|b[ée_Pater_Noster_of_Richard_Ermyte |b_from_Westminster_School_Library_MS._3,_ed._F._G._A._M._Aarts. |b_The_Hague:_Martinus_Nijhoff,_1967,_pp._3-56.] |p3 HERE BIGYNNEé éE PATER NOSTER OF RICHARD ERMYTE To his dere sistir in God, Goddis hondemayden 7 his spouse, gretynge in hym, likynge in his mercy 7 his pees čoru¨ my¨t of his grace. He be wič čee euere 7 wič alle čat wič stedfast bileue haue certeyne hope in hym. |r5 Dere sistir, čou wost wel, če more a man hač vndirstondyng of ri¨t_wisnesse 7 če openlier čat he knowič God, če more likyng he hač 7 če more he it loueč ¨if he be good. And forči aren men of religioun 7 očer clerkis boče comfortide in soule, for čei vndirstonde what so čei rede in čeire preieres or elliswhere in holy writt. And čoo wymmen čat beč |r10 religious, al ¨if čei kun rede 7 synge 7 here preier make, as fallič to religious, no¨t forči vndirstondynge hem wantič in čat čat čei preie or rede očerwhile. And ¨it, čoru¨ ¨ifte of God, as miche goostli likyng 7 perauenture more čei haue as clerkis of depe witt 7 of grete vndirstond_ynge. Ffor goostli ioie comeč not of greet clergie, but of loue, aftir čat |r15 men or wymen loueč oure Lord lesse or more. |r[f.1v] Fforči [this] I seye to čee, for I vndirstonde čat whanne čou makest či preier to či Lord Ihesu Crist, čou woldest, if it were či Lordis wille, hertily vndirstonde čat čou preiest with mouč. And for nočing ellis but onely for to kyndil či loue to hym 7 more lerne to loue hym, to whom čou či preier makist. Fforči |r20 I bečou¨t me čoru¨ če grace of oure Lord to vndo čee če pater noster. čis is čat oon special preier čat Ihesu Crist hač tau¨te vs for to seye. čis preier biloukeč seuene preieres. And I wil echone of če seuene, če vndirstondynge of euery preier bi itself, sundrily vndo, aftir čat God wole li¨t my pore witt čoru¨ wissynge of his grace. |r25 čis preier ouersti¨eč alle očer 7 ouergoič in dignyte, in worčines [and] in price; it ouerwei¨eč alle. In dignite alle očer it passič, for Ihesu Crist hymself it made 7 tau¨te it vs to seye, čat wot al če wille of če fadir of heuene 7 wist čat čis preier was most to his wille 7 wot what we wrecchis haue most nede to. Ffor as I ri¨t now seide, he čat čis |r30 preier made, Ihesu Goddis sone of heuene, he oonly wot |r[f.2r] 7 sočfastli knoweč al če wille of če fadir 7 al čat vs nedič he wot bettir čan oure_seluen. |p4 And čis preier ouerwei¨eč alle očer preieris in worčinesse, for it biloukeč al čat we haue nede of to lyf or to soule. And se now on what wyse we biseche God če fadir in čis preier čat he delyuer vs 7 kepe vs fro yueles 7 čat he gyue vs alle goodis. And vn_dirstonde |r5 now on what kyns maner al če yuel čat vs harmeč oičer it is če yuel čat is passid or če yuel čat is to come or če yuel čat is now. Of če yuel čat is passid we preie oure Lord čat he delyuer vs whan we seye: Dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut 7 nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Lord, we seye, for¨yue vs oure trespases don a¨ens čee, as we |r10 for¨yuen hem čat haue mysdon to vs. A¨ein če yuel čat is to come we preie to hym whanne we seye: Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem. éat is: Lord, lete vs not falle in no fondyng. A¨ein če yuel čat we now čolen we preyen: Set libera nos a malo. éat is: delyuer vs fro al maner yuel. Also, on očer halfe, euery maner of goode čat is, it is oučer worldly or |r15 goostly or goodis čat aren lastande. We preye to hym |r[f.2v] aftir worldis goodis whanne we seye: Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie. éat is : Lord, čou ¨yue vs [oure] echedayes foode, čat is ech day bodily sustenaunce. We preie aftir goostly goodis whanne we seyn: Ffiat voluntas tua sicut in celo 7 in terra. éat is: we biseche čee, Lord, čat we |r20 mot here on erče do či wille, as čin aungelis či wille don in heuene. Aftir lastande goode we preie to hym whan we seye: Adueniat regnum tuum. éat is: graunte vs, Lord, čat we may come to či blisse. éat he graunte vs čese preieres six 7 conferme hem, we preye čere we seye: Sanctificetur nomen tuum. éat is: či name be halewid in vs, so čat what |r25 so we se, here or speke or worche, al we moten ordeigne it to či knowyng and to če worschipe of či name, čat halewid was wičoute bigynnyng. It be halewid in vs, so čat we moten hym se in his blisse, no¨t as in a myrour, but wičouten ende, sočly as he is wičoute lettynge. ées aren če seuene preieres of če gospel čat oure Lorde tau¨te his dis_ciplis. |r30 éis preier owič to be seid wič likyng of soule, wič certeyn hope to spede of al čat we in čis preier skilfuly hym biseche. |r[f.3r] But he čat wole preie 7 spede of čat he in his preier askič, do če biddyng of če wyseman čat seič: Ante orationem prepara animam tuam 7 noli esse quasi homo temptans deum. Bifore čat čou či preiere make, grayče či so ule 7 be not |r35 as a man čat temptič God. He temptič God čat makič his preier recheles_ly. éenke čat čou stondist bifore či my¨tful Lord of heuene, čou wrecche, synful 7 nedeful of his grace to haue, wičouten drede 7 lowynge of čiself, whan če holi Patriark Abraham, Goddis priue frende, to whom as to his |p5 priue ofte he spak, ¨it wič grete drede to oure Lord he spak čere he seide : loquar ad dominum meum cum sim puluis 7 cinis. éat is: I schal speke to my Lord, I čat am but poudir 7 asches. How čou schalt graiče čee to či preier, God če techič in če gospel of |r5 seynt Mathew čere he seič: Tu autem cum oraueris, intra in cubiculum tuum, 7 clauso hostio ora ibi patrem tuum. éat is: whanne čou wolt make či preier, steppe into či bedde 7 schit či dore 7 čanne make či preiere to či fadir. Steppe into či bedde, he seič, as if he seide: if čou wolt |r[f.3v] čat God here či preier 7 graunte če či bone, calle čin herte home, čat is če loue |r10 čat is in čin herte, likynges 7 ¨ernyngis holde hem at home wič čee. And whanne čou hast hem alle gederid togidere, steke či dore, čat is stoppe alle če čirlis of či wittis, čat čin herte vnwarly ne glide not out 7 make če gilti bifore oure Lord, whanne čou his grace schuldist wynne, čat čou wynne čee not peyne. |r15 Fforči whanne čou bifore či Lord standist či preier for to make, čanne schalt čou vmčenke čee how many sičes 7 how grisly čou hast synned a¨eyns či Lord 7 how harde peynes 7 stronge in če eendeles fier of helle for či synnes čou schalt čole. Ffro če whiche peynes for to wynne čee out of [it es full harde, heuy and dolefulle. Ffor whi] če boondis of |r20 synne čat čou lyest inne 7 longe perauenture hast don, [čai bynde the so faste and so sore], čat čoru¨ no my¨t of oureself may we arise, but oonly čoru¨ če mercy 7 goodnesse of hym čat čou preiest to. éoru¨ čisilf čou my¨t falle, but no¨t arise, as God čoru¨ če prophete seič: Perdicio tua ex te tantum, set ex me salus tua. éat is: či losse 7 čin harme of čiself ariseč, |r25 but či hele 7 či socour |r[f.4r] ariseč of me, ¨he 7 of noon očer. čeues techen vs to preie 7 at če streit domesman mercy to fynde. A čeef čat is ouertaken wič čefte 7 ledde forč to take his doom, he felič čat čing čat he hač stoln hevy lyande trussid in his necke. He is drawen 7 iugide, as a čeef owič to be, to his doom. Bifore his i¨en he seeč redily |r30 greičed če peyne čat he schal to. He seeč turmentoures on euery syde bi_sette to do hym woo, as he hač wel deserued. Whanne he seeč čat he is čus bisette, I trowe čat he is careful ynow; wič teeris hertily mercy he crieč. And če nerre čat he comeč to če peyne, če hastilier mercy he crieč. What are we but čeues ateynt 7 fals traytours, whanne we synne 7 mys_take |r35 a¨eyn oure derworče Lord? Als sone is doom of deeč ¨yuen vpon vs 7 če turmentoures of helle redy wič če fardel of oure synnes trussed in oure necke to drawe vs to peyne 7 to plungen vs into če deep pit of helle, |p6 čere in pyne wičouten ende to be, but if če mercy 7 če goodnesse of hym whom wič oure waried synnes we haue wraččid lettynge make. Ffor as sone as we haue synned, we aren as če čeef čat is ouertaken 7 hač če corde aboute |r[f.4v] his črote čat he schal be hongid wič or his hed leid on a |r5 stokke of for to smyte. If we čan in suche perel be fallen čoru¨ gilt of oure synnes, me činkič čat myche nede we haue wič bittir teeres mercy [to] cryen to oure Lord 7 knowen to hym oure giltis 7 wič hertily preier hym biseche čat he hem vs for¨yue. And forsoče knowynge of oure giltis with meke preyer schal |r10 fynde mercy at če streyt domesman. Ffor čis witnessič hooly writt, čere he seič: Si quis cognouerit plagam cordis sui 7 extenderit manus suas, tu exaudies in celo. čis is: who so knowič če woundis of his herte, čat is his giltis čat he hač don a¨en God, 7 liftič vp his herte 7 his hondis, mercy criande wič meke preier, Lord čou schalt here hym 7 čou schalt |r15 here his preier in heuene 7 graunt hym [če] ¨ernyngis of his herte. But perauenture sum man čenkič in herte: euery day I preye 7 I fare neuer če bettir for my preier. As wel faren čei čat no¨t preyen as I čat preye. Wherfore me činkič I tyne my tyme whan I preye. Who hopist čou puttič čat in mennes čou¨t? Witirly noon but če envious enemy, |r20 če feende of helle, čat euer ylike |r[f.5r] procurič wič his wrenchis 7 wič his fondynges to lette men 7 wičdrawe hem fro alle čese goode dedis, werkis 7 čou¨tis or preieres čat my¨t helpe hem to wynne če blisse čat he fel fro. Ffor so envious he is 7 so he is bolned of greme, čat ouer al činge he ¨erneč man to drawe to pyne. And al čat in hym is he doič |r25 man čidir to brynge. And forči, if it so bityde whanne čou či preier makist or očerwhat so čou doist čat may be God to queme, if če curside feend any suche yueles puttič in či čou¨t, lifte vp či ri¨t hand 7 croys čee in stidfast hope of Goddis helpe 7 smyte hym wič če hooly roode token, čat he stirte abak. And vndirstonde what God bihetič čee čoru¨ če |r30 gospel, čere he seič: Amen dico vobis: quicquid orantes petitis, credite 7 accipietis. čat is: I saye sočely to ¨ow: what so ¨ee asken preiande, trowič stedfastly 7 ¨e schal haue. čat is ¨ee schul spede of ¨oure preier, but if ¨oure yuel lijf it lette. Ne lete not forči li¨tly of či preier whan čou preiest, for God, to whom čou preiest, letič not li¨tly čerby. Ffor als |r35 sone as it is out of či mouče, he comaundič to his aungels of heuene čat čei it write |r[f.5v] in če book of lijf. And feičfully trowe čat of oon or two čou schalt spede. Ffor oučer schal God ¨yue čee čat čou in či preyer askest or čat he knowič to čee is bettir to haue, but lettynge on či side it make. And čou schalt vndirstonde čat fyue čingis letten preier of God to be |p7 herd. ée first is yuel lijf of če preyande. čat očer is čat men aske not in preier čat were for to aske. če čridde čen is foule čou¨tis 7 ydil čat men čenkič, when čei aske here preyer. če ferče is hardnesse of herte. ée fifče čen is litil ¨ernynge of čat men aftir preyen. |r5 če first čat lettič preier to be herde is wickid lijf of če preyande. Fforči spekič God čoru¨ če prophete to suche čat preyen wič synnes: Cum multiplicaueritis orationes vestras, non exaudiam. čat is: when ¨ee maken manyfold of preieres to me, I ne here ¨ow not. And why? Aftir sone če enchesoun he tellič 7 what? Quia manus vestre sangwine plene |r10 sunt. čat is: for ¨oure handis aren ful of blood. As if he seide: forči I here ¨ow not, for ¨oure handis aren ful of synful werkis, čat če blood bi_tokeneč. čis vndirstondič wel Dauič čere he seič: Iniquitatem si aspexi in corde meo, non exaudiet dominus. éat is: If I se any wic |r[f.6r] kidnesse in myn herte, God wol not here me. Fforči he čat wole be herd of God in his |r15 preier, aforce hym čat he lyue ri¨twisly aftir če wille of God. And ellis he may longe crie ere God hym here 7 čat is no wondir. Ffor seynt Gregori seič: what wondir is it čou¨ we, preiande to God, late ben herde, siče we his biddyngis late or neuere wole heren? Fforči seič a greet clerk Isodre : he ne may čoru¨ skil certeyn hope haue of his preieres for to spede čat |r20 likyng hač to synne. Fforči he seič: he čat wičstondič če biddyngis of God, ri¨t it is čat God wičstonde hym in čingis čat he desireč. And if we don čat God biddič vs, čat we preyen hym he wole graunte vs. Ffor as če salme seič: Oculi domini super iustos 7 aures eius ad preces eorum. éat is: Goddis i¨en ben euere on če ri¨twise and his eeris listenande his |r25 preieris. éat očer lettynge is čat we aske not in preier čat were for to aske. And God forči to his cosynes, čat preiden hym aftir suche čingis čat čei schulden not aftir haue preide, sturnely he seyde: Nescitis quid petatis. ¨ee ne wot, quod he, what ¨ee aske. He saw¨ čat čei asked čat |r30 was a¨ens hem, |r[f.6v] for čei asked to be honoured 7 worschipid in čis world. Fforči God wičstood hem 7 seide: mowe ¨ee, quod he, drynk of čat drink čat I schal drynk of? ¨he Lord, seide čei. And ¨ee schulen, quod he. As if he seide: čat mykil harmes 7 in manye makič weye to yuel ne wil I ¨ow graunte, čou¨ ¨ee it ¨erne. But I wil čat ¨ee as my priue |r35 drynkyn here of my cuppe wič me, čat is here čole penaunce, as I do, 7 sičen in my blisse as my dere freendis be honoured wič me. Fforči askeč |p8 če wiseman: wherto, he seič, ¨erneč če fool čoo čingis čat hym harmeč? Ri¨t ofte we preie to God as ¨onge childre doon in scoles, čat preien to God čat čei be not beten. But God herič hem not ne doič no¨t for here preier, ffor if čei weren no¨t betyn, it were a lettyng of here lore. So ofte |r5 we biseche God of čingis čat beč a¨ens vs. Forči, as in čat, God ne wole vs here, but he fulfilleč oure preier in sumwhat ellis, čat he seeč to vs is more nedeful. What may helpe, what may harme, bettir wot če leche čen če sike. Fforči doič God wič vs as če leche doič wič če seke, čat he myche |r10 loueč 7 desireč for to hele. čat he |r[f.7r] desireč he doč to be holden fro hym. Ffor ofte he čat seek is desireč čat my¨t be his deeč. And he graičeč hym suche čingis to note čat his herte stondič a¨eyn, čoru¨ whiche he castič hym out of his yuel 7 makič hym hool 7 sounde. éus doč oure trewe leche, oure Lord God almy¨ti, čat hač vs as vndir his cure 7 |r15 hač vndirtaken vs to hele, if we wol suffre. He seeč čat we as seke don mourne 7 callen aftir čingis čat aren a¨eyns vs and čat may brynge vs to če deeč ere we last wene, for to be lorn, boče lijf 7 soule, to če peyne wičouten ende. What doč oure trewe leche, čat desireč oure lijf 7 no¨t oure deeč? [He hereth wel čat we vnwysely aske. We desyren oure deth], |r20 but he turneč oure askyng into soule heele and doič wičdrawe fro vs čat we desiren, in as myche as it my¨t lettyng make to soule heele. We preyen hym aftir heele 7 he sendič vs sekenes. We preien hym aftir pees 7 he sendič vs werre. We preyen hym aftir richees 7 he sendič vs pouerte. Manye wolde go to helle, nyf summe of čese čre lettynges made. And |r25 bettir it is wič seeknes wende to wele čen wič hele to woo, wič pouert to blisse čan wič richees to pyne. Certeyn tokenynge it is of deeč, whanne če leche to če seke grauntič hym al his wille. |r[f.7v] So ne ys no more [certeyn] token of goostly deeč, as is when God letič če synful haue al his wille. |r30 Fforči, if čou wolt wite what čou schalt preye, seynt Poule če techič. Herken what he seič: Que sursum sunt querite, non que super terram. Preye ¨e aftir čoo činges čat ben aboue, he seič, no¨t aftir čoo čingis čat ben vpon če erče, čat is grace 7 ioye; grace in čis lijf 7 ioye aftir, when we hečen wende. čese two schal men aftir preye bifore alle očer. |r35 And čen schal God ¨yue vs to auauntage of erčely goodis čat vs nedič. Ffor čis bihette God vs in če gospel of seynt Mathew, čere he seič: |p9 Querite primum regnum dei 7 hec omnia adicientur vobis. Sechič at če first čoru¨ preier če blisse of heuene 7 ri¨twisnesse [7] of erčely goodis čat ¨ow nede is I schal ¨yue ¨ow to sustenaunce. Ffor erčely goodis aren ordeyned to sustenaunce of hem čat ben ri¨twise, ffor |r5 ri¨twisnesse makič of erčely men Goddis children. And God is holden wič sustenaunce to helpe his children and namely he čat is callid fadir of mercy, čat alle creatures susteyneč čoru¨ his grace 7 his good_nesse, ne wole |r[f.8r] he not his owne dere childre for¨ete. Fforči, if it so bitide čat man askeč erčely goodis of God, he oweč to aske hem wič |r10 drede, bisechyng to če fadir of heuene, if he see čat čei ben nedeful for to haue, čat he graunt hem, ¨if čei ne ben, wičholde hem. Ffor čat we haue nede of betir wot he čan we and betir it is čat God vs here to oure profyt čen to oure wille. ée čridde čat lettič oure preier to be herde beč idil čou¨tis and foule, |r15 čat we delitič vs inne when we to God oure preier make. And čei fordon če mede čat we čoru¨ preier schulde wynne, aftir čat čo čou¨tis beč manye or fewe. čei čat wič suche ydil čou¨tis preien, čei haue hony in here moučes, but čei fele no swetnes čat chateren as don pyes 7 no¨t preieč. Of siche čen spekič oure Lord čere he seič: Populus |r20 iste labijs me honorat, set cor eorum longe est a me. éat is: čis folk honoureč me wič here lippis, but here hertis aren fer fro me. Ne is not čis grete wrecchidnesse of vs, vnworči caytifs, synful 7 nedeful, when we to če my¨tful Lord of |r[f.8v] heuen in oure preier speke and we as vnwitti turnen oure eeris awey froward hym, worldly vanytees for to here, čenke |r25 or see? Sočely greet despit we do to God when we preien hym čat he oure preier here and we čat preyen wol no¨t here čat we preyen oure_self. We preye hym čat he be entendaunt to vs 7 we čat preyen noičer be we entendaunt to hym ne to oureself. But ¨it, čat wers is, wič vnclene 7 vnnayt čou¨tis in tyme of preier lete oure hertis be defouled 7 so foule |r30 foyled čat no¨t or litil we preye or do oure Lord to paye. Fforči, if we wil čis lettyng fordo čat of oure mede so mykil