{ED:2} Seynt Powle , +te chefe doctoure of holychurche , brennynge hy+gly in +te loue of almy+gthy God and of is ney+gbore , wro+gthe all +te dayes of is life aftur +tat he was turned to +te lawe of Criste to +te edificacion of +te churche , wrytynge on too wyze , gretely commendynge +te peple +tat vertuosly lyvyd , (CMROYAL,9.3) and +tonked God +terof , (CMROYAL,9.4) and repreved +to+g peple +tat fell to synne a+geyn withe sharpenes modified by resone . (CMROYAL,9.5) Who-so rede+t is pistels shall knowe well +tat it $is so . (CMROYAL,9.6) And so he wryte+t and teche+t in is pistell of +tis daye , preysynge God for +te god liffe of a peple of Grece called Corynthi , seynge on +tis wyze : (CMROYAL,9.7) " I do +tonkes to my God for you . " (CMROYAL,9.8) By +tis he +geve+t ensampull to vs +tat we oure-selfe shuld +tanke God for oure goodes +tat we receued of God , se+t +tat he +tonked God so hertely for is euencristen . (CMROYAL,9.9) But in what wyze +tat we shall +tonke God and prey to him , Criste hym-selfe teche+t vs in +te gospell , a preyour +tat is chefe of all preyours , +te wiche is +te Pater Noster . (CMROYAL,9.10) +Tis prayoure passe+t all o+tur in worthynesse , (CMROYAL,9.11) for God hym-selfe made itt ; (CMROYAL,9.12) also in goodenesse , for all +tat vs nede+t to preye is had +ter-in ; (CMROYAL,9.13) also in avantage , for Criste , +tat all can , ordeyn itt . (CMROYAL,9.14) By +tis preyour , +tan , late ichon of vs +tonke and preye God as Crist and Seynt Poule teche+t vs . (CMROYAL,9.15) In +te begynnynge , et cetera . " Gracias ago , " et cetera . (CMROYAL,9.16) Good men and wymmen , oure Lorde Ihesu tau+gth is disciples , as +te gospell wittenesse+t , Mathei 6=to= , Luce 11=mo= , +tis preyoure of +te Pater Noster , by +te wiche +tat euery man shuld preye to God when +tat +tei preyed , as Poule dude by +te wordes of my teme , +tus seynge : " I do +tonkes to my Lorde God , " as I seid at +te begynnynge . (CMROYAL,9.17) In +tis worthy prayere of +te Pater Noster ben vij asshyngus , +te wiche iij firste perteynen to +te +tre persons in Trynite and oo God . (CMROYAL,10.18) +Te fyrste longe+t to +te Fadur of heven , to whom is apropred all +te powre in heven and in erthe , as +te gospell wittenes ; (CMROYAL,10.19) and +tat prayour is +tis : (CMROYAL,10.20) " Fadere oure , +tou arte in heven , (CMROYAL,10.21) blessed be +ti name . " (CMROYAL,10.22) +Te seconde ashynge longe+t to +te Sonne , +te seconde person in +te Trinite , oure Lorde Ihesu Criste , to whom all wisdome is apropred , as Seynt Poule se+t , (CMROYAL,10.23) Romanos , 13=o= ; (CMROYAL,10.24) and it is +tis : (CMROYAL,10.25) " Ti kyngedom com to +te . " (CMROYAL,10.26) The +tride askynge pertene+t to +te +trid persone of +te Trynyte , +te Holygoste , to whom is apropred loue and charite , as Seynt Iohn se+t : (CMROYAL,10.27) " Deus caritas est ; " (CMROYAL,10.28) and it is +tis : (CMROYAL,10.29) " Be +ti will don in erthe as itt is in heven . " (CMROYAL,10.30) And +te o+tur foure askynges pertene+t to +te helpe of mankynde both bodely and goostely . (CMROYAL,10.31) +Te firste of +te foure is +tis : (CMROYAL,10.32) " Oure euery dayes brede +geue vs to-daye . " (CMROYAL,10.33) The second is , " And for-+geue vs oure dettys as we for+geue oure dettours . " (CMROYAL,10.34) The +tride is , " And lede vs not in-to temptacion . " (CMROYAL,10.35) The fourte and +te laste is +tis : (CMROYAL,10.36) " But delyuer vs from euyll . (CMROYAL,10.37) Amen . " (CMROYAL,10.38) In +tis prayour is conteyned more witt +tan anny erthly man can tell , (CMROYAL,10.39) and +ter-fore I concell you +tat +ge loue to vse +tis prayour a-boven all prayours . (CMROYAL,10.40) In +te firste askynge , when +tat +tou seyste , " Fader oure , +tat arte in heven , blessed be +ti name " - in +tat +tat +tou calleste hym fader , +ter +tou knalachesse +tat he is maker and lorde of heven and of erthe and hell and gouernour of all creatures , of whom all goodenesse comes ; (CMROYAL,10.41) and +tus +tou knalages is my+gthe . (CMROYAL,10.42) And se+t +tat he is lorde and fadere , euery man owe+t $hym drede and loue : drede by-cause +tat he is lorde , and worshippe be-cause +tat he is fader . (CMROYAL,10.43) These vij asskyngys of +te Pater Noster putte+t owte +te vij dedely synnes (CMROYAL,10.44) and purchase+t +te vij +geftes of +te Holygooste . (CMROYAL,10.45) We excludon pride when we sey " oure Fadur " and not " myn . " (CMROYAL,10.46) +Tis worde sey+t +tat we ben all bretheren , grett and small , ryche and poure , hy+g and lawe , of oon fader and oo moder , +tat is God and holychurche . (CMROYAL,10.47) And in +tat we seyn , " Halowed be +ti name , " we halowon God in vs , as Seynt John Crisostom sey+t . (CMROYAL,10.48) When we +tenke on hym , we dredon hym (CMROYAL,10.49) and wakon besely leste we defowle +te holynesse of is name in vs by oure euell werkes . (CMROYAL,11.50) In +te seconde asshynge , when we seye , " Com to $+te +ti kyngedom , " we prayon +tat +tis kyngedom of +tis world , of +te wiche +tou arte kynge +tat bow+gtest vs on +te Crosse by +ti precious blode , mott com and be with +te in +te ioye of hevene . (CMROYAL,11.51) The +trid is +tis : (CMROYAL,11.52) " Be +ti will done in erthe as in heven . " (CMROYAL,11.53) Here we prayon God +tat is will be do here in erthe amonge synfull mene +torow amendynge of her liffe as itt is don in ryghtwys men , +te wiche is heven goostely . (CMROYAL,11.54) +Tan +tis is a good preyour . (CMROYAL,11.55) The fourte asshynge is , " Oure euery dayes brede +geue vs to-daye . " (CMROYAL,11.56) Seynt Austyne sey+t +tat +tis iche dayes brede may be takon for nedefull lyvelod of oure bodye , and also for +te Sacrament of Cristes bodye , and for goostely mete of +te sowle , +te wiche is Goddes worde . (CMROYAL,11.57) The v asshynge is +tis : (CMROYAL,11.58) " And for-+geue vs oure dettys as we for-+geue to oure dettoures . " (CMROYAL,11.59) +Tan by +tis witty techynge of oure Lorde Ihesu Criste , malicious and veniabull wreches may well knowon +tat +tei be in +te veye to-hell-warde as longe as +te dwell in here cursed malice . (CMROYAL,11.60) For by +tese dettys ben vndirstond synnes +tat we don a+geyns God , as Seynt Austyne and o+ture seyntes seyon . (CMROYAL,11.61) +Giff +tou be in evyll to +ti ney+gbore , how sey+t +tou +tan +ti Pater Noster ? (CMROYAL,11.62) +Tou preyest God ryght so to for+geue +te as +tou doste to o+ture men . (CMROYAL,11.63) +Tou wilte not for+geue ; (CMROYAL,11.64) how mayste +tou +tan be for+geue of God ? (CMROYAL,11.65) The vj asshynge is +tis , +tat +tou lede not vs in-to temptacion . (CMROYAL,11.66) We prayon not here +tat we be not tempted , (CMROYAL,11.67) for no $man may be proved with-owt temptacion ; (CMROYAL,11.68) but we praye +tat God lede vs not in-to temptacion - +tat is , +tat he suffre not vs to falle in suche temptacions +te wiche we may not suffre . (CMROYAL,11.69) The vij asshynge is +tis , and +te laste : (CMROYAL,11.70) " But delyvere vs from all evyll . (CMROYAL,11.71) Amen . " (CMROYAL,11.72) In +tis we praye God to delyvere vs from euyll of peyne +tat we deserue +torowe synne presente in +tis liffe and fro euyll of peyne aftur +tis lyffe +tat men shall haue for synne . (CMROYAL,11.73) +Tis prayore euery Cristen man is bondon to conne , and to preye to God by +tis preyour , and do as Seynt Poule dothe by +te wordes of my teme : (CMROYAL,12.75) " I do +tonkes to my Lord God . " (CMROYAL,12.76) +Tis prayoure is euery man and childe hold to kunne +gif he passe vij +gere olde ; (CMROYAL,12.77) and +tere frendes be in grett perill +geff hei teche hem nott is Pater Noster , Aue Maria , and is Beleue . (CMROYAL,12.78) This Aue Maria is in +te i chapter of Luke , (CMROYAL,12.79) and is +tis in Englisshe to youre vndirstondynge : (CMROYAL,12.80) " Haill , Marye , full of grace ; oure Lorde is with +te . (CMROYAL,12.81) Blessed be +tou a-monge all wymmen ; (CMROYAL,12.82) and blessed be +te fruyte of +ti wombe , Ihesus . (CMROYAL,12.83) Amen . " (CMROYAL,12.84) By +tis preyoure +tou shuldeste grett Oure Lady , +tat she be goode mene to hure Sonne Criste Ihesu to haue mercy on +te +tat +tou my+gthe at Domes-day com to +tat ioye +tat euer shall laste . To +te wiche ioye God brynge $you and me , +tat for vs dyed on Rode Tre . (CMROYAL,12.85) Amen . (CMROYAL,12.86) {ED:4} Worshippfull men and wymmen , +te worthye clerke Aristotle in +te laste boke of is Ethicus sey+t +tat +tere is +tre manere of frenshippes : amicicia propter vtile , amicicia pro voluptate , et amicicia propter bonum morale . (CMROYAL,16.89) Som man , sey+t he , is a frende to an o+tur for is owne avauntage , as courteours and seruuauntes , +tat dare in no wise displese here maisters o+tur lord ; (CMROYAL,16.90) and +tis frenshippe is now+gthe . (CMROYAL,16.91) The second maner of frenshippe is frenshippe of luste , as lecherous men o+tur wymmen vsen for a tyme ; (CMROYAL,16.92) but als-so sone as +te luste is fulfillid , +tan +te frenshippe is gone . (CMROYAL,16.93) The +trid maner of frenshippe is frenshippe of wertewe , +te wiche +tat on hathe to an o+ture for is good lyvynge and vertuous ; (CMROYAL,16.94) +tis is a verry frenshippe +tat holy writte speke+t of , (CMROYAL,16.95) " Iam non dico vos seruos , sed amicos . " (CMROYAL,16.96) In +tis wyze bene all good levers called +te frendes of God . (CMROYAL,16.97) As to my purpose , oure Lord God , as +te gospell of +tis daye beres wittenesse by +te wordes of my teme , calle+t an evill levere is frende , seyinge to hym on +tis wyze , " Frende , howe commeste +tou hydure ? " (CMROYAL,16.98) As who se+t , " $All $be $itt {TEXT:All-be-itt} +tat +tou arte man , +gitt parauntur +tou arte not cristened ; (CMROYAL,16.99) and +giff +tou be cristeynd , +gitt parauntur +tou leueste not as Criste biddeste +te . (CMROYAL,16.100) How commes +tou +tan amonge is mene ? " (CMROYAL,16.101) +Tou canste not sey but by stalthe . (CMROYAL,16.102) And +ter-fore drede +tou leste he do commaunde to bynde +te honde and fote and putt +te in-to +te innere derkenesse . (CMROYAL,16.103) " But sir , " +tou seiste parauntur , " Criste calle+t +te frend (CMROYAL,16.104) and +ter-fore he will do well with +te and shewe +te of is mercye . " (CMROYAL,16.105) +Ge sir , trewly +tou arte frende to hyme +giff +tou leue synne and euyll levynge and loue in good wyze for +tin own avauntage ; (CMROYAL,16.106) for +tis is good for +tin soule . (CMROYAL,16.107) For +ter is no frenshippe good but +tat +tat is grownded of vertewe . (CMROYAL,16.108) And as to +tat , +tat +tou seist +tat he will do mercy , so he will . (CMROYAL,16.109) Whe+ture-euer +tou be saued or dampned , +tou shalte fele of is mercye ; (CMROYAL,17.110) for and +tou had rygoressnes of ryght with-owte mercy , +tan +tou my+gthe neuer bere itt , as all holywritt sei+t . (CMROYAL,17.111) I pray God to lat vs neuer com to +tat plite . (CMROYAL,17.112) In +te begynnynge , et cetera . " Amice , " et supra . (CMROYAL,17.113) Good men and wymmen , +te wordes of my teme bethe writte in +te gospell of +tis daye and +tus muche on Englissh : (CMROYAL,17.114) " Frende , how commest +tou here , or hydere ? " (CMROYAL,17.115) Oure Lorde God seys to vs +tat +te kyngedome of heven is like to a kynge +tat made veddynggus to is sonne . (CMROYAL,17.116) +Tis kynge sente oute is seruauntes to bid hem +tat were bede com to +te feste ; (CMROYAL,17.117) and +tei wolde nott come . (CMROYAL,17.118) +Tan +tis kynge sende o+tur seruauntes to bid hem come , (CMROYAL,17.119) and bad +tat +tei shuld sey , " My mete is redye and all well ; (CMROYAL,17.120) come+t to +te weddyngus . " (CMROYAL,17.121) +Tei sett no+gth by +te messangeres ; (CMROYAL,17.122) butt som +gede forthe in-to here towne , som abowte here marchandize , (CMROYAL,17.123) and some toke +te messangeres (CMROYAL,17.124) and slow+g hem . (CMROYAL,17.125) +Tan when +te kynge herde here-of he lete slee +tise men (CMROYAL,17.126) and brent hure citte . (CMROYAL,17.127) And +tan he seide to is owne seruauntes , " My weddynggus ben redie , (CMROYAL,17.128) butt +tei +tat were bede were not worthye . (CMROYAL,17.129) Goy+t +ge owte in-to +te weye ; (CMROYAL,17.130) and qwom-euer +tat +ge fynde , calle+t hem to my weddynggus . " (CMROYAL,17.131) +Tan +tese seruauntes feched in bothe good and euyll (CMROYAL,17.132) and filled +te place of +te tables . (CMROYAL,17.133) +Tan +tis kynge com (CMROYAL,17.134) and see +te men sittynge at +te mete (CMROYAL,17.135) and fonde oon +tat was not clothed of is weddynge leuere (CMROYAL,17.136) and seid to hym to wordes of my teme , " Frende , how comeste +tou in here - o+tur hidur - and haste no leueree of my weddynggus ? " (CMROYAL,17.137) +Tan seid +te kynge far+turmore to +te seruauntes , " Bynde+t hym honde and fote (CMROYAL,17.138) and put hym in-to innere derkenes , $+ter $as {TEXT:+ter-as} is wepynge and gryntynge of te+te . (CMROYAL,17.139) Many ben called , (CMROYAL,17.140) butt fewe ben choson . " (CMROYAL,17.141) +Tis is +te sentence of +te gospell in +tis daye . (CMROYAL,17.142) " But sir , " +tou seiste parauntur , " how is +tis kyngedome of heven like +tis kynge ? " (CMROYAL,17.143) Sir , I shall tell +te . (CMROYAL,17.144) +Tis kynge +tat made weddynggus to is sonne betokene+t +te Fadere of heuen , +tat all +tinge made of no+gthe . (CMROYAL,17.145) He made a weddynge to is Sonne , oure Lorde Ihesu Criste , (CMROYAL,18.146) and weddit he was to euery mans soule at is folewte . (CMROYAL,18.147) He send is seruauntes to bid men com to +te feste - apostles , martirs , confessours , and virgyns - to +te feste in +te kyngedome of heven ; (CMROYAL,18.148) but +tei wold not come . (CMROYAL,18.149) He send o+tur messangers to bid men come to heven , as doctours and prechors of +te word of God , as +tei do now daye by daye , (CMROYAL,18.150) but +ge sett not by hem , +te more harme is . (CMROYAL,18.151) Som goyn to youre citte , +tat is , to youre vnclene felishippe , as to +te taueron and to o+tur vnhoneste place ; som to youre vn+trifty marchandize , full of vsure , okre , and o+tur falsenes ; (CMROYAL,18.152) som takon is prechors (CMROYAL,18.153) and punyssh hem vn-to +te dethe . (CMROYAL,18.154) But what shall +te kynge do +tere-to ? (CMROYAL,18.155) +Tis Kynge of kynges , certeyn , sir , as Criste hym-selfe seid , he shall lat slee hem and brenne +te cite of hem . (CMROYAL,18.156) Far+turmore +tis Kynge shall sende oute is techars and prechars and bid hem come to is feste , all +tat +tei fynden , bothe good and euyll . (CMROYAL,18.157) But be-ware , (CMROYAL,18.158) I counsell +te , +tat +tou come not to +te feste , +tat is , to +te Dome dredefull , but +tou haue oon +te leveree of clennes of +tat weddynge , leste +tat oure Lorde Ihesu when +tat he comme+t to behold +te , repreue +te , and ordeyne +te to be putt in-to euery lastynge peyne for +tin evill lyvynge , seyinge on +tis wyze , " Frende , how comme+t +tou hydur ? " as I seid at +te begynnynge . (CMROYAL,18.159) In +tis wyze , +tan , as I haue told +te , +te kyngedome of heven is like to a kynge +tat ordeynt weddynggus to is sonne . (CMROYAL,18.160) Sirs , I counsell all maner of men fully to +tenke on +tis Dome , (CMROYAL,18.161) for Seynt Ierome sei+t whe+tur +tat he ete , drynke , or slepe , or what-euer els +tat he dothe , it seme+t hym , sei+t he , +tat +te angels trompe sowne+t in is eere seyinge +tus , " Ryse , +ge dede men , (CMROYAL,18.162) and com to +te Dome . " (CMROYAL,18.163) I concell and I preye euerichon of you to conceyue and knowe +tat oure Lorde God at +te Day of Dome shall shewe ryght with-oute mercye , full rygorysly , full sturnely , and aske of vs howe +tat we haue spende +te vij verkes of mercy , as +te gospell wittenes . (CMROYAL,18.164) But for-as-muche as euery man and wymman shall +geue a-countes of +te vij werkes