|b{Yorkshire_Writers.} |b{Richard_Rolle_of_Hampole,_an_English_father_of_the_church,} |b{and_his_followers} |b{ed._C._Horstmann} |b{Library_of_Early_English_Writers._London:_Swan_Sonnenschein,_1895.} |b{pp._3-420.} |p{3} |r_Epistels_&c._in_Ms._Cambr._Dd_V._64. 1. ée forme of liuyng. |r_MS._Cambr.Dd_V.64_f.101. Incipit forma uiuendi scripta a beato Ricardo heremita ad Margaretam ana_choritam, suam dilectam discipulam. Cap. 1=m=. |r (I)N ilk a synful man or woman, čat es bunden in dedly syn, er thrye wrechednes: če wylk brynges čamůto če dede of hell, // ée first es: defaute of gastly strenght: čat čai er sa wayke |p4 with-in čair hert, čat čai may nouther standůagaynes če fandynges of če fende, ne čai may lyft čair willůto ¨erne če lofe of god, and folow čar-till. // ée secund es: vse of fleschly desyres: -- for čai haue na will ne myght to stand, čai fall in lustesů& likynges of čis worlde; and for čai thynk čam swete, čai dwell in čam still, many tyll čaire lyues ende: & sa čai com to če thrid wrechednes. // ée thred wrechednes es: chaungyng of lastand godeůfor a passande delite. Als swa say, čai gif ioy endlesůfor a litell ioy of čis lyfe. If čai will torn čam, & ryse till pen_ance, god will ordeyne čair wonyngů with awngelsů& with haly men. Bot for čai chese če vile syn of čis world, & hase mare deliteůin če fylth of čaire flesch, čan in če fairhede of heuen, čai lose bath če worlde & heuen. For he čat hase noght Ihesu Criste, he tynes all čat he has, & all čat he es, & all čat he myght gete. He ne es worthy če lyfe, ne to be feddeůwith swynes mete. All creaturs sal be styrde in his vengaunceůat če day of dome. // éiere wrechednes čat I haue of talde, er noght anely in worldly men or women, čat vses gluttry or litcheri, & očer apert synnes: bot čai er alswaůin other čat semes in penanceů& in gode lyfe. For če deuyll, |p5 čat es enmy till all man kynde, when he sees a man or a woman, ymang a thousand, turne haly to god, and for_sake all če vanytees & ryches čat men čat lufes čis worlde couaytise, & sekes če Ioy lastand: a thousand wiles he hasůon what maner he may desayue čam. And when he may noght bryng čam in till swylk synnesůče whylk myght gar all men wonder on čamůčat knew čam, he begyles many swa pri_uely, čat čai kan noght oft-syth fele če trap čat has taken čaime. Somme he takes with errour, čat he puttes čam yn. // Som wyth singulere witt: when he gars čaime weneůčat če thyng čat čai sai or do es best; and for-či čai wyll na counsell haueů of očer čat es better & conander čen čai: & čis es a foule stynkand pryde, for he wolde sett bis wittůbefore all očer. // Some če deuell deceyues thurgh vayne glory, čat es ydil ioy: When any has prydeů& delyte in čam-self, of če penance čat čai suffer, of gode dedes čat čai do, of any vertu čat čai haue; es glad when men loues čam, sari when men lackes čam; haues envy to čam čat es spokyn mare gode ofůčan of čam. éai halde čair self so gloriouse, & swa fer passand če lyfůčat očer men ledes, čat čai thynk čat nane suld reprehend čam, in any |p6 thyng čat čai do or say; an dispises synfull men & očer če whilk will not do als čai byd čam. How may čow fynd a synfuller wretche čan swilk ane? And sa mykell es he če wer, čat he wate noght čat he es yll, & es halden & honord of men als wyse & hali. // Some er deceyued with ouer-mykell lust & likyng in mete & drynk: When čai passe mesure & com in till outrage, & has delyte čarein; and wenes čat čai syn noght, and forči čai amend čam noght; and swa čai destruye vertues of saule. // Some er begylde with oure_mikell abstinens of mete & drynk & slepe. éat es of če temptacion of če deuell, for to gar čam fall in myddes čair werk, swa čat čai bryng it till nane endyng, als čai suld haue done if čai had knawne skyll & halden discrecion: & swa čai tyne čaire merit for čaire frawerdnes. // éis gylder layes oure enmy to take vs with, when we begyn to hate wyckednes, & turne vs till god. éen many begynnes če thyng čat čai may neuer-mare bryng till ende; čen čai wene čat čai may do what so čair hert es sett on. Bot oft čai fall or čai come ymyd gate; and čat thyng čat čai wend war for čam, es lettyng till čam. For we haue a lange way till heuen, and als many |p7 gode dedys [als] we do, als many prayers als we make, & als many gode thoghtes als we thynk, in trouth & hope & charite: als many paces ga we till heuen-ward. éan if we make vs sa wayke & so febyll, čat we may nouther wyrk ne pray als we suld do, ne thynk: Er we noght gretly at blame, čat fayles when we had maste nede to be stal_worth? And wele I wate, it es noght goddys will čat we sa do. For če prophete says: "Lorde, I sall kepe my strengh to če": so čat he myght susten goddys seruys till his dede-day, and noght in a litill & in a schort tyme waste it & čan lygge wanand & granand be če wall. And it es mykel mare peryll čan men wenes. For saynt Ierome says, čat he makys of rauyn offerand čat outragely tourmentis his body in oure-lytel mete or slepe. And saynt Bernarde sais: "Fastyng & wakyng lettes noght gastly godes, bot helpes, if čai be done with discrecion; with-outen čat, čai er vices". For-či, it es noght gode to pyne vs so mykell, & sithen haue vnthank for oure dede. // éare hase bene many, & er, čat wenes čat it es noght all čat čai do, bot if čai be in sa mikell abstinence & fastyng čat all men speke of čam čat knawes čam. Bot oft-sythes it befalles čat ay |p8 če mare ioy & wonduryng čai haue with-outen of če louyng of men, ay če les ioy čai haue with-in, of če luf of god. At my dome, čai sulde pay Ihesu Criste mikell mare if čai toke for his loue, in thankyng & louyng of hym, forto sustan čar body in his ser_uyse, and to halde čam fra mikell speche of men, what so god send for če tyme and če stede, & gaf čam sithen enterely & perfitely to če luf & če louyng of čat lorde Ihesu Criste, čat will stal_worthly be lufed, & lastandly be serued; so čat čaire halynes war mare sene in goddes egh, čen in mans. For ay če better čou ert & če les speche čou has of men, če mare es či ioy before god. // Ha, what it es mykell, to be worthi louyng, and be noght loued! And what wrechednes it es, to haue če name & če habet of halynes, & be noght so, bot couer pride, Ire, or enuy, vnder če clathes of Criste barnhede! A foule thyng it es to hafe lykyng & delite in mens wordes, čat can na mare deme what we er in oure saule, čen čai wate what we thynk. For oft-sithe čai say čat he or scho es in če hegher degre, čat es in če lawer; and čat čai say es in če lawer, es in če hegher. For-či. I halde it bot wodnes to be gladder or sarier, whečir čai say gude or ill. If we be aboutewarde to |p9 hyde vs fra speche and louyng of čis worlde, god wyll schew vs till hys louyng, & oure Ioy. For čat es his ioy when we er strenghfull to stande agaynes če pryue & če aperte fandyng of če deuell, & sekes na thyng bot če honoure & če louyng of hym, and čat we myght enterely loue hym. And čat aght to be oure desyre, oure prayer & oure entent, nyght & day, čat če fyre of hys lufe kyndell oure hert, & če swetnes of hys grace be oure comforth & oure solace, in wele and wo. // éow hase now herd a party, how če fende deceyues, wyth hys sotell craftes & whaynt, men & women. And if čou will do be gode cownsel, & folow haly lare, als I hope čat čou will: čou sall destroy his trappes, & bryn in če fyre of luf all če bandes čat he walde bynd če with, & all his malys sall turne če til ioy, & hym till mare sorow. / God suffers hym to tempe gode men for čaire profete, čat čai may be če hegher crownde, when čai thurgh his helpe hase ouercomne sa cruell an enmy, čat oft-sythes both in body & in saule confowndes many men. // In thre maners če deuell has power to be in a man. On a maner: hurtande če godes čat čai haue of kynde, als in dom men, & in other, blemysand čair thoght. On a nother maner: revande |p10 če godes whilk čai haue of grace; and so he es in synfull men če whilk he hase deceyued thurgh delyte of če worlde & of čair flesche, and ledes čam with hym till hell. On če third maner, he tourmentes a mans body, als we rede čat he has done Iob. Bot wytt čou wele; if he begyle če noght with-in, če thar noght drede what he may do če with-oaten; for he may do na mare, čan god gyfs hym leue for to do. Cap=m=. 2=m=. |r (F)Or čat čou has forsakyn če solace & če ioy of čis world, & taken če to solitary lyf, for gods luf to suffer tribulacion & anguys here, & sithen com to čat blys čat neuer-mare blynnes: I trowe treuly čat če comforth of Ihesu Criste, & če swetnes of his loue, with če fire of če haly gast, čat purges all syn, sall be in če, & with če, ledand če, & lerand če / how čou sall thynk, how čou sall pray, what čou sall wyrk; so čat in a few ¨ers čou sall haue mare delyte, to be by či nane, & speke till či luf & to či spows Ihesu Crist, čat hegh es in heuen, čan if čou war lady here of a thowsand worldes. Men wenes čat we er in pyne, & in penance grete: bot we haue mare ioy & mare |p11 verray delyte in a day, čan čai haue in če worlde all čar lyue. / éai se oure body, bot čai se noght oure hert, whare oure solace es. If čai saw čat, many of čam wold forsake all čat čai haue, forto folow vs. For-či be com_ford, & stalworth, and drede na noye ne angwysch: bot fest all thyne entent in Ihesu, čat či lyf be gode & wheme; and loke čat čere be na thyng in če čat suld be mys-payand till hym, čat čou ne sone amend itt. / ée state čat čou ert in, čat es solitude, es maste abyll of all othyr til reuelacion of če haly gaste. For when saynt Ione was in če yle of Pathmos, čan god schewed hym his prynytees. / ée godenes of god it es, čat he comfortes čam wondyrfully čat has na comforth of če worlde, if čai gyf čair hert enterly till hym, and couayts noght ne sekes bot hym: čen he gyues hym-self till čaime, in swetnes & delyte, in byrnyng of luf, & in ioy & melody, & dwelles ay with čam, in thaire saule, sa čat če comforth of hym departes neuer fra čam. / And if čai any tym begyn till erre, thurgh ignorance or freelte: sone he wysses čam če right way; & all čat čai haue nede of, he leres čam. // Naman till swylk reuelacion & grace on če first day may kom: bot thurgh lang trauell & bysines to loue Ihesu Criste, als čou |p12 sall here afterward. / Noght-for-či, čan he suffers čam to be temped on sere maners, both wakand & slepand. For ay če ma temptacions, & če greuoser, čai stande agayne, & ouer-comes: če mare sall čai ioy in his luf, when čai er passed. // Wakand čai er vmwhile tempyd wyth foule thoghtys, vile lustes, wicked delites; with pryde, Ire, enuy, despaire, presumpcion, & očer many. Bot čaire remedy sall be: Prayer, Gretyng. Fastyng, Wakyng. // éire thynges, if čai be done with discrecion, čai put a-way syn & filth fra če saule, & makes it clene, to receyue če luf of Ihesu Criste, čat may noght be loued, bot in clennes. // Also, vmwhile če fende tempes men & women, čat er solitary by čam ane, on a qwaynt maner & a sotell: He transfigurs hym in če lyknes of an awngel of lyght, & apers till čam, and sayes čat be es ane of goddes awngels, comen to comforth čam; & swa he deceyues foles. Bot čai čat er wys, & wil not tyte trow till all spirites, bot askes cownsel of conand men: he may not begyle čam. Als I fynd writen of a reclues, čat was a gude woman; til če whilk če ill awngell oft-sythes aperde in če forme of a gode awngel, and sayd čat he was comen to bryng hir |p13 to heuen. Wharfore scho was right glad & ioyful. Bot neuer-če-latter, scho talde it til hir schryft-fader; and be, als wyse man and war, gaf hir čis counsell: / "When he comes, he sayde, byd hym čat he schew če oure lady saynt Mary. When he has done swa: say Aue maria". Scho dyd sa. če fende sayde: / "čou has na nede to se hyr; my presence suffyse to če". And scho sayde, on all maner scho suld se hyr. He saw čat hym behoued outher do hir wyll, or scho walde despyse hym: Als tyte he broght forth če fayrest woman čat myght be, als to hyr syght, & schewed til hyr. And scho sett hir on hir knees & sayde: Aue maria. And als tyte all vanyst away; & for scham neuer sithen come he at hir. / éis I say not, for I hope čat he sal haue leue to tempe če on čis maner; bot for I will čat čou be war, if any wyk temptacions befall če, slepand or wakand, čat čou trow not oure-tyte, til čou knaw ůče soth. // Mare priuilyer he transfigurs hym in če forme of an awngel of lyght -- čat comonli al men ar temped with: when he hydes ill vnder če liknes of gode. And čat es in twa maneres: / Ane es, when he egges vs til oure-mykel ees & rest of body, and softnes til oure flesche, vndir |p14 ne[d]e to susteyne oure kynde. For swilk thoghtes he puttes in vs: bot if we ete wele, & drynk wele, & slepe wele, & lygge soft & sytt warme: we may not serue god, ne last in če trauell čat we haue begonn. Bot he thynkes to bryng vs till ouer-mykel lust. // Another es, when vnder če lyk_nes of gastly gode he entices vs til scharp & oure-mikel penance, forto destroye oure self; and says čus: "čou wate wele čat he čat suffers mast penance for goddes lufe, he sall haue maste mede. Forči ete litell, and febyl mete, & drynk lesse, če thynnest drynk es gode ynogh till če. Recke noght of slepe; were če hayre, & če habirion. All thyng čat es affliccion for či flesche, do it: so čat čare be nane, čat may passe če in penance". / He čat says če čus, es aboute to sla če with oure-mykel ab_stinence, als he čat sayde če točer, to sla če with oure-lytell. Forči, if we will be right disposed, vs behoues sett vs in a gude mene, & čat we may destroy oure vices, & halde oure flesche vnder,/ and neuer-če-latter čat it be stalworth in če seruyse of Ihesu Criste. // Als-swa, oure enmy will noght suffer vs to be in rest when we slepe: bot čan he es aboute to begyle vs in many |p[15_is_missing.] |p16 čan many vanitees in seer maners be_falles čam slepande. // ée thryd es, of illusyons of oure enmy. // ée ferth es, of thoght before, and illusion folouand. / And če fyft, thorow če reuelacion of če hali gast, čat es done on many a maner. / ée sext es, of thoghtes be_fore čat falles to Criste or hali kyrk, reuelacion comand after. / In čus many maners touches če ymage of dremes men when čai slepe. Bot sa mykell we sall latlyer gyf fayth till any dreme, čat we may not sone wyt whilk es soth, whilk es fals; whilk es of oure enmy, whilk es of če hali gaste. / For whare many dremes er, čare er many vanitees. And many čai may make to erre: for čai hegh vnwhaynt men, & swa deceyues čam. Cap.=m=. 3=m=. |r (I) Knawe čat či lyfe es gyuen to če seruyce of god, čan es it schame til če, bot if čou be als gode, or better, with-in in či sawle, als čou ert semand at če syght of men. Turne for-či či thoghtes perfitely till god, als it semes čat čou hase done či body. For I will not čat čou wene čat all er hali čat hase če abet of halyues, & er noght ocupyed with če worlde; / Ne čat all er ill čat melles čam with erthly by_sines. // Bot čai er anly hali, what state or degre čai be in, če whilk despises all erthly thyng, čat es at say, lufs it noght, & byrnes in če luf of |p17 Ihesu Criste, & al čair desires er sett til če ioy of heuen, & hates al synn, & ceses noght of gode werkys, and feles a swetnes in čaire hert of če lufe with-outen ende: / and neuer-če-latter čai thynk čam-self vylest of all, & haldes čam wretchedest, leste, & lawest. / éis es hali mens lyf: folow it, & be haly. / And if čou will be in mede with apostels, thynk noght what čou for-soke, bot what čou despyses. / For als mykell čai forsake čat foloues Ihesu Criste, in wilfull pouert, & in mekenes, & in charite, & in paciens, als čai may couayte čat folows hym noght. And thynk with how mykel, & how gude will čou presentes či vowes be-fore hym: for till čat he hase hys egh; / and if čou with gret desyre offer či praiers, with grete feruoure couayte to se hym, and seke na erthly comforth, bot če sauoure of heuen, & in contemplacion čerof haue či delyte. // Wondurfulli Ihesu wirkes itt hys louers: če whilk he reues fra če lust of flesch & of blode, thorow tender lufe. He makes čam to will na erthly thyng, & dose čam ryse in to če solace of hym, & to forgete vanytees & fleschely lufe of če worlde, & to drede na sorow čat may fall; / To lathe with ouer-mykel |p18 bodili ees. To suffer for his luf, čam thynk it ioy; and to be solitary čai haue grete comforth: čat čai be noght lettyd of čat deuocyon. // Now may čou se čat many er war čan čai seme, & many er better čan čai seme, & namely amang čase čat hase če habett of halynes. / For-či afforce če, in all čat čow may, čat čou be noght wer čan čou semes. / And if čou will do als I lere če in čis schort forme of lyuyng. I hope, thorou če grace of god, čat if men halde če gude, čou sall be wele better. Cap=m=. IIII=m=. |r (A)T če begynnyng, turne če en_terely to či lorde Ihesu Criste. / éat turnyng till Ihesu es noght els, bot turnyng fra all če couaytyse & če lik_yng & če occupacions & bisynes of worldly thynges & of fleschly lust and vayne luf: swa čat či thoght, čat was ay donward, modeland in če erth, whils čou was in če worlde, now be ay vpwarde als fire, sekand če heghest place in heuen, right til či spows, čare he syttes in hys blys. Til hym čou ert turned, when his grace illumyns či hert; & forsakes all vices, & conformes it til vertues & gude thewes, & til all maner of debonerte & mekenes. / And čat čou may last & wax in gudenes čat čou hase begon, with-owten slawnes |p19 & sarynes & irkyng of či lyf: / Fowre thyngs sall čou haue in či thoght, til čou be in perfyte lufe -- For when čou ert commen čar-till, či ioy & desyre will ay be byrnand in Criste. Ane es: če mesur of či lyf here, čat sa schort es čat vnnethis es it oght. / For we lyue bot in a poynt -- čat es če leste thyng čat may be. / And, sothely, oure lyfe es les čan a poynt, if we liken it to če lyfe čat lastes ay. // Another es: vncertente of owre endyng. For we wate neuer when we sal dye, ne whare we sal dye, ne how we sal dye, ne whider we sal ga when we er dede. & čat god wil čat čis be vn_certayn til vs: for he will čat we be ay redy to dye. // ée thyrd es: čat we sall answer before če ryghtwys Iuge of all če tyme čat we haue bene here, how we haue lyued, what oure occu_pacioun hase bene and why, & what gude we myght haue done when we haue bene ydel. For-či sayde če pro_phete: "He hase calde če tyme agayn me", čat ilk day he hase lent vs here forto despende in gude vse, and in penance, & in gods seruys. / If we waste it in erthly lafe & in vanitees, ful greuosly mon we be demed & punyst -- ffor čat es ane of če maste sorow čat may be: bot we afforce vs manly in če lufe of god, & do gude til all čat we may, whil oure schort tyme lastes. And ilk tyme čat we thynk not on god, we may cownt it als če thyng čat we haue tynt. The ferth es: |p20 čat we thynk how mykell če ioy es čat čai haue če whilk lastes in goddes lufe til čair endyng. For čai sal be brether & felaws with awngels & haly men, lufand & thankand, louand & seand, če kyng of ioy, in če fayrhede & in če schynyng of his maieste. ée whilk syght sall be mede & mete, & al delytes čat any creature may thynk, & mare čan any may tell, till all hys louers, with-outen ende. / It es mikel lightar to com to čat blys, čan for to tell it. / Als-swa thynk what pyne & what sorow and tormentyng čai sall houe če whilk lufs noght god ouer all other thynges čat man sees in čis world, bot files čare bodi & čair sawle in lust & letchery of čis lyfe, In pryde & couayties, & očer synnes: čai sall byrne in če fyre of hell, with če deuell wham čai serued, als lang as god es in heuen with his seruandes: čat es euer-mare. Cap=m=. V=m=. |r (I) Wyll čat čou be ay clymbande till Ihesu-warde, & ekand či luf & či seruys in hym: noght als foles doos: čai begyn in če heyest degre, & coms downe till če lawest. I say noght, for I will čat if čou haue begune vnskyl_full abstinence, čat čou halde it: bot for many čat was byrnand at če be_gynnyng & abyll til če luf of Ihesu Criste, for owre-mykel penans čai haue lettyd čam-self, & made čam sa febel čat čai may noght lufe god as čai sulde. In če whilk luf čat čow wax ay mare & mare, es my couaytyng & |p21 amonestyng. I halde če neuer of če lesse meryt yf čou be noght in swa mykel abstinence; bot if čou sett al či thoght how čou may luf či spouse Ihesu Criste, mare čan čou has done, čan dar I say čat či mede es waxand, & noght wanande. Capitulum sextum. |r (W)Harfore, čat čou be ryght dis_posed, bath for či saule & či body, čou sall vnderstande fowre thynges: / ée fyrst thyng es: what thyng fyles a man. / ée točer thyng: what makys hym clene. / ée thyrd: what haldes hym in clennes. / ée ferth; what thyng drawes hym for to ordayue his will all at goddes will. // For če fyrst: wyt čou čat we synne in thre thynges, čat makes vs folowe: čat es wyth hert, and mouth, & dede. // ée synnes of če hert, er čir: Ill thoght, ill delyte, assent till synne, desyre of ill, wikked will. Ill suspecion. vndeuocion. If čou lat či hert any tyme be ydell, with-outen occupacion of če lufe, of če louyng of god. Ill drede. ill lufe. errour. fleschely affeccioun till či frendes or till other čat čou lufes. Ioy in any mens ill-fare, whethir čai be enmy or nane. despyte of pure / or of synfull men. to honor ryche men for čaire rytches. / vnconabyll ioy of any worldes vanite. / sorow of če worlde. / vnthol_modnes. perplexite, / čat es dowt what es to do / & what noght -- / for ilk a man aght for to be syker what he sall do & what he sall leue. / obstinacion in |p22 ill. / noy to do gude. / anger to serue god. / sorow čat he dyd na mare ill, / or čat he dyd noght čat luste / or čat will of his flesche / ée whilk he myght haue done. / vnstabylnes of thoght. / pyne of penance. / ypocrisy. / lufe to plees to men. / drede to dysplees čam. / schame of gude dede. / ioy of ill dede. / Synguler witt. couaytyse of honoure, or of dignite, or to be halden better čan other, or rycher, or fayrer, or to be mare dred. vayne glory of any godes of kynde, or of happe, or of grace. Schame with pore frendes, pryde of či riche kynne, or of gentyl -- for all we er ilike fre be-for gods face, bot if owre dedes make any better or wers čan other. despyte of gude counsell, & of gude techynge. // ée synnes of če mowthe, er thir: To swere oft-syth. / forsweryng. sclaunder of Criste / or of any of his halows. / To neven his name with-outen reuerence, agayn-sai_yng, and strife, agayne sothfastnes. / grotchyng agayns god. / for any angwys, or noy, or tribulacioun / éat may be_fall in erth. / to say goddes seruys vndeuowtly / & with-outen reuerence. / Bakbityng. / flateryng. / lesyng. / mis_saiyng. / wariyng. / defamyng. / flyt_yng. / manasyng. / sawyng of discorde. / treson. / fals wytnes. / ill cownsell. / hethyng. / vnboxumnes with worde. / to turne gude dedes to ill, / for to gar čam be halden ill čat dose čam -- / We aght to lappe oure neghboure dedes in če beste, noght in če warst. / ex_cityng of any man till ire. / to reprehende in a nother / éat he dose hym-self. / |p23 vayne speche. / mykel speche. / fowle speche. / to speke ydell wordes / or wordes čat er na nede. / rusyng. / polysyng of wordes. / defendyng of synne. / criyng of laghter. / mowe mak_yng on any man. / to syng seculere sanges & lufe čam. / to prayse ill dedes. / to syng mare for louyng of men čan of god. // ée synnes of dede, er čir: Glo_tony. / letchery. / drunkynhede. / symony,/ wytchecraft. / brekyn[g] of če haly dayes. / sacrileghe. / to receyue goddes body in dedely synn. / brekyng of vowes. / apostasy. / dissolucioun in goddes ser_uys. / to gyf ensawmpyl of il dede. to hurt any man in his body / or in his godes / or in hys fame. / theft. / rauyn. / vsur. / desayte. / sellyng of ryghtwysnes. / to herken ill. / to gyf to herlotes. / to withhalde necessaries fra či body. / or to gyf it to owtrage. / to begyn a thyng čat es abowen oure myght. / custom to syn. / fallyng oft to syn. / fenyng of mare gude čan we haue, / for to seme halyer / or conander / or wiser / éan we er. / to halde če office čat we suffice noght till, or čat čat may noght be halden with-outen syn. / to lede karols. / to bryng vp new gyse. / to be rebell agayne hys souerayns. / to defoule čam čat er lesse. / To syn in syght. / in heryng. / in smellyng. / in towchyng. / in handelyng. / In swellyng; / In gyftes, / In wayes. / sygnes. / bydynges, writ_ynges. / To receyue če circumstance, čat er: Tyme, / stede, / maner, / nowm_ber, / person, / dwellyng, / conyng, / |p24 elde: / éir makes če syn mare or lesse. to couayte to syn or he be temped. to constreyne hym till syn. // Other many syns čar er of omission, čat es, of leuyng of gude vndone: when men leues če gude čat čai suld do: Noght thynkand on god, / ne dredand, / ne louand hym, / ne thankand hym of his benefices. / to do noght all čat he doos for goddes lufe. / to sorow noght for hys syn as he sulde do. / to dispoos hym noght to receyue grace. / And if he haue taken grace, to vse it noght als hym aght, / ne to kepe it noght. / to turne noght at če inspiracion of god. / to conforme noght his will to gods will. to gyf noght entent till his prayers, / bot rabill on, / & rek neuer bot čai be sayde. / to do necligently čat he es bownden till, thorow a vowe, / or comawnded, / or es enioynde in penance. / to draw on lengh čat es at do sone. / hauand na ioy of his neghbor prophet als of his awne; noght sorowand for his ill fare. / standand noght agayne tempta_cions. / forgifand noght čam čat hase done hym harme. / kepand noght trouth to his neghbnr, als he walde čat he dyd till hym; / and yheldand hym noght a gude dede for a nother, if he may. / Amendand noght čam čat synnes be-fore his ene. / peesand noght stryues. / lerand noght čam čat er noght conand. / comfortand noght čam čat er in sorow / or in sekenes / or in pouert / or in penance / or in pryson. / éir synnes, & many other, makes men |p25 foule. -- // ée thynges čat clenses vs of čat filth, er thre, agaynes čase thre maners of synnes. // ée fyrst es: sorow of hert: agayne če syn of thoght. Ant it behoues be perfite: čat čou will neuer syn mare. And čat čou haue sorow of all či synnes. And čat all ioy & solace, bot of god & in god, be pat ont of či hert. / ée točer es: schryft of mouth: agayn če syn of mouth. And čat salle be hasty, with_outen delaying, Naked, with-outen excusyng, Hale, with-owten partyng: Als forto tell a syn till a preste, & a nother till a nother. Say all čat čow wate till ane: or els či schryft es noght worth. // ée third es: satisfaceion: čat has thre partyes: Fastyng, Prayer, & Almos-dede. Noght anly to gif pore men mete & drynk: bot for to forgyf čam čat dose če wrange, & prai for čam; / and en_forme čam bow čai sall do čat er in poynt to perisch. -- // For če thyrd thyng, čou sall wyt čat clennes behoues be keped in hert, & in mouth, & in werk. / Clennes of hert, thre thynges kepes: Ane es, waker thoght & stabel of god. A nother es, bisynes to kepe či fyue wittes; sa čat all če wyked styryngs of čam be closed out of če flesche. / ée third, honest occupacion and prophetabyll. // Alswa, clennes of a mouth, kepes thre thynges: Ane es, čat čow vmthynk če before, or čou speke. A nother es, čat čou be not of mikel speche, but of litel; & namly ay til či hert be stabeld in če luf of Ihesu Cryst: |p26 swa čat če thynk čat čou lokes ay on hym, whether čou speke or noght. Bot swilk a grace may čou noght haue in če fyrst day; bot with lang trauell, & grete bysines to lof hym with custom, so čat če egh of či hert be ay vpwarde, sall čou ł com čar-till. / ée thyrd: čat čou for nathyng, ne for na mekenes, lye on any man. For ilk a lee es syn, & il, & noght goddes will. The thar noght tell all če soth ay, bot if čow will. Bot al lees hate. Yf čou say a thyng of či self čat semes či louyng: & čou say it to če louyng of god and help of other, čou dos noght vnwisely, for čou spekes sothfastnes. Bot if čou will haue oght pryue: tel it til nane bot swylk ane, čat čou be syker čat it sulde noght be schewed bot anly til če louyng of god, of wham es all gudenes, & čat makes som better čan očer, and gifes čam special grace, noght anely for čamůself, bot alswa for čam čat wil do wele after čaire ensawmpell. // Clennes of werk, thre thynges keps: Ane es, a bysi thoght of dede -- For če wyse man says: "Vmbethynk če of či last endyng; and čou sall noght syn." Another: fle fra ill felyschypp, čat gyfs mare ensawmpel to luf če worlde čan god, erth čan heuen, filth of body čan clennes of saule. // ée third es: tem_perance & discrecion in mete & drynk: čat it be nowther til owtrage, ne beneth skilwys sustinance for či body. For both oomes til an ende: owtrage, & ouer-mykel fastyng: for nowther es gods will -- & čat many wil noght wene, for |p27 noght čat man may say. / Yf čou take sustenance of swilk gude als god sendys for če tyme & če day, what it be, I owt-take na maner of mete čat cristen men vses, with discrecion & mesur: čou dose wele, for sa dyd Criste hym_self, & hys apostels. / Yf čou leue many metes čat men has; noght dispysand če mete čat god has made til mannes helpe, bot for če thynk čat čou hase na nede čarof: čou dose wele, If čou se čat čow ert stalworth to serue god, & čat it brekes noght či stomake. For if čou haue broken it with oure-mikel abstynence, the es reft appetyte of mete; and oft sal čou be in qwathes, als čou war redy to gyf če gast. And wit čou wele, čou synned in čat dede. / And čou may not witt sone whethir či abstinence be agayne če, or with če. For če tyme čou ert ¨ong, I rede čat čou ete & drynk, better & war, als it comes, čat čou be noght be-gylt. And after-warde, when čou has proued many thynges, & ouer-commen many temptacions, & knawes better či-self & god čan čou dyd: čan, if čou se čat it be at do, čou mai take til mare ab_stinence. And whils čou may do pryue penance, čat al men thar noght wyt. Ryghtwysnes es noght al in fastyng, ne in etyng: Bot čou ert ryghtwys, if all ilyke be to če despyte & louyng, pouert & rytches, hunger & nede, als delytes & dayntes. If čou take čir with a lowyng of god: I halde če blyssed, & hee before Ihesu. Men čat comes til če, čai luf če for čai se či grete ab_stinens, & for čai se če enclosed: Bot |p28 I may not loue če so lyghtly, for oght čat I se če do withowten: bot if či wil be conformed enterely to goddes will. And sett noght by čar louyng ne čar lackyng, and gyf čou neuer tale if čai speke lesse gode of če čan čai dyd: bot čat čou be byrnander in goddes luf čan čou was. For a thyng warne I če: I hope čat god has na perfyte seruand in erth with-outen ennemyes of som men -- For anely wret_chednes has na enmy. // Forto draw vs čat we conforme oure will till goddes will: er thre thynges. Ane es, en_sawmpel of haly men & haly wymen, če whilk war ententife, nyght & day, to serue god & drede hym, and luf hym. And we folow čam in erth, we mon be with čam in heuen. Another es, če godenes of oure lorde, čat despises nane, bot gladly receyues all čat comes till hys mercy; & he es hamlyer to čam čan brother or syster, or any frende čat čai maste luf, or maste treystes on. / ée thyrd es: če wonderfull ioy of če kyngdom of heuen, čat es mare čan tong may tell, or hert mai thynk, or egh may se, or ere may here. It es swa mykel, čat, als in hel myght na thyng lyue for mykel pyne, bot at če myght of god suffers čam noght to dye: swa če ioy in če syght of Ihesu in his godhede es swa mykel, čat čai mond dye for ioy, if it ne war his godenes, čat will čat his louers be lyuand ay in blys: als his ryghtwysnes wil čat al čat lufed hym noght, be ay lyuand in fyre, čat es horribel till any man at thynk, loke čen what it es to |p29 fele. Bot čai čat will not thynk it & drede it now, čai sal suffer it euer_mare. Now hase čow herd how čou may dispose či lyfe, and rewle it to goddes will. Bot I vate wele čat čou desyres to here some special poynt of če luf of Ihesu Criste, & of con_templatyf lyfe, če whilk čou hase taken če till at mens syght. Als I haue grace & konnyng. I will lere če. Ca=m=. VII=m=. |r (A)More langueo. / éir twa wordes er wryten in če boke of lufe, čat es kalled če sang of lufe, or če sang of sanges. / For he čat mykel lufes, hym lyst oft syng of his luf, for Ioy čat he or scho hase when čai thynk on čat čat čai lufe, namely if čair louer be trew & lufand. / And čis es če Inglisch of thies twa wordes: "I languysch for lufe. // Sere men in erth has sere gyftes & graces of god: bot če special gift of čas čat ledes solitary lyf, es for to lufe Ihesu Criste. / éow says me: "all men lufes hym čat haldes his comawnde_mentes." Soth it es. Bot all men čat kepes hys byddyngs, kepes noght also hys cownsayle. And all čat dos his cownsell, er noght also fulfyld of če swetnes of his lufe, ne feles noght če fyre of byrnand luf of hert. / Forči, če diuersite of lufe, makes če diuersite of halynes & of mede. / In heuen, če awngels čat er byrnandest in lufe, er nerrest god. / Also men & women čat maste has of goddes lufe, whether čai do penance or nane: čai sall be in če heghest degre in heuen; čai čat lufes |p30 hym lesse, in če lawer order. If čou lufe hym mykel: mykel ioy & swetnes & byrnyng čou feles in his lufe, čat es či comforth & strengh, nyght & day. / If či lufe be not byrnand in hym: litel es či delyte. For hym may naman fele in ioy & swetnes, bot if čai be clene, & fylled with his lufe: and čar_till sal čou com with grete trauayle in praier & thynkyng: hauand swilk medi_tacions čat er al in če lufe & in če louyng of god. // And when čou ert at či mete: loue ay god in či thoght, at ilk a morsel, & say čus in či hert: Loued be čou keyng, & thanked be čou keyng, & blyssed be čou keyng, Ihesu all my ioyng, of all či giftes gude: čat for me spylt či blude, & died on če rude; čou gyf me grace to syng, če sang of či louyng. / And thynk it noght anely whils čou etes: bot bath before & after, ay bot when čou prayes or spekes. Or if čou haue other thoghtes čat čou has mare swetnes in & deuocion, čan in čase čat I lere če: čou may thynk [čam]. For I hope čat god will do swilk thoghtes in či hert, als he es payde of, & als čou ert ordaynde for. / When čou prayes, loke noght how mykel čou says, bot how wele: čat če lofe of či hert be ay vpwarde, & thy thoght on čat čou sayes, als mykel als čow may. / If čou be in prayers & medita_cions al če day: I wate wele čat čou mon wax gretely in če lufe of Ihesu |p31 Cryste, & mikel fele of delyte, and within schort tyme. Capitulum VIII=m=. |r (T)Hre degrees of lufe I sal tell če: for I walde čat čou moght wyn to če heest. The fyrst degre es called insuperabel. / ée secund, Inseparabel. / ée thyrd es, syngulere. éi luf es In_superabel: when na thyng čat es con_trary til gods lufe, ouer-comes it: bot es stalworth, agayns al fandyngs; and; stabel, whether čou be in ese or in. angwys, or in hele or in sekenes; swa; čat če thynk čat čow walde noght, for all če worlde to haue it with-owten ende, wreth god any tyme; / and če. war leuer, if outher sulde be, to suffer, al če pyne & waa čat myght com til any creature, or čou wald do če thyng, čat suld mys-pay hym. / On čis maner sal či lufe be Insuperabel, čat na thyng may downe bryng bot spryngand on heght. / Blyssed es he or scho čat es in čis degre: bot ¨itt er čai blyssedar čat myght halde čis degre, & wyn in til če točer, čat es Inseparabel. // In_separabel es či lufe: when al či hert, & či thoght, & či myght, es swa haly, swa enterely, and swa perfytely festend, sett, & stabeld in Ihesu Cryste: čat či thoght comes neuer of hym, neuer de_čartyd fra hym, outaken slepyng; / and als sone als čou wackens, či hert es on hym, sayand: Aue maria, or Gloria, tibi domine, or Pater noster, or Mise_rere |p32 mei deus if čou haue bene temped in či slepe; or thynkand on his lufe, & his louyng, als čou dyd wakand. When čou may na tyme forgete hym, what sa čou dose or says: čan es či lufe In_separabel. / Ful mykel grace haue čai čat es in čis degre of lufe. / And me thynk, čou čat hase noght els at do bot forto lufe god, may com čartill if any may gete it. // ée thyrd degre es heest, & maste ferly to wyn: éat es calde Synguler, for it hase na pere. / Singuler lufe es: when all comforth & solace es closed owt of či hert, bot of Ihesu Cryste al-ane. Other ioy lyst it noght. / For če swetnes of hym in čis degre es swa comfortand, & lastand in his lufe, sa byrnand & gladand, čat he or scho čat es in čis degre, mai als wele fele če fyre of lufe byrnand in čaire saule, als čou may fele či fynger byrn, if čou putt it in če fyre. Bot čat fire, if it be hate, es swa delitabell & wondyrful, čat I kan noght tell it. éan či sawle es Ihesu lufand, / Ihesu thynkand, / Ihesu desirand, anly in če couayties of hym anedande, / til hym syngand, / of hym byrnand, / in hym restand. éan če sange of louyng & of lufe es commen. / éan či thoght turnes in til sang & in til melody. // éan če behoues syng če psalmes, čat čou be_fore sayde. éan čou mon be lang a_bowte few psalmes. / éan če wil thynk če deed swettar čan hony, for čan čou ert ful syker, to se hym čat čou lufes. [éan may čou hardyly say; "I languysch for lufe."] éan may čou say: "I slepe: & |p33 my hert wakes." // In če first degre men may say "I languysch for lufe" or "me laages in lufe," & in če točer degre alswa, / ffor languysyng es, when men fayles for sekenes, and čai čat er in čire twa degrees, fayles fra al če couay_ties of čis worlde & fra lust & lyk_yng of synful lyfe, & settes čair entent & čair hert to če lufe of god -- for_či čai may say: "I languysch for lufe;" and mykel mare čat er in če secund degre, čan in če fyrst. Bot če sawle čat es in če thyrd degre, es als byrn_and fyre, and as če nyghttyngale, čat lufes sang & melody, & fayles for mykel lufe; swa čat če saule es [anely] comforted in louyng & lufyng of god, and til če dede com, es syngand gastly til Ihesu, and in Ihesu, and Ihesu, noght (bodyly) cryand wyth mouth -- of čat maner of syn(gyng sp)eke I noght, for čat sang hase bath g(ude &) ill; and čis maner of sang hase nane bot if čai be in čis thyrd degre of lufe: til če whilk degre is es im_possibel to com bot in a grete multi_tude of lufe. / For-či, if čou will wytt whatkyn ioy čat sang has, I say če, čat naman wate bot he or scho čat feles it, čat has it, & čat loues god, syngand čarwyth. A thyng tel I če; it es of heuen, & god gyfes it til wham he wil: bot noght with-outen grete grace comand be-fore. Wha hase it, hym thynk al če sang & al če myn_stralcy of erth noght bot sorow & wa, čartil. / In souerayne rest sal čai be čat may gete it. Gangrels, and Ian_gelers, & Kepers of comers and gangars |p34 arely & late, nyght & day, or any čat es takked with any syn wilfully & wittandly, or čat has delyte in any erthly thyng: čai er als far čar-fra als es fra heuen to erth. / In če fyrst de_gre er many; in če točer degre er ful faa: bot in če thyrde degre vnnethes er any; for ay če mare čat če perfec_cion es, če faer folowers it has. In če fyrst degre, er men lickend to če sternes; In če točer: till če mone; In če thyrd: til če sonne. For-či says saynt Paule: "Other of če sonne, other of če mone, other of če sternes;" / swa it es of če lufers of god. / In čis third degre, if čou may wyn čar-till, čou sall witt of mare ioy čan I haue talde če (¨i)tt. // And ymang other affeccions & sanges, čou (may in či) langyng syng čis in či hert / til či lorde Ihesu, (when) čou couaytes hys comyng, & či gangyng: When will čow com to comforth me, and bryng me owt of care. / & gyf me če čat I may se, hauand euer-mare? / éi lufe es ay swettest, of al čat euer war: / My hert when sal it brest? for lafe čan languyst I namare. / For lufe my thoght has fest, & I am fayne to fare. // I stand in still mowrnyng of al lufelyest of lare;.. es lufe langyng. // It drawes me til my day: ée band of swete byrnyng, for it haldes me ay Fra place & fra plaiyng, til čat I get may ée syght of my swetyng, čat wendes neuer away. In welth bees oure wakyng, wyth-owten noy or nyght: My lufe es in lastyng, & langes to čat syght. |p35 Capitulum nonum. |r (I)F čou wil be wele with god, & haue grace to rewle či lyf, & com til če ioy of luf: éis name IHESU fest it swa fast in či hert, čat it com neuer owt of či thoght. And when čou spekes til hym & says Ihesu thurgh custom, it sal be in či ere ioy, in či mouth hony, & in či hert melody: For če sall thynk ioy to here čat name be neuend, swetnes to speke it, myrth & sang to thynk it. / If čou thynk Ihesu contynuly, & halde it stabely, it purges či syn. / & kyndels či hert; / it clari_fies či sawle; / it remoues anger. / & dose away slawnes. / It woundes in lafe. / & fulfilles of charite. / It chaces če deuel, / & puttes oute drede. / It opens heuen / & makes a contemplatif man. / Haue in mynde Ihesu: for al vices & fantomes it puttes owte fra če louer. And haylce oft Mary, bath day and nyght. Mikel lufe & ioy sal čou fele, if čou wil do aftyr čis lare. / ée thare noght couayte gretely many bokes: halde lufe in hert, & in werke, and čou hase al čat we may say or wryte: for fulnes of če law es charite; in čat hynges all. Cap=m=. X=m=. |r (B)Ot now may čou ask me & say: "čou spekes sa mykel of lufe: tel me / What es lufe. An[d] whar es lufe. / And how I sal lufe god verrayly. / And how čat may knaw čat I lufe hym. / And in what state I may maste lufe hym." / éir er hard questyons to lere, til a febyll man & a fleschly als I am. Bot neuer-če-latter čar-fore I sal |p36 noght lette čat I ne sall schew my wytt, & als me thynk čat it may be. For I hope in če helpe of Ihesu, čat es wel of lufe, & pees, and swetnes. / ée Fyrst askyng es: What es lufe? And I answer: Luf es a byrnand ¨er_nyng in god, with a wonderfull delyte & sykernes. God es lyght, & byrnyng. Lyght clarifies oure skyll, byrnyng kyndels oure couayties, čat we desyre noght bot hym. Lufe es a lyf, copu_land to-gedyr če lufand & če lufed: / For mekenes makes vs swete to god, Purete ioynes vs tyll god, Lufe mase vs ane with god; luf es fayrhede of al vertues. Luf es thyng thurgh če whilk god lufes vs, & we god, & ilk ane of vs other. Lufe es desyre of če hert, ay thynkand til čat čat it lufes; and when it hase čat it lufes, čan it ioyes & na thyng may make it sary. [Luf es ¨ernyng Imelle twa, with lastandnes of thoghtes]. Lufe es a st[i]ryng of če saule for to luf god for hym-self, & all other thyng for god; če whilk lufe, when it es ordaynde in god, it dose away all inordinate lufe in any thyng čat es noght gude. Bot al dedely syn es inordynate lufe in a thyng čat es noght: éan lufe puttes out al dedely syn. Luf es a vertu, čat es rightest affection of man saule. Trowth may be with-outen lufe: bot it may noght helpe with-outen it. Lufe es perfection of letters, vertu of prophecy, frute of trowth, help of sacramentes, stablyng of witt and conyng; Rytches of pure men, lyfe of dyand men. Se |p37 how gude lufe es. If we suffer to be slayne; If we gyf al čat we haue, til beggar staf; If we kan als mykel als al men kan in erth: til al čis with_outen lufe es noght bot sorow ordande & torment. / If čou will aske how gode es he or scho: ask how mykel lufes he or scho: & čat kan na man tel -- / For I hald it bot foly to deme a mans hert, čat nane knawes bot god. Lufe es a ryghtwis turnyng fra al ert[h]ly thynges, & es ioynd til god, with-outen departyng, and kyndelde with če fire of če haly gaste; fer fra fylyng, fer fra corrupcion, oblyst till na vice of čis lyfe. Hegh aboven all fleschely lustes, ay redy & gredy til contemplacion of god. In all thynges noght ouercomen. / ée sowme of al gude affectyons. Hele of gude maners, ende of comawnde_mentes of god; dede of synnes, lyf of vertues. Vertu, whils feghtyng lastes; crowne of ouercomers. Mirynes til haly thoghtes. With-outen čat, na man may pay god; with čat, na man synnes: For if we luf god in al oure hert, čar es na thyng in vs, thurgh če whilk we serue to syn. Verray luf clenses če saule, & delyuers it fra če pyne of hell, & of če foule seruys of syn, & of če vgly felyschip of če deu_els; and of če fendes son makes god son, & parcener of če heritage of heuen. / We sall afforce [vs] at cleth vs in lufe als če yren or če cole dose in če fyre; als če ayer dose in če son; als če woll dose in če hewe. / ée cole swa clethes it in če fyre, čat al es fyre. [ée ayre swa clethes it in če son čat al es |p38 ligth]. And če woll swa substancialy takes če hewe, čat it es lik it. / In čis maner sall a trewe lufar of Ihesu Criste do: his hert sal swa byrne in lufe, čat it sal be turned in til fyre of lufe, & be als it war al fire; and he sal sa schyne in vertues, čat in na parte of hym he be myrke in vices. // ée tother askyng es: Whare es lufe? And I answer: lufe es in če hert, & in če will of mane; noght in hys hand, ne in his mouth, čat es at say, noght in hys wark: bot in his sawle. / For many spekes gode & dose gode, & lufes noght god: als ypocrites, če whilk suffers grete penance & semes haly at mens syght: Bot for čai seke louyng & honoure of men, & fauoure, čai haue lost čar mede, & in če syght of god er če deuel sons, & rauysand wloes. Bot if a man gyf almose-dede, & take hym til pouert, & do penance, it es a signe čat he lufes god, bot čarfore lufes he hym noght, bot when he forsakes če worlde anly for goddes lufe, & settes al his thoght on god, & lufes al men als hym-self; and al če gude dedes čat he may do. he dose am in entent forto pay Ihesu Criste, & to cum til če rest of heuen. / éan he lufes god: & čat luf es in his saule, and sa his dedes schewes with-outen. If čou speke če gude & do če gude, men supposes čat čou lufes god: for_thi loke wele čat či thoght be in god, or elles čou dampnes či-selfe, & de_ceyues če men. / Na thyng čat I do with-owten, proues čat I lufe god. / |p39 For a wicked man myght do als mykel penance in body, als mykel wake and faste, als I do. How may I čan wene čat I lufe, or halde me better, for čat čat ilk a man may do? Certes, mi hert, whethir it lufe my god or noght, wate na man bot god, for noght čat čai may se me do. Wharfore luf es in will verraily, noght in warke bot in a signe of lufe. For he čat says he lufes god, & wil noght do in dede čat in hym es to schew lufe: say hym, čat he lyghes. Lufe wil noght be ydel: it es wirkand som gude euer-mare. If it sesse of wirkyng: wit čou čat it keles & wytes away. // ée thirde askyng es: "How sal I verrayli lufe god?" I answer: / Verray lufe es: to lufe hym in al či myght, stalwortly; In al či hert, wysely; In al či sawle, deuowtely & swetely. / Stalwortly may na man lufe hym, bot he be stalworth. He es stalworth čat es meke, for al gastly strengh comes of mekenes; -- on whame restes če haly gaste? in a meke sawle. Mekenes gou_ernes vs & kepes vs in al oure temp_tacions, swa čat čai ouercom vs noght. Bot če deuel deceyues many čat er meke thorow tribulacions, & reproues, & bakebitynges. Bot if čou be wrath for any anguys of čis worlde, or for any worde čat men says of če, or for oght čat men says til če: éou ert noght meke, ne čou may swa lufe god stalwortly. For laf es stalworth als če dede, čat slaes al lyuand thyng in |p40 erth; and bard als hell, čat spares noght till čam čat er dede. And he čat lufes god perfitely, he greues hym noght, what schame or angwys čat he suffers, bot be hase delyte, & couaytes čat he war worthy forto suffer torment & payne for Crystes lufe; and he hase ioy čat men reproues hym & spekes ill of hym. Als a dede man, what-sa men dos or sayes, he answers noght: Ryght swa, wha sa lufes god perfitely, čai er not stirred for any worde čat man may say. For he or scho kan noght lufe čat may noght suffer payne & anger for čair frendes lufe. For wha sa lufes, čai haue na [pyne]. Prowde men or women lufes noght stalworthly: for čai er swa wayke, čat čai fall at ilk a styryng of če wynde, čat es temptacion. / éai seke heghar stede čan Cryste: for čai wil haue čair wil done, whethir it be with right or with wrang: and Cryst will nathyng be done bot wele, & with-outen harme of othir men. / Bot wha sa es verrayly meke, čai wil noght haue čair wil in čis worlde, bot čat čai may haue it in če točer plenarly. In na thyng may men sonar ouercom če deuel, čan in Mekenes,ůčat he mykel hates. / For he may wake & faste, & suffer pyne, mare čan any other creature may: Bot mekenes & lufe may he noght haue. // Alswa če behoues gyf god wysely: and čat may čou noght do bot if čou be wyse. / éou ert wyse: when čou ert pore, with-owten couaytyse of čis world, |p41 & dispyses či-selfe, for če lufe of Ihesu Cryste; / and dispendes al či witte & al či myght in hys seruys. // For sum čat semes wysest, er maste foles, for al čar wysdom čai spyll in couayties, & bisynes abowte če world. / If čou saw a man haue preciouse stanes, čat he myght by a kyngdom wyth; if he gaf čam for an appyl, als a barne wil do: ryghtwysly moght čou say čat he war noght wyse, bot a grete fole. / Als swa, if we wyl: we haue preciouse stanes: Pouert, & penance, and gastly trauayle: with če whilk we may by če kyngdom of heuen. / For if čou lufe pouert, & dispyse riches, & delytes of čis worlde, & halde či-self vyle & pure, & thynk čat čou hase noght of či self bot syn: for čis pouert čou sall haue rytches with-outen ende. / And if čou haue sorowe for či synnes, & for čou ert swa lang in exile, owte of či con_tre, & forsakes če solace of čis lyfe: čou sal haue for čis sorow, če ioy of heuen. And if čou be in trauayle, & punysche či body, skilwisly & wisely, in wakyns, fastyngs, & in prayers, & meditacions, & suffer hete, & calde, hunger & thyrst, mys-es & anguys, for če lufe of Ihesu Cryste: for čis trauel čou sal com till reste čat lastes ay, & syt in a setel of ioy, with aungels. But som er čat lufes noght wysely, like til barnes, čat lufes mare an appel čan a castel. Swa dose many; čai gyf če ioy of heuen for a litel delyte of čar flesche, čat es noght worth a plowme. Now may čow se čat wha |p42 sa will lufe wysely, hym behoues lufe lastand thyng lastandly; & passand thyng, passandly: swa čat his hert be sette & festend in nathyng bot in god. // And if čou will luf Ihesu verraly, čow sal noght anly lufe hym stalwortly & wysely: bot also deuowtly & swetely. Swete lufe es: when či body es chaste, & či thoght clene. Deuowte luf es: when čou offers či prayers & či thogh_tes til god with gastly ioy, & byrnand hert in če hete of če haly gaste, swa čat če thynk čat či saule es als it war drunken for delyte & solace of če swetnes of Ihesu. / and či hert con_ceyues sa mykel of goddes helpe, čat če thynk čat čow may neuer be fra hym departyd; and čan čou comes in til swilk rest & pees in sawle, & quiete, with-owten thoghtes of vanitese [or] of vices, als čou war in sylence & slepe, & sette in Noe schyppe, čat na thyng may lette če of deuocion & byrnyng of swete lufe. / Fra čou haue getyn čis lufe: all či lyf, til dede come, es ioy & comforth, and verrayli Cristes lufer, and he restes in če, whas stede es maked in pees. / ée ferth askyng was: how čou moght knaw čat čou war in lufe & charite. / I answer: éat na man wate in erth čat čai er in charite: bot if it he thorow any priuelege or special grace čat god hase gifen til any man or woman; čat al other may noght take eusawmpel by. Haly men & women trowes čat čai haue trowth, & hope, & charite: & in čat dose als wele als čai may, & hopes certaynly čat čai |p43 sal be safe; -- čai wate it not als tyte: for if čai wiste, čair merit war če lesse. And Salomon says čat it er rightwys men & wyse men, and čair warkes er in goddes hand. And noght_for-či [a] man wate noght whethir he be worthi hateredyn or lufe, bot al es reserued vncertayne til a nother worlde. Neuer-če-latter, if any had grace čat he moght wyn til če thirde degre of lufe, čat es called syngulere: he sulde knaw čat be war in lufe. Bot in čat maner his knawyng es, čat he moght neuer here hym če hegher, ne be in če lesse bisynes to lufe god; bot sa mykel če mare, čat he es siker of lufe, wil he be bisy to lufe hym and drede hym, čat hase made hym swilk & done čat godenes til hym; and he čat es swa hee, he wil noght halde hym-self worthier, čan če synfullest man čat gaas on erth. // Als-swa, Seuen experimentes er čat a man be in charite. / ée fyrst es: when al couatise of ertly thyng es slokkend in hym. / For whare sa couaityse es: éare es na lufe of Cryste. / éan, if he haue na couaytyse: signe es čat he hase lufe. // ée secunde es: byrnand ¨ernyng of heuen. For when men hase feled oght of čat sauoure, če mare čai haue, če mare čai couayte; & he čat noght hase feled: noght he desires. For-či, when any es swa mykel gyfen til če luf čar-of, čat he kan fynd na ioy in čis lyfe: taken he hase čat he es in charite. // ée thyrd es: if his tung be chawngyd, čat was [wone] to speke of če |p44 erth: now spekes of god, & of če lyf čat lastes ay. // ée feerth es: exercise of gastly profet. Als, if any man or woman gyf čam enterely to goddes seruyes, & entermetes čam of nane erthly bisynes. // ée fift es: when če thyng čat es hard in it-selfe, semes lyght forto do; če whilk luf makes. For als Austyne says: "Lufreden es čat bryngs če thyng čat es fare, nere_hande, and impossibel til possibel apertly." // ée sext es: hardynes of thoght to suffer all anguyses and noyes čat comes -- with-owten čis, al če očer suffices noght. / For it sal noght make a ryghtwys man sary: what sa falles hym. For he čat es ryghtwys, he hates noght bot syn, he lufes noght bot god, for god, he dredes noght bot to wreth god. // ée seuent es: delit_abilite in sawle, when he es in tribal_acion, and makes louyng to god in ilk anger čat he suffers. And čis schewes wele čat he lufes god: when oa sorow may bryng hym downe. / For many lufes god whils čai er in ese: and in aduersite čai grotche, & falles in swa mykel sarynes, čat vnneth may any man comforth čam; and swa sclawnder čai god, flytand & feghtand agayne his domes. And čat es a caytif louyng čat any welth of če worlde makes; bot čat louyng es of mykel pryce. éat na violence of sorow may do a-way. // ée fifte askyng was: In what state men may maste lufe god. I answer: In wilk state sa it be čat men er in maste rest, of body & sawle, & |p45 leest occupied with any nedes or bis_ynes of čis worlde. For če thoght of če lufe of Ihesu Criste, & of če ioy čat Iastes ay, sekes rest wyth-owten, čat it be noght lettyd with comers & gangers, and occupacion of worldely thynges; and it sekes with-in grete sylence fra če noyes of couayties, & of vanitees, & of ertly thoghtes. And namely al čat lufes contemplatyfe lyf, čai seke rest in body & in saule. For a grete doctor says čat čai er goddes tmne čat dwelles still in a stede, and er noght abowte rennand: bot in swetnes of Cristes lufe er stabyld. And I haue lufed for to sytt: for na penance, ne for na fantasy, čat I wild men spak of me, ne for na swylk thyng: bot anly for I knew čat I loued god mare, & langar lasted with-in če comforth of lufe: éan gangand, or standand, or kneleand. / For sittand am I in maste rest, & my hert maste vpwarde. Bot čar-fore perauenture es it noght če best til a nother at sitte, als I did & wil do til my dede: bot if he war disposed als I was, in his sawle. Cap=m=. XI=m=. |r (S)Euen gyftes of če hali gaste er in men & wymen čat er ordaynd til če ioy of heuen and ledes čaire life in čis worlde rightwisly. éies čai er: / Wysdom, / Vnderstandyng, / Cown_sayle, / Strengh, / Connyng, / Pyte, / & če Drede of god. / Begynne we at Cownsel, for čarof es maste nede at če begynnyng of owre werkes, čat vs myslike noght afterwarde. With čier seuen gyftes če haly gaste towches sere men serely, Cownsel es, doyng |p46 away of worldes rytches, & of delytes, & of al thynges čat man may be ta[gild] with in thoght or dede; / and čar-with be drawne inwardely tiI con_templacion of god. / Vnderstandyng es, to knaw what es forto do, & what for to leue; and čat čat sal be gifen, to gif it til čam čat hase nede, noght til other čat hase na myster. / Wysdom es, forgetyng of ertly thynges, & thyn_kyng of heuen, with discrecion in al mens dedes. In čis gyft schynes contem_placion, čat es, a[ls] saynt Austyn says, A gastely dede of fleschly affections, thorow če ioy of a raysed thoght. / Strengh es, lastyng to fulfill gude purpose, čat it be noght left, for wele ne for wa. / Pyte es. éat a man be mylde; & agayne-say noght haly writte, when it smytes his synnes, whethir he vnderstand it or noght; Bot in al his myght purge he če vilete of syn, in hym & in other. / Connyng es čat makes a man in gude hope noght rusand hym of his rightwisnes, bot sorowand of his syn; and čat man geder erthly godes anely to če honoure of god, and prow til other men, mare čan til his self. / ée drede of god es, čat we turne noght agayne til oure syn thorou any il eggyng, & čan es drede perfyte in vs, & haly: when we drede to wreth god in če leste syn čat we may knaw, and flees it as venym. Cap=m=. XII=m=. |r (T)Wa lyues čar er čat cristen men lyfes. Ane es called Actyue lyfe: for it es in mare bodili warke. Ano_ther, contemplatyue lyfe: for it es in mare swetnes gastely. Actife lyfe es mykel owteward, & in mare trauel & |p47 in mare peryle, for če temptacions čat er in če worlde. Contemplatyfe lyfe es mykel inwarde, and for-či it es lastandar, & sykerar, restfuller, delita_biler, luflyer, & mare medeful. For it hase ioy in goddes lufe, & sauowre in če lyf čat lastes ay, in čis present tyme, if it be right ledde. And čat felyng of ioy in če lufe of Ihesu, passes al other merites in erth. For it es swa harde to com to, for če freelte of oure flesch, and če many temptacions čat we er vmsett with, čat lettes vs nyght & day: al other thynges er lyght at com to, in regarde čarof; for čat may na man deserue, bot anely it es gifen of goddes godenes, til čam čat verrayli gifes čam to con_templacion & til qniete for Cristes luf. // Til men or wymen čat takes čam til actife lyfe, twa thynges falles. Ane: for to ordayne čair meyne in drede & in če lufe of god and fynd čam čaire necessaries, and čam-self kepe enterely če comandementes of god, Doand til čar neghbur als čai wil čat čai do til čam. Another es, čat čai do at čar power če seuen werkes of mercy, / ée whilk es: to fede če hungry. To gyf če thristi a drynk. To cleth če naked. To herbar hym čat hase na howsyng. To viset če seke. To comforth čam čat er in Prysoun. And to graue dede men. Al čat mai & hase cost, čai may noght be qwyt with ane or twa of čir, bot čam behoues do čam al, if čai wil haue če benyson on domes-day, |p48 éat Ihesu sal til al gyf čat dose čam. Or els may čai drede če malysoun čat al mon haue čat wil noght do čam, when čai had godes, to do čam wyth. // Contemplatife lyf hase twa partyes: A lower & a heer. ée lower party es meditacion, of haly wrytyng, čat es goddes wordes, and in other gude thoghtes & swete čat men hase of če grace of god, abowt če lufe of Ihesu Criste; and also in louyng of god in psalmes & ympnes, or in pray_ers. // ée hegher party of contemplacion es behaldyng, & ¨ernyng, of če thynges of heuen, & ioy in če haly gaste; čat men hase oft, and if it be swa čat čai be noght prayand with če mowth, bot anely thynkand of god, & of če fairehede of aungels, & haly sawles. éan may I say čat contemplacion es a wonderful ioy of goddes luf, če whilk ioy es louyng of god, čat may noght be talde, & čat wonderful louyng es in če saule; / and for abundance of ioy & swettenes it as_cendes in til če mouth: swa čat če hert & če tonge acordes in ane, and body & sawle ioyes in god lyuand // A man or woman čat es ordaynd til contemplatife lyfe, first god enspires čam to forsake čis worlde, and al če vanite & če couayties and če vile luste čarof. Sythen he ledes čam by čar ane, & spekes til ¨ar hert: and als če prophete says, He gifes čam at sowke če swetnes of če begynnyng of lufe; and čan he settes čam in will to gyf čam haly to prayers & meditacions & teres. Sithen, when čai haue sufferd |p49 many temptacions, & [če] foule noyes of thoghtes čat er ydel, & of vanitees če whilk wil comber čam čat can noght destroy čam, er passand a-way: he gars čam geder til čatn čair hert & fest anely in hym: and opens til če egh of čair sawls če ¨ates of heuen: swa čat če ilk egh lokes in til heuen; and čan če fire of lufe verrali ligges in čair hert, & byrnes čarin, & makes [it] clene of al erthly filth: & sithen forward čai er contemplatife men, & rauyst in lufe. For contemplacion es a syght: & čai se in til heuen with čar gastly egh. Bot čou sal witt čat naman hase perfite syght of heuen whils čai er lifand bodili here. Bot als sone als čai dye: éai er broght before god and sese hym face til face, & egh til egh: and wones with hym with-outen ende. For hym čai soght, & hym čai couayted, and hym čai lufed, in al čar myght. // Loo, Margarete, I haue schortly sayde če če forme of lyuyng: and how čou may com til perfection, and to lufe hym čat čou hase taken če til. If it do če gude, and profit til če: thank god, & pray for me, ée grace of Ihesu Criste be with če, & kepe če. Amen. Explicit forma viuendi. 2. Ego dormio et cor meum vigilat. |p50 |rMs._Dd_V._64,_fol.122 |r (E)Go dormio & cor meum uigilat. éou čat lyste lufe, herken & here of luf. In če sang of luf it es writen: "I slepe & my hert wakes." Mykel lufe he schewes čat neuer is irk to lufe, bot ay, standand, sittand, gangand or wirkand, es ay his lufe thynkand, and oft-syth čarof es dremande. For_či čat I lufe. I wow če, čat I myght haue če als I walde, noght to me bot to my lorde. I wil be-com čat mess_anger to bryng če to hys bed, čat hase made če & boght če, Criste če keyng son of heuen: for he wil with če dwelle. If čou will lufe hym, he askes če namare bot či lufe. And my dere syster in Criste, my wil čou dose if čou lufe hym. Criste couaytes...noght els bot at čou do his wil, and enforce če, day & nyght, čat čou leue al fleschly lufe, and al lykyng čat lettes če til lofe Ihesu Crist verraly. For ay whils či hert es heldand til lufe any bodely thyng, čou may not perfitely be coupuld with god. / In [heuen] er neyn orders of aungels, čat er contened in thre Ierarchies. / ée lawest Ierarchi contenes Aungels. Archaungels, & Ver tues. / ée mydel Ierarchi contenes Principates, Potestates, & Dominacions. ée heest Ierarchi, čat neest est god, contenes Thronos, Cherubyn, & Seraphyn. ée lawest es aungels, če heest es sera_phyn. / And čat order čat leste es bryght, es seuen-sythe sa bryght als če son es. [And als čou sees če son] bryghtar čan a kandele, če kandel bryghtar čan če mone, če mone bryghtar čan a sterne; / also er če orders in |p51 heuen ilkane bryghtar čan other, fra aungels to seraphyn. éis I say to kyndel či hert for to couayte če feli_chip of aungels. For al čat er gude & haly, when čai passe owt of čis worlde, sal be taken in til čies orders: Som in til če lawest -- čat hase lufed mykel; Som in til če mydel,nest -- čat hase lufed mare; Očer in til če heest -- čat maste lufed god & brynandest es in hys lufe. Seraphyn es at say "brynand:" Til če whilk order čai er receyued čat leest couaytes in čis worlde, & maste swetnes feles in god, & brynandest hertes hase in his lufe. // Til če I write [čis] specialy, for I hope mare godenes in če čan in a nother, and [čat] éou wil gyf či thoght to fulfil in dede čat čou seys es maste prophetabel for či sawle, and čat lyf gif če til [in) če whilk čow may halyest offer či hert to Ihesu Criste, & leste be in bisynes of čis worlde. For if čow stabil či lufe, & be byrnande whils čou lyfes here: with_owten dowte, či settel es ordaynde ful hegh in heuen, & ioyful before goddes face, amang his haly aungels. For in če self degre, čar prowde deuels fel downe fra, er meke men and wymen, Criste dowves, sett, to haue rest & ioy with-owten ende, for a litel schort penance & trauel čat čai haue sufferd for goddes lufe. / ée thynk [now] perauenture l,ard to gife či hert fra al erthly thynges, fra al ydel speche & vayne, & fra al fleschly lufe, & to be al-ane, to walk & pray & thynk of če ioy of heuen, & of če passyon of Ihesu Criste, and to ymagyn če payne of ltell čat es ordande for synful man. Bot wyterly, fra čou be vsed čarin, če wil thynk it lyghter, & swetter, čan čou dyd any erthly thyng or solace. Als sone als či hert es towched with če swetnes of heven, če |p52 wil lytel lyst če myrth of čis worlde; and when čou feles ioy in Criste lufe, če wiI lathe with če ioy & če com_forth of čis worlde & erthly gamen. / For al melody, & al riches & delites čat al men in čis world kan ordayne or thynk, sownes bot noy and anger til a mans hert čat verraly es byrnand in če lufe of god; For he hase myrth & ioy & melody in aongels sang, als čou may wele wyt. // If čou leue al thyng čat či fleschly lufe list, for če lufe of god, and haue na thoght on syb frendes, bot forsake al for goddes lufe, & anely gyf či hert to coueyte goddes lufe & pay hym; mare ioy sal čou haue & fynd in hym čan I can on thynk, how myght [I] éan w[r]yt it? I wate neuer if any man be in swilk lufe: For ay če hegher če lyfe es, če fewer folowers it hase here, ffor many thynges drawes man fra goddes lufe, čat čow may here and se; and god comfortes his lufers mare čan čai wene čat lufes hym noght. For čof we seme in penance with-owten, we sal haue mykel ioy with-in, if we ordayne vs wysely to goddes seruyce, & sett in hym al owre thoghtes, & forsake al vanyte of čis worlde. // Gyf čien entent til vnderstand čis wrytyng: and if čou haue sett al či desyre til lufe god, here čies thre degrees of lufe, sa čat čou may rise fra ane til a nother, to čou be in če heest. / For I wil noght layne fra če čat I hope may turne če til halynes. // ée fyrst degre of lufe es when a man haldes če ten commandementes, and kepes hym fra če seuen dedely synnes, & es stabyl in če trowth of hali kyrke; and when a man wil noght, for any erthly thyng, wreth god, bot trewly standes in his seruyce, & lastes čarin til his lyues |p53 ende. éis degre of lufe behoues ilk man haue čat wil be safe. For naman may com til heuen bot if he lufe god & his neghbor. with-owten pride, Ire, envy, or bakbityng, & with-owten al other venemus synne: glotony, lichery, & co_uayties. For čies vices slaes če saule & makes it to depart fra god,...with-owten wham na creature may lyf. For als a man pusonde of a swete morcell takes venome čat slase his body, sa dose a synful wreche in likyng and luste of hys flesch: destrues his sawle, & brynges it to dede with-owten end. / Men thynk it swete to synne: bot čaire mede, čat es ordand for čam, es bitterer čan če gall, sowrar čan če atter, war čan al če waa čat we may here se or fele.  [Al perisches & passes čat we with eghe see]. It wanes in to wrech_ednes, če welth of čis worlde. Robes & ritches rotes in dike, Prowde payn_tyng slakes in to sorow. Delites & drewryse stynk sal ful sone. éair golde & čaire tresoure drawes čam til dede, Al če wikked of čis worlde, drawes til a dale, éat čai may se čare sorowyng whare waa es euer stabel. Bot he may syng of solace čat lufed Ihesu Criste: ée wretchesse fra wele falles in to hell. -- Bot when čou hase wele leued in če ten comandementes of god & styfly put če fra al dedely synnes, & payes god in čat degre: vmbe_thynk če čat čou wil plese god mare & do better with či sawle, & becom perfyte: éan enters čou in to če točer degre of lufe, čat es, to forsake al če worlde, či fader & či moder & al či |p54 kyn, & folow Criste in pouerte. In čis degre čou sal stody how clene čou [may] be in hert, & how chaste in body, and gife če til mekenes, suffryng, & bux_umnes, & loke how fayre čou may make či saule in vertues, & hate al vices: so čat či lyf be gastly, & noght fleschly. Neuer-mare speke euyl of či neghbor, ne gyf any euel worde for a nother, bot al čat men says, euel or gude, suffer it mekeli in či hert, with_owten styrryng of wreth: & čan sal čou be in rest, with-in & with-owte, anso lyghtly sal čou com to če gastly lyfe, čat čou sal fynde swettar čan any erthly thyng. // Perfite life & gastly es, to despise če worlde & couete če ioy of heuen, & destroy thorow goddes graoe al wicked desyres of če flesch. And forgete če solace & če lykyng of či kynredyn, & lufe [čam] noght bot in god; -- whethir čai dy or lyfe, or be pore or riche, [hale] or seke, or in wa or in hele, thank čou ay god, & blisse hym in al [his] werkis. For his domes er so pryue, čat na creature may comprehend čam; // and oft-sithes som haues čar likyng & čair wil in čis worlde, & hell in če točer: & som men er in pyne & persecucion & anguysch in čis lyfe, & hase heuen to čair mede. For-či, if či frendes be ay in čaire ese, and hele, & welth of čis worlde, čou and čai bath may haue če mare drede, čat čai lose noght če ioy of heuen with-outen ende. / If čai be in penance & sekenes, or if čai lyf rightwisly, čai may trayste to com til če blysse. / For-či in čis degre of lufe čou sal be fulfilde with če grace of če haly gaste čat čou sal noght haue na sorow ne grutchyng bot for gastly thyng, als for či synnes & other mennes, & after če lufe of Ihesu Criste, & in thynkyng of his passyon. And I wil čat čou haue it mykel in |p55 mynde, for it wyll kyndel či hert to sett at noght al če gudes of čis worlde, & če ioy čarof, & to desyre byrnandly če lyght of heuen, with aungels & halowes. / And when či hert es haly ordande to če seruice of god, & al worldly thoghtes put oute: éan wil če liste stele by če al-ane, to thynk on Criste, & to be in mykel praying. For thorow gode thoghtes & hali prayers, či hert sal be made byrnand in če lufe of Ihesu Criste, & čan sal čow fele swet_nes & gastely ioy bath in praying & in thynkyng. / And when čou ert by če al-ane, gyf če mykel to say če psalmes of če psauter, and Pater noster, & Aue maria; & take na tent čat čou say many, bot čat čou say čam wele, with al če deuocion čat čow may, liftand vp či thoght til heuen. / Better it es to say seuen psalmes wyth desyre of Crystes lufe, hauand či hert of či praying, čan seuen hundreth thowsand, suffrand či thoght passe in vanitees of bodyli thynges. What gude hopes čou may come čarof, if čou lat či tonge blaber on če boke, & či hert ren abowte in sere stedes in če worlde? / For-či, sett či thoght in Criste & he sal rewle it til hym, & halde če fra če venome of če worldly bisynesse. / And I pray če, als čou couaytes to be goddes lufer, čat čou lufe čis name IHESU, and thynk it in či hert, sa čat čou forget it neuer, whare so čou be. And sothe_ly I say če čat čou sal fynd mykel ioy & comforth čarin; / and for če lufe, čat čou lufes Ihesu so tenderly & so specialy, čou sal be fulfild of grace in erth, & be Criste dere seru_ande in heuen. For na thyng pays god swa mykel als verray lufe of čis nam Ihesu. If čou luf it ryght & last_andely, & neuer let for na thyng čat men may do or say, čou sal be receyued in til a heghar lyfe čan |p56 éou can couete. His godenes es sa mykel, čare we inwardely aske hym ane, he wil gyf fyfe; so wele payde es he when we wil sett al oure hert to lufe hym. // In čis degre of lufe čou sal ouercome či enmyse: ée worlde, če deuel, & či flesche. Bot neuer-če_latter čou sal euer haue feghtyng whils čou lyfes; til čou dye če behoues to be bysy to stande, čat čou fal noght in til delites, ne in euel thoghtes, ne in euel wordes,ne in euel warke: For-či, grete aght či ¨ernyng be čat čou lufe Criste ver_rayly. éi flesche sal čou ouer-com with haldyng of či mayden-hede, for goddes lufe anely; or, if čou be na mayden, thorow chaste lyuyng & resonabel in thoght & dede, & thorow discrete ab_stinence. / ée worlde čou sal ouercom thorow couaytyng of Cristes lufe, & thynkyog on čis swete name Ihesus, & desyre til heuen. / For als sone als čou feles sauour in Ihesu, če wil thynk al če worlde noght bot vanyte, & noy for men sawles. / éow will noght couayte čan to be riche, to haue many mantels & fayre, many kyrtels & drew_ryse, bot al čou wil sett at noght & despise it als noght it ware, & take na mare čan če nedes. / ée wil thynk twa mantels or ane Inogh; čow čat hase fyue or sex, gyf some til Criste, čat gase naked in a pore wede, and halde noght all: for čou wate noght if čow lif til čai be half gane. / ée deuell es ouercome, when čou standes stabeIy agaynes al his fandyngys, in sothefast charite & mekenes. // I wil čat čow neuer be ydel, bot ay owther speke of god, or wirke som notabil warke, or thynk on hym principaly, čat či thoght |p57 be ay hauand hym in mynde. And thynk oft on his passyon: (Meditatio de passione Cristi.) // My keyng čat water grette, and blode swette; sythen ful sare bette, so čat hys blode hym wette, when čair scowrges mette. / Ful fast čai gan hym dyng, and at če pyler swyng, & his fayre face defowlyng |r[!] with spittyng. / ée thorne crownes če keyng, ful sare es čat prickyng. Alas my ioy and my swetyng es demed to hyng!/ Nayled was his handes, nayled was hys fete, & thyrled was hys syde so semely & so swete. / Naked es his whit breste, & rede es his blody syde; wan was his fayre hew, his wowndes depe & wyde. In fyue stedes of his flesch če blode gan downe glyde, als stremes of če strande, hys pyne es noght to hyde. / éis to see es grete pyte, how he es demed to če dede, and nayled on če rode-tre, če bryght aungels brede. / Dryuen he was to dole čat es owre gastly gude, and als_so in če blys of heuen es al če aungels fude. A wonder it es to se, wha sa vnderstude, how god of mageste was dyand on če rude. / Bot suth čan es it sayde čat lufe ledes če ryng; čat hym sa law hase layde, bot lufe it was na thyng. / Ihesu, receyue my hert, & to či lufe me bryng: al my desyre čou ert, bot I couete či comyng. / éow make me clene of synne, & lat vs neuer twyn; kyndel me fire with-in, čat I či lufe may wyn, and se či face Ihesu in ioy čat neuer sal blyn. / Ihesu, my saule čou mend, či lufe in to me send, čat I may with če lend, in ioy with-owten end. / In lufe čow wownde my thoght, and lyft my hert to če: |p58 my sawle čou dere hase boght, či lufer make it to be. ée I couete, čis worlde noght, & for it I fle; čou ert čat I haue soght: či face when may I see? / éow make my sawle clere, for lufe chawnges my chere: how lang sal I be here? [when mai I negh če nere, či melody to here,] / Oft to here sang, čat es lastand so lang? éou be my lufyng, čat I [či) lufe may syng. // -- -- If čou wil thynk čis ilk day, čou sal fynde swetnes čat sal draw či hert vp, čat sal gar če fal in gretyng, & in grete langyng til Ihesu; & či thoght sal al be on Ihesu, and so be receyued abouen all erthly thyng, abouen če firmament & če sternes, so čat če egh of či hert mai loke in til heuen. And čan enters čow in to če thirde degre of lufe. / In če whilk čou sal haue grete delyte & comforth: if čow may get grace to com čartill. For I say noght čat čou or a nother čat redes čis, sal do it all: for it es at goddes will to chese wham he will, to do čat here es sayde. Or els a nother thyng on a nother maner, als he gifes men grace til haue čaire hele. For sere men takes seer grace of oure lorde Ihesu Criste: and al sal be sett in če ioy of heuen, čat endes in charite. Wha sa es in čis degre, wis. dom he hase & discrecion, to luf at goddes will. éis degre es called con_templatife lyfe; čat lufes to be anely, with-owten ryngyng or dyn, or syngyng or criyng. / At če begynnyng, when čou comes čartil, či gastly egh es taken vp in til če blysse of heuen, & čar lyghtned with grace & kyndelde with fyre of Cristes lufe, sa čat čou sal verraly fele če bernyng of lufe in či hert, euer mare & mare; liftand či thoght to god and feland lufe, ioy & swetnes, |p59 so mykel, čat na sekenes, anguys ne schame ne penance may greue če, bot al či lyf sal turne in tyl ioy; & čan for heghnesse of či hert [či] prayers turnes in til ioyful sange, and či thogh_tes to melody. / éan es Ihesu al či desyre, al či delyte, al či ioy, al či solace, al či comforth; al I wate čat on hym euer be či sang, In hym all či rest. // éen may čow say: "I slepe and my hert wakes. Wha sall tyll my lemman say [čat] for hys lufe me langes ay?" // All čat lufes vanytees and specials of čis warlde, and settes čaire hertis on any other thynges čan of god, in tyll čis degre čai may noght come, ne in tyll [če] other degre of lufe before neuynd. And čar_fore all worldely solace če be-houes forsake, éat či hert be heldande til na lufe of any creature, ne til na bysynes in erth: éat čou may be in sylence, be ay stabilly & stalwortly with či hert in goddes lufe & hys drede. Owre lorde gyfes noght to men fairehede, ritchesse & delytes, for to sette čaire hertes on & dispend čam in synne: bot for čai sulde knaw hym, & lufe hym, & thank hym of al hys gyftes. ée mare es čaire schame, if čai wreth hym, čat hase gyfen čam gyftes in body & in saule. / For-či, if we couayte to fle če payne of purga_tory, vs be-houes restreyne vs perfitely fra če lust & če likyng & al če il delytes & wikked drede of čis worlde; and čat worldely sorow be noght in vs: Bot čat we halde owre hope faste in Ihesu Criste, & stande manly agaynes al temptacions. |p60 (Can[tus] amo[ris]). / Now I wryte a sang of lufe, čat čou sal delyte in when čow ert lufand Ihesu Criste. // My sange es in syhtyng, my lyfe es in langynge, til I če se my keyng, so fayre in či schyn_yng, / So fayre in či fayrehede: in til či lyght me lede, and in či lufe me fede: In lufe make me to spede, čat čou be euer my mede. / When wil čou come, Ihesu my ioy, & couer me of kare, & gyf me če čat I may se, lif_and euer-mare? Al my coueytyng war commen, if I myght til če fare; I wil na thyng bot anely če, čat all my will ware. / Ihesu my sauyoure, Ihesu my comfortoure, of al my fayrnes flowre, my helpe & my sokoure: when may I se či towre? / When wil čou me kall? me langes to či hall, to se če čan al: éi luf lat it not fal, my hert payntes če pall; čat steds vs in stal. / Now wax I pale & wan, for luf of my lemman: Ihesu bath god & man, či luf čou lerd me čan, when I to če fast ran: for-či now I lufe kan. / I sytt & syng of luf-langyng, čat in my breste es bredde. Ihesu. Ihesu. Ihesu, when war I to če ledde? Full wele I wate, čou sees my state: in lufe my thoght es stedde; When I če se & dwels with če, čan am I fylde & fedde. / Ihesu či lufe es fest, & me to lufe thynk best: my hert when may it brest, to com to če my rest? / Ihesu. Ihesu. Ihesu, til če it es čat I morne: for-[či], my lyfe & my lyuyng, when may I hethen torne? / Ihesu my dere & my drewry, delyte ert čou to syng: Ihesu my myrth & melody, when will čow com my keyng? Ihesu my hele & my hony, my whart & my comfortyng: Ihesu, I couayte for to |p61 dy, when it es či payng. / Langyng es in me lent, čat my lufe hase me sent; al wa es fra me went, sen čat my hert es brent / In Criste lufe sa swete, čat neuer I wil lete, bot euer to luf I hete: for lufe my bale may bete / And til hys blis me bryng, & gyf me my ¨ernyng, Ihesu my lufe my swetyng. / Langyng es in me lyght, čat byndes me day & nyght, til I it hafe in syght, his face sa fayre & bryght. / Ihesu my hope my hele, my ioy euer-ilk a dele: éi luf lat it noght kele, čat I či luf may fele, & won with če in wele. / Ihesu with če I byg and belde, leuer me war to dy: čan al čis worlde to welde & hafe it in maystry. / When wil čou rew on me. Ihesu čat I myght with če be, to lufe & lok on če? / My setell ordayne for me & sett čou me čar-in: for čen mon we neuer twyn, / And I či lufe sal syng thorow syght of či schynyng, in heuen with-owten endyng. AmeN. Explicit tractatos Ricardi heremite de Hampole scriptus cuidam moniali de żedyngham. 