|b{Speculum_Christiani |b_A_Middle_English_Religious_Treatise_of_the_14th_Century |b_ed._Gustav_Holmstedt |b_(Oxford:_Oxford_University_Press,_1930) |b_[Brit._Mus._MS._Harley_6580] |b_pp.2-240.} |p2 |r[f.2r] Ieronimus: In the begynnyng of euery werk deuoutly sey the praer of oure lord, the pater noster, and enprynte the sygne of the cros, seynge: In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Amen. |r5 |r A grete differens es be-twene prechynge and techynge. Prechynge es in a place where es clepynge to-gedyr or foluynge of pepyl in holy dayes in chyrches or othe[r] certeyn places and tymes ordeyned ther-to. And it longeth to hem that been ordeynede ther-to, the whych haue iurediccion and |r10 auctorite, and to noon othyr. Techynge es that eche body may enforme and teche hys brothyr in euery place and in conable tyme, os he seeth that it be spedful. For this es a gostly almes_dede, to whych euery man es bounde that hath cunnynge. As god seyth: He šeuyth frely gostly gudes, whych še haue take |r15 frely. Petrus Apostolus: As euery man takyth grace, soo he oweth to šeue grace. How may any man sey truly hym-self to loue god and to desyr hys loue, if he see the ymage of god be defoulede and ly in the dounge-hepe of synnes, and the moste precyus blode of Criste to be troden vndyr fote, the dwellynge |r20 place of the holy gooste to be defoulede, Cristes spouse to be a strompet, alle-holy feyth to be caste doun, our lordes commaund_ment and al hys blyssyd hede to be dyspysede or for-sake for vyle lustys and vices, and he rekkyth not ther-of, ne cryes ther-ašeyns, bot as a fenynge man sekyth only his owne quiete? Gregorius: |r25 |r[f.2v] God es not louyde wyth-outen / thyne neghtbor. And thy neghtbor es not loued wyth-outen god. Apostolus: Vndyrnyme, pray, rebuke the necligence and the vicyous lyvinge of thi neght_bor with al suffrance and techynge. Gregorius: He hath wyth_oute doute the blame of the doer of synne that reckyth not to |r30 correcte that the whych he myght amende. Euangelium: He that es of god hereth goddes wordes. Crisostimus: Goddys worde techeš vnconynge men, it maketh ferde debatful men, it strengtheš travelynge men, it conforteš men of sympul spiryt, it |p4 refresscheš grete men, and it helyth men wondede wyth synne. He that es made fer fro this feste, he es a-voidede of hys gud spirite, he es ouer-trauelede in hys wyttys, he fayleth of treuth, he droppeth fro feyth, and so he gos oute of al lustys of god and |r5 falleth at last in-to deth. Salomon: Hys praer es acursyde be-for god that turnes away hys ere that he may not here the lawe. Dominus per prophetam: They that wyl not knowe me schalle be vnknowen of me. Ambrosius: Thei schal be demede not for vnknoynge, bot as dyspisers that myght knowe if they |r10 wolde ševe her diligence ther-to. Gregorius: Not to kunne es ignorance, not wylle to kunne es pryde. Ambrosius: Thou that canste not or wilt not kunne, thou synneste most greuosly. Ysodorus: Vnkunynge es moder of erroures and noryscher of vices. Paulus: Beeš not še vnkunynge, bot vndyrstondynge, |r15 whyche es the wylle of god. Prouerbiorum IX=o=: A seruaunt |r[f.3r] vndyrstondynge es acceptable to the kynge. It es impossible that any man schulde plese god if he can not plese hym. Al men be holde to knowe comonly the thynges that been of the feyth and natural lawes. Al men be holden to cunne tho thynges |r20 that longen to her astate or office, wyth-oute whych cunnynge thei may not exercise her, et cetera. Thre maner of kyndes been of almes: On to šeue what thou may to the nedy and pore. The secunde to for-šeue hem of hert that other hauen trespassed or hurte the. The therde to amende and teche hym that errys and |r25 dos amys, and to lede hym ašen in-to the way of truthe. šif it be grete to feede bodys that schal dye, it es mych more to fede soulys that schal neuer dye. And if it be a grete thynge to delyuer the body of thyn euen-cristen fro temperal deth, it es mych more to delyuer hys soule from euer-lastyng deth. Truly, on of the |r30 gretest dede of mercy es to turne and conuerte synful soules to god. Gregorius: No sacrifyce plesyth so mych god as loue of soules. He es more in loue anenste god that draweth most soulis to loue of god. Propheta dicit: šif thou departe a precyus thyng from a foule thyng, that es to sey a cristen soule |r35 fro the deuyl or fro the world, thou schalt [be] as my sonne. Iacobus: He that maketh a synner to be conuertyde from errour of hys wey schal saue hys soule fro deth, and coueres or excuses |p6 the gretnes or the multitude of synnes. Augustinus: Hit es more to make |r[f.3v] rightful a wykyd, synful man than to mak heuen and erthe. In constitucione Lambeth dicitur: We bydde and commaunde that euery curat expowne and declare openly to the |r5 pepil by hym-selfe or be a-nothyr on a solempne day or mo eche quarter ones: The articles of the fayth The ten commaundmentes, The two preceptys of the gospel, The seuen werkys of pyte, The seuen dedly synnes wyth ther braunches, The seuen principal vertuse, and The seuen sacramentes of grace. Crisostomus: |r10 Many be prestes be name and fewe in dede or werke. Gregorius: Prestes been dampned for wykydnes of the pepil if thei teche not hem other the vncunnynge men or reproue not synners of her myslyuynge. Idem in Pastoralibus: Wyked prestes been cause of the myschefe of the pepul. Ysaias: Ther-for my pepil es |r15 led thralle or taken presoner, for thei had no cunnynge, et cetera. |p8 Here felouys VIII tables. |r The fyrste table treteš of al the feyth and the articles of the feyth, and seyth that no man owe to defoule the feyth of al-holy chyrche, ne consente to no-body in euyle. The secunde |r5 tabil treteš of the ten commandmentes and of two preceptes of the gospel, to whych eche man cristen es holden to obeye. The therde tabyl treteš of the werkys of mercy and of seuen principalle vertuse, and techeš how and what schal be do when a ryghtful man schal dye, and what es to be do when a wyked man schal |r10 dye, and of general dome. The fourte tabil treteš of the seuen dedly synnes |r[f.4r] and seyth: He that slepeš wyth oon dedly synne es more hardy than he that slepeš wyth seuen bolde enmys that haue sworne hys deth to-gedyr. Also he seyth that no man repentaunt oweth to dyspare. For to dyspayre es the werste |r15 synne of al. The fyfte table treteš that thre thynges been that clensyth a man fro al synne; and sex thynges been that kepen a man in god and preseruyn frome evyl; and thre thynges been that drawen a man fro synnes or vices to vertuys. Also he spekeš ašeynes presumpcyon and desperacion; and also he treteš |r20 of ioyes of heuen and of the paynes of helle and of conscience, et cetera. The sexte table treteš of a kynge hauynge fowre philiso_phyrs in hys reame, and of the holsome doctrine of theyme. The seuente table treteš of the boke of wysdom and of maners or vertuys. The eght table treteš of two deuoute orisones and of |r25 two ladders, that on redressynge to heuen and that othyr to helle. Also ther sues a gude exhortacion that spekeš of wyth-drawynge of the lyue-lode of the soule, and of merchandes, of curates, of prestes deseruynge auters, and of closterers that seruen only god. Also he speketh of spyces of ydolatry, of praer, of tribulacyon, of |r30 pacience, of temptacyon, and of gud meditacion, and that fyue thynges been nedful to men trauelynge in the laste ende. And thor es thre maner of apostasye. Also ther suen other many notable thynges. |p10 |r Hit es seyde in the Crede that Athanasie made: Qui_cumque vult. Who-so-euer wyl be saue, it es nedful be-forne al |r[f.4v] thynges that he holde the feyth of al-holy |r5 chyrche. Paulus: Hit es impossible any man to plese god wyth-outen feyth. Seneca: He holdes ryght noght that loses hys feyth. Iohannes tercio: He that es of vnbyleue to the sone schal not se euyr-lastynge lyf, bot the wreth of god a-bydes on hym. Feyth es foundment of the gostly temple, the whych es |r10 of thre thynges: Of the godhede, of the manhede of Criste, and of the sacramentes. And of these been twelfe articles, of whych the fyrste es that god es on in beynge and thre in persones, euerlastynge wyth-oute begynnynge and wyth-outen ende, makynge al thynge of noght. The secunde es that the sone hath taken |r15 flesch and manhede and [es] borne of the Virgyne Marie, veray god and verray man. The therde article es that Criste, the sone of god and of the mayden, was don on the cros and dede and beryde, not a-gayn hys wyl, bot wylfully for to raunson vs. The fowrte article es that Crist descended to helles in soule to |r20 dyspoyle helles, hys body restynge in the sepulcre, and that he ros vp truly fro ded thynges. The fyfte article es that the same Criste, god and man, ascended to heuenes, sitteš at the right hande of the fadyr god al-myghty, fro thens to come and deme lyuynge men and dede. The sexte article es that baptym clensyth |r25 frome origenal synne and šeueth grace heleful and sauynge. The seuente article es that confirmacion of the byschope confirmyth the holy gost in a cristen creature. The eght article of the feyth es that the sacramente of penaunce does |r[f.5r] a-way al synne, dedly and venial. The nente article es that the sacramente of the |r30 auter confirmeth the repentawnte that he turne not a-gayn to synne wylfully, and it reconsileš and susteyneš hym. The tende article es that ordyrs graunted šeuen power of dignites and of sacramentes of holy chyrche. The leuente article es that wed_locke made lawfully excludeš dedly synne in generacion be-twene |p12 man and woman. The twelfte article es that the laste anelynge allyghteš fro bodly peyne and gostly. |r The comyn crede of the feyth es that the apostil[es] maden. Petrus: Credo in deum. |r5 Dere frendys, considereš that oure lorde god come doun to vs that we schulde not be in errour. And he šaue truthe to vs in scriptures, to whych he wolde that we leuede, wher-in we fynde sufficiently and verrely al thynges that be nedful to vs to helth of saule, that we lowe oure wyttis mekly in the scriptures. It es |r10 wretyn: My son, seke no ferther in these thynges. the whych be šeuen of oure keper and fader god almyghty be counsayle of maysters and docturs of the feyth. Apostolus: Bees not to wyse in šoure conseytes in hy maters. Bot bees felynge verrely truth in louly and in sensible materis longyng to the feyth and true |r15 doctrine of holy-chirche. [Ecclesiastici]: It es not nedful to the to see wyth thyne eyn thynges that been hid fro the. Gregorius: That feyth hath no mede that mannys reson and witte preuyn by opyn knowlech. Salomon: He that goth symply forth schal |r[f.5v] be safe. Augustinus: Bees not to sekyr only of feyth, bot |r20 adde ther-to right lyfe. Iacobus: Feyth es dede wyth-outen werkys. Ysodorus: He es blessyde that lyues wele, belevyng ryghtly, and kepes ryght feyth, lyuynge wele, et cetera. |r Dere frendes, be še not wyllynge to defoule feyth of holy_chyrche, ne consente še not to any body in evyl althogh |r25 še were compellede be peyne. For suche peyne schal turne šou to ioye, so that, as it were, a thousent buschelles of ioye in heuen schul be for on drope of tribulacion paciently suffyrde in the worlde. Euangelium: še schal be blyssyd whan men hate šou and cast šoure name oute of company as for euyl for |p14 šoure lyuynge and for goddys cause. Be še iocunde and ioyful in that day. Be-holde še, šoure mede es grete in heuen. Petrus: šef še suffyr eny thynges for rightwysnes of god, še schul be blyssude. Iacobus: My chyldren, take še it as for a grete ioy |r5 when še falle in tribulaciouns and diuerse diseyse and tempta_cions. Actus Apostolorum: Apostles šede ioynge from the syght of counseyl of the Iues for thei [were considered] worth to suffyr diseyse for the name of Ihesus; for the entere loue of her hertys was soo myghtly fixed in oure lorde. Ieronimus: What |r10 seynte es crouned wyth-outyn trauelos victorye? As who seythe noon. Gregorius: He was no gud man that was not preued by schrewdnes of euyl men. Crisostomus super Matheum: He that coueteš glorie in heuen dredeš not aduersite in erthe. |p16 [Tabula secunda.] In heuen |r[f.6r] schal dwelle al cristen men, That knowen and kepe goddes byddynge[s] ten. Ecclesiastici VI=o=: Haue in mynde the byddynges of god, and |r5 be thou most besy in hys commaundmentes. Ambrosius: They that haue not goddys commaundmentis in her hertys, truly, thei schal suffyr harde tormentes and peynes. Idem: Thou synnest most greuosly for thou art vnconynge or thou wilt not cunne. Gregorius: He troweth euele hym-selfe to be rightful that can |r10 not the rule of hye ryghtwysnes. Ieronimus: Man wyth-outen knoulech of his maker es but a best. Ecclesiastis XII=o=: Drede god and kepe hys commandmentes; to that euery man es made, et cetera. |r Be holy wyrte ther be ten commaundmentes, of whych thre |r15 longen to god and seuen to oure euen-cristen. The fyrst es: Thou schalt haue no false goddes be-fore me. Thou schalt not preyse ne worschip hem, god seyth. In this commaundmente be for-boden al sorsryes, wychecraftes, al enchauntmentes and coniurementes wyth false inpressions of carectis and of al such |r20 falshede and vtturly dampned, et cetera. |r Alle maner thinges that be louyd aboue or more than god be seyd fals goddys. Bernardus: Eche man ordeyneš that thynge to be hys [god] that he worschepeš or loues byfore other thynges. Radulphus super Leuiticum: They that putten by-fore |r25 and fulfille here desyre of body, loue of mony, other ellys apetyte of worschipe more than charite of god, they worschipen |r[f.6v] invisibily |p18 Maumtrye, and that ordeyne thei for her god that thei desyre wyth hye entent. Euangelium: No man may seruen two lordes contrarie, for other he schal hate on and loue a-nother, or he schal draw to that on and despise that other. |r5 Thou schalte loue god wyth herte entiere, Wyth al thi saule and al thy myght; Other god in no manere Thou schalt not haue be day ne nyght. Gregorius: No man may be thangful to god and to hys |r10 enmys in on and that same thynge. Petrus: Of whome that any man es ouercome, in that he es made his seruant. Ieronimus: Euery man es callyde the sone of whos werke he doos, et cetera. |r The secunde commaundment: Thou schalt not take the name of thy lorde god in vayne. In this commaundment al |r15 heresyes, ydel othes, periuries, blasfemyes, vnreuerent namynge of god, symulacions, and ypocrisye be for-beden. Thyne goddes name in vayne not take, Nothyr for wele ne for woo; Dismembyr [hym] not that for thyne sake |r20 On rode tre was made blac and bloo. |p20 Iacobus: Dere frendes, be-forne alle thynge be not in wyl to swere, nothyr be heuen, ne be erthe, ne [be] any othyr thynge othe for noght or in vayn, that še falle not vndyr the dome of veniaunce here or in that othir worlde. Bernardus: It es not |r5 to swere, bot when grete nede constreyneš. Isidorus: It es not to swere |r[f.7r] a-šeyns the commaundmentes of god; bot if we do the vse of swerynge, we renne in-to the crime of periurie. Eccle_siastici [XXIII=0=]: A man mych swerynge schal be filled wyth wykydnes, and veniaunce schal not departe frome his hows, bot |r10 he schal be replenyschede on the werst manere or rewarde. Bernardus: De crucifigentibus Christum in celo deus dicit: Am I not wounded sore enoghe for the? Am I not turmented and pyned enogh for the? Leue hensforwarde to synne, so synfully swerynge. For the wounde of thi synne grevyth me more than |r15 the wounde of my syde. Augustinus: If god, for that he es merciful, hath spared such men in here lyue, wyth- oute doute he schal sende hem to euyr-lastynge fyre ther to be lost, bot thei repente, et cetera. |r The therde commaundmente: Haue mynde that thou halow |r20 the haly-day. In this commaundment es boden the worschip of god to [be] had religiosly, to whych as wele lewde men as clerkys be bonden indifferently. Thyne holy day kepe thou wele soo, Fro wordly werkys that thou take reste; |r25 Al thyne houshalde the same must doo, Both wyfe and chylde, seruaunt and beste. |p22 Ambrosius: Turne a-way alle thyn entente of thyn herte from wordly besynes and seculer lustys moste in holy-dayes, and take the way of commaundmentes that leden to heuen. In holy_dayes es gude to a-byde in praer, dyuine seruice, and spritual |r5 songes; and also to prechynge, to here goddys worde, and to gude discipline and doctrine. God commandeth |r[f.7v] to halow the holy-day, bot many defoules the holiday, and in on maner thei halow al the weke aftur. For thei take hede to her werkys al the weke-dayes. and in holy-dayes thei entende to glotony and |r10 druncschype and wordly lustes, to fayrse and to byenge and sellynge; thei flye fro goddes seruice and renne to the worlde and to her synne. Of which god plenyth by the prophete Ezechielem: še haue dispisude my sentuaries, myn holy places, defoulede myn haluede dayes. Ieremias: Many hauen al for-spornede and |r15 for-troden my perte, et cetera. |r The fourte commaundment: Worschip thou thi fader and thi moder. Here be we boden to wyrschip as wele bodili os gostly bothe fadyr and moder. Euery man es vndirstonde to be worschip[ed] inwardly and [secundly] of the same commaund_ment |r20 for meryte of hys degre, et cetera. Thyne fadyr and moder thou schalt honoure, Not alonly wyth dewe reuerence; Bot in ther nede thou hem socoure, And kepe ay gude obedience. |r25 Ecclesiastici III=0=: He that dredes god worschipes fadyr and |p24 moder and serues hem that be-gatte hym as lordes in werk and in word and in al pacience. Lincolniensis: A creature not hauynge in mynde fader and moder by dwe worschipe, he deserueth to be foršete of god, to be fonnyde, to suffyr vilany, to be turmented |r5 wyth werynes of lyfe, that he curse the day that he was borne in. Paulus: Sones, obeyš šour fadyrs and šour moders in god, that es to sey what-so-euer fadyr or modyr byddes, šou do oght it, if it be not ašeyne |r[f.8r] the wylle of god. Augustinus: The more obe[d]yant that we be to oure faders and to oure gouernours, so |r10 mych more god schal be enclinante to oure praers. Item idem: Wyl thou not despise the biddynges of thi soueraynes and maysters with any signe of pride, that thou be not put oute of the heritage of heuen. Bernardus: As longe as we be of the worlde, we muste be dettours to oure fadyrs and our moders; bot after that we |r15 haue for-sake oure-selfe, we be mych more fre fro besynes of hem. Psalmus de sponsa Christi: For-šete thyn peple and thyn fadyrs hous, and the kynge schal desyre thyn fayrnes, et cetera. |r The fyfte comaundment es: Thou schalt not sle. In this euery maner slaughtur es vnleful, es for-boden, which es |r20 som-tyme to consente, som-tyme of word, som-tyme of dede, and som-tyme of thoght. Of mankynde schal thou noon slee, Ne harme with worde ne wyl ner dede, Ne suffyr noon lorne ne lost to be; |r25 If thou wyl may, hym helpe at nede. |p26 A man-sleer is seide in many maners, bothe bodyly and gostly, as be ensaumple, be mynde, be tunge, be handes, and be wyth-drawynge of lyuelode. Curates and wycked maistres sle her subietes by euyl ensaumple. Gregorius: Prelatys be worthy |r5 as many dethes as thei šeue euyl ensaumple to her subietes. Radulphus in Leuitico: He that defoules or blemyscheš his neghbours conscience wyth euyl conseyl or ensaumple, he sleeš hym-selfe gostly and his neghboure. |r[f.8v] And he that hateš his brothir es a man-sleer. Iohannes III=0=: He that hateš his |r10 brothir, he sleeš hym gostly. Also a mansleer es [the] envious that es turmentede for a-nothir mannys welfare. Bernardus: Who art thou that haste envy to a-nothyr mannys welfare? Spare hym or elles spare thi-selfe, for truly thou mayste not haue envy to-gyder and lyue. Gregorius: Envyouse men moste thynke |r15 hou gude a thynge es charite, that makes other mennys labours to be oure werkys wyth-oute traueyle. Som men sle wyth tonge, as Iues slowen Cryste and Herode slewe Iohanne the Baptist; for [he] that byddeš doos in dede. Also fals flaterrers and wyked bacbiters be man-sleers. Augustinus: This es a grete |r20 wreth of god that correccyon may not be doo and flaterynge has his purpose. Prouerbiorum [XVII=0=]: He that iustifieš a wycked man and he that dampnes a rightful man, both be abominable anenste god. Som man sleeš wyth hande, as Kaym slew Abel. Also som men sleynge vnrightly, and thei that [s]leen any body |r25 wyth venyme or poyson. Euangelium: In what mesure še mete to a-nothir, be the same he schal mete to šou, not oonly of temperalle thynges, bot also of desyre. Man sleeš not mysdoers, bot the lawe sleeš. If the mynister of the lawe slee ony-body be the lawe, bot more for euyl wylle of veniaunce than for loue of |r30 rightwysnes, he synnes greuosly. A man that wyth-drauwyth wylfully bodyly lyuelode from any man in tyme of grete nede, to whom he myght šeue, he es |r[f.9r] clepid a man-sleer. As es seid in decret: Fede the hungre; if thou fede hym not, thou haste slayne hym. And ther-to es wyth-drauynge of foode of saule, |p28 levynge of prechynge of goddes word when man es bounde thar-to. Ther-for seys Criste to Petyr thrys: Fed my schepe. That es to sey with word, wyth ensaumple, and wyth bodyli helpe, if thei nede. Gregorius: Prestys be dampned for wyckednes of |r5 the peple if thei tech not hem vncunnynge, other ellys reprofe hem not of ther vicyus lyuynge and synnynge, et cetera. |r The sext commaundmente es: Thou schalt do no lechery. In this commaundmente be for-bode avoutries and euery fornicacyon and al maner of commounynge be-twen man and |r10 woman wyth-oute wedloke; and al maner of wylful pollucyon, of what maner that euer it be, arne for-boden, et cetera. Thy wyfe in tyme thou mayst wel take, Bot noon other woman lawfully; Lecherie and synful luste for-sake, |r15 And dred ay god where-so thou be. Petrus: I pray šou as straungers and pylgremes to absteyne šou fro fleschly desires that fyghten ašeynste a mannys soule. Paulus: If še lyue aftyr