|b{The_Rewyll_Of_Seynt_Sauioure} |b{Ed._James_Hogg} |b{Volume_3:_The_Syon_Additions_for_the_Brethren_and} |b{The_Boke_of_Sygnes} |b{from_the_St._Paul's_Cathedral_Library_Ms.} |b{Salzburg:_Institut_fr_Anglistik_und_Amerikanistik_der_Universit„t,_1980.} |b{pp._12-133:_The_Syon_Additions_for_the_Brethren.} |p12 |r[f.6a] Capitulum primum. Here begynneth the fyrst chaptyr of če addicions. For as moche as we offend in many činges, it is nedeful that in many wyses, we be correcte therfor. Wherfor, whan the ordinary chaptyr is holde, the |r5 president schal come so rathe therto, that he may correcte the lay brethren, or the clerkys come, they beyng there tofore and abydynge hym. And ther chaptyr schal be holde with the same obseruauncys that the clerkys chaptyr is holde, excepte thes |r10 redyng[.] And yf any of the more greuous defautys, be proclamyd in ther chaptyr, it schal be iugyd and correctyd whan the clerkys ar com*ne. |r[f.6b] Whan therfor they come afore ther setys in the chaptyr hows, they schal inclyne religiously to_warde |r15 the mageste, and aftyr that, they schal in clyne a lytyl to them, betwix whom they schal sitte. If the confessour kepe the chaptyr, al schal ryse whan he cometh in, and as he goeth before hem they schal inclyne. To another presi |r20 ydent, they schal aryse, but not inclyne. Aftyr čis whan the president sayth: Benedicite, they bowyng somwhat down čer hedys schal answer: Dominus. And whan the president hath seyd Loquamur de ordine nostro, al tho that fele hemself gylty |r25 in any open defaute litel or moche, schal fal down prostrat afore the presidente. To whom the pre_sidente schal say: Quid dicitis. What |r[f.6c] say ¨e? |p13 And than al they so prostrate schal answer as it wer but the voyce of oon Mea culpa. To whom čan the president schal say a¨en Surgite. Ryse vp. And than forthwith they schal ryse up and stonde afore |r5 the president in ther order, the eldest in the myddys. Whiche inclynyng schall knowlage hys de fautys and after hym euerych of hem do in lyke wyse in hys order, sayng ther defautys compendiously, playnly, and so audibly, that they may cleerly be |r10 herde of al that ar there, and also behote amend ment. If any serche haue wherof to proclame any of hem so stondyng afore the president he schal do so tofore čat the president enioyne any penaunce |r15 to hym whom he schulde proclame, that he be not compelled to caste a¨ene. |r[f.6d] Whan the president hathe ¨euen his iugement, and commaunded hem to go to her place, they schal first inclyne and than goo to ther place. He that |r20 schal proclame other schal not in hys proclamation speke derkly nor couertly but he schal say openly and playnly the defawte, and the name of hym that ded it, hauyng hys face and hys wordes directe to the president. None schal proclame other of pure |r25 suspicion, or of heryng only but yf he expresse the person of whom he had it, and also the same persone be ther present. None schal proclame other of any |p14 cryme that he may not preue by thre or two witnesses at the leste upon hym that he proclameth, in case that he wolde denye it as he wyll eschewe the |r[f.7a] same payne dewe to hym accusyd, yf he wer fownde |r5 gylty by hys owen confession, or by sufficient prefe afore expressyd. Neuertheles lest thorow hydyng of suche vices be hadde boldenes to synne, and the synne not ponyschyd for lakke of suche profe, wherbi the vengeaunce of god may gretly growe, he |r10 that seyth or hereth suche defautes, oweth to notyfy them to the general confessour, which may be other lawful and honeste menys wysely and warly cure suche sores [.] Whan the clerkys ar comne and the lesson is |r15 redde, yf any brother čat hath be seek and is re couered of hys sekenes, and wylle ioyne hym to the comente and to ther labours, he schal first ryse and take hys veyne for hys defawtes |r[f.7b] and omissyons in the tyme of hys sekenes. And whan he hath take |r20 hys penaunce, he schal go to hys place. And after thys whan the president byddeth the lay brethren go ther way, they schal go forth owte of the chaptyr howse. Neuertheles yf the chauntour or any of the serches haue wherof to proclame any of them, they |r25 schal do it or they go forthe. And who that is proclamyd, he schall nott speke in hys place, butt he schal ryse anoon forthwith and take hys veyne before the president. To whom the president schal |p15 say Quid dicitis[?) What say ¨e. And than he that lyeth prostrate , yf he be gylty schal answer thus: Mea culpa. And whan he is rysen, he schal mekly say hys defaute, and mekly take hys correccion, and goo |r5 to hys pla*ce |r[f.7c] where he is commawndyd. Moreouer, yf any be proclamyd and is founde gylty whils he stondeth afore the president, he schal not take hys veyne a¨ene for any defaute, but euer say thus: It is soth. Mea culpa. I wyll amende me. Nevertheles |r10 yf it passe lyght defautys, or els he wyll excuse hym self of the defawte proclamyd, as to hys knowlage therin not gylty; or els whylst he stondeth čer, he trespasyth in hys port or in hys wordes, in suche cases he must take hys veyne a¨ene and not els. In |r15 tho thynges that he kan not fele hymselfe gylty, he schal answer thus: Domine cum licencia vestra non recordor. Syr with ¨our licence I haue not in mende that I seyd so or dyd so. It schal not be leful to any to excuse |r[f.7d] hym other wyse. But he oweth to |r20 thynke in hymselfe that he is gylty afore god in ful many other synnes, and in happes more greuos. Whiche in this lyfe or after must be purged. And therfor he schold accepte mekly what the president enioyneth hym but yf the defawte put vpon hym be so greuous that he |r25 schuld therby be gretly defamyd, or očer gretly hurte in hym. For in suche cases, it shal be leful to euery person so accusyd and not gylty, mekly to excuse hym in fewe wordes and softe. In the chaptyr, none schal defende hys own cause, |p16 nor če cause of another; nor noon schal speke there but the president, the chantour, the serches, and they that confesse her owen defautes. And also they that ar charged |r[f.8a] to speke, or els haue licence to |r5 speke. And ther answer schal be but only in that, that is askyd of hem[.] There schal no brother speke in an hygh voyce, nor inordinatly, nor inhonestly, nor wrawly; nor noon schal speke betwene themselfe one to another, al yf it be in a lowe voyce; or make |r10 any token or bek from that one syde to čat other, or smylynge, or wrothly behold another. Who that other wyse doeth and is perseyuyd, he schal be proclamyd, correcte and ponysched, like as for another defaute. So than euery worde in the chaptyr schal nowght els |r15 sauour but correccion of lyvyng, helth of sowles, kepyng of the order, and the comen profite. None shal be so bolde to absent hym from the chaptyr or col*lacion |r[f.8b] withoute special licence, excepte the seeke lyeng in the fermery. |r20 Who schal take the longe veyne, he must knele first vpon hys lefte kne and aftyr vpon hys ryght kne. And than forthwith ley hymself esyly down alonge streght, somwhat more restyng to the ryght syde than to the lefte, but not notably moche. |r25 Hangyng the over parte of the left fote, vpon the sole of the ryght fote, and the bakke of the lefte hande vpon the palme of the ryght hande, hauyng hys handes in thys wyse, betwyxe hys face and the erth[.l But he that schal take the curte veyne must 30 fyrst knele down vpon bothe hys knees, fallyng down |p17 esyly upon hys elbowes hauyng hys face restyng vpon hys handes ,betwix |r[f.8c] hys face and the erthe. |p18 Secunde chaptyr. Of Iyght defawtes. It is a lyght defawte, yf it be not ronge in dewe tyme to diuine seruise as the howre is assigynd; or if any whan it is ronge therto, auoydeth not anone al maner of besynes that may be lefte withoute hurte, |r5 and cometh not spedyly and ordynatly therto. Also yf any boke lakke that schulde be occupyed in syngyng or in redyng. Also yf any be ly¨ht of lokyng abowte, or of any vnreligious meuyng or li¨tnes of chere per schew*ynge |r[f.8d], |r10 or slepe or slombyr in any conuentual acte. Also yf any com not in dewe tyme to the chap tyr[,] collacion, and freytour and other comen ob_seruauncys. Also yf any be absente from the sermon with |r15 inforth or from other comen obseruauncys. Also yf any in the chirche in tyme of diuine seruise, or in the chaptyr in tyme of chaptyr or collacion, or in the freytour in tyme of conuentual refeccion or drynkynge, or in the dortour in tyme |r20 of reste, make any noyse of vnreste. Also yf any from the begynnyg of the fyrst psalme of complyn into the begynnyng of this psalme: Ecce nunc; or at any tyme in procession withoute the quere, excepte hem that ar in surplys |r[f.9a] or that |p19 bereth the crosse; or at any conuentual refeccion or drynkyng in the freytour excepte the seruitours; or els in the dortour withoute the cellys, hath hys hede vncouered, saue alonly in the freytour from ester day than to begynne, into michaelmas day, than to leue. Which tyme it schal be leful to haue ther hedys bare. Also yf any any defowle any boke in any place or trete it vnhonestly. 10 Also yf any mystrete the ornamentys of the awtyrs or anythyng of the chirche, or breke or hurte or lese any vstilment of the monastery vessell, in_strument or other. Also yf any myskepe hys thynge, clothe or očer |r15 or rente it, or bren it, or breke it. |r[f.9b] Also yf any behaue hym otherwyse in the chaptyr than is expressyd afore in the first chapter. Also yf any spylle any lycour upon the tabelles wherof the clothe is defoulyd, or kytteth hys fynger |r20 or hys hande; or taketh mete or drynke withoute blyssyng, or els taketh mete or drynke oute of dewe tyme, in the sight of other. Also yf any go bare hede in the dortour, or entyr into any other celle čan hys own withoute leue or haue |r25 hys hede bare in the reredortour or howse of esement; or theer schew anythyng bare in ther nether party whilst they sytte at ther esemente; or behaue them |p20 ther vnhonestly or dissolutly. Also yf any when the comen schauyng is had, is |r[f.9c] not schauen; or els not in dewe tyme taketh hys clothes to waschyng nor in dewe tyme chaungeth |r5 hem, like as the comen custom and honeste of religion wyll[.] Also, yf any be founde negligent in ther office or ministracion. If any take anythyng of others office withoute |r10 leue, or go into any place that is forboden. If any fynde anythyng that is not hys, and taketh it not to hym it perteyneth to by the vse therof or els to hys office; or leyth it not in suche place, wher as suche thynges be assigned to be leyd, or |r15 putte. If any lyghtly breke silence, or speke in a lowde voyce. If any be ¨ouen to ydelnes, or to veyne speche, |r[f.9d] or to moche; or of negligence sayth ought, wherby |r20 other arn hurte. If any dissolutly laugheth, or styrre any other by worde or by dede to the same. If any lightly afferme anythyng with any othe; or in lyke wyse denye anythyng, al yf it be trewe |r25 that he denyeth or affermeth. |p21 If any sustyr or brother speketh vnreverently to other, or ¨et calle or name other by ther propyr name, withoute suche addicion putt afore: Sustyr; Syr; or Brother or suche other accordyng to ther state and |r5 degre. If any festenyth ther syght to the sustres crates wher that they may be seen. If any withoute leue wylfully offreth hymself |r[f.10a] to speche or sight of the seculers whan they be within |r10 the clausure. If any be not confessyd ones in the wyke. For thees and suche other lyght defawtes, to suche that wylfully take ther veyne, ther penaunce schal be more esy. But to suche that do not proclame |r15 themself but ar proclamed of other, ther penaunce schal be the gretter. And forsothe, yf suche de fautes be had in custom, bodily disciplyne is for to be ¨ouen[.l For than they ar not to be callyd lyght defawtes, but in a maner greuous defautes. |r20 Whan any therfor is commaundyd to make hym redy to dysciplyne, he schal go to the neder party of the chapter hows. And ther vnder hys cowle, he |r[f.10b] schall preuyly drawe hys armes oute of hys sleuys, and vnder hys cowell make hys body bare from |r25 hys nekke unto hys myddes and than gyrde hymselfe streyte, that hys clothes falle down no lowgher. Thys doon, he schall turne a¨ene to the place |p22 where he was tofore. And ther before the presydente castynge the vtter parte of hys cowle ouer hys hede he schal fall down vpon hys knees and elbowes, for to receyue mekly hys penaunce of disciplyne. And whilst |r5 he is disciplyned, he schal nothyng say but Mea culpa. I wyl amende me[.] And thys he schal reherse ofte and thyk. Ande whan the dysciplyne is doon, he schal clothe hymselfe a¨ene in the same place, and not go thens, tyl the president hath ¨ouen hys ful iugemente |r[f.10c] and |r10 seyd to hym Goo vnto ¨our place. For than he schal inclyne and go to hys sete. |p23 The iii=de chapter. Of greuous defautes. It is a greuous defaute yf any brother stryue dishonestly, or haue any debate with another, and namely a lay brother with a preste or dekon. If any bereth fals witnes a¨enst another, or |r5 be take with a lesynge made wylfully and of purpose or with any foule worde, or that customably swereth or breketh hys silence, or at any tyme sweryth horrybly |r[f.10d] be criste, or by any parte of hym, or vnreuerently speketh of god, or of any seynt, and |r10 namely of our lady. If any despise the comen doctrynes, sette of olde fadyrs,and ¨ouen to them of ther souereynes to be kepte, or be to negligent to kepe hem. If any defende or mayten hys own defaute, |r15 or the defaute of any other in the chapter or in any other place. If any repreue another of hys defaute for the whiche he was correctyd or els maliciously or skornfully reherse it aftyr the correccion. |r20 If any haue any thretnyng, or cursyng, or unreligios wordys, to hym or of hym, of whom he was proclamyd. If any brother to sustyr |r[f.11a] or sustyr to |p24 brother say wordes of despyte, reprefe, schame, or vileny. If any of malice, caste,or ¨ete ovte the euells that any sustyr or brother hath doon. |r5 If any putt vpon any sustyr or brother a dedly synne whiche he may not preue be sufficiente witnes. If any lye in a wayte or in a spye, or bysyly or curyosly serche what other speke preuyly betwyxt hemself, that they aftyrwarde may reuele the sayng |r10 of the spekers to ther grete hurte. If any sowe discorde amonge sustres or brečren[.] If any be founde a preuy rowner or bakbyter. If any vnresonably grudge for mete or drynke, or for any other thynge, and namely yf they styre |r[f.11b] |r15 other therto. If any saue brother to brother, excepte the kepers of the locutories, wheyles and gates , and ¨et not they but for fulfyllynge of ther obedience only, be founde to speke alone, outake only in |r20 confession. Or when they have leue to speke, take any other with hem than suche ande the same that the souereyne assygneth. If any brynge in any thynges withoute leue of ther sovereyne. |p25 If any be not confessyd in fourten days, of ther own negligence[.] If any be not comonyd on comonyng days aftyr the precepte of the rewle withoute licence or forbyddyng |r5 of the generall confessour or of hys dayly confessour; or els for cause resonable, expressyd to one of hem, and alowyd |r[f.11c] be hym that the cause is expressyd to. If any lay brother be comenyd any other day than the days of precepte and saterdayes without licence of |r10 the generall confessour. If any breke the fastes of the religion or ab stinencys withoute leue of the souereyn, or els of the chirche, withoute leue or dispensacion of the generall confessour. |r15 If any withoute leue of the souereyne, go into any others celle, or receyue any thyng of any, that hath not cure of mynystracion of the same thynge. And he also that so ¨eueth it. If any hauyng mynystracion of thynges necessary, |r20 and haue sufficiently in ther office to mynyster to the nedy, and do not charytably and dewly the neces_saryes that be |r[f.11d] askyd in dewe tyme and in dewe places, mynyster vnto the askers. If any commaundynge or maneschyng or vnrest |r25 fully aske ther necessaryes, or els oute of dewe tyme or dewe place whan ther nede myght than forbere; and also yf they whan they