Millesimo cxx=o=ii=o= . (CMPETERB,41.2) On +tis geare w+as se king Heanri on Cristesm+assan on Norhtwic , (CMPETERB,41.3) & on Pasches he weas on Norhthamtune . (CMPETERB,41.4) & On +tone lententyde +t+artoforen forbearn se burch on Gleawecestre . +Ta hwile +te +ta munecas sungen +t+are messe & se d+acne hafde ongunnan +tone godspel " Preteriens Iesus " , (CMPETERB,41.5) +ta com se fir on ufenweard +tone stepel (CMPETERB,41.6) & forbearnde ealle +te minstre & ealle +ta gersumes +te +t+arbinnen w+aron , foruton feawe bec & iii messehakeles : (CMPETERB,42.7) +tet wes +tes d+aies viii Idus Martii . (CMPETERB,42.8) & +t+ar+after +te Tywesd+ai +after Palmes Sunend+ai w+as swi+de micel wind on +tet d+ai xi Kalendarum Aprilis . (CMPETERB,42.9) +t+ar+after comen feale tacne wide hwear on Engleland , (CMPETERB,42.10) & feole dwild wearen geseogen & geheord . (CMPETERB,42.11) & +tes niht viii Kalendarum Augusti w+as swi+de micel eor+ddyne ofer eal Sumersetescire & on Gleawecestrescire . (CMPETERB,42.12) Si+d+don on +t+as d+ai vi Idus Septembris , +tet w+as on ' Sancte Marie messed+ai , +ta wear+d swi+de micel wind fram +ta undern d+aies to +ta swarte nihte . (CMPETERB,42.13) +Teos ilce geares for+dferde Raulf seo +arcebiscop of Cantwarbyrig , (CMPETERB,42.14) +tet w+as on +t+as d+aies xiii=o= Kalendarum Nouembris . (CMPETERB,42.15) +t+ar+after w+aron feole scipmen on s+a & on w+ater , (CMPETERB,42.16) & s+adon +tet hi s+agon on nor+deast fir micel & brad wi+d +tone eor+de ; (CMPETERB,42.17) & weax on leng+te up onan to +tam | wolcne , (CMPETERB,42.18) & se wolcne undide on fower healfe (CMPETERB,42.19) and faht +t+artogeanes swilc hit scolde acwencen , (CMPETERB,42.20) & se fir weax na+tama up to +te heouene . (CMPETERB,42.21) +T+at fir hi seagon in +de d+airime , (CMPETERB,42.22) and l+aste swa lange +tet hit w+as liht ofer eall : (CMPETERB,42.23) +tet w+as +t+as d+aies vii=o= Idus Decembris . (CMPETERB,42.24) Millesimo cxx=o=iii=o= . (CMPETERB,42.25) On +tyssum geare w+as se king Henri on Cristestyde at Dunestaple . (CMPETERB,42.26) & +t+ar comen +tes eorles sandermen of Angeow to him . (CMPETERB,42.27) & +teonen he ferde to Wudestoke , & his biscopes & his hird eal mid him . (CMPETERB,42.28) +Ta tidde hit on an Wodnesdei - +tet w+as on iiii=o= Idus Ianuarii - +tet se king red in his derfald , and se biscop Roger of Seresbyrig on an half him and se biscop Rotbert Bloet of Lincolne on o+der half him ; (CMPETERB,42.29) & riden +t+ar $sprecende . (CMPETERB,42.30) +Ta aseh dune se biscop of Lincolne (CMPETERB,42.31) & seide to +tam kyng , " Laferd kyng , ic swelte . " (CMPETERB,42.32) & Se kyng alihte dune of his hors (CMPETERB,42.33) & alehte hine betwux his earmes (CMPETERB,42.34) & let hine beran ham to his inne ; (CMPETERB,42.35) & wear+d +ta sone dead ; (CMPETERB,42.36) & man ferode hine to Lincolne mid micel wur+dscipe (CMPETERB,42.37) & bebyrigde hine toforen Sancte Marie wefod , (CMPETERB,42.38) & hine bebyrigde se biscop of Ceastre , Rotbert Pecce+t w+as gehaten . (CMPETERB,42.39) +Da sone +t+ar+after sende se kyng hise write ofer eal Englalande (CMPETERB,42.40) & bed hise biscopes & hise abbotes & hise +teignes ealle +tet hi scolden cumen to his gewitenemot on Candelmesse deig to Gleawceastre him togeanes : (CMPETERB,43.41) & hi swa diden . (CMPETERB,43.42) +Da hi w+aran +t+ar gegaderod , +ta bed se kyng heom +t+at hi scoldon cesen hem +arcebiscop to Cantwarabyrig swa hwam swa swa hi woldon & he hem hit wolde ty+tian . (CMPETERB,43.43) +Da spr+acon +da biscopas hem betwenan (CMPETERB,43.44) and s+aden +t+at hi n+afre mare ne wolden hafen munechades man to ercebiscop ofer hem , (CMPETERB,43.45) ac iedon ealle samodlice to +tone kyng (CMPETERB,43.46) and ieornden +tet hi mosten cesen of clerchades man swa hwam swa swa hi wolden to ercebiscop ; (CMPETERB,43.47) & se kyng hit hem tidde . (CMPETERB,43.48) +Dis w+as eall ear gedon +durh se biscop of Seresbyrig & +turh se biscop of Lincolne +ar he w+are dead , for+di +tet n+afre ne luueden hi munece regol ac w+aron +afre tog+anes muneces & here regol . (CMPETERB,43.49) And se prior & se munecas of Cantwarabyrig & ealle +ta o+dre +te +d+ar w+aron munechades men hit wi+dcw+a+den fulle twa dagas : (CMPETERB,43.50) ac hit naht ne beheld , (CMPETERB,43.51) for se biscop of S+aresbyrig w+as strang (CMPETERB,43.52) & wealde eall Engleland (CMPETERB,43.53) & w+as +t+artogeanes eall +tet he mihte & cu+de . (CMPETERB,43.54) +Da cusen hi an clerc - Willelm of Curboil w+as gehaten , (CMPETERB,43.55) he was canonie of an mynstre Cicc hatte - (CMPETERB,43.56) & brohten him toforen se kyng . (CMPETERB,43.57) & Se kyng him geaf +done +arcebiscoprice , (CMPETERB,43.58) & ealle +ta biscopas him underfengen . (CMPETERB,43.59) Him wi+dcw+a+den muneces & eorles & +teignes ealle mest +te +t+ar w+aron . (CMPETERB,43.60) On +ta ilca tyma ferden +tes eorles sandermen mid uns+ahte fram $+tone kyng , (CMPETERB,43.61) na of his gyfe naht ne rohton . (CMPETERB,43.62) On +ta ilca tyma com an legat of Rome - Henri w+as gehaten , (CMPETERB,43.63) he w+as abbot of Sancte Iohannis mynstre of Anieli , (CMPETERB,43.64) & he com +after +te Romescot - (CMPETERB,43.65) & he s+ade +tone kyng +tet hit w+as togeanes riht +tet man scolde setten clerc ofer muneces & swa swa hi h+afden cosen +arcebiscop +aror in here capitele +after rihte : (CMPETERB,43.66) ac se kyng hit nolde undon , for +tes biscopes luuen of S+aresbyrig . (CMPETERB,43.67) +Da ferde se +arcebiscop sone +t+ar+after to Cantwarabyrig (CMPETERB,43.68) & w+as +t+ar underfangan , +t+ah hit w+are here un+tankas , (CMPETERB,43.69) was +t+are sone gebletsod to biscop | fram se biscop of Lundene & se biscop Ernulf of Roueceastre & se biscop Willelm Gifard of Winceastre & se biscop Bernard of Wales & se biscop Roger of Searesbyrig . (CMPETERB,43.70) +Da sone in +te lenten ferde se +arcebiscop to Rome +after his pallium , (CMPETERB,43.71) & mid him ferde se biscop Bernard of Wales & Sefred abbot of Gleastingbyrig & Anselm abbot of Sancte +Admund & Iohan +arced+acne of Cantwarabyrig (CMPETERB,44.72) & Gifard w+as +tes kinges hirdclerc . (CMPETERB,44.73) On +ta ilca time ferde se +arcebiscop +Durstan of Eoferwic to Rome +turh +tes Papes hese ; (CMPETERB,44.74) & com +tider +dre degas +ar se +arcebiscop of Cantwarabyrig come , (CMPETERB,44.75) & w+as +t+are underfangan mid micel wur+dscipe . (CMPETERB,44.76) +Da com se +arcebiscop of Cantwarabyrig (CMPETERB,44.77) & w+as +d+are fulle seoueniht +ar he mihte cumen to +tes Papes spr+ace : (CMPETERB,44.78) +tet w+as for+tan +tet hit w+as don +done Pape to understanden +tet he h+afde underfangen +done $+arcebiscoprice togeanes +ta muneces of +te mynstre & togeanes rihte . (CMPETERB,44.79) Ac +tet ofercom Rome +tet ofercume+d eall weoruld - +tet is gold & seolure ; (CMPETERB,44.80) & se Pape swe+dolode (CMPETERB,44.81) & gaf him his pallium - (CMPETERB,44.82) & se +arcebiscop swor him under+teodnysse of ealle +da +ting +tet se Papa him onleide on Sancte Petres $weuod and Sancte Paules - (CMPETERB,44.83) & sende him ham +da mid his bletsunge . (CMPETERB,44.84) +Da hwile +tet se +arcebiscop w+as ut of lande , geaf se kyng +done biscoprice of Ba+de +tes cwenes canceler - Godefrei+d w+as gehaten , (CMPETERB,44.85) he w+as boren of Luuein : (CMPETERB,44.86) +tet w+as +tes d+aiges Annuntiatio Sancte Marie at Wudestoke . (CMPETERB,44.87) +Da sone $+t+ar+after ferde se king to Winceastre , (CMPETERB,44.88) & w+as eall Eastrentyde +t+are . (CMPETERB,44.89) & +ta hwile +tet he +t+ar w+as , +ta geaf he +tone biscoprice of Lincolne an clerc - Alexander w+as gehaten , (CMPETERB,44.90) he w+as +tes biscopes nefe of Searesbyrig : (CMPETERB,44.91) +tis he dyde eall for +tes biscopes luuen . (CMPETERB,44.92) +Da ferde se kyng +tenen to Portesmu+de (CMPETERB,44.93) & l+ai +t+are eall ofer Pentecostewuce . (CMPETERB,44.94) +Ta sone swa he h+afde wind , swa ferde he ofer | into Normandie ; (CMPETERB,44.95) & bet+ahte +ta eall Engleland to geamene & to wealden +tone biscop Roger of Searesbyrig . (CMPETERB,44.96) +Da w+as se kyng eall +tes geares in Normandie . (CMPETERB,44.97) & Weax +ta micel unfri+d betwux him & hise +teignas , swa +tet se eorl Walaram of Mellant & Hamalri & Hugo of Mundford & Willelm of Romare and fela o+dre wendan fram him & helden here castles him togeanes . (CMPETERB,44.98) & Se kyng held stranglice hem togeanes , (CMPETERB,44.99) & +tes ylces geares he wan of Walaram his castel Punt Aldemer , & of Hugo Mundford ; (CMPETERB,44.100) & si+d+den he spedde +afre leong +te bet . (CMPETERB,44.101) +Des ylce geares , +ar se biscop of Lincolne com to his biscoprice , forbearn eall meast se burh of Lincolne , (CMPETERB,44.102) & micel ungerime folces - w+apmen & wimmen - forburnen ; (CMPETERB,45.103) & swa mycel hearm +t+ar w+as gedon swa nan man hit cu+de o+ter secgen : (CMPETERB,45.104) +tet w+as +tes d+ages xiiii=o= Kalendarum lunii . (CMPETERB,45.105) Millesimo c=o=xx=o=iiii=o= . (CMPETERB,45.106) Eall +tis gear wes se king Heanri on Normandi : (CMPETERB,45.107) +tet wes for se miccle unfri+d +tet he heafde wi+d se king Lo+dewis of France & wi+d se eorl of Angeow & wi+d his agene men alremest . (CMPETERB,45.108) +Ta gelamp hit on +tes d+ages Annuntiatio Sancte Marie +tet se eorl Waleram of Mellant ferde fram his an castel , Belmunt het , to his an o+der castel Watteuile ; (CMPETERB,45.109) mid him ferde +tes kinges stiward of France , Amalri , & Hugo Gerueises sunu & Hugo of Munford & fela o+dre godre cnihte . (CMPETERB,45.110) +Ta comen hem togeanes +tes kinges cnihtes of ealla +ta casteles +da +t+arabuton w+aron (CMPETERB,45.111) & fuhton wi+d hem (CMPETERB,45.112) & aflemden hem (CMPETERB,45.113) & namen +tone eorl Waleram & Hugo Gerueises sunu & Hugo of Mundford & fif & twenti o+dre cnihtes (CMPETERB,45.114) & brohton hem to +tone kinge . (CMPETERB,45.115) & Se king let don +tone eorl Waleram & Hugo Gerueises sunu on heftnunge on +done castel on Ro+dem , (CMPETERB,45.116) & Hugo of Mundford he sende to Engleland (CMPETERB,45.117) & let hine don on | ifele bendas on +tone castel on Gleucestre , (CMPETERB,45.118) & of +ta o+dre swa fela swa him +tuhte he sende nor+d & su+d to hise casteles on heftnunge . (CMPETERB,45.119) +Da si+d+don ferde se king (CMPETERB,45.120) & wan ealle +tes eorles casteles Waleram +ta w+aron on Normandi & ealla +ta o+dre +ta his wi+drewines healden him togeanes . (CMPETERB,45.121) Eall was +tes unfri+d for +tes eorles sunu Rotbert of Normandi , Willelm het . (CMPETERB,45.122) Se ilce Willelm hefde numen Fulkes eorles gingre dohter to wife of Angeow , (CMPETERB,45.123) & for+di se king of France & ealle +tas eorles heolden mid him & ealle +ta rice men , (CMPETERB,45.124) & s+aidon +tet se king heold his bro+der Rotbert mid wrange on heftnunge & his sunu Willelm mid unrihte aflemde ut of Normandi . (CMPETERB,45.125) +Des ilces geares w+aron f+ala untime on Englelande on corne & on ealle westme , swa +tet betweonen Cristesmesse & Candelmesse man s+alde +tet acer s+adhw+ate - +tet is twegen sedl+apas - to six scillingas , & +tet b+arlic - +tet is +tre sedl+apas - to six scillingas , & +tet acer s+adaten - +tet is feower sedl+apas - to feower scillingas . (CMPETERB,45.126) +Tet w+as for+ti +tet corn w+as litel (CMPETERB,45.127) & se penig w+as swa ifel +tet se man +ta h+afde at an market an pund , he ne mihte cysten +t+arof for nan +ting twelfe penegas . (CMPETERB,46.128) On +tes ilces geares for+dferde se eadig biscop Ernulf of Roueceastre , se +aror w+as abbot on Burch : (CMPETERB,46.129) +tet w+as +tes d+aies Idus Martii . (CMPETERB,46.130) & +t+arafter for+dferde se king Alexander of Scotlande on +tes d+aies ix Kalendarum Mai ; (CMPETERB,46.131) & Dauid his bro+der , +ta w+as eorl on Nor+dhamtunescire , feng to rice (CMPETERB,46.132) and h+afde +da ba+de togedere +tone kinerice on Scotlande & +tone eorldom on Englelande . (CMPETERB,46.133) & On +t+as d+aies xix Kalendarum Ianuarii for+dferde se Pape on Rome , Calistus w+as gehaten , (CMPETERB,46.134) & Honorius | feng to Papedom . (CMPETERB,46.135) +Des ilces geares +after Sancte Andreas messe toforen Cristes messe held Raulf Basset & +tes kinges +d+aines gewitenemot on Le+tec+astrescire at Hundehoge , (CMPETERB,46.136) & ahengen +t+ar swa fela +tefas swa n+afre +ar ne w+aron : (CMPETERB,46.137) +tet w+aron on +ta litle hwile ealles feower & feowerti manne & six men spilde of here +agon & of here stanes . (CMPETERB,46.138) Fela so+dfeste men s+aidon +tet +t+ar w+aron manege mid micel unrihte gespilde ; (CMPETERB,46.139) oc ure Laford God +almihtig , +ta eall digelnesse se+d & wet - he seo+d +tet man l+at +tet +arme folc mid ealle unrihte : (CMPETERB,46.140) +arost man hem ber+afo+d her eahte (CMPETERB,46.141) and si+t+don man hem ofsl+a+d . (CMPETERB,46.142) Ful heui g+ar w+as hit : (CMPETERB,46.143) se man +te +ani god heafde - him me hit ber+afode mid strange geoldes & mid strange motes ; (CMPETERB,46.144) +te nan ne heafde st+arf of hungor . (CMPETERB,46.145) Millesimo c=o=xxv=o= . (CMPETERB,46.146) On +tis g+ar sende se king Henri toforen Cristesmesse of Normandi