|b_Christ_Church_Letters._A_volume_of_mediaeval_letters_relating |b_to_the_affairs_of_the_Priory_of_Christ_Church_Canterbury, |b_ed._J.B._Sheppard,_M.R.C.S.,_Camden_Society_NS_19_(1877). |b_{Note:_Some_remarks_are_unbybed,_since_they_are_not_sequential.} |p1 |r_{V.-JAMES_CORNWALLLIS,_CHIEF_BARON_OF_} |r_{THE_EXCHEQUER_OF_IRELAND,} |r_{THE_PRIOR_OF_CHRIST_CHURCH.} |r_{(Circa_1430.)} |r78 Right worschupfull and my full reverend Lord y recommend me to your graciouse Lordschip as y best can or may, desyryng no thyng more than to wete of your worschupfull wellfare, the whiche y pray Alle myghty Godde contynue and encrece in excellent pros_perite after the desyres of your owyn gentyll hart. -- And as touchyng your anuite of Tynterne in Irlond: lyke hit yow to wete that y have y-hadde right grete labour about the pursuyt of hit, and grete cost also, and y wote well hit hath y-cost the Abbot of Tynterne more than he schall wyn by all the anuyte thes two yere; for trewly y hadde him at the outlary tyll My Lord of Ormond maket me to withdrawe my suyt from him, and my said Lord hath resceved of the said Abbot in your name XXti marc, and the said Abbot hath fonden seurte to pay me other XXti marc by Ester next comyng, the wheche with the grace of Godde schall be y-send to you as sone as es possible; that hit may come to your presence in soche forme that ye with the grace of Godde schall hold you content. And as touchyng the remenent that es y-ren of your anuyte sith the tyme of your acquytaunces y wote well that the Abbot wolle pay no more till he have acquytaunce under the same seale that ye sende him latest; for if ye remembre you, ye sende to me two acquytaunces, every of ham of XXti marc. And as touchyng the remenent that es y-ren sith, ye most send a nother acquytaunce under the same seall, and that most be done in haste, for the Abbot wolle be right well payed to lay that excuce for him, that your attorneys here have none acquytaunce to discharge him anent you in tyme comynge. Also my graciouse Lord y pray you that ye wold be gode Lord to the berer of this lettre, the whiche es proposed to Romeward, with the grace of Godde, for certeyn matters touchyng my grete avayle, and that ye would tendre him in his nedes, yf ought he have ado in your partes, as ve wolle that y schall do you service in tyme comyng |p2 for in gode feith your gode Lordschip yschewed to him may do me a grete plesaunce as hit were done to my person. And if ther be eny thyng that y may do to your plesaunce commaunde me your wille, the whiche Our Lord knowith y ham and ever schall be redy to performe by my poer. And the holy Trinite but have you in his blessed kyepyng. Ywrit at Dyvelyng the first Monday of Lent. Your man James Cornwaleys, Chef Baron of the Eschekker of our Lord King in Irlond. To the right Worschupfull and full Reverend Lorde William Prior of Canterbury. VI. -- DOM. JOHN ELHAM TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r(Circa_1430.) |r79 Wurschypful and reverent fadyr in God, lykyth yow wete that I have payed to the Abot of Feversham the hole summe whyche that I reseyvyd of yow; that is xlj li. xij s. j d. ob., wherof I schulde a restreynyd lv s. for Pagham, wheche schulde a be restreynyd be the handys of John Wodnesbergh wardeyn of Oxynford as Dan Thomas Golstone can yeue yow informacion, but, for as moche as the Abot cam fro yow be a tokyn that I schulde resceyve an C marks of the Duches of Clarens, that I schulde delyver hym the hole summe a for sayd. Also I have spokyn with William Haute for the mater the whyche tha ye sente on to me, and he wol a paye,a and thankyth yow wyth al hys herte that ye wulde wouchesaf that ye wulde do so moche for his sake; for it hath euyr be hys ful wyl and his entent her a fore, by sumenys b for to an had hym wyth yow long her afore, but he durst nout for tendyr age; and al so he knewe nout his wyl; and, for as moche as it is hys dyssyr he hath levyr that he be wuth yow and serve God in that place, yif he myte or cowde, thanne in ony place in Ingland, aftyr Lord or Lady or eny a stat. And more I schall telle yow by mouth her aftyr. And as touchyng to yowre mater. of Cheyham: the Wednysday aftyr Seynt Brysis day be avys |p3 of John Bamborough we schul be at Sparwefeld, wuth the south wardeyn of Marteyn Halle and on man of hyr counsayl, for to knowe and se here ful intent and what they wul dyssyre; and gyf we myth falle to sum conclusyon; for we se that Ferby wuld reule al aftyr hys intent, and nouth he rulyd withoute oure gret hurte, and as we feleth of thys mater I schal sende yow more declaracion in schort tyme. And as for youre evidens of Lathyndon, whiche were to-for youre counsayl, and to-for the counsayl of the Lord Hongyrford, as moche as I have in mynde was, ferst, the knoppyd bok, and a lytyl thykke row hok, wheche bok Thomas Goldston hath, and olde chekyrollys, the wheche ben markyd wuth red wax atte the same plase ther that it makyth mensyon of Lathyndon, also a lytyl rolIe of all yowre manerys and fefermes wheche that I have myself; and gyf I se that they wyl geve ony atendauns, and sette a day for to make an ende withowte ony more varyauns, I schal sende yow word in al haste. Also I have spoke wuth my Lord Cardinall for thys last navage of the Portys, wheche is askyd of yow for Bekysbourne, wheche is haldyng of the port of Hastyng, vij li. for to tymys; and hym semyth that is to gret a summe for that place alone, wherfore he wulde that it were knewe what Has -tyng is set to paye, for scheppys men and dayis ben seth at certeyn. Ferthermore I touchyd to hym yowr gret distresse and lak of money for defaute of payment of yowre fermys; for, as I told hym, the wardeyn of yowre maners cowde nouth in al hys warde resceyve vijxx li., whrer upon he wundryd sore; and for thys causys I tolde hym that ye haue put away yowre masounys. And thanne he touchyd to me the costys of hys plase and the summe the whyche ye wrete on to hym, the wheche summe he sayth he wul ordayn fore in a schort tyme. Al s0 ye sente to me in wrytyng be Thomas Doyly for a bale other ij of almaundys and resonys, of currauns a kylderkyn, or elles a festekyn, gyf so were that they were at the same prys as they were whanne the wardeyn was at Lundon: and so they ben as yet, but it wyl nout be longe, as I am informyd |p4 privyly, wher upon ye may be avysyd where ye wyl have it or non, and how moche; and as it lykith yow sende me word. Also I can gete no cloth of cullour aftyr the sample wethe that ye sente to me be Thomas Doly and as touchyng to Horsfold, we ben coun_selyd that we schul no thyng stere to the tresorer in to tyme that the schereve hath mad his a counte. And as for the patent that ye have founde ondyr the kyngys sel, John Bamborough, gyf it lykyth yow, he dissirith for to seth, and ther up on to take good avyse. Also my Lady Tatryshale recomendith here to yowre gracious lord_shyp and grete kindchip that ye schewe on to hyr dayly; also sche prayith yow that ye wulde sende here an ansswere of the lettere the wheche sche sent last on to yow. No more at thys tyme but Almyty Good have yow in hys blyssyd grace and governauns. Wretyn at Lundon on Seynt Brysis day hastely and on a vysyd. Be your owyn obedyauncer, JOHN ELHAM. Reverendissio in Xpo Patri et Dno. Dno. Willo, Priori ecclesie Xpi. Cantuar. VII. -- THE ABBOT OF S. AUGUSTINE`S TO THE PRIOR 0F CHRIST CHURCH, CANTERBURY. (15th cent.) |r77 My dewte beyng presupposed, I commend me unto your father_hod, hertely desyring yow that yff ye do send any scolers be a new eleccion to Oxford after Easter, to show yowr favour to one off yowr subjects whos father is my servant, namyd Rychard Knygthe, so that he be as abyll as other of your subiects as to lernyng with good behavyour. I do nott this off my sylffe, but only be the labour of my servant, which whold fayn haue hys son preferryd; wherfore I desyr yow to do yn ytt as ytt shall please yow, withowte any answer therof made to me be wrytyng, but only att your plesur, and so Jhesus preserve yow. Be yowr beedman JOHN Abbot off Saynt Austens. |p5 VIII. -- COPIA LITTERAE DIRECTAE WALTERO WHYTTON DE HIBERNIA A PRIORE EXXLESIE XPI. CANT. (1432.) |r88 Worshipfull frend we grete yow hertyly well, thankyng you specyally of your diligence and frendly bysynesse whych ye have doon for us and for our chyrch at all tymys, as for our dute of our pencion of xiii marc to be rescevyed of the Abbot of Tynterne yn Yrland, and for the dute of the arrerages of the same pencion, of the summe of wych our fader the Abot wolde noght have no reherseyl yn hys acquittaunce wych we sende yn to hym undyr our convent sel. Ye have a part of an endenture undyr our seel and we anothyr undyr your seele whych make expresse declaracion be yerly calculacyons of the same, yer be yer. Nevyr the less yf our fadyr the Abot and hys brethryn of Tynterne yn Yrland can or may among hem self fynde, whenne they have maad here serch among here munimentys as they wrogth unto us that they wolde do, leyth us have trewe and clere declaration of here agrement of the summe wych ys due aftyr here own rekenyng, alleyyng and seavyng for hem sufficient dyscharge of eny payment wych oghte to be alowyd of us, and we scal do unto them al that evyr we oghte of ryght and favour to be doon, and al the favour that we may, our ryght of our Church only savyd. And whanne we have ful wrytyng and full informacion her off, be wrytyng enselyd be seyd Abot, we scal do so to hym that they scal have cause to praye for us her aftyr, and yf they wol preserve the promys wych they have maad unto us noght fern ago be lettyr, and to you as ye wrytyn be your lettyr directe unto us noght fern ago, beryng the date of wrytyng at Weysford the xviij day of September last passyd, and make you payment of xxvj marc, be an acquitaunce whyche we sende you undyr our covent seel, in party of payment of the arrears of the sayd pencion, and sende the forsayd wrytyng and suerte to fulfill this promys lyk as they have profyryd; thenne, this mater thus governyd, we wold that ther be no more sute ne |p6 variaunce doon to our fader the Abot as for this thyng, but cese our sute and lete hym sytt yn pees. And as towchyng your olligacion of x li., wych ys redy yn our kepyng and yn saaf warde, dowtt you noght ther off, and for such costys as we have don and had for us yn Yrland, and aboute the sute ayens the forsayd Abot for our avayle and recuryng of our ryght, sendyth us the parcele of the same expenses and of othyr dictes and promyses maad unto you for your labour and the xxvj marc, havyng therof and retaynyng with yow the sume of the parcell of your sayd expenses and dutes, and the brynger of the sayd xxvj marc with the sayd parcell shall have lyvere of your sayde obligacion. And as to your desyr to have a newe warant of us for theyse causys above rehersyd, hit nedyth noght as our counsayl enforme us. We scal and wele ratifye and conferme hit at this tyme by this our lettyr and our seel. And remembre you well that the bylle endentyd of the arrers of the same pencion, maad betyxte you and us, of the date of regne of our Soverayn Lord the Kyng the xij day of April the viij yer of hys regne, makyth mencion of the somme of the arrers of thys pencion xliiij lb. viij d. of whyche we sende to yow afor thys tyme acquitaunce of xij lb., wych aquitaunce ye sende ham ayen wyth owte any maner payment, and so the fyrst somme abydyth hol of xliiij lb. viij d. and that was of the date in festo Annunciacionis Beate Marie Anno Dni. M.CCCC.XXIX, and sythenys byth ronne iij yer mor at the feste of the Nativitie of Our Ladye last passyd, that ys to seyn Anno M.CCCCXXX, M.CCCCXXXI, Anno M.CCCCXXXII, so that the somme of all the arrears in hool drawyth to the somme of alle the yeres passyd afore the date of this our present lettyr, drawyth to lxx lb. viij d., of whyche somme we sende you acquitaunce of xviij lb. vj s. viij d.; and x li. we have resceyvyd be your handys at ij payments, and so as be our rekenyng they owe us at the date of the wrytyng of this lettyr xliiij li. xiij s. besyde and above the acquitaunce of xvij lb. vj s. viij d. wyche we sende yow at Trynite tyme. And as towchyng eny other lettyr sende be yow to us afore this tyme, ther cam noon to |p7 oure handys, and therfore and for noon othyr cause we sente yow noon answer afore thys tyme, for we wyste nevyr ther of. And we praye yow to recommende us and alle oure bretheryn to our specyall Lord the Erle of Ormond, and to our guode frend James Cornewallys, prayyng hem of guode wyl, tendyrnesse, and favour to us and to our sayd Chyrch, as they have doon alway afore thys, and to have us excusyd atte thys tyme that we wryte nat to hem because of our