{ED:1} STATUTUM PANIS ET SERUISIE (CMREYNES,121.5) If the baker lakke an vnce in the wyght of a ferthyng loff , he be amercyed at xx d . (CMREYNES,136.8) And if he lakke an vnce et dimidium , he to be amercyed at ii s . in alle maner of bred so lakkyng . (CMREYNES,136.9) And if he lakke past ii s. , he mote haue iugement to the pelory . (CMREYNES,136.10) This is the statute of our lord the King . (CMREYNES,136.11) ASSYSE OF BRED (CMREYNES,136.13) It is for to haue in mynde +tat +te assyse of bed shall be taken after +te myddes prys of whete and neyther of the best ne of +te worst , and +tat +te wyte schall not be chaunged but at vi d . incresynge of sale of a quarter of whete or disencresynge . (CMREYNES,136.15) And if the baxster be founde fauty in +te wy+gt of a ferthyng loof by ii s. vi d. , or within +tat defaut in wy+gt , he is amercyable in +tat defaute . (CMREYNES,136.16) And if he passe , he is nou+gt amercyable (CMREYNES,136.17) but shall haue iugement of +te pilory and nou+gt +geuyn for gold ne syluer . (CMREYNES,136.18) Or if he haue be fondyn ii fauty in brekyn +te assyse , he mote haue iugement withowte fyn for sesyng etc . (CMREYNES,137.19) And euery baxster mote haue his propre sygne on euery manere of his bred . (CMREYNES,137.20) And euery baxster in kepyng treuly +te assyse aforseyd , as it $is provyd be +te baxster of our lord +te Kyng , may wynne in euery quarter of whete bakyng iii d . and the bran and iii loues +te price of iii d . to the fornage , and i d. ob. to iii seruantis heyre , and ob. to ii knauis hyre , and ob. to salt and bulter . (CMREYNES,137.21) And Breton seith +tat if the baxster be ateynt of fals wy+gt of a ferthyng fonden in the wy+gt of ii s. , in +tat cas he is amercyable . (CMREYNES,137.22) And in euery faut that he is founde passynge a ferthyng wy+gt in +te wy+gt of ii s. , he is nout+g amercyable (CMREYNES,137.23) but mote haue iuyse etc . (CMREYNES,137.24) ASSYSE OF ALE (CMREYNES,137.26) It is to wete +tat whan a quarter of whete is solde for iii s . or for xl d. , and barly for xx d . or for ii s. , and otys for xvi d. , +tan may well the breweres selle in citie and burgh ii galounys of good and conable ale to drynk for i d. , and withowte citie or burgh , vplond iiii galounys for i d . (CMREYNES,137.28) And the assyse of ale ne sale shall no+gt be chaunged but in encresyng or dysencresynge xii d . in a quarter of corn . (CMREYNES,138.29) And wyll +ge wete in kepyng the assyse of ale aboueseyd alle costages and repryses of brewars acounted and alowed well and largely , +tei may in a quarter of malt bruyng gete iiii d . and all the +gyst , dreggys and draff as it is prouyd in the brewhous of our lord +te Kynge by alle the places of Ynglond in tyme of his antecessours . (CMREYNES,138.30) And +tat $+tis assyse of our lord +te Kyng be generally by all Ynglond proclamyd , +te Kyng comaundyth . (CMREYNES,138.31) And if +te brewster be comytted +tat he $halt no+gt this assyse , ffirst he mote be amercyed aftyr +te quantyte of +te trespase . (CMREYNES,138.32) If he trespase no+gt greuously and if he haue or wyll no+gt be iustyfyed , he mote haue the dome by an holl our of +te day in tyme of market most plener , +tat is to wete +te baker on +te pylory , +te brewster on +te trubechet . And +tat by +te centense +gouen of +te Reuerent Ffadyr Stephyn , sumtyme Archebysshoppe of Caunterbury . (CMREYNES,138.33) Item , (CMREYNES,138.34) wyte +ge +tat +te brewster shall not encrese or dysencrese +te assyse of ale in xii d . hyeng or lowyng in the price of a quarter of malt but a ferthyng etc . (CMREYNES,138.35) {ED:8} AD FACIENDUM IUSIURANDUM AD INQUISITIONEM (CMREYNES,143.40) " +Ge scholn soth seyn of alle maner articules +tat schal be put to +gow here of +te Kyngis behalfe and trewe verdite make . (CMREYNES,143.42) And +ge schall nothyng seyne for euyl wyll ne enmyte of no maner person , (CMREYNES,143.43) ne +ge schul nothyng consele ne hyde for no frensheppe ne kynrede , but trewlyche seyn , and kepe trewly the Kyngis counsell and +gour owen and +gour felas . (CMREYNES,143.44) And +tat +ge schulln thus don , so God +gow helpe and Holydom . " (CMREYNES,143.45) Et osculantur librum . De iuratoribus inter partes et partes : ponantur manus super librum , dicat senescallus : (CMREYNES,143.46) " Of how many articules +ge schulne soth seyn +tat here schall be put to +gow bytwyxe partye and partye , that is for to seyn Thomas atte Style and Symme Grubbe , weche ple schal be rehersyd aforn +gow . (CMREYNES,144.47) {ED:omit_following_words} And +ge schull for frensheppe ne for procurement ne mede on neyther partye (CMREYNES,144.48) And +ge schull nothyng seyn for euyl wyle ne nothyng fauore for frensheppe ne for mede . (CMREYNES,144.49) And +ge schulne don (CMREYNES,144.50) so helpe +gow God and Holydom . " (CMREYNES,144.51) Postea $legatur placitum et in fine dicat sic : (CMREYNES,144.52) " And if he be detour to hym as he beryth hym on hande or in partye lesse or more , +gif hym his dette and awarde for his dampniage . (CMREYNES,144.53) And +gif he be nouth gylty , aqwyte hym . " (CMREYNES,144.54) {ED:10_MANNER_OF_DOING_HOMAGE_AND_FEALTY} HOMAGE (CMREYNES,145.59) Whan a freman schall do his homage to his chef lord +tat he halt of his chef tenement , he schal holden his handys togedyr betwyx his lordis handis , (CMREYNES,145.61) knelyng , he schall this seyn : (CMREYNES,145.62) " I become +gour man fro +tis day forward (CMREYNES,145.63) and feyth bere to +gow for +tat tenement +tat I cleyme to helde of +gow , sauyng the fewte wyche I owe to our lord the Kyng and o+ter lordesheppes . " (CMREYNES,145.64) FFEWTE (CMREYNES,145.66) Whan a freman schal do fewte to his lord , he schal ley his ryght hand on the boke and seyn thus : (CMREYNES,146.68) " Here +ge , my lord N. , +tat T. de C. schal be to +gow trust and trewe and feyth bere to +gow of +te tenement qwiche I cleyme holde of +gow , and +tat lawefully I schall do to +gow at terme assigned the lawful seruices and customys , (CMREYNES,146.69) so God me helpe and Holydom . " (CMREYNES,146.70) {ED:20_TO_PEACE_OFFICERS} CHARGE TO THE CONSTABELIS (CMREYNES,154.75) +Ge schul first pryncypaly take hede +tat +te pees be kepte in +gour towne . (CMREYNES,154.77) And if ony man dystruble or breke +te pees , +ge schall arest hym and brynge hym to +te Kyngis preson as wel be day as nyght ; (CMREYNES,154.78) item , (CMREYNES,154.79) alle nyght-walkerys withowte cause resonable and ryetous persones , and brynge hem to +te Kyngis preson . (CMREYNES,155.81) And alle comon tenys pleyeris , hasardoures , vacabundys , dyes pleyeris and tho persones +tat vse suspecyous placis , take hem (CMREYNES,155.82) and bryng hem to +te Kyngis preson . (CMREYNES,155.83) And if +ge be no+gt myghty to make +tis areste , +ge schall compleyn vnto +gour cheff constabelys of +gour hundred , or ellys to a iustyse of the pees , for to strenghte +gow to take and bryng them to preson , alle suche rebellyouns . (CMREYNES,155.84) +Ge schall comaunde +to persones +tat schall kepe watche in tyme of yeer to kepe ther oure before +gow to reseyve ther charge be ix of +te clok at evyn at +te ferthest , vpon peyn ordeynyd vpon +te same . (CMREYNES,155.85) And of alle tho personys +tat make defaute at +te our of ther watche , or kepe no+gt duly ther watche , or sende ony persone +tat is not sufficiant ne able to watche or withowte sufficiant wepon , +ge schall certyfye vp his name . (CMREYNES,155.86) CHARGE TO THE WATCHE (CMREYNES,155.88) +Ge schal +tis ny+gght folwyng , +tat is to seyn from thys tyme vnto iii of the clok aftyr mydnyght , make and kepe watche thrugh this towne withinne the boundys of +gour watche . (CMREYNES,156.90) Alle hasardourys , ryetous persones and o+ter persones suspecte founden in suspecyous placis , and alle o+ter persones fowdyn walkyng in +gour toun withowte causes resonable , +ge schal hem take and ledyn them to your constablys , (CMREYNES,156.91) and they schall kepe them in prison . (CMREYNES,156.92) If +ge seen ony candelyght or fyer-lyght , or fele ony smell of ony fyer , +ge schal goodly withowte noysyng commaunde +te persones of +te place wher ony suche lygth or smel of fyer is , to ben war of +ter lygth or +ter fyer . (CMREYNES,156.93) And if +ge sene or fyndyn ony fyer in ony place wiche were not lyche to ben quenchyd withowte gret helpe , +ge schall breke vp ther doris and reyse the peple of +gour toun and do +gour parte to quenche +tat fyer etc . (CMREYNES,156.94) And if +ge make ony departyng of your felaschype , +tan haue a wetcheword be assent , be +te weche +ge schall know whan +ge mete with ony persone , whe+ter he be ony of +gour watche or non . (CMREYNES,156.95) And whan +ge walke togedyr or on sondry , +ge schall make none noyse wherthurgh +te dwelleris withinne +gour toun schuld ben dystrobled or lettyd of ther rest , (CMREYNES,156.96) or +te nyght-walkeris or +te ryetouris withinne +gour toun may knowe of +gour comyng , and so for noyse-makyng skape awey to gret schame of +te wetche and of hem +tat haue gouernauns +terof for the tyme . (CMREYNES,157.97) In +tis wyse +ge schall +gow gouerne and wysely behaue +gow , +tat no harme in +gour defaute be done withinne +gour walke , as +ge wyll answer and aquyte +gourself and vs a+gens our souerayn lord +te Kyng , whom God save and kepe etc . (CMREYNES,157.98) {ED:21_DIRECTIONS_FOR_BLOOD-LETTING} Ysodor seyth be auctoryte of Ypocras +tat +ter arn iii dayes +tat no man owyth to be lete blood . +Tat is for to seyn , the vii day of +te $calende of Apryl , the fyrst day of August and the last day of Decembyr etc . (CMREYNES,157.100) Her may a man knowyn in what monyth and what houre of +te day is best bledyng for dyuers complexiouns . (CMREYNES,157.101) In Marche , Apryl and May reynyth blood , (CMREYNES,157.102) and he arn hote and moyst . (CMREYNES,157.103) In the monyth of Iune , Iule and August reynyth red colour , (CMREYNES,157.104) and it arn note and drye . (CMREYNES,157.105) In the monyth of Septembyr , Octobyr and Nouembyr reynyth blak colour , (CMREYNES,158.106) and it arn drye and colde . (CMREYNES,158.107) In +te monyth of Decembyr , Ianuar and Ffeuer+ger reynyth fleume , (CMREYNES,158.108) and he arn colde and moyste . (CMREYNES,158.109) Sanquine men and fleumatyk men owyn to bledyn abowtyn vndern , +tat they ben fastyng , and coleryk men fro an our afor vndern tyl noonn . (CMREYNES,158.110) And a malecolyous man owyth to bledyn abowtyn noun . But no+gt aftyr mete , ne aftyr slepe , ne aftyr hatyng , (CMREYNES,158.111) for thanne arn +te $humores medelyd +te goode with the wykke , (CMREYNES,158.112) and if he blede , than +te goode humores schuldyn goon owte as well as +te wyk . (CMREYNES,158.113) It is to wetyn +tat xxvii dayes $ben beforn euery prime tyl the chaungyng of the mone . (CMREYNES,158.114) And +tu +tat wylt be letyn blood , take hed to +te nest prime (CMREYNES,158.115) and aftyrward begynne to counte in +te day of the chounge of the mone aftrn . (CMREYNES,158.116) +Tat prime qwon many dayes ben into +te day , +tu wylt be letyn blood . (CMREYNES,158.117) And sythyn , loke in what monyt it be , (CMREYNES,158.118) and in the space of that monyth goo alweys vpward tyl +tu come euene a+gen the noumbyr of +te forseyd day . (CMREYNES,158.119) And loke be ony maner +tat +tu blede not+g ne ony medesyn +geue to +tat membyr wyche +tat syngne gouernyth as long as it lestyth . (CMREYNES,158.120) Alle +te veynys of the hed schuldyn bledyn aftyr mete , owte take +te veyn vndyr the chyn . (CMREYNES,159.122) And all the veynys of the armys schuldyn bledyn afor mete fastyng . And alle +te veynys of the handis and thyes and feet , aftyr mete . (CMREYNES,159.123) The veyne in the front is good for gret hedwerk , and for the emygrayn , and for +te fallyng euyl , and for +te frentyk , and for the brayn +tat is apeyred , and for +te lepre +tat is newe come . (CMREYNES,159.124) Her may men knowyn and sen that for fawte and neglygens of blood-latyng , men and women takyn dyuers sekenenes , +tat is for to sayn , perlyows feuers , palseyes , sores , mychell bledyng at +te nose , sotheyn deth , pestelens , lepre and many moo sekenesses . (CMREYNES,159.125) And $of often blood-latyng but +gyff a man nedyth , comyth ofte wekednesse and febyllnesse of complexion , and febylnesse of the stomak , and of the herte , of lever , and of the lounge , and of alle his body . (CMREYNES,159.126) But +gyf blood-lat be vsyd whan nede is and tyme is , it amendyth the heryng , (CMREYNES,159.127) and kepyth wattery eyn , (CMREYNES,159.128) and purgyth the stomak , (CMREYNES,159.129) and doot awey gret hevynesse (CMREYNES,159.130) and norschyth the good blood , (CMREYNES,159.131) and dystroyt+g +te wykkyd blood , (CMREYNES,159.132) and lengyth +te lyff . (CMREYNES,159.133) And of onwys blood-lath comyth many sekenesse , (CMREYNES,160.134) and oftentyme deyn men . (CMREYNES,160.135) But wete +tu well +tat blood-lath kepyth mekyll in serteyn tymes of the yeer for certeyn complexion and lengyth +te lyff . +Tat is for to seyn , in the ende of May is blood-lath good for hem that han plenty of blood , and in the ende of August for plenty of coler , and in the ende of Nouembr for meche malecolye , and in the ende of Feuer+ger for mekyll flemme . (CMREYNES,160.136) But euer loke +tat the dayes and the reulys of blood-latyng be kepte . (CMREYNES,160.137) And euer +gyff nede be to letyn blood , do it , saue kepe +te rewlys and the dayes . (CMREYNES,160.138) But in a continuall agu , let no blood aftyr the iiii=te= day and alle the dayes wythinne the fourte day . (CMREYNES,160.139) He +tat schuldyn letyn man or woman blood , hym must ben avysyd of iiii poyntes . +Tat is for to seyn , +tat tyme be good and able , and not to ouer-hote , ne to ouer-colde , ne not in the hundyn dayes , ne on other dayes +tat arn forbeden . (CMREYNES,160.140) The secunde poynte is custum . (CMREYNES,160.141) +Gyf a man be custumable for to blede , or if an elde man haue a sekenesse +tat hath nought vsyd to bledyn , and the sekenesse may not+g awey withowtyn blood-lath , it is dred to letyn hym blood for custum and febylnesse . (CMREYNES,161.142) The thredde poynt is age . +Tat is for to seyn , a chylde of xii yeer owyn not to blede , ne man fer in age . (CMREYNES,161.143) The fourte poynte is +tis : (CMREYNES,161.144) if a man be stronge and of gret herte for to bleden , aftyr +tat he may : a stronge man , inowe , a febyll man , but lytyll etc . (CMREYNES,161.145) {ED:22_VARIOUS_TAXES} {ED:B} The Rome-shot+g gaderyd in Acle is iii s. ob . (CMREYNES,161.148) Therof is payed to the gadereris +tat goyt to Rome ii s. viii d . (CMREYNES,161.149) The taske of Acle drawyth vii li. , of the weche the lord of the maner of Acle payeth iii li. , and the tounesheppe payeth iiii li . (CMREYNES,162.151) This don at Martylmesse the xiiii yeer of Kyng Edward the iiii=te= , gaderyd be Thomas Gedycok and Iohn Clerk , counstabyll , Iohn Stotevyle , colecteur . (CMREYNES,162.152) The same tyme for the hundred . (CMREYNES,162.153) Item , (CMREYNES,162.154) ano+ter taske payed the same yeer at Crowchemesse nest aftyr , gaderyd be William Hendy , Nicholas Ovy , colectour . (CMREYNES,162.155) {ED:25_LANDS_OF_THE_MANOR_OF_ACLE} ACLE (CMREYNES,165.160) To the maner of Acle longith ccccxxxi acris and ii rodis fermelonde . (CMREYNES,166.163) Item , (CMREYNES,166.164) xl acris clepyd Rotwode , i acre clepyd Chekyr Acre , iii acris clepyd the Harrowe , besyde Ffarmanys Closse , containing vii acris . (CMREYNES,166.165) {ED:26_CONCORDS} How many concordis ben in your gain ? (CMREYNES,166.167) IX . (CMREYNES,166.168) Wheche ix ? (CMREYNES,166.169) An enes on , a iii=de= , a v=te= , a vi=te= , a viii=te= , a x=te= , a xii=te= , a xiii=te= and a xv=te= . (CMREYNES,166.170) How many ben perfite and how many inperfite ? (CMREYNES,166.171) V inperfite and iiii perfite . (CMREYNES,166.172) Wheche v ben inperfite ? (CMREYNES,166.173) An enes on , a v=te= , an viii=te= , a xii=te= and a xv=te= . (CMREYNES,167.174) And how many ben perfite ? (CMREYNES,167.175) IIII . (CMREYNES,167.176) Wheche iiii ? (CMREYNES,167.177) A iii=de= , a vi=te= , a x=te= and a xiii=te= . (CMREYNES,167.178) {ED:29_PROCEDURE_FOR_DIVINATION} Take on chyld of yonge age , +tat is betwyxen vii and xiiii , (CMREYNES,169.182) and in the sonne set hym betwyxen +ti leggis . (CMREYNES,169.183) And than knytte a red sylke thred abowte his ryght thombe iii , (CMREYNES,169.184) and scrape hys nayle wele and clene . (CMREYNES,169.185) And thanne wryte on the nayle +tis lettrys with oyle de olyue : O. N. E. L. I. , (CMREYNES,170.186) and qwyll +tu wrytis +tes lettris , let +te chyld say hys Paternoster . (CMREYNES,170.187) And than say +tis prayer : (CMREYNES,170.188) " Domine Ihesu Christe , Rex glorie , mitte nobis tres angelos ex parte tua , qui dicant nobis veritatem et non falsitatem de hiis omnibus de quibus nos interogabimus . " (CMREYNES,170.189) And sey +tis prayer iii with good hert and devoute . (CMREYNES,170.190) And then +ter schal aper iii aungels in +te chyldis nayle . (CMREYNES,170.191) And +ten let the chyld sey thus after the , wheder +tu wylt in Latyn or in Englys : (CMREYNES,170.192) " Domini angeli , ego precipio vobis per Dominum Patrem Omnipotentem , qui vos et nos ex nichilo creauit et per virginitatem Beate Marie et beati Iohannis Euangelyste , necnon et omnium virginum , et per virtutes omnium sanctorum nichilominus Dei , ut ostendatis nobis veritatem et non falsitatem de hiis omnibus de quibus nos interrogabimus . " (CMREYNES,170.193) And +ten let +te chyld aske what +tat he lyst , (CMREYNES,170.194) and +tei schal schewe to hym . (CMREYNES,170.195) {ED:30_FOR_INK,_GLUE_AND_TEMPERING} Ffor to make blak ynke , take gallys , coporose and gumme of rabyk , of iche aleke mekyll be wyte . (CMREYNES,170.197) And make powder of +ti gallys and of thy coporose , of eyther be hemselff . (CMREYNES,171.198) And ley +ti gumme in watir to stepe al a nyght . (CMREYNES,171.199) And on the morwen take +ti gumme-water and +ti pouuder of gallys , (CMREYNES,171.200) and put hem togeder , (CMREYNES,171.201) and sette hem ouer the fyer , (CMREYNES,171.202) and lete hem sethen +te space of +tis psalme seying , " Miserere mei , Deus . " (CMREYNES,171.203) And than cast +ti powder of coporose +terin , (CMREYNES,171.204) and steret well togeder , (CMREYNES,171.205) and +tan take it don . (CMREYNES,171.206) And if +tu wylt make inke for ony book of gret prys , take as mekell coporose as gumme and gallys . (CMREYNES,171.207) And to iii vncis take a quarte of reyn water , (CMREYNES,171.208) for +tat is best +terfor . (CMREYNES,171.209) And +tan it is good inke , sekerly . (CMREYNES,171.210) And stere it well euery day . (CMREYNES,171.211) Gumme , i quart , gall , i quart , coporose , i quart : iiii d . (CMREYNES,171.212) Ffor to make reed ynkke , take vermelyon , (CMREYNES,171.213) and $gryn $it {TEXT:grynit} with gleyer , (CMREYNES,171.214) and $temper $it {TEXT:temperit} . (CMREYNES,171.215) Ffor to make gleyer , take +te whyte of an egge , (CMREYNES,171.216) and $bray $et {TEXT:brayet} in a dissch with a sponge tyl it is as schort as ony water , (CMREYNES,171.217) and +tan it is good gleyer to gryne and temperyn with vermelyon for reed inkke . (CMREYNES,171.218) If it burbelyt whan +ge gryne it , take sape of +gour eere , (CMREYNES,171.219) and $gryn $it {TEXT:grynit} +terwith , (CMREYNES,171.220) and +tat schal don away alle tho burbelys . (CMREYNES,171.221) Ffor to make blew inkke , take byse (CMREYNES,171.222) and $temper $yt {TEXT:temperyt} with gumme-water , (CMREYNES,171.223) and $ster $yt {TEXT:steryt} well , (CMREYNES,171.224) and +tan it is good blew inkke . (CMREYNES,171.225) Ffor to make gumme-water , take gumme of arabyk as moche as aboue , (CMREYNES,171.226) and put it in a sauser ful of clene water a day or a nyght tyl it is turned alle to water . (CMREYNES,172.227) And +tan it is good to temperyn with byse for blew hynk . (CMREYNES,172.228) Ffor to make staunchsgreyn : recipe calcem et calcem viuam et farinam ana , et distempera cum albumine oui et lacte cum sit quasi spissa pastis , et sicta lente ad solem . (CMREYNES,172.229) Ffor to make mowth glew for bokys , take +te sowdys of stok-fysshez , (CMREYNES,172.230) and sethe hem in worte be +te space of ii owrys . (CMREYNES,172.231) +Tan take and drye hem , (CMREYNES,172.232) and whan they be drye , vse hem forth as bookbynderis don . (CMREYNES,172.233) In +te same maner +tu mayst make it of soundys dryed of lyngis . (CMREYNES,172.234) Ffor to temperyn +gour colouris , take the water +tat gloueris speccis ben sothen in . It is clepyd coode , +tat is good to gryne and temperyn with +gour colouris etc . (CMREYNES,172.235) Yelow , (CMREYNES,172.236) take okyr , (CMREYNES,172.237) and $gryn $it {TEXT:grynit} with coode ; (CMREYNES,172.238) a better yelow , (CMREYNES,172.239) take generall , (CMREYNES,172.240) and $gryn $it {TEXT:grynit} . (CMREYNES,172.241) Grene , (CMREYNES,172.242) take blewe inde and generall , (CMREYNES,172.243) and gryne them togeder . (CMREYNES,172.244) For to peynt on tymber or vpon fferston , take vergres , (CMREYNES,172.245) and $gryn $it {TEXT:grynit} (CMREYNES,172.246) and $temper $yt {TEXT:temperyt} with oyle . (CMREYNES,172.247) Blak , (CMREYNES,172.248) take smethes coles (CMREYNES,172.249) and $gryn $it {TEXT:grynit} . (CMREYNES,172.250) Reed , (CMREYNES,172.251) take red led , (CMREYNES,173.252) and $gryn $it {TEXT:grynit} ; (CMREYNES,173.253) a better reed , (CMREYNES,173.254) take vermelyon , (CMREYNES,173.255) and $gryn $it {TEXT:grynit} . (CMREYNES,173.256) Blew , (CMREYNES,173.257) take blew inde (CMREYNES,173.258) and $gryn $it {TEXT:grynit} . (CMREYNES,173.259) Reed crymsyn , (CMREYNES,173.260) take synnaper and vermelyon , (CMREYNES,173.261) and $gryn $it {TEXT:grynit} togeder . (CMREYNES,173.262) Grene inke to wryten with , (CMREYNES,173.263) take vergres (CMREYNES,173.264) and gryne it to pouder , (CMREYNES,173.265) then take vynegyr or ellys vergeows , (CMREYNES,173.266) and $temper $it {TEXT:temperit} togeder , (CMREYNES,173.267) and $ster $it {TEXT:sterit} well . (CMREYNES,173.268) {ED:32_CHURCHWARDENS'_ACCOUNTS} {ED:B} Iohn Reynys , Iohn Goodwyn , taylour , and Herry Brandon , chirchereves , dedyn maken the batylment of the stepyll , weche coste drow to the valow of xvi li. , anno Domini millesimo cccc=mo= septuagesimo ii=do= . (CMREYNES,174.273) Iohn Hendy , Roberd Reynys and William Pey , chirchereves , bowte a vestement , holl sute of red velvet , pouderyd with flouris of gold complet . +Tat is $to seyn , a cope , a chesepyll and ii tonekylls with aubis , amys , stolys and paralys longyng to +te same . (CMREYNES,175.274) +tis was don +te Thurday nest aftyr Alle Seyntis . (CMREYNES,175.275) The price of the same vestement is xxiii li . (CMREYNES,175.276) +Tis don anno Domini millesimo cccc=mo= septuagesimo quarto . (CMREYNES,175.277) {ED:33_RECEIPT_OF_THE_FLOCK_OF_ACLE} Thomas Ponde , Iohn Tan and Symon Bakton of Yermothe delyuered the