to Englalande (CMPETERB,46.147) & bebead +tet man scolde beniman ealla +ta minetere +te w+aron on Englelande heora liman - (CMPETERB,46.148) +tet w+as here elces riht hand & heora stanen bene+dan : (CMPETERB,46.149) +tet w+as for se man +de hafde an pund , he ne mihte cysten +anne peni at anne market . (CMPETERB,46.150) & Se biscop Roger of S+aresbyrig sende ofer eall Englalande (CMPETERB,46.151) & bebead hi ealle +tet hi scolden cumen to Winceastre to Cristesmesse . (CMPETERB,46.152) +Ta hi +dider coman , +da nam man an & an (CMPETERB,46.153) & benam +alc +done roht hand & +ta stanes bene+dan . (CMPETERB,46.154) Eall +tis w+as gedon wi+dinnon +ta twelf niht , (CMPETERB,46.155) & +tet w+as eall mid micel rihte , for+di +tet hi hafden fordon eall +tet land mid here micele fals +tet hi ealle abohton . (CMPETERB,46.156) On +tes ilces g+ares sende se Papa of Rome to +dise lande an cardinal , Iohan of Creme w+as gehaten . (CMPETERB,47.157) He | com first to +tone king on Normandi ; (CMPETERB,47.158) & se king hine underfeng mid micel wur+dscipe , (CMPETERB,47.159) beteahte hine si+d+don +tone +arcebiscop Willelm of Cantwarabyrig ; (CMPETERB,47.160) & he hine ledde to Cantwarabyrig ; (CMPETERB,47.161) & he w+as +t+ar underfangen mid micel wur+dscipe & mid micel processionem , (CMPETERB,47.162) & he sang +done heh messe on Eastrend+ai +at Cristes wefod . (CMPETERB,47.163) & Si+d+don he ferde ofer eall Englalande to ealle +ta biscoprices & abbotrices +ta w+aron on +tis lande , (CMPETERB,47.164) & ofer eall he w+as underfangen mid wur+dscipe (CMPETERB,47.165) & ealle hine i+afen micele gife & m+are . (CMPETERB,47.166) & Si+d+don he heold his concilie on Lundene fulle +treo dagas on Natiuitas Sancte Marie on September mid +arcebiscopes & mid leodbiscopes & abbotes & l+ared & lawed ; (CMPETERB,47.167) & bead +t+ar +ta ilce lagas +ta Anselm +arcebiscop h+afde +aror beboden , & feala ma - +teah hit litel forstode . (CMPETERB,47.168) & +Teonen he for ofer s+a sone +after Sancte Michaeles messe , & swa to Rome ; & se +arcebiscop Willelm of Cantwarabyrig & se +arcebiscop Turstein of Eferwic & se biscop Alexander of Lincolne & se biscop of Lo+tene Iohan & se abbot of Sancte Alban Gosfrei+d ; (CMPETERB,47.169) & w+aran +t+ar underfangen of +tone Pape Honorius mid micel wur+dscipe , (CMPETERB,47.170) & w+aron +t+are eall +tone wintre . (CMPETERB,47.171) On +des ilces geares wear+d swa micel flod on Sancte Laurentius messed+aig +tet feola tunes & men weor+dan adrencte , & brigges tobrokene , & corn & m+adwe spilt mid ealle , & hunger & cwealm on men & on erue ; (CMPETERB,47.172) & on ealle westme swa micel untime wear+d swa hit ne w+as feola gear +ar . (CMPETERB,47.173) & +Tes ilces geares for+dferde se abbot Iohan of Burch on ii Idus Octobris . (CMPETERB,47.174) Millesimo c=o=xxvi . (CMPETERB,47.175) Eall +tis gear w+as se kyng Heanri on Normandi eall to +after heruest . (CMPETERB,47.176) +Ta com he to +tis lande betwyx Natiuitas Sancte Marie & Michaeles messe . (CMPETERB,47.177) Mid him com se cwen & his dohter +tet he +aror hafde giuen +tone Kasere Heanri of Loherenge to wife . (CMPETERB,47.178) & He brohte mid him | +tone eorl Waleram & Hugo Gerueises sunu , (CMPETERB,47.179) & +tone eorl he sende to Brigge on heftnunge (CMPETERB,47.180) & +teonon he sende him to Walingeforde si+d+don , & Hugo to Windlesofra (CMPETERB,47.181) & let hine don on harde bande . (CMPETERB,47.182) & +Ta +after Michaeles messe com se Scotte kyng Dauid of Scotlande hider to lande ; (CMPETERB,48.183) & se king Heanri underfeng hine mid micel wur+dscipe , (CMPETERB,48.184) & he wunode +ta eall +tet gear on +tis lande . (CMPETERB,48.185) On +tes ilces geares let se kyning nimen his bro+der Rotbert fram +tone biscop Roger of S+aresbyri (CMPETERB,48.186) & betahte hine his sune Rotbert eorl of Gleuc+astre , (CMPETERB,48.187) & let hine l+aden to Bricstowe & +t+ar diden on +tone castel : (CMPETERB,48.188) +t+at w+as eall don +durh his dohtres r+ad , & +turh se Scotte kyng Dauid hire eam . (CMPETERB,48.189) Millesimo c=o=xxvii=o= : (CMPETERB,48.190) +Dis gear heald se kyng Heanri his hird +at Cristesm+asse on Windlesoure . (CMPETERB,48.191) +T+ar w+as se Scotte kyng Dauid & eall +da heaued , l+ared & l+auued , +tet w+as on Engleland . (CMPETERB,48.192) & +t+ar he let sweren ercebiscopes & biscopes & abbotes & eorles & ealle +ta +deines +da +t+ar w+aron his dohter +A+delic Englaland & Normandi to hande +after his d+ai , +te +ar w+as +des Caseres wif of Sexlande ; (CMPETERB,48.193) & sende hire si+d+den to Normandi , (CMPETERB,48.194) & mid hire ferde hire bro+der Rotbert eorl of Gleucestre & Brian +tes eorles sunu Alein Fergan , (CMPETERB,48.195) & lett hire beweddan +tes eorles sunu of Angeow , Gosfrei+d Mart+al w+as gehaten : (CMPETERB,48.196) hit of+tuhte na+tema ealle frencisc & englisc , (CMPETERB,48.197) oc se kyng hit dide for to hauene sibbe of se eorl of Angeow & for helpe to hauene tog+anes his neue Willelm . (CMPETERB,48.198) +Des ilces g+ares on +tone lententide w+as se eorl Karle of Flandres ofslagen on ane circe +t+ar he l+ai & b+ad hine to Gode tofor +tone weofede amang +tane messe fram his agene manne . (CMPETERB,48.199) & Se kyng of France brohte +tone eorles sunu Willelm of Normandi , (CMPETERB,48.200) & i+af hine +tone | eorldom , (CMPETERB,48.201) & +tet landfolc him wi+d toc . (CMPETERB,48.202) +Tes ilce Willelm h+afde +aror numen +des eorles dohter of Angeow to wife , (CMPETERB,48.203) oc hi w+aron si+d+den totweamde for sibreden : (CMPETERB,48.204) +tet wes eall +durh +tone kyng Heanri of Engleland . (CMPETERB,48.205) Si+d+den +ta nam he +tes kynges wifes swuster of France to wife ; (CMPETERB,48.206) & for+ti i+af se kyng him +tone eorldom of Flandres . (CMPETERB,48.207) +Des ilce g+ares he g+af +tone abbotrice of Burch an abbot , Heanri w+as gehaten , of Peitowe , se h+afde his abbotrice Sancte Iohannis of Angeli on hande . (CMPETERB,48.208) & Ealle +ta +arcebiscopes & biscopes seidon +tet hit w+as togeanes riht , & +tet he ne mihte hafen twa abbotrices on hande . (CMPETERB,48.209) Oc se ilce Heanri dide +tone king to understandene +tet he h+afde l+aten his abbotrice for +tet micele unsibbe +tet w+as on +tet land , & +tet he dide +durh +tes Papes r+ad & leue of Rome & +durh +tes abbotes of Clunni & +turh +t+at he w+as legat of +done Romescott : (CMPETERB,49.210) oc hit ne w+as na+dema eallswa , (CMPETERB,49.211) oc he wolde hauen ba+de on hande , (CMPETERB,49.212) & swa hafde swa lange swa Godes wille w+as . (CMPETERB,49.213) He w+as on his