|b{Richard_Rolle_of_Hampole,_an_English_Father_of_the_Church,} |b{and_His_Followers,} |b{ed._C._Horstman._New_York:_Macmillan,_1895,} |b{pp._3-182_(with_interruptions).} |b_Note:_For_some_reasons_(e.g._anonymous_authorship,_parallel_text_versions) |b_only_some_of_the_texts_of_this_edition_have_been_selected,_namely |p1- |p2- |p1._ée_forme_of_liuyng._____________MS._Rawl._C_285_f._40___pp._3-49. |r2._Ego_dormio_et_cor_meum_vigilat._MS_Rawl_A_389,_fol_77,_pp._50-58. |rMS_Vernon,_pp._59-60. |rRawl._cont.'d,_pp._60-61. |r3._ée_commawndement_&c.____________MS_Rawl._A_389,_fol_81._pp._61-71. |r4._[Points_best_pleasing_to_God]___MS_Vernon |rMS_Harley_______________pp._110-112 |r5._[Meditation_on_the_Passion;_and_of_three_arrows_on_doomsday] |r___________________________________MS_Arundel_507,_fol._48.pp._112-121. |r6._De_Sancta_Maria_________________MS_Bodl._938_fol._202___pp.158-159. |r7._Of_Angels'_Song_________________MS_Thorton_fol._2196.___pp._175-182. |p3 |rEpistels_&c._in_Ms._Cambr._Dd._V._64. |r{selected_by_ICAMET:_Ms._Rawl._C._285_f._40.}] |r1._ée_forme_of_liuyng. |r[Ms._Rawl._C_285_f.40] IN Ilke a synful man or womman čat es bunden in deedly synne, er thre wrytchednes, če whylk brynges čaim to če deed of helle.  ée first es, defaut of gaastly strengthe: éat čai er so wayke |p4 wyth-In in čair hert, čat čai may nou_ther stand agayn fandyngs of če fynd, ne čay may lift čaire wille to yherne če lufe of gode and folwe čare-tille.  ée tothir es, vs of flesshely desyres: -- for čay hafe na wille ne myght to stand, čay fall in lustes and lykyngs of čis werld; and for čaim thynke čaim swete, čay dwelle in čaim stille, many til čaire lifs end: ande swa čai com to če thrid wrytchednes.  ée thride wrytchednes es schangeyng of lastand gode for a passand delyte; als wha say čai gife Ioi endles for a litil Ioi of čis life.  If čai will turne čaim and ryse til penaunce, god wil ordaynge čaim wonynge with angels and haly men. Bot for čai chese če wyle synne of čis werld, and has mare delyte in če filth of čaire flesshe čan in če fayrhede of heeun, čai loose bath če werld and heeuen: for he čat has nogth Ihesu Cryst, he tynes al čat he has, and al čat he es, and al čat he mygth gete; he ne es nogth worthi če life, ne to be fede wyth swynes meet. Alle creatures sal be sterde in his wengeaounce in če day of dome.  éir wrytchednes čat I hafe of tald, er nogth anely in werldisshe men and womene čat vses glotory or lytchery and other appert synnes, bot čai er alswa in som čat semes in penaunce and in gud life. For če |p5 deeuel čat es enemy to al man kynd, whene he sese a man or a woman amange a thousand turne čaim haaly vnto god and forsake all vanytese and rytchesce čat men čat lufs čis werld couaytes, and seke če Ioi lastand," thousant wyles he has on what maner he may deceyf čaim. And when he tnay nogth bryng čaim in til swylk synnes če whylk mygth ger all men wonder on čaim, he bygiles many so pryuely, čat čai can nogth oft-sythes fele če trap čat has taken čaim. Som he takes wyth errour čat he puttes čaim In. Som wyth synguler witte, when he gers čaim wen čat če thyng čat čai thynk or do es best; and for.[či] čai wyl na counsayl haue of other čat er better and conander čan čai -- and čis es a foul stynkand pryde: for he wald nogth ells sette his witte bifore all other. Som če deeael deceyfs thurgth vayne glory, čat es Idel Ioy; when any has pryd and delite in čamůself of če penance čat čai suffre, of gud dedis čat čai do, of any vertu čat čai haue; er glad when men loues čaim, sary when men lakkes čaim, has envye to čaim čat er spoken mare gud of čan of čaim; čai hald čaim-self so gloryous and so fer passand če lif čat other men ledis, čat čaim thynk čat na man suld reprehend čaim in na thyng čat |p6 čay do or say, and dyspyses synfall men & othir če whilk wil nogth do als čai bid čaim. How may čou fynd a synfuller wreche čan swylke ane? and so mekell es be če wers čat he wat nogth čat he es ille, and es halden and bonourd of men als wys and haly. Som er deceyfd with ouer.mykell lust and lykyng in meet and drynke, when čai passe mesur and com in til ontrage, and has delyte čar.Inne, and wenes čat čai synne nogth ... and so čai distroy vertus of sawle. Som er bigylled with ouermykel abstynence of meet and drynk and slep. éat es of temptacyon of če deeoel, for to ger čaim fall in myddes čair werk, swa čat čai bryng it til nane enddynge, als čai suld haue don If čai bad knawen skyl and halden discrecyoun, and swa čai tyne čaire meryte for čaire frawardenes, čis gilder lays oure enemy to tak vs with whene we bygyue to hat wyckednes and turne vs til god, čan many bygynuys če thynge čat čay may neuermare bryng til end; čan čai wen čat čai may do what so čaire hert es set opon. Bot oft čai fall ar čai com In-myddys če gate, and čat thyng čat čai wene es for čaim, es lettyng til čaim. For we haue a lange way til heeaene, and als many gud dedis als we do, als many |p7 prayers als we make, and als many gud thoghtes als we thynk in trouth and hoop and charyte, als many paases ga we til heeuen-ward, čan If we make vs so wayke & so feble čat we may nothire wirk ne pray als we suld do, ne thynk, er we nogth gretely at blame, čat faylles when we had mast nede to be stalward? And wele I wat čat it es nogth goddis wille čat we so do: For če prophete says: "Lord. I sal kype my strength til če": swa čat he mygth sustayne goddis seruyse til his deed.day; Nogth in a litel and in a schort tyme waast it and sithene ligge wanand and granand by če wagthe, And it es mykell mare peril čan men wenes: For saynt Ierome says čat he makes of Rauyne offerand čat ontrage_onsly tourmentis his body in ouerlitel meet or slep. And saynt Bernard says: "Fastyng ne wakyng lettis nogth gaastly goddes, bot helpis, if čai be don with discrecyoun; wytlt.owten čat, er čai vices." For-či it es nogth gud to pyne vs so mykele and sithen haue vnthanke for oure dede. éare has ben many, and er, čat wenes čat it es nogth all čat [čai] do hot if čai be in so mykell abstyttence and fastyng čat čay make all men at spek of čaim čat knawes čaim. Bot oft-sithes it byfalles čat ay |p8 če mare Ioy and wonderyng čat čai haue with-owtene of če loouynge of men, ay če lesse Ioy čai haue with_Inne of če luf of gode. At my dom~, čay suld pay Ihesu Crist mykel mare if čai tok for his luf and in thankyng and louuynge of hym, for to sostayne čaire bodys in his seruyse and to hald čaim fra mykele speche of men, what so god sent čaim for če tyme and če steed, and gayfe čaim sithen entierly and parfytely til če luf & če louuynge of our lourd Ihesu Cryst, čat wile stalwardly be lufd, and lastandly be serued; swa čat čaire halynes war mare sene in goddis eghe čan in mannes eghe. For ay če better čat čou ert and če lesse speche čou has of men, če mare es či Ioy bifor god. Ha, what it es mykell to be worthy lounynge and be nogth loued! And what wrytchednes it es to baf če name & če habyte of halynes, & be nogth swa, bot turne to pryd. Ire and envye vnder če clathes of Crystes bamhed!A foul lytchery it es to haue likyng and delite in mens wordes, čat can no mare deme whate we er in oar saul čan čai wate what we thynke. For oft-sithes čai say čat he or scho es in heghere degre, čat es in če lagher; and čat čay say es in če laghere, es in če heghere. For-či I hald it bot wodnes to be gladder or |p9 saryer, whether čai say gud or ille. If we be oboutward to hid vs fra speche and lounynge of če werld, god wil schewe vs til his lounyng, and our Ioy. For čat es his Ioy when we ar strenth_full for to stand agayne če pryoe and če appert fandyngs of če deeaele, and sekes na thyng bot če louuynge and če honoure of hym, and čat [we] mogth entierly lufe hym. And čat agth to be our desire, our prayer and our entent, nygth and day, čat če fyre of luf kyndell in our hert, and če swetenes of his grace be our comfort and our solace, in wele and in wa. éou has herd now a party how če fend deceyfs with his sutell castes vn-quaynt men and wommen: and if čou wil do gud counsaylle and folow haly lare, als I hop čat čou wil, čou sal distroy his trappis, and brynn in če fyre of lufe. Alle če bandes čat he wil bynd če with, and alle his malice sal turne če til Ioy, and hym to mare sorow. God suffirs hym for to tempe gud men for čaire profyte, čat čai may be če hegher coround when čai haf thurgth his help~e ouer-comen so cruel ane enemy, čat oft-sithes bath in body and in saul confoundes many a man.  In thre maners če deeuel has power to be in a man: On a maner, hortand če gudes čat čai haue of kynd, als in dom |p10 men, and in other, blemyssand čaire thogth.  On a nother maner, reeffaad če gudys če whilk čai haue of grace: and swa es sene in synfall men whaim be has deceyfd thurgth delyte of če werld and of čair flesshe, and led with hym til helle.  On če thred maner, tourmentand a mans body, als we red čat he was in Iob. Bot wyte čou wele: If he bygile če nogth with-Inne, če thar nogth dred what he may do če with-owtene. For he may do no mare čan god gifs hym leue to do.  Bot for čou has forsakene če solace and če Ioy of čis werld and taan če vnto solitary life, for goddis lufe to suffire tribulacioun and anguys here and sithen to com to če rest and endlesse Ioy in heeuene. I trowe stedfastly čat če comfort of Ihesu Cryst and swetenes of his luf, with če fyre of če haly gast čat purges all synne, sal be in če and with če, ledand če and lerand če how čou sal thynk, how čou sal pray, what čou sal wyrke; swa čat in faa yheris čou sal haue mare delyte to be by čine ane and spek til či luf and či spouse Ihesu Cryst, čan If čou war leeuedy of a thousant werldis. Men wenes čat we er in pyne and in penance: bot we haue mare Ioy and |p11 mare verray delyte in a day čan čay haf in če werld all čaire life. éai se our body, bot čai se nogth our hert whare oure solace es. If čai sagth čat, many of čaim wald forsake all čat čai haf, forto folwe vs. For-či be comforted and stalward, and drede na noy ne anguys, bot fest all čine entent in Ihesu, čat či lif be gode to queme; and at čare be na thyng in če čat suld be mys-payand til hym čat ne čou son amend it, če stat čat čou ert Ine, čat es solitnde, es mast able of all other til reuelacyoun of če haly gast. For when saynt Iohn was in če Ile of Pathmos, čan god schewed hym his preuetese, če gudnes of god it es čat he comfortes čaim wondirfully čat has na comfort of če werld. If čai gif čair hertis entierly til hym and couaytes and nogth sekes bot hym: éan he gifs hym-self to čaim in swetnes and delite, in brynnyng of luf, and in Ioy and melody, and dwellis ay with čaim in čaire saule, swa čat če com_fort of hym departis neuer fra čaim. If čai bygyue ogth to here thurgth ignoraunce or freyllyte, son he schewes čaim čeůrygth way; and all čat čai haue ned of, he leris čaim. Na man comes til swylke reuelacion and grace on če first day, bot thurgth lang trauaylle & besynes to lufe Ihesu Crist, |p12 als čou sal here afterward. Nogth-for_či čan he suffirs čaim to be temped on sere maners, bath slepand and wakand. For ay če ma temptacions and če greuouser at čay stand agayne and ouer-comes, če mare sal čaire Ioy be in his luf when čai er passed. Wakand čai er vmwhil temped with foul thoghtis, vile lustes, wikked delites; with pryd, Ire, Envye, Despayre, Pre_sumpcyon, and other many. Bot čaire remedy sal be prayer, gretyng, fastyng, wakyng. éir thynges, if čai may be don with discrecioun, čai putte away synne & filthe fra če saul, and makis it clene for to resayfe če luf of Ihesu Cryst, čat may nogth be lufd bot in clennes.  Alswa vmwhil če fend tempis men and wommen čat er solitary by čaim ane, on a quaynt maner and a sutelle he transfigures hym in lickenes of ane aungell of ligth, and apperis til čaim and says čat he es ane of god aungells commen to comfort čaim, and swa he deceyfs foles. Bot čaim čat er wis and wil nogth tyde trowe til all spirytes, bot askes counsayl of conand men, he may nogth bygile čaim. Als I fynd wrytene of a recluse, čat was a gud woman, til whaim če ille aungelle oft-sithes appered in če fourme of a gud aungell, and sayd čat he was co_men |p13 to bryng hir til heeuen. Wharfor scho was rygth glade and Ioyfull. Bote neeuer-če-latter scho taald it til hir schrythfader: and he, als wys man and quaynt, gayf hir čis counsayl: "When he comes", he sayd, "bid hym čat he schew če our lauedy saynt Mary. When he has don swa, say Aue maria". Scho did swa. ée feend sayd: "éou has na ned to se hir: Mi presence suffice vnto če". And [scho] sayd, on all maner scho suld se hir. He sagth čat hym behoued outhir do hir wil or scho wald dispyse hym: als tite he brogth forth če fayrest body of woman čat mygth be als to hir sygth, and schewed it til hir. And scho sete hir on hir knese and sayd Aue maria: And als tite al waynysht away, and for schame neeuer sithen com he at hir. éis say I nogth for I hoppe čat he sal haue leue to tempe če on čis maner; bot for I wil čat čou be war, if any swylke temp_taciouns bifalle če slepand or wakand, čat čou trow nogth ouer-tite til čou knaw če sogth.  Mare pryuely he transfigures hym in če fourme of aun_gell of ligth -- čat commonly all men er tempid with: when he hidis ille vndire če lickenes of gud; and čat es in twa maners.  Ane es when he egges vs til ouer-mykel eese and rest of body, |p14 and softnes til our flesshe vndirneethen, to sustayne our kynd. For swylke thoghtes he puttis in vs: bot if we eet wele and drynk wele and slepe wele and ligge soft and site warme, we may nogth serue god ne last in če trauaylle čat we haf bygune. Bot he thynkis to bryng vs til ouer-mykel lust.  A nother es when he hidis ille vndir lickenes of gastely gud: he entyces vs til asper and ouere-mykel penaunce, forto distroy our self, and says čos: " čou wat wele čat he čat suffirs maast penaunce for goddis luf, he sal haue maast mede. For-či eet litell and feble meet, and drynk lesse, če thynnest drynke es gud Inogthe til če. Recke nogth of slep. Weer če hayer, če haubergeoun. All thyng čat es afflic_tyoun til či flesshe, do it; swa čat čare be nane čat may passe če in penaunce", He čat says če čus, he es aboute to sla če with ouer-mykele penaunce & abstynence. als he čat sayd če tother, to sla če with ouer-lytele. For-či, if we wil be rygth dispoosed, vs bihoues to sete vs in a gud meyne, and čat we may distroy our vyces and hald our flesshe vndir, and neeuer-če-latter čat it be stalward in če seruyse of Ihesu Cryst.  Alswa our enemy wil nogth suffir vs to be in rest when we slep: bot čan he [es] aboute to bygyle vs in |p15 many maners: vmwhyle with vgly Images, forto make vs rad and ger vs lath with our state; vmwhile with fayre Images, fayre syghtes, and čat at semes comfortable, forto make vs glad in vayne, and ger vs wene čat we er better čan we ere; vmwhile telle vs čat we er haly and gud, for to bryng vs in to pryde; vmwhyle say čat we er wycked and synfull, for to ger vs falle in to despayre. Bot he čat es ordayner of all thyng, suffirs nogth čat oure slepe be with-owtene mede til vs, if we adresce our life til his wille,  And wite čou wele, čou synnes nogth sleppand, if čou be euer-mare wakand with-owtene outrage of mete and drynke, and with-outene ille thoghtes. Bot many has če deeuelle deceyfd thurgth dreemes, when he has gert čaym sette čair hert on čaim: For be has schewed čaim som~ sogth and sithen bigiled čaim with ane čat was fals. For-či says če wys man čat many bysenes folowes dreemes, and čai fel čat hoped in čaim. Whare-foor, čat čou be noth bigyled with čaim. I wile čat [čou] witte čat it er sex maners of dremes. Twa er čat na man haly ne other ntay etchape, čat es: if čair wambes be ouer-tom or ouer-full, čan |p16 many vanytese in sere maners byfalles čaim slepand ée thryd es of illu_syons of our enemy. ée fierth es of thogth byfoor and illusyon folwand. ée fyft thurgth reuelacyone of če haly gast, čat es don on many maners. ée sext es of thoghtes byfoor čat falles to Cryst or haly kyrke, reuelacion command efter. In čus many maners toaches če Images of dreemes men when čai slep. Bot swa mekyle we sal če latlyer gyf fayth til any dreeme čat we may nogth sone wit whylke es soth, whylke es fals; whilke es of our enemy, whylke es of če haly gast. For whar so many dreemes er, čar er many vanytese, and many čai may make to erre: For čai hegth vnquaynt men and swa deceyfs čaim.  [I] Knaw čat či lif semes gyfuen til če seruyce of god: čan es it schame til če bot if čou be als gud or better with-Ine či saule als čou ert semand at če sigth of men.  