|b[The_Middle_English_Prose_Complaint_of_Our_Lady_and_Gospel_of_Nicodemus. |b_ed._from_Cambridge,_Magdalene_College,_MS_Pepys_2498 |b_by_William_Marx_and_Jeanne_F._Drennan. |b_Heidelberg:_Carl_Winter_Universit„tsverlag,_1987] |b_{pp._73-136._Complaint:_pp._73-118;_Gospel:_pp._118-136.} |p73 |rTHE_MIDDLE_ENGLISH_PROSE_COMPLAINT_OF_OUR_LADY_AND |rGOSPEL_OF_NICODEMUS |r[f.449] Of oure lefdy Marie bigynneč now here če pleynt čat of če passion of hir son sche telde with hert feynt. Ovre swete lefdy seint Marie, Goddes moder of heuene, after če sti¨inge vp of hir swete son Ihesu Crist opon če fyftenče |r5 day of August lyued here fiftene ¨ere. In whiche tyme sche delited hir mychel to visite alle če stedes čere hir swete son hadde ben, Ihesus Crist, whiles čat he ¨ede wič his deciples tellande & prechande če kyngdom of heuen, and namelich in če cite of Nazareth for čere sche was mychel worschiped & |r10 honoured. And summe deliteden mychel forto heren hir tellen če wordes & če werkes čat hyre swete son dude vnto če folk čere he ¨ede. Among whiche činges sche was asked to tellen če passioun of hire swete son Ihesu Crist & hir sorow¨es & če anguissh[es &] peyne[s] čat hym duden |r[col.2] če Iewes & |r15 če tourmentz čat he had of če wiked Iewes. And oure swete |p74 lefdy answered & seide čat sche ne mi¨th it do ne hert it čenche ne tunge speke. Ac als nei¨ as sche mi¨th she wolde tellen blečelich & seide, 'My swete son Ihesus Crist took his deciples in conseil & seide, "Loo we go to če cite of |r5 Ierusalem & mannes son schal be ¨ouen to če princes & to če prestes of če lawe čat schull dampne hym to če deč, and hii shull deliuer hym to men čat schull done hym many vilenies & tourmentz & done hym after opon če rode & opon če čridd day he schal arisen". And whan ich herde čise wordes swich a sorou¨ |r10 com to myne hert čat I fel nei¨ to če erče aswou¨e. And my swete son conforted me & seide to me pryuelich čat it moste nedes be done so & čat he moste dye for če folk čat hii nere nou¨th al forlorne. And after ne durst ich make no sorou¨. 'And my swete son lepe opon an asse & whan he com to če cite |r15 of Ierusalem če children of če cite & al če commune poeple comen a¨eins hym wič swete song and honoureden hym & casten vnder his fete tapites, cločes, bow¨es & floures of palme tre forto worschipen hym & čat was for če gret lose čat sprong of |p75 hym for his gode dedes and namelich for če areringe of Lazar, če Maudeleins bročer & Martha her suster, for he had layne foure dayes in če beriels & stank. For swich a chesoun če princes & če bisshopes & preestes & če maisters hateden hym |r5 to če deč & hadden gret envie to hym and also for he chastised hem of her erroures in če temple aforne če Iewes. če prelates & če princes & če preestes & če maisters čat hadden če law¨es to kepen gadreden hem togedre & helden her conseil hou čat hii mi¨tten done Ihesu to če deč & seiden amonges hem, "¨if we |r10 leten hym čus gon, for he doče so many wonders, če folk schal al leue in hym". And of čis hii token her conseil in če temple whan če commune poeple ¨ede a¨ein my swete son. And čan seide če bisschop Cayphas, "It is good to vs čat a man dye for če folk čat hii ne be nou¨th al forlorne". Ac čat ne |r15 seide he nou¨th of his owen witt ac he it seide čorou¨ prophecie of office forwhi čat he was bisschop in čat ¨ere & wič če deč of Ihesu schal če folk be bou¨th. And from čat day forčward čou¨tten če wicked Iewes my swete son forto slen. 'On of his deciples Iudas Skaryoth com to hem & seide, "What |p76 wil ¨e ¨iue me & I schal ¨iue ¨ou Ihesu čat I ne loue nou¨th?" & hii |r[f.450] weren glad hereof & profreden hym čritty pens of syluer, for hii ne durst nou¨th taken hym amonge če commune poeple for če symple folk loueden hym wel for he was euere redy |r5 forto helpen hem of al čat hii badden hym done. & Iudas took če čritti pens & seide to hem, "I shal do ¨ou to witen whan ¨e schull taken hym priuelich". And afterward Iudas bičou¨th hym hou he mi¨th bitraye my swete son. 'And whan my swete son had fasted fourty dayes he made a gret |r10 fest to his deciples čat is cleped če soper & čere he made če sacrement of his body in fourme of bred & his blode in fourme of wyn & vchone onelich resceyued his swete body. And whan Iudas wič če očer took če sacrement, če deuel entred wič če sacrement for če tresoun čat he čou¨th to his lord.' And |r15 čerfore good men & wymmen, whoso wil resceiue čat derworče sacrement & hač will forto do dedlich synne oičer is in dedlich synne, he resceyueč his owen dampnacioun, čat is če fende. 'And my swete son seide pitouslich, "For on of ¨ou I schal ben bitrayed čat eteč wič me at my boord". And vchone of hem hadde |p77 gret drede & seide, "Is it ou¨th ich?" And my swete son seide, "He čat eteč wyč me of my dische". & ¨utt hii nysten nou¨th for soče for all hii eten of čat mete čat he ete of. And seint Iohan če Ewangelist lened hym to Ihesus breest and |r5 Peter loked opon hym for čat he schulde asken hym who čat it was. And seint Iohan asked hym who it was & Ihesus Crist seide hym, "He čat I wete če bred in wyne & putte it in his mouče, he it is". And he wett a morsel of bred & putt it in Iudas mouče and če deuel entred wič it & took čan so gret |r10 power ouer hym for he resceiued če sacrement.' And čat ilch resceyuynge made čat he fel into wanhope as summe of čise clerkes seien. And čerfore ich rede čat vche man bewar boče lerde & lewed čat hym resceyueč, and sorer owen če lered to ben adradde čan če lewed for he wot what he doče. And Ihesus |r15 Crist whan he henge opon če rode, he bisou¨t for hem čat ne wist nou¨th what hii duden. And če lerde man wot what he doče for he seeč it toforn hym ywriten & čerfore he is če more forto blame. Načeles ich rede čat vche lewed man it doute & če more whan he it wott. 'And čan Iudas seide onon, "Maister |r20 am I či traytour?" And my swete son seide, "čou čiself it haste yseide. Arise & goo fulfille či wille." And als swiče he went hym to če wicked Iewes & compased hou he my¨th |r[col.2] take my swete son. And čan seide my swete son to his deciples |p78 a doelful word, "Alle ¨e schullen in wanhope be čis ni¨th of me". And Petere answered & seide, "čei¨ alle ben in wanhope of če, maister, I ne schal nou¨th". And my swete son seide, "Byfore če cok crowe čre tymes čou schalt me forsake". And |r5 Peter seide, "čei¨ I schal dye wič če I ne schal nou¨th forsaken če". & so seiden alle his očer deciples. & čan bigunnen myne sorow¨es. And my swete son loked to me reulich & seide, "My swete moder be nou¨th sory, for ich haue seide če bifore čat it mote nedes be so & čou schalt be gretlich |r10 conforted whan ich am arisen fram ded to lyue". And čan he seide to his deciples, "Whan ich am vp arisen I schal schewe me to ¨ou in Galilee". 'And whan Iudas was departed fram hem as biforne is seide, he ¨ede to če bisschopes & to če preestes & če princes of |r15 če law¨e & seide, "¨if ¨e wil take Ihesu, do clepe togedre ¨oure folk & look čat hii ben armed & redy forto go whan če ni¨th is derk & čat hii han li¨th in lanterne wič hem. And whan hii ben redy forto go I schal lede hem where he schal be |p79 founden." če princes and če preestes & če maisters maden gret ioye & duden gadre folk priuelich togedre as Iudas hadde devised. 'And after čat my son had made his sopere & hadd wasschen his |r5 deciples fete forto ¨iuen hem ensample of lowenesse, he took his deciples & ledde hem ouer a water vntil he com into a fair place in clos čat men clepen a gardyn, where he & his deciples weren wone forto bačen hem. And čan he seide to his deciples, "Be ¨e here & wakeč wič me". And he took wič hym Peter & |r10 Zebedees two sones, Ion & Iames, & ladde hem vnto anočer stede And forči čat he wist biforne euerych poynt of his passioun his flesche bigan to tremble for če gret anguisch čat he feled and he seide, "My lyf is sorou¨ful to če deč; če soule is redy ac če body hym douteč. Abide ¨e here", he seide, "čerwhiles |r15 ich make my prayer." And he ¨ede away fram hem a litel and sette hym doune on knees bow¨eande doun to če erče. And whan he hadde so a litel while bisou¨th, he helde vp his hede & seide, "Fader, ¨if it may be, suffre čat čis anguisch passe |p80 fro me; nou¨th att my will bot či wille be done". And for če drede čat he hadd of če vilanye & of če pynes čat hym schulde done če Iewes, če dropes of blode as swete ronnen adoune of his flesche so |r[f.451] čat če erče čere he kneled |r5 was al rede of blode. And for če gret anguisch čat he feled at his hert he fel [to če erče] nei¨ aswou¨e til čat an aungel com adoun from heuene & conforted hym. And after whan če aungel was departed fram hym