|b{Old_English_Sermons._} |b{In_An_Old_English_Miscellany,} |b{ed._Richard_Morris,_EETS_OS_49_(1872),_} |b{repr._1927,_pp._26-36.} |b{pp.26-36} |p26 |r[Old_English_Sermons.] |r(Laud._MS_471) ----------------------- SERMO IN DIE EPIPHANIE |r[f.128b] |r CVm natus esset ihesus in betleem iude in diebus herodis regis ecce magi ab oriente uenerunt ierosoli_dicentes mam .. Vbi est qui natus est rex iudeorum ..  We redeth i čo holi godespelle of te dai ase ure louerd god almichti i-bore was of ure lauedi seinte Marie i če cite of bethleem .. čet si sterre was seauinge of his beringe .. swo apierede te čo črie kinges of hečenesse .. to-janes čo sunne risindde .. And al swo hi bi-knewe his beringe bi čo sterre .. swo hi nomen conseil be-tuene hem čet hi wolden gon for to hyne an-uri .. and čet hi wolden offri him .. gold .. and stor .. and Mirre .. And al swo hi hedden aparailed here offrendes swo kam si sterre čet yede to-for hem in-to ierusalem .. éere hi speken to herodes and hym askede .. wer was se king of gyus čet was i-bore .. And herodes i-herde čet o king was i-bore čet solde bi king of geus .. swo was michel anud .. and alle hise men .. for čet he was of-dred for to liese his king riche of ierusalem .. éo dede he somoni alle čo wyse clerekes čet kuče če laghe and hem askede wer crist solde bien i-bore .. Hi answerden čet ine ierusalem .. for hit was swo i-seid and be-hote hwilem bi |p27 čo profetes .. And al-swo herodes i-herde čis .. swo spac te čo črie kinges .. and hem seide .. Goč ha seide into bethleem and secheč čet child .. and wanne ye hit habbeth hi-funde swo an-uret hit .. and efter čet cometh to me .. and hic wille go and an-uri hit .. |r[f.129a] éet ne seide he nocht herodes for čet he hit wolde on-uri ;; ac for čet he hit wolde slon .. yef he hit michte finde .. éo kinges hem wenten and hi seghen čo sterre čet yede bi-fore hem .. al-wat hi kam over čo huse .. war ure louerd was .. and al swo hi hedden i-fonden ure louerd ;; swo hin an-urede .. and him offrede hire offrendes .. Gold .. and .. stor .. and Mirre .. éo nicht efter čet aperede an ongel of heuene in here slepe ine metinge and hem seide and het .. čet hi ne solde a-yen wende be herodes .. ac be an očer weye wende into hire londes ..  Lordinges and leuedis čis is si glorius miracle .. and si glorius seywinge of ure lordes beringe .. čet us telč čet holi godespel of te day .. and ye muee wel under-stonde be čo speche of če godspelle čet me sal to dai mor makie offrinke čan an očren dai .. and čer-of us yeft ensample čo črie kinges of hečenesse .. čet comen fram verrene londes ure louerd to seche .. and him makie offrinke .. And be čet hi offrede gold .. čet is cuuenable yeftte to kinge : seawede čet he was sothfast kink .. and be čet hi offrede Stor .. čet me offrede wylem he čo ialde laghe to here godes sacrefise ;; seawede če[t] he was verray prest .. Ad be čet hi offrede Mirre .. čet is biter čing .. signefieth čet hi hedde be-liaue čet he was diadlich .. čet diath solde suffri for man-ken .. Nu i_hiereth wet signefieth čet Gold .. čet .. Stor .. čet Mirre .. And offre we Gostliche to ure lorde .. čet [h]i offrede fles_liche .. éet Gold čet is bricht and glareth ine čo bricht_nesse of čo sunne .. signefieth če gode beleaue .. čet is bricht ine če gode cristenemannes herte .. Si gode beleaue licht and is bricht ine čo herte of čo gode Manne ase gold .. Offre we čanne god almichti god gold .. |p28 Be-leue we stede-fast-liche .. čet he is fader and sune .. and holy gost .. is on-lepi god .. Wo so hath beleaue ine gode swo offreth him god gold |r[f.129b] čet Stor signefied gode werkes .. for ase se smech of če store wanne hit is i-do into če uer‚‚ and goth upward to čo heuene and to gode ward Swo amuntet si gode biddinge to gode of čo herte of čo gode cristenemanne .. Swo we mowe sigge čet stor signefieth če herte .. and se smech luue of gode .. Li čet Mirre čat is biter .. and be čo biternesse defendet čet