3. ée commawndement & c. |rMs._Cambr._Dd_V._64,_fol._129. |r (é)E comawndement of god es čat we lufe oure lorde, In al oure hert, In all oure saule, In al oure thoght. |p62 // In al oure hert, čat es, in al oure vnderstandyng, with-owten erryng. // In al owre sawle, čat es, in al oure will, with-owten gaynsaiyng. // In al oure thoght, čat es: čat we thynk on hym with-owten forgetyng. In čis maner es verray lufe & trew; čat es werk of mans will. / For lufe es a wilful stiryng of owre thoght in til god: sa čat it receyue na thyng čat es agaynes če lufe of Ihesu Crist; and čar-with, čat it be lastand in swetnes of deuocion: and čis es če perfection of čis lyfeů/ Til če whilk al dedely syn es con_trary & enmy, bot noght venyall syn. / For venial syn dose noght away charite: bot anly lettes če vsce & če byrnyng čarof. For-či, all čat wil lufe god perfitely, čaim behoves noght al-anly fle al dedly synnes, bot alsa, als mykel als čai may, all venial syn, in thoght, and worde, & dede. And namly, to be of lytel speche. And čat sylens be in occupacion of gode thoghtes, it helpes gretely to goddes lafe. / For Iangelers & bakbyters, čat appayres other mens lyfe with wikked wordes, and all čat roses čar awne state before all other, or čat despises any state in če whilke a man may be safe: éai haue na mare syght of če lufe of god in čaire sawle, čen če egh of a bak has of če sonne. / For vayne speche & ill wordes, er syngne of a vayne hert & ill, čat es with-owten grace of god. And he čat spekes ay če gode, & haldes ilk a man better čan hym-selfe: he schewes wele čat he es stabel in gode_nes in hys hert, & ful of charite til god & til his neghbor. // And čat čou may wynne til če swetnes of goddes lufe. I sett here thre degres of lufe, in če whilk čou be ay waxand // ée fyrst degre es called Insuperabel, / ée |p63 secunde Inseparabel. / ée thyrd Singuler. // éi luf es Insuperabel: when na thyng may ouer-come hit, čat es, now_ther wele ne waa, ese ne anguys, lust of flesch ne likyng of čis worlde; bot ay it lastes in gode thoght, if it wer temped gretely, & it hates all syn: sa čat na thyng may slokken čat lufe. // éi lufe es Inseparabel; when al či thoghtes & či willes er gederd to-geder & festend haly in Ihesu Criste, swa čat čou may na tyme forgete hym, bot ay čou thynkes on hym. And for-či it es called Inseparabel: for it may noght be departed fra če thoght of Ihesu Criste. // éi luf es singuler: when al či delyte es in Ihesu Cryste, & in nane other thyng fyndes ioy & comforth. In čis degre es lufe stalworth as dede, & hard as hell. For als dede slas al lyuand thyng in čis worlde, sa perfite lufe slas in a mans sawle all fleschly desyres and erthly couaytise. And als hell spares noght til dede men, bot tormentes al čat commes čartill, alswa a man čat es in čis degre of lufe, noght anly he forsakes če wretched solace of čis lyf, bot alswa he couaytes to sofer pynes for goddes lufe. / éarfore if če lyst lufe any thyng, lufe Ihesu Criste, čat es če fayrest, richest, & wysest; whas lufe lastes in ioy endles. // For al erthly lafe es passand, & wytes sone away... / If čou be couetose after gode: luf hym, & čou sal haue al gode. Desyre hym trewly, and če sal wante na thyng. If delites like če: lufe hym, for he gyfes delites til hys louers čat neuer may perisch: -- bot al če delytes of čis world, er faynt and fals, & fayland in maste nede; čai bygyn in swettnes, & čair endyng es bitterer čan če gall. If čou kan noght lyf with-owten felichip: lyft či thoght til heuen, čat čou may fynd comforth |p64 with aungels & halows, če whilke wil helpe če til god, & noght lett če, als či fleschly frendes dos. / Restreyn či will a while, fra al lust and lykyng of syn, & čou sall haue efterwarde al či will: For it sal be clensed & made sa fre, čat če lyst do na thyng bot čat čat es payng of god. If če lyste speke: forbere it at če begynnyng for goddes lufe: For when či hert feles delyte in Criste, če wil not liste to speke ne iangell bot of Criste. If čow may not dreghe to syt by či nane: vse če stalworthly in hys lufe, & he sal sa stabyly sett če, čat al če solace of čis worlde sal noght remove če, for če will noght list čarof. // When čow ert be či-self, be ay, till slepe come, owther in prayer or in gode meditacioun. And ordane či prayng & či wakyng & či fastyng, čat it be in discrecion, noght ouer-mykel na ouer-litel: Bot thynk ay čat of all thyng maste coueytes god če lufe of mans hert. And for-či seke mare to lufe hym, čan to do any penance. For vnskylful penance es litel worth or noght: Bot lufe es ay če best, whether čou do penance mykel or lytel. Be abowtwarde in či myght, čat čou war swa inwardly gyuen til če lufe of Ihesu Criste, čat for gastly ioy of či sawle na thyng čat men may do or say, make če sary; swa čat či thoght with-in be fed anly in če swetnes of Cristes lufe; & noght in delyte of erthly ese; ne in louyng of men, when čai begyn to speke gode of če, in ydel ioy. Trayst in god, čat he wil gif til če čat čou prayse hym skilfully. // Skylful prayer es til cristen mans sawle; to seke & aske, nyght & day, če lufe of lhesu Criste, čat it may lufe hym verraly, feland comforth & delyte in hym; owt kastyng worldes thoghtes |p65 & il bysynes. / And sykir be čou, if čou couayte his lufe trewly & lastandly, swa čat na lufe of či flesche, ne angers of če worlde, ne speche ne hatreden of men, draw če agayne, & caste če noght in bisynes of bodily thyng: éou sal haue his lufe, & fynd and fele čat it es delitabeler in a nowre, čan al če welthe čat we here se may, til domesday. // And if čou fayle & fall for temptacions, or for angers, or for ouer-mykel luf of či frendes: it es na wonder if he halde fra če thyng čat čow couaytes noght trewly. // He says čat he lufes čam čat lufes hym; and: éai čat arely wakes til hym, sal fynde hym. // éow ert arely wakand oft-sythe, why čan fyndes čou hym noght? Certes, if čou seke hym ryght, čou sall fynde hym. Bot ay whiles čou sekes erthly ioy: if čou wake neuer sa arely, Criste may čou noght fynde: for he es noght funden in čair lande čat lyues in fleschly lustes. Hys moder, when he was willed fra hyr, scho soght hym gretand, arely and late, ymang his kynredyn & hirs: bot scho fand hym noght, for al hyr sekyng, til at če laste scho come in til če tempyl, & čare scho fand hym syttand ymange če maysters, herand and answerand. Swa behoues če do, if čou wil fynd hym: seke hym inwardly, in trouth, & hope, & charite of haly kyrk; castand owt al syn, hatand it in al či hert: for čat haldes hym fra če, & lettes če čat čou may noght fynd hym. // ée herdes čat hym soght: fand hym lyand in a krybbe, by-twyx twa bestes -- čat čou knawes. // If čou seke hym verraly: ée behoues ga in če way of pouert, and noght of riches. // ée sterne led če thre keynges in til Bed_lem: čar čai fand Criste swedeld in |p66 clowtes sympely, as a pore barne. éarby vnderstand: whils čou ert in pryde & vanyte, čou fyndes hym noght. How may čou for schame, čat es bot seru_and, with many clathes & riche folow či spowse & či lorde, čat yhede in a kyrtel: and čou trayles als mykel be_hynd če, as al čat he had on? // For-či I rede čat čou parte with hym, ar čou and he mete: éat he reprove če noght of outrage; for he wil čat čow haue čat čou hase mister of, & na mare. He sayde til his discipyls čat čai sulde noght haue als many clathes as twa myght be sustend with; forto traueyle čare-abowte, es owtrage bisynes, čat he forbedes. // ée lufe of Ihesu Criste es ful dere tresure, ful delytabyl ioy, & ful syker to trayst man on. For-či, he wil not gyf it to folys, čat kan noght hald it & kepe it tend_erly: Bot til čaim he gese it če whilk nowther for wele ne for wa wil lat it passe fra čam, bot are čai wil dye or čai wolde wrath Ihesu Criste. / And na wyse man dose precyous lycor in a stynkand vessell, bot in a clene. Als Criste dose noght his lufe in a foule hert in syn, & bownden in wile lust of flesche, bot in a hert čat es fayre and clene in vertues. Noght-for-či, a fowle vessel may be made sa clene, čat a ful dere thyng sauely may be done čarin. And Ihesu Criste oft_sythes purges many synfull mans sawle, & makes it abyl thurgh his grace to receyue če delitabel swetnes of hys luf, & to be his wonnyng-stede in halynes; and ay če clennar it waxes: ée mare ioy & solace of heuen Criste settes čarin. For-či, at če fyrst tyme when a man es turned to god: he may not fele čat swete lycor, til he haue bene wele vsed in goddes seruys, & his hert be purged thorow prayers & |p67 penance & gode thoghtes in god. For he čat es slaw in goddes seruyce, may noght be byrnand in lufe, bot if he do al his myght, & trauell nyght & day, to fulfill goddes will. And when čat blyssed lufe es in a mans hert: it will not suffer hym be ydel, bot ay it stirres hym to do som gode čat myght be lykand til god, as in praying, or in wirkyng profitabel thynges, or in spek_yng of Cristes passyon; and principally in thoght, čat če mynde of Ihesu Criste passe noght fra his thoght. For if čou lufe hym trewly: éou wil glad če in hym, & noght in other thyng; and čou [wil] thynk on hym, kastand away al other thoghtes. Bot if čou be fals & take očer čan hym, & delyte če in erthly thyng, agaynes his wille: wit čou wele, he will forsake če as čou hase done hyme, and dampne če for či synne. // Wharfore, čat čou may lufe hym trewly, vnderstand čat his lufe es proued in thre thynges: In thynkyng, In spekyng, In wirkyng. Chaunge či thoght fra če worIde, & kast it haly on hym: & he sall nor_ysche če, Chaunge či mowth fra vn_nayte & warldes speche, & speke of hym: & he sall comforth če. Chaunge či hend fra če warkes of vanitese, & lyft čam in his name, & wyrke anly for hys lufe: & he sall receyue če. Do čus: & čan lufes čou trewly, and gase in če way of perfitenes. / Delyte če sa in hym, čat či hert receyue nowther worldes ioy, ne worldes sorow; and drede no anguys ne noy čat may be_falle bodyly on če or on any of či frnades: bot betake all in til goddes will, & thank hym ay, of all hys sandes: swa čat čou may haue rest & sauowre in hys lufe. For if či hert owther be ledde with worldes drede, or worldes solace, čou ert full fer fra če swetnes |p68 of Cristes lufe. / And loke wele čat čou seme not ane with-owten, and be a nother wyth-in, als ypocrites dose, če whilk er like til a sepulker čat es paynted richely with-owten, & wyth-in rotes stynkand banes. If čou haue delyte in če name of religion: loke čat čou haue mare delyte in če dede čat falles til religion. Thyne abett says čat čou hase forsaken če world, čat čou ert gyuen till goddes seruys, čat čou delyte[s] ée noght in erthly thyng: lok čan čat it be in či hert, als it semes in men syght. -- For na thyng may make če religious bot ver_tues & clennes of sawle in charite. / If či body be cled wyth-owten as čine order wille, loke čat či sawle be noght naked with-in -- čat čine order forbedes: Bot naked be či sawle fra all vices, & warme happed in lufe and mekenes. Drede če domes of god, sa čat čou wrath hym noght. Stabel či thoght in hys lufe, & helld owt of če al synnes. Kast away slawnes, vse če manly in godenes; be deboner & meke til al men, lat na thyng bryng če til Ire or envy; dyght či sawle fayre & make čar-in a towre of lufe til goddes son, and gar či will be couaytons to receyue hym, als gladly as čou walde be at če commyng of a thyng čat čou lufed mast of .tl thyng. Wasche či thoght clene wyth lufe-teres & brennand ¨ernyng, čat he fynd na thyng fowle in če: for his ioy es čat čou be fayre & lufsom in his eghen. Fayrehede of či sawle, čat he couaytes, es čat čou be chaste and meke, mylde and sufferand, neuer irk to do his wille, ay hatand all wykked_nes. In al čat čou dose, thynk ay to com to če syght of his fairehede, & sett al čine entent čarin čat čow |p69 may com čar-til at čine endyng -- for čat aght to be če ende of al oure traueyle, čat we euermare, whils we lyue here, desyre čat syght, in all oure hert, & čat we thynk ay lang čar-till. // Als-sa festen in či hert če mynd of his passyon & of his woundes: grete delyte and swetnes sal čou fele, if čou halde či thoght in mynde of če pyne čat Cryst sufferd for če. / If čou traueyle right in hys lufe, & desyre hym brennandly: all temptacyons & dredes of ill čou sall ouercom, & deful vnder či fote, thorow his grace. / For al čat he sees in gode will to luf hym, he helpes čam agaynes all čar enmys, and rayses čar thoght abouen all erthly thyng, swa čat čai may haue sauoure & solace in če swetnes of heuen. // Purches če če welle of gretyng, & cees noght till čou haue hym. For in če hert whare teres sprynges, čar wil če fyre of če haly gaste be kyndelde: and sythen če fyre of lufe, éat sal byrn in či hert, wil bryn til noght al če rust of syn, & purge či sawle of al fylth, als clene as če golde čat es proued in če fournes. I wate na thyng čat swa in_wardly sal take či hert to couayte goddes lufe and to desyre če ioy of heuen & to despyse če vanitees of čis worlde, as stedfast thynkyng of če myscheues & greuous woundes [&] of če dede of Ihesu Criste. It wil rayse či thoght abouen erthly lykyng, & make či hert brennand in Cristes lufe, & pur[ch]es in či sawle delitabelte and sauoure of heuen. // Bot per-aunter čou will say: "I may noght despyse če worlde, I may not fynd it in my hert to pyne my body, & me behoues lufe my fleschly frendes, and take ese when it comes." lf čou be temped with swilk thoghtes, I pray če čat čou vmbethynk |p70 ée, fra če begynnyng of čis worlde, whare če worldes louers er now, & whare če louers er of god. Certes, čai war men & wymen as we er, and ete & drank & logh: and če wreches čat lofed čis worlde toke ese til čair body & lyued as čam lyst, in likyng of čair wikked will, & led čair dayes in lust & delyces: & in a poynt čai fel in til hell. / Now may čou see čat čai wer foles, & fowle glotons, čat in a few ¨eres wasted endles ioy, čat was ordand for čam if čai walde haue done penance for čair synnes. éou sese čat al če ryches of čis world, & delytes vanys a-way and commes til noght. Sothely, swa dose al če lofers čar-of: For nathyng may stande stabely on a fals gronde. éair bodys er gyn til wormes in erth, & čair sawles til če deuels of hell. Bot all čat for_soke če pompe & če vanite of čis lyfe, & stode stalworthly agaynes all temp_tacions, and ended in če lufe of god; čai ar now in ioy, & hase če erytage of heuen, čar to won with-owten end, restand in če delyces of goddes syght. For here čai soght na mare rest ne ese til čair body, čen čai had nede of. // A thyng I rede če: éat čou forgete noght čis name IHESU, bot thynk it in či hert, nyght & day, as či speciall, & či dere tresowre. Lufe it mare čan či lyfe, rute it in či mynde. Lufe Ihesu, for he made če, and boght če ful dere. Gyf či hert till hym: for it es his dette. For-či set či lufe on hys name Ihesu, čat es "hele". // éer may na ill thyng haue dwellyng in če hert čar Ihesu es halden in mynde trewly; For it chaces deuels, & destroyes temptacions, and puttes a-way wykked dredes & vices, & clenses če thoght. Wha sa lufes it verraly, es full of goddes grace & vertues; in gastly comforth in čis lyfe, & when |p71 éai dye čai er taken vp in til če orders of awngels, to se hym in endles ioy čat čai haue lufed. Amen. Explicit tractatus Ricardi Hampole scriptus cuidam sorori de Hampole. |p72-82 |r{poems} |p83 |r[RICHARD_ROLLE'S_MEDITATIO_DE_PASSIONE_DOMINI.] |r1._Ms._Cambr._L1_I._8,_fol._201. |r (S)Wete lord Ihesu Cryst, I thanke če and ¨elde če graces of čat swete prayere and of čat holy orysoun čat čou madest beforn če holy passyoun for vs on če mownt of Olyuete. Y beseche če, swete lord, čat čou here my prayere. Adoramus te Christe & benedicimus tibi. Pater noster. Aue maria.  Swete lord Ihesu Cryst, y thanke če and I ¨elde če graces of čat mychel ferdenesse čat čou haddyst for vs whan čou become so ful of angwysch čat an aungel of heuene cam to confortyn če, wenne čou swattest blod for angwysche. I preye če, lord, and byseche če for či swete mercy, čat čou be myn help in al myn angwysch and my fondynges, and send me, lord, če aungel of red and of confort in alle my nedys: éat I my¨te turne thorow čat swet owt of al sekenesse of soule in to lyf of hele of body (!). Adoramus & c.,  Pater. Aue.  Swete lhesu, I thanke če and I ¨elde če graces of pynes and angwysches and schames and felonyes čat men dyden če al with tresoun: men bowndyn če os a thef, with-owten mercy and pyte.  Lord, I thanke če of čo swete and pytows pasys čat čow ¨ede for owre loue toward čin owne peyne and čin owne deth. I prey če, lord, and byseke če čat čou vnbynde vs of bondys of alle owre synnys, os čou su1ťred to be bownde for owre loue.  Adoramus.  Pater. Aue.  I thanke če, swete lord Ihesu Cryst, of če pynus and of če schamus čat čou suffryd before če byschopus and maystres of če lawe, and of čine enemys of buffetys and of neckedyntes, and of many očer schamus čat čou suffred.  And among očere I thanke če, lord, of čat lokynge čat čou lokyd to či decyple čat če hadde forsakyn, seynt Petyr: čou lokyd to hym with sy¨t of mercy when čou were in či most angwysch and in či most peyne; opynly čou schewyd čere če loue and če charyte čat čou hadde to vs, čat schame no peyne ne no thyng may drawe čin herte fro vs, in also mykel os in če is.  Swete lord ful of mercy and of pyte, čere we thorow či blessyd lokyng may turne to či grace and repent vs of owre trespas and of owre mysdede, so čat we may come with seynt Petyr to či mercy.  Adoramus.  Pater.  Aue.  I thanke če, swete lord lhesu Cryst, of alle peynes and tormentys / |p84 and scornynges and sclawndrynges & schamys čat men dyde & seyde to če čat ny¨t in čat harde prisoun čat čei helde če Inne. Lord, I pray če and beseke če čat čou ¨eue me sofferynge and strenkethe for to with-stande stedefastely a¨eynes alle če assaylynges & fondynges of my foos and of myn enemys gostely and bodyly. Adoramus,  Pater.  Aue.  Lord Ihesu Cryst, I thanke če of alle če peynes and schamus čat čou soffred beforn Pylate, and of alle či pases and či steppys čat čou ¨edyst for me in al čat sorewe, now hyderward now čiderward, now byfore on and now byfore anočer. I thanke & beseche če, lord, for alle,čeise peynes and čese schamus and čeise greuawnces & če pases čat čou ¨ede čenne in čat ilke tyme for če loue of vs, čat čou drawe and ry¨te owre gatys and owre steppys to če-ward & to či seruyce.  Adoramus.  Pater.  Aue.  Swete lord Ihesu Cryst, I thanke če of peynes čat čou soffred for vs, and for če swete blod čat čou bledde for vs, whan čou were so sore betyn and bownden to če pyler, čat ¨yt it is sene če blood on če pyler. I prey če aud byseke če as my dere lord, čat swete blood čat čou bledde so largely for me, may be ful remyssyoun for my soule.  Adoramus.  Pater.  Aue.  Swete lord Ihesu Cryst. I thanke če of če peynes and schamys čat čou thorow či swete wylle soffred for vs whan čou were clad in purpre for to schame če, and če corowne with thornys for to pyne with či swete hed, and čei on knelyng on skorn callyd če, lord, kyng and mayster, and with al čat on či swete face spytted so fouly, and so fouly engleymede či fayre face with če foule styngynge spyttynge of če foule cursyd Iues, & bofetede & smyten and betyn on či swete hed with Inne (!); and of či byttere woundes I thanke če, of či peynes and of či swete blood čat ran doun & stremyd fro či blessyd face. I praye and byseche če, dere lord, čat čou defende vs fro synne, and fro schame čat we han deseruyd for synne.  Adoramus.  Pater.  Aue.  Swete lord Ihesu Cryst, I thank če čat čou were so by-bled čanne, so crownyd with thornys before alle če folc, and či swete face so spytted & so beclemyd with če fowle & če styngynge spyttynge of here corsede mouthes. éan were čou on eche a syde forcryed and hyed to stronge deth, and to foule deth of hangynge demyd, blessyd and thankyd be čou. I beseche če, dere lord, čat čou for či mychel mercy gyue me grace and wysdom my-self for to Iugge and deme, to sauacion of my soule.  Adoramus.  Pater.  Aue.  Swete lord Ihesu Cryst, I thanke če of peynes and of schamus čat čou soffrede so swetely & so gladly, now for to drawe če, now for to putte če so schamely, now for to smyte če. now for to bete če so sore & so felly; and for to bere čine owne rode on či swete nakede bac, as it were a thef čat bare hys owne galewys for to be hangyd onne hym-selue at če mownt of Caluarye, čere men hedyd wyckede men and theuys whečur he were čef or mansleere: and čere čou soffryd hem to do če on če cros.  Dere lord Ihesu mercy, čat welle art of mercy, why wyl not myn herte breste and cleue in-two? whou schal it euere laste, whan it rennyth in myn herte at či kyrtel_chaungynge whou woo čou were begon: whan če fals Herode let tak it of če, čat clemyd faste with če blood of čat harde scowrgynge to če flesch of či body čat sore was betyn and rowyd, and rent či sely skyn; če kyrtel clemyd čere-to, and dryed was čere-to; či flesch was so tendur, so seek and so sour, čat čei drow it of či body pytously and harde, ne hadde čei no reward whow soore če |p85 bystood če stryppynge: for čere-with folewyd somme of če pecys of bledderys and of če rent skyn. éan was či seke body, precyous lord, al reufully rowed and bled, če stem stood of či body & rekyd al-abowte, če dew-dropys čat čanne roos čere-with it is to thenke.  A, lord. I [se] éi rede blod renne be či chekys, stremys after yche a strook, byforn & behynde. ée skyn of čin hed či crowne hath al to-rente, eche a thorn čat čere is sytteth to či brayn-panne. Alas čat I schal lyue and se my gracyous lord so soffrenge and so meke, čat neuere trespasyd, so schamely bedy¨t ! če grucchynge & če gronynge, če sorwe & če syschynge, če rewthe of hys chere, I wolde were my deth. ée crowne of al blysse, čat crownes alle blessede, & kyng is of alle kynges, & lord is of lordys, is of helle-houndys crowned with thornys; če worchype of heuene despyced and defouled; he čat schop če sonne & al čat is ou¨t, of al če gode in erče čat al is of hys gyfte, he hadde not were-Inne hys heed he my¨te hyde, but is so porely become, vs to make ryche, čat al nakyd he goth, in sy¨t of alle če folk.  A, lord, či sorwe, why were it not my deth? now čei lede če forthe, nakyd os a worm, če turmentoures abowtyn če, & armede kny¨tes. ée prees of če peple was wonderly strong; čei hurled če and haryed če so schamefully, čei spurned če with here feet os čou hadde ben a dogge. I se in my soule how reufully čou gost, či body is so blody, so rowed and so bledderyd, či crowne is so kene čat sytteth on či hed; či heere meuyth with če wynde clemyd with če bloud; či louely face so wan & so bolnyd with bofetynge and with betynge, with spyttynge with spowtynge, če blood ran čere-with, čat grysyth in my sy¨t; so lothly and so wlatsome če Iues han če mad, čat a mysel art čou lyckere čan a clene man. ée cros is so heuy, so hye, and so stark, čat čei hangyd on či bare bac, trossyd so harde.  A, lord, če gronyng čat čou made, so sore and so harde it sat to če bon. éi body is so seek, so febyl and so wery, what with gret fastynge before čat čou were take, and al ny¨t wooke with-owten ony reste; with betynge with bofetynge so fer ouur-take, čat al stowpynge čou gost, & grym is či chere. ée flesch čere če cros sytteth is al rowed, če bleynes and če bledderys are wanne and bloo; če peyne of čat byrden sytteth če so sore, čat iche foot čat čou gost it styngyth to čin herte. éus in čis gronynge and in čis mychel pyne, čou gost owt of Ierusale¨ toward či deth. ée cyte is so noble, če pupyl is so mychel, če folk comyth rennynge owt of ich e a strete, čanne stondyth vp če folk, and če |r[f.203] grete reke, čat wonder men may čat čere_onne thynke. With swyche a processyoun of worldely wondrynge, was neuere no thef to če deth lad. Somme čere were of če comown peple čat sysched sore and grette for či wo, čat wysten če so turmentyd and čat it was for envye, for če princes and če byschopys čat ladden če lawe, čei dyden če to če deth for či soth sawes, whan čou of here erroures wolde hem repreue. éei knewe it was owtrage and wrong čat čou soffrede, and folwyd če wepyng and syschyng sore. éou čan seyde thyng čat after fel: čou bad hem wepe for hem-selue, and for če grete vengeaunce čat scholde falle for či deth on hem and vp-on here chyldren, and vpon al če cyte, čat sythen was fordon & for če vengeaunce of here owne gylt chasyd owt of here place.  A, lord, če sorewe čat fel to či herte, whan čou on či modur caste čine eyen. éou saw hyre folewe after among če gret prees, |p86 os a womman owt of hyre-selue hyre handys sche wrong, wepynge and syschynge hyre armys he caste, če watur of hyre eyen dropped at hyre feet; be fel in dede swowne ofter čan onys, for sorewe of če peynes čat to hyre herte smyten. ée sorewe čat he made and če mykel dool agreggyd many-fold alle čin očere peynes. So whan heo wyste čat it so was, čan was hyre wel wers, and čou al_so for hyre wepyst; so was ¨oure sorewe eyther for očer waxenge manyfold with hepynge sorewys. ée loue of ¨owre hertys čat ouer alle očere loues was wyth_owte make brennyng kene, made ¨ow to brenne eyther for očer with vnlyke sorewe to ony očer woo; as če loue was makeles, so če sorewe was perelees, it stykyd at ¨owre hertys os it were deth.  A, lady, mercy, why were čou so bolde among so manye kene foos to folewe so ny? how was it čat arwenesse of wommankynde or maydenhed schamynge ne hadde če with-drawyn? for it was not semely to če to folewe swych a rowte, so vyle and so schamefully, so grysly to see! But čou ne hadde no reward to no mannys drede, ne to nou¨t ellys čat če schulde lette, but as owt of či-self for dool and for sorewe of či sonys passyoun was al čin herte set. żowre loue was so kene eythyr to other, and so brennynge hot, či syschengys were so fer fet, če dool of ¨owre chere was dedly woo. ée loue and če sorewe čat styked in či breest, refte če če reckyng of bodyly drede and of worldes schame and alle maner of lettynges, čat os owt of či-selue či sorwe hath če mad.  A, lady, for čat sorewe čat čou soffryd of či sonys passyoun -- for čat schulde haue bien myn owne, for I it hadde deseruyd and manye werse, I was cause čere-offe and he gylteles: os če dere woundes were myn owne ry¨t, gete me for či mercy on of hem alle, a prikke at myn herte of čat ilke peyne, a drope of čat rewthe to folewe hym with. żyf al čat wo is my ry¨t, gete me of myn owne, ne be čou not so wrongful to with-holde al. / éow al či woo be če leef, ne art čou nou¨t swythe large? parte with če poure čat lytel hath or non; gyf me of či sykynges čat sykest so sore, čat I may syke with če, čat began čat woo. I aske not, dere lady, kastelys no towrys ne očer worldys wele, če sonne nor če mone ne če bry¨t sterrys, but woundys of reuthe is al my desyr, peyne and compassyoun of my lord Ihesu Cryst. Werste and vnworthyest of alle mennys haldyng, I haue appetyte to peyne, to beseke my lorde a drope of hys reed blod to make blody my soule, a drope of čat watur to waschyn it with.  A, lady, for čat mercy, čat modur art of mercy, socoure of al sorewe and bote of alle bale, modur mad of wrecchys and of [al] wooful; herken to čis wrecche & vysyt [č]y chyld: soue in myn herte, čat is hard os ston,a sparcle of compassyoun of čat dere passyoun, a wounde of čat reuthe to souple it with.  A, lord, čat peyne čat lyther Iues so cruel & so kene at če mownt of Caluarye with-owten ony mercy pynyd če with. éei cast če cros doun flat on če grounde, and with stronge ropys knyt to čine handys and to či feet, & layde če čere-onne; čei drow and streynyd če strey¨te on brede and on lenkthe by handys and by feet, and dryue In če nayles, fyrst in če ton hand, and drow harde, and after dryue čat očer. ée nayles were blonte at če poynt, for čei schulde breste če skyn & če flesch; čei grauyd čine handys & či feet al with če blonte nayles, for če more peyne.  Foderunt manus meas & pedes meos.  Gloryouse lord so doolfully dy¨te, so rew_fully streynyd vp-ry¨t on če [rode]: for či mykel mekenesse, či mercy či mi¨t, |p87 čou bete al my bale with bote of či blood.  A, lord, če pyte čat I now se: či woundys in či streynynge reche so wyde, či lymes and či nayles (!) are so tendre. éou lyst rowyd and reed streyned on če cros, če kene crowne on čin hed čat sytteth če so sore, či face is so bolnyd čat fyrst was so faire; či synwes & či bonys styrten owt so starke, čat či bonys may be nowmbryd; če stremys of či reede blood rennyn as če flood, či woundys are for-bled and grysly on to se. ée sorewe čat či modur makyth encresuth či woo.  A, lord kyng of my¨t, čat leuyn woldust či my¨t & os vnmy¨ty become my wrongys to ry¨te: what is it čat I spekeů& bete če wynd? I speke of če felyng of če & fynde I no taste, I blondre in my wyrkyng os man čat is blynd, I studye in my thou¨tes and čei wyrken al wast: it is tokenyng of my deth, and fylthe of my synne, čat slayn hath my sowle & stoke is čere-Inne, and stoppyth al če sauoure, čat I may nou¨t the fele, čat so schamely haue ben či tretoure vntrewe; it my¨t be a prisoun, gloryouse lord, to či godhed; če stynke of my schame, če sorwe of my soule, če fylthe of my mouthe, ¨yf I lykke čere-onne it fylyth či name: so may I no manere če swetnesse of the taste, čat I haue lost thorow synne to han lykyng of swyche comfort -- for I blondre gladly in lustys of many dyuerse blamys. But čou gloryouse lord, čou quykenyst če dede, & turnyd hast čou manyfold and brou¨t hem to heuenly mede: ée blynde-born čou ly¨ted, in book os i rede: it betokenyth gostely werkys, it is no drede. Quikne me, lord Ihesu Crist, & gyf me grace čat I may fele som of če sauowre of gostely swetnesse; lene me of čine [l]y¨t, čat I may som-what sy¨t haue in soule my thryste to kele. Bnt wel I wot čis čat I haue rad, čat who-so ¨ernyth and sekyth a-ry¨te: éou he fele če nou¨t he hath čat he wot nou¨t, či loue of godhede; -- it hath vs dy¨t čis speche; and swyche očere: éat ¨ef a man no sauowre fynde, thenk hym-self owt castynge, and rebukynge and reuylynge & seyng hys weykenesse and ¨eldyng hym-self vnworthy deuocion to haue or ony swyche specialte of oureůlord god, whan so euere he may no deuocion fynde: éeune he schal gete sonnest če gyfte of hys grace.  éenne čere went after če cros many Iues ynowe and reysyd it vp and lyft it vpon hy, with al če my¨t čat čei hadde, and squat it harde in to če pyt of če hyl čat made was čerfore; či woundes borsten and ronnyn sore owt, čat alto_schakyd hangyd či body, wo was če bygon!  Lord, woo was če čanne, whan če sore woundys of či feet and of čine hondys čat were byfore alle men most tendre, čat bare al če wey¨te of čine blessyd body čat was so faire and large. éat sore & čat sorewe či modur byheld, čat so louely was and so meke and so mylde: he fel donn often-sythe and syschyng among, če sorewe stoke hyre in če brest as it were deth; hyre hed heo heng doun dolfully, hyre handys sche wrong, če terys were ful ryue čat sche čere grette. ée syschynges and če sorewes čat sche čere made, was ekyng of či woo, and made it many_fold. ée place was so wlatsome and gronyng stede, če stynk of če careynes in či nose smot. So was čou pyned in či fyue wyttes, to hele with oure trespas čat we čere-with han wrou¨t.  Agayn čat we trespaste with owre sy¨t čou wolde of če Iues be blynfeld.  Agaynes če synne of owre nose-smellynges, če smellyng of če careynes as čou hengyd on če rode smot in či nose, čat was to če ful greuows.  Agayn owre tastynge, čou tasted of če galle: so poore was |p88 čou mad of či grete bledynge.  Agayn leccherous heryng čat we če with han greuyd, čou wolde with čine erys here myche wrong: whan men accused če falsly of synne, callynge at či corownynge in scorn and hatrede & sayde "heyl be čou kyng" and spytted in či face; če heryng of če foule cry whan čei cried alle "do hym on če rode, če cros schal be hys dom"; and also whanne čei sayde "he couthe othere men saue: lat hym saue hym-self now, ¨yf he can". [By] ée herynge of čeise & of očere wordys wyckedly čou wolde in čat swete wyt for vs be pyned.  Agayn če synne of felyng and of euele gatys, were či handys and či feet with harde nayles thyrlyd, and fro če hed to če feet, with coronynge and scourgynge, with bofetynge and betynge, with spornynge and puttynge, with harde cordys knyttynge, and on če cros streynynge, čou wolde, gloryous lord, for me harde be pyned. / éere honges čou so poore aud so woo-bygon, čat of al čis worldys gode, čat was al čine owne, čou haddest not but a pore cloth to kyuere with či lymes priuye. éou čat art of kynges kyng and lord of lordys -- helle and heuene and al čis world is al čin owne -- čou wolde in tyme of či deth for me be so poore, čat erthe hadde čou not so myche čat čou my¨te dye onne: but on če harde rode hangynge in če eyre, čere was či deth-bed delfully dy¨t: ée rode hadde a fote of erthe or ellys lytel more čat it stod vpon, and čat was to či payne!  By če it was reufully sayd, gloryouse lord, čat foxes han hereůdennys, and fo[wl]us han here nestes, but čou hadde not at či deth no thyng čin hed to reste onne. Ihesu, why were it nou¨t my deth če dool and če sorewe, whan I thenk in my thou¨t whou reufully čou spake whan čou sayde: "Alle ¨e čat passyth be če way, abydeth and byholdyth ¨yf euere ony peyne čat euere soffred any man, or ony wordely woo, be lyk če sorwe čat I soffre for synful mannys sake." Nay, lord, nay, čere was neuere non so hard, for it was makeles; of alle peynys čat euere were, so hard was neuur fowndyn. And ¨yt seydys čou, lord, so swetely and so mekely;  Vinea mea electa, ego te plantaui: čat is:"My dere vyn¨erd", seydust čou, čat is, my dere chosen, "haue I nou¨t my-self če plauntyd? why art čou so bytter?"  Populeůmeus, quid feci tibi: čat is:"My swete, what haue I če don? haue I če wratthyd, čat čou dost me čis woo? haue I not ¨euyn če al my self, and al čat euere čou hast, and lyf with-owten ende ¨ef čou it wyl take, my body to či foode, and to deth on rode, and hy¨t če al my-selue in heuene to či mede? haue I with my gode dede hyrtyd če so sore, or with my swete dawntynge greuyd čin herte?"  Lord, čou besowte či fadur in heuene for če foule traytourys, če tyrauntys, če tormentours, čat he schulde forgyue hem či deth, and al čat čei trespasyd; and seyde če wrecchys wyst not what čei dyde. And also to če thef čat hangyd be či syde, čat euere sythen he cowde hadde vsyd thefte: éat he schulde be in blysse with če čat ilke day. éou sette nou¨t for-či čat he schulde haue for hys synne long peyne, but at če fyrst askynge čat he če mercy crauede, and knew če forgod, and hys owne trespas, als sone čou ¨af hym če grawnt of grace & of mercy, with-owten ony lengere delayng in blysse for to be.  Lord, for či mercy, čat welle art of mercy, say to me čat am či thef čat čou to hym sayde -- for I haue stole či gode dedys, and vsyd mys či grace, če wyttus and če vertues čat čou to me hast lent. éou čat were so gracyous and so curteys and so mylde to |p89 grawnte hym čat grace in či most woo: now čou art in blysse čere nou¨t is čat če greuyth, bot owre mysdedys are čat če lettyth, ne be čou nou¨t daungerows nor straunge for to craue, but manyfold more gracyows be -- for seldom seth [men] ony man čat ne is more gracyous whan hym best lykyth, čenne in hys most woo.-- [ A, lord, či modur was woo, and čou for hyre also woo, whan sche schulde če forgo, and čou či leue toke, bytaw¨te hyre to seynt Iohan, in stede of če to seruyn hyre & to comforten os hyre sone; in tokenynge čou seyde: "Womman, loo here či sone", and to Iohan: "loo here či modur." čou betook mayde mayde to kepe; či wysdom wolde not či modur leue by hyre one, but čat čere were on to hyre in stede of comfort assygnede.  A, lady, woo was če čanne whan čou with čine herys herde čat word! čat sorewe my¨te han bien či deth, of čat leue takynge and of či sonys woo. ée terys of čin eyen ronnen ful faste, či syschynges and či sorewys to čin herte sat ful ny, čou fel doun swounyd with al či lymes loose; čine armys fel če by, čin hed doun hangede, či rody wex al wan, či face ded pale: ée swerd of či sonys woo thorow-strook čin herte.  Animam tuam pertransibit gladius, čat is: "če swerd schal glyde thorow čine herte."  A, lady, čat sorewe may no tunge telle čat čou čere soffryd at čat ilke chawngynge: whan čou in či sonys stede, či flesche and či blood, schulde anočer felow take: for almygty god a dedly man, decyple for če mayster, Iohan for Ihesu Cryst; čat chawnge to če was so dolful os a throw of či deth. Lady, why hadde I nou¨t čenne bien by če and herd čat čou herde, and sen čat ilke sy¨t and of či mykel sorewe hadde take my part, ¨yf I my¨te in cas han sleckyd či woo? -- for men seyn swyche a word: éat [it] is often solace to haue in peyne companye. --  Lord, čou cryed aftyr čat so dolfully on če rode and sayde čat če thrysted -- os lytel wondur was. éenne was to če byrled eysyle and galle, of hem čat čou čine herte-blood wolde blede fore.  A, lord, čou it took and tastyd čere-offe; for čou wolde for vs in iche a wyt be pyned. éat thryst was twofold: in body and in soule; čou thryst with a gret ¨ernynge aftur čeire amendement čat dyden če to če deth, and also for če soulys čat čanne were in helle, čat hadde in here lyues kepyd či lawys. Blessyd is čat ilke man, gloriows lord swete Ihesu, čat ony thyng in hys lyue may soffren for či sake of bodyly peyne or any worldys schame, or ony fleschely lustys gostely or bodyli for če loue of či name holly forsake, or may in any poynt folewe če here wyth če schadowe of či cros, čat is scharpe lyuynge.  A, lord, če reuthe, če dedly dool, čat in manys herte ow¨te to synke whan čat men thynken on čat word čat čou on če rode sayde, & made to či fadyr so reufully či mone:  Eloy, Eloy, Lama¨abatani: éat is: "My god, my dere god, why hastow al forsakyn me, čat no thyng čou me sparyst?"  Gloryous lord, čin manhede was for vs al forsakyn, so vyle deth and pyneful soffred neuere man. éi godhede it wolde for synful mannys sake, with-owten ony sparynge čat če was so be-gon; neuere martyrdom ne bodyly peyne lyk čin. éi manhed was so tendur boče bodyly and gostely: and če peyne neuur-če-lesse ouer alle peynes. ée dignyte so excellent, če faderys sone of heuene: by-twene two theuys čou hengyd on če cros, and čat in myddes če worlde, hit was no priue schame; os of alle theuys če cheueteyn in myddys hem čou hengyd, al nakyd, či skyn to-drawe and ilke a lyth from očer, |p90 če kene crowne on čin hed čat čou was crownyd with. éi woundys were so grysly and so wyde drawyn, če blod čat čow bledde was delful to se. ée sorewe of čine modur was to če more pyne čanne al či bodyly woo; čat passyd alle če točer: ée losse of here soulys čat pyned če soo.  Lord, či mykyl mercy may non herte thenkyn, ne čat endeles loue & louely reuthe čat čou on če guode settyst čat folewith či wylle: whan či sorwe was soo mykyl for hem čat were či foos.  Lord. I wele in my thou¨t če rode foot take in my armys, flat os čou lay čere vpon če grounde, with če stynk of če dede mennys bonys čat lay čere so wlatsom vndur či nose; no thynge schal me čanne greue ne chawnge myn herte, so čat gret comforte it schal to me be with lykande thou¨t. I wyl not vpward castyn an eye to se čat gloryouse sy¨t, či woundys to byholde: for I am, gloryouse lord, manyfold gylty and cause čere-offe, os vnworthy čat sy¨t to se.  I wolde among če dede, čat lyn styngynge fouly, lay me flat on če grounde, & nečerere ¨yf I my¨te, če vertu and če grace to kepe of či blood; čennes wyl I not ryse ne non gate flytte, tyl I be with či precyous blood bycome al reed, tyl I be markyd čere-with os on of čine owne, & my soule softyd in čat swete bath: so may it falle, gloryouse lord, čat myn herd harte may opene čere-with, čat is now hard os ston, bycomen al nesche and quyckenen in či felyng.  Lord, či swete passyown reysyd če dede of here grauys and čei walkyd abowte, hyt openyd helle-¨atys, če erthe tremblyd čere-with, če [sonne] lost hys ly¨t: and my sory herte, čat is of če deuelys kynde, hardere čan če stonys čat clouyn at či deth, it may not of či passyoun a lytel poynt fele, ne I ryse not with če dede in reuthe čere-offe, ne I cleue not as če temple, ne os če erthe tremble, ne opene če closyng čat is so harde speryd.  My lord, is now če malyce of my lyther herte / more čan is če vertu of či precyouse deth, čat wrou¨te swyche wondrys and many on mo, and če mynde čere-offe styreth not myn herte? Whe, lord, a drope of či blood to droppe on my soule in mynde of či passyoun may hele al my sore, souple and softe in či grace [it] éat is so harde, and so dyen (!) whan či wylle is. / I wot wel, myn herte, gloryouse lord, is not worthy come to če čat čou čere-Inne ly¨te; it is nou¨t of če dygnite of čin holy sepulcre čat čou were [inne] in manhed closyd: but to helle, lord, čou ly¨ted to vysyten and to ry¨te: and in čat ilke manere I aske čin comynge. I knowe wel, gloryouse lord, čat i was neuere worči to be či modur felowe, to stonde at či passyoun with hyre and with Iohan: bnt, lord, in čat entente ¨yf I may not be čere for my grete vnworthynesse to sen čat selly sy¨t, I holde me worthy for my gret trespas to hange be či syde os če thef hangyd. So, lord, ¨yf I may not as worthy be čere, I aske os če gylty če part of či deth: éat čou I be not worthy čat myn herte be ly¨ted, my nede and my wyckednesse askyth čat čou it ry¨te.  Come čanne at či wylle, heuenelyche leche, and ly¨ten me sone os čou my nede knowyst; a sparkle of či passyoun, of loue and of reuthe, kyndele in myn herte to quycnen it with: so čat al brennyng in loue ouur al thynge, al če world I may forgete, and bače me in či blood. éan schal I blesse če tyme čat I fele me so styred [to če] of či grace, čat al wordely wele and fleschely lykyng ageyn če thou¨t of či deth lykyth me nou¨t.  Whe, lord, čou bytawte in to či faderys handys at če poynt of či deth či gloryouse gost, and sayde:  Pater, in manus tuas &c., čat |p91 is: "Fadur, in čine handys I betake my soule." And in trewe tokenynge of oure soule-hele, čat al was fulfylled in či blysse of či blood, čou saydest at če laste:  Consummatum est,  čat is: "Al is endyd." éanne fel doun čine hed, and če gost went owt. ée erče čanne tremblede, če sonne lost hys ly¨t: éat al merk was če wedur os it hadde ben ny¨t; če dede rysyn, in wytnesse of če godhede to knowe; če temple čanne clef, če stonys alto-roof. With a scharpe spere čine herte čei stroke: ée blood and če watur čere-offe went owt.  éus gloriose lord, it styreth in myne mynde: I se či blood laue owt of handys and of feet, či sydes thyrled with če spere, či woundes dryed and al to-ran, či body al be-bled. éi chyn hangyd doun, & či teth bare; če whyte of čin eyen is cast vp-ward, či skyn čat was so louely is become al pale, če crowne in čin hed grysyth in my sy¨t, če heer is clemyd with če blod and blowith al a-bowte. ée mynde of čat mater I wolde were my deth.  Lord, I se či modur stande be či syde, sche sobbyth and sykyth and falleth doun; Iohan on če točer half is so ful of sorewe; čei wryngyn here hondys and make myche dool. Whan čei lokyd vpward, če sy¨te of če rode stykyth to here hertys as it were če deth. éei falle doun wepynge and gronynge ful sore -- and I am enchesoun of al čat iche woo!  Lady, for či mercy, sythen I deseruyd al čat ¨ow byfel, and al is my ry¨t: grawnte me of či grace a sy¨t of či sorewe, a poynt of či peyne to playe me with: čat I may in a poynt som-what fele, and a part of či sorewe, čat I haue al mad.  A, lord, čei cast loot on či cločes, os če boke sayde longe before: an[d] lefte če nakyd by-twene two theuys -- so foule os či deth was soffred neuere man. éanne began če folc to flocke toward če towne fro če mownt of Caluarye, on če rode čere čou hengede. éat sy¨t is so wonderful, čei wawe so thykke, eche man to hys owne hom, by eche a way. éan was čou in či godhede ful smertely at helle, to glade če soulys čat kepten či comynge. ée blysse and če gladynge, če myrthe and če lykynge, čat čei čanne hadde, with tonge no man may telle. éou openyd helle-¨atys, lord thorou či my¨t, and took owt of peyne manye čat were čere: Adam and Eue, and alle čat če were leue, čat had in here lyues kept či lawys. Lord, aftur čat Ioseph ab Aramathye tok leue at Pylate to take če doun, os it were tyme of euynsonge, with help of Nychodemus, of či modur and of Iohan, čat stood čere sorewfully. éei toke of če rode či blessyd body, čei ry¨ttyd owt čine armys čat were bycome starke, and strekyd hem doun after či sydes. éei bare če to če place čat čou were beryed Inne; čei weschen of če cold blod and made če clene, layde če in če monument čat was newe, čat Ioseph hadde ordeynyd for hym-selue; čei onoynte če with oynement čat smellyd swete. ée sorwe čat či modur hadde, is sorwe to here.  Lady, če terys čat čou čere grette, či brest and či chekys mad al watur! čou fel doun to hys feet, and kyssed hem ful swete, and euere os čou kyssyd sore čou grete. éenne was čere warde set of armede kny¨tes, to kepe če monument tyl če thrydde day. &c. Amen. Ihesu.  Explicit quedam Meditacio Ricardi Heremite de Hampole de passione domini: Qui obiit anno domini M.CCCo xlo viii=o=. &c. |p92 |r_2._Ms._Cambr._Addit._3042_(Ms._Brent_Eley_Library,_Nr._6). Here bigynneč deuoute meditaciouns of če passioun of Crist whiche weren compilid of Richard Rolle, hermyte of Hampol, čat diede in če ¨eere of oure lord M.CCC. & xlix ¨eer. |r LOrd čat madist me of nou¨t, I biseche čee to ¨eue me grace to serue če wič al myn herte, wič al my my¨t, wič al my strenkče, wič al my kunnynge, wič al myn entencioun, wič al myn vndirstondinge, wič alle če my¨tis of my soule, wič al my čou¨t, wič al my speche, wič alle my wittis, wič alle my werkis, wič al myn ocupacioun, wič al my bisynes, & wič al my reste. |r LOrd čat madist me lich to čee, I biseche čee to ¨eue me grace to loue čee wič al my soule, wič al my loue, wič al my wil, wič al my lust, wič al my likinge, wič al my mynde, wič al my wische, wič al my deuocioun, wič al my longinge, wič amendinge of my liif wič al my disirynge, wič lastinge in goodnes, wič contricioun & confessioun to čee & penaunce for my synnes. |r LOrd čat madist me & alle my lymes, I biseche čee, ¨eue me grace to serue čee wič alle my lymes, & alle to be ocupied in či seruice, & euere bowinge to či biddingis, euere redi to meue or to reste at či wille, euere lame to dedis of synne, & euere freisch & redi to či biddingisů |r LOrd čat madist me & hast ¨ouen me manye ¨iftis, gostly, bodili and wordli, I biseche čee, graunte me grace to vsen hem alle in či seruice & to čat eende to whiche čou ¨ane hem to me, čat I euere worschipe čee in či ¨iftis; & graunte me grace euere to meken me in či ¨iftis, to holde me apaied wič či ¨iftis, & neuere to be presumptuous ne proud of či ¨iftis, but euere to knouleche me for sich as I am, a sinful wrecche. |r LOrd čat ali¨tist fro heuene to erče for loue of mankynde, from so hi¨ to so low, / from so hi¨ lordschip to so low pouert, / from so hi¨ noblei to so lowe myscheef, / from so hi¨ wele to so low¨ wo, / from so hi¨ blis to so low¨ peyne, / from so hi¨ myrče to so low¨ sorewe, / from so likinge a liif to so peyneful a deeč: / Now, lord, for al čat loue čat čou schewidist to mankinde in čin incarnacion & in či passioun, I biseche čee of merci and help. / |r Swete Ihesu, I čanke čee, lord, wič al myn herte, for čou profredist čee to čat place where čou wistist či deeč ordeyned, & I čanke če, lord, for čere čou schewedist weel čat čou were willi to die for vs; & so I bileeue, lord, čat čou chees če day & če tyme whanne čou woldist die, & euery poynt of či passioun was doon at čin ordinaunce; & I bileeue, lord, čat čou leftist či soule whanne čou woldist, & whanne čou woldist čou took it a¨en. Now here, swete Ihesu, I biseche čee, graunte me grace to profre me to čee wič hool wil, in sorewe of herte for my synnes, & criynge merci in wil to amende me, in schrift to čee & penaunce for my synnes, in contynuaunce of good lyuynge, in hool loue to čee čat madist me: & graunte me to turne to čee bi often schrifte, in ech tribulacioun, in ech temptacioun of man, fleisch, world, or enemy: & graunte me grace čat ech čou¨t of me, word, or werk, schewe čat I am turned to čee: |p93 & ¨eue me grace fayn to turne to če dedis wič ful wil čat čou hast ordeyned for me. / Swete lord, I biseche čee, čou heere my preier. Pater noster Et ne nos / set libera nos a malo. Adoramus te Christe & benedicimus tibi, Quia per sanctam crucem tuam re[de]misti mundum. / Oremus: |r{6_lines_of_Latin_text} |r SWete Ihesu, I čanke čee wič al myn herte & kunnynge of čat swete preier & of čat holy orisoun čat čou madist bifore či passioun so holi upon če mount of olyuete, / & lord, I čanke čee, for čere čou tau¨tist us to preie, whanne čou seidist: / "fadir, not myn, but či wille be fulfild" -- / for či will, lord Ihesu, & či fadris wil, ben al oo will. / éanne čou preiedist not for čee, but for us / to teche us, čat han often contrarious willis to če fadir of heuene, for to leue oure wil, & to preie čat če fadris wil in ns be fulfild. / Now here, swete Ihesu, I biseche če čat I be euere redi at či wille, & not at myn, but whanne my wille acordič to čin čat is my ioie; and graunte me grace euere to seche what is či wille, & so to turne to čee. Pater noster. Et ne nos, Adoramus te. Domine. |r SWete lord Ihesu, I čanke čee as I can of al če drede & anguisch čat čou suffridist for ns whanne an aungil of heuene come to counforte čee, & whanne čou swettist blood for anguisch. / Here, swete Ihesu, I biseche čee for či swete merci, čat čou be myn help & counfort in al my temptacioun, anguisch, or tribulacioun; čat I mowe turne čoru¨ či swete counfort out of al myscheef of soule & of bodi / in to helče of vertu & of meeknes. Pater noster. |r SWete Ihesu, I čanke če for če disese čat čou haddist whanne Iudas bitraide čee: & čou toldist it him biforen & warnedist him faire, & čerfore čat was oon of če grettist synnes čat euere was. / Now, lord Ihesu, I biseche čee, scheelde me fro grete synnes, as ouerhope, wanhope, & alle maner synnes a¨ens kynde, & ¨eue me grace to čenke ech synne greet čat in ony maner wise my¨te greue če, Ihesu. Pater noster. |r SWete Ihesu, I čanke če for al če disesis čat čou suffridist whanne čou were taken of če iewis: / for summe pulliden čee, summe schouen čee, drowen čee, dispisiden čee, scorneden čee, toggiden & teere čee: & swete Ihesu, I čanke čee for al čat mekenes čat čou schewedist čere, whanne čou letist hem doon as čei wolden. / Now, swete Ihesu, I biseche čee to take me to če & make me al čin: & if I fle to ony synne of če world, of če fleisch or of če feend, swete Ihesu fecche me soone hoom a¨en, as a lord dooč his bonde_man, & dryue me wič tribulacioun soone to penaunce. / Swete Ihesu, in čee is al souereyn medicyn, & I, lord, am al siik in synnes: éerfore, swete Ihesu, take me to čee & sette me vndir či cure. & come neer to me wič grace, as če |p94 Samaritan dide, & hilde in to my woundis oile of merci and wyn of counfort, and brynge me in to če stable of charite, & euere holde me vndir či cure. / żit, lord swete Ihesu, čis liif is ful of temptaciouns and enemyes, & čere is no socour but in čee, swete Ihesu: éanne, swete Ihesu, take me to čee wič-ynne či gouernaunce and schildinge, & lat neuere čin hondwerk be for-loren. /  żit, swete Ihesu, čou art al good, & to čee longič al loue: / éanne take to čee myn herte hoolli, čat al my loue be on čee čat al bou¨tist; so čat myn herte neuere turne fro če for no temptacioun, but euere clene fast upon čee, for to loue čee swete Ihesu, moost needful, moost meedful, & moost spedeful. Pater noster. Et ne nos. |r SWete Ihesu, I ¨elde to čee čankingis & gracis for čat tresoun & schames čat čou haddist whanne čei bonden čee to a čeef.  Now, swete Ihesu. I biseche čee, bynde me to če, so čat neuer temptacioun ne tribulacioun parte us a-sundir; / binde me to čee, swete lhesu, in bileeue, hope, & charite. / In bileeue fastne me to čee, swete Ihesu, čat neuere noon errour ne eresie turne me fro my bileeue; & graunte me swete Ihesu, čat my bileeue be in mesure, not to large: bileeuynge čat schulde not be bileeued; / ne to streite: leuynge čat schulde be bileeued; / &, swete Ihesu, make me bileeue in alle če sacra_mentis of holi chirche & in alle če ordinauncis, & in trist to god of al my sauacioun.  Swete Ihesu, binde me to čee in hope: so čat al myn hope & trist be oonli in čee; / late neuere myn hope be to streite: lest I falle in wanhope; / ne to large: lest I rise in to ouerhope; / and graunte me grace, swete Ihesu, to continue in good werkis in či seruice wič discresioun, čat I mai skilfulli hope & triste in čee. /  Swete Ihesu, binde me to če in charite: éat al my loue be hole to čee, in wil, word, & werk, & lete me no čing loue but če, or for čee; & lete me loue after čin heeste frend & foo; & graunte me graceůčat noon vnskilful wračče, ne hate, ne enuie, breke če bond of my charite; & graunte me, lord, to loue čee euere lengir če betere, če more kunnyngli, če more bisili, če more stidfastli, & graunte me to loue čat čou louest, & hate čat čou hatist. Pater noster. |r SWete Ihesu, I ¨eelde to če čankingis & gracis for alle če steppis & pacis čat čou ¨edist toward čin owne peyne & čin owne deeč. I biseche čee, swete Ihesu, čat čou rule alle my goinges, and alle če affecciouns of myn herte. Pater noster. |r SWete Ihesu. I čanke čee for alle če schames, anguischis, & felonyes, čat čou suffridist biforen Annas & Caifas, Pilat & Eroud, / & nameli I čanke čee, swete Ihesu, for čat merciful lokinge, čat čou turnynge a¨en biheld upon seint Petir či disciple čat forsook čee / & ¨it in myche anguische čou schewedist či loue openli to him, so čat neičer schame ne peine my[¨t] drawe čin herte fro him. / Now, swete Ihesu, turne čin i¨e of merci toward us synful, so čat čoru či merci and grace we moun repente of oure trespas & mys-dedis with seint Petir. Pater noster. |r SWete Ihesu, I čanke če for čat meke & stille stondinge aforen Pilat & alle če false accusaciouns of če iewis. / Now here, swete Ihesu, I biseche čee, |p95 graunte me grace feičfully to haue mynde in ech temptacioun čat I stonde bifore čee my domisman; & graunte me grace to suffre pacientli accusaciouns, snybbingis & yuel wordis of foos for či loue; / & graunte me to knouleche ech man for betere čan me, & to meke me euere & holde me lowe; / & swete Ihesu, whanne I schal be demed, haue merci on me / & lete či meeknes & čat doom čat čou vnskilfulli suffridist, excuse me fro čat doom čat I skilfulli schulde haue. Pater noster. Et ne nos. |r SWete Ihesu, I ¨elde čee čankingis for al čat schame & anguisch čat čou suffridist whanne čei spitten in či face, / in čat swete myrrour & bodili blis of heuene, upon which aungels & seintis haue deinte to loke. / Now, swete Ihesu, ¨eue me grace to haue most deinte inwardli to loke & čenke upon čat blissid face; / and, swete Ihesu, restore če liknes of či face in my soule čat foule synnes han fadid; / &, leue lord, lete me neuere haue likinge in če face of synne in temptacioun, & graunte me grace neuere to assente to lust of synne; & ¨eue me grace to worschipe čee in ech creature; & lete me neuere haue pride of chere of my face, ne lust to synne for semblaunt of ony očirs face; and, swete Ihesu, graunte me to se či blisful face in heuene, amen. Pater noster. Et ne nos. |r SWete Ihesu, I ¨elde čee čankingis as I can of alle yuel wordis, sclaundris, scornis, mowis, & schames, čat če iewis seiden to čee in al če time of či precious passioun; & of alle če housis and prisouns čat čei heelden čee ynne / whanne čou were drawen & haried [now] to Annas and Caifas, now to Eroud & Pilat, & closid wič-ynne in her placis. / Now, swete Ihesu, here I biseche čee, graunte me suffringe & strenkče to stonde stidfastli & pacientli to suffre wordis of dispite & rebukinge for či loue, & neuere to grucche for tribulacioun ne angir ne siiknes of či sonde; & graunte me, swete Ihesu, stifli to stoode in alle če assailingis & temptaciouns of my foos, goostli and bodili. Pater noster. Aue maria. |r SWete Ihesu, I čanke če for alle če steppis & pacis čat čou ¨edist hidir_ward & čidirward in tyme of či passioun. & I biseche čee, graunte me grace in alle my weies & gatis čat čei be ordeyned to či worschip & to saluacioun of my soule; / & graunte me grace wilfulli to go to či seruice, & spare for no peyne ne penaunce; & make me loth to meue, swete Ihesu, to ony lust a¨ens či wille. Pater noster. Et ne nos. |r SWete Ihesu, I ¨eelde čee čankingis for čat dispiteous blindfelling čat če iewis diden to čee. & here I preie čee, swete lord Ihesu, scheelde me fro blindfelling of synne, in custum, in long vnschrift, in ouerhope in wanhope, in latinge to myche bi my-silf; & schelde me from perpetuel blindfelling of damp_nacioun, & exclndinge fro če blisful si¨t of či glorious face; & graunte me cleerli to se in to če face of my conscience; / & ¨eue me grace, swete Ihesu, to kepe myne i¨en from alle yuele si¨tis čat eggen to synne; & graunte me to se či blissid presence endelesli. Pater noster. |r SWete Ihesu. I čanke če euermore for čat schame & schenschip čat čou suffridist in či buffetinge: / for manye a soor strook čou suffridist čanne, / |p96 for ech of hem stroof to smyte bifore očere. / Now, swete Ihesu, graunte me here wilfulli to suffre disese & tribulacioun for či sake, & neuere to grucche for siiknessis ne for wrongis of man, bot euere to čanke god of al his sonde; / & graunte me, lord Ihesu, to be p[yn]ede for my synnes or I die, & continuel herte lord, čat to preie; / & whanne it comeč, lord, ¨eue me pacience, & herte hoolli to čanke čee of či sonde. Pater noster. |r SWete Ihesu, I ¨eelde čee gracis & čankingis for al čat sore & long & egre peyne čat čou suffridist for us, & for al čat precious blood čat čou bleddist, whanne čou were bounden fast to a piler and scourgid ful sore; -- for čat was a bittir peyne: / for če scourgers weren chosen men and stalworče, & willi to sle čee, & it was longe or čei weren weri; / & če scourgis weren mad ful stronge & smerte: so čat al či bodi was but woundis, & manye woundis in oo wounde / for če knottis smiten so ofte in oo place, & at ech strok smoot deppir. & čat was, swete Ihesu, a large & a plenteuous schewinge of či loue! / éanne was či bodi lijk to heuene: for as heuene is ful of sterris, so is či bodi ful of woundis. / But, lord, či woundis ben betere čan sterris: for sterris schinen not but bi ny¨tis, & či woundis ben ful of vertu ny¨t & day; / alle če sterris bi ny¨te ne li¨ten but a litil, & o cloude may hide hem alle: / but oon of či woundis, swete Ihesu, was & is Inou¨ to do awey cloudis of synne, & to clere če conscience of alle sinful men. / here, swete Ihesu, I biseche čee čat čise woundis be my medicacioun for ech disese of soule. / Also, swete Ihesu, če sterris ben canse in erče of ech čing čat is grene, or growič, or berič fruy¨t: / now, swete Ihesu, make me grene in my bileeue, growinge in grace, & beringe fruy¨t of gode werkis. / Also sterris ben cause of mynes of metals & of precious stonys: / now, swete lord Ihesu, make me tou¨ as metal a¨ens temptaciouns, & precious as perre in to če hi¨ degre of charite. Pater noster. Et ne nos inducas. |r ANd ¨it, lord swete Ihesu, či bodi is lijk a nett: / for as a nett is ful of holis, so is či bodi ful of woundis. / Here, swete lord Ihesu. I biseche čee, catche me in če nett of či scourginge, čat al myn herte & loue be to čee; & drawe me euere to čee & wič čee as a net drawič fisch, til I come to če bank of deeč: éat neuere temptacioun, tribulacioun ne prosperite pulle me fro čee; / and as a net drawič fisch to londe, so, swete Ihesu, brynge me to či blis. / Catche me, lord, in če net of holi chirche; & kepe me, lord, čat I neuere breke out of če bondis of charite. / Cacche me, lord swete Ihesu, in či net, čat neuere synne haue me out of če cloce of vertues. Pater noster. Et ne. |r żIt, swete Ihesu, či body is lijk a dufhous: / for as" dufhous is ful of dowue holis, so is či bodi ful of woundis: / & as a dowue pursued of an hauke, if sche mai a-reche to an hole of hir hous, sche is sikir I-now¨: so, swete Ihesu, in temptacioun či woundis ben best refute.  Now, swete Ihesu, I biseche čee in ech temptacioun graunte me grace of sum hole of či woundis, & likinge to abide in mynde of či passioun. / Also, swete Ihesu, či bodi is lijk an hony-comb: for čat is ech weies ful of cellis, & ech celle ful of hony, so |p97 čat it may not be touchid wičouten ¨eldinge of swetnes: / so, swete Ihesu, či bodi is ful of cellis of deuocioun, čat it may not be touchid of a clene soule wičoute swetnes & likinge. / Now, swete Ihesu, graunte me grace to touche čee wič criynge merci for my synnes, wič desiris to gostly contemplacioun, wič amendinge of my lijf & contynuance in goodnes, in stodie to fulfille čin heestis, & delicat abidinge in mynde of thi passioun. Pater noster. Et ne. |r MOre ¨it, swete Ihesu, či bodi is lijk a book writen wič reed enke: so is či bodi al writen wič rede woundis. / Now, swete Ihesu, graunte me grace often to rede upon čis book, & sumwhat to vndirstonde če swetnes of čat writinge, & to haue likinge in stodious abidinge of čat redinge; & ¨eue me grace sumwhat to conseyue of čat perles loue of Ihesu Crist, & to lerne bi čat ensaumple to loue god a¨enward as I schulde; / and, swete Ihesu, graunte me čat stodie in ech tide of če day, & graunte me grace čat I may haue upon čis book matyns, pryme, houris, euesong & complin, my meditacioun, my speche, & my daliaunce. Pater noster. Et ne nos. |r SWete Ihesu, ¨it či bodi is lijk to a mede ful of swete flouris & holsum herbis: / so is či bodi fal of woundis, swete saueringe to a deuout soule, & holsum as eerbis to ech sinful man. / Now, swete Ihesu. I biseche čee, graunte me swete sauour of merci, & če holsum reseite of grace. Pater noster. |r SWete Ihesu, I ¨eelde čee čankingis of alle če peynes & schames čat čou suffridist čoru či swete wille for us whanne čou were cločid in purpur for to schame čee, & [čei] crowned čin heed wič čornes for to preue či swete suffraunce & pacience, / and čanne čei fellen on knees & scorneden čee & calliden čee lord & maistir, & spitten in či face & buffetiden čee, & as myche schame as čei coude seiden to čee. Here, swete Ihesu, I biseche čee for alle če schameful turnes čat we haue wrou¨t, for¨eue us al čat schame & peyne čat we haue discerued bi oure synne; & graunte us grace to worschipe čee in as many wise & as hertili, as če iewis schameden čee in či passioun; / and, swete Ihesu, graunte us grace of sich cločinge & aray as moost plesič čee, & neuere to desire disgisynge ne pride of atire; / and, swete Ihesu, graunte me grace to bere myn heed lowe, & neuere to schewe pride in semblaunt ne chere; / &, swete Ihesu, graunte me grace to kepe my fyue wittis to če worschip of čee, & graunte me grace neuere to desire state ne degre forčer čan čou hast ordeyned for me. Pater noster. Et ne nos. |r SWete Ihesu, I čanke čee wič al myn herte for al čat blood čat čou so plenteuousli bleddist in či crownynge biforen al čat folk, whanne či swete face was al blood, / and on ech side čou were forcried & dispisid & hastid to čat strong and foule deeč, & deemed so wrongfulli čerto, / blessid & čankid be čou, swete Ihesu & worči to be loued of alle creaturis. Here, swete Ihesu, I biseche čee, waische my soule wič čat blood, & anoynte & depeynte my soule & my mynde wič čat precious blood; & graunte me grace for či mychel merci to iuge my-silf wiseli & deme, to saluacioun of my soule. Pater noster. |p98 |r SWete Ihesu, I ¨eelde čee čankingis for alle če peynes and schameful turnes čat čou suffridist whanne čou bere čin owne cros & iugement upon čin nakid bak: / for čei drowen čee & pulliden čee so felli čat greet ruče was to se, / & čerto, swete Ihesu, čei putten čee, smyten čee so schamefulli, as it were a čeef čat bare his owne galowis. / A, dere lord swete Ihesu, čat čou were wo_bigoon whanne at če biddinge of Eroud či kirtil was taken from čee, čat cleuede so faste to či bodi wič blood of či scourginge whanne čou were racid and rent & beten so sore and so longe til al čin vtter blood was bled and či skin vnneče hangide to-gidere. / éanne whanne čei drowen of če clooč čat cleuede to či skyn wič drie blood, and čou so tendre, and in ¨ong and freisch age: é[ei] took no reward how sore it greuede čee čat dispiteuous strepinge, whanne manie a pece of či tendre skyn folowide. / éanne was ruče to se či bodi al stremed of blood. /  A, lord swete Ihesu, me činkič I se či reed blood renne doun bi či chekis, stremynge aftir ech strook of či crownynge, bifore and bihinde and on ech side. / ée skyn of čin beed čornes al to-renden, ech čorn sittič to če brain-panne. / Alas, swete Ihesu, how may a cristen soule se his lord suffre so myche peyne, čat neuere trespasside? / éi grintinge & gronynge, či sorewinge & si¨ynge, če ruče of či chere persič myn herte. / ée crowne of al blis, čat crowneč al blissid, če king of alle kingis, če lord of alle lordis, če emperour of helle, is now hound crowned wič čornes, / ée worschip of heuene is dispisid & defoulid; / he čat schope sunne and alle creaturis, & al čing is of his ¨ift, he hač nott where he mai hide his heed, / and be is so pore čat he gooč al nakid in če si¨t of al folk. / Here, swete Ihesu, I biseche čee, ¨eue me grace to bere wič čee če cros of penaunce for či loue & my synnes, & lete me bere it to my deeč-tyme as čou didist, & lete me neuere be grucchinge for čat I suffre for či loue; and ¨eue me grace to do penaunce in čis lijf for my synnes, & graunte me my purgatorie here; & ¨eue me grace to suffre esili wordis of dispite for či loue. Pater noster. Et ne nos. |rSWete Ihesu, I ¨eelde čee čankingis for al čat angir and sorewe čat čou suffridist whanne čou bere či cros toward či deeč. / & me čenkič, lord, I se how čei leden čee forč nakid as a worm, turmentours aboute čee & armed kny¨tis, če prece of če peple wondir miche, čei harien čee schamefulli, čei spurnen čee wič her feet as čou weere a dogge. / A, čis is a ruful si¨t! čin heed is ful of čornis, čin heer is ful of blood, či face is al wan, či lokinge is morninge, či cheekis and heed al bolned wič buffetis, či visage al be-soilid wič spotil: / ée iewis han so biseie čee čat čou art likir a mesel čan a clene man. / ée cros heuy & huge, & so hard trust upon či bak, čat čou art cruyschid to hepe & schrinkist čer-vndir.  A, swete Ihesu, čou gronedist ful harde whanne it sat so sore to či nakid bodi, čat is so sijke, so ful frau¨t of peynes, so feble so weri, what for longe and greet fastinge bifore, what wič wakinge al ny¨t biforen wičouten reste, what wič betinge & buffetinge and schameful wordis & dedis bifore. / ée fleisch čere če cros sittith is skinles & ouer-runne wič blood_rowis. / ée peyne of čat birčen greueč čee so sore, čat ech foot čat čou goost |p99 stingič to čin herte. éus čou goost, swete Ihesu, [out of] Ierusalem toward či deeč, / al če peple cometh & folewič and goulič upon čee & wondrič; wič sich a processioun was neuere čeef led to his deeč!/ Here, swete Ihesu, I preie čee, graunte me grace to folewe če in mynde of či passioun, & in suffringe sumwhat for či loue, and in hauinge compassioun of čee. Pater noster. / |rSWete Ihesu, what sorewe fel to čin herte whanne čou castist čin i¨e toward či modir so dere! / éou si¨ hir folewe among če greet prees as a wom_man out of hir-silf. Now sche wrong hir hondis, wepinge & si¨ynge, / now sche castič hir armes abrood, the watir of hir i¨en droppide at hir feet, / sche fel in deed swoun ofte-sičis for peynes and sorowis. / Hir sorewe, swete Ihesu, and hir dool a-greggide greetli & manyefold alle čine očere peynes; / and whanne sche knewe čat hir sorewe greuede čee so soore, čanne was sche weel worse: / and so sorewe of eičer of ¨ou for očere wexič manye-foold; / ée hi¨ loue of ¨oure hertis eičir to očere, čat was perles brenninge, kindeli made ¨oure sorewe eičerůfor očere vnlike to ony očir sorewe or wo on erče, / for as ¨oure loue makeles, so was ¨oure sorewe peerles, / it stikič at ¨oure hertis as itt were deeč.  A, ladi, mercy, how were čou so bold among so manye kene foos to folewe him so ny¨? / how was it čat če arownes of wommans kinde, or schamynge of maidenheed, ne hadde wičdrawe čee? and it was not semeli to čee to folewe sich a route! / But čou haddist no reward to mannis drede, ne to nou¨t ellis čat schulde lette čee, / for čou were out of či-silf for sorewe of čin owne sone. / éi si¨his weren so fer fet, či brest so ful of dole and sorewe, či cheer so dreri for deedli wo, čat it bire[fte] ée reckinge of bodili wo or drede and of wordli schame & of alle maner lettingis. / Now, ladi, čat peyne & passioun schalde haue be myn: for I hadde deserued it & [was] cause čerof. / éerfore, swete ladi, as čo peynes & woundis were myn owne wič ri¨t, gete me of či merci oon of hem alle, čat it may abide as a pricke at myn herte; / gete me, swete lady, a drope of čat ruče čat čou haddist, to folewe him wič as čou didist. / Al čat wo is myn bi ri¨t sette me on myn owne, / be čou not so daungerous to wičholde al. éou¨ al či wo be čee leef, čou art ful large: čan parte vvič če pore čat litil hač, and ¨eue me of či si¨yngis čat si¨hist so sore, & lete me si¨e wič čee, sičen I bigan aI čat wo. / I axe, dereworče ladi, noučir castels ne townes ne noon očir worldis wele, ne sunne ne moone ne noone of če bodies of heuene, ne no čing: but woundis of ruče, of peyne and of cumpassioun ofswete Ibesu my lordis passioun is al my desire. / I haue apetite to peyne. & I biseche my lord a drope of his rede blood to make my soule blodi, / or ellis a drope of his watir to waische wič my soule. / A, modir of wrecchis & of alle woful, visite my sike soule & sette in myn herte či sone wič hise ůwoundis; / sende a sparcle of cumpassioun in to myn herte čat is hard as stoon, / a drope of čat passioun to souplen it wič. Pater noster. |rSWete Ihesu, I čanke če wič al myn herte for al čat peyne čat čou suffridist whanne če cros was cast doun on če grounde, & če[i] leiden čee flat čeron, & wič cordis drowen čin hondis & feet to če holis, & nailiden fast čat |p100 oon hond, & streyned čat očir to čat očer hole, / and čanne, swete Ihesu, čei drowen al či bodi doun til či feet rau¨ten to the holis; / and če nailis, lord, weren blunte, for čei schulden tere či skyn / & bruse či fleisch. / Now, swete Ihesu, me činkič I se či bodi on če rode, al bled, and streyned čat če ioyntis twinnen; či woundis now openen, če skyn al to-drawen recchič so brode čat merueile is it halt; čin heed crowned wič čornis, či bodi al ful of woundis, nailis in čin hondis & feet so tendre, & in či synewis, čere as is moost peinful felinge; / éere is no leninge to čin heed, či bodi is streyned as a parchemyn_skyn opon če harowe; / éi face is al bolned čat first was so fair; / éi iointis vndoon; / éou hongist and stondist on nailis; / stremes of blood rennen doun bi če rode; / ée si¨t of či modir encresič či peyne. / A, lord swete Ihesu, čat woldist vnmy¨ti bicome to make me my¨ti & mende my synne, / I speke, lord, of či passioun and of hi¨ deuocioun & I fynde no swetnes, but speke as a iay & noot what I meene; / I studie in či passioun & I fynde noo taast: / my synnes ben so manye and so wickid čat čei han schit out deuocioun & han stoppid al če sauour of swetnes fro my soule. / & čerfore I speke & blundere forč as a blinde creature, & speke wičouten wisdom or kunnynge of so deuoute mater. / Pater noster. |rBVt čou, swete Ihesu, čat quikenest če dede, & turnest to good lijf fro deeč of synne: so quike me, lord swete Ihesu, & ¨eue me grace to fele sum of čat swete sauour & goostli deuocioun; / sende me, lord, če li¨t of grace, to haue sum ynsi¨t in soule.  But, lord. I woot weel čat who so desirič čee ari¨t: čou¨ he fele nou¨t, he hač čat he woot nou¨t, če loue of či godhede; / & if a man may no feruour fynde: éenke him-silf feble & outcast, and holde him-silf vnworči to haue deuocioun or ony sich specialte of oure lord god: / & so he schal gete snnnest če ¨ift of his grace. Pater noster. |rSWete Ihesu, čanne če iewis heuen up če cros and maden it to falle sore in to če hole čat was maad čerfore, & brast či woundis & al to-schoke či bodi čat hangide so sore. / Lord swete Ihesu, wo was čee čanne, whanne či sore woundis of hondis & feet bare al če peis of či bodi!/ Swete Ihesu, čanne či modir was wo Inow čat si¨ čis, / sche si¨ede & wrong hir hondis, sche weep teris Inowe; / & al čat, lord, was eking of či wo.  And čat place was so wlatsom wič stinche of diuers careines, čat it ločide ony man to nei¨e ny¨. / & čus weren alle či fyue wittis ocupied wič peynes: to bote če trespace of oure fyue wittis.  In si¨t čou were blindfeld, for čou si¨ či modir so wo, and for čou si¨ hem či foes čat weren moost holden to be či frendis, as če iewis.  In či smellinge, wič stink of careynes čat were so manye: for čou were doon to če deeč in če foulist place of Ierusalem, čere alle če careynes of če toun weren cast out; / and čat smyl, swete Ihesu, was ful greuous in či nose.  In či taast, lord, greuede čee če galle aftir črist -- for, swete Ihesu, plente of peyne is cause of črist & of drienes -- & [gal] is bittir in taast: / & če iewis ¨euen čee čerto eisil, to echin či bittir taast.  In heeringe, swete Ihesu, čou were greued wič false accusingis, & scornes, whanne čei seiden "heil king" & spitten in či face; wič heeringe of foul cri, whanne čei crieden to hange čee swete Ihesu on |p101 če rode, / and whanne čei crieden "he coude očere men saue: now lete him saue him-silf if he can".  In felinge, swete Ihesu, čou were peined in či bindinge and hariynge, buffetinge, blindfelling, scourginge, crowninge, in beringe of če cros, in drawinge of cordis on če cros, in nailinge of či feet & hondis on če cros. / éere heng čou so pore, swete Ihesu, & so wobigoon, so čat of al good on erče čou ne haddist but a litil clooč to hilen wič či lendis: / and ¨it čou art king of kingis & lord of lordis, & heuene & erče & helle is čin. / & ¨it, lord, čou woldist be so pore čat tyme, čat čou ne haddist noon erče to die upon, but on the cros in če eir. / & čerfore, swete Ihesu, of čee was seid: / "Foxis han dennys and briddis han nestis: hot čou at či deeč-tyme ne hast not to reste čin heed upon."  A, swete Ihesu, čat was a ruful word whanne čou seidist: / "Alle ¨e čat passen bi če weie, abidič and biholdič if čer is ony sorewe lijk to my sorewe, čat I suffre for man." / & ¨it, swete Ihesu, čou preiedist to či fadir to for¨eue hem če gilt of či deeč -- so miche is či merci. / And, swete Ihesu, not-wičstoondinge al či greet peyne, ¨it čou tendist to če čeef upon či ri¨thond whanne he axkide merci, & grauntidist him betere čan he askide. / éanne, swete Ihesu, now čou art in blis, & not in peyne: be not now to daungerus ne straunge of či merci -- for ceelden is a man more gracious in wo čan in blis. / A, lord, wo were čou for či modir, whanne čou took či leue of hir and woldist die, & bi-took hir to seint Ioon to kepe & to counforte. / Here, swete Ihesu. I biseche čee čat am ful of synnes: now lord in blis haue merci on me, & graunte me grace, whanne it is či wille, to be wič čee in paradice. Pater noster. Aue maria. Et ne. |rSWete ladi maiden & modir, wo was čee bigoon whanne Crist hadde take his leue at čee & bitook čee to Ioon: éat sorewe my¨te haue be či deeč, in čat leue takinge. / ée teeris of čin i¨en runnen doun ful faste, si¨ingis & sorewingis saten ful ny¨ čin herte; / éou fel doun in swoun, čin heed hangid doun, čin armes fellen doun bi či sidis, / éi colour wax al wan, či face wax al pale; / ée swerd of či sones deeč smoot čoru¨ čin herte, čat chaunginge, ladi, whanne čou haddist Ioon for Crist, was ful doleful as a črowe of deeč to čin herte. / A, swete ladi, whi hadde I not ben bi čee, & herd čat čou herdist, & seen čat si¨t wič čee, & of čat myche sorewe haue take my part: if I my¨te in caas haue slakid či wo/ -- for men seien it is solace to haue cumpanie in peyne. / Now, swete Ihesu, sičče I my¨te not be čere at či deeč, so graunte me grace to haue čat deeč continuely in mynde, in deuocioun & in daliaunce; & graunte me mynde of či deč often, & to amende my lijf & to haue sorewe in herte for my mysdedis. Pater noster. |rSWete Ihesu, čanne criedist čou dolefulli on če rode and seidist čou were ačrist: & čat was no wondir, for peine is čristlewe; & čei, lord, ¨auen čee eisil and galle. / Swete Ihesu, čat was no čristis kelinge, bnt ekinge. / A, swete Ihesu, čei ¨auen čee poisoun to kele či črist wič: & čou ¨aue hem čin herte blood to quenche her synnes, & to hele her soulis. / But, swete Ihesu, či črist was manye-fold: in bodi for peyne, & in soule čou čristidist amendement of her synnes čat diden čee to deeč, / and čou čristidist deliueraunce of soulis in helle čat here in lijf hadde kept či lawis.  Here, swete Ihesu. I biseche čee, ¨eue me graee to suffre hungir & čurst for či loue, & to wičstonde lustis & tempt_aciouns |p102 of ech foundinge of fleisch, če world, or če fend; / & ¨eue me grace in suffraunce, to folewe če schadewe of či cros, & to čriste aftir či seruice, či loue, či presence to myn herte, in desire & willinge of či charite. Pater noster. Aue maria gracia. Et ne nos. |rSWete Ihesu, I čanke čee wič al my soule for čat doleful word čat čou seidist an hi¨ to či fadir aforen či deeth: / "dere god, whi hast čou forsake me, čat no-čing čou sparist me?" / Swete Ihesu, či manhede for us was al forsaken, so foule deeč and so peynfol suffride neuere man. / éere is no bodili peyne čat is lich čin: / éi manhode was tendre; či dignete excellent: ée fadris sone of heuene hangič bitwene two čeues; & amyddis the world: for alle men schulden wite; / and on če hi¨ holy-day whanne alle men comen to čat citee: / and so it was no priuy schame. / éou hangist al nakid, či skin al to-rent, ech lith from očere wič cordis drawen, crowned wič čornes, woundis wide, manye & griseli. / ée sorewe of či modir was to čee more peyne čan al čin očer wo. / lo, če los of mannys soule: éat peyned čee so sore. / Swete Ihesu, či mychil merci, čin eendles loue and ruče may no man telle ne bičenke, sičen čou suffridist so sore for hem čat weren či foos. Pater noster. Aue maria. Et ne. |rSWete Ihesu, I wole in my čou¨t leie me flat on če erče, & nečerer if y mai, for I am cause & gilti of čat peinful deeč; / I wole take če rode foot in myn armes, flat on če grounde, as čou lay swete Ihesu, among čo stinkinge dede bonys čat laien čere wlatsumli to se: no čing schal it greuen me, but it schal be loue & likinge to me; / so myche čat I wole not upward caste myn i¨en to čat glorious si¨t of či woundis, / for I čat am cause of hem alle, am vnworči to loken on hem. / éos wole I lie to kepe of či blood, swete Ihesu: from čens wole I not flitte, til I be wič či precious blood bicomen al reed, / til I be markid wič či precious blood as oon of čin owne, & my soule softid in čat swete bač: / and so may falle, swete Ihesu, čat myn hard herte it may opene, čat now is hard as stoon to bicome neische, čat deed was bi synne to quikene towardus čee bi vertu.  Swete Ihesu, či precious passioun reiside dede men out of her graues, / it openede heuene, it braste helle-¨atis, erče tremblide čerwič, če sunne lost his li¨t: & my sori herte of če fendis kynde is hardir čan stones: for čei cleueden in či passioun, & myn herte may not fele of či passioun a litil point, ne rise wič če dede in ruče čerof.  Now is če malice of my wickid herte more čan či precious deč, čat wrou¨te siche wondris & manye-foold more, & če mynde čerof stirič not my soule? / But, swete Ihesu, a drope of či blood droppid on my soule in mynde of či passioun, mai souplen & softe my soule, čat is so hard, to melte bi či grace. / I woot weel, swete Ihesu, čat myn herte is not worči čat čou schuldist come čerto & čere-ynne ali¨te; / I ne aske it not of dignite of či sepulture: but swete Ihesu, čou ali¨tist in to helle to visite čere and to ri¨ten če holi soulis of oure holi fadris: & in čat lijk maner I axe či comynge to my soule. / Swete Ihesu, I knowe weel also čat I was neuere worči to be či modris felow, to stonde at či passioun wič hir & wič Ioon: / but, swete Ihesu, if I may not be čere in čat maner for my greet vnworčines, I holde me worči for my greet trespace to honge bi či side as oon of če čeues.  And so, swete Ihesu, if I may not as worči be čere, I aske itt as gilti to haue part of či deeč: / & so, |p103 čou¨ I be not worči in herte to be li¨tid: my nede, lord, & my wickidnes askič to be ri¨tid. / Come čanne, swete Ihesu, at či wille, & li¨te in to my soule as čou for best knowist a sparcle of loue, a ruče of či passioun to kindle in myn herte, & quike me čerwič čat I were brennynge in či loue ouer al čing; & bače me in či blood, so čat I for¨ete al wordli wele & fleischli liki[n]gis. éanne mai I blisse če tyme čat I fele me stirid to če of či grace: so čat none očir wele ne like me, but oonly či deeč. Pater noster. / |rSWete Ihesu, čanne čou seidist: "Fadir, in to čin hondis I bitake my spirit." / Here, swete Ihesu, I biseche čee, haue & holde in čin hondis euere my soule: čat it neuere wič hool purpos desire fulli ony čing but čee or for čee; / and lete neuere wele ne wo turne my soule out of či gouernaunce; & at my laste eende, swete Ihesu, resceyue my soule in to čin hondis, čat no fend ne lette me fro či blis. Pater noster. Aue maria. |rSWete Ihesu, čanne seidist čou last: "Al is endid:" / éan fel čin heed doun, či goost passide from če; če erče tremblide, če sunne lost his li¨t, dede men risen out of her graues, če temple to-cleef, stones al to-bursten: -- čo weren witnessis of či godhede. Swete Ihesu, čanne če scharp spere perside či side: & blood & watir ran out. / A, swete Ihesu, čanne were čere fyue grete flodis of blood: in hondis, foot, and side. / éi chin hangič on či brest, če white of čin i¨en is cast apward, či lippis schrinken, či white teeč schewen, či loueli face is bicomen al pale, čin heer cločed al wič blood. / ée mynde of čis mater I wolde were my deeč. / A, swete Ihesu, čanne was či modir ful wo: / now sche lokide upon čin heed & on če crowne, / now on či face, now on čin hondis wič če nailis, now on če wounde upon či side, now on thi feet nailid on če rode, now upon či bodi scourgid: / & at eoery place sche fond a newe sorewe; / sche weep, sche wrong hir hondis. / sche si¨ede, sche sobbide: sche fallič doun. Ioon upon če očer half, is ful of sorewe. / ée si¨t of če crucifix stikič in her hertis as it were her deč. / Now, swete ladi, for či merci, sičen čat I am cause of al čat wo & peyne, graunte me of či grace a point of či peyne, a si¨t of či sorewe, to si¨en & sorewen wič čee: éat I mowe sumwhat fele, čat al haue maad; / graunte me, swete ladi, to haue & to holde čis passioun in mynde as hertili & as studiousli in al my lijf, as čou, ladi, & Ioon, hadde it in mynde whanne če peple weren goon & ¨e abiden bi če rode foot. Amen. Pater noster. Et ne nos in. Adoramus te Christe. Qia per sanctam crucem. Domine Ihesu Christe. |p104 |r[PROSE_TREATISES_OF_MS._RAWL._C_285,_fol._57b_ff.] I. Be whate takynes čou sal knaw if čou luf čin ennemy, and what ensampyl čou sal tak of Crist forto luf hym. |rAnd if čou be nogth styrd agaynes če persone be angre or felle cheer outward ne be na pryue haat in či hert for to despyse hym or deme hym or forto sette hym at nogth, & če mare schame & vilany he dos to če in word or in dide, če mare pete or compassion čou has of hym as čou wald of man čat war out of his mynd, and čou thynkis čou can nogth fynd in či hert forto hate hym, for luf es swa gud |r[f.58] in it-self, bot pray for hym and helpe hym and desire his amendyng, nogth anly with či mygth als ypocrytes can doe, bot či affeccyon of luf in či hert: éan has čou parfyte charyte to či eeuenristen. éis charyte had saynt Sthephane parfytely when he prayde for čaim čat stanyd hym to dede. éis charyte consayld Crist til all čat wald be hys parfite folowers, when he sayd čus: Diligite inimicos vestros, benefacite hijs qui oderunt vos, orate pro persequentibus calumpniantibus vos: "Lyfis your enemys & dose gud to čaim čat hat ¨ou, prayes for čaim čat pursues & sclaundres ¨ow". And čarfor, if čou wil folow Crist, be lik til hym in craft: Lere for to luf či enemys |p105 and synfull men-ffor all čes er či euencrysten. Loke- and by-thynke če how Crist lufd Iudas whilke was bath his bodely enemy and a synfull kaytif; how gudly Crist was to hym, how benygne, how curtayse & how lagthly to hym čat he knew dampnabile, and neeuer-če-lesse he chesed hym to his appostel and sent hym to preche with other apostilis; he gaf hym power to wyrke myracles, he schewyd to hym če same gud chere in worde and in dede, als with his precious body, & prechede hym als he dede to če tothir apostls; he weryd hym nogth opynly ne myssayd ne dispised hym ne spak neeuer ille of hym -- and ¨it čof he had done all čis, he had sayd bot south! And ouer-mare, when Iudas toke hym, he kyssid hym & callid hym his frend. All čis charite schewid Crist to Iudas, wilke he knew for dampnable, In no manere of fenyng ne flateryng, bot in southfastnes of gud luf & clene charyte. For čof it war south čat Iudas was vnworthy to haf any gift of god or any syngne of luf, for his wykednes, neeuer_če-lesse it was worthi and skyllfull čat our lord suld schew als he es. He es luf and gudnes, and for-či it fallis to hym to schew luf and gudnes til all his creaturs, als he did to Iudas. Folow efter sum-whate if čou may! for čof čou be stoken in a house with či body, neeuerčeles in či hert, whare če sted of luf es, čou sal mow haf part of swilk a luf to či euencristen as I spek of. Wha-so wenes čan hym-self to be a parfite folower of lhesu Cristis techyng & his lifyng as sum men wenes čat čai be, in als mykel as he preches & techys & es pouer of werldly gud as Crist was; & can nogth folow Crist in his luf & charyte for to lufe his euene-cristen, ylke a man, gud and ille, frendes and faees with-outene fenyng, flateryng, disp[is]ynge in hert, angrines & malencolius reprouynge: southly, he bigilis hym-self; če nerrer čat he wenys for to be, če ferrer he is. For Cryst sayd to čaim čat wald be his folowers čus: Hoc est preceptum meum vt dilgatis inuicem, sicut dilexi vos: "čis es my bedynge čat ¨e luf to-gedir as I luf ¨ow; ffor if ¨e luf as I lufde čan er ¨e my discipiles". He čat es meke suthfastly or wald be meke, can luf his euen-cristene, & nan bot he. 2. What thyng helpes mast a mans knawyng and gettis hym čat hym wantes, & mast distroys syne in hym. |rAnd čat čou may do če better and če mare redely, if čou be bisy for to sette či hert mast opon a thyng: and čat thyng es nogth ellis bot a gastly desire to god: ffor to pleise hym, for to luf hym, for to knaw hym, for to se hym, and forto haf hym by grace here in a litell felyng, and in če blisse of heeuene with a full beyng. éis desire if čou kepe it, sall wele telle če whilke es syn and wilke nogth, whilk es gud and whilke es better gude; and if čou wile fest či |r[f.59] thogth čar-to, it sal ken če all čat če nedis, and it sal gette če all čat če wantes. And čarfor when čou sal ryse agayns če gronde of syn in generale or ellis agayne any speciale syne, hynge fast apon čis desire, and sete če poynt of či thogth mare opon god wham čou desires, čan opon če syn če whilke [čou] reproues. For if čou do swa, čan feghtes god for če, and he sal destrue syn in če. éou sal mekyl soner com til či purpose if čou do swa, čan if čou lefe či meke desire to god pryncypaly and wile set či hert anly |p106 agaynes če styryng of syne, als čof čou wald destrue it be mastery of či-self. éou sal neeuer swa bryng it aboute. Bot doe as I hafe sayd, & better if čou may, and I hope by če grace of god Ihesu čou sal make če deeuell aschamyde, & all swylk wyked stiryngs čou sal breke away, čat čai sal nogth mykel dere če. 3. [On the name of Iesus]. |rIf čou wille be wele with god and haf grace to rewyle či lif rygth and com to če ioy of luf: éis name Ihesus fest it sa fast in či hert čat it come neeuer owt of či thogth. And when čou spekis til hym and says "Ihesu" thurgth costome: It sal be in či heer ioy, in či mouth hony, in či hert melody; ffor če sal thynke ioy to here čat name be neeuend, swetnes to speke it, myrgth & sang to thynke it. If čou thynke Ihesu contynuely and hald stably: It purges či syne and kyndeles či hert, it claryfis či sawle, remoues angers, dos away slawnes. It wondis in luf, ffulfillis of Charyte; it chases če deeuell & puttis out drede, it opyns heeuene and makis a contemplatif man. Haf in memorie Ihesu, for all vyces & fantoms it puttis fra če lufer. If čou wil noth deceyue ne be deceyfde; If čou wile be wys and nogth vnwys; If čou wile stand & nogth fall: thynke on čis name Ihesu contynuly. It destruys all vices and vanytes. It sawes charyte & vertus in če saul, and ¨ettes in sauour of heeuene and fulnes of goddis grace in erthe. Wha so lufs čis name Ihesus with-outene forgettyng, dies in woundirfull melody, and es taken with angels & brogth bifor hym čat he lufd. éis name Ihesus es abouene all names: to whilke all knees kneels, of heeuen & erthe & helle.  Ete and drynke, slepe & wake, speke & hald silence, pray & thynke, wyrke, and all čat čou dos doe it, in če name of Ihesu, Saynt Paul bedis. Gode blisse you & kepe you and gif you gud perseuerance, thurgthe če vertu of čis Ioyfull name Ihesu. Amen. 4. [Sentences from Gregory]. Gregor: |r Our lord tit his chosin makis če day scharpe: éat čai delite nogth in če gate and forgete če Ioy of heeuen. If temptacyoun pute vs nogth, we suld trow čat we war of sum vertu. Rygth-wysmen in als mykell mare verrayly eer kasten out of če luf of syne, In how mykell čai er mare greuosely tourmentyde. / In als mykell ert čou mad mare vile to god, In how mykell čat če semes mare precyous to či-self. ée ner čou ert to god, čat če thynke či-self vnworči. / It es mare gloriows to ouer-come beand stil, čan answerand to haf victorie. / ée mynd son scrythes in to wers, If it be nogth kepid stratly vndir strayte kypynge. It es gret comfort in suffrynge of yuele to thynke on god we haf had; če memore of gode: [sal] temper če payne of če schourge, & če tourment of če schour[g]e byte če gladnes of gode. 5. How ane Ankares sal haf hir to čaim čat comes to hir. |rNow čou says čat čou may noght kepe če fra vanytese of heryng, ffor diuerse men werldly and othir comes oft |r[f.60] for to speke with če and tellis če talis, |p107 sum-tyme of vanyte. And vnto čis I say čat čat commyng & comunyng with či eeuenecristene es nogth mykell agaynes če, bot helpis če sum-tyme, if čou wirke wisely; ffor čou may assay čare-be če mesure [či] of charyte to či eeuene-cristene, whethir it be mykel or litil. éou ert bonden als ylke a man & womane es to luf či eeuenecristene pryncypaly in či hert, and als-swa in dede for to schew hym takynyngs of luf and charyte as reson askis, in či mygth & či knawynge. Now sythen it es swa čat čou aw nogth gaa oute of či howse for to seke occasyone how čou mygth profite či euenecristene be dedis of mercy, be-cause čat čou ert enclosed: neeuer-če-lesse čou ert bonden forto luf čaim all in či hert, and to čaim čat commes to če, forto schewe čaim takynyngs of luf southfastly. And čarfore wha-so wile speke with če, whate čat he be, in whate degre he be: & čou knawys nogth what he es, ne why he comes, be sone redy with a gud wile forto wite whate es his wille; be nogth dayngerows ne suffre hym lang to abyd če, bot loke how redy & howe glade čou walde be If ane angele of heeuene walde come & spek with če -- swa redy & swa bouxum be čou in wile forto speke with či eeuencristene whene he comes to če; ffor čou wate nogth whate he is ne whi he comes, ne whate nede he has of če, ne čou of hym, to čou haf assayd. And other čou be in prayer or in deuocyone čat če thynke lath for to breke of, ffor če thynk čou suld nogth lefe god for na mans speche: me thynke nogth swa in čis case! ffor if čou be wyse, čou sall nogth leue god bot čou sal fynd hym & haf hym & se hym in či neuencristene als wele as in prayer, bot on a nothir maner čou sal haf hym. If čou couth wele luf či eeuencristene, it suld nogth hyndre če forto spek with hym discretely. Discrescyon sal čou haue in čis maner, as me thynk: Wha-sa comes to če, aske hym mekly what he wile: and if he come forto telle če his dissese and forto be comfort of či speche, heer hym gladely and suffre hym say whate he wile for eese of his awene hert; and whene he has done, comfort hym if čou can gladely & charyt_ablely, and sone breke of; and čan after if čat he wald fall in til ydell talis o[f] vanytes or othir menes dedis, a[n]ssuer hym bot litell ne fede hym nogth in his speche, & he sal sone be hirke & sone tak his leue. And if he be a nothir čat comes forto ken če, als a man of haly kyrke: heer hym lawly with reuerence for his order, and if his speche comfort če, aske of hym; & make če nogth forto kene hym. It fallis noth to če forto ken a prest, bot in nede. If his speche comfort če nogth, a[n]ssuer litill and he wile son take his lef. If it be anothir man čat comes forto gif če his almos or ellis for to here če speke or for [to] be kennyd of če: speke gudely, gladly, & mekely to čaim all. Reproue na man of his defautes: it fallis nogth to če. And schortly for to say: als mykele as čou consayuys čat čou suld profite to či eeuenecristene namely gastly, if čou can may čou say, & he wile take it; and of all [o]thir thyngs kepe silenee als mykel as čou may: and čou sal in a schort tyme haf bot litil prese čat sal lete če; and čus me thynke. 6. [St. Anselmi Admonitio morienti]. |rSaynt Ancelyne ersbiscop of Canty[r]bery says: éat a seke man languyssand to če dede, sulde |r[f.61] of his prest čus be askide, and čus he answer. "Brothir, es čou |p108 glade čat čou sal in crysten trouth dye?" He answer, ¨a |r....... "Forthynkis če čat?" ¨a. / "Has čou wile to amend če if čou haf spase of lif?" He sal answer, ¨a. "Trowys čou čat Ihesu Cryst, goddis son, was borne of če virgyne Marye and for če dyede on gude fryday?" Answer he, ¨a. "Thanke[s] éou hym for thir benefyces?" Answer he, ¨a. "Trowys čou čat čou may nogth be safe bot be his dede?" Say he, ¨a. "For als lang as či saule es yn če, sete all či trayst in čat dede allane, hafand trayst in no othir thynge; vmlappe če all in čis dede. Thynk nogth on či wyfe ne of či childer ne rychesce, bot allane of če passione of Ihesu Cryst. And if our lord god wile deme with če, say: ,lord. I sete če dede of our lorde Ihesu Crist by-twyx me and my wikked dedis, and his meryte I offer for če meryte čat I suld hafe & has nogth'. And say eftsons: ,lord, I sete če dede of our lord Ihesu crist [b]etwyx me and či wryth'". éan sal he say thrys: In manus tuas domine &c., and clerkis answerand acordandely: and čan he dyes sikirly.  