he com to his deciples & fonde hem slepande for če gret drede čat hii hadden & he seide, |r10 "Peter, slepestow? Ne may čou no¨t on houre wake wič me?" & afterward he seide to alle, "Wakeč & biddeč čat ¨e ne falle in no temptacioun". And after he ¨ede anočer tyme a¨ein and bisou¨th his fader, "Swete fader, in čine hondes ben alle činges and al is in či weldynge. ¨if čis pyne ne may passe |r15 fro me bot ¨if ich it suffre, či wille be done." And anočer tyme he com to his deciples & fonde hem alle slepeande & seide "če tyme nei¨eč čat mannes son schal be deliuered into synful hondes". & his deciples weren so adradd čat hii ne coučen |p81 nočing ansuere. And če čridd tyme he ¨ede forto bisechen & seide čo ilche wordes čat he hadde seide bifore & čan com a¨ein to his deciples and fonde hem alle slepeande & seide, "¨e han ysleped & rested ¨ou ful wel. Ariseč & goč wič me. |r5 He čat hab bitrayed me is nei¨ honde." And as he spak so com Iudas wič gret route armed wel wič all armes and wič lanternes & torches li¨th, & Iudas seide to hem, "He čat y kisse is Ihesus. Takeč hym & ledeč hym queyntlich." And my swete son com to hem & seide, "Who is čat ¨e seche?" And hii answereden |r10 & seiden, "Ihesu of Nazareth". And he answered, "Loo me here" & at čat word hii fellen alle to če erče sodey[n]lich. And my swete son wičdrou¨e hym a litel, and anočer compaignye com of če Iewes yarmed & dude če očer arisen. & my swete son asked hem eft, "Who is čat ¨e seche?" And hii answerden, "Ihesu |r15 of Nazareth". & he seide, "Loo me here. ¨if ¨e seke me leteč čise očer go in pes " And čat ilch worde hii fellen adoune as hii duden aforne. And my swete son ¨ede amonge his deciples. And čan Iudas sei¨ čat his power was waxen more & čat he hadde |p82 men ynow¨e. He dide hem arise & biforen alle očer he ¨ede vnto my swete son & seide, "Maister, God loke če", & kissed hym. And my swete son seide, "Frende, whi artow comen? Mannes son čou haste bitraied wič či kissynge." And also swiče če wicked |r5 Iewes setten hondes opon hym. And Peter drou¨ a swerd |r[col.2] & smot of Malchus če bisschopes seruant his ri¨th ere. And čan seide my swete son to Peter, "Do in či swerd a¨ein, for whoso wič swerd smytt, wič swerd schal dye". & čan he seide to his deciples, "Doče me come hym čat his ere was smyten of". And |r10 he com & Ihesus took his ere & sette it on a¨ein & it was als sone. 'And čan token če wicked Iewes & bounden my suete son and vilelich & wičouten pyte ledden my swete son vnto Annas čat was bisschop in če ¨ere bifore. & Peter folowed hym aferre, & |r15 Iohan čat was knowen of če bisschop ¨ede in wič hym, & Petere stode wičouten če ¨ate. And Ion spak so to hym čat keped če dore čat Petre entred at his wille. And whan Peter |p83 was entred, čan seide a maiden vnto Peter, "Nartow nou¨th ¨one mannes deciple ¨onder?" And Peter seide, "No, I nam none of his". And Peter ¨ede forč & stode by če fyre wič če bisschopes seruauntz & warmed hym amonges hem. And |r5 če bisschop Annas asked my swete son of his deciples & of his techynge. And he ansuered & seide, "Al openlich ich haue yspoken to če werlde in ¨oure temples & in ¨oure synagoges čere če folk were assembled. In conseil ne haue I nou¨th seide. Wharto askestow me? Aske hem čat han herde me. I |r10 haue seide hem soč. Hii witen what ich haue yseide." And as he seide čise wordes on of če bisschopes seruauntz stode čere & smot hym a gret strok vnder če ere & seide, "Hou spekestow to če bisschop?" & my swete son answered & seide, "Yif ich haue spoken yuel bereč witnesse of yuel. ¨if ich haue |r15 seide wel bereč witnesse of good. Whi smyte čou me?" 'And after Annas sent my swete son to če bisschop Cayphas, and če seruauntz ledden hym to her motehalle & čere was a gret fyre li¨th. & Peter & Ion foloweden to čat ilch halle & Peter |p84 ¨ede bitwixe če seruauntz & warmed hym. & čere com anočer damoysel & seide, "Forsoče čou art on of his deciples & of Galile, for či worde bereč witnesse". And Peter bigan forto swere čat he ne knewe hym nou¨th. And after seide on of |r5 če seruauntz stondeande by če fyre, his cosyn of whiche Peter smot of his ere, "Ne sei¨ I če nou¨th in če gardyn wič hym?" And Peter seide, "Nay", & bigan forto swere & forto excuse hym. And also swiče če cok crew, and my swete son loked |r[f.452] vnto Peter, čorou¨ which lokyng he bičou¨th hym of |r10 če wordes čat God Almi¨tty hadde seide atte soper, "čre sičes čou schalt forsake me er če cokk crowe". And als swiče Peter went out & wepe tenderlich. 'And hii čat helden my swete son bounden, wič a cloč wri¨en his swete visage & smyten hym hard & often & seiden, "Arede |r15 who smot če". And če wicked Iewes craccheden my swete son in če face čat it was abhominable forto seen hym & many očer vilenyes hii duden hym & accuseden hym wrongfullich & tourmenteden hym al če ni¨th. And whan it was li¨th of day |p85 hii gadreden togedre če princes & če preestes & če wise men of her law¨e & after brou¨tten my swete son toforne hem & acoupeden hym of fals acoupynges čat were seide on hym & curseden hym & wari¨eden hym. And čo comen two fals witnesses |r5 & seiden, "He čis seide čat we herde, čat he mi¨th felle adoune če temple & če čridde day areren it". And čis he seide of his owen body, čat bitokneč če [deč] & če vprisyng of hym. And my swete son helde hym stille. če princes & če maisters arisen & seiden to hym, "čou ne ansueres nou¨th vnto če čing čat hii |r10 beren če on honde". And Caiphas seide, "I coniure če by če lyueande God čat čou saye vs ¨if čou art Crist, Goddes son alweldeande". & my swete son ansuered & seide, "čou it haste yseide forwhi čat ich it am, & I saie ¨ou forsoče ¨e schull seen mannes son sittande on če ri¨th half of God & comeande in |r15 če cloudes of heuene". če [prince was] wroče & [rente] his cločes & [seide], "It nys no myster forto bere more witnesse |p86 a¨eins hym, hereande ¨ee alle he it hač yseide". And he seide to če Iewes, "Hou čenchen ¨ou?" And hii ansuerden all att o word, "He is coupable and worči to suffre če deč". 'Whan my swete son hadd so ben tourmented al če ni¨th, and |r5 ich after his departyng fro me in sorow¨e & anguisch rose me vp in če morewenyng & ¨ede vnto če stede čere I was ywoned forto fynden hym & I ne fonde hym nou¨t, čo me took swich a sorow¨e att myne hert čat I ne can no man it saie, & I čou¨th čan čat he was taken wič če wicked Iewes. And as |r10 a wrecche & sorou¨ful ich ¨ede vnto če stede čere čat hii ¨auen če domes. And as I com att a foureway lete I mette my swete son bounden wič če wicked Iewes čat ledden hym vnto Pilate her domesman. And whan I sei¨ čat, I ne mi¨t no lenger stonde bot fel to če erče mate & soro¨ful. And my swete son loked to me |r15 & seide, "Swete moder, arise & ne sorow¨e nou¨th. Ich haue seide če bifore what me bihoueč suffre." |p87 |r[col.2] 'And hii ledden my swete son forč, and ich as cheityf & sorou¨ful folowed after. And whan hii comen tofore Pilat če wicked Iewes baren my swete son on honde & seiden, "We haue founden čis man turneande če folk, & he defendeč če trewage |r5 čat men schulden ¨iuen to Cesar oure Emperoure, and on očer half he makeč men clepen hym kyng of Iewes & Goddes son & many očer činges he doče". & čus hii baren fals witnesse a¨eins hym. And my swete son nočing answered a¨eins hem. And onon Pilate seide, "čou art kyng of Iewes?" & my son [an]swerd & |r10 seide, "čou it haste yseide" "What?" seide Pilat, "čou ne ansueres me nou¨th to čat I saie če?" And my swete son helde hym stille so čat Pilat hadd wonder & seide vnto če princes in conseil, "I ne fynde non encheson in čis man of deč". And če wicked men seiden, "He hač done če folk knowe wič his |r15 techinges & [turned] hem fram out of če londe of Galile vnto čis stede". And Pilate seide, "Is he of Galile in če power of Heroudes?" And hii seiden, "¨e". And čan Pilat douted hym forto ben chale[n]ged of če emperoure wič Heroudes ¨if he |p88 wičouten gylt dude hym to če deč for Heroudes & he weren wroče And he badde če Iewes lede hym to Heroudes čat was čan in Ierusalem & he bad hem čat hii schulden saie to hym for he was of his londe & of his power he wolde nou¨th iugge hym wičouten |r5 his assent. 