Al men +tat wyll her of +te sege of Jerusalem , her +ge may her of gret meraculs +tat almytty God wro+gt to schow his goodnys and of gret vengans +tat he toke for syn . (CMSIEGE,70.2) Furst +ge schall wndurstond +ter felle iij +tinggys to +te juis , +tat is to say pylgremag . (CMSIEGE,70.3) Hit began in Jacobe , +tat went vnto Eygypt wytt his lenage ; (CMSIEGE,70.4) and +ter +tay wer in gret saruavg , speycyally aftur +te dethe of Jacobe , tyll God send Meyses to delyuyr +tem . (CMSIEGE,70.5) And he lad them +toovrow +te Rede Seye : (CMSIEGE,70.6) by +te gret my+gt of God +te wattur stode styll vpe in bothe sydys (CMSIEGE,70.7) and let +tem pas into +te dessert of Cannon . (CMSIEGE,70.8) And as kynge Pharrov com them to have slayn , when he was in +te see wytt all his ost , +te wattur ouerhyllyd +tem (CMSIEGE,70.9) and drownnyd them al , (CMSIEGE,70.10) for +tey wer rebel a+gennyst +te commandment of God . (CMSIEGE,70.11) But +te juis , +tat wer callyd +te peppull of Hisyrayll , wer fede wytt manna , +tat cam from heyvyn , mad wytt angellys , (CMSIEGE,70.12) and her clovthis wer wyttout weme fortty +gere . (CMSIEGE,70.13) And for all +tis gret meracullys they dyde mammatre (CMSIEGE,70.14) and offendyt allmy+gtty God . (CMSIEGE,70.15) +Ten fell +tey into gret saruage and traldome in Babelon , (CMSIEGE,70.16) and +tat contenovyd fyfty +ger +ger God graciously +tem delyvyrte ; (CMSIEGE,70.17) and soo is +geyt +te terme of fyfty +gere wytt vs +te +ger of gracse . (CMSIEGE,70.18) But +ter was in +tem gret dyssper , (CMSIEGE,70.19) and +terfor God warnyd +teme of gret wengans commyng to +tem , as +te good clarke Josepphus reyhersyt in +tis wys : (CMSIEGE,71.20) ' The day schall come +tat the sytte of Jerusalem schal be destryid and +te juis confondyde for +ter sin . (CMSIEGE,71.21) Messias schall send hem scham , war and confusion . (CMSIEGE,71.22) Ther schall com ij prynsis froo Rome , +te fadyr and +te son , (CMSIEGE,71.23) and thay schall dysstry +te cytte of Jerusalem and all +te juis +tat +tey fynd +terin . (CMSIEGE,71.24) And +te fadyr schall geet suche worschype +tat he schall be Emparowr . (CMSIEGE,71.25) But for all +tis warnyng of profycy +tey wyll not amend +tem of +ter syne . ' Etc . (CMSIEGE,71.26) Aftur +te dethe of Cryst +ter came monny wengans to +tem . (CMSIEGE,71.27) But vij +ger aftur Crystys deth +te juis slowe sent Jamys +te yongyr ; (CMSIEGE,71.28) +tey sayd sent Jamys preychyd in Jerusalem to amend +tem of +ter syne . (CMSIEGE,71.29) And +tey made hyme +te beschope of +te tovn . (CMSIEGE,71.30) He werryd no lynnyn nodyr wollon , (CMSIEGE,71.31) no+tyr eete fleche nor fyche no+tyr berd , (CMSIEGE,71.32) nodyr was wesseh nor ba+tid , (CMSIEGE,71.33) but he was clo+tid in heyr . (CMSIEGE,71.34) And he knelyd to God in prayers , +tat his bone wex hard as horne . (CMSIEGE,71.35) Soo he prayid for +te juis , (CMSIEGE,71.36) but +tei quyt hyme ewyll his mede . (CMSIEGE,71.37) On a day of her pasca gret multytud of peppull wer geydyrt , (CMSIEGE,71.38) and +tey bad Jamys not teyche +te doctryne of Cryst and he wold have love of +tem . (CMSIEGE,71.39) But he boldlyche praychyd tyll +tey puld hyme dovn of +te pulpyte +tat he stod in . (CMSIEGE,71.40) And as he knelyde in his prayers , voon wytt a fullynge-stafe smot +te brayn ovte of his hede . (CMSIEGE,71.41) And +tey +tat lowyt Jamys berryid hym wytt onovre . (CMSIEGE,71.42) And on hyme God schewyde gret meracullys and on +te juis grete wengans , (CMSIEGE,71.43) but +tei wold not amend them . (CMSIEGE,71.44) And Jamys was callyd +te brodyr of Cryst for he was so lyk hyme . (CMSIEGE,71.45) And he was warnyng and tokyn to +te juis +tat +tei schuld amend +ter lyve . (CMSIEGE,71.46) The secund tokyn was : As +tei wer at +ter fest in pascha , +te stattys and +te commyns , +ten fyl a stryfe , +tat +tay fyl and slove euyryche odyr wytt +ter cnywys , +te nombur of xxx M , by +te uenyjavns of God . (CMSIEGE,72.48) The iij tokyn was an heyfer bor to sacryfyce +tat sodenly fel don amonge +te pepull and calwyd a lambe . (CMSIEGE,72.49) The iiij tokyne : (CMSIEGE,72.50) On pasche ny+gt at iiij of +te bele a ly+gte was in +te tempull as hit hade byn dayly+gte , (CMSIEGE,72.51) and +terof +tey hade gret fere . (CMSIEGE,72.52) The v tokyn : (CMSIEGE,72.53) +Ter came a blast and a doon +tat hit brast vp +te gattys , (CMSIEGE,72.54) and schemyt +te wallys schuld ouerturn . (CMSIEGE,72.55) The vj tokon : (CMSIEGE,72.56) On a vennysday at eve +tey hard a crye in +te tempull , saying : ' Goo we hens , (CMSIEGE,72.57) goo we hens ! ' (CMSIEGE,72.58) All +te pepull ron away for feyr . (CMSIEGE,72.59) The vij tokyn : (CMSIEGE,72.60) +Ter was a ster in +te skye wytt a scharpe peynt as a speyr alle a +ger ouer +teme . (CMSIEGE,72.61) The viij tokon : (CMSIEGE,72.62) +Tei see in +te skye mene and hors armyd +tat some tyme fow+gt and some tyme reste , +tat sore afeyrryde +tem . (CMSIEGE,72.63) And +tey sayd hit was tokyn of war or hovngur . (CMSIEGE,72.64) +Tey sayd soth (CMSIEGE,72.65) and wyst not , (CMSIEGE,72.66) but +tey wold not amend . (CMSIEGE,72.67) The ix tokon was charys and waynys in +te clovdys aperyng and anon frov +ter sy+gt . (CMSIEGE,72.68) The x tokon was : iiij +gere or +te sege began +ter was bore a man of Jude , +te sone of Jhesu Ananye . (CMSIEGE,72.69) He stod vpe on wy+gtsonday at +te fest (CMSIEGE,72.70) and callyd on +te word , west , est , north and sowthe . (CMSIEGE,72.71) And +ter come iiij wyndys on +te tempulle of Jerusaleme and on +te cyty and on the pepul for her syn , as hyme semyd in his wision . (CMSIEGE,72.72) He sayd : ' We schall have wengans for sin . ' (CMSIEGE,72.73) For +tis wordys +tei byte hyme sor (CMSIEGE,72.74) and bro+gt hym befor Pylat . (CMSIEGE,72.75) And he sayd as he sayd before , (CMSIEGE,72.76) and euyr he cryid : ' Alas , Jerusalem , alas , we schall be confoundyt for synn ! ' (CMSIEGE,72.77) And when he wold not seys his saying , thay let hyme goo , (CMSIEGE,73.78) but +tey wold not amend +tem of her synne (CMSIEGE,73.79) but foullov her ovn wyll . (CMSIEGE,73.80) And +te vsavge was alayd when Jhesu sayd ' Consummatum est , ' (CMSIEGE,73.81) that betokeny+gth : ' The newe testement is begon , (CMSIEGE,73.82) for +te old is indyte (CMSIEGE,73.83) and fulfyllyth for loue of man . ' (CMSIEGE,73.84) And they had +te doctryne and all +te dedis of Cryst wryttyn in +ter bokus of +ter on wryttyng , (CMSIEGE,73.85) but +tey wold not do +teraftur , as hit was prewyd when sent Teyllyn fond +te holly cros . (CMSIEGE,73.86) Schwe owercome them by +ter on bokus , (CMSIEGE,73.87) and +geyte