|b[The_Equatorie_of_the_Planetis,_from_Peterhouse_MS._75.I, |b_ed._Derek_J._Price,_Cambridge:_CUP,_1955,_pp._18-44.] |p18 |r1_[f.71v] In the name of god pitos & merciable seide [leyk]=e= the largere è=t= thow makest |r2 this ³ instrument / the largere ben thi chef deuisiouns / the largere è=t= ben tho |r3 deuisiouns / ³ in hem may ben mo smale fracciouns / & euere the mo of smale |r4 fracciouns ³ the ner the trowthe of thy conclusiouns / tak ther fore a plate of |r5 metal or elles ³ a bord è=t= be smothe shaue / by leuel / & euene polised ! of which |r6 whan it is ³ rownd (^by compas) / the hole diametre shal contene .72. large |r7 enches or elles .6. fote of ³ mesure / the whiche rownde bord for it shal nat |r8 werpe ne krooke / the egge of ³ (^the) circumference shal be bownde w=t= a plate |r9 of yren in maner of a karte whel. / ³ ! this bord yif the likith may be vernissed |r10 or elles glewed w=t= perchemyn for ³ honestyte ! tak thanne a cercle of metal |r11 è=t= be .2. enche of brede / & è=t= the hole ³ dyametre (^w=t= in this cercle shal) contene [the forseide]=c= .68. enches / or .5 fote (& .8. enches) / & subtili lat |r12 this cercle ³ be nayled vp on the circumference of this bord or ellis mak this |r13 cercle of ³ glewed perchemyn. / this cercle wole I clepe the lymbe of myn |r14 equatorie ³ è=t= was compowned the yer of crist .1392. complet the laste meridie |r15 of decembre ³ ! this lymbe shaltow deuyde in 4 quarters by .2. diametral |r16 lynes in maner of ³ the lymbe of a comune astrelabye & lok thy croys be trewe |r17 proued by ³ geometrical conclusioun / tak thanne a large compas è=t= be trewe |r18 & set the ffyx ³ point ouer the middel of the bord (^on) which middel shal be |r19 nayled a plate of ³ metal rownd ! the hole diametre of this plate shal contiene |r20 .16. enches large ³ for in this plate shollen ben perced alle the centris of this |r21 equatorie / & ek in ³ proces of tyme may this plate be turned a bowte after è=t= |r22 auges of planetes ³ ben moeued in the .9. spere thus may thin instrument laste |r23 perpetuel. ! tak thanne ³ as I haue seid by forn the fix fot of thy compas & set |r24 it in the middel of ³ this plate & w=t= the moeuable point of thi compas descriue |r25 a cercle in the ³ ferthest circumference of thy lymbe ! & nota è=t= the middel |r26 poynt of this plate ³ wher as the fix fot of thy compas stondith / wole I calle |r27 centre .aryn. / mak ³ thanne a narwer cercle è=t= be descriued vp on the same |r28 centre aryn but ³ litel quantite fro the forthest forseid cercle in the lymbe in |r29 whiche space ³ shollen ben deuyde mynutes ofthe lymbe/ mak thanne a narwere |r30 cercle som ³ what ferther distaunt fro the laste seid cercle / in which shal be |r31 deuyded the ³ degres of the same lymbe mak yit a narwere cercle som what |r32 ferthere ³ distaunt fro this laste seid cercle in which shal ben writen the nombres of |p20 |r1_[f.72r] degres / mak yit anarwere cercle som what ferther distaunt fro this laste |r2 seid ³ cercle in which shollen ben writen the names of 12 signes / & nota è=t= |r3 this laste ³ seid cercle wole I calle the closere of the signes / now hastow .5. |r4 cercles ³ in thy lymbe / & alle ben descriued vp on centre aryn / and euerich |r5 of the ³ .4. quarters in thi lymbe shal ben deuided in 90 degres è=t= is to sein |r6 .3. signes ³ & eueri degre shal be deuided in 60 mi=a= ! & shortly thi lymbe is |r7 deuided ³ in maner of the lymbe in the bakside of an astrelabie / deuyde |r8 thanne thilke ³ lyne è=t= goth fro centre aryn vn to the cercle closere of the |r9 sygnes (versus finem geminorum) in 32 ³ parties equales. whiche parties ben |r10 (^cleped) degres of the semydiametre / marke thise ³ parties dymli (ut postea deleantur) ! and nota è=t= this diametral lyne deuided in 32 parties |r11 shal be ³ cleped lyne alhudda / set thanne the fix point of thy compas vp on |r12 the ende ³ of the firste deuysioun fro centre aryn in lyne alhudda / & the |r13 moeuable ³ point vp on the ende of the 30 deuisioun fro the fix poynt of thi |r14 compas in ³ the same lyne / so dwelleth ther but .1. deuisioun by twixe thy |r15 moeuable ³ point & the closere of the signes / & .1. deuysioun bi twixe thy |r16 fix poynt ³ & the centre aryn / & descryue thus a cercle / & tak ther the |r17 eccentrik ³ cercle of the sonne / scrape thanne awey the deuysiouns of lyne |r18 alhudda ! ³ ! deuyde yit (^dymly oculte) the same lyne alhudda fro centre |r19 aryn / vn to the closere ³ of the signes in 60 parties equales / set thanne the |r20 fix poynt of thy ³ compas in centre aryn / & the moeuable point in .12. degres |r21 & 28 mi=a= of lyne ³ alhudda & descriue a cercle / & è=t= is the centre defferent |r22 of the mone / ³ perce thanne (al) the circumference of this defferent in 360 |r23 subtil holes equales ³ of space & thise spaces by twixe the holes / ben deuyded |r24 owt of the ³ degres of the lymbe ! & nota è=t= the yer of crist 1392 (^complet |r25 [- vltimo .10.bre in meridie london]=e=) the aux of saturnus ³ was the (^last) |r26 meridie of decembre at londone I seye the aux of saturne in the ³ .9. spere |r27 was .4. dowble signes 12 g=a= 7 mi=a= .3. 