leddis flokke of Acle to +te baly : cclxi ewys , lvii wedyr hoggis , xxxiii wederis , xlii ewe-hoggis , cc lambys and vi rammys , and v s. in syluer to amend for +te catell . (CMREYNES,175.279) +Tis don the Thursday nest aftyr Seynt Mathewe , anno Domini millesimo cccc=o= septuagesimo iiii=to= . (CMREYNES,175.280) {ED:48_SUMMARY_OF_THE_LINEAGE_AND_FAMILY_OF_ST._ANNE} In the olde lawe a man hyght Barpanter . (CMREYNES,194.284) Barpanter weddyd Asmarea , (CMREYNES,194.285) ther sone was clepyd Ioachym Nazareth . (CMREYNES,195.286) Isakar weddyd Nasaphat , (CMREYNES,195.287) too dowterys +tei had : Anna and Emeria . (CMREYNES,195.288) Ioachym weddyd Anna Bedlam born , (CMREYNES,195.289) ther dowter was Maria , mater Christi Nazareth : (CMREYNES,195.290) prima Aaron weddyd Emeria , (CMREYNES,195.291) ther dowter was Elizabeth , mater $Iohannis Baptiste . (CMREYNES,195.292) Ioseph weddyd Maria , (CMREYNES,195.293) ther Sone was Ihesu Crist . (CMREYNES,195.294) Sakari weddyd Elizabeth , (CMREYNES,195.295) ther sone was Iohn Baptist . (CMREYNES,195.296) Eliud , Eminen , filia , Beatus Geruasius Episcopus . (CMREYNES,195.297) Cleophas weddyd Anna , (CMREYNES,195.298) ther dowter was clepyd Mari : Secunda . (CMREYNES,195.299) Alphe weddyd that Mari , (CMREYNES,195.300) iiii sunnys they had : Simonem et Iudam , Iacobum Minorem et Ioseph Iustum . (CMREYNES,195.301) Salome weddyd Anna , (CMREYNES,195.302) ther dowter was clepyd Mari : Tercia . (CMREYNES,195.303) Zebede weddyd that Mari , (CMREYNES,195.304) too sunnys +tei had : Iohannem Euangelistam , Iacobum Maiorem . (CMREYNES,195.305) Sent Anna had iii husbondes and iii dowterys : (CMREYNES,195.306) i Maria mater Christi , (CMREYNES,195.307) ii Maria Cleophe , (CMREYNES,195.308) iii Maria Salome . (CMREYNES,195.309) {ED:54_ON_ST._PAUL'S,_WESTMINSTER_HALL_AND_WESTMINSTER_ABBEY}_COD E Here is the lenght of the shaft of the cros on Poulys stepyll at London : (CMREYNES,237.313) From the booll to the egyll is xii fote , (CMREYNES,237.314) and the lenght of the cros at +te wedyrcok is vii fote , (CMREYNES,237.315) and the booll is over from syde to syde iii fote : +Tat is iii yardys abowte . (CMREYNES,237.316) Poulis Chirche is in lenght fro the west dore to the qweer dore vii=xx= pacis and ii , (CMREYNES,237.317) and fro the qwer dore to the est ende is iiii=xx= and x pacis . (CMREYNES,237.318) Summa of all the lenght fro the ton ende to the tothyr ende is xi=xx= and xii pacis . (CMREYNES,237.319) Also , the cros ele fro the north dore to the south dore is vi=xx= and x pacis . (CMREYNES,237.320) Westmester Halle is in lenght v=xx= pacis and xii=ve= . (CMREYNES,237.321) +Terin in the Kyngys Bench , the Chaunstry , the Comonplace , the Chekyr , the Kyngis Councell-chaumbyr , the Kyngis Chapell . (CMREYNES,237.322) Westmester Chirche is of Seynt Petir . (CMREYNES,237.323) Behynde the hygh awter lyeth many kyngis and qwenys . (CMREYNES,237.324) And in the myddys of the chapell lyeth Seynt Edward the Kyng shryned . (CMREYNES,237.325) And ther ben many relykkys . (CMREYNES,237.326) And on the south syde besyde the hygh awter is the lely-pott , with vi braunches rennyng fayre , clene water bothe nyght and day . (CMREYNES,238.327) And in the gret belfer at Westmyster arn vi grete bellys . (CMREYNES,238.328) Also , in the gret belver at Poulys arn vii gret bellys . (CMREYNES,238.329) Ffro Poulis to Westmester is a long myle and more . (CMREYNES,238.330) {ED:55_A_LONDON_ADDRESS} At Sarzynnes Hed in Fflet Strete at London , ther is my lordes inne of Tyntarne . (CMREYNES,238.332) Ther dwellyth William Stone , skynner . (CMREYNES,238.333) {ED:58_NOTES_ON_THE_ZODIAC} Yemps lasted 3 synus : (CMREYNES,240.337) +to ben Sagittarius , Capricornius and Aquarius . (CMREYNES,240.338) Ver lastyd o+ter synus : (CMREYNES,240.339) +to ben Pisces , Aries and Taurus . (CMREYNES,240.340) Estas lastyd o+ter 3 synus : (CMREYNES,240.341) +to ben Gemini , Cancer and Leo . (CMREYNES,240.342) Avtumnus lastyd o+ter 3 synus : (CMREYNES,240.343) +to ben Virgo , Libra and Scorpio . (CMREYNES,240.344) Yemps oritur gynnyth on Sent Clementis day in Nouembre . (CMREYNES,240.345) Ver oritur gynnyth on Cathedra Sancti Petri in Ffebruare . (CMREYNES,240.346) Estas gynnyth on Seynt Vrbans day in May , viii=o= kalendae Iunii . (CMREYNES,241.347) Autumnus gynnyth on Seynt Simphorians day in Augus , xi=o= kalendae $Septembre . (CMREYNES,241.348) Whoso be born in +te signe of Tauro , he schal haue moche grace in alle bestis and in alle other thyngis , saue in his wyff : (CMREYNES,241.349) sche xall be master . (CMREYNES,241.350) Whoso be born in Aries , he schall be dredfull and $+tow+g gracious . (CMREYNES,241.351) Whoso be born in Gemini , he xal be pore and weyke , and leue in meche desese . (CMREYNES,241.352) Cancer : (CMREYNES,241.353) he schall ben pore and weyke , and +tow+g gracious . (CMREYNES,241.354) Leo : (CMREYNES,241.355) he schall be bold and a strong theff . (CMREYNES,241.356) Virgo : (CMREYNES,241.357) he schall be wyse and letteryd , (CMREYNES,241.358) and he schall be blamed giltles . (CMREYNES,241.359) Libra : (CMREYNES,241.360) he schall be a schrew in auant and a +teff , and dey in wykked ded . (CMREYNES,241.361) Scorpio : (CMREYNES,241.362) he schall be a gret goer in the werd . (CMREYNES,241.363) Sagittarius : (CMREYNES,241.364) he schall be hardy and a gret lechoure . (CMREYNES,241.365) Capricornus : (CMREYNES,241.366) he schall be riche and loved . (CMREYNES,241.367) Aquarius : (CMREYNES,241.368) he schall be rekeles and abill for to lese his men . (CMREYNES,242.369) Pisces : (CMREYNES,242.370) he schall be gracius in alle maner werkys . (CMREYNES,242.371) {ED:62_RELIGIOUS_ENUMERATIONS} DECEM PRECEPTA (CMREYNES,243.376) The ffirst is : Wurchep God aboue alle thyng . (CMREYNES,243.378) The secunde is : Take not His name in idylnesse . (CMREYNES,243.379) The iii=de= is : Halwe treuly thy holyday . (CMREYNES,243.380) The iiii=te= is : Wurchep +ti ffader and moder bodely and gostly . (CMREYNES,243.381) The v=te= is : Sle no man with thy toung . (CMREYNES,244.383) The vii=te= ys : Do no lechery owte of wedlak . (CMREYNES,244.384) The viii=te= is : Stele nothyng . (CMREYNES,244.385) The ix=te= is : Bere no fals wytnesse . (CMREYNES,244.386) The x=te= is : +Tu schal not coveyte +ti neybouris hows , his wyff ner his seruaunt etc . (CMREYNES,244.387) X Comaundementis . (CMREYNES,244.388) SEPTEM MORTALIA PECCATA (CMREYNES,244.390) Pryde , invye , wreth , coveytyse , glotony , lechery and slauth : these ben +te VII Dedly Synnys . (CMREYNES,244.392) SEPTEM OPERA MISERICORDIE (CMREYNES,244.394) Thow schalt : ffede +te hungery , +geuen hem drynk +tat ben athorst , visite hym +tat is seke , herbere hym that hat nede , clothe hem +tat his naked , comfort hym +tat is in preson , bery Crysten bodyes +tat ben dede : (CMREYNES,244.396) these ben the VII Werkys of Mercy . (CMREYNES,244.397) SEPTEM VIRTUTES PRINCIPALES (CMREYNES,244.399) Ffides , spes , caritas , prudencia , iusticia , ffortitudo , temperancia . (CMREYNES,244.401) Trewth , feyth , hope , charite , sleythe , rythfulnesse , strenghe , sobyrnesse : these ben the VII Vertuys . (CMREYNES,244.402) SEPTEM SACRAMENTA ECCLESIE (CMREYNES,244.404) Baptismus , confirmacio , penitencia , Eukaristia , extrema vnxcio , ordo , sponsalia . (CMREYNES,245.406) Cristendom , confirmacion , shryfte and penaunce , housle , anoyntyng , holy order , spousyng : these ben +te VII Sacramentis of Holy Chyrch . (CMREYNES,245.407) {ED:65_CHARM_RECEIVED_BY_THE_POPES} Seynt Gregori , Sent Syluester and Sent Leon , that were popys of Rome , reseyved +tis writyng (CMREYNES,247.411) and sayd , " Hosoeuer bere +tis writyng