Ecce uenit rex occurramus obuiam Saluatori nostro . (CMTRINIT,3.5)
To dai is cumen +de holie tid +tat me clepe+d aduent . (CMTRINIT,3.6)
+tanked be ure louerd ihesu crist $+te $hit {TEXT:+tit} haue+d isend .
And hit laste+d +tre wuke fulle and sum del more . (CMTRINIT,3.8)
Et significat tria tempora . ante legem . subb lege . sub gratia .
and bitocne+d +tre time . On +te was bi-fore +te olde lage .
+te o+der was on +te holde lage . (CMTRINIT,3.11)
and +te +tridde was on +te newe lage . (CMTRINIT,3.12)
Men +te waren $wunende {TEXT:wunede} on elche of +tese +trie times
wisten gerne after ure lauerd ihesu cristes tocume alse we do+d . +te
ben on +tesse +tre wuken ; +te ben cleped aduent . +tat is seggen on
englis ure louerd ihesu cristes tocume . (CMTRINIT,3.13)
Aduentus autem duo sunt manifesti . et totidem occulti .
Ure louerd ihesu cristes tocumes ; ben tweien openliche .
+te fireste is gon . +to +te patriarkes and +te prophetes and o+dre men
+te waren bi +to dages after wisseden . (CMTRINIT,3.16)
And +tat o+der tocume be+d on domes dai . (CMTRINIT,3.17)
and +tat we abiden . And alle +to ; +te habben ben se+den ure louerd
ihesu crist steh to heuene . (CMTRINIT,3.18)
And alle +to +te ben tocumen her after abide+d his tocume .
And of +te firste tocume speke+d +te holi boc +tus que+dende . Ecce
uenit rex et cetera . (CMTRINIT,3.20)
here cume+d ure king . (CMTRINIT,3.21)
wule we fare togenes him . (CMTRINIT,3.22)
and him faire understonden . (CMTRINIT,3.23)
and heiliche wur+die . (CMTRINIT,3.24)
s . cordis mundicia . oris modestia . operis sanctimonia . +tat
is fare togenes him . $noht lichanliche . ac on gode +tanke . and
understonden him on ure e+dele bede . and wur+dsupen him ; on ure edie
dede . (CMTRINIT,5.25)
Of +de lateste to-cume spec+d +te holie boc on o+der stede +tus
que+dende . Ecce dominus ueniet et omnes sancti eius cum eo .
Ure louerd wile cume . and alle hise halegen mid him . (CMTRINIT,5.27)
+tat be+d on domes dai . (CMTRINIT,5.28)
Tweien o+der tocumes ben bo+de iliche . (CMTRINIT,5.29)
Altero uisitat quando mentium tenebras illuminat . uel caritatem
cordibus infundit . (CMTRINIT,5.30)
+tat o+der tocume is +tane he cume+d to men and turne+d his herte to
forleten and hatien his senne . and to luuien god ; and al his
emcristen . (CMTRINIT,5.31)
and +tis tocume we bidden +tane we singen . Ueni domine uisitare nos in
pace . (CMTRINIT,5.32)
Cum louerd (CMTRINIT,5.33)
and biwind us on seihtnesse . (CMTRINIT,5.34)
Altero uenit rapere quemque de miseriis huius uite . (CMTRINIT,5.35)
+tat o+der digeliche tocume beo+d ; +tane he cume+d to elch man
sunderlupes . (CMTRINIT,5.36)
and do+d ut of +tisse worelde . (CMTRINIT,5.37)
and of +tis tocume spec+d ure helende seluen on +te holie godspelle .
and muneged us alle to ben warre +tarof ; (CMTRINIT,5.39)
and +tus que+d . Uigilate quia nescitis diem neque horam . +tat is be+d
wakiende . and forlete+d gure synne . +tat ge ne ben ifunden on sunne .
and swo forlorene . (CMTRINIT,5.40)
Horum autem aduentum alius fuit misericordie ; et ideo desiderabilis .
alius erit iusticie ; et ideo formidabilis . alius separationis ; et
horridus . alius gratie ; et blandus . (CMTRINIT,5.41)
Of ure louerd ihesu cristes openliche tocume . +te forme was of
mildhertnesse . (CMTRINIT,5.42)
and alle bileffulle men +te waren +to ; and +dar biforen wissede swi+de
+dar after . (CMTRINIT,5.43)
and +duhte long er he come . and alesede hem eche dea+de .
+tat o+der openliche tocume . +tat is te cumen a domes dei ; be+d of
rihtwisnesse . (CMTRINIT,5.45)
for +tanne he wile +dere gelden elch man his hwile mid swilch mede swo
he ernede here . (CMTRINIT,5.46)
and +tat tocume is swi+de $eisliche . (CMTRINIT,5.47)
for +tanne be+d noman siker ; ar he ihere +tat lufliche word of ure
louerd ihesu cristes swete mu+de . (CMTRINIT,5.48)
Venite benedicti patris mei et cetera . (CMTRINIT,5.49)
Cume+d ge ibletsede . (CMTRINIT,5.50)
and underfo+d eche lif . and blisse mid englen of heuene . +tat is
giarked si+den +te biginninge of +tes woreld . (CMTRINIT,5.51)
to +te o+der wur+d iseid +tat lo+deliche word . and ateliche . and
grisliche . +tat is to synfulle . (CMTRINIT,5.52)
Ite maledicti in ignem eternum . (CMTRINIT,5.53)
Wite+d ge awariede gastes into +tat eche fir on helle . (CMTRINIT,5.54)
and wunie+d +tar ; o and o abuten ende . mid alle deflen .
Eftsone ure helendes on tocume +tinc+d dieliche and grisliche alle
manne . (CMTRINIT,7.56)
Forwi ; (CMTRINIT,7.57)
for +tat he dele+d +te sowle ; and +te lichame . +tanne he wit of
+tisse woreld . (CMTRINIT,7.58)
His o+der dieliche tocume is softe . and swi+de milde . and licwur+de
alle +to ; +te he to cume+d . for to aleomen hem of rihte bileue . and
of so+d luue to him seluen . (CMTRINIT,7.59)
Swo cume he to us ; for his muchele mildhertnesse . (CMTRINIT,7.60)
Qui uiuit et Regnat . (CMTRINIT,7.61)
Hora est iam nos de sompno surgere et cetera . (CMTRINIT,7.66)
+Te lauerd sainte powel +te is heued lor+deau of alle holie chirechen
bihield +tis wreche woreld . (CMTRINIT,7.67)
and sagh +tat mast mannen ladden here lif on sunnen . and +tat hem
likede here lodliche sinnes . alse werie men is lief to slapen .
and him +tat sore reu . (CMTRINIT,7.69)
and +tarfore +toghte +tat he wolde alle synfulle men ; munigin to
rihtlachen here liflode . for to forleten and to beten heore synnes .
and wrot +to a writ ; (CMTRINIT,7.71)
and sende hit synfulle men . (CMTRINIT,7.72)
and +taron wi+d hem +tus spec . (CMTRINIT,7.73)
and dude him seluen mid hem +taron ; alse +teih he sunful ware .
Hora est iam nos . et cetera . (CMTRINIT,7.75)
longe we habben lein on ure fule synnes . and swoldred +taron ; alse
slou man do+d on swete slape . (CMTRINIT,7.76)
Ac nu hit is time . +tat we rise $+tarof . and clensen us of ure fule
synnes . and after +tat ure lif laden on clennesse . and swo abiden ure
helendes tocume . +tat neihlache+d nu+de fram dei to daie . and be+d on
midewintres niht . (CMTRINIT,7.77)
+tus he spec+d wi+d us on stede ; in his holie write . (CMTRINIT,7.78)
and o+der stede minege+d us . and wisse+t us to leden ure lif on
clennesse ; (CMTRINIT,7.79)
and +tus que+d . Sobrie et iuste . et pie uiuamus in hoc seculo .
Wile we leden ure lif on +tisse worelde me+deliche togenes us suluen .
+tat we +tenchen and que+den . and do +tat ure sowle and ure lichame be
biheue . (CMTRINIT,7.81)
and forlaten al +tat hem be+d unbiheue ; alse +te wise clerc seide on
his boc . +tus que+dende . Si prodesse cupis tibi que sint
commoda quere . (CMTRINIT,9.82)
Gif +tu gierne waxest on godnesse ; sech after +ting +te +de be+d
biheue . (CMTRINIT,9.83)
Ure lif we lede+d richtliche togenes ure louerd ihesu crist . gif we
forbere+d al +tat ; +tat him is unqueme . and folge+d on +tonke and on
speche . and on dede ; +tat him is iqueme . (CMTRINIT,9.84)
Qui placet ipse deo proximus esse potest . (CMTRINIT,9.85)
+te man mai be god next . +te him be+d iqueme . (CMTRINIT,9.86)
Tegenes ure emcristene we sulle laden ure lif ; edmodeliche on two wise
. (CMTRINIT,9.87)
On is +tat +te holie boc of spech+d . +tus que+dende . Da egenti .
succurre non habenti et in omni necessitate pro Christo suoueni .
Gief +te nedfulle . (CMTRINIT,9.89)
help +te hauelease . (CMTRINIT,9.90)
and on alle wise bet +tin emcristene nede . (CMTRINIT,9.91)
Eximi nostri omnes quibus est unus dominus . una fides . unum baptisma
. (CMTRINIT,9.92)
Vre emcristene ben alle +to ; +te here+d one louerd . and haue+d one
bileue imene . and one fulcninge . (CMTRINIT,9.93)
On swilch liflode we mugen trustliche abiden ure louerd ihesu cristes
tocume . and siker ben ; +tat he wile to us cume . and weren us mid
$wi+d ure dea+dliche liue . and wi+d eche wowe . and gieuen us eche
wele mid him seluen on heuene . (CMTRINIT,9.94)
Qui uiuit et Regnat . (CMTRINIT,9.95)
Nox precessit dies autem appropinquabit . (CMTRINIT,9.99)
Hure heiest lor+deu after ure louerd ihesu crist . +tat is ure louerd
sainte powel . munege+d us to rihtlechen ur liflode . (CMTRINIT,9.100)
and wisse+d us on wilche wise . (CMTRINIT,9.101)
and sei+d +tat we hauen riht +tarto ; (CMTRINIT,9.102)
and sei+d hwu +tus que+dende . Nox precessit . dies autem et cetera .
+De niht is for+d-gon ; (CMTRINIT,9.104)
and dei neihleche+d . (CMTRINIT,9.105)
and for+ti hit is riht +tat we forleten . and forsaken nihtliche deden
. +to ben +te werkes of +tiesternesse . and scruden us mid wapnen of
lihte . +tat be+d so+dfeste bileue . and of brihtnesse . swo +tat we
gon a dei bicumeliche . Non in commessationibus et ebrietatibus
non in cubilibus et inpudicitiis non in contentione et emulatione . sed
in horum oppositis . And $noht on derke wedes . (CMTRINIT,11.106)
ac her we seien eow of +tese derke wedes . wet +te holie apostle mene+d
; +to he nemnede niht . and niehtes dede . and dai . and leochtes wapne
. (CMTRINIT,11.107)
Nox accipitur multis modis . sed hic pro infidelitate .
Niht bitocne+d her unbileue . +tat is aiware aleid . (CMTRINIT,11.109)
and rihte leue arered (CMTRINIT,11.110)
gode+donc . (CMTRINIT,11.111)
and na+deles get is sume +tarfore of unbileue ifild on one stede . and
swo faste bunden . and swo biwunde +tarinne . +tat no prest . ne no
bissop ne mai him chastien ; ne mid forbode . ne mid scrifte . ne mid
cursinge . (CMTRINIT,11.112)
and +tat is li+der custume . +tat man leue+d get . (CMTRINIT,11.113)
and +tat is after clepenge . and ascinge . and uncunne . and warienge .
and handselne . and time . and hwate . and fele swilche deueles craftes
. (CMTRINIT,11.114)
and +tat wreche man . +tat swilche +ting him mai letten ; of +tat +te
god him haue+d munt . (CMTRINIT,11.115)
Ac alle +to +te leue+d +tat swilch +ting hem muge fur+drie o+der letten
; ben cursed of godes mu+de . +te +dus sei+d on +te holie boc .
Maledictus homo qui confidit in homine . (CMTRINIT,11.116)
Cursed be +te man +te leue+d upen hwate . (CMTRINIT,11.117)
Ac ich wile segen undernime+d hit . hwat make+d swilch letten .
we rade+d on boc . +tat elch man haue+d to fere on engel of heuene ; on
his rihthalf . +tat him wisse+d . and munege+d eure to don god . and on
his lifthalf an wereged gost . +tat him aure tache+d to ufele .
and +tat is +te deuel . (CMTRINIT,11.120)
he make+d +te unbilefulle man to leuen swilche wigeles ; swo ich ar
embe spac . (CMTRINIT,11.121)
and +tare mide he him bicher+d . (CMTRINIT,11.122)
and binime+d him heuene wele . (CMTRINIT,11.123)
and bringe+d him on helle wowe . (CMTRINIT,11.124)
crist us +tarwi+d silde . (CMTRINIT,11.125)
and healde us rihte bileue . and elch man +te hit haue+d .
and geue hine +to +te hit naue+d nocht . (CMTRINIT,11.127)
+De werc of +testernesse ; +tat ben alle heuie sennen . and swilche
o+dre so +te apostle her nemde . alse ben oueretes . and untimeliche
eten alehuse . and at ferme . and at feste . and masthwat at ilche
la+de+d metisupe . (CMTRINIT,11.128)
For +tar man ne can his mu+des me+de . ne cunnen nele . ne his wombe
met . (CMTRINIT,11.129)
and +teih he cunne of mete ; he nele cunne of drinke . er he be swo
iueid +tat he falle defle to honde . (CMTRINIT,11.130)
+De +tridde is +tat man sitte an euen at drinke . and ligge longe a
moregen . and slawliche arise+d . and late to chireche go+d .
+Dat feor+de is unrihte luue . +tat is hordom . and mid-liggunge
+te men drigen bi-twenen hem ; bute gef he ben lageliche bispusede +tat
is unriht and untimeliche . and mid unsel+de ; (CMTRINIT,13.132)
for hordom ne haue+d non time ne scule . (CMTRINIT,13.133)
ac is defles hersumpnesse . (CMTRINIT,13.134)
Ne for+de gef man haue+d to done mid his rihte spuse on unsele . o+der
an untime +tan man faste sal . O+der halgen . he sinege+d gretliche .
for +te holie boc hit forbet . (CMTRINIT,13.136)
+tat fifte is chest and chew . and twifold speche and ilch fliting of
worde . (CMTRINIT,13.137)
+Dat sixte is +tat man egge+d his negebure to done o+der to speken him
harm . o+der same . and haue+d ni+d elch wi+d o+der . and make+d him to
forlese his aihte . o+der of his rihte . (CMTRINIT,13.138)
+tese ben +te six werkes of +testernesse . +te +te holie apostle
for-bet so swi+de . (CMTRINIT,13.139)
For elch man +te hem do+d ; bute he hem forlete . and bete ar his ende
dai ; he sal forlesen eche liht . and blisse and lif . and hauen an
helle eche pine . and +testernesse mid deflen . (CMTRINIT,13.140)
crist us +tare wi+d silde gef is wille be . (CMTRINIT,13.141)
+De dei +te +te apostle of spec+d is ure rihte bileue . +tat is ure
sowle liht . (CMTRINIT,13.142)
+te wapnes of his lihte ben six werkes of brihtnesse . +te hatten +tus
. Temperancia . Modica potio . Strenuitas . Continencia . Per inuicem
oratio . Inuicem dilectio . (CMTRINIT,13.143)
+Det foremeste is riht medeme mel . (CMTRINIT,13.144)
+te man +te hit me+de+d riht . +te sune+d ale+d gestninge . and idel
wil . (CMTRINIT,13.145)
and haue+d riht mel tid . (CMTRINIT,13.146)
and nutte+d timeliche metes . (CMTRINIT,13.147)
and geme+d his mu+des me+de . and of his wombe mete . (CMTRINIT,13.148)
+Dat oder is emliche drinke . naht for te quenchen his lu+dere wil . ne
his lust . +te miswune haue+d on broht ; ac for to beten his $+turstes
nede . (CMTRINIT,13.149)
+De +dridde is +tat man be waker . and liht . and snel . and seli . and
erliche rise . and gernliche seche chireche . (CMTRINIT,13.150)
+Dat feor+de is . +tat man +te spuse haue+d . his golliche deden
wi+d-teo swo hit be untime . and +to +te be+d unbispused ; forleten mid
alle . (CMTRINIT,13.151)
+Dat fifte is . +tat elch man for o+der bidde ; alse for him seluen .
+Dat sixte is . +tat elch man luuie o+der al swo alse him seluen .
+teih he swo swi+de ne muge . (CMTRINIT,13.153)
Ista sex opera dicuntur et uestes et arma . Vestes ; quia nos ornant
apud deum . et homines . Arma ; quia nos muniunt apud hostes .
+Dese six werkes of brictnesse . ben cleped lihtes scrud . for +tat hie
sru+de+d and huihted togenes gode . and togenes manne elch +te hie do+d
. (CMTRINIT,13.155)
and ec he ben nemned lichtes wapne . (CMTRINIT,13.156)
for elch man +te hes do+d were+d him seluen +tarmide wi+d
mankinnes unwine . (CMTRINIT,15.157)
+De lauerd sainte poul +te us lare+d +tus . and munege+d us to forleten
+te six werkes of +testernesse . +te bilige to nihte . and to done +te
six dede . +te ich later nemnede +te bilige to brihtnesse . he +tingie
us to +te holie fader of heuene . +tat he geue us mihte and streng+de
to forletene +testernesse . and to folgie brictnesse .
Qui uiuit et Regnat . (CMTRINIT,15.159)
IV . {COM:Lambeth_Homily_VII} CREDO . (CMTRINIT,15.161)
Tria sunt hominum saluti necessaria . scilicet fides . baptismus uite
mundicia . De fide aft dominus in euangelio . Qui non crediderit
condempnabitur . Et sapiens ait . Sine fide inpossibile est homini
placere deo . De baptismo autem dicit dominus in euangelio . Nisi quis
renatus fuerit ex aqua et spiritu sancto et cetera . De uite mundicia
dicit dominus per prophetam . Lauamini mundi estote . Et in psalmo .
Declina malo et fac bonum . Et apostolus . Immundicia nec nominetur in
uobis cupientibus igitur consequi salutem . Insinuandum est que sit
fides catholica . et que sit debita baptismo custodia . et que dei
mandatorum obseruantia . i . uite mundicia . Et primo que sit fidei
doctrina in simboli serie contenta . (CMTRINIT,15.163)
+Dre +ting ben +tat elch man habben mot . +te wile his cristendom leden
. (CMTRINIT,15.164)
+tat on is rihte bileue . (CMTRINIT,15.165)
+tat o+der is fulohtninge . +te +dridde +te faire liflode .
and he nis naht fulliche cristene . +tat is ani wane of +tese +trie .
Of +te bileue spec+d ure louerd ihesu crist on +te holie godspelle .
+tus que+dende . Qui non crediderit condempnabitur . (CMTRINIT,15.168)
+De man +te ne haue+d rihte bileue on him . he be+d dempd to +tolie
wowe mid deflen on helle . (CMTRINIT,15.169)
Of +te fulcninge he spec+d on o+der stede . on +te godspelle .
and sei+d . Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex aqua et cetera .
Ne mai noman cume to godes riche . bute he be fulcned .
Of clene liflade spec+d ysaias +te prophete +tus que+dende . Lauamini
mundi estote . (CMTRINIT,17.174)
wasse+d geu (CMTRINIT,17.175)
and wunie+d clene . (CMTRINIT,17.176)
and daui+d in +te salter boc . A delicto meo munda me domine .
Clense me louerd of mine synnes . (CMTRINIT,17.178)
Et alibi . Asperges me domine ysopo et cetera . (CMTRINIT,17.179)
Bispreng me mid edmodnesse louerd (CMTRINIT,17.180)
+tanne be ich clene . (CMTRINIT,17.181)
Ac for +tat elch man be+d on fulcninge of alle synnen . and ogh to
cunnen his bileue ar he fulcninge underfo . +tarfore ic wile segen ow
gure bileue . and gure bede . and tachen hit ew bi godes fultume .
+De rihte bileue setten +te twolue apostles on write ; ar hie ferden in
to al middeneard to bodien cristendome . (CMTRINIT,17.183)
Ac elch of hem wrot his uers . (CMTRINIT,17.184)
and sainte peter he wrot +tat formeste . (CMTRINIT,17.185)
and +te salme +te hie alle writen is cleped credo . After +te formeste
word of +te salme . (CMTRINIT,17.186)
and ate biginninge of cristendom ; elch man leornede pater noster . and
credo ; ar +tan he fulcninge understoden . (CMTRINIT,17.187)
And +to weren manie childre dede fulehtlese and forlorene .
and +tarfore hit is iset lage bi ure drihtenes wissunge . +tat me sal
children fuluhtnie . (CMTRINIT,17.189)
and here godfaderes sullen for hem andswerie bifore +te prest ate
fanstone . and ben here boreges togenes gode ate chireche dure ; and
inboreges ate fanstone . +tat hie sulle cunne here bileue . and here
bede ; +tat is +te pater noster and credo . +tane hie lernie mugen and
ben bileffulle men and rihtwise . (CMTRINIT,17.190)
And +tat ne mugen +te godfaderes naht don ; bute hie here bileue cunnen
. and nime to +te children muchele geme . (CMTRINIT,17.191)
Ne noman ne agh werne . +tanne me him for nede +tar to bit .
Alle cunne ower crede $+tas $+te {TEXT:+taste} ich wene . +teih ge alle
nuten hwat hit bique+de . (CMTRINIT,17.193)
Ac luste+d nu (CMTRINIT,17.194)
and undernime+d hit . (CMTRINIT,17.195)
and ich wille tachen eu bi godes fultume . +tat ge sulle witen . and
segge ou +te crede word after word . and +tarmid hwat elch word
bitocne+d . (CMTRINIT,17.196)
Credo in deum . (CMTRINIT,17.197)
Ic bileue on god . (CMTRINIT,17.198)
Patrem omnipotentem . (CMTRINIT,17.199)
+tene almihti fader . (CMTRINIT,17.200)
Creatorem celi et terre . (CMTRINIT,17.201)
Suppende and wealdende of heuene and of eor+d . and of alle safte .
+Dis word credo man mai understonden on +tre wise . (CMTRINIT,17.203)
Credo deo . (CMTRINIT,17.204)
Ich leue gode . (CMTRINIT,17.205)
+tat o+der is . Credo deum . (CMTRINIT,17.206)
Ich ileue +tat god is . (CMTRINIT,17.207)
+tese two +ting don alle he+den men . (CMTRINIT,19.208)
Ac +te +dridde ne do+d noman bute +te gode cristene . (CMTRINIT,19.209)
Qui credit in deum . +tat is he +te bileue+d in god . (CMTRINIT,19.210)
and +tarto moten fif +ting to bileuen in god . (CMTRINIT,19.211)
Scilicet eum dominum omnium recognoscere . super omnia obedire .
+tat on is cnowen him to louerd ouer alle +ting . (CMTRINIT,19.213)
tat o+der is luuien him ouer alle +ting . (CMTRINIT,19.214)
+tat +dridde is hauen eie of him ouer alle +ting . (CMTRINIT,19.215)
+tat feor+d is wur+den him ouer alle +ting . (CMTRINIT,19.216)
tat fifte is herien him ouer alle +ting . (CMTRINIT,19.217)
Man +te haue+d on him +tos fif +tinges ; he haue+d on him rihte bileue
. (CMTRINIT,19.218)
and gef him be+d oni +tarof wane ; he nis naht bilefful man .
Nu ich eu habbe opened +tes fif word . Credo in deum patrem
omnipotentem creatorem celi et terre . (CMTRINIT,19.220)
Here+d nu +tes o+dre . (CMTRINIT,19.221)
Et in ihesum Christum filium eius unicum . (CMTRINIT,19.222)
and ich bileue on +te helende crist . his onlepi sune .
Dominum nostrum . (CMTRINIT,19.224)
Vre louerd (CMTRINIT,19.225)
he is cleped helende . for +tat he manken alesede of +te dea+dliche
atter . +te +te ealde deuel bleu uppen adam . and on his ofspreng . swo
+tat here fifealde mihte was altegeder attred . (CMTRINIT,19.226)
Ac ure louerd ihesu crist . +turh his holie fif wunden shedde his blod
. (CMTRINIT,19.227)
and +tat gef mankin to drinken . (CMTRINIT,19.228)
and +tarmide ut of hem +tat dea+dliche atter . (CMTRINIT,19.229)
and mid his shorte dea+de lesde hem ut of eche dea+de .
and mid his e+deliche sore redde hem ut of eche sicnesse .
and gef hem eche hele alle +to +te hit healde willen .
and +teih alle men ben godes children . for +tat he hem alle shop ; and
ches hem to sunes and to dohtres . na+deles ure helende crist is his
onlepi sune . noht after chesunge ac after strene for +tan he him
strende . alse +te sunne strene+d liht . +tane he tospret into al
+tesse wide worelde . (CMTRINIT,19.233)
and is +tarfore cleped +te heuenliche fader sune . (CMTRINIT,19.234)
for +te fader is on +te sune on +trie wise . (CMTRINIT,19.235)
+tat on is on westme . for +tat he is muchel and mihti ouer alle +ting
. (CMTRINIT,19.236)
+tat o+der is on wlite ; for +tat +te mone and +te sunne wundrie+d of
faire . swo fair is ure louerd ihesu crist . (CMTRINIT,19.237)
and +te +tridde is on +tewe ; (CMTRINIT,19.238)
for he is ful of alle godnesse . (CMTRINIT,19.239)
And +teih ure louerd ihesu crist bie alre manne louerd . na+deles he
nis naht alre manne louerd . +teih hie ben alle on his name turned .
for hie ne heren him naht alle . (CMTRINIT,19.241)
nomo ne heren ure louerd ihesu crist bute +te rihtwise . and +te
bileffulle . and +te godfrihte . (CMTRINIT,19.242)
for alle +te unrihtwise men +te grete synnes drigen ; hersumie+d +te
deuel . (CMTRINIT,19.243)
and +te hwile here louerd he bie+d . (CMTRINIT,19.244)
and +tarfore $hie lie+d +tan hie crist louerd clepie+d .
and +te hwile ne helpe+d noht . +tat hie singe+d pater noster ne crede
. (CMTRINIT,21.247)
Ure louerd ihesu geue us rihte bileue . and alle +to nede habbe+d to
ure liues ende . (CMTRINIT,21.248)
amen . (CMTRINIT,21.249)
Qui conceptus est . (CMTRINIT,21.250)
we habbe+d bigunnen to sege ou on englis hwat bitocne+d +te crede .
+tat elch cristeneman oh to cunnen . (CMTRINIT,21.251)
and habbe+d seid +tarof tweien uers . (CMTRINIT,21.252)
and wile nu +te +tridde . (CMTRINIT,21.253)
Ich bileue on +te helende crist . +te +tat holie maiden ure lafdie
seinte marie on hire inno+de understod of +te holie gost . noht of
mannes strene ne on lichamliche luste . ac alswo gie on ower herte
$understonden +te word of mi mu+d +te ich speke to eu .
alswo +te engel hit seide +to he hire brohte +te blisfule ti+dinge .
+tus que+dende . Ecce concipies et cetera . (CMTRINIT,21.255)
+tu shalt understonde child on +tine inno+de . and cnowen for
cnauechild and clepen hit helende . (CMTRINIT,21.256)
and hit sal ben king on +te endelese kineriche . (CMTRINIT,21.257)
+to andswerede ure lafdi sainte marie (CMTRINIT,21.258)
and seide . Quomodo fiet istud quoniam uirum non cognosco ?
whu shal +ta wur+de si+d+den wapman me ne $atrine+d . (CMTRINIT,21.260)
and +te engel hire andswerede (CMTRINIT,21.261)
and seide . Spiritus sanctus super ueniet in te et cetera .
+te holie gast wile cumen uppen +te . and godes mihte make +de mid
childe . (CMTRINIT,21.263)
and hwanne hit be+d iboren ; men sullen clepen hit godes bern .
+to andswerede +te lafdie sainte marie (CMTRINIT,21.265)
and seide . Ecce ancilla domini fiat michi secundum uerbum tuum .
Ich am cristes maiden . (CMTRINIT,21.267)
alse +tu hauest iseid ; swo mote hit wur+de . (CMTRINIT,21.268)
+tus mildeliche andswerede +te milde quen of heuene and of eor+de . and
of alle safte . (CMTRINIT,21.269)
and +tus bicam ure lafdi Sainte Marie mid childe . (CMTRINIT,21.270)
+tonked be ure louerd ihesu crist . (CMTRINIT,21.271)
+to +de time cam swo +tat hire ne oc . ne ne smeart . ne hire mai+dhod
ne was awemned . (CMTRINIT,21.272)
Passus sub pontio pilato . (CMTRINIT,21.273)
he was pined on pilates andwealde . (CMTRINIT,21.274)
Crucifixus Mortuus . (CMTRINIT,21.275)
His holie lichame was tospred on +te holie rode , and nailed +tarto his
fet ; and his honden . and mid speres orde opened his swete side . and
his heued heled mid +tornene crune . and on fele wise rewliche tuked .
and +tus he +trewede for to +tat ilche time . +tat he dea+d +tolede .
for to beten ure nede ; (CMTRINIT,21.277)
he ne hadde him selue nane . (CMTRINIT,21.278)
Et sepultus . (CMTRINIT,21.279)
And was his holie lichame leid in burieles in +te holie sepulcre . +tat
men sechen giet in ierusalem . (CMTRINIT,21.280)
Descendit ad inferos . (CMTRINIT,21.281)
and he ferde in to helle (CMTRINIT,21.282)
and brac helle gaten ; (CMTRINIT,23.283)
and bond +te deuel (CMTRINIT,23.284)
.i. abstulit ei quam exercu-erat potestatem trahendi ad infernum animas
a corporibus exutas . (CMTRINIT,23.285)
formest he binam him alle +te mihte +te he hadde nutted fram +te
biginninge of +te worelde . for to +te time cam +tat he heregede helle
. and nam ut mid him alle +te him hadden ar wel hersumed .
Tercia die resurrexit a mortuis . (CMTRINIT,23.287)
On +te +tridde dei he aros of dea+de . (CMTRINIT,23.288)
and wunede mid his apostles . for to +te fowertu+de dai . noht alegate
; ac stund-mele . (CMTRINIT,23.289)
Ascendit ad celos . (CMTRINIT,23.290)
+to he steah to heuene . swo +tat his apostles and muchel o+der folc
mid eien bihielden hwu he upwende . (CMTRINIT,23.291)
Sedet ad dextram dei patris omnipotentis . (CMTRINIT,23.292)
and sit on rihthalf +tes almihtie faderes . (CMTRINIT,23.293)
Inde uenturus iudicatum uiuos et mortuos . (CMTRINIT,23.294)
+Danne he cume+d eft to demen +te quike and +te deade . and to geue +te
gode eche lif and blisse on heuene . and +te iuele ; eche wowe and pine
on helle . bo+de-2 to same +te sowle and +te lichame .
Credo in spiritum sanctum . (CMTRINIT,23.296)
Ich bileue on +te holie gost . +te is mid +te fader . and mid +te sune
on mihti god . (CMTRINIT,23.297)
Sanctam ecclesiam catholicam . (CMTRINIT,23.298)
and ich leue . +tat chireche is holi godes hus on eor+de . and is
cleped on boc kiriaca .i. dominicalis +tat is on englis louerdlich hus
. and is +terto nemned . for +te heuenliche kinges lichame is to
setnesse +tarinne . (CMTRINIT,23.299)
and +tarfore men sullen aure +tider gon . and hem +tar bidden . and
godes word heren . and lernie hwu hie sullen here lif laden on godes
hersumpnesse . and hem swo gaderen on rihte bileue . +tat hie ben on
godes wunienge . tat he ben turned on one lauerd . to one bileue . to
one fulcninge . (CMTRINIT,23.300)
Sanctorum communionem (CMTRINIT,23.301)
and ich ileue +tat halgan ben on mode . and on rede . and habben
ferrede on alle holinesse . (CMTRINIT,23.302)
Remissionem peccatorum . (CMTRINIT,23.303)
and ich leue +tat +turh so+d scrifte synnes ben forgeuene .
So+d scrifte understonde+d man . +tanne he his muchele synnes mid alle
forlete+d . and sore bimurne+d . and shewe+d hem his messe preste . and
bete+d hem alse he him wisse+d . (CMTRINIT,23.305)
Carnis resurrectionem . (CMTRINIT,23.306)
And ich leue +tat mankin shal a domesdai risen of dea+de . and elch man
heren his dom bi eftemeste erdede . (CMTRINIT,23.307)
Et uitam eternam amen . (CMTRINIT,23.308)
and alle men shullen cume to libben echeliche . +te gode on eche blisse
and wele mid ure louerd ihesu crist on heuene . +te uuele on eche wowe
and pine mid +te deuel $on helle . sowle and licam abuten ende .
Pater noster et cetera . (CMTRINIT,23.313)
+Du singest +te salm +te me clepe+d crede . (CMTRINIT,23.314)
+tu seist +tat on gode bileuest . and dost cnownesse +tat he is +ti
louerd . (CMTRINIT,23.315)
ac +tanne +tu singest +te salm +tat is cleped pater noster . After +te
forme word of +te salme ; abugest gode . (CMTRINIT,23.316)
and cnewlest togenes him . (CMTRINIT,23.317)
and biddest +tat all his wille wur+de . (CMTRINIT,23.318)
and menest to him +tine fele nede . (CMTRINIT,23.319)
and biddest +tat he hem alle bete . +tus que+dende . $Pater noster qui
es in celis . (CMTRINIT,23.320)
fader ure +tu ert in heuene . +te holie +tremnesse +te shop and biwalt
alle shafte ; (CMTRINIT,23.321)
we clepie+d ure fader for two +ting . (CMTRINIT,23.322)
on his for +to +te he us shop ; and feide +te lemes to ure licame . and
+te sowle +tarto . +te sene to +te egen . +te hlust to +te earen . and
to elche lime limpliche mihte . (CMTRINIT,23.323)
and swo digeliche hit al dihte ; +tat on elche feinge is hem on sene .
and eft he us wile feie ; +tanne we shulen arisen of dea+de .
and for+ti we clepe+d him fader for +tat he us feide here .
O+der is +tat he fet alle liuiende +ting . +te bi mete liuien . alle
nutten openliche ; and gres and trowen dieliche . (CMTRINIT,23.327)
Ac on of alle nutten +tat is man . he fet on two wise . noht alle ; ac
sume . +Do unrihtwise openliche mid licames bileue ; and +te sowle mid
hire bileue . (CMTRINIT,23.328)
and +teih he alle +ting +tus fede ; he nis na+demo nemned heore alre
manne +teih hem alle fede . (CMTRINIT,23.329)
ac sunderlepes he is here fader mid wisse . +te on rihte bileue . and
on so+de luue understant his holie fles . and his holie blod .
+tat ben +te rihtwise . and +te bileafule . and +te godfrihte men ; +te
lade+d her lif alse me hem in chireche lere+d . (CMTRINIT,23.331)
and +to +te swo ne don ; habben to fader +te deuel +te fet hem alle +to
+te him folege+d . (CMTRINIT,23.332)
and on +te forme men ; alle ueide er . (CMTRINIT,23.333)
and mid licames luste ; alle unbilefulle men +te +to weren . and get
ben . he fede+d . (CMTRINIT,23.334)
and is +tarfore hore fader . (CMTRINIT,23.335)
Sanctificetur nomen tuum . (CMTRINIT,23.336)
bledsed be +ti name on us . swo +tat we on alle ure +tanke . +te heien
on alle ure worden . +te herien ; on alle ure deden +te wur+dien . and
ouer alle +ting +te luuien . and swo ernien +tat we habben moten
of +tine holie name +te tocne imene . (CMTRINIT,27.337)
Adueniat regnum tuum . (CMTRINIT,27.338)
Cume +ti rixlinge . (CMTRINIT,27.339)
To sume men cume+d ure louerd ihesu crist . (CMTRINIT,27.340)
and litle hwile mid hem bileue+d (CMTRINIT,27.341)
and si+d+den him forlete+d . (CMTRINIT,27.342)
Swilche ben alle +to +te here+d godes word on lor spelle . and +tenchen
+tat hie wille+d here synnes leten . and ne don . (CMTRINIT,27.343)
To sume men cume+d ure louerd ihesu crist . (CMTRINIT,27.344)
and bileue+d mid him . (CMTRINIT,27.345)
and na+demo ne rixle+d noht on him . (CMTRINIT,27.346)
Swilche ben alle +to +te hauen here synnes forleten . and bi prestes
wissinge hem gernliche bete+d . (CMTRINIT,27.347)
To sume men he cume+d . (CMTRINIT,27.348)
and biginne+d on him to rixle on +tis e+deliche liue .
and wille fulliche rixle on him eft on +te eche liue .
ac swilche ben arue+d finde . nu abuuen eor+de . (CMTRINIT,27.351)
and na+deles manie be+d get . (CMTRINIT,27.352)
+to ben +te godfrihte +te clene ben of synnes . and lete+d unwur+d of
alle woreld wunne . and luue+d rihtliche alle liuiende men . and ben
hersume alle godes hese . and is +tis woreld lo+d . and habbe+d
longinge to heuene . and ne gierne+d to none +tinge ; bute after godes
wille . (CMTRINIT,27.353)
Fiat uoluntas tua sicut in celo et in terra . (CMTRINIT,27.354)
Wur+de +ti wil on eor+de swo hit is on heuene . swo +tat me +te quemen
of here liflode on eor+de . alse don +te engles on heuene .
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie . (CMTRINIT,27.356)
Gif us to dai ure daihwamliche bred . (CMTRINIT,27.357)
Al hit is cleped bred ; +tat is mannes bileue ; (CMTRINIT,27.358)
ac na+deles bred bitocne+d +tre bileues . (CMTRINIT,27.359)
On is +te mete . +te +te lichame bruke+d and biliue+d .
+Dat o+der is godes word . +tat is +te sowle fode . (CMTRINIT,27.361)
+te +tridde is for mete +tat ilch man agh mid him to leden . +tan he
sal of +tesse liue faren . +tat is cristes holie licame . +te giue+d
alle men eche lif . and blisse in heuene . (CMTRINIT,27.362)
and gief we wise ben ; we mugen mid one worde +tese +trie +ting bidden
. and ben bene ti+de . (CMTRINIT,27.363)
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra . (CMTRINIT,27.364)
And forgiue us ure gultes +te we hauen don . and ofte on idel +tonke .
on unnet speche . on iuele dede . and muchele mo si+de +tanne we segen
mugen . (CMTRINIT,27.365)
Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris . (CMTRINIT,27.366)
And swo forgiue us ure gultes . swo we don hem here +te us agult
habbe+d . (CMTRINIT,27.367)
Ne mai no man +tese word seggen +tanne he godes milce bisec+d . gief he
haue+d on his heorte onde . o+der ni+d . o+der hatiunge to his
emcristene . +tat he him seluen fram gode ne dele+d . (CMTRINIT,27.368)
Ac bidde+d +tat godes wra+d+de cume uppen his ogen heued .
Et ne nos inducas in temptationem . (CMTRINIT,27.370)
Louerd shild us fram elche pine of helle . (CMTRINIT,29.372)
Elch pine is fremed on +tre fold wise . (CMTRINIT,29.373)
On is +te defles tuihting and mislore , (CMTRINIT,29.374)
+tat o+der is mannes licunge . (CMTRINIT,29.375)
+te +tridde is mannes wille . +tane he wile don . o+der que+den hwat
him +tanne lica+d after defles lore . (CMTRINIT,29.376)
+te egginge and +te likinge him bringe+d in to helle pine .
+Dre +ting be+d +tat mankin heuie+d . (CMTRINIT,29.378)
On is +te selue lust . (CMTRINIT,29.379)
o+der is iuel lehtres . +de +tridde flesliche lustes .
and +tese two +te ben leihter and lust ; uulste+d +te +tridde +tat is
+te flesliche lust . +te mankinne forlere+d . (CMTRINIT,29.381)
and al hit is bi +te deuel . +tat men +tus forlerede . Alse hit bi +te
wimman and bi sheawere . (CMTRINIT,29.382)
hie bihalt hire sheawere . (CMTRINIT,29.383)
and cume+d hire shadewe +taronne . (CMTRINIT,29.384)
+te shadewe hire tache+d . hwu hie mai hire seluen wenlukest makien .
for hie wule liken alle +te lechures +te on hire loke+d . and swo
dragen hem to hire . (CMTRINIT,29.386)
Al swo cume+d +te deuel in to +te mannes herte +tan he wile healde
sunderrune wi+d him . (CMTRINIT,29.387)
and +tus que+d . +Du ert wel don man . and +tarto wur+dlich .
Gef +tu takest to huse +tu best men +te unwur+dure (CMTRINIT,29.389)
ac gef +tu werest elche dai faire clo+des . and best rum-handed to
glewmen and to hores . +tu shalt ben lef and wur+d . and liken alle men
. (CMTRINIT,29.390)
To +te man +tat is ni+dful . he speke+d on his herte (CMTRINIT,29.391)
and +tus que+d . Ful mai +te +tinke +tat forcu+der haue+d faire weden .
and +tu unwreste . and he wereldes richeise and +tu ware betre wur+de .
Wi+d +te hatiende man he spec+d on his herte . (CMTRINIT,29.393)
Nu shalt +tu hatien +to +te iuel hauen don . and biremen him
mid euel wordes . and maken him to forlesen his aihte .
vnwreste +tu best gef +tu wreche ne secst . hwanne +tu time siest .
gief mihte $+te $ne {TEXT:+te_+te} atiere+d . (CMTRINIT,29.395)
To +te eiht-gradi men he rune+d on his herte (CMTRINIT,29.396)
and +tus que+d . Gef +tu best aihteles +tu best unwur+d . and lo+d .
ac gef +tu hauest woreld wele . +tu miht +tarof wur+dliche fare .
and swo loken +te +tat +tu best lef and wur+d . (CMTRINIT,29.399)
and miht for ure drihtenes luue fele almes dele . +teih +tu hit mid
unrihte bigete . o+der on untime . (CMTRINIT,29.400)
Gif +tarof for godes luue . (CMTRINIT,29.401)
+tanne be+d +te synne forgiuen . (CMTRINIT,29.402)
gef +ti prest nis clene man . +te shal +tine to+dinge understonden .
del hit men +te muge bidde for +de . (CMTRINIT,29.403)
To +te narewe herted man on his +tonke he sei+d . witte wel hwat +tu
hauest . (CMTRINIT,29.404)
walte hwat +te tide . (CMTRINIT,29.405)
and cune sume me+de +tenne +tu almesse makest . (CMTRINIT,29.406)
+Du hauest e+deliche bi aihte to helpen +tine kenne . (CMTRINIT,29.407)
wel wur+d wunne be of wur+dshipe (CMTRINIT,29.408)
swo hit be . (CMTRINIT,31.409)
On +te drunken men he rune+d mid his herte (CMTRINIT,31.410)
and sei+d . Esteliche eten . and drinken make+d +te man fair . and
wurliche . and on manie mihte (CMTRINIT,31.411)
+tat +tu etest and drinkest and werest . +tat +tu hauest .
and gef +tu ani +ting spelest and leuest . +tat +tu $forlest .