grete bysynesse that we have, and ryght gret haste of the brynger of thys lettyr. And Al myghty God have yow in hys grace. Wrytyn at Caunterbury ryght hastyly the xj day of December Be your owyn frend WILLIAM Priour of Crystyschyrch of Caunterbury in England. Also we praye yow recommende us un to our worschipful fadyr, the Abbot of Tynterne and alle our breheryn, sayyng un to hem on our behalfe, that we proposyd to have sent hem an answer of here lettyr; but trewly ther hath be and ys wyth us so gret bysy nesse that me myght have no tyme because of the hasty goyng of the brynger of thys lettyr, but be the nexte comer from Yrlond we scal sende hem an answer such as we truste to God scal plese hem. IX. -- THE EARL OF ORMOND TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH |r(Circa_1435.) Reverent fader I grete yow well with all myn herte, letynge yow wyte that I have wrytten to yow oftentymes aboute your pensyon that ye shold have here of the Abbay of Tynterne, which pension ys yn grete trouble, and many delayes made ageyns hit hy thabbote and the covent of the said Abbay; for they ben rigte subtiele peple. And one of the delayes ys thys; they seyn, for as moche as your acquytance specifies of parcell of a gretter summe due unto you before tyme, whiche parcell yf they schall pay hit wold bynd ham |p8 to pay also the gretter summe therefore me semes that hit were best for yow to make iij or iiij acquytaunces, every of ham of x marcs, of xij marcs, or elles of xij li. as ye se fit he to don, nothynge rehersyng the said grete summe, but the said parcell to be receyved yn party of payment (of) a certeyne pension which ys due to yow of the said house to be paied. And that the said acquy_taunce be sende hidder to me, and what money that may be gete of ham I wolle sende hit to yow; and yf ther be ony thynge that I may do to your plesir, yn this mater or yn ony othe, that ye wold lete me have wytynge therof and I wolle do hit with all myn harte. Prayynge yow that ye and all your brethren and myn there wolde have me yn mynde, and praye for me, as my full truste ys on yow, and Almygty God your worship preserve yn goodnes. Wrytten at Kilkenny the viij day of November. Jamys le Botiller, Erle of Ormond. To my reverent fader Prior of Crists_chirche of Cantirbury. |p9 XIII. -- KING HENRY VI. TO THE PRIOR AND CHAPTER OF CHRIST CHURCH. (1452.) By the King. Trusty and welbeloved in God we grete yow we, and forasmuche as our metropolitan churche of Canterbury with you stondith nowe destitute of a fader, John of goode memorie, your last Archbishop, after the disposicion of oure Lord nowe callyd unto his mercy: We considering aswel the preeminence and grett worship of that See, as the gretnesse of the full chargable cure that belongyth therunto, and wolling hit therfor to be purveied of suche a fader as to the worship |p10 of oure Lord, sad rieul of the said See and of all the subgectts that therto longem, and also for the commune wele of this our royaulme, and moost of all of you as might be moost convenable and accord_ing to the same, After grete deliberacion had in that hehalve with the Lords of oure Counseille, and especial with suche as ben of our blode, be fully (determined) and utterly concluded to have the Moost Reverend Fader in God the Cardinall and Archbisshop of York, oure Chaunceller, before al other preferred to the said churche. Knowing verely of grete and long experience the said Mooste Reve_rend Fader to he mooste worthy and able of any within this our said royaulme so to have rieul of the said churche. And albe hit we declared late unto suche of your brethren as ye late sent unto us for oure licence to procede to your free election oure entente on this behalve, wolling hit to he declared unto you be theym more at arge; yet nevertheles we write unto you these oure right special lettres, praieng and exhorting you in as diligent and desirous wise as we can, that ye, taking good consideracion to the premisses, and also that he being born of his nativite not ferre fro you and as he, that in his tender age in grete part was brought up amonge you, hath at all dayes had the the said churche in grete reverence, and the ministers therof in hove and tendernesse, ye, at suche tyme as ye shal so procede to your said election, have the said moost Reverend Fadir singulierly recommended doing him with oon voice to be postulate to the same. Latyng you wete that we have writen our right special lettres as wel to our Holy Father the Pope as to the College of Cardinalls, by the which we have desired so specially the translacion of the said Moost Reverend Father unto the said churche of Canterbury, and for suche reasonable grete and urgent causes, as we holde for certain we shal opteyne withoutt any difficulte the good conclusion, with effect of our desire in this partie. Over this, we desire and wol that ye yeve ful feyth and credence unto our trusty and welbeloved Squier Henry Vavasor, Husshier of our chambre, in that he shal seye unto you in oure behalve concerning the said matier; wherin ye shall do unto us right good and singulier |p11 pleasir. Yeven under our signett at oure Manour of Sheene the iiij day of Juyn. To our trusty and welbelobed in God the Priour and Convent of our Metropolitan Chirche and Monasterie of Caunterbury. XIV. -- EDMOND LICHFIELD, APPARENTLY A CHAPLAIN OF THE ARCHBISHOP, TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1465.] |r22 Righte Reverende fader in God and my singuler good Lorde. After dewe recommendation, so hit is that I am enformed that your good Lordship hath knowleg of the high displeasure that the Kings good grace toke aunempst my Lorde and us his servaunts for that my Lady Duches of Burgunde was not seen to, as by way of some goodly gyfte to have be gyven un to her, at her laste beyng with my Lord. And certaignely lykewise as ye wer enformed so hit was, insomoche as the Kings said grace hadde ryghte large language in the same. As now his grace is wel appeased and content, and was right mery with my Lorde and so departed. The specialte of this mater I have showed un to my trusty and welbehoved Sir Robert Barton ys chapleyn, the whiche, yif hit may please you, shall declare un to you all the conveiance of the matier; to whom I pray you to bee good Lorde, and un to me also. And we shal not faile to be your faithful and trewe chapleyns and servitors, as know_eth God, who ever have you my perfite good Lorde in his blessed tuicion. Scribbled at Knoll by the hand of your said chapleyn. My Lorde I write this matier un to you, for I am sure that ye enjoye my Lords well and that ye in lyke wyse be sory for his hurte either of his name or fame or other wise. EDMOND LICHEFELD To the Right Reverende fadre in God my Righte especiall good Lorde, my Lorde the Prior of Cristechirche of Caunterbury. |p12 XV. -- THE VICAR OF BERSTED TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH (1465.) |r62 Humbly besechith your pouer Chapeleyn and continuall oratour Thomas Walton, Viker of the parissh church of Bersted, for that the parissh ther by longe continuaunce ys falle in decay, and by diverse meanes gretly enpoveryesed, so that diverse places in the same parissh, suche as ij or iij of theym were used to he worth to the Curat there xx s. by the yere, stande nowe voyde and be not worth to hym in thies dayes iij s. iiij d. in the yere. In so moche that the costes and charges of reparacion of the seid vikerage, costes and wages also in mete drynk and clothyng of his servaunt by the yere to the value of xl s., forthwith costs uppon the Deen in thyme of visitacion, with all suche other charges as perteyneth to his seid chyrch clerely considered and acquited, the residewe of the verray valoure of the seid chyrch and vikerage extendith scarsly to the sume of v mark by the yere. And where as he was used to have the chapell of Bognore ther to in peas hoole to hym self for to serve, so myght he lyve, but than he sange twyse uppon the day, the which was ageynst conscience; but sithen hit hath be devyded bitwene the chantry prest of Pagham and hym, by the labour and gret favour of Maister Eyon Deen of Pagham, wherby your seid pouer oratour and chapeleyn ys put to poverte and set in grete dis_tresse. Please hit therfor your moste gracious Lordship to provyde for me of sufficient lyvyng to the chirch of Bersted, so that y may leave the laboure to Bognore, and abide uppon Bersted nowe in my gret age and debilite, for the love of God and yn the way of charite. To the Right Reverent and Worshipfull fader in God the Priour of Christischurch in Caunterbery. |p13 XVI. -- JOHN SCOTTE TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Probably_1470.] |r54 After all humbill recommendation, plese hit you to wite, ther were two prests brought certeyn godes to Apuldre in to on Bour_mannys hous, and, for divers suspecte causes, I causid the said goods to be arestid as goods wayvid; wich arest was made on Saturday last passid by a servant of myn, by your fermour ther, and an other tenant of youris. So hit is nowe on of the prests ys come for the goods, and tellyth that he and an other prest were dwellyng at Whytstapill as laye men, beside the church, and ther had two women with heem, and ther dwellyd almost twelf monthis. On of heem was calld Thomas Inno and the other Richard Inno, and both dwellyd in on hous. The on of the wemen and here childe dyed incontinent after ther comyng ther, ald they saye nowe they repentid heem sore, and have bene at this pardone at Canterbury, and nowe be in here prests araye, and nowe be in servise both at Bekkele, beside me in Sussex; the trowth ther of shall be provyd er tomorowe at nyght. Wherefore I praye yow to sende to Whitstapill and knowe yef ony souch two men dwellyd ther or no, and yef the woman be yet ther, and yef hit be trew that they late dwellyd ther, repent heem of here myslyvyng, dele nowe as prests, and intende so to continwe. Y trow ther be no cause to kepe here goods from them. All wich matteris l report me to your discretion and consciens, and owre (Lord) kepe yow. Wrytyn the xj daye of October. Sir ye nedid to write to Apuldre how the goods schall be disposid, for hit ys houshold gere all. And that ye wold geve credens to this berer Yowre man JOHN SCOTTE. To my goode Lord and Master Prior of Cristchirch of Canterbury. |p14 XVII. -- JAMES SCHERLOKE OF WATERFORD TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH |r[Circa_1470.] |r30 Ryghte Reverent and worschipfull I recomaund me unto yow, and ther as y hawe a ferme of yow of your landis in this contre and of the anuyte that the Abbaye of Tyntern, her wyth in this the said coutre, oghte yerly pay yow. Certifyng yow that I have com_pounyd with the Abbod and covent of the said Abbaye of Tynterne duryng my terme to take a parsell of the said land for the said annuyte that ys on to you of olde dew, and they to observe all such covenauntes be twyxe your predecessors and thers, of olde tyme made, as in the evidences be twyxte them made hit doth apper. And the penalte ys yff they or ther successoures wyll note observe the covenauntes forsayd duryng my terme, that I other my assignes may entyr in all ther lands and to dystrayn for all the arerages to yow of olde beyng be hynde, and all soo for the annuyte of xiij marks yerly duryng the sayde terme; when that I hade no remedye be for but by a wrytt of annuyte, in as moch as the feffement by your predecessors to them made in fe is wythoute enye clause of dystresse. And yff hit plese yow that my Lorde of Ormonde scholde receyve the vj li. that I moste paye yow yerlye, hit wer to me a grete eyse, for the awentyr of the se. And I have sende to you by Richard Koode, that was Drope ys man of London, iij. li. for Candimas terme laste paste. And I pray yow that therof I may hawe al aquyttawns, and off the premisses al awnswar. And I propose myself to be wyth yow anon after Kandilmas. My service ys att your commawndement The Trenyte precerve yow. Wrytten at Watford the xviij daye of November. JAMES SCHERLOKE. To yowe Ryghte Worshypfull the Priowr and Tresereres of Crist Cherch of Can_ torbury -- soit done. |p15 XVIII. -- JAMES SHERLOKE OF WATERFORD TO THE TREA_SURERS OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1470.] |r31 Ryghte worshepfull Sirs, after most hertely recommendacion wyth my service. And ther as I have a ferme of yow of the annuyte that Tynterne ought paye you yerely, for the which I compowned with them to have a certayne tethyng yerely therfor, hit is soo that Maister Gilbard Talbot, att his beyng nowe in this lande, hath seisied in the said tethynge and in all other landys and tethyngs that Tynterne hath of your gyfte, pretendyng his