receyue ther newe thynges, wyl not delyuer her olde. |p26 If any hauyng chaurge of ¨ates or dores of the clausure, leue them vnschette. If any be a costomable faller into light de fautes. |r5 For thes and suche other defautes, to them that wyfully proclame hemselfe, schal be ¨ouen streyte correccion of disciplyne with seuen psalmes and letany or oure lady sawtyr. But to them |r[f.12a] that be proclamed of other, schal be ¨oven, two dyscyplynes, |r10 with silence of two days atte leste. The vnresonable grudgers, schal absteyne cer_tayne days from that kynde of mete or drynke, or of any other thyng that they grutche fore, aftyr that the president semyth for to be doon. |p27 The fourte chaptyr. Of more greuous defautes. It is a more greuous defaute , yf any of pryde, or of open rebellyon be inobedyent to hys souereyne be an hole day, or malapertly stryue with hym as yf he wer egal to hym, or |r[f.12b] maliciously say any euyll |r5 of hym. If any say iniuryous wordes to hys souereyn or to any other of the presidentes or serches. If any sowe discorde betwene the abbes and generall confessour[.l |r10 If any afferme the reuelacions of saynt birgitte as dremes, or els detracte hem. If any of hem that ar chydynge or stryuynge wyll not cese when the sovereyne or any of the serches sayth Sit nomen domini benedictum. |r15 If any be founde in any suspecte or forboden place, spekyng with any sustyr or with any man or woman seculer or reguler[.l If any publysch or reuele the secretes of the religion, to any outewarde persone. |r20 If any put any cryme vpon another, whyche he may not preve be suf*ficient |r[f.12c] wytnes, or els bereth fals witnes to the preue therof. If any schulder, pusche, or threten to smyte another, with any maner of wepen, be sygne, worde, |r25 or vngodely countynaunce; or blame hym of nacion or kynrede with sclaunderous wordes. |p28 If any not requisite of hys sovereyne, swere any greuous othes as be če body of criste or be thys boke, or any suche očer lyke; or els that he be conuycte of periury. |r5 If any be a smyter or manysche to smyte. If any do any thefte or sacrilege. If any withoute licence and knowlage of the souereyn, sende owte, or receyue from withoute, any letter or ¨efte. |r10 If any of contempte, brake the fastys or the abstynences of the |r[f.12d] chirche or of če religion. If any vse sorsry or witchecrafte. If any withoute knowlage, and licence of the souereyn lete in or bryng in within the clausure |r15 any persone, thof it be a persone not suspecte. If any in defence of hys own trespas or of any other; or to auoyd or make lasse the penaunce to be enioyned therfore, bryng in or aledge any lawe, or induce other so to do, or schewe them any fauour |r20 therto[.l If any appele from reguler correccion. If any violently breke a dore, or with blowyng of the lok, or with any other lyke crafte open any dore. |r25 If any be impression in waxe, or in any other impressable matyer, con *iecte |r[f.13a] or make any seal or key. If any be a customable doer of greuous defautes[.l |p29 For thes defautes and suche other, they that be defauty and wylfully proclame themself, shal do čis penaunce that foloweth seuen days. Twyes in the wyke at leste, they schal have a disciplyne. And |r5 the monday and the wensday, they schal be seruyd and be content with oo maner of potage, and oo maner of flesch or fysch and smal ale, but yf ther fal a doble feste. For than they schal be seruyd as other, excepte pytaunce, wyne and frute[.l But in all more |r10 doble festys they schal be serued as all other be. The fryday they schal have but brede and gode ale and one maner of po*tage |r[f.13b]. And yf it be doble feste, they schal fulfylle thys penaunce the wensday before or aftyr. The sonday, tuesday, thursday, and saturday, |r15 they schal be seruyd as in doble festys . And al thes seuen days they schal kepe streyte silence, and in al places in al conuentual actes kepe the lowest place in ther order, outake in the quyer and in processions. And al thys tyme they schal not be comonyd nor mynyster at |r20 awtyrs withoute special leue or commaundment of the souereyne. For al thys tyme they stonde in maner of censures into tyme they haue performyd ther penaunce. To them that be proclamyd of other, the penaunce schal be incresed in every party / aftyr the dis*_crecion |r[f.13c] |r25 of če souereyne. If any appele from reguler correccion, but yf he openly in the next chaptyr aftyr, goo from hys appele, he schal be put into pryson into the nexte visitacion of the buschop and do the seyd penaunce 30 of more greuous defautes in the mene tyme. |p30 Fyfte chapter. Of most greuous defautes. It is a moste greuous defawte, yf any be con_uicte of propyrte, wherof the penaunce is taxed in the rewle. Whiche penaunce yf any propyrtary refuse to do, he schal be putte / in pryson. |r[f.13d] |r5 If any forsake obstinatly to accepte and fulfyl the penaunce enioyned hym of the presydent[.] If any goo away in apostasy, or els attempte and assay to goo ouer the wallys of the clausure. If any conspire a¨enst hys sovereyn, or be con_federed |r10 or werketh to the subuersion of the order, or to the destruccion of the pryuylegys or of the addi_cions, constitucions, or statutes or els of ambicion, rankour, or hate, laboureth to the priuacion of the chantour, or of any serche of the order. |r15 If any be inobedient and rebelle to hys souereyn by two hole dayes and so stande stylle. If any be rymes, verses, or scrowes cast forth within or withoute, defame or sclaunder the abbes or confessour, sustyr or brother of any cryme, al |r[f.14a] yf |r20 they wer or be defauty in the same. If any stele or destroy če comen register, or any other comen euydences, or els put oute or in, any thynge in them, withoute the comen deliberacion and assente. |r25 If any sende oute any lettres of carnal affec_cion or of sclaunder. |p31 If any ley violent hande upon hys souereyn or els smyte or hurte spytuosly or wonde, or els profer to smyte hym, or any brother, thof no blode be reysed. If any do kyll or mayme another. |r5 If any falle openly into fleschly synne kyndly or vunkyndly. If any do open sacrilege or thefte[.] If any in hys madnes or drunknes, horrybly blaspheme god or oure |r[f.14b] lady or any of hys sayntes. |r10 If any be founde vncorrigible, in so moche, that he neyther dredeth to do trespace, neyther he fulfylleth the penaunce enioyned hym for hys defautes; or els openly he refuseth to do hys penaunce[.l In thes and for these defautes and suche other |r15 yf any be founde gylty he must algates be comnytted to pryson, leste one scabbyd schepe infecte al the flokke. Neuertheles yf so be that he of hys own fredom meke hymself afore all, and trewly knowlage hys defaute behotyng amendes, he schal be pardoned |r20 of prysonment, and fulfyl the penaunce that is sette and expressyd for them that be delyuered |r[f.14c] oute of pryson. But conspiratours, sclaunderers, mankyllers, and fyghteres, incontynent lyuers, apostataes, and they that be vncorrigyble, be neuer to be pardonyd |r25 of prysonmente. A wylful mankyller schal be put to perpetuall pryson. If any suche be, that by the felyng and doom of the souereyne, and of the more and holler party of |p32 the congregation, may not be suffred in the seyd congregacion withoute grete perel of soules or of boydes, suche schal be schett vp in pryson or in some očer stronge place. |r5 He čat schal be prysoned or is in pryson, he schal be vnder the kepyng of suche one, that kan and may suerly kepe hym mynystrynge to hym |r[f.14d] as the souereyn byddeth, and he schal leue hys gyrdel and hys knyues at the presydentys fete. |p33 Sexte chaptyr. Of apostataes. Aftyr open apostasy, who that turneth home a¨ene wylfully, schal be receyued in thys foorme. He schal come openly in the same habite and clothyng that he vysd in hys apostasy[.] And atte the dore in the |r5 chyrche of the brethren clausure than openyd, he schal fal down prostrat afore the confessour there present with hys brethren, in the syght of seculer peple, and so lyenge aske leue to speke. And leue grauntyd, he schal |r[f.15a] than knelyng, knowlage afore al, |r10 the gretnes and če enormyte of hys syn, as moche as belongeth to hys apostasy, commyttyng hymself lowly to al reguler correccion. And be goddys grace, amendmente of lyuyng, and stable purpose of abydyng eueraftyr[.] |r15 If any apostataes be brought home with stronge hande and wyl not submytte hym to reguler correccion, they schal be take in openly by another dore and go to pryson into tyme that they of al ther hert repent hem and sorow ther syn. And oftesythes and with |r20 moche instaunce, offer hemself mekly to al maner of reguler correccion. And also to make menys to other to pray for hem čat they may be admyttyd, and that to suche, as they |r[f.15b] suppose be wordy for to be herde and schal spede. And than they schal be brou¨t |r25 forth with ther chaynes into the chaptyr, and be assoyled of ther apostasye. Whych doon, they schal be had to pryson a¨ene, there to be tretyd aftyr the discrecion of the souereyne, and the quantyte of the |p34 trespace. Whan če apostasy is preuy and not open, they schal be take in preuyly by some other dore, and be punysched and tretyd aftyr the dyscrecion of the |r5 souereyn as it is aboue seyd. |p35 |r[f.15c] Seuenth chapter. Of them that be in pryson. The reclusyd in pryson, schal not goo fro thens, tyl he repente hym of al hys herte. And in al thynges he schal be tretyd aftyr hys demerytes. Neyther to be schaue nor pollyd or clypped; nor he |r5 schal haue mantel nor cowle, gyrdel nor knyfe, vnto the delyueraunce fro pryson. To whom noon schal speke nor go to, nor ¨eue, nor sende nor anythyng take of hym, but only by precepte or lycence of the sovereyn[.] The doer of the contrary schal bere the |r10 punyschment dew for a more greuous defaute. And yf any brynge or sende any instrumente, or owght els be the whyche he myght escape theuyschly or priuyly oute of pryson, he schal |r[f.15d] be put in pryson hymself[.] |r15 And euery day whylst any is in pryson, hys pre bende schal be brought tofore the presidente, whiche schal aftyr hys discrecion lesse it or encrese it, or els sende it forth as it cometh[.l Thof so be, the prisoned may be confessyd of |r20 hys synnes, leste they be for¨ete, ¨et he schal not receyue sacramental absolucion, nor the sacramente of če auter, nor holy water, nor holy brede, and such other withoute special licence of the souereyn, because he scholde the more attendably study and |r25 seke the menes more spedyly, and do thoo thynges that myght cause and haste hys delyueraunce[.] Whan sufficient prefe is had, eyther be hys confessour, or by hys keper, or by them that visitt hym, that he hath veray con*tricion |r[f.16a] and repentaunce |p36 of hys transgression, the souereyn schal lymyt a conuenient day for hys delyueraunce whan he seeth hys tyme. Whyche day hys keper schal brynge hym forth into the chaptyr, hauyng in eyther hande a rodde. |r5 And in hys entre, he schal inclyne to the mageste, and whan he cometh nygh to the president, he schal inclyne a¨ene. And the rodde that he hath in the ryght hande, he schal ley it down on the lefte syde of the presidente, and that other rodde on hys ryght |r10 syde, and anone fal down prostrate and aske leue to speke. Whiche grauntyd, he shal than knelyng know_lage hys defaute, committynge hymself to al reguler correccion, and be goddys grace to amende hys maners. |r[f.16b] And after thys at the commaundment of the president, |r15 he schal make hym redy to dyscyplyne. Whyche ¨ouen and he clothed a¨ene, he schal fal down a¨ene before the president[.l To whom than the president schal say Quid dicitis? What say ¨e. And he schal than so lyeng prostrate answer thus: I aske god mercy |r20 and ¨owe and beseche ¨owe that I may be delyueryd of prison. And he schal aryse whan he is boden. And as sone as the president sayth: I assoyle ¨owe from the bondes of pryson, he schal fal down a¨ene prostrate at hys fete, offryng hymself to kysse hys |r25 fete. And than he schal thanke al that arn there first on the ryght syde and čan on the lefte. Thys doon, |r[f.16c] the president schal enioyne to hym the penaunce of a more greuous defaute, eght days at leste, wherof one schal be in brede and watyr, vpon 30 če florth in myddes of the freytour. Whyche day he |p37 schal at euery conuentual entre, and comyng oute of the brethren, at the leest with grace, lye prostrate at chirche dore, sayng in a lowe voyce to them that come in or go oute: Orate pro me fratres. |r5 Moreover euery day that he taketh discipline he schal fal down prostrat before the president, askyng some relaxacion of hys penaunce. And as ofte as he is relesyd, he schal thanke hym and al the con gregacion as it seyd before. |p38 |r[f.16d] Eghte chaptyr. Of the president and hys office. Be thys name presidente, is vnderstonde euery person that amonge the congregacion gadryd togyder in any conuentual acte, hathe ther the rewle amonge them. For they that be so gadryd be neuer withoute |r5 a president[ . l The souereyn only, is president in al places. And in hys absence, the eldest serche is president, and he not present the secunde serche; and bothe absente, the eldest preste presente schal be president. The president whoeuer it be, in the |r10 absence of the souereyne, doeth čat the souereyn schuld do yf he hymself were čer present, excepte in cases specially and only reseruyd to the souereyn. |p39 |r[f.17a] Nyenth chapter. How dede persons schal be buryed[.] Whan a brother dyeth, the dede body schal be leyd bare vpon a borde ordeyned therfor and leedyd yf nede be, and waschen with warme water, by hem that haue charge of the fermery or by other sadde |r5 persones suche as the souereyne wyl assygne therto. Whyche doon, the body schal be clothyd, not with the rewle cote, but with a stamyn, cowle, mantel, hosen, and schone tannyd and gyrte with a gyrdyl[.] And al thees schal be of the vilest and symplest; and in al |r10 thees excepte the mantel the body schal be byryed, both of sustres and brethren. And after that the body is thus arrayed, it schal be leyd honestly and reuerently vp*on |r[f.17b] the bere, and brought into the fermary chapel, or sette in some očer place more con |r15 uenient[.l So that the body schal neuer be withoute two persones at leest, prayng for the sowle, sayng the sawter or dirige, tyl it be had to chyrche; nor ¨et than it schal be lefte alone, tyl it be byryed. Other suffrages and obseruaunces aboute the dede |r20 schal be expressyd more playnly in the two and fourty chaptyr folowyng[.l |p40 |r[f.17c] Tenthe chaptyr. Of the visitacion of the buschop[.] Whan the buschop cometh to visitte he must be receyued worchypfully with ryngyng of bellys and procession as hym aught to be. Whyche ryngyng schal be kepte in hys fyrste comyng and last goynge, whan |r5 that euer he cometh. After thys whan he hath publysched the cause of hys comyng as the custom is, he shal purpose to the brethren thre thynges to be kepte of alle. Fyrst, that noon depose to hym, or to any that cometh in with |r10 hym, any thyng that hath be correctyd before and is amendyd. Secunde that they neyther of ther souereyn, nor of any sustyr or brother say any greuous thyng, |r[f.17d] wherof they haue not be charitably warnyd tofore. Nor that they depose ought, or accuse any but only of suche |r15 thynges that have be doon syth the laste visitacion. Thryd, that none of hem differre or reserue any thyng that they knowe to be amendyd, to the comyng of the visitour, to the more sclaunder of the doers; for that wer most wykkedly doon. For al thynges schuld |r20 be proclamyd in dewe tyme and correctyd as they fall. They therfor that doo the contrary, must greuously be correctyd be the buschop, that al očer may be afferde to do so at any tyme. |p41 |r[f.18a] xi=te= chaptyr. For what causes the buschop and other schal entyr into the monastery. The buschop may entyr into the monastery in hys visitacions, in professions, in consecracions of abbesses and for other dyuers causes. Noone other schal euer entyr the clausure, but yf hys entre be |r5 veray necessary, as phisicians, werkmen and suche other. And čer entre