'And če wicked Iewes tooken my suete son & ledden hym wičouten pite čorou¨ če cite puttande & reuileande so foulelich čat it was pite to seen. And Ion my cosyn & ich foloweden after wepeande & sorow¨eande. And whan hii comen bifore Heroudes |r10 on of čise wicked Iewes seide, "Sir Heroudes, Pilate oure iuge ¨ou sendeč here Ihesu of Nazareth čat biforne hym is coupable & worči to suffre če deč. And for čat he is vnder či power, he nyl nou¨th wičouten če iugge hym." And whan Heroudes sei¨ my swete son he was glad forwhi he hadde longe bifore desired |r15 če si¨th of hym for čat he hadde herd mychel speke of hym & vnderstode čat he schulde see sum wonder be done of hym. And Heroudes asked hym many resouns, and my swete son ansuered hym nou¨th. če princes & če maisters of če law¨e hard |p89 acoupeden hym and whan Heroudes sei¨ čat he nolde nou¨th speke wič hym ne no wonders do, he dude cloče hym in a white samyte in tokne čat he was a fole & seide vnto če princes, "Ledeč a¨ein ¨oure prisoun & seič to Pilat čat we nylle nomore be |r5 wroče". And hii weren made frendes, Heroudes & Pilate, čat ilche day. 'And če Iewes ledden a¨ein my swete son to Pilat. And whan Pilat sei¨ čat he |r[f.453] was brou¨th a¨ein he gadred togedre če Iewes & seide, "¨e haue presented to me čis man as he čat |r10 turneč če folk & ich haue aresounde hym here bifore ¨ou alle. And I ne can fynde in hym non encheson of če deč of whiche čat ¨e han ¨utt born hym onde, ne kyng Heroudes to wham ¨e ledd hym ne fonde in hym non enchesoun forto ben ydampned, ne, for al ¨oure bereyng on honde, nočing dude vnto hym bot dude cloče |r15 hym in white in tokne čat he hadde yuel borne hym, forwhi men schullen chastise hym as falleč to his trespas." And seide, |p90 "Ariseč myne kni¨ttes & scourgeč hym so čat he ne haue nomore will to do če folk falle in erroure čorou¨ his techinges". And onon token če wicked men my swete son & ledden hym into a chaumbre & maden hym al naked and afterward bounden hym vnto |r5 a piler & beten hym so strongelich wič scourges knotted čat he resembled fram če hede vnto če hele as a man čat were flayn. And whan hii hadden so beten hym čat hii ne mi¨tten no lengere duren, onon hii vnbounden hym & al naked ledden hym out of čat chaumbre. And atte outcomynge bitwene me & Iohan my cosyn, we |r10 mette hym al blody & I bigan forto crie & wič my cryyng myne hert failed me & I fel to če erče as ded. And my swete son doelfullich loked to me as he čat hadde gret pite of myne sorow¨es, čorou¨ which lokyng I sei¨ čat my sorow¨es duden hym harme. And I seide, "Swete son, dere son, I nylle sorow¨e |r15 nomore". čan bitwixen Ion my cosyn & me we wri¨e his lykham wič my kerchif. 'And onon če wicked Iewes ledden hym bifore Pilate. & was če manere of če Iewes čat at če gret fest of Estre for |p91 če solempnite of če gret fest čat o prison schulde be deliuered. And čat ilche tyme a riche man, Barabas, was in prisoun for mannesslau¨th and was brou¨th bifore če barre atte prime bifore Pilat če iuge, & two čeues were taken for |r5 čift, & Pilate seide, "Loo here Ihesus čat bifore me ¨e haue acouped; as me čencheč, he is chastised ynou¨. Wil ¨e čat ich lete hym go quite?" And če Iewes crieden all att on voice, "Nou¨th Ihesus bot Barabas". And Pilate seide, "What wil ¨e čan čat ich do wič Ihesu čat men seien is Crist?" And hii |r10 ansuereden alle, "Do hym on če rode". And Pilat seide, "Takeb hym čan to ¨ou & doče hym on če rode, for I ne fynde in hym non enchesoun". And hii ansuereden, "We haue law¨e, and after oure law¨e he schal dye, for he seič he is Goddes son". And whan Pilate herde čise wordes he dradd h[y]m če more & seide |r15 to my swete |r[col.2] son, "Whennes artow?" To which askynge my suete son answered nou¨th. And čan seide Pilat, "Ne deigneč če |p92 nou¨th to speke wič me & woste wel čat ich haue power to done če on če rood oičer to lete če go quite?" & my swete son answered & seide, "Powaire ne hastow non of me bot čas was graunted če fram on hei¨; čerfore hii čat deliuereden me to če |r5 han če more synne". And onon Pilat seide to če princes & to če commune, "It is good čat če grace of čis fest be done to Ihesu & čat we lete hym go quite". & hii ansuereden a¨ein, "¨if čou lete hym so passe čou nart nou¨th oure emperoures frende Cesar forwhi čat he dude clepen hym kyng of Iewes, and |r10 he čat doče clepe hym kyng wičseič Cesar". čan sei¨ Pilate če felonye of če wicked Iewes & douted hym of hem & of her wickednesse & seide vnto my swete son, "čou woste wel and knowest čat ich am on of či iuges; či men & če bisschopes han presented če to me. What hastow done to hem?" And my swete |r15 son answered & seide, "Mi regne is nou¨th of čis werlde & ¨if it were my seruauntz wolden defende me čat I nere. nou¨th ¨euen to če". And Pilat seide, "ča[n] semeč it wel čat čou art kyng". And my swete son seide to Pilate, "čou it haste yseide |p93 & soč it is čat ich am kyng". And onon Pilat forsed hym als mychel as he mi¨th forto deliuer hym & [procure] če deliueraunce of hym. And alle če Iewes crieden att o voice "Lete, lete, & ¨iue hym iuggement to honge on rode". And |r5 Pilat seide, "Schal I do ¨oure kyng on rode?" And če Iewes ansuerden & seiden, "We ne haue no kyng bot Cesar". Pilat vnderstode wel čat če princes and bisschopes of če law¨e & če preestes hadden to hym gret envie, & dude come water & wessche his honden & seide, "Loo ich make me quite of |r10 če spillyng of čis blood of čis ri¨thwise man". And če wicked Iewes crieden, "če blood of hym be on vs seen & on oure childer". And whan Pilat sei¨ čat he ne mi¨th deliueren hym in none manere & for doute čat he hadde of hem he most siwe her will, & douted more her felonye čan če vengeaunce of God, |r15 ¨af če iuggement in čis manere & seide, "For čat he hač done če folk, a¨ein če lawe of Moyses, bileue in hym čorou¨ his preching he is scourged, and for čat he seič he is kyng a¨ein |p94 če state of oure emperoure, leteč coroune hym wič čornes, and for čat he makeč hym Goddes son, for čat gret lesynge, lete do hym on če rode til čat he be ded. And ¨ee, Dismas and Gesmas, for it is founden čat ¨e ben čeues, schullen be done on |r5 če roode, & čou Barabas čat art ateynt of mannesslau¨th schal haue če grace of če gret feste of Estre so čat čou trespas no |r[f.454] more; goo now quite." 'And whan Pilate had ¨ouen čis iuggement he made write opon a table in Ebru & in Gru & in Latyne, "Ihesus of Nazareth, |r10 Kyng of Iewes", & bad čat čat ilche table schulde be festned abouen on če croice. And whan če Iewes sei¨en what čere was writen, hii seiden, "Ne write nou¨th čat he is kyng of Iewes bot čat he seide čat he was kyng of Iewes". Pilate answered & seide, "čat ich haue writen schal be writen". |r15 'And whan čat he was dampned, mychel folk folowed hym, for it was nere honde če cite čere he scholde be done on roode. & onon hii ledden my swete son out of če halle wič gret noise & |p95 cry, and če two čeues wyč hym. And I loked to my suete son & sei¨ hou vilelich he was ledde forč bitwene tweie čeues & iuggement of deč ¨ouen a¨eins hym. So mychel drede & sorou¨ ich hadde čat I ne hadde no power meseluen forto helpen, and |r5 Iohan my cosyn was so forlorne čat he ne hadde no power of hymseluen, ac boče we fellen to če erče as ded. And atte vparisyng of my swou¨enynge I loked to my swete son & sei¨ hou čat če wicked Iewes hadden sett hym in a chayer & ¨euen a ¨erd in his honde in tokne of kynges ¨erd, and afterward hii comen |r10 wič a scharp coroune of čornes & setten hem on knees biforne hym in despytt & in scorne, & setten čat ilche scharp coroune opon his heued so hard čat če čornes perceden into če bon of his heued. And hii seiden, "God če saue kyng of Iewes". And whan hii hadden so done hii craccheden so foulelich his swete |r15 face čat če blode ran of his heued & čat ilche cracching dude away al če fair si¨th of his swete visage. And čan ich hadde so mychel soro¨ čat me čou¨th čat vche čorne ¨ede čorou¨ myne hert. And onon token če wicked Iewes redes & beten hym so |p96 fast & so oft čat it was gret pite & drede forto seen. And whan hii hadden so reuiled hym & beten hym hii duden opon hym his kirtel & braided out his here čat was harded in če blode so čat če fel & če flesche comen vp wič al, for he hadd longe |r5 here for it was neuer schorne bot wexe a longe as wymmens here doče now. 