Materials remain the property of the original copyright holder, whether or not specific further notice to that effect is given. For additional resources, please see Linguistic Resources in the MSU Libraries: Corpora.

[UP]  Parent Directory
[FILE]  at-work.gif
252 Bytes
[FILE]  byland2-3.gif
52.7 KB
[FILE]  caution.gif
173 Bytes
[FILE]  contacts.gif
655 Bytes
[FILE]  corpusannotation.gif
617 Bytes
[FILE]  corpussearch.gif
578 Bytes
[FILE]  hand.gif
164 Bytes
[FILE]  orderform.gif
532 Bytes
[FILE]  othercorpora.gif
563 Bytes
[FILE]  ppceme.gif
550 Bytes
[FILE]  ppcme2.gif
541 Bytes
[FILE]  scribe4.gif
11.7 KB
[FILE]  scribe4a.gif
12 KB
[FILE]  scribe4filler.gif
1.1 KB
[FILE]  scribe5.gif
15.1 KB
[FILE]  scribe6.gif
15.1 KB
[FILE]  scribe7.gif
15.1 KB
[FILE]  scribe8.gif
15.1 KB