;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 1: Name of Standard Directory to be used ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 2: Name of first database to be loaded ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 3: Name of second database to be loaded ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 4: Name of third database to be loaded ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 5: Name of fourth database to be loaded ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 6: Use index when processing database? 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 7: Select index to use when processing database? 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 8: Re-index database on loading? 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 9: Number of field in database for index 1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 10: Required national format for sorting 1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 11: Required date format for directory listings 4 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 12: Required date format for text insertion 5 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 13: Number of spaces per tab 4 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 14: Show formatting automatically (tabs and line ends) 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 15: First row for text in editor; 2 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 16: No. for user font activation. 8 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 17: Name of User Font (leave line empty if none is desired) LTXT_CHR.VGA ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 18: For VGA 50-line 80 column display mode, type `1' ; For VGA 30-line 80 column display mode, type `2' ; For VGA 30-line 90 column display mode, type `3' ; For default 25 lines by 80 columns, type 0 3 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 19: Use split screen during database editing no ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 20: First column for field display in full screen mode. 11 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 21: Use grey instead of blue for background in text editor 1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 22: Use grey instead of blue for background in browse mode 1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 23: Colour combination for full screen editing of databases 3 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 24: Use Word Wrap in text editor? 1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 25: Which port to be used? 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 26: Which printer to be used? 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 27: Name of printer command file 12_GOTH.PCF ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 28: Which font is to be used (depends on printer). 1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 29: Print line numbers on left of page? 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 30: Print header on top of page? 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 31: Print header on first page? 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 32: Print footer on bottom of page? 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 33: Name of header/footer file ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 34: Length of printed text page in lines 58 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 35: Number of printed lines per inch on page 6 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 36: Block justify text on printing? 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 37: Width of printed line (also the value used for Word Wrap) 78 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 38: Width of left margin 8 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 39: String for selecting download font in printer: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 40: String for de-selecting download font in printer: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 41: Initial string to be sent to printer before print job 05 49 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 42: Initial page number (default is 1) 1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 43: Redirect printer output ? (enter name of disk file!) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 44: Load batch file on starting? (leave line empty for none) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 45: File to load directly on pressing Ctrl-Tab DBPAGE.$$$ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 46: Name of batch file list displayed on pressing LEXA.BFG ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 47: Name of sorting and search file (.CEF file) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 48: Name of default Lines Clipboard file MY_LINES.LCL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 49: Name of default Alt Macro file MY_LINES.ALT ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 50: Use monochrome display irrespective of video hardware? no ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 51: Use single codes for formatting attributes? yes ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 52: Name of user font chart (activated with Alt-Space) LTXT_CHR.CHT ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 53: Use screen saver when computer is idling? 15 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 54: Name of programme used as screen saver _INT_SS ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 55: Accept colour values from configuration file? no ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 56: Display clock in bottom left corner? (default = yes) yes ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 57: Automatically load standard font for normal display? yes ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 58: Name of standard font for 25-line display SANSERIF.VGA ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 59: Name of standard font for 50-line display SANS_8X8.VGA ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 60: Use Shift + Vertical Arrows to mark text (rather than lines) yes ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 61: Use SpaceBar to flip between databases (normally letter search)? yes ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 62: Display file bar on bottom of screen in text editor? yes ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 63: Use ASCII symbol as mouse cursor, enter number of symbol ; 0 = just reverse colour block 27 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 64: Use inverse colour for mouse cursor? no ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 65: File extension for text files (SDF or Delimited). DTX ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 66: Name of repository file for automatic storage of a text block LEXA.HLD ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 67: Name of directory where repository file is stored C:\ ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 68: Sound a short click with each keystroke? no ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Items 69,70,71: There follow now three entries which refer to what fields ; are entered into a .DBD text when you press Alt-A. Up to three fields are ; possible. These are preceded by comment character `;' so that they will not ; be entered into a Database Document File when this is generated during ; report form export of database data to text. ; 1 5 9 ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 72: Use Ramdrive as repository for screen fonts and charts? ; If you enter a letter here, it is taken as that of the Ramdrive ; and Database Text will look for Items 17, 52, 58, 59 ; in the root directory of this drive. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 73: Name of second user font file ; EXT_FONT.VGA ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 74: Name of second user font chart (activated with Alt-Tilde) ; EXT_FONT.CHT ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 75: Display file column on right edge of screen in text editor? ; yes ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 76: The interval in minutes at which loaded texts are to be saved ; 10 ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 77: Number of files to automatically save. ; 16 ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 78: Erase backup file(s) on exiting DbTxt normally? ; yes ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 79: Show information on file when saving? ; yes ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 80: Allow Windows-style keystrokes (only applies to keypresses, NOT ; to menu selections) ; ; Windows Kwik Text Function ; ; Ctrl-S = Ctrl-F12 = Save text ; ; Ctrl-A = F4, Ctrl-PgDn = Select entire text ; ; Ctrl-C = Return, F4 = Copy text TO buffer ; Ctrl-X = Bkspace, Ctrl-F4 = Move text TO buffer ; Ctrl-V = Alt-F12, Ctrl-X = Copy text FROM buffer ; ; Ctrl-Z = F6 = Retrieve deleted text ; ; Ctrl-G = Ctrl-Home = Goto line ; ; Note that Ctrl-F is always activates the command for `Find string' ; yes ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 81: Use X-Card display when browse viewing records? ; yes ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 82: Name of address database shown on pressing Shift-Back ; F:\DBS\ADDRESS\MY_ADDRS.DBF ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 83: Windows font to be triggered by Font 5 when converted to RTF file ; Use name as this appears in the font list of your word processor ; SILDoulos IPA93 ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 84: Windows font to be triggered by Font 6 when converted to RTF file ; Use name as this appears in the font list of your word processor ; Wingdings ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 85: Name of programme to be loaded on pressing Alt-GreyMinus ; 86: Is this a Lexa Group file? ; LTEXT /I yes ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 87: Name of programme to be loaded on pressing Alt-GreyPlus ; 88: Is this a Lexa Group file? ; LF /I yes ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Item 89: Do you want to block the filtering of specific Kwik codes? ; ; 0 = Filter all Kwik codes ; (default state, all formatting will be shown) ; 1 = Only filter below no.32 ; (partial filter, allows all font and word attributes) ; 2 = Do not filter any codes ; (no specific Kwik attributes can be shown) ; 0 ; ; End of File