of mercye , +ter-fore I purpose fully to teche you wiche ben +te vij verkes of bodely mercye and of goostely , bothe . (CMROYAL,19.165) The vij verkes of bodely mercy ben +tese : fede +te hongery , +geue drynke to +te +tursty , clothe +te naked and nedye , herbowre +te howslesse , comforte +te seke , visite prisoners , and bury +te dede . (CMROYAL,19.166) +Tese vij verkes +tou arte bondon to fulfill by verke and dede +giff +ti powere be , or els by +ti good will +giff +ti powere faill , in payne of euer lastynge dampnacion +giff +tou repente not . (CMROYAL,19.167) For of +tese werkes of mercy Criste shall speke inspeciall of at +te Day of Dome . (CMROYAL,19.168) I praye eueriche of you to haue +tis in mynde . (CMROYAL,19.169) And +te vij verkys of goostely mercy ben +tese : (CMROYAL,19.170) teche men +te trouthe , howe +tei shuld com to heven ; (CMROYAL,19.171) the seconde , counsell men besely to hold with Cristes lawe ; the +tride , chastyse synners by moderate reprevynge in charite ; the $iv , comforte sorowfull men with Cristes passion ; the v , for+geue wronges done to +ti-selfe , as +tou wolte be $for+geue of God ; the vj , suffre mekely repreves for +te ryght of Goddes lawe ; the vij , preye hertely for frend and for foo . (CMROYAL,19.172) +Tese verkes ben of goostely mercye , +te wiche also +tou arte bond to knowe and to fulfill hem in dede ; (CMROYAL,19.173) for and +tou volte +tenke hertely of +te dredefull Dome , +tan +tou shulteste euer be besye with +tou+gth , worde , and dede to plese God and to fulfill +tise verkes of mercye , as +tou wolte +tat God haue mercye on +te . (CMROYAL,19.174) And +tan +giff God assh +te at +te Day of Dome , " Frende , howe entereste +tou hidre ? " +tan +tou maiste seye , " Lorde , I haue on +ti leueree (CMROYAL,19.175) and I am +ti man , (CMROYAL,19.176) and as +ti man I entred ; where-fore I preye +te , late me reioyse +te kyngedome of heven , +tat +tou haste ordeynt for +ti seruauntes . " To +te wiche ioye and infinite blisse brynge vs oure swete Lorde Ihesus . (CMROYAL,19.177) Amen . (CMROYAL,19.178) {ED:41} This glorious Ladie with all hur vertewes and preuilegees as +tis day was taken vp in soule aboven +te hiest ordere of angels - and in bodie also , as Seynt Austyn and Anselme haue +ter oppinions ; (CMROYAL,251.181) and Ierom in ys pistell fauors +te same : " Exaltata est sancta Dei genitrix , " et cetera - where she besely praye+t +tat we may sewe hure in lyvynge . (CMROYAL,251.182) +Tan se+t she is of all seyntes +te cheff pure creature , as holychurche sey+t of hur ad mores , sanctorum sancta , +ter-fore we shuld besi vs to be hure folovers , and so to be seyntes here and aftur in heven . (CMROYAL,251.183) But here what Dauid +te prophete seys , +tat oure seyntes ben goyn avey : (CMROYAL,251.184) " Saluum me fac , Domine , quoniam defecit sanctus - (CMROYAL,251.185) good Lord , sey+t he , make vs saue , (CMROYAL,251.186) for seyntes +ter is none as +ter were . " (CMROYAL,251.187) I sey more pleynly +tus : (CMROYAL,251.188) I knowe well no man shall be saued but +giff +tat he ende is liff as a seynt , (CMROYAL,251.189) sine peccato mortali , Mathei 25=to= capitulo . (CMROYAL,252.190) But how +te multitudo of +te peple lyvi+t and ende+t when +tat +tei die , whe+tur +tei die as seyntes or non I wot neuer , Lord , (CMROYAL,252.191) no+tur I will not +geue iugement vppon +ti previe dome . (CMROYAL,252.192) But as by mans dome and as it seme+t by reson , I shall afferme +tat +giff +tis world be an enterludie , as doctors ymagynne , I wote neuer who shall pley +te seynte in oure enterludie . (CMROYAL,252.193) For in comparison +tat it was som tyme , vertewes morall ben goyn . (CMROYAL,252.194) Fey+gth , hope , and charite be welny+g exiled , (CMROYAL,252.195) and sewerly with-owte +tise vertewes may be no seynt in +tis liff . (CMROYAL,252.196) Haa , good Lord God , where is +te fey+gth of Abraam , +te good hope of Ysaak , +te prudens of Iacob ? (CMROYAL,252.197) Where is +te chastite of Ioseph , the paciens of Moyses , +te gret zele of Finees , of all +te wiche scripture rememburs , (CMROYAL,252.198) Genesis , Exodi , Numerorum diuersis capitulis ? (CMROYAL,252.199) Where is be-com +te sadenes of Sent Petre , +te charite of Seynt Poule , +te holynes of Iacob , oure Lordes bro+tur , and +te heuenly wisdom of Seynt Iohn +te Euaungelist , of +te wiche scripture wittenes Actuum diuersis capitulis , Iohanis primo ? (CMROYAL,252.200) And +giff +tat we shall speke of latter men and of lowe degre , where is suche on as Paule , +te first heremite , dwellyng sole in +te inmaste of wildernes in a cote , where fourty wynter God send hym by a ravyn brede to lyve by dayly , (CMROYAL,252.201) and whan +tat he was ded wild lions made is pitt (CMROYAL,252.202) and buried at +te commaundement of Seynt Antonij , as Seynt Ierom wryte+t in Vitis Patrum ? (CMROYAL,252.203) Where is now suche a seynt as Seynt Benet was amonge all +te enhabite monasteries - inter senobitas ? (CMROYAL,252.204) Is liff was angelike , +te wiche withstode terraundes and devels with is holy worde , to whom sprites obeied as to +ter maister , as Seynt Gregory teche+t , (CMROYAL,252.205) 2=o= Dialogorum ? (CMROYAL,252.206) Where is +te gret douocion of Seynt Barnard be-com