{ED:Ego_Dormio} EGo dormio et cor meum vigilat . (CMROLLEP,61.3) +Tai +tat lyste lufe , herken , (CMROLLEP,61.4) and here of luf . (CMROLLEP,61.5) In +te sang of luf it es writen : ' I slepe , (CMROLLEP,61.6) and my hert wakes . ' (CMROLLEP,61.7) Mykel lufe he schewes , +tat never es irk to lufe , (CMROLLEP,61.8) bot ay standand , sittand , gangand , or wirkand , es ay his lufe thynkand , (CMROLLEP,61.9) and oftsyth +tarof es dremande . (CMROLLEP,61.10) For+ti +tat I lufe , I wow +te , +tat I myght have +te als I walde , noght to me , bot to my Lorde . (CMROLLEP,61.11) I will become +tat messanger to bryng +te to hys bed , +tat hase made +te and boght +te , Criste , +te keyng sonn of heven . (CMROLLEP,61.12) For he wil with +te dwelle , if +tou will lufe hym : (CMROLLEP,61.13) he askes +te na mare bot +ti lufe . (CMROLLEP,61.14) And my dere syster in Criste , my wil +tou dose if +tou lufe hym . (CMROLLEP,61.15) Criste covaytes noght els , bot at +tou do his wil , and enforce +te day and nyght +tat +tou leve al fleschly lufe , and al lykyng +tat lettes +te til lofe Jhesu Crist verraly . (CMROLLEP,61.16) For ay , whils +ti hert es heldand til lufe any bodely thyng , +tou may not perfitely be coupuld with God . (CMROLLEP,61.17) In heven er neyn orders of aungels , +tat er contened in thre ierarchies . (CMROLLEP,61.18) +Te lawest ierarchi contenes aungels , archaungels , and vertues ; (CMROLLEP,61.19) +te mydel ierarchi contenes principates , potestates , and dominacions ; (CMROLLEP,61.20) +te heest ierarchi , +tat neest es to God , contenes thronos , cherubyn , and seraphyn . (CMROLLEP,61.21) +Te lawest es aungels , (CMROLLEP,61.22) +te heest es seraphyn ; (CMROLLEP,62.23) and +tat order , +tat leste es bryght , es seven sythe sa bryght (CMROLLEP,62.24) als +te sonn es bryghtar +tan a kandele , +te kandel bryghtar +tan +te mone , +te mone bryghtar +tan a sterne . Also er +te orders in heven ilk ane bryghter +tan other , fra aungels to seraphyn . (CMROLLEP,62.25) +Tis I say to kyndel +ti hert for to covayte +te felichip of aungels . (CMROLLEP,62.26) For al +tat er gude and haly , when +tai passe owt of +tis worlde , sal be taken intil +ties orders : some intil +te lawest , +tat hase lufed mykel ; some intil +te mydelmest , +tat hase lufed mare ; o+ter intil +te heest , +tat maste lufed God and byrnandest es in hys lufe . (CMROLLEP,62.27) Seraphyn es at say ' brynand ' ; til +te whilk order +tai er receyved +tat leest covaytes in +tis worlde , and maste swetnes feles in God , and brynandest hertes hase in his lufe . (CMROLLEP,62.28) Til +te I write specialy , (CMROLLEP,62.29) for I hope mare godenes in +te +tan in another , and $+tat +tou wil gyf +ti thoght to fulfil in dede +tat +tou seys es maste prophetabel for +ti sawle , and +tat lyf gif +te til $in +te whilk +tow may halyest offer +ti hert to Jhesu Criste and leste be in bisynes of +tis worlde . (CMROLLEP,62.30) For if +tow stabil +ti lufe , and be byrnande whils +tou lyfes here , withowten dowte +ti settel es ordaynde ful hegh in heven and joyful before Goddes face amang his haly aungels . (CMROLLEP,62.31) For in +te self degre +teir prowde devels fel downe fra , er meke men and wymen , Criste dowves , sett , to have rest and joy withowten ende , for a litel schort penance and travel +tat +tai have sufferd for Goddes lufe . (CMROLLEP,62.32) +Te thynk $now peraventure hard to gife +ti hert fra al erthly thynges , fra al ydel speche and vayne , and fra al fleschly lufe , and to be alane , to wake and pray and thynk of +te joy of heven and of +te passyon of Jhesu Criste , and to ymagyn +te payne of hell +tat es ordande for synful man . (CMROLLEP,62.33) Bot wyterly , fra +tou be used +tarin , +te wil thynk it lyghter and swetter +tan +tou dyd any erthly thyng or solace . (CMROLLEP,63.34) Als sone als +ti hert es towched with +te swetnes of heven , +te wil lytel lyst +te myrth of +tis worlde ; (CMROLLEP,63.35) and when +tou feles joy in Criste lufe , +te wil lathe with +te joy and +te comforth of +tis worlde and erthly gamen . (CMROLLEP,63.36) For al melody and al riches and delites , +tat al men in +tis world ken ordayne or thynk , sownes bot noy and anger til a mans hert +tat verraly es byrnand in +te lufe of God ; (CMROLLEP,63.37) for he hase myrth and joy and melody in aungels sang , als +tou may wele wyt . (CMROLLEP,63.38) If +tou leve al thyng +tat +ti fleschly lufe list , for +te lufe of God , and have na thoght on syb frendes , bot forsake al for Goddes lufe , and anely gyf +ti hert to coveyte Goddes lufe and pay hym , mare joy sal +tou have and fynd in hym +tan I can on thynk . (CMROLLEP,63.39) How myght +tou +tan wyt it ? (CMROLLEP,63.40) I wate never , if any man be in swilk lufe ; (CMROLLEP,63.41) for ay +te hegher +te lyfe es , +te fewer folowers it hase here . (CMROLLEP,63.42) For many thynges drawes man fra Goddes lufe , +tat +tow may here and se ; (CMROLLEP,63.43) and God comfortes his lufers mare +tan +tai wene +tat lufes hym noght . (CMROLLEP,63.44) For+ti , +tof we seme in penance withowten , we sal have mykel joy within , if we ordayne us wysely to Goddes servyce , and sett in hym al owre thoghtes , and forsake al vanyte of +tis worlde . (CMROLLEP,63.45) Gyf +tien entent til understand +tis wrytyng ; (CMROLLEP,63.46) and if +tou have sett al +ti desyre til lufe God , here +ties thre degrees of lufe , sa +tat +tou may rise fra ane til another , to +tou be in +te heest . (CMROLLEP,63.47) For I wil noght layne fra +te , +tat I hope may turne +te til halynes . (CMROLLEP,63.48) +Te fyrst degre of lufe es , when a man haldes +te ten commandementes , and kepes hym fra +te seven dedely synnes , and es stabyl in +te trowth of hali kyrke ; and when a man wil noght for any erthly thyng wreth God , bot trewly standes in his servyce , and lasses +tarin til his lyves ende . (CMROLLEP,63.49) +Tis degre of lufe behoves ilk man have , +tat wil be safe ; (CMROLLEP,63.50) for na man may com til heven , bot if he lufe God and his neghbor , withowten pride , ire , envy , or bakbityng , and withowten al other venemus synne , glotony , lichery , and covayties ; (CMROLLEP,64.51) for +ties vices slaes +te saule , (CMROLLEP,64.52) and makes it to depart fra God , withowten wham na creature may lyf . (CMROLLEP,64.53) For als a man pusonde of a swete morcell takes venome +tat slase his body , sa dose a synful wreche in likyng and luste of hys flesch : (CMROLLEP,64.54) destrues his sawle , (CMROLLEP,64.55) and brynges it to dede withowten end . (CMROLLEP,64.56) Men thynk it swete to synne ; (CMROLLEP,64.57) bot +taire mede , +tat es ordand for +tam , es bitterer +tan +te gall , sowrar +tan +te atter , war +tan al +te waa +tat we may here se or fele . (CMROLLEP,64.58) Alle perisches and passes +tat we with eghe see (CMROLLEP,64.60) It wanes into wrechednes , +te welth of +tis worlde . (CMROLLEP,64.61) Robes and ritches rotes in dike , (CMROLLEP,64.62) Prowde payntyng slakes into sorow , (CMROLLEP,64.63) Delites and drewryse stynk sal ful sone , (CMROLLEP,64.64) +Tair golde and +taire tresoure drawes +tam til dede . (CMROLLEP,64.65) Al +te wikked of +tis worlde drawes til a dale , +Tat +tai may se +tare sorowyng , whare waa es ever stabel . (CMROLLEP,64.66) Bot he may syng of solace , +tat lufes Jhesu Criste . (CMROLLEP,64.67) +Te wretchesse fra wele falles into hell . (CMROLLEP,64.68) Bot when +tou have wele leved in +te ten comandementes of God , and styfly put +te fra al dedely synnes , and payes God in +tat degre , umbethynk +te +tat +tou wil plese God mare , and do better with +ti sawle , and become perfyte . (CMROLLEP,64.70) +Tan enters +tou into +te to+ter degre of lufe , +tat es , to forsake al +te worlde , +ti fader and +ti moder , and al +ti kyn , and folow Criste in poverte . (CMROLLEP,64.71) In +tis degre +tou sal stody how clene +tou be in hert , and how chaste in body ; and gife +te til mekenes , suffryng , and buxumnes ; and loke how fayre +tou may make +ti saule in vertues and hate al vices , so +tat +ti lyf be gastly and noght fleschly . (CMROLLEP,65.72) Never mare speke evyl of +ti neghbor , (CMROLLEP,65.73) ne gyf any evel worde for another ; (CMROLLEP,65.74) bot al +tat men says , evel or gude , suffer it mekeli in +ti hert , withowten styrryng of wreth ; (CMROLLEP,65.75) and +tan sal +tou be in rest within and withowte , (CMROLLEP,65.76) and so lyghtly sal +tou come to +te gastly lyfe , +tat +tou sal fynde swettar +tan any erthly thyng . (CMROLLEP,65.77) Perfite life and gastly es , to despise +te worlde , and covete +te joy of heven , and destroy thorow Goddes grace al wicked desyres of +te flesch , and forgete +te solace and +te lykyng of +ti kynredyn , and lufe noght bot in God : whethir +tai dy or lyfe , or be pore or riche , or seke , or in wa or in hele , (CMROLLEP,65.78) thank +tou ay God , (CMROLLEP,65.79) and blisse hym in al +ti werkis . (CMROLLEP,65.80) For his domes er so pryve , +tat na creature may comprehend +tam . (CMROLLEP,65.81) And oftsithes some haves +tar likyng and +tair wil in +tis worlde , and hell in +te to+ter ; (CMROLLEP,65.82) and some men er in pyne and persecucion and anguysch in +tis lyfe , (CMROLLEP,65.83) and hase heven to +tair mede . (CMROLLEP,65.84) For+ti , if +ti frendes be ay in +taire ese and hele and welsh of +tis worlde , +tou and +tai bath may have +te mare drede +tat +tai lose noght +te joy of heven withouten ende . (CMROLLEP,65.85) If +tai be in penance and sekenes , or if +tai lyf rightwisly , +tai may trayste to come til +te blysse . (CMROLLEP,65.86) For+ti in +tis degre of lufe +tou sal be fulfilde with +te grace of +te Haly Gaste , +tat +tou sal noght have na sorow ne grutchyng bot for gastly thyng , als for +ti synnes and other mennes , and after +te lufe of Jhesu Criste , and in thynkyng of his passyon . (CMROLLEP,65.87) And I wil +tat +tou have it mykel in mynde , (CMROLLEP,65.88) for it wyll kyndel +ti hert to sett at noght al +te gudes of +tis worlde and +te joy +tarof , and to desyre byrnandly +te lyght of heven with aungels and halowes . (CMROLLEP,65.89) And when +ti hert es haly ordande to +te service of God , and al worldly thoghtes put oute , +tan wil +te liste stele by +te alane , to thynk on Criste , and to be in mykel praying . (CMROLLEP,66.90) For thorow gode thoghtes and hali prayers +ti hert sal be made byrnand in +te lufe of Jhesu Criste , (CMROLLEP,66.91) and +tan sal +tow fele swetnes and gastely joy bath in praying and in thynkyng . (CMROLLEP,66.92) And when +tou ert by +te alane , gyf +te mykel to say +te psalmes of +te psauter and Pater noster and Ave Maria ; (CMROLLEP,66.93) and take na tent +tat +tou say many , bot +tat +tou say +tam wele , with al +te devocion +tat +tow may , liftand up +ti thoght til heven . (CMROLLEP,66.94) Better it es to say seven psalmes wyth desyre of Crystes lufe , havand +ti hert on +ti praying , +tan seven hundreth thowsand suffrand +ti thoght passe in vanitees of bodyli thynges . (CMROLLEP,66.95) What gude , hopes +tou , may come +tarof , if +tou lat +ti tonge blaber on +te boke and +ti hert ren abowte in sere stedes in +te worlde ? (CMROLLEP,66.96) For+ti sett +ti thoght in Criste , (CMROLLEP,66.97) and he sal rewle it til hym . And halde +te fra +te venome of +te worldly bisynesse . (CMROLLEP,66.98) And I pray +te , als +tou covaytes to be Goddes lufer , +tat +tou lufe +tis name Jhesu , and thynk it in +ti hert , sa +tat +tou forget it never , whareso +tou be . (CMROLLEP,66.99) And sothely I say +te , +tat +tou sal fynd mykel joy and comforth +tarin ; (CMROLLEP,66.100) and for +te lufe +tat +tou lufes Jhesu , so tenderly and so specialy , +tou sal be fulfild of grace in erth , and be Criste dere servande in heven . (CMROLLEP,66.101) For na thyng pays God swa mykel als verray lufe of +tis nam Jhesu . (CMROLLEP,66.102) If +tou luf it ryght and lastandely , and never let , for na thyng +tat men may do or say , +tou sal be receyved intil a heghar lyfe +tan +tou can covete . (CMROLLEP,66.103) His godenes es sa mykel , +tar we inwardly aske hym ane , he wil gyf fyfe , so wele payde es he when we wil sett al oure hert to lufe hym . (CMROLLEP,66.104) In +tis degre of lufe +tou sal overcome +ti enmyse , +te worlde , +te devel , and +ti flesche . (CMROLLEP,66.105) Bot never-+te-latter +tou sal ever have feghtyng whils +tou lyfes . (CMROLLEP,66.106) Til +tou dye , +te behoves to be bysy to stande , +tat +tou fal noght intil delites , ne in evel thoghtes , ne in evel wordes , ne in evel warke . (CMROLLEP,67.107) For+ti grete aght +ti +gernyng be +tat +tou lufe Criste verrayly . (CMROLLEP,67.108) +Ti flesche sal +tou overcome with haldyng of +ti maydenhede , for Goddes lufe anely ; or if +tou be na mayden , thorow chaste lyvyng and resonabel in thoght and dede , and thorow discrete abstinence . (CMROLLEP,67.109) +Te worlde +tou sal overcom thorow covaytyng of Cristes lufe and thynkyng on +tis swete name Jhesus , and desyre til heven . (CMROLLEP,67.110) For als sone als +tou feles savoure in Jhesu , +te wil thynk al +te worlde noght bot vanyte and noy for men sawles . (CMROLLEP,67.111) +Tow will noght covayte +tan to be riche , to have many mantels and fayre , many kyrtels and drewryse ; (CMROLLEP,67.112) bot al +tou wil sett at noght , and despise it als noght it ware , and take na mare +tan +te nedes . (CMROLLEP,67.113) +Te wil thynk twa mantels or ane inogh ; (CMROLLEP,67.114) +tow +tat hase fyve or sex , gyf some til Criste , +tat gase naked in a pore wede ; (CMROLLEP,67.115) and halde noght all , (CMROLLEP,67.116) for +tou wate noght if +tow lif til +tai be half gane . (CMROLLEP,67.117) +Te devell es overcome when +tou standes stabely agaynes al his fandyngys in sothefast charite and mekenes . (CMROLLEP,67.118) I wil +tat +tow never be ydel , bot ay owther speke of God , or wirke som notabil warke , or thynk on hym principaly , +tat +ti thoght be ay havand hym in mynde . (CMROLLEP,67.119) And thynk oft on his passyon : (CMROLLEP,67.120) {COM:poetry_omitted} If +tou wil thynk +tis ilk day , +tou sal fynde swetnes +tat sal draw +ti hert up , +tat sal gar +te fal in gretyng and in grete langyng til Jhesu , (CMROLLEP,69.257.123) and +ti thoght sal al be on Jhesu , and so be receyved aboven all erthly thyng , aboven +te firmament and +te sternes , so +tat +te egh of +ti hert mai loke intil heven . (CMROLLEP,69.257.124) And +tan enters +tow into +te thirde degre of lufe , in +te whilk +tou sal have grete delyte and comforth , if +tow may get grace to com +tartill . (CMROLLEP,69.257.125) For I say noght +tat +tou , or another +tat redes +tis , sal do it all ; (CMROLLEP,69.257.126) for it es at Goddes will to chese wham he will , to do +tat here es sayde , or els another thyng on another maner , als he gifes men grace til have +taire hele . (CMROLLEP,69.257.127) For sere men takes seer grace of oure Lorde Jhesu Criste ; (CMROLLEP,69.257.128) and al sal be sett in +te joy of heven , +tat endes in charite . (CMROLLEP,69.257.129) Wha sa es in +tis degre , wisdom he hase , and discrecion , to luf at Goddes will . (CMROLLEP,69.257.130) +Tis degre es called contemplatife lyfe , +tat lufes to be anely , withowten ryngyng or dyn or syngyng or criyng . (CMROLLEP,69.257.131) At +te begynyng , when +tou comes +tartil , +ti gastly egh es taken up intil +te blysse of heven , and +tar lyghtned with grace and kyndelde with fyre of Cristes lufe , sa +tat +tou sal verraly fele +te bernyng of lufe in +ti hert ever mare and mare , liftand +ti thoght to God , and feland lufe , joy , and swetnes so mykel +tat na sekenes , anguys , ne scheme , ne penance may greve +te , (CMROLLEP,69.257.132) bot al +ti lyf sal turne intyl joy ; (CMROLLEP,69.257.133) and +tan fore heghnesse of +ti hert +ti prayers turnes intil joyful sange , and +ti thoghtes to melody . (CMROLLEP,69.257.134) +Tan es Jhesu al +ti desyre , al +ti delyte , al +ti joy , al +ti solace , al +ti comforth ; (CMROLLEP,70.135) al I wate +tat on hym ever be +ti sang , in hym all +ti rest . (CMROLLEP,70.136) +Ten may +tow say : ' I slepe , (CMROLLEP,70.137) and my hert wakes . (CMROLLEP,70.138) Wha sall tyll my lemman say : (CMROLLEP,70.139) For hys lufe me langes ay ? ' (CMROLLEP,70.140) All +tat lufes vanytees and specials of +tis warlde , and settes +taire hert on any other thynges +tan of God , intyll +tis degre +tai may noght come , ne intyll $+tat other degre of lufe before nevind . (CMROLLEP,70.142) And +tarfore all worldely solace +te behoves forsake , +tat +ti hert be heldande til na lufe of any creature , ne til na bysynes in erth , +tat +tou may be in sylence , be ay stabilly and stalwortly with +ti hert in Goddes lufe and hys drede . (CMROLLEP,70.143) Owre Lorde gyfes noght to men fairehede , ritchesse , and delytes for to sette +taire hertes on and dispend +tam in synne , bot for +tai sulde knew hym and lufe hym and thank hym of al hys gyftes . (CMROLLEP,70.144) +Te mare es +taire scheme , if +tai wreth hym +tat hase gyfen +tam gyftes in body and in saule . (CMROLLEP,70.145) For+ti , if we covayte to fle +te payne of purgatory , us behoves restreyne us perfitely fra +te lust and +te likyng and al +te il delytes and wikked drede of +tis worlde , and +tat worldely sorow be noght in us , bot +tat we halde owre hope faste in Jhesu Criste , and stande manly agaynes al temptacions . (CMROLLEP,70.146) Now I write a sang of lufe , +tat +tou sal delyte in when +tow ert lufand Jhesu Criste : (CMROLLEP,70.147) {COM:remainder_of_text_poetry} {ED:The_Commandment} +TE comawndement of God es , +tat we lufe oure Lorde in al oure hert , in all oure saule , in al oure thoght . (CMROLLEP,73.151) In al oure hert : +tat es , in al oure understandyng , withowten erryng . (CMROLLEP,73.152) In al owre sawle : +tat es , in al oure will , withowten gaynsaiyng . (CMROLLEP,73.153) In al oure thoght : +tat es , +tat we thynk on hym , withowten forgetyng . (CMROLLEP,73.154) In +tis maner es verray lufe and trew , (CMROLLEP,73.155) +tat es werk of mans will . (CMROLLEP,73.156) For lufe es a wilful stiryng of owre thoght intil God , sa +tat it receyve na thyng +tat es agaynes +te lufe of Jhesu Crist , and +tarwith +tat it be lastand in swetnes of devocion ; (CMROLLEP,73.157) and +tis es +te perfeccion of +tis lyfe , til +te whilk al dedely syn es contrary and enmy , bot noght venyall syn . (CMROLLEP,74.158) For venial syn dose noght away charite , (CMROLLEP,74.159) bot anly lettes +te usce and +te byrnyng +tarof . (CMROLLEP,74.160) For+ti all +tat wil lufe God perfitely , +taim behoves noght alanly fle al dedly synnes , bot alsa , als mykel als +tai may , all venial syn , in thoght and worde and dede ; and namly , to be of lytel speche . (CMROLLEP,74.161) And +tat sylens be in occupacion of gode thoghtes , it helpes gretely to Goddes lufe ; (CMROLLEP,74.162) for jangelers and bakbyters , +tat appayres other mens lyfe with wikked wordes , and all +tat roses +tar awne state before all other , or +tat despises any state in +te whilke a man may be safe , +tai have na mare syght of +te lufe of God in +taire sawle +ten +te egh of a bak has of +te sonne . (CMROLLEP,74.163) For vayne speche and ill wordes er syngne of a vayne hert and ill , +tat es withowten grace of God ; (CMROLLEP,74.164) and he +tat spekes ay +te gode , and haldes ilk a man better +tan hymselfe , he schewes wele +tat he es stabel in godenes in hys hert , and ful of charite til God and til his neghbor . (CMROLLEP,74.165) And +tat +tou may wynne til +te swetnes of Goddes lufe , I sett here thre degree of lufe , in +te whilk +tou be ay waxand . (CMROLLEP,74.166) +Te fyrst degre es called insuperabel , +te secunde inseparabel , +te thyrd singuler . (CMROLLEP,74.167) +Ti luf es insuperabel , when na thyng may overcome hit , +tat es , nowther wele ne waa , ese ne anguys , lust of flesch ne likyng of +tis worlde ; (CMROLLEP,74.168) bot ay it lastes in gode thoght , if it wer temped gretely , (CMROLLEP,74.169) and it hates all syn , sa +tat na thyng may slokken +tat lufe . (CMROLLEP,74.170) +Ti lufe es inseparabel , when al +ti thoghtes and +ti willes er gederd togeder and festend haly in Jhesu Criste , swa +tat +tou may na tyme forgete hym , (CMROLLEP,74.171) bot ay +tou thynkes on hym . (CMROLLEP,74.172) And for+ti it es called inseparabel , (CMROLLEP,74.173) for it may noght be departed fra +te thoght of Jhesu Criste . (CMROLLEP,74.174) +Ti luf es singuler , when al +ti delyte es in Jhesu Cryste , and in nane other thyng fyndes joy and comforth . (CMROLLEP,74.175) In +tis degre es lufe stalworth as dede , and hard as hell ; (CMROLLEP,74.176) for als dede slas al lyvand thyng in +tis worlde , sa perfite lufe slas in a mans sawle all fleschly desyres and erthly covaytise ; (CMROLLEP,75.177) and als hell spares noght til dede men , bot tormentes al +tat commes +tartill , alswa a man +tat es in +tis degre of lufe , noght anly he forsakes +te wretched solace of +tis lyf , (CMROLLEP,75.178) bot alswa he covaytes to sofer pynes for Goddes lufe . (CMROLLEP,75.179) +Tarfore , if +te lyst lufe any thyng , lufe Jhesu Criste , +tat es +te fayrest , richest , and wysest , whas lufe lastes in joy endles . (CMROLLEP,75.180) For al erthly lufe es passand , (CMROLLEP,75.181) and wytes sone away . (CMROLLEP,75.182) If +tou be covetose after gode , luf hym , (CMROLLEP,75.183) and +tou sal have al gode . (CMROLLEP,75.184) Desyre hym trewly , (CMROLLEP,75.185) and +te sal wante na thyng . (CMROLLEP,75.186) If delites like +te , lufe hym , (CMROLLEP,75.187) for he gyfes delites til hys lovers , +tat never may perisch . (CMROLLEP,75.188) Bot al +te delytes of +tis world er faynt and fals and fayland in maste nede ; (CMROLLEP,75.189) +tai bygyn in swettnes , (CMROLLEP,75.190) and +tair endyng es bitterer +tan +te gall . (CMROLLEP,75.191) If +tou kan noght lyf withowten felichip , lyft +ti thoght til heven , +tat +tou may fynd comforth with aungels and halows , +te whilke wil helpe +te til God and noght lett +te , als +ti fleschly frendes dos . (CMROLLEP,75.192) Restreyn +ti will a while fra al lust and lykyng of syn , (CMROLLEP,75.193) and +tou sall have efterwarde al +ti will ; (CMROLLEP,75.194) for it sal be clensed , and made sa fre +tat +te lyst do na thyng bot +tat +tat es payng of God . (CMROLLEP,75.195) If +te lyste speke , forbere it at +te begynnyng , for Goddes lufe ; (CMROLLEP,75.196) for when +ti hert feles delyte in Criste , +te wil not liste to speke , ne jangell , bot of Criste . (CMROLLEP,75.197) If +tow may not dreghe to syt by +ti nane , use +te stalworthly in hys lufe ; (CMROLLEP,75.198) and he sal sa stabyly sett +te , +tat al +te solace of +tis worlde sal noght remove +te , (CMROLLEP,75.199) for +te will noght list +tarof . (CMROLLEP,75.200) When +tow ert be +tiself , be ay , till slepe come , owther in prayer or in gode meditacioun ; (CMROLLEP,75.201) and ordane +ti prayng and +ti wakyng and +ti fastyng +tat it be in discrecion , noght over mykel na over litel . (CMROLLEP,75.202) Bot thynk ay +tat of all thyng maste coveytes God +te lufe of mans hert ; (CMROLLEP,76.203) and for+ti seke mare to lufe hym +tan to do any penance . (CMROLLEP,76.204) For unskylful penance es litel worth , or noght ; (CMROLLEP,76.205) bot lufe es ay +te best , whether +tou do penance mykel or lytel . (CMROLLEP,76.206) Be abowtwarde in +ti myght , +tat +tou war swa inwardly gyven til +te lufe of Jhesu Criste , +tat for gastly joy of +ti sawle na thyng +tat men may do or say make +te sary ; swa +tat +ti thoght within be fed anly in +te swetnes of Cristes lufe , and noght in delyte of erthly ese , ne in lovyng of men , when +tai begyn to speke gode of +te in ydel joy . (CMROLLEP,76.207) Trayst in God , +tat he wil gif til +te +tat +tou prayse hym skilfully . (CMROLLEP,76.208) Skylful prayer es , til cristen mans sawle , to seke and aske nyght and day +te lufe of Jhesu Criste , +tat it may lufe hym verraly , feland comforth and delyte in hym , owtkastyng worldes thoghtes and il bysynes . (CMROLLEP,76.209) And sykir be +tou , if +tou covayte his lufe trewly and lastandly , swa +tat na lufe of +ti flesche , ne angers of +te worlde , ne speche , ne hatreden of men draw +te agayne and caste +te noght in bisynes of bodily thyng ; +tou sal have his lufe , and fynd and fele +tat it es delitabeler in an owre +tan al +te welthe +tat we here se may til domesday . (CMROLLEP,76.210) And if +tou fayle and fall for temptacions , or for angers , or for over mykel luf of +ti frendes , it es na wonder if he halde fra +te thyng +tat +tow covaytes noght trewly . (CMROLLEP,76.211) He says +tat ' he lufes +tam +tat lufes hym , and +tai +tat arely wakes til hym sal fynde him ' . (CMROLLEP,76.212) +Tow ert arely wakand oftsythe , (CMROLLEP,76.213) why +tan fyndes +tou hym noght ? (CMROLLEP,76.214) Certes , if +tou seke hym ryght , +tou sall fynde hym . (CMROLLEP,76.215) Bot ay whiles +tou sekes erthly joy , if +tou wake never sa arely , Criste may +tou noght fynde . (CMROLLEP,76.216) For he es noght funden in +tair lande +tat lyves in fleschly lustes . (CMROLLEP,76.217) Hys moder , when he was willed fra hyr , scho soght hym gretand arely and late ymang his kynredyn and hirs ; (CMROLLEP,76.218) bot scho fend hym noght , for al hyr sekyng , til at +te laste scho come intil +te tempyl , (CMROLLEP,77.219) and +tare scho fend hym syttand ymange +te maysters , herand and answerand . (CMROLLEP,77.220) Swa behoves +te do , if +tou wil fynd hym : (CMROLLEP,77.221) seke hym inwardly , in trouth and hope and charite of haly kyrk , castand owt al syn , hatand it in al +ti hert : (CMROLLEP,77.222) for +tat haldes hym fra +te , (CMROLLEP,77.223) and lettes +te , +tat +tou may noght fynd hym . (CMROLLEP,77.224) +Te herdes , +tat hym soght , fend hym lyand in a krybbe bytwyx twa bestes , (CMROLLEP,77.225) +tat +tou knawes . (CMROLLEP,77.226) If +tou seke hym verraly , +te behoves ga in +te way of povert and noght of riches . (CMROLLEP,77.227) +Te sterne led +te thre keynges intil Bedlem , +tar +tai fend Criste swedeld in clowtes sympely , as a pore barne . (CMROLLEP,77.228) +Tarby understand , whils +tou ert in pryde and vanyte , +tou fyndes hym noght . (CMROLLEP,77.229) How may +tou for scheme , +tat es bot servand , with many clathes and riche folow +ti spowse and +ti Lorde , +tat yhede in a kyrtel , (CMROLLEP,77.230) and +tou trayles als mykel behynd +te as al +tat he had on ? (CMROLLEP,77.231) For+ti , I rede +tat +tou parte with hym ar +tou and he mete , +tat he reprove +te noght of outrage ; (CMROLLEP,77.232) for he wil +tat +tow have +tat +tou hase mister of , and na mare . (CMROLLEP,77.233) He sayde til his discipyls +tat +tai sulde noght have als many clashes as twa myght be sustend with ; (CMROLLEP,77.234) for to traveyle +tareabowte es owtrage bisynes , +tat he forbedes . (CMROLLEP,77.235) +Te lufe of Jhesu Criste es ful dere tresure , ful delytabyl joy , and ful syker to trayst man on . (CMROLLEP,77.236) For+ti he wil not gyf it to folys , +tat ken noght held it and kepe it tenderly ; (CMROLLEP,77.237) bot til +taim he gese it , +te whilk nowther for wele ne for wa wil let it passe fra +tam , (CMROLLEP,77.238) bot are +tai wil dye or +tai wolde wrath Jhesu Criste . (CMROLLEP,77.239) And na wyse man dose precyous lycor in a stynkand vessell , bot in a clene ; als Criste dose noght his lufe in a foule hert in syn and bownden in wile lust of flesche , bot in a hert +tat es fayre and clene in vertues . (CMROLLEP,77.240) Noght for+ti , a fowle vessel may be made sa clene , +tat a ful dere thyng savely may be done +tarin . (CMROLLEP,77.241) And Jhesu Criste oftsythes purges many synfull mans sawle , (CMROLLEP,78.242) and makes it abyl , thurgh his grace , to receyve +te delitabel swetnes of hys luf , and to be his wonnyng-sted in halynes ; (CMROLLEP,78.243) and ay +te clennar it waxes , +te mare joy and solace of heven Criste settes +tarin . (CMROLLEP,78.244) For+ti , at +te fyrst tyme when a man es turned to God he may not fele +tat swete lycor , til he have bene wele used in Goddes servys , (CMROLLEP,78.245) and his hert be purged thorow prayers and penance and gode thoghtes in God . (CMROLLEP,78.246) For he +tat es slaw in Goddes servyce may