Information on cmmirk.m34

PPCME2 information

Text name Mirk's Festial
File name cmmirk.m34
Manuscript Gough Eccl. Top. 4, Bodleian Library, Oxford
Date a1500 (a1415)
Dialect West Midlands (Shropshire?)
Genre Sermons
Edition Erbe, Theodore. 1905. Mirk's Festial: A collection of homilies, by Johannes Mirkus (John Mirk). Part I. EETS E.S. 96. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.
Sample Pp. 1.4-5.36, 82.9-85.10

A free reworking of the Legenda Aurea (a sermon cycle written in Latin about 1260-1270 by Jacobus a Voragine), with many additions from the Gesta Romanorum and comments, as well as two sermons from local sources. It is a full festival sermon cycle with many narrations, much of it apparently from local oral tradition.

Helsinki Corpus information

File name CMMIRK
Text identifier M3/4 IR SERM MIRK
Text name FESTIAL
Period M3/4
Date of original 1350-1420
Date of manuscript 1420-1500
Contemporaneity NON-CONTEMP
Dialect WMO
Verse or prose PROSE
Text type SERMON
Relationship to foreign original X
Foreign original X
Relationship to spoken language X
Sex of author MALE
Age of author X
Social rank of author PROF
Audience description X
Participant relationship X
Interaction X
Setting X
Prototypical text category INSTR REL