|b[Three_Middle_English_Sermons_from_the_Worcester_Chapter |b_Manuscript_F._10,_ed._D._M._Grisdale._Leeds:_Titus_Wilson_of |b_Kendal,_1939,_pp._1-80.] |b{Note:_No_bybed_lines.} |p1 FIRST SERMON |r[f.8r] HUGONIS LEGAT in Passione Domini. |r Accipiant repromissionem Vocati - Accipiant repromissionem Vocati. The help and the grace of Crist Iesu be wyth vs now and euere, amen. INTRODUCTIO THEMATIS ANTE ORATIONEM. 5 I rede in Genesi, the firste book of holi write, 12, 16 & 17 capitulis, čat God, thorw če he¨e loue čat He had in-to ée progenie and te posterite of Abraham, com on a tyme to his dwelling place & bad hym gon out of hys fadris hows & come in-to a contre čat he schulde schowe hym. This feithful man, aftur če commaundement of God, wandride forth 10 with gret trauele & gret tene, til he com to the same contre where he cast hym to abyde, & tanne God Almi¨ti spak to him če secounde tyme and seyde, "Abraham," quod he, "for as muche as ču hast left čin owne lond & com in-to this vncnown contre for ée loue of me, y schal graunte by chartier to all thin eyres aftur če 15 če plentwis lond of Chanaan to in-habite and to dwelle." Here was a faire promis, a faire bi-hest. żit forthirmore, whan this feithful man had afturward getyn a chyld of a serwand čat was clepid Ismael, God spak to hym če čridde tyme & seyde: "For as miche," quod he, "as tow hast wrowth mi wylle in alle thy 20 werkys, thow schalt no lengur be clepyd Abraam, but čy name schal be Abraham, and, as y seyde če by-fore, to če & to thyn |p2 eyres |r[f.8v] i ¨eue če for-seid lond čat y spake of, to hab & to hold in euerlastyng possessioun. For as whos seyth, i haue ordenid him & clepyd hym byfore al očur to receyue this bihest. 25 And ter-for al this trauel & tene i ha mad te take from o cuntre to anočur, vt repromissionem accipiant vocati, 'čat tei mow take this biheste čat ben clepid' as for če beste, ffrelich & fullich aftur her deseruing. Accipiant 'let hem take' če lusti lond of Chanaan melke & methe wellyng, secundum repromis_sionem, 30 'aftur mi bihest' they čat namlich and no nis sunt ad hoc vocati, '¨e, čey čat namlich & no nis ben i-clepud of me čerto.' Sic igitur accipiant repromissionem vocati, 'thus čerfor let hem take če biheste čat ben clepid.' Be this gode, trewe man Abram, ich vndurstonde at tis time vr blessid Lord Crist Iesu; 35 to this holi Abram, to this blessid lord, come če he¨e fadur of Heuen čorw če gret loue čat He had to če posterite of man_kinde & bad hym com doun from his fadris hous, from his holi habitacyoun a-boue in-to če cuntre of this wrechid world, to suffre soru & care for mannis misdedis; he dud His commaunde_ment, 40 lefte his fadris hous, če pierles place of Heuen, com doun in-to če careful cuntre of this worlde & ter suffred trauel & tene, ¨e, he was scornid, scorgid, at če laste was nailud op-on če cros éat hit was pite to bi-hold: čer God, če he¨e fadur of Heuen spake eft-sonis to him & seyde, "Mi derworth child Abram," 45 interpretatur excelsus seu eleuatus, 'Abram is as muche to mene as heyth or litt op hi¨e;' "Mi derworth sone, čat," quod he, "thus art haunsid & lift vp on če cros, for as muche as thou art come in-to če vnknowyn cuntrey of čys world, to suffre čis peyne & čes passioun for če loue of me & myne, y schal graunte bi če 50 chartier of či passioun, writen wit če rede blod of či bodi, selid with če scharp nailis čat čurlith čin hondis & ti fet, indentid wit ée bittur spere čat persid thin herte, to alle če eirys of mankinde |p3 éat kepith mi commaundementis & wirkyn mi wylle, če plentuvs lond of Chanaan, ¨e, če ioyfull place of Heuen, to in-habite & to 55 dwelle world with-oute ende;" & sic repromissionem accipiant vocati, '& scho schul čey take če byheste čat buč clepid' to éat holi feste. Thus tanne, whan Crist čorw če bittur peynis éat he suffrid in his passioun had gete čat fayre child Ismael, éat precious tresour, mannis soule, of a seruant, ¨e, out of če 60 bondage & te thraldom of če deuel, he was letoun doun of če cros & leid in his graue & his name was i-changid from Abram in-to Abraham; for he was no lengur clepid če fadur lift op-o če cros, but a fadur of miche peple; for Abraham interpretatur pater mul_tarum gentium, 'Abraham is as muche to say as a fadur of 65 muche peple,' for čer Crist sauyd & bouth wyth his blod nawth on-lich o peple or tweyne, but al maner peple of če world, ¨e, almankynde, čat wolde sewe hys doctrine |r[f.8r] & performe his teching; & ter-for he was resonablych clepid če fadur of muche peple, fadur of almankinde. O čis wys, čanne, Crist 70 dying o če cros, as Seint Poul berith witnes in če pistul of this same day, offerd vp him-self clene with-oute any spot or wemme, to clense owre consciens from wykyd werkys, to serue God in clennis of leuyng, to wasche a-way with his deth čat was wrowth vndur če Olde Testament, & vt repromissionem accipiant vocati, 75 ¨e, & cheflich ' čat čey mouth take če byhest & te promissiun čat were clepid 'from če bigin[ni]ng to euerlastyng ioy & blis. Sacra morte dei superi rectoris olimpi - Accipiant - Purpureo claram Christi cum sanguine scriptam - repromissionem - Ante serena poli nostri seu lumina mundi - vocati. 'Thorw če delful deth of 80 God, gouernour of all thyngys,' Accipiant 'lete hem take, write wyth če rede blod čat Crist sched for oure synnis,' repromis_sionem 'če byheste.' 'Be-fore če makyng of heuenlich lithis, éat brithlich schynun in-to al če worlde,' vocati 'čei čat ben |p4 i-clepid'. Thus tanne lethe hem take če byhest čat ben 85 clepid. That ¨e may thenne, thorw če precius passioun of Crist, be clepid a-mong čese čat tus schal be sauid & reseyue this glorius biheste, ¨e schul lift vp or hertis hollich to God & with a mike spirit prey him vt dignetur vocare vos vocatione sua, secunda ad Tess. primo, ¨e, 'čat he wille of his gret grace clepe ¨ow in his 90 calling' & numbur ¨ow a-mong hem čat ben predestinat from ée biginning. And e this preyer ¨e schal ha recomendit al če clergise, če knithhode & al če gode comenalte, with al čo čat ben went out of this world & e wey of saluacioun. For čese & for al očur čat ¨e očur i ben y-holde to prai fore at tis time & for 95 grace čat is nedful boče to ¨ow & to me, y pray ¨ow seith with a deuowte herte a pater noster & an aue. INTRODUCTIO THEMATIS ANTE PARTIPATIONEM. Accipiant repromissionem vocati vbi supra, lete hem take če biheste čat ben clepid as i seide be-fore. As Seint Jerom seyth in principio cosmographie ethici philosophi, God in biginning made a mater, a lumpe, with-outun schap, with-outun 5 ani forme, where-in were conteinyd boče heuen & helle, erče & eire & al this worlde; owt of this statu, of this mas, he drowč če erče & printid hit ful of herbis & floures, če watir & te eire & fulfullid hem with fischis & foulis, če fir & te firmament, & fastnid hem with planetis & sterris, & ate laste that holi habi_taciun 10 of heuene, & sette ther-inne ix orderis of angelis a-mong the which was tat glorius angel, čat glorius spirit lucifer, čat in bewte & brythnes passid alle očur; but, for as miche as he was proude of his passing brithnes & wolde not mekelich worschip God for his wondurful wirking as očur angelus dude, he fel down 15 with his compani as depe in-to helle as he purposid him to han ben lift vp & enhythtid in heuene. To fulfulle čan če place of lucifer & his compani, čat was, as we saith, void & vacant in heuene, God in če bigining ordenid & |r[f.8v] disposid by pre_destinaciun in his owne wit a certeyn numbur čat schulde leue |p5 20 vpon his lawis & wirkyn his wille, & hem he hath i-clepid be-fore al očur to fulfille this ioyful place. For as Seint Poul seyth, ad romanos 8=o=, quos predestinauit hos et vocauit, 'hem,' he seith, 'čat he hath ordeinid be predestinaciun to ben his trewe laborers & his trew seruauntus, hem he hath i-clepid to inhabite čis place., 25 And of hem schal če fadur sei to če at če dai of dome voca operarios, sone, 'clepe či laborers,' či seruantis, wher-to vt repromissionem accipiant vocati, 'čat tei mowe take če bihest of gladnes čat tus ben clepid trewe laborers.' TRIMEMBRIS PARTICIO THEMATIS PRO PROCESSU TOTIUS SERMONIS. For če processe of this sermon e these thre wordis may open_lich 30 be schewid čre diuers thingus e mente latens hominis secretum suscipientis dinoscitur in acceptione. Alta dei dantis discretio cuncta librantis explicatur in promissione. Sed tandem qualitas vocitati facta videntis de[monstra]tur in vocacione. 'The preui wil of mannus receyuing schit with innes forth in his 35 thouth is clirlich i-knowyn' in acceptione, is clirlich i-knowin ' in taking.' 'The hi¨e discreciun of God, če bihitht čat mannes merit for-¨etith nouth, is fullich openid' in repromissione, is fullich openid 'in be-hithting,' 'but če qualite at če laste & te condiciun of hym čat is clepid, being če werkis čat he hath 40 wrouth, is hollich declarid' in vocacione, is hollich declarid 'in cleping'.'To hem čanne čat reseyue Cristis sonde goodly, Cristys biheste hertili, & his cleping louly, it schal be seid Accipiant repromissionem vocati, it schal be seid, 'let hem take ée biheste čat ben clepid.' PRIMUM MEMBRUM PRINCIPAlE. I seyde firste & principalich, čat če preui wil of mannys res_seyuing schit with-inne forth in his towth is clirlich i-knowing in takynge. I rede e če storys of Rome, čat te grete Emperour Octauiani, whan he had i-subduid & maad subiet 5 al the worlde, he het wryte certayn lawis in a parchemyn leef, |p6 selit with is owne signet, & send hem with a messager to če cieteis of Cartage, & bad te messager čat he schulde take good hede & good a-visement, what chere & what contenaunce eueri mon made to his letteres e če resseyuing of his lawis. This messager, 10 whan he had don this message, com a-¨eyn to če Emperour & seyde': 'my lord,' quod he, 'i ha bore ¨our letteres & ¨our lawis to če citey of Cartage aftur ¨our commaundement, & summe čer were čat stowlich withstood & for-suk hem, summe čat meklich took & resseyuid hem, & summe čat gladlich opnid & redde hem.' 15 And čanne če Emperour, as a discrete domisman, het hange & drawe al hem čat stoulich with-stood his sondes, encresid hem in catell čat meklich resseyuid his lawis, & hem made chefteynis oueral če cite čat gladlich redden is letteris. Rith tus doth če hie Kinge of heuen & te Emperour of čis world, God Almithti; he 20 send his soondis & his lawis from ¨ere to ¨ere, from day to dai, to če cite of this world, to če comente of mankinde; who trowis tow be his messager ? So God me helpe, iusticia 'če rithwesnes' of God. This mayde, this messager, summe tyme bringeth soon_dis of prosperite, summe time of aduersite, summe time of riches, 25 summe time of pouerte, ¨e, summe time of on, summe time of a-nočur, as te he¨e wisdom of God ordeynith & disposith. These ben preui statutis, če rithful lawis of God, maad for hem éat be misdoers & rebellis a-¨ens his real power. E če reseyuing of čise soondus, čis messager, Goddus rithwesnes, takith good 30 hede of eueri man & makith a |r[f.9r] trewe relatiun to God of če contenaunce & te chere čat is with-inne forth in his herte, for rith as it ferde be če citiers of Cartage, rith so it farith be al mankinde. Summe čer be čat stoulich with-stonde is sondis & his lawis, summe čat meklich & loulych taken hem, & summe 35 čat gladlich rede & resseyue hem. PARTITIO TRIMEMBRIS To stoutlich with-stonden hem PRIMI PRINCIPALIS. makith stowte pride, to meklich taken hem makith lownes drede, & to gladlich rede & reseyue hem makith hi loue or mode. |p7 PRIMUM MEMBRUM PRIMI PRINCIPALIS. I sey first, čat summe čer be čat stoulich with-stonde Goddus sondis & his lawis & tat makith pride. Thou seist weel oftin timis, čat mani man, ¨if God Almithti sende him a litul tribulatiun, a litul siknes for his synnes, a-non rith he 5 stoutlich & proudelich gruchith a-¨enus God & demith him in his herte vniust & vnrithwus to ponesch him o čus wise, & so often timis fallith in-to blasfemie & afturward in-to dispit, čorw če pompe & te pride of his hie herte. These maner of men, čat tus haue leuer breke & to-berste čan bowe & bende vor to resseyue 10 če correctiuns & to soondis of God, schul at to laste, wil čei nil éei, delfullich be dryuen down withe če dredful dart of euerlasting deth; for God seith him-self e če Olde Testament, deuter. 17=0=, ` Whos euer wil nat for pride be obedient to myn ordinaunce & resseyue my dette, he schal be ded,' he seith, '& damnid be 15 deuelis decre, čat he ches to be rulit by wil he lyuide e čis worlde; '& trulich, it is litul wondur čei čow dispise & set at nauth če statutes & te correctiuns of či souerens here on erč, éat tus grevuslich gruchith a-¨enust to lawis & to ordenaunce of God; was it neuer wirse i dar wel say for a souereyne to chastise 20 his subiettes, čan it is rith now & tat boče e če spiritual side & eke če temperal ? For let a man now do neuer so euel, be neuer so wrechid, neuer so vnrithti of his lyuynge, we ¨et he wil take no chastisynge, no correctiun, he is so obstinat & so stiburne. This maner of folk, be čey neuer so miche schrewis, holt hem-self 25 so parfit, so wise & so gret with God, that čei take hede of non očur man. And tei faste a day or tweyne, čei wene with here fasting to fle vp to heuene; & tey haue an olde quaier with a fewe custummes or a fewe statutis, čei teche & preich as boldlich as he čat hath go to scole al his life time. And litul wondiris, for, 30 aftur če comen sawe, čer is non so bolde as is blind bayard. Summe for leudnes & for vnkuningnes preche če preuitise čat schuld not be rehersed in no congregaciun, but onlich in confes_siun. For God is for-bed čat i schulde crie ate cros al čat euer i |p8 schulde finde writen e mi book. For ¨ef i dude i schul make al 35 če world wondur vp-on mi bodi. And ter-for a clerke schulde haue it of kinde for to kepe cownsell. But tis peple čat tis prechith, čow čey vownd a bole-fot writen in hir book, trust it wel čer-to, čei wolde tel it forth, & tat is for no-thing ellus but wantyng of wit & of discreciun. And ter-for thei schulde not 40 preche to hure pareschon, but onlich swiche thing as tei knowe skel vpon, as te 5 wittis, the 7 dedly synnes, če 10 comaunde_mentis & swich očur čat longen to here estat for to preche of. Očur čer ben |r[f.9v] čat for a preui pride in hir herte wil take no scripture but tat hem luste for to take, for in his geometrie 45 ptolemee, in his astronomie & swiche očur čat parawntur knewe neuer če leeste conclusiun writin in hir bookis, for mani, manime seith, spekith of Robyn Hood čat schotte neuer in his bowe. Thus čei damne & deme očur mennis bokis, & all for čei drowe neuer če draugh of vndurstonding in non of hem alle. This 50 pride & tis obstinacie makis mani man falle in-to heresie, for hit makith hem peruerte če texte of holy writ & wirkin aftur hir owne wille, & ter-for čei wilnot resseyue če teching of holichirch, but despise če lawis of oure Lord God, & Christes correctyuns set at rith nawth. Trowste tow čat tese maner of men be clepid 55 to resseyue če bihest of če erytage of heuene ? & ¨ay, so God me help, čei whi so ? Quia hec est gens que non audiuit vocem domini dei sui nec accepit disciplinam, Jer. 7=o= -- 'For čis [is] a peple,' seith God Almithti be če proffit Jeromie, ' čat wolde not hure če vois of hire Lord God, no, nor resseyue his doctrine & his teching.' SECUNDUM MEMBRUM PRIMI PRINCIPALIS. 60 I seide al-so čat summe čer be čat meklich takyn Goddis sondis & his lawes & tat makith drede. We knowin wel euerichon, čat ¨if če kinge wolde make an ordynaunce or a lawe to be resseyud in his reme vndur a certeyn peyne, mani men wolde meklich resseyue hit, more for drede of če peyne čat is 65 put čer vp-on, čan for ani loue čat tei had to če makir. Thus |p9 doč miche folk now a-dayes bi Cristes ordinaunces & Cristes lawes, for čei račur resseiue hem for drede of če peyne of helle, éat is ordeynid for hem čat despisen hem, čan for če lowe of owre Lord Iesu, čat ordeynid hem & made hem; but ¨et i sai, 70 this maner of taking, čis maner of resseyuing, čow hit mith be betur, nis nauth euel, for hit let te for to do synne, it with_drawit če from či lustis, it for-bit te for to greue God & disposiz ée to hei¨er grace. For bi čis dredful resseyuing čat is callit timor seruilis, čat is callid 'drede of peyne,' če schalt come ad 75 timorem filialem, ¨e, če schalt come to če drede čat is callid 'drede onlich for lowe.' And tanne, če schalt resseyue & kepe ée commaundementis of God, nauth onlich for drede of peyne, but chiflich for drede of His wrath & lesing of His loue, & tat is ée hei¨est poynt of perfectiun čat tow maste haue in čis world. 80 And ter-fore čaugh ¨e maynat ate firste come to čis hei¨e poynt of perfectiun, loke ¨e lowlich & meklich ate hardeste way, for drede of peyne resseyue what so euere God sond ¨ow, be it helče, be it heuines, be it welče, be it wo, being aftur če holi man Iob 2=o= capitulo; '¨ef we ha reseyuid good & gladnes of oure 85 Lord, whi schulde we nauth as wel take turment & tene, sen we han deseruid hit ?' čey thanne, čat tus gon bi če gree of drede, cli[m]bing to če hei¨e degree of če loue of good, erunt vocati 'schul be clepid,' wher-to vt accipiant repromissionem 'to take če promis of yoi & blis.' TERTIUM MEMBRUM PRIMI PRINCIPALIS. I seide forthermor, čat summe čer be čat gladlich resseyue Goddis soondis & is lawes & tat makith loue. The grete philosophre Plutarcus seith, 8=o= memorabilium, čat ter is a tre in certeyn cuntreys čat is clepid palma, 'če palme tre,' of an 5 očur spice & kinde čan any čat is her a-monge vs; če bodi of this tre, he seith, is smalliste ate ground, & a-¨enis te kynde of al očur maner of trees, euermore vpward |r[f.10r] encressis in gretnes, & to more čat te leist červpon, če more rithter it stond |p10 vpward, so čat it noičer bowith ner bendith for ani maner of 10 birdine čat it mai resseyue; ¨ef če wilte breke a bowth čis tre, če mayst not bowe it dounward, for čanne it wil sitte če fastir, but če moste drawe it vpward & tanne če schalt haue če maistry čroffe. And for čis cause & tis kinde, he seith it is clepid arbor victorie, it is clepid 'te tree of victorie.' This tree schuldiste ču 15 be, & te dedist as te owest for te do. Al či luste, al či likinge, al či loue, al či herte, čat is vndurstonde be če bodi of če tre, schulde incresse vpward, schulde be holich in God, hoolich in heue[n]lich thingus & smal dunward, ¨e, dispising alle erčelich goodis & prosperities of čis world; & tanne schuldist ču gladlich 20 take & willefullich resseyue al če birdons čat were leid vpon če, ¨e, al če tribulaciuns & deseses čat God Almithti sent te here e čis world, in encresinge of či merit & wasshinge a-way of či synnis; and more-ouer, euermore strenger & strenger & strenger, rise vpward toward him in loue & in charite, thonking him of his 25 soondis čat he sendith the for či beste. Lete nauth če deuel breke a-doun če bowis of či goode dedis be no sotil deseit, no cursid temptatiun, but euermore prei God, čat he wol drawe hem vp to him & rule hem aftur is owne wille, & tanne, ¨ef če čis doest a-doun če deuil & ouercomest al his temptatiuns, ču schalt 30 be clepid arbor victorie, ču schalt be clepid 'če tre of victorie.' And trulich me semith & it were wel avisid, ču were hi¨elich ihold to gladlich resseyue če lawis & te correct[i]uns of God & tat onlich for his loue; was he nat i-nailid hond & foot for či loue, was he nat i-stung to če herte with a scharpe spere for či loue, 35 ¨e, deid he nauth on če cros ate laste & al for či loue ? Alas, vnkinde wrech, what woldist ču more ? Al čis he dide for či loue, & ¨it če maistnat finde it in čin herte for to loue him a-¨en; ¨it če kans finde it e čin herte for to loue a creature her' on erče onlich for his beute & for his fairenes, why kanst nat finde it e 40 čin herte for to loue him, čat is, as Bede seith, pulcherrimus ipse |p11 mundum mente gerens, čat is, as čis clerk saith, 'če fayrest thing čat may be founde bering če forme & te schap of this world in his soule ? '¨if če kans loue a man for čin owne proffit & tin owne avauntage, whi kans nat loue him čat wil ¨e če for či loue 45 če riche reem of heuene ? ¨e, ¨if ču kans forčurmore loue a bodi for is vertues & is goodnes, whi kanst nat loue him čat is, as Dauid seith, deus uirtutum, 'lord of alle vertues, & god of alle goodnes ? Thus tanne resun wil, čat ¨it če loue a čing čat is faire weel, čat is fairer betere as kinde constraineth če, loue 50 God čat is fairest best, & tanne rulest to weele či loue; & te same ču schalt do in loue for profit & loue, for vertue, for trust wel čerto God is most profitable to če, most vertues & most