E01 0010 @ Too often a beginning bodybuilder has to do his training secretly E01 0020 either because his parents don't want sonny-boy to "lift all E01 0030 those old barbell things" because "you'll stunt your growth" E01 0040 **h or because childish taunts from his schoolmates, like "Hey **h E01 0050 lookit Mr& America **h whaddya gonna do with all those muscles (of E01 0060 which he has none at the time)"? After all, a guy's gotta E01 0070 have a little ego! Therefore it's a genuine pleasure E01 0080 to tell you about an entirely happy bodybuilder who has had E01 0090 to train in secret **h has heard one unkind word from his parents E01 0100 **h and has been taunted by his schoolmates! E01 0110 This happy, always smiling lad with the sunny disposition is our new E01 0120 - Henri de Courcy. Far from discouraging E01 0130 Henri, his parents urge him on to greater and greater accomplishments. E01 0140 Instead of admonishing him to let the weights alone they E01 0150 personally took him to that master Montreal bodybuilding authority, E01 0160 Professor Roland Claude. And they couldn't have entrusted E01 0170 Henri to better hands because "le professeur" knows his muscles E01 0180 from the of the neck right down to the of the leg **h and better still, he knows just what E01 0200 exercises work best for them and what Weider principles to combine E01 0210 them with for fast, muscle growth. That's because the E01 0220 good professor teaches only Weider methods at his famous Montreal E01 0230 Health Studio which is located at 1821 Mt& Royal East in Montreal. E01 0240 Undoubtedly you have read the case histories of some of his prize-winning E01 0250 pupils (every pupil has a physique title of some kind or other). E01 0260 There's Gaetan d'Amours who is our newest E01 0270 **h Jean-Paul Senesac, whose story appeared here two issues ago E01 0280 **h Jack Boissoneault, who was with us last month **h Charles Harve, E01 0290 who recently won the "Most Muscular Man" subdivision award E01 0300 in the {Mr& Canada} event **h and a host of others. Yesiree **h E01 0310 the professor knows his muscles! Now when Henri was just E01 0320 12 he was only 4' 10'' tall and weighed an astounding 72 pounds, E01 0330 and his greatest desire was to pack on some weight. About that time E01 0340 he began reading {Mr& America} and {Muscle Builder} E01 0350 and he learned of the famous Weider way to fast weight gaining. Seeing E01 0360 so many illustrations and reading so many testimonials to the value E01 0370 of {Quick-Wate} and {Super-Protein}, those two wonder-working E01 0380 Weider food supplements, he decided to try them and see what they E01 0390 could do for him. Well, sir **h they did real great! For E01 0400 in almost less time than it takes to tell it, Henri's bodyweight was E01 0410 increasing rapidly. Of course he did some exercising **h he's crazy E01 0420 about water skiing and swimming and this vigorous exercise in conjunction E01 0430 with the added food supplements packed pounds of solid muscle E01 0440 on his skinny frame. Henri has always had shapely legs from swimming E01 0450 and water skiing and really doesn't have to work them very much. E01 0460 But he was totally dissatisfied with his upper body. It was muscular E01 0470 but it wasn't symmetrical. "A real 'nothing' torso", says E01 0480 Henri. "It never seemed to widen **h it just got longer and longer". E01 0490 That's when he went to Professor Claude. And at E01 0500 once Claude saw what the trouble was and he knew just how to correct E01 0510 it. In his gym the professor has some of the most "knocked out" equipment E01 0520 since Vic Tanny. Mr& Claude is a specialist in torso development E01 0530 and he has long favored the now-famous Weider {Push-Pull E01 0540 Super-Set} technique in which one exercise of the Super-Set is E01 0550 a {pressing} or "pushing" movement which accents one sector of E01 0560 a muscle group in a specific way, followed by a "pulling" exercise E01 0570 which works the opposing sector of the same muscle group. So E01 0580 right away Claude introduced Henri to his famous "moon" bench E01 0590 and proceeded to teach him his first Push-Pull Super-Set consisting E01 0600 of the wide-grip Straight-Arm Pullover (the "pull" part of the E01 0610 Push-Pull Super-Set) which dramatically widens the ribcage and E01 0620 strongly affects the muscles of the upper back and chest **h and the E01 0630 collar-to-collar Bench Press which specifically works on the chest to E01 0640 build those wide, Reeves-type "gladiator" ~pecs, while stimulating E01 0650 the upper ~lats and frontal deltoids. As you can see, E01 0660 in this Push-Pull Super Set the entire chest-back-shoulder area is E01 0670 vigorously exercised in alternate sectors by alternate exercises **h so E01 0680 the complete torso remains pumped-up all the time! Now when E01 0690 Henri has completed four complete Push-Pull Super-Sets No& 