|b{A_myrour_to_lewde_men_and_wymmen._A_prose_version_of_the_Speculum_Vitae,} |b{ed._from_B.L._MS_Harley_45_by_Venetia_Nelson._Middle_English_Texts_14.} |b{Heidelberg:_Winter,_1981,_pp._71-234.} |p71 |r_A_MYROUR_TO_LEWDE_MEN_AND_WYMMEN Fore hit is so čat all mankynde in this world nys but in exile and wildernesse out of his kyndely contre, or as is a pilgrym or a wey_faring man in a strang londe where he may in-no manere abide, but nedely euery day, euery houre and euery tyme is passynge on his way, |r5 as witnessith Holy Writ and seith thus: Non habemus hic manentem ciuitatem, sed futuram inquirimus, 'We haue here no citee or stede of dwellynge or abidynge,' that is to vnderstonde no place čat we may abyde ynne, `but we sechith anothir čat is forto come.' And čat is |r10 but oon of two citees, of the whiche čat oon citee may be cleped če citee of Ierusalem, čat is to say the citee of pees, and čat other če cite of Babiloyne, čat is to seie confusioun. And by this citee of Ierusalem, čat citee of pees, may be vnderstonde the endeles blis of heuen, where čat is endeles pes, ioye and reste withoute lettynge. |r15 And by čis citee of Babiloyn, čat is confusioun, may be vnderstonde če endeles peyne of helle, where all manere confusioun, schame and schenschip, sorowe & woo, schal be withouten ende. And sithen čat all a mannes lyvinge in čis world nys but as a goyng or a movyng očer a wey to one of čese two citees, čat is to seie to ende_les |r20 blis or to endeles peyne, the holy doctour seynt Au*gustyne |r[f.1v] in his meditaciouns techeč vs & seith čus: with awakerhed, takynge busy mynde, souereigne afforcinge and continuel besynes, vs byhoueth lerne & enquere by what manere and by what wey we mowe shone če peyne of helle and purchase če blisse of heuen; for that peyne, he seith, |r25 may not be shoned ne čat ioye ipurchased but the wey be knowe. And as we mowe see these two citees beč contrarious of condiciouns eche to other, so beth če weies čat ledith to hem eche contrarius to other; whiche we[y]es beč not elles but čat oon čat ledith to endeles blis is vertues & vertuous lyvinge, and čat other čat ledith to endeles peyne |r30 is synne & synful lyuyng. And for [a] man may not knowe in whiche of these two weyes he goč ynne, ne whiderward he is but he knowe what is vertu and what is synne, ther_fore čis writyng is + made for lewed and menliche lettred men and wymmen in suche tonge as čei can best vnderstonde, and may be cleped a |r35 myrour to lewde men and wymmen in whiche they may see God čorgh sted_fast byleue and hemself čorgh mekenes, and what is vertu and what is synne.  And for this ne none other good dede may be doo wičoute help and grace of almyghti God čat of his endeles godenes wole sende to a man plentevously čorgh holy desire and devoute prayer - |r[f.2r] as |r40 oure Lord Ihesu Criste byhoteč vs in many places of če gospell, and to čat ende he taghte his holy apostles and by hem vs alle, how we schulde praye & what - therfore this writyng schal begynne with čat holy prayer čat Criste himself made & taghte, čat is the Pater Noster, as the gospel berith witnesse.  And first in this writyng shal |r45 be schewed če profyte & fruyt and če dignyte of the holy prayer the |p72 Pater Noster; afterward če seuen askynges čat ben in the Pater Noster; and če seuen ¨iftes of če Holy Goost čat we asketh čerby: and če seuen hede synnes čat tho seuen ¨iftes putten away; and če seuen vertues čat the seuen ¨iftes setten in the stede of če seuen synnes; and če seuen |r5 blissedhedes čat the seuen vertues bringeč vs to; and also če seuen medes čat bringeth to če seuen blissedhedis. Firste men scholen vndirstonde čat če Pater Noster is heed of all prayers and če moste suffisant and most siker for this lyf and čat other. Wherfore eche cristen man by comandement of Holy Chirche schal lerne čis prayer, and whoso wol not lerne hit he despiseth Goddes |r10 lawe; and čerfore it is the firste thing of lettrure čat is taght to children. This prayer taghte oure Lord Ihesu Crist to his disciples, & čerfore it is cleped Goddes prayer; and whoso wil vnderstonde čis prayer he scholde be meke & mylde & de*bonaire |r[f.2v], for suche beč the verray scolers of oure Lord God. Many man conne če naked lettre |r15 of this prayer, but noght če vnderstondyng, & čerfore it is to hem sauourles, wherfore čey seyn hit with litel deuocioun or none, and so it is to hem litel or no profite. But whoso vnderstondith it wel he schal fynde čerynne moche swetnesse, [profite and] deuocioun. This prayer is priuelegid in thre činges: in dignyte, in schortnes & |r20 in profite čat cometh čerof. Firste in dignite, for Crist made it and taght it his disciples. Also in schortnes, for Crist made it in schort wordes; and also in profite čat comeč čerof, for in this we asken of God all čat is nedeful to vs for this lyf and če tother.  This prayer is schort in word and longe in vnderstondyng, and light |r25 to seie & sotil to vndirstonde. Hit is schort for men sholde the lightloker lerne [it] & če sonner haue it in her mynde. Hit is longe in sentence and vnderstondyng for men schulde + haue [če] more deuoc_ioun čerynne. And čerfore men schulde seie če naked lettre by mouthe and haue in hert če sentence & če vnderstonding čerof. Also it is |r30 light to say for men schulde the ofter praye čerwith. And it is sotil to vnderstonde for men scholde če more sette her herte [and her witte] čeron forto knowe če sentence by grete busynes & studye. This prayer putteč away al yuel and wynneč vs & fastneth in |r[f.3rl vs all goode and makith vs stedfast in God. For in this prayer beč |r35 seuen askynges of whiche + thre + askynges doč awey alle yuel and očre thre bringeč vs all gode, and the seuenthe festenith oure herte in all [good].  Ferste thre askynges doč awey al yuel, for al manere yuel was or is or may be. For the yuel čat was we sey thus: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra &c, that is to seie `For¨eue vs oure |p73 dettes'. In this we aske for¨euenes of čat we haue mysdoo. For the yuel čat may be we seie čus: Et ne nos inducas in temptationem, čat is to seie `suffre vs not to be led into temptacioun or fonding'. In this we aske sleighte a¨en če yuel čat may be. For če yuel čat is, |r5 whiche is to seie če yuel čat we doth eche day, we seie thus: sed libera nos a malo, čat is to seie `Delyuer vs fro yuel'. in čis we asken grace to absteyne & kepe vs from al yuel.  Also thre ask_ynges čer beč čat bringeč to vs all gode; for all manere; of gode, or |r10 hit is bodily or gostly or endeles. For bodily gode we seie čus: panem nostrum cotidianum &c, čat is to seie 'Oure eche dayes brede ¨if vs today'. In this we aske strengče and myght forto susteyne oure lyf. For goostly good we seie thus: Fiat voluntas tua sicut in celo & in terra, čat is to seie `Thi will be it done in erthe as it |r15 is in heuene'. In this we aske stedfast will to serue |r[f.3vl God. For endeles good we seie čus: Adveniat regnum tuum, that is to seie `Thi kyngdom mote come'. In čis we aske the blisse of heuen and grace to be worthi [č]erto.  Also the seuenče askyng is to festen oure herte[s] in God, and čerfore we seyn čus: sanctificetur nomen |r20 tuum, čat is to seie `Halowed be thi name'. In this we aske stedfast wille to dwelle & laste in God. But čis prayer begynneth wič foure wordes on whiche hangeč all če spede of the seuen askynges, čat ben these: Pater noster qui es in celis, čat beč forto seie `Fader oure čat art in heuene'. The firste |r25 word is Pater, čat is to seie `Fader', whiche is a word of grete myght, for seynt Bernard seith [čat če prayer] čat bygynneth wič nempnyng of čis word `Fader of heuen' ¨eueth vs an hope to purchase al čat we rightfully aske.  This word `Fader' scheweč vs what we shal byleve and what we schal do & how. First hit scheweč vs what we |r30 schal byleue, čat is čat God is wičoute bygynnynge and wičoute end_yng, for he is bygynnyng wičoute bigynnynge, and ende wičouten end_yng; and čat God ordeyned his chosen to lyue in endeles blisse wič him, & čat God at če firste makyng of man ordeyned alle to goode. But he wiste who wolde be good and ho wolde be yuell, |r[f.4rl for he ¨af |r35 eche man a fre wille to chese good or yuel; but he destened none to blisse but čilke čat wole be gode.  Also čis word `Fader' stereč vs to knowe čre thinges in God če Fader of heuone, and čre thinges in his children. First in God če Fader is myght, wisdom & goodnes: myght for he is God allmighti and Lord of heuen, erče & helle, and |r40 maker and bygynner of all goodnes. Also in God če Fadir is wisdam čat cometh only of himself, čorgh whiche he ledeč, gouorneč and sped_ith his meyne, namely his children čat he made, čat loueth him with hert and čoght. And also is in God če Fader goodnesse; for he loueč his children and somtyme proueč hem and chastiseč hem ¨if čei doo |r45 amy. And ¨if čei wil turne a¨en to hym he receyueč hem bonerly and fayne is of hem. And čerfore alle cristen čat beeč children of God, as ofte as čei seie čis word `Fader', schulde knowe in him čese thre: might, wisdom and bonite. |p74 ¨it in the children of God men may knowe čre thinges whiche čei haue of God her Fader, čat beč noblesse, richesse and bewte: noblesse for no nobles may be more čan to be Goddes sone, čat is Lord of lordes and Kyng of alle kynges; riches for God makeč hem his heires of če |r5 kyngdom of heuene, where all manere riches & delices |r[f.4v] ben more čen mouth may seie, eighe see or herte činke; bewte for God hač made hem in soule [to his liknesse and after] his ymage, and more beaute my¨t noght be čan be liche to him, whos bewte may no herte thinke ne ymagen. And čerfore alle cristen čat beč children of God, as ofte as |r10 čei seie če[isl word `Fader', schulde činke on čese čre činges whiche čai haue of their Fader, and how moche čei aughte čerfore to loue him & worschip him. Also čis word `Fader' asketh of vs sixe činges: loue, drede, buxum_nesse, seruice, honour and worschip. First God oure Fader askeč of |r15 vs loue, čat we loue him wič all oure herte, all oure soule & all oure čoght: with all oure herte čat we sette neuere oure herte to loue no thing more čen God, ne in no nothir čing haue more delite čan in God; wič alle oure soule so čat we shulde [rather] suffre oure soule be dečarted from oure body čan we to be dečarted from God, and |r20 čat we schulde suffre račer deč čen we shulde forsake God; with all oure čoght, čat is to seie čat we schulde noght occupie oure witte, vndirstondyng ne čoght by ymagenynge aboute no thing more čen aboute God.  The secounde [čyng] čat God asketh of vs is drede, čat we drede God with sones drede & noght wič cherlis drede, for cherlis |r25 dredeč her lordes for awe & noght for loue; but gode sones dredeth to wrečče |r[f.5r] her fadres for loue, and so schulde we drede to myspay God more čan the fyre of helle or eny očer vengeaunce. [For drede of pyne is drede withouten charite, and čat is not medeful. But first] for drede of peyne men may leue yuel and doo well, and by grace of če |r30 Holy Gost knytte by čat drede loue in mannes herte; for čat drede makith a man forsake synne and loue maketh him vse vertues, and then may he wel calle God his Fader.  The čridde thing čat God askeč of vs is obedience or buxumnes: čat we be buxum to Goddes wille and fulfille his comaundementis, whiche beč touched hereafter, for sones |r35 schulde be buxum to her fader hestes +.  The ferthe čing is seru_ice; for we ben holde to serue oure Fader God wič alle oure besynes, alle oure herte & all oure wille, whiche seruice is most in če werkes of mercy whiche scholen be touched hereafter.  The fifte thing is honoure, čat we schulde čonke God with greet will of al če goode |r40 čat he hač sent vs, and loke čat we spende čat good to his worschip and noght in ryot ne in folies; for we mote ¨ilde acounte of all čat God hač ¨eue vs and schewe how we haue spended it, and also of alle |p75 [če] tyme čat we haue lyued. And čerfore we schulle alle to honour God in word or dede or in čoght, and čanke him & loue [himl for čat he hač doo to vs at alle tymes.  The sixte čing is reuerence, čat we schul do all manere reuerence |r[f.5v] to God, namly in his pres_ence |r5 there he is in the sacrament in holy chirche; or elles wičoute the chirche čere he is born in čat sacrament we schulde knele adoun in reuerence of him. His presence is here ouer all, and we may in eche sted pray to him and calle, but + holy chirche is specially his hous and moste stede of prayer čer we schull doo him most reuerence |r10 wič deuocioun.  And when we čere preye to him we schulde do him reuerence, loutyng or knelyng or standinge wič vnkouered hede, and noght sitte hoded and praye in holy stede, ne namely we schulde noght čere speke of vanyte, for čan we done lasse reuerence čan [we] wolde doo an ertheliche man. For ¨if we were in če kynges chambre to preye |r15 him of a grace, we wolde doo him čere all če reuerence čat we myghte, and kepe vs besily čat we seide no čing čat myght displese him. Moche more čan schulde we do reuerence to God, Kyng of alle kynges, of whom comeč all grace & goodnes. éerfore when we sey Pater noster we schulde be meke and buxum to oure Fader as we wille čat he be to vs a |r20 good & gracious Fader. And if we will be his gode children vs byhoueč to fle alle folies and loke čat we be clene withynne whanne we seie Pater noster. In this word noster, čat is to seie `oure', + may be askid why a man in čis prayer seith rather `oure Fader' then `my Fader', and who is |r25 |r[f.6r] vnderstonden his felowe when he seith `¨if vs' and noght `[¨if] me'. To čis men may answere čat none may rightfully say `my Fader' but Crist, Goddes sone, [če secounde persone in the Trynyte], whiche čat is his sone by kynde withoute bygynnyng & wičoute endyng. But we be noght his sones by kynde but in as moche as he + made vs to his |r30 liknes; and so beth Iewes and Saresynes. But we ben his children čorgh grace and his ch[esyng] to folowe to him; as by custom & lawe of som lond a riche man may chese what pore mannes [childe] čat he wole and make it his sone and his heyer. This grace God hač done to vs, as seith seynt Poule, when he made vs čorgh his grace come to |r35 right byleue and cristendom čat were arste children of wrečče and of helle.  Wherfore when we seyn `oure Fader', `¨eue us' we gadren to vs alle oure brečeren čat beč geten by če grace of God of oure moder Holy Cherche to right byleue by če sacrament of baptisme. Also this word noster or `oure' scheweč vs če largesse and če curtesie |r40 of God čat sonner ¨eueth inow + čen a litell, and sonner to manye čan |p76 to on; for seint Gregor seith čat a rightful prayer, če more hit is comune, če more it is worthe and the more vertu it hač, as a candel čat serueth to an halle full of men semeth more brighte čan the candel čat serueth but oo man.  Also čis word noster or `oure' biddeč |r5 us to loue God oure |r[f.6v] Fader and čanke hym with all oure herte čat we beeč his children and his heyres ordeyned of his grace; and čat we loue forby alle očere oure eldeste bročer Ihesu Crist čat vouched sauf to take oure kynde and make vs his brečeren.  ¨it čis word noster or `oure' comaundeč vs to kepe če Holy Goost in oure |r10 herte with all oure myght, čat is to vs moste witnes of če grace of če chesyng of vs; and čat is to vs a precious wed, as seith seint Poule, čorgh če whiche we mowe be syker of oure heritage, čat is če blisse of heuene. Also by čis word noster or `oure' we ben stired to haue two činges in |r15 herte, čat is to seie loue [of] brečerhed and siker hope.  First loue of brečerhede, for we schulde vnderstonde čat we beč alle brečeren of oon Fader, God, and oon moder, Holy Chirche. And čerfore we schal loue togidre as bročer and sister, and none desčise očer, but eche of vs honoor othir and help & socour očer in nede as doč the lymes of one |r20 body; for we [alle] ben lymes of one body, čat is Holy Chirche, of whiche body God is če hede. And čerfore we schulde preye eche man for other, for as seint Iame seith he čat wič good herte and deuocioun by če counsaile of Holy Chirche preieth for all cristen men in comune, he makeč himself felawe of če comunynge of all Holy Chirche. And čen as |r25 ofte as he seith so one Pater Noster he wynneth |r[f.7r] him parte of an hondred čowsand  And ¨it čis word noster or `oure' techič vs to hate čre synnes, čat beč pryde, hatrede & auarice. First pride, for pryde nel suffre no felawschip, for he will be aboue alle očer men, and suche one is noght worthi to dwelle in company but to be caste |r30 out, as Lucifer was for če same synne caste out of heuen into helle.  Also hatrede putteč a man out of all good companye; for whoso hateč eny of če felawschip čat he is of he greueč alle če felawschip & nys noght worthi to abyde čerynne.  Auarice also putteč a man out of felawschip, for whan one of a company wole kepe to himself all čat he |r35 hač and noght departe wič none of his felawschip in his nede, he schulde noght be skile be suffred in no good companye, ne suche on oughte not parte haue of če holy Pater Noster.  Also this word noster or `oure' scheweč vs čat God is oure owne and we wole, čat is to seie if we loue him and worschip him and kepe his comaundementis, |r40 as God witnessith himself in če gospell of seint Iohan. We beč stired also by čis word noster or `oure' to haue siker hope, for so as God is oure good Fadir and we his children we may wel hope and truste to haue čat we prayeč of him skilfulliche and for hele of oure soules. |p77 This word qui es or `čat is' scheweč čat God oure Fader is verray God & verray man, |r[f.7v] one substaunce in thre persones, and čat none očer god is but he by whom all manere thing is made, and wičoute whom is noght. And čerfore synne is called noght in Holy Writt for God |r5 made it neuere. In the secounde book of the olde lawe it is write čat God appered to Moyses and bad him goo to Pharao kyng of Egipte & bid him delyuere Goddes folk če peple of Israel out of thraldom; and if Pharao and other wold aske Moyses ho sent hym, he bad him seie `He čat is sente me.' & čerfore čis name `I am čat am' is the moste propre |r10 name of God; for as we may seye of an erčely man whos name we knoweth noght: he is a kyng, an erle, a knyght, a good man, a curteys man and many othre, and ¨it we nempne noght his propre name, so we may seie of God: he is all goodnes, all wisdom, allmyghti & many othre. And ¨it mowe we nempne noght če right name of Goddes beynge so propurly ne so |r15 schortly in no word as in čis qui es or `čat is'.  He is all_myghti , he is euerlastyng, he is wičoute begynnyng and wičoute endyng; and so is none očer thing but he. For alle če creatures čat he hač made, as seith salamon, ne beč but vanite in reward of him, and all schal turne to noght ner čat God of his grace & myght hem susteyneth. |r20 He is euere one and not changeable, wičoute eny sterynge or re[mu]ynge as seynt Iame |r[f.8r] seith. Alle othir čing may be stered save God alone, and čerfore he may wel be nempned `he čat is'. For he is wič_oute vanyte, he is in all thing wičouten sterynge; he is euerlasting, wičouten ende, wičoute was and wičoute schal be, for in him is no |r25 passynge ne bygynnynge. Thus we knowe čat no better thing myghte be čan to know what God is in whom is all goodnes.  But for čere is no čing so hard to knowe as is what God is and his myght, we schal not to moche muse čereaboute for drede of errour, but it is know to seie as the Pater Noster techeč, `oure Fader čat arte in heuen'. And also |r30 he is in + erthe and in the see and in helle, for in alle stedes men may fele his myght, čei we mowe not see him saue in če sacrament in fourme of brede; but face to face schal we noght see him til we come to če blisse of heuene.  He is also gostly in holy mennes hertes čat beč clene and clere as heuene, in whiche hertes God is seyn, loued, |r35 dred, praysed and worschipped, for suche hertis mowe fele him. This word qui es or `čat is' clepič vs specially to two činges: čat one is rightful trouthe or byleue + & čat other is drede. First to trouthe, čat we trowe specially two činges: čat oon is the sočfastnes of God, čat other če |r[f.8v] power of Holy Chirche.  In če soč_fastnes |r40 of God we scholen trowe čat he is one God in Trinite, Fadir and sone & Holy Gost, one God in črehed and črehede in onehede; as men may see by če sonne, wherby God is vnderstonde, for he is cleped če sonne of rightwisnes. For in the sonne ben thre činges: fayrnes, brightnes and hete, and none of these činges may be departed fro očer; |p78 for where one is alle mote be, and ¨it is čere but one sonne. In fairnes is vnderstonde če Fader; in the brightnes čat comeč of hit is vnderstonde če Sone; in the hete is vnderstonde če Holy Gost.  These čre persones, Fader & Sone and Holy Goost, beč all one God in |r5 Trinite, and to čese thre persones fallith čre thinges: to če Fadir myght, [to] če sone wisdom, to če Holy Goost goodnes; and alle fall_ith + to one God to whos liknes we beč made in soule, as we may see by čre thinges, čat is mynde, vnderstonding, wille or loue. éorgh |r10 mynde we schulde thinke on God če Fader allmyghti čat alle čing hač made of noght. éorgh vnderstondyng we schal činke on God če sone čat boght vs and all čing ordeyned by his endeles wisdom čat may come to oure vnderstondyng. éorgh will or loue we may fele God če Holy Goost in whom is all goodnes and to whom we schape & ordeyne oure will |r[f.9r] |r15 and oure loue. And čus we may see the Holy Trinite in oure soule. And [in] čese thre činges, mynde, vnderstondyng & will or loue, mannes soule is made to če ymage and liknes of God, and if we byleue čus čan is God in vs čorgh trouthe & byleue.  For as če apostill seith Criste is in the trouthe or byleue, and trouthe is in čoght, and |r20 čoght in herte [and herte] in manis body. But we schulde with čis trouthe or byleve wirche, čat is to seie činke besiliche on God čat hač made vs and boghte vs, & honour him & serue him, for he wil saue vs. And we schulde desire če blisse čat he hač ordeyned vs to, and knowe wel by oure byleue čat God is full of mercy and of rightwisnes; |r25 and čus schulde we byleue če sočfastnes of [God]. A[lso] we schulde stedfastly trowe & byleue in če power of Holy Chirche. Eche chirche is Goddes hous, but Holy Chirche is the spouse of God; for as God is oure Fader so is Holy Chirche oure modir; for of Holy Chirche we be born če children of God by baptisme, and by |r30 Holy Qiirche we moste be led and kept, and we moste be fed čorgh Holy Chirche with Holy Writ.  For as a womman fedič hire child with če mylk of hire two tetis, ri¨t so oure moder Holy Chirche norissheč and fe¨eth vs with če mylk of hir two tetis, čat beč the olde lawe & če newe, of whiche tetis springeč many stremes of mylk, čat is |r[f.9v] |r35 Holy Writte by whiche we ben fed. For out of one tete, čat is če old lawe, + spryngeč ten stremes of melk, čat beč the ten comaundementis; and out of čat očer tete, čat is če newe lawe, springeč twelue stremes of melk, čat beč the twelue articles of če feith or byleue. Firste če ten comaundementis of the olde lawe čen thes: the firste is |r40 `éou schalt honoure no false god', the secounde `éou schalt not take Goddes name in vayn or in ydell'. The čridde is `Halowe & kepe wel thyn holiday'. The ferče is `Worschip thi fader & thi moder'. The fifte is `Sle no man'. The sixte is `Do no leccherie'. The seuenče |p79 is `Stele noght'. The eighte is `Bere no fals witnesse', the nynthe `Coueite noght thyn neigheboures wyf'. The tenthe is `Coueite no čing čat is thi neigheboures'.  These ten comaundementis weren take [by God] to Moyses če prophete as če olde lawe techič, writen by |r5 če fynger of God in two tables of stoon whiche bytokeneč če two lawes, čat is to say če olde & če newe. In če ton table beč thre comaunde_mentis anentis če Holy Trinite; in čat other beč seuen comaundementis anentes oure neigheboure. The first comaundement anentis God is Non adorabis deos alienos, čat |r10 is `éou schalt not honoure no false goddes'. By čis comaundement we beč taght to honoure |r[f.10r] God allmyghti and serue him and sette all oure loue and likyng in him byfore all očer thing and fulfille his hestes and alle čat we highte hym at oure cristenyng, and also to ful_fille buxomliche če penaunce čat is enioyned vs for oure synne. And |r15 also this comaundement forbedeč vs alle mysbyleues and wicchecraftes. And čis comaundement ordeyneč vs to God če Fadir of heuene. The secounde comaundement anentis God is Non assumes nomen Dei tui in vanum, čat is `éou schalt not take Goddes name in veyn or in ydel'. And čis comaundement ordeyneth vs to God če sone čat is sočfastnes. |r20 By čis comaundement vs is forbed all manere swerynge and othes nempn_ynge of Goddes name but when it is forto be do for tryeng of truthe and sothnes čere it is in doute or a¨eynseide. The čridde comaundement anentis God is sabbatem sanctifices, čat is `Halowe and kepe wel thyn haliday', čat is to seie če sondayes and |r25 alle če solempne festis čat by Holy Chirche beč ordeyned to be halowed, and čat from alle werkes of čraldom and of body, but namliche from + werkes of synne, for čat is most wrecchid & foulest čraldom. And čis comaundement ordeyneč vs to God če Holy Goost.  And čus by čese thre comaundementis we ben taght how we schall be acordaunt to the |r30 Holy Trynyte. And by the očre seuene čat |r[f.10v] foloweč we ben taught how we schal haue us anentis oure euencristen and vs self. The ferče comandement and če first anentis man is Honora patrem and matrem, čat is `Worschip či fader and moder', čat is to seie thi fader and thi moder bodiliche and also thi fader and moder gostliche, |r35 čat is to seie thi gostliche fader čat hač cure of thi soule and či moder Holi Chirche. And in two maneres men schal worschip fadir & moder: one is to be buxom to hem and reuerence do hem; anočer is to helpe hem and counsaile čem in čaire nede. And to čis comandement is graunted longe lyf in erthe whiche če breker of hit is not worthi to |r40 haue; for he čat wol noght worschip hem čorgh whom he is, he is noght worči to be. |p80 če fifte comaundement and če secounde anentis man is Non occides, čat is `slee no man', by whiche comaundement beč forboden iij manere of slaughtres of man bodiliche, čat is to say wič hand, wič tunge and wič herte.  Slaughter wič hand is wič smyting or other bodi_liche |r5 myght.  Slaughter wič tonge is in two maneres: čat one manere is biddynge or hotynge, as whan a mihti man biddeč his men to slee a man; anočer manere is by wrayeng or counseil ¨euynge to slee a man.  Slaughter with herte also is in two maneres: one is whan a man desireth čat anočer were slayn and wolde slee hym |r[f.11r] ¨if |r10 he dorste for če lawe or for očer thing: in čat wil he is a mansleer; anočer is whan a man myght rightfulliche saue a manis lyf & will noght.  Also čis comandement defendeth vs all gostliche man_slaghter, as čus: whan a man hateč anočer dedliche, or bakbiteč him or sclaundreč him forto byneme him his gode los or his lifelode wher_by |r15 he schulde be susteyned, he is čen gostliche a mansleer. The sixte comandement & če čridde anentis man is Non mechaberis, čat is `Do no leccherie'. In this comaundement vs is forbode all manere of fleschely dedes bitwene man and woman whiche čat če sacrament of matrimony excuseth noght; for alle othre suche fleschely dedes čat |r20 beč noght excused by če sacrament of matrimonye beč dedly synne of leccherie, more or lesse, as it schal be more declared hereafterward where is touched of če synne of leccherie. The seuenče comaundement and če ferče anentis man is Non furtum facies, `stele noght'. In this comaundement vs is forbode all manere |r25 čefte, robery, oker, extorciouns, false marchandise, gilery, sacri_lege, symonye and all vnlefull takynge, wičholdyng and hidyng of očer mennes goodes a¨enst her wille. And whoso brekith čis comaundement in eny poynt he synneč dedly and may not be assoyled ne saued but he ¨ilde a¨en all čat he hač čus mystake or elles |r[f.11v] as moche as he |r30 may as longe as he lyueth but ¨if he mowe gete for¨ifnesse of him to whom čat wrong is doo to; for elles he brekič čis comaundement and is out of charite. The eight comandement and če fifte anentis man is non dices falsum testimonium, čat is `Bere no fals witnes'. In čis comandement vs is |r35 forbode alle lesynges, fallaces, forsweringes, false losengries and false conspiracies, and principalliche in harmynge of oure euencrist_en, and čat we ne schul noght assente to hem čat so wole harme hem, but lette hem as moche as we may; and hoso brekič čis comaundement he despiseth sočfastnes & charite and so he is not worthi to come to če |r40 blisse of heuene. The nynthe comaundement and če sixte anente man is Non concupisces vxorem proximi tui, that is `Coueite noght thi neighebores wyf' ne his mayde, his seruant, his oxe ne his asse ne none očer čing of his čat may be stered, as siluer, gold, iuel or očer catell. |p81 The tenče comandement and če seuenče anentis man is Non concupisces rem proximi tui, čat is 'Coueite no thing čat is či neighebores, as hous, land ne none očer thing čat may not be sterid ne moued. In čis comaundement is forboden all manere of vnskilful couetise of thing |r5 čat may not be stired ne moued.  These two laste comaundementis acordeth |r[f.12r] well to če other two čat beč byfore, čat is to seie `čow schalt doo no leccherie', 'éou shalt not stele', for tho two forbedeč the dede, and čese two laste forbedeč če wille; for hoso hač yuel wille he may not longe forbere yuel dede. And čerfore if a |r10 man or woman [wolde] kepe himself clene from leccherie he schulde be no wey in his will assente čerto ne to hem čat wole do it. And also ¨if a man or woman wol be trewe & noght stele, he schulde by no wey coueite to haue none očer manis čing wič wrong.  And čese ben če ten comaundementis of the olde lawe whiche čat eche cristen man |r15 and womman schulde kepe ¨if he wolde be saued; of whiche as is afore_seid the čre firste beč to [če] loue of God and če seuen folowynge + to če loue of oure euencristen. Afftirward če twelue stremes of mylk čat springeč out of če secounde tete of oure moder Holy Chirche beč as is aforseide če twelue |r20 articles of če feith and oure byleue or trouthe, whiche articles made če twelue apostles by grace of če Holy Goost; for eche of če apostles made a part[i]e of če crede, whiche partie[s] we[re] clep_e[d] articles. And čerfore after če noumbre of če twelue apostlis čere beč twelue articles of če bileue, of whiche če grounde is to by_leue |r25 stedfastliche in če Holy Trinite, Fader & Sone & Holy Gost, one God in thre persones, whiche articles and |r[f.12v] who hem made ¨e may [see] in folowynge. The firste article made seint Petyr & is Credo in Deum Patrem omni_potentem, creatorem celi & terre, čat is čat we schul byleue in God, |r30 Fadir allmyghti, maker of heuen and erče, and of alle manere creat_ures or činges čat beč made.  The secounde [article] mad seynt Andrew & is Et in Ihesum Christum Filium eius vnicum Dominum nostrum, čat is čat we schul byleue in God če Sone, Ihesu Criste, Lord of heuene and erthe; for he is liche to če Fadir and euen wič hym in |r35 Godhede, and če same čat če Fader is, saue čat če Fader is anočer persone than če Sone.  The čridde article made seynt Iames če more, seynt Iones bročer, and is Qui conceptus est de Spirito Sancto, natus ex Maria virgine, čat is čat we schole byleue čat Ihesu Crist, Goddes Sone of heuene, če secounde persone in Trinite, was conceyued |r40 & borne of če glorious virgine seynte Marie by vertu of če Holy Goost wičoute werk or knowynge of man; and čat čilke blessid mayde byfore če birče and in če birthe and alway byfore and after was clene maide |p82 & moder; and čis article longeč to če manhod of oure Lord Ihesu Crist.  The ferče article made seynt Iohan and is Passus sub Poncio Pilat[o], crucifixus, mortuus & sepultus, čat is čat we schul bileue čat oure Lord Ihesu Criste in his manhode suffre[d] pyne, passioun [&] cruel |r5 |r[f.13r] deth on če crosse, wilfulliche vnder Pilate of Pouns čat čo was iuge of če Iewes by če envious accusement of če Iewes; and was buried in a sepulcre, and čat he suffred so forto a¨enbigge vs his chosen from endeles deč & pyne to endeles lyf & ioye.  The fifte article made seynt Thomas, and is Descendit ad inferna tercia die, |r10 resurrexit a mortuis, čat is čat we schul bileue čat oure Lord Ihesu anon after čat he was deed wente doun in soule with če Godhede, not to depe helle where čat wikked and vnbileued were, but to čat stede of helle where čat če holy soules were of hem alle čat fro če bygynnyng of če world to čat tyme were dede in verray byleue and hope čat čei |r15 schulde be boght and delyuered out of čat peyne and broght to blisse by grace and vertu of [če] passioun of oure Lord Ihesu Crist; and also čat he bro¨t hem fro čennes into ioye; and at če čridde day he aroos fro deth to lyue and appered to his apostles, and to proue his vprisyng he dwellid wič hem fourty daies here on erthe.  The |r20 sixte article made seynt Iames če lasse and is Ascendit ad celos sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis, čat is čat we shul bileue čat oure Lord Ihesu Crist, če fourtiče day after his vprisynge fro deč to lyue |r[f.13v] stey vp into heuene in body & soule, seynge alle his disciples, and čere [he sytte] in oure kynde, whiche he took of |r25 oure lady seynte Marye, on če Fader right side.  The seuenče article made seynt Philip and is Iude venturus est iudicare viuos & mortuos, čat is čat we schole byleue čat oure Lord Ihesu Crist in čat same forme as he suffred for vs schal come at če day of dome & deme alle, quyk & dede, goode & yuell čat hač be fro če bygynnyng of če |r30 world to če ende, and ¨ilde to eche man and womman as he hač deserued, čat is to seie to če good lyf and ioye wičouten ende, and to če yuel deč & peyne wičouten ende.  The eighte article made seynt Bar_tholmew and is Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, čat is čat we schul bileue in če Holi Gost, the čridde persone in če + Trynyte, čat is če ¨ifte |r35 & če loue of the Fader and če Sone; [of whiche] Holy Goost comeč all goodnes čorgh seuen ¨iftes as it schal be schewed hereafter, and čat če Holy Gost is the same & če selue God & Lord čat is če Fadir or the Sone.  The nynthe article made seint Mathe and is Sanctam Eccles_iam catholicam, sanctorum communionem, čat is čat we schal byleue in |r40 Holy Chirche and in če comunynge and in če parte hauing of all holy mennes lyuynge ¨if we be in charite. For Holy Chirche is a gaderyng |p83 |r[f.14r] of alle cristen men čat haue ben & beeč & schal be into če worldes ende, Goddes chosen in če feith and byleue of oure Lord Ihesu Crist, če whiche schul endelesly be togidre in endeles ioye & blisse, and we wič hem ¨if we kepe če lawe of God in charite, meke_nes |r5 and stedfast byleue. And by čis article we schul byleue on če seuen sacramentis čat beč done in Holy Chirche, čat čei beth of suche myght and vertu as Holy Chirche techič hem, whiche sacramentis beč these: baptisme or crist_enyng, confermynge of bischop, penaunce, sacrament of če auter, ordre, |r10 matrimonye or wedlok, enelyng.  Firste baptisme or cristenynge clensith vs of oure forme faderes synne, Adam and Eue, and ¨eueč vs grace.  Confermyng of bishop fasteneč in vs when we beč cristened če Holy Gost and strengčeč vs a3enst če my¨t of če fend.  Penaunce fordoč oure synnes dedliche and venial.  The sacrament of če |r15 auter, čat is Goddes flesche and his blood in fourme of brede, festen_eč & knytte in vs grace whan we resceyueč it worčiliche, čat is to seie clene of synne and repentaun[t], to kepen vs čat we falle noght in synne a¨en, and accordeč vs to God and susteneč vs in good werkes.  0rdre ¨eueč vs power čat by Holy Chirche beč chose čerto and ordeyned, |r20 as prestes to mynistre and wirche če |r[f.14v] seuen sacramentis eche in his degree as he is titled to by Holy Chirche.  Matrimony or wedlok fordoč dedly synne of doyng čat is bytwene man and womman, whiche by čis sacrament is excused ¨if her doynges and entencioun be skilfull and acordant to če wille & lawe of God.  Enelyng or |r25 laste en[oyntyng] aleggeč vs of peyne of body and soule and clenseč vs of venial synnes. The tenče article made seynt Symonde and is Remissionem peccatorum, čat is čat we schole byleue to haue for¨ifnes of alle oure synnes by vertu of these sacramentis ¨if we mekeliche and worčiliche resceyue |r30 hem.  The enleuenče article mad seyn Iude and is Carnis resurrecc_ionem, čat is čat we schal bileue če general resurreccioun, čat is to seie čat alle men & wommen čat haue be & beeč and schull be fro če gynnynge of če worlde to če ende schole aryse fro deth to lyue in body and soule at če day of general dome, endelesliche če body and če soule |r35 to dwelle togidres fro čat tyme forč in ioye [or] in woo after čei haue deserued.  The twelče article made seynt Mathy and is Et vitam eternam Amen, that is čat we schul bileue čat after čat dome goode men and wymmen schull goo in body and soule to endeles ioye & blisse wič the Holy Trinite, and yuel men & wommen schul goo in body & |r40 + soule to endeles sorwe & peyne with če |r[f.15r] fendes of helle. ¨it this word qui es stireč vs to haue drede, for čei God be oure blessid Fader and we his children, ¨it he is rightful and sočfast, and čerfore at če day of dome he shal ¨e[ld]e vs as we haue deserued, be it good or yuel. And čerfore we schulde all oure lyftyme busyen vs to |p84 do wel and fle yuell wič all our myght, for at čat day we schal ¨eue rekenyng of all oure čoghtes and wordes and moche more of alle oure werkes. This worde in celis, čat is to seie `in heuenes', scheweč čat čere be |r5 mo heuenes čan on, for where čat God voucheč sauf to be, čere is heuene. But God may be in many places and is all attones, as men may se by a broke myrour, in eche party of whiche men may see one čing hole all attones. And so scheweč God himself all at one tyme by his myght and grace in many sondry stedes, as in heuen & in erthe, and |r10 also in če clene hertes of holy men. And čerfore [ilke] herte čat may conteyne and holde in himself God may wel be cleped heuene, for suche hertes beč clene and clere and full of blis as heuen is, for her čoght is only in God and in če loue of Ihesu Crist. And in čat čei haue so gret delite čat hem činkeč it a parfyt ioye, & so čorgh |r15 čoght čei see če moste ioye of heuen, čat is če sight of allmyghti God gostliche; and so is God in erthe in holy mennes hertes; but |r[f.15v] in hye heuene he is most preysed and worshipped of alle če halowes and holy spiritis čat čere beth whiche seen him openly face to face, and čat is her souerayne blisse. |r20 This word in celis, čat is to seie `in heuenes', moueč vs to see če [heighte of če] maieste of God čat all čing hač made of noght. And čerfore aboue hym is no čing, but all čing čat euer had be[gynn]yng is vnder him. And so we may wel vnderstonde čat so hye to him mowe we not come wičoute a leddre, whiche moste be made of two sides: čat one |r25 is forsakynge of synne and penaunce doynge čerfore; and čat očer side doynge of gode werkes, and nameliche werkes of mercy.  In čis laddre moste be principally čre steppes: čat one is verray mekenes; anočer strengče of will; the čridde prowes of herte. The firste step of this laddre wherby we schul stye into heuene byhoueč to be verray |r30 mekenes; for crist seič in če gospel: Qui se exaltat humiliabitur & qui se humiliat exaltabitur, čat is to seie, `Whoso hyeč him here he shal be lowed, and whoso loweč him here he schal be hyed.' čerfore we schulde wel knowe & činke how hye God is and how lowe we beth, and čat noght we haue of vs silf but wikkednesse & synne; and eny good or |r35 grace, wit or strengče, or eny očer vertu čat we haue, it comeč of the fre ¨ifte of God |r[f.16r] and no thing of vs self. And čerfore we haue grete matyre to be meke & buxom to God and to his lawe; for elles mowe we noght come to heuene. But verray mekenes scheweč him in thre činges: in her[te], in mouth, |r40 in werk. In herte scheweč him mekenes bi foure činges čat beč ofte |p85 byčinkyng, verray forčinkyng or contricioun for synne, suffryng wič_oute grucching, and holy delite. First mekenes in herte scheweč him by ofte [by]činkyng, as when a man besiliche byčinkeč him of his wrecchidnes and what God hač done for him, and also bečinketh him |r5 what he was firste, whens he come, what he is, where he is, what he schal be and whider he schal wende.  ¨if he byčinkeč him what he was first, he schal knowe čat he was noght, but sitthe he was conceyued in synne and made of a foule mater and wlatsom.  ¨if he byčinke him fro when he cam, čat was fro a foule herber, čat was |r10 fro his modres wombe.  ¨if he činke what he is, he schal fynde čat he is noght but filče and stynke, and none očer fruyt cometh of him, and čat he is euere drawynge to wikkednes and faillynge in good_nes, and čat he hač noght of hymself but synne and wikkednes.  Also if he wole činke where he is he schal knowe čat he is in this |r15 derke va*ley |r[f.16v] of če world where is euere sorwe, anger, drede, trauaile, periles and vanyte whiche may be likned to če see, for it ebbith & floweth and is full of grete wawes čat casten a man vp and down and [n]euere is stable. And čerfore whoso trustith on hit he schal be deceyued or čat he be ware.  He schulde also činke what |r20 he schal be, for after čat he is ded his body schal be wormes mete and turne to corrumpcioun and erthe; če soule schal goo, whečer to ioye or to peyne no man woot in čis lyf, but čat + schal be after čat he hač deserued. Also he schulde činke what goodnes God hač done hym and alwey doth |r25 and what he may doo and schal doo him, and so loue God & drede hym; for loue & drede may sonnest brynge a man to mekenes. And čerfore a man schulde činke čat God made him first of noght after his ymage and his liknes & ordeyned him to ioye endeles, and ¨af him wit and skille to knowe good and yuel; and čere he was dampned to endeles peyne by |r30 oure formeste fadres synne oure Lord Ihesu boght him a¨en by his prec_ious deth, and grete peyne, woo, sorwe & despite he suffred for čat a¨enbeieng, and forto ¨eue vs ensample of loue and mekenes.  Also he schulde činke what God do[č] him eche day, for he sendič him his sustenaunce and kepeč him fro all meschef, [helpeč him] and ¨eueč him |r35 wit & strengče and kepeč him |r[f.17r] fro če fend, and spare[č] him in his synne wičoute wrechetakynge, and redy is to receyue him and for_¨eue him when he wole torne to him and aske + mercy. And if he so do, had he neuere so mochil yuel doo tofore, he wil ordeyne him to blisse endeless, but he čat wol noght turne to God and aske mercy in čis lyf |r40 he schal wende to pyne endeles of helle. And of suche čoght comeč loue & drede čat ledeč a man to mekenes. Also mekenes sheweč him in herte by verray contricioun, čat is sorewe of synne; for whan a man byčinketh him of his synnes, how vnkynde |p86 he hač doo a¨enst oure Lord God čat made hym of noght and so dere boght him, čen oughte wel his herte tendre; and so mekenes groweč čer_ynne.  Also mekenes scheweč him in herte by good suffraunce, for whan a man suffreč wič good wille & wičoute grucchinge sykenes, los, |r5 pouerte, anger, or eny očer vnese čat God wole vouche sauf to sende him, čen mekenes scheweč [him] in herte.  Also mekenes scheweč [him] in herte by holy delyte, for whan a man setteč his herte to loue God with all his myght lastyngliche, and hač delite in non other čing so moche as in čat, čan verray mekenes scheweč him in čat herte. |r10 In mouth mekenes scheweč him in foure činges, čat beč schrifte of mouč, deuout prayer, continuel praysing and |r[f.17vl čankyng of God & good teching & schewyng of the l[ore of God]. Firste mekenes scheweč him in mouth by schrifte, for whan a man bewreyeth himself in schrifte of alle če synnes čat he hač doo in čoght, word or dede - and name_liche |r15 of če seuen hede synnes, čat is pryde, envie, ire, couetise, sleuthe, glotony & leccherie - ¨if he be gilty of hem or of eny of hem as moche as he can bečinke him and more wolde if he more couče, čan sheweč him meke[nes] in mouth.  Also mekenes scheweč hym in mouth by devoute prayer; for whan a man prayeč deuoutly to oure Lord |r20 God wič all his myght & all his wille, čan scheweč him mekenes in mouth.  Also mekenes scheweč hym in mouth by continuel praysinge and čankynge God, for whan a man [praiseč and] čankith God euermore of alle če gode čat he hač done to him and allewey doth, čan scheweč him mekenes in mouth.  Also mekenes scheweč him in mouth by good |r25 techyng & schewyng of če l[ore] of God, for whan a man is busy to teche and schewe good lore to alle men for če worschip of God, čen scheweč him mekenes in mouth. In werke also mekenes scheweč hym in foure činges, čat beč quitynge of all dette, trewe bodily buxumnesse, wirchinge of good werkes and |r30 hard lyuynge in chastisynge of če flesche. First mekenes scheweč him in werk by aquytinge of all dette, for whan a man be |r[f.18r] činketh what he oweth to God and what he oweth to his euencristen and besieth him with all his myght to aquiten him anentis čat oon and čat other, čanne scheweč he mekenes in werk.  Also mekenes scheweč him in |r35 werke by trewe bodily boxumnes, for whan a man is buxom & redy to ful_fille wič all his myght če lawe & če comaundement of God and Holy Chirche and of his soueraignes, čan scheweč he mekenes in werk.  Also mekenes scheweč him in werk by wirchinge of gode werkes, for whan a man is alway besy to doo all če good čat he may, and nameliche |r40 in če seuen werkes of mercy, čanne scheweč he mekenes in werk.  And also mekenes scheweč him in werk by hard lyuynge & chastisyng of če flesche, for whan a man lyueč in penaunce for redempcioun of his synnes and chastisynge of his flesche, and fleeč delices and lustes of če flesche and makeč his flesshe lowe & buxom to his soule, čan |r45 scheweč he mekenes in werk.  And čus in twelue + wyses verray |p87 mekenes scheweč him in thre činges, čat is to seie in herte, mouth [& werk], and in eche of čese foure wises. The secounde step of čis laddre whiche we beč stered to make by čis word in celis, čat is to seie `in heuenes', is strengče of will; for_why, |r5 as oure Lord Ihesu seith, [Stricta est via que ducit ad celum et pauci inueniunt eam], `če wey to heuene is streyte and fewe goč čer_forth; for no man may goo čat way but he be strengčed of good |r[f.18v] dedis & vertues, and nameliche of seuen vertues, of whiche čre beč cleped dyvynes vertues, čat is to seie, trouthe, hope [and] char_ite, |r10 and foure beč cleped cardinales, čat beč sleighte or warnes, metfulnes, strenče and rightwisnes. Firste trouthe or feith putteč vs, as seith seynt Austyn, vnder če lawe of God and ¨eueč vs knowynge of him of whom we haue all če good čat we haue. And čis trouthe is gynnyng of all good werkes, for as seith seynt Iame, Fides sine oper_ibus |r15 mortua est, `Trouthe wičoute gode werkes is dede, and good werkes wičoute trouthe may not availe. Hope is syker abidinge of gostely good after čis lyf, čat is to come to endeles blis, čorgh če goodnes of allmyghti God, and as we haue deserued by [his] help and + his grace; for we schal nother triste to |r20 be saued only by the goodnes of God withouten oure [good] dedes, [ne oonly by oure good dedes] wičouten če mercy and če goodnesse of God, but by hem [boče] togidre. And hope, as seič seint Austyn, arereč vs vp to God and makeč vs stalworth and myghti and hardy to vndirtake for Goddes sake činges čat passeč mannes myght. |r25 Charite ioyneč vs to God, for charite is a dere onehed with likyng of herte; for charite wole čat we loue God over all čing and oure euen_cristen as oureself. We schul loue God only for hymself, and oure euencristen for Goddes sake, for čat one may noght be loued wičoute čat other. For seint Iohan in his pistel seith čus, Hoc mandatum |r30 ha*bemus |r[f.19r] a Deo, vt qui diligit Deum diligat & fratrem suum, `This comandement,' he seith, `we haue of God, čat whoso loueč God čat he loue his euencristen, for he čat loueč noght his brother whom he seeth wič his eighe, how schal he loue God whom he may not see?'  Charite makeč mannes herte and God all oon; for, as seith seint |r35 Poule, trouče seeč the [soverayn] sočfastnes of God, hope [his] souerayne highte and charite [his] souerayne goodnesse. éese čre vertues beč departed by čre degrees of loue, for čre thinges čere beeč why a man loueč another: one is for he hač herd moche good of |p88 him; anočer is for he hopič haue grete good of him; the čridde is for he hač had greet good of him. So by the vertu of trouthe we loueč God for his endeles goodnes čat we knoweč in him by čat vertu. By če vertu of hope we loueč him for goode čat [we hope he schal do |r5 vs of his grace, and by če vertue of charite we loue hym for če good čat] he hač do vs & doth euermore. The očre foure vertues beč clepid cardinalis, for as če pope gouerneč Holy Chirche by če ledynge and če counseil of his cardinales, and as če dore of an housis holde vp by če harre, so may a man gouerne him |r10 fro fallinge ouerdepe in synne by čese foure vertues of whiche, as I seide afore, the firste is warnes whiche čat wysseth a man to be war and flee če wawes of če world. For čat vertu techič to knowe good and yuel and to do good & flee yuel, and of twoo goodisto [chese] če bettir, and kepith a man čat he be noght deceyued |r[f.19v] by če goost_ly |r15 enemy, čat is če fend.  The secounde vertu is mytfulnes čat kepič fro corrupcioun čat may come čorgh false loue or luste.  The čridde vertu is strengče whiche čat kepič a man čat he be noght ouer_come čorgh drede or adversite.  The ferče vertu is rightwisnes whiche čat settith a man in ordre and rightful staat anentes all men, |r20 for it ¨ildeč to euery man čat is his.  These foure vertues beč in a mannes herte as foure toures in foure corners of a castel or of a siker hous. For warnes stondeč estward and kepeth the herte fro pryde; mightfulnes stondeč southward and kepeč the herte fro wikked hetis of lustes & likynges; strengče stondeč [north]ward and kepith |r25 če herte fro wikked coldes of hatrede and envy; and rightwisnes stond_eth westeward and kepeč the herte from wikked stormes & reyne of couetyse. The vertu of warnes hač thre offices: one is čat he ordeyneth and led_eč all his werkes by the lyne of resoun; anočer is čat he wole no čing |r30 doo ne say but čat is right and resoun; and če čridde is čat [inl all his werkes he purveyeč him after če ordenaunce and če wille of God, so čat hoso hač this vertu čat serueč him of čese thre offices, he may wel be cleped a grete lord. ée vertu of m[y]tfulnes hač thre offices: oone is čat he hač no wille |r35 ne luste to do no čing čat he schulde noght doo; another is čat |r[f.20r] he ne passith in no doynge mesure ne resoun; and če čridde is čat he coueiteč no worldly čing a¨enst resoun & right. And čus čis vertu kepeč a man fro [črel činges of whiche comeč al yuel, as seynt |p89 Iohan seith: Omne quod est in mundo aut est concupiscencia carnis, concupiscencia oculorum aut superbia vite, `All če yuel čat is in the world is luste of flesche, couetise of the world or pr[y]de of lyf or of herte.' |r5 The vertu of strengče hač čre offices: one is čat he r[elyseč himself aboue alle periles of čis world; anočer is čat he dredeč no thing but synne and myspayeng of God; the čridde is čat he suffreč euenliche anger and welč, so čat no welče may make his herte o[uer]hy, ne none yuel ouer[l]owe, but sti[f]liche wičstondič his enemyes [bodelliche |r10 and gostliche, so čat no temptacioun may make hym falle. And čerfore he may be cleped a good knyght čat hač this vertu whiche čat serueth him of čese thre offices.  And čese čre vertues aforseid armeč a man & saueth him in čese čre činges: resoun, loue & strengče. For warnes kepeth če resoun čat hit be noght deceyued; metfullnes kepeč |r15 the loue čat it [be] noght corrupte, and strengče kepith [a man čat he] be noght overcome by myght of temptacioun. The vertu of rightwisnes ¨eueč a man will to lyue ordynatliche anent_is his euencristen of all degrees and |r[f.20v] to do hem alle čat right is, for it ¨e[ld]eč reuerence to hem čat beč aboue him, lo[u]e |r20 to he[ml čat beč wič him euene, and grace to hem čat beč vnder him. Thorgh čese foure vertues a man is made worthi, firste to gouerne himsilf and sithen očer men, and in čese foure vertues studi[d]en čese philosofres and forsoken the worlde forto haue čese vertues & wisdom. And čerfore čei were cleped Philosofres, for `philosophi' is |r25 a word of Gru & is to seie `loue of wisdom'. And čerfore philosofres beč as moche to seie as + `louers of wisdom'. And whan čey were paynyms and wičouten certeyn lawe and knewe noght če feith & če grace of God ne of če ¨iftes of če Holy Goost, but folow[d]en her owne witte, and ¨it čorgh here owne [besynes] čei come to so hye co[n]_templacioun |r30 čat čei tolde noght of če world: how moche čanne aughte we to drede vs čat beč cleped cristen men & haue take če verray trouč & knowen Goddes comaundementis & haue receyued the grace of če Holy Goost, so čat we mowe profite more in a day if we wole čen čei my¨t in a ¨ere; and ¨it we lye fouler & walowe in sloos of synne čan eny |r35 swyne doč in če sloes of čis erthe.  And čerfore seith seint Poule čat če paynyms čat hač no lawe taght hem [butl do[č] the lawe čat čei kn[o]w noght, čei schal deme vs fals cristen men at če day of |p90 dome čat knoweč the lawe & kepič |r[f.21r] it noght.  But ¨it for čese paynyms haue not če right trouthe ne [če] grace of če Holy Gost, her vertues beč to hem dede and wičoute profite; as may be sey of a quik coole & of a dede cole & of a quyk man & of a ded, so may be |r5 [seie] of + vertu done in trouthe and of vertu done wičoute trouthe. And čerfore seynt Austyn dečarteč čese foure vertues by foure manere loues and by foure činges čat may fordo čo foure loues, and seith čat če vertu of warnes is če love of herte čorgh whiche a man forsakith all čing čat lettič him and chesič all čing čat may helpe him to haue |r10 čat he loueč, and čat is oure Lord God almyghti.  Also če vertu of mytfulnes is loue of herte čorgh whiche a man ¨eueč him only to God wič chaste will.  The vertu of strengče is loue of herte čorgh whiche a man suffreč stalworčliche wičoute failynge all manere penaunce & vnese for če loue of God.  The vertu of rightwisnes |r15 is loue of herte čorgh whiche a man is sette in right state & ordre, čat is vnder allmyghti God and aboue alle erčely činges, so čat he settič vnder foote all čat may lette him fro če loue of God. [Quod sine hijs virtutibus nemo potest perfecte viuere], `Wičoute čese foure vertues may no man come to the hyenesse of parfyt lyuynge' |r20 whiche is the right wey to heuen, for whoso wole goo so hye him by_houeč to fle welthe & suffre woo; for no man cometh čere but if he folowe če way čat oure Lorde Criste we*nte |r[f.21v].  And čerfore he schulde haue warnesse whiche may make him despise čis worlde; he schulde haue strengče whiche may kepe hym fro fallynge and ¨if him |r25 grace to vndertake čat streyt is and harde for Goddes loue; he schulde haue m[ylthe[nesl čat he be noght [ouer]charged; he schulde haue rightwisnes to lede hym če right way and schewe če kyngdom of heuen as God didde to Iacob.  He čat hač alle čese vertues may wel be cleped a parfit man, for he were blessid in čis world & in čat other. |r30 In čis world he schulde euere lyve in ese and in pees of herte and in gostly ioye & delyte, and faile no čing čat neded him here for his lyvinge. And after čis lyf he schulde + passe to endeles delite & blisse. čese čen če vertues čat moste strengčeč a man wič good werkes čat |r35 comeč specialliche of two maners rightwis lyuynge, of whi[chel čat oon is cleped actyf lyf and čat očer contemplatyf.  Actif lyf is lyf of trauaile in good werkes and principally in če werkes of mercy čat beč čese: fede če hungry and čursty; lene and ¨eue hem čat haue nede; cloče če nakede; visite če seke; herborwe če pore men weyfar_ynge; |r40 helpe če enprisoned & conforte hem; burye če dede; counsaile če redles; teche če vnkonnynge; amende & chastice mysdoers; conforte če sory; for¨eue |r[f.22rl wič good will trespases & wronges; berewe hem čat beč in anger & woo; preye for frendes and enemyes; acorde hem čat |p91 beč at debate; and do penaunce for oure synnes in amendement of oure lyvinge. Contemplatyf lyf is holy studie aboute če loue of God & če blisse of heuen, to lyue in ful charite, sette če herte full in God and leue če |r5 world. This lyf semeč a lyf of + grete reste, but hoso vse it wel him byhoueč to be busy principalliche in čre thinges, in redynge, prayenge & bečinkynge: in redynge of holy mennes lyfes and of Holy Writ and of holy ensamples [to reule] his lyf čerafter; in prayenge wič grete deuocioun, schewynge to god his wille & his desire to come |r10 to če blisse of heuene, and prayeng also wič hole herte for his frendes and for his enemyes; and whan he čus prayeč he putteč away from his herte alle ydel and veyne čoghtes, for he schal not elles be herd; in byčinkynge of his wrecchidnes and of če goodnes of God and what good oure Lord God hač done him and doč + eche day and schal doo |r15 as is aforseide. But ¨it contemplatyf lyf may not be but hit be medled wič actyf lyf, for of čese two lyfes comen alle gode werkes. The čridde steppe of čis ladder is prowesse of herte; for in če kyng_dom of he |r[f.22r]uene may no man be coroned but he čat hač wonne it here wič pryse and victorie principalliche of these čre enemyes, če |r20 world, the flesche and če deuel.  