fleschly lustes, še schal dye a-mys. Idem: The werke of the flesch be knowen to openly; whych |r20 been these: Fornicacion, vnclennes, vnschamefulnes, lechery, and such other synnes fleschly. Thei that doon such synnes, thei |r[f.9v] felow not to haue the kyngdom of heuen. Gregorius: That mercy es ful of cruelte that so serueš the flesch that the soule be slayne and dede. Ieronimus: Thei that gothe aftyr |r25 the flesch, redy to the bely and lecherie, thei be a-counted as for vnresonable bestys. Also knowe wel that fleschly knowlech by-twen husbonde and wyffe es synful and dedly when it comes be fleschly luste of lechery, and than passeš it the boundeš of honeste and of reson. It es wretyn: Who-so haš a wyfe |p30 lauful, late hym vse hyr laufully at conable tymes, that thei may take the blyssynge of our lorde of bryngynge forth frute of chyldren. Gregorius: Eche man study so to plese hys wyfe that he dysplese not god, his maker, et cetera. |r5 |r The seuente comaundment: Thou schal do no thefte. Here in this commaundment es for-boden al fals wynnynge, be it sacrilege or symonye or thefte or raueyne, vsur or fals mesure, or be extorsyon, by violence or gyle or deceuynge, by periurie or fals iugement or any other dampnable fals-hede; al be for-boden |r10 a-nenste god and thyn euen-cristen, et cetera. Be thou no thefe, ne thefes fere, Ne nothynge wynne wyth trechery; Okyr ne symony come thou not nere, Bot conscience clere kepe ay truly. |r15 Augustinus: Wo be to hem that lyuen so that thei augmente thynges to perysch, whyl thei leue euyr-lastynge thynges thei myght haue if thei wolde! Lincolniensis: Wo be to them that seyn: Do we euyl thynges that gude thynges, rychesse, |r[f.10r] welfar, and prosperite here come to vs; whos dampnacion es rightful. Gre_gorius: |r20 Wyth how grete dampnacion schal thei be [punysched] that stellen a-way other mennes gudes, if thei schal haue a grete dampnacion that couetusly and streytly and vndiscretly heelde and kepten ther owne gudes? Origenes: Al men that for-saken rightwysnesse for temperal gudes and worldly thynges sellen god |r25 almyghty that es ryghtwysnesse. Augustinus: O dampnable |p32 wynnynge of the! Thou couetuse wreche! Thou getest mone and leseste rightwysnesse, the which man oghte not to lese for any price of gude vndur heuen. Euangelium: What profet man al-thoue he wynne al the worlde or al worldly gudes, if he be in |r5 perelle of dethe or suffyr grete hyndrance of his life other ellys of hys soule? Other ellys what chaunge schal man šeue for hys lyfe? Augustinus: If a[n]-other mannes thyng, that es syn_fully goten, may be šolden a-šeyn and es not, penaunce ther-for es not do, bot symulacion that semeš and es noght. Idem: Synne |r10 es neuer foršeuen, bot if thynges falsly taken a-way be restorede, if it may be restorede. It es writen truly: He that makeš offrynge of raueyn, of vsure, or of thefte and falsly goten gude es lyke hym that sleeš and offyrš as for sacrifice a childe be-for his awne fadyr, et cetera. |r15 |r The eght commaundment: Thou schalt not speke nor sey false wytnes ašeyns thi neghtbur. In this commandmente al kynde of lyenge and fals and dysseyuant spech be for-boden, et cetera. |r[f.10v] Thou schalt in worde be true al-so, |r20 And fals wytnes thou schalt not bere; Loke thou not lye for freende ne foo, Lest thou thy saule [ful] gretly dere. Augustinus: Thre kyndes ther be of lesynges: On noyande and a-nother crafty, the therde of myrth. Item super Iohannem: |r25 Euery lesynge semeš to be synne. Thei that maken lesynges amonge men, what do thei ellys bot putten a-wey truthe from hem and brynge in falsnes? Thei schettyn out Criste and leden in the deuyl. No cause es to lye, 22 questione 2: When thou lyest be-cause of meknes, if thou were not synner be-fore, thou |r30 schalt be made a synner be lyenge. It es not leful to lye for |p34 any mannes delyueraunce fro euyl perel. Bot that seynt Austyn seys [ašeyns lyinge]: It es leueful to hyde prudently treuth vndur sum maner of colour, as in perel, as Abraham dyde, and šitte lyede he not. They synnen ašeyns this commaundment that |r5 hyden the truthe ther it aghte to be seyde. For a man, acusyde in dome and requirede of the juge of verrey truthe, in forme of right, dynyinge vntruly be lesynge or sparynge the truthe, he synnes dedly. If the iuge aske of man acusede that thynge that he may not vpon ordyr of ryght, the acused es not holden to |r10 answer hym. Thomas secunda secunde questionis 68. |r The nente commaundmente vpon the mayster of sentence III=0=: Thou schalt not desyre thyne |r[f.11r] neghtburs wyfe, et cetera. Thy neghtburs wyfe thou schalt not desyre. Ne other women thorow synne coueyte. |r15 As holy chyrche dooš the leere, So thy purpose loke thou sette. Mathei Vo: Who-so sees a woman to desyre hyr, a-non he has synnede wyth hyr in hys herte. Ysodorus: We trespace not only in dede bot also in thoght, if we delyte vn-lefully in |r20 theym rennynge in oure myndes. Sapiencie I=0=: Euyl thoghtes deperten a man fro god. Euangelium: Euyl thoughtes, man_slaughters, a-voutres, fornicacions, theftes, false wytnes, blasfemyes, and such othyr vices gone oute of the herte; and these be synnes |p36 that defoules a man. Ysodorus: It es not to drede if gude thynges and euyl thynges bothe com to a mans thoght, if the mynde dyscerne wele the gud fro the badde by gud vndyrstandynge of reson, bot rather it es for to ioye. Bernardus: It es propurte |r5 of deuyls to caste euyl suggestiones in mannes mynde. It longeth to vs not to consente to theym. Ther-fore, when euyle thoughtes comen to thyn mynde, be as a daungerose eter that casteš a-noon the stynkynge metes or euyl [s]auered in-to the face of hym that serues hym; and al-wey wyth-stonde hem in the be-gynnynge. |r10 Ysidorus: He wyth-standeš wele a-noon the dede or werke that šeueš no consent to delectacion temptynge thy mynde, et cetera. |r[f.11v] |r The tente commaundmente es, vpon the maister of sentence a-forseyde: Thou schalte not couete thi neghtburs hous, ne seruaunte, man ne woman, ne ox, ne asse, ne any thynges of |r15 al his gudes. Hous, ne londe, ne other thynge Thou schalt not couete wrongfully, Bot kepe ay wele godes byddynge, And cristen feyth lufe stedfastly. |r20 Two thynges ben nedful to the hele of mannes soule: feyth of holy chyrche and kepynge of goddes commaundmentes; and nother suffiseš wyth-oute other. In euangelio god seys: He that hath the commaundmentes and kepeš hem, he it es that loues me. Gregorius: We loue god truly if we wythdrawe vs frome oure |r25 lustes to do the commaundmentes of god. Item: Al that dreden the byddynge ofgod ben made the tabernacle of god. Origenes: Ecche man that obeyeš to the worde of god. Crist resteš in hym. Augustinus: On prayer of a creature obedyente es herd rather than ten thousand prayers of a dispiser not obeynge. Idem: |r30 He that es turnede a-way fro goddys byddynge, he es not worthi |p38 to receyue that he askys in prayer. Gregorius: God al-myghty for-sakes ofte the prayer of hym that es in diseyse and tribulacion, that dispiseš the commaundmentes of god while he es in pees and prosperite. Idem: It es worthi euery man be straunge fro the |r5 benfetes of god, that wil not be sugete to his biddynge. Augustinus: Hou detestable es the vice contrary |r[f.12r] to obedience, be which aungel fel fro heuen, man fel fro paradys, Saule loste hys reeme, the chyldren of Israel loste bothe her peple and place. Bernardus: No commaundmentes ben vndo wyth-oute blame, |r10 other ellys dispisede wyth-outen synne. Thi lorde god seyth to the: šeue me thyne hert, and it suffiseš to me. [Bernardus]: No-thyng god askes of the bot thyne herte. What thynge that it be that thou woldeste do wyth al thyn herte and mayste not, it es rekenede for dede be-for god. Gregorius: The hande es neuer voyde wyth-oute šifte if the cheste of the herte be |r15 replenyschede wyth gude wylle. Idem: No-thynge rycher es offyrde to god than gude wylle. Who-so-euer has a redy wylle to obeye to god in al thynges, he plesiš god for thynges innumerable that neuer he schal do. These ten commaundmentes be contenede in the two preceptes |r20 of the gospel, that ben to loue god and oure euen-cristen. He loueš god of charite that kepes principally wel the for-sayde com_maundmentes of verre loue and not seruyle drede. Bernardus: Not to be led a-wey or ouercome wyth blaundyces or flaterynge, ne to be bygylede wyth dysseyuauntes, ne to be broke wyth harde |r25 and stronge temptacions, al thus es to loue god wyth al thi hert, wyth al the saule, and al the vertu of gude wyl, of myght and cunnynge. Also thou owest to loue thyne euen-crysten as thy_selfe to alle gude and neuer to euyl thynges. Crisostomus super Matheum: |r[f.12v] He that loueš his neghtbur, he not sleeš hym, ne |r30 lyeš to hym that he loueš, ner seys fals wytnes of hym that he loueš, ne couettys thynges of hym that he loueš, and he defouleš not hys wyfe. Ryght as hate bryngeš forth al wykydnes, so bringes holy loue alle gudnes. Gregorius: God es not louyde wyth-oute oure euen-cristen, and oure euen-cristen es not louyde |r35 truly wyth-oute god et cetera. |p40 Tercia tabula. De septem operibus misericordie. |r Seuen werkes of mercy ther been contenede in thys verse: Visito, poto, cibo, redimo, tego, colligo, condo. And |r5 thus menes it: 1. I visette the seke. 2. I šeue drynke the thursty. 3. I fede the hungry. 4. I bye the presoner oute of thraldom. 5. I couer the nakede. 6. I herbere the pore man housles. 7. I bery the ded body. Of these god seyš in the gospel: šeue thyn almes, and al thynges, as thoght and dede, |r10 may be clene to šou and be non. Item: šeue še, as he seyš, gladly [and] wyth gud wyl, and wyth gud wyl and gladly še schal be rewardede other of god or of man, and perauenture of bothe vpon gude gouernance, be it in bodyly gudes or gostly. Augustinus: Almes es an holy thynge. It multiplyeš gudes |r15 presente, it lesseš synnes, it aumentes šeres of lyuynge, it nobleš the mynde, it largeš the termes bothe of temperal gudys and of gostly, and clenseš and purifyeš al thynges of the doers; it delyuers fro dethe, it ioyneš to angeles, it deperteš fro deuelles, and it es a myghty |r[f.13r] walle, vnable to be wonne, al a-boute the |r20 soule. Iacobus: As water quencheš fyre, so almes quencheš synne. Ieronimus: Almes axes heuenes, it goth be-for the šeuer, it ryngeš the gate of the kyngdam of heuen, it arereš angeles to come ašeyns vs in helpe and welcomynge of vs, it clepeš god in-to oure helpe. And know it wele, that he of whom |r25 almes es axede moste consydere thre thynges: 1. who axes, 2. what thynges he axeš, 3. and wher-to he axeš. 1. Who axes? God axes. For god loueš so mych pore men that what-so-euer be do to theyme for hys loue, that rekeneš god don to hym-selfe. Euangelium: That še haue do to on my leeste chyldren, that |r30 haue še don to me. 2. What thynges axes god? He axes not oure thyng, bot hys. Dauid consyderde that Paralipomenon 29o: Lorde, al thynges be šeue, and tho haue we šeue the whych we haue take of thyne hande. 3. To what thynge axes god? He |p42 axes not [to] šeue, bot to leene; ne axes only to šelde ašeyn thre for on as of vsure, bot that še schal receyue ašeyn an honderth for on. For šoure temperalle gudes šeuen [os] almes to the pore and nedy, that schul perysch here, še schul receyue euer_lastynge |r5 ioye and blys in heuen, and this es a noble vsure. Augustinus: Wreched man, whi lendest thou to vsure to man? Lene to god, and thou schul take a hundreth-folde ther-for more, and thou schalt possesse lyf euer-endurynge. Prouerbiorum 19=o=: He lendeš to |r[f.13v] god that hath mercy of the pore. Glosa: Ther_fore |r10 to receyue a hundreth-folde. Gregorius: Pore men be not for to be despysude as nedy, bot thei be for to be prayede as patrones. Salomon: He that šeues to the pore schal not haue nede; as so sey, he schal neuer be the porer, bot rather the rycher. Idem: He that dispyseš the pore praynge of almes |r15 schal suffyr grete nede and lake of bodyly sustynaunce. Idem: He that stoppeš hys eere to the cry of the pore, he schal cry, and he schal not be harde as for helpe. It es wretyn: šeue to ecche body askynge the gud, if thou may, or gude wyl. šeue to hym that axes the vnryghtly. Glosa: šeue not the asker that |r20 he askes, bot that thynge that es for hys bettyr as to hys amendynge. Ieronimus: šeue to the pore, not to mych hauynge, not to proude. šeue so that necessite may be sustende, not multiply ryches. Luce 14: When thou makest fest, calle pore men, feble, haltynge and blynde men, and thou schalt be blessyde, |r25 for thei haue not wher-of to šelde ašeyne. Ecclesiastici 35o: šeue to hyeste god hys holy šefte. Thobie 4: Be as mercyful as thou may; if thou haue muche, šeue plentyfully; if thou haue lytel, study to perte that gladly. No man may excuse hym-selfe fro šeuynge al-thofe he be pore, when that it pleseš some-tyme god |r30 so muche when a pore man šeues an halpeny for goddys loue, as it schuld plese god if a riche man schulde šeue [an] hundreth schyllynges. Euangelium: It es |r[f.14r] seyde of the pore wedowe that keste in-to the tresory of the temple two mytes that scho šaue more than al that kesten in-to the tresory- It es no doute that |r35 the pore man wolde gladly bye flesch at the schamels, if he |p44 trowed to haue more for an halpeny or so myche [as] a ryche man schulde haue for an hundreth schyllynge. And šeue the pore may not šeue an halpeny, lete hym šeue a cuppe of colde water, and he schal not lese hys mede. Mathei X=o=: If he may not |r5 šeue that, lete hym šeue a worde of comfort or of gud reson. Ecclesiastici [15]: Make mery chere in al šeuynge. Paulus: God loueš a glad šeuer. Prouerbiorum 32: He that es redy to mercy schal be blyssede. Ieronimus: Tho thynges that been offyrde be not a-countede by her weyghte, bot be gud wyl of the offerer. |r10 [Gregorius]: God wyeth the herte and not the substaunce. Ecclesiastici 35o: Wyl thou not offyr euyle or badde šiftes, god takes hem not. It es wretyn: He that offyrš of rauayne or of vsure or of thefte es lyke hym that sleeš the chylde be-for hys fader to sacrifice. Ysidorus: He šeues neuer ryghtfully that |r15 takes a-way vnrightfully. Salomon: šeue to the pore of thyn ryghtful traueylle. Septem opera misericordie spiritualia. |r Seuen ben spiritualle werkys of mercy, contenede in thys verse: Consule, castiga, solare, remitte, fer, ora. Two gostly |r20 thynges ben in this worde consule. On es to teche the vncunynge that he may be wyse to knowe |r[f.14v] ryghtly. The secunde es: šeue gude counseyl to hym that axes or nedeš ther-to. The therde es: Chastise hym that trespasceš wyth scharpe reprouynge of wordys, reducynge to god-warde; or ellys wyth dede, constrenynge hym |r25 ther-to be scharpe correccyon in due maner. The fowrte es: Conforte the sory outhe[r] be šefte or confortable wordes or be any other sensible mater that myght reioyce hys herte in gudnes. The fyfte es: For-šeue thayme that trespacen to the. Marci XI: If še for-šeue not other men ther synnes, šour heuenly fadyr schal |r30 not for-šeue šou šoure synnes. To for-šeue rancor and offense es a werke of grete necessite. And to foršeue the dede es a werke of counseyle or of hy almes-šifte. The sexte es: Supporte the infirmytes of other discretly, so that thei be not the more redy for to synne, bot the more feruente and redy to repente and do |r35 penaunce and to do the betture. The seuent es: Pray whan thou mayste not helpe thyn euen-crestyn wyth ony of these sex |p46 werkys of mercy aforseyde, that in maner been vndur mannes_powere, praye than god for hym that he helpe. And pray not only for frendys, bot also for enmys, that thei may be conuertede the soner to plenteuos grace of better lyfe. Euangelium: Loueš |r5 šour enmyes, dooš wele to thayme that han hatede šow, and prayeš for men pursuynge šow wrongly, that še may be children of šoure fader that es in heuen. Ieronimus: No praye[r] es more thankful to god than that the whych es prayde for the en*mye. |r[f.15r] He that prayeš for hys enmye es herde worthily of |r10 gode, for he felows werkys of mercy and of grace. Ecclesiastici 3o: Haue mercy of thyne owne soule, plesynge god. Augustinus: God prayš the that thou haue mercy of thyn-selfe. Than šeueste thou truly almes to thi soule whan thou deperteste frome al euyl for drede of god. Crisostomus: If any body myght see woundes |r15 of hys soule as he seeš the woundes of hys body, he schulde se neuer woundes so greuose and so lamentable. It longeš to the ordre of mercy that eny man haue mercy rather to hys soule than to the body; and rather šeue mercy to hym that es in more perel and wrechednes than to hym that es in lesse wrechednes, et cetera. |r20 Septem uirtutes principates. |r Seuen been virtues principalle; of whych thre be callyde godly and hyeste, for thei sytten man in ordre to god and been these: Feyth, hope, and charite. And fowre be callyde cardynale virtues and ben these: Prudence, temperance, rightwys_nes |r25 , and strengh. Be these virtues man es ordeynde and ruelyd duly to hym-selfe and to hys euen-cristen. Of the fowre virtuse it may be seyde that prudence es to be ryght wayre of sodeyn sotiltees of enmyes; and this es necessarie a-šeyne temptynge of the deuyl. Temperance es wyth-standynge of vnleful mocyons; |r30 and this [es] nedful ašeyne temptacyon of the flesch. Rightwys_nes es in šeldynge euery man hys due and in helpynge |r[f.15v] and sustenynge nedy wreches; and this es to ben had ašeyn the sotel wyckednes of the worlde. Strengh es in the wythstondynge generaly al wyckednes; and this es nedful ašeyne the worlde, the |r35 flesch, and the deuyl, that thou felowe not worldly men to do euyl, ne that thou go not aftyr fleschly desyres, ne bowe thou not to the suggestions of the deuyl. Apostels wer to vs ensample |p48 of ryghtwysnes. Martyrs wer to vs ensample of strength. Con_fessours wer to vs ensample of wysdam. Virgyns wer to vs ensample of temperance. And al-thoue al the seyntes forseyde hadden al the virtues, šitte ryghtwysnesse had hyeste dominacion |r5 in apostelles and strengh in martyrs and wysdam in confessours and temperance in virgyns. Rightful men been ryght blessyde that kepen wel this for-seyde virtues and louen and dreden god and louen hys lawe; and ther-for may they not do amys, bot they schul wel be acceptable and dere to god and to angeles. For as |r10 the apostyl seys: God es not taker of persons, as of stature or semlynes or of ryches or of hye kynrede or of ony suche dis_seyuable vanites, bot he that dredes god es acceptable to god in euery peple, in al folke. Ecclesiastici XVI: Ony man dredynge god es bettyr than a thousande wycked sones or chyldren. |r15 Idem: It schal be ryght wel at the laste eende to hym that dredes god. How it es don when a rightwys man dyeš. |r[f.16r] |r When a ryghtful man laboreš in the laste seknes to dye, the gud aungel, [his] kepar, comeš wyth multitude of angeles |r20 and takeš vp hys soule fro the preson of body and ledeš hym to the heuenly paleyse in-to gostly peradyse wyth songe of gretteste and swetest melodye, wyth gret lyght and sottest sauour and odour. Al hys gud dedys, as it were spekyng, schal sodenly speke or sey than to hym: Thou hast wroght vs; we be thyn werkys; |r25 we schul not leue the, bot we schul be al-way wyth the; we schal go wyth the to the dome, and thou schalt haue grete ioye wyth_oute doute be-for god for vs. And thou schalt be made glade wyth-outen ende amonge blessed angels. Apocalypsis: The dede men be blessud that dyen in oure lorde. Augustinus: He may |r30 not dye euyl that has lyuede wele, and he dyeš vnne[th]ys wele that has lyued euyl. Ieronimus: He that dyeš in this tyme es not [to] be sorowede or weylede for that he lakkes thys hyeght of lyght, bot rathe[r] [it] es to be thanked and gladede that he has a-scapede fro so many perelles. They be for to be wepyde in deth |r35 or in dyinge that helle schal receyue wreches oute of this lyfe, |p50 and not thei the whych heuen has enclosed euer to be glad in ioye. For deth es the kynges keye, the which oure lorde šeues to delyuer hys frendys fro preson of the body. Also deth es the gate be whych the frendes of god fle fro the handys of |r5 enmyes vnto mercy and glorie. Augustinus: O deth and desiderable eende of al wykede, closure of the presente labours, be-gynnynge of reste! Who may be-thynke the perfites |r[f.16v] of thyne blessede-hedes? Apostolus: I couete to be dyssoluede be deth and be wyth Criste. Who suffyceš to nombre the dyseses and |r10 myschefes of this lyfe? For-whi our bodyes been now seke, heuy and dul, feble, tormentede wyth hungur, thurst and cold, and ful of many other wrechednes. The bodyes of chosen creatures to be sauede schal be specyose and fayreste in general resurreccyon, schynynge as it were sone-bemes. Ther heeres schal schyne os |r15 gold, ther bodyes schul be feyre and schaply and of so semly stature that it es impossible to fynde in hem ony foul thynges or vnhoneste. Al men dyen feble, freel, ful of passions; bot aftyr this lyfe the chosen creaturs schal a-rise and be stronge, stable, šonge, fayre, and immortalle. Suche es the chaunge of the gudnes |r20 and power of god, et cetera. How it es when a wyckede lyeth in dyinge. |r When the wycked man lyth in hys laste ende to dye, deueles clusters to-gyders, comen wyth greteste noyse, horrible of syght, ferdful of apperynge and doynge, that casten oute a-noon |r25 the synful soule fro the body wyth grete turmentes and cruelly drawen it to the cloystre of helle. Bernardus: The wycked man es sodenly rauesched in-to deth. The soule es depertede fro the body wyth gret drede, wyth gret dolours; for the horrible places schal appere than sodenly of peynes, the cloude gret and |r30 derke, the blac schadow of derknes, the gastfulnes of wrechednes 3 and |r[f.17r] of confusion, the tremlynge of anguysch, the drede of tribulacion, the sorow of ferde-ful