abowte hym , he thar not drede hym of non enmy ner sodeyn deth , ner fyer , ner watyr , ner poyson , ner preson , ner thonder , ner levyn , ner +te feuers , ner noon other wykkyd evyll . (CMREYNES,247.412) And he schal be loued of his souerayn . (CMREYNES,247.413) And if he be owte of hys wey , he schall sone fynde hys wey agayn . " (CMREYNES,247.414) And an angell toke +tis writyng to Kyng Charlys in batayle (CMREYNES,247.415) and seyde , " Hosoeuer bere +tis writyng abowte hym , he schal ouercome his enmyes withowten fayle . (CMREYNES,247.416) Also , a woman trauelyng of a chylde do rede +tis writyng ouer hyr or put +tis writyng abowte her , (CMREYNES,247.417) and sche schal sone be delyuered be +te grace of God withowte perell . (CMREYNES,247.418) And hosoeuer bere +tis writyng abowte hym , he schall not pace owte of +tis worlde in myscheue , (CMREYNES,247.419) but he schall haue +te sacramentis of Holy Chirche be +te grace of God . (CMREYNES,247.420) Ner he schal not be robbyd with non thevys be nyght ne be day , (CMREYNES,247.421) ne he schal not be ouercome with noon sprytys by the grace of God and the vertu of +tese names . " (CMREYNES,247.422) {ED:74_NOTES_ON_ADAM} Adam lyued ix c yeer and xxx=ti= , (CMREYNES,255.426) and had xxx=ti= sones and xxx=ti= doughters . (CMREYNES,255.427) They dyed (CMREYNES,255.428) and were bothe beryed togedyr , Adam and Eue . (CMREYNES,255.429) {ED:75} ROME (CMREYNES,255.432) Ffrom the begynnyng of the world vnto the tyme that Rome was first made was iiii ml c xlix yeris . And fro that tyme that Rome was made into the Natiuite of Oure Lord Ihesu Christ , vii c l yeeris . (CMREYNES,255.434) In the citie of Rome ben thus many chirches : cccc , in the whiche masse is dayly don . (CMREYNES,256.436) But there ben vii of the same priuileged above alle other , whiche gret holynes pardon , as is hereafter shewyd . (CMREYNES,256.437) The first is called Seynt Petyr Chirche thApostell . (CMREYNES,256.438) There he is relessyd of the vii parte of penaunce inioyned , grauntyd by Pope Alysander . (CMREYNES,256.439) The secunde auter is of Seynt Andrew . (CMREYNES,256.440) {ED:81_A_RECEIPT} +Ge must take wurte , and barly , and comyn , and hony , and a lytyll curtesy of salte , and sethe them in a potte togedyr tyl the barly be brostyn . (CMREYNES,260.444) And sythen , caste it abowte in +te hows $wheras $as {TEXT:wheras} dowys ben vsyng etc . (CMREYNES,260.445) {ED:82} THIS IS THE COPY OF +TE PRESENTACYON OF +TE LORDYS OF VENYSSE SEND TO +TE POPE ANNO CHRISTI 1464 . (CMREYNES,261.449) Ffirst , iiii=xx= gret bumbardis a gonnys : eche of hem cast a ston of +te wyght of ix c pound , with powder and stuff . (CMREYNES,261.451) Item , (CMREYNES,261.452) xiiii c gunnys : eche of hem cast a ston of 1 li. , with pouuder and stuff . (CMREYNES,261.453) Item , (CMREYNES,261.454) xiiii c serpentis and smal gunnys , with powder and stuff . (CMREYNES,261.455) Item , (CMREYNES,261.456) vii ml. payer of brigandyrs for hem +tat haue non harnes . (CMREYNES,261.457) Item , (CMREYNES,261.458) x shippis ladyn with bows and arows , and other artery and abilymentis of werre . (CMREYNES,261.459) Item , (CMREYNES,261.460) vi ml. pykes and spadys for the ost . (CMREYNES,261.461) Item , (CMREYNES,261.462) vi ml. cressettis for to haue ffyer be nyght for the ost . (CMREYNES,261.463) Item , (CMREYNES,261.464) xii mattokkis and mayletis with o+ter stuff to breke +te ground in hard , stony cuntres . (CMREYNES,261.465) Item , (CMREYNES,261.466) cccc ml. bokettis and bowges of lether for to ffetche water to the ost in tyme of nede . (CMREYNES,261.467) Item , (CMREYNES,261.468) viii ml. of empty pypys and tonnys , and other vessell to make with brygges to convey over cartys and waynes and o+ter ordenaunce . (CMREYNES,262.469) Item , (CMREYNES,262.470) vi ml. cartys for caryage for the ost in tyme of nede . (CMREYNES,262.471) Item , (CMREYNES,262.472) cccc ml. hokys and cromes , hachettis and ledders of dyuers facyon . (CMREYNES,262.473) Item , (CMREYNES,262.474) xii ml. ffottemen in harneys : (CMREYNES,262.475) the wagys arn payn . (CMREYNES,262.476) Item , (CMREYNES,262.477) xxx ml. dokettis to pay for vetayle . (CMREYNES,262.478) Item , (CMREYNES,262.479) vi ml. men well besayn in harnes , and her wagis payed . (CMREYNES,262.480) Item , (CMREYNES,262.481) iiii=xx= galeys , well appareld with men and abylymentis of werre , and ther wagis payed . (CMREYNES,262.482) Item , (CMREYNES,262.483) a mylyon of gold to refreyssh with all Crysten pepull . (CMREYNES,262.484) {ED:84_THE_WOMAN_RECLUSE_AND_THE_WOUNDS_OF_JESUS} A woman solatarie and recluse coueytinge to knowe the nommbre of the woundes of Oure Lord Ihesu Crist oftyn preyd to God of speciall grace +tat He wolde wouchesaffe to schewe her hem . (CMREYNES,264.488) And at the last , to her spak Oure Lord Ihesu Crist (CMREYNES,264.489) and seyde , " Sey euery day be an hooll yeer xv Paternoster and xv Aue Maria , (CMREYNES,264.490) and at the yeeris ende thow shalt han wurcheped euery wounde and fulfylled the noumbre of the same . " (CMREYNES,264.491) And also seyd Oure Lord Ihesu Crist , " Euery man that seyth these Paternoster , and these Auez , and these orisones folwyng euery daye be an hooll yeer , of his kynrede xv soules schull be delyuered owte of the peynes of purgatorie , (CMREYNES,264.492) and xv ryghtful men of his kynrede schull be kepte in good lyffe . (CMREYNES,265.493) And he that seyth these orisones after wretyn , ffirst , therfore , he schal haue grace and knowyng of perfeccion and bitter contricion of alle his olde synnes . " (CMREYNES,265.494) And also seyd Oure Lord Ihesu Crist , " He that seyth these orisones in the forme aforn seyd xv dayes before his deth , he schall se myn holy body and it receyve , and therby be delyuered fro euerelestynge hunger . (CMREYNES,265.495) And I schall +geue hym drynk of myn blood , that he schall neuere thriste . (CMREYNES,265.496) And I schall put before hym the sygne of myn victoryous Passion in defens and subsidie of alle his enmyes . (CMREYNES,265.497) And before his deth I schall come with myn dere moder and take his soule and lede it into euerelestyng ioye . (CMREYNES,265.498) And whan I haue it thedir brought , I schall +geue hym a drawt+g of the chalys of myn godhed . (CMREYNES,265.499) " And +gif a man haue leyn in synne xx=ti= yeer , and he wyl seyen these orisones , I wyl for+geue hym alle his synnes , and kepe hym fro alle temptaciouns , and kepe his v wyttes , and hym fro sodeyn deth defende , and ouer that kepe hym fro euerelestynge peyne . (CMREYNES,265.500) And alle the synnes +tat he hath don fro his childehod vnto this day I wyl for+geue hym , (CMREYNES,265.501) and be my grace he schall be bettir than euer he was before . (CMREYNES,265.502) And whatsoeuer he aske rightfully of me or of myn moder , it schall not be denyed . (CMREYNES,266.503) And I schall kepe hym parfytely in vertu and in good lyffe conferme hym as he had euere aftyr myn wyle wrought and levyd . (CMREYNES,266.504) And +gif he schulde deye tomorwe , his lyffe schall be lengthed . (CMREYNES,266.505) And as often as he seyth these orisones , he schall haue xl dayes of pardon . (CMREYNES,266.506) And he that techeth ony other men these orisones , his ioye schall neuere discrece , but dwelle withowten ende . (CMREYNES,266.507) And wherso he be that seyth hem , I am present , as Sent Poule precheth , (CMREYNES,266.508) and fro his enmyes I schall hym defende . (CMREYNES,266.509) Therfor , euery lettered man and woman rede iche day these orisones of my bytter Passion for his owen medecyne . " (CMREYNES,266.510) Besyde this woman dwelled an holy man to whom sche this reuelacion