On +te gole men he gel+d wi+d his herte . (CMTRINIT,31.414)
and +tus que+d . Gef +te is lef +tin hele . heald +tin cunde .
and +tine licames lust kel ilome . and naht on feawe ac on fele wise .
+te wile falle wel to echen +tis woreld . (CMTRINIT,31.417)
Gef +tu strene wult haue ; ne haue +tu naht +tin ogen wif . ac o+der
mannes imene . (CMTRINIT,31.418)
+teih lerdemen segen +tat hit be muchel sunne +tat man his licames lust
drige . ofte +teih hie bispused ben . and don hit for strene . here
liflode ligne+d hem seluen . (CMTRINIT,31.419)
for ne do+d hit none swo ofte se +te hodede . +te naue+d him selue naht
on ac fele imene . (CMTRINIT,31.420)
and gef he +tat hielde synne . he wolde +te dede wi+dtien .
+Dus deuel egge+d +alch man on his herte . (CMTRINIT,31.422)
and maca+d +tat he wule do +tat he him to teihte . (CMTRINIT,31.423)
Set libera nos a malo . (CMTRINIT,31.424)
Ac les us louerd of his egginge . and of alle iuele . (CMTRINIT,31.425)
amen . (CMTRINIT,31.426)
swo hit wur+de . (CMTRINIT,31.427)
Natus est nobis hodie saluator qui est Christus in ciuitate daui+d .
Gode ti+dinge and murie to heren . us telle+d +te louerd $seinte lucas
; on +te holie godspelle . (CMTRINIT,31.432)
and sei+d +tat on holie erndrake hem brohte fram heuene . to +te londe
of ierusalem . and tealde +te herdes +te wakeden ouer here oref .
biside +te burch belleem . (CMTRINIT,31.433)
luste+d nu (CMTRINIT,31.434)
and undernime+d hwu he se ti+dinge $tealde word after word .
On +te niht and on +te time . +te ure lafdi seinte marie kennede of
holie lichame ure louerd ihesu crist . were herdes wakiende bi side +te
buregh and wittende here oref . (CMTRINIT,31.436)
+Do cam on angel of heuene to hem . (CMTRINIT,31.437)
and stod bisides hem . (CMTRINIT,31.438)
and godes brihtnesse bilihte hem . (CMTRINIT,31.439)
and hie waren swi+de offurihte . and ofdredde . (CMTRINIT,31.440)
Et ait angelus eis . Nolite timere . (CMTRINIT,31.441)
and +te engel qua+d to hem ne be ge naht ofdredde . (CMTRINIT,31.442)
Ecce enim euangelizo uobis et cetera . (CMTRINIT,31.443)
Ich ew bringe ti+dinge +te shule ben a folke to muchele blisse .
Ne wot no man hwat blisse is ; +te naure wowe ne bod .
Ac swo +te wowe +tinke+d biter . +te hwile +te he leste+d . swo +tinc+d
wele +te swettere +tan hit cume+d +tarafter . (CMTRINIT,33.447)
Al mankin was wunende on muchele wowe . sum on +tisse worelde . and sum
on helle pine . forte +tat ilke time ; +tat ure louerd ihesu crist hem
+tarof aredde . and turnede swo here wowe to wele . and here sor to
muchele blisse . (CMTRINIT,33.448)
and of +tesse blisse spec+d +te engel . (CMTRINIT,33.449)
and sewe+d a whilche wise . and +turegh hwam +tis blisse cumen sholde .
+tus que+dende . Natus est nobis hodie et cetera . (CMTRINIT,33.450)
Vs is boren to dai helende . +tat is crist+te louerd on daui+des burehg
. (CMTRINIT,33.451)
Hoc autem dixit . quia societas hominum erat ad impletura numerum
angelorum . (CMTRINIT,33.452)
+Dos word sede +te angel for +tat man sholde fuluullen englene sete .
+te was er iwaned ; +to +te lucifer and his ferreden fellen ut +tarof .
and naht for englen unhele +te habbe+d eche hele . ac for mannen unhele
. +te ben alle and hauen ben alle si+den unlimpe cam uppen ure forme
fader adam . alse ure drihten sei+d on +te holie godspelle .
Homo quidam descendebat ab ierusalem in ierico et incidit in latrones .
et cetera . (CMTRINIT,33.454)
Ure louerd $ihesu crist sei+d . +tat a man ferde fram iherusalem into
ierico . (CMTRINIT,33.455)
and bicam uppe +teues . (CMTRINIT,33.456)
and hie him bireueden alle hise riche weden . (CMTRINIT,33.457)
and wundeden him swi+de sore . (CMTRINIT,33.458)
and forleten him unne+de liues . (CMTRINIT,33.459)
+Tis is seid bi adam . (CMTRINIT,33.460)
Qui descendit a beatitudine c+oli . in defectus huius mundi .
+Dat was adam +te ferde ut fram +te fulle edinesse of paradis . in to
+tesse wrecheliche hateringe of +tisse worelde . and ledde after him
neih +tan al his ofspreng . Et incidit in latrones and bicam uppen
utlagen . +tat waren deflen . Qui despoliauerunt eum gratia
immortalitatis innocencia . +De bireueden him alle his riche weden .
+tat waren unerned giue . and unde+dlicnesse . and lo+dlesnesse .
Mid +tese +tre weden ure louerd ihesu crist him hadde warned togenes
+tre fon . Scilicet peccatum . dolorem . mortem . togenes synne . and
sor . and dea+d . (CMTRINIT,33.463)
Et plagis impositis abiecerunt . (CMTRINIT,33.464)
and si+den hie hadden bireued him +tus ; swo hie forwundeden him
welneih to dea+de . (CMTRINIT,33.465)
Inferentes eis plagas .i. humanorum defectuum causas .
+te wundes +tat hie on him makeden ; ben +te manifeald synnes . +te hie
on him brohten . +to +te hie openeden $his earen to luste +te
defles lore . and his eien to bihealden +te forbodene appel . and hef
his honde hit to nimen . and mid +te nose +tarto te smullen . and mid
his mu+d +tarof et . (CMTRINIT,35.467)
and +turh +tes fifealde gultes . forleas +te fiffeald mihten +te god
him gef +to +te he him shop . swo +tat he ne +turte naure +tolen hunger
. ne +turst . ne woninge . ne chele . ne werinesse . ne elde . ne
unhel+de . ne de+d . (CMTRINIT,35.468)
ac for +tat he dide +tise synnes god wrac (CMTRINIT,35.469)
and binom him +tese mihtes alle : (CMTRINIT,35.470)
and he bicom unmihti . and wreche . and unhol . (CMTRINIT,35.471)
and his ofspring al . +trowude on synne . and on unmihte and on wowe
and gemerliche pineden . +te wile +te hie here weren ;
and wuneden . hwile mid hunger . hwile mid +turste . hwile mid chele .
hwile mid hete . hwile mid sorinesse . hwile mid werinesse . and ofte
mid wurmene icheu . and mid elde . mid unhel+de . mid o+dre wowe inohg
. and $et $tan {TEXT:ettan} ende mid de+de . (CMTRINIT,35.474)
and on swiche unhel+de wisseden georne efter helende .
and he com . +tanked wur+de him ; to helen hem of heore synwunden . and
to winden hem on +ta wurhliche weden +te +te dieuel binom ure forme
fader adam . +tat wes . Sstola inmortalitatis . +tat is +te blisse of
eche liue . and to giuende +te mihtes +te adam forgremede us alle .
Scilicet gaudium plenum . +tat is +te uulle of endelese blisse .
And alse he sende erendrake biforen him to cu+den +tat he cumen wolde .
and +tat were patriarkes and prophetes . and engles . (CMTRINIT,35.478)
ealse he sende erendrake +to he com . (CMTRINIT,35.479)
and +tat wes +te engel +te ich er embe spec . +te cudde +te herdes +te
biwakeden here oref ; bisides +te burehg bethleem +tat +te helende was
+terinne iboren . (CMTRINIT,35.480)
Ne was +te engel isend ne to kinge . ne to eorle . ne to barun . ne to
none hege ; ne oregele men on +te wurelde wi+d to spekende . ac to loge
; and e+deliche men alse heordes bu+d . (CMTRINIT,35.481)
ac for+ti ich wile seggen giu nime+d geme +terto . and understonde+d it
hwat +to heordes bitocne+d . and wat +te $niht wecches . and hwat +tat
oref and alre erest hwat +te wilde deor +te +tis oref wane+d . and wile
bicachen it . and wile forstelen . and wile mid $streng+de binimen .
Of +tis deor spec+d seinte peter +tus que+tende . ADuersarius uester
diabolus tamquam leo rugiens circuit querens quem deuoret .
Vre fo +tat is +te deuel wuandre+d abuten us (CMTRINIT,35.484)
he te+d for+d geres hwile after fox . hwile after wulue . hwile
after leun . hwile after o+dre . (CMTRINIT,37.485)
and on ech of hise deden is iefned to +te deore wuas geres he
for+dteo+d . (CMTRINIT,37.486)
GReges sunt . oues et boues . capre et porci . (CMTRINIT,37.487)
+Det oref +te +tis deor wane+d be+d shep and re+deren and Get . and
swin ; (CMTRINIT,37.488)
and bitocne+d men . (CMTRINIT,37.489)
Sume men lede+d clene liflode . (CMTRINIT,37.490)
and ne do+d ne ne que+de+d none manne lo+d (CMTRINIT,37.491)
ac luuige+d god . (CMTRINIT,37.492)
and go+d eche dai to chirche alse shep to uolde . (CMTRINIT,37.493)
and do+d gladliche here rihte to chirche and elmesse wreche men .
and be+d cleped shepisse men . (CMTRINIT,37.495)
Sume men ne willen non unriht ; (CMTRINIT,37.496)
ac winned wi+d +te eor+de . (CMTRINIT,37.497)
and tiliget michel to o+dre mann+as bihof+te . (CMTRINIT,37.498)
and +tese men be+d icleped ru+derihsse . men (CMTRINIT,37.499)
of +tese shepishse ; and ru+derishse men . spec+d +te prophete +tus
que+tinde . Subiecisti sub pedibus eius . oues et boues . +tis to
seggen +te shepisse and +te netisse men be+d under cristes +tralshipe .
Sume men leden here $lif alse get ; o+ter buckes (CMTRINIT,37.501)
Hoc animal pascit in altum et est libidinosum . (CMTRINIT,37.502)
+Dis oref is swi+de egerne . (CMTRINIT,37.503)
and feche+d his leswe . hwile uppen trewes . and hwile uppen cliues .
and hwile in +te dales . (CMTRINIT,37.504)
and stinc+d fule for his golnesse . (CMTRINIT,37.505)
Swo ben alle oregel men . +te telle+d hem seluen heige . and drie+d
hordom . and of +te hore fule stinke+d . (CMTRINIT,37.506)
and of swilche men sei+d ure louerd ihesu crist . Statuet quidem hedos
a sinistris . et mittet in ignem eternum . (CMTRINIT,37.507)
A domes dai sulle buckes . and +te get . +to ben +te wapmen and +te
wimmen +te hordom drien . stonden an ure louerd ihesu cristes lift hond
. (CMTRINIT,37.508)
and hem sal senden into +tat eche fur on helle mid alle deflen .
Sume men lade+d here lif on etinge and on drinkinge alse swin . +te
uulie+d and wrote+d and sneuie+d aure fule . and ful +ting muchel
bruke+d . (CMTRINIT,37.510)
and +tan hie fulle be+d . hie seche+d to +te fule floddri .
and +taron walewe+d . (CMTRINIT,37.512)
Swo do+d +te fule man +te folege+d his wombes wil . (CMTRINIT,37.513)
and of unrihte bigete ofte fille+d . +tane he bere+d abuten here
senibhakel . and +te est metes and drinkes ut spewe+d .
and +tan he fulle ben . bisulie+d hem on +te fule floddri of
drunkennesse . and of hordom . (CMTRINIT,37.515)
and +tarfore ben icleped swinisse men . (CMTRINIT,37.516)
and on hem wune+d +te deuel . bi ure louerd ihesu cristes leue alse +te
holie godspel sei+d . (CMTRINIT,37.517)
Dominus eiecit legiones demonum de homine quodam et rogauerunt demones
. Mitte nos in gregem porcorum . Et ingressi precipitauerunt porcos in
mare . (CMTRINIT,37.518)
+De holie godspel sei+d +tat ure drihten drof fele deules
togedere ut of a man +te was of his wit . and him swuo helde .
and +te deules beden ure louerd ihesu crist +tat he hem sende into floc
of swin (CMTRINIT,39.520)
and he swo dide . (CMTRINIT,39.521)
and +te swin urnen alse deulen hem driuen ; into +te s+a .
and druncnede hem seluen . (CMTRINIT,39.523)
Swa giued ure drihten leue +te deule to ben on +te swinisshe man +te
ihc er of spec and on hem to wuniende and hem to drenchende . and of
here wit to bringinde . and to driuen fram unrihte to o+ter . fram
e+deliche laste to michele . fram synne to synne fram iuele to iuele
and $et $tan {TEXT:ettan} ende hem drenche+d on shameliche de+de
and mid hem to helle lede+d . (CMTRINIT,39.526)
+Dese fower mannisshe +te ich er inemd habbe . be+d +tat erf +te +to
herdes ouer wuakeden . (CMTRINIT,39.527)
and +te selue herdes be+d +te lor+tewes of holi chiriche . +te lesewe+d
here orf alse +te boc sei+d IN pascuis uberimis pascunt ea . on swete
leswe . +to bin +te gode word of holi boc +te be+d +te saules lustliche
bileue . alse estliche etingge and dringkinge is te lichames .
INers pastor aut sedet in ignorancia aut accubitat in negligencia aut
iacet in uoluntate . (CMTRINIT,39.529)
+De unwreste herde sit on unwisdomnesse . (CMTRINIT,39.530)
for he ne can is orf gemen . (CMTRINIT,39.531)
o+der hlone+d and slepe+d . (CMTRINIT,39.532)
and synege+d on gemeleste alse he +tat is recheles and non eige ne
stand of louerde . (CMTRINIT,39.533)
o+der li+d on li+tere wille . (CMTRINIT,39.534)
and feste slepe+d on his synne . (CMTRINIT,39.535)
+tanne cume+d +te wilde deor +te ich er seide (CMTRINIT,39.536)
and +tat orf wane+d (CMTRINIT,39.537)
Set boni pastores uigilant . et noctis uigilias custodiunt supra greges
suos et pro illis se se hostibus opponunt . (CMTRINIT,39.538)
Ac +te gode herdes wakie+d on faire liflode ouer here orf ; +te +tei
leswue+d on halie larspelle . (CMTRINIT,39.539)
and wisse+d hem , to understanden wat is uuel and wat is god .
and munege+d hem ofte un+dewes to forberen . and gode +teawes to folgen
. (CMTRINIT,39.541)
Vita presens caliginosa est tenebris peccatorum . (CMTRINIT,39.542)
al +tis lif +te we on liuen is to nihte iefned for +tat it is swa
+tester of ure ateliche synnes (CMTRINIT,39.543)
Huius noctis sunt iiii=or= uigilie SEro .i. puericia . MEdia nox
adolescencia . GAlli cantus uirilis etas . MAne senium .
on +tis niht be+d fowuer niht wecches . Biforen euen +te bilimpe+d to
children . Mid-niht +de bilimpe+d to frumberdligges . hanecrau +te
bilimpe+d +towuene men . morgewile to alde men . (CMTRINIT,39.545)
+Dese herdes +te be+d lor+tewes . alse bisshupes . and prestes wakie+d
biforen euen ; (CMTRINIT,39.546)
+tanne +te childre wuel +tewuen . (CMTRINIT,39.547)
On midniht he wakeged +tanne he frumberdlinges binime+d
un+deawes and gode teche+d . (CMTRINIT,41.548)
to hanecrau he wakege+d +tanne he +to ful +togene turne+d to godes
bihou+te . (CMTRINIT,41.549)
In morgewile he wakege+d +tanne he halde men turne+d to ure louerdes
cristes blisse . (CMTRINIT,41.550)
+Dus agen alle gode herdes to wakegen gostliche . (CMTRINIT,41.551)
for +tus wakeden +to herdes +te ich er of spec . +to +te hem +te
ti+dinge com . +tat ure louerd ihesu crist was boren . QVi est uerus
samaritanus scilicet custos hominum . +tat is alre herdene herde . and
alre lechene leche . +te com to helen +te wundes . +te +te deuel hadde
on mancun broht . alse ge er herden . (CMTRINIT,41.552)
Alligauit uulnera infundens uinum et oleum : (CMTRINIT,41.553)
Alle synfulle men +te heued-synnes don habbe+d . and nelle+d +terof no
shrift nimen ; he bihat hem eche fur on helle bete hie forleten beten
and milce bidden . (CMTRINIT,41.554)
Alle +to +te here synnen forlete+d and bete+d he hele+d heRe synwunden
mid fulcnege . (CMTRINIT,41.555)
and gife+d us his holi fleis to daiwamliche bred and his holi blot to
drunche . (CMTRINIT,41.556)
and bit us +tat we shule +tis notien on +tis longe wowe and on +tis
wreche worelde . (CMTRINIT,41.557)
and bihat us to mede eche hele on +te helendes worelde .
QUod qui promisit dignetur reddere nobis . (CMTRINIT,41.559)
AMEN : (CMTRINIT,41.560)
Reges tharsis et insule munera offerent . Reges arabum et saba dona
adducent . (CMTRINIT,41.564)
Mid mede man mai ouer water faren And mid weldede of giue ; frend
wuerche . (CMTRINIT,41.565)
and mid bicumeliche loke ; man him mai cu+dleche wid kinge .
Swo +te wise +te be+d seli . (CMTRINIT,41.567)
and +te unwise ne wile ; (CMTRINIT,41.568)
for he is unseli . (CMTRINIT,41.569)
+De unwise man . and forwened child ; habbe+d bo+de on lage for +tat
hie habben wille+d bo+de here wil ; +teh it bi unwrast .
and be+d +terefore unwur+de eche manne (CMTRINIT,41.571)
+te wise man and +tat wel-+teaud child . habbe+d bo+de on lage . for
+tan ei+der lete+d his agen wille . and folge+d his lar+dewes .
Swo we age+d to don ure lichames wille to forleten . and folgen ure
helendes lore . and his faire forbisne bi ure mihte . (CMTRINIT,41.573)
Legitur quod dominus aliquando sub mercede nautica transfretauit
We finde+d on +te holie boc . +tat ure helende +tat is alre ; wateres
herde . he ferde sumwile mid mede ouere water . (CMTRINIT,43.576)
Swo bihoued us +tat we don . +te be+d on +tis shipe ; +tat is holi
chirche . In +tis watere +tat ich of speke ; +tat is +tis wreche
wuereld . (CMTRINIT,43.577)
and is mid storme faste bistonden . +to be+d ure fule synnes . and fele
odre wosi+des . (CMTRINIT,43.578)
PRoferamus ergo ei de cordis nostri thesauro fidei sensum . et
sacrificacio laudis honorificemus eum . ut sine periculo uehet nos
trans seculi pontum . (CMTRINIT,43.579)
Vnderstonde we on ure heorte his holie wordes . (CMTRINIT,43.580)
and for+te we him ure rihte bileue . and luue ; for gersum .
and herien him ; (CMTRINIT,43.582)
and hegen on alle ure mihte . (CMTRINIT,43.583)
and cunnen gif he wile setten us ouer +tat michele water ; hole and
sunde . (CMTRINIT,43.584)
and seien mid +te salmwrihte . NOn me demergat tempestas a. nec. o. et
cetera . (CMTRINIT,43.585)
louerd ne +taue +tu +tat storm me duue . ne +tat +te deuel me swelge .
ne +tat +te pit tune ouer me his mu+d . (CMTRINIT,43.586)
Woreldes richeise weche+d orgel on mannes heorte . (CMTRINIT,43.587)
and deu+d him on helle ; alse storm do+d +tat ship in +te watere .
Wanrede weche+d on mannes heorte ortruwe +te deu+d him on helle alse
storm do+d man on watere . (CMTRINIT,43.589)
wi+d +tese tweien stormes wolde +te wise ben borgen ; +te sei+d +tus .
Diuicias et paupertates ne dederis michi sed tantum uictui necessaria .
louerd ne gif +tu me no+ter ne woreld winne ne meseise ac mi bare
bileue . (CMTRINIT,43.591)
+tat deuel forswuelge+d +te man . hwanne he falle+d on fule synnes .
+te pit tine+d his mu+d ouer +te man ; +te li+d on fule synnen +te him
wel like+d and ne wile hem forleten . (CMTRINIT,43.593)
crist shilde us alle +ter wi+d . (CMTRINIT,43.594)
and gif ure ani is +tus forswolgen . and +tus penned . clupe we to ure
louerd ihesu crist +tus seggende DE profundis clamavi ad $te domine
domine exaudi uocem meam . (CMTRINIT,43.595)
On diepe wosi+des ich clupe to +te hlouerd . (CMTRINIT,43.596)
hlouerd her mine stefne . (CMTRINIT,43.597)
do we ec mid ure wel dede +tingen us wi+d ure helende . was fo we be+d
+tanne we togenes his hese flite+d . and +tis wreche weorld folgi+d .
alse +te boc sei+d (CMTRINIT,43.598)
AMicus mundi constituitur inimicus dei . (CMTRINIT,43.599)
Ech +tat is weorldes frend is ure drihtenes fo . (CMTRINIT,43.600)
and halt flit wi+d him ; alle +te wile +te he +te weorld folge+d .
for ure gult god man bicom (CMTRINIT,43.602)
and Ure eldre waiteden him to dea+de . (CMTRINIT,43.603)
o+der hadde +te gult ; (CMTRINIT,43.604)
and ure hlouerd ihesu crist hit acorede . alse him self sei+d .
QVe non rapui exsoluebam . (CMTRINIT,45.606)
Ich geald +tat ich noht ne nam . (CMTRINIT,45.607)
and swo he dude (CMTRINIT,45.608)
$+toncked wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,45.609)
+turh mannes gemeleste and +turh mannes recheleste and +turh mannes
unwraste wil and naht bi his agene wille +te dea+d him wes iwealde .
And +tus man makede him sulfen fo +ter he $frendshipe sholde .
ac ure hlouerd ihesu crist is swo mild heorted . (CMTRINIT,45.612)
heged and wur+ded bie he . (CMTRINIT,45.613)
for wanne +te man forlete+d his synnen . and bete+d . and milce bidde+d
; +tanne is here foshipe turnd al to frendshipe (CMTRINIT,45.614)
Eftsone we +te be+d uncu+de +te heuenliche kinge . for +tat ure liflode
him swi+de mislike+d . alse ne wile noht cnowe bute +tat $we {TEXT:+te}
him be+d queme . wile we ne cu+dleche+d us wid him mid bicumeliche loke
. and folged bi ure mihte +te faire forbisne of +te +tre kinges +te
comen of estriche . and cu+dlecheden hem wi+d him ; mid +trefeld loc .
Avro . Thure . Mirra . +tat is gold . and recheles . and mirre .
Tres reges significant .iij=es=. ordines in $ecclesia scilicet Uirginum
. Coniugatorum . Continentium . (CMTRINIT,45.616)
+Do +tre kinges bitocne+d +tre hodes of bilefulle men .
on is meidhod . +tat o+der spushod . +te +tridde widewehod .
elch man +te lede+d is lif rihtliche on an of +tese +tre hodes he is
cleped king . for +tat he kenne+d eure to rihte . (CMTRINIT,45.619)
and for+ti him bicume+d +tat he offri +te heuenliche kinge . +te +tre
loc +te ich er nemde . +tat is gold . and recheles . and mirre .
Avrum in tributum regi . Thus in sacrificium deo . Mirram in sepulturam
homini . (CMTRINIT,45.621)
Gold bicume+d to kinge . Recheles to gode . mirre to dea+dliche men .
Avrum significat orationis cordis mundiciam propter sui puritatem .
Thus significat orationis deuocionem propter sui redolenciam . Mirra
carnis affliccionem propter sui amaritudinem . (CMTRINIT,45.623)
Gold for is clennesse bitocne+d clene +tonc . (CMTRINIT,45.624)
Rechelis for his swetnesse bitocne+d inwardliche bede .
Mirre for ure biternesse bitocne+d +te lichames pine . +tat man his
synne mide bete+d . (CMTRINIT,45.626)
Wille we mid +tese +tre lokes cu+dlechen us wi+d alre kingene king .
and mid swiche weldede cu+d+den us wi+d him . and giuen to mede wi+d
+tan +te he us lede of +tis water . +tat is +tis weorld wowe . and to
eche blisse lede . (CMTRINIT,45.627)
Qui viuit et regnat deus per omnia secula seculorum . (CMTRINIT,45.628)
AMEN . (CMTRINIT,45.629)
Optulerunt pro eo domino par turturum aut duos pullos columbarum . et
cetera . (CMTRINIT,47.634)
To dai man mai iheren he +te wile wich +teau wes on +te olde lage mid
wimmen on +tre +tinges . (CMTRINIT,47.635)
+tat on is childbed . and +tat o+der chirchgang . and +te +tridde +te
offring . (CMTRINIT,47.636)
of childbed spec+d +te halie boc +tus que+dinde . MVlier que peperit
masculum octava die circumcidit eum . et in tricesima secunda die
deferet eum ad templum . (CMTRINIT,47.637)
+Danne wimman hadde cnaue child . on +te ehte+de dai efter his bur+te ;
dide +te lage +tat wes of his hlichame . (CMTRINIT,47.638)
and after +tan ; on +te two and +trittu+de dai ; gede to chirche .
+tat was +te fowerti+de dai ; after +tes childes burde .
and +tat dai hie ne com nauwer ute . (CMTRINIT,47.641)
ne no+ding ne $handlede bute +tane mete +tat hie hire self et . for
+tat men telden it ful al +tat hie handlede ; forte +tat hie gede to
chirche . (CMTRINIT,47.642)
+tanne hie to chirche gede to +te temple in ierusalem hire ferede was
bifunden alse hie frend hedde (CMTRINIT,47.643)
and brohte +tat child mid hire in to +te temple . (CMTRINIT,47.644)
and offredde loc for him ; alse hie aisie wes . gif hie was riche
wimman ; a lomb . gif hie was bitwene two ; two turtle briddes . gif
hie was poure two duue briddes . (CMTRINIT,47.645)
Swich +teu wes bi +tan dagen . (CMTRINIT,47.646)
and +tis +teu folgede +te heuenliche quen ure lafdi . Seinte Marie . on
childbedde . and on offringe and on chirche gonge . (CMTRINIT,47.647)
and we ogen ec to folgen hire faire forbisne (CMTRINIT,47.648)
and alse hie bar hire holie cunebern on heorte gostliche and on honde
lichamliche . alse we ogen to heren ure hlouerd ihesu crist on ure
heorte . fide et dilecclone . +Durh rihte bileue and so+te luue to gode
and to manne . and on ure honde beren candele berninde . taper o+der
candele . (CMTRINIT,47.649)
ei+der bitocne+d +tis +teau . (CMTRINIT,47.650)
IN Christo enim corpus et anima et diuinitas . et in candela cera
exterius . luminulum interius . $Ignis in arnbobus . (CMTRINIT,47.651)
On ure helendes lichame wi+duten sene . +te holie saule wi+dinne unsene
. and te michele wisdom on ei+der . (CMTRINIT,47.652)
Alse wex on +te candele sene . +te wueke wi+dinnen unsene . and +te fur
on bo+de . (CMTRINIT,47.653)
and for+ti ech cristene oh to habben on honden to-dai in chirche
; lege bernende . alse ure lefdi Seinte Marie hadde ; and hire holie
fereden . (CMTRINIT,49.654)
+tis was +te lage bi holde dagen . (CMTRINIT,49.655)
and +tes loc offrede ure lafdi seinte marie (CMTRINIT,49.656)
and +tre loc offrede weren ure drihten (CMTRINIT,49.657)
+tat is to understonden to eureche manne wet ech bitocne+d
+tat on is lomb (CMTRINIT,49.659)
+tat o+der is turtle (CMTRINIT,49.660)
+tat +tridde is duue (CMTRINIT,49.661)
Vte we ure ech $fonden himself to offren +tat on ; of +tese +tre lokes
. and wat it bitocne+d . (CMTRINIT,49.662)
Agnus quod est animal mansuetum et significat innocenciam . que nescit
cordis . nec oris . nec operis maliciam . (CMTRINIT,49.663)
lomb is drih +ting and milde . (CMTRINIT,49.664)
and bitocne+d lo+dlesnesse . (CMTRINIT,49.665)
lo+dles is +te man +te ne do+d ne ne qua+d . ne +tenc+d no +ting +tat
he +turue ben +te lo+tere ne +te unwur+dere ne gode ne manne .
et hec oblacio perfectorum est . (CMTRINIT,49.667)
Ac +tis loc ne haue+d non to offren . bute +tese lif holie men of
religiun . (CMTRINIT,49.668)
and for +tis loc is +tus arue+d winne . nime we +te turtles bitocninge
+tat is e+dwinne . (CMTRINIT,49.669)
Tvrtur significat castitatem . (CMTRINIT,49.670)
Turtle ne wile habbe no make bute on . and after +tat non .
and for+ti it bitocne+d +te clenesse . +te is bideled of +te hore ;
+tat is cleped hordom . +tat is alre horene hore . (CMTRINIT,49.672)
and ech man +tat is ful +teroffe wapman o+der wimman is hore ; forte
hie it for-leten and beten (CMTRINIT,49.673)
Castitas autem distinguitur in uirginalem . coniugalem . vidualem .
Alle +to mugen offre clennesse +te libbe+d clenliche on maiden-hode .
o+der on spus-hod . o+der on widewe-hod . and non o+der .
and ech man +te ne haue+d noht redi . lombbes lo+dlesnesse . ne turtles
clennesse . habbe we hurend hure mildshipe of duue . alse ure drihten
bit on +te godspelle and sei+d . Estote simplices sicut columbe .
bu+d admode alse duue (CMTRINIT,49.677)
QVe nullum ore . uel ungue ledit . (CMTRINIT,49.678)
duue ne harme+d none fugele ne mid bile ne mid fote . (CMTRINIT,49.679)
and fede+d briddes +teh hie ne ben noht hire . (CMTRINIT,49.680)
and +dus ki+d +tat hie is admod and unbaleful . (CMTRINIT,49.681)
and gif we ne mugen for+den non of +tese +tre ; bidde we +tenne +te
heuenliche quen +tat hie us +tinge to hire holie kinebern . +tat he us
giue +te bitocninge . +tat is imene turtlen and duues . +tat is
bireusinge ; of ure fule sinnes . (CMTRINIT,49.682)
Utraque enim auis habet gemitum pro cantu . quo significatur meror
compunctionis . (CMTRINIT,49.683)
Ei+der turtles and duues habbet sorinesse for song . (CMTRINIT,49.684)
vte we folgen +tat here song bitocne+d . and habben on ure heorte
sorinesse . and reu+de of ure synnes . and +ter mide dihten ure loc
+te we on honde bere+d . +tat we mid ure loke ben gode to queme
. (CMTRINIT,51.685)
Quod ipse prestare dignetur qui viuit et Regnat per omnia secula
seculorum . (CMTRINIT,51.686)
Qvomodo cantabimus canticum domini in terra aliena ? (CMTRINIT,51.690)
+te holie prophete dauid spec+d on +te sealmboc . (CMTRINIT,51.691)
and on a stede +teron munege+d sume of +te wordes +te weren speken
bitwine two folkes . (CMTRINIT,51.692)
+tat on was of ierusalem . and +tat o+der of babilonie .
and +to word munege+d us to rihtlechen ure liflode . and nime+d
forbisne efter +te olde men +te +to weren and lif holie .
Ierusalem . and babilonie be+d two burges . (CMTRINIT,51.695)
and flite+d eure . and winne+d bitwinen hem . (CMTRINIT,51.696)
+tat israelisshe folc was walkende toward ierusalem on swinche . and on
drede . and on wanrede (CMTRINIT,51.697)
and +to wile was hersum godes hese . (CMTRINIT,51.698)
Ac efter +tan +te hie weren wuniende in ierusalem . and weren hole and
sunde . and sikere of here giue . and hadden +te fulle of wurldes
richeisse . +to hie forleten godes lore . (CMTRINIT,51.699)
and folgeden here lichames wille . nameliche on two +tigges .
+tat was mu+des me+de +tat o+der hordom . (CMTRINIT,51.701)
and +termide brohten godes wra+de uppen hem . (CMTRINIT,51.702)
and he nam stronge wrache +ter-of . (CMTRINIT,51.703)
here+d nu wich . (CMTRINIT,51.704)
he let hise wi+derfulle hine +to ben deules on helle bringen on +te
kinges heorte of babilonie . +tat he sholde fare to +te burh of
ierusalem . and strugen it . (CMTRINIT,51.705)
and he gederede michel ferde mid alle . (CMTRINIT,51.706)
and sende in to ierusalem . (CMTRINIT,51.707)
and com him self +terwi+d (CMTRINIT,51.708)
and bilai +te burh forte +tat hit wan and struide hem +to . and al +te
lond +ter abuten . (CMTRINIT,51.709)
and nam +tat folc (CMTRINIT,51.710)
and dide into bendes . (CMTRINIT,51.711)
and sende hie in to babilonie to +tralshipe . (CMTRINIT,51.712)
and on +tralshipe hie wuneden two and sixti wintre . and sume hund
seuenti wintre fulle . (CMTRINIT,51.713)
and +tat lond folc hem ouer-sette mid felefelde pine and mid swinche
and michele wowe . (CMTRINIT,51.714)
and to eken o+ter +to gremeden hem sore +tus que+dinde . Hymnum cantate
nobis d. c. s . (CMTRINIT,51.715)
Singe+d us of +te loft songes of syon . (CMTRINIT,51.716)
+tus sede +tat folc of babilonie to +te folke of ierusalem .
+tat israelisse folc andswerede +tus (CMTRINIT,53.718)
and sede . Qvomodo cantabimus canticum domini interra aliena ?
hu muge we singen godes loft song in uncu+de londe ? (CMTRINIT,53.720)
+te wile +te we weren on ure herde sikere . and sunde . and on alle
richeise we sungen ofte ure drihtenes loft songes . (CMTRINIT,53.721)
ac nu we bu+d on +tralshipe and +tolie+d meseise . we mugen michel
e+dere for+den wepinge +tene song . (CMTRINIT,53.722)
and +tus leten bileuen +te blisfulle songes . alle +te wile +de hie
wuneden on +tralshipe . (CMTRINIT,53.723)
+tat was two and sixti wintre . (CMTRINIT,53.724)
+to com a king +te was cleped chirus . (CMTRINIT,53.725)
and wan babilonie . (CMTRINIT,53.726)
and makede frie +tat israelisse folk . (CMTRINIT,53.727)
and let hem sume faren hom in to ierusalem . (CMTRINIT,53.728)
Nu age we alle and al cristene folc nime forbisne after +tat
israelisshe folc . and leten alse fele dages alse hie diden geres .
+tat be+d two and sixti . +tat we ne singe+d +to blisfulle songes .
Alleluia and te deum laudamus . (CMTRINIT,53.729)
and swo fele dages be+d unen to estrene dai . for +tat we be+d ec on
+tralshipe . gostliche for ure gultes . alse hie weren lichamliche for
here gultes (CMTRINIT,53.730)
and +tis mai ech man understonden . +te wot wat bitocne+d +tese two
burges . ierusalem and babilonie . (CMTRINIT,53.731)
IErusalem enim interpretatur uisio pacis . et significat moraliter
animam iusticie . (CMTRINIT,53.732)
ierusalem bitocne+d so+d of sehtnesse . (CMTRINIT,53.733)
Quoniam oculis contemplacionis semper intuetur saluatorem nostrum . qui
deo petri reconciliauit genus humanum . (CMTRINIT,53.734)
for he do+d alse holie write sei+d . (CMTRINIT,53.735)
Oculi mei semper ad dominum . (CMTRINIT,53.736)
vre egen ben eure opene to biholde ure helende +te +turh is agen de+d
makede +ten heuenliche fader sehte mid mankin ; (CMTRINIT,53.737)
+donked wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,53.738)
Qve n . dicitur ciuitas eo quod humilitatis et paciencie ceterumque
uirtutum habitacio est ; ut ciuitas ciuium . (CMTRINIT,53.739)
+te saule is cleped burh for +te admodnesse and +doleburdnesse . and
Swiche o+dre holie mihtes . +te wunie+d on hire alse folc inne burh .
Et in anima regnat spiritualis apetitus ut dux in urbe .
and on hire rixle+d +te gostliche wil ; alse king on is burh .
Babilonia interpretatur confusio . (CMTRINIT,53.743)
babilonie bitocne+d shame . (CMTRINIT,53.744)
Et significat corpus subditum peccato . (CMTRINIT,53.745)
and bitocne+d +te synfulle lichame . Quod est confusum quoniam dominus
spernit illud . +te is riht attenshame . for +tat he erne+d here . +tat
ure louerd ihesu crist him $shende+d . and wile shufe fro him a domes
dai . biforen alle heueneware and her+de ware . and ec helleware ; +tus
que+dende . Ite maledicti in ignem eternum . et cetera .
wite+d ge awerhgede gostes in to helle . (CMTRINIT,55.747)
Qvod eciam dicitur ciuitas quod uicia habitant in eo ; ut in urbe ciues
. (CMTRINIT,55.748)
+te lichame is cleped burh . for +tat +te fele lehtres . and fule
lastes wunen +teronne alse folc inne burh . (CMTRINIT,55.749)
Et in eo regnat carnalis appetitus ut dux in urbe sua .
and on him rixle+d lichamliche wil ; alse eldrene man on his burh .
Et fecit gulam milicie sue principem . (CMTRINIT,55.752)
and sette mu+des mesure on his ferde . +tat he gaderede . scilicet
carnalia desideria . que militant aduersus animam . +to ben +te fule
tuderende of flesliche lustes and fule sinnes . +te flited eure toganes
+te wreche saule . (CMTRINIT,55.753)
and of +tis flite spec+d +te apostel (CMTRINIT,55.754)
and sei+d . Caro concupiscit aduersus spiritum . spiritus aduersus
carnem . (CMTRINIT,55.755)
+Te lichame flite+d and winne+d togenes +te gostes wille . and +te
saule agenes +te lichames wille . (CMTRINIT,55.756)
we auen forgult ure saules wille si+de mid winter com hiderwardes and
ouercumen it . and don us in to helle wite ; for ure mu+des mete on
+tre wise . on etinge to michel . on estmetes +te brede+d sinnes . and
on ouerete ; +te hem fede+d and on untimliche ete ; +te hem for+de+d .
and on two wise on drinke untimeliche ; and on ouerdede .
and on swiche drinkeres cume+d godes curs . alse +te prophete sei+d .
UE nobis qui potentes estis ad bibendum . (CMTRINIT,55.759)
Wo +to ilche +tat ben mihti to drinken . (CMTRINIT,55.760)
on two wise men drinke+d golnesse . on untime . and on $unluued stede .
and ne ben naht like +terto bute hie ben togedere bispusede .
and alle +te wile +te hersumie+d +tese two +ting +te ich nu nemde ;
mu+des me+de and golnesse . ne muge we noht singe +te blisfulle songes
; alleluia . ne te deum laudamus . ne Gloria in excelsis gode to
quemnesse . (CMTRINIT,55.763)
Vte we +tenne +tis hersumien . and bireusen +tat we auen don . and gon
to shrifte +terof . (CMTRINIT,55.764)
and beten ech bi his mihte mid gode bedes . mid almes dede . bi ure
shriftes rede . (CMTRINIT,55.765)
and al +tese two and sixti dages ; forleten blisfulle songes . and
plege . (CMTRINIT,55.766)
and leden clenliche ure lif ; alse +te holie boc us lere+d .
and +termide lesen us ut of helle pine . (CMTRINIT,55.768)
Quod ipse nobis prestare dignetur qui viuit . (CMTRINIT,55.769)
Vnderstonde+d get an $+ting +tat ich giu wile warnie fore .
gif man be+d forwunded . he wile anon sechen after leches . and shewen
him his wunden . and bi his wissinge leden is lif . forte +tat he bie
hol . alse we ogen to don . (CMTRINIT,57.775)
Ure saule is sore forwunded . (CMTRINIT,57.776)
for ech synne is +te saule wunde . (CMTRINIT,57.777)
and prest is saulene leche . (CMTRINIT,57.778)
and for+ti we agen to cumen to ure preste er +tanne we biginnen to
festen . and of him understonden shrift . +te we shulen leden al +tis
leinten . on festing . on elmes dede on gode bedes . on wecche . on
swinke . on unwasshen weden . on smerte swinginge and on o+dre swiche
gode dedes ; elch man alse him bu+d lief to beten his fule synnes .
for no man ne mai synnes beten er +tanne he hem forlete . and shewe em
his prest . and nime shrifte +teroffe . (CMTRINIT,57.780)
TRibus de causis ieiunant $ieiunantes . alius quidem ad purgacionem
culpe scilicet peccator . alius uero ad custodiam iusticie scilicet
iustus . alius ad augmentum glorie scilicet sanctus . (CMTRINIT,57.781)
On +tre wise faste+d man . +te wel faste+d here leinten . +te synfulle
for to clensen him . +te rihtwise for to witiende his rihtwisnesse .
and nehlechen to holinesse . (CMTRINIT,57.782)
+te holie man faste+d forto hegen his sete on heuene . and to eken his
holinesse . and to egen his blisse . (CMTRINIT,57.783)
$Qvod melius patefacit ; exemplar lotricum . (CMTRINIT,57.784)
and +tis us do+d to understonden +te forbisne of +te wasshestreu .
Sume bere+d sole clo+d to +te watere forto wasshen it clene .
Swo faste+d +te sinfulle man his festing to clensen him seluen of his
fule sinnen . (CMTRINIT,57.787)
Sume bere+d clene clo+d to watere to blechen him +tat hit beo wit .
Swo do+d +te rihtwise man for to quemen ure louerd ihesu crist . and
for to habben eche lif mid him . (CMTRINIT,57.789)
Sum o+der bere+d clene clo+d . and faire wit . (CMTRINIT,57.790)
Swo faste+d +te holie man for ben hegh on heuene . and nehg ure drihten
. and for to habben +te fulle blisse mid him . (CMTRINIT,57.791)
Sanctus indiget confirmacione . Ivstus autem conuersacione . Peccator
uero penitudine . Confessione . Sanctificacione . (CMTRINIT,57.792)
+Te holie man is ned +tat he festned on his holinesse . +te
rihtwise +tat he bileue on his rihtwisnesse (CMTRINIT,59.793)
+te sinfulle man is ned . +tat he synne forlete and swi+de bimurne and
shewe hem his preste at shrifte . and after his wissinge hem bete .
and +terfore we agen alle to ben shrifene of ure synnes her we biginnen
to fasten . (CMTRINIT,59.795)
for no man ne mai his sinnes bete ; er he habbe nume shrift +terof .
