I +te feaderes . ant i +te sunes . & i +te hali gastes Nome her bigine+d ; sawles warde . (CMSAWLES,165.2) Si sciret paterfamilias qua hora fur uenturus esset ; vigilaret utique & non sineret perfodi domum suam . (CMSAWLES,165.3) Ure lauerd i +te godspel teache+d us +turh a bisne . hu we ahen wearliche to biwiten us-seoluen wi+d +te unwiht of helle . & wi+t his wernches . (CMSAWLES,166.5) +gef +tes lauerd wiste he sei+d . hwenne & hwuch time . +te +teof walde cume to his hus ; he walde wakien . (CMSAWLES,166.6) ne nalde he nawt +tolien +te +teof forte breoken hire . (CMSAWLES,166.7) +tis hus +te ure lauer+d speke+d of ; is seolf +te mon (CMSAWLES,166.8) inwi+d +te monnes wit . I +tis hus . is +te huse-lauerd . (CMSAWLES,166.9) Ant te fulitohe wif ; mei beon wil ihaten . +tt ga +te hus efter hire ; ha diht hit al to wundre . bute wit ase lauerd chasti hire +te betere . & bineome hire muchel of +tt ha walde . (CMSAWLES,166.10) ant tah walde al hire hird folhin hire ouer-al ; gef wit ne forbude ham . (CMSAWLES,166.11) for alle hit beo+d untohene . & rechelese hinen ; bute +gef he ham rihte . (CMSAWLES,166.12) Ant hwucche beo+d +teos hinen ; (CMSAWLES,166.13) Summe beo+d wi+d-vten . & summe wi+d-innen . (CMSAWLES,166.14) +teo wi+d-vten beo+d . +te monnes fif wittes . Sih+de . & herunge . smechunge . & smeallunge . & euch limes felunge . (CMSAWLES,166.15) +teos beo+d hinen vnder wit . as under huse-lauerd . (CMSAWLES,166.16) & hwer-se he is +gemeles ; nis hare nan +te ne feare+d ofte untoheliche . & gulte+d ilome . o+der i fol semblant ; oder in vuel dede . (CMSAWLES,166.17) In-wi+d beo+d his hinen . in se moni mislich +tonc to cwemen wel +te husewif ; a+gein godes wille . (CMSAWLES,166.18) & swerie+d somet-rea+dliche ; +tt efter hire hit schal gan . (CMSAWLES,167.19) +tah we hit ne here nawt ; we mahen hare nur+d . & hare untohe bere . a-+tet hit cume for+d . & ba wi+d eie . & wi+d luue tuhte ham +te betere . (CMSAWLES,167.20) Ne bi+d neauer his hus for +teos hinen wel iwist . for hwon +tt he slepe . o+der ohwider from hame . +tt is hwen mon for-+get his wit . & let ham iwur+den . (CMSAWLES,167.21) ah ne bihoue+d hit nawt . +tt tis hus beo irobbet . (CMSAWLES,167.22) for +ter is inne +te tre +tt godd +gef him-seolf fore . +tt is monnes sawle . (CMSAWLES,167.23) forte breoke +tis hus efter +tis tresor . +tt godd bohte mid his dea+d . & lette lif o rode ; is Moni +teof abuten ba bi dei & bi niht . vnseheliche gasttes wi+d alle unwreaste +teawes . (CMSAWLES,167.24) & a+gein euch god +teaw . +te biwite+d i +tis hus godes deore castel . vnder wittes wissunge +tt is huse-lauerd . is eauer hire un+teaw forte sechen in-+gong abute +te wahes to a-mur+drin hire +trinne . (CMSAWLES,167.25) +tt heaued +trof is +te feont . +te meistre+d ham alle (CMSAWLES,167.26) a+geines him & his keis . +te husebonde +tt is wit ; warne+d his hus +tus . (CMSAWLES,167.27) Vre lauerd haue+d ileanet him froure of his dehtren . +tt beo+d to vnderstonden +te fowr heaued-+teawes . (CMSAWLES,168.28) +te earste is warschipe icleopet . (CMSAWLES,168.29) ant te o+ter is ihaten gastelich streng+de . (CMSAWLES,168.30) & te +tridde is mea+d . riht-wisnesse +te feor+de . (CMSAWLES,168.31) Wit +te husbonde godes cunestable cleope+d warschipe for+d . (CMSAWLES,168.32) & makid hire durewart . +te warlic he loki hwam ha leote in & ut . & of feor bihalde alle +te cuminde . hwuch beo wur+de in+gong to habben ; o+der beon bisteken +trute . (CMSAWLES,168.33) Streng+de stont nest hire +tt +gef ei wule in ; warschipes vn+tonkes . warni streng+de fore . +tt is hire suster ; & heo hit ut warpe . (CMSAWLES,168.34) +te +tridde suster +tt is mea+d . hire he make+d meistre ouer his willesfule hir+d +tt we ear of speken . +tt ha leare ham mete . +tt me meosure hat . +te middel of twa uueles . (CMSAWLES,168.35) for +tt is +teaw in euch stude & tuht forte halden . (CMSAWLES,168.36) & hate+d ham alle +tt nan of ham a+gein hire ; nohwer wid vnmea+d ; ne ga ouer mete . (CMSAWLES,168.37) +te feor+de suster rihtwisnesse . sit on hest as deme , (CMSAWLES,168.38) & beate+d +teo +te a+gulte+d . (CMSAWLES,168.39) & crune+d +teo +te wel do+d . (CMSAWLES,168.40) & deme+d euchan his dom efter his rihte . (CMSAWLES,168.41) $for $dret {TEXT:fordret} of hire nime+d his hir+d euch efter +tt he is warde to witene . +te ehnen hare . +te mu+d his . +te earen hare . +te honden hare . & euch alswa of +te o+tre wit +tt onont him ne schal nan un+teaw cumen in . (CMSAWLES,169.42) As +tis is ido +tus . & is al stille +trinne ; warschipe +tt aa is waker is offearet lest sum fortruste him . & feole o slepe . & for+geme his warde . (CMSAWLES,169.43) & sent ham . in a sonde . +tt ha wel cnawe+d . of feorren icumen . forte offearen +teo +te beo+d ouerhardi . & +teo +te +gemelese beo+d ; halden ham wakere . (CMSAWLES,169.44) he is underuon in . & swi+de bihalden of ham alle . (CMSAWLES,169.45) for lonc he is . & leane . & his leor dea+dlich . & blac & elheowet . (CMSAWLES,169.46) & euch her +tunche+d +tt stont in his heaued up ; (CMSAWLES,169.47) warschipe hat him tellen biuoren hwet he beo & hweonene he comme & hwet he +ter seche . (CMSAWLES,169.48) Ne mei ich he sei+d . nohwer speoken . bute ich habbe god lust ; (CMSAWLES,169.49) lustni+d me +tenne . (CMSAWLES,169.50) Fearlac ich hatte . (CMSAWLES,169.51) ant am dea+des sonde . & dea+des munegunge . (CMSAWLES,169.52) & am icumen biuore hire to warnin ow of hire cume . (CMSAWLES,169.53) warschipe +tt best con bisetten hire wordes . & ec hire werkes ; speke+d for ham alle . (CMSAWLES,169.54) & freine+d hweonene he cume . & hwuch hird ha leade . (CMSAWLES,169.55) fearlac hire ontswere+d . (CMSAWLES,170.56) Ich nat nawt +te time ; (CMSAWLES,170.57) for ha ne seide hit me nawt . (CMSAWLES,170.58) ah eauer loki+d hwenne . (CMSAWLES,170.59) for hire wune is to cumen bi stale ferliche & unmundlunge hwen me least wene+d . (CMSAWLES,170.60) of hire hird +tt tu easkest . Ich +te ondswerie . (CMSAWLES,170.61) ha lihte+d hwer se ha eauer kime+d wi+d a +tusent deoflen . (CMSAWLES,170.62) & euch an bere+d a gret boc al of sunnen iwriten wi+d swarte smeale leattres . & an unrude raketehe gled-read of fure . forte binden & to drahen in-to in-warde helle . hwuch-se he mei preouin +turh his boc +tt is on euch sunne enbreuet ; +tt he wi+d wil . o+der wi+d word . o+der wi+d werc . wrahtte in al his lif-si+de . bute +tt he haue+d i-bet ear+ton wi+d so+d schrift . & wi+d deadbote . (CMSAWLES,170.63) ant warschipe hire easke+d . Hweonene cumest tu fearlac dea+des munegunge . (CMSAWLES,170.64) Ich cume he sei+d of helle . (CMSAWLES,170.65) Of helle ha sei+d warschipe . (CMSAWLES,170.66) & hauest tu isehen helle ? (CMSAWLES,170.67) +Ge sei+d fearlac witerliche . ofte & ilome . (CMSAWLES,170.68) Nu sei+d +tenne warschipe . $for $+ti {TEXT:for+di} trow+t treoweliche tele us hwuch is helle . & hwet tu hauest isehen +trin . (CMSAWLES,170.69) Ant ich he sei+d fearlac o mi trow+de blu+deliche . nawt tah efter +tt hit is . for +tt ne mei na tunge tellen . ah efter +tt ich mei & con ; +ter toward ich chulle reodien . (CMSAWLES,170.70) Helle is wi+d-ute met . & deop wi+d-ute grunde . ful of brune uneuenlich . for ne mei nan eor+dlich fur euenin +ter