To clippenn swa +te cnapess shapp , | | & toffrenn lac forr ma+g+gdenn , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde lesenn hemm | | Ut off Adamess sinne ; | (CMORM,I,141.1169) | & all se mikell hallp itt hemm | | To clennsenn hemm off sinne , | | Alls uss do+t o +tiss time nu | | +Te fulluhht unnderr Criste . | (CMORM,I,142.1170) | Acc nohht ne mihht itt oppnenn hemm | | +Te +gate off heoffness blisse ; | (CMORM,I,142.1171) | Forr Crist nass nohht +get cumenn +ta | | Ne wurr+tenn mann onn eor+te , | | +Tatt shollde itt oppnenn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | +G+an alle gode sawless . | (CMORM,I,142.1172) | Forr swa +te firrste manness da+g+g | | Anan till Cristess rode | | Wass Paradisess +gate sperrd | | +G+an all mannkinn onn eor+te , | (CMORM,I,142.1173) | Acc itt wass efft +turrh Cristess d+a+t | | Oppnedd +g+an gode sawless , | | +G+an +ta +tatt takenn Crisstenndom | | & endenn wel +t+arinne . | (CMORM,I,142.1174) | +Tatt cnif wass , +tatt witt tu full wel , | | Off stan , & nohht off irenn , | | +Tatt hemm wass to +tatt wikenn sett | | +Turrh Godd Allmahhti+g sellfenn , | | Forr tummbesherenn shapp +t+arwi+t+t | | Off +te+g+gre cnapechilldre , | | Forr to bitacnenn uss +t+ar+turrh | | Swillc +ting off ure nede , | | +Tatt uss & all Crisstene +teod | | Birr+t fillenn all & for+tenn . | (CMORM,I,142.1175) | Forr +te birr+t ummbesherenn her | | Awe+g+g all fra +tin wille | | All +tatt tatt +afre iss Drihhtin la+t , | | I +tohht , i word , i dede ; | (CMORM,I,143.1176) | & te birr+t clippenn itt awe+g+g | | +Turrh stan ; (CMORM,I,143.1177) & tatt bitacne+t+t , | | +Tatt te birr+t alle sinness flen | | Forr so+tfasst lufe o Criste . | (CMORM,I,143.1178) | Forr Crist wass tacnedd +turrh +tatt stan , | | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | (CMORM,I,143.1179) | Forr Crist iss strang & stedefasst | | & findi+g & unnfakenn , | (CMORM,I,143.1180) | & +afre he wass , & +afre he beo+t , | | An allfullfremedd hellpe | | Till alle +ta +tatt cwemmdenn himm , | | & tatt himm shulenn cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,143.1181) | +Te+g+g ummbesh+arenn Cristess shapp , | | Swa summ +te boc hemm tahhte , | | Rihht o +tatt da+g+g +tatt he wass her | | Off ehhte da+ghess elde , | | Forr to bitacnenn o+terr whatt | | +Tatt uss iss ned to trowwenn , | | Swa +tatt itt mu+ghe gengenn uss | | To berr+ghenn ure sawle . | (CMORM,I,143.1182) | +Giff +tu +te sellf wel nimesst gom , | | +Tu sest & unnderrstanndesst , | | +Tatt all +tiss middell+ardess lif | | Bi seoffne da+ghess eorne+t+t | (CMORM,I,143.1183) | +Te sexe da+ghess sette Godd | | Hiss follc to +te+g+gre werrkess , | (CMORM,I,143.1184) | +Te sefennde , +te lattste da+g+g , | | He sette +te+g+gm to resste ; | (CMORM,I,144.1186) | & itt iss nemmnedd Sabbatumm | | Amang Judisskenn lede ; | (CMORM,I,144.1187) | & itt iss a+g+g heh messeda+g+g | | Att here wukess ende . | (CMORM,I,144.1188) | & +giff +tu turrnesst Sabbatumm | | Inntill Ennglisshe sp+ache , | | Itt se+g+g+t +tatt itt iss Ressteda+g+g | | Off all +tewwlike dede , | | To don uss tunnderrstanndenn wel , | | +Tatt uss birr+t wel uss +gemenn | | O messeda+g+g & illke da+g+g | | All fra +tewwlike dede , | | +Tatt iss , fra sinnfull word & werrc , | | Fra sinnfull +tohht & wille , | | +Giff +tatt we wilenn cwemenn Godd , | | & addlenn heffness blisse . | (CMORM,I,144.1189) | +Te seffnde da+g+g iss Ressteda+g+g , | | Swa summ icc hafe sh+awedd , | | Affterr +tatt tatt te wuke ga+t | | Amang Judisskenn lede , | (CMORM,I,144.1190) | & tacne+t+t all +tatt resste & ro | | +Tatt hall+ghe sawless brukenn | | Inn o+terr werelld , i +tiss fresst , | (CMORM,I,144.1191) | Whil +tatt tiss werelld lasste+t+t , | | Nu seost tu wel +tatt all +tiss lif | | Bi seoffne da+ghess eorne+t+t . | (CMORM,I,144.1192) | +Tehhtennde da+g+g beo+t Domess da+g+g , | (CMORM,I,144.1193) | +Tann all mannkinn shall risenn | | Off d+a+te , & cumenn to +te dom , | | & takenn +te+g+gre mede ; | (CMORM,I,145.1194) | & whase +tanne wurr+ti+g beo+t | | To takenn eche blisse , | | He beo+t all ummbeshorenn +ta | | Swa +twerrt ut wel wi+t+t alle , | | & clennsedd all +twerrt ut swa wel | | Off iwhillc unncl+annesse , | | +Tatt n+afre ma ne shall he ben | | O nane wise filedd , | (CMORM,I,145.1195) | Acc a wi+t+tutenn ende he shall | | Wi+t+t enngless ben i blisse . | (CMORM,I,145.1196) | & +gure preostess +teowwtenn nu | | Biforenn Godess allterr , | | Off illc an mikell messeda+g+g | | A+g+g ehhte da+ghess fulle , | | To tacnenn swa +tatt hall+ghe tid , | | +Tatt Cristess follc shall brukenn | | Wi+t+t enngless affterr Domess da+g+g | | A butenn ende i blisse . | (CMORM,I,145.1197) | & all swa summ +te+g+g settenn +ta | | +Te name o +te+g+gre chilldre , | | +Tatt da+g+g +tatt te+g+g +te cnapechild | | Hiss shapp himm ummbesh+arenn , | | & tatt da+g+g , +tatt forr ma+g+gdennchild | | Wass offredd lac onn allterr , | | All swa +tin child hiss name onnfo+t | | +Tatt da+g+g +tatt itt iss fullhhtnedd . | (CMORM,I,145.1198) | +Te+g+g ummbesh+arenn Cristess shapp | | All alls himm sellf itt wollde , | (CMORM,I,146.1200) | & he wass o +tatt illke da+g+g | | Off ehhte da+ghess elde ; | (CMORM,I,146.1201) | & tatt da+g+g iss New +Geress da+g+g | | Mang Enngle+teode nemmnedd . | (CMORM,I,146.1202) | & tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist , | | +Tatt all wass clene off sinne , | | Toc onn hiss a+ghenn bodi+g swa | | +Tatt alde follkess hellpe , | | +Tatt hemm wass sett +turrh Drihhtin +ta | | To clennsenn hemm off sinne , | | +Tatt dide he forr he wollde swa | | Uss alle +gifenn bisne , | | +Tatt uss birr+t , affterr ure mahht , | | A+g+g stanndenn inn to foll+ghenn | | All +tatt uss hafe+t+t Drihhtin sett | | Till ure sawless hellpe . | (CMORM,I,146.1203) | & tatt te+g+g ummbesh+arenn swa | | +Te shapp off cnapechilldre , | | +Tatt wass hemm swa +turrh Drihhtin sett , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn , | | +Tatt uss birr+t clippenn all awe+g+g | | +Te fl+ashess fule wille , | | +Tatt allre werrst & allre mast | | Werde+t+t +te wrecche sawle , | | +Turrh all +tatt fele kinne gillt | | +Tatt i +ta limess rixsle+t+t , | | I weppmenn & i wifmenn ec , | | Inn +gunge , & ec inn alde . | (CMORM,I,146.1204) | +Te+g+g ummbesh+arenn Cristess shapp | | Wi+t+t stan forr cnifess egge , | (CMORM,I,147.1206) | & he wass o +tatt illke da+g+g | | Jesus bi name nemmnedd , | | All affterr +tatt itt cwiddedd wass | | +Turrh Gabri+al hehenngell , | | Biforenn +tatt he cumenn wass | | I Sannte Mar+gess wambe . | (CMORM,I,147.1207) | & wel +tatt enngell se+g+gde whi | | He shollde swa ben nemmnedd ; | (CMORM,I,147.1208) | He se+g+gde +tatt he shollde ben | | Jesus bi name nemmnedd , | | Forr +tatt he shollde hiss a+ghenn follc | | H+alenn off sinness wunde ; | (CMORM,I,147.1209) | Forr Jesuss o Grickisshe mal | | Onn Ennglissh iss H+alennde . | (CMORM,I,147.1210) | & Crist iss nemmnedd swi+te rihht | | H+alennde onn Ennglissh sp+ache ; | (CMORM,I,147.1211) | Forr he comm her to l+achenn uss | | Off all +tatt d+a+tess wunde , | | +Tatt Adam haffde +gifenn uss | | +Turrh hiss unnherrsummnesse . | (CMORM,I,147.1212) | Forr +t+arto comm +te Laferrd Crist | | To wurr+tenn mann on eor+te , | | Forr +tatt he wollde lesenn menn | | Ut off +te deofless walde , | | +Turrh +tatt he wollde +tolenn d+a+t | | Wi+t+tutenn hise wrihhte , | | & turrnenn menn till Cristenndom | | & till +te rihhte l+afe , | | & fullhtenn hemm , & clennsenn hemm | | Off all Adamess sinne , | | +Tatt haffde ben till all mannkinn | | Full grimme d+a+tess wunde ; | (CMORM,I,148.1213) | Forr +turrh Adamess gilltess dinnnt | | Wass all mannkinn +turrhwundedd , | | & fallenn inn till eche d+a+t | | Inn helle wi+t+t +te deofell . | (CMORM,I,148.1214) | & Crist comm dun to wurr+tenn mann , | | Forr +tatt he wollde uss h+alenn | | Off all +tatt wunde +tatt uss +gaff | | Adam +turrh hiss missdede , | (CMORM,I,148.1215) | & forr+ti ma+g+g +te Laferrd Crist | | Wel nemmnedd ben H+alennde ; | (CMORM,I,148.1216) | Forr mannkinn h+aledd wass +turrh himm | | Off sinness grimme wunde . | (CMORM,I,148.1217) | & tiss name off +te Laferrd Crist , | | +Tatt +ge nemmnenn H+alennde , | | Iss writenn o Grickisshe boc | | Rihht wi+t+t bocstafess sexe ; | (CMORM,I,148.1218) | & itt iss nemmnedd IESOYS | | Afftter Grickisshe sp+ache ; | (CMORM,I,148.1219) | & iwhillc an bocstaff +tatt iss | | Uppo +tiss name fundenn | | Tacne+t+t an tale rihht full wel , | | Swa summ icc shall nu sh+awenn . | (CMORM,I,148.1220) | +Te firrste staff iss nemmnedd I | (CMORM,I,149.1222) | & tacne+t+t tale off tene ; | (CMORM,I,149.1223) | +Tatt o+terr staff iss nemmnedd E | (CMORM,I,149.1224) | & tacne+t+t tale off ehhte ; | (CMORM,I,149.1225) | +Te +tridde staff iss nemmnedd S | (CMORM,I,149.1226) | & tacne+t+t twe+g+genn hunndredd ; | (CMORM,I,149.1227) | +Te feor+te staff iss nemmnedd O | (CMORM,I,149.1228) | & seofennti+g bitacne+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,149.1229) | +Te fifte staff iss nemmnedd Y | (CMORM,I,149.1230) | & tacne+t+t fowwerr hunndredd ; | (CMORM,I,149.1231) | +Te sexte staff iss nemmnedd S | (CMORM,I,149.1232) | & tacne+t+t twe+g+genn hunndredd | (CMORM,I,149.1233) | & +giff +tu +tise taless kannst | | Inntill an tale sammnenn , | | +Tu findesst wiss wi+t+tutenn wen | | Rihht ehhte si+te an hunndredd , | | & t+artill ehhte si+tess an , | | & ehhte si+tess tene . | (CMORM,I,149.1234) | & all +tiss +trinne taless h+ap | | Iss h+apedd a+g+g wi+t+t ehhte ; | (CMORM,I,149.1235) | Forr +t+ar iss , alls icc se+g+gde nu , | | Rihht ehhte si+te an hunndredd , | | & t+artill ehhte si+tess an , | | & ehhte si+tess tene ; | (CMORM,I,149.1236) | Her iss +treo si+tess opennli+g | | +Te tale off ehhte nemmnedd . | (CMORM,I,149.1237) | & tale off ehhte tacne+t+t uss | | All +tatt orrmete blisse , | | +Tatt mannkinn unnderrfeng +turrh +tatt | | +Tatt Crist ras upp off d+a+te , | | +Tatt ras rihht o +tehhtennde da+g+g | | Affterr +te wukess ende , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd her | | Biforenn o +tiss lare . | (CMORM,I,150.1238) | Forr +tatt da+g+g wass +tehhtennde da+g+g | | +Tatt Crist ras onne off d+a+te , | | Affterr +tatt tatt te wuke ga+t | | Amang Judisskenn +teode ; | (CMORM,I,150.1239) | Forr Saterrda+g+g wass hali+g da+g+g | | O +tatt Judisskenn wise , | (CMORM,I,150.1240) | & a+g+g wass +te+g+gre wuke gan | | All ut tatt da+g+g att efenn . | (CMORM,I,150.1241) | & forr+ti wass +tehhtennde da+g+gg | | +tatt da+g+g +tatt comm +t+araffterr | (CMORM,I,150.1242) | Forr seffne da+ghess brinngenn a+g+g | | +te wuke till his ende | (CMORM,I,150.1243) | +Tatt da+g+g iss +tehhtennde da+g+g | | +Tatt cume+t+t affterr seoffne ; | (CMORM,I,150.1244) | & swa comm ure Sunennda+g+g | | Affterr +tatt wukess ende ; | (CMORM,I,150.1245) | & tatt da+g+g iss +tehhtennde da+g+g | | +Tatt Crist ras onne off d+a+te , | | & +gaff uss her +turrh Crisstenndom | | To risenn upp off sinness , | | Swa +tatt we mu+ghenn risenn upp | | O Domess da+g+g off d+a+te , | | To brukenn upp inn heoffness +ard | | Wi+t+t engless eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,150.1246) | & wel iss Cristess name sett | | All i +te tale off ehhte ; | (CMORM,I,151.1248) | Forr he ras o +tehhtennde da+g+g , | | To re+g+gsenn uss off sinne . | (CMORM,I,151.1249) | & wel wass +turrh +te firrste staff | | +Te tale off tene tacnedd , | (CMORM,I,151.1250) | Forr firrst uss birr+t wel fillen her | | +Ta tene bodewordess , | | +Tatt Drihhtin sette till hiss follc | | +Turrh Moys+asess hande , | (CMORM,I,151.1251) | & si+t+tenn shall +te Laferrd Crist | | Uss +gifenn ure mede , | | All affterr +tatt we fillenn wel | | +Ta tene bodewordess . | (CMORM,I,151.1252) | & her icc wile sh+awenn +guw | | +Ta bodewordess alle , | | Affterr +tatt little witt tatt me | | Min Drihhtin hafe+t+t lenedd . | (CMORM,I,151.1253) | +Te firrste bodeword wass sett | | +Turrh Godd forr +tine nede , | | +Tatt tu +tweorrt ut all h+a+tenndom | | & h+a+tenn godd forrwerrpe , | | & lefe onn an Allmahhti+g Godd | | & hise la+ghess halde ; | (CMORM,I,151.1254) | Forr +tu ne mihht nohht borr+ghenn ben , | | Ne winnenn eche blisse , | | Butt iff +tu +twerrt ut h+a+tenndom | | & h+a+tenn godd forrwerrpe , | | & lefe onn an Allmahhti+g Godd | | & hise la+ghess halde . | (CMORM,I,152.1255) | +Tatt o+terr bodeword wass sett | | +Turrh Godd forr +tine nede , | | +Tatt tu ne take nohht wi+t+t skarn , | | Wi+t+t h+a+tinng , ne wi+t+t idell , | | +Te name off ure Laferrd Crist | | +Tatt forr +te swallt o rode ; | (CMORM,I,152.1256) | Forr +tu ne mihht nohht borr+ghenn ben | | Ne winnenn eche blisse , | | +Gif +tatt tu nohht ne kepesst her | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} Crist , $ne $off {TEXT:noff} Cristess moderr . | (CMORM,I,152.1257) | +Te +tridde bodeword wass sett | | +Turrh Godd forr +tine nede , | | +Tatt tu stannde inn +te messeda+g+g | | To freollsenn wel & hall+ghenn , | | Swa +tatt illc an unnclene lusst | | & illc an ifell wille | | Beo tredenn dun +turrh lufe off Godd , | | & cwennkedd i +tin herrte , | | Swa +tatt tin herrte beo +tatt bedd | | +Tatt Godd himm resste+t+t inne ; | (CMORM,I,152.1258) | Forr +tu ne mihht nan messeda+g+g | | Drihhtin tocweme freollsenn , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tin herrte iss +teoww | | Off ani+g ifell wille . | (CMORM,I,152.1259) | +Te feor+te bodeword wass sett | | +Turrh Godd forr +tine nede , | | +Tatt tu beo milde & meoc onn+g+an | | +Tin faderr & tin moderr , | | & r+adi+g mann to don hemm god | | A+g+g affterr +tine fere ; | (CMORM,I,153.1260) | Forr +tu ne mihht nohht borr+ghenn ben | | Ne winnenn eche blisse , | | Butt iff +tu beo full god wi+t+t hemm | | To lif & ec to sawle ; | (CMORM,I,153.1261) | +Te fifte bodeword wass sett | | +Turrh Godd forr +tine nede , | | +Tatt tu ne file nohht ti lif | | +Turrh ful forrle+gerrnesse ; | (CMORM,I,153.1262) | Forr whase li+t inn horedom | | He sla+t hiss a+ghenn sawle , | | Butt iff he mu+ghe betenn itt | | Onn ani+g kinne wise ; | (CMORM,I,153.1263) | +Te sexte bodeword wass sett | | +Turrh Godd forr +tine nede , | | +Tatt tu ne sla nan o+terr mann | | Wi+t+t hande ne wi+t+t herrte , | | +Giff +tatt he nile cwellen +te | | Forr Crisstenndom to cwennkenn . | (CMORM,I,153.1264) | Whi se+g+gde icc nu +tatt tu nan mann | | Ne cwelle wi+t+t +tin herrte ? | (CMORM,I,153.1265) | Ma+g+g ani+g mann slan o+terr mann | | & cwellenn himm wi+t+t herte ? | (CMORM,I,153.1266) | +Ga full well se+g+g+t +tatt Latin boc | | +Tatt +twerrt ut nohht ne le+ghe+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,153.1267) | Forr +giff +tu beresst hete & ni+t | | +G+an ani+g lif & sawle , | | Swa +tatt tu wolldesst bli+teli+g | | Sen ifell ende off ba+te , | | Himm haffst tu sla+genn witerrli+g | | Wi+t+t herrte & nohht wi+t+t hande ; | (CMORM,I,154.1269) | & tu ne mihht nohht borr+ghenn ben | | Ne winnenn eche blisse , | | Butt iff +tu mu+ghe off hete & ni+t | | All clennsenn wel +tin herrte . | (CMORM,I,154.1270) | +Te sefennde wass sett +turrh Godd | | & all forr +tine nede , | | +Tatt tu +te loke wel +tatt tu | | Ne stele nohht ne r+afe ; | (CMORM,I,154.1271) | Forr +giff +tu ska+tesst ani+g mann | | +Tu ska+tesst firrst te sellfenn , | (CMORM,I,154.1272) | & +giff +tu r+afesst me min +ting | | +Tu r+afesst Godd tin sawle ; | (CMORM,I,154.1273) | & tu ne mihht nohht borr+ghenn ben | | Ne winnenn eche blisse , | | Butt iff +tu cweme Drihhtin wel | | Wi+t+t +tin unnsha+ti+gnesse . | (CMORM,I,154.1274) | +Tehhtennde bodeword wass sett | | +Turrh Godd forr +tine nede , | | +Tatt tu +te loke wel fra man | | Inn a+tess & i wittness , | | +Tatt tu ne swere nan mana+t | | Forr lufe ne forr e+g+ge , | | Ne +tatt tu nohht ne cume forr+t | | Wi+t+t woh to berenn wittness . | (CMORM,I,154.1275) | Forr +tu ne mihht nohht borr+ghenn ben | | Ne winnenn eche blisse , | | Butt iff +tu wel wi+t+t so+t & rihht | | +Tin Drihhtin mu+ghe cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,155.1277) | +Te ni+ghennde wass sett +turrh Godd | | Acc all forr +tine nede , | | +Tatt tu nan o+terr manness wif | | Ne +georne nohht to neh+ghenn | | Wi+t+t unncl+annessess fule lusst , | | To filenn swa +gunnc ba+te ; | (CMORM,I,155.1278) | Forr ba+te gilltenn grimmeli+g , | | +Giff itt +gunnc ba+te like+t+t , | | & ba+te sh+adenn swa fra Godd , | | & cwellenn +gunnkerr sawless , | | Butt iff +gitt mu+ghenn betenn itt | | Onn ani+g kinne wise ; | (CMORM,I,155.1279) | Acc witt tu +tatt itt niss nohht lihht | | To betenn heli+g sinne , | (CMORM,I,155.1280) | & forr+ti birr+t +te shunenn a+g+g | | To fallenn ohht t+arinne . | (CMORM,I,155.1281) | Acc whase ma+g+g forrwerrpenn itt , | | & blinnenn itt to foll+ghenn , | | & innwarrdli+g bireowenn itt | | +Tatt itt wass +afre for+tedd , | | & gann+genn unnderr preostess dom | | To betenn it wi+t+t shriffte , | | & stanndenn inn to winnenn wel | | Hiss bodi+g forr hiss sinne , | | Forr +tatt he wile clennsenn himm | | Off all hiss unnclennesse , | | +Tatt mann +turrh Godess hellpe ma+g+g | | Wel betenn all hiss sinne , | | & cwemenn Godd wi+t+t hali+g lif , | | & wimmenn wel hiss are . | (CMORM,I,156.1282) | +Te tende bodeword wass sett | | +Turrh Godd forr +tine nede , | | +Tatt tu nan o+terr manness +ting | | Ne +georne nohht to winnenn ; | (CMORM,I,156.1283) | Forr gredi+gnesse iss hefi+g lasst | | Biforenn Godess e+ghne , | (CMORM,I,156.1284) | & itt forrbinde+t+t all +tweorrt ut | | & blende+t+t manness heorrte , | | +Tatt itt ne ma+g+g nohht habbenn mihht | | To foll+ghenn Godess wille . | (CMORM,I,156.1285) | Nu habbe icc here sh+awedd +guw | | +Ta tene bodewordess , | | +Tatt w+arenn +turrh +te firrste staff | | Off Cristess name tacnedd , | (CMORM,I,156.1286) | & +giff +tu Cristess bodeword | | Affterr +tin mahhte fillesst , | | +Ta shallt tu ben o Domess da+g+g | | +Turrh Cristess name borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,156.1287) | & wel wass +turrh +tatt o+terr staff | | +Te tale off ehhte tacnedd ; | (CMORM,I,156.1288) | Forr tekenn +tatt tatt ehhte ma+g+g | | Full opennlike tacnenn | | +Tatt illke dere Sunennda+g+g , | | +Tatt Crist ras onne off d+a+te , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd her | | O +tiss Goddspelless lare , | | +T+ar tekenn Ma+g+g itt tacnenn wel , | | & tacne+t+t wiss to so+te | | +Ta mahhtess +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Uss sette forr to foll+ghenn , | | & +gaff uss bisne himm sellf +t+arto , | | To fillenn hemm & foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,157.1289) | & whase wile tellenn hemm | | Bi tale he finde+t+t ehhte , | (CMORM,I,157.1290) | & forr+ti sinndenn +te+g+g full wel | | +Turrh tale off ehhte tacnedd . | (CMORM,I,157.1291) | & tise mahhtess alle im+an | | Arrn h+afedd mahhtess ehhte , | (CMORM,I,157.1292) | & sinndenn w+apenn god & strang | | +G+an h+afedd sinness ehhte , | | +G+an gluterrnessess la+te lasst , | | & +g+an galnessess h+ate , | | & +g+an +gittsunng & gredi+gle+g+gc , | | +G+an grimmele+g+gc & bra+t+te , | | +G+an unnlusst & forrswundennle+g+gc , | | +G+an er+tli+g kare & serr+ghe , | | +G+an rosinng , & +g+an idell +gellp | | +G+an modi+gnessess w+apenn . | (CMORM,I,157.1293) | & a+g+g iss sett an h+afedd mahht | | Onn+g+an an h+afedd sinne , | (CMORM,I,157.1294) | & a+g+g ma+g+g wel an h+afedd mahht | | Cwennkenn an h+afedd sinne , | | Inn iwhillc mann +tatt foll+ghe+t+t rihht | | +Te mahhte , crist tocweme . | (CMORM,I,158.1296) | & whas itt iss +tatt fol+ghe+t+t wel | | & fille+t+t +tise mahhtess , | | +Tatt illke mann shall borr+ghenn ben | | +Turrh Cristess name onn ennde ; | (CMORM,I,158.1297) | Forr Cristess name +turrh an staff | | Bitacne+t+t tale off ehhte , | | Forr+ti +tatt Crist shall berr+ghenn +ta | | +Tatt foll+ghenn +tise mahhtess . | (CMORM,I,158.1298) | & her icc wile sh+awenn +guw | | Bi tale +tise mahhtess , | | Forr +tatt +ge shullen +tess te bett | | All fillenn hemm & foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,158.1299) | An h+afedd mahhte iss mett & m+a+t | | Inn all +tatt te birr+t foll+ghenn , | | I word , i werrc , i mete , i drinnch , | | & ec i +tine cla+tess , | | I lusst to winnenn eor+tli+g +ting , | | I swinnkess , & i resstess . | (CMORM,I,158.1300) | +Tiss mahhte trede+t+t unnderrfot | | & cwennke+t+t gluterrnesse | | & all +tatt iss att oferrdon . | (CMORM,I,158.1301) | Itt drife+t+t fra +tin herrte , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu lufesst itt , | | & foll+ghesst itt & fillesst . | (CMORM,I,158.1302) | Cl+annessess mahht iss witerrli+g | | An o+terr h+afedd mahhte ; | (CMORM,I,158.1303) | +Giff +tu cl+annesse foll+ghesst rihht | | Wi+t+t bodi+g & wi+t+t herrte , | | +Tu foll+ghesst ta , +tatt witt tu wel , | | An hali+g h+afedd mahhte ; | (CMORM,I,159.1305) | Forr +turrh +tiss mahht shall ma+g+gdennmann | | Hehlike wurr+tenn borr+ghenn , | (CMORM,I,159.1306) | & weddedd were & weddedd wif | | & widdwe shall itt berr+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,159.1307) | Forr maggdennhad & widdwesshad , | | +Giff +tatt itt iss rihht clene | | Inn all +tatt to +te bodi+g li+t , | | & ec i +te+g+gre wille , | | & meoc , & daffte , & sedefull | | I +t+awess & i lusstess , | | Itt beo+t hehlike witerrli+g | | +Turrh so+t cl+annesse borr+gheen . | (CMORM,I,159.1308) | & +giff +tatt weddedd were & wif | | Hemm la+ghelike ledenn | | Bitwenenn hemm forr lufe off Godd , | | +Ta foll+ghenn +te+g+g cl+annesse , | (CMORM,I,159.1309) | & itt shall mu+ghenn berr+ghenn hemm | | Att heore lifess ende . | (CMORM,I,159.1310) | +Tuss birr+t all Jesu Cristess hird , | | +Tatt iss o +treo tod+aledd , | (CMORM,I,159.1311) | +Tuss birr+t itt foll+ghenn so+t cl+anle+g+gc | | +Giff +tatt itt shall ben borr+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,159.1312) | Forr ma+g+gdennhad & widdwesshad | | & weddlac birr+t ben clene , | | & +turrh cl+annesse cwemenn Godd , | | Illc an onn hire wise ; | (CMORM,I,160.1313) | Forr all +tatt foll+ghe+t+t unncl+anle+g+gc | | All iss Drihhtin unncweme . (CMORM,I,160.1314) | Her speke icc off unnclene menn | | & off unnclene gastess ; | (CMORM,I,160.1315) | & horedom iss Drihhtin la+t , | | & deofell swi+te cweme , | (CMORM,I,160.1316) | Forr deofell iss unnclene gast , | (CMORM,I,160.1317) | & lufe+t+t unncl+annesse . | (CMORM,I,160.1318) | +Tiss mahhte trede+t+t unnderrfot | | Galnessess la+te strennc+te , | (CMORM,I,160.1319) | & all +te lusst off horedom | | Itt drife+t+t fra +tin herrte , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu lufesst itt | | & foll+ghesst itt wi+t+t dede . | (CMORM,I,160.1320) | +Te +tridde mahht iss h+afedd mahht | | +Tatt tu +tweorrt ut forrwerrpe | | To +geornenn affterr weorelld+ting , | | To winnenn itt wi+t+t sinne . | (CMORM,I,160.1321) | Wi+t+t +tiss mahht mahht tu witerrli+g | | Wel foll+ghenn Cristess posstless , | | +Giff +tu forrwerrpesst | | gredi+gle+g+gc , | | & foll+ghesst Cristess wille ; | (CMORM,I,160.1322) | Forr +te+g+g forrwurrpenn all +tweorrt ut | | To winnenn ohht wi+t+t sinne , | (CMORM,I,160.1323) | & stodenn inn to foll+ghenn Crist | | All att hiss lefe wille . | (CMORM,I,160.1324) | +Giff +tatt tu +geornesst weorelld+ting | | To winnenn ohht wi+t+t sinne , | | +Ta +geornesst tu +tatt weorelld+ting | | Onn+g+an Drihhtiness wille , | (CMORM,I,161.1325) | & mare iss +te +t+aroff +tatt +ting | | +Tann off Drihhtiness wille , | (CMORM,I,161.1326) | & bett tu l+atesst off +tatt +ting | | +Tann off Drihhtiness wille , | (CMORM,I,161.1327) | & mare lufesst tu +tatt +ting | | +Tann ohht off Godess wille , | | +Giff +te iss lef to winnenn itt | (CMORM,I,161.1328) | Loc nu +te sellf hu ferr +tu gast | | Ut off +te rihhte we+g+gem | | +Giff +tatt tu lufesst weorelld+ting | | To winnen ohht wi+t+t sinne ; | (CMORM,I,161.1329) | Forr +giff +tu winnesst weorelld+ting | | Onn+g+an Drihhtiness wille , | | +Ta turrnesst tu +te frawarrd Godd , | | & towarrd eor+tlic ahhte , | (CMORM,I,161.1330) | & swa forrwerrpesst tu +tin Godd , | (CMORM,I,161.1331) | & haldesst wi+t+t +tatt ahhte . | (CMORM,I,161.1332) | Loc nu +giff +tatt tu narrt rihht wod | | & all wittess bid+aledd , | | +Tatt willt forrlesenn +tin Drihhtin | | & all +te blisse off heoffne , | | Forr +tatt tu ma+ghe winnenn her | | Wi+t+t sinne summwhatt littless ; | (CMORM,I,161.1333) | +Tohh +tatt tu mihhtess winnenn her | | All middell+ardess riche , | | Ne birrde +te nohht +geornenn itt | | Onn+g+an Drihhtiness wille . | (CMORM,I,162.1334) | Loc nu whatt witt itt iss i +te , | | To winnenn summwhatt littless | | Onn+g+aness Godess wille swa | | +Tatt tu +t+ar Godd forrlesesst . | (CMORM,I,162.1335) | Tacc +te nu till +tiss hall+ghe mahht | | Wi+t+t Jesu Cristess posstless , | | All +twerrt ut to forrwerrpenn her | | To winnenn ohht wi+t+t sinne , | (CMORM,I,162.1336) | & beo +tu +geornfull nihht & da+g+g | | To foll+ghenn Godess wille . | (CMORM,I,162.1337) | +Tiss mahhte trede+t+t unnderrfot | | +Gittsunng & gredi+gnesse , | (CMORM,I,162.1338) | & make+t+t +te full kissti+g mann | | Off whattse Godd te lene+t+t , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu lufesst itt | | & foll+ghesst itt wi+t+t dede . | (CMORM,I,162.1339) | +Te feor+te mahht iss h+afedd mahht | | & hali+g mahht wi+t+t alle , | | +Tatt tu beo +twerrt ut milde , & meoc , | | & soffte , & stille , & li+te , | | & +twerrt ut clene off grimmcunndle+g+gc | | & +twerrt ut clene off bra+t+te . | (CMORM,I,162.1340) | +Tiss iss an swi+te mikell mahht | | & Drihhtin swi+te cweme , | (CMORM,I,162.1341) | & +giff +tatt iss +tatt tu +tiss mahht | | Mihht Habbenn rihht & foll+ghenn , | | +Ta witt tu wel +tatt Hali+g Gast | | Himm resste+t+t i +tin herrte , | | & tohh +te birr+t ben harrd wi+t+t skill | | Onn+g+aness alle sinness , | | Forr +tu mihht sket to nesshe ben | | +G+an +ta +tatt Drihhtin wra+t+tenn . | (CMORM,I,163.1342) | +Tiss mahhte trede+t+t unnderrfot | | All grimmele+g+gc & bra+g+ge , | (CMORM,I,163.1343) | & hete & ni+t & awwerrmod | | Itt drife+t+t fra +tin herrte , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu lufesst itt | | & foll+gesst itt wi+t+t dede ; | (CMORM,I,163.1344) | Forr whase iss +twerrt ut milde , & meoc , | | & soffte , & stille , & li+te , | | All he forrwerrpe+t+t grimmele+g+gc , | | & hete , & ni+t , & bra+t+te . | (CMORM,I,163.1345) | +Te fifte mahht iss h+afedd mahht | | & hali+g mahht to foll+ghenn , | | +Tatt tu beo swinncfull att tin mahht | | Inn alle gode dedess , | | A+g+g att rihht time , & a+g+g wi+t+t skill , | | Swa +tatt itt Godd beo cweme ; | (CMORM,I,163.1346) | Forr clene dede & clene swinnc | | Iss Drihhtin swi+te cweme , | (CMORM,I,163.1347) | & himm iss idellnesse la+t | | & all forrswundennesse ; | (CMORM,I,163.1348) | Forr idellle+g+gc iss h+afedd plihht | (CMORM,I,163.1349) | & wi+t+tre+t+t wi+t+t +tin sawle , | (CMORM,I,163.1350) | & forr+ti birr+t +te ben swinncfull | | Inn alle gode dedess | | A+g+g att rihht time , & a+g+g att hof , | (CMORM,I,164.1351) | Forr +tatt iss Drihhtin cweme . | (CMORM,I,164.1352) | +Tiss mahhte trede+t+t unnderrfot | | All +twerrt ut idellnesse , | (CMORM,I,164.1353) | & unnlusst & forrswundennle+g+gc | | Itt drife+t+t fra +tin herrte , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu lufesst itt | | & foll+ghesst itt wi+t+t dede . | (CMORM,I,164.1354) | +Te sexte mahht iss h+afedd mahht | | & Drihhtin swi+te cweme , | | +Tatt tu rihht nohht dreri+g ne beo | | Forr nan eor+tlike unnseoll+te , | | Acc take bli+teli+g +t+arwi+t+t , | | & +tannke itt Godd wi+t+t herrte , | | & foll+ghe swa +te gode Job | | +Tatt wass an king onn eor+te , | | & all wi+t+tutenn gillt forrl+as | | Onn an da+g+g all his ahhte , | | & +get t+ar tekenn mare inoh | | +Tatt mare wass to menenn ; | (CMORM,I,164.1355) | Tenn menn , an allfullwaxenn flocc | | Off suness & off dohhtress , | | Forrl+as +te gode Job +tatt da+g+g , | | +Get tekenn all hiss ahhte . | (CMORM,I,164.1356) | & +get bilammp himm o+terr wa | | +Tatt mare mihhte himm e+g+glenn , | | +Giff +tatt he n+are w+apnedd wel | | +Turrh +tild onn+g+an unnseoll+te . | (CMORM,I,164.1357) | He warr+t all , alls uss se+g+g+t so+t boc , | | Full hefi+glike secnedd , | | Swa swi+te +tatt hiss bodi+g toc | | To rotenn bufenn eor+te | | All samenn , brest , & wambe , & +tes , | | & cnes , & fet , & shannkess , | | & lende , & lesske , & shulldre , & bacc , | | & side , & halls , & h+afedd . | (CMORM,I,165.1358) | All +tiss wass utenn wi+t+t unnhal | | +Turrh swi+te unnride unnh+ale , | (CMORM,I,165.1359) | & all he toc forr+trihht anan | | To rotenn & to stinnkenn , | (CMORM,I,165.1360) | & war & wirrsenn toc anan | | Ut off hiss lic to flowenn . | (CMORM,I,165.1361) | Her wass unnseoll+te unnride inoh | | Till an mann forr to dre+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,165.1362) | & +giff +tatt he +turrh so+tfasst +tild | | W+apnedd full wel ne w+are , | | He munnde