Annotation manual for the PPCME2, PPCEME, and PCEEC
Beatrice Santorini
Release 1 (March 2005)
The annotation guidelines in this manual are based on an earlier
version, written by Ann Taylor in connection with the second edition of
the Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English. The current version
supersedes the earlier one and is intended to apply to the following
The annotation of the PPCME2 differs
slightly from that of the PPCEME/PCEEC.
I thank the following institutions and individuals for their support
and assistance:
- The National Endowment for the Humanities for financial support
under NEH Grant PA 23382-99, "Creating an electronic parsed corpus of
Early Modern English."
- The National Science Foundation for financial support under NSF
Grant BCS 99-05488, "The emergence of Modern English syntax."
- The users of the PPCME2 for their financial support in purchasing
the corpus.
- Tony Kroch and especially Ann Taylor for many helpful discussions
concerning the guidelines for the PPCME2 and their adaptation to modern