|b{The_Art_of_Hunting |b_William_Twiti |b_d._Bror_Danielsson |b_(1977,_Stockholm:_Almqvist_&_Widsell_International),_pp.40-58.} |p40 |r[f.37r] [Ici comence le art de venerie le quel mestre Guyllame Twiti, venour le Roy d'Engletere, fist en son temps pur aprendre autres. Touz ceus qe voelent de venerye aprendre, joe les aprendray ausi cum joe ay apris |r5 devaunt ces houres.] [INCIPIT TWETY: Tylle alle tho čat wyl of venery lere Y shall hem teche as Y haue lernyd of maystris that is disputyd and endyd, that is for to say maystere John Gyfford and William Twety čat were wyth Kyng Edward the Secunde.] |r10 [OF THE HARE] Now we will begynne at the hare. And wherefore [Sire, volez vous comencer] at the hare račer čen at eny očer best? [Joe vous dirray:] For why it is če most merueylous beste čat is in čis lond. And wherfore? |r15 For as miche as he beriče grese and crotyth and rongith, and so doče no beste in čis land but he. And somme tyme he is male and summe female, and for čat cause a man may not blowe meene of hym as men don of očer bestes, [that is to say at herte, at boor, and at wolf. If it be alway male, cum il est a la fiez madle e a la fiez femele, hom poeit corneer menee |r20 de ly ausy cum des autres bestes, cum de cerf e de sengler e de lou. But it [is] to wete čat all če fayre wordis of venery ryseth of hire, when ye hym shul seke, [la sunt les beles paroles]. But he is enchased. [OF QWESTIONES] Syr, how many bestis buče enchased? |r25 IIII, the hert, če hare, če [bore], če wolfe. Syre, how mony ben encoylid? The buk, če do, če fox male and female and [alle] očer vermyne, [as many as be put in the book]. Syrre, of how many bestes schall a man so blowe mene? |r30 [Vous devez corneer menee] of III male¨ and one female, čat is to sey of |p42 če hert, of če wolfe male and female, and of če bore [clepped singuler]. Why clepe ye borre syinguler? For he is če furst ¨ere a pigge, če while he sokyče his dame, and when [h]is dame hače left hym, čen is he called al čat ¨ere suklyng [e tut |r35 l'an apr‚s], če whiche is called yn frenche sorayne. The IIIde ¨ere they ben called hogastrys. And when he is of age of IIII ¨ere he schall departyn out of compayne by kynde of age and schal gone alone. And when he is [party hors de la soundre qe il va] alone, he schall čen be called synguler for če causes fore seid. |r40 How mony bestis beče [rered] of [lymer¨]? [And how many des bestes sunt mez de lymer e quanz de bestes sunt trovez des braches?] Alle čo čat ben enchased [sunt mez de lymer] , and all čo čat bene atyslyd ben founden of [braches]. |r45 [OF WHECHE BESTYS SHAL BE STREPID AND WHICH FLAYN] Syre, how many bestes beriče hides and how mony skynnes? Alle čo bestes čat ben enscorgid, [čat is to say the skyn flayn], schullyn bere hydes, and all čo čat ben arasid, [that is to say the skyn pullyd ovyr the hed], beryn skynnes. |r50 [How many bestis be escorches and how many arracies? Alle the bestis that beryth suet and fime ben escorches, and alle that bere grece and freyn be arracies.] Syre, how mony bestis beryn fyens and how mony beryn foyne? Alle čo bestes čat beriče suet beryn foyne, and all čo čat beriče gres |r55 beriče fyens, out-take hym čat whas named at če furst, for why he berithe gres and crotith and no fyens. [And the tyme of grece begynnyth alle way atte the fest of the Natiuyte of Saynt John Baptist.] Syre, how mony bestes beryn bon and how many argos? |r60 ée hert berithe bon, and a če [bore], and če buc argos. [OF THE HARE HUNTYNG] HARE Syre, how will ¨e seche če hare? Y schall blowen at če furst III motes, and aftur Y schall let myne hounde¨ |p44 |r[f.37v] // out of coupull, and Y schall sey to hem "Auaunt, syre, auaunt!" and afturward III tymes "So howe!" al in