Here he teche+t how +te pater noster schal be understonde .
Whan men setten first a child to lerne lettrure , men teche+t hym his
pater noster . (CMVICES4,97.5)
Who-so wole lerne +tis clergie , hym bihoue+t become meke and vmble as
a child , (CMVICES4,97.6)
for to suche scolers teche+t oure goode maister Ihesu Crist +tis
clergie , +tat is +te faireste and +te profitableste +tat is , who-so
wel vnderstonde+t it and holt it . (CMVICES4,97.7)
For suche wene+t +tei kunne it and vnderstonde it wel +tat wite+t
neuere what it is but +te schelle wi+t-oute , +tat is +te lettre ;
+tat is good , (CMVICES4,97.9)
but it is litle wor+t as afor+gens +te +gelke +tat is wi+t-ynne so
swete . (CMVICES4,97.10)
It is wel schort in wordes and ri+gt longe in sentence , +tat is
vnderstondynge ; li+gt to seyn , sutel to vnderstonde .
+tis orisoun passi+t alle o+tere orisounes in +tre +tinges : in
wor+tynesse , in schortnesse , and in profitabelnesse .
+Te wor+tynesse is +tat Goddes sone made it to God +te fadre in word .
God +te Holy Gost is +tat a man aske+t ; (CMVICES4,97.14)
he wolde +tat it were schort , for no man scholde excusen hym to lerne
it , and for no man scholde +ting heuy to seyn it gladly and ofte . And
for to schewe +tat God +te fadre here+t vs ri+gt soone as we bidde+t
hym wi+t good herte , (CMVICES4,97.15)
for he ne rekke+t nou+gt of longe tarienge ne of wordes y-polesched or
y-rymed . (CMVICES4,97.16)
For , as seynt Gregori sei+t , ' Verrey doynge is not to speke faire
wordes wi+t +te mou+t , but to make gret compleynt for synne and
+terwi+t sore sy+gynges of herte . ' (CMVICES4,98.17)
+Te wor+t and +te profi+gt of +tis orisoun is so gret +tat it
comprehende+t in schort wordes al +tat a man may desyre in herte and
bidde +tat good is . +Tat is to seye +tat a man be delyuerede of alle
wikkednesse & fulfild of al goodnesse . (CMVICES4,98.18)
+Tus bigynne+t +te pater noster : ' Fader oure , +tat art in heuene . '
Now be-holde wel how oure goode pledour , aduoket , and oure swete
maister Ihesu Crist , +tat is +te wisdom of God +te fadre and wot and
knowe+t alle +te lawes and vsages of his court , teche+t +te to plede
wisly and sutelly , (CMVICES4,98.20)
and schortly speke+t . (CMVICES4,98.21)
Forso+te +tis first word +tat +tou seist , +gif it be wel vnderstonde
and folewed , schal wynne +te al +ti querele . (CMVICES4,98.22)
For seynt Bernard sei+t +tus : ' +Te orisoun +tat bigynne+t bi +te
swete name of +te fadre +gyue+t vs hope to purchase wel al +tat we
praien . ' (CMVICES4,98.23)
+tis swete word ' fadre , ' +tat make+t swete al +te remenaunt ,
schewe+t +te what +tou schalt leue (CMVICES4,98.24)
and somoune+t +te to +tat +tou schalt do . (CMVICES4,98.25)
And +tese tweie +tinges sauen a man : whan he leue+t wel and a-ri+gt ,
and do+t +ter-after as he scholde . (CMVICES4,98.26)
Whan +t=u= clepest hym fadre , +tou be-knowest +tat he is lord of +te
hous , +tat is of heuene and of er+te , and chyueteyn and bigynnere and
welle , wherbi alle creatures and al good come+t , (CMVICES4,98.27)
and +tus +tou bi-knowest his my+gt . (CMVICES4,98.28)
After , si+t +tat he is fadre , he is ordeynour and gouernour and
purueyour of his meyne , and namely of his children , +tat is of men
+tat he hymself ha+t made to his owne liknesse , (CMVICES4,98.29)
and +tus +t=u= knowest his wisdom . (CMVICES4,98.30)
And also , si+t he is fadre by kynde and bi ri+gtfulnesse , he loue+t
al +tat he ha+t made , as sei+t +te boke of Wisdom ; (CMVICES4,98.31)
and he is swete and debonere (CMVICES4,98.32)
and loue+t and noresche+t his children (CMVICES4,98.33)
and sei+t to hem here profi+gt betere +tan +tei kunne hemself deuise ;
& he bete+t hem (CMVICES4,98.35)
and chaste+t hem whan +tei mysdo+t , for here owne profitt , as a good
fadre , (CMVICES4,98.36)
and gladly receyue+t hem whan +tei come+t to hym ; (CMVICES4,98.37)
and in +tis +tou knowlechest his goodnesse and his debornesse .
Now schewe+t +te +tis word +tat +tou seyst , ' fadre , ' his my+gt and
his wisdom and his goodnesse . (CMVICES4,99.39)
It reherse+t also on +tat o+ter side to +tiself +ti nobleie , +ti
fairenesse , +ti richesse . (CMVICES4,99.40)
Gretter nobleie may non be +tan to be so gret an emperoures sone as God
is . (CMVICES4,99.41)
Gretter richesse may no man haue +tan to be eir of al +tat he ha+t .