loue hath i-schewid to če čan euer did ani očur man, as it may be schewid be certeyn signes. Aristotil seith, whan a man hath 55 čat in presens, wheyčer in sith or in čouth, čat he passinglich louyth, ¨if he be malancoli he quakith, ¨if he be fleumatik he wexith pale, ¨if he be colerik he swet, & ¨if he be sangin he waxič rodi & reed; al čus passiuns & tus signes had Crist for če loue of čat faire child, čat bewtuvus creature, mannis soule, nauth with_stonding 60 čat he loued vertueslich al če world wel; čis was & is te delicacies of Cristes fadir, če hi¨e lord of heue[n] while čat he wieldoth; & ter-for seith Virgile in buc. egloga 2=o=, |r[f.10v] formosum pastor coridon ar[d]ebat alexim, delicias domini. This vers bi gramer is construid o čis wis: Coridon, 'čat shepherd 65 Coridon,' ardebat, i.e. ardenter amabat, 'brinyngliche louede' formosum alexim 'čat schaplich chil Alexis,' delicias 'če deli_cacies' domini. Be čis Coridon is vndurstonde Criste & be čis Alexis mannis soule. Quakid euer Criste, owre Coridon, for če loue of čis Alexis, ¨e, for soče he, whanne he was nailud hand & 70 foot o če cros, če Iuwes tokin hit with his bodi čer vp-on & squatten it so ofte in-to če ground til hit wolde stonde rith vp bi himsilf. Aud terwith, alle če veynus & te sennus in Christis bodi to-barste, če bonus ratelyd to-gedur as tey wolde han falle from him & alle is flessh chencride for če grete peynus & te |p12 75 desesis čat he suffride; his modur stode be-sedis seynge alle čese desesis, &, after Seint Bernard, seide čis wordis: "Mi dere child," quod sche, "mi dere childe, ču čat art mi o suetnes, mi singuler ioye, če liff of mi soule & hollich mi solas, mak čat i mai die with če čat brouth če forth in-to čis world to čis schameful deth, ¨e, 80 swete child," quod sche, "knowe či modur & ha ruthe & com_passiun vpon hire, & here hure preyer; for hite be-semith," sche seith, "a lovinge child to knowe & to comford is modur, čat is desolat & for-sakin." éus Crist tremelid for če loue of Alexis, bi-holding his modur he wax al so pale for his loue, whanne he 85 had bled so miche blod čat čer was scarselich a drope biden in his boodi; forčurmore he swette, for his passiun was so peinywus, čat he swette water & blood in eueri membre čat he hadde; was he al so reed ? ¨e, for sothe, for he had so mani woundis, what with če bittir scorges, with če scharpe nailis & with če cruel spere, 90 čat ter was left no hol place in his bodi, but al so rodi as rose ran on rede blood. This rednis & tis peyne durid so longe vp-on him, čat ate laste for veri loue čat he had to mannis soule, his herte to-barste & dide for če time. This sieth če meke mayde, čis bihilde his blessid moder & with a weping chere seyde, "alas," 95 quod sche, "mi derworth child, what hast tu doon, čat tus če Iuwes ha killid če o če cros ? że, alas ! " sche seith, "where is čat ilke ioye bi-come čat i hadde, whanne i lullid če in či cradil, whanne i fedde če with mi pappis, whanne i hoclid če on mi kne & kissid či lippus & ti mouth as a kinde modur schulde ? Al 100 čis is a-goon & i am laft alone as a woful womman & a modur for-sakyn.' 'čis was a soruful lamentaciun of čat blessid ladi. Take hede, čanne, for Cristus sake, ču vnkinde wrech, & leerne of čis ladi to suffre disese & aduersite for če loue of Criste. For al čo čat so do, truste well čer-to, schal sue Cristis modir. Whidur ? 105 Trulich to če kingdom of heuene, to be refreshed with če blisful feste of euerlasting murthe & ioye. For Crist schal seie čenne to is modur, "Modir, take in či seruauntes & mine, čat suffrede with če sorw & dessese ffor če loue of me, wher-to vt repromis_sionem accipiant vocati, 'čat tey mow take če biheste čat tus |p13 110 be clepid' to če feste. Qui feruore dei tulerant suspiria morbi -- Accipiant -- jam super etheream fulgentis sidera claram -- repromis_sionem -- Sic ad festa poli venerande uirginis ore -- vocati 'čei čat suffere desese of siknes & of sorwe for če loue of God', Accipiant 'lette hem take če blis čat is a-boue al če brith sterris,' in 115 repromissionem 'in-to hir biheste. For čei čat of čat maidenis mouth,' |r[f.11r] čat is Goddis modir, sunt vocati 'ben i-clepid', e čis wise čanne, lete hem take če biheste čat ben clepid. SECUNDUM MEMBRUM PRINCIPALE. I seide če secunde time principaliche & a gredel schorter, čat če hi¨e discreciun of God, če bihiht' čat mannes merit for-¨eti[t]h 120 nauth, is fullich opnid in bihithtinge. Thus auteres čat treten de picturis deorum tellen čat Apollo, deus sapientie, was peyntid with a bowe & an arwe in his on hond, an harpe in his očur & on is heuid a chapelet with grene lori leuis, in tokeninge čat bi his wit & bi his discreciun summe aftir hire deseruing he behatte peyne, 125 summe grace & summe ioye. This Apollo, čat is God of wit & of dome, is Crist, Goddes sone of heuene, for he is če wisdom of če fadir, springing owt of če welle of glorius Godhede. The bowe & te arwe in his on hond is nočing ell but če streyte rith_fulnesse of ponesching of hem čat be rebellis & contrarius a-¨ens 130 him; čat harpe in his očur hand is če PARTIPARTIO TRI_MEMBRIS mekenes & te melodie of is merci, to SECUNDI comford hem čat loulich dreden him, PRINCIPALIS. & te garlond of his heuid is his grace & his goodnes, to riallich rewardun al čo čat louen him; čus dide če grete Emperour 135 Octauian čat i tolde ¨ow of langeer. For he het hange & drawe, as i seide čer, čo čat were rebel, encreside in catel čo čat were dredful, & hieliche enhaunside čo čat were louinge. Thes čre maner of činges, tanne, čat tis Apollo had, hath God be-hith to če čre maner of men čat i rithnow rehersid ¨ow on rowe. For 140 to čo čat stowliche withstonde his customs & his correctiuns he hath be-hith če arwe of ponesching & of peyne, to čo čat |p14 meklich takyn hem če harpe of pite & of merci, & to hem čat gladlich resseyue hem če croun & te garlond of blis & of ioye. This is an hi¨e wit, a good discreciun of God, čis to reward eueri 145 man aftir his deseruing. PRIMUM MEMBRUM SECUNDI PRINCIPALIS. I sei firste, čat to hem čat stoulich withstonde Goddis customs & is correctiuns he hath behith če arwe of ponesching & peyne. The grete clerk Virgilius, 6=to= eueydos, seith čat čowth a man had an hundred of mowčes & eueri mouth an hundrid of tunges & 150 euery tonge wer maad of bras, ¨it he were nawth suffisaunt, he seith čis clerk, for to telle plenerlich če peynus čat ben in helle. For čer is nyth with-owten dai, peyne with-owte pyte, dispeir withouten hope & soru withowten ende; čis is a cruel arwe, čis is a careful ponesching; ¨e, God for his grete merci graunte vs 155 neuer to come čer for to be woundid with čis arwe, neuer to be ponesched with čis peyne. For čis cruel arw & tis careful peyne is behith to hem čat ben stoud & proud & gruch a-¨ens če ordenaunce of God; čis is a sori biheste & alenge promis; čis schal sinful man take in reward of wikydnes as Salamon berith 160 witnes, Ecc. 29=o=, seing o čis wise, peccator transgrediens man_datum Domini incidet in promissionem nequam; 'čat sinful man,' he seith, 'čat proudelich brekit če commaundement of God & stoulich withstond his couistoms & is correctiuns, schal falle in-to a wikkid biheste, ¨e, in-to če peyne čat is ordeynid, as 165 i seide, for swich maner of men.' SECUNDUM MEMBRUM SECUNDI PRINCI(PALIS). I sey also, čat to hem čat meklich takyn Goddis costoms & his correctiuns he hač behith če harpe of pyte & of mercy. Whan Crist com doun from če hi¨e toure of heueue in-to če dunioun of čis wrechid world & was borun f |r[f.11v] čat meke mayde in-to 170 če saluaciun of al mankinde, angelus of heuene with here harpes & here giternis sunge čis delicius dite & tis suete songe: "Ioye & |p15 blis," quod čey, "be to God čat reynith a-boue & in erthe pes & reste to men čat bun of soft wil." This was a mury melodi to man, ¨e, while čis songe was a-syngyng misericordia & veritas 175 obuiauerunt sibi, 'mercy & rigoresnesse metten to-gedere,' & iusticia & pax osculate fuerunt '& rith-vuesnesse & pes kissid hem to-gedere.' For al če rigoresnes & te rithwuesnes čat God vside e če Olde Testament, be now i-changed in-to mekenes & to mercy to vs, čat ben vnder če Newe Testament ! For čat tyme 180 was e¨e for e¨e, hond for hond, heuid for heuid, deth for deth, ¨e, hollich veniaunce with-owt ani mercy, but now, what so ču hab don, ha čou synned neuer so sore, trispasid neuer so gretlich, če schalt ha mercy withowte ani veuiaunce, & te wilt loulich askyn hit. This [is] a gret goodnes of God, a gracius chong 185 for us čat aldai falle e sorwe & e synne. éer-for be čou nothing aferid, ha čou be neuer so wikkid a man, neuer so cursyd a leuer, ¨e, čow ču haddist done al so mech synne as al če men e če worlde mith do & a thousond-fold more, to aske hym for_¨iuenes; for truste wel čerto, ču schalt nauth be so redi to aske 190 him, but he wil be miche more redy to ha ruthe & compassiun vp-on če & for-¨iue če či synne. And ter-for čer schuld melodie of no minstracie, no, noučer harpe nor luet, citole nor sautrie, fithele no simphonie, glade so gretlich čin herte as schulde čis harpe of Goddis mekenes & his mercy čat sow[n]it al in on acord 195 & makis no maner of dyscrasie; sin he is čanne so meke & so merciable to če, be nouth ču stowt & proud a-¨ens him, but loulich take his customs, če ordenaunce of či souereynes, če statutes of holichirch & meklich suffre his correctiuns, čat is to sey, tribulaciuns & aduersite here e čis world, in parti of pen_aunces 200 čat God Almithti sendith če, witte čow well for či beste; for ta al hem čat so don aftir his hi¨e wit & is hi¨e discreciun he hath behith grace. What grace ? Grace to rise out from his synne of disese čat stont as for his penance & come to če hie wey of parfitnesse of leuinge, and ter-for seith holy writ, 2=o= |p16 205 paralyp. 36=o=, Tu domine secundum bonitatem tuam promisisti penitentiam promissionis peccatorum, 'ču Lord,' he seith, 'čeraftur či mercy & ti goodnes hast ¨iuen vs penaunce & behith vs grace of for-¨iuenes of oure synnes.' TERTIUM MEMBRUM SECUNDI PRINCIPALIS. I seide firčurmore, čat to hem čat gladlich resseyue Goddis 210 customs & his correctiuns he hath be-hith če crowne of blis & of ioye. The hi¨e divin Dionisius in celesti Jerarchica capitulo 7=o= seith, čat a-mong al če jerarchies of al če 9 ordres of angelus, če jerarchie of cherubin, seraphin & trones is če hey¨ist & te neste God. And tese he seith, sin čei be nauth componid ex materia 215 & forma, 'of mater & of forme,' noyčur ex genere & differentia, 'of comen quidite |r[f.12r] & vniuersal qualite' as očur bestis ben, but onlich ex vsuali & yypostasi or ellus ex actu & potentia, onlich 'of being & a power resseyuid withowte forč,' for to be hit is gret wundur how čei synge & make al čat meri melodie a-boute 220 God čat tey make, with-oute ani pype or arteri material. For čei ben, as who seith in reward of erčelich činges, simple in composiciun & ¨et tey singe čis glorius songe, sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, dominus deus sabaoth, 'i-blessid be če fadur, i-blessid be če sone, i-blessid be če holigost, čat is o God in substaunce & 225 lord of alle vertues.' To telle ¨ow how čis mith, it were to long atariing, for čei i stode here al čis twelue monthe i chain secur, i schulde nauth make summe of ¨ow clirlich to conseyuen it. But how čat euere it be, čis is a swete armonie, ¨e, wiel were him čat euere was borne of his moder, čat mithe come to čat place 230 where čis melodie [is] maad, for čer is če loue of če apostoles, če senatorie of martires, če quiet of če confessors, če cumpanie of virgins, ¨e, al če glorius peple of če holi seyntes of heuene. A-mong hem is dawusyus, ¨e, nauth onlich in diatessaron, but al-so in diapente & eke in diapason. There is, contrarie to čat i 235 seyde be-fore, day with-owten nith, pite with-owte peyne, sekernes with-owte dispeir, & ioie with-owte ende. A-boue al hem sit God in his Godhed, hauing če chapelet of lory leuis čat |p17 euermor ben grene, ¨e, holding in his hond če glorius crowne of liffe, čat euermore florescheth e ioye & in blis & neuermore fadith 240 nor fallith a-wey. This crowne schal he take, čat gladlich resseyuith če correctiuns of God, ffor če hi¨e loue čat he hath him, as Seynt Iames berith witnes, iac. primo, where he seith, Beatus vir qui suffert temptationem: qui cum probatus fuerit, accipiet coronam vite, quam repromisit deus diligentibus se, 'j-bles_sid 245 be čat man,' a seith čis apostil, 'čat gladlich suffereth tempt_aciun & disese for če loue of God; for whanne he is prouid be če iuggement at če day of dome, he schal take če crowne of life čat God Almithti be-hith to al čo čat louen him.' For swich maner of men were clepid from če beginning of če world, nauth for to 250 haue her lust & her liking her e čis world, sed vt repromissionem accipiant vocati in an očur world, 'but for to take čis crowne, čis bihest, čei čat tus ben i-clepid' in an-očur world, čat is to seye, če blis of heuene. Postquam nostra dies fuerit consumpta perenne -- Accipiant -- Lumen celeste fulgens diodema serenum -- in 255 repromissionem -- Inter sacra cheli gratulantis munera celi -- vocati. 'Aftir čat oure daies for age ben i-endid,' Accipiant, 'let hem take če diodeme of lief with sterris faire i-peyntid,' in repromis_sionem 'in-to hir biheste, čei čat a-mong če compani čat with če harpe of heuene ioifullich ben gladid,' sunt vocati, 'ben i-clepid,' 260 & tus let hem take če bihest čat ben clepud. |r[f.12v]. TERTIUM MEMBRUM PRINCIPALE. I seyde če čridde time principalich & here i make an ende, čat te qualite at če laste & te condiciun of him čat is clepid, being če wirkis čat he hath wrouth, is hollich declarid in cleping. Whan Crist schal come at če dai of dome, al bleding 5 as he was don on če cros, he schal be so steerne as doctors tellen and so ferful to biholde, čat al če world schal ben a-ferid in his presence; če angeles of heuene schul quake for drede, whan al maner of men schul be clepid be-fore če iugge, to ¨ilden a-cowntes of here lief-time. There will be an hard rekening, for eueri man |p18 10 schal se čer ¨e če glorius glas of Cristus owne face al če wirkis čat he hath wrowth while he wonid her e čis world; čat schal ben an hard clepinge, čat schal be an hidows calling, for eueri man schal be clepid čer aftir his deseruing. Thei čat ha stoutelich with-stonde Goddis soondes & his lawes schul be clepid as 15 enimis to resseyue če arwe of ponesching & of peyne. Thei čat meklich ha taken hem schul be clepid as seruauntes to resseyue če harpe of pite & of mercy. And čei čat gladlich ha resseyuid hem schul be clepid as eires to resseyue če crowne of ioye & of blis. PARTIPARTIO TRIMEMBRIS TERTII PRINCIPALIS. I sei first, čat čei čat ha stoulich withstonde Goddis soondis & his lawes schul be clepid as enmies to resseyue če arwe of ponesching & of peyne. Thei čat ha prowdlich broke če comaundementis of God & wold nat amende hem here e čis 5 world schul arise čat day on Cristis lift side & he schal say to hem o čis manerwise: "For ¨e wolnat," he schal seye, "kepe mi comaundementis, leue opo mi lawis & wirkis čat was lifful to me, ¨e be nočing mi frendis but fullich min enmies; for whan i was hungri ¨e ¨af me no mete, whan i was čristi ¨e ¨af me no 10 drinke, whan i was nakid ¨e ¨af me no cločis, nor whan i was disesid ¨e sokerid me nauth; & ter-fore ite, maledicti in ignem eternum, qui preparatus est diabolo & angelis eius, & ter-for 'go ¨e cursid men,' he schal sei, čat tus be clepid as min enmies & nočing as mi frendis 'in-to če euerlasting fyr of helle, čat is 15 ordeynid to če deuil & to al is angelus;'" here schal be weyling, here schal be weping of hondes & ter-fore seith če prophet, Ysaie 22=o=, vocabit dominus in die illa ad fletum, & planctum, 'God Almithti,' he seith, 'schal clepe čis maner of peple čat day, to weylyng & to weping.' SECUNDUM MEMBRUM TERTII PRINCIPALIS. 20 I sey al-so, čat tey čat mekelich han take Goddis soondis & Goddis lawes schul be clepid as seruauntes to resseyue če harpe |p19 of pite & of mercy. Thow a seruaund čat is trewe & seruabil & dreful to greue or displesin his lord ha trespassid a-¨ens him & deseruid his wrath, ¨it, & he wil loulich & meklich aske him for_¨euenes, 25 his [lord] wil for-¨iuet him & oftetimes clepe him to an hei¨er degre čan he was at čer bi-fore; rith tus it farith bi Crist & his seruauntes, for ha čei trisspassid neuer so sore, do neuer so muche synne as i seyde be-fore, ¨it & tey wil be soori & schrife hem throffe & aftirward aske him for-¨euenes, trist wiel 30 čer-to he wil a-non rith for-¨iue hit hem, clepe hem to an hi¨er degre, an hei¨er perfecciun čan čei wer in to-for |r[f.13r]. Here če maist se čat confessiun is a gret preparatif to for-¨iuenes of či sinnes. And ter-for as sone as ču art defowlid with ani maner filče of sinne, go to a priest & with če trewe schrift of mouth 35 wasch it clene a-way. Loke also čat ones e če ¨er at te leste wei ču go to či curat, či souereyne čat hač cure & keping of či soule, & schewe to him fullich & clirlich al čat euer čat ču hast doon čat ¨er, boče in general & eke in special, & tanne doost ču as a trewe seruaunt schulde. But loke čanne, ču čat art a 40 curat or a souereyne or ell' boče, o če točur syde, whan če hast i-herd al če liff of či subiectes make hem neuer če worse chere, loue hem neuer če lesse, hindur hem neuer če more, for ¨if ču do, trist wel čer-to, ču art more abhominable e če sith of God, par_euenture, čan čei ben, for [čei] may be clepid to an hei¨er state of 45 grace & perfectiun be če sorwing of on houre, čan euer were ču in al či liff-time, & her i schal telle ¨ow a litel tale čat i rede in alphabeto narrat[i]onum. I rede čer čat čer was onne a time a bischop & hadde a seruaunt, a cursid man & a wikkid leuer with alle. It happid čis man was sor syke & schulde be deed & tanne 50 he had gret sorw in his herte of his wikkid leuing čer be-fore, & went to his lord če bischop & schrof him, & a-non afturward, scarselich če space of an hour čorw če preui sorwe čat he had for his [sinnes] with-in-forth deide. This bischop had so gret abhominatiun of čis for his wikkid leuing čat he wolde ley him |p20 55 in no place wher he wont for to walke, but in an old for-sakin chirche¨ord čat was with-owte če cite. It be-fel afturward in a may mornyng, maydenis of če cite went to če same place for to gadere floures & o čis mannes graue čei founde a faire lilie with certeyn wordes writen čer vpon. Thei woldenat pulle hit vp, as 60 čei dude očur, but fette hure felawes to wonder her vp-on. Whan tiding her-of come to če bischop, he com to čis gra[u]e, lokid on čis lilie & redde čis verse writen on če leuis, vt florem flora me tristis candidat hora; če sentens of čis vers was čis: 'As white as kinde makis čis lilie en či sith, so whit makis mi sowle če sorw of on 65 hour e če sith of God.' Here ču mayst se how čat confessiun, contriciun, čat is to sei, sorw of či sinne, waschet a-way al či wikkidnes & bringis če owt of deueles serueis; & ter-for seith Seint Poul, prima ad Cor. 7=o=, liber vocatus seruus Iesu Christi 'če seruant of God,' he seith, 'o čis maner wise is i-maad fre 70 & brouth owten of thraldom.' TERTIUM MEMBRUM TERTII PRINCIPALIS. I seide firčermore, čat čei čat gladlich ha resseyuid Goddis soondis & is lawes schul be clepid as eyres to resseyue če crowne of ioye and of blis. The hooli apostil Seint Peter, prima Petri 3=o=, speking to al cristen men, seith čes wordes, Ad hoc vocati 75 estis, vt bened[ic]tionem hereditate possideatis, '¨e beth clepid,' he seith, 'to čat entente,' ¨if hit so be čat ¨e ha trulich disposyd ¨our fadris tresour, čat is to sey če vertues čat God Almithti hač send ¨ow, & gladlich resseyuid his costoms & his correctiuns, 'to take če blessinge of blis as če rith eires of heueue.' This blessing 80 was behith to swich maner of men e če be-ginninge of če world & ter-fore čei schul be clepid of Cristes mouth vt repromissionem accipiant vocati, ¨e, 'to take čis bihest,' čis crowne, čis blessing, 'čat be clepid ' for če rith eires of heuene, as i seyde at če bi_ginninge. A plasmante manu terrarum nuper & orbis |r[f.13v] -- 85 Accipiant. Signum fractum signum cunctis benedictum -- in re_promissionem. Qui modo veraces regni celestis heredes -- sunt |p21 vocati. 