schewed , (CMREYNES,266.511) and he it schewed to an abbes . (CMREYNES,266.512) And sche it schewed to here susteres (CMREYNES,266.513) and badde hem seyn these orisones . (CMREYNES,266.514) And summe seyden hem with gret deuocion , (CMREYNES,266.515) and summe for they schulde not trespace receyved here commaundement , (CMREYNES,266.516) and summe not wilfully , but in parti constreyned fulfylled here commaundement . (CMREYNES,266.517) And after that , the same holy man on a day whanne he restyd hym , he was rauysched in a vision into a fayer felde . (CMREYNES,266.518) And therin was a delectable welle . (CMREYNES,266.519) And it semyd to hym as the welle were ful of precious stones . (CMREYNES,267.520) And at the same welle were the same susteres that seyden these orisouns . (CMREYNES,267.521) And summe of hem wesch with grete vertu , and summe lesse , (CMREYNES,267.522) and summe vnnethes touched a lytell drope , (CMREYNES,267.523) or they wessch after +te deuocion that they hadde in the seying of +te orisones . (CMREYNES,267.524) And this was schewed to the holy man . (CMREYNES,267.525) And he it schewed to the abbes , (CMREYNES,267.526) and sche +te same tolde to her susteres , that were therof wol gladde . (CMREYNES,267.527) And they that seyde these orisones nou+gt deuoutely beforn aftyrward amended hem (CMREYNES,267.528) and seyde hem better , with gretter deuocion and desyre . (CMREYNES,267.529) Afterward on a nyghte this holy man herde a gret noyse and an hidows crye , as all that was in the wode hadde ouerthrowen and be rent vp be the rotes . (CMREYNES,267.530) And he went oute of his celle , (CMREYNES,267.531) and coniured on of the ffendys +tat he had herde , (CMREYNES,267.532) and badde that he schuld telle hym what that noyse ment . To whom the fende seyde , " In this wode woneth an olde woman ful of many holy wordes (CMREYNES,267.533) and seyth an orison so plesyng to God of heuene wherthrowgh we taken ful oftyn gret harme . (CMREYNES,267.534) For with that orison sche getyth to God ful many soules +tat were in oure power fast beforn . (CMREYNES,267.535) And it plesith so moch God Almyghty that it is graunted to hym that seyth these orisouns that +gif he were in tyme of his levyng in the weye of euerlestyng dampnacion , Oure Lord God schulde chaunge euerlestyng peyne into the peyne of purgatorye . (CMREYNES,268.536) And +gif he were in the state of the most peyne of purgatorye , Oure Lord schuld chaunge it into the peyne of this werlde and bryng his soule to heuene . (CMREYNES,268.537) It is tolde that this womannys name is Sent Bryde , the Quene of Swethe , +tat ful many reuelaciouns and gret grace had of God . " (CMREYNES,268.538) {ED:92_FOUR_CONTRACTS} {ED:A} Memorandum that vii day of Octobr , the day nest aftir Seynt Ffeyth the Virgynn , anno regni Regis Edwardi Quarti post Conquestum ix=o= , Roberd Reynys of Acle , sengyl man , made a covenaunt with Cecilie Grene , wedowe , and bowte of her a tenement weche was sumtyme her husbondez , with x acr and iii rodis of arable lond ffree clepid Andrewlond , lying in dyuers pecis , iii rodis of medowe in a closse clepid a grove , with wode , watir and ffysshyng , as it lyeth at the Thete , a parte of the west , i rode of marsshe clepid an aldercarr with wode lyeth at the Thete , a parte of the est , i acr and ii rodis stardole in ii pecis lyeth in the parke , i acre of iuncare lyeth in the Market Fen , iii rodis in ii pecis clepid russhedolys lyeth in Halcote Merssh , with alle other comodyes and vayles that to the forseyd tenement longyn or perteynyn , with alle nessarys that ben rote-fast and nayle-fast . Ffor the weche the seyd Roberd schall pay or do pay to the same Cecilie or to hyr assynes , xx li. and xx d. , that is to sayn , iiii nobill and xx d. at the bargany makyng , and iiii nobill at Myghelmesse nest folwyng ; that is , iiii marke and xx d. in the first yeer , and at Myghelmesse nest aftir that , iiii nobill , and so forth at euery Myghelmesse , iiii nobill , tyll the seid summe of xx li. and xx d. be full payed and contentyd . (CMREYNES,290.543) And the same Cecilie and her atturnyes the forseyd tenement with alle londes , closes , groves , aldercarris , stardolys , ffendolys and russhedolys , and ffysshyng , to the forseyd Robert Reynys , to his eyris and assynes , a+gens alle maner men schall warantyn and defendyn . (CMREYNES,290.544) This witnesseth : Syr Iohn Properchaunt , person of Acle , Syr Robert Bertram , prior of Weybrygg , Iohn Reynys , carpenter , Lowys Appryers , baly of Acle , Iohn Hendy , smyth , Thomas Grene , William Smyth of Hemlyngton , Iamus Reynys , and many other . (CMREYNES,290.545) +Goven the day and yeer beforn specyfied . (CMREYNES,290.546) Memorandum that the secunde day of Novembr , the weche is clepid Sowlemesse day , Iohn Reynys and Emme , the wyff of Roberd Reynys , made a covenaunt with Cecilie Grene of Hemlyngton in the name of Roberd Reynys of Acle , and bowte of her a pencion weche the seid Cecilie Grene schuld an had terme of her lyve . That is to sayn , a chambyr withinne the dwellyng place of Roberd Reynys , i quarter wode and i cartefull of sedge , terme of hir lyve . Ffor the weche seyd pencion the forseyd Roberd schall pay or do paye to the same Cecilie or to hyr assynes iiii nobill . That is to sayn , vi s. viii d. at the bargany makyng , and at euery Cristemesse folwyng , vi s. viii d. , tyl the seyd iiii nobill be full payed and contentyd . (CMREYNES,291.547) This witnessith Iohn Reynys , William Smyth , Thomas Grene and other . (CMREYNES,291.548) +Goven the day and yeer specifyed . (CMREYNES,291.549) And the same Roberd must kepe the yeer-day of William Grene and Herry , his sone , duryng the lyve of the same Cecilie , and aftyr hyr decesse no lenger . (CMREYNES,291.550) +Tis drawith be yeer iiii d . (CMREYNES,291.551) Anno regni Regis Edwardi Quarti post Conquestum xii=o= . (CMREYNES,291.552) The last payment was anno regni Regis E. iiii=ti= xvi=o= . (CMREYNES,291.553) Memorandum that the v=te= day of Octobre on Seynt Ffeythez evyn , anno regni Regis E. iiii=ti= post Conquestum xii=o= , Roberd Reynys of Acle made a covenaunt with Iohn Hardyngham the elder of North Birlyngham , the sone of Thomas Hardyngham , and bowte of hym iii acris of Andrewlond ffree lying in the feld of Acle in dyuers pecys . Ffor the weche londe the seyd Roberd schall pay or do paye to the same Iohn or to his assignes , v nobill and xl d . That is to sayn , at the bargany makyng , x s. , and at Myghelmesse nest folwyng , xiii s. iiii d. , and at Myghelmesse nest aftyr that , xiii s. iiii d . withowte ony delay . (CMREYNES,292.555) And the same Iohn Hardyngham , his eyris and assynes the forseyd iii acris londe to the forseyd Roberd Reynys , to his eyris and his assynes , a+gens alle maner men schall warantyn and defendyn . (CMREYNES,292.556) This wytnessith : Syr Wylliam Hardyngham , person of Birlyngham , Peter Lowys Appryers , baly of Acle , Iohn Reynys , carpenter , Richard Neell the elder , Herry Brandon , Nicholas Hardy , William Hendy the elder , Iamus Reynys , William Streget , and other . (CMREYNES,293.557) +Gouen the day and yeer beforn specyfyed . (CMREYNES,293.558) The laste payment was anno regni Regis E. iiii=ti= xv=o= . (CMREYNES,293.559) Memorandum that the ffirst day of May , anno regni Regis E. iiii=ti= post Conquestum xvii=o= , Roberd Reynys of Acle made a covenaunt with his ffader , Iohn Reynys , be his lyve , and bowte of hym his place in the market , with the gardeynys and clossez as it lyeth conteynyth ii rodis , with i d. of rent be yeer takyng of Iohn Tynwhyte for the lane that goyth owte his place to Rekys Lane conteynyth