hey¨th, and Y schall blow alwey VI motes by-twyx myn spekyng tyl če hare be meuyd. And aftur I schall sey "Cha, cha, sy auaunt, a ha ha, sy, dons, sy!" And yf ¨e sen čat ¨oure |r5 hounde¨ hau luste and grete wille for to renne and aloyne hem fro you, ¨e schall sey čus "How¨e, amy, how¨e, venes y, moun amy, venes y!" And yf ¨e sen čat any hounde fynde alonlyche of hyr, and he hače a name as Recher or Bemound, ¨e schull sey čus "Oyez, a Bemound le vaylaunt, qui quide trouer leuere coward ou le court coue!" and so for to draw all očer |r10 hounde¨ to hym. And yf čat ¨e sen čat ¨oure hounde¨ enchasyn [not wel] for hyr, thanne it is for to seyn her on and čer on [as he hath pasturyd hym], ye shull say "Illeosque, illeosque, illeosque!" [And if ye se that [he] hath be čere at pasture] yf it be in [tyme of] grene corne or it be in pasture, [and you |r15 fynde wel of hym], čen schalt sey "La, dons, la il est venu¨ pur ly pestr[e]!" and "So howe!" alwey at če last of youre worde¨, [and than ye shull blowe III motes alwey whan they fynde wele of hym]. And [čen] čou schalt cast forče aseyne about če feld of grene corne [for to se] yf he be gon into the pasture [or] to hys forme, for why he syttiče no¨t bletheliche čer he |r20 fediče hym, but it be in tyme of releuyng hym. And yf any hound fynd of hur [or ony mysyng] čer sche is passed out, čen čou schall sey "Cha, cha, sy ad est‚!" and "Sohouw¨e, a ha ha, sy, vaylaunt, sy, sy, dons, sy!" And [yf] he come more forthe on pleyn feld or arabill land [or in wode], and youre hounde¨ se[c]hen of hur, ¨e schull seyn "La, dons, la il est |r25 venu¨ pur luy secher!" and "[Illeosque, sy, douce amy, sy, valaunt, sohow], sohow¨e!" When ¨e com in očer place¨ čer ¨e supposyn čat ¨e schull fynd hur, and ¨oure hounde¨ fynde well of hur, ¨e schull seyn "A ha ha, [douce amy], sy est il venu¨ pur mendre!" and "Sohow¨e!" [And čen whan they ensemble wele [to] fote hym, and they trowe wele |r30 to fynde hym, ye shul saye "Here, how, here, douce, how, here, pur les saus de luy!"] |p46 When he is stert, čou schalt rechace apon čyn hounde¨ III tyme¨, and apon če defaut čou schalt make III asseinys, čat on schall be vnder wynd, čat očer ayens če wynd, če III half an arpent al about. And čou schalt sey |r[f.38r] to čy hounde¨ čus "Sou, assein, ha s[c]y ho ho, // assein, amy, huy, ho ho!", and čen blow nyne schort motes at III tymes. When če hare is take, [and your houndes haue ronne wele to hym, ye shul blowe prise and] čou schalt ¨yue to čyn hounde¨ če hallowe. |r5 Syr, what is če hallowe? ée hallow is če necke, če hed, če schuldre¨, and če side¨, and če luynes schall dwell to če kychynn. And čou schalt blow če prise homward. And well ¨e wytten čat all feyre worde¨ of venery risen of če hare, and čerfore sche is chef of venery. |r10 [OF THE HERT] HERT Now gow we to the hert and speke of hym in hys degre[s]! It is for to wyt, če furst ¨ere he is a calf, če second ¨ere a broket, če III ¨ere espayard, če IV ¨ere soure, če V ¨ere grete soure, če VI ¨ere a hert of če furst hed. |r15 [Ore, Sire veneour, quei avera il de teste] when [il sunt] of če furst hed? éat falliče no¨t in če iugement of če hunter for če gret diuersite foundyn in hym, but alwey we schull call hym of the furst hed til he haue X de mayndrys. How many braunche¨ schall če hert haue when he is of če furst hed? |r20 Furst it behoueče čat he haue perche, aftur auntulere, and reall, and sureal, and furch of boče syde¨ of če hed, and čen he is hert of X de mayndris. [And when he hathe auntilor e real e souzreal e fourche on the one syde and troched on that očer syde, than is he an hert of X and of the more.] |r25 And when he hače all čat Y haue mened before, [[so] that he hath troched on boothe parties of the