ben full dreri+g mann , | | & serrhfull inn hiss herrte | | Off +tatt , tatt himm wass all hiss +ting | | Bir+afedd butenn gillte , | | & off , +tatt he forrl+as hiss streon | | Onn an da+g+g all bidene , | | Tenn menn , swa summ icc se+g+gde nu , | | Off suness & off dohhtress , | | +Tatt w+arenn samenn inn an hus , | | & etenn +t+are & drunnkenn , | | & t+ar fell dun +tatt hus +turrh wind , | | & oferrfell hemm alle , | | & ec off , +tatt he wass himm sellf | | Full hefi+glike secnedd | | Onn all hiss bodi+g her & t+ar | | +Turrh an full atell adle , | (CMORM,I,166.1363) | He munnde ben full drei+g mann | | & serrhfull inn hiss herrte , | | +Giff +tatt he n+are w+apnedd wel | | +Turrh so+tfasst +tildess w+apenn . | (CMORM,I,166.1364) | Acc he wass w+apnedd wel +turrh Godd | | Onn+g+aness illc unnseoll+te , | | +Turrh whatt he spacc wislike & wel | | Inn all hiss miccle unnsell+te , | | Ne se+g+gde he nohht ; unnseli+g mann | | Amm icc onn eor+te wurr+tenn , | (CMORM,I,166.1365) | Forr whatt iss Drihhtin me +tuss wra+t , | (CMORM,I,166.1366) | Forr whatt amm i forrworrpenn ? | (CMORM,I,166.1367) | Ne se+g+gde he nohht off +tiss forr himm | | To wanenn ne to menenn , | (CMORM,I,166.1368) | Acc se+g+gde ; Drihhtin +gaff me +tiss | | All wi+t+t hiss lefe wille , | (CMORM,I,166.1369) | & Drihhtin take+t+t itt fra me | | All wi+t+t hiss lefe wille , | (CMORM,I,166.1370) | & all +tiss iss bilummpenn me , | | Swa summ itt Drihhtin like+t+t , | (CMORM,I,166.1371) | & +tannkedd wurr+te min Drihhtin | | All +tatt tatt he me sennde+t+t , | (CMORM,I,166.1372) | & blettsedd wurr+te hiss name nu | | & +afre a butenn ende ; | (CMORM,I,166.1373) | +Giff +tatt we takenn bli+teli+g | | Att Godd all +tatt iss sell+te , | | +Ta birr+t uss takenn bli+teli+g | | Att himm whattse iss unnsell+te . | (CMORM,I,167.1374) | +Tuss spacc Drihhtiness kemmpe Job | | Inn all hiss miccle unnsell+te ; | (CMORM,I,167.1375) | & te birr+t takenn bisne att himm | | To +tannkenn Godd wi+t+t herrte , | | All +tatt he sette+t+t uppo +te | | Off sell+te & off unnsell+te , | | Swa +tatt tu dreori+g nohht ne beo | | Off nan eor+tlike unnseoll+te , | | Acc take bli+teli+g +t+arwi+t+t , | | & +tannke itt Godd wi+t+t heorrte , | (CMORM,I,167.1376) | Forr +tiss is swi+te mikell mahht , | | Drihhtin swi+te cweme ; | (CMORM,I,167.1377) | & beo +tu sikerr +tatt he shall | | +Te +gifenn eche blisse , | | Onn+g+an all +tatt wanndra+t & wa | | +Tatt te bilimmpe+t+t here , | | +Giff +tatt tu forr +te lufe off himm | | Itt bli+telike dre+ghesst . | (CMORM,I,167.1378) | +Tiss mahhte trede+t+t unnderrfot , | | & drife+t+t fra +tin herrte , | | All fl+ashli+g care & serr+ghe & sit | | Off illc eor+tlike unnseoll+te , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu lufesst itt | | & sh+awesst itt wi+t+t bisne . | (CMORM,I,167.1379) | +Te seoffnde mahht iss h+afedd mahht | | & hali+g mahht wi+t+t alle , | | +Tatt tu well swi+te unnorneli+g | | A+g+g off +te sellfenn l+ate , | | & halde +te forr hinnderrlinng , | | & forr well swi+te unnwresste , | | & forr +tatt mann +tatt litell ma+g+g | | & litell cann to gode . | (CMORM,I,168.1380) | +Tiss illke mahht iss h+afedd mahht | | & halsumm forr to foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,168.1381) | & ure Laferrd Crist himm sellf | | Uss +gaff heroffe bisne , | | +T+ar +t+ar he se+g+gde himm sellf whilumm | | +Turrrh hiss prophetess tunge ; | (CMORM,I,168.1382) | Icc amm an wurrm , & nohht nan mann , | | Uppbrixle menn bitwenenn ; | (CMORM,I,168.1383) | Icc amm +tatt +ting +tatt nohht ne d+ah | | +Tat e+g+gwh+ar iss forrworrpenn , | (CMORM,I,168.1384) | & wh+arse icc amm bitwenenn menn | | Icc hutedd amm & +tutedd , | (CMORM,I,168.1385) | & all onn h+a+ting & o skarn | | Off me ga+t e+g+g wh+ar sp+ache . | (CMORM,I,168.1386) | +Tuss spacc +te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | +Turrh hiss prophetess tunge , | | Off +tatt tatt he forrworrpenn wass | | Amang Judiskenn +teode ; | (CMORM,I,168.1387) | Forr Godess Sune Allmahhti+g Godd , | | +Tatt all +te weorelld wrohhte , | | Warr+t an unnorne & wrecche mann , | | Forr +te to +gifenn bisne , | | +Tatt tu well swi+te unnorneli+g | | A+g+g off +te sellfenn l+ate , | | & halde +te forr hinnderrling , | | & forr well swi+te unnwresste , | | & forr +tatt mann +tatt litell ma+g+g | | & litell cann to gode , | | & forr +tatt mann +tatt all wi+t+t rihht | | Birr+t hutedd ben & +tutedd . | (CMORM,I,169.1388) | +Tiss illke mahht , tatt witt tu wel , | | Iss hali+g mahht to foll+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,169.1389) | Forr swa +tu l+atesst lasse off +te , | | Swa l+ate+t+t Drihhtin mare , | (CMORM,I,169.1390) | & swa +tu tellesst werre off +te , | | Swa telle+t+t Drihhtin bettre . | (CMORM,I,169.1391) | +Tiss mahhte trede+t+t unnderrfot | | & cwennke+t+t i +tin herrte | | All rosinng & all idell +gellp , | (CMORM,I,169.1392) | Forr +tatt iss h+afedd sinne , | | To +gellpenn off +tin duhhti+gle+g+gc | | & off +tin gode dede , | | To rosenn off +tin ha+gherrle+g+gc , | | & le+ghenn off +te sellfenn . | (CMORM,I,169.1393) | & +giff +tu tellesst all +tin mahht | | & all +tin witt unnwresste , | | All idell +gellp & idell ros | | +Tu cwennkesst i +te sellfenn . | (CMORM,I,169.1394) | & +giff +tatt iss +tatt tu mihht tuss | | All idell +gellp forrwerrpenn , | | +Ta foll+ghesst tu +t+ar+turrh +tatt stih | | +Tatt Cristess +teoww birr+t foll+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,169.1395) | Forr Cristess +teoww birr+t fillenn wel | | All +tatt te Goddspell beode+t+t , | (CMORM,I,170.1397) | & whanne $he $it {TEXT:het} hafe+t+t filledd all | | +Tuss birr+t himm +tanne seggenn ; | | Icc amm an allforrwurr+tenn +teoww | | & all unnitt & idel , | (CMORM,I,170.1398) | +Tatt tatt icc het Drihhtin wi+t+t word | | Ne fille icc nohht wi+t+t dede . | (CMORM,I,170.1399) | +Tuss birr+t himm all forrwerrpenn her | | To +gellpenn off himm sellfenn , | | +Giff +tatt he wile cwemenn Godd , | | & winnenn eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,170.1400) | +Tehhtennde mahht iss allre mast | | Off alle +tise mahhtess , | | & tatt forr+ti forr +tatt itt iss | | Moderr off alle +to+tre , | | +Tatt tu forr so+tfasst lufe o Godd | | So+tfasst meocnesse foll+ghe . | (CMORM,I,170.1401) | +Tiss mahhte iss , alls icc se+g+gde nu , | | Moderr off alle +to+tre ; | (CMORM,I,170.1402) | Forr alle mahhtess springenn ut | | Off so+t meocnessess rote ; | (CMORM,I,170.1403) | Forr niss nan mahht , tatt ohht iss wurr+t , | | All shadd fra so+t meocnesse ; | (CMORM,I,170.1404) | Forr a+g+g birr+t so+t meocnesse ben | | Wi+t+t iwhillc mahht onn hellpe , | | +Giff +tatt itt shall +te gengenn ohht | | To winnenn eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,170.1405) | +Tiss illke mahht iss +twerrt ut god | | To berr+ghenn +te +tin sawle , | | +Giff +tatt $tu $it {TEXT:tut} foll+ghesst +tweorrt ut wel | | Wi+t+t bodi+g & wi+t+t herrte . | (CMORM,I,171.1407) | +Tiss hall+ghe mahhte ma+g+g +te don , | | +Giff +tatt tu rihht itt foll+ghesst , | | Lefli+g to +teowwtenn o+tre menn , | | To lutenn +tine lah+ghre . | (CMORM,I,171.1408) | +Tiss hall+ghe mahhte do+t +te wel , | | +Giff +tatt tu wel itt foll+ghesst , | | To wurr+tenn e+g+gwh+ar alle menn , | | +Get forr+tenn +tine lah+ghre . | (CMORM,I,171.1409) | +Tiss h+afedd mahhte do+t +te wel , | | +Giff itt iss i +tin herrte , | | To shunenn derewurr+te shrud | | & derewurr+te m+aless . | (CMORM,I,171.1410) | +Tiss hall+ghe mahhte do+t +te mann , | | +Giff itt iss inn hiss herrte , | | All to forr+gifenn o+tre menn | | Wi+t+t word & ec wi+t+t herrte | | All +tatt te+g+g hafenn ska+tedd himm , | | & shamedd himm & shendedd . | (CMORM,I,171.1411) | & ure Laferrd Crist himm sellf , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | Till hise posstless se+g+gde +tuss | | Off so+t meocnessess mahhte ; | (CMORM,I,171.1412) | Lerne+t+t att me +tatt icc amm wiss | | Rihht milde & meoc wi+t+t herrte , | (CMORM,I,171.1413) | & swa +ge mu+ghenn resste & ro | | Till +gure sawless findenn ; | (CMORM,I,171.1414) | Forr niss nan mahht tatt bettre ma+g+g | | +Te winnenn eche blisse | | +Tann allre mahhte rote ma+g+g , | | & allre mahhte moderr . | (CMORM,I,172.1416) | +Tiss mahhte trede+t+t unnderrfot | | All modi+gnessess strennc+te , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu lufesst itt | | & foll+ghesst itt wi+t+t herrte . | (CMORM,I,172.1417) | Nu habbe icc here sh+awedd +guw | | Rihht ehhte off h+afed mahhtess , | | +Tatt w+arenn all forr ure ned | | +Turrh +tatt bocstaff bitacnedd , | | +Tatt uppo Cristess name stannt | | Rihht allre nesst te firrste . | (CMORM,I,172.1418) | & +giff +ge foll+ghenn +twerrt ut wel | | +Te slo+t off +tise mahhtess , | | +Ta shule +ge ben witerrli+g | | +Turrh Cristess name borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,172.1419) | +Te +tridde staff bitacne+t+t uss | | +Te tale off twe+g+genn hunndredd , | (CMORM,I,172.1420) | & tale off twe+g+genn hunndredd ma+g+g | | +Tatt fulle lufe tacnenn | | +Tatt birr+t ben , alls uss se+g+g+t so+t boc , | | Twifald , +giff itt shall hellpenn ; | (CMORM,I,172.1421) | Forr +te birr+t lufenn Godd & mann , | | +Giff +tu willt wurr+tenn borr+ghenn , | | Acc nohht onn ane wise +tohh , | | Swa summ +te boc uss ki+te+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,172.1422) | Forr +te birr+t lufenn Drihhtin Godd | | & lofenn himm & wurr+tenn | | Wi+t+t all +tin witt , wi+t+t all +tin lusst , | | Wi+t+t all +tin bodi+g mahhte , | | Wi+t+t all +tin gast , wi+t+t all +tin +tohht , | | & mare +tan +te sellfenn ; | | Swa +tatt tu nohht ne stannde onn+g+an | | +Tin Godd o nane wise , | | Ne +turrh +tin witt , ne +turrh +tin lusst , | | Ne +turrh +tin bodi+g dede , | | Ne +turrh +tin gast , tatt tu +tin Godd | | Ne wra+t+t +turrh +tin wille , | | Ne +turrh +tin +tohht , tatt tu +tin Godd | | +Turrh ifell +tohht ne wra+t+te . | (CMORM,I,173.1424) | +Tuss birr+t +te lufenn +tin Drihhtin | | & mare +tan +te sellfenn ; | (CMORM,I,173.1425) | & tatt iss swi+te mikell rihht , | (CMORM,I,173.1426) | Forr Godd iss god wi+t+t alle , | (CMORM,I,173.1427) | & tu +te sellf narrt rihht nohht wurr+t | | Wi+t+tutenn Godess hell+te , | (CMORM,I,173.1428) | & arrt an +ting +tatt nohht ne d+ah , | | +Giff +tatt tu Godd forrleosesst ; | (CMORM,I,173.1429) | & forr+ti birr+t +te lufenn Godd | | +Get mare +tan +te sellfenn ; | (CMORM,I,173.1430) | Forr all +tin hellpe & all +tin hald | | Iss uppo Godess are , | | +Tatt ma+g+g +te , +giff himm +tinnke+t+t god , | | Dun inntill helle werrpenn , | | & , +giff himm +tinnke+t+t god , he ma+g+g | | +Te +gifenn heoffness blisse . | (CMORM,I,174.1431) | & te birr+t lufenn iwhillc mann | | +Tatt life+t+t her onn eor+te , | | +Tatt wise +tatt tu lufesst te , | | +Tatt iss , to wurr+tenn borr+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,174.1432) | Judisskenn mann & h+a+tenn mann | | +Tuss birr+t +te lufenn ba+te , | | +Tatt e+g+g+terr turrne himm towarrd Crist | | Swa +tatt he wurr+te borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,174.1433) | +Tuss birr+t +te lufenn ec +tatt mann | | +Tatt hate+t+t +te wi+t+t herrte , | | +Tatt wre+ge+t+t +te , +tatt shende+t+t +te , | | +Tatt r+afe+t+t +te +tin ahhte . | (CMORM,I,174.1434) | +Tuss birr+t +te lufenn alle +ta , | | +Giff +tatt tu willt te berr+ghenn , | | +Tatt illc an bete hiss sinne swa , | | +Tatt illc an wurr+te borr+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,174.1435) | Forr +tu ne mihht nohht borr+ghenn ben | | To brukenn eche blisse , | | +Giff +tatt tu currsesst ani+g mann , | | & hatesst himm wi+t+t herrte , | | Swa +tatt tu wolldesst bli+teli+g | | Off himm sen ifell ende ; | (CMORM,I,174.1436) | Forr mann iss Godess handewerrc , | | & an full a+tell kinde , | | & Godess onnlicnesse , & all | | Full godd inn all hiss kinde ; | (CMORM,I,174.1437) | & forr+ti birr+t +te lufenn mann | | +Te bodi+g & te sawle , | (CMORM,I,175.1439) | Forr +tatt iss Godess handewerrc , | | & god & a+tell kinde ; | (CMORM,I,175.1440) | Acc +te birr+t hatenn upponn me | | All +tatt tatt +afre iss sinne , | | All +tweorrt ut all swa summ +te birr+t | | Itt hattenn o +te sellfenn . | (CMORM,I,175.1441) | & forr+ti darr mann hatenn wel | | All +tatt tatt +afre iss sinne , | | Forr+ti +tatt sinness la+te lasst | | Niss nan off Godess shafftess , | | Acc iss +tatt d+a+tess la+te sed | | +Tatt deofless +afre sawenn | | Inn ure fl+ashess lusst , & ec | | Inn ure sawless wille . | (CMORM,I,175.1442) | & all +tatt +afre iss god inn me | | Off kinde & ec off dede , | | All birr+t +te lufenn itt inn me , | | All swa summ i +te sellfenn ; | (CMORM,I,175.1443) | Forr +te birr+t lufenn all +te god , | | & hatenn all +te sinne , | | +Twerrt ut inn iwhillc o+terr mann , | | All swa summ i +te sellfenn ; | (CMORM,I,175.1444) | & te birr+t ec , +tatt witt tu wel , | | I gode dedess hellpenn | | & firr+trenn iwhillc o+terr mann , | | All all swa summ +te sellfenn . | (CMORM,I,175.1445) | Nu birr+t +te nimenn mikell gom | | Off +tiss +tatt I +te sh+awe , | | Off - +tatt icc segge +tatt te birr+t | | All all swa lufenn o+tre , | | & hatenn o+tre , & hellpenn hemm , | | All all swa summ +te sellfenn . | (CMORM,I,176.1446) | Ne segge icc +te nohht tatt te birr+t | | All all se mikell hellpe , | | & all se mikell lufe , & ec | | All all se mikell +gemsle , | | +Twerrt ut onn iwhillc o+terr mann | | Alls o +te sellfenn leggenn ; | (CMORM,I,176.1447) | Forr Drihhtin +te ne bidde+t+t nohht | | All all se mikell hell+te | | Don upponn o+tre alls uppo +te ; | (CMORM,I,176.1448) | Acc o +tatt illke wise | | Wi+t+t o+tre he bide+t+t +te don wel | | +Tatt tu dosst wi+t+t +te sellfenn ; | (CMORM,I,176.1449) | Forr +te birr+t lufenn o+tre menn | | & lufenn ec +te sellfenn , | (CMORM,I,176.1450) | Acc mare +te +tann o+tre menn | | +Tu lufenn mihht wi+t+t lefe , | (CMORM,I,176.1451) | & god te birr+t don o+tre menn | | & god don ec +te sellfenn , | (CMORM,I,176.1452) | Acc mare +te +tann o+tre menn | | +Tu mihht don god wi+t+t lefe . | (CMORM,I,176.1453) | & te birr+t +geornenn da+g+g & nihht | | +Tatt all follc wurr+te borr+ghenn , | (CMORM,I,176.1454) | & tohh +te birr+t +get allre mast | | +Tin a+ghenn berrhless +gernenn . | (CMORM,I,176.1455) | +Tuss mihht tu lufenn alle menn | | All all swa summ +te sellfenn , | | & hellpenn forr+tenn alle menn | | All all swa summ +te sellfenn , | | & lufenn +tohh & hellpenn +tohh | | A+g+g allre mast te sellfenn . | (CMORM,I,177.1457) | +Tuss birr+t +te lufenn Godd & mann , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd , | (CMORM,I,177.1458) | & forr +tatt te +tiss lufe birr+t | | O twe+g+genn hallfe fillenn , | | Forr+ti wass itt bitacnedd wel | | +Turrh tale off twe+g+genn hunndredd . | (CMORM,I,177.1459) | & forr +tatt e+g+g+terr hunndredd iss | | Full tale all +twerrt ut filledd , | | & swa full+trifenn +tatt itt nohht | | Ne ma+g+g na mare waxxenn , | | Forr+ti wass e+g+g+terr tale sett | | Full opennli+g to tacnenn , | | +Tatt te birr+t e+g+g+terr lufess mahht | | Fullfremeddlike fillenn | | Swa wel , +tatt e+g+g+terr filledd be | | All +twerrt ut wel wi+t+t alle . | (CMORM,I,177.1460) | & te birr+t lokenn +te +tatt tu | | Ne do nan ifell dede | | Forr lufe off nan lifisshe mann , | (CMORM,I,177.1461) | Forr Godd itt te forrbede+t+t | | To gilltenn ohht onn+g+aness himm , | | Forr ani+g mann to cwemenn ; | (CMORM,I,177.1462) | Forr +giff +tu dosst +tatt ifell iss , | | & opennlike gilltesst | | Forr lufe off ani+g o+terr mann , | | +T+ar hatesst tu +gunnc ba+te , | | +Turrh +tatt tu dosst +gunnc ba+te +t+ar | | To gilltenn Godd onn+g+aness . | (CMORM,I,178.1463) | Nu mihht tu seggenn her to me | | +Tiss word , +giff +tatt te +tinnke+t+t , | | Whi birr+t me lufenn Godd & mann , | | Whi birr+t me lufenn ba+te ? | (CMORM,I,178.1464) | Inoh iss me to lufenn Godd , | (CMORM,I,178.1465) | +T+ar+turrh ma+g+g icc ben borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,178.1466) | Off +tiss wile icc annswerenn +te | | +Tatt tatt icc unnderrstannde , | | Affterr +tatt little witt tatt me | | Min Drihhtin hafe+t+t lenedd . | (CMORM,I,178.1467) | +Giff +tatt tu mihhtesst lufenn Godd | | Swa +tatt itt w+are himm cweme | | Wi+t+tutenn lufe off iwhillc mann , | | +Ta mihhtesst tu ben borr+ghenn | | Wi+t+tutenn lufe off iwhillc mann | | +Turrh lufe off Drihhtin ane ; | (CMORM,I,178.1468) | Forr +giff +tatt tu mihht cwemenn Godd , | | +Ta mihht tu wurr+tenn borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,178.1469) | Acc +te birr+t witenn witerrli+g | | +Tatt Godd niss noww+terr cweme , | | Ne +tatt tu mikell lufesst himm , | | Ne +tatt tu +georne himm +teowwtesst , | | +Giff +tu ne lufesst alle menn | | All all swa summ +te sellfenn . | (CMORM,I,179.1470) | & Crist ne lufesst tu nohht all | | Inn all hiss twinne kinde , | | +Giff +tatt tu nohht ne lufesst mann , | | An lot off Cristess kinde ; | (CMORM,I,179.1471) | Forr Crist iss Godd , (CMORM,I,179.1472) & Crist iss mann , | | An had off twinne kinne . | (CMORM,I,179.1473) | & +giff +tu lufesst Drihhtin ohht , | | O menn +te birr+t itt sh+awenn ; | (CMORM,I,179.1474) | Forr +te birr+t forr +te lufe off Godd | | Wel lufenn menn & hellpenn ; | (CMORM,I,179.1475) | Forr +tu ne mahht nohht lufenn Godd | | & hatenn menn & werdenn . | (CMORM,I,179.1476) | & Cristess posstell , Sannt Johan , | | Uss wrat off +tiss (CMORM,I,179.1477) & se+g+gde , | | +Giff +tu se+g+gst tatt tu lufesst Godd | | & hatesst menn & werdesst , | | +Tu le+ghesst , & biswikesst swa | | +Tin a+ghen wrecche sawle ; | (CMORM,I,179.1478) | Forr +tu ne mahht nohht lufenn Godd | | & hatenn menn & werdenn . | (CMORM,I,179.1479) | Helyas wass an hali+g mann | | & an wurr+tfull prophete | | Onn alde da+ghess , mikell fresst | | Biforenn Cristess come . | (CMORM,I,179.1480) | & wi+t+t himm wass an o+terr mann , | | Hiss mann forr himm to +teowwtenn , | (CMORM,I,179.1481) | & he wass hatenn Helyseow , | (CMORM,I,180.1483) | & he wass Godd full cweme , | (CMORM,I,180.1484) | & ta comm time to +tatt Godd | | Hemm wollde onn er+te sh+adenn , | | & takenn all wi+t+tutenn d+a+t | | Helyamm +te prophete , | | & brinngenn himm all ut fra menn | | Till - +t+ar he shollde libbenn | | Wi+t+t resste & ro , wi+t+tutenn swinnc , | | Till Anntecristess come . | (CMORM,I,180.1485) | & Helyseow hiss mann wass warr | | +Tatt te+g+g +ta sholldenn sh+adenn , | (CMORM,I,180.1486) | & he +ta toc to clepenn onn | | Helyamm +te prophete , | (CMORM,I,180.1487) | & cwa+t+t ; lef faderr , +geld me nu | | Forr all min swinnc rihht mede , | (CMORM,I,180.1488) | Forr +tatt icc hafe foll+ghedd te | | Do me summ god onn ende . | (CMORM,I,180.1489) | & ta +gaff himm anndswere +tuss | | Helyas +te prophete , | | Whatt willt tu +tatt icc +gife +te | | Forr all +tin swinnc to mede ? | (CMORM,I,180.1490) | & Helyseow +ta se+g+gde +tuss ; | | Lef faderr , icc +te bone , | | +Giff me nu +tatt twifalde gast | | +Tatt i +tin herrte himm resste+t+t , | | +Tatt itt beo nu forr+twarrd inn me | | All all swa wel wi+t+t alle , | | All alls itt hafe+t+t ben i +te | | +Turrh +tin Drihhtiness hellpe . | (CMORM,I,180.1491) | What god wass +tatt twifalde gast | | +Tatt Helyseow +t+ar +georrnde ? | (CMORM,I,181.1493) | So+t lufe +tatt birr+t ben twifald , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd ; | (CMORM,I,181.1494) | Forr +te birr+t lufenn Godd & mann | | +Giff +tatt tu willt ben borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,181.1495) | He badd hiss ma+g+gstre fillstnenn himm | | Towarrd Drihhtin wi+t+t bone , | | +Tatt Drihhtinn +g+afe himm wille & mahht | | So+t lufe rihht to foll+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,181.1496) | All alls $he $it {TEXT:het} haffde +gifenn +ar | | Hiss ma+g+gstre , +tiss he +georrnde , | (CMORM,I,181.1497) | & he wass wis , forr he sahh wel , | | & wisste wel to so+te , | | +Tatt all Drihhtiness bodeword | | & all Goddspelless lare | | Iss filledd +turrhutlike wel , | | +Giff +tatt so+t lufe iss filledd ; | (CMORM,I,181.1498) | Forr lufe off Godd & lufe off mann , | | +Giff +tatt tu rihht itt haldesst , | | Itt do+t +te don i word , i werrc , | | All +tatt tu mahht to gode , | (CMORM,I,181.1499) | & itt te do+t affterr +tin mahht | | All ifell to forrbu+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,181.1500) | & t+ar iss all +tatt te birr+t don , | (CMORM,I,181.1501) | & all +te bode iss filledd , | | +Giff +tatt tu lufesst Godd & mann , | | & forr +te lufe off ba+te | | Dost all to gode +tatt tu mihht , | | & ifell all forrwerrpesst . | (CMORM,I,182.1502) | & her +tu mihht nu sen full wel | | +Tatt lufe iss all i dedess ; | (CMORM,I,182.1503) | Forr ma+g+g na lufe berr+ghenn +te | | Wi+t+tutenn gode dedess ; | (CMORM,I,182.1504) | Forr +giff +tu lufesst Godd , $te $it {TEXT:tet} birr+t | | Wi+t+t gode dedess sh+awenn , | (CMORM,I,182.1505) | & +giff +tu lufesst mann , $+te $it {TEXT:+tet} birr+t | | Wi+t+t gode dedess sh+awenn , | (CMORM,I,182.1506) | +Ta mihht tu Godd & gode menn | | Cwemenn , & wurr+tenn borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,182.1507) | & ure Laferrd se+g+gde +tuss | | Till hise Leorningcnihhtess ; | | +Tatt iss min bodeword , tatt +ge | | +Guw lufenn swa bitwenenn | | Rihht alls icc hafe lufedd +guw . | (CMORM,I,182.1508) | Her ma+g+g mann unnderrstanndenn | | Whillc gate me birr+t lufenn +te , | | & illc mann lufenn o+terr ; | (CMORM,I,182.1509) | +Tatt illke wise badd he +te+g+gm | | Hemm lufenn hemm bitwenenn , | | +Tatt illke wise +tatt he +te+g+gm | | Hiss lufe sh+awedd haffde . | (CMORM,I,182.1510) | Nu birr+t me sh+awenn , +giff I kann , | | O whillkess kinness wise | | +Te Laferrd Cristess lufe wass | | Onn hise posstless sene , | (CMORM,I,182.1511) | & tanne shallt tu mu+ghenn sen | | O whillkess kinness wise | | +Ta sellf birr+t lufenn o+tre menn , | | To foll+ghenn Cristess bisne . | (CMORM,I,183.1512) | Crist +gaff hiss a+ghenn lefe lif | | To +tolenn d+a+t o rode | | Forr hise posstless , & forr +te , | | & forr all follke nede , | | Forr swa to lesenn all mannkinn | | Ut off +te deofless walde . | (CMORM,I,183.1513) | & te birr+t foll+ghenn Cristess slo+t , | (CMORM,I,183.1514) | & te birr+t wilenn swelltenn | | Forr Cristess +teowwess , +giff mann hemm | | All saccless wile cwellenn , | | Forr swa to cwennkenn Crisstenndom , | | & Cristess la+ghess dill+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,183.1515) | +Giff +tatt mann wile Crisstenndom | | & Cristess name dill+ghenn , | | +Ta birr+t +te stanndenn +t+ar onn+g+an , | | & werenn Cristess +teowwess , | | & Cristess name , & Crisstenndom , | | Whil +tatt tin lif +te lasste+t+t , | (CMORM,I,183.1516) | & forr +te so+te lufe off Crist | | & ec off Cristess +teowwess | | +te birr+t , +giff +tatt te falle+t+t swa , | | Full bli+telike swelltenn ; | (CMORM,I,183.1517) | & ta +tu foll+ghesst opennli+g | | +Te Laferrd Cristess bisne , | | +Tatt forr mannkinne lufe swallt | | Full bli+telike o rode ; | (CMORM,I,183.1518) | & ec +tu foll+ghesst opennli+g | | +Te Laferrd Cristess posstless , | | +Tatt forr +te so+te lufe off Crist | | & ec off Cristess +teowwess , | | & forr to re+g+gsenn Crisstenndom , | | Full bli+telike swulltenn . | (CMORM,I,184.1520) | & te birr+t witenn sikerrli+g , | | Forr Goddspellboc itt ki+te+t+t , | | +Tatt whase , forr +te lufe off Crist | | & ec off Cristess +teowwess , | | Ga+t for+t to swelltenn bli+teli+g | | Forr Crisstenndom to re+g+gsenn , | | +Te maste lufe he sh+awe+t+t +t+ar | | +Tatt ani+g mann ma+g+g sh+awenn ; | (CMORM,I,184.1521) | & forr+ti +gedenn bli+teli+g | | +Turrh marrtirdom to swelltenn | | Off Godess +teowwess miccle ma | | +Tann ani+g mann ma+g+g tellenn . | (CMORM,I,184.1522) | +Tiss twafald lufe off Godd & mann , | | +Tatt uss birr+t alle sh+awenn , | | I word , i werrc , uss awwnedd wass | | Wel +turrh +ta twe+g+genn hunndredd , | | +Tatt w+arenn +turrh +te +tridde staff | | Off Cristess name tacnedd . | (CMORM,I,184.1523) | & +giff +tu mahht te lufe off Godd | | & ec off mann rihht fillenn , | | +Ta shallt tu +turrh +te name off Crist | | Ben borr+ghenn att tin ende . | (CMORM,I,184.1524) | & wel wass +turrh +te feor+te staff | | Off Cristess name tacnedd | | +Te fulle tale off seofennti+g , | | Off seofenn si+te tene ; | (CMORM,I,185.1526) | Forr tale off seoffne stannt o boc | | Forr mikell +ting to tacnenn ; | (CMORM,I,185.1527) | Forr tale off seoffne tacne+t+t uss | | +Tatt seofennkinne bene , | | +Tatt o +te Paterr Nossterr stannt | | +Tatt Crist himm sellf uss sette ; | (CMORM,I,185.1528) | Forr all +te Paterr Nossterr iss | | Wi+t+t seoffne boness endedd , | (CMORM,I,185.1529) | & wi+t+t +ta boness bidde we | | +Te Laferrd Cristess hellpe | | Off all +tatt +afre ned uss iss | | To lif & ec to sawle . | (CMORM,I,185.1530) | & ec +te tale off seoffne ma+g+g | | +Ta seoffne +gifess tacnenn | | +Tatt Godess Gast uss +gife+t+t her , | | +Giff +tatt we rihht himm cwemenn ; | (CMORM,I,185.1531) | Forr all +tatt +afre ned uss iss | | All Godess Gast uss ti+te+t+t | | +Turrh seoffne +gifess , +giff +tatt we | | Wi+t+t hali+g lif himm cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,185.1532) | & ec +te tale off seoffne ma+g+g | | +Ta seoffne seoll+tess tacnenn , | | +Tatt ure Laferrd Crist himm sellf | | Spacc offe to +te leode , | | Summ si+te +t+ar he talde hemm spell | | Off heofennrichess blisse . | (CMORM,I,186.1533) | He sette himm +aness onn an munnt , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | (CMORM,I,186.1534) | & mikell follc wass +t+ar wi+t+t himm , | | Forr himm to sen & herenn , | | & forr to takenn h+ale att himm | | Off iwhillc unntrummnesse . | (CMORM,I,186.1535) | & t+ar he talde hemm alle spell | | Off +adi+gnessess seoffne , | | +Tatt hall+ghe weress foll+ghenn her , | | Drihhtin +t+ar+turrh to cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,186.1536) | Nu mihht tu sen +tatt mikell +ting | | +Turrh tale off seoffne iss tacnedd ; | (CMORM,I,186.1537) | Forr itt bitacne+t+t opennli+g , | | Swa summ icc hafe sh+awedd , | | Rihht seffne bedess +tatt mann finnt | | Uppo +te Paterr Nossterr , | | & seoffne +gifess +tatt man fo+t | | Off Hali+g Gastess hellpe , | (CMORM,I,186.1538) | & +get itt tacne+t+t , tekenn +tatt , | | Rihht +adi+gnessess seoffne , | | +Tatt hall+ghe weress foll+ghenn her , | | Forr Drihhtin swa to cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,186.1539) | +Te firrste bede +tatt mann bitt | | Uppo +te Paterr Nossterr | | +Tatt iss , +tatt Godess name beo | | Rihht lofedd her & wurr+tedd ; | (CMORM,I,186.1540) | Forr whase Godess name ma+g+g | | Rihht lofenn her & wurr+tenn , | | He winne+t+t swa +tatt he shall ben | | +Turrh Godess name borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,187.1541) | +Tatt o+terr bede +tatt mann bitt | | Uppo +te Paterr Nossterr | | +Tatt iss , +tatt Godess kinedom | | Sket mote wurr+tenn awwnedd , | | All all swillc i +tiss middell+ard | | Alls itt iss upp inn heoffne . | (CMORM,I,187.1542) | +Tiss illke bede filledd beo+t | | Att Domess da+g+gess ende ; | (CMORM,I,187.1543) | Forr +ta shall Godess kinedom | | All all swillc beon onn eor+te , | | Alls itt iss upp inn heoffness +ard | | To da+g+g wi+t+t Godess enngless . | (CMORM,I,187.1544) | & tiss uss w+are swi+te god | | +Tatt itt uss cumenn w+are , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt we cwemenn Godd | | Wi+t+t +tohht , & word , & dede . | (CMORM,I,187.1545) | +Te +tridde bede +tatt mann bitt | | Uppo +te Paterr Nossterr | | +Tatt iss , +tatt Godess wille beo | | All filledd her onn eor+te , | | All all swa summ itt filledd iss | | Inn heoffne i Godess enngless ; | (CMORM,I,187.1546) | Forr whase ma+g+g wi+t+t word & weorrc | | Her fillenn Godess wille , | | He winne+t+t her +tatt he shall ben | | +Turrh Godess wille borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,187.1547) | +Te feor+te bede +tatt mann bitt | | Uppo +te Paterr Nossterr | | +Tatt iss , +tatt Drihhtin nu to da+g+g | | Uss +gife +turrh hiss are | | Ure allre da+g+gwhammlike br+ad ; | (CMORM,I,188.1549) | +Tiss br+ad is Godess hellpe , | (CMORM,I,188.1550) | & itt iss fode to +te lif , | | & fode to +te sawle , | (CMORM,I,188.1551) | & Godd itt +gife+t+t alle +ta | | +Tatt hise la+ghess haldenn . | (CMORM,I,188.1552) | +Te fifte bede +tatt mann bitt | | Uppo +te Paterr Nossterr | | +Tatt iss , +tatt ure Drihhtin uss | | Forr+gife +turrh hiss are | | All +tatt we gilltenn himm onn+g+an , | | I +tohht , i word , i dede , | | +Tatt $he $it {TEXT:het} forr+gife uss all rihht swa , | | Summ we forr+gifenn o+tre | | All +tatt te+g+g gilltenn uss onn+g+an | | Onn ani+g kinne wise . | (CMORM,I,188.1553) | Loc nu +tatt tu forr+gife wel | | All follc all wra+t+t & la+t+te , | | +Giff +tu willt habbenn off +tin gillt | | Att Godd forr+gifenesse . | (CMORM,I,188.1554) | +Te sexte bede +tatt mann bitt | | Uppo +te Paterr Nossterr | | +Tatt