The world assailleč vs here [o]n euery side, for on če right side he assaileč vs with welče and riches, on če lyft side wič anger & woo. But alwey when we beč assailed čorgh welthe and riches hit may be ouercome wič wilful pouerte, and when we beč assailed wič angir and wo hit may be ouer_come |r25 wič stedfast suffrance of herte.  The flesche assailleč vs čorgh grete lust and likynge of če body, but čat may be ouercome čorgh abstynence of oure fre will.  če fend assailleč vs sliliche čorw pryde of herte and veynglorie, but he may wel be ouercome čorgh verray mekenes. And čerfore whoso čus ouercometh čese thre enemyes he may |r30 ri¨tfulliche chalange and schal haue če corowne of endeles blisse in heuene. And čus is schewed če vnderstondyng of čese foure wordes Pater noster qui es in celis, whiche wordes, whoso wole folowe of hem če vnderstond_yng, he may be cleped če sone of God; for če firste word as is seid |r35 byfore scheweč [us] če lengče of Goddes euerlastynge, and čat čorgh če kynde of fadirhode he askeč of vs loue, drede, buxomnesse, honour, seruice & reuerence.  če secounde worde scheweč vs če largesse of his charite and askeč of vs loue of bročerhede & hope to |r[f.23r] gete all čat we rightfullyche aske.  The čridde worde scheweč vs the |r40 depnes of Goddes sothfastnes and drede of če laste dome.  The ferthe worde scheweč vs če heighte of Goddes maieste and askeč of vs thre činges: mekenes, strengče of wil & prowes.  And čus may men |p92 schortly vnderstonde čese foure wordes; and whoso vnderstondith hem čus and doč čerafter in fulfillynge of Goddis will he is če good sone of God. And what čat he askeč rightfulliche of the Fader he schal haue; and he čat doč čera¨en he seith his Pater Noster aboute noght. |r5 Now after čese foure wordes foloweč če firste askynge. For if we wole vnderstonde čese foure wordes and worche čerafter, čan mow we wel seie čus: sanctificetur nomen tuum. For these foure wordes beč the prologe of če Pater Noster, čat is as an entre of a towne or of a citee; for as men comeč into a towne or into a citee by the entre, so |r10 may we by čese foure wordes entre into čis prayer; in whiche beč seuen askynges čat purchasen vs seuen ¨iftes of če Holy Goost če whiche putteč away če seuen hede synnes & setteč in her stede seuen vertues whiche čat ledith a man to seuen blissedes.  0f these seuen askynges če firste čre makeč a man holy and the očer foure |r15 makeč a man rightwis, for all če holynesse of a man is forto be lich |r[f.23v] to če ymage of če Holy Trinite by čre činges čat beč in the soule, that beč mynde, vnderstondyng and will. For whan wil is clene fro all filthe of synne and lightened wel in understondyng and con_fermed wel in mynde in God & wič God, če more čat če soule receyueth |r20 of these thre ¨iftes the more nyhe he is to his kynde beawte čat he hač of če Fadir and Sone & Holy Goost. For when God če Fadir ¨eueč a man mynde of God če Sone and lighteč his vnderstonding to knowe God če Holy Goost, čan clansith it his will to conforme it to če wille of God. And these thre činges we aske čorgh če firste čre askynges of |r25 če Pater Noster. Firste we gynne at če hyest to aske whan we seie čus: sanctificetur nomen tuum, čat is to seie, `Halowed be thi name.' Here we shewe at če bygynnynge to oure Fader čat oure most desire is & alwey schulde be while we lyue here čat his name be halowed in vs, čat is čat če |r30 knowynge of God and če right trouč be euere festened in vs. And in čis we aske če firste ¨ifte of če Holy Goost, čat is če ¨ifte of wis_dom whiche festeneč vs to God če Fader so čat we may not departe fro hym. This word + `wisdom' comeč of sauour by whiche a man tastič thing čat is swete or soure, for whan a man resceyueč čis ¨ifte of |r35 wisdom he tastith & felith če swe*tnes |r[f.24r] of God; as a man may taste če sauour of lycour better by če mouth čan be [če] eighe. And forto vnderstonde čis askyng `éi name be it halowed in vs' we schul knowe čat čis word `holy' is as moche to seie as clene, wičoute erthe, or dyed in blood, or confermed to če seruice of God & good |r40 werkes. And on these thre wises the ¨ifte of wisdom haloweč a mannes herte.  First he clensič it & fyneth it as + fuyre fyneth gold.  Afterward he putteč away all če erče čerfro, čat is to seie alle erthely loue and fleschely desires čat bynemeč a man deuocioun and |p93 makeč alle suche likynges seme fade and sauourles, as watir semeč to a man čat desireč good wyn.  + After čat he haloweč and festneth it to če seruyce of God and putteč fro all besynes of čoght & vanyte and makith it to éinke on God & loue him and serue |r5 him, right as a chirche is halowed by če bisshop and ordeyned to the seruyce and worschip of God, čat no thing elles schulde be doo čer_ynne.  Also he ayeč the herte in blood whan čat he putteč in če herte so grete loue & deuocioun of God, bečinkynge on če passioun of oure Lord Ihesu Criste and on če blode čat he schedde for vs on če |r10 rode. ée herte čenne is coloured čerof as a soppe of hote brede dipped in reed wyn. And čis is a newe cristenynge čat clensith the |r[f.24v] soule, for cristenynge & dieng is all of one vnderstondyn.  And so this ¨ifte of če Holy Goost fastneč a mannes herte to God čat hit may be no way be twynned, but may wel seie čis word `Thi name |r15 mote be halowed in vs', čat is to seie, graunte us če goost of wisdom by whiche we mowe be [fyned] & clensed fro all filče of synne and so filled of či loue čat all [očerl delite be bitter to vs, and so ¨eue vs to če + and [tol thi seruice čat we for čat forsake all očer seru_ice; so čat we be not only wasshe čerby & made clene, but čat we mowe |r20 be dyed čerby in če precious blood of Crist as cloč is in fyne greyne, and so čorgh loue & devocioun be + n[e]w baptised & clensed, wherčorgh čat če name of God oure Fader be so festned in vs čat he be oure gode Fader and we his children & his heyres, so čat no čyng mowe čat fast_enyng louse.  And čis is a grete grace whan če herte is so fest_ened |r25 to God čat his will ne his deuocioun may not be loosed by no fondyng; and čat he is so fulfilled of če loue & swetnesse of God čat hit may haue no solace ne likynge in čoght but in God only. Than če herte čat may fele čis is parfitly fastned to God. And čis we aske as ofte as we seie sanctificetur nomen tuum, čat is to seie `Fader, |r30 halowed be thi name in vs čat beth či children, čat we do noght a¨enst thi wille, but čat we be buxom [to] all čyn hestes.' |r[f.25r] And for we beč noght myghti of vs silf while we čen in this lyf forto do the wille of God, čerfore we seie čus: Adueniat regnum tuum, čat is to seie, `Thi kyngdom mote come to vs.' Oure Lord Ihesu |r35 Crist in če gospell seith to his disciples čus: `če kyngdom of heuene is wičynne ¨ow.' And čat is whan God sendith to a man če ¨ifte of če Holy Goost čat is če ¨ifte of vndirstondyng, [čath bryngeč him to clene lyvinge; for right as če sonne in če morwnynge putteč away če derknes of + nyght and wastith če clowdes & mystes & makič clere day, |r40 right so čis ¨ifte of vnderstondyng dooč away all derknes of herte and scheweč clerliche če defautes and synnes čat beč therynne, so čat |p94 he čat weneth [he] be clene schal fynde in himself withoute noumbre poudre & filthe of synne, ri¨t as če sonnebem scheweč motes. And not only če ¨ifte of vnderstondyng scheweč čat is wičynne a man but čat is wičouten him, as aboue hym, byneče him & beside hym: aboue |r5 him heuene & če ioye & blis endeles čat čere is; bynethe him helle & če peyne and sorwe endeles čat čere is; byside him če faire creatures čat God hač made whiche čat alwey loueč God & honoureč hym & witness_ith sočfastliche how wyse, hou mighti, hou moche, how goode, how de_bonayr, how swete & how louely God is. And če more |r[f.25v] clereliche |r10 čat he seeth or vnderstondeth če beaute of creatures čat God hač made, če more he is desirynge to see čat Lord čat hač mad hem.  But when he seeč wel čat he is vnclene and vnworthi to see čat Lorde, čen achaufeč his herte & wexith wroč wič himself, and čen anon he takič a scharpe toole of repentaunce & grubbeč aboute the herte til he come |r15 wičynne & see all his defautes; & thenne fyndeč he so moche synne čer_ynne & vnclennes & so many defautes & moche powdre of wikked čoghtes & evill willes čat haue byfor letted his sight čat he wexith sory & bygynneč to caste out by schrifte all čis filthe out of his herte and makeč hym clene by če sacrament [of penaunce] of all čing čat + hač |r20 letted his gostly sight. And when he hač so doo čen schal he fynde in his herte by grace moche pees, reste & ioye, so ferforth čat him schal činke čis world but helle to reward of če pees, reste & ioye čat čen is in his herte.  And čis we aske čorgh this askinge Adueniat regnum tuum, čat is to seie `Fader, graunte čat če Holy Gost [alight] |r25 wičynne vs and clense vs of oure synnes so čat we mowe be worthi here to see the in oure hertis, & čat čou wole vouche saaf to come and wone in vs wič thi kyngdom as kyng, lord, gouernour, maister & comaundour, so čat oure herte be all thyn and |r[f.26r] čou hole Lord čerof; so čat we may have euere the sight of če in oure herte, and čat is če kyng_dom |r30 & če lyf čat we preye to haue.' And čerfore seith oure Lord Ihesu Crist in the gospell: simile est regnun celorum thesauro ab_scondito in agro, `ée kyngdom of heuen is liche to a tresoure ihid in a feld,' čat is to seie in mannes herte čat is clene of synne, whiche čat is more čen all čis world. And čus we aske by čis askyng Adueniat |r35 regnum tuum, čat may be čus vnderstonde, `Lord, regne in vs čorgh grace, čat we may regne in the čorgh blisse wičouten ende.' And čis same we seie also for hem čat beč in purgatorie. De tercia peticione Fiat voluntas tua. And for we may noght haue čat blisse of heuene but we doo Goddes |r40 wille here in erthe, čerfore we seie čus: Fiat volontas tua sicut in celo et in terra, čat is to seie `Fader, či will be don in vs in erthe as it is in heuene;' as in holy angelis čat beč so lighted and fast_ened to God in endeles blis čat čei may desire no thing but čat is to |p95 če likyng of God. This askynge may we not haue but by če Holy Gost čorgh če ¨ifte of counseil čat techič us here what is Goddes wille and turneth so oure wille to his wille čat we doo so ferforth his wille in all čing čat his will be lady & houswyf |r[f.26v] of all če |r5 herte, and čat it doo in vs alle čat it wole as it doč in če angelis of heuene čat euere doč Goddes wille wičoute wičstanding. And all čis we aske whan we seie Fiat voluntas tua, that is `éi wil be do in erthe as it is in heuen,' as whoso seith `Grante vs thi grace forto do here th[il comandementis & leue all čat čou forbedest as is done |r10 in heuene.' These ben the firste čre askynges & če hyest & most worthi, for in če firste we aske če ¨ifte of wisdom, in če secounde če ¨ifte of vnderstondyng and in če čridde če ¨ifte of counseil. These thre we aske noght only forto haue hem here parfitliche, but we schewe čat |r15 we desire čat we be or schulde be sone čere where čese thre askynges schulde be in vs confermed & fully fastened in če loue čat ever schal laste. In the očre foure askynges of the Pater Noster we pray to oure Fader čat he graunte vs, for¨eue vs, kepe vs & delyuere vs; whiche foure beč nedfull to vs for čis lyf. Panem nostrum cotidianum |r20 da nobis hodie. And for we may not fulfille Goddes wille in čis lyf but we haue sust_enaunce of body, čerfore we seie čus: Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie, čat is to seie, `Oure echedayes breed ¨eue vs today.' Oure goode Fader & maister techič vs |r[f.27r] hereby to speke wiseliche |r25 & mekeliche when he techič vs to seie `Oure echedayes brede graunte vs today.' + What may če sone more rightfulliche and skilfulliche aske of his fader čan breed [only] for če day withoute more čat is nedeful for his sustenance. For hereynne he axeč non outrage, for he [askeč neičer] fische ne flesche, ne no čing but onliche brede; & čat for no |r30 longe tyme as ¨ere or woke, but onliche for če day.  Now semeč this a litel askinge, but it is a gret čing, whoso vnderstondič it; for as it were čat a man asked of an abbot če brede of a monkes right of če abbey, he myght aske so [after h]is vnderstonding če bročerhed of če couent, and to be partener of all here + religious lyf and goode |r35 dedes. So by čis prayer `Oure echedayes breed ¨if vs today' we aske če companye and brečerhed & parte and right of all če goodes čat beeč in če kyngdom of heuene.  éis is the brede of čat blissed couent, če brede of heuen, če brede of angelis, breed most delicious, breed of most sikernes and of endeles lyf; for čat breed makeč a siker lyf, |r40 for it kečith če soule fro gostely dede. éat breed is fode of gret myght and vertu, for it stancheč all če honger of če world, & so may none očer but čat. éat breed is če sacrament of če auteer.  éis breed schulde be |r[f.27v] etyn hastifliche & grediliche so čat hit be |p96 swolowed wičoute chewynge, čat is to seie we schulde trowe sothfast_liche čat it is + če blessid body wič soule of God, Ihesu crist, and so receyue hit wič grete brennynge loue, wičoute musyng or bečinkyng how čat myght be; for God allmyghti may doo more čan man may vnder_stonde. |r5  And also men schulde ete čat blessid brede as a rethur etith če gress, čat after čat he hač swolowed it he cheweč it newe, & so makič it his fode. So schulde a man whan he hač receyued it, čat precious breed in če sacrament: he schulde wič grete deuocioun re_corde in his herte če grete goode & grace čat God hač do him and če |r10 grete peyne čat oure Lord Ihesus suffred for vs here in erthe, & čan may he fynde če sauour of čat mete & conceyue čerby a grete brennyng loue to God & grete desire to suffre for him all čat he may. And all čat makeč če vertu of čis blissed breed, for it comforteč & strengčeth the herte to suffre for če loue of God. |r15 But ¨it may [we notl doo čus here wičoute če ferč ¨ifte of če Holy Goost, čat is če ¨ifte of strengthe, čat armeč and strengčeth so če gode kny3t of God čat it makič him goo wič l[augh]yng and ioye to martirdom for Goddes sake. And čerfore whan we aske čis brede we aske če ¨ifte of strengč, for as bodily bre*ed |r[f.28r] susteyneč & strengčeth če |r20 body, right so če ¨ifte of strengče maketh če herte stalworč to vndir_take and suffre harde peyne of body for če loue of God.  This brede we clepeč oure breed, for hit is made of če same paste čat we beč of, and for vs hit is soden and fried: soden in če blessid wombe of the virgyne Marye and fried in his owne precious blood vpon če |r25 crosse as he fouched sauf for če brennyng loue čat he hadde to vs.  This is če breed wič whiche God vitailleč his schip čat is Holy Chirche, in whiche schip alle his chosen passeth saueliche če see of čis troubl[y] and flowyng world.  čis breed is oure, for oure Lord God Ihesu at his laste leuetakynge lefte vs in his testament his |r30 owne body to haue here while čat we lyue as če moste precious iewel čat he might ¨eue vs to kepe and vse for his loue as ofte as we myghte make vs worthi čerto in mynde of him and his passioun.  éis brede is oure for no čing may beneme hit vs a¨enst oure wille, for it is an echedayes lyuerre or a destribucioun čat God ¨eueč to his chanouns |r35 eche day in stede of here comunes, whiche chanouns redith & syngeč nyght & day če werkys [of] čankinges & praysinges of God. éese chanouns beč clene & meke & buxom hertes to God čat euere beč redy to [dol če wille of God in gode werkes with |r[f.28v] loue & deuocioun, činkynge on če passioun of oure Lord Ihesu Crist.  This is oure |r40 echedayes breed, for eche day we haue nede of it, and eche day ¨if we myghte we schulde receyue it worthily, or in soule čorgh stedfast trouthe, or elles bodiliche as če preest doth čat makith it. This breed is wel precious and ful of vertu and sočfastnes, a mete ryal of |p97 all manere delices & gode sauoures and če mete of clene hertes & of good lyf.  This mete seynt Iohan clepeč it bred substancial, čat is to seie of moste substance, for it is aboue all očre creatures in vertu & worthines and may best be cleped mete most substancial; for |r5 men seith čat če mete is substancial čat is mete of grete norischinge to + man, and če more norisshinge čat it is če more substancial hit is. But če vertu and če norisshynge of čis brede is more čet eny man may knowe in čis lyf, wič tunge telle or herte činken, for it passeth all mannes witte.  This bred we aske of oure gode Fadir to haue |r10 today, čat is to seie as longe as we schal lyue here, so čat we may here make oure iourne wel and gladly abide oure hyre, čat is the peny of blis whiche God ¨eueč to his werkmen whiche čat truly trauaillen in his vyne¨erd, as če gospell tellič how he + comeč at evyn & payeth, čat is the end of his lyf. |r15 And čerfore this čre*de |r[f.29r] we asken whan we say čus: panem nostrum cotidianum, čat may be čus to vnderstonde, `Graunte vs today oure bred,' čat is strengče & hele of + body & soule. And čus we aske thre manere bred: čat oon is bodiliche breed čat is nedefull for sustenaunce of oure body; anočer is gostly breed, čat is witte to |r20 vnderstonde Holy Writ; the čridde is bred of če sacrament, čat is če blisfull body of oure Lord Ihesu Crist čat comforteč čorgh grace če kynde of če soule and of the body. De quinta peticione Et dimitte nobis &c. And for we be noght worthi to be herd in oure prayer, ne no good to |r25 haue while we liggeč in synne, čerfore we aske of oure Fader for¨eue_nes and seith čus: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra. In this askynge we preye oure Fader of heuen čat he for¨eue us oore mysdedes as we for¨eue to hem čat haue doo mys to vs. And čat schal be oure vnder_stondyng when we seie čis asking Et dimitte nobis &c, čat is to seie, |r30 `Fader, for¨eue vs oure dettes as we for¨eue to oure dettoures.'  0ure dettes beč all oure synnes whiche we haue as čey it were borwed; for we sette oure soule to wed. éerfore čat is če beste [wed] čat we haue. For whan a man falleč in dedly synne čat s[o]ne is doo anentes če dede & če likynge, he byndeč him to so grete oker čerfore čat he |r35 may neuere quyte hit of him*silf |r[f.29v] - čat is če endeles pyne of helle - but he ben holpen by če sacrament of penaunce čorgh če vertu of če passioun of oure Lord Ihesu Crist.  Also he oweč čerfore to God allmyghti whom he hač wreččed & broke his lawe so grete amendes čat it were out of če power of man to ¨ilde +; for no man may in čis |p98 full amendes for one dedly synne if God wolde v[se] + reddure Of rightwisnes wičoute mercy. And čerfore byhoueč a man čat fallith in synne renne to če co[urt] of mercy and aske for¨euenes and mercy. For in če co[urt] only of rightwisnes the synfull man schulde be |r5 dampned to endeles deth wičoute pitee. éerfore oure swete Lord Ihesus for oure recouerer techič vs to aske hertely for¨euenes and mercy of oure mysdedes. But eche man whan he prayeč če Fader of heuene and seith čus: ut dimitte nobis debita nostra, čat is to seie `Lorde, for_¨eue vs oure mysdedes as we for¨eueč oure mysdoers,' we schull vnder_stonde |r10 čat God wole not for¨eue vs but we for¨eue also as himself seith in če gospell. And čerfore he čat in this holy prayer če Pater Noster prayeč če Fader of heuene for¨eunes and mercy of his synne and holdeč wičin hym rancour of herte, envie, ire, haterede or očer felonye, he prayeč |r15 a¨en himself; for he prayeč |r[f.30r] čat God for¨eue him not his synnes when he seith `God, for¨eue me my mysdedes as I for¨eue my mysdoers.' And čerfore whan a man seith čis prayer in herte bifore God čat knoweč & seeč all his herte and his entente, he schulde for_¨eue all his yuel will, rancour & wrečče čat he hač to eny other man, |r20 and elles his prayer is more a¨enst him čan wič him.  And if it činke a man harde to for¨eue čat men haue mysdo him, he schulde činke how oure blessid Lord Ihesus for¨af his deč and praide for hem čat did him to passioun & deeth forto ¨eue vs ensample to for¨euen and praye for hem čat haue mysdo vs and [¨it] to helpe hem in her nede. |r25 Forwhy as oure Lord Ihesu seith in če gospell, hit is no grete mede worči to loue hem čat doth vs good, for so doth us Iewes & Saresynes.  But we čat beeč Goddes children & heyres of če blisse of heuene čorgh trouthe & grace, and after Crist haue če name of cristen men, we schulde for¨eue eche to očir as sistren and brečren, and name_liche |r30 to oure enemyes, and loue her persones in body and soule and preye for hem & helpe hem in her nede. And čan be we worči grete mede, for čus comaundeč vs God in če gospel. But we schulde hate če synnes by whiche čei ben empeyred and loue čire soulis |r[f.30vl čat beth made to če ymage & liknes of God. And čerfore we schulde |r35 loue & forbere eche očer as oon lyme of a body forberith another and vengith him noght čei hit hurte him. For as če apostle seith: Omnes vnum corpus sumus &c, `We beč alle one body in Criste and he oure hede,' and čerfore we schulde loue eche other. And he čat loueth noght čus he is a mansleer dampnable but he amende him to endeles |r40 deth & peyne, for as seith Holy Writte: Qui odit homicida est, `Who_so hatič his brother in herte he is a mansleer.' And čerfore suche |p99 were bettre, as it semeth, seye noght če Pater Noster čan seye it, forwhi čey moueth her owne iugement a¨enst hemself, [for to hate če synner in stede of če synne it is a¨eyne charite]. But neuerčeles čogh čei be noght all in ful [loue and] charite wič here euencristen |r5 as čei aughte to be, čei schulde seie as [o]fte as čei may čis holy prayer če Pater Noster. For čat prayer is so precious & vertuous čat čorgh myght and vertu of hit some grace schal light in her hertes to make hem see her [foliel & leue it and repente hem & aske mercy. For as is aforseid in čis prayer beč seuen askynges and eche of hem |r10 may purchase a special ¨ifte & grace of če Holy Gost čat a synful man may be holpe by, hou it be čat če askyng be condicionel, for we pray the Fader on condicioun whan we seie čus: Et dimitte nobis &c, that is to seie `Fader, for¨eue us |r[f.31r] oure giltes as we wole for¨eue očeres giltes,' as who seith `¨if we for¨eue noght, for¨eue vs noght. |r15  In čis askyng we asketh če ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is cleped know_ynge, čat makeč a man knowe himself and his lyvinge & abateč a mannes felnes and his pryde and scheweč him what he is, [where he is], in what perill he is, when he cam & whider + he schal, his mysdedis, what he hač borwed, and hou moche he oweč to aquite. And whan he |r20 seeč čat he hač noght of himself forto aquite him wič, čan če ¨ifte of the Holy Goost of knowyng bringeč him to a gret forčinkyng and makeč him to sighe & wepe & crye God mercy and seie čus: `Lord, for_¨eue me my dettes čat beč my synnes, for I am by hem gretly endetted anentes the; for čat I haue mysdoo in čoght, will, worde or werk; and |r25 for čat I haue lefte če good čat I myght and schulde haue doo; and for če good čat čou doost me and čat I haue myspendid če vertues & the bodily and gostly wittes čou hast ¨eue me, and noght buxumliche wič hem serued the; and for I may noght čis dette quite, Lord, I pray the, for¨eue it me.' And whan čis ¨ifte of knowynge hač made a |r30 man knowe all his wikkednes and defautes, čen makič it him caste out of his herte all rancour & evill wil čat he hač a¨enst očer men, and to for¨eue alle wronges & despites čat men hač done him. And then schal he noght faile of his desire when he seič |r[f.31v] čus: Et dimitte nobis &c, čat is to seie, `Fader, for¨eue vs oure synnes čat we haue |r35 doo a¨enst the as we for¨eueč to hem čat haue don a¨enst vs. De sexta peticione Et ne nos inducas &c. And for we beč noght worthi to haue for¨euenes of oure synnes but we kepe vs čat we falle no more in synne, čerfore čorgh drede of fallynge we prayeč to oure Lord God of help and sey čus: Et ne nos inducas in |r40 temptacionem, čat is to seie, `Fader, lede vs noght into temptacioun or fondyng of synne.' That is to vnderstonde, late vs not be ouer_come ne feld by temptacioun or fonding of če fend, of če world, [ne] of če flesche. The deuel is + principal enemy & tempter, and če |p100 flesche and če world beč his seruantes and sugettes by whiche he may sonnest bringe man to worldliche loue, fleschely likynge and all očre manere synnes, for čat is his seruice, to proue the knightes of God, whiche wole stande and whiche wole be ouercome.  And ¨if fondyng |r5 & temptacioun nere noght profitable to gode men God schulde noght suffre men so moche fele it. For as seint Bernard seith, when fond_yng smyt sore vppon us čan forgeč it vs a crowne of endeles blis čat God schal graunte us ¨if we stonde; as whoso smyteč sore a good knyght he forgeč him a crowne of loos & worschip if če knight ouer_come, |r10 al be it so čat he čat smyteč doč it |r[f.32r] noght to čat en_tente And for as moche as če fend čorgh all his wiles tempteč a man principalliche to drawe him fro če loue of God, čerfore seint Poule bad his disciples čat čei schulde be sadly grounded as a strong tour, & faste roted as a gode tree in allwey lestinge charitee, so čat |r15 no temptacioun or fondyng myghte caste her hertes out of hit. And čerfore in čis askyng we prayeth help of God & če ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of pitee čat makeč če herte pitous and florische & bere fruyt of goode werkes and fasten če rootes of hit in če lond of endeles lyuynge. This grace or ¨ifte of če Holy Goste čat |r20 is cleped pitee may be likned to good cyment wič whiche men makič walles of stone so stronge čat vnnethes may čei be broken.  Right so this ¨ifte of pitee makeč the herte so strong and stedfast čat no fonding may breke it ne putte it out of charite. And čerfore in čis askynge we seie čus: Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem, čat is to |r25 vnderstonde čus: `Fader allmyghti, make oure hertes stable & myghti to wičstonde alle fondinges čorgh grace of če holy ¨ifte of pitee so čat we be noght ouercome by no temptacioun. But we pray noght čat we be noght tempted, for čat were bothe schamful & foly, right as it were grete schame to a lordes sone čat were yonge |r30 & newe made knyght to preye his fader čat he schulde neuere [suffre hym come in tournement ne |r[f.32vl in bataile] for cowardise of his herte, for suche one myght neuere be worči to haue loos ne prise ne mede čat longeč to kny¨thode. And čerfore we shulde gladly suffre fondyng forto wičstonde it worčiliche; for fonding may profite us in |r35 many manere. For by fondyng we mowe be made če more meke, more dred_full, more wys, more doghti, more of prys [andl more loued of God oure Fader. For, as Salamon seith, he čat neuere was assaied may not wite what he wolde doo and he were assaied.  Also he čat neuere was assayled schulde noght wite how to defende him when he were assailed, |r40 but as he myght hyre by če bataile of Troye & of other gestes; for he may knowe neičer his owne strengče ne his febilnes ne če strengče & sleighte of his enemyes, ne how good God is ne what help he doth in nede, ne fro how many synnes and schenschepis he kepith him. And so |p101 but fondyng and temptacioun were he schulde not conne parfitly loue God as he schulde doo, ne čonke him of his goodnes.  But we prayeč in this askyng čat God oure Fader kepe oure hertes euermore čat we be neuere ouercome wič no fondyng, assentinge čerto. For of |r5 vs self we beč so feble čat we may not suffre ne wičstonde the assawtis of če fend wičoute če help of God. For what tyme he faileč vs we falleč, but when he helpeč vs čorgh his grace we fighteč a¨en and ouercomeč.  And čerfore in čis askynge |r[f.33r] we aske oure Fader help in fondyng & seie čus: Et ne nos inducas in temptac_ionem, |r10 čat is to seie, `Fader, lede vs noght into temptacioun or fond_inge of synne,' čat is to vnderstonde, lete vs noght entre into fond_yng čorgh wikked likyng or consenting of herte čerto. De septima peticione Sed libera nos a malo. And forči čat čeigh God vouche sauf to graunte vs čese godes čat we |r15 čus haue asked of him, we may not holde hem but he of his grace de_lyuere vs of all yuell of synne, čerfore we seie čus: sed libera nos a malo.  Seynte Austyn seič čat some synnes čere beč čat stereč hem čat beč encombred wič hem to many mo synnes, and to lesse če good dedes čat may be doo by grace; for pryde destroyeč all good dedes čat |r20 may be doo by grace. And čerfore when God hač ¨eue a man the sixe askynges aforeseide, čen were it grete nede čat he were delyuered of all yuel. And čerfore čis askyng cometh laste as a reward comeč after werk, čat is: sed libera nos a malo, čat is to seie, `Fader, delyuer vs fro al yuell,' čat is to vnderstonde čat če fend oure enemy čorgh |r25 his wiles make vs noght čorgh the synne of pryde lese če goodes čat čou hast ¨eue vs.  In čis askynge we aske of če Holy Gooste če ¨ifte of drede by whiche we may be delyuered of all yuel and name_liche of če synne of pride & presumpcioun and alle očer synnes, and also of all periles of soule and body in čis world & in |r[f.33v] čat |r30 other. And to čis longeč čis word Amen, čat is to seie `so mote it be;' and so knette we all oure prayer. But for oure Lord Ihesus in če gospell seič thus: Quicquid pecieritis patrem in nomine meo dabit vobis, čat is, `Whatso ¨e aske my Fader in my name, ¨e schal haue,' čerfore hit is good, who[so] wole, in če |r35 ende of čis prayer seye čus: Per Dominum nostrum Ihesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum visuit & regnat in vnitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. éat is čus to seie, `Thorgh oure Lord Ihesu Crist či Sone čat wič the lyueth & regneč in oonhede with če Holy Goost, God, in alle worldes of worldes.' And čanne at |r40 če firste may be seide čis word Amen. |p102 Now is seide če vnderstonding of čis holy prayer če Pater Noster. But men schul vnderstonde čat whan čei seith čat prayer čei schul not seie as it is writen here byfore, but onliche če naked lettre, & činke on čat is here write in as moche as men may; and not hast in |r5 seieng as forto seie many Pater Noster; for bettir were one Pater Noster wel seide wič good [vnderstondyng], deuocioun and likyng in če soule of God čan a čousand seid wičoute deuocioun. For seynt Poule seith čat bettir were fyue wordes seid deuoutly wič herte and vnderstondyng čan fyue čousand seide čerwičoute. And čerfore when |r10 we schul preeye oure Fader of heuen oure herte schulde be vpon oure prayer wičoute veyn or yuel čoghtes. For but we preye wič + herte oure tunge trauaileč aboute noght, but |r[f.34r] myspayeth God. Ther_fore whan we schal praye vs byhoueč to thinke wič herte & seie wič tunge so čat če tunge and če herte accorde; or ellis it is noght. |r15 For God knowe oure desires of oure hertes. And if we aske him hert_iliche ought čat is nedefull to vs he wole graunte it vs and more čan we conne aske, for he wote bettir what vs nedeth čan we vs silf. éerfore we schul first aske če kyngdom of heuene with meke herte by_fore all other činges, and čerby we schal gete all čat nedeful is to |r20 vs for body and soule. And čat aske we in čis holy prayer če Pater Noster whiche Crist made for oure help and sette čis worde Pater, čat is `Fader', at če bygynnyng for we schulde haue čerynne če more likynge and comfort. The Vices and Virtues ¨it as is aforeseid in čis prayer beč seuen askynges čat may wynne to |r25 vs seuen ¨iftes of če Holy Gost whiche putteč away fro vs seuen dedly synnes & setteč in here stede seuen vertues čat ledeč vs to seuen blissedhedes and so to če seuen medes čat falleč to hem. če firste askyng of čis prayer is sanctificetur nomen tuum. In čis askinge we preyeth of če Holy Goost če ¨ifte of wisdom čat putteč |r30 awey the synne of glotony and setteč in čat stede če vertu of mesure & sobirnesse čat bringeč a man to če blessidhede of pesiblenes and to če mede čat longeč čerto, čat is čat he schal be cleped [Goddes sone] as Crist seith in če gospel: Beati pacifici |r[f.34v] quoniam filij Dei vocabuntur, `Blissed be čei čat čen pesible, for čei scholen be cleped |r35 [Goddes children].'  The secunde askinge is čis: Adueniat regnum tuum. In čis askynge we prayeth of če Holy Gost če ¨ifte of under_stonding čat putteč awey če foule synne of leccherie and setteč in čat stede če vertu of chastite čat bringeč a man to če blissedhede of clennes of herte and to če mede čat longeč čerto, čat is če sight of |r40 God, as Crist seič in če same gospell čus: Beati mundo corde quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt, `Blessid be čei čat beč clene of herte, for čei schal see God.'  The čridde askynge is čis: fiat voluntas tua sicut in celo & in terra. In čis askynge we prayeth of če Holy Goost |p103 če ¨ifte of counsaile čat putteč away če synne of auarice and settič in č[atl stede če vertu of mercy čat bringeč a man to če blessidhede of mercy and to če mede čat longeč čerto, čat is mercy, as Crist seith in če same gospell: Beati misericordes quonian ipsi miseri_cordia[m] |r5 consequentur, `Blessid be čei čat čen mercyable, for čei schal haue mercy.'  The ferče askynge is čis: panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie. In čis askynge we prayeč of če Holy Goost če ¨ifte of strengče čat putteč awey če synne of sleuthe & settič in čat stede če vertu of prowes čat ledič a man to če blessidhede of |r10 hunger & črist of rightwisnes & to če mede čat longeč čerto, čat is gostliche ful of endeles ioye and likynge, as Crist seič in če same gospel čus: Beati qui esuriunt & siciunt |r[f.35r] iusticiam quoniam ipsi saturabuntur, `Blessid be čei čat hungreč and čursteč rightwis_nes, for čei shal be fild.'  The fifte askyng is čis: Et dimitte |r15 nobis debita nostra sicut & nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. In čis askynge we prayeč of če Holy Gost če ¨ifte of knowyng čat putteč awey če synne of wreth & settič in čat stede če vertu of equite or euenhod čat ledič a man to če blessidhede of wepynge and to the mede čat longeč čerto, čat is comfort & solace, as Crist seič in če same |r20 gospell čus: Beati qui lugent quoniam ipsi consolabuntur, `Blissed be čei čat here haue sorwe for čei schal be conforted,' čat is to seie in endeles blis.  The sixte askynge is čis: Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem. In čis askyng we preye of če Holy Gost če ¨ifte of pitee čat putteč awey če synne of envie and settič in čat stede če |r25 vertu of frendschip čat ledith [a man] to če blissedhed of myldenes and to če mede čat longeč čerto, čat is če londe of most plente, as Crist seith in če same gospel čus: Beati mites quoniam ipsi possideb_unt terram. `Blessid be čei čat beč here mylde, for čei schal haue če lond,' čat is to seie če lond of blis & ioye čat neuere schal haue |r30 ende.  The seuenthe askynge and če laste is čis: sed libera nos a malo. In čis askyng we preye of če Holy Gost če ¨ifte of drede čat putteč away the synne of pryde & settič in čat stede če vertu of meke_nes čat ledič a man to če blissedhede of gostliche pouerte and to če mede čat longeč čerto, |r[f.35v] čat is če kyngdom of heuen, as Crist |r35 seith in če same gospel: Beati pauperes spiritu, quoniam ipsorum est regnum celorum, `Blissed be čei čat beč pouere & meke in goste, for here is če kyngdom of heuen.' But all be it so čat by če ordre of čis prayer we aske first če hyeste ¨ifte of č[e] Holy Gost and so forth sewynge til we come to če |r40 lowest, čat is če ¨ifte of drede, ¨it we mote bygynne with čat lowest ¨if we wil come to če hyest, čat is to seye with če ¨ifte of drede by whiche we may come to če [¨ifte] of wisdom, for as Dauid seič in če sauter: Inicium sapiencie timor Domini, `ée gynnyng of wisdom is če drede of God.' For čat ¨ifte putteč awey če moste & hyest synne, čat |p104 is če synne of pride whiche is heed & bygynnyng of alle synnes, and was če firste synne čat euere was doo.  For it brak first če [company] and če [ordre] of heuene when Lucifer, for če beaute čat God hadde ¨eue him, desired to be aboue alle očre aungels and euen |r5 liche to God čat made him. And čerfore he fel fro če hye heuen to če deppist pitte of helle, and of če fairest aungel of heuen he bycam če foulest deuel of helle. And alle če očre aungels čat assentid to him felle out of heuene wič hym & bycome deueles, of whiche som beč dwell_ynge in če eyer. But Lucifer, čat of hem alle was hyeste in pryde, |r10 fel deppest into helle; to whom čese proude men of čis world may wel be likned, čat in as moche as čei may brekeč and fordoth če companye and če ordre of man in erthe whan čei desireč to be lordes & mais t*res |r[f.36r] aboue alle očre and to be more preysed and worschipped. Of čis synne springeč al manere synne and wikkednes, for it blyndeč a |r15 man so čat he may noght knowe himself.  Also pride may be likned to če deueles wyn čat semeč good & delicious and is ouerstrong & perilous, čorgh whiche wyn če deuel makeč many men dronke čat beč as hem semeth wys, riche, mighti, noble, strong, bolde & hardy; and so comunliche alle manere men of čis worlde, but moste specialliche čo |r20 men čat nellen noght knowe hemself and here defautes, synnes & folyes, but eueremore foloweč her owne will, likynge & luste.  And čer_fore čis synne may be cleped če grettest and most perilous siknes or malady čat eny man may haue; for čat man is in gret perill of siknes & malady whiche čat no man can hele by no medicyne, but čat alle čat |r25 schulde be to him medicyne or triacle torneč to him poysoun or venym. Right so all manere of teching, chastisyng & counsailyng čat schulde brynge synful man out of synne availeč noght to a proude man, but rather če more aggreggeč his synne; for če more čat me chastiseč, + techič or counsaileč a proude man to leue his synne, če more angry & |r30 despitous he is and če moo weyes & wiles he sechič forto defende his synne & excuse. Pryde, čat is roote of alle wikkednes, is če develes eldest doghter and ferst partyner of his heritage, čat is the |r[f.36v] fuyr of helle, and whoso wole wed hire he most haue wič hir čat heritage.  Pryde |r35 werreč euermore a¨enst God and alle his and God werreč euermore a¨enst him & his and euere schal putte doun hem and alle her myght.  Pride is quene of all synnes and alle očre synnes foloweč hir as hir handmaydens.  Pryde is likned to an hungry leones čat swoloweč & devoureč all čat sche may cacche.  Pryde destroyeč all grace & |r40 vertu, and fordoth & leeseč alle gode dedes. For pryde makeč of vertu vice, and of dedes of mercy, as almesse and očre by whiche a man myghte wynne heuene, he makeč hem čorgh veynglorie and ypocricye grete synnes & giltes & bringeč a man, but he amende him, to endeles peyne in helle.  Pryde is če firste enemy čat assailleč Goddes |r45 knyght and laste leueč him; for whan a man by grace of God hač ouer_comen alle očre synnes, čan comeč pryde & assailleč him most stal_worčeliche |p105 by colour of čat victorie.  Pride sterith a man to coueite hye state & power aboue alle očre. But čis grete synne of pride may be fordoo by a ¨ifte of če Holy Gost, čat is če ¨ifte of drede. And čerfore čat ¨ifte nedeč vs to haue |r5 firste, al be it laste in če askynges of čis holy prayer če Pater Noster, čat is to seie in čis askynge Sed libera nos a malo. This ¨ifte, čei hit be laste in askynge, hit schulde be first in hauinge, for čerwith we schulde byginne ¨if we wole gete če očer: as whoso wolde clymbe an hy by a leddre him byhoueč to bygynne at če |r[f.37r] |r10 lowest steppe or elles he may not wel come to če hyest.  These seuen ¨iftes haue dyuers offices forto putte away če seuen heed synnes and sette seuen principal vertues in here stede. But če ¨ifte of drede serueč principalliche to putte away pryde wič all his rootes & branches & to sette in čat stede če vertu of mekenes. De Superbia |r15 Pryde hač seuen rotes. Be first is vnfeithfulnes, če secounde despite, če čridde surquidrie, the ferče coueitynge of hye state, če fifte vayn_glorie, če sixte ypocricie and če seuenče is fole schame. And čese may wel be cleped rootis, for of each of hem comeč many branches. The ferste rote is vnfeithfulnes, čat is vnkyndenes to God and man, |r20 and čis roote hač thre branches.  The firste branche is vilanye or cherldom, čat is to seie for¨etnes of goode čat God hač done to vs and noght čankyng him čerfore.  The secounde branche is woodnes, čat is when a man spendith amys all če tyme čat God hač ¨eue him boče of ¨ougče & elde, of whiche tyme he mote ¨elde rekenynge at če day of |r25 dome.  The čridde branche is fals reneyeng, as whan a man is so ouercome wič synne čat he forsakeč God and takič him to če deuel his enemy. But in čre maneres may be reneyenge: oon is whan a cristen man forsakeč & holdeč noght rightfulliche če truče and če bileue čat is taght him by Holy Chirche. Anočer manere is when a man forswereč |r30 him wityngly; and |r[f.37v] če čridde manere is whan a man troweč or by_leueč on eny čing čat he schulde not trowe or bileue on. The secounde rote of pryde is despite whiche čat also hač čre branches.  0on is when a man will not preyse in herte očere mennes wel dedis, but haue disdeyne of hem, al be hit čat sometyme he makeč outward |r35 fals contynance.  Anočer branche is when men ne wole noght doo če reuerence čat čei owe to doo to hem čat beč aboue hem.  The čridde braunche is when a man wol not doo buxomliche čat [he] oght to doo. Unbuxumnesse comeč of despite čat is a rote of pryde; for čo čat wil not doo to God če worschip čat hem aughte doo ne to his halowes |r40 the reuerence čat he oughte to do for Goddes sake, ne to his souereyne obedience or buxumnes čat he oughte to doo, he hač in hym čat rote of pryde čat is cleped despite. But comounliche eche synne čat is doo |p106 byginneč čorgh čis rote despite. The čridde rote is surquidrie or ouertrowyng, čat is when a man demeth himself more worthi čan he is. And čis rote hač sixe branches, čat is to seie singulerte, fool larges, mayntenance of querellis, avaunt_ynge, |r5 scornynge, rebellion or frowardnes.  The firste branche is singulerte or self wilfulnes, čat is whan a man forto be holde more wys foloweč his owne will & his dooynges & seienges hauynge no reward to wyser mennes doynges & seienges.  The secounde |r[f.38r] braunche is prodigalite or foole largesse, čat is when a man forto be |r10 holde more large and more free čan anočer makeč outrageous costes and spensis more čan nede ware or čat his hauynge may suffice to.  The čridde branche is mayntenance of quarelles, čat is when a man, for desire to be an ouercomere, moueč plees and stryues to očre men; for, as seič Salamon, pledyng and stryuyng falleč ofte among proude men. |r15  The ferthe branche is avauntynge, čat is whan a man telleč by his owne mouthe, forto b[e] holde če more worthi, his nobles, his riches, his witte or eny other vertu čat he hač gostliche or bodiliche, or elles of his folies or his myght or elles of other čing čat he hač noght, or ¨eueč to losengers of his good to preyse him so to gete loos |r20 & preysinge.  The fifte branche is scornynge, čat is whan a man scorneč & despiseč anočer for him činkeč čat he hač noght če same vertues čat he hač; and also scorneth gode men for here manere of lyuynge is noght like to his.  The sixte branche is rebellioun or frowardnesse, čat is whan a man is wroth [when] me vndernymeč him |r25 of his mysdedes & folies. And čis is a grete perile, for as a man is in grete perile of siknes čat may suffre no man touche him, and also to whom al medicyne & tryacle torneč to poysoun, ri¨t so hit is of him čat nyl not suffre to be vndernome and to whom good techinge & good coun*saile |r[f.38v], be whiche he myght be amendid, torneč to enpeyrement |r30 and to aggreggyng of his synne čorgh čis s[pice] of pryde. The ferthe rote of pryde is desire of hye estate, and čis roote schew_eč oute branches on two parties: če ton vpon če right side; anočer vpon če lifte side.  On če right side is whan a man čorgh couet_ise to haue office & state or power aboue očere men doč all čat he may |r35 doo čorgh ¨iftes, procurynges and flateringes forto come čerto.  Also on the lifte side is whan a man čorgh false bakbityng and in očre fals manere putteč doun a man čat is in office or [state or power] forto be aboue čat man or elles to haue če same office or state. ée fi[f]te rote is veynglorie or idel likyng or gladship in herte of |r40 praysinges & worshippes, but čis bynemeč God čat he aughte haue, čat is praysing & worship of vs for če goodes čat we haue of him, and by_nymeč vs če profite čat we schulde haue čerof.  This synne veyn_glorie |p107 may be cleped a wynde čat bloweč downe wel nyhe alle manere men boče religious and worldliche; for he is feld wič veynglorie čat hač likyng to be preysed for h[is] gode dedes, and čerfore he schal haue none očer mede for hem.  čis is če money čat če deuel |r5 chaffareč with in če feyre of čis worlde, and profreč it to alle manere men for če preciouseste good čat čei haue, čat beeč here gode werkes. And when a man for his gode dedes or for loos or pryse čat he hač for hem conceyueč a likynge and a ioye in his |r[f.39r] herte čan receyueč he če deueles money of veynglorie and silleč him čerfore |r10 čilke gode werkes.  This synne of veynglorie disceyueč a man on thre maneres: oon is when a man hač in his herte a likyng or a glad_nes of his good dedis & činkeč čat he is right wel wič God for his owne gode dedes.  Anočer maner is when a man hač likyng and gladnes in herte for men preysen him for his good dedes & holdeč him |r15 a good man.  The čridde is when a man doč good dedes onliche forto be preysed for hem. The sixte roote of pryde is ypocrisye, čat is whan a man scheweč him holyer outwardes čan he is inwardes. But ypocricie is in thre man_eres: one is cleped foule, anočer fool, če čridde sotil.  First |r20 foule ypocricy is when a man lyueč priueliche in foule synne and recchič noght čerof, so it be not knowe, but čat he may seme & be holde good.  Fole ypocricie is when a man doč gode dedes on_liche to čilke entent čat men schulde holde him a good man and an holy.  sotil ypocricie is whan a man aforceč him to lyue meke_liche |r25 & vertuosliche in sight of men to če entente to be holde worth to benefice, dignite, prelacie or eny other staat temperel or spirit_uel, so čat by suche holdynge + he myghte come to čat [astate čat] he desireth. And suche oon comounly when he may come to čat astate čat he desireč čan he scheweč outward in his lyuynge & wirchinge what he |r30 was inward bifore. The seuenče roote of pryde is |r[f.39v] a fole schame, as when a man is aschamed to do wel in sight of men leste men wolde clepe him ypocrite or seie ought elles of him. But he is an yuel seruant čat letteč for schame to doo his lordes seruice, and noght is aschamed to do his |r35 [lord] vilanye & despite; as many men beč aschamed to doo good werkes in sight of men as is aforeseid, but čei beth hardy and leueč ne[ičer] for drede ne for schame to vse openly her synne in sight boče of God & man; and čat may be cleped foolhardynes čat may be a branche of č[e] seuenče roote. |r40 This foule stok of pryde with all če rootes & branches čerof če Holy Gost by če ¨ifte of drede putteč awey & setteč in čat stede če vertu of mekenes čat is hede & keper of alle vertues. |p108 De Humilitate Mekenes hač seven degrees of whiche če firste is whan a man knoweth his synnes and his defautes and freelte, for čereby he begynne to be meke, as seynt Bernard seith: `Mekenes is a vertu čat makič a man knowe & despise himself.'  But for some men, čeih čat čei know |r5 her defautes, čey ne conne noght fele hem, the secounde degree is whan a man feleč his synnes & defautes & greueč him wič hem, for čenne he sechič besily remedy and delyuerance of hem; as whan a man feleč siknes in his body he sechič besiliche lechecrafte to hele him. And čerfore če čridde degree |r[f.40r] of mekenes is whan a man |r10 schryueč him of his synnes and is sory for hem.  But for many men schryueč hem and beč sory for here synnes and ¨it čei wolde noght čat eny other wiste how yuel čei were, čerfore če ferthe degree of mekenes is whan a man desireč to be holde yuel.  And for many men wole knowleche čat čei ben yuel and noon so yvel as čei, and ¨it |r15 neuerčeles if another answerith and seith `sothely, čat is trewe' čei wolen wexe wroth and angry, + čerfore če fifte degre of mekenes is whan a man wole blečeliche hyre & be vndertake of his synnes and de_fautes. For seynt Bernard seith čat the verray meke man wole be despised and noght preysed for he sechič in čis world neičer loos ne |r20 pryse.  Therfore the sixte degre is whan a man suffreč bleč_liche despite as kyng Dauid, noght hauinge reward to če myght of kyng whiche čat he hadde, suffred mekeliche Semay his seruant revile him & caste stones at him.  Therfore če seuenče degree of mekenes is whan a man desireth to be reviled & despised, and čis mekenes of |r25 herte is the moste [height] of parfitnesse whiche is cleped gostely pouerte. And čerfore seith oure Lord in če gospel: `Blissed be čei čat beč pouere in goste.' Also čis vertu of mekenes hač seuen braunches. ée firste is honour of God; če secounde |r[f.40v] is praysinge of eche man; če čridde is |r30 lakkynge & blamynge of vs self; the ferče is loue of pouerte; the fifte is seruice wič good wille; če sixte is schonynge of loos and worschip; če seuenče is triste in God. The firste braunche is honoure of God. But men may in thre maneres honoure God. One is by če bileue, the secounde by praysinge & čank_ynge, |r35 and če čridde by pray[er] & deuocioun.  First by če bileue we may worschepe God as if we trowe [and bileue] mekeliche če wordes of God and če articles of če fey withoute sechinge [of] skiles hou čat myght be; as a child čat lerneč of his maister troweč and bileueč is maistres teching.  Secoundeliche by praysinge and čankynge |p109 men may honour God, as praysinge him & čankyng him of all če gode + čat he hač doo vs and doč + and of čat we [h]opeth he schal doo vs, as a pouere man is fayn and čankeč hem čat him good doč.  In the čridde manere by deuoute prayer men may honoure God, as whan a man |r5 feleč himself vnwitty & naked & bare of all good [and] prayeč hertly & dredfully to God of his helpe; right as a child čat hač agilt to his maister, or for he can noght his lessoun, or for očer mysdede, and stondeč naked tofore his maister whom he hač agilte and may not flee fro him, mekeliche knelič adoun wečing, & wič grete sorwe cryeč |r10 mercy. And čus in čese čre maneres če verray meke man honoureč his God. The |r[f.41r] secounde branche is praysinge of očer men and čat may be in čre maneres, in herte, in mouth & in dede.  Firste in herte a man may preise another in čre maneres: firste whan a man troweč & |r15 leteč more by anočer manis witte čan by his owne; secoundliche whan he wole čat anočer mannes wille be doo račer čan his owne; če prid whan he tristeč more in očer menis vertu čan in his owne.  In mouth also men may prayse anočer in thre maneres: one is when a man blečelich tellič & rehersič očere menis goodnes; anočer is whan čat |r20 a man hideč & excuseth in [alle] čat he may očre menis giltes & de_faute; the čridde is when a man all good or yuel čat may be seyn of anočer turneč hit by all his myght by his speche to če moste gode čat he may.  In werke also men may preyse anočer in thre maneres: one is when čat a man worschippeč blečliche and doč reuerence to |r25 očre men; anočer is whan a man blečliche serueč anočer or doth him če good čat he may; the čridde is when a man putteč alle očre byfore him to worschip and profit. če čridde braunche of mekenes is lakkyng & blamyng of vs silf, and čat may be also in čre maneres as in herte, in mouth, in werk. |r30  Firste in herte a man may despise himself, holding himself foule & vnworthi, noght činkynge on če goode čat he hač doo but alwey hauynge in mynde and in če sight of his herte če wikkednes and synnes čat he hač doo.  Also in mouth a man may despise himself, schewynge in schrifte all |r[f.41v] his mysdedes and reprovynge himself of hem. |r35  In werke also a man may despise himself, ¨eldyng trewely + čat he oweč and puttinge doun his flesche by penaunce doynge for his synnes and doynge blečeliche almesdedes and other werkes of mercy. če ferče branche is loue of pouerte čat may be in foure maneres. One is in louynge of pouere men and of here companye & holdyng hem goode. |r40 Anočer manere is to suffre bleč]iche for Goddes loue hunger, čurste, colde & mysese. The čridde is to preie mekeliche of gode men her almes at nede. ée ferthe is to forsake & flee če richesse of čis world. For men scholde hate and fle če riches of čis world for thre skilles: one is for periles čat beč in suche riches, anočer for če |p110 good čat comeč of pouerte, and če čridde for oure Lord God in čis world chees & felte pouerte. The fifte branche is seruice wič good will as whan a man is alwey redy to serue & helpe in as moche as he can & may hem čat be nedy, as |r5 wel če leste as če meste, as oure Lord God dide, ¨evinge vs ensample whan he wesche his disciples feet. But a meke man serueč in eighte maneres, čat is to seie rediliche, sympleliche, clenliche, truliche, comounliche, lightliche, stalworčliche & lastingliche.  Firste če meke man serueč rediliche as a shipman is euere redy at nede to |r10 renne & skippe wičoute reste in gouernyng of če schip.  Also če meke man serueč simpliche as a sheep goč whider that the herde wole dryue him. |r[f.42r]  ée meke also serueč clenliche boče with herte and body, for he hatič no čing so moche as to plese če world.  ¨it če meke serueč truly as a good womman & a buxom to hire housbonde čat |r15 by no wey wole assente to plese no man with hir body but hir owne housbonde.  ée meke also serueth comounly as an asse čat goč as faste for a pore man as for a riche man, and as blečeliche bereč stones as brede, and led as gold.  Also the meke serueč light_liche when he is buxum to če wille of God and of his prelate |r20  Also če me[ke] serueč stalworthiliche when he putteč all his strengče & myght čorgh mekenes to do če wille of God.  And ¨it at če laste če meke serueč lastingliche as he čat is neuere wery to lowe him by mekenes, no more čan če sonne is in his cours, but euer če more čat he loweč him če more myghty he wexith čerto. |r25 The sixte branche is schonynge or fleynge of loos. And čat doč the meke man for two činges. One is for drede of veynglorie, for so dede oure Lord God, ¨euynge vs ensample to flee veynglorie and loos when he had myraclousliche fedde če people & heled če sike: he fley fro hem pryueliche into če hille forto preye and forto fle loos & preysinge. |r30  Also for drede of očre mennes speche če meke man fleeč loos and prays_inges as a mayde čat casteč hir herte and loue to eny man is aschamed as sone as sche woot čat eny man aperceyueth hit. So doč the meke man whan he hyreč |r[f.42v] čat [men] spekeč of his good čewes. And čerfore he sekeč where he may be moste pryue to speke čorgh holy čoght wič his |r35 two beste frendes, čat beč God & himself. And čen hač he a siker felawschiče in whiche he may fynde swetnes & solace as God wole vouche sauf. The seuenthe branche of mekenes is triste in God čat may be čorgh two činges. Oon is holy conscience, anočer hardynesse of herte. Firste |r40 a man tristeč in God čorgh holy conscience when he činkeč on če pre_sence of God & seeč him čorgh holy čoght wič his gostliche eighe so čat he semeth ravisshed into heuene. + éan semeth to him all čis world litel, foule, wlatsom & voyde to reward of the larg[en]es, beaute, plente & blisse of heuene. éan bygynneč he to hate če world |p111 & all če riches and welče čerof semeč him but a childes pley or a dreme.  Also a man tristeč in God čorgh hardynesse of herte, as when a man dare abyde and suffre all manere angres & diseses of čis world or if nede be take bodiliche deč for če loue of God. |r5 These ben če seuen branches of mekenes čat ledith a man to če blessid_hede of gostely pouerte & to če mede čat longeč čerto čat is če riche kyngdom of heuene. For oure Lord seič in če gospel: `Blessid be čey čat beč pore in goost for here is če kyngdom of heuen.' And to čis vertu of mekenes čorgh whiche we comeč to čis blissedhede of |r10 pouerte of goste bringeč vs če ¨ifte of če Holy Goost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of drede, |r[f.43r] whiche we aske bi če seuenče askyng of če Pater Noster, čat is sed libera nos a malo, čat is to seie `Lorde, delyuere vs of yuell.' De Dono Pietatis The sixte askyng of če holy bede Pater Noster čat is this, Et ne nos |r15 inducas in temptacionem, may wynne to vs anočer ¨ifte of če Holi Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of pitee, whiche ¨ifte bringeč to vs če vertu of charite. For čis ¨ifte putteč awey če synne of envie and settith frendschip & charitee in čat stede. Envie scheweth him in čre parties, in herte, [in] mouth & in dede. In |r20 herte scheweč him envie in čre thinges, čat is to seie false demynge, wikked gladnes and foole forčinkynge.  