hed, he is of XII and of that lasse. And if it be] so he haue če troche on če ton syde of III, and če očer of IV, čen is he of [XII] de greynders. And when he is trochid čat on side of IV, the other side of V, čen is he of [XVI] [of defauute]. And when he is trochid on |r30 boče če side¨ [V], čen is he of [XVI] de gr[e]ynders. For it may not be of XIV, for among a gyde of hertes čou schalt [not] fynd two acordant to [XIV]. When he trochiče on čat on side of V and on če očer side of VI, he |p48 is of [XVIII of defaute]. And so it goče forče encresyng til it be of XXXII, and čen he is clepid cerfy resigne and schall go [arrere]. |r35 Syr, wherfore clepe ¨e če hert resigne of hed? For as miche as he is resigne of hed, for whi [h]is hed wexiče no more. And |r[f.38v] yf čat ¨e here eny man sey čat he hače sen an hert of // mo braunches čen Y haue told you [de acrees natureel de XXXII aunz] , boldliche answere hym čat i[t] was neuer hert of čis land. [Ore, Sire venour, est ceste aprise certeyne de toutz manere cerfs? |r5 Respouns: Sire, nanyl, mes de cerfs qe sunt de bone pasture, car la teste li crest solum sa pasture, bone ou autre.] [OF BLOWYNG] Syre huntere, how will ¨e blow when če hert is meuyd and stert and is out of ¨our si¨t? |r10 I schall blow aftur [la moete] II motes, and yf myn hounde¨ com nou¨t to my will as hastliche as Y wold haue them, Y schall blow IV motes to warne če men čat če hert is stert and for to draw če men to me. And čen schall Y rechasyn apon myn hounde¨ III tymes. And when [il sunt] fer fro me, Y schall blow in očer maner and čat is čis: trout trout trororout, trout |r15 trout trororout, trorerererout, V tymes čis last mote. Syre huntere, whi blowest ču čis? For as miche as [jeo fu a mon dreit e le cerfs est me e] Y haue no knowyng but am at vncerten where če hert is bycome, and Y wote neuer where myn hounde¨ bun bycom ne če men, and čerfor Y woll blow in čis maner. Y |r20 will chace with če hounde¨ čat ben before and rechace with čem čat ben aftur. Syre, what maner chace clepe [¨e] čat? We clepyn it chace forloyne. Očer chace čer is čat is clepud parfit. [Than covient il que vous corneez |r25 en autre manere] , and čat is čis: trororororout trout trout trout trout trout trororororout. éou schalt begyn with a long mote and end with a long, so that euery man čat is about ¨ow čat knowče venery may know what poynt ¨e bun yn and ¨oure pley by ¨oure blowyng. [An očer chace ther is whan a man hath set vp archerys and greyhoundes |r30 e de establie, and the best passe out the boundys and myne houndes after. Than shall Y blowe on this maner: a mote and aftirward rechace trourourourout, trourourourout, trourourourout. |p50 Vous veneour, pur quey corneez vous issi? De aver les gentz que sunt entour la chace a moy e rechater vpon my |r35 houndys that be past the boundys. Whech be the boundes? éer as the [h]oundes ben, čei that we assignyd, as Y haue sayd to-fore. Syre huntere, wole ye [avower] this chace? Ya, Syr. If it be a best instrest or inchace[d], jeo l'avoweray. Si issi seit |r40 que myn houndes passe out ouer the boundes, I shall blowe a mote, and aftirward I shall strake aftur myn houndes for to haue hem ayen. And if ye wyl not čat they chace eny lengere: un mot pur assembler noz gentz e aver nos chiens ariere.] [OF THE HERT DYUERS QUESTIOUNS] |r45 And when the hert is take, [ye shal blowe IV motys. And] he schall be vndo as other bestis. And yf the hounde¨ be hardy and take če hert by strengče, [then] če hunter schall haue če [huyde] by ry¨t, and he čat vnlaciče hym schal haue če schuldur by reson, [and] če hounde¨ schall haue the nec, če lyuer, and če panche, and čat schall be eten vpon the |r50 [hyde]. And čat is callid če quyrrie. Bere home če hed