aunsetryes to be founders therof, wher in dede Hervye Momorthe is foundour Wherfore I avite you to communien wyth the gentyl_man, and that he [ye?] wrytt on to the Senciall here of the Counte Weysforde for the discharge of his clayme, for that that he doth on to your cherch ys disheritaunce, the which I think that ye wold noght suffire. And yf he will not with fairenes so do, ye maye complayn on to the kynge ther on for your rygte, for faithfully he doth you wronge. And that ye wrytt yourselfe on to the Bisshope of Fernys for the exploit of your matire; and I will doo my part in this lande for your churchis rygte. And the said gentilman hath solde the tethyng that I had of Tynterne for your annuyte, and hath resevyd all redy payment therfor, and of hym ye maye have hit agayn by rigte. And by his doyngs I can note be paied of thes ij yere laste paste of the fermiours that had the tethynge of me before for x li. a yere. And I hawe send to you syne Halowntyd vj fyne mantles and iiij li. waxe. And whate ye hawe resevyd sythen my departyng fro you, send me by wryttyng, and aunswere of the premisses. And whate wryttynge ye sende that hit be sende to Wyllyam Lombarde in Bristowe, las then ye hawe one that wyll come hidder straghte. The Trinyte conserve you. From Watforde on Seynt Thomas is daye. Per your owen JAMES SHERLOKE To the rygte worshipfull Treserers of Criste Church of Cantorbury -- soit done. |p16 XXI. -- SIR JOHN FOGGE TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1474.] |r57 Worshypfull Sir, I recommend me unto you. Please it you wit that I have beyn at Westwell and taken a view of your dier, the which draw to the number of an hundred and one, wherof ther beth xj dier of antelers. Sir I have taken such direction ther as I trust to God shall please you. William your Parker abidith still, but I have sett a counteroller uppon him, by his owne agrement at his cost and charge, and I dowte not ther shall nether great game nor small game be taken away without I shall have knowliche of the same. Sir, for lak of dier it must now be forboren unto the tyme that more Raskell may grow, for I se it never so pore in my daies, but I trust to God be your rule and myne oversight it shall sone growe uppe ayene. Many other thyngs I have to speke with you in the same mattir, the whiche ye shall knowe at oure nexte metyng. Forthermo I have had Clement Wodeward and Cullyng togeder, and ther bokes varieth not but ij s. and odd money, to the whiche bokes except the odd money he is agreed to gader Sir, as for Cullyng I cannot see that he will stall any dayes of his |p17 payment but it be in your presence, and whan I come fro London ayene and it plese you to come over I shall wait upon you. Sir, also that ye will remember to send for your hogges which be in your parke, for in good feith and they goo ther still till All Halowentid all your fawnes will die, for they have wroted the wode over and over, the which shuld be the chefe sustentacion for your young dier in wynter; and if this be not remembred in hast it will be the distruccion of your parke; for the pawynag was but lytell and it is done for vij daies agone. And Allmyghty God Preserve you. Writtyn at Asshetyford the xix day of October. Your owne JOHN FOGGE, knyght. To the right worshipfull Sir Pryor of Cristschurch in Canterbury be this delyvered. XXII. -- SIR JOHN FYNEUX TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH (1474.) |r58 My Lord, after your departyng atte Alyngton y and Nethersole comynid togedyr of the delyng theer of theym of Wallond, and what might be doo all thynges considered; and wee been agreed that I shall bee with Maister Fogge homward, and tell hym of the delyng after his departer, and tell hym myn advyse theryn; and Nethersole will ryde to Maister Gilford and mete with Roger Brent theer this nyght or to morowe, and comyn wyth theym to fele their opynyons, and to desire Roger Brent to bee at Assheford on Tues_day, and then to conclude what shall bee don. And wee conceyve it shall nat nede you to bee ther, for wee thynke that yee have been agreable and appliable to every thynge for the weell of the matier, as farre as it hath bee desired of you by the Commyssioners; and yf eny other thynge come to your mynde in the mene season that ye wolde have spoken of, plese it yow to sende worde to Assheford on Tuesday by tymes, for we wolde spede as moche as we myght to some certen |p18 ende while my Lorde Cardynall is in the countre; for we thynke the matier toucheth the Commysioners so nygh that they most bryng it to some other ende for their owne worship. Writen atte Bilsyngton the first day of September. By youre servant, JOHN FYNEUX. To my Lord Priour of Cristeschirche this letter be delyvered in haste. XXIII. -- ROBERT HILL TO WILLIAM SELLYNG PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. (1474.) |r41 Reverend and my right special gode Lord and Master, after due and herty recommendation, please you to calle to your remembraunce your schedule obligatory of your own hand subscribed, by you and Dan. Rahynold Goldstone, of the date of the xixth day of October the yere of our Lord God MCCCCLXIX, by the which ye owe me for a sauf condute, that I purchassed for you and the said Goldstone of the Constable of Fraunce, the somme of xxxvij scutes the prise of every scute iiij s.; amounting to the somme of vij li. viij s. And for the costs and expensis in suying the said sauf condute vj scutes, after the said price of iiij s. the scute. Summa for the said sauf condute with the costs viij li. xij s. Preying you to paye at this tyme the said somme unto my gode frend John Wardropper, this berer. And in so doing he shal deliver you your said schedule obligatory with all other lettres requisite to this said matter, as wel the lettres of your predecessour John late Priour of Cristischurch, whom God pardon, as other; by the whiche ye shall mow under_stand that for your pleasure I have forborn my money more than this vj. yers, which I vouche right well, sauf trusting to you that I shall not fail to be paied therof at this tyme. And in so doing yf enything that I may do for you or that holy place. Cristsischurch ye |p19 may commaunde me as yow owne, and I shalbe redy to the per -forming therof with a right gode hert, by the grace of God, whom, reverend and my right special gode Lord and Master, I besech to graunt you right gode lefe and long. Writen at Gr(ra)vysend the xxiijth (sic) day of November. By yours redy to your commaundement, and gode pleasure, ROBERTE HILL. To the Reverend and my right special gode Lord and master the Priour of Cristis_church in Canterbury, &c. XXIV. -- THE PRIOR OF ST. MARY'S COVENTRY TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1474.] Right wurshpfull and reverent fader in God, I recommende me unto you, certyfying you that I have made examination of the miracle that was shewed in this contrey, which ye sende to me for to enqueyre of by Sir William Catesby Knight. And for the cer -tente therof, I sende hit to you under a notarye signe and also my seale lyke as I have examyned hit. And as for the moore verying of hit, the same persone that was with you at Caunterbury for ye same miracle, purpooseth, with the grace of God to be theer ayen with yow by Myghelmas next comyng to veryfye and testyfye y same. Moore over fader, the said Sir William Catesby enformed me that ye merveled greetly of dysmyssing of a broder of myn, which, as I understond, should be som tyme in Oxenford. The trowth is thus: Dan. Richard Blake, for some tyme beyng in Oxon -ford, whiche ye knewe as I suppoose beying at hoome in our monastery, unknowen to me sued for a capacite his conversation beyng not vertuos nor good excityng other to the same. And when I had very certente of hit I moved hym to the contrarye, and he woll have made condicions with me which I wolde not be agreabull to. I know his condicions such my conscience to be |p20 saved, rather to departh with hym than to kepe hym stylle, in soo moche as he had opteyned a capacite, and be councell, saying that he was sure of an annuell service, dysmysed hym from congre_gacion. Yf he haue gyven you an other sinystre enformation I pray you hertly lett me haue knolech in wrytyng, that I may answer therto; and, the trowth knowen, I truste ther shall be noo fawte fownde in me. With the grace of Ihu who have you ever in his most blessed governaunce. Written at Coventre the last day of Juny. THOMAS Prior of the Cath. Church of our Lady of Coventre. To the right worshpfull and reverent Father in God the Prior of Cristechurch in Caun_terbury. XXV. -- PRIOR WILLIAM SELLYNG TO DAN. THOMAS HUMFREY. |r[Circa_1475.) Brother Chapelen, I wrot unto yow late that ye scholde make redy xiij li. vj s. viij. d. for your cosyn Jon Methale of Romne, yt ys so now that I have receyvyd of hym the valu of xviij li. sterlyng, whyche y suppose wylbe spendyd her with mor. I have promysyd hym that he schall receyve of yow the seyd xviij li. in gode sterlyng money. Y pray yow to make schyft that he may be payd redyly, for he trustyth to have yt so that he may employe yt at bartylmew_feyr, wherynne y wolde for nothyng that he wer deceyvyd, as God knawyth, who have you in kepyng. Fro Caleys xxj Augusti. W(ILLIAM) S(ELLYNG) P(ri)our. To my brother Dan. Thomas Humfrey, Monke of C'stcherche in Canterbury. |p21 XXVI. -- DOM. REYNOLD GOLDSTONE TO PRIOR SELLYNG. |r[Circa_1476.) |r14 Reverent and worshypfull fader in God, I lowly commend me un to yow, praying yow to remembre that Geferay the waxchaun_deler be at London on Sonday at nyght next following, for, and he apper not personally on Munday next at the Kynggs Bench afore the Juggs hyt wyl cost yow xx noblysse. Also I pray yow to send me word whedyr I shall pay Townysende and Vyncent Vinche theyr fees, and howe moche. The jurye ys passyd by twyxt the ij gentyl_men and the elder ys condempnyd xl li. in damage and xx li. in costs. Wrytyn in hast on Seynt Julyan day. Your chapelayn D. REYNOLD GOLDSTON. To hys reverent and worshypfull Fader in God the Prior of Crystes churche in Caunt'bery. XXVII. -- DOM. REYNOLD GOLDSTONE TO PRIOR SELLYNG. |r[Circa_1476.) |r15 Reverent Fader in God I mekely commend me un to your fadyr_shyp lettyng yow . knowlech that on Symon and Jude day M. Twheyts and I shall ryde to the kyng Essex, for the certyfycate ys made in the chauncerye. Also yow shall know and yow will lese x li. You may have xxx li. delyvered to yow in redy money. Remembre your self well, for yf they bey a jewell worth xl li. fasshion and all other, and yow shall sell that jewell a geyn, yow shall not have xxx li. Therfore I pray yow send me word in all hast ageyn what answer I shall geve in thys matyer. C'st kepe. Wrytyn in hast at London, the xxvj day of October Your chapleyn D. REYNOLD GOLDSTON. To the reverent Fader in God the Pryor of Crystschyrche in Caunt'bery. |p22 XXYIII. -- DOM. REYNOLD GOLDSTONE TO PRIOR SELLYNG. |r[Circa_1476.) |r16 Reverent and worshypfull Fader in God, I lawly commende to yow. Please hyt yow to know that I have spedde diverse of your matteres, as many as may be spede thys terme. A Wedenysday we shall be at the barre for Robert Martyn, chaundeler, causys, and a Thursday Mayster Fyneux and I entend to take the barge at vj a clok in the mornyng, and to be with yow a Fryday at none with Godds grace. I have receyved xxx li. in party of payment thys day and your jewell in savegard tyll wee have more. You shall lak c s., and thank God hyt ys so, as I shall tell yow whan I com home. Barnewell fysshemonger ys deed and beryed thys day. M. Lang_ton ys ryd to the kyng; ther ys a grete cownsell thys day be gon at Gylford. I pray yow let the horse com for me by tymes. M. Fyneaux wyll have me ley with hym on Thursday at nyght at Lynstede. I trust to God to bey feed bett' chepe than by mark. Of all other matyers I shall tell yow whan I com home, with Godds grace; who kepe yow. Wrytyn in hast at London the xv day of November. Yowre Chapleyn, D.REYNOLD GOLDSTON. To the reverent fader in God the Prior of Crystschyrche in Cant'bery. XXIX. -- DAN. THOMAS HUMPHREY, WARDEN OF CANT. COLL. OXON. TO WILLIAM SELLYNG, PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1476.) |r51 Most worshypfulle and syngler fadyr, yn most lowly wyse, as my dewte ys, y commende me to you; certyfyyng your fadyrhode that y receyvyd the xix day of January your lettyrs, yn whom y ondyrstod that ye wyllyd y schulde say your sermon on Scher Thursday, |p23 which by Goddes grace I woll do. Y ondyrstode forthermore that ye entendyd to have me yn offyce with you at home yn your church, and that, for the grete love and trust ye have yn me. Treuly fadyr I am redy yn all that I may or