|b{A_Late_Middle_English_Treatise_on_Horses} |b{ed._from_BL_Ms_Sloane_ff._102-117b} |b{by_Anne_Charlotte_Svinhufvud} |b{(Stockholm:_Almqvist_&_Wiksell_International,_1978),_pp._85-147.} |b{No_bybing_of_lines.} |p85 1 |r SUm-tyme olde wise clerckus če whiche knewe kyndes & complexcio_nes of men & of bestus čei fondon & writoun many grete resounus in helynge of bestus as wel as of 5 men. And for an hors is a best čat muche worschepith men. & many harmes takeč črou¨ mys-happus fele & ofte-tyme beč outerliche I-lost for defau¨te of help čer_fore I wol schewe ¨ou as j haue jlerned sum curus for hors čat al men knowe no¨t. And also wherof če euel co_meč 10 on an hors And also če tokenus čerof. where-bi čat men schul hem knowe. & how čei schul in a good feyre a good hors chese.  Hit is nedeful to hym be wise & warre čat schal an hors bye. ffor ofte-tyme čei čat wenyč hem-silf sly. beč bi-giled with blynd hors & pursif hors. & očer wicked 15 tacches čat men mowe no¨t redeliche se with here y¨en. čerfore .4. čyngus čou schalt loke in an hors. & čat čei faile no¨t. ffurste če schap of an hors čat čou schalt wite čat he be of good heythe to suche trauaile as čou ne_dest & čat he be č čicke & wel I-growe to his heythe & 20 strongliche I-made. longe sydes & fleyscheful. & grete bod_dockes. & rounde. & brod brest bi-fore. & al če bodi knette with wrečes of brawn. drie bon & hole čat schal his bodi bere & čat schal be a good hors.  ée secunde is če beawte of an hors čat he semyč faire. & čat he haue a litul hed & a lene 25 with-oute flesche če skyn ri¨t ny če cheke-bon is no¨t for to loke. schort eres & scharp for-sake hem no¨t. gret |p87 eyen & oute stepe is wel for to preise. & wyde nosečur_lus to črast in čin hond. an hy¨e hors bifore with a čicke mane če tayle meneliche long with a good rumpe. a runde 30 fot & čicke bi-comeč an hors wel. & ¨if his pastron be schort he is wel če betere. wyde hors bi-twene če chaueles haue. I herde for to preise. & brode bi-twixst če y¨en is good at če countre. And čicke warres bi_fore če sadel bi-comeč an hors wel. And lowe-wom_bede 35 beč comeliche good. And flat-crowped hors buč esi to holde in poynte.  ée čridde is bounte čat is best of alle. And čat čou schalt knowe by čese signus. Loke čat he be hardi & coragious of herte. redi & ly¨t of his feet & čat he go wyde in resoun. & čat his lymes treme_li 40 for čat is sygne of strengče. And also čou¨ he reste muche čat he be esi to hold. & if he be j-take forč hastliche with če spore čat he be sumdel kene. & čat he be good to rebaie when čat tyme is. & čis beč če signes in a bounte hors.  ée ferče is colour čat he schal haue of here. for sum haueč 45 betur here čan summe as I haue herde telle. ffor bay(-) blak. Mylkewhite. don with a blak lyste. yren-graye. & očer many hewes čat buč not to rekne. ffor what_so his čat hors bow¨te. |r And when čou hast a good hors at čin owen 50 wille loke čat čou be warre bi-tyme čat he take not harme črou¨ rauhede of blode where_črou¨ an hors takeč many euelis. And čus |p89 schalt čou knowe when čin hors nedeč to be I-lete blod.  3if he be ranke of blod he wol gnappe him_silf 55 & rubbe him a-¨ens če walle čat he stondeč bi. his kaym schal stynke. & his pisse schal be rede & čicke. his ey¨en_webbe blod-schote & wateri with-alle.  And ouer al his bodi čer wol rise litel smale bleynes če whiche čou schalt aspie bi felyng of čyn honde. for čei buč I-hud vndur če 60 heere.  And he schal leue his mete more čan he was I-wonede.  And čan schalt čou latyn him blod a-boue on his necke. & aftur čat his stat is čou schalt latym blede. ¨if he be passed .v. ¨ere. & be in good poynt to če whi¨te of .3. pond or .4. may he blede. And ¨if he be 65 of .ij. ¨ere or of .3. or ellus čat he be lene & feble of fles_che. a pond & an half wol ouer-take hym wel or ellus at če moste .ij. pond. |r Many euelus comeč on hors čat bleduč not in tyme črou¨ čat kynde of čat euel blod čat gendreč in his 70 bodi čat is to say če farcioun. čat in his skyn boreč many an hole. schale & mangew. & turtes & many očer euellis čat I schal here afturward nemyny as čei gendreč in če bodi of here owene kynde.  And nameliche of čese euelus čat oon hors may cacche of an-očer čat he 75 stonduč bi.  And whan an hors is I-let blod & wol not staunche. Or ellus he strobuleč his veyne with rubbynge of hym in self. éen schalt čou take felt & brenne it sumdel. & wete it in če Ius of če rede nettel. & ley hit |p91 upon če ueyne čat čou wolt staunche.  Or ellus take 80 čou če woluyfiste & geder out če dust & medle hit with swynes čost čat lyueč bi če gras. grynde hem wel to-geder & make hem on a plaster. & make it hot. & ley it to če veyne. & in-to če čridde daye remoue it not. Or ellus take hors-cayme & grynd it wel & 85 bynde it fast to če veyne.  Or ellus sum wol tak a fečer & twyne it in če heere čer če blod renneč out & fečeres bynde čere-to. & so I haue seye hit staunche wel I-now¨.  A charme for to cese blod. God was bore in betheleem. Ido on če rode-tre in ierhusalem ful_led 90 he was in flum iordan. Lord as če flode with-stode so staunche čis horsus blod. Lord ¨if či wille be. Pater noster &. Aue maria. An-očer. Put čese syngnus to če nauel I-write vpon sum-čyng. fac. per. nomen. matris. Christi. alt‘ sacr‘. & .7. nomen. mari‘.  An-očer. Take če knotte of a stre 95 & wete it in če blod & make .v. crosses in če forhed & sey čese wordus at euery crosse boram uex. An_očer. I coniure če wonde in če uertu of če .v. wondes of oure lord ihesus crist. & in če vertu of če mylke čat he soke of his moder brest & of his deč & of his 100 up-rist čat čou rankil nočer swelle ne blede ne festre no more čan doč če wonde čat longeus made with če spere in če ri¨t side of our lord ihesus crist. ln nomine patris & filii & spiritus sancti. Amen. |r Arcyn is an euel of to muche mosture |p93 105 of flesche. & to muche plente of humurus če whiche euel sum men clepeč če worme. And če cause whi._for če forseide humours čat beč in če flesche makeč rounde holes in če flesche & in če skyn as če angeltwe_ches doč in če erče.  