iss , +tatt Godd ne +tole nohht | | Ne +tafe la+te gastess | | To winnenn oferrhannd off uss | | +Turrh heore la+te wiless ; | (CMORM,I,188.1555) | Forr whase winne+t+t oferrhannd | | & si+ge off la+te gastess , | | He shall ben crunedd +turrh Druhhtin | | Inn eche lifess blisse . | (CMORM,I,189.1557) | +Te seoffnde bede +tatt mann bitt | | Uppo +te Paterr Nossterr | | +Tatt iss , +tatt ure Drihhtin Godd | | Uss lese +turrh hiss are | | Ut off all +tatt tatt ifell iss | | Wi+t+t lif & ec wi+t+t sawle ; | (CMORM,I,189.1558) | Forr mann ne ma+g+g nohht unnderrfon | | +Tatt god +tatt iss inn heoffne , | | Butt iff +tatt he be clennsedd all | | Off ifell & off sinne . | (CMORM,I,189.1559) | Her habbe icc sh+awedd nu till +guw | | +Ta seoffne bedess alle | | +Tatt w+arenn , alls icc hafe se+g+gd , | | +Turrh tale off seoffne tacnedd . | (CMORM,I,189.1560) | & her icc wile sone anan | | +Ta seoffne +gifess sh+awenn , | | +Tatt Hali+g Gast uss +gife+t+t her , | | +Giff +tatt we rihht himm +teowwtenn . | (CMORM,I,189.1561) | +Te firrste +gife iss witt & skill | | Inn heofennlike +tingess , | | +Turrh whatt mann unnderrstanndenn ma+g+g , | | Hu mann birr+t +afre +georenenn | | Affterr +tatt +ting +tatt lasste+t+t a | | & all iss full off blisse . | (CMORM,I,190.1562) | +Tiss +gife +gife+t+t Hali+g Gast | | +Ta menn +tatt wel himm cwemenn ; | (CMORM,I,190.1563) | Forr a+g+g hemm lange+t+t he+tennwarrd , | | & upp till heoffness blisse ; | | Forr +tatt te+g+g unnderrstanndenn wel | | Hu wicke itt iss on eor+te | | Wi+t+t +tatt itt iss inn heoffness +ard | | Biforenn Godess sihh+te . | (CMORM,I,190.1564) | An o+terr +gife Godess Gast | | Her +gife+t+t hise +teowwess | | +Tatt iss , +tatt he +te+g+gm +gife+t+t her | | All full wel tunnderrstanndenn | | Off all +te boc i Godess hus | | +Te deope di+ghellnesse , | | Swa +tatt te+g+g mu+ghenn sh+awenn +guw | | All whatt itt se+g+g+t & mene+t+t , | | & all hu mann birr+t foll+ghenn itt | | Forr Drihhtin rihht to +teowwtenn , | | Swa +tatt +ge mu+ghenn alle im+an | | +Tatt rihhte we+g+ge foll+ghenn , | | +Tatt lede+t+t +ta till heoffness +ard | | +Tatt Godess la+ghess haldenn . | (CMORM,I,190.1565) | +Te +tridde +gife Godess Gast | | Her +gife+t+t hise +teowwess , | (CMORM,I,190.1566) | He gife+t+t hemm himm sellfenn her | | Swa forr+terrlike onn eor+te , | | Swa +tatt te+g+g cunnenn ra+tenn rihht | | Hemm sellfenn & ec o+tre , | | Off all +tatt +afre iss oww+terr ned | | To lif & ec to sawle . | (CMORM,I,191.1567) | +Te feor+te +gife off Hali+g Gast | | Iss strennc+te +g+an +te deofell ; | (CMORM,I,191.1568) | Strennc+te +g+an +te deofell ; | (CMORM,I,191.1569) | Strennc+te to fihhtenn stallwurrli+g | | Onn+g+an +te fl+ashess lusstess ; | (CMORM,I,191.1570) | Strennc+te +tatt +gife+t+t lufe & lusst | | +Te bodi+g forr to pinenn | | Wi+t+t swinnc , wi+t+t hunngerr , & wi+t+t +trisst , | | Wi+t+t chele i wicke cla+tess , | | Wi+t+t cnelinng , & wi+t+t bedesang , | | Wi+t+t swinginng , & wi+t+t wecche ; | (CMORM,I,191.1571) | Strennc+te to +tolenn rihht wi+t+t skill | | Illc seoll+te & illc unnseoll+te , | | & a+g+g to +tannkenn innwarrdli+g | | Drihhtin all +tatt he sennde+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,191.1572) | +Tiss strennc+te +gife+t+t Hali+g Gast | | +Ta menn +tatt wel himm cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,191.1573) | +Te fifte +gife iss sh+ad & skill | | I weorelldlike +tingess , | | +Turrh whatt mann unnderrstannde+t+t wel | | & seo+t wi+t+t heorrtess e+ghe | | All whatt iss rihht , & whatt iss wo | | Biforenn Godess e+ghne , | | & whatt bilimmpe+t+t to +te lif , | | & whatt ga+t to +te sawle ; | | & all hu mann birr+t weorelld+ting | | Nittenn & tohh forrwerrpenn ; | | & hu +te birr+t +g+an ifell mann | | & ec +g+an god mann ba+te | | Swa ledenn +te wi+t+t skill , +tatt tu | | Ne gillte nohht +g+an oww+terr , | | Acc +tatt hemm ba+te beo +te bett | | Off +tatt te+g+g neh +te biggenn ; | | & hu +te birr+t uppo +tin frend | | Swa lufenn lif & sawle , | | +Tatt te birr+t hatenn +tohh onn himm | | All whattse iss woh & sinne ; | | & hu +te birr+t uppo +tin fend | | All hatenn woh & sinne , | | Swa +tatt te lufenn birr+t onn himm | | +Tohhwhe+t+tre lif & sawle . | (CMORM,I,192.1574) | Swillc sh+ad & skill i weorelld+ting | | All hu mann shall himm ledenn , | | Her sette+t+t Hali+g Gast o +ta | | +Tatt lufenn himm & cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,192.1575) | +Te sexte +gife off Hali+g Gast | | Iss an rihht god reowwsunnge | | +Tatt Godess +teoww , whasumm itt iss , | | Her bere+t+t inn hiss heorrte . | (CMORM,I,192.1576) | Himm reowe+t+t off hiss a+ghenn woh | | & off hiss a+ghenn sinne , | | & ec off o+terr manness woh | | Off o+terr manness sinne . | (CMORM,I,192.1577) | Himm reowe+t+t +tatt he nafe+t+t nohht | | All haldenn , alls himm birrde , | | +Te Crisstenndom wi+t+t word & weorrc , | | & wi+t+t +te rihhte l+afe , | | All affterr +tatt he Godd bihet | | +Tatt da+g+g +tatt he wass fullhtnedd . | (CMORM,I,193.1578) | Himm reowe+t+t +tatt he dwelle+t+t her | | Swa swi+te lange onn eor+te | | +Tatt all iss full off hete & ni+t , | | & full off alle sinness . | (CMORM,I,193.1579) | Himm reowe+t+t +tatt he nafe+t+t nohht | | Off Paradisess riche | | +Tatt himm wass +garrkedd +turrh Drihhtin , | | To brukenn a wi+t+t blisse . | (CMORM,I,193.1580) | Himm reowe+t+t +tatt he nohht ne ma+g+g | | Himm +gemenn all fra sinne , | | +Tohh +tatt he nohht ne kepe+t+t her | | To gilltenn hise +tannkess . | (CMORM,I,193.1581) | Himm reowe+t+t +tatt he nohht ne ma+g+g | | Swillc hali+g bisne sh+awenn , | | Alls himm hiss herrte bere+t+t to , | | +Giff +tatt $he $it {TEXT:het} mihhte for+tenn . | (CMORM,I,193.1582) | Himm reowe+t+t ec off alle +ta | | +Tatt foll+ghenn deofless lare , | | Off +tatt hemm +twerrt ut nohht niss off | | To betenn here sinness . | (CMORM,I,193.1583) | Swillc reowwsunng +gife+t+t Hali+g Gast | | +Ta menn +tatt rihht himm cwemenn . | (CMORM,I,193.1584) | +Te seoffnde +gife Godess Gast | | Her +gife+t+t Godess +teowwess | | +Tatt iss , to dr+adenn Drihhtin rihht | | I +tohht , i word , i dede . | (CMORM,I,193.1585) | +Tiss dr+adunng iss +tatt rodetreo | | +Tatt Crist himm sellf spacc offe , | | & se+g+gde to +te leode +tuss , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | +Tatt mann +tatt wile foll+ghenn me | | & winnenn eche blisse , | | He take hiss rode , (CMORM,I,194.1587) & bere itt rihht , | (CMORM,I,194.1588) | & foll+ghe swa min bisne . | (CMORM,I,194.1589) | & rihht dr+adunng off Godd ma+g+g wel | | +Turrh rodetreo ben tacnedd ; | (CMORM,I,194.1590) | Forr rihht dr+adunng off Godd te do+t | | All bindenn swa +tin herrte , | | & all +tin bodi+g , swa +tatt tu | | Ne darrst nohht Drihhtin wra+t+tenn , | | Ne +turrh +tin +tohht , ne +turrh +tin word , | | Ne +turrh +tin bodi+g dede ; | (CMORM,I,194.1591) | & swa +tu foll+ghesst Cristess slo+t | | +Turrh rihht dr+adunng all bundenn , | | Alls iff +tu w+are bundenn all | | O rodetreo wi+t+t bandess ; | (CMORM,I,194.1592) | +Tiss dr+adunng +gife+t+t Hali+g Gast | | +Ta menn +tatt rihht himm +teowwtenn ; | (CMORM,I,194.1593) | Her hafe icc sh+awedd nu till +guw | | +Ta seoffne +gifess alle , | | +Tatt hall+ghe weress unnderrfon | | +Turrh Hali+g Gastess frofre . | (CMORM,I,194.1594) | & her icc wile wi+t+t & wi+t+t | | +Ta seoffne seoll+tess sh+awenn | | +Tatt w+arenn , alls icc hafe se+g+gd , | | +Turrh tale off seoffne tacnedd . | (CMORM,I,195.1596) | & her icc wile reccnenn hemm | | All o +tatt illke wise , | | All alls hemm sette o Goddspellboc | | Ma+teow +te Goddspellwrihhte . | (CMORM,I,195.1597) | +Te firrste seoll+te iss +tatt tu beo , | | All wi+t+t +tin a+ghenn wille , | | All wrecche & w+adle & usell mann , | | Forr lufe off eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,195.1598) | +Tiss seoll+te shall +te winnenn her | | Heh kinedom inn heoffne , | | Swa summ +te Goddspellwrihhte se+g+g+t , | | +Tatt +tweorrt ut nohht ne le+ghe+t+t . | (CMORM,I,195.1599) | +Tatt o+terr seoll+te iss +tatt tu beo | | +Admond , & soffte , & milde , | | All forr +te so+te lufe off Godd , | | All wi+t+t +tin a+ghenn wille . | (CMORM,I,195.1600) | +Tiss seoll+te all heoffness +ardess land | | +te winnenn shall & ahnenn , | | Swa summ +te Goddspellwrihhte se+g+g+t , | | +Giff +tatt tu wel itt foll+ghesst . | (CMORM,I,195.1601) | +Te +tridde seoll+te do+t +te mann | | Wepenn wi+t+t skill & wanenn | | Nohht forr nan life off weorelld+ting , | | Ne forr eor+tlike unnseoll+te , | | Acc forr hiss a+ghenn sinne , & ec | | Forr o+terr manness sinne ; | (CMORM,I,195.1602) | Forr Godess +teoww her wepe+t+t a | | Forr o+tre , & forr himm sellfenn . | (CMORM,I,196.1604) | He wepe+t+t her forr alle +ta | | +Tatt wepenn her wi+t+t sinne , | (CMORM,I,196.1605) | He wepe+t+t ec forr alle +ta | | +Tatt lah+ghenn her wi+t+t sinne . | (CMORM,I,196.1606) | Nu mihht tu fra+g+gnenn whillc iss +tatt | | +Tatt wepe+t+t her wi+t+t sinne , | | Whatt mann se itt iss +tatt wepe+t+t her | | Forr lire off eor+tlike ahhte . | (CMORM,I,196.1607) | & tu mihht fra+g+gnenn whillc iss +tatt | | +Tatt lah+ghe+t+t her wi+t+t sinne , | | +Tatt mann +tatt late+t+t modili+g | | Forr hiss eor+tlike seoll+te . | (CMORM,I,196.1608) | Nu wepe+t+t Godess +teoww forr +ta | | +Tatt wepenn her wi+t+t sinne , | (CMORM,I,196.1609) | & he shall att hiss endeda+g+g | | +Turrh Drihhtin wurr+tenn frofredd | | Off all hiss wop & all hiss wa , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t . | (CMORM,I,196.1610) | +Te feor+te seoll+te iss +tatt tu beo | | Forr+trisst & ec forhunngredd , | | Nohht affterr mete , $ne $affterr {TEXT:naffterr} drinnch , | | Acc affterr rihhtwisnesse . | (CMORM,I,196.1611) | +Tiss hunngerr & tiss +trisst iss a | | I Cristess +tewwess herrte ; | (CMORM,I,196.1612) | Forr a+g+g occ a+g+g he stannde+t+t inn | | To re+g+gsenn rihhtwisnesse , | | & a+g+g to tredenn unnderrfot | | All whattse iss woh & sinne ; | (CMORM,I,197.1613) | & all hiss hunngerr & hiss +trisst | | Shall ben +turrh Drihhtin sleckedd ; | (CMORM,I,197.1614) | Forr he shall att hiss endeda+g+g | | +Turrh hiss Drihhtiness fode | | All filledd ben off iwhillc god , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,197.1615) | +Te fifte seoll+te nemmnedd iss | | Forr+gifenesse & are , | (CMORM,I,197.1616) | & Cristess +teowwess herrte iss all | | Full off +tiss hall+ghe seoll+te , | | A+g+g to for+gifenn innwarrdli+g , | | Wi+t+t so+tfasst millce & are , | | All +tatt mann gillte+t+t himm onn+g+an | | Onn alle kinne wise . | (CMORM,I,197.1617) | & Drihhtin att hiss endeda+g+g , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | Shall arenn himm & millcenn himm , | | & brinngenn himm till heoffne ; | (CMORM,I,197.1618) | +Te sexte seoll+tess +adi+gle+g+gc | | Iss clene & lutterr herrte , | | +Tatt all +tin herrte beo +twerrt ut | | Att tin wittshipe clene , | | +Tatt tu ne wite nan wi+t+t +te | | Ne lasse gillt , ne mare . | (CMORM,I,197.1619) | Swillc herte niss forrblendedd nohht | | +Turrh ahhtess gredi+gnesse , | | Ne +turrh nan o+terr fl+ashess lusst , | | Ne +turrh nan modinesse , | (CMORM,I,197.1620) | & forr+ti ma+g+g itt sen to gan | | Wi+t+t all +tatt rihhte we+g+ge | | +Tatt lede+t+t menn till heoffness +ard , | | To sen Drihhtin wi+t+t ehne ; | (CMORM,I,198.1622) | & whase itt iss +tatt hafe+t+t her | | Swillc herrte all +twerrt ut clene , | | He shall wi+t+t blisse seon Drihhtin , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t . | (CMORM,I,198.1623) | +Te seoffnde seoll+tess +adi+gle+g+gc | | Iss gri+t+t i manness herrte , | | Swa +tatt illc an unnclene lusst | | & illc an ifell wille | | Beo trededd dun +turrh lufe off Godd , | | & cwennkedd inn hiss herrte , | | Swa +tatt hiss bodi+g wi+t+t hiss gast | | Sammtale & sahhte wurr+te , | | Swa +tatt te+g+g ba+te +geornenn an | | & foll+ghenn an wi+t+t wille , | | Inn all +tatt +tohht & word & werrc | | +Tatt all iss Drihhtin cweme | (CMORM,I,198.1624) | & ec +tiss seoll+te do+t +te mann | | A+g+g so+t sahhtnesse foll+ghenn | | Wi+t+t god mann & wi+t+t ifell mann , | | Inn all +tatt niss nan sinne ; | (CMORM,I,198.1625) | Forr himm ne birr+t nohht beon all an | | Wi+t+t nani+g mann i sinne ; | (CMORM,I,198.1626) | Forr he ne ma+g+g nohht sinnel+as | | Beon bli+te off ani+g sinne , | (CMORM,I,198.1627) | Acc himm birr+t +tr+apenn a+g+g wi+t+t skill | | Onn+g+aness alle sinness , | | & sh+awenn +tohh sahhtnesse & gri+t+t , | | Swa summ icc hafe spelledd , | | +Get forr+tenn towarrd ifell mann , | | Inn all +tatt niss nan sinne . | (CMORM,I,199.1629) | & +giff +tiss hall+ghe gri+t+t iss wel | | Wi+t+tinnenn i +tin herrte , | | & ec wi+t+tutenn towarrd menn , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd , | | +Ta shallt tu wurr+tenn sikerrli+g | | An off Drihhtiness chilldre , | | Swa summ +tatt Goddspell ki+te+t+t uss | | +Tatt Crist himm sellf uss se+g+gde ; | (CMORM,I,199.1630) | Her hafe icc sh+awedd nu till +guw | | Rihht +adi+gnessess seoffne , | | +Tatt w+arenn , alls icc se+g+gde +guw , | | +Turrh tale off seoffne tacnedd ; | (CMORM,I,199.1631) | Forr tale off seoffne stannt o boc | | Forr mikell +ting to tacnenn ; | (CMORM,I,199.1632) | Forr itt uss tacne+t+t opennli+g , | | Swa summ icc hafe sh+awedd , | | +Ta seoffne bedess +tatt mann finnt | | Uppo +te Paterr Nossterr , | | & seoffne +gifess +tatt mann fo+t | | Off Hali+g Gastess hellpe , | | & seoffne seoll+tess +tatt mann her | | Forr lufe off Drihhtin foll+ghe+t+t . | (CMORM,I,199.1633) | & all wass +turrh +te feor+te staff | | Off Cristess name tacnedd ; | (CMORM,I,199.1634) | +Tatt feor+te staff iss nemmnedd O | (CMORM,I,200.1636) | & itt | (CMORM,I,200.1637) An off +ta fowwre iss Sannt Ma+t+tew , | (CMORM,I,200.1638) | & he wass ec an posstell . | (CMORM,I,200.1639) | An o+terr Goddspellwrihhte wass | | Marcuss by name nemmnedd , | (CMORM,I,200.1640) | & he wass Goddspellwrihhte god , | (CMORM,I,200.1641) | Acc he ne wass nan posstell . | (CMORM,I,200.1642) | +Te +tridde Goddspellwrihhte wass | | Lucas by name nemmnedd , | (CMORM,I,200.1643) | & he wass Goddspellwrihhte god , | (CMORM,I,200.1644) | Acc he ne wass nan posstell . | (CMORM,I,200.1645) | +Te fer+te Goddspellwrihhte wass | | Johan , (CMORM,I,200.1646) & he wass posstell . | (CMORM,I,200.1647) | Her hafe I nemmnedd nu till +guw | | +Ta fowwre Goddspellwrihhtess , | | +Tatt w+arenn uss bitacnedd wel | | +Turrh tale off fowwerr hunndredd ; | (CMORM,I,200.1648) | Forr +te+g+gre lif fullfremedd wass | | Inn alle gode dedess , | | All swa +te tale off hunndredd iss | | Fullfremedd tale nemmnedd . | (CMORM,I,200.1649) | & tise fowwre w+arenn ec | | +Turrh fowwre der bitacnedd , | | +Tatt Godess +teww Ezechyel | | Sahh +turrh gastlike sihh+te . | (CMORM,I,200.1650) | +Tis illke Ezechiel wass an | | Wurr+tfull & heh profete | | Full mikell fresst biforenn +tatt | | +Tatt Crist comm her to manne ; | (CMORM,I,201.1652) | & he sahh +aness fowwre der | | +Turrh Hali+g Gast inn heffne | | Abutenn Drihhtin heffness king , | | +T+ar he satt onn hiss s+ate ; | | Forr +tatt te+g+g sholldenn tacnenn uss | | +Ta fowwre Goddspellwrihhtess , | | +Tatt writenn off +te Laferrd Crist | | Goddspell o fowwre bokess . | (CMORM,I,201.1653) | +Tatt an der off +ta fowwre der | | Wass inn an manness like ; | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn uss | | Ma+t+tew +te Goddspellwrihhte , | | +Tatt wrat uss onn hiss Goddspellboc | | Off Cristess mannisscnesse ; | | Off +tatt , tatt Crist wass wurr+tenn mann | | Forr all mannkinne nede , | | Swa +tatt he wass so+t Godd , & ec | | So+t mann i lif & sawle ; | | & ec off all +tatt hall+ghe werrc , | | +Tatt Crist onn er+te wrohhte | | Inn ure bodi+g +tatt he toc | | Off Sannte Mar+gess kinde . | (CMORM,I,201.1654) | An o+terr der wass se+ghenn +t+ar | | Inn an leuness like ; | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn uss | | Marrcumm +te Goddspellwrihhte , | | +Tatt wrat uss onn hiss Goddspellboc , | | Hu Crist ras upp off d+a+te | | Onn uhhtenntid te +tridde da+g+g | | Fra +tatt he swallt o rode . | (CMORM,I,202.1655) | & tatt wass rihht tatt le wass sett | | Onn+g+an +tatt Goddspellwrihhte , | | +Tatt wrat off hu +te Laferrd ras | | +Te +tridde da+g+g off d+a+te ; | (CMORM,I,202.1656) | Forr leness whellp +t+ar +t+ar itt iss | | Whellpedd , t+ar li+t itt stille | | +Tre da+ghess alls itt w+are d+ad , | | Forr Cristess d+a+t to tacnenn ; | (CMORM,I,202.1657) | & o +te +tridde da+g+g itt iss | | Waccnedd off sl+ap & re+g+gsedd , | | +Turrh +tatt te faderr ga+t +t+arto | | & stire+t+t itt & waccne+t+t , | | All all swa summ +te Laferrd ras | | +Te +tridde da+g+g off d+a+te | | All +turrh hiss Hall+ghe Faderr mahht , | | & +turrh hiss a+ghenn mahhte . | (CMORM,I,202.1658) | +Te +tridde der +tatt he +t+ar sahh | | Wass inn an kallfess like ; | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn uss | | Lucam +te Goddspellwrihhte , | | +Tatt wrat uss onn hiss Goddspellboc | | Off Cristess d+a+t o rode , | | +T+ar he wass offredd lac , forr uss | | To lesenn ut off helle . | (CMORM,I,202.1659) | & tatt wass rihht tatt callf wass sett | | Onn+g+an +tatt Goddspellwrihhte , | | +Tatt wrat off hu +te Laferrd Crist | | Wass offredd uppo rode ; | (CMORM,I,203.1660) | Forr kallf wass , wiss to fulle so+t , | | An lac amang +ta lakess | | +Tatt w+arenn offredd Drihhtin Godd | | Biforenn Cristess come . | (CMORM,I,203.1661) | +Te feor+te deor +tatt he +t+ar sahh | | Wass inn an +arness like , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn uss | | Johan +te Goddspellwrihhte , | | +Tatt wrat uss onn hiss Goddspellboc | | Off Cristess Goddcunndnesse , | | Off - hu +te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Inn hiss goddcunnde kinde | | A+g+g wass , & iss , & +afre beo+t | | Hiss Faderr efennmete , | | Allmahhti+g & Allw+aldennd Godd | | +Tatt alle shaffte wrohhte , | | Wi+t+t Faderr & wi+t+t Hali+g Gast | | All an i Goddcunndnesse . | (CMORM,I,203.1662) | & tatt wass rihht tatt +arn wass sett | | Onn+g+an +tatt Goddspellwrihhte , | | +Tatt mast wrat onn hiss Goddspellboc | | Off Cristess Goddcunndnesse ; | (CMORM,I,203.1663) | Forr i +tatt tatt he wrat off swillc | | He fl+ah upp inntill heoffne , | | +Turrh +tatt he wrat her i +tiss lif | | Off Godess depe kinde , | (CMORM,I,203.1664) | & t+ar wass he full lic wi+t+t +arn | | +Tatt fle+ghe+t+t upp full he+ghe . | (CMORM,I,204.1666) | +Tuss w+arenn +turrh +ta fowwre deor | | +Ta fowwre menn bitacnedd | | +Tatt writenn off +te Laferrd Crist | | Goddspell o fowwre bokess . | (CMORM,I,204.1667) | & tise fowwre gode menn , | | Wi+t+t heore fowwre bokess , | | Sinndenn gastlike i gastli+g witt | | An wa+g+g wi+t+t fowwre wheoless , | | +Tatt bere+t+t i +tiss middell+ard | | Drihhtin fra land to lande ; | (CMORM,I,204.1668) | Forr wide & side spelledd iss | | +Turrh heore fowwre bokess | | Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist , | | & hu mann birr+t himm +teowwtenn . | (CMORM,I,204.1669) | & wh+are o lande summ itt iss | | +Tatt mann off Goddspell spelle+t+t , | | Hu mann birr+t +twowwtenn Jesu Crist | | & lufenn himm & dr+adenn , | | +T+ar iss +te Laferrd Crist himm sellf , | (CMORM,I,204.1670) | & tiderr iss he wa+g+gnedd | | Uppo +tatt hall+ghe wa+g+gn +tatt ga+t | | O fowwre Goddspellwheless . | (CMORM,I,204.1671) | +Tiss wa+g+gn wass +turrh an kingess wa+g+gn | | Inn alde da+ghess tacnedd , | | Full mikell fresst biforenn +tatt | | +Tatt Crist comm her to manne , | (CMORM,I,204.1672) | & he +tatt king bi name wass | | Amminadab +gehatenn , | (CMORM,I,204.1673) | & he +tatt illke Amminadab | | Wass borenn , to bitacnenn | | Crist , Godess Sune , +turrh hiss wa+g+gn | | & +turrh hiss name ba+te . | (CMORM,I,205.1675) | Hiss name wass Amminadab , | (CMORM,I,205.1676) | & upponn Ennglissh sp+ache | | Itt tacne+t+t uss +tatt mann +tatt do+t | | God werrc wi+t+t innwarrd herrte , | | Wi+t+t mikell lusst , wi+t+t all hiss mahht , | | Wi+t+t all hiss fulle wille . | (CMORM,I,205.1677) | & tatt mann iss Sponntaneuss | | O Latin sp+ache nemmnedd , | | +Tatt do+t wi+t+t innwarrd herrte god | | & all wi+t+t fulle wille ; | (CMORM,I,205.1678) | & swa wass Crist sponntaneuss | | Inn all hiss hall+ghe dede , | | Forr all +tatt he to manne comm | | To wurr+tenn mann onn er+te , | | & tatt himm ummbeshorenn wass | | Hiss shapp o +talde wise , | | & tatt he rihht full herrsumm wass | | Till Sannte Mar+ge hiss moderr , | | +Tatt he wass fullhtnedd i +te flumm | | Att Sannt Johan Bapptisste , | | & tatt he si+t+tenn affterr +tatt | | Held fasste i wilde wesste , | | & tatt he +turrh +te la+te gast | | Wass si+t+tenn fandedd +tri+g+gess , | | & tatt he dide mikell god | | Wi+t+t larspell & wi+t+t dede , | | & tatt he si+t+tenn takenn wass | | All gilltel+as & bundenn | | & na+g+gledd uppo rodetre , | | & tatt he swallt o rode , | | & tatt he ras +te +tridde da+g+g | | Off d+a+tess sl+ap to life , | | & stah upp inntill heffness +ard ; | (CMORM,I,206.1679) | All dide he +tatt onn er+te | | Wi+t+t innwarrd herrtess lufe & lusst , | | Wi+t+t all hiss fulle wille ; | (CMORM,I,206.1680) | & forr+ti wass he full wel +turrh | | Amminadab bitacnedd , | | +Tatt tacne+t+t uss +tatt mann +tatt do+t | | God werrc wi+t+t innwarrd herrte , | | Wi+t+t all hiss mahht , wi+t+t mikell lusst , | | Wi+t+t all hiss fulle wille . | (CMORM,I,206.1681) | & +turrh Amminadabess wa+g+gn | | Wass Cristess Goddspell tacnedd , | | +Tatt iss o fowwre bokess sett | | +Turrh fowwre Goddspellwrihhtess ; | (CMORM,I,206.1682) | & t+arfore iss Cristess Goddspell , | | All Cristess hall+ghe lare , | | Alls iff itt w+are Cristess wa+g+gn | | O fowwre Goddspell wheless . | (CMORM,I,206.1683) | & ure Laferrd Crist himm sellf | | Inn ure mennisscnesse | | Wass tacnedd +turrh +ta fowwre deor , | | +Tatt we nu sp+akenn offe . | (CMORM,I,206.1684) | Forr he wass mann forr ure med | | To lesenn uss off helle . | (CMORM,I,206.1685) | & he wass tacnedd +turrh +te leo ; | | Forr +tatt he ras onn er+te , | | All alls hiss lefe wille wass , | | +Te +tidde da+g+g off d+a+te . | (CMORM,I,207.1687) | & he wass tacnedd +turrh +te callf ; | (CMORM,I,207.1688) | Forr he wass uppo rode | | All alls hiss lefe wille wass | | Offredd Drihhtin to lake . | (CMORM,I,207.1689) | & he wass taccnedd +turrh +tatt +arn ; | (CMORM,I,207.1690) | Forr he stah upp till heoffne | | O +tatt da+g+g +tatt upponn Ennglissh | | Iss Hall+ghe +Turrsda+g+g nemmnedd . | (CMORM,I,207.1691) | +T+ar wass he tacnedd wel +turrh +arn ; | (CMORM,I,207.1692) | Forr +arn ma+g+g he+ghe fle+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,207.1693) | & illc an hali+g mann +tatt rihht | | Drihhtiness la+ghess halde+t+t | | Iss tacnedd +turrh +ta fowwre deor , | | +Tatt we nu sp+akenn offe . | (CMORM,I,207.1694) | Forr god mann foll+ghe+t+t witt & skill | (CMORM,I,207.1695) | & wi+t+t wissdom himm lede+t+t , | (CMORM,I,207.1696) | & iss swa tacnedd +turrh +tatt deor | | +Tatt wass i manness like ; | (CMORM,I,207.1697) | Forr mann birr+t foll+ghenn rihht tatt witt | | +Tatt Godd himm hafe+t+t lenedd , | (CMORM,I,207.1698) | & +giff he nohht ne foll+ghe+t+t witt , | | Acc unnwitt all wi+t+t wille | | Inn all +tatt iss onn+g+an Drihhtin , | | Inn alle kinne sinne , | | +Ta niss he nohht haldenn forr mann | | Biforenn Godess ehne ; | (CMORM,I,208.1699) | Forr niss na tale inn heoffness +ard | | Bitwenenn Godess hall+ghenn | | Off ifell mann , +tatt ifell iss | | All wi+t+t hiss fulle wille , | | Butt all swillc tale alls iss off hund , | | Forr e+g+g+terr iss unnclene . | (CMORM,I,208.1700) | & god mann rise+t+t a+g+g uppwarrd | | Inn alle gode dedess , | (CMORM,I,208.1701) | & gode+t+t a+g+g , (CMORM,I,208.1702) & he+ghe+t+t a+g+g | | Biforenn Godess ehne , | (CMORM,I,208.1703) | & +giff he gillte+t+t ani+g gillt | | Itt iss all +g+an hiss wille , | (CMORM,I,208.1704) | & nile he nohht t+arinne lin , | (CMORM,I,208.1705) | Acc rise+t+t upp +turrh shriffte , | (CMORM,I,208.1706) | & bete+t+t sone anan +tatt gillt | | +Tatt he wass fallenn inne . | (CMORM,I,208.1707) | He rise+t+t upp (CMORM,I,208.1708) & sahhtle+t+t himm | | Wi+t+t Godd +turrh +tatt deor | | +Tatt wass i leoness like , | | +Tatt rise+t+t o +te +tridde da+g+g | | Affterr +tatt itt iss wheollpedd . | (CMORM,I,208.1709) | & god mann stannde+t+t a+g+g onn+g+an | | Hiss fl+ashess fule wille , | (CMORM,I,208.1710) | & cwennke+te+t+t a+g+g wi+t+t all hiss mahht | | Hiss fl+ashess fule lusstess , | (CMORM,I,208.1711) | & offre+t+t swa biforenn Godd | | An lac well swi+te dere , | | Hiss a+ghenn bodi+g wi+t+t hiss gast | | Sammtale inn alle gode , | (CMORM,I,209.1712) | & iss swa tacnedd +turrh +tatt der | | +Tatt wass i kallfess like ; | (CMORM,I,209.1713) | Forr kallf wass offredd Godd to lac | | Biforenn Cristess come , | | Amang +tatt Judewisshe +teod | | +Tatt ta wass Godd full cweme . | (CMORM,I,209.1714) | & god man georne+t+t a+g+g occ a+g+g | | Affterr hiss lifess ende , | (CMORM,I,209.1715) | & a+g+g himm lange+t+t he+tennwarrd | | & upp till heoffness blisse ; | (CMORM,I,209.1716) | Forr all hiss lufe & all hiss lusst | | Iss na+g+gledd upp inn heoffne , | | Swa +tatt he +twerrt ut all forrseo+t | | +Tiss weorelld+tingess sell+te , | | & all hiss herrte fle+ghe+t+t upp | | & iss swa tacnedd +turrh +tatt deor | | +Tatt wass inn +arness like ; | (CMORM,I,209.1717) | Forr +arn ma+g+g fle+ghenn i +te lifft | | Full he+ghe towarrd heoffne , | (CMORM,I,209.1718) | & tacne+t+t wel +tatt gode mann | | +Tatt +georne+t+t upp to Criste . | (CMORM,I,209.1719) | +Tuss w+arenn +turrh +ta fowwre deor | | +Ta fowwre menn bitacnedd , | | +Tatt writenn off +te Laferrd Crist | | Goddspell o fowwre bokess . | (CMORM,I,209.1720) | & Jesu Crist himm sellf wass ec | | +Turrh alle fowwre tacnedd , | (CMORM,I,210.1722) | & illc an hali+g mann +tatt rihht | | Drihhtiness la+ghess halde+t+t | | Wass tacnedd +turrh +ta fowwre deor , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd . | (CMORM,I,210.1723) | & alle w+arenn tacnedd uss | | +Turrh tale off fowwerr hunndredd , | | +Tatt w+arenn +turrh +te fifte staff | | Off Cristess name tacnedd ; | (CMORM,I,210.1724) | Forr all +tatt tatt ta fowwre deor | | Uss haffdenn to bitacnenn , | | All wass itt rihht fullfremedd +ting | | & +twerrt ut god wi+t+t alle , | | All swa summ illc an hunndredd iss | | Full tale , & all fullwaxenn | | Swa +twerrt ut , tatt itt nohht ne ma+g+g | | Waxenn ne wurr+tenn mare . | (CMORM,I,210.1725) | & whase itt iss +tatt mann +tatt tiss | | Fullfremeddnesse foll+ghe+t+t , | | +Tatt uss full wel bitacnedd wass | | +Turrh tale off fowwerr hunndredd , | | +Tatt uss wass +turrh +te fifte staff | | Off Cristess name tacnedd , | | +Tatt mann shall ben wurr+ti to beon | | +Turrh Cristess name borr+genn ; | (CMORM,I,210.1726) | +Te sexte staff bitacne+t+t uss | | +Te tale off twe+g+genn hunndredd , | (CMORM,I,210.1727) | & twe+g+genn hunndredd tacnenn uss | | +Ta twe+g+genn hall+ghe lifess , | | +Tatt Cristess hird i Crisstenndom | | Wi+t+t Cristess hellpe foll+ghe+t+t . | (CMORM,I,211.1729) | & +guw birr+t witenn , +tatt tatt an | | Off +tise twe+g+genn lifess | | Bilimmpe+t+t to +tatt hall+ghe swinnc , | | +Tatt foll+ghe+t+t Godess wille , | | To swinnkenn affterr mete & cla+t | | Wi+t+t so+t unnsha+tinesse , | | Swa +tatt tin swinnc be clene swinnc | | & att rihht time swunnkenn , | | & a+g+g att hof , & a+g+g wi+t+t skill , | | Swa +tatt itt nohht ne wra+t+te , | | Ne weorde nan lifisshe mann | | Affterr +tatt tu cannst lokenn . | (CMORM,I,211.1730) | +Tuss mihht tu swinnkenn hali+g swinnc | | & swinnkenn Godd tocweme , | (CMORM,I,211.1731) | & tuss +tu mihht te weorelld+ting | | Wi+t+t Godess lefe winnenn , | (CMORM,I,211.1732) | & sone summ itt wunnenn iss , | | $+Te $it {TEXT:+Tet} birr+t wislike nittenn | | Uppo +te sellfenn , & o +ta | | +Tatt littnenn to +tin fode , | | Wi+t+t mett & m+a+t i mete & drinnch , | | & ec inn +gure cla+tess . | (CMORM,I,211.1733) | +te birr+t +tin rihhte swinnkess winn | | Upponn +guw alle nittenn , | (CMORM,I,211.1734) | & o +tin Godd full bli+teli+g | | +Te birr+t +tin ahhte nittenn . | (CMORM,I,212.1736) | Off all +tatt god tatt o +te +ger | | Iss ekedd to +tin ahhte , | | Off all +tatt god te birr+t +tin Godd | | +Te tende dale brinngenn , | (CMORM,I,212.1737) | & all +te birr+t bit+achenn itt | | +Te preost o Godess hallfe , | | Onn+g+an +tatt he shall shrifenn +te | | & huslenn ec , & l+arenn , | | & biddenn forr +te da+g+g & nihht , | | & brinngenn +te till eor+te . | (CMORM,I,212.1738) | & tekenn all +te tende lott , | | +Get birr+t +te brinngenn mare ; | (CMORM,I,212.1739) | Forr +te birr+t don +tin hellpe to | | A+g+g affterr +tine fere , | | To findenn all +tatt +afre iss ned | | Abutenn Godess allterr . | (CMORM,I,212.1740) | & te birr+t cnelenn to +tin Godd | | & lutenn himm & lakenn , | (CMORM,I,212.1741) | & te birr+t lufenn wel +tin preost | | & lutenn himm & lefftenn , | | +Get forr+tenn +tohh he