vysion, the feer of quauerynge dwellynge, wheyr that schal be weylynge of wepynge creaturs, grystynge of teeth, fretynge of wormys venemose, clamour of |r35 sorwynge, wepynge of sorwynge men, and voyce of cr[e]atures clamerynge and criynge: Wo, wo, wo to vs, moste wreches, |p52 chyldren of Eue! Then al hys werkes, as it wer spekynge, schal sey to hym: Thou hast wroght vs; we ben thi werkes; we schal not forsake the; we schul euer be wyth the; we schal go wyth the to the doom, that vtturly thou be confoundyde for vs and |r5 euerlastyngly be turmented amonge deueles or fendes. Also creaturs of god schal crye and seye: Go we destroye hym, for he was alšeuen to euyl, to prouoke the wreth and veniaunce of oure lorde god to hym-selfe. Erthe schal crye in hys maner: Whi suffyr I hym or susteyne so wyckede a creature? Water schal |r10 crye: Whi strangle I hym not? The eyre schal crye: Why fayle I hym not? The fyre: Why brenne I hym not? The wycked beest schal crye: Whi al to-rente I hym not? The stoon: Whi stone I hym not? And helle schal crie: Why deuoure I hym not? It es no doute that al thynges schal be armede ašeyns |r15 wycked men, for thei haue doon a-šeyns al thynges, thei haue dyspisude god and his commandmentes, thei haue wrethude manyfolde angels, thei haue dishonourde seyntes and ther feestes, thei haue [doon] wronge gladly to men, thei haue made |r[f.17v] lower creaturs to seruen in euyl and in gyle of the deuyl, the whych |r20 thei ought to haue ordeynde to the plesaunce of ther maker. It suffisede not oonly to them-selfe to do wronge to god, bot also thei prouokede ofte other men to do wronge to god. Thei haue strangled boldly gude conscience; thei haue slayne wyttyngly verrey treuth and rightfulnes; thei haue exilede fer fro hem holy |r25 charite and heleful techynge; thei haue had the correccyon of god and of holychyrche in gret hate; the[i] haue louede her owne wyl and worldly vanyte a-boue god and hys command_mentes. Ther-for no woundur thoue god seye in the laste day of dom: še cursed, goos fro me in-to euer-lastynge fyre, which es |r30 made to the deuyl and to hys angels, et cetera. De generali iudicio. |r Sophonye, the prophete, prophecied of the last day of doom, hou ferdful it schal be to wyckyd men, that schal come as a theef in the nyght, seynge thus: That day schal be day of |r35 wreth, day of tribulacion and of anguysch, day of duble sorow and wrechednes, day of derknes and of blacnes, day of wailynge |p54 and of cry, day of cloudes and of tempestes, day of trumpe and of gastful sounde. Crisostomus: Vertues of heuen schal be mouede: the synnes accusynge schal be on the ryght syde, innumerable fendes scha[l] be on the lefte syde, the gastful |r5 cloude of helle schal be vndurneth, the iuge excitede to wreth schal be a-boue, the gylty conscience schal brenne wyth-in, wher vnneth a ryghtful man schal be sauede. |r[f.18r] Ysaie XXIIII=0=: The mone schal wex rede, the sone schal lose his light and be con_foundede. Glosa: The sone seyng them that haue vsude his |r10 lighte, that no-thynge haue doon worthi the gudnes of god. Euery man schal šelde vp a streyte a-cownte and reson be-for god of al thynges that he has doon or spoken; be whych helpes. bi what meryte, and by what entente he has comen to any state or degre; hou he has entrede, hou he has lyuede, hou he has perse_uerede; |r15 what he has lernede, what he has taught, and in what doc_trine he has continuede. Bernardus: As on lytul her schal not perisch of thi hede, so on momente schal not [be] lost of thi tyme. Tullius: The conscience of the synner schal be enserchede, and the letters of the synnes schal be seen wyth open herte, which be |r20 wryten wyth an iryn poyntel. Gregorius: Our lord schal apper than myldly to gud men and rightful, and to wycked men and vnrightful l1e schal apper ryght dredful. Then schal god a-venge or schew moste ferdfuly hys wreth ašeyns synners and trespascers of hys commandmentes. Propheta: When I schal tak tyme, |r25 I schal deme rygh[t]fulnes. Deuteronomii XXXII=0=: If my power take doom, I schal šeue veniance to my enmys, and I schal šelde hem that haue hatede me. I schal dyppe myn arues in blode, and my swerde schal deuoure men fleschly lyuynge. Psalmus: As fyre that brenneš wod, and as lyghtnynge brennynge |r30 hylles, so schal thou pursue |r[f.18v] hem, that es to sey thyn enmys, in thy tempeste. Crisostomus: Richesse schal not pray than for rych men, and sones or chyldren schal not pray for fadyr and moder, and angels schal not speke a worde for men, as thei wer woned, for nature or kynde of the dome receyueš no mercy. |r35 Sapiencie Vo: Ryghtful men schal myghtyly stande to-gedre in grete stedfastnes ašeyns hem that haue anguyshede and troble[de] hem cruelly, and šeyns hem that falsly haue take a-way here true |p56 labours and her truly goten gudes. Gregorius: They schal come than juges for god that be demede now here vnrightfully for god. Augustinus: Wycked men had leuer suffre al manere of turmentry than for [to] see the face of the wrethyde |r5 domysman. Apocalypsis VI=0=: Wycked men schal sey to hylles and stones: Falles še on vs and hydde vs fro the face of the Iuge syttynge of the hye trone, and fro the ire of the lambe. If these thynges be dredful to here, hou myche more ferdful es it to suffre these! Augustinus: Lete the soule doo for hym-selfe as longe |r10 os the place of mercy es, for-why ther schal be the place of ryghtwysnese. Gregorius: še dere brether, sette še that day be-for šour gostly een, and what-so-euere semeš now gr[e]uose and heuy, it es bot ryght a lyghte thynge in comperyson of that! It es better truly to haue premedytacyon, a gude be-for-thynkynge, |r15 than to haue the lordschyppe of alle the worlde. |p58 Quarta tabula. De septem peccatis mortalibus. Superbia. |r[f.19r] |r Who-so wyl haue helle, |r5 Do he moste as I hym telle. I boste and bragge ay wyth the beste. To maynten synne I am ful preste. Myn awne wyl I wylle haue ay, Thoue god and gud men al bydde nay. |r10 Bernardus: Pryde es be-gynnynge of al synne and cause of al vndoynge. Augustinus: Pryde made angel the deuyl. Meknes made [god man]. Pride makeš the commaundmente of god to bee dyspysede. Mekenes makeš it to be kepede. Bernardus: Euery proude man es intollerable, for hys clothynge es to ouere mych, |r15 hys goynge es proude, hys haterel vp-raysede, then proude loken and scorneful. He stryueš of hyer place; he bosteš hys wreched_nes and hys dedys; he kepeš not reuerence in hys seruyce. Augustinus: Whom-so-euere thou seeste to be proude, dout thou hym not to be the deuyl chylde, he es so. Be-thynke often |r20 ašeyns pryde what thou haste be, who thou art, and what thou schalte be aftyr deth. Bernardus: Man es not ellys bot stynkynge slyme, a sac of vyle ord[u]re and wormes mete. Idem: If thou schulde consydre besyly what gos oute by the mouthe, what be |p60 the nose therlles, and what be other open places of the body, thou saw neuer a viler donghepe. Worschyps be not šeuen to the for the, bot for gostly lucre that myght come ther-of. The outwarde gudes and temperalle be not kyndly thyne; bot ryches |r5 ben of the erthe, and thei be taken of the erthe. Gregorius: He that es proude of virtues sleeš not |r[f.19v] hym-selfe wyth swerde bot wyth medycyn. Idem: He that es proude of conynge that he has, he es made blynde of that thynge of whych he awe to haue lyght and ther-of to be lyghthede, et cetera. |r10 Inuidia. |r I am ful sory in myn herte For other mens hele and querte. I banne and bacbyte wyckedly, And hyndre al that I may sykerly. |r15 Seneca: Als many ioyes as ben [of] blessede men, so many sorwes ben of enviose men. Ieronimus: The enviose man wenes that thynge wyth-draw fro hym that es šeuen to prasynge of other. The enviouse man labours wyth stody to put sum spot of blame in his neghtbur. Ecclesiastici IX=o=: The enviose man peruerteš |r20 and turneš gude thynges in-to euyl and puteš sum spote of sclaundyr in gude men. Bernardus: O, who art thou that hast enuye of other menes hele? Spare hym, or elles at hardeste spare thi-selfe, for truly thou mayste not bothe haue enuye and lyue. Gregorius: He that es dyuidede fro felyschype of hys |r25 brethyr be flaume of envye es dyuidede and priuede fro godes charite. Idem: Enuyose men moste thynke how grete a gud es charite, that makeš other mennes gud werkes to be ours wyth_outen trauele. Apostolus: Bacbyters ben hateful to god. Ieronimus: A bacbyter and the glade herer bothe bere the deuyl |r30 in tunge. Bernardus: The tunge of a bacbyter es. as it wer, a thre-egged swerde that sleeš thre soules wyth oon stroke. |p62 Ieronimus: Be not in wyl to be a presumptuose iuge or to be a] bolde |r[f.20r] and ensercher of other mennes lyfe. Bernardus: God loueš that soule that wyl considre it-selfe wyth-outen cessynge. Seneca: That makeš only men werste that no man be-holdeš |r5 wele hys owne lyfe. Ira. |r I chide and fyght and manas faste. Al my fomen I wyl doune caste. Mercy of hem wil I none haue, |r10 Bot veniaunce stronge, so god me saue. Ieronimus: Wreth of man werkeš noght ryghtfulnes of god, whyche trobleš so the mynde that it semeš to be pure wodneš or madnes. Bernardus: Hatful wreth es the gate of al vices. Right as a boore rynnes of wodnes a-šeyns a swerde, so renneš |r15 an ireful man to synne. Ther-for a man so wrethede es to be flede, as a woode hounde or ellys as a cruel lyon broken louse. Bot note wele here that, when a man wyl not do euyl that the flesche coueteš, ne has delectacyon in thoughtes of synne, bot wyth-standeš hem, hauynge hem at dyspyte, than be thei |r20 purgacion and a coroune of his soule. Wreth dyscretly taken for chastisynge of wickednes es not forboden. Augustinus: No man of hoole wytte reproueš any other to be wroth to his brothire that he be correctede. He es not wroth to hys brothyr that es wroth for the vice of hys brothyr. Psalmus: Be še meuede dyscretly |r25 in wreth for synne, and be še not in wyl to synne in wreth. Gregorius: Wyth-outen doute he has the gylte of the doynge that reckeš not to amende that thynge that [he] myghte correcte, et cetera. |p64 Accidia. |r[f.20v] |r Me thynkeš ful heuy of goddes seruyce. Gudnes to wyrke wyl I no wyse. Idelnes and slepe I loue beste, |r5 For in hem I fynde moste reste. Salomon: He that felowes ydelnes es moste foole. The ydel man or sleuthful may be schot on euery syde, for hys mouthe hungreš for defaute of mete, his tonge variable wordes, his handes vile werkes, his herte wyrschipes, his here tydynges, his een |r10 vanites. The ydel man schal not ioye in heuen wyth seyntes, bot he schal sorow wyth-outen ende in helle wyth wyckede men. Apostolus: He that trauels not, lete hym not ete. He oughe to traueyle in goddes seruyse that wyl eten of godes gudes. I=0=b: Man es borne to labour and traueyle, as byrde es made to flee. |r15 Ieronimus: Do thou alwey somwhate of gude werkes that the deuyl fynde the wele occupyede. Gregorius: No man sleuth in the way of this lyfe that he lese not the blessede place in euere_lastynge cuntrey of heuen. Ieronimus: Holy men fallen in synne if the[i] be negligent. Truly, it es a greuouse sleuthe to do |r20 negligently that thynge that any man es be-holde to do. It es more greuouse sleuth to leuen it vtturly vndon for sleuth. Bot it es moste greuose sleuth to lette and wyth-drawe other fro gude dedes, and that thei may not suffre wyth gude wyl other mennes gude werkes. If any suche be, that god forbede, thei be moste |r25 wreches and deuyls chyldren, et cetera. |p66 Auaricia. |r[f.21r] |r I couete ay and wyles [oft] caste, Hou that I may be ryche in haste. Ful faste I holde al that I wynne, |r5 Al-thoue my parte be leeste ther-inne. Paulus: Couetyse es rote of al euyl thynges. Idem: They that wyl be made ryche fallen in-to many temptacions and in-to the deueles trappes and many euyl desyres, that drowne a man in-to wyckede deth. Ieronimus: Rychesses to many men hauen |r10 gendrede deth. Gregorius: He es made a tabernacle of deuels that laburs in this worlde for ryches and wyrschipes, and afture that he has goten hem, šeueš hym-selfe to lychory, that lychory may waste al that couetyse gadrede to-gyder. Ieronimus: Wo to hym that bygges his house not in ryghtwysnes! Robertus |r15 Lincolniensis: Wo to hem that seyen: Do we euyl thynges that gude thynges may come to vs! Of suche men the dampnacion es ryghtful. Gregorius: Wyth hou grete dampnacion schal thei be smyten that stellen a-waye other menes gudes, if thei schal be smyten wyth a grete dampnacion that haue holde streytly and |r20 vndiscretly here awne gudes! Ambrosius: He that lyueš wele in gude ensample šeuynge enformes the lyfe of the soule, and nother he axes or sekes ryches, ne wyrschypes. Gregorius: Auaryce es not quenchede wyth thynges desyrede, bot rather it es morede and encrecede, as fyre when it takeš moo brondes. Idem: When |r25 other vices wexen olde wyth vs, oonly couetyse wexes šonge in olde men. |r[f.21v] Seneca: The couetus man dooš nothynge of gudnes, bot when he dyeš. Ysidorus: It happeš ful selde that thei go to reste that haue rychesse. Gregorius: He that loueš worldly |p68 gudes falleš to peyne of drede and of sorow, wyl he nyl he. Ambrosius: A man pore in money and ryche in conscience slepeš more sykyrly in strawe or in chaffe [than] the ryche man of worldly gudes in purpil, et cetera. |r5 Gula. |r I loue my wombe a-boue al thynges. Hym m[o]ste to plese es my lykynges. I haue no reste nyght ne day, Tyl he be serued to hys pay. |r10 Paulus: God of glotons es her wombe. Ieronimus: Thei that goon aft-yr lustes of her flesch, redy to the wombe and to lechery, be a-countede as vnresonable bestes. Gregorius: When glotony haš the maystre, al vertues be cast doun by lechery and veynglory. Bernardus: Glotony and droncschype ben the |r15 deuel cuppe or gret temptacion of deuelryes. Augustinus: Druncschype bereš awey the mynde, it dispoleš the wytte, it corrupteš the blode, it destroyeš the nature, it leseš grace and bryngeš his felowers to dampnacion. Ysaias: Wo to šow that be myghty to drynke and stronge men to menge druncschyp! |r20 Ieronimus: He that es dronken es dede and beryde. Paulus: Go thou not aftyr thyn fleschly desyres. Idem: Thei that be Crystes seruauntes hauen crucifyede and chastisede her flesch ašeyns vices and euyl desyres. Ieronimus: Nothynge es more gloriouse than to vencose |r[f.22r] the flesch, and nothynge es |r25 more foule, ne werse than to be ouercomen of the flesche. Cassiodorus: Wo to that flesch that has not been maystrede and ouercomen in this worlde! Salomon: Wyl thou not be in feestes of synners, ne in here juncryes that šeuen flesch |p70 to ete. Ecclesiastes: As fysch be take wyth an hooke. and as byrdes be caught wyth panter, gren, snare, or trappe, so men vn-auysed be tak in euyl tyme, et cetera. Luxuria. |r5 |r I loue ful luste and lechery. Fornicacyon and a-voutrye. Fro synful luste I wyl not fle, Thoue I in helle for it ay be. Paulus: Be še not [in] wyl to do fornicacyon; for nouther |r10 a-voutres, ne softe delytable lyuers, ne sodomytes, oppressers and defoulers of menchyldre schal possesse the kyngdome of god. Salomon: Fornicacion and lechery makeš wyse men fouleš. Ieronimus: Lechery es hateful to god and enmy to virtues. Gregorius: Wheri lechery occupyeš any mans mynde, it suffyeš |r15 not to thynke any gud thynges. Augustinus: Berkynge of houndes, louynge of oxon pleseš more gode than prayer of lechours. Noes flude was made for synne of lechery, that dystroyede al lyuely thynge of the erthe. Ieronimus: Take flyght a-šeyns temptacion oflechery if thou wylt haue the victorye. |r20 Idem: No-thynge es so vnholsome and made as a man to bynde hym-selfe to euerlastynge turmente and peyne for a lytel delecta_cton. Augustinus: O, hou lytel es the houre of the werke of lechery |r[f.22v] be whych euerlastynge iyfe es loste! Glosa [super] Iohannem: Euery man dredeš deth of the body, fewe dreden |r25 deth of saule. Augustinus: As bodyly deth perteš the soule fro the body, so dedly synne deperteš the soule fro very lyfe, which |p72 es god. O, what es that vnsely soule that es forsaken of god almyghty and es occupyede of the deuel? It es voyde of lyghte and es fillede wyth derkenes; it es drawen oute of swetnes and es druncken wyth byternes; it leseš lyfe and fyndeš deth. |r5 Crisostomus: Who-so myghte se the wondes of the soule as he seeš the wondes of the body, he schulde neuer se so greuose wondes and so lamentable and sorowful. Augustinus: A roten dogge stynkeš more tollerable to men than a synful soule to god. Idem: He es more hardy that slepeš wyth oon dedly synne, than |r10 he that slepeš wyth seuen enmys that hauen sworne to-gedre on the sacrament his deth. Thei that be in dedly synne ben as at helle gate. Propheta: Thei haue come ryght ney vn-to the gates of deth. Canon: He that dyeš, not repentaunt, in dedly synne, he dyeš for al and euer, and he schal euer be tormentede and |r15 al-wey ful of wyckednes, schal be peynede wyth-outen charite. Augustinus: No man dyspeyer of foršeuenes of his synne, when thei deserue foršeuenes that slowen Criste. Despeyer es wers than al synne. Ysidorus: He that dyspeyrs of foršeuenes falleš more of dispeyre than of any other gylte. Ieronimus: Iudas |r20 offended more god in that he henge hym-selfe, than in |r[f.23r] that synne that he be-trayede Cryste. Therfor in verray confessyon knowleche šoure synnes and dooš penaunce, [and] the kyngdom of heuens schal come nere šou. Augustinus: The kyngdom of heuens es schette to no man, bot to hym that scheteš oute hym_selfe. |r25 Idem: As a sparcle in the mydel of the see, so es al tl1e wyckednes of man to goddys mercy, et cetera. |p74 |r Quinta tabula. |r My dere frendes, I šou pray, Foure thynges in herte bere a-way. On es what thynges fileš men. A-nother es what thynge makeš |r5 them clene. The therde [es] what thynge kepeš hem in clennes. The fourte es that ther wyl to goddes wyl thei redres. As to the fyrste wytte še wele: thre thynges [foule] a man; the whyche ben |p76 these: the synnes of herte, of mouth, and of dede. Gregorius: Venyal synne letteš the lyght of a man, and dedly synne makeš hym al derke. Ecclesiastici XIX=o=: He that reckeš not of a lytel defaute, be lytel and lytel he schal falle in grettere, et cetera. |r5 Peccata cordis. |r These ben the synnes of the herte: Erroure; heresye; synful study; not leuynge in the articles of the feyth stedfastly; in foule thoghtes taryinge wylfully; euyl delyte; assent in synne; desyre of euyle; wycked wylle; euyl supposynge; |r10 veniaunce couetynge; hatrede; wreth; enuye; joye of other mennes euyl-fare; sory of ther welfare; no pite of hem that |p78 be in peyne of pouerte; |r[f.23v] despite of pore or synful men; to ryche men for here [rychesse]; vnconable ioye or loue; ypocrisye; loue to flatere and plese men; drede more to dysplese hem than god; wronge intencion; synful couetynge of dignite, of benifice, |r5 worschyp or office, rychesse or any other thynge; veyn glory of godes or of eny hape; schame of pore kyn; pryde of rych men or gentylle; joye of euyl dede; schame of gude dede; sory for that |p80 he dyde [no] more euyl or that he dyde not the synne that he myghte haue doon; peyn of penaunce; vnstable of gude purpose; loth to for-sake synne; lyste not [to] here goddes worde, no tente to the callynge of the holy goste; lothe to serue god and to do gud |r5 dedes; and wyl not be obedyent to the byddynge and to the ordinaunce of god and of holy chirche; obstynaci in euyl; ouerhope and wanhope. |p82 Of thes vices god seith [in] Euangelio: Wyckede thoghtes, manslaughters, fornicacions, auoutryes, thefte, false wytnes goone out of the herte. These ben synnes that foulen a man. Ysidorus: We trespace not oonly in werke, bot also in thoghte, |r5 if we delyte vnleuefully in hem rynnynge in oure mynde. Idem: It es not [to] drede if gude thynges and euel bothe comen to mynde, bot more to ioye if the mynde discerne the gud fro the badde by vndyrstandynge of reson. Bernardus: It es the pro_purte of deueles to brynge to mynde euyl suggestions; it longeš |r10 to vs not [to] consente to them. As many temptacions os a man for Criste ouer*comeš, |r[f.24r] so many precyous stonys byeš he to hys immortale croune. Ther-for when wyckede thoghtes be offrede to thi mynde, be as a daungerouš etere that casteš anon in-to the face of the seruitor the stynkynge metes or not wele |r15 dight metes. Ysidorus: He wyth-standeš sone the dede that šeues not consente to delectacion sotilly temptynge. Note wele here that [in] procedynge of vices seuen maner wyse es knowen. Firste es suggestion of the deuyl. Bot the nuryschynge of synne es not the synne, bot occasion of synne. Aftyrwarde it |r20 es mouede sensually or fleschly of suggestion or any other wyse, and than es made the fyrste styrynge of synne. The secunde es in delectacyon, the therde es in consente, the fourte es in dede, the fyfte es in custome, the sexte es in gloriacion and obstinacy, the seuente in dispeyer. |r25 Peccata oris. |r These ben synnes of mouth: Outrage or vnleuefull tastynge, etynge, or drynkynge; ydel ianglynge; wordes of harlotrye |p84 spekynge; godes holy name in veyne takynge; lesynges; false [behotynges]; vayn swerynge; for-swerynge; sclaundrynge; scornynge; bannynge; bacbytynge; discorde sowynge; false demynge; wronge vpbreydynge; pryuete or counseyl folyly dis_couerynge; |r5 chydynge; manaschynge; bostynge; false wytnes berynge; euel counseyl šeuynge; flaterynge; euele dedes praysynge; gud dedes peruertynge; Cryste or hys worde or any |p86 of hys seruauntes scorn[ynge], sclaundr[ynge], or dispis[ynge]; vnskylfulle |r[f.24v] pletynge; vayn arguynge; foly laughynge; scorneful blerynge; proude and presumptuose spekynge; nyce and ioly chauntynge; or to synge more for praysynge of men then of god. |r5 Dauid: Prohibe, et cetera. For-bede thou and wyth-drawe thi tunge frome euyl and thi lyppeš, that thei speke no gyle. Ryght as thou cheseste