1, E01 0700 the professor allows him about a five-minute rest period before starting E01 0710 him on four complete Push-Pull Super-Sets No& 2. Super-Set E01 0720 No& 2 is made up of similar exercises, but this time done E01 0730 with dumbbells, and using both "moon" and flat benches. The "push" E01 0740 exercise of this Push-Pull Super-Set is the Bench Press done E01 0750 with elbows well pulled back and with a greater downward stretch of E01 0760 the pectorals not possible with the barbell variation. You need the E01 0770 barbell variation to build width and mass in the ~pecs **h the dumbbell E01 0780 variation develops a most classically sculptured outline to the ~pecs. E01 0790 The "pull" exercise in this Super-Set is the one-dumbbell E01 0800 Bent-Arm Pullover. E01 0810 (Note how strongly E01 0820 the upper ~lats and serratus are worked in this fine exercise E01 0830 because of the pin-point concentration of force which the dumbbell variation E01 0840 affords). In the third Push-Pull Super-Set the "push" E01 0850 exercise is the widegrip Pushup Between Bars, while the "pull" E01 0860 exercise is the Moon Bench Lateral Raise with bent arms. E01 0870 The Pushup done in this manner is the greatest pectoral-ribcage E01 0880 stretcher ever invented! This is true {only} if a very wide grip E01 0890 is used and {only} when the {greatest possible stretch} is E01 0900 achieved. You'll know when you've made the greatest stretch because E01 0910 your shoulder blades will touch! As you see, the professor has designed E01 0920 a piece of apparatus that {forces} the bodybuilder to use E01 0930 a w-i-d-e grip **h he has to; he just can't do anything about it at E01 0940 all! But as you can also see, it's not a painful exercise E01 0950 at all, because Henri de Courcy- the "happy" bodybuilder- E01 0960 looks as though he were having the time of his life! The last E01 0970 exercise of Roland Claude's prescribed program for Henri is a single E01 0980 exercise, done in individual sets with a bit longer pause between E01 0990 sets. By this time Henri's entire chest-back-~lat-shoulder area E01 1000 is pumped-up to almost bursting point, and Claude takes time to E01 1010 do a bit more pectoral-front deltoid shaping work. He has Henri do E01 1020 from four to six sets of the Incline Bench Press (note the high incline). E01 1030 This gives a wide flare to the ~pecs, causing them to flow E01 1040 dramatically upward into deltoids and dramatically downward into the E01 1050 serratus and ~lats. This is the kind of chest that invariably E01 1060 wins contests **h that steel-edged "carved-out-of-solid rock" looks E01 1070 of the great champions. So with four complete Push-Pull E01 1080 Super-Sets No& 1, four of No& 2, four of No& 3 and four to E01 1090 six sets of the Incline Bench Press, you can see that Henri de Courcy E01 1100 has had a terrific mass-building, muscle-shaping, torso-defining E01 1110 workout that cannot be improved upon. E01 1120 @ Physique contests are rarely won on muscle size alone **h E01 1130 rarer still is a or of true Herculean E01 1140 build. The aspects of physical development that catch the judges' E01 1150 eyes and which rightfully influence their decisions are symmetry E01 1160 and that hallmark of the true champion- E01 1161 of the muscles. E01 1170 Now definition is one thing that all of us can E01 1180 acquire with occasional high-set, high-rep, light-weight workouts. E01 1190 But definition- that dramatic muscular separation of every E01 1200 muscle group that seems as though it must have been carved by a sculptor's E01 1210 chisel- is something quite different. This comes not alone E01 1220 from high-set, high-rep training, but from certain definition-specialization E01 1230 exercises which the champion selects for himself with the knowledge E01 1240 of exactly what works best for . Often these exercises E01 1250 work well for some bodybuilders but less spectacularly for others. E01 1260 Because they are "minority" exercises and have but a limited E01 1270 appeal they soon find themselves in the limbo of the forgotten. Only E01 1280 when the newest or rediscovers E01 1290 them and puts them into practice are we reacquainted with them and E01 1300 once again see how effective they really are. The exercise I E01 1310 shall discuss in this- the first of a new series of articles on muscle E01 1320 definition-specialization of a particular body part- is the One E01 1330 Leg Lunge. Why it was ever forgotten for even a moment I cannot say E01 1340 because it works perfectly for , no matter whether he has E01 1350 short or long thigh-bone lengths! It is the one exercise E01 1360 that drastically influences the definition of the thighs at the {hipline}- E01 1370 that mark of the champion that sets him apart from all other E01 1380 bodybuilders **h a criterion of muscle "drama" that is unforgettable E01 1390 to judges and audiences alike **h