And also ofte-tymes hit co_meč 110 of blak blod & of humors čat renneč with-in če veynus. & očer-while with-oute.  And očer-while it co_meč of grete strokes or of a wonde čat with-inne too mončes is not heled.  Also it comeč očer-while bi-twext če schuldres or in če sides. & čat may oone 115 hors take of an-očer.  Cure čerfore now wol I schewe. Take hede čou marchal to čis euel & in what stede it is. for očer-while it is in synewe stedes. & in brawne & in če cauernes of če bones & in dyuerse place a-boute če lymes čat euel is to hele. And sum-tyme in fleschy stedus 120 čat is esi to hele. ¨if če farcyn be in če forhalf of his bodi. & čou perceyue ranckehede of blod. in his necke_veyne let him blede wel.  And if it be on his čy or ellus in his legge let him blede in his fot & čat is good  And aftur take .3. plantes of auence. & .3. of of wey_brede. 125 & .3. of egrymonye & a rote of radysche. & grynde hem al to-geder. & tempere it with a litul quantite of stondinge water of a pole or of sum očer & let če hors swelwy him adoun in-to his bodi.  And čen aftur čou ma_ke a plaster of auence & of če rote of radische of boče 130 I-liche muche. & a litel swope. & as muche hony. & |p95 grynde hem al to-geder & čen čou schalte schaue če heere a-boute če holes. & ley čis plaster čer-to.  Or ellus take ar_nement. & brenne in če fyer. & take če pouder of it. & as muche of vnslekid lyme & tempere hem to-geder with swope 135 čat is old. & with good hony as čou¨ it were gruel. & ley it to če holes. & do so twyes on čre dayes tyl če farcin be drie. & ¨if če holes be to strayte make hem wyddur with a rasur.  And while čou curest čis hors loke he be foddered with barli-straw. or ellus with hard hey. & 140 prouendre ¨if him non. & as ferforč as čou may let him not drynke.  And če farcyn be not in če cauernes of če bone ne in če brawn ne in če schuldres. but onliche in če fles_chi stedus čen do čus. Take a rasour & schere awey če skyn & make it al bare as fer as it semeč če a-tamed 145 & čen tak an hot yre & brenne it wel abouen & čen make a plaster of auence or ellus of egrimonye. or lekes. & ferst grynde hem wel. & do čer-to ¨elkus of eyren & faire barli_mele & temppere hem al to-geder. & ley a-boue če farcyn.  Or ellus take & fille ful če holes of podur of bremston ri¨t 150 to če grounde. & aftur tak an hot yre čat is smal bi-fore & put in-to če holes as depe as čei beč.  Or ellus take a pynte of če ius of planteyne. & a pynte of če ius smalache. & half a pynte of če jus rubarbe & half a pynte of če Ius of |r[lacuna] & a pynte of če 155 Ius of če leues of eldre čat beruč če beries. 7. half a pynte of venegre. & half-a pynte of čicke hony. & |p97 half a pynte of če Ius of morel. & half a pynte of če jus of če wilde tesel. & too or čre of amydoum. & medle hem al to-gederes ln a panne. & set it ouer če fier. 160 & let it bolle til it be čicke. & when it is čicke take it don. & let it stonde til it be cold. & čen take če white of .viij. eyron & medle čer-with.  éis same medicyne is good also for boylynge of venum. éese cures as I vndurstonde schal hele an hors for če farcioun ful 165 wel.  A charme for če same. Dytez ceste charme par .iij. iors apres le solayl couchaunte sur le chyual uers le west turne primez pater noster + hysmabet pater noster + mechay pater noster + amathanay + pater noster Crux Christi amen + pater noster. Cinke foyrz dirrs cest charme. 170 par .iij. iours outre le chyual & par seux .iij. iours ne doit le chyual este en bon erre ne prouendre mag ne ewe currant passer mays selk fame manguse & garra.  ffor če farcyn & for če feloun a good charme. ln nomine patris & filij & spiritus sancti amen. le te coniure felon ou farcyn 175 ou verme male suz d[a]uant par dieu omnipotent de ceel & de terre & de solial & de lune & de tutz creaturis & de sent autres & de sent abbes & de sent euesqes bien atturnes com de messes chauntere de nuit de noele & de la paylle so[?] dount deu fuit en-volupe si tu i es ne demurrez niemt 180 si tu ne es ne entres poynt al nom du pere & fitz & saunt espyrit te coniure qe tu ne augz Ceo ditz troi foitz outre le best & garra.  Or ellus take če |p99 rede nettel. & če popi rote. & myntes & flex & make a plaster & bynde to če frounte of če hors .v. daies & 185 .v. ny¨ttus. & ¨if him drynke herbes. beteyne. quycseluer. And čat also for to hele če wondes of če farcyn. Tak floure of whete & hony & medle hem to-geder. & ley to če sore. & aftur pouder of piper & caste in če wondus. & ¨if him drynk of če same & he schal be 190 hole.  A charme for če same. ln nomine patris. 7 filij. & spiritus. sancti. amen. In če worschip of oure lord ihesus crist & of oure ladi seynt marie & of seynt Iobis fadur soule & for his modur soule & for al his antecers soulus sey .lij. pater noster. & .iij. aue maria. Seynt Iob had. 195 .ix. wormes. & o worme had non hed. Sey čus a_boute če hors.  Also for al-maner of farcyn. Make a plaster of an vnce of vertegrece and eisel & arnement & ley čer-to a ny¨t. |r MAngew gendereč of brend blod & rotoun 200 & nameliche in herueste when an hors traueyleč ouer_muche with litel mete. or litul drynke. & aftur hač myche reste aftur grete trauayle. And or he be let blod he most be trauayle. a¨en.  And očer-while it comeč upon an hors when pouder & swot I-dried 205 to. be ouer-ny¨t. upon him & is not currayde & made clene.  