When a seke man sal be en-vntyd, če Crucifix suld be brogth and he sulde enowryn it In če wyrschipe of Ihesu Crist, čat bogth hym with many hard paynes and schedyn[g]e of his precious blod & for [hym] dyed on če crosse. Amen. 7. [Sentences]. |rIt was a saul and askyd clennes of saul of our lorde. And he sayd to hir: "Whate-sa čou dose, luke I be či cause. Gif če eghe of či saul vnto me, and be aned vnto me. Luk nogth efter ylke a mans wile to do it, bot luk whilke es myne & do čat. Deme nane of my creaturs bodyly ne gastly." A thogth of a vertu es a dyke befor če eghene of če rygthwys domes-man: ffor when a man vnthynkis hym of čat gud he has done, he hegys hym-self in hym, and čan he fallis agaynes če maker of mekenese. Our lord Ihesus sayd to his discipilis čis wordis: "Whene ¨e haf donne alle wele, says čat ¨e er vnprofytable seruandes". Amen. 8. [Of the ten Commandments]. |rA nedefull thynge to knaw god all-mygthty, er če tene Comandementis čat god has gifen vs. Of če whilke tene če thre čat er first aw vs haly to hald onence oure god, and če seeuene čat er efter, onence oure eeuencristene. / ée first Comaundement charges vs čat we leue ne lowte ne fals goddis: and in čis comaundement er forbodyne vs alkyn Mysbileues and all maumentrysce, all fals enchauntementis [&] all so[r]ceris, all fals charmes & all wycchecraftes, & all fals coniurisons and all wiccked craftis čat men of mysbileue trayst opone or hopes any helpe In withoutene god all-myghty. ée tothir Comandment bedis vs nogth take in Idellchype ne in vayne če name of oure gode, so čat we trowe nogth in his name bot čat es stedfast; čat we say nogth In his name bot at es south_fast; čat we swere nogth be his name bot wirchipfully, and čat we neuene nogth his name bot it be houely. ée thryd Comaundement es čat we hald & halow our haly-day, če sonnday, & all other čat fallis to če ¨ere čat er ordayned to halowe thorow haly-kyrke: in whilke days all folke lered & lawed aw to gif čaim |p109 gudely to goddis seruyse, to here and to say it efter čaire state es in wirchipe of god all-mygthty and of his gud halowes; nogth čan forto tent to tary with če werlde, ne life in lykyng ne luste čat če flesshe yhernnys, bot gudly to serue god in clennes of life. ée fierth biddes vs [do] wirschipe to fader and moder, nogth [anly] to flesshely fader & moder čat gettes & fosters vs forth in če werlde, bot to our gastly fader čat has hede of vs & teches vs to lif to hele of oure sauls, & to oure gastly moder čat es halykyrke, |r[f.62] to be bouxsomm čare-to and saue če rygth of it, for it es moder of all čat cristenly lifs; and [als]-swa til ilke a man čat wirschipful es forto do worchipe efter it es. ée fift bedis vs čat we sal sla na man, čat es at say, bodely, ne gastely nowthire; ffor als many we sla in čat we may as we sclaunder or bakbitis or falsly defames or fandes to confound čaim čat nogth seruyse, or withdrawes lyuelade fra čaim čat nede haues, If we be of hafyng forto helpe čaim. ée sext Comaundement forbidis vs to syn or for to foly flesshly with any woman, oither sybbed or fremmed, weddid or vnweddide, or any flesshly knawyng or dide haf with any, othir čan če sacrament of mater_mone excuse, & če law & če lare of haly kyrke teches. ée seuent Comaunde_ment biddis vs čat we sal nogth stele: In če whilke es forbydene vs all robbyng & reuyng, all wrangwys takyng or with-haldyng or hydyng or helyng of other men guddis agaynes čaire wille čat has rygth to čaim. ée aghtend biddis vs čat we sal bere na fals wittenese ogayne oure eeuene-cristen: In whilke es for_biden vs all maner of lesyng, fals conspiracy & forsweryng, whathurgth oure euencristen may lesse čaire catell, fayth [or] fauour, fame or any thynge, whethir it be in gastly or bodely guddis. ée neyend Comaundement es čat we ¨ern[e] nogth our neigthbur house: In whilke es forbidene vs all wrangwysse couaytes of land or of lith or ogth els čat may nogth be liftted ne raysede fra če grounde als thyng čat es stedfast & may nogth be sterede. ée tenend & če last is čat we ¨erne nogth če wif of our neighbur ne of our eeuenecristene, ne če maydene ne his knaue ne his ox nor his asse: In whilke es forbidene vs to ¨erne or to take any thyng čat may be sterede o[f] other men gud, als Robes and Rychesce or other Catil, čat we haf na gud titil ne na rygth to; ffor what thyng sa we gete or takis on other wys, we may nogth be assoiled of če trespas bot if we make a-sseth in čat we may to čaim čat we haf harmed withhaldand čair guddis. And in case čat we haf thurgth fals athes, als in assyses or other enquestis, wyttandly or wylfully gert our eeuenecristen lesse čaire Patermoigne or čaire heritage, or falsly be dissesed of land or of lithe, or fals deuorce be made, or any man be dampned; of all we do čat we may vnto če party, ¨it may we nogth be assoild of če trespas, bot of oure biscope or of hym čat has his power -- ffor swylke case es ryuely reserued til hym-self. łł éis tene Comaun_dementis čat er befor rekennede, er vnbilouked in twa of če gospell: ée tane es, čat we luf god ouer all thyngs; ée tothir, čat we luf our eeuencristene als we do oure-selfe. For god aw vs to luf haly with hert, with all our mygth, [with] all our thogth, with worde & with deide. Our eeuenecristene alswa aw vs to luf vnto čat ylke gud čat we luf our-self, čat es at say, welefare in body & in saule, and come to čat ylke blysse čat we thynke till. Tyll če whilke blysse brynge vs Ihesus Cryst goddis sonne of heeuene, eeuer-mare with hym to dwell. Amen. |p110 9. [Points best pleasing to God]. |rWill ¨e offe čir poyntis lere, čat our lorde es leue and dere: How čat man couaytis whilke es our lord maast likynges. éan sayd oure lord til čat man in če erth leuand: "Till če pouer almos donne, whils čou lifs oft & sone: čat payes me mare, čan čou gaf grete hilles of gold after či dede be any-kin lare. Ilke tere of či neghe for my passion, and for či synnes čat |r[f.63] čou has done: éat pays me, mare and čou mouth in als mykel sorowe be, čat čou mouth grete als mykel water als ware in če see, for erthly guddes and erthli thynge. Off če seke |p111 haf pete and passion: éat paies me mare, and čou war with als many stauys dongyne als men mouth bar, In a hundreth woddis grouand and wele mare. Constreyne či foule hert and či wikkyd wille, and take mekely with-In če clennese, |p112 pees, resone and skylle, and pute away če foule syne čat of či hert wille come: ffor forsakyng of preue wille and opyne es parfite religione: and paies god mare, and čou fasted fourschore yhere water and brede and ilke a day či bodily flesshe in blod gert fare. Swetely suffre frawarde wordis for my sake, and when či hert es mast gret late nogth with-schape, and in pees kepe čus či saule: éis paies me mare, čan čou sougth fourschore myle či fete and schankes sa bare, čat breres and stanes čaim so retted čat če blod rane eeuer ay-whare, and men by čat trase of blod mouth fynd whare čou ware. Loue či neigthbur and či eeuen_cristene, and speke čaim če gud and čare-til eeuer-lastyne, and wille čaim če gude, and turne čaim hale to gude: and čat paies our lord mare čat died opon če rode, and we and our spirit hilke a day In til heeuene fley, southly to say. Breke či slape and wake with oryson, prayand with gud deuocyone: for čat es me mare payand, and čou toke twell armed knyghtes, and sent čaim in til če haly land, on sarsines to feigth. What [čou wile] hafe, fyrst of me čou it crafe: and čat paie[s me, mare a]nd my moder and all halowys pray for če. Loue me [ouer all čin]gis soueraynly, and či hert to me gif all haly: and čat paies me mare likand to my wille, and čou Mountid vp clymmand on a hille, ffull of sharpe rasours kerwand če sare, čat či flesshe fra če banys hynged ay-whare." Amen. |r[The_rest_of_fol._64b_is_filled_up_with_6_Notae_variae_in_Latin,_prose_and_verse]. |r10._[Meditation_on_the_Passion;_and_of_three_arrows |ron_doomsday.] |r[fol._64] |rNow open či hert wyde to thynk on čase paynes čat Cryst for če thoo_lede, and thynke čaim in či hert rygth als he čaim thoolede, How čai his lufly face all with spyttyng fyeled, How čai buffetted če fayrest face of al man_kynde. How čai his swete hend with coordis band so fast, čat of all če fyngers če blod oute brast. How čai bette hym with knotty skourges, čat neeuer did amisse with worde ne with deid. How all sayd with a voyce and on Pylate cryed, čat he suld dye als schameful dede als eeuer any di[e]d. Yhete thynke how he was streekede |p113 opon če croyce čat layd was on če erthe, and draghene out with rapis to mak fote and hande accoord to če boores čat mad war In če tree. So fer he was draghen on če croyce čat he on lay, čat all his baanes men mygth telle, als haly wrytte tellis. And to če tree he on lay, čai fest hym with Irene nayles.  Thynk after how his body was lift vp with če croyce and smyten in če erth, als men duse with a staake of tree to make it fast in če erth to stande; with čat swete body čat hanged was čare-on.  At čis smytyng in to če erthe all his vaynes brast, čat of all his lyms če blod out stremede. éis greued hym sorest [of] all his paynes, outakyne our vnkyndenes, čat ylke a day newys his payn.  Thynke after how a knygth bifoor hym kneelede and sayd to hym on schorne: "Haylle be čou, kyng offe Iewys! éat so many helpis, now če nedes to help či-self. Lat now se whate čou may do! Come now doune fro če croyce čat čou ert to naylled, and we sal trowe with-outen moor čou ert goddis son of heeuene".  Thynke on čat scharpe coroun thorne čai [had] corouned hym with, čat made his lufly face streeme all on blod. And of čat bitter aysel menged with galle, čai gaf hym to drynke whene he pleyned hym of threst, als he čat mykel had blede. Bot wite čou wele, hym thrested nogth after pyement ne wyne, ne after othir likour čat men nootes for threst, bot anely after če luf of man, čat he so dere bogth. Thynke čan when čou ogth agaynes hym duse, čou bedis hym gall at drynk, als če Iewys dide. Thynke on his careful moder, and of his Cosyne Iohn, čat stod by hym nere and sagth all čat he thoolede. Na speehe of man may telle what sorow čai had čat stound!  Thynke on čase wordes he to his moder sayd whilles he |p114 hanged on če rode: "Woman, lo here či son!"; he sayd to hys Cosyn Iohn: "lo here či moder dere! éou serue hir with all či mygth!" Whate thynges com fra hir hert when scho herd čir wordis, whene mans son for goddis sone, če dysciple for če mayster, če seruaunt for če lord, was gifen hire to yheme!  Thynke how čat blyssed body nakede and pale, hanged on če rode so bette with skourges čat noth left on hym hale. And yhete so pouerly he was stedde čat he had na place his heeued on for to rest; and als naked als he hangede, gude he nane had hym with for to hide, bot his moder courchife knetted obout his lyms.  Thynke how ful he was of mercy whils he hanged on če rod, čat forgaf če thef his synnes čat hanged by his syde, čat myssayd hym a whyle befoore, als če gospell tellis; and higth hym čat he suld be čat day In paradyse with hym. |r[f.65].  Thynke čan on če wordes čat Bernarde to Ihesu sayd: "A, god, my loouerd, swete Ihesu, whate hafs čou don čat čou so blodye hanges on če rode, čat neeuer dide amysse bot eeuer dide če gude? Sackles čai do če to če dede, woo es me so: ffor I am gylty of či dede, for-[či] éai suld me sla and late hym passe with-outen harme, čat no cheesoun es of dede. For-či, yhe wrytches čat wrange has done, takis me for hym and duse me to dede: for I am če synfull čat ille hafs wrogth, thurgth čat I haf folwed č[e] fendes rede; ffor-či lat čis Inno_cent passe čat neeuer man couth say ille by, bot til all has done če gude, for-či I pray ¨ow I may for hym dye".  And ¨ite thynk Inwardely on če word he sayd befoor he yhelded če gaast, čat es čat he to če synfull man cryes and says: Consummatum est, "Al es ful_filled"; čat es: "I am fulfilled of sorowe, |p115 bath in body and in saul". In body, čat all was pyned, for fra če schuf of če hele was nogth left hale. In saul was he pyned, als če prophete says: thurgth our vnkyndnes čat kyd hym na thanke for his gud dide, and duse čat in vs es ilke a day to new his payne; and čat ouer-passis all his payne čat he bifoor thooled, ffor-či he says at his end "I am fulfilled of sorow".  Thynke čan, afčir wordes war sayde he bogthed doun with his heeued and sayd at all mygth here: "In to či handes, loouerde my fader, my gast I yheld".  Thynk on čase wonderes čat fele čat tyme: how creatures čat na witte had forthogth of his dede, and mad sorow on čaire manere, and kid at čai felid his dede ful sare. ée sone withdrogh hym and wex myrke; če harde stane all to-raaf, čat all če erth qwoke; če toumbes of dede men alto_raafe čat mad war of stane, and če ded čat in čaim war lokene, qwyckened to lif, and witenest čat he was southfast god čat če Iewys did to če dede.  And thynke yhete Inwardly on čase sorowes čat his moder had, čat folwed hym in all čat tyme rigth vnto če dede, and als carefull moder eeuer bihelde al čat čay did hir child. Was neeuer na martire čat thooled so mykel payne als scho dide! for in čat party all martires war pyned čat deedly er of kynde: bot goddis moder was pyned in saul čat neeuer mygth dye; for all čat hir son thooled, stake thurgth hir hert. His paynes left hym at če dede, čay mygth griefe hym no mare: bot in hir saul all čai left, for-či hir paynes war maare; for scho yherned for sorow to dye, bot na sorow mygth hir sla. éan was če worde fulfillede of Symeone, čat to hir sayd: "ée swerd of sorow sal stycke thurgth či hert".  Thynke čan whate he es čat alle has thoolede, and how vnworthy čai war to luf wham he dyed |p116 foor. If čou čir stirynges oft haf in mynde what-so-eeuer čou be, it agth to meke či hert in lufe and make če synnes to fle.  Thynke after with whate deuocyone he was taken doune of če rode. How če thre Maryes his body digth, and layd hym in a tounbe new made of stane.  Thynke after of his vp-rysynge: how brygth, how fayre čat body raas čat če Iewys made so lay_thely in čat entent forto hafe for-done hym for eeuer: and nowe he lifs all_myghty god, kyng corouned in heeuene, and sal deme čaim at his wile čat hym demed to dede.  Thynke what Ioy his discyples had whene čai sagh hym risen and haf Maystery of če dede; čan čai war so drunken |r[f.66] In če luf of hym čat čai war prest forto dye for hym, čat befor forsoke hym and swore čai knew hym nogth. To tell of če Ioy čat his moder had, es na tung čat may it telle!... Thynke čan, if we kepe vs fra synne our life, of we synfull haf bene of neeuer so lange tyme, and we wille sare forthynke and schrife of čat we haf myse-done and neeuer turne agayne, we may chalenge als rigth ayrers to dwele with hym In blisse with-outene ende.  And thynke čan on če dred_ful day of dome: whene god allmyghty sall come all cristene sauls forto deme and gif til ylke ane after čai haf seruede, ille or gude. And als gladfull als his come sal be vnto his chosyn childer, als g[r]ymly and als agthful sal it be til čase wryckched caytifs čat has led čaire |p117 lif in lust and likynges of čaire flesshe and in dedely synne, and walde nogth amend čaim bot ended čare-Inne. Til čase god sal say:  Congregabo super eos mala: Et sagittas meas complebo in eis: "And I sal schote", says god, "thre scharpe arows at čaim, čat sal smyte čaim čat čai sal neeuer couere".  ée first arow es when he sal bide čaim rise & come til če dome, when he sal say: Surgite mortui & venite ad iudicium. Thurgth če mygth of čis word all čat deed eer sal qwycken to life, and toumbes of marble and of brasse sal al to-ryue, to lat out če bodys čat In čaim war lokyne. éis es če arowe čat če haly man eeuer ilike felid smert hym fuI sare, and sayd: Siue comme_dam siue bibam siue aliquid aliud faciam, semper michi videtur quod illa vox terri_bilis intonat in auribus meis: Surgite mortui venite ad iudicium -- čis word com neuer fra his hert. Sen čis haly man had swilk dred of čire wordis, me thynk it war nedfull to če synfull to haf čaim in mynde, to make čaim affered čat čai fall in no syne. For als Salamon says: Sicut fremitus leonis, ita ira dei. éan čis [es] ée kynd of če lyoun čat he feris all beestes with his romying and makes čaim so hertles for drede čat čai dar nowr flee; bot čogh his noyse be hidouse til all bestes, yhet it comfortis his awene whelpis and whyckenes čaim to life. Rigth so sal Ihesu Crist beer hym at če day of dome til all čat haf lifd in syne and wald mak na endyng of čaire ille life; at čis Callyng čai sal be so feride and so vnmyghty of čaire self čat čai sal nogth mow stire čaim on na syde, bot čare bihoues čaim to take als čai haf seruede, ille or gud. And als he sal be wrothe_full vnto čase weryed wrycches: so to his awen childer čat here has wrogth his wille, lufely he sal be and wynly |p118 on to loke; čai sal waken with ioy at his callyng and to his blisse wend, eeuer to be [čar] with-outen end. Bot če synfull wricches sal seke hooles čaim Inne forto hid, čat čai se nogth his dredful face čat feres čaim out of čaire witte; als Isaye če prophete says: Introibunt in speluncis petrarum et in voragines terre a facie formidinis domini, cum surrexerit percutere terram. Of čis Commyng spekis saynt Ancelyne and says: "On če ta half on če day of dome sal our laythly synnes be-call vs of če slaghter of our saul. On če točer half sal rigthwy[s]nese stand, čat no pyte es with. How sal če synful fare čan? for flee may he nogth, ne hid hym may he nogth, bot čare bihoues hym stand to tak als he has serued. éan sal čai čat now er so kene čat harmes all čat o_boute čaim dwellis, be als |r[f.67] Cowardis and hertles bath in worde and in dede; čai sal be so stade čat čai sal wille crepe in a moushool or in a pitte stynke it neeuer so ille".  ée tothir arowe es čat sal smert čaim ful sare: when god sal reyne čaim of aI čat čai haf done sen čai war borne, čat fell to syne. éan sal če domes-man schew his woundes til al man folke, čat čai may southely se what he vngilty for čaire synnes tholede, and on čis manere he sal čaim areyne: "Of če erth I če toke and made če with my hende, and in paradise čat lufely stede I če stalled čore to lende: with-outen care čar to haf bene and dwellid, had čou bouxome bene, and had nogth broken če for_warde čat was mad vs bi-twene. Bot sen čou my biddyng withstod and leeued me for my foo: for-či my rigth_wysnes dampnes če to hele čare to be in sorow & wo. And when I sagth čat čou ille ferid so, pyte me stird to rew on če, čhof čou nogth seruede; I ligth doune in til če erth and toke če kynd |p119 of če, whare-In mygth for či gilt sare pyned be. In čat kynd I toke many a dispyte, I tholed vilany in word and dede, and for če was bogth & salde; affter Iudas had sald me, če Iewys buffeted me and spittid in my face, and with scharpe thornes čay corouned me, and with knotty skourges čai bete me_al čus for če was I digth. éis agth haf mad če rew on me, had čou bene kynd. Ande in my threst čai gaf me aysell menged with bitter gall; and for če čus was I threlled bath fote & hand and naylled on če tre, and opend my syd with a spere to make my hert bledde for če. I forgate my self for me list luf če: ffor on če was all my thogth; all čis haf I done for če, and čou als ane vnkynd wryche hafs sette it at nogth. Now vndirstand čou vnkynd man, lift vp či heeued & loke to me, bihald my syd, fote & hand, how I am digth for če. éus am I digth nogth for my gylt bot to heele či wondis čat war so sare, and či gilt on me I toke čat čou suld luf me če mare. For suth I ne wate qwate I mygth haf done mare čan I haf done for če: ffor-či če bihoues now nedely schewe qwat čou has thoo_led or done for me. For now rigth_wysnes wil čat ilke ane haf als čai haf seruede, outhire to dwel in payne or in blysse, for eeuer and ay". How sal čan če wricched fare when he sal be čus areynede of če domes-man, and all his synnes openly knawene and schewed to all mens sigth? For nogth may čare be hid, bot čat at here es fordone with scryft of mouth; for als če haly man Iob says: Reuelabunt celi iniquitatem, et terra consurget aduersus eum. And yhete če apostel says: Testimonium reddet illis consciencia illorum, čat es: "éaire awen Inwite sal here wittenes agaynes čaim". Who may better bere wittenes agaynes man, čan he čat eeuer dwellis with man, čat sese & knawes all his werkis? čat es mans Inwite, čat |p120 nogth may by hide fra. And yhete his ille werkes sal wend with hym to če dredful dome, & stand by hym all on rawe, to his schame and to all man folk, and čus bitterly sal with hym flyte čat al če werlde may here: "We", sal čai say, "er čase werkis čat čou with wrange has wrogth. In dispyte of či gud loorde čat čou for vs sette at nogth; for čou wrogth vs agaynes |r[f.68] his wille čat schede his hert-blod for če, for-či we er now gedired alle to-gider als witenes agayne če; for čou wald nogth amend če qwils čou mygth. Now če forthynkes čat eeuer čou synned: bot, sory wriche, alto lat, for čou had no likyng bot in vs; and for-či we now sal be with če in pyne with-outene ende, to eke či payne". ée threde arowe čat he sal schote, sal be when he sal say čat saynt Mathew says in če gospell: Ite maledicti in ignem eternum. ée haly man says: "Sare & blody er čase eghen čat for smoke & hete sal grete ma teris čan dropes of water er in če se". éou may čan aske: "Sen čai sal gret so mykel water, why sleckis it nogth če fyre čat čaim so hat bryn_nes"? éane answers saynt Austyne and says čat "so wodly it brynnes eeuer Ilike & so stalwarde it es in če kynd čat if all če water of all čis werlde ouer_flwed it, it mygth nogth slecke it, ne yhet litelle kele it; bot teres makes it mare wodly to brynne als oyll casten in če fyre". Mynde of čis wordis had če haly fader čat to his disciples sayd after čai had lange on hym cryed to say čaim sum gud word; čan sayd he: "My dere childer, leer we to wepe for our synnes, čat we wepe nogth for eeuer". What sorow, qwat dred hopes čou če weryed wrycches sal hafe whene god sal say: Ite maledicti in ignem eternum. When če weryed wryches heres |p121 and knawes čat čai er dampned and čat čare es na gayne-calle mercy to craue, čan sal čai say če wordis of Iob: "ée day mot perysshe čat I in borne was, and če nygth in če whilke I con_sayued was! Allas čat sorye while čat I borne was, čat I ne had bene dede in my moder wambe! Whare-to noryst my modir me and sette me on hire knese and fed me of hir brest? Allas čat while! so mykele trayuelle scho lost, and noryst of me a brand to smore in hell-fyere". When čis of goddis mouth es sayd, čan sal če gude be twynnede fra ylle, čat čai sal neeuer_mare mete. éan sal če foule deeuells dryfe čase wrytches in til hell als wod lyouns, with-outen end čare forto dwele. éan sal čay wery če tyme čat čai eeuer ylle wrogth; ffor all čat čaim may pyne sal čai redy fynd. For če fendes čat čaim sall pyne sal neeuer wery be, bot eeuer Ilyke freke to wirke čaim all waa: and yhet na payne sa[l] mow čaim sla. Nedderes, snakis, tadis and other venemous beestis, ma čan I can neeuene, sal lif in čat fyre als fysshes duse in če flode, to pyne čase wrytches. And yhet, for threst at čai sal haue, čai sal seke če neddir, ffor threst če venymm out to souke, for če hate fyre at čai er In. éare sal na thyng be herd bot yhellyng and Crying and grettyng. And ligth es čare nane, for smoke it for-duse. éan wald čai be fayne, and pyne wald čaim slaa. Bot goddis childir, čat here haf done his wille, with aungells sal be lede tile heeuene. In Ioy and blysse to dwelle eeuer withoutene ende. To če whilk Ioy he brynge vs čat bogth vs. Amen. Amen. Amen. |p122 11. [Against Boasting and Pride]. |rGreuous es če vice of bostynge & pride, and full perilous it es, ffor it castes doun saules fra če heygthnes of perfeccyone; and čarfor I wille ¨e wante first čat vice of all očere.  Bot čis vice has twa spices:  It falles to some alstite in bygynnynge of čaire turnynge to god, qwene čai hafe done a litil whate |r[f.69] to god in fastynge or in gret bodely penaunce doynge or in mekelle almus gyfynge; čai suld čan feele mekyly of čaim-selfe, as if čai had done rygth nogth or eells čat čai had castene away čat čay hafe gifene in almus:  éai do nogth sa, bot če contrary, ffor čai fele of čaim-selfe čat čai er better čane očer, & hegher in grace čane čai er če whylke čai gafe almus to; čis es pryde.  Anočer spice es čis: whene a mane es commene to hegth perfeccione & arettis it nogth mekely to če grace of gode bot to his aghene trayuell and to his aghene stody, & sa sekes he ioy withoutene of men & leefes verray ioy within of god.  Wharefore, my dere sons, on all wise flee ¨e če viee of bost and pryde: éat ¨e fall nogth in če lake čat če feend fell in for his pride.  For-či mekyll bysynes es for to sete aboute či thoghtes, & aboute kypyng of či hert.  Be war čat na couetyse ne wykked luste ne vayne yhernyng ne ogth čat es agayne če wille of god, festene rote in či hert:  ffor why, of swylke manere of rotis contynualy sprynges out braunches of vayne ioy & vnprofytabyll thoghtes & fleschly desyres, & čay er čane sa presand & sa gredy čat whils we pray & standes in če sigth of god for to offere oure prayers & oure gud thoghtes to god for heel of our saules, čai sese nogth for to tary vs anely, bot alswa čai refe fra vs our-selfe, our mynde & our thogth, als prisoners; čat whene we seme standand in prayer with our body, neuere-čeles we stray out with oure felynge & our thogth & er led avaye with sere thynges als falls in our thoghtes.  And čar-for he čat wenes čat he has forsakene če werlde & če werkes of če feende, It suffice nogth anly in čat, čat he leefe his possessiouns & his landes & his werldly ryches & all werldly profehtes čat ere with-outene hym-selfe,  bot if he also forsake his aghene vice & cast fra hym his vayne fleschly wills čat are with-in hym, festynd to hym by corrupcione of kynde, & are waxene vp with hym fra his yhouthed. éis it are of če whylke saynt Paule says čus:  "Vayne yhernyngs & noyous, čat gers men synke in endles dede".  For whi, he čat forsakys čis [werld], he forsakys če feende with all his werkis.  ée feend of hym-selfe may nogth dere vs, bot thurgth occacioune of syne & a gate of wikkyd wille in our-selfe he entres & crepis in preuely in to our hertes;  ffor als vertus ar of god, rigth sa are vices of če feende,  and čarfor if vices festyne rotes in our hertis, sothly whilke tyme če feend commes čat es čaire prince, čai gyf sted to hym as to čaire aghen lorde, & ledis hym to če saule as to his aghene possessione.  And čarfor swylke hertis may neuer hafe pes ne trew rest, bot čay are trobled ay & drouyd, & ay ferred & vnstable in čaim, & now čai are liftid vp in to vayne gladenese & now čay are castyne doune sodaynly in to vnprofytable sarynes;  ffor whi, čai hafe with-in čaim a wykked ost, čat es če feend wonnand in čaim; to hym čai gaife leefe thurgth lustis & passiouns of syne for to entre in čaim.  Rygth on če contrary wise a mane čat sothfastly has forsakene če luf of če werld: éat es he čat has schorne & cutte avaye all vices fra his hert & leues na entre to če |p123 fende thurgth schrewed wils for to come in to hym; čat flees all prid, brekes doune wrethe & malencoly, hates all maner of lesyngis, vggis with enuy, & noth anely wile nogth bakbite, bot he wil nogth suffre hym-selfe feele anes or supos any euele of his eeuene-cristene, and haldes če grace & če comfort of his euene_cristene als his aghene, & čaire disees arettis to his aghene desese. éat kepis čis & očer vertous like to čis, he stoppis out če feend & openes a place in his saule to če haly gast: ée whilke, whene he es entred in, he lightenes če saule & thurgth his blyssed presence comfortes; & whils he es ofte wonnand čare-in, it es ay ioy, gladenes & gastly myrth, ay luf & charite, paciens, gudenes, & clennes, chastite & očer vertous čat are če fruyte of če haly gast.  And čat es čat oure lord says in če gospele:  "A gud tre may nogth make badde fruyte, ne an euele tree may nogth bryng forth gud fruyte. Whate čat če tree es, be če fruyte it es knawene".  éare er some čat semes as čai had forsakene če werld, bot čai hafe na cure ne bysenes aboute če clensyng of čaire conscience,  ne čai hafe na trauele to cutte avay vices & fleschly passiouns fra čaire saule, & for to aray čaire saule in gud thewes & in vertous; čai haf na heigh čare-to, bot all čaire stody es outward for to seme haly to če sygth of če werld; & čai er besy for to visete haly men & wyse men & see čaim, & for to here of čaim some gud wordis of edificatione: éat čai mygth preche & telle če same wordis čat čai |r[f.70] haue herd to očer men with auauntynge and vayne glory of čaim, čat čai can sai sa wele. And perchaunce some of čaim when čai hafe herd or rede a litele of haly write or has gettyne a litele cunnynge of techyng of haly faders, alstite čai make čaim-self doctours & wille teche očer men, nogth čat čai hafe fulfilled in werkes, bot čat čai haf herd & sene in bokes,  and sa čai presome of čaire aghene connynge & despice očer čat er synfull; & čai couete state or prelacy, čat čai mygth teche all men:  nogth knawand čis čat it es lesse de_faute to hym čat schynes in vertoues & ouer-passis in conynge and yhit he dare nogth teche, čan it es to hym čat es ouer-layde with passions & vices & he presomes wilfully to teche očer men of vertoues.  Sa it semes čat če state of prelacy or of suffereynte, it es nogth for to fley vterly, ne it es na gates for to aske ne to couete: bot all oure werkes & all our bysenes es for to gif here-to čat vices may be ripid out of oure saules, & vertous mygth be gettyne in. ée tečer es for to leeue to če dome of god whayme he wille take to soueraynte & gouernaunce, & whame nogth; for he es nogth worthi čat profers hym-self forth čerto, bot he čat god chesis & takis.  ée werke of a parfite seruaund of god es čis: éat he may offer a clene praier to god, hauand na thyng blameworhthi, ne nane vnclennes, in his conscience. éan may he pray frely, as our lord sais in če gospell:  "When ¨e stand for to pray, fforgifes your brether all čat čat čai haf done agaynes ¨ou; ffor if ¨e forgif it nogth, youre fader in heeuene wile nogth forgyfe ¨ou."  Ande čarfor, if we with a clene hert may stand be-fore our lorde, & fre made be grace fra alle vice & passiouns of če saule befor neuende, čan at arst may we see god, als mykele as it es possible for to se hym here: ffor "clene of hert sal se god";  and čan whene we pray, we sal sete če egth of our saule in hym & se hym čat es vnseable, nogth with bodely egth, bot in thogth; nogth with lukyng of fleschly egth, bot be če vnderstandenge of če saule illumyned thurgh grace.  Luke čat a mane wene nogth čat he may hym_selfe |p124 se če blyssed substance of če godhed as it es; ne čat a man paynte hym ane ymage for any schape of godhede; ffor whi, čare es na bodely schappe of če blyssed trinite. Our blyssed vnseable god may be perseyued alanle be inly vnderstandyng, & he may be felid & touched & halsid anely thurgh a gastly affeccione; bot he mai nogth fully be comprehendid, ne tellid be tonge, ne discried be lyknes. He passes alle fleschly felyng & ymaginacioune. And čarfor it be_houes vs with all manere of reuerence & with lufly drede come to če presence of god in our prayers, and in alle our gastly werkes, and sa printe in hym če gastly byhaldyng of oure saule čat what manere of schynynge or brygthnes, light or fayrhede čat a saule may thynke or ymagyne, čat he feele ay god abouene čis, čat may nogth be sene.ł éat may če saule wele feele if it be clene, as it es befor sayde, čat it be nogth occupid ne ouerlayd with fleschly lustes. And čarefor it nedis čaim čat forsakis če werld & makis čaim to folwe Crist, fforto gif čaire trayuell, as it es befor sayd, čat čai mygth folfile čat Dauid sais čus: "Cese ¨e, & seese čat I am god."  And čan, if ¨e come to čis knawynge of god čus with clennes of hert: after čat it es possible to a saule to receife če knawyng of če sacrement of god & of heuenly preuetese; & če clenner čat če saul es, če ma thyngs god schewys hym; ffor he tellis to hym čan his preuetese for he es mad godis frend, as čai ware to če whilke oure lord sais čus: "Now I tell ¨ou noth seruaundis, bot frenddes, ffor whi I make knawene vnto ¨ou all čat I hafe herd of my fader". & čan what-sa he askis of god, as to a dere frend it es granttid; yha & ouer-mare če haly aungells & all blyssed spyretis lufes swylke a saule, ffor it es sette in luf & parfite charite sa stedfastly čat "nočer dede ne life ne aungels ne princes ne powers ne na other creatourres may depart it fra čat es in Crist Ihesu", as saynt Paule sayd.  And čarfor, dere brether, sen ¨e haue chosyne če life of perfeccione for to plese god & for to come to his lufe,  luke first bisely čat ¨e be mad strange & ferre fra vice of prid & of bostyng, & fra all če vice of če saul, & fra all fleschly delites.  Fleschly delites I cal nogth anely daynteth metes čat men of čis werld takes for lust: bot I cal dayntes all thynge čat es takene of couetese & fleschly yhernynge; al if it be vile in it-selfe & of litele prise, as bred & water; if it be takene for luste & noth for nede of body, bot for to make a-seth to če fleschly yernyng, it es arettid as fleschly delites. It nedis to a saule čerfor vse it-self how it may be fere fra syne; sa says our lord, čus: "Entres by če narow gate: ffor wyde & brade es če way čat ledis to losyng:  Strayte & narowe es it čat ledis to life". Large es če way of če saule when it makes a-seth to any fleschly desire & folowes it.  Bot strayte es če way when it feghtes & agayn-standes ylka fleschly desire & ylka vicious sterynge. It helpis mekell to |r[f.71] a saule forto gette čis perfeccioun: pryue dwellyng & anely conuersacione; for it fallis oft thurgth conuersacione of men & comynge & gaynge of brethere & spekynge, a man es mad mare louse in abstinence & in contenance & in kepynge of his hert; & swa sume-tyme thurgh occacione a man falls in custome & in vse of fleschly delites; & sa er parfite men some-tyme drawene doune fra čaire perfeccione. For-či said Dauid čus: "I flyed & lengthed me & dwelled in anely stede, & layd hym čat saued me fra scorne of če spyrite". Deo gracias amen. |p125 12. [Sayings of Fathers]. |rPray god čat he wil gif to če compungcion & wepyng in či hert, with me_kenes, & ay luke on či nawene synnes, & deme nogth other, bot be vnderloute to all; ne haf na hamely frenschippe with wymen, ne with heritiks, ne with childer.  Cutte away fra če ouer-mykell triste, & halde či tonge, & abstene če fra wyne; & whate a man spekes to če, stryue nogth agayne hym for na cause, bot, if he say wele, ac[c]o[o]rd with hym; If he say euyll, say to hym čus: "Brother, čou wate čat čou says", bot stryue nogth with hym: & čan sal či saul be restfull & in pees of quiete conuersacioune. Amen. Saynt Agathon said čat with-outene kepyng a man sal nogth come to ver_toue.  A haly fader sayd: "Haf mynd of či last forthgayng & forgette nogth če endeles dome: & čer sal na syne rest in či saule". Alswa he said čus: "For als mekill as our thoth es letted & drawen doun fra contemplacione & sigth of god, čarefor ere we ouercomene & lede away as caytefs with maystry of fleschly passiouns".  Saynt Sincletica said čus: "All wille we de safe, bot for our necgligence & our slawnes we fal & fales fra saluacione: éarfor life we sobirly, wakirly, & besely; ffor whi, be če wy[n]do[u]es of oure fyue wittes, nyI we sa wile we, thefes comes in. How may it be ells, bot a house sall nedis be blake & soty with-in, If smoke syncce in ay fra with-outene at če wyndouse čat er na tyme stokyne? Rigth sa it es of oure saule, & čerfore it nedis to be ouer_all armyd with-in and with-outene agaynes oure gastly ennemys, for čai come & preses on vs fra with-outene at oure bodely wittes, & čai stirte & ryses with-in vs be ymaginacione of vayne thoghtes".  Saynt Arseyne says čus: "As na man may hurte hym ne harme hym čat es coutenuelly beside če kynge in his pre_sence: rigth sa may Sathanas nogth hurte ne harme vs if oure saule clefe stabely to god in behaldynge of hym; ffor it es wrytene čus: 'Neigh ¨e to me and I sal negh to ¨ow.' Bot for als mekil as we oft-sithes liftes vp our-self to pride & has vayne ioy in our hertis, čerfor grace god withdrawes & our enmy ligthly rauysches oure wykked saule to syne & drawes [it] doune in to schamefull passions of lychery & of fleschly vnclennes".  Saynt Machary was askid čus: "how sal a man pray?" & he aunswerde čus: "It nedis nogth to spek mekil with voce in prayyng; bot lift vp či hert to god, & oft streke vp či handes to hym & say čus: 'Lord, as čou wille & as čou wate, haf mercy on me!'  And if fightyng of temptacione prese in to či saule, say as Dauid did, čis worde: Deus, in adiutorium meum intende: 'God, helpe me'. And for he wate qwat es spedfull til vs, čerfor he sal do with vs his mercy."  A fader said čus: "If a bročer falle in any defaute, late hym pray fast, ffor assiduell prayer sone correctis a saule."  Alswa he said čus: "As it es inpossible čat a mane see his face in drouye water, rigth swa a saul, bot it be clennsed fra vnclene & strange thoghtis, may nogth contemplatifely pray god."  Saynt Agathon said čus: "A parfite ser_uaund of god sal nogth suffre his conscience accuse hym-self in na thyng: and čan es it clene conscience."  A bročer sayd to a fader čus: "I desire for to kepe my hert." & he answerd čus: "How may we kepe our hert if our tonge |p126 haf ay če yhate opyne?"  A haly fader said čus: "I suffred neuer thogth rest in my hert čat grefd gode."  Alswa he sayd čus: "As knyghtis of če emperoure, when čay stand by-for hym, čay suld luke on nočer syde, nother on če rygth ne on če lefte : rigth swa goddes seruaunde when he standes in če sigth of god & his entent es alle tyme sette in če dred of god, čare es na thyng čat may hurte & ouereome hym be malice of his aduersaries."  A fader said čus: "ée life of a parfit seruaund of god aw to be mad efter če folowyng of aungels: Rigth as in aungels es na syne, rigth swa in hym suld na syne endure, bot it suld as tit be brynte & waschid thurgth če grace of če haly gast, as stykkes in če fiere."  Alswa he said čus: "I hope, bot if a man kepe his hert, he sal be forgetill ande rekles of all čat he heris ; ffor whi: when če enimy fyndis a rekles hert vnkepid & nogth tentyd to, als fast he bygyles it vonder slely, & nogth sodaynly, bot sokandly."  A fader sayd čus: "Sathanas has thre snarres čat gas bifor all očer |r[f.72] synnes in a saule: če first es forgetyng, če secound es rekleshed & neclegence, če thrid es luste or concupiscence; fforgetyng genders neclegence, & of neclegence es concupiscence caused, & fra Concupiscence, when it es seruyd, falls a man in to werke of all synes. éarefore make we first če hert sobire, čat it cast away forgetyng : & čan sal it noth falle in rekleshed; and if it be nogth rekles, it sal wele eschew & flee luste: and if he may eschewe luste & fleschly lykynges with če help of goddis grace, he sal neuer fall in euyl werke."  Saynt Ion sayd čus: "If a kynge wil take a cyte, he stoppis first če water, čat če vitayles may nogth come to če cyte. Rigth swa it es if a man trauayll hym-self in fastyng & in hunger: ée passione of gloteny sal perisch, & his enmys čat perswys hym sal feble."  A bročer said čus: "I am frele & če passione of lichery ouerledis me: what may I doo?" A haly fader answerd čus: "At če bygynnyng when če steryng comes & čou feele če feend speke in či hert of lichery, answer hym nogth be flitand wordis, bot ryse vp & pray god with mekenese & with repentance, sayand čus: 'Ihesu goddis sone, hafe mercy on me', & stynte nogth."  A brother asked a fader: "how saI I doo ?" & he answerd čus: "If čou wil fynd rist in čis werld & in čat očer, say ylke a day: 'Whate am I?', & deme nane".  A brother askid a fader how he suld wone in his congregacione. And he answerde čus: "Rigth as on če first day when čou comes in, as meke & as deuote, as sobire & as paciente, rigth swa be all če days of či lyfe with čaime; & tak na triste to če of či life: ffor whi, čare es na werse passione to či saule čan trist in či life & fals sekyrnes , ffor whi, it es modir & brynger forth of alI očer passions."  A brother said [to] a fader čus: "how may I be safe?" & he answerde čus: "If čon wille be safe: when čou gase to any man, speke not fyrst til he aske če."  Saynt Machary sayd čus: "If we vmbe_thynke vs of euyls čat has bene layd apon vs of men, čan cutte we away fra onr mynd vertoue to thynke of god. Bot if we thynke of euylls čat feendes doose to vs, čan sal we eschap alle temptaciouns."  A brother asked Pastor čus: "If I see a gud thyng, sal I tell it als fast?" He answerd čus: "Wha sa answers or he be askyd, he doose foly; čarfor if čou be askid, answer, ellis be stile!"  A fader sayd čns: "It nedis a saul čat wil conuersen after če wil of Criste, for to lere trewly čat he can nogth, & for to konne appertily čat he cane; & if he wille nogth doo bath whene he may in tyme, he es gastly wode." |p127  Alswa: "če bygynnyng of departyng fra god es when a man yrkes & heuys with leryng & heryng of goddis word: ffor when he has not appetite for to here čat če saul desires & hungres, how lufs he god?"  A fader said čus: čat hym thogth na thyng better in čis life čan a man ay blame hym-selfe & reprehend in all his werkes with-outene cesyng.  Saynt Ion said čus: "Mekenes es če yhat to heuene-warde, & our forne faders assaid be many tribulacions of me_kenes entred in to če cyte of god."  A fader said čus: "A man čat neghes to god thurgth grace, če mare clerely sal he see & feele hym-self a synner ; ffor Ysaye če prophete, when he saw god, čan cryed he & sayd hym-self a wreche & vnclene."  A fader said čus: "Whene a thogth of pryde or of vayne-glory touchis če, for to entre into čine hert, raunsake wele či conscience if čou haf kepid wele all če bedyngs of god , If čou luf či enmys, If čou be glade in či enmys wele-fare, If čou be sary in his lessyng, If čou knaw & fele či-self a synner, a seruaund vnprofitable to či lord god, & werst of all synners; & if čou feele of či-self čat čou has not ¨it amendid alle či defautes in če. For witte čou wele čat swylke maner of thynkynge sall loese alle sterynges of pride."  Alswa he sayd čns: "If čou fall in to syne thurgth temptacione of čine enmy, blame neuer na očer man for či temptacioune bot anely či-selfe, sayand čus: 'ffor myne awene preue syns čis temptacione be-fele me.'"  Saynt Pastor sayd čus: čat a mane sal honte gastly with-outene sekyng mekenes & dred of god, not as he drawes in & blawes oute wynde at his nese-thrills.  A bročer askid a fader: "how sal I wone in a place?", and he answerd čus: "Haf whayntise with če, čat čou be ay as a straunger, & suffre nogth či thogth haf maystry ouer če whare-sa čou be: & čou sal haf ryst."  Als-wa he sayd čus: "If a man kepe wele his ordre & his rewle, he sall nogth be troblyd."  A bročer sayd to a fader čus: "I see my-self čat my mynd es bente vp to god." And he answerd čus: "It es grete thyng čat, čat či thogth be with god: bot čis es a grete[r] thyng, for to se či-self vnder alle creatours -- čat es mekenes ; & bodely trauayll helpes mekyll a saule čerto."  Saynt Sincletica sayd čus: "As it es inpossible a schype to be made with-outene |r[f.73] scharp tole, rigth sa es it inpossible a man to be sauf with-outene dred & mekenes."  A fader was askid what es mekenes. And he answerde čus: "If čou forgife či brother čat trespas agaynes če or čat he aske forgifnes, čou ert meke; and alswa mekenes es: if čou doo gud to čaim čat dose če harme. & if a saule nogth come to čis perfeccioune, čan es it gud čat he flee & kepe silence."  A fader sayd čus: "Qwen we er trauelde thurgth temptaciouns, čan er we mekyd; ffor our lorde seand our freelte, helpis & defendis vs, ffor čan we crye to hym for helpe. Bot whene we hafe ioy in our selfe, čan takis he away his proteccione fra vs, & čan perische we."  Alswa he sayd čus: "Me had leuer be ouercommene with mekenes, čan for to ouercome prid. ée heele of mane es čis, & čat god askis of mane, čat a man caste all his synns befor god as if he wald offre čaim to god, & late god do whate he wille."  A fader was askyd what he said of čaim čat said čai saw aungles. & he answerde čus: "He es blyssed čat seese ay his awene syne."  A bročer had čis condicione čat when any man dide hym any schame or dises in worde or in werke, sa mekel mare he lufde hym, & ran to hym sayande čus: "Swylke maner men čat |p128 wille reproue, schame & scorne očer & tell čaim če soth, are sette in conggre_gacion for-cause of correccioune, & sa čai prophete til očer, of all čai hurte čaim-selfe. Bot čai čat flateres & blysses men, čay confound čaire sauls; for če prophete says čus: 'My pupill, čai dyssayue ¨ou čat says čat ¨e er blyssyde.'"  Saynt A[n]tton sayd: "If we may wyne our bročer fra syne, čane wyne we god; & If we sclaundre our brother, we syne in Criste."  A fader says čus: "éare es na thynge better čan lufe ne mare, čat a man wille for lufe gife his awene life for his bročer: & čat es fulfillid on čis maner. If a bročer here a heuy worde of another brothere vnwysely sayd: If he stryfe with hym-selfe for to suffre it paciently, čat he disese nogth his bročer agayne, čofe he mygth do it; or ells, if he take harme in any thyng of his bročer: If he ¨eld agayne ay gud wordes, gude chere, gude werkes to his bročer čat dysesid hym, In charite nogth feynand: sothly he gifs his life & his saule for his brother." Amen. Ihesus. Amen. |p129 |r[MS_Rawl.] |r[f.39]_[1._A_poem]. |r2._[Quotations_from_Bonaventura,_R._Rolle_&c.] |r[fol._39b] Bone-Aventure. |rCOntinuel meditacione of če passione of Criste sall rewle a man in spekynge, in thynkynge, in wyrkynge, and rayse hym into gastly felynge, and to couete to |p130 be haldene vile and to be dispysede. His ded gyfs vs lyfe, his wondis helys vs, his blod weschese & makes vs qwyte, če openynge of his syde with če spere is til vs entre to ioyne our hert to his hert. And forthy I wile ay dwell in če wondys of hys handes a[n]d of his fete and of his syde continuely, & čare speke til his herte, and aske qwate I wile haue. éou man, trow čat I say. If čou oftsyth afforce če to entre into Criste thurgth his strayte wondys: éou sall nogth anely fynd ryste in saule, bot alswa či body sal fynde wonderfull swetenese. Forthy I wylle clethe me in če wondes & če passione & če reproues of Ihesu Cryste als in a clethynge, and čan his passione in als mekyll as me nedys, sall feght for me agayne če flesche, če werld, & če fend, & all myn ennemys. It war inpossibile čat if I war wele transfourmed in to Crist crucyfyede, čat Ine suld be his hayere in heuene. For-či drede če, če passione is sofferayne refuyte to eschew all euyls, & to purchase all godes. It is paradyse of delyces. It rayses our thogth abouen all erdly lykynge, and anely to ioy in Ihesu Cryste". Saynt Bernarde says:"Whate es swa spedfull to hele če wondes of če conscience & to clense če sygth of če mynd, als assyduell thogth of Cryste wondys?" Ricard: "ée passione of Ihesu Criste confondes če fend. It destruys his dysaytes & his gilders. It slokkens fleschly temptaciouns. It clarifyse če mynd to couete anly Ihesu Criste lufe. Festen in či hert če mynd of his passione: I wate na thynge čat swa inwardly sal take či hert to eouete goddys lufe, and to desire če ioy of heuen, & to despice vanites of čis werld, as stedfaste thynkynge of če |p131 myschefe & če wondes, & of če ded of Ihesu Crist. It wile rayse či thogth abouen erdly likynge, & make či hert brynnand in Crystis lufe, & purchase in till či saule delitabilite & sauoure of heuene." "Thorowe če passione & če wondys of Ihesu Criste we haue parfite inherdynge to gode." Bone-Auenture says til our lauedy saynt Mary: "Leuedy, it is vnpossibile to inter in to če wondys of či sone & nogth inter in to či hert: for če wondys er sete to be ay in či hert, as če erres of če wondes sal euermare be in če body of či sone. Leuedy, it is swete to here speke of če, & swetter to thynke on če: bot allerswettest to inter in to či hert, thorow či son wondys." |p132 TREATISES OF MS. ARUNDEL 507. |r[f.41] |r1._[De gracia]. |r Three degree¨ of grace: are. ée first: god gifs til alle creatures / til vphald čaim with, & čis is callid goddis help / freli gyuen til alle creatures; & with-outen |p133 čis gifte of grace: creatures mai noght do nor last in čaire kynde; for als water is made hate thorugh fire / & bicomes calde agayn / if če fire be withdrawen: swa, als saynt Austyn sais, alle creatures / als čai are of noght made: als čai worthe til noght in a littil tyme / bot god čaim vphalde with čis grace thorugh whilke čai are. For-či sais če apostill: Gracia dei sum: id quod sum, čat is: "thorugh goddis grace i am: éat i am". Als if he said: "čat i life / éat i fele / éat i speke or here or see / & al čat i am: al čis i haue aneli thorugh goddis grace". // ée second degree of grace is mare speciale, čat god gyues freli til ilke man čat is gode & skilful creature. & čis grace standis euer atte ¨ates of oure hertes: & knokkys on oure free-wille / & biddis / lat him inne. éis sais god čat he dose, Ego sto ad ostium pulsans, čat is: "I stand atte če dore of či herte & knokkis / lat me inne". And čis grace is gyuen freli til man: or he it deserue. Make čen ilke man him worthi & redi til resceyue čis gifte of če hali gast: éat euer steres til gode mannes free-wille / & callis it fra ille. Twa thinges are nedeful: til hele of mannes saule. ée first is čis grace čat i speke ofe; čat očer: is manes free-wille acordant čer-tille. And with-oute čire twa: na man mai do, thorugh ought čat in him is: čat suld helpe him til hele of his saule; for noičer free_wille with-oute čis grace sterand, nor čis grace with-oute free-wille assentand: mai do ought čat paies god. And for-či sais saynt Austyn: Qui fecit te sine te: non iustificabit te sine te, čat is: "he čat made če with-outen če: wil noght make če rightwise / bot if čou help čerto". And čof če free-wille of man mai noght make če grace of god in man: nere-če-lesse / do man čat in him is / & graithe him swa, čat he be redy & abill / til resceyue če grace when it comes. / If čou ware in a merke house / on day, & doris & wyndowes ware stoken: if čou wold noght late če sonne come inne / wha ware til blame / if če house ware mirke? Als swa, wyte nane bot či-selfe: if či grace be lesse. For saynt Anselme sais: "Man wantis noght čis grace: for god gifs it him; bot he haues it noght: for he makis him noght redy til resceyue čis grace als he suld". God is na chynche of his grace: for he haues ynogh čerofe -- for čofe he dele it neuer so ferre / ne to so mony: he haues neuer če lesse; for him wantes noght bot clene vessels: til do his grace inne. éerfor sais saynt Austyn: Deus ingenti libertate atque vbertate: replet omnes creaturas, i. secundum capacitatem earum, čat is: "God thorugh his grete fredome of his mykel grace: fulfilles all creatures / after čat čai are abill resceyue his grace". If man oppenyd his hert til čis grace / when god sendis it til him: be wold schew it in werke; for če apostle when be had won it: said: Gracia eius in me vacua non fuit, čat is: "če grace čat god haues gyuen me: is noght vnnayt in me" -- for he notid it euer in werke. / We felaschip with god of his grace: as marchandis dose to-gyder; for god settis his grace: agayn oure werke; bot for his grace & his dede: he wil noght bot oure louynge & thankynge, & he wil čat če man: baae al če prowe čat mai rise čerofe. Bot ča fandes til reue god his parte; čat wold be loued of men for čaire gode dede. Agayn čaim sais god: Gloriam meam alteri non dabo, čat is: "Louynge & worschip čat til me fallis: i wil gife til nane očer". |r éow sal vnderstand / čat fre-wille of man: is frely til turne til gode or til ille. Thre statis are of man: bifore synne; after mannes synne; & after man is confermyd, čat is after man is departid oute of čis dedli life: & comen til |p134 čat ioie / éat neuer sal ende. In če first state / bifore man synned: was mannes wille so free / čat he might synne & noght synne; in his free wille it was: til do wele or ille. In če last state čat is confermid: sal man noght mow synne. In če second state / in če whilke he mai synne / & mai noght bot he synne: mannes wille is free til ille / til it be strynthid with grace; & when grace ledis če wille: čen is it free til wirke če gode. Bifore man synned: na lettyng had he til do če gode. nor na nedynge til do če ille; bot now has synne copild with oure flesh a brodde / éat saynt Paule callis Legem carnis, čat is, "če lagh of če flesh": čat it es maister of če flesh / swa čat it withstandis goddis lagh in al čat it mai. éis lettis oure wille til assent til če gode: & steres it to če ille; čat it mai noght wirke če gode: bot if grace help & vse him oute of synne. / Ilk a man or he synne: haues a free wille til do gode or ille; bot when he is bonden to če fende thorugh werkys of synne: he mai thorugh na might of him-selfe / come oute of his bandes, & čen he fares as a schippe čat in tempest had lost al čat suld helpe it / & is casten fra wawe til wawe: whider tempest dryues |r[f.42] it. Right swa a man čat wantis goddis grace / fra he be fallyn in dedly synne: he dose noght čat he walde, bot ai wayues fra hand til hand: at če fendes wille; & bot god gif him grace til rise oute of his synne: he sal be in synne til his liues ende, & after: be lost bodi & saule / & dampned til endles pyne. If če folk. or če commune chese čaim a kynge / & he be confermid in his kyngdome: be he neuer so ille to čaim / éai mai noght do him doune, bot it be thorugh očer: éat haues mare powere čen he; & swa bihoues čaim suffre: do he čaim neuer so mykel ille. Right swa, man or he synne: haues a free wille til chese wether he wil be vnder god or če fende; & when he chesis with his wille for to serue če fende: he mai noght after when he wold / come oute of his bandis. And čerfore werldli men čat are bonden in synne / sais til ča čat con_seils čaim til amend čair life: "fayn we wold rise; bot we mai noght". No / éai mai noght thorugh might of čaim-selfe; bot thorugh goddis grace helpand: čai mai. // ée thrid grace is maste special: for it is gyuen aneli til ča: éat resceyues če second grace, & with čaire free wille: fillis it in dede, & mai sai as saynt Paule said: Gracia dei: in me vacua non fuit, čat is: "goddis grace: was noght vnnayt in me". And saynt Austyn sais: "god with vs wirkand: fulfillis čat he thorugh grace sterand / bigan in vs". For noučer with-outen him helpand: mai we do gode til vs selfe / nor paie til him; as god sais him-selfe: Sine me: nichil potestis facere, čat is: "with-outen help of mi grace: ¨e mai noght do". Goddis grace sterand gase bifore gode wille: & steres it til do če gode / & leue če ille. |r Grace when he comes first til visite mannes saule: he wakyns him as of a slomerynge / & spires at him with. III. scharp wordes / & sais: "Whare art čou? Whethen comes čou? & Whider sal čou?" First he sais: "Whare art čou?" as if he said: "vmbithink če / vnhappi wreche: how foule čou art castyn doune / & what peril čou art inne. For for či synne: éou art fallyn in til či enemy handes: čat ouer alle thynge couaitis til wirke če waa; & noght mai deliuere če oute of či faes handes: bot almighti god / éi gode lauerd / éat čou haues forsaken". / After he sais: "Whethen comes čou?" as if he said: "čou wreche / bihald how čou |p135 haues wastid al či life in synne; čou comes fra če fendes tauerne. Whare are alle če godes čat god hase če gyuen / til help če with / & worschip him? Sarili čou haues čaim loste. éi lauerd made če riche: & čou art bicomen a pouer wreche". After he spires: "Whider wendes čou?" "Waful wreche / éou wendes to čat waful dome: éat god demes wreches to; for as čou haues seruid: sal čou be demed. Swa auful sal čou see god čare: éat čou sal for ferde / be oute of či witte, & til če montayns & hilles čou sal crie with a grisli noice, & prai čaim til falle on če & hide če: éat čou noght on him see. Waful wreche, čou wendes til helle: if čou do forth / as čou haues bigunne; whare čou sal fynde fire so hate & so wodeli; čat al če water in če see, čof it ranne thorugh it, might noght slokyn a sparke čerofe. & for čou stynkes here til god / for či foule synnes: éou sal fele čare stynke ai-lastand; & for čou loued here mirknes / & ai til be in synne: éare sal čou fele sa thike mirknesse / éat čou mai it grape; & for čou restid če here in synne agayn goddis wille: éare sal čou grete ma teres / éen motes are in če sonne. éou sal suffre payne ai after payne / ai til new či waa". // When goddis grace haues stered man & wakenid him with čis three / & haues made him til knawe če peril čat he is inne; čen he conceyues a ferdenesse of goddes auful dome; & čare-thorugh he bigynnes til forthinke: éat euer he did ille, & couaitis til amend him thorugh goddis grace / éat steres him til flee če ille, & gif him til če gode; & čen comes grace folowand til helpe če gode wille of man: to fulfil it in dede. For čofe man haue a gode wille til do če gode / thorugh grace bifore-sterand če gode wille: ¨it mai he noght do in dede with_oute goddis grace folowand & helpand. & čis če apostle affermes bi him-selfe: čare he says: Non autem ego: set gracia dei mecum, čat is: "če gode čat i do is noght: bot goddis grace dose it with me", als if he said: "na gode mai i do: bot if goddis grace me helpe". Gode wille is als hand-maiden til grace: to wirke al hire wille. Goddis grace whare it is: wil noght be vnnayt, bot euer wirkand / & waxand ai mare & mare: til mikel če mede. For-či do we as če apostle vs redis: Hortamur vos fratres: ne in vacuum graciam dei rec[ipiatis], čat is: "I prai ¨ow & biddes ¨ow as mi brether in god, čat ¨ee resceyue noght goddis grace in vayne". He resceyues goddis grace in vayne: éat notis it noght in gode / when god sendis it til him; & čerfore percase: he sal neuer after wynne čerto. // Ysidore telles of a litel flie: éat is cald Saura, & čis flie bitakenes grace bifore-sterand. ée kynde of čis flie: is til be enemi til alle wormes of venyme; swa čat whare he sees ani worme to-ward man til stang him čare he slepes in wildernes: he flies bifore to če man & lightis opon his face / & bites him a litell; & čare-thorugh he |r[f.43] wakys: or če beste come til stange him. Bi čis Saura: is vnderstanden grace čat god sendis til man: agayn če fandynges of če fende / éat stanges oft venemously; it cries apon če: as če apostle sais in čis wordes: Surge qui dormis, & exurge a mortuis: & illuminabit te Christus, čat is: "Rise čou čat slepis in synne, wakyn & rise fra či deade: & Crist sal help če thorugh his worthi grace". Bot če vnkynd dose agayn čis grace / & fordose it: als Virgil did with čis litell flie: éat sauid him fra če deade. He lai at slepe: & a neddre come til him-ward / til stang him, bot čis flie Saura flied bifore & lightid on his forheuid & prikkid him a litell, & čare-with he wakenid: als če neddre come; bot čis Virgil in his wakenynge / he felid his forheuid smerte: & smate him-selfe in če |p136 fronte / & swa he slogh če flie; & čus he qwitte him his seruice: éat sauid his life. For-či / fordo čou noght goddis grace / when it comes to če: til warne če of či harme / & stere če til gode. Fayn aght man to be of goddis grace: when god sendis it til him, & til ¨eme ful warli: so riche a gifte; for grace is erlis of čat lastand ioie: éat is to come; as če apostle says: Gracia dei: vita eterna, čat is: "goddis grace is as help & waie: to če lastand life". For-či he settis grace bifore as waie čat ledis til lastand ioie; & als a wedde if we kepe it wele: til make in vs sikernesse of endelesse ioie; as če apostle sais: Qui dedit pignus spiritum suum in corporibus nostris, čat is: "god has gyuen til vs če hali gaste / as wedde of če endeles ioie". Hald we čen čis heuenli wedde: & note we it wele in werke; for wele is vs in čis life: if goddis grace vs lede; & when grace vs leuis: we faile of čat wele. For-či / fordo we in vs thorugh help of grace: al čat is agayn grace / be it lesse or mare: éat oure skille sais is agayn goddis wille, čat is, al čat synne is: or mai stere to synne; & haue we forthynkynge in herte / schrifte in mouthe / & gaynstandynge: with wille til neauer turne agayne. 2. [The 7 gifts of the holy gost]. |r éis are če. VII. giftes of če hali gast: Wysdom, Vnderstandynge, Consail, Strenth, Conynge, Pite, Drede of god. éir ordeyne man til lede his life rightwisli in čis werld. Bigyn we at consail: for čerof is master mister. Consail / is doyng a-wai: of werld riches & delices / & of al thinge čat man mai be tagild with in thought or dede; & steringe inwardli til contemplacion of god. / Vnderstandynge is: til knawe what is for to do: & what is for to leue; & to gife čat sal be gyuen: til če nedy / noght til ča čat haues na nede. / Wisdom: is forgetynge of erthli thinges & thinkynge of heuen / with discrecion in alle oure dedes; in čis gifte: schynes con_templacion, čat is as saynt Anstyn sais, a gasteli dede of affeccions: thorugh če ioie of a raisid thought. / Strynth: is lastynge to fulfil gode purpos čat it be noght left / for wele ne waa. / Pyte: is čat a man be mylde, & gayne-sai noght hali writte: when it smytis his synnes / whether he vnderstand it or noght; bot in al his might: purge he če vilete of synne / in him & in očer. / Conynge: makis a man noght rosand him of his rightwisenesse / bot sorowand for his synne; & čat he gedir erthli godes / aneli til če honour of god & prow til očer men as til him-selfe. / Drede: is čat we turne noght agayn til oure synne; & čen is drede perfite in vs: when we drede til wrath god in če leste synne čat we can knawe, & flees it as venyme. 3a. |r[f.48] |r Thre thinges are nedeful: til mykel mannes mede with. ée first: čat he be in honeste werke: with-oute losynge of his tyme / éat is schorte; & despend noght če tyme in idelnesse: éat god haues gyuen him til serue him inne: & gedere tresore of grace / til bie heuen with. Noght aneli oure tyme is schorte: bot alswa oure elde flees as če wiseman sais; Nostra etas volat. And saynt Gregor sais: "oure life is like a man in a schippe: sitte he / stand he / slepe he / wake he: eauer is be čiderward / as če schip dryues with če strinth of če |p137 weder. Swa we in čis schorte life / what-so we do: we dryue ai til oure ende. Als, oure enemy, čat is če deade: folows vs atte če bak with a scharp spere, as Senek sais: Vita fugit: & mors sequitur. And saynt Austyn sais, čat "life is bot a swift rennynge to če dead". For-či is it noght to telle bi how lange a man lifes: bot how wele. // ée second is: éat he do his werke with a fredome of hert & spirite / in stede & tyme čat til ilke werke fallis. // ée. III. is: éat his vtter berynge whare-so he comes / be so honeste & faire: éat louynge be to god / & sterynge of gode / til alle čat čaim sees; for swa biddes če apostle: Omnia in vobis honeste & secundum ordinem fiant, čat is: "éat ¨ee do: honestli be it done & in ordre". 3b. [Our daily work, a mirror of discipline]. |r T[h]ree thinges are nedeful til ilk man: til mikil his mede / éurgh goddis grace helpand: čat him sal lede. ée first: čat man be in honest werke / with_oute losyng of his tyme. / ée. II.: čat he his werk do with a fredome of spirite, in stede & in tyme / als til ilk werk fallis. / ée. III.: čat his vtter beryng whare-so he comes / be so honest & faire: éat louyng be to god / & steryng of gode / til alle čat him sees, as če apostle biddis: Omnia in vobis honeste / & secundum ordinem fiant, čat is: "éat ¨e do: honestli, & in ordre be it done". [Prima pars libri]. |r Atte če first: man sal loke čat he tyne noght his schort tyme, nor wrang dispend it, nor in idelnesse: lat it ouer-passe. God has lent man čis tyme: to serue god in, & to gedere with gode werkes grace; til bi heuen with. Noght aneli čis schorte tyme flees fra vs: bot al-swa oure elde / as če wiseman sais: Nostra etas volat. And saynt Gregor sais: "oure lif is like a man in a schip; sit he / stand he / slepe he / wake he: euer he is čiderward čer če schip dryues / with strynth of če weder". Swa we in čis schorte tyme, what so we do: we dryue euer til oure ende". And oure enemy / ée dead / folows vs ai at če bak: with a scharp spere til stike vs thorugh; ffor-či sais Seneke: Vita fugit, mors sequitur. And saynt Austyn sais: Nichil aliud est vita: quam velox cursus ad mortem. For. éi is noght to tell bi / how lang man lifs: bot how wele. żit čis schorte life is vncertayn: how lange it sal last; ffor-či sais Iob: Nescio quamdiu subsistam, & si post modicum tollat me factor meus. And saynt Gregor sais: "I ne wate če tyme i sal dwell, ne when i sal be taken heyn & led to če dome". And saynt Ierom sais: "na thing so mikil bigilis man: as čat he knowis noght če tyme of his life / čat to him is vncertayn". & ¨it hightis he him-self lang life: as he might at his will / dryue dead obake. éus was če riche man deceyuid of wham če gospel spekis of saynt Luke XVI=o=. For-či biddis če psalme: Diuicie si affluant: nolite cor apponere. For riches failis & lastis noght with man: bot glidis awai as fantoum. Bot when men has getin godes to-gedir / with right or wrange / & pouer mennis malisons: čen sodaynli čai ga fra čaire godes / or ellis če godes fra čaim. |p138 And hali writte sais: Mundus transibit & concupiscencia eius. A man čat is fallin in če water / & thorugh strinht of če water is borne forth & reft če gronde: if he mai gete ani thing čat has gode festenynge / as rote or stake: he mai lete če water to bere him forth; bot bi čat thing čat fletis as he dose: mai he noght festyn him. & sotheli, wil we nil we, in čis lif as in a water / with če godis of čis werld / eauer are we passand, & noght is in čis werld to festyn vs bi: éat we ne sal pas; ffor če wis man sais: Omnes morimur, & quasi aqua dilabi_mur in terram. And Iob sais: Ego opulentus quondam, repente contritus sum, & ecce leues amiei mei transierunt, & semitam quam non reuertor ambulo, and is as if he said:"Richesse & frendes had i mani, bot |r[f.55] čai all might noght lete: éat me ne bihouid wende forth / with-oute agayn-come". And bi whilk pase man sal wende: ée prophete schewis: Omnis caro fenum, & omnis gloria eius: quasi flos agri, "Mannis flesh / is as hay, & al his ioi & noblay: as če flour of če medow". Hay: first is grene gresse, & sone after: bringes forth floures; & a while after: če floures dries & fallis; after: is it mowen doune with če sithe, & dried & led to house / to bestes fode. éus it fallis bi man; in his childhede: he springis & waxis as dose če gres; after / he waxis to man & floris in fairenes & strinth & wite & hafyng of godes; after / he drawis til elde, & čen failis his flouris, čat are / his vertu¨, fairehede / strinth / wite & očer vertu¨; after / he is striken downe with če sithe of deade, after led to house to bestes fode, čat is, duluen in erth to fede wormes. For-či sais če hali man: Cum moritur homo: habitabit serpentes & bestias. Man dead / is so wlatsome to če werld: éat he mai nogh lat him be in his hous III. daies to-gider, bot beres him oute: éat he harme nane with stinke. / For-či is it now tyme for to wirke: ffor in če tyme to come: is na tyme to swynke, bot to receyue mede: for are-done dede. And čis affermes če angel with athe & sais: Iurauit enim angelus / quod non erit tempus amplius. Do we čen as če apostle sais: Dum tempus habemus, operemur bonum ad omnes. And as če apostle redis vs: he did him-selfe: for fra če first houre of če daie: vn-to če fift: he trauaild with his handes / til wyn his fode; & fra če fift to če tende: he prechid to če folke; fra če x. til euen: he seruid če pouer & pilgrimes with swilk gode as he had; bi night: was he praiand; & čus spend he his tyme. // In .III. maners / man tynes his tyme: In idelnes, or in werks čat na gode comes of, or in gode werks bot noght ordeynd as čai suld be. Agayn idelnes: sais Salomon: Multam mali_ciam docuit ociositas. And hali write sais: Qui sectatur ocium: stultissimus est. A grete fole he is: čat forberis noght če thing čat him harmis; Mare fole he is: for he wynnis him na mede; Mast fole he is: for he wynnis him payne. For-či god blamis če idel: & sais: Quid hic statis tota die ociosi? Idelschip wastis če godis čat are ware geten, & tillis če fend til hows; for als thorugh gode werkis če fend is lettid til entre mannis herte: so idelnes drawis him in čerto. And Seneke sais: "he lifs noght to him-selfe: čat lifs to his wambe & to eise of his flesh in al čat he mai". For Iob sais: Homo ad laborem natus est. To trauail was man bonden / after he had synnid: thorugh goddis biddinge / éat to him said: In sudore v[ultus t[ui] vesceris pa[ne] tuo, donec reuertaris in terram de qua assump_tus es: quia de terra es: & in terram ibis. éou sal trauail stalwordli & noght fayntli, for he biddis če trauail / "with swete of či face, ay til čou torne to če erth", čat is, al či life-tyme, / éat čou lose na tyme in idelnes. Idelnes smitis a man as |p139 he ware in paralsi, & makis his lymes drie / čat he mai noght wirke. For-či sais če psalmwrighte: Manus habent & non pal[pabunt], pe[des] habent & non amb[ulabunt], os habent & non lo[uentur], oculos h[abent] & non v[idebunt], aures h[abent] & non audient: ffor čaire lymes are so bonden in syn: čat to all gode / are čai as deade; & to il: are čai light. Idelnesse is norice til all vices, & makis man rekles to do: čat he is halden to do. And when če fend fyndis man idel: he puttis in his hert / foule thoughtis of fleshli filth, or očer folys čat mai bring him to syn; after he eggis him til do čaim in dede. & čus he dose agayn če apostles biddyng, čat is: Nolite dare locum diabolo. / ée idel man makis him vnwhorthi to dwell in ani stede / bot hell. In heuen mai he noght dwell: for heuen is ful mede to ča / čat here spendis čare tyme in werkis čat čai hope are Criste to paie. In purgatorie mai na idel dwell: for čare are aneli če gode purgid / in čat clensand fire / til čai be als klene of syn: as when čai cristend ware; for-či sais če psalm_wright: In labore hominum non sunt: & cum h[ominibus] non flag[ellabuntur]. Grete schame is to be idel in čis tyme of grace: in če whilk we are hired to wirke, & if we wirk as vs agh: grete mede vs abidis. God gifs vs ensample to wirk: bi him-selfe, as če apostle witnes čer he sais: Exinaniuit semetipsum: for[mam] ser[ui] ac[cipiens]; in similitudinem hominum factus / & habitu inuentus vt homo, humiliauit semetipsum factus obedi[ens] vsque ad m[ortem], m[ortem] autem cru[cis]: propter quod & deus ex[altauit] il[lum] & dedit il[li] nomen quod est s[uper] o[mne] nomen, vt in no[mine] Ihesu: omne ge[nu] fl[ectatur] ce[lestium] t[errestrium] & inf[ernorum], & omnis lingua con[fiteatur] quia dominus Iesus Christus in g[loria] est dei patris. Ouer-proude čen & ouer-delicate is če seruant / čat in batail wil rest / & sees his lauerd / of his enemys assailid & iuel woundid. / Alswa vs agh to wirk in čis tyme of grace: for we are goddis boght thrallis / with če price of his deorworthi blode: to wirk in his wyne-¨erde. & ¨it he hightis vs mede: if we do with gode will čat we thorughůdette agh for to do. Til his priue frendis bifore če tyme of grace: god hight bot erthli godis / if čai wele did; til vs: če blisse of heuen / if we wele do. & if he hight ani of his priue frendis če blisse of heuen: it was lang after or čai might come čerto, for čai went to hell & abade čare / some a thousand ¨ere, some twa, some thre: or čai til heuen come; bot now mai men in a littil while wyn heuen, as if ani deie: sone after he is cristend, or if he hafe done ful penance for his misdede, or be martird for goddis lufe. The tyme of soper čat če gospel of saynt Luke spekis of / to če whilk god bad his seruant¨ kall all čat ware bidden: is če tyme of grace / čat is now, in če whilk al is redi; so čat čer is noght els to do; bot wash / & ga to mete, čat is, clense čaim of all čaire synnes čat čai hafe done / sen čai ware borne. // What losyng of tyme it is: to trauail aboute thinges čat na profit comes of! / Man agh to trauail aneli to če worschip of god: & his saule-hele. Thou sal noght deme če man has lang lifid / čof he gang with a stafe stoupand / & be grai-harid: bot deme him so halde / as he has wele lifid. For-či answerid Barlaham til Iosaphath his disciple when he askid him how alde he was: "I am, quod he, of xlv ¨ere". "Maister, quod Iosaphath, me thinke čou art of .lx. ¨ere & mare". éan said |r[f.56] Barlaham: "Sen I was borne: hase bien lx. ¨eres; bot čas ¨eres čat i spendid in idelnes & syn / or i toke me to čis life: I hald as ¨eres of dede. Bot all čas I tell ¨eres of life: éat i hafe seruid Ihesu Crist mi lauerd in / thorugh his dereworthi grace". / Wha-so wald vmthink him / what tyme stelis fra him in lang |p140 etyng & drynkyng / in outrage & vnuayt werkis / idel speche / idel thought & foule / vnnayt bourdis / & očer vanitees čat men delitis čaim in: he mai sotheli vnderstand / čat čof he be alde of ¨eris: čat litill tyme he has lifid / of če maner he suld haf lifed; for he lifid noght til his profit / ne wan him mede / bot per_aunter payn / for losyng of tyme. |r // Wonder it ware čat man čat gifs him to bisynes of če werld / mare če nedis: had na lettyng in praier, in rest of hert, in sothefastnes of worde, in perfeccione of gode werks, in luf to god & all cristen men. For-či hali men bifore čis tyme čat knew čir lettyngs: éai fled če werld with all če vanitees / as it had bien cursid, for čaim thoght čat čai might noght lede rightwise life čerin; & čerfore čai went in to wildernesse / whare čai trowid to serue god to paie. For-či sais Seneke: Auarior redeo & crudelior & inhumanior: quia inter homines fui. |r  Thre maners of occupacions are, as sere Iangling & mikil, Raykyng aboute, Mikil trauailing aboute werldli thinges.  Agayn mikil Iangling: sais Salomon: Qui dimittit aquam: caput est iurgii. "Lat če water oute": is lat če tonge flete oute in Ianglinge. Bot to če knowyng of god / ne of him-selfe mai nane come: čat latis his hert flete oute / with mikil vnnaite speche; for he makis waie to če fende in him-selfe. éerfore Salomon likyns slike til a Cite with-outen wall: Sicut vrbs sine murorum ambitu: ita vir qui non potest cohibere spiritum in lo_quendo. And for so mikil lettyng of gode / is in mikil speche: če Philosophir byndis his discipils with silence / čaire first fyue ¨ere. Alswa, abbot Agathon bare .III. ¨ere a stane in his mouth / to lere to hald him still.  Agayn čas čat eauer raikis aboute to fede čaire wittis with vanitees and lustis: is če leryng of če angel / how he lerde če hali Abbote Arsenius & said: "Arseni / flee če werld & his ¨ernyngs, hald če in reste, bridil či tonge": éat it flete noght oute in Ianglynge / ne idel speche. / Whare čir .III. are: is waie to gode / & with_drawynge fra iuel. It tellis of an Abbot čat fulli .xx. ¨ere sat in his scole: & neuer lift vp his heued to see če scole-rouf.  Agayn čas čat trauails ouer-mikil aboute werldli godes: sais Salomon čus: Vana est spes eorum / & labor eorum sine fructu: Quia nichil auferunt secum / de vniuerso labore suo. éis is ilk dai sene: bi če deade / éat with čaim beris / be čai neuer so riche: bot a wyndyng [cl]athe. ée thrid maner of men are / čat has likyng til do gode, bot for čai do it noght in če maner čai suld do it in: éai lose čaire mede; for are čaire entent fallis in ani gode dede: če mede čat to če gode werke suld falle: failis. And čat mai be on .iiii. Maners. First / for če wik[i]dnes of če wirkand; as če offrand of Caym, čat čof he offird to god of če frute čat him newid: god wold noght loke čerto; bot to če offrand of Abel his bročer god lokid. éerfor sais saynt Gregor: "bi če hertis wille of him čat offirs: is če gift receyuid of god / or reprouid; & god was noght paied of Abel for če offrand, bot he was paied of če offrand for Abel, čat in al his werk: was trew & gode; bot to Caym & his offrand god wold noght loke: for he čat made če offrand / mispaied god greteli". And whi oure offrand / or what we do čat gode is in kynde / mispaies god: ée prophete sais: Cum multiplicaueritis oraciones: non exaudiam, qia manus vestre / sanguine plene sunt. // ée .ii. čat reuis man mede for his gode dede: is vanite / éat steris man to do če gode: for he wald be |p141 praisid. For vayn glorie mase of gode: yuel; als, if almesdede / éat is gode in kynde / be done for praisyng: it wynnis bot syn. // ée .iii. čat reuis mede fra gode dede: is rosyng of him čat dose če gode dede; as če phariseyn did, of whaim god said to če folk čat stode bifore him: "Sotheli čis man has lost his mede for al his gode dede". Nedeful for-či it is / éat man do če gode he mai & ne pride him noght čerof in thoght nor in worde; for he has noght če doyng of gode dede: of him-selfe, nor of his deseruynge. // ée .iiii. [čat] reuis man his mede fra his gode dede: when he dose it in čat entent / for to be halden better čen očer, or to lesse gode dede of očer, or for to fordo it in čat he mai. Bi slike tellis saynt Gregor a tale in če dialoges: éat on a tyme / ée hali biscbop Fortunate chasid če fend oute of a man in an euenynge, & če fend when he was chasid oute: put him in liknes of a pilgrim / & went thorugh če cite čare če bischop dwellid / wepand & ¨elland as a pouer wreche, as he čat was wil of his herberi čat night; & čus cried he:"Lo what ¨our bischop has done to me: čat ¨ee hald so gode! he come to če hous čar i had tane my herberi: & put me oute with force; & now als a pouer wrech: of herberi am i wil; oueral I seke herberi: & nane wil on me rwe". A man of čat cite čat čis herd: toke him in to hous / & set him bi če fire & esid him on his wise. When če man had spird at him of ferre thinges / as men dose at pilgrimes: ée fend stert to če child in če credil / & wrathe če nek in twa / & kast it in če fire: & vanyst a-wai. Of čis spekis saynt Gregor & sais: "Mani semes gode dedes / & are noght gode, for čai are noght done with a gode wille. And čis man herberied če pilgrime / for na pite he had of him: bot for he spake yuel of če bischop; & čat he suld be halden better & of mare pite / éen če bischop". // żite gode dede is lost: if man be it cou[ete] to haue of man: riches / or state / or honours / or ani werldis gode. / żit thorug[h] syn filand: gode dede is lost; & here-to acordis hali writ / éat sais: Qui in vno peccauit: multa bona perdit, čat is: "he čat in a thing deadli synnes: mani god[is] he tynis" / bot he amend him with schrift / & do penance čerfore. |r[f.57] [Secunda pars libri.] |r ée second parti of čis boke: techis man til do his gode wer[k with] a fredome of spirite, in stede & in tyme / as til ilk werk fallis, nog[ht] be-nedid čerto, nor do [it] with anger, ne with a deade herte. For hali writ says: Hillarem datorem diligit deus, "God lufs ča / éat ought gifs him with a glad hert". & nameli ča werks čat fallis to goddis louynge / & hele to mannis saule, as praiers & hali thoughtis / & clere mynde of god / & of gode dedis; thir & očer slike / wil haue litil rest: if čai wele sal be. // Praier is a sacrifice čat mikil paies god: if it be made o če maner it agh to be; for-či god askis it of vs / as dette, čar he čus sais: Gentes creauit deus in laudem & gloriam suam. Et: sacrificium laudis ho[norificabit] me. And če apostle: Oportet semper orare & nunquam deficere. For-či bihoues man eauer to prai & neauer faile. He is eauer praiand: éat is ai gode doand. And nameli men of religion are halden to worschip god with praier, & men of hali kirke / for čai life bi almes & tendis -- for al če werld trauails to bring čaim to hand čat čaim nedis, so čat čai mai serue god with rest & with čaire hali bedis make saghtlyng bitwix god & man. And alswa maydens & wydows: čat has avowid chaste; all čir bifore očer are halden to prai. / He čat wil pai god with praier: offir it to god with a free wil & louand hert; & graith him bifore as Salomon |p142 redes: Ante oracionem: prepara animam t[uam], & noli esse quasi homo temptans deum. He temptis god: čat ¨ernis noght to wyn čat he for praies, or despaires to spede čerof; & čat makis syn & yuel life; čat man thinkis noght to leue. Bi slike sais sayn Gregor: Quid mirum si tarde a domino exaudimur: cum precipientem dominum tarde aut nullo modo audimus? Et Ysidorus: Non potest habere certam fiduciam precum: qui adhuc in preceptis dei pigritat, & quem recordacio peccandi delectat. // Wha s[a] wil spede of his praier: do če gode he mai, flee syn, call his hert fra če werld. & hald it at hame / as če gospel techis: Cum oraueris: intra in cu[biculum] t[uum] & clauso os[tio] ora p[atrem] t[uum]. "Entre, he sais, či bed", čat is, call či hert hame, "& čen steke či dore", čat is, hald či wittis in če: čat nane wend oute. For it is bot folie to prai god com to vs nedeful wreches & pouere / to dele vs almis of his deorworthi grace / & noght abide his come, bot turne him če bak. Saynt Isidore sais če saule is to clense of če teche of syn, & če hert to with_draw fra tariing of če werld: éat če praier with-oute lettynge mai rise to god. For ferre is čat man fra god / prai he neauer so mikil: čat praiand is taried with werldli thoughtis; for-či sais če psalm..: Vacate, & videte quoniam ego sum. éis aght to stere vs to prai with a [gret] drede & avisement: for we speke with al-mighti god / when we [er bot] vnworthi wreches. For so did Abraham, goddis priue frende, čat s[aide]: Loquar ad dominum meum / cum sim puluis & cinis? And Ysidore sais: "W[e mon] prai with sighings & teris & bitter mynde of oure grimli synes, & of [če] mani pynes & bitter / we sal for čaim thole, bot we vs amend [&] on vs rwe".  