Gretter fairenesse may non haue +tan to be like to hym ari+gt , +te
whiche fairenesse is so gret +tat it passe+t +tou+gt of man and of
aungel . (CMVICES4,99.43)
And +tus +tis word ' fadre ' meue+t +te +tat +tou art sone ,
for +tou dost +ti trauaile to be like hym , as a good sone schal be
like to his good fadre , +tat is to seye +tat +tou be dou+gty and
my+gty , strong and stedefast to do good , and +tat +tou be wis and
auysee , large and curteis , swete and deboner and wi+t-out vileyne ,
as he is , and +t=t= +tou hate synne and fil+te and al schrewdenesse ,
as he do+t , so +tat +tou go nou+gt out of +ti kynde . (CMVICES4,99.45)
+Tan menewe+t +te +tis word as ofte as +tou seist +ti pater noster +tat
+gif +tou be sone ari+gt , +tou schalt be like to hym kyndely by
comaundement and bi ri+gtfulnesse , (CMVICES4,99.46)
and +tou schalt do to hym loue , worschipe , reuerence , drede ,
seruise , and buxumnesse . (CMVICES4,99.47)
Now bi+tenke +te +tan , whan +tou seist +ti pater noster , +tat +tou be
to hym good sone and trewe , +gif +tou wolt +tat he be to +te good
fadre and debonere . (CMVICES4,99.48)
Whan a newe kny+gt go+t to a bataile or to +te turnement , men bidden
hym +tenke whos sone he is , (CMVICES4,99.49)
and ri+gt so schalt +tou +tenke . (CMVICES4,99.50)
Now sest +tou wel how swete +tis first word is , and how it meue+t +te
to be dou+gty and wor+ty and wel y-tau+gt , (CMVICES4,99.51)
and it teche+t +te what +tou schalt be . (CMVICES4,99.52)
$How a man schal vnderstonde ' Fadre oure . ' (CMVICES4,99.54)
Now wole we aske whi +tou seist ' fadre oure , ' and not ' fadre myn '
; (CMVICES4,99.56)
and whiche felawes +tou hast whan +t=u= seist ' +gyue vs , ' and not '
+gyue me , ' we schulle seye +te . (CMVICES4,99.57)
No wi+gt schal seye ' fadre myn ' but only he +tat is sone of
kynde , wi+t-out bigynnyng and endyng , verrei Goddes sone .
But we be+t not his sones of kynde , but in as moche as we be+t made to
his ymage , (CMVICES4,100.59)
and so be+t +tee sarazenes ; (CMVICES4,100.60)
+ge but we be+t his sones bi grace and bi adopcioun . (CMVICES4,100.61)
Adopcioun is a word of lawe ciuile . (CMVICES4,100.62)
For as bi +te lawes of emperoures , whan a gret lord ha+t no child , he
may chese a pore mannes sone , +gif he wole , and make of hym his eir
bi adopcioun , +tat is to seye bi auowerie , so +tat men holde+t it as
for his sone and auowed to bere his heritage . (CMVICES4,100.63)
+tis grace dide vs God +te fadre , nou+gt for oure deseruyng , as seynt
Poule sei+t ; (CMVICES4,100.64)
whan he made vs come to cristendom , we were pore & naked and sones of
wra+t+te of helle . (CMVICES4,100.65)
+Tan whan we seyn ' fadre oure ' and ' +gyue vs , ' we gaderen yn wi+t
vs alle oure bre+teren bi adopcioun , +tat ben children of holy chirche
bi +te bileue +tat +tei receyuede at here cristenedome .
Nowe schewe+t vs +tan +tis word ' oure ' +te largenesse and +te
curtesye of God oure fadre , +tat +gyue+t ble+teloker ynow +tan litle ,
and to manye +tan to on alone , as seynt Gregory sei+t ,
+tan an orisoun , +te more comune +tat it is , +te more it is wor+t .
As +te candele is more wor+ty +tat serue+t in an halle ful of folke ,
+tan +tilke +tat serue+t but o man alone . +tis word moneste+t vs to
+gilde +tanke and grace wi+t al oure herte of +te grete grace +tat he
ha+t y-do vs , wher-by we be+t his sones and his eires ,
and ri+gt wi+t brennyng loue scholde we loue oure eldest bro+ter ,
Ihesu Crist , +tat ha+t made vs felawes wi+t hym in +tis grace .
+tis word amoneste+t vs +tat we kepen besiliche in oure herte +te Holy
Gost , +tat is oure witnesse of +tis adopcioun as a wed , as seynt
Poule sei+t , wher-bi we be+t siker to haue oure fadres heritage , +tat
is +te ioye of paradis . (CMVICES4,100.71)
+tis word lerne+t vs and sei+t +tat we be+t alle bre+teren , grete and
smale , pore and riche , hi+ge and lowe , of on fadre and on modre ,
+tat is to seye of God and holy chirche , and +tat non schal scorne ne
despise o+tere , but loue as his bro+tere , (CMVICES4,101.72)
and on schal helpe a-no+tere , as do+t +te lymes of a mannes owne body
, and on bidde for a-no+tere . (CMVICES4,101.73)
As seynt Iame sei+t , and it is gretliche oure profytt , for +tou leist
+ti biddynge in comune , +tou hast part of al +te comunyte of holy
chirche . (CMVICES4,101.74)
And for on pater noster +tat +tou seist , +tou wynnest mo +tan an
hundred +tousande . (CMVICES4,101.75)
+tis word ' oure ' teche+t vs to hate +tre +tinges , namely : pride ,
hate , couetise . (CMVICES4,101.76)
Pride dryue+t a man out of felawschip , (CMVICES4,101.77)
for he wolde be aboue alle o+tere . (CMVICES4,101.78)
Hate putte+t hym out of felawschip , (CMVICES4,101.79)
for whan he wre+t+te+t and werrie+t wi+t on , he werrie+t wi+t alle +te
o+tere . (CMVICES4,101.80)
Couetise dryue+t a man out of felawschip , (CMVICES4,101.81)
for he wole not hymself ne his goodes be in comune a-mong o+tere .
And +terfore suche men habbe+t no part of +te holy pater noster .
+tis word ' oure ' schewe+t vs +tat God is oures +gif we wolen , and
+te fadre and sone and Holy Gost . (CMVICES4,101.84)
+tis is his name ; (CMVICES4,101.85)
kepe we +tes comaundementes , (CMVICES4,101.86)
and so sei+t Iohn in +te gospel . (CMVICES4,101.87)
How +tis ' Qui es in celis ' is vnderstonde .
Whan I seye ' +tat art in heuene , ' I seye tweie +tinges , as +tus :
I seye , ' +Te kyng is at London , ' (CMVICES4,101.92)
here I seye +te kyng is kyng and +tat he is at London ;
ri+gt so I seye he is , (CMVICES4,101.94)
and I seye he is in heuene . (CMVICES4,101.95)
Men fynde+t y-writen $in +te secounde boke of +te lawe +tat God aperede
to Moises in a mountayne and seide to hym , ' Goo in-to Egipte
and seye to +te kyng Pharao on myn half +tat he delyuere my peple , +te
children of Israhel , out of +te +traldom +tat he halt hem ynne . '
' Syre , ' seide Moises , ' +Gif men aske how men clepe+t +gow , what
schal I seye ? ' (CMVICES4,101.98)
' I am +tat I am , ' seide God . (CMVICES4,101.99)
' So schalt +tou seye to +te children of Israhel , " +Tat is , sent me
to +gow . " (CMVICES4,101.100)
' Now seyn goode men and holy and goode clerkes , among alle +te hei+ge
names of oure lord , +tat is +te first and +te proprist ,
and +tat most ri+gtfullich teche+t vs to knowe what God is ,
for alle +te o+tere names , ou+ter +tei speken of his goodnesse , o+ter
of his wisdom , o+ter of his my+gt , o+ter +tat he is suche or suche ,
+tat is he is ri+gt good . (CMVICES4,102.103)
+tis is +te ri+gt good . (CMVICES4,102.104)
+tis is +te ri+gt wis . (CMVICES4,102.105)
+tis is +te ri+gt my+gty . (CMVICES4,102.106)
And many o+tere wordes as men seyn of hym , (CMVICES4,102.107)
and +git sey +tei not +te so+t properliche of +te beynge of God .
