HYER BEGYNNETH THYSTORYE OF REYNARD THE FOXE (CMREYNAR,6.4) In this historye ben wreton the parables / goode lerynge / and dyuerse poyntes to be merkyd / by whiche poyntes men maye lerne to come to the subtyl knoweleche of suche thynges as dayly ben vsed and had in the counseyllys of lordes and prelates gostly and worldly / and / also emonge marchantes and other comone peple / (CMREYNAR,6.5) And this booke is maad for nede and prouffyte of alle god folke / As fer as they in redynge or heeryng of it shal mowe vnderstande and fele the forsayd subtyl deceytes that dayly ben vsed in the worlde / not to thentente that men shold vse them but that euery man shold eschewe and kepe hym from the subtyl false shrewis that they be not deceyuyd / (CMREYNAR,6.6) Thenne who that wyll haue the very vnderstandyng of this mater / he muste ofte and many tymes rede in thys boke and ernestly and diligently marke wel that he redeth / (CMREYNAR,6.7) For it is sette subtylly / lyke as ye shal see in redyng of it / (CMREYNAR,6.8) and not ones to rede it For a man shal not wyth ones ouer redyng fynde the ryght vnderstandyng ne comprise it wel / (CMREYNAR,6.9) but oftymes to rede it shal cause it wel to be vnderstande / (CMREYNAR,6.10) And for them that vnderstandeth it / it shall be ryght Ioyous playsant and prouffitable (CMREYNAR,6.11) HOW THE LYON KYNGE OF ALLE BESTIS SENT OUT HIS MANDEMENTIS THAT ALLE BEESTIS SHOLDE COME TO HIS FEEST AND COURT (CMREYNAR,6.13) CAPITULO PRIMO (CMREYNAR,6.14) It was aboute the tyme of penthecoste or whytsontyde / that the wodes comynly be lusty and gladsom And the trees clad with leuys and blossoms and the ground with herbes and flowris swete smellyng and also the fowles and byrdes syngen melodyously in theyr armonye / That the lyon the noble kynge of all beestis wolde in the holy dayes of thys feest holde on open Court at stade / whyche he dyde to knowe ouer alle in his lande / And commanded by strayte commyssyons and maundements that euery beest shold come thyder / in suche wyse that alle the beestis grete and smale cam to the courte sauf reynard the fox / (CMREYNAR,6.16) for he knewe hym self fawty and gylty in many thynges ayenst many beestis that thyder sholde comen that he durste not auenture to goo thyder / (CMREYNAR,6.17) whan the kynge of alle beestis had assemblid alle his court / ther was none of them alle / but that he had complayned sore on Reynart the foxe (CMREYNAR,7.19) THE FIRST COMPLAYNT MADE ISEGRYM THE WULF ON REYNART (CMREYNAR,7.21) CAPITULO .IJ . (CMREYNAR,7.22) Isegrym the wulf wyth his lynage and frendes cam (CMREYNAR,7.24) and stode to fore the kynge / (CMREYNAR,7.25) And sayde hye and myghty prynce my lord the kynge I beseche yow that thurgh your grete myght / ryght / and mercy that ye wyl haue pyte on the grete trespas and the vnresonable mysdedes that reynart the foxe hath don to me and to my wyf that is to wete he is comen in to my hows ayenst the wylle of my wyf / (CMREYNAR,7.26) And there he hath be pyssed my chyldren where as they laye in suche wyse as they therof ben woxen blynde / wherupon was a day sette / and was Iuged that reygnart shold come and haue excused hym hierof / and haue sworen on the holy sayntes that he was not gylty therof / (CMREYNAR,7.27) and whan the book wyth the sayntes was brought forth / tho had reygnart bythought hym other wyse / (CMREYNAR,7.28) And wente his waye agayn in to his hole / as he had nought sette therby / (CMREYNAR,7.29) And dere kynge this knowen wel many of the bestes that now be comen hyther to your court / (CMREYNAR,7.30) And yet hath he trespaced to me in many other thinges / (CMREYNAR,7.31) he is not lyuyng that coude telle alle that I now leue vntolde / (CMREYNAR,7.32) But the shame and vyllonye that he hath don to my wyf / that shal I neuer hyde ne suffre it vnauengyd but that he shal make to me large amendes / (CMREYNAR,7.33) THE COMPLAYNT OF COURTOYS THE HOUNDE (CMREYNAR,7.35) CAPITULO IIJ (CMREYNAR,7.36) Whan thyse wordes were spoken so stode there a lytyl hounde (CMREYNAR,7.38) and was named courtoys / (CMREYNAR,7.39) and complayned to the kynge / how that in the colde wynter in the harde froste he had ben sore forwynterd / in suche wyse as he had kepte nomore mete than a puddyng / wyche puddyng reygnard the foxe had taken away from hym (CMREYNAR,7.40) THO SPAK TYBERT THE CATTE (CMREYNAR,7.42) Wyth this so cam Tybert the catte wyth an Irous moed / (CMREYNAR,7.44) and sprang in emonge them (CMREYNAR,7.45) and sayde My lord the kyng / I here hier that reygnart is sore complayned on / (CMREYNAR,7.46) and hier is none but that he hath ynowh to doo to clere hym self / (CMREYNAR,8.47) that courtoys hier complayneth of that is passyd many yeres goon / (CMREYNAR,8.48) how be it that I complayne not / (CMREYNAR,8.49) that pudyng was myne / (CMREYNAR,8.50) For I hadde wonne it by nyghte in a mylle / (CMREYNAR,8.51) The myllar laye and slepe / (CMREYNAR,8.52) yf courtoys had ony parte hieron / that cam by me to / (CMREYNAR,8.53) Thenne spak panther / (CMREYNAR,8.54) Thynke ye Tybert that it were good that reynard sholde not be complayned on / (CMREYNAR,8.55) he is a very murderer / a rouer / and a theef / (CMREYNAR,8.56) he loueth noman so wel / not our lord the kyng here that he wel wold that he shuld lese good and worshyp / so that he myght wynne as moche as a legge of a fat henne / (CMREYNAR,8.57) I shal telle yow what I sawe hym do yesterday to Cuwaert the hare that hier standeth in the kynges pees and saufgarde / (CMREYNAR,8.58) he promysed to Cuwart and sayde he wold teche hym his credo / and make hym a good chapelayn / (CMREYNAR,8.59) he made hym goo sytte bytwene his legges (CMREYNAR,8.60) and sange and cryde lowde Credo . Credo . (CMREYNAR,8.61) my waye laye ther by there that I herde this songe / (CMREYNAR,8.62) Tho wente I ner (CMREYNAR,8.63) and fonde maister reynard that had lefte that he fyrst redde and songe / and bygan to playe his olde playe / (CMREYNAR,8.64) For he had caught kywaert by the throte / (CMREYNAR,8.65) and had I not that tyme comen he sholde haue taken his lyf from hym like as ye hiere may see on kywaert the hare the fresshe wounde yet / (CMREYNAR,8.66) For sothe my lord the kynge yf ye suffre this vnpunysshyd and lete hym go quyte that hath thus broken your peas / And wyl do no right after the sentence and Iugement of your men / your Chyldren many yeris herafter shal be myspreysed and blamed therfore / (CMREYNAR,8.67) Sykerly panther sayd Isegrym ye saye trouthe / (CMREYNAR,8.68) hit were good that right and Iustyse were don / for them that wolde fayn lyue in peas / (CMREYNAR,8.69) HOW GRYMBART THE DASSE THE FOXES SUSTERS SONE SPACK FOR REYNART AND ANSWERD TO FORE THE KYNGE . (CMREYNAR,8.71) CAPITULO .IIIJ . (CMREYNAR,8.72) Tho spack Grymbart the dasse / and was Reynarts suster sone wyth an angry moed / (CMREYNAR,8.74) Sir Isegrym that is euyl sayd (CMREYNAR,8.75) it is a comyn prouerbe An Enemyes mouth / sayth seeld wel / (CMREYNAR,8.76) what leye ye / and wyte myn Eme Reynart / (CMREYNAR,8.77) I wold that ye wolde a venture that who of yow tweyne had moste trespaced to other sholde hange by the necke as a theef on a tree / (CMREYNAR,8.78) But and yf he were as wel in this court and as wel wyth the kynge as