Turne for-či či thoghtes parfytely til god, als it semes als čou has don či body. For I wil nogth čat čou wene čat all er haly čat has če habyte of halynes and er nogth occupied with če werld, ne čat all er ille čat melles čaim with erthely bisenes; bot čay er anly haly, what staate or degre so čai be Inne, če whilke despises all erthely thyng, čat es at say, lufs it nogth, and brynnes in |p17 če luf of Ihesu Cryst, and all čaire desyres er sette til če Ioyes of heeuene, and haates all synne, and ceeses nogth of gud werkes, and feles a swetenes in čaire hert of life with-outene end; and neuere-če-latter čai thynke čaim-self vylest of all, and haldes čaim-self wrytchedest, last and laghest. éis es halynese of lyfe. Folow it and be haly ! and if čou wil be in mede with appo_stells, thynke nogth what čou forsakes bot what čou despises. For als mykell čai forsake čat folowes Ihesu Cryst in wilfull poueert, and in mekenes, and in charyte, and in pacyence, als čay may couayte čat folwes hym nogth. And thynke with how mekyle and how gud wile čou presentes či wowes byfor hym -- ffor til čat he has his egthe. And if čou with grete desyre offre či prayers and with grete feruoure couayte to se hym, and sekes na erthly comfort bot če saoeour of heenene, and in eontempla_cyon čaire-of haue či delyte. Wondir_fully Ihesu wirkis in his lufers, če whilke he reeues fra če lust of flesshe and blod thurgth tendir lufe; he makis čaim to haf wil to na erthly thyng, and dose čaim ryse in to solace of hym, and to for-gete vanytese and flesshely luf of če werld, and to dreede na sorow čat may |p18 fall, to laghte with ouere-mykele bodily eese. To suffre for his luf, čaim thynke it ioy; and to be solutary čay haue grete comfort, čat čai be nogth letted in čaire deuocyone. Now may čou se čat many er werre čan čay seme, and many er better čan čai seme; and naamly amang čaa čat has če habyte of halynes. For-či afforce če in all čat čou may čat čou be nogth were čan čou semes: and if čou wil do als I lere če in čis schort fourme of lyfyng, I hop thurgth če grace of god čat if men hald če gude, čou sale be wele better. AT če bigynnyng turn če en_tierly to či louerd Ihesu Crist.éat turnyng til Ihesu es nogth ells bot turnnyng fra all če couaytese and če lykyng and occupacyons and če byse_nese of če werld and of flesshely lust and vayne luf; swa čat či thogth čat was ay dounward moldand in če erth whiles čou was in če werld, now be ay vpward als fyre, sekand če heghest place in heeuene, rygth til či spouse čare he sittes in his blisse- Til hym čou ert turned when his grace illumyns či hert, so čat it forsakes al vices and confourmes it til vertus and god thewys and til all maner of debonerte and mekenes. And čat čou may last and wax in gudnesse čat čou has bygune, with-outene slaw_nes |p19 aud sarynes and irkynge of či lif: [ Four thyngs sal čou haue in či thogth til čou be in parfite luf -- For when čou ert comen čar-til, či Ioy and či desyre wil ay be brynnand in Cryst.  Ane es: mesure of či life here, čat so schort es čat vnneethes es it ogth. For we life bot in a poynt, čat es če lest thyng čat may be, and sothely, our life es lese čan a poynt if we lickyn it to če lif čat lastes ay.  Another es: Vncertaynte of our endyng. For we whate neuere when we sal dye ne how we sal dye, ne whare, ne whidir we sall ga when we er deed; and čat god wil čat čis be [vn]certayne til vs, for he wil čat we be ay redy to dye.  ée thrid es: čat we sal answere by-for če rygthwys Iuge of all če tyme čat we haue here, how we haf lifde, what our occupacyons haf bene and why, and what gud we mygth haf done when we haf ben Idele. For-či sayd če prophete: "He has called če tyme agayne me" -- čat es ylke day čat he has lent vs here for to dispend in gud vse and in penance and in goddis seruyce. If we waast it in erthly luf and vanytese, ful grief_ously mon we be demed and punyst. For-či čat es ane of če maast sorowe čat may be, Bot if we afforce vs manly in če luf of god and do gud til al čat we may to-whyles our schort tyme lastes. And ylk a tyme čat we thynke nogth on god we may account it als če thyng čat we haue tynt.  če |p20 fierth es čat we thynke how mykel če Ioy es čat čai haue če whilk lastis in goddis luf til čair endyng: for čai sal be brethire and felaghs with aungels and haly men, lufand and hafand, loounand and seand če kyng of Ioy in če fayrehed and schynyng of his maieste; če whilke sygth sal be mast mede and delyte čat any creatur may thynke, and mare čan any man may telle, til al his lufers withouten end. It es mykell lyghter to com to čat blysse čan to telle it. Alswa thynke what sorow and what payne and toarment čay sal haue če whi[l]k lufs nogth god ouer all other thynges čat man sees in čis werld, bot files čaire saules in lust and lycchery of čis lif, In pryd and couaytes and other synnes: čai salle brynne in če fyre of helle with če deeuele wham čai haue serued, als lang als god es in heeuen with his sergeantis, čat es eeuer-mare.  I wil čou be ay clymband til Ihesu_ward and ekand či luf and či seruyse in hym: Nogth als foles dose čat bygynnes at če heghest degre and comes doun til če lagthest. I say nogth for I wil if čat čou haue by_gune vnskylwys abstynence, čat čou hald it, bot for many čat war bryn_nande at če bygynnyng and able to če luf of Ihesu Cryst, ffor oner-mykele penance čai haue alledgede čaim-self, and made čaim so feble čat čai mygth nogth luf god als čai suld. In whilk luf čat čou wax ay mare and mare es my couatyng and myne amonestyng. |p21  I hald če neeuer of če lesse meryte if čou be nogth in so mykele abstynence; Bot if čou sette al či thogth how čou may luf či spouse Ihesu Cryst mare čan čou has donne, čan dar I say čat či mede es waxand and nogth wanande. Wharefor, čat čou be rygth despoosed bath for či saul and či body, čou sal vndirstand four thyngs.  ée first es, what thyng files a man.  ée tother, what thynge makis hym clene.  ée third, what haldis hym in clennes. ée fierth, what thyng drawes [him] for to ordayne his wile al at goddis wile.  For če first, wite čou čat we synne in [thre] thynges čat makis vs foul, čat es with hert, with mouth, and dede.  ée synnes of če hert er čir: Ille thogth. Ille delyte. Assent til synne. Desire of ille. Wikked wile. Ille suspeccyoun. Vndeuocyoun. If čou lat či hert any tyme be Idell, with-outen occupacioune of če luf and če loouyng of god. Ile drede, Ite luf. Errour. Flesshly affec_cioun til frendis or til other čat čou lufs. Ioy of any mans Ille-fare, whethir čai be enemyse or nane, Despite of poure or of synfull men. To honoure Ryche men for čair rychesse. Vnconable Ioy of any wordis of vanyte. Sorow of other mens wele-fare. Vnthool_modenes. Perplexite, čat es doute whate es at do, what nogth -- For ilke a man agth for [to] be sekir what he sal do and what he sal leeue. Obsty_nacyon |p22 in ille. Noy to do gud. Angre to serue god. Sorow čat he did na mare ille, or čat he did nogth čat lust or čat wile of his flesshe če whilke he mygth haue don, Vnstablenesse of thogth. Pyne of penance. Ipocrysy. Luf to pleese men. Drede to despleese čaim. Schame of gud dede. Ioy of ille dede. Syngnlar wite. Couaytice of honoure or of dignyte, or to be hal_dene better čan other, or rycher or fayrer, or to be mare drede, Vayne glorye of any guddis of kynde, or of happ, or grace. Schame of pouer freyndis, Pryde of ryche kyne or of gentil -- for all we er ilyke fre byfor goddis face, bot if our dedis make any better or wers čan other. Dispite of gude counsayll and of gude teechynge.  ée synnes of če mouthe er čir: To sweer oft-sythes. Forsweeryng. Sklaun_deryng of Cryst or of any of his halwes. To neeuen his name with-outene re_uerence. Gaynesayng and Stryf agayne Suthfastnes. Grucchyng agaynes god for any angwys or noy or trybulacyoun čat may bifale in erth. To say goddis seruyse vndeuoutely and with-outene reuerence. Backbytyng. Flateryng. Leghyng. Myssayng. Werying. De_ffamyng. Flytyng. Manasyng. Sawyng of Discorde Treeson. Fals wittenese. Ille Counsayll. Heethyng. Vnbonx_somnes. With word to turne gud dede to ille, ffor to ger čaim be haldene Ile čat duse čaim -- Vs agth to lapp our negthbur dedis in če best, nogth in če werst. Excytyng of any man til Ire. To reprehend in a nother čat he dose |p23 hym-self. Vayne speche, Mikel speche, fole spe[ch]e. To spe[k]e Idele wordis or wordes čat er na nede Rosyng. Polysyng of worddes. Defendyng of synne. Crying in Laghter. Mow mak_yng on any mane. To syng seculer sanges and luf čaim. To prayse ille dedis. To syng mare to loouyng of men čan of god.  ée synnes of dede er čir: Glotony. Litchery. Drunken_hed. Symony. Wytchecraft. Breekyng of če haly days. Sacrilege. To receyfe goddis body in dedly synne. Breekyng of wowes. Apostasy. Dissolucyon in goddis seruyse. To gif ensampile of ile dedes. To hurt any man in his body, or in his guddis, or in his fame. Theft. Rauyne. Vsure. Deceyte. Sellyng of rygthwysenes. To herken ille. To gif to herlotis. To withhald necessaryse fra či body, or to gif it outrage. To bygyne n thyng čat es abovene our mygth. Coustom to syn. Fallyng oft in synne. Fenyng of mare gud čane we haue, ffor to seme halier, or conander, or wyser čan we er. To hald če office čat we suffice nogth tille, or čat may nogth be haldene with-outene syne. To lede Carols. To bryng vp new gyses. To he Rebelle to his soueraynes. To defoule čaim čat er lesse. To synne in sygth, In heryng, In smellyng, In touchyng, In handdellyng, In schewyng; In giftis, in ways, signes, bydynges, wrytynges. To Receyf če Circumstance, čat er Tyme, Stede, Maner, Nombre, Persone, Dwellyng, Conyng, Eld: čir |p24 makis če synne mare or lesse. To couayte to syne ar he be temped. To constreyne hym to synne.  Other many synnes er čar of omyssyoun, čat es of leeuyng of gud vndone: When men leeues če gud čat čai suld do; nogth thynkand on gode, ne dredand, ne lufande hym, ne thankand hym of his benefyces. To do nogth al čat he dose for goddis luf. To sorow nogth for his synne als he suld do. To dispose hym nogth to receyf grace. And if he haf taken grace, to vse it nogth als hym agth, ne to kype it nogth. To turne nogth at če Inspiracioun of gode. To con_forme nogth his wile to goddis wile. To gif nogth entent til his prayers, bot rable on and reke neuer bot at čai be sayd. To do necligently čat he es halden til thurgth a vowe or comandement, or es enioynt in penance. To drawe on lenth at es at do son. Hafand na ioy of his neighbur profyte als of his awene. Sorowand nogth for his ille_fare. Standand nogth agayne tempta_cions. Forgifand nogth čaim čat haf don hym harme. Kepand nogth trouth to his negthbur as he wald he dede to hym, and yheldand hym nogth a gud deide for another if he may. Amendand nogth čaim čat synnes bi-for his eghen. Peesand nogth strifes. Lerand nogth čaim čat er vnconand. Confortand nogth čaim čat er in sorow, or in sekenes, or in pouert, or in penance, or in pryson. éir synnes, and many other, makes men foule. --  ée thynges čat |p25 clenses vs of čat fi[l]th er thre. Agaynes čase thre maners of synnes.  ée first es Sorow of hert, agayne če syne of thogth; and čat be-houes be so parfite čat čou be in ful wile neuer to syne mare; and at čou haf sorow of alle či synnes; and at al ioy and solace, bot of god and in god, be pute out of či hert.  ée tother es Schrift of mouth, agayne če synne of mouthe; and čat sal be hasty with-outene delayinge, nakede with-outene excusyng, and en_tier with-outen partyng: als for to tell a synne til a prest and another til another. Say all čat čou wat til ane or al es nogth worth.  ée thride es Satisfaccyoun; čat has thre partis: Fast_yng, prayer, and Almus-dede. Nogth anly to gif poueer meo mete and drynke, bot for to forgif čaim čat dose če wrange, and praye for čaim, and en_fourme čaim how čai suld do čat er in poynt to perisse. --  For če thrid thynge, čou sal witte čat clennes bi_houes be kepide In hert, and in mouth, and in werke. Clennes of hert thre thynges kepis: Ane es waker thogth and stable of gode. Another es bisenes to kipe če fyue wites, swa čat all če wicked stirynge be closede out of či flesshe. ée thrid es honest occupanyoun and profitable.  Also clennes of mouth kepis thre thynges: Ane es at čou vmthynke če bifour ar čou speke. An_other, čat čou be nogth of mykele speche bot of litele, and namly ay til či hert be stabled in če luf of Ihesu, |p26 swa čat če thynk čat čou lokes ay on hym whether čou speke or nogth. Bot swylke a grace may čou nogth haue on če first day, bot with lang trauayl and grete bisynes to luf and with costome, swa čat če eghe of či hert be ay vpward: čan sal čou come čar-til. ée thrid, čat čou for na thyng ne for na mekenes legthe on any mane -- for ilke a leghe es synne and ille and nogth at goddis wile. ée thar nogth telle al če south ay bot if čou wil; bot al leghes bate. If čou say athyng of či self čat semes či loouyng, and čou say it to če loouyng of god and belp of očer, čou duse nogth vnwysely, for čou spekes southfastnes. Bot if čou wil haue any preue loouyng, tele it til nane bot swilk ane čat čou be sekir čat it sal nogth be schewed bot anely to če loouynge of gode of wham es all gudnese, and čat makes sum better čan other, and gifs čaim special graces, nogth anely for čaim-self bot alswa for čaim čat wile do wele, till čaire en_sampil.  Clennes of werk thre thynges kepis: Ane es assiduele thogth of či dede -- for če wyseman says: "Vmbethynke če of či last endynge and čou sal noth syn". Another: fle fra ille felischipe čat gifs mare ensampile to luf če werld čan god, če erth čan heeuene, filthe of bodye čan clennes of saul.  ée thrid es temperance and discrecion in mette and dry ake, čat it be nother till outrage, ne by_neethen skylwys sustynance of če body. For bath comes til ane endyng: outrage and ouer-mykele fastyng -- For nother es goddis wile; and čat wil many nogth |p27 wene, ffor nogth čat man may say. If čou take sustynance of swylke gud als god sendes for če tyme and če day, what it be, I out-tak [na] maner of mete čat crystend men vses -- with discrecyon and mesure, čou duse wele; ffor so did Cryst hym-self and his Apostels. If čou leeue many metes čat men has; nogth dispisand če met čat god has mad til mans help, bot for če thynke čat čou has na nede čarof, čou duse wele, If čou se čat čou ert stalward to serue god and at it bree_kes nogth či stomake. For if čou have broken čat with ouer-mykel abstynence, če es reft appityte of mete, and oft sal čou be in qwaythes, als čou war redy to gif če gaste. And wite čou wele čou synned in čat dede. And čou may nogth wite son whether či ab_stynence he agayne or with če. For_či, to-while čou ert yhung, I red čat thou ete and drynke better and ware als it comes, čat čou be noght bygyled. And afward, when čou has proued many thynges and ouer-comen many tempta_cyons and knawys či-self and god better čan čou dose now: čan, if čou se at it be at do, čou may take če til mare abstynence. And whils čou may do pryue penance, čat all men thar noght wite. Rygthwy[s]nes es nother in Fast_yng ne in eetynge: Bot čou ert rygth_wys lf al he-like be to če Dispite and Loouyng, Poeuert and Rychesse, Hunger and ede als delites and dayntes. If čou tak čir with a loouyng of god. I hald če blyssed and hegh byfor Ihesu. Men čat comes til če, čai luf če for čai se či grete abstynence and for čai |p28 se če enclosed: bot I may nogth louue če so ligthly, for ogth čat I se če do with-outene, bot if či wile be con_fourmed entierly to goddis wile. And set nogth by čair loouyng ne čaire lackyng, And gif čou neeuer tale if čai spek lesse gud of če čan čai dide: Bot čat čou če brynnander in goddis luf čan čou was. For of a thyng I warne če: I hop čat god has na parfyte seruaunt in erth with-outene enemys of sum men -- For anely wrycchedenes has nane enemy.  For to draw vs čat we confourme our wile til goddis wile, čar er thre thyngs:  Ane es ensampil of haly men and haly women, če whilk war ententife nygth and day to serue gode and drede hym and luf hym; and if we folow čaim in erth, we moun be with čaim in heeuene.  Anočer es če gudnes of our lord čat despises nane, bot gladly receyfs all čat come til his mercy, and es hamelier to čaim čan bročer or sister or any frende čat čai maast luf or maast traystes on.  ée thrid es: ée woundirfull ioy of če kyngdome of heeuene, čat es mare čan tung may telle or hert may thynke or eghe may se or eer may heer. It es so mykell čat, als in hell mygth na thyng lyue for mykel pyne bot at če mygth of god suffirs čaim nogth to dye, swa če Ioy in če sygth of Ihesu in his gud_hede es so mykell čat čai mond die for Ioy, If it ne war his gudnes čat wile čat his lufars be lifand ay in blysse, als his rygthwysnes wile čat all čat lufe hym nogth, be ay lifand in fyre, čat es horrible til any man at thynke, |p29 Lok čan what [it] es to feele! Bot čai čat wile nogth thynk it and drede it Now, čai sal suffre it, eeuermare.  