thynge that thou etteste, so chese thou what thou spekeste, that it be gude and able, for deth and lyue ben in power of tunge. Salomon: He that kepeš hys mouth and hys |r10 tunge kepeš hys lyfe and hys soule fro anguysche. Ieronimus: Be not presumptuose and a bolde demere or to besy ensercher of other mennes lyfe. Bernardus: God loueš that soule that wyl consydreš hym-selfe wyth-oute cessynge. Seneca: That thynge only makeš men werste that no man seeš hys oune lyfe. |r15 Crisostomus: Wylt thou be holy: be streyte and rygoros a-boute thyn oune lyfe and be mylde a-boute other mennes lyfe, et cetera. Peccata operis. |r These be synnes of dedes: Ydolatrye; nygromancy; trechery; sorsrye; tyrauntrye; manslaughter; sacrilege; symonye; |p88 apostasye; glotonye; lecherye; drunkschype; false endytynge; wronge presonynge; foly fyghtynge or any man synfully hurtynge or hyndrynge in hys body or in hys catel or in hys name; thefte; raueyn; extorsyon; vsure; disceyt; vsynge false weghtes or fals |r5 mesures; sellynge of ryghte; lettynge of goddes seruyce or of gudnes; brekynge of voves; myspendynge of holy-dayes; wastynge |p90 of tyme; hauntynge of veyn places; |r[f.25r] japes or foule songes; dis_honurynge of fadyr and moder bodyli and gostly; ensaumple of euyl lyuynge; newe gyses vpbryngynge; rebellion a-šens goddes lawe or his byddynges; stordynes a-šens goddes šerde or his cor_reccyon; |r5 synne [or] any false q[u]arelle wytyngly and wylfully mayntenynge; goddes precyouse body in dedly synne receyuynge; |p92 any šiftes of god bodyly or gostly dispendynge viciously; to wyth_holde fro the body resonable sustenaunce or to šeue it outragely; to synne in syght, in herynge, in snellynge, in tastynge, in touchynge, in bekenynge, or in šiftes folyli šeuynge; to synne |r5 bodly or gostly; to reherce not the circumstance of synne, as tyme, place, maner, nombre, person, duellynge, for [these] make |p94 the synne more or lesse. Also other many synnes ther be of omyssion, that es of leuynge gud dedes vn-doon whiche we schulde do; not ofte louynge, praysynge, or thankynge god of hys šeftes; not šeuynge tente to gud praeres, bot rablynge on |r5 hem, and recke not so thei be seyde negligently; not kepynge oure wyl to goddes byddynges and wyl; [not doynge] al the gud |p96 dedes that we do in gud entente, as by-cause to plese god and come to his blysse; not dysposeynge vs to receyue grace, and if we receyue grace, we vse it not as we schulde do; not sone for goddes sake and charyte, for-šeuynge hem that vs has greuede; |r5 not stondynge strongly ašens temptacion; not pesynge hem that |p98 ben at bate; not techynge hem that ben vncunnynge; |r[f.25v] not amendynge hem that ben amys; not kepynge trouth to god and to oure euen-crysten to oure power; not šeldynge a gud dede for a-nother if we may; not comforte hem that be in sorow, seknes, |r5 or pouerte, or in penaunce; not amendynge vs of oure synnes |p100 hastyly, bot leuynge in hem presumptuosly in traste of mercy, et cetera. Contra presumpcionem. Ašeyns presumpcyon es redde Ecclesiastici Vo: Caste thou |r5 not synne vp-on synne and seye the mercy of god es grete. Gregorius: When a wrechede man es slyde in a greuose synne, the deuel tempteš hym that he repente not, ne be confessyon knowleche hys synne. He affirmeš that the synne es bot lyghte and lytel in hys herte; he precheš mercy and behotes longe space |r10 of life; he šeues suggestyon to a-byde lenger in synne, that he may lede hym in-to contempte of god and in-to dispeyer and lese hym-selfe body and soule. Ecclesiastici II=o=: The moste cursede be-heste haš loste many man. Gregorius: He presumeš in veyn of hope that wil not drede god in hys werkes. Augustinus: He |r15 that wyl not abstene when he may, it es cast to hym, magre in hys teethe, not to may when he wolde. Crisostomus: Ryght as a schype in tempeste es hurlede vp and doune when al hys gouernaile es broken and fallen in despeyre in poynte to be loste, so man dooš not that he wolde, hot that the deuyl wille, when he |r20 haš loste the grace of god. Augustinus: A synner es smyten wyth this punyschemente that in lis dyenge he foršetes |r[f.26r] hym_selfe, that whil he lyuede haš for-šette god. Bernardus: The lengar that god a-bydeš vs her in sparynge vs that we may be amendyde, so myche more streytly schal he deme vs if we be |r25 negligent to amende. Augustinus: He es more hardy that slepeš wyth on dedly synne, than he that slepeš amonge seuen enmys that on the sacramente be sworne to-gyder of hys deth. God has behette to men truly repentaunt foršeuenes; he behoteš |r30 not to-morowne day. Euangelium: Be še redy, the mayden son schal com that houre that še wene not, et cetera. |p102 Hec tria sequencia lauant christianum ab omni peccato. |r As to the secunde wete še wele that thre thynges maken a man clene. On es sorow of herte, and hym be-houeš to be in wyl to synne no more. Gregorius: The sentenš of the curate |r5 moste assoile hem whych al-myghty god visiteš be hys grace. Augustinus: He that wepeš other synnes that he do šitte other mo synnes, outher he wote not what he dooš, or ellys he dyssimyleš or reckeš not to do penaunce. Anothyr es scrifte of mouthe, and that be-houes to be hasty |r10 and nakyde and wyth-outen depertynge. Bernardus: Vigyl or wakes be put bifor to vs to that that we moste wake if we haue slept in any synne or negligence; lete vs wele occupye bi-for the helpe and the beneuolence of seyntes in verray confessyon. Ysidorus: If synne be opynde be confession |r15 truly, of a grete |r[f.26v] synne es made a litul; and if the synne be hidde, of a litel synne es made a grete synne. Augustinus: Confession of al synnes es begynnynge of gude werkes and makeš trewe conaunte wyth god. Ther-for sey to oon preste hauynge power al thyn synnes, that god hyd them in the dome be-for |p104 thousantes. If thou couere and hyd here thyn synnes, thei schal be made nakede and opyn to thyn confusion in sight of al men. The therde es satisfaccyon, which es fastynge, prayer, and almes-dede. Ysidorus: O penaunce, that art more precyus than |r5 golde! Deth es destroyde be the, the deuyl es fled, lyf es founde, god es nere by grace, helle es schette, heuen es opyn. Idem: Al synne be sacramente of penaunce takeš helth of the wounde. Augustinus: Penaunce geteš life to the ded man and delyuereš fro deth at the laste ende; bot not so that he fele not peyne, bot |r10 if the contricion be so gret that it sufficeš as to the punyschynge of the synne, et cetera. |r As to the thride, what thyng kepeš men in clennes, ther be sex thynges. On es besy thoght of deth and of perell[es] and paynes that sodenly synne draweth a man in. Ecclesiastici VII=o=: |p106 Haue in mynde the laste thynges, that es to sey deth and rewarde of synne and suche other dredful thinges, and thou schalt neuer synne. The herte of wyse men es ther whore sorines es. A-nother es: Fle fro wyckede company, for such as a man |r5 drawyth hym to, suche schal he be or worse. Augustinus: It es nedful that thou felowe the steppes |r[f.27r] of hem of which thou wylt haue felyschipe. Crisostomus: No-thynge es so noyant as euyl felischype. Better es to haue hate of euyl men than ther felischipe. |r10 The thirde es temperance and discrecion in mete and drynke. Glosa super Matheum: In Cristes batelle fyrste fyght ašeyns glotony, for bot that be refrenyde firste, al traueyl es in veyn ašeyns othir vices. Gregorius: Be glotony oure firste forne_fadyr [s] wer dede, wher-for ther successours oghten to drede |r15 most that vice, that it passe not in-to the eyres as general seknes. The fourte es honeste ocupacion and profitable. Ieronimus: Do alway sumwhat of gud thynges, that the fende fynde the wel ocupied. Augustinus: He es not taken lyghtly wyth temptacion |r20 that entendeš to gude exercise. |p108 The fyfte es besynes to kepe thi fyue wyttes fro al wickede thynges: thi een fro seynge; thi erys fro bacbytynge and wycked herynge; thi nose and thimouthe fro vnleful smellynge, tastynge, and spekynge; thi handes, thi feete, and al thi lymes of thi body |r5 fro synful touchynge and werkynge. Ecciesiastici XXXVI=o=: Wher the hegge es not, that es to sey, wher kepynge of the wyttes es not, the possession or gude schal be borne away, distrued, or deuourede. Propheta: Deth entres be the wyndowes, that es to sey be the fyue bodyly wyttes. |r10 The sexte es ofte and gladly to here or to rede [godes] wordes or holy scripture. Gregorius: The sermon of god es mete to |p110 myndes. As the flesch es nuryschede wyth |r[f.27v] fleschly metes, so the inwarde man, the soule, es nuryschede and fede wyth godes wordes. Ieronimus: Loue thou holy scripturs, and thou schalt not loue the vices of the flesche, et cetera. |r5 Thre thynges drawen a man to vertu. |r As to the fourte thynge, what drawyth a man to ordeyn his wyl to godes wil, [thre] thynges ther be. On [es] ensample of holy men and women that louede god and his lawe and wysyly faught and strongly stode bothe day and nyght ašeyns temptynge |r10 of the deuyl, of the worlde, and of the flesch; and if we felowe |p112 tham here in erthe, sikurly we schal be in ioye wyth hem in heuen. Paulus: For as še be felaws of passyons, so [še] schal be felawes of comforte in Criste Ihesu, oure lorde. Anothir es the grete gudnes and mercy of al-myghty god that |r5 dispiseš noon, bot gladly and wyth ioyful chere receyueš al that wil for-sake here synne and šeue hem to penaunce and mekly come to his mercy. Agayne dyspayre. Euangelium: I wil not the deth of a synnere, bot that he be |r10 turnede more that he lyue. Item: I haue not comen to callen ryghtful men bot synners to penaunce. Ieronimus: Wolde god that the synner wer turnede to penaunce as sone as god es redy to [chaunge] the sentence of dampnacion or of veniaunce ordeynede for synne. God spekynge in many naners calleš |p114 synners to penaunce by comforte of benfetes, be techynge of preceptes, be visitacion of ensample, be inspira*cyon |r[f.28r] of counseyl, be nouelte of miracles, be streytnes of pu[n]yschment. Apostolus in uoce domini: By-holde, I stonde at the dore and knocke. |r5 If any man here my voyce and opende to me the gate, I schal entre to hym. Augustinus: The kyngedome of heuens es to no man schette, bot to hym that schettes oute hym-selfe. Idem: As a sparke of fyre es in myddel of the see, so [ es] al synne and wyckednes of man to the mercy of god. Idem: No man |r10 despeyre of foršeuenes of synne, sith thei deserueden foršeuenes that slewen Cryste. Ysidorus: He that dispeyreš foršeuenes of synne falleš more of his dispeyre than of othir gilte. Ieronimus: Iudas offendede more god in that that he hange hym-selfe than in that that he be-trayede Cryste. Ysidorus: If we wyl be |r15 conuerted thorgh true penaunce, we haue praynge for vs ay redy: oure lady, godes moder, the chirche of god, and al seyntes. |r The thyrde es oft and inderly thynke on the wondyrful blis of the hye kyngedome of heuen and also on the dredful and horrible payne of the depe pitte of helle, the which be more than |p116 tonge may telle or eyre may here or ee may see or hert may thynke. For it es so that in heuen myght no man lyue for myche ioy and blis, wer not the gudnes and the myght of god that wil that al his frendys that louede hym and his lawe and wil |r5 kepyn his biddynges in erthe and flee |r[f.28v] his forbiddynges, haue myght and strengh to last in such wondurful ioye and blis wyth_outen ende. In helle myght no man lyue for myche sorow and |p118 woo, wer not the rightfulnesse and myght of god that wil that his enmys that hated hym and his lawe and wold not kepe his biddynges, haue myght and strength to last in such horrible peyne and wo wyth-outen ende. |r5 DE gaudiis celi. Augustinus: What thynge so-euer be desirede honestly schal be in heuen: lyue and hele, plente and glory, worschipe and pees and al gude thynges euer wyth-outen ende. Paulus: Ee has not seen, ne ere herde, ne it may not come here in-to mannes herte |r10 to comprehende tho thynges that god has ordeynnede to men louynge hym. Euangelium: Rightful men schal schyne as the sone in the reame of here fadyr. [Anselmus]: The heuenly croune schal enueyron that day the hedes of men obeyinge, and the glorie of paciente creaturs schal schyne wyth schynynge |r15 vntellable. Psalmus: I haue seyde: še be goddes and al sones and children of hye god. Augustinus: What tonge may seye, |p120 what witte may thynke, or what mynde may esteme hou many ioyes ben to haue al-way god presente, al-way to see hym, al-way to sitte be-for hym in worschipe? Whos fayrnes angels merueylen, at whos commandynges dede men risen to lyfe, whos light derknes |r5 so the sonne that it has no light in his syght, whos face if al men that ben in preson of |r[f.29r] helle schulde see, thei schulde fele no peyne, no sorowe, no heuynes. Augustinus: Euery cytesyn in the cuntre of heuen schal haue seuen ioyes in body and seuen in soule. In body he schal haue fayrnes, swyftnes, strength, fredame, |r10 likynge, helth, vndedelynes. And thes be in the soule: wisdome, frenschipe, oon acorde, power, worschipe, sikirnes, and ioye wyth-outen ende. De penis inferni. Gregorius: Fire vnquenchable, colde insuperable, worme |r15 vndedly, stynke vnsuffrable, derknes thik to be felede, scorges of deueles betynge, gastful syght of fendes, despeyr of al gude thynges schal be in helle. Ieronimus: Hungur and thurste wyth-outen ende es in helle. Augustinus: Mo teres schal be wepud in helle than drops of water ben in the see. Bernardus: No-thynge |r20 schal be herde in helle bot wepynge and sorowynge, mornynge and weylynge, sorynesse and gristynge of tethe. No-thynge schal be seen in helle bot venemose wormes and brennynge faces of tormentours and the werste wondreles of deuelryes. Iob: Noon ordre bot euer-lastynge fere a-bydeš in helle. Augustinus: If |r25 I wyste my fader in helle, I schuld not pray more for hym than for the deuyl, et cetera. De consciencia. Ysidorus: Wylt thou neuer be sory, lyue wel. A clere con_science suffreš softly and esily sorynes. Gud lyue has euer ioye. |r30 A gud conscience es token of relygion and figure |r[f.29v] of saluacion, feelde of blyssynges, orcherde of delites, ioye of angels, cheste of true conaunte and feyth, kynges tresoure, halle of god, a dwellynge |p122 place of the holy goste. Crisostomus: As a fayre face es made gracyus in mennys syght, so a clen conscience es fayre in the sight of god. Apostolus: Oure ioye es the witnes of oure con_science. He that has gud conscience schal loke hardily in-to |r5 god at the day of dome, and he that has not gud conscience schal falle confoundyde and schente. Many men seke science, and few men seke conscience. Bernardus: Stody thou and knowe thi-selfe, for thou art better and myche more to be praysede if thou knowe thyn-selfe than if thou knewe the curses of sterres |r10 or planetes, the vertues of herbes, complexions of men, kyndes of bestes, then and thou haddeste conynge of alle heuenly thynges and erthly, et cetera. |r Deer frende, by-holde, thou haste now gud and euyl be-for the, light and derknes, day and nyght, thou may chese |r15 what thou wylt. Seneca: If thou wylt al thynges be sugette to the, make thi-selfe sugette to reson. Ecclesiastici IIII=o=: Sey not a-šeyns the worde of treuth [in] eny maner. Iohannis VIlI: še schal knowe trouth, and truth schal delyuer šow. If any man nedeš wysdom, lete hym aske of god and of spiritual wys men. |r20 Ecclesiastici I: Al wysdome es of god, oure lorde, and alwey has ben wyth hym and es euer wyth-outen ende. To whom be worschipe, |r[f.30r] prasynge, vertu, and glorie be worldes of worldes wyth-outen ende. Amen. |p124 Sexta tabula. |r It es red that ther was som-tyme a kynge that had foure philisophyrs in his reame, in which fellen many myscheffys and myshapys and many defautes in the peple. The kynge, |r5 seynge hym-selfe wonded or hurte wyth no dedly synne, wondred gretly and enserchyde besyli of the seyd philosofres be what cause tho myshaps fellen [more] in the peple in his tyme than in tymes of predescessours. The fyrste philisofre seyde: Myght es ryght. Ysaie LIX: |r10 True dome es turned bakwarde, and ryghtwysnes stod a-fere. Truth has fallen in the stretes, and equite myght not entre. Origenes: Al that for-saken ryghtwysnesse for temperalle and worldly thynges, thei sellen god, that es heye rightwysnesse. Light es nyght. Euangelium: Wo to that man be whome |r15 sclaundre comes! Sclaundre comeš be hym that enuenomeš outhir be euyl ensample. Gregorius: Prelates ben worthi so many dethes or veniaunceš as thei šeue ensample of euyl and of perdicion to here subiettes. Radulphus super Leuiticum: He that enfecteš or peruerteš the conscience of his neghtbure be any |r20 entycynge or euyl ensample sleeš gostly hym-selfe and his neghtbure. Leuiticus: Drede thou god that thyn brothyr may lyue by the on erthe, that es to sey, |r[f.30v] lyue thou so that thi brothir may haue lyue and not deth be thyn ensample. Fyght es flight. Augustinus: To do wele, as so sey in thyn owne person, |r25 and not to forbede vnleful thynges in other, es consent of erroure. Gregorius: Wyth-outen doute he has the gylte and synne of a synnere that reckeš not to amende that thynge that he myght correc[t]e. Apostolus: He that reckeš not of his awen menše and most of his housholdmene, denyeš the feyth, and he es worse |p126 than a paynym oute of feyth. Gregorius: For Hely, ouercome of fals pyte, wold not chastise his sonnes trespassynge; ther-for he smote hym-selfe and his sones with cruel dampnacion anemt [him] that es rightful and streyt iuge. Idem: Prestes curates |r5 be dampnede for wyckednes of the peple if thei teche not hem that be vnconynge, or elles reproue not hem synnynge. |r The secunde philisofre seyde: On es two. Euangelium: Euery kyngedome hauynge dyuision in hym-selfe schal be desolate and forsaken. Gregorius: Men discordynge no sacrifyce |r10 of gud dede offre[n] to god as longe as thei discorden fro charite of here euen-cristenes. Augustinus: If charite be a-way or lacke, other vertues or any gud thynges ben had in vayn. Ambrosius: As no man may come ryght theder that he purposeš to goo wyth-outen a wey, so men may not go wyth-outen charite, that es |r15 seyde the trewe wey, so bot erre and goo a-mys. Frende es foo. That may be vndyrstonde when grete worldly men, and namly |r[f.31r] myghty and ryche men, strangle the true pees or rightwysnesse or holy chirche, in suche mysdoers ašen which še aughten myghtily to stande and fighte for true pees and right of al-holy chirche, |r20 principally for goddes cause. Wele es woo. It es wreten truly that god putte palsi or quakynge of hede vpon Kaym; in token wher-of euery riche, couetouse man has a tremlynge hede that has a quauerynge and a dredynge mynde that he leue [or] for-goo his money. Seneca: A riche, couetouse man dredes |r25 theues or wey-lyers and other men. He sees a strangar man than he, and he wenes he wer a thefe or a rauenour. He sees a poore man and suppose he wer a robber. [The more that he has plente of abundance and richesse] the more fuller es he of wrechednes. Gregorius: He that loues worldly gudes faleš to |r30 payn of drede and sorow, wil he nyl he. Seneca: An auerouse man doos nothynge wele [or] of gud thynge, bot when he dyes, et cetera. |p128 |r The therde philisofre seyde: Luste has leue. Gregorius: No-thynge so cutteš a-wey vertu as bodyly luste. [Ber_nardus:] To ette more lauausly, to drynke more sauerly, to be clade fayrer, to lye softer, to pray schortlyer, to wake more |r5 skarsly, be-for god es nothynge more foule, ne vile. Temperalle lustes leden here felowers to euerlastynge byternes. Ieronimus: Thei that goon aftyr fleschly lustes, redy to the wombe |r[f.31v] ioye and lechery, ben a-counted as vnresonable bestes. Gregorius: That mercy es fulle of cruelte that serueš so the flesch that the soule |r10 be slayne. Paulus: If še lyue fleschly, še schul dye. Ieronimus: No-thynge es more foule than to be ouercomen of the flesch, and nothynge es more gloriouse than for to ouercome the flesch. Thef es refe. Augustinus: Wo to hem that lyuen that thei encrece and gadre thynges to perysch here wher-of thei lese |r15 thynges euerlastynge! Ieremias: Wo to hym that byldeš his house not in ryghtwysnesse! Abacuc: Wo to hym that gadreš to-gedre not his awne! Lincolniensis: Wo to hem that seyn: Do we euyl thynges that gud thynges may come! Of which dampnacion es rightful. Pride has leue. Psalmus: Thei haue |r20 wrethide god in here neu-fyndynge of wrechednes, and fallynge in destruccion es multipliede in hem. Bernardus: God sparede not the proude angel that seyde not, ne ded, bot only [he] thoght pride, al-thoue he wer the sotel printe or toke[n] of god, ful conynge and perfite in fayrnes. O thou pouder and asches! Sal |r25 god spar the or no that enhanseste thyn-selfe be pryde of herte, be spekynge of mouthe, be [by-] hauynge and be wyrkynge? And so be foure manere es pride of man: of herte, of mouth, of dede, and of by-hauynge or habite. Augustinus: To be proude ašeyn god es to ouer-passe hys biddynge. Psalmus: He schal not |r30 abyde or dwelle in myddes of myn hous that makeš pride, et cetera. |p130 |r[f.32r] |r The fourte philosofre seyde: Wyl es rede. [Psalmus:] He wolde not vnderstonde that he schulde do wil. Pro_uerbiorum [XII=o=]: The wey of a fole es ryght in hys syght. He that es wyse heres counseyl. Sapiencie I=o=: Wysdom schal not |r5 entre in-to an euyl wyllyde soule, ne it schal not dwelle in a body subiete to synne. Witte es quede. Paulus: Tyme schal be when thei schal not susteyne holsum techynge, bot thei schal a-bowe to here desyres, and thei schul gadre hem maystres flaterynge in her eres, and thei schul turne a-wey her herynge fro |r10 truthe, and thei schal be turnede to fables. Augustinus: What_so -euer vertu byddeš thought of wycked men, it es venome; and what-so-euer the fende entyceš es mete to thought of wycked men. Crisostomus: The worde