Ure louerd ihesu crist leue us swo ure synnen to beten . and swich
elmesse to wurchen . +tat we mo ben on his riht hond on domes dai .
Quod ipse prestare dignetur qui viuit . (CMTRINIT,59.798)
Conuertimini ad me in toto corde uestro et cetera . (CMTRINIT,59.802)
Non eor+dliche fader ne moder ne haue+d swa milde heorte to hire liefe
child . swo ure heuenliche fader haue+d to us ; (CMTRINIT,59.803)
+tonked wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,59.804)
and +tat he ci+d on alle wise . and nameliche on +tat +te he hus
mineget ofte on his holie write bi his erendrake +tus que+dinde .
Conuertimini ad me et cetera . (CMTRINIT,59.805)
Turne+d giu to me . (CMTRINIT,59.806)
feren it is +tat we and ure heldrene habb+a+d ben turnd fro him ; eure
si+d+den +te deuel com on neddre liche to adam . and mid his hinder
worde bicherde him ; +tat he forlet +tat god him het don . and dide
+tat god him forbet . and on +tese wise turnde fro him . noht him one
ac al his ofspring . alse +te holie boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,59.807)
Recessit a deo salutari quo . (CMTRINIT,59.808)
forlet god his helende . (CMTRINIT,59.809)
forlet god his louerd . (CMTRINIT,59.810)
Et abiit in consilio ympiorum . (CMTRINIT,59.811)
and turnde on +te hinderfulle rede . (CMTRINIT,59.812)
Et stetit in uia peccatorum . (CMTRINIT,59.813)
and stod on +te weie of synnes . (CMTRINIT,59.814)
Et sedit in ca . pestilencie . (CMTRINIT,59.815)
and set on +te setle of unhele . (CMTRINIT,59.816)
and +teh ure drihten be mild heorted . +to +te him bidde+d he is
no+deles rihtwis togenes +to ; +te his milce biseche+d . alse +te boc
sei+d . (CMTRINIT,59.817)
Misericors dominus et iustus . (CMTRINIT,59.818)
vre louerd is mild heorted . and rihtwis . (CMTRINIT,59.819)
for +turh his mild hertnesse he hadde maked adam louerd ouer +tis
middelherd . and ec ouer paradis +te wile +te he wolde heren him .
and +turh his rihtwisnesse . drof him ut of paradis . +to +te was turnd
fro him . (CMTRINIT,61.821)
and makede him fleme +tere he hadde er louerd iben . and erming +ter he
was er king . (CMTRINIT,61.822)
Swo do+d to dai ech bishup . +te in his minister be+d . driue+d ut +to
forsinegede men . +te habbe+d +to sinnes don ; +te biligge+d to here
shrifte . and shulen don here penitence ; forte +tene +turesdai biforen
estrene dai . (CMTRINIT,61.823)
and +tenne he wile hem fecchen in to chirche . (CMTRINIT,61.824)
Swo ure louerd ihesu crist fette adam ut of helle . +to +te hedde his
penitence enden . and swo he wile us ec . +tanne we hauen ure penitence
fulended . (CMTRINIT,61.825)
Adam was in helle in pine fuwerti hundred wintre . for his sinne .
and we shulen ben fulle .xl. dages in penitence . for to beten ure
sinnen . and +ter after ben alesd of pine +turh +tat holie huse +te we
shulen +tanne understonden . (CMTRINIT,61.827)
and gif we clenliche it understonde+d ; +tanne bie we turnd to him ;
and he to us alse him self sei+d . (CMTRINIT,61.828)
Conuertimini ad me ; et ego conuertar ad uos . (CMTRINIT,61.829)
Turne+d giu to me ; (CMTRINIT,61.830)
and ich wile turne me to giu . (CMTRINIT,61.831)
We turnen ofte to him ; and fro him . (CMTRINIT,61.832)
for we be+d unstedefaste . (CMTRINIT,61.833)
At ure fulcninge biforen +te uantstone . we turnden fro ure fo to him .
and biheten him festliche +tat we wolden eure to him holden .
and habbe+d logen ure hese . (CMTRINIT,61.836)
and eft sone ech at shrifte +tat ilke bihote+d . (CMTRINIT,61.837)
Ac liste+d nu wich +treat dauid setted uppen us bute lesten ure bihese
. and turnen to him anradliche . (CMTRINIT,61.838)
Nisi conuersi fueritis gladium et cetera . (CMTRINIT,61.839)
bute $we turnen to gode anradliche he wile his swerd dragen ; +tat is
his wrake . (CMTRINIT,61.840)
Et aut in latere quassabit . aut in aice findet . aut in mucrone
comburet . (CMTRINIT,61.841)
and he wile smite mid bredlinge swuerde and brisen . o+der mid egge .
and cleuen . o+der mid orde . and pilten . and bernen .
Vuele he us brise+d . gif he binime+d us ure agte . o+der +turh fur .
o+der +turh +tiefes . o+der +turh roberie . o+der +turh unrihte dom .
o+der +turh gemeleste . o+der +turh o+der unlimp . o+der +turh orf
qualm . o+der +turh smerte gier . and gif he binime+d us ure sihte .
o+der ure liste . o+der us croke+d on fote o+der on honde . o+der on
alle ure limes binime+d us ure hele . (CMTRINIT,61.843)
and reuliche he us cleue+d gif he +turh ferliche de+d ; saule fro +te
lichame dele+d . alse ich drede +tat he wile bute we turne to him +te
erur . (CMTRINIT,61.844)
Grisliche he us mid orde pilted . and berne+d . gif he us sende+d .
into helle saule . and lichame to wuniende on eche fur .
Min red is +tat we bergen us wi+d ech of +tese +tre duntes . and don
alse +titege dauid us minege+d +tus que+dinde . Declina a malo
et fac bonum . (CMTRINIT,63.846)
forbue iuel (CMTRINIT,63.847)
and do god . (CMTRINIT,63.848)
Et apostolus . EMendemus in melius que ignoranter peccauimus . et
cetera . (CMTRINIT,63.849)
and seinte poul sei+d . turne we to gode . (CMTRINIT,63.850)
and beten . for +tat we hauen agilt her biforen . Per ignoranciam . Per
negligenciam . Per inpotenciam . Per maliuolenciam . o+der +turh
nuteluste . o+der +turh uniweald +te bu+d e+dbete gif hie us sore
riewe+d . o+der recheluste +de is erne+der to betende . o+der to
bi+tohte +tinge +te is swi+de erue+der to betende . bute hie +te more
hem bimurne . and +te gernere milce bidde ; and +te more pine +tolien .
Nu ge hauen herd +tat ure drihten bit turnen to him . (CMTRINIT,63.852)
here+d nu o hu uele wise . (CMTRINIT,63.853)
scilicet In toto corde . IN ieiunio . IN fletu et planctu .
On fuwuer wise us bihoue+d turnen to him ; on heorte . on festene . on
wope . on meninge . (CMTRINIT,63.855)
+te man turne+d to gode on sumdel of his heorte ; +te sume of his
sinnes forlete+d . and sume et-hele+d . (CMTRINIT,63.856)
ac swo ne bihoue+d us noht to don . (CMTRINIT,63.857)
+te man turne+d on al his heorte +te alle his synnes forlete+d .
and swo we ben beden turnen . +tat we ne athelde none on ure heorte .
and nameliche no wra+d+de ne onde . ne hatiginge . ne habbe non to
o+der +teh he haue to us . (CMTRINIT,63.859)
On festing he bit us us turnen . (CMTRINIT,63.860)
IEiunium corporis est abstinencia cibi et potus . Ieiunium mentis est
abstinencia uicii . (CMTRINIT,63.861)
Two kinne festing be+d . (CMTRINIT,63.862)
+te lichames festing ; is wi+dtiging of estmetes . and oueretes . and
untimliche etes . and untimliche drinke . alse +te holie loftsong sei+d
. (CMTRINIT,63.863)
CArnis terat , superbiam potus cibique parcitas . (CMTRINIT,63.864)
Me+deliche eting . and drinking agen to temien +te lichames orguil .
+te man +te faste+d his +tonkes festing is widtigig of flashes lustes .
and of o+dre fule lastes alse seinte poul sei+d . (CMTRINIT,63.866)
Abstinete uos a carnalibus desideriis que militant aduersus animam .
Wi+dtie+d giu fro flesliche lustes +te winnen togenes +te saule .
and of +tis festing spec+d ure drihten +turh +te holie prophetes mu+d ;
+tus que+dinde . Hoc est ieiunium quod magis elegi . scilicet
dissoluere colligaciones impietatis et soluere fasciculos deprimentes .
ei+der que+d he ich wile . (CMTRINIT,63.870)
ac +tat me is quemere +tat unbinde+d +te bendes ; of wi+derfulnesse .
and +to ouersemde burden . (CMTRINIT,63.871)
gif we wi+deri+d on dede . and on speche . togenes ure chirche . o+der
togenes ure emcristen . and +terto wunie+d us . +tenne bie we bunden of
wi+derfulnesse . (CMTRINIT,63.872)
and gif beden hem bote . o+der forgiuenesse beden ; +tanne
unbunde we +te bendes ; +te we her uppen hem bunden . (CMTRINIT,65.873)
and +tat bit ure drihten . (CMTRINIT,65.874)
and gif man haue+d wi+d us agilt . woerdes . o+der wurkes . we +tat him
forgiue+d . +tanne unbinde we +te burden +te he hadde us mide ouersemd
. (CMTRINIT,65.875)
+tat +tridde +ting hwanne ure drihten us bit turnen to him ; is wop +te
we for ure synnes wepe+d . alse +de holie prophete sei+d .
Lacrimis meis stratum meum rigabo . (CMTRINIT,65.877)
Swo ich wile biwepe mine synnes . +tat mi bed bie iwasshen mid mine
teares . (CMTRINIT,65.878)
and gif hit is swo . me +ting+d ne brin+d no synful man quemere loc ;
+tene teares sheding for his sinnen . (CMTRINIT,65.879)
and wiste $seinte peter . and Seinte Marie magdaleine +te mid wope
wessen hem seluen of heued synnes . (CMTRINIT,65.880)
On +te feor+de +tinge . +tat is meninge . god bad us turnen to him .
and +tat us bihoue+d to don ; on +trefeld wise . (CMTRINIT,65.882)
Vos ipsos de peccatis reprehendo . $SAcerdoti ea confitendo . dei
misericordiam pro eis supplicando . (CMTRINIT,65.883)
and is +tat we agen to gabben us seluen for +tat {TEXT:for+tat} we
synegeden . alse +te holie man iob sei+d . (CMTRINIT,65.884)
Reprehendo me et ago penitenciam . in fauillo et cinere .
Ich haue syneged and gabbe me suluen +teroffe (CMTRINIT,65.886)
and pine me seluen on asshen . and on iselen . (CMTRINIT,65.887)
and we agen to dai understonden +tese pine . (CMTRINIT,65.888)
o+der is +tat we agen ure synnes menende to shewen hem +te preste . and
bi his wissingge beten hem sy+d+den alse seint iacob sei+d .
Confitemini alterutrum peccata uestra et cetera . (CMTRINIT,65.890)
shewe+d giwer synnes +te preste . (CMTRINIT,65.891)
for al +tat prest binde+d so+dliche bu+d ibunden (CMTRINIT,65.892)
and al +tat he unbinde+d be+d unbunden . (CMTRINIT,65.893)
+te +tridde is menende his synnes bifore gode . and milce +ter of
bidden . (CMTRINIT,65.894)
+tis us bihoue+d +tat we eche dai don . and mid alle ure limes ure
synnes beten . alse seinte poul sei+d . (CMTRINIT,65.895)
Sicut exibuistis membra uestra seruire $inmundicie et iniquitati ad
iniquitatem ita nunc exibete membra uestra seruire iusticie in
sanctificacionem . (CMTRINIT,65.896)
Alse ge hauen giwer lichame don to hersumiende fule lustes ; and unriht
. alse do+d giwer lichame he+denfor+d to hersumiende clennesse . and
rihtwisnesse . and holinesse . +tat ech lime synderlepes turne to gode
and bete his gilt . (CMTRINIT,65.897)
Oculus uidit uanitatem fleat nunc . (CMTRINIT,65.898)
wepe +tat ege for +tat {TEXT:for+tat} hit idel bihield .
Avris audiuit ociosa . conuersa audiat utilia . (CMTRINIT,65.900)
eare luste unnitte speche . (CMTRINIT,65.901)
turne +terfro . (CMTRINIT,65.902)
and here godes word on holie lorspelle . (CMTRINIT,65.903)
PEs cucurrit ad malum . (CMTRINIT,65.904)
fot gide to uni+dor ; (CMTRINIT,65.905)
swike nu . (CMTRINIT,65.906)
and gon ofte to chirche . (CMTRINIT,67.908)
Circa membra se tetigere illicite abstineant . (CMTRINIT,67.909)
+ti shape dide . +tat hit ne sholde . and +ter hit ne sholde and +tenne
hit ne sholde . (CMTRINIT,67.910)
wi+dteo it nu . bi here mihte +teh hie bien togedere bispused .
and gif hie ne be+d noht togedere bispused . forleten hit mid alle .
Manus effudit sanguinem . desinat et faciat elemosinam .
hand dide ofte harmes . (CMTRINIT,67.914)
swike nu . (CMTRINIT,67.915)
and do almesse . (CMTRINIT,67.916)
Corinuidit & odiuit habeat pacem et dileccionem . (CMTRINIT,67.917)
heorte hadde onde and hatiunge (CMTRINIT,67.918)
habbe nu sehtnesse . and luue to ech liues man . (CMTRINIT,67.919)
Os peccauit manducando bibendo male loquendo . (CMTRINIT,67.920)
Mu+d synegede on eting . on drinking . and on uuele speche .
ete nu leinte mete . (CMTRINIT,67.922)
and enes o dai and euene fille . (CMTRINIT,67.923)
and drinke o tige atte mete . and noht +ter after bute hit for unhele
be . o+der swinke . (CMTRINIT,67.924)
speke so+d and riht . (CMTRINIT,67.925)
and bidde gerne milce . (CMTRINIT,67.926)
+tus bit ure drihten . +tat we shulen to him turnen . (CMTRINIT,67.927)
and sei+d +tat he wile to us . and mid us bileue . (CMTRINIT,67.928)
Qui viuit et Regnat per omnia secula seculorum . (CMTRINIT,67.929)
Preocupemus faciem domini . et in psalmis iubilemus ei .
+te holie prophete dauid minege+d us on +te sealmboc to beregen us +te
wile +te we mugen . wi+d +te eiseliche shame . and mid te bitere grame
+tat alle synfulle men shule +tolen on domes dai . +tat ne haue noht
here sinnes forleten . and bet ; er +tan al mankin . +te was . and wurh
. and nu is ; cumen to one mote . and ure louerd ihesu crist cume+d of
heuene to hem . and shode+d +te gode fro +te iuele . (CMTRINIT,67.934)
Et statuet oues a dextris ; hedos autem a sinistris . (CMTRINIT,67.935)
and shode+d +te rihtwise an his rihthalue (CMTRINIT,67.936)
and wur+de+d hem . and here+d . for hie hauen him er wel quemed .
and giue+d hem to medes eche lif . and blisse . and heuene mid him
seluen ; (CMTRINIT,67.938)
and sei+d . Uenite benedicti patris et cetera . (CMTRINIT,67.939)
cume+d ge blescede . (CMTRINIT,67.940)
and underfo+d +tat riche +tat giu is igarked fro +te biginnigge of +te
worlde . (CMTRINIT,67.941)
Si+den he sette+d +te synfulle on his lifthalf . (CMTRINIT,67.942)
and wite+d hem +tat hie bi here lif dages ne wolden him quemen .
and here agene synnes . on dede . and on speche . unhile+d hem seluen .
and shameliche hem bigrede+d . (CMTRINIT,69.945)
and fule shende+d . biforen al heueneware . and eor+deware . and helle
ware . (CMTRINIT,69.946)
and +tenne sende+d ure louerd ihesu crist hem mid saule . and mid
lichame into helle . to wuniende on eche wowe . +de +de+den for+d shal
wexen alse he seide . (CMTRINIT,69.947)
Ite maledicti . et cetera . (CMTRINIT,69.948)
wite+d ge aweregede gostes in +tat eche fur +tat is garked to deuules
and here fereden to wuniende eure . and o abuten ende .
+tus here agene sinnes hem shende+d . (CMTRINIT,69.950)
and hie ben of-gramede wi+d hem selfen . for +tat hie nedden here
synnes er bet . and wi+d +tis michele shame boregen +te wile here bot
dai laste . (CMTRINIT,69.951)
Ure bot dai is nu . (CMTRINIT,69.952)
and laste+d +te wile +te god wile . (CMTRINIT,69.953)
bete we gerne . (CMTRINIT,69.954)
and ben afterward +te edinesse +te +te salm boc of spec+d +tus
que+dende . Beati quorum remisse . et cetera . (CMTRINIT,69.955)
Edie ben alle +to ; +te here giltes ben atleten . and helid here sinnes
. +tat ben +to +te hem rihtleche+d . alse +te prophete dauid hem lerde
. (CMTRINIT,69.956)
Preocupemus f. d. in. con . (CMTRINIT,69.957)
+tenche we ure giltes er +te dom cume . (CMTRINIT,69.958)
and forleten ure synnes . (CMTRINIT,69.959)
and bimurnen hem sore . (CMTRINIT,69.960)
and shewen hem at shrifte . (CMTRINIT,69.961)
and beten hem swo +te prest us wisse+d . (CMTRINIT,69.962)
and beten swo mid bote al +tat we er breken . +tat god ne finde +tanne
on us no gilt unpined . (CMTRINIT,69.963)
+tanne ne +tarf us no+der gramien . ne shamien . (CMTRINIT,69.964)
To forleten ure sinne us minege+d +te holie prophete ieremie . +dus
que+dinde . Derelinquat impius uiam suam et cetera . (CMTRINIT,69.965)
Forlete +te iuele man his wei . and +te unrihtwise his fele unnette
speche . (CMTRINIT,69.966)
and turne to gode . (CMTRINIT,69.967)
Iuel is +tat ne wile his agene saule helpen . (CMTRINIT,69.968)
and we ben mest alle . (CMTRINIT,69.969)
and ure wei +te we shule leten . is ure liflode +te we shule rihtleche
. (CMTRINIT,69.970)
Unrihtwise we ben +tanne we ne don ure helendes wille . +te lesde us of
dea+de . and gif+d us al +tat we habben {TEXT:bi_ben} . and eche lif
bihote+d . and wile lesten alle +to +te him heren . (CMTRINIT,69.971)
and gif we don ure wille +te us teo+d eure to herme . and here iuel don
and werse +tenchen to don ; +tat is unriht . (CMTRINIT,69.972)
+te holie man iob +te non ne was his efning on eor+de . he us giue+d
fair forbisne to bireusen ure saule sor . +tat is ure sinnes . +ter he
sei+d . Dimitte me domine u. p. p. d. m. a . (CMTRINIT,69.973)
+tole me louerd alitelwan +tat ich bimurne mi sor ; er ich wite to +te
+testere wunienge . (CMTRINIT,69.974)
and +te holie boc sei+d on o+der stede . Qvacunque hora homo
ingemiscit peccata sua remittuntur ei . (CMTRINIT,71.975)
alse wat swo +te man his sinne sore bimurne+d ure drihten le+de+d +te
sinne bendes . (CMTRINIT,71.976)
and blisse+d swo +te soule alse +te boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,71.977)
Secundum multitudinem dolorum m. in. c. m. et cetera .
alse fele sorinesses swo ich haue on min herte ; for mine sinnes ; mid
alse fele frefringe +tu hauest blissed min soule . (CMTRINIT,71.979)
and +tanne we hauen ure sinnes forleten . and +tus bimurnen us bihoue+d
+tat we don ; alse +te holie prophete us minege+d +tus que+tinde .
Confitemini domino quoniam bonus ; (CMTRINIT,71.980)
kneowe+d ure louerd for +tat he is wel god . and swo mild heorted .
and sein iacob sei+d on his pistle . Confitemini alterutrum peccata
uestra et cetera . (CMTRINIT,71.982)
shewe+d giwer sinnes on o+der stede . (CMTRINIT,71.983)
and a wich {TEXT:awich} o+der stede age we hem to shewen . vre drihten
us sei+d on +te godspelle . +te sein lucas makede . +ter +te .x.
li+d+droweres clepeden biforen ure drihten . and seiden . Iesu
preceptor miserere nostri . (CMTRINIT,71.984)
+tu helend +te mid +tine wordes helest . alle +to +te wilt . haue milce
of us . (CMTRINIT,71.985)
Et dixit eis . Ite et ostendite uos sacerdotibus (CMTRINIT,71.986)
and he andswerede hem alse he do+d us nu . (CMTRINIT,71.987)
go+d (CMTRINIT,71.988)
and shewe+d giu giuwer prest . (CMTRINIT,71.989)
prestes we shewed us +tanne seien hem ure ateliche sinnes +te we hauen
don . and que+den . and +toht mid lestinde fule +tonke
and +tanne we bien toward him . gif we hauen on ure +toht to shewen him
ure sinnes . and forleten . and beten . (CMTRINIT,71.991)
we ben clensed of ure sinnes . gif we riht lesten +tat we +tere bihoten
+tere we shule tellen . alle ure gultes +tat we ne hauen noht bet . and
noht mid faire worde hihten . +to ateliche sinnes . and no +ting seien
+tere +tat les beo . and no +ting of +te so+de forlete . ac shewen
+tere openliche wich he is . and gif hit was don on untime . o+der on
unluuede stede . o+der mid unluued lete . o+der on unluued wise . o+der
gif it was erfe+d to for+den . and smeihliche bicharede .
and gif we shewe+d +tus ure sinnes . +tenne muge we fulliche ben
shrifene . (CMTRINIT,71.994)
ac fewe ben +tat +tus shewen heore sinnes . (CMTRINIT,71.995)
and +tat is long on felefelde iuele lastes . and iuele +teawes .
Decem sunt que impediunt confessionem . scilicet hec . Obliuio .
Ignorancia . Neggligencia . Verecundia . Timor . Diffidencia .
Delicacia . Fiducia . Pertinacia . Desperacio . (CMTRINIT,71.997)
Ten +ting ben +te letten men of here scrifte . Noht alle on . ac sum on
. and sum o+der . (CMTRINIT,71.998)
+tat ben +tese (CMTRINIT,71.999)
and haten +tus . forgetelnesse . nutelnesse . recheles . shamfestnesse
. drede . Ortrowe . Trew+teleas . $Softgerne Trust . wilfulnesse
. Misleue . (CMTRINIT,73.1000)
+te man +te naue+t . luue ne eie to gode . he +tenche+d selde o+der
naure of heuene wele ; +te forgult mid his sunnes . and helle wowe .
+te he erne+d mid his sunnes . (CMTRINIT,73.1001)
and for +tat gult he solde his sunnes at srifte sheawen .
and for +ti cume+d uppen him +tat unlimp +te +te prophete wisste on se
salmboke +tus que+dende . Adhereat lingua mea faucibus meis . et cetera
. (CMTRINIT,73.1003)
Cleued be mi tunge to mine cheken gif ich forgete +te ierusalem .
+tanne man forgiet +tat he seien sholde . +tanne be+d his tunge alse
hit $cleued were . (CMTRINIT,73.1005)
$Nutelnesse lete+d +te mannes shrifte +te ne wot neure hwanne he
sinege+d . (CMTRINIT,73.1006)
and swiche ben alle +to +te ne wilen listen lorspel . and +teron lernen
wiche ben sinnen . and beregen hem . and +tat bilimpe+d to godcunnesse
. and folegen +tat . (CMTRINIT,73.1007)
and +teroffe sei+d +te boc . Nvllus uitare laborat quod ignorat .
no man ne fle+d +ting bute he wite . o+der wene +tat it him deren wille
. (CMTRINIT,73.1009)
Recheleste lette+d +te mannes shrifte . +te +turh his misleue
herberge+d +te fule gost on his heorte . +te him teche+d to folgen his
fule lustes . and no wuerse of scrifte . (CMTRINIT,73.1010)
and of hem +te holie boc spec+d and sei+d . Peccator cum uenerit in
profundum contempnit . (CMTRINIT,73.1011)
+tanne +te sinfulle man beo+d bifallen on depe sinne . ne reche+d no
+ting of scrifte . (CMTRINIT,73.1012)
Shamfestnesse lette+d +te mannes shrifte . +te ne wile his sinne seien
+te preste . +te he ofte sinege+d . for him sholde shamen of him . and
ne understant noht +tat +te shame +te +te man haue+d of his sinne .
+tanne he hem prest shewe+d ; hit is +te biginnigge of fremfulle
sinbote . (CMTRINIT,73.1013)
and +tat wiste wel +te prophete +te +tus que+d . Tota die uerecundia
mea contra me est ; et cetera (CMTRINIT,73.1014)
min shamfestnesse is to-genes me . (CMTRINIT,73.1015)
and ouerhele+d min bend ofte . (CMTRINIT,73.1016)
Drede lette+d +te mannes shrifte . +te ne dar his sinnes seien +te
prest . leste hit uttere cume +tat hie tweien witen .
and swiche men blame+d +te prophete on +te sealm boc +ter he sei+d .
$Illic trepidauerunt timore u. n. e. t . (CMTRINIT,73.1018)
+ter hem stod eie ; +ter hem ne sholde . +tat is of idele +ting . and
+ter non ; +ter hem sholde michel eie stonde . +tat is of gode .
Ortrowe of agene mihte lette+d +te mannes shrifte . +te +tinche+d +tat
he ne mihte his sinne forlete . +teh he hem seide at shrifte . and
forhete hem . (CMTRINIT,73.1020)
Sed hii sunt filii diffidencie de quibus dicit scriptura . Venit ira
dei in filios diffidencie . (CMTRINIT,73.1021)
and swiche ben +te deules bernes +te aren cleped ortrowe for
+tat hie sinege swo michel . +tat hie wenden to hauen forloren milce .
and godes wra+d+de cume+d ofte uppe +to ; +te +tat wenen .
softgerne and ednesse lette+d +te mannes shrifte . +te +tinche+d +tat
he ne mai +tolen hunger . ne +tirst ne o+ter pine to betende his sinnes
. (CMTRINIT,75.1024)
vnde scriptura dicit . Delicati se nutriunt ad incendia gehenne .
+te softgerne fede+d hem seluen helle fur to honde . and to fote .
Trist to longe lif . lette+d +te mannes shrifte . +te sei+d to him
seluen on his heorte . Ich nam noht giet sad of mine sinnes .
and for+ti ; ne mai ich hie noht forlete . (CMTRINIT,75.1028)
ac o+der ich mai ben sed +teroff (CMTRINIT,75.1029)
and +tanne ich wille hem forleten . and nime shrift . and beten hem .
ac +te holie boc blame+d +tese men +tus que+dende . $Deus promittit
ueniam penitenti sed non crastinum diem penitencie differenti .
god bihet milce +to +te here sinnes forleten and beten .
ac he ne bihet noht +te lif til amoregen ; +to +te li+d on sinne
ac sei+d . Qva hora non putatis mors ueniet ; (CMTRINIT,75.1034)
+Tanne +tu lest wenst dea+d cume+d to fecchende +te .
Willfulnesse lette+d +te mannes shrift . +tat +tinche+d uuel +tat man
him wile neden his sinnes to forleten . and fro +te deuel to gode
turnen . (CMTRINIT,75.1036)
and of hem sei+d +te holie boc . Pertinaces in malo eliminat ecclesia .
holie chirche dele+d fro cristendom . +to +te wilfulle ben here sinnes
to luuen . and lo+de to forleten . (CMTRINIT,75.1038)
Ortrowe of godes milce . lette+d +te mannes shrift . +te haue+d michel
sineged . and nele lete . ne bete . ne milce bidde . for +tat he wene+d
+tat god ne wile swo michel sinne forgiue ; for none bote +tat he
for+de muge . (CMTRINIT,75.1039)
and of +tis sei+d +te holie boc . Qvi desperat iam iudicatus est .
+te man +te ortrowe+d godes mildhertnesse . he is idemd to eche wowe on
helle . (CMTRINIT,75.1041)
+terwi+d us wite ure louerd ihesu crist gif his wille beo .
and berege us wi+d alle iuele customes . (CMTRINIT,75.1043)
and giue us mihte ure sinnes to forleten . and prest shewen .
and wise us . (CMTRINIT,75.1045)
and filste hem to beten . swo +tat us beo biheue ; and him to queme .
Qui viuit et Regnat deus per omnia . (CMTRINIT,75.1047)
Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile . ecce nunc dies salutis . In his ergo
diebus exibeamus nosmet ipsos sicut dei ministros . In multa paciencia
. In ieiuniis . In uigiliis . In caritate non ficta . et cetera
Celestis medicus ut cognouit quod ope sua prius creati postmodo uariis
languoribus peccatorum uexarentur . Scripto uisitans eos . hortatur eos
ad medicinam confessionis . quia ut ait scriptura . Omnia in
confessione creantur et ne pretenderent ad excusacionem temporis dicit
. Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile ecce nunc dies salutis . Uidelicet aptum
creacioni .i. satisfactioni .i. remissioni et dietam proponit dicens .
Viuite sicut dei ministri . et quia que parat medicamenta asperant .
scilicet ferrum pacieris et ignem . Monet eos ad pacienciam dicens . In
multa paciencia . Ferro quidem secatur superfluum ignis urendo curat in
quo notantur . scilicet calor compunutionis . et feruor gemine
dilectionis que curant et sanant omnem langourem peccati . et $de
compunctione quidem dicitur . quacunque hora ingemit homo peccatum ;
remittuntur ei . De dileccione dominus dicit . Ego diligentes me diligo
. Sic ortatur nos apostolus ut emendemus $in melius ; que huc usque
peccauimus . Ne diuina ulcio spacium penitencie preripiat nobis .
+Te heuenliche leche seinte poul nime+d geme of ure saule sicnesse .
+tat ben ure sinnes (CMTRINIT,77.1053)
+tonged wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,77.1054)
and minege+d us bi his holie write . +te we reden to dai inne chirche .
+tat we shewen ure agene michele nede . and +te wile +te we mugen
+tenchen . and cumen festliche to ure saule leche and unhelen him ure
saule wundes . +to ben ure fule synnes . and bidden +tat he wisse us hu
we mugen ure saule of hem clensen . and ure sor helien . and weche us
of ure heuie slape . and rere us of ure fule lust bedde . +tat we don
alse +ting do+d . +te haue+d lein on swete . for-quichie+d +tan here
time cume+d . (CMTRINIT,77.1055)
and +tat is nu+de (CMTRINIT,77.1056)
for +tis time is licwur+de +tarto ; alse +te apostle sei+d .
Eecce nunc tempus . (CMTRINIT,77.1058)
Nu hit is god time to beloken +te sicnesse of +te sowle .
Ecce nunc dies salutis . (CMTRINIT,79.1060)
And +tos fuerti dages ben bicumeliche to helen +te sowle .
biseche we +tanne +te sowle leche +tat is +te prest . Vt ferro
prohibitacionis recindat a nobis exterius carnis et mentis uicia . +tat
he us wissie to wi+d-tien of alle flesliche lustes +te derie+d ure
sowle . and don uppen us swilch manifeald pine . +tat mid here
biternesse . driuen ut of ure +toght ; +te fule $lustes +te heuien +te
sowle . In multa patientia . et cetera . and ben swo +toleburde
to-genes his wissinge to forleten +tat he forbet . and don +tat he bit
. +tat +te selue +toleburdnesse be ure swole hele . alse ure drihten
sei+d . (CMTRINIT,79.1062)
In patientia uestra possidebitis animas uestras . (CMTRINIT,79.1063)
On giwer +toleburdnesse ; ge shulen wealden giwer saule .
Tanta est uirtus paciencie . quod quis eam exibendo animam suam s.
ostendendo ita . (CMTRINIT,79.1065)
swo holie mihte is +toleburdnesse . +tat he +te hit ki+d ; +ter +turh
haue+d his soule weald . (CMTRINIT,79.1066)
ac swo ne haue+d he +te shewe+d +toleburdnesse . +te ne +tole+d . and
forbere+d noht a misbode . and wolde him seluen wreke gif he mihte .
and +terto ettle+d and abit his time . and ne+deles ne mai him non harm
don . (CMTRINIT,79.1067)
he make+d lete of +toleburdnesse (CMTRINIT,79.1068)
and ne+deles ne haue+d non . (CMTRINIT,79.1069)
and +ter for ne haue+d his soule weald . for +tat he lichamliche lustes
and +de fule lehtres him holden bunden on here +tralshipe . swo +tat he
ne mai his soule no +ting wealde . (CMTRINIT,79.1070)
+Te man haue+d and ki+d +toleburdnesse +te +tole+d and forbere+d and ne
wile seche after wreche . and na+demore haten him . +te him agilte+d .
ne him iuel unnen . (CMTRINIT,79.1071)
gif hit is man +tat haue+d +tis . and he halt uppen him . on speche .
and on dede . o+der on ei+der he be+d +toleburde (CMTRINIT,79.1072)
and do+d alse he hit noht ne wite . (CMTRINIT,79.1073)
and +teremide ouercume+d him . (CMTRINIT,79.1074)
and his soule loke+d (CMTRINIT,79.1075)
and eft hire swo walt . (CMTRINIT,79.1076)
gif +te unfele man his wille folge+d . and mid felefolde wigeles te+d
him to unwrenches . to stele . o+der refloc . o+der swikedom . o+der
drunkenesse . o+der hordom . o+der swiche . o+dre un+teawes . and lef
mede bihote+d gif he wile his lore liste . and he nele . ac +dole+d and
forbere+d . and +termide ouercume+d +te unfele . (CMTRINIT,79.1077)
and his soule loke+d . (CMTRINIT,79.1078)
and haue+d swo wald . (CMTRINIT,79.1079)
gif lichames lust o+der +tankes lust . te+d him to ani un+teau . and he
nele ac +tole+d and forbere+d . +teh hit bie his lichame queme . ac
flite+d to-genes his agen wille . alse +te wise bit +tus que+dinde .
Sperne uoluptates nocet empta dolore uoluptas . Shune lustliche
wil . for +tat it dere+d swi+de and be+d afterboht mid bitere sor . and
+tus ouercume+d alle hise fon ; (CMTRINIT,81.1080)
and +terfore haue+d his soule weald . (CMTRINIT,81.1081)
for +tenne be+d on him sene +tat +te wise seide . (CMTRINIT,81.1082)
Qvem superare nequis pacienter uince ferendo . (CMTRINIT,81.1083)
+Tat +tu mid strenc+de ne miht ouercume . ouercum mid +toleburdnesse .
and on ech swich flite ; is man of +toleburdnesse abuuen at ende .
Swo mote we flite togenes ure fule lustes . al +te fuwerti dages . and
ouercumen at ende hem . and alle +te +ting +tat us to sunne te+d .
Quod ipse prestare dignetur qui uiuit et regnat . (CMTRINIT,81.1087)
Cum inmundus spiritus exierit ab homine ambulat $uadit per loca arida
querens requiem et non inueniens dicit . Reuertar in domum meam unde
exiui . et ueniens ; inuenit eam scopis mundatam et ornatam . Tunc
uadit per loca arida querens requiem et non inueniens dicit . Reuertar
in domum meam unde exiui et ueniens inuenit eam scopis mundatam et
ornatam . Tunc uadit et sumit vii=tem= alios spiritus secum nequiores
se ; et ingressi habitant ibi . et fiunt nouissima hominis illius
peiora prioribus (CMTRINIT,81.1091)
+te louerd seint matheu spec+d on his holi godspel of +te grimliche
wordes +te ure helende at sume time gaf to andswere +te unbilefde
iudeuisshe men . +te $gernden of him fortocne and seiden . Magister
uolumus a te signum uidere . (CMTRINIT,81.1092)
Meister we wolden sen sum fortocne of +te . Warbi we mihten cnowen gif
it so+d were +tat +tu seist ; and leuen . (CMTRINIT,81.1093)
and he hem gaf to andswere eifulle word . +tus que+dinde . Generacio
mala et adultera signum querit . et non dabitur signum nisi signum ione
prophete . (CMTRINIT,81.1094)
Iuelmennish and forhored mannish acse+d after fortocne of heuene .
and hie ne shulen hauen bute eor+dliche . (CMTRINIT,81.1096)
and he hem shewede fortocne bi ionan +te prophete . of his holie
+trowegunge +te he wolde +tolien to lesen al mankin of eche wowe .
+tonked wur+de him . and of his riseng . and of de+de al mankin bringe
to blisse . (CMTRINIT,81.1097)
and si+den blamede here un-bileue . and here unwreste liflode .
and seide . Viri niniuite surgent in iudicio cum generacione
ista . et condempnabunt eam . quia penitenciam egerunt in predicatione
ione . (CMTRINIT,83.1099)
On domes dai shal +tat folc arisen on +te michele dome ; and fordemen
+tis mannish . Non equidem sentencie lacione . sed meritorum
comparacione . Noht mid domkete wordes . ac mid wuredluker wordes . for
+tat +te hie undernomen +te wise lore of ionan +te prophete . and lete
here sinnes . and bi wissinge betten and milce beden .
Et ita facta est niniue speciosa que prius turpis existebat .
And swo war+d iturnd +tat folc of ateliche to wenliche .
and was here ende betere +tene here biginninge . (CMTRINIT,83.1103)
ac +tis wi+derfulle mannisshe +te fonde+d me hinderfulliche . and
here+d mine wise word . and se+d mine wunderliche deden . and na+demo
me ne leue+d . (CMTRINIT,83.1104)
ne here sinnes ne forlete+d . ne beten . (CMTRINIT,83.1105)
ne to me abugen . (CMTRINIT,83.1106)
ne milce bidden . (CMTRINIT,83.1107)
and +terfore wur+d here ende werse +tene here biginninge .
+tus seide ure drihte . (CMTRINIT,83.1109)
and we mugen seien to so+de +tat al to fele swiche men bien get . +te
ne wilen noht here sinnes forleten ac +tinche+d hem swete . ne ne wilen
don none sinbote . (CMTRINIT,83.1110)
and his here lichame unnit swo . (CMTRINIT,83.1111)
hie gon to chirche noht for godes luue . ac for to biregen nehebores
speche . (CMTRINIT,83.1112)
hie giuen here tige+de noht for to hauen heuene blisse . ac for to
hauen here . +te hereword of eor+dliche richeise . (CMTRINIT,83.1113)
hie giuen here elmesse noht for godes luue ac for neheboreden . o+der
for kinraden . o+der for onur to hauen . o+der ne mai elles for shame .
o+der for +tonc to hauen . o+der for hereword to hauen .
Gif he cneule+d in chirche . and buge+d alle hise limes ; +tat is idel
. (CMTRINIT,83.1115)
+teh he him bidde mid his mu+d . he ne feche+d noht +te sore siches .
onne+derward his heorte . (CMTRINIT,83.1116)
ne for reu+de ne wepe+d none hote teres . of his egen .
and +tese ben false cristene . (CMTRINIT,83.1118)
and ben forcu+dere +tene he+dene men . (CMTRINIT,83.1119)
and be+d here ende forcu+dere +tene here biginnenge (CMTRINIT,83.1120)
Sone +terafter seide ure drihten . Regina austri surges in iudicio cum
generacione ista . et condempnabit eam . quia uenit a finibus terre
audire sapienciam salomonis . et ecce plus quam salomon hic .
+Te so+de quen shal a domes $dai arisen ; on +te michele mote . and
fordemen +tis frakede folc . For +tat hie com fro +te wereldes Ende to
heren salomones wisdom . (CMTRINIT,83.1122)
and +tis wi+derfulle folc ne wile liste +de lor+dewes wisdom . +te
tehte salemon . and alle wise witege here wisdom . (CMTRINIT,83.1123)
and +terfore wur+d $here ende werse +tene here biginninge .
Quatuor sunt genera hominum in seculo iuuencium . Alii enim habent
bonum principium et finem . Alii autem malum principium et finem . Alii
quidam malum principium et bonum finem . Alii principium et malum finem
. (CMTRINIT,85.1125)
Fuwerkinne mannisshe liuen on +tis woreld . (CMTRINIT,85.1126)
Sume biginne+d on here guwu+de clene lif leden . (CMTRINIT,85.1127)
and helde+d for+d +terone ; (CMTRINIT,85.1128)
and feire enden . alse $seint iohan baptist . +te on his childhode
bicom eremite and hield for+d +terone ; and faire endede . and $seint
martin +te bigan on his guwu+de +te clene lif leden . and to bien
almesful ; and hield for+d +terone . and faire it endede . and $seint
nicholas . +te on his chilhode wunede him to fasten . and +tat wune
heold to his liues ende . and o+dre manie +te swo ledden here lif .
+tat te biginninge was fair . and te middel fairere . and te ende alre
fairest . Swo +tat bi hem was so+d +tat +te wise seide
Primo ne medium . medio ne discrepet primum (CMTRINIT,85.1130)
here lifes ende was bicumeliche . +te middel and +te biginnenge .
Sume men biginnen erest to leden clene lif . (CMTRINIT,85.1132)
and eft hit forleten . alse dide iudas scariot . and o+dre inoge . alse
+te holie godspel sei+d +tus que+dinde . Ex hoc multi abierunt retro .
et iam cum illo non ambulant . (CMTRINIT,85.1133)
Fele folgeden erest ure drihten . (CMTRINIT,85.1134)
and eft him forleten . (CMTRINIT,85.1135)
and bi hem was so+d +tat +te prophete seide . (CMTRINIT,85.1136)
Cepisti melius quam desinis . (CMTRINIT,85.1137)
+Du bigunne betere +tene +tu ende . (CMTRINIT,85.1138)
Item dissimilis que fuit . huic similis ille uiro . (CMTRINIT,85.1139)
Here ende was unliche here biginnenge . (CMTRINIT,85.1140)
Sume men leden erest iuel liflode . (CMTRINIT,85.1141)
and turnen eft to god . (CMTRINIT,85.1142)
and +teron sewe+d alse seinte poul . and Seinte Marie magdaleine . +te
dide alse wise hire lerden . +tanne hie wi+d hire speken +tus que+dinde
. Hinc te melioribus offer . (CMTRINIT,85.1143)
wi+d-te +te wi+d iuel wune . (CMTRINIT,85.1144)
and wune +te he+denfor+d to betere . (CMTRINIT,85.1145)
Sume men leden unfele liflode . +tat te biginninge be+d iuel ; and swo
leng +te werse . and te ende alre werest . alse +te iudeuisshe folc .