can to do yow servyse; nevertheles, sum ther be that undyrstond your entente, that thenk hytt nott accordyng that I schuld leave the offyce that I am yn as yett, for dyvers consyderacions they have; whych y schal enforme yow when y come to our fadyrhode. Yff so be ytt lyke yow that y schal stand the offyce with yow at home, y beseke you that y may have suche stuffe and apparell as y have at Oxford, and your fadyrhode geve me aftyr the decese of Dan. W. Chychele; on whose sowle Cryst have mercy -- for savyng your bettyr reformacyon (sic), ytt wer accordyng, as me semyth, that he that schuld occupy such al offyce as y ondyrstond ye thenk to put me to, that for som ac_queyntance and strangerys as be lykelyhode he schall have, that he had an honest chambyr and accordyng with relygyon honestly to be apparelled. As ytt please yow how y schalbe demenge her yn so schall hytt please me, God to wytnesse, who have [you] yn kepyng euer. Amen. Fro Oxford xxiij day of Jan. Be your Chapleyn DAN. T. HUMFREY. To my worshypfull and reverent fadyr the Priour of Crystys Church yn Caunter_bury be thys delyvyryd. |p24 XXXI. -- AN AGENT AT ROUEN TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1477.) My Lord, I recomend me unto yowre good grace. Plese you to wyt that I have delivered to your servant viij pipes of wyn, of the contre of Sawm[ur?] and Tornen, that the Kyng of France my |p25 soverain Lord (hath) ghyfin yow. Also my Lord Nicollas youre servaunt desyred me to wrytt unto youre Lordship of (h)is dym_mengh in the Court of Fraunce when he was here last for the said wyne, for cause that I was ther that tyme and loggyd in a howse toghedyr; werfore my Lord I certifye yow, be the sawl of my hody, that he did (h)is devoyr honestly and wyssly and dylligently, thro the wosship of yow and all yowre hows. And he had that tyme brocght wrythings from yow he showld have be sped of the said wynes aftyr youre enthent, for y was present whan the Kyng spoke to hym, and also Master Moreau the King's steward in goodly wys, for justly he is wordy for tho have greath thank and reward for ys labour and dilligence. Also my Lord, as I onthyrstand, he was puthen in blasme for certaine letters of youre privileges which that he showld have puth to pledge here for certaine money that he showld have borwh uppon (them). I promise yow my Lord, by the faid that I owe to Ihu., that he dyd nevyr so, as y have be certifyed here be a man of great worship that had the said lettres in kepyng, that he was nevyr desyred for to lend no money in no manner weys, and sso my Lord certifie yow all this for trowth. My Lord, I pray yow that ye pardon me that so homelly I writt to you, and that ye will thake me for oone of yowre servaunts here afthir, an to command me yowre plesyr for to full fil, to the plesur of God, the which have you ever mor in is keping. Wrytt at Roen the xxiiij day of Fevr. by the hand of youre servaunt THOMANS SCALES. To my Lord Prior of Christ Church of Canterbury. |p26 XXXIII. -- DR. THOMAS LANGTON TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH (1478.) Jesus. |r47 My Lord, I commend me to your good Lordship. I am not yet acerteyned whether I shall [or] may, have ony leyser to attend the sermon at the Convocation or no. The Kyng hath assignyd my Lord of Norwich, my Lord of Senct Jamys, and me to comyn with thambassadors of Spayn in such matters as thai be com for, the which be reght weghty. If I wer sure that your Lordship attend to the drawyng of it I shuld com to say it in x days, if your Lordship labour in it. If I may have leyser to say it your Lordship shal do me right gret worship, if I say it not, yit your Lordship |p27 shall not leese your labour, for in the meane season ye shalbe ver_tuusly ocupyed, as ye be ever; and yf it do no servyse at this tyme it shall at a nother If I take it on hand, furthwith I will send on to yow. My Lord went yisterday to the Knoll; but I spake not with hym at his departyng, but as I understond he hath not assignyd it to noman, nor he is not certen of me. I trust Master T. Smyth shalbe ryd and so delyveryd. Ther be assignyd certen Lords to go with the body of the Dukys of Clarence to Teuxbury, where he shall be beryid; the Kyng intendis to do right worship_fully for his sowle. On Tewisday last passid my Lord of Excytyr gafe me the tresurership in his church of Excyter; as I am credibely infourmyd, it is worth by yer, all charges borne, lx li. I pray God send yow your wyn sune and suerly home. Please it your Lordship commend me to Master Supprior, and to al my masterys your brethren. This day the Parliament shall fynyssh. On Saturday at London at viij of the clok. Your own, T. L. To the Right Reverend fadre in God my Lord Prior of Chrychyrch at Cantyrbury. XXXIV. -- A LONDON CORRESPONDENT TO PRIOR SELLYNG AT CANTERBURY (1478). |r11 After all dew recommendacyon plesyth your Lordshyp to under_stond I have spokyn with the frenssh bysshop at Westmynster, wher as he may not be wyth yow at this Ester, but wyll send unto yow a letter be a man of his own; and also wyll be wyth yow or that he passe over se; and proposyth to be a brothyr of yowr Chaptor; and as for a pype of wyne, he wolde not for hys bysshoperech receve noon of yow. Also, Ser, ther ys a man of hys that bare yowr letters and the copye of yower patent unto the kyng of fraunce, sayde unto me, that the kyng of fraunce askyd wheder that he had any tokyn of Seynt Thomas delyveryd hym fro your [Lordshyp's wis]dome, |p28 made as he mygth wer hit on hys hatt in worsshyppyng of Seynt Thomas, the whiche wer to hym a gret p[leasure. What shall be] don in this I remyt to yowr Lordship. Also as to Master Selynger, he was departyd owt of London er I came; also whan I understode that Mast. Doctor Langton had take hys leve of the kyng, I besyd me fast to speke wyth hym, wher as I found hym with the Mast. of the Rollys, and dyd myn erand to the Mast. of the Rollys; also me thowth that Doctor Langton was not verry mery in his sperytts; and as wher I demaundyd hym dyverse questions what was best for me to do, he answeryd me that he was but sory that ye wer departyd fro so moche of yowr wyn, that he cowd nothyr wold desyr non of you; notwythstandyng I herd hym say that the bysshope of Exceter, to whom he is moche be holden to, that hath gevyn hym a benyfyce of an c marks, desyryd Mast. Langton to bye for hym ij hoggshedds of claret wyn: wher as I herd Mast. [Langton] say that he wold that (he) wyst wher he mygth have good claret wyn for hym, so that he had payd therfor. What is to be don I repos [all this in] yowr Lordshyp. Also, for I understond that he was destytute of hors, wher as I have made me so bold over yowr Lordshyp (I) have dely_veryd [my own] hors unto hym to bryng hym to Canterbury, and as for an hors that he was proposyd to borow for hymsylf in London, I promysyd hym that [he shold] be conveyed hom again be the menys of yowr Lordshyp, wher with he held hym well content. Also, Ser, I have word of Kyngg your [man that the] Kyng will pay but vj li. for a ton. Also I have not yet spokyn wyth my Lord of Norwyche, nothyr wyth non of the Lords, for I was abydyng Mast. Doctor Langton to attend upon the delyverey of the wynes. Also my Lord Howard saylyd befor Doctor Langton, as he can enforme [yow]. And blyssyd God have yower Lordshyp in hys kepyng. Wretyn in hast withowt leser. To my syngler and specyall good Lord [The Priour] of Crysts Chyrche of Cant'bery be [these letters] delyveryd. |p29 XXXV. -- THOMAS BULKLEY TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH |r[Circa_1478.) |r4 Reverent fadre in God, my right bountevous good Lorde, I re_commend me unto your good Lordeship and after speciall desire of your welfare please it you to haue in knowlege I have hadde this terme som besiness to doo for divers causes as foloweth. First for your . xxj . whiche I receyved of you. And over that, as I tolde your Lordeship and also left worde with Master Warden, over and above my rescept they wolde charge yow with xxix li. and odde money, for the whiche I have made due serche in the schequer to your charge and cost, as I hereafter shal shew your Lordeship, and send you a clere bill as ys said may be abyden by, which bill duely examyned with your registre, yf the remanet be true I wolde know, and I shall chaunge your taillies upon the same. For, an I ne were there, had taillies passed oute upon the same to your hurte, the whiche God forfend, I beying present. My Lorde, I thinke in my mynde that these parcells in surcharge have been discharged before this tyme by peticion, and the courte &c. is gredy and lothe to lose any of thaire duetees. Wherefore, my Lorde, I beseche you to send me notice of the certentee, and if it re_mayn accordyng like as I have shewed your Lordslhip. I have viij li. vj s. viij d. in ij taillies of your remaynyng, whiche shalbe set on yourself if it so be. And also, my Lord, the excepcions of the courte for your wynes hath put your Lordeship to cost and charge and that largely this terme, but now it is clere past in the porte of London. Trustyng in my mynde it hadde soo done in times past, but the custumis have been laches, and the courte delayous, &c., nevertheles, my Lord, (I) truste in that courte ne in other shall noo thing passe to hurte you and I may know it. Howbeit, my Lorde, I have been absented this terme many times, for God knoweth I I can not yet be hole in body, yet I trust in God to see your Lorde_ship this Cristemasse. Also my Lorde kings good Grace shall entre |p30 London this day and be loged at Poules in the plas for ij dayes and then he cometh to you and so forthe. I beseche you to pardon my rude writyng, for in trouthe I wrote not so muche seth I was with your Lordeship, and feblenesse wil not suffre me to write no more at this tyme, but the Holy Trinite save you and kepe you myn especiall goode Lorde, and graunt me grace of bodyly helth that I may doo service accordyng to my goode will. Written at Westminster on Seint Kat`yn day, By your humble servant, THOMAS BULKLEY. To the Rev'nd fader in God myn especiall good Lord the Prior of Crists Church of Canterbury. XXXVI. -- JOHN FAWNE TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH |r[Circa_1479.) J. h. s. |r1 Ryght Reverent and my speciall good Lord, I recommaunde me unto yowre Lordship, desiryng to here of youre good helth, pros_peryte and welfare, and I wold a sene yowre Lordship or thys but my wyff hath ben sore syke. Sone after thys tyme I truste yn God to se yowre Lordship, and moreover I understond by Nicolas Grevell of Sandwych yowre butler hath ben ther and hath seen such wynes of myn as ben ther. I hold me pleasid that yowre Lordship take whate yow wyll a iiij. or v. ton or what it please yow; as for the price yowre Lordshiip and I shall agree well I nowgh when I se yowre Lordship next, by the grace of God, which kepe yow. Wretten at London the vijth day of Aprell. By yowre servaunt, JOHN FAWNE, Vyntner. To the Right Reverent and my speciall good Lord the Prior of Xpschurche of Can_torbury this letter be deliveryd. |p31 XXXVII. -- THE SAME TO THE SAME. |r[Circa_1479.) Jhus. |r2 Ryght reverent and worshipfull fadir yn God I recommaunde me unto you, and doying yowre Lordship to undirstond that I send yow, by Richard Lulle of Faversham, a pipe of claret wyn, a hoggished of white wyne and j butt of wyne Greke. I wolde have send yowre Lordship a nother butt of wyne Greke, save I undir_stode at my comyng home that Barnewell, fisshemonger, had redy for yow at the key a butt of Malvesey, and therfore I send yow but j butt. The cause of schippyng ther of or our servaunt come to se the ladyng therof ys by cause here ys now but oo ship of Lulls, and the other ship when he comyth he ladyth no thyng here but goith streyt from hens to Medway ther to lade muskills. Yff ther be any service here I may do for yowre Lordship redy to my power at all tymys. The Holy Trinyte haue yow yn his kepyng. Wretten at London the xvjth day of June. By youre owne, JOHN FAWNE, Vyntner. To the Ryght Reverent and worshypfull fadir yn God prior of Xpuscurche of Cantorbury this be deliveryd. XXXVIII. -- SIMON GODARD TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. (1479.) |r80 Moost honourable and worshipfull I recommende me unto your lordship, and as for your byll that ye delyueryd me, hit ys to sopose that hit was made for the innyng of your merssh, and neuer for no owte marke ne bounde for any tryell of your seid merssh, for hit accordyth nothyng therto except bitwene the Pech and Kent-marke |p32 that devydith the ij shyres for I make owte iiijxx roddes fro the Pech to Sussexward, and I sopose that wall acorde to the tryall betwene Kent and Sussex or