noght be byrnand in lufe , bot if he do al his myght and travell , nyght and day , to fulfill Goddes wille . (CMROLLEP,78.247) And when +tat blyssed lufe es in a mans hert , it will not suffer hym be ydel , (CMROLLEP,78.248) bot ay it stirres hym to do some gode +tat myght be lykand til God , as in praying , or in wirkyng profitabel thynges , or in spekyng of Cristes passyon ; and principally in thoght +tat +te mynde of Jhesu Criste passe noght fra his thoght . (CMROLLEP,78.249) For if +tou lufe hym trewly , +tou wil glad +te in hym , and noght in other thyng . (CMROLLEP,78.250) And +tou $wil thynk on hym , kastand away al other thoghtes . (CMROLLEP,78.251) Bot if +tou be fals , and take o+ter +tan hym , and delyte +te in erthly thyng agaynes his wille , wit +tou wele , he will forsake +te , as +tou hase done hyme , and dampne +te for +ti synne . Wharfore , +tat +tou may lufe hym trewly , understand +tat his lufe es proved in thre thynges : in thynkyng , in spekyng , in wirkyng . (CMROLLEP,78.252) Chaunge +ti thoght fra +te worlde , (CMROLLEP,78.253) and kast it haly on hym ; (CMROLLEP,78.254) and he sall norysche +te . (CMROLLEP,78.255) Chaunge +ti mowth fra unnayte and warldes speche , (CMROLLEP,78.256) and speke of hym ; (CMROLLEP,78.257) and he sall comforth +te . (CMROLLEP,78.258) Chaunge +ti hend fra +te warkes of vanitese , (CMROLLEP,78.259) and lyft +tam in his name , (CMROLLEP,78.260) and wyrke anly for hys lufe ; (CMROLLEP,78.261) and he sall receyve +te . (CMROLLEP,78.262) Do +tus , (CMROLLEP,78.263) and +tan lufes +tou trewly , (CMROLLEP,78.264) and gase in +te way of perfitenes . (CMROLLEP,78.265) Delyte +te sa in hym , +tat +ti hert receyve nowther worldes joy ne worldes sorow , (CMROLLEP,78.266) and drede no anguys ne noy +tat may befalle bodyly on +te , or on any of +ti frendes ; (CMROLLEP,79.267) bot betake all intil Goddes will , (CMROLLEP,79.268) and thank hym ay of all hys sandes , swa +tat +tou may have rest and savowre in hys lufe . (CMROLLEP,79.269) For if +ti hert owther-1 be ledde with worldes drede or worldes solace , +tou ert still fer fra +te swetnes of Cristes lufe . (CMROLLEP,79.270) And loke wele , +tat +tou seme not ane withowten and be another wythin , als ypocrites dose , +te whilk er like til a sepulker +tat es paynted richely withowten , and wythin rotes stynkand banes . (CMROLLEP,79.271) If +tou have delyte in +te name of religion , loke +tat +tou have mare delyte in +te dede +tat falles til religion . (CMROLLEP,79.272) Thyne abett says +tat +tou hase forsaken +te world , +tat +tou ert gyven till Goddes servys , +tat +tou delyte +te noght in erthly thyng . (CMROLLEP,79.273) Lok +tan , +tat it be in +ti hert , als it semes in men syght . (CMROLLEP,79.274) For na thyng may make +te religious , bot vertues and clennes of sawle in charite . (CMROLLEP,79.275) If +ti body be cled wythowten as +tine order wille , loke +tat +ti sawle be noght naked within , +tat +tine order forbedes . (CMROLLEP,79.276) Bot naked be +ti sawle fra all vices , and warme happed in lufe and mekenes . (CMROLLEP,79.277) Drede +te domes of God , sa +tat +tou wrath hym noght . (CMROLLEP,79.278) Stabel +ti thoght in hys lufe , (CMROLLEP,79.279) and helld owt of +te al synnes . (CMROLLEP,79.280) Kast away slawnes . (CMROLLEP,79.281) Use +te manly in godenes . (CMROLLEP,79.282) Be deboner and meke til al men . (CMROLLEP,79.283) Lat na thyng bryng +te til ire or envy . (CMROLLEP,79.284) Dyght +ti sawle fayre , (CMROLLEP,79.285) and make +tarin a towre of lufe til Goddes sonn , (CMROLLEP,79.286) and gar +ti will be covaytous to receyve hym als gladly as +tou walde be at +te commyng of a thyng +tat +tou lufed mast of al thyng . (CMROLLEP,79.287) Wasche +ti thoght clene wyth lufe teres and brennand +gernyng , +tat he fynd na thyng fowle in +te . (CMROLLEP,79.288) For his joy es +tat +tou be fayre and lufsom in his eghen . (CMROLLEP,79.289) Fayrehede of +ti sawle , +tat he covaytes , es +tat +tou be chaste and meke , mylde and sufferand , (CMROLLEP,79.290) never irk to do his wille , ay hatand all wykkednes . (CMROLLEP,79.291) In al +tat +tou dose , thynk ay to come to +te syght of his fairehede , (CMROLLEP,79.292) and sett al +tine entent +tarin , +tat +tou may come +tartil at +tine endyng . (CMROLLEP,80.293) For +tat aght to be +te ende of al oure traveyle , +tat we evermare , whils we lyve here , desyre +tat syght in all oure hert , and +tat we thynk ay lang +tartill . (CMROLLEP,80.294) Alssa festen in +ti hert +te mynd of his passyon and of his woundes : (CMROLLEP,80.295) grete delyte and swetnes sal +tou fele , if +tou halde +ti thoght in mynde of +te pyne +tat Crist sufferd for +te . (CMROLLEP,80.296) If +tou traveyle right in his lufe , and desyre hym brennandly , all temptacyons and dredes of ill +tou sall overcom , and deful under +ti fote , thorow his grace . (CMROLLEP,80.297) For al +tat he sees in gode will to luf hym , he helpes +tam agaynes all +tar enmys , (CMROLLEP,80.298) and rayses +tar thoght aboven all erthly thyng , swa +tat +tai may have savoure and solace in +te swetnes of heven . (CMROLLEP,80.299) Purches +te +te welle of gretyng , (CMROLLEP,80.300) and cees noght till +tou have hym . (CMROLLEP,80.301) For in +te hert where teres sprynges , +tar wil +te fyre of +te Haly Gaste be kyndelde ; (CMROLLEP,80.302) and sythen +te fyre of lufe , +tat sal byrn in +ti hert , wil bryn til noght al +te rust of syn , and purge +ti sawle of al fylth , als clene as +te golde +tat es proved in +te fournes . (CMROLLEP,80.303) I wate na thyng , +tat swa inwardly sal take +ti hert to covayte Goddes lufe , and to desyre +te joy of heven , and to despyse +te vanitees of +tis worlde , as stedfast thynkyng of +te myscheves and grevous woundes of +te dede of Jhesu Criste . (CMROLLEP,80.304) It wil rayse +ti thoght aboven erthly lykyng , and make +ti hert brennand in Cristes lufe , and purches in +ti sawle delitabelte and savoure of heven . (CMROLLEP,80.305) Bot peraunter +tou will say : ' I may noght despyse +te worlde ; (CMROLLEP,80.306) I may not fynd it in my hert to pyne my body ; (CMROLLEP,80.307) and me behoves lufe my fleschly frendes , and take ese when it comes . ' (CMROLLEP,80.308) If +tou be temped with swilk thoghtes , I pray +te +tat +tou umbethynk +te , fra +te begynnyng of +tis worlde , where +te worldes lovers er now , and where +te lovers er of God . (CMROLLEP,80.309) Certes , +tai war men and wymen as we er , (CMROLLEP,81.310) and ete and drank and logh ; (CMROLLEP,81.311) and +te wreches +tat lofed +tis worlde toke ese til +tair body , (CMROLLEP,81.312) and lyved as +tam lyst in likyng of +tair wikked will , (CMROLLEP,81.313) and led +tair dayes in lust and delyces ; (CMROLLEP,81.314) and in a poynt +tai fel intil hell . (CMROLLEP,81.315) Now may +tou see +tat +tai wer foles , and fowle glotons , +tat in a few +geres wasted endles joy +tat was ordand for +tam , if +tai walde have done penance for +tair synnes . (CMROLLEP,81.316) +Tou sese +tat al +te ryches of +tis world and delytes vanys away , (CMROLLEP,81.317) and commes til noght . (CMROLLEP,81.318) Sothely , swa dose al +te lofers +tarof ; (CMROLLEP,81.319) for na thyng may stande stabely on a fals gronde . (CMROLLEP,81.320) +Tair bodys er gyn til wormes in erth , and +tair sawles til +te devels of hell . (CMROLLEP,81.321) Bot all +tat forsoke +te pompe and +te vanite of +tis lyfe , and stode stalworthly agaynes all temptacions , and ended in +te lufe of God , +tai ar now in joy , (CMROLLEP,81.322) and hase +te erytage of heven , +tar to won withowten end , restand in +te delyces of Goddes syght : (CMROLLEP,81.323) for here +tai soght na mare rest ne ese til +tair body +ten +tai had nede of . (CMROLLEP,81.324) A thyng I rede +te , +tat +tou forgete noght +tis name Jhesu , (CMROLLEP,81.325) bot thynk it in +ti hert , nyght and day , as +ti speciall and +ti dere tresowre . (CMROLLEP,81.326) Lufe it mare +tan +ti lyfe . (CMROLLEP,81.327) Rute it in +ti mynde . (CMROLLEP,81.328) Lufe Jhesu , (CMROLLEP,81.329) for he made +te , (CMROLLEP,81.330) and boght +te ful dere . (CMROLLEP,81.331) Gyf +ti hert till hym , (CMROLLEP,81.332) for it es his dette . (CMROLLEP,81.333) For+ti set +ti lufe on hys name Jhesu , +tat es ' hele . ' (CMROLLEP,81.334) +Ter may na ill thyng have dwellying in +te hert +tar Jhesu es halden in mynde trewly . (CMROLLEP,81.335) For it chaces devels , (CMROLLEP,81.336) and destroyes temptacions , (CMROLLEP,81.337) and puttes away wykked dredes and vices , (CMROLLEP,81.338) and clenses +te thoght . (CMROLLEP,81.339) Whasa lofes it verraly es full of Goddes grace and vertues ; in gastly comforth in +tis lyfe , (CMROLLEP,81.340) and when +tai dye , +tai er taken up intil +te orders of awngels , to se hym in endles joy +tat +tai have lufed . (CMROLLEP,81.341) Amen . (CMROLLEP,81.342) {ED:The_Form_of_Living} Incipit forma vivendi scripta a beato Ricardo heremita ad Margaretam anachoritam , suam dilectam discipulam . Capitulum i=m= . (CMROLLEP,85.346) IN ilk a synful man or woman , +tat es bunden in dedly syn , er +tre wrechednes , +te wylk brynges +tam to +te dede of hell . (CMROLLEP,85.348) +Te first es defaute of gastly strenght , +tat +tai er sa wayke wi+tin +tair hert +tat +tai may nou+ter stand agaynes +te fandynges of +te fende , ne +tai may lyft +tair wil to +gerne +te lofe of God and folow +tartill . (CMROLLEP,85.349) +Te secund es use of fleschly desyres : (CMROLLEP,85.350) for +tai have na will ne myght to stand , +tai fall in lustes and likynges of +tis worlde ; (CMROLLEP,85.351) and for +tai +tynk +tam swete , +tai dwell in +tam still , many tyll +taire lyves ende ; (CMROLLEP,85.352) and sa +tai come to +te +trid wrechednes . (CMROLLEP,85.353) +Te +tred wrechednes es chaungyng of lastand gode for a passande delite : (CMROLLEP,85.354) als $wha {TEXT:swa} say , +tai gif joy endles for a litell joy of +tis lyfe . (CMROLLEP,85.355) If +tai will torn +tam , and ryse till penance , God will ordeyne +tair wonyng wi+t awngels and wi+t haly men . (CMROLLEP,85.356) Bot for +tai chese +te vile syn of +tis world , and hase mare delite in +te fyl+t of +taire flesch +tan in +te fairhede of heven , +tai lose ba+t +te worlde and heven . (CMROLLEP,85.357) For he +tat hase noght jhesu criste , he tynes all +tat he has , and all +tat he es , and all +tat he myght gete ; (CMROLLEP,85.358) he ne es wor+ty +te lyfe , ne to be fedde wi+t swynes mete . (CMROLLEP,85.359) All creaturs sal be styrde in his vengaunce at +te day of dome . (CMROLLEP,85.360) +Tiere wrechednes , +tat I have of talde , er noght anely in worldly men or women , +tat uses gluttry or litcheri and o+ter apert synnes , (CMROLLEP,85.361) bot +tai er alswa in o+ter , +tat semes in penance and in gode lyf . (CMROLLEP,85.362) For +te devyll , +tat es enmy till al mankynde , when he sees a man or a woman ymang a +tousand turne haly to God , and forsake all +te vanytees and ryches +tat men +tat lufes +tis worlde covaytise , and seke +te joy lastand , a +tousand wiles he has on what maner he may desayve +tam . (CMROLLEP,85.363) And when he may noght bryng +tam intill swylk synnes , +te whylk myght gar all men wonder on +tam , +tat knew +tam , he begyles many swa prively +tat +tai kan noght oft sy+t fele +te trap +tat has taken +taime . (CMROLLEP,86.364) Some he takes wi+t errour +tat he puttes +tam yn ; some wy+t singulere witt , when he gars +taime wene +tat +te +tyng +tat +tai sai or do es best , and for+ti +tai wyll na counsell have of o+ter +tat es better and conander +ten +tai ; (CMROLLEP,86.365) and +tis es a foule stynkand pryde , (CMROLLEP,86.366) for he wolde sett his witt before all o+ter . (CMROLLEP,86.367) Some +te devell deceyves +turgh vayne glory , +tat es ydil joy : when any has pryde and delyte in +tamself of +te penance +tat +tai suffer , of gode dedes +tat +tai do . of any vertu +tat +tai have ; es glad when men loves +tam , sari when men lackes +tam , haves envy to +tam +tat es spokyn mare gode of +tan of +tam ; (CMROLLEP,86.368) +tai halde +tairself so gloriouse , and swa fer passand +te lyf +tat o+ter men ledes , +tat +tai +tynk +tat nane suld reprehend +tam in any +tyng +tat +tai do or say ; an dispises synfull men and o+ter , +te whilk will not do als +tai byd +tam . (CMROLLEP,86.369) How may +tow fynd a synfuller wretche +tan swilk ane ? (CMROLLEP,86.370) And sa mykell es he +te wer , +tat he wate nooght +tat he es yll , and es halden and honord of men als wyse and hali . (CMROLLEP,86.371) Some er deceyved wi+t over mykell lust and likyng in mete and drynk , when +tai passe mesure and com intill outrage and has delyte +tarein , and wenes +tat +tai synn noght ; (CMROLLEP,86.372) and for+ti +tai amend +tam noght , (CMROLLEP,86.373) and swa +tai destruye vertues of saule . (CMROLLEP,86.374) Some er begylde wi+t ovre mikell abstinens of mete and drynk and slepe , +tat es of +te temptacion of +te devell , for to gar +tam fall in myddes +tair werk , swa +tat +tai bryng it till nane endyng , als +tai suld have done if +tai had knawne skyll and halden discrecion ; (CMROLLEP,86.375) and swa +tai tyne +taire merit for +taire frawerdnes . (CMROLLEP,86.376) +Tis gylder layes oure enmy to take us wi+t , when we begyn to hate wycckednes and turne us till god . (CMROLLEP,87.377) +Ten many begynnes +te +tyng +tat +tai may nevermare bryng till ende ; (CMROLLEP,87.378) +ten +tai wene +tat +tai may do what so +tair hert es sett on . (CMROLLEP,87.379) Bot oft +tai fall or +tai come ymyd gate ; (CMROLLEP,87.380) and +tat +tyng , +tat +tai wend war for +tam , es lettyng till +tam . (CMROLLEP,87.381) For we have a lange way till heven ; (CMROLLEP,87.382) and als many gode dedys $als we do , als many prayers als we make , and als many gode +toghtes als we +tynk in trou+t and hope and charite , als many paces ga we till hevenward . (CMROLLEP,87.383) +Tan if we make us sa wayke and so febyll , +tat we may nou+ter wyrk ne pray als we suld do ne +tynk , er we nooght gretly at blame , +tat fayles when we had maste nede to be stalwor+t ? (CMROLLEP,87.384) and wele I watte , it es