And also it wil come of sodayne fast ri_dynge. when an hors aftur gret traueyle. or aftur gret swetynge stonduč vnheled. or out of house. or in eny |p101 očer cold stede. ée mangew wol bi-gynne bi-side 210 če necke in če heere & čer wol genderi whelkus očer bilus & in-očer dyuerse stedus of his bodi. and in če same stede wol če here pile awey. & če hors wol gnappe him-self & rubbe out of curs. & but čat hors be holpe in tyme čat mangew wol turne in-to a foule 215 schabbe čerfore tak of čese medicynes čat folueč.  And ¨if an hors be rancke of blod. čen let him blod in his necke. & with čat same blod hot whas_che him ouer-al. & frote-hym ri¨t faste & spare him not. And aftur če čridde daye of his blod-letynge let wasche 220 him wel with hot lie j-made of axes of barli-straw. & see-water or with vyneger or with sowre ale.  Or ellus wasche him with če croppus of horhone or ellus with sede. or with če gresse of an erbe čat men clepuč hemloke.  Or ellus with če croppus of walwort čat hač kyndeli vertu with a 225 porcioun of salt wel j-soden & wasche him wel. & curreye him wel-with an hors-combe. & make him ri¨t clene. & when he is ri¨t drie or ellus upon če morwe anoynte him with an oynement čat j schal če teche. éou schalt tak če rote of če rede docke & če rote of hemlok. 230 & seče hem wel in vyneger or eysel or wyn. longe til čei be ri¨t neysche. & čen čou schalt take awey če hardust of če herbes & grynde it. or when čei buč sumdel drie with olde swynes grece. & with čat oynement a¨ens če sunne or če fyer loke čou grece him wel. |p103 235  Or ellus tak quycseluer & freische grece & hony. por_cioun čese čre to-gederis & anoynte him čer-with & or he be anoynted let him blod on če sides & whas_che če sore čer-with.  Or ellus take .ij. libra of barwus grece & a quarterun of uertegrece & a quartron of quyc_seluer 240 & half a pond of frankencence. & .lj. sauser_ful of womman mylke čat hač a knaue childe with_inne čre ¨ere age & medle al čese to-geder & wasche |r And ¨if an hors wol gnappe hym- him čer-with. self. tak če rede water-kerse for čei buč 245 hatter & bettur čen če whit & wermode & hemlok with a gret dele of sote til čei be muche iliche to grece. & čen grece him ouer-al & čat schal lete him to gnappe. Or ellus wasche him wel in bene broč & poune to-geder piper & vertegrece & arnement & cer_foyle 250 & make a good fier a-boute če hors & grece him čer-with .3. daies. |r Scabbe wol brede in če necke. & on če dok of če taile ri¨t as če mangew. & it pelič awei če heere up bi če rotes so čat če hors 255 wille rubbe him-self čat če necke & če dok of his taile schal be al bare & čat wol come of superfluyte of blod. or of očer wicked humourr. & of če same cause čat če mangew wol gendre so wol čis. of bi stonding bi a schabbed hors or bi gnappynge of an hors. or if he 260 be whiped with a wippis curreyed with a combe čat a schab_bed |p105 hors hač be curreyd with. or if he ete of če corn or of če hey čat a schabbed hors hač ymoneld on bi-fore. or if če oynde of a schabbed hors comeč muche in his nose.  Cure čerfore. If če hors be 265 stalworde. let him wel blod & wasche če schabbed stedes with če hot blod & when it is drie rubbe him wel with an hors-combe euer-more til če blod sprynge out of če skyn amonge če schabbes. & čen čou schalt was_che him with a lye čat clerkus clepuč on latyn capitellum 270 če whiche is made on čis manere. Take .3. parties of asche asken. & .ij. parties of askus of bene-halm. o partie of vnsleked lym. & medle hem wel to-geder & do hem in a brod vessel ful of holes ri¨t as čou makest lye & helde aboue see-water or lye čat was 275 ymade of asche askus euer til it droppe. & geder čat clene in a vessel. & when če capytel is made. take an eye of an hen & wynde a črede čer-aboute. & do it softeli in čat capytel. & ¨if it synk not či capy_tel is good. or ley čer-on a gret neld & if he flete 280 či capytel is good. Come not hende če hole skyn for čen it wol make če here pile awey črou¨ vi_olense of it-self. but wasche če schabbes with če capytel. & čat ri¨t wel.  And when it is drie čen schalt čou grece it with an oynement čat is ymade 285 on čis manere.  Take sulphur vyue. & whit tartre & blak. & grynde him al to-geder & tempere it with |p107 strong eisel. & with oyle til it be of če čickenus of an oynement. & twies on če day grece him on če scabbede stedus.  And on čis same manere do 290 to an hors čat hač če mangew euer til he be hole.  Or do make suche an oynement for če same. Take sulphur vif. & frankencence. nytre & tartre. & as_chyn rynde vltriole & vertegrece. whit ellebore & blak. erčenotes. & ¨elkes of hard-soden eyren. boyle al 295 čese in oile of olyue til it wexe čicke. & with čat a_noynte če hors twies or čries on če day as če čynkeč best.  Or in čis manere schalt čou make & oyle a¨ens če scabbe. Tak of če myddel rynde of a tre čat sum men clepuč buchyl & čei makeč caudeles 300 of čat same rynde. take čen čat same rynde & schaue awey če ouemuste & take če myddel rynde. & hew it al smale & fil a pot of erče čat is newe ful čer-of & loke čat če same pot haue čre holis or .4. in če bot_tum čer-of. & take an-očer pot čat is wel ileded with-inne 305 & set če pot with če ryndus upon če leded pot & loke čat če brynkes of če leded pottus mouče & če brynkus of če pot with če ryndus be wel dabbid with cleye & with hors-donge so čat non očer flauor entre in-to če pottus ne non reche come oute. And if čou se eny reche 310 come out loke čou daube it eft-sonus. & also če pottis mouče with če ryndus čou schalt helyn it with a ston & daube it in če manere forsayde & čen make a good fyer |p109 aboute če pottis of wode & cole. And when če wode & če cole buč I-brend oute. čen take oute če pottis 315 & če oyle čat čou fyndest in če nečer pot geder it up & with a fečer grece če schabbede stedus čries on če daie. or oftur if it be nede. & fro če firste daie čat če hors is furst gresed with čis oile loke čat če hors be wel kept from al-manere wetynges of water & fro gnappynge & rub_bynge 320 til če .7. daies be passed.  