But we +tat ben grete and boistreous in speche to speke of so hi+ge
+ting , speke we of God as men ben woned to likne and deuyse a man +tat
men kunne not nempne , as men sei+t , ' He is a kyng ; he is a duke ;
he is a grete maister , so faire and large , ' and suche o+ter
preisynges at +te leste weie +tat men mowe knowe hym +ter-by .
And +git seye +tei not his ri+gt name ; (CMVICES4,102.110)
and ri+gt so speke we of God , (CMVICES4,102.111)
and many wordes fynde we +tat schewe+t vs wel what is of him ,
but +ter nys non +tat is so propre as is +tis word ' +tat is , ' +tat
so propreliche and so schortliche and so attaynauntliche and sotyliche
nempne+t hym to vs , in as moche as oure vnderstondyng may a-reche .
For God is he +tat alone is , as seynt Iop sei+t ; (CMVICES4,102.114)
he is alone , to speke ri+gtfulliche . (CMVICES4,102.115)
For he alon is euere-more , wi+t-out begynnyng and wi+t-oute endyng ;
+tat may no man seie of non o+ter +ting . (CMVICES4,102.117)
After , he alon is veraliche . (CMVICES4,102.118)
For he is verray & trew+te . (CMVICES4,102.119)
Alle +tinges y-schape , +tat be+t alle creatures , be+t veyn & vanite ,
as Salamon sei+t , and nou+gtes as to regarde to hym ,
and to nou+gt +tei schulde bicome but +tei were susteyned +turgh his
vertue . (CMVICES4,102.121)
And more-ouer he alone is setter and fastholder . (CMVICES4,102.122)
For he is euere-more on and in o poynt , wi+t-oute any turblyng ,
wi+t-oute any chaungyng , wi+t-oute any meuyng in any manere , as seynt
Iame sei+t , (CMVICES4,102.123)
and alle o+tere +tinges be+t moueable in sum kynde ; (CMVICES4,102.124)
+tan is he cleped propreliche ' +tat is . ' (CMVICES4,102.125)
For he is veraliche wi+t-out vanite , stedefast wi+t-oute any flittynge
, euere-more wi+t-oute any bigynnyng and wi+t-oute ende and wi+t-oute
euer schal be , (CMVICES4,103.127)
for in him passe+t no tyme . (CMVICES4,103.128)
Now schalt +tou wel vnderstonde +tat +ter nys no +ting +tat a man may
bettere kunne +tan +tat God is , (CMVICES4,103.129)
but +ter nis no +ting so hard to kunne +tan whi & what +ting God is .
And +terfore we rede +tat +tou studie not to moche to wite ne enquere .
For +tou my+gt li+gtliche faile and go amys ; (CMVICES4,103.132)
it suffise+t to +te $to seie , ' Faire swete fadre , +tat art in heuene
. ' (CMVICES4,103.133)
So+t is +tat he is ouer al present , in er+te , in +te scee , and in
helle , as he is in heuene . (CMVICES4,103.134)
But men seyn +tat he is in heuene . (CMVICES4,103.135)
For he is y-seie +tere most and most y-knowe and most y-loued and most
y-worschiped . (CMVICES4,103.136)
And after he is in heuene gostliche , +t=t= is in holi hertes +tat be+t
hi+ge , bri+gt , and clene as is +te heuene . (CMVICES4,103.137)
For in suche hertes he is y-seie & knowe , douted and worschiped and
loued . (CMVICES4,103.138)
Now hast +tou herde +tes foure wordes , ' pater noster , qui es in
celis . ' (CMVICES4,103.139)
+Te first teche+t +te to honoure God . +Te secounde to loue God . +Te
+tridde to drede God . (CMVICES4,103.140)
For al be he oure fadre , +git is he ri+gtwis and not moueable .
+Te fer+te teche+t +te to be strong . (CMVICES4,103.142)
For si+t he is hi+ge and +tou low+ge , but +tou be dou+gty and
stalwor+t +tou ne schalt neuere come +tere he wone+t .
+Te first word schewe+t vs +te leng+te of his endelesnesse . +Te
secounde +te largenesse of his charite . +Te +tridde +te dep+te of his
so+tnesse . +Te fer+te +te hi+genesse of his maieste .
Who-so my+gt a-reche wel to +tes foure +tinges wi+t-oute faile , he
scholde be blessed . (CMVICES4,103.145)
How a man vnderstant ' sanctificetur nomen tuum . '
Now hast +tou herde +te prologe of +te holy pater noster , +tat is an
entre of a fi+tele . (CMVICES4,103.148)
A , God , who-so knewe wel al +te song , how he schulde fynde swete
notes ! (CMVICES4,103.149)
For it is no doute +tat in +te song +tat +te wisdom of God made , he
+tat teche+t breddes synge , ne ben fele sotile and swete notes
. (CMVICES4,104.150)
In body +ter is litle lettre , (CMVICES4,104.151)
and +tis song ha+t seuene notes , +tat ben +te seuene biddynges +tat
purchasen +te seuene +giftes of +te Holi Gost , +t=t= destroien +te
seuene heuede wikkednesses of herte and setten & noreschen +te seuene
vertues , bi whiche a man come+t to +te seuene blessednesses .
Of +tes seuene askynges +te +tre first maken a man holy as he may be in
+tis world . (CMVICES4,104.153)
+Te foure afterward maken a man ri+gtful parfi+gtliche .
Al +te holinesse of a man or of a womman +tat is made to +te ymage of
+te trinite is vpon +tre +tinges +tat ben in +te soule : memorie ,
vnderstondyng , and wille . In +tat +tat a soule be parfi+gtliche
y-clensed in wille . Parfi+gtliche ali+gt in vnderstondyng .