must be in suche wyse, that they be seen of none but of hem that schal schew them anythynge to be made or repayred, and of tho that schal receyue medycyns or mynyster hem. But |r10 none of hem that entreth into the clausure schal abyde ther all the nyght, but he schal |r[f.18b] be lodged withoute, yf nede be, that he may come in a¨ene whan he is callyd. |p42 Xii=te chaptyr. Of the eleccion of the abbes and confessour. In the day of eleccion, before masse of the holy gost, which than schal stonde for hygh masse, al the bellys schal be rongen to the same lyke as in princi pal festis. And they schal be ronge a¨ene after the |r5 eleccion, whylste Te deum is in syngyng; and a¨ene whylst they be installynge, before or after the kysse or token of pece and of charite, yf |r[f.18c] it be ¨ouen in the quyer. Aftyr thys, the brethren schal make čer obedyence |r10 to the confessour syttyng in hys place in the chapter hows under thys foorme: In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti Amen. I brother .N.N. behote to the .N.N. generall confessour of thys monastery, me for to kepe obedience, after the rewle of seynt austyn |r15 and constitucions of seynt birgitte. |p43 |r[f.18d] Xiii=te= chaptyr. Howe officers schal be putt in and oute. Whan the confessour hath to put any brother into office or put hym oute of office, the brother that is callyd in the open chapter muste aryse anone and come and stonde before hym. And yf he purpose to put hym |r5 in office, he must say čus to hym: Brother, I assigne ¨ow thys mynystracion or occupation, expressyng it specially be name. Whan the bročer hereth thys, he schal fal down prostrat. To whom the confessour schal than say : Quid dicitis? What say ¨e? He schal |r10 answer thus to hys souereyne: I aske grace and licence to speke. And than the confessour schal say thus: Surgite. Aryse vp. Than |r[f.19a] schal the brother ryse and vnder inclynacion say thus: Fader ¨e know ryght wele myne vndiscrecion, and vnabelnes to execute |r15 suche an occupation. I beseche ¨ow therfor that ¨e put not čis charge vpon me, but that in al wyse I be excusyd therof , and some other brother charged čer_with, that hath more discrecion and experience. To whom the confessour yf he be vttyrly determyned to |r20 haue hym in the seyd office, schal say a¨ene: Not withstondyng ¨our excusacion that ¨e make or schal make herein, I wyl that ¨e accepte obediently thys charge, and to ¨our power and konnyng fulfyl it effectuelly. Aftyr thys he may no more excuse hym, |r25 but obediently he |r[f.19b] must take the charge vpon hym. |p44 Whan any hereth that he is discharged of any oc cupacion, he schal fal down prostrate, offrynge hym self to kysse hys souereynys fete. And he schal there openly delyver the keys perteynyng to that occupacion, |r5 to hym[.] But the souereyn schal not entyr into that office, withoute presence and assistence togyder of hym that is discharged and of hym that is newe charged therwith, that it may truly and veryly be known in what state it is delyueryd and taken. And ¨et it is |r10 better čat the souereyn take with hym yf nede be, some other elder brother, that hath experience in suche occupacion. Whan any brother hereth hym*self |r[f.19c] dyscharged of hys office for open neglygence, he schal fal down pros |r15 trat at the souereynes fete, and commaunded to ryse, he schal openly and mekly knowlage hys defaute knel yng. And forthwith he schal aske mercy and for¨eue nes of the souereyne and of al the congregacion; than to be punysched as the trespace asketh. |p45 Xiiii=te= chapter. Of the placys in whiche silence is streytly to be kept[.] In the chirche, quyer, cloyster, freytour, dor tour, and in the hows of esemente sy*lence |r[f.19d] is alway to be kept but yf the souereyn dispense therwith. Silence also is to be kept in the librarye in |r5 tyme of study, and in the schauyng hows in tyme of schauyng, for to eschewe kyttyng, and hurtyng; and in the chapter howse after the begynnynge of the laste pele to the collacion, but yf it be in a styll voyce, for a thynge necessary, honeste and profitable, than |r10 to be askyd or doon. And the same wyse it is to be kept in the waschyng howse in tyme of wasschyng of the comen gere. Also silence is to be kept in the reuestry save in suche thynges that concerne dewe myn ystracion to be execute in that howse. But that |r15 speche schal |r[f.20a] be so moche the softer, as that hows is nygh the quyer and the chyrche. Therfor yf anyčyng be to be asked or doon in sylence tyme or sylence place, thys schal be doon with sygne and not by worde. Neuertheles yf it may |r20 not be expressyd with vsuell sygnes, nor the place chaunged were it falleth, than it may be expressed by worde; but euermore in a lowe voyce, and in as fewe wordys as it may well be. And silence is also to be kept in the belfray in tyme of ryngyng[.] |p46 |r[f.20b] xv=te chapter. Of the ¨ere of profe. None schal entyr into thys religion, before an hole ¨ere of profe. In the whyche ¨ere, he must be assayd,wheytherhe be able or no, to fulfyl suffic iently the charge of the state and degre, that he |r5 asentynge schal be admyttyd to, or is lykly to be able. And whan he is admyttyd to the ¨ere of profe, he schal vse syde clothes playn in the scholdres, and lyve vnder the obedience of če general confessour, assayeng that ¨ere how he may acorde with the strayt |r10 nes of the rewle and some maner of reguler obseruaunce, as he is enformyd. At the renownsyng of hys ¨ere of profe he schall |r[f.20c] say thus knelyng att the locutory wyndowe[: Ego peto intuitu caritatis[.] I aske in the way of char_ite, |r15 that I may be receyued to lyue with ¨ow in thys holy congregacion, and so forth as it scheweth in the comen register. Before the day of profession of any brother, pro uysoun is to be made for hys celle, and for al other |r20 necessaryes longyng to hym, and that euery place be clene and honeste, that he fynde nothyng, wherof he may take any ensample of euyll. And the mynyster of the sextry, schal make redy the bere with fayre newe erth therin, vpon the whyche erth, he schal make a |r25 brode crosse with a |r[f.20d] smothe lath or with some other instrument made therfor, that it may well be seen, a ferre of. And he schal sette it in suche a place, that it redyly may be borne oute, whan tyme requireth[.l |p47 Also he or els another lay brother schal puruey that ther lakke no holy water at schauyng of the newe brother or brethren. If the buschop diocesan or the archbuschop of |r5 cauntyrbery make the profession, al the bellys schal be rongen at hys fyrst comyng and last goynge. But neuer for none other buschop, archbusschop, nor suf frygan, but yf the confessour commaunde other wyse. |p48 |r[f.21a] xvi=te= chapter. Of the day of profession. On eche profession day after morowe masse, the hygh autyr schal be arayd as it is wonte in doble festys excepte relikes. And yf it be sonday, the water schal be halowed after the same masse. Before |r5 the sermon yf ther be any, če grete bell schal be tollyd xiii. strokes to the same aboute the laste ende of the sustrys last houre[.l And at ende of the sermon, or at lest or the buschop begyn the profession, al the belles schal be ronge to hygh masse .ii. miserere |r10 while. And than the ryngers schal hye them fast to chirche and stonde amonge ther brethren at the gerrys |r[f.21b] in procession wyse euery man in hys order and degre, kepyng ther sy¨th and čer countynaunce saddly and re ligiously. |r15 Whan the buschop entreth, the crosse berer of that wyke schal take the rede baner and bere it to the south syde of the hygh auter and sette it wher it schal stonde al the masse tyme; and the .ii. ta perers of the same wyke schal take the two torches |r20 and folowe the banerer al thre in surplys, and sette them wher they schal bren al the masse tyme. After hem schal folow al the buschops mynystrys, he comyng behynde, and so goynge into the reuestry. And whan the chaunter begynneth masse, foure sustres |r25 |r[f.21c] assygned be the abbes or foure lay brethren yf the profession be of brethren assygned be the confessour, schal open the dore in the cloyster syde, and in ther reguler habite bere oute betwene hem in ther handes |p49 religiosly two before and two behynde the seyde beere that is spoken of afore in the .xvte chapter, and sette it before the newe brethren, that they may be holde it. And than they schal inclyne to the awter |r5 and turne in a¨ene into the cloyster by the same dore, after the seyd foorme, and schett the dore after them, hygheng hemself to the chirch as fast as they may. So that every brother do hys |r[f.21d] office aboute the auter in holdyng of tapers, sensour, torches, and in tollynges |r10 after the gosbel and att leuacion as they be wonte, takyng hede diligently that euery thynge be redy at hande and nothyng to seke. The keper of hygh masse or els another sad lay brother depute by the confessour, schal be in hys sur |r15 plys al the masse tyme, and attende diligently that nothyng wante. And he must take hede to the buschops see that it be honestly arayd and sette it in hys dewe place anone aftyr the fyrst collectes of the masse, leyng a clothe of golde or of sylke in the |r20 buschops lappe nerhande down |r[f.22a] to hys fete, and take al away whan tyme is. He also must hold the boke to the buschop knelyng or stondyng as the case requireth, and bere it from that one syde of the autyr to that other whan it is nede. |r25 Aftyr the offeryng, the lay brother that kepeth the chaumbre beyng in hys surplys, schall brynge the habite to the autyr before the buschop to be blyssyd. And he must delyuer to the subdekon euery persons |p50 habite by and by, with all thynges that longe therto wrappyd in the same, and take goode hede that none haue others gere. Abowte the last ende of Agnus dei, the mynyster |r5 of the sextry |r[f.22b] schal sprede a cloth, vpon the which the professours must lygh prostrat, whylst the letany is in syngyng aftyr masse. And whan they receyue the sacrament, two lay brethren in surplys schal holde the towel before hem one, knelyng at one ende and another |r10 att other. So that no brother do any mynystracion aboute the autyr neuer withoute a surplys at the leste. Whan Veni creator is bygonne after the comonynge, the seyd four sustres or foure lay brethren that bare |r15 oute the bere before masse, schal brynge it in a¨ene by the same way and after the same foorme in ther re guler habite. |r[f.22c] And whan Veni creator is endyd, the two taperers in surplys schal take the seyd .ii. tor ches afore expressyd and bere them before the pro |r20 fesseurs, behynde the buschop, folowyng hym to the dore by če whyche the professour or professours schal entyr. And whan the buschop hath delyueryd hem into ther souereynes handes, čey schal go thens and quenche the seyd torches, and hye them to če chapter |r25 hows in ther reguler habite, yf the profession be of the brethren syde, kepyng če same obseruaunce čer as the clerkys do. |p51 |r[f.22d] xvii=te= chapter. Of obedience makyng, and how the professours schal be bounde to kepe the streytnes of the rewle after eght days. After viii=te= days be fullyche passyd, the profes sours schal make ther obedience as it is expressyd in the comen register of the chapter howse, and subscribe lyke as other haue doon before tyme[.] Whyche doon, |r5 they schal offer hemself to kysse če confessours fete, lyke as they schal be enfownyd tofore of hem that haue the rewle ouer them. And than the souereyn or another preste commaundyd by hym, schal say to them suche maner of exhortynge wordys: 10 Dere brethren, nowe ¨e be astrycte to kepe |r[f.23a] the straytnes of the rewle and obseruaunces reguler like as other brethren professyd before ¨owe. Therfor ¨e schal vnderstode that the begynnyng of thys religion and of helth of sowle, it is very mekenes, pure chastite, and wylful |r15 pouerte. Very mekenes , is to drede god euermore and not to loue propyr wylle; to make ¨ourself sugett to the obedience of ¨our souereynes and elders for god[.] Not to grudge with contrary thynges thoug contrary |r20 thynges be commaundyd. Not to hyde euyl thoughtys or euyl dedys; but to schew them to ¨our gostly faders in confession yf they be preuy, and also proclame them here in the chaptyr howse yf čey be openly done. |r[f.23b] Also it is veray mekenes, yf ¨e be contente with vile |r25 nes and abieccion and lowest place of al; yf ¨e schew ¨ourself not only with mouth, but also beleue it in wardly in hert, that ¨e be more vile and lower than |p52 other. Also yf ¨e do nothing but as the comen rewle commaundeth, or the goode ensample of elders enform_eth, lernyn of one mekenes, of another pacience, of another discrete abstinence, of another to kepe ¨our tunge, and so forth of other vertues. It is also veray mekenes, yf ¨e kepe silenoe into tyme ¨e be askyd, yf ¨e be not lyht of laughynge, yf ¨e speke fewe wordys and resonable with sadnes. Also yf ¨e bothe in ha*bite |r[f.23c] and outewarde wordys schewe meke_ness |r10 thynkyng alway and in euery place howe ¨e schal be presentyd to the fereful dome of god sayng with the publycan: I am not wordy to lefte vp meyne eyen to heuen. Pure chastete stondeth not only in clennes of |r15 body, but also of sowle. And so also wylful poerte stodeth not only in forsaking of wordly godes for god, but also in for_sakyng of wyl to haue anything in properte a¨enste the rewle. |p53 |r[f.23d] xviii=te= chaptyr. Of dyuyne seruyse generally and how the brethren schal inclyne. In tyme of dyuyne seruyse, the lay brothren schal conforme hemself to the clerkys, as it is more openly expressyd in the seuen and fourty chapter folowyng, kepyng the same forme in makyng of in |r5 clynacions and of other obseruauncys but yf it be anywhere other wyse sette[.] Whan therfore they come into the chirche they schal inclyne to the autyr in ther place assygned hem. Not makyng a lyght bekke and sterte away, but |r10 sadly and manerly they schal with dewe reuerence and worchyp gader togyder the sydes of ther |r[f.24a] mantels with bothe handys before hem, hauyng them in crosse wyse within ther mantels the ryght hande ouer the lefte. And they schal inclyne so lowe that ther |r15 handys withoute any stretchynge owte of armys may toche bothe kneys, bowyng the bak with the loynys not lyke a bowe bente, but euen playn and streght oute, that yf nede were a staffe myght lye ther vpon. And thys maner of inclynyng, they schal obserue as ought |r20 as čey inclyne in ther mantels and as ofte as they passe by the sacrament, or by the myddys of the hygh autyr or quyer, or by the ymage of our lady, or by the general confessour. And whan they |r[f.24b] inclyne withoute mantels, they schal holde her handes in ther |r25 cowell sleues , one caste ouer another in crosse wyse, and inclyne as it is seyd before. Also eche brother schal do reuerence to other, as ofte as they mete to gyder, or receyue anythyng, or any seruyse of other |p54 aualyng ther hodys , and somwhat bowyng down with her hedys and bodyes, the ¨onger namely to the elder. But to this names ihesus and maria, they schal inclyne pro_foundly as ofte as čey here them rehersyd. |p55 |r[f.24c] xix=te= chaptyr. Of obseruaunce at matens. Whylst they rynge allyn to matens the tapers schal be lyght by the lay brethren as it is expressyd in the eght and fourti chapter folowyng[.] And whan allyn is ronge, they schal hye them fast to the |r5 chirche and stonde in the quyer in the lower stallis, keping the same stondyngis and syttyngis that the quer doth, and none to depart thens without special licence. The ebdomedar of duty schal byde in the quyer euermore, and ley the legende on the lectron, |r10 and se that the quyer haue lyght whan it is nede, and čat nothyng lakke whan it schal be sett a werk. Whan the lessons be done, he schal take a / way the le*_gende |r[f.24d] and other bokes and deskes as the tyme requyreth, and quenche the skonses. And it is to be markyd that |r15 whan he leyth any boke upon any lectron or deske, he schal open it in the myddes, and so schett it a¨ene, whan he taketh it away. Of the ryngynge to the sus trys matens, it schewyth in the nyen and fourty chap tyr, and whan the autyrs schal be