Now has čou herd how čou may dispoose či life and rewle it to goddis wile. Bot I wate wele čat čou desires to here sum speciale poynt of če luf of Ihesu Cryst, and of Contemplatif lif če whilke čou has takene če ůtil at mens sigth. Als I haue grace and conyng I wile lere če. AMORE LANGUEO. éir twa wordis er wrytene in če bok of luf, or če sange of sanges -- For he čat mykel lufs, hym list oft syng of his luf, ffor ioy čat he or scho has when čai thynke on čat at čai luf, namely if čaire lufer be trewe and lufand. And es til če Inglis_she of čis twa wordis: I languysshe for luf. Sere men in erth has sere giftis and graces of god: Bot če special gift of čase čat ledis solitary life, es forto luf Ihesu Cryst. éou says me: "All men lufs hym čat haldes his comaunde_mentis ." South it es; bot all čat kepis his bedyng, kipis nogth als his coun_sayll ; and all čat dos his counsayll, es nogth als ful-filled of če swetenes of his lufe ne files nogth če fire of bryn_nand luf of hert. For-či če diuersite of luf makes če diuersyte of halynes and of mede in heeuen. ée Angels čat er brynnandest in luf, er nerrest gode. Alswa men or women čat maast haf of goddis luf, whethir čai do pen_aunce or nane, čai sal be in če hegthest degre in heeuene; čai čat lufs hym lesse, In če laghter order. If čou luf |p30 hym mykell, mykel Ioy and swetnes čou felis in his luf čat es či comfort and či strength bath nygth and day; If či luf be nogth brynnand in hym, litele es či delite. For hym may na man fele in Ioy and swetnes but If he be clenne and fillid with his luf. And čar-til saltow come with gret trauayll in prayer and thankyng, hafand swylke meditaciouns čat er all in če luf and če loouyng of god. And when čou ert at či meet, looue ay god in či thogth at ylke a morsell, and say čus in či hert: "Looued če čou kyng, and thanked be čou kyng, and blyssed be čou kyng, Ihesu all my ioying, of all či giftis gude, čat for me spylt či blode, and dyede on če rode. éou gif me grace to syng če sang of či loou_yng." And thynk it nogth anely whils čou eettis, bot bath bifoor and after, ay bot when čou prayes or spekes; or if čou haue other thoghtes čat čou has mare swetnes and deuocyon In čan in čase čat I lere če, čou may thynk čaim. For I hop čat god wile do swylke thoghtes in či hert als he es payed of, and als čou ert ordaynede. For when čou prays, loke nogth how mykell čou says, bot how wele; čat če luf of či hert be ay vpward and či thogth on čat čou says als mykel als čou may. If čou be in prayers and meditacyons al če day. I wate wele čat čou mon wax gretly in če luf of Ihesu |p31 Cryst and mykel fele of delite, and with-Ine schort tyme.  Thre degrees of luf I sal telle če: For I wil čat čou mygth wynne to če hegthest.  ée fyrst degre es called Insuperable.  ée secund Inseparable.  ée third Singuler.  éi luf es insuperable when na thyng čat es contrary til goddis luf ouer-comes it, bot es stalward agayne all fandyngs, and stable, whether čou be in eese or in anguys, or in heele or in sekenes; swa čat če thynke čat čou wald nogth for all če werld, to haue it with-outene ende, wreth god ane tyme, and če war leeuer, if other suld be. to suffre al če pyne and če wa čat mygth come til any creature, or čou wald do če thyng čat suld mys-pay hym. On čis maner sal či luf be Insuperable, čat na thyng may doun bryng bot springand on hegth. Blyssed es he or scho čat es in čis degree! Bot yhete war čay blysseder čat mygth hald čis degre and wynne in til če tothyr, čat es Inseparable.  Inseparable es či luf whenn all či hert and či thogth and či mygth es so haly, so entierly and so parfytely fest_end, sete and stablede in lhesu Crist, čat či thogth comes neeuer of hym, neeuer departyd fra hym, out-taken slepynge: And als son als čou wakkenes, či hert es on hym, sayand Aue Maria", or Gloria tibi domin~e, or Pater noster, or Miserere mei deus If čou |p32 haue bene temped in či slepe, or thynk_and his luf and his loouyng als čou did wakand. When čou may na tyme forgete hym, what so čou duse or says, čan es či luf Inseparable. Ful mykele grace haue čay čat er in čis degre of luf! And me thynk čat čou čat has nogth ells at do [but] forto luf god, may come čar-til, if any may it gete.  ée thred degre es hegthest, and maast ferly to wynne: éat es Called singuler, ffor čat bas na pier. Singuler luf es when all Comforth and solace es closed out of če hert bot of Ihesu Cryst anely. Other delyte ne other Ioy list it nogth. For če swetnes of hym in čis degre es swa comfortand and lastand in his luf, swa brynnand and gladand, čat he or seho čat es in čis degre, may als wele fele če fyre of luf brynnand in čair saule, als čou may feile či fynger brynne if čou pute it in če fyre. Bot čat fyre, if it be bate, es so delytable and wondirfull čat I can nogth telle it. éan če saul es Ihesu lufand Ihesu thynkand, Ihesu desy_rand, anely in couaytes ofhym hangand, til hym sygthand, of hym brennand, in hym restand. éan če sang of loouyng and of luf es comen. éan či thogth turnys in to sang and melody, čan če bi_houes syng če psalmes čat čou byfore sayd. éan čou mon be lang about fa psalmes. éan če wil thynke če deide swetter čan hony, ffor čan čou ert ful sekyr to se hym čat čou lufs. éan may čou hardyly say: "I langnysshe for luf." éan may čou say: "I slep and my |p33 hert wakes" In če fyrst degre men may say "I languysshe for luf" or "me langes for luf", and in če tother degre alswa: for languyssyng es, when men falles for sekenes, and ča čat er in čis twa degrees, falles fra all couaytese of čis werld and fra lust and lyk_yng of synfull lif, and settis čair en_tent and čair hert til če luf of god; for-či may čay say: "Ilanguysshe for luf" -- and mykel mare čat er in če secund degre [čan] in če fyrst.  Bot če saul čat es in če thred degre, es als brynnand fyre, and als če nygthgale čat lufs sang and melody and falles for mykele luf. Swa čat če saul es anely comforted in loouyng and lufyng of god, and til če dede come, es syn_gand gaastly til Ihesu, and in Ihesu, and Ihesu, nogth bodyly cryand with če mouth -- of čat maner of syngyng speke I nogth, ffor čat sang has bath gud and ille; and čis maner of sang bas nane bot if čai be in čis thred degre of luf: til če whilke degre it es In_possible to cum bot in a gret multitude of luf. For-či, if čou wil wite what_kyns ioy čat sang has, I say če čat na man wate bote he or scho čat felis it, čat has it, and čat looues god syn_gand čar-with. Ane thyng telle I če: It es of heeuene, and god gifs it til whame he wille, bot nogth with-outene gret graces comand bifore. Wha so has it, hym thynk all če sang and če myn_stralcy of erth nogth bot sorow and waa čar-til. In souerayne rest sal čai be čat mon get it. Gangrels and Ianglers and kepers of comers and |p34 gangers arely and lat, nygth and day, or any čat taglede es with any synne wylfully and wetandly, or čat has delite in any erthly thyng: čay er als fer čar-fra als es fra heeuen til erth.  In če fyrst degre er many; In če točer degre er ful faa: bot in če thred degre vnnethes er any -- for ay če mare at če perfeccyone es, če fouer folowers it has. In če fyrst degre er men lykened til če sternes; In če tothir degre til če mon: and in če thred degre til če sonne. For-či says sayne Paul: "Othir es of če sonne. Othir of če mone, othir of če sternes." Swa es it of če lufers of god. In čis thred degre, if čou may wynne čare-til, čou sal wite of mare Ioy čan I haf taled če yhete. And amang othir affeccyons and sanges čou may in či langyng syng čis in či hert til či louerd Ihesu, whene čou couaytes his comyng and či gangynge:  "When wil čou come to comfort me and bryng me out of care. And gif me če čat I may se, hafand eeuermare? či luf es ay swetest of all čat euer ware- My hert whene sal it brest? for laf čan languyst I no mare. For luf my thogth has fest, and I am fayne to fare. I stand in stil mournyng of ane, če luflyest of lare; es luflangyng. It drawes me til my day, če band of swete brynnyng. For it haldes me ay fra place and fra playn~g. Til čat I gete may če sygth of my swettyng, čat wendys neeuer away. In welth beese our wakynge, with-outen noy or nygth. My luf es in lastyng. And langes vnto čat sigth." |p35  If čou wil be wele with god and haf grace to rewel či lif and com til če ioy of luf, čis name of Ihesu fest it so fast in či hert čat it come neeuer out of či thogth. And when čou spekis til hym and says Ihesu thurgth coustome, it sal be in čine eer Ioy, in či mouth hony, and in či hert melody: For če sal thynk Ioy to heer čat name be neeuend, Swe_tenes to spek it, Mirth and sang to thynke it. If čou thynk on Ihesu contynuelly and haldes it stabilly, it purges či synne, and kyndels či hert. It claryfies či saul. It remoues anger, and duse away slawnes. lt woundes in luf. Fulfilles of char_yte. It chaces če deeuel. It puttes out drede. It opens heeuene and makis a Contemplatif man. Haf in memor Ihesu: for all vices and fantoms it puttes fra če lufer. And hayls oft Marye, bath day and nygth! Mikel luf aud ioy sal čou fele If čou wil do after čis lare. ée thar nogth couayte gretely many bokes: hald luf in hert and in werk, and čou sal haue all čat we may say or wryte: for fulnes of če lagthe es charyte; In čat hynges all.  Bot now may čou aske me and say: "éou spekis so mykel of luf: Telle me what luf es, and whar it es, and how I sal lufe god veraly, and how I may knawe čat I luf hym, and In what state I may maast luf hym." éir er hard qwestyons to lere to a feble man and a flesshly als I am. Bot neeuer-če-latter čare_foore |p36 sal I nogth leue čat I ne sal schew my witte and als me thynke čat it may be: For I hop in če help of Ihesu, čat es welle of luf and pees of swetenes.  éE fyrst askyng es: What es luf? And I answer: luf es brennand yhernyng In god with a woundirful delite and sikyrnes. God es lygth and brynnyng. Ligth clarifies our skylle, and brynnyng kyndeles oure couaytese, čat we desire nogth bot hym. Luf es a lif coupland to-gider če lufand and če lufed: For mekenes makys vs swet to god, Purete Ioynes vs til god, luf makes vs ane with god. Luf es fayrest of all ver_tus. Luf es thynge thurgth če whilke god lufs vs, and we god; and ylk ane of vs other. Luf es desire of če hert, ay thynk_and til čat it lufs; and when it has čat it lufs, čan it Ioyese, and na thyng may mak it sary. Luf es yhernyng Imelle twa, with lastandnes of thoghtes. Luf es a stiryng of če saul for to luf god for hym-self, and all other thyng for god; če whylk luf when it es ordayned in god, it dose away all vnordayned luf in any thyng čat es nogth gud. Bot all dedeIy [syn] es vnordayned luf in a thyng čat es nogth: čan luf puttes out all dedly synne. Luf es a vertu, čat es če rygth affeccyoun of a mans saul. Trouthe nogth |r[!] may be with-outen luf, bot it may help with-outen it. Luf es perfeccyoun~ of letters, vertue of prophetye, fruyte of trouthe, heel of sacramentis, stablyng of wite and co_nyng, Rychesce of pouer men, Lif of diand men.  Se how god luf es! If we |p37 suffre to be slayne; If we gif all čat we haf, til begger stafe; If we can als mykel als men may cun in erth; til all čis with-outene lufe, es nogth bot so_row ordayned and tourment.  If čou wil ask howe gud he es or scho, ask how mykel lufs he or scho: and čat can na man telle -- Forči I hald it bot foly to deme of a mans hert, čat nane knawys bot god. Luf es a rygthwys turnyng fra all erthly thynges, and es Ioynt til god, with-outene departyng, and kyndeled with če fier of če haly gast; fer fra filyng, fer fra Corupcyoun, obliged til na vice of čis lif, Hegth aboun all flesshely lustes. Ay redy and gredy til Contemplacyoun of god. In all thynges vnouercommene. ée soun of all gud affeccyons. Heel of gud ma_ners. End of če comandementis of god. Dede of synnes. Lif of vertus. Vertu whils fightyng lastes. Coroun of ouercomers. Armes til haly thoghtes. With-outene čat, na man may pay god; with čat, na man synnes -- For if we luf god in all our hert, čar es na thyng in vs thurgth če whilke we serue to synne. Verray luf clenses če saul, and delyuers it fra če payne of hell, and of če foule seruyse of synne, and of če vgly felishipe of deeuels; and of če fendes sone makis goddis sone, and partyner of če herytage of heeuen. We sal afforce vs to cleeth vs in luf als če Iren or če cool dose in če fyer, Als če ayre duse in če son, Als če wolle duse in če hewe. ée cool swa cleethes it in če fyre čat all es fyre. ée ayre swa cleethes it in če |p38 sone čat all es ligth. And če wolle so substauncyaly takes če hewe čat it es like it. In čis maner sal a trew lufer of Ihesu Cryst do: his hert sal so brene in lufe čat it sal be turnyd in til fyer of luf and be als it war all fyre; and sall swa schyne in vertus čat in na part of hym he be myrke in vices. --  ée tother askynge es: Whar es luf? And I answer: luf es in če hert and in če wile of a man, nogth in his hand ne in his mouth, čat es at say: nogth in his werke, bot in his saul. For many spekes gud and duse gud, and lufs nogth god: Als Ipocrytes, če whilk suffres grete penance and semes haly to mens sygth: Bot for čay seke loouyng and honour of men and fa_uour, čai haf lost čair mede and in če sygth of god er če deeuels sons and Rauyschand wolfes. Bot if a man gif almus-dede and takys hym til poouert and duse penance, it es a syng čat he lufs god, bot čare-foure lufs he hym nogth. Bot when he forsakis če werld anely for goddis luf and settis all his thogth on god and lufs all men als hym-self, and all če gud dedes čat he may do, he dose čaim in entent for to pay Ihesu Crist and to come til če rest of heeuen: čan he lufs god, and čat luf es in his saul, and swa his de_dis schewes with-outen. If čou spek če gud and do če gud, men supposes čat čou lufs god: Forči lok wele čat či thogth be in god, or ells čou dampnes či-self and deceyfs če men. Na thyng čat I do with-outen prooues |p39 čat I luf god: For a wykked man mygth do als mykel penance in body, als mykel wak and fast als I do. How may I čane wene čat I luf, or hald me better, ffor čat at ylk a man may do? Ceertis, my hert, whethir I luf my god or nogth, wate na mane bot god, for nogth čat čai may se me do. Whaar-foor luf es in wile verrayly, nogth in werke, bot als synge of luf. For he čat says he lufs god and wil nogth do in dede čat in hym es to schew luf, say hym he leghes! Luf wil nogth be Idele: It es wirkand some gud eeuer-mare. If it cees of wirkyng, wite čou wele it kelis and wytes away. --  éEůthird askyng es:"How sal I ver_rayly luf god?" I answer: verray luf es, to lufe hym in all či mygth stalwardly; In all či hert wysely; In all či saul deuoutely and swetly.  Stalwardly may na man luf hym bot If he be stalward. He es stalward čat es meke: For all gast_ely strenth comes of mekenes -- on whame restis če haly gast? in a meke saul. Mekenes gouernes vs and kepis vs in all our tempt_acyons, swa čat čai ouer-come vs nogth. Bot če deeuel deceyfs many čat er meke thurgth tribulacyons and reproefs and backbytynges. Bot if čou be wrathe for any anguys of čis werld, or for any word čat men says of če, or for ogth čat men says til če, čou ne ert nogth meke, ne čou ne may nogth so luf god stalwardly. For luf es stalward als če dede, čat slaas al lifand thyng in erth; |p40 and hard als hell, čat spares nogth to čaim čat er dede. éarefoor he čat lufs god parfytely, he ne griefs hym nogth, what schame or anguys so he suffirs, bot he has delyte and couaytes čat he war worthy for to suffre tour_ment and payne for Cristis lufe, and he has Ioy čat men reproues hym and speke ille of hym. Als a dede man, what so men dose or says, answers nogth: swa wha so lufs god parfytely, čai er nogth stirid for na word čat man may say. For he or scho can nogth luf čat may nogth suffre payne and angre for čaire frendys luf: For wha so lufs, čai haf na pyne. Proud man or woman lufs nogth stalwardly: For čai er so wayke čat čai fal at ylke stir_ynge of če wynd, čat es temptacyoun. éai seke hegther stede čan Cryst: For čai wile haf čaire wile done whethir it be with rygth or with wrange, and Cryst wil na thyng be done bote wele and with-outene harme of othir men. Bot wha so es verrayly meke, čai wile nogth haue čaire wile in čis werld, čat čai may haf it in če tothir plenerly. In na thyng may men soner ouer-come če deeuel čan in meknes, čat he mykele haatis: For he may waak and fast and suffre pyne, mare čan any other crea_ture may, bot mekenes and luf may he nogth haue.  Alswa če bihoues luf god wysely. And čat may čou nogth do, bot if čou be wys. éou ert wys, when čou ert pouer, with-outen couay_tese of čis werld, and despyses či-self |p41 for če luf of lhesu Crist, and dispendys all či wite aud či mygth in his seruyse. For some čat semes wysest er maast foles, ffor all čaire wysdom čai spyll in couaytese and bysenes about če werld.  