2=a= & cetera / the remenaunt of ³ auges sek |r28 hem in the table of auges folwynge / tak thanne a Rewle ³ & ley è=t= on ende |r29 in centre aryn / & è=t= other ende in the lymbe / in the ende ³ of the minut wher |r30 as endith the aux of the planete / & draw ther a lyne ³ w=t= a sharp instrument |r31 fro centre aryn vn to the closere of the signes / & ³ no ferthere for empeiryng |r32 of the lymbe & fasteby this lyne writ the ³ name of the planete (cuius est aux) |r33 this rewle is general for alle planetis / sek thanne ³ in thi table of centris / the |r34 distaunce of the centre equant of saturne ³ fro centre aryn which is .6. g=a= |r35 50 mi=a= / set thanne the fix point of thy ³ compas in centre arin / & the moeuable |r36 poynt in 6 g=a= & 50 mi=a= in lyne ³ alhudda fro centre aryn ! turne than softely |r37 thy compas abowte. til è=t= the ³ moeuable poynt [til it]=c= towche the lyne of the aux of saturne & |p22 |r1_[f.72v] stondinge alwey (^stille) the fix poynt of thy compas in centre aryn / marke |r2 w=t= thy moeuable poynt ³ in the lyne of the aux of saturnus a dep prikke / for |r3 in è=t= prikke shal be perced a smal hole ³ for the centre equant of saturnus / & |r4 faste by this hole mak an E in signefyeng of equant // ³ ! thanne tak awey thy |r5 compas / & loke in thi table of centris / the distaunce of the centre ³ defferent of saturnus / & è=t= is .3. g=a= & 25 mi=a= / set (a centre aryn) thanne the fix point |r6 of thy compas in ³ centre aryn & thy moeuable point in .3. g=a= & 25 mi=a= in |r7 lyne alhudda / & torne softely ³ thi compas til è=t= the moeuable point towche |r8 the (^forseide) lyne of the aux of saturne / & stonding ³ stille thy fix poynt |r9 of thi compas in centre aryn / marke w=t= the moeuable poynt in ³ the lyne of |r10 the aux of saturne a dep prikke for ther in shal be perced a smal hole ³ for |r11 the centre defferent of saturnus/ & fasteby this hole mak an .D. for defferent ³ ! & |r12 nota è=t= by this ensample of saturnus shaltow make the centres defferentes/ & ³ ek the equantes of alle the planetis / after hir distaunces (in tabulis) fro centre |r13 aryn ³ & prikke hem in the lynes of hir auges ! thanne shaltow sette the fix |r14 point ³ of thy compas in the lyne of the aux of mercurie euene by twixe the |r15 centre .E. ³ & centre .D. of mercurius / & strid the moeuable poynt til it wole |r16 towche bothe ³ centre E & ek centre .D. of mercurius / & descryue ther a litel |r17 cercle & thanne ³ shaltow se è=t= the lyne of the aux of mercurie departith this |r18 litel cercle in ³.2. arkes equals / this is to seye / è=t= the lyne kerueth this litel |r19 cercle euene ³ amidde / this litel cercle shal be perced ful of smale holes (in |r20 circumferencia circuli) by euene proporcioun ³ as is the centre defferent of the |r21 mone in 360 holes yif it be possible or in ³ .180. or in 90 atte leste / but sothly |r22 the spaces by twixe the holes (ne) shal nat ³ be deuided owt of the grete lymbe |r23 of the instrument / as is the centre defferent ³ of the mone / but owt of the |r24 circumference of the same litel cercle it shal be ³ deuided by thy compas ! scrape |r25 thanne awey thilke 60 deuysiouns in lyne alhudda ³ ! & yit deuyde the same |r26 lyne alhudda in .5. parties equales (by compas) fro centre aryn vn ³ to the |r27 cercle è=t= is closere of the signes / & euerych of thilke .5. parties shal be ³deuided |r28 in 60 parties / thise diuisiouns ne shal nat ben scraped awey / deuyde ³ thanne |r29 the line è=t= goth fro centre aryn to the hed of capricone which lyne ³ is cleped |r30 in the tretis of the astrelabie the midnyht line / I seye deuyde this ³ midnyht |r31 lyne in .9. parties equals fro centre aryn (vn) to the closere of the ³ signes / & |r32 euerich of thise deuysiouns shal be deuided by thy compas in 60 parties ³ equales ! |r33 thise deuysiouns ne shal nat be scraped awey ! laus deo vero ³ now hastow the |r34 visage of this precios