'And čan duden hii opon hym a white samyte abouen & setten če scharp coroune on his heued and duden hymseluen bere če croice longe and gret and heuy, puttande & reuilande hym & |r10 draw¨end wič grete cordes vnto če stede čere he schulde be done on rode, wič gret noyse & cry. And če wymmen čat hadden siwed hym out |r[col.2] of Galile foloweden hym & his deciples wič gret sorou¨eynge & wepynge & founden Iohan my cosyn & me lyeande as hii čat hadden forlorne memorie & hii duden vs aris |r15 & ladden me bitwene her armes wič gret soroweynge after my swete son. And whan he herd če grete wepynges & če grete sorowes čat we maden, he loked a¨ein & seide, "Childer of Ierusalem, ne wepeč nou¨th on me bot on ¨ouseluen wepeč & on |p97 ¨oure childer for gret drede čat is to comen atte day of dome whan če folk schal saie, 'Blissed be če baraynes & če wombes čat bere none childer & če tetes čat ¨euen nou¨th to souke', & bigynnen to sayen to če hylles, 'Falleč opon vs', & to |r5 če valeys, 'Openeč ¨ou čat we mowe crepen in ¨ou forto hiden vs'. Forči whan swich čing schal bifalle whan če trees ben grene, hou schal it be in če tyme whan hii ben drie, čat is to saie whan domesday comeč čat al čat here is schal be brent, for čan schal come more drede?" |r10 'And čan com a man out of če toun meteande hem, & če wicked Iewes duden hym wič fors bere če tre. And a woman čat hi¨th Veronica čat mychel loued my swete son for he hadd saued hir of a gret sekenesse of blody flux, was goande to a peyntour ward forto do peynte če liknesse of my swete sones face opon |r15 a cloč forto haue hym in mynde, mett hym. And my swete son čat al wist took če cloč of če womman & laide it opon his face & dude če liknesse of his swete visage čereopon. And |p98 če womman sei¨ čis wonder, sche fel on knees & čonked hym. 'če man čat bare če croice ne mi¨th no lenger beren it so was it long & gret & heuy. And, če wicked Iewes leiden čat on ende of če croice opon my swete sones schulder & he for gret |r5 tendresse of his skyn, blody and al tobroken wič scourges, ¨ede stoupeande wič če rigge, sweteande & si¨¨eande for anguisch. And I seide to my swete son, "Suete dere son, suffre čat či wrecched moder may helpe če to bere čis heuy tre". And my swete son ansuered & seide stillelich to me, |r10 "A, my swete moder, ynou¨ čou berest & schalt bere of či part". And was his worde čis, čat I schulde fele att myne hert če stronge pynes of his passioun, ac čan vnderstode ich it nou¨th ac afterward vnderstode ich it. And I leide myne honde opon čat tree and whan ich it hadde opon my schulder |r15 & feled če heuynesse, swich a sorou¨ |r[f.455] com to myne hert čat I fel to če erče aswow¨e. And Iohan my cosyn & če wymmen čat I spake of bifore token me vp & beren me after my swete son as čing čat ne feled noičer good ne qued. 'And whan hii comen to če hyll čat is cleped Caluarie |r20 če wicke Iewes leiden adoune če croice & afterward maden hym |p99 naked & če kni¨ttes leiden cutt opon his cločes and his kirte čat ich hadd made myseluen wičouten seweyng, če which kirtel Pilate hadde of on of če kni¨ttes čat čorou¨ loth it had wonnen. čan comen če kni¨ttes čat ordeynde če pynes & token |r5 če mesure of my swete sones body, če brede and če lengče, wič whiche mesure hii maden če bores čere čat če nayles schulde ben dryuen čorou¨ his honden & his fete, and laiden hym wide open opon če croice. And če ri¨th honde wič a gret naile fastned it vnto če croice. & whan hii comen to če left honde |r10 če ende of če fynger ne com nou¨th to če bore. And če wicked Iewes token & ti¨eden a corde opon če honde & wič a leuoure lifteden after če body, & drow¨en alway vnto čat če honde com ouer če bore, and čan wič a gret nayl nailed it to če tre. And after whan hii comen to his fete hii sei¨en čat his heles |r15 ne comen nou¨t to če bore by a coute & more, čat is half a ¨erd. And wič a corde, as bifore is seide, hii ti¨eden on his brest & anočer opon his fete & drow¨en euer til čat his heles comen ouer če bore, & čan token anočer gret naile & |p100 naileden his fete čat on opon čat očer to če croice. And čerfore he hadde če more pyne čan oičer hadde ben nayled by it one, for če nailes were ragged & blunt bifore, for hii were of a wommans makeyng. And čerfore če nayles baren čorou¨ boče |r5 če hide & če flesche & če bon čat hii weren sette on first; hii baren al čorou¨ into če tree wič hem, & čerfore it seič in če sautere, "Hii doluen myne honden & myne feet & noumbred myne bones". & hii setten his body als streytt opon če croice as a parchemyn čat is glewed opon a borde. |r10 'And after hii lifteden vp če croice on hei¨ , & hii hadden sett a gret tre of cedre in če erče & hadden made čeron a mortays čat če foote of če croice schulde stonde & wič engynes čat hii hadden made hii lifteden hei¨e če croice forto smyte hard doune in če mortays. And hii faileden of čat mortays & rebounded čat |r15 o tre to čat očer čat his body hadde swich astonying čat he semed more ded čan quyk. |r[col.2] And anočeer tyme hii lifteden vp če croice wič so gret wille & smyten če fote in če morteys so hetilich čat če croice braundischt & schoke as a swerd bat is brandischt. če pyne was so hard and so horrible čat it was |r20 hidous & sorou¨ful forto seen to any man. And his vaynes of his body tobrusten & his woundes oppened wider so čat če blode ran adounne of his swete body as water out of ryuer. And at |p101 čat gret pyne my swete son seide doelfullich, "Swete fader ne charge nou¨th her synnes, for hii nyteč neuer what hii done". 'And whan ich herd my swete son so swetelich biseche for his enemyes, so gret doel & pite ich hadde of hym čat me čou¨th |r5 myne hert tobrast on an hundreč peces & I fel adoun to če erče & ne mi¨th nou¨th stonde. And Iohan my cosyn hadde so gret doel & anguisch čat he ne mi¨th nou¨th hymseluen helpen ne me, for če pyne čat he sei¨ my swete son čole. And čan comen če wymmen čat I spek of bifore & holpen me vp & wič her power |r10 me conforteden, amonge which was če Maudeleyn čat most after me hadd sorou¨ & made most doel, for after me sche was če womman čat hym most loued. And myne two sustres weren čere čat sorou¨es hadden ynou¨e & anguisch. And whan ich was holpen vp wič če wymmen stondeande, I loked to my swete son |r15 čat ywoned was to beholden so fair & so graciouse forto see to & I sei¨ so his colour chaunged & blody čat he semed better a mesel čan any očer man. & čan I bigan to crie wič swich |p102 voice as I mi¨th, ac so ich was ouercomen čat my voice was nou¨th fer yherd & seide, "Swete son suffre či wrecched moder to dye wič če, for better were for me wič my lemman to dye čan after hym lyuen in langoure al my tyme. A, a, swete son, |r5 what hastow trespassed čat či men & či kyn don če so mychel vilenye & tourment, so mychel good & curteisie astow haste done to hem and wič gret myldenesse done hem gret worschipp čat now hii ¨elden [it] če wič gret felonye? A, swete son & fader, haue pite on me či wrecched moder & lete me dye wič če." |r10 And whan ich had so bymened me, čan my swete son loked to me so pitouslich čat att his hert he feled myn anguisch čat he hadde of myne sorou¨es. And whan ich aperceyued čat myne sorou¨es greued hym & his peynes for myne anguisch weren če more, I wičdrou¨e me out of his si¨th among če sorou¨ful wymmen čat |r15 hym loueden and as |r[f.456] priuelich as ich mi¨th hydde myne sorou¨es. 'čan token če wicked Iewes & hengen two čeues by hym, čat on |p103 atte ri¨th half & čat očer atte left half. čan seiden če Iewes, "čou čat may fellen če temple of God & če čridde day areren it, deliuer now čiseluen, & ¨if čou be Goddes son go doun of če croice & we schull bileuen in če". če princes & |r5 če bisshopes & če preestes & če maisters of č[e] law¨e schoken her heuedes opon hym, vpbraidend hym & seiden on hoker, "Očer he may hele and hymseluen nou¨th. ¨if he be Goddes son as he hač yseide, lete hym come of če rode & we wil bileuen in hym" Also če čef Gesmas čat henge on če left side hym vpbrayded & |r10 seide, "¨if čou art Crist, Goddes son, saue čiseluen & vs". And čat očer čef Dismas čat henge at his ri¨th side reproced his felawe & seide, "čou wikked man čat art iugged to če deč, ne doutes čou nou¨th God for we for oure gylt & oure wickednesse haue serued če deč & čis man is dampned wičouten |r15 gylt čat non yuel hač done". And he seide čan to my swete son, "Lord God, čenche on me whan čou comest into či kyngdom". & my swete son seide, "I saie če forsoče, čis day čou schalt |p104 be wič me in paradis". 'And whan ich herde my swete son so graciouslich speke to hym čat had done so mychel wickednesse, Ion my cosyn and I drou¨ vs nere hym & wič sore hert loked opon hym, & in myne hert I |r5 čou¨th, "A, swete son, of wham schal ich haue confort whan čou arte departed fro me? Where schal I fynde remedie of myne hard sorou¨es? Who may confort me? Who may do me socours?" And my swete son wist al čat I čou¨th, and of Ion his deciple he seide, "Womman, lo here či son", and to Ion, "Loo čere či |r10 moder". And at čat ilch tyme took Ion me to kepe. And whan ich herd čise wordes of čat sorou¨ful chaunge čat in my swete sones stede čat was boče God & man čat I schulde take Ion Zebedees son, I bigan forto tremble & quake for anguisch čat myne fyue wittes failed me & I fel to če erče aswou¨e. ' |r15 Seint Austyn seič čat čere ne may noman noumbre če folk čat ben gon to helle for če čef čat henge on Goddes ri¨th side for čat he hadde so li¨thlich mercy. Hii layen če lengere in her synne & ¨euen no kepe to če wreche of God ne to his ri¨thwisenesse čat hii ne hadden no grace forto asken mercy |r20 whan tyme was, for če gret likyng čat hii |r[col.2] hadden to her synne čorou¨ gret vsage & longe liggeyng čereinne. And čerfore whan God bedeč a man his grace, I rede he reche čerto wič boče |p105 hondes, for ¨if he wičsitte it, he may loke a good while čere-after. Whan bedeč God če his grace? Whan čere comeč a bitynge in či conscience čattow doost amysse and čenches čan forto amende če čereof, čat repentynge comeč of his grace. čis I |r5 write here for many čat heren rede čis boke perauenture wolde ligge če lengere in her synne & be če balder & ouertrosty on Goddes mercy for če čef hadde so li¨thlich mercy. 