If čou sagth a man haue precyous stanes čat he mygth by a kyngdome with; If he gaf čaim for ane appyl als a barne wil do, rygthly mot čou say čat he war nogth wys, bot a grete fole. Whar-foor, if we wile, we haf precyous stanes: pouert, and penance, and gastly trauayle, with če whilk we may bye če kyngdom of heeuen. For if čat čou luf pouert and despise rychesce and delyces of čis werld and haldis či_self vyle and pouer and thynkes čat čou has nogth of či self bot synne: ffor čis pouert čou sal haf rychesce with-outen ende. And if čou haf sorow for či synnes and for čou ert so lang in exile out of či cuntre, and forsakes če solace of čis lif, čou sal haf for čis sorow če Ioy of heeuen. And if [čou] be in trauayl and punysches či body skylwysly and wysely in wakynges and fastynges and in prayers and meditacyons, and suffirs hete and cald, hunger and threst, Mysays and angwys, for če luf of Ihesu Cryst, for čis trauayle čou sal come til če rest čat lastes ay, and sitte in a setill of ioy with aungels. Bot some er čat lufs nogth wysely, lyke til barnes čat lufs mare ane appyl čan a castel; swa dose many: éai gif če Ioy of heeuen for a litil delite of čaire flesshe, čat es nogth worth a ploune.  Now may čou |p42 se čat wha so wil luf wysely, hym bihoues luf lastand thyng lastandly, Passand thynge passandly; swa čat his hert be sette and festend in na thyng bot in god.  And if čou wil luf Ihesu verrayly, čou sal nogth anely luf hym stalwardly and wysely, bot alswa de_noutely and swetly.  Swete luf es, when či body es chast and či thogth clenne.  Deuoute luf es, when čou offers či prayers and či thoghtes til god with gastly Ioy and brynnand hert in če hete of če haly gast, swa čat če thynk čat či saul es als it war drunken for delyte and solace of če swetnes of Ihesu, and či hert conceyfs so mykel of goddis help čat če thynke čou may neeuer be fra hym departyde; and čou comes in til swylke rest and pees in saul and quyete, with-outen thoghtes of vanytesce or of vyces, als čou war in silence and slepe, and sette in Noe schipe, čat na thyng may lette [če] of deuocyoun and brynnyng of swet luf. Fra čou haf getyn čis luf, al či lif, til dede come, es Ioy and confort als verray Chryst lufer, and he restis in če whase steed es maked in pees.-  éE fierth askyng was: How čou mot knaw čat čou war in luf and charyte. I answer čat na man whate in erth čat čai er in charyte, bot if it be thurgth any priuelage of speciale grace čat god has gifen til any man or woman, čat all othir may nogth take ensampyl bye. Haly men and women troues čat čai haf trouth and hop and charite, and in čat duse als wele als čai may, and |p43 hoopes certaynly čat čai sal be saaf; čai wate it nogth als tyte: ffor if čai wyste, čaire meryte war če lesse. And Salamon says čat it er rygthwys men and wys men, and čaire werkis er in goddis hand. And nogth-for-či a man wat nogth whethire [he] be worthy hatred or luf: Bot al es reseerued vncertayne til anothir werld. Neeuer_če -latter if any had grace čat he mygth wynne til če thred degre of luf, čat I called Singulere, he suld knawe čat he war in luf. Bot in čat maner his knawyng es čat he mygth neeuer beer hym če hegther ne be in če lesse bisynes to luf god, bot swa mykel če mare čat he es sekir of luf, wald he be bisy to luf hym and drede hym čat has mad swylke bisynes (!), and done čat gudnes. And knawe čat he es so hegthe, he wald nogth hald hym-self worthyer čan če synfullest man čat gas on erthe.  Alswa seeuene experymentis eer čat a man be in charyte. ée first es, when all couaytese of erthly thyng es sleckend in hym. For whar so couaytyse es, čare es na luf of Cryst. éan if he haf na couaytyse, sygne es čat he has luf. ée secund es, brynnand yhernyng of heeuene. For when men has felid ogth of čat sauour, če mare čai haf če mare čai couayte, and he čat nogth has felid nogth he desyres. For-či when any es so mykel gifen til če luf čarof čat he can fynd na Ioy in čis lif, Taken he has čat he es in Charyte. ée thred es: If his tung be chaunged, čat was wone to speke of če erth, and now |p44 spekes of god and of če lif čat lastes ay. ée fierth es, excercyse of gaastIy profyte, als if any man or woman gifs čaim entierly til goddis seruyse and entirmetis čaim of nane erthly bisynes. ée fift es, when če thinges čat er hard in čaim-self, semes ligth forto do. éat luf makes. For als Calcidor says: Lufreden es če thyng čat brynges nerehand inpossible til possible mygth appeertly. ée sext es, hardynes of thogth to suffre all angwysses and noyse čat comes-with-outene čis, all če tothir ne suffyces nogth. For it sal nogth make a rygthwys man sary what so bifalles hym. For he čat es Rygthwys, he haatis nogth bot synne, he lufs nogth bot god, he dredis nogth bot to wrethe god. ée seuent es, delytablete in saul; when he es in tribulacyoun and makis loouyng to god in ylk ane angre čat he suffres. And čis schewys wele čat he lufs god when na waa may bryng hym doun. For many looues god whiles čai er in eese, and in aduersyte čai grucche and in til so mykel sarynes čai falle čat vnnethes may any man comfort čaim, and swa sk[l]aunder čai god, flitand and figthtand agaynes hys domes. And čat es a caytif loouyng čat any welth of če werld makes! Bot čat loouyng es of mykel prys čat na vyolence of sorowe may do a-way. -- éE fift askyng was: In what state men may maast luf god. I answer: In whilke state so it be čat men er in maast rest of body |p45 and saul, and leest occupyed with any nedis or bisynes of čis werld. For če thogth of če luf of Ihesu Cryst and of če day čat lastis ay, sekis rest with-outen, čat it be nogth lettid with comers and gangers and oconpacyon of werldisshe thynges; and it sekis with-Inne gret silence fra če noyse of couaytise and of vanytese and erthly thoghtes. And namely all čat luf contemplatife lif, čai seke rest in body and in saul. For a gret doctor says čat čai er goddis throne čat dwellis stille in a stede and er nogth about rennand, bot in swettenes of Crystis luf er stablede.  And I haf lufd forto sytte, for na penance, ne for na fantasy čat I wald men spake of me, ne for na swilke thyng, bot anely for I knewe čat I lufd god mare and lengar lasted with me comfort of lufe, čan gangand or standand or kneland. For sittand am I in mast rest, and my hert mast vpward. Bot čarfor parauenture it es nogth če best til anothir to sitte als I haf done and wil do to my dede, bot if he war disposed als I was in his saul. |p46 |rTwa lifs er čat cristen men lifs: Ane es called actife lif: for it es [in] mare werke bodely. Anothir Contemplatif lif: for it es in mare swetnes gastly.  Actif lif es mykel outward, and in mare trauaylle and in mare perille, |p47 for temptacyons čat er in če werld.  Contemplatif lif es mykel inward, and for-[či] it es lastander and sikerer, restfuler, delitabler, luflyer and mare medfull. For it has Ioy in goddis luf, and sauour in če lif čat lastes ay, in čis present tyme if it be rygth ledde. And čat felyng of Ioy in če luf of Ihesu passes all othir merytes in erthe. For it es so hard to cum tille, ffor če freyllte of our flesshe and če many temptacyons čat we er vmsette with, čat lettis vs nygth and day: All othir thynges er ligth at come to in reward čareof. For čat may na man deserue: Bot anely it er gifen of goddis gudnes til čaim čat ver_rayly gifs čaim til Contemplacyone and til qnyete for Cristis luf. Til men or women čat takis čaim til actif lif, Twa thynges falles: Ane, forto onlayne čaire menyhe in drede and in luf of god and fynd čaim čaire necessaryes, and čaim-self kepe entierly če comaundementis of god, doand with čaire neigthbor als čai wil čat čai do til čaim.  Anothir es čat čai do at čaire power če seuene werkys of mercy; če whilke es: to fede če hungry, To gif če thresty a drynke, To cleth če naaked, To herber hym čat has na housyng, To vysete če seke, To comfort čaim čat er in preson, and to graue dede men. All ča čat may, and has cost, čai may nogth be quyte with ane or twa of čir, bot čaim bihoues to do čaim all, If čai wil haf če beneson on domes-day čat Ihesu |p48 Crist sal til all gif čat duse čaim. Or elles may čai dred če malysoune čat I mon haue čat wil nogth do čaim when čai had guddes to do čaim with.  Contemplatyf lif has twa partys, a lagther and " hegther. ée lagher partye es medytacyone of haly wrytyng -- čat es godis wordis -- and in othir gude thoghtes and swete čat men has of če grace of god obont če luf of Ihesu Cryst; and alswa in louoyng of god in psalmes and ympnes, or in prayers.  ée hegther party of Contemplacyoune es bihaldyng and yhernyng of če thynges of heeuene, and Ioy in če haly gast; čat men has of grace, and if it be swa čat čai be nogth prayand with če mouthe bot anely thynkand on god and of če fayrehed of angells and haly sauls. éan may I say čat Contemplacyone es a woundirfull Ioy of goddis luf, če whilke Ioy es loouyng of gode čat may nogth be tald, and čat woundirful loouyng es in če saul. And for aboun_daunce of ioy and swetnes it ascendis in til če mouthe, swa čat če hert and če tung accord in ane, and body and saul Ioyse in god lifand.  A man or woman čat es ordand til Countemplatif life, fyrst god enspires čaim to forsake čis werld and all če vanyte and če couaytise and če vyle lust čare-of. Sithen he leddis čaim by čaire ane and spekis til čaire hert: and als če prophete says, he gifs čaim at souke če swetnes of če bygynnyng of luf; and čan he settis čaim in wille to gif čaim haally to prayers and meditacyons and teeris. Sithen when čai haf suffred many |p49 temptacyons, and če foul noys of thoghtes čat er Idell, and of vanytyse, če whilke wile combre čaim čat can nogth distroye čaim, es passand away, he gers čaim gader til čaim čaire hertis and fest čaim haally in hym: and opens til če egth of čaire saul če yhates of heeuen, swa čat čat ylke egthe lukes in til heeuen. And čan če stye of luf verrayly ligges in čaire hert and brynnes čare-Inne, and makis it clenne of erthly fylth; and sithen-forthward čai er Contemplatife men and rauyshed in luf. For Contemplacyoune es a sygth: éai se in til heeuen with čaire gastly egthe. Bot čou sal wyte čat na man. has parfite sigth of heeuen whils čai er lifand bodyly here; bot als sone als čai dye, čai er brogth byfore god and seese hym face til face and eghe til eghe, and wonnes with hym with-outen end. For hym čai sogth and hym čai couayted and hym čai lufd in all čaire mygth. Lo, Cecil, I haf schortly sayd [če] če fourme of lufyng, and how čou may come til perfeccyoune and to luf hym čat čou has taken če til. If it do če gud and profyte, thanke god, and pray for me. ée grace of Ihesu Cryst be with če and kepe če. Amen. |p50 |r2._Ego_dormio_et_cor_meum_vigilat. |r[MS._Rawl.A_389,_f.77.,_pp._59-60_MS._Vernon] Ego dormio & cor meum vigilat. ée čat lyste luf, held čine ere and here of luf. In če sang of luf I fynde it writen čat I haue sett at če begynnynge of my wrytynge: "I slepe and my hert wakes." Mykell luf he shewes čat neoere is irke to luf, bot ay, standande, sittande, gangande or any other dede doande es ay his luf thynkand, and oft-sithe čer_of dremand. For-či čat I luf če, I wogh če, čat I myght haue če as I wilde, noght tille me bot till my lard. I wille be comer and messager to bryng če till his bed čat has made če and boght če, Criste če kynges son of heuen; for he will wed če if čou wille laf hym; he askes če na mare bot či luf. And my wille čou dose, if čou luf hym. Crist couaytes či fairehede in saule, čat čou gyf hym halely či hert: and I preche noght ellys bot čat čou do his will, and afforce če day & nyght to lefe alle fleschely luf and al likyng čat lettus če to luf Ihesu Crist verrayly; for I_whils či hert is heldande to luf of any bodyly thyng, čou may not parfitly be cupilde wit god.  In heuen er IX. ordirs of aungels, čat are conte[n]yd in thre Ierarchies: ée lagheste Ierarchy contenys aungels, archangels, vertu¨. ée myddes Ierarchi contenys: Potestates, principatus, Dominaciones. ée heghest Ierarchi, čat next is til god, contenys: Tronys, Cherubyn, and Saraphyn. ée laghest ordir is Aungels, če heghest Seraphyn. And čat ordir čat lest is bryght, is seuen sa bryght as is čis son. And as čou sees če son bryghter čan če candel, če candel bryghter čan če mone, če mone bryghter čan če sternys, alswa are če orders of aungels |p51 in heuen ilkane brighter čan other, fra aungels tille Seraphyn. éis I say to kyndel či hert to couayte če felaw_schype of aungels: for alle čat are gode and haly, when čei passe of čis werld, salle be takyn in till čire orders, som til če lawest: éat has lufed god mykel; som to če myddes: éat has loued god mare; other til če heghest: čat mast lufes god and brennandest er in is lufe. / Seraphyn is at saye "bryn_nande": tille whilke ordir čai er re_ceyfede čat leste couaytes in čis werld, and mast swetnes felys in god, and brennand[est] hertis han in lufe.  Tille če I wryte čis specialy, for I hope in če mare gudnes čan in any other, [&] čat čou wille gyf či thoght to ful_fille in dede čat čou sees is profitable to či saule, and čat lyf gyf če tille in če whilke čou may halelyeste offer či hert tille Ihesu Cryst and leste be in bysynes of čis werld. For if čou wille stabilly luf god & brennandly whiles čou lyfes here, with-outen doute či setyll es ordaned for če ful hegh and ioyfull before če face of god ymanges haly aungels. For in če self degres čare proude deuyls felle downe er meke men and wymmen, Cristes doufys, sett in, to haf rest and ioye with-outen ende, for a littul schort penaunce & trauaile čat čei hafe suffrede for goddes luf.  ée thynke now perauenture harde to gyf či hert fra alle erthly thynge, fra ydil speche, fra al fleschely luf, and ga by čine ane to wake & pray and činke če ioye of heuen, & to haue compassion of če passion of Ihesu Crist, and to ymagyn če pyne of helle čat is ordeyned for synfulmen. Bot witterly, fra čat čou be vsed čerin, če wil činke it lighter & swetter čen euer če did any erthly solace. / Also sone as či hert is toched wit če swetnes of heuen, če wil litel |p52 liste če myrth of čis werlde; and when čou felys ioye in Cristes luf, če wil lathe wit če ioye & če comford of erthly gammyn. For alle če melodye, alle če ryches, alle če delites čat alle če men in čis world kan ordeyne or thynke, semes & es bot noy & angyre til a mannys herte čat verrayly is brennand in če luf of god, for he has myrth & melodie of aungel sange, as čou may wel wyit. lf čou lefe alle thynge čat če liste fleschely, & haue na thowght of či syb frendys, bot for-sake alle for goddes luf, and anely gyf či herte to couayte goddes luf and to paye him, mare ioye čou schal fynde in hym čan I kan thynke -- howe myght I čan wryte hit? I wat neuer if many men be in swilke luf; for ay če hegher čat če lyfe es, če faer folowers it has here, for many thynges drawes men fra goddes luf, čat čou may here & see; [and] god comfortes his lufers mare čan čei wene čat lufes hym noght. For of we seme in penance wit-outen, we salle haue ful mykel ioye within, if we ordeyne vs wysely to goddes seruys and set in hym alle oure thoghtes & forsake vanite.  Gyf alle čine entente to vnderstonde čis wrytyng: [&] if čou haue set či desire to luf god, here čere thre degres of luf, swa čat čou may ryse fra ane til a nother, tille čou be at če hegheste; for I ne wil not hil fra če čat I hope ma torne če tille halynes.  ée first degre of luf es when a man haldes če ten commaundementes, and kepes him fra če seuen dedly synnes, and is stabul in če trouthe of haly kirke; and when a man wille noght for any erthly thynge wreth god, bot trewly standes in his seruice and lastes čare-in tille his lyfes |p53 ende.  éis degree of lufe by-houes ilke man haue čat wille be safe; for na man maye come tille heuen bot if he luf god and his neghbur with-outen pryde, ire and any bakbytyng, and with-outen alle other wennymouse synnes as slawnes, glotery, and lichery, and couaytys: for čere vices slaes če saule & makes hit to depart fra god čat es lyfe of če saule; and when a wreched man or wommon es departed fra god, we saye he is ded, for he is slayne fra god with_outen wham na creature may lyf. Als a man poysunde in a swete morsell takes venym čat slas his body, swa dos a synful wreche in likyng and lust, destroyes his saule and brynges hit tille dede with-outen ende. Men činke hit swete to synne, bot čaire hire čat is ordayned for čaim, es bitterer & galle, sowrer čan atter, wers čan alle če wa čat man caa thynk in erthe.  Alle perisches & passes čat we with eghe see. Hit wanys in till wrechedhede če wele of čis worlde. Robys & riches rotes in če dyche. Pryde & payntynge slake salle in sorowe. Delytes and drorys stynke sall ful sone. éaire gold & čaire tresoure drawes čaim til dede; Alle če wykked of čis werlde dryues til a dale, čat čai may see čaire sorowynge čare wa es alle če rabel. Bot he may synge of solas čat lufed Ihesu Cryst, When alle če wreches fra wele falles in tille helle. --  Bot when čou has wel lyfed in če commaundementes of god and styffely keped če fra alle dedly synnes, and payde tille Criste in čat degre: vmthynke če čat čou wil mare luf god, & do better with či saule, and bycome parfite: & čan enters čou in tille če tother degre of luf, čat es: to forsake alle če worlde and či fader and či moder & alle či kyn & folowe |p54 Crist in pouerte.  