in all is seculere diligence , +te wiche wrote full wondirfull myracles , lyvyng so far-forth +tat all +tat were vexed with devels he heled hem at is commaundement , as Ianuensis write+t in ys lif ? (CMROYAL,253.207) Now +giff +tat we shuld speke of holines in prelacie , where is suche a fadur now as was Seynt Basile , bishop of Cesare in Capodocia ? (CMROYAL,253.208) +Tis man was +te distroer of +te heretikes , Arrianus . (CMROYAL,253.209) When +tat he shuld die , a leche +tat was a Iewe told hym +te tyme when +tat he shuld die and +te day . (CMROYAL,253.210) " What , " quod he , " and I may live till to-morow ? " (CMROYAL,253.211) " I woll be-com a $Cristen man . " (CMROYAL,253.212) And so by myracle hes liff was lenghed vn-to +tat he was cristened . (CMROYAL,253.213) +Tus write+t of hym Amphilotus , Yconie episcopus , in historia sua . (CMROYAL,253.214) Where is suche accepte auctorite in anny prelate as was in Gregore Nazanzene , whos doctrine and writynge was suche +tat +ter was neuer man a+geyn-seid hym into oure tyme , as Seynt Thomas write+t , (CMROYAL,253.215) prima parte Summe , questione 61 , articulo 3=O= , in pede ? (CMROYAL,253.216) Where is +te mekenes and wisdom be-com of Seynt Gregore , doctour and pope , as is verke vppon Iob wittenes , +te wiche is so gret +tat +to+g all +te principall partes of man were turned on-to tounges , +git man myght not declare is wisdom and holynes , as Isedere write+t , (CMROYAL,253.217) De Viris Illustribus , de Gregorio agens ? (CMROYAL,253.218) +Giff we shuld suche aftur holynes amonge gentilmen of wurshipp , it is not as it was . (CMROYAL,253.219) Where is now so wertewous a ientilman as was Iob , kynge of Edom , clere in fey+gthe , excellent in mekenes , a nobull housholdere , ease to be tau+gth , large in almes , riche in money , plentewous in children ? (CMROYAL,253.220) But sodenly is children were slayn , (CMROYAL,253.221) +te dewell sore tempted hym and is wiff also and is frendes ; (CMROYAL,253.222) and neuer gruched a+gens God , as Ysidore sais , (CMROYAL,253.223) De Ortu et Obitu Patrum . (CMROYAL,253.224) Where is now so gret loue , zele , and fauour vn-to men of holy churche and to +te pepull as had +te gret emperour Constantyne , +te wiche chose ra+tur all is liff tyme to be smytte with a lepre +tan he wold suffure +te innocentes blod to be shed to saue hym as by bathes , as +te Cronicle of Rome telle+t vs ? (CMROYAL,253.225) Where is +tat very iust man and emperour Egrite Traiane , +te wiche demed is own sonne and is eyre to be ded for +tat he necligently had ouer-riden a widow sonne , as Gregore teche+t vs in is bokes Regestre ? (CMROYAL,254.227) Lo , +tan , I se well +giff +tat I be not begiled +tat in men of holychurche , no+ture in gentilmen , no+tur in +te comon peple , but +te old holines is goyn from hem . Where-fore I may sey as me semeth after +te old maner , +tat +ter is no man able to pley on oure seynt : (CMROYAL,254.228) " Saluum me fac , Domine , quoniam defecit sanctus . " (CMROYAL,254.229) Parauntur it is replied a+geyns me +tat +ter be many holy men , $al $be $it {TEXT:al-be-it} +tei com not to +te holynes of oure old holy faders . (CMROYAL,254.230) I answere as Seynt Barnard seith , sermone 33 super Cantico , vndirstondyng is language as for +te more parte : (CMROYAL,254.231) " Serpit hodie putrida tabes per omne corpus ecclesie - (CMROYAL,254.232) fowle stynkynge mater of synne growe+t now thorowe-owte all Cristendom . Qwere-of Y dispeyre +te more (CMROYAL,254.233) for he growe+t full large . (CMROYAL,254.234) Som tyme +te prophett spake +ter-of (CMROYAL,254.235) and now it is fulfilled , +tat holychurche compleyne+t of : (CMROYAL,254.236) ' Ecce in pace amaritudo mea amarissima , ' Ysaie 38 capitulo - (CMROYAL,254.237) ' O fey+gthe in holy churche , my most bitter bitturnes is in my pece . ' (CMROYAL,254.238) I had a grett bitturnes in dethe of my marters , (CMROYAL,254.239) I had a grettur bitturnes in doctrine of heritikes , (CMROYAL,254.240) but now haue I my most bittur bitturnes in +te horribull synnes of fey+gthfull pepull , (CMROYAL,254.241) whi +tei may not be chastised , +tei may not be dryven a-vey , (CMROYAL,254.242) wicked men be so many and multipled owte of nowmbur . (CMROYAL,254.243) This veniaunce is perishyng myn herte withowte hope of hele . (CMROYAL,254.244) Intestina est et insanabilis plaga . (CMROYAL,254.245) And +terfore of all my bitturnes +tis is +te gretest in pees . (CMROYAL,254.246) But qwhat pes is +tis to +te churche ? " (CMROYAL,254.247) Seys Seynt Barnard , " Et pax est et non est pax - (CMROYAL,254.248) +ter is pece , " seys he , " in a maner , (CMROYAL,254.249) and +gitt itt is no pes . (CMROYAL,254.250) +Ter is pes for ethen men , (CMROYAL,254.251) +ter is pes for heretikes , (CMROYAL,254.252) but trewly +ter is no pes a+gens synnefull lyvyng in all degrees temperall and spirituall of Cristes churche . (CMROYAL,254.253) Loo , whatt oure modur holychurche compleyne+t a+gens vs : (CMROYAL,254.254) ' Filios enutriui et exaltaui ; ipsi autem spreuerunt me , (CMROYAL,255.255) ' Ysaie primo capitulo . (CMROYAL,255.256) ' I haue , ' seys she , ' norished many a Cristen man and woman and made must of hem , (CMROYAL,255.257) and +tei sett ryght no+gthe by me : (CMROYAL,255.258) spreuerunt et maculauerunt me , ' et cetera . (CMROYAL,255.259) ' +Tei sett not by me , ' seys oure modur holychurche , (CMROYAL,255.260) ' but +te defoule me with +ter foule lyvyng +tat is full abhomynable , ' " (CMROYAL,255.261) inquid Barnardus in diebus suis . (CMROYAL,255.262) Se+t , +tan , holichurche compleyne+t +tus in Seynt Barnardes daies , she may now dredeles compleyne much more , (CMROYAL,255.263) for fro is tyme hidirward +te liff of +te Cristen pepull ha+t ben euer wars and wars , as well in +te spirituallte as in +te temperalte . (CMROYAL,255.264) For sicurly vertew is cast avey (CMROYAL,255.265) and man is fallyn in-to +te filthe of stynkyng synne . (CMROYAL,255.266) Haa , good God , now mercy , (CMROYAL,255.267) for our synnes beth not vnpunyshed . (CMROYAL,255.268) Lo , sirs , I sey itt with sorefull hert , (CMROYAL,255.269) scismus and diuisions haue now reyned in oure daies amonge men of holychurche , +tat welny+g holychurche standes in desolacionem : " Per que peccat quis , per hec et torquetur , " Sapiencie 2 capitulo ; +tat for-asmuche as we will not be ooned to God be charite , +ter-fore we be+t dissevered amonge oure-self . (CMROYAL,255.270) Oure gentils also of all degrees be+t greuously punyshed , (CMROYAL,255.271) for batels be+t reysed welny+g in euery lond , (CMROYAL,255.272) Cristend Shedyng of Cristen blode continually , gret and huge . (CMROYAL,255.273) And to sey shortely , welny+g in euery coost of +te marches Cristen mens lordeshippes decresses (CMROYAL,255.274) and goys downeward , (CMROYAL,255.275) and +te lordeshippes of hethen men growe+t vpward (CMROYAL,255.276) and in-crese+t ; (CMROYAL,255.277) for seuerly oure Cristen prynces with-in +tis xl +gere and lasse ha+t lost more +tan +te +tirde parte of Cristendom . (CMROYAL,255.278) Lo , +ter peyn answeres to +ter synnes . (CMROYAL,255.279) For lik as oure princes and lordes spoyleth and robbe+t +ter suggettus and do+t daily , euen so God suffre+t +te ethen princes to robb and spoile oure lordes and princes , euen as +tei do to o+tur : (CMROYAL,255.280) " In qua mensura qua mensi fueritis , remicietur vobis , " Mathei 7 capitulo . (CMROYAL,255.281) The common pepull for +ter synnes and vnthrifty lyvyng and euell will to holychurche and to +ter lordes , +tei ben oppressed , (CMROYAL,255.282) +tei ben robbed , (CMROYAL,255.283) +tei be mad pore welny+g in euery lond of Cristendom so far-forthe sewerly +tat itt heuys hem to lyve . (CMROYAL,256.284) Si+t , +tan , euery charite begynne+t of hym-selfe , and I see so gret perils and by synne vertews distruccion , +ter-for I pray as +te prophete dud , (CMROYAL,256.285) " Lord , make me sauf , (CMROYAL,256.286) for +te seyntus ben gon - (CMROYAL,256.287) saluum me fac , Domine , quoniam defecit sanctus . " (CMROYAL,256.288) And +tus much for oure first principall and +te second to-ge+ture . (CMROYAL,256.289) I seid also oure +tirde and fourth principall , now steryng , now shewynge by experience of vertewe , how +tat Oure Ladie was all-wey desirous to holines . (CMROYAL,256.290) She is full gracious and full of compassion to all Cristen pepull . (CMROYAL,256.291) For declaracion of +tis wryte+t Seynt Ierom in a pistell , (CMROYAL,256.292) and Bonaventure reherse+t it also , De Vita Cristi , +tat +tis blessed and glorious Ladie afore +tat she had conceyved oure Lord , euery ny+gthe aftur mydny+gtht she was besy in prayour . (CMROYAL,256.293) She ashed and praied of +te Fadur of heuen vij peticions , of +te wich too I will reherse vn-to you . (CMROYAL,256.294) On was +tat she my+gthe loue alvey +tat God loued and non o+tur +tinge : (CMROYAL,256.295) Psalmo 17 , " Diligam te , Domine , fortitudo mea . " (CMROYAL,256.296) +Te o+tur was +tat God wold +geue hur +tat grace , to hur +tat was +te modur of God to do euer plesaund seruyse to God . (CMROYAL,256.297) Loo , +tis good Ladies peticion sowned alvey vn-to charite , loue , and grace . (CMROYAL,256.298) " Quia plenitudo legis est dileccio operis , " Romanos , 13=mo= capitulo . (CMROYAL,256.299) And so dud hur o+tur peticiens , +te wiche I leue ouer . (CMROYAL,256.300) And +ter-fore +te Fadur of heven herd hur prayour (CMROYAL,256.301) and graunted hur more grace +tan she prayed fore . (CMROYAL,256.302) Inspeciall for +tat she of mekenes coveted to be seruaunte to Goddes modur , +ter-for God chose hure to be is modur , (CMROYAL,256.303) " Quia respexit humilitatem ancille sue , " Luce primo , (CMROYAL,256.304) and send to hur +te archangell Gabriell vn is ambassate , to +tat entent +tat suche +tinges by hur , a woman , shuld reflorish +tat by +te first woman was brou+gthe to desolacion , (CMROYAL,256.305) Genesis 3 capitulo . (CMROYAL,256.306) For sicurly it was a comon repref to all women +tat by on of hem all mankynd was lost and non of hem my+gthe helpe to restore it a+geyn , so far-forth +tat all +te elementes and all o+tur beestes and briddes semed per prosopopeiam crie vppon a womman , as Petrus Rauennas ymagine+t , sermone Gregorii , seynge +tus , " Redde depositum , mulier , redde depositum Dei quod in Paradiso perdidisti ; redde ex te quod perdidisti per te . " (CMROYAL,257.307) +Tis rebuke of o+tur creatures dyvers devoute women bare heuely , praying for hem-self to God to