Parfi+gtliche confermed in God and wi+t God in memorie .
And +te more plentyuousliche +te soule vnderfonge+t +tes +tre +tinges
of God , +te more propreliche sche nei+ghe+t to his propre fairenesse
of kynde , +tat is to +te liknesse of +te fadre and of +te sone and of
+te Holy Gost . (CMVICES4,104.156)
+Tat is whan God +te fadre conferme+t hym his memorie .
God +te sone conferme+t hym his vnderstondynge . (CMVICES4,104.158)
God +te Holi Gost clense+t hym his wille . (CMVICES4,104.159)
+Tes +tre +tinges we bidde+t in +te +tre first askynges of +te pater
noster ; (CMVICES4,104.160)
whan we seyn , ' Sanctificetur nomen tuum , ' we schewen to oure good
fadre curteisliche oure principal desir +tat we scholde euere-more haue
. +Tat is +tat his name be blessed and confermed in vs , +tan whan we
seyn ' sanctificetur nomen tuum . ' +Tat is to seye , +tat is oure
souereyn desire , and +tat bidde we ouer alle +ting , +tat +tin holy
name , +tat is +tin good renomee , +ti knowleche , +ti fey , be
confermed in vs . (CMVICES4,104.161)
In +tis first askyng we bidden +te first and +te principal +gefte of
+te Holy Gost , +tat is +te +gefte of wisdom , +tat bynt and halt
to-gidere +te herte in God , and ioyne+t so to hym +tat it ne may not
be vndo ne departed . (CMVICES4,104.162)
Wisdom is seid of kunnyng , +tat is sauer , +tat is to sauoure wel ;
for whan a man receyue+t +te +gefte , he taste+t & sauoure+t
and fele+t +te swetnesse of +te goode wyn , (CMVICES4,105.164)
and better is in his tast +tan in his si+gt . (CMVICES4,105.165)
But +tat +tou vnderstonde betere what is to seye ' +ti name be halewed
in vs , ' +tou schalt vnderstonde +tat +tilke name ' holy ' is as moche
as cler and wi+t-out er+te and y-halewed to +te seruice of God , as
y-died in blod and as y-confermede . (CMVICES4,105.166)
+Tus +te spirit of wisdom halewe+t +te herte in sixe maneres .
First he clense+t and make+t clene , as +te fier purge+t and fyne+t +te
gold . (CMVICES4,105.168)
After , he do+t awey +te er+te , +tat is of al wordeliche loue and of
alle fleschely affection , (CMVICES4,105.169)
and make+t al bicome fade , al +tat a man was woned to loue to-fore ,
as +te water +tat is fade to hym +tat is woned to drynke good wyn .
After , he halewe+t hym al to +te seruise of God , (CMVICES4,105.171)
for he drawe+t hym awey from alle besynesse (CMVICES4,105.172)
and sette hym al to serue God & +tenke on hym and loue hym and serue
hym , ri+gt as a chirche is halewed to +te seruise of God , where man
schal non o+ter +ting do but +te seruice of God . (CMVICES4,105.173)
After he deie+t hym in blod , (CMVICES4,105.174)
for he sette hym in so brennyng a loue and so swete deuocioun of Ihesu
Crist +t=t= whan he +tenke+t on hym and on his passion he is so deied
and dronke of +te precious blod +tat Ihesu Crist schedde for hym as is
a soppe of bred al hot whan a man put it in-to wyn . (CMVICES4,105.175)
+tis is a newe cristenyng , (CMVICES4,105.176)
for cristenynge and deiynge is al on . (CMVICES4,105.177)
After he conferme+t hym so in God +tat no+ting may parte hym ne vndo
hym . (CMVICES4,105.178)
Now +tan sei+t +tis word ' +ti name be halewed in vs , ' +tat is to
seye ' +gyue vs +te spirit of wisdom , ' bi whom we mowe be fyned as
gold and y-made clene of alle foulenesses , +turgh whom we mowe be so
dronke of +ti loue +tat alle o+tere loues ben bitter to vs , be whom we
ne ben not onliche y-wasche but y-deied in fyn skarlet and y-made newe
and cristened wi+t +te blod of Ihesu Crist bi deuocioun of brennyng
loue , wher-bi oure fadre be so confermed in vs +tat he be oure
fadre and we his sones and his eires , and so confermed +tat no +ting
+tat may falle mowe vndo +tis bonde ne +tis grace . (CMVICES4,106.179)
Gret grace is it of God whan +te wille of a man or a womman is so harde
and roted fast in God +tat he ne may not wawe for no temptacion ;
and wel gretter +ting is it whan a man is so affermed in +te loue and
so dronke in +te swetnesse of God +tat no solas ne counfort sauoure+t a
man nou+gt but onliche of hym . (CMVICES4,106.181)
And +tan is +te hert parfi+gtliche confermede whan +te memorie is so
y-woned to hym +tat he ne may no +ting +tenke on but onliche on hym .
And +tat bidde we hym whan we seyn ' sanctificetur nomen tuum ;
sire , +ti name be halewed in vs . ' (CMVICES4,106.184)
How a man schal vnderstonde ' Adueniat regnum tuum . '
' Adueniat regnum tuum ' is +te secunde askynge of +te pater noster ,
where we bidden +tat +te kyngdom of God come to vs . (CMVICES4,106.187)
Oure lord sei+t in +te gospel to his disciples , ' +Te kyngdom of God
is now wi+t-ynne +gow . ' (CMVICES4,106.188)
Now vnderstonde wel how +tis may be : (CMVICES4,106.189)
whan God +gyue+t a grace +tat men clepe+t +te spirit of vnderstondynge
in-to +te hertes , ri+gt as +te sunne do+t awey +te derkenesses of +te
ny+gt & waste+t +te clowdes and +te morwe dewes , ri+gt so waste+t +te
spirit al +te derkenisses of +te herte (CMVICES4,106.190)
and schewe+t hym his synnes and his defautes , so +tat he +tat wend he
hadde be alle clene fynde+t +tan so fele defautes and fil+tes & foule
dust wi+t-oute noumbre , as +te sunnebem schewe+t +te motes and +te
dust to hem +tat be+t in +te hous & biholde+t it . (CMVICES4,106.191)
After he schewe+t also , on +tat o+ter half , not onliche +tat $+tat is
wi+t-ynne hym , but also +tat +tat is vnder hym in helle , and +tat
+tat is aboue hym in heuene , and +tat +tat is abowte hym .