of god es scornede of euyl men, as Criste was scornede sumtyme of Iues. God es dede. |r15 Psalmus: Al vanite es euery man lyynge. that es to sey: euery man lyuynge sensually and not to god es al naner of vanite. Augustinus: As hodyly deth perteš soule fro body, so dedly synne perteš the fro verrey lyfe that es god. And note welle that as longe as man es in dedly synne, al his gude werkes ben dede, |r20 for thei wer don in dedly synne, and ther-for thei auayle not to haue euerlastynge life. Nertheles thei schal auaile to oon of thre thynges: Outhir to lesse the payn in helle, or elles that god the soner touche and lyghtne here hertes to repentance, or to haue prosperite in here lyfe in this worlde. Gregorius: Gude |r[f.32v] and |r25 rychesse be šeuen to wyckede men that thei desiren in [her lyfe], as to seke men, desperate of lyfe, al that thei desiren es not denyede. Item: God werkes don in dedly synne schal auaile to othir thynges, as to the vse of gud werkes. Also it es to be-leue that the fende has not so mych powere in hem as he schulde haue |r30 if thei dede al-wey euyl, et cetera. |p132 Septima tabula. |r I pray šou alle, my frendys dere, Sumwhat of boke of wysdom lere, Hou he spekeš to al maner men, |r5 That other schuld rule, teche or ken, Othir bodili or gostly. To hem he spekeš specially. He calleš euery man a kynge, That here has cure or gouernynge. |r10 He biddeš hem loue god and his lawe, And teche it othir men to kepe and knawe. |p134 And ther-aboute euer thei must be bese. And thei schal in heuen crounede be And haue more worschipe and honour Than euer had kynge or emperoure. |r5 Gregorius: No sacrificeš pleseš so myche god as true loue of soule. Idem: He es more in loue anenste god that drawes moo to the loue of god. If [hit] be myche to fede bodyes that schal dye, it es myche more to fede soules to lyue wyth-outen ende. Bot if thei her seke dignite, |r10 Worschipe, welth or welfare bodile, And godes lawe fro hem wythdrawe, [Whom] thei schulde it [do to] kepe and knawe, In grete peyne schal thei be |p136 For here state and dignite, That thei had thorou goddes grace, And sythen to hym vnkynde was. Apostolus: He that takes no kepe of hys thynges and most of |r5 hys owne housholde denyeš fayth, and he es werse than any vnfeythful man. Gregorius: Wyth-*outen |r[f.33r] doute he has gylte of the doer of euyl that reckeš not to amende that thynge that he may correcte. Bernardus: I, ferynge the multitude of my wyckednesse, haue drede to reproue trespaces of othyr men. And |r10 ther-for I haue ben auctor of deth, for I haue not put oute venome that I myght haue put a-way, cryinge ther a-šeyns. Som of god take here noon awe, And that thei schal aftyr-warde knawe, When thei in helle stronge paynes fele, |r15 When tyme of mercy passeš theme euery dele. Paulus: He that es vnwys in gylte, he schal be wys in peyne. Gregorius: Wycked men knowe neuer here gilte or synne bot in peyne. |p138 And some ther ben that gyfe hem mekyl To the worlde that es fals and fikel. On it there loue most thei sette; Ant it the loue of god most wyl lette. |r5 It schewyth to them many a thynge, That to the flesch es grete lykynge. He byddes [them] wyrke and felowe his wyl, And al ther wyl he schal fulfille. Many hym felowe and do ful [ille], |r10 Ther[fore] ofte thei falle in grete perrylle. He leddes hem forth wyth wrench and wyles, |p140 Bot at the laste he hem begyles. To the fende he es true seruaun [d]e, For he brynges his frendes in-to [his] hande. He techeš his frendes many a thynge |r5 Ašeyns godes law and his biddynge. Who-so ther-for his frende wil be, Enmy to god ordaynde es he. Apostolus: He that wil be frende of this worlde es ordeynde ful enmy to god. |r10 This worlde we may wele know and ken By the maner of worldly |r[f.33v] men. Som be to besy bothe nyght and day |p142 Aboute the worlde soon to passe a-way. To wynne his worschyp and his welth thei traueylle faste, Bot heuen to wynne thei haue no haste. Gregorius: Wo to šou that more laboreš to haue temperal |r5 gudes bi-for gostly and godly gudes, stronge to go the wey of worlde and feble to assaile the wey of commaundmentes of god! To maynten syn som kan grete skylle, And wronge prefe ryght for šeftes they wylle. Ther-for this worlde holdes them ful wyse, |r10 For moche thei can of his quantyse. Lincolniensis: Do we euyl thynges that gude thynges may come to vs! Whos dampnacion es ryghtful. Augustinus: O wynnynges dampnable! Thou fyndeste money, and thou leseste ryght-wysnesse, that man awes [not] to wyl for to lese for any |r15 price vndyre heuen. |p144 Som men maken ioy in her foly, In glotony, pryde and lychory, And felow al her fleschly lust, And ther-aboute do ofte grete cost; |r5 For so ther flesch haue there welfayre, For ther soules haue thei no kare. Ieronimus: Thei that goon after ther fleschly lustes, redy to wombe ioye and to lechery, ben a-countede as vnresonable bestes. Gregorius: The fende vexeš not myche hem that he |r10 knowes to be his be ryght [i]nheritance. Ieronimus: The more plenty of delytes and lusty lyuynge ther be here amonge men, so myche more scarcete, wrechednes, turmentes, and payne schal be in helle amonge deueles to hem. Apocalypsis: |r[f.34r] As mych as he has magnifyede and glorifyede hym-selfe in delytes, so mych |r15 turmente and weylynge šeue še to hym and lete hys myschefe and wrechednes be afture hys lusty lyuynge and ioye here. Som often despysen godes byddynge and lawe |p146 And alle holy menes techynges and sawe Wyth lawghynge and scornynge and frowarde doynge; And thys wyl haue a foule endynge. Leue it wele, wythouten lye. |r5 God hath sworne so schalle it be. Suche men be not reulede aftyr skylle. A whyle god suffreš hem to hauen her wylle. Bot aftur he wyl on hem sende Stronge veniance, bot thei amende. |r10 Propheta: I haue callede to sorow and wepynge and loo! ioye and gladnes. I haue sworn in my-selfe: This wyckednes schal |p148 not be foršeuen. Ysaias: Wo to šou that seis gud thynges to ben euyl thynges and euyl thynges to be gude! Crisostomus: Godes worde es scornede of wycked men as Criste was scornede of the Iues. |r5 He may be callede bothe wytty and wys, That worldly maners can wele dyspise, And felow hem noght in nothynge, That be ašeyns godys lawe and byddynge, Bot euyr to gude god has hys eye, |r10 [And] aftur his biddynge reulede wyl be. Propheta: On whom schal my spyrte reste, bot on a meke and contrite spiryte and kepynge my wordes? Gregorius: Al that dreden godes preceptes be made the tabernacle [or] dwellynge_place of god. Origenes: Euery man that obeyš the worde, |r15 Criste resteš in hym. |p150 Worldly wysdome |r[f.34v] es bot foly Be-for god and his seruauntes holy. Paulus: Wysdome of this worlde es bot foly a-for god. His ryches riche and worschype grete |r5 Es bot fauntome and dysseyte, Wher-wyth he has many man defylede, And at the laste hem by-gylede. Apostolus: Al that es in the worlde, or it es fleschly desyre, outher concupiscence [or] couetyse of een [or] syght, or ellys |r10 pride of lyfe. In the worlde what ellys se we [But wrechidnesse and vanite. A place it is of grete gylerie,] Of treson, discorde and tirannye, |p152 Of trauele, trayne and vilanye, Of peyne, of synne and of folye, Of scornynge and sclaundrynge wyckedly, Of chydynge of mote and fyghtynge folyly, |r5 Of bannynge and bacbytynge pryuely, Of flaterynge and fals feynynge sotilley. [Septem mortalia peccata.] Of pryde, of enuy and foule lechery, Of sleuth, of wreth and myche glotony, |r10 Of fals couetyse and wynnynge synfully, Of okyr and heresye, of sacrilege and symony. |p154 [Contra dei precepta.] Of false goddes worschypynge ful vnwysely, Of vayn swerynge and false and ofte and hydously, Of holy dayes myspendynge in synne and vanite, |r5 Of fadyr and modyr dyshonurynge gostly and bodyly, Of hyndrynge, of mans-sleynge in soule and body, Of foule luste and lechory pryuely and openly, Of thefte and of raueyn wyth extorcion plenty, Of fals wyttnes berynge wytyngly and wylfully, |r10 Of othir mennes thynge desyrynge thorowe synne and trechery, |p156 Of godes byddynges ofte brekynge won*durboldly. |r[f.35r] A place it es of temptynge, of grete oppressyon, Of stynke and of fylth and mych corrupcyon. A grete fole, me thynke, certeyn es he, |r5 That makeš his heuen in suche cuntre. For al the ryches and welth of this lande Schal turne al to erthe and muke stynkande. The wys man in sothe wyl not sette his herte On thynge that may not longe stonde in querte. |p158 Bot on the ende he has ofte hys mynde, And no-thynge sette be-for that schulde be be-hynde, Leste he for fleschly luste, vanite and synne Lese heuen blys and helle peyn wynne. |r5 Ecclesiastici VII=o=: O son, haue in mynde thyn laste thynges: deth and that longes ther-to, and thou schalt not synne wyth-outen ende! He seyth plurelly laste thinges, [that is] haue thou [in] mynde what schal falle of thi thynges [or] thi gudes, of thi body, and of thi saule. Psalmus: If ryches felow to šow, wylles |r10 not seyte šoure hertes to mych ther-to. It es wretyn: Better es to haue a gude avisemente [or] a premedytacion than lord_schippe [or] dominacion of al the worlde. |p160 Octaua tabula. A prayer to the sacramente. |r Hayle, moste benigne Ihesu Cryste of Našareth, borne kynge of Iues, son of the fader, maydens son, lombe of |r5 god, holy hooste, sacred verrey flesche, hele of the worlde, welle of pyte! Pater noster. Aue Maria. Hayl, moste swete Ihesu Cryste of Našareth, kynge of Iues, bryghtnes of the fader, prynce of pees, gate of heuen, brede |r[f.35v] oflyfe, maydens byrth, vessel of clennes! Pater noster. Aue Maria. |r10 Hayl, most buxum Ihesu Criste of Našareth, kynge of Iues, praysynge of angels, glorye of seyntes, visyon of pees, the hoole godhede, verrey man, floure and frute of the moder mayden! Pater noster. Aue Maria. Hayl, most mylde Ihesu Criste of Našareth, kynge of Iues, lyght |r15 of heuen, price of the worlde, oure ioye, brede of angels, myrth of herte, kynge and spouse of maydenhede! Pater noster. Aue Maria. Hayl, moste of pite, moste meke Ihesu Criste of Našareth, kynge of Iues, wey of swetnes, hyeste truth, oure mede, true |r20 charite, welle of loue, pees and swetnes, oure reste, lyfe euer_endurynge ! Pater noster. Aue Maria. A prayer to our lady seynt Mary. |r Mary moder, wele thou be! Mary [mayden], thynk on me! |r25 Mayden and moder was neuer noon To-gedyr, lady, bot thou a-lone. Swete Mary, mayden clene, |p162 Schylde me fro al schame and tene. And oute of synne, lady, schelde thou And oute of dette, for charite. Lady, for thi ioyes fyue, |r5 Gete me grace in this lyue To knowe and kepe ouer al thynge Cristen fayth and goddes biddynge, And truly wynne al that es nede To me and myn cloythe and feede. |r10 Helpe me, lady, and al myn. Schilde me, lady, fro helle pyne. Schilde me, lady, fro vilany And fro al wyckede company. Schilde me, lady, fro euyl schame |r15 And fro al wyckede fame. |p164 Swete Mary, mayden |r[f.36r] mylde, Fro the feende thou me schilde. That the fende me not dere, Swete lady, thou me were. |r5 Bothe be day and by nyghte Helpe me, lady, with al thi myght. For my frendes,lady, I pray the, That thei may sauede be Bothe in soule and in lyfe, |r10 Lady, for thi ioyes fyfe. For my fomen I pray also, That thei may here so do: Lete theme not in wreth dye, |p166 Swete lady, I the praye. And tlei that ben in dedly synne, Lete them neuer dye ther-in. Swete lady, thou hem rede |r5 For to amende ther mysdede. Pray for me, lady, to heuen kynge, He graunte me scrifte and gud endynge; Ihesu, for thi swete grace, In heuen blys to haue a place. |r10 Lady, as I truste in the, Thes prayers graunte thou me, And I schal, lady, whil I lyue |p168 Grete the wyth auees fyue, A pater noster and an crede, To helpe [me, lady,] at al my nede. Swete lady, ful of wynne, |r5 Ful of grace and god wyth-inne, As thou art floure of thy kynne, Do my folyes for to blynne. And schilde me oute of dedly synne, That I be neuer take ther-inne. Amen. |p170 Subtraccio uictus anime. |r Defaute or lettynge of prechyng or techynge of goddes worde when any man be holden ther-to, it es wyth-drawynge of the soules fode. Euangelium: God seyde thryes to Peter: Fede |r5 my schepe, that es to say wyth worde, wyth ensample, and wyth helpe of temperalle gudes tler nede es. Ešechiel: Lo! I schal require my floc of the |r[f.36v] curate herdman. Ysaias: Crye, that thou cesse not [to] enhance thi voyce as a trumpe, and scheu to my peple here synnes! Gregorius: A preste curate out_goynge |r10 and enterynge dyeš if soun [or] voys be not herd of hym, for if sounynge of prechynge or techynge be not herd of hym, he prouokeš the wreth of the euer-lastynge iuge ašeyns hym-selfe. Item: Curates be dampnede for wyckednes of peple if outher thei teche not hem vn-konnynge or thei reproue not |r15 hem synnynge. Idem: We lyuen [of] that offrynge of true cristen men that thei offren. If we eten and holde vs stille, we eten wyth-outen doute [here synnes]. Osee: Curates eten the synnes of my peple. Whi be thei seyde prestes to ete the synnes of the peple, bot for thei norysch and suffreš the synnes of |r20 trespacers, that thei leue not temperalle wages? Thei dar not or wil not seye, and thei drede or for summe prosperite, that thei lese it not, or for aduersite, that thei falle not in it, or for couetise, for thei wyllen haue that thei laue not. Gregorius: O bretherne, takeš of hou gret dampnacion it be to take frute of |r25 trauel wyth-outen trauele, and hou greuous it be to ete synnes and no-thynge to do ašeyns synnes! Crisostomus: He es a marchaunde that holdeš place, office, or dignite of cure, and sekeš not wynnytge of soules. Thei be marchauntš that taken cure of soule not for thei couete to gouerne and kepe the chirche |r30 in ryghtwysnes and holynes, bot for thei [couete] to be made rych and be honourde in |r[f.37r] worldly worschipe be-for other. Ther-for thei fallen in-to the trappe and temptacion of the deuyl. Marchauntš recke not of helth of the schepe, bot that thei haue mylke and wolle. Thei gapen aftur erthly profites, thei ioyen of |r35 honour of prelacy, the[i] be fede wyth temperalle lucrys, thei |p172 reioycen of hye reuerence that men do to hem. These ben the medes of marchauntes, for whiche thei laboure principally. God thretes such vnsely wreches by the prophete, seynge: Wo gretteste! That es to sey: he thretes destruccyon and veniable |r5 deth to hem. Gregorius: He may not stonde longe wyth-oute of whome true religiose presthode es slayne wyth-inne. When a braunche of the vyn es kutte of, it may not florysch and bere frute, bot it muste bowe. Paulus: When men schul seye: pees es now and sikernes, than schal com on hem a-noon soden deth. |r10 Gregorius: No man noyes more in the chyrch than he that, doyng wyckedly, has name or ordure of holynes. He that wytyngly šeues to such wycked men cure of soule pursues more cruelly Criste than ded Herode or the crucifiers. Sothly, nothynge es more abomynable and hatful to god than leesynge of soules, |r15 et cetera. Hec tria sunt necessaria pastoribus. |r Thre thynges be nedful to curates: Lyght, syght, and salt, that es wysdom. Lyght that thei schyne or lyghten. Euangelium: šour lyght muste schyne so be-for men that thei may see šoure |r20 gud dedes, et cetera. Syght of ee that thai may see. Ešechiel: |r[f.37v] I haue made the an ouer-seer to the hous of Israel. Salt or wysdom that thei may make sauery the hertes or myndes of ther subiettes be her prechynge. If the curate has not lyght, he [e]ntretes Cristes body wyth perel, and he es vnworthi his office. |r25 If he fayle syght of discrecyon, than es he blynde ledynge the blynde man, and both schal fallen in-to the dyche. If he haue no salt, sauer of prechynge, than es the peple fastynge, and thei schal fayle in the way. Also if the curate es not lyght, he schal lede in other, bot he schal entre [not hym-self]. If he es not |r30 salt or sauery in wysdom, he es an hounde a-boute the floc of god, bot he dryueš not a-wey the wolfe wyth berkynge of prechynge. If he haue not the ee of dyscrecyon, he loseš and byndeš vnworthili. Lincolniensis: The dede of charge of curates es not oonly in mynistracion of sacramentes and in seynges of |r35 houres and syngynge of masses, bot also in verrey doctrine of truth of lyfe and in ferful dampnacion of vices and in herde |p174 |r correpcion of viciouse men and scharpe and streyte chastysmente when it es nede. Also the werke of curates es in fedynge of hungry, in drynke šeuynge to thursty, in couerynge of naked men, in herberynge of pore gestes, in visitacion of seke men and |r5 of presoners and moste of her oune paryschenges, whose temperalle gudes ben of the chyrch. Be ensample of suche werkes the peple aweš to be taught, et cetera. Presthode. |r[f.38r] |r Moste dere bretherne, knoweš še wele that as gold es more |r10 preciose than al other metal, so es prestehode more excellent than al other diuine officeš and dignites. Prelates ben heuenes sterres of god, mount of testament, clere cloudes of heuen, the sides and stronge wardes of the north. Prelates ben heuens, for thei conteyn the priue thyge of god. Psalmus: |r15 Heuens tellen ioye of god. Prelates ben sterres of god. God seyeš of hem: še be light of the worlde. Prelates be clere cloudes of heuen, for thei waterne the mendes of faythful men be swete dewe of prechynge. Of which it es seyde: Who ben these that flyen as cloudes? Prelates be sydes of the north, for |r20 thei be ney to synners that be colde in synnes. Prelates be the mounte of testament, for an hille es vndirstande heght of connynge of ayther testament, olde and newe. Euangelium: He that heres šou heres me, and he that dispiseš šou despiseš me. Apostolus: še prelates be an chosen kynde or kynrede, a ryal presthode, holy |r25 folke, peple of true gettynge or purchace. It longeš subiettes duly to worschipe šou, bot it longeš not to šou to aske it or desyre it. Paulus ad Tymotheum: Prestes that goueren wel muste ben had in double worschipe, temperally and gostly. The prestes muste be had most in worschip that trauellen in worde and in |r30 doctrine. Crisostomus: He that honours the preste of Cryste worschipes Criste, and [he] that eniureš the preste of Cryste dos wronge to Criste. Foure maners of presteš. |r[f.38v] |r Foure maners or kyndes be founden of presthode. Fyrste |r35 kynde felowes glotony. Secunde kynde swes lechory. Therde kynde swes couetyse or veynglorye. Fourte kynde of |p176 presteš feloweš ryghtwysnes. Kynge Dary slough presteš of glotony that priuely and thefly stalen a-way sacrifieš be smale dores. Thei seyden ther god ete hem. Danyel dampnede preste[s] of lychory that, flaterynge wyth fals vnpunyschemente, |r5 couetede to oppresse Susan, doghter of Israel. The erthe has swolwede be veniance of god prestes of couetyse or veynglory: Dathan and Abiron that, profecyenge of her awen spiryte and disseuynge the peple of god, wolden be a-boue al other. And thei purposed and laboured to a-rette to hem-selfe worschyp |r10 and grace be veynglory. The fourte: Ihesus glorifiede and praysede prestes of ryghtwysnes, as Aaron and Eleašar and such outher lyke them, that openly knowlechede hem-selfe to loue the ryghtwysnes of god be lyuynge, be gude fame and gude doctrine. It suffyseš not only to prestes to schewe swete wordes, seynge |r15 euery day Psalmum Benedicam dominum: I schal blesse god in al tyme and alwey his prasynge in my mouth, et cetera; Psalmum Quam dulcia faucibus, et cetera: How swete a-bouen hony be thyn commaundmentes [or] thi lawe in my cheekes to my mouthe; Psalmum In uia mandatorum, et cetera: I haue |r20 delytte in wey of thi commaundmentes as in al rychesse; Psalmum |r[f.39r] Dilexi mandata tua: I haue louede thi commaundmentes a-boue golde and precyouse stone; Paratus sum et non sum turbatus: I am redy and not troblede that I may kepe thyn com_mandmentes; Iniquitatem odio habui: I haue had at hate |r25 wyckednes. I haue louede thi lawe. These wordes and outher [be lyke] fayre leues; bot god cursede the figtre, for he fonde no frute ther-in bot only leues. It longeš an ypocryte to haue holy wordes and not to haue holy dedes. Basilius: God wil not hym-selfe only to be louede wyth wordes bot wyth clene herte |r30 and ryghtful werkes. Dere bretherne, be we ware that we be not of hem of which apostle spekeš pro[phe]cyenge: It schal falle in the laste dayes: Men louynge schul be hem-selfe, couetose ot mony, hy, of herte proude, not obeyciaunte to faders and moders, not holdynge hoolsum doctrine, louers of her oune wyl more |r35 than of god, hauynge a spice or aliknes of pite, deny[i]nge verey truth, whom god schal curse in ende. Who that desyreš to take |p178 the sacramente [or] Cristes body, if he affecte to be fede wyth swetnes of frute of Criste, he muste go to hym wyth these thre vertues: wyth true contricion of synnes, wyth wyl to do no more euyl, and wyth stedfaste purpos of perseuerance in gud werkes |r5 and in al other gude thynges to his power. Euery preste for soth owe to considre: that thynge that he schal receyue in the auter es moste excellent seynt of seyntes and a sprynge [or] begynnynge of al holynes, very god |r[f.39v] that made heuen and erthe, and very man that henge on cros for vs; and ther-for the preste muste go |r10 to that body holily and deuoutly with grete reuerence and drede, as mych as he may, and be war on al wyse that he take it not in dedly synne. For as seynt Ambrose seyth: He that receyueš vn-worthily Criste es the same as if he slowe hym. Augustinus: They synne more that be-takes Criste to synners [or] membyrs |r15 of wyckednes than thei that be-trayede hym to the lues, crucifyers. As Iudas betrayede Criste to his enmys, so the mynister of the sacramente or the receyuer vnworthi, in as mych as in hym es, be-take[š] hym to deueles, whil he putteš [hym] in a place that es vnder power of fendes. Apostolus: He that eteš and drynkeš |r20 the holy sacrament of