Alswa če praiand sal hope to spede of čat he for praies, [for Crist him]-self sais: Omnia possibilia sunt credenti; for-či we sal prai til god [as til oure fa]der, & hope certaynli to spede at oure fader / of čat we him [pray, if we lu]f him as oure fader, & kynd to him be. For he sais to all his.....he sais: Si quid petieritis patrem in n[omine] m[eo], dabit vobis. |r Sex thinges [a]re to wite in praier: ffirst: how man sal graith hi[m] bifore. ée .ii.: wham he sal prai. ée .iii.: for wham he sal prai. ée .iiii.: what he sal aske in praier. ée .v.: what lettis praier. ée .vi.: what might & vertu praier is of. ée first: is writen bifore, & bigynnes at Ante oracionem prepara a[nimam] t[uam] & lastis h[id]er. // The .ii., to wham čou sal prai: Sothli / bifore alle očer: to god al-mighti; as če prophete biddis: Subditus esto domino & ora eum. And in če gospel god sais: Dominum deum tuum adorabis. Halughs we honour & prai, noght as gifars of godenessis: bot as goddis frendis / to help vs to wyn [of] him čat we after prai. For-či in al oure hert in gode bileue, & certayn hope, & perfite charite: oure lauerd god is to lufe. // ée .iii., for wham men sal prai: a grete clerke vndose. Ilk cristen man / is a quyk lym of hali kirk: for-či is he halden to prai for all, bot speciali for men of hali kirk, as če pape, cardinals, & bi_schops, & all čat haues cure of mannes saule; alswa, for oure faas & frendes; & all čat are in deadli syn: čat čai thorugh grace mai rise; for all čat are in pur_gatorie: čat goddis merci abidis; & sithen for all čat mister has / quyk & deade. And sayn Gregor sais čat soner he sal be herd & of his praier sped: čat for all praies. & saynt Ambrose: Si pro omnibus roges: pro te omnes rogabunt. And saynt Ierom: "Nede byndis man til prai for him-selfe, bot charite of brotherhede steris til prai for all; & charite steris mare god til here: éen nedefulnes". // ée .iiii., what |p143 men sal ask in praier: Certis / grace in čis life, & endles ioi in čat očer; for čus techis god vs & sais: Primum querite r[egnum] dei & ius[ticiam] eius, & hec o[mnia] ad[icientur] vobis. God is dettour to čaim čat are rightwise: to fynd čaim čat čaim nedis of erthli godis; for rightwisenes mase of men: goddis childre, & če fader thorugh kynde: is halden to fynd his childre. Erthli godis are noght to ask in praier, for čai haue done harme to mani; for-či sais Salomon: Vsquequo stulti / ea que sibi sunt noxia cupiunt? éerfor ilk man aske of god with drede: čat he askis, & prai his lauerd / if he see čat his praier be nedeful & skilful; čat he it fulfill; & if it ne be nedeful ne skilful: čat he it withdrawe; for what mai help & what [mai] harme: wate better če leche čen če seke. Bot ane of čir twa [sal] we traist at haue thorugh praier: oičer čat we for prai: or čat čat better [is] for vs. // ée .v., what lettis oure praier to be herd of god: Se[x čin]ges. ée first is, syn of če praiand; as god sais thorugh če prophete: [Cum] multiplicaueritis oraciones: non exaudiam, manus enim v[estre] s[anguine] p[lene] s[unt]. Et Dauid: [Iniqui]tatem si as[pexi] in corde m[eo], non ex[audiet] dominus. Et propheta: Peccata nostra absconderunt [faciem] eius a nobis. Et euangelinm: Scimus quoniam peccatores non ex[audit] dominus. / ée .ii. is, če [vn]worthines of čas čat men praies fore; & čat defendis god to prai for [čaim] thorugh če prophete: Noli orare pro populo isto, neque assumas pro eis [laudem &] oracionem: quia non exaudiam. It tellis in lif of hali faders čat [ane čat wa]s bonden in syn: come to če hali Abbot saynt An[tone] |r[f.58] & said: "hali fader, haf merci on me, & prai for me"; / to whaim če abbot said: "I wil haf na merci on če: bot čou help če selfe & leue či syn". / ée .iii. is, foule thoughtis & idel, čat lettis vs to think on oure praier. Of slike fals praiand sais god thorugh če prophete: Populus iste labiis me honorat, cor autem eius longe est a me. It is grete wikidnes of vs vnworthi wreches / čat when we speke with praier til almighti god, & we als vnwitti / herknes noght what we sai. Sotheli grete despite we do to god / when we prai him til here oure praier / & we wil noght here it vs-self, bot, čat wers is: in foule thoughtis and idel / wastis oure tyme. Abraham when he made sacri[fi]se to god: foulis lightid čer-on / & wold haf filde it, & he chasid če foules awai, čat nane durst it negh: to al če tyme ware passid / & če sacrifice made. Do we swa with čis fleand thoughtis: éat filis če sacrifice of oure praier. éis sacrifice is ful queme to god: when it comes of a clene & a louand hert. God biddis:"send to me praier: & I sal send to če grace; & what sa čou to me dose: I forget it noght". / ée .iiii. éat lettis oure praier to be herd: is hardnes of hert. & čat is on .ii. maners: first hardnes of hert agayn če pouer, & čerbi če prophete sais: Qui opturat aures s[uas] ad clamorem pauperis: clamabit & ipse & non exaudietur. éat očer is hardnes of čaim čat wil noght forgife to čaim čat has misdone čaim; to slike Salomon sais: Relinque proximo tuo nocenti te, & tunc deprecantiůtibi: peccata soluuntur. & in če gospel god sais: Cum stabitis ad orandum: dimittite si quid habetis aduersum aliquem, vt pater vester qui in celis est dimittat vobis p[eccata] v[estra]. / ée .v. éat lettis oure praier to be herd: is littil ¨ernyng after če thing men praies fore; & saynt Austyn sais: Vt ex toto corde desideretur. / hoc seruat tibi deus; quod non vult tibi cito dare, vt discas magna magne desiderare. And saynt Gregor sais: "if we with mouthe prai after če blisse of heuen / & noght ¨erne it with hert: criand we are still". / ée .vi. čat lettis oure praier: is foule speche & idel / éat we file oure lippis with; for if čou gif |p144 a grete lord drink in a slutti cup: ware če drink nere sa gode, him wold wlat čer-with, & bid do it awai / thrist him nere sa sare; sa god dos with če praier čat comes of a foule mouth: he latis noght čerbi / bot turnes him čerfra. For_či sais sayn Gregor: Os nostrum a deo tanto minus auditur in prece: quanto plus polluitur stulta loqucione. // [ée .vi. what might & vertu praier is of]. Men čat ware bifore čis tyme, čat held čaim in sothefastnes / & noght idel spake: wan of god what so čai praied. & čat was schewid til a hali hermite čat hight Florentius, čat woned in wildernes vnknowen fra men. Sa mikil vermyn was aboute čis hermite stede: čat nane durst come čider / bi a fer wai. A deken was in čat land čat of čis hermite herd & come at če last to če place whare če heremite was duelland; bot sa mikil vermyn he sagh čer aboute: éat he durste come na ner, bot cried after help for ferde. ée hali man come oute to wite what it was čat cried, & he sagh a man standand čare / & he sperid what he wold. & če deken said: "hali fader, I haf soght če of fer, & now I haf founden če: I haf ioi inogh / might I com to če; bot I mai noght for čis venemouse bestes čat here are so mani". When če hali man čis herd: he fel downe on knees & praied god / he wold fordo čas wormes. & als sone / a grisli storme rase with a thoner: & slogh all če wormes. éen said če hermite til oure lauerd: "lauerd / éis bestis liggis here sa thik / éat I ne mai come til him / ne he to me: bot we be envenemode of čaim. Lo lauerd / čai lig here dead / bot wha sal lift čaim away?" At čis worde: mani foulis come & bare čaim all away clene. Here-of spekis saynt Gregor & sais: "For-či čat goddis seruant¨ / with_draw čaim fra če werld & his werkis: vnnayte kan čai noght speke; sa čai bynd čaim to silence: čat čai dar na worde say / bot it be lerynge til očer / or louyng to god. & čerfore / when čai ought askid god: he grantid čaim alsone. Bot we waful wreches čat with če werld delis / éat al dai chaters as pies, now lies, now wries, now yuel spekis, now flitis, now bakbitis, now sweris grete athes: éir filis oure praier & lettis it to be herd; for als fer is oure mouth praiand / fra god: as it is nere če werld / with idel speche". / Praier is so might_ful / if he haf his right: čat he maistirs če fend & lettis him til do his will. For so it did če fende čat Iuliane če Emperour comandid to wende to če vttre side of če werld / to bryng him tithandis / how it was čare. When he had flowen ten iournes čiderward / he come ouer če place čat Publius če hermite dwellid in; čat praiand was čat tyme. & his praier ouertoke če fende & held him čare fast / fulli ten daies -- for al čat tyme: če hermite was in praier; & when he cessid: če fend turnid agayn, for he might na ferrer wende, for praier him lettid. |r When čou has gederid hame či hert / with his wittis, & has fordone čas thinges čat might let če to prai, & won til deuocion čat god to če sendis thorugh his dereworthi grace; quykli rise of či bed at če bel ryngynge. & if na bel be čare: cok be či bel; if čare be noičer cok ne bel: goddis luf wakyn če, for čat paies mast to god. And gelusye in luf rotid: wakens bifore bathe cok & bel, & has waschen hire face: with swete luf-teris, & hire saule with-inne has ioie in god with deuocion & likyng & morneyng to him, & with očer heuenli gladdyngs: čat god to his lofars sendis. Sely are ča bifore očer: čat luf wakens, for mani gladdyngis čai haf / when očer fast slepis; for čai fynd bifore čaim / |p145 čat gladdis all / rise čai neauer so sone; for god him-self čus sais: Qui mane vigilauerint ad me: ůinuenient me, "he čat erli wakyns to me: he sal fynde me, to speke with him, |r[f.59] & glad him with me, & haf me at his wille". Be čen ai waker; & rise quikli & thank hertli či gode louerd: for če rest čou had, for če ¨emyng of angels. Sen a knyght bas grete likyng to be cald to come speke with če kynge / when he knowis it is for his grete profit: with grete[r] skil goddis knight / čat is ilk cristen man / at če callyng of his lauerd god agh redi to be, čat callis him for his mikil prow, & for na thing ellis. Soberli čou rise with a glad chere, & think čou heris god call če with čis wordis: Surge prop[er]a amica mea, formosa mea, & veni; ostende michi faciem tuam, sonet vox tua in auribus meis, čat is: "Rise mi leefe, mi faire thinge, & schew me či face; I ¨erne čat če voice of či praier / ring in mi nere". // Think in či risyng: how mani men čat night / perist in life, & some in saule. / & some in bodi & saule; some brent, some drounyd, some sodanli dead / with-oute repentance or schrift: & čare saulis drawyn with fendes til hell; some fallyn in deadli syn, as lucheri, glotonie, thift, couaitise, manslaghter & očer sere synnes. And of alle čis perils či gode god has delyuerid če / of his godenes & noght of či dessert. What has čou done to god / čat be suld ¨eme če so / & suffre so mani očer be loste? & per-aun_tere čou has done wers / éen čai haf done. If čou wele loke what god dose to če / čof čou noght haf seruid: čou mai fynd čat god is als bisy til do či prow: as he had noght ellis to do, & as he had al čis werld forgetyn: & aneli thoght on če. // When čou has čus thoght: lift vp či hert to god & sai: "I thank če, dereworthi lorde, with al mi hert: čat me so vnworthi wreche / čus has ¨emid čis night, & tholid me with life & hele / éus abide čis daie. I thank če, lorde, of čis grete gode & mani očer: čat čou has done to me / sa vnkynde & vnworthi wreche, of all očer; čat čou swilk kyndnes schewis to me / agayn mine yuel dedis". And put če & all či frendes: in goddis handes, & sai čus: "In či dere-worthi handes, mi lorde, I ¨elde mi saule & mi bodi, & all mi frendis / sib & fremmed / & all čat me gode has done bodili or gastli, & all čat cristendome has tane: čat čou for če lufe of či moder čat dere-worthi maiden / & če bisekyng of all či halughs: ¨eme vs čis dai, or čis night, fra all perils of bodi & saule, & fra all deadli synnes, fra fandyng of če fende, & sodane deade, & fra če paynes of hell, & make vs čaim to drede. éou halugh oure hertis with če grace of či hali gast, & make vs here eauer what so we do, čat we do či will; čat we neauer twynne fra če: dere lorde, amen". When čou has čus done: wende to če kirk or oratori; & if čou mai wyn to nane: či chambre make či kirk. In če kirk is mast deuocion til prai, for čare is god in če auter / til here čat till him praies, & grante čaim čat čai ask: or čat better is; & in presence of halows, & in worschip of kirkis čat are halughid; Mynd of angels čat čare are to serue čaire lorde & če -- for čaire office is / to receyue či praier: & bere it to god & bring če grace fra him, as sayn Bernard sais. Rise čen quikli at goddis calle & put fra če al heuynes, & answere či lorde with če wordis čat Samuel said to god čat callid him be night: Loquere domine, quia audit seruus tuus. For .viii. thinges aght vs to wake & eauer be doand gode: čis schorte life; če straite wai we haf to ga; oure gode dedes čat are so faa; oure synnes čat |p146 are so many; deade čat we are siker of & wate noght when; če straite dome of domesdai / & so hard, for ilk idel thoght sal čare be schewid, čen sal ilk foule worde & synful werk be greteli chargid, for god sais: De omni verbo ocioso &c., & saynt Anselm: Quid facies in illa die quando exigetur a te omne tempus tibi impensum: qualiter a te sit expensum / vsque ad minimam cogitacionem. ée .vii. thing is, če strang pyne of hell; če .viii. is, če ioie of heuen. |r After či vprisynge: prai for če saulis čat are in pyne of purgatorie, & think čou heris čaim cry on če: če wordes of Iob: Miseremini mei, miseremini mei vos [saltem] a[mici] mei: quia m[anus] d[omini] te[tigit] me, & help čaim with De profundis, & Absolue. After: čou grete oure leuedi with Salue regina: on či knees. Wend čen to če kirk; & bid či vayn thoghtis & bisynes of če werld: hald čaim čer oute, & sai to či saule at či incomyng: Intra in gau[dium] domini tui, vt audias vo[cem] eius: & vi[deas] templum eius. Hali kirke is entre and ¨ate of heuen. After: fal doune bifore če croice, & anoure him čat for če was done on če croice. & say: Adoramus te Christe & bene[dicimus] tibi, quia per sanctam crucem t[uam] re[demisti] m[undum]. And haf čen, or čou vp rise, in mynde / how hate luf him brente: čat deied for če on če crosse. After: bigyn či matyns; bot first: crosse či lippis & sai: Domine, labia m[ea] a[peries], čat is: "lorde / oppen mi lippis: čat al night has bien stoken fra louyng of če; & I mai noght oppyn čaim: bot čou me help". And čen sai: Deus in adiutorium; with čis wordes: ¨ette oute či herte bifore god / & sai: "lord / als mi domesman / bifore če I stand: čou wreke me of mi faas: čat lettis me to serue če, & čai assaile me keneli, so čat I be sone ouer-comen: bot čou me help". And at Gloria patri: bowe doune & sai with či hert: "lord, of či blissyng I biseke če". Torn če čen to če angels čat aboute standis til či comfort & helpe & als či wardeyns til kepe če fra či faas: & čus til čaim say: Venite exultemus domino. After: cast čin iee on sum-what: & hald it čer-on til čou makis či praiers: for čis helpis mikil / til stabelyng of če hert; & paynt čare či lord: as he was on če croice; think on his fete & handes čat ware nailid to če tree, & on če wide wounde in his side, thorugh če whilk: wai is made to če / til wyn til his herte; thank či lorde čerof; & luf him čerfore; for čare čai fynde tresour of lufe: čat čider mai wyn. Think čou sees his woundes |r[f.60] stremand of blode: & falland downe on če erth, & fal čou downe & lik vp čat blode / sweteli with teres kis_sand če erth; with mynde of čat riche tresour čat for či synnes was sched: & sai čus with hert: "Whi liggis čis blode here as lost / & I perisch for thrist? Whi drink I noght of čis riche pyment / čat mi lorde to me birlis, / & cole mi tonge. / & here what god to me spekis: Qui sitit: veniat & bibat. Gustabis & videbis quam suauis est dominus, quam dulcis, quam mitis, quam misericors". / With slike meditacions angels comes to če saule: & god is čare / & sais til his lufar: Quid vis vt faciam tibi? & čou answer: "Lauerd: it is inogh to me synful wreche & oute-cast of či folk / čat čou, lorde, o-fer / wil loke to me, & suffre me, lorde, so synful wreche: to loue če & luf če if I couthe, for so me wele aght". If čou mai wyn to slike thinkyngs in či praiers: čou sal haue slike gladdyngs / čat it sal be a payn to če to think oght ellis. Sayn Bernard / for če likyng čat he had in slike steryngs: gerned čat matyns tyme might haue |p147 lastid til domesdai. Think, čer čou standis or knelis in praier, čat čou sees Ihesu Crist come with angels & hali halughs on ilk a side / & angels berand bifore him lepis fal of relife čat is left of če fest of halughs čat duellis with god in heuen / čat god bad gedir vp to help če pouer with / čat it be noght lost. éis relif: is mete til vs pouer wrechis / čat suld perisch for defaute: bot god on vs rued. Think čou heres god cri: "Wha so has nede of mete: put forth če hand & hafe". And loute čou with či heued to god / & mene či pouert to him & sai: Non est in domo mea panis, & sai als: "lorde / so lang meteles haf I bien: I die for hunger, bot čou on me rue; & noght mai hald mi lif: bot mete čat čou delis". Stere či-selfe in slike myndes & očer čat mai kyndel či deuocion & raise it to him, ay til če think čou heris him sai to če: Dilata os t[uum] & im[plebo] illud. And čen sal čou thorugh goddis grace: fele som dele of čat heuenli fode / éat all halughs fedis; čat čou mai with likynge: synge če maiden sange / čat is goddis moder: Magnificat anima men dominum, & exultauit s[piritus] m[eus] in deo s[alutari] m[eo]. / When god sendis če slike likyngs thorugh his grace: torne če kyndli to če angels čat bifore če standis, & to čaim sai: "I prai ¨ow als mi kepers čat god has to me send: čat ¨e thank ¨oure gode lorde for me". And turne če čen to če auter, čare god sotheli is: & sai: Vere domine / magna est misericordia tua super me, čat is: "sothli lorde / mikil is če merci: čat čou to me schewis". With slike luf-steryngs: god comes to his lufars; & bidis noght to če praier be made: bot pressis in / in če middes & softis če languisand saule: with a dewynge of heuenly swetenes; & teres & sihings are messangers of goddis come. Cely are čai čat čus murnys & languys to god, for čai sal neauer twyn fra god, bot haf him ay at čaire will. |r How god comes to his lofars, & how he some-tyme fra čaim partis. God when he comes to his lufars: he gifs čaim to taste how swete he is; & are čai mai fulli fele: he fra čaim wendis, & als an Egle he spredis his wengis & aboue čaim risis / als if he said: "som dele mai ¨e fele: how swete I am; bot if ¨e wil fele čis swetenes to če full: flies vp after me, & lift ¨oure hertis vp to me / éar I am sittand on mi fader right hand: & čare sal ¨e be fulfillid in ioie of me". God comes til his lufars: til comforte čaim; he partis fra čaim: for čai suld če mare meke čaim, & čat čai suld noght ouer-mikil pride čaim of če gladdyng čat čai haf of his come; for if či spouse ware ai with če: éou wold late ouer-wele of če selfe & despice očer; &, if he ware ai with če: čou wold rete it to kynde / & noght to grace. For-či thorugh his grace: he comes when he wil / & to whaim he wil, & departis when he wil; so čat his lang duellyng make him noght mare vnworthi, bot after his departynge: be če mare ¨ernid & soght with geluse luf & sighinges & teres. Bot be war čou goddis lufar / čof či spouse withdraw him fra če for a while: he sees all či dedes, & čou mai na thing fra him hide; & if he wite čou luf ani bot him / bot if it be for če luf of him / or if čou make ani luf-semblant til očer čen him: als sone he partis fra če. Gelouse is či spouse / delicate / nobill & riche, seuen sithe brighter čen če son; in fairenes & might: all očer he passis; & what so he wil: is done / in heuen in erth & in hell. If he see ani teche of filth / in him čat his lefe suld be: he turnis him fra him sone, for vnclenes mai he nane |p148 see. For-či be čou chaste / shameful & milde of hert; & with luf-langyng: ¨erne him ouer al thing. And when god with-drawis čis heuenli likyns & swetenes fra če / als some-tyme nedis in čis deadli lif: gif če noght til fleshli lustis ne likyngs of če werld: bot to praier & meditacions / redyng of hali writ / or honest wirkyng; & eauer čou mourne after či lefe: as ¨ong child čat his moder missis. For ča čat after slike knowyng of god / & tastyng of his swetenes / turnis him če bak & gifs čaim to syn: has na defense agayns god of čaire syn. Ane vnhappy chaunce & careful it is to lefe če felaschip of god & his angels & halughs: & serue če fend & folow his rede / with lustis & likyngs & werkis of syn; čat hert čat was halughid thorugh če hali gast goddis temple to be / čat was raisid here ouer his kynd for to hafe with god heuenli likyngs & mirthis: al-sone with foule thoughtis make it laith & foule; čas eres čat herd čis wordis čat to nane is lefesom to speke: oppyn čaim to here bakbityng[s] & lesyngs & očer idel speche; čas ien čat right now was bapti¨ed with teres: oppyn čaim to see vanitees; čat tonge čat right now spake |r[f.61] to god with praier: al-sone after with čat tong wary / forswere / bakbite & speke foule wordes. Prai we to god for his godenes: he kepe vs fra čir vnthewes. Of goddis comyng mai men wit: bi čis čat sayn Bernard sais: "When čou art sterid of man with-oute / or with-in of spirite / for to ¨eme rightwisenes & stand čerfore, for to be meke & tholemode, to luf či bročer in god, to be buxom to či ouerlyngs, to luf chastite & clenes in bodi & saule: takenyng it is / čat al-mighti god comes to visite či saule". If čou take godeli chastying of či frende for či syn / or wordes čat steris če to vertues & gode thewes: čis make way & takenyng of goddis comynge. éan if čou put fra če slawnes & heuynes / & with a luf-¨ernynge likis slike wordes: čen dere_worthi god či lorde hastis him to če; for če ¨ernynge god has to če: kyndels či ¨ernyngs til haf likyng in slike wordes, & makes če bitterli to forthink či syn: & amend či lif. For at his income: he wakkyns če saule / steris it & softis it & waschis hire wondes with wyne: & softis čaim with oile; čat is, steris it to forthink bitterli čat it has misdone, & softis it with hope of merci & forgifnes of synnis. He ryuis synnis vp bi če rotis: as gardener dos če iuel wedis, & ympis gode trees & sawis gode sede: čare če wedis grewe. So dos god čat is callid gardener / whil he is in mannis saule: he ryuis vp synnes bi če rotis, & ympis in čat saule vertues & gode thewis; čat was drie: he dewis it with grace; čat blak was & mirke: he makis it white; čat bonden was: he lousis; čat calde was: he makis warme with lufe. Bi čir steryngs mai čou knowe či lordis come: bi steryng of či herte, fordoyng of vices, withdrawyng of lustis, amendyng of life, forthinkynge of misdede, bigyning of a new man in gode / ilk dai mare & mare. And bi čis mai čou wite: when he fra če wendis: či gladdyng wanis, slaw čou waxis & dri & heuy as a stane, luf in če colis: as a pot čat had wellid / & če fire ware drawen čerfra. Bot čen nedis če saule to morne sare / ai til he come agayn. If foule thoughtis egge če to leue či gode god: sai čus: Cuius est ymago hec & suprascriptio?; if he sai, Cesaris, čat is, če prince of čis werld, čat is če fend of hell: sai to him: "Wend agayn čou foule fende with či fals monee / bere it agayn with če to hell; for mi ¨atis are stokyn / & mi lorde dueliis here-in, for-či haf I na tome to dele with če". // Think on čat hali gretyng čat Gabriel made to čat maiden Mari in Na¨areth, how ioiful she was in bodi & |p149 saule in čat tyme; she was thorugh čat gretyng with assent: fulfillid of grace, čat sche wan might & power: in heuen & erth & hell; & on hire: hingis al čis werldis hele / & restoring of čas čat fell. Think on če birth of hire childe / how she bare him with-oute sorugh & site / čat all očer wymen has kyndli in tyme of birth; & sche clene maiden after. Think when he borne was: čai laid him in a crib bifore an ox & an asse / očer credil had he nane. Was čer nane to serue him of light with torches / as men dose bifore grete lordis; for-či come a fire fra heuen čat lightid če howse he was in / & Bethleem; & angels come fra heuen / to syng če child o slepe / with a meri steuyn. Think how .iii. kynges come fra ferre landis thorugh wissyng of a sterne & offird him gold, rekils, & mirre; think how sweteli če child on čaim smylid, & with his loueli ien: sweteli on čaim lokid. Think how poreli his moder was clad / when če kynges bifore hire knelid, for on hir sche had bot a white smoke as čis clerkis sais, mare til hill hir with: čen to schewing of pride. Think how his moder come with him to če temple / to make če offring of clensynge / & bowid to fulfill če lawe: as čai sinful were. Think če alde preste Symeon toke če chiid in his armes & blissid god; for čare he sagh thorugh steryng of če hali gaste: če salueour of al čis werld bitwene his handes, & praied čat he might passe oute of čis werld: "for mine ien sees / čat če folk sal saue". Think of čat sorugh his moder had when sche missid him & soght him .iii. daies, & čen fande him sittand amange če maisters, herand & sperand of poyntis of če lawe. Think how he come to be cristenid of sayn Ione; how če hali gaste light čar on him in liknes of a dowue, če fader čar with voice recordid: čat he was his son. Think how he halowid wedlaik in architriclynes howse, & čare, to schew čat he was al-mighti god: chaungid water in to wyne. In wildernes how he fastid xl. daies withouten mete; how he ouercome če fende čat fandid him with three: with glotonie, & couaitise, & vayne glorie. & of če wonder / men had of his prechinge, for all če wordes he to čaim spake: ware ful of grace. How he helid če seke, raisid če deade, gaf blynd če sight, če dumbe speche, če mesels hale: with touching of his handes; and mani očer sekenes čat vncurable ware of kynde: he helid thorugh might of his worde, for he might mare čen kynde. How he as wery for mikil gangynge: rest him at če well, & čare he bad gif him water to drink / for him thristid sare. Sethen oppyn či herte with sare sighinges / & think on če passion & pynes čat Ihesus Crist suffrid / as čai are writen bifore in če .xviii. lefe. |r He mai god biseke of grace / & sikerli traist to spede: čat here steris him in gode werkis, & with deuocion & likyngs: poudirs čaim so, čat čai mai be sauori til his dere lorde. / Werkis of penance / as fastyng, wakynge, hard werynge, forberyng of fleshli lustes, praier, almose-dede, & očer slike as we do with deuocion & likyngs in god: bihoues be swa čat čai be done with a glad hert & with a fredome of spirit. Deuocion: is a worthi drurie / čat god sendis to če hert to glad it with; bot vnworthi is he til haf čis gift: čat wil make na duellyng-stede in his hert / til it. We seke čat abouen vs is / with oure bileue, bot it sauours vs noght / for we are so full of erth: čat we haue lost oure tast. Whi felis so mani men če steryngs čat če fend forgis / & tholis |p150 his enemis sa oft him ouer-cast? I see čat noght makis čis: bot wantyng of grace. Amang all očer, I trowe we greue god mast: for we wil noght swynk |r[f.62] to wyn čis grace of god; and god hightis čis grace til all čat wil seke it, [with] čat čaire vessel be clene & voide til resceyue it in. Bot sayn Bernard sais: "éat hert čat chargeid is with couaitise of če werld: deuocion ne likyng in god / mai it nane hafe; ffor sothefastnes & vanite, lastand thing & failand, gastli thing & bodili: na mai noght be to-geder na while". Sa worthi thing is če comforte of god: čat it wil noght rest in čat breste / čare očer comfort is. Sa delicious is če likyng in him: čat with nane očer likyng mai it acorde. Wha-so ¨ernis očer comfort to glad him with: he witnes agayn him-selfe / čat goddis grace he with-standis; bot it honest comfort be / be tymes to glad his kynd with, čat he mai čar-thorugh: better serue god. |r After čou has spendid či tyme in praiers, & hali thoughtis, & gode werkis: in goddis hali drede / graith če to če mete / to strinth či kynd: čat wold ellis faile. And in čis entent sal ilk cristen man / his bodi klethe & fede: čat it mai če better serue his lorde / in what so he dose. / With morneing čou sal wende to či mete; sobirnes & mesure; čou ¨eme in či mete-while; & after mete: čou make louyng to či lorde čat če has fedde, & als bifore mete, & for alle če gode dedis čat he to če has done. / First or čou ga to mete: čou sal morne / as hali Iob did / čat čus sais: Antequam comedam: suspiro, čat is: "bifore I ete: I sigh; for mi kynd is made waike & feble for Adam syn, & ilk dai nedes bodili mete / til vphald če kynd / čat ellis wold faile in a litel stounde". And as it tellis in če life of hali faders: Isidorus čat hali man / when he hete: he wepid sare & said: "Me schamis with me selfe, for I life with bestli mete / as očer bestis dose čat na skill has of kynde, & I goddis skilful creature / made like to him-self, čat suld hafe dwellid in paradise / & čare hafe bien fed with heuenli fode". When čou fyndis delite or sauour in mete or drynke: think on če heuenli fode čat fedis all halughs / čat all likyngs ouer-passis, & we be neauer fulfillid: or we čerof fele. Men of religione heris lessons of hali mennis lyues at čaire mete, so čat as če bodi is fed with bodili fode: so če saule be fed with hali wordis. Mannes bodi is as a fornace brennand / & nameli of če ¨onge; & delicious & hate metis & drynkis: makis čis fire to brenne hatter; ffor-či sais saynt Ion:"Plente in ¨outhhede: is double fire". For-či / al čat in če flesh kyndels syn: is to flee. ée wise man sais: "If čou wil abate če flawme: abate če brandis". And saynt Ion: "flesh mete & wyne: are kyndelyng of licherous steryngs". And saynt Austyn: "ée flesh is as a wild colt / čat is to teme with bridel & hunger". & Salomon: "Wand & birden: fallis to če asse" / čat bitakenes oure flesh. / Wiseli suld man note of če mete / čat bifore him comes, & take of čaim sa in mesure: čat čai him noght greuid, bot čat he thorugh čaim: serue god če better. For-či biddis sayn Ion: "ay when čou etis: ay čat čou hunger; čat after mete: čou rede & prai & serue god če better". Hali men / čat bifore vs has bien / notid store mete & scharpe, mare til abate hunger: čen for ani lust. Some lifd bi grace, some bi rotis, some bi spices & herbis & frute čat če erth bare; & in what so čai ete: čai fordid al sauour čat might stere to lust. Als sayn German menged askis in his brede, čat na likyng sald he haue in his mete-while. Očer saus čen hunger: toke čai nane. Saynt Gregor sais:"brede |p151 made of branne & water / with cale or očer symple potage: is gode fode to če wele-taght wambe, with saus of goddis luf / if he it haue čer-with; with-outen čis saus: has na sustenance sauour / čat man notis". Some ete na mete / bifore če night; some: bot ilk očer dai; some: fastid .iii. daies to-gedir. Machari fastid al če lentyn-tide: bot če sonendaies; and ete noght bot rawe leues. Some toke na kepe wha[n] čai ete / ne what čai ete, flesh ne fish, al sauorid čaim ilike; so čat after: čai ne wist what čai ete. Some when čai ware sette to če mete & mete before čaim broght: čai forgate til ete; for so čai spendid če dai & če night in hali speche: čat čai thoght of noght ellis, to če vndir -- tide of če second dai / éat čaire brether come to čaim & askid whi čai wold noght ete; & čen first: thoght čai of mete, & čai ete čen as čaim gode thought / in goddis hali drede. When čou art set to či mete: make bifore če a crosse on če borde with .v. cromes, to stere če to think on him: čat for če deied on crosse; & think, "here liggis his heued: čat corond was with thornes; čare his handes / čare his fete: čat nailid was fulfast; čare was his swete side čat oppenid was with če spere, fra whilk come bathe blode and water / to hele mi wari woundes". When čou has so done / if čou mai so forthe: take parte of či brede & of či soule & lai it be it ane, & sai čus stilli in či hert to god či lorde: "Lorde: what wil čou gif me for čis pitaunce / I to če make? how mani teres / how mani luf-¨ernyngs & langyngs to če? how mani comfortes of če hali gast, how mani steryngs to gode, how mani lokyns to me with či loueli ien? lord, wil čou for čis mete čat če pouer hungri sal haue for če / gif me če luf of če?" When čou has etyn čat če gode think: loue či lord čat če has fed. After mete: honest čou bee, and ¨eme če fra mikil speche & idel gamens, & hald či wittis inward vnder goddis drede. Semeli it is to man / & to god it pais: čat his beryng be mare honest & atempre / after mete čen bifore; čat na takenyng of outrage: be in him sene; čat če flesh / better mai serue če saule in redyng / praiing & očer gastli werkis: čat mai helpe to gode. // éine euen-sange: sai with če deuocion čat god če sendis / in kirk or oratori or whare čou mai best sai / fra noice & thrang of če werld. After / if če nede: ga soupe, & schort be či souper-tyme; so in mesure čou take mete & drink: čat it be na charge ne greuance to či kynde / ne lettyng |r[f.63] to serue či lorde, or in tyme of rest: reue če či slepe, or with foule fandynge in či slepe: če fende če file, as he dose oft with ča čat with a ful wambe gas to bed. Ilk man ete as sayn Ion sais, "after he is of strenth, & of elde, & after his bodi is mare or lesse, or hale or seke; take čat him nedis to sustenance of his kynde: & noght as lust askis". After souper: ga to če kirk / or to očer stede / whare čou mai be mast in rest / & čare sai či complyn, for in čis tyme as saynt Ambrose sais: "foules in čaire lede loues čaire lord, & thankis him in čaire kynde: for če godes he has čaim done". Kal čou čen on či god & sai: Conuerte nos deus sa[lutaris] noster, as if he said: "lord, I haf bien čis dai taried with če werld, čat has mikel lettid me to serue če; thorugh fandyng of če fend & mi flesh, oft čis dai I haf done mis; for-či, lord, turne me now fra če werld / & fra all čat mai me let til loue če with pure hert & all mi wittis, so čat čai be entendant to če: to wirk či will". And sai forth čen či Complyn, & after: očer praiers with deuocion čat god če sendis. And after / or čou ga to bed: hald a chapeter with či hert, & ask it in what thing |p152 it is better čen it was. Has čou schryuen če ¨it of čat syn čat čou čen & čare did? of ča wordes čat čou čare spake? of čat iuel will / čou was čen in? of čat wrange čou čare did / & said to him? of čat handelynge, of čat lakkynge, of čat foule thought, of čat thing čou left vndone čou suld haf done? & art čou in will to leue swilk vnthewis? What fandyngs withstode čou čis day? in what art čou mekar čen čou was? in what mare chaste, mare sober. mare suffrand, mare atempre, mare lufand god in či brečer, or mare likyng has in god čen čou had? Lefe čat syn čat čou thorugh custume: so oft fallis in? & očer mani vnthewis čou has done & paied če fende with: & greuid či gode god, & has forbarrid če of grace čat suld helpe če? And čen with a forthinkynge of čas synnes čat bitis čine inwit: knok on či breste & sai a Pater noster, with Aue Maria, on či knees; and sone on če morne: čou schryue če of čas synnes. And if čou čus do: I hope če fend sal be afferd / če for to fande; for čou art vnder goddis warde: whil čou čas če beris. After čis rekenyng whar-thorugh či saule is raisid in a celi hope to če fader of merci & či flesh waxes heuy: ga to či rest; for if čou let či flesh of če nedefulnes & trauail it oute of might: faynteli wil it help če / or let with-all. And or čou ga to rest: biteche če & al či frendes in til goddes handes / čat for vs ware nailid to če tree, & biseke him for his merci: he ¨eme če fra all perils of bodi & saule, & arme če with če takenyng of če crosse; for whare če fend sees čis merke: sone he flees. Of čis merk is writen in če life of saynt Edmund, čat as he went an tyme al ane: a child aperd to him čat was wonder faire, / & said: "Hayle, mi frende: wham I luf in god". Saynt Edmund was awondred of čis gretyng. & če child said to him: "Knawes čou me noght?" & saynt Edmund said to če child: "How suld I know če? / I saw če neuer are". éen če child said: "When čou lerde in če scole: I sate ai bi či side; & euer sithen I haf bien with če: whare-so čou has duellid; for so mi lord has festenid če with me: čat I might neuer part fra če / slike is mi lordis will. Bot bihald in mi fronte: & rede what čou sees čare".ůHe lokid as he him bade / & with heuenli letters: čis .iiii. wordes / he sagh čare writen: Ihesus na¨arenus, Rex iudeorum. éen said če child: "čis is mi lordis name / čat čou sees čus writen. éis name I wil čou haf in mynde / & prente it in či saule; & croice či fronte with čis name: or čou ga to slepe: & fra drecchings of če fend: it sal če ¨eme čat night, & fra sodayn dede; & all čas čat bi night: croicis čaim čerwith". & when he had čis wordes spoken: he vanist awai. / Bere some hali thoughtis with če to bed / & sai či praiers / til slepe fal on če. Til hafe soft slepe & swete: souerayn helpe is mesure & sobernes of mete & drink: with mynde of goddis law & hali write; as god thorugh če prophete sais: Custodi legem meam & consilium meum: & si dormieris, non timebis: quiesces: & suauis erit sompnus tuus. And euer as čou wakyns: lift či hert to god / with som hali thought, & rise & prai to či lorde / čat he grante relesse of paynes / to če dead, & grace to če quyk / & lif with-outen ende. If fandyng of licheri stere če in bed: think čat či gode lord / for če hyngis on rode; think on his .v. wondes / čat stremid downe of blode; think čat his bed: was če hard knotti tree, & in stede of a cod: he had a croune of thornis. And sai čen with sighing sare: til cole či lust: "Mi dere-worthi lord / for me hinged on rode / & I lig in čis soft bed / & weltris me in syn: as a foule swyne / čat loues bot filth". Rise čen tide: & halde with praiers & loue-sighings & teris. |p153 |r Of .iii. poyntis be warre. ée first / čat čas deuocions čat čou has thorugh grace sterand: be noght knowyn of očer; hide čaim in čat čou mai: with will & dede, for drede of vayn-glorie. / ée .ii: čat čou think noght it is in či might / slike deuocions & steryngs til haue / ai when čou wil; bot aneli thorugh goddis grace / when he wil čaim send. ée .iii.: čat čou late noght ouer-wele of če-self for slike steryngs, ne think čerfore čou art dere with god; ne deme nane očer mare vnworthi: čat dose noght as čou dose; bot when čou has all wele done: think sotheli bi če-selfe / & grant it with worde: "it is noght worth, lord, čat I do: for I am bot an vnnaite thrall". If čou wil tyne na mede: deme nane očer, bot hald če-self mast vnworthi; for if čou fast / or prai mare čen an očer, per_case an očer passis če in mekenes & suffrance & lufyng. éerfore / think of čat če wantys / & noght aneli of čat čou haues, Noght-for-či / god wil čou think on čas graces & godes he has če done: to stere če til knowe če endettid til him for čaim / & serue him & luf him če mare; or if čou in angir be: til glad če with. Some-while it fallis / čat he is better in goddis dome |r[f.64] čat man demes iuel: čen some čat man demes gode. Mani are honest with-oute: & vnclene with-in; Some werldli & dissolute: & hali with-in / as goddis priue frendes. And some beris čaim in mannis sight / as angels, & in goddis sight čai stynk as synful wrechis; And some semes synful til mannes dome: & are ful dere til god almighti, for čaire indre berynge; is heuenli in goddis bright sight. éerfore deme we nane očer: bot vs-selfe. And prai we for vs-selfe & all očer til Ihesu Crist Mari son / čat for vs was nailid on rode, čat wha-so is bonden in dedli syn: he louse čaim; & ča čat are in gode life: he grant čuim end čerin. |r Twa messagers are comen to če: to tell če tithandis. éat ane hat "Drede", čat comes fra hell to warne če of či harme; čat očer: hat "Hope", čat comes fra heuen til tell če of blis čou sal haue / if čou wele do. Drede sais he sagh in hell so mani synful be pyned / čat if all če wittes of men ware in an: ne might he čaim tell; "of glotones, licheours, robbeours, theues; Riche men with čaire seruant¨: čat če pouer harmed; Domesmen čat wold noght deme: bot it ware for mede; Countours čat če wrange bi čaire sotilte mayntiend; Demesters čat leal men dampnid: & delyuerid starke theues; Werkmen čat falsli swynkis: & takis ful hire; Tilmen čat falsli tendis; Prelates čat has cure of mannes saulis: čat noičer chastis ne techis čaim; Of all lede of men čat wrangli has wroght: čare I sagh čat ilkan bitterli it boght. For čare I sagh defaute of al godenes, & plente of pyne & sorugh, as: hate fire ai brennand, brinstane stynkand, gredi deuels as dragons; wide gapand, hunger & thrist for eauer lastand, nedders & tadis: on če synful gnawand. Slike sorugh & ¨elling & gnaystyng of tethe I herd čare: čat nere for ferid: I lost mi wit. Slike mirknes čar was: čat I might it grape; & sa bitter was če smoke: čat it made če waful wrechis til grete glowand teres; & bitterli I herd čaim banne če tyme: čai ware borne in. Now čai ¨erne til deie: & čai mai noght deie; dead čat čai some-tyme hatid; had čai now leuer / čen all če gode of čis werld. And čerfore I warne če / bot čou amend če of či synnes / with scrift & penance / & haue a stedfast will to leue čaim for euer: a sege I sagh in helle made for če of brinnand fire, whare deuels če sal pyne / euer withouten ende". // éat očer messager čat hat "Hope": sais he |p154 is comen fra heuen til tell če of čat vntelland mikil ioie: čat goddis frendis weldis; "to tell čerof as it is; mai nane erthli man speke, čof his tonge ware of stele. For čare is a gracious felawschipe of all goddis frendis, ordirs of angels & of hali halughs, & almighti god abouen: čat gladdis čaim all. Of all godenes I sagh plente: fairenes & riches čat ai lastis, honour and power čat neuer sal faile, wisdome & luf / & ai-lastand ioie. éare I herd melodi & sange of angels bright. So worthi is čat ioie / & so grete with-al, čat wha-so might taste of it a cely drope: he suld be so rauyst in liking of god / & slike ¨ernyng he suld haue / čider to wyn: čat al če ioie of čis werld / ware to him payne. With sa grete a lufe he suld be ouertane in ¨ernynge to wyn to čat blisse: čat be a hundreth sithes it suld mare stere him to luf vertu¨ & flee syn / čen ani drede he might haue of če payne of hell. And I say če for sothe / if čou wil leue syn & do goddis biddyngs & luf him as če agh: a riche sege & a faire / god to če has made, whareůin čou sal dwell with him / with-outen ende". -- Tercia pars libri. |r ée thrid parti & če last of čis boke: techis a man to bere him sa / whare-so he comes, & what-so he dose: čat it be louyng to god & ensample of gode / til all čat him sees; for če apostle redis čus: Omnia in vobis honeste & secun_dum ordinem fiant, čat is: "al čat ¨e do: honesti & ordeynli / loke čat ¨e it do". éen at če first / ilk a goddis lufar loke čat he noght ¨erne to mangil him with če werld / čat taris & desceyuis: all čat with it delis, & lettis čaim of mani godis: čat čai might do. And ča men čat wil nouther reste bot ai raikis aboute: čaire ien sees mani thinges čat če iee sendis to če herte; & čein come čai noght lightli / after čai are čare inprintid. Sayn Bernard pleynis him of če harmes čat he felid in če werld / whils he was čerin, & sais: Mundus circum_cinxit me & obsedit, čat is: "ée werld has bisegid me on ilk a side, & thorugh če ¨atis of mi .v. wittes: he to me shotis / & woundes me ful sare, & thorugh če woundes / dead pressis in: to sla mi sari saule. Mine ien lokes: & mi thought chaungees, & kyndels me in syn. Mine eris heris; & mi hert bowes čerto. I smell with mi nese: & it likis mi thought. With mi mouth I speke: & in mi speche I like, or očer bigilis. & with a litil ouer-soft felyng: licheri kyndels in mi flesh. & če fende mi faa, čat I mai noght see; standis euer agayns me / with his bowe bente". For-či / if nede stere man to wende in to če werld / čare so mani steryngs are to syn: with grete drede he sal wende / as in to a batail to fight with his faas. It nedis he be wele armid agayn če arowis of his faa: čat thrali to him shotis; & če mare he mai him drede: for he mai noght him see; with caltrappis & gildirs: če wai is ful sette. For-či / arme him with goddis hali drede: čat oute sal wende. God warnid his disciples to be warre in če werld / when he čus said: "Sotheli če werld sal withstand ¨ow / with sere fandyngs". For-či / if čou sal nedis wende oute for čine awne profit or očeris: colour noght či wendyng with na fals hewe / to feyne če an encheson to dali with če werld / for likyng or biete, or to be knowen with lordis bifore očer... & čerfore čai make contenance with worde & feyne in čat čai mai: to be haldyn hali of all čat čaim sees; or puttis čaim to daliance of če werld: mare čen nedis, as to biyng / or sellyng / or Iangling of werldli thinges. And all čaire vtter bering / swa acordis to če werld: čat čai make sothe / čat Dauid sais: |p155 Commixti sunt inter gentes: & |r[f.65] didicerunt opera eorum, čat is: "čai menge čaim with če folk of če werld / čat has na knowyng of god; & slike werkis as čai see čaim do: slike čai wirke". éerfore when čou nedis to ga forthe: croice če with če hali name of IHESU Mari son čat deied on če rode, for čen art čou mare siker: whider-so čou ga; as saynt Austyn said til his brethir: when čai forth wente. And saynt Ion sais: "Whider-so čou ga / & what-so čou dose: či forheued & či breste čou merk with če croice; for it is na merk: ée fend so mikil dredis". Loke čine vttir klathing / noičer be ouer-laith ne ouer-curious / in schap nor in hu. Hald či lymes in čaire office: čat čai are made to, ne cast noght čine ien ouer-al as a barne; flish noght či handes: ne lepe noght with či fete. When če hert of man is oute of warde: če lymes somdele failes in čaire office. And as čou ordayns čine vtter beryng in outeyng: als loke čou be with-in / deuote, & nameli in praying / & louyng of či lorde. If čou mai noght in outeyng rest whil čou makis či praiers: ga če softer. Mani thinges lettis če trauailand to prai: werynes of lymes, men čat he metis čat with him spekis; če .v. wittis čen fletis oute of warde / & čen kelis če deuocion of če praiand. When čou has said či praiers walkand čat čou art halden to sai: lift vp či hert to god & prai him in či thought in a celi mynde; think on če godes god has če done / & sal do if čou him truli serue; think on his biddyngs: & do čaim in dede after či might; for so god biddis čare he čus sais: Erunt verba hec que precipio tibi / in corde tuo, & enarrabis ea filiis, & meditaberis ea / sedens in domo tua, & ambulans in itinere, dormiens & consurgens. Or in trauailing: tell faire talis to či felawes, or sum-what of hali write, čat mai soft ¨oure wai & glad ¨ow in god. And sai sum-tyme če .vii. psalmes for če quik & če dead, čat god gif grace to če quike: & rest to če dead. / When čou comes to če toune til ese či bodi: seke čider čare čou mai mast honestli duell for čine state, & in mast pece, & čare čou mai mast profit til če-selfe & til očer. Flesh lust & vanite: till če to na stede; bot spere whare ani is čat mast lufis god; & čider čou draw. Seke noght whare čou mai best be fed: for čare per-auenture are mani sterings to syn. Herbery če with na woman: bot if čou knowe čaim for gode / of lang tyme. When čou art comen to če house čou sal rest in: hald či wittis in čaire warde in goddis hali drede, so čat čine vtter bering be so rulid with grace: čat čou mai stere to gode / all čat če sees, & fordo thorugh goddis grace: merknes of syn; & so fulfill goddis teching: čat čus sais: Sic luceat lux v[estra] c[oram] h[ominibus] vt vi[deant] o[pera] u[estra] b[ona] & g[lorificent] p[atrem] v[estrum] qui in celis est. And sayn Gregor: Neque valde laudabile est / esse bonum cum bonis, set bonum esse cum malis; sicut enim grauioris culpe est / inter bonos bonum non esse: sic immensi preconii est / bonum inter malos extitisse. Kepe wele čine ien when čou art comen to herbiri: fra all thing čat mai kyndel syn; & make fore_ward with čine ien / as Iob did, čat said: Pepigi fedus cum oculis meis: ne cogitarem de virgine. After sight: comes thought, & čer-after: dede. |r[f.66] & čerfore said če prophete Ieremie: Oculus meus depredatus est animam meam. When so hali prophete menid him of his ieesight: sare mai an očer him pleyn / čat oft synnes čerwith. Augus[tinus]: Inpudicus oculus: inpudici cordis est nuncius. Gregor: Non licet respici: quod nou licet concupisci. Dauid: Auerte oculos m[eos] ne vi[deant] va[nitatem]. Loke alswa čat čou here na thing: čat mai stere to syn, as licherous wordes, bakbityng, fals domes, grete athis, threpyng, stryuing, & očer |p156 slike vnthewes. Alswa / at či mete: ordeynli čou če bere, & hald če in mesure; & seke after na dayntees, bot of commune metis be paied. / Avise če in spe_kynge: to whaim, what, when, how, of whaim, & whare; & so ordeynli čou če hafe: čat čou be noght like til očer werldis men, bot fulfil če apostle worde: Notite conformari huic seculo, quia vestra conuersacio in celis est. éof oure bodi be in čis werld as a clote of erth: it nedis oure spirit čat is boght with če dere-worthi blode of god almighti / be with mynde & will in heuen, noght soil him here with syn as swyne dose in če dike. And what-so čou dose / & whare_so čou comes: do as če apostle teches: Omnibus prebe te exemplum bonorum operum; for thorugh gode ensample: god is worschipd & loued, men are helpid & lerid / & strynthid in čaire bileue. Haue ¨ow so / čat men čat duellis with ¨ow; mai sai bi ¨ow / čat was said bi če apostles Paule and Barnabe: Dii si_miles facti hominibus: descenderunt ad nos, čat is: "goddis in liknes of men: are comen downe til vs". Deo gracias. |p157 TREATISES OF MS. HARL. 1022. 1. |r[f.1b]. |r Cesarius tels čat a prest čat bad cure of sawle, sagh a woman clade in sere clethyngs, & hade a long tayle čat scho drogh after here; in če qwilk he sagh a multitude of blake fendes, makand če mawe with čere mowth, playand with hende, & os fyshes with-in če nete lepande. & he bade here stand still; & sythen he cald če folke, & coniurede če fendes čat čai sulde note flee; & he praede to gode čat če ffolk mote se čam. & so čai dyde. éen čat wommane sagh čat če fendes desewede here čoro pryde of clethynge: scho ¨ode hom & chawngyd here clothes; & fro čat tyme scho was ensawmp[ul] of meknes. |r In libro de dono timoris: A holy woman in France rawiste in spret sagh a Cownteyse, to wome scho was full homle, be drane to hell with deuls; če wilk Cowntes made dull & cryde: "Wo es me! wo es me, wrech! for I was chaste enogh, abstinent & almesfull; & for othere ynge I ame note dampned, čen for sere a-tyre, čat I lufude ouere-mekill, & I left not wen I [was] beden". |p158 2. De Sancta Maria |r[f.64] |r About čo mayden of qwam oure lord Ihesu Crist toke flesch & blode, we may vmthynke vs of hir lyfe. Of qwilk čou sal wit čat qwen sche was thre ¨ere alde, hir fadur & hir modur offerd hir in čo temple, & čar scho dwelled in čat degre vnto fourtene ¨ere. & qwat scho did čare, we may wite be reuelacions čat scho schewde |p159 to a deuout seruande of hyrs, men trow it was seint Eli¨abeth, qwas fest we syng solemply. In qwilk reuelacions emang očer [er] contened čere čat folows. / Scho sayd: "Qwen my fadur & my modur left me in čo temple. I set in my hert to haue god to my fadur: & thoght deuoutle & oft-tymes qwat thyng I myght |p160 do to goddys lykyng, so čat he walde vouch-saue to gyf me hys grace, and I gert teche me čo law of my god. & of alle čo commandement¨ of goddis law čre I kepyd namely in my hert, čat es: 'čou sal luf či lord god with alle či hert, with al či saule, & with alle či thoght, & with alle či strenghes'. / Also: 'čou sal luf či neghbur as či-selfe'. / Also: 'čou sal hate čin enmy, čat es synne'. ées, scho sayde. I kepud in my saule, & I set me for to gedur alle vertus čat are conteynd [in čam]; & sa I wil teche če. Forsoth, čat saule has na parfite vertu čat lufs noght [god] with alle his herte. And of čis luf comes a[l] fulnes of grace. & aftur čat at čis fulnes is comen, it dwelles noght stil in čo saule, bot flowes as watur, [warne] it hates hys enmys, čat er vices & synnes. / éerfor he čat wille haf grace standandly in hys possessione, hym behoues orden his hert to luf, & hatredone. éerfor I wil čat čou do as I did. I rase alle tymes at mydnyght, & went before čo auter of čo temple, & with as mykel desire, as mykel wille, & als grete affection as I myght & couth, I asked grace of alle-myghty [god] to kepe ča thre comandementes of čo lawe: & swa standand befor čo auter I made seuen prayers til oure lorde, čo qwilk ere čere. Fyrst I asked grace čat I myght fulfille če commandement of lufyng, čat es: to luf hym with alle my hert & forthurmore. os is sayde before. / In čo secunde prayer I askyd grace čat I myght luf my neghbur eftur če wille & plesyng of hym, & čat he walde make me to luf alle thynges čat he lufed. / In čo thrid prayer I asked čat he wald make me to hate al thyng čat he hates. / In čo ferth prayer I askud mekenes, pacience, debonurte & myldenes, & alle vertues be čo qwilk I suld be made gracious before hys syght. / In čo fyft prayer I asked čat he wald make me [se] čat tyme in čo qwilk čat haly virgyn sulde be borne čat suld here goddys sone; & I askyd čat he wald kepe myne eghen čat I myght see hir, myn eres čat I myght here hir, my tnnge čat I myght looue hir, my hende čat I myght serf hir, my fete čat I myght gang to hir seruyce. [my] kneese čat I myght worschepe goddis sone in hir arme. / In čo sext I asked grace to be obedient to čo commandementes & ordynance [of] čo byschope of čo temple. / In čo seuent prayer I asked čat he walde kepe čo temple & alle his pepul to hys seruyce". éan Cristes hand mayden, qwen scho had hard čere thynges, sayde: "O swete lady, ne were ¨e not ful of grace & of vertus?" éan čo blyssud virgyne answerd: "Wit [for soth] čat I held me gylte, & most vile, vnworthy čo grace of god, als čou dos či-selfe, & čerfore I asked of hym grace & vertu¨". And ouer čat: "éou trowes čat alle če grace čat I had, čat I had it with-outen trauayle; bot it is not so. For I say če čat I had na grace ne gyft ne vertu of god with-outen grete trauayle, continuele prayer, brynnyng desire, depe deuocion, many teres, & mykel tourmentyng; euermare thynkand, sayande, wyrkande thynges čat were plesand to hym als I couth & myght -- outaken čo grace of halowyng, čat I was halowed in my modur wombe". And ouer čat scho sayd: "Wit tou for soth čat na grace comes in to any saule bot be prayer & punysschyng of body; & aftur čat we haue gyffen til god alle čat we may čof it be bot litel, he wil come in to our saule, bringand with hym sa hye gyftes, čat it semes čo saule to fayl in it-selfe, & loses hys mynde & has forgeten čat he did or sayde any thyng before plesande to god; & also he semes til hys aghen sight mare foul & mare worthy dispite, čan euer he was." Hedur lastes reuelacions. |p161 |r Sent Ierome writes of hir life on čis wyse. He says, "čat blyssud virgyn ordend to hir čis rewle, čat fro mornyng to vndron scho gaf hir to prayers, & fro vndron to none scho occupyed hir with weuyng wark, & efturwarde fro none scho went noght fra prayer til čo aungel appered til hir of qwase hande scho was wont to take hir mete, & so scho profited bettur & bettur in wirkyng & in čo luf of god. And it was swa čat in haly wakynges scho suld be funden fyrst, in čo wysedome of čo lawe of god best lered, In mekenesse most meke. In čo psalmes of Dauid most likande. In charite most gracious, In clennes mast clene, & in alle vertu most perfite. Scho was stedfast & vnremuabul, qwen scho profit in bettur & bettur. Na man saw or harde hir euer wrath. Ilk worde of hir was so ful of grace, čat god was knawen in hir spech. Scho lasted euermore in prayer & leringe of čo lawe of god. & scho was bysy about hir felause, čat nane suld do wrang ne be proude agayn očer. & scho blyssud god with-outen sesyng; and for scho suld noght be takun fro čo louyng of god in haylsyng of hir: qwat man so haylsed hir, scho gaf thankynges to god for čat haylsyng. And of hir come fyrst čat boly men qwen čei are haylsed čei gyf louyng to god. & of čo mete čat scho toke of čo aungel hand scho was fed ilk day; and angels was sene to speke til hir, & were buxome til hir als hir derlinges". Hedur_to of Ierome. -- & in čo fourtende ¨ere čat blyssud virgyn was [spoused] to Ioseph be če reuelacion of god, & went agayn vnto Na¨aret -- in qwat maner it was done, čou may fynde in čo legende of hir natiuite. |p162 |r[f.74] 3. [Beniamin Minor] |r A gret clerk čat man cals Richarde of Saynt Victore, in a bok čat he mas of če stude of wisdam, says čat two myghttes are in a mans saule, gyfyne of če fadere of hewen of whome all gude comes:  če ton is reson,  če tother is affection: thorow reson we knawe,  and thorow affeccion we lufe. Of reson sprynges ryghtwise consales & gastele wittes,  of affeccion sprynges hole desires & ordaynde felynges.  And ryght os Rachel & Lya wor both wyfes to Iacob, ryghtso mans saule for lyght of knawyng in če reson, & swetnes of luf in če affeccion, is sposed vnto god.  Be Iacobe is god vndurstanden,  be Rachel is vndurstanden reson,  be Lya affeccion.  Aythere of čes wyfs toke čame a mayden: Rachel tok Bala,  and Lya tok żelpha.  Bala was a gret ianglere, and żelfa was ay dronkon and thryste. Be Bala is vndurstanden ymaginacion, če wilk is serwande to reson, os Bala to Rachell; be żelfa is vndurstanden sensualite, če wilk is seru_ande to affeccion, os żelfa was to Lya.  And in so mekill are čes maydens nedfull to čar laydes, čat with-outon čam all čis warlde moghtnot serwe čam to pay: ffor wy, with-outon ymaginacion reson may noght knaw,  and with_outon sensualite affeccion may noght fele.  And ¨ite ymaginacion cryse so vnconandle in če erse of oure hert, čat for oght čat reson here lady may do,  ¨ite scho may not still here: & čerfor oft-tymes wen we pray, so mone sere fan_tasies of ill thogthes cryse in oure hertes, čat o no wise we may be oure oghon myghtes dryf čam away.  Ande čus is it wele prowede čat Bala is a foule ianglere.  Ande also sensualite is eweremore thryste, čat all at affeccion, here lady, may forthe, may not sclokkune here thryst.  ée drynk čat scho desires is če luf of fleshle, kyndle, & warldle delites, of če wilk ay če more |p163 scho drynkes če sarre scho thrystes, ffor wy, forto fill če appetyt of če sensu_alite, all čis warlde may note suffyse: and čerfore is ite čat oft-tymes wen we praye or thynk o god or gastle gudes, we walde fayn feill če swetnes of luf in oure sawle & ¨ite may we note, so are we besy to fede če concupiscens of oure sensualite -- for euermore it is gredele askande, and we haf a fleshle compassion čerof.  And čus is it wele prowede čate żelfa is ay dronkune & čreste. And os Lya consewed of Iacob & broght forth seuen childer,  and Rachel consewed of Iacob & broght forth two childere,  [&] żelfa conseuede & broght forth two childer,  and Bala conseued of Iacob & broght forth two childere:  rightso affeccion consewes čoro grace of gode & brynges forth sewen vertu¨, [os sensualite conseues čoro grace of god & brynges forth two vertu¨],  also če reson čorou če grace of gode consaues & brynges forth two vertu¨,  and os ymaginacion conseuese čoro če grace of gode & brynges forth two vertu¨ or two behaldynges.  And če names of čes childer and čes vertu¨ sall be knawne by čis fygure čat felouse:  Hosband Iacob: Gode Wyf Rachel: Reson Maydyn Bala: Ymaginacion Wyf Lya: Affeccion Mayden żelfa: Sensualite Sons of Iacob of Lya are čes sewen: Ruben: Dred of payne. Symeon: Soro of syne. Leuy: Hop o[f] forgifnes. Iudas: Luf of ryghtwisnes. Ysachare: Ioy of inwarde swetnes. żabulon: Hatreden of syne. Dyna: Ordaynde schame. Sons of Iacob of żelfa are čes: Gad: Abstinens. Assere: Paciens. Sons of Iacob of Rachel_reson: Iosep: Discrecion. Beniamin: Contemplacion. Sons of Iacob of Bala-ima_ginacion: Dan: Syght of payn at come. Neptalym: Sight of ioy at come. |r  Here it is schewed of Iacob & is wyfes, čare maydens, & čare childere. Here it is to schewe o wate manere čai were geten, & in wate ordure.  First of če childer of Lya, for we rede čat cho consewede first.  ée sons of Iacob of Lya are notels bot ordaynd affeccions or felynges in a mans saule, for wy, if čai wore vnordaynd, čen were čai note is sonse.  ée sewen childere of Lya are sewen vertu¨, for vertu is not els bot a ordaynde & a mesurde felyng of a mans saule. čen is mans felyng in saule ordaynde wen it is of čat yng čat it suld be; čen is it mesurde wen it is so mekill os it sulde.  ées felynges in a mans saule may be now ordaynde & now vnordaynde, now mesurde & now vnmesurde:  bot wen čai are mesurde & ordaynde, čen are če[i] calde če sons of Iacob. |r  Here it is to say how drede sprynges in a mans affeccion. |r ée first child čat Lya consewed of Iacob is Ruben, čat is drede, and forči it is wreten in če psalme: "begynnyng of wisdam drede of oure lorde." éis is če first feld vertu in a mans affeccion, with-outon če wilk non othere may be hade.  And čerfor woso desyres to haf sclyk a son, hym be-hose besile & oft behald če eweles čat be has don;  he sall on o parte ynk če gretnes of is gilt, and on a nother party če power of če domesman. Of sclyk a consideracion spry[n]ges drede, čat is at say he čat Ruben, čat čorou reght is cald "če sone of syght".  For weterle is he blynde čat sese not če paynes čat are to comme, and dredes not to syne.  And wele is Ruben calde son of syght: ffor wen he |p|r164 was borne, is modere sayde:  "Gode has sen my meknes", & mans saule in slik consideracion of is old synes & če power of his domesman, begynes čen trule to se gode be felyng of drede, & also to be sen of gode be rewardyng of pyte.  Here it is to say howe sorowe spryngese. |r Wyles Ruben waxes, Symeon is borne, for aftere dred it nedes čat soro come sone. For ay če mor man dredes če paynes čat he has deserwede, [če] bytterlier he sorose če syne čat he has done.  Lya in če byrth of Symeon sayd: "oure lorde has harde me ben hade in despit",  and forči is Symeon [cald] "heryng": For a man wen he bitterle sorose & dispyse is olde syne, he begynnes to be herde of gode,  and also to here čis blissed sentence of godes oghon mowth:  "Blissed be čai čat sorou, for čai sall be comforde." For in wat houre a synere sorows & turnes fro is syne, he sall be sauf, čis witnes hole wryte. And also be Ruben is he mekede, & be Symeon is he conuertede & has compuncioun of ters;  bot os Dauid witnes in če psalme: "Hert contrit & meked god salnot despise" & with-outon doute slik soro is trew comforth. [ Here is to say of hop.] |r Bot i pray če wat comforth may be to čo čat trule dredes & bitterle sorose čer olde synes, oght bot a trew hope of forgyfnes? ée wilk is če čryd son of Iacob, čat is Leuy, če wilk is calde in če store "a doyng-to"; for wen če first two childer, drede & sorou, are gifyne of gode to a mans saule, with-outon doute če čryde, čat is hope, sall not be delaide, bot he sall be don to, os če store wittnes of Leuy čat wen is two brether Ruben & Semeon were gy ffen to čare moder Lya" he čis Leuy was done to.  Take kepe o čis čat he was don to, & not gyfen:  and forči is it sayde, čat aman sall not presume of hop of forgifnes befor-tym čat his hert be mekede in drede & conuertede ine sorowe -- with-outon čes two hope is presumpcion, & were čer two are, hop is don to.  And čus aftere sorow sone comes comforth, [os] Dauid tels in če psalme čat "after če mekelnes of my sorow in my hert, he says to oure lorde, [čy] comforthes haue gladed [my] saule".  And čerfor is it čat če holygost is cald paraclitus, čat is comforthere, for he vochessaufe to comforth a sorefull gost.  Here is to say of [luffe]. |r Fro now forth begynnes a maner of homelenes forto grofe be-twyx god & manes saul, & also a maner of kyndlyng of luf, in so mekill čat oft-tymes he feles hym not only be viset of gode & comford in is comyng,  bot oft-tymes al-so he feles hym fild with anunspekabull ioy. éis homlenese & kyndlyng of lufe first feld Lya wen, after čat Leuy was borne, scho cryde & saide with a gret ioy:  "Now sall my hosband be coupuld to me." ée trew spose of oure saule is gode,  and čen are we trule cupuld to gode, wen we dragh nere hym be sothfast luf: & reght os after hop comes luf, so after Leuy comes Iudas, če ferth son. Lya in is birth cride & sayd: "Nowe sall i schryf to oure lorde", & čerfor in če stori is Iudas calde "schryft": also man saule in čis degre of luf offers it clerle to gode and says: "now sall i scryf to oure lorde"; for befor čis felyng of luf in a mans saule all čat he dose is don more for agh čen for |p165 luf,  bot in čis state a mans saule feles gode so swet, so mercifull, so gud, so curtas, trn & kynd, so fathfull, so lufle & so homle, čat čare lefes no yng in hym,  might, wytte, kunyng or will, čatyn he offers it clerle, frele, and homele to hym.  éis schryft is not onle of syne, bot of če gudnes of gode: gret tokunyng of lufe is  wen a man tels to gode čat he is gode; of čis schryft spekes Dauid in če sautere & says: "mas it knawn to gode, for he is gude". --  Nowe haf we sayde of če faure sonse of Lya,  and after čes scho laft beryng of childer till a nothere tyme. And so a mans saule wenes čat it suffice to it, wen it feles čat it lufs [če trew godes]. & so it is to saluacion, bot not to perfeccion.  For it fals to a perfite saule [both] to be enflawmede with če fire of luf in če affeccion, & also to be illumynde with lyght of knawyng in če reson. Here is to say of [doubull syght in ymaginacion]. |r éus wen Iudas was borne, čat so to say, luf & desire of vnsen trew gudes is rysand & waxand in a mans affeccion: čen cowates Rachell to bere some childere, čat is to say, čen cowat¨ reson to knaw čo ynges at če affeccion feles.  For [os] ite fals to Lya-affeccion forto luf, so it fals to Rachel-reson to knawe. Of Lya-affeccion sprynges ordand & mesurde felynges, and of  Rachel_reson sprynges reght conyng & cleen vnderstandyng. & če more čat Iudas waxhes, čat is to say luf,  so mekill more desires Rachil beryng of childere, čat is to say, reson stodys after knawyng.  Bot wo is he čat wotnot how harde it is & nerhand vnpossibull to a fleshle saule če wilk is ¨itte rode in gastele studys, for to ryse inůknawyng of vnseabull ynges, & forto sete če egh of contemplacion in gastle ynges?  Forwy, a saule čat is ¨it ruyde & fleshle, knaws not ¨itt bot bodele ynges, & no yng comes ¨itt to če mynde bot seabull ynges. & neuerčelese ¨ite it lokes inwarde os it may, & čat at it maynot ¨ite se clerle be gastle knawyng, it thynkes be ymaginacion. & čis is če cause wy Rachel hade first childer of her maydyn, čen of her-self: and so it is čat all_if a mans saule maynot ¨it gete če lyght of gostle knawyng in če reson, ¨it it ynk it swete to hald če mynde of gode & gastele ynges in ymaginacion. Os be Rachel is vnderstand reson, so be her maydyn Bala is vndurstane ymaginacion.  And čerfor reson schewes čat it is more profetabull forto ynk on gastele ynges wat so ča be, ¨e if it be in kyndelyng of oure desire with some fa[i]re ymaginacion, čen it is forto ynk of vanites & desewabull ynges of če warlde. And forči of Bala wer borne čes two:  Dan & Neptalym. Dan is to say syght of paynes to come. and Neptalym syght of ioy to come.  ées two childer are full nedfull & spedfull to a werkand saule: ée tone, to putt don ill sugestions of synes, be syght of payne čat is to come;  so it fals to če tother brother Neptalym for to rays vppe oure willes in werkyng of gude & in kyndelyng of holy desires, be syght of ioye čat is to come;  And čerfor holy men wen čai are sterde to vnlefull ynges be inrysyng of any foule čoght: als oft čai seten befor čer mynde če paynes čat are to come,  and so čai scloknen čare temp_tacion in če begynnyng or it come to any foule delite in čare saule; and als ofte |p166 os čare deuocion & čer lykyng in gode & in gastle ynges seses and waxes cold -- als oft-tymes in čis lyf it fales for corupcion of če flesh & mone other skilles: als oft čai set befor čare mynde če ioy čat is to come, & so čai kyndel[s] čer will with holy desire, & distrose čer temptacion in če begynnyng or it come to any hirkyng or hewenes of sclauth. And forči [čat] with Dan we dampne mone vnlefull čoghtes, čerfor is he wel calde in če stori "dome", and also is fader Iacob sayd of hym čus: "Dan sall deme his folk". & also it is sayde in če stori wen Bala broght forth Dan,  Rachel sayde: "oure lorde has demed me," čat is to say, oure lorde has euend me with my sistere Lya:  and čus says reson, wen če ymaginacion has getyn če syght of payne čat is to come, čat oure lorde has ewende her with her sister affeccion;  and čus scho say[s]e, for scho ha[s]e syght of payne in her ymaginacion, off če wilk scho hade drede & sorow in here felyng.  And čen after come Neptalym, čat is to say syght of [Ioye] čat is to come: and in his byrth spak Rachel & sayde: "I am made lik to my sistere Lya," & forči is Neptalym cald in če stori "lyknesa".  And čus says reson čat scho is made lik to hir sister affeccion, ffor were scho hade getyn hope & luf of ioy to come in her felyng, scho ha[s]e getyn syght of ioy to come in here ymaginacion.  Iacob sayd of Neptalyme čat he was "a herte sende oute, gyfand speches of farehede".  So it is čat wen we ymagyn of če ioys of hewen, we say čat čor is faire in hewen; ful wondurfulle kyndyls Neptalym oure saule with holy desyre, als oft os we ymagyn of če worthines & če farehed of če ioes of hewen.  Here it is to say of doubull [vertu in sensualite]. |r Wen Lya sagh čat Rachel here sister made gret ioy of čes two basterdese born of Bala her maydyne,  scho cald forth here madyne żelfa, to pute to hire hosband Iacob: čat scho moght mak ioy with here sister, hafand other two bastardes getyn of here mayden żelfa.  And čus it is semle in a mans saule forto be, čat fro če tyme čat reson has refrened če gret ianglyng of ymagina_cion & has puttude here to be vndurloute to gode, & so to ber some frute in helpyng of here knawyng, reghtso čat če affeccion refrene če lust & če čryste of če sensualite & mak here to be vndurlout to gode, & so to bere some frut in helpyng of here felyng.  Bot wat frut may scho bere, oght bot čat scho [lerne to] lyf a-temperely in eyse ynges, and paciently in vneyse ynges?  čes are če childer of żelfa, Gad & Assere: Gad is abstinens, Assere is paciens. Gad is titter borne, & Assere latter,  ffor first it nedes čat we be a-temperde in oure_self with discret abstinence, čat after we bere outward deseys in strenght of paciens.  ées are če childer čat żeIfa broght forth in sorow, for in abstinens & paciens če sensualite es [punyst in če flesch; bot čat at es sorow to če sensualite] torne[s] to mekill comforthed & blise to če affeccion: and čerfor it is čat wen Gade was borne, Lya cride & saide:"happele", & forči is Gad cald "happenes" or "selenes";  and so it is wele sayd čat abstinens in če sensualite is selines in če affeccion,  ffor why ay če lesse čat če sensualite is delited in here luste, če more swetnes feles če affeccion in here lufe.  Also after wen Asser was borne, Lya sayd: "čis sall be for my blyse", & forči was Asser calde in če stori "blyssed"; and so it is wele sayde čat paciens in če sensualite is |p167 blise in če affeccion,  ffor wy ay če more deseys čat če sensualite suffurs, če more blisede is če saule in če affeccion.  And čus be abstinens & paciens we salnot only vndurstand a-temperaunce in mete & drynke & suffuryng of ontwarde tribulacion,  bot also of all maner fleshle, kyndle, and warldle delite, & all manere dyseys bodele or gastele, with-ine or with-outon, resonabull or vnreson_abull, čat be any of oure wittes tourment¨ or delites če sensualite. On čis wis bers če sensualite frut in help of affeccion, here layde. Mikell pese & rest is in čat saule čat nothere is dronkune in če lu[st] of če sensualite, ne grutche[s] in če payne čarof; če first of čes is getyn be Gade, & če later be Asser.  Here it is to wite čat firste was Rachel maydyn putte to če husbande or če madyn of Lya: and for čis skill, for trule, bot če iangelyng of ymaginacion, čat is to say če in-rennyng of vayn thoghtes, be ferst refrende, with-outon doute če lust of če sensualite maynote be atemperde; & čerfor wo-so will abstene hym fro fleshle & warldele luste, hym behose first seldome or neuer ynk any wayn thoght.  And also neuer in čis lyf may a man perfitle despyse če eyse of če flesh & noght drede če dyseyse, bot if he haf bisele behalden če medes & paynes čat are to come.  Bot here it is to wite how with čes fawer sons of čes two maydens če cite of oure consciens is kepude wonderfule fro all temp_tacion. For ilk temptacion authere it ryses with-ine be čoght, or els with.outon be some of oure fife wittes.  Bot with-ine sall Dan "deme" & dampne ill čoghtes be drede of payne,  ande with-outon sall Gade putt agayne fals delites be vse of abstinens; Dan wakes with-in, & Gad with-outon. And also čare other two brethere helpys čame full mekill:  Neptalym makis pes within with Dan, and Assere bydes Gad haf no drede of is enmyse. Dan flays če hert with vgsomnes of hell,  and Neptalym cherisses it with hetynges of hewenle blys.  Also Assere helpes is brother with-owton, so čat čorou čam both če cite wall is not brokune: Gad haldes oute eys, & Assere pursewes diseys. Asser sone de_sawes is enmy wen he brynges to mynde če paciens of is fader (!) & če hetyng of Neptalym, & čus oft-tyms ay če moe enmys čat he has, če more mater he has of ouercommyng. & čerfor it is čat wen he has owercommune his enmys, čat is to say če aduersites of če warld, sone he turnes hym to hys brothere Gad, to help to stroy his enmyse: & with-outon fayle fro he be common, sone čai turne bak & flene.  éere enmys of Gade are fleshle delites: bot trule fro če tyme čat a man haf pacience in če payne of his abstinence, fals delite fyndes no wonyng-place in hym. How ioy of inwarde swetnes rises in a mans saul. |r éus wen če enmyse fleyse, & če cite of conscience is made pesebule, čen begynnes a man to prof wat "če hegh peise of gode is čat passes all mans witte":  and forči it is čat Lya left beryng ofe childere vnto čis tyme čat Gad & Aser wor borne of żelfa her maydyn. For trule bot if it be so čat a man haf refrende če luste of is fife wittes in is sensualite be abstinence & paciens, he sall neuer feile inwarde swetnes & trew ioy in gode & gastele ynges in če affeccion. éis is Isachare če fifte sone of Lya, če wilk in stori is cald "mede", ffor [čis] ioy is če taste of če blise of hewen, če wilk is endles meyde of a deuote saule, bygynnande here.  Lya in če byrth of čis childe sayd: "god has gyfyn me |p168 mede, ffor-či čat i haf gifyn my maydyn to my hosband in beryng of childer":  and so it is čat [if] we gere oure sensualite bere frute in abstenyng it fra all maner of fleshle, kyndle, & warld[l]e delyte, and in frutfull suffuryng of all fleshle & warldle diseyse,  fforči oure lorde of is gret mercy gyfes vs ioy of vnspekabull & inwarde swetnes in oure affeccion, in erls of če sowerayne ioy & če mede of če kyngdam of hewen.  Iacob sayd of Isachare čat he was "a strang asse dwelland be-twyx če termes": and so it is čat a man in čis stat, & čat feles če erles of ay-lastand ioy in his affeccion, is os a nasse, strang, & dwelland be-tweyn če termes,  Forči čat, be he newer so filede in gastele gladnes & ioy in gode, ¨itt for corupcion of če fleshe in čis dedle lyf hym behose here če charge of če dedle body, os hungur, čryst, sclep & colde & other mone, for če wilk he is lykynde to a nasse os in body:  Bot [os] in saule he is strong for to stroy alle če passions & če lust¨ of če flesh be pacience & abstinence in če sensualite, and be habundans of gastle ioy & swetnes in če affeccion.  And also a saule in čis state is dewelland be-twex če termes of dedely lyf & vndedle. He čat dwels be-twyx termes, has nerhand forsakene dedlenes bot not fulle, & has nerhande geten vndedlenes bot not fully: For wiles hym nedes če gudes of čis warld os met & drynk & clethyng, os fals to ilk a man čat lyffes, ¨itt is a foyte in čis dedely lyf; & for gret habundans of gastele ioy and swetnes in gode čat he fels not selden bot ofte, he has his othere fote in če vndedle lyfe. éus i trow čat saynt Paule ferde wen he sayde: "Wo sall delyuer me of čis dedle body?" & wen he sayde čus: "I cowet to be losede & to be with Criste."  Ande čus dose če saule čat feles Isachare in is affeccion, čat is to say če ioy of inwarde swetnes če wilk is vndurstanden be Isachare: it enforses it to forsak čis wreched lyf, bot it maynot; it cowates to enter če blissed lyf, bot it maynot: it dos čat it may & ¨itt it dwells be-twyx če termes.  How hatredyn of syn rysis in mans affeCcion. |r Ande erfore is it čat after Isachare żabulon is borne, če wilk is to say hatredyn of syne.  And here it is to say & witt wy čat hatredyne of syne is nermore feld in a mans affeccion or če tyme čat gastele ioy of inwarde swetnes be feld in če affeccion, & čis is če skill:  ffor or čis tyme was newere če tru cause of hatredyne felde in če affeccion. For če felyng of gastle ioy teches a man wat syne harmes če saule, and all after čat če harme in če saule is felede mekill or lytyll, čare-after is če hatereden mesurd more or less vnto če harmande.  Bot when a saule be grace of gode & long trauele is comon to felyng of gastle ioy in god, čat it fels čat syne has ben če cause of če delayyng čerof;  and als wen he feles čat he maynot last allway in če felyng of gastle ioy for corupcion of če flesh of če wilk corupcion syn is če cause: čen he ryses with a strong felyng of hateredyne agayn alle syne & če kynde of syne. éis felyng taght Dauid vs to hafe were he says:  "Bes wroth & wille ¨e not syne", [čat is: bes wroth with syne, bot not], with če kynde;  ffor kynde sters to če deyde bot not to [syne].  And here it is to witte čat čis wrath is not contrare to charite, bot charite teches how it sall be hade both in a mans self & in is ewen-criste[n]:  For a man suld not hat syne so čat he distroy his kynd, [bot so čat he distroy če |p169 syne & če appetyte of syne in his kynde];  and als anentes oure ewen-cristen, vs ogh to hate syne in hym, & to luf hym; and of čis hateredyn spekes Dauid in če psalme & says: "with perfyte hateredyn i hatede čame", & in another psalme he says čat "he had in hatredyn all wykked ways". éus is it wile prowede [wy] or čat żabulon was borne, Iudas & Isachare wor both borne:  For bot if a man haf had charite & gastle ioy in is felyng first, he may on no wise feile čis perfyt hateredyn in his affeccion; for Iudas, čat is charite, teches vs how we sall hate syne in oure-self & in oure brethere, and Isachare, čat is gastele felyng of ioy in gode, teches vs whi we sall hate syne in oure-self & in oure brethere; Iodas, i, charite 3, bydes vs hate syne & luf če kynde, ande Isachare i. gastle felyng, stroy syne & sawe če kynde. & čus it fales forto be čat če kynde may be made strong in gode & gostle ynges be perfyte hatredyn & stroyng of syne. And herfor in če stori is żabulon calde "a dwellyng-stede of strenght", and Lya in his birth seyd: "My hosband sall now dwell with me."  And so it is čat gode, če trew hosband of oure saule, is dwelland in čat saule, strenthand it in če affeccion with gastele ioy and swetnes in his luf, čat trauels bysyle to distroy syne in čame_self and in other be perfyte hateredyn of če syne & all če kynde of syne. And čus is it at say how żabulon is borne.  How ordend schame ryses in a mans sawle. |r Bot all-čof čat a saule čoro grace feile in it perfite hateredyne of syne, wether it ¨it may lyf with-outon syne? nay, sekerle, & forči no man presume of hym_self, syne če apustull says čus čat "if we say we haf no syne, we deceyf oure_self, & sothfastnes is not in vs";  and also saynt Austyn says čat he dare say čer is non lyfand with-outon syne.  And i pray če, wo is čat čat synes note in ignorance? że & oft-syth it fals čat gode suffurs čoo men to fall grewosle be če wilk he has ordaynd other mens errours to be regthede, čat čai may lerne be čer oghon fallyng hou mercyfull čai sall be in amendment of other. & for_či čat oft-tymes men fals grewosle in če same synes čat čai moste hate, čerfor of hateredyn of syn springes ordeynd scham in a mans saule, & so it is čat after żabulon was Dyna borne. Os be żabulon če hatredyn of syne, so be Dyna we vndurstande orden[d] scham for syne.  Bot witt will: he čat feild nere żabulon, felde neuer ¨itt Dyna.  Ill men haue a maner of scham, bot it is not čis ordeynd scham, for whi, & čai hade perfytte scham of syne, čai suldnote so customabull do it with will & awysment;  bot čai schame more with a foule cloth o čare body, čen with a foule čoght in čer saule. Bot wat so čo be čat wenys čo has getyn Dyna, ynk wethere če wald schame als mekill & a foul thoght were in či hert, os če wald & čo wore [mad to] stand naked befor če kyng & al is rewme; & sikerly, witte čo wele čat čo has not ¨itt getyn ordeynde schame in či felyng, if so be čat čo haf les schame with či foule herte čen with či foule body, & if čou čink more schame with či foule body in syght of men čen with či foule hart in syght of če kyng of hewen & of all his angels & če holey santes of hewene. --  Lo, now is it sayde of če sewen childer of Lya be če wilk are vndurstane sewen maners of affeccions in a mans saule; če wilk may be now ordaynde & nowe vnordynde, now mesurde & now vnmesurde, bot wen čai are |p170 ordaynde & mesurd, čen are čai vertu¨; & wen čai are vnordend & vnmesurde, čen are čai vices.  éus behose a man haf warnes čat čai be not onle ordende, bot also mesurde. éen are čai ordend wen čai are of čat yng čat čai suld be, & čen are čai vnordend wen čai are of čat yng čat čai suld not be; & čen are čai mesurde wen čai are so mekill os čai suld be,  čen are čai vnmesurde wen čai are more čen ča suld be.  Forwhi, ouermekill drede brynges dispare, & ouermekill soro kestes a man in bitternes & hewenes of kynde  ffor če wilk he is vnabull to resawe gostle comforth; & ouermekill hope is presumpcion, & vtragese luf is bot flateryng & fagyng, & vtragese gladnes is dissolucion & wantonnes, & vn-atempere hatredyn of syne is wodnes; & on čis maner, if čai be vnordende & vnmesurde, čen are [čai] turned in to vices, & čen lose čai če nam of vertu¨ & maynot be acowntude with če sons of Iacob, čat is to say God -- for be Iacob is vndurstane god, & so it is schewed in če figure befor. Here it is to say of če two sons of Rachel: Ioseph & Beniamyn. |r éus it semes čat če vertu of discrecion is fulnedefull to be hade, with če wilk all othere vertus may be kepude & gouernde -- for withouton it all othere vertus are turned to vices.  ées is Ioseph, čat is latborne childe, bo[t] ¨itt is fadere lufs hym more čen čam all: Forwy truly withouton discrecion may nawther gudnes be getyn ne keppude, & forči no wonder of čat vertu be synglerle lufde.  Bot wat wondur is of čis vertu be late getyn, wen we maynot wyne to no perfeccion of discrecion withouton mekill vse & mone trawels of čes othere affeccions command before?  For first be-hose vs be hused in ilk a uertu be čamůself & gete če profe of am all serele, or we may haf ful kunyng of am all or eles cune deme sufficientle of am all; & wen we vse vs besile in čes felynges & behaldy[n]ges befor-sayde, oft-tymes we fall & oft-tymes we ryse, čen be oure oft fallyng may we lere how mekill warnes vs behose haf in če getyng & kepyng of čes vertus: & čus homwill be lang vse a saule is lede into full discrecion, & čen it may ioy in če byrth of Ioseph. & befor čis vertu be consewed in a mans saule, all čat čes other vertus dos it is withouton discrecion, & forči in als mekill os a man presumes & enstresses hym in any of čes felynges beforsayd ouer his myght & oute of mesure, in so mekill če foulere he fals & fales of his purpose; & čerfor it is čat after am all & last is Dyna borne, for oft after a sodeyn fal comes sone schame.  And čus after mone fallynges & failynges, & schame foloande, a man lers be če prof čare is noyng better čen to be rewlede be counsell, če wilk is če redist geytyng of discrecion.  Forwy he čat dus all yng with consaile, hym sall newere forynk it -- ffor better liste čen lythere strenght.  And here is če opon skill wy čat nawther Lya ne żelfa ne Bala moght bere swilk a child, bot onle Rachel, ffor os it is sayd before čat of reson comen reght consailes če wilk is verray discrecion, vndurstande be Ioseph če first sone of Rachel; & čen at če first bryng we forth Ioseph in oure reson wen all čat we are sterde to do, we do it be consaile.  éis Ioseph sall not onle knaw wate synes we are most sterde to, bot also he sall knaw če wakenes of oure kynde, & after čat aythere askes so sall he do remedy, & sek consaile at wissere čen he |p171 & do after čam, els is he not Ioseph Iacob sone borne of Rachel.  And also [be] čis ilk Ioseph is a man noght onle lernede to ethchew deseyt¨ of oure enmys, bot als oft a man is lede be hym to perfite knawyng of hym-self: & all after čat a man knaws hym-self čarafter he profetes in knawyng of gode of wome he is če ymage & lyknes, & čerfor it is čat after Ioseph is Beniamyn born. For os be Ioseph discrecion, so be Beniamyn we vndurstand contemplacion. & both were čai borne of a modere & getyn of a fadere,  ffor čoru če grace of gode lyghtand oure reson come we to če perfit knawyng of oure-self, & of gode, čat is to say after čat it may be in čis lyf. Bot lang after Ioseph is Beniamyne borne, ffor why, trule bot if so be čat we huss vs besile & lange in gostle trawels with wilk we are lernede to knaw oure-self,  we may not be raysed into če knawyng & contemplacion of gode. He dose for noght čat lyftes vp his egh to če sight of gode, čat is not ¨itt aboll to se hym-self. For first a man suld lerne hym to knaw vnseabull ynges of is oghen spirit, or he presumude for to knawe če vnseabull ynges of [če] spirit of gode; and he čat knaws not ¨itt hym-self & wenes čat he has getyn somdel knawyng of če vnseabull ynges of gode, i doute it noght čatyn be is deceyfd; & forči i rede čat a man sek [first] besile forto knaw hym-self, če wilk is made to če ymage of gode os in saule. & witt čo wele čat he čat desirs forto se gode, hym behose clens his saule, če wilk is os a myroure in če wilk all yngis are clerle sen wen it is clene; & wen če myroure is foule, čen may čo se noyng clerle čerin: & reghtso of če saule wen it is foule, nather čou knaus či-self ne gode.  And wen če candell brennes, čen may čo se či_self & če candell be če lyght čerof, & othere ynges.  Reghtso wen či saule brennes in če luf of gode, čat is wen čo feles continule či hert desire če luf of god, čen be če lyght of his grace čat he sendes in či reson, čo may se both čin oghon vnworthines & godes gret gudnes. & forči clens či myroure & beyde či candell to če fire.  And čen, wen či myroure is clensed & či candell lyghted, & it so be čat čou weterle be-hald čerto, čen begynnes a manere of clerte of če lyght of gode forto schyn in či saule, & a maner of a sone-beme čat is gostele to apere to či gostle syght, čoro če wilk če egh of či saule is opunde to behald god & gostle ynges, hewen & heuenle ynges, & all maner gostle ynges; -- bot čis syght is bot be tymes, wen god will woches-sawf forto gifit vnto a wyrkande saule, wils it is in batell of čis dedle lyf; bot affter čis lif sall it be ay lastand. éis lyght schone in Dauid saule whils he sayd čus in če psalme: " Lorde, če lyght of či face is marked apon vs: éo has gyfyn faynnes with-ine my hert". ée Iight of godes face is če schynyng of is grace, čat reformes in hus is ymage čat has ben defoulede with če merknes of syne. & čerfor a saule čat brennes in desyre of čis sight, if it hope forto hafe čat at it desires, witt it wele čat it has consawed Beniamyn. & čerfor what is more helfull čen swetnes of čis syght, or wat softer yng may be felede? Sikerle, none, & čat wot Rachell full well,  forwhy, če reson s[e]ys čat in comparison of čis swetnes all other swetnes are sowr & bitter os gall forbi hony. Newerečeles ¨itt may a man newere come to sclik a grace be is oghon scleght, forwhy it is a gyft of gode with-outon deserte of man.  Bot with-outon doute, of it be not desert of man, ¨it noman may tak swilk grace with-outon gret stody & brenna[n]de desire comande befor; & čat wot |p172 Rachel fulwill, & forči scho multiplys here stody, & [whettes her desyre] hekand desyre vnto desire: so čat at če last in gret habundans of brenande desire & sorou of če delayng of here desyre  Beniamy[n] is borne, & is moder Rachel deyse, forwhy, wat tyme čat a saule is rawyste abowf it-self be habundans of desires & in a gret multitud of luf, so čat it is enflawmed with če light of če godhede, sekerle čendeyse all mans reson.  And čerfor, wat-so he be čat desires to come to contemplacion of god, lete hym lere for to gedire samen če myght¨ of his sawle, & lete hym stndy forto refreyne če outpassyng of is mynde, & schape hym forto wone with hym-self os a kyng in is reme to wome čat non of his sugetes wore contrari. éen salto [vise če] in čis maner: call samen či čoghtes & či desires & mak of čam a kirk, & lerne če čerin to luf onle čis worde IHESU, so čat all či desire & či thoght be set onle to luf Ihesu, & čat vnseshandle os it may be here; so čat čo fu[l] fyll čat is sayd in če psalme: "lorde, i sall bles če in kirkes", čat is in thoght & desire of če luf of Ihesu. & čen in čis kyrk ofe čoghtes & desires, & in čis onhede of stodes & of če wil[les], loke čat all či čoghte & či desires & all či studes & all či willes be onle sette in če luf & če lofyng of Ihesu, with-outon forgetyng als [fer] forth os čo may be grace & os či frelte will suffure, eweremore mekand če to praere & to conseil, pacientle abydand če wille of oure lorde, vnto če tyme čat či mynd be rawyste abouf it-self to be fed with če fare fode of angels in behaldyng of gode & gostele ynges; so čat it be fulfild in če čat is wretyne in če psalme:  Ibi Beniamyn adolescentulus in mentis excessu, čat is: "Beniamyne če ¨ong childe in rauyshyng of mynde of Ihesu.".... Ihesu.... Ihesu.... Mercy Ihesu, graunt Mercy, Ihesu. |r[f.80b] 4. |r Wythdragh či čoght fro či gude dedys & fro čine ill dedys, and ynk čo arte ewere in če syght of gode & in is presens, ¨e reght os čo art present to či-self; and with all či čoght onle offere či body & či saule mekle to če mercy of Ihesu os trature to is lorde, lastandle criande in hertle mynde: "Ihesu mercy, Ihesu mercy, Ihesu mercy". |r[f.81] 5. |r Thre pont¨ čere are čat kepen vs fro mone sotell deset¨ of če foule fende čat mone gostle men begils čorou preway pont¨ of pryde čat mysrewle čere witte; wilk are čes: Meknes, mercy, & drede. Meknes is a clothyng of all colorse, for he enforses hym os fore če tym to acorde hym to all condicions, for so may he best passe to bald is oghon kynde. Mercy is likende to whyte, for he clená & wesese away če vgsome filth of syne. Drede has colore of rede, for it is moste ferdfull of all othere colores. ées čre are calde če lefra of oure lorde, čat he cleths his childer ine or čai may comme to hym; for če gospell byddes: woso lakse čis lyfray, kest hym into hell. Bot meknes is a seker sarke čat vnder & neghtes vs ogh to be: and sothle wo so lakes čis sark, gostle clethyngis ket¨ he none, whi[l]k are vertu¨ to vndurstande. éerfor meknes ogh neght to be, & čen mercy abofe on čat: for meke hert¨ čat bolne for woo, are comforthed full mekill, mercy to call. |p173 TREATISES OF MS. CAMBR. Dd V. 55. 