Alle +te faire creatures +tat alle +tanken God , (CMVICES4,106.193)
and +tilke witnessen how God is good and my+gty , wis , gret ,
debonere , and swete . (CMVICES4,107.194)
And +te bri+gter +tat a creature is , +te more $he coueite+t to see
hymself , (CMVICES4,107.195)
but he see+t wel +tat he is not wor+ty ne fyn to see hym .
& +tan a good herte wexe+t hot (CMVICES4,107.197)
and is wro+t wi+t hireself ; (CMVICES4,107.198)
+tan take+t he a pycoise and a scholue (CMVICES4,107.199)
and bigynne+t to delue and to myne , (CMVICES4,107.200)
and entre+t for+t wi+t-ynne +te hert (CMVICES4,107.201)
& fynde+t +tere so many synnes and wikkednesses and defautes , so moche
dust and motes and lettynges of herte , of +tenkynges and euele wille ,
+tat he wra+t+te+t hym and sorwe+t & take+t euele talent in his euele
lyuyng , so +tat he bigynne+t +tan to clense +te herte al an-ernest ,
and caste+t out alle +tes fil+tes +tat bynomen God +te sy+gt in hym .
And +tis do+t he wi+t +te scholue of verray schrift .
But whan he ha+t longe myned and y-cast out alle +tes foulnesses , +tan
fynde+t he pais and reste , solas and ioye , so moche +tat hym +tenke+t
+tat al +te world is but an helle , to regarde of +tilke bri+gtnesse
and +tilke pais +tat he fynt in his herte . (CMVICES4,107.204)
And +tis aske we whan we seyn ' adueniat regnum tuum , ' +tis is to
seye , ' faire fadre , +gif it be +ti wille , li+gt oure hertes wi+t
+te Holy Gost and clense hyre and make hire fair ' ; +tat sche be
wor+ti to see God , and +tat he mowe lust to come and dwelle as kyng ,
as lord , as gouernour , as comaundour , so +tat al be his and +tat he
be kyng and +tat we mowe euere-more see hym . (CMVICES4,107.205)
For +tat is to haue wi+t-ynne vs +te lif wi+t-outen ende and +te
kyngdom of God . (CMVICES4,107.206)
& +terfore sei+t oure lord in +te gospel +tat +te kyngdom of God is as
a tresour y-hid in +te feld , +tat is +te herte of a man , +tat is more
+tan al +te world . (CMVICES4,107.207)
How a man schal vnderstonde , ' Fiat voluntas tua sicut in celo
et in terra . ' (CMVICES4,107.209)
+tis is +te +tridde askynge , wher-ynne we bidde+t oure fadre of heuene
+tat his wille be fulfilled in vs as it is in heuene , +tat is as yn
holy aungeles +tat be+t in heuene and +tat be+t so ali+gt and
confermed in God +tat +tei mowe no+ting wilne but +tat God wole .
+tis boone mowe we not haue but we haue +te +gifte of conseil , +tat is
+te +tridde +gifte of +te Holy Gost , +tat teche+t his good wille
and +tat he turne oure wrecched wille and conferme it al holliche in-to
his good wille , so +t=t= in vs ne be nou+gt oure owne wittes ne oure
owne willes , but his onliche , and +tat his wille be lady of oure
hertes al holliche and do in vs al +tat he wole , ri+gt as he do+t and
is ydo in +te holy aungeles of heuene , +tat don euer-more his wille
wi+t-oute mystakyng and wi+t-out a+genseyinge . (CMVICES4,108.212)
Now hast +tou herde +te +tre first askynges of +te pater noster , +tat
be+t +te hei+gest and +te most wor+ty . (CMVICES4,108.213)
In +te first we asken +te +gefte of wisdom . In +te seconde +te +gefte
of vnderstondyng . In +te +tridde +te +gifte of counseil , as we haue
y-schewed a-boue . (CMVICES4,108.214)
+Tes +tre +tinges we bidde+t not for to haue hem in +tis dedliche lif
parfi+gtliche , (CMVICES4,108.215)
but we schewen to oure fadre oure desires +tat ben or scholde ben +tat
+tes +tre biddynges be do in vs and fulfilled in +te lif wi+t-out ende
. (CMVICES4,108.216)
+Tes o+tere foure +tat comen her-after we bidde+t al an-o+ter manere
+ting , (CMVICES4,108.217)
for we seyn al parfi+gtliche to oure fadre , ' +Geue vs ,
for+geue vs , (CMVICES4,108.219)
kepe vs , (CMVICES4,108.220)
delyuere vs . ' (CMVICES4,108.221)
For but we haue of hym +tes foure biddynges , we be+t dede and schent
in +tis world , (CMVICES4,108.222)
for +tei be+t nedeful in +tis dedliche lif . (CMVICES4,108.223)
How a man schal vnderstonde ' Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis
hodie . ' (CMVICES4,108.225)
Wel teche+t vs oure good maister to speke mekeliche and wisliche whan
he teche+t vs , ' Fair fader , oure euery daies bred +gyue vs to-day .
' (CMVICES4,108.226)
What may a sone lesse aske of +te fadre +tan bred , wi+t-oute more ,
for to dryue for+t +te day ? (CMVICES4,108.227)
He ne aske+t non outrage , no+ter wyn ne flesch ne fische ,
ne more ne bidde+t he not for +te +ger ne for al +te woke , but onliche
to dryue for+t +te day . (CMVICES4,108.229)
Now seme+t +tan it is ri+gt litle +ting +tat we bidde+t ,
but , forso+te , it is not so , (CMVICES4,108.231)
for we bidde+t many +tinges . (CMVICES4,109.232)
Whan men bidde+t an abbot +te bred of his abbey , men bidde+t hym part
of his bro+terhede and part and companye and ri+gt in alle +te goodes
of +te hous ; (CMVICES4,109.233)
ri+gt so is here whom +tat God graunte+t of his bred :
he ha+t bro+terehode and part and companye and ri+gt in alle +te goodes
of heuene , +tat is +te bred of +te blessed couent , +te bred of heuene
, +te bred of angeles , +te delitable bred , +te bred of lif wi+t-out
endynge , (CMVICES4,109.235)
for it +geue+t good lif (CMVICES4,109.236)
and kepe+t a man from de+t . (CMVICES4,109.237)
As so+tnesse sei+t in +te gospel : ' I am +te bred of lif +tat come
doun fro heuene ; (CMVICES4,109.238)
who-so ete of +tis bred , he schal lyue euere wi+t-out de+t . '
+tis bred is mete a-ri+gt , (CMVICES4,109.240)
for it staunge+t al +te hunger of +tis world (CMVICES4,109.241)
and fille+t a man so +tat he ha+t y-now ; (CMVICES4,109.242)
so do+t non o+ter bred ne o+ter mete . (CMVICES4,109.243)
+tis is +te bred and +te mete +tat +tou takest at +te sacrament of +te
auter , +tat +tou schalt ete hastliche & gloutliche , as holy writ
teche+t . As do+t +te lechour +te good mete , (CMVICES4,109.244)
for ow+ter-while he swolewe+t a good mossel wi+t-out chewynge .