equatorie / nota è=t= thise last seid .9. diuisiouns ³ in the midnyht lyne shollen seruen for Equacioun of the 8=e= spere |p24 |r1_[f.73r] {n}ow for the composicioun of the Epicicle for the visage of thyn equatorie / thow |r2 shalt ³ make a cercle of metal of the same brede & of the same widnesse in |r3 circum³ference in diametre / & in alle thinges lik to the lymbe of thin |r4 instrument ³ & in the same manere shal it be deuyded in mynutis. in degres |r5 in nombres ³ in names of signes / & in 5 cercles compased / as is the firste seid |ra lymbe / saue è=t= .a. // ³ // .b. the eccentrik of the sonne / ne shal nat be |rb in the epicicle & also ³ è=t= it be nat filed to ney to the closere of his signes list |rc thow perce the hole (foramen) ³ of thi commune centre defferent amys / or elles |r6 list the hole breke ³ [ è=t=]=c= / this epicicle mot haue suffisaunt thikkenesse to |r7 sustene hym self ³ ! Tak thanne this epicicle & ley it (^sadly & ) euene vp on |r8 the visage of thin equatorie ³ so è=t= (capud) aries of thin epicle lie euene vp on |r9 the hed of aries in the lymbe ³ of thin equatorie / & libra vp on libra & cancer |r10 vp on cancer & capricorne vp ³ on capricorne & (^euery) signe vp on signe |r11 this is to seyn the hed of euery signe ³ vp on hed of euery signe / tak thanne |r12 a Renspyndle or a boydekyn / & in ³ direct of the hed of cancer. (thow shalt) |r13 in the cercle è=t= is closere of the signes (perce) make a ³ litel hole thorw the |r14 epicicle / & thanne shaltow se (è=t=) yif thow haue trewely compased ³ thy cercles / |r15 è=t= the poynt of thy renspindle shal haue towched the closere ³ of the signes |r16 in direct of the hed of cancer in thyn equatorie / this³litel hole è=t= is no gettere |r17 than a smal nedle shal be cleped the comune ³ centre defferent of planetes / tak |r18 thanne a barre of metal of the brede of³ a large enche & of suffisaunt thyknesse / |r19 (of) the whiche barre è=t= on ende ³ shal be sowded to the closere of (^the) |r20 signes in direct of aries in this epicicle ³ & è=t= other ende shal be sowded to the |r21 closere of the signes in direct of libra ³ in the same epicicle / draw thanne by |r22 thi rewle a lyne fro the hed of aries ³ to the hed of libra endelong the barre / & |r23 draw swich another lyne (^ouerthwart) [in]=c= ³ the barre fro the hed of cancer |r24 to the hed of capricorne / & in the seccioun ³ of this crois is the centre of the |r25 epicicle / tak thanne a rewle of latoun ³ that (ne) be nat ful thykke / & lat it |r26 be the brede of an enche & the lengthe shal ³ be as long as al hol the diametre |r27 of the Epicicle this rewle mot be ³ shape in maner of a label on an astrelabie ! |r28 the centre of this rewle ³ shal be nayled to the centre of the forseide barre in |r29 swich a manere ³ è=t= this label may torne abowte as doth the label of an |r30 astrelabie / in ³ middes of this nayl è=t= fastnyth the barre & the label to gidere |r31 ther mot ³ be a smal prikke è=t= be dep / which prikke (id est punctus) is the |r32 centre of thin epicicle ³ ! tak thanne by thy large compas the distaunce by twixe |r33 centre aryn & the ³ closere of the signes / which distaunce is the lengthe of lyne |r34 alhudda ³ ! & be it on a long rewle or elles be it on a long percemyn / marke |r35 w=t= thy ³ compas the forseide distaunce / & deuyde it in 60 parties equals & than |r36 hastow ³ a newe lyne alhudda / sek thanne in thy table of centres / the |r37 semydiametre ³ of the epicicle of saturnus / & è=t= is .6. g=a= & 30 mi=a= of swiche |r38 degres as ben ³ 60 in line alhudda / tak thanne w=t= thy compas the space of |r39 .6. g=a= & 30 mi=a=. ³ of lyne alhudda / & set the fix point of thy compas in the centre of thin |p26 |r1_[f.73v] Epicicle è=t= is the poynt (punctus) in the hed of the nail / & endelong the label |r2 set the ³ moeuable poynt of thi compas & w=t= è=t= moeuable poynt mak a marke |r3 astrik in the ³ label & fasteby the strik writ .sa. for saturne / this ensample of |r4 saturne ³ techith how to maken in the label alle the semydiametres of Epicicles ³ |r5 of alle the planetis / nota è=t= the sonne (ne) hath non epicicle ! & nota è=t= |r6,|r7 alwey ³ as the label turnyth/ so shewith it the epicicle ofeuery planete/ laus ³ deo |r8 vero now hastow complet thyn equatorie w=t= alle hise membris ³ ! and nota è=t= eccentrik of the sonne shal nat be compassed in this epicicle / Explicit ³ |r9 the face of the equatorie |r10  nota è=t= euery centre mot ben also smal |r11 as a nedle / & in euery equant mot |r12 be a silk thred |r13  nota è=t= the eccentrik of the sonne is |r14 compaced on the bord of the instrument |r15 & nat on the lymbe for sparing |r16 of metal /  nota shortly è=t= but so be |r17 è=t= bothe the closeres of the signes |r18 ben precisly ilike of widnesse / & |r19 but so be è=t= centre aryn stonde precise |r20 as fer fro his closere of the signes as |r21 the centre of thin epicicle stondith fro |r22 the comune centre defferent precise / thyn |r23 epicicle is fals / but natheles |r24 yif thow myshappe in this |r25 cas i shal teche the aremedie |r26 ! knokke thi centre defferent |r27 innere or owtre til it stonde |r28 precise vp on the closere of the |r29 signes in the lymbe of thin |r30 equatorie / so wole thanne the |r31 centre of thin epicicle precise |r32 stonde vp on centre aryn |r33 the sixte |r34 cercle is the |r52 the prikkes in the lynes |r35 eccentric of the sonne |r53 ben the centris equantis & |r36 & the .5. cercle è=t= is red |r54 defferentis / & alle thise |r37 is the closere of the signes |r55 centres saue the equant |r38 & the seccioun of the crois |r56 of mars ben by twixe |r39 is centre aryn ! & è=t= other |r57 centre aryn & the centre |r40 centre is the centre of the |r58 defferent of the mone |r41 eccentrik of the sonne |r59 the owterest space is mynutis |r42 ! & the lyne deuyded in .9. |r60 & the nexte space is degres |r43 is the midnyht lyne I |r61 & the thridde space is nombres |r44 wot wel it is figured |r62 of degres & the ferthe space is |r45 boistosly / & the cercle |r63 for names of signes but |r46 abowte centre aryn is |r64 natheless the narwere cercle |r47 the centre defferent of the |r65 of the signes is cleped the |r48 mone / the litel cercle |r66 closere of the signes / & it is |r49 is the defferent of mercurie // |r67 compased with red |r50 ! the smale lynes ben lynes |r51 of auges |p28 |r1_[f.74r] the epicicle nota file nat to ney the rede cercle è=t= is closere of |r2 the signes / list the commune centre defferent breke |r3 lat stonde a litel lippe as shewith in direct of |r4 the hed of cancer |r5 nota I conseile the ne write no names of signes (id est in epiciclo) |r6 til è=t= thow hast proued (^è=t=) thi comune |r7 centre defferent is treweli & justli set |r8 in direct of the closere of the signes |r9 of thin equatorie |r10 ! this |r11 epicicle |r12 is deuyded |r13 & compased in |r14 alle thinges |r15 lik to the lymbe of the equatorie |r16 ! but it hath non |r17 eccentrik of the |r18 sonne / the prikke |r19 è=t= stant in the |r20 closere of the |r21 signes in direct |r22 of the ende of |r23 geminis is the |r24 commune centre |r25 defferent ---- |r26 ! but natheless thus lith thin |r27 instrument whan thow makest |r28 equacioun of thy mone |p30 |rd_[f.75r] pro argumentis trium superiorum minue eorum med' mot de med' mot solis / & |re,|r1 remanet argumentum ³ [satur .io. & martis & vener]=e= ³ {s}ek medius motus of |r2 saturnus Juppiter mars & venus / & hir mene argu³mentis in thy tables / & writ |r3 hem in thy sklat / put thanne a ³ blak thred in centre aryn (terre) & a whit |r4 thred in centre equant of ³ any planete è=t= the list haue of equacion. // and put |r5,|r6 the comune ³ centre defferent of thyn Epicicle / vp on the centre different ³ in |r7 thy plate / of thilke planete è=t= thow desirest to haue equacioun ³ I sey è=t= w=t= |r8 a nedle thow shalt stike the comune centre deffe³rent of thin Epicicle / vp |r9 on the centre defferent è=t= is perced ³ on thy plate for swich a planete a the list |r10 to haue of equacoun ³ ! loke thanne (pro successione signorum) fro the hed of |r11 aries wher the mene motus of thy planete ³ endith / in the grete lymbe of thy |r12 plate / & ley ther thy blake thred. ³ ! ley thanne thy white thred equedistant |r13 by the blake thred in ³ the same lymbe. & proeue by a compas è=t= thy thredes |r14 lyen equedistant // ³ vnder whiche white thred ley the pool of thyn Epicicle ! & |r15,|r16 stond=³inge thyn Epicicle stille in this maner / I seye stondinge ³ the pool of |r17 thin epicicle vndir thy white thred stille / & the ³ commune centre different |r18 fix w=t= thy nedle to the foreseide centre ³ defferent of the planete desired / tak |r19 than thy blake thred ³ & ley it so è=t= it kerue the centre of the Epicicle / & |r20,|r21 streche ³ forth vp vn to vpperest part of the same epicicle / and ³ than shal this |r22 blake thred shewe bothe the verrey motus (locum) ³ of the epicicle in the grete |r23 lymbe / & ek the verrey aux of ³ the planete in the epicicle / & thanne the ark |r24 by twixe medios ³ motus of