Cors čet is mide i-smered .. čet no werm nel comme i-hende ;; signefiet čo gode werkes čet is biter to čo yemernesse of ure flesce .. Si Mirre signefiet uastinge .. for čo luue of gode wakie .. go ine pelrimage .. uisiti če poure .. and to sike .. and to do alle če gode čet me may do for godes luue .. čo ilke činges so bieth bitere to čo wrichede flessce .. Ac al-so si mirre loket čet hodi čet no werm ne may čer i-hende come ;; so us defendet čo ilke činges fram senne .. and fram če amonestement of čo dieule čet ha ne may us mis-do .. Lordinges nu ye habbet i-herd čo signefiance of čo offringes čet maden čo črie kinges of hečenesse to gode .. hye habbet to gode i-offred of yure selure .. and of yure erčliche godes .. Ne ne offreth him nacht on-lepiliche to day .. ac alle čo daies i čo yere gostliche .. Gold .. and Stor .. and Mirre .. ase hic habbe i-told .. Gold ;; fore Gode belaue .. Stor ;; for holy urisun .. Mirre .. for gode werkes .. čet bieth čo offringes .. čet ure louerd be-sekeč aueriche daye čo cristenemanne .. and werefore se christenman yef has deč ;; of-seruet čo blisce of heuene .. And ihesu crist čet for us wolde an erče bi [i]-bore .. and anured of čo črie kinges of painime ;; he yeu[e] us his grace of čo holi gost in ure hertes wer-bi we moue hatie čo ileke činges čet he hatedh .. and lete čo ileke činges čat he for-biet .. and luuie čo ilek činkes čat he luued .. and do čo ilek činges |p29 čat he h˘˘t .. ine him so bileue and bidde and serui .. čet we mowe habbe čo blisce of heueriche .. Quod uobis prestare dignetur per .. [& c.] DOMINI[CA] SECUNDA POST OCTAVAM EPIPHANIE .. SERMO EUAN .. |r Nuptie facte sunt in chana |r[f.130a] galil‚‚ .. et erat mater ihesu ibi .. Vocatus est autem ihesus ad nuptias et discipuli eius ..  éet holi godspel of to day us telč .. čet a bredale was i-maked ine čo londe of ierusalem .. in ane cite čat was i-cleped Cane in ča time čat godes sune yede in erče fles[ch]liche ac .. To ča bredale was ure leuedi seinte Marie .. and ure louerd ihesus crist and hise deciples .. so iuel auenture čet wyn failede .. at čise bredale .. čo seide ure leuedi seinte Marie .. to here sune .. hi ne habbet no wyn .. And ure louerd answerde and sede to hire .. Wat be-longeth hit to me očer to če wyman .. Nu ne dorste hi namore sigge .. ure lauedi .. Hac hye spac to čo serganz čet seruede of čo wyne .. and hem seyde .. al čet he hot yu do ;; so doč .. And ure louerd clepede če serganz and seyde to hem .. Fol vellet ha seyde .. čos Ydres .. čet is to sigge čos Cr˘˘s .. očer čos faten of watere .. for čer were .. vi .. Ydres of stone .. čet ware i-clepede bačieres wer čo gius hem wesse for clenesse .. and for religiun .. Ase če custome was ine čo time .. čo serganz uuluelden čo faten of watere and hasteliche was i-went into wyne .. bie čo wille of ure louerde .. čo seide ure lord .. to čo serganz .. Moveth to-gidere and bereth to Architriclin .. čat was se čet ferst was i-serued .. And al-so hedde i-drunke of čise wyne čet ure louerd hedde i-maked of če watere : ha niste nocht če miracle .. ac čo serganz wel hit wiste .. čet hedde čet water i-brocht .. čo seide Architriclin to čo bredgume .. Očer men seyde he doč forč čet beste wyn čet hi habbeč ferst at here bredale .. and ču hest ido če |p30 contrarie čet ču hest i-hialde čet beste wyn wat nu ;; čis was če commencement of čo miracles of ure loruerde čet he made flesliche in erče .. and čo beleuede on him ;; his deciples .. Ine sigge nacht čet hi ne hedden čer be-fore ine him beliaue ;; ac fore če miracle čet hi seghe ;; was here beliaue če more i-strengčed .. Nu ye habbeč i_herd če Miracle .. nu i-hereč če signefiance .. éet water bi_tockned se euele christeneman .. |r[f.130b] for al-so čet water is natureliche schald and a-kelč alle čo čet hit drinkeč ;; so is se euele christeman chald of čo luue of Gode .. for čo euele werkes čet hi doč .. Ase so is Lecherie .. spus_breche .. Roberie .. Manslechtes .. Husberners .. Bakbiteres .. and alle očre euele deden .. čurch wyche činkes man of_serueth čet fer of helle .. Ase godes oghe mudh hit seid .. and alle čo signefied čet water ;; čet čurch yemere werkes .. očer čurch yemer i-wil liesed čo blisce of heuene .. čet wyn čat is naturelliche hot ine him-selue ;; and an-het alle čo čet hit drinked ;; be-tokned alle čo čet bied an-h‚‚t of če luue of ure lorde .. Nu lordinges ure lord god almichti .. čat hwylem in one stede .. and ine one time flesliche makede of watere wyn ;; yet habbeč mani_time maked of watere wyn ;; gostliche .. wane čurch his grace maked of čo euele mane good man .. of če orgeilus umble .. of če lechur chaste .. of če ničinge large .. and of alle očre folies ;; so ha maket of čo watere wyn .. čis his si signefiance of če miracle .. Nu loke euerich man toward him-seluen .. yef he is win : čet is to siggen yef he is an-heet of čo luue of gode .. očer yef he is water .. čet is yef ču art chold of godes luue .. yef ču art euel man ;; besech ure lorde čet he do ine če his uertu .. čet ha če wende of euele into gode .. and čet he do če do swiche werkes čet ču mote habbe čo blisce of heuene .. Quod uobis .. prestare dignetur [& c.] .. |p31 DOMINICA TERCIA POST OCTAVAM EPIPHANIE. |r Cvm descendisset ihesus de monte .. secute sunt eum turbe multe .. Et ecce leprosus ueniens adorabat eum dicens .. Domine si uis ;; potes me mundare ..  éet holi godspel of to dai us telč .. čet ure lord ihesus crist .. ase he hedde i-yue čo newe laghe .. in one montayne .. and hedde i-maked čet formeste sarmun čet euerte made in erče ;; suo him folgede michel folk .. Swo kam a leprus .. a sik man and onurede hi m and seyde .. Lord .. |r[f.131a] lord ha seide yef ču wilt ;; ču me micht wel makie hool of mine lepre .. of mine euele .. And ure lord him seide and spredde his hond .. ad tok his lepre ;; hic wille seide ure lord čet ču bi clensed .. and al-so rače he was i-warisd of his maladie .. Nu lordinges čis is če miracle čet čet godspel of te dai us telč .. ac great is če tokningge .. Se leprus signefieč čo senuulle men .. si lepre čo sennen .. čet scab bi-tokned čo litle sennen .. si lepre be-tokned čo grete sennen čet biedh diadliche .. Ase so is lecherie .. spusbreche .. Gauelinge .. Roberie .. éefte .. Glutunie .. drunke_nesse .. and alle čo sennen čurch wiche me liest čo luue of gode almichti and of alle his haleghen .. čurch Scab nis nacht man and wyman deseiurd fram mannes felarede .. Ne for čo litle sennen .. čet no man hine ne mai loki .. nis noon deseu[e]rd pardurableliche fram gode ;; ne fram holi chereche .. for lepre is man deseu[e]rd of čo compainie of gode and of alle his angles .. čat is to sigge for diadliche senne .. Nu ye habbet i-herd če miracle and wet hit be-tokned .. Nu loke we yef we bieč clene of čise lepre .. čat is to siggen of diadliche senne .. Se liest če felarede of očer men ;; for se čet sterft inne diadliche senne ;; so for liest če compainie of gode .. And yef ye bieč clene ;; lokeč čet ye ne falle nocht .. čet ye ne bie deseuerd fram če felarede of gode almichti .. čurch none euele werkes čurch none euele i-wil .. And |p32 yef ye bieč leprus čurch diadliche senne .. greded gode Merci ;; čet čo leprus yaf helče ine bodie ;; čet he us yeue gostliche helče .. in ure saule .. Comeč to srifte for leted yure sennen and čer of bieč a-soiled .. čanne sollie habbe čo helče of heuene .. čat is lif with-uten ende .. Quod uobis .. prestare dignetur .. per .. [& c.] DOMINICA QUARTA POST OCTAVAM EPIPHANIE .. |r Ascendente ihesu in nauiculam .. secuti sunt eum discipuli eius .. Et ecce motus factus est magnus in mari .. Ita ut nauicula operiretur fluctibus .. Erat autem illis ;; uentus contrarius .. |r[f.131b]  We redeth i če holi godspelle of to dai čat ure lord ihesu crist yede one time into ane ssipe and ise deciples mid him in-to če s‚‚ .. And so hi were in čo ssipe so a-ros a great tempeste .. of winde .. And ure lord was i-leid