cl+archade biscop on Scesscuns ; (CMPETERB,49.214) si+d+dan war+d he munec on Clunni , & si+d+don prior on +tone seolue minstre ; (CMPETERB,49.215) & si+d+don he w+ar+d prior on Sauenni . (CMPETERB,49.216) +Tar+aftor , +turh +tet he w+as +des kynges m+ai of Engleland & +tes eorles of Peitowe , +ta geaf se eorl him +tone abbotrice of Sancte Iohannis minstre of Angeli . (CMPETERB,49.217) Si+d+don , +turh his micele wrences , +da bei+at he +tone +arcebiscoprice of Besencun , (CMPETERB,49.218) & h+afde hit +ta on hande +tre degas ; (CMPETERB,49.219) +ta forl+as he +tet mid rihte , for+ti +tet he hit h+afde +aror beieten mid unrihte . (CMPETERB,49.220) Si+d+don +ta beiet he +tone biscoprice of Seintes , +tet w+as fif mile fram his abbotrice ; (CMPETERB,49.221) +tet he h+afde fulneah seoueniht on hande ; (CMPETERB,49.222) +tenon brohte se abbot him of Clunni , swa swa he +aror dide of Besencun . (CMPETERB,49.223) +Ta be+tohte he him +tet gif | he mihte ben rotfest on Engleland +tet he mihte habben eal his wille . (CMPETERB,49.224) Besohte +ta +done kyng (CMPETERB,49.225) & s+aide him +tet he w+as eald man & forbroken man , & +tet he ne mihte +dolen +ta micele unrihte & +ta micele unsibbe +da w+aron on here land , (CMPETERB,49.226) & i+arnde +ta +turh him & +durh ealle his freond namcu+dlice +tone abbotrice of Burhc . (CMPETERB,49.227) & Se kyng hit him i+atte , for+di +tet he w+as his m+ai & for+ti +tet he w+as an h+afod +da a+d to swerene & witnesse to berene +t+ar +da eorles sunu of Normandi & +tes eorles dohter of Angeow w+aron totwemde for sibreden . (CMPETERB,49.228) +Tus earmlice w+as +tone abbotrice gifen betwix Cristesmesse & Candelmesse at Lundene . (CMPETERB,49.229) & Swa he ferde mid +te cyng to Wincestre . (CMPETERB,49.230) & +tanon he com to Burch . (CMPETERB,49.231) & +t+ar he wunede eallriht swa drane do+d on hiue : (CMPETERB,49.232) eall +tet +ta beon dragen toward , swa frett +ta drane (CMPETERB,49.233) & draga+d fraward - (CMPETERB,49.234) swa dide he . (CMPETERB,49.235) Eall +tet he mihte tacen wi+dinnen & wi+duten , of l+ared & of l+awed , swa he sende ouer s+a ; (CMPETERB,49.236) & na god +t+ar ne dide (CMPETERB,49.237) ne na god +d+ar ne l+auede . (CMPETERB,49.238) Ne +tince man na sellice +tet we so+d seggen ; (CMPETERB,49.239) for hit w+as ful cu+d ofer eall land +tet swa radlice swa he +t+ar com - het w+as +tes Sunend+aies +tet man singa+d " Exurge , quare obdormis , Domine ? " - +ta son +t+arf+after +ta s+agon & herdon fela men feole huntes hunten . (CMPETERB,50.240) +Da huntes w+aron swarte & micele & ladlice , & here hundes ealle swarte & bradegede & ladlice , (CMPETERB,50.241) & hi ridone on swarte hors & on swarte bucces . (CMPETERB,50.242) +Tis w+as segon on +te selue derfald in +ta tune on Burch & on ealle +ta wudes +da w+aron fram +ta selua tune to Stanforde ; (CMPETERB,50.243) & +ta muneces herdon +da horn blawen +tet hi blewen on nihtes . (CMPETERB,50.244) So+dfeste men heom kepten on nihtes ; s+aidon , +tes +te heom +tuhte , +tet +t+ar mihte wel ben abuton twenti o+der +tritti hornblaweres . (CMPETERB,50.245) +Tis w+as s+agon & herd fram +tet he +tider com eall +tet $lententid onan to Eastren . | (CMPETERB,50.246) +tis was his ingang : (CMPETERB,50.247) of his utgang ne cunne we iett noht seggon . (CMPETERB,50.248) God scawe fore ! (CMPETERB,50.249) Millesimo c=o=x=o=x=o=viii . (CMPETERB,50.250) Eall +tis geare weas se kyng Heanri on Normandi , for +tone unfri+d +tet w+as betwenen him & his nefe +done eorl of Flandres . (CMPETERB,50.251) Oc se eorl wear+d gewunded at an gefiht fram anne swein ; (CMPETERB,50.252) & swa gewundod he for to Sancte Berhtines minstre , (CMPETERB,50.253) & sone +tear wear+d munec (CMPETERB,50.254) & liuode si+d+don fif dagas ; (CMPETERB,50.255) & he wear+d +ta d+ad & +t+ar bebyriged . (CMPETERB,50.256) God geare his sawle ! (CMPETERB,50.257) +tet w+as +des daies vi Kalendarum Augusti . (CMPETERB,50.258) +Des ilces geares for+dferde se biscop Randulf Passeflambard of Dunholme (CMPETERB,50.259) & +t+are bebyriged on Nonas Septembris . (CMPETERB,50.260) & +tes ilces geares ferde se forensprecene abbot Henri ham to his agen minstre to Peitou be +tes kynges leue . (CMPETERB,50.261) He dide +done king to understanden +tet he wolde mid alle forl+aten +tone minstre & +tet land & +t+ar wunien mid him on Englalande & on +done mynstre of Burh . (CMPETERB,50.262) Oc hit ne was na+dema swa : (CMPETERB,50.263) he hit dide for+di +tet he wolde +turh his micele , wiles +dear beon , w+ar it tweolf mon+d o+d+de mare , & si+d+don ongeon cumen . (CMPETERB,50.264) God +almihtig haue his milce ofer +tet wrecce stede ! (CMPETERB,50.265) +Des ilces geares com fram Ierusalem Hugo of +te Temple to +done kyng on Normandig ; (CMPETERB,50.266) & se kyng him underfeng mid micel wur+dscipe (CMPETERB,50.267) & micele gersumes him geaf on gold & on silure ; (CMPETERB,50.268) & si+d+don he sende him to Englalande . (CMPETERB,50.269) & +t+ar he w+as underfangen of ealle gode men (CMPETERB,50.270) & ealle him geauen gersume , & on Scotlande ealswa , (CMPETERB,50.271) & be him senden to Ierusalem micel eahte mid ealle on gold & on silure . (CMPETERB,51.272) & He bebead folc vt to Ierusalem ; (CMPETERB,51.273) & +ta for mid him & +after him swa micel folc swa n+afre +ar ne dide si+d+don +tet se firste fare was on Urbanes d+ai Pape . +teah hit litel behelde . (CMPETERB,51.274) He seide +tet fulle feoht was sett betwenen +da cristene & +ta he+dene : (CMPETERB,51.275) +ta hi +tider comen , +da ne was hit noht buton l+asunge . (CMPETERB,51.276) +Tus earmlice $wear+d eall +tet folc swengt . | (CMPETERB,51.277) Millesimo c=o=xx=o=ix=o= . (CMPETERB,51.278) On +dis gear sende se kyng to Englaland +after +tone eorl Waleram & +after Hugo Gerueises sunu ; (CMPETERB,51.279) & +t+ar hi gisleden hem ; (CMPETERB,51.280) & Hugo ferde ham to his agen land to France , (CMPETERB,51.281) & Waleram belaf mid +tone kyng (CMPETERB,51.282) & se kyng him geaf eall his land buton his castel ane . (CMPETERB,51.283) Si+d+don +ta com se kyng to Englaland innon heruest , (CMPETERB,51.284) & se eorl com mid him ; (CMPETERB,51.285) & wur+don +ta alswa gode freond swa hi w+aron +aror feond . (CMPETERB,51.286) +Da sone be +tes kynges r+ad & be his leue , sende se +arcebiscop Willelm of Cantwarbyrig ofer eall Englaland (CMPETERB,51.287) & bead biscopes & abbotes & +arced+acnes & ealle +ta priores , muneces & canonias +ta w+aron on ealle +ta cellas on Englaland , & +after ealle +ta +tet Cristendome h+afdon to begemen & to locen , & +tet