1. Propyr wille. |r PRopyr wille čat is forsakyn & made commen, čan is it acordant wyht goddis wylle, and alle gode mens wille, and principaly ouer alle thynge till our suf_frayne[s] wil to whame we ere suget made ry¨t als vn-to god, als če reule of religion askys. éis comen wille is sothefastly called če maste precious offerande & če maste dere presande čat may be gyfen vn-to god; and čarefor it is callyd erthely heuen, for qwy it herbers god. It is goddis tempill, it is če chosen chambyr of Ihesu, it is če hamely howse of če haly gaste. It is če kyn_dome of če fadyr, it is če herytage of če sone, it is če possessyone of če haly gaste. ée fadyr als his kyngdome rewlis it, če sone as his heritage gouerns it, če haligast as hys awen counceyls it. [It] beris likenes of če trinite: of če faydyr in fayrenes, of če sone in mekenes, of če haligast in gudenes. éis comone wille has Clerete of če fadyr, Obedyens of če sone, Conforth of če haligaste. ée fadyr makes hym my¨ti, če sone makes hym wytti, če haligast makes hym eyse; swa čat alle hys ennemyes bodyly & gastly ly¨tly it ouyercomes, če my¨t čat is gyfen of če fadyr. ée witte čat is gyfen of če sone. It is swa parfyte čat alle |p174 če wytte of čis werlde can nou¨t teche it: for qwy, gastly wytte and vndyr_standynge is tau¨te of god be felyng, and naman may make a feler in gastly wytte bot god čat is če gyfer. ée techyng of god is gyfen, and čat gyfynge causyth felynge. And in čis felynge is fully knawen če difference of čase men čat ere tau¨t of god -- as čase čat gyfe čam to parfyte lyuynge, and čase čat er tau¨t of men -- as čase čat gyfes čam to comyn lyfe. For alle čat clerkys may lere of erthely men in body be heryng or seyng, goddis clerkys, qwilke ere callyd parfyte men, has it in felynge & tastyng. Swa čat goddis clerkys, qwylys čay meke čam vndyr hys wande, ere neuyr begylyd. For heryng & seynge alle čay begylis, bot meke tastynge & felynge may not begyle. It is če crafte of clergy lered on če boke be men to cun see writ wreten & here it spoken: and goddis clerkys has in felynge čat čai haue in heryng, and alswa in tastynge čat čay haue in spekynge; & is gyfen of če haligast, & settes čam in reste; swa čat contrarius dedes does čam na disese, for it does čam comforte to be agayn-sayde... And če cause of čat payne is propyr wylle, qwilke is called helle, for fendys dwellys čerin; for na creature pyn¨ če consciens bot fendes, to qwam we gyfe leue anly thorow pride. Qwa-swa herbers propyr wille & haldys hym at hame, he mone be dampned as traytour in če dredeful daye of dome of god. As be ensaimple ¨e may see in lawe of če lande: As if a man wilfully resette če kynges felon, or mayntens hys traytour in hys awen kyngdome, he is traytour or felon, and be če lawe he sal be dampned. On če same maner če lawe of god dampnes propyr wylle: for he was hys bane and cause of hys dede. Propyr wille desyred hym, accused hym, demed hym, dampned hym, & did hym to dede. For qwyles Iudas had comyn wylle, na man did he dere: bot qwen hys wille was made propyr, čan was his dede dy¨th. éerfor če bane of god is callid propyr wylle. And qwa swa lufes it, hates god, ffor-sakand helpe of alle-holy kyrke and če vertas of heuen, alswa če gyftes of če haligaste, and alle če blyssed company čat in heuen es, and mas offerand of hym-selfe to če fende of helle. For qwa sa settes hym-selfe bodili here in propyr wille, hys sete is made gastly in helle with če fendis; ffor interynge of propyr wil gyfes seysynge of helle, and is kyndely calde Lucifer bedde. Bot some men ere fouly bygylled of čis propyr wylle and desayuyd as in smal thynges, čat it sal not dere. éese men ere blyndyd with pride, čat čay may nou¨t see howe čayr conscyence es pynde for comen wilis gane; for na thynge bot propyr wyl is noriser of pride, qwilke is če maste preciouse homage and če derest desire čat Lucifer lykes. Meke men byndys čam vnto comyn will be counceyl thorowe če haligaste: and čat is obedience, čat maste payes god, for obedience is če tresoure of če trinite, čat trewly kepes heuenly gyftes: for če gyftes of heuen ere neuyrmare gyfen bot til obedyente wylles. And it is sorow to see or wite howe dedly čay ere encombyrde: ffor if čai wene čayr wylle be knawen bot anly to čam-selfe, it cryande forsakes god, čat alle heuen heris. And alswa it is called an outhorn of helle: for it rayses a thowsande of fendes; for if it may be sayde čat čay haue Ioye in čayr kynde, očyr Ioye of vs haue čai none bot of propyr wylle; ffor be oure propyr wylle čay dwelle in vs, & be na thynge ellis. And čis myschefe fallis tille alle čay čat forsakys counceyl & wyll nou¨t lene čarto, wylke conceyl may be called če ordenaunce and če thechynge of discrete men. ée ensaimple gaf Ihesu goddis sone of heuen, čat bande hym so thorowe mekenes |p175 vn-to comen wylle for če saluacion of alle mankynde, so fully, so trewly, so straytly, čat fra če begynnyng of hys paynful passyon vn-to če laste poynt of hys dede neuyr be blenked anes to hys owen wylle. For he was swa obedient vn-til alle če wylles čat desired to be safe, & namely to hys fadyr wylle čat walde it sulde be so, čat he .. nou¨t agayns čayr wyll čat accused hym to če dede, be saide nou¨t agayns čam čat demed hym to če dede, ne he did nou¨t agayns čam čat did hym to če dede. Bot mekely be hys chere and hys coun_tenaunce moghe alle men see, alswa be mekenes of hys eyesy¨t če qwylke chaunged neuyr, for his beryng in hys paynys was euyr swa meke, čat he made na scheuyng as hym yrked, bot as hym had felid na payn; swa was he fre of wylle & comen to alle. Sen he dyd čus, do we so, for he has in čis kende vs oure awen nede. And qwa sa takes nou¨t čis nede, čay sal dwele ay in nede. Ihesu helpe fra čat place čat euyrmore nede has. Amen. Amen. Amen. 2. [Of Angels' song.] |r éow ¨ernys perauentur gretely for to haue more knawynge & wyssynge čan čou has of aungels sange and heuenly sown, qwat it is, & on qwat wyse it is perceyued & felid in a manns soule, and how a man may be sekyr čat [it] is trowe & nou¨t feyned, and how it is made be če presence of če gude aungel & nou¨t be če inputtynge of če ille aungel. ées thynges čou wolde wyte of me. Bot sothely I can nou¨t telle če for sekyr sothenes of čis mater. Neuyr-če_latter sumqwat as me thynke sal I schewe če in a schort worde. // Wyte čou wele čat čo ende & če souerante of perfeccions standis in a verray oned of god & man saule be parfite charite. éis oned čan is verraly made qwen če my¨tes of če saule ere reformed be če grace to če dygnite & če state of če fyrst con_dicione, čat is qwen če mynde is stabild sadly, with-outyn chaungeynge and vagacion, in god & gastly thynges, and qwen če reson is cherit fra alle werdly & fleschely behaldynge[s] and fra alle bodili ymagynacions, fygures & fantasyes |p176 of creatures & is illumyned be grace to be-hald god and gastly thynges, and qwen če wylle & če affeccion is purified & clensed fra alle fleschely, kyndely, and werldly loue & is inflaumed with brennand lufe of če haligast. éis wondyrful oned may nou¨t be fulfilled parfitely, contynuelly, holyly in čis lyfe, for corrupcion of če flesche, bot anly in če blis of heuen. Neuyr-če-lesse če nerre čat a saule in čis presente lyfe may come to čis oned, če mare parfit it is, for če mar čat it is reformed be grace to če ymage and če lykenes of hys creatour here; on čis maner-wyse če more Ioye & blysse sal it haue in heuen. Oure lorde is ane endeles beyng with-outyn chaungeynge, alle-myghyed with_outyn fallynge, souerayn wysdome, lyght, sothenes with-outen errour or myrkenes; soueryne godenes, loue & pes & swettenes; čan če mare čat a saule is oned, festened, conformed & Ioyned to oure lorde, če mare stabil & my¨ti it is, če mare wyse & clere, gude & pesible, lufende & mare vertuose it is, & so it is mare parfyt. For a saule čat has be grace of Ihesu & lange travayle of bodili & gastly excercyse ouyrcomen & distroyed concupiscenci¨ & passyons and vnskylfull steryngys with-inne hym-selfe & with-outyn in če sensualyte, & is cled alle in vertus, [as] in mekenes & myldenes, in pacience & softenes, in gastly strenthe and ry¨twysnes, in contynuaunce, in wysdome, in trouthe, hope & charite, čan is it made parfyte as it may be in čis lyfe. Mykyll confort it receyues of oure lorde, nou¨t anly inwardly in hys awen priue substaunce, be vertu of če oned to owre lorde čat lys in knawynge & lufynge of god, in ly¨t & gastly brennynge of hym, |p177 in transformynge of če saule in če godhede, bot also many očir confortys, sauoures, swetnes & wondyrfull felyngys on sere maners, eftyr oure lorde vouche_safe to visite his creatures here in erthe, and eftyr če saule parfittily wayxit in charite. Some saule be vertu of charite čat god gyfs it es so clensed, čat alle creatures, and alle čat he heris, or sees, or felis be any of hys wyttis, turnys hym to conforte and gladnes, & če sensualite reseyues new sauoure & swetenes in alle creatures, and ry¨t [as before] če lykynges in če sensualyte were fleschely, vayn, and vicious for [če] payne of če original synne, ry¨t so now [čay ere] made gastly & clene with-outyn bytternes & bytynge of conscience. And čis is če gudenes of oure lorde, čat sythen če saule is punysched in če sensualyte, & če flesche is par_[ce]ner of [če] payne, čat eftyrwarde če saule be conforte in [hir] sensualite, & če flesche be felawe of Ioye & confort with če saule, nou¨t fleschely, bot gastly, as he was felawe in tribulacion & peyne. éis is če fredom & če lordechype, če dyignite & če wyrchype čat a mans saule has ouyr alle creatures -- če qwilke dygnite he may recouer be grace here -- čat ilke a creature sauour to hym as it is, and čat is qwen be grace he sees, he heris, he felis, anly god in alle creatures. On čis maner-wyse a saule is made gastly in če sensualyte be habundance of charite čat is in če substaunce of če saule. [Also] oure lorde conforte[s] a saule be aungels sange. Qwat čat sange is, it may nou¨t be discried be na bodily lykenesse, for it is gastly and abouen almaner of ymagynacion & reson. It may be felid & per_ceyued in a saule, bot it may not be schewed. Neuyr-če-latter I speke čerof to |p178 če as me thynke. / Qwen a saule is purified be lufe of god, illumyned be wys_dome, stabild be če my¨te of god, čan is če eyghe of če saule opynde to be_halde gastly thyngys, as vertuse & aungels & haly saulys, & heuenly thyngys. éan is če saule habyl be cause of clennes to fele če towchynge, če spek-ynge of gude aungels. éis towchynge and spekynge is gastly, & nou¨t bodyly: ffor qwen če saule is lyfth & rauysched out of če sensualyte, & out of če mynde of any erthely thyngis, čan in grete feruoure of lufe and ly¨th of god, if oure lorde vouchesafe, če saule may here & fele heuenly sown, made be če presence of aungels in louynge of god. Nou¨t čat čis songe of aungels es če souerayne Ioye of če saule; bot for če difference čat es atwyxe a mans saule in flesche & an aungell be-cause of vnclennes, a saule may nou¨t here it bot be rauyschynge in lufe, [&] nedyth for to be purified wele clene, and fulfilled of mykyl charite, or it were abil for to here heuenly sown. For če souereyn & če essencial Ioye es in [če] lufe of god be hym-selfe & for hym-selfe, and [če] secundarie es in communynge & behaldynge of aungels & gastily creaturis. For ry¨t as a saule in vndyrstandynge of gastly thyngis is oftesythes towchyd & kenned thorow bodili ymaginacion...če sothefastenes of goddis priuetys, ry¨t swa in če lufe of god a saule be presence of aungels is rauyschyd out of mynde of alle erthely & fleschely thynges in to an heuenly Ioye, to here aungelis songe and heuenly sowne, eftyr če charite is more or lesse. Now čan thynke me čat čer may na saule fele verraly aungels sange ne heuenly sowne, bot he be in parfyte charite. And nou¨t-forthy, alle |p179 čat be in parfyte charite ne has nou¨t felid it, bot anly čat saule čat is sa pu_rified in če fyre of lufe, čat alle erthely sauoure is brent out of it, & all mene lettynge atwyxe če saule & če clennes of aungels is broken & putte away fra it. éan sothely may he synge a new songe, and sothely may he here a blyssefull heuenly sowne & aungels sange with-outyn deseyte or feynynge. Oure lorde wat qware čat saule is čat for habundance of brennande lufe is wurthy to here aungels sange. Qwa swa čan wylle here aungels sange, & nou¨t be deseuyd be feynynge ne ymagynacion of hym-selfe, ne be illusyon of če ennemy, hym behoues for to haue parfite charite, & čat is qwen alle vayn lufe & drede, vayne Ioye & sorowe is castyn out of če hert, čat he lufes na thynge -- bot in god or for god. Qwa swa my¨t be grace of god go čis way, he sulde nou¨t erre. Neuyr-če-latter some men ere desayued be čayr awen ymagynacion, or be illusyon of če ennemy in čis mater. Some man qwen he has lange travalid bodili & gastily in distroynge of synnes and getyng of vertus, & perauentur has geten be grace [a] somdele reste & a clerete in conscience, anon he leues prayers, redynges of haly wrytte, & meditacions of če passyon of Criste, & če mynde of hys wrecchednes, and or he be called of god. he gedyrs hys wyttes be vyolence to seke & to behald heuenly thynges or hys eyghe be made gastly be grace, and ouertravailis be ymagyna_cion[s] hys wyttes, and be vndiscrete travelynge turnes če braynes in hys heued & forbrekes če my¨tes & če wittes of če saule & of če body: & čan for febelnes of če brayn hym thynke čat he heris wondyrfull sownes & sanges; and čat is |p180 na thynge ellis bot a fantasye caused of trobelynge of če brayn -- as a man čat is in a fransy, hym thynke čat he heris & sees čat nan očir man does, and al is bot vanite & fantasy of če heued. Or ellis it is be wyrkynge of če ennemy čat feynes swylke sownes in hys heringe. For if a man haue any presumpcion, in hiis fantasiis & in his wyrkynges, & čerby fallis in to indiscrete ymagynacion, as it were in a frenesy, & is nou¨t kenned ne reuled of g[r]ace ne confortid be gastly strenghe, če deuel enters in be fals illumynacions & fals sownes & swetenes [&] deceyues a mans soule. An[d] of čis fals grounde sprynges errours & heresyes, fals prophecies, presumcions & fals r[o]seynges, blasphemes & sclaunderyngs, & many očir myschefes. And čarefor if čou see any man gastly occupyed falle in any of čis synnys & čese deseytes, or in frenesis, wyte čou wele čat he neuyr herde ne felid aungels songes ne heuenly soune: for sothely he čat veraly heris aungels sange, h[e] ys made soe wyse čat he sal neuyr erre be fantasye ne be in_discrecion, ne be no sleythe of če wyrkynge of če deuel. / Also some men felis in čayr hertis, as it ware a gastly sowne & swete sangys, in diuerse maners, & čis is comenly gude, & sometyme it may turne to disceyte. éis soune is felid on čis wyse: Some man settis če thou¨the of hys hert haly in če name of Ihesu & stedfastly haldys it čerto, and ča[n] in schorte tyme hym thynke[s] čat name turnys til hym to grete profete, conforte & swetenes, and hym thynke če name sounes in hys herte delytably as it ware a sange, & če vertu of čis lykynge is swa my¨tty čat it draws in alle wyttes of če saule čerto. Qwo-so may fele čis soune & čis swettenes veraly in hys herte, wete he wele čat it is of god, |p181 and as longe as he is meke he sal nou¨t be disceyued. Bot čis is nou¨t aungels songe, bot it is a sange of če saule be vertu of če name, & be towchynge of če gude aungell. For qwen a saule offers hyr to Ihesu trewly, & mekely puttis alle hyr trayste and hyr desyre in hym, & besyly kepes hym in hyre mynde, oure lorde Ihesu, qwen he wyll, purges če affeccion of če saule, & fyllys it & fedys it with swetenes of hym-selfe, & makes hys name in če felynge of če saule as hony, & as sange, & as any thynge čat is delitabil: čat it lykes če saule euyrmore for to crye Ihesu, Ihesu; and nou¨t only he has confort in čis, bot also in psalmys & ympnes & antympnes of haly kyrke, čat če hert synges čem swetly, deuotly & frely, with-outyn any travayle of če saule or bitternes, in če same toune & notes čat haly kyrke vses. éis is gude & of če gyfte of god, ffor če sub_staunce of čis felynge lys in če lufe of Ihesu qwilke is fed & ly¨ttynd be swylke maner of sanges. Neuyr-če-latter in čis maner felynge a saule may be desceyved be vayn-glorye, nou¨t in čat tyme čat če affeccion synges to Ihesu & loues Ihesu in swetenes of hym, bot eftyrwarde, qwen it sesses, & če hert kelys of lufe of Ihesu, čan entyris-in vayn-glorye. Also some man is desceyued on čis wyse: He heris wel say čat it is gude till haue Ihesu in hys mynde, or any očir gude worde of god, čan he streynes hys herte my¨ttly to čat name, & be a custome he has it nerehande alway in hys mynde. Nou¨t-forthy he felis nou¨thyr čerby in hys affeccion swetenes, ne ly¨t of knowyng in hys resone, bot only a nakyd mynde of god, or of Ihesu, or of Marie, or of any očir gude worde. Here may be desceyte, not for it is ille for to haue Ihesu in mynde on čis wyse, bot if he |p182 čis felynge & čis mynde, čat is anly hys awen wyrkynge be custome, halde it a special vysitacion of oure lorde & thynke it mare čan it is. For wyte čou wele čat a nakyd mynde or a nakyd ymagynacion of Ihesu or of any gastly thynge, with-outyn swetenes of lufe in affeccyon, or with-outyn ly¨te of knowynge in resone, it is bot a blyndenes, & a way to disceyte, if a man halde it in hys awen sy¨te mare čan it is. éerfor I halde it sekyr čat he be meke in his awen fe_lynge, and halde čis mynde in regarde nou¨t til he may be custome & vsynge of čis mynde fele če fyre of lufe in hys affeccion, & če ly¨t of knawynge in hys resone. Loe. I haue tolde če in čis mater a lytyl as me thynke; nou¨t affermande čat čis suffys, ne čat čis is če sothefastnes in čis mater. Bot if če thynke it očir-wyse, or ellys any othyr man sauour be grace če contrarye here-to, I leue čis saynge and gyfe stede to hym; it suffys to me forto lyfe in trouthe principaly, & nou¨t in felynge. AMEN. {3}. [Of deadly and venial sin.] |r DEre brothyr, čow walde gladly wyte qwilke is venial synne, and qwilke dedly synne, for če thynke qwen a man can knawe če tane fra če točir, he may be če more war for to flee čam. Bot če haly doctoure Seynt Austyn says: "it is na venial synne čat itne may be dedely syn qwen it lykyth the; ne dedly synne, čan it may be venial qwen it myslykede". Seynt Thomas Alqwyne sayde "čat if a man be tempyd neuyr so harde; if če wylle assent nou¨t, be it neuyr swa foule a sterynge it is na synne, or ellis bot venial synne. If če wylle haue any lykynge in če foule sterynge, be it neuyr swa lytil, čan it is a party venyal synne. If če wyll assent with avysment & walde doe čat wylful sterynge in dede agayn gude conscience & agayns če reson, čan is čat steryng dedly synne, alle-if it be nou¨t fulfylled in dede -- qwilke dedly synne may dampne a soule til endeles payn, bot if contricion, confession, & satisfaccyon wasche it, & amendys makynge be sufficiande penaunce". Seynt Gregor sayde be hym-selfe: "I may nou¨t bot I fele vnleful steryngys of flesche: bot me thare nou¨t, he sayed, assent bot I wylle. If I fele it, he sayd, & assent not čerto, it does me na dere, bot it lessens my penaunce in če payne of purgatorye, & incresys my meryt in če |p183 blysse of heuen". Als ofte as any creatoure is tempyd & na-wyse in conscience wille assent, no [is] in wil to haue lykynge in synne: as ofte čay wynne čam diuerse degrece in heuen amange če orders of aungells. Qwo so walde nou¨t be tempid, čat opon čis wyse for čer agaynstandynge sulde be wele rewardid of god? Thomas Alqwyne sayde:"For to assent sodanly is venial synne: bot for to couete or assent be avysment, čat is dedly synne". Als Thomas seyde: "Consentynge to če dede of lychery is nou¨t anly dampnable dedly synne; bot also consentynge čat has luste & lykynge in herte only with lusty wylle, čat is dedly synne". éat čis is sothe, it may be seen be goddis worde in če gospel, čer he sayd čus: "If a man see a woman for to couete hyr nowe, he hathe don lychery". Behalde how he sayd "for to couete", for if he sawe & couete nou¨t, it ware na synne, or ellis bot lytyl synne, or ellys venial synne. Bot behalde bowe he sayde "for to couete hyr": ffor qwen a creature sees anothyr, qwethyr so couetys othyr in thou¨tte & walde assent in synne; alle-if čat wryched delite be nou¨[t] in dede, it is dedely synne. Alswa it is sayde & wretyn: "It is not lefull to behalde čat thynge qwylke is nou¨t leful to be couete". Thomas sayde: "Qwen a mans herte is feruentyly sette opon god, alle thynges disp[le]ses hym čan čat my¨te drawe hym fra god". Alswa he sayde a ful gode worde & a ful gracious: "Lette či wylle assente to na synne, be it neuyr sa lytyl: for if čou falle wylfully in til a lytill synne, čou sal, nyl čou wylle čou, falle in till a gretter". He sayde alswa čat "feruente charite distroyed venial syn, & če sterynge of charite may be so feruente in god, čat it may waste & wasche away alle venial synne". Bot čay čat has nou¨t čis charite, čay dare maste baldly falle in venyal synne. Bot čai čat has čis charite, čay dare nou¨t doe for če drede of god agayn gode con_science. For, Thomas sayde, qwat thynge so is doen agayn conscience, it edifies to če pyne of helle, qwethyr so če conscyens be trewe or fals, as čus. If a man thynke čat he walde doe a certeyn penaunce for če lufe of god: if he doe čat penaunce ageyn his conscience, he trispas; of hys conscience saye he my¨t doe penaunce, if he walde, for če lufe of god: if he wil nou¨t, he does agayn conscyence, & he does synne. Qwethyr so če penaunce doeynge wer hyndrynge or fortherynge to hym; if he did agayn conscience, he synnethe. Bot čis synne may sone be forgyfen of god, qwo so cries herthely aftyr goddis mercy. |p{184-185;_note} |p186 |r[Works_bearing_name_of._R._Rolle] |rMs._Thornton_fol._192. |rI._[Encomium_nominis_Iesu.] Of the vertu¨ of the haly name of Ihesu. |r That es on Inglysce: "Oyle owt_¨ettede es thi name." The name of Ihesu commys in to the worlde and als sone it smellys Oyle out-¨etted. Oyle it es takyne, for ay-lastande saluacyone es hopede. Sothely Ihesu es als mekyll to be-mene als "saueoure" or "helefull". Thare-fore what meuys it "Oyle owt_¨ettide es thy nam" Bot "Ihesu es thy name"? This name es Oyle owte-¨ettyd, ffor Ihesu the worde of god has tane manes kynde. Ihesu, thow fulfillis in warke that thow es called in name: Sothely sauys man, čat wham we calle saueoure. Thare-fore Ihesu es thy name. A, A, that wondyrfull name, A, that delittabyll name! This es the name čat es abowne all names name althir_hegeste, with-owttene whilke na man hopes hele. This name es ... in myne ere heuenly sowne, in my mouthe hony_full swetnes. Whare-fore na wondire čofe I luf čat name, the whylke gyffes comforthe to me in all angwys. I can noghte pray. I cane noghte hafe mynde, Bot sownnande the nam of Ihesu; I sauyre noghte Ioye that with Ihesu es noghte mengede. Whare-so I be, Whare-so I sytt, What-so I doo, the mynd of the sauoyre of the name Ihesu departis noghte fra my mynde. I haf sett my mynde, I haf sett it als takyn_nynge ... appone myne arme: for luf es |p187 strange als dede. Als ded slaas all, Swa lufe ouer-comes all. Ay-lastande lufe has ouer-comemyne me, noghte for to sla me, but for to qwykkyn me: Bot it has wondyde me ffor it sulde leche me, It has thurghe-fychede my herte, čat merghlyere it be helyde. And now ouer-comene I fayle. Vnnethes I lyfe for Ioye, nerehand I dye, ffor I suffyce noghte ... in delycyouseste swettnes, And ay to be dronkenede it falles (!); the flesche may noghte of his vertu noghte defaile, ay-whils če saule in swylk Ioyes is rauyste for to Ioye. Bot whene vn-to me swylke Ioye bot for Ihesu? the name of Ihesu has taughte me for to synge, and has lyghtenede my mynde with the hete of vn-made lyghte. thare-fore I syghe and crye: "Wha sall schewe to če lufede Ihesu čat I langwys for lufe? My flesche has faylede and my herte meltes in lufe, ¨arenande Ihesu. All če herte festenede in če ¨ernynge of Ihesu es turned in to če fyre of lufe, & with če swettnes of če godhede fullyly es it fillide. Thare-fore, a gude Ihesu, hafe mercy of čis wreche, schewe če to čis langues_sande, be čou leche vn-to čis woun_dyde! If čou come I am hale: I fele me noghte seke bot langwyssande for či lufe. Late my saule tak ande, sekande če, Ihesu, whaym it lufes, with whas lufe it es takyne, whaym anely it co_uaytes. Sothely če mynd towchede with če soueraynge swettnes andes for to waxe hate in the lufe of če makare, I-whyls it enforthis for to halde besyly in it the swetteste name of Ihesu. Sothely fra thythene Inryses a gret lufe, and what thynge čat it trewely towches it rauesche it vtterly to it. It inflawmes če affeccyone, it byndis če thoghte, ¨a & all če [mane] it drawes to če serues |p188 of it. Sothely, Ihesu, desederabill es thi name, lufabyll and comfortabyll. Nane swa swete Ioye may be con_sayeuede, Nane swa swete sange may be herde, Nane swa swete & delytabyll solace may be hade in mynde. Thare_fore what-so-euer čou bee čat redies the for to lufe gode: if čou will now_thire be dyssayuede ne dyssayue, if čou will be wysse and noghte vnwysse, if čou will stande & noghte fall, haue in mynde besely for to halde če name of Ihesu in či mynde, and čane thyne Enemy sall fall and čou sall stande; Thyne Enemye sall be made wayke, čou sall be made strange. And if čou will lelely doo this, ferre fra drede čou sall be gloryus and lowuabyll ouer_commere. Seke čerfore the name of Ihesu, and halde it, and for-gette it noghte. Sothely na thynge slokyns sa fell flawmes, Dystroyes ill thoghtes, Puttes owte venemous affeccyons, Dos a-waye coryous & vayne Ocupacyons fra vs. This name Ihesu, lelely haldyne in mynde, drawes by če rote vyces. Set_tys vertus, In-[s]awes charytee, In-¨ettis sauoire of heuenely thynges, Wastys dis_corde, reformes pese, Gyffes In-lastande ryste, Dose awaye greuosnes of fleschely desyris, Turnes all Erthely thynge to noye, Fyllys če luffande of gastely Ioye. So čat wele it may be saide: Et gloria_buntur omnes qui deligunt nomen tuum, quoniam tu benedices Iusto, That es: "All sall Ioye čat lufes či name, for čou sall blysse če ryghtwyse." Thare_fore če ryghtewyse has dysseruede to be blyssede, if če name of Ihesu trewly he hafe luffede. And čare-fore es [he] cald ryghtwyse, ffor he Enforssede hym trewly to lufe Ihesu. Whare-fore what may defaile vn-to hym čat couaytes vn-cessandly for to lufe če name of Ihesu? Sothely he lufes and he ¨arnes |p189 for to luf, ffor we haue knawene čat če lufe of gode standis in swylke manere čat In als mekyll als we [mare] lufe, če mare vs langes for to lufe, ffor why it es saide: "Qui edunt me ad_huc esurient, & qui bibunt me adhuc sciciunt, čat es to saye: "that ettys me ¨itt hungres thaym, and čay čat drynkes me ¨it thristis thaym". Thare-fore be it-selfe delitabill & couaytabill es če name of Ihesu and če lufe of it. Thare_fore Ioy sall noghte faile vn-to hym čat couaytes besyly for to lufe hym In whaym angells ¨ernys for to be-halde. Angells euer sese & euer čay ¨erne for to see, and swa are čay fild čat čaire fillynge duse noghte awaye čaire desyre, and so [čai desyre čat] čayre desyre duse noghte awaye čaire fillynge. This es full Ioye, This es Endles Ioye. This es glorious Ioye, če whylke če fylde vses lastandly with-owttene noye, & if we vse it we sall be fyllyde euer withowttyne lessynge, Thare-fore, Ihesu, all sall Ioye čat lufes thi name. Sothely čay sall Ioy nowe be in-¨ettynge of grace, and in tym to come be syghte of Ioye; and thare_fore čay sall Ioye ... ffor why Ioy comes of lufe. Thare-fore he čat luffes noghte he sall euer-mare be with-owttyne Ioye. Thare-fore many wreches of če worlde trowande čame to Ioye with Criste, sall sorowe with-owttyne ende, and why? ffor thay lufede noghte če name of Ihesu. "What so ¨e doo, if ¨e gyfe all čat ¨e hafe vn-to če nedy, bot ¨e lufe če name of Ihesu ¨e trauelle in vayne". All_anely čay may Ioye in Ihesu čat lufes hym in čis lyfe; and thay čat files čame with vices & venemous delittes, Na drede čat ne čay ere putt owte of Ioye. Also wit all čat če name of Ihesu es hele_full, fruytfull, & glorious. éare-fore wha sall haue hele čat lufes it noghte? or wha sall here če frwyte be-fore Criste čat |p190 has noghte the floure? and Ioye sall he noghte see That Ioyeande luffede noghte če name of Ihesu. "The wykkyde sall be done awaye, čat he see noghte če Ioye of god". Sothely če ryghtwyse sekys če Ioye and če life and čay fynd it in Ihesu whayme čay luffede. I ¨ede abowte be couaytyse of reches and I I fande noghte Ihesu. I rane [be] the wantonnes of flesche and I fand noghte Ihesu. I satt in companyes of worldly myrthe and I fand noghte Ihesu. In all thire I soghte Ihesu, bot I fand hym noghte, ffor he lett me wyete by his grace čat he ne es fundene in če lande of softly lyfande. Thare-fore I turnede by anothire waye, and I rane abowte be pouerte: and I fande Ihesu pure-borne in če worlde, laid in a crybe and lappid in clathis. I ¨ode by sufferynge of werynes, and I fand Ihesu wery in če way, turment with hu[n]gyre, thriste & calde, fild with repreues & blames. I satt by myne ane ffleande če vanytes of če worlde, and I fande Ihesu in deserte fastande, in če monte anely prayande. I rane by če payne of penaunce, and I fand Ihesu bowndene, scourgede, Gyffene galle to drynke, naylyde to če crosse, hyngande in če crosse and dyeand in če crosse. Thare-fore Ihesu es noghte fundene in reches bot in pouerte, noghte in delytes bot in penance, noghte in wantone Ioyeynge bot in bytter gretynge, noghte emange many bot in anelynes. Sothely ane euyll mane fyndis noghte Ihesu, for čare he es he sekes hym noghte. He enforces hyme to seke Ihesu in če Ioy of če worlde whare neuer he sall be fundene. Sothely thare-fore če nam of Ihesu es helefull & nedys by-houys be lufed of all couaytande saluacyone. |p191 He couaytes wele hys saluacyone čat kepis besyly in hym če name of Ihesu. Sothely I haue na wondyr if če temptid fall čat puttes noghte če name of Ihesu in lastande mynde. Sekerly may he or scho chese to lyfe anely čat has chosene če name of Ihesu to thaire specyalle; ffor thare may na wykked spyritte noye čare Ihesu es mekyll in mynde or es neuennyd in mouthe &c. Explicit. |p192 2. Narracio: A tale čat Rycherde hermet [made]. |r When I hade takene my syngulere purpos & lefte če seculere habyte, and I be-gane mare to serue god čan mane, it felle one a nyghte als I lay in my ryste, in če begynnynge of my conuersyone, čare appered to me a full faire ¨onge womane če whilke I had sene be-fore & če whylke luffed me noght lytill in gude lufe. And whene I had be-haldyne hyre and I was wondyrde why scho com swa on nyghte in če wyldyrnes: sodanly, with-owttyne any mare speche, scho laid hire be-syde me. And whene čat I felyd hir thare, I dred čat scho sulde drawe me to Iuell, and said čat I wald ryse & blyse vs in če name of če haly trynytee. And scho strenyde me so stallworthely čat I had no mouthe to speke, ne no hande to styrre. And whene I sawe čat, I perceyuede wele čare was na womane bot če deuell in schappe of womane. Thare-fore I turnede me to gode and with my mynde I said: "A, Ihesu, how precyous es thi blude!", makand če crosse with my fyngere in my breste: and alls faste scho wexe wayke & sodanly all was awaye; and I thankked gode čat delyuerd me. & sothely fra čat tyme furthe I forced me for to luf Ihesu, and ay če mare I profette in če luf of Ihesu, če swetter I fand it, & to čis daye it went noghte fra my mynde. Thare-fore, blysside be če name of Ihesu in the worlde of worldes! Amen. Amen. Amen &c. Ihesu če sone of če glorious virgyne, Now, lorde, haue mercy one all thyne. Amen. Amen pur charite Amen. |r[f.194] 3. De in-perfecta contricion. |r Rycharde hermyte reherces a dredfull tale of vn-perfitte contrecyone čat a haly mane Cesarius tellys in Ensample. He says čat a ¨onge mane, a chanone at Parys, vn-chastely and delycyousely lyfande and full of many synnys, laye seke to če dede. He schrafe hym of his gret synnys, he hyghte to amende hym, he rescheyuede če sacrament of če antire and anoynte hyme, and swa he dyede. Till hys grauynge it semyde als če ayere gafe seruese. Eftyr a faa dayes he apperyde till ane čat was famyliare till hym in hys lyfe, and sayde čat he was dampnede, for čis Enchesone: "éofe I ware, quod he, schreuen & hyghte to doo penance, me wanntede verray contrycyone, wythowttene če whylke all othere thynges avayles |p193 noghte. For-thy if I hyghte to Lefe my foly, my concyens sayde čat if I lefede tham, ¨et walde I hafe delyte in myne alde lyfe, and till čat my herte heldede mare and bowghede thane to restreyne me fra all thoghtes čat I knewe agaynes goddes will. And for-thy I had na stabyll purpos in gude, na perfite contrycyone, Wharefore sentence of dampnacyone ffelle one me & wente agaynes mee." |r All-swa he reherces anothyre tale of verraye contrecyone čat če same clerke Cesarius says. He tellys čat a scolere at Pares had done many full synnys, če whylke he hade schame to schryfe hym of. At če laste gret sorowe of herte ouercome his schame, and whene he was redy to schryfe hym till če priore of če Abbay of Saynte Victor, swa mekill contricyone was in his herte, syghynge in his breste, sobbynge in his throtte, čat he moghte noghte brynge a worde forthe. Thane the priore said till hym: "Gaa and wrytte thy synnes." He dyd swa, and come a-gayne to če pryoure and gafe hym čat he hadde wretyne, ffor ¨itt he myghte noghte schryfe hym with mouthe. The prioure saghe the synnys swa grette čat thurghe leue of če scolere he schewede theyme to če abbotte to hafe conceyle. The abbotte tuke čat byll čat čay warre wrettyne Ine, and lukede thare-one: He fande na thynge wretyne, and sayd to če prioure: "What may here be redde čare noghte es wretyne?" That saghe če pryour & wondyrde gretly, & saide: "Wyet ¨e čat his synns here warre wretyne, & I redde thayme, bot now I see čat god has sene hys contrycione & forgyfes hym all his synnes." éis če abbot & če prioure tolde če scolere, and he with gret Ioye thanked god. 4. Moralia Richardi heremite de natura apis, vnde quasi apis argumentosa. |r The bee has thre kyndis. Ane es čat scho es neuer ydill, and scho es noghte with thaym čat will noghte wyrke, bot castys thaym owte and puttes thaym awaye. A-nothire es čat when scho flyes scho takes erthe in hyr fette, čat scho be noghte lyghtly ouer-heghede in the ayere of wynde. The thyrde es čat scho kepes clene and bryghte hire wynge¨. Thus ryghtwyse men čat lufes god, are neuer in ydyllnes: ffor owthyre čay ere in trauayle, prayand or thynkande or redande or othere gode doande, or withtakand ydill mene and schewand thaym worthy to be put fra če ryste of heuene ffor čay will noghte trauayle here. éay take erthe, čat es čay halde čam-selfe vile & erthely that thay be noghte blawene with če wynde of vanyte and of pryde. Thay kepe thaire wynges clene, that es če twa commandementes of charyte čay fulfill in gud concyens, and thay hafe othyre vertus vnblendyde with če fylthe of syne and vnclene luste. Arestotill sais čat če bees are feghtande agaynes hym čat will drawe čaire hony fra thayme. Swa sulde we do agaynes deuells čat afforces thame to reue fra vs če hony of poure l[u]fe & of grace. For many are čat neuer kane halde če ordyre of lufe ynesche čaire frendys sybbe or ffremmede, bot outhire čay lufe čaym ouer-mekill, settand thaire thoghte vn_ryghtwysely on thaym, or čay luf thayme ouer-lyttill, yf čay doo noghte all as čey wolde till čame. Swylke kane noghte fyghte for thaire hony, ffor-thy če |p194 deuelle turnes it to worme[d] and makes čeire saules ofte-sythes full bitter in angwys and tene, and besynes of vayne thoghtes and očer wrechidnes, ffor thay are so heuy in erthely frenchype čat čay may noghte flee in till če lufe of Ihesu Criste, in če wylke čay moghte wele for-gaa če lufe of all creaturs lyfande in erthe. / Whare-fore, accordandly Arystotill sais čat some fowheles are of gude flyghyng, čat passes fra a lande to a-nothire, Some are of ill flyghynge for heuynes of body and for[-či] čaire neste es noghte ferre fra če erthe. Thus es it of thayme čat turnes čame to godes seruys. Some are of gude flyeghynge for thay flye fra erthe to heuene and rystes thayme thare in thoghte, and are fedde in delite of goddes lufe, and has thoghte of na lufe of če worlde. Some are čat kan noghte flyghe fra čis lande bot in če waye late theyre herte ryste and delyttes čaym in sere lufes of mene and womene, als čay come & gaa, nowe ane & nowe a-nothire, and in Ihesu Criste čay kan fynde na swettnes or if čay any tyme fele oghte it es swa lyttill and swa schorte for othire thoghtes čat are in thayme, čat it brynges thaym till na stabylnes; [f]or čay are lyke till a fowle čat es callede strucyo or storke, čat has wenges and it may noghte flye for charge of body. Swa čay hafe vndirstandynge, and fastes and wakes and semes haly to mens syghte, bot thay may noghte flye to lufe and contemplacyone of god, čay are so chargede wyth othyre affeccyons and othire vanytes. Explicit. 5. De vita cuiusdam puelle incluse proptter amorem Christi. |r Alswa Heraclides če clerke: telles čat a maydene forsuke hir Cete and satte in a sepulcre, and tnke hir mete at a lyttill hole, ten ¨ere scho saghe neuer mane ne womane, ne čay hir face; bot stode at a hole and talde why scho was enclosede, and said čat "a ¨onge man was tempede of my fairehede: ffor-thy me warre leuere be als lange als I lyfe in čis sepulcre, čan any sawle čat es made til če lyknes of gode suld perichse by-cause of me". And whene men askede hire how scho myghte swa lyffe; scho said: "Fra the begynnynge of the day I gyfe me till praynge till forthe dayes; thane I wyrke with handes some thynge, and alswa I wyrke in thoghtes, by patryarkes, prophetes, Appostilles, Martyrs and confessours, and by-haldes čaire Ioye; and aftyrwarde I take my mete; whene euene commys, with gret Ioye I lofe my lorde. The ende of my lyfe I habyde in gude hope and tholemodnes". & loo, swa perfitly a womane lyfede, Richard herymyte reherces čis tale in Ensampill. |p195 6. A notabill Tretys off the ten Comandementys: Drawene by Richerde the hermyte off Hampull. |r The fyrste comandement es: "Thy lorde god čou sall loute and til hym anely čou sall serue." / In this comandement es forboden all mawmetryse, all wych_crafte and charemynge, / the wylke may do na remedy till any seknes of mane, womane or beste; ffor čay erre če snarrys of če deuelle by če whilke he affor_ces hym to dyssayue mankynde. / Alswa in čis commandemente es forbodyne to gyffe trouthe till so[r]cerye or till dyuynynge¨ by sternys or by dremys or by any swylke thynges. / Astronomyenes by-haldes če daye and če houre and če poynte čat mane es borne In, and vndyr whylke syngne he es borne and če poynte čat he be-gynnes to be In, / and by čire syngnes and očer čay saye, čat čay say that sall be-fall če man aftyrwarde: bot theyre errowre es reproffede of haly doctours. / Haly crosses mene sall lowte ffor thay are in syngne of Cryste crucyfiede; To ymages es če louynge čat es till theyme of whaym čai are če ymage¨, ffor čat Entent anely čai are for to lowte. The tothire comandement es: "čou sall noghte take če name of god in vayne." Here es forbodene athe with-owttene chesone. / He čat neuenes god & sweris fals, dispyse god. / In thre maners mane may syne in swerynge: / That es, if he swere agayne his concyence, Or if he swere be Cryste wondes or blude -- That es euermare gret syne / čofe it be sothe čat he sweris, / ffor it sounes in irreu[er]ence of Ihesu Cryste; / Also if he come agaynes his athe noght fulfilland čat he has sworne. / The nam of gode es takyne in vayne one many maners: With herte / with mouthe / with werke. / With herte takes false crystyne mene it in vayne čat rescheyues če Sacrament with-owttene grace in sawle. / With mouthe es it tane in vayne with all athes; brekynge of new prechynge čat es vanyte and vndeuocyone; prayere when we honour god with oure lyppys and oure hertys erre ferre fra hym. / With werke ypocrittes takes goddes nam in vayne: / ffor they feyne gud dede with-owttene, and čey erre with-owttene charyte and vertue and force of sawle to stand agayne all ill styrrynges. The thirde commandement es: "Vm_bethynke the čat thow halowe či halydaye!" / This commandement may be takyne in thre maneres: / Firste generally čat we sesse of all vyces. [Sithen speciali, čat we cesse of alle bodili werkis] čat lettys deuocyone to god in prayenge and thynkynge. The thyrde es specyall, als in contemplatyfe mene čat departis čayme fra all werldly thynges swa čat čey hally gyfe čayme till god. / The fyrste manere es nedfull vs to do / The tothire we awe to do / The thirde es perfeccyone. / For-thi one če halydaye men awe, als god byddys, to lefe all syne, and do na werke čat lettis thayme to gyffe čaire herte to godd, thatt čay halowe če daye in ryst and deuocyone and dedys of charyte. The ferthe comandement es: "Honoure thy fadyre and či |p196 modyre." / That es in twa thynges, čat es bodyly and gastely. / Bodyly in suste_nance / čat čay be helpede and sustaynede in čaire elde / and when čay are vnmyghtty of čayme-selfe. / Gastely in reuerence and bouxomnes: čat čay say to čame na wordes of myssawe ne vnhoneste ne of displesance vnauyssedly, / bot serue čame mekely and gladly and lawlyly; čat čay may wyne čat godde hyghte to swylke barnes / čat es [če] lande of lyghte! And if čay be dede / thaym awe to helpe čaire sawles with almous-dedes and prayers. The fifte commandement es čat "thow slaa na mane;" nowthire with assente, ne with werke, ne with worde or fauour. And also here es forbodene vn-ryghtewyse hurtynge of any persone. / Thay are slaers gastely / čat will noghte feede če pouer in nede / and čat defames men / and čat confoundes Innocentys. The sexte commandement es: "thow sall be na lichoure." / éat es / thow sall haue na man or womane bot čat čou has takene in fourme of haly kyrke. / Alswa here es forbodene all maner of wilfull pollusyone procurede one any maner agaynes kyndly oys, or očer gates. The seuende commandement es: "thow sall noghte do na thyfte." In the whylke es forbodene all manere of with-draweynge of očer mene thynges wmngwysely agaynes čaire wyll čat aghte it, / bot if it ware in tyme of maste nede, when all thynges erre comone. / Also here es forbodene gillery of weghte / or of tale / or of mett or of mesure. / or thorow okyre, or violence or drede / als bedells or foresters duse and mynystyrs of če kynge, / or thurghe extorcyone als lordes duse. The aughtene commandement es / that "thow sall noghte here false wyttnes agaynes thi neghteboure", als in assys / or cause of matremoyne. / And also lyenges ere forbodene in čis commandement / and forswerynge. / Bot all lyenges are noghte dedly syne, bot if čay noye till som man bodyly or gastely. The nynde commandement es: "thow sall noghte couayte če hous or očer thynge mobill or in-mobill of či neghtbour with wrange," / ne čou sall noghte hald očer mens gude if čou may ¨elde thayme, / elles či penance saues če noghte. The tend commandement as: "thow sall noghte couayte či neghtebour wyefe, ne his seruande, ne his maydene, / ne mobylls of his". // He lufes god čat kepis thire commandementes for lufe. / His neghtebour hym awe to lufe als hym-selfe, čat es till če same gude čat he lufes hym-selfe to, / na_thynge till ill; / and čat he lufe his neghtbour saule / mare čane his body or any gude¨ of če worlde &c. Explicit. 7. Item Idem de septem donis spiritus sancti. Also of the gyftes of the haly gaste. |r ée seuene gyftes of če haly gaste čat ere gyfene to men and wymmene čat er ordaynede to če Ioye of heuene and ledys theire lyfe in this worlde reght_wysely: Thire are thay: / Wysdome / Vndyrstandynge / Counsayle / Strenghe / Connynge / Pete / The drede of god. / Begynne we at consaile, for čare-of es myster at the begynnynge of oure werkes čat vs myslyke noghte aftyrwarde. / With thire seuene gyftes če haly gaste teches sere mene serely.  Consaile es doynge awaye of worldes reches, and of all delytes of all thynge¨ čat mane may be tagyld with in thoghte or dede, and ča[r]-with drawynge in till contemplacyone |p197 of gode.  Vndyrstandynge es to knawe whate es to doo and whate es to lefe; and čat that sall be gyffene to gyffe it to thaym čat has nede / noghte till očer čat has na myster.  Wysedome es forgetynge of erthely thynges and thynkynge of heuen, with discrecyone oft all mene dedys. / In čis gyfte schynes contemplacyone, čat es, saynt Austyne says, a gastely dede of fleschely affeccyones thurghe če Ioye of a raysede thoghte.  Strenghe es lastynge to fullfill gude purpose, čat it be noghte lefte for wele ne for waa.  Pete es čat a man be mylde; and gaynesay noghte haly writte whene it smyttes his synnys, whethire he vndyrstand it or noghte, bot in all his myghte purge be če vilte of syne in hyme and očer.  Connynge es čat makes a man of gude [hope] noghte ruysand hyme of his reghtewysnes, bot sorowand of his synnys; and čat man gedyrs erthely gude anely to the honour of god, and prow to očer mene čane hym-selfe.  The drede of god es čat we tame noghte agayne till oure syne thurghe any ill eggyng. / And ča[n] es drede perfite in vs and gastely / when we drede to wrethe god in če leste syne, čat we kane knawe, and flese it als venyme. Explicit. 8. Item Idem de dilectacione in deo. Also of če same: delyte and ¨ernyng of gode. Ihesus Marie filius, sit michi clemens & propecius. Amen. |r Gernyng and delite of Ihesu Criste čat has na thyng of worldes thoghtes, es wondyrfull, pure, haly, and faste, and whene a man felis hym in čat degre than es a man Circumsysede gastely. [It es haly] whene all očer besynes and affeccyons and thoghtes are drawene away owte of his saule, that he may hafe ryste in goddes lufe with-owttene tagillynge of očer thynges.  The delyte es wondirfull [when] it es sa heghe čat na thoghte may reche čar-to to bryng it doune.  It es pure when it es noghte blendid with na thynge čat es contrayrie thare-to.  And it es faste whene it es clene and stabill delitande by it-selfe.  Thre thynges makes delite in gode heghe: Ane es restreynynge of fleschely luste in complecioune. Anočer es restreynynge or repressynge of ill styrrynge and of temptacione in will. The thirde es kepynge or hegheynge of če herte in lyghtenynge of če halygaste, čat haldis his herte vpe fra all erthely thoghtes, čat be sette nane obstakill at the comynge of Criste in till hyme. // Ilkane čat couaytes endles hele, be he besy nyghte and daye to fulfill čis lare or elles to Criste¨ lufe he may noghte wynne // ffor it es heghe, and all čat it duellis in, it lyftes abowne layery lustes and vile couaytes and abowne all affeccyouns and thoghtes of any bodily thynge. // Twa thynges makes oure delyte pure. // Ane es tornynge of sensualite to the skyll; or whene any es tornede to delite of hys fyve wittes alsone vnclennes entyrs in to his saule. // Anočer es čat če skyll mekely be vssede in gastely thynges, als in medytacyons, and orysouns, and lukynge in haly bukes. // For-thy če delyte čat has noghte of vnordaynde styrrynge and mekely has styrrynge in Criste, and whilke če sensualyte es tournede to če skyll, all sette and oysede tyll god, makys a mans saule in ryste & sekimes, and ay to duell in gude hope, & to be payede with all godis sandes with-owttene gruchynge or heuynese of thoghte¨, &c. Explicit. Explicit carmen. Qui scripsit sit benedictus. Amen. |p198 [Ms. Thornton, fol. 179.] Works not bearing author's name [1. The Privity of the Passion: Bonaventura de mysteriis passionis Iesu Christi.] In Nomine Patris et Filii et Speritus Sancti Amen. Here begynnes the Previte off the Passioune of owre lorde Ihesu. |r Who so desyres to ffynd comforthe and gostely gladnes in če Passione and in če croysse of owre lorde Ihesu, hym nedis with besy thoghte ffor to duell in it and all očer besynes forgette and sett at noghte: and sothely I trowe fully čat who so wolde besy hyme with all his herte and all his mynde and vmbethynke hym of this gloryus Passione and all the circumstance thare-off, It sulde bryng hym and chaunge hyme In to a new state of lyfynge. For he čat incerches it with depe thoghte and with all hys hert lastandly, he sall fynde full many thynges thare-In styrande hym to newe compassione, newe luffe, newe gostely comforthe, and so sall he be broghte in to a newe gostely swettnesse, [To gete čis state] čat I speke of, I trowe čat a mane behoued to rayse vp all če scharpenes of his mynde & opyne whyde the Inere eghe of his soule In to be-holdynge of čis b[l]esside passione, and forgett & caste be-hynd hyme for če tyme all očer Ocupacyouns & besynes; and that he make hym-selfe present in his thoghte as if he sawe fully with his bodyly eghe all the thyngys čat be-fell abowte če crosse and če glorious passione of oure lorde Ihesu; and čat noghte schortly & passsandly, bot lufandly, besely, habundandly, & lastandly; noghte sturdandly, ne with dullnes & hevines of sperit. éof euery man aughte with grett reuerance & sadnes to thynk one all če leuynge & dedys of oure lorde Ihesu čat he wroghte in erthe for man-kynde, neuer-če-lesse mekyll more besyly, with mekill sadnes & deuocyone, awe hym to sett all his herte & all his myghte abowte čis glorious passione: ffor here-In he schewes moste lufe & charite to vs, če wilke aughte to bryne all oure hertes in lufe to hym. And ther-for sett thy-selfe, čat es či mynde, čer-to all holly: and be-holde noghte onely če payne & crucyfyenge of thy lorde Ihesu whene he was done one the rode in če oure of vndrone, bot also fro begynnyng of his blisside passione, that es full of matere of pete & com_passione. How mekill compassione, I pray če, es it to be-holde & thynke how owre lorde Ihesu, čat es bothe verray gode and mane, fro če oure of his takinge at če euene, to hye vndrone of če morne when he was don on če rode, was in contenuell batell, and hugge sorowe, and bittire reprevynges, In many skornnynges and vnresonabyll turmentes, with-owttyne any ryste or cessyng? Ihesu, mercy, amen. |r Begynne nowe thy meditacyone at the be-gynnynge of Cristes passyone and pursue it feruently to če laste Ende: of the wilke I sall towche to če a littill: bot thow may vse theme more largelye, after god gyffes če grace. Be-holde nowe besylye to euery poynte as if čou were there bodyly: and be-holde hym graythely as he rase vpe fro his super, whene he had Endide his Sermone, with his disciples, and ¨ede with theme in to a ¨erde where he was ofte wounte to |p199 goo with theme. Goo thow amange theme, & be-holde how lufandly, how fe_landly he gose with theme and spekes, & steres theme to praye. Be-holde also how he hym-selfe gose fro theme a caste of a stone, and mekely and reuerently he knelyde downn, prayand to his ffadir. Abyde now a littill and see če wondirs of thy lorde god. / Now thi lorde Ihesu prayes. We rede that he ofte-tyms prayede, bot than he prayede for vs as oure advocate: bot now he prayes [for] hym-selfe. Haue therfore pete & compassyone, and wondire of če vnmesurabill meknesse of hym. For of-all it be sothe čat he be bothe gode and man, euene to če fadir of heuene, neuer-če-lesse he forgettes as it were his godhede, and prayes mekly as a man; he stode as a nočire synnere, prayand to če ffadire. / Be-holde also in hym moste perfite obedience. What prayede thy lorde lhesu? sothely he prayede his ffadire čat he sulde delyuer hym fro če bittire houre of dede, he couetyd noghte to dye, if it were plesyng to če ffadire of heuene; and neuer-če-lesse his aughene fadire wolde noghte here hym. This I saye aftire some will čat was in Criste. For čou sall vndirstande čat čere were many and dyuerse willis in hym, as doctours say: there was In hym če will of če fflesche and čat wolde one no manere suffyre dede; ther was also In hym če will of sensualite and čat gruchede and was afferde to suffire dede; ther was also in hym če will of če resoune and čat was Obedyent & consentande to dye; thare was also in hym če will of če godhede & čat commandedyd and ordaynede hym to dye. And here sall čou haue pete & compassione, ffor his ffadire will owtterly that he dye for oure gilte, and of-all he be his awghene begetyne sone, ¨itt will he not spare hym bot gyffes hyme to če dede for vs. For če ffadire of heuene louede so mekill mankynde, čat was loste thurghe synne, čat for redempcione of mans sawle he putt his aughne sone to če dede. And thene oure lorde Ihesus takes mekly čis obedience, and fulfillis it mekly and reuerently. / Here may thow now see če vnspekeabill & če vnmesurabill charite, bothe of če ffadire and of če sone. There-fore ¨eld we agayne pete, compassione, & all manere luffe & wirchyppe. / Owre Iorde Ihesu prayede his fadire a longe while, and said: "My moste mercy_full ffadire, I be-seke the that čou here my prayere, & despise not my prayere. Take hede to me, dere ffadire, & here me: for I am heuyde in my trauayle, and my spyrite es greued in me, and my herte es troublede in my-selfe: and there_fore bowe downne thyne ere to me, & here če voyce of my besekynge. It was likynge to ¨ow, ffadire, for to sende me in to čis werlde, čat I sulde make asethe for mans trespas čat he did to vs: and as sone as čou said thus, I said 'I go', and as it es wretyne in če spalme of me čat I sulde full-fill thy will, my gode, so wold I. éi sothefastenes I haue schewed to če werlde, I haue bene pore & in manye trauelles fro myn ¨outhede, & I haue fulfillide all thi will and done all thynges čat čou has bedyn me do. And also what thynge čat es ¨it for to do I am redy to full-fill it. Neuer-če-lesse, gud fadir, if it be plesande to če, take fro me bitter passione čat myne enemyse ordeyne for me. Thow sees wele, my dere fadir, howe grete ill čey ymagyne agayne me, & how grete falsenes čey put appone me, and all čeire concell es to do me to dede. Bot, holy ffadir, čou knawes wele čat I dide neuer none of thire thynges čat čey put one me, and čat čar es no wykkednes in my handes, bot I haue euer done čat was ple_sand |p200 to če: and čay do me ill agayne gude, & hatredene for grett lufe čat I schewede to čem; and my disciple čai haue corupte to be čeire ledare to lose me, and haue boghte me for thrytty plates. And there-fore I pray če, dere fadire, čat thow take awaye fro me this bitter passione. Neuer-če-lesse if it be othir-wyese plesande to če, thy will be full-fillide. Rise vpe nowe, ffadire, I pray če, and helpe me: for certes, čofe-all they know me noghte for či sone, noghte-for-thy for alls mekill as I haue lyfede amonge theme with-owttyn any trispas or gilte, and for many gude dedys čat I hafe done to them, čem aughte noghte to be so fell & crewell agaynes me. Bot I pray the, ffadir, be noghte ferre fro me; for why my tribulacione es nere, and čer es none čat will helpe me." Whene owre lorde Ihesu had čus prayede, he come agayne to his disciples, & fonde čem slepande. Bot he waked theme, & bade čeme wake & praye, čat čey fall noghte in to temptacione, and comforthede čem, & went agayne fro čem as it were če caste of a stone, & mad the seconde prayere; & če thride tyme the same Orysone; and saide: "Rightewyse fadire, sen čou owtterly ordeyned čat I sall suffire ded one če crosse for mans saule, thy will be done. Bot I recomand to ¨owe my dere modir, & my disciples, če whilke I haue kept to čis tyme whills I haue bene with theme: Bot holy fadir, kepe čeme now fro all ill". / Be_holde in tyme of čis prayere how his precyous blode rane downe fro his blesside body as watire habundandly in to če grownde ffor gret angwysse & drede čat he hade of his bitter dede, and be-holde now here besyly in howe grett angwysse & trybulacyone či lorde Ihesu whas sett in čis houre. And be-holde also how he prayed thrys, or he had any answere; and there-for suffire thowe paciently all-čoff čou be noghte herde one-one. / And whene oure lorde hade čus prayede, and was čus in čis grett angwysse: the angell seynte Michaell, a prynce of če heuennly courte, apperide to hym comforthande hym & sayande thus: "Hayle, my lorde Ihesu. żour meke prayeng & ¨our blody swetynge I haue offerde to ¨our ffadir in če syghte of all heuenly courte, and we all fell doune one knese prayande hym to take awaye fro ¨owe čis harde passione. And ¨oure ffadir ansuerde & said: 'My dere sone Ihesu knawes wele čat če rawnssone & salua_cione of manes saule, čat we all desyre so gretly, may not be done & made with_owttyne scheddynge of his blyssede blode: and čare-for, if it so be čat he will čat mans saule be safe, hym be-houes to dy for it". Then answ[e]rde oure lorde Ihesu to če angell: "The hele of mans saule all-gatt I couette, & čere-for I seche rathere to dye čat mans saule myghte be safe, čan nott to dye if mans saule solde be loste: and čerfore če wyll of my ffadir be fullfillede". éen said če angell to hym: "Be ¨e čer-for of gude comforthe & suffirs manly: for sone sall passe ¨oure disesse & payne, & ¨e sall aftir haf Ioye and Endles blise. For ¨oure fadir es euer with ¨owe, and he [sal] kepe ¨our modir & all ¨our disciplys". And than owre lorde Ihesu, mekely and reu[er]ently receyuede čis comforthyng of če angell, knowyng how thurghe takynge of owre dedlynes he was made lesse čen angell whilles he was in this vale of teres; and ryghte as he was ferde and heuy as mane, righte [so] was he comforthede of če angell wordes as mane, prayand če angell to recomande hym to his fadir and to all če heuenly conrte. And so če angell toke his leue and went his waye agayne to heuene. / éene owre lorde |p201 Ihesu rose vpe če thryde tyme fro his prayere, all wete with blody swete. Be_holde hym nowe besyly how he wypis his visage, or ells wesches in če [fonte] of Cedrone, all full of angwysche and woo, and haue thowe grete pete of hyme & compassione, for he myghte noghte haue grett & swett blode so largely with_owttyne grett bitternesse of sorowe & angwysche. / Be-holde & see now besyli all če doynges and disesse of či lord Ihesu, how he come to his disciplys & bad them slepe & take theire ryste: and be wakede & watchede as a gude hirde_man ouer hys floke. A full gret lufe of oure lorde ! sothely he [lufed] all his [to] če laste Ende of his lyfe, whene hym-selfe was sett in so grett angre & ¨it he es besy abowte čeire ryste. Then [saw] he his Enemys come fro ferre with force and armes, with lanternes & staues, to take hym, and ¨itt he wolde noghte wakkene his disciplis bot sufferde čeme slepe, to his Enemyse were nere at hym. éene wakkende he čeme & bade čeme ryse: "ffor he čat has be-trayede me es now commene". And čan come Iudas & kyssede Ihesu. For it was če manere of oure lorde čat whene he sent his disciples in any place, for to kysse čeme at če comyng-agayne: and čer-for Iudas gafe če Iewes čat takene čat whame so he kyssede, hym sulde čey take and holde. Bot Iudas come be-fore, as who say: "I am not with čise armede mene nor of theire knowyng; bot I kysse če & say haile mayster". Be-holde here nowe oure lorde Ihesu and se how paciently and how benyngly he resayuede če haylsyng & the kyssynge of če traytoure; and how he suffirde hym-selfe to be takene & betyne & dispoyllede, be ledde as a theeffe or as a mysdoere čat no powere hade to helpe hym-selfe; ffor he hade more pete & compassione of his disciples čat flede awaye for ferde, čene he hade of hym_selfe. Be-holde now wele how he es led forthe of če wykked Iewes towarde Ierusalem agayne če hill hastyly, with grett payne, & his handes boune be- hynd hyme, boystously gyrdide in his kirtill all one, bare-heuede, & bowande downe_warde če bake for werynesse & gret hastynesse. / When he was presentede be-for Cayphas and očer prynces & prestes of če lawe, čay made myrthe and Ioy as dose a lyone whene he has getyne his pray. They lede hym in to čeire chapetere-hous & examende hym straytly; čey procurede false wittnesse agayne hym; čey dampnede hym, despysede hym & spytte in his faire face, they hillide his enghne & bobbyd hym, and with many dispysynges and repreuynges čey trauelde hym hougely: and all he suffirde pacyently with-owttene growchynge. And here be-holde hym wele & haue thow compassione of hym. / At the laste whene čey were wery for tourmentynge of hym, they put hym in a presone, [& bonde hym to a peler] of stone, & lefte with hym armede mene to kepe hym sekerly čat he sulde noghte passe away; [čat] all če nyghte myssaide, repreuy[n]ge hyme one čis manere: "Thow wenede čou had bene wysere čene oure prynce¨: it was grette foly! če aughte noghte ones to opyne či mouthe agayne theme: how durste čou be so hardy? Bot now schewes wele či foly, now standes čou as čou has diseruede. éou erte worthy to be dede, and with-owttyne dowte so čou sall, be seker čerof". And thus they trauelde hym all čat nyghte now one now an očer. Be-holde now či lorde gode how mekly he stode & paciently sufferand all čat čat čey dide, & ansuers noghte bot stode styll with-owttene any excusynge, & [as] be had bene gilty mekly en_clynande his eghne downewarde: and haue here grete compassione of hym, A, |p202 lorde Ihesu, in to whas handes ware ¨e takyne, & how gret was ¨oure pacience / And čus stode he all če nyghte bownd to a peler, to če morne. In this tym saynt Iohn wente to oure lady & to hir felawghes, čer čey were to-gedyre in Marye Maudeleyne house, & tolde čeme all čat was done to čeire lorde Ihesu & to [his] disciplis. éen was čere vnspekabill sorowes, wepynges & cryenge¨, and wryngynge of honde¨, & murnynge¨ with-owttyne mesure. Be-holde čeme with grete compassione, ffor čei are sette in grete angwisse & in full mekill sorowe for čeire lofly lorde Ihesu, ffor they knewe wele čat he sulde be dede. Then owre lady turnede hire to če walle, prayande če ffadire of heuene for hir sone Ihesu, and saide:"Wirchipfull fadir of heuene, ffadir of mercy & of pete, I comend in to ¨oure hande¨ & ¨our kepynge my moste dere sonne Ihesu, and I beseke ¨ow čat ¨e be noghte cruelle to hym, for ¨e are to all othire benynge & mercyfull. O endles fadire, whedire Ihesu my dere sone sall nowe be dede? Sothely he did neuer ill to be dede fore. Bot, rygtwhise fadyr of heuene, sene ¨e will the redempcyone of manes saulle. I be-seke ¨owe lorde, čat ¨e wolde ordeyne it one anočer manere than this: ffor alt thyng es possibill to ¨owe. I pray ¨ow, holy ffadire, if it be likynge to ¨owe, čat my dere sone Ihesu be nott don to dede, bot delyuer ¨e hym fro dede & ffro če handes of synners, and gyfe me hym agayne. For he for obedience & reuerence of ¨owe helpes nott hym_selfe, bot forsakes hym-selfe witterly, as mane čat myght nočer helpe hyme-selfe ne cowthe. éere-fore I pray ¨owe, if it plese ¨owe, čat ¨e wolde helpe hyme". éus prayede owre ladye for hire dere sone with all če affectioune and will of hire herte, & with grett bitternesse and sorowe. And čerfore haue now pete and compassione of hire, čat was in čat grete trebulacione for hir dere sone Ihesu. Ad primam. |r Arely at morne come agayne če prynces and če grette of če Iewes & toke byrne owte of presone, & bounde his hande¨ by-hynde hym, and repreuede hyme & bade hym, "Come forthe, thefe, come forthe to thy dome, ffor this daye sall we make an ende of thy wykkednes, and nowe sall it be sene what all thy wisse_dom profete¨ če serues of". And čus despetously čei lede hym forthe be-fore Pylate; and he folowede čeme as one Innocente lambe čat were lede to sacra_fice. Whene his modire and seyn Iohne & čeire felawes come tymly at morne to see Ihesu, čey mett hym in če waye, and when čey sawe hym so vnlawefully and so dispetousely lede with so grette multitude, čare myghte no tonge telle če wo, če sorowe, čat čey hade ffor hym. In čis metynge to-gedire, was gret sorowe one bothe če partyese, ffor owre lorde Ihesu hade gret sorowe for compassione čat he hade of all his, & pryncipally to his dere modire, ffor be knewe wele čat hire sorowe was vnspekabill as towchynge hyme. Be-holde čerfore besyly to euery poynte, fore čey are full of sorowe & bytter compassione. / Thus čey lede hym furthe to Pilate; and čeise womene čat lufed hyme so tendirly čey come all o fferre, for they myghte noghte com nere hyme for thronge of če Iewes. Than the Iewes accusede hym in many poyntes, and Pilate sent hym to Herode. And Herode was fayne of hyme, be-cause čat he couet o longe tyme to se hyme wirke some wondirs; bot he ne myghte gete no meracle, nor worde, of hyme. And čare-for Herode helde hym for a fole, & in diresyoune & skorne he cločede |p203 hyme in whytte as a fole & sent hyme agayne to Pilate: and čen fro čat tyme for_warde čey helde hyme nott onely a mysedoere, bot also a fole. Bot he sufferde all čis full paciently withowttyne any gruchynge. Be-holde now here, thow that wilde be goddes luffere, how [when] he es lede to-warde and frowarde, how schamefully & how mekely be gose, his face Enclynede to če erthewarde, and herande with grett styllnes of herte čeire crynges [and] čeire repreuynge¨, & [suffrand] čeire betynges and all manere vnclennes. Be-holde also how his modire and all his frendes stand all o ferre lokande, & folowande čeme, with mekyll murnyng & hertly sorowe. / Whene čey hade broghte hyme agayne to Pilate, čis fell pepyll, čey accusede hym felly vncesynge: Bot whene Pylate couthe fynde no cause of dede, he wolde haue delyuerede hyme, & said to čeme: "I sall chastye hyme and late hym goo". Then Pilate comandede theyme čat he sulde be betyne & schorugede. / Thene čey dispoylede owre lorde dispitousely with-owttene any pete & made hym nakyde, & bande hys handis by-hynde hyme and feste hym till a pelere; & bett hym withe scharpe knotty schourges, a longe whyle. And as some doctours says, one euery knott was a scharpe hok of Iryne, čat with euery stroke čey rofe his tendyr flesche. He stode naked be-fore theme a faire ¨onge mane schameful in schapp, and speciouse in bewte passande all erthely mene: he suf_ferde čis harde paynefull betyng of thes wikkede mene in his tendireste flesche & clenneste. Floure of all flesche and of all man kynde es nowe full of blo be_tynges & blody brystynnge¨; one euery syde stremys downe če kynges blode of heuene fro euery parte of his blyssed body. He es betyne and betyne agayne, blester appone blester, and wonde appone wonde, to bothe če beters & če [be)-holders were wery, & čene čei vn-bonde hyme. Be-holde hym here mekly & habondandly, and if čou can haue here no compassione of či lorde Ihesu, wete čou wele či herte es hardere čane če stone. Than was fullfillede če profecy of Ysaye the prophete, sayand thus: "We be-helde hym all owt-caste and vileste of all mene, & čer was in hym nočer fairenes nor bewte, bot he was lyke a leprouse mane, smetyne & cast downe fro gode". A, dere Ihesu, what whas he čat was so hardy to dispoyle & nakyn če? And how were čey wele wers hardy čat durste bynde če so faste? Bot sothely, most wikkedly were čey hardy čat du[r]ste so bett the! Bot sothely čou sone of ryghtwisenes, čou with-drewe či bryghte beme, & čerfore was myrknes ouere all če werlde. A, lorde Ihesu, what made the to suffire all čis hard penance, tourmente¨ and payne¨? Sothely thynne vnmesurabyll luffe čat čou hade to vs, and owre grette wikkednes čat myghte not be weschene awaye bot with če precyouse licoure of či precyouse blode. A, lord Ihesu, weryede be čat gret wykkednes čat was če cause čat čou was so felly tourmente! / When they lesid hym fro če pelere, he ¨ode abowte se_kande hys clothes čat ware castene here & there where he was firste nakede. Be-holde hym here besyly thus betyne & all tremlynge for colde: for, as če gospell sais, če wedire was colde. Bot whene he sulde haue clede hym agayne with hys aughene clothes, čey wolde noght suffire hym; bot lede hym furthe all nakede be-fore Pilate & said to hym: "Sir, this traytoure mad hym-selfe a kynge: and čerfore be-houes vs cloče hym one kynges manere, & corowne hyme". Then they toke ane olde rede mantill, foule & myschapene, & cločed hym čerwith, |p204 & toke a garlande of scharpe thornnes in stede of a corowne & threste one his hede, & toke hym a septur in his hande, all for scorne. Be-holde čow now be_syli, & haue čou pete of, his gret paynes, & ¨itt did he all čat čey bade hym, & suffers all čat čey do to hym: he toke če rede clothe, he bare če croune of thorne one hys heuede, & toke če septer in his hande; & čey knelyd be-fore hym & scornede hym & calde hym kynge, & all [he] sufferde & spake righte noghte agayne. Be-holde hym nowe with compassione & tendirnes of herte hou his heued was thurghe-prikkede with scha[r]pe thornes thurghe his blesside brayne, and ofte-tyme čey smote hyme with če septure one če heuede fore scorne & dispite; and beholde his blyssede face all rynnande with rede blode. A ¨ee ouere-donne blynde wreches! how dredfull & ferdfull sall čat wirchipfull kynges heuede apere agayne in his ryghtwyse dome, čat ¨e smote so felly and dispe_tousely! [éey] scornede hyme & dispysede hyme as he wolde haue bene a kynge & myghte nott; and all he sufferde pacyently as [he] hade bene čeire allere ser_uande. And ¨itte theme thoghte not čis ynoghe: bot for more scorne & repreue čey gedyrde to-gedire all če multitude of Iewes, & broghte hym furthe be-fore čeme thus scorne[d], weryng če croune of thorne, and lede hym be-fore Pilate. Be-holde now tendirly how he stode all aschamede, mekly bowynge his heuede, be-fore so grete a multitude of folke roreynge and cryenge "do hym one če crosse", scornenynge [hym] as he bade bene a fole, and as all had bene bot foly čat he hade spokene be-fore to če prynces & če pharysens & čerfore čey dighte hym thus and broghte hym to čis plighte; and so nott allonely he sufferde of theme [sorwe] and bodyly payne, bot also many repreuynges & dispites. The meditacione of vndrone. |r éen all če multitude of Iewes come cryeng with gret voyce čat he solde be crucifiede, and čus was he dampnede with-owttyne gylt of čat cursede domesmane Pilate. They hade for-getyne all his benefete¨ čat he hade donne to čeme, nor they are noghte styrede to pete čof-all he be bot ane Innocent & clene of lyfyng; ne čey will not lett for all če paynes & turmente¨ čat čey haue done to hyme be-fore; bot they make Ioye & myrthe čat čeire malicious Entente & čeire wikkede will es fulfillede. éey scorned hym & hastede hym to his dede. / Then they broghte hym [in] agayne, & nakynd hym of his purpure; & he stode nakede amonge theme, & soghte his aughene clothes čat were throwene abowte, & clede hym with gret schame before čeme all, čat scornned hym as he had bene vileste of all men & forsakene of god. Be-holde here and wondire of his grete mekenes and pacience, and conforme če čere-to and folowe as mekill as čou may. / When they had clothed hym, čey led hym forthe with gret haste to his dede, and laid one his bake, čat was so sore & all full of wondes, the hevy crosse: and he as a meke lambe paciently toke it and bare it forthe with mekill penance and ang_wisse; and čey led hym forthe be-twix two thefes, and čat was his felaschipe! O god Ihesu, how mekyll schame & velany did they to [¨ow] the cursede Iewes, čat mad če kyng of trewe[t]he felawe to theues! & more schame [¨e] hade & more reprefe čen če thefes: ffor they did ¨owe bere ¨oure owne crosse, & čat rede we nott of če thefes. / Be-holde hym here with gret pete & compassione, how |p205 he wente stowpande with čat gret hevy byrdene čat he bare, čat was če crosse. Bot for as mekill as his sorowfull modire myghte nott com to hym for gret thronge of pepull, scho wente be anočer waye nerehand & schortere, with seynt Iohn & hir felawes, & mett hire sone comyng owt of če cete. And whene cho sawe hir childe čus chargede with čis hevy birdene, & he ranne al ouere with blode, cho fell in swunynge and nerehand was dede for sorowe; [n]or cho myghte nott speke to hym a worde, nor he to hire, so was be hastede to his dede... / And whene he hade borne čat hevy crosse a gret while, so čat for werynes & če sore wondes & sorenes he myghte no lenger bere it, he laid it downe: and for they wold not tarye his dede fore ferdenes of changyng of Pilates sentence -- for he lete be-fore as he wolde hafe delyeuerde hyme: čey made one take če crosse & here it forthe. & lede Ihesu, bound as a thefe, to če mounte of Calueri. / Thynke če nott čat all čis čat he suferde in če owre of matyns, prime, & vndrone, with-owttyne any more doynge one če crosse had bene sorowe & payne Inoghe, bitternes, sorowe & angwyse to h[e]re? Certes, I trowe ¨is, & mekill sterynge to petouse compassione, ¨a & bryngynge in to tendir and loueande hertes gret matere of pacience. And thus we haue saide in this partie what be-fell in čire thre howres. The Meditacione of Middaye. |r éere-fore whene oure lorde Ihesu whas thus velansly broghte to čat stynkande place of Caluarye, thow may be-holde wykked werkes one ilke a syde. Be-holde theme čat stande beside, and with thi gostely eghe be-holde how some makes če crosse redy, some ordeynede če nayles and some če hamers, očer some bryng forthe ledders and očer Instrumentes čat čey hade ordeynede to do hyme one the rode wyth. Thane they nakynde hym agayne be-for all če pepill and rafe of bustously his clothes čat were drye & bakene to his blessid body all_abowte hyme in his blyssede blode. and so they drew ofe če flesche & če skyne with-owttyne any pete. And sekerly čis was a gret payne and a vnsufferabill, ffor there they renewede all his olde bryssynges & his drye wondes, and če skyne čat be-fore was lefte one hym, čen was it alto-gedire rente of & cleuyde by hys clothes. O whate sorowe & woo trowestowe čat his modire hade whene cho sawe hym thus farene with? Scho had sorowe with-owttyne mesure and also gret schame, whene cho sawe hym thus stande nakede -- ffor če fals Iewes lefte nott so mekill one hyme as his preue clothes: and čerfore his sorowefull modire wente in gret haste to hir sone & halses hyme and hilles hym with the vaile of hire heuede. O lorde Ihesu, how mekill sorowe & pete was thane in hire herte! I hope cho myghte not speke to hym a worde for gret sorowe and tribulacione of sperite. Bot cho myghte no more helpe hyme nor do to hyme, bot čat cho couerde hys preue membirs. For they refte hym fro hire with gret Indignacione and Enviousely, and as wode mene they threwe hym wyde opyne one če crosse, and strenede oute his armes with gret violence one euery side, and smote hym thrughe bothe če handes to če crosse with gret nayles; & whene čey hade so done, čey went to his fete: & če holes of če crosse were made so ferre čat his fete myghte nott reche theme be a gret thynge: and čan čay tuke rapes & |p206 with gret violence čey drewe owte his body & his fete, to čei were mete to če holes. And aftere čat they reysede vpe če crosse one Ende, as many as myghte ley hande one, & lett it fall downe in to a mortase of stone, was ordeyned čerfore: and In this hevy fallynge all če Ioyntes & cenowes of his blesside body braste in-sondire. And whene he was thus sprede o-brode one če crosse more straite čan any parchemyne-skyne es sprede one če harowe, so čat mene myghte tell all če blyssede bones of his body: thane rane fro hym one euery syde stremes of blode owt of his blessede wondes. For he was sett so straytly čat he myghte nott remowe fote nor hande nor lyme of hym bot his blyssede hede; thies thre nayles bare vpe & sustente all če weghte of hys body. He sufferde mekill payne, ¨a more čan herte may thynke or tunge tell. He hangged by-twyx two thefes as he čat hade bene fawty. One euery syde was repreues and paynes. And ¨it whene he was so hard sette, ¨itt wolde čey nott cesse of dispyssynge: Some blasfemede hym & said fy one hym čat distroyes, and očer some saide: "Othire mene saued he, bot hym-selfe he may nott helpe. If he be goddes sone, late hym come doune of če crosse & we sall trowe one hym"; and one many očer wyse čey repreued hym all če daye. Also če knyghtes čat crucyfied hym, depar_tede amonge¨, theme his clothes in his awene syghte. / And all čis čey did in presence of his sorowfull modir, whas sorow & compassione was gretly če cause of encressyng of hir dere sones passione, and če sones passione ekede če modire sorowe; ffor oure lady hange one čo Rode with hire dere childe in soule, and rathere couett to dye with hym čene to lyfe ... éer was also be-syd če crosse standyng by oure lady Iohn Ewangeliste, Marie Mawdelyne, & očer two Maries oure lady systers, & all čese wepede full tenderly for oure lorde Ihesu; čey had gret compassione of oure lord Ihesu and also of his modire, & as ofte was čeire sorowe renuede as any new passione, myssayenge¨ or repr[e]ue was done to oure lorde Ihesu &c. A meditacyone off None. |r Owre Lorde Ihesu whilles he hang one če crosse, to če howre of his ded, he was noghte Idill, bot he taughte gret perfeccione. He spake seuene wordes, the wilke we rede in če gospell. The fyrste was whene he prayede for theme čat did hym to dede, sayeng: "Fadir, for-gyffe theme theire trespas, for they wate nott whate they doo" ... Thise wordes were takyne of gret pacience, perfite lufe & charite, & also schewenge of Ensampill of grette myldnes & pete. / The secund worde was when he spake to his modir of saynte Iohn, & said: "Womane, be-holde či sone". He called hire not modir bot womane, čat cho sulde nott for tendirnes of lufe haue more sorowe ne dissese. / The thryde worde was when he spake to če thefe čat hange be-syde hyme one če crosse, & said: "This daye sall čou be with me in paradyse". A, this was a kynd worde, & a swete worde, & a worde to vs of gret comforthe, whene he čat was a theefe & a mysdoere all his lyfe to če laste houre of his dede, and thane for he forthoghte hys synne & beleuede in oure lorde Ihesu, had forgyfnes. Now, lorde, loued myght čou be! / The fferth worde was: Heloy heloy, lama¨abatani: éat es to saye: "My god, my gode, why hase čou forsakene [me]?" as who saye: "my fadir, čou loues so |p207 mekill če soule of mane čat čou hase gyffene me to be dede for it, and so semes it čat čou has fo[r]-sakene me". / The fyfte worde was: "I thryste". This was a bitter worde full of compassione bothe to his modir & to seynt Iohn & to all his frendis čat louede hym tendirly, and to vnpeteuose Iewes it was com_forthe & grete gladnes. For čof it were so čat hym thrystede for če hele of manes soule, neuer-če-les in sothefastnes hym thrystede bodily; & čat was no wondyr, for thurghe scheddynge of hys precyouse blode so habundandly, & for grete angwyse čat he sufferde withowttyne cessynge fro če thursedaye at euene to če ffrydaye at hey-none, he was all Inwardly drye and thristy. And whene čise vnpetouse mene vmbethoghte theme in what thynge čey myghte moste dere hyme, they tuke aysell & gall & mengede to-gedir, and gafe hym to drynke. / The sexte worde was whene he saide: "It es all done", as who say: "Fadyr, če Obedience čat čou bad me do. I haue fullfillede it; and ¨it, if čare be any more čat ¨e will čat I do, I am redy to fulfill it" ... And thane he be-gane to langwesse as če maner es agayne če dede, now speryng hys eghne & now Openyng čeme, nowe bowynge his heuede downne one če to syde and now one če točer, and all hys strenghes & all his myghte be-gane to faile: / & čen said he če seuend worde, cryenge with a hye voyce & a myghty, & with teres wepynge sayeand: "Fader, I comende my sperite in to či handes"; and thane, when he had said čis wordes, he ¨elde če goste ... / O, dere frende, what sorowe trowes thow vmlappede the soule of his dere modyre, when cho sawe hir dere sone so paynefully fayle and dolefallye dye? I trow čat for mekill payne and angwysse scho was all slokenede in sorowe, and made as it were incencebill and as it were halfe-dede, mekill more čane thane whene cho mete hym in če waye beryng his crosse. And what trowes thow čat Marie Maudeleyne dyde čat so mekyll loued Ihesu? what dyd sayne Iohn, moste bylouede of Ihesu of all his disciplys? and what trowes čou čat če točer two systyrs of oure lady dyd? What myghte they do? éey where slokende and fulfillide with bitternes of sorow and made dronkene with sobbynge and sygheyng, ffor all they wepide with-owttyne mesure. / Be-holde now how thi lorde Ihesu honge dede one če crosse for či lufe. All če multitude of če folke where čene gone home, bot onely oure lady & hir systers & saynt Iohn; they duellide & sett theme doune be-syde če crosse, and ofte čey lokede one čeire lufe, abydand helpe how čey myghte take hyme downe & bery hym. Now, & thow wolde wele & avesyly be-holde či lorde Ihesu, thow may fynde čat fro če crowne of če heuede to če sole of his fete čare was no hole spotte lefte one hyme; nor lym nor party of his blyschede body čat ne it was of payne, passione, woo, angwysse, and sorowe. / Thow haste now herde me reherse here če manere of his crucyfyenge, his passione and his bitternes, and his rewefull dede, the wilke he sufferde in če houre of vndrone and of none, aftyr čis littill wryttynge for sterrynge of deuocyone at čis tyme: and there_for stadye čou devotely, mekly, and besyly for to clefe čerto, and take Ensampill čarof as mekill as in če es, thonrghe če helpe of če mercy of Ihesu, and folowe aftire. And nowe I will reherse the schortely whate be-fell aftyr čat he was dede at če houre of none &c. |p208  Also at None &c. |r Aftire če houre of none the petefull modire of Ihesu oure lady saynte Marie, saynt Iohn, Marie Maudeleyne, & če two systers of oure lady, čey satt styll abyddynge, & be-holdynge with-owttyne cessynge oure lorde Ihesu so hangyng be-twixe two thefes nakede & so petousely woundede, so bitterly turment, so schamfully done to dede, and vtterly for-sakene off all mene. And as čey satte thus to-gedire, they sawe come fro če Cete a grete companye of armede mene, that where sente fro če prynces of če Iewes to take čeme downe čat hange one če crosse and bery čeme: that they sulde nott hang one če crosse one če grette sabot-daye. Than oure lady & hir companye rose vpe & behelde theme, ffor thene begane čeire sorowe all newe & drede [&] ferdnes to begyne. Oure lady was čane full ferde and couthe noghte bot turnede hire to hir sone as he hange dede one če Rode, and said to hym: "My dere sone, whareto come čise mene agayne? what will čey do to če more? haue čey nott done če to ded? My dere sone, I wend čey hade fullfillede all čeire will of the: bot, me thynke, čey will not cesse to pursue [če] dede. My dere sone, I wate neuer whate I sall do, ffor nočer I myghte haue če leuynge nor I may not defende če dede. Bot I sall come and stande be-syde the crosse at thy fete, my dere sone, and I beseke thy dere fadire čat he make čeme to haue mercy one the and pete". And čan čey all fyve knelide downe to-gedire be-fore če crosse of Ihesu, sore wepande. / Thane come čeise wikkyde Iewes: & whene čey sawe čise two thefes čat hang by oure lorde one lyfe, čey brake čeyre thees & slewe theme all-owte, & caste theme vilancely in to a dyke. And whene čey come to oure lorde Ihesu, oure lady his modire was a-drade čat čey suld do so with oure lorde: scho fell downe one hire knees, & helde vp bothe hir handes tendirly wepynge, & said: "Brethire, I pray ¨ow for goddes lufe, čat ¨e do no more to my sone. I am here his sorow_full modire, & ¨e knowe wele čat I greued ¨ow neuer ne trespaste agayne ¨ow; and čof-all my sone semed contrarie to ¨ow, ¨e haue now slayne hyme, and I will for-gyfe ¨owe če wronge & če trespas čat ¨e haue done, & my dere sons dede, so čat ¨e do mercy with me čat ¨e breke not his lymmes, čat I may lye hym hole in his graue. It nedis not čat ¨e breke his lymmes, fore ¨e see wele he es dede and passede forthe". éen said Iohn & Marie Maudeleyne & oure lady systers: "A, dere, whate doo ¨e? why do ¨e knele, swete lady of heuene? że knele at če fete of wikkede mene, and ¨e pray čeme čat no prayere will here. Wene ¨e to how to če mercy of creuell wikkede & prowde mene? Nay, lady, it will not be, for meknes es abhomynabill to prowde mene, and thare-fore, lady, ¨e trauell in vayne". / And čan one of čeme čat hyghte Longeus, [čat] čat tyme whas prowde and wykkede, bot aftyre he was conuertede & was a holy martire: he tuke a longe spere &, dispysande oure lady prayere, ffersely and with a fell herte he thriste oure lorde thorow-owte his swete herte, & made a greuose wonde: & one-one rane owte blode & watere. Thane ffell his modyr in swoune in Marie Mandelyue armes. Than Iohn for gretnesse of sorowe tuk herte to hyme & saide: "że wikkede mene, why do ¨e čus? Se ¨e not wele he es dede? Will ¨e also slee his sorowefull modyre? Gose home and late vs bery hym oure-selfe". Than, as god wolde, čey went home. And čane they comforthede oure lady & sette hir vpe; & čan askede scho čeme what čey had done to hir |p209 sone; and čey said, no more čan cho sawe. éan syghede scho and be-helde hir sone so dispetousely wondede. Than dyede scho neghe fore sorowe. How ofte, thynke the that oure blyssed lady sufferde payne of dede? Sothely, as ofte as scho sawe any new payne or passione done to hire sonne. And čerfore was fulfillide če prophecy of holy Semyone, čat said če swerde of sorowe salde thurghe-perse hir herte. / Than sett they čeme downe by če crosse agayne, & wiste noghte what they myghte do. For they myghte nott take downe čat body -- they had no myghte čare-to. Ne awaye durste čey noghte go and leue hym one če crosse; & čer myghte they noghte abyde long, for nyghte com one theme: and čus were čey sette in grete perplexite and dowte what theme was beste to doo. A, mercyfull Ihesu, how myghte ¨e suffere ¨our owene modire, če whilke ¨e ches of all če womene of če werlde for to be myrrour and example to če werlde & to be ¨our owene rystynge-place, to be čus pyned, trobulde, turment & disessede? It es tyme čat cho hade som riste, & ¨e wolde wyche-safe &c. At the houre of Euensonge. |r Anočer tyme čey lokede & saw come fro če cete-warde a company. Bot it was Iosephe of Aromathy & Nycodeme, čat come with Instrumentte¨ to take downe če blyssede body of oure lorde Ihesu Criste; and čey broghte also with čeme a hundrethe pounde of aloes & of myre. Than oure lady & hir company rose vpe with gret drede, and wend it hade bene any new schame of turmentrye. A, dere god, how gret was čeire tribulacione čat day! Than Iohn loked & saide: "¨ondire comes Ioseph & Nycodeme": and than oure lady was gretly com_forthede, & thankede god čat had thoghte one čeme & sent theme helpe & socoure; & bade Iohn čat he sulde goo agayne čeme & kepe čeme. And Iohn in gret haste & mette čeme; & ilkone haylseste očer with grete wepynge & murnynge -- for čer myghte none speke with očer a longe while for tendirnesse of compassione, & mekillnes of sorowe & wepynge. Than Ioseph spake and askede ware oure lady was, & who was with hire, & what all če očer disciplis of Ihesu did. Thene Iohn tolde čeme of owre lady & of hire companye; bot of Peter & of all če očer discyplis he couthe nott tell, ffor he had not herde tell of čeme of all čat daye. And whene čey come nere at če crosse, on-one čey fell downe one knees & wyrchepyd oure lorde. And čene oure lady & hyr company knelyd downe & with gret reuerence resayued čeme and wyrchipede čeme, & čey knelyd agayne. And čene said oure ladye to čeme: "że do wele čat ¨e haue mynde of oure lorde & ¨our mayster, ffor he loffede ¨owe full mekill; and I tell ¨ow I haue full grete comforthe of ¨our commynge, ffor we wist nott be-fore what we myghte do: & čerfore gode thanke ¨ow". Than they ansuerde & saide: "We sorowe & mume with all oure hertes for all čat es done to hyme, & fayne wolde