'Of če hond čat formede heuene & erthe of nowth,' Accipiant 'lete hem take ' the blessing & te benefet čat čei ha longe i-south, in repromissionem 'in-to her bi-hest' čat to če 90 holi eritage with Cristis blod i-bowth, sunt vocati 'ben i-clepid' and o čis wise lete hem take če bihest čat ben i-clepid. RECITATIO BREUIS TOTIUS MEI SERMONIS. And ču wil schortelich bere a-way če mater of čis sermon, take hede ! This sermon is deuidid in-to čre principalis & ech of če principalis in-to čre parties, & bi-twixte singuleres of ech of 95 če parties is a maner sequele & a maner folwing o čis maner wise. Summe čer be čat stowlich with-stonde Goddis soondis & his lawes as it was seit e če firste partie of če firste principal, & to hem he hath behith če arwe of poneschinge & of peyne, as it was seit e če firste parte of če secunde principal, & ter-fore čei be 100 clepid as enmies, as it was seit o če firste of če čridde principal. Očur čer ben čat meklich take Goddis soondis & is lawes, as it was seit e če secunde of če firste principal, & to hem he hač behith če harpe of pite & of merci, as it was seit in če secunde part of če secunde principal, for čei be clepid as seruauntes, as hit 105 was seit e če secunde parte of če čridde principal. The čridde čer ben čat gladlich resseyue Goddis soondis & his lawes, as was seit in če čridde parte of če firste principal; & to hem he hath behith če crowne of ioye & of blis, as it was seit e če čridde parte of če secunde principal, & ter-fore čei be clepid as eires, as it was 110 seit e če črid parte of če čridde principal. So čanne, to resseyue Cristes soondis & his lawes, čat we may take če crowne of ioye & of blis & be clepid as eires of če eritage of heuene, he graunt boče ¨ow & me čat for vs alle with scharpe čorne was crowned vp-o če rode tre, qui cum patre & spiritu sancto viuit & regnat deus 115 per omnia secula seculorum Amen. In nomine patris & filii & spiritus sancti amen. |p22 SECOND SERMON |r[f.42r] [L]iberauit nos -- ad gal. 4=o= & in epistola presentis dominice. The helpe & če grace of Almyghty God, thorw če be-sekyng of Hys blissyd modyr & maydyn Mary, be wyght vs att owr begynnynge, help vs & sped 5 vs in hour varkys wyrkyng & bryng vs to a good endyng, Amen. Crysten peple, thier wordis čat I af take to speke of at this tyem, čay er če wordis of Seynt Powl, wryten in če pistell of čis day, & er thus myche to say in englice tong to your vndir_stondyng, 'He as deliueryd očur ell He as mad fre.' I rede in 10 haly wryte, I sey noght at I red in ouidie, noyčer in oras. Vor če last tyme čat I was her ich was blamyd of som men word, be-cause čat I began my sermon wyt a poysy. And ter-vorn, I say čat I red in haly wryt, in če secund book of haly wryt, čat [I] suppoise be sufficiant inowgh of autoritee, čat wen če childyr of 15 čat Israel wer in če land of Egipt, ondyr če bondag & če seruice of Kyng Pharoo, či wer so truwold & so dysesyd wyt gret wykes & hunger also, čat či mad fro day to day gret sorw and hee lamentaciun wyth-all; and wat trowste čay dede ? či geddyr tham to-gedyr diuers tyms & sayd & cride to God, hertlyche 20 prayng Hym, čat He wald of Hys hy grace & gret godnesse rew & haue compassioun o-pon thame & deliuer thame out of thar myscheue & če dises čat čay war in, &, as I find thare, God Almyghty hard gracyusly če praer of če peple, com to Hys seruaunt Moyses & sed to hym on thys wyse -- vidi afflict[i]onem 25 populi mei in egypto & clamorem eius audiui & sciens dolorem eius descendi vt libarem exod. 3=o= capitulo. 'Ich ha seen,' a sed |p23 God Almyghty, 'ich wot truly če afflicoun of & če dises of my peple čat es in Egyp, & hard če cry & če praur čat či haaf mad to me, & for be-cause čat I know če sorw čat čay haue, ich am 30 com doune to deliuer hem out of če mischef čat čei beyn in.' Be čis Kyng Pharoo I vndirstond no-thyng ell at this tyem bot hour gastlyche enmy, če deuel of hell, čis kursyd i¨e, čis wyckyd Pharoo; drede hač hold a gret hep of odyr [in] hys seruice, & čat rithe a long tyme e če lond of Egypt. Egyptus interpretatur 35 tenebre siue angustia -- 'Egypt es als mych to sey as dyrknes or disese.' Is a man in dirknes or dises wan he es in dedly synne ? że, wor-soče, vor rythe as a man čat es in a dyrk presune may not see če brynnyng bemes čat stretchč out če material sunne če chynyč to čis world, ryth so a man čat es in dedly synne es 40 vnable to rysseue če bemes of grace čat spryngs fro če sunn of ryghtwesnes, čat es Crist is-selfe, tyl it be so čat he haue a-mendid hym. & truliche, sirs, & we loke wel a-bout, I trew čer be bot ryght few of vs all, bot čat he as ben čis ¨er be-for in Egypt, ¨e, e čis derknes and tys sorw of synne. Vor let eueriche 45 of vs all enserche wel hys owne consciens, & loke vor he hanat prowd in rameunt, in beryng, or ell en any vertu čat God haue sent hym; vor a hanat be enmyus to hys ney¨bour, to his broder, whan a as be better čan he, ¨e, vor an hanat trespasyd en čowth, in word or ell in dede, & hardelyche i dowtnat tyr off 50 vs all, bot ¨if a ha be gilty e som o česer and go vndyr če bondage oč thys kyng Pharao, ¨e, vndyr če seruice of če deuell of hell. Bot how schall we do čan čer we war deliuerid out of čis sory Egypt or čis dyrknes of synne, ¨e, of čis bondag of Pharoo, oč čis seruice of če deuel oč hell ? Trulyche I red čat we do 55 rythe als če childyr of Israel dede, gedder vs to-gedre ryght als we be now at thys tyme & pray to God artliche & mekeliche, čat He wyll of Hys hy goodnes bryng vs owt of this myschiefe & dises čat we be in. & what shal bien hour priour ? Lat vs take če same prayour čat holy chirke makis in a certen tym of |p24 60 če ¨er & es this -- O Oriens sol iusticie & splendor lucis eterne veni & libera sedentes in tenebris & vmbra mortis -- 'A ču spryng_yng sunne & rulur of as rith-wyssness, Crist, Godesson, čat artte bewtee & bryghnes of euerlastyng lyght of če Vader of heuen, cum ¨e, cum tan & deliuer & lythne vs čat sitten her e če 65 dyrknes & vmbre of sorw & sinne.' & hardelych, ¨ef ye čus pray wit a good entent, ye shal be myche če suner deliuerid out of čis seruice of ¨our gostlych enmy; vor yf a man be in disese, ¨e, wedyr it be erdlych or gostlyche, preyour is on of če soueranest thyng of al če warld to deliuer hym out trof. Vor ¨e se wel, čay 70 a man haf trespasyd an-¨ans an ertlyche lord neuer so myche, ¨yt, and če lord be meke & merciable of hymself & he pray to hym, a wyll vor¨yuyt hym. Sotheliche ryght tus it fars be Crist, čat es mekest & merciablest lord of all thys vorld. What man čat as trespast a-¨ense Hym, čat will aske Hym grace, or 75 es in any deses & wil pray to Hym of help, o-non He es redy to her hym & to deliuer hym owt trofe. Vor He seith Hym-selfe en če sauter-booke by če haly profit Dauid, In tribulatione inuocasti me, & liberaui te, Pmo. 80 -- 'čow man,' a seith Crist, 'ter-vor be-cause čat e če deses ču hast clepyd to me & preyd 80 me oč help, ich af herd te graciuslyche & broght te out trofe'; as who seyth, what tyme ču wilt clepe to me či desese, ich am redy to help če. And ter-vorn I consell ¨ow, čat ¨e lyft hup ¨our hertys to thys lord & prayez hym as byddeč če apostell Seint Poll, 2da ad thess., 3=o=, whor he saith o čis wyes, 85 Orate vt sermo Dei currat & clarificetur & vt liberemur ab impor_tunis & malis; |r[f.42v] '¨e schul praye,' seyth Seint Powl, 'čat če word oč God may go vorth & clerliche be declaryd, & tat we may be deliuerid vrom all importune enmyes & all euel čyngis 'čat tis kursid kyng' Pharao, če deuel of helle, be wykkyd syggestiun 90 hath browth vs ynne. And e čis prayer, ¨e schul ha recomendid če vnite & te tranquilite of al holichirche, vr holy vader če Pope, Bonif. te 9, al his cardinals & al očer statis & degres vrom če |p25 heyest to če lowest, čat be growndid & apreuyd e če rithful lawes of holy chirche, & specialiche vor vr wurschipful vader & 95 prelat oč čis place, & čo čat be soget to hym, boče o če spiritual side & o če temperal. O če točer party, ¨e schul ha recomendid to ¨ur preyours če pes & te prosperite oč čis rem, vr lige lord te kyng, al očer lordis & gouerners of čis rem, with al če gode comeners, & specialiche vor če trewe cristen peple & comeners 100 oč čis toun, čat God vor His miche myth kepe hem & defende hem from al maner enmyes, boče bodiliche & gostiliche, & incresse hem in hir gret godnes & hir vertuesnesse o leuyng.' że schul, mor-ouer, pray vor al če sowles čat byen in purgatorie, čat ly čer & abyde če mercy of God, čat tey may čorwth ¨ur 105 prayours če sunner be releued & browth owt oč če grete peynes čat tey liggen inne. Vor čes & al očer, & for grace čat is nedful boče to ¨ow & to me, to ¨ow, čat ¨e may dewowthliche her če word o God, & to me, čat i may tell sum crafte wher čorw ¨e may deliuere ¨our sowles owt oč če seruise o dedli sinne, I pray ¨e 110 seyth with a good entente a pater noster & an aue. INTRODUCTIO. Liberauit vbi supra, 'He hat deliuered as I seyde be-fore.' And I schulde openliche declare ¨ow to what entente Seynt Poul seyde čis word', i most tel ¨ow sumwhat če effecte oč če pistol oč čis same day. & ter-vor, ¨e schul vndirstonde čat 115 Genesis, te virste book of holi writ, makis mynde be a long prosses, how čat a good rithwus man, čat was clepid Abraham, hadde of twey wommen twey children, čow a hadde oč če čridde mony mo; če ton was getyn of a seruaunt, of an hand_mayde & te točer of a vre womman, čat is to seye of his owne 120 wyf, če whiche was fre & no seruaunt. éis same prossese rehercis če a-postil e če bygynnyng oč če pistil oč čis day, wher a seith o čis wyse: Abraham duos filios habuit, vnum de ancilla, & vnum de libera, 'Abraham,' a seith, ' had twey sones, on of a seruaunt, a-nočer of a vre womman,' & a morellizith če same oč 125 čis maner wyse. Be čis twey wommen, a seith, ben vndirstond |p26 če twey testamentis; če olde is likenid to če seruaunt & te newe, če whiche is likenid to če vre womman, to če wyf. ée olde with al her children, as Iwwes & očer čat bien soget to hir, is vndir bondage, is vndir seruise; vor as te comyn glose seyč e če same 130 place, rith as te olde testement be-hatte onliche peynis o če to seyde & temperal godes o če točer: rith so če peple čat was bownde čerto;; seruid onliche vor drede o peynis o če to seide, and for loue o temperal godes o če točer. But če newe teste_ment, če whiche is owr' modir;; čat is to seie holichirche, čat is 135 growndid in heuene, wher Crist čat is heued troffe specialiche abideč;; is fre with al her' children & al her meyne, as wittenessis wel če pistil o čis same day, seynge o čis wyse, illa que sursum est irusalim, libera est; que est mater nostra; 'čat irusalim, čat holi-chirche,' a seyč, 'čat is aboue in heuene, če whiche is owr 140 modir;; is fre vrom al maner seruise, vrom al maner bondage, & we also for because oč her.' And ter-vorn, vor Cristis sake, syn we be čus fre ¨orw holichirche čat is vr modir;; lette vs be no maner o wey mak vr-silf bonde be vallyng e dedli synne; vor hardeliche who čat euere is e dedly synne, vor če tyme čat a 145 his terynne;; a nis nat fre, a nis nat sone of holichirche, but a his soget & seruaunt to synne. Vor Crist seič Hymsilf e če gospel I=o= 8, 'Whos tat euere doč sinne: liuis nat fre but a his soget, he is seruaunt oč če same synne.' Loke červor, čat te lese nat tyn eritage: čat is to seye če blis of heuene, čat is ordeynid to če be 150 čy modir' seide, be vallyng' e dedli synne čorw če deuelis suggestiun; vor be če wel sikir' & te do;; če schalt neuer cum čere, but te schalt lese it. Vor če nart nat te child o če vrewomman, no če child of holy-chirche, but te child oč če seruaunt, če child of synne, & swychoun' schal neuer chalange 155 eritage e če kyngdoum of heuene. Vor Seynt Poul seith e če pistil oč čis day: non enim heres erit filius ancille cum filio libere, 'če sone,' a seith Seynt Poul, 'oč če seruaunt, če sone of synne schal neuer chalange eritage e če blis of heuene, čat is ordeynid to če sone o vertu & of holileuyng'. And ter-vor |p27 160 perauntur, čey it so be čat we haue [bien] al čis ¨er' be-fore e deuelis seruise, e če dirknis & sorwe of synne; ¨it let vs go e čis holi tyme o lente to vr gostliche vadir' & schriue vs of al vr misdidis, be sori & repentaunt of hem;; & kast vs neuer aftirwarde vor to synne more;; & hardeliche i schal now dur boldeliche sey čanne 165 of vs alle, če [wordes] tat be writen e če pistil o čis day & be čese: itaque, fratres, non sumus ancille filii, sed libere. 'Vor, brečeren, we be nat now če children oč če seruaunt, če children of synne, but we be če children of holichirche,' ¨e, Cristes owne children; vor we ha vor-sake al vr synne & al |r[f.43r] vr wretch_idnes 170 čat we wer' ynne: & ¨eue vs onliche to vertues & clennes o leuyng', & tervorn we be now owt of al manner bondage & ha vul liberte & vul vredom. But how come we to čis fredom? Trowste;; truliche, no-čyng be vr-silf, vor nad Crist deid o če cros vor to mak vs fre;; čei we had e-leuyd neuer so vertuisliche, 175 do neuer so miche penaunce, neuer so gret almisdede;; what truliche, ¨it we schuld neuer ha cum to čis fredom čat we now haue, ¨if čat we wyel do. & tervorn, to delyuere vs owt of al maner čraldum oč če deuel;; Crist com in-to čis world & stied vp-o če cros o good vriday, & ter suffride His owne blesside herte 180 to be perschid & črillid čorw-owt with a scharp sper' & so offrid vp His precius blod to če Vader' of heuene & deliuerd vs from al maner subiectiun & seruise of če deuel, as wittnesis wel Seynt Ion, apoc 5, wer a seyč: 'čow hast bowth vs, Lord,' seyt Seynt Ion, '& payd raunsum vor vs, ¨e what: truliche čyn owne 185 precius blod & no-čyng' ell, & ter-with če hast mad vs fre & deliuerd vs from al maner čraldum.' And o čis wyse čus tanne, i seye, 'He hath deliuerd', ¨e, o čis wyse 'He hath maad fre'; and e čis sentens is tis word liberauit takyn e če pistil oč čis same day. 190 But her' a man mythte couenabeliche aske čre questiuns, če |p28 virste mythte be, who hač deliuerd? če secunde, whom a hath deliuered? & če čridde, be a hath deliuerd? As to če virste, wher' it is askit, who hath deliuered? and answereth Seynt Poul e če pistil oč čis same day;; and seit čat it was -- 195 A leche oč če lasours lawfulliche y-leuyd, A mayster of maydenhede to mercy y-meuyd, że, a prince pesable of pes pertliche y-preuyd, whan a seyth čat liberauit, whan a seit it was Crist čat 'hač deliuerid'. 200 To če secunde, wher' it is asked whom a hač deliuerid, an_swerč če same e če same place;; & seith čat it wer, -- louers in lust longyng', ł whan a seit Christus men in mischif mornyng', ł nos liberauit, whan a seith and peple in prisoun peris_schyng', ł 'Crist hath deliuerid vs.' 205 And to če čridde, wher it is asked wher-be a hath deliuerid;; answert also Seynt Poul e če same pistil & seith Bi lithnes, ł whan a seit Christus nos libenter liberauit, whan Bi mekenes, ł a seith, 'Crist čorw fredum hač deliuered vs,' 210 & bi priuines, vor če lithnes of His beryng', če mekenes of His dyyng' and te priuines of His a-rysyng', wher čat fredum čat wer deliuered by. Now čanne, vor to ioyne eche partie with očer & to gadder owt če principals oč čis schort colaciun, i sei virst -- čat Crist leche oč če lasours lawfulliche yleuyd, čat 215 Crist louers in lust longyng' be lithnes hač ilerid & liberauit, čat Crist mayster of maydenhede to mercy e-meuid;; I sey also men in mischif mornyng' mekenes hač be-meuyd, prince pesable of pes pertlich epreuyd;; peple in prisoun perisschyng' be preueynes hač i-plesid & liberauit, & I sey virčermor' & 220 liberauit. PRIMUM MEMBRUM. Virst i say, & for me virst principal, čat Crist, leche oč če lasours lawfulliche eleuyd;; louers in lust longyng' be lithnes hač |p29 e-lerid & liberauit, čat hie fesician & deliuerer of al maner syknes. Crist, Godessone, whan a was her' walkyng' e če wildirnes oč 225 čis world, a-mong' če senatorie & cumpany of His twelue a-postolus, a dede gret cures and vndirful with-al, vor a made blynd men to se, lame men to go, deve men to here, dummen to speke;; & as te gospel makeč mynd Luc 17=mo=, as a wante in-to a castelward;; čer cum ten lepres & stode a bit vrom Hym & cride to 230 Hym & seid: "Iesu, ču comandur: ¨e, ču deliuerur of al maner sores, ha mercy vp-on vs & deliuere vs owt oč če vowl siknes čat we wayment vndir'." And as it is wreyten čer, a bad hem go & schewe hem to prestus, & euen as tey wer' goyng' čei wer' helid & deliuered owt oč če vowl velče čat was grownded vpon hem. 235 Be čis leprus men ich vndirstonde a tis tyme;; al maner o volk čat liggen her e čis world e če siknes & te sorw of dedli synne; vor trist wel čerto: ¨if če be e če scabbe;; e če lepur o dedli synne;; če art more vowler' & mor horrible e če sith o God;; čanne euer was any mesel čat euer was maad her' be-fore. But 240 what schalt do čanne? ée schalt crie to God as tey dede & aske Hym of help & of grace, ¨e, & sey to Hym če same wordis čat te profit Dauid seith e če sawterbook, whan a was in his desese: Intende anime mee & libera eam, p=mo= 68. 'Lord God, take hede,' če schalt seye, 'to me sowle & be-hold how vowl it is 245 be-spottid with če lepur in-to če scabbe of synne & deliuere it from al če vilče & vnclennes čat is trinne.' And če hast čus i-do, go to čy priste, to či gostliche fadir', & schrife to hym of al či misdedis and be sori & repentaunt of hem & hardeliche če schalt a-non-rith be deliuered vrom čis vicius lepir' of dedli 250 synne. & truliche me semeth, čat i may wil clepe čis lepur vicius, vor a-mang al maner siknes tat ben;; it is on če most wikkyd, vor' čre schrewid condiciuns čat it hath. It is first če floratif of fairnes, It is also infectif for' fell[n]is, 255 & it is firčermor' coruptif of clernes. Vor hardeliche, be a man neuer so vair;; it wil a-non-rith defade hym of al his bewte;; vor it is so fel of hym-silf;; čat it wele infecte al če peple čat is ter abowt; vor be a man neuer so gret a |p30 chaunter, haue he neuer so cler voys, ¨it, & tis disese cum vp-on 260 hym;; it wil make hym a-non-rith for to lese it. Be če virst it may be-takene -- Excesse in etyng' & dryngkyng', be če secunde -- Euel speche & bakbityng', and be če čridde -- Wikkid doctryne & falsnis of techyng. Virst, i sey, čis lepur is defloratif of fairnes & |r[f.43v] ter-bi it 265 be-tokeneč excesse in etyng' & dryngkynge. A gret clerk & est Joh. Saresburi. in suo policraticon libro 8, capitulo 7, & a leyth for hym pompeium trogum -- čis clerk seyth čer vndir' če autorite o troge, čat te wikkid tiraunt Dionisius, čat was kyng' o Sicilie, was in his ¨ungage as fair' of face, as bewtewus o bodi & 270 as lusti vor to loke vpon: as any man mythte a-wher be maad be če operatiun & te wurkis o kynde. But afterwarde, whan a ¨af hym to lustis & likyngis of his flesch, to delices o mete & drynk & to mysrule čat sueč čer-of;; a-non rith a lost al če flowres of his fair-hede;; al če helče of his body;; & in-to gret siknes & strong' 275 disese & a-mong al očer;; a lost če sithte o boče his e¨en. Vor as tis clerk seith e če same place;; čer is nočyng' e če world čat so sone wil make a man val in-to siknes and to lese his sith;; as wil čis fowle vis o glotene, čat is to seye, excesse o mete & drynk. And ter-vro' vor Cristis sake, be-war' o čis vis & tis synne & 280 specialiche e čis holi tyme o lente; & tak hede how many men it makis podagre, how many volk it makis falle in-to če dropesie, & many očer siknes brynkis vp-o men & o wommen ar čei be-war' črof: & tanne, haue čei neuer so meche gold, haue čei neuer so meche siluer;; ¨it oftyn tymes, for be-cause čat tey ben 285 vncurable;; čei die čorw če wielens oč če same siknes. & harde_liche, mor'-ouer, ¨if čei die with-owte repentauns;; i dar bolde_liche seie, čei schal be demid ate day o dome to euerlastyng' deč. Vor čei it be so, čat gold & siluer may očer while help a man or a womman her e čis world, be medyng' to fisicians, & so bryng' 290 hym owt of siknes;; trist wel čer-to, it schal nat help čere;; vor če fisicians tat be čere;; couyte noyčer gold no siluer as tey doun her'. And ter-vorn, seith če profit Ezechiel, ezech. 