not fer of; but from the Keteflete to the Pech, or ayen the Pech ledyng bi the marke that devydyth Kent and Sussex, ther ys more then an C roddes, and therfor I sopose whan that mesure of wall was taken they made theire markes and boundery atte other places, and take not all the lenght, neither all the brede, but to be made in such places as the they thought hit moost necessarie at that tyme. Wherfore I am avysed as yet in your behalf to say, that your merssh extendith fro the Keteflete as Kent and Sussex devidyth, and that every man that hath ther any knawlech or undir_standyng woll say the same, till they come ayens the Pech, and then fro the seid Kent and Sussex marke unto the Pech, the which I sopose wooll a corde to your iiijxx rodds. And yif your Lordship woll that I shall say or do any otherwise in this werke, I beseke your Lordship of a lettre atte leste wey, and my servise shall ye have as I am ever bounde to do, and hertely. Your pour bedewoman my wif recommendeth her unto your Lordship, hertely thankyng you for your venyson. Jhu. preserve and kepe you. Fro fairefield the next Tewysday after Seynt Anne. Anno regni Regis Edwardi iiij=ti= xviijø. Be your owen servant SIMON GODARD: Tradatur Dno. Priori Ecclesie Xi. Cant. XXXIX. -- RICHARD SELLYNG OF CANT. COLL. OXON. TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH CANTERBURY. |r[Circa_1480.) |r36 Moste reuerent fader in Cryste, I wyth all dew obedyence comende me unto yow. And wher as ys soo as I undirstonde that ye shulde be informed that I shulde have made meanys and wrytyn unto my Lord the Byshoppe of Norwyche, he to have labouryde unto yow that l myght goo to lawe, I certyfye youre faderhode that I never sende lettur unto hym, nothyr of that matir nothir of noon othir. I |p33 never also made meanys unto hym for any mater, but yf hytt wer by this meane. I brake myn herte unto a certen kynnysman of hys, namyd Master John Playforde, felaw of Alsowle College, which ofte tymys vysytyth me; shewyng unto hym my defaute and smalle profett that I hadde in Arte; shewyng also what hertye desyr I hadde to goo to Lawe for savyng of myn own worshippe; and thorowe this peraventure he myght have solyste my Lorde of Norwyche to helpe me unto my hertys desyre. Othir meanys I never made. Neverthelesse all thaw hytt be soo that I never soo labouryd, nothir durst labour, unto hym to make suche meanys for me, yett my herte and desyre unto this faculte ys nevyr the lesse oonly for thys cause, that I per_ceyve that I lytyll or noght profett in Arte, whych yf I shulde con_tynue in hytt shall growe unto my grette dysworshyppe, and I am nowe yn uttur dyspeyre of hytt. Wherfore I beseke your goode faderhode, yn whom undyr God and Hooly Seynts ys my most syngler and hoole truste, that ye will be my goode tendyr fader in this case, and that hytt may please yow to sett me unto Lawe as sone as hytt shall please your Faderhode. I have had, I thanke your Fadyrhode, a long prose yn Arte, and the season is in a maner but lost, whych ys sorowfull to my herte to remembre, and my oonly comfort ys to remembre, yf hytt shall please you that I may goo to Lawe, that such smalle cromys as I have gedryd in Arte shalle sumwhat fede me in Lawe. And yf hytt please your fadyrhode to sett me to Lawe I shall thorough Goddys helpe applye suche labour and dylygence to have hytt, that men shall have no cause to say that I wolde goo to Lawe to shadowe my trowantyse fro my felyshippe. I shall, as nye as I canne, redeme suche tyme in Lawe as I have lost in Arte, by the grace of God; who ever preserve, and kepe you ever, Amen. At Oxforde the xiiijth daye of Jully. Your chylde of obedyence and novyce, DAN. R. SELLYNG. Suo reverendissimo in Xpo. Patri Priori Ecclesie Cristi Cantuarie tradantur. |p34 XL. -- KING EDWARD IV. TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH: By the King. 77 Trusty and welbeloved in God we grete you wele, and for asmoche as we understand by credible reporte made unto us that ye owe good wille and favour unto youre welbelovd Thomas Wade, we desir and pray you to contynue in the same, and the more benevolently at thinstance of theese oure lettres; wherinne ye shall do unto us ful good pleasir. Yeven under youre signet at oure Monastery of Syon the ixth day of.Juyll. To our trusty and welbeloved in God the Priour of oure Monastery of Criste Churche within oure cite of Canterbury. XLI. -DRAFT LETTER FROM PRIOR SELLYNG.TO RICHARD DUKE OF GLOUCESTER. (1483.) |r12 My lord, plesyt your grace to undyrstande that yestyr day I receyvid a letter fro the same by the whyche I undyrstonde that your plesur and desir was that the benefice of Allhallowyn in Lombard Street, whyche shall now be veyde by the promocion of mastyr Thos. Lang_ton un to the byschopryche of Sent Davyys, scholde be grauntyd un to S(ir) William Bevley Dene of your chapell. My Lord, yt ys so that *(what tyme the seyd was last voyde all thys day I have waytyd upon your grace) if I myght have founde (the mene to have spokyn wyth your grace) your grace at lesyr I wolde have schewed un to yow [myn excuse by worde] my mynde by worde, but by cause I Can not I most a cordyng to your [lettyr] commandement schowe yt [un to yow] by wrytyng. Plese yt ther. for your gracyose Lorschyp to knawe that what tyme the seyd benefyce was last yoyde the kyng on whose sowle God have mercy, and also the Quene, wrot unto me |p35 and my brethryn for the promocion of Mast. Thomas Brent un to the same benefyce. Whyche ys a gentylman born in our cuntre, and all the nobles of our cuntre desyryd of me the same; but by cause Mastyr Thomas Langton was unto us a syngular henefactor we [grauntyd the seyd benefyce] laboryd un to the kyngys grace and the Quene to be content that Mastyr the seyd Thomas Langton scholde have yt [for that tyme] wher to bothe the Kynge and the Quene wer agreyd, wyth a condycion that the forsayd Master Thomas Brent myght have yt at the next vacacion, whych was grauntyd in our chapter solenly by me and all my brothryn; and so we plesyd the Kyng and the Quene and the nobles of our contre for that tyme; and now, aftyr the Kyngs deth, we have renewyd the same graunt; whyche promys, if yt had not be made afor the receivyng of your letters, we wolde have been glad to [have] per_form [yd] your desir and commandement, as we schalbe in tyme comyng at the next vacacion of the same benefyce, or any othyr of our collacion, as God knawyth, who have your gode and graciose Lordschyp in hys blyssyd kepyng to the comfort of all thys reme of England. To the most hyghe mygthy and noble prynce my Lord the Duke of Glowcestyr Protector of England. XLII. -- DOCTOR THOMAS LANGTON, BISHOP OF ST.DAVID`S, TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH.(1483.) |r55 My Lord I recommend one to yow, &c. If ther hap to be ony shippis at Burdeaux at such tyme as your wyne yt shalbe clear shippyd, the Kyng wil for no thyng graunte licence to yow, ne to non other, for to ship your wyne in a straunger. If ther be non Ynglyssh shippis, ye may well in that cace ship yo#ur wyne yn a straunger; ther ys no law ne statute ayeyn it, and so by thadvyce of the chef juge, Sir Fayreford Vavasor, Sir Jervas Clifton, and Medcalf you nedys no licence; and so thai all shewyd the law. In |p36 this matter this ys the conclusion : in oon cas yow nedys no licence; in the other the Kyng wil noon raunte. The Kyng hath at this tyme ij messengers with his cosin of France. If thai bring home good tithings I dout not but the Kyng will wryte to his said cosin as specially as he can for your wyne; if he have no good tythings yow must have paciens; but how so ever it shal be send Smith your servant for your wyne, for I dout not but ye shal have it this yer. I pray you do so mych for me to take your servant iiij li. or els pray master supprior to do it, to such tyme that y shal com to London, and pray your said servant for to by me ij tun of wyne with it, and bring it home with yours. I trust to God ye shal here such tythings in hast that I shalbe ah Ynglissh man and no mor Walshe-Sit hoc clam omnes. The Kyng of Scots hath sent a curteys and a wise letter. to the Kyng for [h]is cace, but I trow ye shal undirstond thai shal have a sit up or ever the Kyng departe fro York. Thai ly styI at the siege of Dunbar, but I trust to God it shalbe kept fro thame. I trust to God sune, by Michelmasse, the Kyng shal be at London. He contents the people wher he goys best that ever did prince; for many a poor man that hath suffred wrong many days have be relevyd and helpyd by hym and his commands in his progresse. And in many grete citeis and townis wer grete summis of mony gif hym which he hath refusyd. On my trouth I lykyd never the condicions of ony prince so wel as his; God hathe sent hym to us for the wele of us al neque voluptas aliquis regnat Our Lord have you in his kepyng. I wold as fayn have be con_secrate in your chyrch as ye would have had me your T. LANGToN. It shal be wel do that your servant bryng a certificate from the Mayr of Burdeaux that ther was no sheppis ther of Ynglond at such tymes as he ladyd your wyn. To my Lord the Prior of Cryschyrch of Canterbury. |p37 XLIII. -- KING RICHARD III. TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1484.) By the King. 67 Trusty and wellbeloved in God we grete you well. Acertayning you, that owre trust and welbeloved knight for our body Sir Rauf Assheton hath shewed unto us howe that Sir John Fogge, amonge many writings and evydences, delivered unto your keping certaine evydences concerning the lands belonging unto our said servaunts weif, and with you yet remayne: Wherefore we wool and desire you, that whansoever our said Servaunt shal come or send unto you for the saide evgdences ye wille deliver them hoolly, without any delaye or contradiccion in that behalf; as ye aught to do of right. Not failing hereof in any wise, as ye entende to please us, and wol avoyde the damages of oure lawes if ye do the contrarie. Yeven under our signet at our Citie of London the ix day of December. To oure trusty and welbeloved in God the Pryour and Convent of onr Monasterie of Christschurche within our Citie of Canterbury. XLIV. -- ROBERT BON TO JOHN ROCHEFORD, BEDELL OF BOCKING. (1483.) J h s . |r50 Ryth worschepefull and trusti: I comawnde me to yow, praying you that ye wille receyve Thomas Sendell as yowr servaunt and fermour in yowr melle at Bokkyng, that Thomas Yngraham schulde have hadde; for his promyse was that the seyd Thomas Sendell schulde have yt, and up on thys wan they wer a greyd and a cordyd Thomas Sendell com to yow, and, as I undirstonde, ye wer not plesyd that he was ther; but I praye yow that ye will receyve hym till that Geffrey Bukkewell and I come to yow, be thys tokyn, that |p38 I seyde to yow what I seyde with my mowthe, and knokkyd my hand on my mowthe, and seyde to yow, that I seyd with my mowthe I will upholde yt. And yf the melle stande still we will pay for the ferme, and the nexte wheke we will be weth yow, with the grace of God, be weth you ever, Amen. Wretyn at Erlyscolne the Saturday nexte after Seynt Mihell the Arcangill. Anno regni Regis Ricardi tercii primo. Be yowr ROBERT BON. To his welbelovyd John Rocheford Bedell of Bokkyng be this delyveryd in haste. XLV. -- ROBERT THORPE TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH: |r[Circa_1485.) |r85 Honourabill and ryght worschypfull sere, I recommawnde me to your good Lordschyp, desyryng of All myghty God to here of your wellfare, wyche I pray God ever preserve to hys plesur and yowrys. Sere, the cawse of my wrytyng to yowr. Lordschyp at this tyme ys to lete yow wndyrstond that I have receyvyd a bylle of yowrys, to me direct, whyche Dowgter Pekenham delyveryd to Foorthe of Hadlegh, and, Sere, whan I sey yt I merveylyd gretly ho informyd yowr Lordschyp that I schuld a straynyd ony of the parsonage tenawnts for divers mercyments. Sere, of my feyth they wold make yt seyntwary that non of the kygngs leche pepyll schuld have now_thir lawe nor reson of them be the meyntenawns of the forseid Dowghtor Pekynham. Sere, where as they have ben amercyed for grevows fawts in them foundyn, sen I cam on to my offyce of my feyth I nevyr, ner non of my servaunts never streynyd non of the forseyd parsonage tenawnts, ner nevyr had of them ld nor ob-worth, but I have for born them for Dowghter Pekenhams sake. But I see well now I have of hym never the mor thanke, but, Sere, the gret cawse that he oweth me evyll wyll ys for Seynt Thomas ryght and yowrys; for he seyd pleynly to me at Myhylmesse last was he woold pay me no rent no lenger, and wyth owgte I coude schewe hym |p39 better evydens than he wyst well ye had. And I answerd and seyd, Sere, I