the planete / & the verrey motus of the epicicle / is ³ |r25,|r26 cleped the equacion of his centre in the lymbe (zodiacus) // to whom ³ is lik |r27 the equacion of his argument in his epicicle. // ³ è=t= is to sein the ark by twixe |r28 his mene aux & his verrey ³ aux. ! for sothly the mene aux is shewed in the |r29,|r30 Epi³cle by the white thred / vnder which thow puttest the ³ pol of the |r31 epicicle // & the verrey aux is shewed in the ³ epicicle by the blake thred ! & |r32 stondinge stille thin Epi³cicle in this same disposicioun / ley the ende of thy |r33,|r34 label ³ è=t= is grauen // fro the white thred as many signes ³ degres & mi=a=. as |r35 shewith the mene argument in thy ³ [grene]=c= tables for è=t= day of thy planete |r36,|r37 desired ! & rekne ³ this mene argument fro the white thred after suc³cessioun |rf of signes of euery planete saue only of the mone ³ [sa 1 31 19 22 44]=e= |p32 |r1,|r2_[f.75v] ! & ligginge the marked ende of thy label vpon [the] ³ the ende of this mene |r3 argument in the epicicle / ley ³ thy blake thred vp on the marke of thy planete |r4,|r5 è=t= is ³ grauen in thi label. & wher as the same blake ³ thred keruyth the lymbe |r6 of thy plate tak ther ³ the verrey place (locum) of the planete in the .9. spere ³ |r7,|r8 ! and the ark by twixe the verrey place (locum) of the ³ planete (in limbo) |r9 & the verrey place of the epicicle considered in ³ the lymbe is cleped equacioun |r10 of his argument this maner ³ of equacioun is for saturnus Juppiter mars & |r11,|r12 venus / but ³ in the remenaunt of planetes in some thinges it varieth ³ sol ! the |r13 mene motus of the sonne ben rekned fro the hed of aries ³ after successioun of |r14 signes ! the sonne hath non Epicicle ne non ³ Equant & therfor the pol of the |r15 epicicle mot ben in stide of the ³ body of the sonne in the .9. spere ! the white |r16 thred è=t= thow puttest ³ in his centre defferent in the plate (lamina) // mot ben |r17 in stide of the white ³ thred è=t= othre planetes han in hir centres equantis ! the |r18 blake thred ³ è=t= euermo stant in centre aryn / mot be leid at the ende of his ³ |r19,|r20 mene motus ! tak thanne his white thred & lei it equedistant ³ in the lymbe |r21 by the blake thred ! whiche blake thred shewith the ³ mene motus of the |r22 sonne ! fixe thanne w=t= thy nedle the commune ³ centre defferent of thyn |r23 Epicicle to centre aryn. & remew nat thy (nedle) ³ ! & vnder this white thred ley |r24 softely the pol of the Epicicle ³ & wher as the white thred keruyth the grete lymbe |r25,|r26 tak ther³ [ther] the verrey place of the sonne in the .9. spere / the ark ³ of the |r27 lymbe by twixe his aux è=t= is now in cancer. & the blake ³ thred is the argument |r28 of the sonne ! the ark by twixe the ³ blake thred & the white in the lymbe is |r29 the equacion of the ³ sonne / which ark nis but litel. / the mene motus of the |r30,|r31 sonne ³ is the ark in the lymbe by twixe the hed of aries & the blake ³ thred in |r32 the same lymbe ! the verrey motus of the sonne is ³ the ark of the lymbe by |r33 twixe the hed of aries & the blake ³ thred whan it (id est filum) is remewed fro |r34 the mene motus & crossith the ³ white thred in the in the pol ofthe Epicicle ! the |r35 same ³ verrey motus was shewed erst by the white thred of (the) defferent ³ |r36,|r37 whan it lay equedistant by the blake thred in the limbe ~ ~ ~ ³ & nota è=t= the |r38 markes in thy label descriuen the Epicicles of planetes as the ³ label turneth |p34 |rg_[f.76r] [mercurius]=o= this canon is fals |r1,|r2 {R}ekne after succession of signes fro the hed of aries in the ³ lymbe / the mene |r3 motus of mercurius ! & considere ek how mochel in ³ the same lymbe is by twixe |r4 the hed of aries. & the lyne of his ³ aux / è=t= yit is (^in) the lattere ende of |r5 libra ! & rekne alwey after ³ successioun of signes ! w=t= draw thanne the |r6,|r7 quantite in ³ the lymbe. by twix the hed of aries & the forseid aux / owt ³ of |r8 his mene motus ! & considere how moche is the remnaunt ³ of his mene motus |r9 whan this aux is thus w=t= drawe owt ³ of al the hoole mene mot ! & so mochel |r10 rekne after succession ³ of signes in his litel cercle / fro the lyne of his aux è=t= |r12 keruyth ³ the same litel cercle ! I seye rekne after successioun of ³ signes. from |r13 lettere .D. è=t= is grauen in his lytel cercle / & procede ³ in the same litel cercle |r14 to ward lettere .E. opposit to .D. / ³ I sey rekne thilke remnaunt (of the mene |r15 motus) è=t= dwelde whan the quantite ³ of his aux was w=t= draw owt