7=mo=, |p31 argentum eorum & aurum eorum non valebit liberare eos in die furoris domini: (& subdit) animam suam non saturabunt, & ventres 295 eorum non implebuntur; 'če gold & te siluer,' a seith če profit, 'o čis glotuns čat tus ha lyued al hir, lif-dayes e lust & lykynge of hir' vlesch, truliche ate day o dome, whan Crist schal deme eueriche man rithwusliche;; schal nočyng' help hym', schal nočyng stonde hem e stede;; vor čei schal vynde no fisicians ter, 300 čat wil reseyue it of hem, no, nor hir' sowles schal nat be fulfild of meri desires, nor hir belies of lust,' delices o mete & drynke as tey wer while čei wer' hir'. But what truliche čei schal haue e stede o čese? E če sowle euerlastyng' sorwe;; & e če bodi euerlastyng' peyne & turment čat neuer schal haue 305 ende. Her' če maist wel se čat tis is a wikkid vis & a kursid, čat nat onliche defowlič a man or a womman her e čis world & brynggis hym to bodiliche deč;; but also it defowlič hym e če sichte o God;; & brynggis hym her'-afterward to euerlastynge deč. Vor čer is no lepur' e če world čat semyč so vowl & so 310 orrible in owr sichte;; as doč a glotun e če sičte of God; vor it bryngis nat onliche a man or a womman in-to dedli synne;; but it makis hym valle in-to manie. It makis hym virst valle into slowče, vor whan his beli is so vul o mete & drynke čat a may no mor;; a-non he is sluggi, a-non he is slepi, ¨e, a-non he is weri to 315 serue God, or to do ani očer good work čat mythte profit hym to bodi or to sowle. It makis hym also valle in-to lecherie, vor whan he is ouercome with swich maner excesse;; resun is exilid;; & he is rulid onliche be sensualite;; čat techič hym to desir' nawth ell;; but lust & likyng' čat longeč to če vlesch. Truliche, 320 he čat tus doč, he is fowl defigured & defadid of his fairnes, vor čo a schon be-for mor clerliche e če sith o God, be brithnes & clennes o leuyng', čan doč če sunne e če somer mornyng';; now a stynkeč mor' vowlir' čan doč any lepur e če world be če quiter & scabbe o dedli synne, and tus vor' a hač maad his sowle čat 325 was so clene & so vre;; soget & seruaunt to če strumpet of synne. And tervorn, čese men čat tus do;; may seye of hir' owne sowle |p32 če wordes čat i vynde writen in holi writ, primo machab., 2=o=, que erat [libera], facta est ancilla, & pulchritudo nostra, & c[l]aritas nostra desolata est; 'owr' sowle,' čey may sei, 'čat was 330 fre be vertues & clennes;; is now be če tiraunt & te kursid vis of glotenie maad seruaunt to če deuel, & so vr vairnes & vr brithnes hač for-sake vs & is al vanesschid a-way vrom vs.' Alas, her is a sori chong, vor to chonge a čyng' čat is of so hi pris;; vor a čyng' čat is rith nawth, čis synne, i sei. 335 Also glotenie makis a man or a womman nat onliche blynd bodiliche;; but also gostliche. Vor it bryngis him, as we se wel, a-non-rith in-to drunkunhede;; & tanne i sei he is blynd. éow a now se čre candeles, ¨e, čre mones čer a-nočer man seth but on, ¨it i seye he is blynd. How truliche, a maynat se what is good 340 & what is euel, for al his witis be vulliche e-stoppid boče with-owt & with-inne;; he is so dullid & dreyent e deliciuste o mete & drynke. I pray če, is nat tis a grete blendnes, čynkiste, whan a man hač sete ate nale-hows or ate tauerne alday;; ¨e, nat onliche alday;; but also meche oč če nith terto;; & ate laste cumč 345 hom as drunke as a dosel, a chit his. wyf, repreuič his children, bet his meyne, ¨e, vnneče a kan go to bedde;; but as a his browth terto with his seruauntis hondis? But, perauentur, čis man or čis womman čat tus doč, wil sey -- "Ser, whi may nat i ete & drynke i-now & be at festis with-owten trespas, syn God 350 Amythte made feste to viue čowsynd, as te gospel makis mynde čat was red tis day?" Truliche, her-to ich answar če & sei čat te maist lawfulliche i-now & with-owten synne be at festis, ¨e če miserabiliche ete či mete & drynke no more čan wil be |r[f.44r.) suffisiaunt to norsche či kynde. Vor Crist, e čat feste čat te 355 gospel oč čis day makis mynd of, vedde viue čowsund of folk with twei vissches & fi barli-loues, & hardeliche her i trow was but litel excesse. Vor čer was nobodi čat we rede of čat fil in ani glotenie or ani očer disese be-cause oč čis feste, & ¨it eueri |p33 man hač i-now & miche mete left after; but for to declare ¨e how 360 & o what maner, it wold aske a longe processe, & also it is but litel to če purpos a tis tyme;; & tervor i pas ouer. Lokis čanne vor Cristis sake, čow ¨e ha ben gilti her' be-for' e čis synne or in ani očer, ¨it cast ¨e vor to come owt troffe: & ha good trust & good hope in Crist, čat a wil deliuere ¨ow vrom čis seruise & tis 365 bondage oč če deuel. Vor Seynt Poul seyth ad ebr.: Quia ergo pueri communicauerunt carni & sanguini;; & ipse similiter participauit eisdem: vt per mortem destrueret eum qui habebat mortis imperium, id est diabolum: & liberaret eos qui timore mortis per totam vitam obnoxii erant seruituti. ée comen glose 370 declarič čis texst o čis wyse & i pray ¨e takis good hede, vor it is a perlus texst but a man take če glose čer-with;; 'Vor be_cause,' a seith Seynt Poul as te comen glose declareč, 'čat men be maad of flesch & blod & as be čem kyndeliche disposid to valle e lustis & likyngis čat longe to če vlesch;; Crist took flesch 375 & blod with hem, to distre¨e by His deč;; hym čat was autur o deč, čat is to sey, če deuel of helle;; & deliuere hem čat for drede o bodiliche deč, ¨e, vor drede o lakkyng o mete & drynke,' as te comen glose seič, čat is cause ofte-tymes of bodiliche deč;; 'wer sogectis & črall bi al hir lyf-tyme to če deuelis seruise, te če 380 vis & te synne oč sori glotenie.' Her' čanne, če maist wel se čat tir' is no defawte but ¨if it be o či side, vor Crist is goodliche & graciusliche inow on His side, ¨if it so be čat te wilt amende če & aske Hym o for¨euenes. And tervorn vor Cristis passiun, whan če art aty mete, whan če art aty soper, whan če art at ani 385 feste, ¨e, whan če art at ani gossibbis intorn, as ich chot wel nedis te most ouerwhille be če cowrs oč če world now-a-dayes;; čenk on Hym čat is aboue čyn heued, čat schal deme če ate day o dome, how a hač His swerd redi ydrawyn to smyte če čerwith whan če lest wost, ¨if a vynde če gilti e čis foul synne. And 390 her-bi ich chil tel če an open sawmple čat Macrobius tellis super sompn[i]um Scipionis, libro primo, & is tis. éis clerk tellis čer, |p34 čat tis kyng' Dionisius of whom i spak be-for, made a vrende of his, čat supposede čat a hadde ihad al če felicite oč čis world;; sate on a certeyn day ate mete in his halle e če rialiste aray & te 395 most delicius seruise;; čat a cowde ordeyne e čis world; and aboue his heuid;; a let honge a nakyd swerd bi a litel twyn čred & če poynt donward, euermor redi vor to valle o čis man. & for drede oč čis kene swerd čat hyng' euen a-boue hym ' a took non hede, nor no lust hadde in al čat grete aray. Ryč tus, whan če 400 art at či mete, be če grete, be če smal;; čenk how čis swer' hongis ouer čyn heued, čenk how čat Crist, ¨if če valle e čis synne ' wil take veniauns vp-on če;; & tat te nere nost how sone. & hardelich, če schalt tanne no nise lust haue e no swich deliciuste o mete & drynke. Lef či sittyng' ate a nale-hous; 405 lef či goyng' to če tauerne;; & tak hede what te gret clerk, valerius maximus in de dictis & factis memorialibus libro 9, capitulo primo, seič oč čis synne. 'What čyng';; a seith čis clerk, 'i pray če, is mor' styngkyng' & mor wikkid čan is tis vicius lepur of glotenie? It distreyez vertu, it lettis victories 410 of enmyes, it turneč gloriuste in-to sclawnder', ¨e, it ouercumč boče strenčes oč če bodi & ek oč če sowle, čat te nost ner',' a seith, 'wheičer it be wurs vor to be take with enmyes or ell to be ouercome with čis vis.' Syn čanne ¨e se wel, čat tis vis is so wikkid & so perlus, vor' Cristis sake kep ¨e čer-vorn as miche as 415 ¨e may, ¨if ¨e to abstinence, ¨if ¨e to clene rule oč ¨ursilf, & tei ¨e ha ben e čis synne be-for' čis tyme;; for-sake it & be namor' e wil to val čreinne her'-afterward. & tanne i schal mow truliche sey o ¨ow če wordes čat Seint Poul seith ad rom. 6, & be čese -- nunc autem liberati a peccato, serui autem facti Deo;; 420 habetis fructum vestrum in sanctificationem, finem vero vitam eternam. 'Now ¨if ¨e čus do, ¨e be deliuered & clensid vrom čis fowl lepur' o glotenie, ¨e, & ¨e be made godesowne seruauntis, godesowne children; & tervorn al ¨ur fruit her turnyč fulliche in-to holines & ¨ur ende stretchid in-to euerlastyng' lyf', ¨e, 425 euene in-to če blisse of heuene. |p35 SECUNDUM MEMBRUM. I seyde also, čat tis lepur' is infectif for felnis, & ter-be it be-tokenith euel speche & bakbytyng. ée worči clerk Seynt Tomas, 2=da= 2=de=, Q.73, seith čat bakbityng' & detracciun is so wikkid of hym-silf čat it infectis nat onliche hym čat doč it & 430 makis hym synne dedliche;; but also hym čat herit it;; ¨if it so be čat a ha lust trynne |r[f.44v] & be wil payed ter-with. 'Vor i cannat seye,' seyth Seint Gregori, 'vor he be mor, dampnable čat is bakbiter hym-silf;; or ell he čat heryč hym.' Lord God, vor čer be ani swich maner o men now-a-day;; ¨e truliche, i drede 435 me al to manie. Vor če schalt se now, ¨if a man be ani čyng vertuus toward for to čryue or to cum to ani očer estat;; a-non očer kurside schrewes haue enuye čer-to, a-non čey be abowte with al če craftis čat čei can to lette his good name; ¨e, čei go to his frendes preuiliche & ter, vnder a vals colour, a vals confessiun, 440 al-to rende hym, al-to terre hym, in as miche as in hem is, a_kursid helle-howndes as tei ben;; ¨e, čis man or čis womman čat tus doč, trist wel čer-to, but ¨if he a-mende hym če sunner;; schal be črowin down to če brennyng veir' of helle;; & ter abide world with-owtyn ende with če deuel hym-silf, čat is fader of 445 lying' & fals bakbityng'; nor a schal neuer be deliuerid owt oč če styngkyng' pich & te brynnyng' brymstoun, čat a schal continualiche be turmentid inne. Vor a seith če wisman Salamon sap. primo; liberabit maledicum a labiis suis; quoniam renum illius testis est deus;; & cordis eorum scrutator est verus;; & 450 lingue illius auditor. 'He čat is so kursid a bakbiter with his lippis, so wikkid a spekir' with his tunge, Crist schal neuer deliuere hym, nor ha rewče vp-on hym, vor He is witnes of al his schrewid čowtis, ensercher of al če priuites of his herte, ¨e, & he [hydič] hym neuer so williche in halkes & in hernes;; 455 ¨it God Amythte herič his tunge, whan a spekith a-mys.' Her' če maist wel se, čat tis is a wikkid vis & a kursid;; ¨e, it is wirse, as Seynt Tomas preuith wel čer i leyd hym be-for', |p36 to ben a bakbiter čane to ben a čef. Vor a čif doč nawth ell to a man;; but takis away his riches;; but a bakbiter takis a-wey 460 mannes good name;; čat is better to če čan al če tresur e če world;; as wittnessis wel če wisman Salamon Ecc. 4I, wher a seith o čis wyse: "Take hede," a seith, "of či good name; vor čat proffit če more čan al če tresur & al če riches čat is e čis world." Whi so? "Vor či riches," a seith, "schal abide but 465 a whil; but či good name schal lest in eternum;; či good name schal lest ' euermore'." And truliche docturs holde, & special_iche Seint Tomas put it for a conclusiun;; čat rith as te art holde to restore a-¨en čyng' čat če hast stolyn, rith so če art holde to restore a-¨en a mannes name in as miche as te maist, whan če 470 hast payred it, or truliche čat dedli synne of bakbityng nis nat for-¨iue če. It farit be čese wikkid spekers, be čis deuelis children;; rith as it farith be grete wyndes & grete tempestis. We se wil čat tei čer stonde a litil spryng' in a place whoyčer it be of an ok, of ani očer tre;; & a ha noyčer fruit nor bowes vp-on hym;; 475 b[l]owe če wynde neuer so blist, haile it neuer so harde, čundre it neuer so oribiliche;; we[l] a stont stille, a nis nočyng greuid nor disesid with hem. But an tis be a vair tre, vul of fruit, bewtewus of bowes, loueliche al abowte & lusti of leuis;; če sowčrenwynd schakis hym o če to side, če norčynwynd blastis hym o če točer;; 480 ¨e, he is so vor'-puffid & so vorblowyn;; čat vnneče a may kepe his bowes hole to-gedder: but ¨it, tei it be so čat a lest ouer_while a bow or a tweyene;; ¨it for če most part, & a be wel rotid', če rotis abide euermor stedvastliche e če grownde, but ¨if če wynde be če greter. Truliche rith tus a farith be čis kursid 485 peple. & tey se a man čat is but a wretche, čat is but vnčrifti, hač noyčer fruit nor leues vp-on hym, is nat able to come to non estat, no degre of wrschepe her-afterward;; hym čei pas ouer, hym čei speke nere a word of -- & why? čei wot wil inow a may nat be miche wors čan a his. But, an tey se a-nočer čat 490 bigynnyč to floressche with če flowres o vertu, bigynnyč to |p37 bryng' vorth fruit of good doctryne, ¨e, bigynnyč for to take če bowes of estat & of wrschepe;; at hym čey puf & blowe with al če myth in hir bodi, vor to bryng hym downe, & tey mythte; čei fantesie vals lesyngis, vals talis vp-on him & sowe him preuiliche 495 a-bowte in eueri mannes er, boče of his frendis;; & also of his enmyes; ¨e, he is so vor'-rent o če to side & so vor-puld o če točer, vnneče a mai stonde stedvastliche with-owte vallyng'. But ¨it, hardeliche & a be wel set;; God Amythte schal deliuere hym ate laste, vor Salamon seič sap. 2: filius dei suscipiet illum, 500 & liberabit eum de manu contrariorum, 'Crist, Godessone,' a seit čis wisman, 'schal take hym ate laste & deliuere hym from al his enmyes, from al čis kursid bakbiters.' And červorn, what-euer čei speke, what-euer čey iangle oč če, ¨it caste te vor to do as wel as te cans be ani wey e če world: vor če most confusiun čat 505 mai be to čyn enmie is for to se če do wel. And loke be no maner o wey, vor be-cause of hem čat woxy vnčrifti, čat te wex nat tersites, vor čat schal be a grete gladnis to hem. Seneca tellis, čat ter was on a tyme a tal ¨ungman & a črifti & com to a filisofr' & seide: "Sir, how schal i do? I leue as vertuisliche 510 as i can & as wel lerne, & ¨it i maynat be i pes;; men ha so grete enmie to me, & so miche euel speke om me. Vor čei sey i ler' nat as i schul do: whan i schulde be at scole čei sei ich am čennis, ¨e, i čynme to iustes & trifold, čei sei, čat neuer schal do me good no wrschepe." I va sei nat čat men sei čus o me, but 515 i speke čis e če ¨ungmannes persuntat, "& ter-vorn i pray če," a seith, "til me how i schulde leue, so čat no man speke euel om me." And tis filisofr, answerd & seith, "Selp me God," a seith, "i can no nočer; but, ¨if če ha lyued wel |r[f.45r] her' be-for';; i rede če go & do rith betere and ate laste čei wil wexe wery & 520 leue al her euel speche of če." čis ¨ungman wente vorth & dide as a bad hym, but what? Truliche it was neuer če bet;; but račer če wors. A cum to hym če secunde tyme & a hadde če same answard čat a had befor'. We, it was neuer če bet, but a com to hym če črid tyme & tan čis filisofr' seid to hym: "Tru_liche," |p38 525 a seith, "syn če maist nat lyue e pes bi vertu & goodnes, i can no mor' sey to če but sis tersites, be swich a lord, swich an vnčrifti man as tersites was, & tanne hardeliche čer wil no man haue enme to če." But for al čat, i consel če, what tat euere men speke, do neuer če wors but račer lyue če mor' vertuisliche, 530 as tis filisofr' bad če virste tyme & te secunde; & tanne harde_liche ate laste, če schalt verilich be či vertu & ty goodnes ouercome hem;; & make hem behold vals schrewis & swich vnčrifti gromes as tei be; and be nat tersites, be nat vnčrifti be no maner o wey, vor če most ioie čat tyn enmi may haue;; is 535 whan a syth če do amis. éanne ¨if če čus dost;; če schalt mow sei of či-silf če wordes čat be writyn in holi writ, ecc=ti=. 5I=o=, a lingua coinquinata, & a verbo mendacii liberasti me: 'Lord God, i čonke če with al myn herte, vor če hast deliuerid me vrom če tunge fowlid with wikkid speche & from če vals lesyng' oč čis 540 bakbiters & sette me saliche now e quiet & e reste.' Syn čanne če sest wel čat tis is so gret a synne, vor Cristis sake leue it; stond nat in halkis nor in hyrnes, bi day nor bi nith, demyng' či ne¨ebours & demyng' či brečerin, iuggyng' či souerein; but go and ocupi če abowte sum očer good ocupatiun. żif če be a man 545 oč če world, ocupi če a-bowte bodiliche trauaile or ell a-bowte sum očer čyng' čat longis to če; ¨if če be a man of holi chirche;; go bid či bedis, sey či sawter or el ocupi če a-bowte sum očer holi contemplaciun. But perauntur, če seist to me -- "Sir', me tunge is for' če most part so drie & so weri whan i sei ani čyng', 550 čat i mai nat bidde me bedis, i-make no praours, no i mai nat dur' ani while e seyng of my sawter." A vundir čyng' a-bowte cawtil of če deuel.' Whan če schalt serue God, a-non rith če tunge is drie; but it is nat weri vor' to stonde al day, ¨e, vrom morn til euen, vrom midday to midnyth, iuggyng' či ne¨ebours, 555 demyng či brečerin & ti souereyne čat is a-bowte če. I speke noyčer of Richarde, nor of Robert, nor of William, nor of Dan Ion; & tervorin no man ha me su[s]pect čat i speke of hym;; but ¨if it be swich an vnčrifti man čat be gilti e čis same synne čat i speke of: vor wite he wel;; of him i speke & of no očer. éis |p39 560 tanne is a vowl scabbe, čis is a vowl lepir'; vor as i seide befor, it nat onliche infectis hym čat doč it, but also hym čat herith it, ¨if a be consentynt čer-to, & so makis hym boče valle e dedli synne. żif it infectis, vir'čermor, al a congregaciun, it makis eueri man at bat with očer, it mak čat noman trist to his felew;; 565 but eueri man čer čis synne is reynyng';; hač očer su[s]pect. Wilte her how orrible čis synne is e če seith o God & how hiliche a punscheč it, bi a litel tale? & i pray če, take hede;; vor it is rith a notable tale, as me semis, & specialiche vor men o religiun. I rede čat ter was in an hows of religiun swich on as tis is -- God 570 saue -- or swich a-nočer, an holi man with al čat was sexteyn of če place, vor comenliche sexteyns, sowsexteyns, fretereres & swich očer men čat longis to če chirche be seit in heur contemplaciun čan be če očer. éis holi man was wunt, after midnyth, whan če couent was go vro matyns;; vor to go in-to če quier;; and ter 575 bien in his prayours tweyn owres or čre;; liggyng' in his longe veyne. And as a com on a certeyn nith vor to ha go to his prayours as a was wunt to do;; a seith a man as blake as ani pich in al če world, syttyng' in a se & a stretch owt his tunge, čat brente as brith as ani veir';; euen vrom his mowč down to če 580 erče, & with a scher' čat a hadde in his hond, a began ate nečer ende;; & clippid a-wey euche meel euen til a com to če mouth & whan a was ter;; čis tunge sodeynliche wax as long' as it was;; & a clippid rith as a dide be-fore. & tus a was o-cupied a long' tyme with alle, čat it was doel & ruthe to be-holde hym. éis holi man 585 hač miche vunder' what tis schuld mene: & ate laste a took a good herte & spak to hym: "I charge če," a seith, "e če vertu of če blessid trinite, vadir' & sone & holigost, čat če tel me or ell, ¨if če maistnat spek to me;; mak me sum syne what če art & whi če sist her' e swich a-ray!" & he answerd & seith; 590 "Ich was," a seith, "sum tyme a bročer of čine, dwellyng' e če |p40 same place; and, for be-cause čat ich was a misspekir', a bak_biter & sueč ofte-tymes če sed of detractiun a-mong mi brečerin;; ich am punschid e če same membir' čat i trespasid with, čat is mi tunge, & schal be čre hundrid wynter her'-afterward, as sum 595 bokes seie. że, & ter is no vir' e čis world be če čridpart so hot;; as is tis čat te seist o mi tunge, & euery clip čat i clippe is now mor' greuis to me čan it wold ha be sume tyme & a man had stekid me to če herte;; čat is če grettiste peyne čat a man may haue her' e čis world." čis was an |r[f.45v] hi punschyng' & an 600 hard. & tervorn, vor če passiun of Crist, čenke čronne, let it synke in-to čyn herte;; & tak hede how disese čis leper of bak_bityng' is to če, in čat it bryngič če e dedli synne, how infectif it is to men čat ben a-bowte če; & tei če ha ben gilti čer-inne her' be-for;; ¨it be sori čroffe;; & aske God Amythte of help & o grace;; 605 & hardeliche a wil help če & deliuere če owt of čat fowl siknes. Vor holiwrith seič, Tob. 4: ab omni peccato & a morte liberat, & non patietur animam ire in tenebras, 'Crist,' a seith, 'deliuered a man from al maner synne & gostliche deth, ¨if it so be čat wil kast hym to amende & pray Hym of help; nor a schal nat 610 suffr' his sowle go into če dirknes, in-to če peynes of helle, but a schal bryng' hym to lithnes, ¨e, to če ioie čat neuer schal haue ende.' TERTIUM MEMBRUM I seide firčermor, čat tis lepir is coruptif of clernes, & ter-bi it bitokenid wikkid doctrin & falsnis of techyng'. ée holi 615 doctur & te gret clerk, Seint Austin, de ciuitate dei, libro 18, capitulo 5I, seith, čat fals techers as lollardes & swich očer čat be now a-daies čat be takyn vor cristen men;; make an orrible noise & a grews e čis eris o godemen;; whan čei stond vp & preche čing', be če contrarie to hir' feith. & whi trowste? ée sist wil, 620 an harpe, as long, as it is in a-cord & of tune;; so longe it is delicius & lusti to če heryng', but whan it is owt of tune & o streng discordis from an-očer, a-non-rith it is grews & disese to |p41 če heryng'. Truliche rith tus it farith be čem, as long' as tei teche wel, as long' as tei preche če rithful lawes of holichirche;; 625 & discorde nat e če feith vrom očer good cristynmen, so longe čei make a meri melodie e če symple peples heryng'. But a-non as tei ben infect with če stynkinge lepir of errours & erisies, discordis from če feith of holichirche, vor-sake če lawis čat Crist hač ordeynid & sueč hir' own wil;; & a-non hir' vois is 630 chongid from goodnes into schrewidnes, ¨e, a-non al hir merče & hir' melodie is turnid into murnyng' & mischief; vor wher-oč če virste suid fredum oč če blisse of heuene, oč če secunde suid bondage of euerlastyng peynis of helle. To čis maner of peple čat tus prechith, spekis Crist Hym-silf be če 635 profit Ieremie, Jer. 34, sayng oč čis wise, & i pray ¨e takis hede to čis autorite, vor as me semeč it myth neuer be bet verified;; čan it may be now adaies. Vos non audistis me, vt predicaretis libertatem vnusquisque fratri suo: (& subdit) ecce ego predico libertatem, ait Deus, ad gladium, ad pestem & famem: & dabo vos 640 in commotionem cunctis regnis terre. 