False demynge is čis: whan a man čat is envious hyreč or seeth eny goodnes of anočer he demeč it yuel & seith he doč it for veynglorie, ypocricy or to som [other] yuel entent.  Wikked gladnes is whan če envious man is glad of očer |r25 menis harme, yuel loos or disese.  A foule forčinkynge is whan an envious man is sory or myspayed of očer mennes welfare. Also envie scheweč him in mouth čorgh čre činges, čat is to seie mis_seyeng, bitternes & bakbityng, for at če dosel men may knowe če licour čat is in the tonne.  Misseienge of mouth is whan a man čat is |r30 envious spekič yuell of očer mennes good dedes & afforceč him to appeyre & litel hem wič his speche.  Bitternes is whan če enuyous man hireč yuel of očre men & spekith it forth & makeč |r[f.43v] more čerto and makeč hit be knowe ferther čan it was.  Bakbityng is whan a man čat is envious + alwey spek[eč] yuel of očer men and all |r35 čat he may hyre of očre, good or yuel, he turneč and telleč hit to če worste manere. Also enuye scheweč him in dede in čre činges: restreynynge, fordoynge & wiles dressynge.  Restreynynge is whan a man čat is envious wič all his myght letteč another čat hač good bygynnynge of goode dede, |p112 čat he may noght parfourme hit & leste čerynne.  Fordoynge is whan a man čat is envious wič myght & power destroyeč a good man.  Dressynge of wiles is when če envious man wič all his myght afforceč him to abate če estate & good fame of gode men. |r5 Men mowe liken če envious man to a venymous serpent čat is cleped basiliscus or a cocatrice, whiche destroyeč all grene growynge grasse čat it may come by, and nameliche corne whiche čat hač čre states. For firste it is [grasse grene] growynge; + after + it spireč & bloweč and sithen it bycomeč corn rype to če vse of man.  The grasse |r10 bytokeneč a man čat hač good bygynnyng and ful will to do wel; and čat če envious man wičdraweč and fordoth as čat wikked worm doth če gras čat it may not growe.  ée spirynge an če florisshinge or blowynge of če corn bitokeneth a man čat doth wel & busieč hym to |r[f.44r] [come to] good perfeccioun; and him če envious man putteč adoun |r15 & destroyeč as če wikked worme destroyeč če grasse whan it flowreč.  The rype corn bytokeneč good men of grete name, and a¨en hem če envious man s[ek]eč all če slei¨tes & wiles čat he can forto fordo here good [f]ame & to purchase to hem angres & despites, for anočer mannes wel dede is as sorwe & woo to an envious man. |r20 The synne of envie is out of mesure perilous, for it encombreč so a man čat vnnečes may he come to haue forthinkyng of his synne, wičoute whiche he may be no wey be saued; for čis synne is contrarie to če Holy Gost čat is welle of all goodnes. And oure Lord Ihesu seič in če gospel: `Whoso synneč a¨enst če Holy Gost wilfulliche hit schal |r25 noght be for¨eue him in čis worlde ne in če tother.' For he synneč by malice, čat is contrarie to če goodnes of če Holy Gost, wičoute whiche may be no sauacioun.  But neuerčeles howso a man hač synned by malice a¨enst če Holy Goste, or what synne čat eny man haue idoo, be it neuere so grete, ¨if he wole repente him & cry God mercy |r30 and amende him in čis lyf God wole for¨eue it him gladliche & freliche. But unnečes may eny man or wole repente him of his synne čat is a¨enst če Holy Gost, for it comeč of malice and čerfore hit is so perilous. |r[f.44v] Sixe synnes čere beč specialy a¨enst če Holy Gost čat beč čese: presumpcioun or ouerhope, wanhop, hardnes of hert, despite of |r35 penaunce, + werreyeng a¨enst če Holi Gost & werreyenge a¨enst sočfast_nes.  Ouerhope is when a man wole not repente him of his mysdedes ne amende him but truste all in the mercy of God and weneč čat čei he lyued euer in synne čat God wolde noght lese him, and so holdič God vnrightful. And so he takič Goddes mercy to largeliche and his right_ |p113 wisnes to scarseliche. And čerfore he čat leueč noght čat synne he may no parte haue of čat mercy, hou large so hit be.  Wanhope is whan a man is falle so fer in synne & so depe čat he trusteč noght in če mercy of God and weneč čat God myght noght for¨eue him če synne |r5 čat he hač done. And so makeč wanhope Goddes mercy to scars, as ouer_hope ma[keč his] rightwisnes. But čere is no man čat ne schal haue mercy ¨if he wole aske it as him oughte to do, čat is, holliche re_pente him of his synne wič ful wil neuere to synne more; and fulfille če sacrament of čenance - čat is, sorwe in herte for his synne, |r10 schrifte of mouth & fulfillynge of penaunce čat čerfore schal be en_ioyned - and after čat [turne] him to če wille of God, elles he may noght be worthi to haue for¨euenesse. For oure Lord Ihesu seith in gospel čus: Non omnes qui dicunt Domine, Domine intrabunt |r[f.45r] in regnum &c, `Alle čei čat seyn "Lorde, Lord", schal not come into |r15 če kyngdom of heuene but onliche čei čat fulfilleč my Fadres will.  Hardnes of herte is when a man is so harded in synne čat no man may make him leue it ne bringe him out čerof by techinge, counsailynge, prechyng, warnyng, ne by none očer wey.  Despite of penaunce is when a man is so encombred wič synne čat he činketh neuere to repente |r20 him ne to amende him čerof.  Werreyenge a¨enst če Holy oost is when a man wolde fordo & destroye wel willynge men čat beč led by če grace of če Holy Gost, for čat desireč the envious man to destroye.  Werreyenge a¨enst sočfastnes is when a man wityngliche holdeč a¨enst right and truthe and nameliche a¨enst če bileue of Holy Chirche, + |r25 for čenne he falle in če foule synne of heresy. These sixe synnes beč most specially a¨enst če Holy Gost, and čei beč so strong & so harde byndeč hem čat beč encombred wič hem čat vnnečes schal [men] fynde eny man čat wole repente hym of hem or schewe hem in schrifte; & čerfore [čise] synnes beč seldom for¨euen.  And |r30 this synne of enuye is putte away by če ¨ifte of če Holy Goost čat is cleped pitee whiche we [purchas]en by če sixte askyng of če Pater Noster, as is aforseid. And čat ¨ifte of pitee when it hač put away če synne of |r[f.45v] envie hit settič in čat stede če vertu of frend_schip . De Amicicia |r35 Frendschip is a vertu čat bringeč a man to charite, čat is dere loue or dere onehed. For seuen skiles eche man schulde loue other.  The firste skile is for we haue all oon Fader, allmyghti God of |p114 heuene, čat made vs alle of noght after his ymage and liknes.  The secounde skill is for we ben alle cristened in oon baptisme and alle iboght from endeles deth by one prise, čat is the precious passioun of oure Lord Ihesu Crist.  The čridde skile is for we haue alle |r5 on troothe or byleue to be saued by, and alle ibounde by one lawe to loue God & oure euencristen.  The ferthe skile is for we haue alle oon Lord čat gouerneč vs and kepeč vs a¨enst oure enemyes and susteyneth vs in body & soule.  če fifte skile is for we beč alle felawes & sowdioures in če hoste of God to fighte euery day |r10 a¨enst his enemyes & oure; and alle we abydeč one wages or oon hyre for oure fighte, čat is endeles blisse of heue[ne].  The sixte skile is for we ben alle as one spirit and alle of oon h[ei]re, and to gostliche lyf beč chosen če children of God oure Fader čorgh one spirit.  The seuenče skile is for we beč lymes alle of oon body |r15 čat is Holy Chirche, of whiche God is če heed, and alle we beth here ifedde wič oon fode čat is če precious |r[f.46rl sacrament of če flesche & če blood of oure Lord Ihesu Crist. čese ben the seuen skiles whi eche man aughte to loue očer; whiche seuen skiles schulden be festened in mannes herte by seuen branches |r20 čat comeč of hem, če whiche beč seuen vertues, čat is to seie innocence, debonerte, obedience, charite, pitee, rightwisnes and parfit loue.  Innocence or vnharmyng is čat no man schulde harme ne hurte other, but eche man forbere and suffre očer as če lymes of a body suffreč eche očer and none of hem wole harme + or hurte očer, |r25 for eche of hem loueč other; and čerby we may vnderstonde innocence.  Debonerte is čat eche man suffre other, noght sechinge vengeaunce for no greuaunce ne holdinge wratthe in herte for no wrong; as eche lyme of a body suffreč anočer lyme čeigh it hurte him & smyte + noght a¨en how sore čat it smerte. This vertu of debonerte is in čre činges. |r30 One is čat he avenge him noght for no harme čat may be do him; anočer is čat he holde no wrethče longe in herte for no wrong; and če čridde is čat he bere no hatrede to his euencristen for no čing.  Obedience or buxumnes is when a man is hertliche buxom to his souereyn, and čat schuld be as če lemes of a body beč, alle buxom & redy to do čat here |r35 souereyn če herte desireč.  Charite is a vertu čat wole čat eche man helpe serue |r[f.46vl and socoure očre in nede as he wole čat men dede hym, wičoute grucchinge or desire of bodily mede, as a lyme of če body is feyne to serue and ese anočer lyme when hit is disesed wič_oute daunger or couetise. And so schulde eche man helpe other čat is |r40 at disese or + meschief and may not lyue ne laste withoute + help, and suffre none očer be helples while he myght helpe hem; but counseile, teche, ¨eue & lene to him čat nede hač onliche for če loue of God; & č[is] is charite.  Pitee is a vertu čat makeč a man sory for |p115 očere menis harme or yuelfare and glad & ioyful for očer menis profite and welfare; right as eche lyme of a body is greued & disesed wič an_očer lymes peyne & esed wič anočer lymes ese & lysse. And eche lyme pleyneč when očer hač harme: as mouth seith, `Leue, čou hurtest me!' |r5 if me smyte če foot or če legge. And čus it is by vertu of pitee, whiche vertu scheweč him in two činges: oon is gladnes of good of očer men [as] of himself; anočer is sorwe of yuel čat očre men suffre bodiliche [or] gostliche.  Rightwisnes is a vertu čat makeč a man busy to doo right & also to haue compassioun and mercy of syke & sory |r10 and helpe hem after his myght forto čei were hole and out of woo, as a lyme of a body esič anočer čat is in disese til it be hole. Right_wisnes also is a vertu čat makeč a man chastise |r[f.47r] mysdoers law_fulliche whiche čat beč his sugettes or may be vnder his chastisyng, & also counsaileč & wičdraweč his euencristen from yuel as moche as he |r15 may so čat čey ne be noght for here giltes vndo; for euery man schulde be besy to saue očer boče in body & in soule for loue čat he oght haue to him.  Parfyt loue is a vertu čat makeč a man hardy to putte him in perile to saue anočer man from meschief and peril; as doč lymes of a body of whiche eueriche putte him forth in helpe of other, as if |r20 čat oon foot slyt, čat očer foot stont and kepip vp; if men smyte to če heed če hond puttič him kyndeliche a¨en če strook in sauacioun of če heed. And so by če kyndeliche wirchinge of če lymes men may vnder_stonde parfyte loue, whiche may best be proued at nede. These beč the seuen branches o[r] vertues čat schulde festen loue in |r25 mannes herte by če vertu of frendschip, whiche vertu bringeč a man to če blissedhede of myldenes and to če mede čat longič čerto, whiche is londe čat is če blisse of heuene, as oure Lord God seith in če gospel: Beati mites quoniam ipsi possidebunt terram, `Blissed beč čei čat beč mylde, for čei schal haue lande čat lasteč withouten ende.' Herto may |r30 brynge vs če ¨ifte of če Holy Goste čat is cleped če ¨ifte of pitee whiche we asken of God in če sixte askyng of če čater Noster. De Dono Sciencie The fifte askyng of the holy Pater Noster, čat is Et dimitte nobis debita |r[f.47v] nostra, may wynne to vs če ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of knowynge, whiche ¨ifte scheweč vs what we beč, what |r35 is oure myght, in what peril we beč, fro when we come, whider we schul & what yuel we haue done, & makeč vs forčinke & forsake oure synnes. And also čis ¨ifte putteč awey the synne of ire & wrath. |p116 De Ira Ire is a synne čat moueth a man a¨enst foure parties, čat is to seie a¨enst God, a¨enst man himself, a¨enst his neighebor & a¨enst his meyne.  First ire moueth a man a¨enst God whan čat a man wračč_eth him toward God and spekič sclaunder a¨enst God or a¨enst his |r5 halowes, & seith čat God is noght rightwis, or his halowes noght myghti, or other suche wordes, for him činkeč čat God fulfilleč noght his wille, or for he felič ought čat him myslikeč. And čis is a grevous synne & dampnable but it be amendid in this lyf.  Also hit stireč a man a¨enst himself when a man for čat he may noght haue |r10 his wille wexith so wroth wič himself čat he may nečer ete ne drynke, and so perchance caccheč grete siknesse and schorteč his lyf, and so he is a mansleer of himself.  ¨it ire stireč a man a¨enst his meyne, as his wyf, his children and his seruantes, for when a man is stired [wič ire a¨enst hem] čan fareč he as fuyre: he corseth, he bet_ith, |r15 he chideč, brekeč vesselles, |r[f.48r] pottis & cuppis & all čat he may mete with as a wood man as he is.  And at če laste ire stireč a man a¨enst his neighebour in seuen thinges. One is stryf wič angry wordes; anočer is rancour in herte; če čridde is priue hatrede; če ferče is medle & debate; če fifte is desire of vengeaunce; |r20 če sixte is manslaughtre; the seuenthe werre, of whiche comeč moche moche sorwe and woo, nameliche whan it is bytwene two grete persones; for čen beč many men slayne, moche blood sched, townes brent, londes destroyed, many men agreued, some disherited, some bansched, some en_prisoned, some raunsoned, and moche očre harme doo čat neuere may be |r25 amendid. How may čen a man amende čat is gilty of suche debate? & but he mowe amende it how may he be saued?  This wikked synne of ire is caste out of man by če noble ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of connynge, and čat ¨ifte setteč in čat stede če vertu of euenhed. De Equitate |r30 Evenhed is a vertu čat acordič will & resoun togidre. Resoun bringeč a man to rightwisnes by foure thinges, čat is to seie, enquerynge, demynge, bythinkyng, schewynge. Resoun makeč a man enquere če sothe of a thing by good men & trewe or he trow hit. Resoun also makeč a man noght deme of no čing til he wite če sothe. Also resoun makič a |r35 man bečinke wiseliche what may be profitable in eche doynge, & putteč [in a manl thre par*ties |r[f.48v] of goode sleighte of witte. One is to činke on čat is done; another to činke on čat čat is semeliche to be doo; and če čridde to purveie and ordeyne for čat čat schal be doo. ¨it resoun makeč a man rule + rightwisliche his tonge and his speche |p117 and techič him whan he schal speke and whan he schal be stille, and čat he seie noght but čat he schulde seie, and waste none wordes. And čus schulde resoun rule a man.  But will falleč to accorde [with] resoun in foure činges, čat beč loue, drede, ioye & sorwe. |r5 Firste a man schulde no čing loue but čat čat were bihouesom for sauacioun of his soule; he schulde drede no čing but čat čat myght lette mede of soule; he ne scholde haue no ioye ne gladschip but of čing čat myght make him parfyt; ne he ne scholde haue for no čing sorwe but for čing čat is a¨en če wille of God. |r10 The vertu of euenhed scheweč him in seuen degrees and in seuen branches. ée seuen degrees beč seuen cleer sightes čat a man schulde haue in his soule to governe him with. First a man schulde see wičin hym, under hym, byfore him, on his right side, on his lift side, be_hynde him & aboue him. |r15 The first sighte is čat a man schulde see himself wičynneforth in his conscience and ransake it wel and examyne eche boght and eche wille, good or yuel, and ordeyne all his will after resoun so čat čei ben of oon accorde.  ée secounde sight is čat a man schulde |r[f.49r] see če thing čat is vnder him, čat is his body, whiche him nedeč to rule |r20 and gouerne after resoun and euenhode in cločinge and fedinge, for hit desireč ofter outrage čan mesure. And ouer čat a man bihoueč led wysliche and by resoun & euenhod če fyue wittes of his body čat čei ne trespas in no synne: čat beč sighte, hirynge, smellynge, spekynge, tastynge & felynge. éese beeč the gates and wyndowes of če body by |r25 whiche če deth may entre into če soule but čei be wel kept.  The čridde sight is čat a man schulde see thing čat is byfore him, čat beč worldliche goodes and riches whiche lightliche may lese če soule but čei be wel awayted. And čerfore a man schulde for no thing passe če lyne of resoun, equyte & right in gadrynge ne in wičholdynge of |r30 suche godes. ée ferthe sight is čat a man schulde loke to če right side, čat is to seie to good men & to her lyvinge, & take of hem good ensample to rewle him by and to do wel after če rule of resoun & euenhod.  The fifte sight is čat a man schulde loke to če lift side, čat is to yuel |r35 men čat yuel lyueč openliche; and to suche a man moste byholde for two skilles: oon is to haue compassioun of hem & of her myslyuynge; anočer is forto be busy to flee her synnes and folyes by ledyng of himself after če lyne of resoun and heuenhed.  The sixte sight is čat a man schulde loke behynde hym, čat is to take kepe of če fend oure |r40 enemy čat alwey stondič behynde vs and awayteč whan he may by eny |r[f.44r] synne felle vs & ouercome vs by eny wyle or sotilte. But we schul not drede him ne his wiles as longe as we ledič vs after če lyne of euenhod.  če seuenče sight is čat a man schulde euere wise_liche loke aboue him, čat is to oure Lord God, hauinge him euermore |r45 tofore his eighe so čat all his entencioun in all his worchinges be to če worschip of God. For wičoute rightful entencioun holy werkes of |p118 mercy, as almesdede and očre, may be synne, and vertu vice; and right_ful entencioun is when a man schapič him only to be vertuous, or to doo good werkes for če loue & worschip of God. éese seuen maneres of sightes beč the seuen degrees of čis vertu of |r5 euenhed, and čese haue seuen branches čat beč seuen vertues a¨enst [če] seuen dedly synnes. The firste is mekenes a¨enst pryde; če secounde is loue a¨enst envie; the čridde is debonerte a¨enst yre; the ferče is prowesse a¨enst sleuthe; če fifte is chastite a¨enst leccherie; če sixte is sobirnesse a¨enst glotonye; and če seuenče is |r10 largesse a¨enst auarice or couetise. éese seuen vertues comeč of če ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of knowynge, and beč iled by čat ¨ifte by če lyne of euenhed whiche mote nede be in all vertues; for wičoute euenhed no vertu may be vertu but vice. And čerfore whoso wole besiliche seche his defautes & knowe hem, seche he |r15 hem in čese seuen poyntes of euenhed; and čan shal he often fynde one_euenhed byfore and euenhed lefte behynde, čat is to seie he may ofter fynde |r[f.50r] wikkednes or wrong in word or in dede čan he schal fynde euenhed.  & čan byhoueč him wepe and mourne čorgh če [holy] ¨ifte of knowyng. And čan cometh he to če blessidhede čat |r20 oure Lord God byhoteč in če gospell & seith čus: Beati qui lugent quoniam ipsi consolabuntur, `Blissed be čo čat wepith for čei schal be conforted.' For he čat hač resceyued čis ¨ifte of knowynge [may neuere in čis world] be wičoute wepynge & sorwe. But sixe manere of wepynges for sixe causes springeč in parfight |r25 mannes herte in čis world. One is for čat he feleč čat he hač wreččed God. ée secounde is for če drede čat he hač of če peyne of helle. ée čridde is for če sorwe & woo čat he seeč good men suffre in čis world. ée ferče is for synnes & folies čat he sey folis haunte in čis world. The fifte is for če angres and sorowes čat beč in this |r30 world, & čat če točer world, [čatl is so ful of ioye & blis, is so longe taried or čat he may haue it. The sixte is of grete deuocioun [and] mynde of če passioun of Criste and of če grete blisse čat God hač graunted to alle his and of očer felyng čorgh če grace of če Holy [Gost]. And he čat thus wepith may be cleped blissed, for he |r35 schal be fully conforted. For oure Lord God Ihesu seith čus in če gospel: Beati qui lugent &c, `Blissed be čei čat čus wepith for čei schal be conforted,' čat is to seie in endeles ioye and blisse in heuene. And čat siker blis & mede bringeč vs če vertu of euenhed čat comeč |r[f.50v] of če ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is če ¨ifte of knowyng, |r40 whiche we may gete by če fifte askyng of če Pater Noster, čat is Et dimitte nobis debita nostra. |p119 De Dono Fortitudinis The ferthe askyng of če holy Pater Noster, čat is panem nostrum &c, may wynne to vs če ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of strengče, whiche ¨ifte makeč a man stalworth, bolde and hardy to vndertake & assaye a grete čing & hard for če loue of God, and makeč |r5 čat a man may not fele no hurt, anger ne disese čat he may suffre for če loue of God. And čis putteč awey če foule synne of sleuthe. De Accidia This synne of sleuthe is in če seruice of God, in whiche beč eightene vices or lakkes; of whiche eightene če sixe lettič goode bygynnyng of good lyf, othir sixe lettič the amendement of yuel lyf & bryngeč to |r10 apeyrement, and sixe bringeč a man to yuel endyng. Of [the sixe] firste vices čat letteč good bygynnyng of + good lyf, če firste is dasednesse of herte; če secounde is tendernesse of body; če thridde is ydelnes of hole man; če ferče is heuynesse of herte; če fifte is lithernesse of herte, če sixte arownes of good bygynnynge. |r15 The firste is dasednesse of herte, as when a man loueč God dasedliche & slowliche, & čat lettith good bygynnyng; for whoso wolde bygynne good lyf and kepe him fro synne he schulde loue God brennyngliche wič all his herte and all his myght aboue all očer čing; and čat |r[f.51r] loue is bygynnyng & grounde of good lyvinge.  ée secounde is |r20 tendernesse of flesche, as when a man may suffre no penaunce ne noght čat may greue his flesche, but all softnes and likyng; and suche one is če deueles bolster or his couche čat he resteč him on, and seith čus to him in his čoght wičynne: `éou hast tenderliche be norisshed, čerfore take good kepe to či body and put če to no penaunce, for hit |r25 myght be či deth, for čou art feble of complexioun. Penaunce myght sone destroye the. Hit were a grete perile to čee forto [for]doo či_self by penance.' And čus če deuel, če enemy, schryueč a man and letteč him of bygynnyng of good lyf. The čridde is ydelnes; for when če fend fyndeth a man ydel & not |r30 occupied wič good werkes, anone he putteč him in his seruice and occupieč him wič his werkes, & makeč hym činke & studie in pryde, enuye, leccherie, glotony, couetise & alle očer dedliche synnes. And oute of suche čoght falleč [ofte] to če assent and furčer to [če] ful_fillynge in dede, and so can the deuel čorgh idelnesse lette good lyf. |r35 ée ferč is heuynesse of herte, as when a man lesteč to doo no čing but sitte or ligge or slepe, loč to arise of his bed, loth to go to chirche or eny očer good do. He wole noght vnese his body for no seruice ne worschip of God, for čat him činkeč all loste. But ¨it |p120 aboute če world and [wynnyng of worldes goodes] and to serue his |r[f.51v] flesche he wole wake and trauaile wel besiliche; but all čat tyme & trauaile he leseth by če bigilynge of če deuel. The fifte is lečernesse of herte, as when a man lieč in dedly synne & |r5 feleč če temptaciouns & fondynges of če deuel, če flesche & če world, and wolde not for lečernesse lifte vp his eighen [to] God & crye mercy, ne repente, schryue him ne do penaunce for his synne, ne forsake his synne by no way. He may be likned to a [forworthe] man in lečernes čat hač leuere ligge and rote in a stynkynge prisoun čan |r10 eny trauaile doo to clymbe out čerof. And so he čat is encombred wič čis synne of lečernesse may by no wey begynne no good lyf.  The sixte is arownes or lytelhed of corage or of treste of helpe in good dede. & čerfore he čat fallith in čat synne ne dar bygynne no good dede, for he dredeč čat God wole faile him; and for he hač drede of |r15 noght he may be likned to a man čat is aferde of his dreme or to him čat dar noght goo beside če snayle, for he putteč out če hornes, or to a childe čat is aferde of če cissynge of a goos.  éese beč the sixe vices čat letteč the bygynnynge of good lyf. Other sixe vices čere beč čat letteč + amendement of lyf & bringeč |r20 [it to] apeyrement, čat beč these: tarienge, rechelesnes, for3etyng, slownes, laches and faylinge. ée firste is tarieng, as when God |r[f.52r] sendith [a man] steryng and will to amende him & doo wel, and he ne spedith him noght but abit. And čan stireč če deuel in his čoght & seith čus: `Abyde a whyle, for all betyme čou myght amende the and |r25 serue God. For čou art ¨ong, stalworth & myghti, and schapliche to lyue longe; & so, as čou schalt haue lyf long inow, take če solace & merče in thi ¨ougče, for all betyme čou myght amende če in thyn elde. And if čou wilt in či ¨ougče counterfete a papelard alle men schal scorne če & no man telle of the.' And čus če fend letteč a man fro |r30 amendement.  The secounde is rechelesnes as when a man liste noght to be busy in čoght & in werk to amende him & flee yuel and doo Goddis wille; & suche rechelesnes is ofte cause of losse of body & soule. če čridde is for¨etyng čat comeč of rechelesnes. For whoso is reche_les |r35 & noght besily bečinkeč him for¨etič lightly many synnes boč grete & smale čat he hač doo, of whiche he moot schryue him ¨if he wole haue for¨euenes of hem. And so rechelesnes and for¨eting beč to man ful gret periles, for čei makeč him for¨ete his synnes of whiche he schulde schryue him and aske for¨euenes in his lyf. For wičoute |r40 askynge he may not haue for¨euenes; and hou schal he repente him and aske for¨euenes of čat he nač for¨ete? And čere is no man čat resoun hač, ¨if he wole wel examyne his owne conscience, čat he |r[f.52vl ne |p121 may eche day fynde inowh wherof to repente him & schryue him. But rechelesnes and for¨etyng makič a synful man so blynde čat he may no čing see in his conscience, & čat is ouergret perill.  ée ferthe is slownes čat comeč of a feynt herte and a feble & also of |r5 a wikked custom; for whoso woneth him to slownes čat wone schal bynde him so sore čat vnnečes hym lest to doo eny good dede. But some tyme suche oon schal be sterid of foly to doo so outrageous penaunme to his body, as fastynge, wakynge and očer grete hardnesse & penaunce ouermesure, čat he falleč čerby in grete siknesse. And čen is he so |r10 myghtles čat he may no seruice doo to God of masse, matyns, prayers or eny očer, ne love him, [ne]l honour him, ne deuocioun haue in him. And čus comeč slownes of a feynt feble herte. ée fifte is laches čat makeč a man feble & vnlusty so čat eche day his wille & loue draweč fro God more & more and so he is eche day |r15 apeyringe til he be al noght.  ée sixte is failynge as it farith ofte of seruantes, čat at hir ferste comynge into seruice če beč buxom, besy and preste, but afterward če slakeč & wexeč froward. But he is noght worthi to be ful hyred čat serueč noght as his for_ward askeč. Right čus many men serueč God whos seruantes we schulle |r20 alle be. Some men bygynneč wel in Goddes seruice but čei failleč longe or her [terme] day, čat schulde be če ende of her lyf; and čei beč not |r[f.53rl worthi to haue mede but čei amende hem wičynne her terme.  And čese ben če sixe vices čat letteč amendement of lyf & bringeč it to apeyrement. |r25 Also očere sixe vices čere beč čat bringeč a man to yuel ending, and beč these: vnbuxumnes, vntholomodnes, grucchinge, drerynes, langour & wanhope. ée firste is vnbuxumnnesse, as whan a man wol noght vnder_fonge & fulfille penaunce čat his gostly fader enioyneč him in schrifte for his synne. éis vice makeč a manis herte harde, froward & vnbuxom |r30 to doo če comaundementis of God and of Holy Chirche, & to hire and wirche after če counsail of his gostly fader.  ée secounde is vn_tholomodnes, as whan a man wol not hyre of his defautes and synnes and what he is worči čerfore, ne what perill he is ynne. This vice putteč fro a man skile so čat he may noght suffre čat schulde be to |r35 his hele and his sauacioun, but onliche lyueč after wille.  The čridde is grucchinge as whan a man wraččeth him & činkeč čat me doth him despite whan moo vndirnemeč him of his synnes and folyes. ée ferče is drerynes as when a man is sory and yuel payde ¨if čat eny man seith or doth eny čing to him očer čan him lykeč.  ée fifte |r40 is langour or mournynge, čat is whan a man ouermesure mourneč and sorweč for ought čat he hač doo or is bifalle him; so ferforth čat he wexeth wery of his |r[f.53v] lyf & desireč his owne deth, & čat come of grete & perilous steringe of če deuel.  ée sixte is wanhope + moste perilous of alle. For whan če deuel hač broght a man in wanhope |r45 he bynemeč him truste & hope in če mercy of God and makič him činke čat his synne is so gret čat he may neuere be saued ne come to blisse; |p122 and so ferforth may če deuel encombre him in čis vice and in če vice of langour čat he makeč him slee himself and endelesliche be [loste].  éese beč the eightene vices čat comeč out of the synne of accidie or sleuthe. éis synne is put away čorgh če ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is |r5 cleped strengče, čat settič in čat stede če vertu of prowes. De Virtute Probitatis Prowes is a vertu čat makeč a man hardy & wise čorgh grace to ouer_come alle manere synnes and purchase al manere vertues. And čis vertu hač seuen degrees and seuen branches. ée seuen degrees beč čese: noblesse, trust, sykernes, suffrance, stedfastnes, lastyngnes, hunger |r10 & thurst of rightwisnesse. če firste degree is noblesse of herte whiche čat scheweč him in two parties: on čat one side hit despiseč and fleeč če world, for hit is but vanite. For seynt Austyn seič čat verray prowes is when a man despeiseč and lettič noght of čing čat is noght in his power to holde, |r15 as riches, worschip and welče of če world whiche a man schal leue wol he nel he. And čerfore hoso hač čat vertu he despiseč če world and |r[f.54r] alle če welthe čerof, and holdič it but wrecchidnes.  0n čat očer side hit makeč a man bolde to abide and vndertake grete čing and suffre gret hardnes for če loue of God; for as če philosofre |r20 seith, čat nobles of herte is a skilful vndertakynge of right hye & dredful čing, and čat is lyf of perfeccioun. For he čat is in parfyte lyf may lightliche falle but he kepe him če better; and to vndirtake čat lyf čis vertu of nobles makeč a man bolde & hardy. če secounde degre is truste, as whan a man hač vndertake a good lyu_ynge |r25 for če loue of God & settič so stedfastliche his herte on čat purpos čat he nel leue it for no čing, ne of no thing be aferde, but sikerliche truste in God čat čorgh his help and grace he schal bringe it to a good ende. The čridde degree is sikernesse čat makeč čat a man dredeč no perile, |r30 peyne ne očer yuel čat may lette him of his good purpos in če seruice of God; for čis vertu ¨eueč him myght, + herte and nobles to fulfille his good purpos wičoute failynge. And also it ¨eueč him loue and will to folowe & fulfille eche good desire čat comeč him by če Holy Gost. And ouer čat hit ¨eueč him myght & strengče & makeč him siker as a |r35 good knyght of oure Lord God so čat he dredeč neičer peril, penaunce ne deth, but desireč to suffre anger & woo for če loue of God, as a good knyght of če world desireč & sechič batayles and tornementis; and as holy mar*tires |r[f.54v] desired torment, peyne & deth for če loue of God and for če encrese & affermynge of the bileue [and] trouthe of |r40 Holy Chirche. |p123 če ferče degree is suffrance čat helpeč a man forto ouercome his thre moste enemyes, čat beč če deuel, če world and če flesche. For suffr_ance is to a man as a schelde of gold čat kepič him on eche side so čat no strook of tribulacioun may felle him ne hurte him; for no man |r5 may haue victorie ne come to perfeccioun ne to če mede čat longeč čer_to but he suffre tribulacioun & woo in čis lyf. če fifte degre is stedfastnes čat makeč a manis herte stedfaste & stable as a toure čat stondeč on a strong roche, or as a tree čat is so faste rooted in good grounde čat no wynd ne storme may ouercaste |r10 him. So schulde a man stedfastly sette his herte on his purpos čat no chaunce, good or yuel, may turne him, for [no] man may ouercome wičouten stedfastnesse. če sixte [degre] is lastyngnes čat makeč a man euere to contynue & laste in good lyf čat he hač bygonne and neuere faile čerynne for wele |r15 ne for woo to his lyfes ende. če sevenče [degre] is hunger & čurst of rightwisnes čat is an hole desire and full to ¨ilde & do right to God & man after čat a man may, čat is to loue God ouer all thing and his euencristen as himself: first God for he made vs and fouched sauf forto dye for vs and saue |r20 vs: and after čat oure euencristen for če loue of God and for we beč alle brečeren of oon Fader. And forasmoche a man nys noght alwey myghti to loue God ne his euencristen ne očer rightwisnes doo as he scholde, čerfore God seith [noght] in če gospel: `Blessid be all tho čat doth rightwisnes,' [but more curtesly and largeloker for vs he |r25 seič: `Blessid be alle tho čat desiren alweie to do ri¨twisnesse.'] For whan a man is in ful will to do rightwisnes wič his myght čan čat čat lakkeč God wole fulfille of his mercy. And čese ben če seuen degrees of prowes. Ther beč also seuen branches of čis vertu of prowesse whiche beč |r30 seuen victories or ouercomynges of seuen batailes by whiche a man may come to če seuen corones of blis, whiche batailes beč čese: če bataile of dedly synne, of penance, of če flesche, of welthe of če world, of woo of + če world, of wikked men, of če deuel. ée firste bataile is of dedly synne whiche čat assaileč a man ofte |r35 and sore, and a¨enst čat byhoueč a man to fi¨te or flee. But he čat fleeč wel leseth noght his trauaile, for men seith `Wel he fighteč čat wel fleeč:' for whoso is assailled of synne and assenteč not čer_to he ouercomeč it; but whoso is felde wič synne he may not aryse wičoute helpe and socour, for him byhoueč čat God by his grace take |r40 his hand and rere him & arme him wič strong armes a¨enst synne; whiche armes moste be made of čre činges, čat beč forčinkyng of herte, schrifte of mouth & amendis makynge.  Forčinkyng of herte is when a man wole knowe his synne and make sorwe čerfore and for he hač |p124 so vnkyndely wraččed God his makere. And če more he hač synned |r[f.55v] če more he schulde be sory & deelful, for he is gulty of čre grete gultes, of čefte, murdre & of tresoun.  First he is a čef to God for he wasteč & destroyeč čat is noght his; & čat is čat |r5 he hač resceyued of God of whiche he mote ¨eue streight rekenynge, čat is body & soule & all čat he hač.  Also he is a murdrer of himself, for he sleeč his owne soule whiche čat is Goddes owne doghter by grace and made to his liknes.  He is also a traytour to God, for če castel čat God hač [take] him to kepe for his owne |r10 herborwe and restynge placţ, čat is his herte, he hač ¨olde it & de_lyuered hit to Goddes moste enemy če deuel of helle. The secounde armure is schrifte of mouth whiche hač sixe condiciouns čat beč čese: wiseliche, hastifliche, apertliche, besiliche, holliche & mekeliche. First schrifte schal be wyseliche, for a man schal be_činke |r15 himself wiseliche byfore čat he comeč to schrifte of alle če synnes čat he hač doo dedliche or venyalliche. And also he schal loke to whom he schal schryue him whečer he haue connyng or power to assoyle him. The secounde condicioun is čat it scholde be hastifliche for fyue |r20 skiles: one is for synne is as fuyre brennynge čat wasteč alle goode werkes, whiche fuyre may not be queynt wičoute teres of sorwe of herte in schrifte, and če lenger če fuyre brenneč unqueynte če strenge[r] it is & worse to que*nche |r[f.56r].  ée secounde skile is for synne is a strong siknes to whiche schrifte is če medicyne, & |r25 he čat is sore sike and sechič noght sone to be hole, he is but a fole.  ée čridde skile is for če vnsikernesse of oure lyf & čat deč comeč so vnwarliche čat [no] man may + be siker wher he schal haue tyme to amende hym and schryue him or non; and but he be amended in čis lyf he is wičoute recouerer.  The ferče skile is for |r30 lesynge of precious tyme & gode dedes; for al če tyme čat a man is in dedly synne and alle če gode dedes čat a man doth in čat tyme, as almes and očer + dedes of mercy or goodnes, he lesith as to mede hau_ynge čerfor in če blisse of heuene; allčeigh suche gode dedes čat beč doo suche tyme may purchase him grace če sonner to come out of his |r35 synne or elles to come čerfore to worldly goodes.  ée fifte skile is drede of for¨etynge; for if a man longe tarieč his schrifte & stynteč not of mysdoynge, his synnes moste nedes multeplye so moche čat he schal not holde hem in mynde but for¨ete hem or many of hem, & so schal noght he conne clene schryue him of hem, & čat is a greet |r40 perill. The čridde condicioun of schrifte is čat it schulde be open, čat is to seie čat a man schulde schryve him wič sorwe of herte of eche synne čat he hač doo & all če wil & entencioun čat he had čerto. |p125 De ferč condicioun of schrifte is čat is schulde |r[f.56v] be besi_liche, čat is to seie čat a man schulde rediliche and besiliche telle in schrifte all his synnes with all če manere of doynge of hem & with all če poyntes čat may eche če synne: as what tyme he synned, |r5 haliday or other; in what place; where: in holy stede or out čerof; how ofte and why, and how longe he hač leyn čerynne; of what state he is čat hač synned, whečer lewed or lered, preost, religious, wedded or sengle; wič whom he synned, for synne is more wič oo persone čan with another, as mayde, wyf, womman of religioun & other, and so of |r10 men; in what wyse če synne is done & by what will & sterynge; & if he hač be tofore schryuen and assoyled of če same synne and after falle [a¨eyne] čerynne, and how ofte. The fifte condicioun of schrifte is čat it schulde be hool, čat is to seie čat a man schulde schryue him holly to one schrifte fadir of |r15 alle če synnes čat he hač doo and of alle če manere of doynge and alle če poyntes by whiche synne is made more or lesse as is seide by_fore, and not schryue him of oon synne or two to oon preost and hele če remenant forto schryue him čerof to another preest. But he mote all holly schewe hem all to oon preoste and of hym resceyuen hole |r20 penaunce for hem, & holy by him be assoiled of hem. And in čis wise a man schulde schryue him of his synnes.  But whoso wil be wel schreue him byhoueč to seche |r[f.57r] hymself in thre parties, in herte, in mouth & in all če body; by whiche čre parties all manere dedly synne is doo. For no synne may be but hit be in čoght, in |r25 speche or in werk. And čerfore a man schulde first neme hede of alle his wikked čoghtes & yuel desires of his herte and afterward of all če yuel speches of his mouth, and sečče of all če yuel werkes čat he hač doo. And so he may bringe his synnes čat he hač doo to mynde & schryue him of hem; and afterward of če synnes of leuynge of good vn_do, |r30 but first of the synnes that cometh of the herte. The synnes of če herte beč these: čoght, delite, consentyng, wil, desire, vnfeithfulnes, sleightes, dulhede, vndeuocioun, wrong hope, ouerhope, wrong wenyng, fole loue, euel brannynge, drede, yuel lo[w]_ynge, ass[o]ting, fole affeccioun, ydel or veyn gessynge, suspeccioun, |r35 wračče, hatrede, let[her]hed, rancour, envie, čralles drede, ioye of očer mennes woo, sorwe of other menis wele, disdeyn, mournynge, fleschely loue, trechery, vncouenable gladnes, vnsuffrance, drerynes, veyne deole, perplexite, pryde, werynes of good dede, sleuthe, couet_ise, auarice, hardnesse of herte, malice, vnstedfastnes, for3etyng, |r40 forčinkyng of good idoo, studienge to doo yvel, ioye of synne, sorwe of goode & lakke of yuel, ypocricy, loue to plese vnskilfulliche, drede to displese mysdoers, schame |r[f.57v] to doo good in sighte, hardnes & boldnes in synne, arownes to bygynne good, singuler wit, priue loue, desire of hye estate & dignite; veynglory, veyne likynge |r45 čat may come of thre manere godes čat God may ¨eue vs, čat is good |p126 of kynde, good of happe or good of grace; helynge of soč, schame of pore kyn, despite of oure soueraignes hestes & biddynges, vnrewče of hem čat beč in woo, mysbileue. Alle čese beč the synnes of če herte. The synnes of če mouth ben these: ydel speche, ofte swerynge, forswer_ynge, |r5 sclaundringe of God & his halowes, nempnyng Goddes name vnrever_entliche, st[ryu]ynge a¨enst rightwisnes; telle erroures, seie prayers & houres vndevoutliche & vnreuerentliche; bakbityng, lesynge, loseng_rie, reprovynge, stryf, myssaieng, cursynge, sclaundrynge, vmbrayd_inge, čretynge, lakkynge, preysinge a¨enst conscience, a¨eynseyinge to |r10 obedience, pynchinge & lettinge loue & charite čere it schulde be, false pleynynge on [če] gult[l]es, false witnes beringe, false flater_ynge of soueraignes, wreyinge, sowynge of discord, tellynge of idel trifles, scornyng of očer men, eggynge & counsailinge to yuel, mys_turnynge of good into yuel, discouerynge of pryuete čat schulde be |r15 heled, pledinge & ianglynge in holy chirche, styringe anočer man to wrečče and to ire, berynge an honde to other |r[f.58rl men čing čat čei beč noght gulty of, wičseieng of soth, reprouynge anočer man of čing čat he himself is gulty of, moche spekynge, ofte iangelynge, fole spek_ynge, ydel avantynge, excusynge & defendynge of synne, skrykynge, cri_enge, |r20 ydel noyse; grucchinge a¨enst God & man, bostynge, vndirnemynge & aresonynge of očre wičoute cause; plede in vnrightful cause, teche a man to greue his enemyes, false demynge of očer mennes dedes, false enditynges and accusynges of vngulty men; lawhynge, grennynge, ydel lik[en]ynge, blerynge in scorne & despyte, [mowe makynge], synge |r25 songes of iolite, rede on ydel bookes, speke harlottrye & foule wordes of vilany & synne; in chirche to studie more in brekynge of voyse čan in devoute singynge, to dispute & argue in idel, to speke by fallas to disceyue, to aske or answere ascorne, to aske of + čing čat is noght to be wiste, as of če priuetes of God. éese & many očer |r30 suche beč the synnes of če mouth. The synnes of werk beč čese: dronkenes, glotony, manslaghter, lecchery, sacrilege, čefte, ravyne, symony, oker; brekyng of holy dayes, takynge of če sacrament of housell vnworthiliche, vnreuerence doo to Goddes body in čat sacrament; busynes aboute ydel reuerences, failynge in |r35 Goddes seruice, ¨euynge to očre yuel ensample in dede, worchinge of werk čat is a¨enst če lawe in sclaunder to Holi |r[f.58v] Chirche; harme or hurte a man in his body, in his goodes or in his fame; tresoun, falshed, gilery, wicchecraft, traytery, extorciouns, sillynge of + lawe & rightwisnes, false marchandyse, false sleightes, vsynge of |r40 false mesures & of false weightes, ydel pleyes & iapes, [caroling, |p127 daunsyng], makynge of fool [contynaunce]; to ¨eue ¨iftes to iogeloures & mynstralles for her ydel tales & iapes; to take fro a mannes owne body unwiseliche his [nedeful] sustenaunce or to ¨eue it more [out of mesure] čan it nedeč; to vndirtake to doo more čanne a man may ful_fille; |r5 holde or vse [office to whiche a man is noght suffisaunt; to vse] office or crafte čat may not be synles; turne a¨en to če synne čat a man hač arste lefte & amendid him of; custom in synne, maynten_ynge of batailes and contakes, smytyng, [assailyng], fyndynge & vsynge of nouelryes, sturdynes a¨enst men of hyer estate, hardnes doynge [to] |r10 hem čat beč of lower estate; synnynge wič če fyue wittes, seynge, hir_ynge, felynge, smellynge & tastynge, in kussynge with mouth, in clipp_ynge, in tokenes makynge, in bekenynge; in wrastlynge, in očer dedes of strengče doynge; in ¨euynge & takynge of ¨iftes in brekynge of če comaundementis of God & of Holy Chirche & če circumstaunces whiche |r15 čat may make če synne more or lesse, as tyme, stede, maner, cause, persone, dwellinge, elde, witte, as it is declared byfore; and also whan a man synneč or he be tempted, & affor*ceč |r[f.59r] him to doo more synne wič his body čan he may suffice to. éese beč če synnes of werk. The synnes of leuynge of good vndo beth čese: hauynge noght God in |r20 čoght, loue him not, drede him noght,čonke him noght of čat he hač doo & dooth for vs, holde noght čat če goode čat a man doth čat hit be by grace & myght of God; make no sorwe for synne, make him noght redy & able to resceyue če grace of God, to vse not ne kepe če grace čat God sente +, to turne not fro synne to better lyf when a man feleč |r25 shim styred čerto [by] če Holy Gost, to confourme not his wille to če wille of God, to goo noght to chirche ne preye ne not synge če houres of če day as he is holde to do; to leue vndoo čat a man is bounde to doo by obedience: holde noght his avow, obeisshe ne bow not to fader & moder, ne be not ones a ¨ere ischreue & houseled; to knowe not him_self |r30 ne his estate, to myspaye him not of his synnes, to lede ne rule right his conscience, to tarye & doo noght betyme čing čat schulde sone be doo; to haue no ioye ne likynge of očre mennes welfare, ne no sorwe of očre menis yuelfare; relese ne for¨eue in herte wronges čat beč doo, helpe noght očre men čat trouthe may be doo to hem, to ¨elde |r35 noght after myght če goode čat očer men haue idoo to a man; to doo noght če werkes of mercy: to chasti[c]e noght after myght ne vnder_nyme mysdoers, to make not pees č[erel he may |r[f.59v] betwene hem čat beč at stryf, to teche noght če vnconnynge, conforte not če sory and the vnesed, to do noght after good counsaile, to be noght deuout in |r40 holy chirche.  Here men may see many synnes. Whoso wole wise_liche beholde hem he may wite if he be gulty in eny of hem and so seche his conscience and knowe wherof he schal schryue hym. |p128 ée sixte condicioun of schrifte is čat it schulde be mekeliche, for a man schulde mekeliche schryue [him]; for he čat so schryueč him he spekič to God čat knoweč all togidre. For če preost čat hyreč the schrifte is cleped the ere of God, and all čat he hyreč in schrifte |r5 he hyreč as God and noght as man. éerfore če synfull schulde in schryfte meken hym & wič grete sorwe & drede of herte schewe his synnes as čey he were tofore allmyghti God of heuene bodiliche. The seuenthe condicioun of schrifte is čat it schulde be ofte, for a man schulde ofte be schreue, and čat is nedefull by sixe skiles. |r10  The firste skile is forto be clene and worči to receyue če more grace.  ée secounde skile is for venial synnes čat ofte & eche day defouleč a man; and whoso is ofte defoyled ofte mote be made clene, and čing čat ofte harmeč ofte moste be putte away; as [če] schipman may not kepe če schip čat som watir ne comeč yn, and čerfore |r15 as faste as hit comeč yn as faste he cas*teč |r[f.60r] it out; and elles če wighte čerof by processe of tyme schulde drenche če schip. So fareč a mannes soule into whiche falleč eche day newe synnes, and but čey were caste out by schrifte it wolde at če laste weie it adowne; for as [of] many smale cornes is made a grete hors lode or |r20 charge, so of many smale synnes vnclensed comeč an heuy dedly synne.  The čridde skil is forto dryue če fend fro vs, for as ofte as we synneč he comeč to vs, and as ofte as we schryueč vs we dryueč him fro vs.  The ferthe skile is forto lerne and conne če better schryue vs, čat we beč ofte woned čerto & ofte beč itaughte.  The |r25 fifte skile is for a man woot neuere whečer he were euere clene schryue of all his synnes.  The sixte skile is forto be če more meke and če more mede to deserue čerby. But fyue činges letteč a man to schryue him. ée firste is schame čat a man hač to beknowe his synnes; the secounde is yuel drede čat a man hač to doo penaunce for |r30 his synne; če čridde is wicked loue čat a man hač to dwelle in his synne; the ferče is a myshope čat a man hač of longe lyf; the fifte is wanhope, worste of alle, for čere če deuel holdeč a man sorrest if he may cacche him. The čridde armure a¨enst če bataile of synne is amende[s] makynge, |r35 for a man schulde be redy and glad to resceyue and fulfille če pen_aunce čat his schrifte fader wole enioyne |r[f.60v] him for his synne. The secounde bataile čat we moste ouercome is če bataile of penaunce. For when a man bygynneč to repente him of his synne & purposith to amende him by če sacrament of penaunce, čan comeč in his herte grete |r40 stryf & grucchinge čerea¨eyn čat makeč him so vnstable & vnstedfast čat he ne may dwelle in none good purpos, so čat he woot neuere what lyf or what penaunce he may take him to. And some men, whan čei haue |p129 begonne lyf of penaunce in amendement of her synnes, čei beč sone as recreauntes ouercome & falleč čerfro, and suche may be likned to če wedircok čat turneč with euery wynd: for now čei wole & now čei wole not. But a man čat settič fulliche his herte and his wille to do |r5 penaunce for his synne and fulfille hit and for no čing change čat wille but parfourmeč it in dede, čen ouercomeč he & discomfiteč čat bataile. The čridde bataile is če bataile of če flesch čat a man moste haue a¨enst his owne flesche and fleschely lustes, and čat is a wel strong |r10 bataile and scharpe, & lengest lasteč. For ¨if če flesche suffreč eny disese or hardnes hit gruccheč and pleyneth, for it loueč ese and likynges, delices & softnes. And ¨if it be suffred to haue his wille hit ouercomeč čan a manis resoun and makeč a man to falle in many foule synnes: for če flesche may be likened to an |r[f.61r] yuel con_dicioned |r15 womman, of whiche seith če wise man salamon: če more men foloweč her wille če more froward and schrewed is sche - as was proued in če strong man Sampson čat, for he folowed to moche če will and likynge of a womman, čorgh her wiles & sleightes he was ouercome wič his enemyes & mad blynde & črall to hem; for sche stale awey če |r20 here of his heed in whiche was all his strengče, & whan his strengče was agoo his enemyes fille on him & toke him and put out his ei¨en. Right so whoso foloweč & suffreč če wille of his flesche hit wole by_neme him če strengče of his resoun & caste him into če čraldom of synne & blynde so his resoun čerynne čat of his owne myght wičoute |r25 special grace & helpe of God he schal not eskape. And čerfor hit is nedeful to holde če flesche vnder če gouernance of resoun & noght suffre it haue če lustes & be likynges čat hit desireč. And čen is čat bataile ouercome & descomfited, for w[hiche] ouercomynge God schal ¨eue če ouercomer to his mede a white robe of his owne lyuere, |r30 čat is the blisful robe of chastite. The ferthe & če fifte bataile čat we most ouercome is če bataile of če world, for če world assailleč vs with two batailles, čat is to seie on eičer side with a bataile. First the world assailleč a man on če right side with če bataile of welče, worschip, richesse and |r35 očer |r[f.61v] suche čat cometh to a man & turneč vp & doun as the whele of fortune suffreč.  Also če world assaileč a man on če lifte side with če bataile of anger, sorwe, siknesse, pouerte and other suche čat beč scharp and grevous, whiche God suffreč come to a man for profite of his soule, if he take it wel and pacientliche, |r40 somtyme to chastice a man and somtyme to proue; and čerfore in čis bataile schulde a man stalworčiliche abide & suffre it wič good herte as če sonde of God, and God wole helpe him & noght faile him.  And čerfore whoso fleeč če firste bataile, čat is worldliche + welče, |p130 worschip & riches, and abydeč & suffreč čat other bataile of anger, sorwe & woo & pouerte wič good herte wičoute grucchynge, čan ouer_comeč he & descomfiteč boče čese batailes. And for mede of če ouer_comynge of če ferste bataile, God byheteč him worschip and likynqe in |r5 the blisse of heuene and to sitte wič him in his trone as seint Iohan berič witnesse in če Apocalips. And for mede of če ouercomynge of čat očer bataile God byheteth him če delices of paradys. The sixte bataile čat we moste ouercome is če bataile of yuel men whiche beč Antecristes lymes čat če deuel hač inorsched to annoye & |r10 harme gode men in čeire bodies, as tyrantes haue don to holy mar*tyres |r[f.62r] and as Antecst schal doo to some in če ende of če worlde, for he schal do so moche torment to hem čat wole not assente to him čat vnnečes schal eny man be founde čat dar seie he is a cristen man. But he čat may suffre wič pacience če woo & disese čat wikked men doč |r15 him as če holy man Iob dide his woo & his mescheef, & trust in God, čan ouercomeč he čis bataile, and to him behete God for mede of čat ouercomynge čat he schal haue victorye of his enemyes. The seuenthe bataile čat we moste ouercome is če bataile of če fend čat assaileč a man last. For when če fend seeč čat a man hač ouer_come |r20 čese sixe batailes aforseid & čat he is come into hye estate of parfitnes of loue of God, čen cometh če fend & assailleč and fondeč to smyte him adoun wič veynglorie & presumpcioun and stireč him to činke čat he is more worthi, more holy and more priue wič God čan očer men, and to činke čat no man hač so wel doo as he. And čen makeč |r25 če deuel him falle as lowe in foule synne of pryde as him čoghte čat he was arste hy in grace; as Lucifer for čat same synne fel in a tyde fro heuene into helle. And čerfore hit is grete nede to a man čat hač ouercome čese sixe batailes to kepe him wiseliche fro veyn_glorie and fro presumpcioun, for wič čese comeč če deuel, as it were |r30 |r[f.62v] če rerewarde, to assaile good men of parfite lyf, and busyeč him to ouercome hem wič čat rerewarde and caste hem doun from če hye estate čat čei beč ynne but čei stonde če faster. For čorgh čat sory rerewarde a man may ouerli¨tly be encombred but he be če more ware; for right as a schip is in more perill when he is ny če hauene čan |r35 whan he is amyd če see, right so če nere čat a man draweč to če hauen of go[d] lyuynge & holy, če deuel tempteč hym čan moche more čan [he] were ferčer čerfro; and če more parfyte lyf a man ¨eueč him to, the more če deuel awayteč hym wič his sleightes forto ouercome him.  But a man schulde sette holliche his herte and his loue in God & |r40 hunger & čriste after rightwisnes & desire alwey to doo če wille of God and to kepe hym fro presumpcioun and veynglorie; and čan he des_comfiteč čat bataile and doth če devel a grete despite. And he čat |p131 ouercomeč čat bataile schal haue for his mede, as seynt Iohan seith in če Apocalips, forto ete and be fed wič the fruyt of če tree of lyf čat is in če myddes of paradys. These seuen batayles beč če seuen degrees of če vertu of prowesss, če |r5 whiche [vertu] ledeč a man to če blissidhede of hunger & thurste of righttwisnes and to če mede čat longeč čerto, čat is to be fulfille[d] [of] endeles ioye & blisse gostliche as God seič in če gospel: Beati qui esuriunt & siciunt iusticiam, quoniam ipsi saturabuntur, `Blissed be |r[f.63r] thei čat hungreč and čursteč after rightwisnes for čei |r10 schal be fulfilled,' čat is to seie wič endeles ioye & blisse; whiche vertu of prowesse cometh of če ¨ifte of če Holy Goost whiche we clepeč če ¨ifte of strengče, whiche ¨ifte we askeč in če ferče askynge of če Pater Noster, čat is Panem nostrum cotidianum. De Dono Consilij The čridde askyng of če holy Pater Noster, čat is Fiat voluntas tua |r15 may wynne to vs če ¨ifte of be Holy Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of counseil, whiche ¨ifte techič us what is če wille of God, and makeč oure wille accorde čerto. And čis ¨ifte putteč out of oure hertes če wikked synne of auarice. Auaricia Avarice scheweč him in thre činges: in besy wynnynge, streyte hold_ynge |r20 and scars spendyng. Ferste auarice makeč a man besy to wynne worldes goodes čat mote nedes faile; and ¨it he hač aboute če get_ynge of hem grete besynesse & trauaile. Afterward auarice makeč a man busy to kepe streitly čat he hač geten & makeč him drede sore to lese hem, for he weneč euere to be nedy. And also auarice makeč a |r25 man to be scarse and noght or litel spende, but all or litel lasse čan all spare & kepe; & makič him čus in če wynnynge, kepynge & spend_ynge of čese godes haue moche care, travaile and myslikyng, and, but God helpe him or he deie to amende him, peyne wičouten ende. Auarice may skilfully be cleped bygynnyng [and roote] of al yuel. Hit is če |r35 crafte čat če deuel techič his scolers. Auarice |r[f.63v] may + be likned to a tree čat groweč in eche contre, and hač ten branches čat spredeč among alle men, čat beč: oker, čefte, raueyne, falshede, sacrilege, symony, wikkednes, false marchandise, crafte & office of vilanye, & folye fool pleyenge. |p132 Oker scheweč hym in many maneres. The firste manere is when a man leneč and takič for his lone by covenant made byfore. éis is oker open wičoute curtesie, & čis byhoueč b[el 3olde a¨en or to be dampned čerfore in hell.  ée secounde manere is when a man leneč of his |r5 fre will to anočer wičoute forward of wynnyng, but neverčeles če borw_er ¨eveč hym somwhat for his lenynge and he takič hit. éis lener is more curteys čen is čat other, & ¨it he doč oker but if he stoppe in če 3eyne payement of če dette as moche as he took: for a man schulde lene to anočer and ese him onliche for Goddes loue, & čen čerfore God |r10 wole ¨eue him endeles mede.  