In čis degree čou schalle stody howe clene čou may be in herte, and howe chaste in body, and gyf če tille mekenes, suffryng & bosumnes, and loke how faire čou may make či saule in vertuese, and hate alle vices: swa čat či lyfe be gastely, noght fleschely; neuer-mare spekand ille of čine neghbur, ny gyf ane ille word for a nother, bot alle čat men says, ille or gode, suffir hit debonerly in či hert, with-outen stirryng of wreth: and čan schal čou be in reste within, and lightly come in to gastely lyfe, čat čou salle fynde swetter čan any erthely thyng.  Parfite lyfe and gastely es, to despise če erth, couayte če ioye of heuen, and destroye thurgh goddes grace alle wikked desires of če flesche. And forgete če solace and likyng of či kynredyne, and luf čaim noght bot in god; whethire ča dye or lyf, be pore or ryche, be hale or seke, in wa or in wele, thank čou ay god, and bles hym in alle his werkes: for his domes are so priue, čat na creature may comprehende čaim; and oftsith sum men has čaire likyng and čaire wele in čis world, and hell in če tother: and sum men es in pyne & persecucioun & anguys in čis lyfe, and has heuen til čaire mede. For-thy, if či frendes be ay in es and hele & in welth of čis werlde, čou & čai bathe maye če mare drede, čat [čai] lose noght če ioie with-outen ende. If čai be in penaunce, in sekenes, or if čei lyf ryghtwysly, čai may trayste in god to come to his blisse. For-či in čis degree of luf čou salle sa by filde in grace of če haly gast čat čou sal noght haue sorowe ne gratyng bot for gastely thynge, and for či synnes and other mennys, and aftir če luf of Ihesu Crist, and in thynkyng of his passioun -- and čat I wille čat čou hafe mykel |p55 mynde of, for hit will kyndel či hert to set at noght alle če gudes of čis werlde and alle če ioye, & to desire brennandly če light of heuen with aungels and haloghys.  And when či hert is ordayned halely to če seruice of god, & alle werldes thoght is putt oute: éan wille če liste stele be či nane, to thynk of Crist and to be in mykel prayng; for thorow gode thoghtes and haly prayers či hert salle be made brennande in če luf of Ihesu Crist, and čan salle čou fele swetnes and gastely ioye bathe in prayinge and in thynkyng. And when čou arte be či nane, gyf če mikel to say če psalmes of če sawter, and Pater noster and aues; and take not tent čat čou say many, bot čat čou say hom wele, and in alle če deuocioun čat čou may, lyftande vp thy thoght til heuen. Bettir hit is to say seuen psalmes in desyre of Cristes luf, hafand či hert on či praying, čan seuen hundred, suffrande či thoght to pas in vanitees of bodily thynge. What gode hopes čou may com čerof if čou lat či tonge blabir on če boke, and či hert ryn aboute in sere stedes in če werld, whare hit will? For-thy set či thoght in Crist and he salle refe it tille hym and halde hit fra če venym of werldes bysynes. And I pray če, as čou couaytes to be goddes lufer, čat čou lufe čis name Ihesu, and thynk hit in či herte, swa čat čou forgete hit neuer, wharsom~ čou be: and witterly I hete če čou salle fynde mykelle ioye & comfort čerin, and for če luf čat čou lufes lhesu sa tendirly and sa specialy, čou salle be filde full of grace in erth, and be Cristes dere mayden & spouse in heuen. For na thynge sa mekill pays god as verray luf of his name Ihesu. If čou lufe hit ryght and lastandly, & neuer let for na thynge čat men may saye or do, čou salle be raysed in tille a hegher lyfe |p56 čan čou can couayte. His godenes es sa mekill čat čare we inwardly aske hym of ane, he wille gyf vs thre: sa wele payed he es when we set alle oure hert to luf hym.  In čis degre of luf čou salle ouercom či thre enmys: ée werld, če deuel, and či flesche; -- bot neuer-če-latter čou schal hafe ay fightyng whils čou lyfes, and ay til čou dye by_houes če be bysy to stande & to falle noght in ille delyte ne in ille thoght or in ille worde or in ille werkis: for-či grete augh či gernynge to be čat čou luf Crist verraily. éi flesche salle čou ouer-com thurgh haldyng of či mayden_hede for goddes luf anely, or, if čou be na maydun, thurgh chast lyfynge in thoght and in dede, and thurgh discrete abstinence and resonable seruyse. ée werld salle čou ouer-com čorow couaytyng of Cristes luf, & thynkynge of his swete name, and desire til heuen; for als son as čou feles sauowr in Ihesu, če wille thynke alle če werlde noght bot vanite and noye for mennys saules. éou wil noght couayte čan to be ryche, to haue many mantils and faire, many kirtils, many dreurise, bot alle čou wil set at noght and despise alle, and take na mare čan če nedes. ée wille thynke twa mantils or ane Inogh, čat nowe has fyfe or sex; for-či gyf som til Crist čat gas naked and pore, and hald noght til če alle: éat wate noght či lyfe tille čay be halfe gane. / ée deuyl is ouercommen when čou standis stabilly agayns alle his fandynges, in sothfaste charite ande mekenes. And thynke on me čat I be noght forgeten in či prayeres, čat is aboute-warde čat čou were dere with Criste, whas mercy me nedys. I wille čat čou be neuer Idel, [bot] be ay other spekand of god, or wirkand some notabul warke, or thynkand in hym and principally, čat či thoght be |p57 ay hafand hym in mynde. And thynk oft čis of his passioun: (Meditacio de passione.)  My kynge če watur grett, and če blod he swett; sithen full sare him bett, so čat his blode hym wett, when čaire scourges mett. Ful faste čai gun hym dynge, and at če piler swynge, his faire face fouled with spittyng. ée thorne coronys če kynge, fulle sare es čat prykkyng. allas my ioye and my swetyng, es demed for to hynge! Nayled was his hende and nayled was his fete, & thirled es his syde sa semely & sa swete. Naked his white brest, and red his blody syde; wan was his faire hewe, his woundes depe & wyde. In fyfe stedys of his flesche če blode gan downe glyde, as če streme dos of če strande, čis pyne es noght to hyde. To thynke es gret pite, how demed es tille če dede, and nayled on če tre, če bryght aungels brede. Dryuen he is til dole čat is oure gastly gode, and fouled as a fole, in heuen če haloghys fode. A wondir hit is to se, wha-som vndurstode, how god of mageste was dyande on če rode. Bot sothe čan is [it] saide čat luf ledes če rynge; čat him sa laughe has laide, bot luf hit was no thynge. Ihesu, resayue my hert, and til či luf me brynge: alle my desir čou art, I couaite či comynge. čou make me clene of synne, and lat vs neuer twyn, kyndel me fyre with_inne, čat I či luf may wynne, and se či face Ihesu in blys čat neuer may blynne. Ihesu, my saule čou mende, či luf in to me |r[Here_a_leaf_is_wanting_in_the_Ms.;_I_supply] |r[the_gap_from] |r[Ms._Vernon_(=_2nd_text_in_Rawl.)] |r{Ms._Vernon_from_p._58_to_p._60} [sende, čat I may wič če lende, in ioye wič-outen ende. In loue čou wende my čou¨t and lyfte myn herte |p58 to če; če soule čat čou hast bou¨t, bi-fore če make hit be. bute i coueite če, čis world for če i fle; čou art čat i haue sou¨t, či face whon mi¨t i se? // éou make my soule clere: či loue chaungeč my chere; how longe schal i ben here? whon mai i nei¨¨he če nere, či melodye to here, Ofte to here če song, čat is lastyng so long? wolt čou beo my louyng, čat I či loue mai syng. -- --  ¨if čou wolt čenke čis eueri dai, čou schalt fynde čerin gret swetnesses, čat schal drawen čin herte vp and make če falle in to weping, and gret louing haue to Ihesu; and či čou¨t schal be raft from alle eorčliche činges, and aboue če sky and če sterres, so čat če e¨e of čin herte may loke in to heuene. And čenne entrest čou in to če čridde degre of loue.  In če w¨uche čou schalt beo in gret delyte and cumfort, ¨if čou mai¨t gete grace to come čerto. For i sei not čat čou or eny očur schal don hit al, for čat is in godes wille, čat scheweč to don čat her is seid, or očur čing of očur manere, as he ¨iueč mon grace to heore hele. For diuerse men takeč diuerse ¨iftes of vr lord Ihesu Crist, and al schal be set in če ioye of heuene čat endeč in charite. Whose is in čis degre, wisdam he hač and discrecion to louen at godes wille.  éis degre of loue is called Contemplatyf loue, čat loueč to ben onlich, from ryngyng and dune, syngyng and crying. At če bigynnyng, whon čou comest čerto, či gostli e¨e is taken vp in to če blisse of heuene, and is ilumyned wič grace and cundlet wič če fuir of Cristes loue, so čat čou schalt haue verreiliche če brennynge of loue in čin herte euermore lastyng, and či čou¨t euermore vpward to god, felyng če loue of ioye, and so muche |p59 swetnes čat no seknesse, ne schame, ne anguissche, ne penaunce čat schal greue če: Bote al či loue schal turne to ioye. And čenne for hihnesse of čin herte či preyers schal turne in to ioyfol song, and či čou¨tes in to melodie.  éenne Ihesu schal beo al či desyre, al či delyte, al či ioye, al či solace, al či cumfort, so čat of him wol ben euermore či song, and in him al či rest.  éenne mai¨t čou seye: "I slepe and myn herte wakeč.  Ho schal to my lemmon say čat for his loue me longeč ay?"  Alle čat louen vanytes and specials of čis world and setten heore hertes on eny očur čing čen on god, in to čis degre mowe čei not comen, Ne in to čat očur degre of loue čat bi-fore is nempned.  And čerfore alle worldes solace hem bihoueč forsake, čat heor herte beo not bouwynde to no loue of eny creature, ne to no bisynesse of eorče:  éat čei mowe euere be in silence, stablich and stalworčelich wič herte and mouče loue god.  Vre lord ¨eueč not to men and wymmen feirnesse, richesse and dilytes forte sette heore hertes holliche on hem, & dispende hem in synne, bute for čei scholde knowe him & loue him & čonke him of alle his ¨iftes. And čerfore če more is heore schome, ¨if čei wraččen him čat hač i¨iuen hem mony ¨iftes in bodi or in soule.  For-či, ¨if we coueyten to fleo če peyne of helle, purgatori, vs bihoueč reste vs parfyt_liche in parfyt loue from če lustus & če lykynges & from če vuel dilytes & če wikked drede of čis world; and čat worldes serwe be not in vs, but čat we holde euere vr herte faste on Ihesu Crist & stonde monlich a¨einus temptaciuns. |p60 [Ms. Vernon.] |rNou i write a song of loue, čat čou schalt delyte in whon čou art louyng Ihesu Crist.  My song is in syngyng, Mi lyf is in longing, to če i seo my derlyng so feir in his schyning, So feir in his feirhede: in to či li¨t čou me lede, And wič či loue čou me fede, In loue mak me to spede, And čou beo euere my mede. // Whonne wolt čou come, Ihesu my ioye, & keuere me of sore, And ¨eue me če čat i may se & haue for euer-more? Al my coueit_ing were comen, ¨if i mi¨te to če fare; I wol no čing but only če, čat al my weolnes ware. Ihesu my saueour, Ihesu my cumfortour, Of alle feirhede če flour, Myn help and my socour: Whon may i se če in či tour?  Whon wolt čou me calle? Me longeč to čin halle, To seo če & hem alle: éi loue let hit not falle...  Now wax I pale & won, For loue of my lem_mon. Ihesu boče god and mon, či loue čou lered me čon, Whon i faste to če ron: For-či non loue i con.  I sitte and synge of loue-long_ynge, čat in myn herte is bred. Ihesu, Ihesu, Ihesu, whi neore i to če led? For wel I wot čou seost my stat, in loue my čou¨t is sted; Whon i seo če, and dwelle wič če,] |r[Ms._Rawl._continues:] čan am I filde and fed. Ihesu či luf es feste, and me to luf thynke beste: my hert when may hit brest, til com to če my reste? Ihesu, Ihesu, Ihesu, tille če es čat I mourne; For-či, my life and my lyfynge, why ne may I hythen tourne? Ihesu my dere and my drewry, delite art čou to synge; Ihesu my myrth my melodie, when wille čou com my kynge? Ihesu my hele and my hony, my whert, my com_fortynge: |p61 Ihesu. I couaite for to dye, when it is či payinge. Langynge es in me lente, čat my luf has me sent; alle wa fra me es went, sen čat my hert es brent.  In Cristes luf sa swete, čat neuer I wille lete, bot euer to luf I hete: for luf my bale may bete / and til my blys me brynge, and gyf me my ¨ernynge, Ihesu my luf swetyng. Lang_ynge es in me light, čat byndes me day & nyght, til I hit hafe in sight, his face so fayre an bryght. Ihesu my hope & hele, my Ioie euer-ilka dele, či luf lat it noght kele, čat I či lufe may fele, and won wit če in wele. Ihesu with če I bygge and belde, leuer me ware to dye, čan al čis worlde to welde and hafe it in maystry. When wil čou rewe on me, Ihesu čat I myght with če be, to luf and loke on če?ůmy setill ordayne for me, and sett čou me čare-in: for čan we neuer twynne, and I či luf salle synge, thurgh syght in či schynyng, In heuen wit-outen endyng. amen. |r3._ée_commawndement_&c. |r[Ms._Rawl._A_389,_f._81] |rpp._61-71  Richard hermit, ée commaundement of god is čat we lufe oure lord in al oure hert, in al oure sowle, in al oure thoght. In |p62 al oure hert, éat is in al oure vndir_stondyng with-outen erryng. In al oure sowle, čat is in al oure wille with-outen ¨eynsaiyng. In al oure thoght, čat is, čat we thynk on hym with-outen forgetyng. In čis manere is verray luf & trewe, čat is werke of monnes wille. For luf is a wilful stiryng of oure thoght in to god: so čat it receyue no thyng čat is a¨eyns če luf of Ihesu Crist, and čare_with čat it be lastyng in swetnes of deuocion: and čis is če perfeccion of čis lif. To če whiche al dedly synne is contrary & enemy, bot not venial synne: for venial synne doth not awey charite, bot onli letteth če ois and če brennyng čare-of. éare_fore alle čat wil luf god parfitly, čaim behouith not onli fle alle dedly synnes, bot also, als michel als čai may, al veniale synne, in thoght, and word, and dede; and namely to be of littul speche -- and čat silence be in occupacion of gode thoghtes, It helpes gretly to goddes luf. For ianglers and bakbiters čat apeireth othir mennes lif with wicked wordes, and alle čat louen čaire owene state by-foren alle othere, or čat despiseth any state in če whiche a man may be sauf: thai haue no more sight of če luf of god in čaire sowle čen če egh of a backe hath of če sonne. For veyn speche and ille wordes arne signe of a veyne hert & ille čat is with-outen če grace of god. And he čat speketh ay če gode, and holdes iche mon better čen him-self: he schewith wele čat he is stable in godnesse in his hert, & ful of charite to god and his neghbur.  And čat čou may come to če swetnesse of goddes luf, I sette here thre degrees of luf, in če whiche čou be waxing.  ée first degre is cleped Insuperable, če tother |p63 Inseparable, če thridde Singuler. Thi luf is insuperable, when no thing may ouer-com it, čat is, nouther wele ne wo, ese ne anguys, luf of flesch ne likyng of čis world; bot ay it lasteth in god, čogh it were tempted gretly, and hit hateth al synne, so čat no thyng may slakne čat luf.  Thi luf is inseparable, when alle thi thoghtes and alle thi willes are gaderd to-gedir & festned holly in Ihesu Crist, so čat čou may notyme for¨ete hym, bot ay čou thynkest on hym; and čerfore it is cleped inseparable, for it may not be departed fro thoght of Ihesu Crist.  That luf is singuler, when al če delit is in Ihesu Crist, and in non other thing fynde ioye or comfort. In čis degre is luf stalworthe als ded, and hard als helle: for als ded slees al lyuyng thing in čis world, so parfit luf sleth in a monnes sowle alle fleschely desires and erthly couaytise. And als helle spareth not to ded menne, bot tormenteth alle čat cometh čerto, so a mon čat is in čis degre of luf, not only he for_sakith če wreched solace of čis lif, bot also coueiteth to suffre pynes for godes luf. éare-fore if če list luf any thing, luf Ihesu Crist, čat is fairest, richest & wisest, whos luf lasteth in ioye endeles; for al erthly luf is passing and witeth sone a-wey; noht čat falleth čerto is dwellyng, bot pyne čat it deserued. If čou be coueitous aftur gude: luf him and čou hast al gude; desire hym trewly & če schal wonte no thyng. If delites like the: lufe him, for he ¨eueth delites to his lufers čat neuer may perisch: bot alle če delices of čis world are feynt and fals and failyng in most nede; / thai bygynne in swetnesse and čair endyng is bitterer čen galle. If čou kan not lyfe with-outen felashipe: lift či thoght to heuen, čat čou may fele |p64 comfort with aungels and halewes, če whiche wil helpe če to god, & not lette če als či fleschely frendes doth. / Restreyne či wille a while fro al lust and likyng of synne and čou schalt haue afterward al thi wille: for hit shal be clensed & made so fre, čat če wil lust to do no thyng bot čat is paiyng to god. If če lust speke: for-bere it at če bygynnyng for goddes luf: for when či hert feleth delit in Crist, the wil not lust speke ne iangle bot of Crist. If čou may not dreghe to sitte bi thyn one: oise the stalworthly in his luf and he shal so stabli sette če, čat al če solace of čis worlde shal not mowe remewe če, for the wil not luste čare-of. / When čou art bi thi-self, be ay, to slep come, outhir in prayer or in gode meditacioun. / And ordeyne či wakyng and či praying and či fasting, čat it be in discrecioun, not ouer_mychel ne ouer-litel: bot thynke ay čat of alle thinges most quemeth god luf of monnys hert. / And čare-fore seche more to luf hym čen to do any penance; for vnskilful penance is litul worth or noght, bot luf is ay če best, whether čou do penance mychel or litel.  