made redy to the |r20 brethren masses, in the seuen and fourty. Of incly_nacions and očer obseruaunces, it scheweth of the chaptyr goyng tofore. |p56 |r[f.25a] xx=ti= chaptyr. Of obseruaunce at prime and teers and ladymasse and soforth[.] Of ryngyng to prime and to our lady masse, it scheweth in the nyen and fourty chaptyr and also of tollyng to De profundis at graue. To the whyche all the brethren schal go in procession wyse; and whan |r5 it is endyd, the lay brethren schal go streght into če chirche for to mynyster to the prestys att masse[.] After the whyche masses yf it be a comonyng day, they schal be comonyd, eche brother of če preste he helpeth atte masse sayng confiteor before as the |r10 maner is[.] And yf ther be many brethren comonyd att one masse, they schal say confiteor togyder and be comonyd togyder |r[f.25b] after the prestys or dekons yf any be than comonyd at the same masse for no lay brother schal be comonyd with hem. |r15 Att ende of our lady masse after the benediccion is seyd, the lay brother that mynystreth at the hye masse schal tolle the Aue belle, nyen strokys att thre tymes, kepyng the space of one pater noster and one aue betwene eche thre tollynges, and after thys |r20 he that kepeth če ladymasse schal quench the tapers ther and make up the awltar |p57 |r[f.25c] xxi=ti= chaptyr. Of the seuen psalmes and letany on fridays. To the seven psalmes it schal be tollyd as it is wonte to de profundis. Ande whan the houre of sexte or none is doon before hygh masse, the crosse berer schal bere the crosse in hys reguler habite before the |r5 procession withoute tapers and holy water, turnyng into the quyer a¨ene at the sygne of the chauntour. And whan he perceyueth čat the president or eldeste prest of that procession is in hys stalle, he schal sette vp the crosse in če reuestry and come and knele |r10 amonge hys brethren in the quyer withoute the stallys. Of če ryngyng to hygh mas*se, |r[f.25d] it schewyth in the nyen and fourty chaptyr folowyng. They čat kan not rede, in stede of the seuen psalmes and letany schal say our lady sawtyr. |p58 xxiite chaptyr. Of obseruaunces at hygh autyr and lady autyr. As ofte as tapers ar to be holde, če taperers schal ioyne hemself to the preste as sone as he is come to the gree of the autyr, stondyng by the dekon and subdekon, hauyng her facys to the autyr and som_what |r5 inclynyng as they may forholdyng of the candel stykkes. The mynysters of hygh masse and ladymasse, schal helpe at mynysteryng of the chalyce, and they schal |r[f.26a] bere the masse bokys, from corner to corner of the autyrs whan tyme is, doyng other mynystracions |r10 aboute the autyrs as they be enformyd and taughte. Of sensyng of the autyr in the begynnyng of masse and before and aftyr the gosbel, it schewyth in the seuen and twenty chaptyr folowynge. Whan the dekon or subdekon cometh from the quyer |r15 to the auter after the sensyng of če quyer, the lay brethren schal stonde in order at ende of the lefte syde, offryng themselfe to kysse the pax. So that none of hem mynyster aboute thes .ii. autyrs withoute surplys, but yf it be in a sodeyn case of nede[.] |p59 |r[f.26b] xxiii=ty= chaptyr. Of obseruauncys in the quyer at hygh masse tyme. As it is seyd in če eghtenthe chaptyr goyng be fore, and in the seuen and fourty chaptyr folowyng aftyr the lay brethren schal conforme hemself to the clerkys in syttyng in stondyng, in knelyng and in |r5 enclynyng at matens, masse, and euensonge and at al očer hourys. Neuertheles none of hem schal be sensyd but the taperers at magnificat and benedictus. Thyes must take gode hede among hem, that the bokes be leyd open on the deskys betymes, and that every thynge be |r10 redy at hande. Whan ther is any dysciplyne ¨ouen before or aftyr hygh masse, one |r[f.26c] of hem schal tolle the belle therto lyke as it is tollyd to de profundis that al the brethren may be ther atte. |p60 xxiiii=ti chaptyr. Of obseruaunces at euensong [.] From Indulgete none schal absente hymself wyl fully at any tyme, nor go to hys place behynd the quyer tyl gloria patri is endyd aftyr deus in adiuto rium. |r5 On saturdays in somer tyme, whan procession is had to the crosse, he that kepeth the sensour and he čat holdeth the boke schal abyde styl in ther surplys tyl after the proces*sion. |r[f.26d] But no crosse is to be had excepte in ester wyke. |p61 xxv=ti= chaptyr. Of obseruaunces at collacion and at complyn. None schal absent hym from the collacion nor com plyn withoute special licence of the presidente; nor none schal go to hys place behynde the quyer, tyl [če office] is begon. |r5 Atte the collecte aftyr the antem of our lady or att tibi domine commendamus whan commendacions be seyd aftyr complyn of the day, they schal inclyne two and two togyder in the comen place as*sygned |r[f.27a] vnto them, and go forth in procession wyse to the holy water |r10 stoppe. And as they receyue holy water, they schal inclyne to the preste that ¨eueth it. So that the mynyster of hygh masse holde lyght vnto hym whan nede is, and also to the brečren whan they go from the collacion if it be derke, turnyng the lygth in |r15 the skonses evermore fro mennys faces. |p62 |r[f.27b] xxvi=ti= chaptyr. Of the maner of doyng aboute dyuyne seruyse, in festys that be callyd in the tabIe, maius duplex[.] Euery dowble feste that is callyd by the table, maius duplex, the confessours stall is wonte to be honestly arayd with clothes, as it is acordyng for to be, by the mynyster of če sextry. Whiche also schal |r5 ordeyn for the deske in myddes of the quyer, stolys, cuschens, and stauys for the rectours[.] And the lay brethren at the preface of hygh masse schal sette forth the seyd stolys before the rectours that they may knele at hem, and atte agnus dei they schal sette |r10 hem in ther places a¨ene, or els folde hem togyder and sett |r[f.27c] hem in suche place, čat the brethren be not lette goyng by them. |p63 xxvii=ti= chaptyr. Of taperers and of sensynge. In al dowble festys and sondays generally, and whan it is inuitatorium triplex aftyr the table, also al ester wyke, and in the festys of seynt kateryne and of the enleuen thowsande virgyns, the tapers |r5 schal be holde and the hygh autyr and quyer sensyd at matens, masse and euensong, and in the begynnyng of masse aftyr confiteor, and a¨ene before če |r[f.27d] gosbel. Also aftyr the gosbel, the sacryfyse schal be sensyd eche day in the ¨ere. But the quyer schal |r10 neuer be sensyd in masse tyme but whylst the Crede is in syngyng yf ther be any. And in eche of the seyd festys and days a tapete schal be leyd before the hygh autyr[.] Lyke obseruaunce is to be kepte at oure lady |r15 autyr in oure lady masse tyme, except certayn days expressid in ther placys. The taperers schal go before the preste or stonde by hym as they be informyd. And he that kepeth the sensour schal say Benedicite outetake at hygh |r20 masse, and lady masse, for than the dekon schal say it. Also he that kepeth the sen |r[f.28a] sour schal holde vp the rygth syde of the cope whylst the preste sen seth at euensonge and at matens. And after the sen syng of the auter he schal sense the preste in hys |r25 place .iii. castes and than he schal go into the quyer and sense the confessour in hys stalle as many, inclynynge to hem both before and aftyr. Than he schal sense the quyer, fyrst the ryght syde and aftyr |p64 the lefte, eche preste and dekon, two castys, and eche voyde stalle excepte the confessours one. And than he schal sense eche taperer two castys inclynyng before and aftyr, but neuer no mo of the lay brethren. |r5 Whyche doon, he schal inclyne at če |r[f.28b] lowest gree of the autyr and bere up the sensour into the reuestry a¨ene; or els stonde styl ther, tyl the procession goeth forth to the crosse, yf any procession be, doyng suche obseruaunce as belongeth therto. |r10 In festys clepyd maius duplex ther schal be two sensours at euensonge and matens and a schyp berer. And he schal than say: Benedicite to the preste to fore encense be put into the sensours. But at fyrste euensonge schal be .ii. schyp berers. So that in |r15 sensyng of the autyrs one of hem, and oo taperer, and oo sensour go before the preste of the ryght syde; and ther felawe the same wyse before the preste of če |r[f.28c] lefte syde al in surplys[.] Whan al be comne into the quyer a¨ene, the se_cundary |r20 preste schal sense the fyrste, and the prin_cipal senser of the lay brothern, schal sense the seyd secundary preste, thre castys. Whyche done, they schal one at oo syde and another at očer syde sense the rectours, the quyer, and taperers as it is |r25 seyd before, eche of hem two castys and eche voyde stalle one with dewe inclynacions, and than go ther ways. If so be that the confessour be presente in the quyer and not executeth seruyse, he shal be sen syd .iii. castys aftyr the rectours, by če pryncipal 30 sensour. The taperers aftyr tyme they be sensyd, |p65 čey |r[f.28d] schal stonde by the preste conformyng hem to the obseruaunces of the quyer as moche as they may. And it is to be markyd that in our lady masse schal be holde no tapers but at the dysposicion of |r5 the general confessour because the prestys than beyng at masse, schal not be lefte alone withoute helpe. |p66 xxviii=ti= chaptyr. Of halowyng of holy watyr[.] On sondays whan holy watyr is halowyd in the quyer the mynyster of the sextry schall ordeyne for water and salte, and |r[f.29a] so he schal do al so whan it is to be halowyd withoute note in the reuestry. The |r5 crosse berer with tapers lyght schal stonde at the lowest gre of the hygh autyr, and the mynyster of our lady masse schal sette forth watyr and holde the salte on the ryght syde of the preste. And he schal powre holy water into the holy water stop and holde |r10 it al togyder in the sleue of hys surplys whylst he sprenkleth it in the left syde of the quyer. The keper of hygh masse schal bryng forč the towel and cope, and he schal putt the cope vpon the preste and caste it ouer hys scholders and holde it vp be |r15 hynde hym, whylst he ¨eveth holy water; and the holder of the boke schal take hede to the same, and se that the deske be remouyd and sett a¨en |r[f.29b] whan tyme is, but to the confessour he schal holde the boke hymself; and al čes schal be in ther surplys. |r20 In takyng of holy water, the lay brethren schal con forme hem to the clerkys, saue none of hem schal go with any preste or dekon at any tyme. And it is to be known, that in al dowble festys and profession days, and in the feste of saynte anne |r25 yf it fal on the sonday, also the fourth sonday of |p67 lenton, palme sonday, secunde sonday aftyr ester day, sonday within the vtas of seynt petyr ad uincula, and al other sondays as the confessour semeth best, holy water schal be made in the reuestry after morow masse; |r5 wheras euery sonday thorow the ¨ere holy / water is |r[f.29c] wonte to be made after the seyd masse and holy brede, če brother that kepeth če wheyle ordeynyng for al thynges longynge therto, for sustres and lay brethren. So that every sonday holy brede is to be taken reue_rently |r10 before al other bodyly sustynaunce. Se more in the fyue and fourty and sex and fourty chaptyrs folow ynge. |p68 xxix=ti= chaptyr. Of processions before masse. Euery sonday and in the concepcion and annuncia cion of our lady, and in the feste of petyr and paule |r[f.29d] and on mychaelmasse day before hygh masse schal be procession in thys wyse. The holy water berer schal |r5 go before castyng holy water on euery syde as he goeth, the crosse berer schall folowe, and aftyr hym če taperers with tapers brennyng. After the taperers schal go the boke berer in somer tyme, and behynde the prest schal come the mynyster of hygh masse |r10 beryng vp the cope, al in surplys, goyng bare hede. Other brethren schal folowe in ther reguler habite ther hedys coueryd, goyng so ferre asondyr that none scholdyr another, and kepyng the space of a mannys lengthe or at lest fyue fote space betwene hem and |r15 them that go before |r[f.30a] hem. Ouer thys in euery feste that is klepyd maius duplex .ii. lay brethren in surplys bare hede schal bere .ii. torches before the sacrament, of the whyche two,the ¨ongest schal bere the lytel belle and rynge |r20 it contynually[.] But on estyr day and on corpus cristy day, four lay brethren schal bere foure torches after če seyd foorme .ii. before and .ii. behynde the sacramente. And whan če procession is ended, the crosse schal go hys way and the tapers |r25 schal be sett vpon the autyr[ . ] But the torches schal abyde by the sacrament and not be quenched tyl it be sett a¨ene in hys place. Of the proces sion on the frydays it schewyth in the one and |r[f.30b] twenty chaptyr goyng before, and of other in her own |p69 places. |p70 xxx=ti= chaptyr. Of obseruaunces in aduente. To the fyrst evensonge of če fyrst sonday of ad uente, the fyrst pele schal be with oo belle, and the secunde with two only, thof če feste of seynt andrew fal the same saturday[.] At whiche euensong schal be |r5 no procession nor from thens to estyr. But to the sustres euensong it schal be ronge with thre bellys, and the autyrs schal not be chaungyd tyl after the brethres com*plyn |r[f.30c] as they be wonte[.] |p71 xxxi=ti= chaptyr. Of cristmasse day and twelfte. Att ende of the nyenth lesson of matens on cryst masse day, ther schal be two torches lyght and sett in conuenyent places wher they schal bren, whylst the genelogy is in syngynge. And att begynnyng of the |r5 last response the crosse with two tapers and a sen_sour, but no holy water, schal stonde att the lowest gre of the hygh autyr al in surplys. And after sen syng of the seyd autyr, they schal goo |r[f.30d] down by the sowth syde of the quyer in procession wyse rownde |r10 aboute the rectours deske fayre and esyly, the crosse before and tapers and sensour aftyr, stondyng styl ech one whylst the dekon taketh the blyssynge of the confessour or preste. Thys doon, they schal go vp a¨ene by the nor syde of the quyer to če hygh autyr, |r15 stondyng ther as they be wonte at gosbel tyme whylst the genelogy is in redyng. Saue the crosse schal stonde behynde the subdekon turnyng the ymage to the dekon; and the sensour schal stonde behynde the dekon about the ryght corner of the autyr. |r20 The genelogy endyd, they al schal turne into re_uestry a¨ene in procession |r[f.31a] wyse lyke as they came oute. And than če seyd torches schal be quenched, and al the bellys rongen to the fyrst masse and sustres matens vnder oo pele .ii. miserere whyle. So |r25 that some of the brethren, tukke the mynystyrs and holde the tapers and sensour in the begynnyng of masse, and also tuk the confessour whan he taketh the cope aboute the ende of the same masse. Atte our lady masse, two torches schal be lyght |p72 and bren in conueniente place at the masse tyme[.] All other obseruaunces at matens, masses and euensonge, schal be kepte as they be wont in očer principal festys. |r5 Also on twelfte day the same obseruaunce schal be kept than abow |r[f.31b] te the genelogy, that was on cristmasse day[.] But than the confessour taketh hys cope aboute the laste therof. |p73 xxxii Chaptir of Candelmasse daye. In če fest of purificacion before halowyng of candels shal be light ii tapers vpon the auter of saynt sauior whiche če taperers shall ber afore če executour to če autir wher he shall halowe the |r5 candels and čer sett them down[.] And if it be Son_day they shall hold them at če ¨euyng of holy water and after that bryng če executour to če auter as is afore sayde. Att the halowyng of candels muste be the sensour with colys and holy water; and the |r10 mynyster of the sextry and other lay |r[f.31c] brethren must helpe in distribucion of tapers and candels to the quyer, sustrys, and seculers. After the brethren haue receyuyd ther tapers, they schal reuerently holde hem styl in ther handes; ¨e also the taperberrars as |r15 moche as they may, in reuerence of the feste, into tyme they haue offred hem at autyr to the preste. In the whiche offryng they schal conforme hemself to the clerkys; but no lay brother shal go nor offer with any preste or dekon. The mynyster of the sextry, |r20 schal quenche the tapers as they be offryd. |p74 |r[f.31d] xxxiii=ti= chaptyr. Of asch wensday. On asche wensday before hygh masse a tapett schal be caste tofore the hygh autyr only, and a lytel forme sett by the mynyster of the sextry at če gre of the same with a cloth and cusschens and boke thervpon, for |r5 the preste and hys mynysters. Also before the seuen psalmys, schal be lyght ii tapers vpon the autyr and .ii. in the grete candelstykes. The seuen psalmys endyd, the seyd brother schal take away the seyd lytyl forme, and the keper of hygh masse schal holde the |r10 boke to the preste, and sett holy watyr at the dekons hande whan the sustres take asches[.] The lay brethren schal |r[f.32a] take ther asches aftyr the dekons, conformyng them to the same obseruaunces in the takyng ande the tapers schal be holde and auter sensyd, as it is on |r15 sondayes. And it is to be markyd that thyes asches schal be made the same day by the mynyster of the sextry, of palme halowyd on palme sonday goyng before, whiche schal sett hem vpon the autyr in the ryght corner |r20 therof in an honest basen before masse with holy watyr besyde it. He also schal ordeyn for salte and branne in two fayr saucers, and for a towel and a klene basen with warme water, for če prest to wasch hys handys aftyr ¨euyng of asches. |p75 |r[f.32b] xxxiiii=ti= chaptyr[.] Of lenton seson. In al processions in lenton excepte the fyrste sonday, our lady day, and processions of deuocion or worchyp, as in the receyuyng of če kyng, quene, buschop, corse present and suche other, the lente |r5 crosse is to be born; ¨e on seynt mathy day also and on seynt gregory day whan they fal on the fryday. The keper of hygh masse schal drawe the veyle at the same. Aftyr sacryng of the whyche masse, hys felawe schal bere oute and quenche bothe torches, |r10 whylst he schetteth the seyd veyle and ryngeth the fyrste Pele to euensong yf it be tofore mete. And after that he must help to rynge allyn. Whiche |r[f.32c] must euermore be at suche a tyme, that all may be at Indulgete[.] |r15 To the sustres euensonge schal be two pele as ofte as the brethren euensonge is before none, and the dortour bel schal be ronge before as it is wonte. Whyche is to be obserued thof the kynge or any suche other person be comyng or goyng in lenton, only with_in |r20 the wyke days, and in the sustres euensonge tyme al schal kepe sylence tyl aftyr drynkynge. In al dowble festys and festys of nyen lessons, the veyle schal be drawen at morowe masse or masse of the iune into the gosbel; and than it schal be |r25 opend and so abyde styl lyke as it is wonte on the saturdays, yf so be that mas*se |r[f.32d] of the iune be seyd at hygh autyr. |p76 Mydlent sonday, al the bellys schal be ronge to the seruyse of brothren and sustren, as they be wonte in principal festys, and the hygh autyr and our lady autyr shal be solempnly arayd only, with the chefe |r5 candelstykkys. But no tapers schal be lyght vpon the autyr but at magnificat and benedictus, and the holy water schal be made in če reuestry. To the sermon the grete bell shal be tollyd, but no bell herd in the sermon tyme, excepte the sacryng bell, |r10 whosoever come or go. Which is to be obseruyd in al sermonys. To the fyrste euensonges of passion sonday and palme sonday schal never be ronge but oo bell for the fyrst pele and two for allyn, thof a |r[f.33a] dowble |r15 feste be seruyd če same saturdays. |p77 xxxv=ti= chaptyr. Of palme sonday. On palme sonday the holy watyr schal be made in the reuestry; and aboute the ende of the sustres houre of sexte, two tapers and no mo schal be lyght vpon the autyr. Whan holy water is ¨ouen, the |r5 mynyster of hygh masse, schal set a lettron vnder the lower gre of the hi¨e autyr a¨enst the rygth cor ner of the same estewarde and ley the epistle boke open thervpon. And he schal sett anočer lettron este warde with the |r[f.33b] gosbel boke thervpon, vpon the hygh_est |r10 gre of the seyd autyr, wher če two taperers schal stonde face to face whilst the gosbel is in redyng. Whyche endyd, he schal sette a lettron vpon the same gre wher as the palme lyeth to be halowyd, at whiche most be a sensour and holi watyr. In distribucion of |r15 palme schal be kept the obseruaunce that is had in distribucion of tapers on candelmasse day. In the procession, the seyd brother schal se that ther be a lettron set in the ¨endyr corner of the ambytys for redyng of the gosbel, towarde the este; but the |r20 taperers schal stonde ther as they dyd in the chirche face to face. And aftyr thys, he schal sprede a tapet or a clothe whervpon the preste |r[f.33c] schal knele with hys mynystrys toward če sacrament. Before the whiche, two lay brethren in surplys schal bere two |r25 torches with a sacryng bell ryngyng contynually. And whan the chantour begynneth Dignus es domine, the |p78 crosse berer schal leue the lenton crosse, and bere the chefe crosse before the sacrament, and tyl al the procession is endyd. The wensday before ester, če veyle schal be let |r5 fall, at hygh masse, or yf it be dowble fest at morowe masse, at thes wordys of the passion: Velum templi scissum est. And the first pele to euensonge for thursday, schal ever be with oo bell and the secunde pele with .ii. as it is on sondays thof ther fal a |r10 dowble fes*te |r[f.33d] the seyd wensday. But to the sustrys euensonge it schal be ronge as it is wonte. |p79 xxxvi=ti= chaptyr. Of schyre thursday. To matens and masse on schyrthursday the bellys schal be ronge as they be wonte on the sondays and than cese tyl estyr eue. Before matens schal be lyght xxiiii=ti= tapers only, before the lower gre of |r5 če autyr. And at the begynnyng of eche antem and response, the keper of hygh masse schal quenche one of hem aftyr če sydys of the quyer, begynnynge be nethe and |r[f.34a] goyng vp from syde to syde. At the seuen salmys, the same obseruaunce schal |r10 be kepte that was on aschwensday, al the brethren knelyng in the quyer in the mene tyme; and atte be gynnyng of masse the tapers schal be holde[.] At the whiche masse al the lay brethren schal be co monyd aftyr the clerkys in ther reguler habite with |r15 oute surplis[.] So that the mynyster of the sextry ley forth a stole before euery preste that schal be comonyd at the same masse before the sacryng or anone aftyr, of the beste stolys[.] The keper of the wasschyng hows must ordeyn |r20 that ther be hote watyr in the mornyng for the breth_res fete and clene towels to wype |r[f.34b] with. And he schal ordeyn for watyr both hote and colde and for a clene basyn for the mawndy[.l Aftyr hygh masse or els aftyr mete, al the |r25 autyrs schal be made bare, and the mynyster of the sextry schal ordeyn for two bysoms made of boxe and ewe that was halowyd on palme sonday, for waschynge |p80 of če autyrs. And he or els če mynyster of hygh masse schal helpe the sextayn to halowe the holy water, and ordeyn for cruettys of wyne and cuppys for to powre watyr vpon the autyrs. |r5 To the sustyrs euensonge schal be two pele ronge with the clappe be the seyd kepers of če sextry and of hygh masse. And whan the last pele is cesyd, the taperers in surplys schal holde če |r[f.34c] tapers turnyng to the autyr behynd the mynysters |r10 of the same, but none of the lay brethren schal kysse any autyr aftyr če waschyng. Whan al the autyrs be wasche, če crosse berer and taperers, with the chefe crosse al in surplys schal go before the dekon and subdecon in the chap |r15 tyr hows thorow the chirche, wher muste be sett a lettron before, by the keper of hygh masse. And whan the gosbel is red, he schal take it away, the seyd crosse and other goyng into the reuestry a¨ene as they cam oute, in procession wyse. |r20 In waschyng of fete, the lay brethren shal con forme hem to the prestys sayng Misereatur nostri omnipotens deus, as they do. Saue the mynyster of hygh masse schal bere the ba*syn |r[f.34d] and holde it to the confessour or serche whylst he wascheth the |r25 brethres fete, excepte whylst hymselfe is in wasch yng, chaungyng the watyr whan one syde is waschen. At complyn the tapers schal be lyght as they be wonte |p81 vpon the bare autyr[.] Of the clap it schewith more playnly in the nyen and fourty chaptyr[.] |p82 xxxvii=ti= chaptyr. Of obseruaunces on goode fryday. A goode friday before matens the tapers schal be lyght as they wer a schyrthursday at laste pele of the clappe[.] And that day schal be kept streyte silence and occupyed in prayer tyl čat aftyr none, but yf it |r5 be for a nedeful thyng, čat |r[f.35a] may not be done withoute speche. The sygne to hygh masse schal be made whan the sustres begyn ther letany aftyr ther seuen psalms[.] Whyche endyd, iiii. tapers schal be lyght, and the two |r10 taperers schal holde two of hem in surplys whan the preste cometh forth as they be wonte, withoute sensour as ¨ette. And whan the dekon in če passion sayth: Parti_ti sunt vestamenta mea, the mynyster of hygh masse on the ryght syde and mynyster of our lady masse on the |r15 lefte syde of the awtyr, bothe of them in surplys, schal take away two lynnen towels lyeng in the corners of the autyr, religiously. And inclynacion made be fore the |r[f.35b] myddes of the autyr, bere them into the revestry[.] |r20 Before the worchyppyng of the crosse, the myn yster of the sextry schal ley a clothe with cuschens thervpon, at the lowest gree of the hygh autyr. And than he schal sprede the pawment with clothes down to the quyer dore. Whervpon the ministrys of the autyr |r25 reuest, and general confessour though he be not reuest, schal take ther veynes. But all other schal take ther veynes vpon the bare pamente; al beyng bare fote. |p83 At eche longe veyne is one pater noster, one Aue, and Adoramus te christe; and at curte veyne at the crosse, is only Adoramus te christe. They that kan not say adoramus, schal say instede |r[f.35c] therof one Aue. |r5 And instede of Domine ihesu christe, they schal say one Pater noster and one Aue maria at ende of seruise. Aftyr the whiche, the tapers schal be lyghte abowte the sepulcre be the minister of the sextry. Whan the quyer is come to the awtyr ther schal |r10 be one sensour redy wyth colys; but at sensyng of the sepulcre schal be two. And the seyd tapers schall bren stylle, tyl after the resurreccion, ex cepte at Benedictus at matens on ester eue, and at blissyng of the newe fyre[.] Saue a nyghtes tyme |r15 čey shal be do owte, and ii. other tapers schal bren instede of them in a more syker place for eschewyng of perelle; and aftyr complen at ferdeste the paschal schal be rey*sed |r[f.35d] vp. |p84 xxxviri chaptyr. Of ester eue. On ester eue atte matens. al schal be after the fore seyde rewles, so that al tapers be qwenched be fore benedictus. Aftyr matens al the awtyrs schal stonde open in ther principal aray; and the sygne to |r5 De profundis schal be as it is wonte; and če sygne to our lady masse schal be in the brečres houre of teers. At whyche masse no tapers schal be holde, thof the chefe tapett be leyd forth and the chefe candel stykkes stonde vpon the autyr. |r[f.36a] Aftyr our lady |r10 masse the mynyster of the sextry schal ordeyn for fyre of coles to be halowyd, smyten oute of the flynte stone; and in the sustres laste howre, the sygne schal be made to hygh masse. Whiche howre fullyche endyd and the tapers aboute |r15 the sepulcre quenchyd and al other lyghtes in the chirche, the quyer schal go to halowyng of the fyre vnder thys forme by the north dore of the awter. The holy water schal go before, the schafte after, with .ii. tapers unlyght, the sensour aftyr withoute |r20 colys, goyng with the frankencense, and the boke laste before the subdekon et cetera[.] At halowyng of the fyre, the holy water schal stonde on the ryght syde of the preste; and by hym on hys rigth hond frankence and sensour, before |r[f.36b] |r25 the preste the boke berer and behynde hym oo taper; behynde the preste, another taper; and hehynde hym, |p85 the schafte, euerychone turnyng to če preste. And aftyr the sensyng of the fyre, the schafte schal be lyght only; and than the holy water, schafte, taper, sensour, and encense, schal go before the procession |r5 into the quyer, čer stondyng as they be wonte aftyr procession on sondays tyl the ympne be endyd callyd In-uentor rutili, Comyng by the sougth dore ynto the qwyre[.] At halowyng of the paschal, the dekon schal |r10 stonde at a lectron northwarde hauyng če paschal on hys ryght hande and tapers on euery syde vnlyght. Behynde the subdekon schal stonde the schafte, and behynde če dekon the sensour with coles and franken cense, all |r[f.36c] turnyng to the dekon. The mynyster of |r15 the sextry schal lyght the paschal, lampes, tapers, and other lyghtes as he is assygned. And aftyr the dekon hath doon, če schafte schal be sette on the sowth syde of the hygh autyr, when it schal bren tyl masse be endyd. |r20 Atte begynnyng of the whyche masse, the tapers schal be holde lyghte; and at Gloria in excelsis aftyr the kyrie, al the bellys schall be ronge. Also at gosbel the tapers schal be holde a¨ene quenchyd, and they schal be lyght a¨ene after the gosbel ; and than |r25 the bell schal be tollyd xiii strokes, and other bellys schal be tollyd and rongen as they be wonte in principal festys et cetera[.] Saue from curfewe bell into the resurreccion, |r[f.36d] no bel schal be herd for any |p86 cause. As for the paschal, whan it is maius or minus duplex by the table, it schal be lyght at bothe euen_songes of the day, complens, matens and masse; and |r5 so it schal be lyght al ester wyke, excepte at com plyn, thursday and fryday. In al očer dowble festys, sondays sengle, and sermon dayes, it schal be lyght only at hygh masse. But in sermon tymes it schal be quenched, outetake ester day and ascencion day, so |r10 that aftyr the sermon it be lyght a¨ene. So also, that from the tyme it is lyght on ester eue, into the ende of the brethers complyn on ester day, it schal bren contynually or els another taper halowyd therwith instede therof a nyghtes tyme. |r[f.37a] |r15 Aftyr the resurreccion the tapers aboute the sepulcre schal be lyght and quenched as other tapers ar wonte to be, saue at complyn they schal not be lyght, as it schewyth in the nexte chaptyr folowynge. |p87 xxxix. chaptyr. Of ester day and ester wyke. The first sygne to the resurreccion schal be at twelue; fyrst aboue the steple, than thorowe the dor tour, and aftyr by the horloge. The fyue strokes schal be in the cloyster, and the secunde sygne schal |r5 be made at suche tyme that it may |r[f.37b] be endyd be twelue and čan the clappe schal be leyd vp tyl the nexte ¨ere. Betwene the seyd sygnes clothes and cuschens and al other thynges necessary to the worchyppyng of the crosse schal be made redy at our lady autyr by |r10 the mynyster of the sextry or by another brother. Whiche also schal sett the principal candelstykkes wyth tapers vpon the hygh autyr, and brynge torches to the brethers quyer, that eche preste and dekon vnreueste may bere one aboute in the procession. |r15 The seyd torches therfor and al other lyghtes lyght thorough če chirche and .iii. lay brethren redy in ther surplys with .ii. sensours and encense, al schal take ther curte veyne and say a pater nos ter, an Aue, and a Crede, with Adoramus |r[f.37c] te christe. |r20 And anone atte begynnyng of the resurreccion, al the bellys schal be ronge the space of oo Miserere; whiche also schal stonde for the fyrst pele to matens; and than the ryngers schal hye them to the worchyppyng of the crosse. Atte the whiche al must be bare fote, |r25 so that the mynystrys of the autyr, and confessour |p88 take ther veynes vpon clothes; but al other vpon the bare pawmente. Ande ther schal be .ii . curte veynes, at fyrst of the whyche the brethren .ii . and ii . to gyder, schal say oo pater noster, one Aue and Ado_ramus |r5 te christe; and at secunde Adoramus, kepyng the same obseruaunce that the clerkys do, at eche veyne. And whilst the crosse / is in worchippyng, ii. tor*_ches |r[f.37d] schal bren, and other lyghtes excepte the paschal schal be quenched; and al the ymages in the chirche |r10 schal be vncouered[.] And whan the chantour begynneth thys antem Regina celi, the brečren schal rynge allyn to matens. In the procession before masse schal be .iiii torches, ii. goyng before