nohht ne beo | | Swa god mann summ himm birrde . | (CMORM,I,212.1742) | & loc +tatt tu ne t+ale himm nohht | | +Tohh +tatt he beo to t+alenn ; | (CMORM,I,212.1743) | Forr +giff +te preost missdo+t , $he $it {TEXT:het} shall | | Wi+t+t Cristess hellpe betenn , | (CMORM,I,212.1744) | & +giff +tatt $he $it {TEXT:het} ne bete+t+t nohht | | Itt dra+ghe+t+t himm till helle . | (CMORM,I,212.1745) | & +giff +tin preost missdo+t , +te birr+t | | Full innwarrdlike biddenn , | | +Tatt Drihhtin +gife himm wille & mahht | | To betenn hise sinness ; | (CMORM,I,213.1747) | Forr +giff +tu biddesst forr +tin preost , | | +Tu biddesst forr +te sellfenn , | (CMORM,I,213.1748) | & cwemesst Godd +turrh +tatt tatt tu | | Swa biddesst forr +gunnc ba+te . | (CMORM,I,213.1749) | & te birr+t ec +tin rihhte winn | | A+g+g att te nede nittenn | | +Get forr+tenn uppo fremmde menn , | | +Tatt nedenn to +tin hellpe ; | (CMORM,I,213.1750) | Forr +te birr+t fedenn hunngri+g mann | | & +trissti+g gifenn drinnke ; | (CMORM,I,213.1751) | & te birr+t cla+tenn nakedd mann | (CMORM,I,213.1752) | & sec mann +te birr+t forfrenn , | (CMORM,I,213.1753) | & himm +tatt iss herrberr+ghel+as | | +te birr+t herrberr+ghe findenn , | (CMORM,I,213.1754) | & himm +tatt i cwarrterrne li+t | | Forrbundenn & forr+trungenn , | | Himm birr+t +te fillstnenn wi+t+t +tin fe | | To lesenn himm off bandess . | (CMORM,I,213.1755) | & a+g+g +te birr+t +te sellfenn rihht | | & la+ghelike ledenn | | Towarrd illc an lifisshe mann , | | +Tatt ohht wi+t+t +te shall d+alenn . | (CMORM,I,213.1756) | +Tin laferrd birr+t +te buhsumm beon | | & hold & trigg & trowwe . | (CMORM,I,213.1757) | +Tin macche birr+t +te lufenn wel , | | +Giff +tatt +gho Drihhtin drede+t+t , | (CMORM,I,214.1759) | & tu mihht foll+ghenn hire will | | Inn all +tatt niss nan sinne , | | Inn all +tatt +gho +georne+t+t wi+t+t skill , | | To +gunnkerr ba+tre gode . | (CMORM,I,214.1760) | & +giff +tatt iss +tatt +gho iss all | | Wittl+as , & wac , & wicke , | | All birr+t +te don +tin mahht t+arto , | | To +gemenn hire & g+atenn , | | Swa +tatt +gho mu+ghe borr+ghenn beon | | Att hire lifess ende ; | (CMORM,I,214.1761) | Forr +giff +tatt +gho iss g+atel+as , | | & e+g+gel+as & wilde , | | +Gho gillte+t+t sket , (CMORM,I,214.1762) & +giff +tu wast , | | & te niss nohht t+aroffe , | | +Ta narrt tu nohht all sinnel+as | | Off - +tatt +gho li+t i sinne . | (CMORM,I,214.1763) | & +giff +tin macche iss wis & god , | | & tu wittl+as & wicke , | | +Ta birr+t +tin macche g+atenn +te | | All +tatt +gho ma+g+g fra sinne ; | (CMORM,I,214.1764) | Forr e+g+g+terr birr+t +turrh o+terr beon | | Hollpenn to wurr+tenn borr+ghenn , | (CMORM,I,214.1765) | & +giff +gitt ba+te foll+ghenn rihht | | & lufenn Godd & dr+adenn , | | & haldenn +gunnkerr Cristenndom | | Wel affterr +gunnkerr mihhte , | | Swa +tatt +gitt ba+te ledenn +gunnc | | Clennlike +gunnc bitwenenn , | | +Ta foll+ghe +gitt tatt narrwe stih | | +Tatt lede+t+t +gunnc till heoffne , | | +Giff +tatt +gitt endenn +gunnkerr lif | | All affterr Cristess wille , | | Wi+t+t all +te rihhte l+afe o Godd | | & all i gode dedess , | | Wi+t+t lufe towarrd alle menn | | Wi+t+t husell & wi+t+t shriffte . | (CMORM,I,215.1766) | & +gunnc birr+t nimenn mikell gom | | To +t+awenn +gunnkerr chilldre , | (CMORM,I,215.1767) | & +gunnc birr+t +georne l+arenn hemm | | To lufenn Godd & dr+adenn , | | +Giff +tatt +gitt nilenn wra+t+tenn Godd | | +Turrh sinnfull +gemel+aste . | (CMORM,I,215.1768) | & +gunnc birr+t +gunnkerr le+ghemenn | | Rihht la+ghelike ledenn , | | Swa +tatt +gitt nohht att hofel+as | | Ne nede +te+g+gm to swinnkenn ; | (CMORM,I,215.1769) | Forr +gunnc birr+t witenn swi+te wel , | | & innwarrdlike trowwenn , | | +Tatt niss bitwenen +gunnc & hemm | | Nan sh+ad i manness kinde , | | & tatt te+g+g mu+ghenn gode beon | | Biforenn Godess ehne ; | | & tatt +gitt mu+ghenn wra+t+tenn Godd | | +Giff +gitt hemm oferrbedenn . | (CMORM,I,215.1770) | & heore le+ghe birr+t hemm beon | | R+adi+g , +tann itt iss addledd ; | (CMORM,I,215.1771) | Forr +tatt iss Godess bodeword , | (CMORM,I,216.1773) | Loc +giff +tu willt itt foll+ghenn , | | +Tatt heore da+g+gwhammlike swinnc | | Beo da+g+gwhammlike hemm goldenn . | (CMORM,I,216.1774) | & hemm birr+t , +giff +tatt hemm iss la+t | | Full hefi+gli+g to gilltenn , | | Beon ar & late o +gunnkerr weorrc | | & +georrnfull a+g+g +t+aronne ; | (CMORM,I,216.1775) | Forr +giff +te+g+g wirrkenn +gunnkerr weorrc | | Forrwurr+tennlike & ille , | | +Ta gilltenn +te+g+g full hefi+gli+g | | +G+an Godd & +g+an +gunnc ba+te . | (CMORM,I,216.1776) | Ne birr+t +te shendenn nani mann | | Ne weordenn +tine +tannkess , | (CMORM,I,216.1777) | & tohh , +giff +tatt tu gilltesst ohht | | Wi+t+t ani+g mann o life , | | +Te birr+t itt betenn bli+teli+g , | | & wurr+tenn himm wi+t+t bote . | (CMORM,I,216.1778) | & +giff +tatt iss +tatt ani+g mann | | +Te shende+t+t o+terr werde+t+t , | | +Te birr+t himm biddenn don +te rihht | | & la+ghe +t+ar onn+g+aness , | (CMORM,I,216.1779) | & +giff he do+t +te la+ghe & rihht , | | +Ta wurr+t he +t+ar +tin bro+terr , | | +Giff +tatt itt iss wi+t+t herrte don , | | +Giff e+g+g+terr lufe+t+t o+terr . | (CMORM,I,216.1780) | & +giff +tatt he +turrh orr+ghellmod | | Forrho+ghe+t+t +te to wurr+tenn , | | & nile noww+terr don +te rihht | | Forr lufe ne forr e+g+ge , | | +Tatt mann iss wiss +te deofless +teoww | | +Turrh ni+t & modi+gnesse ; | (CMORM,I,217.1781) | & tu beo meoc , swa summ +te birr+t , | | Onn+g+an hiss modi+gnesse , | (CMORM,I,217.1782) | & forr +te lufe off +tin Drihhtin | | Forr+gife himm wra+t+te & la+t+te , | (CMORM,I,217.1783) | & all forrwerrp +tu towarrd himm | | To sekenn affterr wr+ache ; | (CMORM,I,217.1784) | Forr +tu mihht cwemenn swa +tin Godd | | & oferrcumenn deofell , | | +Giff +tatt tu sh+awesst so+t meocle+g+gc | | Onn+g+aness modi+gnesse , | | & +giff +tu nillt nohht hatenn himm | | +Tatt hate+t+t +te wi+t+t herrte . | (CMORM,I,217.1785) | +Tuss mihht tu ledenn her +tatt lif | | Rihht wel , wi+t+t Godess hellpe , | | +Tatt foll+ghe+t+t all +tatt hall+ghe swinnc | | +Tatt iss wi+t+t Godess lefe ; | (CMORM,I,217.1786) | & itt iss , - alls icc se+g+gde +guw , | | An off +ta twe+g+genn lifess | | +Tatt w+arenn +turrh +te sexte staff | | Off Cristess name tacnedd , | | +Turrh +tatt tatt staff bitacne+t+t uss | | +Te tale off twe+g+genn hunndredd . | (CMORM,I,217.1787) | +Tatt o+terr lif , +tatt tacnedd wass | | +Turrh tale off twe+g+genn hunndredd , | | Iss fundenn binnenn muneclif | | I +ta +tatt sinndenn gode . | (CMORM,I,217.1788) | +Tatt lif +tatt iss i muneclif | | Iss shadd fra +gure swinnkess , | (CMORM,I,218.1790) | & itt iss all an o+terr lif | | & hehhre life & bettre ; | (CMORM,I,218.1791) | Forr +giff +tatt itt iss haldenn rihht | | Itt addle+t+t mare mede ; | (CMORM,I,218.1792) | +Tatt mann +tatt ledenn shall +tiss lif | | +Tatt we nu m+alenn umbe , | | Himm birr+t beon inn hiss herrte meoc , | | & soffte , & stille , & milde , | | & buhsum till hiss alderrmann | | +Tatt hafe+t+t himm to gr+atenn , | | To foll+ghenn all hiss will +twerrt ut | | Inn all +tatt niss nan sinne ; | (CMORM,I,218.1793) | Forr niss nan herrsummnesse sett | | +Turrh Godd , ne +turrh hiss lefe , | | To foll+ghenn ani+g manness will , | | Inn ani+g kinne sinne ; | (CMORM,I,218.1794) | Forr birr+t +te noww+terr-2 sinne don | | Forr lufe , ne for e+g+ge . | (CMORM,I,218.1795) | & t+aroff comm +te marrtirdom | | Bitwenenn Godess hall+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,218.1796) | Forr +ar +te+g+g wolldenn +tolenn d+a+t | | Wi+t+t alle kinne pine , | | +Ar +tann +te+g+g wolldenn gilltenn ohht | | Onn+g+aness Godess wille . | (CMORM,I,218.1797) | & himm +tatt ledenn shall +tiss lif | | +Tatt we nu m+alenn ummbe , | | Himm birr+t all weorelldshipe flen , | | & all +twerrt ut forrwerrpenn ; | (CMORM,I,219.1798) | & himm birr+t all hiss fl+ashess lusst | | Forr lufe off Crist forrwerrpenn ; | (CMORM,I,219.1799) | & tatt iss swi+te strang & harrd | | To for+tenn her onn eor+te , | (CMORM,I,219.1800) | & forr+ti witt tu wel +tatt itt | | Iss hehhre lif & bettre | | To libbenn rihht i muneclif , | | Swa summ +t+ar iss to libbenn , | | +Tann iss to ledenn +gure lif | | Wi+t+t weddlac & wi+t+t ahhte ; | (CMORM,I,219.1801) | Forr himm birr+te beon full clene mann , | | & all wi+t+tutenn ahhte , | | Buttan +tatt mann himm findenn shall | | Unnorne mete & w+ade . | (CMORM,I,219.1802) | & t+ar iss all +tatt eor+tli+g +ting | | +Tatt minnstremann birr+t a+ghenn | | Wi+t+tutenn cnif & sh+a+te , & camb , | | & nedle , +giff $he $it {TEXT:het} +georne+t+t . | (CMORM,I,219.1803) | & all +tiss shall mann findenn himm | (CMORM,I,219.1804) | & wel himm birr+t itt +gemenn ; | (CMORM,I,219.1805) | Forr birr+t himm noww+terr don +t+aroff , | | Ne +gifenn itt , ne sellenn . | (CMORM,I,219.1806) | & himm birr+t +afre stanndenn inn | | To lofenn Godd & wurr+tenn , | (CMORM,I,219.1807) | & a+g+g himm birr+t beon fressh +t+arto | | Bi da+g+gess & bi nihhtess ; | (CMORM,I,219.1808) | & tat iss harrd & strang & tor | | & hefi+g lif to ledenn , | (CMORM,I,219.1809) | & forr+ti birr+t wel clawwstremann | | Onnfanngenn mikell mede | | Att hiss Drihhtin Allw+aldennd Godd , | | Forr whamm he mikell swinnke+t+t . | (CMORM,I,220.1811) | And all hiss herrte & all $hiss lusst | | Birr+t a+g+g beon towarrd heoffne , | (CMORM,I,220.1812) | & himm birr+t +geornenn a+g+g +tatt an , | | Hiss Drihhtin wel to cwemenn | | Wi+t+t da+g+gsang & wi+t+t uhhtennsang , | | Wi+t+t messess & wi+t+t beness , | | & wi+t+t to letenn swingenn himm | | +Te bodig swa to pinenn , | | Wi+t+t fasstinng forr +te lufe off Godd , | | Wi+t+t cneling & wi+t+t wecche . | (CMORM,I,220.1813) | & himm birr+t beon +admod & meoc | | & god wi+t+t hise bre+tre , | | & all swa towarrd o+tre menn | | Inn all +tatt niss nan sinne ; | (CMORM,I,220.1814) | Forr he ma+g+g sket to milde beon | | Wi+t+t himm +tatt iss unn+t+awedd . | (CMORM,I,220.1815) | +Tiss iss +tatt o+terr lif off +ta | | +Tatt w+arenn uss bitacnedd , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd +guw , | | +Turrh tale off twe+g+genn hunndredd | | +Tatt w+arenn +turrh +te sexte staff | | Off Cristess name tacnedd . | (CMORM,I,220.1816) | & tise lifess w+arenn uss | | +Turrh twe+g+genn susstress tacnedd , | | Well mikell fresst biforenn +tatt | | +Tatt Crist comm her to manne , | (CMORM,I,221.1817) | +Ta susstress - +tatt witt tu full wiss , | | Werenn Labaness dohhtress . | (CMORM,I,221.1818) | & Laban wass an riche mann | | I werelld+tingess sell+te , | (CMORM,I,221.1819) | & hise twe+g+genn dohhtress uss | | Tacnedenn twe+g+genn lifess , | | +Ta lifess +tatt icc habbe +guw | | Summ del nu spelledd offe , | | Affterr +tatt little witt tatt me | | Min Drihhtin hafe+t+t lenedd . | (CMORM,I,221.1820) | +Tatt an wass swi+te fa+g+gerr wif | (CMORM,I,221.1821) | & wass Rach+al +gehatenn | (CMORM,I,221.1822) ledenn hemm +te we+g+ge rihht | | Till himm +tatt te+g+g +t+ar sohhtenn . | (CMORM,I,221.1823) | & te+g+g +ta comenn to +te king , | (CMORM,I,221.1824) | & he +te+g+gm droh to rune , | (CMORM,I,221.1825) | & toc hemm +ta full d+arneli+g | | To fra+g+gnenn off +tatt steorrne , | | Whillc da+g+g itt wass hemm allre firrst | | To takenn sett o liffte , | (CMORM,I,221.1826) | & te+g+g himm se+g+gdenn witerrli+g | | Willc da+g+g itt wass hemm awwnedd . | (CMORM,I,221.1827) | & he +te+g+gm sennde sone for+t | | Till Be+t+tle+am (CMORM,I,221.1828) & se+g+gde ; | | Nu , laferrdinngess , fare+t+t for+t , | (CMORM,I,222.1829) | & seke+t+t swi+te +georne | | +Tatt newe king +tatt borenn iss | | Her i +tiss land to manne , | (CMORM,I,222.1830) | & sone summ +ge findenn himm , | | Wh+ar summ he beo+t onn eor+te , | | Wi+t+t +gure maddmess lake+t+t himm | (CMORM,I,222.1831) | & bu+ghe+t+t himm & lute+t+t | (CMORM,I,222.1832) | & cume+t+t efft onn+g+an till me , | (CMORM,I,222.1833) | & wite+t+t me to seggenn | | Wh+ar icc me mu+ghe findenn himm | | To lakenn himm & lutenn . | (CMORM,I,222.1834) | & te+g+g +ta wenndenn fra +te king | | Till +te+g+gre rihhte we+g+ge , | (CMORM,I,222.1835) | & te+g+gre steorne wass hemm +ta | | Full r+adi+g upp o liffte , | | To ledenn hemm +tatt we+g+g rihht | | +Tatt la+g+g towarrd tatt chesstre | | +Tatt wass +gehatenn Be+t+tle+am , | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn inne . | (CMORM,I,222.1836) | & off +tatt tatt te+g+g s+a+ghenn efft | | +Tatt steorrne +tatt hemm ledde , | | +Te+g+g w+arenn bli+te sone anan | | +Turrh swi+te mikell blisse . | (CMORM,I,222.1837) | & te+g+gre steorne ledde hemm rihht | | Till Be+t+tle+amess chesstre , | | +T+ar ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne ; | (CMORM,I,222.1838) | & forr+trihht whanne itt cumenn wass | | Till Be+t+tle+amess chesstre , | | Itt stod all stille upp o +te lifft , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | Rihht t+ar abufenn +t+ar +te child | | Wass inne wi+t+t hiss moderr | | +Tatt fedde himm wi+t+t +tatt illke millc | | +Tatt comm off hire pappe , | | All alls itt w+are an o+terr child | | +Tatt $w+are {TEXT:+t+are} onn hire streonedd . | (CMORM,I,223.1839) | & t+ar wass sene +tatt +gho wass | | So+tlike Godess moderr | (CMORM,I,223.1840) | Forr naffde +gho nan millc till himm , | | +Giff +tatt +gho n+are hiss moderr ; | (CMORM,I,223.1841) | Forr +gho wass ma+g+gdenn +tanne , & +ar , | | & +afre +tweort ut clene . | (CMORM,I,223.1842) | & sone swa +tatt steorne stod | | +Ta kingess wel itt s+a+ghenn , | (CMORM,I,223.1843) | & +gedenn +t+ar inntill +tatt hus | | +Tatt Jesu Crist wass inne , | (CMORM,I,223.1844) | & fundenn +tatt te+g+g haffdenn sohht , | (CMORM,I,223.1845) | & w+arenn swi+te bli+te . | (CMORM,I,223.1846) | +Te+g+g fundenn ure Laferrd Crist | | & ure laffdi+g Mar+ge , | (CMORM,I,223.1847) | & nohht ne se+g+g+t +te Goddspellboc | | +Tatt Jos+ap wass +t+arinne , | | +T+ar ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Wass fundenn wi+t+t hiss moderr ; | (CMORM,I,223.1848) | & tatt wass don +turrh Godd tatt he | | Ne wass nohht ta +t+arinne , | (CMORM,I,223.1849) | +Ta +tatt unncu+te follc comm inn , | | To lefenn uppo Criste . | (CMORM,I,224.1851) | +Te+g+g fundenn ure Laferrd Crist | (CMORM,I,224.1852) | & fellenn dun o cnewwess , | | To bu+ghenn & to lutenn himm | | Wi+t+t h+afedd & wi+t+t heorrte . | (CMORM,I,224.1853) | & illc an king oppnede +t+ar | | Hiss hord off hise maddmess , | (CMORM,I,224.1854) | & illc an +gaff himm +trinne lac | | To lakenn himm & wurr+tenn . | (CMORM,I,224.1855) | An lac wass gold , te Goddspell se+g+g+t , | (CMORM,I,224.1856) | An o+terr lac wass recless , | (CMORM,I,224.1857) | +Te +tridde +tatt te+g+g g+afenn himm | | Wass an full deore sallfe , | (CMORM,I,224.1858) | & itt iss o +te Goddspellboc | | Myrra bi name nemmnedd . | (CMORM,I,224.1859) | & her iss litell o+terr nohht | | I +tiss land off +tatt sallfe , | (CMORM,I,224.1860) | Acc i +te Kalldeowisshe land | | Mann ma+g+g itt summwh+ar findenn . | (CMORM,I,224.1861) | +Tatt lic +tatt smeredd iss +t+arwi+t+t | | Biforr +tatt mann itt dellfe+t+t , | | Ne ma+g+g itt nohht affterr +tatt da+g+g | | Lihhtlike wurr+tenn eor+te ; | (CMORM,I,224.1862) | & itt wass +te+g+gre +tridde lac , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t . | (CMORM,I,224.1863) | & affterr +tatt te+g+g haffdenn Crist | | Wi+t+t heore maddmess lakedd , | | +Te+g+g tokenn nihhtess resste +t+ar | | I Be+t+tle+amess chesstre ; | (CMORM,I,224.1864) | & Drihhtin +gaff hemm sware o nihht | | +T+ar +te+g+g o bedde slepptenn , | (CMORM,I,225.1866) | & radde hemm +tatt te+g+g sholldenn ham | | Wi+t+t o+terr we+g+g wendenn , | (CMORM,I,225.1867) | & till Herode king onn+g+ann | | He +te+g+gm forrb+ad to turrnenn . | (CMORM,I,225.1868) | & wel +te+g+gm forrb+ad to turrnenn . | (CMORM,I,225.1869) | & wel +te+g+g wisstenn Godess ra+t , | (CMORM,I,225.1870) | & wel +te+g+g alle itt heldenn , | (CMORM,I,225.1871) | Forr alle samenn forenn ham | | Wi+t+t all an o+terr we+g+ge | (CMORM,I,225.1872) | & forenn inntill +te+g+gre land | | Wi+t+t fulle l+afe o Criste . | (CMORM,I,225.1873) | & all +tatt +ger Herode king | | Bad affterr +te+g+gre come , | | To witenn +giff +te+g+g haffdenn Crist | | Owwhar onn eor+te fundenn ; | (CMORM,I,225.1874) | Acc +te+g+g ne comenn nohht himm to ; | (CMORM,I,225.1875) | & tatt wass Godess wille , | | Forr +tatt he wollde cwellenn Crist , | | +Giff +tatt he mihhte himm findenn . | (CMORM,I,225.1876) | Her ende+t+t nu +tiss Goddspell +tuss , | (CMORM,I,225.1877) | & icc +guw wile sh+awenn , | | Hu mikell god itt l+are+t+t +guw | | Off +gure sawless nede . | (CMORM,I,225.1878) | Herode king bitacne+t+t uss | | +Te la+te gast off helle , | (CMORM,I,225.1879) | & he ma+g+g wel bitacnenn himm | | Whamm he stod inn to foll+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,226.1881) | Forr all hiss word , & all hiss werrc , | | & all hiss la+te troww+te | | Wass full off iwhillc h+a+tenndom , | | All affterr deofless wille . | (CMORM,I,226.1882) | & ta +treo kingess tacnenn uss | | +Tatt flocc +tatt Drihhtin lede+t+t , | | +Tatt flocc +tatt foll+ghe+t+t Crisstenndom | | & uppo Criste lefe+t+t , | | +Tatt foll+ghe+t+t heoffness lihht & leom , | | +Tatt iss Goddspelless lare , | | & Cristess la+ghe , & Crisstenndom , | | & rihhte l+afe o Criste , | | +Tatt lede+t+t hemm +te we+g+g rihht | | Till Drihhtin upp inn heoffne , | | All all swa summ +tatt steorrneleom | | Rihht ledde +ta +treo kingess | | Towarrd tatt illke burr+ghess tun , | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn inne . | (CMORM,I,226.1883) | & +turrh +tatt tatt Herode king | | Wass dreri+gmod & dreofedd | | Off - +tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne , | | +T+ar+turrh wass uss bitacnedd wel | | Wi+t+t all full openn bisne , | | +Tatt all +te la+te gastess flocc , | | All helle+teod , wass dreofedd | | Off - +tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne , | | Forr +tatt he wollde lesenn ut | | Mannkinn off hellepine . | (CMORM,I,227.1884) | & +tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne | | Rihht i +te land off +Gerrsal+am , | | & tatt he +t+ar wass fundenn , | | +Tatt tacne+t+t uss well mikell +ting | | Off ure sawless nede ; | (CMORM,I,227.1885) | Forr witt tu well +tatt +Gerrsal+am | | Bitacne+t+t gri+tess sihh+te , | (CMORM,I,227.1886) | & ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne , | | Forr +tatt he wollde settenn gri+t+t | | Bitwenenn heoffne & eor+te ; | (CMORM,I,227.1887) | & whase itt iss +tatt lufe+t+t gri+t+t | | & foll+ghe+t+t wi+t+t hiss herrte , | | +Tatt mann shall findenn Jesu Crist | | To beon wi+t+t himm i blisse . | (CMORM,I,227.1888) | +Tatt ta +treo kingess turrndenn hemm | | Ut off +te rihhte we+g+ge , | | & forenn till Herode king | | To witenn whatt he wollde , | | +Tatt uss bitacne+t+t witerrli+g | | +Turrh all full openn bisne , | | +Tatt sume off ure little flocc | | +Tatt lefe+t+t upppo Criste | | Hemm wendenn o+terr stund fra Crist , | | & fra +te rihhte we+g+ge , | | & turrnenn till +te la+te gast | | +Turrh fele depe sinness . | (CMORM,I,228.1889) | & tatt ta kingess sone anan | | Forrlurenn +te+g+gre steorrne , | | Affterr +tatt te+g+g hemm turrndenn ut | | Off +te+g+gre rihhte we+g+ge , | | +Tatt uss bitacne+t+t opennli+g | | +Turrh all full witerr bisne , | | +Tatt he +tatt turrne+t+t himm fra Crist | | +Turrh heli+g h+afedd sinne | | Forrleose+t+t sawless so+te lihht , | | +Tatt iss Goddspelless lade , | | & Jesu Cristess hellpe & hald | | & all hiss hall+ghe millce , | | & iss all alls he w+are blind | | & orrra+t butenn lade , | | A+g+g whil +tatt +afre himm +tinnke+t+t god | | To lin inn h+afedd sinne . | (CMORM,I,228.1890) | & tatt ta kingess turrndenn efft | | Till +te+g+gre rihhte we+g+ge , | | Towarrd te Laferrd Jesu Crist , | | & fra +te king Herode , | | & s+a+ghenn efft forr+trihht anan | | +Te steorrness brihhte leome | | To ledenn hemm +te we+g+g rihht | | Till Be+t+tle+amess chesstre , | | +Tatt uss bitacne+t+t witerrli+g , | | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | | +Tatt sume off +ta +tatt w+arenn +ar | | All turrnedd frawarrd Criste , | | Hemm turrnenn efft full wel onn+g+an | | Fra +te+g+gre depe sinness , | | & turrnenn fra +te la+te gast | | & turrnenn hemm till Criste , | | +Turrh +tatt te+g+g takenn bli+teli+g | | Rihht shriffte off +te+g+g sinness , | | & ledenn si+t+tenn hali+g lif , | | & foll+ghenn Cristess lare , | | & foll+ghenn heoffness lihht & leom | | Inn alle gode dedess , | | & winnenn Cristess hellpe & hald | | & Cristess millce & are , | | All all swa summ +ta kingess efft | | I +te+g+gre rihhte we+g+ge | | Fundenn forr+trihht tatt steorrneleom , | | +Tatt ledde hemm rihht to Criste . | (CMORM,I,229.1891) | & all +tatt , tatt Herode king | | Badd ta +treo kingess sekenn | | +Tatt +gunge king , lakenn himmm , | | & bu+ghenn himm o cnewwe , | | & cumenn efft onn+g+an till himm | | & witenn himm to seggenn , | | +Giff +tatt te+g+g haffdenn fundenn himm , | | Wh+are i +te land he w+are , | | Forr +tatt he wollde himm cumenn to | | To lakenn himm & lutenn , | | All +tatt badd he +turrh swikedom | | & all +turrh ille wiless ; | (CMORM,I,229.1892) | Forr +giff he mihhte findenn himm | | Ne wollde he nohht himm lakenn , | (CMORM,I,230.1894) | Acc wollde himm swi+te bli+teli+g | | Wi+t+t swerdess egge cwellenn . | (CMORM,I,230.1895) | & off +tiss la+te swikedom | | Ne wisstenn nohht ta kingess | | +Tatt comenn off Kalldealand , | | To sekenn Crist forr gode ; | (CMORM,I,230.1896) | Forr affterr +tatt uss Latin boc | | +Turrh hali+g lare sh+awe+t+t , | | +Tatt mann iss fox & hinnderr+g+ap | | & full off ille wiless , | | +Tatt halde+t+t wi+t+t +te la+te gast | | & foll+ghe+t+t deofless wille ; | (CMORM,I,230.1897) | & swa niss nohht tatt illke mann | | +Tatt foll+ghe+t+t cristess bisne , | | Niss he nohht hinnderr+g+ap ne pratt | | To foll+ghenn ille wiless , | (CMORM,I,230.1898) | Acc iss shepisshe & bilewhit , | | All clene off ill +tohhtess . | (CMORM,I,230.1899) | +Ta kingess +tatt swa comenn for+t | | To lutenn Crist & lakenn , | | +Te+g+g g+afenn bisne off Crisstenndom , | | +Tatt uss birr+t alle foll+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,230.1900) | Forr uss birr+t ure Laferrd Crist | | +Tatt illke wise lakenn , | (CMORM,I,230.1901) | & uss birr+t +turrh +ta +trinne lac | | Drihhtin gastlike lakenn , | (CMORM,I,230.1902) | & uss birr+t foll+ghenn +te+g+gre slo+t | | To lefenn uppo Criste | | Rihht swa , summ +te+g+g +turrh +te+g+gre lac | | Uss didenn tunnderrstanndenn . | (CMORM,I,231.1903) | +Te+g+g g+afenn Drihhtin gold forr+t | | +Tatt itt bitacnenn shollde , | | +Tatt te+g+g himm heldenn witerrli+g | | Forr King off alle kingess ; | (CMORM,I,231.1904) | & tatt wass ha+gherrlike don , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g wel itt wisstenn | | +Tatt mann birr+t lakenn eor+tli+g king | | Wi+t+t gold & ec wi+t+t sillferr . | (CMORM,I,231.1905) | & +turrh +tatt tatt te+g+g +g+afenn himm | | An o+terr lac off recless , | | +T+ar+turrh +te+g+g didenn uss full wel | | To seon & tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt te+g+g himm heldenn forr so+t Godd | | Inn ure mennisscnesse , | | & tatt mann birrde bu+ghenn himm , | | & lutenn himm & lakenn ; | (CMORM,I,231.1906) | & tatt wass ha+gherrlike don , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g wel itt wisstenn | | +Tatt mann birr+t +teowwtenn Drihhtin Godd | | Wi+t+t recless att hiss allterr . | (CMORM,I,231.1907) | & +turrh +tatt tatt te+g+g +g+afenn himm | | +Tatt deorewurr+te sallfe | | +Tatt mann do+t o +te d+ade lic , | | +Te+g+g se+g+gdenn uss wi+t+t dede , | | +Tatt Godess word wass wurr+tenn mann | | To +tolenn d+a+t onn eor+te , | | Forr uss to lesenn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Ut off +te deofless walde . | (CMORM,I,232.1908) | +Tatt sallfe +tatt te+g+g +g+afenn himm , | | +Tatt iss Myrra +gehtenn , | (CMORM,I,232.1909) | Itt iss full bitterr & full be+g+gsc , | | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn uss | | +Tatt d+a+tess bitterrnesse | | +Tatt Godess Sune , Allmahhti+g Godd , | | Wass wurr+tenn mann to dre+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,232.1910) | Nu birr+t uss alle foll+ghenn well | | +Ta Kalldewisshe kingess | | Wi+t+t hali+g lifess gastli+g lac , | | & ec wi+t+t ure troww+te ; | (CMORM,I,232.1911) | Forr uss birr+t lefenn wel +tatt Crist | | Iss King off alle kingess , | (CMORM,I,232.1912) | & swa we mu+ghenn offrenn himm | | Gastlike god to lake ; | (CMORM,I,232.1913) | & uss birr+t lefenn +tatt he iss | | So+t Godd i mennisscnesse , | (CMORM,I,232.1914) | & swa we mu+ghenn offrenn himm | | Gastlike lac off recless ; | (CMORM,I,232.1915) | & uss birr+t lefenn +tatt he wass | | So+t mann i lif & sawle , | | Forr +tatt he wollde +tolenn d+a+t | | Forr all mannkinne nede , | (CMORM,I,232.1916) | & swa we mu+ghenn offrenn himm | | Gastli+g +tatt illke sallfe | | +Tatt mann do+t o +te d+ade lic , | | Swa summ +ge littl+ar herrdenn . | (CMORM,I,233.1918) | & tu mihht lakenn Jesu Crist , | | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | | Wi+t+t alle +tise +trinne lac | | +Turrh +tine gode +t+awess . | (CMORM,I,233.1919) | +Giff +tatt tu foll+ghesst witt & skill | | & so+t wissdomess leome , | | +Ta lakesst tu +te Laferrd Crist | | Wi+t+t gold i +tine +t+awess ; | (CMORM,I,233.1920) | Forr rihht all swa summ hord off gold | | Mang menn iss horde deresst , | | Rihht swa iss allre deresst lac | | Biforenn Godess ehne , | | +Giff +tatt we foll+ghenn rihht tatt witt | | +Tatt foll+ghe+t+t Godess wille , | | +Tatt hall+ghe witt tatt l+are+t+t uss | | To berr+ghenn ure sawle . | (CMORM,I,233.1921) | & +giff +tu cwemesst tin Drihhtin | | Wi+t+t bedess & wi+t+t wecchess , | | +Ta lakesst tu +tin Drihhtin swa | | Alls itt wi+t+t recless w+are ; | (CMORM,I,233.1922) | Forr rihht all swa summ recless smec | | Iss god & swet to dowwnenn , | | All swa iss hali+g bedesang | | Full swet biforenn Criste . | (CMORM,I,233.1923) | & +giff +tatt tu +tin fl+ashess will | | & hire fule lusstess | | Wi+t+tstanndesst +turrhutlike wel | | & cwennkesst wel & cwellesst , | | +Ta slast tu swa +tin a+ghenn fl+ash | | & hire fule wille , | (CMORM,I,234.1924) | & offresst Godd +turrh hali+g +t+aw | | +Tatt derewurr+te sallfe | | +Tatt mann do+t o +te d+ade lic , | | +Turrh +tatt tu slast & cwennkesst | | +Tin a+ghenn fl+ashess fule lusst | | & hire fule wille . | (CMORM,I,234.1925) | +Tuss birr+t uss alle foll+ghenn wel , | | +Turrh +t+awess & +turrh troww+te , | | +Ta kingess +tatt wi+t+t +trinne lac | | Comenn Drihhtin to lakenn ; | (CMORM,I,234.1926) | & tuss birr+t uss +turrh hali+g lif | | Drihhtin gastlike lakenn , | | Swa +tatt we motenn cwemenn himm | | & berrr+ghenn ure sawle . | (CMORM,I,234.1927) | +Te+g+g brohhtenn Drihhtin +trinne lac | | To don uss tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt ure Godd iss +tripell Godd | | Inn Allmahhti+g +trimmnesse , | | Faderr , & Sune , & Hali+g Gast , | | An Godd all untod+aledd , | | +Tatt +afre wass , & iss , & beo+t | | Wi+t+tutenn ord & ende , | (CMORM,I,234.1928) | & all +tatt wass , & iss , & beo+t , | | He shop , & ah , & steore+t+t . | (CMORM,I,234.1929) | & +guw birr+t unnderrstanndenn wel | | & lefenn wel & trowwenn , | | +Tatt mikell flocc off o+tre menn | | Comm for+t wi+t+t +ta +treo kingess | | Ut off +te Kalldewisshe land | | Till Be+t+tle+amess chesstre | (CMORM,I,235.1931) | Acc Goddspellboc ne speke+t+t nohht | | Off all +tatt o+terr genge , | (CMORM,I,235.1932) | Acc opennlike & wel itt uss | | Off +ta +treo kingess telle+t+t , | | Forr+ti +tatt t+ar wass +turrh +ta +treo | | +Te Crisstenndom bigunnenn | | Bitwenenn all h+a+tene follc | | +Tatt +turrh +treo menn wass streonedd , | | Affterr +tatt tatt all mannkinn wass | | +Turrh No+tess flod offdrunncnedd ; | (CMORM,I,235.1933) | Forr all follc wass +turrh No+tess flodd | | O No+tess time drunncnedd . | (CMORM,I,235.1934) | & efft +turrh No+tess suness +treo | | Wass h+a+tenn +teode streonedd , | (CMORM,I,235.1935) | & all h+a+tene follc wass +t+ar | | +Turrh +ta +treo kingess awwnedd ; | (CMORM,I,235.1936) | Forr +turrh +ta +treo +tatt comenn for+t | | +Te Laferrd Crist to lakenn , | | +Turrh hemm , swa summ icc habbe se+g+gd , | | Wass Crisstenndom bigunnenn | | Bitwenenn +tatt h+a+tene +teod | | +Tatt +turrh +treo menn wass streonedd . | (CMORM,I,235.1937) | +Te twe+g+genn w+arenn S+am & Kam , | (CMORM,I,235.1938) | & Jaf+ath wass +te +tridde , | (CMORM,I,235.1939) | +Tatt w+arenn No+tess +trinne b+arn , | (CMORM,I,236.1941) | Forr No+t hemm haffde strenedd . | (CMORM,I,236.1942) | +Ta hirdess off Judisskenn menn | | +Tatt sohhtenn Crist wi+t+t troww+te , | | +Tatt nahht tatt he wass borenn her | | Bitwenenn menn onn eor+te , | | +Te+g+g w+arenn , +tatt witt tu full wel , | | An wa+ghe off Cristess kirrke , | | Off Cristess flocc , Crisstene flocc , | | +Tatt Cristess la+ghess