The čridde manere of oker is when a man hač good or catel or londe or rente whiche čat he wote wel čat his forfadres or eldres wonnen wič oker. But he restore it to hem čat so loste it he is as ferforth in perile or ferčer as čei čat wonne it.  The ferč manere of oker is when a man hač a seruant |r15 čat wynneč him good with oker & he woot it and takič hit; for čen he may be cleped a maister okerer. The fifte maner of oker is when a man leneč siluer |r[f.64r] or other money čat he hač to kepe of očer mennes and takič oughte to himself for če lenynge, or boroweč money for oker [and leneč it forč to |r20 another for more oker], and he čis may be cleped a disciple okerer.  The sixte manere of oker is when a man silleč corn, beeste or očer catel & leneč it to če bigger to a certeyne day & silleč it če derrer for čat lone & noght alloweč it in če payement.  The seuenče manere of oker is when a man seeth čat anočer moste nede haue čing |r25 čat he hač to sille and sellič it at če hyer pryse bycause of če nede čen he wolde doo if he wiste čat če bigger myght wel forbere it, and in čis he brekič če lawe of kynde and charite, for he doth noght to his brother as he wolde his bročer did to him, ne he ne loueč noght his bročer as himself.  The eighte manere of oker is when a man |r30 hač nede to sille corne or it be rype to čresshe, or eny očer catel or it were tyme to be sold, and če bigger seeč + čat če siller mote selle for nede of money, & bieč čanne at light pryse & payeč byfore, & abide če delyuerance of corne or očer catel til a certen day, at whiche he supposeč wel hit schal be of moche more value čan he boght |r35 it. And if so falle čat če corne or če catel at č[e] tyme čat it schal be paide is moche more worth čan it was boght to and če bigger rewardeč noght če siller of če surpluys, he doč oker.  ée nynthe maner of oker is when a man takič lond or rente in wed or |r[f.64v] surete for money or očer good čat he leneč to a certeyn day |r40 & takeč če profite of če londe or rente in če menetyme wičoute alow_ance or abatement in če payment of če dette.  ée tenče manere of oker is whan a man leneč mone or očer good vpon a wed of catel moeble to a certeyn day, and for he is noght payed at če day, wičholdič če |133 wed for euere, for it is more worth čan če lone. For allčeigh [če] couenant be čat but ¨if he paye at his day he schal holde če wed as his, ¨it ¨if če wed be more worth čan če dette, he oweč to restore če surpluys. Or if a man wereč or enpeyreč če wed čat is leide him for |r5 dette he mote allowe & abate in če payement as moche as če wed is en_peyred by him, or ellis he synneč in oker.  ée enleuenče manere of oker is čis, whan a man leneč money to a marchaunt by couenant to haue it a¨en hole at alle periles & half če wynnynge čat may come čer_of & noght allowe of če lostes čat may befalle. And in če same wise |r10 it is in če lenynge of bestes or eny očer catell, to haue če bestes or catel a¨en or če verray prise wič half čat may come čerof wičoute allowance of costes or lostes.  ée twelfče manere of oker is when a man leneč money to a pore man to serue him bodiliche for če lone, and if he may not paye him at če day he byndeč him & makič him |r15 doo more werk čan če dette is worthi. And in čise twelue maneres men synneč in oker. |r[f.65r] The seconde branche of auarice is čefte, and čerof beč fyue maneres čat comeč of čis synne of auarice čat makeč a man gilty boče by če lawe of God & of man. One is čefte aperte; če secounde is |r20 čefte pryue; če čridde is čefte couered; če ferthe is litel čefte and če fifte is čefes felawe. Aperte čefte is when a man vseč openliche to stele and susteyneč him & his čerby.  Priue čefte is when a man pryueliche steleč ought and holdeč it forth as his owne and is not know but is holde a good |r25 man; & neuerčeles afore God he is a čeef and schal be dampned čerfore but he make restitucioun & amende him.  Couered čefte is whan a seruant or a keper of anočer manis good + oweč to reken to če [oune]r čerof and truly ¨ilde it him wič all če profyte čat may come čerof, and doth falshed in his rekenynge, drawynge to himsilf čerof by |r30 sotilte or rekenynge or by očer falshed more čen he schulde truliche haue by forward [for his trauaile]. And so he vseč čis čefte by colour & couertour of his office. Also in the same manere a wyf čat takič hir housbondes goodes wičoute his wille & leue and spendič he[m] not in here comoun profyte, sche |r35 doč couert čefte; also a man of religioun of če goodes of his hous wičoute his soueraignes leue; for neičer wyf wičoute leue of hire housbonde ne religious man wičoute leue of his souereyne may not appropre to hemself of her comoun good but čei falle in čis synne of čefte couerte.  Also a wyf čat |r[f.65v] hač bore a childe gete on |r40 hir in avoutry by anočer čan hir housbond, hir housbond not wityng čerof, & dar not be aknowe hir defaute but suffreč čat child be hir housbondes heyre, so čat če ri¨tful heyer is disherited: sche is a |p134 couered čef, & so is čat child ¨if it woot čat hit be so. Litel čefte is whan menis seruantes or očer steleč mete, drinke, polayle, scheues in heruest or očre smale činges and činkeč it is noght to charge for it is a custome.  Also a seruant or a werk_man |r5 čat takeč his ful hyre & deserueč hit noght as he schulde doo, he stelič it.  A child also čat is at his frendes fyndyng, ¨if he takeč eny good of hires wičoute her leue, or if čei fynde hym wič her [good] to goo to scole or očer lernyng, and he dispendith čat good in harlottrye, as pryde and foly - alčeigh his frendes haue soche a |r10 fleschely loue to him čat whan čei witeč hit čei wil not be myspayed, ¨it he is a čef tofore God, and as a čeef schal be punsched but he amende hym.  And also he čat fyndeč eny čing čat anočer hač lost and nyl not be it aknowe so čat he čat loste it myght come čerto, he stelič čat čing & is a čeef. |r15 éefes felawes beč alle tho čat resetteč čeues wittynglyche čat čei beč čeues, or eny čefte of heres takeč of hem of ¨ifte or of biggyng, or eny očer help or confort doč hem wherečorgh čei beč če bolder in her synne. And bailyes and očre mynistres of lawe čat |r[f.66r] myghte take čeues & doo [hem] be chastised by the lawe and wil not; iustices |r20 also & očer domesmen čat schulde & myght chastice hem and wil not; če iorroures also čat beč swore to trye whečer čey be čeues or trewe men and falsliche [and] wityngliche aquyteth hem; he also čat wityngliche procureč her delyuerance; and he čat busieč him forto b[igge] him fro čat he hač deserued: all čese may be cleped čeues feres and beč worthi |r25 če same peyne tofore God čat čei beč. For ¨if suche ne were but čat čeues were chastised as hem oghte to be, čer schulde not be so many čeues as čere beč, & trewe men sholde lyue in more pees and reste in dyuers contrees. The čridde branche of auarice is raueyne whiche is on sixe maneres. |r30 One is comoun robb[oures]; anočer is false executoures; če čridde is false dettoures; če ferče is coueitous lordes; če fifte is coueitous prelates; če sixte is false coueitous officialis, denes scherreues, bayleues and očre mynystres of čat oon lawe & of čat other. Comoun robbours beč čey čat holdeč comoun paas and robbeč wič strenče |r35 hem čat passeth čerforth, and čat as wel on water by schipcraft as on londe, as marchandys, pilgrymes and očre, and očerwhile men in here houses and in other wises wič strengče. |r[f.66v]  False execut_oures ben čei čat [m]akič a mynistracioun of dede mennes goodes to bysette hit for če dethes soule and to fulfille čerwith his laste |r40 will & doth it noght, but takič and wičholdeč čo goodes to her owne |p135 vse, and so čei robbeč če dede man.  False dettoures beč čey čat boroweč mennes [gode] and will not paye it a¨en and čat wi holde če hyre čat her seruantes haue deserued of hem; and so čei beč raueyn_oures.  Coueitous lordes beč čei čat byreueč and bynemeč here |r5 pouere tenantes and očere her good a¨enst čaire wille, and taxith & pileč here bonde tenauntes & očere očerwise [čan če seruice] acustomed [of] her holdyng askeč. éei beč worthi to be cleped raueynoures.  Coueitous prelates of Holy Chirche beč čei čat setteč imposiciouns vpon her sugettes and chargeč hem wrongfulliche in her visitaciouns, |r10 and makeč hem to paye hem čat hem lust or what čei wole aske, or elles trauailleč hem by sompnynge to appere in fer stedes and in očer manner processe til čey haue what čei wole. éei may wel be cleped raueyn_oures . Officiales & denes čat sitteč & holdeč her chapitles & concistories |r15 more forto wynne siluer čan forto destroye synne, + by reddour of če lawe of Holy Chirche, as doynge out of chirche, cursynge & očer wise, makeč pouere folk čat [čei] may o[č]er doo bodiliche penaunce for her synne or ¨eue hem what čei wole |r[f.67r] aske. And grete men čat čei dore noght dele with čei suffreč hem slepe and deye in her o[pen] |r20 synne in sclaunder of Holy Chirche; & čat čei čus takič čei clepeč hit redempcioun, čat is forbiggynge; but it is open extorcioun or robbynge.  Sompnoures and bedilles čat beč mynistres to čis lawe, čat procureč to do men be accused & in očer wyses greueč men by colour of her offices to haue of her good, & so robbeth če peple; schereues, |r25 baylyues & mynistres of če lawe of the londe čat doth men be endited or enpeched falsliche to take hem & enprison hem and do hem falsliche forfete her goode, and takeč moche of če forfeyture to her owne profit or če more parte, or elles takeč of hem grete raunson of her good čat čei schulde noght do so to hem, and by many weies of sleighte and |r30 falshede oppresseč the peple & falsliche greueč hem forto haue of her good: čei beč verray robbours. The ferče branche of auarice is chalange čat falleč in eighte maneres of men, čat is to seie false pleyntif in pledyng, false defendant, false witnesse & iorroure, false aduocat & pledour, false procuratour |r35 & attorne, false notarie & clerk, false iuge & iustice, false maynten_our and counsaillour. False pleyntyf is he čat enpledeč anočer falsliche by a feyned accioun to bynym him or doo him lese his lyflode or his good or do do him make a fyne to him to haue pees. |r[f.67v]  False defendant is he čat |p136 sechič false delayes and false answeres to putte a man awey fro čat he oughte truliche gete of him by lawe.  False witnesse is he čat forswerith him on če book for mede, loue, hatrede or drede in eny cas čat he is charged to witnesse sothe, and nameliche in cas of |r5 matrymonye.  False iorour is he čat for mede, drede, loue or hatrede forswerith him on če book in eny case č[ere] he is charged to seie če sothe, and nameliche čere čat čere foloweč čerof losse of mannes lyf or of his londe or of his catel.  False aduocates beč čei čat witingliche pledeč in a false cause and busieč hem to alegge |r10 lawe[s] and sotill resouns to make falshede seme right. & čeigh he be holde čerfore a wyse man he is a verray fole, & čat schal he fynde but he amende him. A false pledour is he čat wityngliche pledeč a false ple in delay or fordoynge of če right, and false evidence or informacioun ¨eueč to an |r15 enqueste to make hem forswore, or eny očir sotilte fyndeč to lette right by colour of lawe.  A false procuratour is he čat foloweč or procureč wityngliche a false nede or a false cause and sotill[eč] how he may spede suche a cause by wrenchis & wyles.  A false attorne is he čat in če same wise wityngliche foloweč or defendeč eny |r20 false plee, & otherwhile boč če procuratoures and če attorne wolleč for mede suffre here maistres nede be loste, and čere čei beth |r[f.68r] traytoures.  A false notarie he is čat makič fals instrumentis, protegollis or libelles by whiche eny right is put down & falshede mayntened, and suche oon is worthi moche peyne in čis world and moche |r25 more in čat other but if he amende hym.  A false clerk is he čat in eny court writeth false record wherčorgh eny man is harmed or eny truč hyndred, or čat falsith his lordes seel or discouereč his lordes counsail, or eny očer falsehede doč in his office in stelynge or wič_drawynge of his lordes profite or of očre mennes. |r30 A false domesman is he, be he of [lawe of] Holy Chirche or of lawe of londe, čat for mede, profite, loue or drede, or for eny očer cause ¨eueč wityngliche false iugement a¨enst right or treuthe.  False assessoures and counsailloures to domesmen beč čei čat for mede, pro_fite, loue [or] drede procureč or counsailleč a iuge to ¨eve false |r35 dome or delay right vnduliche.  And of alle čese degrees & astates by če grace of God čere beč ful good men & trewe and wel & truliche ruleč + če lawe, boč in spiritual lawe & temperal lawe, after her conscience, and beč worthi moche mede in heuene. But čese čat I have spoke of byfore beč false men & sotil & slyhe in her fals_hed, |r40 and čei beč worči endeles dampnacioun but if čei amende hem. The fifte branche of auarice is sacrilege čat may be doo in many maneres. Firste sacrilege is violence or vilanye doo to Holy |r[f.68vl Chirche in brennynge or brekynge of chirche or of dores or wyndowes, |p137 walles or helynge[s] of hem, or eny očer houses or stedes or trees, aught čat is appropred to Holy Chirche, or bokes, chalices, vesti_mentes or eny očer ornamentis, or entrič into Holy Chirche wičoute leue forto doo čerynne harme [or] vilanye. And alle čat falleč čis |r5 wise in sacrilege beč acorsed by če grete curse of [all] Holy Chirche.  Also sacrilege is when a man steleč or berith oute of Holy Chirche or of holy place eny thing halowed or vnhalowed wičoute leue a¨enst če will of če owener čerof; or elles steleč or berith awey eny čing halowed, as boke, chalice, [vestiment] or očer suche čing out of eny |r10 vnhalwed place wičoute leue or will of him čat oweč hit or hač the kepyng čerof, and he čat so doth is also accorsed.  Sacrilege is also when a man wrongfulliche wičholdeč londe or rentes, tythis or offrynges or eny očer rightes čat longeč to Holy Chirche, and he čat so doth is also acorsed. |r15 Sacrilege is also when a man in violence recheč blood of another in holy chirche or chirche¨erd or doč leccherie in holy chirche, or eny očer vilanye wherfore če stede nedeč to be reconsiled of če bisshop.  Also sacrilege is when a man in violence smyteč preost or clerk čat hač ordre, or man or womman of religioun, or wič strengče draweč eny |r20 womman of religioun out of her hous a¨enst hir wille. And he čat falleč in eny of čese poyntes he is acursed.  He also doth sacrilege |r[f.69r] čat draweč a man a¨enst his will out of holy chirche or chirche¨erd to whiche he is flowen forto haue grith in sauacioun of his lyf after če lawe suffreč.  And also he čat bynemeč suche |r25 a man čat he schulde lyue by or eny other penaunce or lettinge putteč to him forto make him forsake čat grith of Holy Chirche; or whan he hač forswore če londe as če lawe wole, whoso letteč him če wey or putteč him out čerof he is acursed, & alle čat assenteč čerto, for čei brekeč the fredom of Holy Chirche. |r30 Also prelate or persoun or viker, or očer man of Holy Chirche čat hač forto spende če goodes of Holy Chirche and spendith hem in synne & wrechidnes and in yuel manere, he doč sacrilege.  Spousebrekers doč sacrilege also, for čei brekeč če holy sacrament of matrimony.  He also or sche čat brekeč če avow of chastite solempnysed by Holy |r35 Chirche or pryueliche made, or religious man or woman or seculer in holy ordre, & alle čat čerto beč counsaillynge or helpynge, doč sacri_lege, for čei doč despite to Holy Chirche.  He also čat kepeč not his holydaies čat beč enioyned him by Holy Chirche, he doč sacri_lege; for right as če chirche čat is halowed hač fredom [and priue_lege |r40 ], čat men schulde doo čerynne none violence ne vilany but wor_schip God čerynne wič prayer & deuocioun, right so hač the holy day fredom čat men schulde not in hit wirche no vilenye werkes, but wor_schip God in hit wič prayer & deuocioun. |p138 The sixte branche of auarice is symony čat to moche |r[f.69v] is vsed, and namely among lettred men čat by skile schulde most knowe če peril čerof. This synne is now so comoun in Holy Chirche čat [hit] is as they it were styward of Holy Chirche: for vnnečes comeč eny man now |r5 into eny estate in Holy Chirche wičoute čis stywardes leue, and his leue getič he noght but if he haue wher[with] to paye čerfore. This synnes of symonye is in sixe maneres. One is in ordre, as when a man resceyueč eny ordre of bisshop for mede or prayer.  če secounde manere is in benefice, as when a man takeč or ¨eueč eny |r10 benefice of Holy Chirche, as cherche, prouendre, chapel, vicariage, chauntry or eny očer for mede, prayer, seruice, kyn, affeccioun, frendschič or eny očer cause but only for charite & worschič of God.  The čridde manere is in chaungynge of benefice, as when two avaunced men of Holy Chirche lusteč chaunge togidre here benefices & eny of |r15 hem ¨eue other eny worldly [čyng] for če chaunge, or make čat other to chaunge a¨enst his wille by lordschip, frendschip or eny očer sotilte or sleighte.  če ferče manere is in eleccioun, as whan a chapitle of seculer clerkes or rewlers chesič [bisshop], deene, abbot, prioure or eny other prelate or man of dignite in Holy Chirche for |r20 loue or drede, for mede, prayer or affeccioun or eny očer wyse but suche as hem činkeč in her soules moste worthi čerto & to Goddes wor_schip; and also when a man wote himself čat he is chosen |r[f.70r] by suche an vnrightfull manere and neuerčeles takeč [that] estat. The fifte manere is in entre of religioun, as when a couent of men of |r25 religioun possessioners resceyueč into religioun eny man for mede or prayer or profite takyng forto resceyue him as pitaunce [to] če couent or očer thing; and al[so] mendinantes čat takeč eny into her religioun for profite bodiliche čat he or his kyn & frendes may doo hem, or for eny očer cause but onliche for charite, vpon če desyre čat čei seeč a |r30 man haue to religioun and to če worschič of God.  The sixte manere is in prechinge of Goddes word and amynistryng of če sacra_mentis of Holy Chirche, as when a man prechič Goddes word to čat en_tent to haue worldliche mede or worschič čerfore and noght onliche for če worschič of God & loue to helpe his euencristen; and also when |r35 a preest wole noght seie his masse, cristene a childe, schryue, housele, enele ne očer sacrament mynystre but he have worldliche hyre čerfore. Suche ben liche to Iudas čat solde oure Lord Ihesu Crist. & as lettred men beč defoyled wič čis synne, so beč lewed men čat beč doers čerof, or counsailynge, helpynge or assentynge čerto. |r40 The seuenče branche of auarice is wikkednes čat may be in sixe maneres: |p139 one is in reneyeng of Cristes lawe; če seoounde is wicchecraft; če čridde is procuring of mannes deč; če ferče is destroyeng of townes & herborwes; če fifte is areringe |r[f.70v] of discord & debate; če sixte is wmong accusyng or bewreyeng. |r5 First reneyeng of če lawe of Crist is when a man leueč če lawe of cristen men and turneč to če lawe of Saresynes, Iewes or eny očer secte forto come čerby to be riche or worschipped in čis world.  če secounde is [wicchecraft] as when a man vseč or assenteč to charmes & vnleful experimentis, coniurisouns, areysinges of če deuel |r10 to wite of him eny pryue činges, or eny očer suche, forto come čerby to richesses. And in alle čese is mawmetrie & ydolatrie a¨enst če feith of Holy Chirche.  The čridde is procurynge of mannes deth, čat is when a man desireč anočer mannes deth, to be encresid čerby, so ferforth čat he procureč or hyreč a man to sle anočer, & čis is a |r15 grete wikkednes & lak of pitee.  ée ferče manere is destroyeng of towne, manere or očer herborwe, čat is when men for ire or venge_aunce or for čei see noght how čei myght elles come to čat čei wolde haue for her owne bodiliche likyng brenneč or očerwyse destroyeth, or procureč or [h]ireč očer to doo hit, towne, manere, house or očre + |r20 herborwe nedeful to cristen m[e]n.  če fifte manere is makynge of discord, as when a man for eny profite or likynge čat myght falle him čer[of] busieč him to make discorde, debate & wračče bytwene man & man, betwene man and his wyf or bytwene eny other where loue schulde be.  če sixte is wrong |r[f.71r] accusyng or bywreyeng, as baylyues, |r25 bedilles and očer officers of lordes ofte accuseč falseliche pouere men to her lordes to make hem to lese her good or to make hem make gree to čilke accusoures forto stynte of čeire malice; and also čilke čat falsliche enditeč a man or procureč or assentič čerto forto make him lese his good or to haue parte čerof himself. |r30 The eighteč branche of auarice is false marchandise čat may be in fyue maneres. One is lither bargaynynge; the secounde is lienge & forswerynge; the čridde is usynge of vntrewe wightes & mesures; the ferče is false schewyng; the fifte is false helynge. če first is lečer bargaynynge as when a chapman seeč čat he čat schal |r35 sille him chaffare or bye of him hač nede and is noght konnynge, and byeč čan of him for moche lesse, or silleč him for moche more čen hit is worthi.  ée secounde manere is lienge and forsweryng, as when a marchant in preysyng of his chaffare in če sillynge, or in lakkynge of očer menis chaffare in če byenge čerof, + forswerič him to sille |r40 če derrer or to bigge če bettir chepe.  ée čridde is + usynge of false weightes & mesures; as some haue double weightes & double mesures, one forto bigge wič, anočer forto sille with, and vsič to |p140 bigge wič the more & sille wič the lesse. Or elles, čeigh her weightes & mesures be trewe, ¨it conne čei in weyinge, metynge & mesure fulfillynge begile hem čat chaffareč |r[f.71v] wič hem.  The ferč manere is false schewynge, as when a marchant can sotelliche |r5 adresse his ware to make hit seme better čan it is, & scheweč it in derk place to hyde če defaute čerof or to make [it] seme če better, as doč drapers, mercers & many očer suche.  The fifte manere is false helynge or hidyng, as when a chapman makeč his chaffare seme good wičoute and woot wel čat it is false wičynne, & natheles he |r10 sellič it after hit semeč outward, and prayseth it falseliche as he wiste no defaute, as corsers doč her hors & many očer suche. The nynthe branche of auarice is office or crafte of foly, whiche is vsed in nyne maneres or be nyne manere of folk. One beč comoun wommen; če secounde beč iogloures; če čridde beč faytoures; če ferč beč draw_lacches |r15 : če fifte beč harlottes; če sixte beč heraudis; če seuenthe beč champiouns; če eightč beč tolle gadrers; če nynthe beč hongmen. In these craftes men may noght comounliche wynne her lyflode withoute synne. First comoun wommen silleč her bodies & her soules for her lyflode & |r20 werneč no man to defoule hem čat wole ¨eue hem, & čis is a foul lyf & a synfull.  ée secounde beč iogloures čat wynneč her lyflode wič truyttis, false iapes & lesynges.  če čridde beč faytoures čat conne make hem seme blynde, croked and lame & nedy, and so getič fals_liche of gode pitous men če almes čat nedy men schulde lyue by. |r25  ée ferče beč lacchedrawers or Roberdes*men |r[f.72r] čat comeč homliche into mennes houses & feyneč hem ibrente or wič some očer chaunce com from richesse to pouerte, as robbed wič čeues, loste her catel by see, or lost hors or harneys by auenture of werre, as by enprisonynge or očer wyse, or seič čat her londes beč bynome hem by grete lordes, or |r30 elles čat čei haue leide hem to wedde to a certeyn day for seruice of če kyng and of če rewme, and many suche očer lesynges makeč forto gete good of pitevous men; or ellis čere čei seeč but wonmen or symple men thei makeč so grete bost čat + čei [letteč] good to ¨eue hem what čei wole [haue or] aske forto be delyuered of hem.  če fifte beč |r35 harlottes čat goč fro towne to towne & from hous [to hoous] to make iapes & harlottrye; & [to] hem falleč to liken men be ryme & also to pleie with če spore and če eye, to slee če catte wič here bare hede, to lede beres & apes aboute, and with many očer suche folies to wynne her lyflode.  ée sixte beč heraudes of armes če whiche beč aboute |r40 grete lordes & at alle dedes of armes to deme who is moste worthi loos or prise, and nameliche in ioustes and tornementis; & for here award_yng of če gree čei takeč grete ¨iftes of gold, siluer [and] riche robes & cryeč a larges, and so wič mayntenaunce of boste & pryde & pompe čei wynneč her wrecchid lyflode.  ée seuenče beč champyouns |p141 čat were iwoned to be wič lordes to fighte for hem in here quarelles in case were čat če lawe ¨af |r[f.72v] none očer issue, and onliche lyued by čis craft.  The eightče beč tollers čat gadreč tolle as wel vnrightfulliche as rightfulliche of če people, and greueč ofte če |r5 peple wrongfulliche. čis crafte schulde noght a man vse čat wolde lyue rightwisliche, and čerfore oure Lord Crist toke Mathi če apostill awey čerfro.  The nynče beč hangmem čat for hyre doč men to deth čat beč demed čerto, and fayne beč to doo čat office in hangynge or heed smytyng of for here huyre. And čis office is foule and li[k]ly |r10 to be of grete perile & synne, for hit may noght wel be doo but wič_oute pitee, and čat is grevous, so čat a man were bettre to lyue in as moche meschief as he myght wič če lyf čan vse + this office. The tenče branche of auarice is foole pley, as pley of tables or of dees, in whiche beč nyne vices. One is couetise; če secounde is |r15 ravyne; če čridde is oker; če ferče is multiplieng of lesynges; če fifte is sclaunder & blasphemynge of God and his halowes; če sixte is yuel ensample; če seuenpe is myspendyng of tyme; če eightče is cor_rupcioun of hem čat byholdeč it, and če nynthe is vnbuxumnes a¨enst če lawe of Holy Chirche. |r20 First is couetise, for he čat pleyeth at čis game wolde fayne wynne his felowes good, and so may he noght be withoute covetise.  The secounde vice is raveyne, for he čat wynneth takeč awey his felawes good & wičholdith hit, noght ¨euynge hym |r[f.73r] a¨eyn čerof. And čei he wynne noght he wolde fayn if he myghte, & so he doth ravyne in |r25 wille or in dede or in boče.  The čridde vice is oker, for he čat pleyeth takeč or hopeč to take for one peny ten, and noght for lone of a monthe but in lesse čan an houre.  The ferče vice is multeplieng of ydel wordes, očes & lesynges, as when many pleyeth to_gidre on čis game eche of hem maynteneč his parte wič grete očes and |r30 lesynges and many ydel wordes, če whiche is noght wičoute grete synne.  The fifte vice is sclaunder or blaspheme of God and his halowes, as whan some foles lesith at [t]his game čei chideč & curseth God and his halowes & despiseč hem, and seith many sclaundres wordes of hem, to heuy and hard dampnacioun of her + soules but čei amende hem or čei |r35 deie.  The sixte vice is euel ensample ¨euynge to če byholders, for čei čat seeč hem wynne at čis game beč stered čerby to doo as čei seeč hem doo čat elles perauenture wolde noght or couthe not haue deled čerwith.  The seuenče vice is myspendynge or lesynge of tyme, for čat tyme čat čei spendič čeraboute čei myghte doo moche |r40 good boče to lyf and to soule čere čei doth b[ut] idelnesse and synne.  The eightč vice is corrupcioun of če byholders, for many foles čere beč čat vseč nyght & day to stonde & sitte and [se] suche pley, and so spendith her tyme in veyne & corrumpeč [and fordone] her good čewes. |p142  The nynče vice is vnbuxum |r[f.73v] to Holy Chirche, for Holy Chirche defendith it, and nameliche to preostes & clerkes, [and] čei čat brekeč čat defence schulde be chastised by če souereigne[s] of Holy Chirche; and whoso [wi]nneth oughte wič suche pley he is holde to |r5 make restitucioun if he wol be assoyled čerof.  Here beč schewed če ten braunches of če synne of auarice, whiche synne is putte away by če ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of counsaile; and čat ¨ifte in stede of čat synne bringeč into mannes soule če vertu of mercy. De vij gradibus Misericordie |r10 Mercy is a vertu čat may be likned to a fayre growynge tree, for it hač seuen degrees and fourtene branches or bowes. First mercy hač seuen degrees čat beč seuen skyles čat schulde sture eche man to mercy. One is kynde; če secounde is grace; če čridde is comaundement of Holy Writt; če ferpe is če honour of God; če fifte is če largesse of God; |r15 če sixte is drede of domesday; če seuenče is če fruyt of mercy. Firste is kynde čat schulde sture a man to doo mercy to his euen_cristen; for we beč all of oon kynde and of oon liknes, as men may take ensample by vnresonable bestes, čat som beste wol noght ete če flesche of anočer beste of če same kynde. And som best, as a mere, |r20 wole suffre anočer mere colte souke here, and as men fyndeč, wolues haue kepte mennes children fro devourynge of očer bestes. Wel more schulde + ky*nde |r[f.74r] sture a man to loue & helpe anočer of his owne liknes & kynde čan + eny vnresonable best. The secounde degree čat schulde sture a man to mercy is grace, for |r25 čorgh grace we ben alle lymes of oon body, Holy Chirche; and we ben boght with oon prys, čat is če precious blode of oure Lord Ihesu Crist whiche he schedde on če rode for če mercy and pitee čat he hadde vpon mankynde. And čat schulde we euere haue in mynde and be stered čerby eche of vs to haue mercy & pitee vpon očer; and also for we beč alle |r30 brečeren and sustren of one Fader, God of heuene, & of oon moder, Holy Chirche by grace. The čridde degree čat schulde sture a man to mercy is comaundement of Holy Writte, for Holy Writ comaundeč vs to doo and vse the werkes of mercy, for čilke werkes passeč and beč more of value to helpe of mannes |r35 soule čan many očer vertues, for čei quykeneth and kyndleč če loue of God in mannes herte.  And right as oyle in a lampe is kyndeliche aboue alle očre licoures, so is mercy aboue alle očre vertues in mannes soule; and as če oyle is cause of če fuyre čat brenneč in če lampe, so |p143 is vertu of mercy cause of če brennynge of če loue of God in mannes herte. For right as whan čere is n[o] more oyle in če lampe če fuyre and če light is queynt, right so when čere is no mercy lefte in mannes herte če loue of God & če lighte |r[f.74v] čerof is queynt and |r5 passič away.  And also mercy is a vertu čat gretliche plesič God & greueč če deuel, for it is oon of če strengest armure čat a man may arme him wič a¨enst če deuel. And čerfore he čat desireč čat God schal haue mercy on him and helpe him at his nede a¨enst če deuel and alle his enemyes, him byhoueč to haue mercy on his euencristen and |r10 helpe hem at her nede. And what čat a man spendith of worldly good or bodiliche trauailes in mercy doynge is to him so siker a tresour čat hit may neuere be loste ne take + fro him; for he schal haue čer_fore endeles blisse in heuene. And he čat hač no mercy on his euen_cristen ne helpeč hem noght by his myght in here nede, mercy & help |r15 schal be warned him at his moste nede. če ferče degre čat schulde stire a man to mercy is the worschič of God, for he čat hač mercy on his euencristen and helpeč and socoureč the pore & če nedy after his myght, he doth to God greet worschip, for he doth it noght onliche to hem but to God himself. For as he |r20 himself seith in če gospell, `What ¨e doth to če pore and to če nedy in my name ¨e doth it to me.' For če pore and če nedy in čis world beč Goddes meyne of his owne hous, & čerfore whoso worschippeč hem or helpeč hem he worschippeč God; for whoso worschippeč the meyne he worschippith če lord, and whoso despiseč the meyne he despiseč the |r25 lord.  A fayre ensample herof we haue by če holy man seynt Mar*_tyn |r[f.75r] čat for mercy and pitee čat he hadde of a pore naked man in a grete colde wedir ¨af him for Goddes loue a parte of his mantel; and če nexte ny¨t after his spirit was led and sawe oure Lord God cločed in čat same parte and herde him seie to če angeles čat stood |r30 by him, `Lo, how Martyn hač cloped me with čis cloth or garnement!' The fifte degree čat schulde stere a man to mercy is largesse of oure Lord God. For oure Lord God ¨eueč largeliche to euery man after he is. And seth God voucheč sauf to ¨eue vs largeliche we shulde large_liche for his loue departe wič hem čat haueč nede, and so comaundeč |r35 vs oure Lord [God] in če gospel and seith čus: `Beč ¨e mercyful as ¨oure Fader of heuen is mercyfull.' For good children schulde [folowe] her fader maneres. And čerfore if we be merciable and haue pitee of oure euencristen and helpe & socoure hem in her nede we schole čenne be gode sones of God, and so his heyres of če kyngdom of |r40 heuen. The sixte degree čat schulde stere a man to mercy is drede of Domes_day, for alle čo čat here haueč no mercy ne pitee of her euencristen |p144 schal čere haue dome & dampnacioun wičoute mercy. And čat witnessič the holy man & seith čus: Iudicium sine misericordia illi qui non facit misericordiam, čat is to seie, `Dome wičouten mercy schal be ¨eue to him čat doč noght mercy.' And whoso doth mercy here schal |r5 haue mercy čere; and he čat wole noght mercyfulliche here če voys of če pouere and če nedy in čis world God wole not here him |r[f.75v] čere.  And čat scheweč oure Lord Ihesu in če gospel of če riche man čat werned če pore man mete čat lay at his ¨ate, and čerfore after his deth he was buried in če fuyre of helle and seyh če pouere man in |r10 blisse and desired of him a drope of colde water, and čat was werned him.  And also in another stede of če fyue vnwyse maydenes čat were schett out fro če brydale for čei hadde none oyle in her lampes. For by oyle is vnderstonde mercy as is seide byfore. And for čei hadde none oyle God seide to hem, `I knowe ¨ow noght.' Right so |r15 schal be at če day of dome to hem čat no mercy haue had here of her euencristen. God schal seie to hem čat he knoweč hem noght, and če ¨ates of heuen schal be schet fro hem and čei schal wone in helle wič_oute mercy, as če riche man aforseid doth. ée seuenče degree čat schulde sture a man to mercy is če fruyte čat |r20 comeč čerof, whiche is moche and [in] many maneres. For it saueč vs from al yuel and wynneč vs here oure lyflode. Hit defendeth vs from če deuel & multiplieč oure goodes as may be founde write by many en_samples. Mercy is a good marchand for he wynneč alwey and neuere leseč. Seynt Poule seith čat mercy is good to alle čing, čat is a |r25 precious ston čat is to all čing vertuous. Suche one is mercy, for it may wynne vs all manere good, + of worldliche gode, gostliche good & endeles good. Of worldliche gode seith če wise man Salamon čus: Honora Dominum de tua sub*stancia |r[f.76r] & implebuntur horrea tua & vino torcularia tua redundabunt, čat is to seie, `Honour thi God with |r30 čei worldliche + and rightwis-wonne godes,' čat is to seie helpynge and socourynge the pore & nedy, `& čen,' he seith, `či bernes schal be filled of corne and thi seleres of wyne.'  But take hede, he biddeč the, worschič thi God with či richesse & worldly goodes, and noght wič očere menis +. For som men čere beč čat bynemeč očere men |r35 here goodes by robberye, raveyne, oker, gilerie or by očer schrewed manere, as is seide byfore, & čerof doč her almes, and suche beč noght worthi no mede but grete peyne čerfore. For čei doth čerby no more pleasaunce to God čen he schulde doo to če fader whos son he sleeč and offreč him up to God in his sight. But čei schulde first make |r40 restitucioun and ¨ilde a¨en all čat čei haue wič wrong take or wonne, and of če remenant čat čei myght leue to hem do mercy & almesdede. Mercy may be likned to grayne or seed čat groweč better in lene |p145 grounde čan in fatte, čat is to seie mercy is more fructuous whan hit is doo to če pore and nedefulle čan whan it is do to če riche & vnned_ful.  Mercy also fordoč the myght of če deuel and saveč a man & helpeč him a¨enst alle manere deth, čat is to seie a¨enst endeles deč |r5 of helle, a¨enst gostliche deč of synne, and somtyme a¨enst bodiliche deth; for men may fynde in če book of holy mennes lyues čat many tymes čorgh werkes of mercy |r[f.76v] men haue be reysed fro bodiliche deč to lyf. And čerfore mercy is tresour čat neuere faileč čorgh whiche we may wynne grace in čis lyf and blisse withouten ende in čat |r10 očer lyf. And čese ben the seuen degrees or seuen skiles whiche čat schulde stere euery man to mercy. And now after čat is forto schewe če four_tene branches of mercy čat springeč out of boče sides of če tree of mercy, čat is to seie seuene on če right side and seuene on če lifte |r15 side, whiche beč fourtene werkes of mercy, of whiche seuene beč gost_liche on če right side & seuen bodiliche on the lifte side. The seuene gostly werkes of mercy čat springeč out of če right side beč čese: counsaile če redeles, teche če vnkonnyng, chastice če mys_doer, comforte če sorwful, for¨eue wrong, haue pitee of hem čat haue |r20 meschief, praye for enemyes. The firste is counsaile or rede če redeles for če loue of God and noght for worldliche wynnynge, as many pledours & aduocatis doč čat settič alle her hertes on wynnynge, so ferforč čat some of hem takeč očerwhile of boč sides; but at če leste wey fewe or none of hem |r25 counsaileč for Goddes loue onliche, but očer for mede or for world_liche loue or drede. But her counsaile is best and most of pryse čat onliche for the loue of God and of her euencristen counsailleč besi_liche synful men to leue her synne, and good men to contynue & laste in her goodnes, as prelates, curates & prechoures of Holy |r[f.77r] |r30 Chirche, schrift fadres and očere good counsaillours lettred and lewed schulde doo. ée secounde werk of mercy gostliche is teche če unkonnynge, and čat schulde nameliche prelates doo of Holy Chirche to her sugettes, maistres and techers to her scolers, & fadres & modres to her child_ren, |r35 & also euery man & woman to other as fer as čei seeč or vnder_stondeth čat it myght vaile.  Prelates and curates of Holy Chirche schulde teche her sugettes če lawe of God and of Holy [Writte], & hoo čei schulde flee synne and vse vertu, and so schone če pyne of helle & come to če blisse of heuene; and noght onliche teche hem by |r40 worde and mouth but by good ensample in worching, for čei he teche wel in word and doč yuel in dede he enpeyreč hem more by čat euel ensample čen he amendeč hem by his techinge with word. And as many dethes & peynes is the prelate worthi to suffre as he ¨eueč yuel en_samples to his sugettes or očre of yuel doynge.  Maistres also |p146 schulde [besely] teche her disciples in če science o[r] crafte čat čei be holde to teche hem, so čat čei lese no tyme of lernynge in de_faute of če maister. For if čei doo če maister schal answere čerfore byfore God.  Fader & moder beč holde to teche her children če |r5 bileue and good vertues and to kepe hem from synne and yuel companye, to teche hem also če comaundement¨ of God & + how čei schul kepe hem, suffre hem swere |r[f.77v] none grete othes ne lye no lesynges, speke no vilanye ne schrewednes, teche kem to be meke and buxom to her souereignes and her eldres, chastise hem wičoute sparynge if čei mys_doo |r10 .  For right as a colt or anočer wylde beste holdeč euer his lyf če manere čat he is daunted to in če ¨ougpe, and as a plaunte of a tree in če springyng may be made bowe to whečir side čat men wole, and wič contynuaunce in če sprynginge hit may euere be made bowyng whiderward me wole; right so it is of a childe čat is woned to gode |r15 čewes or to yuel in his ¨ougče: suche he schal comounliche vse and folowen in his elde. And čerfore scholde fader & moder teche her children as is aforseid in her ¨ougče, for čei schal answere tofore God of all če synnes & yuel tacches čat her children falleč [in] in defaute of her teching. |r20 The čridde werk of mercy gostliche is to chastice če mysdoer. éat + falleč specially to če prelates of Holy Chirche and to kynges & lordes temperal čat haueč the lawe to kepe aboue če peple. éei schal chast_ice her sugettes čat mysdoth after če lawe askeč, and suffre none do wrong to očer čat he ne be chastised lawfulliche after his gilte, and |r25 noght ispared for fauour, for loue, for drede, for mede ne for none očer čing, and principalliche + her owne meyne. For if a lorde haue yuel meyne wič him |r[f.78r] & mysdoynge and woot it [&] noght amendith it he is no good man, and čogh he wite it no¨t ¨it is h[it] a grete sclaundre to him. For it is an olde sawe: `Suche lord, suche meyne.' |r30 čerfore a lord and eche man čat meyne hač is holde to examyne and aspye besiliche če condiciouns of his meyny & chastice hem čat mysdoč or, if čei woleč noght be chastised, put hem fro him, for če vnknow_ynge of her mysdedes may noght excuse him, for he is holde to knowe hit. And boče če prelat and lorde [and] eche očer man schal answere |r35 tofore God of all čat her sugettes, meyne & seruantes haue mysdoo by her rechelesnes and by defaute of her rightful chastisynge. The ferče werk of mercy gostliche is confort če sorwfull, as seke men or men čat beč in eny očer angwissh or sorwe me schulde conforte hem by fayre techinge of gode ensamples to suffre hir wo pacientlyche til |r40 God wolde amende it, & čanke God of all čat he sendith. And čan wole it torne to him čat it suffreč to grete mede & blisse. And čus seint Poule techič & seič čus: `¨e čat beč in hele teche & conforte hem čat |p147 beč sike & disesed of herte.' And Salamon seith also: `He čat is sike or sory schulde be conforted wič good wordes & techinge of frendes.' For as če herte hač grete likyng by smellynge of good sau_oures, so hač the soule grete likyng [of] swetnes of good |r[f.78v] |r5 wordes & counsailes of trewe frendes čat loueč a man as wel in his woo as in his [wele]; for in woo & nede a man may proue a frend. Foure činges čere beč čat comforteč a man in alle angres & sorwes. One is čoght of če peyne of helle; če secounde is čoght of če ioyes of heuen; če čridde is čoght wič deuocioun on če passioun of Ihesu |r10 Criste; the ferče is čoght of če good and profite čat may come of angres & sorwes if čat čei be suffred in čis world with good wille and pacience. First he čat is in angir & woo schulde činke what is če peyne of helle čat synful men, but čei amende hem or čei deie, scholen suffre |r15 wičouten ende; whiche peynes beč so hydous and so grevous čat no witte may ymagyne, ne herte činke, ne tunge telle hem, how scharpe, how sore, ne how grisliche čei beč, so čat alle če angres, persecu_ciouns, angwisshes or eny očer čing čat men may suffre in čis world schal litel or not greue a man čat činkeč inwardliche on če peynes |r20 endeles; as seith seint Austyn čus to God: `Lord, let me here in čis world be brosten, boyled and flayn, so čat I be noght dampned to helle.'  H[it] schulde seme to euery man an esy čing to suffre here in čis worlde če ¨erde of God [of] anger [and] disese for a tyme, whiche nys but as the ¨erde of če moder čat chastiseč her child, |r25 račer čan suffre če cruel swerde of vengeaunce of oure dr[e]dful enemy če deuel, čat čorgh oure synne sleeč body and soule wičouten ende |r[f.79r] by endeles deth of helle.  God scheweč a man gret tokene of loue when he sendič him anger or worldliche tribulacioun to proue him wič, for as he seič himself čus: Quem diligo castigo, čat |r30 is to seie `éilke čat I loue I chastice.' ée oxe čat men wole holde to lyf men fedič him wič harde fode & putteč him vnder ¨ok, but čat oxe čat schal be slayn to larder hit schal be fedde wič če beste fode & fele no trauaile. Right so it is a dredful tokene of dampnacioun to hem čat here hač no woo ne tribulacioun but alle manere delices & |r35 welčes. Hit semeč čat čei wexeč fat to če deuyles larder, for as seint Austyn seith, Rerum habundancia and sanitas continua eterne dampnacionis sunt indicia, čat is to seie, `Plente or habundance of worldliche richesses & goodes & contynuel hele beč tokene[s] of ende_les dampnacioun.' And čerfore čilke čat God wil holde for his store |r40 moste suffre here angres & diseses.  + An emperour or anočer |p148 grete lord doč gret worschip to a man to whom he sendič his owne cuppe to drinke of. So oure Lorde Ihesu Crist sendič to hem čat he wole worschip his owne cuppe to drinke of whiche he drank while he was in erthe, čat is woo, angir & tribulacioun čat is če firste sause |r5 čat Goddes ch[osen] beč here serued of. For right as vynegre or očer soure sauce destroyeč če swetnes & likeroushed of mete or of drynkes, so doč angres, tribulaciouns & diseses če lustes & če likynges of čis world. če secounde čing is byčinkyng on če grete euerlastynge ioyes of |r[f.79v] |r10 heuene čat beč so grete čat no blisse ne ioye čat may grettest ne beste be in čis world nys but as sorwe & grete woo in reward of hit. For as seič seynt Poule, `Eighe may not see, eere noght here ne herte činke če ioyes & blisses čat oure Lord God hač ordeyned to hem čat loueč him.' éat blisse schul čei haue čat here wič stedfaste |r15 pacience & loue of God suffreč tribulaciouns, angwisshes, woo and sorwe; but wičoute suche suffrynge may čei not haue it, and čerfore no man schulde stryue ne grucche wič tribulaciouns, angres & woes in čis lyf but račer desire to mete wič hem. For čogh čei seme bitter čei beč swete & delicious, for čat čat is bitter & vnesy to če body |r20 is likynge & swete to če soule; and as seič seint Gregory, trust of mede čat cometh čerof aleggeč the peyne of woo and sorwe čat men suffreč in čis world. ée čridde čing is činkyng on če passioun of oure Lord Ihesu Crist čat he suffred for mannes gilte & noght for his: ferst whoso činkeč |r25 how harde it was, how he was buffetted, naked iscourged čat his body ran all [o]n blode, sithen nailed on če roode & ¨elde čeron če gooste to his Fader & deide all for oure loue & profyte, and so grete peyne suffred for vs čat neuere man myght suffre so grete.  For he seide čus by če mouth of če prophete Ieremye: O vos omnes qui trans_itis |r30 per viam attendite & videte, čat is to seie, `¨e men alle čat passeč by če wey, abideč & byholdeč ¨if euere eny sorwe or peyne was liche to myne.' And čerfore |r[f.80rl mynde of če passioun čat Crist suffred čus for vs schulde make vs to wepe and be sory čat so good and gultles Lord schulde so sore suffre for vs gulty and synful |r35 wrecches čat he made of noght, and make vs take & suffre mekeliche & [wilful]liche for his sake all manere peynes & diseses čat vs may be_tide in čis world; ne no čing may make oure peynes, angres & woes more swetter to vs and likynger to suffre čan stedfast & hertliche byčinkyng on če woo and peynes čat he suffred for vs.  Ensamplew |r40 we haue herof in Holy Writ, whan če peple of Israel in deserte ne myght not drynke of če water čat čei fonde čere for bitternes, how God bad Moyses leye a tree in če water, and when Moyses had so doo če water was swete. By če bitter watir may be vnderstonde če angres, |p149 peynes & woes of čis world; by če tree čat was leide čerynne and made it swete may be vnderstonde če precious tree of če holy crosse on whiche oure Lord Ihesu suffred peyne & passioun for mankynde. Wher_fore who[so] hač stedfast & hertliche mynde what peyne oure Lord |r5 Ihesu suffred for vs on če croyse may no čeyne, anger ne wo čat he myght suffre in čis world be to him but likynge & ioye čorgh deuo_cioun čat he schulde haue čerof. če ferče čing is čenkynge on če goode and profite čat comeč in tri_bulacioun and woo to hem čat suffreč it wič meeknes and pacience. For |r10 angres, tribulaciouns & woo proueth Goddes knyghtes, how hardy, doughti or |r[f.80v] worthi čei beč, for a worldliche knyght may nevere be proued til he + be assayed by bataile and werre. For as seič seint Poule, `Pacience proueč a man,' and as če aungel seide to Thobie whan he was blynde čus: `For čou plesedist God hit byhoued čat temptacioun |r15 proued če.'  Anger & tribulacioun, čeigh hit seme grevous, hit is profitable, for hit clanseth če soule as fyre clenseč gold and as če fyle rubbeč awey ruste fro yren & as če flaile pu[rg]eč [če] corne fro če chaf.  Seynt Gregory seith čat angres & tribulaciouns beč medicynes forto hele grete siknes of synne, for he seič čat woo & |r20 syknes of body makeč ofte če soule hole čat synne had encombred. And čerfore he seith a man schulde not čynke harde to suffre peyne or woo in his body if he may čerby be heled in soule of siknes of [synne].  Also čorgh tribulaciouns & angres of čis worlde men wynneč če corone of ioye and of blis, as seič seynt Iame čus: `Iblessid is he čatw |r25 suffreč fondyng and aduersite; for whan he is proued he schal resceyue če corone of [lif and] blisse endeles,' as a good knyght čat wel fighteč & takeč sore strokes in bataile for a trewe quarel.  On čese foure činges we schole činke besiliche in all angres, aduersitees & diseses; for no čing may more ese vs in oure woo čan mynde on čese |r30 foure thinges. ée fifte werk of mercy gostliche is for¨eue wrong, for seynt Gregorie seith čat it availeč noght to a man to endeles mede forto ¨eue almes of his good to pore men & nedy |r[f.81r] but he for¨eue also rancour and yuel wil čat he hač conceyued in herte a¨enst hem čat hač doo him |r35 wrong; for če ¨ifte of če hond may not paye God whan če herte is ful of rancour and yuel will, for God weyeč če ¨ifte after če wille of če ¨euer. And God seith čus in če gospel: `But ¨e for¨eue rancour of herte eche to other of čat is mysdoo to ¨ow, če Fader of heuen wol noght for¨eue ¨ow čat ¨e haue mysdo,' for he čat wol noght for¨eue |r40 anočer in his herte čat he hač agulte him he prayeth a¨enst himself as ofte as he seith his Pater Noster, for we prayen čere čus: `Lord, for¨eue vs as we for¨euen očre čat hač agulte a¨enst vs.' And čan if we for¨eue noght we prayeth čat God for¨eue noght vs. |p150 ée sixte werk of mercy gostliche is hauynge pitee of hem čat beč in meschef and woo of body and of herte or in synne of soule. For we beč [as lymes] of oon body, and čerfore sholde eche of vs feele očeres woo and peyne and haue reuthe eche of očer and helpe to alegge |r5 eche očeres mescheef as lymes doč eche očer kyndeliche in oon body, as seič seint Poule askynge čus: Quis infirmatur & ego non infirmor? čat is to seie, `Who is sike & I am not sike?' as who seith, `None may be sike but I be sike also.' And seint Gregorie seith čat evere če more parfit čat a man is če more he suffreč of anger, wo & despite. |r10 ée seuenče werk of mercy gostliche is to preye for enemyes, for we schuld gladliche & |r[f.81v] besiliche preye for all oure enemyes, and for alle hem čat vs haue doo wrong or vnese, and for alle čat beč in synne, čat God of his merci wole ¨eue hem grace to amende & ryse out of her synne. And so comandeč vs God in če gospel where he seith čus: |r15 Orate pro persequentibus uos, čat is to seie, `Preyeč for ¨oure enemyes and for hem čat pursewen ¨ow and čen schul ¨e be če good sones of + če Fader of heuen' and haue parte of če blisful heritage of heuen. And čerfore who čat wil noght doo so he may not be Goddes sone ne haue no parte of čat heritage.  éese beč če seuen |r20 branches or werkes of mercy čat springeč out o[n] the right side of če tree of mercy. In če lifte side of če tree of mercy springeč out očer seuen braunches čat beč seuen dedes of mercy bodiliche, whiche beč these: the firste is fede če hungry & the črusty; če secounde is clothe če nake[d]; če |r25 čridde is lene če nedy for Goddes loue and to for¨eue som or all ¨if he haue nede; če ferthe is visite & conforte če sike; če fifte is to herborwe pore men & pilgrymes; če sixte is to visite & comforte hem čat beč enprisoned; and čese beč reherced in če gospel. ée sevenpe is to burye dede bodies of men & wommen, whiche ordeyned & vsed če |r30 holy man Thobie. ée firste bodiliche werk of mercy is fede če hungry and ¨eue drinke to če thrusty. For so biddeč vs Holy Writte in many stedes. First Thobie če holy man seith čus to his sone: `éou schalt ete či [brede] and |r[f.82r] drinke thi drynk with če pore nedy čat is hungry & čursti.' |r35 Also seith Salamon, Si esurierit inimicus tuus ciba illum, čat is to seie, `¨if či enemy hač honger ¨if him mete, and ¨if he čurste ¨if him drynke for če loue of God.' And also God seič čus in the gospel: `Whan čou makest mangerie or feste čou schalt clepe čerto poore, blynde, croked and lame for Goddes loue, & for čei may not quyte the |r40 či Fader of heuen čat seeth it schal ¨elde it to če in če blisse of heuene.'  And čis is a¨enst riche men čat makeč grete festes for pompe and pryde of če world and haueč no pitee on pouere men: čei aughte haue grete drede leste hit falle to hem as [felle] to če |p151 riche man čat oure Lorde God spekith of in če gospel whiche čat ladde all his lyf in delices of mete & drynk and riche apparayle and suffred . La¨ar če pore man deye for honger & defau[t]e at his ¨ate. But when čei boč were dede, as če gospel seith, če chaunce of the [dees] |r5 chaunged wič hem, for La¨ar wente to endeles blis and če riche man was buried in helle and neded, as če gospel seith, a drope of water forto quenche če hete of his tunge, čereas alle če water of če see, čogh it myght haue ronne into his mouth, myght not haue queynte čat [hete of] euerlastynge fuyre čat he čere feled.  And čerfore hit |r10 is good čat eche man after his myght haue pitee of če pore & nedy & suffre hem not perisshe for defaute, & čat may saue a man fro dampn_acioun and bringe him to + blisse; as |r[f.82v] oure Lorde Ihesu seič in the gospel how at če day of dome schal be seide to hem čat haueč čus here mercy on her pouere nedy euencristen: Venite benedicti |r15 Patris mei &c, čat is to say `comep, ¨e blessid children of my Fader, takeč the kyngdom čat is ordeyned to ¨ow fro če bygynnynge of če world. For when I hongred ¨e fed me and when I thirsted ¨e ¨eue me drynke; for when ¨e ded to če pore and nedy for my sake ¨e did it to me.' |r20 The secounde werk of mercy bodiliche is cloth če naked. For we schuld ¨eue of oure cločes, or of oure godes to bigge cločes, to hem čat nede hač, & also hosen & schoon and other čing čat hem nedeč. éus Thoby če holy man taughte his sone and seide in čis wise: `ée naked,' he sei[d], `ese and socour with či cločes'; and also če Holy |r25 Gost by če prophetes mouth Ysay seič thus: `éou schalt worschič and hele če naked and take kepe of hem.'  Also seynt Petyr, by vertu of suche werkes of mercy čat a womman had of custom to doo in hir lyf, čat highte Dorcas, he arered hir from deth to lyf.  And also, as hit is seide bifore, God was moche plesed wič that čat če holy man |r30 seynt Martyn ded in če same manere of his cločing for Goddes sake; for a cloth čat is so ¨eue to a pouere man ¨eueč him grete mynde as longe as it lasteč & lenger to preye for him čat ¨aue it him čat God quyte hit [him] & ¨eue him mede. če čridde werk of mercy bodiliche is lene to hem čat čat |r[f.83r] nede hač |r35 & for¨eue a party or all if čei may not paye, if čei be trewe men; I for če loue of God. For it is noght onliche almes to dele with če hond and ¨eue, but it is also almes to lene trewe men čat nede hač and to paye for hem if čei be in dette & may not paye; as God techič in če olde lawe and seič čus: `If či bročer be falle in pouerte & |r40 nede, čou schalt not make čyn herte harde a¨enst him ne wičdrawe fro him čyn hond of help, but čou schalt lene him, socour him and releue by thi myght.' And also oure Lord God in če gospel biddeč vs lene to |p152 hem čat haue nede, wičoute eny wynnynge worldliche taken or hope to take for če lone, but onliche če sengil dette. And čan God čat all good [dedes] ¨ildeč schal ¨ilde it vs. And čis is a¨enst okerers čat takeč of her euencristen for lenynge of her good siluer, gold, seru_ice, |r5 trauaile or som očer thing, as is touched byfore. But God biddeč vs lene to če nedy for his loue onliche and for noght elles. And if ¨e knowe čat če borwer may not paye ¨e schal for¨eue it for Goddes loue, and čan schal God ¨elde it to ¨ow in endeles blisse with large vsure.  0f čis seith oure Lorde Ihesu Crist in če |r10 gospell čus: `¨if ¨e for¨eue noght eche to očer as brečren aughte to doo, God wole nat for¨eue ¨ow čat ¨e haue mysdon a¨enst him,' and schewed čis by ensample of če yuel seruant to whom če lord for¨af |r[f.83v] all čat he aughte him. But for he wolde not for¨eue to očre čat čei aughte to him his lord cleped him a¨en and reproued him of |r15 his vnkyndenesse and lete caste him in hard prysoun and čere held him til he had paide če last ferčing of his dette. `So,' seith oure Lord Ihesu, `schal my Fader do to ¨ow but if ¨e wol for¨eve eche to očer for his loue.' The ferthe werk of mercy bodiliche is visite & comforte če sike. éis |r20 werk is likyng to God, & more medeful to vs čan fastinge or many očer bodiliche trauailes, for hit is write in če book of holy mennes lyues čat an heremyte asked of an holy man whečer his lyf čat fasted eche woke sixe dayes & trauailled all čat he my3te čerwith were better and more plesaunt to God [or] his lyf čat serued sike men. ée goode man |r25 seide čat he payed more God čat serued & conforted + sike men čan he čat fasted so many dayes, for suche werk is a [grete and] special help a¨enst synne.  For Iob seith čus: `éou čat art hole, visite či liknes,' čat is him čat is liche to če in kynde and is syke; for he is thi brother and liche to če, `and for čat werk God schal kepe the |r30 fro synne.' Also seynt rame če apostil seič čat it is a clene re_ligioun bifore God to visite blečliche sike men.  