+te ure helende wi+d spec ; and seide . Cum immundus spiritus exierit
ab $homine uadit et cetera . (CMTRINIT,85.1146)
+Denne +te iuele gost fared ut of +te manne and weue+d wide . and
wandre+d ouer al . fro drige stede to oder sechende reste .
Explorat . enim corda fidelium que ideo dicuntur arida ; quia sunt
feruore sancti spiritus desiccata . et a mollicie fluxe cogitacionis
purgata . (CMTRINIT,85.1148)
+De drige stedes +tat +te fule gost wandre+d abuten sechende him
reste . +tat is +te bileffulle mannes heorte +te clene ben wasshen of
+te embe+tonke ; of fleshliche lustes . and drigen bi +te hete of so+de
luue to god and to men . (CMTRINIT,87.1149)
Swiche hertes fonde+d +te fule gost ; deies and nihtes .
and cunne+d gif he mai +ter-inne herbergen . (CMTRINIT,87.1151)
and +tenne he a none ne mai he sei+d to him seluen Reuertar in domum
meam unde exiui . (CMTRINIT,87.1152)
Ihc wile turnen agen to mine huse +te ich er ut of wende .
Et ueniens $inuenit eam uacuam scopis mundatam et ornatam .
And cume+d +terto (CMTRINIT,87.1155)
and fint hit emti . and mid beseme clene swopen . and faire maked .
+tis iudeuisse folkes lage was . and get is . +tat on +te ehtende dai
after +te childes burde ; +te frend shopen +te child name .
and mid stone +te for +te nones was maked for to keruen +tat fel
biforen on his strenende lime . (CMTRINIT,87.1158)
and +tis lage sette ure drihten bi +te patriarche abraham .
and bed him holden hit . and al his ofspring after him .
and +tat hem clensede of sinnes alse us do+d fulnenge .
Et habuit circumcisio eandem iudei quam habet nunc baptismus delendo
peccatum . sed non aperiendo celum . (CMTRINIT,87.1162)
and +te lage hadde +to alle +te mihtes +te haue+d nu fulluht .
for +tat clensede +te man of sinne ; swo do+d nu fulluht .
ac it ne openede hem noht +te blisse of heuene alse fulcneng do+d us .
and +tis lage fleme+d +te fule gost ut of +te child .
and he wandrede wide weruende longe sechende him o+der stede . on
bileffulle manne . (CMTRINIT,87.1167)
and +te children weren clensed of sinnen . (CMTRINIT,87.1168)
and +tus bilefden for+d +tat hie understonden wurldes wit and mannes
munde . (CMTRINIT,87.1169)
+Tanne com eft +te fule gost +te was er flemd ut of him .
and fint it emti of iuele gostes . and clensed of fule sinnes . and
diht mid lo+dlesnesse . (CMTRINIT,87.1171)
Et tunc uadit et alios sumit $vii=tem= spiritus nequiores se et
ingressi habitant ibi . (CMTRINIT,87.1172)
and +tanne ferde +te fule gost . and seuene o+dre gostes mid him
forcu+dere +ten him self were . (CMTRINIT,87.1173)
and bitrumede +tat child . (CMTRINIT,87.1174)
and waiteden hit on eche wise . (CMTRINIT,87.1175)
and fortehten hit (CMTRINIT,87.1176)
and biwunden it . (CMTRINIT,87.1177)
and biwalden it al . swo +tat it eft bifel on his o+der wune .
+tenne com +te fule gost $eft into his wunienge . (CMTRINIT,87.1179)
and forte+d +tat child ; swo leng swo more to here wille .
and +ter fore was here ende werse +tane here biginnenge .
+te seuen fule gostes +tat ich nu embe was . waren +te seuen difles
giltes ; +tat ure drihten drof ut of seinte marie magdaleine .
and for+ti weren here $biginning of here liflode swich se he
were . (CMTRINIT,89.1183)
+te ende war+d fair . and god . and blisful . (CMTRINIT,89.1184)
Swo wur+de ure alre . +tat wile ure drihten . (CMTRINIT,89.1185)
Qui viuit et Regnat . (CMTRINIT,89.1186)
Turbe que precedebant dominum . et que sequebantur clamabant dicentes .
osanna filio dauid ; benedictus qui uenit in nomine domini .
It is custume +tat ech chirchsocne go+d +tis dai a procession .
and +tis wune haue+d +te biginnigge of +te holie procession . +te ure
helende makede to ward te stede +ter he wolde de+d +tolen .
Et cum uenisset bethfage ad montem oliuarum . Mittens $duos de
discipulis iussit adduci asinam et sedit super eam . (CMTRINIT,89.1193)
+To +te com to bethfage Swo hatte +te +trop +te preste one wunien . bi
sides ierusalem on +te fot of +te dune +te men clepen munt oliuete .
+to sende tweien of hise diciples into +te bureh of ierusalem .
and bed hem bringen a wig one te riden . no+der stede . ne palefrei .
ne fair mule . (CMTRINIT,89.1195)
ac +teh he alre louerdes louerd . and alre kingene $king . na+teles he
sende after +te alre unwur+teste wig one to riden . (CMTRINIT,89.1196)
and +tat is asse . (CMTRINIT,89.1197)
and gaf us forbisne of admodnesse on his dede . alse he do+d on o+dre
stede on his speche +tus que+dinde . Discite a me ; quia mitis sum et
humilis corde . (CMTRINIT,89.1198)
lerne+d of me for +tat ich am milde and admod on herte .
and +to tweien sanderbodes ferden (CMTRINIT,89.1200)
and cudden in +te bureh . +tat +te helende was +tiderward .
and funden an asse mid fole . (CMTRINIT,89.1202)
and ledden hit to-genes him . (CMTRINIT,89.1203)
and +te holie apostles leiden here clo+tes +teruppe (CMTRINIT,89.1204)
and ure helende rod +terone ; into +te holie burh . (CMTRINIT,89.1205)
and +tat burh folc hihten +te hege strete (CMTRINIT,89.1206)
and bihengen it mid palmes . and mid o+dre riche wedes . +ter he wolde
+turh faren to +te holi temple . (CMTRINIT,89.1207)
and wenden ut togenes him . (CMTRINIT,89.1208)
and beren on here honde blostme sum palm twig . and sum boh of oliue
alse +te holie boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,89.1209)
Occurrunt turbe cum floribus et palmis redemtori $obuiam . et cetera .
+Det folc com togenes him . mid blostmen . and mid palmes .
and understoden him mid procession . swo me $king shal .
and +to +te ferden biforen him and +do +te after him comen . remden
lude stefne +tus que+dinde . Osanna filio dauid benedictus qui
uenit in nomine domini . (CMTRINIT,91.1213)
Silof daui+des bern (CMTRINIT,91.1214)
blesced bie he +te cume+d a godes name . (CMTRINIT,91.1215)
and +to children +te weren biforen diden alse +te godspel sei+d .
Pueri hebreorum viam pro et cetera . (CMTRINIT,91.1217)
+Te children briggeden +te wei biforen ure drihten . sume mid here
clo+des . and sume mid boges +te hie breken of +te trewes
and swo him brohten into +te holie temple . alse in his heor+dliche heg
settle . (CMTRINIT,91.1219)
+Tus makede ure helende his holie procession . fro betfage to ierusalem
. (CMTRINIT,91.1220)
and elhc cristene man make+d +tis dai procession fro chirche to chirche
. and eft agen . (CMTRINIT,91.1221)
and bitocne+d +te holie procession +te he makede +tis dai .
and +tat mai ech man understonden . +te wot wat bitocne+d +tese tweie
names . betfage . and ierusalem . (CMTRINIT,91.1223)
Betfage interpretatur domus bucce . uel buccarum siue maxillarum . et
significat ecclesiam in qua bucce funguntur officio suo peccata
confitendo ueniam postulando . deum laudando . Carnem christi
manducando . et sanguinem eius bibendo . gratias agendo .
Betfage is cleped on englisse mu+dene hus . (CMTRINIT,91.1225)
and bitocne+d holie chirche . +tat men noten inne here mu+des wike .
+tanne hie seien here sinnes . and forgiuenesse bidden . and ure louerd
ihesu christ herien . and bruken his fles and his blod . +tat his +te
holi husel . and him +tanken . (CMTRINIT,91.1226)
Ierusalem interpretatur uisio pacis et item significat ecclesiam in qua
pax uera uidetur dum passio christi recolitur . et pacis osculum datur
. (CMTRINIT,91.1227)
Ierusalem is cleped so+d of sahtnesse . (CMTRINIT,91.1228)
and bitocne+d holie chirche +ter bileffulle men inne be+d sehte .
+tenne prest cristes +troweinge minege+d . and of +te calice
understonde+d tocne of sehtnesse . +tat is messe cos . and +te folc
sent . and +termide bitocne+d +tat ure drihten is +tureh +te holie loc
wi+d bileffulle men maked sehte . (CMTRINIT,91.1229)
and +terfore chirche haue+d +te tocninge of bethphage +tenne +te
procession ut go+d of ierusalem . and eft +tenne it in cume+d .
Nime we +tenne geme gif ure procession bi maked after ure helendes
procession . (CMTRINIT,91.1231)
On his procession ferde sume biforen him (CMTRINIT,91.1232)
and makede his weie toward ierusalem . (CMTRINIT,91.1233)
and sume briggeden +te asse mid here clo+des . (CMTRINIT,91.1234)
and sume mid boges +te hie breken of +te trewes . (CMTRINIT,91.1235)
+Do +te +te weie makeden biforen him . bien folkes lor+teawes .
bisshopes and prestes . +te mid here wise lore ride+d . and
maked godes weie in to mannes heorte . (CMTRINIT,93.1236)
+Do +te briggeden +te asse mid here clo+des . ben +to +te wisse+d +te
folc mid faire forbisne of here weldede . (CMTRINIT,93.1237)
+Do +te briggeden +te asse mid +te brokene boges . ben +to +te leren
+te folc to understonden god noht mid weldede . ac mid wise speche .
+to +te after him comen ben +to +te here lif $leden alse here
lor+deawes hem lere+d . (CMTRINIT,93.1239)
+to +te bisides weren on his riht half . ben +to +te clene lif leden to
quemende gode ; noht for hereworde . (CMTRINIT,93.1240)
+to +te on his lift hond comen ben +to +te clenliche liuen noht forto
quemende gode ; ac for hereword to hauen . (CMTRINIT,93.1241)
+De asse +te ure helende uppe set . ben +to forsinegede +te hauen al
here +tonc uppen eor+dliche richeise . (CMTRINIT,93.1242)
and sinne hem is lo+d to leten . and $unwilliche to bete .
for hem +tinche+d +tat godes hese heuieliche seme+d .
and na+deles gif hie ful don hie shulen on heuene endelese mede fon .
Ure louerd ihesu christ +te makede into ierusalem +tis dai his holie
procession . +te ech chirche to-dai minege+d . wisse and fulste us swo
to folgen his holi $eor+tliche procession +tat we mo ben on +te holie
procession +te he wile maken a domes dai mid hise chosene ; fro +te
dome in to heuene . (CMTRINIT,93.1246)
Quod nobis prestet qui secula per omnia regnat . (CMTRINIT,93.1247)
HEC est dies quam fecit dominus exultemus et letemur in ea .
+Tis dai haue+d ure drihten maked to gladien . and to blissen us
+tonked wur+de him . and giarked +tat holie gestninge . +te he offe
spec+d +tus que+dinde . Ecce prandium meum paratum . (CMTRINIT,93.1252)
Mi bord is maked . (CMTRINIT,93.1253)
and us bidded alle +terto +tus seggende . Venite prandium
Cume+d to borde (CMTRINIT,93.1255)
and understonde+d bred . (CMTRINIT,93.1256)
ac er +tenne +te holie bord bugen . and +tat bred understonde do we
alse +te apostel bad . seiende +tus . Probet autem se ipsum homo . et
sic de pane illo edat et de calice bibat . (CMTRINIT,93.1257)
Proue ech man him seluen . (CMTRINIT,93.1258)
and gif he fele+d +tat he is wur+de +ter to ; +tenne understonde he
+tat husel . (CMTRINIT,93.1259)
and drinke of +te calice . (CMTRINIT,93.1260)
+te man hit understonde+d wur+dliche +te cume+d +terto on bicumeliche
wise . and mid bicumeliche wede . and on bicumeliche time .
On bicumeliche wise cume+d +te man +te Erest shewe+d preste his sinnes
and forlete+d and bimurne+d and nime+d +terof god wissinge .
and o+der si+de +te holie acxen uppen his heued . and +te six pinen +te
+terto bilien . scilicet vigilias . labores . saccum . inedia . sitim .
+tat is wecche and swinch . harde clo+des . smerte dintes . selde eten
and lesse drinken . (CMTRINIT,95.1263)
+Tridde si+de palm sunedeies procession . (CMTRINIT,95.1264)
feor+de si+des shere+duresdaies $absolucion +te li+de +te sinne bendes
. (CMTRINIT,95.1265)
+te fifte si+de crepe to cruche on lange fridai (CMTRINIT,95.1266)
sixte si+de on ester euen gon abuten +te fantston . +te bitocne+d +te
holie sepulcre . (CMTRINIT,95.1267)
and +te seue+de si+de +tat holie bord bugen and +tat bred bruken .
bicumeliche wede ben tweire kinne . lichamliche and gostliche .
+te lichamliche wedes ben manie kinnes . (CMTRINIT,95.1270)
ac of hem ne speke ich noht (CMTRINIT,95.1271)
ac do of +te gostliche . +te ben ec fele kinnes . (CMTRINIT,95.1272)
and alle hie bien faire him +te +te husel underfo+d .
ac two +teroffe ben swiche +tat no man ne mai underfo . him seluen to
hele bute he haue here o+der on him . +te ben +tus clepede . Vestis
innocencie . Vestis misericordie . (CMTRINIT,95.1274)
an is lo+dlesnesse o+der sinbote . (CMTRINIT,95.1275)
Vestis innocencie restituitur in baptismo dicente sacerdote $Accipe
uestem candidam et inmaculatam . (CMTRINIT,95.1276)
lo+dlesnesse understonde+d +te man at his folcninge .
and +tat bitocne+d +te crisme clo+d . +te +te prest biwinde+d +tat
child mide . (CMTRINIT,95.1278)
and +tus sei+d . Underfo shrud wit and clene . (CMTRINIT,95.1279)
+tis shrud haue+d ech man on him after his fulcninge . alle +te wile
+te he him berege+d +tat he ne do ne ne que+de . ne ne +denche no +ting
for +tat he bie unwur+dere gode ; ne lo+dere men ; +te iuele is soule ;
+Tis wede is wel bicumeliche and biheue ech man to hauen +tenne he
husel underfo+d . (CMTRINIT,95.1281)
+Det o+der gostliche shrud ich embe spece ; is mildhertnesse . +te is
nemed ec ; armhertnesse (CMTRINIT,95.1282)
armheorted is +te man . +te swi+dere reowe+d his sinne .
and he hem forlet and bet . (CMTRINIT,95.1284)
and milce bit . alse ure drihten bad seien +tus . Miserere anime tue
placens deo . (CMTRINIT,95.1285)
haue reo+de of +tin ogen sovle . (CMTRINIT,95.1286)
+tenne $likes $te {TEXT:likeste} gode . (CMTRINIT,95.1287)
Mildheorted be+d +te man +te reou+d his nehgebures unsel+de . and
like+d here alre sel+de and of+tin+d sore wrecche mannes wanrede . and
freure+d hem mid his weldede . (CMTRINIT,95.1288)
No man +te sineged haue+d ne mai wi+duten +tus wedes holi husel
underfon ; bute to eche harme his soule and lichame (CMTRINIT,97.1289)
and ech man +te hit underfo+d wi+duten ei+der +tese wedes shal ben
shameliche driuen ut of +tis holi gestninge . and bunden togedere his
honden . and his fet . and worpen in to +te ateliche pit of helle bi
ure drihtenes word +te sei+d to swiche men . Amice quomodo huc intrasti
non habens uestem nupcialem et cetera (CMTRINIT,97.1290)
hwu come +tu ider in mid unbicumeliche weden . (CMTRINIT,97.1291)
+tis dai is bicumelich time husel to underfon . Quia hec dies quam
fecit dominus . non quod magis hanc quam alias . sed quia maiora quam
in aliis a morte resurgendo . et nos a morte resuscitando . for +tat
+tis makede ure drihten +te makede alle o+dre . (CMTRINIT,97.1292)
ac he kidde o+derluker his mihte . (CMTRINIT,97.1293)
and mankin more milce dide on +tis dai ; +tanne on ani o+dre .
+Do he aros of dea+de rerde us mid him . (CMTRINIT,97.1295)
Vnde exultemus et letemur in ea , (CMTRINIT,97.1296)
he us fette ut of helle wowe . (CMTRINIT,97.1297)
and +termide us gledede . (CMTRINIT,97.1298)
and gif we him folgie+d he gif+d us heuene wele (CMTRINIT,97.1299)
and +termide us blisse+d to dai (CMTRINIT,97.1300)
+tonked . wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,97.1301)
for+ti +tis dai is cleped estrene dai . +tat is aristes dai . for +tat
+te he +tis dai aros of dea+de . (CMTRINIT,97.1302)
and we alle don ; +tanne we holi husel undernimen . gif we ben +te
togenes on clene liflode . and on rihte leue . and wi+d alle men sehte
. (CMTRINIT,97.1303)
Ure louerd +te us bit to +tis gestninge . and bringe us to his holi
fleis and to his holi blod and leue us hem to bruken . and +tus
que+dinde . Accipite et commedite ex hoc omnes hic est e. c. s. m. n.
et cetera . (CMTRINIT,97.1304)
Understonde+d +tis (CMTRINIT,97.1305)
and bruke+d it alle . (CMTRINIT,97.1306)
for it is mi lichame +te giu shal alle lesen . (CMTRINIT,97.1307)
he bet us ec his holi blod +te shal ben shad giu to lesende
and sei+d +tat +tese two +ting bien ure bileue . (CMTRINIT,97.1309)
Caro mea uere est cibus et sanguis meus uere est potus .
Mi fleis is wis mete . and mi blod iwis drinke (CMTRINIT,97.1311)
and after +tat he sei+d . Nisi manducaueritis carnem filii hominis et
biberitis eius sanguinem non habebitis uitam in uobis .
Ne muge hauen no lif on giu bute ge liuen bi mi fleis and bi mi blod .
+tat husel +te ge understonden ; is his holi fleis and his blod .
Erest it be+d ouelete and win . (CMTRINIT,97.1315)
and +tureh +te holi word +te ure helende him self seide mid his holi
mu+d ; and efter him prest hem sei+d $at $te {TEXT:atte} swimesse
turne+d +te bred to fleis and +te win to blod . (CMTRINIT,97.1316)
Set in carne remanet forma color et sapor . (CMTRINIT,97.1317)
ac on +te holi fleis bileue+d +te shap and hiu . and smul of
ouelete . and on +te holi blod hew and smul of win . (CMTRINIT,99.1318)
More mihte do+d ure helende +tenne +te holi word +te he +turh his mu+d
spec . +tanne he giue+d mannes cuinde . (CMTRINIT,99.1319)
and Na+teles +tanne man ete+d and drinke+d +tureh +te lichames cunde
+tat bred wur+d to fleis . and +te drinke to blod . for +ti mai godes
word turnen +te ouelete to fleis . and +tat win to blod .
and swo do+d . (CMTRINIT,99.1321)
and +tat is +te felefolde heste . +te is alre hestene heste +tat alle
cristene men agen to dai to noten . for +tat +tis dai is cleped estre
dai +tat is estene da . (CMTRINIT,99.1322)
and te este is husel . (CMTRINIT,99.1323)
and no man ne mai seien husel ; wu god it is . (CMTRINIT,99.1324)
Quia est precium mundi . (CMTRINIT,99.1325)
for it is wur+d al +te wereld . and betere +tene al +te wereld .
+tis is +te holi manne +te ure drihten sende alse snow sle+drende alse
+te prophete sei+d . (CMTRINIT,99.1327)
Pluit ille manna ad manducandum et panem celi dedit eis . $Panem
angelorum manducauit homo . (CMTRINIT,99.1328)
he let hem reine manne to bi-liue . (CMTRINIT,99.1329)
and gef hem bred of heuene . (CMTRINIT,99.1330)
and men eten englene $bred . (CMTRINIT,99.1331)
Manna interpretatur . quid est hoc ? (CMTRINIT,99.1332)
Manne bitocne+d wat is tis ; (CMTRINIT,99.1333)
and +to ure drihten sende +tis mete fro heuene +te israelisse folke ;
it war+d on eches mu+d wat mete se he mest luuede . (CMTRINIT,99.1334)
and bitocne+d holi husel ; +te ech cristeman understont nu+de . +te is
+te manne hegeste sweteste este +te is of sinne clensed . o+der bigunne
to clensende . and alre bitere biterest eches mannes soule +te ne
haue+d alle michele sinnes forleten . and bet . o+der bigunnen alse +ta
apostel sei+d . (CMTRINIT,99.1335)
Qui manducat corpus domini et bibit et cetera . (CMTRINIT,99.1336)
Ech +te understande+d +tat holi husel unwur+dliche he understant him
seluen eche pine . and endelese wowe . (CMTRINIT,99.1337)
Nime we nu geme ure ech agen him seluen . gif we bien cumen on
bicumeliche wise . +tat is to so+d shrifte . to holi axen a palm
sunedai ; to procession . a shere+dursdai to absoluciun . a langefridai
to holi cruche . an ester euen to procession abuten +te fanstone
. and gif we ben cumene mid bicumeliche wede . of lodlesnesse
+tat is clensinge . swo +tat we hauen ure sinnes forleten . and bi
shriftes wissenge bet . o+der bigunnen to beten . and milce bidden .
+tanne muge we bicumeliche to godes bord ; bugen . and his bode
wur+dliche bruken . and +tureh +te holi este cumen to Ariste .
Quod nobis prestet qui hodie surrexit et uiuit cum deo patre in unitate
spirituc sancti . (CMTRINIT,101.1340)
Stetit ihesus in medio discipulorum suorum & dixit eis . pax uobis .
legitur in ewangelio quod dominus ante passionem sedit dum discipulos
docuit inter passionem et resurrectionem iacuit et quieuit . post
passionem uero stetit . pacem eis $optauit . (CMTRINIT,101.1344)
we reden on +te holi godspel boc . +tat ure helende +trowede on +te
holi rode . (CMTRINIT,101.1345)
and dea+d +tolede . (CMTRINIT,101.1346)
and mid his e+deliche dea+de lesde us of eche dea+de .
and on +te +tridde dai aros of dea+de . (CMTRINIT,101.1348)
and arerde us mid him . (CMTRINIT,101.1349)
and bihet us eche lif on blisse . gif we lede ure lif nu swo he us
wisse+d . (CMTRINIT,101.1350)
We nime geme of +tre +ting on +tis tale . (CMTRINIT,101.1351)
on is +tat biforen his +troweunge he sat ofte and tahte wisdom +tan +te
him folgeden . (CMTRINIT,101.1352)
o+der is +tat bitwenen his +trowenge and his ariste he lai on his
sepulcre and swiede . (CMTRINIT,101.1353)
and for +tat ben +te +tre dage biforen estre cleped swidages .
+De +tridde is +tat he stod among hise diciples . and bed hem fri+d
alse seint lucas sei+d on his godspelle +tus quedinde . $Stetit ihesus
et cetera . (CMTRINIT,101.1355)
Ure louerd stod among his diciples ; (CMTRINIT,101.1356)
and bed hem fri+d . and sehtnesse . (CMTRINIT,101.1357)
Fri+d ; for +tat he hadde maked hem fre ; of +te deules +tralsipe . +te
hie hadden and al $ofspring one wuned . fro +te time +te adam ure forme
fader gilte forte +tat ure helende mid his dea+de hem alesde .
Sehtnesse ; for +tat +te he makede sehte +te heuenliche fader wi+d
$mankin . and $openede togenes hem +te giate of paradis . +te +turh eue
gilte wi+d hem was er tined . (CMTRINIT,101.1359)
His tribus Modis ponimur in huius exilii miseria quod alii sedent ,
alii iacent . alii stant . (CMTRINIT,101.1360)
On +tese +tre wise we wuneden on +tis wreche wereld .
sume sitte+d . (CMTRINIT,101.1362)
and sume lige+d . (CMTRINIT,101.1363)
and sume we stonde+d . (CMTRINIT,101.1364)
+Danne we hauen ure sinnes forleten . and bireused . and bet . and ben
huseled . we ben hege . (CMTRINIT,101.1365)
ac alse wat se we sinegen . we ben fro hege to loge .
and +teh us ure sinnes rewe . and imint hauen +tat we hem wile forleten
, na+deles we sitte+d for+d +tat we hem forleten . and beten alse ure
drihten us minege+d bi +te prophete +tus que+dinde . Surgite postquam
sedistis q. m. p. d . (CMTRINIT,101.1367)
Arise+d +tanne ge hauen seten . (CMTRINIT,103.1368)
ac we ne mugen +tat don ; wi+duten his elpe . (CMTRINIT,103.1369)
seie we +tanne to him . Domine tu cognouisti sessionem meam et
resurrectionem meam . (CMTRINIT,103.1370)
louerd +tu wost wu ich habbe seten . and +tat ich ne mai wi+d-uten +tin
elp risen . (CMTRINIT,103.1371)
Exurge domine adiuua me .i. fac me exurgere . (CMTRINIT,103.1372)
aris louerd ; (CMTRINIT,103.1373)
and elp me up . (CMTRINIT,103.1374)
+Dus sit man on his sinne swo ich seid haue . (CMTRINIT,103.1375)
and +tus li+d swo ich nu seie wile . (CMTRINIT,103.1376)
+Danne man sinege+d gretliche . and him +tinche+d +te sinne swete . and
ne wile noht forleten hit . for +tat it him on sume wise like+d . and
+teh he hem forlete ne wile noht bi shriftes wissinge bete . he be+d
ne+der +tanne he er was . alse fro sete to leire and demd to dea+de .
and +terto bunden . (CMTRINIT,103.1377)
swo is +te man +te halt faste his sinne . (CMTRINIT,103.1378)
he is demd fro heuene to helle . fro ure louerd ihesu christ to alle
deules . fro eche liue ; to eche pine . bote he +te bendes breke . and
berege him mid bote . (CMTRINIT,103.1379)
and alle +te wile +te he +tus li+d on his sinne ; +te rihte bileue and
+te so+de luue . +te he hah to hauen to gode ; ben leirede . and slaine
on his heorte (CMTRINIT,103.1380)
and +ter +turh he swike to undernimende alle holsum lore .
Et sic ihesus iacet in sepulcro cordis illius . et quiescit aput illum
a doctrina usque in diem tercium scilicet mentis illuminacionem .
Primus enim dies est lux boni operis . Secundus clarificacio sermonis .
Tercius illuminacio mentis . (CMTRINIT,103.1382)
and on +tat wise li+d ure helende on his heorte . alse on sepulcre .
and swige+d of holsumnesse lore togenes him ; forte +tat on +ten
+tridde dai ; +tat is heorte be liht (CMTRINIT,103.1384)
for +teh he do edie dede . +te is nemned to o+der dai . bo+de him
helpe+d litel o+der noht . bute he haue god +tonk +te is euened to +te
+tridde dai . (CMTRINIT,103.1385)
ac alse wat swo +te +tridde dage+d . +tat be+d +tanne his heorte
understant +te liht of rihte bileue . and of so+de luue . +tenne rise+d
ure helend on his heorte . (CMTRINIT,103.1386)
and teche+d him holsum lore . (CMTRINIT,103.1387)
and +tus sei+d . Cur iaces pronus in terra ; Surge .
Wi list +tu turnd on +te eor+de ; (CMTRINIT,103.1389)
aris . (CMTRINIT,103.1390)
+tat is to seien hwi luuest +tu +tine fule sunnes . (CMTRINIT,103.1391)
forlet hem . (CMTRINIT,103.1392)
and bireuse hem . (CMTRINIT,103.1393)
and bet hem . (CMTRINIT,103.1394)
and bide milce ; +terof . (CMTRINIT,103.1395)
and gif he +tis lore understonde+d ; he arist and stant .
and ure helende stant on is heorte (CMTRINIT,103.1397)
and bede+d him +tanne fri+d . and sehtnesse (CMTRINIT,103.1398)
and +tus que+d . Pax uobis . fri+d=a= ; for +tat he ben +tanne fried of
+te deueles +tralshipe ; alse ich er seide .
Sehtnesse ; for +tat hie ben +tenne sahtnede wi+d +te heuenliche fader
. (CMTRINIT,105.1400)
and is +te giate of paradis opened to-genes hem . (CMTRINIT,105.1401)
Per quam nos introducat . Qui viuit et Regnat per omnia secula
seculorum . (CMTRINIT,105.1402)
amen . (CMTRINIT,105.1403)
Omne datum optimum et omne donum perfectum desursum est ; descendens a
patre luminum . (CMTRINIT,105.1407)
Seint iacob +te holie apostel . +te ure drihten sette to lor+teawe .
+te folc of ierusalem . he nam geme of +te wune ; +te weren +to ; and
get bien mid mannen ; fewe gode ; and fele iuele . (CMTRINIT,105.1408)
and bigan to turnen +te iuele to gode . mid his wise wordes . +te he
wi+d hem spec mu+d wi+d mu+de . +te hwile he wunede lichamliche among
hem . (CMTRINIT,105.1409)
and agen +te time +te ure drihten wolde him fechen fro +tis wreche
woreld to his blisfulle riche ; +to sette he on write +te wise word +te
he spec . (CMTRINIT,105.1410)
and +tat writ sende into chirchen . (CMTRINIT,105.1411)
and hit is cumen into +tis holi minstre to dai . and biforen giu rad
+teh ge it ne understonden . (CMTRINIT,105.1412)
ac we wilen bi godes wissinge and bi his helpe . +terof cu+ten giu
+tese lit word . (CMTRINIT,105.1413)
Omne datum optimum et cetera . (CMTRINIT,105.1414)
Ech god giue and ful giue cume+d of heuene dunward . and ech idel . and
unnit . and iuel ; ne+den uppard . +teh +te unbileffulle swo ne lete .
ac lat +tanne he haue+d sineged . on +tonke o+der on speche . o+der on
dede . Werpe+d +tat gilt uppen ure drihten . and sei+d . gif god hit ne
wolde ; swo hit ne were . (CMTRINIT,105.1415)
and o+der while werpe+d it uppen sheppendes +te none ben . bute god
self +te alle +ting shop ; (CMTRINIT,105.1416)
and sei+d . ne was me no bet shapen . (CMTRINIT,105.1417)
and o+der hwile uppen hwate . (CMTRINIT,105.1418)
and sei+d . nahte ich no betere wate . (CMTRINIT,105.1419)
and wile uppe +te deuel ; (CMTRINIT,105.1420)
and sei+d . he me drof +terto +te ne sholde . (CMTRINIT,105.1421)
and lige+d eches wordes . (CMTRINIT,105.1422)
for +teh +te deuel muge man bi-charre ; he ne mai no man neden .
and on +tis wise werpe+d +te unbileffulle man his agen gilt uppe +te
giltlese . (CMTRINIT,105.1424)
Omnis autem praua cogitacio in corde ascendit . tam innata quam illata
unde dicitur in ewangelio . Ut quid ascendunt cogitaciones in cordibus
uestris . (CMTRINIT,105.1425)
ech unnit speche and +tonc astigh+d in +te mannes heorte .
be-LFD swo it beo-RSP . alse +tis writ sei+d . (CMTRINIT,107.1426)
Vnus quisque traitur a concupiscencia sua . abstractus . et illectus .
ech man beo+d bi sleht of his agene lichames luste alse +te boc sei+d .
$Diabolus per sugestionem inmittet homini malam cogitacionem .
+te deuel mid his for-tihtingt bringe+d unnut +tonc on mannes heorte .
and te+d him swo to iuele speche and to werse dede .
and on +tis wis cume+d ech iuel +tonc . and speche . and dede . ne+den
uppard . sam it haue angun of +te mannes lichames wille sam it haue +te
biginning of the deules fortuhting . (CMTRINIT,107.1432)
and for to bileande +tat no man werpe +te gilt of his sinne anuppen god
; and +terfore seid seint iacob +tos word . Omne datum optimum et
cetera . (CMTRINIT,107.1433)
ech god giue ; and ful giue ; cume+d of heuene send of lemene fader .
Datum aliud est bonum ut quod fouet corpus Aliud est melius ut quod
ornat cor . Aliud est optimum ut quod sanctificat hominem .
+Tat godes giue is god +te fet and shrut +te lichame alse +te blostme
+te cume+d of coren of eor+de . and of treuwe . +te ben cleped werldes
winne . (CMTRINIT,107.1436)
and +tat godes giue is betere . +te alime+d +te man of fiffolde mihte .
his egen to sen his earen to listen his nose to runien . his mu+d to
smellen . and his lichame al mid to fri+dende (CMTRINIT,107.1437)
and +tat godes giue is best . +te clense+d +te man . of all sinnes .
and lese+d of helle ; and to-genes him opene+d heuene .
and +tat is fulcning erest and si+den husel . (CMTRINIT,107.1439)
Bonum autem aliud incoatum ut fides . Aliud prouectum ut spes . Aliud
perfectum ut caritas . (CMTRINIT,107.1440)
Eft sone sum godes giue is bigunnen alse rihte leue .
and fur+dre+d alse trust . and longenge to godes bihese and sum mid
alle ful alse so+d luue to gode and to mannen . (CMTRINIT,107.1442)
and swiche ben +te seuene . +te ben cleped Carismatum dona .
scilicet Sapiencie et intellectus et cetera . Item remissio peccatorum
que datur in baptismo est datum optimum . Bonum uite eterne est donum
perfectum . (CMTRINIT,107.1444)
Eftsone +te giuenesse of sinne is +te beste giue . (CMTRINIT,107.1445)
and +tie giue he giue+d ech man in +te fulluht . (CMTRINIT,107.1446)
+te giue of eche $lif on blisse . is te fulle giue .
and +teo giue he giue+d mid +te holi husel . +tanne man it
understonde+d rihtliche . and holsumliche . (CMTRINIT,107.1448)
Swiche giues . and none iuele sende+d lemene fader ; mankin .
Leomene fader we clepe+d ure drihten for +tan +te he sunne atend . +te
steores of hire leome . and te mone of hire leome . and al +tis
middelherd aleme+d . (CMTRINIT,109.1450)
and ure ihesu christi aleme+d +te selue sunne ; +te alle o+dre +ting
aleome+d . and ec +te man . (CMTRINIT,109.1451)
Lumine intellectus et fidei . (CMTRINIT,109.1452)
aleme+d of understondinesse . and of rihte bileue . (CMTRINIT,109.1453)
Angelorum autem et o. m . (CMTRINIT,109.1454)
and brin on englen and on mannen . +te hete of so+de luve to him seluen
. (CMTRINIT,109.1455)
He sende us +te gode giue +te alle sinnes forgif+d . and +te fulle giue
+te giue+d eche lif on blisse . (CMTRINIT,109.1456)
Qui viuit et Regnat per omnia secula seculorum .
Eleuatus est sol in celum et . (CMTRINIT,109.1461)
+Te holi prophete abacuc . +te wunede on +tis weorlde . and eft +terof
wot . fele hundred wintre . er +te time +te ure drihten understod
mannisshe . and was boren . so+d $god and so+d man of +te holi maidenes
inne+de ure lafdi Seinte Marie . and na+deles seh suterliche fele of
+te wundren . +te ure helende dide si+den ; and on middenerd wrohte
and +terof spec . and nameliche of +tat michele wunder +te he +tis dai
dide . (CMTRINIT,109.1463)
and +terefore +tese word seide . Eleuatus est sol et cetera .
+Te sunne was efed into heuene . (CMTRINIT,109.1465)
and te mone stod on hire stede . (CMTRINIT,109.1466)
On +tis tale is ure helend nemned sunne . for fuwer +ting .
On is +tat the sunne is on ; and nanmo . (CMTRINIT,109.1468)
o+der is +tat hie arist anes a dai . and eft sige+d .
+Te +tridde is . +tat he +tinke+d ful of liht for heo liht al +tis
middenerd and te sterres on heuene ; and te mone . (CMTRINIT,109.1470)
+tat feor+de is +tat heo +tinche+d ful of hete for +tat hat alle +ting
. +te on eor+de wecse+d . (CMTRINIT,109.1471)
alswo hure helende is almihtin god . (CMTRINIT,109.1472)
and nis non o+der bute he . (CMTRINIT,109.1473)
Vnde dicitur pater et filius et spiritus sanctus unus deus .
+Te fader and +te sune and +te holigost ben on almihtin god .
Eft-sone ure helende aros alse sunne . +to +te ure lafdi Seinte Marie
hin kennede of hire clene mei+dhode . alse +te holi minster boc sei+d .
to +te heuenliche quen +tus que+dinde . Ex te ortus est sol iusticie
christus dominus noster . (CMTRINIT,109.1476)
Of +te is arisen +te sunne of rihtwisnesse ; +tat is ure drihten christ
. (CMTRINIT,109.1477)
and he eft aseh alse sunne to-glade . +to +te iudeus him pineden on +te
$holi rode to dea+de . (CMTRINIT,111.1478)
and his holi lichame was leid on +de sepulcre alse seinte peter sei+d .
CHristus semel pro peccatis nostris mortuus est . (CMTRINIT,111.1480)
Ure helende crist +tolede enes de+d for ure sinnes .
+tonked wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,111.1482)
Eft-sone he is alse +te holi boc sei+d . Fons luminis . welle of liht .
et lux uera que illuminat omnem hominem uenientem in hunc mundum et
omnia . (CMTRINIT,111.1484)
and he is +tat so+de liht ; +te lihte+d ech man . of al +te liht +te he
haue+d lihamliche wi+duten . and gostliche wi+d-innen .
and +te selue sunne ; he lihtte+d of al hire liht . (CMTRINIT,111.1486)
Eft sone he is sendere of alle holie heten . alse him selfen sei+d on
his godspel . (CMTRINIT,111.1487)
Ignem ueni $mittere in terram quam uolo ut ardeat . (CMTRINIT,111.1488)
Ich com for to senden fur on eor+de . (CMTRINIT,111.1489)
and wile +tat it berne . (CMTRINIT,111.1490)
+De fur +te he embespec+d ; is +te hete +te atent on mannes heorte .
+te make+d him his sinnes swi+de bimurnen . and luuen ure drihten more
+tene him seluen . and his emcristene alse him seluen .
+tis sunne +tat we of speken ; +tat is ure helende +te was +tis dai
heued on hegh . (CMTRINIT,111.1492)
Set cum sit supra omnem altitudinem que potuit ascendere ?
ac si+d+den he is buuen alle hegnesse hwider sholde he stige .
+te holi $apostel us sei+d hwu hit war+d (CMTRINIT,111.1495)
and +tus que+d . Quod autem ascendit quid est nisi quia descendet
primum in $inferiores partes terre . (CMTRINIT,111.1496)
Erest he steg neo+der and si+den on hegh . (CMTRINIT,111.1497)
of neo+derstienge spec+d dauid on +te salm boc . (CMTRINIT,111.1498)
and +tus que+d . Inclinauit celos et descendit . (CMTRINIT,111.1499)
+De heuene abeh (CMTRINIT,111.1500)
and dun asteh . (CMTRINIT,111.1501)
Et ascendit super cherubin et uolauit . et cetera . (CMTRINIT,111.1502)
and steh eft abuuen cherubin . (CMTRINIT,111.1503)
and fro hwu $hegh he to hwu loge steh ; (CMTRINIT,111.1504)
and eft agen seint ambrosius +tat sei+d on his loft songe . +tus
que+dinde Egressus eius a patre excursus usque ad inferos . et cetera .
he ferde fro +te fader ; for +tat he com ne+der to helle .
Et in horum uia bibit de torrente mortis . propterea exaltauit caput
and on +tis longe weie +te he ferde fro heuene to helle he dranc of
de+des flode . (CMTRINIT,111.1508)
and +tarfore heuede si+den up +tat heued . alse seint ambrosie sei+d
+tus que+dinde . Recursus ad sedem dei . (CMTRINIT,111.1509)
he steh to heuenliche heh settle . (CMTRINIT,111.1510)
and wiche strides he makede dunward . and eft uppard ; +tat sei+d
sanctus salomon +te wise . (CMTRINIT,111.1511)
and +tus que+d . Ecce uenit saliens in montibus et transiliens colles .
here he cume+d stridende fro dune to dune . (CMTRINIT,111.1513)
and ouer strit +te cnolles . (CMTRINIT,111.1514)
Septem igitur ut ita dicam saltus dedit . $De celo in uirginis uterum .
Inde in presepium . Inde in crucem . Inde in sepulcrum . Inde
in infernum . INde in mundum . Et hinc in celum . (CMTRINIT,113.1515)
Seuen strides he makede . On of heuene into +te maidenes inne+de .
O+der +tenne in to +te stalle . +Dridde in to +te holi rode . feor+de ;
+tanne in to +te sepulcre . fifte ; into helle . Sixte ; into +tis
Middenerd . +te seue+de ; eft into heuene . (CMTRINIT,113.1516)
Ac +to he to helle com . +te engles +te mid him comen . clepeden to +te
deuel (CMTRINIT,113.1517)
and seiden . Tollite portas principes uestras et e. p. e. et intrabit
rex glorie . (CMTRINIT,113.1518)
ge maisterlinges of +testernesse opene+d giwer gaten .
+te king of blisse wile faren herin . (CMTRINIT,113.1520)
+De stefne herden +te witeies . +te +terinne weren (CMTRINIT,113.1521)
and on of hem +tat was . dauid andswerede +tus . Dominus fortis et
potens dominus potens in prelio . (CMTRINIT,113.1522)
+te louerd +te is strong . and mihti and on fehte . (CMTRINIT,113.1523)
and dide ure louerd alse +te boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,113.1524)
Portas ereas contriuit et uectes ferreos confregit . et dedit lumen his
qui erant in penis tenebrarum . et ligauit satanan et capituam ducit in
capitiuitatem . (CMTRINIT,113.1525)
and ure helende brac +to +te irene herre (CMTRINIT,113.1526)
and alto shiurede +te giaten . (CMTRINIT,113.1527)
and in wende . (CMTRINIT,113.1528)
+to was helle liht enes and nefre eft ; of heuene liht .
and bond te holde deuel . (CMTRINIT,113.1530)
and herede helle of +to +te him hadden her er quemed . alse +te salm
wrihte sei+d . (CMTRINIT,113.1531)
Eduxit eos de tenebris et umbra mortis et uincula eorum disripuit .
and he brac here bendes (CMTRINIT,113.1533)
and ledde hem ut of +testernesse . and of dea+des shadewe .
and ros of de+de . +te +tridde dai ; +tat is estrene dai .
and wunede mid his diciples noht alegate ; ac stundmele forte +te
fuwerti+de dai ; +tat is todai . (CMTRINIT,113.1536)
and +to he dide alse +te holi boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,113.1537)
Eleuatis manibus suis benedixit eis . Et factum est dum bendiceret
illis recessit ab eis et ferebatur in celum et benedixit eis .
he heuede up his hond . (CMTRINIT,113.1539)
and giaf hem his blescinge . (CMTRINIT,113.1540)
and swo ferde to heuene alse dauid sei+d . (CMTRINIT,113.1541)
Ascendit deus in iubilo et dominus in uoce tubarum .
and ure drihten steh on wordlese songe . and on bemene stefne .