'Vor be-cause čat ¨e woldnat her' mi lawes nor mi doctryn,' a seith Crist, 'vor to preche to ¨our brečerin how čei schuld go to če liberte of če blis of heuene, lo, i preche to ¨ow vredum,' a seith. 'What truliche? Nat te vredum of če blis of heuene, but če vredum of če swerd: 645 vor i tel ¨e sekirlich, ¨e schul ha batile, ¨e schul ha pestilens, ¨e schul haue hunger, ¨e, ¨e schul be in-to hatrede & abominaciun to al če kyngdomes of če world.' And i pray če, loke vor it stonde nat tus with vs now adaies! ée sist wel what bataile & what werr we haue among' vr-silf, čat God for' His miche mercy 650 cesse it whan a seič His tyme: what pestilens also, what scarse_nes of good, vor čer is no man almest, now pouer, now reche;; but a playnyth hym of good. że, & al maner remis haue vs in hatrede & dispit & holde vs če wirst peple & te valsist vundir sunne; and čis, trist wil čerto, is for vr wikkidnes & vr mislevyng' |p42 655 & tis kursid errours & erisies čat be maynteynid a-mong' vs. Ich schul tel če a gret hep of hem, but for' taryng' o tyme i pas ouer. And ter-vorn, whan swich maner o peple cumč to če to teche če or to preche če, her' hem nawth, but her' hem čat ha cler' voys, ¨e, čat preche če feith & te rithful lawes of holi 660 chirche, lest te be infect with čis fowl lepir' of herisie; and tan, ¨if če čus dost, be če wil siker, ate day o dome, whan čei schal be damnid to če pit of helle;; ču čat art rithful e če feič schalt be deliuerid from hem & browth to če blisse of heuene. Vor a seith holi writ, sap. 10, hec iustum a pereuntibus liberavit, 'čis 665 feith & čat is wisdum, schal deliuerie a rithwus man vrom čis wikkid peple čat peresschen' vor hir vals opiniuns.' And ter_vorn, ha če neuer so vowle hir' be-for' be infect with čis lepir;; ¨e, wheyčer it ha ben in glotenie, in bakbityng' or ell e wikkid techyng';; ¨it turne a¨en & set ti loue e Crist, longe & desir as a 670 louer after his blisse;; vor al swich, He, as a passyng' leche be-hith of His blessid birče, hač helid & deliuerid, as witnessis wel če proffit Dauid;; seynge o čis wise: misit de celo & liberauit ps. 56. 'če Kynge of blis hač sent His sone from heuene to be born of a blessid mayde, če whiche hač helid & deliuerid hem' čat wer e 675 siknes, čat louede Him & desirede after Him. A softenes of a soueryn to sogectis a hač e-schewid;; in čat a hač i-sent vrom a mownte of maieste mythtiliche e-mayntenid, in čat a hač i-sent from heuene;; |r[f.46r] but sike men from hir' sorines suerliche a hač e-sauid;; in čat a hač sent from heuene & 680 deliuerid;; čus tanne i seie He hač deliuerid. SECUNDUM PRINCIPALE. I seide če secunde tyme principaliche & a gredel schortir';; čat Crist, maister of maydenhede to mercy e-meuid;; men in mischief murnyng' be mekenes hač be-meuid & liberauit. ée flour & te fairnes of al clene maydenes, Crist Iesu;; seyng' če mischif & te 685 disese čat wer' browth inne be čat venemus serpent, če deuel of helle;; com down vrom če hi se of heuene, to cunforte vs with His |p43 goodnes & bryng' vs owt of sorwe;; ¨e, a was born of clene mayde, to teche vs how we schul leue e chastite & clennes, and after_ward lowliche suffrid če deč, to informe vs how we schule be 690 lowlich & meke, & so deliuerid vs owt of seruise & br[o]wth vs owt of čraldum. Vor a seith Seint Poul, ad heb 7, it was semeliche to vs to ha swich a bisschep, swich a deliuerer', čat schuld make sacrifise, ¨e, offre vp His owne blod to če vadir' of heuene vor mannes sake;; čat was innocent & meke, chast & clene, partid 695 from al maner synne;; & a-boue al če creaturs & te aungelis of heuene. A certeyn doctur čat was but late seič hir', čat it be-semid Crist to be chast & meke;; specialiche vor twey propertes čat tese twey vertues haue: če virste, a seith, clennis;; makis a man or a womman bewtwus of brithede in bodiliche 700 beholdyng', če secunde, mekenes;; makis a man or a womman gracius & gostliche in godenis o leuyng. ée virste i sey, clennes, makis etc. PRIMUM MEMBRUM. ée gret clerk Tullius, 2 reth., tel če, čat ter was on a tyme a peyntur, čat was clepid Zeusis;; & a schuld make an ymage of a 705 mayde in a certeyn temple, with-owten vowlnes or defawte, čat schuld be so lusti & so vair' čat eueri man schuld ha likyng' to wurschepe it & loke čer vpon. And what trowste a dide? Vor be-cause čat a supposide wel, čat kynde had nat spendid al hir riches & hir bewte in o body, a wente & ches owt viue če 710 vaireste maydenes čat a kowde vynde in any place, to loke vp-on hem while a peyntid čis ymage & after certyn pointis of echone of hem, a made it with-owten fawte to ani mannes sichte. Of če virste a toke če liknes of če e¨en, čat wer as cler as ani cristal & as brith as bemis of če sunne. Of če secunde a toke če 715 liknes of če lippis, čat wer as rodi [as] a rose;; & as delicius as ani honikombis. Of če čridde a toke če liknes of če nose, čat was noyčer to longe nor' to schort, but schapen & figurid in a good mene. Of če vowrče a toke če liknes of če eren čat wer' with_owt |p44 vilče;; & of če vifte a tooke če liknes of če hondis čat wer' 720 boče onest & clene. éis Zeusis, čis peyntur schal tow be & te wil leue e clennis; vor če schalt peynt če of a mayde y-mage, ¨e, če image of chastite e če temple of či sowle, & how schalt te do? če schalt take čese viue maydenes čat is nawth ell but ti v wittes & looke wher-inne ech of hem is fairest;; & ter-after 725 peynt čis damsel of chastite. What schalt take of če virste? Truliche če brithnes of hir e¨en. Loke, wher-so-euer če go, wher-so-euer če be, kep če e¨en vrom vlesliche desires, vor če sith oftetymes is chif cause čat a man or a womman valč e če synne of lechiri. And ter-vor let hem be as cler as ani cristal, 730 let hem nat defowle with non vuliful luste; vor & te make hem to fre in biholdyng' e chirche or e chepynge, of fair men, vair wumman;; hardeliche če schalt nat refreyne hem vrom swich vnclene sichtis a-nočer tyme whan če woldest. Vor holi writ seith, deu' 15, non auertes ab eis oculos tuos, quando dimiseris eos 735 liberos: 'če schalt nat turne a-wey čen e¨en,' a seith, 'vrom swich vnclene desires whan če woldist aftetyme če hast maad hem to vre & ¨euen hem to miche liberte;; Of če secunde če schalt take če lippis, če mowth. Loke če, spek no rebaldri, spek no-čyng čat may inclyne a man or a wumman to če synne of 740 lecheriward, but al čat euere cumč owt of či mowč, let it awne euermor to chastite & clennis of leuyng'. że, če schalt abstene če also vrom hote metis, hote drynkis, but it so be;; čat te haue need to hem, vor čese intise a man or a wumman to valle ofte_tymes e čis synne. Of če čridde če schalt take če nose. Loke 745 če, ha no luste or no likynge e smellyng' of hote spiceri, hote erbis or ani očer čat mithte stir če to vlesliche lustis & likyngis of če bodi. Of če vowrče če schalt take če eryn. Loke, whan če herist ani man or wumman speke of harlotri, speke of vnclennis;; turne awey čyn eryn vrom hem & her hem talke of holines, 750 speke če word of God & tanne hardeliche če schalt make či |p45 sowle vre vrom al maner vnclennes. Vor God Almičti seič Him-silf be če profit Ezech., Ezech. 3, audies ex ore meo verbum, & tu animam tuam liberasti,' če schalt her' me word,' a seith God Almičti, & non očer wretchidnes, non očer vnčrift, '& 755 tanne če hast deliuerid ti sowle & mad it fre vrom al maner synne.' Of če vifte & te laste če schalt take če hondis; ley non hond o man nor o womman be wey of vnclennes, vor as seit če wisman Sal., ecc, 13, 'whos čat euere towchič pich;; but te mor |r[f.46v] wundir be;; a schal be defowlid čer-with.' Truliche rit 760 so, ¨if a man towche a wumman or a wumman a man, harde_liche but te mor grace of God be, a schal be defowlid with sum vnclenne čowč vor če same tyme. & ter-vorn tanne, ¨if če čus peynte čis swete maide, čis fair damsel;; we hardeliche it wil be a loueliche ymage boče e Godis sič & eke e mannes. But če 765 most, tanne, also kepe it wil; how schalt te kipe it? A man, če wost wil, čat hač miche tresur', a wil gladliche drawe him trewe mennis cumpany & to no nevis; so schal tow do, če schalt drawe to swiche men čat če knowist wel be good of conuersaciun & clene of levinge, & to non vnčrifti volk čat levin al e lustis & e 770 likyngis of hir' vlesch. And it be so, perauntur, as Gode fforbede it schulde, čat te defowle čis ymage of chastite, ¨it be sori čroffe, ¨e, go to če prest & schrif če & a-cuse či-silf čere & noman ell. Donat as many men do now-a-dai! Vor many men, whan čei cum to schrifte wher' čei schulde a-cuse hem_silf. 775 'čei ex-cuse hem-silf & a-cuse očer volk;; vor čei sei, "Sir, ich ha synnid e pride, ich ha synnid e glotenie, ¨e, ich ha synnid e lecheri, but truliche it was nočynge defawte but al če defawte was o če wummannis sied." And a lieč falsliche, it is nočynge so, but it is his owne wretchidnes & his owne vnčrift. And 780 tervor, as seič če wisman, prouer.12=o=, os iustorum liberabit eos, 'če trewe schritte of mowč of swich men čat truliche schriue hem-silf;; schal deliuere hem & make hem vre vrom al maner bondage of synne.' |p46 SECUNDUM MEMBRUM. ée secunde i sei, mekenes etc. I rede e kyng' Alisaundir' lif, 785 čat whan a hadde ouercome miche of al če world, a com to paradis, & ter was ¨iuen hym a geme of precius ston čat hadde čis kynde. As longe as it was clene of it-silf, hade a man leid in balunse neuer so miche gold, it wold a-non rit ha weyid it a_dounn, but & it hadde be sprenglid with a litil erče, a litil večere 790 of a brid wold a weyid mor čan čat. Truliche, čis geme hač God Almythte ¨iue če, čat is nawč ell či sowle, če whiche is mor' riche & mor precius čan ani perl or precius ston e čis world. éis sowle, as longe as it is in his owne degre, čat is to seie, e mekenes & paciens as it schulde be;; it weie dounn & ouercome al 795 maner grevauns, al maner disese čat ani man wil do čerto, but, & it be a litil sprenglid with če powdir' of pride;; with če leste word čat a man spekis;; če leste činge čat a bodi doč čerto;; schal greve it & disese it. And ter-vorn, vor Cristis sake, take čis vertu of mekenes to če & hardeliche Crist wil wiel rewarde 800 če červor' in an očer place. Vor Seint Peter seič, prima pe. 5, `ču čat art a ¨ungman,' a seith, `be meke & lowliche to čin elders, schwe mekenes & godnis to či ne¨ebours, vor Crist wičstont prowde men & ¨ifis grace to meke men;; ¨e, be meke & lowliche,' a seith, `e Cristis seruise & hardeliche a wil enhaunce 805 če ate dai o dome, whan a schal come & visite a mankynde.' że, čis vertu disposič a man to al maner grace, to al maner good leuinge, vor it mak him euermor e quiet & in ese & so lusti to serue his God. Take hede of Crist Him-silf & loke how meke & lowliche He was. Vor, as seit če profit Isa., Isa. 53, `whan a 810 was led to His passiun, to His deč-ward, a was as meke as ani lomb, nor' a neuer grutchid, nor spake word a-¨ens hem.' że, whan a was nailid an hie o če cros, čat al če world mičte gawr vp-on His bodi;; behold how lowliche & how goodliche a spak to His modir' čat was ter present, as witnessis wel če gospel Io. 19, 815 whan a seide "Wumman." Quoč a "Wumman," vor as docturus sei, a wuste wel inow če more mildeliche a had spoke to |p47 hir';; če more disese sche schulde have had; ¨e, & a had i-seič "Modir";; a wuste wel hir' herte schuld ha broke a-tow vor veri sorwe, & tervorn a seide "Wumman." Quod a " Wum_man, 820 take hede & bihold how či derworče sone, ¨e, či derworče child is for-flageld & forbetyn, how He is fastnid boče hond & foot to če cros with gret nailes & scha[r]pe, & how His heuid is črillid čorw-owt felle prikkynge čornes: ¨e, bihold how Ich am vor-buffet & for-bete, how al če veynis & te synwes e mi bodi ben 825 al to-crais & al to-brokyn, ¨e, loke vor ani man e čis world mith suffr' so grete peyne as I do." & as seič če devowt clerk, Seint Bernard, His modir' vor sorwe čat sche took of čis speche, wil down in a swown & ter wold ha deid, nat sche ben hold vp with očer wommens hondis. But as sone, a seith čis clerk, as sche 830 took herte to hir';; sche answerde a-¨en & seid, "Alas, alas, mi owne der' child, alas, mi owne swete sone, whi suffirs tow al čis mischif & al čese peynis for' mannis sake, sin če mithtist with a word, with o comawndement;; ha restorid him a-¨en with-owtyn deč ? że, alas, mi blessid child, wher schal i haue 835 ani cumfort or ani refresschinge whan ču art ago, vor al če ioie & če blisse čat ich hadde e čis world goč a-wey e či deying'." Her' was a rewful mone, ¨e, a rewful lamentaciun of so blessid a mayde. But tanne, as seit čis clerk, Crist answerde a-¨en & clepid hir' Modir' & seide, "Now Modir'," a seič, "gode Modir', 840 be nočinge desamaied nor' disesid for Me, vor' I go streith to če vadir' of heuene;; nor' be nat aferit who schal cumfort če & do če solas hir' whan Ich am ago;; vor I schal leue her' wič če Ion, Myn owne der' bročere, čat schal rule če & loke to če as to his owne modir'." |r[f.47r]. 845 Truliche hir' was a pitewus condicciun & a ruliche, ¨e, hir' was a gret mekenes & a gret goodnes schewid e Crist, čat a wold suffr' so hidewus o deč vor mannes saluaciun. And tervorn, vor če loue o God, take hede čroffe & do ter-after; lef al če pride & te pompe of čis world & ber če mekeliche boče to God & to man. 850 Vor al swich maner of men wer' deliuerid vrom bondage of če |p48 deuel be Cristis deč, & tei schal ate laste go to blisse čat neuer schal haue ende, as witnessis wel če profit Isaie, Isa. 35, wer a seith o čis wise: Qui liberati fuerunt, & redempti a Domino;; venient in Syon cum letitia sempiterna super caput eorum: (& 855 subdit) gaudeum et letitiam optinebunt ' & fugiet dolor & gemitus -- `al meke men & gode men,' a seič če profit, 'čat ben deliuerid from če seruise of če deuel be Cristis passiun, schal come in-to Syon, čat is to seie, in-to če blisse of heuene with murče & ioie, & te crowne of euerlastyng' gladnis schal be set on hir heuedis, 860 ¨e, čei schal gete ioie & blisse, & murnyng' & sorwe schal vle awei vrom hem.' Vor as seič če proffit Dauid, Ps. 36, Clamauerunt iusti, & Dominus exaudiuit eos; ex omnibus tribulationibus eorum liberauit eos -- 'čese ričwus men,' a seith če proffit Dauid, `¨e, čese meke men ha cried to God Almičty & He hač herd 865 hem & graciusliche deliuerid hem vrom če trubulaciun & te mischif čat tei wer' inne.' Siknes of hir' synne sorfulliche was i-schewid, Cristis owne kyndenes clerliche was declarid, But goodenes of če Godhede graciusliche was grauntid, 870 In čat čat tat čei cride to God, In čat tat herde hem, In čat tat a hač deliuerid hem & o čis wise I sei He hač deliuerid. TERTIUM PRINCIPALE. I seide če čridde tyme principaliche, & i pray ¨ow čynkid nat to longe, vor it is but a weri schort word, čat Crist prince etc. 875 A gret clerk & est orosius de ormesta mundi libro 6 -- čis clerk tellis čere čat whan Iulius Cesar was sclawyn of his enmies e če Capitolie of Rome, če worči Emperour Octouianus wente after_ward & slow & ouercom al čo čat had don him to deč, & so made pes & reste čorwowt al če remis of če world. Be čis 880 Octouian ich vndirstonde a tis tyme owr Kyng' & owr Emperour, Crist, Godessone of heuene. Vor, He, whan Iulius Cesar, ¨e, vr virst vadir' Adam, was slawyn gostliche e če meri place of Paradys be če deuelis suggestiun;; com longe tyme afterwarde |p49 in-to čis world, & ter set vp His owne baner, whan a strečte His 885 bodi o če cros & črew doun mannis enmy, če deuel of helle, & hadde če victorie of him, & so made loue & pes be-twix God & man, be-twix man & aungelis, ¨e, & be-twix man & man. Vor, as seič če gospel Luc. 2, aungelis sang čat tyme a meri song. What was tat ? " Ioie & blisse be to če vadir of heuene, čat hač 890 sent down His owne sone to a-¨en-bi mankynde, ¨e, & reste & pes be in erče to čem čat ben of good wil." Lo! How a seič of good wil, vor eueri man schul cast him to lyue with očer euermor e loue & charite -- vor čis is a vertu čat makis a man most acceptable to his God of ani očer. Vor, as docturs seie & Seint 895 Poul acordis with če same, čow a man ha neuer so gret feič, neuer so miche mekenes, ¨e, neuer so hi perfectiun, but a ha charite čerwith, ¨it it schal neuer proffit him, but ¨if it be onliche to mitagaciun of his peynes. Trowstenat čat Crist was e gret charite, ¨if a man schulde so sei, & gret loue hadde to 900 man, whan a schedde vor him His owne blod, & in His vp-resyng' deliuerid him owt of če prisun of synne & browth him in če wey toward če blisse of heuene ? Take hede čan, vor Cristis sake, to čis vertu;; & printe it e čin herte. Vor, as seič Seint Ambrose in his exameron de opere 3 diei, charite is tat čing' čat knittič vs 905 to God, makis vs euene with aungelis;; & bringis vs to euer_lastyng' blisse. Her ich hade cast to ha told ¨ow how ¨e schuld ha desired charite, how ¨e schuld ha gotin it;; & how ¨e schuld ha kept it, but, for' be-cause čat vr' ¨ungiste bročer declarid it to ¨ow so wel & so openliche čis dei seuenič;; červorn i pas ouer & 910 drawe to an hende-ward. Be čis vertu, čan, i sei charite;; eueri creatur schal be deliuerid from čraldum of synne, as witnessis wel Seint Poul, ad ro. 8, wher' a seith, Creatura liberabitur a seru[i]tute cor[r] uptionis, in libertatem gloriefiliorum Dei. ' Eueri cristen creatur,' seič Seint Poul, `čat had čis vertu of charite,' 915 as wil če comen glose e če same;; `schal be deliuerid vrom al maner coruptiun & seruise of synne;; & a schal be browth in-to liberte of euerlastyng' ioie;; čat is ordeynid for Cristis owne children;; że, hardeliche, & tat is an hege liberte & a gret |p50 ioie, vor it is so miche;; čat no tunge mai telle it, no herte mai 920 čenk it, no, nor' no wit mai comprehend it; & tervorn, Crist, čat is prince of pes & lord of al če world, to bring vs to čis ioie;; bowth vs o če cros & deliuerid vs owt of al maner bondage, as witnessis wel če proffit Ier., Ier. 3I, seyng o čis wise, Dominus redimit & liberauit: `Vr' Lord God,' a seič če profit, `hač 925 bowth vs, ¨e, & deliuerid vs owt of če prisun čat we wer' perisch_yng inne.' A rulur of al remis rialiche araied is Crist, in čat a his a lord, čorw riches of His rawnsum ričliche a hač vs raisid, in čat a hač ebowt vs, & mor-ouer, with če cristal of charite a hač vs crownid, 930 in čat a hač deliuerid vs; čus tanne i sei He hač deliuerid. Of al hem, čanne, čat tus duč as ich ha seid ¨ow -- virst kepiz čem of če lepir' of glotenie, bakbiting & falsnis of techyng'; če secunde tyme kepiz hem e če fairnes-hede of clennis & mekenes, & če črid tyme vsiz če nobil vertu o loue & of charite;; -- i schal 935 mow truliche sei če wordis tat be writen e če sawterbook & beč čese -- adiuuabit eos Dominus, & liberabit eos; & saluabit eos, quia sperauerunt in eo. Ps. 36. `Vr, Lord God schal help hem be če ličnes of His beryng' as for če virst, deliuerid hem be če mekenes of His diyng' as for če secunde, & for čei ha louid Him 940 & trowid in Him;; a schal saue hym |r[f.47v] be če preuinis of His vprisyng' as for če čridde. że, wher' schal He saue hem ? Truliche e če blisse of heuene, wher is lith with-owten dirknes, murče with-owt sorwe & ioie with-owten ende. To če whiche ioie & whiche blis He bringe boče ¨ow & me;; čat for če saluaciun 945 of mankynde sched His blod o če rode tre, Qui cum patre etc. THIRD SERMON. Christus semetipsum optulit Deo, Christus etc. ad Heb. 9no. The help & te grace of Almičty God, čorwth če besechyng' of His blisside modir, Marie, be with vs at owr' bygynnyng, help |p51 vs & spede vs in vr' forth-leuyng' and bryng vs al to a good 5 endyng', amen. Cristen peple, čes wordes čat ich ha take to prech of at tis tyme, čei be če wordes of Seint Poul, writen e če pistel o čis day & tus miche to seie on engliss tunge to ¨our vndirstondyng', `Crist hath offred Him-silf to God, Crist etc.' A gret clerk & 10 est Dionisius super valerium maximum de dictis & factis memorali_bus libro primo, primo capitulo, & te text emplieth če same -- čis clerk seič čere, čat it was sum tyme če maner a-mong' če romaynes, whan čei had any gret čyng' for to do čat čei dredde miche of, čei wolde make befor' certeyn sacrifices & oblatiuns to 15 hir' goddes & to hir' mawmetes, čorw če whiche, as seič če clerk, čei hopedoun to spede wel in hir' nedes čat tei hadde for to do;; & also for' to bryng hem wurschipefulliche to a good ende. Rith o če same wyse, seres, we ha now at tis tyme a gret acte & a perlus for' to do, čat is forto schewe into lorne če word o God. 20 Wher,-for i counsel vs, čat we make an offryng' as te romannes dede ar' we go čerto, čat we may bryng it to swiche ende;; čat it be wrschipe to God & profit to vr sowles. But wher'-of schal čis offryng' be mad ? Truliche, best is, čat we make it as i rede it was mad e če olde testement, Leuiti. 