Cristes body, flesch, and blode vnworthili, he receyueš to hym-selfe the dome of dampnacion. When the messe werkeš the dome of dampnacion to the preste syngynge the messe vnworthili, hou may his prayer profette other men to helth? Gregorius: It es to drede more when such men |r25 vnworthi be ordeynde to pray in places, that thei prouoke the wreth of gode, for when an vnworthi man es sent or put to pray, the wil of the wrethede es stirede to worse thynges. Augustinus: Better es to leue witurly gostly thynges than to entre for to touche vnworthily or vnclenly. [De ecclesiasticis officiis]: God |r30 aloweš not gret besynes of seruyceš bot deuocion of myndes. God schal not rewarde prestes vpon many messes syngynge, bot vpon clennes of her handes werkes. |r[f.40r] Psalmus: God schal rewarde me vpon clennes of my handes and my dedes. Ther-for awe we to sewe Ioseph, as [Theophilus] seieš: When we take Cristes |p180 body, we muste receyue it wyth a clene kerchief, that es to sey wyth pure and clere conscience, chaste body, and clene herte. A man that, knowynge his gilte, him-selfe gylty in synne, wil abstene hym-selfe fro the auter, that es receyuynge of that holy |r5 sacramente, for clensynge of hym-selfe and the reuerence of that lorde, wyth prayers, fastynges, and almesdedes, he schal not drede to haue communynge of heuenly feste euerlastynge, et cetera. |r Uestimentes ordeynde to prestes techen vs hou a preste awe to be arayede inwardly [or] in soule that so honestly es |r10 arayde with-oute. Firste the preste that es to synge masse wascheš his hondes in token that he oweš to be waschen fro al gostly vnclennes to go to that holy sacramente. He dooš ouer aftyrwarde halowede vestimentes, of which firste es the amyte, for it heyleš or couereš the hede, and it be-tokennes feyth, that owe |r15 to be hadde by-for al thynges to couere the hede [or] vndyr_standynge, to ouercome it that it leue not to mych on reson natural in these thynges that longen to feyth, bot veryly to leue of hool doctrine of the chirch. The aube that es next do on be-tokeneš nuynge of lyfe that Criste had and taught to be |r20 felowede. The gyrdel be-tokenš conscience that Criste com_mande š prestes seynge: Tuckeš vp šoure reynes, or ellys šoure |r[f.40v] reyneš musten be tuckede vp, wher lechery reyneš moste, in token of chastite and clene lyuynge. The maniple or phanone in the lefte hande be-tokeneš pacyence in aduersite, that es |r25 betokende by the lyfte syde. The stoole strenynge the breste in maner of the cros be-tokeneš that he oweš not to be schamede of the cros of Criste, bot to be redy to saffre maliciose wrongys for hys loue, or elles the stole that es putte in the necke be-tockenš obedyence, for Criste was made obeynge vn-to the deth. The |r30 chesipule or planete callyde, that es a-boune othyr vestimentes, be-tokenš charite, that es excellente a-boune othyr vertuys. The couerynge of feete representeš incarnacion of Cryste. As by Psalmum, seyde in persone of the sone: I schal strech oute my couerynge of fete, that es to seye mannes nature or kynde of man. |r35 Wher-of the preste, when he representeš Criste, he awe [not] to do messe bare-fette. |p182 Maner also of araynge to the mystery of this holy sacrament es touchede Exodi XII=o= thus of the pasche lombe: še schal not ete of hym eny thynge rawe, ne sothen in water, bot rostede only be fyre. He eteš the lombe truly rostede wyth fyre that has in |r5 mynde besily Cristes passyon, whos figure es this holy sacramente, so that the fyre brenne in hys meditacion. Swete brede wyth_outen soure dowgh es necessarys wyth letuseš of the felde. God werkes wyth-outen synne ben vndyrstonde in this |r[f.41r] brede, as ben almesdedes, prayers, and such other that muste be do be-for |r10 re[cey]uynge of this sacramente of Cristes body. Sorow and biternes ben vndyrstonde in lettuse, that owe to be in the mynister of this holy sacrament. Effecte of this sacrament es of many vertuys to hym that receyueš it worthly. For it reioyces the mynde. It encreceš |r15 vertues ašens vices. It dooš a-wey venyal synnes. It ioyneš more stronge the menbres to the hede, that es gude cristen men to Criste. Vnde versus: Roborat, augmentat hoc sacramentum, delet et vnit. It es expounde nexte be-for. Hugo secundum Thomam de Ueritatibus: The body of Cryste es medecyn to |r20 seke men, dyete to pilgremeš. It comforteš feble. It deliteš stronge men. It heleš langoure. It kepeš helth. Man es made more buxum to correpcion by Cristes body, more pacyent to labure, more brynnynge in loue, wyser to warnes, redyer to obeyssaunce, more deuote to doynge of thankes. |r25 De claustralibus soli deo militantibus. |r The cloysterere that es vndyr obedyence and other mennes powere seyth per aventour: Me semeth it were better to lede a worldly lyfe, where dedes of mercy myghte be done and vsede, than to be closede here in pouerte fro the worlde and fro |r30 myn awen wyl. To whom may be answerde thus: It es better to haue mercy and compassyon vndyr other pore wreches |r[f.41v] lyuynge than for to mowe šeue to pore men al the worlde. It es more trauelose to for-sake thyn awne selfe, that es thy wyl, than al thyn gudes. That thynge that thou arte es better wyth-outen com_peryson |r35 than that that thou haste, wher-of it es prouede that, |p184 if thou šeue thi-selfe, thou šeues more than al the worlde. Ieronimus: He has šeuen al thynge to god that has offerde hym_selfe to god. Is it not better to be callede god than godes seruauntš? Bot god calleš hym-selfe that man that suffreš |r5 paciently, the streyte wrech lyuynge of pouerte, seynge: še haue do to me that thynge that še dede to the leste of myne. Also it es better to deme than to be demede. Pore men schal iuge ryche men, as god seiš: še that hauen for-sake al thynges and felowe me, še schal sitte on iudicial seetes demynge, et cetera. |r10 Also [it] es better to haue heuen in possessyon than in behotynge. God seyš: Pore men in spyrte be blessede, for the kyngdome of heuens es of hem. He seyš not in the texte: Thei schal haue it, bot: It es of hem. That es to sey: Thei be so sure ther-of as if thei wer ther-inne. Also god seys: še ben thei that haue abyden |r15 wyth me in my temptacyons, and I dispose to šou as my fader has disposed to me the kyngedome of heuen. Glosa [Iohannis] I=o=: Haue no disdeygne thoue wyckede men florysch in prosperite in the worlde if še suffre. For it es not the worthynes of cristen men to be exaltede in temperalle gudes, bot rather to be depressede |r20 and holde |r[f.42r] lowe. Bernardus: If thou wylt haue seruyse or helpe of angels, fle solace of the worlde and wyth-stande temptacions of the feende. Prosper XII=o=: It es spedful to the chirche to haue rychesse and facultes to be possessed and oure oune facultes to be despisede for loue of perfeccyon. Ieronimus: |r25 When men writen ašeyns vices, he that es wroth es accusere of hym-selfe. It es better to vs to be corrected be oure-selfe or to be reproued be frendes of oure vices than be destruede or deposed be enmys or herytykes. Seneca: Vices of frende owe to be broken. I loue hym not, bot that I offend hym ašeyns them. |r30 Whether I schal profyte or not, I wot not. I haue leuere fren_schip or lucly hape fayle me than feyth. Augustinus: I aske to be chastysede of al, to be amendyde of al, and I trowe hym only to be my frend be whos tunge or doctrine I wype a-wey synful spottes of my mynde be-for the apperynge of the streyte, ryghtful |p186 ruge. Salomon: Soden deth schal falle vnto that man that despiseš wyth a proude herte an[d] harde hatrel a man chas_tysynge or reprouynge hym for his better. Crisostomus: He es not gud that may reproue euyl thynge; bot he that es reprouyde |r5 in euyle and takeš reprouynge in gud maner es gude, et cetera. |r Many be spices of ydolatre. Sum es worschipynge of deuelryes; an-other es worschip of sonne, of mone, of planetes sterres; therd of elementes; fourte of men; fyfte of vnresonable bestes; sexte of ymages or of other werkes of |r[f.42v] |r10 other mannes hande; seuente of tyme or of perteš of it. And also ydolatre es of thynges. And it es to weten that ydolatry es a grete synne. It takeš awey worschip fro god and šeues it to a creature that es not worthi to take it, and he makeš creatures lyke as god. The synne of ydolatry es so mych contrariouse to |r15 god and despisable, as myche as the creature that es so maade equale to god es vile and vn-werthi to hym. No doute es bot that thei don ydolatre that šeuen to ydoles that thynge that oweš to be šeuen to god only. Glosa super Mathei []: Thi lord god thou schalt worschipe, and thou schalte serue hym only. |r20 Latria in latyn es commune subieccyon of fre seruise and worschipe owght to god. Dulia es subieccyon of seruise and worschip doon to man and to eny other. Note here wele: that worschiping that Moyses forfendede to be do was worschypinge of latria, that longeš oonly to god, and not of dulia, that longeš to |r25 other thynges. Moyses forbeed grauynge[s] and similitudes of false goddes to be worschiped and prayede to, seying: Thou schalt not praye to [hem], ne worschipen. Nertheles his entent was not to for-bede vtturly that no si[mi]litude or grauynge schulde be made, syth he dede the contrary, as in cherybym |r30 Exodi XXVo. Ther-for it es not for-boden man to make ymages and portrature to suche an ende and entencion as Bede wytnesses in exponynge of Salamons temple, of whych he may haue mynde of his lorde god, and that he |r[f.43r] thynke hym to be had in mynde. For this es not drawynge to ydolatry, bot rather reuokynge fro |r35 ydolatry. Bot to make ymages bi cause to worschipe hem only, |p188 it es forbedden vtturly. Sapiencie XIVo: That ydol [or] fals god that es made bi handes es cursede, and he that made the ydol es cursede. Augustinus: Socrates was slayn for he wolde not worschipe ydoles, for thei wer oonly werkes of man, and seide |r5 that he schulde rather worschipe flesch that es werke of kynde, syth the cause es more worthi than es effecte. It es mych a-gayne reson that a man schulde worschype his handwerkes. It es a wondur foly to assume hym god that man knowes wyth-outen wisdame and gudnes. Isayas: I schal not šeue to grauen |r10 ymages my glorye. Psalmus: Alle be thei confoundede and schent that worschipen grauen ymages as god, and thei that ioyen in here false goddes. Also be thei made lyke her goddes that maken hem and al that trusten in hem. Ambrosius: How grete es the folye of hem anemste whom an ymage es more worthi than |r15 verry truthe or may more than truthe. Sapiencie XIII=o=: He schameš not to speken wyth hym that es wyth-outen lyfe or soule, and he prayš a seeke thynge or feble for helth and a dede thynge for lyf. He calleš entierly helpe and askeš for wey-goynge of hym that may not go ne moue. Ieronimus: Spiryte of lyfe es |r20 not in ydoles. Thei be in vayn and a werk worthi scorne. Thei be schewyde worthi scornynge that be in |r[f.43v] kynde of ydolatre. Radulphus super Leuiticum: As [the] grauen ymage es not to be worschiped for hym-selfe as it wer god, ryght so a ded man es not to be worschipede in eny ymage. Seyntes of god and gud |r25 spirytes be to be worsch[i]ped and prayed to mych, and he that honoureš hem honoureš god. Nertheles seyntes be not to be worschiped fully as goddes, bot as moste holy seruantš of god, most hy and myghty. By her helpe many benfetes may come to vs, and hope of helpe may be put in hem; bot we may not |r30 a-counte hem autours of helth, bot prayers and getters ther-of_Propheta: I schal not šeue to an-nother my glorye, for seyntes and discrete men a-schamen that worschipe of god schulde be šeuen to hem. Thei be displesude and offendede when worschep es don to hem or to any other thynge that es to be don only to |r35 god. So grete [diseyse] and iniurye of the lorde may not plese |p190 hem. Ther-for god es to be worschiped a-bouen al thynges and to be louede and drede; of whom al gud thynges proceden, and whych only makeš merueyles and myracles, et cetera. Of thre kyndes of prayer. |r5 |r Thre kyndes ben of prayers. Summe ther ben that prayen wyth oonly lyppes; of which oure lorde spekeš by the pro_phete: This peple worschipen me wyth lyppes, bot the herte of hem is fer fro me. Gregorius: What profiteš noyse of lyppes wher the herte is doume? Ysidorus: The mynde is fer fro god |r10 that is occupyede wyth thynkynge of the worlde in prayer. |r[f.44r] To be in besy prayers a-bydynge helpeš mych to stedfastnes of herte to be had and to synge deuoutly psalmodye. Mathei VI=o=: Wylleš še not praynge speke many thynges. Gregorius: The more we be temptede wyth greuouse truble of fleschly thoghtes, so mych |r15 more we owe to entende bysily to prayer. It longeš to lyfte vp the hartes wyth the handes to god. Other ther ben that prayen wyth lippes and hert bothe. Iohannis IIII: True praynge men or wyrschipers schul pray and wyrschipe the fader in spyrite and in trouthe. Ysidorus: Then pray we truly when we thynke of |r20 non other thynge. Ricardus Hampulle: He prayeš deuoutly that has not his [herte] rennynge abowte in erthly thynges, bot lyftede vp to god in heuenly thynges. For no prayer is so pro_fitable, no prayer is so worthi as the bysi praer of a rightful man. Glosa super Numer[os]: On seynte is more worthi in praynge |r25 than in-numerable synners batellynge. Ysidorus: Alle thynges profitabule to vs be šeuen bi bysy prayers, and al thynges noyant wyth-outen doute be dryuen a-wey. The therde ben thei that prayen wyth herte oonly. Mathei VI=o=: When thow schalte pray, go in-to thi chambyr, thyn couch, and whil thi dore is clos, pray |r30 god thi fader. Ysidorus: A feruente prayer is not of lippeš bot of hertes. For it is more to praye |r[f.44v] wyth herte than wyth mouth. Regum I=o=: Anne spake in the herte, and the voys was not herde. A trewe askynge or prayer is not in voys of mouthe, bot in thoghte of herte. This erande is do more with inwarde |r35 sorowes and compunccyons than wyth voices outwarde, more wyth wepynge than with outwarde askynge. |p192 Ysidorus: Prayer is lettede two maners that no man may geten that he askeš. That is: If any man 1. do šet wyckede thynges, 2. or for-šeues not the dette to hem that trespacš to hym. God spekš of the fyrste impedimente be Ysaie: For šoure |r5 handes werkes be ful of synne, ther-for I schal not here šou mercyably. Prouerbiorum XV: God es fer fro wyckede men, and he schal here mercyably prayers of rightful men. Augustinus: He that is turnede fro the commandmentes of god deserueš not to haue that he askeš in prayer. Idem: On prayer of a creature |r10 obedyent is soner herde than ten thousande prayers of a dispiser. Ysidorus: If we do that god biddeš, with-outen doute we haue that we aske. Anastasius seyš of the secunde letynge: If thou foršeueste not wronge that es do to the, thou makeste not for thi-selfe prayer, bot thou bryngeste on thi-selfe a-cursynge. |r15 Ysidorus: As no leche-crafte or medicyn profiteš in a wounde if šitte yren be ther-in, so prayer of any man profiteš nothynge to hym in whos mynde the sore a-bydeš or hate in herte. Augustinus: |r[f.45r] If charite fayle, al other thynges be had in vayn. Crisostomus super Matheum: Thou takest not foršeuenes, bot |r20 if thou for-šeue be-for. Marci XI: If še for-šeue not other, šour heuenly fadyr schal not for-šeue šoure synnes. To for-šeue rancour and offens is of necessite. To for-šeue the dede or accion and the amendes ther-of is werkes of counseyl and of plenteuos fre šifte. |r25 |r Of tribulacion god seyš: I seye truly truthe to šow: for še schal sorow and wepe, the worlde schal ioye. še schal be sory, bot šoure sorynes schal be turnede to ioye. Paulus: It be-houeš šou to entre the kyngedame of heuens by many tribula_cions. Gregorius: Tribulacion is gate of kyngdam of heuens. |r30 This is the gate of oure lorde; ryghtfulle men schul entre in it. Idem: As the flesch is noryschede wyth softe thynges, so the soule is norischede wyth harde thynges. Petrus Rauennas de Lašaro: As many woundes as Lašare had, so many mouthes had he cryinge to god; ther the mouthe es stylle, tribulacion |r35 cryeš. Ieronimus: The more we be turmentede in this worlde wyth pouerte, wyth power of enmys, or wyth cruelte of seknesse, |p194 the more mede we schul haue in heuen aftyr a-counte šolde vp. God suffreš not tribulacion to com to hys seruauntes bot for her profite. He seiš: I reproue and chastise hem that I loue. Psatmus: I am wyth hym in tribulacion. I schal delyuer hym, |r5 and I schal make him ioyful. Propheta: My childe, |r[f.45v] wyl thou not drede if thou go be fyre. His flamme schal not noye the; it schal clenše thyn soule fro fleschly vnclennes and make it able to receyue gostly fyre of loue of god, and it be-houeš that to be do fyrste. Gregorius: God makeš to hys chosen seruauntes a scharpe |r10 wey, that thei for-šette not tho thynges that be in the cuntre of heuen while thei delyten a lytel in this worlde. Idem: Euyle thynges that turmente vs here compellen vs to go to god. Bernardus: God is wroth wyth hym that he scorgeš not synnynge. Augustinus: He that schal not deserue to be scorgede in this |r15 worlde schal be turmented in helle. Truly, god scorgynge meruelosly and helthfully casteš doun a synnere whiche he has knowen fro by-gynnynge to be sauede to hys glorye, that he that fel doun wickede [and] seek may ryse ašeyn gud and hool. God makeš in this castyngedoun of the proude meke, of the enuyose |r20 and ireful charitable, of vnryghteful and couetose ryghtful and large, [of] gloton discrete, of lycherose chaaste, of a lyere true, of a wyckede man holy louere of heuenly commandmentes, and of a dampnable man man to be saued. Where thei be not caste doun ynogh that so be made of chyldren loste the eyres of god? |r25 Augustinus: If thou haste knowen wel the promisses of the fader, drede thou not to be beten, for the betynge or scorgynge with-*in |r[f.46r] or wyth-oute glorifyeš the hye makere. It compelleš hym that wyl not to do wel, it techeš the vnkunnynge, it kepeš vertu, it defendeš infirmite, it styreš vp the dul and sleuthful man, it |r30 mekeš the proude man, it purcheš the repentaunte, it crouneš the innocente. If thou suffre harme, vyleny, or wronge, thenke a-noon of the apostle, seynge: Beeš not še šeldynge euyl for euyl, ne cursede for cursede, bot euen contrarye-wyse. Blesseš alwey and dooš wel. Salomon: Sey not: I schal šelde euyl for |r35 euyl, bot a-byde oure lorde, and he schal delyuere the. Ysidorus: It is a grete vertu if thou hurteste not hym of whom thou art hurte. It is a grete strengh if thou hurte for-šeue. It [is] a grete |p196 ioye if thou spare hym whom thou myghtest disese. Gregorius: I trow vertu of pacience be more than sygnes [or] miracles. Idem: We may be martres wyth-outen ire or flaume if we kepe truly pacience in soule. Ieronimus: He is not a wrech a-nemste |r5 cristen men that suffreš, bot he that makeš debate and strife. Crisostomus: It es to haue compassyon and not to haue wreth to a wranglynge man, for the deuyl has hym [in] possessyon. [He] that dooš wronge and wyl not do satisfaccyon, he is ded gostly. And therfor wyl thou not do cruelnes vn-to thyn brothyr |r10 ded, bot rather haue compassyon to hym. Spare thy enmy, |r[f.46v] and god schal spare the. Thou hast offendede more god an hundreth_folde than thyn enmy has offendede the. God seys to the: For-šeue thou, and god schal for-šeue the. Gregorius: Al-myghty god suffreš the aduersaryes of hys chosen chyldren to encrece |r15 temperally, that the lyfe of gud men may be clensede and puryfyede by feernes and cruelnes or wodnes of wyckede men. Crisostomus super Matheum: Wyckede men may not noye holy men when thei wyllen, bot when god šeues hem tyme of dysesynge or of noyance, wher-by he prouideš to his seyntes |r20 a croune. Salomon: He that es a fole schal serue the wyse man. Bernardus: The proude and cruel smyth vnwyttynge makeš to hem crouneš euerlastynge. If thou be dryuen oute of the cuntre, out of hoom, thenke in thy mynde that we haue not oure cuntre endurynge here, bot we |r25 seke the cuntre euerlastynge. Why trowest thou to lese here cuntre or hoom that art a pilgreme in al the erthe? Considre also that it es of more meryte to leue or lese pacyently tho thynges that thou hast if thei be taken a-wey by strengh, than for [to] šeue hem to pore men; for it is vertu seelder had for to |r30 suffyr wronges wyth euyn wyl gladly than for to do wylfully gud dedes. Ad Hebreos X=o=: še taken wyth ioye the raueyn [or] mystakynge a-wey of šoure gudes, knowynge šoure-selfe to haue a better substance and a-bydynge euer. If thou haue falle in grete bodily seeknes and greuose, |r[f.47r] by the |p198 postle worde to suffre paciently aduersites is of more meryte than to laboure in other gud werkes ryght bysily. Gregorius: Thenke often [that] it be-houes vs to be brennyde in this lyfe wyth fyre of goddes loue or elles to be turmentede aftyr this lyf wyth fyre of |r5 purgatory or of helle. Chese whethyr we wyllen, we schal not ascape that on of hem. The face of god schal neuer be seen of any man til he haue satisfyede or payed by payne [or] suffrynge the leste ferthynge of venyal synnes. It be-houes euery man to be as clene bi-for the entre of paradys as he was in his innocencye |r10 of baptyme. Thenk also that the moste greuose peyne of this worlde is lesse than the leste payne of purgatory. As seys seynte Austyn: Also considre that oon day here in this worlde of helefulle penaunce may putte a-way al the payne of on šere in purgatorye. Propheta: I haue šeuen to the a day for oon |r15 šere. [Augustinus:] If thou wilte be clensede, accuse thyn_selfe in peyne and prayse the ryghtwysnesse of god. Whil thou arte in tribulacion, thenke that we be enmys of god; we haue offendede god in synnynge. Therfor he fyghtš ašeyns vs for we be-gynne to fyght. Or he wolde haue pees, seynge: Turne the |r20 or be še turnede to me, and I schal turne or be turnede to