Information on cmvices4.m34

PPCME2 information

Text name The Book of Vices and Virtues
File name cmvices4.m34
Manuscript HM 147, Huntington Library, San Marino, CA
Date c1450 (c1400)
Dialect East Midlands (with Southern mix, also some connection to North)
Genre Religious treatise
Edition Francis, Winthrop N. 1942. The book of vices and virtues: A fourteenth century English translation of the Somme le roi of Lorens D'Orléans. EETS O.S. 217. London: Oxford University Press.
Sample Pp. 97.8-116.25

A translation of the French work Somme le Roi (also known as Le Somme des Vices et des Virtues, Li Libres Roiaux de Vices et de Vertues, Le Livre des Commandmens, Le Miroir du Monde). The Ayenbite of Inwyt is an earlier translation of the same work.

Helsinki Corpus information

File name CMVICES4
Text identifier M3/4 IR RELT VICES4
Text name VICES AND V 4
Author X
Period M3/4
Date of original 1350-1420
Date of manuscript 1420-1500
Contemporaneity CONTEMP
Dialect EML
Verse or prose PROSE
Text type REL TREAT
Relationship to foreign original TRANSL
Foreign original FRENCH
Relationship to spoken language WRITTEN
Sex of author X
Age of author X
Social rank of author X
Audience description X
Participant relationship X
Interaction X
Setting X
Prototypical text category INSTR REL