hi scolden ealle cumen to Lundene at Michaeles messe & +t+ar scolden sprecon of ealle Godes rihtes . (CMPETERB,51.288) +Ta hi +dider comen , +ta began +tet mot on Monend+aig (CMPETERB,51.289) & heold onan to +de Frid+aig . (CMPETERB,51.290) +Ta hit eall com for+d , +ta weor+d hit eall of earced+acnes wifes & of preostes wifes , +tet hi scolden hi forl+aten be Sanctes Andreas messe , (CMPETERB,51.291) & se +te +tet ne wolden done forgede his circe & his hus & his ham (CMPETERB,51.292) & neframa nan clepunge +t+arto na hafde mare . (CMPETERB,51.293) +Tis beb+ad se +arcebiscop Willelm of Cantwarabyrig & ealle +ta leodbiscopes +da $+ta w+aron on Englalande . (CMPETERB,51.294) & Se kyng : hem geaf ealle leue ham to farene ; (CMPETERB,51.295) & swa hi ferdon ham . (CMPETERB,51.296) & Ne forstod noht ealle +ta bodlaces : (CMPETERB,51.297) ealle heoldon here wifes be +tes kynges leue swa swa hi ear didon . (CMPETERB,51.298) +Dis ilces geares for+dferde se biscop Willelm Giffard of Winceastre (CMPETERB,51.299) & +tear bebyriged on viii Kalendarum Februarii . (CMPETERB,51.300) & Se kyng Henri geaf +tone biscoprice : +after Micheles messe +tone abbot Henri his nefe of Glastingbyri , (CMPETERB,51.301) & he w+as gehalgod to biscop fram +tone +arcebiscop Willelm of Cantwarabyri +tes d+aies xv Kalendarum Decembris . (CMPETERB,51.302) +tes ilces geares for+dferde Honorius Papa . (CMPETERB,52.303) +Ar he w+are wel ded , +ta w+are +t+ar coren twa papes . | (CMPETERB,52.304) Se an w+as gehaten Petrus ; (CMPETERB,52.305) he w+as munec of Clunni (CMPETERB,52.306) & weas boren of +ta ricceste men of Rome . (CMPETERB,52.307) Mid him helden +da of Rome & se duc of Sicilie . (CMPETERB,52.308) Se o+der het Gregorius ; (CMPETERB,52.309) he w+as clerc (CMPETERB,52.310) & w+ar+d flemd ut of Rome fram +ton o+der pape & fram his cinnesmen . (CMPETERB,52.311) Mid him held se Kasere of Sexlande & se kyng of France & se kyng Heanri of Engleland & ealle +ta be +tis half +ta muntes . (CMPETERB,52.312) Nu w+ar+d swa mycel dwyld on Cristendom swa it n+afre +ar ne w+as . (CMPETERB,52.313) Crist sette red for his wrecce folc ! (CMPETERB,52.314) +Dis ilces geares on Sancte Nicholaes messeniht litel +ar d+ai w+as micel eor+ddine . (CMPETERB,52.315) Millesimo c=o=xxx=o= . (CMPETERB,52.316) +Dis geares w+as se mynstre of Cantwarabyri halgod fram +tone +arcebiscop Willelm +tes d+aies iiii=o= Nonarum Mai . (CMPETERB,52.317) +D+ar w+aron +tas biscopes Iohan of Roueceastre , Gilebert Uniuersal of Lundene , Heanri of Winceastre , Alexander of Lincolne , Roger of S+aresbyri , Simon of Wigorceastre , Roger of Couentre , Godefreith of Bathe , Eourard of Noruuic , Sigefrid of $Ciceastre , Bernard of Sancte Dauid , Audoenus of Euereus of Normandige , Iohan of S+ais . (CMPETERB,52.318) +Tes feor+de d+ages +t+ar+after w+as se king Heanri on Roueceastre ; (CMPETERB,52.319) & se burch forbernde +alm+ast ; (CMPETERB,52.320) & se +arcebiscop Willelm halgede Sancte Andreas mynstre & +da forsprecon biscopes mid him . (CMPETERB,52.321) & Se kyng Heanri ferde ouer s+a into Normandi on heruest . (CMPETERB,52.322) +Des ilces geares com se abbot Heanri of Angeli +after +Asterne to Burch , (CMPETERB,52.323) & seide +tet he h+afde forl+aten +tone mynstre mid ealle . (CMPETERB,52.324) +After him com se abbot $of Clunni , Petrus gehaten , to Englelande bi +tes kynges leue , (CMPETERB,52.325) & w+as underfangen ouer eall swa hwar swa he com mid mycel wur+dscipe . (CMPETERB,52.326) To Burch he com , (CMPETERB,52.327) & +t+ar behet se abbot Heanri him +tet he scolde beieton him +tone mynstre of Burch +tet hit scolde beon under+ded into Clunni : (CMPETERB,52.328) oc man sei+d to biworde , " H+age sitte+d +ta aceres d+aleth ! " (CMPETERB,52.329) God +almihtig adylege iuele r+ade ! (CMPETERB,52.330) & Sone +t+ar+after ferde se abbot of Clunni ham to his +arde . (CMPETERB,52.331) Millesimo cxxxi . | (CMPETERB,52.332) +Dis gear +after Cristesmesse on an Moneniht +at +te forme sl+ap w+as se heouene o +de nor+d half eall swilc hit w+are b+arnende fir , swa +tet ealle +de hit s+agon w+aron swa off+ared swa hi n+afre +ar ne w+aron : (CMPETERB,53.333) +tet w+as on iii Idus Ianuarii . (CMPETERB,53.334) +Des ilces geares w+as swa micel orfcwalm swa hit n+afre +ar ne w+as on manne gemynd ofer eall Engleland . (CMPETERB,53.335) +Tet w+as on n+at & on swin swa +tet , on +ta tun +ta w+as tenn ploges o+der twelfe gangende , ne bel+af +t+ar noht an ; (CMPETERB,53.336) & se man +ta heafde twa hundred o+d+te +dre hundred swin , ne beleaf him noht an . (CMPETERB,53.337) +Tar+after swulten +ta hennefugeles . (CMPETERB,53.338) +Ta scyrte +da flescmete & se ceose & se butere . (CMPETERB,53.339) God hit bete +ta his wille be+d ! (CMPETERB,53.340) & Se kyng Heanri com ham to Engleland toforen heruest +after Sancte Petres messe +te firrer . (CMPETERB,53.341) +Des ilces geares for se abbot Heanri toforen Eastren fram Burch ofer s+a to Normandi ; (CMPETERB,53.342) & +t+ar spreac mid +tone kyng , (CMPETERB,53.343) & s+aide him +tet se abbot of Clunni heafde him beboden +tet he scolde cumen to him & bet+acen him +tone abbotrice of Angeli , (CMPETERB,53.344) & si+d+ten he wolde cumen ham be his l+afe . (CMPETERB,53.345) & Swa he ferde ham to his agen mynstre (CMPETERB,53.346) & +t+ar wunode eall to Midsumerd+ai . (CMPETERB,53.347) & +Des o+der d+aies +after Sancte Iohannis messed+ai , cusen +ta muneces abbot of hemself (CMPETERB,53.348) and brohten him into cyrce mid processionem ; (CMPETERB,53.349) sungen " Te Deum Laudamus " , (CMPETERB,53.350) ringden +ta belle , (CMPETERB,53.351) setten him on +tes abbotes settle , (CMPETERB,53.352) diden him ealle hersumnesse swa swa hi scolden don here abbot . (CMPETERB,53.353) & Se eorl & ealle +ta heafedmenn & +ta muneces of +ta mynstre flemden se o+der abbot Heanri ut of +ta mynstre . (CMPETERB,53.354) Hi scolden nedes : (CMPETERB,53.355) on fif & twenti wintre ne biden hi n+afre an god d+ai . (CMPETERB,53.356) Her him trucode ealle his mycele cr+aftes : (CMPETERB,53.357) nu him behofed +tet he crape in his mycele codde in +alc hyrne , gif +t+ar w+are hure an unwreste wrenc +tet he mihte get beswicen anes Crist & eall cristene folc . (CMPETERB,53.358) +Ta ferde he into Clunni , (CMPETERB,53.359) & +t+ar man him held +tet he ne mihte na east na west . (CMPETERB,53.360) S+aide se abbot of Clunni | +tet hi heafdon forloron Sancte Iohannis mynstre +turh him & +turh his mycele sotscipe . (CMPETERB,53.361) +Ta ne cu+te he him na betre bote (CMPETERB,53.362) bute behet hem & a+des swor