we haue helpene hyme, bot we myghte not with righte ouere-come wikkednesse; neuer_če-les čis littill servise sall we do to oure lorde". Than rose čey vpe & mad čeme redy to take hyme downne. / Thane Ioseph sett vpe a leddere one če ryghte syde, and drew owt če nayle of his ryghte hande, with gret trauayle, ffor it was full faste dreuene in če tree, and če nayle was boystous of it-selfe; [and be-tuke it to. Iohn & bade hyme čat oure ladye sulde noghte see it, ffor ferde of swounynge]. éene |p210 Nychodeme wente vpe one če lefte syde & toke owte čat nayle, & be-tuke it to Iohn. éene Nichodeme com doune & went to če fete, & Ioseph bare vpe če body of Ihesu. A, Iosephe, wele was the čat so myghte holde če blyssede body of Ihesu! Than tuke oure lady čat o hande čat hange downwarde, with gret reuerence, & putt it till hire face, & be-helde it & kyssed it with many teres & sore syghynges. When če nayle of če fete was pullyd owte, Ioseph come softely doune, & čene čey all toke his blyssede body, & laide it downe one če grownde. & our lady tuke his heuede one hyre kne, & Marie Maudeleyne his fete, where scho hade fune before-tyme ffull mekill grace; all če točer [stode] abowte hyme, and made mekyll mone, waymentyng & wepynge, as it hade bene čeire owune getyne childe. Att Complyne. |r Aftire they hade stande lange čus wepynge a gret while, Ioseph come to oure lady and prayed hire čat scho wolde suffere them to dighte če body and bery it. Then saide oure lady: "Nay, gud frendis, takes nott fro me my sone [so sone], bot rathere bery me with hym". Scho wepid with-owttyne comforthe, scho be_helde če wondens of his hende & fete & syde, nowe one & nowe one očer, scho be-helde his lufly face defoulled with spittynge & brissede blode. his heuede prikkede with scharpe thornnes: čere was čene no wepynge, no be-holdynge, no kyssynge, čat myghte fill hire ... Bot it drewe nere nyghte, & Iohn prayede hire čat scho wolde voche-saue to suffere Ioseph & Nychodeme to dyghte če body of Ihesu & graue it: "ffor čey myghte lightely, he said, if čey tariede longe, fall vndire daungere of če Iewes". Thene scho, as wyse lady & discrete, vmbe_thoghte hyre how scho was be-takyne to če kepynge of Iohn: scho blyssede hire sone & sufferde theme to do with hym what so čey wolde. Thene Ioseph & Nychodeme be-gane to lape hyme in sendell, as če manere was of Iewes to be beryede. Bot oure lady held styll his heuede in hir lape, to dyght it hir-selfe; and Marie Maudeleyne his fete, and prayed theme čat scho myghte dight his fete where scho had fune mercy and grace. Thene scho tuke his fete and helde čeme, & swounnede nere for sorowe, & če fete čat scho weschede be-fore with teres of compunncione, aftyrwarde¨ scho weschede theme wele better with teres of deuocyone & bitter compassione. Scho sawe his fete so dulfullye woundede & drye bakene in blode, čat scho wept full tendirlye; scho desyrede to dye for sorowe, bot scho ne myghte. Scho wolde fayne haue anoyntede all his body and lappede it, bot scho had no powere čerto; scho myght no more do, scho weschede his fete with teres of hir eghne, & wyped theme with hir here¨, scho halsede čeme & kissed čeme, lapped čeme & dyghte theme one če beste manere čat scho couthe. Then whene all če body was dyghte, čey lokede to oure lady čat scho sulde dyghte če heuede, and čane begane they to wepe all newe. Oure lady sawe čat [scho] ne myghte no lengare tarye: scho kyssede hir dere sone and said to hym: "My dere sone, now holde I če dede one my kne: A, how hard es če departynge of če & me! Mery & Ioyefull was oure lyfe to-gedire, withowten greuance or offence of any očer, čofe-all čou be čus ded and spilte, my dere sone, withowttene gylte. Trewly, my dere sone, serued I če and čou me: bot in čis bataile thy fadire wold nott helpe, & I myghte not in no kynde, |p211 and čou spylte či-selfe for man-kynde. O dere lorde, how herde and paynefull was čat byenge! I am fayne for če lufe of manns saule; bot for či sorow & či bitter ded I pynede with-owttene mesure, ffor I knewe, dere sone, čat čou neuere synned ne trespassede agayne mane & čerfore arte čou done to ded. Now, my dere sone, es oure felachipe twynnede, now be-houes me parte fro the. I thy moste sorowfull modire now sall I bery če my dere sone; and aftyrwarde whedire sall I wende? where sall I duell? how sall I lyfe with-owttyne the? I wolde fayne be beried with the, čat where so thowe were, I myghte be with the. Bot sene I may noghte be grauene with če in body, my soule sall I leue in graue with the; I comende it to če. A, my dere sone, how bittire es this departynge!" & čus with a floude of teres sche weschede his vesage, mekill better čene Maudeleyne did his fete. Scho wypede his face, & kissede his mouthe and his eghne, & wonde his blyssede heuede In a sudarye, and besyly dighte it as it sulde be; at če laste scho crossede hyme and blyssed hyme. And čene čey all rose vp & knelide be-fore hyme, honourede hym & kyssede his fete, & take vp his body & bare it to his graue. Owre lady helde vp his heued, & Maudeleyne his fete, & če točer went in-myddis berynge vp his body. For če [graue] was not ferre fro če [place] čat he was crucifiede [in]; in če wilke [graue] they beriede hyme with grett reuerence kneland, gretande with many bitter teres, sadde sobbynges & sorowfull syghynges. And whene he whas thus laide in his graue, his modire blyssede hyme & halssede hyme & fell apone hire dere sone; & čene Iohn & hir sisters lyftede hir, vp & couerde če graue with a grett stone ... A meditacione [after] complyn; & očer thynge¨ of his beryeng. |r Whene Ioseph of Aromathy had fulfillede his office, he said to oure lady: "Fore goddes sake, & for če luffe of ¨our dere sone Ihesu my lorde & my mayster, čat ¨e wolde vochesaffe to come home to my house! I knowe wele, lady, čat ¨e haue no house of ¨oure aghene, & all čat I haue it es at ¨oure will". And Nychodeme prayede hir one če same manere. A, lorde Ihesu, how grete com_passione es this! the qwhene of heuene has nott so mekill to be herberde Ine o nyghte; and all če sorowfull dayes of hir wedowhede hir be-houes to ly vndire očer mens hillynge. & wele may čis be calde dayes of hir wedowede to hire: ffor hir dere sone oure lorde Ihesu was to hir bothe spouse & sone, ffadire & all očer gude, and čerfore, whene scho for¨ode hyme, scho for¨ode also all očer gude with hyme. And čerfore was scho thane in wedowede sothefastly, & had no duellynge-place to come too. Then scho Enclynede mekely to čeme, thankand čeme of čeire gud will, & said how scho was be-takyne to Iohn & čare[fore] scho myghte nott do bot at Iohnes ordynance. And čen Iohn answerde & saide čat he wolde lede hire to če mownt Syone, where oure lorde Ihesu soupede če nyghte before with his disciplis. Then Ioseph and Nychodeme toke čeire leue at oure lady, & wirchipede če sepulcre, & ¨ode home: and Iohn & oure lady bode styll at če graue. After, whene it begane to drawe to nyghte, Iohn said to oure lady: "It es nott honeste čat we duell here ouer-longe, or čat we come to če cete be nyghte: and čerfore, if it be lykynge to ¨owe, go we hens". Then oure lady rose vp, & čey bothe knelyd downe to-gedire at če sepulcre |p212 čen oure lady halsede če sepulcre and blyssett it, & said: "My dere sone, I may no lengare duelle nowe with če: I recomende če to thy ffadyre". Than scho lifte vp hir eghne to če heuene-warde & prayede to če fadir, sayande: "Endles ffadire, I recomende to ¨owe my dere sone Ihesu, & myne aghene soule, če wilke I lefe here with hym", & thene be-gane čey two [to go]. Whene scho come for-gayne če crosse, scho knelide downe one hir knes & honoured če crosse, & said: "Here dyede my dere sone & here was his preciouse blode schede", & so did all hir felawes. Here may thowe thynke čat oure lady was the fyrste body that wirchip_pede the crosse ..." righte as scho was če firste ... tellyng and reherseynge of če wordes & dedis of čeire swete lorde Ihesu. / Oure lady was euer-more pesefull & quiete in sperite, ffor scho hade euermore certayne hope čat be sulde sone ryse vp agayne, and in čat saterday was all če faythe of holy kyrke in hir alone -- and čerfore es the saterday specyally wirchepde in če honoure of owre lady. Neuer-če-lese scho myghte nott be merye nor glade, be cause of vmbethynkynge of če bitter dede of oure lorde Ihesu hir dere sone. / At euene, aftere če sonne settynge, whene it was lefull to wyrke. Marie Maudeleyne, Marie Iacobi & Marie Salome, oure lady systyrs, wente to by spycery to make oynement of. Be-holde čene nowe how besyly čey wente with hevy chere in manere of wedouse, and come to a man čat was wele willy to čeire lorde & gladly & willyly fulfillede čeire desyre, & čey boghte of hym spyceryse & payede hyme čerfore; & come home & ordeynede čis onyment. Be-holde besyly čise womene how trewly & besily, how deuoutly on če best maner čat čey cane they trauelle in theire lordes servyse, with many teris & sore sygheynges. Owre lady & če appostilles stode all & be-helde čeme; and all čat nyghte čey abode at home. How oure lorde went to hell: fyrste aftire his ded. |r Be-holde now what owre lord Ihesu dide one če Saterday. As sune as he was dede, he wente downe to hell to owre holy ffadyrs čat ware in lymbo to tyme of his resureccione. & čene were čey all in grete Ioye: for če syghte of gode es perfite Ioye. éere was also če thefe čat oure lorde hangynge one če crosse said thus to, "this daye sall čou be with me in paradyse" -- ffor paradyse es caulde če syghte of gode; ffor as sune after če passione of oure lorde bothe če thefe & all če holy ffadirs čat ware in lymbo saw če Ioye of gode as he es. Be-holde now here če mekill mercy & če gudenes of oure lorde čat wolde descende downe to hell, and če vnmesurabill charite & mekenes čat he schewede in his dyenge. He myghte hafe sent one of his angells to čeme [to] hafe vesette his seruande¨ and takene theme owtt of hell and presente theme to hyme whečere hyme had lykede: Bot his gret charite & his mekenes, myghte noghte suffire hyme bot čat he sulde algate dye, and čerfore he come in his aghene persone lorde of all thynge¨, and vesett theme not as seruande¨ bot as his frendes; and was čare with theme to če sondaye at morne. Thane the holy ffadirs made mekill Ioye of his comynge: thene where they in contenuele loueynge in ympnys and gostely sanges. When čey felde his moste helefull comynge, they rane agayne hym Ioyeand and sayande: "Blischyde be oure lorde gode of Israel, for he has vesette vs & boghte his pepill" ... And čofe-all čese wordes be noghte pleynly contenede |p213 in če gosepell, neuer-če-lesse če gosepell beris witnesse čat oure lorde Ihesu dyd many thynges čat če Euangeliste¨ wrote noghte ... |r éou may also thynke čat oure lorde Ihesu aperid firste to his blischide modir oure lady aftire his resureccione: and in siche Meditacione¨, aftire če gret com_passione čat čou had of his dede & his bitter passyone, sall či saule be fede with swettnes of his glorious resureccione, so čat čou sall be turnede in to lufe of thy lorde Ihesu Cryste, čat lyues & regnes with-owttene ende Amen. The rysyng vp of owre lorde Ihesu, and how he apperid firste to his mo_dire, oure lady saynte Marie amen. |r When oure lorde Ihesu had dispoylled hell & takene Adam & Eue & all očer holy ffadirs & sett čem in paradyse -- čat es a place of delite, where Ennoke & Hely dwellis: he toke leue at theme, & said he wolde go & take agayne his body and rayse it agayne to lyue. Then come he with gret haste to his graue, one če sonndaye herely at morne; and toke agayne his blissede body owt of če graue, & wente forthe thurghe his aghene myght. / éat same houre, herly at morne, Marie Maudeleyne & hir two sisters asked leue at oure lady & went with čeire oynementes to če sepulcre-warde. Bot owre lady bod styll at home, and prayede to če ffadire of heuene, sayand: "Fadir of mercy & pite, ¨e knowe wele čat my sone es dede and was schamfully hangede be-twyx thefes, & I helpede to bery hyme with my handes. I knowe wele čat ¨e are of myghte & powere to restore hym agayne to me hole and sonde: and čerfore haue mercy of me: I beseke ¨our hye mageste čat ¨e wolde gyffe me hyme agayne. A, lorde, where es he? why taries he thus longe fro me? send hym to me I pray ¨owe, for my soule may noghte ryste to I haue hym. A, my dere swete sone, what es comene one the? whate dose thow? why taryes čou so longe? I pray the, my dere sone, duell noo langare fro me. For čou said thi-selfe čou sulde ryse če thyrd daye: & čis es če thyrde daye, my dere sone. Noghte ¨ysterday, bot be-fore ¨ister_day, was čat ill day, čat bitter day, čat wrechid day, the day of sorow & of myrknesse, če day of twynnyng & of bitter dede. éer-fore, my dere sone, čis day es če thred day. There-fore, Ryse vp now, my Ioye and all my com_forthe, & come agayne to me: ffor ouer all thyng desyre I to se če. I pray če čat thyne agayne-come glade me whame či departynge hase mekyll myscom_forthed, & solace me with thi blissede presence whame thyne absence hase me_kill hevyde. Come agayne now, čou my wele-belouede sone. Come, my lorde Ihesu. Come, čou onely my hope. Come to me, my dere childe". And whylles scho prayed thus with louely teres: sodeynly come oure lord Ihesu in clothes whyte as any snawe, his fface schynyng as če sone, all specyouse, all gloryouse & all full of Ioye, and said to his modire: "Haile, holy modire". And as sonne scho turnede hir & said: "Art čou my dere sone Ihesu?" & with čat scho knelid downne & wirchyped hym: and he lowly Enclyned and toke hir vp, & said: "My dere modire, ¨a, I am ¨our sone, & I am resyne, & I am with ¨ow". éen rose they vp to-gedire, & scho halsede hym & kyssede hyme, and tendirly and loueandly lened one hyme, and he tendirly & mekly helde hir vpe. Aftirwarde čey stode to-gedire, and euer scho behelde one his fface, and |p214 če wondis in his heuede & in his fete, & aftire one all his blyssede body, & askede hym if all his payne & his disesse were passede a-waye fro hym. Thene said he: "ża, my dere modire, I haue ouer-comene sorow & wo, and I sall no more fele čer-of: bot I am, & sall be, in Endlesse Ioye & blysse". éen said oure lady: "Now blyssede be thy ffadire, my dere sone, čat hase thus gefene the to me; in heuene & erthe prayssede and magnyfiede be his holy name, in worlde of worldes with-owttyne Ende Amen". Then stode čey to-gedire with gret Ioye and gladnese of herte, holdande čeire speche all In Ioye & in de_lite of lufe; and oure lorde Ihesu tolde hys modire how he had delyueride his pepyll owt of hell, & all če meracles & če wondirs čat he had done čire thre dayes. Lo čis es now a Ioyfull gladsumnes & a merye paske!  How Maudeleyne & hir systers com to če sepulcre. |r Marie Maudeleyne & če očer two Maries come arely at morne to če sepulcre with čeire Oynementes, as I said be-fore. With-owtyn če ¨ates of če Cete they vmbethoghte čem of če paynes & affliccyounes & passiones of čeire may_stere, and In euery place čat čey knewe čat he had sufferde any specyall payne čey knelyde doune kyssyng če grownde, sorowynge & sygheynge to-gedire: "Here mette we with hyme berynge his crosse whene his modire swounede for sorowe. And here turnede he hym agayne to če womene of Ierusalem. And here laid he downe his crosse for werynes, and oppone čis stone lenede he hym a lyttill. And here was it čat čey schot hym forthe so felly & so cruelly and spytte in his face, and garte hym hye so fast. Here dispoyllede čey hyme & nakynd hyme, and here did they hym one če crosse", and čene with gret wepyng and sorowynge čey ffell to če grownde & wyrschiped če crosse & kyssed it -- ffor it was all rede of če precyouse blode of oure lorde Ihesu. Aftir čat, čey rose vp & wente to če sepulcre, and said to čeme-selfe: "Who sall remow vs čis stone fro če dore of če monement?" And whene čey come čey fonde če stone leyd one syde, and ane angell sittande čere-one, čat said to theme: "Dred ¨ow nott, he saide; ¨e seke Ihesu of Na¨areth čat was crucy_fyede: he es resyne, he es noghte here". And čey seande čey were dissayuede of čeire purpos, for they wende to hafe found če body of Ihesu, čey toke no tennt to če angell worde, bot come agayne all affrayed to če discyples & tolde čeme čat čeire lordes body was takyne awaye. Rynnyng to če graue &c. |r éene Petir & Iohn ran to če graue, as sayne Luke sais. Be-hold čem wele how čey rane; and Maudeleyne & hir felawes rane with theme. All rane čey to seke Ihesu čeire lorde, čeire herte & čeire saule, čey rane ffull trewly, full lastandly, full besyly. Whene čey come at če graue, they fonde noghte bot the sudarye & če clothes čat he was wound Ine. Haue nowe pete & compassione of čeme, for čey were in fidl gret tribulacione & thoght for čeire lorde. éey soghte hym, bot čey fonde hyme noghte, ne čey wiste neuer what they myghte doo; thare-fore Petir & Iohn went home sore wepynge agayne for sorowe. |p215 Bot če thre Maries bode still at če graue, čey come & loked In to če graue: & čey sawe two angells sittande in whytte clothes, čat said to čeme: "Where-to seke ¨e če lyfand with če dede?" Bot they toke no kepe to če angells wordes, nor to no visyone of če angells, bot of če lorde of angells. éene two Maries with-drewe čeme a littill, & satt downe sore wepynge. Bot Marie Maudeleyne wist not what scho myghte doo, ffore with-owttyne hire maystir myght scho not lyfe, and čare couthe scho nott fynd hym, ne scho wist neuer whare to seke hyme; and čare-fore stode scho styll at če graue wepyng, eft & efte lokyng in to če graue, for euer wende scho haue sene hym čare whare sche beryed hyme. & efte scho saw [če] angells sytt one če graue, & saide: "Womane, why wepis čoue? what sekes čou?" And scho ansuerde & saide: "ffor they haue takene my lorde awaye, & I wote neuer where čey haue done hyme". Se now here a wondirfull wirkynge of luf: a littill be-fore herd sche če angell say čat he was resyne, & efte of očer two čat he lyfed, and ¨itt had scho no mynde of all čis, bot said: "I wote neuer whare they haue done hym". All čis reklessnes of all owtward thynges & also of če angell wordes was cause[d] of če gret loue & desyre čat scho had to hir mayster & hir lord Ihesu; ffor scho couthe noghte ells speke, here ne thynke, bot of oure lorde Ihesu. Whene scho had thus a long tym wepyd, & toke no kepe to če angells: hir loue & hir mayster Ihesu myght no lengare with-holde hym fro hire. Than oure lorde Ihesu said to his modire čat he wolde go to comforthe hir. And owre lady was wele payed čer-of & said: "Go, my blyssyde sone, one my blyssyng, & comforthe hir: ffor mekill es če luffe čat scho luffes the, and tnekill was če sorowe čat scho had for the & for thy dede. I pray the, my dere sone, čat čou com sone agayne to me".  How oure lord Ihesu appered to Maudeleyne. |r Owre lorde Ihesu come čene to če gardyne where his graue was, and mett čare with Marie Mawdeleyne, & said to hir; "Womane, why wepes čoue?" And ¨itt scho knewe hym nott, bot wend he had bene" gardenere, & as womane full of thoghte scho answerde hym and said: "Sir, if čou haue takyne hym awaye, tell me where čou has hyde hyme and I sall take hym". Be-holde here how wepandly, how mekly, & how deuotly scho prayed hym to tell hir to hyme čat scho soghte: scho hoped euer to here some new tythynge¨ of hyme čat was hir lufe. Than oure lorde calde hir by hir name hamly and said: "Mari". Than wakynd scho at his voyce as owte of a ded slepe, knowynge his swet voyce, and with gret Ioye scho saide: Rabony, čat es to say Mayster; "Lorde, scho said, ¨e are he čat I seke; why haue ¨e čus long layned ¨our-selfe fro me?" And than scho rane & ffell downe at his fete & wold hafe kyssed čeme. Bot oure lorde Ihesu rayssede hir vp to heuenly lufe & gostely, čat scho sulde no more seke hym here in erthe ffleschely [be fleschely] affeccyone, onely behauldand his manhede as pure mane only, bot čat scho sulde lufe hym gostely be gostely affeccione, be-haldyng hyme as god in mane; and čare-fore said he to hire: Mari, touche me nott, for ¨it haue [I] nott styed vp to my ffadir", as who say: in čis forme of man čat čou sees with thi bodily eghe, am I nott euene to my |p216 fadir, bot lesse čan he, & čerfore touche me nott soo: "Bot go saye to my Bre_thire čat I stye to my ffadir and ¨our ffadir, my gode & ¨our gode. Said I noghte to če before čat I suld ryse vp če threde day? why sekes čou me in my graue?" Than answred scho: "Sothely, dere mayster, I haue [had] so mekill sorow & murnynge ffor ¨oure bitter passione and dede, čat I had forgetyne all thyng bot onely ¨oure body čat was ded, and če place čat I berid ¨ow Ine; and čerfore ordeyned I čis Oynement this mornenyng to hafe anoynte ¨oure body with. Blyssed be ¨oure hye worthynes čat vochede-saffe to ryse agayne and come to vs!" Than stode to-gedire Ihesu & his dere luffe with gret Ioye & gladnes: Scho be-helde hym full verreyly and besyly, and askede hym of many thynges, and he answerd gladly to all hir askynges. Thare was čene a Ioyefull standynge: ffore if-all oure lorde bad hyr scho salde nott touche hyme, I may nott trowe bot čat scho aftyrwarde towched hyme full tendirly or scho ¨ede, bothe kyssand his hende & his fete ... Whene čey had čus standene spekyng to-gedire, oure lorde said hym burde goo & comforthe mo of his brethire & frendes. Than changede all hir chere, for scho wolde neuer haf gone fro hyme; than said scho to hym: "Lorde, me thynke ¨oure lyfynge may nott be here amonge vs as it has bene. Bot I pray ¨owe, dere lorde, čat ¨e fore-gett me not. Haue mynde of all kyndnes & gudnesse čat ¨e haue done to me, čat [čei] neuer be loste in me, and thynke [of] ée grete ho[m]lynesse & luf čat ¨e haue had to me". And čen he bad hir čat scho sald nott drede; "bot be faythefull and stabill, ffor I sall euer-more be with the". Thane scho toke his blyssyng and he went forthe; & scho come to hir felawes & tolde theme all čat scho had herde & sene. Thane were čey glade of his vp-rysesyng: bot be-cause čey hade nott sene hym, they went with hir murnynge. How owre lorde apperide to [če] thre Maries. |r Als theis thre Maries ¨ede to-gedir be če waye, owre lorde Ihesu apperide to theme and said:"Hayle ¨e". éene made čey mekill Ioye, and fell downe & hillede his fete. Thane be-helde they hyme Ententyfely, and askede of hym dyuerse thynges, and reseiued of hyme myghte and grace, and čey mad also gret Ioye & myrthe. éene bade oure lorde Ihesu čat čey sulde go to his bre_thire & byde them goo to Galile, for there suld čey see hyme as he tolde čeme be-fore. Be-holde here čat če mayster of meknes calde his disciples brethire; čis vertue of Mekenesse dwelles euer-more with hyme. Bot if čou will haue vndirstandynge and gostely comforthe of čis čat I haue saide, the nedis to be present in euery stede and euery dede in thy saule as if čou where there sothe_fastely in body; and one če same manere in that čat I sall say.  How oure lorde appered to Iosephe of Aromathye. |r Whene owre lorde Ihesu was gonne fro če thre Maries before-saide, he ap_perid to Ioseph of Aromathy čat berid hyme. For če Iewes had takene hyme for oure lorde sake, & sperde hyme in a house and sellede če dores with grete besynes čat he suld noghte passe awaye: ffor aftire čeire sabot-day čey had ordeyned to sle hyme. Thare-ffore oure lorde Ihesu apperid to hym & sett hym |p217 in his awene house in Aromathie, and braste selys and lokkes. / & čene he apperide to Iames the les, čat [had] made a vowe čat he sulde neuer ete mete to he sawe owre lorde resyne. Thane said oure lorde Ihesu till hym, and till očer, čat čey suld sett a borde: and he toke brede and blyssed it, and gafe čeme, sayande: "Etes now, my dere brethire, and make ¨e mery: ffor če sone of Marie es resyne ffro ded".  How oure lorde apperid to Symone Petire. |r Whene Marye Maudeleyne and hir ffelawes were comene home and had tolde če disciples čat oure lorde was resyne and howe he had spokene with theme: Petir was hevy čat he hade noghte sene his lorde Ihesu: and for mekylnes of lufe he myghte no langare abyde, bot ¨ede forthe allone to če sepulcre-warde -- ffor he wiste neuer ells where to fynde hyme. And as he wente, owre lorde appered to hyme in če waye, saynge: "Pese be to če, Symone". Thane Petir bett hym-selfe one če breste and fell downe to če grownde with bitter teres and said: "Lorde, I knowelage my trespas, ffor I forsoke ¨owe and ofte-tymes denyed ¨ow"; and Efte fell downe and kissede oure lordes fete. Bot oure lorde mercy_fully toke hym vp and bad hym drede hym nott, "for all či synne es forgyfene če; I knewe wele, as I tolde če be-fore. And čerfore go nowe and stabill či felawes and thi brečire, and triste sekerly čat I hafe ouercomene dede". And Petir behelde hym fulbesyly, and all his lymms and his wondes, and fell downe to če grownde, & wepid full tendirly. Bot owre lorde toke hym vp & com_forthed hyme, and gafe hym hys blyssynge and partede fro hyme. And Petir come agayne to oure lady and to če discyples, and tolde theme all to-gedire. / Thow sall vndirstande čat če apparecione made to owre lady es noghte wretyne in če gospell, & čerfore I sett it be-fore all očer, & so semys it čat holy kyrke holdes it, as it es more [fully] schewede in the legent of his resureccione. How owre [lord] Ihesu appered to two disciples goand to če castell of Emaus. |r Alls two disciples of Ihesu went to če castell of Emaus all dismayed ffor čeire mayster and hevy for chawnces čat were fallene: owre lorde apperide to čeme in liknes of a pylgryme, & ¨ede with theme spekyng wordes of hele, as čou redis more fully in če gospell. At če laste čey garte hym come In with čeme: and as [čey] satt at če supere, čey knewe hym in brekyng of brede; & on-one he vanyste awaye fro čem ... & čen čey rose vp & ¨ede to Ierusalem & tolde to očer disciples what had be-fallene čeme in the waye and [how] they knewe hyme in brekyng of brede. / As čey stode to-gedire spekynge of owre lorde: he come and stode in-myddes čeme, & said: "Pese be with ¨owa. éene all his disciples fell downe to če grownde, knowlageynge theyre trespas čat čey had so vnkyndly forsakyne hym, & welcomede hym with gret reuerence and gladnes. Then said oure lorde to čeme: "Ryse ¨e vp, my dere brethire, for all ¨oure synnes are forgeffene ¨ow". He stode homly among čeme, schewyng če wondes of his handes & fete & side; čene he Opynde čeire gostely wittys čat čay myghte vndirstande holy writt & knowe če prevetes of his passione & his resurreccione. Than askede he čeme if they had any mete, & čey broghte forthe be-fore hym |p218 fische & a hony-cambe; and he blew one čeme and gafe čeme če holy goste. Be-holde how all čese thynges were of gostely Ioye & gladnes. Than were če disciples glad & fayne čat čey hade sene owre lorde; čen mad čey Ioye & myrthe be-fore hym, čat be-fore were hevy & sary. [With how] glade chere trowes čou čey leyde be-fore hyme mete, how gudly & how faythefully čey serued hyme, how Ioyefully & Iocund čey stode be-fore hyme! Be-holde also oure lady čere, fore all če disciples were gadirde to hire for socoure & comforthe. Be-holde hire nowe with glade semlande seynge all čis, & homly sittand by hir dere sone & servynge hyme full loueandly. Owre lord Ihesu toke gladely servese of hire handes, & wirchipped hyre reuerently be-for his disciples. I pray če forgett nott Mari Mawdeleyne, čat wele-beluffed discypulas of Ihesu, & apostolas of all če appostles, how scho one hir olde manere satt at hir lordes fete deuoutly heryng his wordes, & what čat scho myght do scho dide with gret gladnes [&] with all če affeccione of hir herte. A, how blyssefull was čene čat house, in the whylke satt bothe god & man, with his modire qwhene of heuene, & all his očer dere derlynges! Gret Ioye was čene to be with čeme. Thynke če nott here a gret comforthe? Sothely I trow ¨is, if čou hafe any lufe or deuocyone. / Bot oure lorde duelte nott with theme bot a while, for it was late whene he come to čeme. Bot I trow čey prayede hyme of his gret meknesse čat be sulde not so sone go fro čeme. Hopes čou nott čat Marie Maudeleyne helde hym still by če skyrtte full tristily [&] with a gret reuerent hardines, čat he sulde noghte so sune go fro hire? Owre lorde Ihesu stode amonges theme clede with clothes of glory bryghtere thane če sonne, whittere čan the snawe. At če laste oure lorde Ihesu toke leue at his modire & scho also of hyme, and he blischede theme all, and went forthe; and čey all fell don one knes and prayede hym with gret re_uerence & desyre of his sune agayne-comynge. And so čey duellede in gret desyre aftire čeire mayster & lorde agayne-comynge, whome čey were wonnte so mekill be-fore to haue at theire liste. / Thow may se now how oft čou hase had čis daye pasche -- ffor ilke of čeis apperynges es calde a pasche. Bot perauenture čou hase herde čeme, bot čou felde no gladnes, nor gostely com_forthe of Cristes passione. I trow sothefastly čat if čou couthe pete & compas_sione of his passione, and had či herte and či mynd gedirde to-gedire & nott distracte abowte in če werlde abowte očer thynges & očer fantassies, čat čou sulde fele in euerylkone of čes apperynges a newe feste gostely and a new pasche. And euery sononday suldes čou hafe so, If čou wolde one ffryday be_fore with hole mynde & feruent deuocyone hafe sorowe and pete of Cristes pas_sione; ffor če appostell sais: "if we be felawes of Cristes passione", hauenyng pete & compassione of his pyne and disese čat he sufferde here for vs, "than one če same manere sall we be felawes of gostely comforthe" and Endles Ioye the wilke he has ordeyned to all čo čat here hertly luffes hym with all čeire myghte. ée whilke Ioye & comforthe he graunt vs čat with his precious blode boghte vs, Ihesus Christus Amen. Amen. Amen. Pur Charite. |p{219-261_(The_Mirror_of_St._Edmund)_ommitted} |p261 3. Tractatus de dominica oracione secundum |r... &c. |r[fol._209b.] |r Pater noster qui es in celis. In all the wordes čat er stabillede and sett to say in erthe, čan es če pater noster če beste, and če hegheste and če halyeste. For god hym-selfe made it, and commandide it to his appostills for to say, and to all ča čat in hyme trowede. And čare-fore sene godde hym-selfe made it, čan awe it maste of all othire Orysouns to be Oysede in all-haly kyrke; and vs awe for to witte and certanly to vndirstande whate čis Orysone es to say and what it be-menes, be-fore all očer Orysounes. For swylke may čay be when čay say it, that it es mare to thaire skathe čane to čaire gude. And čarfore sall I say ¨ow and make ¨ow to vndirstande what če letter es to say and bemenys. / When we say oure Pater noster, čan make we oure requestis till godde. In če firste requeste čan say we thus: "Owre ffadir čat es in heuene, blessede and |p262 halowede be či name". Bot it are many when čay say čaire Pater noster, čay call godde čaire ffadire and with wrange čay call hyme čaire ffadire, ffor čay are noghte goddes sonnes thurghe na gude werkes čat čay do, ne thurghe na gude lyfe čat čay lede, wharefore gode knawes thaym noghte for his sonnes, ffor syne čat če deuelle hase putte in thayme. The wykkede mane čat dispyses godde and his commandementes, and [takes] to če werkes čat falles to če deuelle, he es noghte goddes sone bot če deuelles sonne, als oure lorde hym-selfe saide to če Iewes čat made na tale of hyme:  Vos, Inquit, ex parte diaboli estis, "że are of čat ffadir čat es če deuelle". éane hase he myster čat will čat godde here his prayere, čat he do swylke werkes čat god of his grace wyll knawe hyme for hys sonne; čan may he ryghte say his Pater noster and call gode his ffadire, and čane will godde here hyme and do čat that he askes hym sone, if he see čat it be [gud] for hyme čat at he askes hym. And if he be noghte godde sonne, ne godde knawes hyme noghte for his sonne, godd will noghte here his prayers, ffor haly writt saise, čat es to say godd hym-selfe:  Deus peccatores non audit, čat es to say, "Godde heres noghte če synfull mene". We sall vndir_stande čat čay er synfull čat gyffes neuer tale of godde, bot gladlyer duse če werkes of če deuelle čan goddes commandementes. éare-fore ilke a mane amende hym and lede haly lyfe whare-thurghe he may be-comme goddes sonne, and čan will godde here hyme and his prayere, and čan be may hardely say these wordes "Owre fadir čat es in heuene: halowede and blyssede be či name". Es noghte godde name ay blyssede and haly? żis, in hym-selfe may he noghte mare be blysside ne halowede čane he es. Bot čane sall ¨e vndirstande čat whene we say "blyssede be či name", we praye noghte gode čat his name be blyssede in hym-selfe, bot in thayme in whayme it es noghte ¨it blissede, and in thaym in whaym it es noghte ynoghe blissede.  Sanctificetur nomen tuum, čat es to say "Lorde godde, thi nam be blissede in če hertes of paynymmes i. paganorum, and Iewes, and in če mystrowande, and in all ča čat čou hase puruayde to be safede, čat čay stalleworthlere trowe in če and če mare loue če and knawe če for čaire godde and lorde of all thynge.  Adueniat regnum tuum, čat es to say: "Com-to či kyngdome". God es kyng and gouernes euere his kyngdome, Quia ipse gubernat omnes creaturas suas que sunt in celo et in terra, in mari et in omnibus abissis, čat es to say: "he gouernes all his creaturs čat er in heuene, in erthe, and in če see, and in all če werlde": and noghte-ffor-thi if he be kynge and his kyngdome es all tymes, and regnes ay, neuer-če-lesse we praye hym čat he comme to his kyngdome, ffor it es many a mane in erthe čat trowes čat god regnes noghte, bot wate wele čat če deuelle regnes thurghe synne: and whene we say adueniat regnum tuum, čan praye we god čat be destruye če deuelles kyngdome and his folke, and čat he put in čaym če lawe and če gadnes and the halynes čat he hase donne in vs and in čaym čat hym luefes, in whayme he rengnes thurghe grace. And ¨it praye we to hyme whene we say adueniat regnum tuum, čat he come at če endynge of čis worlde: čat his Enemys may see and trowe čat he es verray gode kynge alweldande; and at hally kyrke namely sall be heghede in heuene and in erthe, and hir sonnes and doghters --  Quando fenito hoc seculo solus deus regnat, quia ipse erit omnia in omnibus cum euanuerint |p263 omnes principatus et potestates et virtutes, nec amplius angelus angelo vel homo homini aut demon demoni dominabitur.  Fiat voluntas tua sicut in celo et in terra, čat es to say: "éinne awene will be donne in erthe als it es donne in heuene". Lordynges, in heuene es goddes wylle donne perfitely,  Quia Angeli Archangeli Principatus Potestates Virtutes Troni Dominaciones Cherubyn Cyraphyn, Patri_arche et Prophete, Apostoli Martires Confessores Virgines, et omnes electorum anime obediunt, čat es to say: "ffor Angells, Archangells &c., and all če sawles čat er in heuene before gode, er bowande till hyme, and perfitely wirkes his will and duse his commandemente¨". Bot it er many in erthe čat duse če thyng čat god walde noghte ware done: and čare-fore pray we whene we saye ffiat volu[n]tas tua &c., čat es "lorde god, als ča čat er in heuene duse thi will perfitely ffor če gret gudnes čat čou hase gyffene to thayme in heuene, swa čou gyffe vs grace to clense vs of syne and do či will in čis werlde, čat we may se či face with thynne appostells, erchebechopes and bechopes, prestes, and all če ordirs of haly kirke".  Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie, čat es; "čou gyffe vs to-day oure ilke a day brede". Mane, čat es of twa naturs, čat es to say of bodyly and of gastely, hase myster of twa maners of brede: of bodyly brede and of gastely brede. To če saule čis gastely brede es če lerynge and če techeynge and če vndirstandynge in če commandementes of godde, whare-thurghe če saule es kennede an[d] lyffes. ée točer brede es to če hele of body, and čat aske we gladly. Bot aske we bathe, and čane sall we fare wele. Bot aske we mare and oftere če brede of saule, čan če brede of body: ffor whene če body hase čat that it will, and če saule dyes for hungere, čat es to say es noghte kennde als it aughte to be, éane sall bathe če body and če saule wende to če fyre of helle. Bot and it be louede and fedde with gud techynge and duse čare_Eftyr čat it awe to doo, čan sall bathe če body and če saule Entir in to če Ioye of heuene čat aye sall laste.  Et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris, čat es to say: "and forgyffe vs oure mysdedis als we forgyffe to čaym čat hase mysdone vs". Here may we here čat we čat will at godde forgyffe vs oure synnes, čat vs behuffes forgyffe čaym čat hase mysdone vs, čat es to saye if he or čay čat hase mysdone will come and aske mercy and hete resonabill amendment; bot if we čan forgyffe čaym, in vayne say we oure Pater noster. For if we say it and will noghte forgyffe, čane say we it to oure awene scathe, and čare ware vs better sitt still čan pray god one čis manere, till čat tym čat we will forgyffe als vs awe for to do. Forgyffe we čane to očer when čay aske vs forgyffenes and hetes and offirs amendement, if we will čat godd forgyffe vs oure synns: ffor oure lorde saise in če gospell; Eadem mensura qua messi fueritis remecietur vobis, čat es to say: "with če same mesure čat čou mesure to očer, sall be mesurede to the".  Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem, čat es to say: "Suffere vs noghte swa ferre to be assayede, sa ferre to be temped, čat we be ledde in to ill dedis". For če deuell es abowte nyghte and day for to luke if be may take any mane and bryng hyme in to any ill thoghtes or dedis. He assayes če gude mene and womene, als monkes or chanouns or heremytes, or perfit Nonnes & gude womene, and many očer Relegeous and vertuouse mene and womene, pure and riche, for to drawe theyme vn-till ill dedis or ill thoghtes, |p264 ffor he walde ger čame fall in syne. Bot če gude mene and womene defendis čame stallworthely fra hym and his werkes and his wyles with ffastynges. Orysones, gud meditacyones, and očer gud dedis: and forthi ressayfe čay če coroune of lyfe čat god hase highte to all čat hyme luffes.  Set libera nos a malo, čat es to say: "Delyuer vs of all euyles, of body and of saule, čat es fra wikkydnes of če werlde, and of če točer čat es fra synne, and of če thirde čat es fra če paynes of helle". Amen, čat es to say "witterly forsothe, with-owttene any defaute", and affermes all če thynges čat we aske godde in oure Pater noster: with-owtene defaute Oure ffadir čat es in heuene blissede be thi name; and with_owttene any defaute Come-to thi kyngdome; with-owttene any defaute Done be thi will in erthe als in heuene; with-owttene any defaute Gyffe vs to-day oure ilke day brede; withowttene any defaute fforgyffe vs oure synnes als we forgyffe thayme čat hase synnede in vs, čat es to say trespaste agaynes vs; with-owttene defaute Suffere noghte če deuelle to assaye vs ne lede vs in to temptacione ne in to nane ill dedis; with-owttene any defaute Delyuer vs fra all ill. And ffadir endeles, with-owttene any delaynge gyffe vs če gudenes of lyffe and hele of oure saules čat es thi-selfene. Que nobis prestare dingneris qui viuis & regnas &c. Explicit. Benedicta sit sancta trinitas. Amen. 4. [Walter Hilton's] Epistle on mixed life. [Ms. Vernon, fol. 353.] Here beginneč a luitel Boc čat was writen to a worldli lord to teche him hou he schulde haue him in his state in ordeynd loue to god and to his euencristene. Whi gode desyres neodeč to be reuled be discrecion, & medeful werkes to be wrou¨t in če ordre of charite: Ca[p]=o=. primo. éat če lyf of Marie and Martha menged to-gedere is acordyng to hem čat are in hi¨ degre Ca=o=. ii=o=. To whom actif lyf a-cordeč, & to whom contemplatyf Ca=o=. iii=o=. Hou medled lyf longeč speciali to prelates of holychurche & also to worldly lordes čat rulen očur men Ca=o=. iiii=o=. Hou vre lord Ihesu Crist & holy men in hei¨ degre schewed ensaumple in lyuing of medlet lyf Ca=o=. v=o=. |p265 To whom medled lyf is most a-cordyng, & to whom contemplatyf is most medeful Ca=o=. vi=o=. Here hit is schewed what lyf is most a-cording to him čat čis bok was maad to Ca=o=. vii=o=. éat men schulde vse medlet lyf as a man schulde haue him to Crist & to his limes Ca=o=. viii=o=. éat sum-tyme schulde a lord leue gostli ocupacion & gladli ¨eue him to medeful worldli werkes Ca=o=. ix=o=. |p266 How be ensaumple of Iacob & his two wyues men schal ruile hem ri¨t in medlet lyf Ca=o=. x=o=. éat contemplacion shulde be had in desyre, & actyf werkes in vse wičouten anger and vnskilful drede Ca=o=. xi=o=. éat nedful worldli werkes kyndel gostli desyres, proued be bodili ensaumple Ca=o=. xii=o=. How be mekenes & diaerse gode werkes is če loue of god norissched in diuerse mennes hertes Ca=o=. xiii=o=. How če desyr of loue wasteč al synne & is a gret cri¨ing in če eres of vr lord Ca=o=. xiiii=o=. What desyre is, & siker swetnes Ca=o=. xv=o=. What difference is be-twixe desyre & če loue of god Ca=o=. xvi=o=. Hou desyre may euer be lastyng in habyte, & not in workyng, & hou mekenes wič-oute scheweč čis disyr Ca=o=. xvii=o=. How aftur či sleep čou schalt quiken čin herte wič preieres & gode čou¨tes & put away vuel čou¨tes čat letten deuocion Ca=o=. xviii=o=. Hou ordeyned čenkyng of čin owne synnes and of očur mennes norisschen či desyr to god Ca=o=. xix=o=. éat diuerse čou¨tes of če manhed of vre lord discretly vsed norisscheč či desyr to god Ca=o=. xx=o=. éat čou¨t of moni vertues norisscheč či desyr to god Ca=o=. xxi=o=. éat čou¨t of diuerse seyntes & of heore vertues norisscheč či loue to god Ca=o=. xxii=o=. éat čou¨t of če merci of vre lord schewed to synful men norisscheč či desyr to god Ca=o=. xxiii=o=. éat čou¨t of če wrecchednes of men, & of če ioyes of heuene norisscheč či desyr to god Ca=o=. xxiiii=o=. How desyre of worldly worschipe, and če desyr of heuen, is meeded at če last ende Ca=o=. xxv=o=. Hou discrecion is nedful in čenkyng and preying, and hou hit is sum-tyme to passe from čat on to čat očer Ca=o=. xxvi=o=. How a man schal haue him in čenkyng of če passion of vre lord Ihesu. Whon deuocion lasteč & whon hit passeč away Ca=o=. xxvii=o=. Hou a man schal haue him warli in čou¨t and desire & wysely vse če grace čat god hač ¨eue to him Ca=o=. xxviii=o=. če Prologe. |r ée grace & če goodnes of vr lord Ihesu čat he bač schewed to če in wič_drawyng of čin herte from loue & lyking of worldli vanyte & vse of fleschli synnes, & in turnyng of či wille enterli to his seruise & his plesaunce, bringeč |p267 in to myn herte muche matere for to loue him in his merci. and also hit stereč me gretly for to strengče če in či gode purpos & in či gode worching čat čou hast be-gunne, for to bringe hit to a good ende ¨if čat i coude, principali for god, and also for tender affeccion of loue w¨uch čou hast to me čou¨ i be a wrecche & vnworči. Whi gode desyre neodeč to be ruled be discrecion, and medeful werkes to be wrou¨t in ordre of charite. Capitulo primo. |r Iknowe wel če desyre of čin herte, čat čou coueytest gretli for to serue vr lord be gostli ocupacion al hol[i] wič-oute lettyng or troublyng of worldli bisynes: čat čou mi¨t be grace come to more knowyng [&] gostly felyng of go[d] & gostly činges. éis desyr is good as I hope, & of god, for hit is charite, speciali set in to him. Neuerčeles hit is to refreyne and to rule hit be discrecion as a¨eynes outwarde doyng, aftur če state čat čou art in, ffor charite vnruled turneč sum_tyme to vice. And čerfore hit is seid in holi writ: Ordinauit in me caritatem, čat is to say: "Vre lord ¨af to me charite set in ordre & in rule. čat hit schulde not be lost čorw myn vndiscrecion". Riht so čis charite & čis desyr čat vre lord of his merci hač ¨iuen to če, is for to rule & to ordeyne hou čou schalt pursue hit, aftur či de-gree askeč, and aftur če liuyng čat čou hast vsed be_fore čis tyme, and after če grace of vertu čat čou nou hast. éou schalt not vtturli folwe či desyre for to leue ocupacions & bisynes of če world w¨uch are nedeful to vse in rulyng of či-sel[f] & of al očur čat are vnder či keping, & ¨eue če hol[i] to gostly occapacion in preyers & meditacions as hit were a Monk or a frere or eny očur mon čat were not bounde to če world be children & seruauns as čou art: for hit falleč not to če; ¨if čou do so, čou kepest not če ordre of charite. Also, ¨if čou woldest vtterli leue gostli occupacion, nomeli aftur če grace čat god hač ¨euen to če, & sette če holliche to bisynes of če world, to fulfillyng of actif lyf, as fully as a-nočur čat neuer feled deuocion, čou leosest če ordre of charite: for či stat askeč for to do boče, in diuerse tymes. éat če lyf of Marie & Martha menged to-geder is acording to hem čat are in hei¨ degre. Capitulo secundo. |r éow schalt medle če werkes of actif lyf wič gostly werkes of contemplatyf lyf, and čen dost čou wel. For čou schalt o tyme wič Martha be bisy ffor to ruile & gouerne čin houshold, či children, či seruans, či nei¨ebors, and či te_nauntes; -- ¨if čei do wel, comforte hem čerin & help hem; ¨if čei don vuel, tech hem to amende hem, & chastise hem. And čou [schalt] also loke & knowe wysli čat či činges & či worldly godes be ri¨tly kept be či seruauntes, gouerned & trewely dispendet: čat čou mi¨t če more plenteuousli wič hem fulfille če dedes of merci to čin euencristen. A nočur tyme čou schalt wič Marie leue če bisynes of če world & sitte doun at če feet of vr lord be mekenes in preyers & holy čou¨tes & in contemplacion of him as he ¨eueč če grace. And so schalt čou |p268 go from čat on to čat očur meedfulli & folfille boče: & čenne kepest čou wel če ordre of charite. Neuerčeles, čat čou ne haue no wonder of čis čat I say, čerfore I schal tel & declare to če a luytel of čis matere more openli. To whom actyf lyf a-cordeč, & to whom contemplatif. Ca=o=. iii=o=. |r éow schalt vnderstande čat čer is čreo maner of liuinges: On is actyf, a_nočur contemplatyf, če čridde is maud of boče & is medled lyf. Actyf lyf al_on longeč to worldly men & wymmen whuch are lewed, fleschly, & boistous in knowyng of gostly occupacion, ffor čei fele no sauour ne deuocion be feruour of loue as očur men don, čei can no skile of hit, and ¨it neuerčeles čei han drede of god & of če peynes of helle & čerfore čei fle synne, and čei haue also desyre for to plese god & for to come to heuene, & a good wille to heore euencristne. To čise men hit is nedeful & spedeful to vse werkes of actyf lyf as bisili as čei may, in help of hem-self & of heore euencristen: for čei can not elles do. Contemplatyf lyf alone longeč to such men or wymmen čat for če loue of god forsaken al open synnes of če world & of heore flesch, & al bi_synes, charges & gouernaunce of worldly godes, and maken hem pore & naked, in to če bare nede of če bodili kuynde, and fleen from souereynte of očur men to če seruise of god. To čise men hit longeč for to trauayle & ocupye hem [inwardli] for to gete čorw če grace of vr lord clannes in herte & pees in con_science be distruyng of sinnes & receiuyng of vertues, and so forto come to con_templacion; če w¨uche clannes may not be had wič-oute gret exercise bodili & continuel trauayl of spirit in deuoute preiers, feruent desyres and gostly meditacions. How medled lyf longeč speciali to prelates of holichirche & also to worldly lordes čat rule očer men. Capitulo iiii=o=. |r éE čridde lyf, čat is medlet, longeč speciali to men of holy churche, as to prelates and to očur curates, če w¨uche han cure & souereynte ouer očur men for to kepe & rule hem, boče heore bodies & principali here soules, in fulfillyng of če dedes of merci, bodily & gostly. To čise men hit longeč sum-tyme to vse werkes of actyf lyf, in help & in sustinaunce of hem-self & of her soiettes & of očure also, and samůtyme [forto] leue al bisynes ontward and ¨ine hem for a tyme to preyers, meditacions, redynges of holi writ, & to očer gostly ocupacions, after čei fele hem disposed. Also hit longeč generali to sum temporal men če w¨uche han souereynte wič muche hauyng of worldly godes, and also han as hit were a lordschipe ouer očur men to gouerne & susteyne hem, as a fader hač ouer his children, a Maister ouer his seruauntes, and a lord ouer his tenauntes; če w¨uche men also han receyued of če ¨ift of vr lord grace of deuocion, & in parti sauour of gostli ocupacion. To čise also longeč čis medled lyf, čat is boče actyf & contemplatyf. For ¨if čise men stondynge če charge & če bond čat čei han take, wolde leue vtturly če bisynes of če world, če w¨uche ou¨te skilfulli be vsed [in] fulfillyng of heor charge, and hol[i] ¨eue hem to lyf contemplatyf, čei do |p269 not wel, for čei kepe not če ordre of charite. For charite, as čou knowest, lič boče in loue of god & of čin euen-cristne, and čerfore hit is resonable čat he čat hač charite vse boče in worchinge, now čat on now čat očur. For he čat for če loue of god in contemplacion leueč če loue of his euen-cristen [& doč not to hem] as him ou¨te whon he is bounden čerto, he fulfilleč not charite. Also on če contrarie wyse who so hač so gret reward to werkes of actyf lyf & to bisynes of če world čat for loue of his euencristen he leueč gostli ocupacion vtterliche, aftur god hač disposed him čerto, he fulfilleč not fulli charite. éis is če seying of seynt Gregore. Hou vre lord Ihesu Crist & holi men in hei¨ degre schewed ensaumple of medled lyf in lyuyng. Capitulo v=o=. Oure lord for to stere sum men to vse čis medled lyf, tok vpon him-self če persones of such maner of men, boče of prelates & curates of holy ohirohe, & of očur suche as are disposed as I haue seid, and ¨af to hem ensaumple be his owne worchyng čat čei schulde vse čis medled lyf as he dude. O tyme he comuned & medled wič men, schewyng to hem his dedes [of] merci: ffor he tau¨t če vnkonnyng be his preching, he visyted če seke & heled hem of heor sores, be fedde če hungri, & cumforted hem čat were sori. Anočur tyme he lafte če conuersacion of al worldly men, & of his disciples also, & went alone in to desert vpon če hulles, & contyn[u]ed al če ni¨t in preyers as če gospel seič. éis medled lyf schewed vr lord in him-self to ensaumple of hem čat han take če staat & če charge of čis medled lyf, čat čei schulde o tyme ¨eue hem to bisynes of worldly čynges in resonable nede, & to werkes of actyf lyf in profyt of heor euencristne w¨uch čei haue cure of; anočur tyme ¨eue hem hol[i] to contemplacion be deuocion, in preyer & in meditacion. éis lyf led[d]en & vse[de]n čis holy bisschops herbifore w¨uch hedden cure of mennes soules & mynistracion of temporel godes. For čise holy men left not vtterli če ministracion ne če loky[n]g & če disp[end]yng of worldli godes, ne ¨af hem hol[i] to contemplacion, as muche grace as čei had in contemplacion: but čei lafte ful of[t] her oune rest in contemplacion, whon čei hedde leuere han ben stille čerat, for loue of heor euen-cristen, and entermetede hem wič worldli bisynes in helpyng of heor soiettes: & sočli čat was charite. For wysli & discretli čei departed heore [lyuyng] in two: O tyme čei fulfilled če lower partye of charite be werkes of actyf lyf, for čei were bounde čerto be takyng of heore prelacie, anočur tyme čei fulfilled če hi¨ore partye of charite in contemplacion of god & of gostly čingus be preyers & meditacions -- & so čei hedde ful charite to god & to her euencristen, boče in affeccion of here soule wič-inne and in schewyng of bodili dedes wič-oute. Očur men čat were only contemplatyf and were fre from al suche cures & prelacies, čei hedde ful charite to god & to heore euencristen, but hit was only in affeccion of heore soule, nou¨t euer outward in schewyng, and in hap so muche hit was če more ful inward čat hit was not letted be outward dedes; ffor čei mi¨t not, ne hit neded not, ne hit fel not to hem. |p270 To whom medled lyf is most a-cordyng, and to whom contemplatyf lyf is most medeful. Capitulo sexto. But čise men čat were in prelacie, & očure also čat were hole temporel men, hedde ful charite in affeccion wič-inne & also in worchyng wič-oute: & čat is propurli čis medled lyf, čat is maad boče of actyf lyf & of contemplatif lyf. And sočli to such a man čat is in spiritual souereynte as prelacye, in cure & gouernaunce of očure as prelates & curates are, or in temporal souereynte as worldly lordes & maistres are, I holde čis medled lyf best & most bihoueli to hem, as longe as čei are bounde čerto. But [to] očure, čat are fre & not bounde to temporal mi_nistracion ne to spiritual. I hope čat lyf contemplatif alone, ¨if čei mi¨t come sočfastly čerto, were best & most medeful, most feir & most spedeful, & most worči to hem for to vse & to holde, & not forto leue hit wilfulli for non out_ward werkes of actyf lyf, but ¨if hit were in gret nede & gret releuyng & cum_fortyng of očur men, oučur of her bodies or of her soules. éen, ¨if ned aske, at če preyer & če instaunce of očure, or elles at če biddyng of heore souereyns, I hope hit is good to hem for to schewe outward werkes of actyf lyf for a tyme in helpyng of heore euencristene. |p271 Here hit is schewed what lyf is most a-cordyng to [him] čat čis bok was mad to. Capitulo septimo. Be čis čat I haue seid čow may in partye vnderstande w¨uch is o lyf & w¨uch očur, & w¨uch acordeč most to či staat of liuinge. And sočli, as me činkeč, čis medled lyf a-cordeč most to če. For seč vre lord hač ordeyned če & set če in če stat of souereynte ouur očur men as muche as hit is, and lente če abundaunce of worldli godes for to rule & susteyne speciali alle čo čat are vnder či gouernaunce & či lordschipe in či mi¨t & či cunnyng; and also čer-wič-al aftur čou hast receyued grace of če merci of vre lord for to haue sum-what knowyng of či-self & gostli desyr & sauour of his loue: I hope čat čis lyf čat is medled is best & most acordyng to če for to trauayle in. And čat is forte departe wysli či lyuynge in two: o tyme to čat on, and anočur tyme to čat očur.For, wite čou wel, ¨if čou leue nedful bisynes of actyf lyf, & be recheles & take no kepe of či worldly godes, hou čei be kept & spended, ne haue no force of či soiettes & of čin euencristen, be cause of desyre & wille čat čou hast only for to ¨eue če to gostly ocupacion, wenyng čat čou art čerbi excused: ¨if čou do so, čou dost not wysli. What are alle či werkes worč, whečer čei be bodili or gostli, but ¨if čei be don ri¨tfulli & resonably, to če worschipe of god & at his biddyng? sočli, ri¨t nou¨t. éat men schulde vse medled lyf as a mon schulde haue him to Crist & to his lymes. Ca=o=. viii. |r éen, ¨if čou leue čat čing čat čou art bounde to be wei of charite in ri¨t & in resun, and wolt holli ¨iue če to an očur čing wilfulli as hit were for more plesaunce to god w¨uch čou art not bounde to fully: čou dost not worschipe |p272 discretly to him. éou art bisy to worschipe his hed & his face, & array hit fayre & coriously, but čou leuest his bodi, his armes & his feet, al ragged & rent & takest no kepe čerof. & čenne worschipest him nou¨t: ffor hit is a vilenye to a mon for to be curiousli arrayed vpon his hed wič perre & precious stones, & al his bodi be naked & bare as hit were a beggere. Riht so hit is, gostly, no worschipe to god čat his bed be keuered, & leue his bodi bare. éow schalt vnderstande čat vre lord Ihesu Crist as man is hed of a gostly bodi, če w¨uche is holy chirche. ée limes of čis bodi are al cristen men. Summe are armes, and summe are feet, and snmme are očur limes, aftur diuerse worchynges čat čei vse in here liuing. éenne ¨if čou be bisy wič al či mi¨t for to aray his hed, čat is for to worschipe him-self be mynde of his passion or of his očur werkes in his manhede be deuocion & meditacion of him, and for¨etest his feet, čat are či children, či seruauns, či tenans & al čin euencristen, & letest hem spille for defaute of keping, vnarayed, [vnkept], & not tended to as hem ou¨te for to be; čou plesest him nou¨t, čou dost no worschipe to him. éou makest če to cus his mouč be deuocion of gostly preyere, but čou tredest vpon his feet & defoulest hem, in as muche as čou wolt not tende to hem for necclygence of či-self of w¨uche čou hast take cure. éus me semeč. Neuerčeles ¨if čou činke čat hit is not soč, for hit were a fayr[er] offys to worschipe če hed of him, as be ocupied al day in meditacion of his manhede, čen forto go lower to očur werkes & make clene his |p273 feet, as for to be bisy boče in čou¨t & in dede aboute [če] helpe [of] čin euen_cristen in tyme: me činke not so as vn-to če. For sočli he wol cun če more čonk for meke wasschyng of his feet whon čei are ri¨t foule & stynking vpon če, čen for al če preciouse peyntyng & araying čat čou can make aboute his hed be mynde of his monhede. For hit is fayr inou¨ & nedeč not muche to be arrayed of če. But his feet & his očer lymes, čat are či soiettes & čin euen_cristen, are sum-tyme vuel aray¨ed and hadde nede to be loked & holpe be če, namely seč čou art bounden čerto; and for hem wol he cun če moche čank, ¨if čou wole mekely & tenderly loke to hem. For če more louh seruise čat čou dost to či lord for če loue of hym or to eny of his lymes whon neode & ri¨t_wysnes askeč hit, wič a glad & a meke herte, če more plesest čou him; čink_ing čat hit were inou¨ to če for to be at če leste degre & lowest state seč hit is his wille čat hit be so. For hit semeč to me, seč he hač put če in čat state for to trauayle & serue očer men, čat hit is his wille čat čou schulde ful_fille hit in čy miht. éat sum-tyme schulde a lord leue gostli ocupacion and gladli ¨eue him to meedful worldli werkes. Capitulo ix=o=. |r éis ensaumple I say to če, not for čou dost [not] čus as I say, for i hope čou dost čus & better: But I wolde čat čou schuld do čus gladli, and not forto činke loč for to leue sum-tyme gostly ocupacion & entermete če wič worldly bisines, in wys kepyng & dispendyng of či worldli godes, in good rule of či seruauntes & či tenauntes, & in očur gode dedes doyng to al čyn euencristen in či mi¨t; but čat čou schnld do boče werkes in diuerse tyme wič a good wille, čat on & čat |p274 očur, ¨if čou mi¨t; as, ¨if čou heddest ben in preyer & ben ocupied gostli, čou schalt after certeyn tyme breke of čat & čou schalt bisili and gladli ocupie če in sum bodily ocupacion vn-to čin euencristen. Also, whon čou hast be bisy out_ward a while wič či seruantus or wič očer men profitably, čou schalt breke of & turne a¨eyn to či preyeres & či deuocion after god ¨ineč če grace. And so schal čou put awei be grace of vr lord sleuče, ydelnes, & vayn rest of či-self, čat comeč vnder colour of contemplacion & letteč če sum-tyme from medefull & spedeful ocupacion in outward bisynes, and čou schalt be euer wel ocupied oučur bodili or gostli. Hou be ensaumple of Iacob & of his two wyues men schal rule hem ri¨t in če medled lyf. Ca=o=. x=o=. |r żif čou wole do wel, čou schal do gostli as Iacob dude bodily. Holi writ seič čat Iacob, whon he began to serue his mayster Laban, he coueyted Rachel his Maistres dou¨tur to his wyf for hir fayrhede, and for hire he serued. But whon he wende for to haue I-had hire to his wyf, he tok Lia first, čat očur douhtur, in stude of Rachel, and afterward he tok Rachel, and so he hedde boče at če last. Be Iacob in holy writ is vndurstande an ouurgoer of synnes. Be čise two wimmen are vnderstande, as seint Gregore sayč, two lyues in holy chirche: Actyf lyf & Contemplatyf lyf. Lia is [as] muche for to say as "trauaylous", & be_tokneč actyf lyf; Rachel be-tokneč "si¨t of beginnyng" čat is god, & be-tokneč lyf contemplatyf. Lia was fruiteful, but heo was sore-ei¨ede, Rachel was bareyn, but heo was fayr & loueli. éenne riht as Iacob coueited Rachel for hire fairhede & neuurčeles he hedde hire nou¨t whon he wolde, but first he tok Lia, & after_ward |p275 hire: riht so vche mon, turned be če grace of compunccion sočfastli from synnes of če world & of če flesch to če seruise of god & clennes in good lyu_ynge, hač gret desyre & gret longynge for to haue Rachel, čat is for to haue rest & gostli swetnes in deuocion & contemplacion, for hit is so fair & so loueli; & in hope forto haue čat lyf only, he disposeč him for to serue vre lord wič al his mi¨tes. But ofte whon he wende for to haue had Rachel, čat is rest in deuocion, vre lord suffred him furst to be assayed wel and trauayled wič Lia, čat is oučur wič grete temptacions of če world or of če deuel, or elles wič očur worldly bisynes, bodili or gostly, in help of his euen-cristen. And whon he is wel trauayled wič hem & nei¨hand ouercome, čen vr lord ¨eueč him Rachel, čat is grace of deuocion & rest in concience; & so hol boče Rachel & Lia. So schalt čou do aftur ensaumple of Iacob, tak če či[s] two lyues actyf & contemplatyf, sen god hač sent če boče, vse hem boče, čat on & čat očur. Be čat o lyf čat is actyf, čou schalt bringe forč fruit of moni gode dedes in help of čin euen_cristen. And be čat očur čou schalt be maad feir & bri¨t & clene in behaldyng souereyne bri¨tnes, čat is god, beginnyng of al čat is mad. And čen schalt čou be sočfastly Iacob and ouurgoere and ouercomere of alle synnes. And aftur čis be če grace of god či name schal be chaunged, as Iacobus name was turned in to Israel. Israel is as muche forto say as "a mon seoyng god". éen ¨if čou be furst Iacob & discretly wol vse čise two lyues in tyme, čou schalt aftur be Israel, čat is verrey contemplatif. For oučer in čis lyf he wole diliuere če and make |p276 če freo of či charge & či bisynes w¨uch čou art bounde to, or elles aftur či[s] lif fulli in če blis of heuen whon čou comest čider. éat contemplacion schulde be had in desyr, and werkes of actyf lyf in vse wič-outen anger & vnskilful drede. Ca=o=. xi=o=. |r LIf contemplatyf is feir & medeful, and čerfore čou schalt euer haue hit in desyr. But čou schalt haue in vsyng muche če lyf actyf, for hit is needful & spedful. And čerfore, ¨if čou be put fro či rest in deuocion whon če were leuest to be čerat, be či children, be či seruantes, or be eny of čin euencristen, for here profyt or ese of here hertes skilfulli asked, be not angri wič hem, ne heuy, ne dredful as ¨if god wolde be wroč wič če čat čou left him for eny očur čing -- ffor hit is not so. But li¨tli leue of či deuocion whečer hit be in preyer or meditacion, and go do či dette & či seruise to čin euencristen, as redili as ¨if vre lord him-self bad če do so. And suffre mekely for his loue wič-oute grucch_yng ¨if čou may, & disese & troublyng of čin herte be-cause of medlyng wič such bysynes. éat nedful worldli werkes kundel gostli desyres, proued be bodili ensaumple. Capitulo duodecimo. |r HIt may fal sum-tyme čat če more troubled čat čou hast ben outward wič actyf werkes, če more brennyng desyr čou schalt haue to god, & če more cler si¨t of gostly činges be grace of vre lord in deuocion whon čou comest čerto. For hit fareč čer-bi as ¨if čou hedde a luite Cole and čou wolde make a fir čer with & make hit brenne. éou woldest furst lei čerto stikkes and ouerhule če cole, and čou¨ hit seme for a tyme čat čou schuldest sleke če cole wič stikkes, neuerčeles whon čou hast beden a while & aftur čat i-blowen a while, anon |p277 springeč out a gret flaume of fuire, ffor če stikkes are turned in to fuire. Riht so hit is gostli; či wille & či desyre čat čou hast to god, hit is as hit were a luitel cole of fire in či soule, ffor hit ¨iueč to če sumwhat of gostli hete & of gostli li¨t; but hit is ful luitel, ffor ofte hit waxeč cold & turneč to fleschli rest, & sum-tyme in to idelnes. éerfore hit is good čat čou put čerto stikkes, čat are goode werkes of actyf lyf. And ¨if so be čat čise werkes as hit semeč for a tyme lette či desyr čat hit may not be so clene ne so feruent as čou wolde, be not ouer-dredful čerfore, but a-byd & suffre a while, & go blowh at če fuire, čat is, ffurst do či werkes and go čen al-[one] to či preyers & či meditacions, and lift vp čin herte to god and prei him of his godnes čat he wole accepte či werkes čat čou dost to his plesaunce. Hou be mekenes & diuerse gode werkes is če loue of god norisched in mony mennes hertes. Capitulo xiii=o=. |r Hald či werkes as nou¨t in čin owne si¨t, but only of če Merci of him. Knowe mekely či wrecchednes & či frelte, and arette sočfastli al či gode dedes to him in as muche as čei are gode, and in as muche as čei are vuel, not don wič al če circumstaunce čat are nedful to a good dede, for defaute of discrecion, put hem to či-self. And for čis mekenes schal al či dedes turne in to a flaume of fuir, as stikkes leid vpon če cole. And so schal če gode dedes outward not hynder či deuocion, but račur mak hit more. Vre lord seič čas in holi writ: Ignis in altari meo semper ardebit & sacerdos surgens mane subiciet ligna ut ignis non extinguatur; čat is to say; "ffuir schal euer brenne in myn auter, and če |p278 prest risyng at morewe schal put vnder stikkes, čat hit go not out." éis fuir is loue & desyr to god in soule, če w¨uche loue nedeč to be norisched & kept be leying to of stikkes čat hit go not out. éise stikkes are of diuerse matere: sum are of o tre, sum of an očer. A mon čat is lettred & hač vnderstandyng in holy writ, ¨if he haue čis fuir of deuocion in his herte, hit is good to him for to gedere him stikkes of holi ... writ & norissche če fuir wič hem. Anočur man vnlettred mai not so redili haue at his hand holy writ & doctors sawes, and čer_fore hit nedeč to him to do mony gode dedes outward to his euencristne & kendele če fuir of loue wič hem. And so hit is good čat vche man in his degre do aftur he is disposed, čat he gete him stikkes of o čyng or of očur, oučur preiers or gode meditacions or redyng in holy writ, or gode bodili worchyng, for to norissche če disyr of loue in his soule, čat hit ne be not slekked. For če affeccion of loue is tendre, & li¨tli wol vanissch away, but ¨if hit beo wel kept and be gode dedes bodili or gostly beo continuely norissched. How če fuir of loue wasteč alle synne and is a gret cri¨ing in če eres of god. Capo. xiiii=o=. |r Now čen sečče vre lord hač sent in to čin herte a luytel sparkel of his blessed fuire čat is him-self as holy writ saič -- Deus noster ignis consumens, čat is, "vre lord is fuire wastyng" -- ffor as bodili fyr wasteč al bodili čing čat may be wasted, ri¨t so gostli fuir, čat is god, wasteč al maner of synne where so hit falleč, and čerfore vre lord is likned to a fuir wastyng -- I preye če norissche čis fuire čat |p279 is not elles but loue & charite. éis hač he sent in to če eorče as he seič in če gospel: Ignem veni mittere in terram, ad quid nisi vt ardeat: čat is, "I am come to sende fire in to če erče, and wharto, but čat hit schulde brenne?" éat is: god hač sent fuire of loue, čat is a god disyre & a gret wille to plese him, in to a monnes soule, and to čis ende, čat a man schulde knowe hit & kepe hit, norissche hit & strengče hit & be saued čerbi. ée more desire čat čou hast to him, če more is čis fuir of loue in če. ée lasse čat čis disyre is, če lasse is čis fuire. ée mesure of čis disyr hou muche hit is, in či-self or in eny očur knowest čou not ne no man of him-self, but god only čat ¨iueč hit. And čer_fore dispose če nou¨t to striue wič či-self as ¨if čou wolde wyte hou muche či disyr is, but be bisy for to disyre as muche as čou mai, but not to wite če me_sure of či disyre. Seint Austin seič čat če lyf of vche good cristene mon is a continuel desyr to god. And čat is a gret vertue, ffor hit is a gret cri¨ing in če eres of god; če more čou desyrest če hi¨ore čou cri¨est, če better čou prayest, če wyslier čou čenkest. What disyr is,.& siker swetnes. Capo. [x]v=o=. |r And what is čis desyr? Sočli, nočing but a ločing of al čis worldly blisse & of al fleschli lyking in čin herte, & [a] quemeful longyng wič a tristi ¨ernyng to heuenly ioye & endeles blis. éis, činkeč me, may be cald a desire to god. żif čou haue čis disire, as I hope sikerli čat čou hast, I prey če kepe hit wel & norissche hit wysli, and whon čou schalt praye or čenke, mak čis desyr begynnyng & endyng of al či werk. And forte encresce hit loke after non očur felyng in |p280 éi wittes, ne seke aftur non očur bodili swetnes noučur souning ne sauoryng, ne wonderful li¨t, ne si¨t of angeles, ne of vre lord him-self as to či si¨t wolde a_peere to če bodily, charge hit but luytel: but čat al či bisynes be čat čou mi¨t fele sočfastli in či čou¨t a ločing & a ful forsakyng of al maner of synne & of vnclennes, wič a gostli si¨t of hit hou foul, how vggli & hou pyneful hit is; and čat čou mi¨t haue a mi¨ti desyryng to vertues, to mekenes, to charite, & to če blisse of heuen. éis, činkeč me, were gostly cumfort & gostly swetnes in a monnes soule, as to haue clennes in conscience from wikkednes of al worldly vanite wič stable trouče, meke hope, and fol desyr to god. Hou-so-euere hit be of očur cumfortes & swetnes, me činkeč čat swetnes syker & sočfast čat is feled in clennes of concience be mi¨ti forsakyng & ločing of al sinne & be inward si¨t, wič feruent desyre of gostly desyres. Al očur cumfortes or swetnes or eny očur maner of felyng, but ¨if čei helpe & lede to čis ende, čat is clannes in conscience & gostly desyre of god, are not fulli syker forto reste vpon. What difference is be-twixe desyr & če loue of god. Capo. [x]vi=o=. |r But non askest čou whečer čis desyre be če loue of god. As to čis, I say čat čis desyre is not propurli loue, but hit is a begynnyng & a tastyng of loue. For loue is propurli ful couplyng of če louer & če loued to-geder as god & a soul in on. éis couplyng may not be had fully in čis lyf, but only in disyre & longyng čerto; as ¨if a man loue a nočur w¨uch is absent, he disyreč gretly his |p281 presence, for to haue če vse of his loue & his lykyng. Ri¨t so gostli, as longe as we are in čis lyf, vre lord is absent from vs, čat we may noučur se him ne fele him as he is, and čerfore we may not haue če vse of his loue here in ful likyng. But we may haue a desyre & a gret ¨ernyng forte be present to him, forte se him in his blisse, & fulli to be oned to him in loue. éis desyr may we haue of his ¨ift in čis lyf. Be če w¨uche we schal be saaf, ffor hit is loue vn_to him as hit may be had here. éus seide seint Poul: Scientes quia dum sumus in hoc corpore peregrinamur a domino, per fidem enim ambulamus et non per spe_ciem; audemus autem & bonam voluntatem habemus magis peregrinari a corpore & presentes esse ad deum; et ideo contendimus, siue absentes siue presentes, placere illi. Seint Poul seič čat as longe as we are in čis bodi we are pilgrimes fro vre lord, čat is, we are absent fro heuene in čis exile; we go be trouče & not be si¨t, čat is we leue in trouče, not in bodili felyng; we dar & haue a good wille to be absent fro če bodi & be present to god, čat is, we for clennes in conscience & siker trouče of saluacion dar desire to be absent fro vr bodi be bodili dede & presente to vre lord. Neuerčeles, for we may not ¨ut, čerfore we striue, whečer we be present or absent, for to plese him, and čat is, we striue a¨eyn synnes of če world & likingus of če flesch be desyr of him, for to brenne in čis desyre alle čyng čat letteč vs from hym. How werkes wič-outen schewen čis desyr. Capitulo xvii=o=. |r żit askest čou: "Mai a man haue čis desyre in his herte contynuely"? ée činkeč nay. As to čis, I may say as me činkeč, čat čis desyr may be had as for če |p282 vertu & če profyt of hit in habite continuely, but not in worchyng ne in vsyng; as be čis ensaumple. żif čou were seek, čou schuldest haue as vche mon hač a kuyndeli desyr of bodily hele continueli in čin herte, what-so čou dedest, whečer čou sleped or waked, but not euer iliche; ffor ¨if čou slepe, or elles wakyng čenkest of sum worldly činges, čen hast čou čis desyre in habyte, nou¨t in worchinge. But whon čow čenkest on či syknes and on či bodili hele, čen hast čou hit in vsyng. [Right] so hit is gostly of če disyre of god. He čat hač čis desyr of če ¨ift of god, čou¨ he slepe or elles čenk not on god but on worldly činges, ¨it he hač čis desyr in habite of his soule, til he synne dedli. But whon he čenkeč on god or on clannes of lyuing or of če ioyes of heuene, čen worcheč his disyre to god as longe as he kepeč his čou¨t & his entent for to plese god, oučur in prayere or in meditacion, or in eni good dede of actyf lyf. éen is [it] good čat al vre bisynes be forto stere čis desyr & vse hit be discrecion, nou in o dede & nou in a nočur, after we are disposed & han grace čerto. éis desyr is rote of al či worchyng: ffor wite čou wel, what good dede čat hit be čat čou dost for god, bodili or gostli, hit is an vsyng of čis desyr; and čerfore whon čou dost a good dede, or preiest or čenkest on god, čenk not in čin herte doutyng whečer čou disyrest or nou¨t, for či dede scheweč či disyre. Sum are vnkunnynge & wene čat čei desyre not god but ¨if čei were euur cri¨inge on god wič wordes of heore mouč, or elles in her herte be desyring wordes, as ¨if I seide čus: "A, lord, bring me to či blisse", "Lord mak me saaf", or such očure. éise wordes |p283 are gode whečer čei be souned in če mouč or elles formed in če herte, ffor čei sture a mannes herte to če desyring of god. But neuerčeles, wič-oute eny such wordus, a clene čou¨t of god or of eny gostli čing, as of vertues or of če man_hede of Crist or of če ioyes of heuene or of če vnderstandynge of holi writ, wič loue, mai be better čen such wordes. For a clene čou¨t of god is a sočfast disyr to him, and če more gostli čat či čou¨t is, če more is či disyr, and čer_fore be čou nou¨t in doute ne in weere whon čou preyest or čenkest on god or elles dost eny outward dede to čin euencristen, whečer čou disyrest him or nou¨t: for če dede scheweč hit. Neuerčeles, ¨if hit be so čat al či gode dedes bodili or gostli are schewed of či disyr to god, ¨it is čer a diuersete be-twixe bodili & gostli dedes. For če dedes of contemplatyf lyf are propurli & kuyndeli če worch_yng of čis desyr, but outward dedes are not so, and čerfore whon čou preyest or čenkest on god, či disire is more hol, more feruent, & more gostly, čen whon čou dost očur dedes to čin euen-cristen. Hou after či slepe čou schalt quiken čin herte wič preyeres and gode čou¨tes & put awai vuel čou¨tes čat letten deuocion. Capo. xviii=o=. |r Now ¨if čou aske hou čou schalt kepe čis disyre & norissche hit, a luitel I schal telle če, nou¨t čat čou schalt vse če same forme al-wei as I say, but čat čou schalt haue čerbi, ¨if ned be, sum wissyng forto rule če in čin ocupacion. For I may not, ne i can not, telle če fulli what is best euer to če for to vse. But i schal sei to če sumwhat as me činkeč. In nihtes, aftur či sleep, ¨if čou wole ryse for to serue či lord, čou schal fele či-self furst fleschli heui, & sum_tyme |p284 lusti: čen schalt čou dispose če for to preye or for to čenke sum good čou¨t for to quiken čin herte vn-to god, and forto sette al či bisynes furst for to drawe vp či čou¨t from worldli vanytes & from veyn ymaginacions fallyng in to či mynde, čat čou mai fele sum deuocion in saying, or elles, ¨if čou wole čenke of gostly činges, čat čou be not muche letted wič such veyne čou¨tes of če world & of či flesch in či čenkyng, čer are moni maner of čenkynges, w¨uch are best to če I can not say; but I hope čat čou¨t čat čou felest most sauour in & most rest for če tyme, is best for če. How ordeind [čou¨t] of čin owne synnes and of očer mennes norisscheč či desyre to god. Capitulo xix=o=. |r |r éow may, ¨if čou wole, sum-tyme čenk of [či] synnes be-fore done, & of či frelete čat čou fallest in vche day, & aske merci & for¨iuenes for hem. Also aftur čis čou mai čenke of če synnes & če wrecchednes of či euencristen bodili & gostli wič pite & compassion of hem, & cri¨e merci & for¨iuenes of hem as tenderli as ¨if čei were čin oune; & čat is a good čou¨t, ffor i telle če for soče čou may make očur mennes synnes a precious oynement for to hele čin oune soule wič, whon čou hast mynde of hem. éis oynement in hit-self is precious čou¨ če spicerie in hit-self be not clene, ffor hit is triacle maad of venym [for to distroye venym], čat is to sai čyn oune synnes & očur mennes also brou¨t in to čy mynde; ¨if čou beete hem wič serwe of čin herte & pite & compassion, čei turne in to triacle w¨uch makeč či soule hol from pride & envie, & bringeč loue & charite to čin euencristen. éis čou¨t is good sum-time to haue. |p285 éat fele čou¨tes of če monhede of vre lord discretli vsed norischeč če desyr to god. Capo. xx=o=. |r Also čou may haue mynde of če manhede of vre lord, In his burče or in his passion or in eny of his werkes, and fede či čou¨t wič gos[t]ly ymaginacion of hit, for to sture čin affeccion to more loue of him. éis čou¨t is good, and nameli whon hit comeč freli of godes ¨ift wič deuocion & feruour of če spirit. Ac ¨if a man may not li¨tli haue sauour ne deuocion in hit, I halde hit not spede_ful čenne to a mon for to prese ouur-muche čer-vpon as he wolde gete hit be maistrie; for he schal mowe breke his hede & he schal neuer be če nerre. éerfore me činkeč as to če [it] is good to haue in mynde his manhede sum-tyme, and ¨if deuocion & sauour come wič-al, kepe hit & folewe hit for a tyme, but lef of sone & hang not ouur longe čer-vpon. Also ¨if deuocion come not wič mynde of če passion, striue not ouer-muche čer-aftur; tac esyli čat wol come, & go forč to sum očur čou¨t. éat čou¨tes of fele vertues norisscheč či desyr to god. Capitulo xxi=o=. |r Also očur čou¨tes čer are čat are more gostli, as for to čenke of vertues, and forto se be li¨t of vnderstandyng what če vertu of mekenes is and hou a mon schulde be meke; and also what is pacience and clennes, ri¨twysnes, chastite & soberte, & such očere, and how a man schulde gete čise vertues; and be suche čou¨tes for to haue gret disyr & longyng to čis vertues for to haue hem, and also for to haue a gostli si¨t of če čreo principal vertues: of trouče, hope, & charite. Be če si¨t & če disyre of čise vertues a soule schulde mow fele gret |p286 cumfort ¨if he hedde grace of vre lord, wič-oute w¨uch grace a mannes čou¨t is half blynd, wič-oute sauour of gostli swetnes. éat čou¨t of diuerse seyntes & of heore vertues norischeč či loue to god. Capo. xxi=o=. |r Also for to čenke of če seyntes of vre lord, as of Apostles, of Martires, Con_fessours & holy Virgynes, be-hald inwardli here holi liuynge, če grace & če vertues čat vre lord ¨af hem heere liuinge, and be čis mynde for to sture čin owne herte to take ensaumple of hem to better lyuyng. And also če mynde of vr ladi seynte Marie aboue al očur seyntes; for to seo bi gostli ei¨e če habund-w aunce of grace in hir holi soule whon heo was here lyuynge, čat vr lord ¨af hire alone passyng al očure creatures; ffor in hire was fulhede of alle vertues wič-oute wem of synne. Heo hadde ful mekenes & parfyt charite, and fulli wič čeose če beute of al očur vertues, so hole čat čer mi¨t no steryng of pride, envye, ne wračče ne fleschli lykyng, ne of no maner of synne entre in to hire herte ne defaule če soule in no partye of hit. ée behaldyng of če fairhede of čis blessede soule schulde gretli stere a monnes herte in to gostli cumfort. And muche more čen aboue čis če čink[yng] of če soule of vre lord Ihesu, če w¨uch was fulli oned to če godhede, passynge wič-oute comparison vre ladi & al očur creatures. For in če persone of vre lord Ihesu are two kyndes: čat is, god & mon, fulli oned to-geder. Be če vertu of čis blessed onyng w¨uch may not be seid ne conseyued be mannes witte, če soule of Ihesu receiued če fulhede of wisdom & loue & al godnes, as če apostelle seič: Plenitudo diuinitatis habitauit in ipso corporaliter: čat is, če godhede was oned fulli to če monhede in če soule |p287 of Ihesu and so be če soule dwelled in če bodi. ée mynde of če manhede of vre lord vpon čis wyse, čat is forto be-holde če vertues & če passyng grace of če soule of Ihesu, & čat schulde be cumfortable to a monnes soule. And also mynde of če mi¨t, če wisdam, & če godnes of vre lord in al his creatures; ffor in as muche as we mai not seo god fulli in him-self here lyuyng, čerfore we schal be-halde him, loue him & drede him, & wondure his mi¨t & his wisdam & his godnes, in his werkes & in his creatures. éat če čou¨t of če merci of vr lord schewed to synful men norisscheč či desyr to god. Capitulo xxiiii=o=. |r Also for to čenke of če merci of vr lord čat he hač schewed to če & to me & to alle synful caytyfs čat han be cumbred in synne, sperred so longe in če deueles prison; hou vre lord suffred vs paciently in vre synne and tok no veniaunce of vs as he mihte ri¨tfulli hane don, & put vs to helle, ¨if his merci hedde nou¨t letted him; but for loue he spared vs, he hedde pite of vs, & sente his grace in to vre hertes & called vs out of vre synne, and be his grace hač turned vre wille hol to him, & for his loue for to forsake al maner of synne. ée mynde of his merci & his godnes made wič očur circumstaunces mo čen i con or may reherce nou, bringeč into a soule gret trust in vre lord & ful hope of saluacion, and hit cundeleč če desyr of loue mi¨tily to če ioyes of heuene. éat čou¨t of [če] wrecchednes of men & of če ioyes of heuene norisscheč či desyr to god. Capitulo xxiiii=o=. |r Also for to čenke of če wrecchednes, če mescheues and če pereles bodili & gostli čat falleč in čis lyf; and aftur čat for to čenke of če ioyes of heuene, hou |p288 muche blisse čer is & hou muche ioye: ffor čer is no synne ne sorewe ne passion ne pyne ne hungur ne črist, sore ne seknes, doute ne drede, schame ne schend_schipe, ne defaute of mi¨t, ne lakkyng of li¨t, ne wantyng of wil; but čere is souereyne fairnes, li¨tnes, strengče, freodam, holy (!) lykyng euur lastyng, wisdom, loue, pees, worschipe, sikernes, rest, ioye & blisse inow¨ wič-outen ende. ée more čat čou čenkest & felest čis wrecchednes of čis lyf, če more feruently schalt čou desyre če ioye & če rest of če blisse of heuen. Hou če desyre of worldli men and če desyr of heuene is meded at če last ende. Capitulo xxv=o=. |r Moni men are coueytous of worldli worschipes & erčli riches, and čenken ni¨t and day, slepyng & wakyng, hou & be what maner čei mi¨te come čerto, and for¨eteč če mynde of hem-self, & of če peynes of helle & of če ioyes of heuene. Sočli čei are not wyse, čei are like to če children čat rennen after a boterflye, and for čei loken not to heore feet, čei falle sum-tyme & breken here leges. What is al če pompe of čis world in richesse or iolyte but a boturflye? Sočli, not elles, & muche lasse. éerfore i pre¨e če be čou coueitous of če ioyes of heuene, & čou schalt haue worschipe & richesse čat schal euur laste. For at če last ende whon worldly coueytous men fayle, čei bringe nočing in here handes, for al heore worschipes & here richesses are torned in to nou¨t saue serwe & pyne; čen schal al heuenly couetous men čat forsaken treweli al vayne worschipes of čis world, or elles ¨if čei haue worschipes and richesses čei sette not her lyk_yng ne here loue in hit, but in drede, in mekenes, in hope & in serwe sum-tyme |p289 čei abyde če merci of god pacientli: čei schal čen haue fulli čat čei haue coueyted, ffor čei schal be čenne corouned as kynges & set vp wič vre lord Ihesu in če blis of heuen. Hou discrecion is nedeful in čenkyng & preying, & hou hit is sum-tyme for to passe fro čat on to čat očer. Capitulo xxvi=o=. |r Also čer are mony očur meditacions, mo čen I con say, če w¨uche vr lord putteč in to a monnes mynde for to sture če affeccion & če resun of če soule to loče wič vanites of čis world & for to desyre če ioyes of heuene. éise wordes I say to če, not as I hed fulli schewed če maner of meditacions as čei are in a mannes soule, but I touche hem a luitel to če čat čou scholde be čis luytel vnderstande če more. Notforči me činkeč hit is good to če čat whon čou dis_posest če for to čenke on god as I haue before seid, or on eny očur wyse, ¨if čin herte be dul & merk & čou felest noučur wit ne sauour ne deuocion for to čenke, but only a naked desyre & a weyk wille, čat čou wolde fayn čenke on god, but čou can nou¨t: but čan I hope čat hit is good to če čat čou striue not ouer-muche wič či-self, as ¨if čou wolde be čin owne mi¨t ouercome či-self, ffor čou mi¨t li¨tli so falle in to more merknes, but ¨if čou were sleih in či worchynge. And čerfore I halde hit čen most syker to če for to say či Pater noster or čin Aue or elles či matyns, or for to rede oa či sauter, ffor čat is euermore a syker standart and wol not fayle, who so wole cleue čerto he schal not erre, and ¨if čou may be preying gete deuocion, čan, ¨if čis deuocion be only in affeccion, čat [is] in a gret desyre to god wič gostli dilyt, hold forč či saying, brek not li¨tli of, ffor ofte hit falleč čat praying wič mouče geteč & |p290 kepeč feruour of deuocion, & ¨if a mon cese of saying deuocion vanisscheč a-way. Neuerčeles ¨if deuocion of preyer bringe to čin hert a gostly čou¨t of [če] Monhede of vr lord, or of eny očur before-seid, and čis čou¨t schulde be letted be či seying, čen mai čow cese of či saying & ocupie če in meditacion, til hit pas a-wai. Hou a man schal haue him in čenkyng of če passion of vre lord Ihesu; whon deuocion lastes & whon hit passeč a-way. Cap. xxvii=o=. |r But of certeyn činges če bi-houeč be war in či meditacion. Sum schal I telle če. On is, whon čou hast had a gostli čou¨t oučur in ymagining of če monhede of vre lord or of such očur bodili činges, & či soule hač be fed & cumforted čerwič, & hit passeč away, be hit-self, be not ouer-bisy for to kepe hit stille be maistrie, for čenne hit schal turne če to pyne & to bitternesse. Also ¨if hit passe not a-way but dwelleč stille in či mynde wič a trauayle of či-self, & čou for cumfort of hit wol not leue hit, & čerfore hit reueč če fro či slepe a_ni¨tes, or elles a-dayes from očer gode dedes, čis is not wel, čow schalt wilfulli breke of whon tyme askeč. że sum-tyme whon čon hast most deuocion and were ločest forto leue hit, as whon hit passeč resonable tyme or elles ¨if hit turne to eny disese of čin euencristen, but ¨if čou do so elles dost čou not wys_liche as me činkeč. A worldli mon or a wommon čat feleč not per auenture deuocion twy¨es in a ¨ere, ¨if he feled be grace of vr lord gret compunccion of his synnes, or elles a mynde of če passion of vr lord, čou¨t he were put fro his slepe & his rest a ni¨t or two or čre til his hed oke, hit is no force, |p291 for hit comeč to hem but selden. But to če, or to anočur man čat hač čis maner of worchynge in costume, as hit were vch očer day, hit is spedful for to haue discrecion in ¨oure workyng, nou¨t fulli forto folwe hit as muche as wol come. And I halde čat hit is good to če for to vse čis maner in what deuocion čat čou be, čat čou hange not longe čer-vpon, oučur forto putte fro če či mete or či slepe in tyme, or forto [di]sese any očur man vnskilfuli. Omnia tempus habent: Al čing hač tyme. Hou a mon schal haue [him] warli in čou¨t & disire, & wisli vse če grace čat god hač ¨iuen to hym. Capitulo xx=o= octauo. |r Anočur čing is čis čat če be-houeč be war of. żif či čou¨t be ocupyed in ymaginacion of če monhede of vr lord or in eny such očer, and aftur čis čou art bisy wič al či disyre of čin herte for to seke knowyng or felyng more gostly of če godhede, prese not ouur-muche čer-in, ne suffre not čin herte falle fro če disyre as ¨if čou were a-bydyng or gapyng aftur sum queynte sturyng, or sum wonderful felyng, očur čen čou hast had. éou schalt not do so. Hit is inou¨ to če, & to me, for to haue desyre and longyng to vre lord, and ¨if he wole of his grace, ouer čis desyre, sende vs of his gostly li¨t [& open] vre gostli e¨en for to seo & knowe more of him čen we haue had bifore be comon trauayle, čonke we him čerof, and ¨if he wol not so, for we are not ¨it meke inou¨, or elles we are not disposed be clennes of lyuyng on očur sydes forte receyue his grace, čen schal we mekely knowe vr owne synnes & vre wrecchednes, & hald vs payed wič če disyre čat we haue to him, & wič vre comon čou¨tes |p292 éat may li¨tli falle vnder vre ymaginacions, as of vre synnes, & of Cristes passion, or of such očur; or elles wič preyers of če sauter, or of sum očer, & loue him wič al ¨oure hertes čat be wole ¨eue vs čat. // żif čou do očur-wyse, čou mai¨t li¨tli be bigyled be če spirit of errour, ffor hit is presumpcion čat a man be his oune wit schulde prese ouer-muche in to knowyng of gostli činges, but he feled plente of grace. For če wyse mon seič: Scrutator maiestatis opprimetur a gloria, čat is forte sai: "Ronsaker of če mi¨t & of če maieste wič-oute gret clannes & meknes schal be ouurleyd & oppressed of him-self." -- |p293 {Ms. Thornton, cont.