ye be / it shold not be thought in hym / that it were ynowh / that ye shold come and aske hym forgyuenes (CMREYNAR,9.79) ye haue byten and nypte myn vncle wyth your felle and sharp teeth many mo tymes than I can telle / (CMREYNAR,9.80) yet wil I telle some poyntes that I wel knowe / (CMREYNAR,9.81) knowe not ye how ye mysdeled on the plays / whiche he threwe doun fro the carre / whan ye folowed after fro ferre / (CMREYNAR,9.82) And ye ete the good plays allone / (CMREYNAR,9.83) and gaf hym nomore than the grate or bones / whyche ye myght not ete your self / (CMREYNAR,9.84) In lyke wyse dyde ye to hym also of the fatte vlycche of bacon / whiche sauourd so wel / that ye allone ete in your bely / (CMREYNAR,9.85) and whan myn Eme askyd his parte / tho answerd ye hym agayn in scorne / Reynart fayr yonglyng I shal gladly gyue you your part / (CMREYNAR,9.86) but myn eme gate ne had nought / (CMREYNAR,9.87) ne was not the better / Notwithstandyng he had wonnen the flycche of bacon wyth grete drede / (CMREYNAR,9.88) For the man cam (CMREYNAR,9.89) and threw hym in a sacke / that he scarsely cam out wyth his lyf / (CMREYNAR,9.90) Suche maner thynges hath reynart many tymes suffred thurgh ysegrym . (CMREYNAR,9.91) O ye lordes thynke ye that this is good / (CMREYNAR,9.92) yet is ther more / (CMREYNAR,9.93) he complayneth how that reynart myn eme hath moche trespaced to hym by cause of his wyf / (CMREYNAR,9.94) Myn Eme hath leyn by her (CMREYNAR,9.95) but that is wel seuen yer to fore / er he wedded her / (CMREYNAR,9.96) and yf reynart for loue and curtosye dyde with . her his wille / what was that / (CMREYNAR,9.97) She was sone heled therof / (CMREYNAR,9.98) hierof by ryght shold be no complaynt were Isegrym wyse . (CMREYNAR,9.99) he shold haue lefte that he doth to hym self no worshyp thus to sklaundre his wyf / (CMREYNAR,9.100) She playneth not / (CMREYNAR,9.101) now maketh kywaert the hare a complaynt also / that thynketh me a vyseuase / (CMREYNAR,9.102) yf he rede ne lerned a right his lesson / sholde not reynard his maister bete hym therfore / (CMREYNAR,9.103) yf the scolers were not beten ne smyten and reprised of their truantrye / they shold neuer lerne / (CMREYNAR,9.104) Now complayneth Curtoys that he with payne had goten a puddyng in the wynter / at suche tyme as the coste is euyl to fynde (CMREYNAR,9.105) Therof hym had be better to haue holde his pees / (CMREYNAR,9.106) for he had stolen it / (CMREYNAR,9.107) Male quesisti et male perdidisti (CMREYNAR,9.108) hit is ryght that it be euil loste / that is euil wonne (CMREYNAR,9.109) who shal blame Reynart / yf he haue taken fro a theef stolen good (CMREYNAR,9.110) hit is reson who that vnderstandeth the lawe and can discerne the right / and that he be of hye burthe as myn Eme reynart is whiche knoweth wel how he shal resseyue stolen good / ye al had he courtoys hanged whan he fonde hym with the menowr / (CMREYNAR,9.111) he had not moche mysdon ne trespaced / Sauf ayenst the crowne / that he had don Iustyse wythoute leue wherfore for the honour of the kynge he dyde it not / (CMREYNAR,10.112) all hath he but lytyl thanke / (CMREYNAR,10.113) what skatheth it hym that he is thus complayned on / (CMREYNAR,10.114) Myn Eme is a gentil and a trewe man (CMREYNAR,10.115) he may suffre no falshede / (CMREYNAR,10.116) he doth nothyng but by his prestes counseyl (CMREYNAR,10.117) And I saye yow syth that my lorde the kynge hath do proclamed his pees he neuer thoughte to hurte ony man / (CMREYNAR,10.118) For he eteth no more than ones a day / (CMREYNAR,10.119) he lyueth as a recluse / (CMREYNAR,10.120) he chastiseth his body (CMREYNAR,10.121) and wereth a sherte of heer / (CMREYNAR,10.122) hit is more than a yere that he hath eten no flesshe / (CMREYNAR,10.123) as I yesterday herd saye of them that cam fro hym he hath lefte and geuen ouer his Castel maleperduys / (CMREYNAR,10.124) And hath bylded a cluse / theryn dwelleth he / (CMREYNAR,10.125) and hunteth nomore / (CMREYNAR,10.126) ne desyreth no wynnynge (CMREYNAR,10.127) but he lyueth by almesse (CMREYNAR,10.128) and taketh nothyng but suche as men gyue hym for charyte (CMREYNAR,10.129) and doth grete penance for his synnes / (CMREYNAR,10.130) and he is woxen moche pale and lene of prayeng and wakyng (CMREYNAR,10.131) For he wolde be fayn wyth god / (CMREYNAR,10.132) Thus as grymbert his eme stode and preched thise wordes / so sawe they comen doun the hylle to hem chauntecler the cock (CMREYNAR,10.133) and brought on a biere a deed henne of whom reynart had byten the heed of / (CMREYNAR,10.134) and that muste be shewed to the kynge for to haue knowleche therof . (CMREYNAR,10.135) HOW THE COCKE COMPLAYNED ON REYNART (CMREYNAR,10.137) CAPITULO .V=O= . (CMREYNAR,10.138) Chauntecler cam forth (CMREYNAR,10.140) and smote pyteously his handes and his fetheris (CMREYNAR,10.141) and on eche side of the byer wenten tweyne sorouful hennes (CMREYNAR,10.142) that one was called cantart and that other goode henne Crayant (CMREYNAR,10.143) they were two the fayrest hennes that were bytwene holland and arderne / (CMREYNAR,10.144) Thise hennes bare eche of them a brennyng tapre whiche was longe and strayte / (CMREYNAR,10.145) Thise two hennes were coppens susters (CMREYNAR,10.146) And they cryed so pitously / Alas and weleaway for the deth of her dere suster coppen / (CMREYNAR,10.147) Two yonge hennes bare the byere whiche kakled so heuyly and wepte so lowde for the deth of coppen their moder that it was ferre herde / (CMREYNAR,10.148) thus cam they to gydre to fore the kynge / (CMREYNAR,10.149) And chantecleer tho seyde / Mercyful lord / my lord the kynge plese it yow to here our complaynte / And abhorren the grete scathe that reynart hath don to me and my children that hiere stonden / (CMREYNAR,10.150) it was so that in the begynnyng of appryl whan the weder is fayr / as that I was hardy and prowde / bycause of the grete lynage that I am comen of and also hadde / (CMREYNAR,11.151) For I had viij fayr sones and seuen fayr doughters whiche my wyf had hatched . (CMREYNAR,11.152) and they were alle stronge and fatte (CMREYNAR,11.153) and wente in a yerde whiche was walled round aboute / In whiche was a shadde where in were six grete dogges whiche had to tore and plucked many a beestis skyn in suche wyse as my chyldren were not aferd / On whom Reynart the theef had grete enuye by cause they were so sure that he cowde none gete of them / (CMREYNAR,11.154) how wel oftymes hath this fel theef goon rounde aboute this wal / and hath leyde for vs in suche wyse that the dogges haue be sette on hym and haue hunted hym away / (CMREYNAR,11.155) And ones they leep on hym vpon the banke / (CMREYNAR,11.156) And that cost hym somwhat for his thefte / (CMREYNAR,11.157) I saw that his skyn smoked (CMREYNAR,11.158) neuertheles he wente his waye / (CMREYNAR,11.159) god amende it / (CMREYNAR,11.160) Thus were we quyte of reynart a longe whyle / (CMREYNAR,11.161) atte laste cam he in lyknes of an heremyte / (CMREYNAR,11.162) and brought to me a lettre for to rede sealed wyth the kynges seal / in whiche stode wreton that the kynge had made pees oueral in his royame / and that alle maner beestis and fowlles shold doo none harme ner scathe to ony other / (CMREYNAR,11.163) yet