Information on cmkempe.m4

PPCME2 information

Text name The Book of Margery Kempe
File name cmkempe.m4
Manuscript Ms. in possession of Butler-Bowdon family
Date c1450 (probably before)
Dialect East Midlands (Lynn, Norfolk?)
Genre Religious treatise
Edition Meech, Sanford B. and Hope E. Allen. 1940. The Book of Margery Kempe, Vol. 1. EETS O.S. 212. London: Oxford University Press.
Sample Pp. 1-154, 221-232

Margery Kempe was born in 1373. She was apparently illiterate, and her book was actually written by two amanuenses, the first an Englishman long resident in Germany, and the second, a priest. The whole was then copied by a scribe, Salthows. According to Meech, the linguistic patterns are those of the priest, whose origin is unknown although he was resident in Lynn, Norfolk. The language of the book is similar to Norfolk in the phonological patterns but not so much in the morphology.

Helsinki Corpus information

File name CMKEMPE
Text identifier M4 IR RELT KEMPE
Text name MKEMPE
Period M4
Date of original 1420-1500
Date of manuscript 1420-1500
Contemporaneity CONTEMP
Dialect EMO
Verse or prose PROSE
Text type REL TREAT
Relationship to foreign original X
Foreign original X
Relationship to spoken language WRITTEN
Sex of author FEMALE
Age of author X
Social rank of author X
Audience description X
Participant relationship X
Interaction X
Setting X
Prototypical text category INSTR REL