towart . ful of stench un+tolelich . for ne mahte in eor+de na cwic +ting . hit +tolien . ful of sorhe untalelich . for ne mei na mu+d for wrecchedom ne for wa ; rikenin hit ne tellen . (CMSAWLES,171.72) Se +ticke is +trinne +te +tosternesse ; +tt me hire mei grapin . (CMSAWLES,171.73) for +tt fur . ne +geue+d na liht . (CMSAWLES,171.74) ah blent ham +te ehnen . +te +ter beo+d wi+d a smor+drinde smoke smeche forcu+dest . (CMSAWLES,171.75) & tah i +tt ilke swarte +teosternesse swarte +tinges ha iseo+d as deoflen +tt ham mealli+d & derue+d aa & drecche+d wi+d alles cunnes pinen . & iteilede draken grisliche ase deoflen +te forswolhe+d ham ihal . & speowe+d ham eft ut biuoren & bihinden . o+der hwile torende+d ham & to-cheowe+d ham euch greot . (CMSAWLES,171.76) ant heo eft iwur+de+d hal . to a swuch bale bute bote as ha ear weren . (CMSAWLES,171.77) Ant ful wel ha i-seo+d ham to grisle & to grure . & to echen hare pine . +te la+de helle wurmes . tadden & froggen . +te freote+d ham ut to ehnen . & te nease gristles . (CMSAWLES,172.78) Ant snike+d in . & ut neddren . & eauroskes . nawt ilich +teose her ; ah hundret si+de grisluker et mu+d . & et earen . ed ehnen . & ed neauele . Ant ed te breoste holke as mea+den i forrotet flesch eauer+gete +tickest . (CMSAWLES,172.79) +ter is remunge i +te brune . to+des hechelunge i +te snawi weattres . (CMSAWLES,172.80) ferliche ha flutte+d from +te heate ; into +te chele . (CMSAWLES,172.81) Ne neauer nuten ha of +teos twa ; hwe+der ham +tunche+d wurse . for ei+der is un+tolelich . (CMSAWLES,172.82) ant i +tis ferliche mong +te leatere +turh +te earre derue+d +te mare , (CMSAWLES,172.83) +tt fur ham forbearne+d al to colen calde . (CMSAWLES,172.84) +tt pich ham forwalle+d a +det ha beon for-mealte . (CMSAWLES,172.85) & eft acwikie+d anan to drehen al +tt ilke ; ant muchedeale wurse a wi+d-uten ende . (CMSAWLES,172.86) Ant $tis {TEXT:til} ilke unhope is ham meast pine . +tt nan naue+d neauer mare hope of nan a couerunge . Ah aren sikere of euch uuel to +turh leasten i wa from world in-to worlde aa on echnesse . (CMSAWLES,172.87) Euch a+trusme+d o+der . (CMSAWLES,172.88) & euch is o+dres pine . (CMSAWLES,172.89) Ant euchan heate+d o+der . & him-seoluen as +te blake deouel . (CMSAWLES,172.90) & eauer se ha i +tis world luuede ham mare ; se ha heatie+d ham swi+dere . (CMSAWLES,172.91) & ei+der curse+d o+der . (CMSAWLES,173.92) & fret of o+dres earen . & te nease alswa . (CMSAWLES,173.93) Ich habbe bigunne to tellen of +ting +tt ich ne mahte nawt bringe to eni ende . +tah ich hefde a +tusent tungen of stele & talde a +det ha weren alle forwerede . (CMSAWLES,173.94) Ah +tenche+d nu her +turh hwuch +te measte pine beo ; (CMSAWLES,173.95) for +te leaste pine is se heard +tt hefde a mon islein ba mi feader . & mi moder ant al +te ende of mi cun . & ido me seoluen al +te scheome & te hearm +tt cwic mon mahte +tolien . & ich isehe +tes mon i +te ilke leaste pine . +tt ich iseh in helle ; Ich walde +gef hit mahte beon . +tolien a +tusent dea+des to a-rudden him ut +trof . (CMSAWLES,173.96) swa is +te sih+de grislich & reow+dful to bihalden . (CMSAWLES,173.97) for +tah neauer nere nan o+der pine bute to iseon eauer +te unseli gastes . & hare grisliche schape . biseon on hare grimfule . & grurefule nebbes . & heren hare rarunge . & hu ha wi+d hokeres edwite+d & up-breide+d euchan his sunnen . +tis schen+dlac & te grure of ham were unimete pine ; & hure +tolien & abeoren hare unirude duntes wi+d mealles istelet . & wi+d hare eawles gled-reade hare dustlunges . as +tah hit were a pilche-clut euchan towart o+der i misliche