Hit byfel čat a synful man in amendement of his synnes schoop him to goo into an hospital where pore sike folk were |r[f.84r] kepte, to serue hem and ese hem wič al his myght for če loue of God. And vpon a day he |r35 wesche a syke m[ann]es feet, and in če wesshynge čere come on him a grete abhomynacioun, wherfore he wex wroth wič himself, and in despite of his owne flesche, whan he had wasshe če syke man, he drank up če water all a¨enst [his] herte. But at če laste he feled it delicious & swete of sauour as it had be ful of good spicerie. And čat was to |r40 him a grete tokene čat for čat mekenes & deuocioun his synnes were for¨eue him čorgh meryte of čis werk of mercy.  Also čis werk of mercy may bringe a man to parfite lyuynge, for če wise man seič, `Grucche noght to visite če seke, for čorgh čat werk čo[u] maist be |p153 made stedfast in če l[ou]e of God.'  This werk of mercy also purchaseč grete mede in če blis of heuene, as it is schewed by a tale of an holy wonman čat hight Mary Torgeyne čat was wedded to a mysbilyuynge man whiche sche torned from yuel lyf to good, so fer_forth |r5 čat in amendement of his lyf sche made him ¨eue awey all his good for Goddes loue, and wente boče into an hospital to serue sike men & wommen, myseles and očre, so longe til on a nyght čere come a voys to čis womman & seide čus: `éi lord and housbonde čat hač be felowe wič the, mekeliche seruynge pore sike men, he schal be felawe |r10 with če in the hye kyngdom |r[f.84v] of heuen.'  A grete ensample to do gladliche čis werk scheweč vs oure Lord Ihesu Crist, for it is write in če gospel čat he touched bare če meseles and čei were made hole. Wherfore če seruaunt schulde noght haue disdeyn to doo čat his lord dede, čat is to seie visite and conforte če sike, for seint |r15 Poule seith oure Lord Ihesu Crist cam doun fro heuene into erče and took his seruantes liknes to visite, serue and hele all mankynde of če grete siknes of synne čat hit was ynne. The fifte werk of mercy bodiliche is herberwe pore mon & pilgrymes. éis werk plesith God, as Holy Writt techith in many stedes by many |r20 ensamples; firste of Abraham čat, for he vsed gladliche to herborwe hem čat nede hadde of herberwe, he deserued to herborwe aungeles in liknes of men +, whiche čat broghte to him certeyn byheste čat Sarra his wyf čat longe hadde be bareyne schulde conceyue & bere a child to grete gladschip [of hym].  And also Loth, for he ded gladliche |r25 če same dede of mercy, he resceyued angelis in liknes of men into his hous to herborwe, by whiche he & his were saued fro če perile of drenchinge of če citee of Sodom. For čei warned him, whan čat the citee schulde synke for synne, čat he schulde goo awey & noght abyde čere.  And čerfore counsailleč vs seynt Poule čat we leue noght |r30 hospitalite čorgh whiche many men hač |r[f.85r] plesid God and be worthi to resceyue aungels into her hous in stede of pore men. And no wonder čeigh suche men [herborwe] aungels, for čei [herborwe] God himself, as witnessič če gospel where oure Lord God Ihesu Criste seith čus to his disciples: `Whoso receyueč ¨ow he receyueč me.' For all čat men |r35 doth to če pore for Goddes sake, God seith it is doo to him.  En_sample we haue hereof of če holy man seynt Gregory čat wič grete wille was acustomed to herborwe, receyue & fede pore men, and him_self wolde serue hem boče of mete and also of watir to hir hondes. + On a day whan he wolde haue ¨eue water to a pore mannes hondes, |r40 čere while he turned him to take če watir to serue če pore man wič, če pore man vanisshed awey, čat he sey no more of him, wherof če holy man had gret wonder how hit myght be. And če nexte nyght after oure Lord Ihesu appered to him and seide čus: `Wel ofte čou hast resceyued me in my lymes, and čis day čou hast resceyued me in myn owne persone. |p154  And čerfore suche werk may be holde better čan abstynence, and more mede comeč čerof, as men fyndeč in če book of lyues of holy fadres of an holy man čat woned in Egipte čat herborwed gladliche pore mon and pilgrymes and ¨aue hem suche as he myght. One a day a pore pil_grym |r5 |r[f.85v] was herborwed wič him and sat at če mete + in his pre_sence, but he wolde neither ete ne drynke čat day for ought čat če gode man [myght] doo. Than seide če gode man to če pilgryme: `Go we proue by če tree čat stondeč [¨onder] here[with]oute whečer of oure two lyues plesith most God, and prey we wič good herte to God |r10 čat he wolde vouche sauf čat če tree abowe adoun to him of vs two whos lyuynge moste plesith him:' They wenten forč & maden her pray_er, and wičynne a litel while čat čei had preyed če tree abowed doun to če gode man čat hadde herborwed če pilgryme, & noght to him čat lyued in so grete abstynence. + So it semeth čat hospitalite is |r15 more medful čan abstinence. And many mo grete ensamples ther beč in preysinge of čis werk of mercy čat is hospitalite. The sixte werk of mercy bodiliche is visite and conforte hem čat beč enprisoned & helpe hem out čerof if we may, for alle we beč holde čerto. As seynt Petir seith čus: `éenke & haue mynde on hem čat beč |r20 bounden in prisoun as čeigh čou were čere bounden wič hem,' čat is to seie visite hem, comforte hem and helpe to brynge hem out, as čou woldest čat men ded to the if čou were in here plyt.  So dede the gode man Thobi, as is write in his book, |r[f.86r] čat gladliche visited hem čat were in prisoun and conforted hem wič word & dede |r25 after his myght.  Salamon also delyvered hem čat were toward če deth, and če holy prophete Danyel delyuered če womman Susan čat was wrongfulliche dampned to the deth.  And also oure good Lord Ihesu Crist delyuered če womman čat by če lawe schulde haue be stoned to če deth [for] avoutry. But God dede noght so to ¨eue en_sample |r30 čat men schulde noght chastise mysdoers after the lawe čat beč founde gilty, but by čat he techič what čei schulde be čat beč domes_men and how čei schulde kepe če lawe & deme očer men, and čat principalliche in foure činges. One is čat čei schulde take good avisement and counsaile or čei deme. |r35 As Iob če holy man seith, `In cause čat I know noght I schal če more seche lawe.' And čat may be vnderstond by čat čat oure Lord God, noght wičstondyng čat he [knewe] all čing, ¨it, or he wolde ¨eue dome vpon če womman čat was accused to him of avoutrye, he abowed doun & wroot in the erthe wič his fynger; in whiche writyng, čat is betokened |r40 discrecioun & good avisement, he ¨af ensample to alle domesmen čat čei schulde be fully lerned of če soče and wel avised or čei ¨eue dome, seth čat allewittynge God wolde noght deme |r[f.86vl hastifliche wičoute |p155 avisement.  ée secounde čing čat [a] domesman schulde haue is trewe & rightful entencioun, čat is to deme trewliche after če lawe onliche for če loue of God, čat is rightwisnes, & noght for loue, drede, mede, prayer, fafour, ne for none očer cause, leue to do right_wisnes |r5 . And čat is schewed in čat čat oure Lord God, after čat he had write, stood upri¨t.  The čridde thing čat [domes]men schulde haue + is clene lyf and hole conscience, or elles čei may sore drede če sentence of the wordes čat oure Lord Ihesu Crist seith in če gospel čat seith čus: `As ¨e demeč očere men ¨e schal be demed.' And seynt |r10 Poule seith čus: `éou čat demest očer men for čing čat čou art gilty of, čou dampnest čiself.' In token of čis oure Lord Ihesu, whan he stood vp, seide čus: `He čat is wičoute synne caste [on hir če firste stoon]. And čan če Iewes čat accused če womman, byholdynge in če writyng čat oure Lord had iwrete, sey[h] in čat writyng all čat čei |r15 hadde mysdoo, and for schame stelen away, for čei seyh hemself more synfull in če sight of God čan če womman was. The ferče čing čat a domesman schulde haue is compassioun & pitee in herte, for in demyng of anočer man he schulde haue pitee & compassioun & and more fauorable & enclyne more to mercy & grace wičoute offence or |r20 brekynge of lawe & rightwisnesse |r[f.87r] čan he schulde be to doo all če rigour and hardnesse čat he myght by če lawe of reddoure [of] rightwisnesse. For rightwisnes wičoute mercy is cruelte, and mercy wičoute rightwisnes is foly, and čerfore čei schulde alwey be + to_gidre so čat none of hem schulde be withoute očre. Neuerčeles often |r25 tyme it is schewed by Holy Writte čat one of čese is wičoute čat očer; but ofter is mercy wičouten rightwisnes čan rightwisnes wičouten mercy.  Seynt Iohan Grisostom, čat is cleped Iohan wič če gilden mouth, seith čat moche better & sikerer it is to ¨elde rekenynge & answer at če day of dome of moche mercy ča[nl of moche reddour of |r30 rightwisnes.  Seynt Iame seith also čat iugement wičoute mercy schal be doo to him at če day of dome čat here wole doo no mercy. éerfore oure Lord [God], whan he hadde write and stood vp, efte he bowed adoun to če ertheward, and sone after + delyuered če womman. Therfore če domesman schulde be bowynge & enclynynge wič grete com_passioun |r35 & pitee to him čat he schal deme, and with grete drede & sorwe, and as it were a¨enst his wille, he schal deme hym for ful_fillynge of če lawe & rightwisnes. For if he demeč wrong he schal be dampned čerfore at the dredful iugement. And čus we may see čat hit is a medful & a plesaunt werk to God forto |r40 visite and comforte hem čat beč in prisoun, for God himself wente doun to helle forto de*lyuere |r[f.87u] his chosen out of čat prisoun in whiche čei were for oure forfadres synne. |p156 The seuenče werk of mercy bodiliche is to burie dede bodies of men & wommen. For čat werke is če holy man Thobie moche commended in Holy Writte, for ofte he lefte his mete forto do čat dede.  And also Marye Magdeleyn was commended of oure Lord Ihesu crist for če oyne_ment |r5 čat sche leide on him; for he seide sche dede it in tokenynge of his burienge.  Also the holy man Ioseph Abaramathia preyed of Pilate če body of oure Lord Ihesu Criste and toke it adoun of če cros and wič grete deuocioun buried it; and čerfore he is gretliche commendid in Holy Writte.  In olde tyme men ordeyned besiliche for če place |r10 where čei [wo]lde be buryed, for čei took + kepe of the holynes of her good eldres. čerfore čei ordeyned hem as moche as če[i] myghte to be buried after her deth čere čat + her gode eldre fadres ware. And čer_fore Holy Writ witnessič čat če patriark Iacob seide čus to Ioseph his sone: `Burye me noght in Egipt, but ley me beside my fader.' And čer_fore |r15 schulde euery man desire to be buried in holy place and among good men in čat čat gode men my¨t most haue mynde of hem & praye for hem kyndeliche. Also euery man schulde burye his frende when he is dede in honeste stede. Ensample we haue čerof as we fyndeč in the |r[f.88r] book of |r20 kyndes, čat čere is a manere of fisshe in the see čat when a fisshe of čat kynde is deed hit berith it to če grounde of če see & čere + burieth it so čat očer fisshes devoure it noght.  Also Iewes & Saresynes & očre men wičoute bileue beč stired by kynde to haue suche [pitee] & tendernesse of men and wommen of her owne liknes & kynde |r25 čat čei burieč hem honestliche & noght suffreč hem be deuoured wič wylde bestes ne rote aboue če erthe in abhominacioun to očre men; wel more schulde kynde & pitee stere vs čat beč cristen men [and] haue stedfast bileue čat čilke bodies schal aryse at če day of dome and be oned a¨en wič the soule, and [go] togidre to ioye or to peyne. |r30  éerfore be busy to burie hem in honeste and holy place and see čat no vilanye were doo hem. And čerfore whoso loueč his neigheboures soule he loueč his body, & čan aughte he do his body after his deth all če kyndenes čat he can or may. Now hit is schewed whiche beč the werkes of mercy, boče gostly & |r35 bodily, whiche beč alle werkes of grete almes by whiche we may gete grete mede. But for as moche as it is ofte seyn čat men leseč her almes & many očer good dedes for čei doth it noght as it aughte be do, čere[fore] it is forto schewe how almesdedes schulde be doo forto moste plese |r40 God čerwith. For whoso desireč to plese God wič almesdede |r[f.88v] moste take hede [of] thre činges, čat is to seie of what, to whom, & how. |p157 Firste he schulde take kepe wherof he schal make [his almes, for he schuld make] it of his owne trewe gete good & noght of očer mennes good čat he hač vntruly gete. For če almes čat is done of vntrewly gete good, as by čefte, raveyne, oker, gilerie, wrong takyng, wrong |r5 wičholdyng or other suche wrongful wises plesič noght God, but račer greueč him. For in Holy Writte God comaundeč čus: `éou schalt not make offrynge ne sacrifice of oxe, schepe ne other beste čat čou hast wrongfulliche geten, for suche offrynge & sacrifice is abhomina[ble] to God.'  3it seith ferčermore Holy Writ čat he čat makeč offr_ynge |r10 or sacrifice to God of eny good wrongfulliche take fro pore men doč no more plesaunce to God čan he doč to če fader whos sone he sleeč maisterfulliche and offreč h[y]m in his sight.  Seynt Austyn seith also čus: `What may čat ¨ifte be preysed čat he čat takič it lawhič and he čat forgoč it wepith?' And čerfore eche man |r15 schulde take good kepe [wherof] he [makečl his almes. The secounde is čat he schulde take kepe to whom he schulde doo his almes, for Holy writt techič us to loke to whom we schulde do oure almes. For he bid vs doo good to če goode, čat is to seie to hem čat čou vnderstondest beeč goode and not to hem čat čou wost wel beč |r20 wikked, čat is to seie to čilke |r[f.89r] čat čou seest wele lyuynge & noght to hem čat lyueč in open synne, as iogeloures, harlottes, flat_erers and očer suche to whom men ¨eueth ofte for her lesynges and ydel tales; and čat is synne, boče for myspendyng of Goddes goodes & of tyme [inl ydell. But ¨it whoso ¨eueč to suche myster men bycause |r25 of her pouerte & bycause čat čei haue noght elles to helpe and fynde wič her fadres & modres & wyfes and children, čat wičoute her help myght noght lyue, & also forto wičdrawe hem fro čat manere lyvinge & noght for her folie, hit is wel doo.  Wherfore almes schulde be doo to pore nedy [men] and nameliche to hem čat beč poore in herte & |r30 wille, and čat forsakeč the world for če loue of God as himself counsailled; and also to alle očre čat nedy beč & poreliche lyueč, and nameliche to + suche as w[ere] woned to be in better estate and beeč aschamed to begge, & for čat čei conne noght ne may noght gete her lyflode and profyte očre men wič her bodiliche trauaile as čei |r35 were woned to doo, for elde or other febilnes čat is falle on hem. And ¨it men beč račer holde to doo her almes and help wič her good [to] fader & moder čan eny očer if čei be nedy, for so comaundeč oure Lord God where čat he biddeč vs worschip fader & moder.  And so techič vs kynde, for hit is write in če book of kyndes čat čere is a |r40 manere of foule čat is cleped a lapwynke, whiche foule, whan the |r[f.89v] fader & moder of hit may not trauaile to gete her mete for elde, čilke čat čei broght forth takeč hem & pulleč awey here olde fečeres |p158 & sitteč vpon hem and couereč hem wič her fečeres and fedeč [v]nto newe fečeres wexe on hem & čat čei be woxe myghti a¨en to flee & helpe hemself.  Moche more a man schulde or a wononan čat hač vse of resoun be busy to kepe & socoure & susteyne hem čat hem broght |r5 forth; & whoso doth noght so he may wel be cleped unkynde, for he doč boče a¨enst kynde and a¨enst če comandement of God čat is maker of kynde. And čerfore to hem čat falleč in suche vnkyndenesse ofte tyme hit is seye čat moche vnhap falleč hem in čis world as it is right, & moche worse schal bifalle hem in čat očer but they amende hem. |r10 The čridde čing is čat a man schulde take kepe how he schulde ¨eue his almes, and čerto longeč foure činges: one is čat hit be [do] gladliche and wič good chere; če secounde is čat it be doo sone wič_oute tarienge; če čridde is čat it be doo largeliche after če myght of če ¨euer, and če ferthe is čat hit be doo mekeliche. |r15 Ferste men scholde doo her almes gladliche & wič good chere, for Holy Writte berith witnesse čat God takeč more kepe to če herte čan to če hond of the ¨euer; for seint Gregory seith čat God takeč no kepe wič how moche but wič hou good herte a man worschipeč him.  Ensample čerof |r[f.90r] oure Lord Ihesu Criste scheweč in če gospel of če pore |r20 woman čat hadde no more but two mytes of money čat were worth a ferthyng, & hem sche offred wič good herte into the tresory of če temple. And oure Lord seide čat sche had offred more čan eny other čat moste had offred; for očre ¨eue parte of čat čei had plente of, but sche ¨af all čat sche hadde to lyue by. And čerfore it plesith |r25 more God an halpeny ¨eue of a pore man wič glad herte čan doth a grete ¨ifte of a riche man wič + grucchinge herte. And čerfore seič the wise man Salamon čus: `In all thi ¨iftes make glad chere.' For seint Poule seič čus: Hillarem datorem diligit Deus, čat is to seie, `God loueč a glad ¨euer & curteys.  But some men čere beeč čat wanteč |r30 good norture & curtesie, for čei wole noght ¨eue [for če loue of God to če pore] čat schal haue it [but ¨if čei] by hit ouerdere. For čei wole reprove hem first vilaynousliche or čei wole ¨eue hem, & clepeč hem faytoures, truantis, čeues, mychers & many očre suche vylenous wordes, so čat her almes is bought ouerdere. And suche manere doynge |r35 of almes is [noght acceptable to God, and čerfore] če wyse man Salamon techič vs čus: `Open thyn herte to če pore & answere him debonerliche.' ée secounde manere of doynge of almes is čat it schulde be doo sone or hastifliche wičoute tarienge. For če wise man Sala*mon |r[f.90v] seith čus: `¨if čou maist helpe thi frend of čat he hač nede, čou |r40 schalt not seie "Goo" to him, "goo & come a¨en tomorwe" if čou myght helpe him anone.' And in anočer stede he seith čus: `Let noght čei |p159 ¨ifte be taried fro hem čat haue nede ¨if čou desirest to saue her lyues,' čat is to seie, late hem noght loke after hit when čou maist anone ¨eve it.  And čis is a¨enst many riche men čat wole suffre pore nedy men longe & sore crye on hem or čei wole ought ¨eue hem, so |r5 čat it is dere boght or čei haue it. For Senek seith, če wise man, čat no čing is derrer boght čan čat čat is gete wič schamefast prayer, and a comune word it is: `Dere he biggeč čat beggeč.' And čerfore a man schulde doo his almes as sone as he is of myght forto doo it.  ée wise man Salamon seič; `Sone & betyme doo čou good thiself for |r10 Goddes loue ¨if čou haue wherof, and offre to God wič čyn owne hondes while čou lyuest, for deč wole noght longe abyde.' And in anočer stede he seič čus: `Do good to či frend tofore thi deth,' by whiche frend may be vnderstonde čei soule to whom če nedeč do good or čou deie; or elles it may be vnderstonde oure beste frend oure Lord God |r15 of heuene to whom čou schuldest doo good whiles čou lyuest, čat is to seie almes for his loue to pore men whiles čou lyuest after čei myght. For as God himself witnessith in če gospel, čat men doč to pore men for his love me doč |r[f.91r] hit to him. Forwhy almes čat [a man] doč while [he] lyueč schal moche more stonde him in stede čan čat men doč |r20 for him after his deth; right as a lanterne čat is bore tofore a man in če derke wisseč him better in his wey & more comforteč him čan a lanterne čat is bore behynde him.  éerfore seynt Poule biddeč vs čus: `While ¨e haue tyme doč good.' For as a lord whan he schal come to a citee or to a town he sendič his herbergeres & purvyoures tofore |r25 to take his ynne and ordeyne for hym, so schulde e[uer]y man čat may sende tofore him his puruyoures & herbergers, čat beč almesdedes, to take his ynnes & herberwe in če blisse of heuene. For almes čat is doo for a man after his deth stondič him but in litel stede to rewarde čat hit schulde haue doo if hit hadde be doo in his lyf, for it farič |r30 but as a purveour or an herbergour čat comeč in če toun čere his lord schulde be herborwed latter čan his lord. The čridde manere how almes schulde be doo is čat hit schulde be do largeliche aftir čat a man may. For the wise man seith čus: `¨eue good for Goddes loue freliche after čat God hač ¨eue [če].' And Thobi |r35 če holy man seith čus: `After thi myght be merciable: if čou hast moche ¨eue largeliche; if čou haue litel departe of hit curteisliche & gladliche.'  Hit is redde of a kyng čat a pore man asked of him a peny, and če kyng answerde & seide čat it longeč noght |r[f.91vl to a kyng to ¨eue so litel.  Also kyng Alisaundre ¨af to oon of |r40 his seruantes a grete citee and če seruant wolde noght haue it, for him čoght čat it was to grete a ¨ifte. And čen seide če kyng Alisaundre: `I take no kepe in my ¨ifte what hit byfalleč če to re_sceyue, but what it byfalleč me to ¨eue.' |p160 The ferče manere how almesse schulde be + doo is čat it schulde be doo mekeliche wič grete deuocioun & god entente, for he čat doč it schulde wille to haue čerof no worldliche worship, čonk ne veynglorie, ne be despitous in čoght, word ne dede to če poore čat he helpeč; ne |r5 haue ouerhope ¨if čat he be in dedly synne čat God wole only for his almesdedis for¨eue him, wičoute receyuynge of če sacrament of pen_aunce.  + Som men doč her almes onliche to be preysed čerfore, but če Holy Goost by če prophetes mouth techič vs čus: Absconde elemosinam in sinu pauperis, `Hydeth,' he seide, `¨oure almes in če |r10 pouere mannes bosom.' And seynt Gregory seith čat hit is inowh to čee čat he see čyn almesdede of whom čou hopest to haue čei mede.  Also oure Lord Ihesu Crist in the gospel seith čus: Cum [facis] elemosinam nesciat sinistra tua quid faciat dextera tua, čat is to seie, `When čou schalt do thyn almes lat noght čyn lifte hond wite |r15 what či right hond doth, so čat čyn almes be doo so priuely čat hit be noght knowe |r[f.92r] of očer men, and čan če Fader of heuene, čat all čing seeč, be hit neuere so priue, schal ¨elde it the.' And čer_fore, seith seynt Gregory, whoso čenkeč to haue mede of God for his almesdede him byhoueč čat [he] haue a rightful entencioun. |r20 Also him byhoueč čat in his almes doynge čat he ne despise no pore men, for če Holy Gost by če prophetes mouth seič čus whan he coun_saileč vs to doo almes: Carnem tuam ne despexeris &c, čat is to seie, `Despise not čei flesche,' čat is če pouere man čat čorgh shač and mak_ynge is liche to če and of če same kynde of flesche & blood as čou |r25 art.  éere beč also some riche men čat for pryde deyneč noght to speke wič a pore man ne unnečes to loke on him, and if čei spekeč wič him hit schal be ouerthwerte & despitousliche; and čis moche disples_ith God. But če holy man Iob dede not so čat seide čus: `I ne de_spise neuere pore man, for I hadde somtyme nede.'  A kyng or a |r30 lord čat were an holy man and of clene lyuynge ne schulde haue no schame ne disdeyne to speke wič a pore lyuynge man & take of him good counsaile and rede for help of his soule, if he were connynge, [r]ačer čan to comoun [or] counsaile wič grete riche men čat coude noght or wolde noght counsaile him to goode, but račer by losengrie and many |r35 očer weies draweč h[y]m fro good to yuel. For many grete lordes grete almesdedes doč to pore men but ¨it |r[f.92v] čei haue of hem grete disdeyn for her pouerte, & lusteč noght speke ne comune wič hem; and if čei were rightfulliche meke čei wolde not do so. Also čere beč many men čat ¨eueč ofte moche almes, but čei liggeč con_tynually |r40 in dedly synne wičoute amendement, and č[at] almesdede may hem noght availe to sauacioun if čei deide in čat estat; for almes_dede ne očer good werk čat is doo in dedly synne nys but deth, & may noght saue a man fro the peyne of helle.  Suche a man may wel be |p161 likned to him čat wolde bilde h[i]m an hous, but as faste as he makeč and arereč čat oon side he draweč doun čat očer side. & čerfore Holy Writ seith čus: Miserere anime tue placens Deo, čat is to seie, `aue mercy on thyn owne soule if čou wolt plese God,' for whoso is |r5 noght good to himself, to whom may he be good, or to whom may he be trewe čat is false to himself?  éerfore seič seynt Austyn, `Who_so wole doo his almes ord[ayn]lichehe moste firste begynne at his owne soule,' for a man čat hač no pite ne mercy on his owne moder čat is nedy & sike, haue he neuere so moche mercy & pitee on očer men, |r10 ¨it he schal be holde as wičoute pitee. Right so schal a man be čat hač no pitee of his owne soule whiche he schulde loue aboue all čing after God, & amendič noght his soule whan he woot hit is nedy & sik čorgh dedly synne. |r[f.93r] Now is schewed če vertu of če tree of mercy and of če seuen |r15 degrees & fourtene braunches of hit and of če fruyt čat comeč čerof, of whiche fruyt seič the prophete Dauid in če sawter čus: Beatus qui intelligit super egenum & pauperem &c, čat is to seie, `Iblessid is he čat takič hede of če nedy & pouere,' as who seith he abyt noght forto pore men aske him, but ¨eueč hem as he seeč čat čei haue nede |r20 or čei aske.  And so did če holy man seynt Nicholas priueliche caste his good into če mannes hous čat was bycome pore & myght noght begge for schame, but schaped his čr[e] dowtren to če bordel hous čat čei & he myght haue lyued by če synful sillynge of paire [wicked] flesshe, of če whiche myschif če holy man rescowed hem & releued |r25 [hem] wič his good for Goddes loue vnpreyed and vnasked.  For as it is seide bifore, `He byeč ouerdere čat beggeč,' and wel free herte hač he no[t] čat none čing can ¨eue vnprayed. Neuerčeles hit is wel doo to ¨eue če nedy čat prayeč, but hit is better doo & more to Goddes plesaunce forto ¨eue to če pouere vnasked & vnprayed, for če + |r30 prophete in če [same] stede aforseid čere čat he seide `Iblissed is he čat takeč hede of če nedy and pouere,' anone folowynge he seič čus: In die mala libera[b]it eum Dominus, čat is to seie, `For God schal delyuere him at [če] yuel day,' čat is če day of dome, whiche schal be yuel to wikked |r[f.93v] men čat at čat day schul be dampned in body |r35 & soule to endeles peyne, for čei dede noght here če werkes of mercy. Wherfore the domesman at čat tyme schal speke to hem an hidous word, as witnessič oure Lord Ihesu Crist in če gospel: Ita maledicti in ignem eternum: `Goč,' he schal seie, `¨e waried wrecches fro me to če fuyre of helle endeles čat is ordeyned for če deuel of helle & his |p162 angelis; for I was hongry and ¨e ¨af me no mete; I was ačurste and ¨e ¨aue me no drynk; I was naked and ¨e cločed me noght; I was syke & ¨e visited me + noght; I was in prisoun & ¨e sought me noght, and I was herberwles and ¨e herberwed me noght.' And čerfore čei schal be de_lyuered |r5 to her enemyes če fendes of helle, euere to dwelle wič hem in endeles peyne; fro whom men čat haue be mercifull and pitevous in čis world schul čan be delyuered. For čan schal oure Lord Ihesu Crist seie to hem čat fulfilled here če werkes of mercy as he seith himself in če same gospel čus: Venite benedicti patris mei &c, `Comeč to me |r10 ¨e blessid children of my Fader & resceyueč the kyngdom of heuene whiche čat [is] ordeyned [to] ¨ow fro če bigynnynge of če world, for čat ¨e dede to pore men in myn name, ¨e did it to me.' éan schal God doo to hem gret worschič for čei did here če werkes of mercy, & ¨elde hem čerfore lyf & blisse wičouten ende. |r15 And čerfore |r[f.94r] seič oure Lord Ihesu Crist in če gospel čus: [Beati misericordes &c], `Blissed be čei čat beč merciful, for čei schal haue mercy.' And for čei saued lyues of očre men wič dedes of mercy & almesdede it is good right čat God ¨eue hem lyf wičouten ende in ioye & blisse. And for čei had pitee & mercy & comforted hem čat |r20 were in meschief, anger & woo, hit is skile that God haue mercy on hem & delyuere hem of alle mescheues, angres & woes; & so schal he doo and ¨eue hem če corowne of endeles blisse to whiche čis vertu of mercy schal bringe hem [and] to če mede čerof, čat is mercy. For God seith, `Blissed beč čey čat beč merciful, for čei schal haue mercy.' |r25  And čus men may see what če ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of counseil may do whiche we prayeč to haue by če thridde ask_yng of če Pater Noster, čat is fiat voluntas tua; whiche ¨ifte putteč fro a man če synne of auarice and setteč in čat stede če vertu of mercy čat bringeč him to če blissedhede & mede čat longeč čerto, that |r30 is mercy. De Dono Intellectus The secunde askynge of če Pater Noster, + Adueniat regnum tuum, may wynne to vs če ¨ifte of če Holy Goost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of vnder_stondyng, whiche ¨ifte čere it wircheč putteč awey derknes of mannes herte. For right as če sonne whan it aryseth & begynneč to schyne |r35 putteč awey če derknes of če nyght & mystes čat letteč če light of |r[f.94v] če day, right so če ¨ifte of vnderstondynge putteč awey derknes of synne čat is in mannes herte and ¨eueč it clere light [to] se all manere filče of synne čat is čerynne, and also čat čat is byneče him, as in helle, and čat čat is aboue him, as in heuene with gostly sight, |r40 and čat čat is aboute him, as Goddes creatures. And so it bringeč a man to greet desire to see oure Lorde God almyghty and euere to be |p163 wič him in his blis. And čen he strengčeč him faste to caste out of his herte and make him clene of all manere filthe of synne čat he seeth čerynne čorgh grete sorwe of herte, schrifte of mouth & hard penaunce so čat he mowe see God gostliche and wone with God & God |r5 wič him. And nameliche čis ¨ifte putteč out of mannes herte če synne of leccherie and settič in čat stede če vertu of chastite. Luxuria ducit hominen in peccatum quatuor modis Leccherie is an outrageous loue of flescheliche lust & likyng in whiche če deuel čorgh foure maneres ledeč a man to dedly synne and so to endeles deč but ¨if he amende hym or he deie bodiliche. One is |r10 fole and [vn]wardliche lokinge or sight; če secounde is foole & vn_warly [speche]; če čridde is foole and vnwardly touching wič hand, and the ferč is foole & vnwardliche kussynge with mouth, of whiche comeč ofte some leccherous [dede] or [wille] to če whiche če deuel ledeč a man. For as it is [writen] in Holy Writt čus: Sicut pissis |r15 capitur hamo, sic homines ca*piuntur |r[f.95r] in luxuria tempore malo, that is to seie, `As če fisshe is caught wič če hook so beč men caghte wič če synne of leccherie in yuel tyme.' For right as če fissher couereč and hideč če hoke čat he wil cacche with če fisshe with če bayte čat he woot če fisshe wole gladliche swolowe, and as whan če |r20 fisshe seeč čat baite he draweč nere and ta[st]eč čerof, and whan he feleč če likyng čerof he sweloweč it vp with če hook and so is hit caught & slayn; right so če deuel first scheweč to a man a thing čat is likyng, and stereč him to byholde hit foliliche & vnwardliche, and of čat byholdinge sterič him to speke of filthe & leccherie, and of |r25 speche to a fole and vnwardliche touchinge wič hond, and so to kuss_ynge with mouth, čorgh whiche comeč the dede of leccherie, or elles ful assente of herte čerto. And čan is če hook swolowed, & he čat so hač doo or assentid is take with the [deuel] and slayn gostliche čorgh dedly synne. But we schulde be ware of čese sleightes of če |r30 deuel and kepe vs fro hem, as techič vs the prophete & seith čus: Averte oculos tuos ne videant vanitaten, čat is to seie, `Turne čyn ei¨en awey čat čei see no [vanite], for he čat wole doo no foly hym nedeč čat he byholde no čing čat myght stere him čerto; for če eighe is če firste messenger to če herte of foly and yuel. |r35 In two maneres men synneč in leccherie, čat is to seie wič herte & with body. Lec*cherie |r[f.95r] of herte is in foure maneres. One is in čoght, če secounde in delyt, če čridde in consentynge of wille, and če ferč in desire to fulfille it in dede; for oure wikked enemy če fende čat euer is redy & busy to kyndle če fuyre of leccherie in |p164 mannes herte, first he putteč čerynne a fole čoght of leccherie, and čat is not ¨it but venial synne, but after he makeč če herte dwelle & abide in čoght of leccherie, & čen comeč sone out čerof če manere, čat is delite, and čat may be dedly synne ¨if če herte longe |r5 abyde čerynne. For čen comeč sone the čridde, & čat is consentyng to the synne, as when čei skele ne thi resoun wičstondeč [it noght] but consentič čerto, & čat is dedly synne. And čan foloweč the ferče, čat is [but] brennynge desire to doo leccherous dede, & čat is dedly synne, al be hit čat a man somtyme may noght [come] čerto. And so by |r10 suche consentynge & desyre a man may synne ofte sithes in a day čorgh nyce lokynge or čnkynge on wommen čat beč gayliche atyred & fayre to schewe hem as foles to če sight of očer foles. And suche wommen wenen čat čei doo noght amys gif it so be čat čei assente to no synne in hemself. But sothely čai synnen ful grevous_ly |r15 [] when čei atyren hem so to čat ilke entente čat men schulde če more byholde hem and če more lust haue in hem. For čorgh hem may many a mannes soule be lorne |r[f.96r] whiche čat for če gay attyre & beaute čat čei scheweč + byholdeč on hem & čerby cometh into desire to doo če dede of leccherie wič hem, allčogh čei may noght come čerto. |r20 And suche wommen čat so attyreč hem for suche cause may be cleped če deuelis grenes or snares, for many a man by suche grennes beč take & broght to če develis hond; as Salamon če wise man seith čat eche leme of suche a womman is a grene or a snare of če deuel.  Wherfore at če day of dome whan suche a womman schal ¨elde answere tofore God |r25 & resoun of alle če soules čat beth čus dampned bycause of hir, in grete drede & sorwe schal sche be. For al were it so čat sche assented noght to do no leccherous dede, & semed to hirself čat sche did but well, ¨it and hir entencioun whi sche made hir so gay & seme_ly was forto drawe če sight of men more to hir & če more desire to |r30 synne with hir, or elles ¨if sche vnderstood čat men were če more stired čerby to desire [to] synne wič hir and sche leueč it noght čer_fore [], sche may not be excused + čat sche nys cause of her synne & dampnacioun, & s[o] dampnable čerfore. Lecchery of body scheweč him in many maneres, as in sight, hiryng, |r35 spekyng, touchyng, and in alle če fyue wittes of če body; and also in alle [činge] čat stireč če body to ouermoche luste & likyng, as fayre cločinge & softe beddynge and o[čer] delicate array |r[f.96v] & appar_aile, & in alle očre delices of [če] body overmesure. |p165 Leccherie of če body departeč him in fourtene degrees after če estates of hem čat doč it, and čilke degrees liggeč to helleward all wey fro wikked to wors.  ée firste is cleped simple fornicacioun čat is bytwene sengil man & sengil woman, čat neither of hem is bounde to |r5 mariage ne to chastite by avow, ne professed to no religioun. And ¨it čis dede is dedly synne.  ée secounde degree is bytwene a sengil man & a comune womman čat profreč hir wrecchid body to sille. éis synne is wors and fouler & more likeč če deuel čan čat other, for hit may bringe a man into moche more perill. For suche a womman may |r10 parauenture be a wyf or a woman of religioun, or hač had to doo wič fadir, bročer or other nyghe kyn to him čat hač to done wič hir; for suche oon forsakeč no man.  The čridde degree is bytwene a sengil man & a [wydewe] čat hač avowed chastite, & čis is more grevous synne čan eny of the očer two.  The ferče degre is bytwene a |r15 sengil man & a clene maide, & čat is ¨it gretter synne, for to čat estate of clene maydenhode longeč more mede čan to [očer], and čer_fore to če brekynge čerof longeč more peyne. The fifte degre is bytwene a sengle man & another mannes wyf or by_twene a [wedded] man and anočer sengil womman, for in boče čese maneres |r20 is če synne of avoutrye or spouse*breche |r[f.97r] whiche is a grevous synne by two weies.  0ne is by brekinge of če feith of mariage čat schulde be by če lawe of God & Holy Chirche bytwene housbonde & wyf, čat is čat eche of hem schulde trewelyche kepe her bodies to other in trewe loue.  Another is for če synne of sacrilege čat |r25 is conteyned in čis synne, for whoso doth avoutrye he doč sacrilege, brekynge če sacrament of Holy Chirche a¨enst če oth čat he made at his weddyng. By čese two weies men synneč greuousliche in če synne of avoutrye; and many očer grete periles fallič by čis synne, for čere[by] beeč made many false heyres and many rightful [heyres] dis_herited, |r30 whiche harme čei čat beč gilty čerof beč noght of myght to make gree ne restitucioun to him čat čei haue so harmed.  And also čis synne bringeč ofte če man or če womman čat is gilty čerynne to moche meschif of body in čis world as to pouerte, losse of som lyme, enprisonement & distresse of his body + or sodeyn deth, & to |r35 moche more meschief of soule, čat is endeles dampnacioun but čei amende hem or čei deye.  éis synne also is somtyme doubled or made twofold, as whan a wedded man takeč anočer manis wyf, & čan is it moche more grevous, for it is čen double avoutrye čat askeč moche more peyne and greuous. |r40 The sixte is bytwene |r[f.97v] a wedded man & his owne wyf, doynge with hir če flescheliche werk čat longeč to weddyng in očer manere čan kyndeliche skile wole, or očerwise čan če lawe of wedlok askeč. For right as a man may wilfulliche slee himself bodiliche wič his owne |p166 knyf and be endelesliche dampned čerfore, so may he slee hymself gost_liche čorgh dedly synne doo wič his owne wyf čorgh vnskilful lust of his flesshe a¨enst če ordre & resoun of kynde and of mariage. And čer_fore wedded folk schulde not folowe all her + lustes as [vn]reson_able |r5 bestes, but kepe hem in clennes after kyndeliche skile & če ordre of če sacrament of matrimonye, whiche sacrament čorgh če vertu čerof excuseč fro dedly synne all manere fleschely dede idoo ordynat_liche and kyndeliche bytwene hem čat rightfulliche beč coupled by čat sacrament. |r10 The seuenče degree is bytwene [a man] and his gossib, čat is to seie, a womman čat haf his child at če fontston or bytwene a womman [and] him čat haf hir child at če fonston, or bytwene a child and his god_father [or his] godmoder, and bytwene če children of če [god]child and [pe] children of če godfader & godmoder. For eche of čese beč |r15 sibbe to očre gostliche, as fader and moder, suster & bročer beč bodi_liche, so čat ¨if eny wičynne suche degre were wedded to očer Holy Chirche schulde departe hem; and če same sibbrede gro*weč |r[f.98r] by confermynge of če bisshop. And čerfore all fleschely doynge bytwene man & womman of suche sibrede is greuous dedly synne.  The eighte |r20 degree is bytwene a man & his kynnes woman wičynne degrees of mariage, & čat synne may be more or lesse after čat čei be nere or ferther of kyn.  The nynče degre is bytwene a man & [a] kynnes womman of his wyf, or čat was his wyf; or bytwene a womman & a kynnes man of hir housbonde or čat was hir housbonde withyn degrees of mariage, čat is |r25 wičynne the fifte degre, for ¨if eny man weddič his kyn wičynne čat degree wičoute despensacioun of Holy Chirche če mariage schal not stonde but be departed, and so če man čat hač do flescheliche wič če sibwomman of his wyf, or woman wič če sibman of hir housbonde, he lesith the ryght of his wyf, or sche če right of hir housbonde, so |r30 čat neičer of hem čat so hač agilt may aske fro čat tyme forth fleschely dette of očer, ne haue to doo, wičoute synne. But if he or sche be asked čei mote ¨ilde it & doo it wič sorwful herte in mynde of her synne. The tenthe degree is bytwene a man in holy ordre, as preeste, deken |r35 or sodeken, & a seculer womman, and čat is a grevous synne; but hit may be more & lesse after če estate of him čat doč it, as a deken synneč more čen a sodeken & a preest more čan a deken.  ée eleuenče degre is bytwene a seculer man & a [womman of |r[f.98v] relig_ioun ], or bytwene a man of religioun and a seculer womman, and čis is |r40 grete synne, for če ton of čese is ded to če world.  ée twelfče |p167 degree is bytwene a man of religioun and a womman of religioun, & čis is most grevous synne, for čese boče beč dede to če world & schulde lyue onliche to če seruice of God.  The črittenče degree is by_twene a prelate or a curate of Holy Chirche and a woman. éat is an |r5 hidous synne, for prelates and curates scholde be myrour & light of good ensample to če peple, & beč holde to chastice hem čat mysdoth. And čis synne is more & lesse after če estate of če prelate, as more in an erchebisshop čan a bisshop, & more [in] a bisshop čan anočer curate of lower degree, and after če estat also of a womman čat he hač |r10 to doo wič, as ¨if sche be religious, wyf or maide or other. The fourtenč degree is synne of leccherie a¨enst kynde čat is worste of alle & most wlatsom to speke of and most myspayeč God. For čis synne hit is founde in Holy Writ čat God lete rayne fuyr & brymsto[n] vpon če citees of Sodom & Gomor and očer čre, so čat fyue citees for |r15 čat synne sank into helle wič all če peple čat was in hem but oon gode man čat was giltles čerof & his two doghtres, čat eskaped by warnyng of two aungels čat God sent him. And čerfore men clepeč this synne če synne of sodomy, for it is liche none očer.  This synne če deuel techič men & wommen in |r[f.99r] many maneres whiche beč noght |r20 to telle for če wlatsomnes čerof, čat is so moche čat če deuel himself činkeč schame to neighe če man or če womman čat is defouled čerwith. But ¨if eny man or womman feleč him in eny manere gultyf in + suche synne vnkyndeliche, hit is good counsaile to him čat he leue for no shame čat he ne schryue him hastiliche čerof, & in his schrifte telle |r25 all če manere how he hač idoo; for če schame čat he schal haue in him_self for čat vileyn dede schal be to hym a grete parte of his penaunce. And čus men may understonde what is leccherie, boč of herte & of body, če whiche synne če ¨ifte of če Holy Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of vnderstondyng putteč awey from a man in whom čat ¨ifte worcheč & |r30 setteč in čat stede če clene vertu of chastite as is aforeseid; of whiche vertu it is now forto speke. De virtute Castitatis & eius vij gradibus Chastite is a vertu wonder fayre, and may wel be likned to a tree čat hač seuen degrees & seuen branches. ée seuen degrees beč these: first is clene conscience [of] herte; če secounde is clene speche of mouth; |r35 če čridde is good kepynge of če fyue wittes; the ferč is streit & hard lyuynge; the fifte is fleyng of yuel companye & of all čing čat myght be enchesoun of synne; the sixte degree is good occupacioun, and če seuenče is good prayer & + deuocioun. The firste degre of čis tree of chastite and če rote čerof is clene con_science, |r40 for withoute |r[f.99v] clene conscience no čing may plese God. |p168 For clene conscience kepeč the herte fro wikked čoghtis and fro wikked willes & wikked desires čat comeč of hem so čat če herte may noght assente to none yuel by none wikked will ne desire, for he čat assenteč to an yuel čoght or to an yuel will to fulfille it ¨if he |r5 myghte, al be hit čat he doo it noght in dede, he synneč dedly and schal be dampned čerfore but if he amende him or he deie. Thre činges kepeč a manis conscience clene, čat beč these: good wille ofte to hyre sermones and Goddes word; anočer is sorwe of herte for synne and ofte schrifte, and če čridde is mynde of če passioun of oure |r10 Lord Crist.  The firste čyng čat kepeč clene conscience is good wille to hyre Goddes word, for čat makeč a man dredful to doo eny + čing čat God & Holy Chirche forbedeč. For oure Lord Ihesu Crist seič čus in če gospel to his disciples: lam vos mundi estis propter ser_monem meum, `Now,' he seith, `¨e be made clene čorgh my worde,' |r15 Goddes word of če mouth of če prechour is as it were a clene myrour in whiche eche man may see, and he wil loke wel, če spottes of synne čat beč in his soule, be čei neuere so pryue. The secounde čing čat kepeč clene conscience is verray schrifte wič penaunce doynge for synne. For schrifte is as a lauoure full of watir |r20 wič whiche men wascheč her hondes. + In če book of Kynges hit is write |r[f.100r] how Helyse če prophete bad Naaman, čat was mesel, čat he schulde goo and wasshe him seuen sithes in če flood Iordan and he schulde be clensed of his yuel. He ¨ede and wisshe him as če pro_phete bad, and whan he had wasshe him he was hole & clene.  ée |r25 flood of Iordan is as moche to seie or vnderstonde as če flood of iugement, and betokeneč schrifte of mouth in whiche a man schulde iuge & deme himself wič grete sorwe in herte for his synnes, so čat a flood of teres bygynneč to come out at če condite of his eighen. And čat, as če prophete behight če mesel čat he schulde be hole & clene |r30 ¨if he wolde wasshe him seuen sithes wel, bytokeneč čat če synful man, if he wesshič him wel čorgh schrifte with sorwe of herte of alle če seuen dedly synnes, [or] of as many of hem as he is gilty of, he schal be hole and clene in soule.  éerfore the holy man [seynt] Bernard seith čus: `Loue schrifte if čou wolt be sauf & clene & fayre;' for |r35 verray schrifte may noght be wičoute fayrenes and clennes of soule. The čridde čing čat kepeč clene conscience is mynde of če passioun of Crist Ihesu. + éat is če wepene čat če fend most dredeth, for čorgh čat wepene he was ouercome & his most myght bynome hym. And čer_fore |p169 we haue ensample in Holy Writ how čat God bad Moyses forto de_stroye če naddres čat stongen & enve[nym]ed če peple čat he schulde make a neddre of bras and sette it on če ende of a rod or of a pole and holde it vpon hy so čat če ve*nymous |r[f.l00v] neddres myght see it, |r5 & so he dede. And anone as če venymous naddres seygh če naddre of bras čei fled & greued če peple no more, but alle čat were hurte by če stingyng or envenemynge of hem were heled & sauf by če sight of čat naddre of bras.  The neddre of bras čat was putte an hye on če rodde or on če pole [betokenečl če blissed body of oure Lord |r10 Ihesu Crist čat was putte on hy on če croyse and čere suffred deč for vs: he was a naddre wičoute venym of whom comeč all triacle čat may destroye če venym of če fend of helle. Wherfore whoso feleč him stongen or envenymed wič eny fonding čat comeč to him by če venymous naddre če deuel of helle, byholde stedfastliche with good byleue |r15 čilke blessid naddre of bras wičoute venym, čat is če blessid body of oure Lord Ihesu Crist, how it was putte hy vpon če croyse and what peyne he suffred for mankynde. And čan anone schal če fende flee, and če man be delyuered from čat temptacioun or fondinge and so dis_comfite če fend. |r20 The secounde degre of chastite is clene speche of mouth, čat is čat mouth ne tonge speke no wordes of vilenye ne vnclennes čat myght be sterynge or kyndelynge of synne; for suche manere wyndes kyndeleč ofte če fuyre of leccherie. And čerfore hit is write in Holy Writ čat če word of an yuel woman brenneč as če fuyre. And če apostle |r25 seynt Poule seith čus: Turpilo*quiun |r[f.101r] confundit bonos mores, `Foole speche' he seith, `destroyeth goode čewes.' And čerfore who desireč to be chast and serue God in clennes of body and soule him byhoueč to kepe him from vnclene speche, for he čat wole speke + or [hyre gladliche] wordes of leccherie & vilanye & čereynne spende tyme, |r30 hit is semeliche čat he is noght c[h]aste, for out of a tonne may no licoure come but suche as is wičynne. Right so ¨eue out of če mouth comeč vilaynous wordes of leccherie, hit semeth čat likynge of suche is in če herte, for as seič the wise man čus: Ex habundancia cordis os loquitur, `Of čat čat is plenteuous in če herte če mouth spekep.' |r35 The čridde degree of chastite is good kepyng of če fyue wittes, as sight of eighe, smellynge of nose, hirynge of ere, tastyng of mouth, touchyng of hond. éese beč če fyue wittes čat oure lyf is most ruled by. And čerfore whoso wil be chaste hym byhoueč kepe h[e]m wel.  First him byhoueč kepe + wel + his sight čat he see no vanyte ne |r40 foly čat myght sture him to fleschely likynge & lust.  After čat he moste kepe his eres čat he hyre no wordes ne speches čat myght |p170 sture him to likyng & luste of flesche, ne čat he hyre no bakbityng ne none other čing čat myght sture [to] synne or lette charite or očer good vertu.  His mouth he moste kepe from yuel speche & from luste of taste of mete |r[f.101v] and drinke ouermesure.  Also |r5 he moste kepe his smellynge from vnleful sauoures čat myght sture to synne.  ée handes & alle the lymes of če body he moste kepe fro felynge & touchinge of eny čing in suche wise čat hit myght be cause of synne. éese fyue wittes beč the ¨ates by whiche če deth entreč into mannes |r10 herte but čei be wel kepte, as witnessič the prophete čat seith čus: Mors intrauit per fenestras nostras, čat is to seie, `če deth is entred by oure wyndowes or ¨ates,' for ofte hit hač be seyn čat men hač ben taken, robbed & slayn in grete & strong casteles [and strengčes] for čei schutte ne kep[t] noght her gatis wel a¨enst her |r15 enemyes.  Ensample men may fynde herof in Holy Writt, for who was strenger čan Sampson, wyser čan Salamon, holyer čan Dauid, and ¨it čei were al ouercomen by queyntise & whiles of women, and alle for čei kept noght aryght če ¨ates of her hertes čat were here fyue wittes. For had čei wele kept čilke ¨ates, so stronge holdes as čeir |r20 hertes were my¨t noght haue be [broke] ne [wonne]. For, as seynt Ierom seith, če toure of mannes herte is so strong ¨if it be wel kept čat hit may not be take ne wonne by no strengče ne maistrie but if če gates čerof, čat beč če fyue wittes, be opened a¨enst če enemyes to lete hem yn. |r25 And čerfore hit is writen of čese olde |r[f.102r] philosophres čat čei drowen hem into wildernes & fled townes & dwellynges of men for čei wolde neither hyre ne see no thing čat myght stere in hem lust or likyng wherčorgh her hertes myght be made vnstable or leue here ver_tues of chastite. And som of hem made hemself blynde bodiliche for če |r30 same cause and for čei wolde noght be letted of her contemplacioun.  The fyue wittes of a man čat beč noght rightliche ikept beč liche to an hors čat is late renne wičoute bridel and renneč faste whider čat him lust forto čat he haue caste his maister or bore him into som grete perile & harme. Wherfore he čat wole be chaste byhoueč to |r35 restreyne his fyue wittes wič če bridel of skyle. ée ferče degree of chastite is streyte & harde lyvinge, for whoso wole kepe him clene from če synne of leccherie hym byhoueč holde his flesche lowe & make hit buxom to his resoun, for if it be suffred to haue his wille hit wil be contrarious & rebel a¨enst če soule, as wit_nessič |r40 če apostel seynt Poule. & čerfore whose wil abate or quenche če fuyre of leccherye him byhoueč wičdrawe all čat myght norisshe čat fuyre, and čat beč principalliche eses & delices of body. For seynt Bernard seith čus: Castitas perijt in delicijs, `Chastite perissheč |p171 in delicis.' And čerfore whoso wole kepe himself fro brennynge of fuyre of leccherie |r[f.102v] him byhoueč as is aforseid wičdrawe & abate all čing čat myght make če fuyre brenne, and quenche it at [če] begynnynge čorgh hard lyuynge & forberynge of vnmesurable etyng & |r5 drinkyng & of alle očre vnmesurable delices of če body, & so schal he kepe him fro brennynge, for we fynde in Holy Writte čat Danyel and his two felawes čat were children fed wič grete metis & febil drinkes, & no delicious metis ne drinkes wolde vse: če fuyre of Babiloyne in whiche čei were caste by her enemyes myght noght [brenne] |r10 hem ne [greue] hem. By če fuyre of Babiloyne may be vnderstonde če fuyre of leccherie whiche may wel be queynt čorgh hard lyf & abstyn_ence; but delicious metes and hote, & delicious & strong wynes and očer drinkes makeč leccherie brenne in a man as grece or oyle makeč očer fuyre. |r15 ée fifte degree of chastite is fleyng of yuel company and of all čing čat myght be enchesoun of synne [and leccherie]. For many men čorgh yuel companye falleč in če synne of leccherie čat elles schulde noght haue falle čerynne, for right as soure dogh čat me clepeč laueyne makeč turne all the paste čat hit is mengid with to če same sauour; |r20 and as a roten appill makič čorgh his moysture očre apples [to] roten čat he toucheč, and as one quik cole of fuyre may make a grete hepe of dede coles brenne ¨if he be leide amonges hem: right so če felaw_schip of oon |r[f.103r] leccherous man or womman may drawe a grete noumbre of men & wommen čat čei be wič to synne of leccherie.  And |r25 čerfore če Holy Gost by če prophetes mouth Dauid techič vs & seič čus: Cum sancto sanctus eris &c, čat is čus to seie in oure tunge: `with če holy čou schalt be holy,' as who seič, ¨if čou desirest to be good, holy & clene & chaste ¨if če to companye of goode, holy & clene men. For whoso loueč če companye of fooles, schrewes & synful, vnclene men |r30 or wommen him byhoueč nedes be a foole & an unclene synful wrecche as čei beč, as wittnessith če wise man in his book of wisdoms. Also he čat wole be chaste byhoueč flee all čing čat myght be en_chesoun or cause of synne, as pryue [speche], comynge togidre in priue places wičoute companye, and očre suche. For čat ¨eueč a grete |r35 sturynge to čat synne whan čat me may fynde čerto stede & tyme, of whiche is ensample in Holy Writt of Amon, Dauid sone, and Thamar his suster, whiche whan čei were allone in priue place čei synned togidre greuousliche in čis synne.  And also če wyf of če lorde of Ioseph in Egypte, when sche had Ioseph alone in her chambre sche wolde haue |r40 made hym synne wič hire, but Ioseph wolde noght, and čerfore sche pro_cured him moche woo & disese.  And čerfore če holy apostil seynt Poul, for remedy a¨enst če synne of leccherie, techič vs and seith čus: Fugite fornicacionem, `Fleeč,' he seič, |r[f.103v] `fornicacioun,' éat is to seie fleeč eche čing čat myght be enchesoun of leccherie, |p172 for men may no better ouercome fleschely synne ne kepe chastite & clennes čan to flee yuel company & alle enchesouns of yuel.  In tokenynge čerof we fyndeč in Holy Writt čat če angelis čat God sende forto saue Loth fro drenching of Sodome & Gomor čat were destroyed & |r5 drenchid into če fuyre of helle for čat synne bede him wende out of čilke citees & out of alle če marches of hem forto flee če grete vengeance čat schulde falle.  By Sodome we may vnderstonde če synne of leccherie, and by če marches čerof, all čat may be če en_chesoun of synne, for it is noght inowh čat a man flee če synne and |r10 yuel felawschič but if he flee also al čat may be enchesoun of synne; for men seith on olde Englisshe, `So longe če potte goč to če water čat at če laste it comeč home broken,' and `So longe fleeč če butter_flye aboute če fyre čat at če laste he falleč amydde & is brent.'  Right so a man may so longe be among yuel company čat [it my¨t be |r15 enchesoun of synne čat at če laste he] falleč čerynne & is brente. And čerfore he čat wole kepe himself fro fallynge & brennynge him by_houeč to draw him fer fro čat fuyre, so čat hit myght noght harme him. The sixte degree is good occupacioun, for oure enemy če fend of helle čat neuer slepeč but euere awakič and |r[f.104r] waiteč whom he myghte |r20 strangle wič dedly synne, when he myghte fynde a man ydel & vnocupied wič goode werkes he putteč on him a bridel and occupieč him anone in his nedes, čat beč wikked and idel čoghtes čat draweč him to werkes of synne čat comeč čerof. & so he ledič hym by če bridel of synne čat vnnečes may he come fro him; & čus by idelnes may a man falle in |r25 grete perile of synne.  Idelnes is a rechelesnes or slownes of hert to doo wel, and sche is maystres of all yuel, for če apostel seynt Poule techič vs & seith čus: Nolite locum dare diabolo, čat is to seie in oure tunge, `¨eueč no sted to če deuel,' čat is to seie, beč not idel of good werkes, so čat če deuel at no tyme mowe fynde |r30 space to occupie ¨ow in yuel werkes of synne, [for he čat is ydel of gode werkes ¨eueč če deuel stede and tyme to tempte or fonde hym with werkes of synne]. Therfore counsailleč vs če holy man seynt Ierom čat we be alwey worching goode werkes & neuermore idel, so čat če fend oure enemy |r35 fynde vs euere besy in gode werkes. For he čat for heuynes & vnluste of his herte is ydell & wolde doo no good schal not longe kepe him from fallynge in grete synne.  For če prophete seith čat pryde, plente of mete and ydelnesse were cause of [če] synne čat men vsed in Sodome, for če whiche čei were destroyed & dreynte; and for čei wolde |r40 noght trauaile ne no good doo but ete and drynke, čerfore fille čey in čat vileyn synne, & so disserued čat griseliche wreche.  