vs fro reueč, we moten do as Abraham dide. In če book of Genesis it tellič when Abraham to oure Lord his sacrifice made če foules čeronne li¨tid 7 stood 7 it wolde haue foyled. But what dyd Abraham čat čis saw¨? Als sone, with al his my¨t, |r35 he chased hem awey; ne wolde he suffre hem čere for to reste. When we oure sacrifice make, do we also, ffor preyer is sacrifice čat is to Crist leuest. Forči čorou¨ če prophete of vs he it askič čere he seič: Sacrificio |p10 laudis honorificabis me. éat is: čou schalt worschipe me with sacrifice |r[f.9r] of louynge, čat is sacrifice to God. ée holy man witnessič čere he seič what preyer is: Oratio est angelis solacium, diabolo tormentum, deo sacri_ficium. éat is: preyer is solace to aungelis, turment 7 peyne to če feend 7 |r5 sacrifyce to oure Lord. ée forče lettynge is hardnesse of herte 7 čat is on two maners. ée first is a¨eyn če pore. éis witnessič če wyseman čere he seič: Qui obturat aurem suam ad clamorem pauperis, clamabit ipse ad dominum 7 non exaudietur. éis is: he čat stoppič his eeris, čat he here not če |r10 criynge of če pore čat cryeč to hym aftir helpe, he schal crye to God 7 he hym schal not here. Anočer hardnes of herte is anentis hem čat haue misdon, of man čat wole not for¨yue, to whom God spekič čere he seič: Relynque proximo tuo nocenti te 7 tunc deprecanti tibi peccata soluentur. éat is: for¨yue hem čat haue harmede čee 7 čenne, |r15 whan čou preiest God, či synnes schullen be for¨yuen to čee. And ¨it in če gospel of seynt Mark God seič: Cum stabitis ad orandum, dimittite si quid habetis adversus aliquem, vt pater vester, qui in celis est, dimittat vobis peccata vestra. Quod si vos non dimiseritis, |r[f.9v] nec pater vester, qui in celis est, dimittet vobis peccata vestra. éat is: whanne čou standist |r20 for to preye, for¨yue hem čat haue harmed čee, so čat či fadir, čat is in heuene, for¨yue čee či synnes. If čou nou¨t hem for¨yue čat haue mysdon a¨ens čee, či fadir of heuene či synnes ne wil not for¨yue čee. Lo here a streyt doom of God a¨eyns alle čoo čat hač ire 7 wračče in hertis a¨eyns here brečer or systres, as in čat while čei lesič here tyme, what so čei do. |r25 če fyfte is čat man desireč not hertily čat he in preyer askeč, as many do čat preyeč wič an heuy herte 7 a dul, as čei čat ne recche whečer čei of here preyer speden or faylen. Fforči seič seynt Austyn: God ne wil not as sone ¨yue vs čat we in preyer askič, but he holdič it to oure bihoue euere to we wič alle oure hertis desyre it. And why ? Certis čat we lerne |r30 greete čingis gretly to ¨erne. Ffor as seič seint Jerom: as wynd doič to če cole, so doič deuout desiryng of herte to preyer, ffor it kyndelič če preyer 7 quykeneč 7 forcič hym 7 drawič hym out on lengče 7 wynneč of God al čat he wil. Whanne we čoru¨ |r[f.10r] Goddis grace čese lettyngis haue fordon and oure |r35 hertis stablisschid, čan may we hope čat vs schal come čat we in preyer biseche. In hope čus vs setteč oure Lord whan he lerneč vs to calle |p11 hym oure fadir čat is in heuenes, ffor in hym men owen to haue certeyn hope čat may 7 wole alle goodis ¨yue čat oure soule [¨erneč], če which is vndirstonden čoru¨ čis word: Pater noster, čat is: oure fadir. And če power čoru¨ čis word: qui es in celis: čat is in heuenes. In as myche as |r5 God techič vs to calle hym oure fadir, in čat he makič vs to vndirstonde čat he loueč vs as his dere childre and čat he wole ¨yue vs of his goodis aftir we haue nede. And wite čou wel forsoče čat, čou¨ alle če loues čat euere were, or čat euere hadde fadir or modir to here childer, were festened in oo loue, ¨it ne my¨t it ri¨tly by a čousande parte reche to če |r10 loue čat God hač schewyd to vs. And čat we may vndirstonde čoru¨ če grace of God, if we wil see on what maner he is oure fadir 7 what he hač don for vs. At če first bigynnynge, whan God made alle creatures of nou¨t, we ne may fynde where he made any creature to his liknes |r[f.10v] but man oone. |r15 Fforči is he God 7 maker to alle creatures 7 alle čingis čat aren in čis world 7 no¨t here fadir called but here maker. But to vs for his mykil mercy he is oure God, oure maker 7 oure fadir, ffor oure soules he made to his owne liknes, čat is to če liknes of če fadir 7 of če sone 7 of če Holy Goost, čat is oo soičfast God 7 čre persones. And alle čingis of čis world |r20 he hač maad vs to serue, why čat we serue hym 7 loue hym as kynde childre owič to do. Ffor as sone as we leue če loue of hym for če loue of če fleisch or of any očer erčely čing, we leese če lordisdome of čis worlde 7 bicomen črallis to so vyle čingis, čere we were so fre as če kyngis sones of heuene 7 lordis of alle če world. Allas, wickid chaffare is čis; who so |r25 vndirstondič če baleful lere čat čerof ariseč [he suld ful sore hym dred]. Dere sistir, ne was it a token of greet loue whan God, čat [is] wičoute bi_gynnyng 7 is in oon wičouten chaungynge 7 schal be wičouten endynge, čat is so my¨tful 7 so wyse 7 so good čat no tunge may telle ne herte čenke 7 in whom is lijf 7 ioye endeles, deyned hym to make vs to his |r30 owne liknes, |r[f.11r] whanne he my¨te haue leten vs ben a litil erče, of če which he made vs? Or my¨t haue made vs haue ben, hadde it ben his wille, a toode or a neddir or sum očer forschapen beeste, so čat we schuldyn haue dy¨ed togydere body 7 soule. And dyd ouer oure desert 7 made vs men 7 ¨af vs soule to his holy liknes for to be as corowned kyngis in his |r35 endeles blys. It is noon so harde herte čat it ne au¨t to melten altogedir in loue to God, if it wolde čenke hertely of his grete grace 7 loue čat oure Lord hač schewyd to hym bifore alle očer creatures. And ¨it he dide wel more čoru¨ his mykil mercy, whan we čoru¨ oure waried synnes departiden oureself fro hym 7 bicome črallis to če ločely |r40 feendis of helle. čanne he, for če mykil reuče čat he hadde of vs, sent his |p12 derworče sone, čat is oo God wič hym, to take fleisch 7 blood in čat blessid mayden Mary wičouten tak of synne. Of hire he took liknes of čralle to suffre in čat liknes pouert, mysese 7 pyne, as he synful were, he čat neuere synne wrou¨t. And čoled at če ende so schameful 7 peyneful |r5 deeč čat no tunge |r[f.11v] may telle ne herte čenke. And why? Certis oonly vs synful 7 gilti of his deeč for to reuen out of če deuelys prisoun 7 brynge vs a¨eyn to his blis. čere he wole vs corowne wič če coroun of eendeles ioye, if we vs kepe wel fro synne 7 do his wille, čat for vs dyed on če rode tree. Now hauest čou herde two čingis in če whiche God hač schewid čat |r10 he is oure fadir 7 so tendirly loueč vs as his dere childre. če first is čat he made vs to his liknes. éat očer is čat he bou¨t vs wič his deeč. Ffor če first is man holden to serue hym [7] to loue [hym] wič al his my¨t. What schal we čanne do for čat očer? Ffor if I be bounden wič dette for to loue God 7 serue hym wič al my soule, wič al myn herte, euere 7 ay |r15 wičouten ende, for čat he made me 7 ¨aue me soule to his owne liknes, as it was comaundide in če olde lawe, ere God took oure kynde 7 bicome man, what may I now do to hym, čat for me, synful 7 his enemy, lowed hym so mykel čat he bicome man 7 ¨af hymself al to me, whan he wolde for me, vnworči wrecche, for his mykil mercy čole so woful |r[f.12r] pyne 7 so |r20 schameful deeč? I ne wot what I may here say, ffor, čou¨ I my¨te lyue a čousande ¨eeris 7 my¨te eche day suffre as bittir peyne as he suffrid for me, it were not to čat loue čat he hač schewide to me. Whan he čat is sočfast God 7 Goddis sone ¨af hymself for me, how may we čanne 7 on what wyse quyte hym čis riche ¨ifte, čat he to vs, vnworči wrecchis, so |r25 frely 7 so kyndely, to vs vnkynde so largely, to vs vnserued so riche tresour wolde ¨yue? So, weileaway, bi manye may he činke his traueil lost 7 birewen če while. Lo what is to don in aquitaunce of čis dette čoru¨ Goddis grace to oure derworče Lord. Ne askeč he not ellis of vs but čat we lowen vs to hym |r30 7 mekely knowe oure feblenes 7 oure wrecchidnes 7 čat we vndirstonden čat we nočing haue of oureself but oonly synne, but good, if čere any be, it is of God 7 not of vs. Defoule we oure fleisch 7 pyne [we it] wič pe_naunce, aftir čat it may čolen, as it is wel worči 7 wreke [we] oure Lordes good dede. And wič tendre teeris crye we mercy to hym, čat he saue vs |r35 čoru¨ his hooly name and gyue vs wherof we may hym paye, ffor of oure_self ne haue we wherof ne wherwič. Fforči Dauid seič: Quid retribuam |p13 domino pro omnibus que retribuit michi? Calicem salutaris |r[f.12v] accipiam 7 nomen domini inuocabo. čat is on englysche: what may I ¨elde to God for alle čingis čat he hač ¨ouen to me? I schal take, he seič, če coupe of heele - [čis coupe of heele] čat Dauyd callič čat is če coupe čat Ihesu |r5 Crist drank of - and I schal incalle če name of God. éis coupe is bittirnes of penaunce 7 peyne čat Ihesu Crist čoled fro če tyme čat he into čis worlde come vnto če tyme he čoled deeč. It lefte hym neuere, čou¨ al he vngilty were, as he čat neuer synned 7 as vnsynful čat neuere serued peyne for to čole. |r10 Wič wrong we, synful 7 vnworči wrecchis, wičouten penaunce or peyne čat ioye čat he bou¨t so dere wene for to wynne. Ne truste noon therto. Certenly, he čat wole haue čat ioye, he mut wynne it here wič woo. éerfor are we cast here in erče as in prisoun, wič penaunce oure synnes here for to rewe, oure body wič traueyl for to defoule, no¨t feyntly but |r15 hertely, no¨t today bigynne 7 tomorew stirt abak, but quykly spende oure body in penaunce to oure lyues ende. éis is če penaunce čat God leide on vs oure synnes for to bete, čere he seide to Adam, oure former |r[f.13r] fadir, sone aftir he hadde synned: In sudore vultus tui vesceris pane tuo, donec reuertaris in terram de qua assumptus es; quia [puluis es 7] in |r20 puluerem reuerteris. čese wordis weren seyd to Adam [aftir] he hadde synned 7 čis was če penaunce čat God on hym leyde 7 reule wheraftir he 7 al his osprynge schulde reule here fleisch. Who so fro a li¨t reule turneč to haue an heuy, fro a softe to an hard, newe lawe 7 newe lore hym is nede to haue wel to kepe čat lijf čat he hym to takeč. But oure |r25 former fadir, ere he hadde synned, was in an ordre softe 7 ful of likyng al at his wille, whan he was louand to God 7 his body to his soule so free čat nočing my¨t harme hym, no deč my¨t dere hym, no¨t čat he wolde haue wantid hym. But as it is an olde englische: he čat ne may suffre če wele wič če woo, he hym pleyneč čou¨ he no woo čole. Ffor man ne |r30 wolde čole čat hym was wel ne payed was of čat ordre čat God hym inne stabled, čat so free was fro alkynnes peyne at his likyng. My¨ty God čoru¨ his ri¨twys doom sone hym out cast 7 stabled vndir |r[f.13v] a newe reule, swiče hard to čole, 7 bond hym wič čese wordis his lijf for to lede, whan he to hym seyde: In sudore vultus tui, 7 cetera. čat is on englische : |r35 in swoot of či face čou schalt ete či breed, euere to čou turne into če erče čat čou art maad of; ffor čou art pouder 7 into pouder čou schalt worče. ére čingis we felen in vs čat strengčeč oure fleisch a¨eyns če spirit, |p14 če whiche čingis aren čese: Idilnes, glotenye [7] gelous kepynge 7 tendre ouer če fleisch. Fforči in čes wordis God ¨aue vs a reule, čoru¨ which a¨ens čese čre we schulden reule vs. And firste a¨eyn ydilnes, čat we traueile oure fleisch here, no¨t wič an heuy herte 7 dul, but quykly 7 |r5 stalworčely. And čis is vndirstonden in čis worde: In sudore vultus tui 7 cetera. In čes wordis God byndič man to werkis of penaunce. Whan men worchen čat čei sweten tokenyng [it] is čat čei worchen hertily and stal_worčely. Sweet comunly folewič eche bodily trauel hertily wrou¨t. And čus sweet comeč no¨t but čoru¨ hete. By čes twoo is vndirstonden good |r10 wille čat werkis of penaunce |r[f.14r] ben done stalworčely 7 wič loue, čat če heete bitokeneč, no¨t feyntly ne wič aruwe herte. Seint Ambrose seič by če olyfaunt, čat is a beste of so myche strengče, čat he may bere on his bak a castel or a tour, maad of tree, wič many armed men čerinne. So bolde he is of herte čat for al če oost of če armed folk čat toward hym |r15 comeč wič speres 7 swerdes 7 očer eggid wepenes hym for to slee ne wold he not stirt for ferdnes of hem alle to wende. čou¨ čis beste ouer alle očer stalworčest be, he durkeč 7 dareč whan he a mous seeč 7 so aferd he is of čat litil beste čat he tremblič as a leef, as he hertles were. éus it farič bi many men now vpon erče, čat aren stalworč 7 bolde to |r20 putten hem to peril on se 7 on londe, to fastyng 7 wakyng, to hunger 7 čurste, to colde 7 to hete 7 to očer suche hardeschipes to čolen. And why? Certis worldly bi¨ete to wynnen onely, as čes couetous don, očer for fals preisyng of čis world to wynnen, as proude 7 noble men ouerdon or as strotiers 7 leccherous men don, čat are stalworče, as hooly writt witnes_sič, |r25 to do yuel: ffortes sunt vt faciant mala, bene |r[f.14v] autem facere nesciunt. čat is: čei aren stalworče to don yuel, but wel kan čei no¨t do. But a litil penaunce for here synnes or for here soule hele makeč hem to drede 7 to qwake as an aspyn leef, whan čei čerof [here] to hem speke, čat for bodily hele for to wynne many hardschipis wolden čole: boče faste 7 |r30 wake 7 forbere al čat če fleische desyreč, ete 7 drynk, bittir 7 wyk, čou¨ hym wlatide. He wol suffre of to smyte honde and foot at če biddyng of his leche, čou¨ it wolde pyne hym sore. ¨it wolde he it čole his heele for to wynne, čat for his soule heele a litil penaunce wol not vndirtake, but he seič čat he is seek 7 feble wičal, whanne če preest to hym any pe_naunce |r35 nemeneč. And wel he seič 7 sočer čen he weneč, for he is ouer_feble ony good to done čat hač an yuel wille. But forsoče, wolde man as ferforč preue his force in werkis of penaunce as in očer werkis čat fallič to vanytees of če fals world, he my¨te fynde čat he my¨t čole more čen he čoleč. Men preue hemself what čei may don, how fer čei may keste |r40 če stoon, how fer čei may renne; echon striueč wič očer. čei preue here |p15 strengče wič wrastlynge, wič |r[f.15r] fi¨tynge, maystri for to wynne. But in čat čat fallič to God or here soule heele al here strengče is sone ouercaste čoru¨ arewnes of herte 7 liggeč 7 cryeč, crauaunt čoru¨ a wayke wille. Fforči seič seynt Jerom: Lord, he seič, forgyf vs, for we feyne vs 7 turne |r5 oure bak vpon čee, for in čoo werkis čat to čee fallen noon wole preue what he may do. Seynt Jon 7 seynt Jame, cosynes to oure Lord, when he hem askid if čei my¨ten čole pyne 7 deeč, as he schulde do, als sone čei answeride 7 seyde: we may. And we ne may čole a litil penaunce čat helpič če soule 7 |r10 no¨t harmeč če body 7 ¨it ne lastič it but a while. Nede it bihoueč čus to be; he čat wole haue čat lastande wele, here wič peyne he must it wynne. Fforči God seič as it abouen is writen: In sudore vultus tui 7 cetera. čat is: [in] sweet of či face. God čoru¨ čis word he ¨yueč vs to vndirstonde čat he wol čat man ¨yue his body to penaunce, aftir |r15 čat it may suffre or aske skilfully, and čat he ne spare it no¨t 7 resoun why? če body is ¨ouun to če soule as cločing here to weren. čis is čat Job seič to oure Lord: Pelle 7 carne vestisti me. éat is: Lord, wič skyn 7 fleisch čou hauest clad me. čen hač God ¨euen |r[f.15v] če fleisch to če soule as a wyntir roobe to hille čee fro tempestis 7 stormes. A swyer čat |r20 serueč a good man čat cločeč hym twies in če ¨eer, for wyntir 7 for somer, če wyntir robe he werič in his lordis seruyce, ne spareč he it no¨t in tempestis ne in stormes. Ffor he wel wot in če somertyde his good lord wole ¨yue hym anočer newe. Wyntir bitokeneč čis wrecchid lijf čat we now lyuen inne. God is as oure good Lord 7 we his swyers 7 his sow_dyours, |r25 of whom we holde čat we haue, body 7 soule 7 al čat we lyue by in čis world. čis Lord gyueč vs here for čis wyntir oure deedly body as wyntir robe for to were, on such a forward čat, if we defoule čis robe 7 alto ryue it here in his seruyce, he bihetič vs a newe, bri¨ter čen če sunne, čat euere schal laste, world wičouten ende. And as čou seest čat men |r30 cloče for wyntir roobyng wič greet clooč 7 foule, for somer [with] clooč čat is sotil 7 smal, li¨t 7 bri¨t of hewe, so doič oure Lord wič vs. He ¨yueč vs here a foul body, heuy 7 dul 7 schapen to peyne, for to kepe stormes 7 tempestes. But in če somertyde vs schal be ¨ouen če robe čat li¨t schal ben 7 faire 7 whyte |r[f.16r] 7 swiče bri¨te wičal. To telle of če bri¨t_nesse |r35 ne is mannes speche. To defoule čis wyntir roobe wič werkis of penaunce God hymseluen forbyse vs hač ¨yuen. éat swete robe čat he of čat mayden took čat Mary men callič, čat če Holy Goost wičinne hire wombe schoop, no¨t for hymself but for vs, lete it alto ryue. Ne |p16 wolde he sparen; so hertely čerwič he swank, as če gospel tellič, čat blody swoot ran fro his face, stremande to če grounde. Seynt Austyn seič: ffor Goddis sone ne hadde in his godheed wher_inne he pyne my¨t čole, forči took he oure kynde čen, čat he ne were |r5 wičouten peyne. Sičen čat he vngilti peynes suffride, wič woo 7 al wič wrong, and we, vnworči wrecchis, čat peyne haue disserued to haue, 7 we passedyn wičoute, forsoče a¨eyns skil it were. Ffor ri¨twys is če fadir of heuene 7 we so wreccheful čat he wolde čat his oonlepy sone for mannes synnes pyne čoled 7 deed here in erče, ere čat he wolde mankynde were |r10 vnwreken. Ne wolde he it for¨yue or it were fully quytte. čis is čat hooly writt witnessič čere he seič: Proprio filio suo non pepercit, set pro omni_bus tradidit illum. |r[f.16v] čat is: God če fadir [so] hatide synne čat he ¨af his owne sone to če deeč for to fordo [če] synne čat al mankynde hadde don. čerof spekič seint Bernard 7 seič: he čat wol not forbere his owen sone, |r15 how schal he forbere his