'And my swete son seide, "Ich haue črust". & onon on of če kni¨ttes ¨ede and tempred bitter drynk of aysel, mirre & of |r10 galle so čat wič če smel of če stinkeande galle, če bitter mirre & če soure aysel encreced his pynes to hei¨e hym to če deč. And he big [an to crie] aloude, "Hely, hely, lamazaba_y",-- čat is to saie, "My God, my God, whi hastow forsaken me?" And on of če kni¨ttes seide, "He clepeč Hely". & |r15 če očer seiden, "Now schal be seen ¨if Hely schal comen & taken hym doune". For čere was a man among če Iewes čat hi¨th Hely, and hii wenden čat he hadde cleped hym. And anočer tyme my swete son seide, "Swete fader I ¨iue my soule into čine hondes" čan comen če kni¨ttes wič če drynk in a coupe, če fote bounden |r20 to a rede & putte it vnto his mouče and he toke it in his |p106 mouče. Bot for če bitternesse čereof he ne drank it nou¨t, bot wič loude voice seide, "Al is fulfild", and crieande ¨af vp če gost so čat, summe of čise holy men seien, men mi¨th here hym čre mile al abouten hym, & bow¨ed adoune his heued. |r5 'čan was čere gret stiring of erče; če hard stones tobrusten; če vaile in če temple tocleue in two parties; če sunne and če mone lesen her li¨th fro če middel of če day vnto none čre houres ouer al če werlde. And many holy bodies čat weren dede arisen out of her beriels čat after my swete sones arising |r10 schewed hem to mychel folk. And a kni¨th čat [men] cleped Centurio was čere & sei¨ če toknes & hou he dyed crieande čat was a¨ein kynde of man, and he seide čan čise wordes , "Forsoče čis man was Goddes son". 'Who may now |r[f.457] tellen če sorou¨es & če anguisshes čat I |r15 feled at myne hert? And Ion my cosyn, myne two sustres & če Maudeleyn & očer wymmen čat hadden siwed my swete son out of Galile, whan hii sei¨en če toknes & hym so strongelich dyen, |p107 beten her brestes & fellen to če erče aswou¨e for drede and sorou¨ čat hii hadden, and vche on by hymselue hadde so gret anguisch in hert čat non ne mi¨th helpe očer ne confort. And whan my susters comen to me I loked to my swete son & sei¨ his |r5 heued bow¨eande, his cheke opon his schulder, & čan I fel adoun in swou¨e and atte comynge a¨ein of my witt I bigan to crie & seide, "My suete son, whi hastow forsaken me? Whi ne suffrestow nou¨th či wrecched moder to die wič če? Swete son, čat a¨eins alle men hast ben so swete and so mylde, whi a¨eins |r10 me čat bare če to alle čise sorou¨ful pynes forto suffre artow bicomen so hard? A, swete son čat knowest če pryuetes of alle hertes, čenche on če sorou¨es of či wrecched moder čat to nočing hač more desire čan forto dye wič če. A, ¨e wicked & ¨e feloun Iewes, whi spare ¨e če moder čat is enchesoun of his |r15 manhede , če son of wham ¨e ne haue no pyte? More were delit vnto me wič my swete son to dye čan in anguisch to lyuen & in langoure after hym "And at čo wordes I swou¨ned. |p108 'čan comen če kni¨ttes wič grete hamers and braken hipes of če čeues čat hengen on eičer side of hym. & whan hii comen to hym hii founden hym ded. Hii ne breken nou¨th his hypes ac hii duden a kni¨th čat hi¨th Longys smyte hym into če side vnto |r5 če hert. And wič če outdraweynge of če spere comen out water & blode and če dropes of blode runnen adoun to Longys honde wič whiche he wiped his ei¨en & als sone he sei¨. & whan he sei¨ čat wonder he fel doun on knees & repented hym in his hert & cried mercy. |r10 'čan wenten če prynces & all hom & leften kni¨ttes forto kepe če body. & I loked to my swete son & sei¨e his heued čat helde vp al če werlde hengeande adoun, his two ei¨en schett čat louelich weren woned to loken on me, his mouče hopen čat swetelich was woned to kisse me, his tender flesche blody & al |r15 tobroken čat I was woned to ¨iue often souke, his hondes & his fete čirled čo |r[col.2] rou¨ wič scharp nailes and his heued prikked wič scharp čornes and his membres out of ličče čat |p109 weren ywoned to be me so dere and so swete, doelful forto see. What schal I do? če floure of lyf ich haue forlorne. 'čerwhiles we helde čus oure sorou¨es , a noble kni¨th čat hi¨th Ioseph of Aramathie, gode man & trewe & nou¨th |r5 consentande vnto če wille ne če dedes of če wicked Iewes for čat he was hopeande & desireande to seen če kyngdom of God, ¨ede vnto Pilate & bisou¨th hym for al če seruise čat he hadde done to hym of his kni¨thschipes čat he wolde graunte hym če body of swete Ihesu my son. And whan Pilat hadde herd hou |r10 čat he dyed of Centurio čat hym hadd tolde and če toknes čat bifellen in his dye¨ing, Pilat awondred gretlich čereof & graunted če body of my swete son to Iosep. And Pilate dud come togedre če princes & če maisters of če law¨e and asked hem ¨if it was so as Centurio hadde seide. And hii ansuerden |r15 & seiden čat če derkenesse was of če eclips of če sunne. And hii lei¨eden & čat hii wisten wel, for čere ne mi¨th neuer falle in none manere čat če sunne schulde in če eclips in čat |p110 tyme of če day and čat hii wisten wel hemseluen. 'On of če princes , Nichodemus , čat was my swete sones deciple priuelich for drede of če wicked Iewes , com wič riche oynementz wič Ioseph of Aramathie če ri¨thwis & dou¨tty kni¨th |r5 & wič her men wič gret deuocioun token my [ swete] son [es body] doune of če croice. And ich as če sorou¨fullest womman čat euere was & Ion my keper čat was sorou¨ful ynou¨ & če sorou¨ful Maudeleyn & myne susters & očer wymmen čat I bifore seide of , holpen att oure power. And whan his honden & his fete weren |r10 vnnailed Ioseph took his swete body in his armes and I com to hym & seide , "Gentil kni¨th , ¨iue me my son , my confort , my lyf". And če good man ansuered as he čat hadde gret pite & sorou¨ of če stronge woundes & tourmentz čat were seen in my swete sones body and of če anguisch čat he sei¨ me suffre & |r15 seide , "Mi swete dere lefdy , haue pite of čiseluen & ne sorow¨e nou¨th so mychel". And att čo wordes I took my swete son in myne armes & kissed hym, boče his mouče & his visage. & for |p111 če drede of his hard woundes & of his tendre body al blody & al tobroken I fel to grounde aswou¨e & my suete |r[f._458] son bitwene myne armes. And atte a¨eincomyng of my wytt I loked opon my swete son čat was fairer & bri¨tter čan če sunne whan |r5 it schyneč bri¨ttest & his body smellande so swete as alle če spices of če werlde hadden ben gadred togedre in on stede. čan com into myne hert swich a čou¨th of če swetnesse & of če fairhede čat he hadde in his childehode & of čat ilch čo¨th swich a ioye com sodeynlich into myn hert čat I ne feled |r10 noičer good ne yuel. And čat ilch tyme čat ich helde me so stille Ioseph & Nichodemus token his swete body & wič preciouse oignementz enoynted hym as če manere of če Iewes was & after wounden hym in a lynnen cloč fair & clene. '& Ioseph če noble kni¨th hadd made a newe ston to hymseluen |r15 forto liggen inne in which non ne hadde ben laide bifore & was čere in a fair gardyn nei¨ honde čere my swete son was done opon če rode. & hii leiden his swete body čereinne and after |p112 couered it wič anočer gret ston. And whan I com to my wytt a¨ein I sei¨ my suete son bischett in če ston of marbre , & čan bigunnen my sorow¨es to wexen newe & I seide , "A, swete lordynges , where haue ¨e done my swete son? Why ne haue ¨e |r5 nou¨th beri¨ed his moder wič hym?" & at čo wordes I rose and com vnto če ston & fel čereopon & seide, "Where artow bicomen my spouse, my son, my fader? What schal či lemman do, či dou¨tter, či moder? Widewe hastou left me wičouten confort, wičouten help. Me were leuer to be ded wič če & biri¨ed. A, |r10 ¨e gode lordes, vndoče čis gret ston & leteč čis cheityf lye & dye wič hir son." & čan me failed wynde & I ne mi¨th nomore sorow¨e bot fel adoun & mi¨th no worde speke. And whan če good men sei¨en če sorow¨es & če pynes čat ich hadde hii nomen me vp bitwixen hem & wič swich confort as hii coučen |r15 ledden me softlich into če toun bisides Iones moder my keper & čere leften me če good men & token her leue. And whan hii weren departed fro me, Ion my keper wič help of his moder |p113 laide me in a bed and čere I suffred my sorow¨ al ni¨th. 