the facet of muscular development E01 1400 that wins prizes. Definition of the thighs at the uppermost E01 1410 part is quite commonly seen in most championship Olympic lifters which E01 1420 is easily understandable. The One Leg Lunge is a {split} and E01 1430 all lifters practice this in their regular workouts. But for E01 1440 purely definition purposes- used in conjunction with your regular E01 1450 Squatting, Leg Curling, Leg Extensor programs- a heavy weight is E01 1460 not needed. Indeed, a lighter weight works much better because a greater, E01 1470 more extensive split can be performed. Used in several sets of E01 1480 high reps once or twice each week it will not be long before your entire E01 1490 upper leg takes on a razor-sharp definition in which the muscles look E01 1500 like wire cables writhing and twisting under the skin! Really E01 1510 there is no reason why this fine exercise should not find its way E01 1520 into your leg program at all times, for the following suggestions show E01 1530 why it is so effective: _1._ It's a {complete} thigh contraction-extension E01 1550 exercise. _2._ It places terrific tension on E01 1560 the leg muscles from start to finish of each repetition. _3._ It E01 1570 improves over-all balance and control for the bodybuilder, and helps E01 1580 to make Squats more easily and more correctly performed. _4._ It E01 1590 increases flexibility of the legs. _5._ It speeds muscle growth E01 1600 and power development even for the {advanced} bodybuilder because E01 1610 each hip and leg is exercised separately, thus enabling a massive, concentrated E01 1620 effort to be focused on each. You'll need your Weider E01 1630 Power Stands for this fine exercise and here's the way it's E01 1640 done: _1._ Place your Power Stands in position and adjust their E01 1650 height so that this will correspond to the height of your shoulders E01 1660 when you are in a deep leg split as for a heavy Clean. _2._ Place E01 1670 a suitably-loaded barbell across them; grasp the bar (which will E01 1680 rest against the back of your neck); extend your feet forward and E01 1690 backward until you are in a deep leg split. Now raise the weight E01 1700 by {straightening} your {front} leg, {without moving your E01 1710 feet}. When the front knee is straight and {locked}, allow it E01 1720 to bend again until you feel the bar come lightly into contact with the E01 1730 sides of the Power Stands. _3._ After you have taken a breather, E01 1740 {reverse} the position of your legs so that the {front} thigh E01 1750 of the {previous} exercise is now to the {rear}, and the E01 1760 {rear} thigh now to the {front}, and perform the same movement E01 1770 in the same manner. That's the One-Leg Lunge in a nutshell. E01 1780 You should have a couple of training partners to stand by when you E01 1790 make your first E01 1800 experiments **h just for safety. You should also begin E01 1810 this exercise with a very light barbell until you become accustomed E01 1820 to it balance-wise. Oh, you'll wobble and weave quite a bit E01 1830 at first. But don't worry. Before your first training experiment E01 1840 has ended there will be a big improvement and almost before you know it E01 1850 you'll be raising and lowering yourself just like a veteran! E01 1860 Although I suggested that you hold the bar at the {back} of E01 1870 the neck there's no reason why you shouldn't make some experiments E01 1880 with the bar held in {front} of the neck. Squat-style lifters and E01 1890 leg-split lifters would both benefit enormously by practicing those E01 1900 variations providing that they remember to make alternate sets with the E01 1910 {left} and {right} leg to the {front}. E02 0010 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL bed of pansies I've seen was in a South E02 0020 Dakota yard on a sizzling day. Pansies are supposed to like it E02 0030 cool, but those great velvety flowers were healthy and perky in the glaring E02 0040 sun. I sought out the gardener and asked him what he did to produce E02 0050 such beauties in that weather. He seemed puzzled by my question. E02 0060 "I just love them", he said. The more I talked with him, E02 0070 the more convinced I became that that was the secret of their riotous E02 0080 blooming. Of course his love was expressed in intelligent care. E02 0090 He planted the pansy seeds himself, buying them from a pansy specialist. E02 0100 These specialists, I learned, have done a great deal of work to E02 0110 improve the size and health of the plants and the resulting flowers. Their E02 0120 seeds produce vigorous blooming plants half again the size of the E02 0130 unimproved strains. I asked him if he took seeds from his own E02 0140 plants. Occasionally, when he had an unusual flower that he wanted E02 0150 more of he did; but pansy seeds, he told me, soon "run down". It's E02 0160 best to buy them fresh from a