noght Goddys will +tat we sa do . (CMROLLEP,87.385) For +te prophete says : ' Lorde , I sall kepe my strengh to +te ' , +tat he myght susten Goddys servys till his dede day , and noght in a litill and in a schort tyme waste it , and +tan lygge wanand and granand be +te wall . (CMROLLEP,87.386) And it es mykel mare peryll +tan men wenes . (CMROLLEP,87.387) For saynt Jerome says +tat he makys of ravyn offerand , +tat outragely tourmentis his body in ovre lytel mete or slepe . (CMROLLEP,87.388) And saynt Bernarde sais : ' Fastyng and wakyngg lettis nooght gastly goodes , bot helpes , if +tai be done wi+t descrecion ; (CMROLLEP,87.389) wi+touten +tat , +tai er vices . ' (CMROLLEP,87.390) For+ti it es noght gode to pyne us so mykkell , and si+ten have un+tank for oure dede . (CMROLLEP,87.391) +Tare hase bene many , and er , +tat wenes +tat it es nooght all +tat +tai do , bot if +tai be in sa mikell abstinence and fastyng , +tat all men speke of +tam +tat knawes +tam . (CMROLLEP,87.392) Bot oftsy+tes it befalles +tat ay +te mare joy and wonduryng +tai have wi+touten of +te lovyng of men , ay +te les joy +tai have wi+tin of +te luf of god . (CMROLLEP,87.393) At my dome , +tai sulde pay Jhesu Criste mikell mare , if +tai toke for his love , in +tankyng and lovyng of hym , for to sustan +tar body in his servyse and to halde +tam fra mikell speche of men , what so God send for +te tyme and +te stede , and gaf +tam si+ten enterely and perfitely to +te luf and +te lovyng of +tat lorde Jhesu Criste , +tat will stalwor+tly be lufed and lastandly be served ; so +tat +taire halynes war mare sene in goddes egh +tan in mans . (CMROLLEP,88.394) For ay +te better +tou ert , and +te les speche +tou has of men , +te mare es +ti joy before God . (CMROLLEP,88.395) Ha ! What it es mykell , to be wor+ti lovyng , and be noght loved ! (CMROLLEP,88.396) And what wrechednes it es , to have +te name and +te habet of halynes , and be noght so , bot cover pride , ire , or envy under +te cla+tes of criste barnhede ! (CMROLLEP,88.397) A foule +tyng it es to hafe lykyng and delite in mens wordes , +tat can na mare deme what we er in oure saule , +ten +tai wate what we +tynk . (CMROLLEP,88.398) For oftsi+te +tai say +tat he or scho es in +te hegher degre +tat es in +te lawer ; (CMROLLEP,88.399) and +tat +tai say es in +te lawer , es in +te hegher . (CMROLLEP,88.400) For+ti I halde it bot wodnes to be gladder or sarier , whe+tir +tai say gude or ill . (CMROLLEP,88.401) If we be aboutewarde to hyde us fra speche and lovyng of +tis worlde , God will schew us till hys lovyng and oure joy . (CMROLLEP,88.402) For +tat es his joy , when we er strenghfull to stande agaynes +te pryve and +te aperte fandyng of +te devell , and sekes na +tyng bot +te honoure and +te lovyng of hym , and +tat we myght enterely love hym . (CMROLLEP,88.403) And +tat aght to be oure desyre , oure prayer , and oure entent , nyght and day , +tat +te fyre of hys lufe kyndell oure hert and +te swetnes of hys grace be oure comfor+t and oure solace in wele and wo . (CMROLLEP,88.404) +Tow hase now herd a party how +te fende deceyves , wy+t hys sotell craftes and whaynt , men and women . (CMROLLEP,88.405) And if +tou will do be gode cownsel and folow haly lare , als I hope +tat +tou will , +tou sall destroy his trappes , and bryn in +te fyre of luf all +te bandes +tat he walde bynd +te wi+t ; (CMROLLEP,88.406) and all his malys sall turne +te til joy , and hym till mare sorow . (CMROLLEP,88.407) God suffers hym to tempe gode men for +taire profete , +tat +tai may be +te hegher crownde when +tai +turgh his helpe hase overcomne sa cruell an enmy , +tat oftsy+tes bo+t in body and in saule confowndes many man . (CMROLLEP,89.408) In +tre maners +te devell has power to be in a man . (CMROLLEP,89.409) On a maner : hurtande +te godes +tat +tai have of kynde , als in dome men and in o+ter , blemysand +tair +toght . (CMROLLEP,89.410) On ano+ter maner : revande +te godes whilk +tey have of grace ; (CMROLLEP,89.411) and so he es in synfull man , +te whilk he hase deceyved +turgh delyte of +te worlde and of +tair flesche , (CMROLLEP,89.412) and ledes +tam wi+t hym till hell . (CMROLLEP,89.413) On +te +tird maner : he tourmentes a mans body , als we rede +tat he has done job . (CMROLLEP,89.414) Bot wytt +tou wele , if he begyle +te noght wi+tin , +te +tar noght drede what he may do +te wi+touten , (CMROLLEP,89.415) for he may do na mare +tan God gyfs hym leve for to do . (CMROLLEP,89.416) Capitulum 2=m= . (CMROLLEP,89.418) For +tat +tou has forsakyn +te solace and +te joy of +tis world , and taken +te to solitary lyf , for gods luf to suffer tribulacion and anguys here , and si+ten com to +tat blys +tat nevermare blynnes , I trowe treuly +tat +te comfor+t of Jhesu Criste and +te swetnes of his love , wi+t +te fire of +te Haly Gast , +tat purges all syn , sall be in +te and wi+t +te , ledand +te , and lerand +te how +tou sall +tynk , how +tou sall pray , what +tou sall wyrk ; so +tat in a few +gers +tou sall have mare delyte to be by +ti nane , and speke till +ti luf and to +ti spows Jhesu Crist , +tat hegh es in heven , +tan if +tou war lady here of a +towsand worldes . (CMROLLEP,89.420) Men wenes +tat we er in pyne and in penance grete , (CMROLLEP,89.421) bot we have mare joy and mare verray delyte in a day , +tan +tai have in +te worlde all +tar lyve . (CMROLLEP,89.422) +Tai se oure body ; (CMROLLEP,89.423) bot +tai se noght oure hert , whare oure solace es . (CMROLLEP,89.424) If +tai saw +tat , many of +tam wold forsake all +tat +tai have , for to folow us . (CMROLLEP,89.425) For+ti be comford and stalwor+t , (CMROLLEP,89.426) and drede na noye ne angwysch ; (CMROLLEP,89.427) bot fest all +tyne entent in Jhesu , +tat +ti lyf be gode and wheme . (CMROLLEP,90.428) And loke +tat +tere be na +tyng in +te , +tat suld be myspayand till hym , +tat +tou ne sone amend itt . (CMROLLEP,90.429) +Te state +tat +tou ert in , +tat es solitude , es maste abyll of all o+tyr til revelacion of +te Haly Gaste . (CMROLLEP,90.430) For when saynt Jone was in +te yle of Pa+tmos , +tan God schewed hym his pryvytees . (CMROLLEP,90.431) +Te godenes of God it es , +tat he comfortes +tam wondyrfully , +tat has na comfor+t of +te worlde , if +tai gyf +tair hert enterly till hym , and covayts noght , ne sekes bot hym ; (CMROLLEP,90.432) +ten he gyves hymself till +taime in swetnes and delyte in byrnyng of luf , and in joy and melody , (CMROLLEP,90.433) and dwelles ay wi+t +tam in +taire saule , sa +tat +te comfor+t of hym departes never fra +tam . (CMROLLEP,90.434) And if +tai any tym begyn till erre , +turgh ignorance or freelte , sone he wysses +tam +te right way ; (CMROLLEP,90.435) and all +tat +tai have nede of , he leres +tam . (CMROLLEP,90.436) Na man till swylk revelacion and grace on +te first day may kom , bot +turgh lang travell and bysiness to loue Jhesu Criste , als +tou sall here afterward . (CMROLLEP,90.437) Noght for+ti +tan he suffers +tam to be temped on sere maners , bo+t wakand and slepand . (CMROLLEP,90.438) For ay +te ma temptacions , and +te grevoser , +tai stande agayne and overcomes , +te mare sall +tai joy in his luf when +tai er passed . (CMROLLEP,90.439) wakand +tai er umwhile tempyd wy+t foule +toghtys , vile lustes , wicked delites , wi+t pryde , ire , envy , despaire , presumpcion , and o+ter many . (CMROLLEP,90.440) Bot +taire remedy sall be preyer , gretyng , fastyng , wakyng . (CMROLLEP,90.441) +Tire +tynges , if +tai be done wi+t discrecion , +tai put away syn and fil+t fra +te saule , (CMROLLEP,90.442) and makes it clene to receyve +te luf of Jhesu Criste , +tat may noght be loved bot in clennes . (CMROLLEP,90.443) Also umwhile +te fende tempes men and women , +tat er solitary by +tam ane , on a qwaynt maner and a sotell . (CMROLLEP,90.444) He transfigurs hym in +te lyknes of an awngel of lyght , (CMROLLEP,90.445) and apers till +tam , (CMROLLEP,90.446) and sayes +tat he es ane of Goddes awngels comen to comfor+t +tam ; (CMROLLEP,91.447) and swa he deceyves foles . (CMROLLEP,91.448) Bot +tai +tat er wys , and wil not tyte trow till all spirites , bot askes cownsel of conand men , he may not begyle +tam . (CMROLLEP,91.449) Als I fynd writen of a reclues , +tat was a gude woman , til +te whilk +te ill awngell oftsy+tes aperde in +te forme of a gode awngel , and sayd +tat he was comen to bryng hir to heven . Wharfore scho was right glad and joyful . (CMROLLEP,91.450) Bot never-+te-latter scho talde it til hir schryftfader ; (CMROLLEP,91.451) and he , als wyse man and war , gaf hir +tis counsell . (CMROLLEP,91.452) ' When he comes ' , he sayde , ' byd hym +tat he schew +te oure lady saynt Mary . (CMROLLEP,91.453) When he has done swa , say Ave Maria . ' (CMROLLEP,91.454) Scho dyd sa . (CMROLLEP,91.455) +Te fende sayde : ' +Tou has ne nede to se hyr ; (CMROLLEP,91.456) my presence suffyse to +te . ' (CMROLLEP,91.457) And scho sayde , on all maner scho suld se hyr . (CMROLLEP,91.458) He saw +tat hym behoved ou+ter do hir wyll , or scho walde despyse hym . (CMROLLEP,91.459) Als tyte he broght for+t +te fayrest woman +tat myght be , als to hyr syght , (CMROLLEP,91.460) and schewed til hyr . (CMROLLEP,91.461) And scho sett hir on hir knees , (CMROLLEP,91.462) and sayde ' Ave Maria ' . (CMROLLEP,91.463) And als tyte all vanyst away ; (CMROLLEP,91.464) and for scham never si+ten come he at hir . (CMROLLEP,91.465) +Tis I say , not for I hope +tat he sal have leve to tempe +te on +tis maner , bot for I will +tat +tou be war , if any swylk temptacions befall +te , slepand or wakand , +tat +tou trow not ovre tyte , til +tou knaw +te so+t . (CMROLLEP,91.466) Mare privilyer he transfigurs hym in +te forme of an awngel of lyght , +tat comonli al men ar temped wi+t , when he hydes ill under +te liknes of gode ; (CMROLLEP,91.467) and +tat es in twa maneres . (CMROLLEP,91.468) Ane es , when he egges us til ovre mykel ees and rest of body and softnes til oure flesche , undir nede to susteyne oure kynde . (CMROLLEP,91.469) For swilk +toghtes he puttes in us : (CMROLLEP,91.470) bot if we ete wele , and drynk wele , and slepe wele , and lygge soft , and sytt warme , we may not serve God , ne last in +te travell +tat we have begonn . (CMROLLEP,91.471) Bot he +tynkes to bryng us till over mykel lust . (CMROLLEP,91.472) Ano+ter es , when under +te lyknes of gastly gode he entices us til scharp and ovre mikel penance , for to destroye oure self ; and says +tus : ' +Tou wate wele , +tat he +tat suffers mast peneance for goddes lufe , he sall have maste mede . (CMROLLEP,92.473) For+ti ete litell and febyl mete , (CMROLLEP,92.474) and drynk lesse ; (CMROLLEP,92.475) +te +tynnest drynk es gode ynogh till +te . (CMROLLEP,92.476) Recke noght of slepe ; (CMROLLEP,92.477) were +te hayre and +te habirion . (CMROLLEP,92.478) All +tyng +tat es affliccion for +ti flesche , do it , so +tat +tare be nane +tat may passe +te in penance . (CMROLLEP,92.479) He +tat says +te +tus es aboute to sla +te wi+t ovre mykel abstinence , als he +tat sayde +te to+ter to sla +te wi+t ovre lytell . (CMROLLEP,92.480) For+ti , if we will be right disposed , us behoves sett us in a gude mene , and +tat we may destroy owre vices and halde oure flesche under ; and never+telatter +tat it be stalwor+t in +te servyse of Jhesu Criste . (CMROLLEP,92.481) Alsswa oure enmy will noght suffer us to be in rest when we slepe ; (CMROLLEP,92.482) bot +tan he es aboute to begyle us in many maners . (CMROLLEP,92.483) Umwhile wi+t uggly ymages , for to make us radde and make us la+te wi+t oure state . (CMROLLEP,92.484) Umwhile wi+t faire ymages , fayre syghtes and +tat semes confortabell , for to make us glad in vayne , and gar us wene +tat we er better +tan we er . (CMROLLEP,92.485) Umwhile tels us +tat we er haly and gode , for to bryng us intill pryde . (CMROLLEP,92.486) Bot he , +tat es ordiner of all +tyng , suffers noght +tat oure slepe be wi+towten mede til us , if we dresse oure lyfe till his will . (CMROLLEP,92.487) And wyt +tow wele , +tou syns noght slepand , if +tou be evermare wakande wi+touten outrage of mete and drynk and wi+touten ill +toghtes . (CMROLLEP,92.488) Bot many ane +te devel hase deceyved +turgh dremes , when he haves gart +tam sett +tair hert on +tam . (CMROLLEP,92.489) For he hase schewed +tam some so+te , and se+tyn begyld +tam wi+t ane +tat was fals . (CMROLLEP,92.490) For+ti says +te wyse man , +tat many besynes folowes dremes ; an +tai fell , +tat hoped in +tam . Wharfore , +tat +tou be not begylde wi+t +tam , I will +tat +tou witt +tat +ter er sex maners of dremes . (CMROLLEP,93.491) Twa er , +tat na man , haly ne o+ter , may eschape . (CMROLLEP,93.492) +Tai er , if +tair wambe be ovre tome , or ovre full ; (CMROLLEP,93.493) +tan many vanitees in seer maners befalles +tam slepande . (CMROLLEP,93.494) +Te +trid es , of illusyons of oure enmy . (CMROLLEP,93.495) +Te fer+t es , of +toght before , and illusion folouand . And +te fyft , +torow +te revelacion of +te Hali Gast , +tat es done on many a maner . (CMROLLEP,93.496) +Te sext es , of +toghtes before +tat falles to Criste or hali kyrk , revelacion comand after . (CMROLLEP,93.497) In +tus many maners touches +te ymage of dremes men when +tai slepe . (CMROLLEP,93.498) Bot sa mykell we sall latlyer gyf fay+t till any dreme , +tat we may not sone wyt whilk es so+t , whilk es fals , whilk es of oure enmy , whilk es of +te Hali Gaste . (CMROLLEP,93.499) For whare many dremes er , +tare er many vanitees . (CMROLLEP,93.500) And many +tai may make to erre ; for +tai hegh unwhaynt men , (CMROLLEP,93.501) and swa deceyves +tam . (CMROLLEP,93.502) Capitulum 3=m= . (CMROLLEP,93.504) $I knawe +tat +ti lyfe es gyven to +te servyce of God . (CMROLLEP,93.506) +tan es it schame til +te , bot if +tou be als gode , or better , wi+tin in +ti sawle , als +tou ert semand at +te syght of men . (CMROLLEP,93.507) Turne for+ti +ti +toghtes perfitely till God , als it semes +tat +tou hase done +ti body . (CMROLLEP,93.508) For I will not +tat +tou wene +tat all er hali +tat hase +te abet of halynes , and