|b{The_Rewyll_Of_Seynt_Sauioure} |b{Ed._James_Hogg} |b{Volume_3:_The_Syon_Additions_for_the_Brethren} |b{and The_Boke_of_Sygnes} |b{from_the_St._Paul's_Cathedral_Library_Ms.} |b{Salzburg:_Institut_fr_Anglistik_und_} |b{Amerikanistik_der_Universit„t,_1980.} |b{pp._134-144:_The_boke_of_sygnes} |p134 |r[f.69c] |r[če_boke_of_sygnes.] Abbas[.] Make the sign for age and also for a woman. Aftirward. Meue thy fore fynger of thy right hand, undir the litle fynger of thy lefte hande. Agied. Draw down thy right hande streght ouere thy heer, and ouere či righte ere[.] Ale. Make the signe of drynk and drawe thy hande displaied afore thyn een dunwarde. Anone. Close thy ryght [hand] and holde vp thy litill fynger. Appull. Put thy thumb in thy fiste and close thy hand and meue afore the to and fro. Awtere. Kysse the bak of thy right hand, and make after a blissyng[.] |r[f.69d] Basyn, Tvrne thy fore fynger of thy right or chargeour. hand, in the palme of thy left hande. |p135 Bedde[.] Make the signe of an house, and put thy right hand vnder thy cheke, and close thyne een. Bedes[.] Fomell with thy right thombe vpon the forefynger, in maner of departyng of bedes in praier. Belles[.] Make a sygn with both thy handes closed, liftyng vp and down in maner of rynging[.] Blissing[.] Make a signe of blissyng as a bisshop doth. Boke. Wagge and meve thy right hande in maner as thou shulde turne the leues of a boke. Brede. Make with thy two thombes, and two forefyngers a rounde compas. [A]nd if thou wole haue white make the sign therof of white[.] And if brown toche thy cowll sleue. Brome. Swepe with thy open hand to and fro on thy left cowll sleue. Broder. Ioyne togidere sidelynges thy two forefyngers. Buttur or Draw thy two right vpper fyngers to other fatnes. and fro on the left palme. Bisshop[.] Holde vp thy ryght hand streght ouere thy front and hede. |r[f.70a] |p136 Candel. Make the sign of buttur, with the sign fore day. Candelstyk. Ioyn thy either fist and holde the right ouer the lefte. Chalice. Holde vp thy right thombe with thy Fingers in maner of bering of a cop. Chapterhows. Make the sign of a hows with the sign of disciplyne. Chaunter. Make the [sign] of a preste with the sign aftir of syngyng. Chese. Holde thy rightehande flatlynges in the palme of thy left. Chirch. Make the sign of a hows and after make a benediccioun. Chymyng[.] Make a sign as yf ye smote with a hammere. Cloister. Make a rounde cercle with your right fore fynger toward the erthe. Clothe. Rubbe vp and down the endes of all thy right fyngers vpon thy left. Colde. Make the sign of water tremblyng with thy hand, or blowe on či fore fyn_ger[.] Collectory. Make the sign of a boke and drawe thy fyngers to če warde in maner of gaderynges. |r[f.70b] |p137 Confession. Make the sign of heryng and aftir ley your hand on youre breste. Corporas. Make the sign of clothe, and after that a blessyng. Cuppe. Holde vp thy thombe and fyngers rounde, as beryng a coppe. Day, or light. Pvt thy right fore fynger streght vpon thyn egh. Dekan. Make the sign of a brother and aftir a crosse on your front. Dissh or Make a cercle with thy ri¨t fore-fynger potynger. in the myddes of thy left palme. Dortour. The sign of a hows with the sign for slepyng. Drynk. Bowe thy right forefyngere and put it on thy neder lyppe. Egges. Make a token with thy right fore{_}fynger vpon thy left thombe to and fro as though thou shulde pill egges. |r[f.70c] Etyng. Pvt thy right thombe with two fore fyngers ioyned to thy mouthe. Epistolary. Make the signe of a boke with a crosse on thy breste. |p138 Encence. Put thy two fyngers vnto thy two nose thirles. Fader. Ioyne thy right thombe with his fore fynger togider, openly. Fysshe. Wagge thy hande displaied sidelynges in maner of a fissh taill. Flesshe. Reyse vp with thy ri¨t fyngers the skyn of thy left hande. Girdell. Drawe thy fore fyngers of thy either hande rounde about či myddell. Gode. Pvtte thy right thomb streght vnder_nethe thy chynne. Gospeler. The sign of a boke, with a crosse on your forehede with your thombe. Glasse. Make the signe of a cuppe with the sign of rede wyne[.] Grayll. Make the sign of a boke bendyng thy fyngers |r[f.70d] vp and down in maner of gratyng. Hammer. Make a sign with thyn hande vp and |p139 down as thou dide knokke. Hard. Putte thy right fiste ouere thy right ere. Heryng. Pvtte thy right fore fynger, all the other closed, streght on čine ere. Hote. Holde the side of thy right fore fyn_ger fast vnto thy mouth closed. House. Close thy fynger endes togider vpward and sprede them abrode donward in maner of sparres. I wote neuere. Meue esely thy fyngers of thy ryght hande, flat lynges, and fro the; and it serueth, for nay. I mysilf. Put thy right fore fyngere ende to thy breste[.] Inke. Make a signe with thy thombe and two fyngers closid as thou shulde write. Inough. Close thy fist togider and holde vp thy thombe; and this may serue for I know it well. |r[f.71a] Kepyng. Putte thy right hande vnder thy left armehole. Kerchyf. Make the signe for clothe with thy handes ouer thy hede[.] |p140 Kyng. Pvt all thy fynger endes closed togyder on thy forehede. Knyfe[.] Drawe thy ryght hande sidelynges to and fro thorugh thy left hande. Laybrodur. Make the sign of a brodur and drawe či thombe and two fyngers down on thy heere and ere. Lesson. Drawe thy forefyngere on lenght ouere thy brest, and serueth also for: long. Licence. Lifte vp thy hande displaied afore či |r[f.71b] face, in esy manere. Litle. Bowe all thy fyngers and holde vp the lytle fynger. Locutory. Make the sign of a howse and the sign of spech. Man. Putte and holde thy berde in thy right hande. Masse[.] Make the sign of a blyssyng. Masboke[.] Make the sign for a boke and of a blyssyng. |p141 Milke. Drawe thy left litle fynger, in maner of mylkyng. Mvsterd. Holde thy nose in the vppere parte of thy right fiste and rubbe it. |r[f.71c] Pere. Ioyne all thy fyngers in lenght of thy right hande and wagge dounwarde. Potenger. Make a cercle in the ball of thy lefte hande wič the fore fynger of thy right hande. Potage. Make a cercle with the forefynger of thy right hande in the palme of thy lefte hande. Preste. Make the sign of a brodur and put thy fore fynger to thyne ere and breste, or els make a cercle čer_with vpon thyn hede. Pryuay or Make the sign of a house, and stryke reredortour. down thy right hande by thy clothes. Procession[.] Make a cercle with thy fore right fynger towarde the grounde. Quene. Make the sign of a woman with the sign of a croune on či forehede. Rede colour. Put thy forefyngere to the rede place |p142 of thy |r[f.71d] cheke. Rynging. Make a token with thy fiste vp and down as thou shulde rynge. Salte. Philippe with thy ri¨t thombe and his forefynger ouer the left thombe. Sawser. Make a ronde cercle in thy lefte palme with thy right litle fynger. Sawter. Make a signs for a boke with the sign for a crown. Sensyng. Meue thy right hande to and fro, as though thou shulde cense. Sexteyn. Make the sign of a brothere with the sign for ryngyng. Silence. Put thy fore fynger sidelynges to thy mouthe and drawe it vp and down. Sight kepyng. Make the sign of light with the signe for kepyng. Syngyng. Bowe thy fyngers of thy right hande and meue them to and fro afore thy mouthe. Slepyng. Putte thy right hande vnder thy cheke and therewith close thyn een. |r[f.72a] |p143 Spekyng[.] Pvtte thy two forefynger endes flat_lyng vpon thy mouthe. Spone. Lifte sidelynges vp and down thy thombe and ii. fyngers ioyned in forme of takyng of potage. Standyūg. Meue thy hande esely vpwarde. Sudary. Rvbbe thy fynger endes of thy right hande, vpon the endes of the lefte. Suster. Make the sign of a woman, with the sign of a brodur. Texte or pax. Kisse the bak of thy lefte hande, with a crosse on thy breste with the right thombe. Vergeous[. ] Drawe thy left fyngers ioyned with |r[f.72b] thy right fyngers. Vyneacre. Make the sign of wyne and drawe thy forefyngere from thyne ere, to thy throte. Warme. Putte thy forefynger faste vpon thy mowthe. Wasshyng. Rvbbe thy right hande flatlynges vpon the bake of thy lefte hande. Water[. ] Ioyne thy fyngers of thy right hande and meve them dounwarde droppyngly. |p144 White. Drawe thy two right fyngers by thy cheke dounwarde. Wyne. Meve thy forefyngre vp and down, vpon the ende of thy thombe afore thy eghe. Woman. Drawe thy forefyngere on lenght ouere thy both browes . Writyng. Make a sign with your thre right fyngers as though ye wrote. Deo gracias. Prey for youre, thomas betsone.