vnnayt čralle? Sweet comeč of hete 7 hete bitokeneč loue, to vndirstonden čat werkis of penaunce, but čei ben wrou¨t wič loue 7 in charite, čei ne are no¨t medeful. Aftir čat men haue loue lasse or more, so ben here werkis worče lesse or more. So nedeful is čis vertu čat charite men calleč čat wičouten čis noon |r20 may be saaf. éis witnessič seynt Poule čere he seič: čou¨ I couče speke alle langages of men 7 of aungeles, čau¨ I hadde prophecye 7 al maner of wisdam, so čat I knew alle čingis, 7 čou¨ I hadde herto so mykil trouče čat I my¨te mountayns flitten 7 sette where I wolde, if I herewič hadde no charite, I am nou¨t worč. If I ¨yue al čat I haue to fede wič če pore, ¨if I |r25 ¨yue my body to alkyns bittirnes of penaunce to čole 7 to brenne in če fier, if I herto haue no charite, alle čes ne helpeč nou¨t. And why? For vertu is nou¨t wičouten charite. Loo, seint Poule rekkeneč here če noblest |r[f.17r] vertues 7 werkis čat owen most to make men mede to wynne, as penaunce 7 martirdom 7 če pouer to fede, wisdom 7 prophecye 7 stidfast |r30 bileue. And čees, wičouten loue 7 charite, ne is God to queme. Ffor haue a man neuer so myche of erčely goodis, as gold or syluer or očer worldis catel, oučer of kyndely goodis, as witt and wisdam, fairhed or force, for alle čoo dampned may he be, but he hem warly spende to če worschipe of God 7 of his soule hele. Or if he do bodily werkis, as tiliand men don, |r35 or wastič hymself wič swynk, as werkmen don, or goostly werkis deliten hym to don, as to pyne his fleisch wič fastynge 7 očer hardschipis [to] čole, če hungri to fede, če nakide to cloče 7 očer dedis of mercy to do |p17 hem alle on rowe, for alle čoo čat I haue now nemmened, but čei in loue be don 7 in charite, to če pyne of helle dampned may he be. Of so mykil my¨t is čis vertu čat charite men calleč, čat a man čorugh fastyng of oon day čat he in loue doič more mede it wynneč hym in če blys of |r5 heuene čen anočer schal wynne hym čoru¨ fastyng of a ¨eer, čat is to say if charite hym wantič. |r[f.17v] If čou haddest a ryng of gold čat were worč two schillyngis or čre, ¨if men fastned a ¨ymston in če ryng 7 če ryng čeraftir my¨t be solde for an hundred pounde, čou my¨test sočely say čat čis ryng were mykil amen_did |r10 čoru¨ čis ¨ymston čat čerinne were fastened. éus it is bi loue. ée widew, as če gospel tellič, offred but a ferčing to Goddis hous. čis was a pore ¨ifte 7 of a litil pryce. But for sche čis sely ferčing wič grete loue ¨aue, wič Zachee sche gate euenynge in mede, čat of al čat he hadde half ¨aue to pore. Wel čen was čis pore ¨ifte amendid richely čoru¨ hertly |r15 loue čat čerto was fastened. Ffor God ne lokeč not oonly to če ¨ifte, but he lokič wič what loue če ¨ifte is ¨ouen. Mikil čing semeč good čat is not good, for it is no¨t don with a good wille, as werkis čat aren don for veynglorye or for to haue word čerof [or] for to lese očers goodnes. ée holy man seynt Gregori tellič bi an hooly bischop čat men called |r20 Ffortunate, čat chased čoru¨ če grace čat he hadde of God a foule goost out of a man. če which goost anoon, ri¨t a¨ein če euentide, |r[f.18r] dyd hym in liknes of a pilgrym 7 wente čoru¨ če cytee, criand čat here bischop, čat čei helde so holy, hadde put hym out of his hous. As he went čus criande 7 spekande yuel of čat good man, oon of čat cyte, čat hym herde čus |r25 speke, called hym to house 7 sette hym bi če fijr 7 ¨af hym mete 7 drynk, syche as he hadde. When čei of dyuerse čingis hadden told togider, čis cursyd spirit stert ouer če fijr to a cradil čat če mannys child lay inne 7 strangled če child 7 vanyschid awey sone anoon. And why hadde če foule spirit pouste čus to quite his hoost his good deede? Seint Gregory |r30 answerič 7 seič čis čat čis man hadde a fals likynge in čat he herde čis spirit, čat he wende hadde ben a pilgrym, speke yuel of čat good man and [in] čat entent he called hym to house, čat he wore holden of charite more čen če bischop. Who so wole haue mede for his good deede of God, louely it do 7 wič a good wille and čen schal noon vnwy¨te reuen hym |r35 his wele. Ffor no¨t aftir če werke but aftir če loue almy¨ti God schapeč oure mede to vs. Charite is čat oon wei¨te čat |r[f.18v] on če day of doom lieč in če wei¨e čat schal wei¨en oure mede čat we schulen haue. In sudore vultus tui. ée točer poynt of čis reule čat God hač sette to |p18 man for to lyue by čen is čat man norische not ouerdeliciously but wič mesure hymself. čat is vndirstonden in čis word: Vesceris pane tuo. éow schalt, he seič, ete či breed. Breed ¨yueč strengče to če body 7 of alle metes it is most comoun. Noičer he spekič in čis of swannes ne of |r5 pekokes, cranes ne herouns, ne of očer likerous metes, of fisch ne of fleisch, baken ne roosted, ne ¨ett of sewes. Of hem nočing he nemeneč, in tokenyng čat man schal be payed of comun metis 7 drynkis 7 ¨it in mesure he hem take 7 no¨t ouer skille. Who so of čat takič more čen hem nedič, it wol make hem to snaper 7 to synne 7 namely in gloteny 7 sičen |r10 into leccherye fouly for to falle. Ffor suche aliaunce is bitwene čees two, aftir čat oon comunly čat očer foleweč. ée wyseman it seič, trowe it who so wole: to a glotoun it were in_possible chast for to be. Ysaac, če patriark, when he hadde dronken če wyn 7 eten čat he wende were venesoun and folewed his lust al |r[f.19r] at his |r15 likyng, sone anon, ri¨t a¨ens his wille, his ¨onger sone he made his heyr, ne dide he neuere čing čat hym so sore birewyd. Loth, čat amonge če synful God helde so good, so he lefte his witt čoru¨ drynkyng of wyn čat wič boče his dou¨tres he vncomly synned. Sič so holy men glotenye ouercaste, wel owen alle očer če more to be waar 7 ¨yue hem to sobre_nesse, |r20 čat vertu is grete 7 norys is called čat fostureč alle goode čewes. Danyel, Goddis freend, wič his felawes čre, for he hym helde to comun metes, ne wolde he hym fille wič če kynges metes, čau¨ he hem my¨t haue alle at his wille. Wisdam wič grace he čerčoru¨ wan bifore alle če men čat čenne weren on erče. His felawes, čat sobre |r25 weren as he, when čei into če hote fier weren bounden 7 cast for to brenne čoru¨ biddyng of če hečen kyng čat Nabugodonosor was called, če bondes tobrusten, noon of hem wolde holde. And čei walkid in myddis če fier, louynge here Lord; here bodies ne here cločes ne my¨t it not dere. And čat was no wondir, čau¨ it so were. Ffor, as če |r30 book of Danyel |r[f.19v] sočely tellič, če hečen kyng berič witnes as he in čis furneys lokede hem to biholde. He seide he saw¨ oon in myddis če furneyce wič čoo čre, a čing likest Goddis sone of heuen. Glad my¨t čei be --so wel y wot čei weren-- for my¨t no hete of če fier hem dere, while čei amonges hem hadden siche oon to fere. éoru¨ čis myracle in |r35 bookis clerkis tellen [čat] who so loueč mesure 7 outrage forberič 7 wičstondič luste of mete čat če fleisch wolde haue, čau¨ he čoru¨ |p19 leccherie stirynge may fele, vertu of abstinence schal be his bote, čat allyngis to grounde he not falle. In če čridde poynt of čis reule God to vs seič čat we no¨t ouergelous be ouer oure owne fleisch. And why čat we ne schulen he seič sone |r5 anoon; ffor we aren taken of če erče 7 into če erče schul wende. éis čridde [poynt of] čis reule men 7 wymmen ouerpassen 7 ouertaken čat wič curious aray are streyt sett, as clooč vpon če teyntour, čat čei seme smal kuttid aboue če knees, as čau¨ čei schulden wade 7 stampe in myres aftir eles, čat, were here breches torne, men my¨ten see here |r10 lychams. Also čese |r[f.20r] wymmen wič here longe tayles, here hedes with garlondes aboute bisette, what so may make hem semely is čer nočing failyng; čat čat is comun wil čei no¨t. So čei aren in cločing prisoned 7 pynched čat if čei oute schulen, če soče for to say, hem bihoueč be drawen out as an ele out of his skyn. Wolde God čei wist what peryl |r15 čei ben inne čat čus wasten here while. Vndirstonde čei wel, what so euere čei ben, but if čei birewe hem of suche dedis 7 clense hem wič schrifte 7 wič penaunce, boče [for hemsilfe and for] alle čoo čat čoru¨ hem [haue synned], gilty schul čei be, man of womman or womman of man. Cločing was first ¨euen to man his synful membris to cloče 7 to |r20 hide, aftir čat he hadde broken če comaundement of God, ffor he ne my¨t for schame nakid go. God made hem pilchis 7 ¨af hem to were, čat čei my¨t čerwič hem happen a¨eyns če colde. Nočer ¨af he hem robes of skarlet ne of grene, keuerchefes ne garlondes wič perry frettid, bendes ne kelles čat wymmen haue ryue, čat čei čoru¨ hem ne waxe wilde 7 so |r25 lepe into pryde. God hač ¨yuen cločing to man, as I ere seyde, |r[f.20v] his schameful lymes to hil 7 to hide, no¨t wič hem hym to poynte, as he an ymage were, but in mynde of his gilte, čat he my¨te knowe how mysese 7 how nede_ful synne hač hym made. Ffor so faire in kynde he was ere he hadde |r30 synned, čat no more nede hadde he cločed for to haue ben čen če sonne hač, čat schyneč so bri¨t. Ne čurt hym nočing bisy be for to make hym faire, no more čen če rose čat in če erbere springič. But when he wič pride God wičstood 7 trowed če curside neddere, čat hym bigiled, his fairnes 7 his fredom awey can glyde. čen wist he first, as a |r35 woful wrecche, čat he hadde mysdon. čen bihoued hym cločing 7 očer |p20 many what to helpen his kynde, čat becom so weyke. God čen ¨af hym cločing, nočer to worschip ne to pride, but for to hile hym wič 7 to hide fro colde 7 fro stormes 7 as a marke for to haue in mynnyng of his gilte. So is cločing to man as howue to scalled man his sore for to hide. God |r5 kest man for his synne fro paradis to erče to weilen his synnes 7 here for to dre¨e his peyne, no¨t for to make here his heuene. čis is ordeyned hym to woo 7 [to] drynk wič God here of his cuppe, čat cuppe of heele is called, to čole |r[f.21r] myldely alkyns penaunce čat God here sendič [and thenke that man hathe serued a thousande parte more] 7 say wič če holy |r10 man čat to oure Lord preide: Lord, he seyde, I čee biseche wič al my pore herte čat I here may weyle my synnes; Lord, here alto ryue me, eche bon fro očer, čat čow me spare at če streyte dome. ¨if man čis cuppe of penaunce mekely takič 7 knowič hymself vnworči 7 ydel čral, as he čat ne hač of hymself but onely synne, it wil hym wynne socour 7 |r15 grace 7 to God make hym queme. And če more čat man of hymself knowynge hač, če more God ¨yueč hym of his grace 7 čorugh wissyng of čis grace more he kyndelič in če loue of God 7 more sereues to be loued of God. éus it was bi oure dere lady seynt Mary, čat, ča¨ sche hadde more of grace čen any čat euer of modir was born, ¨it sche helde |r20 hirselue leste 7 more lowed hire čen ony očer. Fforči sche fonde grace bifore alle očir, when sočfast Goddes sone of heuene li¨t in hire 7 took oure kynde in hire. Se now heraftir why oure Lord lerneč vs in če gospel to say: Pater noster. éat is: oure fadir, 7 no¨t my fadir. Ffor herečoru¨ he techič |r25 vs čat we schul gedir 7 enclose alle folke in oure preyeres. Ffor alle are we |r[f.21v] brečer 7 systres, boče cristen men, Jewes 7 Saracenes, alle čoru¨ oure forme fadir Adam, of whom we are comen, 7 čat may čow vndirstonde, how čis may be, čoru¨ če grace of God; I schal [če] schewen. Hym čou callest či bročer čat hač če fleisch of če same fadir |r30 čat čou haddist of čyn. Hem oweč čow či brečer for to holde čat hač če soule of če same heuenly fadir čat čow hast of čin 7 of [če same] kynde 7 of če same liknes, [for als wel made he hys soule aftir če lyke_nesse ] of če holy Trinite as čin. And vs au¨te holde more dere, ¨if we witti were, 7 more worči [čis bročerhed čen če točer čat cometh of če |r35 flesche, in as muche as če soule is more noblyer 7 more wurči] čan če fleisch, and oure heuenly fadir more worči čen oure fleischly for to be loued. And so we wolde do if we saw¨ as cleerly wič oure gostly i¨en as we |p21 seen wič oure fleischly i¨en. But for we se no¨t but wič oure bodily i¨en, as doumbe beestis 7 vnwitti, čat knowyng noon haue but of brečerhed čat comeč of če fleisch, roten 7 foule, we ne čenk not čat če soule of a Saracene or of a Juwe [is] as wel made to če liknes of God 7 as wel wič |r5 his deeč was bou¨te as oures. Allas, what sory čing čus haueč vs blent; take now kepe 7 I če schal say. Nočing may bleende če soule but loue one |r[f.22r] čat fastened is in any worldly čing čat endyng hač. Fforči bihoueč man to fi¨te a¨eyn hymself 7 fordo his propre wille, if he wole sočly knowen čis holy bročerhed čat comeč of oure heuenly fader, čat euer schal laste. |r10 Fforči are men and wymmen boče čat čis worlde haue forsaken 7 here owne wille called brečer 7 sustres, no¨t forči čat čei nere bifore brečer 7 sustres, but for čei haue čis world forsaken 7 here propre wille onely for če loue of God, čat čei hem to take. éen at če first čei vndirstonde 7 wittirly knowe čat alle aren brečer 7 sustres čat comen of oon fader, čat |r15 is almy¨ty God. And čis may čou se čoru¨ ensaumple čat I wole če schewe. Take two brečer or two sustres čat of oon fader 7 oon moder fleischly ben comen. če more čat čei haue of erčely goodes, ayčer loueč očer če lesse. And ofte čat oon desireč če deeč of čat očer for to haue če goodes čat his weren. And čei loued pouerte as čei don richessis, aičer |r20 očer for to saue deeč wolde čole. And čis schewič wel to vs oure Lord Ihesu Crist, čat in ensaumple to vs pore bicome 7 ¨af hymself to schenful deeč vs for to make his eyres in heuene. |r[f.22v] Now parcas may sum man čenke čat alle men mowe not come to čis perfeccioun ne gostly čur¨ly se čat we alle ben brečer 7 sustres. And forči |r25 I wole čis matere more opunly schewe, čat čou may bettir vndirstonde of čis bročerhed, 7 aske čee on čis manere: whečer louest čou či fleischly bročer forči čat he is of če same fleisch čat čou art of or forči čat he hač če fleisch fourmed to če liknes of man 7 hač soule as čou hast? ée first may no¨t be, čat is čat čou louest hym for he is of če same fleisch comen čat |r30 čou art of comen. Ffor čen als wel woldest čou loue a pece of flesch čat were coruen of či fadir, and čis is no¨t for to say. čen it is forči čat he hač forme of man as čou hast. Now čen aske I čee here ouere: who fourmed čat fleisch into liknes of man, whečer či fleischly fadir or če fadir of heuene? Here bihoueč čee nedly to answere čat če fadir of heuene it |r35 made 7 not man. Ffor ¨if man it my¨te make, he wolde make his children faire, wičouten lame or lak, knaue children 7 maydenes, when he wolde 7 as he wolde. čat he doič no¨t, ffor when he wolde haue a knaue, he hač |p22 a mayden, when |r[f.23r] he wolde haue a faire, he hač a foule. éen is čis fleischly bročer no more sibbe [to] čee čen is anočer, but in as moche as ¨e haue boče one bigynnyng of ¨oure fleischly fadir. Ffor al čat is of goodnes in body or in soule, or fairnesse or of vertu, if čere any be, it |r5 comeč al fro če fadir of heuene, čat ilyche fre is to vs alle. Waylowey, čat we schul so be bounden to oure fleischly brečeren, so hem for to loue, oonly for a litil fleisch 7 blood čat we haue of če fleischly fadir 7 li¨tly 7 so hately lete of čat očer čat hač forme of man 7 of wom_man as we, no¨t of če fleischly fadir but of če fadir of heuen, of whom čei |r10 haue soule as we. čat is če noblest creature čat euere God schoope 7 most he it loueč 7 nexte hym [it] is čoru¨ kynde, ffor he vnto his owne liknes it schoope. čen schulde we čenke 7 knowe, when we seen or heren speke of any man, what so euere he be, good or yuel, Juwe or Sarasene: A, derworče Lord, čis man, or hym or hire, čou madest of a litel erče |r15 če body 7 ¨aue it liknes of man, as to me, 7 soule to čin owne lik_nes, as to me, 7 bou¨test wič či derworče blood 7 či deeč on |r[f.23v] če rode, as wel as myn. And what goodnes or vertu čat we haue, wher_fore we may be loued, al it is of či ¨ifte, derworče Lord. He is my bročer, hym schal I loue as myself, čau¨ he be now Juwe or Sara_sene |r20 or ellis synful. Ffor, Lord, withinne a while čou kanst make hem good čoru¨ či grace, when it is či wille, as čou didest Mary Maude_leyn 7 seynt Poule, čat weren synful 7 of mysbileue. éou turnedist hem, Lord, in a while čoru¨ či derworče grace and sičen čei weren more pryue wič čee 7 so mykil loued of čee, čat čou settedist hem in ensaumple |r25 to alle 7 ¨af hem či worde for to preche, če synful for to turne. Now hast čou herd, dere frend, how oure Lord schewič to vs če swete loue čat God haueč to vs. Fforči he techič vs to calle hym oure fadir čat is in heuen. And so he techič vs in čis preyer how we to hym schul preye 7 whiche we schulden be in oure preieres and techis vs foure čingis in čese |r30 schorte wordis čat nedeful are vs to haue in oure preyeres. ée first is parfit loue to hym čat we to preyen 7 certeyn hope to haue čat we skil_fully aske in preyer and stalworčly bileue in hym |r[f.24r] čat we trowen on and sočfast mekenes, for of oureself we haue no goodnes. Parfyt loue is vndirstonde in čis worde: Pater, čat is: fadir. Ffor euery creature oweč |r35 to loue his fadir as he techič vs. Certeyn hope is vndirstonden in čis |p23 worde: noster, čat is: oure. Ffor if he be oure fadir, as he techič vs hym to calle, čen may we hope 7 boldely seyn čat he is holden to vs as fadir to hys children. Certeyn bileue is vndirstonden in čis word: qui es, čat is: čat art. éen graunte we 7 knowen čat he is God, čou¨ we hym neuere |r5 saw¨. And čis is certeyn bileue, ffor trouče is nočing ellis but certeyn bileue of čat čing čat may not be seen. Sočfast mekenes is vndirstonden in čis word: in celis, čat is: in heuenes. éen, when we čenke čat he is hi¨e in heuen čat we preyen to 7 we so lowe here in erče, as in a dungoun cast oure synnes for to beten, čen owe we for to lowe vs 7 meke vs as |r10 prisouns 7 miseises, čat in prisoun liggen