pinen . (CMSAWLES,173.98) O helle dea+des hus . wununge of wanunge . of grure ant of granunge . heatel ham . & heard wan . of alle wontrea+des . buri of bale . & bold of eauer-euch bitternesse . +tu la+dest lont of alle . +tu dorc stude ifullet of alle dreorinesses . Ich cwakie of grisle & of grure . (CMSAWLES,174.99) & euch ban scheke+d me . (CMSAWLES,174.100) & euch her me rue+d up of +ti munegunge . (CMSAWLES,174.101) for nis +ter na steuene bituhhe +te fordemde bute wumme . (CMSAWLES,174.102) & wa is me . (CMSAWLES,174.103) & wa beo +te . (CMSAWLES,174.104) & wa beo +te . (CMSAWLES,174.105) wa ha +geie+d . (CMSAWLES,174.106) & wa ha habbe+d (CMSAWLES,174.107) ne of al +tt eauer wa is ; ne schal ham neauer wontin . (CMSAWLES,174.108) +te swuch wununge ofearne+d . for ei hwilinde blisse her o +tisse worlde ; wel were him +gef +tt he neauer ibore nere . (CMSAWLES,174.109) bi +tis +ge mahen sumdel witen hwuch is helle . (CMSAWLES,174.110) for iwis ich habbe +trin isehen a +tusent si+de wurse . (CMSAWLES,174.111) & from +teonne kime+d dea+d wi+d a +tusent deoflen hiderwart as ich seide . (CMSAWLES,174.112) ant ich com +tus q+d fearlac forte warnin ow fore ; & tellen ow +teos tidinges . (CMSAWLES,174.113) Nv lauerd godd q+d warschipe wardi us (CMSAWLES,174.114) & werie . & rihte us (CMSAWLES,174.115) & reade hwet us beo to donne : (CMSAWLES,174.116) Ant we beon +te warre & wakere to witen us on euch half under godes wengen . (CMSAWLES,174.117) +gef we wel werie+d & wite+d ure hus & godes deore tresor +tt he haue+d bitaht us ; cume dea+d hwen he wule . (CMSAWLES,174.118) Ne +turue we now+der-1 beon ofdred for hire . ne for helle . (CMSAWLES,174.119) for ure dea+d bi+d deore godd & in+gong in-to heouene . (CMSAWLES,174.120) of +teos fikelinde world ; ne of hire false blisse : ne neome we neauer +geme . (CMSAWLES,174.121) for al +tt is on eor+de . nis . bute as a schadewe ; (CMSAWLES,174.122) for al wur+de+d to noht bute +tt deore tresor godes deorewur+de feh +tt is us bitaht to witene . (CMSAWLES,175.123) Ich habbe +teruore sar care (CMSAWLES,175.124) for ich iseo sei+d warschipe hu +te unwhiht wi+d his ferd ase liun iburst . +gea+d abuten ure hus sechinde +geornliche hu he hit forswolhe . (CMSAWLES,175.125) & tis ich mei sei+d warschipe warnin ow of his la+d & for his wrenches . (CMSAWLES,175.126) ah ich ne mei nawt a+geines his streng+de . (CMSAWLES,175.127) Do nu q+d streng+de . warschipe suster +tt te limpet to +te (CMSAWLES,175.128) & warne us of his wiheles . (CMSAWLES,175.129) for of al his streng+de ne drede we nawiht . (CMSAWLES,175.130) for nis his streng+de noht wur+d bute hwer-se he ifinde+d e+deliche . & wake unwarnede of treowe bileaue . (CMSAWLES,175.131) +te apostle sei+d . Etstont . +ten feont . (CMSAWLES,175.132) & he fli+d anan-riht . (CMSAWLES,175.133) schulde we +tenne fleon him ? (CMSAWLES,175.134) +ge nis godd ure scheld . (CMSAWLES,175.135) & alle beo+d ure wepnen of his deore grace . (CMSAWLES,175.136) ant godd is on ure half . (CMSAWLES,175.137) & stont bi us ifehte . (CMSAWLES,175.138) +gef he schute towart me wi+d weole & wunne of +te world . wi+d este of flesches lustes . of +tulliche nesche wepnen ich mahte carien summes weis . (CMSAWLES,175.139) ah ne mei me na +ting heardes offearen . ne nowcin . ne na wone falsi min heorte ne wursi mi bileaue towart him +tt +geue+d me alle mine streng+den . (CMSAWLES,175.140) For ba me ah . q+d mea+d . ant for heart of nowcin . & for wone of wunne dreden . & carien . (CMSAWLES,175.141) for moni for to muchel heard of wa +tt he drehe+d . for+get ure lauerd . (CMSAWLES,175.142) ant