sayd he to me more / that he was a cloysterer or a closyd recluse becomen / And that he wolde receyue grete penance for his synnes / (CMREYNAR,11.164) he shewd me his slauyne and pylche and an heren sherte ther vnder / (CMREYNAR,11.165) and thenne sayd he / syr Chaunteclere after thys tyme be no more aferd of me (CMREYNAR,11.166) ne take no hede / (CMREYNAR,11.167) For I now wil ete nomore flesshe / (CMREYNAR,11.168) I am forthon so olde / That I wolde fayn remembre my sowle (CMREYNAR,11.169) I wil now go forth / (CMREYNAR,11.170) for I haue yete to saye my sexte / none / and myn euensonge to god (CMREYNAR,11.171) I bytake yow / (CMREYNAR,11.172) Tho wente reynart thens sayeng his Credo / (CMREYNAR,11.173) and leyde hym vnder an hawthorn / (CMREYNAR,11.174) Thenne / was I glad and mery / (CMREYNAR,11.175) and also toke none hede / (CMREYNAR,11.176) And wente to my chyldren (CMREYNAR,11.177) and clucked hem to gydre (CMREYNAR,11.178) And wente wythout the wal for to walke wherof is moche harme comen to vs / (CMREYNAR,11.179) for reynart laye vnder a busshe (CMREYNAR,11.180) and cam krepyng bitwene vs and the yate / so that he caught one of my chyldren and leyd hym in his male / wherof whe haue had grete harme / (CMREYNAR,11.181) for syth he hath tasted of hym / ther myght neuer hunter ne hounde saue ne kepe hym from vs / (CMREYNAR,11.182) he hath wayted by nyghte and daye in suche wyse that he hath stolen so many of my chyldren that of .xv. I haue but foure / (CMREYNAR,11.183) in suche wyse hath this theef forslongen them / (CMREYNAR,12.184) And yet yesterday was coppen my doughter that hier lyeth vpon the byer with the houndes rescowed (CMREYNAR,12.185) This complayne I to yow gracious kynge / (CMREYNAR,12.186) haue pyte on myn grete and vnresonable damage and losse of my fayre chyldren / (CMREYNAR,12.187) HOW THE KYNG SPACK TOUCHYNG THIS COMPLAYNT (CMREYNAR,12.189) CA .VJ : (CMREYNAR,12.190) Thenne spack the kynge / Syre dasse here ye this wel of the recluse your Eme (CMREYNAR,12.192) he hath fasted and prayde that yf I lyue a yere he shal abye it / (CMREYNAR,12.193) Nowe herke chauntecler / (CMREYNAR,12.194) your playnt is ynogh (CMREYNAR,12.195) your doughter that lyeth here dede / we wyl gyue to her the dethes right (CMREYNAR,12.196) we may kepe her no lenger / (CMREYNAR,12.197) we wil betake her to god / (CMREYNAR,12.198) we wylle syngen here vygylie / and brynge her worshipfully on erthe / (CMREYNAR,12.199) and thenne we wille speke wyth thise lordes and take counseyl how we may do ryght and Iustyse of thys grete murdre / and brynge this fals theef to the lawe / (CMREYNAR,12.200) Tho begonne they placebo domino / with the verses that to longen whiche yf I shold saye / were me to longe / (CMREYNAR,12.201) whan this vigilye was don and the commendacion / she was leyde in the pytte / (CMREYNAR,12.202) and ther vpon was leyde a marble stone polyshed as clere as ony glas (CMREYNAR,12.203) and theron was hewen in grete lettres in this wyse (CMREYNAR,12.204) coppe chanteklers doughter / whom Reynart the foxe hath byten lyeth hier vnder buryed / (CMREYNAR,12.205) complayne ye her (CMREYNAR,12.206) For / she is shamefully comen to her deth / (CMREYNAR,12.207) after this the / kynge sente For his lordes and wysest of his counseyl for to take aduys / how this grete murdre and trespaas shold be punysshyd on reynart the foxe / (CMREYNAR,12.208) Ther was concluded and apoynted for the beste / that reynart shold be sent Fore and that he lefte not for ony cause / But he cam in to the kynges court For to here wat shold be sayd to hym / And that bruyn the bere shold do the message . (CMREYNAR,12.209) the kynge thought that alle this was good (CMREYNAR,12.210) and saide to brune the bere syr brune I wyl that ye doo this message / (CMREYNAR,12.211) but see wel to for your self / (CMREYNAR,12.212) For reynart is a shrewe / and felle (CMREYNAR,12.213) and knoweth so many wyles that he shal lye and flatre / and shal thynke how he may begyle deceyue and brynge yow to some mockerye / (CMREYNAR,12.214) tho sayd brune what good lord late it allone / (CMREYNAR,12.215) deceyueth me the foxe / so haue I ylle lerned my casus / (CMREYNAR,12.216) I trowe he shal come to late to mocque me / (CMREYNAR,12.217) Thus departed brune meryly fro thens / (CMREYNAR,12.218) but it is to drede that he cam not so merely agayn / (CMREYNAR,12.219) HOW BRUNE THE BEERE WAS SPED OF REYNART THE FOXE / (CMREYNAR,13.222) CAPITULO .VIJ=O= . (CMREYNAR,13.223) Now is brune goon on his waye toward the foxe wyth a stowte moede / whiche supposed wel that the foxe sholde not haue begyled hym / (CMREYNAR,13.225) as he cam in a derke wode in a forest were as reynard had a bypath whan he was hunted / ther bysyde was as hie montayne and lande / (CMREYNAR,13.226) and there muste brune in the myddel goon ouer for to goo to maleperduys / (CMREYNAR,13.227) for reynart had many a dwellyng place / (CMREYNAR,13.228) but the castel of maleperduys was the beste and the fastest burgh that he had / (CMREYNAR,13.229) Ther laye he Inne whan he had nede and was in ony drede or fere / (CMREYNAR,13.230) Now whan bruyn was comen to maleperduys he fonde the yate fast shette / (CMREYNAR,13.231) tho wente he to fore the yate (CMREYNAR,13.232) and satte vpon his taylle (CMREYNAR,13.233) and called Reynart be ye at home (CMREYNAR,13.234) I am brownyng / (CMREYNAR,13.235) the kynge hath sente me for yow that ye sholde come to court / for to plete your caas / (CMREYNAR,13.236) he hath sworn there by his god / come ye not / or brynge I yow not with me for tabyde suche right and sentence as shal be there gyuen / it shal coste you your lyf (CMREYNAR,13.237) he wyl hange yow / or sette yow on the ratte / (CMREYNAR,13.238) reynart doo by my counseyl (CMREYNAR,13.239) and come to the court / (CMREYNAR,13.240) Reynart laye within the gate as he ofte was wonte to doo for the warmth of the sonne / (CMREYNAR,13.241) whan reynart herd bruyn tho wente he Inneward in to his hole / (CMREYNAR,13.242) for maleperduys was ful of hooles / hier one hool and there an other and yonder an other / narowe . croked and longe wyth / many weyes to goo out / whiche he opend and shette after that he had nede / (CMREYNAR,13.243) whan he had ony proye brought home / or that he wiste that ony sought hym for hys mysdedes and trespaces / thenne he ran and hydde hym fro his enemyes in to hys secrete chambres / that they coude not fynde hym / by whiche he deceyuyd many a beest that sought hym / (CMREYNAR,13.244) and to thought reynart in hym self how he myght best brynge the beere in charge and nede / and that he abode in worship / (CMREYNAR,13.245) In this thoughte reynart cam out (CMREYNAR,13.246) and sayde bruyn eme ye be welcome / (CMREYNAR,13.247) I herde you wel to fore / (CMREYNAR,13.248) but I was in myn euesong (CMREYNAR,13.249) therfore haue I the lenger taryed a lytyl / (CMREYNAR,13.250) dere eme he hath don to you no good seruyse (CMREYNAR,13.251) and I can hym no thank that hath sente you ouer this longe hylle / (CMREYNAR,13.252) for I see that ye be also wery that the swete renneth doun by your chekys / (CMREYNAR,13.253) it was no nede / (CMREYNAR,13.254) I had neuertheles comen to court to morowe (CMREYNAR,13.255) but