Iubilus est exultacio mentis . habita de eternis . que nec taceri
potest nec lingua explicari . (CMTRINIT,113.1544)
Wordles song is +te herte michele blisse . +te heo haue+d of heuenliche
+dinge . and ne mai +teroffe be stille . ne mid worde hem atellen .
swiche ben +te songes +te me singe+d hege dages alse alleluia . and
swiche o+dre . (CMTRINIT,113.1546)
Swo dide +te apostles +to hie bihelden ure helende . +to he to heuene
wende . (CMTRINIT,113.1547)
and folgeden him mid egen +to hie mid lichame ne mihten .
and of +tat mihte swi+de wundreden . (CMTRINIT,115.1549)
and +terof weren swo bli+de +tat hie ne mihten mid worde here blisse
tellen . (CMTRINIT,115.1550)
Etiam in sono tube prout regem decet ascendit . (CMTRINIT,115.1551)
On bemes steuene he . asteh to his hege home . alse me king undertstant
+tanne he to his home cume+d . (CMTRINIT,115.1552)
+te bemes weren +te engles +te wi+d +te apostles stoden ; mid snouwite
shrude . (CMTRINIT,115.1553)
and +tus seiden to hem . Hic est ihesus . qui assumptus est a vobis in
$celum sic ueniet quemadmoddum uidistes eum euntem in celum
. et cetera . (CMTRINIT,115.1554)
+te his faren fro giu into heuene he cume+d eft alswo ge him segen
faren into heuene . (CMTRINIT,115.1555)
+to folgede ure helende michel feord of englen . and of holie soules .
+te he lesde ut of helle (CMTRINIT,115.1556)
+tonked wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,115.1557)
and +to engles biforen him blewuen +te heuenliche beme .
and swo kidden +tat he king was cumen fro fehte . (CMTRINIT,115.1559)
and hadde his andsete ouercumen . (CMTRINIT,115.1560)
and +te bemene drem +te +te engles blewen . +te +tere comen biforen ure
helende to heuene gaten ; (CMTRINIT,115.1561)
and +tus que+den to +te engles +te +ter wi+dinnen weren . Tollite
portas principes uestras et elevamini porte eternales et intrabit rex
gloriae . (CMTRINIT,115.1562)
gie maisterlinges herwi+d-innen opene+d giure gaten ,
and ech gate untine+d giu seluen to-genes +te king of blisse +te wile
faren herin . (CMTRINIT,115.1564)
and hie +te +ter-inne weren ; +tus andswereden . (CMTRINIT,115.1565)
Quis est iste rex glorie ? (CMTRINIT,115.1566)
hwat is +tis blissene king ; (CMTRINIT,115.1567)
and +to wi+duten seiden . Dominus uirtutum ipse est rex glorie .
he +te is alre mihtene louerd he is alre blissene king .
+De sunne +te ich of specce . +tat is ure helende self ; +te alle
brihtnesse lihted of him seluen . he alihte to dai ure +tonc of rihte
bileue . (CMTRINIT,115.1570)
and alse he atent alle holi heten . he atende todai ure herte +te
twifelde hete . +tat is +tat we ure sinnes sore bi-murnen . and
forleten and beten . and milce bidden . o+der +tat we hauen so+de luue
to him seluen . and to $ure emcristene . swo us longe to him alse diden
hise apostles and teo hus to him ; alse he hem dide and understonde mid
on his riche . (CMTRINIT,115.1571)
Qui cum patre et spiritu sancto uiuit et Regnat per omnia secula
seculorum . (CMTRINIT,115.1572)
AMEN . (CMTRINIT,115.1573)
Apparuerunt apostolis dispertite lingue tamquam ignis seditque supra
singulos eorum spirituc sanctus . (CMTRINIT,117.1578)
+Do +te ure louerd ihesu crist fundede lichamliche fro eor+de to heuene
. he forbed his apostles . and here holi ferreden +tat hie neren noht
sorie . +teh he hem $forlete lichamliche (CMTRINIT,117.1579)
and seide Non turbetur cor uestrum neque formidet . Rogabo patrem et
alium paracletum dabit vobis . et cum uenerit ille ; docebit uobis
omnem ueritatem . (CMTRINIT,117.1580)
Ne beo giuer heorte noht i+dreued ne ofdred . (CMTRINIT,117.1581)
ich wile giu senden +te heuenliche frefringe wi+d-innen a lit dages .
+te giu shal frefrin and techen alle so+dfastnesse and bringen ti+dinge
of +ting +te beon to cumende . (CMTRINIT,117.1582)
and +te faire bihese leste he +tis dai . (CMTRINIT,117.1583)
for +tis dai is +te fiftuge+de dai . after estrene dai . alse +te
louerd seint lucas . seide on +te holie pistle . +te me ret to dai and
ech holie chirche . and +tus que+d . Dum complerentur dies $pentecoste
erant omnes pariter discipuli in eodem loco et cetera .
On +te fiftu+de dai . after estrene dai weren alle +te apostles . and
here fereden gadered on one stede . sittinde and salmes singende . and
god heriende . in +te temple of ierusalem . (CMTRINIT,117.1585)
Et factus est repente sonus tanquam aduenientis spiritus vehementis et
repleuit totam donum ubi erant apostoli sedentes . (CMTRINIT,117.1586)
riht to-genes +te undrene alse +te holi songere sei+d on his loft songe
. +tus que+dinde . Dum hora cuntis tercia ; r. m. i. o. a. d. u. n .
+To com a dine of heuene . ase +teh it were to kidende +tat +te holi
gost com uppen +te apostles and filde ful +tat hus +tere hie inne seten
. (CMTRINIT,117.1588)
Et apparuerit illis dispertite lingue tanquam ignis seditque supra
singulos eorum spiritus sanctus . (CMTRINIT,117.1589)
+Do openede +te holi gost him seluen to isende bi +tan +te hem +tuhte
shapen alse tunge fele twiselende . and on fires hewe
and for +tat hie him swich segen seint ambrosius shewed +tus ;
and sei+d . Uerbis ut essent pro . et c. f. +tat is on englis he hem
makede fundie on worde . (CMTRINIT,117.1592)
For +teh it were ones londes speche on +te apostles mu+des +te +tere
speken ; ech man +te hem herden were of wiche londe swo he were . for
+tere weren men of eche londe +tat is under heuene li+de . hit
+tuhte here ech sunderlepes +tat it was his londes speche .
Swo +te holie gost hem fulde of him seluen (CMTRINIT,119.1594)
and sette +te word on hem +te +tere speken . (CMTRINIT,119.1595)
and skilede on hem +tat hie herden . alse seint lucas sei+d .
Repleti sunt omnes spiritu sancto et ceperunt loqui prout spiritus
sanctus dabat eloqui illis . (CMTRINIT,119.1597)
+Tus hie segen +te holi gost on tungene euene . (CMTRINIT,119.1598)
and +terefore weren fundie on speche . alse ich nu seide .
ec hie him segen on fures hewe al ich er seide . (CMTRINIT,119.1600)
and weren +terof wallinde on so+dere luue godes and mannen . swo +tat
hie luueden gode more +tene hem seluen . and ech cristene man alse hem
seluen . (CMTRINIT,119.1601)
Ignis enim ut ait scriptura triplicem uim habet scilicet illuminandi .
calefaciendi . consumendi . quam spiritus sanctus effecit in apostolis
augendo fidei feruorem . caritati splendorem . et consumendo .
irremittendo . siqua fuit in eis peccati macula . (CMTRINIT,119.1602)
Fir haue+d on him +tre mihtes (CMTRINIT,119.1603)
on to giuende hete . o+der to giuende liht . +tridde to weldende elet
to none +tinge . (CMTRINIT,119.1604)
+tese +tre mihte notede +te holi gost on +te apostles .
and +terefor com uppen hem on fires hewe alse ich er seide .
and alihte hem of brihtere and of festere bileue +te hie hedden er .
and maked hem hattere on so+de luue to gode and mannen ,
and welde here sinnes to none +tinge , (CMTRINIT,119.1609)
for gif anie hadden don he hem mid alle forgaf . (CMTRINIT,119.1610)
+Dus +te holie apostles were gadered on ane stede . (CMTRINIT,119.1611)
and +tus +te holi gost com uppen hem (CMTRINIT,119.1612)
and fulde hem of him seluen . (CMTRINIT,119.1613)
and freurede hem of sorege . (CMTRINIT,119.1614)
and tehte hem speken eches londes speche . (CMTRINIT,119.1615)
and lihte hem of rihte bileue (CMTRINIT,119.1616)
and makede hem hattere on so+de $luue to gode and to men .
and clensede hem alle of +te hore of alle sinnes . (CMTRINIT,119.1618)
Bidde we nu +te holigost +tat he haue milce of us and gife us hige .
and mihte . to forleten and bireusen and beten ure sinnes . and gedere
ure alre herte to clene +tonke alse he gaderede +te holie apostles . in
+te temple . and hure lichames in +tis holie minstre . +tat he cume
uppen us and wune in us . and freure us of alle sorege alse he hem dide
. and lihte on us rihte bileue . and make us wallende of so+de luue and
clene of alle sinnes . and giue us swo findige speche . +tat +te fewe
word +te we on ure bede seien be cu+de alle halegen ; +te wunie+d on
heuene +tat hie +tingen us to +te +tremnesse . fader . and sune
. and holi gost . +tat he wisse and fulste fulien +ter apostlene lore .
and on here ferreden hauen eche lif and blisse mid him .
$Qvi viuit et regnat in vniuersa secula seculorum deus .
XXI . SERMO IN PS. LIII. 1 . (CMTRINIT,121.1622)
Dominus de celo prospexit super filios hominum vt videat si $est
intelligens aut requirens deum . $Omnes declinauerunt simul inutiles
facti $sunt non $est qui faciat bonum non est usque ad unum
. (CMTRINIT,121.1624)
+De holi prophete dauid sei+d on ane stede on +te salm boc +te wordes
+te ich her nu seide . (CMTRINIT,121.1625)
+ter he spec+d of +te mildhertnesse +te ure louerd ihesu crist do+d men
. and of +te wi+derfulnesse +te men don togenes him .
Mild-heorte he is togenes heom on two wise , alse him self sei+d on +te
holi godspel . (CMTRINIT,121.1627)
Ueni uocare peccatores ad penitenciam et $recipere penitentes ad
iustificacionem . (CMTRINIT,121.1628)
Ich com to clepen +to forsingede to sinbote . and understonden +to
sinbetende on $rihtwisnesse . and to lesen +te +trales of +tralshipe .
and giuen hem freshipe . (CMTRINIT,121.1629)
and on alle wise he freure+d +to forsingede +te frefringe wilen
understonden (CMTRINIT,121.1630)
Ac togenes +tis manifold mildhertnesse . men bien swo wi+derfulle .
+tat swo he gerenluker clepe+d hem to him . swo hie wi+dere turne+d
froward him . alse ich er sede . (CMTRINIT,121.1631)
Dominus de celo prospexit super filios hominum ut et cetera . Omnes
declinaverunt simul . (CMTRINIT,121.1632)
Ure drihten +te is alre louerde louerd bihe of heuene to mannen .
and lokede gif here ani understoden o+der bi-sohten him .
and seh +tat alle hie turnden fro him hem seluen to unbihefe
and of hem alle ne was bute on +tat dide anie gode dede .
Alse he loke+d nu fro heuene to us . and se+d +tat we ne understonden
ne bisechen him noht swo us nied were . (CMTRINIT,121.1637)
ac turnen fro his hese ; to ure lichames wille . bute hit beo ani god
friht man . (CMTRINIT,121.1638)
Intelligens quis homo est ; qui seipsum agnoscit et deum credit .
+De man is understondinde +te him seluen cnowe+d and gode leue+d .
Ille se ipsum cognoscit qui considerat in speculo mentis quantus sit
expositus miseriis . Vtpote natus in merore . Uiuens in labore
Moriturus in dolore . (CMTRINIT,123.1641)
+Te man cnowe+d him seluen +te +tenche+d of wu medeme +tinge he is
shapen . and wu arue+dliche he her fare+d . and wu reuliche he he+den
wit . (CMTRINIT,123.1642)
hider he cume+d on wowe (CMTRINIT,123.1643)
and he+den wit on wowe . (CMTRINIT,123.1644)
and here wune+d on wanrede (CMTRINIT,123.1645)
and +tole+d his unwille . hwile druie . and hwile wete . hwile chele .
wile hete . hwile hunger . wile +turst . hwile chele . hwile unhele .
hwile sorinesse and wile werinesse . and hwile wurmene cheu and fele
o+dre +te ich telle ne mai . (CMTRINIT,123.1646)
and ne mai wi+d-uten helpe him seluen +ter-wi+d werien .
+tus ahte ech of us him seluen to cnowen . (CMTRINIT,123.1648)
Ille autem intelligit deum . qui credit eum trinum et unum omnipotentem
creatorem omnium . (CMTRINIT,123.1649)
+Te man understant god . +te leue+d +tat +te heuenliche +tremnesse .
fader and sune . and holigost . is on almihti god . Shuppende . and
wealdende . and dihtende of alle shafte . (CMTRINIT,123.1650)
and +tis leue shewe+d ech man +tanne crede singe+d .
+te man biseche+d god +te be+d is gultes cnowe . and his sinnes
forlete+d . and sore bimurne+d . and bete+d bi his mihte .
+tat do+d ech man +tenne he pater noster singe+d . bute his li+dere
liflode his bede lette . (CMTRINIT,123.1653)
ac lit ben +tat +tus understonden and bishechen god .
and +to ben gode (CMTRINIT,123.1655)
and +terefore mid him bileue+d . (CMTRINIT,123.1656)
and alle o+dre don swo +te $prophete seid . (CMTRINIT,123.1657)
Omnes declinauerunt et cetera . (CMTRINIT,123.1658)
alle hie turnen fro gode to +te deuel bute on . (CMTRINIT,123.1659)
Quatuor sunt genera hominum . alii enim non intelligunt deum .
requirunt tamen . et hii fatui . Alii intelligunt et non requirunt et
hii impii . Alii nec intelligunt nec requirunt . et hii mortui . Alii
et intelligunt et requirunt et hii boni et de is dictum est . Nullum
genus hominum facit bonum nisi unum . (CMTRINIT,123.1660)
Fuwer kinnes men ben . (CMTRINIT,123.1661)
+tat an ne understant god . (CMTRINIT,123.1662)
and na+deles bisheche+d him . (CMTRINIT,123.1663)
and +tat is unwiti mennisse . (CMTRINIT,123.1664)
o+der is +tat leue+d god . and ne biseche+d him noht .
+tat is +tat orelese mennisse +te ne haue+d ore of him seluen .
+De +dridde ne do+d no+der . (CMTRINIT,123.1667)
ne understant ne biseche+d god . (CMTRINIT,123.1668)
+tat mannisse is +tuertut forlore soule and lichame .
+tat feor+de do+d . ei+der understant and biseche+d him .
+tat is +tat gode menisshe . (CMTRINIT,123.1671)
and +tat he understant (CMTRINIT,123.1672)
and mid him athalt . (CMTRINIT,123.1673)
and giue+d eche lif on blisse . (CMTRINIT,123.1674)
+te ilke louerd +te ich offe speke . +Te +tus loke+d of heuene to men
mid his milde egen . and se+d +to +te wi+derie+d to-genes him . alse
don +to +te ne understonden . o+der bisechen and cnowe+d wo ben
hersume his hese . He bise to us . (CMTRINIT,125.1675)
and giue us hige and mihte him to understonde . (CMTRINIT,125.1676)
and wisse us (CMTRINIT,125.1677)
and filste us him to bishechen mid admod +tonc . and mid e+dele worde
and edie . (CMTRINIT,125.1678)
and ti+de us bene gif his wille beo . (CMTRINIT,125.1679)
Qui uiuit et regnat deus per omnia secula seculorum .
Amen . (CMTRINIT,125.1681)
Ego uox clamantis in deserto parate uiam domini rectas facite semitas
eius . (CMTRINIT,125.1685)
+Te louerd seint lucas giu mune+d on his godspel +te wunderlich hider
kume . and +te erue+dliche herbiwist . and +te wunderliche he+den si+d
. of ure louerd seint iohan baptiste . (CMTRINIT,125.1686)
and +ter he spec+d of his hider cume . he sei+d +tat ure drihten sende
his heg engel gabriel to on old man ; +tat was holi prophete . and ec
bisshup . and het zacharie . (CMTRINIT,125.1687)
and sende him to seien +tat he sholde strene an holie child and clepen
hit iohan . (CMTRINIT,125.1688)
and seide wich lif hit sholde leden . (CMTRINIT,125.1689)
and on his burde michel folc blisse . (CMTRINIT,125.1690)
and bifore gode ben michel and mihti . (CMTRINIT,125.1691)
+To understod +te holi man +tat he was of michel elde . and his
woreldes make was teames atold . and unberinde . (CMTRINIT,125.1692)
and for +tese +tre +ting let hit unleflich . (CMTRINIT,125.1693)
and ne lefde hit noht ; +tat +te engel him seide . (CMTRINIT,125.1694)
and +tus qua+d . Vnde hoc sciam . (CMTRINIT,125.1695)
hwu mai ich +tis wite (CMTRINIT,125.1696)
+to seide +te engel . Qvia non credidisti uerbis meis . ecce eris
tacens et non poteris loqui usque ad diem natiuitatis eius .
For +tu art unlef mine worde . +tu shalt beo dumb forte +tat child beo
boren . and +terbi wite +tat ich so+d seie . (CMTRINIT,125.1698)
+tus bicom +te holi man dumb ; (CMTRINIT,125.1699)
and on his spuse +tis holi child strende . (CMTRINIT,125.1700)
On the sixte mone+d +tarafter was +tat holi maiden ure lafdi seinte
marie liht mid +te holi child ure louerd $ihesu crist
and com to hire moge Seinte elizabet +te ich er embe was +te bar on
hire wombe Seinte Iohan baptiste . (CMTRINIT,125.1702)
and alse wat se +tat holi meide mid worde grette +te holie spuse ; +to
war+d so+d +tat +te engel hadde er bi +tis child seid .
Spiritu sancto replebitur adhuc ex utero matris sue (CMTRINIT,125.1704)
+tat child sholde on his moder wombe ben fild of +te holi gost
alse it was . Et prophetalis spirituc filii illuminauit spiritum matris
et prophetauit uterque . hic gaudio illa uerbo . for +tat +te +tis
childes witige gost lihte +te moder gost ; of witienge . swo +tat hie
witegede bo+de of ure louerd ihesu cristes to cume . and of +te moder
ure lafdi seinte marie . +tat child on his blisse for hit floxede . and
pleide to-genes hire . (CMTRINIT,127.1705)
and te moder on hire worde +tus seide . Vnde hoc michi . ut ueniat ;
mater domini mei ad me . (CMTRINIT,127.1706)
We+den is me cumen +tat mi louerdes moder cume+d to me ?
+Do +tis child was boren . and him was name geuen +to com +te fader his
speche . (CMTRINIT,127.1708)
and witegede +te childes arue+dliche herbiwist . (CMTRINIT,127.1709)
and +tus que+d Tu puer propheta altissimi vocaberis preibis enim ante
faciem domini parare vias ejus . (CMTRINIT,127.1710)
+Tis child shal hoten godes prophete . and fare bifore godes neb . and
maken his weies . (CMTRINIT,127.1711)
and hit swo war+d . for +tat alse wat se he was +togen on wintre . and
on wastme and hadde michel of wereld +tinge . +to nam he geme of mannes
liflode . (CMTRINIT,127.1712)
and cnew +tat here dedes weren iuele . and here speche unnutte .
and fleg here ferede . (CMTRINIT,127.1714)
for he nolde noht folgen here forbisne ne on speche ne on dede .
and +terfore ferde into weste wilderne alse Seinte ambrosii sei+d on
his loftsonge . (CMTRINIT,127.1716)
Antra deserti teneris s. c. tur . fugiens p. n. l. s. m. u. f. posses .
On his guwe+de he fleh fro folke to weste . for +tat he ne wolde .
$noht mid lihte wordes filen his liflode . and for he was send into +te
weste to maken +tere godes weies ; (CMTRINIT,127.1718)
+terefore he makede his wunienge in +te wilderne . (CMTRINIT,127.1719)
and sta+delede his liflode on fode . and on shrude . swo +tat he $was
bicumelich to his wuninge and ec to his wike . alse hit sei+d on +te
loft songe . (CMTRINIT,127.1720)
Prebuit hirtum tegimen camelus . a. s. tro. b. c. l. h. s. p. m.
locustis . (CMTRINIT,127.1721)
Weste was his wunienge . and stark haire of oluente his wede . wilde
hunie and languste his mete . (CMTRINIT,127.1722)
and water was his drinke . (CMTRINIT,127.1723)
+Do sprong te word of his holi liflode wide into +te londe
and bigan +tat folc sechen to his wunienge . for to sen his holi
liflode . and to here his wise lore and wenden +to for his michele
wisdom ; +tat hit crist self were . (CMTRINIT,127.1725)
and he bigan +to to maken alse +te boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,127.1726)
Instruendo ad fidem . inuitando ad baptismum . vocando ad penitenciam .
tehte hem rihte bileue . (CMTRINIT,127.1728)
bed hem to fulcninge . (CMTRINIT,127.1729)
and clepede hem to shrifte . +tat is to reusende . and to forleten .
and to beten here sinnes . (CMTRINIT,129.1731)
for +tat is shrift . (CMTRINIT,129.1732)
+Do wolden +te bisshupes . and +te o+dre lerede +te wuneden in +te lond
; witen hwat he ware . for +tat hie wenden +tat hit were crist self .
and senden here erendrakes to him +tus que+dinde . Tu quis es ?
hwat art tu ? (CMTRINIT,129.1735)
$Et respondit . $Non sum ego Christus . (CMTRINIT,129.1736)
Ne $am $i {TEXT:ami} noht crist ? (CMTRINIT,129.1737)
and hie seiden . $Art $tu {TEXT:Artu} helias . (CMTRINIT,129.1738)
nai he seide . (CMTRINIT,129.1739)
and hie seiden . art tu prophete ? (CMTRINIT,129.1740)
nai he seide . nan +tere prophete +te ge wenen . (CMTRINIT,129.1741)
$Et dixerunt . Quis igitur es . Ut responsum demus eis qui miserunt nos
? (CMTRINIT,129.1742)
Seiden hie wich andswere shule we giuen hem +te senden us to +te ;
and he andswerede . +tus que+dinde Ego uox clamantis in $deserto parate
uiam domini rectas facite semitas ejus . (CMTRINIT,129.1744)
Ich am his steuene +te reme+d in +tis westerne . and +tus que+dinde .
Make+d +te louerdes weies . (CMTRINIT,129.1745)
and rihte+d his pe+des . (CMTRINIT,129.1746)
Et enim uox ordine nature antecedit uerbum . sic . iohannes ordine
temporum antecedit christum , Vnde dicitur hic dei uox ille uerbum .
liste+d nu wat tis westerne is . and wi ure drihten grede+d +ter onne .
Populus qui malo opere dereliquid deum factorem suum . et inutili uerbo
recessit a deo salutari suo . est descertus . (CMTRINIT,129.1749)
al +tat folc +tat +turh unnutte speche and iuele speche . and
$iueledede . turne+d fro gode . and forlete+d his hersumnesse . is
cleped westren . for +tat +te he ne wune+d noht on hem ; ne he on him ;
for +ti is +tis westren for-grouwen . mid brimbles . and mid +tornes
and mid iuele wiedes . +tat is to seien . +tat folc is forgilt wi+d god
. on unnitte speche . and on iuele dede . and on idel +tonc .
Clamat ergo dominus ad nos per predicatores tanquam surdos et longe
positos . (CMTRINIT,129.1752)
and for-+ti grede+d ure drihten to us ; alse to deue men . and fer fro
him wunien . (CMTRINIT,129.1753)
Deue we ben o+der +ticke liste . +tanne we heren speke godes word . and
nime+d +ter to litel geme . o+der non . (CMTRINIT,129.1754)
fer fro ure drihten we ben . +teh we gon to chirche . and giuen rihte
ti+dinge . and singen ure bede . and dele+d almes more for to hauen
eor+dliche winne +tene heuenliche wele . (CMTRINIT,129.1755)
ac turne we to ure drihten on rihte bileue . (CMTRINIT,129.1756)
and nehtleche him on clene liflode . (CMTRINIT,129.1757)
and maken us wei to him . on so+de luue to gode and to mannen .
Est enim dilectio dei et proximi regia uia qua cundum est ad
uitam . (CMTRINIT,131.1759)
for +tat so+de luue lede+d alle rihtwise men to eche blisse ; +te
luue+d god more +tane him seluen . and ech cristene man alse him seluen
. (CMTRINIT,131.1760)
ac tat is arue+d for+te ani eor+dlich man . (CMTRINIT,131.1761)
and terfore do we alse seint iohan baptiste us minege+d +tus que+dinde
. Rectas facite semitas dei nostri . (CMTRINIT,131.1762)
Make+d rihte godes pe+des . (CMTRINIT,131.1763)
Semite dei quibus facile peruenitur ad eum sunt opera bona .
Godes pa+des ben ure gode dedes . on elmes . and on o+dre +tinge +te us
shule leden to eche liue . (CMTRINIT,131.1765)
Que si fecerimus pro celestibus declinabimus ad terram . Si autem pro
fauore populi . ad sinistram diuertemus . (CMTRINIT,131.1766)
Gif we don ure gode dedes for to hauen +tis weorldes sel+de . o+der
mannes hereword to mede . +tenne make we godes weies wronge .
and ne ben noht toward heuene . (CMTRINIT,131.1768)
ac gif $we don . and que+den . and +denchen wel for +tat we god luuen .
and longe+d to him . and we +teron $halden to ure lifes ende . +tenne
beo we on rihte weie . +te lede+d us to eche life . alse dide +te
louerd Seint iohan baptiste . alse ich er sede . +De wunderliche com
into +tis wreche woreld and her-one arue+dliche wunede . and her-offe
at his ende wurliche wende . (CMTRINIT,131.1769)
for he was bihaueded on herodes prisone . (CMTRINIT,131.1770)
for he nolde noht turnen ut of +te hege weie . ne of +te rihte pa+des .
+te he minegede mankin to makiende . (CMTRINIT,131.1771)
and was +ter-one werchende . and farende . for to +tat he $com to +de
ende +tat is eche lif . (CMTRINIT,131.1772)
ad quam nos ducat . qui $uiuit . (CMTRINIT,131.1773)
Inter natos mulierum non surrexit maior iohanne baptista .
Un-ligel man selde lige+d . (CMTRINIT,131.1778)
and so+d-sagel man sei+d ofte so+d . (CMTRINIT,131.1779)
and he +te neure ne lihgh ne lige ne wile . ne ne mai . +tat is ure
helende . he sei+d eure so+d (CMTRINIT,131.1780)
and +terefore is so+d +tat he seide bi +te louerd Seint iohan baptiste
+tus que+dinde . Inter natos Mulierum et cetera (CMTRINIT,131.1781)
of alle +te bernes . +te ben boren of wifes bosem . nis non more +tenne
iohan +te fulcnere . (CMTRINIT,131.1782)
+De forme man +te com in +tis midden-erd +tat was adam . ure
alre fader he was more . Quia inmortalis fuit . donec peccauit for +tat
he was undea+dlich forte he sinede . (CMTRINIT,133.1783)
and eure beo mihte gif he him wite wolde . (CMTRINIT,133.1784)
ac he ne was boren of wifes bosme . (CMTRINIT,133.1785)
ne ne hadde fader ne moder . (CMTRINIT,133.1786)
Set dominus fecit eum de uirgine terra . (CMTRINIT,133.1787)
ac ure drihten him shop of eor+de +tat was unfiled .
Eftsone ure helend +tat is sheppende and wealdende of alle shafte is
more +tene Seint iohan baptiste (CMTRINIT,133.1789)
ac he was strened of +te heuenliche fader . er +tanne +te heuene o+der
eor+de shapen were . (CMTRINIT,133.1790)
and ne was of wifes bosme boren . (CMTRINIT,133.1791)
and was of +te holi meydenes ure lefdi Seinte Marie .
Ysaac . +tat +te lif holi wimman sarra on hire elde kennede . and te
lif holi man abraham . on his elde strende . alse ure drihten hadde er
+tan +tan iseid . +tat he sholde he ne was noht more ne for+de swo
michel a sume wise swo seint iohan baptiste Ne non o+der of wifes bosme
boren . (CMTRINIT,133.1793)
and +tat is sene on +tre $+ting of him . (CMTRINIT,133.1794)
on his hidercume . o+der $his $her biwist . +te +tridde his he+densi+d
. (CMTRINIT,133.1795)
$Aduentus eius in mundum fuit mirabilis . Status eius in mundo
difficilis multimoda afflictione carnis . Exitus eius de mundo
triumphalis quia dum facinora uiriliter obstitit . et hostem uicit . et
mortem perdidit et uitam inuenit . (CMTRINIT,133.1796)
his hidercume was ful of wundren . +te ure drihten wrohten ; to
wur+dende mid $seint iohan baptiste (CMTRINIT,133.1797)
+te forme wunder was ; +tat +to +te god fundede of heuene to eor+de to
fonden mennisshe . of +te holie meidenes inne+de ure lafdi Seinte Marie
. +Do spec +te heuenliche fader to +te sune heuenliche of seint iohan
and efnede him to engel +tus que+dinde . Ecce mitto angelum meum qui
preparabit uiam tuam ante faciem tuam . (CMTRINIT,133.1798)
here ich sende min engel biforen +tine nebbe +te shal ruden +tine weie
to-fore +te . (CMTRINIT,133.1799)
Et reuera fuit angelus non naturaliter sed officialiter .
and he was iwis godes engel noht of kinde for +tat he ne was noht gost
; ac on wike . (CMTRINIT,133.1801)
+tat o+der wunder was ; +tat he ches two lif holi men him to fader .
and to moder +te weren bo+de teames ateald . and heo +te wimman was
barrage swo +tat heo ne mihte for unkinde hauen no child .
+Tat +tridde wunder was . +tat god sende +te holi engel gabriel to +te
lif holie prest zacharie . +to +te he gede in +te temple mid his rechel
fat . to rechelende +te alter . and sende him seggen +tat he sholde
+tis holi child strene . (CMTRINIT,135.1803)
+De holi man sah +te heg engel at te {TEXT:atte} alteres ende .
and war+d of-grisen , and ofdred . (CMTRINIT,135.1805)
and te engel qua+d to him ; (CMTRINIT,135.1806)
and sede Ne timeas zacharia . quoniam exaudita est oratio tua et
elizabet uxor tua pariet tibi filium et vocabis nomen eius Iohannem et
in nativitate eius multi gaudebunt . (CMTRINIT,135.1807)
Ne beo +tu zacharie $noht of-grisen . (CMTRINIT,135.1808)
+tu hauest longe iwist after strene (CMTRINIT,135.1809)
and god haue+d herd +tine bede ; and ti+ded te bene .
and elizabet +ti spuse shal hauen a cnauechild . (CMTRINIT,135.1811)
and him shal to name iohan . (CMTRINIT,135.1812)
and hit shal beo +te to michel blisse . (CMTRINIT,135.1813)
and fele shule fagenien on his burde . (CMTRINIT,135.1814)
Erit enim magnus coram domino . (CMTRINIT,135.1815)
for he shal ben michel bifore gode . (CMTRINIT,135.1816)
Et adiecit angelus explicare seriem magnitudinis iohannis contentam in
quatuor . scilicet . Virtute abstinencie . Donis gracie . Officii
dignitate . Et palma uictorie . (CMTRINIT,135.1817)
+Te childes michelnesse sheude +te engel on fuwer +tingen .
On is wi+d-teinge of alle lichames lustes . and iuele lastes .
Et uinum et siceram non bibit et cetera . (CMTRINIT,135.1820)
+Tat o+der is un-erned giue . (CMTRINIT,135.1821)
+tat +tridde is heh wike . (CMTRINIT,135.1822)
+tat feor+de is wlites ending (CMTRINIT,135.1823)
his michelnesse was unhiled on ten fold wise and mo .
an is +tat +te heuenliche fader heuenede him to engel .
Vt ecce mitto angelum meum et cetera . (CMTRINIT,135.1826)
O+der is +tat he sende +te heh engel to +te holi man +te him strene
sholde . (CMTRINIT,135.1827)
Et uox tua pariet tibi filium . (CMTRINIT,135.1828)
+Tat +tridde is +tat +te fader bicom dumb . (CMTRINIT,135.1829)
for he ne lefde hit noht +tat +te engel him sede . (CMTRINIT,135.1830)
Et eris tacens usque ad natiuitatem eius . (CMTRINIT,135.1831)
+te feor+de is . +tat his moder him bar si+den heo was teames atold .
and neure er ne was mid childe ; (CMTRINIT,135.1832)
for kinde hit hire werende . (CMTRINIT,135.1833)
Et processit in diebus suis sterilis . (CMTRINIT,135.1834)
+te fifte is . +tat +to +te he was on his moder wombe get unboren he
witegede of ure helendes to cume . and of +te maidenes +te him bar get
on hire swete wombe . +tat is ure lafdi seinte marie .
Et exultauit infans in utero meo . (CMTRINIT,135.1836)
+te sixte is +tat elizabet was liht of +te holie gost +te was on +te
child +te hie mide hiede . swo +tat hie ec witegede of ure helendes to
cume . (CMTRINIT,135.1837)
Et unde hoc michi ut ueniat mater domini mei ad me ?
+te seue+de is +tat he giaf his fader mihte to speken +te hadde dumb
ben ; si+de he +te engel mislefde . (CMTRINIT,137.1839)
Et apertum est os zacharie et prophetauit . (CMTRINIT,137.1840)
+Te egte+de is +tat ure drihten him bed fulcnen on watere to synbote .
and fulcning beden and ec seggen Super quem uideris spiritum
descendentem . et cetera . Hic est qui baptizat in spiritu sancto .
wanne +tu sest gost cumen and wunien uppe mannen he shal fulcnen on +te
holie gost to sinnes forgiuenesse . (CMTRINIT,137.1842)
+te nige+de is +tat +te heuenliche +tremnesse was mid him +to he
fulcnede ure helende . Pater in uoce . Filius in homine . Spiritus
sanctus in specie columbe . +Te fader on stefne . +te sune on mannes
efene . +te holi gost on culures hewe . (CMTRINIT,137.1843)
+te tie+de is . +tat michele hereword +tat ure helend him gaf +tus
que+dinde . Inter natos mulierum . (CMTRINIT,137.1844)
Of alle wifes children nis non more +tanne Seint iohan babtiste .
+Tis child him self on his liflode hadde his agen michelnesse on +tre
wise . (CMTRINIT,137.1846)
scilicet . Abstinencia humilitate . Paciencia . (CMTRINIT,137.1847)
On is wi+dteung . (CMTRINIT,137.1848)
o+der is admodnesse . +te +tridde +toleburdnesse . (CMTRINIT,137.1849)
he hadde mihte te witen him of alle flesliche lustes . alse +te apostel
bit . (CMTRINIT,137.1850)
Abstinete uos a carnalibus desideriis que militant aduersus animam .
Wi+d-teod giu of +te flesliche lustes . +te fihte+d togenes +te soule .
Wi+dteo +tine egen +tat hie ne biholden non iuel ne non un-nut ne
for+den idel . (CMTRINIT,137.1853)
Wi+dteo +ti lichame fro orguil . and idel . and ouer mete wede .
Wi+dteo ec +tine golliche deden mid alle ; gif +tu spuse ne hauest .
and gif +tu spuse hauest ; wi+dteo te on unluuede stede . and on
$unluued time . +tat is +tanne +tu fasten shalt . o+der halgen .
Ne beo +tu noht wuned to don hit on unluued wise ne wilful to wecchen
lust +tat to . (CMTRINIT,137.1857)
Quoniam qui sic agit uehemens amator est et proprie uxoris adulter .
For alle +to +te swo don ; don ewuebruche on here agene spuse .
he hadde ec admodnesse (CMTRINIT,137.1860)
+to al folc herde . hwu heh . and hwu holie he was . and hwu holi lif
he ladde and wenden +tat hit were self crist and seden hit . and he
wi+d-qua+d (CMTRINIT,137.1861)
and sede . Non sum ego christus . nec etiam dignus ut soluam corrigiam
calciamentj eius . (CMTRINIT,137.1862)
ge wenen +tat ich beo crist . (CMTRINIT,137.1863)
ac ich nam noht ne for+den wur+de +tat ich un-cnutte his sho +tuong .
Ne mihte he mid none worden ki+den betere ; +tat he admod was and him
seluen mece . (CMTRINIT,137.1865)
Qvia in spiritu lenitatis peccatores corripuit . et ad penitenciam
uocauit . (CMTRINIT,137.1866)
Mid softnesse he castede +te sinfulle (CMTRINIT,139.1867)
and minegede hem to sinbote . and to clene liflode .
Et semet ipsum prebuit exemplum . (CMTRINIT,139.1869)
and giaf hem faire forbisne of him selfen +teh he sinful ne were alse
seint ambrosii sei+d $Antra deserti . t. s. a. c. turmas .
On his guwe+de he understod +tat he was send into +tis midden erd . to
donde +trefolde wike . (CMTRINIT,139.1871)
scilicet aduentum christi prenunciare . baptismum predicare . baptizare
. (CMTRINIT,139.1872)
an is to ki+den cristes to cume . (CMTRINIT,139.1873)
o+der is bodien fulcninge (CMTRINIT,139.1874)
+tat +tridde is fulcnen . (CMTRINIT,139.1875)
and me+dede +to his liflode swo +tat he was bicumelich to swiche wike .
Ne forte cum aliis predicaret reprobus ipse fieret . For +tat he ne
wolde noht mis leued +tenne he men lerde . (CMTRINIT,139.1876)
Nam cuius uita despicitur restat ut eius predicacio contempnatur ;
for nis +te lor+teau noht to luuene ; gif his liflode is iuel . and ful
. (CMTRINIT,139.1878)
and for +ti he turnde ut of +te burh into wilderne . and fro mennes
wunienge to wilde deores . (CMTRINIT,139.1879)
and ches +tere crundel to halle . and eor+dhole to bure bare eor+de to
bedde . and hard ston to bolstre . Stiue here to shurte and gret sac to
curtle . (CMTRINIT,139.1880)
Moren and wilde uni was his mete . and noht bute water his drinke .
On wecche . and on swinche . and on alle wise he wan wi+d his hagene
lichame . (CMTRINIT,139.1882)
and +turh swiche liflode +tuhte swete his lore alle +to +te hit herden
. (CMTRINIT,139.1883)
+Do ne mihte his holinesse ben no lengere for-hole .
ac sprong his word wide into al +te worelde (CMTRINIT,139.1885)
and teh folc to him to heren his wise word . and to sende his
wunderliche liflode . (CMTRINIT,139.1886)
and he minede alle men to forleten here sinnes and beten . and on
sinbote understonden fulcnenge . (CMTRINIT,139.1887)
and fele +ter of him seluen fulcnede . (CMTRINIT,139.1888)
and bi +to dages luuede herodes +te king his bro+der wif ;
and bi-nam hire him . (CMTRINIT,139.1890)
and Seint Iohan hit wi+d seide . (CMTRINIT,139.1891)
and lettede hit bi his mihte . (CMTRINIT,139.1892)
and te king stod eie of him . for his holinesse . (CMTRINIT,139.1893)
and bad him swike . (CMTRINIT,139.1894)
and he ne dorste for godes eie forleten ; +tat he +te king +tat +teau
ne binome . (CMTRINIT,139.1895)
+Do was +te king wro+d ; (CMTRINIT,139.1896)
and bad binden him and don him in to prisune bute he wolde his word
wi+dteon . (CMTRINIT,139.1897)
+to cneu seint iohan . +tat gif he wolde +tolen +tat te king drige his
unriht he mihte liuen and ben him lief and wur+d . ac gif he wolde
folgen $rihtwisnesse he sholde +terfore his lif forleten
and swo dide at ten {TEXT:atten} ende . for +tat a maiden bed te kinge
his heued . (CMTRINIT,139.1899)
and he hit bad of acken . and hire bitechen . (CMTRINIT,139.1900)
and he +tat e+deliche dea+d admodliche +tolede .
and +ter mid bigat eche lif on blisse . (CMTRINIT,141.1902)
Nu we hauen seid +treo +ting +te we giu biheten . hwu wunderlich was
his hider-cume . and hwu wrecchede his her-biwist . and hwu siker his
he+densi+d . and wiche wise he was more +tenne ani o+der man of wifes
bosme boren . and a wiche wise he of +tis woreldes wowe wot ; in to
eche wele . (CMTRINIT,141.1903)
swo mote we alle . and +tere wunen mid him abuten ende .
Eo prestante quem ore predicauit . et digito monstrauit . Qui . vivit
et Regnat per omnia secula seculorum . (CMTRINIT,141.1905)
Mvlier que erat in ciuitate nomine maria iam penitens uenit ad domum
symonis ubi erat ihesuc . et procidens . lacrimis pedes eius rigauit .
et capillis suis tersit . et oscula affixit . et unguento unxit . cuius
odore domus impleta est . (CMTRINIT,141.1909)
+De lauerd Seint l . +te trenne+d +tat holi godspel +te men r+ad inne
holie chireche sei+d +tar on +tat ure drihten underfeng eadmodliche ane
sinfulle wimman and forgiaf hire hire sinnen . for two +tinge .
an is muchel le+d+de to hire sunne . o+der muchel luue to him .
+Das word munege+d us +tat we nime forbisne after +tes wimman . and
hatien and forleten . and beten ure sinnen . and luuen and fulien ure
drihten alse hie dide . (CMTRINIT,141.1912)
Luste+d nu +tanne (CMTRINIT,141.1913)
and undernime+d +treo +ting . (CMTRINIT,141.1914)
on his +tes wimmannes name . O+der wiche wise hie hine bisohte .
+tridde hwich andswere he hire giaf . (CMTRINIT,141.1915)
Nomen igitur est maria quod interpretatur stella maris .
Hie is ihaten alse +tat holie maiden . ure helendes moder . englene
quen marie . +tat is on ure ledene se-steorre . and +te gerise+d wel
here ei+der . (CMTRINIT,141.1917)
Vtraque enim lucis sue radium . id est exemplar in mari . id est in
mundo diffundit . Illa pundicicie . Ista penitencie .