ma +tah for nesche ant for flesches licunge for+geme+d ham ofte . (CMSAWLES,175.143) bituhhen heard & nesche . bituhhe wa of +tis world ant to muche wunne . bituhhe muchel & lutel is in euch worldlich +ting +te middel wei guldene . (CMSAWLES,176.144) +gef we hire halde+d +tenne ga we sikerliche (CMSAWLES,176.145) ne +terf us now+der for dea+d ne for deouel dreden . (CMSAWLES,176.146) hwet-se beo of heardes ne drede ich nawiht nesches (CMSAWLES,176.147) for ne mei na wunne . ne na flesches licunge ne licomlich este bringe me ouer +te midel of mesure . & of mete . (CMSAWLES,176.148) Rihtwissnesse speke+d nu . (CMSAWLES,176.149) Mi suster ha sei+d warschipe +te haue+d wit . & schad bituhhe god . & uuel . & wat hwet is in euch +ting to cheosen & to schunien ; reade+d us (CMSAWLES,176.150) & leare+d forte +geme lutel alle fallinde +ting . & witen warliche +teo +te schulen a lesten . (CMSAWLES,176.151) & sei+d as ha so+d sei+d +tt +turh unweotenesse . ne mei ha nawt sunegin . (CMSAWLES,176.152) & tah nis nawt siker of +te unwihtes strengde (CMSAWLES,176.153) as +teo +te halt hire wac +tah ha beo muche wur+d & ure alre ehnen deme+d hire unmihti onont hire-seoluen to etstonden wi+d his turnes (CMSAWLES,176.154) & de+d ase +te wise . (CMSAWLES,176.155) Mi suster streng+de is swi+de bald . (CMSAWLES,176.156) & sei+d +tt nawiht heardes ne mei hire offearen . (CMSAWLES,176.157) ah +tah ha ne trust nawt on hire ahne wepnen ; (CMSAWLES,176.158) ah de+d o godes grace (CMSAWLES,176.159) & +tt ich demi riht & wisdom to donne . (CMSAWLES,176.160) Mi +tridde suster . mea+d speke+d of middel sti . bituhhe riht & luft +tt lut cunnen halden . (CMSAWLES,176.161) & sei+d i nesche ha is bald . & heard mei hire offearen . (CMSAWLES,177.163) & for-+ti ne +gelpe+d ha of na sikernesse (CMSAWLES,177.164) ant de+d as +te wise . (CMSAWLES,177.165) Mi meoster is to do riht forte demen (CMSAWLES,177.166) ant ich deme me-seolf +tt ich me do hit nawt ; (CMSAWLES,177.167) for al +tt god is of godd +tt we her habbe+d . (CMSAWLES,177.168) Nu is riht +tenne +tt we demen us-seolf eauer unmihtie to werien & to witen us o+der ei god to halden wi+d-ute godes helpe . (CMSAWLES,177.169) +te rihtwise godd wule +tt we demen us-seolf e+deliche & lahe . Ne beo we neauer swucche ; (CMSAWLES,177.170) for +tenne deme+d he us muche wur+d & gode (CMSAWLES,177.171) ant halt for his dehtren . (CMSAWLES,177.172) for +tah mi forme suster war beo of euch uuel ; ant min o+der strong beo to-+geines euch nowcin ; ant mi +tridde mea+dful in alles cunnes estes ; & ich do riht & deme . bute we wi+d al +tis milde beon & meoke ; & halden us wake . godd mei mid rihte fordemen us of al +tis +turh ure prude . (CMSAWLES,177.173) ant for-+ti is riht dom +tet we al ure god +tonkin him ane . (CMSAWLES,177.174) Wit +te husebonde godes cunestable here+d alle hare sahen (CMSAWLES,177.175) & +tonke+d god +georne wi+d swi+de glead heorte of se riche lane as beo+d +teos sustren his fowr dehtren +tt he haue+d ileanet him on helpe forte wite wel & werien his castel . & godes deorewur+de feh . +tt is biloke +trinne . (CMSAWLES,177.176) +Te willesfule husewif halt hire al stille . (CMSAWLES,177.177) ant al +tt hird +tt ha wes i-wunet to dreaien efter hire ; turne+d ham treowliliche to wit hare lauerd . & to +teos fowr sustren . (CMSAWLES,178.178) Vmben ane stunde speke+d eft warschipe . (CMSAWLES,178.179) & sei+d ich iseo a sonde cumen swide gledd-icheret feier & freolich & leofliche aturnet (CMSAWLES,178.180) let him in sei+d wit (CMSAWLES,178.181) +gef godd wule he bringe+d us gleade tidinges . (CMSAWLES,178.182) ant +tt