2=o= capitulo, wher' i fynde 25 čat God bad Moyses, čat a schul chard[g]e če children of Irael to offr' vp to ym če cleir' flowr' & te tus o če corn temprid with oyle, with salt & encense sprenklid ter a-mong. For sekirliche ¨if owr' offryng', whiche is nat ell but owr' prayour čat we schuld make at tis tyme, schuld be acceptable to God, it be-houed to be 30 make rith o čis wise, wirst o če flowr oč če corn, noyčer oč če holis nor' of če brun as many men mak it, but oč če clene flowr'; for' če prayour oč tes ypocrites & tes lollardes make be nočyng' oč če flowr' oč če corn;; but oč če holis & oč če brun, for čei be nočyng' in hir' herte inward;; but onliche with-owt-forth in hir' 35 lyppis & hir' cher'. éerfor', i sei, it schal be maad o če white |p52 flowr' čat is e čyn herte; for bifor' če makst če prayer če schalt left vp če herte to God, & čenke how wikked & synful ču art;; & how good & gracius He is, & dispose če čerwith to ben e charyte with čyn emkristen;; čan pray Him to graunte čy bone 40 čat ču askyst. For Crist seič Him-silf e če gospel Math. 5=o=, vade prius reconciliari fratri tuo;; & tunc veniens offeres munus tuum -- 'go,' a seith Crist, `& first be e charite and at on with či bročer, čat is for to seie with čyn emkristun;; & afterward cum & offr' vp čy prayer' to God;; & ¨if če čus dost;; trist wel čerto, 45 it schal ben acceptable to Him. éis offryng' most also be tempred with oyle. Oyle, as seič Rabanus, de naturis rerum libro 19, capitulo 6, be-tokenez charite & mercy & it hath čis properte, čat with what čyng' euere it be meynd;; it wil euermor' ben a-boue. éerfor če schalt tempre če prayer with čis oyle. 50 Loke, whan če prayest, če be e ful loue & charite, hauyng' rewth & mercy & compassiun o či pouer ne¨ebours, & be e ful wil, ¨if it wer' e či powir;; to releue hem & to hape hem & čan schal či prayer be euermor' goyng' vp-ward, ¨e, e so miche;; čat it schal persche če heuen & entr' be-for če presence o God & al če blessid 55 company čat is ter. For, as Alesaunder nekham super talia, libro x, capitulo 4, to eueri good deuociun & good prayer če entry of heuene is open, nor it schal neuer be let in any place, seith čis clerk;; tyl it come be-for' če presence & te sithte oč če hie iugge of heuene. But ¨it vs nedeth anočer čyng' & tat is 60 salt. Isider' in his ethimologiis, libro 16, capitulo 2=o=, seith čat salt wil make a man ha gret lust & apetit to drynke, & ¨if it be spreynd on a čyng', it wil kipe it fro felče & corupciun. éerfor če schalt sprinkle čyn offryng' with čis salt. What is tat for to seie ? ée schal take to če beternes & sorwe o penaunce & con_triciun, 65 če whiche ben vndirstonde be salt. & take hede how fowle če hast be al čis ¨er' befor' e če dongel o dedly synne, how vnkynde če hast be to či God & how wikkydliche offended Him, & let tis salt čus synke in-to či sowle, & hardeliche it wil clense če fro al maner o felče & corupciun oč synne, and make če also 70 euer mor' & mor' to thirst & to desir' after če loue & te swetnes o |p53 či God. że, & He schal čan seie to če ! čat a seith e če gospel, Iohn 7, si quis sitit, veniat ad me & bibat, `whos-euer,' a schal seie Crist čanne, `čat tus thirstez after me loue & my swetnes;; let him come to Me & I schal refresch him with če drenke of euer_lastyng 75 ' ioie & blis.' But o čyng ¨it vs wantis of vr offryng' & tat is sens. Papias in verbo tus seith čat sens, ¨if it be cast e če fer;; it wil a-non-rith clerliche brenne, & te swete sauer' čroff wil clense če eir al abowte fro al maner wikkyd spirites. Be čis sense i vndirstonde nočyng' ell but trewe schrift o mowth, čat 80 vs nedeth for' to haue & specialiche a¨ens tis holi tyme of Estron, e če whiche we schul resseyue vr' blessid Sauyour. żerforn, let vs take čis noble sauer' o confessiun, & clense če fowle eir' of vr consience from al maner filthe o dedli synne: & tanne hardeliche we schul brenne as cler' as euer dede any sens 85 e če loue & te sithte of owr God. éus terfor, e čis offryng & e čis prayer', whan ¨e haue arayed it o čis maner wyse;; ¨e schal ha recomended al če states of holi chirche, vr holi fadir če Pope, Boniface če nynthe, al his cardinal[es], erchebisschap[es] & bysschapes, abbotes, priars & al očer degres of holi-chirche, & 90 specialiche vr noble fader & prelat o čis place, & al čo čat ben soget to him, |r[f.48r] boče o reglers & o seclers. O če točer side ¨e schal ha recomended to ¨our prayer' če pes & te tranquilite of čis rem, vr lege lord te kyng', al očer lordes & comeners, & specialiche če comeners o čis town. Mor,-over', ¨e schal praye 95 for' al če sowles čat ben in purgatorie, čat God for' His miche mercy wil releue hem sunner' for' ¨our praiours o če grete peynes čat čei ben inne. For čis & for al očer, čat ¨e or i be hold to pray for at tis tyme & for grace čat is nedful boče to ¨ow & to me;; i pray ¨ow deuowliche a pater noster and an aue. 100 Christus etc. vbi supra. Crist etc. as i seide be-for'. Prudentius seič in sua Sicomachia, & holi writ hač če same in Genesi be a gret processe, čat God Amythte bad neuer Abraham make any offryng til a hadde ouercome če fowr' kyngis, če whiche wer' |p54 grete enmyes to al his kynrede, but a-non as a hadde ouercome 105 hem, God bad him ofr' vp to Him his owne sone, Isaac, čat a louede best of any čyng' e čis world. Truliche, seres, rith tus most we do, & we schuld make an offryng' plessyng' to God;; we most virst ouercome čis fowr' kynges, čis fowr stronge geauntes. But, for, as miche as Plynie seith, čat a man, whan he is browth first 110 e čis world, is mor' vnmythte & mor' lethi čan any očer beste, čerfor' we ha gret ned to be wel armet & strongliche, ¨e, & to ha good helpe a¨ens we go to čis batayle. éerfor', a¨ens če first kynge, čat is for to seie pride;; let vs arme vs wel with mekenes & paciens & lowliche ber' vs boče to God & to man;; & hardeliche we 115 schal ouercome him & ha če beter of him. A¨ens če secunde kynge, čat is glotenie, to če whiche be ioyned tweyn očer schrewes, slowthe & lechery, let vs take with vs abstinence of mete & drynke, fastyng', good rulyng' of vr-silf, & no dowte we schul put him ate wurs. A¨ens te čridde kyng', be če whiche is 120 vndirstonde enuey, with whom cumth a wiked Teraunt, wrathče, & with pese hardeliche we schull cast hym doun & ha če beter of hym. As te fowrthe kyng', be če whiche i vnderstonde nočyng' ell but couetise, čat is worst of hem al, we most ha with vs meserablenes, spend če good čat God hač sent vs e good vse, 125 with good descreciun, parte it with vr pouer ne¨ebours čat ha no good to leue by, & coueyte no mor' čan suffisauntliche wil fynd vs vr lyuelode;; & tanne, triste wel čerto, we schal kast doun čis enmye & ha če victorie of him. And whan we ha čus ouercome vr' enmyes, ¨e, čes fowr' kyngis, čes fowr' terauntes 130 with al her' retynu;; čan let vs offr' vp vr sone, let vs lene al vr' herte & al vr' loue to God Almithty: for He dede miche mor' for vr loue, whan a offred vp His owne sone, čat a loued best of any čyng', to die for mankynd, as witnessis wel Crist Him-silf e če gospel Iohannis. 3=o=, wher a seith sic Deus dilexit mundum;; 135 vt Filium suum vnigenitum daret -- `God,' a seith, `loued so miche če world, ¨e, a loued so miche mankynde;; čat a wold ¨e His owne sone, čat a wold make His owne derworth child offr' |p55 vp Him-silf o če cros for če loue of mankynde.' And čerfor o čis wise, onliche for owr' loue, Crist hath offred Him-silf to 140 God, as I seith be-for.' But, for as miche as in eueri offryng' may resonabeliche be asked čre questiuns, čat is to seie, who offred, what a offred, & to whom a offred;; čerfor, to čes čre ich answer' [in] a rewe be če čre wordes čat ben e me tyme. DIVISIO SERMONIS. 145 As to če firste, wher' it is asked who offred;; iche answer' & seie, a kyng' o mercy & goodnesse, če preste o perfectiun & holi_nes, & te ambassiatour o trowthe & sothnesse, če whiche ben vndirstonde e če firste worde o my tyme, whan i sei `Crist.' To če secunde questiun, whan it is asked what a offred;; ich answer' 150 & seie čat a offred raunsom for' owr redempciun, sacrifise for owr' purgaciun, & letters for owr' reconciliaciun, & tese ben vndirstonde e če secunde worde o my tyme, whan i seie `He offred Him-silf.' As to če čride questiun, whan it is asked to whom a offred;; ich answer' & seie;; to vr' special lord & emperour, 155 to vr' curius maker' & creatur, & to vr gracius fader & sauyur, & čese ben vndirstonde e če črid word o me tyme, whan i sei `God'. Now, seres, for to gader' al čese to-geder & ioyne eche partie with očer, i sei firste, čat Crist, kyng o mercy & goode_nesse, hač offred Him-silf raunsum for vr redempciun;; to God, 160 čat is vr special lord & emperour. I sei also čat Crist, prest of perfectiun & holinesse, hač offred Him-silfun sacrifise for owr purgaciun to God, čat is vr curius maker' & creatur;; & i seide firčrmor', čat Crist, embassiatur o trewthe & sothnesse, hač offred Him-siluen as a letter for' owr' reconciliatiun to God, čat 165 is owr' gracius fader & sauiour. Firste, čat Crist, kyng' o mercy & goodnesse etc. The holi doctur Seint Ambrosse seith in his exameron de opere vti. diei čat aftur Good had maad man & put him e če delicius place o Paradys.' He ¨af him če cler' well o wyt & o wisdom, če florys_schyng' |p56 170 flowres of innocens & bewte, & te schenyng towres o clennes & chastite, čorwth če whiche, as seith čis clerk, a mythte boldliche ha fowthte a¨ens his enmye;; & also mithteliche haue ouercome če ferful ostis o če deuels temtaciuns. For mannes sowle mith truliche ha seid čanne of him-silf, čat is writen Esaie 175 XXVII capitulo, ciuitas munita & obcessa ` i '-- myth mannes sowle ha seide tanne -- 'am a cite defended & be-seget ', ¨e, i_be-seget al abowte o če deuel & of his knythtes, but i-strenčed & defended be če vertuus wepenes čat God hač ¨ynme, nor me nedeth neuere to ben afered, for God Him-silf is my constable & 180 my defendur'. But a-non, as he had broke če comaundement o God, a made a sori chong', for a tuk to him e če stede o čese;; lust & lykenge of his fless, brennyngbrond o stynkynge lecherie;; & te prykkynge čornes o wračče & enuye, če which browthten him in-to če dyrke prison of euerlastynge dampnaciun. But 185 who was tanne oč so gret power' or so gret myth to paye raun_som, for to [haue] deliuerid mannes sowle of čis prison ? Truliche no man, no womman, nor non očer creatur' in al čis world but God Him-selue. For, & te take good hede, če art o litil power' or ell o non, to help či-silf or any očer man. & terfor' seith holi writ, 190 sapien. 6=to=, data est uobis a Domino potestas, `¨e, al če power,' seith holi writ, '& al če myth čat we haue e čis world;; we haue it nočynge of vr-silf, but it is ¨yuen vs onliche of vr Lord God.' |r[f.48v] For tak consideraciun, seith Seint Ambrose, & loke in-to če beryels o dede men, & ter če schalt wil perseyue;; čat ter schal 195 nawth leue o či bodi but stynkyng' dust & rotun bones. A say also čer, weičer ču maist knowe who was pouere & who was riche, or who was lethi or who was strong', & truliche, seith čis clerk, i dar' wel seie če schalt nat perseyue čer any defference be-twyx a begger & a kyng;; nor be-twyx a maister & his knaue. 200 For ču, čer-for, wer vnmythti to bryng' či-silf owte o čis sori prison, Crist, čat is če mithtieste kyng' of al če world, hauyng ate laste rewthe & pit[i] vp-on de;; payed raunson for če to če fader of heuene, whan a offred vp Him-silf o če cros a Godfridai |p57 & browth te owt of če deueles bondes & of če hauy veteres of 205 Adammes synne, as witnessis wel Seint Poul, ad eph. 5, wer a seith, Christus dilexit nos, & tradidit semetipsum pro nobis oblationem & hostiam Deo -- 'Crist,' seith Seint Poul, `loued vs so miche;; čat a offred vp His owne bodi in raunson, to bryng vs fro čis sori prison to če kyngdom of euer-lastyng' ioie.' & 210 ter-for her' Crist schewid wil čat a was a gracius kynge & a kynde to His sogectes. For' če maner, as seith Aris. of a good kynge is, ¨if any of his peple be tak prison, to paye raunsom for' him & merciable deliuere him fro če prison & te disese čat he is inne. But her, perchaunce, če wilt aske me, how i proue čat Crist was 215 a kyng': čat i proue boče be autorite & be propertes & con_diciuns čat longe to a kynge, & first be autorite. We rede e če gospel Marci 15=mo=, čat whenne če Iuwes had nailed Crist boče hond & fot o če cros, & set on His heued a scharp crowne o prikkynge čornes;; če prestes & te doctors o če lawe seide 220 a-monst hem-silf, let Crist, če kyng' of Irael, deliuere now Him_silf & kum doun o če cros;; & we schul trowe in Him & bileue čat Hi is very Godessone of heuene. éus, ter-for, be čis autorite & be many očer čat ben in holi writ, čat wer' long' now to reherce, may we wil se čat Crist was a kyng'. This also we may se 225 openliche be propertes & condiciuns čat perteyne to a kyng. ére condiciuns i rede a-monge al očer čer ben, če whiche euery good man bihoueth for to haue. ée first is, as seith Aris. in secretis secretorum, čat his wyt & his wisdom be knowe in diuers cuntreys, čat his enmyes because čerof;; mai če mor' take hede 230 of him & also če mor drede him. For as seith Apuleius in de deo socratis capitulo 3=o=, čow a man be gentyl o blod, we[l] čat te seyst [a] hath of his fader & of his modir', čow a be ryche;; čat a hath of fortune, čow a be now fair' & ¨ong';; we[l] a litil while če seyst her-after a schal be old & al defaded, but, and a be wis, 235 čan hardeliche, seyth čis clerk, ču boče praysest him & dredest |p58 him;; for čat is nat of če ¨ifte of fortune, noyčer of his fadres eritage, nor' chongable for non age. But what maner o wisdom schuld tis be ? Truliche, čis schuld be čat wisdom čat Arestotle spekis of, libro primo magnarum moralium ethicorum. ée 240 wisdom, seith čis clerk čer, čat a man schulde haue;; it schulde be a-bowte čynges čat wer euerlastyng' & perteynynge to God. éerfor čis wisdom nedez euery good kyng' to haue & nat onliche eche kyng, but also euery cristenman; for euery cristenman e čis world hath a ryche tresur & a perlus to kepe;; čat is to seie, 245 his owne sowle, če whiche is te fayrest tresur' čat euer God made vp-on erthe. For as seith Auicen, 6 naturalis, man passis al očer bestis onliche be his sowle, e če whiche is printyd & peyntyd če liknes & te forme of his owne maker', of his owne creatur. Wher'-for če castel & te rem čat so noble a tresur is 250 inne;; sikyrliche as me čyngis, hač gret nede o strong' defens & also o wis gouernaile. éerfor to rule wisliche če rem of vr bodi & kepe deyntiliche če tresur of vr sowle;; i rede we do after če counsel of Seint Ambrose in de bono mortis, wher a seith re_linquamus quecunque terrena sunt etc. `let vs for'-sake,' seith čis 255 doctur, 'al erliche čynges,' & lift vr sowle fro če stynkynge dingel o lustes o čis world, čat vr enmy, če deuel of helle, be a-ferd for vr wise gouernayle to entr' vr' rem & chalange če precius tresur' of vr' sowle. & tanne, when we go owt o čis world;; vr' sowle schal fle vp to heuene & se čere his Creatur' & 260 His Godhede, mor' clerer' čan dede any egle če schynyng sunne o čis world. For as seith Isider' in his ethimologiis, libro 12, capitulo 7=o=, če egle hač čis properte, a wil fle a-boue al očer briddes & a wile also loke openliche o če sunne whan a schynez clerest & neuer twynkle with his e¨en: rith so schal mannes sowle 265 do, ¨if a kepe it with če wyt & reson čat God hath ¨euen him, i-teche it to dispice če deuel & al hese & loue his God aboue al očer čynges. For hardeliche, ¨if he čus be ruled & tus in_formed;; a schal neuer be take with no grene of enmye, nor with no lyme o coueytese, but a schal fle vp with če vethres o god 270 lyuyng', & abyde continuelliche e če presens & te sythte of his |p59 God. że, & we schal čanne truliche inow seie of vr' sowle, čat is writen e če sawterboke ps. CXXIII. anima nostra sicut passer' erepta est de laqueo venantium: `vr sowle is deliuerid of če grene, oč če snar' čat te deuels temptaciuns had telt for' him;; & a is 275 flown vp as any sparwe in-to če kyngdom of heuen,' & ter ioiffulliche abidez e če presence o God, as His dir' child & His owne derlynge. Ther'for for' Cristessake let vs kepe wel čis tresur', for truliche & we lese čis;; we schul be cast owt of če kyngdom, čat Crist, vr kyng', hač ordeined for vs. że, & we 280 schul čanne seie čat is writen in holi writ trenorum 5=o=, cecidit corona capitis nostri: ve nobis, quia peccauimus, 'če crowne of vr' hed is fallen doun' & we be mad o kynges wretchis, ¨e, &, alas, 'al is for we ha synned ' e misgouernynge |r[f.49r] čat tresur čat God tuk vs for to kepe. But ¨it, perauntur čei so be čat be če 285 dartes o dedli synne we ha maad be-for čis tyme wr sowle prison to če deuel, ¨it let vs offr' vp če raunsom o schrifte & contriciun a¨ens tis holi tyme of Estron to Crist, Godessone of heuen, če whiche is vr special kyng' & vr emperur. For če maner was sum tyme & ¨it vsed e many place, ¨if a seruaunt or 290 a grom of a lord had take a prison;; če raunsum čat schuld be payd for him schuld nat be payd to če seruaunt;; but to če lord or to če maister oč če seruaunt. Ryth o če same wise offr' we vp čis schrifte, čis raunsum, but nat to deuel čat hath čis prison;; but to vr principal maister & lord, čat is Crist Him-selue. 