take from hem +tis comon reprefe or suffur hem els no lenger to liff , (CMROYAL,257.308) vnde applicatur illud : " Ad te , Domine , faciem meam $conuerto ; ad te oculos meos erigo . Peto , Domine , ut de vinculo improperij huius absoluas me , aut certe desuper terram eripias me , " Tobie 3 . (CMROYAL,257.309) But of all +tise women +ter was non hard vn-to Oure Ladie was borne , whom holychurche wurshippes +tis day . (CMROYAL,257.310) Bot +tis Ladie so pleyzed all-myghty God , +te Fadur of heuen , +tat he send downe is angell vn-to hure to haue +tis reprefe holpon : (CMROYAL,257.311) Malachie 3 , " Ecce ego mitto angelum meum , qui preparabit viam ante faciem meam , " id est , ante filium meum . (CMROYAL,257.312) And as it may be taken of Seynt Austyn , primo sermone de Anunciacione Dominica , whan Gabriel had knalage $+tat he was choson to do is message , he com in-to +te presence of +te Fadur of heven (CMROYAL,257.313) and with all mekenes a-fore is most soueryn maieste , he seid on +tis wise : " Fadur and Lord of euery heuenly and erthly creature , to +te is all +tinge knowon (CMROYAL,257.314) Iudith $9=no= . (CMROYAL,257.315) +Tou knowist verely +te hi+g prudence of +tis nobull virgyn and also hur sadnes in soule . (CMROYAL,257.316) +Tou knowist also , gracious Lord , +tis message +tat +tou commaundes me to execute . (CMROYAL,257.317) It is a werke of gret prevete , keuered in derke seynges of prophetes of old tyme . (CMROYAL,257.318) By hure +te dewell is putt in gret drede . (CMROYAL,257.319) So +tan when +tat I sey my message I shall besy me to encline +tis blessed Ladies will vn-to my porpose and to shewe hur +tin signet , +te wiche bothe man and angels ben marked with . (CMROYAL,257.320) ' Signatum est super nos lumen vultus tui , Domine , ' Psalmo 4=to= . (CMROYAL,257.321) And namely in so hi+g a matur of substaunce she parauntur will not anone +geue credence to my wordes but ra+tur suppose me no trewe messanger of so worthy astate . Where-fore +giff itt like to thy most gracious lordshipp me to do +tis message , I beseche +te , chef soueraygne Lord , graunte me +ti signet , where-of when +tat she ha+t knalage +ter-of , +tat she may applie hur will to +ti godly purpose . " (CMROYAL,258.322) The Fadur of heven answerd Gabriell , (CMROYAL,258.323) " +Ti prayour is resonable , (CMROYAL,258.324) and it shall not be denyed +te . (CMROYAL,258.325) +Tou knawi+t well , Gabriell , +tat my signet is my speciall grace , +te wiche I marke with my choson children fro +to +tat be repreved . (CMROYAL,258.326) And it may well be called my signett , (CMROYAL,258.327) for itt is so secrete +tat +ter wote no man lyvynge withowte reuelacion whe+tur +tat he be signett +ter-with or no . (CMROYAL,258.328) ' Nescit homo vtrum amore an odio dignus scit , ' Ecclesiastes 9=no= - (CMROYAL,258.329) ' +ter knowi+t no man withowte reuelacion whe+tur +tat he be marked with +te signett of grace or no ' - predestinatus . (CMROYAL,258.330) But when +tou commest vn-to +tis maiden , in hur +tou shalt se my signet of grace . (CMROYAL,258.331) +Tou seist it neuer so plentevows in no creature . (CMROYAL,258.332) When +tou commest to hur , gret hur well by +te token of my speciall grace , (CMROYAL,258.333) and +tan she will resceyve +te as she ow+gth to do my messanger . " (CMROYAL,258.334) Anone +tan +tis archangell was in +te cite of Nazareth (CMROYAL,258.335) and he fownd +ter +tis virgyn , not walkynge abowte in +te stretis but in hure deuocions in hur chambur , besily prayinge to all-mygthy God , (CMROYAL,258.336) " intra cubiculum orante , " Matheo . (CMROYAL,258.337) He shewed hur +tis signet , seying on +tis wize , " Aue , gracia plena , Dominus tecum ; benedicta tu in mulieribus - (CMROYAL,258.338) hail , full of grace , oure Lord is with +te ; (CMROYAL,258.339) blessed be +tou abowen all wommen . " (CMROYAL,258.340) And with +tise wordes he persceyved anon +tat she was wondur specially merked with +te signet of oure Lordis grace . (CMROYAL,258.341) This blessed maiden with all reuerence and honour tretid +tis blessed Lordis signet , in +te wiche signet ben graven succession of dyuers +geres , +te meritis of angels and man , the begynnyng and +te contynuaunce and +te ende of all ryghtwisse pepull . (CMROYAL,259.342) And +ter-fore she toke avisement afore hur answere , somwhat trowbeled of so speciall a gretyng ; (CMROYAL,259.343) but +gitt she had spokon and seen aungels afore , as Seynt Barnard seis vppon " Missus est . " (CMROYAL,259.344) But +te language of +te aungell was soleyn and gracius when +tat he seid +tat she was full of grace and blissed hur abowon all women . (CMROYAL,259.345) +Tis aungell as a wize messaunger see +tat she was somdell trowbled , (CMROYAL,259.346) and +ter-fore he spake to hure more famyliarly , callyng hur by hur name , seying on +tis wise : " Ne timeas , Maria ; inuenisti enim graciam apud Deum - (CMROYAL,259.347) drede +te not , maide Mari , (CMROYAL,259.348) for +tou hast fownden grace aneyns almy+gthy God . " (CMROYAL,259.349) As hoo sei+t . " +Tou arte gracious of +ti-selfe (CMROYAL,259.350) and also shall be to all Cristen pepull . (CMROYAL,259.351) +Tat shewe I +tus : (CMROYAL,259.352) first , +tou shalte consceyve with-owten fleshly concupiscence and brynge