And sum men makeč oile in če same wise čat čis forsayde oile is made of schra_pynge of hertes-hornes. or of drie schauynges of aschentre. or of eldir-tre. or of wode appeltre. or of če rynde of blak-čorn. če whiche oile čey sey for-soče 325 it is good for al-manere schabbe. & al očer filče & maladie čat gendereč on če skyn. +Gif če schabbe be in če dok of če taile čen schalt čou take blak comyn & grynde it seče a litel in swete mylke it when it is hote a-noynte če schabbe ofte čer-with. & loke čat če schabbede hors 330 stonde no¨t amonge očer čat čei ne take če same |r Alke is an euel čat wol gendri in hore of hym. & it is called a fyke for-as-myche as it is neysche gaderynge of humorus of rede colour or of blo colour or blak with-oute hooro spryngynges oute of 335 če skyn in če manere of a rype fyge where-of it takeč his name. & hit gendreč of to myche blod čat regneč bi-twexst če hyde & če hold & čus čou schalt cure it.  ffurst loke in what lyme čat it be |p111 & if it be eny-čynge brode. And čen čou schalt take 340 a gobet of lečer & make a rownde hole in če myddel of če lečer aftur quantite of če fyke so čat it be fast sittyn_ge bi-twexst če fyke & če hol skyn. & take tow¨ cley. or past of smal floure & cramme it ri¨t wel so čat če hole skyn be not I-hurte with eny hot čyng čat schal 345 be y-layd čer-to.  When it is so ydi¨t take horhoune & grynde it wel & make čer-of ballus of če gretnus of perus. or of če gretnus of če fyke. & ley him upon an hot ston or on yren til čei be wel y-rosted. & čen take a bal al hote & črast in-to če fyke. & when it is 350 cold ley an-očer to al hote with-oute delay. & so euer_more oon aftur an-očer til če fyke bi-gynne to wexe white.  And if čou haue non horhoune take water-kresus or če myddel rynde of če hasel. & make balles. & rost hem & do in če same manere 355 as it is forsayde of horhoune.  Or ellus if čou wolt čou my¨t schere a-wey če fyke euene bi če hole skyn & let če euel blod blede out euerydel čen schalt čou strawe upon pouder of unsleked lyme or of chalke.  And take an yre as brode as 360 če sore is & let brenne it ri¨t wel til čou hopest čat če fier come to če hole flesche. And if če fyke be in eny jnnor be y-warre čat čou do esili čat če senues ne če loyntus be not ytowched with če fyer. And čen schalt čou take freische rotho_rus |p113 365 scherne. or henne dryt. or doues dryt & grynde it with sope & bynde it čer to & let it leye čer-to .ij. daies stille. & čen afturwarde čou schalt anoynte it with sum hote oynement čat is to say with pentemyron or ellus with hony. onus on če day til it be hole. And in če mene_tyme 370 kepe it wel from lickynge. & from wetynge of colde water til .ix. daies be passed.  And if it so be čat če fyke be gret aboue & smal bi če bodi as a stalke of a walnote. take čen .v. silken čredus. & čre heres of an hors taile čat neuer rode mare. & twyne hem wel 375 to-geder as an harpestrenge. bynde it fast bi če bodi vndur če fyke. And on če morwe aftur if it be asclaked. draw it eft fastur. & so čou schalt do oft til če fyke falle awey him-self. And when he is falle awey. ¨if so be čat an-očer wol come vp čer a¨en čou schalt do čus.  Do 380 past or cleye čer-upon al aboute as ytold bi-fore caste scaldynge hote hony euene čer-upon. but loke čou kepe with al či my¨t čat no¨t of če hote čynge come hende če skynne. & eft-sonus when it is kelid. make it ri¨t drie & cast efte-sonus čer-upon as čou dedust 385 bi-fore. & if če čynke čat če rotus be depe in če flesche. ¨if čou schalt hele it wel as y haue seide bi-fore.  And if he haue many fykos in his bodi čen čou schalt let him blede aftur čat his elde & his strengče wol streche. |r TOrtes beč apostemes in če ouer half of če 390 flesche. genderynge with-inne če skyn in če |p115 manere of a Cake čat men clepuč tarteles. of če whiche he takeč his name. & it wol come of oute-rage of blod čat is rotun. & of humours čat beč bi-twext če hyde & če holde. & of hertynge of flesche or of strokes. & 395 of stondynge bi očer hors. čerfore in čis cure čus schalt čou don. éou schalt slitte če skyn of če torte up & don euene in če myddes of če torte. & undur-neče čer če swel_lynge očer če bolnynge stonduč. with a flewme čou schalt aripe al če bagge & breke če gaderynge čat is with_inne 400 & čreste če quyture out. And efte if it nede be ronge it ri¨t wel.  Or ellus an-očer manere if če like it betere.  Amyddes če torte slyte če skyn euene doun to če erče til če slitte come to če hole flesche & čen clan_se it wel čat is redi rotun. And čen stoppe če holes 405 ful of herdus of hempe or of lynne. & loke čat čei be clene y-di¨t with-out eny schyues. but wete hem furst in botter or in sayme or in če white of an ey. And čus euery day di¨t it onus til he be hole.  Or if če turte at če furste tyme be nesche. & čou vndur_stonde 410 čat it be rotid. in če stede čer če čynkeč čat it is neyschest. čen čou schalt bi good avyse in če nečer half make a good sclitte & in eičer half of če torte quyse it with či fyngrus al če while čat čer wol renne out eny quyter. And aboue on his bak 415 čou schalt let him blede first in čat on side & aftur .7. daies on čat očer side. And čen aftur .xv. daies čou schalt |p117 efte let him blod vpon če same side čat he was furst čer late blod. But loke čou do not če last cure of le_tynge of blod but if če čynke be good syngnes čat 420 it be nede. čat is to say. čat blod be enchesoun. or ellus očer humors. Where-čro¨ če torte schold al-wei gendre |r{belongs_to_last_line}  upon če hors. če Corn |r A Corn is an euel & it is cle_ped če corn for-as-myche as če hyde of če hors with če flesche. or ellus če flesche bi him-self. is so harde 425 as čou¨ it were an horne. And čat wol come črou¨ gret hurtynge & of gret burdyn. & of swellynge. & or čat swellynge be passed awei efte-so[n]us bereč sum heuy burdyn čat breseč it wel more.  