bounden, his grace 7 his mercy onely to abide. When we haue čese foure čingis in oure herte festened, čen may we boldely seye čat in čis preyer foleweč, čat is: Sanctificetur nomen tuum. |r[f.24v] čat is čat očer poynt of če pater noster and is on englische |r15 čus myche to seye: halewed be či name. Now is it at če bigynnyng čoru¨ če grace of God for to se which is če name of God 7 aftir what it is to say: či name be halewed. Now may sum man aske wher God haue any očer name čen fadir. I answere 7 seye čat he hač očer name. Ffor as če name of če fleischly fadir nys not called fadir to očer men, |r20 čau¨ he be of čee --ffor of očer he is called William or Roberd, čoru¨ če which name of očer he is knowen-- also I say čat God is fadir to no creature but to man one; forči he hač očer name, čoru¨ če whiche he is knowen among alle očer creatures and which čoru¨ alle creatures one hym calle, loueč hym 7 preiseč hym 7 čis name is his goodnes, as al holy |r25 writt witnessič. And čis my¨t čou se čoru¨ skil, for name of man hač two propretees. čat oon is čat name of man is spredde in many steedis, čat očer is čat in alle steedis man is knowen among če folk bi his name. So it is bi čis name of God, čat is his goodnes or his bounte. Ffor his bounte is wyde spredde |r[f.25r] among alle creatures in heuene 7 in erče. For |r30 he čoru¨ his goodnes made alle creatures of nou¨t and čoru¨ his goodnes susteyneč hem, čat čei ne faile, and čoru¨ his goodnesse he ordeyneč hem to here propre endyng. éen my¨t čou se čat če goodnesse of God is spredde 7 is maad comun to alle 7 skil [it] is čat it so be, ffor ellis he tyned če name of goodnes, ¨if it ne were comun to alle. On očer half we |r35 ne may se God in his godhed, but we may knowe hym čoru¨ his goodnes, čat we seen čat he hač doon to euery creature, for euery creature prechič |p24 7 cryeč čat God is good. Ffor ¨if God wolde, al čat is worčid to nou¨t. Fforči, as sone as any creature is maad čoru¨ če goodnes of God, he seič als sone, ¨if čou hym vndirstonde: God čoru¨ his goodnes me hač maad of nou¨t. He ne seič no¨t čat God made hym čoru¨ his power ne |r5 onely čoru¨ his witt. Ffor he made no¨t al čat he kouče make ne al čat he my¨t, čau¨ al be it so čat he makič alle čingis čat are made čoru¨ his power 7 čoru¨ his witt. But he makič al čat he wol čoru¨ |r[f.25v] his good wille 7 čat good wille is his goodnes. čus čen my¨t čou see čat goodnes is če propre name of God čoru¨ čese two propretees. |r10 Allas, so wrecchidful is synful man, for euery creature, čau¨ he may not speke, loueč hys creatour 7 euere seič čat he is al good. And synful man, to whom oure Lord hač moost ¨yuen bifore alle očere creatures, he ryseč a¨eyns oure Lord 7 werrič a¨eyns hym 7 reuič hym [his] ri¨t name and ¨yueč hym čat name čat proprely schulde be to a fole 7 to an vnwor_či |r15 creature. Ffor when man chesič čoru¨ his propre wille anyčing a¨eyns Goddis wille, so čat he breke any of Goddis comaundementis willy 7 witynge, he synneč deadly. Ffor he loueč čat čing more čen God 7 seič in his herte čat če čing čat he chesič or loueč is bettir čen God. Ffor he loueč nočing ne chesič bifore anočer but he holdič [it] bettir 7 more |r20 worči; čat he most loueč čat preyseč he most. Wayloway, what vnworči chaunge is čis. Ffor it is in no creature goodnesse, fairnes ne vertu, in body ne in soule, wherfore it is loued, but God čoru¨ goodnes it sende |r[f.26r] ne ¨it loue but if he it ¨yue, no more čen [is in] a stoon. éen, when we loue ony creature bifore God, we sette God at li¨t pryce 7 ouervnworči |r25 hym make. And if we vnworči hym make, vnworči we make oureself, ffor if we any worčines haue, of his ¨ifte onely we it haue, whois liknes we beren. Now hast čou seen čat če name of God is his grete goodnes, čat is spredde among alle creatures. And euery creature loueč God be čis |r30 name euere whil it lastič. And čis is čat Dauič seič: A solis ortu vsque ad occasum laudabile nomen domini. ée vndirstondynge of čese wordis is čat man fro če bigynnynge of čis lijf vnto če eendynge schal preise če name of God, čat is his goodnes, čat he hač wrou¨te to alle če creatures of čis world. But wailowey, so ofte we, vnkynde wrecchis, more |r35 loue 7 preise če bounte of če creature čen of God, čau¨ no creature bounte haue ne očer goodnes, but ¨if it be čoru¨ če goodnes of God, čat ¨yueč hem no¨t for hemseluen, but for helpe to man are čei made goode and to man ben ¨yuen |r[f.26v] to loue God če bettir 7 to serue hym quyklyer, no¨t to loue če ¨ifte 7 leue če ¨yfer, worschipe če creature 7 dispyse God. |r40 And as ofte men do čat as men louen any erčely čing a¨eyn če wille of |p25 God, what so euere it be, čat is ¨if he wolde breke oon of če comaunde_mentis of God, ere he wolde leue čat čing čat he loueč. Ri¨t so doič God wič vs as [če] norys wič hire child, čat sche mykil loueč. When sche seeč hym wračful or wepe, sche wič hym pleyeč 7 |r5 ¨yueč hym what so he wole haue, euere to čat scho hym stille 7 more hym to make hire for to loue. čus doič Ihesu Crist, oure norys 7 oure louer, to tillen vs to his loue, čat he ouer al činge desyreč 7 of alle vs onely he it askeč čere he seič: ffili prebe michi cor tuum. éat is: my sone ¨yue me čin herte, čat is če loue čat is in čin herte. On al maner he sekič oure loue |r10 for to wynne 7 of his goodnes he vs ¨yueč 7 bekeneč vs al pleyande vs to stille. He seeč how weyke we ben 7 feble of kynde. He seeč čat we grucche |r[f.27r] to come to hym by čese weyes čat sumtyme his hooly halewes diden, wič forsakyng of čis world 7 al his au¨te, as če apostles diden, wič wakynge 7 fastynge 7 wič očere hardeschipes čolynge, as confessours |r15 diden, wič hard fleisch pynyngis 7 deeč suffride at če eende, as martires diden, čat čoru¨ strengče of grace čat čei hadde of God dispisedyn če world in al čat čei my¨t. In steyde of richees chosen pore for to be ; kenely čei stryued a¨eyn če fleisch čerouer maystry to haue. And manye wondris of hemseluen čei wrou¨t Goddis loue 7 his grace onely to wynne. |r20 What doič oure Lord, oure louer, čat oure loue wolde haue? He seeč čat wič suche hardschipes we grucche swiče sore; he ¨yueč vs čat we desyre --as laikande vs to stille-- of čis worldis good to pleye vs wič, čat we čoru¨ če comfort čat we fynde in hem louen hym al če bettir, as skil wolde čat it were. But many aren of neddir kynde, čof doel it be to |r25 seyen, čat of goodes čat God hem ¨yueč bicome al če wors, čat no čonk kun hym of his good dede and, |r[f.27v] čou¨ of hem he serued čank for to haue, čei louen hym lesse aftir čen čei dide bifore 7 putten hym out of here hertis, as he fremde were. Fforči wel doič God wič suche men, what so euer čei ben, čat hym [foryeten] for any goodis čat he to hem |r30 hač ¨ouen, when he fro hem wičdrawič čat čei of hym hadde, čat hym wolde not knowe whiles hem was wel. éei schulde vndirstonde by here woo what čei had doon 7 aftirward če more be waar čat čei not čorou¨ here gult so sikir loue lesen. Seynt Jerom tellič in a book čat Vitas Patrum is kalled of a noble lady, |r35 čat was of noble lijf 7 a kny¨t in good loue swiče mykil loued. Ofte čei come togydir to haue here myrčes in mene; of good loue 7 chaast 7 očer goode vertues onely was here speche. če more čei come togyder such talkyng for to haue, good loue bitwene hem wex euere more 7 more. |p26 Greet likyng čis lady hadde in čis ¨onge kny¨t, čat of good manerloued hire so wel; a faukoun |r[f.28r] gentil to hym sche ¨af to make če loue more čat was bi_twene hem. Sone when čis kny¨t čis faukun hadde lau¨t of čat curteys lady, sone he took his leeue and, čank and hire, went hym to ryuer his faukun see to |r5 fle. Suche play in čis faukun 7 comfort he fonde, čat in očerwhat likynge had he noon. So mykil he loued čis foule, čat hym was so dere, čat to če lady selden he come and ceessid hire for to loue, as scho to hym were strawnge. Fforwondred was če lady of če ¨onge kny¨t, čat he not to hire come, as he was wont to done. When sche knew če enchesoun čat |r10 če lettyng made, redily sche sent bodeword blyue 7 bisou¨t hym for his curtesy, ¨if his wille were, čat he traueil to hire wolde to haue here speches in mene and prayde hym, ¨if it goodly my¨t be, čat he wolde his faukun wič hym brynge. čis kny¨t to čis lady com wič čis faukun on his hande 7 hendely he hire grette. če lady, wrooč as sche were, rau¨t če |r15 faukun by če heued 7 drou¨ it čerfro. Awondrid was čis kny¨t of čis ilke dede 7 as he wrooč were |r[f.28v] to če lady he spak: me činkič dame, he seyde, čou hast vnhendely wrou¨t. What harmed čee če foule, čat vngilti was? ée lady answered soone anoon wič wordis softe 7 meke and seyde: sire, take it not to yuel čat I do for či good; čing čat čee harmed |r20 I haue fordon, no¨t in harm of čee, but it lettid če good loue čat was bitwene čee 7 me. éus it farič bi God, čat is al louande, 7 man, as Salamon če witty in his book seič: Delicie mee esse cum filijs hominum. éat is: myn delices arn for to dwelle wič mennes sones. A, derworče God, so pitous |r25 is či worde čat, were men neuer so harde of herte 7 wič synne bounden, ¨if he wolde čenk on čis derworče sawe 7 haue čis word hertly in mynde, it au¨t to make hym in loue to melte 7 worče al to teeres. Sičen almy¨ti God, čat al schal deme, wič so mykel gelousy chees vs so dere, čat his delyces aren wič vs to dwelle, ffayn au¨t vs to be, we |r30 careful wrecchis, to do čat we mowen čis Lord to seruen, čat we če mede mowe wynne čat he vs |r[f.29r] bihette 7 for to leue alle čoo činges čat my¨t hym greue, čat his likyng in vs may be fulfillid. Oure louande God doič to vs as čis lady dide, čat we schulde wič alle oure hertis loue hym če more. He ¨yueč vs čis faukoun, čat is erčely goodis, to solace 7 to |r35 oure pleye. But what doič man when he čese goodes of Goddes hoondes hač taken? In hem he fyndič suche likyng 7 loueč hem so mykel čat God holly he for¨etič 7 turneč hym če bak. éat čis by many is sooč God čoru¨ če prophete seič: Saturaui eos 7 obliti sunt mei. éat is: I |p27 haue fullid hem wič erčely goodes 7 čei me for¨ete. Anentis suche, as me činkeč, God wel doič, čat of Goddis ¨ifte no menyng kan haue, when he wičdraweč fro hem čat he hem lente, to proue čerwič which čei ben čat hym wole not loue for his good deede, so čat čei knowe what he may |r5 doon when čei it lesen. In ensaumple herof we reden of an hečen kyng čat Nabugodonosor is called, as in če book of Danyel sočly it tellič. For če power čat he had 7 richees at |r[f.29v] his wille hym čou¨t če my¨t of no god my¨t to hym reche 7 čat noon had power to hym in heuene ne in erče. As čis |r10 kyng in his halle his walkynge inne made, in čat name couče cyte čat Babilon men callen, 7 čou¨t of his nobeleys 7 his my¨tis grete, he lokyd hym al aboute as he čere stood to biholde čat cytee čat semely was sette 7 sone a fals likyng čerof can he haue 7 spekand to hymself čese wordis can he seye: Is čis not Babilon my cyte, so grete, so my¨tful, |r15 so riche, čat I haue maad čoru¨ my force? In howsyng to my rewme 7 to worschipe of me al čis is wrou¨t. Vnnečis čen had čis kyng čese wordis spoken [čat] a voyce come fro heuene 7 on hym fel 7 sturnely to hym seyde ri¨t as I schal telle: Nabugodonosor, to čee I saye čat kyng art called, vndirstonde čis tokenynge čat I to čee say; ffro comoun of |r20 men čou schalt be out cast 7 fro či rewme čou schalt out glyde, wič wilde beestis či dwellyng schal be, as an oxe in če cribbe čow schalt ete hay; be not |r[f.30r] awondride čat I čee telle, ffor sooč čou schat it fynde čat I to čee say. Seuene ¨eer on čee al čis schal falle 7 nou¨t schalt čou mys of čat I to čee haue seyd, to čat čou knowe how my¨ty is God, čat |r25 ouer alle kyngis maystrie hač, čat in heuene 7 in erče al gouerneč at his wille for to do in dede al čat he čenkič; kyng ne cayser ne may hym lette. čau¨ če kyng awondrid was of čat tičing čat hym was told, sočely he it fonde, al wičout mys, til he wist what he was 7 his gylt can knowe. Aftir čat almy¨ty God čus hym hadde tau¨te to knowe his power 7 what |r30 he was 7 his gylt can knowe, in soočfast wisdom so he was lerned čat al čis nobleye of čis world he set it at nou¨t, power ne tresorye ne seig_nourye grete, čat čese mody kyngis leten mykil by. éen bigan he hym for to meken, when he če soče can knowe 7 in his rewme was sette kyng, as he was ere. His louyng he bigan to make to če my¨tful kyng of heuen. |r35 [I bleysse, he sayde, 7 I wurschype on] lyuande God, čat neuer more schal deye. His werkis alle 7 his domes for ri¨twis |r[f.30v] I hem knowe, ffor če hye he can ouercaste 7 make hem lowe and če lowe he reiseč al at his wille. Fforči če welče of če worlde is ofte vs bigilande 7 lettič vs wič wrong |r40 God for to loue. Medeful me činkič it is oure fadir for to preye čat |p28 his goodnes be confermyd 7 stablid in vs, ffor in hym it is confermyd 7 in alle creatures but in man alone, ffor če goode aungeles aren confermyd in good, če yuel in yuel. And čen at če first is če goodnes of God con_fermed 7 stablid in oure hertis when we parfitely loue God, čat is |r5 soočfast goodnes in al čat good is. And when we in vs ne in noon očere creature loue nočing but God 7 his goodnes and when če name of [God on] such maner is confermed in vs, čen haue we wonnen čree dere čingis. če first is čat we ne schullen wraččen vs for nočing čat may falle, but for synne one, ffor alle čingis |r10 čat comen to man, čei comen čoru¨ good wille of God, but onely synne. éen, if čou wračče čee or sory be for bodily yuel or for losse of worldis goodis or for freendis |r[f.31r] deeč or for any worldis angre čat to čee falleč or to čee may come or to či freende, wite čou wel forsoče čat če name of God ne is nou¨t confermed in čin herte. |r15 éat očer čing is čat we ne schulen seche nočing of čis worlde but oonly če honour of God, oure fadir of heuene, and myspreise oure_self 7 holde oureself synful 7 vnworči wrecchis, nedeful and pore of alle goode čewes. Ffor wit čow wel forsoče čat he čat here in erče huntič aftir worldis louyng or ¨ernič to be preysyde or honoured, but [in] as |r20 mykil as it may falle to če honour of God, he loueč nou¨t če honour of God but hys owne. Suche ben čei čat haue a veyn pryde when God hač hem ¨ouen a vertu or a grace and enuye hač of očer čat suche ¨iftis haueč of God or bettir čen čei or wyser or fairer ben čen čei. Suche turne here good into yuel, vertu into vyce, tryacle into poysoun, lijf into |r25 deeč. Fforči ben čei čoru¨ ri¨twis doom worči to leese čat good 7 če grace čat God hač hem ¨ouen. Ffor good of God ¨ouen to |r[f.31v] any lijf nys nou¨t good but if če resseyuour of čis good make it comoun to alle. And forči, if čow wolt čat če good čat God čee hač ¨ouen be oonly čin owne, čow makest či good yuel. And ¨if čat či good be fulfillid in alle či |r30 brečeren, če more čou spredest če name of God, fadir of heuene, and če more čou art worči to haue of Goddes [goodes] 7 če more čou hast. Als čow seest a gloand broond of fire, če more he caasteč of heete to čingis čat abowte hym been, če more he hač hymseluen 7 če lesse he casteč, če lesse he hač 7 ¨if he no¨t caste, no¨t he hač. And wite čow |r35 wel forsoče čat he čat wole [čat] his good to hymsilf be aproprid 7 wil no¨t čat it be comoun, he wol no¨t čat God be comoun. And if he wol no¨t čat God be comoun, he ne wil no¨t čat God be God, ffor he may no¨t be God but if he be comoun. Fforči Ihesu Crist, čat his derworči blood schedde for vs alle, ¨if it be his wille, he scheelde vs |r[f.32r] |r40 fro čis oonly loue. Fforči be čow no chinche of či goodis čat God čee |p29 hač lente, ffor če more čat čou it spredist če more wič čee it waxič and boldly my¨t čou či good čus spende, sič čou schalt not tyne. ée čridde čing is čat ¨if če name of God be čus halewed in vs, we schul loue God in alle oure werkis, seand, herand, goand, spekand, čenkand, |r5 wakand. But forči čat čis čing may no¨t fully be fulfillyd of vs here in čis lijf --ffor in čis deedly lijf we may no¨t oure loue so parfitely ordeigne-_fforči schul we here ouer alle čing desire 7 to oure fadir preye čat when it is his wille he it vs sende. And bigynne we it here for to wynne, aftir čat God wole ¨yue vs my¨t of his derworče grace and fordo [we] alle če |r10 čingis čat in vs any lettyng may make, čat God vs graunte here it so [to] bigynne čat it may be fulfillid in vs in če lijf čat euere schal laste, where nočing vs may lette. Now hast čou seen čat če name of God is goodnes, čoru¨ which he is knowen čoru¨ alle creatures. Ffor we may no¨t seen |r[f.32v] hym here in |r15 his godhed, forči he ¨yueč vs here knowyng of hym čorou¨ his goodnes, čat he hač maad comoun to alle creatures. And čou may vndirstonde on anočer maner čat če name of God is Ihesu Crist, forči čat no man may see God in his godhed. But when he took fleisch 7 blood in če virgyn Mary 7 bicom man for vs synful čorou¨ his derworče mersy, |r20 čen my¨t alle see 7 knowe in his persoun boče God 7 man. Man mi¨t čei knowe 7 see čat he was čorou¨ čat čei sawen [čat] he eete 7 dranke 7 body hadde 7 fleisch, in whiche čei sawe hym čole pyne 7 deeč, čat God ne my¨t do. God my¨t čei knowe čat he was čorou¨ skil 7 see, in as myche as čei saw¨ čat he reisyd fro deeč to lyue, čat he helyd če |r25 seeke, če deef, če doumbe 7 očer bodily yueles, čat he ¨ede on če see, as men don on če erče, čat če wynde 7 če see were bowande to his wille, čat he fedde fyue čousande of men in wildirnesse wič fyue barley looues and |r[f.33r] two fisches, so at če fulle čat če disciplis at Cristis biddyng filled twelue lepes wič releef čat lefte of če feestyng. éei saw¨ wel čat suche |r30 werkis mi¨t noon do but God one. éen, čorou¨ suche as čei sawen hym do, čei mi¨t wel knowen čat he was sočfast God 7 sočfast man. Fforči is it wel