him don to slepe .. ine čo ssipe .. er čane čis tempeste a-roos .. Hise deciples hedde gret drede of čise tempeste .. so [hi] a-wakede hine .. and seiden to him .. lord saue us ;; for we perisset .. And ha wiste wel čet hi ne hadde nocht gode beleaue ine him ;; čo seide to hem .. wat dret yw folk of litle beliaue .. éo a-ros up ure lord and tok čane wynd and to s‚‚ ;; and al-so rače hit was stille .. And al-se čo men čet weren in čo ssipe hedde i-seghe čo miracle so awondrede hem michel .. éis is si vaire miracle čet čet godspel of te day us telč .. éere-fore sal hure be-liaue bie če betere a-strengčed .. Ine swiche lorde čet siche miracle mai do and doč wanne he wile .. Ac hit is us nyede čet se čet sucurede hem ine ča peril ;; čet us sucuri ine ure niedes .. éet we clepie to him čet ha us helpe .. and he hit wille do blečeliche .. yef we him bisecheth merci mid good i-wille al-so him-seluen seith bi če holi writes .. Salus populi ego sum .. et cetera .. Hic am ha seič helere of če folke .. wane hi to me clepiedh ine hire sorghen .. and ine hire niedes hic hi sucuri and beneme hem al here euel with-ute ende .. |p33 Grede we to him merci sikerliche .. yef se deuel us wille a-cumbri čurch senne .. éurch prede očer čurch an-vie .. očer čurh wreče .. očer čurch očer manere of diadliche senne grede we to him Merci .. and sigge we him lord sauue us čet we ne perissi .. and čet he us deliuri of alle eueles .. and čet ha yef us swiche werkes to done in čise wordle .. éet čo saulen of us mote bien isauued a domes dai .. and gon to čo blisce of heuene .. Quod ipse prestare dignetur .. [& c.] DOMINICA IN SEXAGESIMA .. SERMO .. |r SImile est regnum celorum homini patrifamilias .. qui exijt primo mane conducere operarios in uineam suam .. |r[f.132a] |r Hure lord godalmichti to us spekeč ine čo holi godespelle of te day .. and us seaweth one for_bisne .. čet yef we uilleth don his seruise .. čet we sollen habbe čo mede wel griat ine heuene .. For so seyth ure lord ine čo godspelle of to dai .. čet on good_man was .. čat ferst uut-yede bi če Moreghen for to here werkmen in-to his winyarde .. for ane peny of fore_werde .. and al so he hedde i-mad čise forewerde ;; so ha sente hi into his wynyarde .. so ha dede at undren and at midday also .. čo čat hit was a-yen čan euen ;; so ha kam into če Marcatte .. so he fond werkmen čet were idel .. čo seyde he to hem .. W‚‚ bie ye idel ;; and hie answerden ;; and seyde .. lord ;; for we ne fonden te dai čat us herde .. Goč nu ha seide se godeman into mine wynyarde ;; and hic čat richt is ;; yu sal yeue .. čos yede into čise wynyarde .. mid čo očre .. čo čet hi wel euen .. čo seide če lord to his sergant .. Clepe čo werkmen and yeld hem here trauail .. and a-gyn to hem čat comen last .. and go al to čo ferste .. yef eueriche of hem ane peny .. Se sergant dede čes lordes commandement .. so paide čo werkmen and yaf euerich ane peny .. And so seghen čo čet bi če Morghen waren i-comen .. čet hi |p34 čet ware last i-cume .. Hedden here euerich ane peny ;; čo wenden hi more habbe ;; čo gruchchede hi a-menges hem .. and seyden .. čos laste on ure habbeč i-travailed .. and ču his makest velaghes to us .. čet hahbeth al deai i-bye ine čine wynyarde .. and habbetč i-čoled če berdene of čo pine .. and of čo hete of al čo daie .. čo ansuerede se gode man to on of hem .. Frend ha seide ine do če noon unricht .. Wat for čingketh čat hic do min i-wil ;; and al-so ure lord hedde i-told čise forbisne ;; so he seide efter-ward .. so sulle čo uerste bie last ;; and čo laste ferst .. Fele bieč i-clepede ;; ac feaue bieč i_corn‚‚ .. Nu i-hereč če signefiance .. čes godeman ;; be_tockneč god almichti ure lord .. Se winyard be-tock_neč .. če seruise of ure lorde .. če werkmen .. be-tockneč alle čo čet doč cristes seruise .. |r[f.132b] čo tides of čo daie ;; be-tokneč če time of čis world .. Bie če Morghen i_herde ure lord werkmen in-to his winyarde .. čo ha sente če patriarches .. ate begininge of čis wordl[e] .. ine is seruise .. čet čurch gode beleau‚e him seruede .. and seden his techinge to alle čo čet hi hedden hit to siggen .. Al-so at undren .. and at midday .. i-herede he werkmen into is winyarde .. čo ha sente be čo tine čet Moyses was and Aaron .. and i če time of his prophetes dede he mani god man in-to his seruise ;; čet čurch griate luue to him helden .. and deden his seruise .. To-yenes čan euen ;; godalmichti i-hierde werkmen in-to his win_yarde .. čo čat he alast of čis wordle naam fles and blod ine če Maidene seinte Marie .. and seauede ine čis world .. čo fond he Men .. čet al day hedden i-be idel .. Werefore he fond čet hečen folk čet be čo time čet was i-go ;; hedden i-be ut of godes be-liaue .. and of his luue .. and of his seruise .. Hi ne hedden nocht i-he idel for to done čo deueles werkes .. Ac čere-fore seith čet godspel čet hedden i-be idel ;; čo čet hi nedden bi-leued ane god almichti .. ne him louie ne him serui .. For al čat is ine |p35 čis wordle .. čet man is .. bote yef ha luuie god almichti .. and him serui ;; al hit him may čenche for-lore and idelnesse .. čo a-resunede ure lord če paens be ise apo_stles .. vre-fore hi hedden i-be so longe idel .. čo čet hi ne hedden i-be in his seruise ;; čo ansuerden če paens ;; čet non ne hedden i-herd hij .. čet is to sigge čet hi ne hedden neuer-te i-heed prophete ne apostle ne prechur .. čet hem seaude ne hem tachte hu [h]i solden ine gode beleue ne him serui .. Goč a seide ure lord inte mine Winyarde .. čet is inte mine beleaue .. and hic yw sal yeue yure peni čet is heueriche blisce .. čo he-čen men yeden be ča daghen into cristes seruise ;; and we čet of hem bieč i-cume .. and habbeč cristendom under-fonge ;; bieč i-entred in-to cristes seruise čere-fore we sollen habbe ure peni čet is če blisce of heuene .. |r[f.133a] Al-so wel ase čo čet comen bi če Morghen .. for also we hopieč for te habbe heueriche blisce ;; ase čo patriarches and čo prophetes .. and čo apostles and čo gode men čet hwilem ine čis world godalmichti serueden .. So as we habeč i-seid of diuers wordles .. čet god almichti dede werkmen into his winyarde ;; so we mowe sigge of čo elde of eueriche men .. For god almichti deč werkmen into his winyarde bi če Morghen .. wanne ha clepeč of swiche čer bieč into his seruise ine here childhede .. Wanne hi of čis world wendeč .. beswo čet hi ne be ine no diadlich senne .. At undren ha sent men into his winyarde .. čet a turneč into his seruise .. of age of man .. At Middai wanne čo dai is al čer hotestd be-tokned čo men of xxxti .. wyntre .. očer of furti .. for če nature of Man is of greater strengče and of greater hete ine čo age .. Se euen bi-tockneč .. elde of Man .. čet is se ende of če liue .. Vre lord deč werkmen in-to his winyarde a-genes čo euen ;; Wanne fele ine here elde wendeč ut of here senne in-to cristes seruise .. As so solle hi habbe čo blisce of heuene ;; ase čo čet ferst comen into če |p36 winyyarde .. Nocht for čan for čise griate bunte čet ure lord yefč ne solde no-man targi for to wende to godal_michti ne him to serui .. forso al seid čet holi writ čet non ne wot čane dai of his diače .. for Man mai longe liues wene and ofte him legheč se wrench .. Nu gode men ye habbeč i-herd čet godspel and če forbisne .. Nu lokeč yef ye bieč with-inne čo winyarde .. čet is čet yef ye bieč ine godes seruise yef ye bieč with-ute diadliche senne yef ye hatied čat he hateč .. yef ye luuieč čet he luueč .. and doč čet he hot .. and bute ye do ;; ye bieč hut of hiswinyarde .. čet is ut of his seruise .. and ye doč čet ure lord h˘˘t .. so ye of-serueč čane peni .. čet is heueriche blisce .. ye of-serueč čet good čet noon herte ne may i-čenche ne noon yare i-here ne tunge telle .. čo blisce čet god |r[f.133b] halt alle čo čet line luuieč .. čider lord granti us to cumene .. Quod ipse prestare dignetur .. per .. [& c.] |r[Follows:--Sermo_in_quadragesimam_;;_(in_Latin).]