dealer who is working to improve them. E02 0170 His soil was "nothing special", just prairie land, but E02 0180 he had harrowed in compost until it was loose, spongy and brown-black. E02 0190 I fingered it and had the feeling of adequacy that comes with the E02 0200 right texture, tilth and body. It isn't easy to describe it, but every E02 0210 gardener knows it when his fingers touch such soil. Nothing E02 0220 is easier to grow from seed than pansies. They germinate quickly, the E02 0230 tiny plants appearing in a week, and grow along lustily. It doesn't E02 0240 really matter which month of the year you sow them, but they germinate E02 0250 best when they have a wide variation of temperature, very warm followed E02 0260 by cool in the same 24 hours. I like to make a seedbed E02 0270 right in the open, though many people start them successfully in cold E02 0280 frames. Pansies don't have to be coddled; they'd rather have things E02 0290 rugged, with only moderate protection on the coldest days. If you E02 0300 do use a cold frame be sure that its ventilation is adequate. E02 0310 For my seedbed I use good garden soil with a little sand added to E02 0320 encourage rooting. I dig it, rake it smooth, sow the seeds and wet them E02 0330 down with a fog spray. Then I cover the sowing with a board. This E02 0340 keeps it cool and moist and protects it from birds. Ants carry away E02 0350 the seeds so better be sure that there are no ant hills nearby. E02 0360 When the first sprinkling of green appears I remove the board. A E02 0370 light, porous mulch applied now keeps the roots cool and the soil soft E02 0380 during these early days of growth. I like sawdust for this, or hay. E02 0390 When they have 4 to 6 leaves and are thrifty little plants, it's E02 0400 time to set them out where they are to remain. Every time you transplant E02 0410 a pansy you cause its flowers to become smaller. The moral is: E02 0420 don't transplant it any oftener than you must. As soon as they E02 0430 are large enough to move, I put mine 9 inches apart where they are E02 0440 to bloom. I put a little scoop of pulverized phosphate rock or steamed E02 0450 bone meal into each hole with the plant. That encourages rooting, and E02 0460 the better developed the roots, the larger and more plentiful the flowers. E02 0470 Pansies are gluttons. I doubt if it is possible to overfeed E02 0480 them. I spade lots of compost into their bed; lacking that, E02 0490 decayed manure spread over the bed is fine. One year I simply set the E02 0500 plants in the remains of a compost pile, to which a little sand had E02 0510 been added, and I had the most beautiful pansies in my, or any of my E02 0520 neighbors' experience. In addition to the rich soil they benefit by E02 0530 feedings of manure water every other week, diluted to the color of weak E02 0540 tea. As a substitute for this, organic fertilizer dissolved in water E02 0550 to half the strength in the directions, may be used. They E02 0560 need mulch. We put a light mulch over the seedlings; now we must use E02 0570 a heavy one. Three inches of porous material will do a good job of E02 0580 keeping weeds down and the soil moist and cool. When winter comes E02 0590 be ready with additional mulch. I like hay for this and apply it E02 0600 so that only the tops of the plants show right after a good frost. That E02 0610 keeps in the cold, retains moisture and prevents the heaving of alternate E02 0620 freezing and thawing. Don't miss the pansies that appear E02 0630 from time to time through the winter. Whenever there is a thaw or E02 0640 a few sunny days, you'll be likely to find a brave little blossom or E02 0650 two. If those aren't enough for you, why not grow some just for winter E02 0660 blooming? The pansies I cherished most bloomed for me in February E02 0670 during a particularly cold winter. I started the seed in a flat E02 0680 in June and set out the little pansies in a cold frame. (An unheated E02 0690 greenhouse would have been better, if I had had one.) The plants E02 0700 took zero nights in their stride, with nothing but a mat of straw over E02 0710 the glass to protect them. In response to the lengthening days of February E02 0720 they budded, then bloomed their 4-inch velvety flowers. That E02 0730 cold frame was my morale builder; its mass of bright bloom set in a E02 0740 border of snow made my spirits rise every time I looked at it. Like E02 0750 strawberries in December, pansies are far more exciting in February E02 0760 than in May. Try that late winter pickup when you are so tired of cold E02 0770 and snow that you feel you just can't take another day of it. E02 0780 The day will come, in midsummer, when you find your plants becoming E02 0790 "leggy", running to tall-growing foliage at the expense of blossoms. E02 0800 Try pegging down each separate branch to the earth, using a bobby E02 0810 pin to hold it there. Pick