} 5. [An Epistle on salvation by loue of the name of Iesus]. |r Wit thou wele, dere ffrende, čat čof čou had neuer done syne with thi bodi, dedly ne venyall, bot anely this čat es called Orygynall for it es če firste syne, and čat es če lossyng of thy ryghtwysnes whilke čou was mad in: suld thou neuer hafe bene safe if oure lord Ihesu Criste by his passione hade noghte delyuerde the and restorede če agayne. And čou sall wit čat čou, be čou neuer so mekill a wreche, hafe čou doune neuer so mekill syne: forsake thi-selfe and all thi werkes gude & ill, cry mercy and aske anely saluacyone by če vertu of his precyouse passyone mekly and tristely, and with-owttene dowte čou sall haf it and fra this orygynall syne and all očer čou sall be safe. ża and čou sall be safe as ane ankir incluse, and noghte anely čou bot all cristene mene & wymene čat trowes appone his passione and mekes čame-selfe, knawande čaire wrechidnes, askand mercy and forgyfnes and če fruyte of his precyouse passione, anely lawand čame_selfe to če Sacramentes of haly kyrke, čof it be swa čat čay hafe bene cumbyrde in syne & with syne all čaire lyfe-tyme, and neuer had felyng of gastely sauour or swetnes or gastely knawynge of godde, čay sall in this faith and in čair gud will be safe by če vertu of če precyouse passione of oure lorde Ihesu Criste, and com to če blysse of heuene. / See here če Endles mercy of owre lorde, how lawe he fallis to če & to me and to all synfull caytyfs. Aske mercy and hafe it; thus said če prophete in če persone of oure lorde: Omnis enym quicumque inuocauerit nomen domini saluus erit: "Ilk mane, what čat he be, čat in-calles če name of godde", čat es to say askes saluacione by Ihesu and by his passione, "he sall be safe". Bot čis curtasye of oure lorde sum mene takes and erre safede čerby, and sum in traiste of his mercy and his curtasye lyffes still in čair synnes & wenys for to hafe it when čam lyst, and čan may čay noghte, ffor čay ere takyne or čay wit, and swa čay dampne čame-selfe. / Bot now sayse čou, if čis be sothe, čou wondirs gretly "for čat I fynde wretyne in sum haly mens saghes. Sum sayse, as I vndirstande, čat he čat cane noghte lufe čis blyssed name Ihesu ne fynd ne fele in it gastely Ioye and delitabilite with wondirfull swetnes in čis lyfe here, ffra če souerayne Ioy and gastely swetnes in če blysse of heuene he sall be aliene and neuer sall he come čar-to. Sothely čise wordes when I here thayme or redis čame stonyes me and makis me gretly ferde: ffor I hope, as čou sayse, čat many by če mercy of godde sall be safe be kepyng of his commandemente¨ and by verray repentance of čaire euyll lyfe be-fore done, če wylke felid neuer gastely swetnes ne inly sauour in če name of Ihesu or in če lufe of Ihesu. And for-thi I meruell me če more čat čay say the contrarye here-to as it semys". Als vn-to čis, I may say as me thynke, that theire saynge if it be wele vndirstaridene es sothe, ne it es noghte contrarye to čat that I hafe said. For čis name Ihesu es noghte ells for to say one ynglische bot "heler" or "hele". Nowe euer-ilk mane čat lyffis in čis wrechid lyfe es gastely seke, ffor čare es na mane čat lyffis with-owttene syne whilke es gastely seknes, as sayn Ihon sayse of hym-selfe and očer perfite mene thus: Si dixerimus quia peccatum non habemus ipsi nos seducimus &c., "If we say čat we hafe na syne, we begile oure-selfe and sothefastnes es noghte in vs"; and for-či he may neuer fele ne come to če Ioyes of heuene, |p294 vn-to he first be made hale of čis gostely seknes. Bot čis gastely [hele] may na mane haf čat hase vse of resone, bot if he desire it, and lufe it, and hafe delite čar-in in als mekill als he hopis for to get it. Now če name of Ihesu es noghte elles bot čis gastely hele. Whare-fore it es sothe čat čay say, čat čar may na mane be safe bot if he lufe & lyke in če name of Ihesu, ffor čar may na mane be gastely hale bot if he lufe and desire gastely hele. For ryght als, [if] a mane ware bodily seke čer ware nane erthely thyng sa dere ne so nedfull to hyme ne so mekill suld be desyrid of hyme, als bodily hele -- ffor čofe čou wald gyff hyme all če reches and če wirchips of čis werlde and noghte make hym hale if čat čou myghte, čou plesid hym noghte -- righte so it es to a mane čat es seke gastely and felis če payne of gastely seknes; nathyng es so dere, so nedfull, ne so mekill desired of hyme als his gastely hele, and čat es Ihesu, withowttene whilke all če Ioyes of heuene may noghte lyke hyme. And this es če skill, as I hope, whi oure lorde whene he tuke mankynde for oure saluacyon, he walde noghte be called by na name betakenande his endles beyng, or his myghte, or his wysdome, or his ryghtwysnes, bot anely by čat that was cause of his commyng, and čat was saluacyone of mans saule whilke saluacione was maste dere and maste nedfull to mane, and čis saluacyone betakens čis name Ihesu. éan bi this it semes čat čer may na mane be safe bot if he lufe Ihesu, ffor čer may na mane be safe bot if he lufe saluacyone, whilke lufe he may hafe čat lyfes and dyes in če laweste degre of charite. Also I may say one a nočer wyse čat be čat cane noghte lufe čis blessede name Ihesu with gastely myrthe, ne enioye in it with heuenly melodye here, he sall neuer hafe ne fele in če blisse of heuene čat fulhede of souerayne Ioye, če whilke he čat myghte in čis lyfe by habondance of perfite charite enioye in Ihesu sall hafe & fele, and so may čaire saynge be vndirstandene. Neuer-če-les he sall be safe and hafe full mede in če syghte of godd, all-if he be in čis lyfe in the laweste degre of charite by kepyng of goddes commandementes. For Criste sayse in the gospelle: In domo patris mei mansiones multe sunt: "In my fadir house erre many sere dwellynges". Sum are for perfite saules če whilke in this lyfe ware fulfillede of grace of če haly gaste and sang louyngs to godd in contemplacione of hym with wondirfull swetnes and heuenly savour: čise saules, for čay hade maste charite, sall haue hegheste mede in če blysse of heuene, ffor čise ere callid goddes derlyngs. Othir saules čat ere in čis lyfe inperfite and erre noghte disposed to contemplacyone of godde, ne had noghte če fulhede of charite as apostells or martirs had in če begynnyng of haly kirke: čay sall hafe če lawere mede in če blyse of heuene, ffor čise er callede goddis frendis. éus callis oure lorde chosene saules in haly writt, sayand thus: Comedite amici, et inebriamini carissimi: "Mi frendes ete ¨e, and my der_lynges be ¨e drunkyne". As if oure lorde said one čis wyse: "że čat er my frendis for ¨e keped my commandmente¨ and sett my lufe be-fore če lufe of če werlde, and lufed me more čan any očer erthely thynge, ¨e sall be feedd with gastely fude of če brede of lyfe. Bot ¨e čat er my derlynges and noghte anely kepid my commandementis bot also of ¨oure awene fre will fulfillede my consailles, and ouer čat ¨e luffed me anely enterely with all če myghtes of ¨oure saule, and brynnede in my lufe with gastely delyte as did pryncypally če apostills & martirs and all očer čat myghte come by grace to če gyfte of perfeccione, ¨e sall be |p295 made drunkene with če freeste wyne in my celer, čat es če souereyne Ioye of lufe in če blysse of heuene". -- To the whilke blise he brynge vs čat boghte vs with his precyouse passione, Ihesu Criste, goddes sone of heuene. Amen. 6. [On Prayer.] |r Prayng es a gracyous gyfte of owre lorde godd tyll ylk mane diuysed as he vouches-safe, till sum mare delyttabyll, till sum lesse, as all očer gudnes & gyftes ere gyffene till sere mene apone sere wyse as če haly gaste will, and principally aftire čat ilk a mane besyes hyme to gett goddes grace. The vertu and če swetnes of če Pater noster, and of the psalmes of če sautyr, and of all očer prayers čat er inwardly prayede with lufe and mekenes and clennes of herte, may na tung tell, hert thynke ne eghe see. Thorowe če souerayne wysdome and če grete grace of če gloryouse gyfte of oure lorde Ihesu Criste goddis sone of heuene, if čay be sadly soungene or saide in a clene herte with lufe and mekenes and lufely drede in če louynge of godd, thay bryng in till vs bryghte brynnande by-haldynge mengede with myrthe, and selcouthe schynynge fra če heghenes of heuene with gleteryng and glemyng, with myrthe and melodye, that herte vnclosande čat lufes Ihesu Criste goddes sonne of heuene with-owttene forgetyng, whare če haly gaste dwelles halefull bandes brystande with če bryn_nynge of lufe čare če heghe name of Ihesu duelles euer in mynde. / Prayere es a precyous prikkynge in a clene hert makand men myghtty firste fra če erthe to če ayere to be-halde with a meke herte heghand one heghte, clymbande to če clouddes all planetes perchande what so it hittes, fforčer-mare foundande ferly to fele and meruelle to beholde; euer če lufe of godd mekely desyrande, preuely puttande his grace čare hym lykes and namely to čame čat abills čame čare-to with če helpe of godd in all čat čay may, one če same wyse for čay sulde preuely with the desire of theire hertes lufe hyme agayne. Many meke hertes perchance trewely lufande godd in all čat čay canne here and speke of čis lufe, walde fayne hafe sum sauour or swettnes of it: če whilke for čaire gud wyll and čaire grete desyre hase it and wate noghte, and mekill thanke of godd fo[r] čair gud will; and peraunter and čay wyste čat čay hadd it, čay suld noghte bere it so dredefully as if čay wyste noghte. And čarfore he čat knawes oure wyllis and oure hertes, hydes it fra vs for we suld lyffe in drede, and halde vs wele payedde of what so he sente vs, and faste folowe hyme. And ay če faster čat mene folowes, the mare sall mene fele of če lufe of godd. Bot by lange tyme and grete traueile trewe lufe behuse be getyne, and namely of thayme čat gretly hase trispaste and one lange tyme, čat felis čaire concyence vnclere for are-done dedis, lesse or mare whečer so čay bee. And sene it may noghte clerely be getyne with-owttene lange traueile, ne noghte be felide with-owttene clennes of herte, whi sulde we čan čat ere synfull and vnclene in herte. and littill hase traueilde, wrangwisely grefe vs or gruche with godd or with oure awene selfe, ffor we hafe it noghte? Wate we noghte wele čat godd es sothe_faste and trewe? How dare we čane be wrathe for we hafe noghte čat we ere noghte ¨it worthi to hafe by če sothefastenes of godd and by oure awene defautes? |p296 What sall we čane do? Sall we čar-fore cesse and waxe slawe, and turne vs to syne, and latte oure hertes dye fra all gude werkes? Nay, godd forbede, ffor čane are we dampnabill; bot with če grace of godd gyffe we vs styffely to gude werkes: and we sall wounderfully fynde čat we couthe noghte seke, and grayce_ousely se čat we neuer herde say ne neuer knewe. For vs by-hufes nedelynges besyly traueile if we desyre for to fynd lufe; and thayme nedis maste for to traueile that maste hase trispaste. Bot comonly thay that leste hase trispaste, erre leueste to trauelle, and čay čat maste hase trispaste thay are vmwhile latheste to traueille; and godd gyffe thayme čat liste noghte to traueile, or may noghte traueille, or hase littill will for to traueille, couthe trowe čame als gude čat lufes for to traueille, als čay čat lufes for to trauelle haldes čame and trowes čat will noghte trauelle or may noghte traueille! For thay čat lufes to trauelle haldes and trowes čame čat will noghte or may noghte, gude and mekill better čane čaym-selfe, ffor čaire awene selfe inwith thayre herte seett čay att noghte, and at lesse, if čay myghte. For all-if lufe make čame to trauelle and čai[n]e ilke daye trispas, ¨itt thynke čay čat all očer lufes mare and trauels mare and trespas lesse čan čay, and čat makes čame to thynke čat čay hafe nede to hye faste aftyre, čat čay myghte at the laste, if godd vouche-safe, hafe happe and grace to come with če hyndireste. And thus are thay worthy to ga with če forthirmaste. Bot vmwhile thorowe grace of oure lorde godde it es geuene sonere to thayme čat hase trespaste apone schorte tyme, čane it es sone gyuene to čame čat ere clene with-owttene dedly syne and with-owttene preue byttynge of conscience, čat ay ere besy to doo goddes will after čaire myghte, that euer hase bene sumdele thynkande one godd with prayere and penance and sekynge of lufe. Bot it es gyuene soneste to čase namely čat hase noghte loste čat thynge čat es maste lykynge to godde by če way of lyffynge, čat es če floure of čaire ¨outhe, if it be festened in all očer vertus in-with če saule, and pryncypally groundid in schamefullness and mekenes. Thay hafe ay hadde če luf of godd encressande inwith če herte sene čay ware borne, čat neuer felid čaire hertes ne čaire willis fully assenttande to losse če clennes of čaire ¨outhe whene čay ware tempede; and čay littill knewe how čay sulde lufe godd what for če lufe and whate for če drede of godd and for če drede of payne čat es ordaynede for syne, and what for če lufe of godd and for če lufe of če Ioye čat es ordaynede in heuene for all čase čat liffes clene. Bot sothely čat hert čat walde fayne fele preuete of lufe, it nedid ay to be clensede with many salte teres, ffastynge and wakynge, praynge and thynkynge, sorowynge and syghynge, and with očer smale poyntes čat pertenys to penance, čat nankynne manere of ill be lefte in oure hertes, owte-tane ilke-day fallynge as oure freelte askes -- ffor if any saye čat čay fall noghte, čay dyssayue thayme_selfe. For čay čat hase any tendirnes or drede in če lufe of godde, čay fall for a worde čat es vaynely spokene owte of če louynge of godd, bot if čay be mare warre in čaire spekyng, for hurtynge of čaire hertes and of čer conscience; all-if it seme littill ill, it duse grete dere. It heuyes a clene herte ay till it be brente oute and with trewe contricione waschene awaye, and with the kyndillynge |p297 of lufe clensede and hyghtenede . Bot čay čat walde fayne lufe godd one this wyse, thayme by-houede hertly beseke and besely pray with-owttene any besynes in werldes wele bot at nede askes, and at čay make noghte nede ouer-large; and seett thaire mynde fully in godd with-owttene cessynge, whare-so čay walke or dwelle or speke, slomerande and slepande, in all čat čay may with če mekenes and če clennes of čaire hertes by-fore godd cryande, and vmwhill, if godd will, of the lufe of godd dremande, and euer-mare of če Ioye of heuene thynkande; wakande and wynkande, knelande and standande, sittande and gangande, lyggand and ryssande, ettande and drynkande and all očer werkes wyrkande, nyghte and day, euyne and morne, midill-tyme and all tyme in trewe lufe lastande, houre ne halfe wastande, bot euer-mare freely in lufe doune fallande to če ffadir of heuene preuely prayande, to če pereles prynce Ihesu goddis sone, ant till če haly gaste hertly besekande; and before če haly trinyte tremble and qwake for Ioy and myrthe and lufely drede one godd to be-halde. Owte of whilke thre gloryous persouns and a godd commes all grace fra heuene vn-till erthe thorowe a meke herte besyly prayande, all worldly thynges for če lufe of godd vtterly forsakande, and all werldly solace and werldly delyte vtterly forgetande, and čaire awene selfe vndir čaire awene futt styffely tredande. And thus may all liffe as es before saide čat hase hade gude wille for to lufe godd and for to hate syne fra čaire begynnynge, and whate tyme so čay cume čat mekely will amende thayme. Allas for schame, whate may we say if we čat ere synfull and foule halde oure-selfe gude, whene čay čat ere maste clene and maste lufes godde haldes čame-selfe maste synfull and maste vile and maste vne-worthi? Bot wha-sa hase na will for to liffe thus and myghte come čartill, thay hafe full grete matire for to make sorowe, to purchase čame čis will. For če werlde es wyde enoghe and gude enoghe to wyne heuene in, gete at gete maye; and it es riche enoghe and lykande enoghe and synfull enoghe for to wyne helle with, flee at flee maye. / Prayere frely floresches oure saules with flores of swetnes, with če fairenes & če swetenes of če fruyte in to meke hertes fallande, čat es in all meke vertus freely to be_halde če faire face of godd, with če bemys of his bryghtnes all clene conscience and meke hertes lightenande. Bot noghte perchaunce as sum thynkes inwith čaire hertes whene čay hafe lefte grete synns and a party begynnes to turne čame to vertus and punesche¨ čaire bodyes with many-faulde penance apone sere wyse, čat čay cane hafe contemplacione of Ioy in-with schorte tyme. The whilke if it so be, wele mot čay brouke it. Bot for če drede of godde and hele of čaire saules it ware gret nede trewly to hafe in-with čaire hertes how čay hafe commene čare-to, in whate tyme, in whate trauelle and in whate lyfe: and if če begynnynge be gude thurghe če grace of godd, halde one hertly and godd will make it better; and if [it] be amys, it es gude to amende it or elles it will be harde for to gyffe accounte of all preuee defautes čare če sothe mone noghte be laynede, one če dredfull daye of dome. And wha-sa felis čam-selfe čat čay hafe gretly trespaste, and thynkes čat čay hafe in-with schorte tyme comforthe and lyghtnes with-owttene lang trauelle, it may be lykynge & myrthe čat makes čaire hertes merie for čay hafe lefte syne and thynkes čame Ioyefull and lyghte for čai ere clene, bot if če sorowe of thaire hertes be če mare tendir, |p298 so čat it hafe clensede čaym of all alde synns. ée whilke lyghtnes es gude so čay passe noghte to ferre, and a gret be-gynnynge of gudnes mekill grace for to purchase if čay laste furthe in čaire gud trauaile: bot noghte ¨it contemplacyone of Ioy ne noghte ¨it clere syghte of saule and of conscience if čay so wene, as čay sall eftir verraylye knawe inwith čaire hertis if čay be-seke godd of grace and besy čayme to laste furthe in goddes lufe; or elles erre čay fra godd & fra all gudnes, sa čat if čay turne agayne to vanyte of če werlde, .... as it may sothely be herde by če herte whene če tunge spekes of čayme čat lufes syne, and hates goddes worde. Bot take čis worde as it es saide, ffor he es werre čan wode čat demes any manes herte če whilke [he] one na wyse knawe[s]. For na manes witt may trewly knawe, ne awe noghte to knawe as by demynge, a nočer mans herte; and he čat es in his witt, and with his witt passis his witt goddis preuete to knawe and the hedills of manes herte če whilke es noghte leuefull bot dredfull to knawe, it es bot wodenes and owte of all gudnes -- ffor it falles vnto godde and noghte vn-to mane for to deme mans herte, bot ilke mane his awene. For trewe riste in saule may na mane fynde till čay kane lyffe and deme neuer na mane, and till čay cane trewly in-with čaire hertis thurghe goddes grace halde all očer better čane čame-selfe, and namely all čase čat gyffes čame to gude. And if čay halde thayme-selfe maste vnworthi of all, and čerwith falles noghte in to ouer-mekill drede ne in till dispaire, čay hafe bot the mare grace. Bot čus may nane meke čame with-owttene gret grace, thynkande all očer better čane čaym-selfe. Ilke mane for čame-selfe luke čaire awene conscience how čat čay erre, and deme čayre awene selfe: ffor sothely čay dare deme neuer na mane čat are trewe demers of čaire awene selfe. Bot if [it] be saide of any, it es saide of čase čat bakbyttes haly writte and turnes it bakwarde, or ells čay degrade it makand [it] mare tendire čan it es, accordande to thayme; whas hertes erre so harde, and so ferre čare-fra, čaire conscience witnesande, čat čay may vnnethes habyde to here it be spokene. Bot ane es, by mekenes a mane selfe trewly to thynke hym ferre fra it, and a nočer es, styll or lowde to thynke čat it may noghte be so, or ells to agayne-say it, and čat es maste dredfull. Bot whare čay sulde lawly knawe čaire trespas and mekely amende čame, thay caste wafull wordes agaynes goddes wordes for to defende čame and to mayntene styfly čat es noghte gude, and sayse wrange opynly and ruydely with-owttene drede. Thay agayne-say godde and sayse čat |r[f.236] "godd saide neuer soo, godd walde neuer say so; It may noghte be so: wha sulde be safe if it ware so?" See how če fende pykes owte če trouthe of cristyne menes hertes; ffor oučer he makes čame to trowe čat haly writt es noghte trewe, or elles čat na mane sall be safe: and čese ere nočer trewe. If thay thoghte it preuely, it ware na heuenes ne na charge bot anely for čame-selfe: Bot whene čay say it appertely, čane charge čay očer mene gretely, and namely tendir hertes to make sorowe for thayme. And čus walde čay make godd, & čay moghte, to hald with syne, and agayne godd čaire ill to excuse -- ffor čai ere noghte of will for to leue it. For, dredeles, and čay ware of will for to leue & ceesse of čaire synnes, thay walde noghte say čus; and if čay hade neuer so lyttill of če drede of godd, thay durste noghte speke thus. "Bot wha sa dnse čus? Peraunter fone dus čus or spekes čus. Bot |p299 wha so dus čus -- čame nedis no nočer wittnes bot thaire awene selfe -- amend čame whaa so will, or čat day comme čat heuene and erthe and helle mone dampne vs for oure ill dedis, and all gud mene sall be gloryfyede for čaire gud dedis. / Thurghe če vertu of prayere beande hate in oure hertes with če brynnynge of lufe, Ihesu Criste sendis haly angels of heuene in helpynge of vs in all meschefes, myrthe for to make and če mare glade for to be whene mescheues fallis, and mekely to thole dispysynge and skome, hatredene, ill will, angere and noy, whilke mekely to thole makes če herte lyghte of čame čat lufes godde. / Prayere purifie¨ čase čat hase vsede syne and če vanite of če werlde. It slaaes čaire alde synns, and fulfillis čame of grace čat hadd loste če lufe of godd thurghe čaire alde trispase, and makes čame Ioyfull and lyghte for to serue godd čat with čaire ill dedis gretly hadd hym greuede. All čat euer may čay doo for če lufe of godd, čaym thynke it ouer-lyttill and countes it at noghte, so full es čaire will sette for to plese godd: čare če lufers of če werlde, if čay oughte doo for če lufe of godd and hele of thaire saules, thaym thynke čame mare worthi to hafe thanke of godd for a gud dede, than the trewe lufers of godd thynke čame worthi for all če gud dedis and če trewe seruyce of all čaire lyfe_tyme. Bot če lufers of če werlde & of čaire awene luste gettis neuer če mare bot če lesse for swilke vayne styrrynge, ne če lufers of godd gettis neuer če lesse bot če mare for čaire meke thynkynge. / Prayere es euer-mare plesande to godd with lowe bryghtyly brennande in a meke herte, with-owttene smokynge smelland full swetly, in all meke myndis haldand če lufe of oure lorde godd hate in oure hertes. / Prayere puttes at če fende and haldes hyme obake and makes hyme to faile and flee as a fonne standande oferre, noghte darrand come nere, hafande grete ferly how čat it faris čat his myghte es noghte bot turnede to myste; ffor schame of hym-selfe he wynnes hym awaye als a cowerde clene ouer-comene. Bot powere in herte es nane agaynes če fende with-owttene goddes grace. / Prayere slakes and slaas and stiffly brynges vndir če luste and če lykynge of če freele flesche, and makes če herte Ioyefull and bryghte with brynnynge of lufe in če loueuyng of godd heuene at by-halde. / Prayere mekis oure saules and makes oure hertis lyghte, in če lufe of godd lykand to lyffe, with gastely wyrkynge for to plese godde, and gladly to dye bathe with lufe & with drede whene godd vouches_safe; mekill myrthe and solace in clene hertis festenande, with gastely tyre of brynnande lufe makand freele flesche downe for to falle, fra alkyn lustes wondir_fully losand his myghte -- ffor flesche es noghte myghtty čis lufe to abyde; and whils če herte lufes če luste and če lykynge of če flesche, it may neuer wit what čis lufe menes. For as če herte čat es lufely festenede in če lufe of godd for_gettis all če luste and lykynge of če flesche, righte swa čat herte čat es festenede in luste and lykynge of če flesche ffor-getes all lufe and lykynge čat it sulde hafe in godd. / Prayere opyns oure wittis and če eghe of oure hertes one heghte to be-halde with če leue & če grace and če gyfte of godde, all-if we be vnkynde, to če kyngdome of heuene. / Prayere wesches of vs all wykkid werkes and all sare synns; apone all wyse it dystruyes syne and puttes it vndire, and brynnes in_sundir če bannde of all bale with a ferly fyre festened in lufe snythand oure hertes if we will hate syne, with a ferly fyre flyande fra heuene as fyre owtt of flyntte, ferly to be-halde, with bryghte schynynge lyghtenande čase hertes čat |p300 stiffely standis in če lufe and in če louynge of godde; whilke es a brennande lufe lyghtenede with myrthe in a meke herte. Wha so lykes to lufe godd with_owttene desire of werldly vanyte and with-owttene mengynge of worldely myrthe & werldly solace, and wha so hade grace for to lufe godd soo, čay myghte sytt nerehande it and hafe of it na dere; bot noghte in it, ne noghte melle čame with it, with-owttene gret sorowe. / Prayere prynttede and closede in a laghe herte with če lufely drede of godd and with mylde mekenes, euer-mare dredande for to greue godd and euer-mare desyrande for to lufe godd, reues fra če ¨onge lufers of godd lykynge and luste čat če alde lufers of godd before hase loste, and fulfilles čame of Ioye and makes čame to lyffe angells lyfe, čat es to lufe godd with-owttene forgetynge, and euer-mare to sette thaym saddly in his syghte, with ay-lastande lufe and clennes of herte one hyme to behalde. / Prayere gyfes endelesse comforthe & Ioye till čame čat hase trispaste and gretly greuede godd, čat ere ofte-sythis sygheand and sorowande čaire synns; čat ere of trewe will to trespase no more, bot besily to thynke one ay-lastande lyfe in če louynge of godd. All-if čay hafe will and grace for to serue godd, ¨itt may čay make bot lyttill owtwarde myrthe |r................................................ |r............... |r[one_or_more_leaves_torn_out_in_the_ Ms.] |r{300-321 omitted} |p321 |r10._[The_Abbey_of_the_Holy_Ghost]. Religio Sancti Spiritus, Religio Munda. |r Off the abbaye of saynte Spirite, that es in a place that es callede conscyence. A dere brethir and systirs. I see čat many walde be in religyone bot čay may noghte, owthir for pouerte or for drede of thaire kyne or for band of maryage, and for-thi I make here a buke of če religeon of če herte, čat es, of če abbaye of the holy goste, that all tho čat ne may noghte be bodyly in religyone, čat čay may be gostely. A Ihesu mercy, whare may čis abbay beste be funded and čis religione? Now certis, nowhare so wele als in a place čat es called Conscyence; and who so will, be besy to funde čis holy religione, and čat may |p322 ilke gud cristyne mane and woman doůčat will be besy čer-abowte. And at če begynnynge, it es by-houely čat če place of thi conscience be clensed clene of syne; to če wilke clensynge če haly goste sall sende two maydyns čat ere conande, the one es callede Rightwysnes, and če točer es called Luffe of Clennes; thiese two sall cast fro če conscience and fro če herte all maner of fylthe of foule thoghtes and desyris. / Whene če place of če conscience es wele clensed, than sall če grownde be mad large and depe; and this two maydenes sall make: če one es callede Mekenes, čat sall make če grownde depe thorowe lowlynes of hir-selfe, the točer es callede Pouerte, čat makis it large & wyde abowne; čat castis ouer ylke a halfe če erthe owte, čat es to say, alle erthely lustes & worldely thoghtes ferre fro če herte, čat if čay hafe erthely gudis with luffe čay forgete čayme for če tyme & castis no lufe to čame, nor hase noghte ne settis noghte for čat tyme čaire hertes no-thynge one čame -- and thies ere callede pure in spyrite, ofůwhame god spekes in če gospelle & sayse čat thaires es če kyngdome of heuene, be thies wordes Beati pauperes spiritu, quoniam ipsorum est rignum celorum. Blyssed es čane čat religyone čat es fundide in pouerte and in meknes. This es agaynes many religyous čat are couetous and prowde. / This abbaye also sall be sett on a gud reuer, and čat sall be če reuer of teres; for swylke abbayes čat ere sett one swylke gude ryuers, čay are wele at ese, and če |p323 more dylecyous duellyng es čer. One swylke a reuer was Mary Mawdelayne fowndide, ffor-thy grace and rechesse come all to hir will. And for-thi sayde Dauid thus: Fluminis impetus letificat ciuitatem, čat es to saye "the gude reuer mase če cete lykande"; for it es clene, sekyr, & ryche of all gude marchandyse. And so če reuer of teris clenses goddis cete, čat es mannes saule čat es goddes cete; and also če holy man sayse of fylthe of synne čat it brynges owte če reches of vertus and of alle gude thewes. / And when čis grownde es made, čan sall come a dameselle, Bowsomnes, on če tone halfe, and dameselle Miserecorde one če točer halfe, for to rayse če walles one heghte, and to make čam stalworthe: with a fre hert largely gyfande to če pure & to čame čat myster hase; ffor whene we do any gud werkes of charite thorow če grace of gode, also ofte-sythis als we čam do in če lufe and če louynge of god and in gud entent, als many gud stonys we laye one owre howssynge in če blysse of heuene, festenande to_gedir with če lufe of gode and oure euene-crystene. We rede čat Salomone made his howssynge of grete precyouse stones: thiese precyous stones are almos-dedis and werkes of mercy & holy werkes; čat sall be bowndene togedir with qwyke_lyme of lufe & stedfaste byleue, and for-thi sayse Dauid, Omnia opera eius in fide, čat es to saye, "alle his werkes be done in stedfaste byleue"; and als a walle maye not laste with-owttene syment or mor[ter], also no werkes čat we wyrke are noghte worthe to god nor spedfull till oure sawles, bot čay be done in the lufe |p324 of god and in trewe by-leue; ffor alle čat če synfull dose, alle es loste. / Sythene dameselle Sufferance and damesell Forte sall rayse če pelars, & vndirsett čame so strangly čat no wynde of wordes, angre o[r] stryffe, fleschely nor gastely, sowre ne swete, caste čame downe. / A, dere brethir and systers, ¨itt by-houys če cloystyre be made, one foure corners; and it es callede "cloysteyr" for it closys and stekys, and warely sall be lokkede. My dere brečer and systyrs, wylke of ¨ow as will halde this gastely religyone & be in ryste of sawle & in swetnes of hert, halde če with-Ine če cloyster, and so sparre čou če ¨ates, and so warely kepe čou če wardes of či cloyster, čat non o[t]er fandynge¨ nor euylle styr_rynges hafe in-gate in the & make če thy sylence forto [breke] or styrre the to synne; steke thyne eghne fro fowle syghtes, thyne heres fro foule herynges, thy mouthe fra foule speche, and thyne herte fra foule thoghtes. / Scrifte sall [make] thi chapitir, Predicacione sall make thi fratour. Oracione sall make thi chapelle; Contemplacione sall make thi dortoure, čat sall be raysede one heghte with heghe ¨ernynge and with lufe-qwykkynynge to gode, and čat sall be owte ofe worldly noyse and of worldly angyrse and besynes als fere furthe als čou may for če tyme thorow grace for če tyme of prayere. Contemplacione es a deuote rysynge of herte with byrnynge lufe to god to do wele, and in his delites Ioyes |p325 his saule, and somdele ressayues of that swetnes čat goddis chosene childir sall hafe in heuene. / Rewfulnes sall make the fermorye, Deuocione sall make če celere, Meditacion sall make the gernere. / And when all če howses bene made, čan be_houes če holy gaste ordeyne če couent of grace & of vertu; and čan sall če holy gaste čat čis religyone es of, bee wardene and visiture. The whilke god če ffadir funded thorow his powere, ffor čus saise Dauide: Fundauit eam altissimus, and this es to saye: "the heghe gode če ffadyr ffundide this relegyone"; the Sone thurgh his wysedome čan ordayned it, als sayne Paule witnes it: Que [sunt], a deo ordinata sunt, čat es at saye: "alle čat es of god, the Sone it rewlis & ordaynes"; the Holy goste ¨emys it and vesettes it, and čat saye [we] in holy kyrke whene we saye čis: Veni creator Spiritus, with Qui paraclitus diceris, čat es for to saye: "come čou god če haly gaste, and thyne čou vesete, and fulfill čame with grace". / And than the gude lady Charite, als scho čat es most worthy by-fore alle očer, sall be abbas of this sely abbaye. And also als čay čat are in relegyone sall do no thynge, ne saye thynge, ne gange in to no stede, ne take no gyfte with_owttene leue of če abbasse, also gastely sall none of swylke thyngys be done with-owttene leue of charite; ffor thus commandes sayne Paule: Omnia vestra in caritate fiant, čat es: "what so ¨e do or saye or thynke with herte, alle ¨e mon |p326 do in charite". A, dere Brečer and systirs, whate here es harde comandement! Bot it es [notfull] to oure sawles čat oure thoghtes & oure wordes & oure werkes be onely done for lufe. Wayleawaye, if I durste saye! for many are in religione, bot to fewe relegious čat čay ne done če comandment of saynte Paule, or če concelle of če gud lady Charite čat es abbesse of this cely relegyone; and for-thi čay lose mekill tyme, and losses čaire mede, and ekes thaire payne gretly, bot if čay amende čam. Whare-fore, leue brečer and systirs, bese euer_more wakire and warre, and in all ¨oure werkes thynke depely čat whate-so ¨ee doo be it done in če lufe of gode and for če lufe of [god]. / ée lady Wysdome sall be prioresse, for scho es worthi, Nam prior omnium creat[ur]ar[um] est sapiencia, čat es: "alčer-firste es Wysedome made", and thurgh če lare and če concele of čis prioresse sall we do alle čat we do; and this sayse Dauid: Omnia in sa_piencia fecisti, čat es at saye: "alle čat čou hase made čou hase made wysely". / The gud lady Meknes čat aye elyke makis hir-selfe lowly and vndir alle očer, sall be supprioresse: hir sall ¨e honoure and wirchipe with bouxomnes. A Ihesu, blyssede [es] čat abbaye and cely es čat religione, čat hase so haly ane abbas as Charyte, a prioresse as Wysedome, a supprioresse as Mekenes. A, dere brečer and systirs, blyssede and cely are čay; čat es to saye, those saules are cely čat haldis če comandment of če abbas lady Charite, and če techynge of če priores lady Wysdome, and the concele of če suppriorese lady Mekenes. For who-so es |p327 bouxome to thir thre ladyse, and čaire lyffe rewlis aftir čaire techynge, the ffa_dir, the Sone, the Holy goste, čam sall comfurthe with many gostely Ioyes, and čam helpe and socoure in alle fandinges [&] angirs čat čay ne be noghte ouer_comene; čam thare drede no wrenkis ne no wylis of the fende, for why god es with čame and standis aye by čame als a trewe kepere & a strange; and ffor-či says Dauid thus: Dominus protector vite mee, a quo trepidabo? als if he sayd: "god es my champyone staleworthe and trewe, čat for me čat es so wayke and so vnmyghtfull, agaynes myne enemyse hase vndirtane for to fyghte: whame thare me čane drede? now trewly, righte none". We rede in a buke of Danyele čat a myghtfull [kyng] was čat mene callede Nabogodhonosore, čat sett in [his] reme thre mene čat solde do & ordayne and stabyll als baylyes alle če rewme, so čat če kynge herde no noyse ne no playnte, bot čat he myghte be in pese & in Ioye & in ryste in his rewme. And righte so če rewme of če sawle čat thiese thre baylyes are Ine, and če religione čat thies thre prelates are Ine, čat es Charite, Wysedome and Mekenes, thare es pese, ryste and lykynge in saule & comforthe in lyfe. / Damesele Discrecyone, čat es witty and be-[fore]-ware, sall be tresorere; scho sall hafe in hir kepynge alle, and ¨ernely luke čat all go wele. / Orysone salle be chaunterese, čat with hertly prayers sall trauele daye & nyghte. And whate Orysone es, če holy mane sayse: Oracio est deo sacrificium, angelis solacium, diabolo tormentum, čat es to saye: "Orysone es a louely sacrafice |p328 to god, solase and lykynge to angells, and turment to če fende". It witnes in če lyfe of saynte Barthilmewe čat it es turment to če fende: for če fende cryede to hym and sayde: Bartholomee, ince[n]dunt me oraciones tue, čat es to saye: "Bartilmew, thi prayers byrnys me". And čat [it] es lykynge to angels, saynte [Austyn] wytnes it and sayse: "Whene we praye with deuocyone of hert, the angels standis byfore [vs] daunsesande & playeande, and beris oure prayers vp, and present čame to če ffadir of heuene; če whilke prayers oure lorde commandes to wryte in če buke of lyfe". [żit it] es sacrafyce to god, [¨is ane] of čame čat hym moste payes, and for-thi he askes vs it čer he sayse thus: Sacrificium laudis honorificabis me, čat es to saye: "¨e salle wyrchipe [me] with sacrifice of louynge". / Iubilacio, hir felowe, sall helpe. And what Iubilacione es, a seynt it telles and sayse čat "Iubylacione es a grete Ioye čat es consayuede in teris thorow brynnande luffe of spirite, čat may noghte be in all schewede no in alle hyde"; als it fallis somtyme of tho čat god hertly lufes; čere efter čat čay hafe bene in prayere and in orysone, čay are so lyghte & so lykande in god. čat whare so čay go čer hertes synges murnynge songes of lufe-longynge to čaire lefe, čat čay ¨erne with armys of lufe semlyly to falde, and with gastely mourny[n]ge of his gudnes swetly to kysse; and ¨it vmwhile so depely čat wordis čam wanttis; for luf-longynge so |p329 ferforthe rauesches thorow hertis čat somtyme čay ne wote noghte whate čay do. / Deuocione es celeresse, čat kepis če wynnes, bothe če white and če rede, with depe vmbythynkynge of če gudnes of god, & of če paynnes & of če anguyse čat he tholede, and of the Ioyes & če delytes of paradyse čat he hase ordayned to his chosene. / Penance sall be kychynnere, čat with grete besynes trayuells daye & nyghte for to plese alle, and ofte swetis with bitter teris for angyre of hir synnes. Scho makes gud metis, čat es many bitter sorowes alle for hir gylte¨, and theys metis fedis če saule; bot scho sparis hir-selfe thorow abstynence and etys bot littill, ffor do scho neuer so mekill ne so mony-folde of gud werkes, ay semys scho hir-selfe vnworthy and synfull. / Atemperance serue[s]e in the fratour, čat scho to ylkone so lukes čat mesure be ouer-alle, čat none ouer-mekill nere ouer-lyttill ete ne drynke. / Sobirnes redis at the borde the lyues of the haly ffadirs, and synges and reherces whate lyfe čat čay lede, for to take gud en_sampille to do als čay dyd, and čere-thorowe slyke mede to wyne als čay now hafe. / Pete es spensere, čat dose seruesse to gud all čat scho maye. And Mercy hir syster sall be ambynowre, čat gyffes to alle, and noghte kane kepe to hir-selfe. / The lady Drede es portere, čat kepis besyly če cloyster of če herte & of če conscience, čat chases owte alle vnthewes and calles In alle gud vertus, & so |p330 speres če ¨atis of če cloyster & če wyndows, čat none evylle hafe none Ingate to če herte thorowe če ¨atis of če mouthe ne thorowe če wyndows of če eghne nere of če eris. / Honeste es maystresse of če nouyce, and teches čam alle curtasye, how čay sall speke and gange and sytt and stande, and how čay sall bere čame with-owttene and with-Ine, howe to god, how to mane, so čat alle čat čame sese of čam may take ensampill of alle gudnes and alle gud thewes. / Dameselle Curtasye sall be hostelere, & čay čat com[es] and bydes scho sall čam resafe hendely, so čat ylke one may speke [gud] of hir. And for-thi čat nowčer sall be by čame one emange the gestes -- ffor it myghte falle čat damesele Curtasye sulde be oure-balde & ouer-hardy, -- for-thi sall scho hafe a felawe damesele Symplese, for čay two alyede to-gedir thorowe felawchipe are sekyre and semande; for če tone with-owttene če točer vmwhile es littill worthe: for ouer-grete symplesse may make of če symple a sott or ouer-nyce, and ouer_grete curtasye may be somewhile očer to lyghte chere or to glade. or ouer-balde for to paye če gestes; bot fayre and wele, & with-owttene fandynge of blame, may čay do čaire offece bothe to-gedir. / Damesele Resone sall be puruerere, ffor scho sall ordayne with-In & with-owttyne so skilfully čat čere ne be no de_faute. / Damesele Lewte sall be fermoresse, čat sall trauelle abowte & besely serue če seke. And for-či sen čat in če fermory of this religyone are moo seke čane |p331 hole, mo febyll čane wighte, and es ouer-grete trauelle to serue čam alle hyr_one, ffor-thi sall scho hafe a felawe, damesele Largesse, čat sall see full wele to ylkone after čat čam nedis. / Damesele conande and wysse čat es callede Medi_tacyone or Poleschesy, es garnere: scho sall gedyre and sembyll gude whete and očer gud cornnes to-gedir, and čat fully, with grete plente, thorow če whilke alle če gad ladyse of če howse may hafe čaire sustenance. Meditacione es in gud thoghtes of god, & of his werkes, and of his wordes, and of his creaturs, and of his paynes čat he tholede, and of his grete lufe čat he had and hase to čame for whayme he tholede. This garnere had če gud kyng Dauid, ffor-či was he ay riche & in plente; and for-thi he sayse in če psaltyre: In omnibus operibus tuis meditabar ... die ac nocte, čat es to saye: "Lorde, in thi lawe I thynke nyghte and daye". This es begynnynge of all perfeccione whene mane settis and stabylls his herte in depe thynkynge on god & on his werkes; ffor ofte es better a gud thoghte in haly meditacyone čan many wordes aayd in prayere, ffor če holy thoghtes in meditacione cryes in goddes eris. Ofte it falles čat če herte es so ouer-tane and so raueschede in holy meditacyone čat it wote noghte what it dose, heris nor sayse, or seys, so depely es če herte festenede in god and in his werkes čat wordis hym wanttis: and če stillere čat be es in slyke meditacione the luddere he cryes in goddis eris; and čerfore sayd Dauid thus: Quoniam tacui, dum |p332 clamarem tota die, as if he sayd: "Lorde, lo here the whills myne herte was in depe thoghtes in the and of thi werkes, it cryed one the in holy medytacyons, and was stylle as beynge domme". And čer sayse če glose, "the grete cryes čat we crye to god čan are oure grete desyres and oure grete ¨ernynges". And this sayse saynte Denyse, čat sayse: "When če herte es lyfte and raueschede to če lufe of god with gelouse ¨ernynges, be ne may sownde with worde čat če herte thynkis". This holy Meditacione čat es če gernare čat kepis ¨erely če whete čat es rede with-owte and white with-Ine, čat hase če syde clouene, of če whilke men mase gad brede: čat es called Ihesu Criste, čat with-owttene was rede of his awene blode. and whitte with-Ine thorow his awene mekenes and clennes of lyfe, and hade his syde clouene with a spere; this es če brede čat we ressayue and etis in če sacrament of če altyr. And wele čou weite čat the gerner sall be abowne če selare: also sall be meditacione before deuocione; and for-thi Me_ditacione sall be gernare. Deuocione celerrere. and Pete penetancere. Of thiese thre sayse če profete Dauide: A ffructu frumenti, vini, et olei sui, multiplicati sunt, čat es at saye: "Of the fruyte of če whete and wyne and oyle čay ere fulfillede". In če alde lawe in many stedis gode takis to his chosene thiese thre; "Serue me, he sayse, wele, & I sall gyffe ¨owe plente of whete and wyne & oyle". Plente of whete, es hertly to thynke one če croyce and euer haffe če passyone of Ihesu Crist hertly in mynde: this es meditacione. Plente of wyne, čat es če welle of teres, wele for to wepe: this es deuocione. Plente of oyle, čat es for to hafe |p333 delyte and sauoyre in god: and this es comforthe. For če oyle gyffes odoure to metis, and lyghtes in če kyrke, and byrnys in the lampe; also whene goddis seruandes hase depely thoghte with schire herte on gode & on his werkes, with lufe-longynge to čame, čane hase god pete of čame, and sendis čam petance of com_forthe and of gastely Ioye. And th[u]s gyffes [čam], at če begynnynge meditacione, and čis es če whete čat god hyghttes vs; than sendis god sone after če wyne, čat es plente of teris and deuocyone čat men consayues in medytacyone; and after če wyne of swete teris than sendys he če oyle of consolacione čat gyffes čame sauour & lyghtnes [čaire] knaweliggynge, and schewes to čam of his heuenly priuatyse čat es hide fro čame čat folowes fleschely desyris and gyffes čame-selfe alle to če wysedome of če worlde and his fantasyse, and so enflawmes čam with če blysse of his lufe čat čay taste somedelle & fele how swete he es, how gud he es, how luffande he es -- bot noghte alle fully. I wote wele čat none may fele it fully bot if his herte sulde bryste for lykynge of Ioye. Sayne Austyne telles of a preste čat, whene he herde any thynge of god čat lykynge ware Ine, he wold be so raueschede in Ioye čat he walde fall downe and lygge als he ware dede; and also in čat tyme if men layde byrnande fyre to his flesche nakide, he felid it no more čan dose a dede corse. Sayne Bernarde spekes of |p334 če wordis of Iob čer he sayse Abscondit lucem in manibus, čat es at say "god hase lyghte hyde in his handis: "éou wote wele, he čat hase a candill lyghte by_twene his handis, he may byde it & schewe it at his owenne will. So dose oure lorde to his chosene. Whene he will he opynis his handes and lyghtenes čam with heuenly gladnes; and whene he will, he closis his handis and withdrawes če lykynge & če comforthe fro čame". He wille noghte čat čay fele it fully aye, bot here he gyffes čame as for to taste & sauour somedele how swete he es, how gud he es, als Dauid sayse Gustate et videte quoniam suauis est dominus, als if god sayd to vs 'be čis comforthe and this lykynge čat čou čis schorte tyme hase of me, čou may taste & fele how swete, how gude I ame to my chosyne in my blysse in če werlde with-owtten ende'; and čus he dose for to drawe vs fro werldly besynes and če lykynge čer-of, and for to enflawme oure hertes with lufe-¨ernynges, ffor to wyne and to hafe če lykynge of čat Ioye alle at če full, in body and saule with hym for to be euer-more with-owttene ende. / A dameselle wyse & wele taghte čat mene calles Gelosye, čat es ay wakyre and besy euer ylyke wele for to do, sall kepe če orloge, and sall wakkyne če očer ladyse & make čame arely to ryse and go če wyllylyere to čaire seruysse. éer es orloges in towne čat wakyns mene to ryse to bodily trauayle, & čat es če [coke]; and čer es orloges in če cete čat wakynnes če marchauntes to wende abowte čaire marchandyce: čat es če [wayte] čat blawes daye. And čer es orloges |p335 in relegione, of contemplacione. And this es of this holy relegyone čat es fundede of če haly gaste, and čis es Ielosy, and this es sauoyre of perfeccione. & ofte it falles in relegione, before čat če orloge falles or any belles rynges, goddes gostely seruandes are lange wakenede be-fore, and hase wepede by-fore god, and hase waschene čame with čaire teris, and čaire spyrit hase vesete (!) with deuote prayers and gastely comforthe. And why rose čay so arely & so tymly? witterly, for če orloge of lufe and damesele Ielosye had wakened čame before če tyme čat če handmade orloge felle. A, dere brečer and syster[s], sely ar tho sawles čat če lufe of god and longyng till him wakyns, and slomers noghte no slepis noghte in slowthe of fleschly lustes! For-thi he sayse in Canticis: [Ego] dormio et cor meum vigelat, čat es at saye: "when I slepe bodily my flesche for to ese & ryste, my herte es ay wakyre in gelosy and in lufe-¨ernynge to gode". That saule čat čus wakes to god. [may] thynke [with] hole conscyence čat werldly mene thynke, and čat es this: Ieo ay le quer a-loche, rauayle par amours, čat es at saye: "Myne herte es styrte fro me, wakened with lufe". Whate es this čat mase če herte fro če flesche to wake, and for čat es it as it were fremde to hym? wittirly, Ieloussye with lufe-teres & murnynge, with lufe-longynge consayuede in deuote vprysynge of herte. // When this abbaye was alle wele ordaynede and goddes will seruede in ryste & in lykynge & in pese of saule: than come a tyrante of če lande thorowe |p336 his powere and did in this holy abbaye ffoure doghtyrs čat he hade, čat were lothely & of euyll maners, čat če fende was fadir of thiese doghtirs. ée firste of čis foule barne-tyme highte Envye, the točer highte Pride, the thirde highte Gruchyn[g]e, the ferthe highte False demynge of očer. Thiese foure doghetirs čan hase če tyraunt, če deuell of helle, for euyll will & malese, done in this holy abbaye, and čay with čaire foule vnclennes če couent hase greuede and harmede, so čat čay no riste ne no pese may hafe, nyghte nor daye, nor lyk_ynge in saule. And when če gud lady Charite saw this čat was abbas, and the lady Wysdome čat was prioresse, and če lady Mekenes supprioresse, and če točer gude ladyse of this holy abbaye, that the holy abbaye was in poynte for to worthe to noghte thorowe če wykkydnes of thir foure, than range the chape_tour belle and gedirde čam alle to-gedyr, and asked concele whate was beste to do. And than lady Dyscrecyone čame concelde čat čay solde alle falle in prayere to če Holy goste, čat of this abbay es vesetour, čat be haste hym for to come, as čay grete myster hade, thare for to help and vesete with his grace. And čay all at hire consaile with grete deuocyone of herte vn-to hym songe alle with a swete steuene Veni creator spiritus. And also sone če holy goste come at čaire desyrynge, and čam comforthede with his grace, and chasede owte če fowle wyghtes, čose lothely fendis doghetirs, and clenesede če abbaye of all če |p337 fylthe, and ordayned it and restorede better čane it was by-fore. / Now I pray ¨ow all in charite of god, čat all ča čat of this relegione redis or heris, čat čay be bouxome with all čaire myghte, and suffire čat če gud ladys be-fore namede do čaire offece ilke daye gastely with-In čaire hertes; and luke ylkone wysely čat he ne do no trispase agayne če rewle ne če obedyence of čis relegione and of čase [suferaynes] . And if thorow vnhape falle čat any of thiese foure fendis doghetirs seke one any wyse any Ingate for to hafe with-in ¨oure hertis for to duelle, or Ingate hase wonne and with ¨ow duellis, [dose] after če concelle of če lady Discrescione and gyffe ¨ow to deuocione with hertly prayers, in hope of goddes helpe and of his socoure, and ¨e sall be delyuerde thurgh če mercy of oure lord Ihesu Criste there, blyssede mot he be with-owttene ende. Amen. Explicit Relegio sancti Spiritus Amen. |r11._[ée_Chartre_of_če_Abbeye_of_če_Holy_gost.] |rMs._Laud_210,_f._136. |r HEre is če book čat spekič on a place čat is I-clepid če abbeye of če holy gost če whiche schulde be foundid in clene conscience; in whiche abbeye, as če book tellič, schulde dwellen xxix gostly ladyes, among whiche Charite is če abbesse, Wisdome priouresse, Mekenes suppriouresse; čer is also Pouerte & Clennesse, Temperaunce & Soburnesse, Penaunce & Buxumnesse, Schrifte & Ri¨t_wysnesse, |p338 Predicacion & Stabulnesse, Sufferaunce & Symplenesse, Misericord & Largenesse, Resoun & Reufulnesse, Meditacion & Orisoun. Deuocion & Con_templacion, Leaunce & Iubilacion, Honeste & Curtesye, Drede & Ielusye. ée fader of heuene is founder of čis abbeye, & če holy gost is wardeyn & visitour, as če booke tellič. Bot načerčeles čou¨ it be so čat an abbeye haue neuere so good [a] founder or a visitoure, but ¨if he haue also goode dedis & charteres of here places where-čorou čei mowe kepen here londis, rentys & fraunchises, ofte_sičes per auenture čei schulden ben mysserued & suffren mochel persecucion of here enemyes & of false men. & čat se y wel čat čis holy abbesse & here co_uent han many false enemyes če whiche wolden distroye here abbeye & byreue hem of her possessiouns, & čat were me ful loč. & čerfore y make here a book čat schal be clepid "če Chartre of če abbeye of če holy gost", In whiche I schal tellen first whan & where & of whom čis abbeye was first I-foundid, sičen I schal tellen hou & in what tyme čat če holy abbeye was destroyed & hou če abbesse & [če] prioresse & alle here couent were dryuen ou¨t of her ordre, & afterward I schal tellen hou & in what manere če abbeye was made newe a¨en & hou če abbesse & al here couent kemen a¨en to here ordre, & alčer-last I schal tellen hou almi¨tty god hač put his owen foure dou¨tren in čis holy abbeye a¨ens čoo foure foule feendis dou¨treu če whiche če holy gost kacchid a-wey for čei weren so foule, as če book of čis abbeye tellič at če laste ende. Here begynnič če forseyd chartre. Sciant presentes & futuri &c.: Wetič ¨e čat ben now here, & čei čat schulen comen after ¨ou, čat almi¨ti god in trinite, fader & sone & holy gost, hač ¨ouen & graunted & wič his owne word confermed, to Adam, če first man čat euere |p339 was, & to Eue his wyf, & to here heyres, a lytel preciouse place čat is clepid Conscience, čat liič in here soules by-twixen a place čat is clepid Resoun, če whiche knoweč good & wykke, on čat o sydde, and a place čat is I-clepid Synderisys, če whiche sterič a man to good & grucchič a¨ens wykke, on čat očere sydde; whos on ende is fastened be če grace of god, čorou whiche euerey man may don wel ¨if he wylle; & če očer ende lič in ioye & merče of če soule, [¨if] hit be clene out of če filče of synne. / éis holy place almi¨ty god ¨af hit to Adam forseyde & [to] his wyf & to here eyres, clenelich a-di¨ wič-outen any synne; in če whiche he hym-self made a noble hous of religioun, čat is clepid če abbeye of če holy gost, in če whyche he put manye gostly ladyes, čat is to seye gode vertues, amonge whiche he made damysel Loue & Charite abbesse, & dame Wyt & Wysdomeůpriouresse, & dame Mekenesse & Lownesse supprioresse; & walled če abbeye so wel abouten, so wel wič swyche myght & swyche strengče, čat čere ne schulde neuere no wycked čyng no wycked čou¨t haue mi¨t to an entrid amonge čat holy couent, ¨if če forseyd Adam & Eue his wyf badden hem-self wold. He ¨af hem also če lordschip of heuene & of erče & of al če worlde, to mayntene wič če noble ladyes in here holy couent, so ferforče čat alle če fysches in če see, & alle če briddes in če eirye, & alle če bestes of če londe schulde han ben buxum to hem & to alle here eyres euere_more, ¨if Adam & his wyf hadde kept hem out of synne to here ende. [Haben_dum et teuendum]: To hauen & to holden čis preciouse place wič če noble abbeye & al če holy couent, to če forseyde Adam & to Eue & to alle here eyres, fre_lyche & pesybelyche wič-outen grucchyng of any man euere-more, & čer-wič-al ioye & blisse čat neuere schulde han had ende; for če seruyse & če customes |p340 čat longen čer[-of] to če chef lord of če fee, and čat was no more but a wič_stondyng če temptacion of če fende & of his wif, whyche ne leste nou¨t bo[t]e fully če spase of a myle weye. And almi¨ty god schulde han waraunted to Adam & to Eue his wyf & to here eyres čat preciouse place wič če noble abbeye & al če holy couent, for to haue dwelled euere-more in more Ioye & blysse čan any tunge may telle; & also nočer he ne none of her eyrys schulde neuere haue suffred woo ne peyne, no čei schuld neuere haue dy¨ed: but whan almi¨ty god hadde seye best tyme he schulde han taken hem vp wič body & soule in to če blys of heuene, čer to han lyued wič-outen ende: ¨if sely Adam & hys wyf hadde kept hem wič-outen synne o day to če ende -- alas, why ne hadde čei do so? Hijs testibus: Of čis bereč wimesse aungel & man, heuene & erče, sone & mone & al če sterris, & euerey creature čat euere was maade for man. Data apud paradisum &c.: če date was ¨ouen at paradyse, on če first day čat euere man was made, In če ¨eer of če reigne of al-mi¨ti god kynge of alle kynges, whos kyngdom neuere by-gan ne neuer schal haue ende. Explicit carta. Memoran_dum quod primo die incarnacionis hominis &c. że schullen vndurstonden čat čer was a fals tyrant apostata čat hy¨te Satanas, če whiche was summe-tyme prioure of če aungels ordre in če blisse of heuene; če whiche for his pride ran out of his blysful ordre in to če sorowful errowre of če peyne of helle. And čo he hadde gret envie wič če abbesse of če abbeye of če holy gost & wič alle here couent, čat čei weren so wel wič god & hadden so gret lordschipe: he be-čou¨t hym of a caast of gyle hou he mi¨t distroye če noble abbeye & hou be my¨t do če religiouse abbesse wič al here fayre couent remeuen out of here ordre, as he dide out of his. He cam in če lickenesse of an addre to če abbeye ¨aatys & wolde haue comen |p341 inne. & če porter čat men clepen Drede as čat očere book seič, was not čer redy -- for ¨if he hadde ben čer redy he schulde not haue comen yn, as god ¨if čat he hadde; and čat sei¨y Eue čat he was čere, & as a greet fool leet hym inne. & čanne seyde čat false schrewe to Eue:" Cur precepit vobis deus, why, he seyde, for-bad god čat ¨e schulden not eten of če apples čat growen on če tree čat stant amyddys paradys?" & čan seyde sche;"Ne forte mo_riamur, last, ¨if we eten čerof, we schulden dy¨en". & čan seyde he: "Nequa_quam moriemini sed eritis sicut dii &c., nay, nay, he seič, ¨e schul not dy¨en, god almi¨ty wot wel čat what tyme čat ¨e eten čerof ¨e schul ben as goddis boče knowand good & wicked; but god wolde not čat ¨e weren as wyse as he, & čerfore he forbed čat ¨e schulden not eten of če apples". & čat seiy Eue čat sche schulde be so wyse, & was boče coueytous & lykerouse as comenliche wymmen ben; sche sei¨e če apples were fayre to here si¨t & delicious to če mo[u]če: scho wente to če tree & took awey an appul & eete čerof, & ¨af Adam če očere deel, & he eete čerof also. In če mene tyme čat Adam & his wif eten of čis applen, čat foule fals tiraunt wič his foure turmentours, čat is to seye Pride & Glotonye, Coueytise & Folye, wenten in to če abbeye of če holy gost & beren a-wey al če good čat čer was. Sykerly I dar wel seye čei beren a-wey mo precious iewelys čan al čis world is worče; čei baren also away če chartre čat god almi¨ty ¨af hem to holde bi here place, -- & čerfore neičer he ne his wyf ne noon of here eyres fro čat day in to čis day hadde no ri¨t to chalenge če lordschip of čis world ne če blisse of heuene, but onlyche in če mersy of god. |p342 & not only čoyse false čeues broken čus čis holy abbeye & beren away here goodys, but čei deden a more cruel dede & a more reuful: čei drouen awey dispitousliche out of čat abbeye če faire abbesse & če priouresse & al here holy couent, so ferforč čat it was fyne čousande fyue hundrid & čre & čritty ¨er after čat or euere čei mi¨ten comen a¨en fulle to-geders as parfi¨tliche as čei weren beforn. / And whan Adam & his wyf hadden eten of čat apple, he loked on here & scho on hym, & čanne perceyued čei first čat čei weren boče robbed & naked. Hem čou¨te greet schame of hem-seluen čat čei ferden so, & wenten & tokene leeues of a fige-tre to hyden wič here priueyteys, for čei ne hadden noon očere cločes -- for čat tyme were no furred gounnes ne pricked paltokys! éei deden hem to če abbeye of če holy gost, čat is to seye here conscience, & wolde han had summe helpe čer: & čei seen al če good čat čer was [ago], & hem čou¨t grete schame; for čei mi¨t aforhande han faren čere wele merye. & čan čei wenten forč to on čat wonede čere-by-syde, to on čat men clepyd Wit, & axed hym where če prioures & če abbesse were, where čei ben be-comen. & čan seyde Wit: "če abbeye is distroyed dispitousliche. & al če couent is runnen aweye sorufully, for či folye and for či wyues". "Hou so?" seyde čei. & čanne seyde Wit: "Whil čou & či wyf eten of če appul če abbeye was distroyed wič foure false čeues, & če abbesse & če priouresse & al če couent breke here ordre & runne aweye, and seyden as čei wenten čat čei schulden no more comen a¨en to-gedere as čei weren first, čis fyue čousande ¨ere & more, & al was for čou & či wyf eten of čat appul". & čan Adam & his wyf hadden moche |p343 sorowe as no woundur was, & seyden iche to očere: "Alas, alas, what schul we don? we ne han nowčer cločes to don on, ne hous for to dwellen inne, & čerto če abbesse & here faire couent čat weren oure beest frendis han forsakene vs & ben goon aweye; so weylewey če while čat euere we eten če appel!" & asswyče aftyrward čei harden god hou he spak to hem as he wente in paradyse; & čei weren aschamed of hem-seluen čat čei weren naked, & also čei weren agast of hym, & stirten vndre a tree for to han hid hem. & god com & sy¨e hem & seyde: "O Adam, Adam, where art čou?" "A, lord, quoč Adam, I harde či woyse in paradyse, & I was a-schamed čat I was naked, & čerfore I hidde me". "O Adam, quoč oure lord, ho told [če] čat čou were naked, any čing ellys but čat čou ete of če appul a¨en my for-beddyng? Ho hač broken če abbeye of če holy goost. Adam, & who hač boren aweye al čat čer was? where is če fair abbesse, Adam, & here couent čat I took čee to kepen -- wheder ben čei went?" "A, lord, quoč Adam, če woman čat čou ¨eue me to my wyf let in a fals schrewe at če abbeye ¨atys, čat bad here eten of an appul čat hange on a tre in paradyse, & he seyde scho schulde wexen as wyse as god; & sche took hit doon & ete čerof, & ¨af me čat očere deel; & y wolde not displesen here & ete čerof also. & in čat mene wile čat fals čef wič očer maner schrewes of his assent wenten in to če abbeye & broken [hit] adoun & beren away al če good čat čer was, & dryuen away če abbesse & če priouresse & al če couent I wot neuere whedur". & če whyle he told god čis tale he wepte for sorowe. & čanne seyde god to Eue: "Woman, why let čou inne čat fals čef? & whi ete čou of čat appul?" & čanne seyde scho: "A, lord, he cam to me in če lickenesse of an eddre & bygylid me wič faire false wordes, & I let hym inne & dede as he me bad, alas, alas če while čat euere knewe I hym"! & scho wepte for sorowe also, |p344 as I blame here not. éan seyde god to here: "For čou lete Inne čat schrewe & dedest as he če bad, & ete of čat appul, čou schalt here či childeren wič mochel gronyng & kare. éou & alle če wymmen čat schul come after če, saue on; & ¨if čou haddest not so don, wymmen schulden neuere han hadde no manere of peyne in berynge of child. éou schalt euere-more also, he seyde, ben vndur runnnus heste, & he schal be či mayster". & čanne scho hadde mochel sorowe. & čan seyde god to Adam: "For čou ete of če appul at či wyfes byddyng a¨ens myn heste, & for čou lete če abbeye of če holy gost so fouliche ben distroyed & lete če abbesse & here couent rennen aweye out of here ordre & čou ne woost neuere whider, čis schal be či penaunce; čou schalt čis day or euen ben dryuen out of paradyse in to erče, čat is a-cursid for či synne; čer-inne schalt čou dwellen wič mochel sorowe & mochel woo alle če dayes of či lyf, & erče schal bringe če forč čornes & brambles, & čou schalt eten gresse čat groweč on če erče. In swynke & in swete of či visage čou schalt eten či bred, til čou turnest a¨en to če erče čat čou com fro; for whi, čou were mad but of erče & in to erče čou schalt turne a¨en". & as-swiče afturward god bad a aungel dryue Adam & his wyf out of če blisse of paradyse in to če wrechid world, & bad hem goon & sechen čere če abbesse of če holy gost, & seyde nečer he nor his wyf ne noon of here ospryng schulde neuere comen a¨en in to če blysse of paradyse ne in to heuene neuer, til čei han mad a¨en če abbeye of če holy gost as wel as it was beforn, & til čei hadden also brou¨t a¨en wič hem če abbesse & [če] priouresse & al here fayre couent in as good pli¨t as hit was be-forn or čei wenten out. & čanne went god & mad Adam & hys wyf eyčer a cote of lečer, & cast hem out of paradyse, & čat was a pytouse si¨t forsoče, & čat is soče. & |p345 čus kemen čei forč in to čis wrecchid world, wič mochel sorowe & kare, & čerof was no woundur. & čenne wente Adam in čis world in mochel sorowe & woo IX hondred & XXX [¨er] & sou¨te če abbesse & here couent čat weren so goon awaye, & he wolde also han had sumwhat where-wič he mi¨te haue a¨en če abbeye of če holy gost; and he mi¨t neuere fynde nou¨t čerof in al čat long tyme. & Adam hadde mochel sorowe, & fel seke & died, & his wyf boče; & here soules wenten to helle, & čat was grete pyte. & not oneliche čei alone, but al čo čat comen of hem, če whyche kemen aftur čnt be foure čousande sex hundred & foure ¨er, wenten to helle euerychone -- so longe was Adam in helle, & čat was for če abbeye of če holy gost, čat is to seyn here conscience, was not mad a¨en as fayre ne as clene as it was be-forn. éus was Adam & his wyf in helle many čousande ¨eer in mochel sorowe & kare: til alle-mi¨ty god hadde pyte of her soules & sente adoun his swete sone & bad hym goon & sechen če abbesse & here couent -- for he wiste bettere where čei weren čan Adam wyste. & he cam doun in to čis world and sou¨te hem here wel bisyly čre & čritty ¨eer, & at če last he fond hem hangyng on če rode-tree. He took hem doon & lad hem in to helle, to speken wič Adam & his wyf. & whan Adam sau¨ hym comen, lord čat he was glade & čer Crist goddis sone of heuene mayd a¨en če abbeye of če holy gost, betere čan euere hit was, & took out of helle Adam & his wyf, če abbesse & če priouresse & al here holy couent, & ladde hem wič hym a¨en hom in to paradise, & čer was mochel ioye & blisse at here comyng-hom. -- But hou & in what manere Crist fonde čis abbesse & her couent, I schal tellen ¨ow as-swiče ¨if ¨ee wolen abydde, & hou če abbesse of če holy gost & alle her couent were foundon & brou¨t hom a¨en al hole. |r Aftur čat Adam & his wyf weren dede, čer comen many wyse men, patri_arches & prophetes & očere men boče, čat hadden mochel sorowe for če abbeye |p346 of če holy gost & for al če couent čat čei weren so goon awaye: & čei wenten & sou¨ten after hem in many soundry cuntrees as longe as čei lyueden: but vndre hem alle, for nou¨t čei couden don, mi¨t čei neuere fynde hem. & čer were amonges očere, foure gode men & trewe, čat is to weten Dauid & Salomon, Ysaie & Ieromye, čat weren abou¨te day & ni¨t to maken čis abbeye & to sechen vp čis couent; & for čei mi¨ten not han here wille, somme of hem maden mochel sorowe & mone, & I pray ¨ou listenič what čei seyden, Dauid seyde: "Laborani clamans, rauce facte [sunt] fauces mee &c., I haue, he seyde, so runne & cried aftir hem, čat my chaules aken & ben woxen al hose"; "Domine inclina celos tuos & descende &c., & čerfore, lord, he seič, bowe doun čin heuennes & come doon, & help me for to sechen čis abbesse & here couent če whyche myn herte loueč; for I may not fynde hem". Seič Salomon: "Circuibo ciuitatem per vicos & plateas & queram quem diligit anima mea, I schal, he seič, risen vp & wenden al abou¨ten če citee be weyes & be stretys & I schal sechen če abbesse & here couent če whyche myn herte loueč". "Quesiui & non inueni &c., a, he seič. I sou¨te hem & I ne founde hem nou¨t; I cryed & noon of hem wolde here, non answere me wič word". éanne spake [he] mornan[d]liche & seyde: "Reuertere, reuertere sunamitis, reuertere, reuertere &c., a, turne a¨en, turne a¨en čou sely swete wyi¨t, & let vs see če"; "Wulnerasti cor meum soror mea sponsa mea, wulnerasti cor meum in vno ictu oculorum tuorum &c., a, čou hast woundid myn hert čou fayre sistur, čou fayre spouse, čou hast woundid myn herte wič a twynkelyng of čin ei¨e". & he seyde ouer čat: "In lectulo meo quesiui per noctes quem diligit anima mea; quesiui & non inueni &c., I haue sou¨t any¨ttis in my bed čat couent whyche my soule loueč; I haue sou¨t wič al my my¨t & I may not fynden hem". & čan spak he to če očere maydens čat dwelleden čer-bysyde, & seyde: "Adiuro vos filie Ierusalem, |p347 si inueneritis dilectum meum (i. conuentum illum), an[n]uncietis [ei] quia amore langueo &c., I pray ¨ou specialiche ¨e maydens of Ierusalem, ¨if ¨e fynden owhere če abbesse of če holy gost & here couent, čat ¨e wil sayn čat I am seke for loue_longyng of hem". & čus Salomon če kyng mad mochel mone. But ¨it fonde be hem no¨t, & čanne seyde he čus: "Mitte domine sapienciam tuam, i. filium, de celis sanctis tuis, qui mecum sit &c., lord god, he seič, sende doun out of či holy heuenes či owne dere sone, čat he mi¨t be wič me & helpe me for to maken a¨en če abbeye of če holy gost in as good plit as it was & schulde ben". But for al čat be coude crien, goddis sone ne cam nou¨t ¨it. & čan wente Isaye če prophete & sou¨te če abbesse & here couent many dayes & fele, & he fonde hem nou¨t; & čanne he seyde čus: "Vtinam dirumperes celos & descenderes, wolde god, he seyd, čou woldest bresten heuene & come adoon, & helpen vs for to maken a¨en če abbeye of če holy gost & fynden vp če couent čat is čos goon aweye". & čanne wente Ieromye če prophete & sou¨te hem also; & for he mi¨te not fynde hem, he made a reuful mone & seyde čus: "Ve michi misero, quoniam addidit dominus dolorem dolori meo; laboraui in gemitu meo, wo me wrecche, he seič, čat god hač eked more sorowe to my sorowe; I haue trauayled wič-outen reste in sikynge & in kare & I ne may not fynden čat I seke". "Virgines deiecit in terram, pol[l]u[it] regnum: virgines abierunt in captiuitatem; audierunt quia in_gemesco ego & non est qui consoletur me, idcirco ego plorans, alas, he seyde, če feende hač drowen a-way če virgines & made foule here kyngdome, če virgines ben went away in to če wrecchid world. éei harden me wel hou I sikede & made mochel mone, & čer was noon of hem čat wolde counforte me wič a word; & čerfore I haue so wept for sorowe čat myn eyen ben in poynt to faylen me". "Quis dabit capiti meo aquam & oculis meis fontem lacrimarum, & plorabo [die ac nocte] interfeccionem filie populi mei, a, he seič, who schal ¨euen me water |p348 to myn heued, & who schal ¨euen a welle of terris to myn eyen, & I schal wepen for če maydens čat ben čus goon away, boče day & ni¨t". "Cui comparabo te, cui assimulabo te filia Ierusalem? cui [exequabo te, & consolabor] te, [virgo] filia Syon? magna velud [mare est contritio tua; quis medebitur tui?], a, čou noble abbesse, he seič, to whom may I licken če, to whom may I assemble če čou dou¨ter of Ierusalem?", čou noble priouresse, to whom may I euen če čou mayden & dou¨ter of Syon?", čou holy couent, he seič, hou may I counforte če? me činkeč či sorowe is as grete as a see: a, čou sely couent, who shal ben či helpe?" "Cecidit corona capitis nostri, ve nobis quia peccauimus, I ne can nou¨t ellis seyn, he seič, but, če fairest flour of al oure garlond is fallen away; alas, alas & weloway, čat euere we dede synne". Hou god ordened a waye to sauen man. |r & whan almi¨ty god had hard čus čes prophetis, wič many očere men, ma[k]e mochel mone wič reuly chere many čousand ¨eer for če destruccion of če abbeye of če holy gost: he had grete pyte of hem čat čei ferden so, & čat mannus soule was čerfore in prisone of če pyne of helle, & schulde haue ben čer wič_outen ende. He be-čou¨t hym hou he mi¨t best don to delyueren mannus soule out of čat sory prisoun, & hou he mi¨t fynde vp če abbesse of če abbeye of če holy gost & maken a¨en here couent faire & wel as it was be-forn. He ordeyned a counseil of če holy trinite in če blisse of heuene, of če fadur & of če sone & of če holy gost, & seyde: "że weten wel, he seyde, we maden mannus soule to oure lickenesse, & token hym for to kepen in his owne conscience če abbeye of če holy gost, & he for his folye let beren out of če abbeye al če good čat čer was, & let če abbesse & here couent rennen away out of her ordre, & čerfore he was taken & put in to prisoun of če pyt of helle. & čere hač he been now foure čousand ¨er sexe hundred & more, & čat is grete pitee; |p349 me čenkič hit were a good dede to don če abbesse & al here couent comen a¨en to here ordre, & maken a¨en če abbeye as wel as euere hit was, & delyuere mannus soule out of čat sory prisone; he bač ben in čat prisoun longe I-now, haue we pitee on hym, he is as hit were on of vs, maked to oure lickenesse". & alle če holy trinite graunted čat it schulde so be. But, he seyde, who čat shulde don swyche adede. hym be-houed for to be swyche on čat were be_holden for to don hit, & also čat he mi¨te don it; but, čer was no čing čat was by-holden to delyueren mannus soule but onliche man, no čer was no čing čat mi¨te delyuere hym but ¨if it were god; & čerfore who so schulde do čat dede he most be boče god & man: & so mi¨t it noon be but ¨if it were oon of če čre persones in če holy trinite; almi¨ty goddis sone schulde come doun in to čis world, & ben I-born of a mayden & becomen man, & maken a¨en čat abbeye of če holy gost, & dien for če loue of man on če harde rode-tree, & so de_lyuere mannus soule out of če peyne of helle. Here now hou goddys dou¨tren pleteden for mannus soule aforn here fadur. |r And čanne were al-mi¨ty goddis dou¨tren čere, čat is to seye Mercy & Treuče, Ri¨tfulnesse & Pees, če whiche harden seyen čat mannus soule schulde be de_lyuered out of helle-pyne, & čei comen alle to-gedir aforn god al-mi¨ty. & čanne seyde Truče čus: "Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti, A, lord, scho seyde, čou hast ¨it eueremore loued wele me čat am či dou¨tre, and čanne, seyde Truče, I pray če for-sake nou¨t me. éou seydest čat what-tyme čat man ete of čat appul, čat he schulde dieye & gon to helle; čerfore ¨if čou delyuerest man čanne out of čat prisoun, čou destroyest me, & čat were no skil, Quia veritas domini manet in eternum, for whi goddys treuče schulde dwellen euere-more wič-outen ende. |p350 éerfore, leue lord, scho seyde, lat man be stille in helle, & forsake nou¨t me". & čanne seyde Mercy: "O pater misericordiarum & deus tocius consolacionis, qui consolaris nos in omni tribulacione nostra, A, čou fader of mercy, scho seyde, & god of al confort, čou čat confortes alle čing in anger & in woo, haue mercy of mannus soule čat lič bounden in prisoun čat is helle, & brynge h[i]m in to blisse. Quoniam dixisti, in eternum seruabo illi misericordiam, for why, scho seyde, čou seydest čat čou schuldest kepe to hym či mercy wič-outen ende. & čerfore, ¨if čou be trewe, čou schalt haue mercy of mannus soule". & čanne seyde Ri¨t_fulnesse: "Nay, nay, scho seič, it may not ben so: Quia iustus dominus & iusti_cias dilexit, for whi, lord, scho seič, čou art ri¨tful & čou louest ri¨tfulnesse; & čerfore čou ne mayst not ri¨tfulliche sauen mannus soule, it is ri¨t & skil čat it haue as it hač disserued. Dominum qui se genuit dereliquit, & oblitus est dei creatoris sui, he forsoke god čat hač forče-Ibrou¨t hym, & he, lord, for-¨at če čat maydest hym of nou¨t; & čerfore it is skil & resoun čat he čat hač forsaken če lord of al pitee & mercy, čat he neuere haue of če neičer pitee no mercy. & čerfore, leue lord, scho seič, lat mannus soule be stille as it is, for čat is skil & resoun; & ellis me čenkič čou hast forsaken me, & čat schuldest čou not don: Quia iusticia eius manet in seculum seculi, for why, holy wryt seič čat či ri¨tfulnesse schal lasten in to če worldis ende". & čanne seyde Mercy to Ri¨tful_nesse: "A, leue suster, let ben & seye not so, it were neičer ri¨t ne skil čat god schulde kepen če & forsaken me: Quia misericordia eius super omnia opera eius, for why only goddis mercy is abouen al his werkes, Et misericordia eius ab eterno & vsque in eternum, & goddis mercy was wič-outen begynnyng & schal ben wič_outen endyng. & čerfore, ¨if god for-soke me, he schulde forsake boče my sister Truče & če, & čat were neičer ri¨t ne truče. & čerfore, leue lord, scho seič, to sauen vs alle čre, haue čou on mannus soule boče mercy & pitee". & čanne |p351 seide Pees to here čre sistren: "Pax domini exsuperat omnem sensum &c., Goddis pees ouergoč eueriche maner wiit. éou¨ it be so, sche seiyt, čat Truče seič a grete skile why mannus soule schulde not be saued, & Ri¨tfulnesse seič also, neuerčeles me čenkeč čat Mercy seič alčerbest, čat man schulde be saued, for why ellys, scho seič, schulde god forsaken ¨ow al čre, boče Mercy, & Ri¨tfulnesse [& Treuče], & čat were grete reuče. & not only, sche seyde, he schulde čus forsaken ¨ou čre, but he schulde also forsaken me: for why as longe as man soule is in helle, čer schal ben discord bytwene ¨ou čre: Ri¨tfulnesse & Truče schol willen to haue hym sočere stille, & Mercy schal willen to haue hym oute; so čat pees schal ben amongys ¨ou forsaken. éere schulde also, ¨if man were stille in helle, ben a discord by-twene god & man, by-twene aungel & man, by_twene man & man, by-twene man & hym-self: so čat I, čat am pees, schulde a ben forsaken ouer-al, & čat were no resoun. & čerfore doč after my conseil, seide Pees, & praye we alle to-geders to god čat is prince of pees, čat he wole maken pees & acord by-twixen ¨ou čre, by-twyne hym-self & man, by-twyne man & aungel, & by-twene man & man, & ordeyne sich aweye čat he mi¨t kepen vs stille alle foure, boče Mercy & Truče, Ri¨tfulnesse & Pees". & h[e]m čou¨te čat scho seyde hest, & prayden alle to če fadur of heuene čat he schulde so don. And he seyde: "Ego cogito cogitaciones pacis & non affliccionis &c., I čenke, he seyde, čou¨tis of pees & not of wickednesse. I schal, he seič, kepe ¨ou stille alle foure, & I schal sauen mannus soule & brynge hym to blisse. I schal also, he seič, fynden vp če abbesse of če holy gost & maken a¨eyn here couent & here place, betere čan euere it was". & whan his dou¨tren harden čis, čei were glad & myrie: and as-swiče Misericordia & veritas obuiauerunt sibi, iusticia &c., |p352 "Mercy & Truče metten hem to-gedere, Ri¨tfulnesse & Pees weren kyste & maad at on". Hou Crist is founder of če abbeye of če holy gost. |r And čanne as-swiče almi¨tty god če fader sente doun in to čis world his owne sone to be-come man for vs & for to sechen če abbesse of če holy gost & here holy couent, čat is to seyn loue & charite, & očere goode vertues. & če first day he cam & founde a lady of čat abbeye čat is clepid Clennesse: for why he was conceyued wič-outen any knowelechyng of synne of man čoru vertu of če holy gost, & born of a clene virgyne čat neuere mi¨t synnen. čis clennesse he founde whyle čat he was wič-inne his moders wombe, and here he kepte čere wič hym nyne & čritty wekes & a day: & čanne was he born of his moder in an olde broken hous at Beedlem tounnys ende, & leyde in an asse maunger on a litil hei¨e. & čer founde he anočer lady of če selue abbeye čat is Pouerte: for why his moder hadde noon očere schetis to wynde hym Inne, but took a keuerchef of here heued, & kytte an olde kirtel & made čerof cločis, & wond čer-Inne čere child for colde, & leyde hym on a wisp in an oxe-stalle -- I trowe čere was pouerte I-now! éis pouerte & čis clennesse he ladde forč wič hym til he was twelue ¨er olde, & whan he was twelue ¨er olde & more, he wente wič Ioseph & his moder to Ierusalem -- for čei weren wont to weynden čeder eueryche ¨er to offren čer on estreday; & whanne čei hadden offred, & wenten a¨en hom, lytel Ihesu here sone lefte stille čere čre dayes in Ierusalem & wente in to če temple among če maystres of če lawe: & čere he fonde [ii ladyes] of če selue hous če whyche ben clepid Ri¨twisnesse & Wisdom. & whanne Marie & Ioseph weren comen hom & wisten neuere where swete Ihesu was be-comen, čei weren |p353 in mochel sorowe for če swete childe, & wenten a¨en to Ierusalem to sechen hym: & čanne čei founden hym s[i]ttande in če temple among če doctoures of če lawe disputyng wič hem. & čanne seyde his moder to hym:"A, sone, scho sayde, what hast čou don? I & či fader Ioseph han sou¨t če & hadden mochel sorowe for če"."Hou is it, he sayde, čat ¨ee han sou¨t me? Nesciebatis quia in his que patris mei sunt oportet me esse? wiste ¨e not, he seyde, čat I most be besy abou¨ten my fadres nedys? He sente me in to čis cuntre to sechen če co_uent of če holy gost, & čerfore I wente amonge če maystres in to če temple, & čer haue I founden tweyen ladyes of če couent, Ri¨twisnesse & Wisdam, for why, now can I more good čan čei euerychon". & čanne wente he hom wič hem in to Na¨aret, & čere he founde a nočer of če selne couent čat hiťte Boxnmnesse: quia erat subditus illis, for why he was lowe of herte & buxum to his moder in al maner čing, & čanne wente he forč seuentene ¨er & an half, & euery day he fond at his owne bord two očer ladyes of če selue abbeye, & čat weren čese: Temperaunce & Soburnesse. & he hadde hem wič hym in to desert to sechen mo of here felawys: & čere he fond očere two ladyes, čat is Penaunce & here felaw čat is clepid damyseil če Fort. Penaunce he fonde čere, for why he fasted fourty dayes for loue of mannus soule wič-outen mete or drynke, & whanne he hadde fasted fourty dayes & fourty ny¨ttys, he was for-hungred & lost to eten; & čere cam če self schrewe to hym čat cam to Eue in to če abbeye of če holy gost, & wolde han ouercomen hym wič glotonye as he dede Eue, & led hym to an hep of stonys & bad hym ¨if he were goddis sone he schulde make če stonys loues & ete of hem I-now. & čanne founde he čere če lady damysel če Fort, čorow whyche he wič-stode my¨tiliche če fondyng of če fend; |p354 "Non in solo pane viuit homo set de omni verbo &c., Man lyueč not onlyche in bred, he seič, but be eueryche word of god". & čanne bar če fend hym from čennys to Ierusalem & sette hym on če pynacle of če temple, & wolde han ouer_comen hym wič pride & wič veyn-glorye & seyde: "żif čou be goddis sonne, skippe adoun & take no sor, & men shulle praysen če & seyen čou hast don a grete maistrye". & čere also he wič-stode his fondyng čorow vertu of damysele če Fort & seide:"Non temptabis dominum deum tuum, čou schalt not tempten či lord god, he seič; it is no nede čat I skippe doun. I may go doun be anočer waye wel I-now". & čanne ladde he hym to an hie¨ hille & schewede hym alle če richesses of čis world, & wolde haue ouer-comen hym čorou¨ coueytise & seyde: "I schal ¨eue če alle če goode čat čou seest, ¨if čou wilt knele doun & do me worschip". & čere he wič-stood hym my¨tiliche wič damysele če Fort & seide: "Vade retro satanas, dominum deum tuum [adorabis] &c., fy on če, sa_tanas, he seyde, & turne a¨en to helle; men schuld worschip almi¨ty god & no wi¨t ellys". & čanne če fals schrewe was aschamed of hym-seluen čat he was so ouercomen wič damysele Fort, [&] ran a¨en to helle as an olde schrewe. & čanne went Ihesu Crist in to če lond of Galilee: & čere fond he očer two sustren of če self hous, čat is to seye Schrifte & Predicacion. éere prechid Crist first, & čanne seyde he to če folk of če cuntre: "Penitemini & credite &c., schriueč ¨ou, he saič, & doč penaunce, & beeč of good byleue, če kyngdome of heuene nei¨eč faste". & he wende forče to če see-syde & čerre he sei¨e seynt Petre & Andrew his bročere leggynge čere nettys in če see to taken fisch; čei were boče pore fischers. & Crist seyde to hem: "Comeč, he seyde, & foloweč me, & I make ¨ou |p355 fyscheres of men". & čei lette here boote be stille in če see & wente forč wič Crist. & he wente alitel forčere, & founden seynt Iames & seynt Ioou his bročere in a nočere boote drawynge here nettys wič żebedee here fadere; čei were also fischeres. & Crist bad hem also comen & folowe hym, & čei letten here fader & aI čat čei hadden be stille in če boute & wenten wič hym. & on a day as čei wenten alle to-gedere be če weye, seynt Petre seyde to Crist: "Lord, he seyde, what schul we haue of če čat han forsaken alle čat we hadde & folowen če čus in pouerte?", and as-swiče Crist fonde anočer suster of čat hous čat is clepid Largesse, & seyde: "For soče, ¨e čat han forsaken al čat ¨e hadden & han folowed me, ¨e schullen han a houndred-fold so myche čerfore, & čerto če blisse of heuene"; čis was a grete largesse! & čanne cam he on a day fro če mounte of Olyuete in to če temple of Ierusalem to prechen čere, & če while he was prech_ynge, če phariseas brou¨ten to hym a woman čat was founden in bed wič anočer man čan here hosebounde, & seyde[n] to hym čus: "Lo, maister, čis woman was ri¨t now taken in spousebreche: what schulle we don wič here? Moyses biddeč vs in oure lawe we schulde stone such to če deeč". & Crist knewe wel če falshed of hem čat čei deden [so] to tempten hym, & he stowped doun & wrot wič his fynger on če grounde alle če synnes čat euere hadden če pharaseus donn, so čat eche of hem mii¨t seen hou synful očere was, & čanne he seyde to hem čus: "Sičen hit is so čat čus woman schal be ¨oure lawe be stoned to če deeč, čerfore whiche of ¨ow čat is wič-outen synne, caste on here če firste stoon": and čei weren alle aschamed of hem-seluen & wenten oute at če dore eche on after očere & leten Crist stonden alone wiče woman; and čere comen to hym two očere ladyes of če abbeye of če holy gost, Misericord & Reufulnesse, & čan seide Crist to če woman: "Woman, he seyde, where ben čin enemyes? hač any |p356 man condempned če to če deeč?" "Nay, lord, scho seyde, noman". "No I ne schal nou¨t condempne če; go faare wel, & be of wil neuere-more to do synne". Here was grete misericord & grete reufulnesse, for why, če most gylt scho hadde don was a¨enus hym. & aftirward on a day če pharaseus senten here dissiplis to Crist & wolden hauen taken hym in his wordis, & askede hym ¨if čei mi¨ten bi goddis lawe ¨eue tribute to če emperoure. & Crist knewe wel here malice, & seyde: "A, ¨e ypocrytis, what nede is hit to tempten me? lete me seen a peny of ¨oure mony". & čei schewed hym on. & čanne seyde Crist: "Whos coyn is čis?" & čanne seyden čei to Crist: "če emperours". & čere fond Crist anočere syster of če noble abbeye čat is clepid Resoun, & seyde: "żeldič to če emperour čat by-longeč to hym, & ¨eldič to god čat bi-longeč to hym"; & čat is resoun. On a day afturward as Crist wente by če way by hym-self & as he čou¨te of mannus soule & on če abbeye of če holy gost, he founde a nočer suster čat is clepid |r[So_far_Ms._L;_I_give_the_rest_from_Ms._Vernon:] |r[Ms._Vernon_fol._360] Gelesye: and čenne tok he priueliche his twelue apostles and wente touward Ierusalem & seide to hem čus: "Ichaue al čis two and čritti ¨er and more ben aboute to helpe monnes soule and for to seche če abbesse and hire Couent če whuche wenten out of če abbei of če holygost, and ichaue founden sixtene of hem; and now wol I go to Ierusalem and ben I-bounden and I-bete, and ben honged and drawen, and dye for loue of monnes soule, to sechen vp čat očur del of če holy Couent". éis was a gret gelesye and a gret loue!  