Be aboutewarde in al či myght čat čou were so inwardly ¨euen to če luf of Ihesu Crist čat for gostli ioye of či sowle nouht čat men may say or do made če sory, so čat či thoght withinne be fed only in če swetnesse of Cristes luf, not in delit of erthly ease, ne in louyng of men, if čai be-gan to speke gude of the, ne in idel ioye. / Trust in god, čat he wil ¨eue to the thingis čat čou prayes hym skillefully. Skylful prayer is to cristen mennes sowle to seche and aske nyght and day če luf of Ihesu Crist, čat it may luf him verrali, feling comfort & delit in him, oute_kasting worldes thoghtes and Iuel |p65 bisines. / And siker be čou, if čou coueite his luf trewli & lastyngli, so čat no lust of či flesche, ne angrynge of če world, ne speche ne hatereden of men, drawe a¨eyn & cast če not in bisinesse of bodili thynges: éou shalt haue his luf, and fynde and fele čat hit is delitabler in an oure čan alle če welthe čat we here see, may be to domes-day. And if čou faille and falle for temptacions, or for angres, or for ouer-myche luf of či frendes: it es no wonder if he holde fro če thing čat čou coueitest not trewly. He sayth čat he lufes thaim čat lufes him; and, čei čat erIy waketh to him schal fynde him. éou art erely wakyng oftesyth, whi čan fyndes čou him not? Certes if čou seche hym ryght, čou schalt fynde him; bot whiles čou sechest ertheli ioye, čogh čou wake neuer so erli, Crist may čou not fynde: for he is not founden in čaire londe čat lifes in flescheli lustes.  His moder, when he was willed fro hire, soght wepyng erely & late amonge his kynreden and hires: Bot sche fonde him not for alle her schetyng and her sorowyng, to at če laste sche come in to če temple, and čere sche fonde hym sittyng among če maistres, heryng and onsweryng. So behoueth če do, if čou wilt fynde hym: seche inwardly, in trouthe & hope and charite of holichirche, castyng oute al synne and hathing it in al či herte: for čat holdeth hym fro če, and letteth če čat čou may not fynde hym.  ée herdemen čat soght, fonde him liggyng in a crybbe, bi-twene two bestes; čat čou knowe, if čou seche hym verraly, če be-houeth go in če way of pouert, and not of richesse.  ée sterre led če thre kynges in to Bethleem: éere čei |p66 fonde Crist in swethil-cloutes simpli, as a poure childe. éarby vnderstonde čat whiles čou art in pryde and vanite, čou fyndest him not. How may čou for schame, čat art bot seruant, with mony clothes & riche folewe či spouse and či lord, čat went in on kirtil: & čou trailest as myche bihynde če, as al čat he had on? éare-fore I rede čat čou part with hym er čou & he mete, čat he reproue če not of outrage; for he wil čat čou haue čat čou hast myster of, and nomore. He said to his disciples čat čei schulde not haue als mony clothes als two moght be susteined with -- for to trauaile čare-aboute, is outrageous besenesse, čat he forbedeth.  The luf of Ihesu Crist is ful dere tresor, ful delitable ioy, and ful siker to trust men on. éare-fore he wil not ¨eue hit to foles, čat can not holde hit and kepen it tenderly: bot to thaim he ¨efeth it če whiche nouther for wele ne for wo wil let it passe fro thaim, bot čei wil die er čei wolde wrathe Ihesu Crist. / And no wysmon dos precious licour in a stynkyng vessell, bot in a clene. Also Crist dos not his luf in a foule hert(e) in synne, and bonden in vil lust of flesshe: bot in an herte čat is faire and clene in vertues. Neuer_ée-latter a foule vessel may be maked so clene, čat ful dere thyng sauely may be don čere-in. And Ihesu Crist ofte_sithes purgeth mony synful monnes soule, & maketh it able thurgh his grace to resceyue če delitable swetnesse of his luf, and to be his wonyngstede in holynesse; and ay če clenner it waxeth, če more ioy & solace of heuen(e) Crist setteth čare-in. éarefore at če first tyme when a mon is turned to god, he may not fele čat swete licour til he haue ben wel oised in goddes seruice and his herte be purged thurgh prayers |p67 & penance & gode thoghtes in god; for he čat is slowe in goddes seruice, may not be brennyng in luf, bot if he do al his myght and trauaile nyght and day to fulfille goddes wille. And when čat blissed luf is in a monnes herte, it wil not suffre hym to be idel, bot ay it stireth hym to do som gode čat myght be likyng to god, as in praying, or in worching profitable thinge, or in spekyng ofIhesu Crist; and principally in thoght, čat če mynde of Ihesu Crist passe not fro his thoght. For if čou lufe hym trewly, čou wil(t) glade če in him and not in other thyng, / and čou wilt thynk on him, castyng awey alle othir thoghtes. / Bot if čou be fals & take othir čen him and delite če in erthely thyng a¨eins his wille: witte čou wele he wil forsake če as čou hast don hym, & dampne (če) for či synne. / Wharfore, čat čou may luf hym treweli, vndirstonde čat his luf is proued in thre thynges: In thynkyng, in spekyng, in worchyng. / Change či thoght fro če world and cast hit holli on hym, and he schal norisshe če. / Change či mouth fro vnprofitable & wordli speche (& speke) of hym, and he schal comfort the. / Change čine honden fro werkis of vanites and lift čaim in his nome and worche only for his luf, and he schal resceyue če. Do čus and čou Iufes him trewly and čou gost in če wey of parfitenesse. Delite če so in hym čat či hert resceyue nouther worldes ioy ne worldes sorowe; and drede not anguyse or noy čat may be-falle bodili on the or on any of či frendes, bot betake al in to goddes will, and thanke him ay of all his sondes: so čat čou haue rest and sauour in his luf; for if či herte outher be led with worledes drede, or worldes solace, čou art ful far fro če |p68 swetnesse of Crist¨ luf. And loke wele čat čou sente not on withouten and be an other withinne, as ypocrites doth, če whiche are like to a sepulcre čat is peynted richely with-outen, and with_inne roteth stynkyng bones. If čou haue delit in če [name of religion, loke čat čou haue more delyte in če] dede čat falleth to religion. éin habit saith čat čou hast forsaken če world, čat čou art ¨efen to goddes seruice, čat čou delites če not in erthely thyng: loke čenne čat it be in či hert(e) as hit semeth in mennes sight -- for nothčing may make če religious bot vertues and clennesse of soule in charite. If thi bodi be clothed with-outen as čin order wil, loke čat či soule be not naked withinne -- čat čin order forbedeth: bot naked be thi soule fro alle vices, and warme happed in luf & mekenes, Drede če domes of god, so čat čou wretthe him not; stabil či thoght in his luf, and held oute of če alle synnes; cast awey slowenesse, oise če monli in godenes, / be deboner ande meke to alle men, lete no thing brynge če to ire or enuy(e); dight thi soule faire, make čare-inne a trone of luf to goddes son, and make či wille be coueitous to receyue hym as gladli as čou woldest be at če comyng of a thyng čat čou lufed most of alle thyng. Wasshe či thoght clene with luf-teres and brennyng desiryng, čat he fynde no thyng foul in če: for his ioy is čat čou be faire & lufesom in his eghen. / Fairehede of či soule čat he coueiteth, is čat čou be chast & meke, mylde & suffrynge, neuer irk to do his will, ay hatyng alle wrychednesse. In al čat čou dost think ai to come to če sight of his fairehed, & sette alle čin entent čare-inne čat čou may come čare-to at thin endyng -- |p69 for čat oweth to be ende of al oure trauail čat we euermore, while we life here, desire čat sight in alle oure hert, and čat vs ay thynk longe čar-to.  Also festne in thin herte če mynde of his passione & of is woundes: gret delit and swetnes schal čou fele, if čou holde či thoght in mynde of če pyne čat Crist suffred for če.  If čou trauaill ryght in his luf, and desire him brennyngli: alle temptacions & dredes of euel čou salt ouercome and defoule vnder či fete thurghe his grace; for alle čat he seeth in gode wille to luf him, he helpeth thaim a¨eins alle thaire enemys, and reiseth čair thoght abouen erthely thynge, so čat thei may haue sauour of če swetnesse of heuen. Purchace the če welle of wepyng, and cese not til čat čow haue hym: for in če hert where teres spryngen, čer wil če fire of če holigost be kyndelet: and sithen če fire of luf, čat schal brenne in či herte, wil brynge to noght aI če rust of synne, and purge či soule of al filthe, als clene as če gold čat is proued in če fourneys.  I wote no thinge čat so inwardly schal take či herte to coueit goddes luf / and to desire če ioy and to despise če vanites of čis world, as stedfast thynkyng of če mysese & greuous woundes and of če deth of Ihesu Crist; it wil reise či thoght abouen ertheli likyng / and make thin herte brennyng in Cristes Iuf, and purchace in to či soule delitablete and sauour of heuene. / Bot peraunter čou wilt say: "I may not despise če worlde, I may not fynde it in my hert to punysshe my bodi, and me behoueth luf my flessheli frendes, and take ease when it comes." If čou be tempted with suche thoghtes, I pray čat čou be_thynk če, fro če bigynnyng of čis |p70 worlde, where če worldes luferes are now, / and where če lufers are of god. Certes, čai were men and wemen as we are, & ete and dronk and loghe: / and če wrecches čat lufed čis world toke ese to čair body, and lifed as čaim luste in likyng of čaire wicked wille, and ledde čair daies in lust and delices: and in a pointe čai felle to helle. Now may čou see čat čai were foles aad foule glotons, čat in a fewe ¨eres wasted endles ioye čat was ordeynt for tham if čai wold han don penance for thaire synnes. // éou seest čat al če riches and delite of čis worlde vanisseth awey and cometh to noght. Sothli, so doth alle čaire lufers: for no thyng may stonde stabli on a fals gronde. éair bodies are ¨euen to wormes in erthe, and čaire soules to če deuelles in helle. / Bot alle čat forsoke če pompe and če vanite of čis lif, and stode stalworthly a¨eins alle temptaciones, / and ended in če luf of god: éai are now in ioye and haue če heritage of heuen, čere to won with-outen ende, restyng in če delices of goddes sight; for here čei soght no more rest ne ese to čair body čen thai had nede of. // O thynge l rede the: éat čou for¨ete not čis nome Ihesu, bot thenk hit in či hert nyght and day, as či special and as či dere tresour. Luf hit more čan či lif, rote it in či mynde. Luf Ihesu, for he made če, and boght če ful dere. ¨ef či hert to hym: for it is his dette. éerfore set či luf on his nome Ihesu, čat is hele. // éere may non euel thing haue duelling in čat hert(e) čer Ihesu is trewly holden in mynde: for it chaceth deuelles, it destruyeth temptacions, it putteth awey wicked dredes and vices, and clenseth če thoght. Who so loueth hit verraily, is ful of goddes grace and vertues, in gostli comfort in čis lif, and when čai |p71 die, čai are taken vp in to če ordre of aungels, to se him in endles ioye čat čai haue lufed. Deo gracias. |p110 |r4.[9.]_[Points_best_pleasing_to_God]. |r{Vernon_and_Harley_MSS_up_to_page_112} |rpp._110-112. |r[Ms._Vernon.] Hit was an holi mon and bi-sou¨te god sende him grace such vertues for to vse čat weore best to lyf and to soule. éenne apeered vr lord Ihesus godes sone to him and seide: // "¨if čin herte to me and čin almus to če pore mon for če loue of me: and hit schal lyke me betere čen čauh čou ¨iue al če gold of čis world aftur či day. // Weop a ter wič čin ei¨e, čenk on my passion: and hit schal lyke me bettere čen čow weope as muche watur as is in če s‚‚ for anger and for teone of los of worldes catel. // Forbere a wikked word of čin euen-cristen: and hit schal lyke me bettere čen čou beote či-self wič as mony roddes as grouweč on an acre of londe. //Keep če out of dedly synne wič al či mi¨t: and hit schal lyke me bettre čen čou founde Ni¨ene knihtes werryng vppon Sara¨ynes, euer_more liggyng aboute my sepulcre. // Haue reuče and pite of čin euencristne: and hit schal lyke me bettre čen čou faste fourti wynter čreo dayes in če wike to bred and to watur. // Visyte če pore and če seke, spekyng alle goodnes: and hit schal lyke me bettre čen čou go bare-foot to če wei rennyng blod on či feete. //Do no wrong to no mon, noučur harm ne schome: and hit schal lyke me bettre čen čow eueri day maade a newe churche. // Tel to me al či wille, and leeue čat I am al_mihti al goodnesse to fulfille: and hit schal lyke me bettere čen čou preyed my moder and al če halewes of heuene |p111 to preye for če. // Loue me wič al čin herte, to haue my blisse: and hit schal lyke me bettere čen čou made a piler rechyng vp to heuene, stikyng ful of rasours al či bodi to renden on." |r(Follows:_Vnkuinde_mon_¨if_kep_to_me_&c., |rsee_p._71). |p{110-111} |r[Harl._1704] It was an holy man besought god to send hym grace to teche soch vertues for to vse that were best to lyf and to soule. /"Yef thyn hert to me and a peny to the pore for the loue of me: and it shall like me better čan čou yeue all the good of čis world after thy day. / Veppe a tere with thyn eye čenkyng on my passione: & it shall like me better čan čou wepte also moch water as is in the see for anger or for tene of los of worldis Catell. / For-bere a wicked word fro thyn euen-Cristen: & it shall like me better čan čou bete thy-self with all-so monye Roddis as growen in an acre londe. Kepe the oute of synne with all thi myght: and it shall like me better čan čou fynd IX knyghtes werryng vppon the Sare¨ens, euer-more lying aboute my sepulcre: čan čou for to lie in synne. / Haue rewth and pite on thy euen-Cristene: & it shal like me better čan čou fastid XIti wynter III dayes in the woke bred and water. / Visite the pore and the sike, spekyng all goodnesse: and it shall like me better čan čou goo barefote that če waye renne blod after thy feet. / Do no wrong to no mane, nether harme ne shame: and it shal like me better čen čou eueryday make a newe Chyrch. Tell to me all thy will, and beleue wele that I am al-myghti god and all good_nesse to fulfill: and it shal like me better čen my moder & all alowene |p111 praydene for the. / Loue me for me: and it shall like me better čan čou make a piler Rechyng vp to heven, stiking full of Rasoures all či body to Rendyn vppone." |r[Ms._Harl._continues_in_the_same_strain:] Flee perile and doute of deth, take če better for hope of mede: the blisse of heven shalt čou not misse, so čou wilt kepe the commaundementis of Crist. / Thou most forsake pride and all wickid willis, yef čou wilt kepe če commaunde_mentis of Crist. // I besech the, leue brother, take to če loue & Charite, yef thou wilt to heven flee. // Here čou might lere the commaundementis X; ne be čou neuer so gret Clerke, čou hast gret nede for to lerne hem. // Haue god in worship. Take not his name in Idel_ship. / Hold wele či Holidaye. Fader and moder worship aye. / Loke that čou nought stele, Ne no fals wetenesse thou ne bere. / Loke čou ne sle non mane. Do no foli by no womane. / Desire not thy neygbours wyff, Ne nothing that čerto light. / He that will kepe these commaundementis he shal neuer die. // Leue frende, I beseche the, the VII. dedely synnes that čou flee, / yf čou wilt in heven be. / Who so is taken čerin / in hell shalbe his wonnyng. // Pride / Wrath / Envye, / Slouth / Glotenye, / Lecherie / Couetise. / He that is taken čerin, sore may hym agrise. // Man, take Comfort to the, beholde and se the vertues seuyne, that will bring the to heuyne: // Mekenesse, Pacience, Charite / Besinesse, Mesure, Chastite / Largesse to hem that haue nede to the. / He that will kepe these vertuesse seuen: in heven shal be his dwellyng, with oure lord heven kyng. AmeN. |p112 |r5[10]._[Meditation_on_the_Passion;_and_of_three_arrows |ron_doomsday.] |r[Ms._Arundel_507,_f._48] |rpp._112-121. Oppyn či hert with sighings sare til čink on če pynes čat Ihesus Crist suffred, & sette čaim in či saule: bi ordere / as he čaim tholid: How čai his hali face with spittynge filid, How čai buffet_tid če fairest face of al mankynde; How čai with cordis bande his faire handes, so čat oute of alle his fyngres če blode oute brast; How čai betid him with knottid scourgis; How alle with a voice cried "do him on croice, / čat he die als schameful dead: as eauer any deied", How he was strekid on če croice čat |p113 was laid on če erth, / & drawyn oute with rapis: til make handes & fete acorde til če holes / čat ware made in če tree. So straite