of his hole |r16,|r17 mene motus ³ as I haue seid by forn ! & wher as ---- thilk remnaunt ³ forseid |r18 endith in the litel cercle / tak ther the verrey centre ³ defferent of mercurie. as |r19 it happith diuersely som tyme in on ³ hole & som tyme in an other ! for lettere |r20 .D. ne seruyth of nothyng ³ ellis but for to shewe the wher thow shalt by |r21 gynne thy ³ reknyng in thy litel cercle ! ne lettere (^E) ne seruyth nat but |r22,|r23 for ³to shewe the which wey è=t= thow shalt procede fro lettere .D. / now ³ hastow |r24 founde thy defferent & thin equant // in which equant put ³ a whit thred ! & stike |r25 w=t= anedle the comune centre defferent ³ vp on his centre defferent in the |r26 plate (lamina) . ! & w=t= thin Epicle wirk ³ & w=t= thy thredes as thow workest |r27 w=t= saturnus Juppiter mars ³ & venus ! nota è=t= yif the aux of mercurie be fro the |r28,|r29 hed of aries ³ more than his mene motus fro the same hed. / than shaltow ³ adde |r30 .12 signes to his mene motus / than maistow w=t=draw ³ his aux owt of his mene |r31 motus ! & nota generaly è=t= thy nedle ³ ne be nat remewed whan it is stikyd |r32,|r33 thorw the commune ³ centre defferent in to any centre different on thy plate ³ til |r34 thin equacion of the planete be endid ! for yif thy commune ³ centre different |r35 stirte fro the centre ([deffer]=e=) on thy plate ³ al thin equacion of thy planete |r36 desired is lorn !  hic nota è=t= the centre ³ defferent of mercurie hath but |r37 24. holes as in myn instrment ³ wher for .I. rekne but .2. holes for a signe as |r38 in the ³ gretter cerkle of mercurie fro the lyne of his aux |p36 |rh_[f.76v] luna |r1,|r2 - luna {R}ekne after succession of signes fro the hed of aries in the ³ lymbe |r3 the mene motus of the mone ! & rekne in the same ³ manere the mene motus |r4 of the sonne (a capite arietis) as fer as it strechcheth // ³ w=t= draw thanne the |r5 mene motus of the sonne owt of the mene ³ motus of the mone ! [& as moche |r6 as the mene mot of the ³ mone is more than the mene mot of the sonne]=c= |r7 (^&) considere è=t= ³ difference / ! and the quantite of that difference è=t= I clepe ³ |r8,|r9 the remenaunt / rekne it fro the (^ende of the) mene motus of the sonne in ³ the |r10 lymbe bakward agayn successioun of signes / & wheras ³ endith this remenaunt / |r11 mak a mark in the lymbe ! draw ³ thanne thy blake thred to this forseide mark // |r12,|r13 & wher as ³ thy blake thred keruyth the cercle defferent of the mone ³ in that |r14 same hole is the centre defferent of the mone ³ as it happith. ! & in the nadyr |r15 of this hole / is the centre ³ equant / put thanne in this centre equant a whit |r16,|r17 thred ³ ! now hastow thy two centres / stike thanne thy commune ³ centre |r18 defferent vp on the centre defferent of the mone / ³ w=t= thy nedle ! yit rekne |r19 agayn the mene motus of the ³ mone fro the hed of aries after successioun of |r20,|r21 signes ³ & ley ther thy blake thred ! & ley thy white thred ³ equedistant by the |r22 blake thred in the lymbe // moeue ³ thanne softely the pool of thyn Epicicle |r23 vnder thy ³ blake thred (^tak thanne thy white thred & ley it ouer the pol of |r24 the epicicle) & wheras thy white thred keruyth ³ the cercle of the Epicicle |r25,|r26 tak ther the mene aux in ³ thyn Epicicle & fro this white thred rekne in ³ thyn |r27 Epicicle bakward a gayns successioun of ³ signes thy mene argument / I seye |r28,|r29 rekne it in the ³ degres of thin Epicicle / & where as endith thy ³ reknynge in |r30 the Epicicle. ley ther the marked ³ ende of thy label. / & ley thy blake thred |r31,|r32 vp on the ³ mark of the mone in thy label. & wher as this same ³ blake thred |r33 keruyth the lymbe tak (^ther) the verrey place of ³ the mone in the .9. |r34 spere / nota è=t= the pool of the Epicicle ³ ne shal nat ben leyd vnder the blake |r35 thred of non other ³ .planete. saue only of the mone |p38 |ri_[f.77r] èis canon is fals |r1,|r2 and nota è=t= yif the mene motus of the sonne is more than ³ the mene mot of |r3 the mone than shaltow adde .12. signes ³ to the mene mot of the mone & thanne |r4,|r5 maistow w=t=drawe ³ the mene mot of the sonne owt of the mene motus of ³ the |r6 mone. & shortly for to speken of this theorike I sey³ è=t= the centre of hir (lune) |r7 epicicle (^in voluella) moeuyth equaly aboute the centre ³ of the zodiac è=t= |r8 is to sein aboute the pol of the epicicle è=t= ³ is thy riet / & thy blake thred whan |r9,|r10 it first leid thorw ³ the pol of thyn Epicicle it shewith the verrey aux of ³ the |r11 planete (in