er noght ocupyed wi+t +te worlde ; ne +tat all er ill +tat melles +tam wi+t er+tly bysines . (CMROLLEP,93.509) Bot +tai er anly hali , what state or degre +tai be in , +te whilk despises all er+tly +tyng , +tat es at say , lufs it noght , and byrnes in +te luf of Jhesu Criste , and al +tair desires er sett til +te joy of heven , and hates al synn , and ceses noght of gode werkys , and feles a swetnes in +taire hert of +te lufe wi+touten ende . (CMROLLEP,93.510) And neuer+telatter +tai +tynk +tamself vylest of all , (CMROLLEP,93.511) and haldes +tam wretchedest , leste , and lawest . (CMROLLEP,93.512) +Tis es hali mens lyf ; (CMROLLEP,94.513) folow it , (CMROLLEP,94.514) and be haly . (CMROLLEP,94.515) And if +tou will be in mede wi+t apostels , +tynk noght what +tou forsoke , bot what +tou despyses . (CMROLLEP,94.516) For als mykell +tai forsake , +tat foloues Jhesu Criste in wilfull povert , and in mekenes , and in charite , and in paciens , als +tai may covayte +tat folows hym noght . (CMROLLEP,94.517) And +tynk wi+t how mykel and how gude will +tou presentes +ti vowes before hym ; for till +tat he hase hys egh . (CMROLLEP,94.518) And if +tou wi+t gret desyre offer +ti praiers , wi+t grete fervoure covayte to se hym , (CMROLLEP,94.519) and seke na er+tly comfor+t bot +te savoure of heven ; (CMROLLEP,94.520) and in contemplacion +terof have +ti delyte . (CMROLLEP,94.521) Wondurfulli Jhesu wirkes in hys lovers , +te whilk he reves fra +te lust of flesch and of blode +torow tender lufe . (CMROLLEP,94.522) He makes +tam to will na er+tly +tyng , (CMROLLEP,94.523) and dose +tam ryse into +te solace of hym , and to forgete vanytees and fleschely lufe of +te worlde , and to drede na sorow +tat may fall . (CMROLLEP,94.524) To la+te wi+t over mykel bodili ees , to suffer for his luf , +tam +tynk it joy ; (CMROLLEP,94.525) and to be solitary +tai haue grete comfor+t , +tat +tai be noght lettyd of +tat devocyon . (CMROLLEP,94.526) Now may +tou se +tat many er war +tan +tai seme , (CMROLLEP,94.527) and many er better +tan +tai seme , and namely amang +tase +tat hase +te habett of halynes . (CMROLLEP,94.528) For+ti afforce +te , in all +tat +tow may , +tat +tou be noght wer +tan +tou semes . (CMROLLEP,94.529) And if +tou will do als I lere +te in +tis schort forme of lyvyng , I hope , +torou +te grace of God , +tat if men halde +te gude , +tou sall be wele better . (CMROLLEP,94.530) Capitulum iiij=m= (CMROLLEP,94.532) At +te begynning turne +te enterely to +ti Lorde Jhesu Criste . (CMROLLEP,94.534) +Tat turnyng till Jhesu es noght els bot turnyng fra all +te covaytyse and +te likyng and +te occupacions and bisynes of worldly +tynges and of fleschly lust and vayne luf , swa +tat +ti +toght , +tat was ay donward , modeland in +te er+t , whils +tou was in +te worlde , now be ay upwarde , als fire , sekand +te heghest place in heven , right til +ti spows , +tare he sytes in hys blys . (CMROLLEP,95.535) Til hym +tou ert turned , when his grace illumyns +ti hert , and $it forsakes all vices , and conformes it til vertues and gude +tewes , and til all maner of debonerte and mekenes . (CMROLLEP,95.536) And +tat +tou may last and wax in gudenes +tat +tou hase begon , wi+towten slawnes and sarynes and irkyng of +ti lyf ; fowre +tyngs sall +tou have in +ti +toght , til +tou be in perfyte lufe . (CMROLLEP,95.537) For when +tou ert commen +tartill , +ti joy and desyre will ay be byrnand in Criste . (CMROLLEP,95.538) Ane es : +te mesur of +ti lyf here , +tat sa schort es , +tat unne+tis es it oght . (CMROLLEP,95.539) For we lyve bot in a poynt , +tat es +te leste +tyng +tat may be . (CMROLLEP,95.540) And so+tely oure lyfe es les +tan a poynt , if we liken it to +te lyfe +tat lastes ay . (CMROLLEP,95.541) Ano+ter es : uncertente of owre endyng . For we wate never when we sal dye , ne whare we sal dye , ne how we sal dye , ne whider we sal ga when we er dede ; and +tat God wil +tat +tis be uncertayn til us , for he will +tat we be ay redy to dye . (CMROLLEP,95.542) +Te +tyrd es : +tat we sall answer before +te ryghtwys juge of all +te tyme +tat we have bene here : how we have lyved , what oure occupacioun hase bene , and why , and what gude we myght have done when we have bene ydel . (CMROLLEP,95.543) For+ti sayde +te prophete : ' He hase calde +te tyme agayn me ' , (CMROLLEP,95.544) +tat ilk day he hase lent us here for to despende in gude use , and in penance , and in Gods servys . (CMROLLEP,95.545) If we waste it in er+tly lufe and in vanitees , ful grevosly mon we be demed and punyst , for +tat es ane of +te maste sorow +tat may be , bot we afforce us manly in +te lufe of God , and do gude til all +tat we may whil oure schort tyme lastes . (CMROLLEP,95.546) And ilk tyme +tat we +tynk not on God , we may cownt it als +te +tyng +tat we have tynt . (CMROLLEP,95.547) +Te fer+t es : +tat we +tynk how mykell +te joy es +tat +tai have , +te whilk lastes in Goddes lufe til +tair endyng . (CMROLLEP,96.548) For +tai sal be bre+ter and felaws wi+t awngels and haly men , lufand and +tankand , lovand and seand +te kyng of joy in +te fayrhede and in +te schynyng of his maieste ; +te whilk syght sall be mede and mete and al delytes +tat any creature may +tynk , and mare +tan any may tell , till all hys lovers wi+touten ende . (CMROLLEP,96.549) It es mikel lightar to come to +tat blys +tan for to tell it . (CMROLLEP,96.550) Alswa +tynk on what pyne and what sorow and tormentyng +tai sall have , +te whilk lufs noght God over all o+ter +tynges +tat man sees in +tis world , bot files +tare bodi and +tair sawle in lust and letchery of +tis lyfe , in pryde and covayties and o+ter synnes . (CMROLLEP,96.551) +Tai sall byrne in +te fyre of hell , wi+t +te devell wham +tai served , als lang as God es in heven wi+t his servandes , +tat es evermare . (CMROLLEP,96.552) Capitulum v=m= . (CMROLLEP,96.554) $I wyll +tat +tou be ay clymbande tyll Jhesuwarde , and ekand +ti luf and +ti servys in hym ; noght als foles doos : (CMROLLEP,96.556) +tai begyn in +te heyest degre , (CMROLLEP,96.557) and coms downe till +te lawest . (CMROLLEP,96.558) I say noght , for I will +tat if +tou have begune unskylfull abstinence , +tat +tou halde it ; (CMROLLEP,96.559) bot for many +tat was byrnand at +te begynning and abyll til +te luf of Jhesu Criste , for owre mykel penans +tai have lettyd +tamself , and made +tam sa febel +tat +tai may noght lufe God as +tai sulde . In +te whilk luf +tat +tow wax ay mare and mare is my covaytyng and my amonestyng . (CMROLLEP,96.560) I halde +te neuer of +te lesse meryt yf +tou be noght in swa mykel abstinence ; (CMROLLEP,96.561) bot if +tou sett al +ti +toght how +tou may luf +ti spouse Jhesu Criste mare +tan +tou has done , +tan dar I say +tat +ti mede es waxand and noght wanande . Wharfore , +tat +tou be ryght disposed , ba+t-4 for +ti saule and +ti body , +tou sall understande fowre +tynges . (CMROLLEP,96.562) +Te fyrst +tyng es : what +tyng fyles a man . +Te to+ter +tyng : what makys hym clene . +Te +tyrd : what haldes hym in clennes . +Te fer+t : what +tyng drawes hym for to ordayne his will all at Goddes will . (CMROLLEP,96.563) For +te fyrst , wyt +tou +tat we synne in +tre +tynges +tat makes us folowe , +tat es , wy+t hert , and mou+t , and dede . (CMROLLEP,96.564) +Te synnes of +te hert er +tir : ill +toght , ill delyte , assent till synne , desyre of ill , wikked will , ill suspension , undevocion if +tou lat +ti hert any tyme be ydell , wi+touten occupacion of +te lufe of +te lovyng of God ; ill drede , ill lufe , errour , fleschely affeccioun till +ti frendes , or till o+ter +tat +tou lufes , joy in any mens ill fare whe+tir +tai be enmy or nane ; despyte of pure or of synfull men , to honor ryche men for +taire rytches , unconabyll joy of any worldes vanite , sorow of +te worlde , un+tolmodnes , perplexite , +tat es , dowt what es to do and what noght , for ilk a man aght for to be syker what he sall do and what he sall leve ; obstinacion in ill , noy to do gude , anger to serve God , sorow +tat he dyd na mare ill , or +tat he dyd noght +tat luste or +tat will of his flesche , +te whilk he myght have done , unstabylnes of +toght , pyne of penance , ypocrisy , lufe to plees to men , drede to dysplees +tam , schame of gude dede , joy of ill dede , synguler witt , covaytise of honoure or of dignite , or to be halden better +tan o+ter , or rycher , or fayrer , or to be mare dred , vayne glory of any godes of kynde , or of happe , or of grace , schame wi+t pore frendes , pryde of +ti riche kynne or of gentyl (CMROLLEP,96.565) for all we er ilike fre befor Gods face , bot if owre dedes make any better or wers +tan o+ter ; despyte of gude counsell and of gude techynge . (CMROLLEP,96.566) +Te synnes of +te mow+te er +tir : to swere oftsy+t , forsweryng , sclaunder of Criste , or of any of his halows , to neven his name wi+touten reverence , agaynsaiyng and strife agayne so+tfastnes , grotchyng agayns God for any angwys , or noy , or tribulacioun +tat may befall in er+t , to say Goddes servys undevowtly and wi+touten reverence , bakbityng , flateryng , lesyng , missaiyng , wariyng , defamyng , flytyng , manasyng , sawyng of discorde , treson , fals wytnes , ill cownsell , he+tyng , unboxumnes wi+t worde ; to turne gude dedes to ill , for to gar +tam be halden ill +tat dose +tam we aght to lappe oure neghboure dedes in +te beste , noght in +te warst ; excityng of any man till ire , to reprehende in ano+ter +tat he dose hymself , vayne speche , mykel speche , fowle speche ; to speke ydell wordes , or wordes +tat er na nede ; rusyng , polysyng of wordes , defendyng of synne , criyng of laghter , mowe makyng on any man ; to syng seculere sanges and lufe +tam ; to prayse ill dedes ; to syng mare for lovyng of men +tan of God . (CMROLLEP,98.567) +Te synnes of dede er +tir : glotony , letchery , drunkynhede , symony , wytchecraft , $brekyng of +te haly dayes , sacrileghe ; to receyve Goddes body in dedely synn ; brekyng of vowes , apostasy , dissolucioun in Goddes servys ; to gyf ensawmpyl of il dede ; to hurt any man in his body or in his godes or in hys fame ; +teft , ravyn , usur , desayte ; sellyng of ryghtwytnes ; to herken ill ; to gyf to herlotes ; to wi+thalde necessaries fra +ti body , or to gyf it to owtrage ; to begyn a +tyng +tat is abowen oure myght ; custom to syn ; fallyng oft to syn ; fanyng of mare gude +tan we have , for to seme halyer , or conander , or wiser +tan we er ; to halde +te office +tat we suffice noght till , or +tat may noght be halden wi+touten syn ; to lede karols ; to bryng up new gyse ; to be rebell agayne hys soverayns ; to defoule +tam +tat er lesse ; to syn in syght , in heryng in smellyng , in towchyng , in handelyng , in schewyng , in gyftes , in wayes , sygnes , bydynges , writynges ; to receyve +te circumstance , +tat er , tyme , stede , maner , nowmber , person , dwellyng , conyng , elde +tir makes +te syn mare or lesse ; to covayte to syn or he be temped ; to constreyne hym till syn . (CMROLLEP,99.568) O+ter many syns +tar er of omission , +tat es , of levyng of gude undone , when men leves +te gude +tat +tai suld do : noght +tynkand on God , ne dredand ne lovand hym , ne +tankand hym of hys benefices ; to do noght all +tat he doos for Goddes lufe ; to sorow noght for hys syn as he sulde do ; to dispoos hym noght to receyve grace , and if he have taken grace , to use it noght als hym aght , ne to kepe it noght ; tu turne noght at +te inspiracion of God ; to conforme noght his will to Gods will , to gyf noght entent till hes prayers , bot rabill on , and rek never bot +tai be sayde ; to do necligently +tat he es bownden till +torow a vowe , or comawnded , or es enjoynde in penance ; to draw on lengh +tat es at do sone ; havand na joy of his neghbur prophet als of his awne ; noght sorowand for his ill fare ; standand noght agayne temptacions ; forgifand noght +tam +tat hase done hym harme ; kepand noght trou+t to his neghbur , als he walde +tat he dyd till hym ; and yheldand hym noght a gude dede for ano+ter if he may ; amendand noght +tam +tat synnes before his ene ; peesand noght stryves ; lerand noght +tam +tat er noght conand ; comfortand noght +tam +tat er in sorow , or in sekenes , or in povert , or in penance , or in pryson . (CMROLLEP,99.569) +Tir synnes , and many o+ter , makes men foule . (CMROLLEP,99.570) +Te +tynges +tat clenses us of +tat fil+t er +tre , agaynes +tase +tre maners of synnes . (CMROLLEP,99.571) +Te fyrst es : sorow of hert , agayne +te syn of +toght . (CMROLLEP,99.572) Ant it behoves be perfyte , +tat +tou will never syn mare , and +tat +tou have sorow of all +ti synnes , and +tat all joy and solace , bot of God and in God , be put out of +ti hert . (CMROLLEP,99.573) +Te to+ter es : schryft of mou+t , agayn +te syn of mou+t . (CMROLLEP,100.574) And +tat salle be hasty wi+touten delaying , naked wi+touten excusyng , hale wi+towten partyng , als for to tell a syn till a preste and ano+ter till ano+ter (CMROLLEP,100.575) say all +tat +tow wate till ane , (CMROLLEP,100.576) or els +ti schryft es noght wor+t . (CMROLLEP,100.577) +Te +tird es : satisfaccion . (CMROLLEP,100.578) +Tat has +tre partyes , fastyng , prayer , and almosdede noght anly to gif pore men mete and drynk , bot for to forgyf +tam +tat dose +te wrange , and prai for +tam , and enforme +tam how +tai sall do , +tat er in poynt to perisch . (CMROLLEP,100.579) For +te +tyrd +tyng , +tou sall wyt +tat clennes behoves be keped in hert , and in mou+t , and in werk . (CMROLLEP,100.580) Clennes of hert +tre +tynges kepes . (CMROLLEP,100.581) Ane es waker +toght and stabel of God . (CMROLLEP,100.582) Ano+ter is bisynes to kepe +ti fyve wittes , sa +tat all +te wyked styryngs of +tam be closed out of +te flesche . (CMROLLEP,100.583) Alswa clennes of mou+t kepes +tre +tynges . (CMROLLEP,100.584) Ane es , +tat +tow um+tynk +te before or +tou speke . (CMROLLEP,100.585) Ano+ter es , +tat +tou be not of mikel speche , but of litel , and namly ay til +ti hert be stabeld in +te luf of Jhesu Crist , swa +tat +te +tynk +tat +tou