forthe a Sonne (CMROYAL,259.353) ibi Luce primo . (CMROYAL,259.354) +Te cause here-of is non o+tur bote +tou arte gracious in +ti-self and shall be to all Cristen peple . (CMROYAL,259.355) But Ladi , +tis Sonne +tat +tou shalte haue shall not be litill of valowe , but +te naturall Sonne of allmy+gthy God ' Filius Altissimi vocabitur ' . (CMROYAL,259.356) What may be cause of +tis ? (CMROYAL,259.357) Sicurly , for +tou art gracious to +ti-selfe and shall be to all Cristen pepull . (CMROYAL,259.358) Far+termare , Ladie , parauntur +tou ashes of +te maner here-of , how God will haue itt don se+t +tou art purposed euer to be a mayde ' Quo modo fiet istud ? ' et cetera . (CMROYAL,259.359) I sey +te Holygoost shall li+gthe vppon +te and by is infenite vertewe +tis werke shall be endid . " (CMROYAL,259.360) +Tis good Ladie , heryng +tis message , assentid vn-to +te will of God (CMROYAL,259.361) and in +te most lowly wize answerd . (CMROYAL,259.362) For +ter-as +te aungell called hure +te modur of God , she calle+t hure-self Goddes lowly seruaunt , seying , " Ecce ancilla Domini ; fiat mihi secundum uerbum tuum " - (CMROYAL,259.363) ibi Luce primo . (CMROYAL,259.364) I may +tan perfitely conclude by hur wordes and +te aungels also +tat +tis Ladie alwey is desirous to holynes and is gracious and full of compassion vn-to all Cristen pepull , +te wiche is for oure third and fourte principall . (CMROYAL,259.365) She , +tan , +tat was so gracious in hur liff here , is muche more gracious nowe +tat she is in heven . (CMROYAL,260.366) For +ter charite euer encrese+t , (CMROYAL,260.367) and +ter she is oure aduocate , and specially to hure choson seruauntes , as Seynt Anselme declare+t full swetly in is boke De Excellentissima $Virgine . (CMROYAL,260.368) And also +te story - est et cronicus - of Seynt Basilie and of Iulianus , +te emperour and renegate , telle+t of hur grace wondirly , and on +tis wize : (CMROYAL,260.369) +Tis cursed emperour Iulian , +te wiche som tyme was a Cristen man and +gede avey from is fei+gthe and becom an ethen man , and lad is ost on a tyme by +te citte of Cesare , where Seynt Basilie was +to bishopp . (CMROYAL,260.370) And for +tinges +tat greved hym , +tis emperour avowed when +tat he com homward fro Perse +tat he wold distrow +tat cite and all +te Cristen men +ter-in . (CMROYAL,260.371) +Tan was +tis holy bishopp sory (CMROYAL,260.372) and praied God of grace and Oure Ladie with all is deuocions to helpe +tat Cristen cite . (CMROYAL,260.373) Houre Ladie for+gate hym not , (CMROYAL,260.374) but graciously herd is prayoure (CMROYAL,260.375) and anon send downe an aungell (CMROYAL,260.376) and reysed a ded kny+gthe called Sir Mercury , +te wiche was don to dethe by +tis cursed Iulian . (CMROYAL,260.377) +Te aungell armed hym (CMROYAL,260.378) and brou+gth hym an hors (CMROYAL,260.379) and seid vn-to hym +tat he shuld on Goddis by-half and at Our Ladies commaundement , +tat he shuld ride in-to Persie and sle +tis terraunt , Goddes enmy . (CMROYAL,260.380) And so he dud . (CMROYAL,260.381) And when +tis cursed emperour conceyved hym-self +tus wonded to dethe , anon he +gelded vp is parte and is opinion , (CMROYAL,260.382) and cast is blode in-to +te eyre (CMROYAL,260.383) and cried vn-to oure Lord with lowde voyse , " Vicisti , Galilee , vicisti - (CMROYAL,260.384) +tou , Ihesu of Galilee , +tou hast ouercome me . " (CMROYAL,260.385) And +tus +te dampned wreche di+ged in bodie and soule . (CMROYAL,260.386) Lo , how +tis Ladie hard +tis holy mans prayour and helped +te Cristen pepull . (CMROYAL,260.387) And +giff +tou be a gret synner and drede +te +tat she will not here +ti prayoure for +ti synne , +tan pray +tou with +te most synnefull man Theophile , +te wiche +tat forsoke God vponly afore +te dewell , and wrote is forsakyng and sealed it with is own seall , and tok it +te dewell is own person and becam is man . (CMROYAL,260.388) But afturward he sore repented hym (CMROYAL,261.389) and fled vn-to Oure Ladye for helpe . (CMROYAL,261.390) And aftur fourty daies penauns Oure Ladie apered vn-to hym (CMROYAL,261.391) and blamed hym sore for is synne , (CMROYAL,261.392) but +gitt she gat hym for+geuenes , (CMROYAL,261.393) and brou+gthe a+geyn from +te dewell is writynge and is seall , (CMROYAL,261.394) and declared +tat God had for+geue hym and resceyved hym to grace . (CMROYAL,261.395) +Tis is no fabull +tat I sey +gow . (CMROYAL,261.396) It is euery woke songe and rad in holychurch in remembrance of +te good Ladies kyndenes and grace . (CMROYAL,261.397) We , +tan , +tat be not ryghtwis as Seynt Basile was , take we ensampull of Theophile +te synner (CMROYAL,261.398) and pray we with hym , knowynge mekely oure defawtes , seying +tus to +tis Lady +tat is most gracious in plesaunce : " Most comly of persone and most holy in soule , +tou Ladie choson afore all o+tur , +tou most holy and +tou most worshippfull , most excellent in auctorite , +tou most benigne , and oure mercyfull Ladie of truste , we beseche +te to helpe vs +tat we may recovere and haue , here grace sufficient , and blisse eternall with +ti Sonne , oure Lord Ihesu , +te wiche is perfite God , with +te Fadere and +te Holygoost , and with +te , oure speciall helpe and all Cristen pepuls . (CMROYAL,261.399)