wold +tey not ask mercy for +te dethe of Cryst and of +te saynttus of Cryste ; (CMSIEGE,73.88) and +terfor +ge schall her how +tey sped . (CMSIEGE,73.89) But furst spek we of Waspasyon , +te nobul kyng , +tat was sor syke in leppur , and a cankur in his nose and lyppus , +tat he sawe no helpe but dethe . (CMSIEGE,73.90) And when he was bore , he had waspus in his nos , (CMSIEGE,73.91) and +terfor men callyd hyme Waspassyon . (CMSIEGE,73.92) This +tingis God send to hyme for +tis cavssys , +tat hath set all his werkys at serttayn . (CMSIEGE,73.93) And as God is lord aboue all +tingis , so is +te Emparowr kyng aboue all erthly lordys and kyngis . (CMSIEGE,73.94) And notwyttstondyng Waspasion wos not Emparovr at +te begynnyng of +tis werke , (CMSIEGE,73.95) but he was son aftur , so +tat +te moste worthi Lord almy+gty wold be awreykyde by his most nobyle seruant . (CMSIEGE,73.96) But he was so stynkyng in his leppur +tat no man my+gt soffyr +te stynche no+tyr abyde in his chambur , (CMSIEGE,73.97) but by a wyse +tei put his met vnto hyme , (CMSIEGE,73.98) for he my+gt nat aryse tyl God (CMSIEGE,73.99) hyme conforttyd . (CMSIEGE,73.100) But at +te deth of Cryst was Tyberyis Emparowr of Rome (CMSIEGE,73.101) and raynnyd xxxiij +ger . (CMSIEGE,73.102) And in his viij +ger Cryst soffyrt his passyon . (CMSIEGE,73.103) The juis wryt a letter to +te Emparovr , saying he dyde wrong to sle ry+gt blod , Jhesu Cryst , and to set vp mammatys and to do fals sacryfyce in +te temppull and to spend +ter offeryng in his on vse wyttout leve of +te gouernowrs of +te tempule ; (CMSIEGE,74.104) and wytt +tat he made a condyte commynge into his hows a+genst her vsage . (CMSIEGE,74.105) And for his mysdedys he was iugyte to exile . (CMSIEGE,74.106) When he hart +tis , he ordent a ryche present wyth letteris gaylly indyet (CMSIEGE,74.107) and send hit to +te Emparowr as followyth afturward . (CMSIEGE,74.108) But next was Gayus Emparovr and next hyme Clarydiis and +ten Nero , +tat slow Pettur and Povle , and next hyme Waspasyon . (CMSIEGE,74.109) But furst Waspasyon was kynge of Gallyse and of Gascony . (CMSIEGE,74.110) And he had a son +tat hy+gt Tyttus , +tat on a tyme was in +te cytty Burdex . (CMSIEGE,74.111) And +ter Tytus saw a schype comme seylyng +tat come frome Jerusalem . (CMSIEGE,74.112) Tytus send for +te mastur of +te schyfe , and his name was Nataane , a man of Jude , +tat went to Rome to bere trevage and letteris froo Pyllat to +te Emparour Tyberius , (CMSIEGE,74.113) and soo he told to Tyttus . (CMSIEGE,74.114) ' But I have , ' he sayd , ' hade gret lete wyth temppas , (CMSIEGE,74.115) and I am wynd-dryfe to +tis plas . ' (CMSIEGE,74.116) Tyttus sayd : ' Tyburryus is dede , (CMSIEGE,74.117) and iij Emparovris have byn sethe . ' (CMSIEGE,74.118) But Tytus seythe : ' In Iude bythe good lechis ; (CMSIEGE,74.119) and yfe +tou can telle me to a leche +tat can heylle my fadyr , I schal wyll reyward +te and send +te to +te Emparovre vppon myne non cost . ' (CMSIEGE,74.120) ' Syr ' , sayd Nathone , ' I am no leche , (CMSIEGE,74.121) but in Jude was wrongfully do to dethe a trowe profete Jhesu of Nazarethe , +tat elly+gt men , boddy and sovle . ' (CMSIEGE,74.122) And he tellyd to Tytus of Crystus wertus preychyng and his holly werkys and grete meracullys , and +tat he schowyd hymeselfe verry God and man , and how he send his dessypullys to preche and gawe heme power to heylle all syknys - and +tem +tat feythfully belewy+g on Jhesu Cryst , they heylly+g hem in boddy and sowll and howe he send +te Holy Gost to his desypuls aftur his assencion and taw+gt to +tem lxx langagis to teche all +te world . (CMSIEGE,75.123) ' And yf +tey fadyr my+gt speke wyth one of his desyppuls and wyl beleve in Jhesu Cryst , I dar say he schale be hole . ' (CMSIEGE,75.124) This harde Wellosiane , +tat was stowarde wyth Waspasyon , (CMSIEGE,75.125) and fayn he wold hit wher fulfyllyd . (CMSIEGE,75.126) But furst +tey send Nataan to Nero , +te crwell Emparovr +tat sclow hymselfe , (CMSIEGE,75.127) and +terof was Rome ful fayn . (CMSIEGE,75.128) And as +ge schall her afturward , they chovs Waspasion Emparovr , (CMSIEGE,75.129) for he was moste of honnovr . (CMSIEGE,75.130) And +tey +to+gt +tat Tytus schuld keppe +te charge in his fadyris stede . (CMSIEGE,75.131) But +tis was to +ger aftur +tat Nataan woos goo home . (CMSIEGE,75.132) But nowe twrne we to Nataan , howe he dyde his meyssage . (CMSIEGE,75.133) He hath take his trewage to +te Emparovr and letterys frow Pyllat . (CMSIEGE,75.134) In +tis wyes he told +te profycy that +te juis hade , how Cryst schuld be bor of a mayd of juis kynd to save man , +tat was forlore . (CMSIEGE,75.135) And he callyd to +te Emparovr in his letteris alle +te myrracullys and the teychyng of Cryst +tat Pylat hade wryte in his bokus . (CMSIEGE,75.136) And he ascwsyd hyme in his letteris +tat +te juis wer only +te cavs of his dethe , and not he , but as he nedys most +geyfe jegement by +te crye of +te pepull . (CMSIEGE,75.137) But he was not exscwssyd so byfor God and man , (CMSIEGE,75.138) for he knew +te troth , as his on bokus wyttnyssyt , (CMSIEGE,75.139) but he wold not do +teraftur and amend hyme of his syne no+tyr abay to Godys lawe . (CMSIEGE,75.140) As for to know how Pylat toke his name : In Spen ther was a kyng +tat was callyd Tyrus . (CMSIEGE,75.141) He gat a chyld on a mylwardys do+gttur +tat hy+gt Pyla , (CMSIEGE,75.142) and her fadyr hy+gt Atus , (CMSIEGE,75.143) and +te chyld was callyd Pylatus . (CMSIEGE,75.144) The kyng gat a chyld on his wyfe +te sam +gere , (CMSIEGE,75.145) and +tis to chyldorn wer togeydur . (CMSIEGE,75.146) And for +te trowe chyld was strongur +ten Pylat , Pylat slow hyme . (CMSIEGE,75.147) And +te kynge most send a chyld in trevag to Rome , (CMSIEGE,75.148) and he send his son Pylat (CMSIEGE,75.149) and put hym not to dethe . (CMSIEGE,75.150) And at Rome was +te kyngis son of Fravns ; (CMSIEGE,75.151) and for he was callyd mor genttyll +ten Pylat , Pylat soon slow hyme . (CMSIEGE,76.152) And +ten +te romans sende hym wyth commyssion into +te heylle of Peynttus , (CMSIEGE,76.153) and +ter he was so cursyd +tat all men ferryd hym . (CMSIEGE,76.154) But kyng Herrod for his crwelty send for hyme (CMSIEGE,76.155) and mad hym juge of Jude in Jerusaleme . (CMSIEGE,76.156) And for parttynge of her goodis +tey to wer aungurre , (CMSIEGE,76.157) but +te onment was made in +te senddyng of Cryst : (CMSIEGE,76.158) at +te tyme of his passion Pylat send hyme to Herrode , (CMSIEGE,76.159) and Herrod send hyme a+geyne , (CMSIEGE,76.160) and +ter Pilat and