halde+t+t . | (CMORM,I,236.1943) | & tatt flocc off h+a+tene menn | | +Tatt sohhte Crist wi+t+t lakess , | | +Te+g+g w+arenn , +tatt witt tu full wel , | | Rihht alls an o+terr wa+ghe . | (CMORM,I,236.1944) | & Jesu Crist tatt drohh till himm | | +Tatt twinne kinne genge , | | He wass himm sellf +tatt hirnestan | | +Tatt band ta twe+g+genn wa+ghess . | (CMORM,I,236.1945) | & all +tatt follc +tatt trowwe+t+t nu | | & lefe+t+t uppo Criste , | | All comm itt off Judisskenn +teod | | & off h+a+tene leode ; | (CMORM,I,236.1946) | & all itt wass bigunnenn +t+ar | | I Be+t+tle+amess chesstre , | | +T+ar +ta twa gengess comenn till , | | To lefenn uppo Criste ; | (CMORM,I,236.1947) | & all itt wass bigunnenn +t+ar | | +Turrh hirdess , & +turrh kingess ; | (CMORM,I,237.1949) | & tatt wass don +turrh Jesu Crist , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn | | +Tatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Iss ba+te King , & Hirde ; | (CMORM,I,237.1950) | Forr Crist iss King , +tatt steore+t+t uss , | | & Hirde , +tatt uss fede+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,237.1951) | & +giff +tatt tu +turrh Crisstenndom | | & +turrh +te rihhte l+afe | | Willt foll+ghenn ure Laferrd Crist , | | +Te birr+t beon king , +tatt witt tu wel , | | To steorenn rihht te sellfenn , | | & ec to steorenn alle +ta | | +Tatt arrn i +tine walde , | | +Tatt te+g+g ne dra+ghe nohht hemm onn | | To foll+ghenn ille +t+awess ; | (CMORM,I,237.1952) | & ec +te birr+t beon hirdemann | | To fedenn hemm & fosstrenn . | (CMORM,I,237.1953) | +Tatt ta +treo kingess comenn forr+t | | All wi+t+t +te rihhte we+g+ge | | Anan inntill Judealand , | | +Tatt newe king to sekenn , | | +Tatt wass forr +tatt te+g+g haffdenn herrd | | +Turrh Balaamess lare | | +Tatt Godess Sune , Jesu Crist , | | +T+ar shollde borenn wurr+tenn . | (CMORM,I,237.1954) | +Tiss illke Balaam wass an | | Full namecund prophete | | Onn alde da+ghess , mikell fresst | | Biforenn Cristess come . | (CMORM,I,238.1956) | & tatt Kalldealandess follc | | +Tatt comm forr Crist to lakenn , | | Itt wass off Balaamess kinn | (CMORM,I,238.1957) | & cu+te well hiss lare , | (CMORM,I,238.1958) | & haffde redd upponn hiss boc , | | +tatt Godess Sune shollde | | Beon borenn i Judealand | | & off Judisskenn moderr , | | To lesenn mannkinn ut off d+a+t | | & ut off deofless walde . | (CMORM,I,238.1959) | & forr+ti comenn +te+g+g himm firrst | | To sekenn i +tatt ende , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g haffdenn herrd tatt he | | +T+ar shollde borenn wurr+tenn ; | (CMORM,I,238.1960) | & tatt te+g+g i Judealand | | Forrlurenn +te+g+gre steorrne , | | +Tatt wass forr +tatt te+g+g shohhtenn +t+ar | | Eor+tlike witt & lade , | | +Turrh +tatt tatt te+g+g bigunnenn +t+ar , | | Amang Judisskenn leode , | | To fra+g+gnenn hemm wh+ar +te+g+gre king | | Wass borenn hemm bitwenenn ; | (CMORM,I,238.1961) | Forr whase le+g+ge+t+t upponn mann | | Hiss hope & all hiss hellpe , | | Himm birr+t forrlesenn all wi+t+t rihht | | Drihhtiness hald & hellpe . | (CMORM,I,239.1962) | & whase seke+t+t r+ad & run | | & witt att deofless +teowwess , | | Drihhtiness lare & r+ad & run | | +Tatt illke mann forrleose+t+t . | (CMORM,I,239.1963) | Herode wollde bli+teli+g | | +Tatt +gunge king offcwellenn , | | Forr +tatt he wollde +gifenn all | | Hiss a+ghenn sune hiss riche , | | & forr he wollde +gemenn himm | | +Tatt he ne w+are wre+gedd | | Biforee +te Romanisshe king | | +Tatt wass hiss oferrlaferrd ; | (CMORM,I,239.1964) | Forr +giff he lete waxenn +t+ar | | Awihht off wi+terrstrennc+te | | Onn+g+an hiss a+ghenn oferrking , | | Itt birrde himm wel abiggenn , | (CMORM,I,239.1965) | & forr+ti wollde he cwellenn Crist , | | +Giff +tatt he mihhte himm findenn , | | +Tatt he ne felle i wra+t+t onn+g+an | | +Te Romanisshe leode . | (CMORM,I,239.1966) | & tatt he toc swa stilleli+g | | +Ta Kalldewisshe kingess , | | To fra+g+gnenn hemm all d+aneli+g | | Off +te+g+gre newe steorrne , | | +Tatt dide he forr he nollde nohht | | +Tatt ani+g mann itt wisste , | | Forr+ti +tatt he wass +ta forrdredd | | Off hiss Judisskenn leode , | | Off - +tatt te+g+g +te+g+gre rihhte king , | | +Giff +te+g+g himm owhar wisstenn , | | Swa munndenn hidenn , +tatt he nohht | | Ne shollde himm mu+ghenn findenn , | | & forr+ti nollde he nohht tatt te+g+g | | Ohht herrdenn off +te sterrne , | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} +tatt he wollde cwellenn himm , | | +Giff +tatt he mihhte himm findenn | | Forr +tatt he wass forrdredd tatt te+g+g | | Himm sholldenn summwh+ar hidenn . | (CMORM,I,240.1967) | +Tatt Jos+ap nass nohht i +tatt hus | | Wi+t+t Sannte Mar+ge fundenn , | | +T+ar +ta +treo kingess comenn inn | | To lefenn uppo Criste , | | +Tatt wass full wel , (CMORM,I,240.1968) & tatt bilammp | | All affterr Godess wille . | (CMORM,I,240.1969) | & itt wass ba+te god & ned | | Till +tatt Kalldewe genge , | | +Tatt haffde follghedd a+g+g till +ta | | Illc h+a+tenndom & dwilde , | | & naffde n+afre numenn gom | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} Godd , $ne $off {TEXT:noff} Godess lare ; | (CMORM,I,240.1970) | Forr +giff +ta Kalldewisshe menn | | Haffdenn +tatt time fundenn | | Jos+ap +t+arinne wi+t+t +te child , | | & wi+t+t +te childess moderr , | | +Te+g+g munndenn trowwenn +tatt te child | | Jos+apess sune w+are , | | & tatt hiss moderr w+are wif , | | & nohht ma+g+gdenn full clene ; | (CMORM,I,241.1971) | All +tiss +te+g+g munndenn trowwenn sket , | | Forr+ti +tatt te+g+g +tatt time | | +Get unnderrstodenn littlesswhatt | | Off all +te rihhte troww+te , | (CMORM,I,241.1972) | & all forr+ti wass swi+te wel | | +Tatt Jos+ap wass awe+g+ge , | | +Tatt all +tatt genge mihhte +t+ar | | Rihht lefenn uppo Criste . | (CMORM,I,241.1973) | & tatt wass +te +trittende da+g+g | | Off Jesu Cristess elde , | | +Tatt he wass onne i Be+t+tle+am | | +Turrh +ta +treo kingess lakedd . | (CMORM,I,241.1974) | & +tinnke +guw nan wunnderr off | | +Tatt ta +treo kingess comenn | | Fra Kalldea till Be+t+tle+am | | Uppo +trittene da+g+gess ; | (CMORM,I,241.1975) | Forr +tatt follc ride+t+t onn a der | | +Tatt iss Dromeluss nemmnedd , | | +Tatt onn a da+g+g wi+t+t hefi+g s+am | | Erne+t+t an hunndredd mile , | (CMORM,I,241.1976) | & forr+ti mihhtenn +te+g+g full wel | | Binnenn +trittene da+g+gess | | Uppo +tatt der , +tatt iss swa swifft , | | Full mikell we+g+g for+tenn . | (CMORM,I,241.1977) | +Tatt steorrne , +tatt hemm awwnedd wass | | To ledenn hemm +te we+g+ge , | | Warr+t all to nohht forr+trihht anan | | Affterr +tatt Crist wass fundenn . | (CMORM,I,242.1978) | Ma+tew +te Goddspellwrihhte se+g+g+t | | +Tatt Crist comm her to manne | | I Be+t+tle+am Jude , forr swa | | To don uss tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt twe+g+genn burr+ghess w+arenn +ta | | +Ta Crist comm her to manne , | | An i +te land off Galile | | I Zabuloness ma+g+g+te , | | An o+terr i Juda nohht ferr | | Fra +Gerrsal+amess chesstre , | (CMORM,I,242.1979) | & e+g+g+terr , wiss to fulle so+t , | | Wass Be+t+tle+am +gehatenn . | (CMORM,I,242.1980) | & ec he se+g+g+t +tatt Jesu Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne | | Upponn Herode kingess da+g+g , | | To don uss tunnderrstanndenn | | +Tatt Jesu Crist wass witerrli+g | | +Tatt illke , off whamm profetess | | Haffdenn forrlannge cwiddedd +ar , | | +Tatt Issra+ale +tede | | A+g+g sholldenn habbenn allderrmenn | | & kingess off hemm sellfenn , | | A+g+g till +tatt Godess Sune Crist | | To manne cumenn shollde ; | (CMORM,I,242.1981) | Forr +tatt wass filledd opennli+g | | +Turrh Jesu Cristess come , | | +Tatt comm upponn Herodess da+g+g | | To wurr+tenn mann onn er+te ; | (CMORM,I,243.1982) | Forr +tatt unnf+ale Herode king , | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn unnderr , | | Ne wass nohht off Judisskenn +ted | | Acc off h+a+tene +tede . | (CMORM,I,243.1983) | & +turrh +te king off Romeburrh | | Himm +gifenn wass +tatt riche , | (CMORM,I,243.1984) | & he wass all h+a+tene king | | Amang Judisskenn +tede , | | +Tatt time +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Wass borenn her to manne . | (CMORM,I,243.1985) | +Tatt tun wass nemmnedd Be+t+tle+am | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn ine , | (CMORM,I,243.1986) | & itt wass nemmnedd Effrata | | Biforenn +tatt forrlannge , | | Forr uss to tacnenn mikell +ting | | +Tatt si+t+tenn shollde wurr+tenn ; | (CMORM,I,243.1987) | Forr Be+t+tle+am bitacne+t+t uss | | +Tatt hus +tatt br+ad iss inne , | (CMORM,I,243.1988) | & Effrata bitacne+t+t uss | | Sh+awerrne onn Engglissh sp+ache . | (CMORM,I,243.1989) | & ba+te tacnenn opennli+g | | +Ta gode menness herrtess , | | +Tatt nittenn eche lifess br+ad | | Till +te+g+gre sawle berrhless , | | +Te Laferrd Cristess fl+ash & blod | | All affterr Cristess lare , | | & sen & sh+awenn +turrh innsihht | | & +turrh +te rihhte l+afe | | Off Godess kinde , off Godess mahht , | | Off Godess eche wullderr , | | All +tatt tatt er+tli+g mann ma+g+g sen | | +Turrh clennsedd sawless e+ghe . | (CMORM,I,244.1990) | & gode menness clene lund , | | & gode menness herrtess , | | +Te+g+g sinndenn +tatt hall+ghe gessthus | | +Tatt Crist iss borenn inne ; | (CMORM,I,244.1991) | Forr Cristess resste & Cristess ro | | & Cristess swete sl+apess | | Sinndenn , +tatt witt tu wel forr so+t , | | I gode menness herrtess ; | (CMORM,I,244.1992) | & gode menness clene lund , | | & gode menness herrtess , | | Tihhtenn & turrnenn h+a+tenn follc | | & ec Judisskenn lede , | | +Turrh hali+g bisne & hali+g spell , | | To lefenn uppo Criste , | | To sekenn Crist , to lutenn Crist , | | To lakenn Crist o cnewwess , | | All swa summ Judewisshe led | | & Kalldewisshe comenn | | Till Effrata , till Be+t+tle+am , | | To lefenn uppo Criste . | (CMORM,I,244.1993) | +Te Kalldewisshe follc comm for+t | | To sekenn Crist wi+t+t lakess , | (CMORM,I,244.1994) | & se+g+gdenn till Judisskenn follc , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | Wh+ar iss +te Judewisshe king | | +Tatt borenn iss nu newenn ? | | Forr +tatt te+g+g wolldenn don hemm swa | | To sen & tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt te+g+g +te la+te Herode king | | Ne comenn nohht to sekenn , | | +Tatt ta wass winntredd mann & ald , | | & nass nohht borenn newenn . | (CMORM,I,245.1995) | Ma+t+tew +te Goddspellwrihhte se+g+g+t | | +Tatt ta Kalldisskenn kingess | | +Tatt comenn forr to sekenn Crist | | W+arenn Magy +gehatenn , | (CMORM,I,245.1996) | & Magy sinndenn alle +ta | | +Tatt foll+ghenn defless crafftess , | | Dri+gmenn , weppmenn & wifmenn ec , | | +Tatt foll+ghenn wicche crafftess . | (CMORM,I,245.1997) | Acc +ta +tatt sohhtenn Jesu Crist | | W+arenn Magy +gehatenn , | (CMORM,I,245.1998) | & n+arenn +te+g+g nohht tohh dri+gmenn | | To foll+ghenn wicche crafftess , | (CMORM,I,245.1999) | Acc w+arenn , +tatt witt tu full wel , | | U+twitess swi+te wise , | | +Tatt haffdenn dep innsihht & witt | | Off fele kinne +tingess , | | & unnderrstodenn mani+gwhatt | | +Turrh snoterr gyn bi sterrness , | | & w+arenn off an land tatt wass | | P+arsa bi name nemmedd . | (CMORM,I,245.2000) | & t+ar iss i +tatt illke land | | An +a Saba +gehatenn , | (CMORM,I,245.2001) | & all +tatt land iss ec Saba | | Affterr +tatt waterr nemmnedd , | (CMORM,I,246.2003) | & itt iss i Kalldealand | | +Ast , t+ar +te sune rise+t+t . | (CMORM,I,246.2004) | & ta +tatt comenn off +tatt land | | To sekenn Crist wi+t+t lakess , | | +Te+g+g wisstenn wel +tat Crist wass Godd , | | +Turrh +tatt te+g+g s+a+ghenn heffne | | Bu+ghenn till himm , to +tewwtenn himm | | Wi+t+t new & unncu+t sterrne , | | +Tatt forr+trihht shapenn wass +turrh Crist , | | To t+achenn wh+ar he w+are , | | & forr to tacnenn Crisstenndom | | & all +te rihhte l+afe , | | +Tatt shollde ledenn h+a+tenn +ted | | Upp inntill heffness blisse , | | Swa summ +tatt sterrne ledde for+t | | +Tatt Kalldewisshe lede | | Till Effrata , till Be+t+tle+am | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn inne . | (CMORM,I,246.2005) | New sterrne , & all unncu+t wass wrohht , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn | | +Tatt newe Adam +tatt cumenn wass | | All unncu+t her to manne . | (CMORM,I,246.2006) | Kalldisske +ted comm for+t (CMORM,I,246.2007) & cwa+t+t ; | | Wh+ar mu+ghe we nu findenn | | +Tiss Judewisshe follkess king | | +Tatt iss nu borenn newenn ? | (CMORM,I,246.2008) | & tatt wass se+g+gd alls iff +te+g+g +tuss | | Wi+t+t o+tre wordess se+g+gdenn , | | Ne telle himm nohht Herode king | | Forr king off Godess lede , | (CMORM,I,247.2009) | Forr nass he nohht +turrh Godess follc | | O Godess hallfe crunedd , | | Ne nohht niss himm kinde to ben | | King off Judisskenn +tede ; | (CMORM,I,247.2010) | Acc wite +ge to fulle so+t , | | +Tatt her iss borenn newenn | | An child off +tiss Judisskenn +ted | | All affterr Godess wille , | | +Tatt shall ben +tiss Judisskenn king | | All +turrh rihht a+tell kinde , | (CMORM,I,247.2011) | & forr+ti cume we nu for+t | | To lakenn himm wi+t+t maddmess , | | & forr to lefenn upponn himm | | & bu+ghenn himm o cnewwess . | (CMORM,I,247.2012) | Forr +tatt we sen full witerrli+g | | +Turrh hefennlike takenn , | | +Tatt he to manne cumenn iss , | | So+t Godd off Godd ankennedd . | (CMORM,I,247.2013) | Ma+t+tew +te Goddspellwrihhte se+g+g+t | | O +tiss Goddspelless lare , | | +Tatt tatt unnf+ale Herode king | | Wass gramm & grill & boll+ghenn | | Forr+trihht , son summ himm awwnedd wass | | Off +tatt Kalldisskenn genge | | +Tatt cumenn wass inntill hiss land , | | An new king forr to sekenn , | | To lutenn himm , to lakenn himm , | | To bu+ghenn himm o cnewwess . | (CMORM,I,248.2014) | & wen iss +tatt he wass forrdredd | | & serrhfull inn hiss herrte , | | Forr +tatt he wennde +tatt tatt follc | | Upponn himm cumenn w+are | | Wi+t+t strennc+te , forr to ni+t+trenn himm , | | To wannsenn himm hiss riche . | (CMORM,I,248.2015) | & wel itt mihhte ben +tatt he | | Wass gramm & grill & boll+ghenn | | All forr +te namess , forr +tatt he | | Swa wollde don hiss lede | | To ben all +tess te mare offdredd | | Off himm & off hiss e+g+ge . | (CMORM,I,248.2016) | Forr +giff +te riche mann iss bra+t , | | & grimme , & tor to cwemenn , | | Hiss lede +tatt iss unnderr himm | | Himm drede+t+t +tess te mare ; | (CMORM,I,248.2017) | & tohh swa +tehh ne till +te follc , | | Ne till +te laferrd noww+terr | | Niss +tatt nohht +twerrt ut god inoh | | Till +te+g+gre sawle berrhless , | | +Tatt he be grimme & a+ghefull , | | & bra+t & tor to cwemenn , | (CMORM,I,248.2018) | Forr he ma+g+g ben swa grimme mann | | +Tatt he be+t la+t hiss lede , | (CMORM,I,248.2019) | & tatt iss e+g+g+terr himm & hemm | | Unnhalsumm to +te sawle . | (CMORM,I,248.2020) | & forr+ti birr+t himm stanndenn in | | To don wi+t+t word & dede , | | +Tatt hise lede lufenn himm | | & blettcenn himm wi+t+t herrte , | (CMORM,I,249.2021) | Forr +tatt iss himm & ec hiss follc | | God hellpe to +te sawle ; | (CMORM,I,249.2022) | & tohh swa +tehh iss ned tatt he | | Dredinng & a+ghe sette | | On all +ta +tatt lufenn to+t+t | | & woh & unnsahhtnesse , | | To don hemm foll+ghenn la+ghe & gri+t+t | | All +te+g+gre +ab+are unn+tannkess , | | +Giff +tatt te+g+g +te+g+gre +tannkess gri+t+t | | Ne kepenn nohht to foll+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,249.2023) | Forr miccle bettre iss to +te mann | | Wi+t+t lif & ec wi+t+t sawle , | | To don all hiss unn+tannkess god | | +Tan ifell hise +tannkess . | (CMORM,I,249.2024) | & ec Herode king wass grill , | | & gramm , & breme , & boll+ghen , | | Forr +tatt himm wass full la+t +tatt Crist | | Wass cumenn +ta to manne ; | (CMORM,I,249.2025) | Forr a+g+g +te la+te gastess +teww | | Iss gramm , & grill , & boll+ghenn | | A+g+g , whannse he se+t +tatt Godess rihht | | & Godess la+ghe rise+t+t . | (CMORM,I,249.2026) | Herode let himm brinngenn to | | Bisshopess off dep lare , | | & +get an o+terr l+aredd follc | | +Tatt ec wass depe l+aredd ; | (CMORM,I,249.2027) | & ter+g+gre wikenn wass forr+ti | | To spellenn to +te lede | | Off - hu +te+g+g mihhtenn cwemenn Godd | | +Turrh +t+awess & +turrh dedess , | | & +turrh +te rihhte l+afe o Godd , | | +Turrh la+ghess & +turrh lakess ; | (CMORM,I,250.2029) | & te+g+g , +tatt witt tu fuli+gwiss , | | W+arenn Scribe +gehatenn , | | Forr+ti +tatt te+g+gre wikenn wass | | To writenn la+ghebokess , | | & ec to spellenn to +te follc | | Off la+ghess & off lakess . | (CMORM,I,250.2030) | Kalldisskenn follc se+g+gde +tatt Crist | | Wass borenn , wiss to so+te , | (CMORM,I,250.2031) | & se+g+gdenn ec whatt da+g+g +te+g+g firrst | | +Te newe sterrne s+a+ghenn , | | +Turrh whatt te+g+g wisstenn wel whatt da+g+g | | Crist borenn wass on er+te ; | (CMORM,I,250.2032) | Acc wh+ar o lande he borenn wass , | | +Tatt wass hemm all unnawwnedd , | (CMORM,I,250.2033) | & forr+ti wass hemm sterrne sett , | | To ledenn hemm +te we+g+ge | | Anan inntill +tatt illke tun | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn inne . | (CMORM,I,250.2034) | & tatt Judisskenn l+aredd follc , | | Bisskopess & larewess , | | +Tatt unnderrstodenn all off Crist | | +Tatt witess haffdenn cwiddedd , | | +Te+g+g se+g+gdenn hu +tatt illke land , | | & hu +tat tun wass nemmnedd , | | +T+ar Messyass so+t Crist , so+t Godd , | | To manne cumenn sollde ; | (CMORM,I,251.2035) | Acc nisstenn +te+g+g nohht tohh swa +tehh | | Whatt time he cumenn wollde ; | (CMORM,I,251.2036) | Acc +tatt wisste Kalldisskenn follc , | | +Tatt he wass cumenn +tanne , | (CMORM,I,251.2037) | +Tatt wisstenn +te+g+g +turrh +tatt hemm wass | | Awwnedd tatt newe sterrne . | (CMORM,I,251.2038) | & swa +turrh +tatt Kalldisskenn follc , | | & ec +turrh +tatt Judisskenn , | | Well mikell lerrnde Herode king | | Off Crist , & off hiss come ; | (CMORM,I,251.2039) | Forr ba+te he lerrnde wel +turrh hemm | | Whatt da+g+g , & wh+are o lande , | | +Tatt +gunge wennchell borenn wass | | Off +tatt Judisskenn lede , | | +Tatt shollde ben Judisskenn king | | All wi+t+t rihht a+tell kinde . | (CMORM,I,251.2040) | & sone si+t+tenn sennde he for+t | | +Tatt Kalldewisshe genge , | | To sekenn +tatt Judisskenn king | | I Be+t+tle+amess chesstre , | | Forr +tatt he wollde cwellenn himm , | | +Giff +tatt he mihhte himm findenn . | (CMORM,I,251.2041) | +Tatt burrh wass Davi+t+t kingess burrh | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn inne ; | (CMORM,I,251.2042) | & tatt wass ba+te rihht & wel | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn +t+are , | (CMORM,I,251.2043) | Forr Crist wass off Davi+tess kinn , | | & King off alle kingess . | (CMORM,I,251.2044) | Kalldisskenn lede se+g+gde +tuss | | Till Issra+ale +tede ; | | We s+a+ghenn +ast in ure land | | +Tiss newe kingess sterrne , | (CMORM,I,252.2046) | We s+a+ghenn itt full brad & brihht | | +Ast , t+ar +te sunne rise+t+t . | (CMORM,I,252.2047) | & tiss bilimmpe+t+t wel till Crist | | Off +tatt he comm to manne ; | (CMORM,I,252.2048) | Forr Crist sellf iss +tatt sterrnelem | | +Tatt all mannkinn birr+t foll+ghenn , | (CMORM,I,252.2049) | & Crist iss ec so+t sunneb+am | | +Tatt all +tiss werelld lihhte+t+t , | | +Tatt sunneb+am +tatt rise+t+t a+g+g | | I gode menness herrtess , | | +Turrh +tatt he do+t hemm risenn a+g+g | | Upp inntill he+ghe mahhtess . | (CMORM,I,252.2050) | & wunnderr mikell shame wass | | Till Issra+ale +tede | | +Tatt h+a+tenn follc , Kalldisskenn follc , | | Wass warr off Cristess come , | (CMORM,I,252.2051) | & te+g+g +tatt haffdenn lare inoh | | Off +tatt he comenn shollde , | | N+arenn nohht warre off +tatt , tatt he | | Wass cumenn +ta to manne . | (CMORM,I,252.2052) | & alle +ta +tatt herrdenn itt | | & wisstenn itt off si+tre , | | +Tatt he wass cumenn sikerrli+g | | Forr all mannkinne nede , | | & nohht ne kepptenn +tohh onn himm | | To lefenn ne to trowwenn , | | Hemm alle be+t o Domess da+g+g | | Binumenn mu+t & sp+ache | | +Tatt wise , +tatt n+afr an off hemm | | Ne shall +t+ar mu+ghenn m+alenn | | +G+an Crist , forr to bitellenn himm | | Off - +tatt he shall till helle , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g wisstenn wel +tatt he | | Wass cumenn her to manne , | | & tohh swa +tehh +turrh hete & ni+t | | Himm all +twerrt ut forrwurrpenn . | (CMORM,I,253.2053) | Herode king let sekenn Crist | (CMORM,I,253.2054) | & se+g+gde , +tatt he wollde | | Lefenn onn himm & lutenn himmm , | | & lakenn himm wi+t+t maddmess , | (CMORM,I,253.2055) | & +tohhte +tohh to cwellenn himm , | | +Giff +tatt he mihhte himm findenn ; | (CMORM,I,253.2056) | & forr+ti nass he rihht nohht wurr+t | | To findenn Crist tatt time , | (CMORM,I,253.2057) | Acc he shall findenn Crist inoh | | O Domess da+g+gess time , | (CMORM,I,253.2058) | +Ta Crist shall himm wi+t+t all rihht dom | | Till hellepine demenn . | (CMORM,I,253.2059) | & he bitacne+t+t alle +ta , | | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | | +Tatt l+atenn +tatt te+g+g lufenn Crist | | & hise la+ghess haldenn , | | & wilenn +tatt menn haldenn hemm | | Forr gode menn & clene , | | & sindenn +tohh biforenn Godd | | Unnclene & all unncweme , | | I d+arne unnclene +tohht & +t+aw , | | I d+arne unnclene dede . | (CMORM,I,254.2060) | +Te+g+g l+atenn +tatt te+g+g sekenn Crist | | Biforenn menness ehne , | (CMORM,I,254.2061) | Acc +te+g+g ne findenn himm rihht nohht | | Till +te+g+gre sawle berrhless ; | (CMORM,I,254.2062) | Forr Crist forrwerrpe+t+t falls & fl+ard , | | & iwhillc unncl+annesse . | (CMORM,I,254.2063) | +Te sterrne comm rihht till +tatt hus | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn inne , | (CMORM,I,254.2064) | & fl+ah itt ta na forr+terr mar | (CMORM,I,254.2065) | Acc heng +t+aroferr stille . | (CMORM,I,254.2066) | & tatt wass don alls iff itt tuss | | Wi+t+t openn sp+ache se+g+gde , | | Her i +tiss hus iss Crist , so+t Godd , | | +Tatt me nu newenn shop +tuss brihht , | | For +tatt I shollde ledenn | | +Tiss Kalldewisshe follc till himm , | | & t+achenn hemm +te we+g+ge . | (CMORM,I,254.2067) | +Ta kingess fellenn dun , itt se+g+g+t , | | To lutenn Crist & lakenn , | (CMORM,I,254.2068) | & t+ar +te+g+g g+afenn swa +turrh +tatt | | Off so+t mecnesse bisne ; | (CMORM,I,254.2069) | Forr niss nan mann +tatt lutenn ma+g+g | | Ne lakenn Godd tocweme , | | Wi+t+tutenn himm +tatt lake+t+t Godd | | Wi+t+t lac off so+t mecnesse . | (CMORM,I,254.2070) | +Turrh +tatt te Kalldewisshe follc | | Oppnedenn +te+g+gre maddmess , | | Nohht i +te str+ate , acc i +tatt hus | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn inne , | | +T+ar+turrh wass +te bitacnedd wel | | Hu +te birr+t Drihhtinn lakenn . | (CMORM,I,255.2072) | Ne birr+t +te nohht forr er+tli+g loff , | | Ne nohht forr menness sp+ache , | | Ut i +te str+ate oppnenn +tin hord , | | To don +tin allmess dede | | Biforenn follc , +turrh idell gellp , | | Ne +turrh nan modi+gnesse , | | Forr swa to winnenn er+tli+g loff | | Wi+t+t allmess +tatt tu wirrkesst ; | (CMORM,I,255.2073) | Acc +te birr+t d+arnelike don , | | Wi+t+t innwarrd herrte & clene , | | +Tin allmess dede onn alle +ta | | +Tatt hafenn ned off hellpe , | (CMORM,I,255.2074) | & te birr+t i +tin herrtess hus | | A+g+g innwarrdlike +gernenn , | | +Tatt Godd allmahhti+g cweme be | | Whattse +tu dost to gode , | | & tatt he +gelde +te +ti l+an | | Inn heffne +turrh hiss are . | (CMORM,I,255.2075) | +Tatt hord tatt haldenn wass & hidd , | | & d+arne & all unnawwnedd , | | A whil +tatt ta Kalldisskenn menn | | Amang unnwiness w+arenn , | | +Tatt hord wass to bitacnenn uss , | | +Tatt uss ne birr+t nohht awwnenn | | Hu mann birr+t lefenn uppo Godd , | | Ne nohht off Godess lare , | | Biforenn +tatt unnf+ale follc | | +Tatt skirrpe+t+t +t+ar onn+g+aness , | | Biforenn +ta +tatt takenn all | | Onn h+a+tinng +tat we spellenn ; | (CMORM,I,256.2076) | Forr +giff +te+g+g herenn ohht off Godd , | | & skirrpenn +t+ar onn+g+aness , | | +Ta be+t hemm +garrkedd mare inoh | | & werrse pine inn helle , | | +Tann iff +te+g+g haffdenn herrd itt nohht | | Ne skarnedd t+ar onn+g+aness , | (CMORM,I,256.2077) | & forr+ti birr+t +te lokenn +te | | +Tatt tu till hemm ne spelle , | | +Tatt hemm ne falle +turrh +tin spell | | +Te mare wa to dre+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,256.2078) | Heroffe se+g+g+t +te Goddspellboc | | +Tatt Crist himm sellf +tuss se+g+gde ; | | Ne birr+t +te nohht nan hali+g +ting | | Biforenn hundess werrpenn , | (CMORM,I,256.2079) | Ne nohht ne birr+t +te to +te swin | | Werrpenn marrgrotestaness ; | (CMORM,I,256.2080) | Forr +ta +tatt l+atenn h+a+teli+g | | Off Godess hall+ghe lare , | | +Te+g+g sindenn wiss hundess & swin | | +Turrh +te+g+gre la+te sinness . | (CMORM,I,256.2081) | & +turrh +tatt hord tatt oppnedd wass | | & dra+ghenn for+t & awwnedd | | +Turrh +ta +tre kingess , i +tatt hus | | +Tatt Crist wass borenn inne , | | +T+ar+turrh wass uss tacnedd tatt uss | | Birr+t awwnenn Godess lare | | Till alle +ta +tatt lufenn itt , | | & +gernenn itt to lernenn , | | Till alle +ta +tatt cumenn for+t | | To wurr+tenn Cristess +tewwess , | (CMORM,I,257.2082) | Till alle +tatt i Godess hus | | +Turrh so+t mecnesse turrnenn | | Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom , | | & till +te rihhte l+afe , | | Hemm alle uss birr+t i Godess hus | | Wi+t+t so+t mecnesse sh+awenn | | Hu +te+g+gm birr+t lefenn uppo Godd , | | & hise la+ghess haldenn . | (CMORM,I,257.2083) | +Ta +tre kingess lakedenn Crist | | Wi+t+t +trinne kinne lakess , | | Wi+t+t recless , & wi+t+t gold , & ec | | Wi+t+t myrra , an dere sallfe , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g wisstenn +tatt he wass | | So+t Godd i mennisscnesse , | | & King off alle shaffte , & ec | | So+t mann +tatt wollde swelltenn . | (CMORM,I,257.2084) | & ec +ta kingess comenn +ta | | Till Crist wi+t+t swillke lakess , | | To lihhnenn +tatt l+arede follc , | | +Tatt +turrh dwallkennde lare | | Tahhtenn & turrndenn lawedd follc | | To lefenn wrang o Criste . | (CMORM,I,257.2085) | +Te+g+g g+afenn Crist recless to lac , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g wolldenn lihhnenn | | All +tatt unnf+ale l+aredd led , | | +Tatt dide menn to trowwenn | | +Tatt nass nohht rihht to brinngenn lac | | Ne toffrenn ohht till oww+terr , | | Till Sune , ne till Hali+g Gast , | | Acc till +te Faderr ane . | (CMORM,I,258.2086) | Off all +tiss la+te l+aredd follc | | +Tatt we nu m+alenn ummbe | | Wass ma+g+gstredwale , an defless +teww , | | +Tatt Arriuss wass nemmnedd . | (CMORM,I,258.2087) | +Te+g+g brohhtenn Crist off myrre lac , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g wolldenn lihhnenn | | All +tatt unnf+ale l+aredd led , | | +Tatt dide menn to trowwenn | | +Tatt Jesu Crist nass n+afre d+ad | | In ure mennisscnesse . | (CMORM,I,258.2088) | Off all +tiss la+te l+aredd follc | | +Tatt we de | (CMORM,I,258.2089) | +Ta +treo kingess i +te+g+gre +tohht | | O Drihhtin haffdenn bonedd , | | +Tatt he +te+g+gm +g+afe ra+t +tatt nahht | | +Turrh Hali+g Gastess rune , | | +Giff +tatt te+g+g sholldenn o+terr nohht | | Efft wendenn till Herode . | (CMORM,I,258.2090) | & Godess Gast anndswere hem +gaff | | Himm sellf & nohht +turh enngell , | | +Tatt te+g+g ne sholldenn nohht on+g+an | | Efft wendenn till Herode , | | Acc farenn ham till here land | | All wi+t+t summ o+terr we+g+ge . | (CMORM,I,259.2091) | All +tiss hem se+g+gde Godess Gast | | O bedde +ter +te+g+g slepptenn , | | Forr +tatt he wollde +turrh +tatt slep | | Well mikell +ting bitacnenn . | (CMORM,I,259.2092) | Itt tacne+t+t uss +tatt alle +ta | | Sinndenn Drihhtin full cweme , | | +Tatt sl+apenn fra +te weorrldess lusst | | & wakenn a+g+g wi+t+t Criste . | (CMORM,I,259.2093) | & tatt ta kingess forenn ham | | All wi+t+t an o+terr we+g+ge , | | +Tatt uss bitacne+t+t mikell +ting , | | +Tatt uss iss ned to foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,259.2094) | Uss alle birr+t till ure land | | Wi+t+t o+terr we+g+ge wendenn ; | (CMORM,I,259.2095) | Ure allre land iss Paradis , | (CMORM,I,259.2096) | Forr +te+tenn ut we comenn . | (CMORM,I,259.2097) | Adam & Eve w+arenn don | | I Paradisess riche , | | To libbenn a wi+t+tutenn d+a+t , | | & a+g+g occ a+g+g i blisse , | | +Giff +tatt +te+g+g wolldenn Godess word | | & Godess wille foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,259.2098) | Acc +te+g+g forrlurenn Paradys | | +Turrh +te+g+gre ba+tre gillte , | | +Turrh +tatt te+g+g Godess bodeword | | Forrletenn & forr+gemmdenn . | (CMORM,I,259.2099) | +Te+g+g ba forrlurenn Paradis | | +Turrh la+t unnherrsummnesse ; | (CMORM,I,260.2101) | & uss birr+t cumenn efft onn+g+an | | +Turrh luffsumm herrsummnesse ; | (CMORM,I,260.2102) | Forr uss birr+t beon fullherrsumm follc | | To foll+ghenn Godess wille , | (CMORM,I,260.2103) | & swa we mu+ghenn cumenn efft | | Onn+g+an wi+t+t o+terr we+g+ge . | (CMORM,I,260.2104) | +Te+g+g ba forrlurenn Paradys | | +Turrh sinnfull gredi+gnesse ; | (CMORM,I,260.2105) | & uss birr+t weorelld+tingess lusst | | Forrbu+ghenn & forrwerrpenn , | (CMORM,I,260.2106) | & uss birr+t foll+ghenn mett & m+a+t | | I cla+tess & i fode , | | Forr swa to cumenn efft onn+g+an | | Till Paradisess riche | | Wi+t+t all an o+terr kinness lif , | | +Tatt iss , wi+t+t o+terr we+g+ge . | (CMORM,I,260.2107) | +Te+g+g ba forrlurenn Paradys | | +Turrh hefi+g modinesse ; | (CMORM,I,260.2108) | & uss birr+t foll+ghenn so+t meocle+g+gc | | Wi+t+t bodi+g & wi+t+t herrte . | (CMORM,I,260.2109) | Uss birr+t l+atenn unnorneli+g | | & litell off uss sellfenn , | | & l+atenn wel off o+tre menn , | | & lutenn hemm & lefftenn ; | (CMORM,I,260.2110) | & swa we mu+ghenn cumenn efft | | Onn+g+an wi+t+t o+terr we+g+ge | | Till ure land i Paradys , | | +Turrh so+t meocnessess lade . | (CMORM,I,260.2111) | +Te+g+g ba forrlurenn Paradys | | +Turrh sinnfull gluterrnesse , | (CMORM,I,261.2113) | & tu +turrh m+a+t i mete & drinnch | | Mihht winnenn efft tatt illke ; | (CMORM,I,261.2114) | Forr mikell mihhte itt hellpenn uss | | To winnenn heoffness blisse , | | +Giff +tatt we wolldenn takenn a+g+g | | Unnorne fode & litell , | | & +giff we wolldenn shunenn a+g+g | | To fillenn uss wi+t+t esstess ; | (CMORM,I,261.2115) | Forr swa we mihhtenn foll+ghenn Crist | | & hise Leorninngcnihhtess , | | +Tatt tokenn a+g+g wi+t+t mikell m+a+t | | & a+g+g unnorne fode . | (CMORM,I,261.2116) | All +tuss we mu+ghenn cumenn efft | | Till Paradysess riche | | Wi+t+t o+terr we+g+ge , +giff +tatt we | | All affterr ure mihhte | | A+g+g foll+ghenn Godess bodeword | | & a+g+g forrbu+ghen sinne , | | Onn+g+an +tatt ta twa firrste menn | | Ne wolldenn noww+terr haldenn , | | Ne foll+ghenn Godess bodeword , | | Ne +gemenn hemm fra sinne . | (CMORM,I,261.2117) | +Ta kingess alle forenn ham , | (CMORM,I,261.2118) | & come +te+g+g na mare | | Till +tatt unnf+ale Herode king ; | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn | | +Tatt whase wile borr+genn beon | | & brukenn eche blisse , | | Himm birr+t all +twerrt ut wurr+tenn shadd | | Fra deofell & fra sinne . | (CMORM,I,262.2119) | & ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Uss +gife +turrh hiss are | | To sh+adenn uss fra sinne swa , | | & fra +te deofless wille , | | Swa +tatt we motenn borr+ghenn beon | | Att ure lifess ende . | (CMORM,I,262.2120) | Am+an ;. | (CMORM,I,262.2121) SECUNDUM LUCAM XI . (CMORM,I,262.2123) Postquam impleti sunt dies purificationis Marie . (CMORM,I,262.2124) | Forr+trihht se time comm +t+arto | | +Tatt ure laffdi+g Mar+ge , | | Affterr Judisskenn la+ghess boc , | | +Te minnstre shollde sekenn , | | Menn tokenn hire dere child | (CMORM,I,262.2126) | & b+arenn himm to kirrke , | (CMORM,I,262.2127) | & ledenn hire for+t wi+t+t himm , | | Swa summ +te boc hemm tahhte . | (CMORM,I,262.2128) | +Te+g+g comenn inntill +Gerrsal+am | | & inntill Godess minnstre , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g sholldenn offrenn +t+ar | | +Te child o Godess allterr , | | Wi+t+t all swillc lac alls hemm wass sett | | +Turrh Drihhtin +t+ar to brinngenn . | (CMORM,I,263.2129) | +Tatt lac +tatt t+ar wass brohht wi+t+t himm | | Wass twe+g+genn cullfre briddess , | | Swa summ +te Goddspellwrihhte se+g+g+t , | (CMORM,I,263.2130) | O+t+tr itt wass twe+g+genn turrtless . | (CMORM,I,263.2131) | & t+ar wass sumenn o +tatt da+g+g | | An hali+g mann to minnstre , | (CMORM,I,263.2132) | & he wass hatenn Symeon , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | (CMORM,I,263.2133) | & he wass full off Hali+g Gast | | +Tatt dide himm tunnderrstanndenn | | +Tatt tatt wass Godess Sune & Godd , | | +Tatt t+ar wass brohht to kirrke . | (CMORM,I,263.2134) | & he wass an Judisskenn mann | | Full hali+g i +tatt time , | (CMORM,I,263.2135) | & haffde +geornedd inn hiss +tohht | | A+g+g affterr Cristess come , | (CMORM,I,263.2136) | & haffde +geornedd a+g+g +tatt he | | Swa lannge mosste libbenn , | | +Tatt he wi+t+t ehhne mihhte seon | | +Te Laferrd Crist onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,263.2137) | & Drihhtin haffde +gatedd himm | | +Tatt bone +tatt he +georrnde , | (CMORM,I,263.2138) | & haffde himm se+g+gd +turrh Hali+g Gast , | | +Tatt nohht ne shollde he swelltenn | | Biforenn +tatt he shollde seon | | Crist , Godess Sune , onn eor+te . | (CMORM,I,263.2139) | & he wass brohht +turrh Hali+g Gast | | +Tatt da+g+g till Godess temmple . | (CMORM,I,264.2141) | & son se Cristess kinness menn | | +T+ar brohhtenn Crist to kirrke , | | +Tatt hall+ghe were Symeon | | Himm toc bitwenenn arrmess , | (CMORM,I,264.2142) | & se+g+gde towarrd Drihhtin +tuss , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t ; | | L+at nu Drihhtin , l+at nu +tin +teoww | | Ut off +tiss weorelld wendenn | | Wi+t+t gri+t+t , swa summ +tu me bihet , | (CMORM,I,264.2143) | L+at me nu newenn swelltenn ; | (CMORM,I,264.2144) | Forr her I seo full witerrli+g | | +Tin H+alennd Crist onn eor+te , | | +Tatt +turrh +tin are +garrkedd iss | | Biforenn alle +teode , | | Till h+a+tenn +teode lihht & leom | | Off eche rihhtwisnesse , | | & till +tiss Judewisshe follc | | Wurr+tshipe & eche wullderr . | (CMORM,I,264.2145) | Jos+ap , swa summ +te Goddspell se+g+g+t , | | & Mar+ge Cristess moderr | | Wundredenn ba+te off all +tatt hemm | | Wass cwiddedd t+are off Criste . | (CMORM,I,264.2146) | & Symeon +tatt hall+ghe mann | | +Gaff hemm blettsinn+ge ba+te , | (CMORM,I,265.2148) | & se+g+gde to +te laffdi+g +tuss , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | +Tiss child iss borenn her to +tann | | +Tatt fele shulenn fallenn , | | & fele shulenn risenn upp | | I +tiss Judisskenn +teode . | (CMORM,I,265.2149) | & tiss child iss to merrke sett | | Bitwenenn menn onn eor+te , | (CMORM,I,265.2150) | & mani+g mann +tiss merrke shall | | Wi+t+tstanndenn & wi+t+tseggenn . | (CMORM,I,265.2151) | & te shall +turrh +tiss childess swerd | | +Turrhwundedd beon +tin sawle , | | +Turrh whamm shall mani+g d+arne +tohht | | Beon oppnedd all & awwnedd . | (CMORM,I,265.2152) | & ec +t+ar comm an widdwe for+t | | +Tatt wass Drihhtin full cweme , | (CMORM,I,265.2153) | & +gho wass full off Hali+g Gast | | To spekenn +t+ar off Criste , | (CMORM,I,265.2154) | & +gho spacc +t+are off Crist till +ta | | +Tatt +georrndenn Cristess come , | (CMORM,I,265.2155) | & se+g+gde hemm whatt tatt wennchell wass , | | & whatt he shollde for+tenn . | (CMORM,I,265.2156) | +Tatt widdwe wass an hali+g wif , | (CMORM,I,265.2157) | & +gho wass hatenn Anne , | (CMORM,I,265.2158) | & +gho wass clene ma+g+gdennmann | | +Tatt da+g+g +tatt +gho toc macche ; | (CMORM,I,266.2160) | & si+t+tenn wass +gho sefenn +ger | | God wif wi+t+t hire macche . | (CMORM,I,266.2161) | & tanne comm hiss endeda+g+g | (CMORM,I,266.2162) | & +gho bil+af o life . | (CMORM,I,266.2163) | & affterr +tatt tatt he wass d+ad | | Ne toc +gho wi+t+t nan o+terr , | (CMORM,I,266.2164) | Acc ledde si+t+tenn widdwe lif | | Inn alle gode +t+awess . | (CMORM,I,266.2165) | & +gho wass , +tatt witt tu full wel , | | A+g+g si+t+tenn att te temmple , | | To +teowwtenn Godd wi+t+t bedesang , | | Wi+t+t fasstinng & wi+t+t wecche . | (CMORM,I,266.2166) | & +gho wass sexti+g winnterr ald | | & fowwre & twennti+g +tanne ; | (CMORM,I,266.2167) | & hire faderr Fanu+al | | Wass off As+aress ma+g+g+te , | (CMORM,I,266.2168) | & As+ar wass , +tatt witt tu wel , | | An off +te Patriarrkess . | (CMORM,I,266.2169) | & +gho spacc off +tatt little child | | +Tatt t+ar wass brohht to kirrke , | | Off +tatt he wass Allmahhti+g Godd , | | & mann i lif & sawle . | (CMORM,I,266.2170) | & affterr +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Wass offredd t+ar wi+t+t lakess , | | & affterr +tatt te+g+g haffdenn don | | All +tatt te boc hemm tahhte , | | +Te+g+g wenndenn ham wi+t+t heore child , | (CMORM,I,266.2171) | & feddenn himm wi+t+t blisse , | | All alls hiss lefe wille wass | | +Tatt menn himm sholldenn fosstrenn . | (CMORM,I,267.2172) | & te+g+gre child , te Laferrd Crist , | | Wel wex , (CMORM,I,267.2173) & wel wass frofredd ; | (CMORM,I,267.2174) | & he wass full off Godess witt , | | & full off Godess wille ;. | (CMORM,I,267.2175) | Her endenn twa Goddspelless +tuss , | (CMORM,I,267.2176) | & uss birr+t hemm +turrhesekenn , | | To lokenn whatt te+g+g l+arenn uss | | Off ure sawle nede . | (CMORM,I,267.2177) | Rihht o +tatt da+g+g +tatt Crist wass off | | Fowwerrti+g da+ghess elde , | | Rihht o +tatt da+g+g +te+g+g brohhtenn himm | | Wi+t+t lac till Godess allterr ; | (CMORM,I,267.2178) | & tatt da+g+g mang Ennglisshe menn | | Iss Kanndellmesse nemmnedd . | (CMORM,I,267.2179) | & tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | +Ta wollde , +tatt hiss moderr | | Swa shollde to +te kirrke gan , | | & Godess la+ghe fillenn , | | Swa summ +gho shollde clennsedd beon , | | +Gho +tatt wass +twerrt ut clene , | | +Gho +tatt wass clene ma+g+gdenn +ta | | & si+t+tenn butenn ende , | | +Tatt dide he , forr he wollde swa | | +Turrh himm & +turrh hiss moderr | | Uss alle samenn brinngenn onn | | To foll+ghenn +te+g+gre bisne , | | To foll+ghenn Godess la+ghess wel | | A+g+g affterr ure mihhte ; | (CMORM,I,268.2180) | Forr +tatt iss ure Crisstenndom | | +Tatt shall uss alle berr+ghenn , | | +Giff +tatt we Cristess la+ghess rihht | | Wi+t+t innwarrd herrte foll+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,268.2181) | +Tatt lac +tatt offredd wass wi+t+t Crist | | Wass twe+g+genn cullfre briddess , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell telle+t+t uss , | (CMORM,I,268.2182) | O+t+tr itt wass twe+g+genn turrtless , | | +Tatt wass +tatt lac +tatt ta wass sett , | | Amang Judisskenn +teode , | | +Turrh Drihhtin sellfenn to +tatt wif | | +Tatt usell wass & w+adle . | (CMORM,I,268.2183) | To riche wif Godd haffde sett | | An lamb & ec an cullfre , | (CMORM,I,268.2184) | & +giff +gho naffde cullfre nan | | +Ta toc +gho lamb & turrtle . | (CMORM,I,268.2185) | & a+g+g +gho brohhte twinne lac , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn | | +Tatt her iss twinne lufe sett | | Bitwenenn menn onn eor+te ; | (CMORM,I,268.2186) | Forr uss birr+t lufenn Godd & mann , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell t+ache+t+t , | | Forr swa to winnenn resste & ro | | & eche lifess blisse . | (CMORM,I,268.2187) | +Te lamb bitacne+t+t uss +tatt uss | | Birr+t ure Drihhtin cnawenn , | | & lufenn himm , & foll+ghenn himm , | | & herrcnenn hise spelless , | | (CMORM,I,269.2188) & iwhillc an birr+t milde beon | | & follhsumm towarrd o+terr . | (CMORM,I,269.2189) | & swa we mu+ghenn alle im+an | | +Te lambess bisne foll+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,269.2190) | Forr lamb iss soffte & stille deor , | | & li+te & meoc & milde , | (CMORM,I,269.2191) | & itt cann cnawenn swi+te wel | | Hiss moderr +t+ar +gho bl+ate+t+t , | | Bitwenenn an +tusennde shep | | +Tohh +tatt te+g+g bl+atenn alle . | (CMORM,I,269.2192) | & uss birr+t all swa cnawenn Godd | | Bitwenenn alle shaffte , | (CMORM,I,269.2193) | & uss birr+t witenn whatt iss Godd , | | & whatt iss Godess shaffte , | | & all hu mann birr+t +teowwtenn Godd | | Himm ane , & nohht hiss shaffte . | (CMORM,I,269.2194) | +Tiss birr+t uss unnderrstanndenn all , | | +Tatt ure nan ne +turrfe | | Ut off +te rihhte we+g+ge gan | | Wi+t+t dede , ne wi+t+t troww+te . | (CMORM,I,269.2195) | +Te laffdi+g lac wass litell lac | | Forr+ti +tatt +gho wass w+adle , | (CMORM,I,269.2196) | Acc itt wass god biforenn Godd , | (CMORM,I,269.2197) | Forr +gho wass Godd full cweme ; | (CMORM,I,269.2198) | & itt bitacne+t+t mikell +ting , | | +Tatt uss | (CMORM,I,269.2199) | Cullfre ne life+t+t nohht bi flessh , | | Ne bi nan +ting +tatt de+ge+t+t , | (CMORM,I,269.2200) | & te birr+t +gemenn +te full wel | | Fra d+ade werrkess alle , | | Fra depe sinness +tatt tu mahht | | Wel nemmnenn d+ade werrkess ; | (CMORM,I,270.2202) | Forr sinness dra+ghenn sinnfull mann | | Till helled+a+t onn ende , | | Butt iff he mu+ghe hemm i +tiss lif | | Birewenn Crist tocweme . | (CMORM,I,270.2203) libbenn , | | & murrcnenn affterr Drihhtin Crist , | | & foll+ghenn swa +te turrtle . | (CMORM,I,270.2204) | & tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Wass , alls icc habbe sh+awedd , | | Firrst ummbeshorenn onn hiss shapp , | | & si+t+tenn brohht to kirrke , | | +Tatt uss bitacne+t+t witerrli+g | | +Turrh opennlike bisne , | | +Tatt whase wile cumenn inn | | Till heofennrichess kirrke , | | Himm birr+t all ummbeshorenn beon | | & clennsedd all off sinne ; | (CMORM,I,270.2205) | Forr all +tatt cume+t+t upp till Godd | | All itt iss +twerrt ut clene . | (CMORM,I,270.2206) | O Moys+asess la+ghe stod , | | Swa summ itt Drihhtin sette , | | +tatt all +tatt hemm wass borenn firrst | | Off ahhte +tatt wass clene , | | +Te firrste callf , +te firrste lamb , | | +Te firrste kide , & swillke , | | All +tatt wass clene deor , all +tatt | | +Tatt mann ma+g+g etenn offe , | | All sholld beon to Drihhtin Godd | | Upponn hiss allterr offredd . | (CMORM,I,271.2207) | & all +tatt wass unnclene deor , | | Off horrs , off asse , off swillke , | | All +tatt mann shollde biggen ut | | Wi+t+t fife wehhte off sillferr . | (CMORM,I,271.2208) | & tatt wass sett +turrh Drihhtin Godd | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn , | | +Tatt te birr+t seggenn wi+t+t +tin mu+t , | | & ec wi+t+t innwarrd herrte , | | +Tatt all +tin clene dede iss don | | +Turrh Godd & +turrh hiss hellpe ; | (CMORM,I,271.2209) | & swa +te birr+t itt offrenn Godd | | +Turrh +tatt te birr+t wel trowwenn , | | +Tatt Drihhtin sette+t+t i +tin +tohht | | God dede to biginnenn , | | Swa +tatt itt all bigunnenn iss | | & for+tedd +turrh hiss hellpe . | (CMORM,I,271.2210) | & te birr+t biggenn ut att Godd | | All +tin unnclene dede , | (CMORM,I,271.2211) | & all +te birr+t itt biggenn ut | | Wi+t+t fife wehhte off sillferr , | | +Tatt iss , +tatt te birr+t biggenn ut | | All +tin missdede & sinne | | +Turrh rihht d+adbote , +tatt birr+t beon | | O fife wise for+tedd . | (CMORM,I,271.2212) | Forr whase wile clennsenn himm | | & wi+t+t hiss godd himm sahhtlenn , | | Himm birr+t off all hiss sinne beon | | +Turrh fiffald pine clennsedd ; | (CMORM,I,272.2214) | Forr himm birr+t forr +te lufe off Godd , | | & forr his woh to betenn , | | O fife wise pinenn her | | Hiss bodi+g & hiss sawle ; | (CMORM,I,272.2215) | Forr himm birr+t lokenn himm +tatt he | | Ne seo nan +ting wi+t+t sinne ; | (CMORM,I,272.2216) | & tatt iss , butt an wunnderr beo , | | An lott off hefi+g shriffte . | (CMORM,I,272.2217) | & himm birr+t lokenn himm +tatt he | | Ne lisste nohht wi+t+t +are | | Till naness kinness idellle+g+gc , | | +Tatt hali+g mann forrwerrpe+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,272.2218) | & tatt iss wiss an o+terr lott | | Off god & hali+g shriffte . | (CMORM,I,272.2219) | & himm birr+t lokenn himm full wel | | Fra luffsumm +ate & w+ate , | (CMORM,I,272.2220) | & himm birr+t takenn fode & cla+t | | Unnorne & litell ba+te ; | (CMORM,I,272.2221) | & tatt iss wiss +te +tridde lott | | Off god & hefi+g shriffte . | (CMORM,I,272.2222) | & himm birr+t lokenn himm +tatt he | | Ne +georne nohht to dowwnenn | | Wi+t+t sinne naness kinness +ting , | | +Tatt hafe+t+t swete stinnchess ; | (CMORM,I,272.2223) | & tatt iss wiss +te feor+te lott | | Off god & hali+g shriffte . | (CMORM,I,273.2225) | & himm birr+t lokenn himm +tatt he | | Ne gillte nohht wi+t+t wille , | | Ne +turrh hiss +tohht , ne +turrh hiss word , | | Ne +turrh hiss bodi+g dede ; | (CMORM,I,273.2226) | & tatt iss wiss +te fifte lott | | Off god & hali+g shriffte . | (CMORM,I,273.2227) | +Tuss birr+t himm forr +te lufe off Godd , | | & forr hiss woh to betenn , | | O fife wise pinenn her | | Hiss bodi+g & hiss sawle , | | & biggenn ut att Drihhtin swa | | All hiss unnclene dede | | +Turrh rihht shriffte , (CMORM,I,273.2228) +tatt birr+t beon +tuss | | O fife wise for+tedd , | | All all swa summ +te la+gheboc | | Badd Issra+ale +teode | | A+g+g biggenn ut unnclene deor | | Wi+t+t fife wehhte off sillferr . | (CMORM,I,273.2229) | O Moys+asess la+ghe stod , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd , | | +Tatt a+g+g +te+g+g sholldenn brinngenn lac | | Wi+t+t child till Godess allterr , | | Wi+t+t cn+achild , wi+t+t ma+g+gdennchild , | | Wi+t+t ba+te onn ane wise . | (CMORM,I,273.2230) | +Te lac wass lamb & cullfre bridd , | (CMORM,I,273.2231) | O+t+tr itt wass lamb & turrtle ; | (CMORM,I,273.2232) | & +giff +gho wass summ w+adle wif | | +Tatt lamb ne mihhte winnenn , | | +Ta brohhte +gho wi+t+t hire child | | Twa cullfress o+terr turrtless . | (CMORM,I,274.2234) | All +tiss wass sett +turrh Drihhtin Godd | | Forr mikell +ting to tacnenn ; | (CMORM,I,274.2235) | Forr cnapechild bitacne+t+t uss | | Strang mahht i gode dedess , | (CMORM,I,274.2236) | & ma+g+gdennchild bitacne+t+t uss | | Wac mahht i gode dedess , | (CMORM,I,274.2237) | Forr sume foll+ghenn i +tiss lif | | All +twerrt ut gode dedess , | (CMORM,I,274.2238) | & sinndenn +turrh +te cnapechild | | Full opennli+g bitacnedd ; | (CMORM,I,274.2239) | Forr cnapechild iss afledd wel | | Affterr weppmanne kinde . | (CMORM,I,274.2240) | & sume sinndenn i +tiss lif | | Off miccle lasse mahhte , | (CMORM,I,274.2241) | & foll+ghenn affterr +te+g+gre mahht | | +Tohhwhe+t+tre Godess wille , | (CMORM,I,274.2242) | & sinndenn +turrh +te ma+g+gdennchild | | Full opennli+g bitacnedd ; | (CMORM,I,274.2243) | Forr ma+g+gdenn child iss all unnstrang | | Affterr wifmanne kinde . | (CMORM,I,274.2244) | & a+g+g wass lamb wi+t+t e+g+g+terr child | | O Godess allterr offredd , | (CMORM,I,274.2245) | & lamb iss all unnska+tefull | | & stille deor & milde , | (CMORM,I,274.2246) | & whase wile lakenn Godd | | Wi+t+t hise gode dedess , | | Himm birr+t beon all unnska+tefull , | | & soffte , & meoc , & milde . | (CMORM,I,275.2248) | & a+g+g wass cullfre wi+t+t +te lamb | | Onn allterr - o+terr turrtle ; | (CMORM,I,275.2249) | Forr iwhillc mann birr+t wepenn her , | | & sikenn sare & suhh+ghenn , | | & beon well swi+te sare offdredd , | | +Tatt all hiss gode dede | | Ne mune himm nohht beon god inoh | | To berr+ghenn himm fra pine . | (CMORM,I,275.2250) | & wop wass uss bitacnedd wel | | +Turrh cullfre & turrtle ba+te ; | (CMORM,I,275.2251) | Forr +te+g+gre sang iss lic wi+t+t wop , | | +Tatt witenn menn ino+ghe . | (CMORM,I,275.2252) | & +giff +tatt +gho wass w+adle wif | | +Tatt lamb ne mihhte winnenn , | | +Ta wass +te lac wi+t+t hire child | | Off twe+g+genn cullfre briddess , | | Swa summ +te Goddspellwrihhte se+g+g+t , | (CMORM,I,275.2253) | O+t+tr itt wass twe+g+genn turrtless . | (CMORM,I,275.2254) | & +giff +tu Drihhtin nohht ne mihht | | +Get lakenn himm tocweme , | | Swa summ +te w+are ned , wi+t+t lamb | | Off so+t unnsha+ti+gnesse , | | +Tatt iss , +giff +tu ne mahht nohht +get | | All +gemenn +te fra sinne , | | +Ta loc +tu +tatt tu lake Godd | | Wi+t+t twe+g+genn cullfre briddess , | | +Tatt iss - wi+t+t twinne kinne wop | | For+t wi+t+t +tin gode dede ; | (CMORM,I,276.2255) | Loc +tatt tu wepe da+g+gwhammli+g | | Forr all +tin unncl+annesse , | (CMORM,I,276.2256) | & wep forr +tatt tu narrt nohht +get | | Inn heoffne inn eche blisse . | (CMORM,I,276.2257) | +Tuss mihht tu wel wi+t+t twinne wop | | Drihhtin tocweme lakenn , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu wepesst rihht | | O +tise twinne wise . | (CMORM,I,276.2258) | & te birr+t habbenn twinne wop | | +Get onn an o+terr wise , | (CMORM,I,276.2259) | & tu mihht lakenn Godd t+arwi+t+t | | Well swi+te wel tocweme , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu +twerrt ut wel | | Wepesst onn e+g+g+terr wise ; | (CMORM,I,276.2260) | Forr +te birr+t beon full sare offdredd | | Off helless grimme pine , | (CMORM,I,276.2261) | & te birr+t +georne stanndenn inn | | To betenn +tine sinness , | | Wi+t+t serr+ghe & sit , wi+t+t bitter wop , | | & ec wi+t+t hefi+g shriffte , | | To sahhtlenn +te wi+t+t +tin Drihhtin | | Forr helle to forrbu+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,276.2262) | & affterr +tatt tu clennsedd arrt | | Off alle +tine sinness , | | All affterr +tatt te preost te badd | | +Tatt tu +te sholldesst clennsenn , | | +Ta si+t+tenn iss +tin hope o Godd | | +Tatt tu wi+t+t himm arrt sahhtledd ; | (CMORM,I,277.2263) | & si+t+tenn +gife+t+t he +te mahht | | To lufenn himm wi+t+t herrte , | | +Turrh +tatt tu didesst all +tin mahht | | To betenn +tine sinness . | (CMORM,I,277.2264) | & forr+ti +tatt te +tinnke+t+t wiss | | +Tatt tu wi+t+t himm arrt sahhtledd , | | Off nan +ting elless niss +te nohht | | Butt off +tatt an +ting ane , | | To stanndenn inn to cwemenn himm | | Onn alle kinne wise ; | (CMORM,I,277.2265) | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} nan +ting narrt tu +ta forrdredd | | Butt off +tatt an +ting ane , | | Off +tatt tu shule wra+t+tenn himm | | O sume kinne wise . | (CMORM,I,277.2266) | +Tuss mahht tu wel wi+t+t twinne wop | | +Tin Godd tocweme lakenn , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt tu wepesst rihht | | O +tise twinne wise . | (CMORM,I,277.2267) | +T+ar ure Laferrd Crist wass brohht | | To kirrke wi+t+t hiss moderr , | | +T+ar comenn forr+t to lofenn himm | | An weppmann & an widdwe , | (CMORM,I,277.2268) | & forr he wollde litell . | (CMORM,I,277.2269) | & forr+ti let he cwellenn +ta | | +Te miccle & ec +te little , | | +Tatt Crist ne shollde mu+ghenn himm | | O nane wise attwindenn . | (CMORM,I,278.2271) | +Ta chilldre +tatt he cwellen let | | Bitacnenn all +tatt genge , | | +Tatt fra +tatt da+g+g till +tiss for upp | | +Turrh marrtirdom till Criste , | | +Tatt genge +tatt wass milde & meoc , | | & +admod all se chilldre , | | & all wi+t+tutenn modi+gle+g+gc , | | & all wi+t+tutenn bra+t+te , | | & clene off hete & clene off ni+t , | | & clene off gredi+gnesse , | | & off galnesse skir & fre | | & all off ille wiless , | | All all swa summ +te +gunge child | | Iss clene off swillke sinness . | (CMORM,I,278.2272) | & tatt ta chilldre swulltenn +t+ar | | Off twe+g+genn +geress elde , | | +Tatt uss bitacne+t+t opennli+g | | +Tatt all +tatt hall+ghe genge , | | +Tatt borr+ghenn iss +turrh marrtirdom , | | Fl+ah upp wi+t+t twe+g+genn wengess , | | +Turrh +tatt te+g+g cwemmdenn Jesu Crist | | Wi+t+t spelless & wi+t+t dedess . | (CMORM,I,278.2273) | Herode king bitacne+t+t uss | | +Te la+te gast off helle ; | (CMORM,I,278.2274) | & he ma+g+g wel bitacnenn himm | | Whamm he stod inn to foll+ghe . | (CMORM,I,278.2275) | Forr all swa summ +te la+te gast | | A+g+g ni+t+tre+t+t Godess genge , | | & cwelle+t+t hemm & wannse+t+t hemm , | | +Turrh hise unnf+ale +teowwess , | | All swa +tatt la+te Herode king | | +Turrh hise la+te +teowwess | | Offcwalde , forr to cwellenn Crist , | | +Ta gilltel+ase chilldre . | (CMORM,I,279.2277) | & +turrh +tatt tatt Herode king | | Let sl+an +ta little barrness , | | +T+ar+turrh wass uss bitacnedd wel | | All onn an o+terr wise , | | +Tatt ifell gast ma+g+g oferr +ta | | +Tatt foll+ghenn barrness +t+awess | | Inn illc unnwitt , inn illc unnitt , | | Inn +agede & i le+g+gkess . | (CMORM,I,279.2278) | Forr Latin boc uss se+g+g+t full wel | | +Tatt tatt mann iss forrwarr+gedd | | +Tatt iss an hunndredd winnterr ald , | | & foll+ghe+t+t childess g+aress . | (CMORM,I,279.2279) | & off +tiss illke se+g+gde +tuss | | +Te posstell Sannte Pawell ; | | A+g+g whil +tatt I wass litell child | | Icc held o childess +t+awess , | (CMORM,I,279.2280) | & son summ icc wass waxenn mann , | | +Ta fl+ah I childess cosstess . | (CMORM,I,279.2281) | & uss birr+t alle samenn wel | | Hiss hall+ghe bisne foll+ghenn , | | & all forrwerrpenn illc unnitt | | Off +agede & off le+g+gkess , | (CMORM,I,279.2282) | & uss birr+t beon full ho+ghefull | | Abutenn ure sawless . | (CMORM,I,280.2284) | Herode king ma+g+g swi+te wel | | +Te la+te gast bitacnenn ; | (CMORM,I,280.2285) | Forr all hiss werrc & all hiss will | | Wass ifell gast full cweme , | (CMORM,I,280.2286) | & onn himm sellfenn wass inoh | | Hiss a+ghenn sinne sene ; | (CMORM,I,280.2287) | Forr wel biforenn +tatt he swallt | | Wass himm +tatt wa bigunnenn , | | +Tatt he shall dre+ghenn a+g+g occ a+g+g | | Inn helle wi+t+t +te deofell ; | (CMORM,I,280.2288) | Forr he warr+t seoc , (CMORM,I,280.2289) & he bigann | | To rotenn bufenn eor+te , | (CMORM,I,280.2290) | & tohh he toc wi+t+t mete swa | | +Tatt nan ne mihhte himm fillenn , | (CMORM,I,280.2291) | & swa he stannc +tatt iwhillc mann | | Wass himm full la+t to nehh+ghenn ; | (CMORM,I,280.2292) | & all himm w+arenn fet & +teos | | Tobollenn & toblawenn . | (CMORM,I,280.2293) | +Ta l+achess +tatt himm comenn to | | & himm ne mihhtenn h+alenn | | He sloh , (CMORM,I,280.2294) & se+g+gde +tatt te+g+g himm | | Ne kepptenn nohht to berr+ghenn . | (CMORM,I,280.2295) | & he toc iwhillc h+afedd mann | | Off all hiss kineriche , | (CMORM,I,280.2296) | & let hemm stekenn inn an hus , | | & haldenn swi+te fasste , | (CMORM,I,280.2297) | & badd tatt mann hemm shollde sl+an , | | Son summ he shollde de+genn . | (CMORM,I,281.2299) | He +tohhte +tatt mann munnde beon | | Off hiss d+a+t swi+te bli+te , | (CMORM,I,281.2300) | & wisste +tatt mann munnde +ta | | Forr hemm full sare wepenn , | (CMORM,I,281.2301) | & wollde swa +tatt all +te follc | | +Tatt time shollde wepenn , | | +Tatt mann himm shollde findenn d+ad | | +Tohh itt forr himm ne w+are ; | (CMORM,I,281.2302) | Loc nu +giff he wass deofless +teoww | | & all i deofless walde . | (CMORM,I,281.2303) | & he +gaff hise cnihhtess +ta | | Fiffti+g be+g+gsannz to mede ; | | Forr +tatt te+g+g sholldenn att hiss d+a+t | | +Ta riche menn offcwellenn . | (CMORM,I,281.2304) | Acc whatt forr+ti nass +tatt nohht don | | Affterr hiss la+te wille , | (CMORM,I,281.2305) | Forr nollde nan mann cwellenn hemm | | +Tatt da+g+g +tatt he toc ende . | (CMORM,I,281.2306) | & +get he dide mare inoh | | Off deofellshine o life , | | +Ar +tann he +gaff hiss fule gast | | To farenn inntill helle ; | (CMORM,I,281.2307) | He wollde himm sellfenn wi+t+t an cnif | | Offcwellenn , +giff he mosste ; | (CMORM,I,281.2308) | Loc +gif he wass inoh bitahht | | +Te la+te gast off helle . | (CMORM,I,281.2309) | He badd himm brinngenn +anne cnif | | An appell forr to shr+adenn , | (CMORM,I,281.2310) | & se+g+gde +tatt himm lisste +ta | | Wel etenn off an appell ; | (CMORM,I,282.2312) | & mann +ta brohhte cnif himm to , | (CMORM,I,282.2313) | & he +ta toc itt sone , | (CMORM,I,282.2314) | & icchedd himm a litell upp | (CMORM,I,282.2315) | & wollde himm sellfenn mirr+trenn , | (CMORM,I,282.2316) | Acc mann grap +ta +tatt cnif himm fra | | To reddenn himm fra d+a+te , | (CMORM,I,282.2317) | & tokenn alle samenn +ta | | To wepenn & to wanenn , | | Forr +tatt he wi+t+t hiss a+ghenn hannd | | Himm sellfenn wollde cwellenn . | (CMORM,I,282.2318) | & an off hise suness wass | | Anntipater +gehatenn ; | (CMORM,I,282.2319) | & he wass i cwarrterrne +ta | | Onnfasst te kingess bure , | | +T+ar he wass +turrh hiss faderr +ar | | Wi+t+t mikell wra+t+t worrpenn . | (CMORM,I,282.2320) | & te+g+gre wop & te+g+gre r+am | | Comm full wel till hiss +are , | (CMORM,I,282.2321) | & he +ta forr hiss faderr d+a+t | | Wel wennde +tatt te+g+g wepptenn , | (CMORM,I,282.2322) | & he warr+t swi+te bli+te +ta , | (CMORM,I,282.2323) | & toc to lahh+ghenn lhude . | (CMORM,I,282.2324) | & mann +ta se+g+gde +tatt te king , | (CMORM,I,282.2325) | & he warr+t wra+t & bollghenn , | (CMORM,I,282.2326) | & badd tatt mann himm sollde anan | | Wi+t+t swerdess egge cwellenn ; | (CMORM,I,282.2327) | & tatt wass +tanne sone don | | To for+tenn himm hiss wille . | (CMORM,I,283.2329) | & twe+g+genn haffde he letenn +ar | | Off hise suness cwellenn , | | +Ar +tann +tatt ifell comm himm to | | +Tatt held himm +ta swa fasste . | (CMORM,I,283.2330) | Hiss feorr+te sune he +gaff +te land | (CMORM,I,283.2331) | & sette himm +t+ar to kinge , | (CMORM,I,283.2332) | & he wass , +tatt witt tu full wel , | | Arrchelauss +gehatenn . | (CMORM,I,283.2333) | & +get he haffde suness ma , | (CMORM,I,283.2334) | Acc himm he +gaff +tatt crune , | | To weldenn all hiss kinedom | | Affterr hiss lifess ende ; | (CMORM,I,283.2335) | & affterr +tatt ta wass he d+ad | | Inn all hiss miccle sinne . | (CMORM,I,283.2336) | Acc +t+ar wass mikell oferrgarrt | | & modi+gnesse sh+awedd | | Abutenn +tatt stinnckennde lic , | | +T+ar itt wass brohht till eor+te ; | (CMORM,I,283.2337) | Forr all +te b+are wass bile+g+gd | | Wi+t+t b+atenn gold & sillferr , | (CMORM,I,283.2338) | & all itt wass e+g+gwh+ar bisett | | Wi+t+t deorewurr+te staness , | (CMORM,I,283.2339) | & all +tatt w+ade +tatt t+ar wass | | Uppo +te b+are fundenn , | | All wass itt off +te bettste pall | | +Tatt ani+g mann ma+g+g a+ghenn , | (CMORM,I,283.2340) | & all itt wass wundenn wi+t+t gold | | & sett wi+t+t deore staness , | (CMORM,I,283.2341) | & all he wass wurr+tlike shridd , | | Alls iff he w+are o life , | (CMORM,I,284.2343) | & onn hiss h+afedd w+arenn twa | | Gildene cruness sette , | (CMORM,I,284.2344) | & himm wass sett inn hiss rihht hannd | | An