Also it comeč for many očer causes of če whiche me nedeč not telle 430 of nowče. But for to teche ¨ow how ¨e schul kepe an hors čat he ne take no suche manere harme. y wold if y cowče. éus haue j seie men kepe here hors from cornus.  When an hors for-trauailed & beruč ou¨t heuy. When če burdun is downe čen čei wol tak 435 of če sadul or če hors be colded. & grope ouer-al if čel fynde eny hurtynge or swellyng. And if čei se or fele eny hurtynge or swellynge. a-non čei takeč cold water & salt to-geder. & waschuč ouer-al & froteč him wel. Also swithe čei set up če sadul a¨en & so 440 čei lettuč him stonde til he be kelid ri¨t wel. & so doč čei .ij. or .3. & setteč vp če sadul a-bouen a¨en. & so wol če swellynge aswage wel I-now¨.  But if it be |p119 so čat če corn be genderid. čen čou moste schaue it aboute če corn očer če swellynge. & čen schalt čou garce it with 445 many smale pikes meneliche depe. čat če brused blod may out ren. B[u]t if če bolnynge be ou¨t olde. čen schalt čou first or čou garse him. bače it ri¨t wel with war_me water. & čat a longe while. & čat is for to make čynne če bresid blod čat it may come out če 450 bettur.  And aftur čou schalt make a plaster of smala_che & of walwort & of askes of elder-tre. grunde wel al to-geder. & chaufed in sayme. or in wyn. & lay it to če corn.  Or make a plaster of če holi čystel. & of faire whete-floure. or of rye. & .iiij. eryn. or of 455 .v. & al hote ley čer-to & aftur when it is roted. & če swellyng aswageč. čen schalt čou take a smal elsen & al hot glowyng črest in-to če corn al aboute. And take afturward a cloute of hempe or of lynne too fyngur brod čer če corn is & lay it vpon 460 če corn. And aftur take a drie stikke of wyči or of hasel & čwyte čer-on longe sponus & čynne in-to čat on ende of čat styke. & čat očer ende of če styke schal be scharpe. & čer-on čou schalt styke a gobet of fat lard. & čen čou schalt take a long 465 yren & scharpe. & styke in-to če čwyten stykkes. & čen hold it ouer če fier til it haue y-chaut hete of če fier. & hold it ouer če corn & let če larde drop_pe ouer če cloute so čat če hote sayme may renne |p121 in-to če corn črou¨ če holes čat če elsen made. 470 & aftur or če clout be remeued let him swete. & aftur if it be nede čou maist take sayme of lard in a sawcer & a_noynte če corn with a fečer or with a splent of tre. And so ofte-tymus til če cor wol arise & may be take out.  Or take če snayles čat beč in here schellis. & rl¨t 475 so stampe hem to-gederes. & make a plaster & ley to če sore. & ofte-tyme meue če corn hyder & čidur til he arise.  And čou haue nede to ride upon čis same hors or če corn be oute. čen make a čynne plaster of če forseide snayles. & set či sadul aboue & schyft hit 480 no¨t til če corn arise. And y haue seye make a plaster of hey askes ytempered with pysse y-leide to če corn til čat he a-rise. & when če corn is oute čen schalt čou euery day onus fille če hole ful of herdes wel y_clensid of hempe or of flexe y-hewe nameliche 485 smale. ffor herdus wol kyndellche clensi woundes or apostemes & also čei wol not suffri ded fles_che engendri in če sore. But let no wete of water come on če hole čer če corn was inne. |r Ded flesche očer-while engendereč in wondes. 490 & in apostemes if so be čat kynde helpe & skil_ful be not don čer-to. or ellus if čat sore be not wasche & di¨t in tyme. And čerfore schalt čou when čou sixte če flesche ouer-passe če brynkes of če skyn with-jnne če wonde.  Or if čou se pappes in če brynkes of |p123 495 wondes or blaknus with-ynne če wonde. & litel quyter čer_ynne. čat is uerei signe of ded flesche.  And bi čat čou maist it knowe if čou it touche it wol gladli blede. & when čou sixt čat. take a rasor & pare it as ney as čou maist til čou trowe čat čou be at če good flesche. ¨if so be čat 500 veynes & synues lettuč not. ffor wite čou forsoče čat it falleč če not to kerue ne to brenne in stedes čer veynes & synuus buth liggynge as in če loyntes & očer stedes čat is good ynow¨ buč to knowe. And aftur čat it is coruen čou schalt brenne it with an hote yre & aftur čou schalt ta_ke 505 netus scherne & ley čer-vpon.  Or ellus take ¨elkus of eyrin & herdes. & wete hem čer-ynne & ley čer-to & remeue it not bi-fore če čridde day.  And ¨if čou wilt haue out če wicked flesche with-oute keruyng. or bren_nyng čen schalt čou make suche a poudur. Take če 510 white of eyrin. & olde sope če blak is če bettere of boče iliche myche. & stere hem boče to-gedur til čei be al of o color. & take as moche-of unsleked lyme & medle it al to-geder so čat it be sumdel čicke & a-non ley it upon če ded flesche. But let it not longe leye čer-to for 515 peyringe of če quycke flesche. And čen aftur čou schalt anoynte it with oile of olyue euer til it be hole.  Or ellus čou maist hele it with bature y-made of smala_che. & morel if čou maist gete it. & do čer-to whit of ey_ryn & a parti of hony & tempere it with rye-floure or with 520 whete & upon herdus ley it čer-to.  