Herrod wer acordyt and mad at one . (CMSIEGE,76.161) And at +te sayd tyme of Crystus passion +te juis sede : ' His blod on vs and owre chylldorn . ' (CMSIEGE,76.162) And so into +te tokyne of veniance God send to +tem +te blody flyxe and most on good fryday . (CMSIEGE,76.163) But leve ve +tis (CMSIEGE,76.164) and torne we a+geyne to Nathaan . (CMSIEGE,76.165) When Nathaane had don his herrond to Nero , he had letteris of wyttnys of al +te matteris (CMSIEGE,76.166) and his gon home . (CMSIEGE,76.167) Uelysyane , the steward wyth Waspasian , went to Waspasian (CMSIEGE,76.168) and tolde to his lorde all +te wordyse of Nathaon , how Pylat and +te juis dyde Cryst to dethe , +tat came to save mankynd , takyng fleche and blod of +te wyrgyn Maree , conseywyd of +te Holly Gost , werry God and mane . (CMSIEGE,76.169) +Te manheyde dyid for mannys sowle savacion , (CMSIEGE,76.170) and +te godhede arysyd a+geyne when he hade fete the sollys owt of heylle , +tat he dere bo+gt wyth his byttur passyon . (CMSIEGE,76.171) And aftur +tat he oftyntymys aperryd to his desyplys , (CMSIEGE,76.172) and in +ter presense he asendyt to +te Fadyr in heyuyn (CMSIEGE,76.173) and send to heme +te Holly Gost (CMSIEGE,76.174) and +gavfe +teme all langgage to teyche all +te world (CMSIEGE,76.175) and +gaf theme power to heylle in bothe bodye and sovle +tat faythfully belewyt in hyme and keppyt his lawys . (CMSIEGE,77.176) ' And +geyfe +ge may have on of his dysipplys , I hoppe +ge schall be hooll . ' (CMSIEGE,77.177) Waspasion was glade of +tis talle (CMSIEGE,77.178) and bade Wellosian goo in hast to gete hyme a dessipull of Cryst . (CMSIEGE,77.179) And so Welosian went to Jerusaleme (CMSIEGE,77.180) and tok his tyme and ryme by +te temppull of Dawytt in the hows of Jacobe , a jwe ; (CMSIEGE,77.181) but he was a preuey crystyn mane . (CMSIEGE,77.182) Wellosiane told to hyme +te cavse of his commynge (CMSIEGE,77.183) and desiryde to her of Cryst and to spek wyth some of his dessipplys and +tat he my+gt have some reylikus of Cryst . (CMSIEGE,77.184) Jacobe was glade (CMSIEGE,77.185) and tolde hime of his myrraculs and howe falslye he was put to dethe . (CMSIEGE,77.186) And he sayde : ' My do+gttur was von of +te Marys +tat went wytt boxis hym to anynt . (CMSIEGE,77.187) And yf +ti mastur and lorde beleve on hyme , I dar say he schall be hoole . (CMSIEGE,77.188) And I wyle send for a lady +tat lowyt Cryst , (CMSIEGE,77.189) and I hoppe +tat schew and I schall geyfe +te good concelle . ' (CMSIEGE,77.190) And then was Wellysian glade . (CMSIEGE,77.191) On morrow Welosiane and Jacobe went to Pilat . (CMSIEGE,77.192) But Vellosian wold not aly+gt of his hors tyl he com to Pylat , for his lord Uaspasion , kyng of Galyce , (CMSIEGE,77.193) for he was lord of Jerusaleme , (CMSIEGE,77.194) and he wold have an nanswer in hast , (CMSIEGE,77.195) ' for , ' he sayd , ' +te trevage hat+t be longe behynd . ' (CMSIEGE,77.196) Pilat askyd yf Nero wer dede , (CMSIEGE,77.197) and he sayd : ' Nay , but my lord Waspasion is his levetennand . ' (CMSIEGE,77.198) He made his herrand to Pylat to take +te markys on his face to knowe hyme anodyr tyme . (CMSIEGE,77.199) Pylat was wrothe wyth him (CMSIEGE,77.200) and porposyd him to sleye . (CMSIEGE,77.201) But +ter was a kny+gt +tat was namyd Barrobas , +tat was delyuyrt frove preson at +te dethe of Cryst , (CMSIEGE,77.202) and he sayd : ' Hit wer scham to do +tis kny+t harme +tat is aloon ; (CMSIEGE,78.203) and he semyth a good kny+gt , (CMSIEGE,78.204) for he dothe well his message . (CMSIEGE,78.205) But dred not of Waspasion , (CMSIEGE,78.206) for we wyll make +te owr kynge . (CMSIEGE,78.207) And yf Waspasioon set vppon +te , he schall hit sor aby . (CMSIEGE,78.208) And so send him worde by +tis good man . ' (CMSIEGE,78.209) Uelosian rode to his in full glad +tat he knew Pylat . (CMSIEGE,78.210) And Jacob bro+gt a ladye +tat hy+gt dame Werony , (CMSIEGE,78.211) and schewe grant to goo wyth hyme to conford and helpe his lorde . (CMSIEGE,78.212) Dame Werony sayde : ' I deyllyd in Gallaly (CMSIEGE,78.213) and was syke in +te blody flyxe . (CMSIEGE,78.214) And I come to +tis tovne to have helpe of Jhesu of Nazarethe , (CMSIEGE,78.215) and was he lade to +te juis to his dethe . (CMSIEGE,78.216) And I tok a cloth : (CMSIEGE,78.217) my wyl was to ber hit to a paynttur to hawe +te fugur of his face ; (CMSIEGE,78.218) but as he bar +te cros toward his passion , I cryd on hyme for sokor . (CMSIEGE,78.219) And his blessid modyr Mary , schew sawe a cleyn cloth in my hond , (CMSIEGE,78.220) and +terwytt schew wyppyd +te face of her son Jhesu , (CMSIEGE,78.221) for he swet for beyryng of +te cros , (CMSIEGE,78.222) and all +te markys of his face wer sene in +te clothe +tat I wold let have paynttyd . (CMSIEGE,78.223) Owr Lady sent Mary toke to me +te clothe a+geyne , (CMSIEGE,78.224) and I mekely hit kyssyd and allsoo +te heme of +te clothe +tat he werryd . (CMSIEGE,78.225) And I toke his blessynge , (CMSIEGE,78.226) and anon I was hole . (CMSIEGE,78.227) But for I love Cryst Jhesu , Pylat hatty+te me , (CMSIEGE,78.228) and +terfor I am glade to goo froo his power . ' (CMSIEGE,78.229) Sche made her reydy (CMSIEGE,78.230) and went wyth Welosiane . (CMSIEGE,78.231) But furst at +te prayer of Welosian Jacob send for some of +te juis +tat put Cryst to dethe . (CMSIEGE,78.232) And +tey wyth gret game and jeying told all +te storry of his passion . (CMSIEGE,78.233) And Welosian bar hit preueyly in his mynd tyll +te tyme come +tat hit my+gt be awengyt . (CMSIEGE,78.234) He +tonkyd Jacob (CMSIEGE,78.235) and prommyssid hime to be his good frende . (CMSIEGE,78.236) Velosian hath goodly take his leve of Jacob ; (CMSIEGE,78.237) and toke his lady wytt hyme into Gascony into his oon place , ther fore to rest , (CMSIEGE,79.238) and went to his lord (CMSIEGE,79.239) and told hyme howe he hade sped and how he hard +te juis tell all +te passion of Cryst . (CMSIEGE,79.240) Waspasion sayd : ' And I may be hole , I wyll be awengyt on +tat crwelle dethe and dede . ' (CMSIEGE,79.241) The lond ferryde of +te dethe of Uaspasion (CMSIEGE,79.242) and crownyd his sone Tyttus (CMSIEGE,79.243) and made hime kynge . (CMSIEGE,79.244) And +tat was one +te morrow +tat Welosian was come home . (CMSIEGE,79.245) And has dame Wyrony stod in her in , sche sawe pope Cleyment come in +te way , +tat was come fro Jerusaleme wyth Pettur and Povle , +tat Nero slow . (CMSIEGE,79.246) And +tis lady spake to Cleyment (CMSIEGE,79.247) and told hyme why schow was come , (CMSIEGE,79.248) and +te pope was ful glade . (CMSIEGE,79.249) And at +te prayer of Welosian +tey went bothe to +te kynge . (CMSIEGE,79.250) Uaspasion welcommyd +teme gladly (CMSIEGE,79.251) and prayd +teme of conford . (CMSIEGE,79.252) Sent Cleyment sayd , yf he wold have helpe , he most beleve one Jhesu Cryst , +tat all helpe is inne , the sone of God and of +te wyrgyne Marry and werry God and mane , +tat com to by man frow thraldom , (CMSIEGE,79.253) for wythout his passion mane my+gt not be sawyd . (CMSIEGE,79.254) And sent Cleyment declaryd to hyme +te fethe and +te lawys of God omnipotent . (CMSIEGE,79.255) Uaspasion sayde : ' +Gif I be hole , I wyll be a crystyne man (CMSIEGE,79.256) and I welle awenge +te dethe of Cryste ; (CMSIEGE,79.257) for I wyll sleye all +te juis +tat I fynd , (CMSIEGE,79.258) and I wylle sele xxx for a d (CMSIEGE,79.259) for +tey sold +ter Lord for xxx d . ' (CMSIEGE,79.260) Then sayd Cleyment : ' Kyngis worschyppe hyme at his byrthe , furst Errowd , +tat slow gret multytud of chyldorn for his sake ; (CMSIEGE,79.261) and as bokus tellythe , +te sayd Erawde suffyrd all syknis in his boddy and nowe +te paynnys of heylle . (CMSIEGE,79.262) And I hoppe +tat kyngis schall awenge his deth . (CMSIEGE,79.263) Beleve his power is to hele +te . (CMSIEGE,79.264) He reysyd +te kny+gte +tat lay deyd in his grave iiij dayis . (CMSIEGE,79.265) And aftur +tat he asenddyt to hewyne , he sent +te Holly Gost to his decippuls , as he befor prommessid to +teme , (CMSIEGE,79.266) and ta+gtht +tem lxx launggagis to preche all +te worde (CMSIEGE,80.267) and +gavfe +teme power to hele in body and sovle all +tat wold on hyme beleue and fay+gthfully serue hyme . ' (CMSIEGE,80.268) The kynge Uaspasion beleuyd +tis well wyth all +te syrcumstanse of +te fayth as he was taw+gt , (CMSIEGE,80.269) and sent Cleyment hyme asayllyd . (CMSIEGE,80.270) Dame Werrony toke Cleyment +te wernakull +tat Cryst wyppyd on his face , as befor is sayd . (CMSIEGE,80.271) And sent Cleyment was reyuessid wyth onowr (CMSIEGE,80.272) and bar +te warnacul to +te kynge . (CMSIEGE,80.273) And he reuerently hit kyssid (CMSIEGE,80.274) and worschyppte +te Fadyr and +te Son and +te Holly Gost and +te warnacull in +te worschype of Crystus face , +tat hit towchyd (CMSIEGE,80.275) and +terof wos +te merk , (CMSIEGE,80.276) and anon he was hole (CMSIEGE,80.277) and praysyd almy+gtty God . (CMSIEGE,80.278) And he sayd : ' I wyll awenge +te dethe of Cryst wyth his grace , (CMSIEGE,80.279) for I wot well he is +te son of God . (CMSIEGE,80.280) And when I have done +tat dede , we wyll be crystynd all and geyf gret mede to +te lady dame Verony . ' (CMSIEGE,80.281) And schw prayd hyme geyf to Cleyment what he wold , (CMSIEGE,80.282) for schw wyll abyd wyth hyme . (CMSIEGE,80.283) And he +gavfe +tem londys and renttus and gret reywardys . (CMSIEGE,80.284) Sent Cleyment consayld hyme to take crystendome in hast , (CMSIEGE,80.285) but +te kynge sayd he wold furst wreke +te dethe of Cryst . (CMSIEGE,80.286) And he send for his son Tytus and for his lorddys . (CMSIEGE,80.287) Also he send to Nero +te Emparovr for lycens , (CMSIEGE,80.288) and he sayd he most wreke a spyte ido in Jerusaleme . (CMSIEGE,80.289) And Nero hyme grant , (CMSIEGE,80.290) but he knew nat the cavse , (CMSIEGE,80.291) for he was cursyd (CMSIEGE,80.292) and louyt not Cryst . (CMSIEGE,80.293) The kynge mad hyme reydy , (CMSIEGE,80.294) and furthe they went . (CMSIEGE,80.295) But at +te prayer of sent Cleyment and of dame Werony +te kynge commandyt pece to ale crystyn men (CMSIEGE,81.296) and yafe +tem good warrante +tat no man schwld theme greve . (CMSIEGE,81.297) Waspasion and his son Tyttus went to schepe wyth a C M men . (CMSIEGE,81.298) Sent Cleyment hyme blessyd (CMSIEGE,81.299) and toke his leve at +te see (CMSIEGE,81.300) and went home , and dame Werony wyth hym , in Goddyse pese . (CMSIEGE,81.301) And +te kynge had good weddur and wynd at wyll and wylle sped and all his men . (CMSIEGE,81.302) In vj wekus Waspasion sayllyd to Acrvs (CMSIEGE,81.303) and toke +te tovne wyth force (CMSIEGE,81.304) and set in men to keppe hit (CMSIEGE,81.305) and wente into +te lond (CMSIEGE,81.306) and slowe and brent (CMSIEGE,81.307) and toke vittayle plentte . (CMSIEGE,81.308) And on a fryday thay come fro Arryse to Japheth (CMSIEGE,81.309) and segyt +te tovne . (CMSIEGE,81.310) And God send to +te pepulle of +te conttray wondyr +tingis , of rayne , hayle , snowe and wyndyse and hongur and gret sykenyse , (CMSIEGE,81.311) but to Waspasion and to his pepull God send welthe inowe in all +ter jornaye . (CMSIEGE,81.312) But +te tovne wold not +geld +tem longe tyme . (CMSIEGE,81.313) Waspasion swar he wold not go thens tyl hit wer +gelde . (CMSIEGE,81.314) And +ten they rone euyryche apone odyr wyth +ter weppun tyll all wer slayne in +te tovne save ij kny+gttus +tat lovyd togeydur , +tat wold sley none odyr of +teme . (CMSIEGE,81.315) +Te tone hy+gt syr Japhel , (CMSIEGE,81.316) and he was kyne to Syser , of +te blod of Waspasion . (CMSIEGE,81.317) And +terfor +te kynge mad hyme of his conssell and his gyd to Jerusaleme , (CMSIEGE,81.318) and +tat he dyd full well . (CMSIEGE,81.319) They left keppars in Japhete (CMSIEGE,81.320) and went +ter way . (CMSIEGE,81.321) +Te crystyn men in Jerusaleme had warnyng of +te Holly Gost (CMSIEGE,81.322) and went ouer flom Jurdane to a place +tat men cale Pellan , (CMSIEGE,81.323) and +ter +tey deyllyd . (CMSIEGE,81.324) But some wold see what schuld fale and abyde in Jerusaleme . (CMSIEGE,81.325) When Pyllat wyst +tat Japheth was nome , he feyryd sor (CMSIEGE,81.326) and send for gret helpe . (CMSIEGE,81.327) Then to hyme came Archeles , +te kynge of Gallale , +te sone of Erroawd , +tat slowe +te chyldorne of Hissarell . (CMSIEGE,81.328) He came wyth a gret host , (CMSIEGE,81.329) and also +te conttray came to Jerusaleme for socur for fer of Waspasion , (CMSIEGE,82.330) for he slow and brent in all +te conttrey . (CMSIEGE,82.331) Pylat sent spyis to wyt what way +tat Waspasion come . (CMSIEGE,82.332) And he and Ercheles rode out at +te gat (CMSIEGE,82.333) and asayde her horssis . (CMSIEGE,82.334) But he hade no grace to flee , (CMSIEGE,82.335) for Gode hade +geyfe hyme respyt forty +ger , (CMSIEGE,82.336) but he wold not amend . (CMSIEGE,82.337) When +te spyis come a+geyne to Pylat , they told what way +te host come (CMSIEGE,82.338) and sayd +tey wer wondyr strong . (CMSIEGE,82.339) And +ten Pylat feryd sore . (CMSIEGE,82.340) +Ten sayd Archeles to Pylat : ' Ferryd I no+tinge , (CMSIEGE,82.341) for +ter is no wattur ner +te cyty +ten flem Jurdane . (CMSIEGE,82.342) And when +tey fynd