WODNES TO MAKE HARE LIK GOLD HERYNG DEFENES WORMES SCHEPELOUSE QWIK THYNG IN +te ERE (CMTHORN,6.4) Tak his handis (CMTHORN,6.6) & bynde +tam bi-hynde hym faste . (CMTHORN,6.7) +Tan take flour of affadill (CMTHORN,6.8) & do it in his righte hande (CMTHORN,6.9) & his bandes sall bryste . (CMTHORN,6.10) Or gif it hym at drynke (CMTHORN,6.11) & he sall passe $owte of +te euyll faire & wele . (CMTHORN,6.12) Tak epworte (CMTHORN,6.13) & grynde it smalle (CMTHORN,6.14) & schafe his hede (CMTHORN,6.15) & laye it appon +te schedde of his hede all +te nyghte . (CMTHORN,6.16) Tak aueroyne , marygolde & sawge (CMTHORN,6.17) & stamp it (CMTHORN,6.18) & temper it vp with wyne (CMTHORN,6.19) & drynke it fyve dayes . (CMTHORN,6.20) Take +te jeuse of walworte , hony & salt & swyn grese (CMTHORN,6.21) and boyle +tam ouer +te fire til it be thikke (CMTHORN,6.22) & do a littill encense +ter-in (CMTHORN,6.23) and anoynte his heued +ter-with ofte (CMTHORN,6.24) & he sal mende . (CMTHORN,6.25) Tak +te grene bowes of an asche (CMTHORN,6.26) & bryne +tam (CMTHORN,6.27) & kepe +te jeuse +tat commes owte at +te endis , a negschel full , and +te jeuse of senegrene , twa egschelfull , of hony an eg-schelfull , of oyle of olyue a neg-schelfull , of +te woyse of +te pore leeke heued with +te faces +ter-of , a neg-schelfull , (CMTHORN,6.28) & menge +tam to-gedir (CMTHORN,6.29) & helle +ter-of in +te hale here (CMTHORN,6.30) & lay +te on +te to+ter syde at slepe (CMTHORN,6.31) & +te sall mende with schort tymm , & +tu vse it . (CMTHORN,6.32) Tak +te jeuse of rewe & +te jeuse of moure egges (CMTHORN,6.33) & do in +ti nere . (CMTHORN,6.34) Tak henne grese & +te jeuse of $grene wormode with oyl (CMTHORN,6.35) & do in +ti nere . (CMTHORN,6.36) Tak +te galle of a wedir with +te vryn or +te mylke of a woman mengid to-gedir (CMTHORN,6.37) & do it in thi nere . (CMTHORN,6.38) Secundum Magistrum William de Excestre : (CMTHORN,6.39) Tak lorell leues , sedes of cermoyntayne , comyn , annys and caruy , of ilkan ylike porcyon , (CMTHORN,7.40) and welle +tam wele in faire water (CMTHORN,7.41) & , when +tay are wele wellide , take and do +tat water in a clene vesselle (CMTHORN,7.42) & do of +tat water in +te ere (CMTHORN,7.43) & he sal here wele with-in scorte tymm . (CMTHORN,7.44) Take +te +gerdis of hawthorne (CMTHORN,7.45) & kepe +te jeuse +tat comes fro +te +gerdis endis (CMTHORN,7.46) & menge oyle +ter-with (CMTHORN,7.47) & putt it in +te hale ere (CMTHORN,7.48) & lay +te one +te to+ter ere . (CMTHORN,7.49) Sepe probatum est per diuersos . (CMTHORN,7.50) Take +te fattnes of a blake ele & +te jeuse of synegrene , elike porcyon , (CMTHORN,7.51) & putt it ofte in +te hale ere (CMTHORN,7.52) & lay +te on +te to+ter . (CMTHORN,7.53) Tak +te jeuse of mentastrum & vynacre (CMTHORN,7.54) & mak it lewke (CMTHORN,7.55) & do it in +ti nere (CMTHORN,7.56) & it dose +te same . (CMTHORN,7.57) Tak sperwort (CMTHORN,7.58) & stampe it (CMTHORN,7.59) & droppe +te jeuse lewke in +te ere (CMTHORN,7.60) & it sall sla it or gare it come owte qwyke . (CMTHORN,7.61) WORMES SCHEPELOUSE QWIK THYNGE IN +te ERE KYLES IN ERES SARE EGHNE (CMTHORN,7.63) Take +te jeuse of mynt (CMTHORN,7.65) & mak it lewke (CMTHORN,7.66) & do it in +te eres . (CMTHORN,7.67) Or take +te jeuse of fenelle lewke (CMTHORN,7.68) & do it in +te eres (CMTHORN,7.69) & it sall sla +tam . (CMTHORN,7.70) Tak of rewe a grete qwantite & sawge halfe als mekill & rose maryn +te same quanttitee (CMTHORN,7.71) & stamp +tam (CMTHORN,7.72) & wrynge owte +te jeuse (CMTHORN,7.73) & poure it in +te ere thre tymes , (CMTHORN,7.74) for +tis es oft prouede . (CMTHORN,7.75) If a schepe louse or any o+ter qwik thynge be cropyn in-to thyn ere , tak +te jeuse of rewe or of wormod or of horshoue (CMTHORN,7.76) & do in +te ere (CMTHORN,7.77) & it sall sla it . (CMTHORN,7.78) Tak grene +gerdis of esche (CMTHORN,7.79) & lay +tam ouer a brandrethe (CMTHORN,7.80) & make a fire vnder +tam (CMTHORN,7.81) & kepe +te woyse +tat comes owt at +te endis in egges schelles (CMTHORN,7.82) & tak hony (CMTHORN,7.83) & do to +tat woyse (CMTHORN,7.84) & do it in his ere (CMTHORN,7.85) & lat hym ly doun & slepe (CMTHORN,7.86) & do swa thre dayes , ilk a day twyse or thryse , (CMTHORN,7.87) bot do it firste in +te hale anes or twys , in auentour if +ter be oughte qwike in it . (CMTHORN,7.88) & it will sone crepe owte . (CMTHORN,7.89) Tak a hate hauyre cake & lay it down (CMTHORN,7.90) & lay thyn ere +ter-on als hate als +tu thole it (CMTHORN,7.91) & , if +ter be schepe louse or any o+ter qwik thynge in it , it sall sone crepe owte . (CMTHORN,7.92) Tak wormode & women mylke with +te jeuse of grene colyandre (CMTHORN,8.94) & do it in thyn eres . (CMTHORN,8.95) Tak a childes $vryn (CMTHORN,8.96) & make it lewke with wyne (CMTHORN,8.97) & do it in thyn eres (CMTHORN,8.98) & it dryes +te humours (CMTHORN,8.99) & fordose werke (CMTHORN,8.100) & heles wonderfully . (CMTHORN,8.101) An