and ii. behynde the sacra |r15 mente. Allyn to the sustres euensonge thys day and al the wyke aftyr vnto saturday, schal be at begynnyng of če iii=de= psalme of euensonge of the day; and the crosse both at euensonge and at matens schal come oute |r20 of the revestry to go before the procession to our lady auter and to the crosse and aftyr into quyer a¨ene, lyke as it is wonte on |r[f.38a] saturdays in somer tyme with tapers, sensour and boke et cetera. But at matens it schal not go no forther than to the grete crosse in |r25 the chirche. And the brethren most beware that they come not to late aftyr ther ryngynge to sensyng of the autyr at Magnificat on ester day et cetera. |p89 xl=ti= chaptyr. Of the first and secunde sonday aftyr ester day. Atte fyrst euensong of the first sonday aftyr ester day, and euery saturday into the ascencion, excepte at seconde euensonge in the feste of the in_uencion of the |r[f.38b] crosse, schal be procession as it |r5 is wonte in somer tyme withoute crosse. Secunde sonday, the hygh autyr and our lady autyr aftyr morn masse, schal be arayd as they be wonte in dowble festys excepte relikes; and holy watyr schal be made in the reuestry. And to the |r10 seyd masses only, all the bellys schal be ronge; whiche solempnite schal be kepte ¨erly, because of the first profession that was made the seyd sonday and for the encrese of the religion. Aftyr the seyd masses, the autyrs schal be chaunged but yf it be |r15 dowble feste the same day. Of the feste of seynt marke and of rogacion days. In the feste of seynt marke and in the rogacion days, aftyr the sacrynge of hygh masse schal be |r[f.38c] |r20 thre tollynges, eche of hem the space of oo pater noster, one Aue and a crede, and as moche betwene eche tollyng: The fyrst tolle schal be with iii the smallest bellys; the ii=de with foure; and the iii=de= with al fyue, of one acorde. So that the crosse and |r25 holy water be redy at lowest gre of the hygh autyr to go forth with the procession at ende of masse with al očer brethren al in ther reguler habite. And they schal go fyrst aboute the ambites of the chirche, than |p90 aboute the cloyster as ofte as the chavntour assygn eth; and whan the letany is begon, they schal go aboute the gardyn tyl the chauntour make assygne to turne home. And whan the brethren in če chirche |r5 begyn mater ora filium, the crosse schal go |r[f.38d] into the revestry and not before. |p91 xli=ti= chaptyr. Of witson eue et cetera. On witson eue, aftyr our lady mas the hygh autyr schal be arayd as it is wonte in principal festys but not our lady autyr. Nor no relikes schal be sett forth in tofore euensonge. Al the houres |r5 schal be had before masse; wherto it schal be ronge with the ii=de= and iii=de= bell only; bot to other seruise of the day with ii. smale bellys. Att begynnyng of masse, iiii. tapers lyght as it is wonte; ii. of them schal be holde be the |r10 taperers, and a¨ene at confite |r[f.39a] or. At Gloria in excelsis, al the bellys schal be ronge, and aftyr grace the grete bell. On witsonday the ryngyng to our lady masse schal be at begynnyng of Ihesu Christe; and att Agnus dei |r15 of the same masse, the grete bell shal be ronge .ii. Miserere whyle to Veni creator spiritus. Whan masse is endyd, če schyp and iii . sensours al in surplys, schal go before če prestys oute of the reuestry to the autyr[.] Of the whiche the fyrst taperer schal holde |r20 one of the sensours, al stondyng behynd the prestys in order and ever redy to mynyster ther sensours whan tyme asketh, holdyng vp the copes as it is acordyng, whylst the autyr is in sensynge. Before the first verse of the seyd ympne the confessour |r[f.39b] schal blysse |r25 the encense and put it into the sensours but at al |p92 other verse, the schyp berer schal do it withoute blyssyng. And the ympne al endyd, they schal in clyne and bere in ther sensours a¨ene, and than the tapers schal be quenchyd and not before. |r5 In the feste of corpus christi, foure torches schal be born in the procession as they wer on ester day. In the feste of saynt anne and decollacion of seynt iohn baptiste, to the seruise of the sustres |r10 it schal be ronge as it is in principal festys; but to seruise of the day as it is wonte[.] Lammas day and the sonday within the vtas, no bell schal be herde as it scheweth of that is seyd before in myd lente sonday. |r15 On seynt laurence day,the bell schal be tollyd the sermon in / the sequence tyme. But whan it is son*_day, |r[f.39c] it schal be tollyd aftyr the gospel as it is wonte. In the feste of assumpcion and natiuite of our |r20 lady and every day within both vtasses outake holy rode day, the minister of hygh masse schal brynge the legende into the chaptyr house for the collacion, and bere it into če chirche a¨ene whan it is doon. |p93 xliitr chaptyr. Of suffrages for the dede. Whan any of the professed be passed to god, eche lay brother that kan, schal say within xxx=ti= |r[f.39d] days, dauid sautyr thryes and iii. diriges, or els tenne tymes the seuen psalmes and letany. They that kan |r5 not rede, schal say foure hundreth and fyfty pater nostres and as many Aues, and o Crede at eche fyfty; and for eche dirige our lady sautyr. Also besyde čis kan they rede or not rede, eche of hem xxx=ti= days to_gyder in the stede of .iii. orisons at masses schal |r10 say for the trintal iii. pater nostres and iii. Aues with other suffrages assygnyd be the souereyn. Or the brethren go to brynge any corse to chirche, al the bellys schal be ronge, one miserere whyle at leste. And than če chaptyr bell schal be ronge oo |r15 pater noster while. And the brethren gadryd togyder holy water and chefe crosse schal go before withoute |r[f.40a] tapers. The torches lyght and sensour schal folowe aftyr before the quyer, al in reguler habite excepte the confessour, the eldest goyng before. If it be |r20 the coorse of an abbesse or general confessour, it schal be born of prestys or dekons yf it may be, or els of lay brethren, with ii. torches before and ii. behynde. All other coorses schal be borne of lay brethren, with ii. torches only before če corse. And |r25 whan the corse is sett wher it schal abide, al the bellys schal be ronge if they were not ronge in the begynnyng[.] Also the lay brethren schal dresse the pytte and ley the bodyes therin and couer them reverently |p94 and religiosly, and not hastly or bustyously. So that whilst če brethren synge Circumdederunt me, they schal |r[f.40b] rynge al the bellys, two Miserere while. And aftyr that, the body schal be borne to the graue, as it was |r5 brought to chirche the holy water, crosse, sensour, and ¨ongest brethren goyng before, and the body with torchys folowyng the quyer, al in reguler habite ex cepte the confessour and hys dekon. At graue the crosse and torches schal stonde att the fete west_warde, |r10 and the holy water and sensour schal stonde by the preste at hede of the graue. To dirige for a coors presente who euer it be, al the bellys schal be ronge ii peles če first iiii miserere while če secounde on miserere whyle[.] And |r15 they schal be ronge on the morne to our lady masse and hygh masse, and aftyr the gospel as they be vpon al soul day. For the abbes and confessour |r[f.40c] the hygh autyr and our lady autyr schal be arayd and also the herse, as it is in the founders dirige. And besyde the iiii tapers |r20 čat be wonte to bren aboute al corses, schal bren .ii. torches al the dirige and requiem masse tyme. |p95 xliii=ti= chaptyr. Of dirige differryd, and of trintals and ¨ere dayes. Whan dirige is differryd for any coors presente, the ryngynges also to masses schal be differryd ther with, et cetera. To diriges withoute note, the grete bell or els |r5 another bell aftyr the assygnement of the ge*neral |r[f.40d] confessour schal be ronge and also to requiem masse on the morne instede of prime bell, the space of iii. mi sereres. And whan iiii tapers bren aboute the herse or crossyd clothe at dirige, they schal also bren in |r10 the same place at requiem masse, lady masse, and hygh masse. Fro the fest of seynt Austeyn tyll the founders obet be done the principall apparell of seynt Petyr seynt Sauyour and our ladys aulters shall hange styll |r15 without relykes candylstykes or principall tapettes but the cheff candelstykes and princypall tapettys shall be had at the seyd obet, but no relykes[.] And the herse schal be couered with a clothe of golde with .iiii. tapers stondyng theraboute, and ii vpon |r20 the autyr al the dirige tyme brennyng. At Magnificat and Benediktus the autyr schal be sensed; and therfor the confessour schal be in the chefe cope and hys stal schal |r[f.41a] be arayd as it is wonte in principal festys. And from the sensyng of the autyr and herse into the |r25 colectes be endyd, the taperers schal holde the tapers, |p96 turnyng westwarde whilst the seyd herse is in sensyng. As for the bellys, they schal be ronge as they be for a coors presente. Saue in the sustres euensonge, they schal be ronge as they be on al halowe day as it |r5 scheweth in be next chapter[.] |p97 xliiii=ti= chaptyr. Of al halowe day and al soule day. Upon al halowe day it schal not be ronge to the sustres euensonge outtake it |r[f.41b] be saturday as it is wonte; but aftyr euensonge whan the brethren begyn placebo. Att magnificat the taperers schal holde the |r5 tapers besyde the confessour, but neyther the autyr schal be sensyd, neyther the quyer saue at euensonge of the day. Moreouer, al the bellys schal be ronge in the sustres euensonge tyme, iiii. or v. Miserere while, or els more or lasse as the brethren be dis_posed. |r10 Al soule day, the autyrs schal be arayd as čey be wonte on werke days and to seruise both of sustres and brethren it schal be ronge as it is wonte, whan it is Inferius duplex; and ii. tapers schal bren |r15 vpon the autyr in secundary candelstykkes and ii. in če pamente al matens tyme and masses, |r[f.41c] withoute holdyng of tapers and sensyng at Benedictus. But to our lady masse and to hygh masse, it schal be ronge with all the bellys the sustres, two houres tyme, |r20 or els as the space wyl ¨eue, aftyr the day is; and aftyr the tollyng aftyr the gosbel, al the bellys schal be ronge into Agnus dei or into masse be almost doo[.] Aftyr the whiche the brethren schal go in procession aboute the ambites and cloyster, the crosse |r25 and holy watyr goyng before withoute tapers, the sen |p98 sour and schyp folowyng aftyr al in regular habyt. Oute of mete it schal be ronge with the lytel belle. |p99 xlv=ti= chaptyr. Of the chauntours office[.] The chauntours office is to proclame |r[f.41d] the lay brethren of al defautes made in the chirche or in any other place longyng to diuine seruise only. |p100 xlvi=ti= chaptyr. Of the office of the lay brethren from wyke to wyke . In the chirche, they schal begyn ther offices on saturdays at euensonge, and kepe stylle tyl the nexte saturday folowyng from the eldest to the ¨ongest. So that the first wyke, one schal kepe hygh masse, ii=de= |r5 wyke our lady masse, iii=de= wyke first taper, iiii=de= wyke, secunde taper, vte wyke, the crosse, vite wyke, the boke, viite wyke the |r[f.42a] schyp, and the viiite wyke he schal be voyde. Saue whan the numbyr is not ful, or any is absent, čey that be present schal fulfylle |r10 ther stedes. The mynyster of hygh masse schal helpe to rynge allyn to both euensonges matens, and masses of breth ren and sustres; ley the bokes vpon the deskes by hym sette forth in al places; kepe the fyrst sensour |r15 and ordeyn for coles; lyght the quyer sconses and rolles as ofte as nede is; tukke the preste and hys mynystrys before the same masse; and helpe at miny stryng of the chalice; remoue the masse boke from that one ende of če autyr to that other; tolle the |r20 grete bell aftyr be gosbel outtake sermon days; bryng in the torches and holde one of them[;] |r[f.42b] quenche the lyghtes by hym lyght; draw the curteyns in al places and veyle in lente; rynge če bell oute of mete and suppyr; ordeyn for lyght and brynge the |r25 legende and other bokes as he is assygned to the chaptyr or freytour whan nede is; and holde lyght at sprenklyng of holy water whan it is derke; with many |p101 other thynges expressyd more largely in other dyuers chaptyrs of thes addicions. The minyster of our lady masse, schal kepe the secunde sensour; helpe to rynge to če same masse; |r5 tukke the preste and hys mynystres; lyght the tapers before and quenche them aftyr masse; ley the epistol ary and gosbellary vpon the deskes and ordeyn for lyghte; helpe at ministracion of the chalice; and remove the |r[f.42c] boke; bryng forth the torches and holde |r10 one of them; and make vp the autyr aftyr; bere holy water and sprenkle it before processions as it schew ith of that is seyd in the xxviii=ti= chaptyr; and tolle to the sermon on sondays and other sermon days. The first taperer schal brynge in and bere oute |r15 the pulpet; helpe to rynge in double festys ; holde the torche on hys own syde atte both masses. So that whoso holde the taper or torche on the ryghte syde, schal ringe the sacryng bell and tukke the prest and caste on the cope before Magnificat and Benedictus[.] |r20 Also the first taperer, schal holde the iii=de= sensour on witsonday as it is seyd in the xli=ti= chaptyr. |r[f.42d] The secunde taperer also schal helpe to sette forth the pulpet and to remoue it; and to rynge in double festes whan it is nede. |r25 The crosse berer schal go before in al proces sions whan the crosse is had excepte holy watyr; and he schal turne home a¨ene as the chauntour assygneth |p102 hym; and he schal bere the rede baner in profession days, as it scheweth in the sextenth chaptyr. The boke berer schal bere it in processions and holde it to the preste whan nede is. |r5 The schyp herer schal bere the schyp with encense as ofte as ther be mo sensours than one, behynd the sensours. Oute of the chirche, they schal begynne ther offices on the sondays in the mornyng and kepe forth |r10 al če |r[f.43a] wyke folowynge Amen. |p103 xlvii=ti= chaptyr. Of ther dayly seruise et cetera. They that kanne rede, schal dayly say our lady seruise, seuen salmes, fyften psalmes and letany; or any other thynge lymyt hem by the general confessour, so that če quyer be not interrupte be ther lowde sayng, |r5 whisperyng, or any očer noyse. They that kan not rede, schal in stede of matens say dayly, fourty pater nos tres with as many Aues and oo Crede, and as many for euensonge. For pryme, houres, and complen, they schal say for eche of hem, tenne pater |r[f.43b] nostres with tenne |r10 aues and oo crede; and for hygh masse .xv. pater nostres and xv. aues and oo crede. Of the prayers for them that be anelyd it scheweth in the lviiti chaptyr, and for them that be passyd, in the xliiti chaptyr. |r15 Thes also bothe werke day and holy day schal be at seruise of the day, there stondynge in the lower stallis reuerently before the prestes and decons eche in hys order, after their seniorite in religion, kepyng the same obseruances, in standyng, syttyng, |r20 inclynyng, and knelynge and other, as the quyer doeth. So that none of hem presume to absente hymselfe from any houre of the day, or from our lady masse with oute a resonable cause allowyd by the general con_fessour. |r25 If any come late, they schal |r[f.43c] inclyne wher as they be assygned and go to ther places, or aboute ther ministracion in the chirche and make amendys in če chaptyr the next chapter day. And yf they use suche defautes customably, or els wilfully and of purpose |p104 withdrawe čemselfe, they schal the more greuosly be punysched. At begynnyng of matens they schal do as it seyd in the xixte chapter. Atte begynnyng of the brethres laudes or ther_aboutes, |r5 the mynyster of the sextry with helpe of hys brethren, schal make al autyrs redy to masse with al thynges requisite therto. And whilst they mynyster anythyng to the prestys at autyr, they schal leue ther bokes and bedes and powre wyne into |r10 the |r[f.43d] chalices with both handes[.] And they schal behaue them aboute the autyrs like angels, whos stedes they ther occupy. At ende of Agnus dei, they schal knele with the pax besyde the preste, tyl he haue kyssed it excepte masses of