Hur ei+der alum+d +te se +tat is +tis woreld of faire forbisne
+te quen +gaf forbisne of mai+dhode +tat is of clennesse . +De o+der of
penitentence . +tat is of clensunge , +tat is +tat brin+d hori to clene
. (CMTRINIT,141.1920)
and muchele mo fare+d on +tisse s+a . +tat is on +tisse worelde .
fuliende +te leome of penitence . +tat is forbisne of clennesse
. +tane don +te leome of mai+dhod . (CMTRINIT,143.1921)
Mundus nomine maris appellatur . tum propter procellas aduersitatum tum
propter affluenciam copie . tum propter reffluenciam inopie . tum quia
extra nauem in mari non est fiducia salutis . (CMTRINIT,143.1922)
Hali boc nemme+d +tes woreld s+a . for +tan +te mistliche gelimpe+d .
hwile of wele . and wile of wawe walke+d +tar-onne , alse do+d +te u+de
in +tar s+a . (CMTRINIT,143.1923)
and alse +te s+a ebbe+d and flow+d ; alse +tis woreld hwile gif+d wunne
. (CMTRINIT,143.1924)
and hwile hit eft binim+d . (CMTRINIT,143.1925)
and alse man sone forfar+d in +te s+a bute he on shipe be ; alse fare+d
efrich man into helle of +tesse worelde bute he on chirche bie . +turh
rihte gielefe . and clene liflade . and so+de luue to gode . and to
eche cristene mane . (CMTRINIT,143.1926)
+Des wimman hadde ec on toname magdalene . (CMTRINIT,143.1927)
quod interpretatur turris . et significat elacionis altitudinem . ante
conuersionem . et contemplacionis post conuersionem .
+Dat is on ure ledene tur . (CMTRINIT,143.1929)
and tacne+d hwile heinesse of oregel +te hie hadde +to hie sinne luuede
. and hwile heuenliche +tonc +te hie hadde +ti hie sunne forlet . and
bette alse ure drihten sede . (CMTRINIT,143.1930)
Maria . optimam . partem elegit que non auferetur ab ea .
Marie haue+d icore +tat beste del +tat is heuenliche wunienge . +te hie
habbe shal abuten ende . (CMTRINIT,143.1932)
Nu +gie habbe+d iherd +tes wimmanes name and ec hire toname . and wat
here ei+der bitocne+d . (CMTRINIT,143.1933)
+ge here+d ware heo com to ure helende . and heo him to loc brohte .
and $a $wiche {TEXT:awiche} wise his milce bisohte . and hwu hie +tare
$er $dede {TEXT:ierdede} +to heo hadde se swi+de heo selue forsineged .
+tat seuen awergede gostes ware on hire +geherbere+gede .
+Da iherde hie seggen +tat ure drihte on his larspelle sede . +tat alle
men sholden dea+d +tolien . and an domes dai eft arisen of dea+de and
+to +te hadden here sinnes forleten and bet ; o+der +tar-on biuonge are
hie here lif forleten . hie sholden faren to heuene . and mid ure
drihten eche lif habben and blisse . and +to swo ne duden hie sholden
+tolien mid deflen eche pine . on helle . +Da bi+dohte heo on hire
liflode (CMTRINIT,143.1935)
and +ge-cnew +tat hie was la+d gode . and ladlich amang manne .
and +taruore hire sinne hire bicome swi+de la+de (CMTRINIT,143.1937)
and heo +tohte +tat heo wolde hem forleten . and beten .
+to com ti+ding +tat ure helende was cumen to symones huse .
+ta +tohte hie +tat hie hine +geseche wolde and him lac bringe
. and milce bidden . (CMTRINIT,145.1940)
and nam ane box +gemaked of marbelstone (CMTRINIT,145.1941)
and hine fulde mid derewur+de smerieles . (CMTRINIT,145.1942)
and cam +tar he was (CMTRINIT,145.1943)
and his holi fet +gesohte . (CMTRINIT,145.1944)
and sore hire sinne biwiep +tat hie his fet lauede mid hire hote teres
. (CMTRINIT,145.1945)
and wipede hes +ter after mid hire faire here (CMTRINIT,145.1946)
and mid hire mu+de custe . (CMTRINIT,145.1947)
and +tarafter smerede . (CMTRINIT,145.1948)
+ta war+d +tat hus al ful of +te swote swote bre+de .
Mid swiche dede hie clensede heo seluen of ache synne .
Et respiciens dominus eiecit vii demonia . et dixit ei . Mulier
dimittuntur tibi peccata tua . (CMTRINIT,145.1951)
+Da biseh ure drihte mildeliche to hire penitence . and +geseh +tat hie
biterliche elche +tare limene on hire seluen +te hie hadde erur mide
iseneged . and hadde reu+de of hire . (CMTRINIT,145.1952)
and drof ut of hire .vij. deoflen +te ware on hire +geherbered .
and +tus qua+d . Wimman +tine sunnen +te be+d forgiuene .
Swo beo us alle ure . (CMTRINIT,145.1955)
Eo dimittente . Qui viuit et Regnat per omnia secula seculorum .
Amen . (CMTRINIT,145.1957)
XXV . {COM:Lambeth_Homily_XVII} DE SANCTO IACOBO . (CMTRINIT,145.1959)
Evntes ibant et flebant mittentes semina sua . Venientes autem uenient
cum exultatione portantes manipulos suos . (CMTRINIT,145.1961)
+De holi prophete dauid +te was king of ierusalem fele hundred wintre
er ure drihten man bicome and were boren of +te holi maiden ure lafdi
seinte Marie . he hadde wuniende on him +te holi gost +te him dide
suterliche to understonden +tat ure drihten wolde man bicumen . and
ware . and wanne and of wam ben boren . and hware de+d +tolien . and
wi+dinne wiche firste +tar-after arisen of dea+de . and hwiche wise to
heuene stie . and eft to +te dome cumen . and wet man him sholden on
+tis woreld abuten wunien . and wich lif leden . and wiche him
hersumien . and wich mede +terto-genes understonden in heuenriche .
and speke+d of ech +tinge sunderlepes and in +te salmboc stundmele .
and +te fewe word +te ich nu for+d-tegh he spec+d of +te holie mannen
+te folgeden ure helende $lichamliche on eor+de ; alse +te louerd Seint
iame was dai hit is to dai . and o+dre holie apostles .
and +tus que+d . Euntes ibant et cetera . (CMTRINIT,147.1965)
Hie hiden wepende and sewende . (CMTRINIT,147.1966)
and shule cumen mid blisse and mowen . (CMTRINIT,147.1967)
he spec of +tat +te sholde wur+de alse +tehg hit wur+den were . For
+tat he wiste siker +tat hit wur+den solde . (CMTRINIT,147.1968)
Set quo euntes ; in mortem . (CMTRINIT,147.1969)
Ac wider +geden hie ; (CMTRINIT,147.1970)
fro wureld wele to lichamliche wowe . fro reste to swinche . fro hele ;
to unhele . fro guwe+de to helde . (CMTRINIT,147.1971)
and on +tis reuliche wei hie weren walkinde forte +tat hie comen to +te
lichamliche dea+de . (CMTRINIT,147.1972)
Quas lacrimas fundentes ; tum compunctionis . tum passionis ; tum
peregrinacionis . tum contemplacionis . (CMTRINIT,147.1973)
Swiche teares shedden hie on +tis reuliche wei ; erest of reu+de of
here agene sinnes . +to +te hie erest understoden +tat hie sineged
hadden (CMTRINIT,147.1974)
and +tat sore bi-wiepen . (CMTRINIT,147.1975)
and forsoken +te wereld . and eor+dliche wele . (CMTRINIT,147.1976)
and turnden mid alle to ure helende . (CMTRINIT,147.1977)
and mid wosi+des betten here sinnes . (CMTRINIT,147.1978)
and +terof milce beden . (CMTRINIT,147.1979)
Talibus lacrimis lauit Maria Magdalena pedes domini .
Mid swiche teres lauede ure lafdi Seinte Marie magdalene ure helendes
fet . (CMTRINIT,147.1981)
and wer+d hire seluen laued . (CMTRINIT,147.1982)
and was clene . of hire fule synnes . (CMTRINIT,147.1983)
His etiam lacrimis lauit petrus maculam trine negacionis .
Mid swiche teares lauede Seint peter +te hore of +te fule sinne . of
ure helendes andseche Qvando exiuit et fleuit amare +Do he him
understod hwu he syneged hedde . (CMTRINIT,147.1985)
and hit him sore reu . (CMTRINIT,147.1986)
and he hit mid bitere teares biwiep . (CMTRINIT,147.1987)
and mid +tat wope wer+d clensed of +te synne . (CMTRINIT,147.1988)
INterdum autem uidentes aliquos affligi fuderunt lacrimas compassionis
. (CMTRINIT,147.1989)
O+derwile wanne hie segen men wanred +tolien . o+der on sinne bifallen
o+der mid sorinesse bistonden . +ter-of hie hadden reu+de ;
and sore hit bi-wipen . (CMTRINIT,147.1991)
Has lacrimal dominus fudit quando lazarum suscitauit .
Swiche teares wep ure drihten seluen . +to +te he sah martha and marie
Magdalene +to two sustres wepen for here bro+dres dea+d .
and he him bed risen of his birieles . (CMTRINIT,147.1994)
and he swo dide . (CMTRINIT,147.1995)
and hem was sta+ded wop . (CMTRINIT,147.1996)
and turnden here wop to blisse . (CMTRINIT,147.1997)
Item dominus uidens ciuitatem fleuit super illam . (CMTRINIT,147.1998)
At o+der time ure helende biheold ierusalemes bureh .
and wiste alse he alle +ting wot . +tat it sholde sone +tar after ben
astruid . (CMTRINIT,147.2000)
and swo was . (CMTRINIT,147.2001)
and +terfore of his holie egen ; hote teares . (CMTRINIT,147.2002)
and minede swo us alle . (CMTRINIT,147.2003)
and gaf forbisne of him seluen +tat we sholden biwepen ure elch
o+dres sinne . and wosi+des . and forlete lahtres . and idele songes .
Swich wop is fremful to wassende mide sinnes . (CMTRINIT,149.2005)
Plerumque etiam tetido uite presentis affecti . fudere lacrimas
peregrinationis . (CMTRINIT,149.2006)
and o+der hwile +te holie men shedden here teares for lif of +tis
worelde for +tat hem +tuhte +tat tis arme lif hem lastede .
Tales lacrimas fudit iob quando dicebat . Tedet anima mea uite mee .
wuo is mi soule +tat ich bide here swo longe . (CMTRINIT,149.2009)
Swiche teares shedde +te holie prophete . +to +te he +tese word sede .
Heu michi quia incolatus meus prolongatus est (CMTRINIT,149.2011)
wumme +tat ich shal wunien on uncu+de erde . and +tat min biwist is
teged here swo longe . (CMTRINIT,149.2012)
Hoc autem dixit quia non habemus hic manentem ciuitatem . sed in celis
debet esse conuersacio nostra . (CMTRINIT,149.2013)
+Det seide +te holi man for +tat we ben here alle on fleme .
Ac ure erd is on heuene ; gif we +tar-after auele+d .
Iustus autem cum languet desiderio patrie celestis quando fudit
lacrimas contemplacionis . (CMTRINIT,149.2016)
+De riht-wise man +te mid his heorte and mid his egen bihalt into
heuene . and seo+d +te endelese blisse . +te alle godfruhte men ben to
clepede . and turne+d +tenne his luue +terto . him wile sone longe +tar
after . (CMTRINIT,149.2017)
and +tenne him swi+de longe+d +tider . him seluen le+dien ne mai . he
sent his +toht ; and his to-hope mid his hote teares .
Has lacrimas fudit sponsa sponso . quando dicebat . $Trahe me post te .
Swiche teares wiep +te holie spuse uppen hire spus . +to +te hie seide
lauerd drah me after +te . (CMTRINIT,149.2020)
for ich ne mai cumen to +te bute +tu me helpe . (CMTRINIT,149.2021)
Vtrasque lacrimas . scilicet peregrinacionis . et contemplacionis .
fudit apostolus fortassem cum dicebat . Cvpio dissolui et esse cum
christo . (CMTRINIT,149.2022)
lo+d is me +tis . (CMTRINIT,149.2023)
Ei+der +tese teares shedde ich wene +te holie apostel +to +te he seide
. Cvpio dissolui . et cetera . (CMTRINIT,149.2024)
Lo+d is me +tis eor+dliche lif . (CMTRINIT,149.2025)
and me longe+d to criste . (CMTRINIT,149.2026)
He .iiij.=or= lacrime . sunt . iiij.=or= aque . de quibus lauari
iubermur . per ysayam dicenttem . Lauamini mundi estote .
+Des fower kinnes teares . +te ich haue here seid . ben +te
fower wateres +te we shulen us one wasshen . alse ure drihten us bad .
bi ysayas +te prophete +tus que+dinde . wasshe+d giu ;
and wunie+d clene . (CMTRINIT,151.2029)
Lacrima autem $compunctionis ; amara ut aqua maris (CMTRINIT,151.2030)
+De wop +te man wepe+d for his agene sinne is swi+de biter alse
saltwater . (CMTRINIT,151.2031)
and +tere-fore is nemmed se water . (CMTRINIT,151.2032)
Lacrima compassionis est tempida sicut aqua niuis . que defluit ad
calorem solis . (CMTRINIT,151.2033)
+De wop +te man wepe+d for his emcristenes wowe . cume+d of +te wlache
heorte . alse +te sunne hete +te snow . +tat he hit for-melte+d to
watere . (CMTRINIT,151.2034)
Lacrima quidem peregrinacionis comparatur aqua fontis . quia sicut hec
ebullit de terra sic illa de cordis angustia . (CMTRINIT,151.2035)
+Te teares +te man wepe+d . for +tat him wo be+d . +tat he wunie shal
on lo+de erde ; ben nemmed welle water . for +tat hie walle+d of +te
heorte rotes ; swo water do+d of welle . (CMTRINIT,151.2036)
Lacrime uero contemplacionis comparantur aqua roris . quia sicut illa
nutu dei curritur ab imo in altum ; ita ille emanant propter alti
desiderium . (CMTRINIT,151.2037)
+Te teares +te man wepe+d for longenge to heuene ben cleped rein water
. o+der deu water . for +tat alse +te sunne te+d water fram eor+de up
to +te wolcne ; and +ter-offe cume+d reines . swo +te holi gost te+d
+te mannes luue to heuene . and make+d +tat him longed swi+de +tider .
and for +tat longenge wasse+d his neb mid teares . (CMTRINIT,151.2038)
+Dese fower kinne teares wiep ure louerd Seint Iame .
and on +tese fower wateres wuesh him seluen of sinnes .
and siew +to on wowe ; +tat he shal eft on blisse mowen .
Que sunt semina ; Qui manipuli ; Uerba ueritatis . Opera caritatis .
+te sed +tat he sew were so+de wordes . and mild heorte dedes .
+te blostmes +te shal eft mowen ; ben . Lux perpetua . Salus eterna .
Letitia sempiterna . +tat is ilestende liht . and endelese hele . and
eche blisse mid angles in heueneriche . (CMTRINIT,151.2044)
folge we nu+te +te louerd Seint iames faire forbisne .
and gon mid ure heorte . and mid ure fote ut of unbileue . in to rihte
bileue . and of gode in to betere . (CMTRINIT,151.2046)
and swo e+dele word . and edie deden . (CMTRINIT,151.2047)
and wepen +to fuwer kinne teares . (CMTRINIT,151.2048)
and of +te fower wateres +te ich er embe spec ; wassen us clene of ure
sinnes . (CMTRINIT,151.2049)
and hauen on us +tat his name bitocne+d . (CMTRINIT,151.2050)
Iacobus interpretatur supplantator uiciorum . (CMTRINIT,151.2051)
Iacob on boc leden is icleped on englisse under-plantere of fule
custumes . (CMTRINIT,153.2052)
et merito . supplantauit enim uicia ; bene uiuendo . in se docendo bene
uiuere ; in aliis . (CMTRINIT,153.2053)
and rihtliche he was cleped iacob ; (CMTRINIT,153.2054)
for he under-plantede fule custumes . of him selfen ; mid his clenliche
liflode . (CMTRINIT,153.2055)
swo we agen alle to don . bo+de lerede . and lewede . and mid faire
lore understonden godes word . (CMTRINIT,153.2056)
Quod nobis prestet . qui secula per omnia Regnat . (CMTRINIT,153.2057)
amen . (CMTRINIT,153.2058)
Qvi parce seminat parce et metet . et quia seminat in benedictionibus
d. b. et Metet . (CMTRINIT,153.2062)
Ure louerd seinte poul hegest alre lor+tew after ure helende seluen
spec+d on +te holi boc . (CMTRINIT,153.2063)
and mine+ge+d ei+der hodede . and lewede to godes wordes and to weldede
. (CMTRINIT,153.2064)
Specialiter quidem monens nos . ut ait gregorius ad sancte
predicationis officium . Generaliter uero hos . et illos ad salutarem
obedienciam mandatorum . (CMTRINIT,153.2065)
Hodede he mine+ge+d wel to lerende $lewede hodede . and lewede feir and
clene lif to leden (CMTRINIT,153.2066)
and sei+d +tat ech man shal understonden mede of his er dede .
and efter +tat +te he me+dege+d nu his dede . shal eft ben me+deged his
mede . (CMTRINIT,153.2068)
and +tus que+d . Qui parce seminat . parce . (CMTRINIT,153.2069)
+te man +te litel sowe+d ; he shal litel mowen . (CMTRINIT,153.2070)
and he +te sowe+d on blescinge he shal eft mowen on blescinge . +tat is
to seien +te man +te wel do+d ; he wel underfo+d . (CMTRINIT,153.2071)
Sacra scriptura nomine semen is appellat . tria scilicet hominis
progenituram dei uerbum . opus bonum . (CMTRINIT,153.2072)
holi boc nemne+d iwunelich +tre +ting to sed . (CMTRINIT,153.2073)
on is mannes stren . (CMTRINIT,153.2074)
+tat o+der is godes word . (CMTRINIT,153.2075)
+te +tridde is wel dede (CMTRINIT,153.2076)
Ure helende clepede mannes streon sed . +to he spac wi+d +te holi man
abraham ; of his strene . and seide +tat swo michel mankin sholde
springen of him . +tat no man hit ne mihte tellen . nan more +tene men
mugen tellen +te sterres on heuene . (CMTRINIT,153.2077)
and +tus seide . Suspice celum et numera stellas si potes . sic erit
semen tuum . (CMTRINIT,153.2078)
Bi-hold up to heuene qua+d he (CMTRINIT,153.2079)
and tel +te sterres +gif +tu miht ; (CMTRINIT,153.2080)
for swich shal ben +tin of $spring (CMTRINIT,153.2081)
Set aduertendum est quod prudens sator obseruat . et glede aptitudinem
. et temporis oportunitatem . (CMTRINIT,153.2082)
Ac alse +te wise tilie nime+d +geme of two +ting +tanne he sed
sowe+d . On is we+der +te eor+de beo bicumeliche to +te sede . +tat
o+der we+der hit beo riht time +ter to . Alse $ahte ech criste man to
don wapman . and wimman +tanne hie wilen tulien after strene .
hie o+gen to nime michel geme . +tat hie it on stede and on rihte time
Nis nefre no stede to strene bicumeliche bute hie ben bispused
rihtliche to-+gedere . ne hure riht time +tenne men fasten shal ; o+der
halgen . (CMTRINIT,155.2085)
Godes word is ec sed cleped on +te faire forbisne +te ure helende seide
to his apostles . +tus que+dinde Exiit qui seminat . et cetera .
on tilie ferde ut (CMTRINIT,155.2087)
and sew . (CMTRINIT,155.2088)
and sum of +te sed ful uppe +te ston . (CMTRINIT,155.2089)
and dride +tere . (CMTRINIT,155.2090)
and sum ful among +tornes . (CMTRINIT,155.2091)
and forwar+d , (CMTRINIT,155.2092)
and sum fel bi +te wei ; (CMTRINIT,155.2093)
and was fortreden . (CMTRINIT,155.2094)
and fugeles it freten . (CMTRINIT,155.2095)
and sum ful on +te gode eor+de . (CMTRINIT,155.2096)
and +tat com wel for+d . (CMTRINIT,155.2097)
+Do beden +te holi apostles seien hem wat +te sowere bitocne+d .
and he seide +tus . Semen est uerbum dei . Sator autem Christuc . omnis
autem qui audit eum manebit in eternum . (CMTRINIT,155.2099)
Godes word is +tat sed . and crist seluen +te sowere .
and he +te luueliche hliste+d godes lore he shal hauen eche lif on
blisse . (CMTRINIT,155.2101)
Set hoc semen aliquando $spargitur tum ore proprio . tum ore
ministrorum . (CMTRINIT,155.2102)
Ac ure helend sawe+d his holie word hwile +turh his hagen mu+d hwile
+turh his apostles . and o+dre lor+deawes +te cunnen holie boc-lore .
and +termide godes folc lere+d . (CMTRINIT,155.2104)
A swiche wise spec+d +te heuenliche king wi+d ech man +te he to sende+d
his writ . (CMTRINIT,155.2105)
In hac etiam sacione obserua agri competenciam et congruenciam .
and +tanne folkes lor+teawes his sed sowe+d he oh to nime michel +geme
+tat he hit sowe on bicumliche eor+de . and on rihte time . +tere
mennes heortes hliste+d luueliche godes lore +tere me of gode spec+d .
and +tere me god wur+de+d . (CMTRINIT,155.2107)
+to ben bicumeliche eor+de godes word on to sowende (CMTRINIT,155.2108)
ac +to +te luue+d sinne and forleten nelle+d . o+der bileued ne haue+d
. ne understonden godes word noht ben unbicumeliche eor+de to +te sede
of godes wordes . (CMTRINIT,155.2109)
Ech sunedai . and o+der hegh dai is riht time to sowen +te holie sed ;
+tat is godes word . and in chirche +ter al chirche folc ohg to ben
gadered . (CMTRINIT,155.2110)
Bonum opus etiam nomine semen is appelatur . tum quia seritur in futuro
metetur . tum quia more frugum multiplicabitur . (CMTRINIT,155.2111)
Wel dede is cleped ec sed . for two +ting . (CMTRINIT,155.2112)
on is . +tat alse me sowe+d on an time . and gadere+d +te
blostmes eft on o+der . Alse man do+d nu his wel dede . and on +tat
o+der woreld shal understonden eche lif ; and blisse .
O+der is +tat alse of on sede cume+d fele-felde westme alse
of on e+deliche dede man shal understonden fele-felde . and michele
mede (CMTRINIT,157.2114)
Multa quidem sunt genera bonorum operum Set hic agitur de uno eorum .
scilicet de largicione elemosinarum . unde $prophetam inducit dicentum
. Dispersit dedit pauperibus et cetera . (CMTRINIT,157.2115)
Fele kinne weldede ben . (CMTRINIT,157.2116)
ac +te holie apostel mune+ge+d here to on of hem . +tat is almes-delen
. (CMTRINIT,157.2117)
and sei+d +tat me hit shal giuen hauenlese men . and noht al on .
Ac alse +te holie salmwrihte dauid sei+d . dele hit swo +tat ech nedi
+te hit biseke+d haue sum +ting +ter-of (CMTRINIT,157.2119)
swo he do+d +gif he wis beo+d +te hit dele+d .
alle wel dede be+d fremfulle to sinbote . ac non fremefuler +tanne
almes-deled . (CMTRINIT,157.2121)
Quia sicut aqua extinguit ignem ; ita elemosina extinguit peccatum .
for alse water quenche+d fur ; alse almes quenche+d sinne .
and +gif man selle+d +te almes ; +tenne for-lest heo hire name . and
hire mihte . (CMTRINIT,157.2124)
Quantuor modis uenditur elemosina et tunc inde . aut populi fauor
emitur . aut pudoris molestia redimitur . aut recompensacio rei
temporalis adquiritur . aut debitum beneficii seculo inpenditur .
On fuwer wise man sulle+d his almes . (CMTRINIT,157.2126)
on . is . +tenne he bih+d +ter mide here word . (CMTRINIT,157.2127)
Et hoc animi morbo laborat fere omnis homo . (CMTRINIT,157.2128)
and +tis custume haue+d mestwat alle men . For +tat welnehg ech man
+gife+d his almesse ei+der for godes luue . and for hauende hereword .
and for to ben wur+ded fer and ner ; +te +te he cnowen is .
On o+der wise man sille+d his almes +tanne he it +gife+d swiche men +te
he wernen ne mai for he his neghebore beo+d . o+der elles frend . and
+termide lese+d him ut of shame +te he hauen sholde +gif he him ne
+geue . (CMTRINIT,157.2130)
On +te +tridde wise man selle+d his almesse . +tenne he +gife+d swiche
men . +te him do+d . o+der don haue+d . wike and cher . o+der don shal
. and +tenche+d +tis mannes wile boht mid +te almesse .
On +te feor+de wise man sille+d his almes +tenne he +gife+d swiche men
+te he a+ghte mid rihte to helpe ; to feden . and to shruden . Alse +te
man do+d . +te +gife+d his almes fader . o+der moder . suster . o+der
bro+der . o+der o+dre swo sibbe ; +tat he aghte mid rihte to helpen to
feden . and to shruden . (CMTRINIT,159.2132)
and al +tat man do+d for sunderlepes to quemen gode . alle hie
quenche+d sinne . (CMTRINIT,159.2133)
and +tinge+d +te sinbetinde to ure drihten . (CMTRINIT,159.2134)
and al +tat man do+d on o+dre wise and for o+dre +tinge +tehg hie ben
don ec for godes luue . na+deles hie hit sellen . (CMTRINIT,159.2135)
and here understonden +ter-of mede and nefre eft non . alse ure helende
sei+d on +te godspelle . (CMTRINIT,159.2136)
Amen dico uobis receperunt mercedem suam . (CMTRINIT,159.2137)
To so+de ich giu sede +tat +to +te don here weldede for to hauen mede
on +tis liue ne shulen hie hauen no mede on +tat o+der woreld .
Ac al +tat man do+d sunderlepes for godes luue . he shal hauen eche lif
on blisse . (CMTRINIT,159.2139)
and his mede shal ben +tanne garked ; alse hit beo+d here aueled . alse
ure drihten sei+d on +te godspelle . (CMTRINIT,159.2140)
Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis remicietur uobis . (CMTRINIT,159.2141)
Bi +tat ilke met +te +ge mete+d nu +giwer weldede ; shal ben meten
+giwer mede . (CMTRINIT,159.2142)
+tis seide +te holie apostel . alse ich er seide . (CMTRINIT,159.2143)
Qui parce seminat . parcet et metet . (CMTRINIT,159.2144)
Ech man sal eft mowen bi +tan +te he nu sowe+d . (CMTRINIT,159.2145)
and he +te sowe+d on blescinge . he shal eft mowen on blescinge .
and +tat is ech man +te luueliche $lhiste+d godes lore . and bi alle
here mihte almes delen . and auelen +tat men hem blescen . and for hem
bidden (CMTRINIT,159.2147)
and ure louerd iesu crist for here bene giue hem his blescinge . +tat
is echeliche erding . and blisse on heuene . (CMTRINIT,159.2148)
Quod nobis prestet qui secula per omnia Regnat . (CMTRINIT,159.2149)
AMEN . (CMTRINIT,159.2150)
MARia uirgo assumpta est ad ethereum thalamum . et cetera .
On of +te holie writes +te ben red herinne to dai bringen us blisfulle
ti+dinges . of an edie meiden . +te was iferen bispused +te heuenliche
kinge . (CMTRINIT,159.2155)
and sei+d +tat he hes fette hom . (CMTRINIT,159.2156)
Luste+d nu wich maiden +tat is . and hwat he hatte . and hware he was
fet . and hwo hire ledde . and wu . and hwider . (CMTRINIT,159.2157)
and cunnen +gif we mu+gen cumen after . for +tan +te we ben alle boden
+tider . (CMTRINIT,159.2158)
Of +tis maiden spec+d +te holie boc ; (CMTRINIT,159.2159)
and sei+d . Hec est regina uirginum . Regina celorum . Domina engelorum
. Mater et filia regis regum omnium . (CMTRINIT,159.2160)
+Dis maiden bar ure louerd ihesu crist ure alre fader ; of hire holie
lichame . (CMTRINIT,159.2161)
and nis hire mai+dhod +tere fore noht a-wemmed .
hie is +te heuenliches kinges dohter and ec his moder . and alre
maidene maide . and heuene quen . and englene lafdi .
hire is to name maria (CMTRINIT,161.2164)
quod est interpretatum stella maris (CMTRINIT,161.2165)
+Dat is on englis s+a sterre . (CMTRINIT,161.2166)
+Dan +te safarinde men se+d +te sa sterre . hie wuten sone wuderward
hie sullen weie holden . for +tat +te storres liht is hem god lat+d+au
. (CMTRINIT,161.2167)
Mundus mari comparabitur quia fluctus erigit . naues obruit . Ita
mundus effluit ; dum opes confert . refluit ; dum aufert . turbine .
id est ultione diuina . vel fraude diabolica turbatur .
Discordiarum motus concitat . ecclesiarum pacem perturbat .
+Dis woreld is cleped s+a . +te flowe+d and ebbe+d .
swo do+d ec +tis woreld flowe+d . +tanne he woreld-wunne +giue+d .
and ebbe+d ; +tanne hie hit eft binime+d . (CMTRINIT,161.2171)
Storemes falle+d in +te s+a . (CMTRINIT,161.2172)
and to-worpe+d hit . (CMTRINIT,161.2173)
and godes wrake cume+d on +tis woreld to wrekende on sunfulle men here
gultes . and for+t+an $on $rihtwise {TEXT:$onrihtwise} men +te hem neih
wunien . (CMTRINIT,161.2174)
and binime+d hem hwile oref . hwile o+der aihte . and hwile here hele .
and hwile here ogen lif . (CMTRINIT,161.2175)
and hwile lat te deuel hem on fele wise . (CMTRINIT,161.2176)
and hareme+d hem . and shende+d . (CMTRINIT,161.2177)
and wecche+d among hem flite . and win . (CMTRINIT,161.2178)
and fordraue+d so+d luue . (CMTRINIT,161.2179)
and struie+d rihte bileue . (CMTRINIT,161.2180)
And alse +te sa storre shat of hire +te liht . +te lihte+d sa farinde
men . alse +tis edie maiden seinte marie . of hire holie licame shede+d
+tat so+de liht . +te lihte+d alle brihte +tinges on eor+de . and ec on
heuene . alse seint Iohannes sai+d on his godspel . (CMTRINIT,161.2181)
Erat lux uera que . illuminat omnem hominem uenientem in hunc mundum .
He is +tat so+de liht . +te lihted alle men . +te on +tis woreld cume+d
. and aleomed ben . (CMTRINIT,161.2183)
And for +tis leome is +tat holie maiden cleped sa sterre .
Hie was fet of weste wunienge +tar he funden was . scilicet in terra
deserta in loco $horroris et uaste solitudinis . +Dat is to seien on
weste londe . and on grisliche stede . (CMTRINIT,161.2185)
Weste is cleped +tat londe +tat is longe til+de atleien . and
wildernesse $gef {TEXT:ges} +tare manie rotes onne wacse+d .
+Dis woreldes biwest is efned to wastene ; for +tat +te hit is ferren
atleien holie til+de . Hinc ex quo ueteres emigrauere coloni . Aure
se+d+den +te ealde tilie henne wenden . (CMTRINIT,161.2187)
+De hwile +te hie here waren . hie wenden +te eor+de ;
and wurpen god sad +taronne . (CMTRINIT,161.2189)
and hit wacxs . (CMTRINIT,161.2190)
and wel +teagh . (CMTRINIT,161.2191)
and brahte for+d blostmes fele and manie . (CMTRINIT,161.2192)
Ac se+den hie henen wenden ; atlai +tat lond unwend .
and bicam waste . (CMTRINIT,163.2194)
and was roted oueral . (CMTRINIT,163.2195)
and swo bicam wildernesse . (CMTRINIT,163.2196)
Nu wunie+d +tar inne fueles . and wilde deor . and wurmes .
+Dis lond +te ich nu of speke . is +tat mennisse +te nu liue+d .
+De olde tilien waren +te holie lor+dewes . prophetes . apostles .
popes archebissopes . bissopes . prestes . +te holie lif ladden .
+De tilien wenden +tis lond +tat up ; +tat was ar dun . +tanne hie mid
here wise word turneden mannes herte fram eor+deliche +tankes . to
heuenliche +tanke . fram unrihte to rihte . fram hordom to clennesse .
fram alle iuele lastes to luuien gode . and heren him .
And after +tat sewen on +tis lond godes word for sede .
and hit morede on here heorte . (CMTRINIT,163.2202)
and weacs . (CMTRINIT,163.2203)
and wel +tea+gh . +tanne +tat folc godes word +gierneliche listede .
and fastliche hield . and ter after here lif ladden .
Ac nu is +tat lond til+de atlein . and ifuren was . (CMTRINIT,163.2205)
for +to $+te $hit {TEXT:+tit} sholden tilien . +Do +te lor+dewes of
holie chireche . +te sewen +gerneluker +te defles sed ; +tan ure
louerdes ihesu crist . (CMTRINIT,163.2206)
and mid forbisne of here fule liflode . beden men te helle and naht to
heuene . (CMTRINIT,163.2207)
Godes sed ; is godes word . +te men tilien in chireche . on salmes .
and on songes . and on redinges and lorspelles . and on holde bedes ;
+te lerde men selde and gemelesliche sowen . (CMTRINIT,163.2208)
+De defles sed ; is idel . and unnet . and iuele word . hoker . and
scorn . spel . and leo+d . cheast . and twispeche . and curs . and
leasinges . and sware . and alle swikele speches . (CMTRINIT,163.2209)
And o+dre fele lerdemen speken ; alse lewede . alse ure drihten seide
+turh anes prophetes mu+de . (CMTRINIT,163.2210)
Erit sicut populus sacerdos . (CMTRINIT,163.2211)
Prest sal leden his lif alse lewede m+an . (CMTRINIT,163.2212)
and swo hie do+d nu+de ; and sumdel werse . (CMTRINIT,163.2213)
For +te lewede man wur+de+d his spuse mid clo+des more +tane mid him
seluen . and prest naht $swo $his {TEXT:sis} chireche +te is his spuse
; (CMTRINIT,163.2214)
ac his daie +te is his hore . awlenc+d hire mid clo+des . more +tan him
seluen . (CMTRINIT,163.2215)
+De $chireche clo+des ben to brokene ; and ealde . (CMTRINIT,163.2216)
and hise wiues shule ben hole ; and newe . (CMTRINIT,163.2217)
His alter clo+d great and sole ; and hire chemise smal . and hwit .
and te albe sol ; and hire smoc hwit . (CMTRINIT,163.2219)
+te haued line sward ; and hire winpel wit . o+der maked geleu mid
saffran . (CMTRINIT,163.2220)
+De meshakele of medeme fustane . and hire mentel grene o+der burnet .
+De corporeals sole ; and unshapliche . hire handclo+des . and hire
bord clo+des makede wite . and lustliche on to siene ,
+De caliz of tin ; and hire nap of mazere . and ring of golde .
And is +te prest swo muchele forcu+dere . +tane +te lewede . Swo he
wur+de+d his hore more +tan his spuse . (CMTRINIT,165.2225)
Prestes ben +to . +te apostel of spec+d . +tus que+dende . Quorum deus
uenter est . (CMTRINIT,165.2226)
Here wombe is here crist . (CMTRINIT,165.2227)
and alle iuele forbisne hie ippen of hem seluen . (CMTRINIT,165.2228)
and te lewede men hem +gierneiche folegen . (CMTRINIT,165.2229)
and te+d for+d geres after wilde deore . Sume after beore . sume after
wulue . sume after o+der deor . (CMTRINIT,165.2230)
And alse +te fugeles fram o stede to o+der . and ne ben nafre
stedefaste . swo do+d +tis mannisse (CMTRINIT,165.2231)
flie+d fram iuele to werse . on speche . and on dede .
and bringe+d on here heorte oregel . and wra+de and onde . and hatinge
. and o+der iuele lastes . alse wuremes breden on wilderne +tat is +tis
woreld . +tis grisliche stede on to wunien . (CMTRINIT,165.2233)
For here is hunger . and +turst . elde . unhale . flit . and win . eche
. and smertinge . sorinesse . werinesse . and o+dre wowe muchel .
Of swilch mai grisen men +te ani god cunnen . (CMTRINIT,165.2235)
Eft sone on +tis biwiste is muchel weste of holie mihte .
Al riht is leid ; and wogh arered alse +te wise que+d .
Nusquam tuta fides non hospes ab hospite tutus . (CMTRINIT,165.2238)
Nis nower non trew+de . (CMTRINIT,165.2239)
for nis +te gist siker of +te husebonde ; ne no+der of o+der . Non
socer a nuro Ne +te aldefader of $his o+dem . (CMTRINIT,165.2240)
Fratrumque gratia rara est . (CMTRINIT,165.2241)
selde leue+d +te bro+der +tat o+der . (CMTRINIT,165.2242)
Filius ante diem ante diem patrinos inquirit annos .
+De sune wusshe+d +te fader dea+d , ar his dai cume .
$Imminet exicio uir coniugis . illa mariti . (CMTRINIT,165.2245)
Wif wolde +tat hire louerd dead ware . and he +tat hie ware .
Of +tesse waste and grisliche stede was +tis holi maide fet +te ich of
speke . +tat is ure lafdi seinte marie . (CMTRINIT,165.2247)
and hire fette +te heuenliche king . alse +te prophete sei+d on his
stefne . (CMTRINIT,165.2248)
Tenuisti manum dexteram meam . et cetera . (CMTRINIT,165.2249)
+Du helde mi riht hond . (CMTRINIT,165.2250)
and leddest me on +tine wille (CMTRINIT,165.2251)
and understode me mid wurdshipe . (CMTRINIT,165.2252)
Ter ascendit . primo quidem passibus corporis ante templum ab imo
quindecim graduum . usque ad summum . Secundo in templo passibus
mentibus de uirtute in uirtutem . ubi uidetur deus deorum in syon .
Tercio corpore . et anima assumpta in celum . (CMTRINIT,165.2253)
+Treo si+des ste+gh +tis holie maiden . erest lichamliche +to hie was
+treo +gier heold . biforen +te temple on +te steire of fiftene stoples
. fro ne+tewarde to uuewarde . wi+dute mannes helpe .
O+der si+des hie steh+g in +te temple gostliche . fram mihte to mihte
forte +tat hie alre mihtene louerd biheold alse hie hit wolde .
+De +tridde si+de hie steh+g +tis dai +to engles hire beren mid soule
and mid lichame . in to +tan heuenliche bure ; +tar heo was wur+dliche
understonden . (CMTRINIT,167.2256)
and salomon +te wise +te wes fele hundred wintre +ter bifore king in
ierusalem seh+g +tese wunderliche stienge . alse suterliche alse he
+tis dai were . (CMTRINIT,167.2257)
and wundrede +ter offe ; (CMTRINIT,167.2258)
and seide . Que est ista que ascendit sicut aurora consurgens pulcra ut
luna electa ut sol . (CMTRINIT,167.2259)
Hwat is +tis +te astih+g+d alse dai rieme . fair alse mone . icoren
alse sunne . (CMTRINIT,167.2260)
Vre lafdi seinte Marie . alse wisliche alse hie +tis dai was houen in
to heuene . bere ure arende to ure louerd ihesu crist . +tat he +gife
us eche blisse on heuene . (CMTRINIT,167.2261)
Quod ipse prestare dignetur qui viuit et Regnat per omnia secula
seculorum . (CMTRINIT,167.2262)
amen . (CMTRINIT,167.2263)
Libera me domine de morte eterna in die illa tremenda , quando celi
movendi sunt et terra , dum veneris judicare seculum per ignem . $Dies
illa , dies ire . calamitatis et miseriae , dies magna et amara valde .
+De lif holi man iob +te +te boc of spec+d . and sai+d . Erat uir ille
simplex et iustus . et timens deum . ac recedens a malo . he was admod
on worde . and rihtwis on dede . and godfruht on +tonke . and lo+dles
mid alle . and +terefore likede ure drihten swo wel +tat he herede him
ouer alle men ; and seide . Non est sirilis in terra . Nis on eor+de
non o+der his liche . +tis holi man hadde +tre biwistes
+te forme was on michel woreld wele . alse +te boc sei+d .
Perdidit omnem substanciam eius . filios . et filias . Caro quoque eius
graui uulnere uulnerata est . (CMTRINIT,167.2270)
and ure drihten +te him swo michel luuede +gaf leue +te deuel to
binimende him his oref . and his ahte . and his children . alle . and
alle +te woreld winne +te he weald hadde . (CMTRINIT,167.2271)
and +te deuel swo dide . (CMTRINIT,167.2272)
and after +tan toc his o+gen lichame . (CMTRINIT,167.2273)
and +ter one brohte swo michel sicnesse +tureh his +tre creftes . +tat
te lichame war+d bretful of wunden . (CMTRINIT,167.2274)
and at eche wunde wul ut atter . (CMTRINIT,167.2275)
+To ne mihte no man for stenche cumen him enden . (CMTRINIT,167.2276)
ne his wif nolde . +te he hadde swo swi+de wur+ded .
ac mest manne him gremede mid scorne . (CMTRINIT,169.2278)
+De +tridde biwist he hadde on swich wele . +te was bi twifold more ;
+tane +te forme alse +te boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,169.2279)
Reddidit deus iob omnia dupplicia et melior fuit eius finis principio .
vre drihten +giald twifoldliche iob . +tat +te deuel him hadde binumen
. on guwe+de . and on alle +te winne +te he erur wield .
and war+d blisfuller his ende ; +tene was his biginninge .
and on +te midleste biwist +te he +tolede +te gimere pine he makede ane
reuliche meninge . (CMTRINIT,169.2283)
and +ter one minegede alle his wrecche si+des . +te he +tolede on +tis
wrecche worelde . o+der in +tat o+der sholde . (CMTRINIT,169.2284)
and an hefde +to his egen to heuene . and his heorte to gode . and his
honden to his breste . (CMTRINIT,169.2285)
and sore sihte . (CMTRINIT,169.2286)
and his heorte biet . (CMTRINIT,169.2287)
and bed godes milce +tus que+dinde . Libera me domine et cetera .
Ared me louerd of eche dea+de . on +te grisliche dai . +te heuene and
eor+de shulen quakien . $of $dred {TEXT:of-dred} . +tanne +tu cumest to
demen al mankin mid fire . (CMTRINIT,169.2289)
+Tus +te holi man him bad . (CMTRINIT,169.2290)
and +gaf alle men forbisne swo to bidden . (CMTRINIT,169.2291)
and alswo ofte swo prest singe+d +tis bede at lich huse . he mine+ge+d
alle +do ; +te +ter ben . hem +tus to bidden . Libera me domine . de
morte . et cetera . (CMTRINIT,169.2292)
Ales me louerd of eche dea+de . (CMTRINIT,169.2293)
Tres siquidem mortes sunt scilicet una ut supra scripsi . Vna
momentanea . scilicet corporis quando ab eo recedit anima .