And čus |p173 doth many men |r[f.104v] čat spendeth yuel če tyme čat God hač [lente] hem; for all če tyme čei leseč čat čei spendič in vanyte[s] or in outrageous etynge & drinkynge, playes and iolytees, songes or daunces, or suche očere reuelles čat ofte beč cause of grete synne and after_ward |r5 of endeles dampnacioun but čei amende hem. For of suche men spekeč če holy man Iob & seič thus: Ducunt in bon[is dies suos & in puncto ad inferna descendunt, `čei ledeč her lyues in welče[s] & worldliche likynge[s] & blisse, & in a poynt čei wendeth doun to helle.' |r10 The seuenthe & laste degree of chastite is [good] prayer & deuocioun, for devoute and meke prayer helpeč moche to ouercome synne, [and namely če synne] of leccherie. And čerfore seith seynt Ambrose čat deuoute & meke prayer is a siker scheld a¨enst če brannynge darte of če fend. And Ysidre seith also čat hit is a grete helpe to ouercome |r15 the fend and his fondinges to be praynge of custome; for whan če fende assayleč a mannes herte wič fondynges or temptaciouns, čan prayer is best help a¨enst him, for prayer fordoth the ass[aut] of synne. Prayer čat is made to God hertliche is of grete myght ¨if hit be sett and born vp by [four] pilers čat beč pese: če ferste |r20 is stedfast feith or trouthe; če secounde is good hope; če čridde is good deuocioun, and če ferče is fastyng & almes. ée firste pyler čat bereč vp prayer is stedfast byleue or trouče. For oure Lord Ihesu Criste in če gospel seič thus: Quicquid orantes pet_itis credite quia accip*ietis |r[f.105r] & fiet vobis, `What čat ¨e aske |r25 in ¨oure prayers bileue stedfastliche in God & in his my¨t and ¨e schal haue čat ¨e rightfulliche askeč.' And also seith če apostel seynt Iame čat we schulde [haue stedfast] byleue in God & in his myght wičoute doute, for he seith čat he čat douteč is liche to a wawe of če see čat with the wynde is born hider and čider; + čerfore |r30 he čat askeč of God & douteč forto spede he may not haue his askyng. The secounde pyler čat bereč vp [preyer] is good hope to haue čat a man askeč resonableliche and wič good wille, for čus seith če Holy Gost by če prophetes mouč Dauid in če sawter: Spera in Deo & ipse faciet, `Haue good hope in God & he schal doo to če čat čat čou ask_este |r35 .' And čerfore seith also the same prophete in če psawter in anočer stede čus: Miserere mei Deus quonian in te confidit anima mea, `God haue mercy on me for my soule trusteč in the.' He ¨eueč us a grete hope to haue of him whatso we skilfullyche askeč, for himself čat is all sočfastnes byhote vs by če gospel to spede & seith čus: |r40 Qui petit accipit & qui querit inuenit & pulsanti aperietur, čat is to seie, `He čat askeč taketh, he čat secheč fyndeč' and to him čat |p174 ryngeč or clepith hit schal be opened and he schal be late come yn,' čat is to vnderstonde, when čese čre condicions comeč togidre in prayer, čat [ben] askynge wiseliche, sechynge be*siliche |r[f.105v] and rynging or clepyng lastingliche & dwelling[liche], so čat če prayer |r5 be wič stedfast čoght, busynes, & dwellingnes and lastyngnes, God hyreč čat prayer. But many men spedeč noght of her prayer čogh čei preye neuere so longe, and čat is for čei fourme not aright her prayer. And čerfore seint Iame če apostel seith, '¨e askeč of God and getith noght by |r10 ¨oure askyng, for ¨e askeč noght čat fallič to ¨ow to haue.' Some men čere beeč that askeč hyer čing ča[n felle to] hem to haue, as dede če moder of seint Iohan and seynt Iame čat asked of + God čat hir two sones myght sitte wič him in his kyngdom, čat one of hem on his right side and čat očer on his lifte side. This askynge was wič_oute |r15 discrecioun and came as it semeč of presumpcioun, čat is wrong wenyng & wrong demynge čat a man hač of himself. And čerfore oure Lord answerde hem čus: '¨e wote noght what ¨e askeč"  And čer_fore he čat prayeth schulde kepe him from myswenyng and mysdemyng of hymself, čat he h[o]lde not hymself worthi to be herd, as oure Lorde |r20 Ihesu telleč in the gospel by an ensample of če pharise če whiche held himself good and preysed himself in his prayer and despised očer men & accused hem, wherefore he was noght herd, as oure Lorde |r[f.106r] čere bereth witnesse. And čerfore he čat prayeth to God he schulde praye mekeliche, for God |r25 is allmyghti & all čing woot, and seeč oure hertes & oure defautes, [greuaunces] & myscheues and woot what vs nedeč better čan we.  A man čat schulde fourmeliche praye him byhoueč take ensample of pore beggers čat sitteč by če weie and Preyeč of help for her lyflode of hem čat comeč by hem, whiche forto be če bettir herde & če sonner |r30 sped of čat čei askeč, scheweč to hem + her sores & her mescheues to sture hem to haue reuče on hem [and] pitee. Right so schulde a man doo to God almyghti ¨if he desireč to be herde and sped of his prayer: he schulde mekeliche schewe tofore God and beknowe all his defautes & synnes, & pray hertliche mercy and for¨euenes of God. |r35 som men čere beč čat be so encombred wič the world čat če[il konne noght praye of God but worldliche goodes or worschippes or other suche činges čat beč noght or litel worth, but rather occasioun of endeles dampnacioun. And čerfore God of his endeles goodnes and mercy ofte tyme suffre noght čilke čat beč his haue her desyre in suche čing |r40 but of his grete curtesie and larges graunteč hem par is of most + |p175 pryse, and čat is euerlastynge blisse' And for he wole noght plese hem čat beč his wič grauntynge |r[f.106v] to hem čing of litel or no value, as men plesič a ¨ong child with an apple, čerfore he wole pilke čat beč his pray e eesire of him gr[e]te činges and profitable |r5 to hem principalliche to če soule raper čan to če body, čat is his grace wel to lyue in čis world to če[el seruice and worschič of God, & after čis lyf to come to endeles blisse; for he čat askeč or desireth of God riches, honoure or eny očer worldliche likynge is noght worthi to be herd.  For seint Austyn seith čat worldliche goodes, |r10 honoures, richesses and očre suche worldliche činges aughte noght be desired ne iholde of prise ne of grete worpines. For we seeč čat God voucheč sauf to ¨eue hem raper to yuel men in čis world čan to goode. And for čis skile God ¨eueč worldliche goodes to yuel men, for good men schulde noght desire suche činges as čei seeč čat God ¨eueth to |r15 yuel men. And seint Ambrose counsailleč vs čus: 'Whan čou prayest to God aske grete činges & čat beč euerlastyng, & noght činges čat beč passynge.' But oure good maister & I,ord Ihesu Crist techič vs wel to praye fourmeliche and wiseliche, seyenge in če gospel čus: Si Qoid pec_ieritis |r20 Patrem in nomine meo dabit vobis, čat is to seie, 'What čat ¨e preye my Fader in my name he schal ¨eue hit to ¨ow.' He askeč in če name of oure Lord Ihesu čat askeč thing čat falleč to hele of soule. For 'Ihesu' is to seie 'hele' or 'heler', |r[f.107r] and what we schal aske he techič also in če + gospel & seith čus: Primum Quer_ite |r25 regnum Dei & insticiam eius & oznnia adicientur vobis. 'Firste,' he seith, 'sechič če kyngdom of God & his rightwisnes and čan schal ¨e haue all čing čat is nedful to ¨ow for body and soule.' For [as] men seith men schulde euere doo če moste nede first. Two činges we haue nede of to oure sustenaunce in čis world, čat is |r30 gostliche gooB & bodiliche good. But for we haue moste nede of goost_liche good, čerfore we schulde aske čat firste, and čan oure Lord God allmyghti wole ¨eue vs hit and bodiliche good čerto into avauntage to susteyne wič oure bodies. But for bodiliche goodes beč noght lastyng ne certeyne as goostliche goodes beeč čat euer lasteč' we schulde |r35 noght make oure principal goodes of suche secounde qoodes as some foles doth čat desireč none očer + lyf but čis +, whiche čat schal fayle hem in schort tyme whečr čei wil or non. But we schulde firste preye and desire to haue če kyngdom of God, for so techič vs i oure Lord Ihesu Crist in če gospel as is seide byfore. 'sechič first,' |r40 he seith, 'če kyngdom of God and his rightwisnes,' čat is to seie we schulde wirche good & rightfull werkes wherečorgh we myght come to če kyngdom čat euere schal laste.  And he čat čus askeč and |r[f.107v] I desireč to haue če kyngdom of God he wole ¨eue him čerto what čat him I nedeč to sustenaunce of his body; for no čing schal faile him of čat |p176 čat is helpliche to body or soule to him čat loueč God, as witnesse Holy Writte.  But coueitouse men čat setteč her hertes on čis world, euere če more čei haue če mor tHei nedeč; for če more a man hač če more meyne he mote haue, and če more meyne čat he hač če more |r5 sustenaunce hym nedeč. And he čat hač moste hors hač moste nede of stables and knaues. And seint Ierom seith čat he čat is coueitous hač grete defaute of čat čat he hač and of čat čat he hač noght. And čerfore he čat wole eny čing aske/of God he schulde aske wiseliche, busiliche & lastyngliche, and čan schal God graunte & ¨eue him all |r10 čat him nedeth principalliche of če helč of his soule, & afterward for sustinaunce of his body. The čridae pyler čat berith vp prayer is deuocioun čat bereč vp a mannes herte to God of heuen and makeč hym leue alle poghtes čat myght lette suche deuocioun, for oure Lord Ihesu Crist in če gospel |r15 techič us & seith čus: Tu com oraueris intra [in] cubiculun tuum & clauso ostio ora Yatrem tuum, 'Thou,' he seič, 'whan čou wolt preye, entre into čei priue hous,' čat is to seie čyne herte, 'and spere če dore on če,' čat is to seie putte out alle čoghtes of vanyte and worldly & fleschely likynge & suffre non |r[f.108r] come yn, 'and čan |r20 pray thi Fader of heuen mekeliche,' for, as seith če holy man seynt Ciprian, alle worldliche & flescheliche lustes & čoghtes schulde be departed fro če herte of him čat wole spede in his prayer to God, so čat če herte činke on noght elles for čat tyme but on čat čat he prayeth & desireč to haue. For he seith forpermore: 'Wenest čou čat |r25 God hyreč the čat hyrest noght čiself?' Also če holy [man] Ysidre seith čat we preyeč wyseliche whan we činkeč on noght ellis but on čat čat we prayeth +. Seynt Austyn seith also čus: `What auailleč,' he seič' 'če mouynge of the tunge & betynge togidre of lippes when če herte is all doumbe?' |r30 éere is difference or vnliklyhede bytwene prayer of herte & prayer onliche of mouth as is bytwene corne & chaf, or bytwene floure & branne, or bytwene a beste & his skyn. God is none hare, for he wole noght be fed wič leues & noght elles as an hare wole; but God weried če fyge tree for he fonde no čing čeron but leues. Ri¨t so prayer |r35 wič leues of wordes wičoute devocioun of herte may not plese God, ne God wole noght hyre hit, for God vnderstondeč no suche langage. For it fareč as prayer or peticioun to a grete lorde čat were write in dyuers langages, so čat none of hem myghte be vnderstande by očer, for his mouth spekič of oon and his herte činkeč on [a]nočer čing. |r40 |r[f.108v]  Wherfore hit semeth čat suche men čat so prayeč scorneth God & wolde begile him, as whoso wolde begile a man čat myght noght hyre wolde wagge his lippes tofore him and makeč a semblant of spek_yng and spekeč noght. Suche prayers God hireč noght, but čat prayer čat comeč onliche of herte God wole hyre; for, as he seič in če gospel, |p177 God is a spirit, & čerfore who čat wole be herd of God him byhouep praye in spirit & sothfastnes. And čerfore če Holy Goost by če prophetes mouth Dauid in če sawter techič vs to praye devoutliche & seith čus: Intret oracio mea sicut |r5 incensum in conspectu tuo, `Lorde, lete my prayer entre into či sighte as encense.' For as encense ¨eueč grete sauoure & smelle whan it is putte in če fuyre, so doth prayer whan it comeč of an herte čat brenneč in če loue of God; and but oure prayer smelle so, God wole noght hyre hit.  For right as a messanger comeč to a lordes |r10 court čere no man knoweč him, & bringeč no lettres of hem čat he comeč fro, he may noght be wel resceyued ne broght byfore če lord, so prayer to God wičoute deuocioun & love is none bettre čan a mess_anger wičoute lettre. For prayer is a messenger here sente to court, and love & deuocioun beč as lettres enseled of če message. And čer_fore |r15 whoso sendith forth čat messanger wičoute suche lettres he schal not by skill spede of his nedes.  Wherfore hit is seide in olde Englisshe: `Whoso fole |r[f.109r] out sendeth, foole home bringeč.' But ¨it is he moste to blame čat him forth sendith; so fareč it by prayer made wičoute deuocioun. |r20 But he čat wolde preye to God wel, he moste preye as Dauid dede čat seith čus in če sauter +: De profundis clamaui ad te Domine; Domine, exaudi vocem meam, `Lord, fro če lownes of myn herte I haue cryed to če; Lord, here my voys.' Cry of herte is brennyng loue of God, as seič seynt Austyn, and suche cry is likyng to God, and noght če noyse |r25 of wordes to whiche če herte accordeth noght.  And čerfore seith seynt Gregory čat bitter sighinges wič sorwe of herte for oure mys_dedes, wič meke & sadde wordes, is more sočfast prayer to God čan multiplienge of many sotel & polisshed wordes. For suche prayer dryueč fro vs če čefes of helle čat nyght & day beč aboute to robbe |r30 vs of alle goodnes and lede vs to all yuel. And čerfore we schulde ofte crye to God čat we falle noght in čilke čeues hondes, but čat of his mercy he wole kepe vs fro couetise, leccherye and očre dedly synnes čat brenneč boče body & soule, and čat he wole graunte vs če water of teres of oure eighen by whiche we may quenche suche fuyre so |r35 čat hit beclippe noght oure herte and fordoo [če] ymage and schap of oure soule.  Also we schulde faste crye to God čat he saue vs a¨enst če grete flowynge flodes of ydel čogh*tes |r[f.109v] čat comeč to oure hertes in many wises so čat we perisshe noght čorgh consentyng to hem, and seie wič the prophete Dauid wher čat he seith in če sawter |r40 čus: Saluum me fac nos, quoniam intrauerunt aque vsque ad animant meam, `Saue me, God,' he seith, `for watres beč entred into my soule.' And also če disciples of oure Lord Ihesu when čei were in grete tempest and peril in če see čei cryed to oure Lord & seide čus: Salua nos, Domine, perimus, `Saue vs Lord, we perisshe.' For čese činges |r45 schulde men crye faste and preye to God to saue vs: fro periles, čat |p178 we perisshe noght, čat is fro če fendes of helle, and from če fyre of couetise & [of] leccherie, & from če floodes of yuel [čoghtes] & cor_rupcioun [s]. But now ¨e schal vnderstonde men schulde alway praye to God in alle |r5 stedes & in alle tymes when men may, but specially more devoutliche in holy chirche čan elleswhere, for čat place is halowed & ordeyned čerto, and čere če deuel hač lest power, and čerfore oure deuocioun schulde be most čere, and nameliche on sondayes and očere holydayes čat ben ordeyned by Holy Chirche to serue & worschepe & praye God |r10 ynne. And čerfore men schulde on suche dayes sese of worldliche werkes by če comaundement of God and Holy Chirche and ¨eue hem to gostly werkes, as to čanke, worschič and preyse God & praye to him.  But sith God in the |r[f.110r] olde lawe comaunde[d] to kepe & holde če saboth, čat is bytokened in če newe lawe eche holy day čat is |r15 comaunded by Holy Cherche, and seth Holy Writ witnessič čat God dide a man be stoned to dethe for čat he gadred stikkes on če sabat day, what schal God do wič hem čat on sondayes and očere grete holidayes čat beč comaunded by če newe lawe doth noght onliche worldly werkes but also gre[t]e dedly synnes & vilaynes & foloweč her owne willes as |r20 bestes, & moche more yuel doč on suche dayes čan on werke dayes? Wičoute doute suche, if čei amende hem noght or čei deye, schal moche more greuosliche punsched be in čat očer worlde for brekynge of [here halidaies čan Iewes were for brekyng of] če sabat. For če sondayes and očer festes čat beč ordeyned by če newe lawe beč more holy čen |r25 her sabat was. ée principal festes of če 3ere beč ordeyned by Holy Chirche to be halowed & kept to prayse, worschip and čanke God of all čat he hač doo for mankynde, as Holy Chirche reherseč by dyuers stories čat beč red in holy chirche in suche festes: first at če feste of Cristemasse |r30 how oure Lord Ihesu Crist was borne of če blessid mayde oure lady seynte Marye; at če feste of Paske how he aroos from deth to lyue; at če [Holy éoresday] how, seynge his apostles, he stey vp into heuene wič oure manhode; at če Wittesonday |r[f.110v] how he sente doun če Holy Goost to his apostlis.  Also by Holy Chirche is ordeyned čat we |r35 schal halowe če festes of dyuers seyntes čat beč in heuen. éilke festes of suche halowes men schulde halowe as Holy Chirche techič & biddep, and in her names worschip God and preyse him for če myracles čat he hač schewed in hem for fastnyng and confermyng of oure trouthe or bileue; and also praye to čilke halowes devoutliche čat čei wole |r40 be help and socour to vs toward oure Lord God čat worschepeč hem boče in heuene and in erthe.  And čerfore he doč grete synne čat kepeč noght his halidayes as him aughte to doo, for he doth a¨enst če co_mandement of God and Holy Chirche. |p179 But here may some men say čus: 'Sire, we may noght preye alwey, ne alwey be at chirche, for we mote doo somwhat elles among. What yuel is it čeigh I pleye me at som tyme, or make som solace or merče honestliche? Why schulde God be myspaide čerwith, seč in čat tyme I |r5 doo ne činke none yuel?' Herto may be ianswerd [schortly] čus: čat all če tyme čat a man spendith in ydell pley & vanytees čat is noght ordeyned to God hit is lost, for čou schalt vnderstonde čat al čat tyme čat čou činkest not on God shal be rekened to čee as lost. For al če tyme čat God hač ¨eue če čou schalt ¨elde rekening |r[f.111r] |r10 čerof how [čou] hast dispendid it; čat is to seie whan čou činkest but on vanyte and on no čing čat is ordeyned to God and to his right_wisnes, sočliche he lesith a fayre čing čat spendith his tyme in vanyte & ydelnes, for Senek če wyse man seith čat he čat so doth he lesith in čis world all če good čat he schulde haue do in čat tyme, & |r15 in čat očer world all če mede čat he schulde haue čerfore. And čat schal he neuere recouere, for če tyme čat is goo wole noght come a¨eyne. But a grete synne doth he čat spendič his tyme not onliche in ydel_nes and vanyte but also in wikkednes & dedly synne. For God at če |r20 day of dome schal aske of vs a streyte rekenynge of all be tyme čat we haue had in čis world, how we haue dispendid it, as witnesseč seynt Anselm. éerfore euery man schulde besiliche loke čat he spende wel his tyme čat he lyueč here; for no man wote how longe or how short hit schal be, ne no man woot where, how, ne whanne heo schal |r25 deie.  And čerfore he čat wole kepe his halidayes as he aughte to doo to če worschič of God he schulde not doo no čing čat myght displese God or his halowes but fulfille če tyme and occupie him in good werkes & plesant to God & čanke God of his grace and of all očre goode čat he hač doo to us, and worschič & preyse God and pray him |r30 besiliche of mercy. And also he schulde |r[f.111v] wič glad chere hyre sermones & Goddes wordes, and in čat tyme sette his čoght and his wille to hyre and vnderstonde če wordes of God čat čere schulde be seide. Also when men beč in holy chirche čey schulde besiliche and wič |r35 grete deuocioun make her prayers to God and kepe hem čere honestliche from all manere [dyn], and doo čere wič all her hertes & myghtes wor_schipe & reuerence to God and his halowes. For čat stede is clene & holy and ordeyned to če seruice & worschič of God, & noght to iangle, lawghe, bourde & tryfle čere, as many fooles doth, for oure Lord God |r40 seič čus in če gospel: Domus mea domus orationis vocabitur, `Myn hous schal be cleped hous of prayer.'  And čerfore seint Austyn seith čat men schulde noght doo in chirche but čat čat is ordeyned to, čat is holy prayer and seruice of God. What man is it čat come tofore a kyng in his chambre to preye him of a special grace čat ne wolde doo |p180 at čat tyme to če [kyng al če] reuerence & worschič čat he couthe and kepe him from all čing čat myght displese him? But wič moche more skile schulde a man čat comeč into če chambre of God, čat is holy chirche, to preye him čere čat is Kyng of alle kynges and Lorde of |r5 alle lordes of most special & most nedful grace čat may be, čat is sauacioun of mannes soule & endeles blisse, do |r[f.112r] worschič and reuerence to čat Lorde čere & kepe him besiliche from alle čing čat myght be myslikynge, nameliche in čat stede čat is his owne hous, as he seith himself in če gospel, as hit is seide byfore.  And čer_fore |r10 he wol noght čat hit be made a market; and by čat cause, as wit_nessič the gospel, oure Lord Ihesu Crist drofe out of če temple alle čo čat boghte & solde čereynne forto teche vs čat we doo no world_liche nedes in holy chirche, but onliche entende to prayer & seruice of God. |r15 And čere schulde a man putte out of his herte all ydel čoghtes and sette stedfastliche his čoght on God čat made vs of noght and bought vs wič his owne precious blood fro če fuyre of helle, and on alle če očre godes čat he hač done vs & doč eche day. And čere schulde a man bečinke hym on his synnes and how he hač vnkyndeliche agulte God, |r20 & mekeliche preye God for his endeles goodnes of mercy and for¨euenes of all čat he hač mysdoo and čat he wole ¨eue him grace forward to kepe him fro synne & to doo če wille of God, and wel to lyue & wel to ende.  There schulde grete lordes & ladyes & folke of grete estate for¨it her lordschip, dignyte, nobley & worldliche worschip |r25 and [he]ynes and činke čat čei beč čere byfore her Lorde & here Domes_man čat schal deme hem at če dredful day of dome where čei schal ¨ilde |r[f.112v] to hym resoun and rekenynge of alle če goodes čat God here lente hem, and of al her lordschepes, dignitees, noble[ie]s, wor_schippes and heynes čat čei haue had in čis world, how čei haue vsed |r30 hit and dispended hit. For čan schal God ¨ilde to yuel and goode rightfulliche after čat čei haue deserued. And čerfore čei schulde at chirche m[e]ken hem to God, boče for loue and drede of God, & noqht be proude in herte, nočer of her astates ne of her apparaile, but take ensample of če noble kyng Dauid, čat whan |r35 he prayed to God he seide čus: `I am no man worči to be worschipped, but a wrecchid naked worme crepynge on če erthe.' In this he beknewe alle his febilnes and his pouert and despised himself, for right as a worme is but litel and a foul čing and of no prise, and comeč crep_ynge naked [and] bare out of če erthe where he was bred, ri¨t so a |r40 man at his bygynnynge is a foule čing, litel & pore and [naked], for when he comeč into če exile of čis world noght he bringeč wič him, and when he goč hens noght schal he bere wič him; but as he cam hyder naked & bare, so schal he goo away.  éerfore seith če holy man [seynt] Bernard čus: Quid est homo nisi sperna fetidum, saccus |p181 stercorum, esca vermium? `What is a man,' he seith, `but [sometyme] a stynkyng slyme, and after čat a sak ful of donge, and at če laste mete to wormes?' For whan a man is ferste geten |r[f.113r] of a womman he is noght but a foule slyme, & as longe as he lyueč in this worlde |r5 he nys but a sak ful of stynkyng dunge, and whan he is dede and leide in če erthe čan is he but mete of wormes. Also grete lordes and ladies čat cometh to holy chirche in riche and noble apparaile of gold and siluer, perles & riche stones and očer worldliche worschipful atyre byfore oure Lord God allmighti schulde |r10 take ensample of če noble quene Hester, whiche when sche schulde preye to God, as witnessith Holy Writte, sche dede away all hir riche apparaile and lowed hir mekeliche byfore God, knowynge hir pouerte, & seide čus: `Lord, čou wost I hate če tokenes of pryde and čat I haue no likyng in riche apparayle, but hit is to me abhomynable, for hit |r15 myghte be cause of my dampnacioun and očer mennes boče.'  Soče_liche so may be grete abhomynacioun to God of čilke čat in suche čing haueč pryde or likyng, and of čilke čat so attyreč hem to be seie of foles as čei beč hemself; and čeigh čei seye čat čei doth it forto worschipe God čerwith in his chirche, čei schulde vnderstonde čat God |r20 takeč none hede of suche worschip, but God wole be plesed wič meke hertes and clene conscience. Seynt Poule techič how wommen schulde araye hem when čei goo to chirche forto preye God. éei schulde haue, he seič, cločinge and atyre after čat her |r[f.113v] astate askeč čat were honeste and wič_oute |r25 + outrageous coste, and čat is to understonde after če estate čat čei beč of, for čat čat is mesure to one is [outrage] to anočer, for more falleč to a queene čen to a countesse, and more to a countes čan to anočer symple lady, & more to a lady čan to anočer simple womman.  For seynt Poule techič hem to be symple in si¨t, čat is |r30 to seie meke & schamfast, and no queyntise seche ne devise for her heuedes, as tressis, philettis and očre suche wrecchidnes, as many foles doth čat strecchič če nekke as an herte or kambreč če [cray] as an hors. And also seint Poule + counsaileč hem čat čei noght atyre her hedes neičer wič siluer, gold ne perle, ne očer riche stones, but |r35 čat čei couere her hedes with clene veyles, and nameliche at če chirche when čei beč tofore God, and schewe hem čere as good wommen schulde doo, so čat no man be tempted by če sight of hem.  Seynte Ambrose seič čat he čat desireč čat God hire his prayer and graunte hit he schulde doo awey fro him all manere tokenes of pryde and lowe |r40 him to God mekeliche to sture him če more to haue mercy on him; for wič proude apparayle & queynte, ne wič none očer tokenes of pryde may no man gete of God čat he desireč, but račer it ¨eueč occasioun to očer men to deme yuel of man or womman čat vseč hit. |p182 Now haue ¨e herd čre činges čat schulde specialliche |r[f.114r] be in prayer, ¨if hit schulde be likyng to God and worthi to be herd, čat beč trouče, hope & deuocioun, whiche beč čre pilers čat schulde [bere] vp prayer. |r5 The ferče piler čat berič vp prayer is of two činges, and čat is fasting and almesdede. éerfore seide če aungel to Thobie čat prayer is a siker čing wič fastyng and almesdede, wičoute whiche two prayer may noght flee vp to almyghti God in heuene. For, as an holy man seith, good lyf makeč prayer swiftly flee to God čorgh čese two |r10 činges, as it were čorgh two wynges, čat beth almesdede and fastynge. But yuel lyf and synne draweč a¨enst prayer čat it may not come to God, for as če holy man Isydre seith, in two maneres prayer is letted čat it may not come tofore God.  One is for čat a man wole noght sese to doo synne. Anočer is for he wil noght for¨eue če rancour of |r15 his herte a¨enst hem čat haueč trespased to him; for right as a wounde may not be heled by none lechecraft whyle yren is čerynne, right so prayer may noght helpe a man all če while čat he hač yuel will in his herte.  And čerfore seith če prophete čus: `Lefte we vp oure hertes and oure hondes to God.' He leftič his herte and his hondes |r20 to God čat prayeč devoutliche wič clene conscience & [good] werkes. Also če apostil biddeč vs čat we heue vp clene hondes in alle oure prayers. By clene hondes beč vnderstonde |r[f.114v] clene werkes čat comeč of clene conscience, for prayer of vnclene herte and synful may noght plese God. berfore God seith by če prophetes mouth čus: 'When |r25 ¨e make ¨oure prayers I will noght hyre hem, for ¨oure hondes beč ful of blood.' éilke men haueč blody hondes čat pyleč and robbeč pore men of čat čei schulde lyue by by maistrye & lordschepe, for čei beč scheders of pore menis blood, for čey sleeč hem in as moche as [čei] bynemeč hem |r30 her lyflode. Suche men synneč greuousliche, for čei eteč & drinkeč many blody mosselles, wherfore čei schal make ful streyte rekenynge and payement in čat očer worlde; for Holy Writ, čat may not be un_trewe, seith čat God schal aske streyt rekenynge & harde at če day of dome of pore menis blood čat suche men hač sched in suche manere. |r35 éerfore whoso čat ought takeč so wrongfolliche him byhoueč to ¨ilde it a¨eyn, or if he may not ¨ilde it, haue for¨euenes of him čat aughte it, or elles be endelesliche dampned. And čerfore oure Lord God wole noght hyre suche mennes prayers forto čat čei amende hem. For whoso wol come tofore God by prayer and be herd schal not come |r40 tofore him wič swerd drawe, wič blody hand ne wič empty hond, čat is to seie in wille to synne, ne vnclensed ne vnamendid of synne, ne ampty of good werkes. And ¨if čat he doč he schal not spede, for |r[f.115r] God seith in Holy Writt čus: Non apparebis in conspectu meo vacuus, `éou ne schalt,' he seith, 'come byfore me wič empty handis.' |p183 He comeč byfore God wič empty hond čat preyeč hym of eny čing wič_oute [] present or offrynge makyng to him of some gode werkes. Suche oon schal not be herd ne suffred come yn at če ¨ates, as oure Lord Ihesu Crist scheweč by ensample in če gospel of če fyue vnwyse |r5 maydenes čat come last to če weddyng and were not lete come yn at če ¨ate for čei hadde none oyle yn her lampes. éerfore, as če gospell seith, če lord seide to hem, `I knowe ¨ow noght.' So wole God knowe none but hem čat serueč h[i]m after her myght, and čat hač oyle in her lampes as če wyse maydenes hadde čat were laten yn; by whiche may |r10 be vnderstonde čei čat haueč herte ful of pitee anentis her euen_cristen and scheweč it wič goode werkes outward. For to suche men God openeč če ¨ates of his mercy and hyreč hem and resceyueč her prayer whan čei comeč noght to late ne wič empty hand. Now haue ¨e herde če foure pylers čat berič vp prayer, bat beč trewče, |r15 hope, deuocioun, & almesdede wič fastyng; whiche pilers beč myghti & strong toward oure Lord God of heuene. For če prayer čat is bore vp wič hem wynneč lightliche of him all čat is nedeful to vs to body & to soule. Wherfore če apostel seint Iame |r[f.115v] seith čus: Multum valet deprecacio iusti assidua, čat is to seie, `če assiduel prayer |r20 of če rightfull man is moche worth,' for hit helpith & helič alle yueles of body & soule. éerfore God seith čat preyer of clene herte [heleč] a man wičynne and wičoute, for hit purchasith for¨euenes of all manere synne.  Hit is wreten in če olde lawe how čat če holy man Moyses ouercome Amalek če strong enemy of God and of če children of Israel, |r25 noght wič batayle but wič prayer; and also an holy man seith čat če prayer of a rightwis man may more availe toward God to ouercomynge of oure enemyes čen ten powsand fighting men.  And anočer holy man seith čus: Breuis oratio penetrat celum, `A meke and lowe prayer of a good man perscheč heuen.' [And seth it is of my¨te to perse heuen], |r30 it may wel be of myght and is to ouercome alle enemyes on erče. A good mannes prayer may more wynne of heuene in an houre of a day čan a čowsand kny¨tes schulde wynne of londe [in a long tyme with swerd]. And čerfore hit is + profitable to purchase and haue prayer of gode men čat ¨eueč hem to + clene religious lyf or očer contemplatyf lyf |r35 čat forsakeč če world for [Goddes] loue and ¨eueč hem to his seruice, and to praye for alle hem čat helpeč hem to her lyflode. And ¨if one gode mannes prayer may stonde in moche stede toward God, moche more may many goode mennes prayer. For |r[f.116r] as an holy man seith, when many good men prayeth togidre hit may noght faile čat God |r40 ne wole hyre hem. And čeighe oon or two of a company be fooles or yvel men, ¨itte all a companye is noght so; for as in če companye of Goddes apostles one, čat [was] Iudas, was false & betrayed oure Lord, |p184 ¨it all če očre were good & holy. The prayers of all an hole couent schal be more & račer herde of če abbot čan če prayer of oon alone monk. Right so God hireč [račer] če prayer of many good men of one accorde čan of one gode man allone, where oure Lord God seič čus in |r5 če gospell: Si duo ex vobis consenserint &c, `¨if two of ¨ow,' he seith, 'accordeč togidre wič me, whatso ¨e aske of my Fader ¨e schal haue it.'  Now haue ¨ee herde of če seuen degrees of če tree of chastite. Afftir čat ¨e schal hyre of če seuen branches čat comeč of hit whiche |r10 beč seuen maner of estatis of men & wommen čat lyueč in chastite. ée firste is of maydenes čat činkeč be weddid; če secounde is of corrupte [čat] hauič forsake synne & do penaunce; the čridde is of wedded men & wommen; če ferče is of wydewes; če fifte is of maydenes čat činkeč to continue čerynne to her lyues ende; če sixte is of clerke[s] in holy |r15 ordre; če seuenče is of men of religioun. The firste estate is of maydenes čat kepeč hem clene |r[f.116v] and čenkič do so forto čei be weddid, čat kepeč hem clene of all filče of leccherie of dede and wille. But ¨it čei beth free of hemself to be wedded lefulliche, and in čat wise thei worschippeč God wič her chast_ite |r20 and beč clene in body and soule from flescheliche synne. ée secounde estate is of hem čat haueč be corupt & defouled wič če synne of leccherie & loste her maydenhode, as sengil man or sengil woman čat neuer was wedded, ne neuere so bounde to chastite čat čei ne may be wedded, and haueč in herte forčinkyng for her synne, & beč + |r25 schryuen & haueč done her penaunce, & kepeč hem forward in clennesse & chastite.  And in čis estate oughte men & wommen čat beč čer_ynne [kepe] hem warliche & busiliche from all čing čat myght be en_chesoun or cause of synne, and so he may kepe his chastite and čer_with plese God, & ¨it he may marye him whan he wole.  But whoso |r30 wole wyseliche and warliche kepe himself from leccherie hym byhoueč to chastice his flesche with hard penaunce of fastynge & wakynge, & forbere many činges čat beč likynge to če flesche; & so he may holde his flesche adoun whan hit wolde aryse a¨enst [his] resoun in luste & folye. |r35 ée thridde estate [is] of wedded men & wymmen. In čat estate schulde men & wymmen kepe chastite in all čing, saue čat čat bifalleč to be do in čat estate, čat is čat either of hem shulde |r[f.117r] loue other |p185 and do čat right is to očer and kepe truliche her bodyes either to očer withoute wrong doynge eny of hem to očer, as in departyng of her bodies or of her loue or of her hertis, for čei beč by če sacra_ment made one body. And čerfore čei schulde holde hem togidre in one |r5 loue and one feith to her lyues ende. For hit is writen in Holy writt čus: Quod Deus coniunxit homo non seperet, `That God hač knytte togidre man schulde not departe;' wherfore čei schulde kepe hem from all manere flescheliche dede čat is bytwene man & womman saue bytwene hemself two, as če lawe of matrimonye or weddyng askeč.  And čer_fore |r10 seith seint poule čat wymmen schulde be sobre and chaste & loue [and worschip] čaire housbondes vnder God. éei schulde be chaste, čat is to seie kepe her bodies clene to her owne housbondes from alle očer men, and sobre of mete & drinke, for outraqe & vnmesure of mete & drynke apeyreč & destroyeč vertues and norissheč leccherie & očer |r15 synnes. And in če same manere schulde a man kepe him to his wyf from alle očre wommen. Wedlok is [a state] of grete worschip, and oughte be kept clenliche & holyliche after če lawe of God, for hit is a state of grete auctorite, of grete dignyte & of grete honeste & holynes. Hit is of grete auc_torite, |r20 for as Holy Writ witnessič God allmyghti made |r[f.117v] hit + bytwene man and woman in Paradys in če estate of innocence or euer čei had synned. And čerfore men sholde kepe clene čat estate by resoun of oure Lord God čat made hit, and by resoun of če clene estate & stede čat it was made ynne.  Hit is also a state of grete dignite, for |r25 oure Lorde wolde be conceyued & born of a wedded woman čat was oure lady seynte Marie, clene maide weddid to Ioseph as to hir keper and witnesse of hir maydenhode, če whiche maide God ordeyned to be če mantel or couertour of wedlok. And vnder čat mantel & couerynge God hid fro če deuel če counsaile & [če] priuete of oure saluacioun and of |r30 oure raunsoun; & čerfore men schulde worschič čis estate and kepe it clene.  Hit is also, čere hit is clene kepte, [a state] of grete holynesse, for hit is one of če seuen sacramentis of Holy Chirche and bytokeneč the euerlastyng wedlok čat is bytwene God & Holy Chirche and bytwene God and cristen mannes soule. & čerfore wedlok, clene and |r35 truly kept, is so mighty & holy čat fleschely dede bytwene man & womman coupled & knet togidre by čat sacrament, kyndeliche and right_fulliche doo, is excused of dedly synne, and also deserueč grete mede ¨if hit be do as če lawe of God askeč. And čerfore ¨e schal vnderstonde čat in čree caas the |r[f.118r] dede of |r40 wedlok may be do bytwene če housbonde and his wyf, noght onliche |p186 synneles but mede[ful]liche.  The firste case is whan če dede is doon onliche to čat entent to gete children to če seruice of God, for to čat entent was wedlok specialliche ordeyned.  The secounde caas is when hit is doon in ¨ildynge dette čat i[s] aughte of čat oon |r5 to čat other when hit is lefulliche asked, for čat is rightful, for rightwisnes is to ¨elde eche man čat is his. And čerfore ¨if čat one aske lawfulliche his dette of čat očer by word or tokene or contyn_aunce, as some may noght parauenture aske hit openliche by word for schame, čat očer [čat] apparceyueč čat desyre + is holde to ¨ilde his |r10 dette, and but he doo he synneč, for he doth noght rightwisnes, & ¨eueč enchesoun of yuel doynge to his make, and also bynemeč hir, or [sche] him, čat [hyr or his] is; for either of hem hač power of očers body. But he čat doth čat werk in entencioun to fulfille rightwisnes in ¨eldynge of his dette after če lawe of God, and noght for leccher_ous |r15 lust of his owne body, he doč wel & in čat deserueč mede.  The čridde caas is whan wyf or housbonde vnasked profreč or doth čat werk wič očere onliche to čat entente forto kepe čulke čat he doth it with fro synne, as supposyng [čat] wičoute čat sche or he myght falle in synne for lak čerof, how čat hit be čat sche may |r[f.118v] noght for |r20 schame aske it by word ne by contenaunce or tokene. And čan čilke čat profreč & doč čat werk vnasked synneč noght, but deserueč mede. For čis comeč of pitee, & in čese thre cases men synneč noght but disserueč mede doynge če dede of wedlok. But in thre cases a man may synne dedliche or venyalliche doynge čat |r25 dede of wedlok bytwene him and his wyf.  ée firste case is whan a man or a womman sechič noght ellis in čat dede but only če fulfillyng of his or hire leccherous lust, for čen he čat so doth synneč or ded_liche očer venyalliche. Venyalliche he synneč whan hit is so čat his lust is so buxom to his resoun and to če lawe of God čat he wolde for |r30 no čing folowe ne parforme čat lust but hit were wič hir čat is his wyf or sche wič him čat is hir housbonde.  But he synneč ded_liche whan his lust is so grete & aboue his resoun čat he wolde ful_fille čat lust whečer sche čat he deleč with were his wyf or none. For čan his lust passič his resoun, & wič suche doynge God is myspaide. |r35 And ofte če fend hač grete power to trauaile & disese hem čat so lyueth, as men may fynde in Holy Writt ensample of Sarra, Raguelis doghter, čat was after Thobies wyf čat afore hadde seuen housbondes eche after other. And alle čei were slayne wič the fende če ferste nyght čat čei wolde haue |r[f.119r] leyne by here; and čat was for her |r40 entencioun & desire was for her owne leccherous lust, and noght for no lawful [ne leuefulle] cause, as is byfore seide. And čerfore če aungel čat counsailed [Thobie] to take hir to + his wyf, for Thoby was fered to take hir + bycause of če mescheef čat bifel to hire |p187 seuen housbondes, he seide to Thobie čus: `I schal telle če,' he seide, `of whiche men fendes haue power to hurte hem and travaile hem. And čat beč čilke men čat in + če doynge of če dede of wedlok putteč God clenliche out of her mynde and činketh [o]n noght elles |r5 but to fulfille če leccherous luste of her flesche, as doč a beste čat hač no resoun.' And čerfore somtyme God voucheč noght sauf čat suche men haue fruyt of her bodies. Also a man may synne dedliche wič his weddid wyf gyf he doč eny thing wič hir čat schulde longe to čat werk of wedlok a¨enst če vse |r10 of kynde, and čat is moche more synne čan čat other. Neuerčeles čilke čat in doynge of čat werk of wedlok haueč mynde and drede of God all_myghti and wircheč after če counsail of Holy Chirche in manere as is aforseide, and kepe her estate clene after če ordenaunce of God and Holy Chirche, plesič God & deserueč grete mede. |r15 The secounde case in whiche man & womman may synne [dedlyche] bytwene hemself [in] doynge of če werk of wedlok is whan a man for luste |r[f.119v] of his flesche, hauynge no reward to če lawe of God and Holy Chirche, spareč noght to haue to doo wič his wyf in tyme whan he schulde noght, čat is whan he woot čat sche hač čat yuel čat is com_une |r20 to wommen by certeyn tymes of če monthe. For hit is forboden by God in če olde lawe for many periles čat come čerof. For, as seith seint Ierom, in suche tyme beč geten meselles, maymed, vnschačliche, witles, croked, blynde, lame, dowmbe, deef, and of many očre mes_cheues.  Wherfore če wyf čat feleč hirself in suche siknes |r25 schulde noght hele it fro hir housbonde if at čat tyme he wolde haue to done wič hir. For ¨if he knoweč hit noght and sche helič hit from him & suffreč him haue to done wič hir in suche a tyme, čan synneč sche & not he. Also housbande and wyf beč iholde to forbere čat werk in hye feste |r30 dayes & Sondayes and fastyng dayes, noght onliche for hit is synne to doo čat werk in suche tyme, but for čei schulde čat tyme specialliche ¨eue hem to če seruice of God and to holy prayer, and to forbere lik_ynges and lustes in suche tyme, če sonner to gete grace of God to haue čat čei rightfully desireč. |r35 Also če housbonde schal absteyne him fro his wyf all če tyme čat sche lyeth in gesyne, čat is to seie bytwene čat sche haue bore child til čat sche goo to chirche, and also fro če tyme čat he haue certeyn know*ynge |r[f.120r] čat sche is nyh her delyueraunce, for drede of perile čat myght falle [čer]of.  And also housbande & wyf schulde spare |r40 eche očir fro če tyme čat čei wiste čat sche were wič quik childe, for čanne may not čat dede be doo wičoute synne.  Hit is writen in če book of kyndes čat če olyfaunte forsakeč the felawschič of his make while he woot sche is in fole; wherfore a man čat hač vse of |p188 resoun schulde be more attempre and rewled after resoun čan a beste čat no skile can. And čerfore after če reule of attempraunce and skile čat schulde absteyne him from his wyf after če tyme čat he wiste sche were wič quyk childe til sche were purified at chirche. |r5  But Neuerčeles hit is not alwey synne ¨if čat dede be doo in suche tyme bytwene [a] man and his wyf by good cause & good entencioun as is aforseide. The čridde caas in whiche housbonde & wyf may synne togidre in čat werk is when hit is done in holy stede, as chirche or chirche¨erde |r10 is halowed and holiche appropred to če seruice of God. éere schulde no man haue to doo in čat wyse wič his wyf, but absteyne him čerfro for reuerence of če place. And whoso wol not forbere čat dede in suche stede he synneč & doth grete vilanye to God & to čat stede. The ferče estate of chastite is če estate of wedowhode, as where čat |r15 one of two čat were knytte togidre by če sacrament |r[f.120v] of wedlok is deed & čat other lyueč. In čat estate schulde man and womman čat beč čerynne kepe hem clene & chaste, for čat estate is hyhe and holy if hit be clene & chaste kepte. Wherfore s[e]ynt Poule counsailleč hem čat beč in čat estate čat čei kepe hem in clennesse & chastite, |r20 or elles but if čei mowe wel doo so čat čei wed hem. For he seith to hem čus: Melius est nubere quam vry +, `Hit is bettir,' he seith, `wed čen brend.' For čat man brenneč himself čat assentič to leccher_ous dede a¨enst če lawe and comaundement of God, for čen brenneč his herte in če fuyre of desire of leccherie. Wherfore hit is bettir for |r25 hem to be wedded čan falle in čat fuyre. But čis is to vnderstonde of men & wommen čat beč in the estate of wydewhode vnbounde to chastite čorgh avow priue or solempne, for suche čat beč so bounde may not marye hem & vse čat werk of wedlok wičoute dedly synne; saue ¨if čat avow be priue and noght solempne, |r30 čan če wedlok čat he byndeč him to afterward schal stonde and noght be departed. But he čat so hač broke his avow schal doo penaunce čer_fore as his gostliche fader schal enioyne him, for he synned dedliche in brekynge of his avow; & afterward he may doo čat werk of wedlok wič his wyf when hit is asked of him, and also whan he dredeč & vnder_stondeč |r35 verrayliche čat his wyf schulde elles falle in synne |r[f.121r] of avoutrye. But ¨it he schal do it with sorwe of herte, & all his lyf [vse] penaunce for his synne.  But whan čat suche avow is made solempliche as by če hond of a bisshop or by profession, as men of religioun, or čorgh holy ordre, as sodeken, deken or preest, ¨if |r40 čat he čat so hač avowed weddič him afterward, he synneč dedliche and hyliche; and čat weddyng may not stonde but schal be departed, and elles čei may noght be saued from endeles dampnacioun. Wedowes shulde take ensample of če turtel, čat is a brid of whiche če |p189 book of kyndes seith čat whan sche hač lost ones hir make sche wole neuere after haue none očer, but flee če companye of alle očre & dwelle in wildernes by hirself.  And čre činges specialliche longeč to hem čat beč in čat estate of wedowhode & disposeč hem to |r5 kepe hit in clennes and chastite. One is čat čei schulde kepe hem in pryue[tel as moche as čei myghte, out of grete companye and če sighte of men, & noght busye hem to moche aboute če world. Herof is ensample in Holy Writt of če noble womman Iudith čat was a faire womman and a clene wedowe, and sche held hir |r10 priueliche in clos in hir hous wič hir wommen and wolde noght goon out, but schoned sight of men and los of če world. And čerfore seynt Austyn vndernemeč wedowes čat loueč idel*nes |r[f.121v] and arrayeth hem gailiche & scheweč hem moche to če sight of men, and also čilke čat spekeč more čan nede were. But he seič čat goode wydowes schulde |r15 kepe hem in clos from mennes speche & worldly sightes of vanytees, and alwey occupie hem wič some goode and honeste werke, as falleč to her estate. The secounde čing čat falleč to wedowes is busy prayer & seruice of God in werkes of deuocioun & gladliche and moche be at + chirche, as |r20 če gospel makeč mynde of an holy wedowe, Anne, čat wolde noght go fro če temple, but dwelled čerynne day and nyghte, prayenge & servyng God devoutliche in grete abstynence. ée čridde čing čat byfalleč to wedowes is streyt livynge of mete & drinke & forberynge of delices & delicious metes & drinkes, for seynt |r25 Poule seith čat a wydowe čat lyueč in delices is dede, čat is to seie čorgh synne. And seynt Bernard seith čus: Castitas perijt in delic_ij []s, `Chastite,' he seith, `perissheč in delices.' For right as a man may noght longe holde his heed vnder če water čat he ne schal perisshe & be deed, right so may noght a man longe holde his heed, |r30 čat is to seie his herte, vnder če watir of worldly delices čat he ne schal lese če lyf of grace of če Holy Goost, čat is the lyf of če soule.  Also hit falleč to wedowes forto vse symple & comune cločinge of |r[f.122r] mene colour, & noght gay ne starynge ne of queynte & sotil schap, and take ensample of če holy wedowe Iudith of |r35 whom Holy Writ makeč mynde, čat anone whan hir housbonde was deed sche lefte all hir gay attyre and apparaile boče of hir body & of hir heed and toke mekeliche clothing & attyre čat longed to a wydowe to schewe doel of her herte & to [e]schewe veynglorie for če loue of God; and to kepe hir wedowhode in chastite & clennes, for sche was fayre & |r40 ¨onge, sche vsed grete penaunce of fastyng and wered če heyre nexte hir body. Right so schulde wedowes lyue & kepe če estate of wedowhode in chastite and clennes, & nameliche čilke čat beč bounde čerto by avow, & also očre čat mowe lefulliche marye hem til čei be maryed. |p190 The fifte estate of chastite is clene maydenhode čat neuere was cor_rupte ne neuere činkeč to be, but haueč so ouercome her flesche for če loue of God čat čey thinkeč euere to kepe hem chaste. And čis is an hye estate and of grete pryse for čre činges čat beth čese: dig_nite, beaute & bounte. |r5 First čat estate is worschipful for če dignite čerof, for čei čat kepeč it wel beč liche to angelis and passeč in som čing če estate of angelis. For an angel lyueč gostliche as a goost wičoute body and flesche, but virgynes beč coupled wič če flesche čat tempteč |r[f.122v] hem sore to breke & defoule čat estate. & neverčeles čei ouercomeč |r10 če temptacioun of her flesche, and čat is a grete victorie & a grete wonder čat čei may kepe so febil a castell as her body is a¨enst so strong and so sly an enemy as če fend is, whiche čat sechič boče day & nyght how he myght wynne it & despoyle hit of čat tresoure of vir_ginite o[r] maydenhode,  And čat is a grete tresoure of whiche |r15 spekič oure Lord Ihesu Crist in če gospel and seith čus: Simile est regnum celorun thesauro abscondito in agro, `The kyngdom of heuene is liche,' he seith, `to tresour hid in a feld or in če erče.' This tresour hid in a feld is maydenhode hid in a body, whiche is a feld, for hit schulde be tiled wič penaunce & [sowe] wič good werkes, & |r20 čerfore čis tresour may wel be liche to heuene. For maydenhode is liche to če lyf of aungels of heuen.  And čerfore God seith in če gospel čat at če general vprisyng čat schal be at če day of dome, where alle men schul aryse in body in soule, čere schall not be ma_riages as beč vsed in čis world, but alle tho čat schole be saved |r25 schal be čan as angelis, and her bodyes schal schyne brighter čan če sonne schyneč now. Also čis estate of virginite or maydenhode is worschipful for beaute o[r] fayrehode čerof. For clene maydenhode is če fayreste estate čat is in čis erthe, wherfore če wise man Salamon seič čus: O |r[f.123r] |r30 Quam pulcra est casta generacio cum claritate! `A, how fayre,' he seith, `is chastite wič cleernes!' Chastite is cleer & schynynge whan maydenhode in če sight of God is made fayre wič good livynge & vertuous, so čat no synne defoule hit. For right as če clernes of če sonne, when clowdes & mystes beč aweye, makeč here in čis erthe a |r35 fayre day, right so clennes of vertuous livynge, when alle synnes beč put awey, makeč maydenhode fayre, bright & plesant to če sight of God.  And čere[for] seith če holy doctour seynt Ierome čat byfore alle očre vertues maydenhode is faire & clere ¨if čat hit be noght enpeyred wič no spotte of synne, čat is to seie čat neičer če body ne če soule ne |r40 noght corrupt ne defouled by no synne; for he čat is chast of body & corrupte in herte and wille, he is liche to a burielles fayre peynted wičoute, & wičynne full of careyne & filč. Maydenhode clene kepte is liche če whyte robe on če whiche foule |p191 spottes may be sonner seye čan on eny očer garnement. This robe schulde be kept principalliche from čre činges: fro mudde or filče of erthe, fro blood, & fro fuyre.  ée mud or če filče of erče may be cleped worldliche couetise, fro če whiche čo čat schulde plese |r5 God in čat estat of maydenhode schulde kepe hem clene; for no man may plese God & his enemy, for he mote nedes despise čat one. And as seint Ierom seith he semeč not Goddes frend |r[f.123v] čat plesith če fende and če world; for če world is Goddes enemy. For seint Iohan seith čat he is enemy to God čat loueč čis worlde. And seint Poule |r10 seič čus: `¨if I wolde,' he seič, `plese the world,[čat is to seie hem čat folweč če worlde], `I schulde not be trewe seruant to [Ihesu Criste] God almyghti.' A tokene may men see of men čat wole plese če world and haueč noght her hertes to God as čei oghte to haue whan men and women ¨eueč hem |r15 to grete curiouste of gay cločing & attyre aboute her bodies, for čat + wolde noght a man ne a womman doo but for sight of men čat he desireč to be seie of. But he čat is most busy to array his body wič_oute forto be semeliche to manis sight may sonnest lese če fairenes of his soule withynne tofore če sight of God; whiche fairenes ples_ith |r20 God and noght če fayrenesse of če body wičoute.  Wherfore seint Bernard seič suche, and nameliche wommen čat busieč hem aboute gay apparaile to schewe hem wič to menis sight he clepeč hem če doughtres of Babiloyne, čat is to seie schenship or confusioun, for her lyf nys but as a blaste of wynde čat schal passe & turne to |r25 grete schame & schenschip to hem but čei amende hem or čei deie. For čei beč cločed richeliche outward, and wičynne [in] soule [čei ben] naked & pore; and čogh čei schyne wičoute as gold and siluer čei mote nede at če laste leue alle čat & beč foule in soule čorgh synne. But seynt Bernard spekeč |r[f.124r] of čilke wommen čat so apparailleč & |r30 attyreč hem to čat entente to be seie & desired of men in synne; for čei schal be demed tofore God for as many soules as beč dampned by enchesoun of hem. But good wommen čat kepeth maydenhode in clennes, Dauid če prophete clepith hem kynges doghtres, čat is če hye kyng of heuen, & seith čus: |r35 Omnis glorie eius filie regis ab intus &c, `All če likyng & glorie,' he seith, `čat če kynges doghter hač is wičynne', čat is to seie in good vertues & clene conscience wičoute synne of pryde or couetise or eny očer. And so may čis white robe of maydenhode be kepte fro mud and filče of če erče. |r40 Also men schulde kepe čat whyte robe clene fro spottes of blood, čat is from yuel čoghtes, likynges, fleschely desires. For seint Ierom seith čat maydenhode is a faire sacrifice & offrynge to God whan hit |p192 is clene withoute evill desires and evill čoghtes in herte as it is wičoute clene of yuel dedes of body. For he seič maydenhode of body is medeles and noght worth when če herte is corrupte wičynne wič foule čoghtes & vnclene desires; for as če fruyt is noght čat is fayre with_oute |r5 and roten wičynne, [right so is maydenhode čat is hole withoute and vnclene wičynne]. Also men schulde kepe čat white robe fro če fyre, čat is to seie from hyringe or spekynge with will wordes čat myght sture men or wormnen to vnclennes and yuel. For as it is tochid byfore, |r[f.124v] seynt Poule |r10 seič čat vilayne speches may li¨tliche destroye good čewes. And Senek če grete clerk seith also & counsaileč čus: `Kepe če', he seič', `fro wordes of vnclennes.' For he čat blečeliche spekič or hireč vn_clene wordes he wexeč čereynne [bolde], and če lightloker faileč in synne.  And čerfore he čat wole kepe clene čis whyte robe of |r15 maydenhode hym byhoueč to kepe him from spekynge & hirynge of alle manere wordes & tales čat myght kyndle če fyre of lust or desyre of synne wherčorgh he myghte brenne him wičynne in soule.  For če catte čat sitteč nyhe če fyre brenneč ofte hire hippes, but a wylde catte čat renneč aboute in če wode doth noght so; right so a man or a |r20 womman čat is vsed to hyre or speke vilanye may lightliche be brent, but he čat wole noght hyre hit may lightliche kepe him fro suche brennyng. Maydenhode & chastite may be likned to če lilye čat groweč hye & bereč a fayre floure. Wherfore če Holy Goost seith čus by če mouth of |r25 če wyse man Salamon: Sicut lilium inter spinas [sic amica mea], `My leue,' he seith, `is [as] a lily among čornes.' Goddes leef or Goddes derlyng is če soule čat kepeč clene maydenhode, for čat vertu may most specialliche purchase če loue of God.  And čerfore as Holy Writte seith & witnessič, + seint Iohan če euaungelist amonge all če |r30 apostles was most loued of God, and most verray tokene of |r[f.125r] loue God schewed him when he schewed him če pryuetees of heuen as he slepte on his brest, and also whan he bytook him če kepynge of his derworthe moder. And čerfore in če gospel he is cleped če disciple [čat] Crist loued. And neuerčeles Crist loued alle his očre dis_ciples, |r35 for he made eche of hem očeres brother. This lily floure čat is maydenhode scheweč & kepeth hir fayrehede among čornes & breres [čat ben dyuerse flescheliche fondynges; for če flesche is a dungehepe čat of itself bryngeč forče no čing but scharpe čornes, breres], netles & čistles čat beč foule sterynges of luste and |r40 likyng čat moche trauailleč & greueč the soule. But čat lily flour of maydenhode, whan hit is sikerliche roted in če loue of God almighti, schall noght drede alle čilke čornes, breres, nettles & čisteles, for |p193 čat loue kepeč hit čat it may noght harme hit. This floor of lily čat is maydenhode hač sixe leues and wičynne čre greynes igilded. ée firste leef is hol[e]nes of body, čat is to seie čat the body be hole & clene čorgh c[h]astite wičoute wemme of lecch_erie, |r5 for čeigh a [maide were leye by] a¨enst hir wille sche loste not čerfore če mede of her maydenhode. And čerfore the holy maide seynt Lucie to če tyrant čat tormented hir & črette hir čat sche shulde be defouled & lese hir maydenhod + seide čus: Non inquinatur corpus nisi ex consensu mentis, et si inuitam me violari feceris |r10 castitas mihi dupplicabitur ad coronam. `The body,' sche seith, `is defouled with no synne but by če |r[f.125v] assent of če soule, and čey čou do me lese my maydenhode a¨enst my wille my chastite schal be doubled to me to če corowne of blisse.' The secounde leef is clennes of čoght of herte. For as seint Ierom |r15 seith, spekyng of hem čat haueč avowed chastite or čenkeč to be chaste for če loue of God & činkeč noght to [be] wedde[d], hit is noght inowh, he seič, onliche to kepe clene maydenhode of body, but hit byhoueč čat če herte & če čoght be kept in clene chastite from yuel lustes & desires. |r20 The čridde leef is mekenes čat eche c[h]ast man & woman čat desireč to plese God shulde haue in herte, for maydenhode wič proude herte may not p[ay] God. And čerfore seith seint Bernard čat maydenhode wič mekenes moche plesith God. And čat maydenhode [loueč] God to whiche mekenes ¨eueč loos. For mekenes makeč maidenhode fayre and |r25 clene and likyng in če sight of God, for seint Bernard seith after_ward čus: `I dar wel seie,' he seith, `čat oure lady seynte Marie had not iplesed God almyghti only čorgh hir maydenhode ne had here grete mekenes be.' The ferče leef + is drede of God & schamfastnes. For verray maydenes |r30 schulde be boče dredful & schameful, and čat is no wonder, for čei bereč a ful greet tresour and precious in [a] ful febill vessell. And čerfore oure lady seint Marie, |r[f.126r] whan če angel came to hir čere čat sche was hirself allone, sche was dredfull, as če gospel makeč mynde.  