i yarde in brede , with xvii acris of arable lond in dyuers pecis clepyd Andrewelond ffre ; also , another tenement clepyd Baronys , with the closse longyng therto as it lyeth in Kyrgate , item , ii rodes or marsshe clepyd a stardole , as it lyeth in the Marm , item , dimidium rode of marsshe clepyd a pytell , with wode , lyeth at Nethergate , with alle other comodyes and vayles that to the forseyd place longyth or perteynyth , with alle nessarys that ben rote-fast and nayle-fast , lyke as Iohn Reynys held it ffor the weche seyd place : gardeynys , closez , londes , tenementis , pytell , marsshes and rentis . (CMREYNES,294.560) The seyd Roberd schall paye or do pay xxxvi li. of lawfull mony of Ynglond for hym aftyr his deceesse , acordyng to his wyll , as it apperith in his testement how it schall be payed and disposyd for hym . Of the weche seyd summe , the forseyd Roberd payed in the seyd first yeer at his dirige and berying , and at his terment day , and for provyng his testement and for a quetans , with other dyuers costis and paymentis as it apperit in wrytyng , x li . (CMREYNES,294.561) Fferthermore , the forseyd Roberd must paye yeerly at the fest of Seynt Iohn Baptist iiii marke , tyll the seyd summe of xxxvi li. be full payed and contentyd , acordyng to his wyll . (CMREYNES,294.562) This witnessyth : Iohn Hendy of Mowton , William Suffolk of Heygham , Iamus Reynys , Iohn Reynys the yonger , and other . (CMREYNES,294.563) +Goven the day and yeer beforn specifyed . (CMREYNES,294.564) {ED:93_THE_NAILS_OF_CHRIST} Pope Innocent hath grauntyd to euery man +tat beryth the lenght of the iii nayles of Oure Lord Ihesu Criste vpon hym and wurschyp them dayly with v Paternoster and v Aues and a Crede , he schal haue vii gyftis grauntyd hym : (CMREYNES,295.567) the first , (CMREYNES,295.568) he schal not deye on no sodeyn deth ; (CMREYNES,295.569) the secunde , (CMREYNES,295.570) he schal not be slayn with swerd nor knyff ; (CMREYNES,295.571) the iii=de= , (CMREYNES,295.572) his enmyes schal not ouercome hym ; (CMREYNES,295.573) the iiii=te= , (CMREYNES,295.574) he schal haue sufficient goodis and honest levyng ; (CMREYNES,295.575) the v=te= , (CMREYNES,295.576) +tat poyson nor fals witnesse schal greue hym ; (CMREYNES,295.577) the vi=te= , (CMREYNES,295.578) he schal not deye withowte the sacramentis of the Chirche ; (CMREYNES,295.579) the vii=te= , (CMREYNES,295.580) he schall be defendyd from alle wykkyd speritis , feuers , pestelens and alle evell thyngis . (CMREYNES,295.581) {ED:105_LEVIED_FOR_SUPPORT_OF_ARCHERS} Memorandum : (CMREYNES,307.585) the Parlement holden at Westmenstre the vi day of Octobr , anno regni Regis Edwardi Quarti xiii=o= , than graunted to the Kyng xiii ml. men archerys for the terme of on yeer , euery of them takyng be the day vi d. , queche summe amountith to an c ml . To the exibicyon of +te whiche it was ordeynyd that euery temporall man schuld paye the x=th= parte of on yerly valu of hys londys and tenementis , except lordis of the parlement . Whiche x part amountith to the summe in euery shyre , citie and burgh as partyclerly herafter ensuete : (CMREYNES,307.586) {ED:106_ACCORDING_TO_THE_DOMINICAL_LETTER} A : (CMREYNES,312.590) Qwanne the Dominicall lettyr ffallyth vpon the A , than schall be a warme wynter and a peryyng somer , corne in the felde , but resonable frute in the same wyse , been in the same wyse also , pestelencez of +gonge pepyll and deth of bestys , but most of neet , gret apklynge and fytyng of pelouris , and newe tydynggis of kynggis etc . (CMREYNES,312.591) B : (CMREYNES,312.592) Whanne the Dominicall letter fallyth vpon the B , thanne schall be a warme bygynnynge of wynter , and rokys and thykke wedir in the bakke wynter , and a whete somere , dere greyin of corn in the felde , gret tempestis of levyn , gret plente of oyle , and muche hevynes amonge +te people , kynggis and ben xull dey grete batayle of people , (CMREYNES,312.593) and +ter schall be many wedowes +tat yeer etc . (CMREYNES,312.594) C : (CMREYNES,312.595) Whanne the Dominicall letter fallyth vpon the C , thanne schall be a gret wynter and a stormyng somere , a drye hervest , resonable plente of corn and frute , but smale been , but +gonge people schull dey , deth of swyne , tempestis of shippes in the see , and dere wynes that yeer etc . (CMREYNES,312.596) D : (CMREYNES,313.598) Whanne the Dominicall letter fallyth vpon the D , +tan xal be a warme wynter , a good somer and a good hervest , and plente of corn and frute , but comon oyle , grete plente of ben , but comon , women with childe schull deye , gret losse of hey+ge , newe tydynggis of kynggis etc . (CMREYNES,313.599) E : (CMREYNES,313.600) Whanne the Dominicall letter fallyth vpon the E , +tan schal be a stowte wynter of wyndys , a good somere , a good hervest and plente of corn , a gret +ger of frute , but they schall sone rotyn , derth of fleysshe , gret plente of been , deth of bestis , a good yeer aftyr , and peas among the pepyll , and gret flodys of freysshe watyris etc . (CMREYNES,313.601) Ff : (CMREYNES,313.602) Whanne the Dominicall lettyr fallyth vpon the Ff , +tan shall be a blakke wynter and also a scharppe colde , a drye somere , plente of oyle , gret sekenesse of eyne ; be but comon deth of +gonge people , gret werre in dyuers placys , and ertheqwawghe etc . (CMREYNES,313.603) G : (CMREYNES,313.604) Whanne the Dominicall lettyr ffallyth vpon the G , than xal be a warme wynter and a dyuers somer , gret plente of corn , gret tempest of fyer of howsys , grete sekenesse of the axcesse , plente of ben , gret fellyngges of tymber , deth of olde people , and gret plente of hey+ges . (CMREYNES,314.605) WEYGHTIS AND MESURIS (CMREYNES,315.610) Be the dyscression and ordenaunce of all the roialme of England , the lordys spirituall and temporall , of alle maner of weyghtis and mesures , that was made by the graynes of whete . +Tat is to vnderstonde +tat xxxii graynes of whete taken owte of the myddys of the whete ere weyth a sterlyng , othirwyse called a peny , (CMREYNES,315.612) and xx sterlyng makyth an vnce , (CMREYNES,315.613) and xii vncez makith a pownde for syluer , gold , brede and mesure . Weche weight makyth a pynt of whete , (CMREYNES,315.614) and ii pyntys makith i quarte , (CMREYNES,316.616) ii quartis makith a potell , (CMREYNES,316.617) and ii potellys makith i galon , (CMREYNES,316.618) and viii galons makith a busshell (CMREYNES,316.619) {ED:omit_following_words} and neyther hepe ner cantell ; (CMREYNES,316.620) and to be strekyn with a rased stryke , (CMREYNES,316.621) and neyther hepe nor cantell etc . (CMREYNES,316.622) Also , the same tyme was ordeyned by the Kyng and alle his lordys spirituall and temporall +tat the sayde xxxii graynes of whete taken owte of the myddys of the ere makyth a sterlyng peny , and xx d. sterlyngis makith an vnce of haburdepeyse , and xvi uncez makith i pownde of haburdepeyse . (CMREYNES,316.623) And +tis sayde vnce and pownde to be devyded frome +te most part vnto +te lest part to by and selle spyces by , and alle o+ter chaffare that perteynet vnto weyght ; (CMREYNES,316.624) and so , ii li. , iiii li. , viii li. , and so forth to the c . (CMREYNES,316.625) And at +tis day the c is trewe aftyr v=xx= for the c , weche kepith , (CMREYNES,316.626) and mesure : (CMREYNES,316.627) 1 pownde the half c , (CMREYNES,316.628) xxv li. +te quarteron , (CMREYNES,316.629) xii li. and an half the half quarteron , weche was called of olde tyme beyng a stone of London , (CMREYNES,316.630) vi li. and i quarteron is the half stone . (CMREYNES,316.631) And these ben the statutes as it aperith in Magna Carta . (CMREYNES,317.632) And that is , o