And čenne wente čei forč to Ierusalem. And as čei weore čere on an euen at heore soper, Crist fond čer očur twey ladies of če abbey of če holigost če whuche men clepeč Cortesye and Honestete: ffor whi? Crist fedde his disciples ri¨t čere atte |p357 soper wič his owne flesch & wič his oune blood; and whon he hedde so I_don, he wusch heore feet euerichone and wipede hem wič a cloth. Heere weor mony sustren: her was Cortesye and Louhnesse, [Honeste] and Mekenesse. And afterward he wente wič alle his disciples touward a luytel toun čat hette Geth_samany, and čer he tok čreo of hem, Peter, Iames, and Ion, and bad če očure beo čer stille til čei comen a¨eyn. And as čei wente, Incepit Ihesus pauere et tedere, Ihesus bi-gon for to quake for drede, and seyde to hem čere: "Ichaue founden a nočur suster of če abbey čat is I-cleped Drede: Tristis est anima mea vsque ad mortem, Ichaue, he seide, founden muche drede a¨eyn čat I schal dye. Sitteč her adoun, he seide, and wakeč and biddeč or beodes, til I come a¨eyn". And čenne wente he forč from hem as hit weore a stones cast: & čer he fond tweyne očure sustren of če selue hous čat weren Contemplacion and Orisoun. He be-čou¨te him on monnes soule hou hit scholde be lost wič-outen ende but he diede čerfore, and hou he schulde če nexte day after čat ben honged on če roode-tree; and he was in a gret agonye as no wonder was, and for drede of deth he swatte dropes of blood, če w¨uche trilleden doun of his bodi to če eorče as watur doč of an hous after reyn, and čenne preyede he to his ffader & seide: "A, ffader, ¨if hit may be, let me not dye čus dispitousliche. Nočeles, he seič, či wille beo don and not myn". And čenne com he a¨eyn to his dis_ciples & fond hem slepynge, and čenne seide he to Peter:"A, Peter, miht čou not wake wič me on houre? Wakeč, he seide, and preyeč, čat ¨e ne falle in no temptacion." And he wente eft a¨eyn, & čenne fond he Orisoun, [&] anočur suster of če hous čat hette Deuocion, and čenne he seide: "Mi ffader, sečče hit may non očer beo bote čat I mot to-morwen ben honged on če rode-tre and dyen, beo hit as čou wolt." And he com a¨eyn to his disciples, and font hem slepynge as he dude biforen. And čenne wente he eft a¨eyn and preyede as he dude furst, & čer he fond wič Orisoun čreo of hire sustren, Contemplacion, Leaunce. and Iubilacioun: |p358 |r éEr com an angel doun from heuene to cumforten him, and tolde him hou monnes soule scholde be delyuered out of helle er čreo dayes to če ende, and hou he scholde be čat tyme ha founden al če Couent of če abbey of če holi_gost and haue mad a¨eyn heor abbey, beter čen euere hit was. And čenne was he murie and glad in his soule, čau¨ hit were so čat he was kyndeliche in his monhede adred of his deč. And čenne wente he a¨eyn to his disciples and bad hem risen vp and go wič him. And as čei wenten a luytel forč, čei se¨en hou čat muche folk comen čere wič li¨t lanternes and drawen swerdes and staues, for to take Crist, and Iudas Skariot wente be-foren hem alle, and com to Crist and custe him. "A, Iudas, he seide, schaltou be-trayen Godes sone of heuene wič a cos?" And čenne token če false Iewes Ihesu Crist & bounden him harde and sore as a čef: and čer he fond anočur saster of če selue hous čat is I_cleped Suffraunce. And čo seynt Peter sau¨ čat, he drou¨ out a swerd and smot of a boyes ere čat was a Bisschopes mon, and čenne seide Crist to Peter: "Put vp či swerd a¨eyn! Wenest čou not, he seide, čat I mi¨te preye my ffader and he scholde sende me mo čen twelue legiouns of angeles for to helpe me if hit were neod? Al čis wol I suffre wič a good wille, for če loue of monnes soule". -- A legioun is six čousend six hundred sixti and sixe. -- And čenne če false Iewes ladden forč Ihesu Crist to Cayphas če Bischop; and čat se¨en his disciples, and ronne awey euerichon and laften him čer alone. And čenne comen mony false schrewen and maden playnt on Crist to če Bisschop, and čenne seide Cai_phas: "What seist čou to čis čing čat čeose men seyen a¨eynus če?" And Crist fond čer a nočur suster of čat hous čat is cleped Symplesse, & spac no word to him. And čenne wente boyes and harlotes and spitten on his face, and hudden his e¨en wič a cloč and smiten him on če croune and pleyeden wič him a_bobbeč as čei wolde ha don wič a fol, and beden him telle hem who smot him last; and Crist kepte Symplesse & spak no word. And afterward Caiphas asked Crist where he hedde I-preched & what he hedde i-seid. And čenne seyde |p359 Crist: "What askest čou me? aske hem čat herde me preche what I seide to hem". And whon he hedde I-seyd so, čer sturte vp a schrewe of Cayphas men & ¨af him a buffet vnder če cheke; and čenne tok Crist to him Symplesse & seide to čat schrewe čat smot him: "żif I euel seide, ber witnesse of vuel; & ¨if I seide wel, whi smitest čou me?" |r And afterward če Iewes token vr lord Ihesu Crist & duden of his cločus and bounden him to a piler of ston as a čef, & maden hem scorges wič babeles of led & scharpe prikkes on če endes and beoten Cristes precious bodi čer-wič če while hit mihte lasten, til al his bodi ron o-blode. And čenne čei duden on him a strayt selkene cloč, čat heng faste be his flesch whon če blod was druye; and aftur čei setten a garlond on his hed of long scharpe čorn, & beoten hit doun wič staues for čei wolde not prikken heore hondes; čei token him a reod-spyr in his hond, & kneleden doun in scorn & seiden: "Heil sir kyng, kyng of Iewes." And whon čei hedden so I-do, čei tornede of če cloč of selk, & for hit heng faste to his bodi čei drowen a-wey wič-al mochel of his skyn, & of his flesch boče; and whon če Iewes se¨en čat, hem čou¨te hit was a foul siht, and blereden on him & spitten on his face as čei wolde ha don on a tode. And čer Crist fond a nočur suster of če abbei of če holigost čat hette Mekenesse. And čenne duden če false Iewes Ihesu Crist beren his oune roode on his bak touward Caluarie, til he was in poynt to haue falle a-doun for feblenesse. And whon čei se¨en čat, čei wolde not čat he hedde I-dyed, til he weore an_honged: čei maden a nočur mon bere če Roode til čat čei come to če place čer Crist scholde beo don čeron. And euere as he wente. Mekenesse was wič him, so ferforč, as Ysaye če prophete seič, čat Crist wente as mekeliche |p360 to his hongynge as a lomb doč to his scherynge; ffor he made noučer bost ne noyse. |r WEne ¨e not čat his Moder bedde muche serwe whon heo sei¨ čus hire sone go to če galewes-ward? forsoče, hit was a pitous siht whose hedde I-se¨en hit! And whon čei come to Caluarie, čei caste doun če roode-tre, and Crist čer-on, and make[d] markes and holes where his hondus & his feet scholde be nayled to, and čenne čei toke a blont rouh ragged nayl & smiten hit čorw his hond wič an homer to če roode; and for če peyne čerof al če bodi drou¨ čer_touward. And whon čei wolde haue nayled čat očur bond to če treo, hit was to schort to če hole čat čei hedden I-mad bi half a fote and more: and čei nolde not make a newe bore, but token ropes and ty¨eden [to] his hond, and drowen hit til hit was meete to če hole čat čei hedden I-maad; and in če drawynge alle če Ioyntes of boče his armes bursten in-sunder. And whon čei wolden haue I-nayled his feire feet to če roode-tre, al his bodi was [so] schronken vp to-gedere for peyne čat hit was to schort to če hole čat čei hedden I-maad bi a large foote: and čenne toke čei mo ropus & ti¨eden to his feet, & drowen hem doun harde and sore til čei weore meete to če hole, and čei to-borsten in če drawynge alle če Ioyntes of his lendes and of kneos & of his sydes; and čenne tok čei such a nočur ragged nayl & driuen hit wič an homer čorw boče his feet at ones in to če harde tre. A, lord, hou čat raggede nayl craschte among če harde bones! |r And če while he was čus nayled ůon če roode-treo, čer comen mony sustren of če abbey of če holigost, boče Pouert and Boxumnesse, Penaunce & Symplesse, Suffraunce & Meknes, to loke hou he ferde; and čenne seide Crist to hem, ¨if |p361 čei hedden heore abbesse, čenne hedde čei euerichon. And whon če Iewes hedden čus nayled Crist on če cros as men doč cloč on a teytur, čei reisede him vp fro če grounde to sette če rode faste in a morteys čat wns maad for če nones, and čei heouen him vp čenne for schrewednesse as hei¨e as čei mihten, and lette če cros squatten a-doun sodeynliche in to če morteis; and in če fall_ynge alle če senewes of his bodi & alle če veynes & alle če Ioyntes to-borsten euerichon. I trouwe, čer was penaunce I-nouh! and pouert also: ffor whi he heng stark-naked on če rode-treo for če loue of monnes soule. And če while he heng so čere wič his blodi woundes, al to-ragget and to-rent, he fond če abbesse of če abbey of če holigost čat is cleped Charite: Quia maiorem carita_tem nemo habet [quam] ut animam suam ponat quis pro amicis suis, ffor whi more loue and charite may no mon haue čen for to dye for loue of his frendes, as Ihesus dude for loue of monnes soule. |r And whon he hedde čus founden vp če abbesse of če holigost and hire feire Couent, he was wonderliche glad in his herte, čauh he felede muche peyne wič_outen in his bodi: and he asked drynke, to make če sustren murie wič and to welcomen hem hom, and seide: "Scicio, I am a-furst". And če false Iewes maden Ihesu Crist a drynke of eysel and of galle, I-tempred wič mirre, and put hit to his mouč on a sponge for to don him drynken hit; and whon he hedde assayed a luytel what hit was, he wolde no more čerof. And čenne seide he čus: "Con_summatum est, Ich haue al don, he seide, čat I am come fore: I haue founden vp a¨eyn če abbesse of če holigost & al hire holy couent, & maad a¨eyn hire abbey as wel as hit euer was. And now, he seič. I wol go to Adam and to Eue & dilyueren hem out of če put of helle and leden hem a¨eyn in to blisse of paradys, čer for to dwelle wič če noble couent of če holy gost, in Ioye and in blisse čat neuer schal haue ende." And whonne he hedde I-seyd čus, he ¨eld |p362 vp če gost and dyede hongynge on če roode-treo, bolned blu & blodi, be-twene twei čeues, for če grete loue he hedde to monnus soule. |r And čenne went he doun in to helle, and tok out Adam and Eue, and očur mo čat weoren him leue, Dauid, Moises and Abraham, and al če goode wič him he nom, and ladde hem wič če abbesse & če couent of če holygost in to če blisse of heuene, čer-inne forte dwelle, in more [Ioye] and blisse čen eny mon may telle. How God putte his ffoure douhtren In to če abbey of če holigost. |r And čer almihti God ordeynde čat his ffoure douhtren Merci, Truče, Rih[t]_fulnesse, and Pees, scholde be glad among če Couent of če abbey of če Holi_gost; and čer he bad him-self čat Merci and Truče scholde be Charite Chapeleyns and wenden a-boute wič hire whoder čat heo wente; and he bad also čat Rihtwysnesse scholde euermore be wič Wisdam, for heo was Prioresse; and he bad also čat Pees scholde beo wič Mekenesse, for heo was Subprioresse. He ordeynde čat čeose čreo Ladyes scholde haue heor Chapeleyns, for čei weore most of worschupe. And čenne be seide čat whose kepte feire and clene čis abbey of če holygost & če Abbesse & če Prioresse & al heore holy Couent, čei scholde fynden in čis world muche murče in herte and in soule, and afterward, whon čei were ded, čei scholden haue for heore mede če kindam of heuene and more ioye and blis čen eny e¨e may seo or tonge may telle or herte may čenke. --  Almihti God for his deore meroi ¨if vs grace forte kepe feire and clene čis abbey of če holygost, čat is to seye vr Concience, and če Abbesse & če Prioresse and al heore holy couent, čat is to seye goode vertues, in vre soules, čat we mowe come to čat Ioie and to čat blisse čat Ihesu Crist bou¨te vs to wič his precious blood. To čat Ioye and blisse bring vs be, čat for loue of monnes soule di¨ede on če Roode-Tre. A. M. E. N. |p{363-374:_Poems_of_Ms._Thornton} |p375 |r[Appendix_I._Rest_of_religious_contents_of_Ms._Thornton.] |p376 |r[5._A_prayer.] |r He čat devotely sayse čis Orysone dayly, sall hafe remyssyone of alle his synnys, and that daye he ne sall noghte dy none euylle dede. And čat daye čat he saise čis Orysone, he or scho whečer it be čat says čis Orysone, čay sall spede wele in alle čaire nedes čat čay hafe to do. And who so vssis to say čis Orysone sall no¨te be lange encombirde with synnes. And if a womane trauell of childe, take watir of a welle and say čis Orysone ouer it, and giffe it hir to drynke: and scho sall hastyly be delyuerde and passe [hir] perell. Also gerre a preste synge a Messe of oure lady ouer čis Orysone, of čis Office: Vultum tuum & c.; say čis Orysone deuotly at čat Messe, and bere it wretyne appone the byfore kyng or prynce or any očer lorde: and čou sall fynd grace, helpe and ffauore byffore čame. And if čou trauell in če se, and tempeste ryse appone the, take of če see watire in a vessell and say čis Orysone deuotely čer-ouere, and caste it in če see: and če tempeste sall cesse, and čou sall passe ouere čer-of. And if čou sall goo to Batell, saye čis Orysone devotely and Enterely one če Croys of či swerde, and girde the čer-with, and bere čis Orysone with če appone the: and čou sall noghte be slayne nor skomfet. And if čou hafe če fflixe, take brede made of clene whete and say čis Orysone ouer it and čane Ete it: and čou sall sone be stawnchide. And if čou trauell in če Contre, say čis Orysone deuotly: and čou sall noghte ga will, nor no thefes sall hafe powere to robbe the. And wete čou wele for sothe čat čis thynge hase bene wele profed for trewe; for saynt Paule made čis Orysone by če Ensencesynge of če haly gaste, and pape Innocent hafes grantyde there-to thre hundreth dayes of perdone to alle those, mane or womane, čat sayse čis blyssed Orysone devoutely. For alle če vertu čerof may [no] mane telle. Oracio sequitur: |r{1_page_of_Latin_text} |p377 |r[fol._177b] 6. A Preyere Off The ffyve Ioyes of owre lady in Inglys, and Of the ffyve sorowes. |r Lady, ffor thy Ioyes fyve, Wysse me the waye of Rightwys lyffe, amen. Now mekest and ioyfulleste lady saynt Marye, ffor če Ioye čou hadde whene čou conceyuede thy dere sonne of če haly gaste in če gretynge of the angell, the whilke Ioye was so grete čat if če angell had duellyd langere čane he had made his message, ffor grete luffe and Ioye in god thyne hert had clovyne and čou had dyede, if čou had noghte bene strengthede of če haly gaste: now, lady, for čat grete Ioye, hafe Mercy one me synfull wreche. Pater noster. Aue Maria. |p378 Swetteste and ioyfulleste lady, ffor če gret ioye čou hade in the birthe of thy swete sonne Ihesu: hafe Mercy one me synfull wryche; for als čou con_ceyuede hym of če haly gaste with grete Ioye and with-owttyne any syne, swa čou Bare hym with grete Ioye & with-owttyne any sorowe, Amen. Pater noster. Als če son schynes thorowe the glasse and lyghtenys če place with-Ine & če glas es noghte brokyne ne fylide of če sonne whene he schynes, nor whene he withdrawes his bemys nor aftire, bot es aye clere and hale: reghte swa, lady, whene če godhede schane in thy saule and tuke Manhede of the and was borne of the, thou was noghte fylide; bot čou was holowede of his presence swa that thou Mighte neuere be fylede. Pater noster. Aue maria. Now blysfullest and Ioyfulleste lady, ffor če honour of če Gloryouse passyoune čat thy blyssede sone sufferde for vs synfull wrechis, hafe Mercy one me synfull wreche; for če blody woundys čat he suffrede, and če precyouse blode čat he sched for vs on če Gloryous Crosse that he was naylede one for vs, and the schamfull dede, and alle če Bittyre paynes čat he sufferde; and for alle če sorowes čat čou hade for his paynes. Now dere lady, for če perturbance čat čou hade whene Symeone sayde to če, "The swerde of sorowe, he said, sall passe thorowte thyne awnne saule": preye thy dere sone to helpe me and to delyuer me owte of all my synnys and to kepe me fra all ill, Amen. Pater noster. Aue maria. Dere lady, for če sorowe čou hade whene či sone was loste fra the thre dayes & čou soughte hym with gretande hert: preye thy sone to gyffe me con_trycioune of alle my synnys in the Ende of my lyfe, Amen. Pater noster. Aue maria. Dere lady, for če sorowe čat čou hade whene čot čou wiste in spyryte čat či sone was tane & solde thole če dede: pray či sonne to delyuer me owte of alle tribulacioun of body and of saule. Pater noster. Aue maria. Now dere lady, for če sorowe čat čou hade whene čat čou saughe thy dere sone hynge one če Crosse with freche wondys newe-made, rede with his awnne blode: preye thy blyssede sone to make me birnande in his luffe swa čat I neuer forgete hyme. Pater noster. Dere lady, for če sorowe čat čou hade whene čat či dere sone laye dede in thyne armes: preye či sone to saffe me fra dampnacyoune and fra harde paynes whene čat I sall passe owte of this lyffe, and fra če grete drede & če tempta_cyouns. of fendys, and fra alles Meschefes bothe bodily and gastely, and graunte me his endelesse blysse Amen. Pater noster. Aue. Dere lady, for če grete Ioye čat čou hade in bis gloryous Resureccioune and sawe hyme resyne fra dede to lyfe, and restauracioune of aungells and redemp_cyoune of mankynde was made by his passyoune: hafe Mercy one me synfull wriche. Pater noster. Aue maria. Now dere and luflyest lady, for če grete Ioye čat čou hade whene čat čou sawe thy swete sone Ihesus ascende in to heuene fra whythyne he come, in če Manhede he tuke of the, for to be kyng of heuene, lorde of erthe, Emperour of helle, kyng of all kynges, lorde of alle lordes, to Ordeyn the a Mansyoune a-bownne alle haly aungells and alle sayntes nexte če haly Trynyte, and for to deme bathe dede & qwyke at his wyll: hafe Mercy one me synfull wriche. Pater noster. Aue maria. Ioyfulleste and gracyoueste lady, for čat grete Ioye čat čou hade whene či blyssed sone Ihesu Crist almyghty god in Trinyte Corouned the Qwene of heuene, |p379 Lady of erthe, Empryce of helle, Lady and qwene of alle haly angells and alle sayntys, Modir of Mercy, socoure and comforthe to če saluacyone of alle Man_kynde: hafe Mercy one me synfull wreche; and of alle those čat I ame boune to preye fore, and of alle those čat traystis in my prayeres, and of alle those čat haly kyrke preyes fore, qwyke and dede, Amen. Pater noster. Aue maria. Amen. |r{part_of_379-380_omitted} |p380 9. Oracio in Inglys. |r Now Ihesu goddis sonne, giffere of alle vertus, vouche čou safe to giffe me the seuene giftys of če haly gaste: The gifte of vndirstandynge to knowe the my lorde god, & deuotely to knawe & wirchipe thi worthynes and to knawe myne vnworthynes, and graunte me of thy Blyssedhede vertuose lyffynge. |r[no_more_is_given]. |p{381-382_Latin_text_and_poems} |r383 |r[f.250b] 15. Hic incipit quedam reuelacio. A Reuelacyone schewed to ane holy womane now one late tyme. |r Alle manere of thyng čat es by-gun čat may turne to the profyte of mannes saule, to god allonely and to oure lady saynte Marie be če wirchipe gyffene, and to none othir erthely mane ne womane. / Dere brethir and systers, & all očer trew cristyne ffrendis čat redis this tretyce, lystenys and heris howe a wo_mane was trauelde in hir slepe with speryte of purgatorye, and how čat scho made hir compleynte to hir gastely ffadir and said one this wyse: ,Fadir, I do ¨ow to wiete how grete trybulacyone I had in my slepe appone saynt Lowrence day at nyghte, če ¨ere of oure lorde a thowsande fowre hundrethe twenty and two. I wente to my bede at eghte of če cloke, and so I felle appone slepe; and so by-twyx nyne and ten me thoghte I was raueschede in to purgatorye and sodanly I sawe all the paynnes whilke was schewed me many tyms by-fore, als ¨e, ffadir, knowe wele be my confessyone & tellynge. Bo[t], dere syre, I was noghte schewede by no spyrite the syghte of čame on čis nyghte of saynt Low_rence, bot sodanely, dere ffadir, me thoghte I sawe čame; & for sothe, dere ffadir, I was neuer so euylle afferde whene I woke for scheweynge of če paynnes, als I was čane, and če cause was čat I was noghte ledde by no spyrite čat I knewe be-fore, čat myghte hafe comforthed me. And in čis sighte of purgatorye me thoghte I sawe thre grete ffyres, and me thoghte ylk a ffyre was at očer ende; bot, sir, čere was no depertynge by-twene čame, bot ylkane was eked to othir. And thies thre ffyres was wondirfull and horrybill, & specyally če moste of alle, was in the myddis. For čat fyre was so horribill & so stynkande čat all če creaturs in če werlde myghte neuer telle če wykkede smellynge čere_of; ffor čare was pykke and tarre, ledde and bromestane & oyle, and alle ma_nere of thynge čat myghte brynne, and alle manere of paynnes čat mane couthe thynke, and alle manere of crystene mene & womene čat hade lyffede here in this werlde of whate degre čay were. Bot amange alle če paynes čat I sawe of alle mene and wymmene, me thoghte čat prestes čat hade bene lechours in čaire lyues, & čaire wymmen with čame, whečer čay were relegyous mene & |p384 wymmene or seculers, mene & wymmen of ordire, me thoghte in čat syghte čat čay hade moste payne. And in čat grete ffyre me thoghte I sawe če spiryte of a woman čat I knewe, the whilke womane was in hir lyfe a syster of ane house of relygyone, če whilke womane če while scho lyffede was callede Margarete: whilke me thoghte I sawe in this horrible fyre, & had so grete paynes čat for drede I myghte nott dyscryue čame at čat tyme. And in a dredfull fere I wokke -- & by [čat] tyme smote če houre of tene by-fore mydnyghte. And for drede & for fere to slepe agayne I rose vpe, & a littill maydene-childe with me, & we two sayde če seuene psalmes & če letanye. & by we hade saide owte če Agnus dei, I was so heuy of slepe I myghte noghte make ane ende, bot made my childe go to bedde & so did I. And by čat tyme it smate Elleuene of če clokke. & by I had tolde če laste stroke, I by-gane to slepe. And onone me thoghte come to me če speryte of čis womane Mergarete če whilke I sawe by-fore in paynes, and me thoghte scho was full of stronge wondes als scho hade bene drawene with kames, & so me thoghte scho was wondede & rent; bot specyaly at hir herte me thoghte I sawe a greuous & ane Orybille wounde, and owte of čat wonde come flawme of fyre. And scho said: "Cursede mote čou be and wo worthe the bot if čou haste the to be my helpe." And me thoghte by scho hade saide čat worde, I was so ferde I myghte noghte speke; bot euer I thoghte in myne herte "Ihesus passioune be my helpe", and with čat I was comforthede in my spiryte. And čan me thoghte scho wolde hafe castene fyre appone me, & styrte to me to hafe slayne me: bot me thoghte scho hade no powere, ffor če passyone of god comforthed me; bot če grysely syghte of hir afferdede me. And me thoghte scho had a littill hounde & a littill catte folowyng hir, alle one fyre brynnynge. & čan me thoghte I said to hir: "What arte čou in goddes name, that thus sore trauells me? And I conjure the in the ffadirs name & če sone & the haly gaste, thre persouns and o godd in trynyte, čat čou telle me whate čou arte čat čus trauells me, and whethir čou be a sperit of purgatorye to hafe helpe of me, or a sperit of helle to ouer-come me & to trobble me". And čane scho said: "Naye, I am a spirit of purgatorye čat walde hafe helpe of the, & noghte a spirit of helle to dryche the; and if čou will wiete whate spirit I am čat suffirs grete paynes in purgatorye for my synnes, I ame the spirit of Mar_garete the whilke was syster in a systers house of relegyone as čou knewe wele, and also čou knewe me whene I duellede čer-in. And in če name of god I aske helpe of če." And thane I askede hir whate I sulde do. & čane scho sayde: "čou sall make to be saide for me thirttene messis, in the manere als I sall telle the". And čane scho namede a gude mannes name the whilke es my confessoure; "and byd hym saye a messe of requiem for me. And he sall saye fyve dayes alle če psalme Miserere mei deus. And whene he bygynnes to say Miserere mei, saye he čis verse fyve tymes Miserere mei deus alle-owt to če Ende, with castynge vp herte & eghne to godwarde" -- for če more deuotly he sayd it, če more relesede suld hir paynes be, & če gretter suld be his mede. "And whene he hase sayde this verse fyve tymes, late hym say owt če psalme: and byd hym saye čis ympne Veni creator spiritus to če ende fyve dayes. Also go to thi gastely fadir, sir Iohn, & byd hym say for me three messis of če try_nyte; and Miserere mei fyve dayes, with čis ympne Veni creator spiritus and so forthe, in če manere als it es sayde byfore. And also sende to thi fadir če recluse of Westemynster, & byd hym synge twa messis of saynt Petir for me, & saye fyve dayes for me this psalme Misere[re] mei deus & čis ympne Veni creator spiritus |p385 and so forthe, in če manere a-bowne sayde. And bydde hi[m] warne dane Perse Cowme čat he saye two messis of če haly gaste for me, & thre dayes čis psalme Miserere mei deus for me in če manere a-bowne sayde, & čis ympne Veni creator spiritus & so forthe. Also byd sir Richerde Bowne saye for me three messis of oure lady, & thre dayes čis psalme Miserere mei deus & čis ympne Veni creator spiritus als it es a-bowne sayde. Also byde Dane Iohn Percy say for me two Messis of Alle sayntes with čis Office Gaudiamus omnes in domino &c. & thre Memoris of če trinyte, & thre dayes this psalme Misere[re] mei deus & čis ympne Veni creator spiritus as it es abowne sayde." And čane I askede hir whi scho desyred to aske čis messis to be sayde on čis manere. And scho said čer was no prayere čat myghte rathere helpe hir. And I asked whi scho desyred čis psalme Misere[re] mei deus to be saide so ofte for hir. And scho said, for to hafe the mercy & če pete of almyghtty god; ffor als ofte, scho saide, as čat psalme with čis ympne afore-saide es said for hir, so many paynes sall scho be relessed of at čat tyme. "And also, scho said, what mane or woman čat vses to say čis psalme with this ympne aboune-said Veni creator spiritus, & if he be in dowte of syne or dispeyre of feythe or of če mercy of god, he sall thurgh če myghte of god hafe trewe knaweyng of his defawtes, & thurgh če mercy of god be delyuerde of čat temptacyone as for čat tyme. And also if a mane or a womane be tempede in any of the seuene dedly synnes als in thyfte, manslaughter, sclaunderynge, bakbyttyng, or in any cursede syne of lechorye, late hym saye with a gud herte thies wordis Miserere mei deus &c & čis ympne alle-owte Veni creator spiritus, and čase wikkede sperites čat trauells hym to čat temptacione sall be avoydide at čat tyme." And čan I askede what prophete it was for a saule to say mo messis of če trynyte & of oure lady & of saynt Petir, čane it was of requiem. And scho said ¨is, čat čare was no thyng so mekill prophete for a saule, who so were of powere to do it, als for to make to be sayde for a saule ane hundrethe messis of če trynyte & an hundreth of oure lady and halfe ane hundreth of saynt Petir & halfe an hundreth of requiem, and thre hundrethe tyms till all čise messis to say Miserere [mei] deus & Veni creator spiritus, "& what maner of synne čat he had done in his lyfe, čare sall no manere of payne in purgatorye halde hym čat ne hastyly he sall be delyuered fra čame, & many očer saules be delyuerde, ffor his sake. Bot if thies messis be saide for any saule čat es dampnede, ¨it sall the helpe and the mede turne to the nexte of his kynne in purga[to]rye and hastely spede čam owte of čaire purgatorie -- for čat es a stede of mercy and clensyng for mannes syne, & nowre ells; and anone čay sall hafe so grete mercy čat thurgh če myghte and če mercy of god and če vertu of thies haly messis, čat čay sall sone be broghte owte of čaire paynes and be ledde to erthely paradyse whare Adame was fyrste, & čare to be waschede in če welle of grace with če water of clensynge, & to be anoynetyde with če oyle of mercy. No more I kane telle the of če blysse als ¨itt, ffor I ne knawe noghte ¨it bot paynes. And čerfore what man or woman čat are of powere, make he čise haly messis to be saide for hym, and if he were in the greteste payne of purgatorye, he sulde sone be delyuerde of čame and of alle očer, if thies messis be sayde in če forme lyke als I hafe talde the, with othir gud dedis & almos doyng als it was če dedis will. And if a mane or a womane be noghte in powere to make alle čise messis to be saide for hym: make he thies thirtene to be said for hym in the manere als I hafe saide vn-to the, with Miserere mei |p386 deus ffolowyng and Veni creator spiritus. Bot the messis of oure lady sall be Salue sancta parens. And whene thies messis are sayde, čay sall sone be owte of čaire payne." And, fadir, alle čise I hade če firste nyghte. And čan, ffadir, when scho had saide all čise wordis, the littill [hound] and če Catt čat broghte hir to me, had hir to hir paynes agayne; and ¨itt, or scho went fro me, scho said I sulde see hir če nexte nyghte in aIle hir tourmente¨ or scho come agayne to me, and how seuene deuyllis sulde tourment hir, & how če lyttill hounde & če Catt sulde euer be with hir in fyre to encrese hir paynes, and how če worme of conscience sulde euer gnawe hir with-Ine -- and čat, scho sayde, was če gretteste payne čat was in purgatorye or in helle, ffor čat, scho saide, sesside neuer als lange as euer čay were in payne. And čan I askede če spirite: "Whate knawes čou če paynes of helle sene čou come neuer čare-Inne? ffor whate cane čou telle of čame more čane of če Ioyes of heuene?" And čan scho saide: "żis: by če ryghtewysnes of god and by če resone of če saule wele I wote če worme of conscyence es če moste payne bothe here and čere; bot more kane I noghte telle of helle, for I hafe no leue als očer hase hade čat hase peride to the or this tyme. And of heuene I tolde če by-fore how čat whene I were owte of purgatorye I sulde be ledd in to erthely paradyse and be waschene in če welle of grace and clensid, and be anoynte with če oyle of mercy, and I said more couthe I noghte telle the of heuene for I come noghte ¨itt there-Inne. And čer_fore, scho sayde. I telle the some parte of helle and some parte of heuene." And with čat worde scho said: "Fare wele", & neuenede my name, "and tak čou gud hede of my paynes čis nexte nyghte folowynge, and also of očer, for čou sall see bothe myne and othir". And with čat scho ¨ode a waye with a stronge scrike and a gret crye, and als me thoghte scho sayde: "O dere lady, be my helpe". And čane, my dere ffadir, sone after I awoke. And by čat tyme it smote one after mydnyghte -- and whene I bygane to slepe it smote elleuene. And appone če morne when I rose vp, I wente to Mayster Foreste my gastely fadir, and told hym what he sulde do for hyr: and for sothe he grauntede anone. And čan I wente to sir Iohn Wynburne myne očer gastely fadir, and tolde hym what he sulde do for hir: and he graunted also. And so did alle the prestes čat scho spake of čat suld synge for hir. // Now, ffadir, če nexte nyghte appone that folowyng, I went to bede & felle one slepe: and so sodaynely was schewede to me hir paynes in purgatorye & očer many one. Bot, fadir, nowthir scho nor none očer spiryte led me čer-to, bot, fadir, when I was one slepe me thoghte I sawe čame onone with-owttene any ledyng. And onone me thoghte I sawe Mar_garete in hir werste clothes as scho wente one erthe, and in če gretteste fyre of thir če whilke I sawe by-fore in purgatorye; and me thoghte I sawe abowte hir seuene deuylles, and one of čame clede hir with a longe gowne, and a longe trayle folowyng hir, and it was full of scharpe hukes with-Inne, & če gowne & če hukes me thoghte were alle rede fyre. And čan če same deuell tok wormes and pykk and tarre & made lokedes and sett čame appone hir hede, & he toke a grete longe neddir and putt all abowte hir hede, and čat, me thoghte, hissed in hir hede as it had bene hote-brynnyng Iryne in če colde water: and me thoghte scho cryede whene scho was so arrayede als me thoghte čat alle če werlde myghte hafe herde hir; and the littill hounde and če catt forfrette in-sondir hir legges and hir armes. And čane sayd čat deuele čat arayed hir čus: "This sall čou hafe for thi foule stynkkyng pryde and boste čat čou vsede in če werlde agayne mekenes; and this hounde and čis catt sall euer frete appone the the while čou erte here, for thyoe vnresonabille lufe čat čou luffede čam in erthe. For I am če deuelle of Pryde, and čare-[fore] I sall do myne Ofyce in this payne and qwyte the thi mede for če seruyce čat čou seruede me." And me thoghte |p387 many deuelles were with [him]. And čan onone me thoghte čat čare come ow e očer [two] deuels, and one pullede owte hir tunge, and ane očer pullede owte hir herte, and me thoghte čay raked it with Iryne rakes. "And this, čay sayd, čou sall hafe for thi wrethe & thyne envy, and for false forswerynge & for bakbyttyng and sclandirynge, for all thies čou vsyde in thi lyfe; and we are če deuels of Wrethe and of Envye, and all thies neddirs and snakes čat čou seese with vs, ča[i] sall tourment the for thi wykkede vyces čat čou vsede in erthe & dyde noghte thi penance or čou come here." And čane me thoghte čat čere come owte očer two deuelis, of če whilke one had scharpe rasours and he ferde als he wolde forcute hir flesche, and so he did to my syghte, and me thoghte he paride a waye all hir lyppes, and he tuke a grete huke of yryne & smote tho_rowe-owte hir herte; and čat očer deuele melted lede & bromstane & alle manere of stynkynge venyme čat mane myghte thynke, and also he ordeyned hir alle manere of lykenes of metis and drynkes čat was delycate in čis werlde če whilke čat scho vsede to styre hir more to syne čane to vertu: and čose metis me thoghte was alle neddyrs and snakkes, & čose čay made hir to ete agayne hir will, and also čay made hir for to drynke alle maner of cursede venyme, and said: "Ete & drynke this for thi cursede glotonye & myspendynge, wastyng & takyng ouer-mekyll the while čou was one lyue." And čane me thoghte this deuele & čat očer deuele cutt a waye hir flesche and hir lyppes, and thriste če huke in to hir herte. And than čay drewe hir in to a grete blake water, and čat semyd als colde als any Ise, & mekyll čerof was freside to my syghte: and čer-in čay keste hir & possede hir vp & downe, and sayd: "Take če this bathe for thi slewthe & thi glotonye". And anone čay tuke hir owte of če water and threwe hir in to a grete fyre, and čare čay lefte hir styll, and čat, čay saide, solde be hir bedde for če slewthe čat scho lufed so wele here in erthe and wolde noghte comme to goddis seruyce whene scho myghte. And čer čay lefte hir styll with many wormes aboute hir. And čane me thoghte čare come othir two deuelles, and one broghte mekyll golde and syluyre, and čat was melte and castene in hir throte, and čat rane owte of hir stomake, and he saide: "Take the this for thi cursede and wykkede couetyse, and for thi myspe[nd]ynge¨ in waste whene čou had it and wolde noghte helpe očer čat had nede, and for thi mysgouernance whene čou hade it". And čane me thoghte čat očer deuele broghte hir till a grete ffatte of brasse, and čare-Ine was alle manere of stynk_kynge thynge and alle maneres of venym, & wormes bothe smalle and grete: and in this grete fatte čay putte hir amange čis foule venym ......... [A leaf is wanting] ...... I sawe of the paynes of relegious wymmene: and thane sone aftyr me thoghte I sawe the paynes of weddede mene and wymmene, and the paynnes of čame ware thiese. They were putt in grete barells full of neddirs and snakys and of all manere of stynkkyng thynge, and me thoghte če barells were anone čane closed at bothe če endis, and čay were stoppide čare-Ine; and čane me thoghte those deuels tuke lange gaddes of Iryne all brynnynge and put thorowte če ba_relle, and als faste als čay myghte čay tourned čame abowte als mene dose hernayse in barells. And čane me thoghte če barells brakke, and čare smote owte swylke a smoke čat it alle by-smokede čame čat was abowte. And čane me thoghte čose deuels toke pykke and melte it and put in thaire throtes: bot, |p388 ffadir, it rane noghte thurgh-owt čame bot habade still with-Ine čame. And čane me thoghte čose deuels al to-drewe čame, ylke a bane of čame fra očer. And čan sayde čose deuels to čame: "Take ¨ow čis byttir bathe čat was in this barelle, for ¨oure wykked and synfull lyggynge in ¨oure foule beddes of lecherye, and also for false brekynge of ¨oure trouthe agaynes goddes will and wolde noghte kepe ¨owe to ¨oure wyffes and to ¨oure housbandes als the lawe of god walde. Also take ¨ow this bytter pykke for če swete metis and drynkes čat ¨e vsede in ¨our glotonye to fulfill ¨oure lecherye. Also take ¨ow čis bytter [to]-dra_wynge for ¨our softe beddis & softe werynge čat ¨e vsede to fulfill ¨oure syne, and also for če wykkede werkes čat ¨e did agaynes goddis will & ¨oure con_scyence." And thus me thoghte, dere ffadir, I sawe če paynes of weddid mene & womene. And onone, fadir, after thiese I sawe če paynes of synglere mene and wymmene: and čase me thoghte was, čat čay were putt one spetis and rostede, and als many neddirs & snakes & tades & newtes & also mekill foule venyme as myghte swarme abowte čame was sett one čame to sowke čame & to gnawe čame. And čane were čay takene of če spetis and those deuels drewe čame thurgh-owte če fyres with harde scharpe hokes, bothe syngle mene & wymmen, and čay all fordrewe čaire hertes and čaire moste preue membris. & čane saide čose deuels to čame: "Take ¨owe thiese paynes for ¨e disvssede oure-selfe in če foule luste of lecherye, and in alle očer synnes, agaynes goddes will & ¨oure ownne conscyence, and for ¨e disvsede ¨oure-selfe in če synne of lecherye with-owttene any nede whene ¨e myghte hafe takene če fredome of wedlayke whilke ¨e hade leue by god to take to, & čat was ffree & comone to euerylke a mane & wymmane čat was with-owttyne ordir & čat was vndir če lawe of god to be weddede, and also ¨e myghte hafe done & keped ¨ow fro lecherye. And for ¨e walde noghte do so & for ¨e dispysede če ordir of wed_layke and for ¨e dred čat if ¨e were wedded, čat očer men wolde hafe takene ¨oure wyfes, and for this fulle mystryste & če foule dyssuse of ¨oure bodyes, take here thiese bytter paynes in purgatorye, & thiese neddirs & thiese snakes euer to gnawe on ¨ow, to ¨our bandis of synne be wasted awaye & to god hafe schewede on ¨ow his mercy. For weite ¨e wele this es noghte helle, bot this es an In_strument of goddis ryghtewysnes to purge ¨owe of ¨oure synnes in purgatorye, for ¨e wolde noghte vse penance in ¨our lyfes and or ¨e come here". And thus me thoghte those deuels sayde čat was there; and čus mekill, my fadir, I saw of če paynes of syngle mene & wymene. And all čis me thoghte I sawe fro če tyme that če sperite of Margarite went fro me til scho come agayne. And sone after scho come agayne to me, and čane scho said to me: "Now hase čou sene my bytter paynes čat I suffirde in thiese grete fyres of purgatorye". And čane, ffadir, me thoghte onone čat scho come owte of če grete fatte, and come to me; and čane scho sayd: "čou may knawe by če deuels čat were my tourmentours, & by če tourmentes čat čay did me, what syne čat I hafe done; and čere-fore čay sall neuer tourment me more, god it the for¨elde and all my helpers čat hase sped me owt of my paynes". & čane I askede hir whi scho cryed so petousely "swete lady, be myne helpe", & whi scho cryed more one oure lady čane scho did one god almyghty or one any očer sayntes. And čane scho said: "żis, ffor scho es hede of all očer sayntes except god allane, and for scho es welle of mercy, I cryede one hir in my grete woo, and also for I sulde če rathere be delyuerde thurgh hir bone & prayere, and also the whils I was one lyfe I fastede hir faste". And the sperit sayd me agayne čere sulde neuer none fayle of oure ladys helpe čat commes in to purgatorye, čat hase fastede |p389 hir faste byfore, & čane I askede hir whi scho cryede so dullefully in čat grete fatte čat scho was In, and why I myghte noghte see hir. And čan scho said: "If čou had sene my paynes čou sulde hafe bene so ferde čat thi body solde noghte wele hafe borne thi sperit with-owttene grete trybulacioune of thi wittes, or ells strange seknes, for my paynes were so strange; and čerfor I cryede so horribily". & čane I askede hir whi čat flawme of fyre come owte of hir mouthe, & why at hir herte come owte so many sparkes of fyre & why hir herte was so woundide, and whi če littill honde & če cate folowed hir; and what gude did čase messes hir & čase prayers hir čat scho bade saye for hir. And čane scho sayde: als towchynge če flawme of fyre at hir mouthe, čat was for hir grete athes čat scho vsede in hir lyfe; and also towchynge če wonde at hir herte and če sparkelynge fyre čareof, it was for hir athes was mekyll by oure lordes hert, and čat was če cause čat če sparkes of fyre come owte at hir herte -- and čat was one, scho sayde, of če gretteste paynnes čat scho hade; and as touchynge the lyttill hounde & če Cate: čay were hir mawemetts če whils scho was one lyfe, and scho sett hir herte to mekill one swylke foulle wormes, "& čare-[fore] čay folowe me to encrese my paynes, ay till če bandes of syne be worne in-sondir. And towching če messis saying & če prayers čat was done for me: čay hafe hasted me če tytter owt of my paynes; and also fro hethene forwarde I sall neuer be tourment more with deuels safe with one, & čat es with my wykkede angelle, and he sall brynge me thurgh čise [očer] two fyrs of purgatorye; and if čar be any drosse of syne, čere sall I be clensed; and čis honde ne čis cate sall neuer folow me more". & čan scho saide: "Fare wele" & nenned my name, & said scho suld neuer trauelle me more in če syghte of paynes bot ane očer nyghte. And čane me thoghte scho went fro me, bot scho cryed noghte als scho did by-fore. And čane, fadir, I woke of my slepe; & čane me thoght I was full wery & full euylle afferde. And, fadir, thus mekill me thoghte I sawe on čat nyghte. // And čane, my dere ffadir, me thoghte scho come to me če nexte nyghte folowyng. And čane, dere fadir, me thoghte scho was alle blake als any cole, bot scho had no flawme in hir mouthe of fyre als scho had by-fore, and also če wounde at hir hert was closed, and alle če woundes čat me thoghte scho had on hir body by-fore were closed vp. & čane me thoghte scho sayde to me: "Tak čou gud hede how I sall now be delyuerede of my paynes & enter in to the blysse of paradyse". & čan me thoghte scho went fra me, & onone a deuele tuke hir and threwe hir in to the medill fyre, & čare me thoght he had belowes in his hande & he blewe faste, & me thoghte scho laye & fryed in če fyre als it had bene fysche in hate oyle. & čane me thoghte he toke hir vpe agayne & led hir thurgh-owte alle čat medill fyre, and euer als scho went če blaknes of hir felle a-waye as it had bene talowe of a candill whene it droppes for hete; and by čat scho come to če end of čat grete fyre, me thoghte scho wexe alle rede & wele-coloured als it had bene blode-rede flesche. And čane me thoghte scho entirde in to če thirde fyre, and that fyre me thoghte was als clere as any ambir, & čat deuele broghte hir aleway čerin, and euer als scho ¨ode čer in čat fire scho wexe euer clerer and clerere. & me thoghte scho taried noghte in čat fyre, bot me thoghte scho hyed faste owt čar-of till scho was at the ende: and by če tyme scho was at the ende, scho wexe wondir whitte & fayre. & čane me thoghte scho sayde: "Blysside be god & oure lady Marye čat I ame here nowe, & god ¨elde the & čame all čat hase helpede so sone čar-to; & bot if čat I had hafed grace of helpe, I sulde hafe bene puneschede in purgatorye ¨it thre ¨ere langare; and if čat I had noghte perid to the & had hade helpe of the, I suld hafe hade more strongere payne čane I hade". And thane scho sayd: "čer ere thre manere of |p390 purgatoryes. One es če grete fyre of purgatorye čat čou sawe me Ine fyrste, and čat es euene-lyke to če paynes of helle, saue we salle be sauede & čay sall noghte. And thiese očer two fyres ere counted ane očer". And čan I askede hir if alle čat dyede solde go to če fyrste fyre, čat was to čat grete fyre. And scho sayd: "Naye; Iewes and Sara¨enes dyes & očer heythene pople and čay sall neuer come čere bot čay sall streghte to če paynes of helle, for čay sall neuer be sauede; & alle čat commes in če grete fyre of purgatorye sall be sauede, what paynes čat euer čay be Ine". And čane I sayd to hir: "I ment ¨ife all cristene peple sulde go thedir or čay went to the očer two fyres". And čane scho sayd: "Naye, syster, god forbede it! for čer gase |r[f.256] many a thowsande to the medill fyre čat comes [noght] in the grete fyre, and čat es all lesse or mare thurgh grace als čay hafe [had] con_tricyone and hase made satysfaccione and done penance for čaire synnes. For, scho saide, če gretteste fyre es the gretteste reddour of če ryghtwysnes of god čat es in purgatorye. For, scho said, all dedly synnes čat mane or womane hase done in the werlde čat čay er schreuene of and hase noghte done čaire penance or čay dyede, thay sall be punesched in če paynnes of purgatorye. And also many a mane & wymmane čat will noghte leue čair syne or euene sodanly čat dede take čame. And also many a mane & womane hase many a schrewed opynyone, ffor čay will saye may čay hafe thre wordes be-fore čair dede čay rekke neuer, and čat es a full perillous worde; bot ¨it god of his heghe mercy grawntes many čase wordis whene čay lye in čaire beddis of ded, ffor hym es full lathe to lese čat he dere boghte: and for schortynge of his wittis & for payne of his sekenes he schrefes hym als wele as he cane, & puttes hym in goddes mercy -- all čese maner of pople sall go to čis fyre till če bandis of syne be wasted in-sondire, some langer tyme & some schortter, & all after als čay hafe frendis in erthe to helpe, and all after as čay hafe done gude in erthe or čay dyed, and after čat čay hafe sufferde sekenes and trebulaciouns here in čis erthe pacyently or čay dyed -- ffor, scho sayd, a day of sekenes & tribulacyone here sall stande for a ¨ere in purgatorye. And čat sall be in čat grete fyre. Bot alle čat commes in to če greteste fyre, sall come thrugh če medill fyre, & so euene thurgh če clere fyre, & so passe če paynnes of purgatorye. And, scho sayd, many sall go thurgh če medill fyre and come noghte in če grete fyre, and čat are čay čat hase done many venyalle synnes and hase noghte bene schreuene of čame bot generall, & some were to be schreuene of in specyally be-fore čay dyed; & many forgetyne synnes čat comes noghte to mynde; or oure-lyghte penance or oure-lyttill or oure-necligently done čat was Ioyned čame to do, or oure-lyttill repentance, or penance EnIoynede & noghte fulfilled or čay dyede; alle thiese pepill sall be clensede and fulfill čaire penance in če myddis fyre of purgatorye, and so come owte & go to the thirde fyre of clen_synge als I do nowe. And many gose to the clere fyre als sone als čay bene dede, and comes nočer in če grete fyre ne ¨itt in the medill fyre, bo[t] righte gose to the clere fyre, & so onone to the blysse; & čat ere Innocentes, & haly mene & wymmene of relygions & ancres & ancresys, & alle haly closede pepill, and alle haly Martyrs and confessours. And god hym-selfe schewede his blyssede Modyre to see če paynes of purgatorye, čofe čay neghede hir noghte. Alle manere of crystyne mene & wymmene in če werlde whate syne čat euer čay hafe done, if čaire penance be fulfilled or čay dyed, [for] the mercy of god & če grete tryste in god or in his mercy and če contricyone čat čay hafe for čaire syne, |p391 anone als čay be dede čay sall come to this thirde fyre of mercy, & so passe to če blysse of heuene with-owttyne mekill payne or lettynge". And čan, ffadir, me thoghte anone scho saide: "I hafe declared to the čis bitter paynnes of pur_gatorye, and I wolde declare to the two mo purgatoryes, bot I may noghte lange habyde. Bot this es če generalle purgatorye for alle mene čat ere cristened. Ane očer es by sekenes and grete tribulacione in this werlde, and after če contricione čat čay hafe, & efter če perdone čat čay hafe purchesede čame in the werlde če while čay were owte of dedly syne; ffor čay maye purchase čame so mekill perdone in čis werlde čat sall fordo all če paynnes of purgatorye and lyghtly brynge čam to blysse of heuene; and this es ane očer purgatorye, of mercy. The thirde purgatorye es of grace, and čat es; whare a mane or a wo_mane hase maste contenede his synnes & moste vsede čame, čare he sall be puneschede if god will gyfe hym grace, and come noghte in če generalle paynes of purgatorye; and čat es callede če purgatorye of grace; bot čay sall hafe full grete paynnes till god will gyffe čame mercy. And many swylke spiryts apperes to mene wakynge in this werlde, & also [čay] in purgatorye bothe, and čay bothe come to mene and čay telle whate may helpe čame and so čay ere delyuered of čair paynnes. Also many apperis slepynge to mene and wymmene in the werlde als I did to the, & telles whate may helpe čame & očer frendes. And all this es the purgatorye of grace. So čat I hafe rehersed vn-to the three pur_gatoryes: One es purgatorye of rightwisenes čat es generalle purgatorye, čat čou hase sene by-fore; The točer es purgatorye of mercy; And the thirde es the purgatorye of grace as I hafe tolde the. Bot euer-ylke mane or womane čat may make čise messes to be saide for hym, & čis salme Miserere mei deus with this ympne Veni creator spiritus, in če maner als I hafe saide be_fore -- & [if] he be noghte of powere to make čise messes alle to be sayde for hym, make he čise thirtene be sayde for hyme with the prayers folowynge before-sayd: and god will thurgh his mercy sone delyuer čame owt of čaire paynnes. And if čere be any prest čat will saye čame for hym-selfe or he dye, čay salle relese his paynnes in purgatorye whene he sall come čer-Ine also sone als čay were said for hym anone after his dede, and a full hey thanke & mede sulde he hafe of god for his trauelle; or [ifhe wold saye it for any frende of his, it were better of hym čan of any očer mane, and the more hastylier čay sall be delyuerde out of čaire paynnes for his gud-will & his trewe laboure". And čan scho sayd: "Euer-ylk mane and womane čat were lettirde čat were in any temp_tacioune whilke čat I rehersede be-fore: saye he this ympne Veni creator spiritus, and če deuele & čat temptacione sall sone voyde fra hym; and anone čane thanke he his god and aske his mercy & say Miserere mei deus with fyve aues gretyng to oure lady". And čan scho said: "Now hafe I tolde the all thynges als god will, & made ane end of purgatorye: and now take gud hede what čou sees me doo nowe; and if čou had noghte gone to Sowthwyke one pilgremage for me in če wyrchipe of god and of oure lady -- ffor I had vowede it and myght noghte do it, and čou hase done it for me, & ells I sulde full foule hafe bene lettide of my passage whene I solde hafe bene weyhede oute of čise paynnes, and čat sall čou sone see". And me thoghte sone after čat čare come a fayre lady, and a fayre ¨onge mane with hir of če age of twenty wynter, and he broghte weyhes in his hand, and he was clede alle in whitte clothes; and me thoghte this lady was cled in white clothe of golde, and sternes of golde was in hir garment, and a royale crowne scho had one hir hede of gold, and a septre in hir hande, and on če ende of the septre was a lyttill crose. And čan scho |p392 spake to če man in white: "Sone, scho said, take čis womane and late hir be weyhed". And anone sodanly scho was in če weyhes: and onone če deuele weyhed agayne hir, and a grete lange worme with hym. And twyse scho felle downe to če deuelle and the deuele rehersed all hir synnes whilke scho hade bene in paynes fore. And čan sayd če mane in white: "Hir synnes ere for_geffene, for scho hase done hir penance čer-fore, and scho es gyffene to če welle of mercy čat es present, če qwene of heuene & of erthe, empryce of helle & of purgatorye, & če blyssed modir of god, & scho es gyffene to hir. Whate cane čou saye to čis womane?" And čan me thoghte če deuele tuke owte čat grete worme & saide: "Here es če worme of conscyence, čat ¨it sall trauelle hir for a thynge čat es by-hynde, & čat es scho made a vowe to a pilgremage & fulfilled it noghte". & čane me thoghte that čat faire lady said: "Here es one čat hase done it for hir, and my sone and I hase gyffene čis womane mercy. And fy one the, foule sathanas! čou & če worme of conscience sall neuer dere hir more". & with čat worde me thoghte scho weyhede euene downe to če faire lady. & me thoghte če deuele & če worme made a grete crye, & anone čay voydede awaye. And čane čat faire lady tuke a white clothe & wrapped all aboute hir, & čane this lady saide: "Come one, dogheter, with me & čou sall ressayue če oyle of mercy, and či conscience sall be made clene. & full grete mede sall čay all hafe čat hase helpede the so sone out of thi paynnes, and whene čay sall come to purgatorye čay sall sone fynd če grete mercy of al_myghty god and the sonere be spede owte of čaire paynnes for či sake". And čan onone this fayre lady ledd hir oure a stronge brygge, & at če brygges ende was a faire white chapelle, and me thoghte čare come owte mekill multitude of pepill, čat come agaynes hir with faire processione & mery sange. And čane čis faire lady & čis processione broghte hir to a fayre welle, & čare all hir body was weschene. And sodanly be-syde če welle was a white chapelle, and this lady and this processione broghte Margarete čer-Ine. And anone come Ine thir_tene mene, and one of čame sange a messe, and me thoghte čis faire lady offirde Margarete to hyme, &. sodanely me thoghte čer was a crowne sett one hir hede, & a septre in hir hande; and čan said če mane čat sange the messe: "Dogheter, take here če crowne of grace and mercy, and this septre of victorye, ffor čou erte passed all thyn enymys". And me thoghte this mane sange owte the messe, and whene the messe was saide, čay wente owte of če Chapelle ylkane; and this mane čat sange če messe toke Margarete with hym and broghte hir tyl a goldyne ¨ate, and če processione with hyme. And he saide to Mar_garete: "Dogheter, go In at this ¨ate and ressayue the blysse of paradyse & of heuene, whilke čat es thi kynde heritage, and čat Adame was Ine." And anone, ffadir, I woke and all thynge was vaneschede. No more, fadir, at čis tyme; bot god bryng vs to his kyngdome, amene. |p{393-411: Latin text} |p412 [Appendix II.] [Additions from Ms. Arund. 507]. I. 1. [Four things] |r[f.36] [cf. Form of living Cap. 6.] |r Foure thinges nedes man til knowe: if he sal he right disposid in bodi & saule. ée first: what thinge files him. éat očer: what makis him clene. ée .iii.: what haldis him in clenesse. ée .iiii.: what drawis him til ordeigne his wille til goddis wille. For če first: wit čou čat we synne in .iii. thingis čat makis vs foule, čat is, with hert, & mouth, & dede. / ée synnes of oure hert: are čire: il thought. il delite. assente or desire til ille. wikkid wille. il suspecion. vndeuocion. if čou be any tyme idel with-oute occupacion of če luf & če louynge of god. il drede. il lufe. errour. fleshli affeccion til či frendis: or til očer. ioie of ani mannes il-fare. despite of pouer or sinful men. honour men for čaire richesse. vncouenable (!) ioie of ani werldis vanite. sorugh of če werld. vntholemodenesse. perplexte, čat is, doute what is to do: & what noght. obstinacion in il. noy til do gode. anger til serue god. sorugh čat he did na mare il, or čat he did noght če lust & če likyng of his flesh; when he might haue done it. vnstablenesse of thoght. pyne of penance. ypocrisie. luf to pleise men, drede til displeise čaim. schame of gode dede, ioie of il dede. singulere witte. couaitise of honour or dignite, or be halden better or wisere or richer or fairer or wrthiere čen očer, or be mare dred. vayne glorie of gode[s] of kynne, of happe, or grace. schame of pouer frendes, pride of riche kynne, or gentil; for alle are we ilike free bifore goddis face: bot if oure dedes make vs better or wers čen očer. despite of gode consail & of gode techinge. Synnes of mouth: are thire: to swere oft-sithis. forswerynge. sclaundere of Crist / or of ani of his halughs. neuen goddis name with-oute reuerence. gaynsaie & strife / agayn sothefastenes. grucche agayn god for ani anger or tribulacion čat mai falle. vndeuoteli & with-outen reuerence: sai goddis seruice. bakbitynge. flateringe. lesynge. missawe. wariynge. diffamynge. flitynge. manace. sowynge of discorde. treson. fals wittenes. il consail. hethinge. vmbuxom with worde. turne gode til il. for to gere čaim be haldyn il: čat dose il; for we agh til lappe oure neghbur dedis in če best: & noght in če werst. exite ani til ire. reprehende any of čat čou dose če-selfe. vayne speche. foule speche. |p413 venemouse speche. mikel speche. rosynge. polissynge of wordis. defense of synne. criynge in laghter. skorne or make če mowe on ani man: for sekenes or mayne or vnkonynge or ani očer defaute. synge seculere sanges: & lufe til here čaim. praise il dedis. mare synge for louyng of men čen of god. |r[f.37] Synnes of dedis: are thire: glutonie / čat haues čire braunchis: ouer-erly, ouer_hastili, ouer-deliciouseli, ouer-ardantli, ouer-mikil, ouer-late, ouer-ofte; & mare bifallis čis synne in drynke, čen in mete. Licherie / čat haues čire kyndels: horedome, maiden-losse, inceste / éat is bitwene sibbe / fleshli or gasteli; foule wille to če synne: with consente; egge očer čerto / thorugh rageyng / foule spekynge or gig-laghtre, lighte latis, giftis, or flaterand speche; foule handeling. Watte stede or tyme: to come čerto, & on what maner eauer čis synne be done wakand & wilfulli: it is heuid-synne / bot it be in wedlaike. Drunkynhede. symonie. wichecraft. brekyng of če hali-dai. sacrilege. resceyuyng of God or of any sacramentis in dedli synne. brekyng of vowes. apostasie. dissolucion in goddis seruice. il ensample in ani il dede. hurt ani man in bodi or godis / or fame. thift. rauyne. vsure. deceyte, selling of rightwisenesse. herkyn če il. gif til herlotis. with-halde necessari fra če bodi, or gif it ontrage. bigyn thing abouen oure might. custome to synne. recidiuacion. feynynge of mare gode čen we haue: for to be halden hali or wise. halde če office / čat we suffice noght to / or mai noght be haldyn with-oute synne. lede karols. bring vp newe gise. rebelle til souerayns. defoule čaim čat are lesse. synne in sigh & heryng / smellyng; in giftis, in waies, signis, biddyngs, writyngs. Tyme, stede, maner, noumbre, persone, cause, duellynge, conynge, elde: čire circumstances makis če syn mare or lesse. Couaite to synne: or he be temptid. constrayne him til synne. Očer mani synnes are, as omission, čat is / when men leuis če gode čat čai suld do. noght think on god nor drede nor lufe him, nor thank him of his beneficis. do noght al če gode čat he dose: for goddis lof. sorugh noght for his syn as he suld. dispose him noght til receyue grace; & if he haue takin grace: vsis it noght as him aght, nor kepis it noght. trowis noght til če inspiracion of god. conformis noght his wille til goddis wille. gif noght entent til his praiers / bot rabils on / & rekkis noght / bot at čai be said. dose necgligentli čat he is bonden to thorugh vowe or comandment / or enioint in penance. drawis on lenth: čat is to do sone. haue na ioie of his neghbur profite as of his awen; nor sorugh_and for his il-fare. stande noght agayn temptacions. noght forgife čaim čat has done him harme. kepis noght trouth til his neghbur: as he wold čat he did til him; & ¨eldis him noght a gode dede for an očer / if he mai. amendis noght čaim čat synnis bifore him. pesis noght strife. techis noght če vnconand. com_fortis noght če sary, or ča čat are seke / or in prisone / or in pouerte / or in penance. studis in foule thoughtis, be fayne of fals gladynge. be heuy & mor_neand or grucheand for mete or drinke or oght ellis. in silence broken. of houres missaide, with-oute herte & deuocion / or in vntyme. of some fals worde of sweryng. of playing. of giglaghtre. of spillyng of cromes / brede / or ale / or očer mete or drinke. latyn brede moule / ale soure / flesh & fish be lost; clathes vnsewid, torne, vnwaschen, broken cop / or dish / or dobeler / or očer vessel / or lomys, as axes / wymbils / perfours, or ani očer swilk: čat men with delis. or hurtyng of me-selfe: so čat .i. was vnabil til do čat to me fell. of alle če thinges čat are in oure Reule: čat .i. haue broken. |r Thre čingis clensis vs of čis synnis & filthis. ée first is: sorugh of hert / agayn če syn of thought. & čat bihoues to be so parfite: čat čou wil neauer |p414 synne mare; & čat čou haue ai sorugh of alle či synnes / & na ioie ne solace bot in god. // ée .ii. is schrift of mouth: agayn če syn of mouth. & čat sal be wreiand & acusand him-selfe / noght sai / i was nedid čerto thorugh očer or če deuel. It sal als be bitter: agayn čat če thought če synne swete. haleli made til an preste with-oute departynge. nakidli made as če syn was done / noght schewid in faire wordis. ofte made. sone made: after če syn is done. mekeli made / noght telle his gode dedes: bot his il dedes. schamefuli made. dredeful so čat čou drede čat čou has forgeten some of če circumstances. hopeful of goddis merci. wise & to wise man made. sothe, to sai na mare ne lesse čen čou has done. wilfuli made / noght nedid čerto / our drawen o če as čine vnthankis. awne / noght wreie očer. stedfast / to do če penance & leue če syn. bithoughte lang bifore in .v. maners: če first / éat čou geder či synnes of či childehede & al čine elde; če .ii.: čat čou geder če stedes sunderli in ilk elde; če .iii.: trie či synnes after či .v. wittes; če .iiii.: bi alle či lymes in whilk čou has mast synnid with or oftisd; če .v.: trie či synnes bi daies & tymes. // ée .iii. čat clensis vs: is satisfaccion / éat has .iii. parties, čat are, fasting / praier / almisdede; noght aneli gif če pouer mete & drink & clathis: bot als to forgif čaim čat dose če wrange, & prai for čaim; & enforme čaim čat are in poynt til peris. |r ée .iii. what haldis man in clenesse: .iii. thingis. clenesse of hert, of mouth, of werke. Clenesse of hert: kepis stabil & wakir thought in god; & kepe če .v. wittis fra alle če wike of če flesh; & be ocupid in honeste & profe_table ocupacion. Clenesse of mouth: kepis / bifore-vmthinkynge or čou speke; & čat čou be noght of mikil speche, bot thinke čat čou lokis ai on Ihesu: whe_čer čou speke or noght; & čat čou lihe on na maner for na thing, for ilk lihe is syn & agayn goddis wille. ée thar noght telle al če sothe aie. If čou saie a thing of če-selfe čat semes louyng / & čou sai it til goddis louyng: čou dose wele, for god makis some better čen očer & gifs čaim mare grace: noght aneli for čaim-selfe: bot for ensampil til očer. Clenesse of werke: kepis / assiduel thought of če deade; & fle fra il felaschip / čat gifs mare ensample to luf če werld čen god, erth čen heuen, filth of bodi čen clenesse of saule; alswa / tem_perance & discrecion in mete & drinke: for outrage and ouer-mikil fasting comes bathe til ane / & are bathe agayn goddis wille. If čou take či sustenaunce of swilk gode as god sendis for če tyme & če daie / i oute-take na maner of mete / with discrecion & mesure: čou dose wele, for swa did Crist & his apostles; if čou leue somme in na despite / bot for če thinke če nedis čaim noght: čou dose wele. Rightwisenes is noght in fastynge nor etynge; bot čou art right_wise: if ilike be to če: despit & louyng / pouert & richesse / hunger & nede: as delices & dayntees. If čou take čir with če louyng of god: i halde če blissid & hiegh bifor Ihesu, & noght for oght čat čou dose with-outen; bot či wille sal be conformid til goddis wille. & sette noght bi mennis louyng ne lakkyng, & gif čou na tale if men speke les gode of če čen čai didde: bot at čou be mare brennand in goddis lufe čen čou was. I hope / god has na parfite seruant in erth: with-oute enemys of some men; for aneli wrechednesse: has nane enemy -- Sola miseria caret inuidia. |r ée .iiii. what drawis vs til conforme oure wille til goddis wille: are ensample of hali men, čat ware ententife night & dai til serue god & drede him & luf him; & if we folugh čaim in erth: we sal be with čaim in heuen. An očer is: če godenes of oure lauerd / čat despicis nane, bot gladli receyuis alle čat wille come til his merci. ée .iii. is če vntelland ioie of heuen čat is so mikel čat as in helle mai na thing lite for mikil pyne / bot at če might of god suffres čaim noght to |p415 deie: swa če ioie in če sight of god in his godhede / is so mikil / čat čai suld deie for ioie if it ne ware his godenes / čat wil čat his lufars be lifand ai in blisse, as his rightwisenes wil čat ča čat lofid him noght: be ai lifand in fier čat is horribil ani man til thinke; bot ča čat wil noght think it & drede it here: čai sal suffre it čare ai with-outen ende. 2. [Ego dormio et cor meum vigilat]. |r[f.40] |r éou čat list loue, helde či nere & here of loue. / In če sange of loue [it is] writen: Ego dormio: & cor meum vigilat, čat is; "I slepe: & my herte w[akis]". Mikel loue he schewes; čat is neuer irke to loue; bot ay standand / [sittand] / gangand or other dede doand: is ay of loue thynkand, & in slepe dre[mand]. Criste če kynges son of heuen čat made vs & boght vs: he askes bot ou[re lufe]. Criste couaitis oure fairede in saule: & čat we gife him hali oure herte. [Do we] his wille, & enforce vs dai & night: til leue al fleshli loue / & alle li[kyng] čat lettis vs til loue him verraili. For ai whiles oure herte is heldand til [luf of] any erthli činge: we mai noght parfiteli be coupelid with god. In w[ham] are .ix. ordres of Angels: čat are contend in .iii. Ierarchies. ée lowest [Ie]rarchie: contenes angels / archangels / & vertu¨. ée mydelest contenes: prin[cipa]tes / potestates / dominaciones. ée heighest čat is neste god: contenes tronos / cher[ubin] / & seraphin. And čat ordre čat leste is bright: is seuensithe brighter čen če s[onne]. And als čou sees če sonne: brighter čen če candell / ée candell: brighter čen če mone / če mone: brighter čen če sterne: als are ordres of angels in he[uen] ilkan brighter čen očer. And alle čat are gode & hali / when čai passe out of čis werld: sal be taken in til čis ordres; some til če laweste: čat ha[ues] loued mikel; some til če midelest: čat haues loued mare; some til če hei[ghest]: čat maste loued god. Seraphyn is at sai: brennand; til če whilke ordre č[ai] are resceyued: čat leste couaitis of čis werld / & feles maste swetenes in [god &] haues čaire hertes: maste brennand in goddes loue. Wha sa loues brennandly & stabili / whiles he is here: his seete sal be ordeynid ful hiegh [bif]ore goddis face: amonge his hali angels. For in čat degree / fra whilke če pro[ud d]euels felle: sal meke men & wymen / Cristes dowues / be sette / & haue rest & ioie with-outen ende: for a littel schorte penaunce & trauail čat čai sufferd here for goddis loue. // ée thinke now per auenture harde til gife či herte fra all erth[li] thinges / fra idel & vayne speche / & fra all fleshli loue / & ga bi če ane / til [w]ake & praie / & thinke of če ioie of heuen / of če compassione of Ihesu Criste / of [če p]yne of helle čat is ordeinid for synful men, bot witterli / fra čou be vsed [če]r-inne: če wil thinke it lighter & swetter: čen če did any erthli solace. [Als] sone als či herte is tuched with če swetenesse of heuen; če sal litel [li]ke če mirthes of čis werld: for alle če melodie & richesse & delices & gam[en čat] man can ordeyne or thinke in čis werld: semes & is bote noie & angere [til a] mannes herte čat is brennand verraili in goddis loue. If čou leeue alle fleshli [lou]e & sibbe fren_des / & aneli gife či herte til couaite goddis loue & til paie him: čou sal fynd mare ioie in him / éen I can on thinke or write. / I wat noght / ife mani be in swilk loue; for ai [če hegher čat če lyf es, če faer folow]ers it haues. De triplici gradu amoris spiritualis. |r [ée] first degree of loue is / when man haldes če .x. comandmentis, & kepis him fra če .vii. deadli synnes, & is stable in če trouthe of hali [kirke]; & when man for nane erthli thinge / wil wrathe god, bot treul[i stan]des in his seruice & lastis čer-inne: til his lyues ende. éis degree of [loue] nedes ilk man til haue: |p416 čat wille be salue. For na man mai come [til] heuen: bot be loue god & his neghbure / with-outen Pride, Ire, Enuye [or Bak]bitynge, Slauthe, Glotonie, Lucherie, & Couaitise. For thir vices slase [če] saule & makis it til departe fra god: čat is life of če saule. Als a m[an in a] swete morsell takes poysone čat slase če bodi: swa dose a synful wr[eche] in a likynge or luste / destrois his saule & bringes it til dead with-ou[ten en]de. Men thinke synne: swete; bot čair mede čat is ordeynid for čaim: [is] bitterar čen galle, sourer čen atter, werre čen al če waa čat we wi[th iee] see or with herte mai thinke. bot he mai synge of solace / čat loues Ihesu [Cris]te: when alle če wreches fra wele / falles in til helle. / Bote when čou haues wele lyued in če comandmentis / & wele kepid če fra če deadly synnes / & paied god in čat degree; vmthinke če til loue god mare / & do better with či saule / & bicome parfite; & čen entres čou in til če second degree of loue. // ée .ii. degree of loue is til forsake al če werld, fader [&] moder & alle či kynne: & folugh Criste in pouerte. In čis degree čou sal st[ody] how clene čou mai be in herte, how chaste in bodi, how meke / suffrand / & bux[o]me, & how faire čou mai make či saule in vertu¨: & hatynge of vices: swa čat či life be gasteli & noght fleshli. Neremare speke iuel of či neghbur, ne gife an iuel worde for an očer; bot alle čat men sais: suffre it debonerly in či herte with-outen stirynge of wrath; & čen sal čou be in reste with-Inne & with-outen / & lighli come til gastli life / čat čou sal fynde swetter: čen any ertht[li] činge. / Parfite life & gasteli is til despice če werld / & til couaite če ioie of heuen / & destroie thorough goddis grace: alle iuel desires of če fles[h]; & forgete če solace & če likynge of či kynne; & wether čai bee pouer or riche / seke or hale / dead or quyke: čanke ay god & blisse him in alle his werkis -- for his domes are swa priuee: čat na creature mai comprehend ča[im]. For ofte-sithes some haues čair weele & likynge in čis werld: & h[ell in če other; & some are in pyne & persequcione in čis life & haues heuen til čair mede. For-či / in čis degree of loue: čou sal be fillid with [če] grace of če hali gaste: swa čat čou sal haue na sorugh ne gretynge: [bot] for či synnes & očer mennes, & after če loue of Ihesu Criste, & in thinkyng [of his passione] čat wil kyndel či herte / til desire brennandli če dwell[yng with angels, and set all če godes of al] če werld at noght. / And w[hen] .......[A leaf is lost]. 3. [Active and contemplative life]. |r[f.43b] [Form of living Cap. 12] |r Twa liues are: čat cristin men lyues inne, Actiue & Contemplatiue. Actiue life: is mikel outewarde & in mare trauail & peril for temptacions čat are in če werld. And twa thinges falles til ča čat takis čaim til actiue life: ane: for til ordeyne čaire meignee in če lufe & če drede of god, & fynd čaim čaire neces_saries; & čai-selfe: kepe enterli če comandmentis of god / doand with čaire neghburs: as čai wold čat čai did with čaim. An očer: čat čai do at čaire power če .vii. werkes of merci: čat are: ffede če hungeri. Gif če thresti drinke. Clathe če nakid. Herberi him čat haues na howsinge. Visite če seke. Comforte čaim čat are in prison. And graue če deade. Alle čat haues whare-ofe: bi_houes do alle čire, if čai wil haue če benyson on domesdaie: čat god sal gife til alle čat dose čaim; or ellis mai čai drede če malison čat ča sal haue čat wil noght do čaim / & haue whare-with. // Contemplatiue life is mikel inward |p417 & for-či it is lastandare & sikerare, restfullare & delitablere, fullare & mare mede_ful; for it haues ioie in goddis lufe: & ai sorugh [!] in čis life here / if it be right ledde. And čat felynge of ioie in če lufe of Ihesu: passis alle očer meritis in erth; for it is so hard to cum till: čat če freletee of oure flesh / & če many temptacions čat we are vmsette with: lettis vs night & daie. Alle očer thinges are light til come to: in regard of it; for čat mai nane deserue: bot aneli it is gyuen of goddis godenesse til čaim čat verraili gyues čaim til quiete for Cristes lufe. éis life: haues .ii. parties, a lagher: & a hegher. ée lagher: is in medi_tacion of hali writynge čat is goddis worde, & in očer gode thoughtis & swete: čat men haues of če grace of god & in his lufe; & alswa in louynge in psalmis & ympnis & praiers. / ée hegher: is bihalding & gernynge of če thinges of heuen / & ioie in če hali gast čat men haues oft: if čai be noght praiand with če mouthe / bot aneli thinkand of god & of če fairede of angels & hali saulis. Contemplacion: is a wonderful ioie of goddis lufe, če whilk ioie is: če louynge of god / čat mai noght be tald; & čat wonderful louynge is in saule. And for habundance of ioie & swetenesse: it ascendis in til če mouthe / swa čat če hert & če tonge acordis in ane, & bodi & saule ioies in god lifand. A man čat is ordeynd til contemplatife life: first god inspiris him til forsake če werld & al če vanite |r[f.48] & vile lust čerof. After he ledes čaim bi čaim ane, & spekis til čair herte, & gifs čaim to souke: swetenesse of če bigyning of lufe, & čen he settis čaim in wille til gif čaim hali til praiers & meditacions & teres. Sithen when čai haue suffrid many temptacions / & če foule anoyes of thoughtis čat are idel & of vanitees / če whilk wil combre čaim čat can noght destroie čaim: he geres čaim geder čaire hert to čaim / & fest it aneli in him: & oppyns til če iie of čaire saule: če ¨ate of heuen; & čen če fire of lufe: verraili lightis in til čaire hert & brennis čer-inne, & makis it clene of al erthli filth. & čen after: čai are contemplatife men / & rauist in lufe; for contemplacion: is a sight, & čai see in til heuen: with čaire gasteli iee. Bot čou sal witte čat na man haues parfit sight of heuen: whiles he is here,ůin bodi; bot als sone as čai deie: čai are broght bifore god / & sees him face til face & iee til iee: & wones with him with-outen ende; for him čai soght / & him čai couaitid / & him čai lofid with al čaire might. ée grace of god Ihesu: be with vs. amen. 4. |r[f.45] [Form of living Cap. 1]. |r [I]n ilk a sinful man čat is bonden in deadli synne: are .iii. wrechednesses / če whilk bringes čaim til deade ofe helle. ée first is defaute of gasteli strinth; for čai are so waike with-inne in čaire hert: čat čai mai nouther stand agayn fandyns of če fend / ne čai mai lift čair wille: til gerne če luf of god / & folugh čerto. / éat očer is: vse of desires. for čai haue na wille ne might til stand čai falle in lustis & likyngs of čis werld; & for čaim thinke čaim swete: čai dwelle in čaim ful mani til čaire lifes ende; & swa čai come in to če .iii. wre_chidnesse. / ée .iii. wrechidnesse: is changynge of lastand gode / for a passand delite; as wha sai, čai gif ioie endelesse; for a litil ioie of čis world. If čai wold turne čaim & do penaunce: god wold ordeigne čair wonynge with angels & halughs in heuen; bot for čai chese at be in lust of če werld & filthe of čaire flesch: čai lose bathe če werld & heuen, & for he lufs noght god: he tynes al čat he haues / & al čat he is / & al čat he might gete. he is noght worthi če life: ne to be fed with swynes mete; alle creatures sal be stired in |p418 his vengeance / in če dai of dome. éis .iii. wrechidnes are noght aneli in werldli men / čat vses glotonie & lucherie & očer synnes: bot čai are als in some čat serues in gode life. for če deuel when he sees a man turne hali til god / & forsake če riches & vanitees of če [wer]ld & sekis če ioie ai-lastand: a thousand wilis he haues til desceyue čaim with. & when he mai noght bring čaim in til grete & opyn syn[nes]: he bigilis čaim with so priuei synnes / čat čai can noght perceyue his [wi]lis. Some he takis with error čat he puttis čaim inne, Some with singulere witte / so čat čai wene čat čaire doinge & conseil is best, & for_či wil čai do after na conseil of očer čat can mare & better čen čai; & čat comis of pride. Some he desceyuis with vayne glorie / čat haues pride of če penance or of če gode čat čai do / or ani vertu čat čai haue, or is glad čat men rosis čaim, sari if men [l]ak čaim, or haues enuie til ča čat mare gode is spokyn of: čen of čaim. éai hald čaim-selfe so gode: čat čaim thinke na man suld blame čaim for oght čat čai do or sai; & čai despice sinful men / & ča čat wil noght do as čai bid. A sinfuller wreche mai noght be čen swilkan is! & he is če werre: čat he wate noght čat he is ille / bot is honurid of men: as wise & hali. Some he desceyuis with ouer-mikil lust in mete & drinke, & wenis čat čai sinne noght / & for-či čai amend čaim noght. / Some he bigilis with ouer_mikil abstinence of mete & drink & slepe; for to gere čaim fail in-middis čaire werke. / éis gilders lais oure enemy til vs: when we bigyn til hate wikkidnes & turne til gode. éen some bigyns thin[g] čat čai mai neuer ende, for čai wene čai mai do: what čaire hert is sette on; bot oft čai faile or čai come in mid gate. / We haue a lang waie til heuen: & als mani gode dedis as we do, & als mani praiers as we make, & als mani gode thoughtis as we thinke in trouth he & hope & charite: als mani pasis ga we til heuen-ward. éen if we make vs so waike čat we mai noght wirke ne praie / ne thinke: we are greteli to blame. For če prophete Dauid sais: ffortitudinem meam ad te custodiam, čat is: "I sal kepe mi strinth til če / čat i. mai susteyne či seruice til mi deade-dai". And saynt Ierome sais: "he makis offerand of rauyne: čat wast[is] his strinth in ouer-litil mete & slepe". And saynt Bernarde: "ffastinge, waky[ng,] helpis gasteli godis: if čai be done with discrecion; with-outen čat: čai are vices". At mi dome / men sald pai Ihesu Crist if čai toke for his lufe with thankynge & louynge of him / for to susteyne čaire bodi in his seruice & to hald čaim fra mikil speche of men / what-so god sent for če tyme & če stede / & gaf čaim sithen enterli & parfiteli til če lufe & če louynge of čaire lord; swa čat čaire halinesse ware mare sene in goddis iee / čen in mannes. For-či sais če hali man: "A: what it is mikil to be worthi louyng & be noght loued! And what wrechidnes it is / til haue name & habite of halinesse / & be noght hali! A foule licherie it is til haue likynge in mennis rosynge, čat can na mare deme what we are in saule: čen čai wate what we thinke". bot if we h[id] |r[f.46] vs fra speche & rosyng of čis werld: god wil schew vs [til his lo]uynge & oure ioie. ffor čat is goddis ioie: čat we be stalworde agayn če priuee & apert fandyngs of če deuel, & čat we seke noght bot če louynge & če honour of him, & čat we might enterli luf him. & čat aght to be oure desire & praier night & daie: čat če fier of his lufe kyndel oure hert, & če swetenesse of his grace: be oure com_forte & solace in wele & in waa. God suffirs če deuel til tempte man / for his profite; for he sal be heigher coronid: when he haues thorugh his helpe / ouer_comen so cruel enemy. In .iii. maners haues če deuel power til be in man: in a maner: hurtand če gode čat he has of kynde, as in dombe men, & in očer: blemisand čaire thought. On očer maner: reuand če godis čat čai haue of grace; & swa is he in sinful men, če whilke he has deceyuid thorugh delite of |p419 če werld & of čaire flesh, & after: ledis čaim with him til helle. On če thrid maner: he aneintis a bodi with-inne, as he was in Iob. bot if he bigile če noght here with-inne: če thar noght drede him for čat he mai do with-oute; for he mai do na mare čen he haues leue to do. 5. De solitaria vita. |r[f.46] [Form of living, Cap. 2-4]. |r Wha-so forsakis če solace & če ioie of čis werld / & takis him to solitarie life / til suffire for goddis luf angers & noyes: i trow truli čat če comfort of Ihesu Crist / & sweteoes of his lufe / with če fier of če hali gast čat purgis al syn: sal be ledand him & lerand how he sal thinke & praie & wirke; so čat in a fone ¨eres: he sal haue mare delite to be al ane, & speke til his lord Ihesu: čen if he ware lord of a thousand werldis. Men wenes čat če solitari is in grete pyne & penance; hot he has mare ioie & mare verrai delite in a dai: čen men of če werld haues al čaire lif-tyme. éai see oure bodi with-oute: bot čai see noght oure hert / whare al oure solace is; if čai sagh čat: mani of čaim wold forsake al čat čai had & folugh vs. éa čat are solitari: are mast abul til če schewynge of če hali gast. ée godenes of god it is / éat comfortis čaim wonderfulli: čat has na comfort of če werld / if čai gif čaire hert enterli til him / & couaitis & sekis noght bot him. éen he gifs him-self to čaim: in swetenes & delite, in brennynge of lufe, in ioie & melodi, & dwellis ai with čaim in čaire saule, swa čat če comfort of him departis neuer fra čaim. & if čai erre thorugh ignorance or frailtee: sone he scweis čaim če right waie; & al čat čaim nedis: he leris čaim. na man comes til swilk schewynge on če first daie: bot thorugh lang trauail & bisynes to luf Ihesu Crist. Noght-for-či / he suffers čaim til be temptid on [sere maners], wakand & slepand. Wakand: with foule thoughtis, vile lustis, w[ikid] delitis, with pride / ire / enuie / despair / presumpcion / & očer many. bot čaire remedi: sal be praier / gretynge / fastynge / wakynge: if čai be done with discrecion. / I find writen of a recluse / čat če ille angel apperid to: in forme of a gode angel, & said he was comen til bringe hire til heuen. Whar-for sche [was] right ioiful & glad; & sche tald it til hire schriftfader. & he as wise man: gaf hire til consail: "When he comes: bid him čat he schew če oure leuedi saynt Marie, & when he has schewid hire: sai Aue maria". Sche did swa. & če fend said: "éou nedes noght til see hire here: mi presence suffice til če". & sche said: "I wil see hire on al maner". Him nedid til do hire wille / or sche wold despice him: & he broght forth če fairest bodi of woman čat might be / & schewid hire. & sche set hire on knees: & said. Aue maria: & al vanist a-waie; & for schame neuer after come he agayn. / Alswa slepand he temptis vs: vmwhile with vgli thingis / for to make vs rad. vmwhile with faire ymagis & sightis: for to make vs til wene čat we are hali, & so bringe vs til pride. vmwhile sai vs čat we are synful & wikkid: for to gere vs fal in to despeir. Bot wit čou wele / čou synnes noght slepand: if čou be eauer wakand with-outen outrage of mete & drinke / & očer iuel thoghtis. / éare are .vi. maners of dremes: twa are čat na man mai eschape; čat are, if čaire wambe be ouer-tome / or ouer-ful: čen mani vanitees befallis čaim slepand.ée thrid is of illusions of oure enemys. / ée .iiii. is: of thought bifore & illusion folowand. ée .v. thorugh schewyng of če hali gast / čat is done in sere maners. / ée .vi.: of thoughtis čat are bifore / čat fallis til Crist or hali kirke / reuelacion comand after. Bot so mikel če latter sal we gif faith til any dreme: čat we mai noght wit sone / whilk is of če hali |p420 gast / & whilk of oure enemy. Bot whare mani dremes are: čare are mani vanitees; ffor-či sais Salomon: "Mani bisynes folows dremes: & čai felle / čat trowid in čaim". // I wil čat čou wit: čat alle are noght hali: čat has če habite of halinesse; nor čat alle are ille: čat mellis čaim with erthli bisynes. bot ča are aneli hali: čat loues noght erthli thing / & brennis in če lufe of Ihesu Crist / & alle čaire desires are sette til če ioies of heuen / & hatis al syn, & cessis noght of gode werkis, & felis a swetenesse in čaire herte: of če life with-outen ende; & neuer_če-latter: čaim thinkis čaim-selfe vilest of alle, & haldis čaim-selfe wrechedist / leste & lawest. éis is hali mennis life; folow it: & čou sal be hali. And if čou wil be in mede with apostels: think noght what čou forsoke / bot what čou despicis; for als mikil čai forsoke |r[f.49] čat folowes Ihesu Crist in wilful pouert & mekenes & charite & patience: as čai mai couaite čat folowes him noght. And think with how mikil & how gode wille & deuocion: čou presentis či praiers bifore god, for til čat has he his iee. God reuis fra his lofers: če lust of flesh & of blode / & makis čaim to wil nan erthli thing, & dose čaim til rise in til solace of him / & forgete vanitees & fleshli luf; & to drede na sorugh čat mai falle; to lathe with ouer-mikil bodili aise. to suffir for his luf: čaim think it ioie, & to be solitari: comforth, čat čai be noght lettid in čaire deuocion. Turne če enterli to či lauerd Ihesu Crist, & leue al couaitise & likyngs & occu_pacions & bisynes of če werld, & fleshli lust & vayne luf; & be noght ai mode_land in če erth: as čou was in če werld, bot be ai vpward as fire / sekand če heighest place in heuen: right to či spouse čare he sittis in his blisse. Til him čou art turnid: when his grace lightis či hert / & čou forsakis alle vices / & conformes či wille to vertu¨, & gode thewis, & til al maner of debonerte & mekenes, & čat tou last & wax in godenes: čat tou has bigunne / with-oute slawnes & sarynes & irkyng of či life: // ffoure thinges sal tou haue in či thoght. An is če mesure of či life here / čat is schort; for we life bot as in a poynt: in regard of če life čat lastis ai. An očer is vncertaignete of oure endynge; for we wate noght when ne whare ne how we sal deie, ne whider we sal after oure dead; & god wil noght čat we witte: for we suld be ai redi. ée .iii. is čat we sal answere bifore če rightwise iuge: of al če tyme čat we haf had here / how we haf dispendid it, & what gode we might haue done: when we ware idel. for-či enforce [we] vs to do če gode čat we mai / whil we are here. & ilk tyme čat we think noght on god: mai we acount as lost. / ée .iiii. thing / čat we think how mikel ioi čai sal haue: čat lastis in goddis lufe til čaire endyng; for čai sal be brether & felaws with angels & halughs / lufand & hauand / louand & seand če kyng of ioie: in če fairehede & schynyng of his mageste. ée whilk sight sal be mede & mete & alle delices čat ani creature mai think / & mare čen ani mai telle: til alle his lufars / with-outen ende. It is mikil lighter til com til čis blisse: čen til telle it. Alswa think what sorugh & pyne & turment čai sal haue: čat wil noght luf god ouer alle če thinges of čis werld, bot filis čair bodi & čare saule in lust & lucherie of čis life, in pride & couatis & očer synnes. éai sal brenne in če fire of helle with če deuel / whaim čai seruid: als lang as god is in heuen, čat is eauer-mare. God for his mikil grace: kep [vs] alle fra helle: & bring vs til his blisse. amen.