Also sum men |p125 makeč suche a poudur for ded flesche čei takeč .iij. parties of vnsleked lyme & .ij. of poudur of oistur_schellus & oon of salt. & an-očer of hertus-hornes očer netus & stampe hem al to-geders & tempere hem with stronge 525 ley or with mannus vreyne. & make al čat in manere of a lof. & in če herče. or in če ownen or in če fier bake it til it be ri¨t harde. čen čou schalt make poudur čer-of & hote of če pouders a day ley čer on. & if če ded flesche be y-wasted away in on stede of če wonde & not in an_očer. 530 čen schalt čou take herdes & wasche hem with spo_tel in parti & ley hem vpon če stede čat če čynke is clan_sed. & čer če čynkeč it is not clene ley of če forseide pouder čer-to til it be clene wastid away. & čou schalt aftur take herdes & wete hem in sayme or boture. or in oile olyue or in hony 535 or in wyn. & euer-more ley it čer-to til čou se če good flesche euene with če skyn. čen schalt čou with suche a pouder hele up če wonde.  Take of an hors-skyn a porcioun. & of če bonus of an hors čy or of če rybbe. & of an hertus horne or of a schep & old scho-soles. or of če keruynge of lečer 540 čat čou schalt fynde in corueseruus schoppes. And euereche of čese for-seide čyngus čou schalt brenne bi hem-self & aftur grynde euereche bi him-silf ri¨t smale & take of euereche iliche myche & do hem alle to-geder & medle hem wel. & aftur do če pouder in-to a bladder & vse it when nede is. 545  Sum men makeč poudur of a gras čat hate orygan & medle it with bark dust. & leyč čer-to bi it-self & wol helpe |p127 at nede. And if čat hors schal be y-reden while his bak is sore čen čou most use če cure aforsaide čat is to say. at euene take of če sadel. & wasche it 550 with hot wyn or vryne. or salt water. or in watere čat horshoune. or walwort or smalache or origan ha_ueč bi sode ynne. & aftur drye če sore. & ley a¨en sum of čese helynge pouderes or herdes wete in sayme. or in sum of če forseide čyngus. or a plaster aforseide til it |r{layout_rearranged}  be hole 555 for če schuldur. |r And ¨if če schuldur of an hors be swol_le črou¨ stirtynge or fallynge. or if če brawn of če sides be bolned or hurte with prykynge of če spore čen schalt čou helpe him in čis manere.  ffirst schalt čou schere a-way če here al aboute če bolnynge & čen 560 čou schalt anoynte če sore stede with sayme of lard or with hote oile ri¨t ofte. And aftur schalt čou take če leues of wermod. & če tendre rotes of walwort & grynde hem ri¨t wel to-geder. & aftur frie hem ri¨t wel in sayme or in boter & make čen čer of a plaster & ley it hot to če 565 swellynge. And loke čat čou hold če hole of če prychynge sumdel open  And if it be so čat čis manere of swellynge aforseide haue y-be longe with-oute helpe čen schalt čou sclyte če skyn in myddes če bolnynge. And bi-neče in če hole skyn čer če swel_lynge 570 stynteč čou schalt kerue an hole & put čer_ynne a seyne. but loke čat čou do it wiseliche for hurtynge of veynes & of synues. And if če |p129 brest be bolned bi-side če necke of prykynge of če spore. or ellus če side. čen schalt čou seyne him 575 in če brest but not ouer ney če schulder čese me_dicynes buč good & prophytable. |r Swellynge of če side aftur prykynge of če spore wol come when čat cold watur is entred with_ynne če prikynge of če spore. & it is with-ynne 580 če skyn. And nameliche if če hors stonde too daius with-oute trauaile. or swetynge. ¨if it so bi-falle čen schalt čou take walwort & louache & calamynte & wermod or ellus sum of čese if čou my¨t not come to alle. & seče hem ri¨t wel. & when čei buč ri¨t wel 585 y-styued čen sette če pot so al hot vndur če hors wombe. & keuere him wel so čat če sore swete wel. And čou schalt take whete-bran & tempere it with drastes of good ale. or with če Ius of walwort or of eldrentre & čat it be čicke. And chaufe it čen. & ley it to če sore. 590 And čer če čynkeč čat best wol falle upon če side. .ij. seynes. očer .3. čou maist sclyly make. so čat če synwe nočer če gret veyne of če side be not gryued.  And ofte-tyme it happuč čat če sides of an hors beč bolned bitwext če gurčes. when an hors is ouer straite 595 gerde & trauayleč so strayte y-gurde.  And očer-while when he is pricked on če veyne & for narwenus of če hole čat no blod may oute renne. čen schalt čou if če bolnynge be rounde. & koppen in myddes ri¨t. |p131 vndur-neče če bolnynge aftur be fyft day čou schalt 600 with an hot swyuel vpward čerle. And aftur čat čou schalt črist oute al če wicked humours čer-ynne is y-gende_red & do so euer til čat it be hole.  And sum men worcheč in čis manere if an hors schuldur with styrtynge or with eny očer chaunsse be hurte. čen čei takeč & makeč a seyne an 605 handebrede vndur-neče če schuldur so čat humours čat were y_drawe in-to [če] schuldre čat my¨t haue yssu bi a styllot & euery day twyes or čries čou schalt stere če styllot touward & fro_ward so čat če quyter may renne oute. And lede če hors a litel pas as he may suffri for to drawe če humours če astyllot. And 610 čen afturwarde čou schalt take suche a stertory. Take pylk & co_foyne & also myche of pylk as of če očer & grynde če mastyk & colefoyne & či sank dragon. And mylte či pylk & do če poudur of če očer forsaide čer-to & medle hem wel to-gedur. & make a plaster čer of & ley it to če 615 ende of če hurte schuldur. & straw it a-boue with herdes coruyn smale.  And to če forseide hurtynge is čis cure good y-now¨ to make seynes in če manere of a cros_se & oft-tymes styri hem wel.  And čis is a good remedie to čis cure for to brenne če schuldre with a 620 wel-y-made yren boče endelong & ouer-čewrt.  ffor fier kyndel bifore al očere čynges hath power to restreyne humorus. Kankere. Kankere |r Kankere wol frete če skyn with če flesche with blak colore čat genderič of blak blod. & očer-while it |p133 625 genderič on če lyppe of če hors.  