295 ¨e, & tis raunsom most be o pure gold; gold, as seith clerkes, it wil gladliche take no corupciun, but it wil kepe it-silf euermor' clene &, čei it be cast e če ver', it wil onliche purifie & clense it-self & nawth brene. O če maner o metel most te raunsum of či schrifte bi; če schalt first open & clerliche tell al če synnes 300 čat te hast doun, with al če circumstaunces čat long' to čam & specialiche now e čis holi tyme o penaunce, for', as Seint Austyn, now is tyme of schrifte. éerfor schryue če now, abit tis clerk, of al čat te hast trespased in word or e dede, be day or be nythte, |p60 čat te maiste tak ate day o dome če tresur' of euerlastyng' ioie. 305 ée most also clense & purifie če schrifte e če. Wer, ¨e what fer ? E če ver' of charite. Whan če cumst to confessiun ! če schalt ben e charite with čyn emcristen, tel nat ti ne¨ebours dedes, but acuse či-silf to či gostiliche fader & no man ell; for many foke čer ben, & te mor rewth is, whan čei come to schrifte čei tel 310 nočyng' her owne dedes ! but onliche acuse her' ne¨ebours & sey, "Sir', y may nat loue my ne¨ebour, he is a-bowth euermo to take my good fro me, euery dai he pundis my bestes & wher' čat euer a comth;; a speke al če harme čat a can sey by me." éat is a wikkid schrifte & a kursid, for hardeliche čis schrifte is 315 nočer pur' ne clene. A gret clerk et est Asterlodotus in suo cal_chidion libro, capitulo 2=o=, capitulo 3=o= -- čis clerk seith, čat ¨if man wolde priueliche ponysse his enmye;; a schal take an ymage o wex with očer certeyn čynges čat a rehercis čere & hold so long' a¨ens če ver' til al če substans čroff wer' almest consumed 320 & molte awey, & rith as tis ymage malt a-¨ens te ver, so schuld če fless of his enmy vaness a-way, čat te schal nočyng leue but te very skyn & te bar bones. Rith tus schalt tow hold te schrifte a-¨ens te ver', ¨e, če schalt hold it e če brennyng' loue o či God & tyn emkrysten, molt a-wei al fals accussaciuns, al fals 325 bakbityngis o či ne¨ebours, & til nočyng' but te bar' bones o čyn owne mysdedes, & tan schriueste če sumwhat as te oweste for to do. The schalt, mor'-ouer, whan če schriueste te, go to him čat hath cure o či sowle, as to či paro prest, či person or či pentauncer', & to no ronners ouer cuntreys. For, trest wel čerto, 330 čei ha no powr for če most part to a-soyle če; & ter-for, če mor harm is, čei by-gyle fowle hem-silf & te boče. For čese it be čat Seynt Peter speke of, secunda petri 3=o=, venient in nouissimis diebus in deceptione illusores, iuxta proprias concupiscentias ambulantes;; ` čer schal come,' seit Seint Peter, 'e če laste dayes, |p61 335 glosers & deseyuers oč če peple, goyng abowte onliche for hir' owne profit & hir' owne coueytise.' For we se now alday, čei a man had slawe his fader or his modir', ¨e, or do če grettyste synne in al čis world, we[l] for a peny or tweyn a schuld be boče schreyue & soyled. éerfor i rede we schreue vs nat to no swiche;; 340 for truliche & we do, we fowle by-gylt vr-silf;; but let vs go to him čat hath cur' & kypyng' of vs, & schryue vs to him e če same forme as ich ha seith ¨e be-for';; & tanne hardeliche it schal ben a suffisaunt & an acceptable raunsum to Crist, to deliuere vr' sowle owt of prison. For Seint Ion seith, prima Io., primo, 345 si confitiamur peccata nostra, fidelis est & iustus, vt demittat nobis peccata nostra, & emundet nos ab omni iniquitate: ` ¨if we schriue vs,' seith Seint Ion, ` wil & clyrliche as we owthte for to do, če hie iustise of heuen is so rithwus, so trewe & so gracius, čat a wil for-¨yue vs al vr wikkydnes & al vr synne čat we ha 350 doun,' ¨e, & mak vs mor clonner;; čan we wer čat day čat we first wer' browth in-to čis world. And truliche me semez, ¨if če loke wel a-bowte;; če hast gret cause to a-ray wil & clenliche čis schrifte & tis raunsum čat če schalt paye & offr' vp for či synne, for' al če precius stones;; ne al če gret richess o čis world;; be nat 355 oč so miche valur' as is onliche mannes sowle. Tak hede o Crist, & ter če maist wil i-se, čat nat wytstondyng a was kyng' of heuene & erthe & al čis world & no ned hadde to či sowle, ¨it, what dide a onliche of His owne goodnesse ? A payd raunsum for it, nočer gold no siluer;; but Is owne precius blod, to bryng' it fro 360 če prison of euerlastyng' dampnaciun. Whan a čus had idon ' a toke če čis tresur' to kepe & ¨af če boče armur' & wepene mithtiliche for to defende it, ¨e, če armur of Cristendom & feith;; & te wepene oč če ten comaundementis; for' hardeliche, ¨if če be armed with čis armour & wel vithte with čis maner of 365 wepene;; trest to, če schal kepe surliche i-now če riche tresur' oč či sowle. éis was an hy wit o Crist, čus to stren¨the če castel čat His tresur was inne, ¨e, with-owten dowte, čis was a wise prince. For let a man reherce če lesson čat He hath tawth him, čat is, če lesson o Cristes owne passiun, how a was scorget |p62 370 fro če tot oč če hed to če sole oč če foot, how a was nailed beterliche o če rode tre & how a was stunge to če herte with a scharpe sper', & hardeliche čer schal no deuel, nor no wikkid spiryt be so bold to abyde, |r[f.49v] but for fer' o čis wise lesson fle fast a-way, boče fro čis kyng', čat is Crist, & also from any 375 čat bereth His leuery. For' as seith holi writ 3 Reg. timuerunt regem, videntes sapientiam Dei esse in illo, `čei dredde,' seith holi writ, čat is to seie če deuel & al his, `when čei se Crist, vr kyng e so ryal a powr';; & te wisdom oč če fader of heuene spryngyng' within Him.' Wher'-for čis condiciun & tis 380 properte, čat is wisdom;; may we wil se čat Crist is a glorius kyng', ¨e, passyng e wisdome al očer čat ben in erthe. ée secunde properte & condiciun čat a kyng' haue is as seith Aris. in secretis secretorum, čat a be clenliche cločed & paliche arayd, čat a may e če sith of his peple aper če mor' amyable & 385 te mor' glorius. I rede e če stories o Rome, čat sum-tyme, ¨if a kyng or a knyth or any očer man had don a gret victorie or ell any očer gret bonchef to če cite;; whan a com hom;; a schuld ha be set in a schynyng' char', & cločed in a riche robe, prented ful o perles, with safires & deamaundes deyntliche i-browden, & al če 390 peple schuld meryliche mete him;; & do him al če wurschepe čat his worčynesse askede; ¨e, & tis was tat tyme če grettesste wursc[h]epe čat any man e čis world myth haue. For, as seith Esider in his ethim. libro 18, capitulo 2, čis garnement čat a schal haue on was o purpur;; & it was doun to če vot, in tokene 395 čat whos-euere had it on, wer a powr, wer a riche, a schuld be hyliche wurschepd & gretliche dred a-mong' če comen peple & also a keper & a ruler o če pees;; čat no disese wil with-inne e če cite. Her may we wel se, čat clene cločyng' & honest doth a man miche wurschepe as to če world-ward. For we may se now 400 alday, čat, be it neuer so pouer a man, & a haue on a gay gowne of selk or ell a pair' o curel bedes hongyng abowte his nekk, euery man is fain to make him cher & also for to be mek & lowliche to him;; & ter-for', seith petidoctrinal, men of-tymes be mor' wurschepd for hir' gay cločes čat tey haue on;; čan be for hem_silf. 405 éer-for, syn če sest wel čat worldliche cločyng' maad of |p63 her' or o wlle of vnresonable bestes doč a man so miche worschepe e čis world: trest wel čerto, če gostliche cločyng' čat a man schuld haue be vertuus leuyng' of him-silf;; schal do him a čowsynfold mor wurschipe in an očer world. Wher' it a wil do;; 410 -- a schal come vorth e če presence o his God & al če holi aungeles čat ben in heuene; but how schal we cloč vs with good leuyng' ? Truliche we schal vp-on vs če garnement & te mantel of mekenes & paciens, for čis disposez a man mest to al očer vertuus & to če wisdom o knowlachyng' of his God. For we 415 rede in holi writ, sapien. 7=mo=, čat Salamon, whan a told how a man schuld tak wit & wisdom to knowlachyng' of his God;; a toke considerasiun of sorwe & wretchednes o mankynde;; & mekeliche seide -- sum quidem & ego mortalis homo etc: 'ich am a dedliche man,' seith Salamon, 'lich al očer o če kynde of him 420 čat first was formed o če erthe; & e my modres wombe was a wowl lu [m]pe of fles, nyne mončes congeled togeder' e my modres blod. & be če norschyng of slep ate last was browth forth into če wretchid vorld & sorliche wepte, as al očer don. & tus with miche kar' & miche sorwe lyue vorth a-mong očer men.' éis 425 considoraciun & tis mekenes schuld euery cristenman haue. First čenke how wretchidliche a was browth in-to čis world, how a schal be her' but awhile, & whan a goith hennys a not whider a schal go, & hardeliche čis, a way oč comyng to hy wit o perfit leuyng & despysyng o čis world. Seint Ierom seič in 430 a pistel čat a makis ad Paulinum, čat hy lythliche dispisez al worldliche čynge;; čat čenkis euermor čat a schal dye, but ¨it, a seič čis doctur, čer be vewe čat wil čenk čer vp-on. We se wel, čat če pekok whan a lokeč abowte on his fair vetherus;; his vndirliche prowd & miche ioie makis of hem, but whan a lokez 435 doun & seith če vowlne[s] of feet;; čan a take gret sorw to him & wext hegeliche a-schamed of him-silf. Truliche rič tus schuld eche man e čis world do, whan a hath be-hold če gaie večerus o myrthe & prosperite o čis world;; čan let him take hede of his feet, čat is to seie his endyngday;; če whiche is nat onliche |p64 440 wretchid;; but also perlus, ¨e, so perlus, čat but a ber him če beter, a schal be dampned to euerlastyng' peyne. éer-for, ¨if a čus do ' hardeliche a schal put awey al maner occasiun o pride, nor a schal neuer synne, no do no gret trespas a-¨ens his God; for holi writ seič Ecc=ci= 7=mo=, in omnibus operibus tuis memorare nouissima 445 tua, & in eternum non peccabis: `in al či wurkes,' seith holi writ, `ha mynd o či last ende;; & hardeliche če schal neuer do synne no trespas gretliche e čis world.' Loke čer-for, whan če schalt make če offryng', čat is to sei, whan če schalt do any dede o charite, as visite folk čat byn syk & sory, help če pouere with 450 any almesdede, haue on čis garnement, čis mantel o mekenes, ¨e, & tuk it ner' to če, & hardeliche če good dedes čat te payest for raunsum o či synnes schule be miche če mor acceptable to či God. For as tellis Lucanus, libro primo de bello ciuili, čer was a certeyn peple čat wer' clepid Gabini & tis peple, whan čei 455 schuld offr', wer' euer mor' tukked vp;; &, as seith če comentur o če same texst;; če cause was tis. Ones tei mad her offryng, & her enmyes fil vpon hem & took a-wai al hir offryng fro hem; čis peple, Gabini, wer wrot čer-with & tei tukked vp her' clothes & fawth with am longe & ate last gat a-¨ens al hir' offryng ' 460 & be-cause hir'-of, euermor after, whan čei schuld offr', čei vsede for to tukk vp her' cločes. Rith tus schuld we do whan we make vr offryng' to če fader of heuene; as whan we praye, whan we vaste or whan we do any očer good dede, let vs tukk vp vr cločes ner' vs, čat vr enmyes cum nat vp-on vs & take vr' 465 offryng' from vs. What is tis to seie ? Let vs nat sprede vr' good dedes to wyde; whan we vaste, tel it nat to al če world, when we do almesdede, ¨yue it [nat] in open place for če nones to be praysyd of očer men, as do čis lollardes & tis fals ypocrites čat be now-aday, but let vs gyrt hem ner' vs, kepe hem preue 470 |r[f.50r] be-twyx God & vs, as byde Crist Him-silf e če gospel Mathei. VI=o=, tu autem cum oraueris, intra in cubiculum tuum, & clauso hostio, ora patrem tuum: `whan če prayest', abit Crist, 'or dost any očer good dede;; go in-to či chaumber;; '¨e, wheičer |p65 it be e cherche or i towne or in any očer place;; go in-to či 475 chaumber' oč čin herte, bee wil e čin owne herte čat no man wyt čroff but God & ti-silf, & tan abyt či vadir of heuene;; & harde_liche a wil graunte te či bone čat tow askest. & hardeliche, ¨if we čus do;; vr enmy, če deuel, schal ner take a-way vr offryng' from vs. But & we lat če cločes of vr good dedes sprede to 480 wyde, hold te fowlest with-in vs & schewe če vairest owtwarde as many volk do;; trest wel vr' offryng' nor vr raunsom schal nat ben acceptable to God, for če deuel hath be-nomt vs with če swerd o vayn glorie & te dart of ypocrisie. I rede e če storie o Irusalim, & Egesippus rehercez če same in his Cronycle, libro 3=o=, 485 čat when Titus & Vespasianus had so longe be-seged o če cite o Irusalim, čat te peple with-in-forč had al-mest no mor likur to staunche with hir' čyrst;; Iosephus, čat was če grettest clerk a-mongs tem, let honge owt o če wall cločes, as schetes, blanketes & swich očer, for to ha maad hem čat be-seged te cite suppose 490 čat tey had had water inow with-in hem & so be čis cawtel to ha maad hem turn hem a-¨en ! & lett fulliche hir' sege oč če cite. Lord, for any men hong owt tes wete cločes now-aday ! ¨e, vor'-soče God Amythty a-mend it, i trowe neuer so miche. For we se now so miche folk & specialiche čes lollardes, čay go 495 barfot, čei gon openhed, ¨e, čei wassche sočylike hir' cločes with-owten with teres of hir' e¨en ! čat miche oč če peple is fowle blynded & deseyuyd bi hem. For čei wene čat tei haue plente inow with-in hem oč če water of holi leuyng';; & truliche it is nočyng' so. For čer was a lollard at Oxanfort but awhile agon;; 500 čat for,-suk al his errours & al his misleuyng';; & turnyd a¨en to če leuyng' of očer good cristenmen, & tan a told certeyn rytes & doyng' of hem, ¨e, so cursed & so oreble to her';; čat, e good feyth, ich am greuyse for to telle hem, & ich am sikir' & ¨e wste tey wer';; ¨e wuld hold če erče veriliche a-cursed ter čei wente ! & 505 ha merueyle e ¨our herte čat God Amythty takis nat open veniaunce vp-on hem;; & kast hem doun in-to helle al quik. čer-for, ¨if any swich come to ¨ow to preche or to teche ¨e;; for' |p66 Cristis sake, her' him nawth, but put him away fro ¨e, as biddeč Crist e če gospel Math. 7=o=, attendite a falsis prophetis, qui 510 veniunt ad vos in uestimentis ouium, intrinsicus autem sunt lupi rapaces. `Take non hede,' abyt Crist, `of false profites, ¨e, valse lollardes, čat cum to ¨ow e cločyng' o mekenes & holi leuyng' for to teche or to preche ¨ow;; for hardeliche,' a seith Crist, 'čei be with-in-forth mor cruwel čan any wlues, ¨e, & mor cursedde čan 515 any hondes.' But doč forth as ¨e ha doun ¨it heder-to-for; i blesse God, it is seide in očer cuntreys čat ¨it ¨e ha wel holde swich maner oč men owt o čis toun. & ter-for, i dowt nat troffe, ¨e spede če beter in al ¨our doyng';; że, & ha miche če mor' worschipe e čis world, & also gret čonk o God Almithte. 520 Her' čerefor we may wel se, čat tis maner o peple hath nat on če cločyng' of veri mekenes & good leuyng', for hardeliche čei če go to-ragged & to-rent & schewe owt-ward;; it is nočyng' in her herte; for' mor' prowder' men, nor enuyvs men čan čei be with-inne;; be čer none in čis world. ées do nočyng' after če 525 doctrine & te lore o Crist. For whan Crist, Godessone of heuene, com in-to čis world & cločid Him e če cločyng of man_kynde;; rith as His cločyng was lowliche & symple, so was He če most mekeste man čat euere was browth forth e čis world; e so miche, čat wha [n] a was led to His passiun-ward.' He neuer 530 gretched, no neuer spak word a-¨en, as wytnessis Seint Poul ad philipenses 2=o=, wher a seith factus est obediens vsque ad mortem, '¨e, a was euermor meke,' seith Seint Poul, '& obedient til a cum to če deth,' til a com euen to passiun čat a suffred for vs. ées was a cločyng' o gret mekenes, ¨e, & also o gret clennes, for it 535 was maad of a clene maydenes fless & of hir' blod. żit Crist had ouer čis a-nočer cločyng' o rithwesnes, čat is His godhede, če whiche is mor' brith & mor schynyng' čan euer was any sunne bem or any očer lyth maad e čis world;; ¨e, it is so brith, as doctours seie ! čat ter may no erliche man loke čron with his 540 bodiliche e¨en: it is also amiable e če syth oč če blessid cumpany |p67 čat is in heuene. For as seith Dauid e če sawter-boke, psalmo 106=o=, videbunt recti, & letabuntur: `rithwus men,' a seith če profit, `schul se čis blessid sauyur, čis blessid kyng ' e če garne_ment of His godhede;; `& tan čei schul make miche ioie & miche 545 blis, `¨e, mor čan any may telle e čis world. Syn čan it is so, čat Crist cločyng' is so rial & so amiable e če sith of His peple;; semis wel be čis properte & tis condiciun, čat Crist is a kyng' passyng' al očer. če črid condiciun, i sei, čat a kyng' schuld ha, is, as seith 550 Dio[ni]sius super valerium maximum libro primo, capitulo 3=o=, čat a schuld račer suffr če deth of him-silf;; čan se his rem or his peple destryed with enmyes. A gret clerk & est Ioh. Sales_buriensis in suo policraticon, libro 4=o= capitulo 3=o=--čis clerk tellis čat on a tyme it happed čat a certeyn peple, če whiche wer 555 cleped Dorenses, schuld hold a day o batayle a¨ens te volk of Athene & tei wente & asked hir' mawmetes & hir' goddes how čei spede e če bataile, & tei answard hem & seide čat tei schuld ha če betere, but ¨it it wer so čat tei kilde če kyng' of Athene, če whiche was a¨ens |r[f.50v] hem. And as sone as te kyng' of 560 Athene, čat cleped Codrus, herd o čis maner o doyng', what trowst a dide ? Whan če day of bataile com, a put a-way al his riche aray & cločed him in a gromes garnement & e če same aray, for a wold be det, wente into če tentes of his enmyes, & ter a-non_rith was al to-hakked & to-hewen amongste hem. But a-non 565 as te Dorenses perseyued čat it was če kyng' of Athene;; čei made miche sorwe & wente a-way fro če bataile. & o čis wise wer' če volk of Atene deliuerid of hir enmyes, be če deth of hir kyng', čat wilfulliche offrd him-silf to deye for če saluaciun of his peple. Be čis peple o Dorens i vndirstonde nočyng' ell at tis 570 tyme but te deuel & his ostes, čat werred strongliche a¨ens te peple of Atene, čat is to seie, al mankynde. For hardeliche če deuel was so prowd & so sikir', as him semede to haue had te victori of mankynde;; čat he neuer was aferd to vith with man, |p68 soposyng' čat a schuld takyn him prisoun & kast him into če 575 pit of euerlastyng' dampnaciun. But te gode kyng' Codrus, čat is vr blessid sauiur, Crist Iesu, seyng če pride & te power oč če deuel, consideryng' also če lownes & te lethines o mankynde;; what dide a ? A cast of his riche aray;; ¨e, & com doun fro če precius paleis of His hie heuene & cločed Him e če symple wede o 580 mankynde & so wente forth in-to če tentes of His enmyes, in-to če temples oč če Iwes, čat wer' če most enmyes čat euer a hadde; & ter wilfulliche offred Him-silf to hem, to suffr' če deth for če saluaciun of His peple, as witnessis wel če apostel Poul, 2=o=. ad cor. 5, wher' a seith, Christus pro omnibus mortuus est: ` Crist, ' 585 seith Seint Poul, `deide nat onliche for o man;; but for al men,' for al His peple;; & hardeliche če most orrible deth čat euer če Iuwes kowd cast or be-čenke for' Him. For čei bownde His hondes be-hynde Him, as te passiun makez mynde & led Him to Pilat, & tere buffat Him & scorged Hym;; čat it was rewe for any 590 man e čis world to a be-holdenyt. Afterward, čei set on His heued a fel garlond o prykkyng' čornes & črist it so vast on His heued, čat te blod boče stert owt at His eren & at His e¨en. čis was a cruel dede & an vnkynde, čis for to var' wyth Him čat neuer had trespassed a-¨ens hem. żit hem semede čis was nat 595 inow;; but tei wente & leit te cros on His bak, čat a schulde be henged on, & e čis maner wise;; let Him čorw če cite o Irusalim, toward te Mount of Caluery, wher čei cast for to do Him to če deth. & as seith a deuowt clerk & est Willi[l]m[u]s Haugustaldensis in suis meditacionibus, whan Crist was čorw če cite o Irusalim to 600 His deth-ward;; če children & te me[n] čat wer e če cite cast podayle & dryt oč če stret at His heued;; & dede Him al če schame & te vilny čat tei cowd čenke e če world for to Him. Hir we mai wel se čat tis was a gret vnstabelnesse oč če Iuwes čus vilensliche to var' with Him;; čat tei had o če next Sunday 605 befor' resyued so rialiche & do so miche wurschipe, in so miche;; |p69 čat tey had strawed flowres & as te gospel seith, Math. XXI=mo=, leyd doun her' cločes e če way čer a schuld ride. But a-non as tat blessid lady, Cristes owne moder, seith her' derworth sone, čat sche loued passyngliche of any-čyng' e čis world, so felliche 610 i-bownde, so crueliche i-despised & so schamfulliche e-defowled with felče o če strete;; sche wente to Him, seith čis clerk, & with her'-zelu sche wyped a-way če felče fro His face. & Crist loked a¨en vp-on hir' čat same tyme so myldeliche & so vair';; čat ter was neuer čyng' e čis world čat wente so ner & so 615 greuuslich to hir' herte as tat dide, in so miche čat sche vil a-doun a-swoun a-mong' al če peple čat wer čer present. Alas, blessid lady, a seith čis clerk čanne, what herte or what mynde haddestow, whan če se či derworthe child čus fowl e-var' with, čus kursidliche e-scorned & tus enuivsliche e-dampned to če 620 deth;; Truliche čer was neuer no womman čat be a čowsynd part had so miche sorwe fo[r] hir' child as tow haddeste for' čyn. & for-soče, me semeč, it was litel wundir', for a seith Arestotel, euery wumman hath it o kynde to loue mor' specialiche če child čan doth če vadir', & ¨if sche se it in any disese;; to mak mor' 625 sorwe vor it čan any očer bodi. But tis blessid ladi had boče sorwe kyndeliche as očer wummen haue;; & also sorwe aboue kynde čat passed očer wummens sorwe, in as miche as hir' child, čat sche was tus disesed for';; was lord & kyng' aboue al kynd_liche čyngis čat ben e čis world: čis was a gret disese & a gret 630 sorwe, boče to Crist & to His modir'. But ¨it te Iuwes wer nat conteyned hir'-with, but tei dede mor'; for čei mad Him to go [to] če hie hil o Caluerye;; & ter offr' vp Him-silf to če vader of heuene, in raunsom & sacrifise for mannes redemptiun. & hardeliche čer lakked nočyng' e čis sacrifise čat longed to be čer; for' čer was 635 boče harpyng' & syngyng', as te maner is for to be at offryng', mor delicius čan sun was any herd be-for', ¨e, hardeliche Orpheus nor' Amphion, čat wer' če best harpurs čat euer wer';; mad neuer so delicius a melody as ter was herd. But who |p70 harpid čer ? Truliche Crist Him-silf and non očer; what was 640 harpe ? Nočyng' ell but His owne precius bodi. éis harpe was wrafte so hie whan it was nailed o če rode tre;; čat al če strengis o če harpe, ¨e, al če synwes & al če veynes e Cristes bodi;; al to-rayssched & to-brak at tones. Let tis sink in-to čyn herte whan če art tempted to any synne, & harpe o čis 645 harpe;; & hardeliche če deuel wil leue of his temptaciun, for a wil nat abide čere, čat te swetnes & te melodi is mad o čis harpe. Nicomake seith, as rehercez bois libro primo sue musice, capitulo XXI=mo=, čat whan musyk was firste vownde;; čere wer but fowr' strengis e če harpe; če [virst] was clepid Ypate, če 650 secunde Parypate, če črid was cleped Lychanos & te vowrče Mese. Had Crist čes fowr' strengis in His harpe ? że, vor_sotha a had -- če virst streng' in His rith arm, če secunde in His left arm, |r[f.51r] če črid streng' in His rith leg', & te vowrče in His left leg. Wyth čis strengis Crist, for a wulde be vyr herd, 655 wente vp on to an hy hil, on to če hil o Caluerye, & ter tempred His harpe & song' so hie čerto;; čat a was herd boče to heuene & to helle & te al če world ouer; e so miche čat ate laste ende of His song', rith whan a schuld die, whan a seith consummatum est, ¨e, when a seith, čat al če trauaile & te disese čat a had 660 suffred e čis world for mankynde wer browth to an ende;; če erthe quaked, če stones ran togeder' & brak echon očer, & te men čat wer dede be-for', as witnessis wel če gospel Math. XXVII, a-ros vp of hir broxels, & after Cristes arysyng' comen in-to če cite o Irusalim, & ter wer' sen to a gret hepe o peple. 