'And on če morewen če princes & če bisschopes & če prestes & če maisters of če law¨e comen to Pilat & seiden, "čis man čat we duden to deč seide to his deciples čat he schulde arise |r5 če čridde day; forwhi, it bihoueč čat če beri¨els be kept čat his deciples ne comen nou¨th & stelen hym away & done če folk to vnderstonde čat he is arisen, and elles schal če last erroure be wers čan če first". And |r[col.2] Pilat ansuered & seide, "Haue ¨e če kepynge". če princes & če preestes speken |r10 so wič Pilat čat he comaunded his kni¨ttes taken her armure & kepen wel če ston čere he lay vnto če čridde day were passed. & čan če kni¨ttes armed hem & comen to če ston & kepten it. 'če princes & če preestes of če law¨e hadden herd of če gret curteisie čat Ioseph of Aramathie hadd done to my swete son |r15 and hii ¨eden to fecchen hym to done hym to če deč. And hii founden hym in her synagoge wič on of her princes, Nichodemus |p114 čat ne assented nou¨th vnto hem. And Nichodemus sei¨ če felonye of hem & seide, "In what manere come ¨e into če temple at čis hei¨e fest of Paskes čat is čis day?" And če wicked men ansuerden hym & seiden, "In what manere artow |r5 comen in če synagoge čat trowest in Ihesu? či part mote čou haue wič hym in če werlde čat is to comen "And Nichodemus seid, "God it graunte. Amen" 'čan Ioseph of Aramathie schewed hym to hem & seide, "Whi ar ¨e wroč wič me for čat ich asked of Pilate Ihesus body? Ich |r10 haue leide hym in my newe ston & ful honurablelich haue wounden hym in a fair cloč & whit, & closed hym wič a gret ston at čis tyme. And ¨e as wicked men & feloun haue done hym to če deč, for which enchesoun gret vengeaunce schal be taken on ¨ou & on ¨oure childer as ¨ouseluen han asked bifore Pilat čat |r15 če blode schulde fallen on ¨ou & on ¨oure childer. Wite ¨e wel čat ¨oure prayer schal come to ¨ou. "And whan če wicked Iewes hadden herd what Ioseph of Aramathie hadde seide of vpbraydynge of her wicked dedes , hii speken priuelich togedre |p115 hou hii mi¨tten vengen hem, and duden all her woord in če bisschopes mouče Cayphas. And he seide to Ioseph of Aramathie, "čou haste ben prince of all oure kni¨ttes and hast ben hardy & asper & dou¨tty, & many grete dedes of armes čou |r5 hast ouercomen. Ac whan čou com to oure iuge Pilate & bisou¨th for alle či goode dedes če body of oure enemy Ihesu, čere trespassed čou a¨ein či law¨e, and forči čou art worči to dye. And for čou art čiseluen biknowe čat čou hast leide hym in či newe ston čat čou scholdest haue lyen in čiseluen, či body ne |r10 schal no¨t be beri¨ed bot it schal be eten wič houndes & wič foules. And forči as we nylle do no man to ded on čis gret hei¨e day of Estre, čou schalt be done in prisoun til tomorewen." 'čan |r[f.459] token če wicked Iewes & duden hym in a strong |r15 prisoun of ston čere nas noičer wyndow on open ne schett, and after schetten če dore opon hym & duden čereopon her seals and ¨euen če keyes , čat on to Annas, čat očer to Cayphas, for Annas |p116 was bisschop in če ¨ere toforne, and boče keyes weren enseled. And so duelled če gode man in prisoun for če good dedes čat he hadde done to my swete son. Ac he bat knowes če priuetes & če čou¨ttes of alle hertes and .leteč no good dede wičouten |r5 ¨eldyng and ne for¨eteč nou¨th hem čat louen hym, com to visite če prison as God & man alweldande, and I chille telle ¨ou on what manere. 'After če holy day, in če morewenyng, my suete son as God & man aros from ded to lyue. & first he schewed hym to me & |r10 spak to me swetelich & conforted me louelich as he čat was ful of godenesse & of mercy, čat hadd mychel sorou¨ of myne anguisch and wist če gret desire čat ich hadde forto seen hym. [And whan ich sei¨e hym] an hundreč tymes doubled my ioyes alle myne sorow¨es. čan he took me in his armes & kissed me |r15 and seide, "My good lef, swete moder & dou¨tter, now haue ich fulfild čat myne holy prophetes spaken of me and of če. My swete moder & lemman, now ich haue deliuered myne frendes čat weren disceyued čorou¨ če fende. Now ich haue done hem in her eritage in paradys & haue bounden her enemys & in a depe derk |p117 stede done hem. Now may čou, my swete lemman, make ioye and alle čine sorow¨es done away." "A, suete fader, dere son, my lyf, my confort, blissed be če tyme čattow was borne of me, and čat čou suffred deč opon če rood, for či folk čat was |r5 forlorne hastow bou¨th & saued čorou¨ či gret mercy & či godenesse." čan he ¨af me his blissynge and departed fro me and ¨ede to Ioseph of Aramathie čere he was in prisoun and lyft vp al če hous hei¨e into če eyre. And Ioseph was sore abayscht & fast swatt for drede of če grete li¨th čat he sei¨ |r10 my swete son more bri¨th čan če sunne. And my swete son wiped his visage & swetelich kissed hym. And Ioseph as a man čat was adradde seide, "What artow my swete sir? Artow Helie če prophete?" And my suete son ansuerde & seide, "Mi swete dere lemman Ioseph, I nam nou¨th Elye, ac ich am Ihesus čat |r15 čou beri¨ed & am comen forto deliuer če , for no lengere in čis prisoun schaltow duelle". & čan he took hym out & lete doun če hous as it was bifore & dude hym in his owen hous in Ara*mathie |r[col.2] čat grace & worschip ¨alde hym al his lyue. |p118 čan he schewed hym to če Maudeleyn & after vnto če Maries & to his deciples as če gospel witnesseč. 'Now ich haue a party telde of če pynes čat my swete son čoled forto deliuer his folk and a party of my sorow¨es. Ac če ioye |r5 čat ich hadde whan I sei¨e my swete son arisen passed alle če ioyes čat euere ich hadde fro če tyme čat I was borne. ¨e čat haue herd čis tale, če blissinge of my swete son Ihesu Crist mote ¨e haue & myne, and all also čat it writen oičer reden oičer heren haue čat ilch blissing and her part in my son |r10 regne vič če fader & če son & če holy gost čat lyueč and regneč wičouten ende. Amen. ' če passioun as oure lefdy seič of Ihesu endeč here Into če blisse of heuen vs bringe it all in fere. če gode man & če noble prince Nichodemus čat priuelich was |r15 Ihesus [Cristes] deciple for drede of če wicked Iewes, I schal telle ¨ou a litel book čat he made of če passioun & of his |p119 vparisyng, čat fel on čat ilche day čat he aros. če bisschopes & če princes & če prestes & če maisters of če law¨e comen into her synagoge and bispeken če deč hard of Ioseph of Aramathie čat hii duden in prisoun opon če day bifore, & hadden enseled |r5 če dore & če keyes vnder her seales čat were ¨ouen to Cayphas & to Annas, bisschopes of če lawe, & seiden, 'Doče vs come Ioseph toforne vs čat men mowen iuggen hym after čat he hač deserued'. če bisschopes token men wič hem and comen to če dore & opened it; and whan hii comen in hii ne founden |r10 no¨th Ioseph, & čereof hii hadden gret wonder, for hii founden če dore enseled as hii leten it whan hii duden hym čereinne; & comen a¨ein to če synagoge and telden če wonder to hem čat weren čere, of which čing hii weren gretlich awondred. And als hii stoden spekeande of čis wonder, so com in on of |r15 če kni¨ttes čat kepten če sepulchre of Ihesu & seide, 'Lordynges, ¨e čat ben here assembled, ¨e haue gret wonder of če delyuering of Ioseph. Ac hereč me & I schal telle ¨ou |p120 wonder. It bifel in če mornynge of čis ilche day a gret erčedyne, and an aungel of heuen com adounne vnto če sepulchre of Ihesu čat bitwene me & my felawes we hadden to kepe, & was če liknesse of hym as brennand laytt & his cločinge |r[f.460] |r5 white as snow. And for gret drede čat we hadde we fel doun to če erče as dede men. And we herde čat aungel speke vnto čre wymmen čat weren comen to če monument wič riche oynementz forto enoynte če body of Ihesu "Leue lemmans," he seide, "ne dredeč ¨ou nočing. I wot wel čat ¨e sechen Ihesu of |r10 Nazareth čat če Iewes deden on če rode. I do ¨ou to wite, forsoče he nys nou¨th here, ac he is arisen fram deč to lyue. Comeč & seeč če stede čere his body was leide & goč swiče vnto his deciples & telleč hem čat he is arisen fram deč to lyue & čat he schal schewe hym to hem in Galile, as ich haue seide & |r15 tolde."' And whan če maisters hadden herd čis čat če kni¨th hadd seide, hii duden sende after his felaw¨es & askeden hem ¨if it were so, and hii [confermed for soč] al čat her felaw¨e had seide. And čan seiden če maisters, 'Whiche ben čo wymmen čat če aungel |p121 spake vnto, & whi ne hadden ¨e atholden hem?' And be kni¨ttes ansuereden & seiden, 'Of če wymmen hadde we no knoweynge, & also hadde we no power of oureseluen for we layen alle as dede men to če erče for drede čat we hadde of čat ilche aungel. |r5 Hou mi¨th we čan če wymmen take?' And čan seiden če maisters, 'By God lyuyande, ¨e [ne] beč nou¨th forto leue'. And ban seide on of če kni¨ttes, 'So mani wonders haue ¨e seen & herd of Ihesu and ¨e ne leue hem nou¨th; hou mi¨th ¨e čan leue vs? And soč it is. He čat ¨e dude on rode is God & lyueč. Ac |r10 če wickednesse čat ¨e haue done ne may nou¨th suffre [¨ou to] haue knoweynge of ri¨thwisenesse.' And čan seiden če maisters, '¨e hadden če kepyng of Ihesus body čorou¨ comaundem[e]nt of Pilat, & ¨e schull answere of his body'. & on of če kni¨tes ansuered & seide, 'A! A! ful, ful be ¨e of wickednesse! Ynou¨ |r15 it is knowen of all men čat for če curteisie čat Ioseph dude to Ihesu ¨e dude hym in prisoun, and whan he was closed vnder ¨oure lockes [set] čereopon ¨oure seles &, če keyes enseled, ¨af hem to Cayphas and to Annas. & ¨e fonde če dore enseled and Ioseph ne fonde ¨e nou¨th. We wote wel čat čorou¨ Ihesu |p122 he is deliuered. Forwhi deliuer vs Ioseph & we schull deliuer ¨ou Ihesu čat we kept in če sepulchre.' And če maisters ansuerden & seiden, 'Ioseph may we wel deliuer ¨ou. ¨iue vs Ihesu. For we wot wel čat Ioseph is in his cite [of] |r5 Aramathie. 