requiem. Whiche |r15 pax they schal bere no ferther but to them that be neye to the same autyr. Also they muste beware of noyse aboute the autyr be ratlyng of bedes or whis_peryng; and that they gace not the preste in the face, fixyng ther eyn vpon hym, namely whilst he |r20 holdeth the sacrament ouer the chalice. Thes therfor be not receyued to thys holy reli_gion for to be ydel, but be ther contynual labours and seruise mekly to mynyster to če prestys and dekons al ther |r[f.44a] necessaries, in the chirche, at table, and |r25 al other conuentual places aftyr če byddyng of ther souereyn. To make ther fyre, wasche ther clothes, schaue them, kepe ther gardyn klene dygge and delue and sette and sowe therin to the comen profite but not to take vp any trees or herbes necessary to |p105 sustyr or brother withoute licence of ther souereyne. Also to rynge and tolle the bellys, at dewe tymes, and to kepe all places honeste and klene with al thynges perteynyng therto; and to do any other |r5 thyng commaunded by če general confessour aftyr the rewle and ordynaunce of our holy fader pope martyn the .vte in hys bulle articulo xxxvto. |p106 |r[f.44b] xlviii=ti= chaptyr. Of the mynyster of the sextry. Mynyster of the sextry, schal ¨elde hym redy and seruisable to the sextayn, be it prest or dekon, in al thynge concernyng hys charge. As in distribucion of candels and palme, in hangyng vp and takyng down of |r5 autyrs, veyle, and paschal, in foldyng vp of vesti_mentes, copes and suche other. Also he schall make redy the autyrs to masse, sett forth the chalyces, candelstikkes, and candels of waxe and talowe, for eche autyr; poure wyne and water into the cruettes |r10 and sett them forthe. Also ley the masse bokes and vestimentes vpon the autyrs, and lyght and quenche the lampes in the chirche and dortour; haue oute the tapettes, mattes, nattes, and rowndlettes; |r[f.44c] and the duste schake out and sonnyd ley them a¨ene fayre and |r15 klene in ther places. Also wasche and purge, the pottes, cruettes, basyns, and lampes ones in the wyke at leste; skoure the candelstykkes as ofte as nede is, that they be euer bryght schynyng; and kepe the chirche clene aboue and beneth fro coppe webbes |r20 rounde aboute; and also the cloyster and preyll, chaptyr and sextry. Also he schal kepe the clokke and watche; and also the belles with al thynge that longeth vnto them; ryngyng al pelys that be ronge with oo bell allone. Also he shall wache the tyme |r25 of ryngyng the secunde pele to the bretherns matens and euynsong, with many other thynges expressed in the nexte chapter and in many other chaptyrs of thes |p107 addicions. So ¨et that in suche labours as passe hys power, other lay brethren as |r[f.44d] sygned be the souer_eyne schal helpe hym fulfyllyng hys office. Suche as wyl not, schal be punysched in the chapter. Aftyr |r5 curfewe bell, he schal lokke the chirche and dortour dores and open them a¨ene in če mornyng. Al the smale autyrs schal be arayd, take down or chaunged and foldyd vp in doble festes by other lay brethren[.] |r10 Forthermore euery day in the ¨ere before matens euensonge and complen, wylst they ryng allyn, and be fore masses with note whan the sustres be atte laste colette, they schal lyght the ii. tapers vpon the grete candelstikkes. And before Magnificat and Bene |r15 dictus whan the autyr is to be sensyd, the taperer of the lefte syde schal li¨t other ii. tapers vpon the autyr. At prime and |r[f.45a] houres schal neuer be taper lyght; nor at any masse with note vpon any autyr, but whan ther is a subdecon therat. Att complen eche |r20 nyght in the ¨ere schal be ligth ii. tapers only and neuer no mo, vpon the hygh autyr. Neuertheles in al double festes, at euensonge, matens and masses besyde the ii. tapers brennyng vpon the grete candelstykkes, schal bren other ii. tapers |r25 vpon the autyr al seruise tyme[.] Also in the feste of eche seynt that hath an autyr, ther schal bren oo taper at leste thervpon, or before it, in seruise tyme and be quenched whan other be. But on cristmasday, ester day, and wit_sonday, |r30 eche autyr schal haue oo taper brennyng at |p108 leste, in reueren*ce |r[f.45b] and worchip of the feste. |p109 xlix=ti= chaptyr. Of ryngyng of bellys. Before the fyrst pele to euensonge and matens, the dortour bell schall be ronge oo pater noster and one Aue while, excepte before ester iii days; and whan the brethren and sustres haue dirige that aftyr |r5 none togyder; and anon forthwith schal be ronge the first pele, and aboute halfe an houre aftyr, the se cunde. The fyrst pele schal euer be one Miserere while; the secunde two and aftyr čat če tollyng with seuen |r10 or eght strokes at moste. So that betwene the first and secunde pele to |r[f.45c] matens only, the grete bell schal be tollyd fyue strokes, excepte ester day[.] To pryme and teers togyder excepte witsonday, it schal be ronge at ende of the laste psalme of the |r15 sustres laudes, one Miserere while, or els iii, as ofte as masse of requiem is to be seyd in the breth res prime. And than eche day in lenton and as ofte as the first pele to matens is atte ii. of the clokke or before, the rynger schal knokke at eche dore |r20 sadly, wher as any brother lyeth that may come to chirche. Whiche is also to be obserued at al other tymes, if it happe to be ronge to late to any seruise. To our lady masse it schal be ronge at begynnynge of the houre of teers of če brečren al če ¨ere excepte |p110 witsonday ii. miserere while[.] In the mid / des of the |r[f.45d] laste psalme of the whiche houre, or els aftyr the laste kyryeleyson whan ferial preces be had, the minister of hygh masse schal tolle the quyer bell to De profundis |r5 oo pater noster while[.] And it is to be marked, that .iii. strokes alone of the seyd bell, betokeneth that it is tyme to rynge to any seruise; .ii. strokes, that prestys lakke helpe at autyrs; and oo stroke, that there is litel helpe |r10 in the quyer. To the houre of sexte it schal be ronge oo pater noster and aue while ahoute the ende of the laste psalme of the sustres houre after our lady masse, but on sondays at begynnyng of bonitatem et cetera. |r15 To the seven psalmes, peculiar processions and disciplines the chaptyr schal be tollyd as it is wonte to De profun*dis |r[f.46a] at graue. To hygh masse it schal be ronge in conuenient tyme .ii . Miserere while with the same bellys that |r20 were ronge for allyn to matens outake certayn days in ther places expressyd, aftyr the procession of the brečren but yf the sustres also haue procession. And aftyr the gosbel of hygh masse the grete bell schal be tollyd .xiii.strokes every day excepte a fewe; |r25 and the same bell or els another schal be tollyd iii strokes at eche leuacion of the same masse of whom čat euer it be, but yf it anywher be excepte. Aftyr mete and suppyr whilst the brečren go to chirche with grace, oo bell schal be ronge oo pater |p111 noster while and one Aue. And the same wyse the fyrste pele schal euer be ronge with the leste bell to |r[f.46b] collacion; and the pele to complen aftyr the collacion[.] But the secunde pele to collacion |r5 schal be iii. Miserere while at leste. Curfewe bell schal euer be ronge with the iii=de= bell outake dowble festys iii. miserere while, aftyr the sustres haue fullyche endyd ther complen. So that betwene the tollynges before and aftyr, be the |r10 space of .v. aues. Ande than he schal schette the chirche and dortour dores and go to bedde. Before ester whan the belles be not ronge, lyke sygnes schal be made with the clappe. Whilst any sustyr or brother lyeth in passyng, |r15 the grete bell schall be tollyd continually excepte certayn tymes et cetere[.] And whan the soule is passyd, it schal be ronge oute .iiii. or v Miserere while as the tyme ¨eueth[.] |r[f.46c] And it is to be knowen that whan it is maius du_plex, |r20 and on mydlent sonday, the fyrst pele to euen_songe and matens schal be with iiii. the smallest bellys; the secunde with al fyue. And the secunde pele to collacion, and to complen, curfewe, prime, sexte, and grace aftyr meles, schal be with the |r25 grettest bell. If it be Minus duplex the first pele schal be with iii. the mydle belles, and the secunde with iiii. the grettest; and the pele to collacion, com plen, curfew, prime, sexte and graces, with the |p112 iiiite bell. If it be Inferius duplex the first pele schal be with the secunde and iii=de= belles and the secunde with iii. the mydle. And the longe pele to collacion |r5 and peles to complen, curfewe, prime, sexte, and graces, with |r[f.46d] the iii=de= bell, outake al soule day as it schewith in the foure and fourty chapter[.] If it be, nouem lecciones or De dominica, or Inuitatorium triplex or of any commemoracion or De |r10 octavis or De festo iii lectionum cum regimine chori, the first pele, schal be with the secunde bell and the secunde, with the same and the iii=de= bell. To collacion, complen, prime, sexte, and graces, the leste belle; and for curfewe the iii=de= bell[.] |r15 In al other days schal be ronge .ii. the small est bellys aftyr the seyd forme excepte certayn days in ther places expressed[.] As for the sustres, čei schal neuer outetake in lente haue but oo pele to ther seruise with the same |r20 belles and the same space that it is ronge to seruyse of the day. But to our lady masse, it schal euer be ronge with the secunde |r[f.47a] and iii=de= belles outake dowble festes et cetera. To ther euensonge it schal be ronge aboute the laste psalme of the brethren, or |r25 as the ryngers may come betymes to sensyng of the autyrs. To ther matens at laste response of matens of the day; and to our lady masse, as it is seyd before. |p113 l=ti= chaptyr. Of myxtom takyng in the freytour. Aftyr our lady masse the brethren be licence of the presidente may take brede and drynke and fisch, day mete in the freytour. But no maner of flesch mete withoute special licence of be |r[f.47b] general con_fessour, |r5 and that in the fermery. Neuertheles the legister andseruitoures euery day before mete but yf they take myxtom aftyr our lady masse, may take a messe of potage or any očer thynge ordeynd be the keper of the wheyle in the |r10 freytour aftyr the assygnemente of the souereyne. And this bothe fastyng day and other, čat they may the better do ther offices, and abide into the secunde mele. The fyrst stroke of the chyme before mete, |r15 schal besmyten by the keper of the wheile, and the seconde by the seruitour. And at the first chyme če butler schal sett forth the pottys fyllyd with fresch drynke vpon eche table before the places of euery brother. Whych drynk schal be drawn at suche |r20 tyme, čat neyther ther be taryeng of the chyme, nor resonable complaynte of pallyd drynke. So čat bytwene euery chyme, ther be the space of Miserere mei deus. For by the iii=de= chyme, |r[f.47c] al owe to be in the freytour, the seruitours in ther rewle cotes, |r25 or in ther pylches, vnder ther cowles, with fayre and |p114 honest naprons gyrde aboute hem, kepyng the same ob seruaunce čat the clerkes do. And it is forboden that none take any mete or drynk but in the freytour or fermery withoute special |r5 licence of the souereyne but yf the more soden case fall. |p115 li=ti= chaptyr. Of late comers to grace, et cetera. If any lay come late aftyr grace is bygon, he schal stonde in the lowest place. And yf |r[f.47d] grace be fullyche endyd, he schal aske leue and say grace ther in the same place; and than go helpe hys brethren to |r5 serue the freytour as it is wonte. They that vse ofte to come late, schal lakke a parte of ther pre bende and be correctyd in the chaptyr. Therfor none schal absente hym from grace nor go from the covent tyl aftyr waschyng of the handes, but yf the nede be |r10 the gretter. In the freytour al schal be sylence; and they schal sytte religiously, kytte, and ete ther mete honestly and soberly, holdyng the cuppe with both handes whilst they drynke, hauyng ther handes vpon |r15 the table or goodly before them, ther erys to the worde of god and ther hertes vpwarde to heuen. If they hurte the clothe or defoyle it, they shal |r[f.48a] make it klene aftyr grace[.] But yf any preste or dekon happe to defoyle it with any lykour, |r20 the buttler or seruitour of the same wyke schal make it clene be the nexte mele. Aftyr the meles, they schal put vp ther cvppes and spones vnder the table. Of warnes of noyse makyng, seke in the next chaptyr; and of beryng ouer of činges[.] |p116 lii=ti= chaptyr. Of the seruitours in the freytour. Anone as grace is endyd, the seruitours and očer lay brečren inclynyng to če mageste shal go to brynge in the seruise. Fyrst seruyng the presidente, than the prestes and dekons, from the eldest to the |r5 ¨ongest; and aftyr that themselfe. So that they |r[f.48b] brynge in two maner of potages yf ther be so many, honestly at ther brestys; and aftyr that two messe of the prebendes, that če eldest haue the choyse of every thyng. To the president they schal inclyne, |r10 bothe before and aftyr they sette anythyng before hym, sayng at the gree of the freytour one Aue maria to the mageste in silence[.] To al other they schal inclyne aftyr they haue sett anythyng before them only, withoute Aue maria[.] None schal be seruyd |r15 coueryd, but the abbes and general confessour only. In settynge down or remouyng of anythyng, they schal euer haue warnes that they make no combres noyse and that they schouel not with ther fete vpon the pament, wherby če reder may the wers be |r[f.48c] herde. |r20 And they shal serue the brethren charitably with oute grudgyng honestly, reuerently, cherefully, paciently, mekly, and indifferently; rostyng, boylyng, buttryng, and hetyng al ther necessaryes[;] waschyng ther cuppes and glasses whan nede is. So that none be |r25 compellyd to ryse from the table or to compleyn of vn_charitable seruise. If anythyng be askyd of them be sygne or be a stylle worde yf ther be no sygne for it, anone they schal inclyne and fetche that is askyd. If |p117 čei may not gete it, they schal excuse them godely be another softe and honeste sygne. One of čem schal euer be present, and se diligent_ly aboute that the brethren lakke nothyng, that is to |r5 say ey*ther |r[f.48d] the seruitour of the same wyke, or els the keper of the wheyle, whiche is euer one of the seruitours[.] If both be absente, the ¨onger lay brother in če freytour schal haue an ey and fulfil ther stede. And they schal euer stonde bare hede, |r10 but yf the presidente commaunde them or licence them other wyse. Whan any goeth from one syde to another, he schal inclyne in the myddes to the mageste, but yf he bere any mete ouer or drynke, askyng leue of the presydente, yf any brother sende ouer anythyng |r15 to other. The pytaunce schal fyrst be brought before the president, and than at hys sygne it schal be born rownde aboute the freytour, nowe at oo syde, nowe at other begynnyng at eldeste, |r[f.49a] and than it schal be |r20 lefte before the president after twyes beryng aboute. Neuertheles if it be a sermon day, it schal be brought fyrst to the president, but the prechour schal fyrst take therof outetake the confessour, and at laste it schal be lefte before the prechour. |r25 Atte ende of meles whan oo stroke is smyten vpon če freytour bell, the lay brethren schal ryse and take vp the platyrs and bere hem to the wheyle begynnyng at neder endes. And aftyr thys one schal take vp the pottes, another the garnapes, another the brede, |p118 another the salte but yf it be suppyng day; and the seruitour the crommes endyng with the president and inclynynge to euery brother as he taketh hem away. Whiche al togyder schal be sette |r[f.49b] into the sustres |r5 and go to the poer aftyr če rewle. Whan the couent goeč forth with grace, the legister and seruitours schal inclyne tyl they be passyd, and than sytt down on the legystours syde, and refresche them as dyd the couente, kepyng ther |r10 silence withoute redyng, and the same obseruaunce. Saue they schal say grace aftyr meles withoute note and withoute the quyer before če stalles. And whan they haue wasche they may speke and no erste. Atte fyrst pele to euensonge, to collacion, |r15 and aftyr our lady masse, the butler shal ley a towel or a cloth