no freche watur , +tey most nedys fle , (CMSIEGE,82.343) and we wyl follo and sley +teme all . ' (CMSIEGE,82.344) And whil +tis tale was a tellyng , +te tovne was besegyte . (CMSIEGE,82.345) And +tis was +te iiij and xxx +ger aftur +te dethe of Cryst . (CMSIEGE,82.346) On +te day of paske Waspasion bade Japhel , for he knew +te conttre , he rood about +te cyty and see what was to be done . (CMSIEGE,82.347) And so he dyde (CMSIEGE,82.348) and set +te host in gouernance wyth monny feyttys of war (CMSIEGE,82.349) and byte done +te subbarbuse to +te toune wale . (CMSIEGE,82.350) And for +tey had noo freche wattur , +tey toke skynnys of bestus (CMSIEGE,82.351) and mad fyll hundyrtys of bagis and bogyse (CMSIEGE,82.352) and fet wattur one horsbakis (CMSIEGE,82.353) and fyld so myche in +te wale of Josephath +tat euyry man had inow+g . (CMSIEGE,82.354) And +tey dayly fete more . (CMSIEGE,82.355) And when +the pepull of Jerusaleme sawe wattur in +tat wale , they merweld sor (CMSIEGE,82.356) and told Pylat . (CMSIEGE,82.357) Pylat and Archelese and Josephus , +te good clarke , went to se hit (CMSIEGE,82.358) and soor merveld on +tat case . (CMSIEGE,82.359) And +ten mastur Josephus , he sayde : ' This his +te hond of Myssyas , (CMSIEGE,82.360) for God is wrothe wyth vs for +te dethe of +te profete Jhesu of Nazare+tet . ' (CMSIEGE,82.361) But Archeles sayd : ' Pylat , drede +te not , (CMSIEGE,82.362) but keppe +te cyty , (CMSIEGE,82.363) and +tou schalt have +ti wyle . ' (CMSIEGE,82.364) Uaspasion and Japhele and Welosian stod (CMSIEGE,82.365) and save Pylat on +te wallys , (CMSIEGE,82.366) and Wellosian consellyd his lord to him to speke and se what he wold say . (CMSIEGE,83.367) Waspasion sayde : ' Pylat , se me , +tat ame +ti lord and wyle awenge +ti fals dedis . ' (CMSIEGE,83.368) But at +tat tyme he wase not his lord (CMSIEGE,83.369) but sayd so to make hyme ferd . (CMSIEGE,83.370) And Pylat +gavfe hyme no word for sorro . (CMSIEGE,83.371) Then sayd Waspasione to Archelese : ' +Tou art forsworne , (CMSIEGE,83.372) and so was +ti fadyr . (CMSIEGE,83.373) +Tou wer bettur hold wyth me +ten wyth +te tovne . (CMSIEGE,83.374) Thi fadyr dyid in vofule paynis , and so schalt +tou or longe tyme pas . ' (CMSIEGE,83.375) But +tey +gavf hime no answer (CMSIEGE,83.376) but so departtyd . (CMSIEGE,83.377) Pylat sayd : ' I feyr +tis kynge , (CMSIEGE,83.378) for he is of Syseris blode and kynd (CMSIEGE,83.379) and he wole do as he sayth . ' (CMSIEGE,83.380) Archeles sayd : ' We be stronge ino+gth . (CMSIEGE,83.381) I reyde +te wage hyme battayll . ' (CMSIEGE,83.382) And Pylat dyde aftur his consell (CMSIEGE,83.383) and wagyt him battayle . (CMSIEGE,83.384) And Waspasion toke hit wyth glad cher (CMSIEGE,83.385) and sayd : ' Pylat , +tou schalt have schame of +ti battayl wytt the my+gt of God . ' (CMSIEGE,83.386) And +tey manly schet (CMSIEGE,83.387) and cast ingyne , arrowe and quarrell into +te tovne (CMSIEGE,83.388) and slove gret multytude of pepule . (CMSIEGE,83.389) And +te tovne my+gtly +teme defendyd . (CMSIEGE,83.390) And a quarrel haplye sclove a povr mane +tat went wyth chyldorne in +te stret . (CMSIEGE,83.391) But +te juis hild hym a profete , (CMSIEGE,83.392) and +terfor +tey feyrryd full sore . (CMSIEGE,83.393) But in +te j +ger of +tis sege dyid Nero +te Emparowr . (CMSIEGE,83.394) He left Tytus to kepe +te sege , (CMSIEGE,83.395) and he went to Rome (CMSIEGE,83.396) and was crovnnyd Emparovr in +te saryssynnis wyse . (CMSIEGE,83.397) And he hastyd hyme to Jerusaleme . (CMSIEGE,83.398) The good man Jacobe sayde to Pylat : ' +Tis jwe +tat we cale a profet sayd xx +ger passid +tat +tis tovne schvld be destryid ; (CMSIEGE,83.399) and nowe he is slayne , (CMSIEGE,83.400) I leve hit +te mor . (CMSIEGE,83.401) I rede +ge +geyld vpe +te tovne . ' (CMSIEGE,83.402) Pylat wytt hyme was wrothe (CMSIEGE,83.403) and sayd : ' +Tis was +ti concent wyth Welosian , (CMSIEGE,83.404) and +tat +tou schalt aby full sore . ' (CMSIEGE,83.405) He lete fettur Jacobe wytt yrone (CMSIEGE,83.406) and cast hyme into a fovle dovngone to dy wyttovte mete and drynke for lake of foode . (CMSIEGE,83.407) The do+gttur of Jacobe , Mare , prayd to God for hyme (CMSIEGE,84.409) and sayd : ' Lord , I beleve on +te (CMSIEGE,84.410) and come to seche +te wyth eyntment at +ti tombe , wyllynge +te to honovr and pleys . (CMSIEGE,84.411) So helpe my fadyr , +ti seruante . ' (CMSIEGE,84.412) And allmy+gtty God send an angele (CMSIEGE,84.413) and fet Jacobe oute of presone (CMSIEGE,84.414) and set hyme wythout +te tovne wallese . (CMSIEGE,84.415) He knelyd dovne (CMSIEGE,84.416) and +tankyd God , (CMSIEGE,84.417) and +ten he went to +te host . (CMSIEGE,84.418) Welosiane hyme welcommyd (CMSIEGE,84.419) and bro+gt hyme to +te Emparovr Waspasion (CMSIEGE,84.420) and sayd : ' Tis is ovr frend +tat herberd me in Jerusaleme when I went to get yove helpe and conford . ' (CMSIEGE,84.421) +Te Emparovre hyme welcommyd (CMSIEGE,84.422) and wos glad . (CMSIEGE,84.423) And Jacob hyme told how Pylat hade hym presond and how he was delyuyrt by an angel . (CMSIEGE,84.424) And also he told hyme all +te juis consel . (CMSIEGE,84.425) The Emparovr wos glad (CMSIEGE,84.426) and mad hyme gret cher . (CMSIEGE,84.427) And of hyme he askyd consele to make a dyche abovt +te tovne , +tat no man schwld go away vnspyid . (CMSIEGE,84.428) And so hit was don and mad in hast , (CMSIEGE,84.429) and +tat +te juis sovr reypent . (CMSIEGE,84.430) Pylat toke his conssayle of Archeles , of Barrobas , and of Josephus . (CMSIEGE,84.431) And +tey in +te ny+gt layd plankus ouer +te dyche (CMSIEGE,84.432) and come ovte wyth xxxv M of horsmen and l M of fotemen , (CMSIEGE,84.433) and sore +ti met in battayl . (CMSIEGE,84.434) And gret multytud of pepul wer dede in both partys . (CMSIEGE,84.435) But Pylat lost xl M , (CMSIEGE,84.436) and he schappyd into +te tovne . (CMSIEGE,84.437) And Josephus wose hurt soor ; (CMSIEGE,84.438) but he was a preway crystyne man (CMSIEGE,84.439) and most knew of +te juis lave ; (CMSIEGE,84.440) and he wos full sorry (CMSIEGE,84.441) for his kyne was ettynne . (CMSIEGE,84.442) But Jacob let make charnels (CMSIEGE,84.443) and berryd +te peppul . (CMSIEGE,84.444) And +te Emparovr wos glad and gretly conforttyd wyth +te wyse consell of Jacob . (CMSIEGE,84.445) +Ten began gret sowrro and hovngur in +te cyty . (CMSIEGE,84.446) They eete horse , cattys , rattys and myse and +te fen in +te waye and +teron dogis and +terone cyldorne , (CMSIEGE,84.447) and +te stronggyr eete +te wekir . (CMSIEGE,85.448) And +tey drow lote who schwld eete