o+ter : (CMTHORN,8.102) Take +te galle of a schepe with womans mylke (CMTHORN,8.103) & do it in thyn ere . (CMTHORN,8.104) Tak wormod or harofe or wodebynde (CMTHORN,8.105) & stampe it (CMTHORN,8.106) & wrynge owt +te jeuse (CMTHORN,8.107) & do it lewke in thyn ere . (CMTHORN,8.108) Tak +te merghe of a fresche calfe (CMTHORN,8.109) & braye it (CMTHORN,8.110) & do it in thyn ere . (CMTHORN,8.111) Tak a rede cale lefe (CMTHORN,8.112) & anoynte it with +te white of an egge (CMTHORN,8.113) & lay it to +te eghe , when +tu gase to bedde , (CMTHORN,8.114) & late it lygge to +te morne (CMTHORN,8.115) & do it ofte , (CMTHORN,8.116) for it is proued for gude medcyn . (CMTHORN,8.117) To make +te clere syghte : Ete ofte & drynke ofte puliolle rialle & fenkell sedis . (CMTHORN,8.118) Drynke ofte ewefrase , (CMTHORN,8.119) for it helpis ofte souereynly +te syghte . (CMTHORN,8.120) Tak white gynger (CMTHORN,8.121) & rub it on a whetstane or on a basyn (CMTHORN,8.122) & tak als mekill salte as +tu hase powdir (CMTHORN,8.123) & stampe +tam (CMTHORN,8.124) & grynde +tam wele to-gedir (CMTHORN,8.125) & temper +tam with white wyne (CMTHORN,8.126) & late it stande in +tat bacyne a daye & a nyghte (CMTHORN,8.127) & do +tan +tat o+ter +tat standis abouen in a ampull of glase or coper (CMTHORN,8.128) & anoynte thyn eghne +ter-with a littill when +tu gase to +ti bedde with a fethir (CMTHORN,8.129) & do so ofte (CMTHORN,8.130) & dowteles +tu sall be hale . (CMTHORN,8.131) EGHNE SARE EGHNE (CMTHORN,8.133) Take +te woyse of hondestonge or of centorye or of solsekill (CMTHORN,8.135) and do +te woyse in thyn eghne (CMTHORN,8.136) & it sal helpe +te wele . (CMTHORN,8.137) Tak pympernoll (CMTHORN,8.138) & stampe it (CMTHORN,8.139) & take +te jeuse +ter-of (CMTHORN,8.140) & do +ter-to +te grese of +te allerone of +te gose wenge (CMTHORN,8.141) & drope it in thyn eghne . (CMTHORN,8.142) For hurte eghne : Tak +te jeuse of egremone stamped & egge whitt (CMTHORN,9.143) & menge +tam to-gedir (CMTHORN,9.144) & take cotom (CMTHORN,9.145) & wete +ter-in (CMTHORN,9.146) & lay it to +te sare eghe to it be hale . (CMTHORN,9.147) Late +te blode +te vij daye of Maye on +te righte arme , +te laste day of Aueryll on +te lefte arme . (CMTHORN,9.148) Stampe +te leues of white thornes (CMTHORN,9.149) & do +te jeuse +ter-of in thyn eghe . (CMTHORN,9.150) Take Maye buttre & hony & +te white of an egge (CMTHORN,9.151) & menge to-gedir (CMTHORN,9.152) and anoynte thyn eghne with all . (CMTHORN,9.153) Take wodbynde , rib and waybrede (CMTHORN,9.154) & stampe +tam wele & smalle (CMTHORN,9.155) & take a gude porcyon of fresche May buttre (CMTHORN,9.156) & sethe +tam to-gedir wele to +tay be wele wellede , (CMTHORN,9.157) +tan wrynge +tam thorow a clene clathe (CMTHORN,9.158) & do it in thi boystes (CMTHORN,9.159) & ilk a nyghte take +te montenance of a fiche (CMTHORN,9.160) & do it in thyn eghne by-fore +tu laye the doune (CMTHORN,9.161) & it sall mend the . (CMTHORN,9.162) Take waybrede & bayneworte & powdir of gynger , a porcyon , & powdir of alom glase , als mekil porcion als of thise , (CMTHORN,9.163) & make water for thyn eghne of +tam . (CMTHORN,9.164) Tak powdir of alom glase (CMTHORN,9.165) & temper it with womans mylke +tat hase a knaue childe (CMTHORN,9.166) & do it in thyn eghne . (CMTHORN,9.167) Take rose floures and fenkell & filage , pympernolle , celidone , ewfrace . (CMTHORN,9.168) Stampe +tam (CMTHORN,9.169) & temper +tam al sammen with hony & +te grese of +te blake snyles & +te whitt of an egge (CMTHORN,9.170) & anoynte thyn eghne +ter-with . (CMTHORN,9.171) Tak arenement , hony and +te white of an egge , of ilkan elike mekill , (CMTHORN,9.172) & temper +tam to-gedir (CMTHORN,9.173) & tak herdes (CMTHORN,9.174) & wete +tam in water (CMTHORN,9.175) & wrynge it owte (CMTHORN,9.176) & do +tir thynges one +te herdes as a playster (CMTHORN,9.177) & , if euyll blode or whettour be +tare , it sall drawe it owte . (CMTHORN,9.178) Tak calamynt (CMTHORN,9.179) & bryne it in +te fire till +tat it glowe (CMTHORN,9.180) & sloken it in white wyne (CMTHORN,9.181) & efte bryn it (CMTHORN,9.182) & efte sloken it (CMTHORN,9.183) and do so ix tymes . (CMTHORN,9.184) SARE EGHNE COLORYE AN OYNEMENT (CMTHORN,9.186) +Tan may +tu halde it alle +te +gere (CMTHORN,9.188) & , when +tu hase to do +ter-with , tak als littill als a bene (CMTHORN,9.189) & grynde it wele appon a borde (CMTHORN,9.190) & temper it vpe with an egge schelle ful of white wyne (CMTHORN,9.191) & late it sattill (CMTHORN,9.192) and wete a fethir in +te clere abouuen , (CMTHORN,9.193) & +tan wasche thyn eghne +ter-with , when +tu gose to bedde , (CMTHORN,9.194) & do so thre nyghtis (CMTHORN,9.195) & withowtten faile it sall slaa +te wormes & clense +te eghne of many euylles , what so euyll es in +tam . (CMTHORN,10.196) Tak salte (CMTHORN,10.197) & bryn it (CMTHORN,10.198) & do hony +ter-too (CMTHORN,10.199) & temper it to-gedir (CMTHORN,10.200) & doo it in thyn eghne . (CMTHORN,10.201) And after all medcyns for eghne , wasche thyn eghne with water +tat fenell is sothen in . (CMTHORN,10.202) Tak tormentill , rewe , celidon , fenell & ryb , (CMTHORN,10.203) & anoynte thyn eghne with +te jeuse a littill , when +tu gase to +ti bedde . (CMTHORN,10.204) Tak +te rede snyle +tat crepis houseles (CMTHORN,10.205) & sethe it in water (CMTHORN,10.206) & gedir +te fatt +tat comes of +tam (CMTHORN,10.207) & anoynte thyn eghne ther-with (CMTHORN,10.208) or bryn it to powdere on iren or in a pott scarthe (CMTHORN,10.209) & do a littill of +tat powdir to thyn eghne when +tu gase to slepe . (CMTHORN,10.210) Tak a bacyn (CMTHORN,10.211) & scoure it wele (CMTHORN,10.212) & anoynte +te sydis wele with-in with +te larde of a galte (CMTHORN,10.213) & on +te larde anoynte it with hony +tat it gange ouer +te larde all abowte a nynch . (CMTHORN,10.214) Tak +tan a newe pott full of pys (CMTHORN,10.215) & whelme +te bacyn ouer +te pott & latte it stande thre dayes & thre nyghtis . (CMTHORN,10.216) +te fourte day take +te bacyn (CMTHORN,10.217) & , what +tu fyndis +ter-in , do it of clene (CMTHORN,10.218) & gedir it in an ampull of glas or in a cle vrynall (CMTHORN,10.219) & tak a littill (CMTHORN,10.220) & anoynte thyn eghne +ter-with , when +tu gose to thi bedde . (CMTHORN,10.221) After this medcyn , ne after non o+ter , wasche not thyn eghne bot with water +tat fenell is sothen in . (CMTHORN,10.222) Tak celidon (CMTHORN,10.223) & do it in hardes (CMTHORN,10.224) & sythen do it in hate askes (CMTHORN,10.225) & late it sethe +ter-in (CMTHORN,10.226) & +tan draw it owte (CMTHORN,10.227) & wrynge +te jeuse in a bacyn (CMTHORN,10.228) & do it in +te sonne to drye (CMTHORN,10.229) and , when +tu hase to do +ter-with , tak a littill +ter-of (CMTHORN,10.230) & distemper it with ayselle (CMTHORN,10.231) & do a littill in thyn eghne +ter-of . (CMTHORN,10.232) Tak vetoyne (CMTHORN,10.233) & stampe it with water (CMTHORN,10.234) & drynke it ix dayes (CMTHORN,10.235) & it sall dryfe a-waye all +te wikkede humours of +te heued & of +te eghne . (CMTHORN,10.236) Tak May buttre & comyn (CMTHORN,10.237) & stampe +tam samen (CMTHORN,10.238) & laye it on lyne (CMTHORN,10.239) & +tan laye it on +te eghe (CMTHORN,10.240) & ofte anewe it (CMTHORN,10.241) and , when +te bolnynge es swagede , +tan tak safron & womans mylke +tat fedis a knaue childe , if it be to a man , (CMTHORN,10.242) & grynde +tam (CMTHORN,10.243) & droppe in +te sare eghne . (CMTHORN,10.244) Tak +te blode of swalow birdis (CMTHORN,11.246) & anoynte thyn eghne +ter-with (CMTHORN,11.247) & euer mare +tay sall be +te bryghttere . (CMTHORN,11.248) Tak strange vynegre or aysell (CMTHORN,11.249) & do it in a vessell of bras , (CMTHORN,11.250) & +te blak slaes of +te wode & wormode do +ter-with (CMTHORN,11.251) & lat it stand langer couerde (CMTHORN,11.252) and , when nede es , take it to thyn eghne (CMTHORN,11.253) & it sall brek +te web & do a-way +te euyll . (CMTHORN,11.254) Tak ewfrace , a gude porcion , (CMTHORN,11.255) & stampe it wele (CMTHORN,11.256) & wrynge owte +te jewse thorow a clathe . (CMTHORN,11.257) +Tan tak galte grese & als mekill of gose grese & als mekill of henne grese (CMTHORN,11.258) & menge it to-gedir in a panne of bras or in a pott of bras (CMTHORN,11.259) & do +te jewse +ter-to (CMTHORN,11.260) & boyle it wele (CMTHORN,11.261) & stir +te bothome with a rownde staffe (CMTHORN,11.262) & lat it kele (CMTHORN,11.263) & do it in boystes (CMTHORN,11.264) & , when +tu hase nede , do it in thyn eghne a littill , when +tu gase to slepe , to +tu be hale . (CMTHORN,11.265) Tak comyn , pepir , hempsede , of rewe sede , of fenell sede , of ache +tat growes ouer yven , & sal maritimum , of ilkan ylike mekill , (CMTHORN,11.266) & stamp +tam all to powdir (CMTHORN,11.267) & do in thyn eghne +ter-of when +tou gase to thi bedde . (CMTHORN,11.268) Tak bawme & +te jeuse of ewe & hony , of ilkan elyke mekill , (CMTHORN,11.269) & coyle +tam thorowe a clathe (CMTHORN,11.270) & do it in a fyall of glase (CMTHORN,11.271) & with a fethir do it in thyn eghne . (CMTHORN,11.272) Tak +te jeuse of rede wortes & of hesill , elike mekill , (CMTHORN,11.273) & do in a pot of bras (CMTHORN,11.274) & couer it wele (CMTHORN,11.275) & sett it in +te erthe ix dayes (CMTHORN,11.276) & +tan do it in thyn eghne . (CMTHORN,11.277) Tak powdir of brynte pepir (CMTHORN,11.278) & do it in thyn eghne . (CMTHORN,11.279) Tak +te galle of an hare & twa sa mekill hony (CMTHORN,11.280) & temper it to-gedir (CMTHORN,11.281) & anoynte thyn eghne . (CMTHORN,11.282) Ypocras sayse +tat their thynges will gare a man see +te sternes abowte myddaye , +tat is , +te galle of a hare , +te galle of a coke , +te galle of an owle & a littill jewse of fenell & aloe cicotrine +tat suffice & camfire , (CMTHORN,11.283) & mak colore . (CMTHORN,11.284) Feniculus , veruena , rosa , celidonia , ruta , Si pimpernela ditis ewfrasia iuncta , Ex istis fit aqua que reddat lumina acuta . (CMTHORN,11.285) Tak powdir of aloes (CMTHORN,11.286) & do +ter-in a littill . (CMTHORN,11.287) Bot firste wasche it with whit wyne . (CMTHORN,11.288) Tak leues of henebayne (CMTHORN,11.289) sothen in wyne (CMTHORN,11.290) & bray +tam (CMTHORN,11.291) & laye +tam ther-to . (CMTHORN,11.292) Tak mynt (CMTHORN,12.294) & grynde it (CMTHORN,12.295) & lay +ter-to . (CMTHORN,12.296) Tak +te galle of an ele (CMTHORN,12.297) & temper it with hony (CMTHORN,12.298) & do it in +tin eghne . (CMTHORN,12.299) SARE EGHNE SCHEPE LOUSE (CMTHORN,12.301) Tak +te rute of fenkell & vetoyne (CMTHORN,12.303) & sethe +tam in water (CMTHORN,12.304) & wasche thyn eghne +ter-with . (CMTHORN,12.305) Tak daysies & +te whitt of an egge (CMTHORN,12.306) & braye +tam (CMTHORN,12.307) & do it in thyn eghne . (CMTHORN,12.308) Tak ewfrase (CMTHORN,12.309) & stampe it in grese of a gose or of a henne (CMTHORN,12.310) & frye ewfrase (CMTHORN,12.311) & do in a vessell (CMTHORN,12.312) & anoynte thyn eghne . (CMTHORN,12.313) Or tak +te sede of centory (CMTHORN,12.314) & ett it fastande (CMTHORN,12.315) & +tou sall mow at +te nonne to see +te sternes . (CMTHORN,12.316) Tak ewfrase & glair ana , (CMTHORN,12.317) $& wete thorgh a lyn clathe (CMTHORN,12.318) & lay it on thyn eghne all nyghte , (CMTHORN,12.319) for it wil draw owt wikkide homours . (CMTHORN,12.320) Tak +te jewse of tansay or of vetoyne , (CMTHORN,12.321) & wryng thorow a clathe (CMTHORN,12.322) & do +ter-of in thyn eghne . (CMTHORN,12.323) Tak a bryghte bacyn (CMTHORN,12.324) and anoynte it with mylke $& reme , (CMTHORN,12.325) & whelm it ouer a preue iij dayes (CMTHORN,12.326) & sythen clens it (CMTHORN,12.327) & anoynt thyn eghne +ter-with . (CMTHORN,12.328) Tak pepir (CMTHORN,12.329) and bryn it in a clout (CMTHORN,12.330) & stamp it al to powdir (CMTHORN,12.331) & blende it with the merghe of a gose wenge (CMTHORN,12.332) & do +ter-of in thyn eghene . (CMTHORN,12.333) Tak pure glare of an egge & hony & arnement wele grownden & $tempered to-gedir (CMTHORN,12.334) & do to thyn eghne with hardes or lyne . (CMTHORN,12.335) Tak +te jewse of egremon with +te whitt of an egge (CMTHORN,12.336) & blende to-gedir wele (CMTHORN,12.337) & laye to thyn eghne with cotome or clathe . (CMTHORN,12.338) Tak +te rotes of fenell , vetoyne & yven terrestre , (CMTHORN,12.339) & sethe +tam wele in water (CMTHORN,12.340) & do hony in +ter-to (CMTHORN,12.341) & sythen coyl it thorow a clathe (CMTHORN,12.342) & anoynte thyn eghne +ter-with . (CMTHORN,12.343) Tak ewfrase , pympernoll , veruayne , rede fenell , euen porcyon , & halfe +te porcion of rew & celidon , (CMTHORN,12.344) & braye +tam wele in a mortere (CMTHORN,12.345) & welle +tam wele with May buttre clarifiede (CMTHORN,12.346) & do +tam in an erthe pott (CMTHORN,12.347) & couer +tam wele (CMTHORN,12.348) & late +tam rote to +tay be white harede . (CMTHORN,12.349) +Tan do +tat to +te fire (CMTHORN,13.350) & boile it wele (CMTHORN,13.351) & afterwardes drawe it owte thurgh a clathe clene or a canvase (CMTHORN,13.352) & +tan do it to +te fire to it be wele claryfied (CMTHORN,13.353) & +tan do it in boystes . (CMTHORN,13.354) When +tou hase nede to do +ter-with , do it in thyn eghne the montenance of a perle at morne & as mekill at euen . (CMTHORN,13.355) Take +te jewse of rewe or of wormode or of horshoue (CMTHORN,13.356) & do in +te ere (CMTHORN,13.357) & it sall slaa it . (CMTHORN,13.358) SCHEPE-LOUSE EVYLL IN +te MOUTHE HASENESSE TO SYNG HYE CLERE VOYCE (CMTHORN,13.360) Tak +te grene +gerdis of asche (CMTHORN,13.362) & ley +tam ouer a brandreth (CMTHORN,13.363) & mak a fire vnder theym (CMTHORN,13.364) & kepe +te wose +tat rynnes owte at the endes in egge schelles (CMTHORN,13.365) & tak hony (CMTHORN,13.366) & do to +tat wose (CMTHORN,13.367) & do in his ere (CMTHORN,13.368) & late hym ly downn & slepe (CMTHORN,13.369) & do swa thre dayes ilk a day twyse or thrise . (CMTHORN,13.370) Bot do firste in +te hale here anes or twise , in awntour if +ter be oughte qwike in it , (CMTHORN,13.371) & it wil crepe out . (CMTHORN,13.372) Tak a hate hauyr cake (CMTHORN,13.373) & lay it down (CMTHORN,13.374) & lay thyn ere +ter one als $hate als +tu thole it (CMTHORN,13.375) & , if +ter be any schepelouse or any qwikke thynge , it sal sone crepe out . (CMTHORN,13.376) Tak pentafoyloyn , id est quintfoyle , (CMTHORN,13.377) & welle it wele in water (CMTHORN,13.378) & , when it es wele welled , halde thi mouthe ouer +te posenett (CMTHORN,13.379) & stewe +te wele . (CMTHORN,13.380) +Tan take & soupe of +tat lewke water (CMTHORN,13.381) & halde it in thi mouthe to +tat it be kelide (CMTHORN,13.382) & +tan caste it owte (CMTHORN,13.383) & +tan soupe mare (CMTHORN,13.384) & +te thirde tyme do righte swa (CMTHORN,13.385) & vse this thre dayes (CMTHORN,13.386) & +tu sal hafe helpe +ter-of . (CMTHORN,13.387) Tak