And if it so bi-falle. čen schalt čou tak hempsede. & make it drie. & bete it al to pouder. & čen cast it in-to če Canker .ij[.] a day til it be hole. but in če mene-tyme kepe it wel fro wetynge of water. & let him blod in če lift side of če necke. 630  And očer-while wol an hors lyppe črou¨ sum cas flit up a¨enward & it be ri¨t foule. But čen schalt čou brenne če lyppe of če flyttynge side & drawe oute če veyne čat čou schalt fynde in če nečer ende of če lyppe with-ynne. & with čis cure schalt čou brynge če lyppe in-to če state čat he was 635 bi-fore. And if an hors sclaueret oute of curse. Take hony & salt & eysel & tempere hem wel to-geder. & wete a clout čen čer-ynne & frote ofte-syče če hors palays čer-wič al aboue as če čynkeč best. |r Sinwes. +Gif it so be čat eny senwe of an hors 640 be coruen on eny manere: očer y-pricked loke al-wai čat no cold water towche it. ffor euery senwe is cold. & drie & water is cold & moist & čerfore če water wol rote če senwe if it ney it ou¨t.  And wite čou for-soče čat a senwe wol smerte more čat is but onliche y-pricked 645 or stonyed with a stroke of a ston čen it wol čou¨ it were kyt a two.  And čerfore to suche smertyngus. or pricyngus of senwes čou schalt ley hote čyngus & perforatifs as oile seyme hony or wyn. take of euereche iliche myche & welle hem to-geder & do to če sore.  Or ellus take če 650 poudur of bais-de-lorer. & comyn & hony & make a plaster |p135 & ley to če sore. & ley vpon če hole til al če quyter be ronne out. Or if če senwes be stonyed with fallynge. očer with stertynge. Take wode askes & tempere hem wič warme water. & bače wel če sore. And 655 of če feirist bynde čer-to al hote a day & a ny¨t. And čou schalt anoynte it wel with an oynement čat hatte penta olyf. očer sum očer oynement made of oile olyue & grese & of hot erbes y-sode čer-ynne as rue sauge louache & očer čat buč hote of kynde 660 & with či hande frote wel če sore.  +Gif če flesche be wondid & če senwe be rotid & foule y-stonyed čen schalt čou make a plaster of hony & of walwort & če holi malwe & of bran očer of lilie & bynde it to če sore.  And if če senwe be korue on lengthe. or a_slonte 665 ¨if it is possible to be hole. And here-to čou schalt take če wormes čat men clepuč anggeltwe_ches & stampe hem with a litel hony. & kerue hem a litel afore & ley hem čer-to. & do so ofte with-oute eny očer medicyn long čer-to.  And if an hors senwes 670 buč kyt a too. Arise up erliche on če morwnynge or če sonne arise & take če anggeltweches forseide čat buč knet to-geder. & put hem in an erčen pot. & put oile of olyue to hem. & let hem stonde til čei be ded & čen take hem & če oile to-geder & ley it to če sore. And make 675 a scho with hye kalkaynes čat če lege mowe stonde up_ri¨t for čat is good for an hors čat his senwes bič kit a too. |p137 |r RAdunculus. Now wol y telle of a sore čat clerkus clepuč radunculus. And čei sey čat it is a brod swellynge of rede colour gendered ynne če 680 skyn & depe in če flesche with ri¨t gret brennynge. & not slakynge. & with gret straynynge of če skyn. And it wol come in če brawyn & in če senwes of an hors aftur prykynge or aftur wonnaynge or of gret hurtynge of an hors bak or in če hors side. And očer-while it wol 685 come with-oute eny hurtynge but of his owene gen_derynge. čen čou schalt be warre čat če sore be towched with non yre nočer hote ne cold in če bi-gynnynge while če humours buč sterynge. očer while čei buč in gloyhynge. so čat če humours ne be more engendred čen čei were bi_fore. 690 & greue more čat lyme čat it is on. or ellus očer lymes čat buč ney čer-to. or ellus renneč to sum očer stede ney če herte where-črow¨ če hor[s] may lache his deč. And it wol brede of blodi humours čat falluč ouer habundantli to če stede čer an hors is hurte. or ellus in-to sum očer stede of če bodi & 695 makeč suche a gret swellyng čat is y-cleped in latyn radunculus aftur če qualite & če kynde of če humours čat most regneč in če hors: čen schalt čou worche in čis wise. ffurst čou schalt knowe če bi-gynnynge of sores & če cause. And aftur če cause of če by-gynnynge askeč: so 700 če by-houeč to do či cure.  ffor če bi-houeč to knowe what čou schalt do in či bigynnynge. & what in če myd_dward čat is če standynge & what in če fallynge. And |p139 of euereche cause where-črou¨ a sore gendreč. And nameliche of swellynge[s] for čei wol gen_dre 705 in dyuerse lymes for dyuerse enchesonus. And čer_fore but čat čei be holpe with resonable helpes many periles & ofte-syčes incurabeles may falle čer-of.  éou schalt at če bi-gynnynge of suche a sore if it čynke če čat it be nede for ouer-myche plente of 710 blod with drawe če blod to če froward syde. čat is for to say if če nečer side of če ri¨t half be sor čen schalt čou let him blod in čat ouer half of če lyft side. & if it be on če ouer half čen on če nečere half schalt čou  let him blod. 3if če sore be in standynge or ellus in fallinge 715 čen schalt čou let him blod in če nexste lyme of če same half. And if it be on če čye. or on če legge. čen schalt čou let him blod on če fote in če same side.  And ¨if it so be čat suche a sore be of long tyme & če co_lynge & če strengče of če dolur be ouer-gon & če co_lour 720 changič & če same humure črou¨ fatnesse of it_self be towed to-gedere as čo¨ lt were lyme or glw & may not očer-wise be done away. čen čou schalt with an hot rasur & garse če bonche with sumdel depe gaces. & aftur črest out če blod a-non čer_of 725 with sum staf. or with sum očer čyng. Očer set a ventose čer-ynne & draw oute če wicked blod & aftur čou schalt make čis emplaster če whiche is good to al-manere garsyng of rancles & dolowres & to brenny[n]ge y-made |p141 with yrens & for to kele & molefye alle harde swellyngus 730 & hot čat comeč on an hors. Make a plaster of sma_lache & of walwort & of askes of eldertre y-grounde wel al to-gedere & chaufe it in same očer in wyn & lay it to če sore.  