on halidom +tet , gif he moste Engleland secen , +tet he scolde begeton hem +done mynstre of Burch , swa +tet he scolde setten +t+ar prior of Clunni & circeweard & hordere & reil+tein , & ealle +ta +ding +ta w+aron wi+dinne mynstre & wi+duten , eall he scolde hem bet+acen . (CMPETERB,53.363) +Tus he ferde into France , (CMPETERB,54.364) & +t+ar wunode eall +tet gear . (CMPETERB,54.365) Crist r+ade for +ta wrecce muneces of Burch & for +tet wrecce stede ! (CMPETERB,54.366) Nu hem behofe+d Cristes helpe & eall cristenes folces ! (CMPETERB,54.367) Millesimo cxxxii . (CMPETERB,54.368) +Dis gear com Henri to +tis land . (CMPETERB,54.369) +Ta com Henri abbot (CMPETERB,54.370) & uureide +te muneces of Burch to +te king for+ti +dat he uuolde under+teden +dat mynstre to Clunie , sua +dat te king was welneh bepaht & sende efter +te muneces . (CMPETERB,54.371) & +Turh Godes milce & +turh +te biscop of Seresbyri & te biscop of Lincol & te o+tre rice men +te +ter w+aron , +ta wiste +te king +dat he feorde mid suicdom . (CMPETERB,54.372) +Ta he nammor ne mihte , +ta uuolde he +dat his nefe sculde ben abbot in Burch : (CMPETERB,54.373) oc Crist it ne uuolde . (CMPETERB,54.374) Was it noht suithe lang +terefter +tat te king sende efter him & dide him gyuen up +dat abbotrice of Burch & faren ut of lande . (CMPETERB,54.375) & Te king iaf +dat abbotrice an prior of Sanct Neod , Martin was gahaten ; (CMPETERB,54.376) he com on Sancte Petres messedei mid micel wurscipe into the minstre . (CMPETERB,54.377) Millesimo cxxxv . (CMPETERB,54.378) On +tis g+are for se king Henri ouer s+a +at te Lammasse . (CMPETERB,54.379) & +Dat o+ter dei +ta he lai an slep in scip , +ta +testrede +te d+ai ouer al landes (CMPETERB,54.380) & uuard +te sunne suilc als it uuare thre niht ald mone , an sterres abuten him at midd+ai . (CMPETERB,54.381) Wur+ten man sui+de ofuundred & ofdred , (CMPETERB,54.382) & s+aden +dat micel +ting sculde cumen herefter : (CMPETERB,54.383) sua dide , (CMPETERB,54.384) for +tat ilc g+ar warth +te king ded +dat o+ter d+ai efter Sancte Andreas massed+ai on Normandi . (CMPETERB,54.385) +Ta $+testreden sona +tas landes , (CMPETERB,54.386) for +auric man sone r+auede o+ter +te mihte . (CMPETERB,54.387) +Ta namen his sune & his frend & brohten his lic to Engleland (CMPETERB,54.388) & $bebirieden in Redinge . (CMPETERB,54.389) God man he wes (CMPETERB,54.390) & micel +aie wes of him : (CMPETERB,54.391) durste nan man misdon wi+d o+der on his time . (CMPETERB,54.392) Pais he makede men & d+ar . (CMPETERB,54.393) Wua sua bare his byrthen gold & sylure , durste nan man sei to him naht bute god . (CMPETERB,54.394) Enmang +tis was his nefe cumen to Engleland , Stephne de Blais ; (CMPETERB,54.395) & com to Lundene ; (CMPETERB,54.396) & te lundenisce folc him underfeng (CMPETERB,54.397) & senden efter +te +arcebiscop Willelm Curbuil ; (CMPETERB,54.398) & halechede him to kinge on Midewintre D+ai . (CMPETERB,54.399) On +tis kinges time wes al unfri+d & yfel & r+aflac , (CMPETERB,54.400) for agenes him risen sona +ta rice men +te w+aron swikes , alre fyrst Balduin de Reduers ; (CMPETERB,54.401) & held Execestre agenes him (CMPETERB,54.402) & te king it bes+at , (CMPETERB,55.403) & si+d+dan Balduin acordede . (CMPETERB,55.404) +Da tocan +ta o+dre (CMPETERB,55.405) & helden her castles agenes him . (CMPETERB,55.406) & Dauid king of Scotland toc to uuerrien him . (CMPETERB,55.407) +Da , +tohuuethere +tat , here sandes feorden betwyx heom (CMPETERB,55.408) & hi tog+adere comen , (CMPETERB,55.409) & wur+de s+ahte , +to+t it litel forstode . (CMPETERB,55.410) Millesimo cxxxvii . (CMPETERB,55.411) +Dis g+are for +te king Stephne ofer s+a to Normandi ; (CMPETERB,55.412) & ther wes underfangen , for+di +dat hi uuenden +dat he sculde ben alsuic alse the eom wes , & for he hadde get his tresor ; (CMPETERB,55.413) ac he todeld it (CMPETERB,55.414) & scatered sotlice . (CMPETERB,55.415) Micel hadde Henri king gadered gold & syluer , (CMPETERB,55.416) & na god ne dide me for his saule tharof . (CMPETERB,55.417) +Ta +te king Stephne to Englaland com , +ta macod he his gadering +at Oxeneford . (CMPETERB,55.418) & +Tar he nam +te biscop Roger of Serebyri & Alexander biscop of Lincol & te canceler Roger , hise neues , (CMPETERB,55.419) & dide +alle in prisun til he iafen up here castles . (CMPETERB,55.420) +Ta the suikes underg+aton +dat he milde man was & softe & god , & na iustise ne dide , +ta diden hi alle wunder . (CMPETERB,55.421) Hi hadden him manred maked & athes suoren , (CMPETERB,55.422) ac hi nan treuthe ne heolden . (CMPETERB,55.423) Alle he w+aron forsworen & here treothes forloren , (CMPETERB,55.424) for +auric rice man his castles makede (CMPETERB,55.425) & +agenes him heolden ; (CMPETERB,55.426) & fylden +te land ful of castles . (CMPETERB,55.427) Hi suencten suy+de +te uurecce men of +te land mid castelweorces ; (CMPETERB,55.428) +ta +te castles uuaren maked , +ta fylden hi mid deoules & yuele man . (CMPETERB,55.429) +Ta namen hi +ta men +te hi wenden +dat ani god hefden , bathe be nihtes & be d+aies , carlmen & wimmen , (CMPETERB,55.430) & diden heom in prisun (CMPETERB,55.431) & pined heom efter gold & syluer untellendlice pining ; (CMPETERB,55.432) for ne uu+aren n+aure nan martyrs swa pined alse hi w+aron . (CMPETERB,55.433) Me henged up be the fet (CMPETERB,55.434) & smoked heom mid ful smoke . (CMPETERB,55.435) Me henged bi the +tumbes other bi the hefed (CMPETERB,55.436) & hengen bryniges on her fet . (CMPETERB,55.437) Me dide cnotted strenges abuton here h+aued (CMPETERB,55.438) & uuryhten it +dat it g+ade to +te h+arnes . (CMPETERB,55.439) Hi diden heom in quarterne +tar nadres & snakes & pades w+aron inne , (CMPETERB,55.440) & drapen heom swa . (CMPETERB,55.441) Sume hi diden in crucethus - +dat is , in an ceste +tat was scort & nareu & undep - (CMPETERB,55.442) & dide sc+arpe stanes +terinne (CMPETERB,55.443) & +trengde +te man +t+arinne +dat him br+acon alle +te limes . (CMPETERB,55.444) In mani of +te castles w+aron lof & grin : (CMPETERB,55.445) +dat w+aron rachenteges +dat twa o+ter thre man hadden onoh to b+aron onne , (CMPETERB,55.446) +tat was sua maced , +dat is , f+astned to an beom - (CMPETERB,56.448) & diden an sc+arp iren abuton +ta mannes throte & his hals , +dat he ne myhte nowiderwardes , ne sitten ne lien ne slepen , oc b+aron al +dat iren . (CMPETERB,56.449) Mani +tusen hi drapen mid hung+ar . (CMPETERB,56.450) I ne can ne I ne mai tellen alle +te wunder ne alle +te pines +dat he diden wrecce men on +tis land ; (CMPETERB,56.451) & +dat lastede +ta xix wintre wile Stephne was king , (CMPETERB,56.452) & +aure it was uuerse & uuerse . (CMPETERB,56.453) Hi l+aiden $g+aldes on the tunes +aure um wile , (CMPETERB,56.454) & clepeden it " tenserie " . (CMPETERB,56.455) +Ta +te uurecce men ne hadden nammore to gyuen , +ta r+aueden hi (CMPETERB,56.456) & brendon alle the tunes , +dat wel +tu myhtes faren al a d+ais fare , sculdest thu neure finden man in tune sittende ne land tiled . (CMPETERB,56.457) +Ta was corn d+are , & $flesc & c+ase & butere , for nan ne w+as o +te land . (CMPETERB,56.458) Wrecce men sturuen of hung+ar . (CMPETERB,56.459) Sume ieden on +almes +te waren sum wile rice men . (CMPETERB,56.460) Sume flugen ut of lande . (CMPETERB,56.461) Wes n+aure g+at mare wreccehed on land (CMPETERB,56.462) ne n+aure hethen men werse ne diden +tan hi diden ; (CMPETERB,56.463) for ouer sithon ne forbaren hi nouther circe ne cyrcei+ard , (CMPETERB,56.464) oc namen al +te god +dat +tarinne was (CMPETERB,56.465) & brenden sythen +te cyrce & al teg+adere . (CMPETERB,56.466) Ne hi ne forbaren biscopes land ne abbotes ne preostes , (CMPETERB,56.467) ac r+aueden munekes & clerekes , & +auric man other +te ouermyhte . (CMPETERB,56.468) Gif twa men o+ter iii coman ridend to an tun , al +te tunscipe flug+an for heom , (CMPETERB,56.469) wenden +dat hi w+aron r+aueres . (CMPETERB,56.470) +Te biscopes & lered men heom cursede +aure , (CMPETERB,56.471) oc was heom naht +tarof , (CMPETERB,56.472) for hi uueron al forcurs+ad & forsuoren & forloren . (CMPETERB,56.473) War s+a me tilede , +te erthe ne bar nan corn , (CMPETERB,56.474) for +te land was al fordon mid suilce d+ades . (CMPETERB,56.475) & Hi s+aden openlice +dat Crist slep & his halechen . (CMPETERB,56.476) Suilc & mare +tanne we cunnen s+ain we $+toleden xix wintre for ure sinnes . (CMPETERB,56.477) On al +tis yuele time heold Martin abbot his abbotrice xx witre & half g+ar & viii d+ais mid micel suinc ; (CMPETERB,56.478) & fand +te munekes & te gestes al +tat heom behoued (CMPETERB,56.479) & heold mycel carited in the hus , (CMPETERB,56.480) & +to+twethere wrohte on +te circe (CMPETERB,56.481) & sette +tarto landes & rentes (CMPETERB,56.482) & goded it suythe (CMPETERB,56.483) & l+at it refen , (CMPETERB,56.484) & brohte heom into +te neuu+a mynstre on Sancte Petres m+assed+ai mid micel wurtscipe : (CMPETERB,56.485) +dat was anno ab Incarnatione Domini Millesimo cxl , a combustione loci xxiii . (CMPETERB,56.486) & He for to Rome , (CMPETERB,56.487) & +t+ar w+as w+al underfangen fram +te Pape Eugenie ; (CMPETERB,56.488) & beg+at thare priuilegies , an of alle +te landes of +tabbotrice & an o+ter of +te landes +te lien to +te circewican , (CMPETERB,57.489) & , gif he leng moste liuen , alse he mint to don of +te horderwycan . (CMPETERB,57.490) & He beg+at in landes +tat rice men hefden mid strengthe : (CMPETERB,57.491) of Willelm Malduit +te heold Rogingham +t+a castel , he wan Cotingham & Estun , (CMPETERB,57.492) & of Hugo of Walteuile he uuan Hyrtlingbyri & Stanewig & lx sol of Aldewingle +alc g+ar . (CMPETERB,57.493) & He makede manie munekes , (CMPETERB,57.494) & plantede wini+ard , (CMPETERB,57.495) & makede mani weorkes (CMPETERB,57.496) & wende +te tun betere +tan it +ar w+as ; (CMPETERB,57.497) & w+as god munec & god man , (CMPETERB,57.498) & for+ti him luuedon God & gode men . (CMPETERB,57.499) Nu we willen s+agen sum del wat belamp on Stephnes kinges time . (CMPETERB,57.500) On his time +te Iudeus of Noruuic bohton an Cristen cild beforen Estren , (CMPETERB,57.501) & pineden him alle +te ilce pining +dat ure Drihten was pined , (CMPETERB,57.502) & on Lang Frid+ai him on rode hengen for ure Drihtines luue (CMPETERB,57.503) & sythen byrieden him ; (CMPETERB,57.504) wenden +dat it sculde ben forholen . (CMPETERB,57.505) Oc ure Dryhtin atywede +dat he was hali martyr ; (CMPETERB,57.506) & $te munekes him namen (CMPETERB,57.507) & bebyried him heglice in +te minstre . (CMPETERB,57.508) & He maket $+turh ure Drihtin wunderlice & manif+aldlice miracles ; (CMPETERB,57.509) & hatte he Sanct Willelm . (CMPETERB,57.510) Millesimo cxxxviii . (CMPETERB,57.511) On +tis g+ar com Dauid king of Scotland mid ormete f+ard to +tis land ; (CMPETERB,57.512) wolde winnan +tis land . (CMPETERB,57.513) & Him com tog+anes Willelm eorl of Albamar , +te +te king adde beteht Euorwic , & $te other +auez men mid f+au men ; (CMPETERB,57.514) & fuhten wid heom , (CMPETERB,57.515) & flemden +te king +at te Standard , (CMPETERB,57.516) & sloghen suithe micel of his genge . (CMPETERB,57.517) Millesimo cxl . (CMPETERB,57.518) On +tis g+ar wolde +te king Stephne t+acen Rodbert eorl of Gloucestre , +te kinges sune Henries ; (CMPETERB,57.519) ac he ne myhte , for he wart it war . (CMPETERB,57.520) +Terefter $i +te lengten +testrede +te sunne & te d+ai abuton nontid d+aies , +ta men eten , +dat me lihtede candles to +aten bi ; (CMPETERB,57.521) & +tat was xiii Kalendarum Aprilis : (CMPETERB,57.522) w+aron men suythe ofwundred . (CMPETERB,57.523) +Terefter fordfeorde Willelm +arcebiscop of Cantwarbyri ; (CMPETERB,57.524) & te king makede Teodbald +arcebiscop , +te was abbot in the Bec . (CMPETERB,57.525) +Terefter w+ax suythe micel uuerre betuyx +te king & Randolf eorl of C+astre : noht for+ti +dat he ne iaf him al +dat he cuthe axen him , alse he dide alle othre ; (CMPETERB,58.526) oc +afre +te mare he iaf heom +te w+arse hi w+aron him . (CMPETERB,58.527) +Te eorl heold Lincol ag+anes +te king (CMPETERB,58.528) & benam him al +dat he ahte to hauen . (CMPETERB,58.529) & Te king for +tider (CMPETERB,58.530) & bes+atte him & his brother Willelm de $Romare in +te castel . (CMPETERB,58.531) & Te +aorl st+al ut (CMPETERB,58.532) & ferde efter Rodbert eorl of $Gloucestre (CMPETERB,58.533) & brohte him +tider mid micel ferd , (CMPETERB,58.534) & fuhten suythe on $Candelmasse d+ai agenes heore lauerd , (CMPETERB,58.535) & namen him - (CMPETERB,58.536) for his men him suyken (CMPETERB,58.537) & flug+an - (CMPETERB,58.538) & l+ad him to Bristowe (CMPETERB,58.539) & diden +tar in prisun & in feteres . (CMPETERB,58.540) +Ta was al Engleland styred mar +tan +ar w+as ; (CMPETERB,58.541) & al yuel w+as in lande . (CMPETERB,58.542) +Terefter com +te kinges dohter Henries , +te hefde ben emprice in Alamanie & nu w+as cuntesse in Angou ; (CMPETERB,58.543) & com to Lundene , (CMPETERB,58.544) & te lundenissce folc hire wolde t+acen , (CMPETERB,58.545) & sc+a fleh (CMPETERB,58.546) & forles +tar $micel . (CMPETERB,58.547) +Terefter +te biscop of