the flowers, keep the soil dampened, and E02 0820 each of the pegged-down branches will take root and become a little E02 0830 plant and go on blooming for the rest of the season. As soon as an experimental E02 0840 tug assures you that roots have taken over, cut it off from E02 0850 the mother plant. A second and also good practice is to shear E02 0860 off the tops, leaving an inch high stub with just a leaf or two on each E02 0870 branch. These cut-down plants will bud and blossom in record time E02 0880 and will behave just as they did in early spring. I like to shear half E02 0890 my plants at a time, leaving one half of them to blossom while the E02 0900 second half is getting started on its new round of blooming. Probably E02 0910 no one needs to tell you that the way to stop all bloom is to E02 0920 let the blossoms go to seed. Nature's aim, different from ours, is E02 0930 to provide for the coming generation. That done, her work is accomplished E02 0940 and she ignores the plant. Here is a word of advice when E02 0950 you go shopping for your pansy seeds. Go to a reputable grower, preferably E02 0960 a pansy specialist. It is no harder to raise big, healthy, blooming E02 0970 plants than weak, sickly little things; in fact it is easier. But E02 0980 you will never get better flowers than the seed you grow. Many E02 0990 people think that pansies last only a few weeks, then their period E02 1000 of growth and bloom is over. That is not true. If the plants are cared E02 1010 for and protected over the winter, the second year is more prolific E02 1020 than the first. Would you like to grow exhibition pansies? E02 1030 Remove about half the branches from each plant, leaving only the strongest E02 1040 with the largest buds. The flowers will be huge. Pansies E02 1050 have character. They stick to their principles, insist upon their E02 1060 due, but grow and bloom with dependable regularity if given it. Treat E02 1070 them right and they'll make a showing every month in the year except E02 1080 the frigid ones. Give them food, some shade, mulch, water and more E02 1081 food, and they'll repay your solicitude with beauty. E02 1090 A SALAD WITH E02 1100 greens and tomato is a popular and wonderfully healthful addition E02 1110 to a meal, but add an avocado and you have something really special. E02 1120 This delightful tropical fruit has become well-known in the past E02 1130 thirty years because modern transportation methods have made it possible E02 1140 to ship avocado anywhere in the United States. It has a great E02 1150 many assets to recommend it and if you haven't made avocado a part E02 1160 of your diet yet, you really should. You will find that avocado E02 1170 is unlike any other fruit you have ever tasted. It is roughly shaped E02 1180 like a large pear, and when properly ripened, its dark green skin covers E02 1190 a meaty, melon-like pulp that has about the consistency of a ripe E02 1200 Bartlett pear, but oily. The avocado should have a "give" to it, E02 1210 as you hold it, when it is ripe. The flavor is neither sweet, like E02 1220 a pear, nor tart like an orange; it is subtle and rather bland, nut-like. E02 1230 It is a flavor that might take a little getting used to- not E02 1240 because it is unpleasant, but because the flavor is hard to define in E02 1250 the light of our experience with other fruits. Sometimes it takes several E02 1260 "eatings" of avocado to catch that delightful quality in taste E02 1270 that has made it such a favorite throughout the world. Once you become E02 1280 an avocado fan, you will look forward to the season each year with E02 1290 eager anticipation. #NATURALLY DORMANT AND NO SPRAY DANGER# Today, E02 1300 refrigerated carriers have made the shipping of avocados possible E02 1310 to any place in the world. The fruit is allowed to mature on the tree, E02 1320 but it is still firm at this point. It is brought to packing houses, E02 1330 cleaned and graded as to size and quality, and packed in protective E02 1340 excelsior. The fruit is then cooled to 42`F&, a temperature at which E02 1350 it lapses into a sort of dormant state. This cooling does not change E02 1360 the avocado in any way, it just delays the natural softening of E02 1370 the fruit until a grovelike temperature (room temperature) is restored. E02 1380 This happens on the grocer's shelf or in your kitchen. One E02 1390 of the most attractive things about avocados is that they do not require E02 1400 processing of any kind. There is no dyeing or waxing or gassing E02 1410 needed. If the temperature is controlled properly, the avocado will delay E02 1420 its ripening until needed. And unlike other fruits, one cannot eat E02 1430 the skin of the avocado. It is thick, much like an egg plant's skin, E02 1440 so that poison sprays, if they are used, present no hazard to the E02 1450 consumer. #NUTRITIOUS AND A CHOLESTEROL REDUCER# Good