šou. Bot knoweš še wel here that ther be many so froward and vnpaciente that thei wil not take correccion of god, ne of men. Ther-for |r[f.47v] it is euyl here, and wyth-outen ende schal be euyl to summe men of hem, for thei wil not be correctede. Such men |r25 be seyde to turne golde in-to copur, preciose stonys in-to fen, corn in-to chaffe, wynne in-to water, hony in-to galle, day in-to nyghte, ioye in-to sorowe. Alle thynges to such myslyuers that thei werken be turnede in-to euyl. Salomon: Wycked men byen derrere helle than ryghtful men heuen. Psalmus: Folke |r30 [be] wyth-outen consel and wyth-oute wysdam. Wolde god thei sauereden wysdam and that thei myghten wel puruey the laste thynges! Gregorius: Al goddes smytynge and chastysynge, outher it is a purgacion of this lyfe, or elles it is bygynnynge of peyne to come aftur this lyfe. Idem: The aduersites of this |r35 worlde bryngyn men to euerlastynge aduersites if thei be not |p200 a-mendyde by theme. Augustinus: Euery wycked man lyues ther-for, or that he be corre[c]tede, or ellys that gud men be pryued by hym, et cetera. De paciencia. |r Fyue thynges ben in which suffrance or pacience is preuede. |r5 Fyrste is bodyly hurte. Secunde is temperal nede or takynge a-way of gudes or of other losse. Thyrde is a-peyrynge of honoure or wyrschype. Fourth is dissensyon or wyth-drawynge of frendes. Fyfth is eny trouble of pesablenes of the mynde. |r10 Sum-tyme we suffre of oure neghtburs persecucions and harmes, dampna*cyons |r[f.48r] and stryfes. Sum-tyme we suffre of oure olde enmy temptynge. Sum-tyme we suffre scorgynge of god. Euangelium: Pesyble men be blessude for thei schal be callede sones of god. Gregorius: I trowe the vertu of pacyence be more than sygnes |r15 or myracles. Crisostomus: He is a perfyte disciple of Cryste that suffreš here al thynges or is redy to suffre al thynges here. Augustinus: He that has be more suffrynge to wronge schal be more myghty in the reame of heuens. Salomon: He that is pacyent is gouernede wyth myche wysdam, and he that is |r20 vnsuffrynge [or] inpacyent prayseš and enhanseš hys foly. Bernardus: O brether, we be putte in thys worlde as in a felde of batel or of fyghtynge, and he that takeš not here sorowes or betynges or tribulacions schal apere in tyme to come wyth-outen ioye. Grete confusyon schal be to hem at the day of doome |r25 that nothynge wolde suffre for Cryste, that suffyrde for hem so many turmentes and paynes, et cetera. De temptacione diaboli. |r Paulus: God is feythful that suffreš not šou to be temptede more or a-bouen that thynge that še may wyth-stande, bot |r30 he makeš a warnynge power ofwythstandynge with the temptacion, that še may sustene šou and ouercome it. Augustinus: No man may be bygylede of the feende, bot he that wil šeuen assent of hys wyl. Ieronimus: Power of the feende is not in his euyl boldnes and braggynge, bot in thi wyl. The feende |r[f.48v] temptes vs |p202 that we šeue hym oure wepyn wyth whych he schulde sle vs. He temptš the herte to sch[re]ude thoghtes, the tunge to speke euyle thynges, the handes and other menbres to werken euyl dedes. For the wyl of the fende is alwey wycked, bot his power |r5 is neuer vnryghtful. He has wil of hym-selfe, bot he has power of god. Gregorius: The enmy es not to be drede that may not ouercome, bot hym that wyl be ouercome. Ysidorus: The fende fyreš noght the noryschynge of concupiscence, bot where he seeš fyrste delectacion of schreude thoght; the whych as we |r10 despise, the feende fleeš away from vs wyth-outen doute confused. Iacobus: Wyth-stande še the feende. and he schal fle fro šou. Versus: Hostis non ledit, nisi cum temptatus obedit. The enmy hurteš not, bot when he that is temptide obeyeš to hym. He is a lyon noyant if he abyde, and if he be not obeyede, he fleeš |r15 a-way as a flye. Gregorius: Al sotyle entycynge of temptacyons be turned to an holy man in-to encrece of vertues. Hou many temptacions eny man ouercomeš for Criste, he geteš hym so many preciose stones to hys euerlyuynge coroune. Ysidorus: It is profetable to goddes seruant aftyr the conuersyon fro the |r20 worlde to god to be temptede, that he mak redy hys soule to vertues from sleuthe of necligence. Salomon: Sone, when thou comest to seruyce of god, make redy thi soule to temptacion. Wondur no man if a spiritual man be tempted |r[f.49r] gostly and synglerly, gude wylle abydynge. He is nether caste oute fro |r25 hope, ne fro feyth, ne fro charyte, bot he is strenghed hool in al vertue. Euangelium: Lo! the feende has askede šou that he myghte trouble and tosse šou. As corne is rydelde, a man is so rydelde that is examyned inwardly and perfythly. By power šeuen of god to the feende [bothe] Iob was preuede, [that] he |r30 schulde apere ryghtful, and Peter was temptede, that he schulde not presume of hym-selfe, and Poule was beten and boffeted, that he schulde not enhaunce hym-selfe. Augustinus: The moste greuos temptacion is not to be temptyde [in] eny wyse. Gregorius: The deuyle reckeš [not] to vexen hem which he |r35 feleš hym-selfe to haue in possessyon. Psalmus: O lorde, preue me and tempte me! Brenne or fyre my reynes and my herte in |p204 thi loue! Bernardus: Lorde, I pray the that thou drawe me aftyr the. Crisostomus: They that be sones of god ben bap_tysede in the worlde in temptacions. Paulus: Alle that wyllen lyue mekly in Cryste schulne suffre persecucion. |r5 A gude meditacyone. |r Thenke often of wyckede men now beryede in helle, that louede the worlde and here flesch a-bouen god and his com_mandmentes whil thei lyueden. Considre besyli what thei ben and what thei were. Thei haue eten and drunken and laughede |r10 as thou, and thei ledde here dayes in lustes, lykynges, and vanites, and the[i] descendyd to helle in a poynte. Here flesch is put heere to wormes, and.here soule is put ther |r[f.49v] to helle fyre. What profited hem worldly powere, pompe of peple, manly worthynes, gret houshalde, veyn glorye, schort gladnes, connynge, booste, |r15 large conscience, false rychesse, worschipes and reuerences, plesance, flaterynge, fayreste dwellynge places, possession of many landes, getynge of prebendes, gadrynge of rychesse, dere and delyciouse metes, delycate drynke, lykynge of flesch, superfluyte of metes, curiosite of clothynge, feyrnes of hosen and schone, |r20 propure wil? Wher these thynges mowen delyuer the wrechede soule fro vnquenchable flaumys of fyre and fro the deuorynge mouth of that cursede dragon? Wher is now laughynge and here pley? Where is the booste? Where is the proudnes of so grete gladnes? Hou grete a sorynes is aftyr so gret a lustynes, so |r25 greuos wrechednes is of that ydel ioyfulnes. Thei haue fallen in-to a grete myscheuos fal and euerlastynge deth. Augustinus: Ioy of worldly men is as ioye of frentyk men, for thei feelen rather deth than here seknes. Gregorius: He gooš as by a mery medewe to hange hym-selfe that gooš to dye by prosperite of the |r30 worlde. Innocencius: Men ben wonte to desyr moste thre thynges. Ryches, lykynge[s], and worschyps. Rychesse engendren couetyse andauaryce; lykynge[s] engendren glotony andlechery; worschipes norischen pryde and booste. Augustinus: Contynuel hele of body and plenty of gudes be tokens of euerlastynge |r35 dampnacion. Gregorius: Contynuel happes of temperalle gudes be token of dampnacion to come. |p206 Fyue thynges ben nedful. |r[f.50r] |r When any man schal passe oute of this lyfe, fyue thynges be necessarye to hym, wyth which his soule schal go surely fro the body. Fyrst is that he repente and sorow for al his |r5 synnes and wicked thynges ydoon and of gude thynges lefte, that he myghte haue doon and dede not. Secunde is that he be in sure purpos of abstynynge hym-selfe fro al synnes if he haue grace to lyue longe. Thyrde is that he confesse nakedly and openly al his synnes, that is to wyten hou ofte, in hou many |r10 maneres, and what he has synnede, or at leste the synnes that he remembry may or reduce to mynde by askynge of the confessour; and if deth haste hym and he may not, the confessour muste warne hym that he be sory that he may not be schryuen, and that he wolde fayne if he myghte. Fourth is that he be in ful |r15 purpos to satisfye aftyr the counsel of the chirche if he lyue. Fyfte is that he haue stronge hope of the mercy of god that seyde: I come not to calle ryghtful men bot synners to penaunce. Item: I wyl not deth of a synnere, bot that he be conuertede and lyue. When this is do, lete brynge the sacra_mente |r20 of Cristeš body to hym, and aftyr the general confessyon seyde, lete hym feythfully receyue the sacramente, and at laste be he anoyntede in the name of oure lorde. Also the seke muste be examynede in the artycle of the feyth conteynede in the Credo, and that in his oune langage that he knoweš better. |r25 And if he be ny deth and may not speke, be it to hym seyde that he byleue tho thynges |r[f.50v] that holy chyrch; and articles of the fayth be rehercede in hys eere, and moste the articles of the trinite of persones, of incarnacion of the [sone] and the deth, of the resurreccyon of flesch to the lyfe of ioye; and herte hym |r30 moste to hope by ensample of hym that heenge on the ryght syde of Cryste in the cros knowlechynge. Be he ryght ware of dispeire, that is worse than eny othere synne. Ieronimus: Iudas offended god more in that that he henge hym-selfe than in that that he be-trayede Criste, et cetera. |p208 Ašens presumpcyon. |r Avgustinus: He may not dye euyle that has lyuede wel, and he vnnethis dyeš wel that has lyuede euyle. Gregorius: He is fer of and straunge ynowe fro feyth that abydeš tyme of |r5 olde age to do penaunce. It is to drede that he falle in-to dome of dampnacion whyl he hopeš mercy. God that by-heghte foršeuenes to men repentaunte truly promytteš not to-morne day. Also it es ryght hard any man to gete that thynge in hys laste ende that he myghte not optene bi hys lyfe. Augustinus: Drede |r10 of deth cleymeš to hym al the soule that it lykeš hym not to thynke of synnes. Idem: A synnere is smyten wyth that blyndnes and punyschynge that he dyinge for-šette hym-selfe, that whyl he lyuede foršate god. Gregorius: He that falleš wylynge and wyttynge in-to blame often and synne, sumtyme not wylynge he |r15 schal falle |r[f.51r] in-to payne. Bernardus: Hou mych lengare that god abydeš vs that we amende vs, so mych the streyter schal hee deme vs if we do rechlesly. Gregorius: Wyckede men wolde lyuen wyth-outen ende if thei myght, that thei myghte synne wyth-outen ende. Ther-for it longeš to the grete ryght-wysnesse |r20 of the Iuge that neuer thei faile turmentes that neuer wolde leue synne whyl thei lyuede. Augustinus: A wycked thynge is to synne and worse to abyde ther-inne and worste to wyte god his gylte, defendynge or excusynge hym-selfe. Gregorius: The soume or the nombre of |r25 synne is encrecede whil it is defended. Origenes: O, if we myghte know how a soule stynkeš and is woundede by euery dedly synne vn-to the deth, for soth we schulde wyth-stonde synne. Idem: As men made and out of mynde felen not when thei be wounded, for thei faylen here wyttes, so we made os |r30 madde men wyth couetyse of the worlde fele not when we be wounded in soule. Ecclesiastes: The nombre of foyles es endleš. Of apostasye. |r Ambrosius: Thre maners be of apostasye: of for-sakynge of |r35 feyth, of inobedyence, of irregularyte. When greuos payne is putte to hem that kepe not byddynge of here prelates and kaste |p210 a-wey here clothes of relygyon, hou myche more peyne owgh to be do to hem that casten a-way the feyth of Cryste and kepen not |r[f.51v] commandmentes that were wryten wyth the fyngar of god? Petrus Apostolus: It be-houeš to obey more to god than to |r5 man. Bernardus: Excusacion of obedience to man is in vayn where trespace is do ašens god. Idem: To do euyl al-thogh any prelate bydde, it is not obedyence, bot rather inobedyence. Gregorius: Euyl thynge oweš ne to be do bi obedyence; nerthe_les gud thynge that is to do oweš to be lefte sum-tyme bi |r10 obedyence. Augustinus: The maner of obedyence is so to be taken that thou consente not to gud men in euyl, ne sey not ašens euyle men in gude thynge. So it is to obeye to god that his commaundmentes be not lefte for eny others byddynges con_trarye to goddes byddynge: XI questionis III capitulo Non |r15 semper tum in aliis. Mathei XIX=o=: If thou wylt entre to lyfe, kepe the commandmentes. Basilius: Thynke [of] god fyrste in euery werke that thou thenkeste to do, and if it be ryghte bi-for god, do it; if it be fonde euyl, put it a-wey fro thi soule or thi mynde. No-thynge is more holsome than to attende alwey to |r20 commandmentes of god. Propheta: Be [I] not schente when I schal be-holde in al thi commandmentes. Gregorius: Whyl men entende bisily to goddes commandmentes, wyth-outen doute thei knowen in hem-selfe what thynge in hem pleseš or dis_plese š the heuenly man. Ysidorus: Goddes worde is lyght to |r25 feithful men, and it wexeš derke a maner to wickede ad proude men. Boecius: Wyckede men may not lyften vp to the clere lyght here een wonede to derknes. Thei be lyke byrdes whos syght the |r[f.52r] nyght lyghtens and the day blyndes. Salomon: Fooles may not louen bot tho thynges that plesen hem. |r30 Crisostomus: No man may fele sauere of gode thynges as longe as he delyteš in euyl thynges. As longe as euyl delyteš hym, gude may not delyte. Euangelium: Why calle še me lord! lorde! and še do not as I seye? Crisostomus: Thei that seyn to Criste only lorde! lorde! and doon not the wyl of det of god, |p212 thei ben wyckede. Euangelium: Whi trespace še ašens the commandment of god for šour techynge and custome of mennes doctrine? Bernardus: It pleseš not god what-so-euer thou offre, if that thynge be lefte that thou arte holden to do. Ambrosius: |r5 When that thynge is vndo that thou art holden to do, what-so-euer elles thou doost is vnthankful to the holy goste. Bernardus: O gret euyl of oune wyl that makš thi gude thynges euyl to the! Idem: What hateš god, or what punysches he saue propur wil? Nothynge schal brenne in helle bot selfe wil. Iohannes in |r10 Epistola: This is charite of god that we kepe his command. mentes, and [his] commandmentes be not greuose. Ieronimus: No-thynge is harde to louynge men, no trauel is harde. Loue we Criste, and al heuy thynges schal seme lyghte. Leo Papa: No-thynge is hard to meke men, no-thynge is scharpe to mylde |r15 men, for grace šeues helpe. Augustinus: God askeš nothynge other of vs bot gud wil. Gude wil suffyeš thogh power of werkynge faile. Thou mayst not perysche in eny wyse wyth gud wil, and thou mayste not be saued wyth-outen gud wil. Gregorius: Nothynge is offerd more rych to god than gude wil, |r[f.52v] to whos |r20 commendacion in the gospel the angel seide to the schepherdes: Glorye to god in hy heuens and in erthe pees to men of gud wil. Seneca: A grete parte of gudnes is to wil to be made gude. Ciprianus: When many thynges be boden in lawe, whych apostle witnesseš mowen not be fulfillede, then gud wil is asked that is in |r25 oure doome and which may suffyse and haue mede. Therfor Iohn seyš: Be he cursed that seiš god commanded thynges impossible. God demeš not of dedes bot of wyl. Augustinus: No holy man and ryghtful man faileš synne or is wyth-oute synne. Nertheles of that he leueš not to be ryghtful or holy when he |r30 holdeš so holynes in affecte and wil. Crisostomus super Matheum: Gude purpos excuseš euyl dede, and euyl purpos dampneš gud dede. Ysidorus: Vices stryuen sumtyme wyth vertues to profyte, that the mynde be styrede and reysed to god by that stryuynge or wil be distreynd fro pride. It is wryten: |r35 Thou hast coueted wisdam; kepe commandmentes, and god schal šeue to the wysdam. Crisostomus: Me comeš bi werkes of |p214 ryght-wysnesse to the knowynge of god. Also: It is impossible to hem that goon not by wey of ryghtwysnesse that thei knowe Criste, thogh it seme thei knowe Criste. Thei be ryghtful that fulfylle goddes byddynges wyth-oute quereles. Thei be perfyte to |r5 whome the preceptes suffise not, bot thei do more than com_mandmentes or more than is boden, as martires, relygiose, and virgyns. Gregorius: Gude that we do is of god and of vs. [Of god] by grace of god commynge bi-fore; of vs |r[f.53r] bi fre wil folwynge. Crisostomus: As erth floryches not, ne bereš frute. bot |r10 it take reyn, ne reyn makeš frute wyth-oute [erthe] ryght so nether grace wyth-oute wil werkeš eny thynge, ne wil may do [eny thynge] wyth-oute grace; and god is euer redy to do gud thynges, bot he is for-boden or letted by malyce of man, et cetera. Septem modis laxantur peccata. |r15 |r Synnes be releced or wyth-draw seuen maner wyse. Fyrst maner be baptyme. Secunde be martyrdam. Thyrde maner by confessyon and penaunce. Psalmus: I schal aknow_leche [] myn vnryghtwysnes to our lord, and thou hast foršeue the wyckydnes of my synne. Fourte maner by teres. Euangelium: |r20 Blessede be thei that sorowen, for thei schal be comfortede. Fyfte maner by almesdede; for as water quencheš fyre, so almes quencheš synne. Sexte maner by foršeuenes to men synnynge ašens vs. Seuente maner by werkes of charyte. As it is seyde: Cheryte couereš the multitude of synnes. |r25 De lacrimis. |r Crisostomus: No man comeš any tyme [to god] bot wepynge. Ieronimus: prayer quemeš god, bot the tere constreyneš; prayer softeš, the tere compelleš. Bernardus: Teres of penaunce be wyne of angels, for in hem is odoure of lyfe, |r30 sauour of grace, taste of indulgence. Ysidorus: Teres of |p216 penaunce be reckenede a-nenyste god for baptym. Bernardus: Teres of a synnere turmenteš more the deuyl than alle |r[f.53v] kynde of turmentryes. Augustinus: We brynge no[t] in-to fendes more bittere sorowes or peynes than when we sorow oure synnes in |r5 repentynge and confessynge. Cassi[o]dorus: If thou wilt kunne what is to lyue wele, lerne thou, I schal teche. Versus: Ores, ieiunes, vigiles, des, sic bene viues. Praye thou, faste thou, wake thou, šeue thou almesdede, gude wil, gud worde, and gud werke to thi powere. Ieronimus: Fastynge[s] owen to be gouerned |r10 that thei feble not to mych the stomake. Idem: He makeš sacrifieš of raueyne that chastise his body out of mesure or wyth to mych scarcite of mete or drynke or of slepe. Ysidorus: What thynge so thou do of gude thynge wyth-outen discrecion, it is vice. For a uertu indiscretly don is acounted for a vice. |r15 Bernardus: No-thynge profiteš to bere an emty wombe two days or thre if fastynge be peysede by fulsumnes. What is it elles to faste so than for to šeuen two halfpens for on peny? Ieronimus: šeue thou to pore men that thynge that thou schuldest ete if thou fasted not, that thi fastynge be fulsumnes of the soule and not |r20 lucre to the pouche or to purse. Gregorius: Ecch man fasteš not to god, bot to hym-selfe, if he šeue not to werkes of mercy that he wyth-drawes fro the wombe for the tyme, bot he kepeš it to be spended aftyrward to the bely. Holy men seyn often that a faster is holden to do almesdedes of that thynge that he wyth_drawes |r25 fro his body; and thei vndyrstande it of consel and not of biddynge, bot if it be of ryche men when thei seen here brothire hauynge nede. |r[f.54r] Fastynge is in thre maners, that is to seye fro synne, fro mete, fro temperal ioye. Gregorius: Abstinence is than ryght clere anenyste god when the wil or mynde fasteš. |r30 How diuerse men hauen diuerse entencions when thei fasten. Versus: Abstinet eger, egens, cupidus, gula, simia, uirtus. The seeke man fasteš for he may not ete or ellys for medycyn. The |p218 nedy man fasteš for he has not wher-of to ete. The couetos man fasteš that he spende not. The gloton fasteš to be hungry and aftyr to ete more gredyly. The ape, that is the [ypocrite], fasteš to be praysede ther-of. Vertu, that is the uertuose man, |r5 fasteš to haue euerlastynge lyfe. Contra uanam gloriam. Euangelium: Take še hede that še do not šour ryghtwysnesse bi-for men that thei see šou, as in that entente to be praysede of hem. Crisostomus: He gooš emty to god that sekeš in the |r10 worlde mede of his werkes. Ieremias: The marchaunt of the worlde may not take mede of Cryste. Apperynge of werkes is not for-boden, bot the entente of veyn glorye. For god com_mande š: So schyne šour lyght of gude entent bi-for men that thei se šoure gude werkes [and] that thei may glorifye šour fader |r15 that is in heuens. Gregorius: The ded muste be don so in open knowlech that the entente abyde in secrete, as it wer hydde or knowen fro veyn glory. Thyn werk schal be [such] as thyn entent were. Crisostomus: That thynge that is do for god is šeue to god and taken of god; and that thynge that is do |r[f.54v] [for] |r20 men is spillyde, that is hopede no profyte of bot wrechednes and synne. Gregorius: He despiseš gretly al hys godes that leues mannes praysynge to suffise to hys rewarde or mede of the godes. Paulus: Be thou ensample of cristen men in woorde, in conuersacion, in charite. in feyth. šeue thi-selfe in al thynges |r25 ensample of gud werkes. Bernardus: No consel I deme better than if thou stodye to teche thi brother bi ensample tho thynges that be-houeš to be do and tho that be-houes not to be do. Gregorius: Thei that refusen her lyfe to be knowen of other men be lyghtede to hem-selfe, bot thei be not to other men in |r30 ensample of lyghte of gud werkes. Such men be not lyke Iob that seyde: I was ee to the blynde and foote to the halte or lame. Ecch man of vs oweš to warne and tech his brothire in-to ryght wey in chirch, in hous or hoome, outher wyth worde or wyth writynge or wyth gud ensample. Man oweš [to] god drede and |r35 loue, to his prelate obedyence and reuerence, to his neghtbor helpe and consel, to hys subiecte techynge and kepynge, to hym-selfe soburnes and holynes, to the fende hys synnes, for thei be his perpetuel peynes et cetera. |p220 Peccata Britonum et causa deposicionis eorum. |r Negligence of prelates. Raueyne or extorsyon of grete men. Couetyse