I sorowe now the lasse / (CMREYNAR,13.256) for your wyse counseyl shal wel helpe me in the court / (CMREYNAR,14.257) and coude the kyng fynde none lasse messager but yow For to sende hyther / that is grete / wonder / (CMREYNAR,14.258) For next the kynge ye be the mooste gentyl and richest of leeuys and / of lande / (CMREYNAR,14.259) I wolde wel that we were now at the court (CMREYNAR,14.260) but I fere me that I shal not conne wel goo thyder / (CMREYNAR,14.261) for I haue eten so moche new mete / that me thynketh my bely wylle breke or cleue asonder (CMREYNAR,14.262) and by cause the mete was nyewe / I ete the more / (CMREYNAR,14.263) tho spack the bere lyef neue what mete haue ye eten that maked yow so ful / (CMREYNAR,14.264) dere eme that I ete what myght it helpe yow that yf I tolde yow / (CMREYNAR,14.265) I ete but symple mete (CMREYNAR,14.266) a poure man is no lord (CMREYNAR,14.267) that may ye knowe eme by me / (CMREYNAR,14.268) we poure folke muste ete oftymes suche as we gladly wolde not ete yf we had better / (CMREYNAR,14.269) they were grete hony combes which I muste nedes ete for hunger / (CMREYNAR,14.270) they haue made my bely so grete / that I can nowher endure / (CMREYNAR,14.271) Bruyn tho spack anone / (CMREYNAR,14.272) alas reynart what saye ye / (CMREYNAR,14.273) sette ye so lytyl by hony / (CMREYNAR,14.274) me ought to preyse and loue it aboue alle mete / (CMREYNAR,14.275) lief reynart helpe me that I myght gete a deel of this hony / (CMREYNAR,14.276) and as longe as I lyue I shal be to you a tryew friende and abyde by yow as ferre as ye helpe me that I may haue a parte of thys hony / (CMREYNAR,14.277) HOW THE KYNGE HELDE HIS FEESTE / AND HOW LAPREEL THE CONY COMPLAYNED VNTO THE KYNGE VPON REYNART THE FOXE (CMREYNAR,51.281) CAPITULO .XXIIJ=O= . (CMREYNAR,51.282) To this grete feste cam al maner of beestis / (CMREYNAR,51.284) For the kynge dyde do crye this feste ouer alle in that londe / (CMREYNAR,51.285) Ther was the moste Ioye and myrthe that euer was seen emonge beestis / (CMREYNAR,51.286) Ther was daunsed manerly the houedaunce with shalmouse trompettis and alle maner of menestralsye / (CMREYNAR,51.287) the kynge dyde do ordeyne so moche mete / that euerych fonde ynough / (CMREYNAR,51.288) And ther was no beest in al his lande so grete ne so lytyl but he was there / (CMREYNAR,51.289) and ther were many fowles and byrdes also / (CMREYNAR,51.290) and alle they that desired the kynges frendship were there / sauyng reynard the foxe / the rede false pilgrym whiche laye in a wayte to doo harme / and thoughte it was not good for hym to be there / (CMREYNAR,51.291) Mete and drynke flowed there / (CMREYNAR,51.292) Ther weere playes and esbatemens / (CMREYNAR,51.293) The feest was ful of melodye / (CMREYNAR,51.294) One myght haue luste to see suche a feeste / (CMREYNAR,51.295) and right as the feeste had dured viij dayes / aboute mydday cam in the cony lapreel to fore the kynge where he satte on the table with the quene / (CMREYNAR,51.296) and sayde al heuyly that all they herde hym that were there / My lorde haue pyte on my complaynt whiche is of grete force and murdre that reynard the foxe wold haue don to me / (CMREYNAR,52.297) yester morow as I cam rennyng by his borugh at maleperdhuys he stode byfore his dore without lyke a pylgryme / (CMREYNAR,52.298) I supposed to haue passed by hym peasible toward this feste (CMREYNAR,52.299) and whan he sawe me come / he came ayenst me sayeng his bedes (CMREYNAR,52.300) I salewed hym / (CMREYNAR,52.301) but / he spack not one worde / (CMREYNAR,52.302) but he raught out his right foot (CMREYNAR,52.303) and dubbed me in the necke bytwene myn Eeris / that I had wende I sholde haue loste my heed / (CMREYNAR,52.304) but god be thanked (CMREYNAR,52.305) I was so lyght that I sprange fro hym / (CMREYNAR,52.306) wyth moche payne cam I of his clawes / (CMREYNAR,52.307) he grymmed as he had ben angry by cause he helde me no faster / (CMREYNAR,52.308) tho I escaped from hym I loste myn one ere / (CMREYNAR,52.309) and I had foure grete holes in my heed of his sharpe nayles that the blood sprange out / and that I was nyhe al a swoun / (CMREYNAR,52.310) but for the grete fere of my lyf I sprange and ran so faste fro hym that he coude not ouertake me / (CMREYNAR,52.311) See my lord thise grete woundes that he hath made to me with his sharpe longe nayles / (CMREYNAR,52.312) I praye you to haue pite of me and that ye wil / punysshe this false traytour and morderar / (CMREYNAR,52.313) or ellis shal ther noman goo and comen ouer the heth in saefte / whyles he haunteth his false and shrewde rewle / (CMREYNAR,52.314) HOW CORBANT THE ROKE COMPLAYNED ON THE FOXE FOR THE DETH OF HIS WYF (CMREYNAR,52.316) CAPITULO .XXIIIJ=O= . (CMREYNAR,52.317) Ryght as the cony had made an ende of his complaynt / cam in corbant the roek flowen in the place to fore the kynge (CMREYNAR,52.319) and sayde / dere lorde here me / (CMREYNAR,52.320) I brynge you hier a piteous complaynt / (CMREYNAR,52.321) I wente to day by the morow wyth sharpebek my wyf for to playe vpon the heth (CMREYNAR,52.322) And there laye reynart the foxe doun on the grounde lyke a dede keytyf / (CMREYNAR,52.323) hys eyen stared (CMREYNAR,52.324) and his tonge henge longe out of his mouth / lyke an hounde had ben deed / (CMREYNAR,52.325) we tasted and felte his bely / (CMREYNAR,52.326) but we fonde theron no lyf / (CMREYNAR,52.327) tho wente my wyf (CMREYNAR,52.328) and herkened (CMREYNAR,52.329) and leyde her ere to fore his mouth for to wite yf he drewe his breeth / whiche mysfylle her euyl / (CMREYNAR,52.330) For the false felle foxe awayted wel his tyme (CMREYNAR,52.331) and whan he sawe her so nygh hym / he caught her by the heed (CMREYNAR,52.332) and boote it of / (CMREYNAR,52.333) tho was I in grete sorowe (CMREYNAR,52.334) and cryde lowde / Alas alas what is there happed / (CMREYNAR,52.335) thenne stode he hastely vp / (CMREYNAR,52.336) and raught so couetously after me that for feere of deth / I trembled and flewh vpon a tree therby and sawe fro ferre how the false keytyf ete and slonked her in so hungerly that he lefte neyther flessh ne bone / nomore but a fewe fethers / (CMREYNAR,53.337) the smal fethers he slange them in wyth the flessh / (CMREYNAR,53.338) he was so hungry / he wolde wel haue eten tweyne / (CMREYNAR,53.339) Tho wente he his strete / (CMREYNAR,53.340) tho flewe I doun wyth grete sorow (CMREYNAR,53.341) and gadred vp the fetheris for to shewe them to you here / (CMREYNAR,53.342) I wolde not be agayn in suche peryl and fere as I was there for a thousand marke / of the fynest gold that euer cam out of arabye / (CMREYNAR,53.343) My lord the kyng see hier this pyteous werke / (CMREYNAR,53.344) Thise ben the fethers of sharpbecke my wyf / (CMREYNAR,53.345) my lord yf ye wil haue worship ye muste do herfore Iustyce and auenge you in suche wise as men may fere and holde of yow / (CMREYNAR,53.346) For yf ye suffre thus youre saufconduyt to be broken / ye your self shal not goo peasibly in the hye way / (CMREYNAR,53.347) for tho lordes that do not Iustyce and suffre that the lawe be not executed vpon the theeuis / morderars and them that mysdoo / they be parteners to fore god of alle theyr mysdedes and trespaces / (CMREYNAR,53.348) and eueryche thenne / wylle be a lord hym self / (CMREYNAR,53.349) dere lorde see wel to for to kepe your self . (CMREYNAR,53.350) HOW THE KYNGE WAS SORE ANGRY OF THISE COMPLAYNTES (CMREYNAR,53.352) CAPITULO .XXV=O= . (CMREYNAR,53.353) Noble the kyng was sore meuyd and angry whan he had herde thise complayntes of the cony and of the roek / (CMREYNAR,53.355) he was so ferdful to loke on that his eyen glymmerd as fyre / (CMREYNAR,53.356) he brayed as lowde as a bulle in suche wise that alle the court quoke for feere / (CMREYNAR,53.357) at the laste he sayde cryeng / by my crowne and by the trouthe that I owe to my wyf I shal so awreke and auenge this trespaces / that it shal be longe spoken of after / that my saufconduyt and my commandement is thus broken (CMREYNAR,53.358) I was ouer nyce that I beleuid so lyghtly the false shrewe / (CMREYNAR,53.359) his false flateryng speche deceyued me / (CMREYNAR,53.360) He tolde me he wolde go to rome / and fro thens ouer see to the holy londe / (CMREYNAR,53.361) I gaf hym male and palster (CMREYNAR,53.362) and made of hym a pylgrym (CMREYNAR,53.363) and mente al trouth / (CMREYNAR,53.364) O what false touches can he / (CMREYNAR,53.365) how can he stuffe the sleue wyth flockes / (CMREYNAR,53.366) but this caused my wyf / (CMREYNAR,53.367) it was al by her counseyl / (CMREYNAR,53.368) I am not the fyrst that haue ben deceyued by wymmens counseyl by whiche many a grete hurte hath byfallen / (CMREYNAR,53.369) I pray and comande alle them that holde of me and desire my frendship / be they here or wher someuer they be / that they wyth theyr conseyl and dedes helpe me tauenge this ouer grete trespaas / that we and owris may abyde in honour and worship / and this false theef in shame that he nomore trespace ayenst our saufgarde / (CMREYNAR,54.370) I wil my self in my persone helpe therto al that I maye / (CMREYNAR,54.371) Ysegrym the wulf and bruyn the bere herde wel the kynges wordes / (CMREYNAR,54.372) and hoped wel to be auengid on reynard the foxe (CMREYNAR,54.373) but they durste not speke one word (CMREYNAR,54.374) The kynge was so sore meuyd that none durste wel speke / (CMREYNAR,54.375) Atte laste the quene spak / (CMREYNAR,54.376) Sire pour dieu ne croyes mye toutes choses que on vous dye / et ne Iures pas legierment / (CMREYNAR,54.377) A man of worship shold not lyghtly bileue / ne swere gretly vnto the tyme he knewe the mater clerly / (CMREYNAR,54.378) and also me ought by right here that other partye speke / (CMREYNAR,54.379) Ther ben many that complayne on other and ben in the defaute them self . (CMREYNAR,54.380) Audi alteram partem . (CMREYNAR,54.381) here that other partye / (CMREYNAR,54.382) I haue truly holden the foxe for good / (CMREYNAR,54.383) and vpon that / that he mente no falshede / I helped hym that I myghte (CMREYNAR,54.384) but how someuer it cometh or gooth / is he euyl or good / me thynketh for your worship that ye shold not procede ayenst hym ouer hastely (CMREYNAR,54.385) that were not good ne honeste / (CMREYNAR,54.386) For he may not escape fro you / (CMREYNAR,54.387) Ye maye prysone hym or flee hym / (CMREYNAR,54.388) he muste obeye your Iugement / (CMREYNAR,54.389) thenne saide fyrapel the lupaerd / My lord me thynketh / my lady here hath saide to you trouthe and gyuen yow good counseyl (CMREYNAR,54.390) do ye wel (CMREYNAR,54.391) and folowe her and take aduyse of your wyse counseyl / (CMREYNAR,54.392) And yf he be founden gylty in the trespaces that now to yow be shewd / late hym be sore punysshid acordyng to hys trespaces / (CMREYNAR,54.393) And yf he come not hyther / er this feste be ended and excuse hym / as he ought of right to doo / thenne doo as the counseyl shal aduyse yow / (CMREYNAR,54.394) But and yf he were twyes as moche false and ylle as he / is / I wolde not counseylle that he sholde be done to more than right (CMREYNAR,54.395) Isegrym the wulf saide sir fyrapal . all we agree to the same (CMREYNAR,54.396) as ferre as it pleseth my lord the kynge / it can not be better . (CMREYNAR,54.397) But though reynart were now here . and he cleryd hym of double so many playntes yet shold I brynge forth ayenst hym that he had forfayted his / lyf . (CMREYNAR,54.398) But I wyl now be stylle and saye not . by cause he is not presente (CMREYNAR,54.399) and yet aboue alle this he hath tolde the kynge of certayn tresour lyeng in krekenpyt in hulsterlo . (CMREYNAR,54.400) Ther was neuer lyed a greter lesyng . (CMREYNAR,54.401) ther wyth he hath vs alle begyled . (CMREYNAR,55.402) and hath sore hyndred me and the bere . (CMREYNAR,55.403) I dar leye my lyf theron that he sayd not therof a trewe worde . (CMREYNAR,55.404) Now robbeth he (CMREYNAR,55.405) and steleth vpon the heth / alle that gooth forth by his hows / (CMREYNAR,55.406) Neuertheles sir firapel what that pleseth the kynge and yow / that muste wel be don / (CMREYNAR,55.407) But and yf he wolde haue comen hyther / he myght haue ben here (CMREYNAR,55.408) for he had knowleche by the kynges messager / (CMREYNAR,55.409) The kynge sayde we wyl none otherwyse sende for hym / (CMREYNAR,55.410) but I commande alle them that owe me seruyse and wylle my honour and worshippe that they make them redy to the warre at the ende of vj dayes / all them that ben archers and haue bowes / gonnes bombardes horsemen / and footemen that alle thise be redy to besiege maleperduys / (CMREYNAR,55.411) I shal destroye reynart the foxe / yf I be a kynge / (CMREYNAR,55.412) ye lordes and sires what saye ye hereto / (CMREYNAR,55.413) wille ye doo this wyth a good wyl / (CMREYNAR,55.414) And they sayd and cryed alle / ye we lorde / whan that ye wylle / we shal alle goo with yow . (CMREYNAR,55.415) HOW GRYMBERT THE DASSE WARNED / THE FOXE / THAT THE KYNGE WAS WROTH WITH HYM AND WOLD SLEE HYM (CMREYNAR,55.417) CAPITULO .XXVJ=O= . (CMREYNAR,55.418) Alle thise wordes herde grymbert the dasse whiche was his brother sone / (CMREYNAR,55.420) he was sory and angry yf it myght haue prouffyted (CMREYNAR,55.421) he ranne thenne the hye way to maleperduys ward / (CMREYNAR,55.422) he spared nether busshe ne hawe / (CMREYNAR,55.423) but he hasted so sore that he swette / (CMREYNAR,55.424) he sorowed in hym self for reynart his rede eme / (CMREYNAR,55.425) and as he wente he saide to hym self Alas in what daunger be / ye comen in / (CMREYNAR,55.426) where shal ye become (CMREYNAR,55.427) shal I see you brought fro lyf to deth / or elles exyled out of the lande / (CMREYNAR,55.428) truly I may be wel sorouful / (CMREYNAR,55.429) for ye be the heed of alle our lygnage / (CMREYNAR,55.430) ye be wyse of counseyl / (CMREYNAR,55.431) ye be redy to helpe your frendes whan they haue nede / (CMREYNAR,55.432) ye can so wel shewe your resons / that where ye speke / ye wynne all / (CMREYNAR,55.433) with suche maner wayllyng / and pytous wordes cam grymbert to maleperduys / (CMREYNAR,55.434) And fonde reynart his eme there standyng / whiche had goten two pygeons / as they cam first out of her neste to assaye yf they coude flee (CMREYNAR,55.435) and bicause the fethers on her wyngis were to shorte / they fylle doun to the ground / (CMREYNAR,55.436) And as reynart was gon out to seche his mete / he espyed them (CMREYNAR,55.437) and