vpon the the nether table in če freytour and sett brede and ale thervpon for the brethren to drynke, excepte watyr days et cetera, with fayre honeste coppys . Whiche owen to be |r20 changyd every quartal onys att leste. And on fastyng days whan |r[f.49c] the first stroke of the chime is smyten aftyr the sustres euensonge, he schal caste a towel vpon the hygh table and sette a lofe before the place of the president, and than |r25 drawe ale fresch for the couente. And aftyr a Pater noster while the reder hath redde, the seruitour schal take vp the seyd towell and serue the pre_sident of brede and the buttler of ale in a cuppe. |p119 And al other brethren schal be serued of brede the same wyse and of the same seruitour, fyrst the eldest syde and than that other syde down to the lay brethren whiche shal be seruyd laste, but of ale |r5 they schal be seruyd oute of pottes bothe of smalle ale and goode ale. Saue on water days, oo cuppe of water is inough for al the freytour. |r[f.49d] Whan the pre_sidente maketh a sygne, the seruitour schal haue away the crommes as it is seyd before. |r10 And it is to be markyd that the seruitour eche wyke schal swepe the freytour klene al aboute vnder fete and ouerhede that no webbes growe in no place. And the nexte wyke folowyng he schal kepe the kychen[.] Wherin dayly before euery mele he schal make fyre, |r15 dresse potage, kepe the ladels, spones and garnapes clene, and helpe to take vp the latter meles and to folde vp the borde clothes. Also he schal auoyde al vnklennes oute of the kychen; and aboute the laste ende of hys wyke wasche the lauatory, swepe the weys |r20 to chirche, brynge in coles sufficient for the |r[f.50a] nexte wyke folowynge and so leve hys office klene to another brother on saturday at nyght. |p120 liii=ti= chaptyr. Of the dortour[.] In the dortour none schal vse to goo bare hede; nor to do anythyng openly of dishoneste; nor none schal lye oute of the dortour withoute knowlage and licence of the souereyne. The mynyster of the sextry |r5 eche nyght before son goyng downe, or as ofte as nede is, schal lyght the lampes in the sconses; but he schal not quenche them tyl the brethren may |r[f.50b] clerly se withoute candel lyght in ther celles. If any falle seke in the dortour another brother may go |r10 into hys celle and comforte hym into the morne with drynke yf nede be and softe speche; or els haue hym down into the fermery. Euery fryday or at leste ones in the wyke what day the confessour assygneth, the brethren schal be |r15 schaue rownde almoste to the vpmoste part of bothe eres. But prestes and dekons schal haue crownes brode and rownde, with cercles of an ynche of brede. In the chafyng hows, al brethren schal speke latyn or els kepe silence, outake certayn days of |r20 cristmasse. |p121 |r[f.50c] liiii=ti= chaptyr. Of silence and taciturnite. Forasmoche as ther schal be asked a streyte rekenyng at the day of dome of eche ydel worde, therfor moche speche felawe to synne, is to be fledde of al, namely aftyr meles, for than mater |r5 of syn begynneth more lyghtly to weylige all. Of sygnes to be vsyd in stede of speche in silence tyme it scheweth in če boke of sygnes. |p122 lv=ti= chaptyr. Of the offices of the prechours. Eche of the prechours schal besyde the sermon day haue thre |r[f.50d] hole days at lest oute of the quyer to recorde hys sermon et cetera. |p123 lvi=ti= chaptyr. Of other officers and of ther quali tes[.] None schal be sette in any office but suche as be of goode name and fame amonge sustres and breth ren, of laudable lyfe and conuersacion, swete and gentyl in wordes, softe and prudente in answers, besy |r5 and pacient in labours, sadde and honest in maners; not dronklewe nor wasterys, not troblous nor wrethful, not lyght or vayne of wordes nor ouer grete chaterers ; but sober and chereful to speke to, discrete, pesyble, wyse, sad, |r[f.51a] and circumspecte in ¨evyng and takyng of |r10 answers; knowyng to whom and what, how moche and how they delyver anythyng; or of whom they receyue any thynge inwarde or outewarde; whos saddenes is not wante to suffyr them notably to square oute in wordes or dedes. Thes in distribucion of necessaryes, schal |r15 euer serue the eldest of the beste of eche degre aftyr ther nede. Whan čei haue not redy at hande that is asked, they schal promyse godely to make puruyaunce for it. Soche as aske vnresonably they schal not mokke them or make them sory, but they schal answer |r20 gently in suche maner of wordes: Syr or brother, if I take ¨owe that ¨e aske, I trowe I |r[f.51b] scholde trespas, and ¨e in če receyuyng. Neuertheles late our fader commaunde and ¨e schal haue it with a goode wyll. And |p124 so be thys mene euery man schal be in pece and none offende in hys office. Aboute the seke they schal euer haue tender cure, and beware that če godes of the monastery be not spended in waste ever hauyng an |r5 eygh to the poer peple. The keper of the wheyle shal aske and take in and put oute by the same al the brethres necessaryes. Whiche none schal do but he withoute special leue of the souereyne. And čerfor whan he hereth any ryngyng |r10 or knokkyng at če wheyle, anone he schal hyghe thyder to wyte what they wyll and ¨eve an answer a¨ene. Not |r[f.51c] multyplyeng wordes or holdyng them with fables, but he schal ¨eue an answer and go hys way. For outetake for hys office, he schal not speke there withoute |r15 leue no more than other brethren do; nor ¨et with the suster that kepeth the wheyle. In silence tyme he may speke to the sustres for anythynge of nede, but no brother schal speke to hym there in silence tyme but be sygnes. |r20 If če confessour assigne another brother to kepe the office with hym, the brother so assygned schal here and se, but nothynge speke nor do with oute special licence of the confessour. And the same forme is to be obseruyd of all |r25 other officers, at locutory, at gates, in the but |r[f.51d] try and in al other places[.] So that none officer open any gate or dore owtewarde, nor bryng in any person, tyl he haue warned the brethren there present for to awoyde. He that kepeth the gardyn gates or 30 dores, schal knok vpon them strongly eche nyghte |p125 or euer he schett hem, at an houre depute by the con_fessour, that none lygh al nyght in the garden. Thes therfor schal behaue them honestly in ther offices aftyr če commaundemente of ther souereyne, |r5 and aftyr the counsell of the serches depute by hym to haue the ouersyght of eche officer as ofte and as longe as hym seeth it expedient. |p126 |r[f.52a] lvii=ti= chaptyr. Of the keper of the fermery, and of them that be anelyd. To the kepyng of the fermery schal be depute suche a lay brother that hath god in drede and kan skyl on seke folke, hauyng a ¨ele and loue to them for to do hem seruyse. Stronge and myghty to lyfte |r5 and moue hem from pla[ce] to place whan nede is, may lede hem to chirch or fermery chapel; and kan styre, exhorte, and comforte them to be confessyd and receyve the sacramentes of holy chirche. Often chaunge ther beddyng and other clothes, ley to her |r10 plastres, ¨eue hem ther |r[f.52b] medicyns, and mynyster vnto them ther mete and drynke, fyre[,] water and al other necessaryes nyght and day aftyr the counsel of the phisicyans and precepte of the souereyne. Not squaymes to handel hem and wasche hem; not angry |r15 nor vnpaciente, though one haue the vomett, another the flyxe, another the frensy, now cryeng, now syng ynge, now chidyng now fyghtyng. For ther be some maner of sekenes that prouoke the seke to angyr, and whan the matyr is drawen into the brayn it |r20 alyenth ther mendes. Wherfor he oweth to haue moche pacience with suche, that he therby may gete hym euer lastynge rewarde. A¨enewarde the seke oughte not to be to im_portune vpon |r[f.52c] ther kepers. Nor prouoke them to |r25 wreth, nor make them sory, desiryng now thys, now |p127 that. Thynkyng inwardly that yf they paciently suffer ther bodyly sekenes in thys presente lyfe, it schal stonde for ther purgatory in tyme to come. And for a lytel payne her suffred esyly, they schal gete hem |r5 euerlastynge ioy hereaftyr. Thynke therfor eche per_son, that whatsomeuer seruyse be doon to the seke, our lorde taketh it as doon to hymselfe. For he sayth: I was seke and ¨e visitte me. I was naked and ¨e coueryd me . I was in pryson and ¨e came to me. |r10 In the fermery the same tyme of meles and drynk_ynges, and of sayng of graces and ke*pyng |r[f.52d] of sylence with suche other obseruaunces, schal be kepte as it is in the freytour; but yf the sekenes be the gretter, or that the souereyne ¨eue licence očerwyse. Whiche |r15 hous shal neuer be withoute crosse, nor holy water nor holy candel. Whan any brother is to be anelyd, the fermerer shal ordeyn for salte and bran in two fayre sawcers, and for a towel, basen, and ewer of warme water, all |r20 stondyng vpon a stedfaste table coueryd with a fayr borde clothe and not vpon a stole. To the whiche anelynge the chefe crosse and holy water withoute taperers schal go before the procession al in reguler habite; bot goyng oute of the chirche, and |r[f.53a] comyng |r25 in a¨ene, but to the anelynge of the abbes or of any sustyr schal go no crosse nor holy water. Neuertheles, whan the sacramente goeth to any seke brother or sus ter, one of če lay brethren assygned by the general confessour in reguler habite, schal bere the torche 30 and sacryng bell before the sacrament[.] |p128 Aftyr the anelynge of any suster or bročer eche lay brother schal say for the anelyd, nyen days to gyder at ende of the brethers matens knelyng in the quyer withoute the stalles, ix Pater nostres with ix |r5 Aues and one Crede; or els the same prayers that the clerkes say. So that none be absente from that ob seruance in no wyse, withoute knowlage and |r[f.53b] special licence of the presidente. And whilst any is in passynge, the grete bell schal be tolled as it seyd |r10 before in the nyen and fourty chaptyr. |p129 lviii=ti= chaptyr, Of the consecracion of the abbes, et cetera. In the day of consecracion of the abbesse, to hygh masse schal be ronge al če belles, and so they schal a¨ene aftyr masse whilste the brethren synge Te deum laudamus, and the grete bell schal be tollyd |r5 aftyr the gosbel as it is wonte. As for the general confes*sour, |r[f.53c] all sustres and brethren be bounde to open ther hertes to hym in confession thryes in če ¨ere at leste. In the whiche confession, they be not bounde to telle ther synnes |r10 confessyd before, but yf they be suche synnes, wherof he hath reseruyd the assoylynge only to hymselfe[.] Neuertheles they owe to telle, what greuous tempt] cions they be wonte to fele, and the affeccion of ther sowles, and what difficulte they haue in kepyng |r15 of the order. But yf they wyll confesse hem of al the synnes that they kan remembre of čey haue doon syth the tyme they wer borne, it schal be to ther more meryte and crown in heuen, ioy and blysse. |r[f.53d] To the whiche our lord ihesu criste brynge us fynally, |r20 withoute ende Amen[.] Of če buschops iniunccions[.] For as moche as the decre of ¨our religion, hathe ordeyned eght lay brethren for to be minysters to če prestes and dekons it is acordyng that they mynyster |r25 to them in all thynges. Wherfor we ordeyne that they frely, and honestly, do alle thynges that belonge to |p130 be doon by them, and that they haue warenes contin ually, čat for any vnclennes, the clerkes, that is to say prestes and dekons abhorre not to take any ministracion or seruise of them, in the chirche, in |r5 the freytour, or in any other place. Also we enioyne and commande, alle and eche |r[f.54a] lay brother, whiche of ther office be bounde to do seruise to the clerkes, that they behaue themself more lowly to the prestes and dekons professyd, in |r10 worde, gesture, and dede, beryng themself reuerently towarde them in alle ther seruices and ministracions in alle places and tymes. Under payne taxed in the addicions for greuous defautes. Also for it is an excesse to outerageous, for |r15 to putte the power of the hyghest dignities to in iuryes, or malapertly and stybornly, to speke or labour be any maner of mene, for to destroy, im pugne, or to make to stonde for nought, anythyng graciously ordeyned, and stablysched by them; |r20 therfor we ordeyne, and enioyne, and also com |r[f.54b] maunde in the vertu of holy obedience, to alle and to eche of ¨owe, that no suster nor brother, namely the elder, openly or priuyly, presume to dispute or interprete of the popes bulles, or of the addicions; |r25 nor in no wyse to speke any frowarde or synyster worde of them. Ande that no professe, expounde, schewe, or make known by worde, or writyng, or by any maner of mene, openly or priuyly, anythynge of the byhavour, dedes, wordes, or saynges, of any of |p131 ther predecessours, to any for to be admytted and make profession in tyme to come, wherby sclaunder, or suspicion of euyll, myght growe to any person, or to the religion. Under paynes assygned for moste |r5 greuous defautes, and vnder payn |r[f.54c] of inhabilite to alle maner of offices vsyd in the monastery, on the suster or brother syde inwarde or outwarde. And vnder payn of lesyng of ther voyces in euery eleccion of abbesses and general confessours, and of |r10 al other men and women, for to be admytted to the religion in tyme to come; and of alle other matyrs of deliberacion, concernyng the state of the monastery, wherin the consente of alle is to be requyred. Whom everychone and eche trespasyng in |r15 the premysses, we vnable for euermore in the self dede doyng, and adnulle, make stonde for voyde, and cassatt, ther voyces in eleccions, and other actes, by thyes presente decrees and ordynaunces. |p132 |r[f.54d] lix. chaptyr. Of the profession of proctours and focaryes. Before the day of če profession of proctours and focaryes, the mynyster of the sextry schal ordeyn for the bere, and aray seynt sauyour awter with honest araymente with ii. tapers and iii torches. And he |r5 schal puruey for rowndlettes, formes and cuschens, and for a chayre honestly coueryd with a clothe for the confessour and for other hys ministyrs that schal assiste hym in the profession tyme. Also he schal provide for holy water and for a tapet whervpon the |r10 professyd schal knele and make ther prostracions. In the day of profession, the lay brothern schal be redy to helpe certayn prestys to masse in the sustres matens tyme. And in the begynnynge of the brethers houre of teers, they schal |r[f.55a] rynge to our |r15 lady masse and profession masse togyder with iii. bellys, thof it be no doble feste. After thys the seyd tapet schal be leyd at the profession dore withouteforth by the seruauntes of the monastery; and the ii. tapers vpon the awter schal be lyght with |r20 a torche. Whiche torche schall bren all the masse tyme wher it is moste conuenient[.] Thys done, and the martilage with preciosa endyd, they schal go down to the seyd dore on thys wyse. The mynyster of the sextry schal go before with holy |r25 water; the boke berer of the same wyke schal folowe hym redi to holde the boke knelynge or standynge |p133 whan he is beden, to the confessour, and both schal be in surplices. After them schal folowe the dekon, the confessour and the prestys. Moreouer |r[f.55b] the seyd two brethren, schal holde the tapers att begynnynge |r5 of masse and the ii. torches at sacryng ande the keper of hyghe masse schall be redy with the sensour after Confiteor and after the gospel only. Also the seyd .ii. brethren after Confiteor schal sette the seyd bere before the professyd, knelynge |r10 before the same bere all the masse tyme for the moste parte. Whyche bere ¨etatt ende of masse at seynt Iohns gospell, they schall bere a¨ene into the clausure; and the same schall be obseruyd of the sustres in bryngynge in and berynge oute of the bere |r15 yf it be a woman. Also the seyd .ii. brethren, schall holde the towell atte comonyng of the professid after seynt Iohns gospell; and dewly kepe ther inclinacions as ofte |r[f.55c] as they go before the myddys of the hygh auter. Thys doon, the professyd schal be taken in, |r20 and ledde to čer celles; and al thyng schal be lefte as it is acordynge to the day Amen[.]