us were muche neod . (CMSAWLES,178.183) for fearlac dea+des sonde haue+d wi+d his ; offearet us swi+de mid alle . (CMSAWLES,178.184) warschipe let him in . (CMSAWLES,178.185) & he gret wit +ten lauerd . & al +tt hird seo+den . wi+d lahhinde chere . (CMSAWLES,178.186) ant ha +gelde+d him his gretunge . (CMSAWLES,178.187) & beo+d alle ilihtet (CMSAWLES,178.188) & igleadet ham +tunche+d of his onsih+de . (CMSAWLES,178.189) for al +tt hus schine+d . & schimme+d of his leome . (CMSAWLES,178.190) he easke+d ham +gef ham biluue+d to heren him ane hwile . (CMSAWLES,178.191) +ge q+d ha rihtwisnesse . wel us biluue+d hit . (CMSAWLES,178.192) & wel is riht +tt we +te li+deliche lustnin . (CMSAWLES,178.193) Hercni+d nu +tenne he sei+d . (CMSAWLES,178.194) & +geornliche understonde+d . (CMSAWLES,178.195) $Ich am mur+des sonde . & munegunge of eche lif . ant liues luue ihaten (CMSAWLES,178.196) & cume riht from heouene +tt ich habbe isehen nu ant ofte ear +te blisse +tt na monnes tunge ne mei of tellen . (CMSAWLES,178.197) +te iblescede godd iseh ow offruhte . & sumdel drupnin of +tt fearlac talde of dea+d . & of helle . (CMSAWLES,178.198) ant sende me to gleadien ow . nawt for+ti +tt hit ne beo al so+d +tt he seide . (CMSAWLES,178.199) & +tt schulen alle uuele fondin . & ifinden . (CMSAWLES,178.200) Ah +ge wi+d +te fulst of godd ne +turue na +ting dreden (CMSAWLES,178.201) for he sit on heh +tt is ow on helpe . & is al-wealdent +tt haue+d ow to witene . (CMSAWLES,179.202) A sei+d warshipe welcume liues luue . (CMSAWLES,179.203) ant for +te luue of godd seolf +gef +tu eauer sehe him : tele us sumhwet of him . & of his eche blisse . (CMSAWLES,179.204) +ge iseo+d q+d liues luue ; Murhdes sonde . Ich habbe isehen him ofte nawt tah alswa as he is ; (CMSAWLES,179.205) for a+gein +te brihtnesse & te liht of his leor . +te sunne-gleam is dosc (CMSAWLES,179.206) & +tunche+d a schadewe . (CMSAWLES,179.207) ant for-+ti ne mahte ich nawt a+gein +te leome of his wlite lokin ne bihalden ; bute +turh a schene schawere bituhhe me & him +tt schilde mine ehnen . (CMSAWLES,179.208) Swa ich habbe ofte isehen +te hali +trumnesse . feader & sune . & hali gast . +treo an unto-dealet . (CMSAWLES,179.209) ah lutle hwile ich mahte +tolie +te leome . (CMSAWLES,179.210) ah summes weis ich mahte bihalden ure lauerd iesu crist godes sune +tt bohte us o rode . hu he sit blisful on his feader riht-half +tt is al-wealdent rixle+d i +tt eche lif bute linnunge . se unimete feier : +tt te engles ne beo+d neauer ful on him to bihalden . (CMSAWLES,179.211) ant +get ich iseh etscene +te studen of his wunden . & hu he schawe+d ham his feader to cu+den hu he luuede us & hu he wes buhsum to him +te sende him swa to alesen us & biseche+d him a for moncunnes heale . (CMSAWLES,179.212) Efter him ich iseh on heh ouer alle heouenliche +te eadi meiden his moder marie inempnet sitten in a trone se si+de briht wid +gimmes i-stirret . & hire wlite se weoleful ; +tt euch eor+dlich liht ; is +teoster $+ter {TEXT:+te} a-+geines . (CMSAWLES,180.213) +tear ich iseh as ha bit hire deorewur+de sune se +geornliche . & se inwardliche for +teo +tt hire serui+d . (CMSAWLES,180.214) & he hire +gette+d blideliche al +tt ha biseche+d . (CMSAWLES,180.215) +Tet liht +ta ich ne mahte lengre +tolien ; Ich biseh to +te engles & to +te archangles ant to +te o+dre ; +te beo+d buuen ham . iblescede gastes +te beo+d a biuore godd & serui+d him eauer . & singe+d a unwerget . (CMSAWLES,180.216) Nihe wordes +ter beo+d . (CMSAWLES,180.217) ah hu $ha {TEXT:ha_ha} beo+d i-ordret & sunderliche isette . +te an buue +te o+dre . & euchanes