'And če kni¨ttes ansuerden & seiden, 'And we wot wel čat Ihesus is in Galilee among his deciples |r[col.2] as we herd Goddes aungel speke to če wymmen čat comen forto seken hym'. And whan če maisters sei¨en čat če kni¨tes meyntened so hard |r10 čat hii hadden seen, hii douted hem & seiden amonges hem, '¨if čis čing be puplisht amonge če commune poeple čat ne knowen hem nou¨th in holy wrytt, alle schull trowe in Ihesu & so schal oure lawe be fordone'. & čan hii token a gret summe of siluer & ¨af vnto če kni¨ttes & seiden, 'Seič vnto če commune |r15 poeple čat his deciples comen by ni¨th til čat ¨e slepen & stalen hym away in če despyt of oure law¨e. And whan če wordes ben brou¨th vnto Pilat, oure iuge, we schull be bifore ¨ou faire & wel čat ¨e ne schulle haue no blame. 'And če kni¨ttes token če tresore & tolden vnto če commune poeple |r20 als če fals maisters hadden tau¨tt hem. Ac če čing was so |p123 commune in če synagoge among če poeple čere če Iewes weren assembled, čat for alle če grete ¨iftes čat če maisters hadd ¨ouen, če kni¨ttes were holden for fals of many men čat wisten če soče, hou če kni¨ttes & če maisters hadden desputed togedres |r5 of če vprisyng of Ihesu Crist in her synagoge. After če vpsti¨ing of Ihesu Crist com Egias, a maister of če law¨e, and tweye of her preestes, Fynees & Addas, & comen opon an halyday vnto če temple tofore če maisters čere hii weren assembled; and tolden čat hii hadden ben in Galile and |r10 seen Ihesus among his deciples opon če mount of Olyuete, & herden hou he seide to hem, 'Goč abouten in če werlde and precheč & techeč vnto al manere folk čat he čat bileueč [& is cristened] schal be saued'. ¨e! Many seien, 'I bileue wel bot I ne do nou¨th čereafter'. |r15 And forto byleue wičouten doyng of goode werkes is ded for it ne comeč nou¨th to profyt. And čerfore seič holy wrytt, he čat lyueč in dedlich synne willes & weldes & nyl nou¨t amenden hym als sone as he may haue grace & be fast abouten to aske grace, čat he ne may come out of his synne, čis man oičer |r20 womman [is] out of če bileue of holy chirch, & čis I write here for many weneč & vnderstondeč čat hii ben in če bileue, čei¨ al be it so čat hii ben in dedlich synne & hii vnderstonden fals. For ¨if a man were |r[f.46l] in ri¨th bileu[e] , for no good of |p124 čis werlde ne wolde he do dedlich synne čat he nolde račer lese his lyf. And čerfore he seič, 'He čat bileueč & is cristned, he schal be saued'. & čerfore whan he doče dedlich synne he forsakeč cristendom čat is Crist his fader & turneč to |r5 če deuel & makeč hym his fader, for he is fader of al schrewednesse. And for čise wordes whan men heren hem čat men schullen vnderstonden hem ari¨th as hii owen to ben vnderstonden. For čise wordes, bileue and cristendom, beren al če charge of holy writt, and čerfore it were gret nede čat men |r10 vnderstoden hem ari¨t. '"And alle čat bileuen ¨oure teching, cristeneč hem in če n[a]me of če fader and če son & če holi gost. "& whan he hadde čus yseide vnto his deciples, we sei¨ hym wende vp into heuene. And als his deciples sei¨en hym so wenden vp hii |r15 stoden & lokeden vpward as men čat hadden gret wonder. And hii sei¨en tweie in liknesse of men ycločed in white cločinge comen doun & seiden, "Goode men, whereof haue ¨e wonder? In čat ilch manere & on čat ilch wise čat [¨e] haue seen hym wende vp into heuen, ri¨th so he schal come atte day of iuggement & iugge |r20 če good & če yuel [after her deseruyng]"' And whan če maisters hadden herd what če čre men hadden seide, hii chargeden hem wič oče opon her lay ¨if čat hii hadden seide was soče. And hii maden če oče & seiden čat al was soče |p125 čat hii hadden seide & tolde of če vpsti¨eyng of Ihesu Crist & of čat he seide to his deciples. čan token če maisters a gret summe of siluere and ¨euen to hem & maden hem to sweren by her law¨e čat hii ne schulden to no man tellen čat hii hadden seen |r5 ne herd. And whan hii hadden taken čis siluer hii wenten forč and če fals maisters senten after hem čre aspies forto loken ¨if hii wolden ou¨t tellen čereof. čan comen all če Iewes of če cite of Ierusalem togedres and maden gret waymentynge & gret cry opon če maisters and seiden, |r10 'What ben čise toknes čat ben done in Ierusalem in oure tyme? We haue trespassed a¨ein [oure] law¨e in violence of če blode nou¨th yknowe [gylty]. 'Annas & Cayphas, če bisschopes of če law¨e, conforteden hem & seiden, 'Goode men of če Iewerie, Goddes folk ychosen, ne mysconfort ¨ou nou¨th ac lokeč wel |r15 ¨oure law¨e. ¨e beč wel aknowe of če kni¨ttes |r[col.2] čat kepten če sepulchre of Ihesu, token oure ¨iftes and tolden as we hadde tau¨tt hem. And če ¨iftes čat we ¨af hem neren for no bileue čat we hadden vnto her sawes ac for če folk čat ne knew hem nou¨th in holy writt. It may wel be čat Ihesus |p126 deciples ¨euen vnto hem gretter ¨iftes forto tellen & seyen čat he was arisen forto meyntene her erroures, & ¨if hii hadden ben good men hii hadden entierlich holden hem & stedfastlich oičer to hem oičer to vs. 'čan aros če good prince Nichodemus & |r5 seide, 'A, good childer of Israel, ne spekeč nou¨th to čis folk bot soč. ¨e haue herd hou čise čre good men were ycharged wič oč forto saie če soče of čat hii hadden herd & seen of Ihesu. And oure law¨e wil čat če witnesse of two oičer of čre is ynou¨ proued for soč. And ¨if čat ¨e ¨iueč no bileue to her wordes, |r10 sende we after Ioseph of Aramathie čat he come to vs and telle vs hou he was delyuered [oute of če hous] , če dore schett and enseled. 'And čan seide Annas, 'Where schal Ioseph be founden? 'And Nichodemus seide, 'In his owen hous in Aramathie'. |r15 And čan hii consenteden alle to če conseil of Nichodemus and chosen seuen of če kynd of Ioseph forto done her message to hym in čise wordes: 'Unto če honourablest man of all men & dou¨tti & hardy & ful of wytt, Ioseph oure bročer. We princes & bisschopes & preestes and techers of če law¨e senden če |r20 gretyng wič worschips & honours as oure frend & fader, for we |p127 haue borne vs yuel a¨eins če wič felonye & now we beč [alle] repentaunt & bisechen če for či gret gentrie for¨iuenesse of čat wickednesse čat we duden vnwiteande vnto če. [¨if it be] či will forto come to vs, pes & loue schaltow haue of vs al či |r5 lyue so čat čou wil telle vs hou čou were deliuered čere čou was bischett in prisoune. For many wonders we haue herd siččen čat čou went out of čat prisoun of Ihesu, Iosephs son & Maries, čat so mychel hated če Iewerie wičouten ri¨th and resoun. Forwhi it čencheč vs čat it wil be profytt of činges čat ben |r10 seide čat čou wilt conseil vs treulich wič či power čat it may profyte to če folk. Ioseph, God če saue. 