weyght and o mesure thoroughowte England . (CMREYNES,317.633) Ffor an c aftyr +tis wyth weyth ii busshells of whete , (CMREYNES,317.634) the half c weyth i busshell of whete , (CMREYNES,317.635) and the quarteron weyth half a busshell of whete , and xii li . (CMREYNES,317.636) and dimidium weyth a pecke of whete , and so forth , weyth for weyght vnto the seyd sterlyng . (CMREYNES,317.637) All these weyghtis and mesures to be ocupyed with trewe bem and trewe balaunce , and that the tonge of the bem enclyne neyther vpon the ton part nor vpon the tothyr part , but +tat it kepe the myddys of the beme . (CMREYNES,317.638) METTIS (CMREYNES,317.640) Also , it was ordeyned at the same tyme +tat iii barly cornys take owte of the myddys of the ere makyth an inche , and xii inches makyth a ffote , and iii fote makyth a yarde , and it to be sysed and sealed , and thervpon to be merkyd a trewe half yard , quarter , nayle and half nayle . (CMREYNES,317.642) The elne to be v quarteris of the yard in lenghyth , (CMREYNES,317.643) and it to be sysed and sealed , (CMREYNES,317.644) and that it be merkyd in iiii partys acordyng for an elne . (CMREYNES,317.645) And owte of the seyd yard growyth a rodde to mesur lond by , the weche rodde conteyneth in lenghyth v yardys and an half , as it apperyth in Magna Carta . (CMREYNES,318.646) CLERICUS MERCATI (CMREYNES,318.649) Iohn Becwyth , clerk of the market , satte at Acle the Thursday aftyr Seynt Ambrose in the monyth of Apryl , (CMREYNES,318.651) ther sysed busshellys aftir viii galonys , and alle othyr mettys and mesuris , and alle maner weyghtis acordyng to the Kynggis statutis . (CMREYNES,318.652) +Tis don the xv yeer of our souerayn lord , Kyng Edward the iiii=te= . (CMREYNES,318.653) {ED:111} CHARGE TO THE MAYSTERIS OF EUERY CRAFT (CMREYNES,318.656) +Ge schull sweren that +ge schal with alle +goure myght and +goure pouer kepen pees , and reste , and tranquillite withinne +goure crafte . (CMREYNES,318.658) And alle maner good gouernaunce and ordenaunce within +gow +ge schal holdene . (CMREYNES,319.659) And +ge schal make good and trewe serche in +goure craft duryng +goure terme . (CMREYNES,319.660) And also , alle maner notabyl defautis that +ge fynde in +goure craft , wel and trewly +ge schal presente them vp onto +te mair . (CMREYNES,319.661) And that +ge schal not suffren no man of +goure craft to engrosen ne forstallyn no maner of thyng that to +goure craft longith in hyndryng of the comouns of the citie . (CMREYNES,319.662) And also , if ony man of +goure craft take excessysly for his craft , +ge schall treuly presente hym to +te mayr , be hym to be redressyd , and correctyd , and make fyn aftyr +te quantyte of the trespas . (CMREYNES,319.663) And if ony maner man of +goure craft will noght be serged ne gouerned by +gow in all ryght and reason , qwiles +go be maistres of +goure craft , +ge schal certifie hym vnto the mayr , (CMREYNES,319.664) and he schal be chastysed as good ordenaunce of the citie wyll . (CMREYNES,319.665) And that +ge concele noght the defautes aforseyd , sparyng no man for love , hathe ne drede , vpon peyne on greuous ponyschement , be avys of the mayr and mo sufficient men of the same craft . But that +ge schuln so gouerne +gowre craft in all thyngis , that may be encrese , profyte and wurshippe vnto alle the citie . (CMREYNES,319.666) And wel and truly +ge schul don alle that longith to maistres of +goure craft to doo , (CMREYNES,320.667) so helpe +gow God at Holy Dome . (CMREYNES,320.668) {ED:112_BENEVOLENCE_OF_WILLIAM_CALTHORPE_TO_EDWARD_IV} Beneuolens : (CMREYNES,320.670) I , William Calthorpe of the comity of Norffolk , knyght , promytte and graunte to oure souereign lord , Kyng Edward the iiii=th= , towardis his viage beyond the see the somme of iii=xx= and xiii li. of lawefull money of Inglond , to be payed to oure seid souereign lord or to his assign the first day of Ffeuer+gere xxxvi li. and x s. , and the first day of May xxxvi li. and x s . nex comyng . To the whiche paiement truly to be made in the fourme aboueseid , I bynde me and myn heires by this bylle sealed with my seale , the xx=th= day of Decembr the xiiii=th= +gere of our seid souereign lordis reign . (CMREYNES,320.671) {ED:116} WALSYNGHAM (CMREYNES,322.676) {ED:B} A knyght clepyd Syr Raaff Boutetourt by vyolens of his hors cam rydyng armed in at this lytell posterne +gate , vnhurt by miracle of Our Blyssed Lady , the yeer of Our Lord ml. ccc=mo= xiiii=o= . (CMREYNES,322.679) The postern +gate past not an elne hy and iii quarteris in brede . (CMREYNES,322.680) Gabriel gretyng Our Lady ; (CMREYNES,323.682) in the myddes of the tabyll at the avter stante Our Lady , (CMREYNES,323.683) on eche syde of her stante an angell , Seynt Edward , Seynt Kateryne on the ryght hande , Seynt Edmond , Seynt Margarete on the left hande ; (CMREYNES,323.684) alle clene gold . (CMREYNES,323.685) {ED:D} OBLIGACIO : (CMREYNES,327.690) I TO I (CMREYNES,327.691) Knowen to alle maner men me Roberd C. of Norwiche in the comitye of Norffolk , barbour , to be holden and be this my present obligacion bounden to Richard N. of Yermothe , marchant , in xx li. xiii s. iiii d. lawfull money of Englond to pay to +te seyd Ric. N. , or to his executouris , or to his certeyn atturnyes , at +te ffest of the Purificacion of Oure Lady the Vyrgyne next folwyng after this date present , withowten ony delay other . Of that weche seyd payment weell and treuly as it $is aboven made , I bynde me and myn executourys by this present . In wytnesse of what thyng to this present myn seall haue putte . (CMREYNES,327.693) Yoven the x day of the monyth of Marche , the yeer and regne of Kyng Edward the iiii=te= after Conquest the vi=te= . (CMREYNES,327.694) {ED:E} II TO I (CMREYNES,327.697) Alle maner men schall aknowen vs Iohn M. of Beclys in the comitye of Suffolk , carpenter , and William S. of Mendham in the comitye of Norfolk , yoman , to be holden and be this present obligacion bounden to Raff Pye of Snetesham , ffuller , in xl li. lawfull money of Englond , to be payed to the seyd Raffe Pye , or to his executourys , or to his certeyn atturnyes at +te ffest of Estern next folwyng after +tis date present , withowten ony other delay . Of +tat weche seyd payment weell and treuly as it is aboven to be made , we bynden vs and eyther of vs be oureself for the hole and in the payment , oure eyres and executoures be this present . In wytnesse of what thyng to +tis present oure seales we han putte . (CMREYNES,328.699) Yoven the fourte day of the monyth of Ffeueryer , the yeer and regne of Kyng Edward the Fourte after Conquest of Ynglond the viii=te= . (CMREYNES,328.700) The condicion of this obligacyon is suche that if wythinne bounden Thomas A. and Roberd N. payen or elles don payen to withinne named Richard P. and Symond R. , to ther eyres or executours , or to iche of ther sert atturnyes v marke at the festes vnder forme folwyng : that is to seyn , at +te fest withinne wretyn xiii s. iiii d. , and at +te fest of Estern than next folwyng xiii s. iiii d. , and so from yer into yer on after another than continuall folwyng , iche yeer at +te seyd festis of Our Lord and Estern xiii s. iiii d. , till the seyd v marke so full be payed , that than +te seyd wreten obligacion $is to be caste and for nought hadde . And if ony defaute be in ony of the forseyd payment at ony of the festis aboven seyd in parte or in all , ayens +te forme forseyd , that than grauntyth and wullyth the forseyd Thomas A. and Roberd N. be themself , eyres and ther executours be +tis present that +te forseyd wreten obligacion in all his strengtht schall stonde and vertu , and so executed . (CMREYNES,330.703)