have syche books and evydens as othyr Baylyes have had before, wherfore, I seyde, Sere, I pray you now pardone me yt schall nat be lost in my tyme; and he seyd ageyn to me he trust I schuld not longe abyde in my offyce and he myght helpe me owhte. And so I undyrstond well that he berth me sore at herte, but yet I trust to God to dwell by hym. Sere, anothyr cawse ther ys of v marc whyche I gave hym for the makyng of a maryage for a good frend of myn, and wythyn xiiij dayes after, he went and ressceyvyd thys reward ageyn of the party aforseyd; and thanne I thowght I myght well aske hym my mony a geyn and so dyd. And, Sere, ther ys another cawse, with many and dyvers othyr whyche I schall schewe yowr Lordschep and truly prove that he is nowthyr worschypfull nor vertuows. But, Sere, anothyr thyng was don and that was this: On Wyllyam Smyth of Hyham, a curteys merchawnt, had lente a payre of schermanns schers for to days to on Thomas Scher_man, and ther upon promysed the forseyd Wyllyam to apayd for them as the wer a greyd, and, Sere, the forseyd Thomas hath kept the seyd scheres this v yer and more and nevyr wol paye 1d nor penyworth for them; wherfor the seyd Wyllyam Smyth desyryd me, and specyally labooryd me dyvers tymys and oftyn, that I wold commaund sum servaunt of myn to serve an axyon upon the seyd scherys, and so at the last I bad a servaunt of myn go serve an axyon, and soo dyd. Sere, with in v or vj dayes after comyth on Saundyr Carter to me, a servaunt of the forseyd Dowhtor Peken_ham, and seyd to me, Sere, o my feyth and my trowthe I destreynyd the scheers many dayes a go for my masterys hows ferme; wherfore he prayed me hertyly for hys masterys sake that he myght have them a geyn, and so I gave credens on to hym and chargyd my ser_vaunt to delyver them a geyn, and so,Sere, thys ys all the cawse and mater he hath on to me. And,Sere, I trust God to sende to Seynt Thomas and yowr good lordschyp on Myhelmasse. No more to your lordshyp at thys tyme, but All myghty Jhu have yow and |p40 all yowr Convent and all yowrs ever in hys blyssyd kepyng. Amen. Wretyn at Hadlegh on Seynt Margyts Evyn last past. By yowr Bayly and trewe servaunt, ROBT. THORPE of Hadlegh. Sere, I send yowr Lordschyp knowleche that Master Warden delyueryd me a copy of a deede of serteyn rente schuld longe to yowr Hows with in the Cete of Norwyche, the whyche copy of yowr deede berth no date. Yf yt lyke yow to sende a copy of the deede. and the date in the same, I trust to God I shall bryng yow good tydyngs and sertayne of yt, but, Sere, as for the manor of Norwyche that yowr offcer had never had holdyt, hoys name ys Wylliam London. He hath nat the grownd, but I have inqweryd so ferr that, and I have the date of your deede, I trust to God to preve in hoys hands the grownd hath ben ever senys, from on owner to a nothyr. Jhu preserve yow. To my Lord Prior off Cristcherche in Caunterbury. XLVI. -- ROBERT THORP OF HADLEIGH TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1485.) |r56 Ryght worchypful Sere and my good Lord, I recommende me on to yow, certyfyeng yow that where in late dayes Robert Cold_hakyr, yowre servaunt and bayleff of yowre towne and lordschyppe of Hadley, hath sent yow in wrytyng, informyng yowr Lordschyppe that I, to hys gret rebuke and specyally to debarre and set apart yowr fermes and thys gret payment of Ester terme, sculde meve and excite yowre tenawnts and your inhabitants with inne your seyd town not to content nor pay Coldhakyr ther rents. Sere, plese ye your Lordschyppe to undyrstonde hys enformacion ys con_trary to the trewthe, and that knowyth oure Lord God and all. yowr seyd tenawnts, wyche to prove trewe I wyl be bowndyn in an C li., and moreover to brynge for my testificacion xx selys of the |p41 moste substancyall personys of your seyd town to declare my trowthe in the same. But my Lord yf yt lyst yow to take no dyspleser to undyrstonde the wery trewthe, what ys the cawse he kepyth hym self in save gard, and hathe kepyd hym self secret for a seson; I certyfye your Lordschyppe, for a wery trewthe, he hath mad a dede of gyfte of all hys goods mefable and [im]mefable, and an obliga_cion of xl li. up on the same, accordyng to hys dede, and the dayes roune ij or iij; with many moo gret and dyverse accions to import_able be all lykenesse-God remedye yt. Thys consyderyd in your ful worschypful, sad, and provyd consyderacion, I pray yow hertly to be my good Lord,and, in all sesonys with Godds grace, I am and xal be to yow and on to all yowrs yowre owne in what sum ever ye wyll commaunde me, and that knowyth owre most mercy_ful Lord, ho have yow, my good Lord, evermor in hys blyssyd tuicion. Amen. From Hadley the iijde day of May. Be yowre owne to hys power, ROBT. THORP, Gentylman. To my Lord the Pryour of Crystcherche in Cantyrbury. XLVII. -- THE KING (HENRY VII.) TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST_ CHURCH. |r[Circa_1486.) By the King. |r26 Trusty and welbeloved in God I grete you well. And forasmuch as Richard Nonnyngley was lately appointed by our right trusti and welbeloved counseillor the Lord Dynham owre treasurer of England and Robert Litton under-treasurer of the same to receyve of you by endenture the subside of lands and goods to us granted and paiable within our countie of Kent, promitting to our said treasurer to have payed a thousand pound to our right trusty and welbeloved counseiller the Lord Daubeney, lieutenant of our town and marches of Calais, which is nat by hym performed,to the |p42 damage of our said lieutenant and great jeopardie of our said town: wherupon we have by our other letters charged the said Nounyng_ley to deliver ayen unto you such money as he hath receyved of you, and noo further to intromitte in that behalve. We therfore desire and pray you to receyve ayen of hym all the same money, and that ye delyver it with all the residue of the same subsidie, as it cometh to your hands, unto Thomas Cancellora this berer, servant to our right trusty counseillor the Lorde Daubeney, to the use of the same our counseillor, for mainteynyng of our crewe at Calais and other great charges there; making betwixt you and the said Thomas billes indented affirming the said deliverance. And these our lettres with the counterpart of the same shall be your sufficient discharge in that partie. Yeven undre our signet at our Castle of Windesore the xvij day of Juyn. To our trusty and welbeloved in God the Priour of the monastery of Cristchurch at our Citie of Canterbury. XLVIII. -- PRIOR SELLYNG TO THE BEDELL OF BOCKING. |r[Circa_1488.) |r7 John Rochford I grete yow wel, and wheras hyt ys apoynted bytwene my Lord of Essex ys councell and us, that we shold shew evydence unto them at Halstede, ther syttyng upon the audyt on Mondav next comyng, concernyng suche rent as we aske of hys landys that he holdyth at Stystede, that ys to sey xxiiij s. by yer du unto our maner ther, y send yow now the copyys of our seyd evydences, prayyng yow to take the labour to be ther upon the seyd Monday next comyng, and the fermor of Stystede wythe yow, havyng also hys rentall to be schowyd unto Master Plomer of my seid Lordys councell, and unto othyr as he wyll advyse; and yf they make any questyone wher the landys scholde lye wherof the rent is askyd, ye may answer, acordyng to the evydencys, that the a This name, being partially obliterated, is doubtful. |p43 rente moost growe owte of all the landys whiche my Lordys pro_genytors had in Stystede the xxviijth yere of King Edward the iijde. Yf they have purchchased any landys wythynne Stystede sen that yere, whyche my Lordy's councell kan shew, such land is not chargeable unto the rente. Yf they have not purchasyd syth that tyme, all the land whyche my Lord hath wythynne Stystede is chargeable to the seyd rente. Also if olde Bolthede be lyvying he can telle of thys mater. God have yow in kepyng. Fro Canter_bury the vijth day of December. W.S. Priour of Crystcherche at Canterbury. Unto our trusty and well belovyd Jon Rocheford Bedyll of Bockyng. XLIX. -- JOHN ABBOT OF ABINGDON TO DOM. RAYNOLD GOLDSTONE A MONK OF CHRIST CHURCH. (1488.) 45 Rigth wurschipfull brothyr, y recommend me unto yow and pray you that, with licence of my Fader and youris, ye wyll send me an honest horse for myselfe unto the town is end. Y am looth to ryde into the cytey among all these asstatis with Rochestyr hakeneyys. All so y pray yow recommande me unto my Father and youris. Fro Sidyngbourne the xij day of Aprill. The Lord JOHN Abbot of Abindon. Unto my rygth well belovyd brother Dan. Ray_nold Goldstone, Bacheler of Divinyte, and brother of Crystischurch in Canterbury. L. -- To DoM. THOMAS HUMFREY, ONE OF THE TREASURERS OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1490.) 42 Worshipfull Sir, I commaunde me unto your. maystership, etc. Sir, Huntman ys fader sendith his son Laurence j paire schetts, j blanket, j twybill, ij wymbles, j plane, j sawe, and as for your cloth I under_ ston |p44 ye recke not howe cors hit be. It shall be made of the woll that I have as fyn as can be, but it schalbe for you best to have it dyed of cloth then in woll and much bett chepe, and the colour, right faire. And Jhu kepe you. By your own THOMAS. To Dan. Thomas Humfrey, onee of the Tresorers of Crischerche in Caunterbury. LI. -- DOM. THOMAS HUMFREY, WARDEN OF THE MANORS, TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1490.) |r83 Worschypfull fadyr, on Thursday laste y recevyd a lettyr from your fadyrhede wher ye desyryd to undyrstond what T. Revyll thowgth yn the serchyng of the recordys yn the Comyn Place. He thenkyth ytt ryght expedyent foi divers causys. On ys that T. Hobard seyd to Robert Brent on Seynt Mathewys day at Monkysyllegh, opynly yn the church ther, that the writt wherby he had the warrant of the Steward of Bury to a rest Adam shalbe retornable yn the Comyn Place at the begynnyng of thys terme. Whych schuld not be yf the orygynall wer had owt of the Court of Bury. Also yf such franchesys wer to the Church of Bury the schereve of that shyre and hys offycers schuld, by ofte puttyng owt of such, playnly know ytt, but neythyr the schereve nether eny of hys officers which wer of our councell yn our matter ther could certyfy us of eny such lyberte or franchesy; wherfor T. Revyll thenkyth that ther ys no such franchesy to that chyrch. Y Pray you that ye wold ynquire of Nethyrsole whether yt be nedeful that he, yn ys own person, that delyveryd the privy seale make certificat tho the Kyngys Attorney or no. Yf ytt be nedefull Robert Brent most be att the Kyngys Councell att Quyndene of Seynt Myghyll; so he be hygh us wythowte fayle to be for the seyd cause. Mem. that ye remember to take by for the lordys of the Kynggs Councell suerte of the pees of them for me, whych of my conscyens fer [fear] them of my lyfe but y schuld demene myself |p45 lyke a man of warr a geyn relygyon. Ytt wer rygth accordyng as me semyth, yf ytt mygth be, that ye toke lykewyse suerte of them for sum secular servaunts of yours. Also that ye take an axyon a geyns them for lettyng of your servaunts. Also to take an axyon a geyns Nyclas Hobard for huntyng and dystroyyng of your game at Monkysyllegh. Also ytt ys so that, as y undyrstand, ther schalbe grete labour to me for to have to ferme the copyhold whych ys yn your name sesyd at Monkysyllegh; wher for yf eny labour be made to you for Hobardys party ye may say, yf ytt please yow, that ye suppose y have lett ytt to ferme. Att Mepham we haue delyveryd the ferme ther to John Ou`ny with all such stor as ys conteynyd yn the byll yndentyd of the stor delyveryd to W . . . . . , except the stor of whete, barle, otys, pesyn, and tarys. Also such stuff as was lefte yn the custody of Ric. Dent, and was nott appraised, as ytt apperyd by an odyr byll that y had off your fadyrhede, y haue of them but [doubtful] answers safe of a pott of brasse and of a few shelvys. I have chargyd hym that he schall dressh and delyuer no graynys owt of the barnys ther unto the tyme ye be contentyd of hys dewte. He ys a greabyll therto, and seyth that att my nexte comyng hedyr yn thys progress he wyll fynd suffycyent suerte. Richard Dent shall overse the bernys that no thynge be carryed owt of them safe such as y and he be appoynted, whych passyd nott x quarter of whete, and ij of barle. Y send yow by the brynger hereof the byllys that y had of yow of Meopham. As for Sowthchyrch we have joynyd John bailly and Beale togedyr, and T. Revyll and y saw the stor of kine and of schepe, bothe yn Sowthchyrche and Canve, delyveryd; but ytt was so that Master Mountgomery dynyd att Prittlewell the Fryday after my departyng fro your faderhede, and T. Revyll and y feryd he wold have