Drede of God may be cleped če tresour[er] or keper |r35 of čis riche tresour of maydenhode čat če fend of helle may be no sleighte stele it. For drede of God kepeč the ¨ates of če castell čat čilke tresour is yne, čat is mannes herte & wommanes; of the whiche castel če ¨ates beč the fyue wittes of če body which če drede of God kepeč so čat če fende may not entre into če herte čorgh ydel |p194 and veyne curioste of sight, herynge or spekynge. For ydel & veyn sighte, hirynge or spekynge of curioustees & vanytees of če worlde is a wey to če synne [of] leccherie, and sighte is če firste čat ledeč čerto.  Wherfore, as witnesseč Holy Writte, + Dyna, Iacob doghter, |r5 for sche wente vnwarliche to see vncouthe wommen, sche was corrupte and loste hir maydenhode. And čerfore he čat wole kepe clene mayden_hode byhoueč withdrawe his [wittes] from alle curious sightes, and čat is moste idoo čorgh holy drede of God, čat is drede to wračče God.  And + čis kepynge of če fyue wittes is bytokened by če fyue wise |r10 maydenes of whiche oure Lord Ihesu Criste spekeč in be gospel where čat he seith čat če kyngdom of heuene is liche to ten maydenes wič ten lampes, of whiche were fyue wise & fyue foles. Oure Lord |r[f.126v] God clepeč čere the kyngdom of heuene Holy Chirche, čat is the comun_alte of alle čat hač receyued če sacrament of baptisme, of whiche če |r15 fyue wise maydenes bitokeneč hem čat wiseliche & wele kepeč her fyue wittes of her bodyes, and the fyue fooles bytokeneč hem čat kepith noght wiseliche her fyue wittes, but myspendith hem a¨enst če wille of God. The fifte leef is scharpnes or hardnes of lyving. For hoso wole kepe |r20 maydenhode him byhoueth kepe harde and streite his flesche wič fastyng, hard liggyng, hard weryng, grete trauaile, lytel reste & busy & de_voute prayer, for who čat foloweč če wille of his flesche may not longe kepe clene maydenhode. Scharpnes of lyving [is] as hit were an hegge čat enclosič the gardyn čat is mannes herte where čat če faire |r25 lilye flour of maydenhede groweč so čat no wikked bestes, čat beč če deueles of helle, may not entre into čat gardyn to destroye čat preci_ous tresoure, for čei beč euere aboute to stele it and to destroye hit wič some sleighte. And čerfore it aughte be sikerliche enclosed & kept, for if hit be ones lost hit may neuere be recouered, no more čan |r30 a lampe of glas čat is brosten may be made hole a¨eyn. ée sixte leef is lastyngnes, čat is stedfast purpos to kepe čat estate for če worschič & loue of God. Wher*fore |r[f.127r] seynt Austyn in a book čat he ma[del of holy maydenhode spekeč to hem čat haueth hight to kepe her maydenhode, & seith čus: `Foloweč ¨e če lambe,' čat is to |r35 seie, kepeth to God čat ¨e haueč highte him, so čat ¨e lese by no waye če tresoure of maydenhode. For ¨if ¨e lese it ones ¨e may neuere gete hit a¨en, as hit is seide byfore by ensample of če broken lampe. And seint Bernard counsailleč vs also to kepe lastingnes in vertu & clennes, for čat onliche čorgh če grace of God wynneč endeles |r40 mede. These beč the sixe leues čat makeč faire če lilye flour of maydenhode čat is kepte wičoute defoule or corrupcioun. And also čis faire lily |p195 flour of maydenhode shulde haue in če [myddes] of hit čre graynes en_dored whiche betokeneč čre maners of loue of God almyghti. For mayd_enhode withoute loue of God + is as a lampe of glas wičouten oyle; wherfore če fyue maydens čat were fooles, of če whiche is touched bi_fore, |r5 for čat čei hadde none oyle in here lampes čei were schette out I fro če bridale, and če fyue wise maydenes čat had oyle in her lampes wenten in [with] her spouse to če bridale. Thre maneres čere beč of + loue of God whiche beč bytokened by če čre gilded graynes of če lilye of maydenhode: for as seynt Austyn techič |r10 we schal loue God wič all oure vnderstondyng, wič all oure |r[f.127v] mynde and wič al oure will. And in čis manere is če ymage of God sette in man after če čre grete dignitees čat beč in manis soule, čat beč mynde, vnderstondyng and will, whan čese čre beč wel ordeyned to God in čilke čre maneres of loue of God as is seide byfore.  éan |r15 beč če čre greynes of če lily faire endored wič gold of charite whiche ¨eueč to alle vertues fayrehede and worčines. For wičoute čat golde of charite may no vertu be faire in če sight of God.  Seynt Bernard techič vs to loue God & seith čus: `čou,' he seith, `čat art cristen [man] cristened in Goddes name, lerne to loue God wiseliche, swete_liche |r20 & fastliche: wyseliche čat čou be not disceyued čorgh no [vany_tee ]: sweteliche čat čou neuere be stired čerfrom by no welče [ne wele] of čis worlde; fastliche so čat čou neuere be overcome by no angir ne woo of čis world.' This is če lilye of maydenhode čat is fayre & of grete prys when hit |r25 is kepte in če manere čat is seide bifore, for čen is God wel payed čerof. And čis is če secounde skile why maydenhode schulde be praysed, čat is to seie for če beaute čerof. ée čridde skile whi maydenhode schulde be preysed is for če b[oun]te & profyte čerof. For maydenhode čat is clene kepte is of so grete |r30 worčinesse čat hit may not be preysed [to] no certeyn prise. And čer_fore seič Holy Writte čat čere is no |r[f.128r] čing so precious ne so worthi čat may be euene of pryse with a chaste herte, čat is to vnder_stonde chastite of clene maydenhode čat schal in heuen haue most mede. For čei čat lyueč in clene mariage schal haue čere [fruyte čritty_fold |r35 ], and čei čat kepeč clene wydowhode schal haue čere fruyt sixty_fold; but čei čat kepeč clene maydenhode schall haue fruyte an hondred_fold.  For oure Lord Ihesu Crist by ensample in če gospell seič čat če seed čat falleč in good erthe, čat is to seie into good cristen men & wommen, schal bringe forth good fruyt, some črittyfolde, some |r40 sixtyfold & some an hundredfold. éese noumbres of čritty, sixty & an |p196 hundred bifalleč of fruyt to čese čre estates, čat is to seie wedded, wedowes & maydenes.  For če noumbre of čritty is made of ten & čre, for čries ten is čritty, and čis falleč to če estate of wedlok, for in čat estate schulde če ten comaundementis be kept in worschip |r5 of če Trinite.  The noumbre of sixty is made of ten & sixe, [for sixe] sithes ten makeč sixty, & čat falleč to če state of wydowhode, for in čat estate schulde men kepe & fulfille če ten comaundementis and also če seuen werkes of mercy.  The noumbre of an hundred is schewed by a faire figure čat is [r]ounde čat falleč [tol čat estate |r10 of maydenhode, for in čat estate schulde men kepe če ten comaunde_mentis in če feith of če |r[f.128v] Trynyte & also do če seuen werkes of mercy. [F]or as a rounde figure turneč euen aboute forto [č]at če laste ende meteč a¨en wič the firste and so hit is liche a crowne, right so če noumbre of an hundred bringeč in rekenynge če laste ende |r15 to če bygynnyng, for ten sithes ten is an hundred. éat bytokeneč the riche corone čat is graunted of God to če estate of maydenhode, for all be hit čat in če estates of wedlok and of wedow_hode men may deserue če corowne of blisse, and parauenture some of hem more čan some + maydenes, neuerčeles če estate of maydenhode hač |r20 a special corowne of blisse aboue če comoun corowne of blisse čat God hač graunted to all his. For specially maydenes wynneč here če victorie of her owne flesche čorgh hard lyuynge and good werkes, for čei foloweč here če blessid lambe Ihesu Criste whider čat he goč; and for čei beč wedded to him čei forsakeč alle fleshely bridales forto |r25 be knette wič God at če bridale čat euer schal leste, čat is če blisse of heuene; at če whiche bridale čei schul be apparailled [in] suche nobley & riches čat none herte may činke ne tunge telle. And čere čei schal wičoute trauaile or study synge a newe song of blisful mel_odie whiche čat none očer may synge but čai, and čat bytokeneč a newe |r30 ioye & special mede čat čei schul receyue of oure Lord Ihesu Crist |r[f.129r] for her trauaile.  And is is če fi[f]te branche of če tree of chastitee. The sixte branche or estate of chastite is če estate of clerkes čat hač resceyued holy ordre, as sodeken, deken, preest [and] prelate. |r35 Alle čei schulde kepe chastite for many skiles: first for če holy ordre čat čei haue take čat askeč holynes. For čat sacrament is so hye [and] so worthi čat čei čat receyuen hit beč iobliged & bounde to chastitee so čat čei may neuere after be wedded but beč appropred to če seruice of God in his chirche and at his auteer & to handle če holy |r40 sacrament & očer činges čat longeč čerto, as chalys, corporals, and many očre, and to make & receyue če body of oure Lord Ihesu Crist in če fourme of brede and to departe hit also to očre as Holy Chirche |p197 hač ordeyned. And čerfore čei schulde be holy and chaste by resoun of her Lorde čat čei serue čat loueč clennes & chastite and hatič synne & filče. And to hem seide God čus: `Beth ¨e holy, for I am holy.' For suche as the lord is, suche schulde [be his meyne]. |r5 Anočer skile is for če holy stede čat čei serue ynne, čat is holy chirche whiche čat is halowed by če bisshop to če seruice of God. Hit is wreten čat če preostes of paynymes čat serue in her temples kepeč streitliche chastite & departeč hem from očer companye for čei wolde noght [l]ese her chastite. But wel more aughte cristen |r[f.129v] |r10 preestes be chaste & clene čat serueč in če temple of God of heuene, whiche temple is [halowed and] specialliche appropred to Goddes seruice. The čridde skile is why čat čei scholde be chaste and clene for čei serueč at Goddes bord and eteič of his brede & drinkeč of his cuppe, |r15 čat is of his flesche & blood čat he took for vs and suffred passioun ynne & deth for oure sauacioun, wherfore moche nede it is čat čei be right holy čat vseč čis office čat is so holy.  And čerfore seith seint Poule čat bisshopes & prelates, by whiche he vnderstond_ith all manere estate of Holy Chirche in holy ordre, schulde be clene |r20 and chaste for worschip of her estate. This chastite čat mynistres of Holy Chirche scholde kepe is bytokened in če olde lawe where čat God comaundeč hem čat sholde ete of če lambe - whiche lamb bytokeneč če body of oure Lord Ihesu Crist - čat čei schulde girde hem on her lendes. éat girdel is chastite with |r25 whiche čei schulde be gird čat beč mynistres of čat sacrament, to restreyne hem from all manere leccherie & fleschely temptaciouns. And čerfore God bad Aaron čat was hi[e] preeste of če Iewes čat he schulde cloče hym and his children in lynnen cloth and girde h[e]m wič a whyte lynnen girdel.  Aaron and his children bytokeneč če |r30 mynistres of Holy Chirche čat schulde alwey [be cločed] in če clene lynnen cloth of chastite. For ri¨t |r[f.130r] as + lynnen cloth whan it is wouen moste be ofte bete and wasshe til hit be whyte, right so čey čat wole kepe clene chastite schulde ofte bete her owne flesche wič hard & streit lyvinge, and ofte wasche her hertes of alle foule |r35 čoghtes, desires, wikked willes and likynges čorgh verray repentaunce & schrifte of mouth. And he čat so doth hač če whyte robe of chastite, and so [he] is of če lyuerey of Goddes pryue meyne.  Also čei schulde be girde wič a whyte lynnen girdel čat bytokeneč streyt kep_ynge of chastite, of whiche girdel če bokil is discrete abstynence. Also čis lynne white cote may betoken chastite of herte, and če lynnen girdel chastite of + body. And čis is bytokened by če awbe |p198 čat če preest doč on and by če girdel čat he girdeč him with when he goč to če messe; for thei schulde be chaste in [herte] & [body]. Leccherie defouleč a man in body & soule & makeč mannes soule derk & witles, & nameliche of men of Holy Chirche, for čei beč cleped če eighe of če body of Holy Chirche. For as [če eighe] wisseč če body and scheweč če wey whider hit shal goo, right so schulde prelates & alle men of Holy Chirche schewe in her lyvinge to očer men če wey čat ledeč to endeles blis. Wherfore a spotte [in če] eye is more foule & more greueč čen [in] eny očer lyme of če body; right so če filthe of |r10 leccherie is more foule & more grevous |r[f.130v] in a man of Holy Chirche čan in a lewd man.  Also men of Holy Chirche beč likned to a myrour čat lewed peple schulde loke on & take ensample of lyu_ynge. But when a myrour is defouled men may see wel če filče čat is in če myrour, but noght himself; and if če myrour is clene a man may |r15 wel se himself čerynne & euery spot čat is on him. Right so when prelates and men of Holy Chirche beč clene of livynge & noght de_fouled, nameliche wič če synne of leccherie, čan ¨eueč čei good en_sample of clene lyvynge to očre men. And when čei beč defouled & spotted čorgh synne, and nameliche čat synne, čan ¨eueč čei euel en_sample |r20 and makeč očre men bold[er] to synne. And čerfore of hem is seide čus: Tot mortibus digni sunt quot mala exempla alijs prebuerunt, čat is to seie, `So many dethes or endeles peynes čei beč worti to haue as čei haue ¨eue ensamples of yuel to očre men.' But when čei lyueč in clennes & chastite čan ¨eueth čei ensample of good lyuynge |r25 to očere men and deserueč as many medes in ioye as očer men beč amended by ensample of hem. Also the mynistres of Holy Chirche schulde be clene by cause of her office čat is to clanse očre men, whiche office is of grete merite to če officer ¨if he be himself clene, & elles noght. For če sacrament |r30 čat is mynistred may not be empeyred čorgh [an] yuel mynistre ne |r[f.131r] amended čorgh a goo[d] mynystre to hem čat schal resceyue it; but če wikkednes of če mynystre is greet harme to himself. For right as a candel brann[yng] profiteč to očer men & wasteč himself, right so če wikked mynestre of Holy Chirche mynistreč če [sacrament] to očre |r35 mennes grete profite and sauacioun and to his owne + harme & dampna_cioun. And čerfore sečče it falleč to hem to clanse očre men by vertu of [če sacrament] čat čei mynistre čei schulde by resoun be more clene & holy čan očer men of lesse degree, and but čei so be čei schole be grevousloker punysshed čan očre. And čis [is] če sixte state or |r40 branche of če tree of chastite. |p199 The seuenpe state or branche of če tree of chastite is če state of religioun čat is affermed by professioun. For čei čat beč in čat estate haue avowed chastite & so beč bounde čerto by professioun & avowe so čat čei may neuere after be wedded, & if čei be it may noght |r5 holde. And čerfore čei schulde busiliche kepe chastite for če holy_nesse & perfeccioun of her estate, for če holyer čat čei schulde be če fouler is her synne; +as a blak spott is more & sonner seyn on a whyte cloth čan on a cloč of anočer colour, and from če hyer čat a man falleč če sorrer is his fall.  Also čei schulde kepe chast_ite |r10 forto overcome če deuel čat ofte sorrer |r[f.131v] tempteč men of religioun & more desireč to ouercome hem čan očer men. For as oure Lord Ihesu witnessič čat če aungels of heuen makeč grete ioye when a synful man turneč from his synne & doč penaunce, right so če fendes of helle haueč grete ioye in her manere when čorgh temptaciouns čei |r15 makeč a good man turne to yuel. And če better & če holyer čat he was če more likyng čei haue of his fallyng, right as a fissher hač more ioye to take a grete fisshe čan a smal. Hit is wrete in če book of lyues of če holy fadres čat were in če be_gynnyng of Holy Chirche of an holy monk čat tolde how & why he ¨af |r20 him first to čat estate, and seide čat he was an heče[n] mannes sone čat was a preest of her lawe and kepte her mawmettis and her sacri_fices; and seide on a tyme in his childhode he ¨ede with his fader into če temple and čere he sawh a grete & a griseliche companye of fendes, and one of hem [he] sawe sitte as lord & maister in an hy |r25 sete, and many očer aboute him.  And one came & lowted to čat maister & he asked him fro when he came & what he hadde done. And he answerde & seide [he] came out of a contree where he hadde reysed grete werre & stryf & contak čorw whiche many men were slayne. And čan asked če mayster how longe he hadde |r[f.132r] be čereaboute, and |r30 he seide čritty dayes. & čan seide če maister, `éou hast litel doo in so longe + tyme,' wherfore he comaunded to očre to bete him sore & harde.  After come anočer & lowted to če maister, & če maister asked [him] where he had be and he seide [čat he hadde be] at če see, and čere he hadde wič wyndes & stormes fordoo moche navey wič all čat |r35 was wičyn hem of men & wommen, of whiche manye were in dedly synne. ée maister asked him how longe he hadde be čereaboute and he seide twenty dayes, and čen če maister bad bete him for he badde so longe be aboute [so] litel.  After him came če čridde of whom če maister asked as he hadde doo of če očere, and he seide he cam from a |r40 bridale where he hadde made suche contak & [debate] čat če housbande & many očre men were slayn čere. & čan asked če master hou longe [čat] was in doyng and he seide in ten dayes, & če maister bad bete him anon.  And čan came če ferče [of] whom če maister asked as |p200 bifore, and he seide he cam from an hermytage where he hadde be fourty ¨ere to fonde bringe a monk into če synne of leccherie, and he myghte neuere bringe him čerto til čat nyght čat he had made him doo čat dede. éan sterte vp če maister & toke him in his armes and kessid |r5 him, and toke the corone fro his hede & sette hit on his & made |r[f.132v] him sitte by him, & seide he was worthi a grete mede for his dede. And čan če holy man čat say and herde čis čoghte čat če estate of monk in clene lyuynge is an hye čing, and čerfore he ¨af him to čat estate.  By čis tale men may see čat če fend is fayn when |r10 he may čorgh eny sleighte bringe a man of religioun to synne, [and namely to če synne] of leccherie. For whan a man entreč into religioun he fareč as a champioun čat goč into če feld to fi¨te wič his enemy. And in tokenyng herof when oure Lord Ihesu, as če gospel witnessič, wolde be tempted of če fend he |r15 wente into deserte, by whiche is vnderstonde religioun, whiche is as a feld of temptacioun.  Religioun may wel be likned to deserte or wildernesse, for as deserte & wildernes is comounliche in scharp place where no delices ben & also fer from očer men, right so če estate of religioun schulde be scharpe & streight čorgh scharp & |r20 streit livynge čat is as an hegge of čorne wič whiche če herte is closed aboute a¨enst če wikked bestes of helle. Hit is also a siker wepoun to fight wič a¨enst če enemy, če fend of helle, and sone may discomfite him & make him flee. And hit is principalliche a siker remedie a¨enst če fuyre of lecch_erie, |r25 for he čat wole wel quenche če fuyre of leccherie he schulde quenche all če sparcles čat |r[f.133r] cometh of hit čat beč flesche_liche delices whiche a good man of religioun schulde putte fro his flesshe čorgh wakynge, fastynge, hard liggynge, hard werynge & hard penaunce doynge.  For who čat wolde wynne a castell or a citee |r30 čat is strong, he schulde with all his myght do čat no vitail ne watir my¨t come to hem čat were wičynne, for in čat wise he myghte enfamyne hem & make hem of no myght to wičstonde him. Right so če castel of če body čat is strong, čorgh če my¨t of če flesche may noght be holde ne defended a¨enst če spirit whan če flesche is enfamyned wič pen_aunce |r35 and abstinence of mete & drynk & wičdrawynge of očer delices. Also, right as desert or wildernes is fer fro če wonynge of men so schulde religioun be fer fro če + world & worldliche desires, for he čat is in religioun is deed to če world and lyueč to God. For as a bodiliche dede man hač lost all his wittes bodiliche, as sight, hyr_inge, |r40 speche, smellynge & felynge, right so schulde a religious man be deed to če world čat he myght noght see, hyre ne feele no čing in_wardliche čat toucheč worldly lustes or likynges, but čat he may soč_fastliche seie + če [word čat] seič seynt Poule: Michi mundus cruci_ |p201 fixus est & ego mundo, `The worlde,' he seič, `is crucified,' čat is to seie vylaynousliche hanged, `to me, & I to če worlde,' |r[f.133v] as čat he seide `haue despite of če worlde & če worlde of me.' For right as an honged čef is abhominable to [očer men], so held seynt |r5 Poule če worlde čat is ful of falshede and to him abhomynable & vyle. Right so schulde a good man of religioun hate če worlde & despise hit and flee hit, čat is to seie če couetise and očre vanytees & folies čerof, so čat he fele hem noght čorgh loue ne desire but čat his liv_ynge be bifore God in heuen, as seynt Poule of himself & of alle gode |r10 men of religioun seič čus: Nostra conuersacio in celis est, `Oure lyv_ynge or oure conuersacioun,' he seith, `is in heuene,' [for čei če body be here on erče če spirit is in heuen] čorgh gostliche loue & desire. ée good religious man schulde no čing haue propre but alle in comune, |r15 and his tresoure schulde all be in heuene. For as oure Lorde seith in če gospel of seynt Iohan: Si vis perfectus esse, vade & vende omnia que habes & da pauperibus, & veni sequere me, `¨if čou wolt,' he seith, `be parfyt, goo & selle al čat čou hast and ¨eue it to pore men, & come folowe me.' The tresour of a religious man schulde be |r20 clene pouerte suffred wič good wille and withoute grucchinge. For pouerte is liche to money, wič whiche money men may bigge heuene. Wherfore oure Lord Ihesu in če gospel seith: `Blissed beč čei čat beeč pore in spirit or in goost, for here is če kyngdom of heuen;' for whoso is pore in goost čorgh grace and |r[f.134r] wille, he ne |r25 sechič nečer riches ne worschič ne power ne delices of čis world, but for¨eteč & refuseč all suche čing for Goddes loue. So schulde a man of religioun do čat ¨eueč him to čat estate of perfeccioun. In tokenyng čerof če aungel čat came to Loth forto make him goo out of če citee of Sodome, čat he ne perschid noght čerynne, seide čus |r30 to hym: `When čou art passed out of če citee stonde noght to nyhe, but goo vp into če mountayne and kepe če čere, for čere čou may be syker & sauf.' Right so he čat hač lefte če world and take če lyf of religioun, čat schulde be lyf of perfeccioun, he schulde noght be nyhe če world čorgh desire of worldly činges, but he schulde drawe |r35 him alwey fro če world with all his myght so čat he myghte come into če hille of perfeccioun and euer haue his eighe and his entencioun to God čat is aboue him and noght loke behynde him to če world čat he hač forsake. In tokenyng čerof hit is writen in Holy Writ of če wyf of Loth čat |r40 ¨ede out of če citee of Sodom wič hir housbonde; but for sche loked behynde her to see če citee how it brente [sche] was turned into an ymage of salte.  By Lothes wyf may be understonde čey čat after čei haue forsake če worlde & entred into religioun lokeč a¨en into če |p202 worlde by wille and desire of herte, for [čai haue] če body in [če] cloystre & če herte in |r[f.134vl če world. Thei beč liche an ymage of salt čat hač onliche če forme of + man, but čei beč hard & colde as a stone of salte is, for čei haue no hete of če loue of God, ne [er |r5 neisshed] of pitee ne of + deuocioun; and so čei haue noght of re_ligioun but če habite čat make hem haue outward liknes as an ymage hač.  Also če salt ymage bytokeneč witt & discrecioun čat men of perfeccioun schulde haue, for as salt ¨eueč sauoure & sauynge to alle vitailles čat beč necessarie to mannes foode and kepeč hem fro cor_rupcioun, |r10 right so a man of religioun schulde haue witte & discrecioun in his wordes and in his werkes. This salt ymage schulde ¨eue witte & vnderstonding to men of religioun čat haueč lefte če world for če loue of God čat čei torne noght a¨eyn to čat čat ei haue left. And čerfore oure Lord Ihesu Crist seith to his disciples in če gospel |r15 čus: Memento vxoris Loth, `činkeč', he seith, `on če wyf of Loth,' čat is to seie byčenke what hir byfel for sche loked a¨eyn. And čer_fore ¨e schal noght loke a¨eyn to vanyte of če world whiche ¨e haue forsake for če loue of God so čat ¨e lese noght če grace & če blis čat God hač ordeyned for ¨ow as Lothes wyf lost hir bodiliche lyf for |r20 sche loked a¨en to če citee čat sche hadde forsake & left. And čerfore oure Lord Ihesu Crist [in anočer place of če gospel] seič čus: Nemo mittens manum ad aratrum aspiciens retro |r[f.135r] aptus est regno Dei, `No man,' he seič, `čat putte hond to če plough and lokeč behynde him is worthi to če kyngdom of God.' For as he čat haldeč če |r25 plough bihoueč besiliche loke byfore him čat hit holde euen for[e], right so nedeč him čat schapeč come to če hulle of perfeccioun by lyf of penaunce and of religioun loke busiliche byfore him čat he holde če right way čerto and go noght out čerof. For thei schulde alwey sette če eighen of her herte, čat is to seie her wille and her vnder_stondyng |r30 & desire, to čat čat is bifore hem, čat is to seie euerlast_ynge goodes of riches of endeles blisse in heuen, and noght to čat čat is behynde hem, čat is to seie worldliche goodes and riches & wor_schippes čat passeč away as če wynde whiche aughte euer be behynde, čat is to seie fer fro če herte; as seynt Poule seide čat he hadde |r35 for¨ete all čat felle to be behynde him, čat was če world & worldes couetise whiche he despised, for če desire čat he hadde to če blisse of heuene. But many men of religioun fareč as he čat putteč če plogh tofore and če exen čat schulde drawe it behynde; for he čat sechič more bodi_liche |r40 good čan gostliche he putteč byfore čat schulde be behynde, čat is to seie bodiliche good čat is passyng bifore gostly good čat is |p203 euerlastynge. Suche men of religioun beč in the wey of dampnacioun for čei haue |r[f.135v] no[gh]t of + religioun but če habite, for hit is seide in Latyn čus: Habitus non facit monachum, čat is to seie, `Habite makeč noght [a] monk, [but holy lif makeč a monk].  A |r5 good religious man schulde take ensample of seint Poule and for¨et če world as he dede, and alle worldliche činges čat beeč passynge leue behynde him and haue his eighe & his entencioun to goostly činges čat beč euerlastynge, & fro vertu to vertu euere clymbe vp til he come to [če] hille of perfeccioun čere endeles ioye is, čere he schal see |r10 parfitliche oure Lord Ihesu Crist, God almyghti, & haue him eueremore forth. éat is če blessidhede čat če ¨ifte of vnderstonding ledeč hem to čat kepeč clennes of herte and of body. And čerfore God in če gospel seič čus: Beati mundo corde quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt, `Blissed be |r15 čei čat beč clene of herte for čei shal see God.' For čei beč clensed of alle manere derknes of errour as to vnderstonding and wille of synne by čat [čat] čei see what God is čorgh brightnes of bileue čat comeč by grace of če Holy Goost čorgh če ¨ifte of vnderstondinge čorgh whiche ¨ifte a man knoweč gostliche his God, his maker, and |r20 alle čat falleč to helpe of soule in trouthe of oure Lord Ihesu Crist, wičoute war[yi]ng or doute. And čere čei beč so ioyned & rootefaste grounded čat čei may noght be departed by deth ne no peyne. And čer_fore čei čat |r[f.136r] beč clene of herte beč blessid, for čei haue če eighen of her hertes clene, cleer and hoole; čat is [to sey] her wille |r25 & vnderstondyng so clere čat čei may see God in verray trouthe. Wherfore, as če gospel berith witnesse, oure Lord seide to seint Thomas če apostel čus: Quia vidisti me, Thoma, credidisti, `For čou sey me, Thomas, čou bileuedest,' and after he seide čus: Beati qui non viderunt and crediderunt, `Iblessid,' he seide, `be čei čat seie |r30 not me in body and ¨it haueč bileued [stedfastliche].'  But čis blessid[hede] schal be fulfilled in endeles lyf where čei čat hauep be clene of herte, and čorgh stedfast bileue haue seie God here but dymliche, as in če flesche may be, čere čei schal see him clerliche & apertliche face to face, as witnessič če apostel seynte Poule. é[at] |r35 is če blissedhede of aungelis and of hallowes čat beč in heuen čat seeč alwey face to face one God in thre persones, and in him seeč all čing as in a bright myrour, & byholdeč hemself & merueilleč, & may neuere be wery ne sad of byholdinge of če Holy Trinite. For čere beč al goodnes[ses] and all fayrenes[ses]; čere is če welle of euerlast_yng |r40 lyf & alle + delices čat herte may činke. For in Holy Writte |p204 hit is write čus: Oculus non vidit nec auris audiuit & ia cor hominis non ascendit que preparavit Deus diligentibus se, `Eighe may not see, ne ere hyre, ne herte of man činke what God |r[f.136v] hač ordeyned to hem čat loueth him.  Wherfore če holy man seint Anselme, spekynge |r5 as hit were to his owne soule, seith čus: `Lifte vp čiself, soule,' he seith, `aboue all thyn vnderstondyng and čenke hou moche, how profit_able, how fayre & how delitable beč the goodes čat conteyneč alle manere delices & ioyes,' noght suche [ioye] as men may haue in creat_ures čat schorte while dureč & sone passeč, but as moche more as če |r10 maker of a creature is more čan a creature. `A, man!' he seith, `wherto busiest čou the to gete bodiliche goodes for [likynge] and [sus_tenaunce ] of čei body? Loue thi God čat conteneč all manere goodnes endeles,' and neuere may faille čat God hač ordeyned to hem čat loueč him, čat is himself, of whom comeč all manere goodnes as stremes comep |r15 of a welle. And čerfore seith seint Austyn čat he is blissed čat may clerliche see wičoute lettynge če blis of God in his maieste and be schače to če ymage of his blis čere he schal see God as he is; & čat sighte is če coroune & all če blisse & mede čat [če] halowes may haue in heuene, |r20 for čei schal see him čat alle čing hač made of noght. And [čer]for God allmyghti wolde bycome man čat man myghte by him be blessid boče in body & soule; for whan man may see him in his manhode čorgh bodi_liche sight, [and in his Godhede in soule čorgh gostly si¨t], so čat he haue of čese sightes swetnes, sauour & grete delite in his maker |r25 boče wičynne & wičoute - wičynne |r[f.137r] as in his Godhed & wičoute as in his manhed - čis is the blisse čat no clerk can discryue, for čis schal be mannes ioye & delite in endeles lyf, and čis blissedhede schal čei haue čat kepeth clennes of herte & body, to whiche clennes če vertu of chastite bringeč a man, & so to če mede čat longeč čerto, |r30 čat is če sighte of God. [N]ow may men see by čat čat is seide bifore what če ¨ifte of vnder_stondynge may bringe vs to, whiche ¨ifte we prayeth by če secounde askynge of če Pater Noster, čat is Adueniat regnum tuum. De Dono Sapiencie Another [¨ifte] of če Holy Goost is če ¨ifte of wisdom, whiche ¨ifte |r35 we prayeč of God by če firste askynge of če Pater Noster, čat is Sanctificetur nomen tuum. This is če hyeste & grettest ¨ifte čat makeč a man most fele & taste swetnes and sauour of God allmyghti, so čat him čenkeč no čing so swete ne so delitable; & čerfore he settič all his loue & likynge onliche in God aboue all očer čing. éis ¨ifte of |r40 wisdom specialliche draweč out of mannes herte če synne of glotonye wič all his rotes & branches, and in če stede of čat synne setteč čat faire vertu of sobirnes & mesure. |p205 & firste moste čis ¨ifte drawe out of če herte če synne of glotonye, for vertu may not come in če herte while synne is čereynne. éat synne of glotonye hač [begiled and] defouled many a mannes soule, for hit is synne of če mouth whiche |r[f.137v] hač two offices: one for če črote |r5 swolowyng, as etinge & drinkynge, anočer for če tunge, as in spekynge of good or yuel. And čorgh whečer of čese two synnes be doo, men clepith hit synne of če mouth, and čat is departed in two parties, for čat oon is synne of glotonye čat cometh by [če] črote in etynge & drynkynge ouermesure and nedelesliche: čat očer is synne of yuel tonge, |r10 as in yuel spekynge. But first it is to speke of če synne [of] glo_tonye čat is a foule synne & defouleč boče body & soule. But ¨it it greueč noght moche to none očer but to him čat is defouled čerwith. And after schal be spoke of če synne of yuel tonge čat greueč boč him čat vseč it, and also moche more očer men. Gula deuastat tria in hominen |r15 Glotonye is a synne čat če wombe & če body loveč wel, whiche synne wasteč in a man čre činges. First it wastič če soule, for it is dedly synne; also it wasteč če body čat gadreč corrupcioun čerby; and also it wastič mannes goodes worldliche čorgh ouergrete costages & despensis čat beč made in fulfillynge of čat synne. |r20 éis synne of glotonye moche displesič God & plesith če deuel, as may be schewed by many resouns. éorgh čis synne če fend hač gret power of man čat is combred čer[withl, for hit [is] writen in the gospel čat oure Lord Ihesu Crist ¨af leue to če fendes forto entre into swyne. And when čei were entred čei tormentid sore če bestis til |r[f.138r] čei |r25 woxe wode & drowned hemself in če see, in tokene of vnclene men čorgh glotonye čat ledeč her lyues as swyne. And in hem čat beč so defouled wič čat synne and woleč noght amende hem če deuel hač leue to wone in hem & to drowne hem at če laste in če see of helle & makeč hem to ete & drinke so moche čat wel nyghe čei breste, or ofte tyme drowneč hem_self |r30 .  When a champioun is born doun in fight of his enemy and is holde down by če črote hit is hard & + grete peyne to him forto aryse. Right so it is of a man čat če fend hač felde by čis synne, for čan če fend secheč to če prote right as a wolf or an hounde secheč to the črote of a schepe čat he wole strangle & slee, and as he dede oure |r35 formefader Adam and Eue in paradys where he caughte hem by če črote whan he made hem ete of če fruyt of če tre čat was forbode.  He is če fissher of helle čat caccheč fisshes, čat is to seie mennes soules, by če črote čorgh čis synne & ledeč hem forth wič him,to his hous, čat is to seie če put[te] of helle. |p206 This synne myspaieth God almyty for hit doč grete vnworschič to God whan čei makeč her wombe, čat is a foule sak ful of stinkyng dunge, her god in [as moche as] čey loueth it and more busy [benl to lyke hit & worschič hit čan verray God. Oure Lord God biddeč a man faste: če |r5 wombe seith, `Nay, but ete & drinke,' he seič, `and be strong of thi body.' God biddeč hym |r[f.138v] aryse erliche out of his bed & goo to chirche to the seruise of God: če wombe seič, `Nay, čat may not be doo, for I am so [ful] of mete & drinke vndefied čat I mote abide til I haue swet & bettir slept, for če chirche wole abide into čat I come.' & |r10 whan suche oon, čat is rewled by če wombe, gynneč to ryse of his bed he bygynneč not to seie his matynes or očer prayers, but anone he askeč what he schal ete and what he schal drynke, & whečer eny suche mete may be founde or drinke čat him may luste ete or drinke. After matyns he gynneč laudes čus: `Lorde,' he seič, `čat we hadde ¨isterday good mete |r15 & good drinke!' + Afterward he wexith sory and seith čus: `ée wyn čat we drank tonyght was so strong čat it hač made myne heed ake all čis nyght čat I was nyghe dede, and am ¨it as heuy as leed, & myn heed is so dasy čat I am noght of myght to goo ne ryde none weies til I haue dronke ones or twyes.' This man lyueč perilousliche čat čus is led |r20 after če lust of his wombe, of whiche he makeč his god, as is seide byforn. This synne schameč moche a man & bynemeč him his good name, for ofte suche bycomeč tauerne goers and afterward dys pleyers, and sithen čey beč comen wrecches and harlottes, & vseč many [folies and] vilenyes; |r25 and ¨it čei beč come ofte lecch[oures], and after čat čeues & robboures, and at če laste beč taken for čefte and anhonged; & čis is če ende čat čis synne ledeč a man to by |r[f.139r] čese sixe weies in čis lyf & after čis lyf +: to endeles peyne but ¨if he amende him or he deie. This synne of glotonye after če sentence of če holy doctour seynt |r30 Gregori departič him in fyue branches, for in fyue maneres a man may synne in etynge & drinkynge, čat is to seie ouertymeliche, oueroutrage_ousliche, ouerhastifliche, ouerdeyntifliche & ouerbusiliche. The firste branche is ouertymeliche, čat is whan a man for his luste wole noght abide če rightful tyme of etynge & drinkyng +. And čat is |r35 a foule manere in an hole man and comeč of a grete leccherous luste, as doth a beest čat is wičoute resoun; & so semeč čat he is čat so doth. And of čis vnskilful custome may come many synnes, for suche a man seith he may not faste ne do penaunce ne be at chirche to praye and worschip God, for he seith čat he hač an yuel heed; and čer[of] he |r40 seith soč, for he hath made it yuel, and his herte also čat holdeč če heed & all če body in grete siknes of synne of glotony.  And ¨it |p207 he wole drawe to him felawschič of če same maneres; and if čei be noght fulliche so yuel as he is he draweč hem from alle gode dedes & weyes of amendement & stureč hem to čis synne of glotonye, in brekynge of her faste and in očer wise, from whiche synne čei myghte parauenture |r5 euere kepe hem, ne were suche felawschepe.  But čese glotouns, lecch*[oures] |r[f.139v], drynkeres & ryatoures, among alle očer [synnes] čei doč oo synne čat is cleped če deueles maistres, čat is wičdrawynge of očer men from all manere goodnes. éei seie čat men may noght faste, & čere čei lyen falseliche, for ¨if čei loued God & endeles blis as |r10 moche as čei loueth če world & worldliche blis čat sone passeč & moste be left, čei wolde čanne more wilfulliche faste for Goddes loue & for endeles blis čan čei wolde for worldes blis; [but] som men for wynnynge [gladliche] faste al če day + to če nyght +, of worldes goodes conne but for če loue of God and for wynnynge of euerlastynge [goodes] čei |r15 wole not faste to + none of če day, but fareč as wantoun children čat woleč alwey haue brede in here hond. Also, right as a man may synne in ouererliche etinge & drinkynge, right so he may synne in ouerlate soupers; wherfore čilke men & wommen čat vseč to soupe late and longe to wake on če nyght and waste če tyme in |r20 ydelnes and vanitee, wast & nycete, late goč to bedde & late aryseč, čei synneč in many maneres.  Firste for čei wasteč the tyme in grete ryot & foly & turneč the tyme a¨enst kynde, čat is to seie če nyght in_to če day & če day into če nyght: suche men God curseč by če prophetes mouth. But men schulde spende če day in good werkes & če nyght in če |r25 reste of če body as nede askeč, and the |r[f.140r] remenant in prayer worschippynge and čonkynge of God. And he čat wole holde [him] in his bed whan tyme were to rise, & slepe whan he schulde wake, and noght serue God in prayer, praysing & čonkyng of God and očer good werkes doynge, he is a greet foole, for he lesič all čat tyme.  Also in |r30 suche wakynges men vseth many vanytees, as playenge at če chesse & at če tables and in tellynge of many yuel tales, + lesinges & bakbitynges. And čus čei leseč her tyme and deserueth maugre, & noght onliche greueč God but also her owne soules [and bodies]. The secounde braunche of glotonye is to ete or drynke oueroutrageous_lyche, |r35 čat is to seie ouermesure, and čei čat so doth may be skile be cleped glotones. But hit is a grete konnynge to kepe mesure in etynge & drinkynge, and čat is a grete hele to če body. For many [a man] for lak of čat connynge hastič himself to če deč, for of nedles & outrage_ous etyng & drinkyng comeč many siknes of če body.  But whoso |r40 wole lerne to kepe mesure in etyng & drynkyng he schal vnderstonde čat čere beč many manere lyvinges in če[is] world, for some men lyueč after |p208 her flesshe, some after [her] iolyte, some after hir ypocricie, some after her couetise, some after [her] phisyk, some after honeste, some after če synne čat čei vseč, and some after če goost & after če loue of |r[f.140v] God. |r5 First some men lyueč after her flesshe, and čei sleen her owne soule, for čei makeč her wombes her goddes, and ruleč hem neither by mesure ne by skile, but foloweč če luste of her flesche. And for čei lyuep withoute mesure čei schal haue endeles peyne wičoute mesure.  The secounde is čei čat lyueč after her iolyte čat loueč wel companyes, |r10 ryotes & vanitees & conne noght ne wole noght kepe mesure.  The čridde is čei čat lyueč after her ypocricye, and čei beč cleped če deueles maystres, & čey holde two manere of mesures after če condi_ciouns of two wikked spirites & contrarious eche to other čat ledeth hem; of whiche spirites če ton seith čus: `Ete faste čat čou maist be |r15 faire and fatte.' éat očer seith, `Do noght so, but faste so čat čou be lene, paale & [wan], and so čou schalt seme holy.' éan byhoueč hem čat beeč thus led vse boče čese mesures, čat one in sight of men, čat is litel etyng & drinkyng, and čat očer out of sight of men, čat is to ete & drinke at če fulle. But suche men holdeč noght right mesure as |r20 čei schulde doo. The ferče is [čei čat] lyueč after her auarice and čei holdeč no skil_ful mesure, for čei vseč it noght but as auarice wole suffre, for sche is lady & maistres of here houshold. But bytwene če glotouns wombe & auarice is grete disputacioun. ée wombe of |r[f.141r] če glotoun seič +, |r25 I wolde be ful of mete & drynke.' Auarice seith, `Nay, čou schalt not spende in veyne, but spare & kepe all čat čou myght.' éus čese two maistres alwey stryueč. What schal he doo čen čat is sugett to suche two maistres or lordes čat comaundeč hym to holde suche two lawes čat beč contrarius eche to other? He mote holde be lawe čat če wombe co_maundeth |r30 in očer mennes hous & at očer mennes cost, and če lawe čat auarice comaundeč in his owne hous and at his owne cost.  The fifte manere lyuynge is of hem čat lyueč after phisyk & mesureč hem in etyng & drynkyng after če teching of Ypocras, čat is, scars & litel. And ¨it suche men, holde čei hem neuere so wys & slighe & con rule hem alle |r35 after phisik, ¨it at če laste čei deieth in her owne phisik.  The sixte manere of lyvinge is of hem čat lyueč after her honeste & holdeč resonable mesure. Suche men lyueč worschipfulliche & abydeč če tyme of če day, and čan čei takeč wič worschip to God, wič good chere & curteisliche, what čat God sendeč hem.  The seuenče manere of |p209 lyvinge is of hem čat lyueč after če charge čat hir synne askeč & doč & fulfilleč če penaunce čat is enioyned h[e]m for her synne. The eightče manere of lyuynge is of čo čat lyueč after her spirit. And čat beč tho čat etič & drinkeč in grete likyng |r[f.141v] in če loue of |r5 God almyghti as če Holy Gost techič hem to holde ordre, mesure & resoun in eting & drinkynge. éo men haue če right lordschič of her bodies čat kepič it čat it aske ne doo here none outrage and makeč her bodies do če wille of her spirites wičoute grucchinge or a¨eynstondyng. And ¨it men may see how če deuel hač many sleightes & wyles forto be_gile |r10 men with & cacche hem faste by če črotes čorgh če synne of glo_tonye. First he scheweč a man forto begile him good wyn & delicious metes as he dede če appel to Eue, and if čat may noght availe he biddeč and counsailleč a man to ete & drynke as očer men doth so čat he may be felawliche & noght singuler, and čat men clepe him not ypocrite or a |r15 paplard, or čat he is an auerous man & a scars of herte so čat he may not spende; or elles he counsailleč a man to be busy to kepe [če] hele of his body, for he seič: `He čat hač noght his hele hač noght.' Or elles he defendeč a [man čat he be no] mansleer ne mordrer, & nameliche of himself, & seič čat he may so absteyne himself from mete & drynke |r20 čat he may fordoo himself, and seič [čat] a man is holde to purveye for če sustenaunce of his body. Or he seith & stureč a man čus: `Bečinke če,' he seič, `what good čou hast doo, doost & mayst doo, & čat is |r[f.142r] moche more čan sparynge of mete & drynke.' Or he seith čus. `éou etest noght only for delite [and lust of čei body] but forto make |r25 če stalworč & strong to če seruice of God,' and seith, `čou aughtest to kepe čei strengthe to če worschip of God,' & by suche stirynges ofte tyme če deuel ledeč a man to če synne of glotonye; for he is so sotil & slygh čat čere is none so holy ne so wyse čat somtyme he ne begileč him wič suche skiles. |r30 The čridde braunche of glotonye is to ete ouerhastifliche, and čat is a foule doynge to a man čat hač use of resoun to ete his mete as an hound or anočer unresonable beste. And če more grediliche čat a man etič če more he synneč and for¨eteč God, for as it is no synne to haue moche riches & good, but hit is [grete] synne to ouermoche loue it, |r35 right so it is no synne to ete good mete whoso may haue hit, but it is synne to ete it ouerhastifliche & ouergrediliche. For all manere mete čat is foode to man is good to hem čat beč goode, and [specialiche] to hem čat wole vse hit wič skile & mesure, and ete it wič če sauce of [če] drede of God; for men schulde alwey drede God so čat he ne schulde |r40 not vse čat God sent but in mesure wičoute outrage, & loue God & čanke him of his sonde. And by čat mete čat fulfilleč a man & fedeč he schulde činke on če swetnesse of God čat is verray foode & fulfillynge to če soule. And for [čat] skile hit is vsed among men of religioun |p210 at |r[f.142v] če mete to rede som čing of Holy Writ so čat as če body is fed so may če soule be also. ée ferthe branche of glotonye is to ete ouerdeyntevousliche and spende more parauenture in deyntee[s] in a day čan myghte of comoun mete as |r5 profitable for če sustenaunce be inow for an hondred pore men.  Suche men synneč in many maneres: first čei synneč in outrageous costs & dispensis nedeles; also čei synnen in ouergrete luste & likynge in mete; če čridde čei synnen in veynglorie whiche čei haue in suche doynge, for it is ofte idoo noght onliche for če lust of če body but |r10 also for pompe and pryde and forto gete loos of a grete mete ¨euer, for deyntees & many cours. The fifte braunche of glotonye is curiouste or busynesse to seche & ordeyne delicious metes & drinkes and čerynne delite hem. And čese be propurliche likerous men. |r15 In čre činges lyeč če synne of glotonye: first in busynesse of getynge & dightynge of mete, afterward in če lust & delite in etyng, and če čridde [in veynglorie] whan čei recorde how wele čei beč fed, + and also how busy čei were aboute če dightinge čerof in dyuers maneres. And whan če likerous mete comeč eche after očer in sondry cours after |r20 če manere of seruice, čan mote čei haue bourdes, tryfles and ianglynges of vanitees for an entremes, & so wasteč če tyme & for¨eteč hemself, & |r[f.143r] resoun slepeč. And čen may če stomak seie and crye: `érote, čou sleest me, for I breste nyhe for full.' But če likerous črote answereč and seith: `éeigh čou breste I schal ete of čis cours or |r25 messe čat now is come.' And after suche likerous etyng comeč veyn_glorie, činkynge hou čei haue fed hem [of] mete & drynke, and all čis comeč of če synne of glotonye. And for čis synne is ofte ido in tauernes, for čat is cleped če welle of glotonye, hit is to schewe in what wyse many men synneč čere. |r30 Tauerne may be cleped če deueles scole, for čere studieč his scolers and disciples. Hit may also be cleped če develes chapel, for čere men serueč him as God is serued in holy chirche, and čere če deuel schewep his myracles as may falle to him, as God scheweč his myracles + in holy chirche. For in holy ch[erch]e God scheweč his vertues and |r35 myracles, as in makynge če blynde to see, če lame [to] goo, doumbe to speke, deue to hyre, & ¨eueč če wode her right witte. But če devel in his chapel, čat is če tauerne, he doth his myracles whiche čat beč contrarious to čese aforseide; for če wele seynge he makeč blynd, če wele goynge he makeč lame, če wel spekyng he makeč doumbe, [če] wel |p211 hirynge he makeč deef, and [če] right witted he makeč mad.  But če lessouns čat če deuel [redeč and] techič his scolers in his scole, čat is če tauerne, beč these: to do glotonye, vilanye and leccherie, swere & for*swere |r[f.143v], lye, sclaunder, + [bakbite, mysseie, scorne, |r5 chide, despise], to be false, wrongful, manace, make barette, mayn_tene wrong, lette right, contreue [gile and treccherie], reneye God, make contakkes and stryues, & mellees [and] manslaughtres, to stele & robbe, [and] at če laste be anhonged for her trauaile. And čese lessouns & many očer techič če devil his scolers čat haunteč his |r10 scole, čat is če tauerne. And čus haue I schewed če synnes of če mouth on čat oon syde čat is cleped če synne of glotonye whiche čat falleč most to če črote. De peccato Lingue que pertinet ad Os Now on čat other side is to schew če synne of če mouth čat falleč to če tonge, and whoso wole knowe & fele če synne of če tunge he mote |r15 weye by skile eche word čat he seič, what it is, when it comeč & what yuel it doth, for a worde may be synne in hitself. Hit may also be synne for če wikked herte čat it comeč of, and also for če wikked vse and for če yuel čat it doč; for hit may moche greue čeigh parauenture hit be faire polisshed.  For ¨e schal vnderstonde čat a wikked, |r20 fayre spekynge tunge is če tree čat oure Lord Ihesu Crist cursed for he fond čeron no fruyt but alle leues. By leu[e]s may be understonde evil wordes, for as yuel as it is to telle and nombre alle če leues of a tree, as yuel it is to telle & noumbre če synnes |r[f.144r] čat comeč of yuel tunge.  But čis tree hač ten branches čat beč čese ten |r25 synnes čat comeč of yuel tonge. ée firste is ydel speche, če secounde is veyne auauntynge, če čridde is losengrie, če ferče is bakbitynge, the fifte is lyenge, če sixte is forsweryng, če seuenpe is stryuynge, če eighte is grucching, the nynče is frowardnes & če tenče is sclaundre of God & his halowes. |r30 The firste braunche is ydel speche, whiche he čat vseč hit, as ianglers doč, may čerby take grete harme & [los] and may noght lightly be appar_ceyued, for he may synne čerby and lese če good čat he myght doo & schulde doo, & leseč also če tresour čat schulde be in his herte, & filleč it wič vanite. Idel speche men clepeč ydel wordes, bot ¨it čei |r35 beč noght all idel as vnocupied, for moche čing is wroght by hem; for čey voydeč če herte of all goodnes and filleč hit wič vanyte & wikked_nes. Wherfore men schal ¨elde harde rekenynge at če day of dome of |p212 eche ydel word čat me spekeč, & čat witnessič God in če gospel & seith čus: De omni verbo ocioso quod locuti fuerint homines &c, `Of eche ydel word,' he seič, `čat men spekith čei schal ¨elde rekenynge at če day of dome.' Wherfor hit is noght litel charge čat men schal ¨elde |r5 rekenynge of in so hye a court as tofore God and all his halowes. But in fyue maneres men may synne in ydel speche or ydel |r[f.144v] wordes.  ée firste manere is outrageous & ouermoche speche & vn_auysed, as men čat conne not stynte of ianglynge but faren as če clappe of a mylle čat when hit is goynge hit may not stynte of hitself. |r10  ée secounde manere is curious & bolde tellynge of talis čat may turne to očre mennes enpeyrement and disese, & [čat makečl suche spekers ofte be iholde false & lyers.  The čridde manere is queynt & sotil schrewed wordes & hauynge veynglorie čerof for čei can plese če hyr_eres + and make hem laughe.  ée ferče manere is foule wordes & |r15 lesynges as burdyours and trifeleres makeč, whiche men clepeč ydel wordes; but al ydel, as nočing doynge, beč čei noght, for čei doo ofte moche harme, boče to če spekers and to če hyreres.  ée fifte manere is scornynge of očre men, & nameliche of good men for her wel dedes to make hem aschamed and so wičdrawe hem from her good lyf. And |r20 he čat vseč suche wordes is as a mansleer, for he draweč a man [with soche wordes] from his good lyf of vertu to deth of synne. And suche oon deserueč mawgre & vnčank of God as he schulde deserue of a kyng ¨if he hadde slayn his sone or stolen his tresour and bore hit awey. The secounde branche of yuel tonge is avauntyng, čat is a grete synne |r25 and a vileyn, for he čat vseč it is a čeef to God allmyghty, for he steleč |r[f.145r] & robbeč fro God čat is his, čat is worschip, and takič hit to himself a¨enst Goddes will; & suche čat so doth beč vn_wise, for če goodes čat čei haue, čat beč vertues čorgh whiche čei myght wynne blis of heuene, čei ¨eueč awey for a litel wynde of veyn_glorie |r30 . On čis branche hongeč fyue leues čat beč fyve maneres of avauntynges. One is of čing čat hač be; anočer is of čing čat is; če čridde is of čing čat may be; če ferče is of couert avauntynge; če fifte is of sotil avauntynge. ée firste [leef] is avauntyng of čing čat hač be doo, čat is of suche |r35 as blečeliche reherseč & telleč čat čei haue doo, for čei wolde be holde good, vertuous & doughti, and be more be lete by čerfore, & če more worldliche good & worschip gete.  ée secounde leef is avaunt_yng of čing čat is, and čat beč suche čat noght wolleč doo ne seye well but whan očer [men] may see or hyre what čei doth [or seič], and čese |r40 avaunteč hem boče in word & in dede, & so silleč for noght all čat čei doo. And also in this manere synneč alle tho čat avaunteč hem open_liche of [če] goodes čat čei haueč of Godis sonde & suffraunce, as |p213 riches, nobles, strengče, prowes & fairenes. And čese faren as če cokkow čat can not synge but of himself.  The čridde leef is avauntyng of čing čat may be but hit is noght ¨it, & čat beč surquyd_oures men čat avaunteč hem čat čei schal make townes, castelles & |r5 many očere |r[f.145v] grete dedes doo forto be holde če more worči; ¨it parauenture čei schal noght do čerof.  The ferč leef is + couered avauntynge, čat is of suche as for schame wole not preyse openliche hemself, but čei blameč & lakkeč alle čat očere doth & seič [as] čat čei couthe doo [and seie] moche better.  The fifte leef |r10 is sotil avauntynge čat is of suche [čat] fayne wolde be praysed, but čei dor not openliche avaunt hemself for drede to be če lesse tolde of, but in her wordes čei scheweč hem meke and seič čat čere is none so yuel as čey beč, for men schulde holde hem meke and preyse hem čerfore. `Allas,' seith seint Bernard, `čis is a deelful avauntyng,' |r15 for outward čei makeč hem deueles for men scholde holde hem as angelis. But I trowe čat suche wolde be yuel apaide and men answerde hem whan čei seie čat čei beč yuel & synfull and seide to hem, `[Soth seie ¨e], for wors čan ¨ee may none be.' And suche men desireč & sechič herauodis & prayseres forto bere her loos and to preyse hem among [men]. |r20 The čridde branche of yuel tunge is losengrie or flateringe,and čei čat vseč it may be cleped če deueles norices čat ¨eueč his children souke & fedeč hem wič glosyng & flateryng & makeč hem longe ligge in her synne; and suche enoynteč če wey to helle as it were wič swete hony for thei scholde če hardiloker goo čerforth; as men |r[f.146r] čat wole |r25 cacche če bere leyeč hony in his wey where [čai] wole cacche him forto he falle in a put or he be war. Right so čese losengeres ledeč men čorgh her losengrie into če way of veynglorie whiche ledeč euen to če put of helle. This branche of losengrie hač fyue partes, as it were fyue leues hang_ynge |r30 čeron.  ée firste partie of losengrie is whan he čat wole glose and flatre anočer, if he see him doo or seie eny čing wel, he wole telle hit to him anon forto make him haue a veynglorie in h[i]m_silf čerof; but if he see hym do yuele he wole not telle it him wherby he myght amende him.  The secounde party of losengrie is whan it |r35 is meynd wič lesynges, čat is whan če losengour seeč him čat he wole glose & flatere + doo or sey wel, he schal telle hit + wič lesynge [&] make it moche more [and] better čan it was; & čerfore čei ben cleped fals witnes.  The prid party of losengry is whan a losenger or a flaterer čorgh slye wordes and faire semblant makeč a man wene čat he |r40 haue in himself many vertues whiche čat he hač noght. And čerfore suche losengeres beč cleped charmeres, for čei charme a man so sley_liche čorgh slygh wordes čat he leueč more hem čan himself, & bettir |p214 troweč čat he hyreč čan čat he seeč or felep.  The ferče party of losengrie is when a losenger seith to him čat he flatreč čat he |r[f.146v] doth wel and seith wel, čeigh he doo & seie yuel, & turneč to goode and prayseč all čat he doth or seith, be hit good or yuel. |r5 & čerfore suche beč cleped Ecco, čat is če sound čat reboundeč a¨en when a man spekeč to an hye hulle čat seič and makeč a¨en če same sound as ofte as me spekič; where it be good or yuel, trewe or false, hit acordeč čerto.  ée fifte party of losengrie is when a los_enger defendeč & excuseth & couerith hir synnes & hir defautes čat |r10 čei wole flatere & glose: and čerfore čei beč cleped tayles, for right as če taile of a best couereč [the lendes, so losengrie couereč] če synnes & defautes of riche men, for loue, drede [or] worldliche profight. The ferpe branche of yuel tonge is bakbityng, & čei čat vseč čat |r15 vice may be likned to če foxe taile for her trecherie. But losyngers & bakbiters beč če deueles scolers of one scole and mowe be likned to two merueilous bestes: če losenger to a merveilous beste of če see čat is cleped a mermayde and če bakbiter to a merveilous beste of če lond čat is a perilous nedder.  First če losenger is likned to a |r20 mermayde čat hač body as a womman and a taile as a fisshe, and syngeč so mery čat it makič schipmen čat hyreč it & takič tent čerto falle in slepe and perisshe in če see. And right so doč losengers with here flaterynge [make] hem čat wole hyre hem & tent to hem forto slepe in her synne & perisshe.  