of iuges. False wodnes of for-sworne men, disgysede and lewde. Oute of reule araymente of clothynge, |r[f.55r] of |r5 tyres, and of other vnthrifty aray, both of men and wymen. A-cursede and vn-spekable lechery. Al maner opyn synne and knowen cryeš veniance to god, bot namly foure: Fals wyth_holdynge of wages or dew dettes of seruantes or of eny other, the synne of sodomyte, manslaughter, fals extorsion and oppressyon |r10 of innocente folke. Allas! allas! how many veniance be cryinge now be-for god! De decimis. |r Of tythes god seyš be the prophete: Brynge al tythynge in-to my berne, that mete be in my hous, and preue še me |r15 in these thynges. Item: Thou schalt not tarye to offyr to me the fyrste frutes of thi floure and of thi wyne-presse; if thou šeue slauly it is synne. Bot hou mych worse is it not [to] šeue! Augustinus: šeue thou tythes, or elles thou schalt falle in-to the tenth parte of angels that felle fro heuen in-to helle. Propheta: |r20 For še haue not šeue to me tythes and fyrste frutes, therfor be še acursed in hungur and scarcenes. Augustinus: Tythis be tributes of nedy soules. If thou šeue tythe, [thou] schalt not receyue only plenty of frutes, bot also thou schalt haue hele of body and of soule. And when thou mayste haue both erthly šeftes and |r25 heuenly in šeuynge tythes, why be-gyles thou thi-selfe fro this double benyson be couetyse or auarice? God is al-wey redy to do wel, bot he [is] forboden by malyce of man. For he that desyres to gete hym outher mede or to deserue foršeuenes of synnes šelde or pay tythes. |r[f.55v] Also stodie he to do or make almes_dede |r30 of the neyne pertes. Euangelium: šeue še and it schal be šeue to šou! Item: šeue še frely that thynge that še haue take frely! Paulus: God loueš a fre and an glad šeuere. Ecclesiastici XXXV: šeue to god hieste vpon his šifte. It is writen: Thou schalt šeue to the wicked man many thynges that |r35 thou wilt not šeue to the preste. Item: The kynge[s] tresurye or the purse of exaccyon or of othere maner of couetise takeš that |p222 Criste takes note. Bernardus: A grete abusion, and ouer-mych grete, it is that the vile worme wil be rych, for whom god of oostes and lord of mageste was so pore. Nertheles, whi takeš thou the byrden, whi takest thou the purse and packes of the |r5 traytour? Not so wicked man, not so schalt thou entre. The nedel ee or the hole of it is streyte and receyueš not such packes. Augustinus: He that entendeš to mych to erthly thynges or gudes and thenkes not [of] euerlastynge gudes schal faile bothe in tyme to come. Idem: Nedful thynges schal neuer faile, bot |r10 if thou desyre ouermych thynges. Crisostomus: Do wel and werk thou ryghtwisnes that thou haue hope to god, and thou schalt not dispeire in erthe. Augustinus: He is blessed that has al thynges that he wil, and he wil not any thynge that be-semeš not. Iesus filius Sirac: That man is ful blessed that is founden |r15 wyth-oute spote of synne and that has not goon a-way aftyr golde bi couetise and has [not] hopede in tresore of money. Dauid: I was šonge and I haue achede. I haue not seen an ryghtful man forsaken, nere his sede askynge brede. He seieš |r[f.56r] con_trarye of a wicked man: I haue seen a wicked man lifte vp and |r20 enhauncede as cedre tre of Liban, and lo! a litel aftyr he was not. I soght hym, and his place was not founde. It is trew that oure lady seyth: God has lefte or forsaken idel or veyn rych men. Salomon: He that trastes in ryches schal falle. Quedam glosa: He that hopeš or trasteš in ryches, or he dyeš and he |r25 leueš hem here, or [elles] al his gudys peryschen whil he lyueš, and he faileš and falleš in his hope. Dauid: If rychesse habunden and flowen to šou, wil še not sette šour herte ther-to. Ecclesiastici IX=o=: Nothynge is worse than to loue money. Augustinus: Loue of erthly thynges quencheš loue of heuenly |r30 thynges. In Vitis patrum: He that loueš syluere schal not se kunnynge, and he that gadreš it to-gedre schal be made derke. Augustinus: Wyth-holde thou to the nedful thynges, and šeue tho thynges that ben superflue or to mych. Petrus Rauennas: O man, if thou schalte abyden here, ley vp here tho thynges that |r35 be thyne; and if thou schalt go hens, whi leueste thou hem here |p224 be-hynde the? As so sey: spende thi gudes or thou go in dedes of charite and mercy. Bernardus: If gudes of the worlde be šoure, take hem wyth šou. Ambrosius: Tho be not gudes of man that man may not bere wyth hym. Ieronimus: Nothynge |r5 casteš doun so vndyrstondynge as glotony and drunkschipe. Isayas: Wo to šou that be myghty to drynke and strounge men [to encrece drunkschipes]! Augustinus: Who-so-euer be prone [or] al-wey fallynge to drynke, or he that wil in his feste or mete require or charge [others] bi ydel wordes vsede or |r[f.56v] othes to |r10 eten or to drynken, he schal be gylty in doome for that and for hem. For better it were to hym to bete or to wounde here flesch of here bodyes wyth a swerde than for to sle here soule bi glotonye and drunkschype. Noteš wel it is seyde that the deuyl has two handes wyth whych he cacheš often men, that is to sey |r15 wyth glotonye and lechery. Fiue fyngers in the hand of glotony be fyue spices of glotony, that be noted in the verse: Pre_propere, laute, nimis, ardenter, studiose. This menes thus: In etynge and drynkynge bi-for dewe, as to erly; or in vndue tyme, [os] to ofte and moste in fastynge days. Also to delycatly or |r20 delyciously in delytynge of swete saueres. And to mych: more than is competent to helth of body, or wher-of the herte or the witte be distoorblede and a-greued; as it scheweš in drunkleu men as to the drynke and to glotons as to mete. And wyth to mych desyre in ouermych etynge or deuorynge, as it scheweš in |r25 summe that hasten ouermych and deuoure gredyly mete and drynke for vnmesurable appetyte and out of rule. And wyth to mych and to costlew araynge or dyghtenge of metes and drynkes for gret luste of glotonye to ben excitede. Ieronimus: It is ryght harde, še impossible, that thou ioye |r30 here in this worlde and that thou regne wyth Criste, that thou fille here thi wombe and ther thi mynde, and that thou appere oueral, in both places, gloryos and ioyful. Ierome affirmeš hem to be scoorners and blasfemes despisers of god [that sey that thei may not contene them, for thei putte to god] ignorance, vnknoynge, |r[f.57r] |p226 vnryghtwysnese, and wykednese. For or thou wilt lyue chaste and thou mayste not, or elles thou mayste and wilt not. If thou wilt of al thyn herte lyue chaste and thou mayst not, god is vntrue that suffereš the to be tempted a-boue thi myght; and if thou |r5 mayste lyue chaste and wilt not, thou art inexcusable. For if [thou] oughteste to wynne a thousande marke or a castel or a cyte, or elles if thou knew that thou schuldeste lese anon aftyr thy synne thyn hande or any other menbre, or if thou sawe a bed fired dyght to the, in which [thou] muste lye when thou ryseste |r10 from a womans bede, as sone as thou myghtest thou woldeste contene the and lyue chaste. Seneca: Leue thou excusacions; no man synnes ašens his wil. Questio: I aske of the hou eny man is seyn to dye ašens his wil that loueš pereles of deth and gladly falleš in-to hem. For many ther ben that louen not synne; |r15 nertheles thei folowen [what] be callede steppis of synne, as thei that gladly receyuen suspecte familierites be cleppinges and wanton spech, kyssynge, šiftes, festes, letters of loue, and such other thynges that šeuen wey to fleschly loue; and such men happen to fallen in perel often. For it is writen: He that |r20 loueš perel schal perych in it. Gregorius: As erth is consumede litel and litel whan water flueš, ryght so a stronge mynde is sopen vp bi vice softly vndurcrepynge. Crisostomus: It be-houeš to do a-wey such a gud dede that engendreš euyl thynge, or to me or to an othyre. |r[f.57v] Loue of god oweš to haue dominacion in |r25 men, not fleschly loue. Genesis: God seyš to Adam: For thou haste obeyde the voyce of thi wif more than myn, cursed be the erth in thi werke. Psalmus: Thou has loste or dampned al hem that trespacen in lychery wyth-outen the. Also: I aske of the lou eny mans hows be brent ašens his wil, sen he putteš ther-to |r30 wilfully fire wyth his oune handes. He putteš to fire wyth his handes in the hous of the body that takeš mete and drynke nureschynge to lechery. Wher he ware to be scorned or not that sette his oune hous on fire if he seyde that the brenynge of it schulde displese hym? So the[i] be to be scornede that seyn |p228 that thei wil lyue chaste, and setten on fire here oune bodyes wyth such metes and drynkes. A fisch tempereš or wyth-drawes hym-selfe fro mete if he see the fysches hoke. A byrde absteneš |r5 fro his mete if it see a snare, trappe, or grene. A wreched man may not tempere hym-selfe fro mete of a litel luste by drede. For the fire is not so grete bot it muste faile if the brondes be wyth-drawen; no castel is so stronge bot that it may [be] wonne if vitel mowe be wyth-drawen fro it. |r10 These ben leefful causes of matrymonye. Chastite: when thei drawen to-giddere not lecherosly, bot thei ben brought to-gedre bisily of other men, bot thei lyuen to-gedre chastly. Children: whan thei drawe to-gedre bi-cause of gettynge of children. Honeste: when thei drawen to-gydre |r15 [in] wedloke, that thei do not lechery. Pees: |r[f.58r] when thei do matrimonye, that pees be reformede or conformede by a-lye and affinite be-twyn pertyes. These thynges letten fro dwe of wedloke to be askede. Incest is as if oon of hem that ben wedded be fleschly cosyn |r20 of that other. Holi place: as chyrch or chyrchešerde. Holi thynges: as it is [ny by] sacramente of the auter or ny by relykes. Holi tyme and solenne dayes. State: as when the wyfe is in chylde berynge or childebede or in the houre of hire priuyte. Cause: as when only cause of lechery is to be fulfilled |r25 in fleschly luste. It is red in Toby that a deuyl that was named Asmodeus slough seuen men spousede to Sare, Ragueles doughter, a-noon as thei enterde to hire, for that thei drede not god and thei had [not] gud intencion. Euangelium: My hous schal be callede an hous of prayere. |r30 Augustinus: No man do any thynge in hous of prayer, bot that thinge whar-to it was made and whar-of it has the name. Idem: In whych man oweš not to bye and selle, bot only to entende to prayers. Apostolus: God schal forlese or sle hym that defouleš goddes temple. Augustinus: As ofte as songe deliteš me more |r35 than the thynge that is songen, so often I knoulech me that I |p230 haue synne greuosly. Gregorius: When a plesant voyce is soght in syngynge, sobur lyfe is forsaken. Bernardus: Whil the syngar pleseš the pepul wyth swetnes of voyces, he wrethis god wyth schreude maners. God askeš not brekeynge of voyce bot clennes |r5 of hert. Ieronimus: |r[f.58v] Mete of deuyle is songe and curiose dittys and derk makynge of poetes. Idem: Pompe of rethorike wordes is vanite of worldly wysdam. Idem: Al pompe and mak_ynge or peyntynge of wordes and ydel argumentes of worldly philo_sophy be turnede euyn in-to noght. Ieronimus: Or a clerke is |r10 more honeste than other men, or elles he is noted of vnhoneste by other. A preste owe to be holy, deperted or disseuerede fro synnes, a gouernour and not a rauenour, a true stuard or dispensour and not a wastour, piteuos in doome, rightful in consel, true in worde, meke in company, paciente in aduersite, benygne and mylde in |r15 prosperite, rych in vertues, a knyght stronge in gud dedes, sobure in quere, chaste in herte, wyse in confessyon, sekyr in prechynge. These be tokens of the loue of god in man. Fyrst is when eny man gladly and fayn thenkeš of god. Secunde is when eny man spekes blythly of god or wyth god. |r20 Therd is when any man hereš gladly [and] desirosly godes wordes and kepeš hem in mynde. Luce II=o=: Mary kepede al these [wordes] in here mynde. Fourte is when a man gladly obeyeš to wordes and preceptes of god. Euangelium: še be my frendes if še do tho thynges that I bid šou. Fyfte is [when] a |r25 man is abydynge gladly in godes hous. Luce II=o=: It [is] seyde that the prophetesse Anne šede not fro the temple. Sexte is when any man šeues gladly for god. Crisostomus: He is a perfyte dysciple of Cryste |r[f.59r] that suffreš here al thynges or is redy to suffre. The seuente is when a man as wery wythdraweš fro |r30 besynes and loue of the worlde. Gregorius: The more eny man ryseš feruently in-to loue of god, the more he schal wythdrawe fro worldly curys and bysynes. The eghten is when eny man dooš grete worschipe to godes mynisteres. Mathei X=o=: He that worschipeš goddes mynistres worschipeš god. The nente is when |r35 eny man loueš tho thynges that plesen god, and hatš tho thynges that god hateš, et cetera. |p232 Hou uertu is turned in-to vice. |r Beholde hou vertu is turnede in vice. To lyue scarcely and to gouerne the and to be contente wyth fewe thynges is callede nygardrye and couetyse, as he durste not vse tho thynges |r5 that he has. Silence is a-countede heuynes and sorynes. Sad_nes is a-countede bytternes. Gud šele or loue of ryghtwysnes is a-countede euyl, hardy, or presumptyous dome. Reste of deuocion and of holy contemplacion is called sleuth of body. Chastysynge of flesch is demed vndiscrecyon. Symplenes is |r10 leued foly. Drede is trowed fonnede conscience. To fle comyn and opyn company is seyd singularite. To be ware and voyde synne is demed ypocrisye. And euyn contrary-wyse hou vices be trowede vertues. Dissolucion in felyschipe is trowede myrth. Curyosite of |r15 clothynge and of othere temperal thynges is taken for honeste. Co*uetyse |r[f.59v] is called true puruyance of purchacynge. Wast ouerspens is called largys and fredam of hert, and so of other vices, et cetera. Of flaterynge. |r20 |r Paulus: If I plesede šet men, I were not seruante of Cryste. Gregorius: It is ryght grete foly if we seke to plese hem that we knowen displese god. Salomon: Peples schul curse hym that seiš to the wyked man: thou art ryghtful. Augustinus: This is a grete wreth of god that correccyon faileš and [flaterynge] is |r25 preste. Idem: A flaterere is enmy of al uertu, and of hym that he spekeš to he setteš or stykkeš as it were a nayl in the ee. Batel be euer to be had wyth vices and pees wyth gud thynges. Augustinus: Wil oweš to haue pees, necessite owe to haue batel. Gregorius: If we be commaunded to loue oure neghtbore as |r30 oure-selfe, we moste be wroth wyth here defautes as wyth oure oune vices. Augustinus: This is perfyte charite that eny man be redy to dye for brethern. If a brenynge cole be put a-monge dede coles, outher it is quenchyde or it [quekyth] hem. So holy |p234 men and perfyte, brenynge in fyre of charite, offren hem-selfe to deth that thei may quyken men dede in synnes. |r Crisostomus: Chastise thou not as a[n] enmy askynge veniance, bot as a leche ordenynge medecyn. Pro_uerbiorum |r5 XVII=o=: Chastysmente in mesure of a wys man profiteš more than a hundreth lasches anenste a fole. Ambrosius: A frendly chasty*synge |r[f.60r] profiteš myche more than a troublose chastysmente. Gregorius: That worde is taken gladly that is seyde wyth compassyon of herte. Ysidorus: He that is not |r10 a-mendide bi esy or faire wordes, it is nede that he be reprouyde more scharply and streytly. Tho thynges ar to be caste a-wey wyth sorowe that mowe not be sauede. Augustinus: As thei ben better that loue amendeš, ryght so many ben better that drede correcteš. Ysidorus: Synnes doon openly be not to be |r15 purchede priuely. Thei that openly trespacen schul openly be reprouyd and chastisede, that, while thei ben heled by opyn rebukynge, thei that trespace, suynge hem in leudnes, may be amended. Bernardus: Thou schalt not be innocent or vngylti if thou punysch [hym] that perauenture wer to be sparede, or if |r20 thou spare hym that were to be punyschede. Augustinus: If thou a-lone knewe that thi brothire synnede and thou reproue hym be-for al men, thou art not a mendere [or] a correctour, bot a traytour [or] an opyn sclaunderere. Note wel here that there ben fowre spices of bacbytynge, |r25 sclaundre, or of detraccyon. On maner is when eny man putteš a false cause or querel to an-other man. Secunde maner when he encreceš synne wyth his wordes. Therd maner when he reuelet[h] [or] openeš vnwarly priuy thynge. Fourte maner when he seiš wyth euyl intencione that thynge that is gude, or he |r30 denyeš or hydeš or peruerteš [or] ouerturneš maliciosly the gudnes of a-nothir man. Ieronimus: The bacbiter and the fayn herere bothe bere the deuyl in tunge. Gregorius: He that is fed wyth bacbitynge of other is filled wyth flesch of othere, alienede. |r[f.60v] |p236 Of iustises. |r Seid it is in the psalme of iustises and iuges that owen to deme: The sones or children of men, deme še ryghtfully! Ieronimus: Euyn dome is where that persones be not considrede |r5 and fauorede, bot the dedes truly discussyd. It es writen: God schal šelde eche man aftyr his werke. If we be iuges, we owen to deme iustily and hardyly. Iustly that we oppresse not the pore man vnryghtfully. And hardyly that we drede not vnwarly the myghty [and] rych man. Iuges ben ordeyned to |r10 do rygour and veniaunce on wyckede men, and to praysynge and defens of gude men. Therfor no prince oweš to putte foles and vngudly or cruel men to be iuges. For a fole can not ryghtfulnes for dulnes and sleuth. The vngudly man subuerteš [or] ouer_turne š truth be couetyse that he has. And wicked iuges outher |r15 differren or turne amys doomes by-cause of couetyse when thei deme not ryght the cause, bot thei considre šeftes. Bot wo to hem that iustifien [or] make ryghtful the wicked man for šiftes, and putten awey fro hem ryghtwysnesse! Knowe wel that mannes doome is peruerted by foure maners: bi drede, bi couetyse, bi |r20 hate, and bi loue. Bi dred whil we feren to speke truth for drede of eny powere. Bi couetise whil we be rauysched wyth mede of eny šifte. Bi hate whil we casten vs to be enmy ašeyns eche man. Bi loue whil we entende to šeue or to profite to |r[f.61r] frendys and neghtbors more than ryght. Equite is defoulede |r25 often, and innocencye is hirte often. Seneca: A gude man schal do that thynge that he suppose him-selfe to do honestly, al-thoue he took a-wey for tyme money; še, if it were ryght trauelos, he schal do it; še, al-thoue he do a-wey luste or powere. Of no-thynge he schal be ferd from honeste; by no-thynge schal |r30 he be enclynede to vnleueful and foule thynge. Ieronimus: Cristes knyght gooš bi gud loos and euyl fame of the ryght syde and of the lefte syde. He is not proude of praysynge, ne he is broken by blamynge. He swelles not of riches, he is not schent wyth pouerte; he despiseš mery thynges and sory thynges. |p238 Gregorius: That thynge is ryght gude that a ryghtful šeues when [he] ašeynseys euyl-doers wyth fre opyn voyce; bot euyl_wyllede men doon wycked thynges for gud thynges when thei hyndren ryghtful men, for thei kepen defens of ryghtwysnes |r5 ašeyns them. Augustinus: Truly, še be not more innocent if še suffre šouer brethire to perrysch, which še may correcte in schewynge here defautes. Bernardus: It is to be-ware holsumly that thou wyth-draw not, outher for fer of sleuth or wyth lesse discrete meknes bi dampnable silence, the worde that myght |r10 profette to many. Sertenly he is acursede that hideš whete in the peple. Augustinus: Thou despiseste thi brothers sore or wounde, |r[f.61v] thou seeste hym perysch, and thou reckest not; thou art worse in helynge or hydynge than he in synnynge. Idem: He that chastiseš not hym that erres, he schal be demed of |r15 necgligence; and he that prayeš not priuyly for hym schal be condempnede of wickednes and of noyance. It is red in the boke of seynte Bride: Be-war of that worde that many men seyn: It suffyeš me if I may helpe myn owne soule. If I be gud. what is that to [me] hou othere men lyuen ? Ther-for seys |r20 Gregorius: Wyth-outen doute he has the gylt of hym that doos trespace that reckeš not correcte that thynge that he may amende. Augustinus: To do wel and not to for-bede vnleueful thynges is consente of errour. Paulus: Tyme schal be when thei schal not holden holsum doctrine. Sapiencie I=o=: Wisdam schal not |r25 entre in-to an euyl wyllede soule, and it schal not abyde in a body subiette to synnes. Augustinus: What-so-euer vertu byde, it is venom to thoght of euyl men; and what-so-euere the deuyl entyceš to that thoght, it is his mete. Crisostomus: Goddes worde is scornede of wicked men, as Criste was scornede of Iues. |r30 Gregorius: Know thou most certeynly that no man may bothe plese god and wicked men. Augustinus: A feers hert is sterede a-noon to stryfe and to chidynge when he is touched wyth the hande of chastysmente. |p240 Grete meryte is to hym, and he schal haue myche mede in tyme to come, that wryteš or dooš to write holsom doctrine for that entente that he may lyue holily ther-by, and also that other men mowe be edifyede ther*-by. |r[f.62r] Knowe that certenly, that thou |r5 schalt haue so many medes bi-forne other as many soules as be sauede by the. Gregorius: He is more in loue aneniste god that draweš mo men to the loue of god. It is red in the lyfe of seynt Bride that frendes of god owen not to be wery in godes seruice; bot labours that the wicked man be amendede and the |r10 gude may come to more perfyte thynges. For who-so-euer haš wil to soune in al mennes eerys that Criste Ihesus wer truly goddes [sone], and desyre wyth gud seele in doynge what he may to true conuersyon of other, althoue none or fewe be conuertede, nerthe_les he schal haue the same mede as if al were turnede and |r15 conuertede to god. Ther-for it is not to be cessed althoue feue or none receyuen the worde of god. Gregorius: No sacrifise pleseš so god as seele [or] loue of soules. A in E in quod Rogerus. Explicit liber de Speculo Christiani quod Byrde, et sequuntur nunc oraciones de saluatore nostro.