+Dre dea+des be+d . (CMTRINIT,169.2295)
on is e+delich +tat +tole+d +te lichame . +tan +te sowle turne+d fram
him . (CMTRINIT,169.2296)
Of dea+de ben alle bileffulle men of-dradde . alse +te boc sei+d .
Metuentes non metuenda . (CMTRINIT,169.2298)
Hie habbe+d $drede of +tat hie no sholden . (CMTRINIT,169.2299)
Altera diuturna scilicet anime quanda declinat a iusticia .
+Tat o+der dea+d is $o+der hwile long . +tat +tole+d +te soule ; +tane
+te licame senege+d . and sundre+d hire fram $rihtwisnesse .
ac of +tis dea+de ben alle rihtwise men and godfrihte of-dradde ; and
non o+dre . (CMTRINIT,169.2302)
Tercia corporis et anime simul . quando in ignem eternum mittentur a
diuina sentencia dicente . Ite maledicti et cetera .
+De +tridde dea+d is eche and endeles . (CMTRINIT,169.2304)
+tat +tole+d man on soule and on licame to gadere . +tane he be+d eft
on domes dai a-risen of dea+de . bute his sunnes him ben ere forgieuene
. o+der bette hwane ure drihten +te is bo+de lif and dea+de . driue+d
him fram him . to pine . +tus que+dinde . Ite maledicti in ignem
eternum . (CMTRINIT,169.2305)
Wite+d +gie awariede gostes in to eche fur . (CMTRINIT,169.2306)
Of +tis dea+d ben alle men ofdradde ; +te on ure drihte
bileue+d . (CMTRINIT,171.2307)
And Iob witnede ure drihten . +tat of +tis dea+d him redde . on +te
carefuldai . +tan he cume+d almiddeneard to demen . +Danne shule bo+de
quakien $of $dradde {TEXT:ofdradde} heuene and er+de .
Unbileuede men ben cleped eor+de . (CMTRINIT,171.2309)
and bileffulle men ben heouene nemnede . (CMTRINIT,171.2310)
and hie shule ben unnea+d boregen . (CMTRINIT,171.2311)
Tremebunt etiam angeli et archangeli . (CMTRINIT,171.2312)
+Dar shulen engles and arehangles quakien $of $dradde {TEXT:ofdradde} .
Non quia conscientia sua eos accuset . sed quoniam iudicem uidebunt
terribilem . (CMTRINIT,171.2314)
Engles wur+den ofdradde . naht for here gultes +te none ne habbe+d . ac
for +tat hie shulen cnowen ure demendes wra+d+de . bi his grimeliche
lete . and bi his eifulle speche . (CMTRINIT,171.2315)
+tan ure drihten cume+d to demen alle mankenne . no+der on heuene ne on
eor+de . ac bitwien two . on +te wolcne . Fur cumed biforen him alse
+te prophete seide . (CMTRINIT,171.2316)
Ignis ante ipsum precedet . et inflammabit in circuitu inimicos eius .
Fur berne+d +te eor+de and al +tat be+d +tar inne . o+der +tar uppe .
and clense+d alle bileffule men of alle +te sunnes +te hie hadden
forleten . o+der bet . o+der bigunnen to beten . (CMTRINIT,171.2319)
and make+d hem seuefealde brihtere +tane +te sunne alse +te boc sei+d .
Fulgebunt iusti septies cplendidius quam sol . (CMTRINIT,171.2321)
+De rihtwise shulle ben seuefeald brihtere +tane +te sunne .
and elles naren hie naht bicumeliche to wunien in heuene .
Ac +to unbileffule men +te bi here quica liue here sunnes ne forleten .
ne betten . ne fastliche bote ne biheten . hie bicume+d in +te fure swo
bloke . and swo eiseliche . and swo ateliche . +tat bi hundred fealde
grisluker +tan ani niht +teoster . and ben +tanne bicumeliche to wunien
in helle mid alle deflen . (CMTRINIT,171.2324)
+tanne wur+d alse +te boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,171.2325)
Deus manifeste ueniet . (CMTRINIT,171.2326)
+Danne cume+d ure drihten openliche to bihealde alle +te +tare shulle
ben gaderede . (CMTRINIT,171.2327)
Ignis in conspectu eius exardescet . et in eius . tempestas ualida .
And giet +tanne +tat fur berne+d biforen him . (CMTRINIT,171.2329)
and storem be+d muchel al abuten him . (CMTRINIT,171.2330)
Aduocabit celum desursum et cetera . (CMTRINIT,171.2331)
+Danne wule he clepien +te heuenliche men . +to ben +te lif holie . and
$te {TEXT:to} eor+deliche men ; +to ben +te sunfulle . and demen elch
man after his erninge . (CMTRINIT,171.2332)
+Do +te hadden on +tesse liue alle here sunnes for-leten . and bet .
o+der bigunnen to beten . and beden milce ; alle he qua+d hem saclese ;
and sent hem to heuene +tus que+dende . Venite benedicti patris
mei et cetera . (CMTRINIT,173.2334)
Cume+d ibledsede (CMTRINIT,173.2335)
and underfo+d eche lif and blisse on heuene . (CMTRINIT,173.2336)
Ac alle +to +te nabbe+d swo idon . he bit here unbette sennes on +tonke
. and on speche and on dede cumen biforen hem . and bistonden hem
fastliche . and bigraden hem shameliche . and biten hem unradeliche .
and hie swo don . (CMTRINIT,173.2338)
and elch sinne +tare him seluen bisei+d . bute hit be here forgieue .
o+der mid bote iheled . (CMTRINIT,173.2339)
+Danne stonde+d +to wreches alse +to . +te wo be+d .
and loke+d up . and dun . and al abuten . (CMTRINIT,173.2341)
and sen buuen hem godes wra+d+de . +te hem fram him driue+d .
and be+d +tar of swi+de ofdradde . (CMTRINIT,173.2343)
and no wunder nis . (CMTRINIT,173.2344)
Hie ise+d bine+den hem deflen +te hem gredeliche kepe+d .
and be+d swi+de of grisen ; (CMTRINIT,173.2346)
and ful ea+de mu+gen . (CMTRINIT,173.2347)
Hie ise+d bisides hem swilche +te hem waren her cu+de .
and bie+d swi+de of-shamede . of hem . and mid here owen sinnes +te hem
swo biclepie+d . (CMTRINIT,173.2349)
and ben sore ofgramede . and wi+d hem seluen alre sorest . for +tat hie
hadden swo fulliche suneged . (CMTRINIT,173.2350)
+tis be+d on +te daie . +te +te boc offe spec+d . (CMTRINIT,173.2351)
Dies illa dies ire . (CMTRINIT,173.2352)
On +te dai cume+d godes wra+d+de uppen +te sinfulle .
and hie be+d unmihti to-genes deflen . (CMTRINIT,173.2354)
and hie be+d bine+den hem . (CMTRINIT,173.2355)
and +tolie+d fulle wowe in hem . (CMTRINIT,173.2356)
and swilch hem shal leste al +te endelese dai . +tat is afre abuten
ende . (CMTRINIT,173.2357)
and $gief {TEXT:gies} hie wunienge hwarefe+d . hie $turne+d fram iuele
to werse . and fram bitere to biterure . and fram +te dome to helle .
to +te ni+der wunienge . +tat is ful of alle wosi+des .
for +tere hie shulen hauen shame . and grame . and +testernesse . chele
. and hunger . +turst . and stench . and wurmene cheu . and wallende
fir and alre wowe mest . (CMTRINIT,173.2359)
Crist us +terwi+d shilde . gif his wille beo . and alle +te sinfulle
+te for+d sende farene . and +tat faren shulen . and +tat men moten
fore bidden . (CMTRINIT,173.2360)
and giue us alle on heuene eche erdingstouwe . (CMTRINIT,173.2361)
Qui viuit et Regnat per omnia secula seculorum . (CMTRINIT,173.2362)
amen . (CMTRINIT,173.2363)
AMbulans ihesuc iuxta mare . galilee uidit petrum et andream fratrem
eius mittentes rete in mare . et cetera . (CMTRINIT,173.2367)
+De holi godspel of +tis dai spec+d of ure helende and two bro+dren .
+tat on is Seint peter and +tat o+der Seint andreu .
and sei+d +tat ure helende giede bi +te se . and segh +tos tweie
brodren in +te se on here shipe werpinde ut here fishnet in +te se .
and he clepede to hem (CMTRINIT,175.2372)
and seide . Venite post me . (CMTRINIT,175.2373)
Cume+d after me . (CMTRINIT,175.2374)
and folge+d me . (CMTRINIT,175.2375)
and hie ne abiden noht +tat o+der word , (CMTRINIT,175.2376)
ac diden alse +te boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,175.2377)
Ad unius iussionis uocem relictis retibus et naui . secuti sunt eum .
At te forme worde hie forleten here net and here ship .
and come to ure helende (CMTRINIT,175.2380)
and him folgeden to here lifes ende . (CMTRINIT,175.2381)
swo moten we alle don +te ben after hem . (CMTRINIT,175.2382)
and bi hem clepede ure helende us him to folgen . (CMTRINIT,175.2383)
and we muge +te e+dere gif we nime+d michele geme and wel understonden
+tat ure helende was on +te londe ; and +tese bre+dren weren on +te se
; +to +te hem clepede to him . and gif we understonden ec wat bitocne+d
+tat lond . and hwat +te se . (CMTRINIT,175.2384)
Vte we nu bidden ure drihten . +tat he wisse . and fulste me heuliche
to seggen wat it bitocne+d . and heu fremfulliche to understonden .
Mare semper est in motu . et significat ruinosam ciuitatem . id est
seculum . de qua dicit apostolus . Non habemus hic manentem ciuitatem
et cetera . (CMTRINIT,175.2386)
+De se is eure wagiende . and +tere fore unstedefast .
and bitocne+d +te abroidene bureh +tat is in swo warliche stede ; +tat
noht ne mai +ter inne bileue . +tat muge ani wile ileste . +tat is +tis
wrecche woreld . +tat eure is wagiende noht fro stede to stede ; ac fro
time to time . (CMTRINIT,175.2388)
and +tat is on fele +tinge ful michel iseone . and on +te man . alre
mast (CMTRINIT,175.2389)
for me nime+d of him mest geme . (CMTRINIT,175.2390)
Qui fugit uelut umbra et nunquam in eodem statu permanet .
He is fleonde alse shadewe (CMTRINIT,175.2392)
and ne stont neure on one stede . (CMTRINIT,175.2393)
Ac sige+d eure fro +guwe+de to helde . fro hele to unhele . fro
wenliche to ateliche . fro lieue to lo+de . fro wur+de to unwur+de .
fro blisse to sorinesse . fro lehtre to wope . fro wele to wowe . and
$at $tan {TEXT:attan} ende fro liue to dea+de . (CMTRINIT,175.2394)
Qui numero cuncta trahit secum uertitque uolubile tempus .
and alle woreld +ting turne+d mid time . (CMTRINIT,175.2396)
and sige+d fro one time to o+der . (CMTRINIT,175.2397)
Item Sicut tempestas mare incidens aquas turbat fluctus agitat naue
subuertem temptat . sic facit in seculo superbia et ira principium .
Eft sone bicume+d in +te se storm . (CMTRINIT,175.2399)
and werpe+d +tat water upward (CMTRINIT,175.2400)
and arere+d shures fele . (CMTRINIT,175.2401)
and driue+d hem biforen him . (CMTRINIT,175.2402)
and gif he ship finde+d ; he fonde+d to drenchen hit +gif he mai .
Swo do+d in +tis woreld +te oreguil and +te wra+d+de of kinges
. and of barones +te senden here sergantes to bringen iuele ti+dinges .
and +ter mide dreuen +tat lond +tat is to water nemned . and bringen on
+te folkes heorte grete stormes . of ni+d . and of onde . and of
hatienge . and on here mu+de curses and werginges . and wurre+d uppe
chirches . o+der wanie+d hire rihtes . o+der lette+d . o+der mid alle
binime+d +gif hie mugen . alse +te storm bisinke+d +te ship gif he mai
. (CMTRINIT,177.2404)
Singula quid referam non noui nomina quorum . More fluentis aque
currunt mortalia queque . (CMTRINIT,177.2405)
Ne mai ich noht alle +ting tellen . (CMTRINIT,177.2406)
ne ich ne can here alre name nemnen . (CMTRINIT,177.2407)
Ac alle woreld +ting ben fleted alse water erninde .
Item mare effluit et refluit . Similiter et seculum effluit ; dum
fletus multiplicat refluit ; dum mortis manu metit .
Eft sone +te se flouwe+d +te hie caste+d ut +tat water of hire stede .
into +tat lond ; (CMTRINIT,177.2410)
and ebbe+d +tanne +tat water of hire stede $flowe+d in to +tat lond ;
and eft agen turne+d . (CMTRINIT,177.2411)
Swo flowe+d +tis woreld +tenne men michel tuderi+d . and oref . and
deor . and fishshes . and fugeles . (CMTRINIT,177.2412)
and here tuder swi+de wexe+d . (CMTRINIT,177.2413)
and wel +tie+d . (CMTRINIT,177.2414)
and go+d wel on hond ; longe wile . (CMTRINIT,177.2415)
and be+d michel blisse among mannen . (CMTRINIT,177.2416)
and of +tis flod is iseid . Eleuauerunt domine , flumina uocem suam .
+De water stormes an-hefden here stefne . (CMTRINIT,177.2418)
for wat is folc bute fletende water . +te flitte+d fro +tis +tat was .
alse water storm fro stede to stede . (CMTRINIT,177.2419)
and eft +tis $woreld ebbe+d . +tenne hit +tat tuderinde wi+d-teo+d and
cume+d co+de o+der qualm . and michel +terof felle+d .
+Danne hauen wanspedie men on heorte wowe . and on mu+de woninge . and
here ech +te more wowe for o+dres woninge . (CMTRINIT,177.2421)
and of swiche . ebbinge is iseid . Eleuauerunt flumina fluctus suos et
cetera . (CMTRINIT,177.2422)
+De water stremes on-heueden up here uncles . +tat is +tat folc +te
sore bimurne+d . and swi+de bimene+d swich unilimp .
On o+der wise flowe+d and ebbe+d +tis woreld . (CMTRINIT,177.2424)
To-genes sumere heo flowe+d +tanne alle moren quiken . and eor+de and
trewes growen . and blouwen . and blostmen bere+d . (CMTRINIT,177.2425)
Eft to-+ganes wintre heo hebbe+d +tenne alle leues fallen .
and for swiche flode . and for swich ebbinge +te prophete nemme+d +tis
woreld se . +tus que+dinde . Mirabiles elationes maris . et cetera .
Wunderliche ben +te s+a . ut sondes . (CMTRINIT,177.2428)
and wunderful is ure louerd on +teunesse . (CMTRINIT,177.2429)
Item . in mari pisces maiores deuorant minores .
Eft-sone +te more fishes in +te se eten +te lasse ; (CMTRINIT,179.2431)
and bi hem liuen . (CMTRINIT,179.2432)
Swo don in +tis woreld +te riche +te ben louerdinges struien +te
wrecche men +te ben underlinges . (CMTRINIT,179.2433)
and na+deles bi hem libben . (CMTRINIT,179.2434)
and habbe+d of here swinche hundes . and hauekes . and hors . and
wepnes . and fogh . and grei . and estliche metes and drinkes .
and al +tat hie bi ben ; hie hauen of here mene swinche .
+De underlinges +tenchen $o $+de dai hu hie mu+gen mest swinken .
And spenen here flesh and here blod ; on iuele swinche ; mid foten and
mid honden . and mid alle here hund-limes . (CMTRINIT,179.2438)
and unne+des hie winnen giet here louerdes rihttes .
and hem seluen eten +te werste +tat hie of eor+de tilien .
and giet ne wile +te louerd ben paid mid his rihcte mol .
ac mid swike-dome o+der mid streng+de . and binime+d his underlinge .
+tat he sholde $bi $liuen {TEXT:biliuen} . (CMTRINIT,179.2442)
and +gif he net him to +giuene +tat beo+d streng+de . and refloc .
and brec+d gri+d . +tar he hit healde sholde . (CMTRINIT,179.2444)
and gief he him set a speche . and mid wo+ge-dome binime+d him his
biliue +tat he haue+d dere boht mid his ogene sowle .
Et sic ultricem domini prouocat iram . (CMTRINIT,179.2446)
And +tus awec+d to-genes him seluen godes war+d+de ; +te sei+d to
louerde . Ne facias alii quod tibi non uis fieri . (CMTRINIT,179.2447)
Ne do +tu non o+der man +ting . +te +te wolde of+tunche gief me hit
dude +te . (CMTRINIT,179.2448)
To +te man he sei+d . Michi uindictam ; et ego retribuam .
Ne wrec +tu +te mid wussinge . ne mid warienge . (CMTRINIT,179.2450)
ac heald me +te wrache . (CMTRINIT,179.2451)
and ich him wile his iuel mid werse forgelde . (CMTRINIT,179.2452)
Item mare est amarum . similiter et seculum ab introitu usque ad exitum
. (CMTRINIT,179.2453)
Eft-sone +te s+a is biter . (CMTRINIT,179.2454)
swo is ec +tis woreld fram ende to o+der . and alle eor+deliche men +te
+tar onne wunien . alse wise que+d . (CMTRINIT,179.2455)
Nascimur in dolore . Viuimus in labore . Morimur in merore .
On sore eche we hider cumen . (CMTRINIT,179.2457)
On swunche we here wunien . (CMTRINIT,179.2458)
In wowe we henne wite+d . (CMTRINIT,179.2459)
Hliste+d nu for hwat . and o wilche wise . (CMTRINIT,179.2460)
Serehful is ure burde for eues gulte to wan ure drihten sede . In
dolore paries filios . (CMTRINIT,179.2461)
On sorege +tu shalt child kennen ; and beren . (CMTRINIT,179.2462)
and swo hie dude . and alle o+der don . bute ure lafdi Seinte Marie .
Que peperit sine dolore saluatorem . (CMTRINIT,179.2464)
Hire ne dide no+der . ne oc . ne smeart . +to +te hie bar ure louerd
ihesu crist . (CMTRINIT,179.2465)
+tonked wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,179.2466)
Ac elch o+der wimman do+d . (CMTRINIT,179.2467)
ake+d . and smerte+d sore . +tan hie be+d mid childe bistonden
. (CMTRINIT,181.2468)
and nime+d hire stundmele swo bittere +trowes +tat hie ne mai hire mu+d
holden . ac shrike+d . and reuliche biginne+d and is welneih dead . for
hie go+d welneih to hire liues ende . (CMTRINIT,181.2469)
and fele here lif fulliche late+d . (CMTRINIT,181.2470)
+Dat child on his burde +tole+d ec bittere +trowe . (CMTRINIT,181.2471)
and cume+d of gemere hwile in to grimme wunienge . (CMTRINIT,181.2472)
and cu+d mid his wope . (CMTRINIT,181.2473)
Ac hwanne hit be+d +tarto wuned ; hit wepe+d +te lasse .
for +tat wune be+d . +teih hit ne be naht swete . (CMTRINIT,181.2475)
Ac wowe be+d wunsum . +teih hit ne bie naht lefsum .
On +tisse liue we be+d on balfulle swinche for adames gulte . to hwam
ure drihten seide . In sudore uultus tui uesceris pane tuo .
On +tine nebbes swote . +tu shalt +tin bred noten . (CMTRINIT,181.2478)
swo dude erest . (CMTRINIT,181.2479)
and we alle don after . (CMTRINIT,181.2480)
Ilch man of his wise ; note+d his swinhc swilch se he is to iteied .
Clerc on his wise . Cniht on his wise . Tilie on his wise . And ilches
craftes +teau ; swo he be+d to iteied . (CMTRINIT,181.2481)
and to eche +tat iswinch ilches mannes hundlimen alle swinke+d .
and hersume+d mest ; alle +to +tere wombe . (CMTRINIT,181.2483)
+De fet up aweige+d . (CMTRINIT,181.2484)
and heuie +tar onne bere+d . (CMTRINIT,181.2485)
+De honde fo+d to alle +tinge +te hire be+d biheue .
Eien loke+d . and eare luste+d and hwat hware beo +tat hire wel like+d
. (CMTRINIT,181.2487)
Mu+d fog+d to hire bileue . (CMTRINIT,181.2488)
Te+d hine grinde+d . (CMTRINIT,181.2489)
Tunge hine swolege+d . (CMTRINIT,181.2490)
+Drote turne+d hine . (CMTRINIT,181.2491)
and Mast alle +te hund limen hersumie+d +te onre wombe .
and alle hem +tinche+d to litel gief hit hire wel lica+d .
+Dus was adam +teu ; +to godes mu+d cursede eor+de .
and for his ouerdede qua+d +tus to him . Quia comedisti ex prohibito ;
maledicta terra in opere tuo . (CMTRINIT,181.2495)
For +tat +tu ete +tat ich +te forboden hadde ; waried wur+de +te
eor+de on +tine werke . (CMTRINIT,181.2496)
On eor+de he wrohte +to +te he his wombe fulde . (CMTRINIT,181.2497)
and on him dude +tat we on us do+d . (CMTRINIT,181.2498)
For we one awlenc+d alle +te hundlimen . (CMTRINIT,181.2499)
and welt +te sowle . (CMTRINIT,181.2500)
and hire weldede swo mid iuele forgielde+d . (CMTRINIT,181.2501)
and unwur+de+d ; ure drihten ; (CMTRINIT,181.2502)
wur+de+d +te deuel . (CMTRINIT,181.2503)
Eftsones . on wowe we of +tisse liue wite+d . for adames gulte +te ure
drihten +tus to seide . Si ex ligno uetito comederis . morte morieris .
gief $+tu etest of +te forbodene trewe . +tu shalt ade+de swelte .
Enes he +tar-offe bot , (CMTRINIT,181.2506)
and wear+d +tar mide acheked . (CMTRINIT,181.2507)
and +tureh +tat one snede wear+d al his ofspring acheked . +Dat him cam
to dea+de swo hit do+d us alle . (CMTRINIT,181.2508)
+Dan +te sowle funde+d to faren ut of hire licame . hie tune+d to hire
fif gaten . (CMTRINIT,181.2509)
and penne+d wel faste . (CMTRINIT,181.2510)
and here wiken hem binime+d . +te hie ar noteden . Eien here
sene . and Earen $here luste . nose here sneuenge . and mu+d here smel
. To+den here grind . and tunge here speche . (CMTRINIT,183.2511)
and alle limen hie binimed mihte to fri+dende . (CMTRINIT,183.2512)
Gief +te licame was $rihtwis on +tisse liue . wo be+d +te sowle +tanne
hie him shal forleten . (CMTRINIT,183.2513)
and rewliche biginne+d . (CMTRINIT,183.2514)
and +tus to him sei+d . Heu dilecta michi caro . quod te ponere cogor .
Awi leof ware +tu me . (CMTRINIT,183.2516)
nu ich shal +te forleten . (CMTRINIT,183.2517)
+tu ware me lastful on alle +to +te ich wolde . (CMTRINIT,183.2518)
we ware onmode godes wille to done . (CMTRINIT,183.2519)
Hwu shal ich of-longed wi+d-ute +te libben . (CMTRINIT,183.2520)
And gief +te licame be+d euel . lo+d is heo +te sowle .
and hire +tunche+d lang ; +tat hie on him bileue+d .
and hie +tenche+d fastliche +tar-offe to witen . (CMTRINIT,183.2523)
Hit +tinche+d hire let . (CMTRINIT,183.2524)
for hire is lo+d +tar-inne . (CMTRINIT,183.2525)
+Dane biginne+d hie rewliche . (CMTRINIT,183.2526)
and to +te licame swilche wordes sei+d . Heu michi cur olidum . fueram
tibi iuncta cadauer . (CMTRINIT,183.2527)
Aweilewei +tu fule hold +tat ich auere was to +te iteied .
longe habbe ich on +te wuned . (CMTRINIT,183.2529)
swo wo is me +te hwile . (CMTRINIT,183.2530)
for al +tat me was leof ; hit was +te lo+d . (CMTRINIT,183.2531)
+tu ware a sele gief ich was wro+d . (CMTRINIT,183.2532)
To gode +tu ware slau and let . and to euele spac and hwat .
Al +tat god het . +te $+tuhte andsete . (CMTRINIT,183.2534)
+tat forbode +te +tuhte swete . (CMTRINIT,183.2535)
Iuele wurmes mote +te chewe ; (CMTRINIT,183.2536)
swo $wo {TEXT:we} +te be +tat tu me $ne rewe . (CMTRINIT,183.2537)
for +tine gulte $i $shal {TEXT:ishal} nu to pine . (CMTRINIT,183.2538)
rotie mote +tu to time . (CMTRINIT,183.2539)
+Dus ware+d +te sowle +te licame . for +tat hit haue+d +tar after
ierned . (CMTRINIT,183.2540)
Among +tat +te sowle wite+d . +te licame worpe+d hewe .
+te frendmen him biwepe+d gef +tar anie ben . (CMTRINIT,183.2542)
bigeme+d +te licame ; (CMTRINIT,183.2543)
and forgeme+d +te sowle . (CMTRINIT,183.2544)
+tanne fon uncu+de $men to +te aihte +te arure his waren . alse +te boc
sei+d . (CMTRINIT,183.2545)
Relinquent alienis diuicias suas . (CMTRINIT,183.2546)
Hie bileue+d uncu+de $men +te aihte +te hie forleten habbe+d .
+te man is uncu+d +te o+der ; +te nele naht him cnowen . ne helpen him
gief he neod haue+d . (CMTRINIT,183.2548)
+tus do+d +te libbende frend to-genes +te liggende .
Gief +te quike haue+d aihte +te were +te dedes +arrure . +te he him
bique+d . +to he him seluen habben ne mihte . +te quike hem do+d him
selue to note . and nohte deades sowle to note . (CMTRINIT,183.2550)
Ac sei+d to hwam he wi+d speke+d , hwi sholde ich him luuien si+den he
was him seluen lo+d . (CMTRINIT,183.2551)
hwi sholde ich him helpen ; (CMTRINIT,183.2552)
him self ne wolde ; +to he mihte . (CMTRINIT,183.2553)
Hwi sholde ich dele for him ; +tat he ne mihte bileuen . +te hwile he
hise waren ; (CMTRINIT,183.2554)
he dude his wille +tar-offe . (CMTRINIT,183.2555)
Swo ich wile mine nu hit is to me iturnd . (CMTRINIT,185.2556)
and leren elch man to helpen him seluen +te hwile he mai .
Nu ge habbe+d iherd +tat sorehful is ure hider cume . and sorilich ure
henen si+d . (CMTRINIT,185.2558)
and hure $herwunenge is swi+de reulich . (CMTRINIT,185.2559)
Wule nu +tanne foleg seinte andreues faire forbisne .
and +tenchen he+den to fare to siker wunienge . +tar ure helende wune+d
. and haue+d us to cleped . (CMTRINIT,185.2561)
Scilicet terra promissionis . Ciuitas habitacionis . Conuersacio
celestis . (CMTRINIT,185.2562)
+Dat is +tat bihotene lond . +tar is on +te wunsume bureh . and on +te
heuenliche wunienge +tar alle englen inne wunien . (CMTRINIT,185.2563)
+Dar haue+d elch patriarche . and prophete and apostles . and martirs
and confessors . and uirgines maked faier bode inne to wunien . swo
briht se sunne . (CMTRINIT,185.2564)
Elch bilefful man +te is +tider iboden . shal finden +tare his buttle .
swulc se he hit here make+d . mid his faire liflode .
and on +te fereden of ure helende seluen . and of alle halegen . shal
habben eche lif . and endelease blisse . and alle sel+de and fulle
muri+de . +te is swo muchel and swo faier . and swo swete . alse Seint
paulus sei+d . (CMTRINIT,185.2566)
Quod oculus non uidit . et auris non audiuit et in cor hominis non
ascendit . (CMTRINIT,185.2567)
Swo muchel muri+de is in +te bureh of heuene +tat eie ne maig swo
muchel biholden . ne $ere lhisten ne herte +tenchen .
Ad quam nos ducat . qui uite premia donat . (CMTRINIT,185.2569)
$Estote fortes in bello . et pugnate cum antiquo serpente .
+Dos feawe word +te ich nu here for+d-teah seide ure drihten . on his
holie godspelle . at sume sele +to +te he wunede licameliche on eor+de
. among mannen and wandrede ine +te lond of ierusalem .
and mid +tese wordes munegede +to +te he wi+d spac ; to griseliche
fihte . (CMTRINIT,185.2575)
and for +tat +te +tat fiht was and is arue+d to +tolien . he bihet hem
muchele mede . wi+d +tan +tat hie wolden hit admodeliche +tolien .
and +tus qua+d . Estote fortes in bello . et cetera .
Beo+d stronge on fihte . (CMTRINIT,185.2578)
and fihte+d wi+d +te ealde neddre . (CMTRINIT,185.2579)
and gef $gie ben strengere +tane hie ; gie shulle fon to mede +tat
endeles kineriche . (CMTRINIT,185.2580)
Quia uero diuersa hominum genera sequebantur ut audirent eum .
et ipse sermones suos direxit . tum ad discipulos tum ad populum . tum
ad hos et illos aperiendum est . et quibus . et de qua fortitudine . et
de quo bello . et de quo serpente . et de quo regno dixit .
Manie mannisshe folgeden ure drihte . to herende his wise word for to
isen his wunderliche deden . and of him to habben heore bileue . and
sume to fechen at him here hele . (CMTRINIT,187.2582)
and for +ti wilen segen eow hwilc mannisshe he +tus munegede .
Sume leien on here sunnes . (CMTRINIT,187.2584)
and ne wolden hem naht forleten . (CMTRINIT,187.2585)
and on +tat wise mid here fo hielden . (CMTRINIT,187.2586)
hem ne munegede he naht to +tisse fihte . (CMTRINIT,187.2587)
Ac +to he munegede . +te hadden heore sinnes forleten and bette . o+der
bigunnen to beten . and hem +tarwi+d buregen and milce beden . And
nameliche +te twolue apostles . and among hem +te louerd saint N . hwos
dai hit is to dai . and for hwos luue we be+d here gadered .
and +tus que+d . Estote fortes in bello . et cetera .
beo+d strange on fihte . (CMTRINIT,187.2590)
and fihte+d ealde neddre . (CMTRINIT,187.2591)
and fo+d eche blisse to mede . (CMTRINIT,187.2592)
Of +te streng+de +te ure drihten us to munege+d . spec+d wisdom boc
and sei+d . Fortitudo simplicis uia domini . (CMTRINIT,187.2594)
Godes wei is strong +te ofealde man . (CMTRINIT,187.2595)
Ofeald o+der twifeald is ilch man . (CMTRINIT,187.2596)
Of +te twifealde man spec+d +te louerd Seint Iame +tus que+dende . Uir
dupplex animo inconstans est in omnibus uiis suis . (CMTRINIT,187.2597)
+De twifealde man is unstedefast on alle his spechen .
Twifold o+der manifold is +te man . +te nis stedefast ne on dade . ne
on speche . ne on +tonke . ne $to-genes gode . ne to-genes man .
and +tar-fore is forloren lif and sowle . (CMTRINIT,187.2600)
Ac +te man is ofeald . +te haue+d edmod +tanc . and e+dele speche . and
edie dade . and is stedefast to-genes god and men . alse Iob was . +te
wan wi+d +te wurse . of hwam +te boc sei+d . Erat uir ille simplex et
rectus ac timens domini . et recedens a malo . (CMTRINIT,187.2601)
He was ofeald man and $rihtwis . and Godfriht . and strong on +te fihte
+te ic offe speke . (CMTRINIT,187.2602)
and +tat streng+de he hadde of godes weie . +te onne was .
Via domini qua uenit ad nos et nos ad eum ; est misericordia et ueritas
. (CMTRINIT,187.2604)
Godes weie +te he come+d one to mannen . and men to him ; is
mild-hertnesse . and so+dfastnesse . (CMTRINIT,187.2605)
Mildhertnesse he kidde mannisse +to +te he sende his holi prophete to
freurende +to forsine+gede of +tis wrecche woreld , and bihet hem +tat
he cumen wolde . and lesen hem of eche wowe (CMTRINIT,187.2606)
So+dfastnesse he cudde him ; +to +te he him seluen com and his
bihese lestede . and mid his o+gene dea+de al mankin alesde of eche
dea+de (CMTRINIT,189.2607)
+tonked wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,189.2608)
+tat ilke wei ogh al mankin to holden +te +tenche+d to cumene to gode .
and ki+de+d him seluen mildhertnesse . and so+dfastnesse . and after
his mihte . (CMTRINIT,189.2609)
+te man ki+d him seluen mildhertnesse +te bi+denche+d on his sinnen .
and understant +tat he haue+d +ter +turh forloren heuene wele . and
of-erned helle pine and +tat sore bimurne+d . and +to sinnes forlete+d
. and to shrifte cume+d . (CMTRINIT,189.2610)
So+dfastnesse he ki+d ec him seluen +tenne he his sinnes alle swo
shewe+d alse hie don weren . and noht +ter-offe forleten . ne noht +tat
to non ne don . and +ter offe bote hihat . and bi his mihte leste+d hit
. and milce bit . and +tanen-for+dward wi+d sinne him berege+d .
Nu +ge hauen herd to wich streng+de ure drihten us to mune+ge+d .
here+d nu to wiche fihte we o+gen +tis streng+de notien .
+te holi man tobias sei+d wiche fiht +tat is +tus que+dinde . Milicia
est uita hominis super terram . (CMTRINIT,189.2614)
Mannes liflode buuen eor+de is fardung . (CMTRINIT,189.2615)
$And to-genes hwuch fo man agh fur+dien sei+d +te holi apostle . +ter
he sei+d . Non est nobis colluctacio aduersus carnem carnem et
sanguinem . sed aduersus rectores tenebrarum . (CMTRINIT,189.2616)
We ne flite+d noht to-+genes flesh . and blod . ac to+genes awere+gede
gostes +te welde+d +testernesse . (CMTRINIT,189.2617)
and on o+der stede wisluker $+ter of spec+d +tus que+dinde . Caro
concupiscit aduersus spiritum spirituc autem aduersus carnem . ut
quecunque uultis illa faciatis . (CMTRINIT,189.2618)
+De lichame winne+d to+genes +te gost . and +te gost to+genes +te
lichame (CMTRINIT,189.2619)
and swo fliten and winnen bitwenen hem . +tat al +tat is on unlef and
unqueme . hit is +tat o+der iqueme . (CMTRINIT,189.2620)
and on +tis fihte is ech man strong . +te awelt is lichame . and his
wille binime+d . and wlenc+d his soule . and hire wille drige+d .
and on o+dre stede he sei+d . Abstinete uos a carnalibus desideriis que
militant aduersus animam . (CMTRINIT,189.2622)
Wi+d-teo+d +giu +te fleshliche lustes +te flite+d to-+genes +te soule .
and fonde+d hire a fele wise ; mid swikele wrenchen . and feste
bisette+d . and sore for-wunde+d . (CMTRINIT,189.2623)
and beo+d +te sme+dere him to biswikende . for +tan +te +tei neh+gie
wunien . alse +te boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,189.2624)
Nulla sevior pestis quam familaris hostis . (CMTRINIT,189.2625)
Nis non werse fo ; +tene frakede fere . (CMTRINIT,189.2626)
Ab inuisibili hoste difficile cauetur assultus . (CMTRINIT,189.2627)
Arue+d it is wi+d +te fo to ber+gende . (CMTRINIT,189.2628)
for me ne wot a wiche halfe he beo+d . (CMTRINIT,189.2629)
and arue+d hit is +te dintes to kepende . (CMTRINIT,189.2630)
for me ne wot hwanene he shal cumen . (CMTRINIT,191.2631)
To swiche fihte bede+d ure dlihten us . and +tat we kiden +ter one ure
streng+de . and at ech fihte to-+genes +te alde neddre +te bipehte eue
; and adam ; and al here ofspring . (CMTRINIT,191.2632)
Diabolus nominatur hic serpens propter tria . Inuidia tabescit . Sine
strepitu serpit . Quod pungit ueneno afficit . (CMTRINIT,191.2633)
Neddre do+d +tre +ting lichamliche ; +te +te deuel dri+ge+d gostliche .
hie haue+d ni+d . and onde . (CMTRINIT,191.2635)
and smu+g+d di+geliche . (CMTRINIT,191.2636)
and attre+d hwat heo prike+d . (CMTRINIT,191.2637)
Swo haue+d +te deuel ni+d . and onde to men for +tan . hem is bi-hoten
+te hege sete on heuene . +te he fel of . +turgh is ore+gel
+terefore he cume+d letten hem mid alle his widerfulle wrenches
and ne wolde +tat mankin hadde +tat he hauen ne mai .
ac wolde +tat man dead were +tehg him seluen +te werse were . alse +te
apostle sei+d . (CMTRINIT,191.2641)
Per inuidiam mors intrauit in orbem terrarum . (CMTRINIT,191.2642)
+Durch onde com dea+d in to +te worelde ; al umbegonge .
Eft-sone . neddre smuhg+d di+geliche . (CMTRINIT,191.2644)
swo do+d +te werse . (CMTRINIT,191.2645)
+tenne he auint mannes heorte emti of rihte bi-leue . and of so+dere
luue . he seche+d forte +tat he open fint . (CMTRINIT,191.2646)
and di+geliche smuhg+d +ter inne . at te e+gen +gif it open ben to
bi-holden idel . o+der unnut . atte earen +gif it open ben to listen
unnut o+der idel . at te nose +gif it beo+d open to snuuende unluuede
bre+d . at te mu+d +gif hit open beo+d to spekende mis . o+der on ete .
o+der on drinke to mis don . at te shape +gif hie redie ben to golliche
deden . (CMTRINIT,191.2647)
He sunt autem .v. porte mortis . per quas ingreditur autor mortis . ut
occidat . et efferat mortuos . (CMTRINIT,191.2648)
$at $tese {TEXT:attese} fif gaten fare+d in dea+des wrihte .
and +ter inne do+d ; alse +te loftsongere sei+d . (CMTRINIT,191.2650)
Per mille meandros agitat quieta corda . (CMTRINIT,191.2651)
Mid +tusendfeld wrenches he +te herte to-wende+d (CMTRINIT,191.2652)
and al te seche+d +tat +tonc +te was er swo fieble .
and wunde+d +te hertes mid hinderfulle wrenches . (CMTRINIT,191.2654)
and mid te shene attre +turh seche+d al +te soule . (CMTRINIT,191.2655)
+Dus flite+d +te fiend wi+d alle men . (CMTRINIT,191.2656)
and to fele +ter-of walt to his wille . (CMTRINIT,191.2657)
and +to ben alle unwepnede . +te ne hauen mid hwan hie hem werien . Ne
ne wite wanne . ne $a . $wiche {TEXT:awiche} halue ne $a $wiche
{TEXT:awiche} wise he hem wile bisette +tanne +te he hem unwarliche his
dintes giue+d . (CMTRINIT,191.2658)
Ac alle +to +te godes wapne bere+d . and hem burege cunnen ; hie ben
boregen . (CMTRINIT,191.2659)
Bidde we nu ure helende +tat he us healde +tis win . +tat he geue us
+to wapnes mide us to weriene ; +te +te apostles offe speke+d . +tus
que+dende . Induite uos armatura dei . ut possitis stare
aduersus insidias diaboli . (CMTRINIT,193.2660)
Shrude+d eow mid godes wapne . (CMTRINIT,193.2661)
and werie+d eow wi+d +te defles waitinge . (CMTRINIT,193.2662)
Sumentes loricam fidei . Galeam spei . Clipeum caritatis . Gladium
spirituc sancti quod est uerbum dei . (CMTRINIT,193.2663)
Habbe+d rihte bileue to brunie . and hope to helme . and so+de luue to
shelde . and godes word to swerde . (CMTRINIT,193.2664)
His armis munitus uicit dauid goliam . (CMTRINIT,193.2665)
Mid +tos wapnes dauid shrude him mid +te he ouercam goliam .
Swo wille crist +tat we moten . and alle +tese wapnes here noten on
+tis fihte to-genes +te ealde neddre . +tat is alre manne fo . +tat we
him moten ouercumen . and habbe to mede eche blisse ; and +tat endelese
kineriche . (CMTRINIT,193.2667)
Quod nobis prestet qui secula per omnia regnat . (CMTRINIT,193.2668)
Estote prudentes et uigilate in oracionibus . (CMTRINIT,193.2672)
+De heuenliche keiherde sainte peter iseih +tat ure elderne hadden fele
fon . and we habbe+d alswo . +Te ben alto smiele on swikedom . and
hwatte us to biswikende . and wulled swo don bute we wur+den us warre .
and mugen mucheles +te e+dere . gef hie finde+d us slepende . +Dane no
man us ne were+d . ne us seluen ne mugen . (CMTRINIT,193.2673)
ne god nele ich adrade ; bute we him +te gernere bidden .
and +tar-fore +te apostel on +tos feawe wordes +te ich here for+d
tea+gh ; munege+d us to +trie +tinges . On is giepshipe +tat o+der is
wakienge . +te +tridde is bede . +tus que+dende . Estote prudentes . et
cetera . (CMTRINIT,193.2675)
Be+d giepe . and warre . and wakie+d . (CMTRINIT,193.2676)
and bidde+d +giu to gode . +tat he +giue +giu +gepshipe . and warshipe
+giu wi+d to werien . (CMTRINIT,193.2677)
and +tese +treo +ting note+d ech man on two wise ; wel ; and wro+de .
Man hit note+d wro+deliche . +te mid +gepshipe bicher+d his emcristen .
and hindre+d his a+gene soule . alswo do+d eches kinnes chapman ; on
eche chepinge . and talewise men +te speches driuen , and maken wrong
to rihte ; and riht to wronge . and alle +to ; +te unriht don . and
here emcristen bicharen . (CMTRINIT,193.2679)
+te man hindre+d his agene soule ; (CMTRINIT,193.2680)
and dele+d him fro gode . (CMTRINIT,193.2681)
and fulste+d him to +de deuel +te is gredi uppen woreld
richeise . and gredi him to pinende and +giep him to biwitiende .
Swich +gepshipe forbede+d +te apostel . +tere he sei+d . Nolite esse
prudentes aput fi uosmetipsos . (CMTRINIT,195.2683)
Ne beo +ge noht +gepe to-+gene +giu seluen . (CMTRINIT,195.2684)
+De man is +giep to-+genes him seluen ; +tat is smegh o+der man to
bicharren . and to bi-swiken and his a+gene wille to fremen . Alse +te
fox +te mid his wrenches walt o+der deor ; and haue+d his wille +terof
. (CMTRINIT,195.2685)
+De man note+d wel his +giepshipe . +te birge+d him seluen wi+d his
a+gene soule unfreme . and erne+d after his soule freme .