epiciclo) riht as the white thred shewith the mene aux in ³ the same |r12 epicicle. Item whan thow (^hast) rekned the argument ³ of aplanete in thin |r13 epicicle. thanne is the body of the planete ³ in thin Epicicle at the ende of thyn |r14 argument & whan (thy) blak thred ³ is leid thorw the marke of a planete in |r15,|r16 thi label. in maner³ forseid than shewith thy blake thred the verre place of ³ the |r17 planete at regard of the .9. spere as shewith in thy lymbe ³ & the ark by twixe |r18 the verrey motus & the mene motus ³ of the mone is the equacion of his argument |r19,|r20 in the lymbe / ³ & the ark by twixe his mene aux & his verrey aux is ³ the equacion of his argument in the Epicicle |r21 ! to knowe the latitude of the mone by thyn |r22 instrument loke in thyn almenak the verrey |r23 motus of the mone & the verrey motus of caput .dra. |r24 .lune. at same tyme / & yif so be è=t= thy |r25 verre mot of thy mone be lasse than .6. |r26 signes fro caput draconis // w=t=draw the |r27 verrey motus of caput owt of the verey |r28 motus of the mone / & writ è=t= difference (id est verum argumentum latitudinis lune) |r29 for è=t= is hir (lune) ³ verrey argument (id est latitudinis) & so many signes |r30 degres & mi=a= as ³ thow hast in the (verrey) argument (of hir latitude) rekne |r31,|r32 hem fro the ³ hed of aries after successioun of signes in thy lymbe / ³ & wher |r33 as endith thy reknyng ley è=t= on end of thy thred ³ & èe middel of thy thred shal kerue the meridional lyne / & strechche |p40 |r1,|r2_[f.77v] so forth ouerthwart al the dyametre of thy plate vnto ³ the lymbe / as thus |r3 I suppose è=t= on ende of thy thred laye ³ after succession of signes .10. g=a=. fro |r4 the hed of aries in ³ the lymbe / è=t= other ende of thy thred shold lye .20 g=a=. |r5,|r6 of³ virgo / in the lymbe/considere thanne how many .g=a=. & mi=a=³è=t= the middel |r7 ofthy thred lith fro centre aryn. wher as ³ euermo by gynnith this reknyng/ I seye |r8 considere in the ³ seccions of the meridional lyne how many g=a= & mi=a= lith the |r9,|r10 middel ³ of thy thred fro centre aryn / & tak ther the nombre of the ³ latitude |r11 .7. trional of thy mone fro the Ecliptik / which latitu(de) ³ ne passith neuer |r12 .5. g=a=. ! & yif the verrey motus of the mone ³ be more than .6. signes fro the |r13 verrey mot of caput / than ³ shaltow w=t=draw the verrey motus of cauda owt |r14,|r15 of the ³ verrey motus of the mone. and by gynne thy reknynge ³ at the hed of |r16 libra / & procede bakward agayns successioun ³ of signes / as thus è=t= yif è=t= on |r17 ende of thy thred laye ³ agayn successioun of signes . 10. g=a= fro the hed of libra ³ |r18,|r19 than sholde è=t= other ende lye in the .10. g=a= fro the hed³of aries after successioun of signes / considere thanne in |r20 the meridional lyne the quantite meridional of the lati |r21 tude of thy mone fro the Ecliptik / as I haue |r22 told by forn è=t= the quantite of g=a= & mi=a= è=t= the |r23 middel of thy thred in the meridional lyne lith |r24 fro centre aryn the same quantite of degres & |r25 mi=a= is the latitude of the mone fro the eclyptik |r26 be it north be it sowth ! & nota è=t= generaly euermo |r27 bothe endes of of thy thred shollen lyen |r28 equedistant fro thilke diametre è=t= keruyth the |r29,|r30 heuedes of aries & libra ! yit quykly vnderstond this ³ canon. I sey whan the |r31 forseide verrey argument of the ³ mone is precisly .90. degres fro the hed of |r32 aries in the ³ lymbe after succession of signes / tak ther the grettest |p42 |r1_[f.78r] latitude of the mone 7trional (id est ab ecliptica) / & yif so be è=t= hir verrey |r2 argument ³ passe (^anything) .90. degres fro the hed of aries / styrt ouer the |r3 meridional lyne ³ in to the firste of cancer & ley ther è=t= on ende of thy thred |r4,|r5 & è=t= ³ other ende in to the laste of geminis / & so forth day by day ³ shaltow |r6 descende in the meridional lyne after è=t= the reknynge ³ of thy verrey argument |r7 requerith. / til thow come agayn to ³ centre aryn. for than hastow mad equacion |r8 of latitudes for .6. ³ signes as I first seide / & euere mo lith thy thred equedistant ³ |r9,|r10 fro the diametre è=t= keruyth the heuedes of aries & libra / & ³ euer mo as many |r11 degres & mi=a= as the midel of thy thred lith in ³ the meridional lyne fro centre |r12 aryn. so many g=a= & mi=a= is the lati³tude of the mone fro the Ecliptik / & whan |r13,|r14 thy verrey argu³ment passith .6. signes wyrk w=t= cauda as I tawhte the ³ & |r15 ascende vpward in the meridional lyne day by