lokes ay on hym , whe+ter +tou speke or noght . (CMROLLEP,100.586) Bot swilk a grace may +tou noght have in +te fyrst day , (CMROLLEP,100.587) bot wi+t lang travell and grete bysines to lof hym wi+t custom , so +tat +te egh of +ti hert be ay upwarde , sall +tou com +tartill . (CMROLLEP,100.588) +Te +tyrd , +tat +tou for na +tyng , ne for na mekenes , lye on any man . (CMROLLEP,100.589) For ilk a lee es syn , and il , and noght Goddes will . (CMROLLEP,100.590) +Te +tar noght tell all +te so+t ay , bot if +tow will ; (CMROLLEP,100.591) bot al lees hate . (CMROLLEP,100.592) Yf +tou say a +tyng of +tiself +tat semes +ti lovyng , and +tou say it to +te lovyng of God and help of o+ter , +tou dos noght unwisely , (CMROLLEP,100.593) for +tou spekes so+tfastnes . (CMROLLEP,100.594) Bot if +tou will have oght pryve , tel it til nane bot swylk ane , +tat +tou be syker +tat it sulde noght be schewed , bot anly til +te lovyng of God , of wham es all gudenes , and +tat makes some better +tan o+ter , and gifes +tam special grace , noght anely for +tamself , bot alswa for +tam +tat wil do wele after +taire ensawmpell . (CMROLLEP,101.595) Clennes of werk +tre +tynges keps . (CMROLLEP,101.596) Ane es : a bysi +toght of dede . (CMROLLEP,101.597) For +te wyse man says : ' Umbe+tynk +te of +ti last endyng , (CMROLLEP,101.598) and +tou sall noght syn . ' (CMROLLEP,101.599) Ano+ter : fle fra ill felyschypp , +tat gyfs mare ensawmpel to luf +te worlde +tan God , er+t +tan heven , fil+t of body +tan clennes of saule . (CMROLLEP,101.600) +Te +tird es : temperance and discrecion in mete and drynk , +tat it be now+ter til owtrage , ne bene+t skilwys sustinance for +ti body . (CMROLLEP,101.601) For bo+t comes til an ende , owtrage and over mykel fastyng ; (CMROLLEP,101.602) for now+ter es Gods will . (CMROLLEP,101.603) And +tat many wil noght wene , for noght +tat man may say . (CMROLLEP,101.604) Yf +tou take sustenance of swilk gude als God sendys for +te tyme and +te day , what it be I owttake na maner of mete +tat Cristen men uses , wi+t discrecion and mesur , +tou dose wele ; (CMROLLEP,101.605) for sa dyd Criste hymself and hys apostels . (CMROLLEP,101.606) Yf +tou leve many metes +tat men has , noght dispysand +te mete +tat God has made til mannes helpe , bot for +te +tynk +tat +tou hase na nede +tarof , +tou dose wele , if +tou se +tat +tow ert stalwor+t to serve God , and +tat it brekes noght +ti stomake . (CMROLLEP,101.607) For if +tou have broken it wi+t ovre mikel abstynence , +te es reft appetyte of mete , (CMROLLEP,101.608) and oft sal +tou be in qwa+tes , als +tou war redy to gyf +te gast ; (CMROLLEP,101.609) and wit +tou wele , +tou synned in +tat dede . (CMROLLEP,101.610) And +tou may not witt sone whe+tir +ti abstinence be agayne +te or wi+t +te . (CMROLLEP,101.611) For +te tyme +tou ert +gong , I rede +tat +tou ete and drynk better and war als it comes , +tat +tou be noght begylt ; (CMROLLEP,101.612) and afterwarde , when +tou has proved many +tynges and overcommen many temptacions , and knawes better +tiself and God +tan +tou dyd , +tan , if +tou se +tat it be at do , +tou mai take til mare abstinence . (CMROLLEP,101.613) And whils +tou may , do pryve penance , +tat al men +tar noght wyt . (CMROLLEP,101.614) Ryghtwysnes es noght al in fastyng , ne in etyng : (CMROLLEP,101.615) bot +tou ert ryghtwys , if all ilyke be to +te , despyte and lovyng , povert and rytches , hunger and nede , als delytes and dayntes . (CMROLLEP,102.616) If +tou take +tir wi+t a lowyng of God , I halde +te blyssed , hee before Jhesu . (CMROLLEP,102.617) Men +tat comes til +te , +tai luf +te for +tai se +ti grete abstinens , and for +tai se +te enclosed . (CMROLLEP,102.618) Bot I may not love +te so lyghtly , for oght +tat I se +te do wi+towten ; bot if +ti wil be conformed enterely to Goddes will . (CMROLLEP,102.619) And sett noght by +tar lovyng ne +tar lackyng , (CMROLLEP,102.620) and gyf +tou never tale , if +tai speke lesse gode of +te +tan +tai dyd ; bot +tat +tou be byrnander in Goddes luf +tan +tou was . (CMROLLEP,102.621) For a +tyng warne I +te : (CMROLLEP,102.622) I hope +tat God has na perfyte servand in er+t wi+touten ennemyes of som men ; (CMROLLEP,102.623) for anely wretchednes has na enmy . (CMROLLEP,102.624) For to draw us , +tat we conforme oure will till Goddes will , er thre thynges . (CMROLLEP,102.625) Ane es : ensawmpel of haly men and haly wymen , +te whilk war ententife nyght and day to serve God and drede hym and luf hym . (CMROLLEP,102.626) And we folow +tam in erth , we moun be with +tam in heven . (CMROLLEP,102.627) Another es : +te godenes of oure Lorde , +tat despises nane , bot gladly receyves all +tat comes till hys mercy ; (CMROLLEP,102.628) and he es hamlyer to +tam +tan brother or syster , or any frende +tat +tai maste luf or maste treystes on . (CMROLLEP,102.629) +Te thyrd es : +te wonderfull joy of +te kyngdom of heven , +tat es mare +tan tong may tell , or hert mai thynk , or egh may se , or ere may here . (CMROLLEP,102.630) It es swa mykel , +tat als in hel myght na thyng lyve for mykel pyne , (CMROLLEP,102.631) bot at +te myght of God suffers +tam noght to dye , (CMROLLEP,102.632) swa +te joy in +te syght of Jhesu in his godhede es swa mykel +tat +tai mond dye for joy , if it ne war his godenes , +tat will +tat his lovers be lyvand ay in blys , als his ryghtwysnes wil +tat al +tat lufed hym noght be ay lyvand in fyre +tat es horribel till any man at thynk , (CMROLLEP,102.633) loke +ten what it es to fele . (CMROLLEP,102.634) Bot +tai +tat will not thynk it and drede it now , +tai sal suffer it evermare . (CMROLLEP,102.635) Now hase +tow herd how +tou may dispose +ti lyfe , and rewle it to Goddes will . (CMROLLEP,102.636) Bot I vate wele +tat +tou desyres to here some special poynt of +te luf of Jhesu Criste , and of contemplatyf lyfe , +te whilk +tou hase taken +te till at mens syght . (CMROLLEP,103.637) Als I have grace and konnyng , I will lere +te . (CMROLLEP,103.638) Capitulum vi=m= . (CMROLLEP,103.640) Amore langueo . (CMROLLEP,103.642) +Tir twa wordes er wryten in +te boke of lufe , +tat es kalled +te sang of lufe , or +te sang of sanges . (CMROLLEP,103.643) For he +tat mykel lufes , hym lyst oft syng of his luf , for joy +tat he or scho hase when +tai thynk on +tat +tat +tai lufe , namely if +tair lover be trew and lufand . (CMROLLEP,103.644) And +tis es +te Inglisch of thies twa wordes : ' I languysch for lufe . ' (CMROLLEP,103.645) Sere men in erth has sere gyftes and graces of God ; (CMROLLEP,103.646) bot +te special gift of +tas +tat ledes solitary lyf es for to lufe Jhesu Criste . (CMROLLEP,103.647) +Tow says me : ' All men lufes hym +tat haldes his comawndementes . ' (CMROLLEP,103.648) Soth it es . (CMROLLEP,103.649) Bot all men +tat kepes hys byddyngs , kepes noght also hys cownsayle ; (CMROLLEP,103.650) and all +tat dos his cownsell er noght also fulfyld of +te swetnes of his lufe , (CMROLLEP,103.651) ne feles noght +te fyre of byrnand luf of hert . (CMROLLEP,103.652) For+ti , +te diversite of lufe makes +te diversite of halynes and of mede . (CMROLLEP,103.653) In heven , +te awngels +tat er byrnandest in lufe er nerrest God . (CMROLLEP,103.654) Also men and women +tat maste has of Goddes lufe , whether +tai do penance or nane , +tai sall be in +te heghest degre in heven ; +tai +tat lufes hym lesse , in +te lawer order . (CMROLLEP,103.655) If +tou lufe hym mykel , mykel joy and swetnes and byrnyng +tou feles in his lufe , (CMROLLEP,103.656) +tat es +ti comforth and strengh nyght and day . (CMROLLEP,103.657) If +ti lufe be not byrnand in hym , litel es +ti delyte . (CMROLLEP,103.658) For hym may na man fele in joy and swetnes , bot if +tai be clene and fylled with his lufe ; (CMROLLEP,103.659) and +tartill sal +tou com with grete travayle in praier and thynkyng , havand swilk meditacions +tat er al in +te lufe and in +te lovyng of God . (CMROLLEP,103.660) And when +tou ert at +ti mete , love ay God in +ti thoght at ilk a morsel , (CMROLLEP,103.661) and say +tus in +ti hert : {COM:poetry_omitted} (CMROLLEP,104.662) And thynk it noght anely whils +tou etes , bot bath before and after , ay bot when +tou prayes or spekes . (CMROLLEP,104.663) Or if +tou have other thoghtes +tat +tou has mare swetnes in and devocion +tan in +tase +tat I lere +te , +tou may thynk $+tam . (CMROLLEP,104.664) For I hope +tat God will do swilk thoghtes in +ti hert als he es payde of , and als +tou ert ordaynde for . (CMROLLEP,104.665) When +tou prayes , loke noght how mykel +tou says , bot how wele : +tat +te lofe of +ti hert be ay upwarde , and thy thoght on +tat +tou sayes , als mykel als +tow may . (CMROLLEP,104.666) If +tou be in prayers and meditacions al +te day , I wate wele +tat +tou mon wax gretely in +te lufe of Jhesu Cryste , and mikel fele of delyte , and within schort tyme . (CMROLLEP,104.667) Capitulum viii=m= . (CMROLLEP,104.669) Thre degrees of lufe I sal tell +te , (CMROLLEP,104.671) for I walde +tat +tou moght wyn to +te heest . (CMROLLEP,104.672) The fyrst degre es called insuperabel ; +te secund , inseparabel ; (CMROLLEP,104.673) +te thyrd es syngulere . (CMROLLEP,104.674) +Ti luf es insuperabel , when na thyng +tat es contrary til Gods lufe overcomes it , bot es stalworth agayns al fandyngs , and stabel , whether +tou be in ese or in angwys , or in hele or in sekenes ; swa +tat +te thynk +tat +tow walde noght for all +te worlde , to have it withowten ende , wreth God any tyme ; (CMROLLEP,105.675) and +te war lever , if outher sulde be , to suffer al +te pyne and waa +tat myght com til any creature , or +tou weld do +te thyng +tat suld myspay hym . (CMROLLEP,105.676) On +tis maner sal +ti lufe be insuperabel , +tat na thyng may downe bryng , bot spryngand on heght . (CMROLLEP,105.677) Blyssed es he or scho +tat es in +tis degre ; (CMROLLEP,105.678) bot +gitt er +tai blyssedar , +tat myght halde +tis degre and wyn intil +te to+ter , +tat es inseparabel . (CMROLLEP,105.679) Inseparabel es +ti lufe , when al +ti hert and +ti thoght and +ti myght es swa haly , swa enterely , and swa perfytely festend , sett , and stabeld in Jhesu Cryste , +tat +ti thoght comes never of hym , never departyd fra hym , outaken slepyng ; (CMROLLEP,105.680) and als sone als +tou wackens , +ti hert es on hym , sayand Ave Maria or Gloria tibi Domine or Pater noster or Miserere mei Deus if +tou have bene temped in +ti slepe , or thynkand on his lufe and his lovyng , als +tou dyd wakand ; (CMROLLEP,105.681) when +tou may na tyme forgete hym , what sa +tou dose or says , +tan es +ti lufe inseparabel . (CMROLLEP,105.682) Ful mykel grace have +tai +tat es in +tis degre of lufe , (CMROLLEP,105.683) and me thynk +tou , +tat hase noght els at do bot for to lufe God , may com +tartill , if any may gete it . (CMROLLEP,105.684) +Te thyrd degre es heest , and maste ferly to wyn , (CMROLLEP,105.685) +tat es calde synguler , (CMROLLEP,105.686) for it hase na pere . (CMROLLEP,105.687) Singuler lufe es , when all comforth and solace es closed owt of +ti hert , bot of Jhesu Cryste alane . (CMROLLEP,105.688) Other joy lyst it noght , (CMROLLEP,105.689) for +te swetnes of hym in +tis degre es swa comfortand and lastand in his lufe , sa byrnand and gladand , +tat he or scho , +tat es in +tis degre , mai als wele fele +te fyre of lufe byrnand in +taire saule , als +tou may fele +ti fynger byrn , if +tou putt it in +te fyre . (CMROLLEP,105.690) Bot +tat fire , if it be hate , es swa delitabell and wondyrful +tat I ken noght tell it . (CMROLLEP,105.691) +Tan +ti sawle es Jhesu lufand , Jhesu thynkand , Jhesu desirand , anly in +te covayties of hym anedande , til hym syngand , of hym byrnand , in hym restand . (CMROLLEP,105.692) +Tan +te sange of lovyng and of lufe es commen , (CMROLLEP,105.693) +tan +ti thoght turnes intil sang and intil melody , (CMROLLEP,106.695) +tan +te behoves syng +te psalmes +tat +tou before sayde , (CMROLLEP,106.696) +tan +tou mon be lang abowte few psalmes , (CMROLLEP,106.697) +tan +te wil thynk +te deed swettar +tan hony , (CMROLLEP,106.698) for +tan +tou ert ful syker to se hym +tat +tou lufes ; (CMROLLEP,106.699) +tan may +tou hardely say : ' I languysch for lufe ' ; (CMROLLEP,106.700) +tan may +tou say : ' I slepe , (CMROLLEP,106.701) and my hert wakes . ' (CMROLLEP,106.702) In +te first degre , men may say : ' I languysch for lufe ' , or ' Me ranges in lufe ' ; and in +te to+ter degre alswa , (CMROLLEP,106.703) for languysyng es when men fayles for sekenes . (CMROLLEP,106.704) And +tai +tat er in +tire twa degrees fayles fra al +te covayties of +tis worlde , and fra lust and lykyng of synful lyfe , (CMROLLEP,106.705) and settes +tair entent and +tair hert to +te lufe of God . (CMROLLEP,106.706) For+ti +tai may say : ' I languysch for lufe . ' And mykel mare , +tat er in +te secund degre , +tan in +te fyrst . (CMROLLEP,106.707) Bot +te sawle +tat es in +te thyrd degre es als byrnand fyre , and as +te nyghttyngale , +tat lufes sang and melody and fayles for mykel lufe ; swa +tat +te saule es anely comforted in lovying and lufyng of God , and til +te dede com es syngand gastly til Jhesu , and in Jhesu , and Jhesu , noght bodyly cryand wyth mouth -- (CMROLLEP,106.708) of +tat maner of syngyng speke I noght , (CMROLLEP,106.709) for +tat sang hase bath gude and ill ; (CMROLLEP,106.710) and +tis maner of sang hase nane , bot if +tai be in +tis thyrd degre of lufe , til +te whilk degre it es impossibel to com , bot in a grete multitude of lufe . (CMROLLEP,106.711) For+ti , if +tou will wytt whatkyn joy +tat sang has , I say +te +tat na man wate , bot he or scho +tat feles it , +tat has it , and +tat loves God , syngand +tarwyth . (CMROLLEP,106.712) A thyng tel I +te : (CMROLLEP,106.713) it es of heven ; (CMROLLEP,106.714) and God gyfes it til wham he wil , bot noght withouten grete grace comand before . (CMROLLEP,106.715) Wha hase it , hym thynk al +te sang and al +te mynstralcy of erth noght bot sorow and wa +tartil . (CMROLLEP,106.716) In soverayne rest sal +tai be , +tat may gete it . (CMROLLEP,106.717) Gangrels and