+tis is to seye +tat +tou schalt take +tis mete wi+t grete brennynge
$of herte and wi+t gret desire , (CMVICES4,109.246)
and +tou schalt , as it were , swolewe it wi+t-oute schewynge . +Tat is
to vnderstande , bileue al a-gret +tat +tat is +te verrey body of Ihesu
Crist and his soule and +te Godhed al to-gidere , wi+t-out any sechyng
or +tenkyng how +tat may be , (CMVICES4,109.247)
for God may more do +tan any man may +tenke or vnderstonde .
After , +tou schalt chewe +tis mete newe , as +te oxe rounge+t +te gras
+tat he ha+t swolewed , +t=t= is to seye +tat a man or a womman schal
record swetliche and in smale peces be many smale +tou+gtes al +te
godnesses of oure lord and al +tat Ihesu Crist suffrid for vs ,
and +tan fynt +te herte ri+gt sauour in +tis mete (CMVICES4,109.250)
and renne+t in-to a gret loue of God and in-to a gret desire to do ynow
and suffre for hym al +tat he my+gt . (CMVICES4,109.251)
And al +tat do+t +te vertue of +tis bred , (CMVICES4,110.252)
for +tat is +te bred +tat conforte+t and strenk+te+t +te herte +tat
sche be wel strong to suffre and do grete +tinges for +te loue of God .
But +tis may not be wi+t-out +te fer+te +gefte of +te Holy Gost , +tat
is cleped +te +gefte of strenk+te , +tat arme+t Godes kny+gt and make+t
hym renne to martirdom and make+t hym li+ge in his turmentes .
Now maist +t=u= see how curteisliche , whan we asken +tis bred , we
asken +te +gifte of stryng+te , (CMVICES4,110.255)
for as bodiliche bred susteyne+t and strenk+te+t +te body , ri+gt so
+te +gifte of strenk+te make+t +te herte hardy to suffre and do grete
+tinges for +te loue of God . (CMVICES4,110.256)
+tis bred we clepen oure for it was made of oure dou+gh .
Blessed be +tilke good womman +tat leide for+t +te flour , +tat was +te
virgyne Marie . (CMVICES4,110.258)
It is oure ; (CMVICES4,110.259)
for vs it was y-bake and fried - bake in +te wombe of +te maide Marie
and y-fried in +te panne of +te cros , as it is so+t , +ge so+t ,
y-fried in his owne blod . (CMVICES4,110.260)
For +tat diede he in +te grete brennyng loue +tat he hadde to vs .
+tis is +te bisquit wher-wi+t he vitaile+t his schip , +tat is holi
chirche , for to passe wi+t +te grete see , out of +tis perilous world
. (CMVICES4,110.262)
He is oures , (CMVICES4,110.263)
for at his leue-takynge at his last testament he lefte vs Ihesu Crist
+te al-+ter largest , as for +te grettest , tresour +tat he my+gt lete
vs , (CMVICES4,110.264)
and +gyue vs hym for +te fairest juel +tat he my+gt +gyue vs and +tat
we scholde kepe for +te loue of hym and +tat we mowe euery daye haue in
remembraunce for loue of hym . (CMVICES4,110.265)
So+tely he is oures , (CMVICES4,110.266)
for +ter may no whi+gt bynyme hym vs a+gens oure wille .
We clepe+t hym oure echedaies bred , +tat is of euery day , for +tat is
+te eueridayes +gifte +tat God +gyue+t to his chanounes euery day +tat
don his seruice and syngen his oures , +tat is to alle goode hertes
+tat euery day swetliche and be verray loue maken memorie and
remembraunce of his passioun . (CMVICES4,110.268)
+Te gret prouendres we schulle take whan oure heruest come+t in heuene
, whan we seen hym al openliche in his fairenesse as he is .
+Terfor he is cleped cotidian , +tat is eueriday , (CMVICES4,111.271)
for eueriday scholde a man and womman take hym in +te sacrament of +te
auter , as do+t +te preste , or elles gostly bi ri+gt bileue .
+tis bred is ri+gt precious , ri+gt noble , and ri+gt wel adi+gt .
+tis is rial mete , wher-yn ben alle manere delices and alle goode
sauours , as sei+t +te boke of Wisdom . (CMVICES4,111.274)
+tis is no mete to +gyue knaues and pitaile ne to houndes ne to cherles
, but to noble hertes and gentile and curteis and clene , +tat is to
+te herte +tat is gentel bi grace , noble by good lif , clene and wel
y-wasche bi verray schrifte . (CMVICES4,111.275)
Of his vertue speke+t seynt Mathew +te wangelist (CMVICES4,111.276)
and clepe+t it siker bred substanciale , +tat is to saye it ouer-go+t
alle substaunces and alle creatures from fer in vertue and in dignite
and in alle manere wor+tynesses . (CMVICES4,111.277)
+Ter may no man betere discryue it ne more sufficiauntly but clepe it
siker bred substancial . (CMVICES4,111.278)
A man sei+t +tat mete is substancial whan +ter is ynne grete
norischynge and grete substaunce . (CMVICES4,111.279)
And +te more +tat men seyn +tat it is substancial , for in +tat is more
vertue and good and norture +tan any man may +tenke or seye . Men seyn
not onliche +tat it is substancial , but +tat it is siker and
substancial . (CMVICES4,111.280)
+tis is vertuous and substancial ouer alle +tenkenges and wenynges .