byfor the lord, [e le queor] and če tail and če čroteboll schall be born hom apon a forke, and ¨e schal blow mene at če hall dore. [OF THE BUK] [And whan the buk is jtake, ye shul blowe pryse and reward your houndes |r55 of the paunche and the bowellis. Sire venour, coment deit homme conustre le cerf, quant il vient de sa pasture, en quele pasture il ad est‚, ou en furment ou en aveynne ou en feves ou en poys? Jeo vous dirray. Si les fumes seient jaunes e engleim‚s, ceo est de |r60 furment ou de aveyne. Et si il ad est‚ en peys ou en feves, si le cerf est cras, les fumees serrount neyrs e engleym‚s e la fumee menuwe. En ivern, quant il est megre, les fumees serrount neyrs e gros e ne mie engleymez.] [OF THE BOOR] |r[f.39r] // BORRE Syre hunter, what schall be don to če borre? Whan če borre is takyn, he schall be vndo all heerid. [Quant des hastiletz deit hom avoir du sengler kaunt il est defet? |p52 Puis que vous le demaundez, jeo le vous dirray. Il y ad deus menuz |r5 hastiletz que serrount pris de les deus quisses dedeinz, pus yl y ad la teste, pus le coler, pus les espaules e les costez, pus les filetz, pus les haunches e le qoer e le pomoun e lez [pestles] e la eschine, que serra copee en quatre, e les gambouns.] And yf he be vndo as it is ry¨t, he schall haue XXXII hastelettes. And ¨e schull ¨yue to ¨oure hounde¨ če |r10 bowels broyled with bred, and čat is clepid reward. [E pur quey n'est il mie appel‚ quyreye si cum del cerf? Jeo vous dirray.] For [cause that] it is [etyn on the erthe and] not ete on non [h]ide. For as miche as is eten on če [h]ide schall be callid quyrrye, and čat očer is called reward. |r15 [OF THE ROO] ROO Syre hunter, what schall be don to če roo? When če roo is taken, ¨e schull reward youre hounde¨ of če fete, and he schall be born home all hole, and če [schuldur] schall dwell to če kuychyn. He is not [enchased and] nou¨t enquyled, ne is no best of venery, for why |r20 he croysith byfore the hounde¨. Syr hunter, how schall we do to če roo? Thu schalt begyn [E with the ro] by "So hou¨e" in every maner chace in fild and in wod for to coupull and vncoupull. But vnto no best čat is quylid čer schall no¨t ben seid "So how¨e," but vnto čo čat ben enchased |r25 hit schall be seid at če last by ry¨t at euery word. [A QWESTION] C adds: [And alle maner of bestis that ben encha[s]yde has o maner of speche but "Sohow" gothe to all maner of chaces and couplyng and dyscouplyng. |r30 But if yowr houndes renne to on chace that is to seye ruse¨t or hauiylon or croiseth or dwell, and they conne not put it no ferther ye shal seye "Ho so, amy, so, venez a couplere, sa arere, sohow."] Sir hunter, what is "So how¨e" to seyne? [E "So howye" is] as miche to seyne as "Sa ho," but bycause čat it is |r35 more shortly to seyn "So hou¨e" čen "Sa ho," we seyn [alwey] "So hou¨e." Sir hunter, how schall ¨e blow če pris? |p54 By III long mote¨ and afturward III schort mote¨ and a long mote at če last. |r40 [How many herdes be ther of bestes of venery? Sir, of hertis, of bisses, of bukkes, and of doos, a soundre of wylde swyn, a beuy of roos.] [OF THE FOX] FOX Syre hunter, hou schalt čou seche če fox? |r45 Y schall blow at če furst III mote¨, and afturward Y schall let myn hounde¨ out of coupull, and Y schall sey "So hou¨e" III tymes al in hy¨e, and sey [nou¨t] "Sta hou¨e," čat is to seye "Sta ho," and afturward trayle aftur [and sey] "Cha ha ha hoe." And afturward Y schall seye "Sa, hou¨e, hue, amys, so ho hue, ho, syre, hoe." And yf eny hounde trayle of hym |r50 and hače a name as Richere or Bemounde, ¨e schull seye: "Oye¨, a Bemounde, done, oye¨, huy, a luy est, dount a luy est, auaunt, a Be_*mound |r[f.39v], auaunt, ho, syre, // ho ho ho!" and draw all ¨oure hounde¨ to hym. And yf