called Ihesu Crist Maries sone če name of God. Preie we čen oure fadir of heuene čat his name, čat is derworče Ihesu Crist his sone, be con_fermed 7 stabled in oure hertes, čat is for to seye čat al oure loue be |r35 stabled in Ihesu Crist, čat al good hač don vs, doč 7 schal do čorou¨ his mikil mersy. éis name was witterly festened in če herte of seynt Ignace, čat ans_werid |p30 to če tiraunt čat he ne my¨t in no wise but truly trowe in Ihesu Crist, for he was writen in his herte. When če tiraunt herde čis, he leet slee Goddis martir 7 did drawe out his herte 7 fonde writen wičinne wič lettris of gold: Ihesu Crist is my loue. A, swete Ihesu Crist, 7 čou |r5 were stablischid in oure hertes, |r[f.33v] how we wolde loue pouerte, miseses 7 očer bodily angres and čat, derworče Lord, to be lyke čee. Lucifer in heuene coueitide to be like čee, but no¨t on čis wise. Fforči out of heuenly blijs he felle bodily deuel into pyne of helle. Also Adam, oure careful fadir, vnwarly willed to be čee lyke in godhed, čat he ne |r10 my¨t wičouten synne ¨erne. Fforči he was cast anoon ri¨t out of čat cely stede of mirče čat paradys is called into erče for to drei¨e woo 7 wandre in pyne 7 penaunce, his dayes to wasten 7 dy¨e at če ende. And čou, derworče Lord, for čat mikil loue čat čou haddest to vs, čou madist čiself pore 7 mysese here in erče for man, čat he my¨t ¨erne here |r15 to be čee lyke in penaunce 7 sičen [to be] in či blisse. Gladly, Lord, we wold be čee lyke here in honoures, as čou art in heuene, but no¨t to be pore, to čole pyne 7 dispyt wič čee, as čou suffredist here in erče. Wail_awey, wrecchis čat we ben, yuel semeč it vs to dwelle in his blys wič hym when |r[f.34r] [we] waryed sinful wole no¨t suffre pouerte ne penaunce wič |r20 hym here in erče. And so mykil he čoled vngulty for oure synnes 7 wite he wel forsoče, he čat may not čole mysdede, he dispisič če name of God, čat is Ihesu Crist, ne he is no¨t stable in his herte. éen God, če fadir of heuen, so stable his goodnes in oure hertes 7 his dere sone Ihesu Crist on suche a maner čat we hym so loue 7 loue in alle his creatures, |r25 čat it be his sone 7 hym onely to pay and we as his dere childre nočing do čat be a¨eyn his wille. But forči čat we may [čis] neuer parfitely do in čis wrecchid worlde, fforči to oure fadir of heuene in čis preier we seye: Adueniat regnum tuum. And čis is čat očer preyer of če pater noster, čat is to seye: |r30 Come to vs či rewme, čat čou regne in vs in čis lijf wič či grace and aftir čis lijf we wič čee in či blisse. Ffor man may not regne wič God in his blys, but ¨if God regne čorou¨ his grace wič man here in his lyue. éou schalt vndirstonde |r[f.34v] čat če rewme of God is vndirstonden on čre maneres. Ffirst euery man oweč to be če rewme of God. And čis |r35 may čou li¨tly see, ffor [a] rewme nys no¨t ellis but a land čat hač |p31 many cytees 7 a kyng čat alle gouerneč 7 ledič wič ri¨twisnes. éi body is če lande 7 či fyue wittis are fyue citees wič here werkis, čat wenden in 7 out čur¨ hem. ée werkis ben as folk of če cytees, če resoun of či soule is a domesman in čis rewme, čat demič boče good 7 yuel, as |r5 ri¨twys domesman oweč to done. And God oure fadir is kyng of čis rewme. And čen at če first art čou če rewme of God when či resoun, čat schal gouerne 7 lede či fyue wittis, hač noon očer kyng, noon očer gouernour but God onely. And als sone as he herič or seeč čat anyčing in his rewme be don or čou¨te, oučer bi day or bi ny¨t, čat be a¨ein |r10 če wille of čis kyng, als tyte as ri¨twys domesman he fordoč it 7 de_stroyeč it 7 če werkis 7 če willes čat aren plesaunt to če kyng, he makič hem wič al hys my¨t quycly to be wrou¨te. When če resoun |r[f.35r] on čis maner folewič če wille of čis kyng, čen is resoun fre 7 lord sočely may be told of al če lond vndir čis kyng, boče of cytees 7 of folk, čat is for |r15 to vndirstonde of če fleischly wittis 7 here werkis. And if čou on čis wyse demest čiself here on erče, čou schalt for či traueil be corouned in heuene. On očer half čou may vndirstonde čat holy chirche here in erče is če rewme of heuene, of če whiche če pope schulde be as suffragan 7 |r20 hi¨e iustice vndir God. Cardynals, archebischopis 7 bischopis, arche_dekenes 7 lower prelatis ben as erles 7 barouns 7 iustices 7 schirifes 7 bailifes to gouerne 7 rule če puple 7 Ihesu Crist is as heued of alle. And if we wil čen vmčenke and vndirstonde hertely how čis kyng lowed hym so mykil čat he cam fro heuene 7 li¨t in erče 7 for oure bihoue bicome |r25 man in čat blisful mayden Mary 7 wastid here his lyf wič many bittir peynes 7 peyneful deeč at če eende -- And why? Certis for noon očer enchesoun but for to delyuer |r[f.35v] oure soules fro če deeč 7 reise hem to lyue, če whiche soules he bou¨t so dere wič če price of his derworče blood. And he hač ¨yuen to prelatis 7 preestis of hooly chirche power to ¨yue 7 |r30 to teche Goddis lawe, wherfore me činkič grete sorewe 7 forčinkyng vs oweč to haue, when čese čat cristen mennes soules hač vndirtaken to teche 7 truly to lerne če weyes to God, when we suche prelatis 7 preestis seen more here wittis sette 7 here loue on erčely čingis, čat wol čei nyl čei schulen fayle, čen of če soules čat čei haue to kepe, čat is Goddis owne |r35 dere tresour 7 moste to hym lyke. Ffor he is an yuel herde čat letič če wolfe worie his scheep, čat recchič not where čei bicome, but čat he haue če wolle 7 če mylke. Non oweč to take čis riche tresour to kepe, čat is cure of mannes soule, but he kan loue. Fforči Crist, ere he wolde ¨yue cure to Petir of mannes soule, čat to hym was so dere, čries he hym |r40 asked ¨if he hym loued, as ¨if he to Petir seyde: But ¨if |r[f.36r] čou parfitely |p32 loue me, čat is for to seye more čan eny fleischly freend or sibbe or more čen any erčely goodis or more čen čin owne lijf, be not ellis so bolde to vndirtake če cure of mennes soules, for whom I schedde my herte blood. ¨if any in očer wyse cure of mannes soule vndirtake or holdič it, be |r5 [he] what so euere he be, [he] destroyeč če rewme of God Ihesu Crist. Fforči it is nedeful to preye to oure fadir of heuen čat he stable 7 sette suche prelatis in holy chirche čat so may gouerne his puple, čat so his rewme bi hem be ledde, čat onely it be hym to pay. On če čridde maner čis rewme may be vndirstonde čat rewme čat |r10 schal be whan al hooly kirke schal be assemblid togidir in heuen aftir če day of doom 7 čat au¨te vs hertely to ¨erne, ffor čere schal we haue če lastyng ioye, čat grete ioye, 7 čere schal God witterly regne in vs. éere schal we nočing desire but oonly če wille of oure fadir of heuen. éere schul we haue al čat we wole of ioye 7 likyng in body 7 in soule 7 ¨it oure |r[f.36v] |r15 weele schal neuer mys. But wite čou wel forsoče čat in čis bodely lijf may no¨t čis rewme of God be fulfillid in vs [in] al, so čat al oure witte, oureloue 7 alle oure werkis be alle reuled to če loue of God, ffor a¨eyn suche willis 7 werkis oure fleisch oftetyme a¨eynstondič. Wherfore vs bihoueč wič_stonde če ¨ernynge of če fleisch 7 lowen hym to serue če spirit wič helpe |r20 of Goddis grace. čat we ne lesen oure mede, we moten fi¨te a¨eyn če fleisch 7 holde it vndir foote, čat he in folye ne glid, ffor in his ledyng he is ouermaysterful, ¨if he haue his wille. ¨it anočer lettyng we haue in vs, ffor čou¨ it were so čat če fleisch were acordid wič če spirit, ¨it če grete defaute of witt čat is wičinne vs lettič vs ofte to loue čoo čingis čat God |r25 wolde we loued. Ffor so feble we are of oureself 7 so woyke of witt, čat we knowe not in many čingis what is Goddis wille 7 čis witt čat were nedeful vs for to haue is not lerned čorou¨ clergie but čorou¨ mekenes. And čerfore, if čou witerly |r[f.37r] knowe čin owne feblenes, čat čou no good ne witt hast of čiself 7 preiest to God, čat is welle of wisdam, čat he |r30 sende čee vndirstondynge for to knowe his wille, ¨if it stonde no¨t be [če], če Hooly Goost čoru¨ my¨t of his mykil goodnes he schal li¨t čee wič glemes of his grace 7 schal teche čee to strecche či loue to če loue of God. And euer če more so čou dispisist čiself 7 holdist čiself vnworči wrecch 7 synful čoru¨ verray mekenes, če more he schal sende of his |r35 derworče grace. But see now how froward we are in čis preyer 7 how we it wičstonde. We preien hym čat his rewme come to vs, čat is čat he at his wille schorte oure dayes 7 take vs fro čis careful lijf, čat is al bisett wič |p33 miseses 7 wič teres, in če whiche we are kast as in a dongoun oure dayes for oure gilt here for to waste in penaunce 7 in woo, 7 bryng vs to čat ioye čat neuer schal haue eende. Neuerčeles, whanne God calleč vs wič penaunce or wič seeknes čat we to hym come, we ben no¨t buxum |r5 to do his wille, but wrastelen a¨eyn |r[f.37v] 7 stryue and seche on alkyns wyse čat his rewme come not. And ¨if it so bityde čat oure Lord wole čat we algatis come, with sorewe 7 wič drede 7 al a¨eyns oure wille, as is carles kynde, čoru¨ deeč hens we passe. Whi wole we of hym mede haue, to whom we come a¨ens oure wille, sič we haue more likyng in čis kareful |r10 worlde to dwelle čen wič God in his blisse? Als ofte we scorne God as we hym biseche when we to hym čis preier make, čat is či rewme come to vs. And sorely tyne we oure tyme as vnfeičful wrecchis, čat good ne yuel, pyne ne ioye očer ne knowen čen we here felen, čat is but a schadoo of čat weel or of čat woo čat euerlastande beč, world wičouten |r15 eende. Sočely, if we feičful were of čat heuenly ioye čat God vs bihette, as če apostle tellič --če mykilnesse čerof herte ne may it čenke ne tunge may it telle-- alle hardeschippes čat we čoole softe wolde vs čink čat ioye for to wynne. Ri¨t farič it bi vs as by a childe čat were born 7 norischid in a don_goun |r20 vndir če erče, |r[f.38r] čat neuer li¨t saw¨, man ne womman ne beeste but his modir one. Who so to čis childe his tokenyng wole make of če sonne or of če mone, how bri¨t čei schynen, of foules in če eyr 7 ffysches in če flood, of dyuerse beestis čat faire are to see, of gold, of siluer, of preciouse stoones čat God in čis mydilerd to man hač |r25 ¨yuen, al čis talkynge litil wolde he trowe, for neuer bifore he hem hadde sene. éus it fareč by vs, vnfeičful wrecchis, čou¨ we čoru¨ techyng of če prechoures here of če ioye of heuene čat God vs bihotič or of če peyne of helle ¨if we mistake, [al] vs činkič but fantom 7 dreem, ffor we nočer it fele ne it haue sene. Ffor ¨if čei feičful trowed on Goddis hooly |r30 lore 7 of če lastande wele čat he hem bihetič, fast wolde čei stryue a¨eyn hemself wič werkis of penaunce čat weele to wynne, ffor wič nočing ellis may men čerto reche. When we čis preier make to oure fadir of heuene 7 biseche hym as we seyn čat to vs come his rewme, če woordis of če prophete to vs may he seye: Populus autem iste labijs |r[f.38v] me honorat, |r35 set cor eorum longe est a me. éat is: čis folk wič here lippis worschipič me, but here hertis are fer fro me. ¨he, sočely may he seye here hertis aren a¨eyns me, [čat is here sunneful werkes čat cometh fro če wyckede hertes are a¨eynes me] 7 lettič če comyng of če rewme. éei preye čer_aftir wič here lippis 7 as muche as in hem is čei fordon it wič here synful |r40 werkis 7 letten it for to come. |p34 éis rewme schal come at če day of doome, when če noumbre is ful_filled of alle čese čat schul be saue, če whiche noumbre is certeyn 7 bigan for to gadir at če tyme when Crist stey¨ vp to heuene wič alle če soules čat he brou¨t out of helle, čat many were fro če tyme čat Adam hadde |r5 synned. Alle čat deade were to če tyme čat Crist roose to lyue, čat was fyue čousande ¨eer two hundrid 7 čritti, alle went to helle 7 čere čei dwellyng made, abidyng če tyme of hym, and euer sičen to čis day hač čat cely felawschipe ben waxing to fulfille če noumbre of če ordres čat fro heuene felle. Sum day stei¨e to eche čat noumbre elleuen čousande of |r10 virgynes 7 |r[f.39r] matrones, sum day fewer, sum day moo. And seynt Jerom witnessič čat it ne is no day in če ¨eer čat fyue čousande martris [ne] haue for Goddis loue here blood schedde but če first day of Janyuer aloon. éen semeč it wel bi čis sawe čat čis cely noumbre myche is en_cressid. Wher čis noumbre be ny¨ fulfillid or nou¨t, or many ben of vs |r15 to čat heuenly felawschip or fewe, noon is so crafty of witt čat sočly kan telle. Vmčenke čee wel now in či herte what men wolde do in forbisne čat I now schewe. ¨if če kyng of Englond, čat my¨tful is 7 riche, as kyng in paleys in his see were sette 7 če setil of his halle wič če worčiest of his rewme, aftir če |r20 kyng hem loued, were in hem stalled; ¨if čis halle were fulfillid of čis kyngis freendis, but oon benche aloone, čat to twenti were mete; ¨if čis kyng čen in his rewme čis cry did make čat whiche twenty čat my¨t fulfille čat benche soonest wič čat felawschep, čei schul lyue 7 ioye, nočing schal hem wante čat here wille may bete, and alle čat aftir |r[f.39v] čese twenty |r25 čat on če benche were sette 7 of čis freendly felawschip frely fulfilled, alle čat out of čis felawschip or setils my¨t be founden in any steede of his rewme, where so it be, as traytours 7 gilty dampned čat čei be 7 kast in a dongoun penaunce to drei¨e 7 euere tyde 7 tyme here sorew be newe; ¨if čis forbysne sočely my¨t falle, it is noon so woke, but čei vnwitty |r30 were, if čei wist če wille of če kyng 7 knew če peril čat če dwellyng my¨t make, fast wolde čei stryue echeoon wič očer, če sone wič če fadir, če dou¨ter wič če modir; bifore hem for to renne wolde čei not spare čese setis for to wynne. Leue we now čis forbisne čat soč may not be 7 take we to čese |r35 čingis čat nedely mut falle. By čis kyng čat spoken is of schal be vn_dirstonde če hy¨e kyng of heuene, čat alle my¨tis may in heuen 7 in erče 7 also in helle. To alle kyngis he ¨yueč [če] power čat čei haue and whanne so he wole he may hem down caste. To če kallyng of čis |p35 kyng alle kyngis |r[f.40r] muste bowe and redily come hym bifore reckenyng to make of alle če werkis čat čei han wrou¨te sič čei born were; čou¨ čei hadde it sworne, may čei it not forsake. So aferd schul čei be čat are now so kene as wood lyouns čat noon wol knowe, so aferd schul čei be |r5 čis kyng on to see, čat hem were leuer fro hym hem to hyde čan to welde al če gold of čis mydilerče. čis kyng in his paleys eendelesly is troned, as lord in his owne, my¨tful ouer alle. Ffor a gederyng of his freendis frely hač made setis 7 segis, craftely wrou¨te. čis frely kyng his messageres hač sente to alle če men of his lond, boče to lesse 7 more, čat čei come |r10 to his court hastely. He hem biddič bityme here stedis for to take in his comely rewme at če feste čat eendeles schal be, to haue likyng and ioye wič čat heuenly felawschep euer yliche newe. Ouer čis čis kyng scharply seič, trowe [it] who so wole, he čat wol not come for my callyng wane of al čat hem |r[f.40v] my¨t like for euere I hem bihete. Of čis kyngis freendis many |r15 ben comen swiče wičal, čat alle če benchis of če halle beč ny¨ fylled. éenk ¨it čat vnneče is lefte oon, so moche is če prees čat is holden to čese čat beč to come, čat če lenger čat we dwelle, če more may we drede čat očer prees vs tofore oure seges for to wynne and we as vnwitty ben stoken čeroute in woo 7 in peyne for to be for euere. Ffor be če first |r20 gestenyng al brou¨t togidir 7 al če sete fully besette, če ¨ates schul be loken for ones 7 euere ne čar noon čidir čenke čat out is bilafte. ¨if čei prees to če ¨ate ingange to haue, God hymself to hem schal seye: ¨ee are comen al to late, for I knowe ¨ow not; wendič ¨oure weye, wendič, he schal seye, ¨ee waried, fro me into če fyer of helle, čat euere schal laste, |r25 čat is greičid to če feend 7 his meyny with [če] forwaried čerinne for to brenne. Biseche we čen God če fadir, as he vs techič, čat his rewme mote to vs come, čat is čat he |r[f.41r] regne wič vs here wič grace, čat we may haue ingang to hym ere he his ¨atis sperre and čat we regne wič hym wič čat cely felawschipe for euer in his blys. |r30 But forči čat we ne may to čat ioye wynne but we do his wille in čingis čat hym is leef, forči he techič vs how we schul čerto wynne in čese woordis čat sone here in čis preier folewič: Ffiat voluntas tua sicut in celo 7 in terra. čat is: gyue vs grace to do al čat čou comaundist 7 for to wičstonde al čat čou fendist, čat is čat we, erčely men, whyles |r35 we lyue here in čis deedly lijf, čat we do če wille of če fadir, as čine aungeles 7 alle čine halewes don in heuene. And čis schul we ¨erne |p36 wič alle oure hertis, ffor Lucifer, čat was so faire, so loueli 7 so bri¨t, als sone as he lefte če wille of God 7 folewid his owne propre wille, he bicome a ločely deuel, čat heuen 7 erče hym dispisid 7 kest hym into če pitt of helle. Also it fel bi Adam 7 Eue, out of paradys he hem |r5 caste, fro če stede of likyng čat čei weren inne, wherof čei hadde here lordeschip, whiles |r[f.41v] čei were obeysauntes to če wille of God 7 holly če seignourye of al mydilerče. So stalworče 7 so holy čei weren in here kynde čat no wo my¨t hem dere čat men here drei¨en. But also soone as čei folewed here owne propre wille 7 wičstood če wille of here Lord, |r10 čei become anoon čralles to če feend, čat so fre were bifore, whiles čei to God buxum were 7 becom deadly, čat euere mi¨t haue lyued in ioye 7 in blisse. Sičen čei were dampned čoru¨ ri¨twis doom, čei 7 alle here ospring towende to helle, pyne 7 sorewe euer to drei¨e for here wič_stondyng a¨eyns Goddis wille. And ¨it we alle čidir schulde haue wente, |r15 ne hadde it ben če pyte of oure louand Lord; for noo goodnes čat we to hym haue doon, but oonly čoru¨ his mykil mersy, he made vs alle fre, wherčoru¨, ¨if we wole to hym buxum be 7 do his biddyng, as we wel owič, on such a forward he quytič