salte , comyn & pepir , of ilkan ilike mekill , (CMTHORN,13.388) & mak of +tam a powdir (CMTHORN,13.389) & gyff hym to drynke in a sponefull of hate water . (CMTHORN,13.390) This medcyne is profitable , (CMTHORN,13.391) for it is ofte tymms prouede . (CMTHORN,13.392) Tak stalworthe ayselle in a vesselle of bras & jewse of ake appills (CMTHORN,13.393) & do +tam alle to-gedir (CMTHORN,13.394) & late +tam stande lange wele couerde (CMTHORN,13.395) & , when sal be at nyghte , when +te seke sall ga to bedde , +tan do it in his eghne (CMTHORN,13.396) & it sall for-do +te perle & breke +te strynge of +te eghn . (CMTHORN,13.397) SAUE (CMTHORN,67.401) $Here may +tu lere for to make Saue , the wilk es a gude drynke & ane oynment for +te woundis or +te hurtes with-in & with-owtten of +te body of man or woman (CMTHORN,67.403) & it es called Saue . (CMTHORN,67.404) And +te firste by-houes +te to gedir theis herbis +tat are here wretyn : burnette , betoyne , pympernolle , dauk , morsus diaboli , tormentill , crois , bugill , pigill , sinagle , herbe Robert , herb John , herb Wauter , herb yue , cosoud maior , cosoud milnen , consoud petit , crope de cambre , fenell with +te sede rouge , cholet , waranc , mader , spourge , fawethistill , samson , gronswalle , melice , egrymoyn , cheuerfoille , id est wodrofe , violet , playntayne , id est waybred , launcelle , id est ryb , peluette , id est moushere , vesche , floures de genest , id est brome , herb saunce crop , ache petit , auance , crop de rouge runcebrere , lange de cheyn , cynkfoil , milfoil , rouge vrtice , id est nettill rede , flosere , id est strabery wyes , tansay , id est philoga , osmonde . (CMTHORN,67.405) Of all thies herbes tak euen porcion out-tane of madir and of auance , (CMTHORN,67.406) for of +te mader tak als mekill weghte as of twa o+ter bi-fore neuenned . (CMTHORN,67.407) & stamp +tam wele (CMTHORN,67.408) & , when +tay are wele stamped , late +tam riste in a vessell of tre +te space of ten dayes (CMTHORN,67.409) and , after +te x daye es passed , do to thies herbis +te doubill weghte of fresche buttre of Maye (CMTHORN,67.410) & +tan sethe +tam ouer +te fire (CMTHORN,67.411) & late +tam swa sethe to-gedir to +te buttre be halfe wastede . (CMTHORN,67.412) +Tan all warme coille +te confeccion swa boillede thurgh a canvace (CMTHORN,67.413) & afterwarde late it kele (CMTHORN,67.414) & sithen clence it wele with calde water to it be clere clensede (CMTHORN,67.415) & +tan afterwarde tak a galon of gude whitte wyn & a porcyon of gude vynagre (CMTHORN,67.416) & do +tam ouer fire in a clene vesselle (CMTHORN,67.417) & do +ter-in +te coylett wele weschyn (CMTHORN,67.418) & sethe +tam to-gedir to +te wyn & +te vynagre be nere wastede (CMTHORN,67.419) & +tan tak +tam down of +te fire (CMTHORN,67.420) & suffre +tam to kele (CMTHORN,67.421) & sythen gedir vp +tat +tat fletis a-bown (CMTHORN,67.422) & put it in boystes for to safe (CMTHORN,67.423) & gyfe +ter-of to wonded men +tat hase wondis depe & standyng in wondis & bolnynge in wondis (CMTHORN,67.424) & with +tis sal +tu safely hele +tam . (CMTHORN,67.425) & gyff +tam at drynk +ter-of arely at +te morne & late at euen of +te grettnes of a mousfiche . (CMTHORN,67.426) Medcyn +tat is called Gratia Dei , +tat is made on +tis manere : (CMTHORN,68.428) Tak litarge iiij vnces , ceruse iij vnces , roste of a belle of bras ij vnces of vertgres ij vnces , of sarcocol iiij vnces , of mastik , galbanum , ammoniak , of ilkane iiij vnces , with encence iij vnces , of bedellium halfe ane vnce , of pik greke , pik nauill , of +tam ij vnces . (CMTHORN,68.429) All this bi-fore be graythede & boylled in a ponde of oyle de olyue till +tay wax blake (CMTHORN,68.430) & sythen keped wele . (CMTHORN,68.431) This emplaster clenses wondis (CMTHORN,68.432) and sowdis +tam to-gedir (CMTHORN,68.433) & dose owte dede flesche (CMTHORN,68.434) & newe flesche gars grewe . (CMTHORN,68.435) It is a gud heler for brynnand werkes , wondis & kiles , whare so bee . (CMTHORN,68.436) Tak wax , rosen , turbentyn , of ilkan a pounde , of mastik iij vnces , betoyn , of pympernolle , of veruayn , of ilkan a quartron . (CMTHORN,68.437) +Tan stampe thies herbis wele (CMTHORN,68.438) & sethe +tam wele in ij galouns of white wynne or rede vn-to +te thirde party . (CMTHORN,68.439) Afterwarde coyle +tam thorow (CMTHORN,68.440) & saue wele +te coylett fra filthe . (CMTHORN,68.441) +Tan take +ti rosen & thi wax (CMTHORN,68.442) & resolue wele in a clene dowble vessell ouer +te fire & coyl +tam thorow a clathe (CMTHORN,68.443) & caste +tan +tat coylett of gummes to +te coylett of wyne & of gresses (CMTHORN,68.444) & sethe +tam to-gedir vn-to +te wastyng of +te wyne . (CMTHORN,68.445) Aftirwarde tak +tat ilk confeccion saa sothen (CMTHORN,68.446) & do it in a doubill vessell ouer +te fire (CMTHORN,68.447) & do +te mastik pouder +ter-in to +te mastik be resoluede & sythen afterwarde +ti turbentyn (CMTHORN,68.448) & moue it sotely til it be resolued (CMTHORN,68.449) & , as swithe so it be resoluede , tak +te confeccion of +te fire smertly with-owtten duellynge (CMTHORN,68.450) and poure it thurgh a clathe (CMTHORN,68.451) & suffre it to refraide (CMTHORN,68.452) & +tan gedir vpe with clene handis , (CMTHORN,68.453) anoynte with oyle de olyue (CMTHORN,68.454) & safe +ti enplaster wele , (CMTHORN,68.455) for it is gude till alde wondis & to newe & to synows coruen and bristen and till junttours , to hewen flesche , to dede flesche in wondis & till apostymms , of alkyn maner of kankir , festre , venyme & for helle fire , for +te emeraudes & for brokes . (CMTHORN,68.456) +Tis enplaster , it wirkes , (CMTHORN,68.457) it heles , (CMTHORN,68.458) it drawes and helis mare with-in woke +tan all o+ter enplasters dose with-in a monethe . (CMTHORN,68.459) Tak camamyle , wormot , mellilotum . (CMTHORN,68.460) Tak brance vrcyne , wilde malue . (CMTHORN,68.461) Tak ysop , germander , smalach , percell . (CMTHORN,68.462) Tak wilde sauge , fymter , woraunce . (CMTHORN,69.464) Tak mynt , borage , cicory , flour of oxtonge , +tat is longe de beefe . (CMTHORN,69.465) $Here bygynnes +te maner to mak salues & entretis & drynkes & cyroyns to wondis & to all o+ter hurtes of mans body (CMTHORN,69.466) and +te firste for wounde in +te heuede : (CMTHORN,69.467) Tak betoyne (CMTHORN,69.468) & stampe it with alde gres (CMTHORN,69.469) & fry +tam to-gedir (CMTHORN,69.470) & sythen draw it thurgh a clathe (CMTHORN,69.471) & do it appon lyn (CMTHORN,69.472) & lay it on +te wonde (CMTHORN,69.473) & ilk a third daye lay +te white of an egge +ter-on (CMTHORN,69.474) & he sall waresche sone . (CMTHORN,69.475) Tak wormot & stayncroppe ana , (CMTHORN,69.476) & bray +tam (CMTHORN,69.477) & boyl +tam in vynagre (CMTHORN,69.478) & do +ter-to whete branne (CMTHORN,69.479) & lay to +te sare . (CMTHORN,69.480) Tak pugill , bugill , herb Robert , auance , red cale , tansay , hemp croppes ana , (CMTHORN,69.481) & tak of madir als mekill as of all +te o+ter herbis , (CMTHORN,69.482) & do +ter-to ambros , burnet & +te crispe malue (CMTHORN,69.483) & , if +ter be bane broken & +tu dare noghte serche it +git , gyf hym +tis to drynke : (CMTHORN,69.484) Tak the wort tansay , hemp croppes , horse mynt , rede nettill , brere croppes & als mekill mader as of all +te o+ter herbes . (CMTHORN,69.485) Stamp +tam samen (CMTHORN,69.486) & sethe +tam in white wyne (CMTHORN,69.487) & gyf it hym at drynk (CMTHORN,69.488) & , if it come owte at +te wounde & he caste nott , +tan it is a takyn +tat he sal lyfe . (CMTHORN,69.489) +Tan gare serche +te wonde (CMTHORN,69.490) & schaue +te broken banes qwayntely +tat +tu tame nott +te tay of +te harnnes (CMTHORN,69.491) & , if it blede faste , wipe softely with softe lyne (CMTHORN,69.492) & syne tak softe lyne & wympill to-gedir (CMTHORN,69.493) & lay it ouer +te wonde (CMTHORN,69.494) & tak whete flour wele boltede (CMTHORN,69.495) & strewe on +te clowte +tat lygges on +te wonde . (CMTHORN,69.496) & after +tat late a woman +tat fedis a knafe childe , if it be a man +tat is woundide , mylke hir pappes softely on +te mele +tat is strewed on +te cloute +ter-on & strewe it with flour , as +tu dide +te to+ter , & of +te mylk till it be euen with +te flesche , (CMTHORN,69.497) & hille +te heuede (CMTHORN,69.498) & late it be stille til on +te morn . (CMTHORN,69.499) +Tan vnhill +te hede softely (CMTHORN,69.500) & , if +tu fynde +ter-aboun as it were a burbill +tat standes on +te water when it raynnes , +tan is it a sygne of dede (CMTHORN,69.501) & , if +tu see bi-fore his tay als it ware a spynnande webbe or rede , +tat is taken +tat +te ryme of +te hernes es broken (CMTHORN,69.502) & it is a sygne of hasty dede . (CMTHORN,69.503) & , if +ter be many of thir sygnes , gyf hym ilk day twis at drynk , anes at morne , ano+ter tym at euen , +tis drynk . (CMTHORN,70.504) Gars broken banes come owte (CMTHORN,70.505) & clenses +te ryme of +te hernes of blode (CMTHORN,70.506) & heles +te wonde , (CMTHORN,70.507) and , if it be swa broken +tat men by-houes do +ter-in masere , late +tan wele rounge +te broken of +te heuede als bi-fore it is said (CMTHORN,70.508) & sett +ter-in a pese of maser (CMTHORN,70.509) & anoynt it with +tis oynement after wretyn . (CMTHORN,70.510) Tak pulioll montane , baynwort , ambrose , rib , bubill , seterib , celidoun , cheuerfoill , rede nettill , lekes , ache , waybrede , morell , tansay , & betoyn , of ilkane ilike mekill , (CMTHORN,70.511) & stamp +tam wele samen with swyne gres fresche & fre rekills , a lytill hony , vyrgyn wax , (CMTHORN,70.512) & , when all thir thynges ere wele stampede samen , do +tam in a clene bacyne or in a pan (CMTHORN,70.513) & do +ter-to white wyn (CMTHORN,70.514) & +tan lat it stande all a daye & a nyghte (CMTHORN,70.515) & on +te morne do it vn-to +te fire (CMTHORN,70.516) & sethe it wele (CMTHORN,70.517) & gyf it gude walmes . (CMTHORN,70.518) Syne tak it doune (CMTHORN,70.519) and drawe it thorowe a clathe (CMTHORN,70.520) & do it vp (CMTHORN,70.521) & , +ter-whils it is oghte sare , anoynt it +ter-with (CMTHORN,70.522) & it sall hele full wele . (CMTHORN,70.523) Tak a handfull of malues and a handfull of wormot & a handfull of mugwort , (CMTHORN,70.524) & stamp +tam samen full small , (CMTHORN,70.525) & tak iiij vnces of +te flour of whete & iij vnces of hony & rede wyn (CMTHORN,70.526) & tak iij vnces of galte gres (CMTHORN,70.527) & do +te hony in a panne (CMTHORN,70.528) & scome it (CMTHORN,70.529) & do +ter-in +te gres (CMTHORN,70.530) & mak it to welle hate (CMTHORN,70.531) & syne mak it in a playster (CMTHORN,70.532) & lay it alle warme on +te heuede . (CMTHORN,70.533) Tak +te heuedis of lekes with alle +te fases (CMTHORN,70.534) & stampe +tam (CMTHORN,70.535) & do +te woyse in +te wonde . (CMTHORN,70.536) & tak lyne (CMTHORN,70.537) & mak a tent (CMTHORN,70.538) & wete it in +te woyse (CMTHORN,70.539) & putt it +ter-in . (CMTHORN,70.540) & tak +te substance of +te lekes at +te jus was wrongen thurgh (CMTHORN,70.541) & lay it appon (CMTHORN,70.542) & bynde it +ter-to . (CMTHORN,70.543) Do +tis plaster iij dayes to , (CMTHORN,70.544) bot remowe it noghte bot ilk a daye anes , (CMTHORN,70.545) & , after +te iij day , tak whete mele & gude wyn (CMTHORN,70.546) & do whitte sayme +ter-to (CMTHORN,70.547) & welle wele to-gedir . (CMTHORN,70.548) +Tan tak a lyn clathe & do ij falde or thre or a pece of white lethir (CMTHORN,70.549) & do +tin enplaster +ter-on (CMTHORN,70.550) & lay it ouer +te wonde (CMTHORN,70.551) & do so ilk a daye (CMTHORN,70.552) and gif hym at drynke thir iij gresses with a littill ale : pigill , bugill & sanigle . (CMTHORN,71.553) & , when he hase dronken +tam , +tay will come owt at +te wonde & clence it with-in & hele it wele with-owtten . (CMTHORN,71.554) Tak larde (CMTHORN,71.555) & mak sayme +ter-of and tak hony & wyne & rye mele (CMTHORN,71.556) & sethe +tam to-gedir (CMTHORN,71.557) & do +tam on a clathe (CMTHORN,71.558) & lay it +ter-to (CMTHORN,71.559) & it sal clence it & hele it . (CMTHORN,71.560) Or tak centory (CMTHORN,71.561) & mak poudir +ter-of (CMTHORN,71.562) & strewe it on +te wonde (CMTHORN,71.563) & it sal hele it . (CMTHORN,71.564) Or take +te jus of ache & +te whitte of an egge & +te flour of whete & pouder of rekills ana , (CMTHORN,71.565) & menge +tam to-gedir so +tat it be thik (CMTHORN,71.566) & do it one +te wonde (CMTHORN,71.567) & remewe it ilk daye anes . (CMTHORN,71.568) Tak betoyn a handfull , comfory a handfull , madir , baynwort a handfull , of hemp sede ij vnces . (CMTHORN,71.569) Stamp all to-gedir wele & small . (CMTHORN,71.570) Tak +tan a quartron of white wyn & a quartron of water (CMTHORN,71.571) & do all in a pott ouer +te fire (CMTHORN,71.572) & sethe it into +te halfe (CMTHORN,71.573) & coyle it thrugh a clathe (CMTHORN,71.574) & drynk ilk a day a mese at +te morne & at +te euen (CMTHORN,71.575) & lay a brere lefe to +te wonde . (CMTHORN,71.576) Tak comfery , marygolde , matfelon , millfoile , auance , +te white rute of +te walwort , baynworte , cerfoil , herb Robert , ambrose , maro+gl , pelwet , rede dok , polipodi & celidon ana , & of mader halfe +te weghte of all +tir o+ter herbis . (CMTHORN,71.577) Sethe +tam in ale or in wyn (CMTHORN,71.578) & drynke +tam morne & euen . (CMTHORN,71.579) Do as it es said by-fore . (CMTHORN,71.580) Tak +te rede nettill , rede cale , pympernoll , cerfoill , mynt , porret , tansay , aueroyn , bugill , sanigle , waraunce . (CMTHORN,71.581) Now here bene +te wertus of thies herbes : (CMTHORN,71.582) +te nettill & +te rede cale suffers noghte +te wonde hele . (CMTHORN,71.583) Of thies herbes tak a pounde . (CMTHORN,71.584) Mynt & porret , +tat swages werke in wondes . (CMTHORN,71.585) +Ter-of tak halfe a pounde . (CMTHORN,71.586) Bugill & sanegle haldes +te wondes fra perell . (CMTHORN,71.587) +Ter-of tak a pound . (CMTHORN,71.588) Pympernolle , cerfoill & waraunce ledis +te drynke in-to +te wounde . (CMTHORN,71.589) Of +tam tak halfe als mekill als of all +te to+ter herbes . (CMTHORN,71.590) +Tan stampe +tam in a mortere (CMTHORN,71.591) & mak smalle balles of thaym , of +te mekilnes of a doufe egge , (CMTHORN,71.592) & do +tam vp to drye fra +te wynde & +te sonne . (CMTHORN,71.593) Tak auance , tansay , egrymoyn , hemp croppes , ony+gone sede , rede cale croppes , ambros , matfelon & als mekill mader as of thre of theis o+ter herbes , (CMTHORN,72.595) & stamp +tam to-gedir (CMTHORN,72.596) & drynke +tam . (CMTHORN,72.597) Tak auance , comfery , +garow , croppes of hempe , tansay , rede cale , aueroyn , & mader als mekill as halfe thies o+ter herbes , (CMTHORN,72.598) and syne stamp +tam (CMTHORN,72.599) & mak +tam in balles (CMTHORN,72.600) & do +tam vp to drye . (CMTHORN,72.601) Tak waybrede , rib , violett , auances , cropp