he was dra(w)en oute on če croice: čat men might telle alle his banes; & to čat croice was he festenid with irnen nailes. Thinke after how is bodi was liftid vp with če croice / & smyten oft in če erth: als men dose a stake of tree til make it fast til stand: with čat swete bodi lifand čat hinged čeron. At čis smytynge in če erth: alle his vaynes brast, čat oute of alle his swete lymes: če blode oute stremid. éis greuid him sarest of alle očer paynes: oute-take oure vnkyndenesse, čat ilk daie newes his pyne. Thynk after how knightis to him knelid: & said to him in scorne: "Haile, kynge of Iues! éou čat mani helpis: čou nedes now helpe če selfe; come downe fra če croice / čou art nailid to: & we sal trow čat čou art goddis sone of heuen". Think on če scharpe corone of thornis, čat made his loueli face: til streme al on blode; & of če bitter aysill myngid with galle, čai gafe him to drink / when he pleynid him of thrist / als he čat mikil had bledde. Bot witte čou wele, him thristis noght after pyment ne wyne / ne after očer liquore: bot aneli after če lufe of man / čat he so dere boght. think čen / when čou dose ani thinge agayn his wille: éou dose as če Iues did / birles him galle to drinke, as a vnkinde wreche. Thinke on his careful moder, & on sayn Iohan his dere cosyn, čat stode bi him & sagh al čat he tholid; na tonge mai telle: how sari čai ware čat tyme. Thinke on če wordes he spake til his moder hangand on če |p114 rode: "woman: lo here či sone"; til sayn Iohan his cosyn: "lo here či moder dere: éou serue hire with al či might". / What sighinges come til hire hert / when sche herd čis wordes: when mannes sone for goddis sone / če disciple for če maister / ée seruant for če lorde: was gifen hire to ¨eme. Thinke on čat blissid bodi nakid & pale hinged on če rode / so ryuen with scourges: čat noght left hale. And ¨itte so pouerli was he stad in čat stoure: ¨at he had noght to rest his heuid on; & als nakid as he was borne-bot his moder couer_chiefe was knit aboute his lymes. Thinke how ful he was of merc(i) ¨it whil he hinged on rode / čat forgafe če theefe his synnes čat hinged biside him: éat missaid him a while bifore; & hight him he suld čat daie be with him in para_dise. When čou art vmbithought of alle |r(f.47) (če) pynes čat Ihesus suffred for če: thinke in či saule / čat čou standis bi (him) in čat place & sees what čai him do; speke čen to či lorde če wor(des) of sayn Bernarde: "God mi lorde, swete Ihesu, / what haues čou (do)ne: čat čou so blodi hinges on rode / čat neauer did iuel: bot eauer did gode? / Sakles čai do če til deade, wa is me čerfore / for i am gilti of či deade; & agayn lawe & reson it is: til sla him čat neauer did misse, & lat him passe free: éat did če harme. For-či, ¨e wreches (!) Iues, (ta)kes me, for i am če synful čat yuel has done & folowid če fendis rede. I prai ¨ow / latis čis Inocent passe: & dose me til deade, for i haue trespassid". Tinke alswa inwardli / how he said on če rode bifore he ¨elde če gaste-for it mai stere če til haue sorugh of či synnes & rue on his deade čat was so pynid for če, & swa wreke his deade on če selfe; / čat čus on če rode cried: Con_summatum est: éat is: "al is fulfillid", |p115 as if he said: "I am fulfillid of sorugh: bathe in bodi & saule". In bodi: for al was pynid / fra če croune of če heuid til če sole of če fote. In saule: thorugh oure vnkyndnesse, čat kithis him na thanke for his gode dede: bot dose čat in vs is: euer til (n)ew his payne; & čat ouerpassis alle his paynes čat he bifore tholid, for-či he said at his ende: "I am fulfillid of sorugh". & at čis worde: he loutid downe his heuid / & said til his fader: "In til či handes: mi saule i ¨elde". Think čen on če wondres čat čen felle: how creatures čat na witte had: rued on his deade. ée sone withdrow his brightnesse & bicome al mirke, & schewid so: čat it rued Cristes deade; če harde roche rafe; če erth qwoqe; če grafes openid / & če deade men čat ware in čaim / rase to life, & wittenesid čat he was sothe_fast god: éat če Iues did til deade, / with sighings & teres. Als i rede čou čink on če stingand sorughs of his moder, čat was with him ai til če deade / & bihild al čat čai did with hire child. Neauer tholid martir so mikil as sche tholid! for martirs ware pynid in bodi, & goddis modir: in saule, čat mai noght deie; for alle če pynes čat hire sonne tholid: thorugh-stikid hire saule, & sche ¨ernid for sorugh til deie: & na sorugh might hire sla. éen was fyfillid če worde of Simeon: Tuam ipsius animam pertransibit gladius, čat is: "ée swerd of sorugh sal thorugh_stike či saule". Think als inwardli what he is čat čus tholid, & how vn_worthi čai ware to lufe / for whaim he |p116 deied; ffor if čou haue oft in mynde čis steryngs: čai hald či hert in lufe & makis če to flee synne. Thinke after with what deuocion he was taken downe of če rode; how če .III. Maries dight him with oignementis & faldid his bodi in white clathe & laid him in toumbe of stane. Thinke after of his wendynge til helle; / what comforte čai had: čat abade so lange his (co)mynge čare in so mirke stede; what sorugh & drede / sighing & gn(as)tinge če wode fendes of helle had čat tyme; how he bande Sathan so čat he might neauer harme ne fande če folke after / as bifore. After of (his) vprisyng: / how bright / how faire he rase in bodi: éat če Iues so laitheli di(ght) in čat entente / for til haue fordone če mynde of him for eauer; & now he lifes al-mighti god & kyng coronid in heuen, & sal deme čaim at (his) wille. Thinke what ioie alle his disciples had: when čai saw him risyn / & haue če maistri of deade; bifore: čai deniid him & sa(id) čai knew him noght; bot čen čaim for_thought čat čai had missaide, & luffied him as čaire lorde; & ware so fyfillid of his Iufe: čat čai ware redi til die for him / & qwite him deade for deade. Til telle what ioie his (mo)der had / when sche sagh him risen til life: na man mai telle. Thinke af(ter) how he steie til heuen with oure manhede, & sette it on če right hand of al-mighti god his fader; & swa festenid oure kynd in him: čat čai sal neu(er) twyn; & thorugh čis alliaunce / if we kepe vs fra synne / or forth(inke) & schryue vs of čat we haue misdone / & turne na mare agayn: we m(ay) chalange as haires / til dwelle in his blisse. Thinke čat he sal come & deme al mankynde / & gife ilk man after he has wroght; & als gl(ad)ful as is come is to če gode: als auful & |p117 grisly sal it be to če ille. For god thretis če yuel with .III. arowes / & sais: Congregabo super eos mala & sag .III. com. in eis, čat is: "I sal hepe on čaim al_kyns yuel & wa, & mi .III. sharpe arowes sal i in čaim feste: čat sal wounde če s(in)ful / čat he sal neuer couer". ée first arow is: when he sal bidde č(aim) rise & come til čaire dome / with čis wordes: Surgite mortui: venite ad iudicium, čat is: "rise ¨e čat are deade, & comes til ¨oure dome". Thorugh might of čir wordes: alle čat ware deade sal quikyn. éis is č(e) arowe čat sayn Ierome said by: Siue comedam siue bibam, semper vi(detur) michi quod illa vox terribilis insonet auribus meis "Surgite mortui, venite ad iudicium", čat is: "Whečer i ete or drynke / or what ellis i do: euer me thinke čis dredeful wordes rynges in mine eres: Rise ¨e čat are deade, & comes til ¨oure dome". Sen čis hali man dredid čis wordes: nede is a synful man til drede čaim, so čat he falle in na synne. For Salomon sais: Sicut fremitus leonis: ita ira eius; čat is: "če wreke of če domes_man at his comynge: is as romiinge of a lion". / ée liones kynd is til f(ere) alle bestes with his romiinge, & ¨itte dar čai noght flee; & čofe čis noice be dredeful til alle bestes: ¨itte com_fortis it his awen whelpis & quykins čaim til life. Swa sal Ihesu Crist at če straite dome do til alle bestli men čat has liuid in synne & wold |r[f.44] make na endynge of čaire ille; at čis callinge čai sal be so f(erid) & so vnmighti, čat on na halfe sal čai flee, bot čai sal dwelle (&) take as čai haue seruid. & as he sal be wrathful to če wreches, so sal he be loueli til his aune childre čat has wroght his wille here: for čai sal |p118 wakyn with ioie at his callinge / & wend with him til dwelle in blisse. Bot če synful wreches sal seke til hide čaim čat čai see noght his dredeful face / čat flais čaim oute of čaire wi(tte); as Ysaie sais: Introibunt in cauernas petra_rum & voragines terre / a facie (for)mi_dinis domini: cum surrexerit percutere terram, čat is: "ée weried synful sal crepe in to če creuys of če stane: & in holis in če erth, for to hide čaim fra če wrekeful face of god / when he risis til smyte če erth", čat is, when he sal come to deme erthli men. Of čis comynge spekis sa(yn) Anselme & sais: "On a halfe sal oure synnes bitterli bicalle vs of če slaghter of oure saule. On an očer halfe sal stand rightwisenesse, čat na pitee is with. Abouen vs / če wrekeful domesman / čat als soft as he is here: als wrathful he is čare; mild here: storne čare; & he is bathe domes_man, & wittenesse, čat wate alle oure giltis". // éat očer aro(w) is: when god sal čaim areyn of al čat čai haue mis_done, sethen čai ware borne; & če domesman sal schew his woundis til alle men / čat čai mai see sotheli čat he vngiltli tholid for čaire synnes, & with čis word(es) he sal čaim areyne: "Of če erth i če toke / & with mi handes če made, In paradise čat loueli stede with_oute kare til haue duellid / if čou had bien buxom to me & kepid mi comand_mente ; bot sone čou brake it, & left me: for mine enemy; for-či rightwise_nesse dampnid če til helle, čare to be n sorugh & waa. When i sagh after čine iuel fare: i had pite on če / čof čou nane deseruid; I lightid til erth & toke če kyn of če; whare i was sare |p119 pinid & despisid, & toke for če mikil vil(a)nie in dede & worde. And after Iudas had salde me: če Iues toke me, & buffet me & spittid in mi face; with sharpe thornis čai coronid me, with knottid scourgis čai dang me; so laitheli čai dight me: čat i was like a mesell til loke on. Al čis aght haue gart če haue pite on me / if čou had bien kynde. In mi thrist čai gaf me to drinke aysill myngid with bitter galle; čai thirlid mi fete & handes: & nailid me to če rode, & hopenid mi side with a spere: & made mi hert til blede. I forgate me selfe: for on če was al mi thoght; & ¨itte čou as an vnkind: settis al at noght. Now čou vnkyndman vnderstand & loke to me, & bihald mi side / fete & handes / how waful i am made for če, & to hele či wondes; & for-či čou suld haue louid me če mare; (for i) ne wate what i might haue done for če: mare čen i haue do(ne). For-či nedli bihoues če til schew: what čou haues done or tho(li)d for me; ffor now mi rightwisnes wil: čat i schape til ilk man his mede / to dwelle in pyne or in ioie for eauer / after he has seruid". How sal čen če waried synful fare / when he is čus reyned of če wrathful domesman / & alle his synnes schewid til alle men? for noght mai čare be hid: bot čat was fordone here with schrifte; for hali Iob sais: Reuelabunt celi iniquitatem eius, & terra consurget aduersus eum, čat is: "heuen sal schew če wikednesse of če synful, & erth sal rise & stand agayn him & bere witnes of his werkis". And ¨itte če apostle sais: Testimonium reddet illis: consciencia eorum, čat is: "čaire inwitte sal bere witnes agayn če synful", fra če whilke man mai noght |p120 hide. And ¨itte his iuel werkes sal stand bi him at če dredful dome, & bitterli flite with him & sai: "We are če werkis čat čou wreche has wroght in despite of či gode lorde; for čou wroght vs agayn his wille: čat schad his hert-blode for če. Now forthinkis če čat eauer čou synnid: bot, sari wreche, / al to late; & čerfore sal we dwel with če with-outen ende: for til eke či pyne". / ée .III. arow sal he schote: when he sais čis wordes: Ite maledicti in ignem eternum, čat is: "ga ¨e waried, in til endeles fire". ée hali man sais: "ée inee of ča čat are in čat fire & smoke: sal grete ma teres / čen water is in če brade see". éis fire, as saynt Austin sais, brennis so wodeli & eauer ilike / & so stalword is in his kynd: čat čof alle čis werldis waters it al ouerflowid: it might noght čis fire slokyn nor kele it a litil. éis fire makis ai smoke, čat makis če wreches til wepe; & čaire teres strynthis če fire čare: as oil wold if it ware castin in čis fire here. ée hali man had mynd of čis teres, čat said til his disciples / when čai had lange cried on him til sai čaim some gode worde: "Mi dere childre, he saide, wepe we here: so čat oure teres seche vs noght in helle". When če waried heris & wate čat čai are dampnid, & wate čer is na gayn_chare ne merci to fynd: čen he sais če wordes of Iob: "ée dai mote peris čat i was borne inne / & če night čat i was conceyuid inne! When had i bien dead in mi moders wambe? allas čat sari while čat eauer i was horne! Wharto sette mi moder me on hire kne, & wesch me, & rokkid me, & fed me on hire breste? allas če while, so mikil trauail sche lost / čat norist me a brande til smore in helle-fire". When čis waful worde Ite maledicti &c. is said, če |p121 latheli deuels sal geder če iuel fra če gode, & as wode lions: draw čaim til helle / eauer čare to be in al če pynes čat mai be on thoght. For če fendes čat sal čaim pyne: sal neauer be weri, bot eauer ilik fresche, til wirke čaim waa; & čir sari wreches / na pyne mai sla čaim. Neddres / snakis & tades & očer venemouse bestes sal life in čat hate fire / as fish in water: til pyne ča wreches; & for |r[f.45] thrist čat čai haue: č[ai] sal souke če venym oute of če neddres heuid(es. éare) sal noght be herd / bot ¨ellinge & gretyng & gnaistinge of tethe. (Light) is čare nane for smoke, bot so mikel merknesse: čat men mai it g(rape). / Bot goddis awen childre čat haues done here his wille: sal be ledde w(ith) angels til če blisse of heuen / čare til be in ioie / eauer with-outen ende- S(o) grete is čat ioie, as če apostle tellis: čat na hert mai it thinke / ne iee it (se). If man might be in čat ioie / halfe an houre & felid čat heuenli likynge / & ware broght agayn til čis middel erth: so strange payne it ware t(il) him til life hereůinne, / čat, of al če welth of čis werld ware at his wille, he wold his bodi ware dalte in a thou_sand pecis / til wynne čat ioie a(gayn) čat he come fra. // Thinke, čou was with Ihesu Crist in alle his paynes, & čat čou stode so nere him in al his passion_tyme & al če hardnes čat was done til him: & be awondird čat so grete a lord wold thole swilke hardnesse: & falle č(on) doune to če erth, as gilti of his deade, & thank him of če woundes čat he for če tholid / & haue him eauer in mynde. Thinke noght of alle čis to_geder at ane tyme / as čai stand in ordre, for kolynge of deuocion: bot n(ow) on ane / now on ane očer / as čou felis čat god če steris / thorugh his dere g(race). // éus mani woundes suffird god for man kynde: ffyue thou_sa(nd) & foure hundreth & sexti & fiftene. And if čou sai ilk dai of če (¨)ere fiftene: čou sal sai als many pater nostres in če hale ¨ere. |p158 |r[Treatises_of_MS._Harl._1022] |r6.[2.]_De_Sancta_Maria |r[Ms._Bodl._938_f.202] |rpp._158-159. Here bigynneč če reule of če lijf of oure lady. Aboute če glorious maiden of whom oure lord Ihesu Crist toke fleisch and blood, we may bičenke vs of hir lif. / Of whiche čou schalt wite čat when sche was čre ¨eer olde, sche was offrid in to če temple of hir fadir & hir modir, / & čere sche duellid in čat degre in to če fourteneč ¨eer. / And what sche did čere we may wite bi reuelacions čat sche schewid to a deuoute seruante of hirs, and men trowič it was seynt Eli¨abeth, of whom we synge of a solempnely. / In whiche reuelacions among očere aren contenyd čees čat folwen.  Sche seide: "When my fadir & my modir leften me in če temple, i sette in myne herte to haue god to my fadir, & čou¨ it deuoutly, and ofte-tyme y čou¨t (!) what y my¨t do to goddis liking, so čat he wolde vouche-saaf to gif me his grace; / and i made to teche me če lawe of my god. / And of alle če comaundementis of goddis lawe, čre y kepid namely in myne herte / čat is: éou schalt loue či lord god wič al čine herte, & wič al či soule, wič al či čon¨t, & wič alle či strengčis. / And, čou schalt loue či nei¨bore as či-silf. / And, čou schalt hate čin enemy, čat is synne. / éees, sche seide, y kepid in my soule, and I sette me forto gedir alle če vertues čat are contenyd in hem; and so I wol teche čee. / Forsoče čat soule hač no parfit vertu: čat louič not god wič al his herte. / And of čis loue comeč al fulnes of grace; / and after čat čis fulnes is comen, it duellič not stille in če soule, but flowič as watir, where |r(!) it hatič hise enemys, čat are vices & synnes. / éerfor he čat wol haue grace lastingli in his possessione, him bihouič to ordeyne his herte to loue, & to haterede. / éerfor I wol čat čou do as I did. / I ros alle tymes at mydny¨t, and wente bifor če auter of če temple, / and wič as myche desire, as myche wille & as grete affeccione as I kouče & my¨t I askid grace of god almi¨ty to kepe če čre co_maundement¨, & alle očere comaundement¨ of če lawe: / & so stonding befor če auter. I made seuen preieris to oure lord god, whiche are čees:  First I askid grace čat I my¨t fulfille če comaundement¨ of louynge, čat is, to loue him in al myne herte &c. as it is seid before. /  In če secound preier I askid grace čat I my¨t loue my nei¨bore after če wille & plesaunce of him, and čat he wolde make me to loue alle činges čat he louid.  