vs for euer fro čat eendeles pyne čat I of tolde. |r20 And ¨it it is so čat man may do |r[f.42r] nočing čat hym may be heleful to soule, but in as moche as he folewič če wille of God his Lord. Ffor man to folew his owne wille is bigynnyng of alle yueles. Fforči askič če holy man wherof synne arisič. And certis, he seič, of propre wille of man, čat is when men leeueč če propre wille of God 7 wičstondič |r25 it and folewič here owne. Herof spekič seynt Bernard: what hatič God, what punyschič God but propre wille of man? Man, he seič, fordo či propre wille 7 helle schalt čou nou¨t be inne. éen it is nedeful to man to wičstonde his owne propre wille, sič it is God so loč. And čis God hymself tau¨te vs for to do čoru¨ če gospel, čere he seič čat he so |r30 dide. Ffor as če hooly man soočly tellič: ri¨twys lore it is to vs alle Cristis holy werkis. Non veni facere voluntatem meam, set voluntatem patris mei qui est in celis. éat is: I am not comen to do my wille, God hymself seič, but če wille of my fadir čat is in heuene. Fforči čat čat he dide louely |r[f.42v] vs lerneč če gospel of seynt Mathew, čere he to vs seič : |r35 Qui vult venire post me, abneget semet ipsum. éat is: he čat wole folow me to my blisse forsake he hymself, čat is his propre wille and suche as synne hym made. Ffor če propre wille of God, as seynt Austyn seič, |p37 is bigynnyng 7 roote of goodnes, so če propre wille of man of al čat yuel is. No¨t of čat wille I speke čat wič God 7 goodnes acordič --čat is comoun to God 7 ech good man-- but of oure cursyd ¨ernyng čat we wolde were don a¨eyns če worschip of God 7 to harme of očer. éis wille |r5 oonly in helle schal brenne, as seynt Bernard witnessič, world wičouten ende. To God it fallič, as seynt Anselme seič, to haue bifore očer his owne propre wille, so čat he noon očer haue abouen hym for to folowe. Ffor when a man wol ou¨t do wič his propre wille, he takič če coroun fro Goddis heued 7 settič it vpon his owne. Ffor so as coroun to kyng oonly |r10 bifallič, ri¨t so propre wille oonly fallič to God. |r[f.43r] Greet dishonour he dide to a kyng, what so euere he were, čat wič maystry and strengče his coroun fro hym refte. To God no lesse he mysdooč but a hundridfold more čat reueč hym če priuylege of his propre wille, čat oonly to hym fallič as coroun to a kyng. éerfore warly vmčenk čee, what so euere |r15 čou doost, čat it acorde wič oure Lordis wille Ihesu and čen schalt čou neuer birewe či werk čat čou hast doon. Ffor in as moche as čou acordist to če wille of God, in so moche čou art festened to God in oon wille 7 oon spirit, čat is lastande lijf, in whom alle če desires 7 alle če goode willis čat hert of man may čenk aren alle togidir gederid in oon. |r20 And ¨if čou folow čin owne wille 7 leeue his, čou departist čee [fro] lijf 7 fro eendeles ioye. éat čou may see čoru¨ skil, why čou schalt folew če wille of God 7 leeue čin owne, ffor God, oure fadir almy¨ty, he may do alle čingis wičouten any lettyng. And he knowič a čousandfold bettir |r[f.43v] what we |r25 haue nede of, boče to lijf and to sowle, čen oureself 7 more vs loueč čen we oureself. And bisy he is tyde 7 tyme on vs for to čenke, as he hadde nou¨t to do but oonly be entendaunt to vs to purueye 7 greiče al to vs čat vs is nede to haue to body 7 soule, but ¨if we hym lette. Sič God hač ¨ouen lijf to man, it is for to trowe čat he wol ¨yue čat |r30 nedeful is to če sustenaunce of če lijf. ée lijf is more čen če mete, as God hymself seič: Nonne anima plus est quam esca? As ¨if he seyde: he čat ¨yueč če more, he schal ¨yue če lesse to sustenaunce of če more. Fforči biddič God in če gospel of seynt Luk: Ideo dico vobis: ne soli_citi sitis anime vestre quid manducetis, neque corpori quid induamini. |r35 Anima plus est quam esca 7 corpus plus quam vestimentum. éat is: I seye to ¨ou čat ¨ee be not bisy to ¨oure lijf what ¨ee schullen ete ne to ¨oure bodyes what cločing ¨ee schul were, ffor če lijf is more čen če |r[f.44r] mete 7 če body more čen če cločinge. Ffor ¨if God to očer creatures, čat aren lesse worči čen man, ordeyneč cločing 7 mete, it is for to trowe |r40 čat he wil purueye for man, čat is nobiler creature 7 čat he more loueč. |p38 |r ¨it it folewič in če same gospel of seynt Luk: Considerate coruos neque seminant neque metunt, quibus non est cellarium neque horreum, 7 deus pascit eos: quanto magis vos plus estis illis. éat is: biholde ¨ee [če] rauenes, čat noučer sowe corn ne repen, čat noučer haue seler ne berne 7 |r5 ¨it God hem fedič: sonner wolde he ¨ow fede čat [are to hym of mekile more pris 7 of worthynes vnto hym čan čat čai be]; čen of hym treist may ¨ee be. By čese rauenes I vndirstonde če deueles childre of helle, čat aren yuel men, waryed 7 cursyd, čat are to many suche now in čis world. If God čen suche cloče 7 fede čat čoru¨ here cursid werkis če |r10 fendis childre beč called, it is for to trowe čat his owne children čat beč buxum his wille for to worche, as |r[f.44v] wel tau¨te childre au¨t to be to here fadir, he wole hem cloče 7 fede 7 očerwhat hem ¨yue čat hem nede is. To kare for če body or for čat čerto fallič to Goddis childre no¨t it bisemeč, čou¨ če vnfeičful it do, čat is of mysbileue. God, čat no wrong |r15 may seye, to alle his seruauntis truly he hetič če blisse of heuene, čat neuere may eende, wherčoru¨ [čai] at če first his rewme 7 his ri¨twisnes feičfulli wole seche. And if čei čus do as he hem biddič, of erčely goodis he hem bihetič čat hem nede is. If a man čat čou holdist soočfast in his woord bihete čee worldis |r20 goodis, čou woldist ¨yue feič to his biheste, čou woldist not trowe he wolde faile, for čou knew hym bifore as trewe 7 good, boče in werkis 7 wordis. éen God, čat is more stedfast čen man may be, whois word 7 whois wille mote nedely be don, he to čee spekič 7 sočly bihetič heuenly blisse, čat neuer schal eende, wič čat čat his ri¨twisnesse 7 his blisse |r25 čou wolt seche. And sič čen |r[f.45r] to auauntage he če grauntič of erčely goodis čat če nede is 7 ¨it as vnfeičful wrecche čou leuest no¨t čat he seič. Gretly he wraččič God 7 a¨eyns hym takič čat wole not leue for soč čat he to hym seič. Ffor he knowič not God for God nor Goddis word čat no feič to hym haueč. Fforči, if čou bileue on Crist, |r30 ¨yue feič to če wordis of Crist čat he to čee seič. What lord is he čat ¨yueč not mete to his seruauntis? To če seruaunt it fallič bisy for to be how wel he may serue his lord to queme. To če lord it semeč to ordeyne for his seruauntis, čat čei redy haue čat hem nede is. éen ¨if če seruaunt čenke al oonly on hymself 7 no¨t on his lord, čou¨ his lord |r35 no¨t for hym ne greiče, no wondir is. Ffor wel wot oure Lord, fadir of heuene, whom we preye to, čat of erčely čingis nedely must vs haue, ffor wičouten hem in čis lijf no while may we laste. ¨if we čen as his childre to hym feičful be, frely of erčely goodis he wole vs ¨yue, wherwič |p39 če kynde may susteyned be. Sarasenes 7 Jewes to purveye |r[f.45v] for here childre kynde hem techič. And wylde bestis 7 doumbe, čat no resoun haue, here fawnes čei fede, as kynde hem techič. Ne is it not čen for to trowe čat he čat Lord of mersy sočly is called fro his owne childre here |r5 sustenaunce wol [not] wičholde 7 lete hem perische for defaute ? A¨eins kynde it were, ffor he fourti ¨eer in deserte his seruauntis fulli fedde, no¨t of mete čat če erče ¨eldič but čat com fro heuen, in če whiche heuenly fode likyng 7 sauour echoon fonde, aftir čat he wolde. čen God wol do wel wič vs if čat we wol suffre [hym to haue his awne propur wille]. Lete |r10 we čen čat good Lord haue al his wille 7 wičstonde we oure owne wille in al čat it is a¨eyns his, ffor of oureself we haue nočing but synne one, ne we vndirstondič what vs wantič ne we ne loue nočing čat we schulde loue. Fforči if čou wolt čoru¨ Goddis grace ordeyne čee to Goddis wille, |r15 two auauntages schalt čou haue. čat oon is čou schalt neuere sorew ne wračče čee for nočing čat may falle but for synne one, ffor alle |r[f.46r] če čingis čat beč or may bifalle in erče, al is wič wille of God, saue oonly synne. Fforči schalt čou haue of alle čingis čat falleč in erče, if čou loue če wille of či Lord, likyng in soule, but oonly for synne. And |r20 wite čou wel, if čou wračče čee for anyčing čat fallič, in čat čou folewest čin owne wille a¨eins Goddis. And če more čat čou it folewest, če more čou schalt sorew fynde 7 angir. And če more čou wičstondist čin owne wille for če loue of God, če more čou schalt haue reste in čin herte 7 likyng in či soule. |r25 éat očer auauntage is if čou no¨t desirest but če wille of či Lord, čen at če first čou schalt be lord of al če world 7 of alle his čingis. Ffor čen at če first is man lord of alle čingis when alle hys goodis goon aftir his wille and čat is aftir when man hač lefte 7 forsaken al his owne wille for če loue of God 7 nočing willeč but his wille. éen |r30 boweč alle če čingis of čis worlde holly to his wille when he greet ioye hač of ou¨te |r[f.46v] čat comeč, what so euere it be but oonly synne. Ffor wel he wot it is Goddis wille čat he hertily ¨ernič ouer alle čingis for to be don. And wite čou wel forsoče, če more čou leuest či wille for če loue of God, če more he schal sende čee čoru¨ his derworči grace ioye 7 |r35 likyng in čiself for to fulfille his wille in al čat good is to encrese či mede in his eendeles blys. And he čat wičstondič Goddis wille 7 folewič his owne, God schal for euere reue [hym] his propre wille, čat he schal mysse for euer čing čat he desyreč. |p40 Propre wille for to wičstonde čen fallič [to] men 7 wymmen, namely of religyoun, čat here wille haue forsaken, čat aren as flemed out of čis worlde, čat čei may al če bettir holde alle here fyue wittis fro manklyng of če world 7 here fantasye, čat al to manye hač lettid for to do wel, |r5 čat čei may dwelle with hemself and čoru¨ goostly likyng čat čei haue in soule seche and čoru¨ grace fynde what is če wille of here Lord in alle čingis, so čat čei nočing ¨erne ne loue but čat |r[f.47r] čat čei trowe be his wille. And who so wole on čis wyse don, čei schul conseyue so moche likyng 7 ioye čat noon it may telle but čei čat it haue felyd. |r10 ée ferče čen is: Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie. éat is to say: Oure echedayes breed ¨yue vs today. And čis may be vndir_stonden on two maneres, oučer of če breed with whiche če body is sus_teyned for a while, oučer of breed čoru¨ če whiche če soule is susteyned for euere 7 če body boče. éis is sočfast breed, če grace of God. éis breed |r15 wič longynge of herte if we it desyre of oure Lord, he it wole vs ¨yue frely 7 čat očer boče, as he hymself vs bihetič in če gospel: Preye first, he seič, aftir če blisse of heuene 7 ¨ee schal haue of erčely čingis čat ¨ow nede is. But vndirstonde now, my dere systir in God, čat bodyes of men 7 of beestis feblen 7 failen čoru¨ corrupcioun čat is wičinne but it be |r20 susteyned čoru¨ norischynge of mete. When man hač defaute of mete, if he hool be hym hungreč |r[f.47v] and ¨erneč mete to haue. But if he be seek, it fallič ofte čat his yuel lettič hym, čat [he] ne may not fele his defaute ne wille haue to ete. čus it farič by če sowle, for Ihesu Crist is lijf to če soule 7 če grace of če Hooly Goost is če breed čoru¨ če whiche če soule |r25 is sustened in čat delicious lijf Ihesu Crist. But forči čat če soule in čis bodily lijf is so couplid wič če fleisch, čat is euer yliche faylande 7 wričande fro Ihesu Crist čat his likyng schulde ben inne, [če soule is made ful sike] čoru¨ corrupcioun of če fleisch, but sche be susteyned 7 strengčid čoru¨ čis breed čat I calle če grace of če Hooly Goost, čoru¨ |r30 če whiche če soule is sustened in če ioyeful lijf Ihesu Crist. And forči bihoueč vs not ones ne twyes, but vs bihoueč euer yliche čis bred to begge and euere yliche crye as nedeful 7 hungri aftir čis breed, ffor what tyd or tyme so čat we čis breed faile to če soule, he waxič seek in synne 7 drawič to če deeč. |r35 And se now why čis breed |r[f.48r] is called oure echdayes breed, for ech day 7 eche tyme we haue nede of čis breed. Ffor wičoute fode of čis breed če soule enfeblischič 7 čis breed holdič it in hele 7 in lijf, čat is Ihesu Crist. |p41 Wolt čou now lerne how čou schalt not leese čis breed, čat is če grace of God? At če first festen not či likyng in nočing čat takič eend_yng. Now may somme men seye: hard čing it were to leue solace 7 likyng čat men haue of creatures 7 of očere worldly čingis. And I saye |r5 to čee čat it ne is, for likyng čat ariseč of anyčing čat hač eendyng, [it endeth in sorwe 7 če more čat če delyt is, če more is če endyng] or če partyng more sorewful. And who so wol wel vmčenk hem 7 weyen če sorow wič če wynne, he wold neuer seche likyng to haue in čat čing čat takič eendyng. čis vndirstood čat wijs lady 7 war čat seyde |r10 sche wolde not haue seuen sones corowned kyngis of al če world on suche a forward to see hem alle dye tofore hire, ychone aftir očer here 7 |r[f.48v] sche ouerlyue hem alle. Ffor sche vndirstood wel čat če sorew of here deeč schulde ouerweye če ioye čat sche of čem hadde whiles čei lyuande were and če likyng čat were passid wič many careful whyle schulde |r15 be rewed. On očer half čis is propre kynde of man čat he delytič hym in his owne čingis. And sočly vndirstonde: nočing is čin propre čat may be take awey fro čee a¨ens či wille. And such beč alle čingis of čis world čat haue eendyng. éen schulde no man ioye hym in čing čat hač eendyng, for čei beč no¨t his čingis. But če grace of God, if |r20 čou it haue, noon may reue it čee, noon may take it fro čee a¨eyns či wille ne God wol not reue it čee. čen schalt čou neuer lese it, but if čou wolt čiself. Fforči we may calle it oure owne, ffor čis breed may we not lese on no wyse but we wole. Fforči au¨t vs čis breed hertely to desyre 7 in čis breed haue al oure likyng, for it is holly ouren. |r25 éis same breed |r[f.49r] čou may fynde wičinne čee, if čou drawe či wittis fro likyng čat wakeneč of worldly čingis. And ¨it čou mi¨t it fynde in yche creature, if čou haue wisdam lyke to če bee. A bee čat fyndič hony in eche floure čat in erbere groweč. čei make no dwellyng on če floure for to biholde how faire it is, what sauour it hač ne čei resten hem not čeron it for to ete, |r30 swete of sauour čau¨ it be. éei forsake no flour, whateuere it be, no¨t for če floure but for če hony čat čei in če floure fynde, ffor what so če greesse is or če flour, če hony is swete čat čerof is taken. But it is anočer maner fli¨e envenemows, čat etič boče če lef 7 če flour, čat kan no¨t fynde če hony čat is sweet 7 so it is bi many. And forči who so is wyse, |r35 as če bee is wise, of euery floure he may fynde hony, čat is for to say in eche creature he may fynde [če] largesse, če swetnesse, če bounte 7 če goodnesse of God če fadir, čat alle čingis hač made, certis for no nede čat he of hem hač, but for his owne good wille. |r[f.49v] But wite čou wel for_soče, |p42 who so li¨teč on any creature 7 makič čeronne his dwellynge, for fairhed or for any očer likyng čat he čerinne fyndič čat eendyng hač and sekič no¨t ouer to če grete loue of oure Lord, čat is schewid to ech creature, čei lese če swete smel of heuenly hony čat čei wol no¨t seche |r5 and eten če bittir leef čat semeč swete to hem 7 sauery, čat haue lorn here taast. Of čis heuenly hony čen was oure derworče lady, Goddis modir 7 aungelis qween, fulfillid, ffor sche in hirselfen ne in noon očere creature desired nočing but če loue 7 če bounte of oure Lord, če fadir of heuen. And for čat sche in al hire herte ¨erned čis breed čat is heuenly, |r10 sche was worči to haue it al hool. Ffor sche was so hungry 7 so gredy aftir čis breed, čat no party of čis my¨t hire fulfille to čat sche hadde it al, boče cruste 7 crommes, čat is to čat sche hadde conseyued wičinne hire swete sydes sočfast God čat man bicam in hire, oure Lord Ihesu Crist. |r15 Et dimitte |r[f.50r] nobis debita nostra, sicut 7 nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. éis is če fifte preyer of če pater noster, čat is for to say: for¨yue vs oure synnes 7 oure dettis, as we for¨yue oure dettoures. As ¨if he sey_de : čou God, oure fadir, for¨yue vs oure synnes čat we don a¨eyns čee, as we for¨yue čoo čat haue synned a¨ens vs. Sičen God lerneč vs to preye |r20 hym of for¨yuenesse of oure synnes čat we haue synned a¨eyns hym, as we for¨yue čoo čat haue synned a¨eyns vs, it is truly for to trowe aftir čis word 7 on čis forward: when we hym biseche, he wol vs for¨yue. But perauenture now seye summe men: wel I wot, if I aske God for¨if_nes on če forward čat God hymself settič, he wol me for¨yue. But if I efte |r25 synne, may I efte birewe my synnes? I biseche hym of his mercy, may I trowe čat he me wol for¨yue? To čis I answere: ¨if če roote čat is wičinne čee čat makič čee for to synne 7 his lymes weren alle bicome drye 7 ¨if čat ¨ichande pricke čat čee |r[f.50v] styres to vnthewes were bicomen dead, nočer schuldest čou synne ne penaunce schuldest čou seche, for čen were |r30 či lijf an aungelis ylyche. čen ¨if čis kyndely pricke stireč čee wičinne 7 euer ylyche stryueč wič čee maystry to haue, if he čee as vnwitty vndir feet kaste 7 makič čee for to do čat God wolde no¨t čou didist --or parcaas he stireč čee suche dedis to don čat čou čiselfe swiče sore hatist 7 knowest it for yuel-- [ne falle not in no wanhope]. Seynt Poule, čat men |r35 may leuen, čis witnessič by hymself, čere he seič čus: Non quod volo hoc ago, set quod odi malum, hoc facio. As if he seide: I ne do no¨t čat I wolde do, but če yuel čat I hate, čat I do. Aftir čat čou hast mysdon, |p43 čou knowest či gilt, čou birewest it, čou preyest God čat he čee for¨yue, he herič čee, he for¨yueč čee, čou art assoylid of či synne. But whečer čou be assoyled