he be incerteyn čat če hounde be blody, and trayle aftur. When he is founden, čou schalt rechace as in maner of a nočer best and sey to čyn hounde¨: "Auaunt, ensemble, auaunt, a luy, dons, a luy, |r5 a luy!" And apon če defauute make III assigne¨s as on an hare and sey to thyn hounde¨ čus: "Ho ho, ore suef, ho hoy, assigne, asseyne, hoy, a luy, dans, a luy, a luy!" And when he is take, ¨e schull make youre vay homward. Sire hunter, woll ¨e chace če fox all čorow če ¨ere? |r10 Nay, by no ry¨t of venery, but in seson. Sire hunter, wiche is če seson? It begynnyče at če Natiuyte of Our Lady [and duryth] vnto če Anunciacion of Our Lady. The hare is all-wey in seson when eny man woll seche for hur. Syr hunter, yf ¨oure hounde¨ fynde of a fox oute of seson, woll ¨e rechasen |r15 apon youre hounde¨? če, Syr, yf my hounde¨ haue gret will [to] renne, čen Y woll do it, but Y will not wite čat it is če fox but an hare and no¨t speke of his ry¨t but of če hare. And yf he be take, Y schall reward myn hounde¨ with brede, but Y schall make non abay. Ne če fox schalt no¨t come into če hall. |p56 |r20 [And if yowre houndes chase the hare or the hert and the houndes be at defauut, ye shal say in this maner then "Sohow, hossaine, hossaine, stou, ho ho sa, hossaine, ariere, hossaine, sohow!" And if your houndes renne wele at the fox or atte the buk and the [houndes] be at defauut, ye shul sey in a-nočer maner "Ho ho, ore sweff, a luy, douce, |r25 a luy, ho ho ossayn, sa ariere, sohow, sohow, venez a coupliere!"] HERE IS WARDYNG OF WODE, OF FOREST AND OF FRE CHACE, OF PARKE [FEE] FOR FORSTERS AND PARKERS FEYRE LERNYNG. Yf a quarter of a forest be y-sett with archerys and with grey-hounde¨ and |r30 wanlasouris, and it be in gres tyme of vennyson, and če best be take in če laund with greyhounde¨, če greyhound čat pynchiče hym furst and comethe to če deče of če beste schall haue če hide by ry¨t, be it buk or do, but nou¨t of herte ne hynde, for he čat restreyneče it schall haue če hide euer more. Yf če beste wodiče and come to če archers and be hurt with |r35 eny ercher, he čat drawče furst blode of hym, yf it be withyn če IV |r[f.40r] quarters, schall haue če hide; and yf he smyte // without če IV quarters and another smyte withynne če IV quarters, he that smytiče last schall haue če hide, be it hert or bucke. And yf the lorde¨ hunt be present and haue blowe his motes with his horne, he schall haue če necke and če hedde of |r5 euery heste čat is takyn in his presens čau¨e none of his hounde¨ be vncoupled. And yf če hunt be nou¨t present, he that settiče če wanlas schall haue če same fee of če bestes čat bun take at če wanlas of grey_hounde¨. Or yf it be hurt with archers, and če lord haue a barcelet and sue the beste, he schall haue če fee, and ellys če master foster schall haue če |r10 fee, or els he čat makiče če sute best. And he čat hulte hym schall haue če schuldur, and če foster če očer, and he čat ou¨t če knyf with wiche he is vndo schall haue če chyne. Moreouer, yf če quarter be sett, as Y seid before, and če beste come into the launde, and če greyhounde¨ pynche it, and če beste ascapiče and wodiče and comeče to če archers and be y_hurte |r15 with eny ercher, and če greyhound sue and take če best, če grey_hound |p58 schall haue the fee and če archer a peny for his schote. In parke may no man aske no fee but al at če will of če lord, but it be at če tyme čat če parke hegge be orsvtabil of a man or two. ée hunter schall [haue] his fee and euery man aftur hijs ry¨t. Yf eny of če bestes ben takyn |r20 in forest or parke out of sesonne, če hed is forfet to hym čat owče the chace, and če fee is če master forsters or parkers whether he be. Explicit [le venery de Twety and of mayster John Giffarde].