Or ellus Make sum očer plaster čat be dra_wynge. and helynge and ley čer-to til it be hole. 735 |r FOr yen. Here wol y schewe as y haue y-ler_ned cure of hors yen čat ofte-tyme comeč on place.  3if an hors yen renneč water al terus. čen schalt čou make a striccatory of frankencense. & mastik I-poudred ri¨t smal & tempere it with če white of an eye. & 740 ley on a clout .iiij. fynger brod. & also longe as it wol reche fro čat on čowwong to čat očer & čen schalt čou schaue če hors forhede also brode as če striccatorye schal be. & let it lye til če terus stynte rennynge. & be al drie. & čou wolt remeue če striccatory with hot water očer with oile čou 745 schalt it remeue.  And it so be čat če eyen wex dymme črou¨ eny strok očer eny očer humours čat falluč to če eyen čen schalt čou make a styllot .iiij. fynger brod beneče če eyen. & aftur čou schalt take a manere of salt čat clerkus clepuč sa[l] alkaly & grynde it ri¨t smal. & kepe it & 750 blow it with a gose-penne ofte-sičes in-to his eye. Here ¨it an-očer medicyne for terus of hors of eyen for what cause it euer come. Wasche hem .3. on če day with ri¨t clere good whit wyn & aftur če wasschynge blow poudur of ceruse in his yen. & do so ofte til čei be |p143 755 hole.  Also an-očer for če same. Take če ¨elke of an hard-sodun eye. & tempere čer-with poudur of comyn. & bynd it čer-to an eue. and do so ofte til čei be hole  And if čer be aboute če eyen swellynge. take če Ius of wermod. & droppe in his eyen al aboute. & ley a_boue 760 a plaster of neysche virgyne wex & bynde it fast čer-to warme.  And if an hors eye dymme črou¨ strikynge or of očer cause. I haue y-seye take če Ius of yubarbe čat groweč on hows-rygges. & do čer-to also mylke of a womman čat hač a knaue 765 childe to an hors. & a mayde child to a mare. & ofte-tyme droppe it in-to če eye with a litel wolle til čou se it a-mende.  And y haue y-seye sum men for swellynge of eyen črou¨ a strok when an hors my¨t not open his eyen for sore to wasche hem with white 770 wyn & poudur of aloe epatyk y-tempered čer-with.  And if a web growe on an hors eye whečer it be old očere newe. take tartere & salt-gemme of boče ili_che myche. & grynd hem in-to smal poudur. & .ij. in če day with a penne blowe a serten quantite of čat poudur 775 in his eyen.  Also to čat same take good eyren. & bren hem in a pot of clay & blow in-to če eyen. But blow čou not ouer-myche of če forsaide čynges at ones for-a-ventur čat čei do more harme čen good for al-čynge čat is to myche is no¨t.  And ¨it 780 wol y schewe as y haue herde of proued maysterus |p145 a good medicyne. & swyče helynge for hors eyen. +Gif an hors with fallynge. or with rubbynge. or with a stroke be y-hurte in če eye so čat he be growyn ouer-al white. Take čat men clepuč on latyn edera terrestris. on englysche 785 ground-yuy & grynd it ri¨t smal & droppe while it is on straynynge .ij. or .iij. a litel clene water čer-to for ellus wol it not parti wel with če Ius. And when čou hast wel y-wronge oute če ius droppe .ij. a day in če sore eye & in fewe daius če white schal wery away. And if čou do čer-to ri¨t good 790 white wyn it wol če better worche.  And ¨if an hors eye wex feble of si¨t. Take če lyuere of a blak goot & grynde it in a morter al to dust & wrynge oute če Ius & of čat ius čou schalt droppe in his eyen .iij. dropes at on tyme. & .3. at an-očer. & let him blede in če hed-veynes 795 & vnder če eye.  And for če same schalt čou take če sede of a gras čat clerkus clepuč on latyne. Crisolotamia. on englische Melde & grynde it al to poudur & kepe it. & blow če poudur in his eyen.  Also take če ordure of a man & bake it on a tyle or in an owenen & aftur 800 put it in a morter & bray. it al to pouder. & sarce it & caste če pouder in če hors eye & it wol destrie web & pynne.  Also for če web. Take če galle of an hare & put it in a viole. & take hony & boile it & skymme it clene aboue. take of če pure of če myddel of če hony & put it warme to 805 če galle as myche as čer is of če galle & take a fečer & put in his eyen .3. daies eche day onus.  And if an |p147 an hors be apeyred with blod in če eyen. Kyt out & s_hawe. & let him blod in če temples & a¨en vndur če eye[?n]_bo¨es.  And if an hors be fat in his hed. Kyt out 810 če [...]us & let him blod in če temple. take a smal alle & smyte him črou¨ če nose holde doun his hed. & make |r{layout_rearranged} him blede. < Peyn is an euel čat gendreč bihynde če hors passtrones biside če houe with-oute swellynge of če legge & rekeč & stynkeč. & stynkynge 815 humours comeč out of hit. & it wol gendre of sum hur_tynge with sum hard čynge. as tre or ston. ffor čus če sore drawič reume čer-to. And if it so be čat in-to če lower endes reume descende čen it bi-houeč vs with cold čynge & drie or ellus with meneli hote ¨eue kepe to 820 suche sorus.  Take a sauser-ful of hony. & čre so my_che of sote & spyčer-webbes & of nettel croppus & grynde alle čese to-geder & make a plaster. & ley it hote to če peyn euer-more til it stynte of rennynge.  Or ellus take a sponeful of same of arnement & too eyrin¨elkus [...] 825 prikkes with al če blades. & grynde hem al to-geder & ley to če peyn.  Or ellus Take .iiij. parties of smal_grounde glas. & .3. parties of arnement. & .2. parties of wex & .i. partie of olde grece of a swyne. & make alle čese hote to-geder & ley it hot to če peyn.  Or ellus 830 ley čer-to hot mannus drit. or houndus čat hač be I-fried če day bifore with drie mete of white whete-brede [...] 832 barliche. or with good b[...] & .3. daius euery dai & grynde hit čere-to |r[ends_imperfectly]