or al quyte of čat kene 7 kyndely pricke in či fleisch 7 in alle či lymes čat čee stireč to do če dedis čat God wold not čat čou |r5 didist? Nay forsoče, nay ! ¨it |r[f.51r] he is as he was in či fleisch, as lord in his owne maysterful, čat neuer wole stynte čee to assayle to deeč ¨ow de_parte . But now aftir of God čat čou hast wonnen for¨yuenesse of či synnes čat či kyndely prick čat I of spak makič čee to do 7 to falle in, čat |r10 God ne wolde čou didist, čenk not in čin herte čat God ne wol čee for¨yuen. Ffor čou¨ čou falle aftir when he čee hač for¨yuen 7 efte art fallen in synne, ne falle not in no wanhope, but radly eftsones arise 7 ne drede čee no¨t, but quykly arise wič sorew of herte 7 repentaunce to God 7 biseche hym mercy of či gilte. And if čou arise to God, God wole |r15 arise to čee 7 wič i¨en of mercy loke to čee, no¨t to či synne, but to či hertily sorew 7 či repentaunce. Fforči if čou falle, be in no dispeir ne lye not stille in synne, as koward for arghnes of herte, but quycly aryse 7 heue vp boče čin hondis to či Lord of mercy, hym bisechyng of his grete grace, čat he for his mercy wolde čee |r[f.51v] for¨yue and čat he drawe čee |r20 out of če pit of synne čat čou so foule art fallen inne. ¨if čou euery day falle, euery day arise 7 turne to či Lord. éis askič God of man 7 her_aftir he lokeč. And čis it is čat he spekič čoru¨ če prophete Jeremye, čere he seič: Numquid, inquit, qui cadit non resurget, aut qui auersus est non conuertetur? čat is: wher he čat fallič schal not arise or he čat |r25 hač misdon schal not turne into ri¨t weye a¨eyn? čis is not oonly vndir_stonden of oon fal or two, but of alle če fallis čat he fallič in čis deadly lij f. Fforči if čou ofte falle, ofte arise, ffor Crist hymself louely če callič čere he seič: Surge qui dormis 7 exurge a mortuis 7 illuminabit te Christus. éat is: wake 7 arise, čou čat slomerist 7 slepist in či synne 7 |r30 arise fro či deeč 7 Crist čee schal ly¨ten with glemes of his grace. Arise, seič God to če synful, arise 7 turne čee to me, for I ne wole čat če synful di¨e. Fforči when it |r[f.52r] so bitidič when čou any good wol do, as fastyng or preier or penaunce of prest taken for betyng of či synnes, perauenture |r35 či conscience stryueč čee a¨eyn 7 gederič alle če synnes čat čou hast don sič če first tyme čou born was 7 settič hem alle on rowe bifore či herte ey¨en. So many 7 so ločely he makič hem to seme čat če činkič čat |p44 čee ločič čin owne lijf 7 stilly to čee spekič čus as I say: seest čou no¨t, he saič, how čou hast liggen in synne 7 so many 7 so foule čou hast wrou¨te and for če lest of hem alle čou hast serued to be dampned to peyne of helle 7 ¨it čou art in hem [so] rotid čat čou ne my¨t hem leue. |r5 Wherto preiest čou, wherto fastist čou, wherto any good doist čou? éi synnes beč so many 7 so ločely 7 so longe tyme in čee rootid, how may čou euere be helid? When čin inwitt čus a¨ens čee is sette, smyte hym wič če swerd of Goddis word ri¨t amyddis če fronte, as hertily as čou my¨t, čat he stirte obakke. ée wordis čat čou schalt smyte hym |r10 wič |r[f.52v] God čoru¨ če prophete to alle synful seič: čou¨ če synful, he seič, neuer so myche [ne] neuer so ofte hač synned, turne [he] hym to me 7 I hym wole resceyue 7 alle če synnes čat he hač don for euere I wol for¨ete. So ful of mersy he is to alle čat mercy crye wič verray re_pentaunce. ¨he forsoče, he is more redy to do mercy čen če synful it to |r15 aske. How free, how large Ihesu Crist is of his mercy to čee schewič seynt Denys čoru¨ [suche] a tale. He tellič čat it was an hooly man čat hette Carpo. éoru¨ grace of God 7 his lore he turned one out of mys_bileue vnto če trouče of holy chirche 7 made hym cristen man. éis holy |r20 man wente out of cuntre when he hadde, as he trowyde, čis man treuly lerned. But sone, when čis holy man was fro hym wente, čoru¨ counseyl of a wickid man, čis man čat I of tolde turned a¨eyn to mysbileue. When Carpo a¨eyn com and saw¨ čis, as he čat sorewful was of his greet losse 7 teneful of his swynke, he bysou¨te wič angre of herte čat če |r25 wračče of |r[f.53r] God on hem boče my¨t falle. Aftir čat če holy man God čus hadde bisou¨te, he saw¨ če putt of helle open 7 al on lowe brennande he saw¨ feendis on čat oon syde, čat wolde hem plungen into helle. On čat očer halfe he saw¨ Goddis aungeles, čat hem lettyd 7 so was čat holy man greued toward hem čat he wolde čat čei hadden ben plungid doun |r30 for euere. And, angrid as he was, he lokyd hym bisyde, he saw Ihesu Crist stondynge by hym wič his woundis al blody, on his schuldre berynge če croos 7 in his hand a hamer 7 nayles 7 to hym myldely čese wordis seide: why askest čou vengeaunce, he sayde, 7 wrač for hem čat I am čus woundid fore? éou settist al to li¨t čat I haue bou¨te so dere. |r35 ¨if če čink čat I haue not ¨it ynow¨ čoled for mannes synnes, haue here ¨it čis hamer 7 čese nayles 7 efte for here synnes nayle me to čis crosse. Ffor wyte wel, 7 I my¨te di¨e for mannes synne, as I ere dide, --so loue |p45 byndič to hym my herte--, for peyne ne sorew wolde I no¨t lette. Aftir čat če holy man hadde sene čis si¨t, he repente hym |r[f.53v] wič sore herte 7 hertily he preyde wič al his my¨te to Ihesu Crist čat he wolde haue mercy on če two čat he so bittirly waried. And God hym grauntid for |r5 hem čat he ¨ernyde, for čoru¨ Goddis grace efte keuered čei were. Parcaas now seye sum men čat God techič me in čis holy preier for to seye: God, Lord, for¨yue me my synnes alle čat I haue trespasyde a¨eyns čee, as I for¨yue to čoo čat haue trespasid a¨ens me. Lord, how schal I do? éau¨ I wič worde for¨yue hem čat haue mysdon a¨eyns |r10 me, wič herte I for¨yue hem not, wič herte I loue hem no¨t 7 so oon I saye wič če mouč 7 anočer I čenke wič my herte. And so, Lord, bifore čee I ly¨e when I čis preier make 7 slee myn owne soule, as holy writt witnessič čere he seič: Os quod mentitur occidit animam. čat is: če mouč čat ly¨eč sleeč če soule. And, Lord, bi če is seyde: Perdes |r15 omnes qui locuntur mendacium. čat is: Lord, čou schalt slee alle čat ly¨en in here speche. Fforči, Lord, me činkeč bettir me were to holde me stille čen čis preyer |r[f.54r] to čee make 7 wynne me peyne in stede of mede. čou schalt vndirstonde čat he čat wole to his sowle wynne hym mede [of ou¨t čat he doth, he schal do al čat in hym is to wynne hym če mede] |r20 čat he ¨erneč. čou¨ či fleisch wole čat harm falle to čin enemy, čou schalt not aske it wič či mouč. And if čou my¨t not bowe čin herte to myslike his harm, ¨if hym ony falle, a¨eyns či flesschis wille, if čou my¨te not wič herte, wič worde čou schalt hym pleyne 7 his synne hym for_yue ¨. Ffor, čou¨ we folowe [not] skil, bettir we do when we vs lowen 7 |r25 bicomen buxum to God čan if we assentid with oure fleisschly wille. Goddis comaundement it is čat we loue oure enmyes. If I may not loue hem čoru¨ wrecchid appetit of my fleissch, čat I ¨it ne may maystrien ne lowe it for greme 7 angre čat stireč me wičinne, I schal do čat I may. And what? Certis I schal ¨erne 7 wille čat I my¨te loue hem 7 biseche |r30 God hertely čoru¨ helpe of his derworče grace čat I may loue hem. And euere to čat I may loue hem as God wol čat I do, |r[f.54v] čat in my power is, čat I schal do. And what? Certis wič my worde for¨yue hem 7 speke to očer good of hem 7 noon yuel. And ¨if I čus do, I ne li¨e not, čou¨ I seye I hem loue, sič I wil hem for to loue. Ffor as seynt Poule seič: Velle |r35 autem adiacet michi, proficere autem non habeo. éat is: wille is in my power, but to perfourme če wille is no¨t in me ne but in God. If čen I do čat in me is, I do če comaundement of God, čou¨ če wrecchid appe_tite of my fleissch, čat is no¨t in my power, ¨it me wičstondeč. If I čen wič my wille acorde to če comaundement of God 7 čoru¨ ap_petit |r40 7 stiryng of my fleisch I fele anočer, čis worche I no¨t but doč synne |p46 čat regneč wičinne me. One is for to fele, anočer is for to assente 7 to acorde to če felyng. I may no¨t but I fele stiryng of my fleisch or foule lykyngis or fondyngis, but me čar not but ifI wole assente to hem. When čat I fele any fondyng, as ire or wrač or |r[f.55r] wycked wille or očer siche čat beč |r5 a¨eyn goodnes 7 če biddyngis of God, čei harme no¨t ne dampne no¨t hem čat ben in trouče of Ihesu Crist, čat assentič no¨t to če fondyngis čat regnen hem wičinne, čou¨ čei hem felen, ne folew no¨t čat hem stireč wičinne. Suche fleischly stirynges če apostle seynt Poule, čou¨ he so moche grace of God hadde, he pleyned hym čat he felyd hem čere |r10 he seyde: Condelector legi dei secundum interiorem hominem; video autem aliam legem in membris meis, repugnantem legi mentis mee 7 captiuum me ducentem in lege peccati, que est in membris meis. éat is: I haue likyng in Goddis lawe wič myn inner man, but I see anočer lawe in my lymes, čat fi¨tič 7 stryueč a¨eyn my skilful vndirstondyng, čat ledič me as a |r15 prisoun into če lawe of synne čat regneč in my lymes. ée inner man he callič če resoun of man, če lawe of če lymes he callič foule delices 7 willes čat beč wičinne vs. Goddis lawe is kepyng of Goddis biddyng. Do we čen čat |r[f.55v] is in vs 7 for¨yue we čoo čat haue synned a¨eyns vs wič worde, if we may not fully, čat God for¨yue vs oure gilte čat we a¨eyns |r20 hym haue done. But now vndirstonde čis čat God hač lerned vs to done, for it semeč čat synne is no dette a¨eyns God, but alle če goodis čat we haue [are dette anentes God, for če goodes čat we haue] we haue of his loue and če yuel 7 če synne we haue of oureself 7 beč as oure owne propre catel. |r25 To čis čou my¨t answere čat čoru¨ nočing čat we haue ben we dettours to God but of synne one. And se now če skil why. ¨if I be a riche mannes seruaunt 7 he hač ¨euen me his penyes to spende in his seruyse, if I hem spende alle to his wille 7 to his honour, I am no¨t in as moche dettour. But if I take his penyes čat I schulde spende in his seruyse 7 dispende |r30 hem in očer čing at my wille 7 no¨t at his, herof I am holde to hym as dettour. On čis maner God ¨yueč to man vertues and worldis grace for to spende hem in his seruyse. ¨if čou dispende hem to his worschipe |r[f.56r] 7 to his wille, wel čou art holden to loue hym of čat vertu, of grace 7 očer_what čat he čee ¨yueč, what so euer it be čat he for his goodnes 7 to či |r35 goode čee hač lente. To dette čou art no¨t holden. For why? éou spend_ist či Lordis good to his worschipe 7 to his wille. But if čou wast hem at či wille a¨eyn če wille of či Lord, čere čou fallest a¨eyns God as in dette and čoru¨ čat čou dispendist his good at či wille in foly a¨eyns his wille, čou bicomest dettour 7 gilty to hym. |p47 Sočely vs au¨te to haue grete schame to be fals a¨eyns God, čat made vs of no¨t 7 bou¨t wič his derworče blood, čat ¨yueč vs al čat we haue of good in body or in soule. And ¨it may we no¨t yuel do čat he ne it seeč. And ouer alle čingis of his grete mersy and we vs wolde vmčenke, ¨it au¨t |r5 it to wičdrawe vs fro wickidnes of synne, sič čat he is so deboner to vs čat, čou¨ we haue neuer so ofte mystaken vs a¨eyns his wille, if we wol bire_wen oure synnes 7 hym mersy craue, frely 7 |r[f.56v] mekely he wil vs for¨yue. Ffor he askič no¨t ellis but čat we leuen oure synnes 7 birewe al če while čat we yuel wrou¨t. It witnessič wel čat he wol vs for¨yue frely, sičen for_yuenes |r10 ¨of oure synnes to hym he biddič vs preye, as we for¨yue čoo čat haue synned a¨eyns vs. Ffor noon may synne so myche a¨eyns vs by a čousande parte as we synnen a¨eyns God. Wolt čou čen good forward? Ffor¨iue čat litil synne čat men don a¨ens čee 7 čen preye God for čin 7 he wol for¨yue čee či synnes čat beč so many 7 so grete, čat čou hast |r15 don a¨eyns hym. Ffor, as seynt Austyn seič, ¨if I me wračče for anyčing čat men seyn or don to me, he čat me mysdoč is nou¨t enchesoun of myn angre but myself. Fforči schulde I take wreche on myself 7 no¨t on hym. And see now skil wherfore. If here were now a stalworče champioun 7 a weyke 7 vnthryuand [wrecche] assayled hym, ¨if čis champioun wič |r20 his wille leyde hym vndir his fete 7 lete hym defoule hym 7 put |r[f.57r] out boče his i¨en, who were most to [wyten]? Witerly če champioun. éus it is bi man, ffor soule of man passič alle creatures čat čou may see in strengče 7 in noblesse, so čat nočing of čis worlde hym may harme but if he hym_self laye hym doun to če erče or in erče fallič to be defoulid. Fforči, if |r25 any misseič čee, holde či soule on hi¨ wič God, as fallič to his kynde and čat whiles for nočing schalt čou be greued, but if it be wič čiselfen 7 čat for synne one. Ouervnworči čou makest čiself 7 ouerfeble wičal, when čou letist či foule fleischly wille maystre čee 7 schamefully defoule čee wič euery vyle synne. |r30 ée sixte preier is čis: Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem. éat is: lede vs no¨t into no temptacioun. éou schalt no¨t preye čat čou ne be no¨t temptid, but čou schalt preye čat čou be not ouercomen in temp_tacioun. Ffor če holy apostle seynt Jame vs techič čat we wondirly grete ioye haue when čat we beč peyned with dyuerse temptaciouns. |r35 Ffor as če gold is preued |r[f.57v] 7 clensed čoru¨ fier 7 če dou¨ty kny¨t in hard bataile is preued, so is man preued čoru¨ hard temptaciouns to his goode. Ffor so če temptacioun is more, so is če man more strengč_ed |p48 in vertu 7 in grace, if he wič pacience stalworčely stonde. Ffor seynt Austyn seič čat če perfeccioun of alle vertues is čat man be myche defoulid wič dyuerse temptaciouns 7 by harde 7 stronge. Ffor as čou seest when a man wole sette a stake depe into če erče, čat it stonde |r5 stalworčely, he smytič čries or foure sičes on če stake heued euen doun and ¨if he aftir čis see čat it stonde lously 7 no¨t wel synk, čen he smytič wič če mal on euery syde če stake to large če hole, čat it depper synk. And aftir he smitič it euen doun on če stake heued 7 čen it synkič če depper 7 stondič če stalworčlier. On čis wise doič oure Lord wič vs, |r10 when he seeč čat a man hač a vertu čat he hač sette in hym čoru¨ his grace. He smytič hym on yche syde wič dyuerse temptaciouns 7 stronge for to make če vertu depper 7 more fast in his herte. |r[f.58r] Fforči haue čou greet ioye when fondynges come to če ward. I say no¨t čat čou schalt be sorewful čou¨ čei come no¨t. For God, when he seeč |r15 čat čei be nedeful to čee, he čee wol hem sende. But preye to hym čat he sende čee pacience in temptaciouns if čei come 7 so čee strengče čoru¨ his grace, čat čou be not ouercomen. And to čis vertu čou schalt wynne čoru¨ verey knowyng of čiself, čat čou hast of čiself greet feblenesse, wrec_chidnes 7 synne. And in God 7 of God is či vertu 7 či strengče 7 affye |r20 čee only in God 7 on his mersy 7 nočing tryste on čiself withouten hym. Ffor če more čat čin hope is in hym, če more čou schalt haue strengče of his grace to a¨eynstonde alle fondyngis, how kene so euer čei be. And in alle či werkis lete čiself vnworči, ydil 7 vnnayte čralle to či Lord Ihesu Crist with alkyns mekenes. Ffor čis is no¨t onely help a¨eyns fondyngis, |r25 but clensič če soule of ere done synnes, more čen doč očerwhile bodily penaunce. Ffor when man lokič his filče 7 his wrechidnes, |r[f.58v] how wrec_chid he is in body, how wrecchid he is in soule, more it stireč hym to mekenes čen wolde bodily penaunce. And ¨it on očer half ofte it fallič čat bodily penaunce stireč če herte to lepe into pride. But when man |r30 knowič sočly 7 seeč with gostli sy¨te his owne vnworčinesse, čat schal holde hym lowe 7 lette hym to clymbe into pride. And wite čou wel čat if čou čis mekenes to čee soočly mayst wynne, in al čat čou for God čolest likyng schalt čou fynde. But vndirstonde čen wel how nedeful it is vs to preyen to oure fadir čat |r35 we in fondyng be no¨t ouertaken. Ffor ofte it bitideč čat man is fondid when he leste wot. Forči it is more to drede. As doič če envyous feend of helle, čat seeč čat he may not brynge man into open yuel čoru¨ no¨t čat he may do. What doič he čen? He eggič hym to a čing čat semeč ri¨t |p49 good, čat aftir may make weye to myche yuel. And so he doič as ofte as he ne may wič open yuel kiče his strengče. And čus he bigilič many čat holdič hemself |r[f.59r] wyse, čat folewen werkis čat čei do more wič wille čen wič skille, as in werkis of penaunce he stireč summe to do, as to wakyng, |r5 to fastyng, to očer hardschipes čolyng čat semeč good to betyng of syn_nes. And čou¨ čei seme goode to hem, he eggič no¨t for goode but for mykil yuel. He stireč hym so to fast, to wake, so his owne fleisch to pyne, so čat his kynde enfeblischič 7 his spirit bicomeč al dul 7 his loue kelič 7 makič hym for to trowe čat it is his Lordis wille čat he do so. But če |r10 traytour li¨eč. Forči nedeful it is to alle Goddis louers to reule hem in suche werkis more wič skille čen wič wille and so, as čei seme goode, make hem čoru¨ skille to ende in goode, čat čei be as čei semen. And čis is če counseil of seint Poule čere he seič: Racionabile sit obsequium vestrum. éat is: skilful be ¨oure seruyse. |r15 Man owič for čre čingis skilfully 7 wič resoun for to serue God. Also če grete clerk seič: Arbitror primo in vita vtile esse ne quid nimis. [I] vndirstonde, he seič, to mannes lijf nočing |r[f.59v] profiteč more čen čat man do nočing čat is ouermoche. če first čing čat is wherfore man schal serue God skilfully čen is honour of če persone to whom he |r20 serueč. But what is he? Certis kyng of alle kyngis, honourable Lord 7 skilful čen is it honour to hym čat seruise čat men doič to hym čat it be skilful. To proue čis, lo what it seič in če sauter: honor regis iudicium diligit, id est iudicium discrecionis. éat is: honour of če kyng loueč ri¨t dome, čat is ri¨t dome čat men serue God skilfully. éat očer skil is kynde |r25 of man ¨yueč man skille