caught hem (CMREYNAR,55.438) and was comen home with hem / (CMREYNAR,55.439) And whan he sawe grymbert comyng / he taryed (CMREYNAR,55.440) and said / welcome my best beloued neuew that I knowe in al my kynrede / ye haue ronne faste (CMREYNAR,55.441) ye ben al be swette / (CMREYNAR,56.442) haue ye ony newe tydynges / (CMREYNAR,56.443) alas said he / lyef eme it standeth euyl wyth yow / (CMREYNAR,56.444) ye haue loste both lyf and good / (CMREYNAR,56.445) the kynge hath sworn that he shal gyue you a shameful deth / (CMREYNAR,56.446) he hath commanded alle his folke withyn vj dayes for to be here / Archers fotemen / horsemen / And peple in waynes (CMREYNAR,56.447) And he hath gunnes / bombardes tentes and pauyllyons / (CMREYNAR,56.448) And also he hath do laaden torches / (CMREYNAR,56.449) See to fore yow / (CMREYNAR,56.450) For ye haue nede / (CMREYNAR,56.451) Ysegrym and bruyn ben better now wyth the kynge than I am wyth yow / (CMREYNAR,56.452) Alle that they wille / Is doon / (CMREYNAR,56.453) Isegrym hath don hym to vnderstande that ye be a theef and a morderar (CMREYNAR,56.454) he hath grete enuye to yow . (CMREYNAR,56.455) Lapreel the cony and Corbant the roek haue made a grete complaynt also . (CMREYNAR,56.456) I sorow moche for your lyf . That for drede I am alle seke . (CMREYNAR,56.457) Puf said the foxe / dere neuew is ther nothyng ellis / (CMREYNAR,56.458) be ye so sore aferd herof (CMREYNAR,56.459) Make good chere hardely / (CMREYNAR,56.460) thaugh the kynge hym self and alle that ben in the court had sworn my deth / yet shal I be exalted aboue them alle / (CMREYNAR,56.461) They maye alle faste Iangle clatre and yeue counseyl / (CMREYNAR,56.462) but the courte may not prospere wythoute me and my wyles and subtylte (CMREYNAR,56.463) HOW REYNART THE FOXE CAM ANOTHER TYME TO THE COURTE (CMREYNAR,56.465) CAPITULO .XXVIJ=O= . (CMREYNAR,56.466) Dere neuew late alle thise thynges passe (CMREYNAR,56.468) and come here in / (CMREYNAR,56.469) and see what I shal gyue you / a good payre of fatte pygeons / (CMREYNAR,56.470) I loue no mete better / (CMREYNAR,56.471) They ben good to dygeste / (CMREYNAR,56.472) they may almost be swolowen in al hool (CMREYNAR,56.473) the bones ben half blode / (CMREYNAR,56.474) I ete them wyth that other / (CMREYNAR,56.475) I fele my self other whyle encombred in my stomak (CMREYNAR,56.476) therfore ete I gladly lyght mete . (CMREYNAR,56.477) My wyf ermelyn shal receyue vs frendly / (CMREYNAR,56.478) but telle her nothyng of this thynge / (CMREYNAR,56.479) For she sholde take it ouer heuyly / (CMREYNAR,56.480) she is tendre of herte . (CMREYNAR,56.481) she myght for fere falle in somme sekenes / (CMREYNAR,56.482) a lytyl thynge gooth sore to her herte / (CMREYNAR,56.483) And to morow erly I wil goo with yow to the courte / (CMREYNAR,56.484) And yf I may come to speche and may be herd / I shal ansuere / That I shal touche somme nygh ynowh / (CMREYNAR,56.485) neuew wyl not ye stande by me / as a frende ought to doo to another / (CMREYNAR,56.486) yes truly dere eme said grymbert my lyf and alle my good is at your commandement / (CMREYNAR,56.487) god thanke you neuew said the foxe / (CMREYNAR,56.488) That is wel said . (CMREYNAR,56.489) yf I may lyue I shal quyte it yow / (CMREYNAR,56.490) Eme said grymbert ye may wel come tofore alle the lordes and excuse yow (CMREYNAR,57.491) ther shal none areste yow ne holde as longe as ye be in your wordes / (CMREYNAR,57.492) The quene and the lupaerd haue goten that / (CMREYNAR,57.493) then said the foxe / therfor I am glad / (CMREYNAR,57.494) thenne I care not for the beste of them an heer / (CMREYNAR,57.495) I shal wel saue my self / (CMREYNAR,57.496) they spake nomore herof / (CMREYNAR,57.497) but wente forth in to the burgh / (CMREYNAR,57.498) And fonde ermelyn there sittyng by her yonglyngs whiche aroose vp anon and receyuid them frendly / (CMREYNAR,57.499) Grymbert salewed his aunte and the chyldren wyth frendly wordes / (CMREYNAR,57.500) the ij pygeons were made redy for theyr soper / Whiche reynard had taken / (CMREYNAR,57.501) eche of them toke his part as ferre as it wolde stratche / (CMREYNAR,57.502) yf eche of hem had had one more / ther sholde but lytyl haue be lefte ouer / (CMREYNAR,57.503) the foxe saide / lief neuewe / how lyke ye my chyldren rosel and reynerdyn (CMREYNAR,57.504) they shal do worship to alle our lygnage / (CMREYNAR,57.505) They begynne al redy to do wel / (CMREYNAR,57.506) that one catcheth wel a chyken and that other a pullet / (CMREYNAR,57.507) They conne wel also duke in the water after lapwynches and dokys / (CMREYNAR,57.508) I wolde ofte sende them for prouande / (CMREYNAR,57.509) but I wil fyrste teche them how they shal kepe them fro the grynnes / fro the hunters and fro the houndes / (CMREYNAR,57.510) yf they were so ferre comen that they were wyse / I durste wel truste to them that they shold wel vytaylle vs in many good diuerses metes / That we now lacke / (CMREYNAR,57.511) And they lyke and folowe me wel / (CMREYNAR,57.512) For they playe alle grymmyng (CMREYNAR,57.513) and where they hate they loke frendly and meryly (CMREYNAR,57.514) For ther by they brynge them vnder their feet / (CMREYNAR,57.515) And byte the throte asondre / (CMREYNAR,57.516) This is the nature of the foxe / (CMREYNAR,57.517) They be swyfte in their takynge whiche pleseth me wel . (CMREYNAR,57.518) Eme said grymbert ye may be glad that ye haue suche wyse chyldren / (CMREYNAR,57.519) And I am glad of them also by cause they be of my kynne / (CMREYNAR,57.520) Grymbert said the foxe ye haue swette (CMREYNAR,57.521) and be wery (CMREYNAR,57.522) it were hye tyde that ye were at your reste / (CMREYNAR,57.523) Eme yf it plese you it thynketh me good (CMREYNAR,57.524) Tho laye they doun on a lytier made of strawe / (CMREYNAR,57.525) the foxe / hys wyf and hys chyldren wente alle to slepe / (CMREYNAR,57.526) But the foxe was al heuy / (CMREYNAR,57.527) and laye . sighed and sorowed how he myght beste excuse hym self / (CMREYNAR,57.528) On the morow erly he ruymed his castel (CMREYNAR,57.529) and wente with grymbart / (CMREYNAR,57.530) but he toke leue first of dame ermelyn his wyf and of his chyldren / (CMREYNAR,57.531) and sayde thynke not longe (CMREYNAR,57.532) I muste goo to the court wyth grymbert my cosyn / (CMREYNAR,57.533) yf I tarye somwhat be not aferde / (CMREYNAR,57.534) and yf ye here ony ylle tydyngis / take it alway for the beste . (CMREYNAR,57.535) And see wel to your self (CMREYNAR,57.536) and kepe our castel wel (CMREYNAR,57.537) I shal doo yonder the beste I can after that I see how it gooth (CMREYNAR,58.538) Alas reyner said she how haue ye now thus taken vpon yow for to go to the court agayn / (CMREYNAR,58.539) the last tyme that ye were there ye were in grete ieopardye of your lyf . (CMREYNAR,58.540) And ye sayde ye wold neuer come there more . (CMREYNAR,58.541) dame said the foxe . thauenture of the world is wonderly (CMREYNAR,58.542) it goth otherwhyle by wenyng / (CMREYNAR,58.543) Many one weneth to haue a thing whiche he muste forgoo . (CMREYNAR,58.544) I muste nedes now go thyder / (CMREYNAR,58.545) be content (CMREYNAR,58.546) it is al wythoute drede / (CMREYNAR,58.547) I hope to come at alther lengest with in fyue dayes