The bakbiter may be likned to a |r25 wikked and merveilous beste |r[f.147r] of če londe whiche is an naddre so venymous čat no triacle may saue him čat sche bit, and sche renneč swyther čan an hors, & somtyme fleeč, and ofte sleeč a man or + he may fele če bityng of hit. And suche is a bakbiter, for he bit wič če tunge & enuenymeč hem čat he [b]it, and comounliche sleeč čree at |r30 oo bitte, himself, hym čat hyreč it, and him čat he bakbiteč. On čis braunche of bakbityng hangeč fyue leues čat beč fyue maneres of bakbitynges. ée ferste leef is whan če bakbiter contryueč & fyndep vp lesynges and telleč hem forth čorgh whiche men beč broght in blame.  ée secounde leef is when če bakbiter hyreč yuel of anočer man and |r35 telle hit forth and makeč hit more of his owne heed.  The čridde is when a bakbiter despiseč & sette at noght če good čat a man hač doo & makeč him b[e] holde yuel čere as he is good, and so he eteč a man al hole.  The ferče leef is whan če bakbiter may noght ete all a man, as destroye all his goodnes ¨it he wole ete a party of |r40 him in destroyenge a party of his goodnes; as if he hyre good spoke of a man če whiche he may noght withseie, he wole witnes hit wel, saue he wil put čerto a but, as čus: `Certes,' he seič, `it is soč he is a good man, and I loue him wel in body & soule, but suche a defaute he hač and čat forčinkeč me.' And čus he enpeyreč če man & biteč of |p215 hym a party, and in čat is liche the |r[f.147v] scorpioun čat fawneč wič če face and envenymeč wič če taile.  The fifte leef is whan če bakbiter torneč to če worse side and to če worse menyng euery čing čat he hireč or seeč doo or seide čat myght be skile be as wele |r5 good as yvel, and čerfore suche oone is cleped a false domesman. The fifte branche of yuel tonge is lyenge, and čat falseč a man čat schulde be trewe; as men may false če kynges sele or his money, or popes bulles schal be demed as a falser by če lawe of čis world, right so he čat čorgh lesynges falseč hymself čat is Goddes pri[n]te and his |r10 likenes & seith a¨enst sočfastnes, he schal be demed at domesday as a falser to endeles peyne but if he amende him or he deie. The lyer is [among očer men] as a fals peny among če trewe money, and as chaf is among clene corne. ée lyer is like to če fende his fader, for so witnessič oure Lord God in če gospel where he seith čat če fend is a |r15 lyer & fader of lesynges & lyers, as he čat firste forged lesynqe & ¨it forgeč in his children and in his lymes fro day to day.  And right as če fende + forto disceyue men [scheweč him] in many schappes & figures, right so a lyer deceyueč men in če same manere in many wises; & čerfore he may be likned to a foule čat men clepeč + Gamelyon |r20 čat lyueč all be če ayre, and no čing hač in his entraylles but wynde, & turneč his owne colour |r[f.148r] to alle očre coloures čat he seeč. On čis braunche hangeč specialliche čre leues čat beč čre manere of lesynges. One is brennynge; another is plesynge; če čridde is harm_ynge or noyenge.  The firste is brennynge, for it brenneč če |r25 lyer; for houso čat a man profite anočer with lesynge alwey hit harmeč če lyer & brenneč him in his conscience.  ée secounde leef is plesynge, čat beč če lesynges of losengeres & iaperes čat telleč bourdis & lesinges for solace of men; & čis is synne, boče in če hyrer & in če teller.  The čridde leef is lesynge čat anoyeč or harmeč |r30 očer men, and whan a man lyeč wityngliche forto harme & disese očer men he synneč dedliche.  Out of čis braunche čat is lesynge spryngeč and spredeč alle fallaces, falshedes, giles, sleightes čat men may contreue to begile or deceyue očer men in body or in soule, or in los of goodes or in fame. |r35 The sixte branche of yuel tonge is forswerynge čat is grete synne & perilous, for hit is yuel to lye, but it is worse to forswere. And čerfore it is perilous to be acustomed to swere, and for čat cause God in če gospell forbedeč swerynge, noght forči čat a man ne may swere wičoute synne in če witnessynge of trouthe, but for a man ne |r40 schulde not be acustomed to swere lightliche and in vayn, for suche one may ofte tyme be forswore. |p216 And in čis |r[f.148v] branche hongeč seuen leues čat beč seuen manere forswerynges.  ée firste leef is when a man blečliche and hertiliche swereč and hač delite in sweringe. [And] ča[t] is despite of če comaundement of God čat by himself, as is seide before, and al_so |r5 by his apostle seynt Iame, forbedeč sweryng: noght čat a man ne may swere when it is nede, but likynge and custom in swerynge is forbed.  ée secounde lef is whan a man swerič lightliche for noght and wičoute resoun, & čat is forboden in če olde lawe and also in če newe.  ée čridde leef is when men swerič of vse and custome as at eche word, & |r10 takeč no kepe how, and can no[čyng] speke wičoute oth. And suche men moche despiseč God, when čei so ofte clepeč him to witnes [about noght. For it aughte to be a ful grete querelle and a sočfast čere men schulde clepe to witnesse] so hye a Lord as God is or his blessid moder or eny očere of his halowes. And čerfore schulde no man swere no grete oč |r15 but whan nede were to witnesse a trewče. And by čat enchesoun God biddeč vs in če gospell čat we schal none očer wise swere, but grete nede of witness[ing] of treuče aske hit, but `3ee, ¨ee, nay nay.' The ferče lef is whan men swerič fooliche in pryue or in apert. And čat may be in many manere, as in ire, wherof a man whan he byčinkeč |r20 him aughte to repente him; or whan a man swerith to doo čing čat he may noght doo withoute synne, for čat oth schal not a man |r[f.149r] holde, but he schal haue penance for his fole swerynge; [or] when a man swereč and affermeč certeynliche with oth a čing čat he woot not whečer it be soč or lees, for čei hit be soč, ¨it synneč he for his |r25 foole swerynge; or when a man swerič he wol doo a čing wičoute faile whiche he wot not whečer he may doo it or non; or when a man swereč by če creatures čat God hač made, as by sonne, mone, fuyre, water, erthe, sterres, by his heed or by his fader soule or by his modres, or by eny suche creatures čat God hač made.  Suche očes God for_bedeč |r30 in če gospell, for men schulde not drawe to witnes of sočfast_nes but soueraigne sočfastnesse čat is oure Lord God allmyghty. For hit is a¨enst če lawe of God to drawe to witnesse of soth eny pouere creature of God čat is [noght] but vanyte, for if he swereč by suche oon he doč to hit čat is vnworthi če worschip čat he schulde doo to |r35 God allmyghti. But whanne men swereč by če book or by če gospel čey swereč by God + whos wordes beč wreten čerynne. And when men swerič by holy relikes or by halowes aproved by Holy Chirche čei swereč by hem and by God čat woneč in hem. The fifte leef is vilayn swerynge, as by God, by his myght, by his |r40 halowes, by his soule, by his herte, his peyne, his flesche, his blood, his deth, his [feet], his hondes, his nayles, his fyngres, his body, his |r[f.149v] bones or all his očer [lymes]; and in suche očes |p217 men doč God grete vilanye and beč wors čan Iewes were čat dede God to deče ones, for it semeč čat suche eche day doth him on če rode & de_parteč & tereč him lyme mele, and schedeč his blood eche day newe in as moche as in hem is. And in čis beč cristen men wors čan Sara¨ynes, |r5 for čei wole not swere so vilaynousliche by God ne by oure Lord Ihesu Crist as cristen men doth. And in čis cristen [men] beč more fel & more cruel to oure Lord Ihesu čan Iewes were čat slow him, for čei breke of him no [bone]; but cristen men in siche sweringe brekeč of him, in as moche as in hem is, body & bak and euery lyme, as a beest |r10 is broke in če bocherie. Suche men schulde noght aske h[e]re of God, of his [modre] ne of his halowes, and čogh čei aske čei beč noght worči to be herd for če vilanye & despite čat čei doč to God and to his halowes, so čat hit is wonder to mannes wit how čei may be suffred. |r15 The sixte leef is forsweringe, as whan men swere falsliche or bere fals witnesse or wetyngliche forswereč hem, be it apertliche or couertliche by fallace or by sophistry; for God loueč symplenes & soč_fastnes. And so God resceyueč the oč and če word of man and so vnder_stondeč it as simple and wičoute gilerie or slei¨te; |r[f.150r] and |r20 moche goodnes is it of God čat he is so curteys when he wote wel čat a man swereč čorgh cautel čing čat is noght soč, or byhoteč čat he wol noght fulfille, + čat če fend of helle ne strangleč not anon suche a man. For whan a man swereč and seič čus: `So God saue me,' or 'so God [helpe] me in my nede,' and he lye, he ou¨t be sore adred, for |r25 čan he putteč himself čorgh his lesynge from Goddes help and from his kepyng. And čan is he worthi to lese wit, mynde, worldliche godes, lyf, body & soule & alle čat he hač of God.  The seuenče leef is whan a man brekeč his trouthe & kepeč noght ne fulfilleč noght čat čat he hač hote & graunted by his trouthe, and čan is he forswore as |r30 wel as čeigh he hadde swore it, for trouthe vnkept and oth broke is all one. The seuenče branche of yuel tonge is stryvinge or chidynge čat moche plesič če deuel, for seynt Austyne seith čat no synne payeč more če deuel čan doth stryf and cheste [or chydyng], & čerfore hit displesič |r35 most God, for God loueč pees & acord. And čis branche hač seuen leues. One is stryf, anočer cheste, če čridde disdeyne, če ferče mys_sayeng, če fifte reprovinge, če sixte manace and če seuenče, čat is worste, reysinge of discorde. ée firste leef is stryf, for when če fend seeč loue & pees among good |r40 men |r[f.150v] he hač čerto moche envye & doč all čat he can or may, |p218 and wič če fuyre of ire he stureč hir hertes to discord & stryf.  ée secounde leef is cheste, for after stryf comeč chidyng wič grete noyse & cry, and right as fuyre caste first vp smoke and afterward bresteč vp če leie, right so after ire and yuel will comeč stryf & |r5 debate. And whan oon seič to anočer `It is čus,' če točer seič `Nay.' ée ton seič `It was čus;' čat očer seič `It was noght so;' čus by_gynneč stryf. And after čat comeč chidynge, wič `čou lixte!' and `čou lixt!'  And after čese two comeč če čridde, čat is disdeyne, as whan čat oon stureč čat other wič felownes & venymous wordes, and čen |r10 her tunges biteč more scharpliche čan eny rasoure, & more swifte & wors smytinge čan eny arowe, & more perisshynge čan eny all his poynt.  And suche men beth likned to a beste čat men clepeč a porke despyne čat is bred in Ynde and is couered wič scharpe pynnes of horne. éat beest is felle and sone wole be wroth, and whan he is wroth anone he |r15 scheteč out some of his scharpe pynnes of horne and hurteč čat čat is beside him. Also suche men beč likned to a felle dogge čat euere berkeč & biteč all čat he may. ée ferthe leef is cursyng or myssaienge, as whan čat ton mysseieth and curseč čat očer, for Holy Writ seith whoso curseč his neighebore |r20 he is cursed of |r[f.151r] God. And seint Poule seith čat suche may not haue če kyngdom of heuene. And Salamon seič čat če mouthes of suche men beč as pottes boylinge ful of licoure of whiche some dropes fleeč out & scaldeč [hem] čat čei may reche.  The fifte leef is reprovynge, as when a man vileynousliche reproueč anočer of eny de_faute, |r25 or of synne or of body, or of pouerte or of pore kyn or frendes.  The sixte leef is maanas[es] or čretynges whiche stereč menis hertes to yre so čat mellees & werres bigynneč among hem and seseč noght til če ton of hem be venged of čat očer.  The seuenpe leef and če worste, passynge alle čese očre, is areysinge of discord bytwene two |r30 frendes čat loueč [hem] togidre in God, & fordoč čat loue and reyseč betwene hem discord čorgh her wikked tunges. & čerof comeč moche harme, boč to hemself & to očere; and suche men, as Holy Writ seič, God hateč. The eighte branche of yuel tonge is grucching, as whan men beč greued |r35 by God or by man & do[r] noght openliche speke a¨en but gruccheč priueliche in her hertes. God for čis synne hač ofte take wreche as Holy Writte witnessith: first of Datan & Abyron whiche for čis synne če erthe opened and swolowed hem all quyk into helle.  Also for čis synne God sente fuyre [oute of heuen] & brend Core & two hundred |r40 & fifty of his companye čat were če grettest of če peple of God čat were in deserte in wilder*nes |r[f.151v] .  And for čis synne če Iewes loste če londe of byheste čat God behighte to hem so čat of sixe |p219 hundred čowsand of hem čat God had broght čorgh his myght out of če seruage of the kyng of Egipt & susteyned hem in wildernes fourty wynter wič angelis mete, none entred into če holy lond but two, & all for čis synne of grucchinge, whiche hač two graynes, of whiche čat |r5 one is a¨enst God & čat očer a¨enst man. First is a¨enst God as when a man čat hač lost grace and pacience wol & desireč to be aboue God so čat what God sendeč or suffreč but hit be at his wille he gruccheč & čenkeč čat God doč wrong, and čan he syngeč če deueles song. For right as če Holy Goost makeč holy men |r10 singe in here hertes če delitable song of heuene, čat is Deo gracias of all čat God doč or sendeč, right so če wikked gost makeč his men synge če song of helle, čat is če song of murmuracioun & grucchinge whiche he & his schal euere synge in helle.  And sočeliche suche men beč noght wise čat woleč čat God schulde telle hem whi he sendep |r15 hem anger, siknes, pouerte or eny očer vnese as stormes, wedres, fail_ynge of [fruyte], skarcenes of sustenaunce, losse of goodes or očer suche. But it be doo at her owne device čei seie in her hertes or wič her mouthes čat God is not rightful, and gruccheč a¨eyn him & blameč hym; and čan were hit no wonder čeigh God toke |r[f.152r] wreche |r20 on suche čat wolde so take fro hym his worschip and wisdom. The secounde is grucching a¨enst man, as seruantes gruccheč a¨enst her maistres, children a¨enst fader & moder, pore a¨enst riche, bonde_men and očer lowe tenantes a¨enst her lordes, lewed men a¨enst her prelates, religious men & wommen a¨enst her soueraynes, as abbotes, |r25 [abbesses], prioures & prioresses. Among alle čese [astates] is če synne of grucchinge used, or čorgh froward wille for hem činkeč hard to doo čat men biddeč hem do, or čorgh sleuthe of herte for čei beč heuy & dull, or čorgh vnsuffrance for men doth noght her wille, or čorgh envie for one of [če same degre] is better auaunced [and reward_ed |r30 ] čan is anočer; and čorgh many očer resouns čat stureč to čat synne. The nynthe branche of yuel tonge is frowardnesse, and čat is ¨it worse čan grucchinge. Frowardnes comeč first of če herte, and after it scheweč him by če tonge [čorgh] ouerthwarte speche. For suche oon foloweč no resoun but he wolde čat all čing were doo after his wille |r35 and čat alle men plesid him; but he wole plese no man. And suche oon, seith Salamon, mote nede haue yuel ending, čat is to seie but if he amende him. And right as grucchinge [is] a¨enst God and a¨enst man as is aforseid, ri¨t so frowardnes is a¨enst God and a¨enst man.  This synne departeč him in foure parties. One is in forsakyng of |r40 good counsaile. ée secound |r[f.152v] is lak of will to fulfille če |p220 commaundementis of God. Be čridde is noght suffre mekeliche chastes_ynge čat čei haue deserued. ée ferče is forsakyng of resoun & of good teching. ée ferste is forsakyng of good counseile, as ¨if eny frende coun_sailleč |r5 suche one for his profite and his honour he takič [hit] in yuel & grete despyte & wole no čing doo čerafter, but raper doo če contrarie. And if me counsaileč suche one for helče of soule he wol not doo čerafter but lawhe čerat and scorne.  The secounde party is lak of will to fulfille če comaundementis of God, for to suche |r10 froward willed men če fend sendeth excusaciouns [and lessones] čat čei wole by no weye fulfille Goddes comaundement¨ as čei aughte to doo: or for febilnesse, for elde, for ¨ouče, or for som očer froward cause so čat čei may not doo če wille of God [in] his comaundementis +, and so čei be worthi to be dampned to endeles peyne |r15 The čridde is not suffrynge mekeliche chastisynge čat čei haue de_serued, as when a man wolde chastice suche men or vnderneme hem of her defautes čei wol defende & excuse hem by alle če resouns čat čei can čenke so čat čei wole be no way knowe her synnes ne her folyes; & euere the more čat čei excuseč hem če more encresič her synne and če |r20 more čei beč bounde čerynne. And also if God of his mercy wole chast_ice hem for her synne wič anger, siknes, losse |r[f.153r] of frendes or worldes catel or [in] eny očer wise, čei woleč noght resceyue hit mekeliche ne čank God čerof but račer vnpanke him and seie, `God, what haue I do čat I suffre all čis for noght?' And čis is a grete fro_wardnes, |r25 and he čat so doth is a grete foole, for čat čat schulde be to him triacle & medicyne he makič hit to him poysoun & his deth.  The ferče party is forsakyng of resoun & good techinge, [for som men čere beč čat wil knowe good teching] but alwey čei voydeč & defendeč če good vnderstondyng and maynteneč čerwith wrong, so čat čei falleč |r30 in erroures and in false opynyouns,in mysbileue and in heresyes. Be tenče branche of yuel tonge is sclaunder of God or of his halowes or of oughte čat to h[e]m longeč, čat is, as seič seint Austyn, whan a man byleueč mys of God and seič of God čat men schulde noght seie ne bileue. And čat among clerkes is cleped blasphemye, and on |r35 Englisshe sclaunder.  Sclaunder of God is specialliche whan wrong is seid on God or on his halowes or when men spekeč a¨enst če sacra_mentis of Holy Chirche, as doth mysbileuynge men as charmers and wicches and očre suche. And when men in ire seič ought čat sowneč in despite of God [or] of his halowes, as men čat swere dispitousliche |r40 by če body and če lymes of [oure Lord Ihesu Crist] & sometyme curseč mysseith God & his blessid moder & očer halowes |r[f.153v] of heuene so čat it is hidous eny cristen man to hyre it. And suche men beč as wode houndes čat knoweč noght her lordes, but gnaweč & biteč hem. |p221  éis synne hač God ofte punsched, as is seide bifore of če Iewes, and hereof seič God in če gospell čat it schal neuere be for¨eue in čis world ne in če točer, čat is to vnderstonde čat vnnečes it schal be for¨eue, for hit is a¨enst če Holy Gost. And God seič, `Who čat |r5 synneč a¨enst če Holy Gost hit schal not be for¨eue in čis world ne in čat očer.' But ¨it is čere no synne čat God ne wole for¨eue ¨if a man wole repente and mekeliche come to amendement. But vnnečes schal a man repente him čat synneč a¨enst če Holy Gost, and čerfore čat synne is moche to drede & to eschewe. |r10 And čus haue I tolde če synnes čat longeč to če mouč; and firste če synne of glotony čat falleč to če črote, and on čat očer side če synnes of wikked tunge and of če ten branches čat comeč čerof; whiche two synnes če ¨ifte of wisdom putteč awey and settič in čat stede če noble vertu of sobernesse and of temperance. De Sobrietate |r15 Sobrenes & temperaunce is a vertu a¨enst all manere outrage, nameliche of mannes lyuynge, whiche vertu may not a man haue wičoute če ¨ifte of če Holy |r[f.154r] Gost čat is cleped če ¨ifte of wisdom, and čat is če moste and če hyest ¨ifte of če Holy Goost. And čis ¨ifte is most specialliche ¨eue to men čat lyueth in holy contemplacioun čat beč |r20 fulfilled of če brannynge loue of God so [čatl čei desyreč ne sechip none očer čing but onliche God; and čat is če [height of] perfeccioun & če ende of contemplacioun. The ¨ifte of vnderstondyng, as is seide bifore, makeč a man knowe God and gostly čing čorgh gostly sight; but be ¨ifte of wisdom makič him |r25 boče knowe & fele and taste of God. For wisdom is no čing but knowynge of a swete sauour čat če herte may fele wič grete delite, for a man knoweč better good wyne whan he tasteč it & drinkeč it čan whan he onliche seeč it.  Many philosophres and hethen men couče knowe God čorgh his creatures, as it were čorgh a myrour, but right sauour |r30 of him had čei none. éei seyh čorgh vnderstondyng & resoun his fair_nes, his goodnes, his nyght and his wisdom čorgh sight of če creatures čat he + made, so faire, so good, so wel ordeyned bi skile to oure bi_houe, wherby čei kn[e]we wel his myght, his wisdom & his goodnes čorgh sight of kyndeliche skile & of vnderstondyng, but of če loue of God |r35 feled čei noght čorgh tast ne deuocioun.  Right so čere beč many cristen men as wel lettred |r[f.154v] as lewed čat knoweč God čorgh teching of Holy Writ and čorgh her byleue. But for her taste wičynne is engleymed wič synne čey may na more sauour haue in če loue of God čan a right sike man may [fele] savour in good mete [or in good] |r40 drynk.  But čis gracious ¨ifte of če Holy Goost, čat is če ¨ifte |p222 of wisdom, parfitliche clensith če herte čat hit is ¨eue to of all manere filče of synne, and arereč vp če spirit of man and ioyneč hit wič God with an hertliche loue, and čere he fedič him and esič him, deliteč him, kepeč him, lieth & resteč him, and čere for¨eteč he all |r5 worldly činges, alle trauailes & desires flescheliche & worldliche, & also his owne body, so čat he činkeč on no čing but on čat čat he louep, and čat is God of heuene. And čis is če laste & [heyest] steč of če laddre of parfytnes čat Iacob seighe rechinge from če erče into heuene, & aungels comynge vp |r10 & doun čeron. The steppes or degrees of čis laddre beč če seuen ¨iftes of če Holy Goost. By čese degrees clymbeč vp into heuene goode aungels, čat beč čilke men & wommen čat good aungels lyf ledeč here in erče in clennes and good lyuyng and haveč here hertes in heuen čorgh holy desire. For čei in her lyuynge here clymbeč fro |r15 vertu to vertu čorgh loue and charite forto čei myghte gostly see God & taste of him in swetnes; and when čey |r[f.155r] beč so hye in perfec_cioun čen comeč čei downe a¨en čorgh mekenes. For če more parfite čat čei beč če more mekenes čei haue, and če more čei haue of charite če lesse čei setteč by hemself. And čerfore hit is seide in prouerbe |r20 čat he čat best is most loweč him, as a tree charged wič good fruyt: če more fruyt it bereth če lower it boweč doun to če grounde. In anočer manere may be vnderstonde če comynge doun of aungeles by čat laddre, for when holy men čat lyueč angelis lyf here beč come so hye in contemplacioun čorgh če ¨ifte of wisdom čat čei beč so ioyned |r25 to God čat čei for¨eteč alle čat is vnder God for če swetnes čat čei feleč & tasteč čat passeč alle očre delices, ¨it mote čei ofte sičes come doun from čat hye lyf of contemplacioun to actyf lyf a¨en for hire owne profite & očere menis also.  Anočer resoun also [čer] is why čat holy men mote ofte come doun fro contemplacioun, for če |r30 corrupcioun of če flesche makeč čat če spirit in čis dedliche lyf may noght longe dwelle in suche hye contemplacioun, for če flesche is so heuy & contrarious to če goste čat it draweth it ofte to + yuel whečer it wole or n[yl]. And čerfore če grete swetnesse čat is so good & de_licious tastynge of God čorgh čis hye ¨ifte of wisdom it nys but |r35 litel & schort in duryng in čis lyf in reward of čat it schal be in čat other lyf, but as tastynge |r[f.155v] of fyne wyne by če sauour is to him čat is sore ačurste but litel in reward of drinkyng a ful draght. But when men comeč to če grete tauerne čat is če blisse of heuene čere al is full of čis swetnes čat is more delicious čan herte may |r40 činke, čan schal čei be fulfilled hereof as ferforth as čei can or may desyre so čat čei schal be as dronke for ful & plente, as witnessič če prophete in če sawter & seith čus: Inebriebuntur ab vbertate domus tue & torrente voluptatis tue potabis eos quoniam apud te est fons vite &c, `éow schalt make hem dronke,' seič če prophete to God, `of če plente |r45 of thyne hous and ¨eue hem drinke of th[e] flood of čei delices, for če |p223 welle of lyf is wič the.' This is the welle of endeles lyf čat euer springeč & neuere failleč, God himself, almyghti and euerlastynge, for he is če hye welle of lyf čat neuere failleč ne deieth, but euere springeč & renneč on alle če halowes of heuen; and čat is & euere |r5 schal be a blisful flood of grete plente of ioye & blisse, delite, pees & reste so grete čat alle čat drinkeč čerof schal be as dronke of ioye & blisse, and čat is če blissedhede čat parfyte men schal haue for here mede in če blisse of heuene čorgh če ¨ifte of wisdom  And čerfore forto gete čis noble ¨ifte men schulde lyue wel and |r10 sobreliche, for as seynt Austyn seič, |r[f.156r] no man čat is čursty may drinke of čis ryuer of pees & reste but čei čat beč sobre. For čis is če vertu čat če Holy Goost čorgh če ¨ifte of wisdom setteč in mannes soule a¨enst če synne of glotonye. For as če wise man Salamon seič, wysdom techič vs sobernes. |r15 Sobrenes may be cleped a tree čat bringeč forth moche fruyt precious to kepe hele boče of body & soule; for right as [of] glotonye and outrage in etynge & drinkynge comeč many manere siknes of body & ofte harde deth & sodeyn - and so čorgh čat synne many men takeč sodeyn deth and so beth mansleers of hemself and beč sodynliche take |r20 wič deč, right as a fisshe is take wič the mete or with če bayte čat he unwarliche swoloweč - right so [č]is vertu of sobrenes whiche čat men aughte besiliche kepe, doč many [goodes] to hem čat kepeč hit. Firste sobrenes kepeč [če] fredom in a man of skile & resoun whiche čat dronkenesse ofte tyme fordoth. For he čat is dronke leseč resoun |r25 & vnderstonding and alle his wittes, so čat when he weneč čat he drinkeč good likoure & profitable če likoure drinkeč him to his schame & confusioun.  The secounde good čat sobrenes doth is čat he delyuereč a man of če čraldom of his wombe; for glotouns, as če apostill berith witnesse, makeč her god her wombe, for čei ¨eueč al |r30 her besynesse to serue & plese |r[f.156v] her wombes. And sočeliche suche men fouliche schameč hemself and her owne soules čat leueč the seruyce & če worschip of God almighti for whom čei were made and ¨eueč hem wič all her myght to serue suche a lorde as her wombe is, of whom comeč nočing but filče & stynk & wlatsomnes. But sobrenes |r35 kepeč a man in his estate and in his worschip, for če goost schulde euere be lord & maister of če body, and če body schulde be suget & seruant to če gost; and čis ordre kepeč in a man če vertu of sobrenes.  The čridde good čat sobrenes doč is čat it kepeč wel če ¨ate of oure castel čat is če herte, whiche ¨ate principal is če mouth, whiche |r40 castel če deuel euere assaylep. But while čat sobrenes kepeč wel [čat ¨ate] če deuel ne none of his oste may not entre into čat castel; but whan sobrenes is put fro če kepyng of če ¨ate čorgh glotonye čan is čat ¨ate open, & če fend wič his oost entreč in lightliche wičoute wičstonding, & čan wircheč če fend wič če tonge [and] alle očere |p224 lymes of če body what synne čat him lust; čere he čat hač če vertu of sobrenes & kepeč hit may do čerwith and lede it as him lust as men may lede an hors wič a bridel in če mouth.  Sobrenes in če bataile of vertues a¨enst synnes is in če forwarde be firste keper & |r5 defendour of alle očre vertues. And čerfore če fend, bygynner |r[f.157r] of al yuel, firste assailled oure forme fader Adam by če mouth & ouercam him, and so he opened čat ¨ate & entred. And afterward in če same wise he assailled oure Lord Ihesu Crist when he seide to him, si Filios Dei es dic vt lapides isti panes fiant, `3if čou be [Goddes |r10 Sone] sey čat čese stones be made brede.' But čere oure Lord Ihesu Crist ouercam him čorgh če vertu of sobrenes. Thre činges techič and stireč a man to kepe če vertu of sobrenes, čat is to seie kynde, Holy Writte and alle creatures čat God hač made.  Firste kynde techič vs to kepe sobrenes to če worschip of God, for |r15 amonge alle bestes man hač če leste mouth to afferaunt of če body. Also man hač of očre lemes double, as two eighen, two eres, two hondes, two feet, but he hač but oon mouth. Also kynde techič vs to kepe sobrenes & mesure, for oure kynde is so feble & vnmyghti of him_self čat a litel outrage may sone ouercome it & destroye it. |r20 Secundly Holy Writ techič us to kepe sobrenes in many maneres and by many ensamples, as men may fynde in če lyues of holy men.  The čridde čat techič vs sobirnesse & mesure is alle creatures. For as salamon seith, in all manere creature + God hač ordeyned [and] loueč] mesure, čat is če myddel bytwene to moche and to litel after čat |r25 resoun techič & askeč. For ofte it falleč in worldliche goodes čat čat semeč to mochil |r[f.157v] to one is to litel to anočer, as čat čat is outrage to a pore man to haue is to litel to a riche man. But sobre_nesse & temperaunce setteč mesure in alle suche činges, & in fastinges & wakynges and in all očer harde & vertuous lyvinges as resoun askeč, |r30 noght onliche in etynge & drynkynge but in vsynge of alle očer činges, [and] nameliche of alle + good vertues čat parfyte men vseč.  For as seint Bernard seith čis vertu of sobrenes setteth eche man čoght & will and also alle če fyue wittes of če body vnder če lordschič of resoun, as če wise man Tullius witnessič also, so čat resoun čat is |r35 wel enlumyned čorgh če ¨ifte of wisdom holdeč in pees his lordschip in herte and in alle če body. And čis is če ende of alle vertues, so čat če herte and al če body be wel ordeyned to če seruyce of God čat all čing ordeyneč wel, so čat God be lord and soueraigne, and alle buxom to him as to če ri¨tful |r40 kyngdom of body & [of] soule; and čis bringeč in onliche sobre loue of God čat setteth če herte only in če wille of God.  Wherfore seint Austyn seith čat če vertu of sobrenes & attemperaunce is proper_liche [a loue] čat kepeč hitself holliche to God wičoute [e]ny cor_ |p225 rupcioun, & draweč če herte fro če [lust] of worldliche činges čat troubleč če herte of eche worldly man and putteč him in ydel busy_nesse and bynemeč him če verray knowyng |r[f.158r] of God & of himself, as a man may not wel se himself ne očer čing in mory & troubly water. |r5 But če loue of God clene wičoute worldeliche loue and flescheliche desires wynneč a gostliche mede so čat it setteč če herte in ese & reste & pees, for it settič hit in his owne stede, čat is in God where it may reste and fare wel, and nowhere elles. And čerfore oure Lord Ihesu seič in če gospel to his chosen čus: `In čis world ¨e |r10 schal be pressed and čreste, [but in me ¨e schulle fynde pees and reste].' And čerfore seič seynt Austyn, `Lord, myn herte may not be in pees ne reste til it come into če čat art onliche pees & reste.  But suche loue may [not] come out of the myres and wrecchidnes of čis world but out of če [hye] roche of stoon čat is oure Lord God al_myghti |r15 on whiche stondeč če grete citee of paradys and če good citee of Holy Chirche čat is oure Lord Ihesu Crist, on whiche čorgh bileue is sette če stronge euerlastynge castel čat beč holy hertes of god and wel lyuynge men, oute of whiche hye roche springeč the welle of parfyte loue into če herte čat is clene fro če loue of čis world. In |r20 čis welle čorgh goostly sight may če herte see and knowe boče him_se [l]f and his maker, right as a [man may bodiliche] see himself in a clere welle. Vpon čis welle resteč the herte čat hač gret črust to če loue of God after če trauaile of good werkes čat he hač |r[f.158v] wroght. |r25 And so hit is wretyn in Holy Writt how čat oure Lord Ihesu when he was wery of goynge he sette him doun & rested him beside a welle; and right so če herte of the holy man after čat hit is trauailled in good werkes hit setteč him doun & resteč [him] by če welle of če loue of God. This welle is so swete & delicious čat whoso drinkeč wel and |r30 sadliche čerof he for¨eteč & putteč away all očre sauoures and lik_ynges čat myght let čat. This welle ne resceyueč ne is troubled wič none erthe ne mud of čis world, & čerfore it is swete & sauoury to drinke to goode men; for euere če lasse sauour čat a welle hač of erthe & mud če more holsom it is to a man & če likynger to drynke. |r35  čis is če welle of wit & wisdom, for he čat wole drinke wel čerof he may sauour and taste če goodnes & če swetnes of almyghti God, & čat is če soueraigne wit & wisdom to a creature to knowe and loue his maker, and wičoute čis witte & wisdom all očre wit is but folie. This witte setteč če Holy Gost in mannes herte when he sendič him če |r40 ¨ifte of wisdom čat fedeth če herte wič gostly ioye, and čat ioye čat comeč onliche of parfit loue of God makeč the herte so attempre & sobre and settič it in so right mesure in all činges so čat it is in pees & reste as ferforth as it may be in čis dedly lyf.  For in čis lyf |r[f.159r] may no man lyue wičoute torment & bataile a¨enst |r45 dyuers temptaciouns and fondinges čat God čorgh his grete mercy & loue |p226 sendith here to his chosen [kny¨tes] to proue hem čerby and for čei schulde vse & konne fighte in če armes of vertues, for elles may čei not be worthi to haue če mede čat longeč to Goddes gode knyghtes. And čerfore men of armes in tyme of pees makeč tornementis & ioustes |r5 so čat čei for¨ete noght če vse of armes.  And right as a good knyght when he hač ouercome + at [če] tornement & ioustes & goten če prys he goč home to reste him & take his ese; right so če herte of če rightful man when it hač fouhten and ouercome scharpe temptaciouns & fondinges of synne he torneč a¨en to himse[l]f & restič him in če loue |r10 of allmyghti God čat hač be his help and socour in čat victorie, and comforteč him [afterl čat trauaile, so čat h[el for¨etič all čat trauaile & disese čat h[e] hač suffred & č[e]nkič onliche on God čat he desireč & sechič.  And čis is če fruyt čat če tree of sobir_nes bringeč forth, če whiche comeč onliche of če [¨ifte] of wisdom. |r15 Sobrenes and attemperaunce makeč če conscience clene and is noght elles but kepynge of mesure in alle činges; but specialliche in seuen činges men schulde kepe [sobrenes and] temperance, and beč seuen degrees or seuen maneres of mesure. One is [in] vnderstonding, specialliche in |r[f.159v] bileue; anočer is in desyre and luste of če world and of če |r20 flesche; če čridde is in speche of mouč; če ferče is in hirynge wič eres; če fifte is [in] cločing and [in] očer apparaile; če sixte is in manere [of] contenance hauynge & beringe; the seuenče is in etyng & drynkyng. The ferste degree of sobrenes or + the firste maner of mesure is in |r25 če bileue whiche čat a man schulde sympleliche vnderstonde wičoute musynge or studienge, but onliche after če ¨ifte of wisdom, for he passeč mesure čat museč & secheč to fynde kyndeliche skile in so hy čing čat passith alle m[a]nnes witte & vnderstondinge, as mysbileuynge men doč čat wol mesure her bileue after her vnderstonding & ymagina_ciouns |r30 ; & čat busynes čei leseč, for čei schulde mesure her witte & vnderstonding after če wille of God and after če mesure of trewe bileue as good cristen men doč.  And čerfore counsaileč seynt Poule čat no man be more wys čan is behoueliche to trouthe, but čat eche man lede his witte čorgh sobirnesse after če mesure of trewe |r35 feith or byleue čat God hač ¨eue vs to holde and kepe for oure saua_cioun. And Salamon seith also čus: `Sone,' he seič, `mesure čei [witte],' čat is to seie [be not] selfwitty, ne surquyderous, but be buxom to resceyue & bileue all good counsaile and leue čei selfwitte |p227 & bowe če to hem čat be |r[f.160r] more witty čan čou. And special_liche men schulde leue her silfwitte & her owne vnderstondynge in če articles of če feith & mekeliche putte hem in če seru[age] of če bi_leue and noght seche resoun čere none may be founde, as suche [curious |r5 men doth] čat ouermoche museč in če bileue. But he čat wole be sauf and come to če blisse of heuene him byhoueč wirche & bileue as Holy Chirche wircheč & bileuep. The secounde degree of sobrenes & maner of mesure is in desires and lustes of če worlde and of če flesche wherčorgh me may bridel her |r10 wille, čat is to seie wič če bridel of skile, čat it renne not to sone to fleschely desires & [delites] ne into vanytees & couetises of čis world. And čerfore seith če wise man: `It is not inogh to eschewe couetise of vanitees & desires of herte but ¨if čou restreyne all hole thi wille čat in no wise [čoul assente to fulfille hem in dede. For,' |r15 he seith, `if čou wilt assente to doo alle čyne hertes wille čou mak_est a grete ioye to thyne enemyes če fendes of helle,' as a man makeč ioye and conforte to him čat he schulde fighte with as wič his enemy [čat ¨ildeč] him to hym; for čat man ¨ildeč him to če fend as he čat is ouercome čat assentič to flescheliche [likynges] or to eny očer |r20 wikked desires.  And čerfore če holy apostel seint Petir seith čus: Obsecro vos tanquam aduenas & peregrinos abstinete |r[f.160v] vos a carnalibus desiderijs que militant aduersus animam, `I bid ¨ow,' he seith, `čat ¨e čat beč here but as pilgrymes of strange contre ab_steyneč ¨ow from alle fleschely lustes and desires čat alwey fighteč |r25 a¨enst če soule.' He čat is a pilgrym comen into a strange land where many čeues & robboures beth čat nyght and day awayteč suche pil_grymes to robbe hem of all here godes and slee hem, him nedeč busi_liche studie & činke how [he] myghte scape her hondes. Alle če gode men of čis world beč here but as strange men & as in a strange contree, |r30 for here kynde contree is + paradys, out of whiche čei beč for če tyme. And čei beč but as good pilgrymes for čei činkeč noght elles but to make her iournees nyght & day til čei come to čat contre aforseid čat is her right heritage, whiche, as seint Poule seič, good pilgrymes sechič alwey here & noght čat is of čis worlde, but onliche čat |r35 nedeč hem to her iorne.  Suche pilgrymes, if čei wole passe sikerliche, čei putteč hem allwey in good companye of stedfast byleue and parfite loue, for bileue scheweč hem če wey & loue bereč hem forth til čei come home into her contre and rightfull heritage on whiche čei setten her čoght & desire so sadliche čat če wey čiderward greueč hem |r40 noght. And he čat ¨eueč him to čis companye [č]ar noght drede čeues ne robbours čat beč če fendes of helle čat robbeč and |r[f.161r] sleeč hem čat ¨eueč hem noght to če companye of bileue & loue but assenteč |p228 & [fulfilleč] her wikked desires & lustes & so putteč hemself into [če] fendes hondes & into his bondes & grenes. Byleue & loue + of God wičholdič stedfastliche mannes herte & wič_draweč hit from all wikked čoghtes & [če] wil, čat it noght assente |r5 to synne, right as men wičholdeč če faucon wič the iesse čat he fle noght at his owne wille. And in če same wise may če herte wič če iesse of bileue & of loue be wičholde čat hit fle noght vnwardliche after lustes & desires flescheliche & worldliche and so falle in the grennes & panteres of če fouler, čat is the fend of helle čat euere |r10 is aboute to cacche and slee čat foule, čat is mannes soule, with all his myght.  And čerfore good men & holy restreyneč her wille & desires from all yuel & foly with če bridel of sobrenes and temperance. To čis seič Senek: `If čou wilt be sobre & attempre restreyne čei desires fro folyes, and to thi couetise putte a bridel, for right |r15 as a man may wič a bridel wičholde an hors čat he renne noght at his owne wille, right so may če herte be wičholde wič če bridel of sobre_nes & attemperaunce fro vnskilful worldely couetise, + lust of flesche & alle očre folies & vanitees. The čridde degree of sobrenes & maner of + mesure is in speche & in |r20 worde, for Salomon seith čat če wise man |r[f.161v] mesureč alle his wordes and attempreč alle his speches. And seynt Ierom seith čat by če weighte of wordes is comune lyf attempred, čat is to seie after če wordes of a man may men knowe če witte or če foly of him čat spekeč hem, as me may knowe če weighte of a čing by če tonge of a balance. |r25 And čerfore seič a wise man čat če wordes of him čat is wys beč weyed as it were in a balance, čat is to seie in če balance of skile & resoun, & noght passič after wille but after good discrecioun, so čat če wordes holde rightful mesure. Some čere beč čat conne not holde her tonge and takič none hede what |r30 it spekič, good or yuel, soč or les, and suche be liche to a watir mylle čat is wičoute floodgate čar myght in tyme holde če watir fro če mylle whele, so čat če watir for defaute of kepynge torneč če whele alwey aboute forto čat če mylle be all destroyed. And ri¨t so comeč the wordes of suche men to če tonge vnletted or restreyned til |r35 čei be fordoo. But wyse men setteč če flode¨ates & kepeč the flood of wordes from her tonges čat none wordes of yuel ne of vanyte passe čerby. And čerfore če wise man seith čus: `Late not,' he seič, `če watir goo,' čat is to seie wičholde čyn yuel and idel wordes wič če flodegates of discrecioun. Salomon seič also čat he čat letič če |r40 watir goo ouerhastifliche is ofte cau*se |r[f.162r] of moche yuel, čat is to seie he čat myskepith his wordes is ofte cause of moche plee, stryf. contak and očer yuel, as is seide byfore čere it is touched of [če] yvel tonge. |p229 And čerfore seith če wise man, `Sette čei wordes in balance and weie hem euen and putte a bridel in čei mouth so čat čou falle noght byfore čyne enemyes.' For whoso wole noght weie his wordes or he seie hem in če balance of resonable discrecioun, ne bridel his tunge with skile, |r5 he schal [falle] in če hondes & power of his enemyes čat beč the fendes of helle.  For right as enemyes čat casteč hem to wynne a castel whan čei may fynde če gates open čei entreč yn on euery side, right so če fendes čat euere casteč hem to wynne the castel of mannes herte, whan čei fyndeč če maister gate open, čat is če mouth, čei |r10 entreč in & holdeč hit. And čerfore seič the prophete Dauid in če sawter čus: posui ori meo costodiant and ostium circumstancie + labijs meis, `I haue sette,' he seič, `kepynge to my mouth and a dore to my lippes.' ée kepyng of če mouth is discrecioun čat examyneč wel če word or he be seide, and čis is the balance in whiche če wise man |r15 seič čat wordes schulde be weie ynne.  And sothfastnes schulde holde čis balance so čat če wordes and če entencioun of če herte be of oon accord, so čat če herte sey noght but soč |r[f.162v] and as če entencioun of če herte is. čis balaunce schulde honge euen, wičoute heldynge to [če] right side or to [če] lifte side, for men schulde |r20 not for loue, fauour ne hatrede, ne for no worldliche goode, ne for lyf ne for deth leue to seie če sothe whan čat nede were, for men schulde seie false for no čing. The ferče degree of sobrenes and maner of mesure is in hyringe wič eres, for as men schulde kepe mesure in speche so schulde čei [kepe it] in |r25 hyringe, [for as men may synne in yuel speche so may men synne in yuel hyringe]; for he čat hač likynge in hyringe + of yuel is partyner & felawe wič him čat spekeč yuel. For no man wolde speke yuel in apayrement of anočer man in presence of a man, nameliche of estate, but he wende to plese him in whos hirynge he seith hit. And čerfore |r30 seith če wise [clerkes] čat none yuel speker schulde be if yuel hyrer ne were.  Grete lordes and men of grete estate schulde busiliche take hede what čei schulde hyre and what čey schulde leue. But ofte in her [courtes] is lesynges, flaterynges & losengries grete chepe, & & no čing so dere as is treuthe & sothfastnes. And čerfore čei beč |r35 comounliche deceyued for čei hyreč to lightliche & leueč to sone čat čat men seith if hit bee to her likynge. Seneca če grete clerk seič čat če grete men of čis worlde wantič no čing but sočseiers.  And for čere is grete plen*te |r[f.163r] and grete chepe of lyers, flaterers & losengers men schulde open here eres to hyre blečeliche goode |r40 wordes of good men & stoppe her eres a¨enst yuel wordes and yuel men. And čerfore če wise man in Holy writ counsailleč vs & seith čus: 'Stoppe,' he saič, `čyn eres wič scharpe čornes and hyre noght yuel |p230 tonges čat may bringe če in yuel poghtes.' An yvel tonge is as če tonge of a venemous naddre čat envenymeč all čat it styngeč, čat is to seie alle čo čat [wilfulliche] hyreč hem. And čerfore a¨enst suche tonges men schulde stoppe her eres with scharpe thornes specialliche |r5 of če drede of allmyghti God or wič če mynde čat oure Lorde Ihesu Crist was coroned wič čornes on his heued in če passioun. For he čat hač parfite drede of allmyghti God & mynde of his passioun schal noght blečeliche hyre lyers, flaterers, losengers ne yuel and vileyn spekers.  Also in anočer manere may be vnderstonde čese wordes |r10 of če wyse man: `Stoppe čyn eres wič čornes,' for as čornes beč scharpe & prikkyng right so schulde men when čey hire yuel or vilanye or falshede spoke answere če spekere wič scharpe & bityng wordes so čat čei my¨t wel see & fele čat men conned hem no čank of her speche.  éere is a venymous neddre čat is cleped aspis whiche hač čis kynde, |r15 čat as sone as sche seeč a man čat can charme hir anon sche stoppeč hir one ere wič če erthe & |r[f.163v] čat očer wič hir taile so čat sche may not hire če charme. This naddre techič vs to stoppe oure eres čat we hyre noght lyers, flaterers ne losengers čat charmeč & enchaunteč riche men and makeč hem to for¨ete hemself.  But he |r20 čat stoppeč wel his eres wič če erthe and wič his taile he [č]ar not drede suche charmers ne wikked tonges; for he stoppeč wel his [ere] wič erthe čat bečinkeč him busiliche čat he is but erče, and čat fro erče he cam & to erče he schal, and čenkič also of his wrecchidnes: hou pore, hou foule and how feble he is, wherby he schulde euere meke |r25 him and sette noght by himself.  Also he stoppeč wel his ere with his taile čat euer činkeč on his endyng and on če deč čat he schal deie & ne wote neuere whanne, where ne how, ne wote neuere whider he schal. And he čat čus can stoppe his eres he schal not blečeliche hyre no čing čat God myght be myspaide of, & so he may be |r30 right mesured, sobre & attempre in his hyring. The fifte degree of sobrenes & maner of mesure is in cločing and očer apparaile in whiche men passeč ofte mesure and doč grete outrage. [And for such outrage] of curiouste & coste aboute če body is grete synne & may be enchesoun of očere mennes synne, + men schulde kepe |r35 sobrenes in suche činges. For if suche coste & outrage in cločis were |r[f.164r] noght synne God wolde noght so scharpliche [haue] ispoke čerea¨enst as he ded in če gospel of the riche man čat was cločed in purpur & bys.  He is a grete fole and more witles čan a child čat hač + pryde of his cločing or apparaile of his body, čat schulde |r40 be nočing but a tokene and a knowynge of oure formefadres schame and of oure owne. For če use of cločing & couering of body was firste founde for če synne of oure formefader čorgh whiche he & all his ofspringe were dampned forto hyde his schame and oure.  Whi scholde čan a |p231 man haue [pride čerof. Or why schulde a man haue] likynge to see a bere heled with riche cločes seč it is a token čat a dede body lieth červnder? Hit is no wonder čogh a pocok be proude of his fayre taile, ne a cok of his combe, for kynde makeč him so and he hač no witte ne |r5 resoun to če contrarie. But man čat hač witte, skile & free wil & wote wele čat kynde ¨eue him noght his riche ne gay apparaile schulde not pryde him čerof, ne wommen of če queynte ne riche atyre of her bodies and of her hedes.  And čerfore če wyse man in Holy Writte seič čus: `Pryde če noght,' [he seič], `in + faire robes or apparaile, |r10 ne haue čerof no likynge ne ioye.'  And also seynt Poule coun_sailleč wymmen čat čei apparaile hem mesurabliche in sobrenes after her estate, čat is to seie wičoute outrage & waste, after resoun and after če estate [of] če persone is.  Certes, it semeč čat it may not |r[f.164v] be wičoute grete outrage & synne čat oon persone schal |r15 haue for his owne body so many robes & cločinges in a ¨ere of dyuerse coloures and riches čorgh whiche many pore men & nedy persones myght be sufficiantly susteyned & cločed as charite askeč. And ¨it ¨if suche robes and cločes after čat čei haue wered hem as longe as hem lust were afterward ¨euen to če pore [and nedy] for če loue of God, |r20 ¨it schulde it somwhat helpe to če soule; but čei beč ¨euen comoun_liche to harlottes, mynstralles, flaterers, glosers and očre suche, & čat is grete synne. For he čat ¨eueč to yuel lyuynge men eny good for here yuel [doynges], as for her iapes, iangelinges, flateringes, glosynges and očre suche, he doth sacrifice to če deuel. And čerfore |r25 in suche činges men schulde kepe sobrenes & mesure after hir estate. The sixte degre of sobrenes & maner of mesure is in manere of berynge and contenance. Wherfore če wise man Senek seith čus: `If čou wolt be,' he seič, `sobre and attempre, take good kepe čat če sturynge of thyn herte & of thyn body be couenable in berynge & in chere.' For |r30 of disordynaunce of the herte comeč disordinaunce of če body. Some men čere beč čat beč so childisshe & nyce čat čei can noght knowe her owne defaute, and čat makeč očer men holde hem fooles. Hit semeth [wel] to a man, and nameliche of grete estate, to lede him čorgh [če] vertu of sobrenes & mesure in alle his |r[f.165r] wordes and in all his |r35 worchinges, and čat he be of so attempre & faire contenaunce bifore alle men čat no man may take euel ensample of him and čat he be noght holde as a child or as a fole in schewynge of foly. For as če philo_sofre seith, a childe of elde, a child of witte & čewes is all one. And čerfore it is write in Holy Writte čus: Maledictus puer centum |r40 annorum, `Weried is če childe of an hondred ¨ere,' čat is to seie he čat hač elde and no good can but lyueč in foly as a child, he is |p232 acursed of God.  And čerfore seint Poule seič of himself čus: Dum eram paruulus sapiebam vt paruulus, loquebar vt paruulus, `Whan I was a childe,' he seith, `I dede & spak as a child, but when I come to če elde of a man I lefte childhode.' For who čat holdeč a man of |r5 elde a childe he holdeč him a fole. And čerfore good rede is čat no man be child of witte but meke in berynge and litel in malice as a childe. And čus it is a faire čing & a worschipful to a man & womman, namely to hem čat beč of worschip and of state, to kepe sobernesse & mesure in [contenance and] berynge. |r10 The sevenče degre of sobrenes and manere of mesure is in etynge & drinkynge, for outrage of čo two doč men moche harme in body and soule. And čerfore seith oure Lord God in če gospel: `Takeč kepe čat ¨oure hertes be not greued ne ouercharged čorgh glotonye & dronkenes,' čat is to seie, loke čat ¨e doo none outrage |r[f.165v] in etynge [& drink_ynge |r15 ]. For sobrenes kepeč mesure in čo two, and of čat čat stereč a man to outrage & vnsobrenes in etynge & drinkynge is schewed inow here tofore where čat hit is spoken of če synne of glotonye, to whiche če vertu of sobrenes is contrarie. And čerfore it nedeč noght to speke more of čat synne, for now haue |r20 ¨e herd če seuen degrees of čis tree of če vertu of sobrenes. And if ¨e wole knowe če branches of čis tree biholdeč alle očere vertues of whiche is spoke of bifore in čis book and ¨e schall fynde čis vertu ouer alle očre vertues, for čis vertu settič mesure in all očere vertues; wherfore alle očre vertues beč as braunches of this vertu, |r25 [for čis vertu scheweč him in alle očer vertues, and čerfore I holde alle očere vertues braunches of čis vertue] or tree of sobernesse. This tree bereč moche fayre fruyte, čat is pees of herte čorgh gostly myght, for he čat hač wele čis vertu he hač the herte so twynned fro + worldliche loue and so knette to God čorgh charite čat is dere one_hede |r30 čat he for¨eteč all očer činges, and nameliche čat beč noght ordeyned to God. And in čis manere če herte allwey resteč in God. And čere he may fynde all confort, ioye & delite čat passeč alle očere ioyes & delices čat may be had in čis world. And čis ioye, com_forte & delite setteč če Holy Goost in parfit mannes herte čorgh čis |r35 vertu of sobrenes čat comeč specialliche of če ¨ifte of wisdom. And certes who[so] myght fele suche pes of her*te |r[f.166r] in God čat is ful_fillynge of alle his desires, he schulde be blessid in čis world and in čat očer, for he schulde wynne čat blessidhede čat God in če gospel hač byhote to hem čat kepeč pees, where he seič čus: Beati pacifici |r40 quoniam Filij Dei vocabuntur, `Iblessid be čei,' he seič; `čat beč pesible, for čei schal be cleped Goddes sones.' These men, as seint Austyn seič, beč pesible čat setteč alle če stur_ynges of her hertes vnder če lordschič of resoun and of če goost. And |p233 čese by resoun beč Goddes sones for [čeil kepeč wel če lik[n]es of here Fader, čat as seynt Poule seith is Lord and God of pees & loue. Wherfore parfyt loue & pees is a čing of gostliche delite & makeč a man moste kyndeliche lyke to God & contrarye to če fend. Also čei |r5 may be cleped Goddes sones by anočer skile, for čei folowen her Fader nere čan očer doth, for pees & loue foloweč God nere čan eny očer vertu, Also čei worcheč če werkes of God her Fader, for God came principally into čis world forto make pees & loue bitwene him and man_kynde and bytwene man & aungels and bytwene mankynde & himself. |r10  In tokenyng and witnessyng of čis, whan oure Lord God was borne as man če aungels of heuen songen Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bone voluntatis, čat is to seie, `Blisse & worschip be [to] God on highe |r[f.166v] and in erče be pees to men čat beč of good will.' And for pesible men by no desire secheč none očer čing but pees & loue |r15 anentes God, anentes her euencristen & in hemself, čei may skilfully be cleped če children of God allmyghti, for čei worcheč euere her Fader werkes. And čerfore čei ben blessid in čis world [čorgh] special grace when čei haue pees [of] herte. But čis blessidhede schal be parfyte whan čei schal be in pesible |r20 possessioun of her Fader heritage, č[at] is če kyngdom of heuen čere čei schal be in siker pees and parfite ioye čat euer schal leste, čere alle her willes & desires scholen be fulfilled in all čing. čere may be no manere of yuel, sorwe, wo, ne aduersite, but plente of all good_nes & of all ioye and blis endeles. éis schal be pees moste profit_able, |r25 most honourable, most delitable, most syker, most stedfast, most parfite & euerlastinge; and so seič seynt Poule.  čis pees passič al če wit of man & čan passith it alle mannes speche and wordes. For herte may not činke, ere hyre, tonge telle ne eighe see če ioye & blisse of čis pees čat God hač ordeyned to his louers. éis is če |r30 blessidhede čat longeč to pesiblenes to whiche če vertu of sobrenes bringeč a man čat kepič it and to če mede čat falleč čerto, čat is to be clepid |r[f.167r] Goddis sone and to wone wič God wičouten ende as oure Lord God seič in če gospel čus: Beati pacifici quoniam filij Dei vocabuntur, `Iblessid be čei', he seith, `čat beč pesible, for čei |r35 schal be cleped Goddes children. And čus ¨e may vnderstonde and knowe schortliche what good če ¨ifte of wisdom doč in če herte čat hit is ¨eue to, what synnes hit draweč out čerof and what vertues it setteč čerynne; whiche ¨ifte men may wynne čorgh the firste askyng of če Pater Noster. Hit is če firste askyng |r40 for hit is most & hyest, & it is laste forto wynne & haue. For we mote bygynne at če lowest or čan we may come to če hyest. ée lowest is drede of God, & wisdom is če hyest. And čerfore but if we begynne first at drede we may not come to wisdom, for drede of God, as če |p234 wise man seith in Holy Writ, is če bygynnyng of wisdom: Inicium sapiencie timor Domini. These two ¨iftes holdeč alle če očre bytwene hem, whiche two ¨iftes God of his grace sende vs, for čenne we beč siker to haue alle če očre wič grete plente of grace & vertu, whiche |r5 God vs [graunte]. Amen. And čus endič this tretys or writyng čat touchič many vices & vertues čat beč nedeful to be knowe to wite what is Goddis will and what is good and what is yvell and what plesith God and what displesith. And first is schewed če dignite, |r[f.167v] worthines and profyte of če |r10 Pater Noster & če vnderstondyng čerof. After čat beč shewed če seuen ¨iftes of če Holy Goste and what čei wircheč in man and what is vertu and what is vice; also če dedly synnes wič her branches and če seuen vertues wič her branches; and also če seven blissedhedes and če medes čat longeč to hem; so čat čere is vnneče no vertu ne synne čat hit ne |r15 schal be founde in čis writyng, so [he čat] wole wel loke it & may vnder_stonde hit see of what synne he is gilty & what remedy of vertu is čerea¨en, and so a man may knowe what he is & what he schulde be. For a man may not wel schryue himself ne kepe [him] fro synne but he knowe what is synne and what peril it is to dwelle čerynne. Ne a man |r20 may not kepe Goddes lawe but he knowe vertues. For it is not inow to kepe him fro synne but he vse vertues & doo good. For če prophete in če sawter seič čus: Declina a malo and fac bonum, `Schone yuel,' he seič, `and do good.' & čerfore it were nede to lewed men to see ofte, hyre or rede čis writyng čat may be skile be cleped a myrour in whiche men |r25 may see good and yuel & whečer čei be clene + or foule, & he čat wole, ofte and devoutliche hyre & vnderstonde čis writyng and wirche |r[f.168r] čerafter may not faile of grace whiche čat schal teche him če right wey to če blisse of heuene; to whiche blisse he vs bringe čat deide for vs in manhode on če rode tree. Amen. Amen.