To swich +giepshipe mine+gede hure helende his apostles . and us bi hem
+tus que+dinde . Ecce ego mitto uos et cetera . (CMTRINIT,195.2687)
+Do ure helende sende hie +te weren milde alse shep among +tat
unbilefde folc +te wolden dreuen hem and swo diden alse wulf do+d shep
and seide +tus . Estote prudentes sicut serpentes . (CMTRINIT,195.2689)
Here ich +giu sende alse shep amang wulfes . (CMTRINIT,195.2690)
beo+d +tenne +giepe . (CMTRINIT,195.2691)
and seide hem wu +giepe . (CMTRINIT,195.2692)
alse +te neddre . (CMTRINIT,195.2693)
+tegh neddre beo iuel na+deles man nime+d of hire +geme of gode .
Est equidem genus serpentum quod cum timet periculum occultat caput sub
corpore . et corpus obicit periculo . (CMTRINIT,195.2695)
anes kinnes neddres is +te mid hire lichame hele+d hire heued . +tane
he be+d of harme offered . (CMTRINIT,195.2696)
for hire lif is on hire heued . (CMTRINIT,195.2697)
swo dude Iob . +te nes non abuuen eor+de him ilich on almesse . +to +te
deuel him fondede . and wolde him binimen his lif . +tat was ure drihte
leuest of alle liuiende +ting (CMTRINIT,195.2698)
and gief he hadde werred wi+d god alse +te deuel him to
eggede . +tanne hadde he forloren god +te is eche lif .
Ac he notede +te naddre giapshipe . (CMTRINIT,195.2700)
and dude his licame mid his helpe biforen his heued ; to-genes +te harm
+te +te deuel him dude . +to +te he brohte +te manifeald unlimpes uppen
him . (CMTRINIT,195.2701)
Erest he strepte of him his shep . +te waren his woreld winne .
scilicet vii milia ouium . et iiij. milia camelorum et .l. iuga boum .
et quingenti asini . (CMTRINIT,195.2703)
+tat waren seuen +tusend shep . and +trie +tusend oluontes . and half
hundre giokes of ocsen . and fif hundred assen . (CMTRINIT,195.2704)
alle +tos wennen huihten his wur+dshipe . alse faire wedes don +te
licame . (CMTRINIT,195.2705)
Sicut legitur . Temporalia sunt quasi quedam corporis indumenta .
Alse +te wise seide . Eor+deliche winne ben mannes wedes .
Inde tulit ei . vij=tem= filios ; et iij. filias . et familiam multam
nimis . (CMTRINIT,195.2708)
After +tat +te deuel hadde binumen him al his strene ; +tat
waren his seuen sunes and +trie dochtres . and al +tat muchele husshipe
; +te him sholde heren . +te hadde boden his streng+te to-genes his
licameslice fo . (CMTRINIT,197.2709)
Cum percussit eum ulcere pessimo . (CMTRINIT,197.2710)
Si+den-mest he wundede hem wel neih to de+de . Swo +tat he ne mihte
finden on al his licame hwar he his finger on sette bute uppen wunden .
And on alle +tese limpes . ne untrowede neure Iob to-genes ure drihten
. (CMTRINIT,197.2712)
ac +tonkede him of +tan wowe . alse dude ar of +te wele . +tus
que+dinde . Dominus dedit dominus abstulit sicut domino placuit ita
factum sit nomen domini benedictum . (CMTRINIT,197.2713)
Ure louerd hit +gaf (CMTRINIT,197.2714)
ure louerd it binam . (CMTRINIT,197.2715)
hit is wor+den alse ure louerd wolde (CMTRINIT,197.2716)
he+ged . and hered beo his holi name . (CMTRINIT,197.2717)
Caput quod occultauit fides eius fuit . (CMTRINIT,197.2718)
+tat heued +tat he helede . wi+d +te deules eginge . was his rihte
bileue . +tat he held faste . (CMTRINIT,197.2719)
for alse mannes heued . is he+gest lime ; and latteu . swo wisse+d
rihte bi-leue +te soule ; (CMTRINIT,197.2720)
and lede+d hem riht to gode . (CMTRINIT,197.2721)
Est et aliud genus serpentis . quod habet in capite gemmam ne exaudiat
incantantes . alteram auriculam ad lapidem applicat . Alteram
postremitatis sue obturat . (CMTRINIT,197.2722)
O+der kinnes neddre is ut in o+der londe . +tat haue+d on hire heued
derewur+de +gimston . (CMTRINIT,197.2723)
and te londes men hire bigale+d o+der wile . (CMTRINIT,197.2724)
and swo lache+d . (CMTRINIT,197.2725)
and do+d of liue ; for to hauen +te +gimston . (CMTRINIT,197.2726)
ac wanne +te neddre hit under+git +tat hie sechen after hire . hie
warne+d hire wi+d hem alse +te salm wurhte sei+d . (CMTRINIT,197.2727)
Sicut apsidis surde et obturantis . aures suas que non exaudiet uocem
incantantium . (CMTRINIT,197.2728)
+te neddre seche+d a ston (CMTRINIT,197.2729)
and lei+d hire on eare +ter to . (CMTRINIT,197.2730)
and hire o+der eare pilte+d hire tail +ter inne . (CMTRINIT,197.2731)
and swo for-ditte+d ei+der . +tat hie ne muge heren here remenge . ne
here gal . (CMTRINIT,197.2732)
and +tus atbreste+d hire fo . (CMTRINIT,197.2733)
and berged hire liue . (CMTRINIT,197.2734)
Nime we +geme of +tis faier forbisne . (CMTRINIT,197.2735)
and fol+gen hire bi ure mihte . (CMTRINIT,197.2736)
$Nos sumus quasi serpentes terre corpore adherentes Caput nostrum fides
nostra . $Gemma in capite deus in mente . Diabolus incantator .
suggestio incantacio petra christi diuinitas postremitas eius humanitas
. auricula intellectus noster . (CMTRINIT,197.2737)
we bed alse +te neddre . (CMTRINIT,197.2738)
hie smug+d strect bi +te eor+de (CMTRINIT,197.2739)
and we don alse . +tenne we +te eor+de blostmes . on corne and on ahte
biseche+d . and welde+d . and note+d . (CMTRINIT,197.2740)
+te neddre hire turne+d wile to tresle . (CMTRINIT,199.2741)
and we don alse +tanne we ure woreld winne swo faste bi-witen . +tenne
we ne mu+gen atemien to wur+den godes bord he+ge dages ne eche dai bi
ure haue helpe wrecche men . (CMTRINIT,199.2742)
Neddre haue+d on hire heued derewur+de +gimston . (CMTRINIT,199.2743)
and we hauen on ure bileue ure drihten . on wam we bileuen . +te is
alre lemene fader . and welle of alle mihtin . (CMTRINIT,199.2744)
Man mid is gele . egged us and fonde+d . (CMTRINIT,199.2745)
and for+d-te+d to idele +tonke . and unnutte speche . and iuele speche
. (CMTRINIT,199.2746)
and mid wi+ges bipeche+d . bute we +te warluker us bure+gen .
ac +tenne we ate+d +tat te iuele fonde+d us . alse ich er seide . bu+ge
we to +te stone +te +te apostel of spac +to he sede . Petra autem erat
christuc . +Tat is ure helend crist +tat is ston nemned . for his
stedefastnesse . (CMTRINIT,199.2748)
To him we legge+d ure riht eare +tene we understonde+d +tat he is so+d
god . (CMTRINIT,199.2749)
and +tere-fore $nehleche+d us to him . (CMTRINIT,199.2750)
and ditte+d swo +tat eare wi+d +te werses lore . (CMTRINIT,199.2751)
Ure left eare we ditte+d mid ure after ende . +tenne we understonden
+tat he bi-com man for us . and noht for ure erninge . ac for his
admodnesse +tolede on his lichame de+d . and arerde us of de+de . and
eche lif us biget gif we it here oferni+d . (CMTRINIT,199.2752)
and swo ditte+d +te eare . (CMTRINIT,199.2753)
and $noht ne hercni+d here gal . (CMTRINIT,199.2754)
Est et aliud genus serpentis quod cum senescit de fonte gurgitat ut
uirus euomat . per lapidis artum foramen transit et pellem deponit
sicque se nouum efficit . (CMTRINIT,199.2755)
O+der kinnes neddre is . +tenne hie be+d old . +turh hire +gepshipe
wur+d eft +gung . (CMTRINIT,199.2756)
Liste+d nu $a $wiche {TEXT:awiche} wise . (CMTRINIT,199.2757)
+tenne hie be+d of-+turst cume+d to sum welle . (CMTRINIT,199.2758)
and drinke+d a draht swo michel +tat heo chine+d . and +tenne spewe+d
hire atter . (CMTRINIT,199.2759)
and cume+d to ane +turlede ston . (CMTRINIT,199.2760)
and criepe+d nedlinge +tureh nerewe hole . (CMTRINIT,199.2761)
and bileue+d hire hude baften hire . (CMTRINIT,199.2762)
+tenne {TEXT:+tenne_+tanne} cume+d hire o+der hude .
and hie be+d al newe . (CMTRINIT,199.2764)
We ben alse +te nedre (CMTRINIT,199.2765)
hie haue+d longe liued ; and we longe leien in sinne .
Hie haue+d muchel atter on hire ; (CMTRINIT,199.2767)
and is lo+d mannen . (CMTRINIT,199.2768)
and we hude+d li+dere sinnen on us . for hwan we be+d andsete gode .
Hire +turst swi+de . (CMTRINIT,199.2770)
and seche+d +tanne welle (CMTRINIT,199.2771)
and drinke+d +tat hie to-chine+d . and hire atter aspewe+d .
And +tane we bi+denche+d on ure sinnes . O+der hwile us luste leornie
hwu we mugen ure sinnes forleten . and beten . and cumen +tar man
lorspel sei+d . (CMTRINIT,199.2773)
and lusten . (CMTRINIT,199.2774)
and wur+d ure heorte +tanne swo sor for ure sinnes . +tat wel neih hie
to-chine+d . (CMTRINIT,199.2775)
+Danne forsake we ure sinnes mid heorte . (CMTRINIT,199.2776)
and for-hote+d mid mu+de . (CMTRINIT,199.2777)
and bi ure lor+dewes wissinge cume+d to +te stone . +te haue+d
fif hole narewe . +tat is ure helende crist . +te +tolede his holie fif
wunden for us . (CMTRINIT,201.2778)
+tanked wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,201.2779)
and +tar-+turh arue+dliche crepe+d ; +tane we mid fif-folde pine ure
sinnes bete+d . (CMTRINIT,201.2780)
+De neddre bileued hire hude baften hire . (CMTRINIT,201.2781)
and cume+d newe fel . (CMTRINIT,201.2782)
and hie wur+d jung . (CMTRINIT,201.2783)
and we worpe+d ure hewe . +tane we forlete+d ure fule liflode . and
wur+de+d junge on clenesse swo we waren ar +tan we sinegeden . alse +te
boc sei+d . (CMTRINIT,201.2784)
Veterem hominem exuimus . et nouum induimus . (CMTRINIT,201.2785)
We habbe+d don of us +te ealde man . +te us horegede alle . and don on
+te newe +te clense+d alle . (CMTRINIT,201.2786)
Swilch giepshipe habbe+d +tese +trie kenne neddre . (CMTRINIT,201.2787)
and ure helende minegede his apostles hem to habben . and bi hem us .
alse seinte peter que+d . (CMTRINIT,201.2788)
Estote prudentes et uigilate . (CMTRINIT,201.2789)
Be+d warre (CMTRINIT,201.2790)
and wakie+d . (CMTRINIT,201.2791)
Alii quidem dormiunt . Alii autem uigilant . (CMTRINIT,201.2792)
Sume men slape+d faste . (CMTRINIT,201.2793)
and sume nappe+d . (CMTRINIT,201.2794)
and sume mid alle wakie+d . (CMTRINIT,201.2795)
+De man slape+d faste . +te li+d on swilche sinnes +te him +tunche+d
swete . and wel like+d . (CMTRINIT,201.2796)
Ac gef ure drihten hine fint +tus slepende . +tat is on sinne ; ne
wake+d he nafre $eft . (CMTRINIT,201.2797)
Dormitans nunc oculos claudit . nunc aperit . Sed homo qui peccatum
gemit ; nec tum relinquit . (CMTRINIT,201.2798)
Man +te nappe+d wile to heue+d his e+gen (CMTRINIT,201.2799)
and +tenne se+d . (CMTRINIT,201.2800)
and wile lei+d togadere (CMTRINIT,201.2801)
and +tenne noht ne se+d . (CMTRINIT,201.2802)
Swo do+d +te sinfulle . +te his sinnes swi+de bimurne+d . and sore
bisiche+d . and +tenche+d hem to forleten . and +terto funde+d and noht
ne fol+ge+d . (CMTRINIT,201.2803)
and +gif ure drihten hine swo fint he wile hine sende to helle .
+te man +te hise nemde sinnes forleten . and bi his shriftes wissinge
bet . o+der on bote bifongen . he wake+d mid alle . (CMTRINIT,201.2805)
To swiche wecche us mine+ge+d ure drihten on +te godspelle . +ter he
sei+d . Omnibus dico uigilate . (CMTRINIT,201.2806)
Alle bileffulle ich hote +tus waken (CMTRINIT,201.2807)
ac +te heuenliche louerd us het wakien on bede . and notien swiche bede
. swo us biheue bie . (CMTRINIT,201.2808)
Alle holie beden ben godfruhte men biheue . (CMTRINIT,201.2809)
Ac +te ben swo fele +tat hie ben arfe+d tellen . (CMTRINIT,201.2810)
Na+deles +tu miht swo fele mid fewe biluken . (CMTRINIT,201.2811)
and swo do+d ech man +tenne he sing+d is pater noster .
Ure louerd seinte peter +te us mine+ge+d +tus to +gepshipe . and to
wecche and us to bidden . he +tinge us to ure drihten +tat he us +giue
swiche +gepshipe and mihte +tus to wakien . and us to bidden . and
+gife us bene tu+de . (CMTRINIT,201.2813)
Qui uiuit et regnat per omnia secula seculorum . (CMTRINIT,201.2814)
amen . (CMTRINIT,201.2815)
XXXII . {COM:Lambeth_Homily_XV} SERMO IN MARCUM VIII. 34 .
QVi uult uenire post me abneget semet ipsum et tollat crucem suam . et
sequatur me . (CMTRINIT,203.2820)
Sori mai +te man ben +te be+d on michele wowe . (CMTRINIT,203.2821)
and me him more bihat . (CMTRINIT,203.2822)
and mai and wile hit him lesten . (CMTRINIT,203.2823)
Ac +te man mai ben bli+de +te me lede+d fram miche wowe to michele wele
. (CMTRINIT,203.2824)
and swich blisse me bihat us alle . (CMTRINIT,203.2825)
Alle we ben on manifolde wowe on +tis worelde . for ure eldrene giltes
. and ec for ure agene sinnen . (CMTRINIT,203.2826)
ac ure drihten us frefre+d mid his admodie worden (CMTRINIT,203.2827)
+tonke+d wur+de him . (CMTRINIT,203.2828)
and la+de+d us ut of ure wunsume wowe . to his michele blisse .
and sei+d us on wiche wise . and bi wich weie we mu+gen +tider cumen .
+tus que+dinde . Qui uult uenire . et cetera . (CMTRINIT,203.2830)
+Te man +te wile folge me forsake him seluen (CMTRINIT,203.2831)
and bere his rode (CMTRINIT,203.2832)
and cume after me . (CMTRINIT,203.2833)
+to +te he fundede to faren of eor+de in to heuene . he seide +tos word
to alle +to +te +to weren . and si+den hauen ben . and +to +te nu ben .
and +to her after cumen . (CMTRINIT,203.2834)
And alle he la+de+d ech $a $sume {TEXT:asume} wise to endelese blisse .
Ac feawe +ter-offe cume+d . (CMTRINIT,203.2836)
and fele bileue+d . for +tat hem +tinc+d iuel to forleten +tat hie
swi+de luue+d . (CMTRINIT,203.2837)
Alii quidem amant peccata sua . Alii parentes . Alii uero possessiones
. atque alii uoluptates . et uicia . (CMTRINIT,203.2838)
Sume luue+d heore sinnen . and sume heore kin . and sume here
eor+dliche ahte . and sume here wille . and fleshliche lustes . and
li+dere lahtres . (CMTRINIT,203.2839)
+to +te luuie+d here sinnen la+de+d ure drihten +tus que+dinde .
Penitenciam agite apropinquabit enim regnum celorum .
Swike+d of giure sinnes . (CMTRINIT,203.2841)
and bede+d hem . (CMTRINIT,203.2842)
and bere+ge+d +giu wi+d +to ; and wi+d o+dere (CMTRINIT,203.2843)
and bidde+d milce +te wile +te +ge mu+gen . (CMTRINIT,203.2844)
domes dai nehleche+d . (CMTRINIT,203.2845)
+to +te luuie+d here kin . he la+de+d +tus que+dinde . Omnis qui
relinquerit patrem et matrem fratrem et sororem aut ceteros propter
nomen meum centuplum accipiet et uitam eternam possidebit .
Ech man +te for mine name forsake+d fader . o+der moder suster o+der
bro+der . o+der o+dre . and fol+ge+d me he shal fon +ter-to-+genes
hundredfeld mede . and habben lif abuten ende .
+To +te luue+d woreld winne he la+de+d +tus que+dinde , Qui non
$renunciauerit omnibus que p. non p. m. e. di . (CMTRINIT,205.2848)
No man ne mai fol+ge me bute he forsake alle +te woreld winne +tat he
weld ahg . (CMTRINIT,205.2849)
Duobus autem modis renunciatur possessio . scilicet desinendo habere .
et desinendo amare . (CMTRINIT,205.2850)
On two wise man mai forsake woreld winne . (CMTRINIT,205.2851)
on is fersien hit fro him swo +tat he it nabbe . (CMTRINIT,205.2852)
o+der is . lete swo litel +ter of ; +tat he it noht ne luuie .
hit is e+deliche sinne +tat man ahte welde . (CMTRINIT,205.2854)
ac it is michel sinne ; +tat man ahte luuie . for +tan no man ne mai
luuien god and ehte . (CMTRINIT,205.2855)
+To +te luuie+d here wil . and here lustes . and lehtres . la+de+d ure
drihten . +tus que+dinde . Si quis uult post me uenire et cetera .
Ech man +te wile cumen after me forsake him seluen .
and bere his rode . (CMTRINIT,205.2858)
and fol+ge me . (CMTRINIT,205.2859)
Hit is arfe+d to understonden bute me nime +te more +geme +ter-to hwu
man mai hine selue forsake . (CMTRINIT,205.2860)
nime+d nu +geme +terto . (CMTRINIT,205.2861)
and ich +giu wile seggen . bi godes fultume . (CMTRINIT,205.2862)
Duo sunt in homine . alterum per naturam conditum . Alterum per culpam
illatum $. (CMTRINIT,205.2863)
Two +ting ben in +te manne . (CMTRINIT,205.2864)
on his +tat clene and brehte and faire kinde +tat god haue+d +ter-on
broht +tureh his smehnesse . (CMTRINIT,205.2865)
+tat o+der is wilfulshipe . and lichamliche lustes . and li+dere
lahtres . +ti ne mai no man gode fol+gen ne to him cumen bute forsake .
and forlete +te fule on-cume . +te +te ondfulle feond on him brohte .
and hilede +tat clene ichinde . and +ter-on bilef +te ure drihten shop
and bere his rode . (CMTRINIT,205.2866)
Tres igitur cruces sunt de quibus hic agitur . due mentis . et una
corporis . (CMTRINIT,205.2867)
+Tre rodes ben +tat ich nu of speke . two gostliche . and on
lichameliche (CMTRINIT,205.2868)
Crux corporis est afficcio carnis . quando corpus membratum punitur .
+Te lichamliche rode is +te pine +te man +tole+d +tenne his lichame
be+d tospred . and to-tiht on +te rode . alse ure helendes holi lichame
wes . on +te holi rode . +to +te he +ter-one +trowede alse his wille
was . and hadde +tornene helm uppen his holi hafde . +te him swi+de
prikede . and on his honden irene nailes . and on his foten alse . and
on his side was mid spere istungen . and his holi lichame to-sprad and
to-tuht . and for ure gulten reuliche ato+gen . (CMTRINIT,205.2870)
Ac man mai fol+gen gode and to him cumen . +teh his lichame swich pine
ne +tolie ne swo ne beo to-spred ne to-tuht on lichamliche rode .
and +tere-fore ure drihten ne la+de+d us noht to beren swiche
rode . (CMTRINIT,207.2872)
ac la+de+d us to an o+der . +te +tis bitocne+d +tat is cleped . Carnis
maceracio . +Tat is lichames helsing . (CMTRINIT,207.2873)
Mannes lichame ihalsne+d iwis . +tenne me hine pined mid hunger . and
mid +turste . and mid wecche . and mid swinche . and mid stiue wedes
next +te liche and smerte smiten of smale longe +gerden . and mid
michele chele o+der wile . (CMTRINIT,207.2874)
+tos roden moten beren alle sinfulle men . +te wile milce habben of
here sinnes . (CMTRINIT,207.2875)
+tis rode is cleped on +te boc . Scala peccatorum . +tat is sinfulle
manne leddre . +te hi shulen one stien to heuene . (CMTRINIT,207.2876)
Nu +gie hauen herd . wich is +te lichamliche rode . (CMTRINIT,207.2877)
here+d nu wich is +te gostliche rode . (CMTRINIT,207.2878)
hie haue+d twei names . Cordis contricio et proximi compassio . +Tat is
herte sor for mannes o+gene sinne and reu+de for his emcristenes wowe .
+te man +te wile +tis rode beren he mot cnowen +tet he haue+d ofte and
$a $fele {TEXT:afele} wise agilt mid his e+gen bihelden +tat he ne
sholden . wile idel . wile unnut . wile ifel . and alse mid nose sneued
. and mid eare list . and mid mu+de agilt speken +tat he ne sholde ofte
. and afele wise . and forlete +to gode word . on his bede +te he
speken sholde . and on ouerdede on ete . and on drinke +tenne he ne
sholde . (CMTRINIT,207.2880)
and gif he +tet +tenche+d , and on his herte sore bimurne+d . +Tenne
ake+d his heorte . and smerte+d . for his sinnes alse sholde his heued
+gif he hadde +ter-uppe +tornene helm . and +te +tornes swi+de prikeden
. (CMTRINIT,207.2881)
Eft-sone +gif he +tonke+d +tat he haue+d agilt mid his honden ofte and
a fele wise forlete almesdede . and don idel . and unut . and ifel .
and mid his foten gon +tenne he ne sholde . and +tider he ne $sholde .
and seldere +tene he sholde to his chirche . and to o+dre holie stowen
. and soriliche on his heorte bimurne+d . +tenne ake+d +te heorte and
smerte+d alse +te honden and te fet sholden +gif hie mid irene nailen
weren +turh stungen . (CMTRINIT,207.2882)
Eft-sone +gif he understant +tat he habbe ofte agilt on golliche dedes
. on untime . o+der on unluuede stede . o+der mid unluued loke . o+der
on unluued wise . and mistliche +toht ofte and a manifeld wise . and al
+tat sore bimurne+d on his heorte . +tenne wile his heorte aken and
smerten . alse his side sholde +gif me him mid spere stunge .
and +gif man him seluen pine+d alse ich seid habbe . and +gif he se+d
his emcristene +tolien wosi+d . and him +tat on his heorte sore reuwe+d
. and were+d his emcristene wi+d pine bi his mihte . he mai ben ure
helendes cniht . (CMTRINIT,209.2884)
for he bere+d his rode . (CMTRINIT,209.2885)
Nime we +geme (CMTRINIT,209.2886)
and bide we +tat he us filste to forsakende us seluen . and +te fule
on-cume +te ure fo on us brohte . and to beren ure rode . +tat is ure
lichames clensing and ure heorte reusinge . (CMTRINIT,209.2887)
and swo after him cumen . (CMTRINIT,209.2888)
and him fol+gen . (CMTRINIT,209.2889)
and mid him bileue . (CMTRINIT,209.2890)
Quod nobis prested qui uiuit et Regnat per omnia secula seculorum .
amen . (CMTRINIT,209.2892)
Posuerunt peccatores laqueum michi et de mandatis tuis non erraui .
+De sinfulle haue+d leid grune me to henten . (CMTRINIT,209.2897)
and ich ne forlet +tine bode . (CMTRINIT,209.2898)
Ure fo fare+d on hunte+d . (CMTRINIT,209.2899)
and lei+d grune in a wilderne to henten +te deor +te wunie+d +ter-inne
. (CMTRINIT,209.2900)
Ute we ber+gen us . and bidden god +tat he us filste and shilde
+ter-wi+d +tat he us ne shrenche and seien mid +te prophete . custodi
me a laqueo q. s. michi . (CMTRINIT,209.2901)
louerd shild me wi+d +tat grune +tat hie leid hauen me to henten .
liste+d nu (CMTRINIT,209.2903)
and ich +giu wile seggen . (CMTRINIT,209.2904)
and under-nime+d hit on heorte . (CMTRINIT,209.2905)
and habbe+d hit on minde +giu is ned michel . wi +te deuel is nemd
sinful . and hunte . and +tis woreld wilderne . and li+dere lahtres
grune . and +tes men deor . (CMTRINIT,209.2906)
+te deuel is cleped sinful for he +turh his oregel fulliche sine+gede .
+to +te he sundrede him seluen fro gode . (CMTRINIT,209.2907)
he is cleped mannes fo . for he fode +te forme man wi+d god .
+tat was adam . and al his ofspring . +tat is al mankin .
he is cleped hunte . for +tan +te he waite+d ure ech . and cunne+d te
bringen us on li+dere lahtres . +te be+d his grunen .
and +ter-one hente+d us alse hunte driue+d deor to grune . o+der to
nette . (CMTRINIT,209.2911)
and swo hente+d . (CMTRINIT,209.2912)
and of +tis hunte spec+d +te prophete . (CMTRINIT,209.2913)
and sei+d . Anima nostra sieut passer erepta de laqueo uenantium .
Ure soule is abroiden ; of +te hunte grune . (CMTRINIT,209.2915)
holi boc clepe+d +tis woreld wildren for +te fewe men +te wunie+d
$+derone +te ben temed . and wend to godes hond . his wille to don .
ac alle mest hie be+d iwile+ge+d (CMTRINIT,209.2917)
and habbe+d geres after wilde deore . (CMTRINIT,211.2918)
and for is ech man efned to +te deore . +te he nime+d after geres . sum
fox . sum wulf . sum bere . sum leun . (CMTRINIT,211.2919)
and ech man me nemne+d after +tan +te his geres beo+d .
and alse +te michele deor hene+d +te little . and bi hem libbe+d on +te
wilderne . Swo hene+d . and astru+ge+d +te riche men +te wrecches .
and na+deles libbe+d bi hem on +tis worelde . (CMTRINIT,211.2922)
In hoc deserto sunt iiii=or= saltus quos bestie deserti frequentant
scilicet corea ceruisia . forum monasterium . (CMTRINIT,211.2923)
on +tis wilderne ben fu+ger lages . +tat mest alle wilde deor to
seche+d . (CMTRINIT,211.2924)
+tat on is ple+ge , +tat oder drinch . +te +tridde chepinge . +te
fer+de chireche . (CMTRINIT,211.2925)
In primo saltu ponunt uenantes laqueum uanitatis . In secundo
impietatis . (CMTRINIT,211.2926)
On +tis fuwer la+ges lei+d ure fo fuwer grunes us mide to henten .
crist us shilde +terwi+d +gif his wille beo . (CMTRINIT,211.2928)
At ple+ge he telde+d +te grune of idelnesse . (CMTRINIT,211.2929)
for al hit is idel +tat me at ple+ge bihalt . and liste+d . and do+d
and unqueme gode . and unbiheue +te soule . (CMTRINIT,211.2930)
and swinch +te lichame . (CMTRINIT,211.2931)
+tih . and shonkes . and fet oppie+d . (CMTRINIT,211.2932)
wombe gosshie+d . (CMTRINIT,211.2933)
and shuldres wrenchie+d . (CMTRINIT,211.2934)
armes . and honden frikie+d . (CMTRINIT,211.2935)
herte bi+denche+d +tat hie seggen shal on songe . (CMTRINIT,211.2936)
Tunge and te+d . and lippe word shuppie+d . (CMTRINIT,211.2937)
Mu+d sent ut +te stefne . (CMTRINIT,211.2938)
and ech man +te +terto cume+d pleie to toten . o+der to listen o+der to
bihelden . +gif he him wel like+d . he be+d biseid and hent on +te
{TEXT:on_+te_on_+te} grune of idelnesse . +te +te werse +tere haue+d
itelded . (CMTRINIT,211.2939)
of +tis grune spec+d +te prophete (CMTRINIT,211.2940)
and sei+d . Non sedi cum concilio uanitatis et cum iniqua gerentibus
non $introibo . (CMTRINIT,211.2941)
Ne held ich nefre wel mid hem +te gon to idelnesse .
Secundus saltus huius deserti est compotatorium . (CMTRINIT,211.2943)
+tat o+der la+ge on +tis wilderne is drinch . (CMTRINIT,211.2944)
+tere telde+d +te werse +te grune of unrihte . (CMTRINIT,211.2945)
for +tere ne do+d no man riht . (CMTRINIT,211.2946)
ac ech man do+d +tere unriht to +genes gode and to +genes his a+gene
soule . and to +genes his emcristene . (CMTRINIT,211.2947)
To-+genes gode he do+d unriht . +tat is his louerd . and halt his lif
and his hele . +te wile he hit haue+d . and do+d him al +tat he bi be+d
. and bid him +terof beten his nede and bere+gen him wi+d ouer dede
and na+deles ne wile don +tat god him het . (CMTRINIT,211.2949)
ac do+d +tat god forbed . (CMTRINIT,211.2950)
and do+d +tat +te deuel het . (CMTRINIT,211.2951)
and swo unwur+de+d god . (CMTRINIT,211.2952)
and wur+de+d +tene deuel . (CMTRINIT,211.2953)
and agilt wi+d gode . (CMTRINIT,211.2954)
and queme+d +te deuel . (CMTRINIT,211.2955)
and forgilt heuene wele . (CMTRINIT,211.2956)
and haue+d helle wowe . (CMTRINIT,211.2957)
unriht he do+d ec to-+genes his soule unwille . (CMTRINIT,211.2958)
and awlenc+d his lichame . (CMTRINIT,213.2959)
and walt his soule . (CMTRINIT,213.2960)
and hefie+d his lichame . (CMTRINIT,213.2961)
and hene+d his soule . (CMTRINIT,213.2962)
and +te lichame +te sholde ben +te soule hihtliche bure . make+d hire
to ateliche quarterne . (CMTRINIT,213.2963)
and +ter inne neure twiste+d . mid ouerdede . and untimliche drinche .
+tat hire beo+d wo +tat hie sal +ter-inne wunien . (CMTRINIT,213.2964)
and +tere-fore wilne+d ut . (CMTRINIT,213.2965)
Unriht heo do+d ec to+genes his emcristene . +tenne he hine la+de+d to
drinken more . noht +te him beo wille . o+der queme . ac +tenne him ned
were . and bringe+d uppen him birden more +tene $he bere mu+ge . and
spille+d on him +tat he sholde spelien wrecche men . o+der ra+der
helden hit ut +tene men +termide fordrenchen . and noht sheden godes
shafte ne spenen on uni+dor . +tat god shop mannen to helpe . ne swo
unwur+din godes handiwerc . (CMTRINIT,213.2966)
+tis beo+d at drinche (CMTRINIT,213.2967)
and o+der unriht inoh . +tere be+d ollende word . and idele lehtres .
and winrede bruwes . and buwe+d wenliche . +te be+d bispeke ewebruche
and o+der unriht inoh . wicching . and swikedom . stale . and leo+d .
and lesing . and refloc . and alle +te lu+dere lastes +te man hafe+d
+tureh deules lore . (CMTRINIT,213.2968)
of +tis grisliche grune spec+d +te prophete . (CMTRINIT,213.2969)
and sei+d . Cum iniqua gerentibus non introibo . (CMTRINIT,213.2970)
Nelle ich nefre gon +tider in ; +tere me swich unriht drige+d .
+te lif holi man +te wiste godes wille . swic drinch wi+d que+d . and
+te lu+dere wune . and +te stede +ter me swo one drinke+d .
Tercius saltus huius deserti est . forum ubi ponunt laqueum
malignitatis . (CMTRINIT,213.2973)
+Te +tridde lage on +tis wilderne is cheping . +tere telde+d +te werse
+te grune of hindre +tat is of bipeching (CMTRINIT,213.2974)
for +tenne man bipeche+d o+der . he him make+d to ben bihinden . of
+tat he wene+d to ben biforen . (CMTRINIT,213.2975)
+tat is ure alre wune +te bigge+d . and sille+d . (CMTRINIT,213.2976)
+te sullere loue+d his +ting dere . (CMTRINIT,213.2977)
and sei+d +tat it is wel wur+d . o+der betere . (CMTRINIT,213.2978)
+De beger bet litel +tar fore (CMTRINIT,213.2979)
and sei+d +tat hit nis noht wur+d . (CMTRINIT,213.2980)
and lige+d bo+de . (CMTRINIT,213.2981)
+te sullere lat sumdel of his lofe . (CMTRINIT,213.2982)
and swere+d +tat he hit nele lasse selle . (CMTRINIT,213.2983)
+te beggere ecne+d his bode (CMTRINIT,213.2984)
and swere+d +tat he nele more geuen . (CMTRINIT,213.2985)
+tanne cume+d +te werse (CMTRINIT,213.2986)
and rune+d wi+d here ei+deres +tanc . (CMTRINIT,213.2987)
and do+d +te sullere lasse to nimende +tanne he swore . and +tanne +te
bigger more to geuende +tanne he swore . (CMTRINIT,213.2988)
And gif hit chepinge be . +te me shule meten o+der weien . +te sullere
do+d narewere +tane he sholde . and te biggere rumluker +tan he sholde
. (CMTRINIT,213.2989)
and +tesse wise biswike+d her ai+der o+der . (CMTRINIT,213.2990)
and be+d +tanne bisaid in +te grune of hinder .
On is leasing . (CMTRINIT,215.2992)
o+der is mon-o+d . +te +tridde swikedom . (CMTRINIT,215.2993)
and mid +tis grune hente+d +te werse alle +to +te $+tus {TEXT:sus}
bigge+d . and sulle+d . (CMTRINIT,215.2994)
+tare fore sei+d +te prophete . Odiui ecclesiam malignantium .
Me is andsete +te samninge of +te hinderfulle (CMTRINIT,215.2996)
for ich wot +tat {TEXT:+tat_+tat} hie ben lo+de god .
Quartus saltus huius deserti est monasterium ubi ponuntur laquei
impietatis . (CMTRINIT,215.2998)
+De $feor+de lage of +tisse wilderne is chireche . +tare telde+d +de
werse +te grune of oregelnesse . and bisai+d +tar-one hwile hodede .
and hwile lewede . and hwile bo+de . (CMTRINIT,215.2999)
+De hodede hente+d mid +tis grune . hwile ofeald . hwile twifeald
+tanne he make+d +tat +te hodede lat his chireche stonde wi+d-uten tide
. +tane hit time be+d to done +te tiden . and alse swo ofte swo he
speke+d in chireche +tat he ne sholde . o+der swike+d of +tat he sholde
. +tat is +te sinfule wel tachen . and minigen +to +te ben slowe to
chireche . and to weldede . +tat he be snel +tar-to . and lehtrie +to
+te on sinne li+d . to forleten . and mid milde worde to frefrien . and
eche he+ge dai fede mid godes worde +te hungrie soule +te haue+d to
witen . (CMTRINIT,215.3000)
and alse fele +ting swo ich iteld habbe +tat he ine chirche speken
sholde . +gif he nele o+der ne can . o+der ne recche+d mid alse fele
folde grunen +te werse hine bisei+d . and hente+d . (CMTRINIT,215.3001)
and +gif he wlite+d mid stefne for to liken wimmannen . o+der lede+d
hem his {TEXT:life} e+gen for to sechen hire loke . +tenne be+d he laht
forto leden to helle . (CMTRINIT,215.3002)
+te lewede men hente+d +te werse ine chirche mid his grune on +tre wise
. +tanne prest spec+d inne chirche of chirche neode and mine+ge+d +tat
me niwe clo+des o+der elde bete . boc o+der belle calch o+der messe-ref
. o+der waferiht o+der o+dre clo+des . (CMTRINIT,215.3003)
+tenne cume+d +te werse to +te mannes heorte . (CMTRINIT,215.3004)
and wi+d his +tonc sunderune halt +tus que+dinde . wi sholdest +tu +tis
finden +te noht ne fost +terof . (CMTRINIT,215.3005)
ac he foh+d al +tat +tere cume+d . (CMTRINIT,215.3006)
he finde +tis nu . (CMTRINIT,215.3007)
Swo ne andswerede noht moyses ure drihten +to he bad him minster maken
. (CMTRINIT,215.3008)
and be hit al wel for+dede . +teh he noht +ter-offe fenge .
alse dide saleman +te god sende his writ to . (CMTRINIT,215.3010)
swo hoh ech chirche socne don +tenne hie nede sen . (CMTRINIT,215.3011)
+tenne +te prest +te mene+ge+d rihtliche te+dien . +tenne cume+d +te
werse to sume mannes heorte . (CMTRINIT,215.3012)
and mine+ge+d hine +tat he swo ne do . (CMTRINIT,215.3013)
and rune+d wi+d +te mannes +tonc (CMTRINIT,215.3014)
and +tus him misrede+d . (CMTRINIT,215.3015)
+gif +tu +te prest bitechest alle +tine te+dinge . nele he hit
delen alse he don sholde . (CMTRINIT,217.3016)
ac wile hit dere sellen and spenen on uni+dor . (CMTRINIT,217.3017)
do +tu almes +ter-of . (CMTRINIT,217.3018)
and del sum wrecche men . (CMTRINIT,217.3019)
+tus he hine bi-peche+d +tat he chirche bireue+d . (CMTRINIT,217.3020)
on +te helde la+ge het ure drihten +tat me ne sholde none man bitechen
bute he were teid to menden chirche . (CMTRINIT,217.3021)
Vndecim generationes iusse sunt adnumero solis leuitis decimas soluere
. (CMTRINIT,217.3022)
+Tanne heh dai cume+d man hoh herien god mid rihte leue . and mid so+de
luue . and of +tan +te god him haue+d lend . loc to chirche bringen .
and wur+din +ter-mide godes bord ; alse his haue be+d .
+tenne cume+d +te werse to sumes mannes heorte (CMTRINIT,217.3024)
and rune+d wi+d his heorte . (CMTRINIT,217.3025)
and do+d hine his loc to wi+d teonde . (CMTRINIT,217.3026)
and +tus que+d +tis chirche is riche inoh . (CMTRINIT,217.3027)
and fele men ben wrecches (CMTRINIT,217.3028)
+te nes riche non nod . (CMTRINIT,217.3029)
ac wrecches habben michele . (CMTRINIT,217.3030)
wi+d-teo nu $here +ti loc (CMTRINIT,217.3031)
and del hit wrecches . (CMTRINIT,217.3032)
Set ait in ewangelio . hec oportuit facere ; et illa non omittere .
ei+der-2 bihoue+d +tat man do +te wile loc to chirche bringe . and
helpe wrecche $men . (CMTRINIT,217.3034)
and +ter-mide hine alese+d +gif he laht be+d . on +te orelese grune .
+tenne mai he seggen mid te salm wirhte dauid . Oculi mei semper ad
domino et cetera . (CMTRINIT,217.3036)
Eure beo mine e+gene opene to ure drihten . (CMTRINIT,217.3037)
for ich triste +tat he nele neng bi mine wrihte . (CMTRINIT,217.3038)
ac for his milde wille . of +tis werses grune mine fet breiden .
swo do he ure alre +te liue+d and rixle+d (CMTRINIT,217.3040)
Amen . (CMTRINIT,217.3041)
$Egredietur uirga de radice iesse , et cetera . (CMTRINIT,217.3045)
An gerd sal spruten of iesse more . and an blosme stien of +tare more .
and uppe +tare blosme resten +te holie gost . (CMTRINIT,217.3046)
On +tesse fewe litele wored lotied fele gode wored gif hie weren wel
ioponen . (CMTRINIT,217.3047)
Ac ich ne mai ne ich ne can +tosse on openi . (CMTRINIT,217.3048)
Ac na+teles ich wille ew segge +tat ich +tronne understonde $+turh +te
mihte of +te holi gost . (CMTRINIT,217.3049)
Egredietur . et cetera . (CMTRINIT,217.3050)
+Do +te $heuenliche fader fundede to senden +tene heuenliche
sune ; he sende mani herendrake to cu+ten +tat he cume wolde
And on of +to was ysaie +te prophete . on was leid to segen +tos wored
+tat ich nou sege . and nu +te beginne on opini . (CMTRINIT,219.3052)
+te was man wuniinde on +tese worlde mani hundred wintre are +te maiden
ware iken . o+ter istren . (CMTRINIT,219.3053)
and spac of hire (CMTRINIT,219.3054)
and seide wat of hire iwur+ten solde also suteliche swo it wur+te were
. (CMTRINIT,219.3055)
and heuenede hire cun to more . and hire $sulf to gerde . and hire
cunebern to blosme . (CMTRINIT,219.3056)
and seide . Egredietur uirga et cetera . (CMTRINIT,219.3057)
Hered nu (CMTRINIT,219.3058)
and understonded for woche +tinge he nemnede hire cun to more . and
hire $sulf to gerde and hire cune bern to blosme . (CMTRINIT,219.3059)
Quem ad modum rami arboris prodeunt a stipite . et ille a radice . sic
domina nostra de posteris iesse et ipsi prodierunt de ipso iesse .
Alse +te huuemeste bou of +te treuwe springed of +te ne+temeste rote .
alse sprong ure lafedi of hire helderne . and hire helderne of iesse .
and alse +te uuemeste bou is sib +te ne+temeste rote . Alse sprond word
+te laste man isib +te formeste +te was biforn us . (CMTRINIT,219.3062)
And for +ti bed alle man ibro+tren and isustren . (CMTRINIT,219.3063)
and solden auerihc man loueien o+ter . (CMTRINIT,219.3064)
Acke nu is rewe+te . (CMTRINIT,219.3065)
for nu is euerihc man ifo +tare he solde fren be . (CMTRINIT,219.3066)
Nunquam tuta fide et cetera . Filius autem diem . et cetera . Domina
nostra comparata est uirge propter .iiii=or=. que sepe inueniuntur
adiuncta uirge que est recta . plana . excisis longa .
Vre leuedi is iuened to gerde for foure +tinges +te man find ilome on
gerde +tat he be riht and smal and long . and sme+te .
Rectitudinem uirge habuit in perseueranciam uite . (CMTRINIT,219.3069)
Gerde rihtnesse he heuede on hire liflode . (CMTRINIT,219.3070)
for he ne turnde naht on hire to doinde ne que+tende nan +ter +tinge
+te he leten solde . (CMTRINIT,219.3071)
et Sic medio tutissima ibat . (CMTRINIT,219.3072)
And he understod holie boc lore . (CMTRINIT,219.3073)
et cetera . Si plus scirem , plus dicerem . (CMTRINIT,219.3074)