665 éus ter-for we mai wil se čat tis was a kyng' of hi mercy & goodness, čat o čis wise wold suffr' če deth for če saluaciun of His peple. Wher-for y mai couenabliche conclude of Him bi čis condiciun, čat is to deie for His peple, čat He is a noble |p71 kyng' & a merciable, ¨e, & also truliche verefie onym če wordes 670 tat i took to my virst principal, čat Crist kyng' etc. And of al čese čre condiciuns spekis Seint Poul primo ad Corynth, primo, wher' a seyth o čis wise. Christus factus est pro nobis sapientia, & sanctificatio, & redemptio -- 'Crist,' seith Seint Poul, 'was mad for vs wisdom,' & tat is for če virste properte, wher' i prouede 675 čat bi wisdom Crist was a kyng' passyng' al očer; a was also maad for' vs `holinesse', as for če secunde properte, wher' i prouede čat Crist was a glorius kyng' be če cločyng' o clennes & holi leuyng'; mor'-ouer, a was maad for' vs 'raunsom & redemptiun ' as for če last condiciun, wher i proued čat Crist, as 680 a merciable kyng', offred vp Him-silf to če deth for redemptiun of His peple. Wher-for i may truliche reherce of Him če word tat i took to mi prechyng';; čat for če saluaciun o mankynde Crist hath offred etc.;; as i seide ate be-gynnyng'. I seid če secunde tyme & a gredel schorter, čat Crist, prest 685 etc'. As witnessis wel Seint Poul ad hebr. 5=o=, euery prest & prelat čat is chosyn be če peple;; is ordeyned for to ben a media_tur be-twyxst te peple & God & to offr sacrifise for' hir' synnes;; ¨e, & also mekeliche to haue ruthe vp-on hem čat err' & do amys;; for He is, as seyth Seint Poul, ' dedliche & synful as tei 690 ben;; červor euery prest & euery man o religiun, čat is as it wer' a prest o perfectiun & holinesse, čat schuld make or reseyue čis sacrifise, čat is to sei če holi sacrament o Cristes owne bodi, hath gret nede to be clene in his sow[l]e & haue his herte fulliche to God-ward, for it is maad o če preciust čyng' čat may be e čis 695 world; it is noyčer i-maad o kow nor of oxe, o schep nor, o swyn, as it [was] maad in olde tyme;; but it is maad o Cristes owne fless & His blood, čat a took o če mekenes o mayde Marie for purgaciun o mannes synnes. éerfor ču čat schalt make čis sacrifise, loke če ha čyn herte holliche to God, put it nat away in očer ocu_paciuns, 700 drench it nat e če dich o dedlich synne, as glotenie & lechery & swiche očer. For truliche & te do;; čyn offryng', či |p72 sacrifise, schal nat be acceptable to God;; but it schal račer be cause o či dampnaciun čan anyčyng' ell. As seith Seint Poul primo ad cor., XI=o=, Quicumque manducaverit panem, & biberit 705 calicem Domini indigne, reus erit corporis & sanguinis Domini, `whos-euere,' seith Seint Poul, `et tis bred or drynkis čis drynk, ¨e, reseyuyč čis sacrament owt o clenleuyng', nač his herte to Godward as him owte for to haue, a schal be gilte o Cristes fless & His blod,' & torw čis gilt, but a mend him če sunner;; a schal deie 710 gostliche & be cast doun to če prisun of euerlastyng peyne. Wher'-vor' i red če, what-euer če be čat schalt offr' čis sacra_ment or ell reseyue it;; & specialiche ču čat art a prest;; loke čyn herte be fulliche set for to loue God & to dred Him, & put it nat a-way abowte očer worldlich čynges, for' sikir'-liche & te do it 715 is an euel synne. For', as seith Valerius Maximus, libro primo capitulo 4, whan če emperur o Rome, Iulius Cesar, whan a had ouercome če gret Pompeye čat was on če gretteste man oč če cite, a com hom to Rome & offred to his goddes;; to his mawmetes an oxe, & whan če oxe was opened;; čer was non herte vownd 720 in him, and čat was a syne, as če glose seith e če same place, čat te emperour schuld nat longe lyue afterward. & nomor a dide, for a litel while after as to regard a was sclawyn a-mong' če senaturs e če capitolie o Rome. Rith o čis same wise harde_liche schal he be seruid, what man euer it be, čat set nat his 725 herte e če loue of his God whan a makis his offryngis, & special_iche čis blessid sacrament;; vor a schal be slawn e če kursed capitolie of helle a-mong' če schrewid senaturs oč če deuels lordschipe. But ¨it, whos tat schuld make suffisaunt čis offryng';; him neded for to ha tweyn maner oč offryngis čat i 730 red of in holi writ. ée virst is an offryng' & a sacrifise o rithwus demyng', & tis perteinez specialiche to prelatis & to souereyns čat haue sogectis vndernečem for to rule & to kepe; wher,-of speked Dauid e če sawterbok, p=s= 4, wher' a seith sacrificate sacrificium iustitie, 'offr' vp,' abit tis profit Dauid, ¨e prelatis & 735 ¨e souereyns, ¨e, boče spiritual & temperal, for i speke o boče, |p73 `an offryng' to God o rithwusnes' or ell o rithwus demyng'. Lord God ! For souereynes make čis offryng' now-a-day;; truliche i dred me nat alle, vor ich am ferd a gret hepe of hem be croked, tat tey may nat stonde euen vp-ryth for to make čis 740 offryng'. What trowes te makis a souereyn or' a iugge croked ? Truliche gret ¨iftes o gold or o siluer or any očer riches, or ell tis glosers čat kum pik a straw from his berd, schake of če dust of his cločes oft-tyme čer non is; čis mak him čat a maynat stonde vprith for to ¨eue a rithwus dom, ¨e, čes make his sensualite, 745 čat is |r[f.51v] as it wer an handmayde, to ben aboue resoun čat schuld be chef lady. Vor of-ten tymes čei make him dime after sensualite & onliche after carnal affectiun;; & nočyng after resun. éus is a vowl abusiun & a vowl errour e kende, čat te handmayde schal čus ha lordschipe ouer hir owne lady. Pris_cian 750 techith in maiori libro primo capitulo de positione sill[ab]a_rum, čat ¨if a sillable end in `s' če next sillab čat cumth after e če same word schal nat begynne with `r.' & ter-for seith če olde autor' Florencius in suo libello lectione 5=ta=, čat tei err' vowle e gramer;; čat sei `Israel ' & nawt `Irael '; ¨if it be so, seith čis 755 autor', čat tei write it with `z', as tei do `Esrom ' & `Bosra ' & a gret hep of očer čat he rehercis čere. Be čis `s' y vnder_stonde nočyng' ell but sensualite, & be čis `r' mannes resun, če whiche schuld evin be preferrid be-for' sensualite & ner cum after. Vor ¨if a souereyne or a iugge put sensualite & carnel 760 affectiun befor r[e]sun;; trist wil čerto, a schal err' as fowl e kynde & e rithwus demyng';; as doth če točer e gramer'. But & a schal be a rithwus demer;; it be-houede virst, čat a wer a good leuer himsilf, vor ell a schal ben afered to corecte his soget whan a doth amys;; or ell for to ¨eue any rithwus dome in any cause 765 čat towcheč is sogectis, lest tat a wil reproue him of his owne mysdedes & of his owne mysleuyng'. For, as tellis Auenet e a |p74 fable oč če crabbe, čer wer' on a tyme, a seič, twey crabbes, an older' & a ¨unger, & as te crabbe went be-for' če olde a went al croked & al bakward as a crabbe doth & ta[n] če olde reproued 770 him & bad him go rith forth, & seit it was a fowl sichte to se him go so as a dide. & tanne če ¨unge preide him to go forth be-for' him & tel him how a schuld do;; & he wold go after him. & so če olde crabbe went forth be-for' him, & ¨if če ¨unge ded euel, če olde ded miche worse. éus often-tyme it fareč be prelates & be 775 souereynes čat ha sogectis for to rule. Vor a-non, ¨if [on] o čam do amys;; čei wil alto-bost him & al chide him & bid him a-mend his goyng' & go rithliche e če wey o godleuyng', but, and his soget wuld bid him go be-for' & teche him, ¨e, reherse his doyng' & his maner o leuyng';; a schuld se čat a went wurs čan he;; & be 780 an vndridpart mor' wurs were in his leuyng'. éervor', let euery prelat & euery souereyne virst loke čat a be e clen lyff to-ward him-silf, rule wil his sogectis čat a hath be-net him, & teche hem & dem hem as te lawe o God askeč;; and tan schal a stonde vp-rith & nočyng' crokyd;; ¨e, & offr' to God če sacrifise 785 of holi leuyng' & also of rithwus demyng'. če secunde offryng' is an offryng' o good workyng' & tis per_tenez to sogectis & to me[n] čat be o low statis. O čis [s]pekez če wisman Salamon, Ecc=ti= 14=o=, wher a seith benefac tecum, & dignas offeres oblationes, 'do wil,' a seith Salamon, 'with či-silf, 790 ¨e, wurk wel e vertuus leuyng', & tanne schal te offr' to God wurči offryng' & acceptable.' Seint Austen seith de ciuitate Dei, libro XIX, capitulo 4=o=, čat a mannes sowle e so miche is te lest soget & seruisable to his God;; čat he is ocupied e vayn čowttes & e swwch maner čyngis čat be nat plesyng' to God. 795 éervor ču čat art a soget & specialiche a man of holi chirche, ocupi če abowte swich čyngis čat mow be plesyng' to God; loke on holi writ, take če bible e čyn hond & get te čere a rule o rithwus leuyng'; lerne čer how če schal plese če God & be obedient to či prelat, & tan schalt te offr' vp a good sacrifise & a |p75 800 plesyng' to či God. But i dred me če tyme is cum čat Seint Poul spekis of ad Timoth. 4, erit enim tempus, cum a veritate auditum auertent, ad fabulas autem conuertentur: `čer schal be a tyme,' seiz Seint Poul, `whan men schul turne awei hir' eres fro če trewče & onliche conuert hem [to] folies & to fables,' & sočliche 805 it semeč wel čat tis tyme is com. Vor cum now to a man of holi chirche;; ¨e, a seculer or a regler, čat owth for to cunne his bible, & comen with him in holi writ, or ell in Austyn or Ierom or any očer, & truliche vor a gret hep če schalt wel perseyue čat a can rith nawt tron, & te cause is for a seit neuere; but aske him če 810 fables o Piramus & Tisbe or Iphis or Pante;; & hardeliche če schalt se it čat a can hem as wel as his pater noster. éis is a wowl doyng' in holi chirche, ¨e, čis makis holi chirche e so litel reputaciun as it is; vor čis peple offr' nat to God hir' virst frutes as biddis Crist Him-silf, Exodi XXXIII, primitias frugum 815 terre tue offeres in domo domini: 'če frutes o či corn,' abit Crist, `čat growyth o či ground;; offre it in-to Godes howes,' čat is for to seie, look first Crist lawes how če schalt rule či consience, how če schalt kepe če owt of dedli sinne & o čis maner o wise offr up če virst frutes o či wurkyng' to God. & whan če art tus 820 wel saddid in holi writ, čanne če maiste te beter loke posies & fables & swich maner čyngis; vor' i tel če wel it is ful perlus for a ¨ung man to loke oft-tyme swich maner čyngis but ¨if it so čat a be če beter groundied in holi scriptur. ée schalt also be obedient to či prelat & to či souereyne čat is aboue če, do as abit 825 te, deme nat his workes nor' his doyngis; for truliche & te do;; če trespasyd greuusliche a-¨ens God, as witnessez wel če lawe of holi chirche XXI distinctione capitulo submittitur. Crist also techeč če openliche e če gospel how če schalt |r[f.52r] do, Math. XXIII, wer' a seith o čis wise -- quecumque dixerint vobis, 830 facite;; secundum autem opera eorum nolite facere: " do as tei bidde če," abit Crist, "& ¨if čei be good men;; do as tei do;; ¨if čei be nawth, do nočyng after hir' workyng'." But many čer be, boče lered & lewed, čat nat onliche deme hir soueyne |p76 h[e]r' in erthe, but also oft-tyme čei deme & gruche a-¨ens hir 835 God; vor let God Amythte send hem a litel tribulaciun, a litel aduersite, as tak a-way hir' good from hem, send hem bodiliche siknes or ell any očer maner disese, ¨e, anon čei grucche a-¨ens God, a-non čei deme God & sey 'whi send God me al čis tribula_ciun, al čis sorwe ? truliche i trespased neuer so miche a-¨ens Him;; 840 čat ich was worči to ha so miche diseses & aduersite e čis world;; éis peple tris[t] wel čerto, but tei amend hir', čei wil be demed ate dredful dai o dome to če dep pit of helle. & truliche me merveilez sore čat men dred no mor helle now-a-daies tan čei do, vor i dowtnat, & tey west veriliche what peyne & what sorwe 845 wer' čer;; čei wold dred it mor', a čowsendpart mor' čanne čei do; vor hardeliche čer be gretter peynes ter čan any tunge may telle, ¨e, čer is non man now leuyng' čat mith writ or čenk če peynes čat be čere. Vor a seith Virgilie, 6 eneidos, čow it wer' so čat a had an hundred tunges & an hundred mowčes, ¨e, and vois wer' 850 as strong & as durable as any orn;; żit, a seith čis poet, a schuld nat be suffisaunt to telle al če peynes tat ben in helle. Syn čan a poet & a paynem vond be resun čat te peyne of helle be so gret & so greuus;; miche mor' ču, čat art a cristenman, schuld ben afered;; & dred če gret peynes tat ben čer, ¨e, & be če sacrifise o 855 good workyng' auoyden a-way fro če čat če cum nat a-mongst tem. éervor, for to deliuere če fro čis prisun & tese peynes;; Crist, as a good prest, offred vp Him-silf in sacrifise for pur_gaciun o či synne: wer y may truliche reherce of Him če wordes tat i toke to my secunde principal;; čat Crist, prest etc; & o 860 čese twey maner offryng' spekis holi writ Exodi XXII=o=, wher' a seith, decimas tuas & primitias tuas non tardabis offerr' Domino, 'če schalt nat tarie,' bit holi writ, 'to offr' to či Lord God;; če tičes of rithwus demyng' as for če virste, nor be nat slow to offr' to God če virste frutes o či good workyng' as for če secunde. 865 Vor boče čese, & te loke wel a-bowte;; če schalt fynde čat Crist |p77 fulfilde in His owne person; wher' waster a mor' rithwus iugge or a beter wurker' čan Crist was ? Truliche, as te gospel makis mynde e diuers place;; e čis world was neuer non swiche; but, for as miche as tis was nat inow for' mannes redempciun;; a offred 870 Him-silf wilfulliche to če vader of heuene vor purgaciun of vr synne. Wher i may rithwusliche reherce če word čat i toke to my time;; čat Crist etc;; as i seide be-for,. I seide also če črid tyme, & i pray ¨e čenk nat to longe, vor it is but a very schort word, čat Crist am[bas]siatur etc. We se wel 875 be comen experiens, čat ¨if any of vs ha to do with a gret lord;; hath ned to send hym a letter be swich a message čat a surposez be most likyng' to him, čat a mow sped če beter in his ned čat a hath for to do; rith o če same wyse, mankynde, whan a was dampned to euerlastyng prison, hath ned to send a messager to če 880 hie lord of heuene, čat a wold be goodliche & gracius to him. But who was best to be čis ambassiatur & tis messager ? Truliche če lordes owne sone, Crist Him-silf, vor He schulde [be] most acceptable to ym of any očer. éis messager neuer recused it nor deneyd it, but mekeliche & wilfulliche offred vp čis letter, čat 885 was His owne bodi, to če vader of heuene. że, čis letter & tis charter was gayliche writen with diuers letters, vor če vi vo¨els e čis letter wer' Cristes vi wondes čat a suffred o če cros, whan a was nailed terto, če consonauntes wer' očer wondes čat Cristes bodi was fulfild with, whan a was betyn & scorget abowte te 890 piler'. éis was a precius letter & comfortable to mankynd, ¨e, čis was noyčer writ ne capias as men mak now-a-dayes. Vor' we se now-alday, & truliche a gret sorwe it may be to vs, čat a vals tyraunt & a kursed iourour oč če cuntrey, ¨e, an oppressor oč če pouer peple, schal get him a writ or a capias to disese his 895 pouer ne¨ebours tat ben a-bowt him,& teyth čat ha non;; ¨it a wil cum o če kyng' behalue or sum očer grete lordes name, hardeliche |p78 whan čei wot rith nawth troff;; & or while a-bowt mydnyth with fors of armes, with bowes ybent & arwes true, with gisarmes in hir' hond & swordes edrawe, & blow owt ho[r]nes vpon him;; 900 čat al če world may vnder up-on his bodi, tak owt a pouer o man of his hows, make his wif & his children runne abowte e če cuntrey, barfot & barleggid abowt če dirk mydnyth, čat wo is hem čat er war' čei bare e čis world. éis is a kursed dede & an orrible, čus a kristenman to var with a-nočer. I may 905 rithfulliche like čis wikked men, čes deuels children, to če lion; vor as seith Marcial totus, li. primo epigramatum epigramate XXIII=o=, če lion, whan a is an-hungred, a wil nat gladliche tak a litel beste as an har' or a konyng' or a swich anočer;; but a wil take a grete beste & a vat, čat a may wel slake his hunger vp-on. 910 Ryth tus far' čes maner o men; & tey haue a pouere ne¨ebour be-side hem, čat hath nat scarseliche a peny or an halpeny in al čis world to [s]pende;; him čei lat pas ouer, him čei lat go vorč, vor čei wot wil inow |r[f.52v] čei schal but litel good wyn of him; but & ter be any bi hem čat is any čing črifti, or hath any good for 915 to lese, on him čei go with al če wiles oč če lawe to tull him & to disese him, & but ¨if čei may haue his good o čis maner o wyse;; če wil haue it be very tyrrauntri & be veri maistri. Her' ¨e wel se čat tis a kursed peple, vor' hardeliche al če disese čat cumis e čis lond, as resyng' oč če peple, pestilens, derče & erče-quakes;; 920 cum for' hir' cursidnes & hir' mysleuyng'. Had we any erče_quakes late e čis lond ? ¨e, for'-soče. In erče-quakes com[un]_liche hie čyngis, as steples & mownteyns, val virst adoun. Was ter any hi hil e čis lond ? ¨e, hi hil Olimpe, čat var če crowne vor če heyeste hil in al Ynglond;; with a litel erče-quake, with a litel 925 whap o če wynd was kast heuedlyng'. Očer hill, also Sichyn, čat wer' čan he as Pelion & Ossan, Otris & Pyndis, če topetes of hem wer' smyt doun & kast in-to če valeis. éer-vor', for |p79 Cristes sake, ¨e čat tus wikkydliche ha take pouer menns good fro hem & tus vnlawfulliche disesed hem;; kast to amend ¨ow, 930 lest' ter valle an erče-quake a-mong če valeis;; a-mong' če comen peple as hath doun a-mong če hill. Vor hardeliche, & tir do, but God help it;; al Ynglond wil be destreid;; & merueyle ¨e nawth, seres, čat i speke so miche to ¨ow as i do;; vor' truliche i se nat tis o myn owne heued, vor' ich was in a certeyn place 935 with-in čis six wokkis wher' čis mater was somynd boče e g[e]neral & e special a-mong grete men čat longid to če kyng' & rith preue of his consel, & ter ich was preid and e-charged boče čat y schuld preche to ¨e čis same mater whan i prechid next her'. Vor, as it was seid tere, čer is no maner doyng' in Engelond 940 čat greueč wors če kyng čan čat doč, as me sopose ¨e schal knowe with-in a schort while her'-after. éer-vor, vor če loue o God, ¨e čat be gilti o swich maner čingis amend ¨ow, čenk how miche sorwe & how miche grete peynes, as i told ¨ow, to swich mys-doers & mys-leuers is 945 ordeyned, čenke o če točer side, how miche murče & ioie is ordeyned to čem čat be god men, ¨e, mor' ioie & blis čan any tunge mai tell or any herte čenke. Vor', as seyth Alanus in suo anticlaudiano, čer is euermor' mirče with-owte sorwe, brithenes with-owte cloude, pes with-owte hadride & riste with_owte 950 trauaile. éervor', let euer-mor' ¨our wil & ¨our loue be hederward, turnit for' nočyng' bakward. Vor' a seith Statius, 7. thebaidos, men wer' wunt to ben armed al be-for' & nočyng' be-hynd; ryth so let vs euermor' set vr' herte vor-ward to čis ioie & tis blis & 955 nočyng' bakward to lustis o čis wurld. For' čat čer we wer be-for' bonde & exilde;; Crist hač reconciled vs & mad vs' fre. Wher'-vor i may resonabliche reherce of Him če word čat i toke to my črid principal;; čat Crist ambassiatur etc. For čes čr[e] principales it is writen in holi writ Ysaie XXXIII, |p80 960 Dominus rex noster, Dominus iudex noster, Dominus legifer noster, 'vr Lord,' seith čis profit Ysaie, čat is to sey Crist, 'is vr' kyng,' as to če virst principal, wher' i proued čat Crist was a kyng' boče be wysdome, be clene cločyng' & also be kendenes a¨ens His rem & His peple. 'Crist is also vr' iugge,' as to če 965 secunde principal, wher' i seide čat Crist was a iugge & a prest of perffectiun & holines, be če offryng' o rithwus demyng' & also o good workyng'. 'Crist is fer[č]ermor' vr man o lawe,' as to če črid principal, wher' i seide čat Crist, as a good man o lawe, as a good ambassiatur, offr' vp letters for to bryng' vs to čat ioie 970 & tat blis, čat quod oculus non vidit, auris non audiuit;; nec cor hominis ascendit,' ¨e, čat neuere bodiliche e¨e se, nor' mannes er' herde, nor' any herte myth čenke.' To čis ioie & tat blis He vs brynge;; čat for' če saluaciun of al mankynde offr' Him-silf to če vader' of heuene, Qui cum p. & s. s. v. & r. D. p. o. s. 975 seculorum. Amen. In nomine p. & f. & s. s. Amen.