taste and E02 1460 versatility, E02 1470 plus safety from spray poisons would be enough to recommend E02 1480 the frequent use of such a fruit, even if its nutritional values were E02 1490 limited. Avocados, however, are very rich in nutrients. Their main E02 1500 asset is an abundance of unsaturated fatty acids, so necessary for maintaining E02 1510 the good health of the circulatory system. Aside from this, E02 1520 the average portion contains some protein, an appreciable amount of vitamins E02 1530 ~A and ~C- about one-tenth of the minimum daily requirement, E02 1540 and about a third of the official vitamin ~E requirement. The E02 1550 ~B vitamins are well represented, especially thiamin and riboflavin. E02 1560 Calcium, phosphorus and iron are present in worthwhile amounts, E02 1570 and eleven other minerals also have been found in varying trace amounts. E02 1580 None of these values is destroyed, not significantly altered by refrigeration E02 1590 storage. Dr& Wilson C& Grant, of the Veterans' E02 1600 Administration Hospital, Coral Gables, Florida, and the University E02 1610 of Miami School of Medicine, set out to discover if avocados, E02 1620 because of their high content of unsaturated fatty acids, would reduce E02 1630 the cholesterol of the blood in selected patients. The study comprised E02 1640 16 male patients, ranging in age from 27 to 72. They were put E02 1650 on control diets to determine as accurately as possible, the normal cholesterol E02 1660 level of their blood. Then they were given 1/2 to 1-1/2 avocados E02 1670 per day as a substitute for part of their dietary fat consumption. E03 0010 FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE, FIRE! The tremendous energy E03 0020 released by giant rocket engines perhaps can be felt much better than E03 0030 it can be heard. The pulsating vibration of energy clutches at the E03 0040 pit of your stomach. Never before has the introduction of a weapon E03 0050 caused so much apprehension and fear. Nuclear weapons are fearsome, E03 0060 but the long-range ballistic missile gives them a stealth and merciless E03 0070 swiftness which is much more terrifying. A great many writers E03 0080 are bewitched by the apparently overwhelming advantage an attacker E03 0090 would have if he were to strike with complete surprise using nuclear E03 0100 rockets. It is relatively easy to go a step further and reason that E03 0110 an attacker, in possession of such absolute power, would simultaneously E03 0120 destroy his opponent's cities and people. With a nation defenseless E03 0130 before it, why would the attacker spare the victim's people? E03 0140 Wouldn't the wanton destruction of cities and people be the logical E03 0150 act of complete subjugation? The nation would be utterly devastated. E03 0160 The will of its people, so crucial in time of peril, would be broken. E03 0170 Nuclear weapons have given the world the means for self-destruction E03 0180 in hours or days; and now rockets have given it the means E03 0190 to destroy itself in minutes. At this point it should be painfully obvious E03 0200 that cities, being "soft", and the people within them are ideally E03 0210 suited to destruction by nuclear weapons. However, because E03 0220 this vulnerability is mutual, it is to the advantage of neither side E03 0230 to destroy the opponent's cities, at least so long as the opponent E03 0240 has nuclear weapons with which to effect reprisal. It should be appallingly E03 0250 apparent that city-trading is not a profitable military tactic. E03 0260 ~ICBMs have given us a capability which could be used in E03 0270 two different ways. They could be used to attack a nation's people E03 0280 (which would inevitably mean the loss of the attacker's own people), E03 0290 or they could be used with discrimination to destroy the enemy's military E03 0300 force. If our national interest lies in being able to E03 0310 fight and win a war rather than committing national suicide, then we must E03 0320 take a much more penetrating look at ballistic missiles. We must E03 0330 determine whether missiles can win a war all by themselves. We must make E03 0340 certain that the aircraft is finished before we give the entire job E03 0350 to the missile. Missiles are very valuable weapons, but they E03 0360 also have their too little known limitations. Because of a missile's E03 0370 ballistic trajectory, the location of a fixed target must be E03 0380 known quite accurately. Placing missiles in submarines, on barges, railroads, E03 0390 highways, surface vessels and in the air provides them with E03 0400 passive protection by taking advantage of the gravest weakness of long-range E03 0410 ballistic missiles today- the extreme difficulty of destroying E03 0420 a mobile or moving target with such weapons. One must first E03 0430 a fleeting mobile or moving target, that it is worthy of E03 0440 destruction,