sent for us and entretyd us undyr sume meanes to abrokyn our entente ther; wherfor the seyd Fryday we departyd thens toward Meopham, att the desyr of Baker and of Ball, and so y hope ytt schalbe ryght well. Ytt ys so that Balle labouryd for to plese your Lordschyppe, but as for Norton he wold nott apper, he yntendyth not well, as y am ynformyd, wherfore |p46 me semyth ytt wer well don to sewe hym for John Machyll hys dewte, for by hys fals delayys the dett of John Machyll ys so mych. Also remember to sewe Richard Freman thys terme, and also Richard Godfrey, which have ever be false to me yn ther promysses of pay_ment. Y pray yow that the byllys of Meopham wych y send yow may be ther at my nexth comyng thedyr. As for the stor of foddyr att Meopham, ytt ys writyn yn the baksyde of a byll whych y send yow. Y beseke yow to thanke T. Ledys and Cristall Cottman, for they have delt very honestly and wysely and manly at Meopham in such maters as ye sent them theydr for. And Jesus save yow; y beseke yow to pray for us, and that ther may be a colecte for us at chapter-masse dayly. Fro Clyve 3ø October, By your Chapleyn, DAN. T. HUMFREY. To the Rygth worschypfull Fadyr the Priowr of Crystyschyrch in Caunterburg be thys delyveryd. LII. -- MASTER MONTGOMERY TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1490.) |r53 Right worshipfull Sir, I recommend me unto you. And where as ye be not onremembered that ye have spoken to me for a certayn rente of xxxv s. be yere for a place of myn called Fenney, hit is soo that I must hawe a certayn rente of yow of v s. be yere out of a parcel of Bokkyng Halle to my seid place [belonging], which hath be behind this xxxvj yere onpayed, and hit is as grete reasons that I have my rente as ye yours. I have as fayre evidens to shewe for me as any man hath; wherfor if hit please you to sette that oon to that other, clere un to this day, I woll be redy to paye my dutee herafter, soo that I may be allowed v s. yerly for my rente. Your servaunte Freman hath be with me for the seid mater, and I have tolde hym myn advice. I wer lothe that there shuld be any troublej |p47 therfor, herafter he shall be contente wel and trewly of your rente, soo that I may be allowid v s. for my rente. I pray you that hit may be soo. Fro my pour howse the iijde day of June. Your obt. MOUNTGOMERY. To my Lord the Priour of Crychurch in Caun_turbury be this lettre delivered. LIII. -- CARDINAL MORTON TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1490.) |r64 Brother Prior, I recommaund me unto you. And so it is that it hath pleased the Kyngs good grace at my sute and humble peticion, to pardone twayne of the iiij men that shuld be put yn execucion now at Canterbury. Wherapon I have wryten at this tyme unto the shiref, desiryng hym, accordyn to the Kings mynde and pleasur yn that behalf, to delyver unto you suche twayne of thaym as ye shall chose and name. Wherfor I pray you to name and take unto you suche twayne of thaym as have done leste effence unto the Kyng yn this behalf, and wher ye thenk moost accordyng that pitie be shewed yn this case, after your discrecion apon suche knowlege as ye can hastely gett. And that ye do salvely to be kept the said ij persones, by you so chosen and named, till ye know my further mynde on thar behalf. From Lamehith the first day of December. Your brother, JO. CARlis. CANTUAR. To my brother the Prior of Christschurche yn Canterbury. LIV. -- THE KING (HENRY VII.) TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[1491_probably.] By the King. 25 Trusty and right well beloved in God we grete you well. And bee advertised that certain honourable persones be comyng towards us in Ambassade from our dere cousin and broder the King of |p48 Romaynce, and wol hastely make thair discent at Dover, bringing with thaym for us the liveree of Toison Dor, whiche shalbe to us right acceptable. Wherfor we, considering your wise and manerly conduct, pray you that, for the hounour of us and this our reame, ye wol at thair comyng toward you receive, and with curteys(e) there entreteigne thaym for thre dayes or therabouts. Wherby ye shall right singlierly please us. Yeven under our signet at our manour of Greenewiche the xiiijth day of July. To our trusty and right Welbeloved in God the Priour of our Monastery of Christ Church within our Citie of Canterbury. LV. -- JOHN GERONA TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. (1492.) |r65 |r Reverende Pater, per binas litteras carissime Paternitati vestre scripsi, et per alteras earum missi copiam trium commissionum obtentarum per Prepositum de Wyngham contra capitulum ecclesie vestre. Hic vir sub marte natus, quia ad alia quam civilia bella aptus non ad illa, usque ad mortem continuabit. Copiam processus cause ibidem agitate, quam ex Anglia misistis, magister Johannes de Giliis ad presens in manibus suis ad illam videndam habet, et illam, postquam idem magister Johannes viderit, ego videre curabo. Non cessit vir in causam ipsam procedere, et cum fletibus suis omnes hujus curie officiales ad sui miserendum inclinare. Ex Urbe xxij Februarii 1492. E. R. p. v. Servittor JO. GERONA. Reverendo Patri Dno. Willelmo Selyng Priori ecclesie Cantuariensis suo uti majori honor_ando Londoniis |r<\Latin> |p49 LVI. -- JOHN LANGDON, WARDEN OF CANT. COLL. OXON.TO THE PRIOR OF CANTERBURY. |r[Circa_1493.) |r86 Worschypfull Fadyr in God I commende me on to yow wyth due reverence and obedyence. I receyvyd late lettrys from your fadyrhod, by the whych I undyrstonde that your fadyrhode schuld thynk me to have been neclygent yn ij thyngys specyally. Oon ys that I remembryd nott the Wardeyn of Manerys, at the last Warde, off the rent to have been payed to the Howse of Godstowe. Forsoth, albeyt that yt vaylyd nat to speke of that mater at that tyme, for as moche as he cam nat to Oxford, and soo he cowde nat speke with the rent gaderer of the place aforeseyd, with out hom he cowde not make noon eende, yet whan we came to hym to Newinton I movyd yt on to hym, and hee seyd we schuld comyn ther off or hys departyng; but aftyr I herd no mor ther off, for thow I had be ryght besy to have callyd upon yt, I knew that yt cowde nat profyte to come to ony ende. Secunde: Your fadyrhode thynkyth me neclygente, as I parceyve, that I have nat purveyd for you Dunse upon the iijde off sentenceys, fortsoth as my feleschyp can testyfe, as yn thys case I have doon my dylygence to my power, for nat allonly myn own sylf have dylygently enquiryd for that mater for your fadyrhode, but also I desyryd my feleschyp many tymys that they schuld spye for that wyrke to gete yt for you; but forsoth ther came noon ther off to be sold with us syth that I came fro Canterbury att what tyme ye gave me charge to purvey oon for you. And I Can nat thynke yt lykely that ther shall come ony moo of them yn prentys, as be that I her off them that selle such bokys, and soo I have sent you worde by wrytyng diverse tymys, yff your fadyrhod remembyr ytt, or ellys yff the leaevys came on to yow. Anodyr cause of my wrytyng at thys tyme ys thgs; I have had trobyl late with sum off the breederyn that be suggerners with us, specyally with them of Peterburgh, whych, and ye re_membyr, by ther ongoodly demenyng yn Dan. Will. Chichele ys |p50 dayes went fro us to Glowcetyr College, and syth they wer takyn ayen to us yn Dan Thomas Umfrey hys dayes. And now they be as frowardly dysposyd or wurse than evyr they wer. Ytt wer to longe to wryte on to yow the processe of ther gydyng, therfor what they have doo and propose to doo I have commyttyd onto my feleschyp to enforme you, specyally to Dan Robert Eastry. The seyd brederyn of Peterburgh be now at home at ther monastery, and shall be tyll Myhelmasse, wherfor I pray yowr fadyrhode to write on to ther Abbot, desyryng hym to geve them charge, yff they schall come ayen to us that they be gydyd as scolerys schuld be, for they be noo studentys. And also, that wurse ys, they begin to sett all men at debate, and specyally odyr suggerentys a yens us. I pray your fadyrhod to have me excusyd that I wryte noon odyr wyse on to yow, for I have been syke soo that I myght nat kepe my study, nothyr write on to yow as I wuld have doon. I h c. preserve yow to that ys best. Wretyn att Oxford the iij day of Septembyr. Suus filius, JOHANNES LANGDON. Prehonorando in Xpo. Patri ac Domino, Domino Willelmo Priori ecclesie Xpi. Cautuar. LVII. -- RICHARD HAWTE TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Not_later_than_1494.] |r33 My Lorde, hit is so that I haue spokyn with the Kynge as touchynge the purches that ye knaw of, and he is as well content to go thrue ther with as ye can devyse, and hath charged me to dryve the bargen as well as I can, and he wol pay for it this adaye. Sir, here hath bene with me Jhn. Martyn and he hath promysed to do as moche there yn as yf the matter were his owne, and withyn thes fortynyght I shall haue an answere, and seyth, yf there can be getyn yn Kent a thynge of lyke valeu he doutes not put the matter shall be spede, for the parte ys wery to dwell yn Essex and sell it |p51 he will. Also I sende to Batyle to Horne, for to go with me for the sale of the land, but he is yn that cace that he dare not com yn the Courte, and therefore [I purpose] to be with him tu morow be tymes. And hyt ys so that I have aspyde that the Park of Ongar holdith . . . . . . . by knyghts servyse and I trow he never sewed leverey, yf hit be so the Kynge shall haue . . . . . . . . . . . At your comyng to London I shall shew ou all. Item. Hit is so that I have spokyn with Mast . . . . . . . for your rent, and he is content that ye shall haue it from hens furthe yf his councell thinke (hit his) deute to pay. I haue bene with his councell and they have sene your rentall, and yf ye can shew that ye haue ben payde accordynge to your clayme ye shall regoyse hit, and so we haue apoynted Isham to examine that matere at the Lordshepe, and as he certefy so shall you take good spede. All so I have shewed Plommer your evydens, and he thinks them right good and fayre, and at my Lords next audyte here, whiche shall be with[in] x dayes, he trusteth ye shall have suche answere as ye shall be plesed. Sir, I pray you hy you here as sone as ye may, for I departe a Monday next coming, and I wolde speke with you or I went passynge fayne, And Jhu preserve you for his mercy. Wrettyn at Westmynster this Wenysday. Your Servaunt, R. HAWTE. This letter bears no address, but on the back are some memoranda in the handwriting of Prior Sellyng. LVIII. -- DRAFT LETTER FROM PRIOR SELLYNG TO ARCH_ BISHOP MORTON. |r[Circa_1494.) |r39 Most Reverent father in God and my most singler gode Lorde, after all due recommendation and humble obediens, please it the same to understonde, that Master Surveyor and I have communed with John Wastell your mason, berer hereof, to perceyve of hym what forme and shappe he will kepe in reysyng up of the pynaclys |p52 of your new towre here. He drew unto us ij patrons of hem. The on was with doble fineall withowte croketts, and the other was with croketts and sengle fineall. Thys ij patrons please yt your gode Grace to commaunde the seyd Jo. Wastell to draw and shew hem unto you, and uppon the sycht your good Grace shew hym your advise and pleasure whyche of them ij, or of any other to be divised, shall contente your gode Lordshyp to be appoynted. And further_more, if your gode Grace wolde require the seyd Jo. Wastell so to do, I thinke that he mygth so provide that this pynacles may be finished and acomplyshed this nex somer folowing, the whiche, if it myth be so, than your toure owtwarde shuld appere a werke perfite. No address. LIX. -- KING HENRY VII. TO THREE WEALTHY SUBJECTS. |r[Circa_1496.) By the Kyng. |r68,_69,_70 Trusty and welbeloved we grete you well, and for the revengyng of the grete cruelte and dishonour that the Kyng of Scotts hath done unto us, our roialme, and subgietts of the same, as our Com_missioners in our Citie of Canterbury where ye be inhabited shall schewe unto you at lengthe, We lateley in our grete Councyell, of Lordes Spirituall and Temporall, of Juges, Serjeaunts in the Lawe, and of others some hed wysemen of every citie and goode towne of this our lond, have at their instaunces and by theyr advyses deter_myned us to make by see and by lond ij armees royall for a sub_stanciall warre, to be contynued uppon the Scotts unto suche tyme as we shall invade the realme of Scotlond in our owne person, and shall have with Godds grace revenged their grete outrages done unto us, our realme, and subgietts forseid, so and in suche wyse as we trust the same our subgietts shall lyve in rest and peas for many yeres to com. The Lordes and othres of our