o+tyr . (CMSIEGE,85.449) But +te gret men wer confortyd in +ter hongyr by +te wertw of presious stonnys +tat +tey had one heme . (CMSIEGE,85.450) +Ter was a lady of +te conttray +tat hy+gt Marey , (CMSIEGE,85.451) and schoe deyllyd wyth a lady +tat hy+gt Clarys in +te cyty . (CMSIEGE,85.452) Both wer good crystyn wemen . (CMSIEGE,85.453) The do+gttur of Mary was dede for hongur , (CMSIEGE,85.454) and so wer allmoste both ladyse , (CMSIEGE,85.455) for to +teme was lewyd no +tinge to ette . (CMSIEGE,85.456) And +ten sayd Claryse : ' Ete we +tis chyld . ' (CMSIEGE,85.457) But Mary sayd : ' Nay , ra+tyr wyl I dye . ' (CMSIEGE,85.458) +Ter come a angele (CMSIEGE,85.459) and bade +teme eete +te chyld . (CMSIEGE,85.460) ' for hit is +te profysy +tat wemen schuld eete +ter chyldorne . ' (CMSIEGE,85.461) And so +tey rost +te chyld . (CMSIEGE,85.462) Pylat felyd +te savyr of +tis rost (CMSIEGE,85.463) and send +terefor , (CMSIEGE,85.464) and +ten wer +te wemen ful wo . (CMSIEGE,85.465) But when Pylat save what hit was , he commandyt +tat no man schwld eete his chyld nor woman , but +tat +tey schwld eete +ter treysore . (CMSIEGE,85.466) And so +tey eete gold and sylvyr wyth corne and heye , (CMSIEGE,85.467) but hit dyd +teme no good . (CMSIEGE,85.468) But afturward +tey wer fayne to fete hit ovte of +ter boddys . (CMSIEGE,85.469) But aftur +te husbond eete +te wyfe , (CMSIEGE,85.470) and +te wyfe eete +te husbond , (CMSIEGE,85.471) and euyrry man slow odyr for +ter treysser in +ter boddyse , that +te strettys lay ful of dede men . (CMSIEGE,85.472) And when thay hade no treysore in +tem , no man wold +teme byrre (CMSIEGE,85.473) but cast +teme vppon heypuse (CMSIEGE,85.474) and let +tem lye . (CMSIEGE,85.475) And so +te pepule wer lost wyth stenche . (CMSIEGE,85.476) But when +te tovne was get , Tyttus let bren +tem for stenche . (CMSIEGE,85.477) And when he saw +tat dolful sy+gte , he fel dovne on his kneis (CMSIEGE,85.478) and sayd : ' Lord God , +tow knowyst wele +tis is not for my fadyr nor for me , but for +ter on synnis . ' (CMSIEGE,85.479) But byfor +tis tyme +te counsseyle of +te cyty bad Pylat yeld +te sette and tovne . (CMSIEGE,85.480) And Pylat sayd : ' Nay , abyde +ge a whylle yf anny of +tis lordys may dye or yf we may +tem pleyse wytt +geyftus of owr treysovr . ' (CMSIEGE,85.481) The Emparovr send Jacob to wyte yf +tey wold geyfe vpe +te tovne . (CMSIEGE,86.483) Jacob came to +te walle (CMSIEGE,86.484) and callyd a jwe , (CMSIEGE,86.485) and he fet to hyme Josephus . (CMSIEGE,86.486) And when he sawe Jacobe , he askyd hyme how he came owt of preson . (CMSIEGE,86.487) And Jacob hyme told howe , by +te myracul of God . (CMSIEGE,86.488) And Josephus thankyd God . (CMSIEGE,86.489) And when Jacobe see he wase a crystyne mane , he wase glad (CMSIEGE,86.490) and told to hyme +te forsayde meracullus of Waspasion and of sent Cleyment and dame Werony and Welosyane and of hymeselfe , as +te storry before telly+gt . (CMSIEGE,86.491) And +ten Josephus hyme prayd to pray to +te Emparovr for +te crystyne pepul , (CMSIEGE,86.492) and Jacob hyme grant . (CMSIEGE,86.493) But Jacob askyd Josephus yf +tey wold held +te tovne . (CMSIEGE,86.494) And he sayd : ' Naye , (CMSIEGE,86.495) but Pylat wolde asay yf he my+gt askape wyth pleysovr of +geyftus . (CMSIEGE,86.496) And yf +te Emprovr wer a crystyn mane , we wold +geld vs to hyme , (CMSIEGE,86.497) but we have leuyr deye +ten +geld vs to a sarussyne . ' (CMSIEGE,86.498) +Tey toke her leve (CMSIEGE,86.499) and departtyd . (CMSIEGE,86.500) And Jacob told to +te Emparovr what answer he hade . (CMSIEGE,86.501) Then sayd Josephus to Pylat : ' I have herd ty+tingis +tat +te Emparovr wyl vs al destrye . (CMSIEGE,86.502) I rede +ge cale yowr pepull and se what is to done . ' (CMSIEGE,86.503) Pylat lete a crye , (CMSIEGE,86.504) and +te pepul aperyd before hyme . (CMSIEGE,86.505) He askyd of +teme what was her counsel best to done . (CMSIEGE,86.506) Some sayd : ' We leve her to longe . (CMSIEGE,86.507) Mysseas is rovthe wyth vs , (CMSIEGE,86.508) for he is +te sone of God , (CMSIEGE,86.509) and we as fovllis stryve a+genst ovr lord God , (CMSIEGE,86.510) and we be worthy to suffyr wo . (CMSIEGE,86.511) We fynd in profycy +tat +te romans schvld vs destry , (CMSIEGE,86.512) and now we aske mercy to late . (CMSIEGE,86.513) But go we ovte (CMSIEGE,86.514) and schort we ovr lywys , (CMSIEGE,86.515) for bettur is schort payne +ten longe . ' (CMSIEGE,86.516) And some sayd : ' Hit his fayrer dethe to sley eche o+tyr +ten to +geld vs to more payne . ' (CMSIEGE,86.517) And so xj M slov euyreche odyr (CMSIEGE,86.518) and fel dede for stynche of dede men . (CMSIEGE,86.519) And +tey +ten begane to cry Jhesu mercy : (CMSIEGE,87.521) ' We have sor afendyt . (CMSIEGE,87.522) We fynd sothe +tat +tou spake govynge to +ti passion : (CMSIEGE,87.523) Weppe +ge not for me , but for yovr chyldorne and for yovrselfe , (CMSIEGE,87.524) and so we may nowe , and curse +te brestus +tat +gave vs sovke and +te body +tat vs bar . (CMSIEGE,87.525) And +terfor , Pylat , +geld vp +te tovne , (CMSIEGE,87.526) for ve no lengur may leue . ' (CMSIEGE,87.527) Then Pylat , Archeles , Josephus , Barrobas and +te commynte went to +te wallys (CMSIEGE,87.528) and sayd to +te Emparovr : ' Tis is +te last daye of vij +ger . (CMSIEGE,87.529) We may no lengur +te tovne kepe . (CMSIEGE,87.530) Tel vs whe+tyr we schale lyve or dye , (CMSIEGE,87.531) for we moste vs +geld . ' (CMSIEGE,87.532) When +te Emparovr +tis herd , he fel doune on his kneis (CMSIEGE,87.533) and +tankyd almy+gtty God . (CMSIEGE,87.534) And +ten he stod vpe (CMSIEGE,87.535) and sayd : ' +Tou slowe Cryst in his manhede wythoute gylte . (CMSIEGE,87.536) On hyme +ge had no mercy , (CMSIEGE,87.537) nor none +ge geyt of me . ' (CMSIEGE,87.538) When Archeles +tis herd , he slowe hymeselfe wyth his ovn sorde (CMSIEGE,87.539) and fele adovne ouer +te walle . (CMSIEGE,87.540) The Emparovre sayd : ' He is traytur (CMSIEGE,87.541) and was trayttur , (CMSIEGE,87.542) and so he dyid . ' (CMSIEGE,87.543) But he bade byrre hyme wor+teyly , (CMSIEGE,87.544) for he was a kynge . (CMSIEGE,87.545) Pylat toke +te keyis (CMSIEGE,87.546) and oppynd +te +gattys , (CMSIEGE,87.547) and Tytus wyth his host went in . (CMSIEGE,87.548) But in +te prese Josephus wyth fel men askappyd into +te cyty of Jenopozame . (CMSIEGE,87.549) +Te Emparovr let +teme sowe in (CMSIEGE,87.550) and +te cyty bysete , +tat +tey my+gt not skape . (CMSIEGE,87.551) But Joseffus wold not +geld hyme to +te Emparovr , (CMSIEGE,87.552) for he was not crystynd . (CMSIEGE,87.553) But +te Emparovr so sovr hyme besett +tat he toke wytt hyme xj fellowys and flede into a cave . (CMSIEGE,87.554) And for hongur +tey drove lottys who schovld eete odyr of +tem , (CMSIEGE,87.555) and +te lotht fel to Josephus +tat he schuld dye . (CMSIEGE,87.556) But God wold not so , (CMSIEGE,87.557) for his wyte holpe fel men . (CMSIEGE,87.558) When Josephus se he schuld be dede , he lepe on his fellow (CMSIEGE,87.559) and toke frov hyme his sword (CMSIEGE,87.560) and hyme slove . (CMSIEGE,87.561) And so he asschapyd (CMSIEGE,88.562) and went to +te Emparoure . (CMSIEGE,88.563) +Te Emparovr askyd what he wose , (CMSIEGE,88.564) and he sayd : ' Josephus , +tat wrot +te storry of Crystus dethe and of juis laves and of her prophecy +tat now is favle . ' (CMSIEGE,88.565) The Emparovre sayd : ' +Tou arte a spye . (CMSIEGE,88.566) +Tou schalte be dede ; (CMSIEGE,88.567) for yfe +tou wer so wyse a man , +tou my+gt have warnyd +te juis of her harme . ' (CMSIEGE,88.568) Then sayd Josephus : ' I take wyttnis by +te bokus +tat I wrote and allso of +te juis +tat I to +tem hit told many +geryse passyd . ' (CMSIEGE,88.569) The bokys were fete of +te juis lawe , (CMSIEGE,88.570) and hit was fond as Josephus had sayd . (CMSIEGE,88.571) And also hit was wyttnyssyd of mony men . (CMSIEGE,88.572) And Josephus told to +te Emparovre +tat he wase a crystyne mane , (CMSIEGE,88.573) and Jacob for hyme vndurtoke . (CMSIEGE,88.574) And so +te Emparovr hyme toke to grace . (CMSIEGE,88.575) +Ten sayde Josephus : ' +Ge may see by +tis bokus +tat I told +te juis xl dayis befor +tat +ge schuld be Emparour and also of +te sykenys of yowr sone Tytus , (CMSIEGE,88.576) and wytt my covnsel I schal helpe to make hyme hole . ' (CMSIEGE,88.577) For Tytus was sore syke in a cardyacull take wyth +te jay of his fadyris honovr . (CMSIEGE,88.578) And +te Emparovr sayde to Josephus : ' Yf +tou can my son helpe , I wyl +te reywarde ry+gt wele , (CMSIEGE,88.579) for I love hyme most of al +tis world . ' (CMSIEGE,88.580) So on day Josephus sayd to Tytus : ' I trust ry+gt wele yow to helpe of your syknys . (CMSIEGE,88.581) But grant me +tat +ge be not wrothe wyth no man +tat I brynge wytt me into yowr presens . ' (CMSIEGE,88.582) And Tytus hyme granttyd . (CMSIEGE,88.583) A man +tat Tytus movste hattyd . Josephus let set hyme at +te mete in +te presens of Tytus (CMSIEGE,88.584) and hyme worthyly serwyd . (CMSIEGE,88.585) The blod in his body hete for gret grame and angur , (CMSIEGE,88.586) and so his cardyacule frow hyme went , (CMSIEGE,88.587) and he was hole . (CMSIEGE,88.588) And when he save hit was for his heyleth , he +tankyd God . (CMSIEGE,88.589) And +ten Tytus forsovked all +te wrath +tat he hade to +tat . (CMSIEGE,88.590) And Tytus toke Josephus nexte to hyme wyth gret love . (CMSIEGE,89.591) And +te Emparowr was ful glad and hym wele reywardyde . (CMSIEGE,89.592) But torne we to the sege of Jerusaleme . (CMSIEGE,89.593) When Pylat se Tytuse at +te +gawttys of Jerusaleme , he proferd to +geyfe hyme his bayllywyke yf he my+gt geyt hyme his lyve and leve to dweyll styll in +te cyty . (CMSIEGE,89.594) And to +te Emparovr he wold +geyfe a C sparhavkus ramage and a C of jentyl fawcons and xxx mutys of hovndys and a C clothis of sylk and of gold and x leons , x lebarttus , x boris , x mullys lad wytt treyssore , syluyr and gold , and wyth precyos stonnis . (CMSIEGE,89.595) And Tytus +tus told his fadyr +te Emparour . (CMSIEGE,89.596) But he commandyt to kepe hyme into good hold , (CMSIEGE,89.597) for he schvld have no grace . (CMSIEGE,89.598) Tytus , as +te Emparour hyme bade , went into +te tovne , and Jacob wyth hyme to tell wyche wer crystyn men , theme to save . (CMSIEGE,89.599) And +te Emparovr keppyd wyttovte , +tat none schuld fle . (CMSIEGE,89.600) +Tey fyllyde +te dychys (CMSIEGE,89.601) and opond +te +gattys , (CMSIEGE,89.602) and Tytus went in wytt iij C men wel armyd . (CMSIEGE,89.603) He toke Pylat , (CMSIEGE,89.604) and xxx kny+gttus hyme keppyd . (CMSIEGE,89.605) And +te juis +tat wer take alyve , +tei bond heme in heyppus , +tat none of +teme askappyd . (CMSIEGE,89.606) And as he let bette dovne +te wallys , in a thyke place of +te walle he fond Joseph of Barmathe , fayr of coullur , +tat seyuyn +ger was in +tat place wythovt mette or drynke , (CMSIEGE,89.607) for he thav+gte +te lawe of Cryste , +tat hyme wel fede wyth his godnys . (CMSIEGE,89.608) Tytus send hyme to +te Emparovr , (CMSIEGE,89.609) and he hyme knewe note , (CMSIEGE,89.610) for he was most worthy mane aftur +te Emparowr . (CMSIEGE,89.611) Then Tytus , Japhelle , Josephus , Josefe and Jacobe bro+gt all +te crystyne men befor +te Emparovr , (CMSIEGE,89.612) and he lete clothe theme in whytte , +tat +te host my+gte +teme knowe and worchype . (CMSIEGE,89.613) The pepull +tat wer sawyd told to +te Emparovr how +te juis hade eyttyn her treyssour . (CMSIEGE,89.614) And +terwyth +te Emparovr was glade , (CMSIEGE,90.615) for hit schuld , he sayd , torne +teme to payne ; (CMSIEGE,90.616) and let make a crye (CMSIEGE,90.617) and sold xxx jwis for a penny (CMSIEGE,90.618) for +tey sold +ter Lorde for xxx d . (CMSIEGE,90.619) And +tey full sovr tormenttyd wer to fette +te treyssour oute of her bellys ; (CMSIEGE,90.620) but +te Emparour bade do to +teme +te most payne +tat +tey my+gte , (CMSIEGE,90.621) and so +tey hade . (CMSIEGE,90.622) Then Tytus bade bette dovne +te wallys and +terwyth fyle +te dychis ; (CMSIEGE,90.623) for he lete no +tinge stond but +te tempul of Salamone and +te castyl wytt +te tour of Dawyte to fulfyll +the profycy . (CMSIEGE,90.624) And +tey berryde +te juis into downgheppus wythovte +te towne . (CMSIEGE,90.625) And +ter wer sold a C M and mo , and dede wyth weppyn and hongur CCCC M and xvij . (CMSIEGE,90.626) And her wenganse schall euyr laste , (CMSIEGE,90.627) for +tey be , and euyr schalle , in bondauge and gret traldome . (CMSIEGE,90.628) Tytus brou+gt Pylat to +te Emparour (CMSIEGE,90.629) and sayd : ' Her is +te traytur +tat put Cryste to dethe . ' (CMSIEGE,90.630) The Emparovr sayde : ' In tymys me semyth I may well loue +tis mane . (CMSIEGE,90.631) I can note be wrathe wyth hyme . (CMSIEGE,90.632) Loke +ge +ter be no gyle . ' (CMSIEGE,90.633) An olde mane +tat stod bysyde , he sayd he had one hyme +te cote +tat owr Lady made and toke to Cryste , (CMSIEGE,90.634) ' and by +te wertwe of +tat clothe and of +te presyovs stonnys on hyme he may go saufe amonge his foomen . ' (CMSIEGE,90.635) Thay toke frome hyme +tis cote , (CMSIEGE,90.636) and +ten was +te Emprovr ful wrothe (CMSIEGE,90.637) and sayd : ' +Tou