day to the laste ³ of geminis in |r16 the lymbe / & fro thennes discende agayn as ³ I haue seid by forn ! & nota |r17 è=t= whan the mone is direct ³ w=t= caput or cauda. she hath no latitude & whan |r18 she passith ³ caput til she be 3 signes (in) distance (pro successione¨ signorum) |r19 fro caput she is 7trional ³ ascendinge / & in hir gettest latitude 7trional / & fro |r20,|r21 the ³ ende of thilke 3 signes she is 7trional descending til she ³ come to the |r22 opposit of caput è=t= is to seyn cauda draconis ³ & fro cauda til she come mid |r23 wey (in medio) by twix capud & cauda ³ & fro thennes is she meridional |r24 assending til she come agayn ³ at capud ! (1391 .17. decembris) Ensample |r25 my mone was .12. g=a= .21. mi=a= of virgo / & ³ caput was 4 g=a= 46 mi=a= of aries tho |r26 drow I the verrey motus ³ of caput è=t= is to seyn .o. in signes .4. g=a= 46 mi=a= owt |r27,|r28 of the³verrey moeuyng / ofthe mone è=t= is to sein owt of 5 signes ³ .12 g=a= 21 mi=a= / |r29 tho fond I è=t= the verrey argument of the mone ³ dwelde .5. sig=a= 7 g=a= 35 mi=a= tho |r30 rekned I after successioun ³ of signes fro the hed of aries in the lymbe (^the |r31 same) 5 signes .7 g=a= ³ 35 ma / & ther leide I è=t= on ende of my thred & è=t= other |r32 ende ³ lay in .22 ga 35. mia of aries / tho karf (^the) midel of my thred the ³ |r34 meridional lyne .1. degre & 54 mi=a= fro centre aryn by which I ³ knew è=t= the |r35 latitude of my mone was .1. degre & 54 mi=a= 7trional ³ descending fro the Ecliptik |p44 |r1_[f.78v] (1391 .19. februarii) ! another ensample // I fond (scilicet in almenak) my |r2 mone in .8. g=a=d .13 m=a= of virgo ³ & caput draconis in 20 g=a= & 42. mi=a= of aries |r3 (^.tho.) drow I the verrey ³ motus of ---- caput fro the verrey motus of the |r4 mone in this ³ manere. / I say wel è=t= I myht nat drawe .20 degres owt of ³ |r5,|r6 .8. degres / ne 42 minutis owt of 13 mi=a= tho added I .30. degres ³ to the forseide |r7 .8. degres of virgo & 60 mi=a= to the .13. mi=a= of the same ³ virgo. & tho drow |r8 I the verrey motus of caput owt of the verrey ³ motus of the mone / tho dwelde |r9 me the verrey argument of the latitude ³ of the mone è=t= is to seyn (^.4. sig=a=) |r10 .17. g=a= 31 mi=a= tho leide I è=t= on ende of my ³ thred 4 signes 17 degres |r11 (31 minuta) fro the hed of aries in the lymbe after ³ successioun of signes |r12 & è=t= other ende (^lay) equedistant fro the diametre ³ è=t= passith by the heuedes |r13 of aries & libra / & tho fond I the middel ³ of my thred karf the meridional lyne |r14 at .3. degres & 22 mi=a= fro the ³ centre of the Erthe è=t= is centre aryn / wher for |r15 I knew wel è=t= ³ my mone was 3 degres .22. mi=a= in latitude 7trional descendinge ³ |r16 fro the Ecliptik ! (1391 23 februarii) the thridde ensample is this I fond |r17,|r18 in myn ³ almenak the verrey motus of the mone was 6 degres 24 mi=a= of³ Scorpio |r19 & the verrey motus of caput was 20 degres .29. mi=a= of³ aries. tho moste I wirke |r20 w=t= cauda by cause è=t= verre motus of³ my mone passed mor than .6. signes tho |r21 drow I the verrey ³ motus of cauda owt of the verrey motus of the mone / in |r24,|r23 this³ maner / I added 30 g=a= to .6. g=a= of scorpio & 60 mi=a= to 24 mi=a= of the³ same |r24 scorpio / tho dwelde me the verrey argument (oflatitude) of the mone ³ .o. in |r25 signes 15 g=a= & 55 mi=a= / tho leide I è=t= on ende of my thred ³ o in signes 15 g=a= 55 mi=a= fro the hed of libra (agains succession of signes) by cause è=t= I wirke |r26,|r27 w=t= ³ cauda / & è=t= other ende of my thred lay equedistant fro the diametre ³ è=t= |r28 passith by the heuedes of aries & libra / & tho fond I è=t= the middel ³ of my thred |r29 karf the meridional lyne .1. degre 22 mi=a= fro centre aryn ³ bi which I knew the |r30 latitude of my mone was - .1. g=a= 22 m=a= fro ³ the Ecliptil meridional |r31 discendinge ! thus shaltow procede day by day vpward ³ fro the hed of libra |r32 vn to 90 degres agayns succession of signes ³ è=t= is to seyn vnto the firste of |r33 cancer & thanne stirt ouer the meridional lyne ³ whan thy verrey argument of |r34 thy latitude of the mone passit any³ thing 90 g=a= / & ley è=t= on ende of thy thred |r35 in gemini & è=t= other ende ³ in cancer / & so com downward day bi day til |r36 thow come agayn ³ at centre aryn / & thanne wirk w=t= caput as I haue told |r37 by fore ³ ! & nota è=t= whan any eclips (lune) fallith in aries taurus gemini. |r38 cancer. leo. virgo / than is ³ [than is]=c= the Eclips in caput / & the remenant of |r39 the Eclipses ben ³ in cauda