+tis bred bidde we (CMVICES4,111.282)
and asken of oure fadre (CMVICES4,111.283)
and bisechen hym he +geue it to vs +tis day , +tat is in +tis dedliche
lif , so +tat we mowe make a good iorneye and a-bide +te gladloker oure
mede , +tat is +te peny +tat he +gyue+t to his werke-men whan +tey
comen at euen , +tat is +te ende of here lif . (CMVICES4,111.284)
How a man schal vnderstonde ' Dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut
et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris . ' (CMVICES4,111.286)
In +tis askynge we bidde+t oure fadre of heuene +t=t= he wole for+geue
vs oure mysdedes , as we for+geue+t hem +tat han mysdo to vs ,
+tan seye we +tus : ' Faire fader , quyte vs oure dettes , as we
acquyten oure dettoures . ' (CMVICES4,112.288)
Oure dettes ben oure synnes +tat we han lete wexe in oure soules ;
+tat is +te best wed of al +te hous , wher-by a synful man or womman ,
for on dedly synne +tat so soone is do as to +te likynge and to +te
dede , is y-bounde in so gret vsure +tat ha+t non ende , +tat is +te
peyne of helle +tat is wi+t-outen ende . (CMVICES4,112.290)
And after , he schal to God , +tat he ha+t wra+t+ted , so gret amendes
+t=t= he ha+t no power to paie it , (CMVICES4,112.291)
for in al +tis lif , +tey+g he my+gt lyue an hundred wynter or more ,
he ne my+gt not do sufficiauntly penaunce for on dedly synne , +gif God
wolde vse ri+gtful iugement . (CMVICES4,112.292)
And +terfore vs bihoue+t to renne to +te court of mercy , and crie
mercye and aske for+geuenesse , (CMVICES4,112.293)
for as bi ri+gt of +te court of ri+gtwisnesse +te synful man or womman
scholde be dampned to de+t wi+t-out ende . (CMVICES4,112.294)
And +terfore oure good maister Ihesu Crist teche+t vs +tus to aske
for+geuenesse and acquitaunce whan we bidden oure good fadre , +tat is
swete and deboner to for+geue , large and curteis for to +geue , +tat
he for+geue vs oure mysdedes . (CMVICES4,112.295)
But take good hede how +tou biddest whan +tou seist ' for+geue vs oure
mysdedes , as we for+geuen hem +tat han mysdo to vs , '
for +gif we for+geue not to hem +tat han mysdo to vs , God ne wole not
for+geue vs oure mysdedes , (CMVICES4,112.297)
as he sei+t hymself in +te gospel : +Tat he +tat sei+t his pater noster
and kepe+t in his herte angre and felonie or wra+t+te , he bit more
a+gens hym +tan wi+t hym , (CMVICES4,112.298)
for he bidde+t to God +tat he for+geue hym not , (CMVICES4,112.299)
for he sei+t , ' for+geue me as I for+geue ' ; (CMVICES4,112.300)
and +terfore , as ofte as +tou seist +ti pater noster to-for God +tat
see+t wel +tin herte , +tou schal for+geue +ti maletalent and cast out
of +tin herte alle ire and hates and angrees . (CMVICES4,112.301)
& elles +ti biddyng is a+gens +tiself more +tan for +te .
+Gif it +tenke +te euele and hard to for+gyue +ti maletalent to hym
+tat hate+t +te or +tat wille+t +te euele or +tat ha+t y-do +te harme
or mysseid +te , +tenke +tat God for+geue his de+t to hem +tat
crucifiden hym , for to +geue +te ensaumple to for+geue to hym +tat
ha+t mysdo +te , and more +git to bidde for hem +tat God for+geue hem ,
and +git more to do hem good +gif +tei han myster of +te ,
for he sei+t in +te gospel , it is no grete +ting ne gret desert a+gens
God to do good to hem +tat do+t vs good , ne to louen hem +tat louen vs
, (CMVICES4,113.304)
for +tat don Iewes and sarezenes and o+tere synful folk .
But we +tat ben Goddes sones bi bileue and bi grace & ben cristene and
nempned of Ihesu Crist and ben heires of +te heritage wi+t hym of
paradis , we schul for+geue eueriche to o+ter and loue oure enemys ,
+tat is to seye here persones , and bidde for hem and do hem good +gif
+tei han nede and we mowe do it , (CMVICES4,113.306)
for so bit +te gospel , (CMVICES4,113.307)
and na+teles we schul hate onliche +te synnes and loue +te soules ,
+tat be+t made to +te ymage of oure lord , (CMVICES4,113.308)
and ri+gt as +tat on membre of +te body helpe+t +tat o+tere - +gif +tat
on herte+t +tat o+tere be an happe , +tat o+ter ne venge+t hym not
+terfore . (CMVICES4,113.309)
We ben alle on body in Ihesu Crist , as +te apostle sei+t ,
and +terfore we schulde loue euery o+tere . (CMVICES4,113.311)
And who-so do+t o+terwise , he is mansleer (CMVICES4,113.312)
& dampne+t hymself , as holy writ sei+t . (CMVICES4,113.313)
Suche kunne not seye here pater noster , (CMVICES4,113.314)
for it were better +tei helde hem stille , (CMVICES4,113.315)
for he take+t his juge a+gens hymself . (CMVICES4,113.316)
In +tis biddynge +tat we bisechen to God , we bidde+t hym a +gifte of
+te Holy Gost +tat is cleped +te +gefte of kunnynge , +tat is science ,
+tat make+t a man or a womman to be-+tenke hym wel and to be kunnyng .