meoster were long to tellen . (CMSAWLES,180.218) Se muche murh+de ich hefde on hare on-sih+de ; +tt ne mahte ich longe while elles-hwider lokin . (CMSAWLES,180.219) Efter ham ich iseh towart te patriarches . & te prophetes +te makied swuch murh+de +tt ha aren nu+de i +tt ilke lont of blisse +tt ha hefden of feor igret ear on eor+de & seo+d nu al +tt iso+det . +tt ha hefden longe ear icwiddet of ure lauerd as he hefde iscawed ham i gastelich sih+de . (CMSAWLES,180.220) Ich iseh +te apostles poure . & lah on eor+de . ifullet & bigoten al of unimete blisse sitten i trones . ant al under hare uet +tt heh is i +te worlde . +garowe forte demen i +te dei of dome kinges & keiseres . & alle cunreadnes of alles cunnes ledenes . (CMSAWLES,181.221) Ich biheolt te Martyrs . & hare unimete murh+de +te +toleden her pinen . & dea+d for ure lauerd . & lihtliche talden to alles cunnes neowcins . & eor+dliche tintreohen . a+geines +te blisse +tt godd in hare heorte schawede ham to cumene . (CMSAWLES,181.222) Efter ham ich biheolt +te cunfessurs hird +te liueden i god lif . & haliche deiden . +te schine+d as do+d steorren i +te eche blissen . & seo+d godd in his wlite +tt haue+d alle teares iwipet of hare ehnen . (CMSAWLES,181.223) Ich iseh +tt schene & +tt brihte ferreden of eadi meidnes ilikest towart engles . ant feolahlukest wi+d ham blissin & gleadien . +te libbinde i flesche ouerga+d flesches lahe ant ouercume+d cunde +te leade+d heouenlich lif in eor+de as ha wunie+d (CMSAWLES,181.224) hare murh+de . & hare blisse . +te feierleac of hare wlite . +te swetnesse of hare song ; ne mei na tunge tellen . (CMSAWLES,181.225) Alle ha singe+d +te +ter beo+d . (CMSAWLES,181.226) Ah hare song ne mahe nane buten heo singen . (CMSAWLES,181.227) Se swote smeal ham folhe+d hwider-se ha wende+d . +tt me mahte libben aa bi +te swotnesse . (CMSAWLES,181.228) hwam-se heo biseche+d fore ; is sikerliche iborhen . (CMSAWLES,181.229) for a+gein hare bisocnen ; godd him-seolf arise+d +tt alle +te o+dre halhen sittende ihere+d . (CMSAWLES,182.230) Swi+de wel q+d warschipe like+d us +tt tu seist . (CMSAWLES,182.231) Ah nu +tu hauest se wel iseid of euch-a setnesse ; of +te seli sunderlepes sumhwet sei us nu hwuch blisse is to alle iliche meane ; (CMSAWLES,182.232) & liues luue hire ondswere+d . (CMSAWLES,182.233) +Te imeane blisse is seouenfald . leng+de of lif . wit . & luue . & of +te luue a gleadunge . wi+d-ute met murie . loft song . & lihtschipe . (CMSAWLES,182.234) ant sikernesse . is +te seoue+de . (CMSAWLES,182.235) +tah ich +tis sei+d warschipe sumdel understonde ; +tu most unwreo +tis witerluker & openin to +teos o+dre . (CMSAWLES,182.236) ant hit schal beon sei+d liues luue warschipe as +tu wilnest . (CMSAWLES,182.237) Ha liuie+d a in a wlite . +tt is brihtre seoueuald . & schenre +ten +te sunne . ant eauer in a streng+de to don buten euch swinc al +tt ha wulle+d . & eauer-mare in a steal in al +tt eauer god is wi+d-ute wonunge . wi+d-uten euch +ting +tt mahe hearmin o+der eilin . in al +tt eauer is , softe o+der swote . (CMSAWLES,182.238) & hare lif is godes sih+de . & godes cnawlechunge as ure lauerd seide . (CMSAWLES,182.239) +tt is q+d he eche lif to seon & cnawen sod godd . & him +tt he sende iesu crist ure lauerd to ure alesnesse (CMSAWLES,182.240) & beo+d for-+ti ilich him i +te ilke wlite +tt he is . (CMSAWLES,182.241) for ha seo+d him as he is . nebbe to nebbe . (CMSAWLES,182.242) Ha beo+d se wise +tt ha witen alle godes reades . his runes & his domes +te derne beo+d . & deopre +ten eni sea-dingle . (CMSAWLES,183.243) ha seo+d i godd alle +ting . (CMSAWLES,183.244) & witen of al +tt is & wes & eauer schal iwurden . hwet hit beo . hwi . & hwerto & hwer-of hit bigunne . (CMSAWLES,183.245) Ha luuie+d god wi+d-ute met . for +tt ha understonde+d hu he haue+d bi ham idon +turh his muchele godlec & hwet ha ahen his deorewurde milce to +gelden . (CMSAWLES,183.246) ant euch an luue+d o+der ase muchel as him-seoluen . (CMSAWLES,183.247) {COM:text_damage_after_this_point} Se gleade ha beo+d of godd ; +tt al is hare blisse . se muchel +tt ne mei hit munne na mu+d . ne spealie na $speche (CMSAWLES,183.249) for-+ti +tt euchan luue+d o+der as him-seoluen . $Euch-an haue+d of odres god ase muche murh+de as $of {TEXT:os} his ahne . (CMSAWLES,183.250) bi +tis +ge mahen seon & witen . +tt euchan haue+d sunderlepes se feole gleadschipes ; as ha beod monie alle . (CMSAWLES,183.251) & euch of +te ilke gleadschipes is to eauer-euch-an ase muche gleadunge ; as his ahne sunderliche . (CMSAWLES,183.252) +get ouer al +tis . hwen euchan luue+d godd mare +ten him seoluen . & +ten alle +te odre ; mare he gleade+d of godd wi+d-uten ei etlunge +ten of his ahne gleadunge . & of alle +te o+dres . (CMSAWLES,183.253) Neome+d nu +tenne +geme +gef neauer anes heorte ne mei in hire $underuon hire ahne gleadunge sunderliche . se unimete muchel is +te anlepi blisse +tt ha $nime+d in $hire +tus monie . & +tus muchele . (CMSAWLES,184.254) for-+ti seide ure $lauert to +teo +te him hefden icwemet . Intra in gaudium . & cetera . (CMSAWLES,184.255) Ga q+d he into +ti lauerdes blisse . (CMSAWLES,184.256) +tu most al gan +trin . ant al beon bigotten +trin (CMSAWLES,184.257) for in +te ne mei hit nanesweis neomen in . (CMSAWLES,184.258) her-of ha herie+d godd (CMSAWLES,184.259) & singe+d a un-werget eauer iliche lusti in +tis loft songes . (CMSAWLES,184.260) as hit iwriten is . Beati qui habitant . & cetera . (CMSAWLES,184.261) Eadi beo+d +teo lauerd . +te $i $+tin {TEXT:i+tin} hus wunie+d . (CMSAWLES,184.262) ha schulen herien +te from worlde into worlde (CMSAWLES,184.263) Ha beo+d alle ase lih gleam +te sch ehe-lid tune+d & opene+d . (CMSAWLES,184.264) for hwer-se-eauer +te gast wule . +te bodi is anan-riht . wi+d-ute lettunge . (CMSAWLES,184.265) for ne mei ham na +ting a+geines etstonden . (CMSAWLES,184.266) for euch-an is al-mihti to don al +tt he wule . +ge makie to cwakien heouene ba & eor+de wi+d his an finger . (CMSAWLES,184.267) Sikere ha beo+d of al +tiS . of +tulli lif . of +tulli wit . of +tulli luue & $gleadunge {TEXT:gle.|adunge} +trof . & of +tulli blisse . +tt hit ne me neauer-mare lutlin ne wursin . ne neome nan ende . (CMSAWLES,185.268) +tis lutle ich habbe iseid of +tt ich . iseh in heouene . (CMSAWLES,185.269) ah nower neh ne $seh {TEXT:neh} ich al . (CMSAWLES,185.270) ne +tt +get +tt ich $iseh ; ne con ich half tellen . (CMSAWLES,185.271) Witerliche q+d warschipe wel we understonde+d +tt tu hauest ibeo +tear . & so+d hauest i-seid trof efter $+ti {TEXT:si} sih+de . (CMSAWLES,185.272) ant wel is him +tt is war . & bisi+d him hu he mahe beast halden his hus +tt godes tresor is in a+geines godes unwine +te weorre+d +tertowart a wi+d un+teawes . (CMSAWLES,185.273) for +tet schal bringen him +tider as he schal . al +tis +tt tu hauest ispeken of an hundret si+de mare of blisse buten euch bale folhin & ifinden . (CMSAWLES,185.274) Q+d streng+de hwen hit swa is ; hwet mei tweamen us from godd {COM:lines_23-25_supplied_from_R_and_T} & halde-n us +teonne ? (CMSAWLES,185.275) Ich am siker $ine godd . +tt ne schal ne lif ne dea+d ne wa ne wunne now+der to dealen us & his luue +tat al +tis us haue+d $i+garcket (CMSAWLES,185.276)