seid grete Councell, consyderyng well that this seid substanciall warre can not be borne |p53 but by grete somes of redy money, have preested unto us every of thaym for his parte grete somes of money, contented beside that we of our self have avaunced oute of our owne coffres. Yet natheles fourthy M1 poundes more, as our seid Councell hath cast it, must of necessitie be borrowed and avaunced in redy money of othres our lovyng subgietts for the furniture of this matier. And because, as we here, ye be a man of goode substaunce, we desire and pray yow to make lone unto us of the som of xl li., wherof ye shall be un_doubtedly and assuredly repayde in our Receipt at the feste of Seynt Andrewe next comyng, without eny maner your cost or charge for the same. This money must be broughte to our Receipte, and there receyved by the Tellers of the same, athisside the Feste of Candel_mas next comyng withoute eny further tracte or deIay. Of whom ye shall take oute a bille of mutuum for your true and juste repa_yment therof. It shalbe in your libertie, after ye have oones gon thorough with our seid Commissioners, to whom we pray you to yeve full and fast credence in this caas, whether ye woll com or bring the same your self, or elles send som trusty frend or servaunte of yours to delyver it before the seid Candelmas at our seid Receipt and to bryng to you the seid bille of mutuum; or elles of trust your seid lone to be delyvered to the Commissioners, and they to bring the seid bille for mutuum for your indempnitie in that behalf. This is a thing of so grete weight and importance as may not be fayled and therfore fayle ye not therof for your seid parte, eftsones, we pray yow, as ye entende the gode and honour of us and of this our roialme, and as ye tendre also the wele and suretie of your self. Yeven under our signet at our paloys of Westminster this first day of Decembre. No address, but on the back of each letter in an obscure corner is a memorandum; "C li Cant." in two examples, and "Xl li Cant." in the third. |p54 LX. -- ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF HENRY VII., TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. (1499). By the Quene. |r71 Right trusty and welbeloved in God we grete you well, and wher we of late by our other lettres desired you to graunte unto us the disposicion of the churche parochiall of Alle Saynts in Lombard Strete within my Lords citie of London, whansoever the same shuld next happen to be voyde by the decesse of Sir Marques Husy, late incumbent thero: Wherupon it liked you, of your loving and kynde mynde, to gaunt unto us by your writing# that we shuld have the said benefice at our libertie, to name therunto suche oon of our chaplayns at the next vacancy therof as shuld best please us; for the whiche in our right herty wyse we thank you: It is so, as we be enformed, that the said Sir Marques is latelg departed oute of his transitorie lif unto the mercy of God, wherby the said benefice is now voyde. Wherfore we desire and pray you, that in perform_yng your said promise, ye will do send unto us the presentacion under your convente seale of the said benefice, with a blanke space in the same, to thentent we may name therin suche oon of our chap_layns as we shall think convenient for to be of abilitie to have the charge of the cure ther. This our desire we veriallg trust ye will accomplissh; wherby ye shall largely deserve our especial thanks, to be remembered accordingly in any your reasonable desires concern_yng the wele of you or your place herafter. Yeven under our signet at my Lords citie of London the vjth day of Juyn. To our Right trusty and welbeloved in God the Prior of the monastery of Crists Church at Canterbury. |p55 LXI. -- THOMAS MOTTON IN LONDON TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH,CANTERBURY. |r[Circa_1499.) |r17 Right reverende and my most special gode Lorde, I commande me unto your gode Lordship as humble as I can. Pleaseth the same, I have shewed unto my master all suche matters as your Lordship commanded me to labour at London at this tyme, and have showed un to hym haw it is not your ease ne pleasur to come to London at this tyme. Neverthelesse your counseill here thynke it were right necessare to have you here as hastely as ye godely may, for certeyn matters whiche can not be done without your presence. As for your letter to my Lorde Howard, it is not yet delyvered, ne your counsell here thynke it shulde not be un to they here whether ye come to London or noo. My Lorde, I have made all the serche that I can here for the outlarie of Richard Lyford, whiche I can not fynde, for I am sure there is no processe of outlarie here ageynst hym. The Clerke of the Pease of Sussex is not yet commen to London, but he wolbe here this weke, as his sonne telles me, and when he commeth I shall serche with hym for the said outlarie yf he bryng hys callandre to London as all Clerkes of the Pease use to doo, then I shall fynde it if it be there, and yf he bringe not his seyd callendre with hym, then I beseche your Lord_ship to send word, yf ye come not your self, what schalbe ferther done therin; whether that I ride into Sussex to make serche there or noo. As for the matter betwixt your Lordship and Maister Poult. he is aggreed to abide the rule of Maist. Hawte and my Maister, and suche ende as they wole make when they have seen his evidences he seith he woll abide. I thynke we shall have an ende therin, for they tarie for nothyng but Pults. evidences, whiche he hath sende for. I have spoken with Lokenton the wex chaundler in West_minster concernyng the courte of Clyve, and he seth he hath goten you a gode fermour therfor, whoo is, as he seyth, a sufficient man, and is a grocer of London,dwellyng at the syne of the Crane in |p56 Chepe side, and wool fynde you suyrte sufficient within London. Your tenant at the Kyngs Head in Chepe can enform your Lord_ship of the seid grocer and of his abilite, for he knoweth hym right well. Maister Kebell is not comyng to London as yet, and as for all your other matters that your Lordship entrusted me in, I shall endevour me to spede theym as hastely as I can; and my servyce is and shalbe at your commaundement, as knoweth oure Lorde, whoo I beseche ever to preserve your gode Lordship. Writen at London the xxvij day of January. Your humble servant, THOMAS MOTTON. My Lorde, I understode your Lordeship that I shulde not take any writt ageynst theym that caried away the godes of Ric. Lyford without that I coulde fynde that he wer outlawed, and if he wer not outlawed, I understode that there shulde non action be taken ageynst theym, and so it is in myn informacion. Yf your Lorde_ship woll have writts ageynst theym let the brynger. . . . . . . and it shalbe done. To the right Reverend and my speciall gode Lorde, my Lorde Priour of Cristchirche in Caunt`bury. LXII. -- DOM. EDWARD BOCKYNG, CUSTOS OF CANT. COLL. OXON. TO DR. THOMAS GOLDWELL OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circa_1510.) |r46 Ryght Reverent and moost intirely beloved, Sir Doctor, as hartely I can or may possybull have me commended unto you, and innolesse manner do thank you off all kyndness shewde to me and to my company, and off your grete cost in that behalfe att your last beyng with uss. Syr, as now I have no specyall matters to you, but thatt hit shall lyke you to take the payne in the delyveryng off our lettres, and also to speke to my aucyon Chychele off the service I |p57 spoke to you att your beyng with uss, and in eny casse he send me worde theroff, that I and they be not dysapoynted. Newys I know noon wurth wrytyng, but thatt I and all my company be in good helth, thanks be to God; who ever preserve you; and I pray you hertely to have commended unto all my frends as ye know, and thus ever fer you well. From Oxford the xxvth day of September. Be your lover to his poure, DAMP. EDWARD BOCKYNG. Honorando viro Domino Thome Goldwell Sacre pagine Professori dignissimo Doctori. LXIII. -- THE LORD OF THE MANOR OF THANNINGTON TO THE TREASURERS OF CHRIST CHURCH, CANTERBURY. (1500.) Ihus. |r13 Masturs Tresorars, I recommend me un to yowr good mastur chyppys in the most harthste wyse that I can thyncke, ever mor gladly to her of yowr good welfarys, the whiche I bescheche Allmyty Jhu to contenewe to hys plesure and to yowre owne hartty desyre. Furdermore Masturis I pray yow for to pay to Wyllyam Whytte the goodman of the Flowre-the-lyce within the hy strete of Canter_bery vj s. xj d. for quytrent that ye pay to the Manor of Tanyngton, the whyche was payabull att Mykelmas lastpaste, and the seyde Wyllyam schall delyver yow a quyttance of my owne hande and sele. No moe to yowe at thys [tyme] but that I shall pray to Allmyty to have yow in hys kepynge. Amen. Wretyn at London the xxij day of October Aø domini XVC. By yowr lover WYLLYAM ATKINS, lorde of Tanyngton. |p58 LXIV. -- THE KING [HENRY VII.] TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH, AND TO THE MAYOR OF CANTERBURY. (1505.) By the King. |r27 Trusty and welbeloved in God, and trusty and welbeloved, we grete you well. And wheras John Alkoke, of that our Citie of Can_terbury goldsmyth, was lately by our commaundement attached,and sent unto us upon certain matiers and causes allegged against hym, and therupon ye toke unto your hands and saufkeping all the stuf and goods unto hym belonging, unto suche tyme as ye might have knowledge of our pleasyr in that behalve: soo it is that the said John hath founde good and sufficient suertie before our counsaill to answer at all tymes when he shalbe called unto the said matiers. Wherfor we wol and commaunde you that furthwith, upon the sight of these our lettres, ye restore againe unto the said John all his said stuf and goods, without any part therof deteignyng or withholding, and thise our lettres shalbe your discharge in that behalve. Yeven under our segnet at our manor of Richemount the xijth day of Juyn. The xxti [year of our] Raign. To our trusty and welbeloved in God the Prior of our Monastery of Christ Church in our Citie of Canterbury, and to our . . . . . .. . . . . Maior of the same. LXV. -- RICHARD FITZ JAMES BISHOP OF LONDON TO THE PRIOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. |r[Circ._1510.] My good Brother, in ryght herty wyse y commende me on to yow, so desiryng you to be good Lorde and fader on to the Wardon and Felows of Merton College in Oxforde. So itt ys, your officers and servants of West Cheyam in Surrey have lately distraynede and imparkyd the sayde Wardons catell and his tenantys of Maldon, for comynyng in the comyn of Sparowfylde; I trust, byside your knowlyge and wyll. I pray you to geve credens on to my brother and felow mastir Doctor Sawnder, this berer, sume tyme felow of the sayde College as y wasse, in this behalfe, which y trust shall |p59 inform you and your consciens the clernes of this matter, as shall mor playnly apper when it shall kume in thexamination of wyse men. And both the wardon and felows of the sayde College and y shall truly pray for yow and your holy monastery to Our Lorde for your long conservation in his service. From Fulham hastily the xjth day of June with the hande of your olde trulover and bedman. RIC. LONDON. To the right honorabyll and my dere Brother in God the Prior of Cristys Church in Caun_terbury be this byll delyverde. LXVI. -- PRIOR GOLDSTONE II. TO DR. GOLDWELL. (1512.) |r8 Brother Doctor, I commend me hartely unto yow, and certify yow that on Wodnesday last past I recevyd from yow ij lettres by one that called hymself Master Smyth, and so ye called hym in your wrytyng, to whiche, as I perceyve by the same, ye wer much bounden for hys kyndness. In the whiche lettres ye desire to know my mynde wheder ye shuld come home or not. Verily, Brother Doctor, as to that I certify yow that bothe I and also our brethren here wold all be right glad to see you at home, and think every day three till ye come, and so of this our mynde I wolde have sent yow knowlege or this tyme yf I might have had a convenyent messenger; but I thought alwey that you wold have byn at home or this tyme, seing the world so jeobardous as it is nowe. Wherfore I wold that yow, with our Brother Doctor Gyllyngham, shuld adresse your selfe homeward as shortly as ye convenyently may. As for newys her I knowe non at this tyme worth writing. My Lord Archebisshop is not here at this Easter, he is at Knoll. And thus ever fare ye well. From Cauntrebury, on Easter evyn. A=o=. dni. 1512. Your brother, THOMAS, Prior of Christchurch at Cantb. Viro religioso Thome Goldwell, Monacho ecclesie Christi Cantuarie in Anglia, Sacre Theologie Doctori, in civitate Lovaniensi. In Universitate Lovaniensi.