agayn / (CMREYNAR,58.548) Here wyth he departed and wente wyth grymbert to the court ward / (CMREYNAR,58.549) And whan they were vpon the heeth thenne sayde reyner / Neuew syth I was laste shryuen I haue don many shrewde tornes / (CMREYNAR,58.550) I wolde ye wold here me now of alle that I haue trespaced in / (CMREYNAR,58.551) I made the bere to haue a grete wounde for the male whiche was cutte out of his skynne / (CMREYNAR,58.552) And also I made the wulf and his wyf to lese her shoon / (CMREYNAR,58.553) I peased the kynge with grete lesyngis (CMREYNAR,58.554) and bare hym on honde that the wulf and the bere wold haue betrayed hym and wolde haue slayn hym / (CMREYNAR,58.555) so I made the kynge right wroth with them where they deseruyd it not / (CMREYNAR,58.556) also I tolde to the kynge that ther was grete tresour in hulsterlo of whiche he was neuer the better ne richer / (CMREYNAR,58.557) for I lyed al that I sayde / (CMREYNAR,58.558) I ledde bellyn the ramme and kywart the hare with me / (CMREYNAR,58.559) and slewe kyward (CMREYNAR,58.560) and sente to the kynge by bellyn kywarts heed in skorn / (CMREYNAR,58.561) And I dowed the cony bytwene his eeris that almost I benamme his lyf from hym (CMREYNAR,58.562) For he escaped ayenst my wyl / (CMREYNAR,58.563) he was to me ouerswyft / (CMREYNAR,58.564) The roeke may wel complayne / (CMREYNAR,58.565) for I swolowed in dame sharpbeck his wyf / (CMREYNAR,58.566) and also I haue forgoten on thyng the laste tyme that I was shreuen to you / Which I haue syth bethought me / (CMREYNAR,58.567) And it was of grete deceyte that I dyde whiche I now wyll telle yow / (CMREYNAR,58.568) I cam wyth the wulf walkynge bytwene houthulst and eluerdynge / (CMREYNAR,58.569) There sawe we goo a rede mare / (CMREYNAR,58.570) And she had a black colte or a fool of iiij monethis olde / which was good and fatte (CMREYNAR,58.571) Isegrym was almost storuen for hunger / (CMREYNAR,58.572) And prayd me goo to the mare / and wyte of her yf she wold selle her fool / (CMREYNAR,58.573) I ran faste to the mare / (CMREYNAR,58.574) And axed that of her / (CMREYNAR,58.575) she sayd she wold selle it for money / (CMREYNAR,58.576) I demaunded of her how she wold selle it / (CMREYNAR,58.577) she sayde it is wreton in my hyndre foot / (CMREYNAR,58.578) Yf ye conne rede and be a clerk ye may come see and rede it . (CMREYNAR,58.579) Tho wyste I wel where she wold be . (CMREYNAR,58.580) and I saide nay for sothe I can not rede / (CMREYNAR,58.581) And also I desyre not to bye your chylde (CMREYNAR,58.582) Isegrym hath sente me hether . (CMREYNAR,58.583) and wold fayn knowe the prys therof / (CMREYNAR,58.584) the mare saide late hym come thenne hym self / (CMREYNAR,59.585) And I shal late hym haue knowleche / (CMREYNAR,59.586) I sayde / I shal / (CMREYNAR,59.587) and hastely wente to ysegrym (CMREYNAR,59.588) and saide / eme wil ye ete your bely ful of this colte / (CMREYNAR,59.589) so goo faste to the mare (CMREYNAR,59.590) for she taryeth after yow / (CMREYNAR,59.591) She hath do wryte the pris of her colte vnder her fote (CMREYNAR,59.592) she wolde that I shold haue redde it / (CMREYNAR,59.593) but I can not one lettre / whiche me sore repenteth / (CMREYNAR,59.594) For I wente neuer to scole / (CMREYNAR,59.595) eme wylle ye bye that colte / (CMREYNAR,59.596) conne ye rede so maye ye bye it / (CMREYNAR,59.597) oy neuew that can I wel (CMREYNAR,59.598) what shold me lette / (CMREYNAR,59.599) I can wel frenshe latyn englissh and duche . (CMREYNAR,59.600) I haue goon to scole at oxenford (CMREYNAR,59.601) I haue also wyth olde and auncyent doctours ben in the audyence and herde plees / (CMREYNAR,59.602) and also haue gyuen sentence / (CMREYNAR,59.603) I am lycensyd in bothe lawes / (CMREYNAR,59.604) what maner wrytyng that ony man can deuyse / I can rede it as perfyghtly as my name (CMREYNAR,59.605) I wyl goo to her (CMREYNAR,59.606) and shal anon vnderstonde the prys / (CMREYNAR,59.607) and bad me to tarye for hym / (CMREYNAR,59.608) and he ranne to the mare / (CMREYNAR,59.609) and axed of her how she wold selle her fool or kepe it / (CMREYNAR,59.610) she sayde the somme of the money standeth wreton after on my fote (CMREYNAR,59.611) he saide late me rede it / (CMREYNAR,59.612) she saide doo (CMREYNAR,59.613) and lyfte vp her foot whiche was newe shood wyth yron and vj stronge nayles / (CMREYNAR,59.614) and she smote hym wythout myssyng on his heed that he fyl doun as he had ben deed / (CMREYNAR,59.615) a man shold wel haue ryden a myle er he aroos / (CMREYNAR,59.616) The mare trotted a way wyth her colte / (CMREYNAR,59.617) And she leet Isegrym lyeng shrewdly hurt and wounded (CMREYNAR,59.618) He laye and bledde / (CMREYNAR,59.619) And howled as an hound / (CMREYNAR,59.620) I wente tho to hym (CMREYNAR,59.621) and sayde / Sir ysegrym dere eme how is it now wyth yow . (CMREYNAR,59.622) haue ye eten ynowh of the colte / (CMREYNAR,59.623) is your bely ful . (CMREYNAR,59.624) why gyue ye me no part (CMREYNAR,59.625) I dyde your erande . (CMREYNAR,59.626) haue ye slepte your dyner (CMREYNAR,59.627) I pray yow telle me what was wreton vnder the mares fote (CMREYNAR,59.628) what was it . (CMREYNAR,59.629) prose or ryme . (CMREYNAR,59.630) metre or verse . (CMREYNAR,59.631) I wold fayn knowe it . (CMREYNAR,59.632) I trowe it was cantum . (CMREYNAR,59.633) for I herde you synge me thoughte fro ferre . (CMREYNAR,59.634) for ye were so wyse that noman coude rede it better than ye / (CMREYNAR,59.635) Alas reynart alas said the wulf I pray you to leue youre mockyng . (CMREYNAR,59.636) I am so foule arayed and sore hurte . that an herte of stone myght haue pyte of me . (CMREYNAR,59.637) The hore wyth her longe legge had an yron foot I wende the nayles therof had ben lettres / (CMREYNAR,59.638) and she hytte me at the fyrst stroke vj. grete woundes in my heed that almost it is clouen . (CMREYNAR,59.639) suche maner lettres shal I neuer more desire to rede / (CMREYNAR,59.640) Dere eme is that trouthe that ye telle me / (CMREYNAR,59.641) I haue herof grete meruaylle / (CMREYNAR,59.642) I heelde you for one of the wysest clerkes that now lyue / (CMREYNAR,59.643) Now I here wel / (CMREYNAR,59.644) it is true that I long syth haue redde and herde / that the beste clerkes / ben not the wysest men / (CMREYNAR,59.645) the laye peple otherwhyle wexe wyse / (CMREYNAR,60.646) the cause that thise clerkes ben not the wysest / is that they studye so moche in the connyng and science / that they therin doole / (CMREYNAR,60.647) Thus brought I Isegrym in this grete laste and harme . That he vnneth byhelde his lyf / (CMREYNAR,60.648) Lyef neuew now haue I tolde you alle my synnes that I remembre . (CMREYNAR,60.649) What so euer falle at the courte . I wote neuer how it shal stonde with me there . (CMREYNAR,60.650) I am not now so sore aferd (CMREYNAR,60.651) For I am clere from synne (CMREYNAR,60.652) I wyl gladly come to mercy / and receyue penance by your counseyl (CMREYNAR,60.653) grymbert sayde the trespaces ben grete / (CMREYNAR,60.654) neuertheles who that is deed muste abide deed . (CMREYNAR,60.655) and therfore I wyl forgyue it you al togydre / With the fere that ye shal suffre therfore . er ye shal conne excuse you of the deth / (CMREYNAR,60.656) and hier vpon I wyl assoylle you . (CMREYNAR,60.657) but the moste hyndre that ye shal be . that ye sente kywarts heed to the court And that ye blynded the kynge wyth suche lyes / (CMREYNAR,60.658) Eme that was right euyl doon / (CMREYNAR,60.659) The foxe sayde . what lyef neuew . Who that wyl goo thurgh the world this to here . and that to see / and that other to telle . truly it may not clerly be done . (CMREYNAR,60.660) how shold ony man handle hony . but yf he lycked his fyngres (CMREYNAR,60.661) I am oftymes rored and prycked in my conscience as to loue god aboue all thynge and myn euen crysten as my self . as is to god wel acceptable . and acordyng to his lawe / (CMREYNAR,60.662) But how wene ye that reson wythin forth fyghteth ayenst the outeward wylle (CMREYNAR,60.663) than stonde I alle stylle in my self that me thynketh I haue loste alle my wittes / And wote not what me eyleth (CMREYNAR,60.664) I am thenne in suche a thought / (CMREYNAR,60.665) I haue now alle lefte my synnes / (CMREYNAR,60.666) And hate alle thynge that is not good / (CMREYNAR,60.667) and clymme in hye contemplacion aboue his commandements (CMREYNAR,60.668) but this specyal grace haue I whan I am alone / (CMREYNAR,60.669) But in a short whyle after whan the world cometh in me thenne fynde I in my waye so many stones / and the fote spores that thyse loos prelates / and riche preestys goo in / that I am anone taken agayn / (CMREYNAR,60.670) thenne cometh the world (CMREYNAR,60.671) and wyl haue this / (CMREYNAR,60.672) And the flesshe wyl lyue plesantly / whiche leye to fore me so many thinges that I thenne lose alle my good thoughtis and purpoos / (CMREYNAR,60.673) I here there synge pype / lawhe / playe / and alle myrthe / (CMREYNAR,60.674) And I here that these prelates and riche curates preche and saye al other wyse / than they thynke and doo / (CMREYNAR,60.675) There lerne I to lye / (CMREYNAR,60.676) the lesynges ben moste vsed in the lordes courtes (CMREYNAR,60.677) certaynly lordes / ladyes / prestis and clerkes maken most lesyngis / (CMREYNAR,60.678) Men dar not telle to the lordes now the trouthe / (CMREYNAR,60.679) Ther is defaute / (CMREYNAR,60.680) I must flatre and lye also / (CMREYNAR,61.681) or ellis I shold be shette wythout the dore / (CMREYNAR,61.682) I haue ofte herde men saye trouthe and rightfully / and haue theyr reson made wyth a lesynge lyke to theyr purpose and brought it in and wente thurgh by cause their mater shold seme the fayrer / (CMREYNAR,61.683) The lesyng oftymes cometh vnauysed / (CMREYNAR,61.684) And falleth in the mater vnwetyngly / (CMREYNAR,61.685) And so whan she is wel cladde / it goth forth thurgh with that other / (CMREYNAR,61.686) Dere neuew thus muste men now lye here / and there saye soth flatre / and menace / praye and curse / And seke euery man vpon his feblest and wekest / who otherwyse wylle now haunte and vse the world / than deuyse a lesyng in the fayrest wyse / and that bywymble with kerchieuis aboute in suche wise that men take it for a trouthe / (CMREYNAR,61.687) he is not ronne away fro his maister / (CMREYNAR,61.688) Can he that subtylte in suche wise that he stamer not in his wordes / and may thenne be herde / neuew / this man may doo wonder (CMREYNAR,61.689) he may were skarlet and gryse / (CMREYNAR,61.690) he wynneth in the spyrituel lawe and temporal also and where sommeuer he hath to doo / (CMREYNAR,61.691) Now ben ther many false shrewis that haue grete enuye that they haue so grete fordele / (CMREYNAR,61.692) And wene that they conne also wel lye / (CMREYNAR,61.693) And take on them to lye and to telle it forth / (CMREYNAR,61.694) he wolde fayn ete of the fatte morsellis . (CMREYNAR,61.695) but he is not bileued ne herd / (CMREYNAR,61.696) And many ben ther that be so plompe and folisshe that whan they wene beste to prononce and shewe their matere and conclude . They falle besyde and oute therof . (CMREYNAR,61.697) And can not thenne helpe hem self / (CMREYNAR,61.698) and leue theyr mater wythout tayl or heed (CMREYNAR,61.699) and he is a compted for a fool / (CMREYNAR,61.700) And many mocke them ther with / (CMREYNAR,61.701) but who can gyue to his lesynge a conclusion / and prononce it without tatelyng lyke as it were wreton to fore hym / and that he can so blynde the peple / That his lesynge shal better be bileuid than the trouthe / That is the man . (CMREYNAR,61.702) What connyng is it to saye the trouth that is good to doo . (CMREYNAR,61.703) How lawhe thise false subtyl shrewis that gyue counseyl to make thise lesynges . and sette them forth / And maken vnright goo aboue right / and make billes / and / sette in thynges that neuer were thought ne sayd / and teche men see thurgh their fyngres And alle for to wynne money / and late their tonges to hyre for to mayntene and strengthe their lesyngis (CMREYNAR,61.704) alas neuewe this is an euyl connyng / of whiche . lyf . scathe and hurte may come ther of / (CMREYNAR,61.705) I Saye not but that otherwhyle men muste Iape / bourde and lye in smale thyngis / (CMREYNAR,62.707) for who so sayth alway trouthe . he may not now goo nowher thurgh the world . (CMREYNAR,62.708) ther ben many that playe placebo . (CMREYNAR,62.709) who so alleway sayth trouth . shal fynde many lettyngis in his way . (CMREYNAR,62.710) Men may wel lye whan it is nede / and after amende it by counseyl / (CMREYNAR,62.711) For alle trespaces / ther is mercy . (CMREYNAR,62.712) Ther is no man so wyse / but he dooleth otherwhyle / (CMREYNAR,62.713) Grymbert sayde wel dere eme what thynge shal you lette . (CMREYNAR,62.714) ye knowe al thyng at the narewest / (CMREYNAR,62.715) ye shulde brynge me hastely in dotyng (CMREYNAR,62.716) your resons passen my vnderstandyng / (CMREYNAR,62.717) what nede haue ye to shryue you / (CMREYNAR,62.718) ye shulde your self by right be the preest / And lete me and other sheep come to you for to be shryuen / (CMREYNAR,62.719) ye knowe the state of the world in suche wyse as noman may halte tofore you / (CMREYNAR,62.720) Wyth suche maner talkynge they cam walkyng in to the court / (CMREYNAR,62.721) The foxe sorowed somwhat in his herte / (CMREYNAR,62.722) Neuertheles he bare it out (CMREYNAR,62.723) and stryked forth thurgh alle the folke til he cam in to the place where the kynge hym self was / (CMREYNAR,62.724) And grymbert was alway by the foxe (CMREYNAR,62.725) and sayd eme be not a ferde . (CMREYNAR,62.726) and make good chere / (CMREYNAR,62.727) who that is hardy thauenture helpeth hym / (CMREYNAR,62.728) Oftymes one day is better than somtyme an hole yere / (CMREYNAR,62.729) the foxe saide / Neuew ye saye trouthe / (CMREYNAR,62.730) god thanke you (CMREYNAR,62.731) ye comforte me wel / (CMREYNAR,62.732) And forth he wente (CMREYNAR,62.733) and lokyd grymly here and there as who saith / what wylle ye here come I / (CMREYNAR,62.734) he sawe there many of his kynne standyng whiche yonned hym but lytyl good / as the otter beuer and other to the nombre of .x. whome I shal . name afterward / (CMREYNAR,62.735) And somme were there that loued hym . (CMREYNAR,62.736) The Foxe cam in (CMREYNAR,62.737) and fyl doun on his knees to fore the kyng (CMREYNAR,62.738) and began his wordes (CMREYNAR,62.739) and sayde . (CMREYNAR,62.740)