dere kine+gerrde ; | (CMORM,I,284.2345) | & swa mann barr +tatt fule lic | | Till +t+ar he bedenn haffde . | (CMORM,I,284.2346) | & hise cnihhtess alle im+an | | For+t +gedenn wi+t+t +te b+are , | | Wi+t+t heore w+apenn alle bun , | | Swa summ +te+g+g sholldenn fihhtenn . | (CMORM,I,284.2347) | +Tatt o+terr follc all +gede bun , | | Swa summ itt birr+t , wi+t+t like . | (CMORM,I,284.2348) | & ec +t+ar +gedenn wi+t+t +te lic | | Full wel fif hunndredd +tewwess , | | To strawwenn gode gresess +t+ar , | | +Tatt stunnkenn swi+te swete , | | Biforenn +tatt stinnkennde lic | | +T+ar menn itt berenn sholldenn . | (CMORM,I,284.2349) | & tuss +te+g+g alle brohhtenn himm | | Wi+t+t mikell modi+gnesse | | Till +t+ar +t+ar he +te+g+gm haffde se+g+gd | | +Tatt te+g+g himm brinngenn sholldenn . | (CMORM,I,284.2350) | Swillc mann wass +tatt Herode king | | +Tatt let te chilldre cwellenn , | | Forr +tatt he wollde cwellenn Crist | | Amang hemm , +giff he mihhte . | (CMORM,I,284.2351) | Acc Cristess time nass nohht +get | | +Tatt he +get wollde swelltenn , | (CMORM,I,285.2353) | & forr+ti sloh Herode king | | All rihht forr nohht ta chilldre . | (CMORM,I,285.2354) | He sloh +ta chilldre gilltel+as , | (CMORM,I,285.2355) | & itt hemm comm to blisse , | (CMORM,I,285.2356) | +Te+g+g g+afenn heore shorrte lif | | Forr eche lifess blisse . | (CMORM,I,285.2357) | Off hemm iss writenn o Latin , | | +Tatt te+g+g inn heoffness blisse | | A foll+ghenn ure Laferrd Crist | | Whatt gate summ he gannge+t+t ; | (CMORM,I,285.2358) | & tatt iss se+g+gd forr+ti +tatt te+g+g | | Himm sinndenn swi+te like , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g ferrdenn off +tiss lif | | I clene unnwemmeddnesse . | (CMORM,I,285.2359) | & affterr +tatt Herode king | | Wass witenn ut off life , | | Wi+t+t all swillc ende alls he wass wurr+t | | +Turrh hise depe sinness , | | Hiss sune toc forr+trihht anan | | +T+ar affterr himm to rixlenn , | | +Tatt Arrchelauss nemmnedd wass , | | Swa summ +ge littl+ar herrdenn . | (CMORM,I,285.2360) | & he wass Drihhtin swi+te la+t | | & deofell swi+te dere | | +Turrh h+a+tenndom , & +turrh hiss lif | | +Tatt all wass full off sinness . | (CMORM,I,285.2361) | & he wass o +te tende +ger | | Fra +tatt he toc to rixlenn | | Biforr +te Romanisshe king | | Full hefilike wre+gedd , | (CMORM,I,286.2362) | & himm wass +ta +te kinedom | | Forr hise gilltess r+afedd , | (CMORM,I,286.2363) | & he wass flemmd & drifenn ut | | All affterr hise wrihhte , | | +Turrh Rome burrh+gess Kaserrking | | +Tatt Augustuss wass nemmnedd , | (CMORM,I,286.2364) | +Tatt flemmde himm ut forr+ti +tatt he | | Wass ifell mann wi+t+t alle , | | & modi+g mann att oferrdon , | | & grimme wi+t+t +te leode . | (CMORM,I,286.2365) | & he wass drifenn ut forr+ti | | Off all +te kineriche , | (CMORM,I,286.2366) | & he fl+ah inntill o+terr land | | +Tatt nemmnedd wass Vienne , | (CMORM,I,286.2367) | & t+are he wass unnorneli+g , | (CMORM,I,286.2368) | & t+are he toc hiss ende . | (CMORM,I,286.2369) | & loc nu +giff Crisstene king | | Birr+t beon rihhtwis & milde , | | & god wi+t+t all hiss follc +tatt iss | | Inn all hiss kineriche , | | +Tatt he ne beo biforenn Godd | | Haldenn & tald forr werrse | | +Tann +tatt h+a+tene Kaserrking , | | +Tatt draf all ut off lande | | An mahhti+g king & riche king | | & rihht forr nan +ting elless , | | Butt forr +tatt he wass modi+g mann | | & grimme wi+t+t hiss leode ; | (CMORM,I,286.2370) | & si+t+tenn wass +te kinedom | | O fowwre daless d+aledd , | | +T+ar i +te Judewisshe land | | +Tatt Arrchelauss haffde . | (CMORM,I,287.2372) | & Arrchelawess bre+tre +treo | | +Treo daless unnderrfengenn | | Att Rome burr+gess Kaserrking , | | +Tatt t+ar wass oferrlaferd ; | (CMORM,I,287.2373) | +Te feor+te dale wass bitahht | | Pilate Pontiwisshe . | (CMORM,I,287.2374) | Herode king off Galileo | | Wass Arrchelawess bro+terr , | (CMORM,I,287.2375) | & himm +te land off Galileo | | Wass all bitahht to g+atenn . | (CMORM,I,287.2376) | & an Filippe an h+afedd mann | | Wass Arrchelawess bro+terr , | (CMORM,I,287.2377) | & twe+g+genn landess w+arenn himm | | Bitahhte forr to g+atenn , | (CMORM,I,287.2378) | +Tatt an land wass Yturea | | & Trachonys +tatt o+terr . | (CMORM,I,287.2379) | & Lysias an h+afedd mann | | Wass Arrchelawess bro+terr , | (CMORM,I,287.2380) | & himm wass sett , tatt witt tu wel , | | To +gemenn & to g+atenn | | +Turrh Rome king an land tatt wass | | +Gehatenn Abyline . | (CMORM,I,287.2381) | Judealand & +Gerrsal+am | | Wass all bitahht Pilate , | (CMORM,I,287.2382) | Acc he nass nohht ta bre+tre sibb , | | Ne nohht off +te+g+gre birde ; | (CMORM,I,288.2384) | Forr he wass off Ponntisske land , | | Off all an o+terr leode . | (CMORM,I,288.2385) | O +tise fowwre menness da+g+g | | Bigann Johan Bapptisste , | | I wesste bi +te flumm Jorrdan , | | To fullhtnenn & to spellenn . | (CMORM,I,288.2386) | O +tatt Kaseress da+g+g +tatt wass | | Tyberiuss +gehatenn , | | Onn hiss fiftende +ger fra +tatt | | +Tatt he bigann to rixlenn | | I Rome riche , toc Johan | | To fullhtnenn & to spellenn | | Off Godess Sune , Crist , tatt he | | +Ta shollde cumenn newenn , | | To leosenn mannkinn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Ut off +te deofless walde , | | & turrnenn menn till Crisstenndom | | & till +te rihhte l+afe , | | & t+achenn hemm & hellpenn hemm | | To winnenn heoffness blisse , | | +Turrh mett & so+t meocnesse , | | +Turrh clene +tohht & word & weorrc , | | +Turrh lufe & hope & l+afe . | (CMORM,I,288.2387) | & o +ta fowwre menness da+g+g | | +Tatt tokenn all +tatt riche , | | +Tatt wass bir+afedd Arrchelaw | | All forr hiss modi+gnesse , | (CMORM,I,288.2388) | O +te+g+gre da+g+g wass att te flumm | | Crist , Godess Sune , fullhtnedd . | (CMORM,I,289.2390) | & hemm wass all +te kinedom | | O fowwre daless d+aledd , | | Swa summ +te Romanisshe king | | Itt haffde +tanne d+aledd , | | +Tatt ta wass Kaserr oferr hemm | | & oferr fele kingess . | (CMORM,I,289.2391) | & off +ta fowwre riche menn | | +Tatt tokenn +ta to rixlenn , | | Off hemm wass an Herode king , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd , | (CMORM,I,289.2392) | & he wass ifell mann inoh , | (CMORM,I,289.2393) | & wel itt wass himm kinde . | (CMORM,I,289.2394) | & o +tatt lattre Herodess da+g+g | | Wass Crist o rode pinedd , | (CMORM,I,289.2395) | & he wass att tatt illke r+ad , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | (CMORM,I,289.2396) | & tatt himm comm till hefi+g wa | | +Turrh Godess rihhtwisnesse . | (CMORM,I,289.2397) | & Godd Allmahhti+g +gife uss swa | | To foll+ghenn Cristess lare , | | Swa +tatt we motenn wurr+ti ben | | To winnenn Cristess are . | (CMORM,I,289.2398) | Am+an . | (CMORM,I,289.2399) SECUNDUM JOHANNEM XXV . (CMORM,II,224.2402) Erat homo ex Phariseis Nichodemus nomine princeps Judeorum . (CMORM,II,224.2403) | An mann amang Judisskenn +ted | | Wass Nicodem +gehatenn , | | Off +tatt Farisewisshe follc | | +Tatt l+aredd wass o boke , | | An allderrmann , an h+afedd mann | | Inn Issra+ale +tede , | | To l+arenn & to spellenn hemm , | | To wissenn & to +gemenn . | (CMORM,II,224.2405) | & he comm onn an nahht till Crist , | | Forr +tatt he wollde lernenn | | All stilleli+g summwhatt att himm | | Off hiss goddcunnde lare . | (CMORM,II,225.2406) | & tuss he toc forr+trihht anan | | To m+alenn wi+t+t +te Laferrd ; | | Ma+g+gstre , - we witenn sikerrli+g | | +Tatt tu +turrh Godess wille | | & all o Godess hallfe arrt sennd | | Larfaderr her to manne ; | (CMORM,II,225.2407) | Forr niss nan mann +tatt wirrkenn ma+g+g | | +Ta tacness +tatt tu wirrkesst , | | Butt iff +tatt Drihhtin be wi+t+t himm | | All opennlike onn er+te . | (CMORM,II,225.2408) | & ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Himm +gaff anndswere (CMORM,II,225.2409) & se+g+gde ; | | To fulle so+t I segge +te , | | +Tatt niss nan mann onn er+te | | +Tatt mu+ghe Godess riche sen | | Butt he be boren twi+gess . | (CMORM,II,225.2410) | & Nicodem +gaff sone +tuss | | Anndswere till +te Laferrd ; | (CMORM,II,225.2411) | Hu ma+g+g ald mann ben borenn efft | | Onn elde off moderr wambe ? | (CMORM,II,225.2412) | Ma+g+g ani+g ald mann cumenn efft | | Inntill hiss moderr wambe , | | To wurr+tenn borenn to +tiss lif | | Efftsoness off hiss moderr ? | (CMORM,II,225.2413) | & ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Himm +gaff annswere (CMORM,II,225.2414) & se+g+gde ; | | To fulle so+t I segge +te , | | Loc +giff +tu willt itt trowwenn , | | +Tatt niss nan mann +tatt cumenn ma+g+g | | Upp inntill Godess riche , | | Butt iff he be rihht la+gheli+g | | Efft borenn her onn er+te , | | Off waterr & off Hali+g Gast | | Wi+t+t all +te rihhte l+afe . | (CMORM,II,226.2415) | All +tatt tatt borenn iss off fl+ash | | Iss fl+ash & fl+ashess kinde , | (CMORM,II,226.2416) | & all +tatt borenn iss off Gast | | Iss gast & gastess kinde . | (CMORM,II,226.2417) | Ne +tinnke +te na wunnderr nu | | Off - +tatt I +te nu se+g+gde , | | +Tatt +guw iss alle mikell ned | | To wurr+tenn borenn twi+gess ; | (CMORM,II,226.2418) | Gast +gife+t+t herrte , & wille , & mahht , | | +T+ar +t+ar himm sellfenn like+t+t , | (CMORM,II,226.2419) | & tu mahht herenn gastess rerd | | Wi+t+t er+tli+g fl+ashess +are , | (CMORM,II,226.2420) | Acc +tu ne mahht nohht witenn her | | +Tohhwhe+t+tre o fl+ashli+g wise , | | Fra whe+tennwarrd gast cume+t+t for+t | | Ne whiderrwarrd he wende+t+t . | (CMORM,II,226.2421) | & o +tatt wise iss illc an mann | | Weppmann & wimmann ba+te , | | +Tatt borenn iss off Hali+g Gast , | (CMORM,II,226.2422) | Loc +giff $+tu $it {TEXT:+tut} unnderrstanndesst . | (CMORM,II,226.2423) | & Nicodem +gaff sone +tuss | | Anndswere till +te Laferrd ; | (CMORM,II,226.2424) | Hu shall mann unnderrstanndenn +tiss , | (CMORM,II,227.2426) | Whatt gate ma+g+g +tiss wurr+tenn ? | (CMORM,II,227.2427) | & ure Laferrd Jesu Crist | | Himm +gaff anndswere , (CMORM,II,227.2428) & se+g+gde ; | | Whatt gate arrt tu forr ma+g+gstre tald | | Inn Issra+ale +tede , | | +Giff +tatt tu nohht ne cannst off +tiss | | +Tatt icc her habbe sh+awedd ? | (CMORM,II,227.2429) | To fulle so+t I segge +te , | | We spellenn +tatt we cunnenn , | (CMORM,II,227.2430) | & tatt we s+a+ghenn opennli+g | | +T+arto we wittness sinndenn , | (CMORM,II,227.2431) | & tohh swa +tehh niss +guw nohht off | | To takenn ne to trowwenn | | +Tatt wittness , +tatt we berenn for+t | | Off +tatt we wissli+g s+a+ghenn . | (CMORM,II,227.2432) | +Giff +tatt I spacc off er+tli+g +ting , | | & $ge $it {TEXT:+get} rihht nohht ne trowwenn , | | Hu shule +ge me trowwenn wel , | | +Giff +tatt iss +tatt I m+ale | | Till +guw off hefennlike +ting , | | +Tatt all iss dep & d+arne ? | (CMORM,II,227.2433) | & niss nan mann +tatt sti+ghe+t+t upp | | Inntill +te burrh off heffne , | | Wi+t+tutenn himm +tatt stah forr menn | | Off heffne dun till er+te , | | +Te manness Sune fuliwiss | | +Tatt wune+t+t upp inn heffne . | (CMORM,II,227.2434) | & all all swa se Moys+as | | Hof upp +te neddre i wesste , | | All swa bihofe+t+t fuliwiss | | +Te manness Sune onn er+te , | | To wurr+tenn hofenn upp mang menn | | Forr all mannkinne nede , | | +Tatt wha se trowwenn shall onn himm | | Wel mu+ghe wurr+tenn borr+genn . | (CMORM,II,228.2435) | Swa lufede +te Laferrd Godd | | +Te werelld , tatt he sennde | | Hiss a+ghenn Sune , Allmahhti+g Godd , | | To wurr+tenn mann onn er+te , | | To lesenn mannkinn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Ut off +te defless walde , | | +Tatt wha se trowwenn shall onn himm | | Wel mu+ghe wurr+tenn borr+ghenn ; | (CMORM,II,228.2436) | For Drihhtin Godd ne sennde nohht | | Hiss Sune forr to demenn | | +Tiss werelld , acc to lesenn itt | | Ut off +te defless walde . | (CMORM,II,228.2437) | & wha se lefe+t+t upponn himm , | | +Tatt mann iss all unndemedd ; | (CMORM,II,228.2438) | & wha se onn himm ne trowwe+t+t nohht , | | +Tatt mann iss nu+g+gu demedd , | | Forr+ti +tatt he ne trowwe+t+t nohht , | | Swa summ himm birrde trowwenn , | | Uppo +tatt name , +tatt iss sett | | O Godess Sune onn er+te , | | Onn himm , +tatt iss off Drihhtin Godd | | Ankennedd Sune strenedd . | (CMORM,II,228.2439) | +Tatt iss +te dom , +tatt lihht & lem | | Iss cumenn upponn er+te , | | & menn ne lufenn nohht te lihht | | Acc lufenn +tessterrnesse , | | Forr+ti +tatt te+g+gre dede iss all | | Unngod & all unnclene . | (CMORM,II,229.2441) | Forr wha $se $itt {TEXT:sitt} iss +tatt ifell do+t , | | He shune+t+t lihht & leme , | (CMORM,II,229.2442) | & fle+t to cumenn to +te lihht , | | +Tatt he ne wurr+te t+aledd | | +Turrh +ta +tatt sen hiss fule lasst | | & hiss unnclene dede . | (CMORM,II,229.2443) | & wha se foll+ghe+t+t so+t & rihht | | Inn alle gode dedess , | | He cume+t+t gladdli+g to +te lihht | | To sh+awenn +tatt hiss dede | | Iss all i Godd , & all +turrh Godd | | & +turrh hiss hellpe for+tedd . | (CMORM,II,229.2444) | Her endenn twa Goddspelless +tuss , | (CMORM,II,229.2445) | & uss birr+t hemm +turrhsekenn , | | To lokenn whatt te+g+g l+arenn uss | | Off ure sawle nede . | (CMORM,II,229.2446) | +Tiss Nicodem +tatt onn anahht | | Wass cumenn till +te Laferrd , | | Att himm to lernenn stilleli+g | | Summwhatt off hali+g lare , | | He wass off +ta +tatt turrndenn hemm | | To lefenn uppo Criste | | Son summ +te+g+g haffdenn herrd hiss spell | | & se+ghenn hise tacness , | | +T+ar i +te burhh off +Gerrsal+am Att +te+g+gre Passkemesse , Off +ta +tatt tokenn hemm till Crist | | Hallflinngess , nohht wi+t+t alle , | | Acc swa +tatt wel +te+g+g mihhtenn himm | | Efftsoness all forrwerrpenn , | | +Giff +tatt te+g+g munndenn upponn himm | | Ohht findenn forr to t+alenn ; | (CMORM,II,230.2447) | Off swillke wass +tiss Nicodem | | +Tatt comm till ure Laferrd | | O +tessterr nahht , forr +tatt wass don , | | Forr +tatt itt shollde tacnenn , | | +Tatt he nass nohht +get tanne full | | Off all +te rihhte troww+te , | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} Godess laress brihhte lem , | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} rihhtwisnessess sunne ; | | Forr whatt he nass nohht derrf inoh | | All opennli+g to sekenn | | +Te Laferrd Crist biforr +te follc , | | To lofenn himm & wurr+tenn . | (CMORM,II,230.2448) | Forr +turrh +tatt tatt he se+g+gde +tuss | | Allr+aresst till +te Laferrd , | | Ma+g+gstre , we witenn sikerrli+g | | +Tatt tu +turrh Godess wille | | & all o Godess hallfe arrt sennd | | Larfaderr her to manne , | | +T+ar+turrh he dide uss opennli+g | | To sen & tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt he ne wisste nohht +get ta | | +Tatt Crist wass Godd off heffne , | | Acc wennde +tatt he w+are an mann | | All full off Godess hellpe , | | & full off hefennlike mahht | | To wirrkenn miccle tacness , | | & full off hefennlike witt | | To l+arenn alle +tede , | | Alls iff he w+are cumenn for+t | | Summ hali+g patriarrke | | All full off hefennlike mahht , | | O+t+tr an off +ta profetess , | | +Tatt haffdenn witt +turrh Hali+g Gast | | Off all +tatt cumenn shollde , | | & mahht , & hellpe , & hald off Godd | | To wirrkenn miccle tacness , | (CMORM,II,231.2449) | & swa to lefenn uppo Crist | | Wass rihht unnorne l+afe , | | Alls off +tatt mann +tatt wass +get blind | | Off hefennlike leme , | | Forr+ti +tatt he ne wass nohht +get | | O Cristess name fullhtnedd , | | & forr+ti nisste he nohht +get ta | | +Tatt Crist wass ba+te-2 onn er+te | | So+t Godd off heffne , & ec so+t mann | | I bodi+g & i sawle , | | Acc all +twerrt ut off sinne fre , | | Forr Godd ne ma+g+g nohht gilltenn . | (CMORM,II,231.2450) | +Tiss Nicodem wass , alls uss se+g+g+t | | Johan +te Goddspellwrihhte , | | Off +tatt Farisewisshe follc | | +Tatt l+aredd wass o boke . | (CMORM,II,232.2452) | Off +ta Farisewisshe menn | | +Tatt we nu m+alenn ummbe , | | We findenn uppo Latin boc | | +Tatt te+g+g wisslike w+arenn | | An lott off +tatt Judisskenn follc | | +Tatt l+aredd wass o boke . | (CMORM,II,232.2453) | Acc +te+g+g +turrh modi+gnesse , & ec | | +Turrh sinnfull gredi+gnesse , | | Dro+ghenn wel mikell Godess follc | | Ut off +te rihhte we+g+ge . | (CMORM,II,232.2454) | Forr all +te+g+g dro+ghenn +te+g+gre spell | | Towarrd er+tili+g bi+g+ate , | (CMORM,II,232.2455) | & Godess la+ghe & Godess rihht | | & hiss hall+ghe settnesse | | +Te+g+g didenn mikell fallenn dun | | +Turrh +te+g+gre gredi+gnesse , | (CMORM,II,232.2456) | & hofenn +turrh hemm sellfenn upp | | All affterr +te+g+gre wille | | Settnessess , hu mann birrde Godd | | & Godess la+ghe foll+ghenn , | (CMORM,II,232.2457) | & +gedenn +tuss onn+g+an Drihhtin | | +Turrh +te+g+gre modi+gnesse . | (CMORM,II,232.2458) | & +turrh +tatt tatt te+g+g dro+ghenn a+g+g | | Affterr er+tli+g bi+g+ate , | | & leddenn ec well sinnfull lif | | O fele kinne wise , | | & dro+ghenn mikell Godess follc | | Ut off +te rihhte we+g+ge , | | +Turrh +tatt te+g+g settenn i +te follc | | Settnessess bi +te+g+gm sellfenn . | (CMORM,II,233.2459) | & tohh wass all +tatt illke follc | | Farisewisshe nemmnedd , | | Forr +tatt tatt follc a+g+g drohh himm upp | | Abufenn all +te lede , | (CMORM,II,233.2460) | Forr all +tatt follc let tatt he wass | | Unnlic all o+terr lede , | | & skiledd ut all fra +te follc | | +Turrh hali+g lif & lare . | (CMORM,II,233.2461) | Forr Farisew bitacne+t+t uss | | Sh+adinng onn Ennglissh sp+ache , | (CMORM,II,233.2462) | & forr+ti wass +tatt name hemm sett , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g w+arenn shadde , | | Swa summ hemm +tuhhte , fra +te follc | | +Turrh hali+g lif & lare . | (CMORM,II,233.2463) | & off +tatt follc wass Nicodem , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t | (CMORM,II,233.2464) | Acc he wass cumenn +ta till Crist | | To betenn hise sinness , | | +Turrh +tatt he lernenn wollde att Crist | | +Te lare off rihhtwisnesse , | | & off +te rihhte Crisstenndom , | | & off +te rihhte l+afe . | (CMORM,II,233.2465) | & +turrh +tatt tatt he wisste wel , | | Swa summ himm sellf itt se+g+gde , | | +Tatt Crist wass cumenn all +turrh Godd | | Larfaderr her to manne , | | +T+ar+turrh wass sene , +tatt he +ta | | Summwhatt bigunnenn haffde | | To lefenn o +te Laferrd Crist | | +Tatt wise +tatt himm birrde . | (CMORM,II,234.2466) | Forr +tatt wass so+t +tatt Crist wass sennd | | +Turrh Drihhtin Godd off heffne , | | To wurr+tenn mann o moderr hallf | | Forr all mannkinne nede ; | (CMORM,II,234.2467) | & Crist wass wiss Larfaderr god | | & Ma+g+gstre off all ma+g+gstress . | (CMORM,II,234.2468) | +T+ar se+g+gde Nicodem full so+t | | Off Crist & off hiss come . | (CMORM,II,234.2469) | +Tiss Nicodem bitacnenn ma+g+g , | | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te , | | +Tatt lede +tatt primmse+g+gnedd iss | | & iss +get all unnfullhtnedd , | | & iss all , alls itt w+are , +get | | I nahhtess +tessterrnesse , | | Whil +tatt itt nunnderrstannde+t+t nohht | | All +twerrt ut wel wi+t+t alle | | +Te depe lare off Godess boc | | Wi+t+t all +te rihhte l+afe . | (CMORM,II,234.2470) | & forr +tatt he trowwede wel , | | Swa summ himm sellf itt se+g+gde , | | +Tatt Crist wass cumenn all +turrh Godd | | & all o Godess hallfe , | | & comm +tohhwhe+t+tre o nahht till Crist | | Stilli+g wi+t+t himm to m+alenn , | | Forr+ti bitacne+t+t he +tatt follc | | +Tatt lefe+t+t wel o Criste , | | & lede+t+t +tohh fl+ashlike lif | | I +t+awwess & i dedess , | | & nohht ne darr +get sti+ghenn upp | | To foll+ghenn he+ghe mahhtess | | I gastli+g lifess brihhte da+g+g , | | Forr hiss fl+ashess unnstrennc+te , | | Acc foll+ghe+t+t fl+ashli+g lifess nahht | | I +t+awess & i dedess , | | & m+ale+t+t wi+t+t +te Laferrd Crist | | & herrcne+t+t whatt he m+ale+t+t , | | +Turrh +tatt te+g+g lefenn rihht o Crist | | & herrcnenn Cristess lare . | (CMORM,II,235.2471) | Acc +tatt niss nohht inoh till hemm | | To berr+ghenn lif & sawle , | | +Tatt te+g+g hemm turrnenn towarrd Crist | | Wi+t+t all +te rihhte l+afe , | | +Giff +tatt te+g+g ledenn sinnfull lif | | Wi+t+t all +te fl+ashess wille . | (CMORM,II,235.2472) | Forr +tohh +tu trowwe rihht o Crist , | | Ne mahht tu nohht ben borr+ghenn , | | +Giff +tatt tu nohht ne nimesst gom | | To wirrkenn allmess dedess . | (CMORM,II,235.2473) | Forr whase lefe+t+t rihht o Crist | | & foll+ghe+t+t alle sinness , | | He foll+ghe+t+t wel +te defless slo+t , | (CMORM,II,235.2474) | +Tatt witt tu wel to so+te ; | (CMORM,II,235.2475) | Forr defell trowwe+t+t wel & wat | | +Tatt Crist iss Godd off heffne , | (CMORM,II,235.2476) | & Tohh ne do+t he n+afre god | | +Tatt himm to frame turrne+t+t , | (CMORM,II,236.2478) | Forr defless wille & defless lusst | | Iss ifell all & +afre . | (CMORM,II,236.2479) | +Te nahht ma+g+g ec bitacnenn uss | | All +tatt stafflike lare | | Off Moys+asess la+gheboc , | | & off hall+ghe Profetess , | | & off Sallmsang , +tatt Nicodem | | Wass depe l+aredd onne , | | +Tatt lare +tatt wass all bisett | | Wi+t+t nahhtess +tessterrnesse | | Till +ta , +tatt ta ne s+a+ghenn nan | | Gastlike witt t+aronne . | (CMORM,II,236.2480) | Forr illc unnwitt ma+g+g tacnedd ben | | +Turrh nahhtess +tessterrnesse , | (CMORM,II,236.2481) | Forr unnwis mann iss blunnt , & blind | | Off herrtess e+ghe sihh+te . | (CMORM,II,236.2482) | & ec forr+ti +tatt Nicodem | | Onn Ennglissh sp+ache tacne+t+t | | +Tatt lede +tatt iss si+g+gefasst , | | He wass forr to bitacnenn | | +Tatt lott off Issra+ale +ted | | +Tatt turrnedd wass till Criste | | +Turrh fulluhht & +turrh Crisstendom , | | & +turrh +te rihhte l+afe , | | & all forrwarrp & oferrcomm | | +Turrh oferrhannd & si+ge | | All werelldshipess lufe & lusst | | & all er+tlike sell+te . | (CMORM,II,237.2483) | & mann ma+g+g trowwenn +tatt he comm | | O nahht till ure Laferrd , | | Forr+ti +tatt he ne mihhte nohht | | O da+g+g forr shame lernenn , | | He +tatt wass haldenn +t+are & tald | | Forr Ma+g+gstre amang +te lede . | (CMORM,II,237.2484) | & mann ma+g+g trowwenn ec +tatt he Comm o +te nahht till Criste , | | Forr+ti +tatt he ne durrste nohht | | +Tatt ani+g mann itt wisste , | | +Tatt he wi+t+t Crist i sunnderrun | | Himm awihht haffde ki+t+tedd . | (CMORM,II,237.2485) | Forr +giff +ta mihhtenn witenn itt | | +Tatt haffdenn ni+t wi+t+t Criste , | | +Te+g+g munndenn drifenn himm anan | | All ut off +te+g+gre m+ane , | | & haldenn himm forr h+a+tenn mann | | +Tatt Godd forrsakenn haffde . | (CMORM,II,237.2486) | & forr+ti +tatt tiss Nicodem , | | +Tatt we nu m+alenn ummbe , | | Himm haffde takenn mikell gom | | Off Cristess miccle tacness , | | & wisste +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Wass all o Godess hallfe , | | Forr+ti comm he till Crist anan | | Wi+t+t mikell lusst to lernenn , | | To fra+g+gnenn himm off Crisstenndom | | & off +te rihhte l+afe . | (CMORM,II,238.2487) | & forr+ti +tatt te Laferrd sahh | | +Tatt he wass fus to lernenn , | | Forr+ti wass he rihht r+adi+g till | | To wissenn himm & l+arenn , | (CMORM,II,238.2488) | & tahhte himm mikell lare anan | | Off all swillc alls he +gerrnde ; | | Off - +tatt he wass himm sellf so+t Godd , | | & Godess Sune ankennedd ; | | & off +tatt , tatt nan mann ne ma+g+g | | Ben borr+ghenn att hiss ende , | | Butt iff he twi+g+gess borenn be , | | Firrst off hiss kinn , & si+t+tenn | | Att hall+ghedd funnt off Hali+g Gast | | Wi+t+t all +te rihhte l+afe ; | | & off - +tatt all +tatt boreen iss | | Off fl+ash iss fl+ashess kinde ; | | & off - +tatt all +tatt borenn iss | | Off Gast iss gastess kinde ; | | Off - hu +te mann iss wharrfedd her | | Fra fl+ash till gastli+g kinde , | | +Turrh +tatt he take+t+t Crisstenndom | | Wi+t+t fulluhht & wi+t+t troww+te ; | | & off , +tatt he wass sennd +turrh Godd | | To ki+tenn Godess wille ; | | & off , +tatt menn ne tokenn nohht | | Wi+t+t himm , ne wi+t+t hiss lare ; | | & off - +tatt nan ne sti+ghe+t+t upp | | Off all mannkinn till heffne | | Wi+t+tutenn himm ane +tatt stah | | Off heffne dun till er+te ; | | & off +tatt , tatt te manness stren | | Forr manne nede shollde | | Ben hofenn upp o rodetre | | Wi+t+tutenn hise gillte , | | All rihht all swa se Moys+as | | Hof upp +te neddre i wesste ; | | & ec off - +tatt Allmahhti+g Godd | | Swa lufede wi+t+t herrte | | +Tiss werelld , tatt he sennde dun | | Hiss a+ghenn Sune ankennedd , | | To wurr+tenn mann to lesenn ut | | +Te werelld fra +te defell ; | | & off - +tatt Godess Sune nass | | Nohht hiderr sennd to manne , | | To demnn her Adamess stren | | Off h+a+tenndom & dwilde , | | Acc forr to lesenn all mannkinn | | Ut off +te defless walde ; | | & ec off +tatt , tatt illc an mann | | Iss all +twerrt ut unndemedd , | | Whatt mann $se $itt {TEXT:sitt} iss +tatt wel & rihht | | O Godess Sune lefe+t+t ; | | & ec off +tatt , tatt illc an mann | | Iss nu+g+gu +twerrt ut demedd , | | What mann $se $itt {TEXT:sitt} iss +tatt nile nohht | | O Godess Sune lefenn ; | | & off +tatt , tatt iss all +te dom , | | +Tatt lihht comm upponn er+te , | | & menn ne lufenn nohht te lihht | | Acc lufenn +tessterrnesse , | | Forr+ti +tatt te+g+gre werrc iss all | | Unngod & all unnclene ; | | & off , +tatt he +tatt ifell do+t | | A+g+g hate+t+t lihht & leme ; | | & off , +tatt he +tatt do+t summ god | | A+g+g cume+t+t to +te leme , | | Forr +tatt he wile +tatt mann se | | & wite +tatt hiss dede | | Iss all i Godd , & all +turrh Godd , | | & +turrh hiss hellpe for+tedd . | (CMORM,II,239.2489) | Off swillc & swillc wass Nicodem | | Wel wurr+t to wurr+tenn l+aredd , | | Forr +tatt he comm wi+t+t mikell lusst | | Summ god att Crist to lernenn . | (CMORM,II,239.2490) | & forr +tatt Crist ne wollde nohht | | +Tatt Nicodem ne wisste , | | +Tatt he ne shollde mu+ghenn nohht | | Ben borr+ghenn , +tohh he mihhte | | Lefenn & trowwenn rihht o Crist | | +Turrh Cristess miccle tacness , | | Butt if he w+are att hali+g funnt | | Efft borenn her onn er+te , | | Off waterr & off Hali+g Gast , | | Unnderr +te rihhte l+afe , | | Forr+ti toc Crist forr+trihht anan | | Unnbedenn & unnbonedd | | Allr+aresst towarrd Nicodem | | To m+alenn & to spellenn , | | Off +tatt himm allremasst wass ned | | I Crisstenndom to cunnenn , | | Off +tatt , tatt he ne mihhte nohht | | Ben borr+ghenn att hiss ende , | | But iff he w+are la+gheli+g | | O Godess name fullhtnedd . | (CMORM,II,241.2491) | & tatt te Laferrd se+g+gde +tuss | | Till Nicodem wi+t+t worde ; | | To fulle so+t I segge +te , | | +Tatt niss nan mann onn er+te | | +Tatt mu+ghe Godess riche sen | | Butt he be borenn twi+gess ; | | +Tatt was alls iff he se+g+gde +tuss | | Till himm wi+t+t o+tre wordess , | | +Tatt mann +tatt niss nohht borenn +get | | Gastlike off gastli+g moderr , | | & all +turrh Godd off Hali+g Gast | | Inn hall+ghedd waterr fullhtnedd , | | Ne ma+g+g he nohht rihht cnawenn me | | Swa summ icc amm to cnawenn , | | +Tatt amm Allmahhti+g Godd , & ec | | So+t sihh+te off so+tfasstnesse , | | +Tatt amm +tatt kinedom , +tatt Godd | | Hehfaderr rixle+t+t inne , | | +Tatt tu +get nunnderrstanndesst nohht , | | Forr +tatt tu narrt nohht fullhtnedd , | | Ne l+aredd nohht off Crisstenndom , | | $Ne $off {TEXT:Noff} all +te rihhte l+afe . | (CMORM,II,241.2492) | & tatt tatt Nicodem +gaff +tuss | | Anndswere till +te Laferrrd , | | Hu ma+g+g ald mann ben borenn her | | Efftsoness off hiss moderr , | | +Tatt do+t uss tunnderrstanndenn wel | | +Tatt he wass +get unnl+aredd | | Off +tatt , tatt Jesu Cristess +teww | | Birr+t borenn ben efftsoness | | Off Hali+g Gast , +turrh hali+g funnt | | O Godess name fullhtnedd . | (CMORM,II,242.2494) | & allswa summ +te mann ne ma+g+g | | Nohht wurr+tenn borenn twi+gess | | Off moderr & off faderr stren , | | To cumenn her to manne , | | Allswa ne birr+t nohht Cristess +teww | | O Cristess name wurr+tenn | | Twa si+tess borenn att te funnt , | | Ne wurr+tenn twi+gess fullhtnedd , | | To cumenn upp till heffness +ard , | | Upp inntill eche blisse , | | +Tohh +tatt he be +turrh defless +teww | | O Godess name fullhtnedd . | (CMORM,II,242.2495) | & tatt tatt Godess +teww ma+g+g wel | | +Turrh defless +teww ben fullhtnedd , | | +Tatt wass bitacnedd opennli+g | | +Turrh Abrahamess bisne . | (CMORM,II,242.2496) | Forr all allswa summ Abraham | | Strenede chilldre off ba+te , | | Off a+tell wif , & off ammbohht , | | Allswa Drihhtin off heffne | | Himm strene+t+t chilldre off Hali+g Gast | | Inn hall+ghedd funnt onn er+te | | +Turrh ba+te , +turrh hiss a+ghenn hird , | | & +turrh +te defless +tewwess . | (CMORM,II,243.2497) | & tatt te Laferrd se+g+gde +t+ar | | Till Nicodem wi+t+t worde , | | +Tatt nass na man i middell+ard | | +Tatt +afre cumenn mihhte | | Upp inntill Godess kinedom , | | Upp intill Godess riche , | | Butt iff he w+are borenn efft | | Wi+t+t all +te rihhte l+afe | | Off Hali+g Gast , inn hall+ghedd funnt | | O Godess name fullhtnedd , | | +Tatt wass , alls iff he se+g+gde +tuss | | Till himm wi+t+t o+tre wordess , | | Ne ma+g+g na mann her wurr+ti ben | | +Turrh hise gode dedess | | To cumenn fra +te la+te gast | | All rihht inntill me sellfenn , | | Inntill +tatt hall+ghe flocc +tatt icc | | Off all mannkinn