In če čridde preier I askid čat he wolde make me to hate alle činges čat he batid.  In če fourče preier I askid him mekenes, pacience, debonertee, & alle očere vertues bi whiche I schulde be maad glorious before his si¨t.  In če fiueč preier I askid čat he wolde make me se čat tyme in če whiche če holy virgyne schulde be born čat schulde bere goddis sone; / and I askid čat he wolde kepe myne i¨en čat I my¨t se hir, my tunge čat I my¨t preise hir, my handis čat I my¨t serue hir, my feet čat I my¨t go to hir seruise, my knees čat I my¨t worschip hir & goddis sone in hir barme. |p159 In če sixte I askid grace to be obedient to če comaundement¨ & to če ordenaunce of če byschope of če temple.  In če seuenič preier I askid čat he wolde kepe če temple & al his peple to his seruice". & čen seynt Eli¨abeth, when sche hade herde čees wordis, seide: / "A, swete lady, ne were [¨e] not ful of grace & of vertues?" / éen če blessid virgyne answerid: / "Wite čou forsoče čat I helde me gilty & most vile & vnworči, čoru¨ če grace of god, as čou doist či_self; and čerfor I askid of him grace & vertues". And ouer čat: "čou trowist čat al če grace čat I had, čat I hade it wič-outen trauel: but it is not so. / For l sey čee sočli čat i had no grace ne ¨ifte ne vertu of god: wičouten grete trauel & contynuel preiyng, brennyng desire, depe deuocione, many colde teeris, mekil affectione, euermore čenkand & seiand & worchand činges čat weren plesinge to him as i kouče & my¨t; outaken če grace of halwing, čat I was halwid in my modirs wombe". / And ouer čat sche seide: "Wite čou forsoče čat no grace comeč in to a soule, but bi grete preiynge & punysching of body; / and after čat we haue ¨iuen to god al čat we may čou¨ it be but litel: he wol come in to oure soulis, bringyng wič him so he¨e ¨iftis čat it semeč če soule to faile in him-self & lese his mynde, and hač for¨eten what he did or seide any čing before plesing to god; / and also he semič to his owne si¨t more vile and more worči dispit, čen euere he was." / Hiderto lastič če reuelacione.  And seynt Ierom writič of hir lif on čis wise & seič; / "čat blessid virgyn ordenyd to hir čis reule, čat fro če mornyng to vndern sche ¨af hir to preiers, / and fro vndern to none sche ocupied hir in weving werke, and fro none after_ward sche went not fro preier to če angel apperid to hir of whos hand sche was wont to take hir [mete]. / And so sche preued better & better in preiynge & worchinge & in če loue of god; & in alle vigilies & holy wakingis, sche schulde be founden če firste, / In če wisdom of če lawe of god best lerid, In mekenes most meke, In psalmes of Dauič moost likande, / In charite moost gracious, In clennes moost clene, & in alle vertues moost parfit. / Sche was stidfast & vnmou_able, when sche profitid in to better & better. / Noman herd hir neuere wroč. / Euery word of hir was so ful of oure lord, čat god was knowen in hir speche. / Sche duellid euer in preier and lernyng of če lawe of god. / And sche was besy aboute hir felawis, čat noon schulde be proude ne mysberynge a¨ens očere. Wičouten ceessing sche blessid god; / and for sche schulde not be taken away fro če louynge of god in hailsinge of hir: what man čat hailsid hir, sche ¨af čanking to god for čat hailsing. / And of hir come it first čat holy men when čei ben hailsid: čei ¨iuen louynge to god. / And of če mete čat sche toke of če angels hand sche was fedde; / and euery day an angel was seen speke to hir, & was buxom to hir as [to] his derlynge." Hiderto Ierom.  In če fourtenič ¨eer čat blessid virgyn was weddid to Ioseph by reuelacione of god, & went a¨en in to Na¨areth; / and in what maner it was don, men may fynde in če legende of hir Natiuitee. Salue regina. Deo gracias. |p175 |r[Treatises_of_MS._Cambr._Dd._V._55.] |r7.[2.]_[Of_Angels'_Song.] |r[Ms._Thornton_fol._219b.] |rpp._175-182. |rDere ffrende, wit čou wele čat če ende and če soueraynte of perfeccione standes in a verray anehede of godde and of manes saule by perfyte charyte. éis Ende čan es verrayly made whene če myghtes of če saule er refourmede by grace to če dignyte and če state of če firste condicione, čat es whene če mynde es stab_lede sadely with-owttene chaungynge and vagacyone in godde and gastely thynges, and when the resone es cleryde fra all worldly & fleschely behaldynges and Ima_gy[na]cyones, fygurs and fantasyes of creatures and es illumenede with grace for to |p176 be-halde godde and gastely thynges, and whene če will and če affeccyone es pury_fiede and clensede fra all fleschely lustes, kyndely and werldly lufe and es en_flawmede with brennande lufe of če haly gaste. Bot čis wondirfull anebede may noghte be fulfillede perfytely, contenually, ne hally in čis lyfe for corrupcyone of če flesche, bot anely in če blysse of heuene. Neuer-če-lattere če nerre čat a saule in čis presente lyfe may come to čis anehede, če mare perfite it es, ffor čat it es refourmede by grace till če ymage and če lyknes of his creatoure here, one čis manere-wyse če more ioy and blysse sall it hafe in heuene. Oure lorde godd es ane Endles beynge with-owttene chaungynge, all-myghtty with-owttene fayl_ynge, souerayne wysdome, lyghte, so[th]fastenes with-owttene errour or myrknes, souerayne gudnes, lufe, pees and swetnes: čan če mare čat a saule es anehede, festened, confourmede & ioynede to oure lorde godd, če mare stabill it es & myghty, če mare wysse & clere, gude, peyseble, luffande, and mare vertuous, and so it es mare perfite. For a saule čat haues by grace of Ihesu and lange tra_uayle of bodyly & gastely excercyse ouercommene and dystroyede concupyscens and passiouns and vnskyllwyse styrrynges with-in it-selfe and with-owttene in če sen_sualite, and es clede in vertus as in mekenes and myldnes, in pacyence, in sothefastnes, in gastely strenghe, and ryghtewisenes, in contynence, in wysdome, in trouthe, hope, and charyte, čan es it made perfite als it may be in čis lyfe. Mekill comforthe it reschayues of oure lorde, no¨te anely inwardly in his preue substance, be če vertu of če anehede to oure lorde čat lyes in knaweynge and and lufynge of godde, in lyghte of gastely brynnynge of hyme, in transfourmynge |p177 of če saule in če godhede, bot also in many očer comforthes, & sauours, swettnes, and wondirfull felynges one sere maners, aftir oure lorde vouches-safe to vesete his creatours here in erthe, and eftyre če saule profytes and waxes in charyte. Some saule by vertue of charyte čat godde gyffes it es so clensede, čat all creaturs in all čat he heris, or sese, or felis by any of his wittes turnes hyme till comforthe and gladnes, and če sensualite receyues newe sauour and swetnes in all creaturs, and righte als before če lykynges in če sensualite ware fleschely, vayne, and vecyous for če payne of če orygynalle synne, righte so nowe čay ere made gastely, and clene, with-owttene bitternes and bytynge of concyence. And čis es če gudnes of oure lorde, čat sen če saule es puneschede in the sensualite, and če flesche es pertynere of če payne, that eftirwarde če saule be comforthede in hir sensualite, and če flesche be felawe of če ioye and comforthe with če saule, noghte fleschely, bot gastely, als he was felawe in tribulacione and payne. éis es če fredome & če lordchipe, dygnyte and če wyrchipe čat a manes saule hase ouer all creaturs, the whilke dygnyte he may receyue by grace here, čat ilk a creature sauoure to hyme als it es, and čat es when by grace he sese, or he heres, or he felys anely godde in all creaturs. One čis maner-wyse [a] saule es made gastely in če sensualite by abowndance of charite čat es in če substance of the saule. Also oure lorde comforthes a saule by aungells sange. Bot what čat sange es it may noghte [be] dyscryuede be no bodyly lyknes, for it es gastely and abowne all manere of ymagynacyone and mans resone. It may be perceyuede and felide in a saule, bot it may noghte be spokene. Neuer-če-lattere I speke čare-of |p178 to če als me thynke. / When a saule es puryfyede by če lufe of godde. Illumynede by wysedome, stabled by myghte of godde, than es če eghe of če saule opyned to be-halde gastely thynges, as vertus, aungells and haly saules, and heuenly thynges. Thane es če saule abill by cause of clennes to fele če toucheynge, če spekynge of gude aungells. This touchyng and spekynge es gastely, noghte bodyly: ffor whene če saule es lyftede and raysede owte of the sensualyte, and owte of mynde of any erthely thynges, thane in gret feruoure of lufe and lyghte of godd, if oure lorde vouche-safe, če saule may here & fele heuenly sownne, made by če presence of aungells in louynge of godde. Noghte čat čis sange of aungells es souerayne ioy of če saule, bot [for če] defference čat es by-twyxe a manes saule in flesche and ane aungelle be-cause of vnclennes, a saule may noghte here it bot by rauyschynge in lufe, and nedis for to be puryfiede full clene, and fulfillide of mekyll charyte, are it ware abyll for to here heuenly sownne. For če souerayne and če Escencyalle ioy es in če lufe of godde by hyme-selfe and for hyme-selfe, and če secundarye es in comonynge and byhaldynge of aungells and gastely crea_turs. For ryghte as a saule in vndirstandynge of gastely thynges es ofte-sythes touched and kennede thurghe bodyly ymagynacyone, by wyrkynge of aungells -- as E¨echielle če profete sawe in bodily ymagynacyoune če sothefastnes of goddes preuates -- righte so, in če lufe of godde, a saule be če presence of aungelles es raueschede owte of all mynde of erthely and fleschely thynges in to a heuenly ioye to here aungells sannge and heuenly sownne eftir čat če charite es mare or lesse. Nowe thane, thynke me, čat čer may no saule fele verreyly aungells sange ne heuenly sowne bot it be in perfite charite. And noghte for-thi all čat are in |p179 perfite charyte ne hase noghte felyde it, bot anely čat saule čat es [so] purede in če fyre of lufe of godde, čat all erthely sauoure es brynte owte of it, and all če menes lettande be-twyx če saule and če clennes of angells es brokene and put awaye fra it. éan sothely may he synge a newe sange and sothely may he here a blysfull heuenly sowne and aungells sange with-owttene dessayte or feynynge. Oure lorde wate whare čat saule es čat for abowndance of brynnande lufe es worthi to here aungells sange. Wha-so čan will here aungells sange, and noghte be dyssayuede by feynynge ne by ymagynacyone of hym-selfe, ne by illusyone of če Enemy, hym behoues hafe perfite charite, and čat es when all vayne lufe and drede, vayne ioy and sorowe, es castene owte of če herte, čat he lufes na thynge bot godde, ne dredis na thynge bot godde, ne ioyes ne sorowes na thynge bot in godde, or of godde. Whoso myghte by če grace of godde go čis way, he sulde noghte erre. Neuer-če lattere some mene ere disceyued by čaire awenne ymagynacyone, or by illucyone of če Enemy in čis matere. Some mane whene he hase lange trauelde bodyly and gastely in dystroynge of synnes and getynge of vertus, and perauenture hase getyne by grace a somdele ryste and a clerete in concyence, onone he leues prayers, redyngs of haly writte, and medytacions of če passione of Cryste, and če mynde of his wrechidnes, and, are he be callede of godde, he gedyrs his wittys by violence to seke and to be-halde heuenly thynges, are his eghe be made gastely by grace, and ouertrauells by ymagynaciouns his wittes, and by vndiscrete trauellynge turnes če braynes in his heuede, and forbrekes če myghtes and če wittes of če saule and of če body; and čane, for febilnes of če brayne, hym thynkes čat he heres woundirfull sownes and sanges: and čat es no thynge ells bot |p180 a fantasie caused of trubblyng of če brayne, as a mane čat es in a frensye hyme thynkes čat he herys or sese čat na nočer mane duse, and all es bot vanyte and fantasie of če heued. Or elles by wyrkyng of če enemy čat fenys swylke sownne in h(is her)ynge. For if a mane hase any presumpcione in his fantasies and in his wirchynge, and čare-be falles in to vndiscrete ymagynacyone, as it ware a frensye, and es noghte kennede ne rewlede of grace ne comforthede by gastely strenghe, če deuelle entirs čan by fals illumynacyons and fals sownnes and swetnes, and dyssayues a mans saule. And of čis false grounde sprynges errours and herysyes, talse prophesyes, presumpcyons and false rusyngs, blasfemyes and sclandirynges, and many očer myschefes. And čare-fore if čou se any mane gastely ocupiede ffalle in any of čise synnes and čise dissaytes, or in frensyes, wit čou wele čat he herde neuer ne felide aungells sange ne heuenly sowne. For sothely he čat verreyly heres aungels sange, he es made so wyse čat he sall neuer erre by fantasye ne by in_discrecyone, ne by no sleghte of če deuelle. Also some men felis in theire hertes as it ware a gastely sowne and swete sanges of dyuerse maners and čis es com_monly gude, and somtyme it may turne tyll dissayte. éis sowne es felide one čis wyse. Some mane settis če thoghte of his herte anely in če name of Ihesu and stedefastly haldis it čare-too, and in schorte tyme hym thynkes that čat name turnes hyme till gret comforthe and swetnes, and hyme thynkes čat če name sownnes in his herte delitabely as it were a sannge, and če vertu of čis lykynge es so myghty čat it drawes in all če wittes of če saule čare-to. Who-so may fele čis sownne and čis swetnes verrayly in his herte, wite he wiele čat it es of godde, and |p181 als lange als he es meke he sall noghte be dissayuede. Bot čis es noghte aungels sange, bot it es a sannge of če saule be vertu of če name, and by touchynge of če gude aungelle. For when a saule offirs it to Ihesu trewly & mekely, puttande all his traiste and his desyre in hym, and besily kepis [hym] in his mynde, oure lorde Ihesu, whene he will, puris če affeccioune of če saule, & fillis it & fedis it with swetnes of hym-selfe, and makes his name in če felynge of če saule as hony, and as sange, and as any thynge čat es delitabill: so čat it lykes če saule euer_mare for to cry Ihesu Ihesu; and noghte anely he hase comforthe in this, bot also in spalmes and ympnes and antyms of haly kyrke, čat če herte synges čame swetely, deuotly and frely, with-owttene any trauelle of če saule, or bitternes, in če same tyme and note¨ čat haly kyrke vses. This es gude and of če gyfte of godde, ffor če substance of čis felynge lyes in če lufe of Ihesu whilke es fedde and lyghtenede by swilke maner of sanges. Neuer-če-lattere in čis-maner felynge a saule may be disceyuede by vayne glorye, noghte in čat tyme čat če affeccione synges to Ihesu and loues Ihesu in swetnes of hym, bot eftyrwarde, whan it cesses, & če herte kelis of loue of Ihesu, thane entyrs in vayne glorie. Also sum mane es dessayuede on čis wyese: He heris wele say čat it es gude to haue Ihesu in his mynde, or any očer gude worde of godde, and čane he streynes his herte myghtyly to čat name and by a costome he hase it nerehande alway in his mynde. Noghte ffor-thi he felis noučer čare-by in his affeccyoune swetnes, ne lighte of knawynge in his resoune, bot anely a nakede mynde of godde, or of Ihesu, or of Mary, or of any očer gude worde. Here may be disceyte, noghte for it es ill to hafe Ihesu in mynde |p182 one čis wyse, bot if he this [felynge] and this mynde, čat es anely his awene wyrkynge by custome, halde it a specyalle vesytacyone of oure lorde and thynke it mare čane it es. For wite čou wele čat a nakede mynde or a nakede ymagy[na]cione of Ihesu or of any gastely thynge, with-owttene swetnes of lufe in če affeccione, or with_owttene lyghte of knawynge in resoune, es bot a blyndnes, and a waye to dessayte, if a mane halde it in his awene [syght] mare čane it es. Thare-fore I halde it sekyre čat he be meke in his awene felynge, and halde čis mynde in regarde noghte till he mowe be custome and vsynge of čis mynde fele če fyre of lufe in his affeccione and če lyghte of knawynge in his resone. Loo, I haue tolde če in čis mater a lyttill as me thynke; noghte affermande čat čis suffisches, ne čat čis es če sothe_fastnes in čis mater. Bot if če thynke it očer-wyse, or elles any očer mane sauour by grace če contrarye here-to, I leue če saying and gyfe stede to hym. It suf_ficith to me for to lyffe in trouthe principally and noghte in felynge. |r{End_of_ICAMET_text;_the_remaining_texts_in_this_edition_are_anonymous.}