Wincestre , Henri +te kinges brother Stephnes , spac wid Rodbert eorl & wyd +temperice (CMPETERB,58.548) & suor heom athas +dat he neure ma mid te king his brother wolde halden (CMPETERB,58.549) & cursede alle +te men +te mid him heoldon , (CMPETERB,58.550) & s+ade heom +dat he uuolde iiuen heom up Wincestre (CMPETERB,58.551) & dide heom cumen +tider . (CMPETERB,58.552) +Ta hi +t+arinne w+aren , +ta com +te kinges cuen mid al hire strengthe (CMPETERB,58.553) & bes+at heom , +dat +ter w+as inne micel hung+ar . (CMPETERB,58.554) +Ta hi ne leng ne muhten +tolen , +ta $stalen hi ut (CMPETERB,58.555) & flugen . (CMPETERB,58.556) & Hi wurthen war widuten (CMPETERB,58.557) & folecheden heom , (CMPETERB,58.558) & namen Rodbert eorl of Gloucestre (CMPETERB,58.559) & ledden him to Rouecestre (CMPETERB,58.560) & diden him +tare in prisun . (CMPETERB,58.561) & Te emperice fleh into an minstre . (CMPETERB,58.562) +Ta feorden +te wise men betwyx +te kinges freond & te eorles freond , (CMPETERB,58.563) & sahtlede sua +dat me sculde leten ut +te king of prisun for +te eorl & te eorl for +te king : (CMPETERB,58.564) & sua diden . (CMPETERB,58.565) Sithen +terefter $sahtleden +te king & Randolf eorl at Stanford , (CMPETERB,58.566) & athes suoren & treuthes f+aston +dat her nou+ter sculde besuyken other ; (CMPETERB,58.567) & it ne forstod naht . (CMPETERB,58.568) For +te king him sithen nam in Hamtun +turhc wicci r+ad (CMPETERB,58.569) & dide him in prisun ; (CMPETERB,58.570) & efsones he let him ut +turhc w+arse red , to +dat forewarde +dat he suor on halidom & gysles fand +tat he alle his castles sculde iiuen up . (CMPETERB,58.571) Sume he iaf up , (CMPETERB,58.572) & sume ne iaf he noht ; (CMPETERB,58.573) & dide +tanne w+arse +tanne he h+ar sculde . (CMPETERB,58.574) +Ta was Engleland suythe todeled : (CMPETERB,59.575) sume helden mid te king , & sume mid +temperice ; (CMPETERB,59.576) for +ta +te king was in prisun , +ta wenden +te eorles & te rice men +tat he neure mare sculde cumen ut , (CMPETERB,59.577) & s+ahtleden wyd +temperice (CMPETERB,59.578) & brohten hire into Oxenford (CMPETERB,59.579) & iauen hire +te burch . (CMPETERB,59.580) +Ta +te king was ute , +ta herde +dat s+agen (CMPETERB,59.581) & toc his feord (CMPETERB,59.582) & bes+at hire in +te tur . (CMPETERB,59.583) & Me l+at hire dun on niht of +te tur mid rapes , (CMPETERB,59.584) & stal ut (CMPETERB,59.585) & sc+a fleh (CMPETERB,59.586) & i+ade on fote to Walingford . (CMPETERB,59.587) +T+arefter sc+a ferde ouer s+a . (CMPETERB,59.588) & Hi of Normandi wenden alle fra +te king to +te eorl of Ang+au , sume here +tankes & sume here un+tankes ; (CMPETERB,59.589) for he bes+at heom til hi aiauen up here castles , (CMPETERB,59.590) & hi nan helpe ne h+afden of +te king . (CMPETERB,59.591) +Ta ferde Eustace +te kinges sune to France (CMPETERB,59.592) & nam +te kinges suster of France to wife ; (CMPETERB,59.593) wende to big+aton Normandi +t+ar+turh . (CMPETERB,59.594) Oc he spedde litel , & be gode rihte , (CMPETERB,59.595) for he was an yuel man ; (CMPETERB,59.596) for warese he com he dide mare yuel +tanne god : (CMPETERB,59.597) he reuede +te landes (CMPETERB,59.598) & l+aide micele geldes on . (CMPETERB,59.599) He brohte his wif to Engleland , (CMPETERB,59.600) & dide hire in +te castel on Cantebyri . (CMPETERB,59.601) God wimman sc+a w+as , (CMPETERB,59.602) oc sc+a hedde litel blisse mid him . (CMPETERB,59.603) & Crist ne wolde +dat he sculde lange rixan ; (CMPETERB,59.604) & w+ard ded , & his moder beien . (CMPETERB,59.605) & Te eorl of Ang+au w+ard ded , (CMPETERB,59.606) & his sune Henri toc to +te rice . (CMPETERB,59.607) & Te Cuen of France tod+alde fra +te king ; (CMPETERB,59.608) & sc+a com to +te iunge eorl Henri , (CMPETERB,59.609) & he toc hire to wiue & al Peitou mid hire . (CMPETERB,59.610) +Ta ferde he mid micel f+ard into Engleland , (CMPETERB,59.611) & wan castles . (CMPETERB,59.612) & Te king ferde agenes him mid micel mare ferd . (CMPETERB,59.613) & +To+tw+athere fuhtten hi noht , (CMPETERB,59.614) oc ferden +te +arcebiscop & te wise men betwyx heom (CMPETERB,59.615) & makede +dat sahte +dat te king sculde ben lauerd & king wile he liuede & +after his d+ai ware Henri king : (CMPETERB,59.616) & he helde him for fader & he him for sune ; (CMPETERB,59.617) & sib & s+ahte sculde ben betwyx heom & on al Engleland . (CMPETERB,59.618) +Tis & te othre foruuardes +tet hi makeden suoren to halden +te king & +te eorl & te biscopes & te eorles & rice men alle . (CMPETERB,59.619) +Ta was +te eorl underfangen +at Wincestre & +at Lundene mid micel wurtscipe ; (CMPETERB,59.620) & alle diden him manred (CMPETERB,59.621) & suoren +te pais to halden (CMPETERB,59.622) & hit ward sone suythe god pais sua +dat neure was here . (CMPETERB,59.623) +Ta was +te king strengere +tanne he $+auer her was . (CMPETERB,60.624) & Te eorl ferde ouer s+a ; (CMPETERB,60.625) & al folc him luuede , (CMPETERB,60.626) for he dide god iustice (CMPETERB,60.627) & makede pais . (CMPETERB,60.628) Millesimo liiii . (CMPETERB,60.629) On +tis g+ar w+ard +te king Stephne ded & bebyried +ter his wif & his sune w+aron bebyried +at Fauresfeld ; (CMPETERB,60.630) +t+at minstre hi makeden . (CMPETERB,60.631) +Ta +te king was ded , +ta was +te eorl beionde s+a ; (CMPETERB,60.632) & ne durste nan man don o+ter bute god for +te micel eie of him . (CMPETERB,60.633) +Ta he to Engleland com , +ta was he underfangen mid micel wurtscipe , & to king bletc+ad in Lundene on +te Sunnend+ai beforen Midwintre D+ai , (CMPETERB,60.634) & held +t+are micel curt . (CMPETERB,60.635) +Tat ilce d+ai +tat Martin abbot of Burch sculde +tider faren , +te s+aclede he , (CMPETERB,60.636) & ward ded iiii Nonarum Ianuarii . (CMPETERB,60.637) & Te munekes innen d+ais cusen o+ter of heoms+alf , Willelm de Walteuile is gehaten , god clerc & god man & w+al luued of +te king & of alle gode men ; (CMPETERB,60.638) & on $morgen byrieden +tabbot hehlice . (CMPETERB,60.639) & Sone +te cosan abbot ferde , & te muneces mid him , to Oxenforde to +te king ; (CMPETERB,60.640) & he iaf him +tat abbotrice . (CMPETERB,60.641) & He ferde him sone to Lincol . (CMPETERB,60.642) & w+as +t+ar bletc+ad to abbot +ar he ham come ; (CMPETERB,60.643) & sithen was underfangen mid micel wurtscipe at Burch mid micel processiun ; & sua he was alsua at Rames+aie , & at Torneie , & at Cruland & Spallding , & at S. Albanes & F . (CMPETERB,60.644) & Nu is abbot (CMPETERB,60.645) & fair haued begunnon : (CMPETERB,60.646) Xpist him unne $+tus enden ! (CMPETERB,60.647)