'čise weren če lettres čat če maisters ¨auen to če messagers čat weren chosen forto gon to Ioseph. And čan seide Annas, 'Greteč hym wel in fourme of pes & ¨iueč hym čise lettres, and saič čat we |r15 bisechen hym speciallich čat he do as čise lettres seien'. And whan če messagers comen into Aramathie hii founden Ioseph in his owen |r[f.462] hous čat faire & swetelich resceyued hem, and če messageres telden hym of če tičinges čat če kni¨ttes |p128 hadden seide čat kepten če sepulchre of Ihesu & of če čre men čat weren atte vpsti¨eyng of God almi¨tty. And Ioseph was glad & seide, 'Forsoče, it was soč, for ich was čere & herd what he seide to his deciples. And I sei¨ hou čat he stei¨e vp & hou |r5 čat a cloude couered hym & passed čorou¨ alle če elementz vnto čat he com to heuene. ' And čan whan Ioseph had seen če lettres he made hym redy to wende als swiče as he mi¨th and wič če messageres com vnto Ierusalem. & whan če princes wisten of his comynge hii wenten |r10 a¨eins hym wič gret nobleie and ioye, and namelich Nichodemus čat for enchesoun of hym made a gret gestenynge of [če goodmen of Iewerie čat duden hym] gret honour & worschip, and seide, 'Welcome be čou, oure fader Ioseph; pes & worschipp be wič če', & kissed hym. And Ioseph ansuered & seide, '[če] pes of God be |r15 with ¨ou, good men'. And whan Ioseph had duelled wič Nichodemus als longe as hym lyst and hadd spoken of auentures čat bifellen after če deč of Ihesu Crist, Nichodemus dude come togedres če princes & |p129 če bisschopes, če preestes & če maisters of če law¨e vnto her temple če next haliday, če which [day] Ioseph com toforn če princes, bisshopes, preestes, & če wise men of her law¨e čat louelich bisou¨tten hym forto tellen hem hou he com out of |r5 če prisoun čere he was bischett. And Ioseph ros vp and seide stondande, 'Good [men] , ¨iueč faič & troweyng to čing čat I schal telle ¨ou of če grete godenesse & of če curteisie čat Ihesus Crist, Goddes son, dude to me opon če day of če gret fest of Estre. Whan ¨e hadden bischett me in če stronge hous |r10 of ston [I] duelled čere al čat day & al čat ni¨th til in če daw¨eynge in praiers, and čou¨t on če pyne & on če anguisch čat Ihesus Crist, Goddes son & man, suffred wič his swete wille & forto delyuer če soules of oure olde faders, & hou čat če prophetes hadden seide of hym bifore čis tyme. And as I lay |r15 so in čou¨th, so com Ihesus and lifted vp če hous into če ayre & I sei¨ Ihesu as sunne schineande, and for drede čat ich hadde of hym I fel doun to če erče almest aswou¨e. And he took me vp by če honde and badde me arise, and wič his cločing he wiped |p130 my visage and kissed me and seide, "Ioseph, my lemman, ne drede če nou¨th. Look opon me čat čou knowe me." And I loked to hym & seide, "Sir, artow Ely če prophete?" And he seide, "[Nay], ich am Ihesus which body čat čou beri¨ed". And I seide, "¨if |r5 čou be Ihesus, schewe me če beri¨els čere I laide |r[col.2] če". And he took me by če honde & ledde me forč, and lete adoun če hous as it was toforn & lede me to če monument, and schewed me če lynnen cloč čat he was wounden inne and če sudari čat I dude aboute his heued. And čan hadd I če knoweynge of hym, |r10 and I fel on knees & honoured hym. And he took me by če honde & ledde me into myne owen hous in Aramathie and seide, "My pes be wič če. And goo nou¨th out of čis hous til fourti daies be gon, & čan look čat čou be wič myne deciples atte mount of Oliuete. "And whan he hadd so seide he ¨af me his |r15 blissynge & departed fro me.' And whan če princes, če bisschopes, če preestes, and če maisters of če law¨e hadden herd čis tale, hii weren gretlich abayscht & fellen to če erče as dede men, and crieden, 'What ben čise toknes čat ben done in Ierusalem?' And čan |r20 seide Ioseph, 'Sendeč after če čre good men čat tolden ¨ou what |p131 hii hadden seen of Ihesu & of his deciples opon če mount of Olyuete'. And čan wič assent of hem alle hii weren sent after, and whan hii weren comen hii weren charged wič oč forto seien če soče. And hii seiden alle att o voice, 'Forsoče, we |r5 weren čere and Ioseph whan [Ihesu] wič his deciples was opon če mount of Olyuete & sei¨en hym sti¨e vp to heuen'. And čan speken če bisschope[s] Annas and Cayphas and seiden, 'Oure law¨e wil čat če witnesse of two oičer of čre is ynou¨ proued for soč. And Ioseph oure fader wič ¨ou bereč witnesse, |r10 and ¨e čre witnessen čat his deciples and ¨e sei¨en hym sti¨e vp vnto heuene. We haue wel herd [of] Ennok & of Ely čat weren rauissched vp and of Moyses čat no beri¨eng was founden of, and so may be of Ihesu. What is it vnto vs čei¨ he be arisen?' And čan ansuered Ioseph & seide, 'Forsoče, it is gret wonder of |r15 ¨ou čat ¨e han herd, & soč is čat Ihesus is arisen fram ded to lyue & is went to heuen. And certes, more wonder is čat he ne ros nou¨th alone, ac many očer arisen wič hym of good bodyes, & |p132 čat of many men ben seen in Ierusalem. And good men, če most partie of ¨ou alle sei¨en Symeon, če grete prophete, čat resceyued Ihesu in his childehode in his armes in če temple and knewe hym as for Goddes son, and spak če prophecie of |r5 če passioun of Ihesu Crist and of his swete moder Marie čat ynou¨ is knowen. And čat ilch Symeon hadde tweie sones, Caricius & Leucinus, and we alle weren att her deč & čere hii weren beri¨ed. Goo we now & see čat her beri¨els ben open and |r[f.463] hii ben arisen and ben in če cite of Aramathie in |r10 prayers, ac hii ne speken to no man. Sende we after hem and worschipfullich do we hem comen to vs.' And če bisschopes & če preestes & če commune poeple ¨eden vnto her biriels & founden hem open, whereof hii hadden gret wonder, and comaundeden Ioseph and Nichodemus and Gamaliel čat hii |r15 schulden goo into Aramathie after hem. And hii wenten & founden čere Caricius & Leucinus in prayers. And hii gretten hem and kysseden hem and wič grete honoures ledden hem vnto Ierusalem. če princes, bisschopes, preestes, & če maisters of |p133 če law¨e comen into her synagoge and sei¨en čere Caricius and Leucinus čat hii wel knewen & hadden ben hemseluen att her beri¨ynge. čai hadden gret wonder of hem and coniureden hem by če gret God Adonay & by če God of Israel, čat wič |r5 če prophetes speken, her holde faders, čat hii schulden done hem to witen hou čat hii weren arisen fram ded to lyue. And whan hii herden čis coniuracioun hii bigunnen forto tremblen and sorou¨fullich lokeden vp toward heuen wič gret deuocioun, and wič her čombes maden če tokne of če croice opon her tunges |r10 and seiden, 'Amonges ¨ou princes & bisschopes & preestes čat haueč coniured vs forto saie ¨ou čorou¨ whom we ben arisen: bi čat ilch God čat ¨e han coniured [vs] by & čat sent his son Ihesus Crist into če erče čat bodilich ¨e haue done hym to deče, and he is arisen & went vnto heuen. And doče vs haue |r15 parchemyn and ynke & we schull writen če priuetes of God čat we haue herd & seen.' And hii duden hem haue parchemyn and enk. And Caricius ¨ede |p134 at čat on half of her synagoge and Leucinus at čat očer and writen hou čat Goddes son, Ihesus Crist, čat bodylich died opon če rood, če soule wič če godhede went vnto helle; and če ioye čat če gode soules maden whan hii wisten čat he was |r5 comen forto deliuer hem and če wordes čat hii seiden; and če pleyntes & če sorow¨es čat Sathanas & his deciples maden whan hii herden his comaundement, 'Do open če ¨ates of helle'; hou čat he brake helle ¨ates & bonde Sathanas; and hou čat he brou¨th out his chosen of če fre prisoun of helle and in |r10 paradys, če ioyes & če wordes čat weren seide and done; and hou čat Dismas če čef was resceyued of Michael če archaungel into paradys wič a tokne of če croice čat Ihesus Crist hadd ¨ouen hym after his |r[col.2] deč; hou hii weren awondred whan hii founden Ely & Ennok in body & in soule in paradis, and hou |r15 hii weren aresound in what manere čat hii comen čider & by whatt enchesoun; and hou čat če soule of Ihesu Crist com into his body in če beri¨els , and hou čat out of če sepulchre čat |p135 was schett he aros fram ded to lyue; & hou čat če aungel com in če daw¨eynge & dude away če ouerston of če sepulchre. And wha[n] hii hadden al writen, hii ¨auen če lettres to Nichodemus & to Ioseph čat redden hem to če folk, and hii ne |r5 founden nou¨th o worde more in čat o lettre čan in čat oč[e]r. And whan čis čing was done, Caricius & Leucinus vanisscheden away out of her ei¨esi¨th, whitter čan any snow, and nomore nar seen. And če lewed folk čat weren in če temple, 'Forsoče,' hii seiden, 'of God beč done čise wonderes', and wenten all |r10 out of če temple. če princes & če bisshopes & če preestes čat keptten če law¨e hadden če hortes so hardened in synne čat hii nolden in none manere it leuen čat he was God & man, Ihesus čat hii duden on če roode, ac michel folk of če commune čat hadde grace it leued wel. |r15 Now biseche we alle to Ihesu Crist & to his moder Marie & to alle his halewen čat hii bisechen for vs to almi¨tti God čat he sende vs grace to haue stedfast bileue in hym, čorou¨ which čat |p136 we may comen to če ioye čat euer schal laste. Amen. And vche man & vche womman, ¨if it be ¨oure wille, for hym čat čis tretiz drou¨ out into Englisch and for alle cristen folk & for alle če soules čat Goddes mercy abiden, seič a Pater Noster |r5 and an Aue Maria. Of če vprist of Crist, as Nichodemus gan telle, Here now make ich ende; God schilde vus all from helle.