art wor+ty mor schame +ten all +te jwis . ' (CMSIEGE,90.638) He lete put hyme in a barrel of stele (CMSIEGE,90.639) and porpossyd to caste hyme in +te see , (CMSIEGE,90.640) but he abod to do hyme mor pyne . (CMSIEGE,90.641) And when he come to Rome , he lett take hyme owt and put hyme into a darke presson and feed hyme wyth barlay brede and wattur . (CMSIEGE,90.642) But in feste dayis he hade mete inowe . (CMSIEGE,90.643) And so he laye ij +ger on +te bare grovnd . (CMSIEGE,90.644) And he neuyr reypent hyme of hys syne , (CMSIEGE,90.645) but wyth a knyfe +tat he borrowyd of his kepper to pare wyth a peyr he hymeselfweth slowe . (CMSIEGE,90.646) When +te Emparovr +tis herd , he sayd : ' He dede most wekyd dede , (CMSIEGE,91.648) and +terfore he hathe most schamfull dethe ; (CMSIEGE,91.649) for he my+gt do no werse dede +ten deme ovr Lord to deth . ' (CMSIEGE,91.650) Thay put hyme into +te barreylle (CMSIEGE,91.651) and lade hyme into a dyslate place by a wattur syde . (CMSIEGE,91.652) But for stynche and for feyr of feyndys +tat wer abovte hyme many men wer dede . (CMSIEGE,91.653) Then +tey toke hyme vp (CMSIEGE,91.654) and cast hyme inte a wattur . (CMSIEGE,91.655) And +ter he dyde myche sowrrov (CMSIEGE,91.656) for he my+gt not synke . (CMSIEGE,91.657) So he wase tossyde wyth fenddys , wyth stenche and cry and darknys and wyth brennynge feyr , +tat no man durst come ny +tat place . (CMSIEGE,91.658) But on a nonetyde +ter come a schepe (CMSIEGE,91.659) and se +tat cruvele sy+gte (CMSIEGE,91.660) and hard +te cry (CMSIEGE,91.661) and see +te barreyll tossyd wyth fendys , (CMSIEGE,91.662) and vnnethe they toke londe (CMSIEGE,91.663) but wer ner loste . (CMSIEGE,91.664) And +to +tey wente into +te cytye on Vyene (CMSIEGE,91.665) and told +te clarkys of +te cyty in what a feyr +tat +tey wer . (CMSIEGE,91.666) And +ten +te clarkys and laye pepull wyth gret pennans-dowynge prayde to Gode to be delyuyrt of hyme . (CMSIEGE,91.667) And Gode send to +teme a wayse (CMSIEGE,91.668) and bad +teme go to +te wattur syde , (CMSIEGE,91.669) and so +tey dyde . (CMSIEGE,91.670) And +ter +tey sawe a roche of stone opone on +te see syde , (CMSIEGE,91.671) and wyth a gret blast of wynd , ly+gttynnyng and +tondorynge he was cast into +te roche of stone , (CMSIEGE,91.672) and +te roche clovsyde a+geyne . (CMSIEGE,91.673) +Te peppule +tankyde God . (CMSIEGE,91.674) And so +tey wer of hyme delyuyrt . (CMSIEGE,91.675) But +ter as he lay forst +te hole cane no mane stope , (CMSIEGE,91.676) for men sayth hit gothe to helle . (CMSIEGE,91.677) Etc . (CMSIEGE,91.678) But turne we a+geyne to Jerusallem . (CMSIEGE,91.679) Whyll +te Emparovr lay at sege , he sent oute his men for wettayle . (CMSIEGE,91.680) And as he +teme bade , thay toke all +te castyllys and tovnnys in Jude into +ter one hondyse (CMSIEGE,91.681) and slow al +te peppull +tat wold not torne to Goddys lawys ; (CMSIEGE,91.682) and al +tat wyll torne to Goddys lawe wer sworne to be trowe . (CMSIEGE,92.683) And +te Emparour on +teme set lawe and keppynge . (CMSIEGE,92.684) And +te Emparovr rewarddyte genttylmen +tat wyth hyme wer in war wyth londyse and renttus , (CMSIEGE,92.685) and +te commentye he rewardyte wyth odyr goodyse plenty ; (CMSIEGE,92.686) for he made cleyne alle +te lond of +ter gooddys (CMSIEGE,92.687) and yafe hit to his men . (CMSIEGE,92.688) And he heme thankyde (CMSIEGE,92.689) and toke his schepe , (CMSIEGE,92.690) and so to Rome he sayllyde . (CMSIEGE,92.691) But when he came to lond , wyth hyme mete in presessione sent Cleyment and all his clargye and +te lady dame Weronye wyth grete multytud of pepulle , hyme welcommynge and +tankynge allmy+gtty Gode . (CMSIEGE,92.692) Cleyment and +te lady mad gret jaye +tat Jacobe , Joseph of Barmathe , Josephus and odyr crystyne men wer savfe (CMSIEGE,92.693) and +teme welcommyd wyth gret gladnyse . (CMSIEGE,92.694) The Emparovr wase crystynd in hast , (CMSIEGE,92.695) and so wer all his pepule . (CMSIEGE,92.696) The Emparour let schave all his men in tokyne of clennyse . (CMSIEGE,92.697) And when +tey wer screwyne and crystonyd , he clothyde +teme wyth whyte in tokenyng of cleynnyse and of Goddyse lawe . (CMSIEGE,92.698) The Emparour byldyd v churchus (CMSIEGE,92.699) and wor+tily +tem induid . (CMSIEGE,92.700) And to +teme he yafe monny ryalle ornamenttus . (CMSIEGE,92.701) And he send into all his londdyse to keppe +te lawe of God and peys , (CMSIEGE,92.702) and so hit wase do in all his dayis . (CMSIEGE,92.703) And his sone Tyttus and +tey lewyde a holly lyfe . (CMSIEGE,92.704) The Emparour let close +te warnacul in syluyr and in golde (CMSIEGE,92.705) and put hit into a crystal stone , +tat men may hit see but not hondyle . (CMSIEGE,92.706) And dame Weroyny hit yaf to +te churche of seynte Pettur in Rome . (CMSIEGE,92.707) +Ten sente Cleyment sacryd +te Emparour (CMSIEGE,93.709) and sete on hyme +te crovne . (CMSIEGE,93.710) And the Emparour set on seynt Cleyment a mytur wyth a crovne and a presius dyadyme for chefe of all clarkys and fadyr of all holly churche . (CMSIEGE,93.711) And so be +te power +tat God yafe to Pettur and to his sussessowryse the Emparour hyme confermyde poppe , as +ger wose chose by +te crystyne clergey . (CMSIEGE,93.712) Etc . (CMSIEGE,93.713) At +te tombe of Waspasion the Emparovr , God schowyd myracullys to blynd and to lame . (CMSIEGE,93.714) And Tytus leuyde aftur hyme a good lyue (CMSIEGE,93.715) and euyry daye gafe gret almys for +te loue of God . (CMSIEGE,93.716) And he hade a good ende of this worlde . (CMSIEGE,93.717) The jwis wente to Jerusaleme to byld hit a+geyne , (CMSIEGE,93.718) but hit was not +te wyll of God , (CMSIEGE,93.719) for +tey schall neuyr have habytacione but in bonddauge . (CMSIEGE,93.720) And as +tey toke +ter markys to bylde +te place +tat wose dystryid , they sawe a crose alle blody one +te erthe all blody , +tat wase tokon her wenganse was not done . (CMSIEGE,93.721) And for feer +tey went +ter way . (CMSIEGE,93.722) Anodyr tyme +tei come a+geyne , (CMSIEGE,93.723) and as +tey toke merkys , +tei sawe +te crose and her clothis full of blode . (CMSIEGE,93.724) And +tey went +ter way for fer . (CMSIEGE,93.725) They come a+geyne +te +trede tyme , (CMSIEGE,93.726) and as +tey stovpyd to take +ter mercus , they hade no power to speke . (CMSIEGE,93.727) But a feyr come frome +te grovnd (CMSIEGE,93.728) and brend theme all to povdyr . (CMSIEGE,93.729) This wytnyssythe Josephus , +tat good clarke , +tat sawe and wrot +ter actus . (CMSIEGE,93.730) Etc . (CMSIEGE,93.731) Her enddyth +te sege of Jerusaleme . (CMSIEGE,93.732)