jangelers , and kepers of comers and gangars arely and late , nyght and day , or any +tat es takked with any syn wilfully and wittandly , or +tat has delyte in any erthly thyng , +tai er als far +tarfra , als es fra heven to erth . (CMROLLEP,107.718) In +te fyrst degre er many , (CMROLLEP,107.719) in +te to+ter degre er ful faa , (CMROLLEP,107.720) bot in +te thyrde degre unnethes er any ; (CMROLLEP,107.721) for ay +te mare +tat +te perfeccion es , +te faer folowers it has . (CMROLLEP,107.722) In +te fyrst degre er men lickend to +te sternes ; in the to+ter , till +te mone ; in +te thyrd , til +te sonne . (CMROLLEP,107.723) For+ti says saynt Paule : ' Other of +te sonne , other of +te mone , other of +te sternes ' : (CMROLLEP,107.724) swa it es of +te lufers of God . (CMROLLEP,107.725) In +tis third degre , if +tou may wyn +tartill , +tou sall witt of mare joy +tan I have talde +te $+gitt . (CMROLLEP,107.726) And ymang other affeccions and sanges +tou may in +ti langyng syng +tis in +ti hert til +ti Lord Jhesu , $when +tou covaytes hys comyng and +ti gangyng : (CMROLLEP,107.727) {COM:poetry_omitted} Capitulum nonum (CMROLLEP,108.731) $If +tou wil be wele with God , and have grace to rewle +ti lyf , and com til +te joy of luf , +tis name Jhesu , fest it swa fast in +ti hert , +tat it com never owt of +ti thoght . (CMROLLEP,108.733) And when +tou spekes til hym , and says ' Jhesu ' , thurgh custom , it sal be in +ti ere joy , in +ti mouth hony , and in +ti hert melody . (CMROLLEP,108.734) For +te sall thynk joy to here +tat name be nevened , swetnes to speke it , myrth and sang to thynk it . (CMROLLEP,108.735) If +tou thynk Jhesu contynuly , and halde it stabely , it purges +ti syn , (CMROLLEP,108.736) and kyndels +ti hert ; (CMROLLEP,108.737) it clarifies +ti sawle , (CMROLLEP,108.738) it removes anger , (CMROLLEP,108.739) and dose away slawnes ; (CMROLLEP,108.740) it woundes in lufe , (CMROLLEP,108.741) and fulfilles of charite ; (CMROLLEP,108.742) it chaces +te devel , (CMROLLEP,108.743) and puttes oute drede ; (CMROLLEP,108.744) it opens heven , (CMROLLEP,108.745) and makes a contemplatif man . (CMROLLEP,108.746) Have in mynde Jhesu ; (CMROLLEP,108.747) for al vices and fantomes it puttes owte fra +te lover . (CMROLLEP,108.748) And haylce oft Mary , bath day and nyght . (CMROLLEP,108.749) Mikel lufe and joy sal +tou fele , if +tou wil do aftyr +tis lare . (CMROLLEP,108.750) +Te thare noght covayte gretely many bokes ; (CMROLLEP,108.751) halde lufe in hert and in werke , (CMROLLEP,108.752) and +tou hase al +tat we may say or wryte . (CMROLLEP,108.753) For fulnes of +te law es charite ; (CMROLLEP,108.754) in +tat hynges all . (CMROLLEP,108.755) Capitulum x=m= . (CMROLLEP,108.757) Bot now may +tou ask me , and say : ' +Tou spekes sa mykel of lufe , (CMROLLEP,108.759) tel me , what es lufe ? And whar es lufe ? And how I sal lufe God verrayly ? And how +tat I may knew +tat I lufe hym ? And in what state I may maste lufe hym ? ' (CMROLLEP,108.760) +Tir er hard questyons to lere til a febyll man and a fleschly , als I am . (CMROLLEP,108.761) Bot never-+te-latter +tarfore I sal noght lefte +tat I ne sall schew my wytt , and als me thynk +tat it may be ; (CMROLLEP,108.762) for I hope in +te helpe of Jhesu , +tat es wel of lufe and pees and swetnes . (CMROLLEP,108.763) +Te fyrst askyng es : What is lufe ? (CMROLLEP,108.764) And I answer : Luf es a byrnand +gernyng in God , with a wonderfull delyte and sykernes . (CMROLLEP,109.765) God es lyght and byrnyng . (CMROLLEP,109.766) Lyght clarifies oure skyll ; (CMROLLEP,109.767) byrnyng kyndels oure covayties , +tat we desyre noght bot hym . (CMROLLEP,109.768) Lufe es a lyf , copuland togedyr +te lufand and +te lufed . (CMROLLEP,109.769) For mekenes makes us swete to God ; (CMROLLEP,109.770) purete joynes us tyll God ; (CMROLLEP,109.771) lufe makes us ane with God . (CMROLLEP,109.772) Luf es fayrhede of al vertues . (CMROLLEP,109.773) Luf es thyng , thurgh +te whilk God lufes us , and we God , and ilk ane of us other . (CMROLLEP,109.774) Lufe es desyre of +te hert , ay thynkand til +tat +tat it lufes ; (CMROLLEP,109.775) and when it hase +tat it lufes , +tan it joyes , (CMROLLEP,109.776) and na thyng may make it sary . (CMROLLEP,109.777) Lufe es a $stiryng of +te saule , for to luf God for hymself , and all other thyng for God ; +te whilk lufe , when it es ordaynde in God , it dose away all inordinate lufe in any thyng +tat es noght gude . (CMROLLEP,109.778) Bot al dedely syn es inordynate lufe in a thyng +tat es noght ; (CMROLLEP,109.779) +tan lufe puttes out al dedely syn . (CMROLLEP,109.780) Luf es a vertu , +tat es rightest affeccion of man saule . (CMROLLEP,109.781) Trowth may be withowten lufe , (CMROLLEP,109.782) bot it may noght helpe withouten it . (CMROLLEP,109.783) Lufe es perfeccion of letters , vertu of prophecy , frute of trowth , help of sacramentes , stablyng of witt and conyng , rytches of pure men , lyfe of dyand men . (CMROLLEP,109.784) Se how gude lufe es . (CMROLLEP,109.785) If we suffer to be slayne , if we gyf al +tat we have til beggar staf , if we ken als mykel als al men ken in erth , til al +tis , withouten lufe , es noght bot sorow ordande and torment . (CMROLLEP,109.786) If +tou will aske how gode es he or scho , ask how mykel lufes he or scho ; (CMROLLEP,109.787) and +tat ken na man tel , (CMROLLEP,109.788) for I held it bot foly to deme a mans hert , +tat nane knawes bot God . (CMROLLEP,109.789) Lufe es a ryghtwis turnyng fra al ertly thynges , (CMROLLEP,109.790) and es joynd til God withouten departyng , and kyndelde with +te fire of +te Haly Gaste , fer fra fylyng , fer fra corrupcion , oblyst till na vice of +tis lyfe , hegh aboven all fleschely lustes , ay redy and gredy til contemplacion of God , in all thynges noght overcomen , +te sowme of al gude affeccyons , hele of gude maners , ende of comawndementes of God , dede of synnes , lyf of vertues , vertu whils feghtyng lastes , crowne of overcomers , mirynes til haly thoghtes . (CMROLLEP,110.791) Withouten +tat , na man may pay God ; (CMROLLEP,110.792) with +tat , na man synnes . (CMROLLEP,110.793) For if we luf God in al oure hert , +tar es na thyng in us thurgh +te whilk we serve to syn . (CMROLLEP,110.794) Verray luf clenses +te saule , (CMROLLEP,110.795) and delyvers it fra +te pyne of hell , and of +te foule servys of syn , and of +te ugly felyschip of +te devels ; (CMROLLEP,110.796) and of +te fendes sonn makes God sonn , and parcenel of +te heritage of heven . (CMROLLEP,110.797) We sall afforce at cleth us in lufe , als +te yren or +te cole dose in +te fyre , als +te ayer dose in +te sonn , als +te woll dose in +te hewe . (CMROLLEP,110.798) +Te cole swa clethes it in +te fyre , +tat al es fyre ; (CMROLLEP,110.799) +te ayre swa clethes it in +te son , +tat al es ligth ; (CMROLLEP,110.800) and +te woll swa substancialy takes +te hewe , +tat it es lik it . (CMROLLEP,110.801) In +tis maner sall a trewe lufar of Jhesu Criste do : (CMROLLEP,110.802) his hert sal swa byrne in lufe , +tat it sal be turned intil fyre of lufe , and be , als it war , al fire , (CMROLLEP,110.803) and he sal sa schyne in vertues , +tat in na parte of hym he be myrke in vices . (CMROLLEP,110.804) +Te tother askyng es : Whare es lufe ? (CMROLLEP,110.805) And I answer : Lufe es in +te hert and in +te will of mane ; noght in hys hand , ne in his mouth , +tat es at say , noght in hys wark , bot in his sawle . (CMROLLEP,110.806) For many spekes gode , (CMROLLEP,110.807) and dose gode , (CMROLLEP,110.808) and many lufes noght God ; als ypocrites , +te whilk suffers grete penance , and semes haly at mens syght , (CMROLLEP,110.809) bot for +tai seke lovyng and honoure of men and favoure , +tai have lost +tar mede , (CMROLLEP,110.810) and in +te syght of God er +te devel sons and ravysand wlves . (CMROLLEP,110.811) Bot if a man gyf almose-dede , and take hym til povert , and do penance , it es signe +tat he lufes God ; (CMROLLEP,110.812) bot +tarfore lufes he hym noght , (CMROLLEP,110.813) bot when he forsakes +te worlde anly for Goddes lufe , and settes al his thoght on God , and lufes al men als hymself , and al +te gude dedes +tat he may do , he dose +tam in entent for to pay Jhesu Criste and to cum til +te rest of heven . +Tan he lufes God , (CMROLLEP,111.814) and +tat luf es in his saule , (CMROLLEP,111.815) and sa his dedes schewes withouten . (CMROLLEP,111.816) If +tou speke +te gude , and do +te gude , men supposes +tat +tou lufes God . (CMROLLEP,111.817) Forthi loke wele +tat +ti thoght be in God , (CMROLLEP,111.818) or elles +tou dampnes +tiselfe , (CMROLLEP,111.819) and deceyves +te men . (CMROLLEP,111.820) Na thyng +tat I do withowten proves +tat I lufe God ; (CMROLLEP,111.821) for a wicked man myght do als mykel penance in body , als mykel wake and faste , als I do . (CMROLLEP,111.822) How may I +tan wene +tat I lufe , or halde me better for +tat , +tat ilk a man may do ? (CMROLLEP,111.823) Certes mi hert , whethir it lufe my God or noght , wate na man bot God , for noght +tat +tai may se me do . Wharfore luf es in will verraily , noght in warke , bot als a signe of lufe . (CMROLLEP,111.824) For he +tat says he lufes God , and wil noght do in dede +tat in hym es to schew lufe , say hym +tat he lyghes . (CMROLLEP,111.825) Luf wil noght be ydel : (CMROLLEP,111.826) it es wirkand som gude evermare . (CMROLLEP,111.827) If it sesse of wirkyng , wit +tou +tat it keles and wytes away . (CMROLLEP,111.828) +Te thirde askyng es : How sal I verrayli lufe God ? (CMROLLEP,111.829) I answer : Verray lufe es , to lufe hym in al +ti myght stalwortly , in al +ti hert wysely , in al +ti sawle devowtely and swetely . (CMROLLEP,111.830) Stalwortly may na man lufe hym , bot he be stalworth . (CMROLLEP,111.831) He es stalworth , +tat es meke ; (CMROLLEP,111.832) for al gastly strengh comes of mekenes , on whame restes +te Haly Gaste in a meke sawle . (CMROLLEP,111.833) Mekenes governes us , (CMROLLEP,111.834) and kepes us in al oure temptacions , swa +tat +tai overcome us noght . (CMROLLEP,111.835) Bot +te devel deceyves many +tat er meke , thorow tribulacions and reproves and bakebitynges . (CMROLLEP,111.836) Bot if +tou be wrath for any anguys of +tis worlde , or for any worde +tat men says of +te , or for oght +tat men says til +te , +tou ert noght meke , (CMROLLEP,111.837) ne +tou may swa lufe God stalwortly ; (CMROLLEP,111.838) for luf es stalworth als +te dede , +tat slaes al lyvand thyng in erth , and hard als hell , +tat spares noght till +tam +tat er dede . (CMROLLEP,111.839) And he +tat lufes God perfitely , he greves hym noght , what schame or angwys +tat he suffers ; (CMROLLEP,112.840) bot he hase delyte (CMROLLEP,112.841) and covaytes +tat he war worthy for to suffer torment and payne for Crystes lufe . (CMROLLEP,112.842) And he hase joy +tat men reproves hym and spekes ill of hym : (CMROLLEP,112.843) als a dede man , what sa men dos or sayes , he answers noght . Ryght swa , wha sa lufes God perfitely , +tai er not stirred for any worde +tat man may say . (CMROLLEP,112.844) For he or scho kan noght lufe , +tat may noght suffer payne and anger for +tair frendes lufe ; (CMROLLEP,112.845) for wha sa lufes , +tai have na pyne . (CMROLLEP,112.846) Prowde men or women lufes noght stalworthly ; (CMROLLEP,112.847) for +tai er swa wayke , +tat +tai fall at ilk a styryng of +te wynde , +tat es temptacion . (CMROLLEP,112.848) +Tai seke heghar stede +tan Cryste ; (CMROLLEP,112.849) for +tai wil have +tair wil done , whethir it be with right or with wrang , (CMROLLEP,112.850) and Cryst will na thyng be done bot wele , and withouten harme of othir men . (CMROLLEP,112.851) Bot wha sa es verrayly meke , +tai wil noght have +tair wil in +tis worlde , bot +tat +tai may have it in +te to+ter plenarly . (CMROLLEP,112.852) In na thyng may men sonar overcom +te devel +tan in mekenes , +tat he mykel hates ; (CMROLLEP,112.853) for he may wake and faste and suffer pyne mare +tan any other creature may . (CMROLLEP,112.854) Bot mekenes and lufe may he noght have . (CMROLLEP,112.855) Alswa +te behoves luf God wysely ; (CMROLLEP,112.856) and +tat may +tou noght do , bot if +tou be wyse . (CMROLLEP,112.857) +Tou ert wyse , when +tou ert pore , withowten covaytyse of +tis world , and dispyses +tiselfe for +te lufe of Jhesu Cryste , and dispendes al +ti witte and al +ti myght in hys servys . (CMROLLEP,112.858) For sum +tat semes wysest er maste foles , (CMROLLEP,112.859) for al +tar wysdom +tai spyll in covayties and bisynes abowte +te world . (CMROLLEP,112.860) If +tou saw a man have preciouse stanes , +tat he myght by a kyngdom wyth , if he gaf +tam for an appyl , als a barne wil do , ryghtwysly moght +tou say +tat he war noght wyse , bot a grete fole . (CMROLLEP,112.861) Alsswa , if we wyl , we have preciouse stanes , povert and penance and gastly travayle , with +te whilk we may by +te kyngdome of heven ; (CMROLLEP,112.862) for if +tou lufe povert , and dispyse riches and delytes of +tis worlde , and halde +tiself vyle and pure , and thynk +tat +tou hase noght of +tiself bot syn , for +tis povert +tou sall have rytches withouten ende . (CMROLLEP,113.863) And if +tou have sorowe for +ti synnes , and for +tou ert swa lang in exile owte of +ti contre , and forsakes +te solace of +tis lyfe , +tou sal have for +tis sorow +te joy of heven . (CMROLLEP,113.864) And if +tou be in travayle , and punysche +ti body skil-wisly and wisely in wakkyns , fastyngs , and in prayers and meditacions , and suffer hete and calde , hunger and thyrst , myses and anguys for +te lufe of Jhesu Cryste , for +tis travel +tou sal com till reste +tat lastes ay , and syt in a setel of joy with aungels . (CMROLLEP,113.865) But som er , +tat lufes noght wysely , like til barnes , +tat lufes mare an appel +tan a castel . (CMROLLEP,113.866) Swa dose many : (CMROLLEP,113.867) +tai gyf +te joy of heven for a litel delyte of +tar flesche , +tat es noght worth a plowme . (CMROLLEP,113.868) Now may +tow se +tat wha sa will lufe wysely , hym behoves lufe lastand thyng lastandly , and passand thyng passandly ; swa +tat his hert be sette and festend in na thyng bot in God . (CMROLLEP,113.869) And if +tou will luf Jhesu verraly , +tow sal noght anly lufe hym stalwortly and wysely , bot also devowtly and swetely . (CMROLLEP,113.870) Swete lufe es , when +ti body es chaste and +ti thoght clene . (CMROLLEP,113.871) Devowte luf es , when +tou offers +ti prayers and +ti thogtes til God with gastly joy and byrnand hert in +te hete of +te Haly Gaste , swa +tat +te thynk +tat +ti saule es , als it war , drunken for delyte and solace of +te swetnes of Jhesu ; (CMROLLEP,113.872) and +ti hert conceyves sa mykel of Goddes helpe , +tat +te thynk +tat +tow may never be fra hym departyd . (CMROLLEP,113.873) And +tan +tou comes intil swilk rest and pees in sawle , and quiete withowten thoghtes of vanitese $or of vices , als +tou war in sylence and slepe and sette in Noe schyppe , +tat na thyng may lette +te of devocion and byrnyng of swete lufe . (CMROLLEP,113.874) Fra +tou have getyn +tis lyfe , all +ti luf , til dede come , es joy and comforth ; (CMROLLEP,113.875) and tou es verrayli Cristes lufer ; (CMROLLEP,114.876) and he restes in +te , whas stede es maked in pees . (CMROLLEP,114.877) +Te ferth askyng was : How +tou moght knaw +tat +tou war in lufe and charite ? (CMROLLEP,114.878) I answer , +tat na man wate in erth +tat +tai er in charite , bot if it be thorow any privelege or special grace +tat God hase gifen til any man or woman , +tat al other may noght take ensawmpel by . (CMROLLEP,114.879) Haly men and women trowes +tat +tai have trowth and hope and charite , (CMROLLEP,114.880) and in +tat dose als wele als +tai may , (CMROLLEP,114.881) and hopes certaynly +tat +tai sal be safe . (CMROLLEP,114.882) +Tai wate it not als tyte ; (CMROLLEP,114.883) for if +tai wiste , +tair merit war +te lesse . (CMROLLEP,114.884) And Salomon says +tat it er right-wys men and wyse men , (CMROLLEP,114.885) and +tair warkes er in Goddes hand . (CMROLLEP,114.886) And noght for+ti man wate noght whethir he be worthi hateredyn or lufe ; (CMROLLEP,114.887) bot al es reserved uncertayne til another worlde . (CMROLLEP,114.888) Never-+te-latter , if any had grace +tat he moght wyn til +te thirde degre of lufe , +tat es called syngulere , he sulde knaw +tat he war in lufe ; (CMROLLEP,114.889) bot in +tat maner his knawyng es , +tat he moght never bere hym +te hegher , ne be in +te lesse bisynes to lufe God . (CMROLLEP,114.890) Bot sa mykel +te mare +tat he es siker of lufe , wil he be bisy to lufe hym , and drede hym , +tat hase made hym swilk , and done +tat godenes til hym . (CMROLLEP,114.891) And he +tat es swa hee , he wil noght halde hymself worthier +tan +te synfullest man +tat gaas on erth . (CMROLLEP,114.892) Alsswa , seven experimentes er , +tat a man be in charite . (CMROLLEP,114.893) +Te fyrst es , when al covatise of ertly thyng es slokkend in hym . (CMROLLEP,114.894) For where sa covaityse es , +tare es na lufe of Cryste ; (CMROLLEP,114.895) +tan if he have na covaytyse , signe es +tat he hase lufe . (CMROLLEP,114.896) +Te secunde es , byrnand +gernyng of heven . (CMROLLEP,114.897) For when men hase feled oght of +tat savoure , +te mare +tai have +te mare +tai covayte ; (CMROLLEP,114.898) and he +tat noght hase feled , noght he desires . (CMROLLEP,114.899) For+ti , when any es swa mykel gyfen til +te luf +tarof +tat he kan fynd na joy in +tis lyfe , taken he hase +tat he es in charite . (CMROLLEP,114.900) +Te thyrd es , if his tung be chawngyd , +tat was $wone to speke of +te erth $and now spekes of God , and of +te lyf +tat lastes ay . (CMROLLEP,115.901) +Te feerth es , exercise of gastly profet , als if any man or woman gyf +tam enterely to Goddes servyes , and entermetes +tam of nane erthly bisynes . (CMROLLEP,115.902) +Te fift es , when +te thyng +tat es hard in itselfe semes lyght for to do ; +te whilk luf makes . (CMROLLEP,115.903) For als Austyne says , ' Lufreden es +tat bryngs +te thyng +tat es farre nerehande , and impossibel til possibel apertly . ' (CMROLLEP,115.904) +Te sext es , hardynes of thoght , to suffer all anguyses and noyes +tat comes . (CMROLLEP,115.905) Withowten +tis , al +te o+ter suffices noght . (CMROLLEP,115.906) For it sal noght make a ryghtwys man sary , what sa falles hym ; (CMROLLEP,115.907) for he +tat es ryghtwys , he hates noght bot syn , (CMROLLEP,115.908) he lufes noght bot God , (CMROLLEP,115.909) he dredes noght bot to wreth God . (CMROLLEP,115.910) +Te sevent es , delitabilite in sawle when he es in tribulacion , and makes lovyng to God in ilk anger +tat he suffers ; (CMROLLEP,115.911) and +tis schewes wele +tat he lufes God , when na sorow may bryng hym downe . (CMROLLEP,115.912) For many lufes God whils +tai er in ese , (CMROLLEP,115.913) and in adversitee +tai grotche , (CMROLLEP,115.914) and falles in swa mykel sarynes , +tat unneth may any man comforth +tam ; (CMROLLEP,115.915) and swa sclawnder +tai God , flytand and feghtand agayne his domes . (CMROLLEP,115.916) And +tat es a caytif lovyng , +tat any welth of +te worlde makes ; (CMROLLEP,115.917) bot +tat lovyng es of mykel pryce , +tat na violence of sorow may do away . (CMROLLEP,115.918) +Te fifte askyng was : In what state men may maste lufe God ? (CMROLLEP,115.919) I answer : In swilk state sa it be , +tat men er in maste rest of body and sawle , and leest occupied with any nedes or bisyness of +tis worlde . (CMROLLEP,115.920) For +te thoght of +te lufe of Jhesu Criste , and of +te joy +tat lastes ay , sekes rest wythowten , +tat it be noght lettyd with comers and gangers and occupacion of worldely thynges ; (CMROLLEP,115.921) and it sekes within grete sylence fra +te noyes of covayties and of vanitees and of ertly thoghtes . (CMROLLEP,115.922) And namely , al +tat lufes contemplatyfe lyf , +tai seke rest in body and in saule . (CMROLLEP,115.923) For a grete doctor says +tat +tai er Goddes trone , +tat dwelles still in a stede , and er noght abowte rennand , bot in swetnes of Cristes lufe er stabyld . (CMROLLEP,116.924) And I have lufed for to sytt , for na penance , ne for na fantasy +tat I wild men spak of me , ne for na swylk thyng ; bot anly for I knew +tat I loved God mare , and langar lasted within +te comforth of lufe , +tan gangand or standand or kneleand . (CMROLLEP,116.925) For sittand am I in maste rest , and my hert maste upwarde . (CMROLLEP,116.926) Bot +tarfore peraventure es it noght +te best til another at sitte , als I did , and wil do til my dede , bot if he war disposed als I was in his sawle . (CMROLLEP,116.927) Capitulum xi=m= . (CMROLLEP,116.929) Seven gyftes of +te Hali Gaste er in men and wymen +tat er ordaynd til +te joy of heven , and ledes +taire life in +tis worlde rightwisly . (CMROLLEP,116.931) +Ties +tai er : wysdome , understandyng , cownsayle , strengh , connyng , pyte , and +te drede of God . (CMROLLEP,116.932) Begynne we at cownsel , (CMROLLEP,116.933) for +tarof es maste nede at +te begynnyng of owre werkes , +tat us myslike noght afterwarde . (CMROLLEP,116.934) With +tier seven gyftes +te Haly Gaste towches sere men serely . (CMROLLEP,116.935) Cownsel es , doyng away of worldes rytches and of delytes and of al thynges +tat man may be $tagild with in thoght or dede ; and +tarwith be drawne inwardely til contemplacion of God . (CMROLLEP,116.936) Understandyng es , to knew what es for to do and what for to leve ; and +tat , +tat sal be gifen , to gif it til +tam +tat hase nede , noght til other +tat hase na myster . (CMROLLEP,116.937) Wysdom es , forgetyng of ertly thynges , and thynkyng of heven with discrecion in al mens dedes . (CMROLLEP,116.938) In +tis gyft schynes contemplacion , +tat es , als saynt Austyn says , ' A gastely dede of fleschly affeccions , thorow +te joy of a raysed thoght . ' (CMROLLEP,116.939) Strengh es , lastyng to fulfill gude purpose , +tat it be noght left for wele ne for wa . (CMROLLEP,116.940) Pyte es , +tat a man be mylde , (CMROLLEP,117.942) and agayne-say noght haly writte when it smytes his synnes , whethir he understand it or noght ; (CMROLLEP,117.943) bot in al his myght purge he +te vilete of syn in hym and in other . (CMROLLEP,117.944) Connyng es , +tat makes a man in gude hope , noght rusand hym of his rightwisnes , but sorowand of his syn ; and +tat man geder erthly godes anely to +te honoure of God , and prow til other men mare +tan til his self . (CMROLLEP,117.945) +Te drede of God es , +tat we turne noght agayne til oure syn thorou any il eggyng ; (CMROLLEP,117.946) and +tan es drede perfyte in us and haly , when we drede to wreth God in +te leste syn +tat we may knaw , and flees it as venym . (CMROLLEP,117.947) Capitulum xii=m= . (CMROLLEP,117.949) Twa lyves +tar er +tat Cristen men lyfes . (CMROLLEP,117.951) Ane es called actyve lyfe ; (CMROLLEP,117.952) for it es in mare bodili warke . (CMROLLEP,117.953) Another , contemplatyve lyfe ; (CMROLLEP,117.954) for it es in mare swetnes gastely . (CMROLLEP,117.955) Actife lyfe es mykel owteward , and in mare travel , and in mare peryle for +te temptacions +tat er in +te worlde . (CMROLLEP,117.956) Contemplatyfe lyfe es mykel inwarde ; (CMROLLEP,117.957) and for+ti it es lastandar and sykerar , restfuller , delitabiler , luflyer , and mare medeful . (CMROLLEP,117.958) For it hase joy in Goddes lufe , and savowre in +te lyf +tat lastes ay , in +tis present tyme if it be right ledde . (CMROLLEP,117.959) And +tat felyng of joy in +te lufe of Jhesu passes al other merites in erth ; (CMROLLEP,117.960) for it es swa harde to com to , for +te freelte of oure flesch and +te many temptacions +tat we er umsett with , +tat lettes us nyght and day . (CMROLLEP,117.961) All other thynges er lyght at come to in regarde +tarof , (CMROLLEP,117.962) for +tat may na man deserve , bot anely it es gifen of Goddes godenes til +tam +tat verrayli gifes +tam to contemplacion and til quiete for Cristes luf . (CMROLLEP,117.963) Til men or wymen +tat takes +tam til actife lyfe , twa thynges falles . (CMROLLEP,117.964) Ane , for to ordayne +tair meyne in drede and in +te lufe of God , and fynd +tam +taire necessaries , and +tamself kepe enterely +te comandementes of God , doand til +tar neghbur als +tai wil +tat +tai do til +tam . (CMROLLEP,118.965) Another es , +tat +tai do at +tar power +te seven werkes of mercy : +te whilk es , to fede +te hungry , to gyf +te thirsti a drynk , to cleth +te naked , to herbar hym +tat has na howsyng , to viset +te seke , to comforth +tam +tat er in prysoun , and to grave dede men . (CMROLLEP,118.966) Al +tat mai and hase cost : +tai may noght be qwyt with ane or twa of +tir , (CMROLLEP,118.967) bot +tam behoves do +tam al , if +tai wil have +te benyson on domes day , +tat Jhesu sal til al gyf +tat dose +tam ; (CMROLLEP,118.968) or els may +tai drede +te malysoun +tat al mon have +tat wil noght do +tam , when +tai had godes to do +tam wyth . (CMROLLEP,118.969) Contemplatife lyf hase twa partyes , a lower and a heer . (CMROLLEP,118.970) +Te lower party es meditacion of haly wrytyng , +tat es Goddes wordes , and in other gude thoghtes and swete , +tat men hase of +te grace of God abowt +te lufe of Jhesu Criste , and also in lovyng of God in psalmes and ympnes , or in prayers . (CMROLLEP,118.971) +Te hegher party of contemplacion es behaldyng and +gernyng of +te thynges of heven , and joy in +te Haly Gaste , +tat men hase oft . (CMROLLEP,118.972) And if it be swa +tat +tai be noght prayand with +te mowth , bot anely thynkand of God and of +te fairehede of aungels and haly sawles . +Tan may I say +tat contemplacion es a wonderful joy of Goddes luf , +te whilk joy es lovyng of God , +tat may noght be talde ; (CMROLLEP,118.973) and +tat wonderful lovyng es in +te saule , (CMROLLEP,118.974) and for abundance of joy and swettenes it ascendes intil +te mouth , swa +tat +te hert and +te tonge acordes in ane , and body and sawle joyes in God lyvand . (CMROLLEP,118.975) A man or woman +tat es ordaynd til contemplatife lyfe first God enspires +tam to forsake +tis worlde and al +te vanite and +te covayties and +te vile luste +tarof . (CMROLLEP,118.976) Sythen he ledes +tam by +tar ane , (CMROLLEP,118.977) and spekes til +gar hert , (CMROLLEP,118.978) and als +te prophete says , ' He gifes +tam at sowke +te swetnes of +te begynnyng of lufe . ' (CMROLLEP,119.979) And +tan he settes +tam in wil to gyf +tam haly to prayers and meditacions and teres . (CMROLLEP,119.980) Sithen , when +tai have sufferd many temptacions , and foule noyes of thoghtes +tat er ydel , and of vanitees , +te whilk wil comber +tam , +tat can noght destroy +tam , er passand away , he gars +tam geder til +tam +tair hert , and fest anely in hym ; (CMROLLEP,119.981) and opens til +te egh of +tair sawls +te +gates of heven , swa +tat +te ilk egh lokes intil heven . (CMROLLEP,119.982) And +tan +te fire of lufe verrali ligges in +tair hert (CMROLLEP,119.983) and byrnes +tarin , (CMROLLEP,119.984) and makes clene of al erthly filth . (CMROLLEP,119.985) And sithen forward +tai er contemplatife men , and ravyst in lufe . (CMROLLEP,119.986) For contemplacion es a syght , (CMROLLEP,119.987) and +tai se intil heven with +tar gastly egh . (CMROLLEP,119.988) Bot +tou sal witt , +tat na man hase perfite syght of heven whils +tai er lifand bodili here ; (CMROLLEP,119.989) bot als sone als +tai dye , +tai er broght before God , (CMROLLEP,119.990) and sese hym face til face and egh til egh , (CMROLLEP,119.991) and wones with hym withouten ende . (CMROLLEP,119.992) For hym +tai soght , (CMROLLEP,119.993) and hym +tai covayted , (CMROLLEP,119.994) and hym +tai lufed in al +tar myght . (CMROLLEP,119.995) Loo , Margarete , I have schortly sayde +te +te forme of lyvyng , and how +tou may come til perfeccion , and to lufe hym +tat +tou hase taken +te til . (CMROLLEP,119.996) If it do +te gude , and profit til +te , thank God , (CMROLLEP,119.997) and pray for me . (CMROLLEP,119.998) +Te grace of Jhesu Criste be wi+t +te (CMROLLEP,119.999) and kepe +te . (CMROLLEP,119.1000) Amen . (CMROLLEP,119.1001) Explicit forma vivendi . (CMROLLEP,119.1002)