shall turrnenn | | Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom , | | & till +te rihhte l+afe , | | Swa +tatt itt shall min bodi+g ben | | To foll+ghenn all mi wille , | | Swa +tatt I shall me sellf a+g+g ben | | Uppo +tatt bodi+g h+afedd , | | To +gemenn & to frofrenn hemm , | | To fedenn & to berr+ghenn , | | Swa +tatt we shulenn alle ben | | +Tatt hall+ghe kineriche , | | +Tatt Heffness King min Faderr shall | | Hehlike rixlenn inne , | | Butt iff he la+ghelike be | | Uppo mi name fullhtnedd . | (CMORM,II,244.2498) | Her mahht tu sen +tatt all iss an | | To sen Drihhtiness riche , | | & to ben wurr+t to cumenn upp | | Inntill Drihhtiness riche . | (CMORM,II,244.2499) | & ba+te fallenn inntill Crist , | (CMORM,II,244.2500) | Forr Crist iss Godess riche | | Inn all +tatt follc +tatt foll+ghe+t+t himm , | | & inn himm sellfenn ba+te . | (CMORM,II,244.2501) | Forr Crist iss wi+t+t hiss hall+ghe follc | | An an inn alle gode , | (CMORM,II,244.2502) | & wi+t+t hiss follc iss Crist himm sellf | | +Tatt hall+ghe kineriche , | | +Tatt Cristess Faderr , Heffness King , | | Hehlike rixle+t+t inne . | (CMORM,II,244.2503) | +Tatt waterr +tatt iss att te funnt | | Blettcedd wi+t+t Godess wordess | | & ec wi+t+t hall+ghedd eles+aw | | +Tatt prestess don +t+arinne , | | +Tatt clennse+t+t all +te bodi+g +t+ar | | Off alle kinne sinness ; | (CMORM,II,245.2504) | & Godess lare off Crisstenndom | | & off +te rihhte l+afe , | | +tatt clennse+t+t all +te manness gast | | & all +te manness sawle , | | +turrh +tatt he take+t+t innwarrdli+g | | Wi+t+t all +te rihhte l+afe , | | & all forrwerrpe+t+t h+a+tenndom | | & all +te defless lare . | (CMORM,II,245.2505) | & te birr+t witenn +tohh swa +tehh | | & sikerrlike trowwenn , | | +Tatt ba+te blennse+t+t hali+g funnt , | | +te bodi+g & te sawle , | | Off all +tatt e+g+g+terr filedd wass | | +Turrh ani+g kinne sinne . | (CMORM,II,245.2506) | Acc +giff +tatt he +tatt fullhtnedd iss | | Her life+t+t for+t onn er+te , | | +Ta birr+t himm all rihht l+achenn himm | | Hiss +tohht , hiss word , hiss dede , | | All affterr Godess lare , & ec | | +Turrh all +te rihhte l+afe , | | +Giff +tatt he wile borr+ghenn ben | | +Turrh +tatt tatt he wass fullhtnedd . | (CMORM,II,245.2507) | & forr+ti se+g+g+t +te boc full so+t , | | +Tatt Godess hall+ghe lare | | & all +te rihhte l+afe o Godd | | Clennse+t+t +te mannesss sawle . | (CMORM,II,245.2508) | Forr all +tatt ani+g mann iss god | | & cweme+t+t Godd onn er+te , | | All cume+t+t off +tatt , - tatt hiss gast | | Iss clennsedd & rihht l+achedd | | +Turrh larspell & +turrh hali+g funnt , | | & +turrh +te rihhte l+afe , | | & +turrh +tatt he forrwerrpe+t+t all | | Hiss fl+ashess fule wille , | | & take+t+t till wi+t+t all hiss mahht | | Gastlike lif to foll+ghenn , | | All affterr Godess bodeword | | & affterr Godess lare , | | +Tatt clennse+t+t all +te sawless lusst | | & all +te sawless wille , | | To ledenn a +te bodi+g rihht | | All affterr Godess lare . | (CMORM,II,246.2509) | & t+ar iss +ta +tatt illke mann | | Unnse+ghennlike wharrfedd | | Fra fl+ash till gast , +turrh +tatt tatt he | | Forsake+t+t inn hiss herrte | | To ledenn himm fra +te+tennfor+t | | Affterr +te fl+ashess wille , | | & take+t+t till wi+t+t bli+te mod | | Gastlike lif to ledenn . | (CMORM,II,246.2510) | Forr whase lede+t+t fl+ashli+g lif , | | +Tatt mann iss fl+ash onn er+te , | (CMORM,II,246.2511) | & whase lede+t+t gastli+g lif , | | +Tatt mann iss gast onn heffne . | (CMORM,II,246.2512) | & off +tiss se+g+gde Jesu Crist | | O +tiss Goddspelless lare , | | +Tatt all +tatt borenn iss off fl+ash | | Iss fl+ash & fl+ashess kinde , | | & all +tatt borenn iss off Gast | | Iss gast & gastess kinde . | (CMORM,II,247.2513) | Forr summ mann foll+ghe+t+t all hiss fl+ash | | & all +te fl+ashess wille , | (CMORM,II,247.2514) | & summ mann foll+ghe+t+t all hiss gast | | & all +te sawless wille . | (CMORM,II,247.2515) | & tatt te Laferrd se+g+gde +tuss | | Till Nicodem wi+t+t worde , | | Ne +tinnke +te nan wunnderr nu | | Off +tatt I +te nu se+g+gde , | | +Tatt +guw iss alle mikell ned | | To wurr+tenn borenn twi+gess ; | | +Tatt se+g+gde he forr he wisste wel , | | +Tatt Nicodem +get tanne | | Ne wisste nohht , tatt ani+g mann | | Gastlike mihhte wurr+tenn | | Efft borenn her off Hali+g Gast , | | O godess name fullhtnedd . | (CMORM,II,247.2516) | & forr+ti toc he sone anan | | To sh+awenn himm whatt wise | | Fl+ashlike mann ma+g+g wurr+tenn gast | | +Turrh Hali+g Gastess bisne , | (CMORM,II,247.2517) | & se+g+gde +tuss till Nicodem , | | Swa summ +tiss Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | Gast +gife+t+t witt & wille & mahht | | Whatt mann se himm sellf god +tinnke+t+t | | To spellenn hali+glike , & ec | | To wirrkenn hall+ghe tacness . | (CMORM,II,247.2518) | & tu mahht herenn gastess rerd | | +T+ar Godess +tewwess spellenn ; | (CMORM,II,247.2519) | & e+g+gwh+ar +t+ar mann r+ade+t+t +te | | Off hali+g wite+ghunnge , | | +T+ar heresst tu +tatt Gastess rerd | | +Tatt spacc +turrh manness tunge , | (CMORM,II,248.2521) | Acc +tu ne mahht nohht witenn +tohh | | Ne sen wi+t+t fl+ashlic e+ghe | | Fra whe+tennwarrd , ne whanne he comm | | Inntill +te witess herrte , | | Ne whanne he fare+t+t ut off himm | | Ne whiderrwarrd he wende+t+t . | (CMORM,II,248.2522) | Forr gast iss all unnse+ghennlic | | Biforenn fl+ashlic e+ghe , | (CMORM,II,248.2523) | & o +tatt wise iss illc an mann | | +Tatt her iss borenn twi+gess , | | +Tatt borenn iss off Hali+g Gast , | | +Turrh fulluhht & +turrh l+afe . | (CMORM,II,248.2524) | Allswa ne mahht tu rihht nohht sen | | +Turrh fl+ashess e+ghe sihh+te , | | O whillke wise he wharrfedd iss | | Wi+t+tinnenn inn hiss herte | | Fra fl+ash till gast , +turrh +tatt tatt he | | Forrsake+t+t & forrwerrpe+t+t | | To ledenn himm fra +te+tennfor+t | | Affterr +te fl+ashess wille , | | & take+t+t till wi+t+t bli+te mod | | Gastlike lif to ledenn , | | & ec +turrh +tatt he take+t+t wel | | Wi+t+t all +te rihhte l+afe , | | & all forrwerrpe+t+t h+a+tenndom | | & all +te defless lare . | (CMORM,II,249.2525) | Ne nohht ne mahht tu sen onn himm | | +Turrh whatt himm comm swa selili+g | | To findenn Godess are , | | To cumenn till +te Crisstenndom | | & till +te rihhte l+afe . | (CMORM,II,249.2526) | Ne nohht ne mahht tu sen onn himm | | Whatt gate he shall ben borr+ghenn , | | To cumenn upp till heffness +ard | | To brukenn eche blisse . | (CMORM,II,249.2527) | & forr +tatt Nicodem wass +get | | Unnborenn i +tatt time | | Off Hali+g Gast , & all +get ta | | Off gastli+g lare unnl+aredd , | | Swa +tatt he nohht ne cu+te +get | | Gastlike lare findenn | | Inn all +tatt alde la+gheboc | | +Tatt he wass l+aredd onne , | | Forr+ti wass himm full arrfe+t+t +get | | To sen whatt gate he mihhte | | Ben borenn efft off Hali+g Gast | | +Turrh fulluhht & +turrh troww+te , | (CMORM,II,249.2528) | & toc forr+ti to fra+g+gnenn Crist | | Off +tatt , whatt gate he mihhte | | Ben borenn efft off Hali+g Gast , | | To sen Drihhtiness riche . | (CMORM,II,249.2529) | & Moys+as all dide swa | | Summ Drihhtin bedenn haffde , | (CMORM,II,252.2532) | & alls he comm wi+t+t all +te follc | | Inntill a wilde wesste , | | +Ta wass +tatt la+te wesste all full | | Off aness kinness neddress , | | +Tatt w+arenn alle samenn +t+ar | | Off swillc firene kinde , | | +Tatt whase stungenn wass +turrh hemm | | He swallt +turrh firess wunde . | (CMORM,II,252.2533) | & Drihhtinn spacc wi+t+t Moys+an | | +T+ar i +tatt la+te wesste , | (CMORM,II,252.2534) | & badd he shollde melltenn brass | | & +gretenn himm a neddre , | | & berenn itt upp onn a tre | | Birforenn hise lede , | | +Tatt whase stungenn w+are off hemm | | +Turrh +ta firene neddress , | | He shollde sone lokenn upp | | O +tatt brasene neddre , | | & +turrh +tatt he s+a+ghe +t+aronn | | He shollde takenn bote , | | & shollde wurr+tenn h+aledd swa | | Off +tatt firene wunde . | (CMORM,II,252.2535) | & Moys+as all dide +ta | | Swa summ himm Drihhtin tahhte , | (CMORM,II,252.2536) | & a+g+g +tan ani+g wundedd wass | | +Turrh +ta firene neddress , | | He warrp hiss e+ghe sone anan | | O +tatt brasene neddre , | (CMORM,II,253.2538) | & son se $he $it {TEXT:het} sahh , he warr+t all hal | | Off all +te neddress wunde . | (CMORM,II,253.2539) | All +tiss wass don +turrh Moys+an | | Swa summ himm Drihhtin tahhte ; | (CMORM,II,253.2540) | & itt bitacne+t+t mikell +ting | | +Tatt uss iss ned to cunnenn . | (CMORM,II,253.2541) | +Ta neddress +tatt stungenn +te menn | | +Te+g+g tacnenn alle sinness , | | +Tatt stingenn & +turrhwundenn all | | +Tatt bodi+g , & tatt sawle | | +Tatt lufe+t+t a+g+g & +gerne+t+t a+g+g | | To foll+ghenn fule +t+awess , | | & wi+t+t b+arnennde lufe & lusst | | Do+t all hiss fl+ashess wille . | (CMORM,II,253.2542) | & +turrh +tatt neddre uppo +te tre | | Iss Cristess d+a+t bitacnedd , | | +Tatt na+g+gledd wass o rodetre | | Forr all mannkinne nede . | (CMORM,II,253.2543) | & Cristess d+a+t ma+g+g swi+te wel | | +Turrh neddre ben bitacnedd ; | (CMORM,II,253.2544) | Forr d+a+t comm upponn all mannkinn | | +Turrh neddre & +turrh +te defell ; | (CMORM,II,253.2545) | & whase take+t+t Crisstenndom | | O Cristess name fullhtnedd , | | & foll+ghe+t+t +gerne Cristess slo+t | | Wi+t+t all hiss fulle mahhte , | | & loke+t+t upp o Cristess d+a+t | | Wi+t+t fulle troww+te o Criste , | | He be+t h+aledd +turrh Cristess d+a+t | | Off alle sinness wundess , | | +Giff +tatt he ma+g+g endenn hiss lif | | Inn alle gode dedess . | (CMORM,II,254.2546) | & forr+ti se+g+gde Jesu Crist | | Till Nicodem wi+t+t worde , | | +Tatt whase trowwenn shall onn himm | | Wel mu+ghe wurr+tenn borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,II,254.2547) | & tatt wass se+g+gd alls iff he +tuss | | Wi+t+t o+tre wordess se+g+gde , | | To +tann shall manness Sune ben | | Forr menn o rode na+g+gledd , | | +Tatt whase trowwenn shall onn himm | | Wel mu+ghe wurr+tenn borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,II,254.2548) | & her spacc ure Laferrd Crist | | Off hise twinne kindess , | | Off +tatt he wass Allmahhti+g Godd , | | & mann off lif & sawle , | | Swa +tatt he mihhte +tolenn d+a+t | | & risenn upp off d+a+te , | | & sti+ghenn upp till heffness +ard | | +Turrh hiss goddcunnde mahhte , | | Wi+t+t alle +ta +tatt sholldenn ben | | Hiss bodi+g her onn er+te , | | +Turrh +tatt te+g+g sholldenn foll+ghenn himm | | & for+tenn all hiss wille . | (CMORM,II,254.2549) | & Godd Allmahhti+g gife uss her | | To for+tenn Cristess wille , | | Swa +tatt we motenn foll+ghenn himm | | Upp inntill heffness blisse . | (CMORM,II,255.2551) | Am+an | (CMORM,II,255.2552) SECUNDUM JOHANNEM XXVI . (CMORM,II,255.2554) Sic Deus dilexit mundum , et filium suum unigenitum daret . (CMORM,II,255.2555) | +Turrh +tatt te Laferrd se+g+gde +tuss | | Till Nicodem wi+t+t worde , | | Swa lufede +te Laferrd Godd | | +Te werelld , tatt he sennde | | Hiss a+ghenn Sune Allmahhti+g Godd | | To wurr+tenn mann onn er+te , | | To lesenn mannkinn +turrh hiss d+a+t | | Ut off +te deffless walde , | | +Tatt whase trowwenn shall onn himm | | Wel mau+ghe wurr+tenn borr+ghenn , | | +T+ar+turrh he dide Nicodem | | To sen & tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt he wass Godd himm sellf , off Godd , | | & Godess Sune ankennedd , | | & wurr+tenn mann o moderr hallf | | +Turrh so+tfasst herrsummnesse , | | +Turrh - +tatt hiss Faderr haffde himm sennd | | & gifenn himm to manne , | | To +tolenn d+a+t o rodetre | | Forr all mannkinne nede , | | All +turrh +tatt lufe & +turrh +tatt lusst | | +Tatt te+g+g till mannkinn haffdenn | | For+t wi+t+t +tatt Hall+ghe Frofre Gast , | | +Tatt cume+t+t off hemm ba+te , | | All +turrh +tatt lufe & +turrh +tatt lusst | | +Tatt te+g+g till mannkinn haffdenn , | | To lesenn menn off defless band | | & ut off helle pine , | | +Tatt whase trowwenn shollde o Crist | | Wel shollde wurr+tenn borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,II,256.2557) | Whi se+g+gde Crist till Nicodem , | | +Tatt Drihhtin Godd off heffne | | Swa lufede +tiss middell+ard , | | +Tiss werelld , tatt he sennde | | Hiss a+ghenn Sune Allmahhti+g Godd , | | To +tolenn d+a+t o rode , | | Alls iff he shollde lesenn ut | | +Te middell+ard off helle ? | (CMORM,II,256.2558) | +Turrh whatt wass heffness whel forrgarrt | | To Dre+ghenn helle pine ? | (CMORM,II,256.2559) | & lifft , & land , & waterrflod , | | Hu w+arenn +te+g+g forrwrohhte | | To dre+ghenn wa wi+t+t mikell rihht | | Inn helle wi+t+t +te defell ? | (CMORM,II,256.2560) | Off +tise fowwre shaffte iss all | | +Tiss middell werelld timmbredd , | | Off heffness whel , & off +te lifft , | | Off waterr , & off er+te ; | (CMORM,II,257.2561) | & i +ta fowwre shafftess niss | | Noww+terr , - ne lif ne sawle , | | +Tatt mihhte gilltenn ani+g gillt | | & addlenn helle pine . | (CMORM,II,257.2562) | Nu birr+t uss witenn +tatt uss iss | | Her +turrh +te werelld tacnedd | | Summ shaffte , +tatt wass all forrwrohht | | To dre+ghenn helle pine . | (CMORM,II,257.2563) | +Te werelld iss uss here sett | | To tacnenn mannkinn ane . | (CMORM,II,257.2564) | & forr +tatt manness bodi+g iss | | Off all +te werelld fe+gedd , | | Off heffness fir , & off +te lifft , | | Off waterr , & off er+te ; | (CMORM,II,257.2565) | & forr +tatt manness sawle iss her | | Wel +turrh +te werelld tacnedd , | (CMORM,II,257.2566) | Forr ba+te fallenn inntill an | | Affterr Grickisshe sp+ache | (CMORM,II,257.2567) | Forr werelld iss nemmnedd Cossmos , | | Swa summ +te Grickess ki+tenn , | | Forr +tatt itt iss wurr+tlike shridd | | Wi+t+t sunne & mone & sterrness , | | Onn heffness whel all ummbetrin , | | +Turrh Godd tatt swillc itt wrohhte ; | (CMORM,II,257.2568) | & ec itt iss wurr+tlike shridd , | | +Tatt wasst tu wel to so+te , | | O lifft , o land , o waterrflod , | | Wi+t+t fele kinne shaffte , | (CMORM,II,258.2570) | & sawle iss ec wurr+tlike shridd | | +Turrh Godd inn hire kinde , | | Wi+t+t unnd+a+tshildi+gnesse , & ec | | Wi+t+t witt , & wille , & minde , | (CMORM,II,258.2571) | & forr+ti nemmne+t+t Drihhtin Godd | | +Te sawle hiss onnclicnesse , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g ba+te , sawle & Godd | | Sinndenn wi+t+tutenn ende , | | & hafenn minde , & wille , & witt , | | Acc nohht onn ane wise , | (CMORM,II,258.2572) | Forr Godd itt hafe+t+t a+g+g inn himm | | (CMORM,II,258.2573) & +afre & +afre itt haffde , | | & sawle onnfo+t att Godess hand | | All hire duhhti+gnesse , | | +t+ar +t+ar he shape+t+t sawle off nohht , | | All alls himm sellfenn like+t+t ; | (CMORM,II,258.2574) | & forr+ti shall +te werelld her | | Bitacnenn mannkinn ane , | (CMORM,II,258.2575) | Forr ba+te fallenn inntill an , | | Swa summ icc habbe sh+awedd . | (CMORM,II,258.2576) | Forr e+g+g+terr iss wurr+tlike shridd | | Acc nohht onn ane wise , | (CMORM,II,258.2577) | & tohh iss +te+g+gre ba+tre shrud | | +Turrh Cossmos wel bitacnedd . | (CMORM,II,258.2578) | & forr+ti mahht tu nemmnenn mann | | Affterr Grikkishe sp+ache | | Mycrocossmos , +tatt nemmnedd iss | | Affterr Ennglisshe sp+ache | | +Te little werelld , all forr+t | | Forr +tatt te manness sawle | | Iss shridd +turrh Godd wurr+tlike & wel | | Wi+t+t god & wurr+tfull kinde , | | All all swa summ +tiss werelld iss | | Wel shridd wi+t+t scone shafftess . | (CMORM,II,259.2579) | & ec +te werelld tacnenn ma+g+g | | Mannkinn all +tess te bettre | | +Tatt manness bodi+g fe+gedd iss | | & wrohht off fowwre shafftess , | | Off heffness fir , & off +te lifft , | | Off waterr , & off er+te . | (CMORM,II,259.2580) | & forr+ti shall +te werelld her | | Bitacnenn mannkinn ane | | +Tatt Godess word wass sennd +turrh Godd | | To lesenn ut off helle . | (CMORM,II,259.2581) | & off +te manness Sune , & ec | | Off Godess Sune , off ba+te | | Her se+g+gde Crist till Nicodem | | All an i +tise wordess , | | +Tatt whase trowwenn shall onn himm | | Wel mu+ghe wurr+tenn borr+ghenn . | (CMORM,II,259.2582) | & tatt wass se+g+gd alls iff he +tuss | | Wi+t+t openn sp+ache se+g+gde , | | To +tann comm icc off heffne dun | | To wurr+tenn mann onn er+te , | | +Tatt whase trowwenn shall onn me , | | & mine la+ghess haldenn , | | Wel mu+ghe ben wurr+ti wi+t+t me | | To brukenn eche blisse . | (CMORM,II,260.2583) | +Tiss se+g+gde Crist till Nicodem | | To don himm tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt he wass ba+te Godd & mann , | | An had , tatt shollde lesenn | | Mannkinn off helle , & +gifenn menn | | To winnenn heffness blisse . | (CMORM,II,260.2584) | & tatt te Laferrd se+g+gde +t+ar | | Till Nicodem wi+t+t worde , | | +Tatt Drihhtin Godd ne sennde nohht | | Hiss Sune forr to demenn | | +Tiss werelld , acc to lesenn itt | | Ut off +te defless walde , | | +Tatt se+g+gde he forr to don himm swa | | To sen & tunnderrstanndenn , | | +Tatt he wass sennd to wurr+tenn mann | | To lesenn menn off helle , | | +Turrh lufe off himm sellfenn , & ec | | +Turrh off hiss Faderr ba+te , | | & off +tatt Hall+ghe Frofre Gast | | +Tatt cume+t+t off hemm ba+te , | | +Turrh +tatt he nass nohht cumenn +ta | | To demenn alle +tede , | | Acc forr to berr+ghenn +addmodli+g | | +Te werelld +turrh hiss are . | (CMORM,II,260.2585) | & tatt he +t+ar till Nicodem | | +Get spacc +tuss off himm sellfenn , | | & whase lefe+t+t upponn himm | | +Tatt mann iss all unndemedd , | | +Tatt wass alls iff he se+g+gde +tuss | | Till himm wi+t+t openn sp+ache , | | +Tatt mann +tatt trowwenn shall onn me | | & mine la+ghess haldenn , | | +Tatt illke mann ne be+t nohht demmd | | To dre+ghenn helle pine . | (CMORM,II,261.2587) | & tatt he +t+ar till Nicodem | | +Get spacc +tuss off himm sellfenn , | | & whase nile nohht onn himm | | Wi+t+t fulle troww+te lefenn , | | +Tatt mann iss nu+g+g demmd +turrh Godd | | To dre+ghenn helle pine , | | +Tatt wass alls iff he se+g+gde +tuss | | Till himm wi+t+t openn sp+ache , | | +Tatt mann +tatt nohht ne shall onn me | | Wi+t+t fulle troww+te lefenn , | | Acc shall +turrh modi+gnesse & ni+t | | Forrwerrpenn all min lare , | | +Tatt mann iss nu+g+gu demmd +turrh me , | | To dre+ghenn helle pine , | (CMORM,II,261.2588) | Forr , +turrh +tatt tatt icc amm so+t Godd , | | I ma+g+g full +a+te cnawenn | | All whillke shulenn cwemenn me | | & addlenn heffness blisse , | | & whillke shulenn me forrsen | | & addlenn helle pine , | | Off all +tatt follc +tatt fra +tiss da+g+g | | Till Domess da+g+g shall wurr+tenn , | (CMORM,II,262.2589) | Forr all +tatt follc +tatt +afre wass | | & all +tatt +get shall wurr+tenn , | | All iss itt nu+g+gu demmd , & sett | | O boc , & tald , & rimedd , | | +Turrh Godd , (CMORM,II,262.2590) & all he se+t nu+g+gu | | Whatt illc an mann shall findenn , | | Whatt mede illc an shall unnderrfon | | Att Godd forr hise dedess . | (CMORM,II,262.2591) | Forr Drihhtin hu +te dom shall gan | | All wat & +afre wisste , | (CMORM,II,262.2592) | Forr Godess e+ghe & Godess witt | | All se+t , (CMORM,II,262.2593) all wat , (CMORM,II,262.2594) all cnawe+t+t , | | +Ga +tatt tatt wass , +ga +tatt tatt iss , | | +Ga +tatt tatt +get shall wurr+tenn ; | (CMORM,II,262.2595) | & +giff +tu borr+ghenn best , tatt be+t | | All +turrh Drihhtiness are , | | & +turrh +tatt tu +t+arafferr swannc | | Wel wi+t+t Drihhtiness hellpe . | (CMORM,II,262.2596) | & +giff +tu borr+ghenn nohht ne best , | | +Tatt be+t all +turrh +ti sinne , | (CMORM,II,262.2597) | & +turrh rihht dom +tu best ta demmd | | To dre+ghenn helle pine , | | All affterr +tatt tin addlinng iss | | Na lasse , ne na mare . | (CMORM,II,262.2598) | & tatt he +t+ar till Nicodem | | +Get spacc +tuss off himm sellfenn , | | & he , +tatt nohht ne shall onn himm | | Trowwenn , iss nu+g+gu demedd , | | Forr+ti +tatt he ne trowwe+t+t nohht , | | Swa summ himm birrde trowwenn , | | Uppo +tatt name +tatt iss sett | | O Godess Sune onn er+te , | | Onn himm +tatt iss off Drihhtin Godd | | Ankennedd Sune strenedd , | | +Tatt wass alls iff he se+g+gde +tuss | | Till himm wi+t+t openn sp+ache , | | Whatt mann se shall forrwerrpenn all | | To lefenn & to trowwenn , | | +Tatt icc amm +turrh mi Faderr sennd | | & sett H+alennde onn er+te , | | & whase shall , +turrh hete & ni+t | | & +turrh hiss modi+gnesse , | | Mi name +twerrt ut all forrsen | | +Tatt nemmnedd iss H+alennde , | | +Tatt name +tatt shall h+alenn all | | +Tatt +afre shall ben h+aledd | | +Tatt name +tatt shall berr+ghenn all | | +Tatt +afre shall ben borr+ghenn | | +Turrh me , +tatt amm off Drihhtin Godd | | Ankennedd Sune strenedd , | | +Tatt amm swa strenedd , tatt icc amm | | All an i Goddcummdnesse | | Wi+t+t Faderr & wi+t+t Hali+g Gast | | Wi+t+tutenn ord & ende , | | +Tatt cumenn amm to chesenn me | | Well fele bre+te onn er+te , | | +Tatt shulenn +gerne stanndenn inn | | To don mi Faderr wille , | | Swa +tatt he shall hemm alle im+an | | Haldenn forr hise chilldre , | | & +gifenn hemm to ben wi+t+t me | | Arrfname off heffness riche , | | +Tatt amm ankennedd Sune off himm | | All an wi+t+t himm i kinde , | | Whatt mann se shall forrwerrpenn +tiss | | To lefenn & to trowwenn , | | +Tatt mann iss nu+g+gu demmd & sett | | To dre+ghenn helle pine , | | But iff he mu+ghe cumenn for+t , | | +Ar +tann he +gife hiss ende , | | To lefenn +tatt icc amm so+t Godd | | & so+t H+alennde onn er+te . | (CMORM,II,263.2599) | & tatt he +t+ar till Nicodem | | +Get spacc +tuss off himm sellfenn , | | +Tatt iss +te dom , +tatt lihht & lem | | Iss cumenn upponn er+te , | | & menn ne lufenn nohht te lihht | | Acc lufenn +tessterrnesse , | | Forr+ti +tatt te+g+gre dede iss all | | Unngod & all unnclene , | | +Tatt wass alls iff he se+g+gde +tuss | | Till himm wi+t+t o+tre wordess , | | All +tatt tatt ani+g mann shall ben | | Demmd inntill helle pine , | | All +tatt shall ben , forr +tatt he shall | | Forrho+ghenn & forrwerrpenn | | To cumenn till +te Crisstenndom | | & till +te rihhte l+afe , | | To cnawenn & to foll+ghenn me | | & upponn me to lefenn , | | +Tatt amm so+t lihht off so+t & rihht , | | & off +te rihhte l+afe . | (CMORM,II,265.2600) | & forr+ti shulen alle +ta | | +Tatt sinndenn menn +gehatenn , | | Forr +tatt te+g+g foll+ghenn +te+g+gre fl+ash | | Inn alle fule lusstess , | | & all forrwerrpenn & forrsen | | To don +te sawless wille , | | & hatenn all +tatt Godd iss lef | | & lufenn alle unn+t+awess , | | & lin i depe sinness a+g+g | | O fele kinne wise , | | +Tatt sinndenn opennlike inoh | | +Turrh +tessterrnesse tacnedd , | | Forr+ti +tatt sinness dra+ghenn a+g+g | | Till helless +tessterrnesse , | | & frawarrd heffness lihht & lem | | +Ta sawless +tatt hemm foll+ghenn , | | All swa summ he +tatt ifell do+t | | A+g+g fle+t fra da+g+gess leme , | (CMORM,II,265.2601) | Forr himm iss la+t +tatt mann himm se | | Inn hise fule dedess , | (CMORM,II,265.2602) | Forr+ti shall all +tatt la+te flocc | | Ben demmd till helle pine , | | Forr+ti +tatt te+g+gre lif iss all | | Bisett wi+t+t +tessterrnesse , | | Inn all +tatt ifell +tatt mann do+t | | +Turrh h+a+tenndom & dwilde . | (CMORM,II,266.2603) | Biforenn +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Wass cumenn her to manne , | | Wass all +tiss middell werelld full | | Off sinness +tessterrnesse , | | Forr+ti +tatt Crist , +te werrldess lihht , | | Nass nohht +get cumenn +tanne | | Forr to bigripenn all mannkinn | | Off h+a+tenndom & dwilde , | | & forr to sh+awenn whatt wass god | | & whatt wass ifell dede , | | & hu mann mihhte cwemenn Godd | | & addlenn heffness blisse , | | & stanndenn +g+an +te la+te gast , | | & all forrbu+ghenn helle . | (CMORM,II,266.2604) | & affterr +tatt te Laferrd Crist | | Wass cumenn her to manne , | | +T+araffterr wass +tiss middell+ard | | Off heffness leme filledd , | | +Turrh +tatt te Laferrd Crist himm sellf | | & hise Lerninngenihhtess | | All whatt wass rihht , & whatt wass woh , | | Till alle +tede kiddenn , | | & hu mann mihhte cwemenn Godd | | & addlenn heffness blisse . | (CMORM,II,267.2605) | & fele +tede modili+g | | Wi+t+tstodenn , & wi+t+tse+g+gdenn , | | & all forrwurrpenn heffness lihht | | & hefennlike lare , | | Forr+ti +tatt hemm wass lef to ben | | I +te+g+gre +tessterrnesse , | | To foll+ghenn +te+g+g fl+ashess lust | | Inn alle kinne sinne , | | & forr +tatt hemm wass la+t +tatt lihht | | +Tatt hemm bigrap off sinne . | (CMORM,II,267.2606) | & sume +tede tokenn wel | | Wi+t+t hefennlike lare , | (CMORM,II,267.2607) | & turrndenn till +te Crisstenndom | | & till +te rihhte l+afe , | | +Tatt iss +tatt so+te lihht & lem | | +Tatt lede+t+t menn till heffne , | (CMORM,II,267.2608) | & tokenn till full innwarrdli+g | | +Turrh shriffte & +turrh d+adbote | | To wre+ghenn all here a+ghenn woh , | | To wrekenn on hemm sellfenn , | | +Tatt te+g+g swa lannge inn h+a+tenndom | | So+t Drihhtin haffdenn wra+t+tedd , | (CMORM,II,267.2609) | Annd swa +te+g+g comenn till +te lihht , | | Till all +te rihhte l+afe | | Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist , | | +Tatt so+tfasstnesse iss nemmnedd , | (CMORM,II,267.2610) | Forr all +tatt +afre iss so+t & rihht | | & god & Drihhtin cweme , | | & berrhless till hiss handewerrc , | | All - comm off Cristess are . | (CMORM,II,268.2611) | & swa +te+g+g comenn till +te lihht , | | To sh+awenn & to ki+tenn | | +Tatt te+g+gre dede +gede rihht | | All affterr Cristess bisne , | (CMORM,II,268.2612) | Forr alle samenn didenn an | | Crist sellf & te+g+g hemm sellfenn , | (CMORM,II,268.2613) | Crist hemm bigrap off +te+g+gre woh | | +Turrh rihhtwisnessess lare , | (CMORM,II,268.2614) | & te+g+g bigripenn +te+g+gre woh | | +Turrh shriffte & +turrh d+adbote , | | Swa +tatt te+g+g alle didenn an | | Crist sellf & te+g+g hemm sellfenn . | (CMORM,II,268.2615) | & swa +turrh +tatt wass sene inoh | | +Tatt te+g+gre gode dede | | Wass all i Godd , & all +turrh Godd , | | & +turrh hiss hellpe for+tedd , | (CMORM,II,268.2616) | & swa wass filledd ta +turrh hemm | | I +te+g+gre gode dede | | +Tatt tatt te Laferrd se+g+gde +tuss | | Till Nicodem wi+t+t worde ; | | & whase foll+ghe+t+t so+t & rihht | | Inn alle gode dedess , | | He cume+t+t gladdli+g to +te lihht , | | To sh+awenn +tatt hiss dede | | Iss all i Godd , & all +turrh Godd , | | & +turrh hiss hellpe for+tedd . | (CMORM,II,268.2617) | & Godd Allmahhti+g gife uss her , | | To cwemenn Crist o life | | Wi+t+t clene +tohht wi+t+t clene word , | | Wi+t+t clene +t+aw & dede , | | Swa +tatt we motenn wurr+ti ben | | To winnenn Cristess are . | (CMORM,II,269.2618) | Am+an ; | (CMORM,II,269.2619) | Affterr +te Pasche messeda+g+g , | | Forr sone anan +te Laverrd | | Inntill +te land off Galile | | Wi+t+t hise Lerninngcnihhtess , | (CMORM,II,269.2620) | & wh+ar o lande summ he comm | | He wrohhte miccle tacness , | (CMORM,II,269.2621) | & talde spell amang +te follc | | Off +te+g+gre sawle nede , | | & off +tatt miccle sell+te & sel , | | +Tatt enngle+ted inn heffne | | Wi+t+t Godd , all +turrh +te +gife off Godd , | | A butenn ende brukenn . | (CMORM,II,269.2622) | & all hiss lare & all hiss lif | | & all hiss hall+ghe dede | | Droh till +tatt an , to turrnenn follc | | Inntill +te rihhte we+g+ge , | | Till fulluhht , & till Crisstenndom , | | & till +te rihhte l+afe . | (CMORM,II,269.2623) SECUNDUM JOHANNEM XXVII . (CMORM,II,270.2626) Postea venit Inc in Judeam terram & discipuli ejus , & illic morabatur , & baptiz | | abat . (CMORM,II,270.2627) | Annd si+t+tenn comm +te Laferrd Crist , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t , | | Inntill Judealand himm sellf | | Wi+t+t hise Lerninngcnihhtess , | (CMORM,II,270.2629) | & t+ar bil+af he +ta wi+t+t hemm | (CMORM,II,270.2630) | & toc +ta +t+ar to fullhtnenn , | | Nohht +turrh himm sellfenn , acc +turrh hemm | | All affterr +tatt he tahhte . | (CMORM,II,270.2631) | & Sannt Johan Bapptisste wass | | +Tatt time , forr to fullhtnenn , | | Nohht ferr +t+ar inn an endeland | | +Tatt wass Ennon +gehatenn ; | (CMORM,II,270.2632) | & he wass neh an casstelltun | | +Tatt wass Salim +gehatenn , | (CMORM,II,270.2633) | +T+ar wass he +ta for+ti +tatt t+ar | | Well fele wattress w+arenn , | | & swillke +tatt he mihhte wel | | Fullhtnenn +te follc +t+arinne . | (CMORM,II,270.2634) | & tiderr comm +te follc till himm , | | Att himm to wurr+tenn fullhtnedd , | (CMORM,II,270.2635) | Forr nass nohht Sannt Johan +get ta | | Inntill cwarrterrne worrpenn . | (CMORM,II,270.2636) | & ta bilammp , +tatt witt tu wel , | | +Tatt hise Lerninngcnihhtess | | Tokenn to sannenn fasste onn+g+an | | +Te Judewisshe lede | | Off Johaness fulluhht , & off | | +Tatt fulluhht tatt te Laferrd | | Bigunnenn haffde amang +te follc | | +Turrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess , | | & comenn sone till Johan | | Bapptisste +te+g+gre ma+g+gstre , | | & se+g+gdenn sone +tuss till himm , | | Swa summ +te Goddspell ki+te+t+t ; | | Ma+g+gstre , +tatt mann +tatt wass wi+t+t +te | | Bi+gonndenn flumm i wesste , | | Whamm +tu bar wittness to +te follc | | He fullhtne+t+t nu bilife , | | & alle turrnenn nu till himm , | | Hiss fulluhht tunnderrganngenn . | (CMORM,II,271.2638)