bifore očer bestis. Ffor as če wyse clerk seič: homo enim racionalis creatura est. éat is: man is Goddis resonable creature. Fforči his werkis oweč to be resonable, so čat he may reule [hyse werkes] aftir skille more čen aftir strengče. ée čridde skil is for oure enemy, a¨eyns whom we mote nedely fi¨te, more he werrič a¨eyns |r30 vs wič malicious wrenchis 7 wyles čen wič eny strengče. And moo he ouercasteč wič gyle čen wič force, ffor strengče hač he noon ouer vs, but if we hym ¨yue. čat we don as ofte as we |r[f.60r] a¨eyn hym wol no¨t wič_stonde, [for ¨if we hym wythstonde] as God wolde we dyde, for ferdnes he wolde fro vs fle, as we do če deeč. And čat čis be sooč holy writt |r35 witnessič čere he seič: Resistite diabolo 7 fugiet a vobis. éat is: wič_stondič če fondyngis of če fende 7 he schal fle fro ¨ow. And forči nedeful |p50 it is a¨eyns hym for to fi¨te wič wisdam 7 skille a¨eyns his wrenchis 7 his wyles. Fforči seič Salamon: bettir is wisdam čan strengče; werkis of penaunce vnskilfully wrou¨t plesen no¨t God. For as seič če good clerk Ysoder: Quicquid boni cum discrecione feceris virtus est, quicquid sine |r5 discrecione gesseris vicium est; virtus enim indiscreta pro vicio est. éat is: what good so euer čou doist, if čou it do skilfulli, it is vertu, if čou do it no¨t wič skil, it is vice. It was comaundid in če olde lawe čat no best čat was blynd or lak hadde schulde be offrid to God. éat werk is blynd or wič lak, what so |r10 euere it be, ¨if it ne be ledde wič skil. Fforči in če olde lawe with euery sacrifice was offrid salt. Salt sauoreč |r[f.60v] alle metis to men. So doč wisdam oure werkis [7] makič hem to God sauery 7 also in čat sauour likyng to haue. éis salt schal men offre to God wič alle če goodis čat čei do, what so euer čei be, as fastyng, wakyng 7 očer fleischly penaunce, skilfully if čei hem |r15 do in mesure, as here kynde may čole, no¨t ouermoche, so čat he wax ouer_feble 7 into seeknes falle, so čat aftir [in] al his lijf [he] neuer schal keuer. Lo now what harmes comeč of vnskilful penaunce 7 of očere werkis čat men do ouer mesure, čou¨ men hem don with deuocioun 7 wič likyng of soule. Seynt Bernard seič on čis wyse: Qui ex indiscrecionis vicio ieiu_nat |r20 7 vigilat 7 huiusmodi sic agit vt deficiente spiritu vel corpore lan_guente spiritualia impediantur, abstulit corpori suo boni operis effectum, spiritui affectum, proximo exemplum, deo honorem. Sacrilegus est [et] omnium bonorum reus. éat is: he čat vnwysely wakič or fastič or očer suche werkis doič, so out of my¨t čat če fleische waxič seek 7 če spirit |r25 dulleč, so čat goostly werkis are lettide, he stelič fro his body če mede of his goode |r[f.61r] werkis, fro his spirit loue, fro his bročer ensaumple, louyng 7 honour fro God; and forči he doič sacrilege 7 schal answere tofore God of alle če goode werkis čat he for his vnwitt hač wičdrawen fro God. And wel čoru¨ skil may it be sayd čat he doič sacrilege, for he brekič če temple |r30 of God, čat is hymself, čat is Goddis temple. Salamon schewič what yuel comeč of vnskilful deuocioun 7 seič: Qui festinus est pedibus offendit. éat is: who so renneč swiče, he spurneč his feet 7 hurteč hym ere he lest wene. He snaperič 7 hurtič hym čat so vnwysely 7 so vnwarly doič dedis of penaunce, čou¨ he in hem likyng haue, čat he fallič in greet seeknesse. |r35 And čou¨ peril be in euery hasty rennyng for snaperyng or fallyng čat čerof may come, ¨it more peril it is to hym čat clymbič on a hi¨e laddir čeron to snaper. And euer če hi¨er he clymbeč 7 for vnwarschip his feet hym fayle, če sarrer 7 če lower nedely he fallič. |p51 Sičen če lijf 7 če deuocioun of goode religious is as it were clymbyng on a hy¨e laddir čat sette were toward heuen, nedeful it is čen to če clym_ber čat he warly clymbe. |r[f.61v] Ffor if he snaper on hy¨e čoru¨ vnwitt, per_auenture he moot falle to če foot of če ladder, čere he first bigan to lere to |r5 clymbe. And čen bihoueč hym ete 7 drynke 7 očer čingis do, as he first dide, to come a¨eyn to če steire čat he fel fro. And parcas, for no¨t čat he may do, schal he neuer čerto wynne. Fforči seič seint Bernard: Nemo repente fit summus; ascendendo non volando apprehenditur summitas scale. Noon, he seič, may come to če hy¨est steire sodeynly of če ladder |r10 wič fleyng, but wič clymbyng men moot čerto wynne. As ¨if he seyde: to če hy¨e 7 parfite lijf sodeynly may no man come wič fleyng, ffor man is maad warly to go 7 no¨t to fle, for če heuy charge of his fleische lettič hym to flee. But he schal go 7 not renne 7 sette foot bifore foot on če laddir 7 warly clymbe fro steire to steire, euere to čat he come to če ladder |r15 eende, čat is for to say clymbe wič werkis of penaunce 7 deuocioun, aftir čat če fleisch may čole, and no¨t ouerhy¨e, čat če fleische bicome ouer_feble 7 če spirit dulle. And čou¨ vnskilfulnesse in werkis ofpenaunce be to alle Goddis |r[f.62r] seruauntis greetly to drede, namely to čat haue chosen or beč bounden čoru¨ reule to hy¨e lijf 7 parfit. Nede it is hem to reule [hem] |r20 wič skille 7 namely in če bigynnyng, for če feend a¨eyns suche is euer compasand, for grete envye čat he hač to hem, if he may wič any gyle caste hem fro če hy¨e to če lowe to make hem, if he may, at če eende to falle into despeir. He čat his hors ouertrauelič in če mornyng, he schal not čat day good iourny make. |r25 żit ofte it fallič čat of vnskilful deuocioun or penaunce ariseč če spirit into pride 7 in veynglorye. Fforči seič če holy man: loke, he seič, čat ¨oure fastyng 7 očere goode werkis, čat ¨ee do hem in mesure, čat čei be hooly 7 symple in al mekenesse, čat ¨oure fleisch be chastised wič fastyng, čat če spirit ne ryse in pride, so čat čat čing čat schulde norische me_kenes |r30 put ¨ow no¨t to pride 7 make vice of vertu for to wexe. éer is no hope of hele when čat schulde be salue in helpe to soule bicomeč attir 7 feloun. éou¨ many yueles ariseč of vnskilful penaunce, schortly of hem sixe wole I telle. če first |r[f.62v] is čat čei do a¨eyn če ordenaunce of holy chirche, če |r35 whiche ordenaunce is čat in processioun li¨t schal go bifore če crosse, in vndirstondyng čat ly¨t of wisdam schal go bifore penaunce, čat če crosse bitokeneč. But če vnri¨tful doič če reuerse, for he berič če crosse of pe_naunce bifore če li¨t of wysdam. Wherfore suche oftetyme, for defaute of |p52 li¨t, čat is goostly witt or resoun, čer čei schulde peyne 7 don on če crosse če čeef, čei peyne on če crosse če vngylty, čat is če newe man, čat schulde nayle to če croos če olde man. What is če olde man? čis olde man is čat is geten in synne, born in synne, norischid in synne, če foule fleisch, če |r5 foule stynkyng careyn, louynge synne, liynge in synne, čat is če olde man čat schulde be nayled on če crosse. éat is če lymes of čis man, in as myche as čei beč synful, čei schulde be peyned 7 slayn wič penaunce, čat is synne čorou¨ penaunce schal be slayn in hem, as seynt Poule seič 7 biddič: Mortificate membra vestra que sunt super terram. éat |r10 is: slee |r[f.63r] či synne here on erče čat regneč in či lymes wič penaunce. What is čis newe man? éis newe man is vndirstonden čat is newe bi_comen 7 ¨onge čoru¨ goode čewes in goode werkis, wrou¨te čoru¨ grace of God. čen is čis newe man don on če croos when he for ouermyche abstynence or očir vnskilful penaunce so is ouertaken čat worche as he |r15 ere dide may he no¨t do 7 his likyng 7 his deuocioun bicomen al dulle. éat očer foly is čat čei charge hem wič ouermoche armure, čat harmeč hem more 7 lettič in batayle a¨eyns če fende čen forčer, for če heuy charge čerof ofte makeč hem to be ouercomen. Fforči it is to do as Dauyd dide, čat schulde fi¨te a¨eyns Golye, as it tellič in če book of |r20 kyngis, čat took first 7 armed hym wič Saules armure če kyng. When he was armed, he proued hymself ¨if he my¨t wel welde hym in his armure, or he wolde to batayle wende. He saw¨ čat čei were to heuy 7 my¨te hym harme more čan helpe a¨eyns če stalworče gyaunt čat on hym was so kene. čus, quod Dauyd, may I no¨t fi¨te 7 keste |r[f.63v] fro hym his armure |r25 sone anoon. And in tryst of Goddis helpe a¨eyns če geaunt he went and wič his slyng 7 čre stones to grounde he hym felled. So many beč čat ouercomen če feend wič skilful penaunce, as wič fas_tyng 7 wakyng 7 with očer to čese lyke, wič resoun 7 mesure warly wrou¨t. And many beč čat of suche taken ouer here my¨t 7 more čem čei |r30 chargen čan here kynde may čole, wherčoru¨ čei fallen into ire 7 waxen inpacient 7 čoru¨ čat čei wende to haue ben aboue čei falle vndir foote, čou¨ al good wille or deuocioun at če first stired hem [so] for to worche. Fforči seič seynt Bernard: Bone voluntati non semper credendum est, set refrenanda est [7 regenda est], maxime [in] incipiente. éat is: men schal |r35 no¨t ¨yue feič to če goode wille, ffor če feend puttič ofte man to good wille for to tille hym čerwič and brynge hym vnto yuel. Fforči, he seič, če good wille schal bridelid be, čat it schal be reulid wič wysdam 7 skil, čat |p53 vertu ne turne into vice ne salue into deeč and namely, he seič, in hem čat haue bigunnen |r[f.64r] hi¨e lijf. Ffor here good wille is nede to be bridelyd, čat čei ne taken on honde more čen čei may goodly brynge to eende. Fforči seič seynt Jame in his epistle: ffrenum in equorum ora mittimus ad |r5 consenciendum nobis. éat is: bridel, he seič, we do in če hors mouč to make hem čerwič to bowe to oure wille. čus schal good wille be bridelyd wič wisdam 7 skil, čat it ne mysdo 7 aftir birewe it. ée čridde foly is sič čei haue so riche a Lord 7 so fre 7 ¨it čei trowe to paye hym wič ouermyche penaunce, as fastyng, wakyng 7 očer suche |r10 werkis, čat čei do so ouer my¨t, čat čei wexe so vnmy¨ti here Lord for to serue 7 kelič here deuocioun, čat first was so hoot. And skil hem seič, 7 čei wolden it trowe, čat čer is no chynche so hard, whateuer he be, čat wolde čat his hors fastid so čat it ne my¨t hym serue. ée ferče foly is čis čat čei deme met and drynk worči to wičdrawe fro |r15 Goddis childre, čat worči were to ete gold 7 bawme for to drynk, as seynt Bernard seič: Da michi abbatem Thimotheum 7 ego cibabo eum auro 7 balsamo potabo eum. As ¨if he seyde: ffynde |r[f.64v] me suche as was abbot Thimothee 7 like to hym in goode čewes 7 I schal fede hym with gold 7 birle hym bawme. éat is if čere any suche be now, he were worči to ete |r20 gold 7 drynk bawme. Fforči Goddis childre schulde no¨t schame to take here Lordis goodis to here nedeful sustenaunce, his seruyse 7 his wor_schipe to vpholde, sič čat čei [sene] so manye deueles childre, čat ben vn_worči as waried wrecchis any good for to haue, so largely and wič out_rage wasten Goddis good. |r25 ée fifče čat čei wil algatis be more parfyt čen here maystir Ihesu Crist. And neuerčeles seynt Luk seič: Perfectus omnis erit si sit sicut magister eius. éat is: he is parfit čat is siche as his mayster is. And knowen čing it is to alle čat Crist was ful of al parfytnesse 7 ¨it he eet 7 drank skil_fully 7 in mesure to sustenaunce of his kynde. |r30 ée sixte is čat čei trowe čat čei may no¨t be hooly but čei sle hemself. żif he čat sleeč a man čat schulde čoru¨ kynde lyue but a ¨eer schaI be demed to juesse 7 to deeč as mansleer, wič skil he is gilty of manslauter čat čoru¨ vnskilful |r[f.65r] penaunce, what so euer it be, enyntiseč his kynde, |p54 čat he di¨eč čritti ¨eer ere he schulde. Seynt Bernard bymeneč swiče sore čat he sumtyme čoru¨ ouermykil fastyng 7 wakyng enfeblisschid his kynde 7 nečeles loue hym made so to do 7 goode wille. As če wyse clerk seič: On a maner is če ende for to deme, anočer maner is for to deme čoo |r5 čingis čat ordeyneč or fallič to če ende. éat čing čat men seche or ¨erne as ende, it is for to desire 7 for to seche wičouten mesure. But čoo čingis čat ordeyneč to če ende, čoo čingis schulde be reulid wič mesure 7 wič skil, as čei may best helpe to če ende čat men ¨erne hem fore, as doič če leche for to hele če wounde of [če] seke, čat is as ende čat he gretly |r10 ¨erneč to hele. Al čat he doič, as in gederyng of gresses 7 temperyng 7 makyng of salue, alle čese he ordeyneč čoru¨ grete bifore lokyng 7 temperyng hem in mesure, čat čei ne be ouerhote ne ouercolde, ne ouerbytand ne ouersofte, ne ouermyche ne ouerlitil. But in suche a tempre he hem makič čat he may čoru¨ hem beste če woundes hele. |r15 éus čow |r[f.65v] schalt vndirstonde čat in goostly lijf če loue of God is as ende. čis schal men desire wičoute mesure. Fastyng, wakyng 7 očere hardschipes čolyng, men schulen not ¨erne čoo as ende, but as čingis or lomes čat helpič as to če ende. Ffor as seič seynt Poule: Non est regnum dei esca 7 potus, set adhibentur tanquam necessaria ad finem. |r20 éat is: če rewme of God nys not mete 7 drynk, but čei beč helpand 7 nedeful to če rewme as to če ende. When če fleisch wil welden in synne, čen is fastyng, wakyng 7 očer hardschipes čolyng nedeful to če ende [to chastyse če flesche, čat hyt no lettyng make to če ende]. Fforči seič če apostle Poule: Castigo corpus meum 7 in seruitutem redigo. éat is: |r25 I chastise my fleisch 7 put it into čraldam, čat he ne glyde into synne 7 lette čis ende. Fforči schal suche hardeschipis be reulid wič mesure 7 wič skil, čat če foule lust of če fleisch be fordon 7 čat če kynde be sus_tened, so čat čei helpe to če ende, čat is kyndelyn hym more in če loue of God. But perauenture če biddyng of če apostle may stire somme, for |r30 he seič: Desideria carnis non perficietis, quia si secundum |r[f.66r] carnem vixeritis, moriemini. éat is: folewe ¨ee not če ¨ernyng of ¨oure fleisch 7 why? If ¨ee do, he seič, ¨ee schul dy¨e. Of čis mater čen spekič seynt Bernard 7 seič: what is he čat may holde če biddyng of če apostle, čat biddič čat we ne folewe če ¨ernynge of oure |r35 fleisch? I am, he seič, nakid 7 colde, I ¨erne cločing my body fro colde to kepe. Me hungreč, I ¨erne aftir mete. Me čurstič, I ¨erne aftir drynk. ¨if I wičholde fro my fleisch čese ¨ernyngis, nedely I must perische. Whi čen forbedič me če apostle če ¨ernyngis of my fleisch for to folwe, sič with_outen |p55 folewyng čerof I may not lyuen? Seynt Bernard to čis answerič 7 seič: če apostle forbedič če ¨ernyng of če fleisch in outrage 7 no¨t čat is nedeful to če fleisch. čen, if čou for colde ¨erne cločing, mete for hunger, drynk for čurst 7 očer čingis čat beč nedeful to či body, no¨t for outrage |r5 ne for lust, but ¨yue it čat it wantič, čow folewest no¨t his ¨ernyngis, but ¨eldist hym his dette, čat kynde byndič čee to. Fforči če apostle seynt Poule more openly spekič of čis matere čere |r[f.66v] he seič: Carnis curam ne feceritis in desiderijs. éat is: če cure of če fleisch worche no¨t in his ¨ernyngis, čat is folew it not in his lust. He seič no¨t: če cure of či |r10 fleisch do čou no¨t, 7 čen holdič hym stille, but he passič forče 7 echič čerto: in lust 7 ¨ernyng, ffor to do vs vndirstonde čat it is forboden vs in luste 7 in outrage. It is leeful to ¨erne nedeful sustynaunce to če fleisch, ffor as če apostle seič: Debitores sumus carni; non tamen secundum carnem viuere debemus. čat is: we ben dettours to oure fleisch, but we |r15 schul not lyuen aftir oure fleisch, čat is we schul no¨t folewe it in his outrage ne in his luste, but we schullen ¨yue it čat it nedič to sustenaunce and wičdrawe fro hym čat he desireč to haue in harm of če soule. Ffor as seič če wyseman: Seruo nequam debetur panis et virga; panis ne deficiat, virga ne violescat. éat is: to če ydil čral men schal ¨yue breed 7 |r20 če ¨erde; breed čat he ne faile, če ¨erde čat he ne folye ne wax wilde. ée seuent preyer čen is čis: Set libera nos a malo. éat is: delyuer vs fro yuel. In |r[f.67r] čis word čou schalt preye čat God delyuer čee fro yuel of synne 7 fro yuel of peyne. In čis preyer čou schalt geder alle soules togyder čat beč in purgatorie, čat God for his mersy delyuer hem out of here peynes. |r25 My leue suster, ¨if čou wol knowe 7 se če yuelis 7 če myseses čat man čoleč in čis world, vndirstonde če staat of man, what it was ere he synned. Ffor ellis may čou not vndirstonde so wel his defautis, no more čen a child čat were mesel born in a dongioun vndir če erče of a man čat were mesel, čat neuer com out of dongioun ne neuere hadde seen |r30 hole men. He wolde wene čat he were hool 7 faire, but ¨if he my¨t come out of če dongioun 7 see hool men 7 faire, čen wolde he knowe čat he were mesel 7 a ločely wrecche. Also wite čou wel forsoče, had not man synned, his fleisch hadde be clene fro al maner of corrupcioun, febilnesse or seeknesse and ¨it no deč schulde haue hym dered. He schulde haue |r35 had al at wille alle delicyous metes and fruyt of trees ne of hem schulde he haue taken ouermyche ne ouerlitil, ffor he schulde |r[f.67v] haue knowen |p56 ri¨t mesure, how myche hadde ben nedeful to his kynde. Wič čis he schulde haue had če si¨t, če heryng, če taastyng 7 his očer wittis, so clere 7 so fulfilled of lyf, his witt, his skil, his vndirstondyng, so scharp 7 so quyk, čat wičouten lettyng he my¨t conceyue al če clergye of če |r5 worlde. In al čat he saw¨ or herde or feled he schulde haue loued oure Lord, derworče God. His skil 7 his wille in alle tymes schulde haue ben festened to his creatour, čer al his ioye is, and his fleisch schulde haue be buxum to če soule 7 to skil wičouten ony a¨eynstondyng. Now may čou see how sorewfuly we fayle in alle čese čingis, boče |r10 anentis če soule 7 anentis če lyf. And ¨it ouer alle očer čen is čer oon čat wondirfully greueč: čat noon may wyterly vndirstonde ¨if he be in cha_rite, ffor, alle če werkis čat he doič he may do hem čoru¨ pride. Fforči seič Job, čat was so hooly, čat he hadde drede of alle his werkis. Now God for his mersy graunte vs čis drede here in čis lyf, so we mowe haue |r15 sikirnes withouten drede in euerlastyng blysse. Amen.