+tis spirit schewe+t a man and womman what he is and what perel he is
ynne , and wheynnes he com and whidere he go+t , and what he ha+t y-do
& what he ha+t mysdo , and how wel he ha+t beleued and what he schal ;
and whan he see+t he ha+t not wher-of to make good , and +tan make+t
hym +tis spirit to wepe & seche and crie mercye to God , and seie , '
Sire , for+geue me my dettes , +tat is my synnes , (CMVICES4,113.319)
for I am mochel entedted a+gens +te , (CMVICES4,113.320)
and for +te wikkednesse +tat I haue do and +te good +tat I haue
leted and for+gete to do +tat I my+gt and schulde haue do , and for +te
good +tat +tou hast do me and +ti grete goodnesses +tat I haue alwey
receyued , whiche I haue euele deserued ; and +terfore , sire , I ne
haue not wherof to make paiement ; (CMVICES4,114.321)
for+geue me +tat I schal . ' (CMVICES4,114.322)
Whan +tis spirit ha+t so ali+gt hym +tat he knowleche+t his defautes ,
+tan make+t it hym caste out of his herte alle wra+t+te and angre , and
for+geue al his maletaulent +gif he haue any , (CMVICES4,114.323)
and +gif he ha+t non , he is in good wille to for+geue and any man
mysdo hym in tyme comynge ; (CMVICES4,114.324)
+tan may he wel seye , ' Faire fadre , for+geue vs oure mysdedes , as
we do+t to hem +tat han mysdo to vs . ' (CMVICES4,114.325)
How a man schal vnderstonde ' Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem
. ' (CMVICES4,114.327)
Who-so is y-scalded wi+t hote watre , he dowte+t +te more hot watre ;
and he +tat is on tyme falle in synne , and his synne be for+geue hym ,
he bicome+t +te more humble and meke and +te more dredeful ,
and more he is a-ferd of temptacion . (CMVICES4,114.330)
+Terfore he +tat God ha+t for+geue his synnes , he bidde+t +tat he kepe
+tat he falle not a+geyn , (CMVICES4,114.331)
and sei+t +tus : ' Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem . ' +Tat is to
seye , ' Faire swete fadre , lede vs not in-to temptacioun . '
+Te deuel is +te temptour , (CMVICES4,114.333)
for +tat is his crafte +tat he serue+t in +te hous of God for to assaie
wi+t +te newe kny+gttes ; (CMVICES4,114.334)
and +gif +tat temptacioun ne were good and profitable , +te goode God ,
+tat al make+t for oure profi+gt , ne wolde not suffre +tat it schold
come . (CMVICES4,114.335)
But , as seynt Bernard sei+t , whan +tis temptour smy+gt vs vp +te
rigge wi+t his hamer , he forge+t vs crounes of ioye , as he do+t +tat
smyt and lei+t on +te rigge of a good kny+gt , and forge+t hym loos and
pris and his ioye . (CMVICES4,114.336)
+Te deuel tempte+t a man to drawe hym from +te loue ;
+terfore seynt Poule bit to his disciples +tat +tei ben founded as a
tour and y-roted as a tree in charite , so +tat no temptacioun mowe
meue hym ne wagge hym . (CMVICES4,114.338)
+Terfore in +tis we bidden oure help of God to +tis bataile +te
+gifte of pite , +tat is a grace +tat bedewe+t +te herte and make+t
hire swete and pitous and make+t hire wexe al grene and bere fruy+gt
ynow of goode werkes , wi+t-oute and wi+t-ynne , and fastne+t his rotes
in +te er+te of lyueres , +tat is of hem +tat bere+t lif , +tat is also
y-cleped +te goode syment +tat men make+t wi+t +te walles sarizyneis ,
+tat no man may breke wi+t pike ne wi+t howe . (CMVICES4,115.339)
Whan we seyn , +tan , ' et ne nos inducas in temptacionem , ' +tat is
to seye , ' my swete fadre , make oure hertes hardy and stedefast +tat
+tei ne meue nou+gt for no temptacioun +tat may come to hem +turgh
helpe & grace of +te +gifte of +te spirit of pitee . ' We bidde+t not
+tat we ne be+t not y-tempted , (CMVICES4,115.340)
for +tat were a foles bidding and schamful , ri+gt as a goode mannes
sone +tat were newe made kny+gt wolde bidde his fadre and seide , '
Fair fadre , I beseche +te +tat +tou kepe me +tat I ne go neuere more
to turnement ne to poyntes of werre . ' (CMVICES4,115.341)
We scholde welne to be tempted , (CMVICES4,115.342)
for it is oure profi+gt in many maneres , (CMVICES4,115.343)
for we ben +te more meke and more dredful and +te more asaied ;
for as Salamon sei+t , ' Who-so ha+t not be tempted , he may no +ting
wite ari+gt , ' but as men wite+t of +te bataile of Troie bi heryng
telle , (CMVICES4,115.345)
for he may not knowe hymself ne his siknesse ne his stryng+te of his
enemys ne here slei+gtes , ne how trwe God is at nede to helpe his
frend , ne from how many pereles he ha+t ofte y-kept hym ;
and for alle +tis resones he ne schal neuere wel kunne loue God ne
+tanke God of his goodes . (CMVICES4,115.347)
But we bidden hym +tat he kepe oure hertes +tat +tey ne entre not in-to
temptacioun , +tat is +tat +tei consent not , (CMVICES4,115.348)
for as a+gens oureself we ben so pore and so feble +tat we ne my+gt
neuere an houre of a day suffre +te assaut of +te deuel wi+t-out help
of oure lord , (CMVICES4,115.349)
& whan he faile+t vs we fallen yn a-swi+te , (CMVICES4,115.350)
& whan he helpe+t vs we wi+tstonde+t and fi+gtte+t & ouercomen ;
and +terfore seye we , ' faire fadre , lede not vs in-to
temptacioun . ' (CMVICES4,116.352)
How a man schal vnderstonde ' Set libera nos a malo , amen . '
Seynt Austeyn sei+t +tat alle o+tere vices , o+ter +tei maken vs to do
euele , o+ter +tei letten vs to do wel ; (CMVICES4,116.355)
but al +tat euere a man ha+t ydo and alle +te +giftes +tat a man ha+t
y-purchased , pride is a-boute and hope+t to destroie and byneme .
And +terfore whan God ha+t +geue a man +tat he ha+t praied hym in +te
seuene askynges tofore seid , +tan is it first tyme to praie hym
a-nernest +tat he delyuere hym of yuele and of his anguissches ;
and +terfore come+t +tis askynge as +te rere-warde , +tat sei+t +tus :
' Set libera nos a malo , amen , ' +tat is to seie , ' faire fadre ,
delyuere vs of euele , ' +tat is to seye of +te deuel and of his
slei+gtes , ' +tat we lese not bi pride +te +giftes +tat +tou hast
+geue vs . ' (CMVICES4,116.358)
In +tis askynge we bisechen hym he +geue vs +te +gefte of holy drede ,
bi whom we mowe be delyuered of +te schrewe and of alle o+tere euel ,
+tat is of alle synnes and of periles , in +tis world and in +tat
o+tere , (CMVICES4,116.359)
amen . (CMVICES4,116.360)
' And so be it as we haue seid , ' (CMVICES4,116.361)
+tat is +tis word ' amen ' to seye . (CMVICES4,116.362)
Now hast +tou herd +te notes +tat men were woned to noten vpon +tis
clene song +tat God made , +tat is +te pater noster ;
now loke +tat +tou kunne wel synge it in +tin herte for grete good +tat
+tou my+gt haue +terby . (CMVICES4,116.364)