of +te rede brere , matfelon , herb Robert , tansay , betoyn , milfoille , comfery , baynewort , of ilkane ilike mekill , & of +te rote of mader agayn all thies o+ter herbes . (CMTHORN,72.602) Stampe +tam all (CMTHORN,72.603) & mak pelottes of +tam (CMTHORN,72.604) & dry +tam in the sonne or in +te wynde (CMTHORN,72.605) & drynk +tam in wynnter . (CMTHORN,72.606) Tak a pound of virgyn wax , a pounde of olibanum , a pounde of encruce of +te ere , a pound of ditayne , a pound of playntayn , a pound of jubarbe , a pound of littill consoude , a pound of milfoille & a pound of watercresses . (CMTHORN,72.607) Tak thies gresses (CMTHORN,72.608) & stampe +tam ilkan by $hym ane (CMTHORN,72.609) & temper +tam with wyn (CMTHORN,72.610) & late +tam rest a nyghte (CMTHORN,72.611) & on +te morn do +tam in a pott ouer +te fire (CMTHORN,72.612) & late +tam welle wele (CMTHORN,72.613) & syne tak it doun (CMTHORN,72.614) & drawe it thorow a clene clathe . (CMTHORN,72.615) Tak herb John , herb Robert , bugill , pigill , milfoille , consoude , playntayne , auance , (CMTHORN,72.616) of all thies herbis tak +te jus , & wax & pik & a littill gres , (CMTHORN,72.617) & mak syroyn . (CMTHORN,72.618) To all kyles & wondis it is gude . (CMTHORN,72.619) Tak +te firste iij dayes (CMTHORN,72.620) & lay +ter-to noghte bot lyne & +te white of an egge (CMTHORN,72.621) & chaunge it morne & euen . (CMTHORN,72.622) & +tan tak ix stalkes of gronswale with +te rotes & v of spourge with +te rutes & als many croppes of +te rede brere , (CMTHORN,72.623) & stampe all wele to-gedir with a sawcerfull of hony , (CMTHORN,72.624) +tan wrynge owte all +te jus thurgh a clene clathe (CMTHORN,72.625) & do it in a clene pane ouer +te fire (CMTHORN,72.626) & boile it a whalme . (CMTHORN,72.627) & +tan tak it doun (CMTHORN,72.628) & stop +ter-in iij dices of whete brede (CMTHORN,72.629) & gif hym thase thre at euen , when he gase to his bedde . (CMTHORN,72.630) & do so with ilk a sirope & brede viij dayes or ix . (CMTHORN,72.631) And when +tu sees +tat +te wounde es wele rotyn & whelis whitoure faire , tak +tan iij stalkes of gronswalle & v of spourge & fyue of brere croppe (CMTHORN,73.632) & stamp +tam (CMTHORN,73.633) & mak thi syrope als +tu dide bi-fore (CMTHORN,73.634) & dice it with brede stoppede +ter-in morne till +tat it be hale (CMTHORN,73.635) & lay not to +te wonde bot firste smalle lyn +ter-on & a brere leffe +ter-on abouen or a rede cale lefe (CMTHORN,73.636) & luk ay +tat he ette no gowttous mettes . (CMTHORN,73.637) He +tat will mak littill syrone , tak gud fresche schepe talghe , virgyn wax , pik nauale , galbanum . (CMTHORN,73.638) Gare +tam boyle welle (CMTHORN,73.639) & styrre +tam softely (CMTHORN,73.640) & do a littill wyn +ter-in . (CMTHORN,73.641) Syne tak mirre & olibanum and powdir of mastike (CMTHORN,73.642) & do +te foresaid thynges +ter-in (CMTHORN,73.643) & lat +tam boile wele , (CMTHORN,73.644) bot luk +tat +tay be wele stirrede . (CMTHORN,73.645) +Tis syroyn is ful gude . (CMTHORN,73.646) Tak a handfull of savyn & a handfull of sauge & a handfull of rewe & a handfull of tansay , (CMTHORN,73.647) & stamp +tam wele to-gedir (CMTHORN,73.648) & sethe +tam wele in oyle of olyue (CMTHORN,73.649) & do wax & swyn grese +ter-to fresche & powder of mastik (CMTHORN,73.650) & do all to-gedir (CMTHORN,73.651) & mak ane oynement +ter-of . (CMTHORN,73.652) Tak celydoyn rotes & of gouke flores with +te leues , centrum galli , wild louache , of ilkan a handefull , scabius , a handfull . (CMTHORN,73.653) Thies herbis stampe wele with a pounde of schepe talghe & a pounde of olyue (CMTHORN,73.654) & , when +tay are wele stampede , do +tam to-gedir (CMTHORN,73.655) & lat +tam riste vij dayes or viij (CMTHORN,73.656) & syne sethe +tam in a vesselle ouer +te fire to +te gresses falle to +te grounde (CMTHORN,73.657) & syne coyle +tam thorow a clathe (CMTHORN,73.658) & do +tat ilk coylett in a caldron (CMTHORN,73.659) & do +ter-to iij vnces of wax in somer , in wynter ij vnces , (CMTHORN,73.660) & , when all es molten , caste in-to +tam pouder of olybane , mastik & vertgrese & of ilkane halfe ane vnce . (CMTHORN,73.661) Bot , or +tu do in the vertgres , proue +tam halfe to-gedir (CMTHORN,73.662) & loke if +tay change colour so +tat it wax grene . (CMTHORN,73.663) Do it fra +te fire (CMTHORN,73.664) & caste +ter-in an vnce of aloen epatik pouderd & in oyle resolued (CMTHORN,73.665) & menge al togedir . (CMTHORN,73.666) +Tis oynement is gud for all wondis & to gedir new flesche , (CMTHORN,73.667) & fordose dede flesche . (CMTHORN,73.668) Tak galt gres , hony , & oyle of nuttes , (CMTHORN,73.669) & do +ter-to +te jus of chesseboll croppes grene with all +te sede & +te jus of rew & waybrede . (CMTHORN,73.670) Sethe wele +te jewses of thiese herbis all samen (CMTHORN,73.671) & mak thi salfe wele +ter-of (CMTHORN,73.672) & syne coyle it (CMTHORN,73.673) & do it in boystes . (CMTHORN,73.674)